m i O : m ': CD CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS (1800-1863) COMPILED BY THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. VOL. III. (1869) CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS : FETTER LANE, B.C. C. F. CLAY, MANAGER Price 20s. in Cloth; 28s. in Half-Morocco. Ill LIST OF WORKS INDEXED DURING THE PROGRESS or VOL. III. THROUGH THE PRESS. Amsterdam, Geneeskund. Verhand. Aiihalt, Verhand. Nat. Hist. Ver. Asiat. Soc. Trans Berlin, Polytechn. Gesell. Eericht. Berlin, Folytechn. Gesell. Verhandl. Berlin, Polytechn. Gesell. Vortrage. 'Bologna, Ann. Soc. Agrar. •Bologna, Mem. Soc. Agrar. *Brunn, Mittheil *Briinn, Notizblatt Etudes Entomol. *Pirenze, Atti Accad. Geor- gofil. *Gratz, Mittheil. Nat. Wiss. Ver. Steiermark. • Hammerschmidt, Allg. Oes- ter. Zeitschr. Hermannstadt, Archiv Sie- benbiirg. Landesk. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skrif. 23270. Genees-, Heel-, en Scheikundige Verliandeliugen der Ecrste Klasse van het K. Nederl. Instituut van Wetenschappen, etf. te Amsterdam. 4to. Amsterdam. Vols. I-IV. 1823-26. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereins fur Anhalt in Dessau Vols. I-XXII. 1840-63. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. London. 4 to. Vols. I-III. 1827-35. Bericht iiber die Verhaltnisse und die Wirksamkeit der Polytech- nischen Gesellscliaft zu Berlin. 4to. Berlin. Vols. I-VII 1845-51. Verliandlungen der Polytechnischen Gesellschaft. Berlin. 4to. Jahrg. XIII-XVL, 1852-55; in 8vo. Jalirg. XVII-XXV. 1856-64. Vortrage in der Polytechnischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin irn Winter 1854-55. Stenogr. von Dr. G. MICHAELIS. 8vo. Berlin. 1855. Annali della Societa Agraria provinciale di Bologna. Vols I-II (XI-XII. of the Memorie). 1 862-63. Memorie della Societa Agraria della provincia di Bologna. Vols I-VIII. 1844-55. Mittheiluugen der k. k. Mahrisch-Schlesischen Gesellschaft znr Beforderung des Ackerbaues, der Natur- und Landes-Kunde in Briinn. Vols. XLVII-LVI, 1844-49. New Series, Vols. I-II., 1850-51 ; Jahrgang, 1852-63. Notizblatt der historisch-statischen Section der k. k. Mahrisch- Schlesischen Gesellschaft zur Beforderung des Ackerbaues, der Natur- und Landes-Kunde in Briiun. 1852-63. Etudes eutomologiques ; redigees par VICTOR DE MOTSCHULSKT. Helsingfors. Vols. I- VIII., 1852-59; XL, 1862. Atti della R. Accademia economico-agraria dei Georgonli. Jfuova Serie. Firenze. Vols. I-X. 1854-63. Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fiir Steiermark. Gratz. 1863. Allgemeine Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur den Landwirth, Forst- mann und Giirtner. Von Dr. C. HAMMERSCHMIDT. Wien. Vols. XVII-XX. 1845-48. Archiv des Vereins fiir Siebenbiirgische Landeskunde. Vol. II.. 1845; IV., 1850. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter. Rakke.) Naturvidenskabelig og rnathematisk Afdeling. Kiobenhavn. Vols. I-V. 1849-61. a 2 4to. IV • Xronstadt, Archiv Madras Engineers Reports Medley, Prof. Papers Ind. Engineer. Milano, Atti Accad. Fis. Med. Milano, Atti Ateneo *Mitau, Arbeit. Xurland. Gesell. *Mitau, Sendung. Kurland. Gesell. *Oesterreich. Vierteljahres- schr. Forstwes. Opusc. Mat. e Fis Perpignan, Soc. Agric. Pyr. Orient. Poulkova, Recueil de Mem. *Prag. Centralblatt *Frag, Neue Schriften *Prag, Verhandl. Patriot. Gesell. *Frag, Wochenblatt 4 Roma, Bull. Naut. Geogr. . •Roma, Corrisp. Scient St. Fetersb. Beitr. Pflanz- enk. Russ. Reich. Strambio, Journ. Crit Utrecht, Onderzoek. Phys. Lab. Verona, Mem. Accad. Agric. Archiv des Vereins fiir Siebeubiirgische Landeskunde. Kronstadt. Vols. I-VI. 1853-63. Reports, &c. on various professional subjects connected with the duties of the Corps of Engineers of the Madras Presidency. Edited by Capt. ,T. T. SMITH, F.E.S. Madras. 4to. 2 vols. 1839, 1846. Professional papers on Indian Engineering. Edited by Major J. G. MEDLEY. Roorkee. 8vo. Vol. I. (Part 1.) 1863. Atti dell' Accademia fisico-medico-statistica di Milano. Niiova Serie. Milano. Vols. II-IV. (XII-XIV.). 1856-59. Atti dell' Ateneo, gia Accademia fisico-medico-statistica di Milano. Nuova Scrie. Milano. Vols. I-III. (XV-XVII.). 1859-62. Arbeiten dor Kurliindischen Gesellschaft fiir Literatur und Kunst. Mitau. Vols. II-X. 1847-57. Sendungen der Kurliindischen Gesellschaft fiir Literatur und Kunst. Mitau. Vols. I-IH. 1840-47. Oesterreichische Vierteljahresschrift fiir Forstwesen. Herausge- geben vom Oesterreichischen Reichsforstverein. Wien. Vols. IX., 1839 ; XI-XIIL, 1861-63. Opuscoli matematici e fisici di diversi autori. Milano. 4to. Vols. I-II. ] 832-34. Societe agrieole, scientifique, et litteraire des Pyrenees-Orientales. [Memoires.] Perpignan. 8vo. Vol. XIII. 1863. Recueil de Memoires presentees a 1'Acadumie des Sciences [de St. Petersbourg] par les Astronomes de Poulkova, etc. Publie par W. STRUVE. St. Petersbourg. 4to. Vols. I-II. 1853-59. Centralblatt der Land- und Forstwirthschaft in Bohmen. Herausg. von der k. k. patriotisch-oconomischen Gesellschaft im Konig- reiche Bohmen. Prag. Vols. I-XIV. 1850-63. Neue Schriften der k. k. patriotisch-oconomischeu Gesellschaft im Konigreiche Bohmen. Prag. Vols. I-X. 1828-47. Verhandlungen undMittheilungen der k.k. patriotisch-oeonomischen Gesellschaft, Prag. Vols. I-II. 1849-50. Wochenblatt der Land-, Forst- und Hauswirthschaft fiir den Burger und Landmanu. Herausg. von der k. k. patriotisch- oeonomischen Gesellschaft im Kouigreiche Bohmen. Prag. Vols. I-XIV. 1850-63. Bulletino nautico e geografico di Roma. Appendice alia Corrispon- denza Scientifica di Roma. Vols. I-II. 1860-63. Corrispomlenza scientiflca in Roma. Bulletino universale diretto da E. FABBRI-SCARPELLINI. Roma. Vols. I-VI. 1848-63. Beitriige zur Pflanzenkunde des Russischen Reiches. Herausg. von der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften. 8vo. St. Petersburg. Liefg. I-XI. 1844-55. Giornale ci-itico di Medicina ; ed. Dott. STRAMBIO. Vol. XI. s. a. Onderzoekingen gedaan in het Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. 8vo. Rotterdam. Vol. VII. 1854-56. (Preface signed by F. C. BONDERS, Utrecht, 1855. It is a continuation of the Scltcikundiye Onderzoekingen.) Meniorie dell' Accademia d' Agricoltura, &c., di Verona. Vols. I-XLII. 1807-63. "Weber, Beitr. Naturk. *Wien, Jahresb. Ober- Kealsch. Inn. Stadt. Wien, Mittheil. Alpen Ve- rein. *Wien, Schrift. Ver. Naturw. Kennt. Wien, Verhand. Gartenbau Gesell. Bcitriigc zur Naturkunde von Fricdr. WEBEIJ. 8vo. Kiel. Vol. II. 1810. (This appears to bo a continuation of tho Arckicfiir die systematische Nuturgcschichtc by F. WEBER and Dr. W. H. MOHR.) Jahresbericht der offeutlichen Ober-Realschule In der iunern Stadt Wien. Vols. I-V. 1859-63. Mittlieilungen des Oesterreichischen Alpen Vereines. Wien. I. 1863. Schriften des Vereins Kenntnisse in Wien. Verhandlungen der k. k. Gartenbau Gesellschaft in Wien. 1S39- 47, and 1858. zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Vols. I-IV. 1860-64. LIST OE VOLUMES (TO SUPPLY IMPERFECTIONS) INDEXED DURING THE PROGRESS OF VOL. III. THROUGH THE PRESS. Amer. Acad. Proc , Vols. I-EL, 1848-50. Amsterdam, Het Instituut Vols. for 1845 and 1846. Besaucon, Mem. Soc. Emul Vols. I-IJ., 1 856-57. *Chile, Anal. Univ Vol. for 1858. Fresenius, Zeitschr. Anal. Chemie Vol. II., 1863. Hamburg, Abhandl. Geb. Naturw Vol. IV. (Hefts 1-3), 1858-62. Horte Soc. Ent. Eossicae Vol. LT., 1863. Innsbruck, Neue Zeitschr Vols. II-VIIL, X-XIL, 1834-46. Innsbruck, Zeitschr Vols. II-X., 1852-61 (Vol. X. wants Heft 4). Kiobenhavn, Oversigt Parts for 1816-23, 1825-31, 1842. Meklenburg, Archiv Vols. XII-XVIL, 1858-63. Naval Architects' Inst. Trans Vols. II-IV., 1861-63. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat Vols. I-X. (2nd Series), 1844-48. Sicilia, Atti Soc. Acclim Vol. I., No. 5 ; Vol. II., 1862 ; Vol. III., 1863. VOL. ur. CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS. Greatheed, S. S. A new method of solving equations of partial differentials. Phil. Mag. XL, 1837, pp. 239-247. 2. Analytical solutions of some problems in plane astronomy. Camb. Math. Journ. I., 1839, pp. 182-187. [Anonymous.'] Greatheed, Samuel. On the knowledge and commerce of Tin among ancient nations. Corn- wall, Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1822, pp. 359-365 ; Tilloeh, Phil. Mag. LXL, 1823, pp. 109-112. Greatorex, Thomas. Observations on the heights of mountains in the North of England. Phil. Trans. 1818, pp. 395-404. Greau, . Rapport sur im nouveau parement pour 1'encollage des tissus. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. V., 1826, pp. 160-180. « 2. Notice sur un nouveau precede pour obtenir 1'acide muriatique oxygene. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. V., 1826, pp. 235-236. 3. Eapport sur le Phalaris canariensis. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. VII., 1828, pp. 20- 26. 4. Notice sur le uoyer (Juglaus regia angulosa). Aube, Mem. Soe. Agric. XII., 1833, pp. 157-158. 5. Memoire sur les divers cas de deteri- oration, de destruction, ou dc combustion aux- quels sont exposes les tissus de coton ou de fil avant qu'ils soient livres a la consommation, et sur les moyens d'y remedier. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XIII., 1834, pp. 52-102. 6. Notice sur 1'evaluation de la finesse et de la qualite des tissus de coton. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. V., 1854, pp. 455-476. Greaves, Edmund. Analysis of a saline ash from British Guiana. Pharmaceut. Journ. XL, 1852, p. 485. Grebe, E. W. Ueber die Loxodromen auf dem gemeinen Cylinder und Kegel. Grunert, Ar- chiv, II., 1842, pp. 127-132. VOL. III. Grebe, E. 77". 2. Das geradlinige Drcieck in Beziehuug auf die Quadrate der Perpendikel, welche man von einem Puukte seiner Ebene auf seine Seiten fallen kann, betrachtet. Grunert, Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. 250-259. 3. Ueber die Auflosuug reiner Gleichungen, insbesondere solcher des dritten Grades durch Kettenbriiche. Grunert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 345-385 ; XVI., 1851, pp. 261-320. 4. Erorterung einer Spielerei durch die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung. Grunevt, Ar- chiv, XL, 1848, pp. 441-443. 5. Beweis einer Formel fur TT. Grunert, Archiv, XII., 1849, pp. 181-187. 6. Ein Hiilfsmittel, die verschiedenen bei spharischen Spiegeln vorkomnienden Fiille leicht zu behalten. Grunert, Archiv, XII., 1849, p. 423. 7. Ueber das Rationalmachen von Nennern init unbestimmt vieleu irrationalen Gliedern. Grunert, Archiv, X1IL, 1849, pp. 68-73. 8. Ueber die Theilung eines ebeuen Dreiecks durch zwei sich innerhalb desselbeu sclmeidende gerade Linien in vier gleiche Flachenstiicke. Grunert, Archiv, XIII., 1849, pp. 385-388. 9. Ueber die Ausdriicke, welche fur Wur- zeln hoherer Grade mit (B + A^/o) (B — analog sind. Grunert, Archiv, XIII., 1849, pp. 400-405. 10. Auflosung einer praktischen Aufgabe durch die Zahlenlehre. Grunert, Archiv, XIV., 1850, pp. 333-336. 11. Ueber das Auffinden von Dreiecken, deren Seiten sich gleichzeitig mit den Halb- irungsliuien durch ganze Zahlen ausdriicken lassen. Grunert, Archiv, XVIL, 1851, pp. 463-474. 12. Ueber das Prismatoid. chiv. XXXIX., 1862, pp. 93-97. Grunert, Ar- GRE] [ORE Grebe, E. W. 13. Ueber die Formeln der spharischen Trigonometrie. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 226-229. Grebel, . Ueber die Saamen des Evonymus latifolius. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 321-332. Grebel, — von. Varietaten der Schwarzamsel und der Waldschnepfe. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. VIII., 1851, p. 55. Grebner, . Over Zerene grossulariata. [1862.] Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. VI., 1863, pp. 40-41. Gredler, Vinccnz. Die naturwissenschaftlichen Zustiinde Tirol's. Bozen, Program. Obergym- uas. I., 1851, pp. 1-14. 2. Bemerkungen iiber einige Conchylien der Gattungen Pupa und Pomatias. Bozen, Program. Obergyinnas. III., 1853, pp.45. 3. Die Alpenkiifer und die Eiszeit. Her- mannstadt, Verhaudl. Siebenbiirg. Ver. VII., 1856, pp. 15-19. 4. Tirol's Land- und Susswasser-Conchyh'en [I. Die Landconcbylien]. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. V., 1856 (Abli.), pp. 25-162. 5. Verzeichniss der Kaf'er von Passeier. Innsbruck, Zeitscbr. VI., 1857, pp. 105-159. — 6. Die Ameisen Tirol's. Bozen, Program. Obergymnas. VIII., 1858. 7. Notiz iiber die geographisclie Verbreit- ung der Ameisen in Oesterreich. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IX., 1859 (Sitzber.\ pp. 127-128. 8. Tirol's Land- und Siisswasser-Conchy- lien. II. Die Siisswasser-Conchylien. Wien. Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IX., 1859 (Abh.\ pp. 213-308. 9. Conchy liologisches aus deni Nordosteu Tirol's. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. X., 1860 (Abh.), pp. 802-806. 10. Beitrag zur Dipterenfauna Tirol's. Bozen, Program. Obergymnas. XL, 1861, p. 11. . 11. Vierzehn Tage in Bad Ratzes. Eine naturgeschichtliche Lokalskizze mit niiherer Be- riicksichtigung der Fauna. Bozen, Program. Obergymnas. X1IL, 1863. Green, Asltbcl. Notices of the sulphur, sweet, and other mineral springs in the western parts of Virginia. Philadelphia, Med. Phys. Journ. I., 1805, pp. 148-159. Green, Caleb. On the functions of the oblique muscles of the Eye. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. XXXII., 1845, pp. 191-195. Green, Charles. Ueber meteorologische Beo- bachtungeu ini Luftballon. ( Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, L., 1836, col. 245-247. 2. Ueber den ungliicklichen Versuch mit dem Fallschirme, den Herr COCKING angestellt. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, III., 1837, col. 145-149. Green, Charles. 3. Experiments on Aerostation. Quart. Journ. Meteorol. L, 1842, pp. 63-67. Green, Charles. On the lignite of the environs of Bacton. Moxon, Geologist, 1843,. pp. 12-14. Green, E. Plants about Sea Scale, on the Cum- berland coast. Phytologist, III., 1858-59, pp. 321-324. 2. Cumbrian Botany. Phytologist, V., 1861, pp. 65-69. Green, F., Halm, and Rath. Account of an expedition from Damara Land to the Ovampo, in search of the River Cuneue. Geogr. Soc. Proc. II., 1858, pp. 350-354. Green, George. Mathematical investigations con- cerning the laws of the equilibrium of fluids analogous to the electric fluid, with other similar researches. [1832.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1835, pp. 1-64. 2. On the determination of the exterior and interior attractions of ellipsoids of variable densities. [1833.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1835, pp. 395-430. 3. Researches on the vibrations of pendu- lums in fluid media. [1833.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1836, pp. 54-62. 4. On the reflection and refraction of sound. [1837.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1838, pp. 403-415. 5. On the motion of waves in a variable canal of small depth and width. [1837.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1838, pp. 457-462. 6. On the laws of the reflexion and re- fraction of light at the common surface of two non-crystallized media. [1837.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1842, pp. 1-24, 113-120. 7. Note on the motion of waves in canals. [1839.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1842, - pp. 87-96. 8. On the propagation of light in crystal- lized media, [1839.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1842, pp. 121-140. 9. An essay on the application of mathe- matical analysis to the theories of Electricity and Magnetism. [1828.] Crelle, Journ. XXXIX., 1850, pp. 73-89; XLIV., 1852, pp. 356-374; XLVIL, 1854, pp. 161-221. Green, Horace. Vegetable organography and physiology, or the formation and vital functions of plants. Silliman, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, pp. 49-61. • 2. On PETTITT'S fisheries guano. Amer. Polytechn. Journ. IV., 1854, pp. 352-357. Green, Jacob. Descriptions of several species of North American Amphibia, accompanied with observations. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. L, 1817, pp. 348-359. 2. Account of a new inflammable Air Lamp. Sillimau, Journ. II., 1820, pp. 330- 332. GRE] [GRE Green, Jacob. 3. On the crystallization of Snow. Silliman, Journ. II., 1820, pp. 337-339. 4. Some curious facts respecting the bones of the Rattle Snake. Silliman, Journ. III., 1821, pp. 85-86. 5. On an instance of instantaneous crystal- lization. Silliman, Journ. III., 1821, pp. 93- 94 ; Gilbert, Annalen, LXX., 1822, p. 320. 6. Falco leucocephaltis : Bald Eagle. Sil- liman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 89-90. 7. A new Blow-pipe. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 164-166. 8. Notice of a mineralized Tree and of a rocking Stone. Silliman, Journ. V., 1822, pp. 251-254. 9. Fragments relating to the history of animals. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 309- 312. 10. Description of a new species of Sala- mander (S. tigrina). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, pp. 116-118. 11. An account of some new species of Salamanders. Maclurian Lyceum, Contrib. I., 1827, pp. 3-8. — — 12. Reply to a note in HARLAN'S Synopsis of American reptiles. Maclurian Lyceum, Contrib. I., 1827, pp. 39-41. 13. Some remarks on the Unios of the United States, with a description of a new spe- cies (U. .ZEsopus). Maclurian Lyceum, Contrib. I., 1827, pp. 41-47. 14. Description of two new species of Achatina, from the Sandwich Islands ; with some remarks on the Ti, the plant on which these shells are commonly found. Maclurian Lyceum, Contrib. I., 1827, pp. 47-50. 15. Experiments on the pressure of the sea, at considerable depths. Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 36-38. 16. Monograph of the Cones of North America, including three new species. Albany Inst. Trans. I., 1830, pp. 121-125. 17. The Dolia of the United States. Al- bany Inst. Trans. I., 1830, pp. 131-133. 18. Notes on the American Shells, figured in the supplement to the " Index Testaceologi- cus." Albany Inst, Trans. I., 1830, pp. 134-136. 19. Reclamation of Salamanders. Albany Inst. Trans. I., 1830, pp. 150-151. 20. An account of some experiments made with Mr. Jos. SAXTON'S Electro-Magnetic Ma- chine. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIII., 1834, pp. 219-222. 21. On some chemical arts known to the Aborigines of North America. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. V., 1834, pp. 94-99. 22. On the metals known to the Aborigines of North America. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. V., 1834, pp. 182-186. Green, Jacob. 23. Description of some new North American Trilobites [Calymene ? odon- tocephala, Asaphus astragalotes, A. tetragono- cephalus, Paradoxides Harlanij. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1834, pp. 334-337. • • 24. Description of two new species of Tri- lobites. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VII., 1834-37, pp. 217-226. 25. Some experiments on a sulphated fer- ruginous earth from Kent county in the state of Delaware, with a view to ascertain its commer- cial value. Pennsylv. Trans. Geol. Soc. I., 1835, pp. 33-36. 26. Description of a new Trilobite from Nova Scotia. Peunsylv. Trans. Geol. Soc. I., 1835, pp. 37-39. 27. Description of a new Trilobite (Caly- niene phlyctainodes). Silliman, Journ. XXXII., 1837, pp. 167-169. 28. Description of several new species of Trilobites. Silliman, Jouru. XXXII., 1837, pp. 343-349. 29. Some remarks on the genus Paradoxides, Brongniart, and on the necessity of preserving the genus Triarthrus, proposed in the " Mono- graph of the Trilobites of North America." Silliman, Journ. XXXIII., 1838, pp. 341-344. 30. Description of a new Trilobite (Caly- mene Rowii). Silliman, Journ. XXXIII., 1838, pp. 406-407. 31. Asaphus polypleurus. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1838, p. 380. 32. Remarks on the Trilobite. Silliman, Journ. XXXVII., 1839, pp. 25-39 ; Bibl. Univ. XXVI., 1840, pp. 417-420. 33. Description of a new Trilobite (Asa- phus diurus). Silliman, Journ. XXXVII., 1839, p. 40. 34. An addititional fact illustrating the inferior surface of the Calymne bufo. Silliman, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, p. 410. Green, James. Description of the perpendicular lifts for passing boats from one level of canal to another, as erected on the Grand Western Canal. Civ. Eng. Institut. Trans. II., 1838, pp. 185- 192. Green, James, and J. B. Rogers. Experiments with the elementary voltaic battery. Silliman. Journ. XXVIII., 1835, pp. 33-42. Green, John. Some observations on the struc- ture of bone in Python. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 55-56. Green, W. L. On the cause of the pyramidal form of the outline of the southern extremities of the great continents and peninsulas of the globe. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI., 1857, pp. 61-78. 2. Great eruption of the volcano Mauna Loa, in the island of Hawaii. Ediub. New Phil. Journ. X., 1859, pp. 94-97. A 2 GEE] [GRE Green, W. Pringle. On Mr. Snow HARRIS'S Lightning Conductors, as applied to shipping. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 329- 332. Green, William. Memoranda respecting colour- ing materials produced in Canada. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. I., 1829, pp. 43-47. 2. Notes on the country ill the neighbour- hood of the Falls of Montmorency. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. I., 1829, pp. 181-188. 3. Some observations upon the Myrtus cerifera or Myrtle-wax shrub. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. I., 1829, pp. 231-240. 4. On some processes in use among the Huron Indians in dyeing. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. H., 1831, pp. 23-25. — — 5. Notes respecting certain textile sub- stances in use among the North American In- dians. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. II., 1831, pp. 310-312. Green, William, jun. On the origin and forma- tion of Coal. North England Inst. Miu. Eng. Trans. XL, 1861-62, pp. 161-175 ; XII., 1863, pp. 31-34. Greene, , et Brainard. De 1'iode comme contre-poison du Curare. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 411-414. Greene, Dascom. Extraction of the higher roots of numbers. Camb. (Mass.) Math. Monthly, I., 1859, pp. 123-124. Greene, Francis V. Chemical investigation of remains of Fossil Mammalia. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 292-297 ; Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1853, pp. 16-20. Greene, John W. Descriptions of several new hymenopterous insects from the north-west coast of America. [1858.] New York, Annal. Ly- ceum, VII., 1862, pp. 11-12. 2. Review of the American Bombida?, together with a description of several species heretofore undescribed; being a synopsis of the species of this family of Hymenopterous insects thus far known to inhabit North America. New York, Annal. Lyceum, VII., 1862, pp. 168-175. Greene, Joseph. Note on a hissing noise pro- duced by a hybernating Vanessa lo. Entorn. Soc. Trans. II.. 1852-53 (Proc.), p. 98. 2. On digging for pupa? of Lepidoptera. Entom. Soc. Trans. II., 1852-53 (Proc.), pp. 109-113. • 3. A list of Lepidoptera hitherto taken in Ireland, as far as the end of the Geometras. Nat, Hist. Review, I., 1854, pp. 165-168, 238- 244. 4. List of Lepidoptera captured near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. Newman, Zoolo- gist, XII., 1854, pp. 4184-4188. Greene, Joseph. 5. Directions for capturing Lepidoptera. Nat. Hist. Review, II., 1854-55 (Proc.), pp. 39-45. Greene, Joseph Reay. Observations on the dis- tribution of Actinoida, with a list of Irish species recorded. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 75-76; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 35-37. 2. On British naked-eyed Medusae, with notices of seven undescribed forms. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), p. 103. 3. On the Acalepha; of the Dublin coast. Nat. Hist, Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 175- 176. 4. On the Acalephre of the Dublin coast, with descriptions of seven new naked-eyed forms. Nat. Hist, Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 242- 250. 5. On the morphology of the Hydrozoa, with reference to the constitution of the sub- kingdom Cffilenterata. Irish Acad. Proc. VII., 1858, pp. 119-122; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 237-239. 6. On the genus Lucernaria. Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.}, pp. 131-134 ; Dub- lin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 73-76. — 7. On the British species of the genus Equorea. Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 150-151. 8. A word on embryology with reference to the mutual relations of the sub-kingdoms of animals. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 132-133. 9. On the mutual relations of the cold- blooded Vertebrata. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (Zool.), pp. 218-228. Greene, Joseph Reay, and E. P. Wright. Report on the Marine Fauna of the south and west coasts of Ireland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858, pp. 176-181. Greene, R. Account of a simple and economical method of preparing an artificial Cheltenham Water highly impregnated with Carbonic Acid (fixed air). Nicholson, Journ. XXII., 1809, pp. 139-141. Greene, Richard. On polishing the specula of telescopes. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 11-12. 2. Description of a portable equatorial stand for telescopes without polar axis. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 8-9. 3. Working model of a machine for polish- ing specula for reflecting telescopes and lenses. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 24-25. Greener, W. On the manufacture of the finer irons and steels, as applied to gun-barrels, swords, and railway axles. Brit. Assoc. Rep. \S49(pt. 2), pp. 115-116. GRE] Greenfield, William. On the use of negative quantities in the solution of problems by alge- braic equations. [1784.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. I., 1788, pp. 131-145. Greeiihow, E. H. The dates of appearance, breeding, and disappearance of some birds and insects in the parish of Tynemouth during the year 1831. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 566- 569. Greenhow, Robt. On the construction of the Galvanic Battery. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 71-74. Greenish, T. On the fossil vegetation of the coal measures. Pharmaceut. Jouru. XVI., 1857, pp. 507-509. Greenleaf, P. H, On the flight of the American Passenger Pigeon at Madison, Ind., March 1855. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854- 56, pp. 181-182. Greenleaf, R. C., and Cfias. Stodder. Organ- isms found in the mud from the bottom of Mystic Pond, Medford, near Boston. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VIII., 1861-62, pp. 119- 121. Greenock (Lord). A general view of the phe- nomena displayed in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh by the igneous rocks, in their rela- tions with the secondary strata ; with reference to a more particular description of the section which has been exposed to view on the south side of the Castle Hill. [1833.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1836, pp. 39-45. 2. General remarks on the coal formation of the great valley of the Scottish Lowlands. [1834.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1836, pp. 107-117. Greenough, George Bellas. A critical examina- tion of the first principles of geology. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIV., 1819, pp. 365-373, 456- 464. 2. Remarks on the theory of the elevation of mountains. Edinb. New Phil. Jouni. XVII., 1834, pp. 205-227. 3. Memoir to accompany the second edition of the Geological Map of England and Wales. [1840.] Geol. Soc. Proc. IH., 1842, pp. 180- 185. 4. Sur la geologie de 1'Inde. ( Transl.) Annal. des Mines, VI., 1854, pp. 577-586 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), pp. 83-85 ; Petermann, Mittheil, 1855, pp. 23-27. Greenway, James. An account of the beneficial effects of the Cassia chamrecrista in recruiting worn-out lands, and in enriching such as are naturally poor, together with a botanical de- scription of the plant. [1788.] Anier. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1 793, pp. 226-230. [GEE Greenway, James. 2. An account of a poisonous plant (Cicuta venenosa), growing spontaneously in the southern part of Virginia. [1790.] Arner. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1793, pp. 234-238. Greenwell, G. C. Observations on the greater facility of ventilating dip than rise workings. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. II., 1853-54, pp. 31-34. 2. Notes on the coal-field of East Somer- set. North England Inst. Min. Eug. Trans. II., 1853-54, pp. 251-259. 3. On the working of thin seams of coal, with observations on long wall and board and pillar work. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. IV., 1855-56, pp. 193-201. 4. On the ironstone of Wilts and Somerset. South Wales Inst. Civ. Eng. Proc. I., 1858, pp. 307-323. 5. On the southern portion of the Somer- setshire coal-field. South Wales Inst. Civ. Eng. Proc. I., 1858, pp. 147-161. 6. On the Somersetshire section of the Bristol coal-field. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. X., 1861, pp. 105-116. Greenwood, Alfred. List of mosses found near Chelmsford. Phytologist, II., 1846, pp. 384- 389. 2. Borrera flavicans discovered in fruit near Penzance. Phytologist, II., 1846, p. 496. Greenwood, F. W. P. A description of the principal fruits of Cuba. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1838-39, pp. 204-244. Greer, Henry R. A theorem in the calculus of . operations, with some applications. Quart. Journ. Math. HI., 1860, pp. 148-155. 2. Notes on certain infinite series. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 262-268, 370-371. 3. On fractional differentiation. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 327-330. 4. Concerning curves of double curvature. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 183-190. 5. On the equation of the six-points circle. Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 313-316. 6. Note on trilinear and quadriplanar co- ordinates. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 237-241. Greg, R. P. A description of Matlockite, a new oxychloride of lead. Phil. Mag. II., 1851, pp. 120-121 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 124-125. 2. On meteorolites or aerolites, considered geographically, statistically, and cosmically. Phil. Mag. VIII., 1854, pp. 329-342, 449-463. 3. On Conistouite, a new mineral species. Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1854, pp. 333-334. 4. On two doubtful British species, Glotta- lite and Zeuxite. Phil. Mag. X., 1855, pp. 118- 119. GRE] G [GRE Greg, If. P. 5. Some considerations respecting the lunar origin of aerolites. Phil. Mag. X., 1855, pp. 429-436. 6. Description of a new meteoric iron from Chili, containing native lead, and an account of the fall of a large mass of meteoric iron at Cor- rientes in South America. Silliman, Journ. XXIII., 1857, pp. 118-120. 7. A catalogue of Meteorites and Fireballs, front A.D. 2 to A.D. 1860. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860, pp. 48-119. 8. On several new British minerals. Phil. Mag. XIX., I860, pp. 13-14. 9. On the luminosity of meteors from solar reflexion. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1860, pp. 287- 290. 10. On the periodicity of the solar spots. Phil. Mag. XX., 1860, pp. 271-275. 11. Some considerations on M. HAIDING- ER'S communication on the origin and fall of Aerolites. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 13-15. —— 12. On some meteorites in the British Museum. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 534- 542. Greg, R. P., and M. F. Heddle. On British Pectolites. Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 248-253; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. LXVI., 1855, pp. 144-148. G-reger, Ed. Luska miitef ska u zivoeichu [Ma- ternal love in the animal kingdom]. Ziva, 1855, pp. 33-43, 97-101. 2. Zaludek [The stomach]. Ziva, 1855, pp. 201-205. . 3. Podivue spusoby rozplemeuovuni se zivoeichu [Remarkable ways of generation in the animal kingdom]. Ziva, 1855, pp. 260-266. 4. Straka [The magpie]. Ziva, 1855, pp. 353-356. 5. 0 krvi [On the blood]. Ziva. 1856, pp. 326-335. 6. Oustroji Dychacim [On the respiratory organs]. Ziva] 1857, pp. 163-173, 244-245. 7. O lebkach clovecich vubec, etc. [On Gregoire, Adolf. Responsio ad qurestionem : Inquiratur de verisimiliori azotis indole, et ex- planentiir composita proxima cuncta et remota prajcipua qure cum aliis corporibus azotes sistit, allatis rationibus pondcratis et, re nata, rnensu- ratis, juxta quas composita ilia perflciuntur. Louvaine, Ann. Acad. VIII., 1836. pars 2da. Gregor, . Sur la quautite d'acide carbonique expire dans 1'etat de sante et dans celui de ma- ladie. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1841, pp. 313-315. Gregor, William. An analysis of a variety of the Corundum. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1803, pp. 209-214. 2. On the production of sulphate of Mag- nesia from the ashes of pit-coal, with remarks on the efflorescence of the same salt, observed by Dr. BOSTOCK. Nicholson, Journ. V., 1803, pp. 225-227. 3. Experiments on a mineral substance formerly supposed to be Zeolite, with some re- marks on two species of Uran-Glimmer. Phil. Trans. 1805, pp. 331-348. — 4. On a native arseniate of lead. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 195-211. 5. Analysis of a soil containing free mu- riatic acid, and muriates of Soda, Lime, Alumine, Magnesia, and Manganese. Nicholson, Journ. XXVIII., 1811, pp. 180-184. 6. Experiments upon Green Uran Mica human crauia in general and the Sclavonian in particular], Ziva, 1858, pp. 223-242. Gregg, Jairus A. Case of extra-uterine concep- tion. New Ensland Journ. Med. VIII., 1819, pp. 316-319. Gregg, S. Thomas. Account of an optical illu- sion called the Fairy Islands, seen on the north coast of Ireland. [1827.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. VI., 1826-31, pp. 388-390. Gregoire, . Untersuchungen iiber die Oise- liers, Coliberts, Cagons, Gahets, Cagots, und audern durch die b'ffentliche Meinung oder Gesetze, in versehiedenen Gegendeu Fraukreichs herabgewiirdigten Menschen. Zach. Mouat. Corresp. XXIV., 1811, pp. 34-50. with a view to its chemical analysis. Thomson, Ann. Phil. V., 1815, pp. 281-284. 7. On the Tremolite of Cornwall. [1813.] Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1816, pp. 399-403. 8. Experiments on Topaz, and carbonate of Bismuth, with some observations relative to Smithson TENNANT, Esq. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1816, pp. 276-279. 9. Observations on a remarkable change which metallic tin undergoes, under peculiar circumstances, and on its partial conversion into a muriate of tin. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 51-59. 10. On Kupfer-Nickel. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 224-225. 11. Formation of Prussic Acid by the ignition of a carbonaceous substance with nitrate ofbarytes. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, pp. 234-235. 12. Notice of the analysis of Zinc Ore from Huel Ann. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. in., 1827, p. 338. Gregori, Sur les habitudes de 1'Ornitho- rhynquc, Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 193- 195. Gregorini (Dr.). Ueber die Vegetation. Reil, Archiv, V., 1802, pp. 275-312. GRE] [GEE Gregory, ..-1. C. Journal of an expedition in Western Australia. Geogr. Soc. Jouru. XVIII., 1848, pp. 26-37. 2. The Settler's Expedition to the north- ward from Perth, in Western Australia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXII., 1852, pp. 57-70. 3. Journal of the North Australian Ex- ploring Expedition. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXVIII., 1858, pp. 1-137. 4. Expedition from Moreton Bay in search ofLeiCHHARDT and party. Geogr. Soc. Proc. III., 1859, pp. 18-34. 5. Some interesting facts founded on Baro- metrical Observations. Victoria, Trans. Phil. Inst, IV., 1859, pp. 14-15. Gregory, Duncan F. Analytical Geometry of three dimensions. Camb. Math. Journ. I., 1839, pp. 37-42. 2. On the solution of linear equations of finite and mixed differences. Camb. Math. Journ. I., 1839, pp. 54-61. 3. On the expansion of a function of a binomial. Camb. Math. Journ. I., 1839, pp. 67-74. 4. Notes on FOURIER'S [theory of] Heat. Camb. Math. Journ. I., 1839, pp. 104-107. 5. On the solution of partial differential equations. Camb. Math. Journ. L, 1839, pp. 123-131. 6. On the residual calculus. Camb. Math. Journ. L, 1839, pp. 145-155. 7. On the integration of simultaneous dif- ferential equations. Camb. Math. Jouru. I., 1839, pp. 173-181. 8. On the method of spherical coordinates. Camb. Math. Journ. I., 1839, pp. 193-204; II., pp. 37-45. 9. Demonstrations of theorems in the dif- ferential calculus and calculus of finite diffe- rences. Camb. Math. Journ. L, 1839, pp. 212- 222. 10. On the impossible logarithms of quan- tities. Camb. Math. Journ. I., 1839, pp. 226- 234. 11. General formulae for the change of the independent variable. Camb. Math. Journ. I., 1839, pp. 236-238. 12. New method of solving a biquadratic equation. Camb. Math. Jouru. I., 1839, pp. 254-256. 13. On the existence of branches of curves in several planes. Camb. Math. Journ. I., 1839, pp. 259-266. 14. On the real nature of symbolical alge- bra. [1838.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1840, pp. 208-216. 15. On the elementary principles of the application of algebraical symbols to geometry. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 1-9. Gregory, Duncan F. 16. On the failure of formulas in the inverse processes of the diffe- rential calculus. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 73-76. - 17. On the expansion of cosines and sines of multiple arcs in ascending powers of the cosines and sines of the simple arcs. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 129-133. \Anomj- mous.~\ - 18. On the evaluation of a definite multiple integral. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 215-223. — — 19. Singular points in surfaces. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 252-258. - 20. Note on a class of factorials. Camb. Math. Jouru. III., 1843, pp. 89-91. - 21. On a difficulty in the theory of Al- gebra. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 153- 159. - 22. On the solution of certain functional equations. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 239-246. - 23. On FOURIER'S Theorem. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 288-290. [ Anontj- ~ - 24. On asymptotes to algebraic curves. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 42-47. Gregory, F. A. A. Determination de la longi- tude de 1'Uitkijk, station du Globe Regulateur a Batavia, faite en 1843, au moyen de 1'observa- tion d'eclipses du premier et du deuxieme satel- lite de Jupiter. Monitenr des Indes, 1846-47, pp. 9-10 ; Tindal, Verhand. Zeewezeu. VI., 1846, pp. 480-485. Gregory, F. T. Exploration of the Murchison, Lyons, and Gascoyne Rivers in Western Aus- tralia. Geogr. Soc. Proc. III., 1859, pp. 34- 54. - 2. On the geology of a part of Western Australia. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVII., 1861, pp. 475-483. 3. Expedition to the North-west Coast of Australia. Geogr. Soc. Jouru. XXXIL, 1862, pp. 372-429. Gregory, George. Case of malformation of the heart. [1820l] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XI., 1821, pp. 296-298. Gregory, James Craufurd. Notice concerning an autograph manuscript by Sir Isaac NEWTON, containing some notes upon the third book of the Principia, and found among the papers of Dr. David GREGORT, formerly Savilian Pro- fessor of Astronomy in the University of Ox- ford. .[1829.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XII., 1834, pp. 66-76 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI, 1832. pp. 51-61. Gregory, James J. H. Geology of Marblehead. [1858.] Essex Instit. Proc. II., 1862, pp. 306- 311. GREJ 8 [GRE Gregory, Karl. Naphthaquellen in Galizien. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XII., 1861-62, pp. 196- 199. Gregory, Olinthus. On the Rev. Mr. PEARSON'S analogy for deducing the greatest equation from the eccentricity. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 65-67. 2. Remarks on the estimation of the strength of Horses. Nicholson, Journ. XI., 1805, pp. 145-153. 3. Further remarks on mechanic power, in reply to Mr. J. C. HORNBLOWEK. Nicholson, Journ. XII., 1805, pp. 7-16. 4. Remarks on Don Joseph RODRIGUEZ'S " Animadversions on part of the Trigonometrical •Survey of England." Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLL, 1813, pp. 178-194; Nicholson, Journ. XXXIV., 1813, pp. 246-264. 5. Resultats de quelqucs experiences faites a Woolwich avec un pendule ballistique de 3,355 kilos. ( Transl.) Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 380-387. 6. Experiences relatives a 1'influence clu vent sur la vitesse des projectiles et la justesse du tir. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1818, pp. 289- 292. 7. On the different " Rates " of PEITNING- TON'S Astronomical Clock, at the island of Kalta, in Zetland, and at Woolwich Common, Kent ; with comparative Tables, and remarks upon the results of various other Pendulum Experiments. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIII., 1819, pp. 426-445. 8. An account of some experiments made in order to determine the velocity with which sound is transmitted in the atmosphere. [1823.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1827, pp. 119-138 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 401-415. Gregory, Jl'illiant. Ou a process for preparing economically the Muriate of Morphia. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XXXV., 1831, pp. 331- 338 ; Licbig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 261-265 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 156-163. 2. On the preparation of the Hydriodate of Potash. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XXXVI., 1831, pp. 368-370. 3. Analysis of a singular substance found among the products of the eruption of Vesuvius in the winter 1830. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1832, pp. 378-380; Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 308-310. 4. Note sur les iodures de Plomb. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 24-26. 5. Ueber die Chromchloriire. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cheni. III., 1834, pp. 52-53 ; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 413-415. 6. Vortheilhafte Darstellung des iiberman- gansauren Kali's. Liebig, Annal. XV., 1835, pp. 237-239; Thomson, Records, IV., 1836, pp. 297-299. Gregory, Jniliant. 7. Ueber die Darstellung von Methylen Mercaptan. Liebig, Annal. XV., 1835, pp. 239-240; Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 730- 731. 8. On the composition of Petroleum of Rangoon, with remarks on Petroleum and Naphtha in general. [1834.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1836, pp. 124-130 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IV., 1835, pp. 1-7 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 536-541. 9. Analyse des Codeins. Okeu, Isis, 1836, col. 719-720. 10. Ueber eine neue Schwefelverbindung. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 730. 11. On a volatile liquid procured from Caoutchouc by destructive distillation. Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 321-324 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 387-391 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 382-384. 12. Sur FEblanine. Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 286-288. 13. Pyroxanthin, eiu neues Product der trocknen Destination. Liebig, Annal. XXL, 1837, pp. 143-148. 14. Ueber eine neue Klasse von Sal/en. Liebig, Annal. XXII., 1837, pp. 269-272. 15. Notiz iiber die Darstellung der Mekon- saure. Liebig, Annal. XXIV., 1837, pp. 43-45. 16. Ueber die Einwirkung des Cyaneisen- kaliums auf die ather- und methylensauren Salze. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 64-65. 17. On the pre-existence of Urea in Uric Acid. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 73- 74. 18. On a new process, communicated by Prof. LIEBIG, for preparing Murexide. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), p. 74. 19. On the preparation of Alloxan, Allox- autine, Thionurate of Ammonia, Uramile, and Murexide. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt.2), p. 74 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 371-372 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VI., 1841, p. 63. 20. Ueber einige aus der Harnsiiure ent- stehende Produete. Liebig, Aunal. XXXIII., 1840, pp. 334-338. 21. Vorkornmen des Jods in einigen Pflan- zen. Liebig, Annal. XXXIV., 1840, p. 240. 22. On some remarkable salts obtained by the action of ferrocyanide of Potassium on the sulphovinates and sulphomethylates. Irish Acad. Proc. L, 1841, pp. 49-50. 23. On a new method of obtaining pure Silver either in the metallic state or in the form of oxide. [1843.] Chem. Soc. Mem. I., 1841- 43, pp. 190-192 ; Phil. Mag. XXII., 1843, pp. 283-286; Liebig. Anual. XLVI., 1843, pp. 239- 240. GRE] 9 [GRE Gregory, JViUiam. 24. On a simple and cheap method of preparing hydrochloric acid abso- lutely pure, and of any required strength. Chem. Soc. Proc. 1841-43, pp. 7-8 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IX., 1842, pp. 255-256; Bibl. Univ. XXXVI., 1841, pp. 413-414; XLL, 1842, pp. 195-196 ; Liebig, Annal. XLI., 1842, pp. 375-376 ; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 45-46. 25. Further contributions to the chemical history of the products of the decomposition of Uric Acid. Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, pp. 9-14. 26. On a new phosphate of Magnesia. Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, p. 310. 27. Ueber die Zersetzungsproducte der Harnsaure. Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 275-282 ; Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, pp. 186-191 ; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 364-368. 28. Notice of a new compound of Sulphur, which is probably a sulphuret of Nitrogen. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1845, pp. 106-107. 29. Ueber ein neues und vortheilhaftes Verfahren reine PhosphorsLiure aus Knochen- asche darzustellen. Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 94-97. 30. Notiz iiber eineii aus rohem Bitter- mandelol durch Einwirkung von Kali entste- heudeu Korper. Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 372-373 ; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 469-470. 31. Notes on the preparation of Alloxan. Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 42-46 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 218-220 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 289- 290; Phil. Mag. XXVIII., 1846, pp. 550-554. 32. On the preparation of Hippuric Acid. Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 330-331; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLII., 1847, pp. 40- 43 ; Liebig, Annal. LXIIL, 1847, pp. 125-127; Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1847, pp. 127-129. 33. Ueber eine fette Substanz, von eiueni thierischeii Korper herriihrend. Liebig, Aunal. LXL, 1847, pp. 362-364. 34. Ueber einen schwarzen humusartigen Korper, der auf der Oberflache des Schottischen Sees, " Loch Dochart," am 22 November 1846, nach einem schwachen Erdbeben erschien. Liebig, Annal. LXL, 1847, pp. 365-366. 35. Untersuchung eines arsenikhaltigen Pulvers aus dem Magen einer kranken Frau. Liebig, Annal. LXL, 1847, pp. 367-370. 36. Ueber den Kobalt- und Nickelgehalt des Braunsteins. Liebig, Annal. LXIIL, 1847, pp. 277-278. 37. Ueber den Gehalt einigcr Fleischarten an Kreatin. Liebig, Aunal. LXIV., 1848, pp. 100-108. TOL. m. Gregory, Jnilinm. 38. On the extraction of pure Phosphoric. Acid from bones, and on a new and anomalous phosphate of Magnesia. [1845.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1849, pp. 47- 52 ; Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 97-100. 39. On the sulphite of Lead. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), p. 55. 4O. Notes on the purification and properties of Chloroform. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1851, pp. 316-323; Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. X., 1850, pp. 414-422. 41. Notice of a diatomaceous Earth found in the isle of Mull. Microsc. Soc. Trans. I., 1853, pp. 92-99 ; II., 1854, pp. 24-28. 42. Notice of the new forms and varieties of known forms occurring in the Diatomacete. Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 90-100. 43. Composition of the Boghead coal. Journ. Miurosc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 200-201. 44. Observations on some deposits of fossil Diatornacea:. Microsc. Soc. Trans. II., 1854, pp. 104-106. 45. On some new species of British fresh water Diatomaceie, with remarks on the value of certain specific characters. Ediub. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1855, pp. 38-41. 46. On the presence of Diatomacea;, Phy- tolitharia, and Sponge Spicules in soils which support vegetation. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1855, pp. 69-72. 47. On a post-tertiary lacustrine sand, con- taining Diatomaceous Exuvice, from Gleushira, near Inverary. Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 30-43. 48. On a remarkable group of Diatomaceous forms, with remarks on shape or outline as a specific character in the Diatornacere. [1854.] Microsc. Soc, Trans. III., 1855, pp. 10-16. 49. On new forms of DiatornaceffiTrom the Firth of Clyde. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 83-84. 50. Notice of some new species of British fresh-water Diatomacere. Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1856, pp. 1-14; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 306-308. 51. On the post-tertiary Diatomaceous sand of Glenshira. Part 2. Containing an account of a number of additional undescribed species. Microsc. Soc. Trans. IV., 1856, pp. 35-48 ; V., 1857, pp. 67-88 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 358-360. 52. On the species of fossil Diatomacea; found in the infusorial earth of Mull. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 176-177, 204- 207. GEE] 10 [GEE Gregory, William. 53. On new forms of marine Diatomacese, found in the Firth of Clyde and in Loch Fine. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXI., 1857, pp. 473-542; Edinb. Bot, Soc. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 144-146; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 60-64. Gregory, Wuliam, and James Apjohn. Exa- mination of Eblanine. [1836.] Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 33-34; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 70-71; Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1857, pp. 286-288. Gregory, IVilUain, and R. Walker. Analysis of Coprolites. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII., 1835, pp. 164-166. Gregson, Charles Stuart. Notes on the habits of Nyssia zonaria. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, p. 68. 2. On the Lepidopterous Insects of the district round Liverpool, with some of the causes of the abundance or scarcity of Insects. Lancashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. VII., 1855, pp. 237-254; VIII., pp. 153-164; IX., pp. 165- 180; X, pp. 113-130. 3. Notes on the genus Oporabia. New- man, Zoologist, XVI., 1858, pp. 6193-6195. 4. Note on the larva of Eupithecia assimi- lata. Newman, Zoologist, 1859, pp. 66-95. 5. On the Coleoptera of the district around Liverpool. Lancashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. I., 1861, pp. 33-44 ; II., pp. 167-170. 6. Notes on insects injurious to fruit and forest trees. Lancashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. III., 1862-63, pp. 203-222. Grehant, Nestor. Recherches sur la raesure du volume des poumons de 1'homme. Ann. Sci. Nat. XH. (Zool.), 1859, pp. 370-376 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 21-23. 2. Du renouvellement de Fair dans les poumons de 1'homme. Paris, Comptes Rendus. LV., 1862, pp. 278-280 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVUI. (Zool.}, 1862, pp. 331-335. Greif, . Eiuige Bemerkungen iiber das schwefelsaure Quecksilber. Trommsdorlf, Journ. d. Pharm. XL, 1S03 (St. 2), pp. 126-128. Greifenhagen, Carl. Ueber das Vorkomrnen des Rothgiltigerzes auf der Grube Bergwerks- Wohlfahrt bei Zellerfeld. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesell. Naturw. III., 1854, pp. 341-343. 2. Das Nebengesteiu der Bockswieser Bleiglanz-Giinge. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesell. Na- turw. III., 1854, pp. 350-363. Greiff, Ph. Ueber Thiochromsiiure, Euthio- chrornsiiure undBisulfobichlorhydrochinonsiiure. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. VI., 1863, pp. 340-347, 374-380. Greig, . On the mean temperature of twenty- nine different places in the state of New York, for 1829. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1831, pp. 77- 85. Greim, . Auffindung YOU Braunkohlen in Rheinhesseu. Darmstadt, Notizblatt, 1854—57, pp_. 279-282. Greisinger, Gustav Adolph. Berechnung der Vortheile des Banquiers im Pharaospiele. Baunigartner, Zeitschr. IV., 1828, pp. 210-227. Greiss, C. B. Ueber den Magnetismus der Eiseuerze. Poggend. Annal. XCVILI., 1856, pp. 478-487. 2. Ueber die Fluorescenz des Magnesiuni- Platincyaniirs. Poggend. Aunal. CVI., 1859, pp. 645-646. 3. Ueber die Verhiiltnisse der Temperatur und des Luftdrucks zu Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt, Jahresb. Phys. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 25-51. 4. Ueber Fluorescenz der Ausziige aus den verschiedenen Theilen der Pflanzen. Pcg- gend. Annal. CXIV., 1861, pp. 327-333. Grellet, . Esquisse geoguosique du canton d'Allegre. Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Ann. 1837-38, pp. 109-120. Grellois, E. Sur les eaux thermales d'Ham- mam Meskhoutiu (province de Constantine, Al- gerie). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1851-52, pp. 624-631. Grellons, Eugene. Quelques recherches sur la matiere vegeto-animale. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. VII., 1855, pp. 107-118. 2. Quelques recherches sur la zoologie des eaux thermules. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. VII., 1855, pp. 119-124. Gren, Fried/rich Albert Carl. Analyse d'une pierre retiree de la vesicule du fiel. (Transl.) Ajinal. de Chimie, V., 1790, pp. 186-190. 2. Sur la decomposition reciproque de plusieurs substances au degre de froid de 1'eau glacee. (Transl.) Auual. de Chimie, XIII., 1792, pp. 67-68. 3. Observations et experiences : 1°. Sur la formation du sel de glauber (sulfate de soude) dans les eaux salees, a uue temperature au-des- sons de la glace ; 2°. Sur un moyen facile et peu dispendieux de degager de ces eaux tous les sels deliquescents. ( Transl.) Journ. des Mines, V., 1796-97, pp. 163-176 ; Nicholson, Journ. II., 1799, pp. 91-93. 4. Sur la respiration. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1797, pp. 196-199. 5. Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft, als Akademische Vorlesungen vorgetragen. Gil- bert, Annal. I., 1799, pp. 167-204. 6. Uutersuchung der Mutterlauge der Salzsohle aus dem Koniglicheu Siedehause, die nach dem ersten Werke iibrig bleibt. Scheier, Jouru. Chemie, III., 1799, pp. 267-270. 7. Chemische Uutersuchung des Beun- stiidter Thones. Scherer, Journ. Cheinie, III., 1799, pp. 395-398. GRE1 11 [GRE Gren, Fricdrich Albert Carl. 8. Beschreibnng einer neuen Methode das Silber aus dem Kup- ferrohsteine vermittelst des Bleies auszuziehon, und das Saigern des Schwarzkupfers dadnrch zu ersparen. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, IV., 1800, pp. 155-169 : Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 145-153. Grenier, Ch. Souvenirs botaniques des environs des Eaux-Bonnes. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, IX., 1837, pp. 11-30. 2. Observations botaniques. Besangon, Seances Publ. 1838, pp. 117-150. 3. Sur les genres Moenchia et Malachium. Besangon, Seances Publ. 1839, pp. 182-187. 4. Fragment d'une monographic des Ceras- tiurn. Besancon, Seances Publ. 1839, pp. 102- 125; Flora, XXIIL, 1840, pp. 266-272. 5. Monographia de Cerastio. Besangon, Mem. Soc. Emul. I, 1841, pp. 1-93. 6. Alsine, Arenaria, Mohringia. Besancon, Mem. Soc. Emul. I., 1841, pp. 31-38. 7. Note sur quelques violettes critiques de la Flore Francaise. France. Congres Scient. 1842, pp. 173-174. 8. Recherches geologiques sur la disposition de La Chapelle-des-Buis, pres de Besangon. Besancon, Mem. Soc. Emul. III., 1842-43, pp. 19-22. 9. Cerastium Fischeri. Besangon, Mem. Soc. Emul. III., 1842-43, p. 31. 1O. Catalogue des Plantes phanerogames du departemeut du Doubs. Besaneon, Mem. Soc. Emul. III., 1842-43, pp. 37-104. 11. Notes critiques sur les Polygala de France, et quelques especes voisines. Revue Botanique, II., 1846-47, pp. 417-421. 12. Notice botanique. Besancou, Mem. Soc. Emul. III., 1849 (pte. 3), pp. 15-22. 13. Voyage de botanique dans les Alpes du Dauphine. Besancon, Seances Publ. 1850, pp. 12-39, 43-87. — _ 14. De 1'hybridite et de quelques Hy brides en particulier. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1853 (Bot.}, pp. 141-157._ 15. Considerations sur les axes primaires et secondaires dans quelques especes radicantes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 346-350. 16. Recherche sur la formation du bulbe dans le Ranunculus bulbosus. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 369-372. 17. Florula Massiliensis advena, F. Be- sangon, Mem. Soc. Emul. II., 1857, pp. 387- 434. 18. Note sur le Tragopogon hirsutus, Gouan. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 703-706. 19. Recherches sur le Posidonia Caulini. Konig. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 362-367. Grenier, Ch. 20. Catalogue des Coleopteres de France et materiaux pour servir a la faune des Coleopteres Frangais, contenant la description de cent cinquante-huit especes nouvelles. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, pp. 165-176. 21. Annotations sur quelques Sedum de France. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 250-257. Grenier, Cfi., et Godron. Notices botaniques. Besangon, Mem. Soc. Emul. VI., 1854, pp. 12- 15. Grenier, Ch., et H. Loret. Note sur tin essai d'hybridation dans les Graminees, et sur 1'hy- bridation reciproque des Primula elatior et grandiflora. Besangon, Mem. Soc. Emul. VII., 1855, pp. 87-90. Grenus, Theodor. Ueber einige Bemerkungen, welche Herr SVANBERG iiber die Gradmessung Ton Peru in seiner " Exposition des operations faites en Lapponie, etc. 1805" gemacht hat. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XIII., 1806, pp. 398- 404. 2. Resultate einer Vergleichuug der Werke von BOUGUER, CONDAMINE, und ULLOA iiber die Peruanische Gradmessung. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVI., 1807, pp. 238-256. Greppin, . Tableau resume de la division des terrains tertiaires du val de Delemont. Actes de la Soc. Helvetique, 1853, pp. 261- 264. 2. Notes geologiques. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. XIV., 1 855. Gresira, Vicenzo. Saggio sull' analisi dell' acqua sulfureo-salina di Ceretto. Majocchi, Ann. Fis. Chim. II., 1850, pp. 174-175. Gressly, A. Geognostische Bemerkungen iiber den Jura der nordwestlichen Schweiz. beson- ders des Kantous Solothurn und der Grenz- Partieu der Kantone Bern, Aargau und Basel. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1836, pp. 659- 675; Bibl. Univ. IX., 1837, pp. 194-197. 2. Resume d'observatious geologiques sur les modifications du Jura des cantons de Soleure et d'Argovie. L'Institut, IV., 1836, pp. 92- 93. 3. Description geologique des montagnes du Jura Soleurois et Argovien. L'Institut. IV., 1836, pp. 126-128. 4. Note sur des restes de mammiferes trouves dans le portlandien de Soleure. L'In- stitut, IV., 1836, pp. 165-166. 5. Observations geologiques sur les terrains des chaines Jurassiques du canton de Soleure et des coutrees limitrophes. Schweizer. Gesell. Verh. 1836, pp. 126-132. — 6. Observations geologiques sur le Jura Soletirois. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. II., 1838; IV., 1S40; V., 1841. B 2 GEE] 12 [GRE Gressly, A. 7. Uebevsicht der Geologie des nordwestlichen Aargau's. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, pp. 153-163 ; Neuchatel, Bull. I., 1844-46, pp. 166-168. 8. Nouvelles douuees sur les faunes ter- tiaires d'Ajoie. Actes de la Soc. Helvetique, 1853, pp. 251-261. 9. Ossenients fossiles d'un saurien gigantes- que de la famille des Dinosauriens. Neuchatel, Bull. IV., 1856-57, pp. 13-16. Gressly, A., et E. Desor. Etudes ge'ologiques sur le Jura Neuchatelois. Neuchatel, Mem. IV., 1859. Greville, Robert Kayc. 2. Description of a new species of Fucus (F. Devoniensis) found in Devonshire. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 396-399. 3. Description of a new species of Poten- tilla (P. Jamesoniana) from the west coast of Greenland, with some account of the Arctic Flora. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. HI., 1817-20, pp. 416-436. 4. On the leaves, capsule, and root of Bux- baumia aphylla. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 442-449. — 5. Descriptions of seven new Scottish Gresy, Cisa de. Considerations sur Fequilibre Fungi. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, des surfaces inflexibles et inextensibles. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIII., 1818, pp. 259-294. 2. Demonstration dee formules de GAUSS pour determiner le jour de Paque suivant les deux calendriers Julieii et Gregorien. [1818.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIV., 1820, pp. 77- 106. 3. Sur le mouvement de rotation d'un corps autour de sou centre de gravitu. [1819.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIV., 1820, pp. 495- 576. 4. Sur les integrates defmies. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXVI., 1821, pp. 209-296. 5. Recberches sur la decomposition des fractions exponentielles en fractions partielles a 1'infini. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXI., 1827, pp. 225-264. 6. Sur le problerne de la perturbation des planetes. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXIIL, 1829, pp. 275-333, 357-392. 7. Note sur quelques formules exposees dans le Memoire sur le probleme de la pertur- bation des planetes. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXV., 1831, pp. 379-390. Greve, A., Verbandeling over het Zeegat van Goedereede. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. XL, 1851, pp. 1-205. Greve, A., och Simons. VerhanJeling over de stoombemaling van polders en droogmakerijen. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. IX., 1849, pp. 1-198. Greve, B. C. C. Kleine Beitriige zur vergleich- enden Anatomic und Physiologic. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 49-54. Grevenitz, von. Denkschrift iiber die ho- here Reinigung des Samens. Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 670-673. Greville, C/tarles. An account of some stones said to have fallen on the earth in France, and of a lump of native iron, said to have fallen in India. Phil. Trans. 1803, pp. 200-204. Greville, Robert Kayc. An account of some of the eryptogamous plants of Devonshire. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 351-370. pp. 67-73. 6. A description of a new species of Grim- mia (G. Leucophrea) found in Scotland. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 87-90. 7. Description of two new plants of the order Algoe (Echinella circularis and Gloionema apiculatum) found in Scotland. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 213-217. 8. Descriptions of the Esculent Fungi of Great Britain. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 339-382. 9. A monograph of the genus Erineum. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 71-82. 1O. Observations on a new genus of plants, belonging to the natural order Gastromyci. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VIII., 1823, pp. 256-259. 11. Description of two new species of Musci, belonging to the genera Neckera and Hypuum. Ediub. Mem. Wern. Soc. V., 1823- 24, pp. 481-484. 12. Descriptions of some new plants be- longing to the orders Musci and Hepaticie. New York, Annal. Lyceum, I., 1824, pp. 271-278. 13. On two new genera of Byssoideos, and a new species of Eurotium. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIII., 1825, pp. 63-66. 14. Some account of a collection of cryp- togamiu plants from the Ionian Islands. Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 335-348. 15. On the economical uses of the marine Alga?, or Sea Weeds. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 345-349. 16. Description of some new Mosses dis- covered in South America by Dr. GILLIES. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, pp. 1-4. 17. Description of two new species of Marine Alfi,'aj. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. ILL, 1831, pp. 148-150, 337-339. 18. On the botanical characters of the British Oaks. [1841.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. I., 1 844, pp. 65-69. 19. Note on Fucus Mackaii, Turner. Phy- tologist, I., 1844, pp. 465-466. GRE] 13 [GRE Greville, Robert Kaye. 2O. Notice of a new species of Dawsonia (D. superba). Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1847, p. 226 ; Eclinb. Bot, Soc. Trans. III., 1850, pp. 9-10. 21. Notice of two new species of Ferns belonging to the genera Oleandra (O. Sibbaldii) and Polypodium (Grammitis blechnoides). Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1848, pp. 326-328 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. III., 1850, pp. 49-50. 22. Notice of a new species of Antro- phyum (A. Grevillii). Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 10-11 ; Edinb. 'Bot. Soc. Trans. III., 1850, pp. 63-64. 23. Algae Orientales. — Descriptions of new species belonging to the genus Sargassum. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 203-206, 274- 277, 431-434 ; III., pp. 106-109, 216-219, 254- 257, 503-506; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans, in., 1850, pp. 85-102, 229-232. 24. Notice of a new species of Spiridens (S. Eeinwardtii). [1848.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. III., 1850, pp. 47-48. 25. Kemarks on some Algre belonging to the genus Caulerpa. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. IV., 1853, pp. 197-199 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1853, pp. 1-4. 26. Notice of a discovery of Desmarestia Dresnayi on the coast of Ireland. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1854, pp. 292-294 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 1-2. 27. Notice of a new species of Caulerpa (C. superba). Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 197-198 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, p. 11. 28. Report on a collection of Diatomaceffi made in the district of Braemar by Professor BALFOUK and Mr. George LAWSOX. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 252-261 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1855, pp. 7-9 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 45-54. 29. Description of some new diatomaceous forms from the West Indies. Journ. Microsc. Sci. V., 1857, pp. 7-12. 3O. Descriptions of new species of British Diatoniacere, chiefly observed by the late Prof. GREGORY. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 79-86. 31. Note on a structure observed in Suri- rella. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 116- 117. 32. Descriptions of Diatomacea? observed in Californian guano. Journ. Microsc, Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 155-166; Edinb. Bot, Soc. Trans. VI., 1860, pp. 245-249; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. X., 1859, pp. 25-30. 33. On Plagiograuima, a new genus of Diatomaceae. Jouru. Microsc. Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 207-21 U Greville, Robert Kai/c. 34. On Campylodiscus, &c. Microsc. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1860, pp. 29- 32. 35. A monograph of the genus Astero- lampra, including Asteroniphalus and Spatangi- dium. Microsc. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1860, pp. 102-124. • 36. Descriptions of new and rare Dia- toms. Microsc. Soc. Trans. IX., 1861, pp. 39-45, 67-73, 73-77, 79-87; X., 1862, pp. 18- 29, 89-96 ; XL, 1863, pp. 13-21, 62-76 ; XII., 1864, pp. 8-14 ; Microsc. Journ. II., 1862, pp. 231-236; III., 1863, pp. 13-21, 63-76, 226- 237. 37. On the Asterolarnpne of the Barbadoes deposit. Microsc. Soc. Trans. X., 1862, pp. 41-55. 38. Descriptions of new genera and species of Diatoms from the South Pacific. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 534- 543, 574-580; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII., 1863, pp. 35-43, 181-187. 39. A monograph of the genus Auliscus. Microsc. Soc. Journ. III., 1863, pp. 23-35. Greville, Robert Kaye, and G. A. JJ~. Arnott. Tentamen methodi Muscorum ; or, A new arrangement of the genera of Mosses with cha- racters, and observations on their distribution, history, and structure. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 109-150 ; V., pp. 42-89, 442-474. Greville, Robert Kaye, and W. J. Hooker. Sketch of the characters of the species of Mosses belonging to the genera Orthotrichium (includ- ing Schlotheimia, Micromitrion, and Ulota). Glyphomitrion, and Zygodon. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 110-133. 2. On the genus Tortula, of the order Musci. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 287-302. 3. On the genus Hookeria, Smith, of the order Musci. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 221-236. 4. On the genus Calymperes, Swartz, and Syrrhopodon, Schwaegrichen, of the order Musci. Edinb. Joum. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 218- 227. 5. Enumeratio Filicum. Hooker, Botan. Miscell. H, 1831, pp. 360-403 ; III, pp. 104-109, 216-232. 6. On a new species of Sarothera, Linn., with some observations on the genus and its affinities. Hooker, Botan. Miscell. III., 1833, pp. 232-237. • 7. Description of tivo new species of Peruvian ferns (Polypodium melanopium, Cryptogramma retrofracta). Hooker, Botan. Miscell. III., 1833, pp. 384-385. GRE] [GRI Greville, Robert Kayc, and W. J. Hooker. 8. Descriptions of two new species of Gynmo- gramma (G. elongata, G. flabellata) from Peru. Hooker's Journ. Botany, I., 1834, pp. 61-62. Greville, Robert North-more. Descriptions of two species of Trichius, supposed to be British (T. zonatus, Sc/tmidf, and T. fasciatus, Fab.). New- man, Zoologist, VI., 1848, pp. 2216-2217. G-revin, . Catalogue des plantes qui crois- sent naturellement dans le departement de la Loire. France, Congres Scient. 1841 (pte. 2). pp. 160-162. Grewingk, C. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der geo- gnostichen Beschafienheit Californiens. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1847, pp. 142- 162. 2. Beitrag znr Kenntniss der orographi- schen und geognostischen Bescbatfenheit der Nord-West-Kiiste Amerikas mit den anliegendeu Inseln. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1848-49, pp. 76-424. • 3. Ueber cine, im Souimer 1848 nnternom- mene Reise nach der Halbiusel Kanin am nord- lichen Eismeere. [1849.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1850, col 44-48. 4. Die geoguostischen und orographischen Verhaltnisse des nordlichen Persiens. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1852-53, pp. 97- 244. 5. Die Smaragd-Grruben des Ural uud ihre Utngebung. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1854, pp. 206-233. 6. Einiges iiber die Ergebnisse der Arbeit- en im N. W. silurischen Gebiete Russlands. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Natf. Ver. VIII., 1855, pp. 145-162. 7. Der Zechstein in Lithauen uud Kurland. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IX., 1859, pp. 163-166. Grey, Sandstein-Pfeiler und Hohlen im uordwestlichen Australien. (TransL) Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1844, col. 293-294. Grey, George. On the meteorology of the island of Teneritfe. Meteorol. Soc. Trans. I., 1839, pp. 78-82. Greyerz, — • ron. Ueber das Lebcn der Walder. Bern, Mittheil. 1843, pp. 33-40. 2. Ueber das Vorkommen und Verhalten der Kicfern (Dahlen) und derBirkeu; beziiglich auf Deutschland und die Schweiz. Bern, Mit- theil. 1844, pp. 100-108. 3. Ueber das sogenannte Ueberwallen der Weisstannenstocke. Bern, Mitheil. 1844, pp. 177-196. 4. Ueber Acclimatisirung exotischer Holz- arten in Beziehung auf Forstkultur. Bern, Mittheil. 1845, pp. 48-84. Grez, R. P. Ueber den Matlockit, ein neues Oxychlorid des Bleis. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 124-125. [ Vide supra Greg.] Griepeukerl, Fr. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Luft in den Eiern. Liebig, Annal. XLI., 1842, pp. 121-122. — — 2. Die Kartoffelkrankheit und ihre Bezieh- ung zu den anorganischen Aschenbestand- theileu. Liebig, Annal. LXEX., 1849, pp. 354- 359. 3. Aschenanalyse der Stangel und Blatter von Schnittsalat. Liebig, AnnaL LXLX., 1849, p. 360. 4. Aschenanalyse der Runkelriibe (Beta cicla altissima). Liebig, Annal. LXIX., 1849, pp. 360-361. Griepenkerl, O. Das Mutterkorn des Roggens, dor Trespe und anderer Gramineen. Casper, Vierteljahrsschrift, XIII., 1858, pp. 1-71. Grierson, D. Note on the climate of Kurra- chee. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. V., 1859, pp. iv-ix. Grierson, James. Mineralogical observations made iu the Highlands of Scotland. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1813, pp. 28-32. 2. On transition rocks. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1813, pp. 103-109. 3. Reply to Mr. ALLAN'S additional obser- vations on transition rocks. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IH., 1814, pp. 286-296. 4. Mineralogical observations in Galloway. Thomson, Ann. Phil. III., 1814, pp. 420-429 ; Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. II., 1811-16, pp. 373-391. 5. Notes of a mineralogical excursion to the Giant's Causeway. Thomson, Ann. Phil. JX., 1817, pp. 118-124. 6. Account of some sandstone petrifac- tions found near Edinburgh. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 156-166. 7. Some observations on the natural his- tory of the Mole. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 218-236. 8. General observations on Geology and Geognosy, and the nature of these respective studies. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. V., 1823-24, pp. 401-410. 9. On Footsteps before the Flood, in a specimen of Red Sandstone. [1827.] Edinb. Jouru. Sci. VHL, 1828, pp. 130-134. Gries, J. E. Botanische Excursionsbeschrcibung nach den Gegenden des Teunengebirgs im Jahr 1832. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 249-254. Gries, P. J. Meine botanischen Wanderungen auf den Radstadter Tauern. Flora, XXII., 1839, pp. 641-652, 657-664. GRI] 15 [GEI Griesbach, Alex. IVm. On the existence of Natural Genera. Entorn. Mag. I., 1833, pp. 296-301. — — 2. Note on the economy of Cypriuus vil- losus. Entom. Mag. IV., 1837, p. 254. Griesinger, W. Ueber psychische Reflexac- tionen. Mit einem Blick auf des VVesen der psychischen Krankheiten. Roser u. Wunder- lich, Archiv, II.. 1843, pp. 76-113. 2. Neue Beitrage zur Physiologie und Pathologic des Gehirns. Koser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, in., 1844, pp. 69-98. • 3. Ueber die pathologische Anatomie des in Egypten vorkommenden biliiisen Typhoids. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 318-337. i 4. Zur Leukiimie uud Pyamie. Virchow, Archiv, V., 1853, pp. 391-401. Griess, Peter. On new nitrogenous derivatives of the phenyl and benzoyl series. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 594-597. 2. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber die Einwirkung von salpetriger Saure auf Amidinit.ro- und Amiuitrophenylsaure. Liebig, Annal. CVI., 1858, pp. 123-125. — — 3. Ueber zwei neue Abkomndinge der Phenylsiiure. Liebig, Aunal. CIX., 1859, pp. 286-295. 4. On a new method of substitution; and on the formation of iodobenzoic, iodotoluylic, and iodanisic acids. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859- 60, pp. 309-311 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXI.. 1860, pp. 106-108 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 900-902. —— 5. New compounds produced by the sub- stitution of nitrogen for hydrogen. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 591-594 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVII., 1859, pp. 226-231 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 77-81. 6. On a new class of organic bases, in which nitrogeu is substituted for hydrogen. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 263-266 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIX., 1860, pp. 208-211; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 389- 390 ; Liebig, Amial. CXIIL, 1860, pp. 201- 217, 334-338; CXVIL, 1861, pp. 1-67; (Suppl. 1), 1861, pp. 100-104; CXXL, 1862, pp. 256-280 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1030-1033. 7. Reproduction of non-nitrogenous acids from amidic acids. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860- 62, pp. 266-271. 8. Note on ethylene-dichloride of platinum. Roy. Soc. Proc. XI., 1860-62, pp. 509-512. 9. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber Diazobenzoe- siiure. Liebig, Annal. CXX., 1861, pp. 125- 128. 10. Notiz iiber neue Korper aus der Ben- zoesauri'gruppe. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 97-99. Griess, Peter. 11. On some new compounds obtained by nitrogen substitution and new alco- hols derived therefrom. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 418-420; Erleumeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 449-451. Griess, Peter, und* A. Leibius. Notiz iiber die Verbindungen des Cyans mit den Amidosiiuren. Liebig, Annal. CXIII., 1860, pp. 332-334; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIL, 1860, pp. 390- 391. Griess, Peter, et C. A. Martins. Note sur 1'ethylene-chloride de platine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 922-925 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVL, 1862, pp. 427-429 ; Liebig, Anual. CXX., 1861, pp. 324-328. Griesselich, Lurlwir/. Plantarum rariorum et minus cognitariuu fasciculus. Linnrea, V., 1830, pp. 411-422. 2. Pflanzen-Genera und Species, deren Recht als solche unbegriindet 1st. Liebig, Annal. ILL, 1832, pp. 227-244, 362-365. 3. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Tyroler Pflanzen. Flora, XXI., 1838, pp. 248-254. 4. Thesium fulvipes, eine neue und gute Species aus Oesterreich. Flora, XXIL, 1839, pp. 17-21. Grieve, John, and David Robertson. Ou the distribution of marine Algre on the C. L. T. buoys in the Clyde. [1862.] Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. V., 1864, pp. 121-126. Griewank, C. Verzeichniss der im "Klutzer Ort" vorkommenden selteueren Pflanzen Mek- lenburgs. Meklenburg, Archiv, L, 1847, pp. 18-26. 2. Kurze Beschrcibung der Gegend von Dassow in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, nebst eLaern Verzeichnisse der vorziiglichsten diese Gegend characterisirenden phanerogamischen Pjanzen. Botan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 449-455. 3. Ueber den Lepturus incurvatus, Trinius, (gekriimmter Fadenschwanz) auf dem Priwall. Meklenburg, Archiv, V., 1851, pp. 159-162. Griffin, Charles. Homogeneous attraction of electricity. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. III., 1838- 39, pp. 36-45. 2. Why do electrized bodies recede from one another ? Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. ILL, 1838-39, pp. 126-132 ; VIII., 1842, pp. 1-18. 3. Description of an electrical unit iar. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. Ill,, 1838-39, pp. 409- 413. Griffin, Daniel. On the whirlwind which passed over Limerick, 5th October 1851. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 225-229. Griffin, Frederick W. On the composition of bank-note slag. Pharmaceut. Journ. XV., 1856, pp. 353-357, 432 ; Chemist, III., 1856, pp. 350- 356. GRI] 16 [GRI Griffin, Frederick W. 2. On the examination of the silver and baryta precipitates in the qualitative search for acids. Chemist, IV., 1857, pp. 449-451. 3. Effects of the presence of sulphur in coal gas. Fharmaceut. Jourii. XVI., 1857, pp. 166-167, 323-327. Griffin, John Joseph. On a new method of crys- tallographic notation. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 88-89 ; Chemist, I., 1840, p. 330. 2. Greenockit, ein neues Mineral bei Glas- gow. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1840, p. 687. 3. On an improved method of preparing oxygen gas. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1841- 44, pp. 44-46. 4. Description of an apparatus for exhi- biting the formation of water by the combustion of hydrogen gas in atmospheric air. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1841-44, pp. 46-47. 5. On the statical relations of the "ases. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1841-44, pp. 53-58. 6. On a new kind of charcoal support for blowpipe experiments. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1841-44, pp. 158-163. 7. On the constitution of aqueous solutions of acids and alkalies. [1846.] Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 155-198 ; Phil. Mag. XXIX., 1846, pp. 289-310, 444-467. 8. Description of an Ammoniameter. [1850.] Chem. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, pp. 206- 209. 9. Description of a patent blast gas fur- nace. Chemical News, I., 1860, pp. 27-29. 40- 41. Griffin, R. Some remarks on the internal struc- ture of the Platypus auatinus (Ornithorhynchus paradoxus, Blum,). Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1831, p. 93. Griffin, William. Observations on the application of Mathematics to the science of Medicine. Dublin, Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. XX., 1842, pp. 200-237. Griffith, . Memorandum regarding Salmo orientalis or Bamean trout. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. III., 1843, pp. 283-285. Griffith, Joint. IJ'm. On the dotted vessels of Ferns. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 169-171. 2. Critical examination of Dr. STARR'S observations on the urine of pregnancy. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. II., 1 842, pp. 563- 567. 3. Observations on the formation of the pitted tissue of plants, with one or two remarks on the analogy between the blood discs in ani- mals and the starch particles in vegetables. Ann. Nat. Hist. XI., 1843, pp. 95-102. 4. On the blood and fibre. Ann. Nat. Griffith, John Win. 5. On the sacculi of the Polygastrica. Ann. Nat. Hist. XI., 1843, pp. 438-447. 6. On the different modes of preserving microscopic objects. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 113-117 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVIIL, 1843, col. 33-38. 7. Additional observations on the poly- gastric sacculi. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 178-180. 8. Means of remedying the defect of arti- ficial light in working with the microscope. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, p. 481. 9. On iodine in the urine. Chemical Gazette, II., 1844, pp. 5-6. 1O. Analyse der Hydatidenfliissigkeit. Heller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 229-231. • 11. Observations on some points in the chemistry of the urine. Chemist, VII., 1846, p. 67 ; Heller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 95-96. 12. On the triple or amnionio-magnesian phosphates occurring in the urine and other animal fluids. Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 373- 375. 13. On Galliouella ferruginea, Ehrenb. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1853, pp. 438-439. 14. On the relation of the angular aperture of the object-glasses of compound microscopes to their penetrating power and to oblique light. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 60-66. 15. On the conjugation of the Diatomaceas. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1855, pp. 92-94. Griffith, R. Etjlesfeld. Notes on Ipecacuanha. Philad. Coll. Pha'rm. Jouru. III., 1832, pp. 181- 196. 2. On Frasera Walteri. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. III., 1832, pp. 269-273. 3. On Spigelia Marilaudica. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. IV., 1833, pp. 1-9. 4. Notes on hydrocyanic acid. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. IV., 1833, pp. 17-25. 5. On Geranium maculatum. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. IV., 1833, pp. 89-94. 6. On Gilleuia trifoliata. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. IV., 1833, pp. 177-184. 7. On the Cacoucia coccinea. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. IV., 1833, pp. 186-188. • 8. Note on the CEnothera bienuis. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. IV., 1833, pp. 289-292. 9. On Chenopodium anthelniinticum. Phi- lad. Cull. Pharm. Jouru. V., 1834, pp. 177-181. 1O. On Acorus calamus. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. V., 1834, pp. 265-269. 11. On Eupatoriuin perfoliatum. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Jouru. VI., 1835, pp. 1-6. 12. On Conium maculatum. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. VI., 1835, pp. 267-271. 13. On Melia Azedarach. American Hist. XI., 1843, pp. 377-378. Journ. Pharm. I., 1836, pp. 177-182. GRI] 17 [GRI Griffith, R. Eglesfeld, 14. On the loniilium Marcucci. American Journ. Pharru. I., 1836, pp. 186-187. Griffith, Richard. Report relative to the moving boo- of Kilmaleady, in the King's County. Tifloch, Phil. Mag. LVIIL, 1821, pp. 70-73 ; Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. I., 1856-57, pp. 141- 144. 2. On the Geological Map of Ireland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836, pp. 56-58. 3. On the leading features of the Geology of Ireland, and more particularly the situation and extent of the great carboniferous or moun- tain limestone district, which occupies nearly two-thirds of the island. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838, pp. 88-90. 4. On the Syenite veins which traverse mica-slate at Goodland Cliff, and chalk at Torr Eskert, to the south of Fair Head in the county of Antrim. [1836.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 223-225 ; Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1840, pp. 179-186. 5. On the principle of colouring adopted for the Geological Map of Ireland, and on the geological structure of the south of Ireland. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. II., 1839. pp. 78-90. 6. On the true order of succession of the older stratified rocks, in the neighbourhood of Killarney and to the north of Dublin. Phil. Mag. XVI., 1840, pp. 161-175. 7. On Mr. WEAVER'S paper relative to the mineral structure of the south of Ireland. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1840, pp. 161-179. 8. Statement of the Fossils which have been discovered in the several members of the carboniferous or mountain limestone of Ireland, with a view to show the zoological identity of the whole series, together with a comparison of the Fossils which occur in the mountain limestone of Ireland with those which have been obtained from the same series in Great Britain, and also with the Fossils of North and South Devon. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842 (pt. 2), pp. 51-53. 9. On the geological relations of the several rocks of the south of Ireland. [1839.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 136-138. 10. On the distribution of Erratic Blocks in Ireland, and particularly those of the north coasts of the county of Sligo and Mayo. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 40-42. 11. On the lower portion of the carboni- ferous limestone series of Ireland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 42-46. 12. On the old red sandstone or Devonian and Silurian districts of Ireland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 46-49. VOL. III. Griffith, Richard. 13. On the occurrence of a bed of sand containing recent marine shells on the summit of a granite hill, and on the coast of the county of Mayo. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 50-51. 14. On certain Silurian districts of Ireland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), pp. 46-49. 15. Of the order of succession of the strata of the south of Ireland, with a particular refer- ence to the Killarney district of the county of Kerry. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Jouru. III., 1849, pp. 150-160. 16. On the lower members of the car- boniferous series of Ireland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1852 (pt. 2), p. 46. 17. On the copper beds of the south coast of the county of Cork. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1853-55, pp. 195-205. 18. Carte geologique de ITrlande. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 164-169. 19. Explanation of the principle of colour- ing of the Geological Map of Ireland. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855-57, pp. 294- 300. 20. Notes explanatory of the subdivisions of the carboniferous formation of Ireland, as laid down on his large Geological Map of Ire- land. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855- 57, pp. 267-276; Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 135-143. • 21. On the remains of fossil plants dis- covered in the yellow sandstone strata, situate at the base of the carboniferous limestone series of Ireland, in connexion with a communication on that subject received from M. Adolphe BRONGNIART. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. I., 1856-57, pp. 313-325. 22. On the relations of the rocks at or below the base of the carboniferous series of Ireland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 66-67. 23. Note on the stratigraphical relations of the sedimentary rocks of the south of Ireland, with special reference to the position of the strata of which the Glengariff and Dingle dis- tricts are composed, in comparison with certain doubtful classes of rocks in the north of Ireland. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Jouru. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 2-15; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 2-15. 24. On the occurrence of a rare form of Posidonia Becheri in the Calp of Rush, county of Dublin, and of Posidouia lateralis in the carboniferous slate of Kinsale, county of Cork. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 75-81 ; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.\ pp. 155-161. GEI] 18 [GRI Griffith, Richard. 25. Notice of an additional Permian locality in the county of Tyrone. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 173-176; Nat. Hist. Eeview, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 336-339. 26. The localities of the Irish carboniferous Fossils, arranged according to the stratigraphical subdivisions of the carboniferous system adopted in the Geological Map of Ireland, with the Irish mining localities, as appended to the " Synop- tical Table of Fossils," engraved on the margin of that Map, and as originally compiled for the use of the " General Valuation of Ireland." Dublin, Geol. Soc. Jouru. IX., 1860-62, pp. 21- 155. Griffith, William. Description of two genera of the family of Hamamelidea? (Bucklandia and Sedgwickia), two species of Podostemon (P. Wallichii, P. Griffithii), and one species of Kaulfussia (K. Assamica). Asiatick Researches, XIX., 1836, pp. 94-115; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1838, pp. 176-189; Hooker, Journ. Bot. II., 1840, pp. 375-378. 2. Description of some Grasses which form part of the vegetation in the Jheels of the dis- trict of Sylhet. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 570-574; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1838, pp. 571-575. 3. Some remarks on the developement of pollen. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 732-738. 4. Remarks on a collection of plants made at Sadiya, Upper Assam, from April to Septem- ber 1836. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 806-812. 5. On the family of Rhizophoreaj. Cal- cutta, Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. VIII., 1836, pp. 1-12 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Bot.), 1838, pp. 117- 124. 6. On a new genus of Scrophularineae (Synphyllium). Madras Jouru. IV., 1836, pp. 373-377; Bibl. Univ. XII, 1837, pp. 430- 431. — 7. Report on the Caoutchouc Tree of Assam. Bengal, Jouru. Asiat. Soc. VII., 1838, pp. 132-142; Bibl. Univ. XX., 1839, pp. 197- 200 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1839, col. 325-328 ; Liebig, Annal. XXXI., 1839, pp. 347-351. 8. Report on the Tea-plant of Upper Assam. India, Agric. Soc. Trans. V., 1838, pp. 94-180; Madras Journ. VIII., 1838, pp. 348-369. 9. Journal of the Mission which visited Bootan in 1837-38, under Captain R. Boileau PEMBERTON. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1840, pp. 119-125, 205-211, 405— 109. — 10. Extracts from a report on subjects connected with Affghanistan. Anil. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 190-196. Griffith, William. 11. Muscologia Itineris As- samici ; or, a description of Mosses, collected during the journey of the Assam Deputation, in the years 1835 and 1836. Calcutta, Journ. Nat, Hist. II., 1842, pp. 465-514 ; III, pp. 56-75, 270-282. 12. Remarks on a few plants from Central India, Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. III., 1843. pp. 361-367. 13. [Observations on Mr. V. EYRE'S " Remarks on Shrubs collected in Affghan- istan."] India, Agric. Soc. Journ. II., 1843, pp. 98-99. 14. On some remarkable plants in the H. C. Botanic Gardens, Calcutta. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1844, pp. 231-256, 15. On some plants, mostly undescribed, in the H. C. Botanic Gardens, Calcutta. Cal- cutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1844, pp. 375- 390. 16. On the Black-Dye Plant of the Shans ; and on the Gutta Percha or Gutta Tuban. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. III., 1844, pp. 143- 149. 17. On Azolla and Salvinia. Calcutta, Journ. Nat, Hist, V., 1845, pp. 227-273 ; Flora, XXIX., 1846, pp. 481-494, 497-508, 513-524. 18. The Palms of British East India. Calcutta, Jom-n. Nat. Hist. V., 1845, pp. 1-103, 311-355,445-491. 19. On the ovulum of Santaluin, Osyris, Loranthus, and Viscum. [1843.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1845, pp. 171-214; Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 168-171, 223. 20. On the root parasites referred by authors to Rhizanthess, and on various plants related to them. [1843-44.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1845, pp. 303-348 ; Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 216-221 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VH. (Bot.), 1847, pp. 302-352; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1847. col. 198-202. 21. Note on the developement of the ovulum of Osyris. [1844.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1845, pp. 487-488. 22. Observations of M. RASPAIL on the Chara : mode of preparation. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist, VI., 1846, pp. 75-76. 23. Notes on the botanical geography of the Tenasserim Coast. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1 848, pp. 72-86. 24. On the developement of the ovulum in Aviceunia. Linn. Soc. Proc, I., 1849, pp. 223- 225; Linn. Soc. Trans. XX., 1851, pp. 1-8; Ann. Sci. Nat. VH. (Bot.), 1847, pp. 5-12; Flora, XXX., 1847, pp. 689-693. 25. On the Ambrosinia ciliata, Roxl>. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 263-267 ; Linn. Soc. Trans. XX., 1851, pp. 263-276. GRI] 19 [GRI Griffith, IJ'illiam. 26. On the anatomy of Eriocaulonere. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 271-273. 27. Ou the structure of the ascidia and stomata of Dischidia Eafflesiana, JJ'till. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 184-9, pp. 279-280. 28. On the seeds of Careya, Roxb. Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, pp. 280-281. 29. On the impregnation of Dischidia, Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 324-325 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1848, pp. 22-24 ; Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1848, col. 193-195. 30. On the Indian species of Balanophora, and on a new genus of the family Balanophorese [1844.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XX., 1851, pp. 93- 108. 31. Some account of the botanical col- lection, brought from the eastward, in 1841, by Dr. CANTOR. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Jouru. XXIII., 1854, pp. 623-650. . 32. On some plants in the H. C. Botanic Gardens. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1855, pp. 345-373. 33. Remarks on Gnetuni. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1859, pp. 299-312. Griffiths, J. Description of a rare species of Worm Shells, discovered at an island lying off the N. W. coast of the island of Sumatra. Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 269-275. Griffiths, John. Note on the nine-points circle. Messenger of Mathem. II., 1864, pp. 220-221 ; Nouv. Ann. Math. II., 1863, pp. 339-340. Griffiths, Mary. Observations on the vision of the retina. Phil. Mag. IV., 1834, pp. 43-46 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1834, col. 177-181. 2. Observations on the spectra of the eye and the seat of vision. Phil. Mag. V., 1834, pp. 192-196 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXILL, 1834, pp. 477-479. 3. On the halo or fringe which surrounds all bodies. Silliman, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, pp. 22-32. Griffiths, Thomas. Experiments on the propor- tion of charcoal obtained from woods having a greater specific gravity than Box. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVI., 1823, pp. 264-265. 2. An account of an electrical arrangement produced with different charcoals, and one con- ducting fluid. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVII., 1824, pp. 174-175; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1824, col. 198-200. 3. On the-boiling points of saturated solu- tions. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, pp. 89-91 ; Baumgartner, Zeitschr. I., 1826, pp. 291-295. 4. On the hygrometric properties of inso- luble and difficultly-soluble compounds. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 92-96. Griffiths, Thomas. 5. Experiments on the action of water upon glass, with some obser- vations on its slow decomposition. Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 259-264 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIV., 1826, pp. 331-336 ; Gill, Tech. Eep. IX., 1826, pp. 71-76. • 6. Bemerkungen viber die Krystallisatiou der Salze. (Transl.) Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXIV., 1837, pp. 59-60; Liebig, Annal. XXII., 1837, pp. 210-212. Griffiths, JJ"illiam. On the alloys of gold and silver used in the manufacture of jewelry, plate, &c., with an exposition of the various frauds practised therein. Chemist, I., 1849-50, pp. 208-210, 269-273, 308-310, 358-360, 406- 408, 552-554. Grignon, . Erfahrungen und Betracht- ungen iiber den Eisenamianth und den natiir- lichen, iiber die Wirkungen der Vulkane und iiber das vorgeblich gediegene Eisen. Crell, Chem. Annal. II., 1804, pp. 135-147, 230-254. Grill, . Zur Naturgeschichte des Corvus caryocatactes. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaud. Vlil., 1858, pp. 427-428. Grill, Gust. Om svalans hibernation. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, VII., 1850, pp. 6-11. Grill, J. W. Cossus ligniperda i lefvande djur. Stockholm, Ofversigt, II., 1845, pp. 12-13. 2. Katt som uppfodt ekorrar. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, II., 1845, pp. 13-14. 3. Om ekorrens vintersomn. Stockholm, Ofversigt, II., 1845, pp. 123-126. 4. Tarn Lo, uppfodd af en katta. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, VIII., 1851, pp. 54-60. 5. Lemning af Uroxen i Ostergotland. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 37-39. 6. Om den harlosa hiistracen. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 385-387; Halle, Zeit- schr. Gesamnit. Natunv. XIV.. 1859, pp. 8-11. 7. Mein Hermeliu. Frankfurt, Der Zool Garten, III., 1862, pp. 228-233. - — • 8. Om Hornfallniug hos en Ko. Stock- holm. Ofversigt, XIX., 1862, p. 87. — 9. Om Stor-Lommen, Colymbus arcticus. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIX., 1862, pp. 361-362. 1O. Om den s.k. hvitspoliga FiskmSsen. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIX., 1862, pp. 399- 402. 11. Beobachtungen an gefangenen Thieren. Frankfurt, Der Zool. Garten, IV., 1863, pp. 8-12, 36-40, 55-56. 12. Beobachtungen an gefaugeuen Vogeln. Frankfurt, Der Zool. Garten, IV., 1863, pp. 184-186. 13. Om en sSngsvan i fangenskap. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, XX., 1863, pp. 27-29. Grillenzoni, Carlo. Sopra un caso di emiace- falia nella specie umaua. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1841, pp. 45-60, 81-125. c 2 GRI] 20 [GRI Grillet, //. Methode elementaire pour resoudre quelques questions sur les maximums. Nouv. Ann. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 70-73. Grillet, J. H. Sur les exponentielles successives d'EuLEK et les logarithmes des differents ordres des nombres. Liouville, Journ. Math. X., 1845, pp. 233-241. 2. Construction des caustiqucs par re- flexion snr les courbes planes, le point lunrineux etant dans le plan de la courbe. Liouville, Journ. Math. XI., 1846, p. 104. Grillo, Antonio. Anatomia patologica. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 247-251. 2. Sulla cistifellea uraaua, e su di alcune sue particolari affezioni. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 371-377. 3. Memoria anatomico-fisiologica sul cer- vello umano. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 378-381. Grillo, Fr. Ueber lebendig, in harte Massen eiugeschlossen gefundene Thiere. Voigt, Ma- gazin, I., 1799, pp. 32-34. 2. Nachtrag zum vorigen Artikel, uebst einer andern geognostischeu Merkwiirdigkeit. Voigt, Magazin, I., 1799, pp. 34-36. Grillo, Stephana. Demonstration elementaire des aires des deux ellipsoides de revolution. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVII., 1858, pp. 272-274. Grimaldi, Francesco. Saggio di alcune nuove ricerche aualitiche sulle superficie di secondo ordine. Napoli, Reudiconto, II., 1843, pp. 169- 170. . 2. Degli assi principal!. Napoli, Rendi- conto, VIII., 1849, pp. 141-147. Grimaldi, Gabrirllo. Memorie sopra gl' insetti dell' Olivo. [1824.] Lucca, Atti Accad. IV., 1828, pp. 1-116. — — 2. Memorie sul magiietisnio in moto. [1827.] Lucca, Atti Accad. V., 1829, pp. 1- 87. 3. Memoria sulla Fiainma, [1827.] Lucca, Atti Accad. VI., 1830, pp. 1-39. 4. Memoria sopra un singolare moto di rotazione. [1828.] Lucca, Atti Accad. VI., 1830, pp. 41-64. 5. Memoria della decomposizione della luce per mezzo del moto. [1829.] Lucca, Atti Accad. VI., 1830, pp. 69-88. 6. Memoria sopra un feuomeno pneu- matico. Lucca, Atti Accad. VII., 1831, pp. 187-207. Grimaldi, Giuseppe Ccvu. Elogio di Teodoro MONTICELLI. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. V., 1843 (pte. 1, App.), pp. 39-55. Gritnaud, Aime. Note sur une imperforation de 1'anus. Journ. de Mod. IX., 1820, pp. 50-52. Grimaud de Caiix, G. Sur Fanimal de la pourpre des ancieus. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VIII., 1856, pp. 36-42. Grimaud de Caux, G. 2. Entomologie appli- quee : La question des soies. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XL, 1859, pp. 163-178. 3. Note sur la constitution physique de la lagune de Venise, et sur les moyens qu'elle suggere pour restituer la Tamise dans les con- ditions de salubrite. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 147-148. 4. De I'ameuagement et de la conservation de 1'eau de la pluie, pour les besoins de 1'economie domestique, dans les habitations rurales et dans les communes depourvues d'eau de source et de riviere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 490-492. 5. Note sur le climat de la ville de Vieune (Autriche). Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 45-49. 6. Note sur la topographic et le uivelle- ment de 1'isthme de Corinthc. Etat actuel des travaux qui avaient etc entrepris par les Ro- mains pour unir les deux mers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 929-932. 7. Deuxieme note sur 1'isthme deCorinthe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 195- 198. 8. Troisieme note sur 1'isthnae de Coriuthe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 388- 392. 9. De la presence du carbonate de chaux dans les eaux publiqucs. Paris, Comptes Reu- dus, LV., 1862, pp. 596-599. 1O. Des eaux publiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 215-219. 11. Du climat et en particulier des lieux de Venise. Paris, Comptes Reudus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 89-92. Grimaud de Caux, G., et Gruby. Description anatomique de 1'organe qui fournit la liqueur purpurigene dans le Murex brandaris, et analyse microscopique de cette liqueur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 1007-1009. Grimburg, Franz von. Besteigung des Hochgol- ling's. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VII., 1857, pp. 294-296, 302-303, 310-3J3, 318-320, 326- 328. 2. St. Pollen's Umgebuug, in geoguos- tischer, pflanzen-geographischer und okono- mischer Beziehung. Wien, Zool. Bot. Vei-. Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Abh.), pp. 245-256. Grimelli, Geminiano. Intorno all' iride [dell' occhio]. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1841, pp. 5-20. 2. Lettera intoruo alle coutrazioni che pro- duconsi nell' atto del chiudere, non che in quello di aprire il circuito prettameute nerveo-muscu- lare della rana. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1843, pp. 94-103, 104-128. 3. Memoria sul galvanismo. [1845.] Bo- logna, Nov. Comment. X., 1849, pp. 1-194. GUI] Grimelli, Gvmutiniio. 4. II mal di niare esami- nato nelT uomo c nel cavallo per prevenirlo e curarlo nell' uno e nell' altro, specialmente su o-li imbnrchi degli eserciti. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXI., 1855, pp. 231-235. Grimes, Edward. Observations on the flints of Warwickshire. [1823.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 77-80. Grimm, Arno. Ueber JoJamyl, und dessen Ein- wirkung auf Zinnnatrium. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXII., 1854, pp. 385-414. 2. Bemerkungen iiber die anordneude Thiitigkeit der Diluvialgebilde. Lotos, V., 1855, p. 151. Grimm, Arno, und Bamdohr. Ueber die Ein- wirkung der concentrirten Schwefelsiiure auf Blutlaugensalz. Liebig, Annal. XCVIII., 1856, pp. 127-131. Grimm, B. Die Myrmecophilen in Berlin's niichster Umgebung. Stettin, Entom. Zeit, VI., 1845, pp. 123-128, 131-136. ' 2. [Beschreibung von Hister ruficoruis, einer neuer Species.] Stettin, Entom. Zeit. 1852, pp. 221-223. Grimm, C. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Platin- basen. Liebig, Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 67- 94 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 420-425. 2. Ein neues Platiusalz. Liebig, Anna!. XCIX., 1856, pp. 95-96. 3. Ueber das Vorkominen von Essigsiiure unter den Destillatioiisproducten des Amerikan- ischen Fichtenharzes. Liebig, Annal. CVIL, 1858, pp. 255-256. Grimm, «/. A'. P. Ueber den Ursprung des unterirdisclien Wassers. Gilbert, Annal. II., 1799, pp. 336-346. 2. Beschreibung der grossen Electrisir- Maschine des Herzogs HETXEICH von WURTEM- BEEG. Gilbert, Annal. IV., 1800, pp. 359- 363. 3. Beschreibung eines vom Herrn Mecha- nicus KLINGEKT in Breslau angegebenen und verfertigten Eudiometers. Gilbert, Annal. V., 1800, pp. 184-190. 4. Einige Versuche mit VOLTA'S Siiule ; 21 [GBJ dass Electricitiit die thierische Ausdiinstung ver- mehrt ; 1st Wasser ein Nichtleiter der Warme ? Gilbert, Annal. VII., 1801, pp. 348-362. 5. [Ueber KLINGER'S galvanische Batterie nach CRUIKSHANK'S Anordnung.] Gilbert, An- nal. VILL, 1801, pp. 133-135. 6. Versuche mit einer VOLTAISCHEN S;iule von 495 Lagen. Gilbert, Annal. XL, 1802, pp. 222—229. Grimm, Johann. Der Berg Biidoshegy. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1837, pp. 10-23. Grimm, Johann. 2. Alaunfels und dessen Ge- winnung in Ungarn. Leouhard u. Brouu, N. Jahrb. 1837, p. 554. 3. Bemerkungen iiber die geognostischen und bergbaulichen Verhaltnisse von Vorospatak. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1852 (Heft. 3), pp. 54- 66. 4. Ueber das Vorkommen der goldfuhr- enden Diluvial- und Alluvial- Ablagerungen (Goldseifenwerke) in Siebenbuvgen, Ungarn und Bohmen, und iiber ihre bergmiinuische Bedeut- ung. Oesterreich. Zeitschr. Bergw. II., 1854, pp. 91-94, 98-100, 108-111. 5. Die Erzniederlage bei Pfibram in Boh- men. Leoben, Berg. u. Hiitt. Jahrb. V., 1856, pp. 93-168 ; XL, pp. 208-219 ; XII., 1863, pp. 166-179. 6. Ueber die Erzniederlage und den Berg- bau zu Faczebaja in Siebenbiirgen. Leoben, Berg. u. Hiitt. Jahrb. VI., 1857, pp. 29-53. 7. Zur Kenntniss der geognostischen und bergbaulichen Verhaltnisse des Bergwerkes Nagyag in Siebenbiirgen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VIII., 1857, pp. 709-721. 8. Die Kupfererzlagerstatten im nordost- lichen Thcile Bohmens. Leoben, Berg. u. Hiitt. Jahrb. VII., 1858, pp. 79-98. 9. Die Antirnonlagerstatten bei Mileschau und Schonberg (Krasna hora) in Bohmen. Oesterreich. Zeitschr. Bergw. VIII., I860, pp. 3-6. Grimshaw, JJ'rigly. On a new air thermometer. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 405-406. Grindel, Dai-id Hicronymiis. Ueber die Phos- phorsiiure. Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. I., 1803, pp. 94-110. 2. Ueber das sogenannte Eiseuol (fliissiges sa'lzsaures Eisen, Oleum martis, Ferrum muria- ticum). Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. I., 1803, pp. 110-123. 3. Bemerkungen iiber den Schwefeluther (Vitriolather, Naphta vitriol! ). Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. I., 1803, pp. 134-143. 4. Anzeige der officiuellen Pflauzen, die bei Riga wachsen, und solcher, die zum pharma- ceutischeu Gebrauch leicht gezogen werdeu kSnnen. Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. I., 1803, pp. 144-175. 5. Ueber das salzsaure Eisen. Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. II., 1804, pp. 68-87. 6. Ueber das kohlensaure Kali. Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. II., 1804, pp. 88-100. 7. Fortgesetzte Versuche iiber die Bereit- un" der Phosphorsaure aus dem Phosphor. Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. II., 1804, pp. 106- 115. GUI] 22 [GRI 3-rindel, David Hieronymus. 8. Observations on the Prussia Acid, and the production of a Pyrophorus by the Prussiate of Iron. ( Trawl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1804, pp. 151- 153. 9. Versuche fiber den leichten Salziither nach Herrn BASSE. Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. III., 1805, pp. 121-136. 10. Ueber den Hoffinann'schen spiessglanz- haltigen Schwefelkalk (Calx sulphurata anti- mon. Hoff.). Grindel, Ruse. Jahrb. Pharm. III., 1805, pp. 136-144. 11. Ueber die Priifung der Talkerde auf Kalk und iiber die vermeintliche Alkalitat. Grindel, Kuss. Jahrb. Pharm. V., 1807, pp. 149- 160. 12. Anzeige einer Minoralquclle in Kur- land. Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. V., 1807, pp. 176-179. 13. Versuche fiber die Entdeckung des Arseniks im Spiessglanzerz (Antimonium cru- dum) und in einigen Spiessglanz-Praparaten. Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. VI., 1808, pp. 159-168. 14. Anzeige eines arsenikhaltigen Zinnes. Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. VI., 1808, pp. 168-172. 15. Einige Untersuchungen iiber das sog- enannte Chinasalz (Sal essentialc chinos), und Versuch einer Charakteristik der Chinasaure znm Unterschiede von der Gallussiiure. Grin- del, Russ. Jahrb. Phann. VI., 1808, pp. 172- 203. 16. Kiinstliche Erzeugung des Blutes und Versuch einer Theorie iiber die Bildung desselb- en im lebenden thierischen Korper. Hufeland. Journ. Arzu. XXXII., 1811, pp. 24-52. 17. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Hy- drocyansaure. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LIX., 1824 (Suppl.), pp. 27-47. • 18. Untersuchungen eines See-(Schwefel-) Schlammbades. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXVH., 1828 (pte. 5), pp. 26-34. Grindel, David Hieronymus, und Dyrsen. Be- merkungen iiber das Schwcfel-Wasserstoff-Am- moniak (Aqua ammoniaca hepatica). Grindel, Russ. Jahrb. Pharm. I., 1803, pp. 85-93. Grindel, David Hieronymus, und Parrot. Ver- suche iiber die vegetabilische Kohle. Scherer, Journ. Chernie, IV., 1800, pp. 437-457. • 2. Versuch einer Erklarung der faul- nisswidrigen Eigenschaft der Kohle. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, V., 1800, pp. 384-389. 3. Ueber die Natur der Kohle und Gris, Arthur. Recherches microscopiques sur la Chlorophylle. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Bot.), 1857, pp. 179-219. 2. Des rapports du nucleus avec la Chlo- rophylle. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 154-156. - 3. Note sur quelques cas de moustruosite et specialement sur la Rose verte. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1858, pp. 76-83 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 261-263. 4. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Cannacee du Bivsil, Stromanthe porteana. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1858, pp. 185-191. 5. Note sur quelques cas de monstruosite observes sur le Philadelphus speciosus. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 330-332. 6. Note sur des grains de fecule observes dans I'Aglaonema simplex. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 630-632. 7. Nouvelles observations sur les grains de fecule de 1'Aglaoncma simplex. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 104-105. 8. Note sur les modifications, de structure de la fecule dans albumen des graiues en voie de germination. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 195-198. 9. Quelques observations sur la flour des Cannees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 261-264. 1O. Note sur quelques cas remarquables der Verkohlung. Voigt, Magazin, III., 1801, pp. 217-229. Grindler, . Der Stickstoff in alien Vegeta- bilien. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. XXXI., 1810 (Eft. 12), pp. 91-93. de Pelorie dans le genre Ziugiber. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 346-348; Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.), 1859, pp. 265-268. 11. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Stromanthe (Stromanthe setosa. A. Gris, Phry- nium setosuru, Roscoc). Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 348-349. 12. Sur mi fruit de Stromanthe sanguinea obtenu dans les serres du Museum an moyen de la fecondation artificielle. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 408-409. 13. Note sur le fruit et la graine des Ma- ranta indica, Thalia denlbata, et Calathea villosa. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot, VI., 1859, pp. 737-739. 14. Note sur les grains de fecule coutenus dans 1'albumen des graines du Zea mays et du Coix lacrima. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 771-774. 15. Observations sur la fleur des Ma- rantees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 555-558 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.), 1859, pp. 193-219. 16. Du developpement de la fecule et en particulier de sa resorption dans 1'albumeu des gvaines en germination. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Bot.), I860, pp. 106-144. GUI] 23 [GRI Gris, Arthur. 17. Origine et mode de forma- tion des canaux perisperrniques dans les Ma- rantbes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 237-239; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Bot.}, 1860, pp. 97-102. 18. Note sur une plante qui constitue pro- bablement un nouveau genre de la tribu des Marantees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 320-322. 19. Origine des canaux perispermiques dans le Tbalia dealbata. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, p. 875. 2O. Note sur la fecule du Riz. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 876-878. 21. Sur le developpement de la graine du Ricin. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIU., 1861, pp. 725-727 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. 1861 (Bot.), pp. 5-9. 22. Note sur le systeme tegumentaire de la graine du Riciu. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 433-434; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII. (Bot.), 1862, pp. 312-318. 23. Note sur le developpement de 1'Aleu- rone dans les graines de quelques legumineuses. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 466-469. 24. De I'organi&ation du scutelle dans le Ma'is, et de son role pendant la germination. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 90-93. 25. Note pour servir a 1'histoire physiolo- gique de la germination. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 182-184. 26. Recherches concernant les f'onctions des vaisseaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1048-1050 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX., 1863 (Bot.), pp. 201-203. 27. Nouvelles observations sur la struc- ture et les fonctions des vaisseaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1223-1225 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX., 1863 (Bot.), pp. 206- 300. Gris, Arthur, et Adolphe Brongniart. Obser- vations sur 1'ovule et la graine du Posidonia caulini. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 472-474. 2. Note sur un genre nouveau d'Om- belliferes de la Nouvelle-Caledonie (Myodo- carpus). Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 121-123. • 3. Description de quelques .Eleo- carpees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 198-203. 4. Note sur le genre Joinvillea de GAUDICHAXJD et sur la f?«mille des Flagellariees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 264- 269. 5. Note sur un nouveau genre de Nyctaginees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie (Vieil- lardia). Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 374-376. Gris, Arthur, et Adolphe Brongniart. 6. Note sur le genre Crossostylis de FORSTER. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 376-378. 7. Notice sur les Saxifragees-Cuno- niees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 67-78. — 8. Note sur quelques Proteacees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X, 1863, pp. 226-229. 9. Note sur deux genres nouveaux de Myrtacees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie (Tris- taniopsis et Fremya). Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 369-374. 1O. Description de quelques especes nouvelles d'£leocarpees de la Nouvelle-Cale- donie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 475- 477. 11. Description de deux nouveaux genres de Myrtacees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie (Cloezia et Spermolepis). Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 574-579. Gris, E. Experiences sur 1'application des sels de fer a la vegetation, et specialement au traite- ment des plantes chlorosises, languissantes et menacees d'une niort procliaine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 276-278; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1847, col. 295-297. Grisard, . Note sur les buccins des rives du Rhone et de 1'Ain. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Auual. V., 1861, pp. 52-53. Grisbrook, C. H. Notes on South African geo- logy. South African Quart. Journ. I., 1830, pp. 446^447. 2. Organic remains in the Karoo. South African Quart. Journ. N° 5, 1830, pp. 25-27. Grischow, Carl Christoph. Ueber Fiillung der Eisensalze durch Schwefel - Wasserstoffluft. Schweigger, Journ. XXVII., 1819, pp. 185- 191. 2. Chemische Untersuchung des eisenhal- tigen Quellwassers zu Stavenhagen. Schweig- ger, Journ. XXVIL, 1819, pp. 253-278. 3. Ueber die cheinische Veriiuderuug des Luftkreises durch das Gewnchslebeu. Schweig- ger, Journ. XXXI. (=Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 449- 461. 4. Ueber Blausiiure fur den Arzneige- brauch. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIII. (=Jahrb. III.), 1821, pp. 324-329. 5. Ueber BRACONNOT'S " Acide ellagique " und iiber Pommeranzen-Erde. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. I., 1824, pp. 481-482. 6. Chemische Untersuchung des eisenhal- tigen Mineralwassers zu Hohcn-Biissow bei Deinniin. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XXXIII.. 1833, pp. 101-123. 7. Ueber Respiration der Pflanzenblatter. Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIV., 1845, pp. 163-172. GRI] [GRI Griscom, John. Chemical examination of a mineral water from Lichfield, state of New York. Amer. Mineral. Journ. I., 1810, pp. 20-26. 2. Observations and experiments on several mineral waters in the state of New York. Amer. Mineral. Journ. I., 1810, pp. 156-163. 3. Hints relative to the most eligible method of conducting meteorological observa- tions. New York, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. I., 1815, pp. 340-354. 4. Fusion and volatilization of charcoal, with remarks on these experiments. Sillimau, Journ. V., 1822, pp. 361-363. 5. Double stars, and the order of the starry firmament. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1829, pp. 70-83. Griscom, John H. Observations on the Apocy- num cannabinum. Amer. Jouru. Med. Sci. XII., 1833, pp. 55-71 ; Journ. dc Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 100-101. Grisebach, August Heinrich Rudolph. Berieht iiber eine botanische Reise nach der Dauphinc und der Provence im Herbste des vorigen Jahres. Flora, XVII., 1834, pp. 321-334. 2. Some remarks on the germination of Limnanthemum lacunosum. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1838, pp. 6-12. 3. Ueber den Einfluss des Climas auf die Begriinznng der natiirlichen Floreu. Linnaja, XII., 1838, pp. 159-200. 4. Malpighiacearum Brasiliensum centuria. Liun»a, XIII., 1839, pp. 155-259. 5. Berieht iiber die Leistungen in der Pflanzengeographie wiihrend des Jahres 1840. \Viegmann, Archiv, VII., 1841 (pte. 2), pp. 433-474. 6. Berieht iiber die Forschungen in der Pflauzengeographie wiihrend des Jahres 1841. Wiegmann, Archiv, VIII., 1842 (pte. 2), pp. 406-462. 7. Gentianere. Acad. Cajs. Leop. Nova Acta, XIX., 1843 (Suppl.\ pp. 47-52. 8. Beobachtungen iiber das Wachsthum der Vegetationsorgane in Bezug auf Systematik. Wiegmann, Archiv, IX., 1843, pp. 267-292 ; X., 1844, pp. 134-155. 9. Berieht iiber die Leistungen in der Pflanzengeographie wiihrend des Jahres 1842. Wiegmann, "Archiv, IX., 1843 (pte. 2), pp. 373- 432. 10. Phytozoen an Phauerogamen. Botan. Zeitung, II., 1844, pp. 661-662; Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 264-266. 11. Ueber den Vegetationscharacter von Hardanger in Bergens Stift. Wiegmanu, Ar- chiv, X., 1844, pp. 1-28. 12. Nachtrag zu den Beobachtungeu iiber das Wachsthum der Blatter. Wiegmanu, Ar- chiv, X., 1844, pp. 345-347. Grisebach, August Heinrich Rudolph. 13. Be- rieht iiber die Leistungen in der Pflanzengeo- graphie wiihreud des Jahres 1843. Wiegmanu, Archiv, X., 1844 (pte. 2), pp. 366-443. 14. Ueber die Pflanzenerniihruug. Pog- gend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 630-632. 15. Berieht iiber die Leistungen in der Pflanzengeographie wiihrend des Jahres 1844. Wiegmanu, Archiv, XL, 1845 (pte. 2), pp. 329- 416. • 16. Beobachtungen iiber das Wachsthum der Vegetatiousorgane in Bezug auf Systematik. Wiegmann, Archiv, XII., 1846, pp. 1-34. 17. Berieht iiber die Leistungen in der Pflanzengeographie und system atischen Botanik wiihrend des Jahres 1845. Wiegmann, Archiv, XII., 1846 (pte. 2), pp. 317-394. 18. Ueber die Vegetationslinien des nord- westlichen Deutschlands. Gottinger Studien, 1847, pp. 461-562. 19. Berieht iiber die Leistungen in der Pflanzengeographie wiihrend des Jahres 1846. Wiegmann, Archiv, XIII., 1847 (pte. 2), pp. 409-472. 20. Plantre Kegelianre Surinamenses : — Amaryllidete, Hremodoraceoe, Diascorere, Smila- cete, Liliacefe, Rapateacere, Xyrideaj, Alismaceaj, Aroidere, et Nymph;t:acea^. Linnccn, XXL, 1848, pp. 181-284. 21. Berieht iiber die Leistungen in der systematischen Botanik wiihrend des Jahres 1846. Wiegmann, Archiv, XIV., 1848 (pte. 2), pp. 169-194. — 22. Berieht iiber die Leistungen in der geographischen und systematischen Botanik wiihrend des Jahres 1847. Wiegmann, Archiv, XIV., 1848 (pte. 2), p. 257-350. 23. Beitriige zu einer Flora der Aequi- noctial-Gegenden der neuen Welt von J. F. KLOTZSCII : — Malpighiaeerc, Gentianea?. Lin- nrea, XXII., 1849, pp. 1-31, 32-46. 24. Plantse Regnellianas : — Gentianeoe. Linniea, XXII., 1849, pp. 567. 25. Berieht iiber die Leistungen in der geographischen und systematischen Botanik wiihrend des Jahres 1848. Wiegmanu, Archiv, XV., 1849 (pte. 2), pp. 340-446. 26. Ein neues Deutsches Hieracium. Bo- tan. Zeitung, VHL, 1850, col. 638. 27. Berieht iiber die Leistungen in der geographischen und systematischen Botanik wiihrend des Jahres 1849. Wiegmann, Archiv, XVI., 1850 (pte. 2), pp. 251-350. 28. Berieht iiber die Leistungen in der geographischen und systematischen Botauik wiihrend des Jahres 1850. Wiegmann, Archiv, XVIL, 1851 (pte. 2), pp. 272-392. GEI] 25 [GRO Grisebnch, August Heinrich Rudolph. 29. Commentatio de distributione Hieracii generis per Europam geographica. [1852.] Gottingen, Abhandl. V., 1851-52, pp. 83-160. 3O. Ueber einige kritische Epilobien. Botan. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 849-855. 31. Scbcnkia, novum genus Gentianearum. Bonplandia, I., 1853, pp. 226-227. 32. Bericht iiber die Leistungen in der geographischen und systeinatischen Botanik wahrend des Jahres 1852. Wiegmann, Archiv, XIX., 1853 (pte. 2), pp. 287-411. 33. Systematische Bemerkuugeu iiber die beiden ersten Pflanzensammlungen PHILIPPI'S und LECHLER'S ini siidlichen Chile und an der Maghellans-Strasse. [1854.] Gottingen, Ab- handl. VI., 1853-55, pp. 89-138; Gottingen, Nachriohten, 1854, pp. 193-196. 34. Bericht iiber die Leistungen in der geographischen und systematischen Botanik wahrend des Jahres 1853. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXI., 1855 (pte. 2), pp. 313-410. 35. Systematische Untersuchungen iiber die Vegetation der Karaiben, insbesondere der Insel Guadeloupe, nach den Sammluugen DUCHASSAING'S. [1857.] Gottingen, Abhandl. VII., 1856-57, pp. 151-286. 36. Novitia: Floras Panamensis. Bon- plandia, VI., 1858, pp. 2-12. 37. Notes on Abuta, a genus of Meni- spermea?. Linn. Soc. Journ. III., 1859 (Bot.), pp. 108-109. 38. Erliiuterungen ausgewiihlter Pflanzen des tropischen Amerikas. Gottingen, Abhandl. IX., 1860, pp. 3-58. 39. Notice sur le genre Rheedia. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1861 (Bot.), pp. 231-235. 40. Bemerkungen zu WILLKOMM'S Mono- graphic der Europiiischen Krummholzkiefern. Flora, XLIV., 1861, pp. 593-598. 41. Zur Systematik der Birken. Flora, XLIV., 1861, pp. 625-631. 42. Notes on Coutoubea volubilis, Mart., and some other Gentianeaj of tropical America. [1861.] Linn. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862 (Bot.), pp. 140-146. 43. Plantae Wrightianre e Cuba Orientali : Pars 1, Polypetalrc et Apetalte. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. VIIL, 1863, pp. 152-192. 44. Plant.1? Wrightianre e Cuba Orientali : Pars 2, Monopetalte et Monocotyledones. Bos- ton, Mem. Amer. Acad. VIII., 1863, pp. 502-536. 45. Ueber einen wahrscbeinlichen Dimor- phismus bei den Farnen. Gottiugen, Nach- richten, 1863, pp. 101-112. Grisebach, August Heinrich Rudolph, und Hoff- mann. Beobachtung der Luftrbhrenhaare bei Limnanthemum, Gmelin, und Villarsia, Venten. Linn^a, XII., 1838, pp. 681-685. VOL. III. Grisebach, August Heinrich Rudolph, and W. J. Hooker. On the Erythroea, Woods (Gentiana scilloides, Linn., Jil.) ; with some remarks on the genus. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1838, pp. 437- 440. Grisebach, August Heinrich Rudolph, och A. S. Orsted. Malpighiacese Centroamericanre. Kio- bcnhavn, Vidensk. Meddel. 1853, pp. 43-52, 53-58. Grisebach, August Heinrich Rudolph, et Schenk. Observationes quasdam de plantis, quas in itiuere Alpino a 1851 suscepto legerunt auctores. Linna^a, XXV., 1852, pp. 593-611. 2. I tor Hungaricum a 1862 suscep- tum. Beitrage zur Systematik der Uugarischen Flora. Wiegmann, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 291-362. Griseri, . Sur la ponte des papillons du Bombyx cynthia. Paris, Soc. Acclim. Bull. I., 1854, pp. 350-355. Griseri, V. Analisi di una pietra calcarea. Ma- jocchi, Ann. Fis. Chim. II., 1850, pp. 3-6. Griseri, Yinccnzo. Saggio sull' applicazione del carbone animale per estrarre il principio amaro del Camepiteos, e sull' azione del medesimo sul sulfato di chinina e di cinconina. Torino, Mem. Accad. I., 1839, pp. 373-378. Gr is wold, .S'. Nachricht von den Erdbeben, welche seit dem Dec. 1811 in deu Gegenden wiithen, wo der Ohio mit dem Mississippi zusam- menfliesst, ( Transl.) Gilbert, Aonal. XL VI., 1814, pp. 113-118. Gritzner, M. C. A comparison of the "f and I rails, and general remarks on the form of rails. Amer. Polytechn. Journ. I., 1853, pp. 233-238. Grivel, J. An account of a fetus found in the abdomen of a woman 83 years of age. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. II., 1806, pp. 19-21. Grivel, R. Aanteekeningeu gehouden aan boord van het Nederlandsch koopvaardijschip Rem- brandt van Rhijn. Swart, Verhandel. 1854, pp. 147-155. Greenland, Johannes. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Zostera marina, L. Botau. Zeitung, IX., 1851, col. 185-192. 2. Memoire sur la germination de quelques Hepatiques. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.), 1854, pp. 5-29. . 3. Note sur 1'Holcus setiger. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 172-176. 4. Note sur les organes glanduleux des Drosera. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 395-396 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.), 1 855, pp. 297-303. 5. Sur les hybrides entre les vEgilops et les Triticum. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 364-366 ; Pringsheim, Botanik, I., 1858, pp. 514-529. GRO] 26 [GRO Greenland, Johannes. 6. Note sur les hybrides du genre .ZEgilops. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 612-615. Greenland, Johannes, et B. Balansa. Conside- rations sur la structure ile quelques especes du genre Holcus. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. I., 1854, pp. 365-367. Greenland, Johannes, et L. Vilmorin. Note sur 1'hybridation du genre .ZEgilops. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 692-697. Groh, C. F. Ueber Bagliv und einen Lelirsatz desselben. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 650-667. Grohe, Fr. Ueber die Bestandtheile des Frosch- fleisches. Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp. 233-245. 2. Ueber Kalk-Metastase. Virchow, Ar- chiv, XIII., 1858, pp. 277-280. . 3. Zur Geschichte der Melaniimie nebst Bemerkungen iiber den normalen Bau der Milz und Lymphdriisen. Vircbow, Archiv, XX., 1861, pp. 306-357; XXII., 1861, pp. 437-442. 4. Ueber Pigment-Anschwernmung in den Nierengefassen. Virchow, Arcbiv, XXII., 1861, pp. 442-445. 5. Ueber den Bau und das Wacbstbuni des menscblicben Eierstocks, und iiber einige kfauk- bafte Storungen desselben. Vircbow, Arcbiv, XXVI., 1863, pp. 271-306. Grohmann, • . Ueber die Traurne des schlaf- enden uud wacbenden Zustandes. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. XLVI., 1818 (pte. 4), pp. 81-125. 2. Die physiologiscbe Bedeutung der Kraiik- beiten. Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 481-494. Groll, Andreas. Pbotographie oder Licbtbilder auf Glas. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850 (Abth. 2), pp. 347-351. Groll, C. Ueber die in den Belgiscben Zink- hiitten gebriiucblicbe Titrirmethode zur Bestim- mung des Zinkgebalts der Erze. Freseuius, Zeitscbr. Anal. Chemie, L, 1862, pp. 21-24. Groll, C., und A. Souchay. Ueber die Verbind- ungen der Ameisensaure niit den Alkalien und alkalischen Erden. Evdm. Journ. Prak. Cbern. LXXVI., 1859, pp. 470-475; Jouru. de Pbarm. XXXVL, 1859, p. 385. Groll, J. Beschrijving van den toestel tot Ken ti- ering der raderkastbooten aan boord Z. M. stoomscbip Cyeloop. Tindal,Verband. Zeewezen, V., 1845, pp. 474-484. Groll, J., en D. W. C. (Baron) van Lijnden. Aanteekeningen over de Landen van bet Stroomgebied der Kapoeas. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. II., 1851, pp. 537-539. Gronau, Carl Ludwig, Ueber die Witterung der Jahre 1782. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Scbr. II., 1799, pp. 278-291 ; ILL. 1801, pp. 129-146. Gronau, Carl Ludwig. 2. Nacbricbt von dem Erdbeben in Scblesien. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. III., 1801, pp. 195-197. 3. Ueber die Verauderungeu des Klimas in verscbiedenen Gegenden. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. IV., 1803, pp. 59-69. 4. Hundertjahrige meteorologische Tabell- en der Witterung in Berlin von 1701 bis 1800. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. I., 1807, pp. 124-132. 5. Ueber die Winter, nach hundert- und mebrjiihrigen Beobachtungen. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 31-39. 6. Hat der Mond wirklich den Einfluss auf die Witterung, den man ibm von jeher zuschrieb ? Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. H., 1808, pp. 101-106. 7. Ueber die Fruhlinge nacb hundert und mehriiihrigen Beobachtungen. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 230-234. 8. Ueber die Sommer, nach hundert und mehrjiibrigen Beobachtungen. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 313-316. 9. Ueber die Herbste nach buudert uud mehrjahrigen Beobachtungen. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 47-51. 1O. Habeu Erdbeben und Ausbriiche der Vulkane einen rnerklicben Einfluss auf die Wit- terung in unsern Gegenden uud auf den Stand des Barometers ? Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 249-265. 11. Die Witterung der Jahre 1809-11. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 149-155 ; V., 1811, pp. 91-98, 410-418; Gil- bert, Aunal. XLL, 1812, pp. 99-109. 12. DasKlima der nordlichen Polarlauder. Florke, Eepert. L, 1811, pp. 340-354. 13. Die Witterun<' der Jahre 1812-13. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. VI., 1814, pp. 243-249 ; VII., 1816, pp. 277-283. 14. Hochster und niedrigster Stand des Thermometers aller Tage des Jahres in 114 Jahren. Hermbstadt, Museum, XII., 1817, pp. 18-23. 15. Ueber die Witterung der Jahre 1814- 16. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. VIIL, 1818, pp. 19-23, 224-226, 259-269. 16. Ueber die Gewitter in den Gegenden von Berlin. Schweigger, Journ. XXXI. (= Jahrb. L), 1821, pp. 123-131. Gronau, J. F. W. Auflosung der kubischen Gleichungen durch trigonometrische Functioueu des Kreises und der Hyperbel. Danzig, Scbriften, VI. (Hft. 2 11. 3), 1861. 2. Tafeln fur die byperbolischen Sectoren und fur die Logarithmen ihrer Sinus und Co- sinus. Zu der Abhandlung : Auflosung der kubischen Gleichungen. Danzig, Schriften, VI. (Hft. 4), 1862. GRO] 27 [GRO Gronrm, J. F. W. 3. Tafeln fur siiramtlichc trigonometrische Functionen dcr cyklischen und hyperbolischen Sektoren. Danzig, Schriften, I., 1863. Groning, Fr. Ueber Anwendung des Thermo- meters als eines Alkoliolometers. Sehweigger, Journ. XXXDL (= Jahrb. IX.), 1823, pp. 473-486 ; Journ. de Pliarm. IX., 1823, pp. 55- 56 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. VII., 1822, pp. 214- 216. Gronvall, A, L. Bidrag till kiinnedomen af Sydostra Skanes vegetation. Fries, Botan. Notiser, 1858, pp. 48-53. Grooby, James. Geocentric places of Vesta and Ceres ; and the apparent Eight Ascension of Dr. MASKELTNE'S 36 Stars for March and April 1821. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIL, 1821, pp. 129-133, 197-199, 269-271, 353-355, 406-408; LVIII., pp. 50-52, 110-112, 195-197, 262-264, 469-471 ; LIX., pp. 37-43, 97-101. Grooby, John. On the Moon's atmosphere. Brit. Assoc. Kep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 8-9. Groombridge, Stephen. On the planet Vesta. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1808, pp. 228- 229. 2. Observations on atmospherical refrac- tion as it affects astronomical observations. Phil. Trans. 1810, pp. 190-203. — 3. On the error discovered in the Nautical Almanac. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVIH., 1811, pp. 386-387. 4. Some further observations on atmo- spherical refraction. Phil. Trans. 1814, pp. 337- 347. 5. Comparison of the north polar distances of thirty-eight pi'incipal fixed stars, on the 1st of January 1800, as determined by observations made at Greenwich, Armagh, Palermo, West- bury, Dublin, and Blackheath. [1812.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans. VII., 1815, pp. 279-284. 6. Astronomical observations. Phil. Trans. 1820, pp. 331-332. 7. Universal tables for the reduction of the fixed stars. [1820.] Astron. Soc. Mem. I., 1822, pp. 182-216. 8. Observations of the Planets during the period of the respective oppositions in 1820, 1821, and 1822 ; with the computation of their geocentric longitudes and latitudes, by means of the assumed parallax therein mentioned, and of his own Tables of Refraction. Astron. Soc. Mem. I., 1822, pp. 249-254. 9. Empirical elements of a table of Refrac- tion. Quart. Journ. Sci. XV., 1823, pp. 128- 131. 10. On the late opposition of the planet Vesta. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXL, 1823, pp. 249- 251. Groombridge, Step/tot. 11. Apparent right ascension and declination of the four minor planets, at and about their ensuing opposition. Tilloch, Phil. Mag.LXIV., 1824, pp. 359-361. 12. On the co-latitude of the Observatory of Stephen GROOMBHIDGE, at Blackheath, deter- mined by his own observations of Circumpolar stars, reduced by the constant of refraction 58-133" at 45°. Astron. Soc. Mem. II., 1826, pp. 431-437. Groombridge, Stephen, and Ez. "Walker. Ob- servations of the late Solar Eclipse. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVHI., 1816, pp. 371-372, 440- 442. Groos, A. Geognostische Beobachtungen in der Umgegend von Nieder-Ingelheim. Darmstadt, Notizblatt, I., 1862, pp. 107-112. 2. Blattersandsteine in der Section Mainz. [1862.] Darmstadt, Notizblatt, II., 1863, pp. 27-30. 3. Beobachtungen iiber die Verbreitung und Aufeiuanderfolge der Petrefacten in den Tertiarschichten der Section Mainz. Darmstadt, Notizblatt, II., 1863, pp. 175-178. Groot, Cornelius de. Bijdragen tot de geolo- gische en mineralogische kennis van Neder- landsch Indie, door de ingenieurs van het mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch Indie : — XVIII. Zuid- en Oosterafdeeling van Borneo. Batavia, Nat. Tijdsch. II., 1851, pp. 262-27 -i; III., 1852, pp. 113-116, 134-158 ; XIII., 1857, pp. 1-86. 2. Overzigt van der voornaamste proeven orntrent mijn-ontginning, sedert een tiental jaren in Nederlandsch Indie genomen, met uitzoud- ering van Bangka en Blitong. Batavia, Nat. Tijdsch. XXVI., 1863, pp. 72-125. 3. Note on the mineralogy and geology of Borneo and the adjacent islands. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1863, pp. 515-517. Gropp (Amtmanti). Beitrag iiber das Regen- und das Drainwasser. Annal. Landwirth. XXVII., 1856, pp. 426-427. Gros, . Note sur les nerfs des os. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 1106- 1108 ; Froriep, Notizen, I, 1847, col. 280. 2. Recherches sur le ganglion de MECKEL et le reste du grand sympathique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 247-251. Gros, . Etudes sur 1'Azergues. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. V., 1853, pp. 343-381. Gros, — . Sur une question de geometric de- scriptive. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIX., 1860, pp. 29-32. Gros (Baron). Ascent to the summit of the Popocatepetl, the highest point of the Mexican Andes, 18,000 feet above the level of the Sea. (Transl.) Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1835, pp. 220-231 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLIL, 1834, col. 193-202. D 2 GRO] 28 [GRO Gros (Baron). 2. Ueber die Naturbriicken von Jcononzo oder PauJi in Neugranada, so wie die dort hausenden Vogel. ( Transl.) Froriep, No- tizen, XXXVI., 1845, col. 177-184, 193-200. Gros, G. Observations et inductions micro- scopiques sur quelques parasites. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XVIII., 1845, pp. 380-428. • 2. Sur la vesiculation du lait. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XX., 1847 (pte. 2), pp. 268- 276. 3. De la generation spontam'e on primitive en general et en particulier des Ilelmintbes. Moscou, Soc. Nat. BuU. XX., 1847 (pte. 2), pp. 517-535. 4. Sur les spermatophores de la Seicbe. Moscou, Soc. Nat, Bull. XXI., 1848, pp. 474- 482. 5. Fragments d'Helminthologie et de Phy- siologic microscopique. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXII., 1849, pp. 549-573. 6. Note sur le mode de generation et les transformations successives d'un animalcule que Ton rencontre chez la Grenouille. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 517-518. 7. De 1'embryogenie ascendaute des especes, ou gem-ration primitive, equivoque et spontanee. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIV., 1851, pp. 283- 340, 429-502 ; Ann. Sci. Nat, XVII. (Zool.), 1852, pp. 193-206. 8. Sur le cristallin et sa capsule. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXV., 1852, pp. 246-250. 9. Note sur la multiplication des Nema- toides. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zool.), 1854, pp. pp. 36-39. • 1O. Loi nouvelle de la generation asceii- dante facultative et coutingente des Infusoires. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVII., 1854 (pte. 2), pp. 267-275. 11. Sur le developpement de vers Nerna- toides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 1069-1070. 12. Generation primitive des Nematoides. Moscou, Soc. Nat. BuU. XXVHI., 1855 (pte. 2), pp. 204-226. Gros, James. Recberches sin- une serie nouvelle de sels de platine. Annal. de Cbimie, LXIX., 1838, pp. 204-223; Liebig, Annal. XXVII., 1838, pp. 241-256. Groshans, Gen. Phil. Fred. Prodromus Faunne Homeri et Hesiodi. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijd- schrift, VI., 1839, pp. 289-320; X., 1843, pp. 301-342. Groshans, J. A. Bemerkungen iiber die ent- sprechenden Temperatureu, die Sied- und Ge- frierpunkte der Korper. Poggend. Aunal. LXXVIII., 1849, pp. 112-118 ; LXXIX., 1850, pp. 290-296. Groshans, J. A. 2. Bemerkungen iiber die Volume uud die Dicbtigkeiten fliissiger und gasiger K5rper. Poggend. Annal. LXXX., 1850, pp. 296-302 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XVIL, 1863, pp. 5-52. 3. Betracbtnugen liber einige pbysische Eigenschaften der Korper. Poggend. Aunal. LXXX VIII., 1853, pp. 291-298; \%&(Erganz.\ pp. 146-152, 596-614 ; Liebig, Annal. CXVI., 1860, pp. 221-234. 4. Betracbtungen iiber einige pbysiscbe Eigenscbaften der Korper, besonders hinsicht- licb der Frage : Sind die sogenannten elemen- taren Korper wirklich einfacbe, Poggend. An- nal. (Ergehis.\ 1854, pp. 468-506. 5. Ueber die Verbiiltnisse zvviscben den Spanuungen und Teniperaturen der Diimpfe. Poggend. Annal. CIV., 1858, pp. 651-653. Grosjean, L. Das hydrostatiscbe Rotations- pendel. Dingier, Polytecbn. Journ. CLXV., 1862, pp. 7-12. Grosmann, Account of a remarkable waterspout, accompanied with a luminous meteor. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1831, pp. 165-171. Grosourdy, Rene de. Note sur un nouveau precede pour la preparation de 1'acide iodique. Normandie, Soc. Linn. Mem. VI., 1838, pp. 282-284 ; Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1843, pp. 373-376. 2. Memoire sur un nouveau precede pour preparer 1'ether nitreux, sur uue substance par- ticuliere qui lui donne sa couleur, et sur une nouveau fait chimique relatif aux nitrites. Journ. Chimie Med. VII., 1851, pp. 706-716. 3. Analyse des fruits du Laurier. Journ. Cbimie Med. VII., 1851, pp. 257-266, 321- 328, 385-394. Gross, — von. Ueber die bei Hildburghausen im bunten Sandsteine entdeckten Trittspuren unbekannter Vierfiisser. Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 467-469. Gross (Dr.). Der Adlerfang im Oythale und im Rohrenmoose bei Oberstdorf im Allgauer Hocb- gebirge. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. IX., 1S56, pp. 33-42. 2. Der Luchs im Allgauer Hocbgebirge. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. X., 185S, pp. 62-75. Gross, B. von. Ueber die Ordnung einer geog- nostiscben Gesteinsammlung. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. IX., 1857, pp. 153-162. Gross, J. Dolomit der devonischen Formation bei Oberrosbacb. Darmstadt, Notizblatt, I., 1857-58, p. 75. GRO] 29 [GRO Gross, S. D. Case of Hermaphroditism, involving the operation of castration, and illustrating a new principle in juridical medicine. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXIV., 1852, pp. 386-390 ; Casper, Vierteljahrsschrift, III., 1853, pp. 268- 275. Grossart, . Sur les moyens de faire des instruments de gornrne elastique. Annal. de Chimie, XL, 1791, pp. 143-155. Grossart- Virly, . Lettre an Redacteur re- lativement a des morceaux d'argile cuite qui avaient pris a 1'interieur un retrait en prismes reguliers. Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp 77-78. Grosser, . Ueber das Verbaltcn der Glans zu den Corporibus cavernosis Penis et Urethra;: die Cartilago Penis et Linguae beim MenscLen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1847, pp. 227-229. Grossi, Luigi. Storia medica di una singolare malattia verminosa. Modena, Soc. Ital. Mem. XVI, 1813, pp. 135-140. Grossmann, G. W. Kurze bistorische Nacbricht iiber die kaukasiscben Mineralwasser auf den Fiinf bergen. Trommsdorft', N. Journ. d. Pbarm. XVL, 1828, pp. 191-199; (St. 2), pp. 213- 225. Grossmann, L. Steinkohlen - Gebirge von Mahrisch - Ostrau. Haidinger, Bericht, VIL., 1851, pp. 47-48. Grote, , und Otto. Ueber den Valerian- siiureather. Liebig, Annal. XXV., 1838, pp. 62-63 ; Journ. de Pbarm. XXIV., 1838, p. 365. Grote, Aug. R. Additions to tbe catalogue of U. S. Lepidoptera. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 1861-63, pp. 218-219, 345-347 ; II., 1863, pp. 30-32, 64-68, 273-276. 2. Additions to the nomenclature of North American Lepidoptera. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1862, pp. 59-60, 359-361. 3. A revision of tbe species of Cymato- pborina, found in the United States and British America, with descriptions of new species. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. II., 1863, pp. 54-59. 4. Descriptions of North American Lepid- optera. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. II., 1863, pp. 334-344. Grotefend, . Bemerkungen iiber den Ka- lender des Johannes de GAMUNDIA. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XIX., 1809, pp. 284-292. Groth, Simon. Om Anvrenclelseu af overbede Vanddampe til Destillationeu af Mtberiske Olier. Skand. Naturf. FSrhandl. VI., 1851, pp. 90-93. • 2. Om Nytten af overbedede Vand- dampes Anvendelse ved Undersogelser af orga- niske Legemer. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VI., 1851, pp. 94-100. Grothe, . Ueber verscbiedene eigenthiim- liche und bis jetzt wenig bekannte Arten der Verwendung des an der Mittelweser vorkom- mendeu uud bereiteten natiirlicben Cements. Oken, Isis, 1840, col. 937-940. Grothe, D. Vergadering een staafje zooge- naamd Wolfram-staal. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1860, pp. 27-29. Grothe, Hermann. Beitrlige zur Kenntniss der Wolle uud ibrer Bestandtbeile. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cbem. LXXXIX., 1863, pp. 420-428. Grotrian, — . Suite von Coeloptychien (Spongien) aus der oberen Kreide von Vordorf. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XIII., 1863, pp. 40-41. Grottanelli, Stanislao. Storia ragionata di uua gravidanza nella tuba Falloppiana. Giorn. Arcad. I., 1819, pp. 120-125; Brera, Nuovi Comment. III., 1819, pp. 72-74. Grotthus, TItcodor (Freiherr) von. Sur la decom- position de 1'eau et des corps qu'elle tient en dissolution a 1'aide de 1'electricite galvanique. Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1806, pp. 54-74; Gehleu, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 110-126 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXV., 1806, pp. 330-339. • 2. De 1'iufluence de 1'electricite galvanique sur les vegetations metalliques. Annal. de Chimie, LXI1L, 1807, pp. 5-34; Nicholson, Journ. XXVIII., 1811, pp. 112-125. 3. Experiences sur la combinaison du phosphore avec les metaux et leurs oxides par la voie bumide. Annal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1807, pp. 19-41 ; Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 599- 61 5; Nicholson, Journ. XXV., 1810, pp. 368-377. 4. Ueber die entf'urbende Eigeusehaft des scbwefeligsauren Gases. Gehlen, Journ. VII., 1808, pp. 699-702. 5. Chemisch-galvaniscbe Beobachtuugen. Gehlen, Journ. VIL, 1808, pp. 703-709. 6. Optische Versuche mit dern Prisma. Gehleu, Journ. VIII., 1809, pp. 254-268. 7. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kork-, Aepfel-, und Beuzoesaure. Gehlen, Journ. VIII,, 1809, pp. 708-713. 8. Ueber die Synthesis des Wassers und iiber das Wiudbiichsen-Licht. Gilbert, Aii- nal. XXXIIL, 1809, pp. 212-227 ; Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 245-260. 9. Ueber die Electricitat, die sich bei veriindertem Zustaude des Wassers entwickelt. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 221-228. — 1O. Ueber den WasserstofTphosphor. Geh- len, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 223-230. 11. Ueber die Grenzen der Verbrennlich- keit entziindlicher Gasgemenge bei abnehmen- der Dichtigkeit und iiber die Farben des elect- rischen Funkens in verschiedenen Mitteln. Schweigger, Journ. III., 1811, pp. 129-147; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIL, 1812, pp. 34-53 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXV., 1813, pp. 30-38. GRO] 30 [GRO Grotthus, TJieodor ( Frcihcrr) von. 12. Ueber die zufalligeii Farbcn des Schattens und iiber NEW- TON'S Farbentheorie. Schweigger, Journ. III., 1811, pp. 148-170. 13. Nachtrag zu den Versuchen iiber die Grenzen der Verbrennlichkeit gasformiger Fliis- sigkeiten. Schweigger, Journ. IV., 1812, pp. 238-258. 14. Ueber die Licliterscheinung bei Ab- schiessung einer stark geladeiien Windbiichse. Schweigger, Journ. V., 1812, pp. 215-217. 15. Versuche undldeeu iiber das Brennen, iiber die electrische Leitungsfahigkeit verschie- dener Gasarten, iiber Aciditat und Alkalinitiit, iiber em neues schwefeliges Strontiausulfit und iiber MORICHINIS Versuche Nadeln durch das prismatische Licht zu magnetisiren. Schweigger, Journ. IX., 1813, pp. 327-337. 16. Analysis des Tulpensamenstaubs. Schweigger, Journ. XI., 1814, pp. 281-300. 17. Ueber Krystallisation. Schweigger, Journ. Xni., 1815, pp. 107-113. — 18. Beitrag zur na'hern Kenntniss einiger unmittelbaren vegetabilischen Stoffe. Schweig- ger, Journ. XIII., 1815, pp. 117-161. 19. Ueber einen neuen Lichtsauger nebst einigen allgemeinen Betrachtnngen iiber die Phosphorescenz und die Farben. Schweigger, Journ. XIV., 1815, pp. 133-192. 2O. Beweis, das bei der Phosphorescenz der Korper vermittelst Insolation ein wahres Lichteinsaugen ini wortlichen Sinne Statt findet. Schweigger, Journ. XV., 1815, pp. 172-199. 21. Untersuchung des Quellwassers zu Schmordan. Schweigger, Journ. XVIII., 1816, pp. 83-114 ; Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 366-370. 22. Versuch einer Erklarung der von SCHEELE beobachteten Zersetzung einiger Natronsalze, mittelst Eisen und ungeloschten Kalk. Schweigger, Journ. XVHL, 1816, pp. 115-122. i 23. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Anthra- zothionsiiure, die von PORKETT entdeckt und von ihm Schwefelchyazicsaure (Sulphuretted chyazic acid) genaniit worden ist. Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 225-271; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIII., 1819, pp. 39-50, 89-101. 24. Methode das Eisen vom Maugan zu scheiden. Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 272-273 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIII., 1819, pp. 50-51. 25. Oxydirte Eisenblausaure. Schweig- ger, Joum. XX., 1817, p. 274. 26. Merkwiirdige Vei-bindung des kohlen- sauren Kalks mit Kalkhydrat. Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 275-276 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIEL, 1819, pp. 51-52. Grotthus, Theodor (Frciherr) von. 27. Bemerk- nngen zu den Bemerkungen des Herrn H. DAVT iiber meine friihern Versuche und Ansichten, die Granze der Entziimllichkeit brennbarer Gasgemenge betreflend. Gilbert, Annal. LVIIL, 1818, pp. 345-369. 28. Ueber die chemische Wirksamkeit des Lichts und der Electricitiit, und eineu merk- wiirdigen neuen Gegensatz iu der erstern, je nachdem das Licht aus nicht oxydirenden oder aus oxydirenden Mitteln unmittelbar in gewisse Substanzen, oder aus ihnen in }ene eindringt. Gilbert, Annal. LXI., 1819, pp. 50-64. 29. Untersuchung einer kohlschwarzen papierartigen Substanz die im Jahre 1686, zu Eauden in Kurland aus der Atmosphere uieder- gefallen ist. Schweigger, Journ. XXVI., 1819, pp. 332-346. 3O. Betrachtungen iiber das Verhalten der loslichen dreifachen blausauren Metallsalze ge- gen alkalische Metalllosungen. Schweigger, Journ. XXVI., 1819, pp. 385-386 ; Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. V., 1820, pp. 370-371. 31. Stb'chiometrische Betrachtungen iiber die Zusammensetzung der zwei Arten von Phosphorwasserstoffgas. Schweigger, Journ. XXVIII., 1820, pp. 116-120. 32. Merkwiirdige Zersetzuug des Wassers durch Wasser im Kreise der voltaischen Siiule. Schweigger, Journ. XXVUI., 1820, pp. 315- 325. 33. Einfaches Mittel, die Kraft einer gewohnlichen Electrisirmaschine ausnehniend zu verstiirken. Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 74-75. 34. Einfaches Mittel, das Wasser mittelst der Luftpumpe in kiirzester Zeit zu Eis zu verwandeln. Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 75-76 ; Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. V., 1820, p. 265 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVL, 1820, p. 436. 35. Bereitung eines kostlichen Roths aus Carmin. Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, p. 76. 36. Zwei neue Heilmittel der Heilkunde vindicirt. Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 443-449. 37. Meteorfall an der Diina. Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 511-513. 38. Einiges iiber alkalische Eisensalze. Schweigger, Journ. XXX., 1820, pp. 68-73. 39. Nachtrag zur Untersuchung des zu Rauden in Kurland Anno 1686, den 31 Januar gefallenen meteorischen Papiers. Schweigger, Journ. XXX., 1820, pp. 169-172. 40. Untersuchung eines in Kurland, im Diinaburg'schen Kreise, am 30 Juni (12 Juli) 1820 herabgefallenen Meteorsteins. Gilbert, Aunal. LXVIL, 1821, pp. 337-370; Quart, Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 329-330. GRO] 31 [GRO Grotthus, Theodor (Freiherr) von. 41. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Sir H. DAVY'S Theorie der Sicherungs-Lampe, und iiber verwandte Materien. Gilbert, Annal. LXIX., 1821, pp. 241-251. - 42. Zwei neue den Electromagnetismus betreffende Thatsacheu. Schweigger, Journ. XXXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 492-501. - 43. Verschiedene Bemerkuugen iiber : — 1. Reines Stickstoffoxydul ; 2. Verbrennung electronegative!- Substanzen ; 3. Anthrazothion- siiure ; 4. Hypophosphorige Salze ; 5. Aethiops und Zinnober ; 6. Zweites Jodinblei ; 7. Phos- phor- Kohlenwasserstoff ; und 8. ADIE'S Sym- piezometer. Schweigger, Joum. XXXII. (= Jahrb. II.), 1821, pp. 271-276. - 44. Berichtigung betreffend den Elektro- magnetismus des Turmalins. Schweigger, Journ. XXXH. (= Jahrb. II.), 1821, pp. 473-476. - 45. Raumverhaltuisse der gasformigen Substauzen, ihren Gewichtsverhiiltnissen in der Wollastonschen Aequivalentenscale entsprech- end. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIII. (= Jahrb. HI.), 1821, pp. 154-162. Grotzner, - . Krankheitsgeschichte eines, an der Blausucht (cyanosis) gestorbenen Miidchens. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1836, pp. 98-99. Grouner, Joh. Samuel von. Ueber den Einfluss der Geoguosie auf Landkarten und Reliefs. Moll, Neue Jahrbiich. VI., 1826, pp. 129-135. - 2. Verhaltniss der Geognosie zur Kriegs- Wissenschaft,eine Skizze. Moll, Neue Jahrbiich. VI., 1826, pp. 187-233. Grouvelle, Ph. Recherches sur les cornbinai- sons des oxides avec le chlore, Fiode, et le cyanogene. Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1821, pp. 37-55 ; Schweigger, Jourii. XXXIII. (= Jahrb. III.), 1821, pp. 428-434. - 2. Sur quelques composees de chrome et sur plusieurs combinaisons dans lesquelles un des elements n'entre que pour une tres petite portion. Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1821, pp. 349-356; Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 319-321 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 127-130. 3. Des sous-nitrates et nitrates acides. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1821, pp. 137-143 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XLU., 1822, pp. 396-399; Schweigger, Journ. XXXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1822, pp. 422-427 ; Trornrnsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharrn. VI., 1822 (St. 2), pp. 276-285. Grouvelle, Ph. Description des appareils de chauffage et de ventilation de 1'Hopital Militaire de Vincennes. Ann. Genie Civil, I., 1862, pp. Grouven, . Versucho iiber die Desinfection von unterirdischen stiidtischeu Caniilen mit Luftziigeii und Gossen-Einfliissen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVI., 1860, pp. 54-72. Grouven (Dr.). Pflanzenphysiologische Skizzen. Annal. Landwirth. XXXVII., 1861, pp. 199- 216, 454-47) ; XXXVIII., 1861, pp. 119-130, 212-227. Grouven, H. Die Wurzel von Asphodelus ra- mosus (Konigsscepter). Annal. Landwirth. XXVI., 1855, pp. 57-59. Grove, . Beretning om Gravninger ved Husum, og der forefundne Spor til Landstek- ninger. Kiobenhavn, Oversigt, 1853, pp. 54- 56. Grove, Jno. On a fungus parasitic in the human ear. Microsc. Soc. Trans. V., 1857, pp. 161- 162. Grove, William Robert. On a small voltaic battery of extraordinary energy. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1839 (pt. 2), pp. 36-38 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, V1IL, 1839, pp. 567-570; Poggend. Annal. XLVIII., 1839, pp. 300-304. 2. Note sur 1'incapabilite de 1'eau pour conduire les courants voltaiques sans C-tre deconi- posee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 802-805 ; Bibl. Univ. XXL, 1839, pp. 190- 194 ; Poggend. Annal. XLVIII., 1839, pp 305-309 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 252-254. 3. On voltaic series and the combination of gases by platinum. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1 839, pp. 127-130 ; Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1839, p. 132. 4. On the inaction of amalgamated zinc in acidulated water. Phil. Mag. XV., 1839, pp. 81-85; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVIII., 1839, pp. 114-119; Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 1023-1026 ; Poggend. Annal. XLVIII., 1839, pp. 310-314 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. X., 1843, pp. 56-59. 5. On a new voltaic battery, and on voltaic combinations and arrangements. Phil. Mag. XV., 1839, pp. 287-293; Poggend. Aunal. XLIX., 1840, pp. 600-602. 6. An account of some new electro-chemical experiments. South Wales, Roy. Inst. Rep. 1839, pp. 79-82. 7. Voltaic reaction, or the phenomenon usually termed Polarization. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 502-503. 8. [Sur les deflagrations qui out lieu entre les conducteurs qui communiquent avec les poles d'une batterie voltaique.] Bibl. Univ. XXV., 1840, pp. 426-428. 9. On some phenomena of the voltaic dis- ruptive discharge. Phil. Mag. XVI., 1840, pp. 478-482. GRO] 32 [GRO Grove, William Robert. 1O. On a voltaic pro- cess for etching daguerreotype plates. Chemist, II., 1841, pp. 265-266; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXV., 1842, pp. 291-298; Froriep, Notizen, XXI., 1842, col. 69-73; London, Electr. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 94-100. 11. On some electro-nitrogurets. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1841, pp. 97-104; Poggeud. Annal. LIII., 1841, pp. 363-364 ; LIV., 1841, pp. 101- 112; Bibl. Univ. XLIL, 1S42, pp. 398-400; Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1843, pp. 286-287. 12. Remarks on a letter of Prof. DANIELL, in the Philosophical Magazine, " On the con- stant voltaic battery." Phil. Mag. XXI., 1842, pp. 333-335. 13. On a gaseous voltaic battery. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1842, pp. 417-420; Annal. de Chimie, V1IL, 1843, pp. 246-249 ; Archives de 1'Electr. II., 1 842, pp. 638-642 ; Poggend. Annal. LVIIL, 1843, pp. 202-210. 14. Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen iiber den sogenannten Voltaischen Lichtbogen. Basel, Bericht, V., 1843, pp. 3-5. 15. On the subject of Mr. DAXIELL'S last Communication : — " On the constant voltaic battery." Phil. Mag. XXII., 1843, pp. 32-35. 16. Experiments on voltaic reaction. Phil. Mag. XXIIL, 1843, pp. 443-446; Archives de 1'Electr. IV., 1844, pp. 148-152. 17. On the gas voltaic battery. — Experi- ments made with a view of ascertaining the rationale of its action, and its application to Eudiometry. Phil. Trans. 1843, pp. 91-112; Archives de 1'Electr. III., 1843, pp. 489-525 ; Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, pp. 268-278, 346- 354, 422-432 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL, 1844, pp. 228-236. 18. Quelques phenomenes voltaiques. Ar- chives de 1'Electr. IV., 1844, pp. 166-170. 19. On Photography. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), pp. 37-38. 20. On GROTTHUS'S theory of molecular decomposition and recomposition. Phil. Mag. XXVIL, 1845, pp. 348-350 ; Archives de 1'Electr. V., 1845, pp. 537-540. 21. On the application of voltaic ignition to lighting mines. Phil. Mag. XXVIL, 1845, pp. 442-446. 22. On the gas voltaic battery. — Voltaic action of Phosphorus, Sulphur, aud Hydrocar- bons. Phil. Trans. 1845, pp. 351-362 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, II., 1846, pp. 354-370 ; Pog- gend. Annal. LXXII. (Erganz. Bd.), 1848, pp. 369-424. — — 23. Voltaic phenomena ; action at the anode ; analysis of heating effects ; ignition at the surface of an electrolyte. Walker, Electr. Mag. L, 1845, pp. 118-122. Grove, William Robert. 24. On the decompo- sition of Water into its constituent gases by heat. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (j)t. 2), pp. 48-49. 25. Sur la decomposition de 1'eau par la chaleur seule. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1847, pp. 253-254 ; Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 447-448. 26. On the quantity of electrolysis as affected by the extent of the sectional area of the electrolyte. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 52-55. - — • 27. (Bakerian Lecture). — On certain phe- nomena of voltaic ignition, and the decomposition of water into its constituent gases by heat. [1846.] Phil. Trans. 1847, pp. 1-16, 17-22 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1847, pp. 129-145; Bibl. Univ. Archives, V., 1847, pp. 18-45, 112- 119 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIIL, 1848, pp. 309-310; Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1847, pp. 154-157 ; XIV., 1848, pp. 29-35 ; Liebig, Au- nal. LXIIL, 1847, pp. 1-10; Phil. Mag. XXXL, 1847, pp. 20-35, 91-101 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXI., 1847, pp. 194-225. - 28. On the peculiar cooling effects of hy- drogen and its compounds in cases of voltaic ignition. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), p. 54. 29. On effect of surrounding media on voltaic ignition. [1848.] Phil. Trans. 1849, pp. 49-60 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 497-498 ; Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1849, pp. 114-126; Poggend. Annal. LXXVIIL, 1849, pp. 366-381 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XIL, 1849, pp. 265-284. - 30. On the direct production of heat by magnetism. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1849, pp. 827- 828; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1849, col. 81-82 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVIIL, 1849, pp. 567-568. - 31. On the heating effects of electricity and mr;£netism. Roy. Inst. Proc. L, 1851-54, pp. 119^24; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIII., 1852, pp. 62-67. 32. On the transmission of electricity by flame aud gases. Roy. Inst. Proc. I., 1851-54, pp. 359-362 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1853 (pt. 2), p. 42. 33. A mode of reviving dormant impres- sions on the retina. Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 435-436. 34. On the electro-chemical polarity of gases, including the stria; in electrical discharges. Phil. Trans. 1852, pp. 87-102; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 376-385; Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, pp. 498-515; Poggend. Annal. XCIIL, 1854, pp. 417-431, 582-594; Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1852, pp. 168-169. 35. On some anomalous cases of electrical decomposition. Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 203-209. 36. On the electricity of the blow-pipe flame. Phil. Mag. VII., 1854, pp. 47-50. GRO] 33 [GRU Grove, JJ'illiam Robert. 37. On the electricity of flame. Phil. Mag. VIII., 18.54, pp. 403- 404. 38. Inferences from the negation of per- petual motion. Roy. Inst. Proc. II., 1854-58, pp. 152-159. 39. On molecular impressions by light and electricity. Roy. Inst. Proc. II., 1854-58, pp. 458-464. 40. On a method of increasing certain effects of induced electricity. Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 1-4; Annal. de Chimie, XLIII., 1855, pp. 379-381 ; Moigno, Cosmos, VI., 1855, pp. 94-97. 41. Some experiments showing the appa- rent conversion of electricity into mechanical force. Phil. Mag. XL, 1856, pp. 225-227. 42. Note on the occultation of Jupiter, 8 Nov. 1856. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, p. 3. 43. Note on the occultation of Jupiter of 2 Jan. 1857. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, pp. 78-79. 44. On some new methods of producing and fixing electrical figures. Phil. Mag. XIII., 1857, pp. 63-66; Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 345-349. 45. On the striae seen in the electrical dis- charge in vacua. Phil. Mag. XVI., 1858, pp. 18-22; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 443-444. 46. On the influence of light on the polar- ized electrode. Phil. Mag. XVI., 1858, pp. 426-433; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 17-18. 47. On the electrical discharge, and its stratified appearance in rarefied media. Roy. Inst. Proc. III., 1858-62, pp. 5-10 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856(^.2), pp. 10-11. 48. Transit of Comet V. 1858 over Arcturus. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIX., 1859, pp. 28-29. 49. Occultation of Saturn, 1859, May 8. Asti-ou. Soc. Month. Not. XIX., 1859, p. 243. SO. On the reflexion and inflexion of light by incandescent surfaces. Phil. Mag. XVlL, 1859, pp. 177-181. 51. On the transmission of electrolysis across glass. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 69-70; Phil. Mag. XX., 1860, pp. 126-128. 52. On some effects of heat on fluids. Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1863, pp. 263-273. 53. Appearances of Mars, Oct., Nov., 1862. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIII., 1863, pp. 75-76. Grover, H. M. On an orbital motion of the magnetic pole round the North Pole of the Earth. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), p. 8. 2. The British tides. United Service Journ. V., 1862, pp. 31-44. VOL. III. Grover, John. A few remarks on the total eclipse of the Sun observed at Nice, July 8th, 1842. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 207-208. 2. An account of the island of Arguin, on the western coast of Africa. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1846, pp. 162-168. Groves, Charles E. Note of the action of chloride of ethyl upon ammonia. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 331-333. Groves, Henry. The Flora of Portland. Phy- tologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 601-609. 2. Remarks on the umbellate developement of Scabiosa succisa. Pharmaceut. Jouru. XVII., 1858, pp. 505-506. Groves, Thomas B. On Portland arrow-root. Pharmaceut. Journ. XIII., 1854, pp. 60-61. 2. An examination of the alkaloids con- tained in the English poppy capsules. Pharma- ceut. Journ. XIV., 1855, pp. 203-206. • 3. On aloine. Chemist, III., 1856, pp. 763-766 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 367-369. 4. Tribasic phosphate of soda. [1855.] Pharmaceut. Journ. XV., 1856, p. 275 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 284-285. 5. On some compounds of iodide and bromide of mercury with the alkaloids. Chem. Soc. Journ. XT., 1859, pp. 97-102. Grubb, Thomas. On an improvement in the illuminating of objects in the compound micro- scope. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 296-297. 2. Method of determining, approximately, the spherical aberration of a combination of lenses for microscopic purposes. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853-54, pp. 59-62. 3. On decimal systems of money, &c. [1855.] Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. I., 1856-57, pp. 21-32. 4. Report on the improvement of telescope and equatorial mountings. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857, pp. 195-200. 5. On improvements in the optical details of reflecting telescopes and equatorial instru- ments. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 8-9. 6. On lunar photography. Photogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1857, pp. 279-281. 7. On some of the optical principles in- volved in the construction of photographic lenses. [1857.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1858, pp. 108-111, 172-174. 8. On a new patent compound view lens for photographic cameras. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. II., 1858-59, pp. 27-29. 9. On a new table microscope. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. III., 1860-62, pp. 85-88. Grubbens, Michael af. Chinesiska Soyans be- rednings - siitt. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXIV., 1803, pp. 1-7 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIX., 1804, pp. 260-263. GRU] [GRU Grube, Adolph Eduard. Versuch einer Anat- omie des Sipuiiculus iiudus. Miiller, Archiv, 1837, pp. 237-258. 2. Ueber Augen bei Muscheln. Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 24-25. 3. Ueber das Menstrualblut. Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 36-37. 4. Ueber den Bau der Macula lutea des menschlichen Auges. Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 38-40; MicroscopicalJourn. I., 1841, pp. 71-73. 5. Recherches pour servir a 1'anatomie et a la pbysiologie des Annelides a brancbies. Ann. Sci. Nat. XDI. (Zool.), 1840, pp. 207-225. 6. Ueber die Lebensweise der Wasser- spinneu. Froriep, Notizen, XXIV., 1842, col. 321-328, 341-344. 7. Einige Eesultate aus Untersuchungen iiber die Anatomic der Araneiden. Miiller, Arcbiv, 1842, pp. 296-302. 8. Bescbreibuiig einer auffallenden, an Wieg- Siisswasserscbwammen lebcndeu Larve. mann, Arcbiv, IX., 1843, pp. 331-337. 9. Ueber den Lumbricus variegatus, Miiller, und ibrn verwandte Anneliden. Wieg- mann, Arcbiv, X., 1844, pp. 198-217. 1O. Beschreibungen neuer oder weniger bokannter Anneliden. Erster Beitrag : Sabella lucullana, Delle Chiajc, S. luxuriosa, lanigera, Josepbinas, Risso, S. penicillns, Sav., S. pa- vonina, Sav. Wiegmann, Archiv, XII., 1846, pp. 45-59. 11. Bescbreibungen neuer oder wenig bekannter Anneliden. Zweiter Beitrag : Cane- phorus elegans, Gr., Ammochares Ottonis, Gr., Dasymallus cadueus, Gr., Scalis minax, Gr. Wiegmann, Arcbiv, XII., 1846, pp. 161-171. 12. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Tomopteris und die Stella^ig dieser Gattung. Miiller, Ai-chiv, 1848, pp. 456-468. 13. Beschreibungeu neuer oder wenig bekannter Anneliden. Dritter Beitrag: Die Gattungen Sabellaria, Lam. (Hermella, Sav.}, und ihre Arten. Wiegmann, Archiv, XIV., 1848, pp. 34-52. 14. Fehlt den Wespen- oder Hornissen- larven ein After oder nicbt ? Miiller, Archiv, 1849, pp. 47-74. 15. Ueber einige Anguillulen und die Eutwickelung von Gordius aquaticus. Wieg- mann, Archiv, XV., 1849, pp. 358-375. 16. Ueber die Holotburien - Gattungen Chirodota und Synapta. Miiller, Archiv, 1 850, pp. 111-116. 17. Die Farnilien der Anneliden (Appen- diculata polychreta, Gymnocopa, Onychophora, Oligochreta, Discophora). Wiegmann, Archiv, XVI., 1850, pp. 249-364. 18. Ueber den Bau von Peripatus Ed- wardsii. Miiller, Archiv, 1853, pp. 322-359. Grube, Adolph Eduard. 19. Bemerkungen iiber die Phyllopoden, nebst einer Uebersicht ihrer Gattungen und Arten. Wiegmann, Ar- chiv, XIX., 1853, pp. 71-172 ; XX., 1854, pp. 247-248. 2O. Ueber Vorkommen von Sarcophaga- rnaden in den Augen und der Nase von Men- schen. Wiegmann, Arcliiv, XIX., 1853, pp. 282-285 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 238-239. 21. Einiges iiber die Mundtheile der sau- genden Insecten. Wiegmann, Archiv, XX., 1854, pp. 242-246. 22. Beschreibungen neuer oder wenig be- kannter Anneliden. Vierter Beitrag : Polyuoe, Polyodontes, Palmyra, Chloeia, Notopygos, Dio- patra, Lysidice, Nereis, Staurocepbalus, Oxy- dromus, Lopadorrhyuchus, Glycera, Syllis, Autolytus, Leucodore, HeterociiTus, Cirratulus. Aonis, Aricia, Clytie, Clymene, Terebella, Pol}'- cirrus, Myxicola, Fabricia, Serpula, Lumbricus, Alma. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXI., 1855, pp. 81-136. 23. Bemerkungen iiber einige Helminthen und Meerwiirnier. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXI., 1855, pp. 137-158. 24. Anuulata Orstediana. Enumeratio Annulatorum qua3 in itinere per Indiam occi- deutalem et Americam centralem annis 1845- 48 suscepto legit cl. A. S. ORSTED, adjectis speciebus nonnullis a cl. H. KKUYERO in itinere ad Americam meridionalem collectis. Kjoben- havn, Vidensk. Meddel. 1856, pp. 44-62 ; 1857, pp. 158-186 ; 1858, pp. 105-120. 25. Ueber den Bau der Brachiopoden und ihre Unterschiede von den Muscbeln. Breslau, Scbles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, pp. 46-47. 26. Diagnosen einiger neueu Echinoder- men (Atropecteu ciliatus, Asteropsis imbricata, Scytaster cancellatus, Echinaster depknatus, E. rigidus, E. lacunosus, Oreaster lapidarius, Ophiocoma variabilis, Ophiolepis limbata, 0. sexradia, 0. alba, Brissus panis). Wiegmann, Archiv, XXIII., 1857, pp. 340-344. 27. Verzeicbniss der Arachnoiden Liv-, Kur- und Ehstlands. [1S58.] Dorpat, Archiv, I., 1859, pp. 417-486. 28. Bemerkungen iiber Cypridina und eine neue Art dieser Gattung (Cypridina ob- longa). Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 322-337. 29. Beschreibungen neuer oder weniger bekannter Seesterne und Seeigel. [1857.] Acad. CJBS. Leop. Nova Acta, XXVII., 1860, pp. 1-50. 30. Bemerkungeu iiber die Javanische Vogelfauna. Breslau, Scbles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1860, pp. 51-55. GRU] Grube, Adolph Eduard. 31. Ueber das Reichsmuseum der Naturgeschichte in Leiden und die zoologischen Garten in Amsterdam und Rotterdam. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. I860, pp. 55-59. 32. Beschreibung einer Oestridenlarve aus der Haut des Meuschen. Wiegmann, Arcbiv, XXVI., 1860, pp. 9-16. 33. Beschreibung neuer oder wenig be- kannter Anneliden. Fiinfter Beitrag : Polynoe, Spinther, Ampbinome, Staurocepbalus, Phyllo- doce, Syllis, Sylline, Spiophanes, Heterocirrus, Cirratulus, Clymene, Maldane, Terebella, Am- pbicteis, Polycirrus, Sabella, Serpula, Soenuris. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVI., 1860, pp. 71-118. 34. Mittheilungen iiber die Serpulen, mit besonderer Beriicksicbtigung ibrer Deckel. Breslau, Scbles. Gesell. Jabresb. 1861, pp. 53- 69. 35. Beschreibung einer neuen Coralle ( Lithoprimnoa arctica) und Bemerkungen iiber ibre systematische Stellung. Breslau, Scbles. Gesell. Jabresb. 1861 (Abh.\ pp. 166-176. 36. Ueber die Phyllopoden, besonders iiber die Pbyllopoden mit zweiklappiger Scbale. Breslau, Scbles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1862, pp. 41- 44. 37. Die Eigenthiimlicbkeiten des Korper- baues, die Systematik und die Verbreitung der Sabellen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1862, pp. 44-46. 38. Beschreibungen neuer, von den Herren L. v. SCHRENCK, MAACK, C. v. DITMAR u. a. im Amurlande und in Ostsibirien gesammclter Araneideu. [1861.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1862, col. 161-180. 39. Noch ein Wort iiber die Capitellen und ihre Stelle im Systeme der Anneliden. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVIII., 1862, pp. 366- 378 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XI., 1863, pp. 393-402. 40. Vorkommen eines Generationswechsels bei den Anneliden. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jabresb. 1863, pp. 57-58. 41. Icridium fuscurn. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1863, pp. 58-59. 42. Die Crustaceenfauua des Adriatischen und Mittelmeeres. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1863, pp. 59-64. 43. Ueber die Beziehungen der zehnfiiss- igen Isopoden-Gattungen Anceus und Praniza zu einander. Breslau. Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1863, pp. 64-65. 44. Ueber die Wanderungen des Faust- 35 [GRU Grube, Adolph Eduard. 46. Ueber ein in Schlesien geschossenes Exemplar der Zwerg- trappe (Otis tetrao, L.). Breslau, Schles. Ge- sell. Jahresb. 1863, pp. 69-70. 47. Beschreibung neuer oder wenig be- kannter Anneliden. Sechster Beitrag : Polynoe, Euphrosyne, Zygolobus, Glycera, Tetraglene, Syllis, Ainblyosyllis, Heterocirrus, Sclerocheilus, Phylloch;r,topterus, Clymene, Terebella, Sabel- lides, Sabella, Serpula. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXIX., 1863, pp. 37-69. Grube, F. Ueber die Anziehung eines Cylinders. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VIH., 1863, pp. 342- 354. Gruber, P. P. Methode : ein achromatisches Fernrohr mit zwei und zwei Ocularlinsen in eiuer Rohre, zur Erzielung verschiedener schein- barer Vergrosserungen der Gegenstiinde, um- zuandern, und zu gleichem Zwecke neue Fern- rohre zu verfertigen ; nebst Fiugerzeigen zu deren Vervollkommnung und Anwendung. Kast- ner, Archiv Naturl. XX., 1830, pp. 310-314. 2. Ueber den ueuen Miinchener Riesen- refractor. Kastner, Arcbiv Naturl. XXV., 1833, pp. 295-299. Gruber, Tobias. Beobachtungen iiber die Strahl- enbrechung auf erwarmten Fliichen. Gilbert, Annal. III., 1800, pp. 377-396. 2. Theorie der mit Spieglung verbundenen Senkung und Hebung der Objecte am Horizont. Gilbert, Annal. III., 1800, pp. 439-446. 3. Einige merkwiirdige Versuche mit VOLTA'S Siiule, angestellt. Gilbert, Anna!. VIII., 1801, pp. 216-227. 4. Critische Uebersicht der Linearperspec- buhns (Syrrhaptes paradoxus). Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1863, pp. 66-68. • 45. Ueber zwei in Schlesien gescbossene Reiber (Ardea purpurea et A. comata) ; und zwei Exemplare des Corrnoran. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1863, pp. 68-69. tive zur Vereinfachung und Verstandlichung des Unterrichtes fiir angehende Kiinstler. Bohm. Gesell. Abb. I., 1804. Gruber, Wenzel. Ueber die von dem mensch- lichen Korper ausgehenden Pendelschwingungen. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1844, pp. 701-712. 2. Anatomiscbe Mittheilungen. Gefiiss- Nerven- und Muskel- Anomalien. Fremde Korper. Prag, Vierteljahrschr. 1846, pp. 78- 87. —— 3. Ueber ueue Muskelanomalieen in der Kniekehle. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, III., 1846, pp. 114-117. 4. Beitntge zur Anatomie, Physiologie, und Chirurgie. Bohm. Gesell. Abb. V., 1847, pp. 1-63, 65-116. — 5. Untersuchung einiger Organe eines Castraten. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 463- 476. 6. Seltene Beobachtungen aus dem Gebiete der nienschlicben Anatomic. Miiller, Archiv, 1848, pp. 412-433. E 2 GRU] 36 [GRTT Gruber, Wenzel. 7. Mangel des Thriinenbeines und dessen Ersetzung durch eine bis jetzt unbekannte Ueberzahl von blattchenformigen Fortsiitzen benachbarter Knochen bei gleichzei- tiger Theilung der rechten Papierplatte des Siebbeines, an dem Schadel eines Russen. Miiller, Archiv, 1848, pp. 412-416. 8. Abnorme Lagerung und Ausbruchstelle bolder Eekziilme an dem Schadel eines manu- lichen, im hoheren Alter verstorbenen Indi- viduums. Miiller, Archiv, 1848, pp. 417-421. 9. Ueber ein sehr entwickeltes Zungenbein. Miiller, Archiv, 1848, pp. 421-422. — 1O. Mangel der oberen Horner (Cornua superiora) des Schildknorpels (Cartilage thyr- oidea). Miiller, Archiv, 1848, pp. 423-424. — — 11. Muskelauomalien : ein dreifacher Mus- culus stylohyoideus. Miiller, Archiv, 1848, pp. 424-426. 12. Ueber ein neues iiberzahliges Muskel- biindel des Musculus biceps brachii. Miiller, Archiv, 1848, pp. 426-427. •. 13. Ueber zwei eigenthiimliche losgetrennte und zum Radius gehende Biindel des Musculus brachialis internus. Miiller, Archiv, 1848, pp. 427-429. 14. Noch eine neue Muskelanomalie in der hinteren Knieregion. Miiller, Archiv, 1848, pp. 430-433. . 15. Beschreibung zweier neuen Blinder am Schadel des Menschen. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1850, col. 369-380. 16. Ueber den gesammten Apparat der Bunder zwischen dem Hiuterhauptsbeine und den obersten Halswirbeln iiberhaupt und einen neuentdeckten Appendix superior des Ligamen- tum cruciatum insbesondere. Miiller, Archiv, 1851, pp. 291-315. 17. Menschliche Missbildung mit Spalt- ungen an der Riicken- und Bauchflache und noch andern Deformitaten. [1848.] St. Pt'tersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. VI., 1851, pp. 335-348. 18. Ueber die neue und constante ober- fliichliehe Ellenbogenbugschlagader des Mensch- en (Arteria plica? cuhiti superlicialis) nebst deren beiden Anomaliccn der Arteria mediana anti- brachii superficialis und ulnaris superficial!?. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, VIII., 1852 (pte. 2), pp. 431-510. 19. Ueber das Foramen jugulare im Schadel des Menschen und ein in demselben gefimdenes Knochelchen. [1852.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XI., 1853, col. 93-112. 2O. Ueber das Thranenbein der straussar- tigen Vogel iiberhaupt, und iiber den Oberaugen- hohlenknochen (Os supraorbitale) und den neuen Unteraugenhohlenknochen (Os infraorbitale) des Struthio Camelus insbesondere. [1854.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII., 1 855, col. 1 6 1-1 76. Gruber, Wenzel. 21. Ueber den Ohrknorpel- oder1 Gehorgangs-Kopf des Griflfelzungenmuskels (Caput auriculare musculi styloglossi) des Men- schen und sein Analogon bei Phoca. [1854.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII., 1855, col. 257-273. 22. Vorlllufige Anzeige einer Anatomic derEingeweide des Leoparden (Felis leopardus). [1855.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1856, col. 39-40. 23. Vorliiufige Anzeige der Entdeckung des Processus supracondyloideus ossis femoris internus und der Bursa supracondyloidea genu des Menscheu. [1855.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1856, col. 267-270. 24. Die neue Bursa mucosa sinus tarsi seu ligamenti fundiformis tarsi. [1856.] St. Pe- tersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1857, col. 11-14. 25. Die Bursre mucosas prrepatellares. [1856.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1857, eol. 150-169. 26. Geschichtliche Berichtigung iiber das Caput auriculare musculi styloglossi des Men- schen. [1856.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1857, col. 206-208. 27. Ueber den seitlichen Hermaphrodi- tismus eines 22-j;ihrigen Menschen. St. Pe- tersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. I., 1859. 28. Beitriige zur Anatomic des Keilbeines und Schlafenbeines. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. I., 1859. 29. Menschliches analogon der thierischen Vagina nervi trigernini ossea am Felsenbeine. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. I., 1859. 30. Anatomie der Eingeweide des Leo- parden (Felis leopardus) mit vergleichenden Bemerkungen iiber andereFelis-Arten. [1855.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. VIII., 1859, pp. 1-50. 31. Monographic des Canalis supracondy- loideus humeri und der Processus supracon- dyloidei humeri et femoris der Siiugethiere und des Menschen. [1856.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. V1IL, 1859, pp. 52-128. 32. Die Musculi subscapulares (major et minor) und die neuen supernumeraren Schulter- muskeln des Menschen. [1857.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savaiis Etrang. VIII., 1859, pp. 219- 258. 33. Die Bursoe mucosee der Spatia inter- metacarpo-phalangea et intermetatarso-phalan- gea. St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. VIII., 1859, pp. 296-327. 34. Ueber die Identitiit des Stylo-auricu- laris (ffyrtl 1840) mit einer Varietal des Caput auriculare, m. styloglossi (mild 1854) und DUVERNEY'S Prioritiit der Entdeckung (1749). Heule uud Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, X., i860, pp. 369-372. GEU] 37 [GRU Gruber, Wenzel. 35. Ueber den Acromial- knochen und das accidentelle Acromialgelenk des Menschen. [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. L, 1860, col. 326-338. — — 36. Vorliiufige Mittheilung iiber die Ober- schulterhakenschleimbeutel (Bursoe mucoste sca- pulares supracoracoidea?). [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. L, 1860, col. 448-449. 37. Missbildungen. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1860. 38. Ueber den neuen Schildknorpel-Luft- rohren - Muskel, Musculus thyreo - trachealis. [I860.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1861, col. 153-157. 39. Die supernumeraren Brustmuskeln des Menschen. [I860.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1861. 40. Die Oberschulterhakenschleimbeutel (Bursre mucosse supracoracoideai). Eine Mono- grapbie mit Vorbemerkungen, enthaltend Bei- triige zur Anatomie der Regio infraclavicularis und deltoidea. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. HI., 1861. 41. Beitriige zu den Bildungshemmungen der Mesenterien. Reichert, Archiv, 1862, pp. 588-611. 42. Zergliederung oberer Extremitaten mit angeborenen Defecten an der Hand. Rei- chert, Archiv, 1863, pp. 319-338. 43. Ueber die Arten der Acromialkuochen und accidentellen Acroinialgelenke. Reichert, Archiv, 1863, pp. 373-387, 393-406. 44. Ueber einige seltene durch Bildungs- fehler bedingte Lagerungsanomalien des Darmes bei ervvachsenen Menschen. [1862.] St. Pe- tersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1863, col. 49-60. 45. Ueber die Darmverschlingung und Incarceration durch Kniipfen eines Knotens (Schleife) zwischen der unteren Ileumportion und der Flexura sigmoidea. Virchow, Archiv, XXVL, 1863, pp. 377-391. Gruby, . Memoire sur une vegetation qui constitue la vraie Teigne. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 72-75, 309-311. 2. Recherches anatomiques concernant le systeme veineux de la Grenouille. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 923-926; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII. (Zool.), 1842, pp. 209-250. 3. Ueber Tinea favosa. Miiller, Archiv, 1842, pp. 22-24. 4. Note sur les entozoaires de la Grenouille et sur quelques points de la pathologic de ce batracien. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 33-35, 71-72. 5. Sur une espece de mentagre contagieuse resultant du developpement d'un nouveau cryp- togame dans la racine des poils de la barbe de 1'homme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 512-514. Gruby, 6. Recherches sur la nature, le siege, et le developpement du Porrigo decalvans ou Phytoalopecie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 301-303. 7. Recherches et observations sur une nouvelle espece d'hematozoaire, Trypanosoma sanguinis. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1134-1136; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIIL, 1844, pp. 158-159 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Zool), 1844, pp. 104-107. 8. Recherches sur les cryptogames qui con- stituent la maladie contagieuse du cuir chevelu decrite sous le nom de Teigne tondante, Mahon, Herpes tonsurans, Cazenave. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 583-585. 9. Note sur des plautes cryptogamiques se developpant en grande masse dans 1'estoniac d'une malade atteinte, depuis huit ans, de diffi- culte dans la deglutition des aliments, soit liquides, soit solides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 586-588. 10. Recherches sur les animalcules para- sites des follicules sebaces et des follicules des poils de la peau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 569-572 ; Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. VII., 1847, pp. 333-336; Heller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 150-152. 11. Effets du chloroforme sur les animaux, compares a ceux de Tether. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 90i-903 ; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1847, col. 17-18. 12. Action du chloroforme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 175-176; Froriep, Notizen, V1L, 1848, col. 67-68. Gruby, , et 0. Delafond. Note sur une alteration vermineuse du sang d'un chien, deter- minee par un grand nombre d'hematozoaires du genre Filaire. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 381-382 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 325-326 ; XVIIL, 1844, pp. 687-688. • 2. Resultats des recherches faites sur 1'anatomie et les fonctions des villosites in- testinales, 1'absorption, la preparation, et la com- position organique du chyle dans les animaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI.,1843, pp.1 194-1200. 3. Recherches sur les animalcules se developpant dans 1'estomac pendant la diges- tion des animaux herbivores et carnivores. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 1304- 1308 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIIL, 1844, pp. 154- 157; Napoli, Remliconto, III., 1844, pp. 233-236. 4. Resultats Je recherches faites sur la composition organique de la lymphe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 1369-1372. 5. Sur le ver filaire qui vit dans le sang du chien domestique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 9-14; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIL, 1852. pp. 233-238 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. 11,, 1854, pp. 33-35. GRUJ 38 Gruby, , et G. Grimaud de Caux. De- scription anatomique de 1'organe qui fournit la liqueur purpurigene dans le Murex brandaris, et analyse microscopique de cette liqueur. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XV., 1842, pp. 1007-1009. Griiel, C. A. Ueber eine vortheilhafte Construc- tion der Grove'schen Kette. Poggend. Annal. LI., 1840, pp. 381-383 ; Archives de 1'Electr. I., 1841, p. 270 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives,!., 1841, p. 270 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VIII., 1842, pp. 75-79. 2. Der elektro - magnetische Hammer. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXXIX., 1843, pp. 274-277. 3. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Darstell- ung Daguerre'scher Lichtbilder. Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. LXXXIX., 1843, pp. 423-427. — — 4. Mikroskopische Beobachtung. Poggend. Annal. LXL, 1844, pp. 220-222. 5. Elektromagnetisches Glockengeliiut. Poggend. Annal. LXVIIL, 1846, pp. 293-298. 6. Ueber eine Vereinfachuns; des Helio- stats. Poggend. Annal. LXXII., 1847, pp. 432- 435. 7. Ueber die Darstellung von Aerostaten aua Collodion. Poggeud. Annal. LXXV., 1848, pp. 333-335. 8. Ueber einen Apparat fur die subjectiven Farben - Erscheinungen. Poggend. Annal. LXXV., 1848, pp. 524-526. 9. Ueber eine elektromaguetische Maschine mit oscillirendem Anker. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 153-159. 10. Ueber die Interferenz zweier Stimm- Poggend. Annal. gabeln. Poggend. Auual. CIV., 1858, pp. 494- 496. 11. Notiz iiber das Maximum-Thermometer. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLV., 1860, pp. 192-194. 12. Ueber die optische Wirkung der Insecten - Augen. Poggend. Annal. CXIX., 1863, pp. 640-642. • 13. Ueber kiinstliche Erzeuguug des As- . terismus. Poggend. Annal. CXX., 1863, pp. 511-512. Gruggen, J. P. Report of a committee for col- lecting information respecting the occurrence of, and the more remarkable phenomena connected with, the earthquakes lately felt in the neigh- bourhood of Chichester. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1835, pp. 338-339. Gruithuisen, Franz von Paula. Eiu Frosch stiilpt seinen Magen um, und reiniget ihn vom Sehleime. Reil, Archiv, VIII., 1807-8, pp. 271-272. 2. Ueber die cbemischen und dynamischen Momente bei der Bildung der Infusorien, mit eiuer Kritik der Versuche des Herru FKAT. Gehlen, Journ. VIIL, 1809, pp. 511-547. [GEU Gruithuisen, Franz von Paula. 3. Physiolog- ische und physiographische Bemerkungeu iiber microskopische Thiere, besonders in Hinsicht ihrer Entstehung, &c. Okeu, Isis (Lit. Anz.\ 1820, col. 247-260. — 4. Physikalisch - astronomische Beobacht- ungen. Acad. Cms. Leop. Nova Acta, X., 1821, pp. 239-256. 5. Die Branchienschnecke [Valvata] und cine aus ihreu Ueberresten hervorwachsende lebendiggebahrende Conferve. Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, X., 1821, pp. 437-454. 6. Selenognostische Fragrnente. Acad. Cxs. Leop. Nova Acta, X., 1821, pp. 635-691 ; XL, 1823, pp. 583-602. 7. Anatomie der geziingelten Naide und iiber Entstehung ihrer Fortpflauzungsorgaue. Acad. Cces. Leop. Nova Acta, XL, 1823, pp. 233-248. 8. Entdeckung vieler deutlichen Spuren der Mondbewobner besonders eines collossalen Kunstgebiiudes derselben. Kastuer, Archiv Naturl. I., 1824, pp. 129-171 ; II., 1824, pp. 257-322. 9. Naturwissenschaftlicher Reisebericht. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VIII., 1826, pp. 1- 89. 10. Ueber die Daphnia sima und ihren Blutkreislauf. Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, XIV., 1828, pp. 397-406. 11. Ueber die Nais diaphana und Nais diastropha, mit dem Nerven- und Blutsystem derselben. Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, XIV., 1828, pp. 407-420. 12. Ueber einige neu entdeckte regulare Bildungen auf der Mondoberfliiche und andere veranderliche GegenstJinde daselbst. [1825.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1828, pp. 101-109. 13. Was es mit dem Sinken und Steisren einiger Theile der Continente fur eine Bewaudt- niss babe. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I., 1834, pp. 20-25. 14. Bestimmung der Hohe der Atmosphii- reugrenze bei der Erde, aus einem neuen Theoreme. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I., 1834, pp. 25-31. 15. Aufsuchung von Naturgesetzen, nach welchen die Erde in dem Weltraum Wasser verliert. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I., 1834, pp. 31-35. 16. Von den Wirkuugen eines moglichen grossen Brandes der Sonne, gleich dem auf dem Tychonischen Sterne. Gruitliuisen, Neue Ana- lekt. I., 1834, pp. 44-48. 17. Eine neue Formel und neue Berech- nungen der Umfange der Planetenbahnen. Grui- thuisen, Neue Aualekt. I., 1834, pp. 51-54. GRU] 39 Gruithuisen, Franz von Paula. 18. Ueber den Meeresboden gibt allein die Mondfliiche Auf- kliirung. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I.. 183-i (Hft. 2), pp. 2-5. 19. Beantwortung der Olber'schen Frage, iiber die Erscheinungsmodificationen des Mond- fleckens SCHROTEB und anderer Mondgebilde. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I., 1834 (Hft 2), pp. 7-13. 2O. Eine totale^ Widerlegung des Pluto- nismus. Gruithuisen, Neue Aualekt. I. 1834 (Hft. 2), pp. 13-18. 21. Was war der Mond, ehe er sich zur Erde gesellte ? Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I , 1834 (Hft. 2), pp. 18-25. 22. Tafeln iiber den Druck des Meerwassers in alien denkbaren Tiefen. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I., 1834 (Hft. 2), pp. 25-33. 23. Erster Versuch einer vollstiindigen Darstellung der Grande fiir die Aggregations- theorie. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I., 1834 (Hft. 3), pp. 1-17. 24. Verwerfung des Melanderhjelm'schen Theorems zur Berechnung der Dichtigkeit der Atmospharen der Weltkorper uud Eechtfertig- ung der Einfuhrung des Mariotte'schen Natur- gesetzes zu cliesem Zwecke. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I., 1834 (Hft. 3), pp. 17-28. 25. Kann man denn gar nichts Gewisses von den Bewohnern anderer Weltkorper wissen ? Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I., 1834 (Hft 3) pp. 30-46; (Hft. 4), pp. 40-55; II., 1835, pp. 40-46 ; (Hft. 2), pp. 60-67. 26. Entdeckung jener Verhaltnisse der Lichtbrechung durch die Atmospharen anderer Weltkorper, welche den Astronomen bisher deren Beobachtung erschwerten oder unmoglich machten. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. 1 , 1834 (Hft. 3), pp. 46-57. 27. ELBE DE BEAUMONT macht Melduno- von zwei Ringgebirgen auf der Erde, die denen des Mondes iihnlich sind, nebst Beurtheilung einiger seiner Aeusserungen. Gruithuisen Neue Analekt. I., 1834 (Hft. 3), pp. 57-63. 28. Ueber AJ. BRONGNIAET'S Hypothese, warum sich das Siindfluthwasser von der Erde verier. Gruithuiseu, Neue Analekt. I. 1834 (Hft. 3), pp. 74-79. 29. Beweisgriinde fiir den kosmisehen Ursprung der Meteorsteine, Meteorku°-eln feternschnuppcn u. dgl. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. L, 1834 (Hft. 4.), pp. 33-40. 30. Priifung der vulkanistischen Hypothese dass die Atmosphare das Urmeer enthalten habe Griuthuison, Neue Analekt. L, 1834 (Hft 4) pp. 58-64. [GRU Gruithuisen, Franz von Paula. 31. Fortsetz- ung der Griiude fiii- die Aggregationstheorie. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I.. 1834 (Hft -i) pp. 1-23; (Hft. 6), pp. 45-71. 32. Ueber Schwere und Dichtigkeit im Innern der Erde. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I., 1834 (Hft. 6), pp. 1-14. 33. Versuch iiber die Temperatur im Innern der Erde zufolge der Aggregations- theorie und der Schwere und Dichtigkeit im Innern der Erde. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I., 1834 (Hft. 6), pp. 14-23. 34. Von den physikalischen Phiinomenen bei der Mondsfinsterniss vom 26 Dec. 1833. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. L, 1834 (Hft 6} pp. 23-26. 35. Was ist der Nebel der Nebelflecke und Nebelsterne ? Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. I , 1834 (Hft. 6), pp. 29-33. 36« Beifiiguug physisch - mathematischer Erlauterungen zu den Experimentellen der Ent- deckung der wahren Verhaltnisse der Lieht- brechung durch die Atmospharen anderer Welt- korper, welche den Astronomen bisher deren Beobachtung erschwerten oder unmoglich mach- ten. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. II., 1835, pp. 1—9. 37. Beweisgriinde fiir die Universalitat einer einzigen wesentlicheu atmospharischen Substanz iiber alien Oberflachen der Weltkorper im Steruenhimmel, und in den Raumeii zwischen denselben. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. II 1835, pp. 9-36. 38. Welche Hitze mag wohl die Oberflache der Sonne und die der Fixsterne wenigstens iiberhaupt haben ? Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt II., 1835, pp. 37-40. 39. Die Aberrationsconstantewiderspricht der Undulatioushypothese des Lichts absolut. Gruithuiseu, Neue Analekt. II., 1835, pp. 49- ^ 40. Ueber das Wiedererscheinen des Hal- ley'schen Kometen im gegenwJirtigen Jahre. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. II., 1835, pp. 67- 41. Beweisgriinde, dass der Jupiter 1769 den Kometen von 1770 als Mond gefangen, und ihn entweder gleich hierauf oder nach einer gewissen Zahl von eigenen Umlaufen in die Masse seines Kerns aufgenommen hat. Gruit- huiseu, Neue Analekt. II., 1835 (ffft. 2), pp. 42. Ueber die Resistenz des Mediums, welche die Weltkorper im Hirnmelsraume leiden. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. II., 1835 (Hft.2} pp. 28-32. GRUJ [GRU Gruithuisen, Franz von Paula. 43. Verschie- dene Zusiitze und Folgerungen zu der Physik der Halbmesser der Captationsspharen fur die Planetenmoude, Gruithuisen, Ncue Analekt. II., 1835 (Hft. 2), pp. 42-50. 44. Ueber die Zusammenkunft des Kometen von 1770 mit dem Jupiter im Jahre 1779. Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. II., 1835 (Hft. 2), pp. 67-72. Grund, . Nachrichten iiber die fiscalischen Bolirversuche auf Steinsalz zu Scherfedc und Liitgeneder. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. u. S:din\v. IX., 1861 (Abh.}, pp. 153-167. Grxmdl, Icjnaz. Berg Pilis, bei Gran in Ungarn. [1862.] ' Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XIII.. 1863, pp. 16-17. Grvmdlach, . Description of four Bats taken in Cuba. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1841, pp. 19-21. Grundmann, . Chemische Untersuchung der Steinkohlen Oberschlesiens. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. u. Salinw. IX., 1851 (Abh.), pp. 198-207, S50. 2. Untersuchuhgen der Kesselspeisewasser uud Kesselsteine zu KSnigshiitte und Konigin- Louisegrube in Oberschlesien betreffs der Ent- siiuerung der zur Speisung dienenden Gruben- wasser. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. u. Salinw. X., 1861 (Abh.), pp. 208-220. 3. Chemische Untersuchungen iiber die Verwitterung der Steinkohlen. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. u. Salinw. X., 1862 (Abh.), pp. 326-333. 4. Chemische Untersuchung der Stein- kohlen Oberschlesiens. Zeitschr. Berg. HiitL. u. Salinw. X., 1862 (Abh.), pp. 333-360. Grundmann, R. Ueber die Trennung des Kupf- ers vom Ziuk und des Cadmiums vom Zink mittclst Schwefelwasserstoff. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIII., 1858, pp. 241-246. Grundy, . On the structure of the starch granule. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 386- 390; Pharmaceut. Journ. XIV., 1855, pp. 446- 449. 2. The developcment of the vegetable cell. [1855.] Pharmaceut. Journ. XV., 1856, p. 14. Grime, IJ~. Verschiedeno Anwendungeu des chromsauren Kupferoxyds in der Furberei und Druckerei. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXXIII., 1854, pp. 42-47. Griineberg, //. Chemische Mittheilungen : Darstellung des Schwefelbaryum im Grossen, etc. Erdui. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 168-175. Gruner, , et Winckler. Sur la falsification du safran par des fleurs de Souci et du Saffre. Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 131-133. Gruner, Ch. L. Einige neue Land- und Siiss- wasser-Conchylien. Wiegmann, Archiv, VII., 1841, pp. 276-278. Gruner, Emmanuel L. Notice sur les creusets puisards des hauts-fourneaux a fer. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1834, pp. 31-35. 2. Rapport sur le sondage chinois (a la corde) execute dans la concession houillere de Roche-la-Moliere et de Firminy (Loire). Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1835, pp. 317-337. 3. Notice sur le traitement des minerals auro-argentiferes dans la Basse-Hongrie. Anual. des Mines, IX., 1836, pp. 17-80. 4. Notice sur hi fabrication du charbon Annal. des Mines, XIII., 1838, pp. 595- roux. 600. 5. Rapport sur les experiences faites a Saint-Etieune au moyen de la lampe de M. Du MESNIL. Annal. des Mines, XVI., 1839, pp. 511-518. 6. Memoire sur la nature des terrains de transition et des porphyres du departement de la Loire. Annal. des Mines, XIX., 1841, pp. 53- 153. 7. Resultats principaux des travaux fails dans le Laboratoirc de 1'Ecole des Mineurs de Saint-Etienne pendant 1'annee 1840. Annal. des Mines, XX., 1841, pp. 539-568. 8. Resultats principaux des travaux fails dans le Laboratoire de 1'Ecole des mines de St. Etienne dans le cours de 1'annee 1841. Annal. des Mines, I., 1842, pp. 701-728. 9. Memoire sur le gisement et la nature de quelques minerals de fer des environs de Privas et de la Voulte. Annal. des Mines, VII., 1845, pp. 347-378. 1O. Analyses de divers calcaires de tran- sition du departement de la Loire. Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, pp. 663-665. 11. Essai des anthracites de Farrondisse- ment de Roanne. Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, pp. 665-666. 12. Essai des houilles du bassin de la Loire. Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, pp. 667-668. 13. Observations sur les analyses des terres vegetales. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IX., 1846, pp. 467-487. ^^— 14. Compte rendu d'essais et d'analyses faites an laboratoire de 1'Ecole des Mineurs de Saint-Etienne. Anual. des Mines, XIV., 1848, pp. 267-330. 15. Sur un amas de fer oxydule et de bisilicate ferreux dans les schistes grenatiferes des Maures (Var). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1848-49, pp. 654-670. 16. Memoire sur le gisement et le mode de formation des minerals de manganese des Pyrenees, suivi de quelques considerations sur le role des sources minerales dans la formation de certains minerals. Annal. des Mines, XVIII., 1850, pp. 61-102; Karsten, Archiv, XXV., 1853, pp. 510-519. GRU] [GRU Gruner, Emmanuel L. 17. Description et classi- fication des houilles de la Loire. Annal. des Mines, II., 1852, pp. 115-180. 18. Essais de combustibles. Annal. des Mines, X., 1856, pp. 73-82. — — 19. Essai d'une classification des principaux filons du plateau central de la France, avec indi- cation des roches eruptives et des soulevements auxquels ils semblent se rattacher, suivi de la description speciale des ancieunes mines de plomb du Forez. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. VIII., 1856, pp. 168-270; L, 1857, pp. 1-82. 2O. Note concernant la carte et la de- scription geologique du departement de la Loire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 412- 417. 21. Notes diverses concernant 1'acier pud- dle et l'acier de forge. Annal. des Mines, XV., 1859, pp. 291-337. 22. Affinage de la fonte pour fer et acier, par le precede Bessemer. Annal. des Mines, XVIII., 1860, pp. 555-573. 23. Sur 1'emploi du gaz d'eclairage pour 1'acieration. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL. 1861, pp. 681-682. Gruner, Emmanuel L., et Lan. Etat present de la metallursjie du fer en Angleterre. Annal. des Mines, XIX., 1861, pp. 131-237. Gruner, 8. Geognostische Uebersicht iiber die Alpen in Helvetien. Alpina, I., 1806, pp. 244— 290. Gruner, Theodor. Abhandlung iiber die brenz- liche Weinsteinsaure, ihre Darstellung und Ver- bindungen. Trommsdorflf, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIV., 1832 (St. 2), pp. 55-1 11. Gruner, Theodor, und Rudolph Brandes. Che- mische Untersuchung des Schwerspaths von Pyrmont. Schweiggpr, Journ. XL VI, (= Jahrb. XVI.), 1826, pp. 24.5-247. 2. Cheniische Untersuchung eines Torfs von Pyrmont. Schweigger, Journ. XLVI. (= Jahrb. XVI.), 1826, pp. 475-481. 3. Versuche zur Bestimmung der Loslichkeits-Verhiiltnisse krystallisirten schwe- felsauren Kupferoxydes, oder des blauen Vitriols in Wasser. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 92-100. Gruner, H~. Einige merkwiirdige Versuche mit VOLTA'S Siiule ungestellt. Gilbert, Annal. VIII., 1801, pp. 216-227. 2. Zerlegung des rothen blattrigen Gra- nats aus Gronland. Gilbert, Annal. XIII., 1803, pp. 491-497. 3. Einige Versuche iiber die Bildung von Salzsiiure und Alkali in Fliissigkeiten, welche der Wirkung der voltaischen Satile unterworfen werden. Gilbert, Annal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 85- 97. VOL. III. Gruner, W. 4. Analyse des unter dem Namen Talkwiirfel von Fahlun bis jetzt aufgefuhrten octaedrischen Magneteisens und des, dasselbe begleitenden Chloritschiefers. Voigt, Magazin, XL, 1806, pp. 257-269. 5. Verwandlung der Alkalien in Metalle durch galvanische Electricitiit. Gilbert, Annal. XX VIII., 1808, pp. 345-347. 6. JEWEL'S Verfahrungsart, das milde salzsaure Quecksilber in ein sehr zartes Pulver zu verwandeln. Schweigger, Journ. III., 1811, pp. 371-372. 7. Vermischte chemische Bemerkungen : Schwefelsaure mit Goldnadeln, etc. Schweigger, Journ. V., 1812, pp. 325-330. 8. Chemische Untersuchung des bei No'rt- en, unweit Hannover, aufgefundenen Colestins (schwefelsauren Strontians). Gilbert, Annal. LX., 1819, pp. 72-78; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XV., 1820, pp. 283-286. 9. Auffindung von Boraxsaurc und Lithon im Gronliindischen Turmaliu. Gilbert, Annal. LXV, 1820, pp. 209-212; Ann. Gen. Sci.Phys. V., 1820, pp. 362-363. — — 1O. Die chemische Zusammensetzung des Gronliindischen Turmalins. Gilbert, Annal. LXV., 1820, pp. 323-324. 11. Zerlegung des Tschermiger natiir- lichen Alauns. Gilbert, Annal. LXIX., 1821, pp. 218-219. 12. Chemische Untersuchung des Cereits von Nya-Bastnas Grube bei Niederhytta in Westmanland. TrommsdorflT, N. Journ. d. Pharm. X., 1825, pp. 45-52. Grunert, Johann August. Beweis des Harriot- ischen Satzes. Crelle, Journ. II., 1827, pp 335-344. 2. Summirung der Keihe l+*+x(x~1l x(x-l)(x-2) x(x-\)\x-2)(x-Z) ' ^z(z-\) (z-2)^z(z-l) 0-2) 0-3) + Crelle, Journ. II., 1827, pp. 358-363. 3. Einfacher Beweis der von CAUCHY und EULER gei'undenen Satze von Figurennetzen und Polyedern. Crelle, Journ. II., 1827, p. 367. 4. Ueber die Bewegung eines fallenden Korpers mit Riicksicht auf die Veriinderung der Schwere. Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 457-469. 5. Einige stereometrische Satze. Crelle, Journ. V., 1829, pp. 37-50. 6. Demonstration d'un theoreme d'arith- metique propose dans les Annales de Mathema- tiques de M. GEEGONNE, torn, xix., p. 265. Crelle, Journ. V., 1829, pp. 185-186. 7. Ueber die hoheren Differentials der Function z= — 5—,- und iiber die Entwickel- x ~\y~ ung einiger bestimmten Integrale. Crelle, Journ. VIII., 1832, pp. 146-152. GRU] [GRU Grunert, Johatin August. 8. Ueber die Ver- wancllung der Coordiuaten im Raume. Crelle, Jo urn. VIII., 1832, pp. 153-159. 9. Ableituug des Fennat'schen und Wil- sou'schen Satzes aus einer gemeiuschaftlichen Quelle. Crelle, Journ. VIIL, 1832, pp. 187- 191. 1O. Auflo'sung der Aufgabe, die Rect- ascension und Declination eines \Veltkorpers aus seinen gemessenen Distanzen von zwei be- kaunteu Fixsternen zu finden. Astr. Naclir. XII., 1835, col. 105-110. 11. Ueber die Reduction der Mond-Dis- tauzen. Asti-. Nachr. XV., 1837, col. 27-30. 12. Ueber LAMBERT'S Theorem vou der Quadratur parabolischer Sectoren und verwandte Siltze. Crelle, Journ. XVI., 1837, pp. 21-38. 13. Bemerkungen iiber trigonometrischc Nivellements, insbesondere iiber die terrestrische Strablcnbrechung. Astr. Nachr. XVIII., 1841. col. 25-32. 14. Ueber die Bestimmung der Liinge (lurch lichen des Monds, insbesondere durch correspoudirende oder iiberhaupt gleiche Monds- h5hen. Astr. Nachr. XVIII., 1841, col. 343- 352. 15. Ueber die Bestimmung der Lange durch Azimuthe des Monds, &c. Astr. Nachr. XVIII., 1841, col. 375-390. 16. AMPERE'S Auflosung der Gleichungen des vierten Grades. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 16-19. 17. Ueber die Bestimmung der Auzahl der zwischen gegebeneu Granzen liegenden reellen oder imaginiiren Wurzeln der algebra- ischen Gleichungen. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 19-56. 18. TURNER'S Eigenschaft der ungeraden Zahlen. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 59-60. 19. Das Binomialtheorem fiir positive ganze Exponenten, als specieller Fall ernes allgemein- ern Satzes betrachtet. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 67-72. 2O. Bemerkuug zur Trigonometric. Gru- nert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 73-74. 21. Zu J. J. BAEYER'S "Nivellement zwischen Swinemiinde und Berlin." Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 75-81. 22. MOUEEY'S Beweis des Fundamental- satzes der Theorie der algebraischen Gleich- ungen. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 81-89. 23. Ueber eine merkwiirdige Relation zwischen den reehtwinkligen Coordinaten vou vier Punkten in einer Ebene und den drei Wink- eln, welche die vier von diesen Punkten nach einern fiinften Punkte in derselben Ebene gezog- enen geraden Linien mit einander einschliessen, und iiber zwei wichtige geodatische Aufgaben. Grunert, Archiv, L, 1841, pp. 89-95. Grunert, Johann August. 24. [Beantwortung der Frage, durch wie viele Polygonlinieu n be- liebige Punkte im Raume mit einander verbunden werden konnen, wenn man unter einer Polygon- linie jede Liuie, welche aus den geraden Liuien zusanimengesetzt ist, die, indem man die n gege- benen Puukte in beliebiger Ordnung nimmt, den Isten Punkt mit dem 2ten, den 2ten mit dem 3ten, den 3ten mit dem 4ten, u.s.w. den (n— l)sten mit dem w-ten, den w-ten mit dem Isten verbiuden.] Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 108-109. 25. [Vergleichung eines spharischen Dreiecks mit dem ebenen Dreiecke, welches entsteht, wenn man durch die Spitzen des erstern an jede seiner Seiten zwei Tangenten zieht und deren Durchschnittspunkte durch gerade Linieu mit einander verbindet.] Grunert, Ar- chiv, I., 1841, pp. 110-111. 26. Ableitung der Siitze von ROLLE, FOU- RIER, und DESCARTES iiber die Anzahl der zwischen gegebenen Granzen liegenden reellen Wurzelu einer algebraischen Gleichung aus der Lehre vom Excess der gebrochenen rationalen algebraischen Functionen. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 126-136. 27. Die verschiedenen Auflosungen des Sternschnuppen-Problems, aus eiiieni allgemeinen Gesichtspunkte dargestellt. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 144-179. 28. Ueber die Bestimmung der Anzahl der verschiedenen Arten, auf welche sich ein fl- eck durch Diagonalen in lauter m-ecke zerlegen lasst, mit Bezug auf einige Abhandlungen der Herren LAME, RODRIGUES, BINET, CATALAN, und DUHAMEL in dem Journal de Mathcmatiques, t. HI. et IV. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 193-203. 29. Ueber die Differentialquotientcn von log. x und ax in Bezug auf eine Bemerkung des Herrn LIOUVILLE in dessen Journal de Mathe- matiques, Aout 1840, p. 280. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 204-210. 30. [Analy tische Auflosung der von Herrn Director uud Professor Ritter HANSEN in SCHU- MACHER'S Astronomischen Nachrichten Nr 419, mitgetheilten geodiitischen Aufgabe : — wenn zwei Punkte der Lage naeh gegeben siud, so soil man die Lage zweier andern Punkte durch blosse Wiukelmessungen an den letztern, ohne diese von den gegebeuen Punkten aus zu beo- bachten, bestimmen. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 219-223. 31. Das Pothenot'sche Problem, in erwei- terter Gestalt, nebst Bemerkungen iiber seine Anwendung in der Geodasie. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 238-248. GRU] [GRU Grunert, Johann August. 32. Ueber die Beding- ungen der Ungleichheit, von den Mittelgrosseu und von den Lmaginaren Grdssen. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 268-319. 33. Einiges von den Kegelschnitten. Gru- nert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 322-330. . 34. [Ueber Herrn Doctor MOHB'S zu Cob- lenz Methode Barometer oline Auskoclien luft- leer zu machen]. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 232-334. 35. Ueber CATJCHY'S neueste Unters- uchungen fiber die Entwickelung der gesond- erten Fuuctionen mit einer veranderlichen Grosse in nach den positiven ganzen Potenzen dieser veranderlichen Grosse fortschreitende convergirende Reihen. Nach deh " Considera- tions nouvelles sur la theorie des Suites et sur les lois de leur convergence " von CAUGHT in dessen "Exercises (1) x, A2 (2) a;2 An (w) x" wo A eine beliebige coustante Grosse, An eine beliebige und (n) eine ganze rationale algebraische Function der positiven ganzen Zahl n bezeichnet. Crelle, Journ. XXV., 1843, pp. 240-279. 52. Ueber elne geodatische Aufgabe. Gru- nert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 35-40. 53. Ueber die hohern Difierentialquotient- y + cos x en der Functionen sin x ~ 1 +2 y cos x+y2' "* ~ 1 + 2 y cos x + y1- in Bezug auf a; als veriinderliche Grosse. Nach " Theoremata nova de integralibus definitis" auctore C. J. MALMSTEN, Upsala?, 1 842. Gru- nert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 41-56. 54. Ueber die Bestimmung des Flachenin- halts einer Kugelzone. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 56-61. 55. Ueber die Bestimmung des Schwer- punkts einer Kugelzone. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 61-64. 56. Ueber die Neper'schen Analogieen. Grunert, Archiv, HI., 1843, pp. 104-107. 57. Ueber des Herrn Doctor C. L. von LITTROW neue Methode, die Breite zur See zu bestimmen. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 107-112. 58. Neue Auflo'suns; der die Bestimmunjx der Anzahl aller ganzen Zahlen, welche kleiner als eine gegebene Zahl und zu derselben relative Primzahlen sind, betreffenden Aufgabe. Gru- nert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 196-203. 59. Ueber CAUCHY'S Auflosung der un- bestimmten Gleichungen des ersten Grades zwischen zwei unbeknunten Grossen in ganzen Zahlen. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 203- 210. 60. Ueber die hohern Differentiate der Function y = */ a2 — b2 a?. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 236-248. 61. Ueber eine Eigenschaft des Kreises. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 259-264. — 62. Ueber die Berechnung der Parallaxen. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 337-382. 63. Ueber Parabeln im Raume. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 408-430. F 2 GRU] 44 [GEU Grunert, Johann August. 64. Elementare Be- stimmung des Schwerpunkts des sphiirischen Dreiecks : — Nach zwei Aufsatzen der Herren GIULIO und BESGE in dem "Journal de Mathe- matiques, publie par J. LIOUVILLE." Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 75-82. • - 65. Geometrische Aufgabe. Grunert, Ar- chiv, IV., 1844, pp. 82-87, 212-215. '-> -2\.- — — 66. Beweis der Gleichung , , (-1)-' .1.3.5. . .(2i-l)-^^ fiir c=cos x. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 104-109. 67. [Einfacher geometrischer Beweis des Satzes, dass die drei Hiilfslinien, welche bei dem Beweise des pythagoraischen Lehrsatzes ge- zogen werden, sich in einem Punkte schneiden.J Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, p. 112. 68. Ueber die neuesten Erfindungen in der Theorie der bestimmten Integrale. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 113-126. 69. Ueber das Fundamentalproblem der Katoptrik und Dioptrik. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 175-201. 7O. Einige Bemerkungen iiber fehlerzeigen- de Dreiecke. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 348-355. . — 71. Ueber eine neue geodatische Aufgabe. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 385-407. 72. Ueber die Reflexion und Refraction beim Kreise. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 1-57. 73. Ueber die Theorie des Dipleidoscops. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 343-360. 74. Ueber ARISTARCH'S Methode, die Ent- fernung der Sonne von der Erde zu bestimmen. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 401-412. 75. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Reduc- tion der Mond-Distanzen. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 412-416. 76. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Gleich- ungen des dritten Grades. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 417-427. 77. Etwas iiber das Viereck im Kreise. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 428-430; VIIL, 1846, p. 335. 78. Ueber den Vortrag der Lehre von der Auflosung der Gleichungen des dritten Grades. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 1-7, 428-433; XXX., 1858, pp. 231-233. 79. Ueber Systeme von Linsenglasern, Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 62-86, 440-443. 80. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Recti- fication und Quadratur des Kreises. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 90-94. — 81. Ueber die Normalen der Kegelschnitte nach Aufsatzen des Prof. GERONO bearbeitet. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 127-141. Grunert, Johann August. 82. Ueber eine geo- metrische Aufgabe. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 195-199. 83. Ueber die Projection einer geraden Linie auf einer Ebene, auf einer Fliiche iiber- haupt, und auf der Oberflache eines elliptischen Spharoids insbesondere. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 293-326. 84. Goniometrische Auflosung dreier Gleichungen von der Form ax-\-by + cz = i ; alx + bly + cl z=it ; x2+y2 + s- — l. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 370-374. 85. Ueber eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Ausdehnung der Korper durch die Wa'rme. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 443-446. 86. Theoremes de M. CAUGHT et d'EuLEK sur les reseaux polygonaux et sur les polyedres. Nouv. Ann. Math. VI., 1845, pp. 367-368. 87. Vdllig strenge und allgemeine Auflos- ung der Hauptaufgabe der hoheren Geodasie. Grunert, Archiv, VII., 1846, pp. 68-93. 88. Auflosung der quadratischen Gleich- ungen mit imaginiireu Coefficienten. Grunert, Archiv, VIIL, 1846, pp. 65-68. 89. Das Pothenot'sche Problem auf der Kugel. Grunert, Archiv, VI I., 1846, pp. 104- 106. 90. Ueber POINSOT'S Methode zur Bestimm- ung des grossten gemeinschaftlichen Maasses zweier Griissen. Grunert, Archiv, VII., 1846, pp. 153-161. 91. Ueber eine Auflosung der unbestimm- ten Gleichungen des ersten Grades zwischen zwei unbekannten Grdssen. Grunert, Archiv, VII., 1846, pp. 162-168. 92. Ueber POINSOT'S neue Beweise einiger Hauptsatze der Zahlenlehre. Gruuert, Archiv, Vn., 1846, pp. 168-180. 93. Ueber die in dem Aufsatze Theil III., Nr. VII., aufgeloste geodatische Aufgabe. Gruuert, Archiv, VII., 1846, pp. 238-259. 94. Ueber die Cycloide als Brachysto- chrone. Grunert, Archiv, VII., 1846, pp. 308- 315. 95. Ueber eine Anwendung des in der Abhandlung, Theil II., No. XXV., § 3, bewies- enen Hauptsatzes der Theorie der bestimmteu Integrale. Grunert, Archiv, VII., 1846, pp. 358-366. 96. Ueber gewisse bei einer besonderen Klasse astronomischer Aufgaben haufig in Anwendung kommende Gleichungen. Grunert, Archiv, VIIL, 1846, pp. 88-99. 97. Ueber eine astronomische Aufgabe. Grunert, Archiv, VIIL, 1846, pp. 99-104. GRUJ [GEU Grunert, Johann August. 98. Ueber die Be- stimmuug einer Griinze, welche die Anzahl der bei der Aufsuchung des grossten gemeinschaft- lichen Theilers zweier Zahlen zu machenden Divisionen nicht iibersteigen kann. Grunert, Archiv, VIII., 1846, pp. 137-157. 99. Ueber einen Satz der analytischen Geometric. Grunert, Archiv, VIII., 1846, pp. 194-205. 10O. Ueber Distanzmesser. Grunert, Ar- chiv, VIII., 1 846, pp. 254-267. 101. Das Binomialtheorem, die Exponen- tialreihe, die logarithmische Reihe, die Reihen fiir den Sinus und Cosinus, und die Reihe fur den durch seine Tangente bestimmten Arcus, zusam- menhangend im Geiste der ueueren Analysis dargestellt. Grunert, Archiv, VIII., 1846, pp. 272-317. — — 102. Ueber das Ruckwiirtseinschneidenmit dem Messtische, oder das Problem der drei Punkte. Grunert, Archiv, VIII., 1846, pp. 353-357. 1O3. Ueber die Toroide. Grunert, Archiv, VIII., 1846, pp. 375-382. 104. Ueber eine geodatische Aufgabe. Grunert, Archiv, VIII., 1846, pp. 433-450. — — 105. Demonstration de quelques formules d'EoLER ; deduction de cellos de MONGE. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 414-419. 106. Ueber spharische Dreiecke, deren Seiten im Verhaltniss zu dem Halbmesser der Kugel, auf welcher sie liegen, sehr klein sind. Grunert, Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. 8-45. 107. Ueber den Satz von dem Inhalte der Obelisken. Grunert, Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. 82-87. 1O8. Ueber die Entstehung der Obelisken und eine geometrische Aufgabe. Grunert, Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. 87-95. 109. Ueber die Bestimmung eines Kegel- schnitts durch fiinf gegebene Punkte. Grunert. Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. 293-307. • 110. Ueber die Summirung der nach den Potenzen einer Hauptgrosse fortschreitendeu Reihen, deren Coeificienten eine arithmetische Reihe einer beliebigen Ordnung bilden. Gru- nert, Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. 322-332. — — 111. Ueber einen allgemeinen Lehrsatz der Statik, und iiber einige geometrische und stat- ische Siitze von der Pyramide und den eckigen Korpern iiberhaupt. Grunert, Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. 353-372. 112. Ueber die atmosphiirische, vorziiglich die terrestrische Refraction, und iiber Refrac- tionscurven im Allgemeinen. Grunert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 1-41. Grunert, Johann August. 113. Ueber einen Satz von dem dreiaxigen Ellipsoid, von welchem die Grundformel der sphiirischen Trigonometric ein besonderer Fall ist. Grunert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 156-178. 114. Ueber den Brinkley'schen Satz vom Mantel des schiefen Cylinders. Grunert, Ar- chiv, X., 1847, pp. 222-224. 115. Ueber einen allgemeinen Lehrsatz der Stereometrie. Grunert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 260-283. 116. Vollstiiudige independente Auflosung der n Gleichungen des ersten Grades, A,-I-A2 «, + A3 «,2 + A, n,3- • • +An «,"-' = », , + A3 a?+At a? |-An atn-t = (t1 2 o3+A3 «32 + A4 «33 hA,, «3n-| = «3 A, + A2 «4 + A3 a? + At a,3- • • + An a;l-] = at, u.s.w. A,-f A2 an+A3 an*+At «„"• • • 4- An ann^ = an, zwischen den n unbekannten Grossen A A A A ... A •"•I > -"-2 > •**» > •"•! -"-11 nebst einigen merkwiirdigen arithmetischen Satzen. Grunert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 234- 302. 117. Ueber einige Siitze der Zahlenlehre. Grunert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 302-316. 118. Ueber die Brennlinie der geradeu Linie. Grunert, Archiv, XI., 1848, pp. 25-38. 119. Ueber die allgemeine Breunlinie des Kreises. Gruuert, Archiv, XI., 1848, pp. 196- 217. 120. Bemerkungen zur sphiirischen Trigo- nometrie. Grunert, Archiv, XI., 1848, pp. 225-229. 121. Bemerkungen zur ebenen Trigono- metrie. Grunert, Archiv, XL, 1848, pp. 229-230. 122. Theorie der Aberration. Grunert, Archiv, XL, 1848, pp. 239-299. 123. Theorie des Regenbogens. Grunert, Meteor. Optik. I., 1848, pp. 1-167. 124. Ueber die Lehre von der Dammerung. Grunert, Meteor. Optik. L, 1848, pp. 194-239. 125. Berechnungder Lambert'schen Diirn- merungsbeobachtungen. Grunert, Meteor. Optik. L, 1848, pp. 240-264. — 126. Die Theoi'ie der Luftspiegelung.. Grunert, Meteor. Optik. L, 1848, pp. 267-365. 127. Ueber eine nstronomische Aufgabe. Grunert, Archiv, XII., 1849, pp. 67-81 ; XIII., 1849, pp. 304-314. 128. Ueber das Riickwiirtseinschneiden mit dem Messtische, oder das Problem der drei Punkte. Grunert, Archiv, XIIL, 1849, pp. 345-364. 129. Ueber den Inhalt einer gewissen Art von Korpern, die vielleicht bei der niiherungs- weisen Bestimmung der Schifisriiume von Nutz- en sein konneu. Gruuert, Archiv, XIIL, 1849, pp. 443-447. GRU] 46 [GRU Grunert, Johann August. ISO. Ueber die nau- tische Aufgabe : " Aus deu gemessenen Hohen zweier Sterne, deren Rectascensionen und De- clinationen bekannt sind, und der Zwischenzeit der beiden Beobachtungen, die Polhiihe und die Zeit zu bestimmen." Grunert, Arcbiv, XIV., 1850, pp. 1-92. 131. Ueber Paul HALCKEN'S Darstellung der gewohulichen Auflosung der cubischen Gleichungen durch die Cardanische Formel. Grunert, Arcbiv, XIV., 1850, pp. 132-145. 132. Ueber die imherungsweise Ermittelung der Werthe bestimmter Integrale. Grunert, Archiv, XIV., 1850, pp. 225-317. 133. Ueber die Stabilitiit der Schiffe. Grunert, Arcbiv, XV., 1850, pp. 1-118. 134. [Bemerkung iiber die Bestimmung des korperlichen Inbalts eines beliebigen Kegel- segtnents, und des Flacbeninhalts der spbiirischen Oberflaehe desselben.] Grunert, Archiv, XV., 1850, pp. 356-358. 135. Einige Bemerkungen iiber loxodroin- ische Dreiecke im Allgemeinen. Grunert, Archiv, XVI., 1851, pp. 23-39. 136. Ueber die Aufstellung des Messtisches iiber einem auf der Erde gegebenen Puukte. Grunert, Archiv, XVI., 1851, pp. 39-44. 137. Neue einfache und leichte Herleitung der Grundformeln der spharischen Trigono- metric. Grunert, Archiv, XVI., 1851, pp. 194-200. 138. Messung einer an beiden Endpunkteu uuzuganglichen Entfernung uach einer besond- eren Methode. Grunert, Archiv, XVI., 1851, pp. 204-207. 139. Ueber das Riickwartseinschneiden niit dem Messtische. Grunert, Archiv, XVI., 1851, pp. 208-222. 140. Noch eine Auflosung des Problems des Riickwiirtseinschneidens mittelst des Mess- tisches. Grunert, Archiv, XVI., 1851, pp. 241-242. — 141. Ueber LAMBERTS Satz von der Quad- ratur parabolischer Sectoren. Grunert, Ar- chiv, XVI., 1851, pp. 439-453. 142. Ueber einen Satz der spharischen Trigonometric. Grunert, Archiv, XVI., 1851, pp. 483-484. 143. Ueber den Vortrag derLehre von den Kegelschuitteu. Grunert, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 54-84. 144. Neue Nethode zur Berechnung der Cometenbahnen. Grunert, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 121-240. 145. Ueber die Neper'schen und Gauss- schen Gleichungen in der spharischen Trigo- nometric. Grunert, Arcbiv, XVII.. 1851. pp. 259-274. Grunert, Joliann August. 146. Ueber die Quad- ratur elliptischer Sectoren. Grunert, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 313-328. 147. Ueber das reguljire Siebeneck. Gru- nert, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 355-360. 148. Ueber die Entfernungsorter gerad- liniger Dreiecke. Grunert, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 361-368. 149. Ueber die Auflosung der Lambert- 'schen Gleichung, wenn mittelst derselben aus der Summe der beiden Vectoren die Chorde gefunden werdeu soil. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 3-6. 150. Ueber das Kepler'sche Problem. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 209-218. 151. Ueber die Bestimmung von v mittelst der Gleichung t=C p% (3 tan ip + tan3 ^v). Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, cof. 207-210." 152. Aufgaben aus dem Attractions-calcul. Grunert, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 1-30. 153. Ueber die Berechnung der Cometen- bahnen. Grunert, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 121-148. 154. Leichte Bestimmung des Inhalts der dreiseitigen Pyramide aus drei in einer Ecke zusammenstossenden Kanten und den eiuge- schlossenen Winkeln. Gruuert, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 239-240. - 155. Erweiterungen der Integralrechnung. Grunert, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 241-305. . 156. Ueber eine gewisse Klasse in der Trigonometrie und Astronomic hiiufig in An- wendung kommender unendlicher Reihen. Grunert, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 420-452. 157. Zum Winkelkreuz. Grunert. Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 477-479. 158. Ueber trigonoinetrisches Hohenmes- sen, mit besonderer Riicksicbt auf terrestrische Strahlenbrechimg. Grunert, Archiv, XIX., 1852, pp. 140-157. 159. Ueber den Distanzmesser von MAR- TIN'S. Grunert, Archiv, XIX., 1852, pp. 166- 170. 16O. Ueber das katoptrische und diop- trische Beleuchtuugssystem fur Leuchtthiirme. Grunert, Archiv, XIX., 1852, pp. 241-296. — ^ 161. Ueber eine vorziiglich zur Anwend- ung bei geodiitischen Messungen geeignete Methode zur Bestimmung der Polhohe oder geographischen Breite. Grunert, Ai-chiv, XIX., 1852, pp. 457-465. 162. Beobachtung eines Mondregenbogen. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 155-158. 163. Ueber das Cometenproblem. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 213-244, 261-280. • • 164. Ueber AKISTARCH'S Methode zur Be- stimmung der Entfernung der Soune von der Erde. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 59- 68. GRU] [GRU Grunert, Johann August. 165. Ueber Fou- CAULT'S Pendelversuch zum Beweise fiir die Umdrehung der Erde urn ihre Axe. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 97-112. 166. Ueber die Lehre von den imaginiiren Grossen, als Fortsetzuug und weitere Aus- f iihrung der Abhandlung Nr XL., III., S. 295 im lten Theile des Archivs. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1S53, pp. 121-174. 167. Ueber die Quadraturelliptischer Sec- toren. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 217- 237. 168. Venus im grossten Glanze-. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 288-300. • 169. Ueber den Inhalt der Fa'sser. Gru- nert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 301-320. 170. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die niiher- ungsweise Auflosung einer Gleichung niit einer unbekaunten Grosse und zweier Gleichungen niit zwei unbekannten Grossen. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 337-344. 171. Lehrsatz : Wemi x2-{-y2=z2 ist, so ist a;m + //mrm jenachdem m>2 oder m<2 ist. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 356-357. 172. Ueber Interpolation nnd mechanische Quadratur. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 361-418. 173. Ueber einen geometrischen Satz. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 473-479. 174. Elementarer Beweis der Formeln von SIMPSON und BRADLEY zur Bestimmung der astronomischen Refraction und der Formel fill- die terrestrische Refraction. Grunert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 195-219. — — 175. Zur ebeueu Trigonometric. Gruuert, Archiv, XXI., 1853, pp. 237-240. 176. Allgemeine Gleichungen der Loxo- dromen auf Rotationsflachen. Gruuert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 304-314. 177. Ueber die kiirzeste Entfernung zweier Normalen eines Ellipsoids von einander. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXI., 1853, pp. 314-329. 178. Ueber eine neue geodiitische Aufgabe. Grunert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 330-342. 179. Ueber die dreiseitige Pyramide. Grunert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 352-354. 180. Ueber die Ellipse. Grunert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 354-356. 181. Zur spharischen Astronomic. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 357-368. 182. Ueber die Gruudformeln der Theorie der freien krunimlinigen Bewegung eines Punktes. Grunert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 429-452. 183. Elementare Betrachtungen iiber die Bildung derBedingungsgleichungen aus gegebe- nen Beobachtungen. Grunert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 453-486. Grunert, Johann August. 184. Ueber die kiirz- este Linie zwischen zwei Punkten auf einer beliebigen Fliiche und iiber die Grundformeln der spharoidischen Trigonometric. Grunert, Archiv, XXII., 1853, pp. 64-106. 185. Ueber die Kimm oder Kimmtiefe, oder iiber die Depression des Meerhorizonts. Grunert, Archiv, XXIL, 1853, pp. 107-120. — — 186. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Ent- fernung der Fixsternc. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 333-348. 187. Ueber die Aufstellung eines paral- lactisch montirten Ferurohrs. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 17-28. 188. Zur Lehre von der Wurfbewegung. Grunert, Archiv, XXIL, 1854, pp. 233-238. 189. Einige Bemerkungeu iiber den ab- gestumpften Kegel mit Riicksicht auf praktische Anwendung. Grunert, Archiv, XXIL, 1854, pp. 343-347. 19O. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Gleich- ungen des dritten Grades. Grunert, Archiv, XXIL, 1854, pp. 347-352. 191. Ueber in und um den Kreis be- schriebene Fiinfecke. Grunert, Archiv, XXIL. 1854, pp. 357-361. 192. Ueber das in den Kreis beschriebene Sechseck. Grunert, Archiv, XXIL, 1854. pp. 363-364. 193. Ueber das ballistische Problem. Grunert, Archiv, XXIL, 1854, pp. 376-400. 194. Ueber die Regeln zu der Umwaud- lung der Curse eines Schifles. Grunert, Ar- chiv, XXIL, 1854, pp. 406-413. 195. Satz vom spharischen Dreiecke. Grunert, Archiv, XXIL, 1854, pp. 478-484. 196. Elementare Darstellung der Lehre von den unendlichen Reihen. Grunert, Archiv. XXIIL, 1854, pp. 1-100. 197. Zwei neue Beweise des Theorems von LEGESDRE iiber spharische Dreiecke, deren Seiten gegen den Halbmesser der Kugel auf welcher sie liegen, sehr klein sind. Grunert, Archiv, XXIIL, 1854, pp. 111-120. 198. Elementare Bestimmung des Inhalts der Fiisser. Grunert, Archiv, XXIII., 1854, pp. 207-216. 199. Aphoristische Bemerkungeu iiber die dreiseitige Pyramide. Grunert, Archiv, XXIIL, 1854, pp. 284-292. — 2OO. Zwei sehr merkwiirdige Satze von der Ellipse und von der Hyperbel. Grunert, Archiv, XXIIL, 1854, pp. 385-410, 477-480. 201. Problemes de geometric qui se rap- portent au calcul des orbites cometaires. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIII., 1854, pp. 117-119. GEU] 48 [GRU Grunert, JoJiann August. 202. Theorie der Sonnenfinsternisse, der Durchgange der unteren Planeten vor der Sonne, und der Sternbedeck- ungen fiir einen gegebenen Ort der Erde. [1853.] Wien, Dcnkschr. VII., 1854, pp. 197- 250. 203. Theorie der Sonnenfinsternisse, der Durchgange der unteren Planeten vor der Soune, und der Sternbedeckungen fiir die Erde iiber- haupt. Wien, Denkschr. VIII., 1854, pp. 133- 213. 204. Ueber die Proximitaten der Bahnen der Planeten und Cometen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIII., 1854, pp. 37-94. 2O5. Ueber die stereographische Projec- tion eines Ellipsoids. Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, pp. 297-312. 206. Ueber die Forrael zur Bestimmung der Polhohe aus Beobachtungen des Polarsterns. Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855, col. 369-374. 207. Ueber den Vortrag der Lehre von dem physischen Pendel und von den Momenten der Triigheit. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 21-53. 2O8. Ueber die Hauptaxcn eines belieb- iijen .Systems materieller Punkte. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 66-89. 2O9. [Ueber die Construction der Nor- maleu einer Parabel.j Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 118-120. 210. Ueber eine neue bei der Ausf iihrung hoherer geodiitischer Messungen und Rech- nungen in Anwendung zu bringende Methodc. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 121-203. 211. Ueber die Beschreibung eines Kegel- schnitts durch fiinf gegebene Punkte. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 330-344. 212. [Vergleichuug zweier Dreiecke, von denen die Seiten des einen auf den Halbmessern des um das andere beschriebenen Kreises senk- recht stehen.] Gruuert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 351-353. 213. Geometrischer Ort der Mittelpunkte aller Krcise welche zwei gegebeue Kreise be- riihren. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 353-355. 214. [Ueber das vollstandige Viereck.] Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 355-358. 215. Die Theorie der Ellipse uud Hyper- bel, aus einem ueuen Gesichtspunkte dargestellt. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 370-423. 216. Ueber die Reduction der Mond-Dis- tanzen fiir nautische Lehranstalten. Grunert, Avchiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 470-489. 217. Elementare Darstellung der Lchre von der Quadratur der Hyperbel und der Theorie der hyperbolischen oder natiirlichen Logarithmen. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 82-108. Grunert, Johann August. 218. Discussion der allgemeinen Gleichung des zweiten Grades zwischen zwei veriinderlichen Grossen. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 146-162. 219. Das spharische Dreieck mit seinem Sehnendreiecke verglichen, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Geodasie. Grunert, Arehiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 197-210. 220. Entwickelung der Grundformel der sphiirischen Trigonometric nach einer grnph- ischen Methode. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 225-226. 221. Durch einen zwischen den Schenkeln eines gegebeuen Winkels gegebenen Punkt, eine gerade Linie so zu ziehen, dass diese Linie und die beiden von ihr auf den Schenkeln des ge- gebenen Winkels von dessen Spitze aus abge- schnittenen Stiicke als Seiten ein Dreieck von gegebenem Flacheninhalte einschliessen. Gru- uert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 226-229. 222. Ueber das Winkelkreuz. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 230-231. • — 223. .Ueber eine Eigenschaft des Kreises. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 231-234. 224. Ueber die Bestimmung der Direct- rixen, Brennpunkte, und Charakteristiken oder Determinauten der Linien des zweiten Grades im Allgemeinen. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 262-283. 225. Ueber eine Kriimmuugskugel be- sonderer Art. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 301-311. 226. Das Princip der virtuellen Ge- schwiudigkeiten und die allgemeinen Beding- ungsgleichungen der Ruhe und der Bewegting. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 406-455. — 227. Ueber eine geometrische Aufgabe von der Kugel, mit Riicksicht auf Geodasie. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 455-471. 228. Eiuc geometrische Aufgabe. Wieii, Sitz. Ber. XVII., 1855, pp. 3-55. 229. Ueber einige die Bewegung eines Weltkorpers um die Soune betreffende analy- tische Ausdriicke. Astr. Nachr. XLIII., 1856, col. 145-152. 23O. Allgemeiner, leicht elemental- zu be- weisender, Satz von der Rectification und Quad- ratur der Curven. — Elementare Rectification der Parabel. Grunert, Archiv, XXVI., 1856, pp. 48-57. . 231. [Beweiss das (n— 1) ^ a" ~^ 2 ^ ab wo n die Anzahl der Grosseu a, b . . . bezeich- net.] Grunert, Archiv, XXVI., 1856, pp. 105- 106. GRU] 49 [GRU Grunert, Johfiini August. 232. [Ueber den Beweis des stereometrischen Elementar-Sntzes : — dass eine gerade Linie, welche auf zwei sicb schneidenden geraden Linien in einer Ebene in deni Durchschnittspunkte dieser Linien senkrecbt steht, auf der ganzen Ebene senkrecht steht.] Grunert, Archiv, XXVI., 1856, pp. 106-107. 233. Transformation der Reihe 1 x 1 x(x-l) 1 g(g-l)(«-2) '3 1-2 ~4 1-2-3 Grunert, Archiv, XXVL, 1856, pp. 107-110. — 234. Eine Bemerkung iiber sphiirische Dreiecke. Grunert, Archiv, XXVL, 1856, pp. 113-117. - — • 235. Ueber ein Theorem von FAGNANO. Grunert, Archiv, XXVL, 1856, pp. 198-204. 236. Ueber gewisse allgemeine Eigen- schafteu von vier in einer Ebene liegenden Punkten, nach einer Abhandluug EULER'S. Grunert, Archiv, XXVL, 1856, pp. 335-341. 237. Ueber den kiirperlichen Inhalt eiues vierseitigen gerade stehenden, scbief abge- schnittencn Prismas, dessen Grundflache ein Trapezium ist. Grunert, Archiv, XXVL, 1856, pp. 341-343. 238. Ueber die vier merkwiirdigen Punkte des Dreiecks, nach einer Abhandlung EULER'S. Grunert, Archiv, XXVL, 1856, pp. 343-350. 239. Ueber gewisse Formeln zur leichten Berechnung des Kreisumfangs, nach einer Ab- handlung EULER'S. Grunert, Archiv, XXVL, 1856, pp. 350-351. 240. Ueber die Quadratur parabolischer Segmente, welche durch Sehnen die durch den Brennpunkt gehen abgeschnitten werden. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXVL, 1856, pp. 351-354. 241. [Ueber die Bestimmung des Winkels a', dass die Function y=sin a;2 sin (6— x) ein Maximum oder Minimum wird.] Grunert, Archiv, XXVL, 1856, pp. 354-360. 242. Ein Beitrag zur Geometrie des Lineals. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIL, 1856, pp. 47-50. 243. Ueber die Bestimmung des Flachen- iubalts tiewisser Theilo des Kreises. Gruuert, Archiv, "XXVIL, 1856, pp. 94-98. 244. Ueber die Rectification der Ellipse. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIL, 1856, pp. 99-112. 245. [Ueber einen geometrischen Lehr- satz von FERIIAT.] Grunert, Archiv, XXVIL, 1856, pp. 116-118. 246. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das ebene Dreieck. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIL, 1856, pp. 118-123. 247. Ueber den Flacheninhalt loxodrom- ischer Dreiecke auf der Oberflache eines durch Umdrehung einer Ellipse um ihre kleine Axe eutstandenen Spharoids. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIL, 1856, pp. 143-158. VOL. III. Grunert, Jofiann August. 248. Ueber die Bes- timmung eines durch fiinf gegebenc Punkte gehenden Kegelschnitts durch Reclmung. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXVIL, 1856, pp. 178-213. - 249. Elementare Theorie des Pendel- versuchs von FOUCAULT, aus neuen Gesichts- punkten d:irgestellt. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIL, 1856, pp. 224-244. - 25O. Die Auflusung der Gleichungen des f iinften und sechsten Grades durch Construction nach DESCARTES, in eigenthiimlicher Darstel- lung. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIL, 1856, pp. 245-274. /"•/"* a:2 _ 7/2 - 251. Ueber das Integrally ^+^ dxdV- Grunert, Archiv, XXVIL, 1856, pp. 362-364. - 252. Neue naherungsweise Auflosuug der Keplerschen Aufgabe. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIX., 1856, pp. 3-9. 253. Ueber die Kriimmung der von Ebenen gebildeteu Schnitte des dreiaxigen Ellipsoids. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIIL, 1857, pp. 1—51. 254. Ueber eine besondere Auflosung der Gleichungen von der Form Grunert, Archiv, XXVIIL, 1857, pp. 110-113. 255. Allgemeine Theorie der Kriimmung der Flachen f'iir jedes beliebige rechtwinklige Coordinatensysteni. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIIL, 1857, pp. 163-204. 256. Theorie des Foucault'schen Peudel- versuchs, aus neuen G-esi.chtspun.kten dargestellt, mit Riieksicht auf die ellipsoidiscbe Gestalt der Erde. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIIL, 1857, pp. 223-248. 257. Neue Entwickehmg der Theorie des Maasses der Curvatur oder des Maasses der Kriimmung. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIIL, 1857, pp. 285-299. 258. Zwei geotnetrische Aufgaben. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXVIIL, 1857, pp. 344-354. 259. Die polnische Grafin SKORZEWSKA und die beiden Mathematiker J. H. LAMBERT und von HOLLAND iiber die Aufgabe von der Beschreibung eines drei andere gegebene Kreise beriihrenden Kreises. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIIL, 1857, pp. 354-362. 260. Ueber den Gebrauch der Spiegel-Sext- anten bei geodatischen Messungen. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIIL, 1857, pp. 420-435. 261. Ueber die Entwickelting der Gruud- formeln der Drehung eines Systems materieller Punkte um einen festen Punkt, als weitere Ausfuhrung und Fortsetzung der Abhandlung in Thl. XXIV. Nr. 6, iiber die Hauptaxen eines Systems materieller Punkte. Grunert, Arcbiv, XXVIIL, 1857, p. 436-456. GRU] 50 [GRU Grunert, Johann August. 262. Bemerkungen zur analytischen Geometric. Grunert, Archiv, XXIX., 1857, pp. 235-237. 263. Ueber die Curven der grossten Neigung (Lignes de la plus grande pente). Grunert, Archiv, XXIX., 1857, pp. 417-431. 264. Theorie der wahren und scheinbaren Bewegung eines nach den Gesetzen der allge- meiiien Schwere die Sonne umkreisenden Welt- korpers, &c. Grunert, Archiv, XXIX., 1857, pp. 240-402. 265. Beweis, dass die sammtlichen Wurz- eln der cubiscben Gleicbung (a: — a) (x—b) (x-c)-(P (x— a) — e3 (x — b) — f2 (x—c)+2def=Q reell sind. Grunert, Archiv, 'XXIX., 1857, pp. 442-446. 266. Elementarer Beweis der Reihen fur den Sinus und Cosinus durch den Bogeu. Grunert, Archiv, XXIX., 1857, pp. 452- 473. 267. Ueber einen allgemeinen Satz von den Kegelschnitten. Grunert, Archiv. XXIX., 1857, pp. 519-522. 268. Ueber den Flacheninhalt in oder uni eine Ellipse beschriebener Dreiecke und Vier- eoke. Grunert, Ai-chiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 11- 45. — — 269. Ueber die Auflosung der Gleich- ungen durch Naheruug. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 54-73. 270. Merkwiirdige Construction des grb'sstcn in, und dcs kleinsteii um eine Ellipse beschriebeneu Vielecks von gegebener Seiten- zahl. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 84- 92. 271. Der Satz von COTES auf die Ellipse erweitert. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 104-108. 272. Der Satz des PTOLEMAEUS auf die Ellipse erweitert. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 109-113. 273. Ueber den korperlichen Inhalt schief abgeschnittener dreiseitiger Prismen. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp 118-119. 274. Ueber eine von transcendenten Ope- rationeu nicht abhiingende Formel zur Auflos- ung des irreducibilen Falls bei den cubischen Gleichungen. Gruuert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 135-142. 275. Neue Methode die Ellipse zu rectifi- ciren. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 213- 228. 276. [Ueber die Einrichtung der Gauss'- schen Tafeln zur Berechnung der Logarithmen der Summe oder Difterenz zweier Zahlen, die nicht selbst, sondern nur durch ihre Logarith- men gegebeuen sind.] Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 233-240. Grunert, Johann August. 277. Ueber zwei besondere Methoden der Ansziehuug der Quad- ratwurzel, mit besouderer Riicksicht auf die Verdienste des Italienischen Mathematikers Pietro Antonio CATAXDI, wahrscheiulich des ersten Erfinders der Kettenbriiche. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 275-291. 278. LAMARLE'S Construction des Kriimm- ungskreises der Kegelschnitte. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 296-319. 279. Leichte ganz elementare Summirung einiger Reihen und daraus abgeleiteter einfacher Beweis des binomischeu Lehrsatzes fiir negative ganze Expouenten, zur Aufnahme in den mathe- matischen Schulunterricht, oder wenigstens zur Benutzung bei demselben. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 336-351. 28O. [Beweis des Fermat'schen Satzes von den Primzahlen nach CACCHY.] Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 357-358. 231. Neue Darstellung der Theorie der Beriihrung und Kriimmung der Curven. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 361-433. 282. Neue merkwiirdige Forniel fiir den korperlichen Inhalt schief abgeschuittener Pris- men, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die wichtigen Anwendungen, welche sich vou derselben zur Berechnung der aufzutrageuden und abzutrag- enden Erdkorper bei Eisenbahubauten, Wie- senanlagen, uud alien Nivellirungsarbeiten mach- cn lassen. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 453-465 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLIX., 1858, pp. 1-12. 283. [Ueber den Flacheninhalt elliptischer Sectoren die ihre Spitze im Mittelpunkte der Ellipse haben.] Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 472-474. 284. Nachtrag und Berichtigung zu der Abhandlung : Ueber die Bestimmung der Direc- trisen, Brennpunkte, und Charakteristiken oder Determinanten der Linien des zweiten Grades im Allgemeinen in Theil XXV. Nr. 22. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 474- 479. 285. Ueber einige Siitze von den ganzeu rationalen algebraischen Functionen, nach " Resumes analytiqties " par M. Augustin CAUCHT. Turin, 1833, p. 14. Grunert, Archiv, XXXL, 1858, pp. 27-37. 286. Theorie der Kegelschnitte nach einer neuen Methode analytisch entwickelt. Gruuert, Archiv, XXXL, 1858, pp. 67-216. 287. Ein rechtwinkeliges ebenes Dreieck zu bestimmen, desseu Seiten in statiger Pro- portion stehen, und worm eine Seite die gege- bene Grosse a hat. Grunert, Archiv, XXXL, 1858, pp. 472-476. GRIT] 51 [GRU Grunert, Juhann August. 288. Bemerkungen iiber eineu geometrischen Elementarsatz, iiber die Auflosung der biquadratischen Gleichungen und eine Aufgabe aus der Lehre vom Grossten und IQeinsten. Grunert, Archiv, XXXI., 1858, pp. 476-481. 289. Ueber die Inbaltsbestimmung einer gewissen Klasse von Kbrpern. Grunert, Archiv, XXXI., 1858, pp. 481-488. • 29O. Ueber die Bereclmung der planetar- ischen Storungen. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 33-38. ^— 291. Ueber die Relation zwiscben der Ent- fernung der Mittelpunkte imd den Halbmessern zweier Kreise, von deneu der eine um und der andere in dasselbe Vieleck bescbrieben ist. Grunert, Arcbiv, XXXII., 1859, pp. 68-82. 292. Ueber den Satz, dass ein sphiirisches Dreieck und sein symmetriscli liegendes Schei- teldreieck gleiche Flachenriiume haben. Gru- nert. Archiv, XXXII., 1859, pp. 118-120. — — 293. Ueber die Normalen der Kegel- scbnitte. Grunert, Arcbiv, XXXII., 1859, pp. 129-140. 294. Ueber das Inter polationsproblem. Grunert, Arcliiv, XXXII., 1859, pp. 149-183. 295. [Ueber die Integration einiger Differ- entialgleicbutigen in EULER'S Integralrechnung.] Grunert, Arcbiv, XXXIL, 1859, pp. 239-240. • 296. Neue analytisclie Entwickelung der Theorie der stereograpbiscben Projection, mit neueu Satzen und Formeln, und neuen Eigen- scbaften derselben. Grunert. Archiv, XXXIL, 1859, pp. 250-285. 297. Ueber die Scbifffabrt aufdemgros- sten Kreise. Gruuert, Archiv, XXXIL, 1859, pp. 305-319. — 298. Ueber GULDIN'S Regel. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIL, 1859, pp. 348-355. 299. Neue Methode zur Entwerfuns per- spectivischer Zeichnungen, nebst einer streng wissenschaftlichen Darstellung der Perspective iiberhaupt. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIL, 1859, pp. 361-417. 3OO. Neue Methode, durcb beliebig ge- gebeue Punkte Beriihrende an Kegelschnitte zu ziehen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIL, 1859, pp. 425-432. 301. Ueber eine auf die Bestimmung der Lage der Punkte in einer Ebene durch ihre Entfernungen von zwei gegebenen festen Punkten gegriindete analytische Geometrie, mit Riicksicht auf niedere GeodJisie. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIL, 1859, pp. 444-469. 3O2. Ueber die Vergleichung spharischer Dreiecke, deren Seiteu gegen den Halbmesser der Kugel, auf welcber sie liegen, sehr klein sind, mit ebenen Dreiecken von gleichen Seiten. Astr. Nachr. LIL, 1860, col. 49-56. Grunert, Johann August. 303. Die allge- meinsten Gesetze der Krystallograpbie gegriin- det auf eino von neuen Gesichtspunkten aus- gehende Theorie der geraden Linie ini Raume und der Ebeue fiir beliebige schief- oder recht- winkelige Coordinatensysteme. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIV., 1860, pp. 121-248. 304. Merkwiirdige Erweiterung der For- melu der ebenen Trigonometric auf em System von drei sich nicht schneidenden Geraden im Raume. Grunert, Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 1-21. 305. Lagenbestimmungeu auf der Kugel, eine Ergiinzung der sphiirischen Trigonometrie, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Geodasie. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXXVL, 1861, pp. 51-79. 306. Ueber Lange uud Breite, reducirte Lange und reducirte Breite, auf dem dreiaxigen Ellipsoid. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVL, 1861, pp. 79-100. 3O7. Gnomonik fur jede beliebige Ebene im Raume, mit Riicksicht auf die Auwendung der neueren Geometrie zur Ausfuhrung gno- monischer Constructionen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVL, 1861, pp. 101-123. 3O8. Ueber die Entfernungen der merk- wiirdigen Punkte des ebenen Dreiecks von ein- ander. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVL, 1861, pp. 325-355. 3O9. Eiuige merkwiirdige Ausdriicke fur die dreiseitige Pyramide. Grunert, Arcliiv, XXXVL, 1861, pp. 356-374. 31O. Grosse des den Grundflachen einer abgestumpften Pyramide parallelen Schnitts, welcher die Pyramide nach einem gegebenen Verhiiltnisse in zwei Theile theilt. Gruuert, Archiv, XXXVL, 1861, pp. 503-504. 311. Allgemeiue Theorie der Kegelschnitte als Curven im Raume betrachtet, nebst deren Anwendung auf die Bestimmung der Bahnen der um die Sonne in Kegelschnitten sich be- wegenden Weltkorper und der Proximitiiten dieser Bahnen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVII., 1861, pp. 1-104. 312. Allgemeine Theorie der Kriimmungs- linien. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIL, 1861, pp. 205-244a. 313. Ueber den durch drei Punkte einer Ellipse gehenden Kreis, und iiber den Kriini- mungskreis der Ellipse. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIL, 1861, pp. 255-263. 314. Elementar-geometrischer Beweis der Grundeigenschaft der kiirzesten oder geodiiti- schen Linie auf einer beliebigen Fliiche, und darauf gegriindete Entwickelung der allgemeinen Gleichungen der kiirzesteu oder geodiitischen Linie. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIL, 1861, pp 264-268. G 2 GRIT] 52 [GRU Grunert, Johann August. 315. [Ueber eine Formel von GAUSS fiir das physische Pendel.J Grunert, Archiv, XXXVII., 1861, pp. 360-364. 316. Ueber die Auflosung dreier Gleich- ungen mit drei unbekannten Grossen, von denen wenigstens zwei lineare Gleichungen sind. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVII., 1861, pp. 422-444. 317. Ueber EBLE'S Stundenzeiger, ein Instrument zur Zeitbestimmung. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVII., 1861, pp. 420-428. 318. Ueber eine Aufgabe von der geraden Linie und Ebene im Raume. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVII., 1861, pp. 445-454. 319. Ueber die Excentricitat derBoussole. Grtiuert, Archiv, XXXVII., 1861, pp. 438-475. 320. Analytischer Beweis eines geometri- schen Satzes, und Anwendung dieses Satzes in der Feldmesskunst. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVII. , 1861, pp. 475-479. 321. Directe Bestimmung der Durch- schnittspunkte der Bahnen zweier in Kegel- schnitten sich um die Sonne bewegender Welt- korper. Wien, Deukschr. XIX., 1861, pp. 76- 114. 322. Grundziige der Theorie der hyper- bolischen Functionen und der Anwendung der- selben zur Ausziehung der Wurzelu und zur Auflosung der Gleichungeu. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIII., 1862, pp. 48-76. 323. Geonietrische Aufgaben, welche zur Anwendung in der nautischen Geodiisie geeignet sind. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIII., 1862, pp. 81-133. 324. Entwickeluug einer Formel zur Be- rechuung des Fliicheiiiuhalts einer geradlinigen Figur bei Messungen mit derBoussole unmittel- bar aus den gemesseuen Seiten der Figur und den an der Nadel geniachten Ablesungcn, oliue erst die Winkel der Figur berechnen oder andere vorliiufige Rechnungen machen zu miissen. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXXVIII., 1862, pp. 165-198. 325. Notiz iiber den sphiirischen Excess. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIII., 1862, pp. 220- 228. 326. Kiirzeste Entfernung zweier Nor- lualcn eines Ellipsoids von einander. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIII., 1862, pp. 228-240. 327. Ueber die zwischen den Seiten und Diagonalen eines jeden Vierecks Statt findende Relation. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIII., 1862, pp. 373-379. 328. Das System der Dreiliuieu-Coordi- naten in allgemeiner analvtischer Entwickelung. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIII., 1S62, pp. 289- 450. 329. Ueber eiuen Satz, von welchem der die Zahl TT betreffende Satz von WALI.IS ein besonderer Fall 1st. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIII., 1862, pp. 466-474. Grunert, Johann August. 33O. Ueber eine Auf- gabe aus der Lehre voin Grossten und Klein- sten. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIIL, 1862, pp. 475-481. 331. Ueber die Zerlegung der Function ax2 -f- bxy + 1 y2 -f- dx + c y -\-f. in zwei lineare Factoren. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 98-120. 332. Neue Auflosung der Gleichuugen des vierten Grades ohne Wegschaft'ung des zweiten Gliedes. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 198-203. 333. Die Anwendung der stereograph- ischen Projection zur Entwickelung der Theorie des sphiirischen Dreiecks und des sphiirischen Vierecks. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 318-323. 334. Neue analytische Darstellung der Haupteigenschaften der stereographischen Pro- jection. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 322-347. 335. Theorie der elliptischen Coordinaten in der Ebene. Gruuert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 377-401. 336. Theorie der elliptischen Coordinaten im Raume. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 402-424. 337. Die allgemeinsten Gleichungen und Eigenschaften der kiirzesten Linien auf den Flachen, besonders insofern dieselben die Grund- lage der spharoidischen Trigouometrie bildeu. Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 33-100. 338. Ueber die zwischen den Seiten des in cinen Kreis beschriebenen reguliiren Fiinfecks, Sechsecks, uud Zebneck's Statt iindende Relation. Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 127-134. • 339. Ueber den Beweis der drei B ruder fiir den Ausdruck des Fliicheninhalts des Drei- ecks durch die drei Seiten. Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 134-138. — — 340. Die Methoden von TSCHIRNHAUS und JERRAHD zur Transformation der Gleichungen. Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 214-231. 341. Die allgemeine Cardanisehe Formel. Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 246-249. 342. Ueber die Normalschnitte des allge- meineu dreiaxigen Ellipsoids mit besonderer Beziehung auf hohere Geodiisie, namentlich auch iiber neue merkwiirdige Ausdriicke der grossten und kleinsten Kriimmungshalbmesser und einen neuen geometrisch merkwiirdigen und fiir Geo- dasie wichtigen Satz von diesen Kriimniungs- halbmessern. Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 259-354. 343. Allgemeine Auflosung der Gleich- ungen des vierten Grades, nebst einigen Bemerk- ungen iiber die Gleichungen des fun f ten Grades. Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 394-398. GRU] 53 [GRZ Gnmert, Johann August, und JI'. Schlesicke. Ueber die Auflosung der Gleichuugen des vierten Grades. Grunert, Archiv, XII., 1849,pp.l66-181. Griinewaldt, Moritz von. Ueber die Versteiner- ungen des Schlesischen Zechstein Gebirges; ein Beitrng zur Kentniss der Deutschen Zechstein- fauna. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 241-277. 2. Ueber die Versteinerungen der silur- ischcn Kalksteiiie von Bogosslowsk ; ein Beitrag zur Geologic des ostlichen Ural. St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. VII., 1854, pp. 569-620. — — 3. Notizen liber die Versteinerungfiihrenden Gebirgsformationen des Ural. [1857.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. VIII., 1859, pp. 174-218. 4. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der sedimentaren Gebirgsformationen in den Bergliauptmann- schaften Jekatherinburg, Slatoust, und Kuschwa, sowie den angrenzenden Gegenden des Ural. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1860. Griinewaldt, Otto von. Dntersuchungen iiber den Magensaft des Menschen. Roser u. Wund- erlich, Archiv, XIII., 1854, pp. 459-495 ; Ar- chives of Med. I., 1857-59, pp. 270-274. Grtraow, A. Die Desmidiaceen und Pediastreen einiger Oesterreichischen Moore, uebst einigen Bemerkungeu iiber beide Familien im Allge- ineinen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 489-502. 2. Ueber neue oder ungeniigend gekannte Algen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. X., 1860 (Abh.\ pp. 503-582. 3. Die Oesterreichischen Diatomaceen, nebst Anschluss eiuiger neuen Arten von andern Lokalitiiten uud einer kritischen Uebersicht der bisher bekannten Gattungen und Arten. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XU., 1862 (Abh.), pp. 315-472, 545-588. . 4. Ueber einige neue und ungeniigend bekannte Arten und Gattungen von Diatoma- ceen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XIII., 1863 (Abh.), pp. 137-162. Gruson, Jean Philippe. Suite du " Memoire sur le calcul d'exposition." Berlin, Mem. Acad. 1799-1800, pp. 157-188. 2. Recherches sur la sommation des series, dont chaque terme procede selon une loi connue. Berlin, Mem. Acad. 1804, pp. 83-120. 3. Sur la sommation des series. Berlin, Mem. Acad. 1804, pp. 121-136. • 4. Ueber die bei Wittwenkassen vorfall- enden Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnungen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1812-13 (Math.), pp. 1-14. 5. Ueber die Theilung des ganzen Kreisum- fanges und eines jeden beliebigen Kreisbogens in gleiche Theile, insbesondere iiber die Theil- ung des Kreiaumfanges in 17 gleiche Theile. Berlin, Abhandl. 1812-13 (Math.), pp. 15-22. Gruson, Jean I'hilippc. 6. Ueber Reihen und vollstiindige Integration einer linearischen par- tiellen Differentialgleichung der zweiten Ord- nung mit bestiindigen Coefficienten. Berlin, Ab- handl. 1812-13 (Math.), pp. 23-30. - 7. Allgemeine Methode rnittelst bestimmter Integralien die durch den Lagrange'scheu Lehr- satz gegebene Reihe zu summiren. Berlin, Abhandl. 1812-13 (Math.), pp. 31-44. - 3. Entwickelun von af+ty" in eine Reihe die nach Potenzen von y-\-y und von xy fortschreitet. Berlin, Abhandl. 1814—15 (Math.), pp. 30-35. 9. Neuer analytischer Lebrsatz. Berlin, Abhandl. 1814-15 (Math.'), pp. 38-41. 10. Vereinfachung uud Erweiteruiig der Euklidischen Geometric. Berlin, Abhandl. 1814-15 (Math.), pp. 42-75. H. Neue Elimiuirungsmethode vermittelst eines eigeuen Algorithmen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1816-17, pp. 1-10. 12. Geometrische Aufcrabe iiber Minima. Berlin, Abhandl. 1816-17, pp. 11-18. 13. Elementar-Beweis, dass die Basis der natiirlichen Logarithmen durch keiue rationale Zahl ausgedriickt werden kann, nebst verwand- ten Untersuchungen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1816— 17, pp. 18-22. 14:. Allgemeine und rein analytische Me- thoden, Tangenten an ebenen Curven zu ziehen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1820-2], pp. 39-43. — — • 15. Integration unter endlicher Form von einigen Wiukel-Differential-Funktionen. Ber- lin, Abhandl. 1820-21, pp. 44-48. 16. Neue und leichte Methode, die Differ- entiale der Exponential-, logarithmischen-, und Wiukel- Funktionen zu fiuden. Berlin, Ab- handl. 1820-21, pp. 49-54. 17. Ueber die Einschreibung isotomischer Figuren in die Kegelsclmitte. Berlin, Abhandl. 1824, pp. 83-89. 18. Berichtigung eines von CAKNOT ge- gebeneu geometrischen Lehrsatzes. [1826.] Berlin, Abhandl. 1831, pp. 97-116. 19. Zur Elementar - Geometric. Crelle, Journ. X., 1 833, pp. 275-279. Grynfellt, Casimir. Recherches sur hi Nutri- tion. Revue Med. Franc, ct Etr. III., 1845, pp. 199-218. Grzedziewski, . Die chemische Einwirk- ung des Kalkcs auf thierische Cadaver. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thier-Heilk. XXIV., 1858, pp. 436- 439. Grzegorzek, Adalbert. Flora von Tarnow in Galizien. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. III., 1853, pp. 121-122, 129-131, 137-139, 145-147, 153- 154. GEZ] E Grzegorzek, Adalbert. 2. Botanischer Ausflug in das Tatra-Gebirg. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. III., 1853, pp. 257-260, 268-270, 276-278, 285-286 ; V., 1855, pp. 84-87. Gs. See Goldfuss. Gualtieri, Alcssandro. Sull' influenza clie ha la luce nella vegetazione. Brescia, Comment. 1821, pp. 46-51 ; 1822, p. 28. Guarini, Giovanni. Saggi analitici sopra taluui prodotti Vesuviani. [1832.] Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. V. (pte. 2) 1843, pp. 151-156. 2. Analisi chimica d" un prodotto Vesu- viano. [1833.] Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. V. (pte. 2), 1843, pp. 161-163. 3. Saggi analitici su talune sostanze Vesu- viane. [1834.] Napoli, Atti Accacl. Sci. V. (pte. 2), 1843, pp. 165-168. 4. Analisi chimica della sabbia caduta in Napoli la sera del 26 Agosto 1834. [1834.] Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. V. (pte. 2), 1843, pp. 233-237. 5. Nuovo metodo di preparare la Stric- nina, [1829.] Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. V. (pte. 2), 1843, pp. 239-243. 6. Analisi chimica di talune sostanze rin- venute in un vaso a Pompei. Napoli, Reiidi- conto, II., 1843, pp. 175-178. 7. Nota su disegni fotografici. Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1843, p. 423. Guarini, Luigi. Del ganglio genicolare. OmoJei, Ann. Univ. XCVIL, 1841, pp. 255-260. 2. Della corda del timpano. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CIL, 1842, pp. 291-329; CVL, 1843, pp. 343-359 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIV., 1842, col. 230-231. 3. L' iride si muove per semplice erettismo vascolare, oppure per opera di fibre muscolari ? Oraodei, Ann. Univ. CXIL, 1844, pp. 21-38. 4. Dei nervi dell' occhio di alcuni nccelli. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CXIIL, 1845, pp. 135- 139. Guarinoni (Dr.). Sinossi diagnostica delle classi e degli ordini del regno animale. Trento, Program. Ginnas. 1856. Guarracirao, Frederick. Notes of an excursion from Batum to Artvin. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XV., 1845, pp. 296-304. Guastalla, Augusta. Alcune parole sui bagni marini in generate, e piu' particolarmente su quelli di Trieste nella stagione estiva dal primo Giugno, cioe' a mezzo Settembre. Rauuzzi, Annuario Geograf. 1844, pp. 147-155. 2. Le terme di Monfalcone. Ranuzzi, Annuario Geograf. 1845, pp. 146-150. Gubbins, Charles. Remarks on the growth of indigenous Cotton, and on the economical use of the stalk of the Flax plant in Upper India. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1854, pp. 185- 187. k [GUB Gubbins, Charles. 2. Catalogue of multiple stars observed in Upper India, in 1855-56. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1860, pp. 20-23. Gubler, Adolplie. Obliteration de la vesicule biliaire par un calcul ; analyse du liquide mu- queux dont elle etait remplie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., 1850, pp. 144-146 (Compt. Rend.). 2. Observations sur quelques plantes naiues. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III.. 1851, pp. 237- 248. 3. Note sur le Muguet. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1852, pp. 69-70 (Compt. Rend.). 4. Memoire sur la secretion et la compo- sition du lait chez les enfants nouveau-nes des deux sexes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II 1855, pp. 283-292. 5. Note sur la composition des gaz qui infiltraient le tissu cellulaire dans uu cas d'affec- tion charbonneuse chez 1'homme, et sur leur analogic avec les gaz des marais. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., 1856, pp. 221-226. 6. Examen d'une matiere grasse provenant d'uu lipome suppure. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1856, pp. 46-48 (Compt. Rend.). 7. Etudes sur 1'origine et les conditions de developpement de la Mucedinee du Muguet (Oidium albicaus). Paris, Acad. Roy. Med. XXII., 1858, pp. 413-462. 8. Tumeurs du foie determinees par des ocufs d'Helminthes et comparables a des Galles, observees chez 1'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1858, pp. 61-71. 9. Note sur plusieurs varietes de Prime- veres derivees des Primula officinalis et elatior. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. I., 1859, pp. 47-48 (Compt. Rend.). 1O. Analogic d'actiou de 1'acide nitrique sur la bile et sur Fhematoidine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. I., 1859, pp. 87-89 (Compt. Rend.). 11. De la seusibilite recurrente envisagee comme phenomene de la sensation reflexe. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. L, 1859, pp. 125-128 (Compt. Rend.). 12. Sur la coloration noiratre des centres nerveux chez les individus de race blanche re- marquables par 1'abondance du pigment exte- rieur. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. III., 1860, pp. 157-163 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Authropol. L, 1863, pp. 57-60. 13. Fasciation du Cytisus laburnum, avec inflorescence acrogene et floraison automnale. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 870-872. 14. Note sur un hybride des Primula offi- cinalis et elatior (Primula elatiori-officinalis). Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 872-875. 15. Observations sur la flore du departe- ment des Alpes-Maritimes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 237-244. GUB] 55 [GUD Gubler, Adolphe, 16. DC la mer comme source de calcaire pour les plantes du littoral. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot, VIII., 1861, pp. 431-442. 17. Etude tcratologique sur une anomalie du Pinus piuea, constitute par la permanence de la foliation priinordiale transitoire. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 527-534. 18. Des anomalies aberrautes et regulan- santes a propos de deux cas teratologiques, 1'un de geantisme et 1'autre d'hermaphrodisrne, ob- serves sur le Pistacia lentiscus. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. EX., 1862, pp. 81-91. 19. Preface d'une reforme des especes fondee sur le principe de la variabilite restreinte des types organiques, en rapport avee leur fa- cultu d'adaptation aux milieux. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 194-204, 264-275, 370-397. 2O. L'Helichrysuni arenarium au bois de Boulogne. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 344-354. 21. Encore quelques mots sur la distribu- tion geographique de rHelichrysum arenarium. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 507-508. 22. Des epistaxis uterines simulant les regies, au debut des pyrexies et des phlegmasies. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem. IV., 1862, pp. 143- 190. 23. Nouvelles remarques sur les hybrides des Primula officinalis et elatior : Primula ela- tiori-officinalis. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 217-221. 24. Sur les conditions de developpement du Saprolegnia ferax (algue parasite des pois- sons) etudiees chez le Cyprinus auratus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1863, pp. 13-16 (Compt. Rend.). Gubler, Adolphe, Germain de St. Pierre, Er- nest, et Montague. Memoire sur 1'alteration de la tige des cereales observee recemment en France, et designee sous le norn de maladie du ble. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1851, pp. 249-253. Guckelberger, Gustav. Ueber einige Mchtige Zersetzungsproducte des Albumins, Fibrins, Ca- seins, und des Leims durch Manganhyperoxyd uud Chromsiiure, uuter Mitwirkung von Schwe- felsaure. Liebig, Annal. LXIV., 1848, pp. 39- 100; Journ. de Phai-m. XIII., 1848, pp. 130- 137. 2. Ueber Caprylon. Liebig, Annal. LXIX., 1849, pp. 201-206. Gudden, B. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Central- gefiisse des Auges zum Gesichtsfelde. Miiller, Archiv, 1849, pp. 522-532. 2. On cutaneous diseases dependent upon parasitic growth. No. 1. Porrigo. (Transl.) Journ. Micrcsc. Sci. n., 1854, pp. 29-33. Gudden, B. 3. Contributions to the knowledge of cutaneous diseases, caused by parasitic growths. No. 2. Pityriasis versicolor. ( Trunsl.) Jouru. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 185-188. 4. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Scabies. Wiirzburger Med. Zeitschr. II., 1861, pp. 301- 319. Gudermann, Christoph. Ueber die Potential- Functionen. Crelle, Journ. IV.,' 1829, pp. 287-295. 2. Cornbinatorisch-analytische Abhandlung enthaltend den Beweis der von Herrn STEINER aufgestellten vier Summationsformeln Band III. Heft ii., S. 207 dieses Journals. [1829.] Crelle. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 402-413. 3. Potenzial- oder cyklisch-hyperbolisclie Functionen : — Tabelle der Liingezahlen (mit sieben DecimalzitTern) aller Kreisbogen fiir den Radius = 1 von Minute zu Minute nach beiden Kreis- Eintbeiluugen, behufs der Zuriickfiihrung der hyperbolischeii Functionen auf die cyklischen und umgekehrt. Crelle, Journ. VI., 1830, pp. 1-39, 162-194, 311-396; VII., 1831, pp. 72- 96, 176-200; VIII., 1832, pp. 64-116, 194-212, 301-316; IX., 1833, pp. 81-96, 193-208, 297- 304, 363-378. 4. Ueber die analytische Spharik. Crelle, Journ. VI., 1830, pp. 244-254. 5. Zu den Elementen der Geometric. Crelle, Journ. VI., 1830, pp. 303-309. 6. Beweis der im zweiteit Bande dieses Journals, Seite 190. vom Herrn STEINER auf- gestellten Lehrsatzes No. 27 und Ableituug anderer ebenso einfacher Relationen. Crelle, Journ. VIII., 1832, pp. 160-168. 7. Ueber die uiedere Spharik. Crelle, Journ. VIIL, 1832, pp. 363-369. 8. Die loxodromische Linie und ihr merk- wurdiger Zusammenbang mit der spharischen Kettenlinie. Crelle, Journ. XI., 1 834. pp. 394-398. 9. Beitrag zur aualytischen Spharik. Crelle, Journ. XIII., 1835, pp. 262-269. 1O. Neue uud directeste Methode aus den gernessenen Hoben zweier bekanuter Sterne uud der Zwischenzeit der beiden Beobachtungen die Polhohe zu finden. Crelle, Journ. XIII., 1835, pp. 274-276. 11. Integralia elliptica tertise speciei re- ducendi methodus simplicior, qua? simul ad ipsorum applicai.ionem facillimani et computum numericum expeditum perducit. Crelle, Journ. XIV., 1835, pp. 169-181, 185-235. 12. Methodus nova et simplex computandi valores integraliuni J Pc?^>, et iteratorum etc., in quibus P est f'unctio qualiscunque quantitatis sin<$> sive cos<£ per series rapide convergentes. Crelle, Jouru. XIV., 1835, pp. 182-184 ; XV., 1836, p. 100. GUD] 56 [GUE Guderaiaim, Cfiristnp/i. 13. Nachtriigliche Entwickelungen zur Theorie der Potenzial- Functionen in Betreff der vermittelnden Fimc- si (xi) tion £ ,t- und — — =lx. Crelle, Journ. XV., i 1836, pp. 173-184. - 14. Einige Bemerkungen iiber elliptische Functioncn. Crelle, Journ. XVI., 1837, pp. 78-79. - 15. Series nova;, quaruin ope integralia elliptica primcc et secundse speciei computantur simul ea, quorum moduli sunt conjugal!. Crelle, Journ. XVI., 1837, pp. 366-372 ; XVII., 1837, pp. 382-386. IS. Theorie der Modular-Functionen und der Modular-Integrale. Crelle, Journ. XVIII., 1838, pp. 1-54, 142-175, 220-258, 303-364; XIX., 1839, pp. 45-83, 119-184, 244-285; XX., 1840, pp. 62-87, 103-167 ; XXI., 1840, pp. 240-292 ; XXIII., pp. 301-353 ; XXV., pp. 281-394. - 17. De curvis Eequidistantibus sphxricis disquisitiones generates. Crelle, Journ. XXV., 1843, pp. 119-128. 18. Additamentum ad functionis r (a) = >» 00 - z derus et de 1'espece L. monilicornis. Mag. de Zool. I., 1831 (pte. 2), p. 9. 18. Description du Buprestis Percberonii. Mag. de Zool. I., 1831 (pte. 2), p. 10. 19. Description du Cladophorus lateralis. Mag. de Zool. I., 1831 (pte. 2), p. 11. 2O. Description du genre Gynautocera et do 1'espece G. papilionaria. Ma?, de Zool. I., 1831 (pte. 2), p. 12. 21. Description du Doryphora Dejeanii. Mag. de Zool. L, 1831 (pte. 2), p. 14. 22. Description de 1'Agrio fulgipennis. Mag. de Zool. L, 1831 (pte. 2), 15. 23. Description du Toxophora Carcelii. Mag. de Zool. L, 1831 (pte. 2), p. 16. 24. Description du Lampyris Madagasca- riensis. Mag. de Zool. L, 1831 (pie. 2), p. 22. 25. Description du Pelecium refulgens. Mag. de Zool. L, 1831 (pte. 2), p. 23. 26. Description du Pimpla atrata. Mag. de Zool. I., 1831 (pte. 2), p. 28. 27. Description du Cassida tricolor. Mag. de Zool. L, 1831 (pte. 2), p. 31. 28. Notice sur quelques modifications a introduire dans les Notopodes de M. LATREILLE, et etablissement d'un nouveau genre dans cette tribu (Caphyra). Ann. Sci. Nat. XXV., 1832, pp. 283-288. 29. Descriptions de deux Arachnides : Segestria ruflceps et Androctonus variegatus. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832, Cl. viii., pi. 1-2. 3O. Description du Scarites Goudotti. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832, Cl. ix., pi. 5. 31. Description du Buprestis aureopilosa. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832, Cl. ix.. pi. 13. 32. Description du Buprestis scapularis. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832, Cl. ix.,pl. 14. 33. Description du Cetonia episcocalis. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832, Cl. ix., pi. 21. 34. Description de FEurydera striata. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832, Cl. ix., pi. 22. 35. Description du Buprestis couiplanata. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832, Cl. ix., pi. 25. 36. Description du Buprestis exoplithalma. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832, Cl. ix... pi. 26. 37. Description du Buprestis colliciata. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832, Cl. is., pi. 27. Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard. 38. De- scription du Buprestis rotundata. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832, Cl.ix.,pl. 28. 39. Description du Buprestis cassidioides. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832, Cl. ix., pi. 29. 4O. Description d'un nouveau genre (Isea elongata) de Crustace macroure formant le passage entre les Paguriens et les Thalassinites. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1832, pp. 295-299. 41. Notice sur un genre d'Anuelides etabli recemment sous le nom de Sigaliou, et de- scription du Sigaliou Estellas, espece nouvelle des cotes de France. Mag. de Zool. III., 1833, Cl. vi., pi. 1. 42. Memoire sur 1'organisation exterieure des Phyllosomes, et Monographic de ce genre de Crustaces. Mag. de Zool. III., 1833, Cl. vii., pi. 6-13. 43. Description du Buprestis Goryi. Mag. de Zool. III., 1833, Cl. ix., pi. 62. 44. Description du genre Prionapterus et des especes P. staphylinus et P. flavipennis. Mag. de Zool. III., 1833, Cl. ix., pi. 63. 45. Description du Buprestis Luczotii. Mag. de Zool. III., 1833, Cl. ix., pi. 65. 1 46. Description de 1'Onthophagus undatus. Mag. de Zool. III., 1833, Cl. ix., pi. 67. 47. Description de 1'Urocerus Lefebure. Mag. de Zool. III., 1833, Cl. ix., pi. 68. 48. Exposition des especes du genre Tri- gonodactyla, Dejean (T. terminata, T. cepha- lotes). Mag. de Zool. III., 1833, Cl. ix., pi. 73. 49. Description de 1'Anisoscelis alipes. Mag. de Zool. III., 1833, Cl. ix., pi. 75. 50. Description de 1'Aterpus pipa. Mag. de Zool. III., 1833, Cl. ix., pi. 98. 51. Description du Meloe Saulcyi. Mag. de Zool. III., 1833, Cl. ix., pi. 100. 52. Memoire sur deux nouveaux genres de 1'ordre des Coleopteres, et description des especes qui les composent (Pseudolycus, Calo- chromus). [1832.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 155-160. 53. Notice sur les metamorphoses des Ceratopogons, et description de deux especes nouvelles de ce genre, decouvertes aux environs de Paris (C. geniculatus, C. flavifrons). [1832.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 161- 167. 54. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Capromys (C. Poeyi). Mag. de Zool. IV., 1834, Cl.i.,pl. 15. 55. Description du Salticus lepidus. Mag. de Zool. IV., 1834, Cl. viii., pi. 7. 56. Materiaux pour une classification des Melasomes. Mag. de Zool. IV., 1834, Cl. ix., pi. 101-118. 57. Description de la Cicindela guttula. Mag. de Zool. V., 1835, Cl. ix., pi. 131. GUE] 61 [GUE G-uerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard. 58. Re- sume des observations sur les Porcellanes, genre de Crustaces brachyures. L'Institut, IV., 1836, p. 126. 59. Description du genre Deto et de 1'es- pece D. echinata de 1'ordre des Isopodes de LATKEILLE. Mas;, de Zool. VI., 1836, Cl. vii., pi. 14, 21. 60. Description de quelques genres nou- veaux de Crustaces appartenant a la famille des Hyperines (Oxycephalus piscatorius, O. ocea- nicus). Mag. de Zool. VI., 1836, Cl. vii., pi. 17-18. 61. Description du genre Phlias et espece P. serratus. Mag. de Zool. VI., 1836, Cl. vii., pi. 19. 62. Description du genre Pterelas et de 1'espeee P. Webbii. Mag. de Zool. VI., 1836, Cl. vii., pi. 20. 63. La chenille du Bryophila algre vivant dans 1'iuterieur des branches du Marronnier de 1'Inde. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1836, p. xlvi. 64. Note sur des organes sernblables aux sacs branchiaux des crustaces inferieurs trouves chez un insecte hexapode aptere (Machilis poly- poda). Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 595-596; L'Institut, IV., 1836, p. 197; Fro- riep, Notizen, II., 1837, col. 202. 65. Note nionographique sur le genre Limnadie, et description d'une espece nouvelle de ce genre (Limnadia Mauritiana). Mag. de Zoo). VII., 1837, Cl. vii., pi. 21. 66. Description du genre Calagnathus et de 1'espece C. Chevrolatii. Mag. de Zool. VII., 1837, Cl.ix.,pl. 172. 67. Description de la Fulgora Castresii. Mag. de Zool. VII., 1837, Cl. ix., pi. 173. 68. Sur une nouvelle espece de Porcellion provenant de 1'ile de Cuba (P. Poeyi, Guer.). Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, p. 132. 69. Observations sur la Pyrale de la vigne et sur les moyens de preserver les vignobles de ses ravages. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 429-431. 70. Note sur le genre Globicorne. Silber- mann, Rev. Entom. V., 1837, pp. 193-204. 71. Crustaces du voyage de La Favorite. Mag. de Zool. VIII., 1838, Cl. vii., pi. 23-26. 72. Arachnides du voyage de La Favorite (Acanthodon Petitii, Nob., Mygale rosea, IValck., Salticus quadrimaculatus, IValck.). Ma"-, de Zool. VIIL, 1838, Cl. viii., pi. 16-17. 73. Description dela Petalura Selysii et de la Mantispa auriventris. Mag. de Zool. VIII 1838, Cl. ix., pi. 201-202. Guerin-Meneville, FelU- Edouard. 74. Obser- vations sur les genres Dolichoderus et Nycte- ropus de M. KLUG, et reunion de ces deux genres en un seul sous le nom de Nycteropus. Mag. de Zool. VIIL, 1838, Cl. ix., pi. 203. 75. Insectes du voyage de La Favorite. Mag. de Zool. VIIL, 1838, Cl. ix., pi. 225-238. 76. Note sur 1'Acanthodon et sur le Cryp- tostemme, nouveaux genres d' Arachnides. Re- vue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 10-12. 77. Deux especes du genre Phyllocerus (P. flavipennis, Dej., et P. spinote). Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 12-13. 78. Sur le genre Lissome et 1'espece L. bisignatus. Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 13-14. 79. Sur le genre Pausse, (Paussus, Linne), et les especes P. Jousselinii et curvicornis. Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 20-22. 80. Sur le genre Trochoide et 1'espece T. Dejardinsii (Trochoideus, JVcstw."). Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 22-24. 81. Description de 1'Oedemera Blosse- villii. Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 39-40. 82. Synopsis d'une Monographic du genre Plesie, J urine. Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 57-60. 83. Observations sur les genres Encelade et Siagone, et description de trois nouvelles especes de ce dernier genre (S. Goryi, S. man- dibularis, S. Buquetii). Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 74-78. 84. Note sur une uouvelle espece d'Hy- menoptere du genre Myzine (M. Rousselii). Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 103-104. 85. Note monographique sur le genre Tesserocere (Tesserocerus, Sounders). Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 104-107. — — 86. Sur le nouveau genre Piezorhopalus et 1'espece P. nitidulus. Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 107-108. 87. Carabiques se nourissant de vegetaux. Revue Zool. L, 1838, p. 123. 88. Note sur une lettre de A. BOURJOT ST. HILAIRE relativement aux Insectes nuisi- bles aux groseilliers. Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 123-128. 89. Note sur le genre de coleopteres cla- vicornes, nomme par LATREILLE Globicornis (G. rufltarsis, Latr.), et description d'une espece nouvelle de ce genre (G. fulvipes, Guer.). Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 135-139. 90. Analyse de la notice de MM. de LAIZER et de PARIED relative a une machoire inferieure fossile. Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 162-163. 91. Note sur la lettre de M. M.VUAVIGNA sur des insectes trouves dans Fambre de la Sicile. Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 169-170. 92. Note sur les insectes Coleopteres du genre Anthrene. Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 170- 171. GUE] 62 [GUE Cru^rin-Meneville, Felix Edounrd. 93. Note sur deux especes nouvelles du genre Phtedinus (P. Debauvei, P. lanio). Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 286-287. 94. Sur un insecte coleoptere nouveau, du genre Chiasognathus, Stephens (C. Feistha- melii). Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 287-288. 95. Description du Sphinx Anuei. Mag. de Zool. I., 1839 (Insecte s\ pi. 1. — — — 96. Description du Satyrus Coctei, Procris melas et viridipulverulenta. Mag. de Zool. I., 1839 (Inscctes), pi. 11. 97. Description du Diorymerus Pradierii et lancifer. Mag. de Zool. I., 1839 (Inscctes), pi. 13. 98. Description d'une espece aptere du genre Ptilium (P. apterum). Revue Zool. II., 1839, p. 90. 99. Nouveau genre de Crustace macroure, etablissant le passage entre deux families, les Thalassiens et les Astacieus (Astacoides Gou- dotii). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 108-109. 1OO. Gasteracanthes sculptees et de Feist- hamel, nouvelles especes d'Araneides (G. gly- phica, G. Feisthameh'i). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 109-111. 1O1. Description de deux col^opteres nou- veaux decouverts aux environs de Chinon (Apbanisticus Lamotei, Monotoma Blaivii). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 139-141. 1O2. Decouverte du Claviger longicornis en France. Revue Zool. II., 1839, p. 160. 103. Note sur le genre Hexodon, Olivier. Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 170-171. 1O4. Description du genre Aprostome, nou- veau coleoptere voisin du Calodromus et formant la liaison entre les Rhynehophores et les Xylo- phaffes (Apr. filum). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 171-172. 105. Note sur quelques especes nouvelles du genre Fulgora decouvertes dans les Indes Orientales. Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 182- 184. 106. Note sur un Coleoptere lamellicorne du genre Goliath, trouve snr les montagnes de Neelgheries (Goliaihus Delessertii). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 229-230. 1O7. Note monographique sur le genre d'insectes Hemipteres nomine Phyllomorpha, et description d'une nouvelle espece de ee genre (Phyllomorpha laciniata, Ph. Algirica, Ph. para- doxa, Ph. Latreillii). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 230-233. 1O8. Description d'un Papillon nouveau di'couvert dans 1'ile de Pulo Pinang (P. Deles- sertii). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 233-235. 109. Note sur les oeufs et la larvc du Ster- nocera chrysis. Revue Zool. II., 1839, p. 260. Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard. 11O. De- scription de quelques Coleopteres des cotes du Detroit de Magellan. Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 295-305. 111. Note synonymique sur les Ceram- bycius decrits par M. GEKMAR dans son : " Insectorum species nova; aut minus cognitse," etc. Revue Zool. n., 1839, pp. 329-331. 112. Notice monographique sur les Meries (Meria). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 361- 366. 113. Description du Sphrenognathus Feist- hamelii. Mag. de Zool. II., 1840 (Inscctes), pi. 39. 114. Cicindeles nouvelles, decouvertes a Pensacola (Cicindela Saulcyi, C. gratiosa). Revue Zool. III., 1840, p. 37. 115. Coleopteres nouveaux du plateau des Neelgheries dans les Indes Orientales decouverts par M. Adolphe DELESSEET. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 37-42. 116. Lepidopteres nouveaux decouverts aux Indes Orientales (Pap. Saturnus, Pap. Nep- tunus, Pap. Brama, Vanessa Eudosia). Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 43-44. 117. Cetonides nouvelles, decouvertes dans les Indes Orientales par Adolphe DELESSEKT. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 79-82. 118. Note sur la synonymie du genre de Longicornes nomme a tort Cyrtognathus. Re- vue Zool. II., 1840, pp. 82-84. 119. Coleopteres nouveaux, decouverts au Senegal. Revue Zool. HI., 1840, pp. 107- 110. 12O. Description de cinq especes d'Hispes. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 139-142. 121. Note sur le genre Ozodera. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 142-143. 122. Description de deux genres nouveaux de la f'amille des longicornes (Anoploderma bi- color, Sypilus Orbignyi). Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 276-277. 123. Nouvelles especes de Buprestides de- couvertes par M. PEKROTET aux Indes Orien- tales. Revue Zool. in., 1840, pp. 327-330. 124. Note monographique sur le genre de Coleopteres nomme Alurnus par FAISRICIUS, et sur quelques groupes voisins. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 330-334. 125. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Coleoptere Longicorne du genre ^goidus de M. BUQUET (M. Earlii). Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 334-335. 126. Note monographique sur le genre Sponsor, Gory. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 356-358. 127. Description de treize especes du genre Hispa proprement dit. Revue Zool. IV., 1841, pp. 6-14. GUE] 63 [GUE Guerin-Meneville, Feli.r Edouard. 128. De- scription de quelques especes nouvelles d'Eroty- lides. Kevue Zool. IV., 1841, pp. 115-120, 153-161. 129. Description de quelques colc-opteres nouveaux provenant de la Tasmauie, du port Otago, d'Essington, de Triton Bay, et des iles Vavao, Salamon, Ternate, Borneo, Auckland, &c. Revue Zool. IV., 1841, pp. 120-128, 186- 193, 213-217. 130. Note sur le nouveau genre Calli- pappus, dans 1'ordre des Hemipteres, forme avec un inscctc que Ton peut considerer comme une Dorthesia gigantesque. Eevue Zool. IV., 1841, pp. 129-131. 131. Note sur le singulier Insecte cole- optt-re, nomme Hypocephalus et Mesoclastus. Eevue Zool. IV., 1841, pp. 217-220. 132. Description du Pacliyrhynchus bipla- giatus. Mag. de Zool. IV, 1842 (Inscctcs), pi. 95. 133. Monographic du genre Eupbolus. Mag. de Zool. 1842 (Insectes), pi. 96-97. 134. Matc-riaux sur les Thynnides. Mag. de Zool. 1842 (Inscctes), pi. 99-105. 135. Note sur un groupe a separer du genre Rhisotrogus, Latreille, et description du K. Magagnoscii. Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 6-8. 136. Note sur le genre d'Hymenopteres 'nomme Trigonalys. Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 83-84, 131-132. 137. Description de quelques Chrysidides nouvelles. Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 144- 150. 138. Description d'un Crustace amphipode formant un genre nouveau dans la famille des Hyperines (Cystiroma). Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 214-216. 139. Note suppleinentaire sur le genre Callisthenes (C. Reicliei). Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 271-272; Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. XL, 1842, p. xlv. — 14O. Note sur les Termites. Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 278-279. 141. Description abregee de trois especes nouvelles du genre Meloe (M. foveolatus, M. humeralis, M. andensis). Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 338-339. 142. Description de quelques especes in- edites d'hyinenopteres fouisseurs de Fancien con- tinent, avec des observations sur plusieurs Pompiles nouveaux figures dans la grande description de 1'figypte et restes jusqu' ici in- connus. Mag. de Zool. XIII., 1843 (Insectes), pi. 114-116. 143. Description de la Saturnia Perrottetii. Mag. de Zool. XIII., 1843 (Insectes), pi. 123. Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard. 144. No- tice sur les metamorphoses de 1'Apion apricans et sur les parasites de ce coleoptere. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1843, pp. 65-68. 145. Description d'une nouvelle espece de coleoptere du genre Myrnicchixenus, decouverte dans les serres aux ananas de M. PANCKOCCKE, a sa campagne de Floury, pres Paris (M. vapo- rariorum). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1843, pp. 69-71 ; Revue Zool. VI., 1843, p. 23. 146. Revue critique de la tribu des Eu- cnemides. Paris, Aim. Soc. Entom. I., 1843, pp. 163-184, 185-199. 147. Insectes nouveaux, observes sur le plateaux des Cordilleres et dans les vallees chaudes de la Nouvelle-Grenade. Revue Zool. VI, 1843, pp. 12-22. 148. Description d'un nouveau genre d'Or- thoptere de la famille des Mantides (Perla- mantis). Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 41-42. 149. Note sur la Naucoris rugosa de J. DESJAKDINS, formant un nouveau genre d'Hemi- ptere, et description de plusieurs especes des genres Pelogonus et Mononyx. Revue Zool. VI, 1843, pp. 112-114. • 150. Oiseaux nouveaux d'Abyssinie. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 161-162, 321-322. 151. Note sur un groupe uaturel ou une petite tribu de Coleopteres de la famille des Malacodermes (Dascillidae). Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 193-194. 152. Monographic d'un genre de Muscides nomme Ceratitis. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 194-201. 153. Note inonographique sur le genre de Muscides auquel M. ROBINEAU-DESVOIDT a doniie le nom Rutilia. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 262-274. 154. Description d'uue troisit-ine espece du genre Torneutes (T. obscures). Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 300-301. 155. Note sur le genre Evania, de 1'ordre des hymenopteres. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 333-335 ; VII., 1844, pp. 39-40. 156. Description du Delocrania cossy- phoides et Oxychelia aquatica. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844, Insectes, pi. 131-132. 157. Description du Pleurosoma suleatum. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844, Insectes.pl. 136. 158. Note sur quelques Coleopteres me- lasomes qui ne sont pas entierement noirs ; et description d'une nouvelle espece d'Adesmia decouverte par le Dr. LANG (A. Langii) au cap Negro, sur la cote occidentale de 1'Afrique. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844, Insectes, pi. 139 ; Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutom. I.. 1843, p. xlvii ; Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 261-262. GUE] [GUE Gnerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard, 159. De- scription du Sphallomorpha nitiduloides. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844, Itisectes, pi. 140. 16O. Description du Tetraonyx flavi- pennis. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844, Insectes, pi. 141. 161. Description du Cratosomus consularis. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844, Insectes, pi. 142. 162. Description du Hispa Leseleucii. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844, Insectes, pi. 143. 163. Description de 1'Eucallia Boussin- gaultii. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844, Insectes, pi. 144. 164. Description du Cebrio Chevrolatii. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844, Insectes, pi. 145. 165. Note monographique sur le genre Amphidesmus. Mag. de Zool. 1844, Insectes, pi. 146. -- 166. Description du Macrodactylus dimi- diatus. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844, Insectes, pi. 147. - 167. Description du Moluris Bertolinii. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844, Insectes, pi. 148. - 168. Note sur le genre Holoparamecus et sur sa synonymic, et description d'une espece nouvelle de ce genre (II. Panckouckii). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1844, pp. v-vi, x, xvi- xvii; Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 443-445. - 169. Sur le Ftilium apterum. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1844, pp. xi-xii. - 17O. Description de quelques Coleopteres de la Nouvelle Grenade. Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 8-19. - 171. Memoire sur les insectes nuisibles aux Cereales. Premier memoire : Chlorops ales. Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 30-32. 172. Description de Coleopteres uouveaux decouverts par M. A. NIETO dans 1'interieur du Mexique. Revue Zool. VII.. 1844, pp. 253- 262. 173. Note sur la decouverte faite en Al- gerie, par le Docteur GUYON, d'une nouvelle espece du genre Cebrio (C. Guyonii). Revue Zool. VII., 1 844, pp. 403-404. 174. Observations sur un insecte qui at- taque les olives, dans nos departements meri- dionaux (CEcophora olivella, Dvponchel). Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 422-429, 469-471 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1147- 1150. 175. Remarque sur la note de M. Victor de MOTSCHULSKI relative au genre Holopara- mecus, Curtis. Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 443-445. 176. Note sur le Curculio frumentarius, Lhnie. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. v-vi. Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard. 177. Note sur quelques Coleopteres trouves dans la racine de Squine ( Smilax chine) ; essai d'une nouvelle classification des Bostrychides. Paris, Aun. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. xvi-xvii. 178. Sur les moeurs de 1'Hylesinus cre- natus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. xxviii-xxix. 179. Sur les metamorphoses de la larve du Centorhynchus sulcicollis. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. xxxiii-xxxiv. 18O. Sur la uymphe agile de Raphidia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, p. xxxiv. 181. Note sur les degats causes par 1'Aga- panthia marginella. Paris, Ann. .Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. Ixv-lxvii ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1845, col. 246-248. • 182. Details sur les ravages considerables causes a la Vigne par une espece d'Altica. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. Ixvii- Ixviii. 183. Sur les insectes qui attaquent 1'Oli- vier. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. Ixviii-lxix ; France, Congres Scient. 1846, pp. 129-132. 184. Details sur les metamorphoses des Mordelles. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. Ixix-lxx. 185. Sur les branches de Saule gonflees par les piqures d'une Cecidomyia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. Ixx-lxxi. 186. Sur la maladie des Pommes-de-terre, et sur les larves d'insectes qu'on trouve dans les Pommes-de-terres gatees. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. Ixxxvi-lxxxvii. 187. Sur les os provenant d'un tombeau celtique a Meudon creuses par des insectes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. Ixxxvii- Ixxxviii. 188. Sur le Dromochorus, nouveau genre de Cicindeletes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. xcv-xcvi. 189. Note sur la Fulgora cyanirostris. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, p. xcvi. 19O. Description de Ptilophyllum Godeyi. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. xcvi- xcvii. 191. Note sur un grand Ichneumonide parasite du Bombyx cecropia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, p. civ. 192. Note sur 1'Elater varius decrit par BLISSON. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. civ-cv. 193. Note sur 1'Ascalaphus Italians trouve dans le departement de Doubs. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, p. cviii. 194. Note sur le genre Anthia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. cviii-cix. GUE Go [GUE Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edonard. 195. Note sur la larve du Hanneton renfermant deux Helminthes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutora. IV., 1845, pp. cix-cx. 196. Note sur le genre Margus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entoni. III., 1845, p. cxvii. 197. Note sur les Acariens, les Myria- podes, les Insectes et les Helmiuthes observes dans les Pommes-de-terrc maladea. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXL, 1845, pp. 876-879. 198. Note sur le genre MalacoMelle de M. de BLAINVILLE. Revue Zool. VIII., 1845, pp. 248-251. 199. Description de quelques-uns des In- sectes les plus remarquables decouverts par M. A. DELEGORGUE dans les pays des Boschimans, des Ama-Zoulous, etc., pendant les aunees 1838- 1844. Revue Zool. VIII., 1845, pp. 283-286. 2OO. Sur les migrations des larves de la Sciara Thoma?, espece de diptere tipulairc. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, pp. viii-xii ; Eevue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 14-18. 201. Note sur le Xyletinus serricornis, trouve en abondance dans un cereale d'Abys- sinie. Paris, Aun. Soc. Entorn. IV., 1846, pp. Ixvii-lxviii. 202. Details sur les mmurs du Scolytus destructor et de 1'Hylesinus varius. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, pp. Ixix-lxxi, Ixxvii- Ixxviii. 203. Observations sur les larves de la Cas- sida uebulosa, vivant sur les feuilles des bette- raves. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, pp. Ixxi-lxxii. 204. Sur la maniere de vivre d'une espece de Silpha (S. opaca, L.). Paris, Ann. Soc. En- tom. IV., 1846, pp. Ixxii-lxxiii. 205. Note sur les metamorphoses de Do- iiacia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, pp. Ixxv-lxxvi, Ixxix. • 2O6. Note sur une espece de Megace- pliala [Tetracha algeriana]. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, pp. cii-ciii. 207. Note sur deux Carabiques do la Nou- velle-Zelande. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, p. ciii. 208. Note sur la larve de 1'Ascalaphus longicornis. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, p. cxv. 209. Degats causes en Provence dans une culture de betteraves par des chenilles de Noctua brassicoe et d'Apion. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, p. cxvi. 210. Note sur les migrations des larves de la Sciara Thomas, espece de diptere tipulaire. Eevue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 14-18. VOL. in. Guerin-Meneville, Felix Eilonrmi. 211. Ob- servations sur les mceurs et 1'anatoniie des Sco- lytes des ormes, et plus specialement du Scolytus destructor. Revue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 289- 298; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 296-298. 212. Rapport sur un insecte (Saperdo gra- cilis) qui nuit aux moissons dans 1'arrondisse- ment de Barbecieux. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, pp. xvii-xx. 213. Note sur le Scolytus amygdali qui nuit aux amandiers. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, pp. xliv-xlvi. 214. Observations sur la Muscardine pro- duite par une voie d'inoculation sur les larves de plusieurs insectes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, pp. Ivi-lvii ; VI., 1848, p. Lxviii. 215. Description d'une nouvelle espece de mollusque du genre Cyclostome (C. Itierii), de- couverte par M. T. ITIER pendant la mission de France en Chine. Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 1-2. 216. Decade entomologique. Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 2-11. 217. Note sur le dommage cause en 1846 aux recoltes d'olives par le ver ou la larve du Dacus ole£B. Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 27-31, 346 ; Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, pp. x- xi. 218. Voyage en Abyssinie de M. Theophile LEFEBURE : Insectes. Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 49-52. 219. Note sur le genre Xyloteles. Revue Zool. 1847, pp. 169-170. 220. Description de divers Lycus nouveaux provenant de 1'Afrique, et rectification de la synouymie de plusieurs especes de ce genre. Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 220-229. • 221. Description d'un Bombyx nouveau decouvert par M. MITTRE a Nose-Be, ile de Madagascar (B. Mittrei). Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 229-230. 222. Sur les ravages faits dans les plan- tations de pommiers par la chenille de 1'Ypono- meuta padella. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entoni. VI., 1848, pp. Ixv-lxvii. 223. Sur un insecte parasite de la Coche- nille [Baccha cochenillivora]. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. Ixxix-lxxxii ; Revue Zool. 1848, p. 350; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 510-512. 224. Cicindeletes de la Guinee Portugaise, decouvertes par M. BOCANDE, avec des notes de ce voyageur et la description des especes nou- velles. Revue Zool. XI., 1848, pp. 345-348; Rev. et Mag. Zool. I., 1849, pp. 76-84, 138- 150. GUE] 66 [GUE Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edouurd. 225. De- scription de la Megacephala Bocandei. Mag. de Zool. VII., 1849 (Insectes), pi 157. 226. Description de plusieurs nouvelles especes de Cicindele. Mag. de Zool. VII., 1849 (Insectes}, pi. 158-161. 227. Description du Dromochorus Pilatci. Mag. de Zool. VII., 1849 (Insectes), pi. 162. 228. Description du Julodis Onopordi. Mag. de Zool. VII., 1849 (Insectes"), pi. 165. 229. Perte des amandiers par les chenilles de la Pieris cratregi et Procris pruni dans le midi de France. Paris, Ann. Soc. Eiitom. VII., 1849, p. XY. 23O. Note sur le nouveau precede de M. HERPIN pour detruire les larves des Alacites et Charaneons. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1849, pp. xxvi-xxvii. 231. Sur 1'introcluction et la domestica- tion de vers a soie etrangers. Kemarque a 1'occa- sion d'une Note recente de M. Em. BLANCHAKD. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 704- 705. 232. Description de 1' Argus talagi. Rev. et Mag. Zool. I, 1849, pp. 342-344. 233. Note sur la ducouverte faite en France d'un insecte coleoptere d'assez grande taille, qui n'avait encore ete observe qu'en Laponie ( Dy tisc. Lapponicus). Rev. et Mag. Zool. I., 1849, pp. 559-561. 234. Etudes sur les maladies des Vers a Soie. Rev. et Mag. Zool. I., 1849, pp. 565- 576 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 424-426; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 499- 502. 235. Du fluide nourricier des vers a soie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., 1850, pp. 138-139 (Compt. Rend.). 236. CEufs de Lepidoptere eclos quoique leur mere n'ait pas ete fecondee. Rev. et Mag. Zool. II., 1850, pp. 137-138. 237. Enumeration des insectes qui con- somment les Tabacs. Rev. et Mag. Zool. II., 1850, pp. 426-442. 238. Extrait des materiaux recueillis a la magnanerie experimentale de Sainte Tulle, pres Manosque (Basses Alpes) pendant la campagne sericole de 1850, sur les maladies des Vers a Soie et sur la recherche des moyens d'ameliorer leur races. Rev. et Mag. Zool. II., 1850, pp. 452-459. 239. Sur les larves d'Acarien trouvees sur les bourgeons des pechers attaques de la maladie nominee le Meunier. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, p. v. 240. Sur un travail de PIGEAU intituk' : " Recherches de moyens propres a preserver les approvisionnements des bles." Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. vi-vii. Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard. 241. Note sur un cryptogame du genre Oidium. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 295-297. 242. Description du Heterogomphus Bour- cieri. Rev. et Mag. Zool. III., 1851, p. 160. 243. Observations sur un nouvel ennemi de nos cereales (Jassus devastans), precedees de considerations sur la necessite de f'aire voyager quelques naturalistes, afin qu'ils puissent etudier les agents destructeurs de nos recoltes sur les lieux memes ou ils exercent leurs ravages. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 92-97. 244. Note sur une cochenille indigene (Coccus fabte) qui vit sur la feve de marais, et qui semble propre a donner une matifcre colo- rante abondante et susceptible d'etre employee dans rindustrie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 334-335. 245. Observations sur la maladie de la vigne en Italie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 322-325. 246. Sur les insectes Coleopteres du genre Cebrio. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1852, pp. 225-227. 247. Notice sur une nouvelle espece de Fourmi [Myrmica Sallei] decouverte a St. Domingue par M. Auguste SALLE, et qui fait son nid dans des plaines marecageuses sur les buissous. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IV., 1852, pp. 73-79. 248. Note sur les principaux resultats des educations de vers a soie, faites a la magna- nerie exptTimeutale de Sainte Tulle, et ayant pour objet 1'amelioration et 1'acclimatation des races, 1'etude des maladies, et la production de graine etalon. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IV., 1852, pp. 380-386. 249. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Nevropteres [Apoclirysa marionella]. Rev. et Mag. Zool. V., 1853, pp. 261-263. 25O. Sur la maladie de la vigne. Jouru. Agric. Prat. VI., 1853, pp. 156-164. 251. Recherches sur les vers a soie sau- vages et domestiques. Paris, Soc. Acclim. Bull. I., 1854, pp. 43-52, 306-320, 344-350; II, 1855, pp. 618-630. 252. Description d'uu nouveau genre (Hypoconcha) de Crustaces, du groupe des Dromiens, intermediaire entre les Dromies et les Dynomenes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, pp. 329-333. 253. Note sur une apparition extraordi- naire de mouches nuisibles aux cereales (Chlo- rops lineata). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 616-618. GUE] 07 [GUE Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard. 254. De- scription de deux especes des genres Vis et Mactre, appartenant a la collection de M. LOROIS (Terebra Loroisii, Mactra Loroisii). Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 217-219. 255. Comparaison entre la valeur des cocons de la grosse race de vers a soie de Pro- vence et des cocons de la race acclimatee et ameliorce depuis dix ans, par un systiime de selection et par des precedes perfectionnes d'education a la magnauerie experimentale de Sainte-Tulle (Basses Alpes). Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 230-235. 256. Description du genre Hypoconcha, nouveaux Crabes, faux Bernards 1'Hermite, qui protegent leur corps avec la moitie d'une coquille bivalve. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 333-343. 257. Sur le Bombyx cynthia. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 491-493, 573-574. 258. Note sur les observations sur la nialadie des uoyers ; presence de 1'Aphis juglan- dis sur les feuilles des arbres. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 571-572. 259. Note sur les recherches de M. Paul THENAED sur la destruction de 1'Eumolpe de la vigne. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 646- 651. 26O. Note relative aux Ciciudela Ritcliii et Peletieri. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. xlix-1. 261. [Note sur 1'essai d'une education du Bombyx mylitta.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. Ixxxix-xciv, xcix-ci. 262. Notice sur un uouveau genre de Crustace [Pseudibacus] de la tribu des Scylla- riens, decouvert par M. VEEANY, aux environs de Nice. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VII., 1855, pp. 137-141. 263. Note sur Cicindela Truqui. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VII., 1855, p. 254 ; Paris, Anu. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, p. 4. 264. Sur le ver a soie du chene (B. Pernyi.) Rev. et Mag. Zool. VII., 1855, pp. 292-301, 398-400 ; Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. Iv-lvii ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., pp. 1166-1168. 265. Lettre sur la Cetonia aurata et 1'hy- drophobie. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VII., 1855, pp. 342-344; Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. xcvii-xcix. 266. Note sur la Saturnia Bauhinice. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VII., 1855, pp. 543-544. 267. Catalogue des Insectes Coleopteres recueillis par M. Gaetano OSCCLATI, pendant son exploration de la region equatoriale, sur les bords du Napo et de 1'Amazone. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verbandl. V., 1855 (Abfi.), p. 573. Guerin-Me'neville, Felix Edouard. 268. Note sur la Muscardine et sur les precedes a 1'aidc desquels la veuve MONTSAKRAT parvient a as- sainir les magnaneries et a preserver les Vers a soie de cette desastreuse nialadie. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VIIL, 1856, pp. 26-32. 269. Cocons Audre - Jean et Bronski. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VIIL, 1856, pp. 295-303, 397-399. 270. Note Listorique sur PAye-Aye, ;i 1'occasion de la figure d'un jeune individu. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VIIL, 1856, pp. 312-314. 271. Sur la Cochenille de la feve et la possibilite d'en tirer parti pour la teinture. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VIIL, 1856, pp. 347-350. • 272. Lettre sur un ver a soie (Bombyx Mylitta). Rev. et Mag. Zool. VIIL, 1856, pp. 536-538. 273. Des veritables causes de 1'cpizootie actuelle des vers a soie et inoyens pratiques d'en atteuuer les desastreux eflets. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VOX, 1856, pp. 583-589; Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. x-xi. 274. Note sur le precede d'enfouissement des ruches, pratique depuis plusieurs annees par M. ANTOINE pour 1'hivernation des abeilles. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. 33-38. 275. Note sur divers coleopteres exotiques provenant d'un envoi de substances coloniales attaquees par les insectes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutom. V., 1857, pp. cxiv-cxv. 276. Observations sur une education de chenilles de la Saturnia cynthia (Saturnia arrin- dia). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. cxvii-cxix. 277. Resultat d'un travail pour determiner la richesse en soie des vers a soie du Ricin. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. cxxxviii- cxli. • 278. Extrait d'un memoire sur trois especes d'insectes hemipteres du groupe des punaises aquatiques, dont les ojufs servent a faire une sorte de pain, nomme Hautle au Mexique (Corixa femorata, C. mercenaria, Notonecta unifasciata). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. cxlviii- cli; Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 313-315; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIIL, 1858, pp. 357-359 ; Paris, Soc. Acclim. Bull. IV., 1857, pp. 578- 581. 279. Note sur les educations pour graine qu'il conviendrait de faire aujourdhui pour atte- nuer les desastreux effets de 1'epizootie des vers a soie. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 172- 179. 280. Rapport sur les travaux d'entomo- logie appliquee a 1'agri culture presentes en 1856- 1857. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 317- 325. i 2 GUE] G8 [GUE Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard. 281. Note sur les educations de vers a soie, destinees a la confection de la graine faite en 1857, dans la Suisse, les montagnes des Basses-Alpes, et d'autres localites ou 1'epidemie n'a pas paru. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 325-329. 282. Sur la Cetonia aurata, presumee effi- cace centre 1'hydrophobie ; nouveaux indices relativement a son emploi eu Russie. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 367-370, 473-476. 283. Note sur la proportion de matiere soyeuse contenue dans les cocons du ver a soie du Ricin. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 521-522 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 804-805. 284. Materiaux pour une monogrnpliie des coleopteres du groupe des Eumorphides, et plus specialement du genre Eumorphus. Thom- son, Archiv. Eutom. I., 1857, pp. 237-278 ; Rev. et Mag. Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 565-581 ; X., pp. 10-28, 59-63. 285. [Note sur les Crustaces du genre Phyllo.soma qui ne sont que le premier etat des Langoustes.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. xliv-xlv. — — 286. Observations sur la desastreuse ma- ladie des vers a soie appelee "Gattine." Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. cix-cx. 287. Note sur un Psyllide nouveau qui vit sur les ognons. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, p. cxi. 288. Note sur une Tortrix qui nuit con- siderablement aux ormes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, p. cxi. 289. Observations au sujet des parasites de 1'Abeille maconne. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. cxi-cxii. 290. Note sur les Bombyx cyntliia et B. prometheus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. clvii-clviii. 291. Observations sur la maladie des vers a, soie. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858. pp. clxv-clxvii. 292. Note sur la poudre de Pyrethre em- ployee pour la destruction des insectes nuisibles aux collections. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. clxxiv-clxxvi. 293. Remarques sur 1'education du vrai Bombyx cynthia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, p. clxxxiii. 294. Observations sur 1'education de 1'At- tacus Prometheus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. clxxxiv-clxxxv. 295. Sur le Bombyx du Ricin et le croise- rnent des B. cynthia et B. arrindia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. cxciii-cxciv. Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard. 296. Sur 1'hybridation des vers a soie du Ricin et du Vernis du Japon. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. ccix-ccx ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 541-543 ; Rev. et Mag. Zool. X., 1858, pp. 399-403. 297. Note sur une nouvelle espece de Bruchus [B. (Pachymerus) Icama3J parasite des semences de 1'Icama. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. ccxxx-ccxxxi. 298. Nouvelles observations sur le carac- tere chimique general des maladies des vers a soie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 1093-1095. 299. Note accompagnant la presentation de cocons formes par des hybrides du ver a soie du Ricin et du ver de 1'Ailanthe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 692-693. • 300. Introduction d'un nouveau ver a soie de Chine (B. eynthia des auteurs) qui vit des feuilles du Vernis du Japon (Ailanthus glan- dulosa). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVII., 1858, pp. 22-23, 288-290; Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, p. cli. 301. Maladie des feuilles du murier et de ses rapports avec la maladie des vers a soie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, p. 115; Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, p. cxliv. 302. Acideres Ricaudii, nouveau genre et nouvelle espece de Prionien voisin des JEgo- soma. Rev. et Mag. Zool. X., 1858, p. 82. 303. Description de deux coleopteres du genre Sepidium (S. Pradierii), dont 1'un est pentaniere et parait etre le male, et 1'autre est heteromere et semble etre la femelle. Rev. et Mag. Zool. X., 1858, pp. 127-129 ; Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. Ixix-lxx. 304. Insectes nuisibles au Colza. Rev. et Mag. Zoo]. X., 1858, pp. 190-192. 305. Note sur les resultats de 1'hybrida- tiou de deux especes de Lepidopteres nocturnes, les Saturnia arrindia (du Ricin) et S. cynthia (du Vernis du Japon). Paris, Aim. Soc. Entom. VIL, 1859, pp. xlvi-xlvii ; Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, p. 512. 306. Description de quelques especes de Coleopteres provenant de 1'Algerie et surtout de 1'oasis d'Ouargia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIL, 1859, pp. clxxxvi-cxciii. 3O7. Etude sur les Graph ipteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIL, 1859, pp. ccxxiv- ccxxvii ; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XL, 1859, pp. 525-539. 308. Sur I'iutroduction et 1'acclimatation du nouveau ver a soie de 1'Ailanthe ou Vernis du Japou en Europe. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIL, 1859, pp. ccxlvi-ccxlviii. GUE] 09 [GUE Guerin-Meiieville, Felix Edoiiard, 309. Sur 1'introduction en France du ver a soie chinois, qui donne deux recoltes par an et s'eleve en plein air sur le vernis du Japon (Ailanthus glandulosa). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 281-285. 310. Note sur les races de vers a soie du rourier que Ton eleve en Syrie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 434-436. 311. Metis feconds de deux especes d'ln- sectes (Bombyx cynthia et Bombyx arrindia). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 742-744. • 312. Sur les larves du Cebrio gigas. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XL, 1859, pp. 546-547. 313. Note sur les etoffes fabriquees en Chine avec le fil du ver a soie de 1'Ailanthe, montrant 1'utilite de cette nouvelle espece pour notre agriculture et notre Industrie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 117-118. 314. Hybrids du Bombyx grand paon et du Bombyx moyen paou. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 774-775 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 150-151. 315. Ver a soie du Vernis du Japon. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. 238-239. 316. Ver a soie de 1'Ailante. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. 311-313, 375-376, 423-424, 469-472 ; XIII., 1861, pp. 238-240. 317. Description d'uue nouvelle espece de coleoptcjre du genre Melancrus, et rectifica- tion relative a une note publiee dans le Bulletin Entomologique de 1859. Paris, Ann. Soc. Eu- tom. I., 1861, pp. 375-376. 318. Description d'uii nouveau ver a soie du chene (Bombyx Yamamai), provenant du Japon. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIII., 1861, pp. 402-410, 435-452; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LILT., 1861, pp. 625-627. 319. Monographic du nouveau genre Di- cranopselapbus, et description de quelques autres iusectes coleopteres appartenant aussi a la famille des Dascillides. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XHL, 1861, pp. 531-547. 320. Du Ver a soie de 1'Ailante a 1'etran- ger. Paris, Soc. Acclim. Bull. IX., 1862, pp. 308-312. 321. Description de trois Coleopteres mala- codennes de 1'Amerique meridionale (Malthinus elegans, M. Chevrolatii, Lobetus torticollis). Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 265-268. 322. Notes additionelles sur ce que Ton salt des mreurs de la Saturnia insularis, et sur les varietes, races locales, ou especes, qui sem- blent deriver d'un petit groupe naturel dont le type serait 1'espece cultivee en Chine, le Bom- byx cynthia, Drtiry. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1 862, pp. 339-344. Guerin-Meneville, Ff-liv Edounrd. 323. Note provisoire sur un nouveau ver a soie (Bombyx Fleuriotii) observe par M. le Capitaiue du vaisseau, FLECRIOT DE LANGLE, pendant une station a Madagascar. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 344-352. 324. Soie grege obtenuc par un precede industriel des cocons du ver a soie de 1'Ailante. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 266- 267. 325. Sur la cause meteorologique de la maladie des Vegetaux et des Vers a soie. Rev. etMag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 446-448; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 961-962. 326. Sur riiabitat de 1'Helix earn?, Can- traine. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, p. 423. Guerin-Meneville, Ffli.r Edouard, et //. Gory. Description du Calodromus Mellyi. Mag. de Zool. 1832, Cl. ix., pi. 34. Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard, et E. Ro- bert. Recherches sur la Muscardine. France, Congres Scient. L, 1847, pp. 470-477. 2. Compte rendu general des tra- vaux sur 1'industrie de la soie, faits en 1854 a. la magnanerie experimentale de Sainte-Tulle. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 444-448 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 342-343. Guerin-Meneville, Filix Edouard, et Per- rottet. Memoire sur un insecte [Elachista cofFeella] et un champignon, qui ravagent les cafeiers aux Antilles. Revue Zool. 1842, pp. 126-127. Guerin-Meneville, Felix Edouard, et Virlet- d'Aoust. Observations sur des oeufs d'iusectes qui servent a 1'alimentation de 1'homme auMexi- que. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zool.), 1857, p. 366. Guerin-Varry, K. T. Memoire sur les gommes. [1831.] Arinal. de Chiniie, XLIX., 1*832, pp. 248-286; Erdm. Jouru. Tech. Cheni. XIV., 1832, pp. 349-380 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 50-61 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1832, pp. 220-232 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXVI., 1833 (St. 2), pp. 155-200. 2. Lettre aux Redacteurs conceruant Faction du chlore sur la gomme du Senegal. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1 832, pp. 222-223. 3. Memoire sur 1'acide malique artificiel de SCHEELE. Anual. de Chitnie, LIL, 1833, pp. 318-335; Liebig, Annal. VIII., 1833, pp. 24- 36 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 44-49. 4. Analyse d'uu memoire sur deux pro- duits naturels de la vegetation considered comme des gommes. L'Institut, L, 1833, pp. 101-103 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1834, pp. 225-252 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chern. III., 1834, pp. 329- 349 ; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 690- 692 ; Liebig, Annal. XIII., 1835, pp. 71-75. GUE] -70 [GUE Guerin-Varry, 7?. T. 5. Repouse a la note de M. PAYEN [sur la fecule]. Annal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1834, pp. 108-110. 6. Rectification de quelques passages d'un extrait du Jahres-Bericht, sous le titre : " Ob- servations de M. BERZELIUS sur un memoire de M. GUERIN," sur la gomme. Aunal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 444-446. 7. Memoire concernant 1'action de la dia- stase suv 1'amidon de pommes-de-terre. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1835, pp. 32-78; Liebig, An- nal. XVJL. 1836, pp. 261-276. 8. Action du potassium sur 1'alcool au- hydre. L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 254-255. 9. Sur 1'amidon. L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 157-158 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 66-94; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cheni. V., 1835, pp. 19-27 ; VII., 1836, pp. 205-210; Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 116-119. 1O. Premier Memoire sur les ethers a acides organiques non volatils. Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1836, pp. 55-91 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 360-386; Liebig, Aunal. XIX., 1836, pp. 198-202 ; XXII., 1837, pp. 237-253. 11. Sur les combinaisons des acides tar- trique et paratartrique avec Tether et le mono- hydrate de methylene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 614-616; Joura. Chimie Med. II., 1836, pp. 449-452 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 438-440. 12. Observations sur 1'extrait insere dans le cahier de Mars des Annalcs de Chimie ct dc Physique coucernant 1'acide oxalhydrique. Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1837, pp. 332-335. 13. Sur 1'acide oxalhydrique. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, p. 84. 14. Observations sur 1'acide oxalhydrique. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 416-418. Guerngross. See Gerngross. Guernsey, Mastodon, near Rochester. Guersent, . Sur une nouvelle espece d'lbe- ride. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1803, p. 169 ; Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1804, pp. 83-85. 2. Sur le Brucea antidyseuterica, Mill, B. ferruginea, L'Her. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1804, pp. 181-182 ; Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1804, pp. 83-85. 3. Sur le sabal d'ADANSON. Paris, Soc. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1831, pp. 358-359. Guerri, L. Due metodi per preparare 1' ioduro di potassio. II Tempo, IV., 1860, pp. 55-60. 2. Analisi chimica dell' acqua minerale di Pillo. Polli, Ann. di Chiui. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 189-192. Guerry, . Cas d'hypnotisme chez des oiseaux decrits des 1646 par le Pere KIKCHEK. Paris, Comptes Reudus, L., 1860, p. 166. Guersant, • . Notice sur les eaux de Plorn- bieres. Archiv. Gen. de Med. I., 1838, pp. 194-209. Guersen, J. F. On some properties of the phos- phoric acid not yet sufficiently known. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVII., 1803, pp. 156-162. Philom. Bull. III., 1804, pp. 205-206. Guersent, . Die Zubereitung der Rinder- darme, zur Aufbewahrung der animalischen Nahrungsmittel. Hermbstadt, Museum, II., 1814, pp. 49-56. Guery, . Note sur une masse de fer mete- orique trouvee pres d'Epinal, le 7 Juillet 1851. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 289- 291. Guettet, . Memoire sur les hemometres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 64- 67. Guettier, A. Praktische Untersuchungen iiber technische Metall- Legirungen. Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. CXIV., 1849, pp. 128-135. Gueudeville, , et Nicolas. Recherches et experiences chimiques et medicales sur le diabete sucre. Aunal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1802, pp. 45-74. Gueymard, Emile. Memoire sur un perfec- tionnement de la methode dite Bergamasque, pour 1'affinage de la fonte. Journ. des Mines, XXXIH., 1813, pp. 327-338. 2. Notice sur la geologic et la mineralogie du Simplon, et sur les rnoyens d'utiliser dans les arts les substances mini-rales que ce departe- ment renferme. Journ. des Mines, XXXV., 1814, pp. 5-28 ; Leouhard, Tascheubuch, 1817, p. 251-253. 3. Memoire sur les forges Catalanes de Pinsot, situees dans 1'arrondissement de Gre- noble. Annal. des Mines, I., 1816, pp. 385-396. 4. Sur 1'exploitalion des Makis de la Corse pour en fabriquer de la potasse. Annal. des Mines, VII, 1822, pp. 267-272. 5. Notice sur le chaufiage des eaux mine- rales gazeuses, employe a Enghien pres Mont- morency, et a Uriage pres Grenoble. Aunal. des Mines, IX., 1824, pp. 805-809. 6. Notice sur les chauftages des liquides par la vapeur de 1'eau. Annal. des Mines, V., 1829, pp. 353-357. 7. Memoire sur la conduite des eaux dans les tuyaux metalliques de forme cylindrique. Annal. des Mines, V., 1829, pp. 435-454. 8. Essais sur la fusion des minerals de fer spathique au nioyen de I'authracite, dans le haut-fourneau de Vizille (Isere), pendant 1'an- nee 1827. Annal. des Mines, III., 1833, pp. 71-84. GUE] 71 [GUE Gueymard, Emile. 9. Rapport sur la conduite des fouriieaux a 1'air chaud. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1833, pp. 87-98. 10. Rapport sur 1'emploi de 1'air chaud dans les hauts-fourneaux au charboa de bois. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1833, pp. 509-514; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVILL, 1833, pp. 331-340. 11. Note sur la fabrication du charbon roux en meules. Annal. des Mines, XIII., 1838, pp. 487-489. 12. Note sur les acieries du departement de 1'Isere. Annal. des Mines, XIII., 1838, pp. 490-494. 13. Sur les gites d'argent de la montagne de Chalanches, pres d'Allernont. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. I., 1838, pp. 27-31. 14. Sur le puits artesien du Bois-Rolland, a Grenoble. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. I., 1838, pp. 289-293. 15. Sur les anthracites du departernent de 1' Isere. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XL, 1839-40, pp. 411-419. 16. Sur les calcaires alteres, magnesiens, et dolomitiques des departements de 1'Isere, &c. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XI., 1839-40, pp. 432- 452. 17. Notice sur le grillage des minerals de fer dans le departement de 1'Isere. Annal. des Mines, XVin., 1840, pp. 707-716. 18. Traitement du cuivre argentifere par la voie humide, a la Motte, pres Chambery. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. III., 1843, pp. 334-338. 19. Notice sur des essais de traitement de cuivre gris argentifere par voie humide. Annal. des Mines, XIV., 1848, pp. 331-338. ^ 2O. Note sur un calcaire aurifere de La Grave (Hautes-Alpes). Anna!, des Mines, XVI., 1849, pp. 379-381. 21. Memoire historique sur la decouverte du platiue dans les Alpes. Annal. des Mines, XVI., 1849, pp. 495-504 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 814-817. 22. Menioire sur les variolites du Drac (Spilites). Annal. des Mines, XVIII., 1850, pp. 41-60. 23. Recherches analytiques du platiue dans les Alpes. Annal. des Mines, I., 1852, pp. 345-351 ; V., 1854, pp. 165-179 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1274-1277; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 429- 432. 24. Note sur les quantities de sable et de limon contenues dans les eaux de 1'Isere et du Drac. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. II., 1854, pp. 319-320. Gueymard, Emile. 25. Note sur des gites de nickel dans le departement de 1'Isere. Paris. Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 984-985 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 515- 516. 26. Note sur trois gites de nickel dans le departement de 1'Isere. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. III., 1856, pp. 276-278. 27. Ciments et chaux hydrauliques. Con- ditions quo doiveut remplir les pierres cal- caires pour etre propres a leur fabrication. France, Congres Scient. XXIV., 1857, pp. 397- 401. 28. Memoire sur le platino des Alpes Fran9aises et de Savoie. France, Congres Scient. XXIV., 1857, pp. 406-424. 29. Des gisements metalliques de la Savoie et du Dauphine, et des progres dont leur ex- ploitation est susceptible. France, Congres Scient. XXIV., 1857, pp. 425-432. 3O. Memoire sur les causes des inondations et sur les moyens d'en prevenir le retour. France, Congres Scient. XXIV., 1857 (pte. 2), pp. 88-108. 31. Memoire sur la desinfectioii des ma- tieres fecales a Grenoble. France, Congres Scient. XXIV., 1857 (pte. 2), pp. 254-258. 32. Menioire sur la conservation des bois. France, Congres Scient. XXIV., 1857 (pte. 2), pp. 280-289. 33. Sur le platine des Alpes. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. IV., 1860, pp. 91-95. 34. Memoire sur les causes des inondations et sur les moyens d'en prevenir le retour. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. IV., 1860, pp. 110-123. 35. Note sur le Sorgho. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. IV., 1860, pp. 224-227. 36. Note sur la petite et moyenne culture de la Betterave ; conversion de son jus en sirop et en alcool. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. IV., 1860, pp. 227-231. 37. Note sur un perfectionnement de gaz hydrogene carbone a 1'usage de 1'eclairage. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. IV., 1860, pp. 265-269. - 38. Analyse des eaux ferrugineuses d'Alle- vard. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. VI., 1861, pp. 365- 366. 39. Note sur les pierres de Saint-Paul- Trois-Chateaux, de Beaucaire, et de Cruas, em- ployees dans les nouvelles constructions de Grenoble. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. VI., 1861, pp. 369-370. 40. Notice sur le dosage du platine qui se trouve a 1'etat de diffusion dans les gites mutal- liques on dans les roches des Alpes du Dau- phine et de la Savoie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 98-100; Chemical News, V.. 1862. pp. 7-8. GUE] 72 [GUI Gueymard, Emile. 41. Note sur une analyse de paille de froment. Paris, Comptes Reudus, LIV., 1862, pp. 390-392. 42. Sur la nutrition des arbres forestiers, des arbres employes dans les constructions, et des arbres fruitiers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 772-776. Gueymard, Emilc, et Arvet. Notice sur les fers d'Allevard (Isere) produits avec les mine- rais de i'er carbonate. Annal. des Mines, VII. , 1845, pp. 399-411. Gueymard, Emilc, et Vicat. Comptc rendu des .experiences faites a Grenoble en 1834, 1835, et 1836, sur les enduits propres a prevenir le developpement des tubercules ferrugineux dans les tuyaux de fonte, suivi de quelques observa- tions sur le mode de construction et la resistance des conduits en mortier hydraulique. Aiinal. des Mines, X., 1836, pp. 315-332. Gufflet, Gustave. Theorems sur les intersections de cercles. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 352-358. Gugert, A., und Carl Fromherz. Chemische Untersuchungen verschiedener Theile des menscblichen Korpers und ciniger patholo- gischen Producte. Schweigger, Journ. L. (= Jahrb. XX.). 1827, pp. 66-87, 187-207. Guggenberger, J. M. Ucber die gegeuwiirtigen Veriiuderungen der Erdoberflache durch die fliessenden Wasser. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. L, 1857, pp. 50-53. 2. Ueber Em- und Ausmiindungen der Fliisse. Wieu, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. I., 1857, pp. 70-73. 3. Vorsichtsmaassregeln bei deni Austreten von Fliissen. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. I., 1857, pp. 110-113. 4. Vereinfachte Ilo'hen- und Tiefendarstell- ung ohne und rait Illustration fiir Karten und Plane jeder Art und jedes Maassstabes. Wieu, Geol. Jahrb. IX., 1858, pp. 234-239. 5. Das Wassergebiet des Wienflusses. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. II., 1858, pp. 42-45, 49-57 (Abh.). 6. Ueber eine praktisch bequeme geograph- ische Maass-Einheit als genauer Theilwerth der geographischen Meile, was der Franzosische Meter nicht ist. VTien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. III., 1859, pp. 31-35. Guggenbuhl, . Des caracteres et du traite- ment du cretiuisme. Bibl. Univ. Archives, VII., 1848, pp. 89-116. 2. Sur I'etablissernent de PAbendberg et la necessite d'une statistique Europeenne sur le cretinisme et 1'idiotie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 941-944. Guglielmini, Giuseppe. Osservazioni analitiche sopra la China-china omcinale. Parma, Giorn. Soc. Med. Chir. VIII., 1810, pp. 241-250. Guiart, . Sur les moyens de perfectionner la methode de TODRNEFORT. Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1802, pp. 149-159. Guiart, . Exposition d'une nouvelle methode d'apres laquelle seront rangees les plantes de 1'Ecole de Pharmacie de Paris. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 126-137. Guibal, . Memoire sur le terrain jurassique du dipartement de la Meurthe. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1840, pp. 9-56. 2. Memoire sur les terrains du departement de la Meurthe, inferieurs au calcaire jurassique. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1841, pp. 62-95. 3. Memoires sur les cercles tangents. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1843, pp. 67-88. 4. Note sur la paleontologie du departe- ment de la Meurthe. France, Congres Scient. XVII., 1850, pp. 323-338. 5. Course geologique et hydroscopique. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1850, pp. 342-347. 6. De 1'emploi de 1'eau comme organe de transmission et de modification de mouvement a de grandes distances. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. L, 1857, pp. 361-366. 7. Note sur 1'ecoulernent de 1'eau a travers les terrains filtrants. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. IV., 1860, pp. 128-137. • 8. Jaugeage des eaux fournies par les filtres de Toulouse pendant 1'etiage de la Ga- ronne. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. IV., 1860, pp 486-492. Guibert, Adolpke. Note sur les directions des axes principaux d'un corps. L'Institut, L, 1833, pp. 211-212. 2. Note sur les axes principaux des corps. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XV., 1837 (Ca/ner 25), pp. 118-122. 3. Solution d'une question relative a la probabilite des jugenients rendus ;i une majorite quelconque. Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1838, pp. 25-30. 4. Memoire sur les probability's des arrets de deux sortes de cours d'appel. Paris, Comptes Eendus, VII., 1838, pp. 650-652. 5. Sur le nombre des polygones determines par n points pris pour sonimets. Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1839, p. 392. 6. Sur quatre produits d'entiers consecutifs. Nouv. Ann. Math. L, 1862, pp. 102-106. 7. Sur trois quarres lorsqu'ils sont en pro- gression arithmetique. Nouv. Ann. Math. I., 1862, pp. 213-219. 8. Sur quatre nombres en progression arithmetique dont les extremes et un moyen sont des carres. Nouv. Ann. Math. I., 1862, pp. 249-253. GUI] 73 [GUI Guibert, Adolphe. 9. Proprietes relatives a des nombres premiers. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1862, pp. 414-416. Guibert, Marie-Pierre A. Kemarques sur quel- ques produits dont les facteurs sont en progres- sion arithmetique. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIX., 1860, pp. 213-215. Guibert, Victor. De la propylamine. Gard, Bull. Soe. Med. XXVII., 1860, pp. 260-267. Guibourt, AI J. B. G. Sur les combinaisons de mercure avec 1'oxigene et le soufre. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1816, pp. 422-426; Journ. dePharm. II., 1816, pp. 296-310, 365-375. 2. Note sur 1'ether aeetique. Journ. de Pharra. III., 1817, pp. 417-422. 3. Memoire sur differents cas d'oxidatiou du fer, et sur la preparation de 1'Ethiops Mar- tial. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 241- 263. 4. Sur la preparation du sous-carbonate de potasse avec le nitre et le tartre. Annal. de Chimie. X., 1819, pp. 224-225 ; Jouru. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 58-61. 5. Note sur le nom de Costus, applique souvent aux ccorces de Cannellc blanche et de Winter. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 496- 497. 6. Note sur 1'origine du Kino et de la fausse Angusture. Journ. de Med. VII., 1820, pp. 302-307. — — 7. Note sur les differeuts composes ammo- niaco-mercuriels. Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1820, pp. 218-229. 8. Observations sur le miel. Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1821, pp. 371-377. . 9. Observations sur le memoire de M. CANZONEEI, intitule : " Essai sur le Maronnier d'Inde." Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 575- 582. 10. Note sur la preparation des extraits. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 283-296. 11. Note sur la coagulation du sue de Groseilles, et sur son principe gelatineux. Journ. Chimie Med. I., 1825, pp. 27-31 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLIV. !'= Jahrb. XIV.), 1825, pp. 136-141. 12. Note sur une huile vegetale concrete nominee Beurre de Galarn. Journ. Chimie Med. I., 1825, pp. 175-179. 13. Memoire sur la precipitation des sels magnesiens par le sous-carbonate de soude. Journ. Chimie Med. I., 1825, pp. 478-491. 14. Action du sous-acetate d'ammoniaque sur le sulfate de Magnesie. Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 314-317. 15. Note sur la nomenclature et la classi- fication chimiques. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIII., 1826, pp. 75-83. VOL. III. Guibourt, N. J. B. G. 16. Observations sur 1'arsenic, son oxide et ses sulfures. Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1826, pp. 55-63, 106-116. - 17. Observations sur 1'action reciproque de Phuile de Tartre et de 1' Alcohol. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 103-106. 18. Note sur la presence de 1'acide pectique dans le Sucre. Journ. Chimie Med. IV., 1828, pp. 575-581. 19. Memoire sur 1'Amidon. Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1829, pp. 97-115 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1829, pp. 183-193 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chern. V.. 1829, pp. 169-192; Froriep, No- tizeu, XXIV., 1829, col. 164-168 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 415-416 ; Schweigger, Journ. LV. (= Jahrb. XXV.), 1829, pp. 78-92; Sillimau, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 371-372; Trommsdortt; N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIX., 1829 (St. 2), pp. 93-106. 2O. Note sur 1'Hordeine, faisant suite an memoire sur 1'Amidon. Journ: Chimie Med. V., 1829, pp. 158-165; Schweigger, Journ. LV. (= Jahrb. XXV.), 1829, pp. 119-120. 21. Observations sur le protochlorure de mercure prepare par precipitation. Journ. de Phurm. XV., 1829, pp. 315-324. 22. Ueber die Milch und den Kasestoff. ( Trans/.) Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. IX., 1830, pp. 170-172. 23. Examen chimique du Quinquina de Cusco, et observations sur les eaux-meres du sulfate de quinina. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1830, pp. 353-360; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XII., 1830, pp. 91-97. 24. Notice sur les substances connues sous les noms de racine d'or, chuline, racine de man- gouste, etc. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1830, pp. 481-492. 25. Extrait de la monographic des Quin- quinas de M. BERGEN, et observations nouvelles sur les Quinquinas. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 220-241. 26. Note sur le Baume de Copahu. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 562-569. 27. Considerations sur la cause, des erup- tions voleaniques. Annal. de Chimie, XL VII., 1831, pp. 39-51. 28. Ueber die Reinigung des Silbers. (Transl.) Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XII., 1831, pp. 87-88. 29. Observations sur differents points d'histoire naturelle pharmaceutique. Journ. Chimie Med. VII., 1831, pp. 205-213, 385- 409; VIII., 1832, pp. 660-670; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 700-717 ; Liebig, Annal. II., 1832, pp. 344-355 ; V., 1833, pp. 320-330. 30. Note sur les caracteres distinctifs des Castoreums de Siberie et du Canada. Journ. • Chimie Med. VIII., 1832, pp. 602-605. GUI] [GUI Cjuibourt, TV. J. B. G. 31. Note sur la racine du Gillenia trifoliata. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 43-44. 32. Memoire sur le jalap, par M. SMITH, suivi d'observations. Journ. Chiniie Med. IX., 1833. pp. 513-522. 33. Untersuchung einer intermittirenden Salivation. ( Transl.) Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 187-189. 34. Ueber einige Gummiarten. ( Transl.) Liebig, Annal. IX., 1834, pp. 221-229. 35. Note sur les caracteres distinctifs du Quinquina calisaya. Jouru. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 614-618 ; Liebig, Annal. XXL, 1837, pp. 65-68. 36. Note sur 1'ecorce de Be-lahe ou de Costus amer. Journ. Chimie Mud. III., 1837. pp. 274-275. 37. Lettre sur les divers acides campho- riques des ehirnistes. [1832.] Paris, Comptes Eendus, V., 1837, pp. 320-322. 38. Ueber die Anweudung glasirter irdener Topfe in der Hauswirthschaft. (Transl.) Liebig, Annal. XXIII., 1837, pp. 360-362 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LX1IL, 1837, pp. 444-446. 39. Note sur un phenomene produit par les eaux thermales de Louesche et d'Aix en Savoie. Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1839, pp. 27-31. 40. Observations sur 1'action reciproque de 1'acide arsenieux et des oxides de fer. Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1839, pp. 305-322. 41. Memoire sur 1'origine et les caracteres distinctifs des Terebenthines. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 477-501. 42. Note sur quelques medicaments Bre- siliens. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 704-712. 43. Analyse des cendres du Salsola tragus. Jouru. Chimie Med. VI., 1840, pp. 128-131. 44. Memoire sur le phosphate ammoniaco- magnt-sien. Eouen, Trav. Acad. 1841, pp. 80- 99. 45. Sur les concretions intestinales d'ani- maux counues sous le uom de Bezoard, et ana- lyse d'un nouveau Bezoard mineral. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 123-128 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 326-330 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 130- 134. 46. Untersuchung der Gallapfel. ( Transl.) Liebig, Annal. XL VII I., 1843, pp. 359-361. 47. On a false jalap having a rose odour. (Transl.) [1842.] Pharmaceut. Journ. II., 1843, pp. 331-337. 48. Note sur la formule des Tourmalines. Revue Scientifique, III., 1844, pp. 430-435. Guibourt, N. J. B. G. 49. Determination spe- cifique et examen chimique d'un fruit de 1'Inde, nomme Boatampaijang ou Boochgaan - tarn - paijang. Revue Scientifique, III., 1844, pp. 435-439. SO. Notice sur quelques nouvelles sortes de Rhubarbe presentees par M. le doc. P^REIEA. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 352-359. 51. Observations sur la constitution des sels neutres et sur celle des sels uraniques en particulier. Revue Scientifique, IV., 1845, pp. 42-50. 52. Note sur quelques nouvelles substances apportees d'Arnerique. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 107-109. 53. Nouvelles considerations sur I'Amidon, 1'Arrowroot, et le Sagou. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 191-198. 54. Sur les changements de composition qu'eprouve la teinlure d'lode suivant le temps ecoule depuis sa preparation. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 113-116. 55. Experiences relatives a 1'essai des vinaigres. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 407- 421." 56. Notice sur les Galles du Terebinthe et sur la Galle de Chiue (woo-pei-tsze). Revue Scientifique, VIII., 1846, pp. 409-421. 57. Memoire sur les sues astringents con- nus sous les noms de Cachou, Gambir, et Kino. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 24-37, 260- 271, 360-369; XII., pp. 37-43, 183-200, 267- 282. — • 58. Sur 1'Ergot du Seigle. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 267-273. 59. Observations sur la classification car- pologiquc. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 5-15, 81-92. 60. Nouvellc production vegetale elemen- taire developpee dans le vin de Bordeaux. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 193-194. 61. Note sur la propriete heinostatique du Bovista. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 117-119. 62. Note sur les moyens de reconnaitre la purete de 1'essence de roses. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 345-349. 63. Rapport sur un ouvrage de M. HUSSAR, intitule : " Esquisse geologique de TArrondisse- ment de Toul." Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 355-357. 64. Des baumes du Perou el de Tolu. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 81-89. 65. Note sur 1'Hebradendron cambogioides, Graham. Journ. de Pharm. XVIL. 1850, pp. 433-436. 66. Observations sur la Scammonee. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 114-120. GUI] 75 [GUI Guibourt, ^V. J. B. G. 67. Kapport fait a 1'Academie de Medicine sur la substitution d'une Huile iodee artificielle a 1'Huile de foie de Morue. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 169- 184. 68. Experiences pour reconuaitre la purete du Sulfate de Quinine. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 47-50 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 328-331. 69. Experiences sur diflerentes sortes de Copahu. Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1852, pp. 321-337. 70. Memoire sur IB Tabaschir. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 81-95, 161-172, 252-266. 71. Note sur 1'huile de Bois. Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 189-194. • 72. On Tragacanth and some allied gums. Pharmaceut. Journ. XV., 1856, pp. 57-59. 73. Sur le Quinquina rouge. Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 132-142. 74. Sur le Behen Wane et le Behen rouge. Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 277-283. 75. Sur le Kamala : Poudre rouge tiree du Rottlera tinctoria. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 262-266. 76. Note sur une matiere pharrnaceutique nommee le Trehala, produite par un insecte de la famille des Charangons. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 1213-1217; Jouru. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 81-87. 77. Notice sur 1'ecorce de Lotour. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 5-8. 78. Notice sur la racine de Jean LOPEZ. Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 15-26. 79. Note on Blood-stains. Chemical News, III., 1861, p. 386. SO. Observations sur le duvet des chatons de peupliers. Journ. de Pharm. XL., 1861, pp. 81-84. 81. Memoire sur le dosage de 1'opium et sur la quantite de morphine que 1'opium doit contenir. Journ. de Pharm. XLL, 1862, pp. 5-20, 97-116, 177-204. 82. Notice sur une nouvelle espece de Jalap. Journ. de Pharm. XL1V., 1863, pp. 475- 480. Guibourt, N. J. B. G., et Blondeau. Examen chimique du Muse Tonquin. Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1820, pp. 105-127 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IV., 1820 (St. 2), pp. 349-387. 2. Rapport sur une note de M. GIL- BERT, ayant pour litre : " Examen d'une nou- velle graine de moutarde." Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 139-142. Guibourt, N. J. B. G., et Bouchardat. Note sur les proprieies optiques de quelques Tere- benthines et de leurs essences. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 18-2i. Guibourt, N. J. B. G., et Boullay. Ex trait d'un rapport ayant pour objet un memoire de M. CHARPENTIER, intitule : " Observations pour servir a 1'histoire des Sangsues." Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 310-324. Guibourt, N. J. B. G., et Bussy. Observations relatives a la Quinidine. Jouru. de Pharm. XXIL, 1852, pp. 401-415 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 225-232. Guibourt, N. J. B. G., et Achillc Chereau. Note sur la Mamie. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 491-493. Guibourt, N. J. B. G., et Robinet. Observa- tion sur diverses colorations des feuilles. Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1827, pp. 161-173 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVIII., 1827. col. 37-42; Heusinger, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 112-121. — 2. Note sur la temperature du corps humain. Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1827, pp. 115-123. Guichard, Petrus. Action de 1'iode sur I'ami- don. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1863, pp. 115-116. 2. Note sur 1'iodure d'amidon. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1863, pp. 278-279. Guichenet, -. Un mot sur 1'ajonc-epineux. Bordeaux, Actes Acad. Sci. 1840, pp. 479-482. 2. D'un systeme d'assolement propre a accroitre rapidement la fertilite des terres trop siliceuses. Bordeaux, Actes Acad. Sci. 1843, pp. 243-255. Guichenot, Alphonse. Monographic de deux genres de poissons (les Lepisostees et les Polyp- teres) de la famille des Clapeoides, Ctivicr, et de celle des Siagonotes, Dumeril, precedee de quelques considerations sur ces genres. Mag. de Zool. I., 1839 (Poissons), pi. 1. • 2. Description de deux uouvelles espeees de Cossyphes (C. opercularis, C. uniliueatus). Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 282-284. 3. Apercu geographique sur les poissons du Chili. Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 333-336. 4. Notice sur un nouveau genre der Per- coides (Pomanotis rubescens) voisindes Centrar- chus, des Pomotis, et des Bryttes. Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 390-394. 5. Notice sur 1'etablissement d'un nouveau genre de Chetodons (Megaprotodon). Revue Zool. XL, 1848, pp. 12-14. 6. Sur une nouvelle espece de Malaeanthe (Malacauthus brevirostris). Revue Zool. XL, 1848, pp. 14-15. 7. Enumeration des reptiles provenant du Chili. Rev. et Mag. Zool. III., 1851, pp. 74-77. 8. Etudes sur 1'utilite des Reptiles, soit comme resources alimentaires, soit comme pro- duits qu'ils peuvent fournir a notre economic domestique, soit enfin comme animaux de simple curiosite. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IV., 1852, pp. 113-122, 317-322, 519-527. K 2 GUI] 76 [GUI Guichenot, Alphonse. 9. Notice sur deux especes nouvelles de Poissons du genre Cyprinodon (C. cyanogaster, C. doliatus). Rev. et Mag. Zool. XI., 1859, pp. 377-380. 1O. Notice sur un nouveau poisson du groupe des Ctenolabres (Labrastre). Rev. et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. 152-154. — 11. Notice sur un nouveau poisson du genre des Trichomycteres (Astemomycterus pusillus). Rev. et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. 525-527. Guidi, Lnigi. Intorno all' abbassamento di tem- peratura, die suole accadere cerco la meta di Maggio. Pesaro, Esercit, Accad. XII., 1856 (pte. 2), pp. 123-135. — — 2. Diunosservatoriorneteorologico. Pesaro, Esercit, Accad. XII., 1856 (ptc. 2), pp. 137-141. 3. Projetto per la fabbrica ed ordinamento dell' osservatorio meteorologico da erigersi in Pesaro, etc. Pesaro, Esercit. Accad. XII., 1856 (pte. 2), pp. 189-204. Guidoni, Girolamo. Memoria sulla vite ed i viui delle Cinque Terre. Pisa, Nuovo Giorn. VI., 1823, pp. 278-304. 2. Lettre sur les fossiles recemment de- couverts dans les montagnes du golfe de Spezia. ( Transl.) Boue, Journ. de Geol. III., 1831, pp. 271-277. 3. Sulle montagne del golfo della Spezia e sopra le alpi Apuane. Bibl. Ital. LXVII., 1832, pp. 259-267. 4. Sulla conversione delle calcaree oscure in calcarea snccaroidea o dolomite. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1840, pp. 77-78. 5. Aggiunta alia miateoria sulla formazione de' calcari saccaroidi. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1843, pp. 274-276. Guierry (I'Abbe). Sur des graines de plantes et arbres de Chine. Paris, Soc. Acolim. Bull. III., 1857, pp. 183-185. Guiet (FAbbe). Examen d'une circonstance re- marquable de la production de tonnerre en hiver. Aix, Acad. Mem. VII., 1857, pp. 27- 42. 2. Note sur quelques fossiles de le mollasse d'Aix. Aix, Acad. Mem. VII., 1857, pp. 253- 265. Guiette, . Influence du jour et de la nuit sur les naissances. L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 389-390 ; Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. I., 1835, pp. 92-96. Guiette, . Note sur 1'origino et les causes des modifications apportees rccemmeut aux pro- portions et aux formes des navires de commerce a voiles, et sur 1'influence de ces modifications aux points de vue de la solidite, de la marche, des qualites a la mer, des Evolutions et des bene- fices de I'armateur. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. XVII., 1858, pp. 5-25. Guiffart, . Note sur une variete de Pachyta decem-punctata. Cherbourg, Soc. Sci. Nat. VI., 1859, pp. 384-385. Guignes, T. F. Etude sur le refroidissement de la terre. Dunkerque, Mem. Soc. Encour. VIII., 1861-62, pp. 101-137. Guignet, Ernest. Nouveau systeme de pile. Paris. Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 174-177. 2. Action des sels solubles sur les sels in- solubles ; affinite speciale de 1'acide phosphorique pour les sesquioxydes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 454^55. 3. Preparation et proprietes d'un nouvel oxyde de chrome hydrate. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1859, pp. 9-11. 4. Recherches sur la Fuchsine. Journ. de Phann. XXXVIL, 1860, pp. 268-269. 5. Sur le vert-de-chrome de M. ARNAUDON. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1861, pp. 76-77. 6. Pheuomenes de transport a travers les corps poreux ; application a 1'analyse immediate. Dialyse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 740-742. 7. Sur la dialyse. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1862, pp. 99-100. 8. Action de i'arnmoniaque sur la jioudre- coton. Nouvelle reaction propre aux nitrates. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 358- 359; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1863, pp. 114- 115. Guignet, Ernest, et S. Cloez. Transformation de 1'azote des matieres azotees en nitrate de potasse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVII., 1858, pp. 710-712 ; Liebig, Annal. CVIII., 1858, pp. 378-380. . 2. De 1'emploi du permanganate de potasse comme agent d'oxydation, pour le dosage du soufre, de la poudre, et en general des com- poses sulfures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVI., 1858, pp. 1110-1113; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 175-177. 3. Nouvel acide obtenu par 1'oxyda- tion de la nitre-benzine. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LIL, 1861, pp. 104-106 ; L'lustitut, XXIX., 1861, pp. 28-29; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1861, pp. 3-5. Guigou, . Observations sur 1'iris du Chien- de-mer. Bibl. Britannique, L., 1812, pp. 272- 278. Guigou, — — . Note sur le Purpura undata. Journ. Conchyl. III., 1858, pp. 58-62. Guilbert, . Experiences sur le miel. Anual. de Chimie, LXXXII., 1812, pp. 109-112. Guilding, Lansdowne. The natural history of Lamia amputator, Fabr. Linn. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1822, pp. 604-607. . 2. Observations on the Iguana tuberculata. Zool. Journ. I., 1824-25, p. 130. GUI] 77 [GUI Guilding, Lansdowne. 3. The natural history of Phasma cornutum. and the description of a new species of Ascalaphus( A. Macleayanus). [1823.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 137-147; XV., 1827 (pt. 2), pp. 509-512 ; Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1212-1214. 4. The natural history of Xylocopa Teredo and Horia maculata. [1822.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 313-317; Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1114-1116. 5. Description of a new species of Onchi- dium (0. occidentale). [1823.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 322-324 ; Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1117-1118. 6. An account of some rare West Indian Crustacea. [1823.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 334-338; Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1118-1120. 7. Observations on some of the terrestrial mollusca of the West Indies. [1823.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 339-341. 8. Mollusca Caribbteana. Zool. Journ. II., 1826, pp. 437-439. 9. The amended generic characters of Buli- mus and Succinea ; with a new genus of Mollusca, Peripatus iuliformis. Zool. Journ. II., 1826, pp. 440-444. 1O. Observations on the crepitaculum and the foramina in the anterior tibiaj of some orthoptcrous insects. [1825.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 153-155. 11. The natural history of Oiketicus, a new and singular genus of Lepidoptera. [1826.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 371-377. 12. Observations on the zoology of the Caribrcan Islands. Zool. Journ. III., 1828, pp. 403-408, 527-544 ; IV., 1828, pp. 164-175. 13. Notice of the discovery of a recent Encrinus. Zool. Journ. IV., 1828-29, pp. 173- 175; Heusinger, Zeitschr. III., 1829, pp. 477- 478. 14. On the natural history of Petrophila, a lepidopterous genus, in its larva state inhabit- ing rivers, and furnished with branchiae. Zool. Journ. V., 1829-30, pp. 263-264 ; Phil. Mag. VII., 1830, pp. 206-207. 15. Observation on the Chitouidre. Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 25-35. 16. Insects which infest the Sugar Cane (Saccharum officinarum, //.). Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 466-470. 17. The generic characters of Formicaleo ; witli the description of two new species (F. Leachii, F. Farsalio). [1827.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 47-52. Guilding, Lansdowne. 18. An account of Mar- garodes, a new genus of insects found in the neighbourhood of ants' nests. [1827.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 115-120; Okeu, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 912-914. 19. The wasps of tropical America often suspend their pensile nests from the branches of Trees. Mag. Nat. Hist. VI., 1833, p. 540. 2O. Observations on the work of Maria Sibilla MERIAN on the Insects, &c. of Surinam. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 355-375. 21. Facts on Humming-Birds, their food, the manner in which they take it, and on their habits ; with directions for preserving the eggs of Humming-Birds, and the forms of the bodies of Spiders, and pupa; and larvte of Insects. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 569-573. 22. Notes on luminous Insects, chiefly of the West Indies ; on luminous Meteors ; on Ignes Fatui ; on the luminousness of the Sea ; and on the powers possessed by the races of Lizards, of voluntarily changing their colour : with other information on the habits of Lizards. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 579-583. — 23. Conjectures on some of the purposes of the external configuration of some species of insects. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, p. 601. 24. Notices of the forms of the egg-cases of some exotic species of Spider. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1835, pp. 575-580. 25. Observations on Naticina and Den- talium. [1831.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVII., 1837, pp. 29-36. Guilland, . Notice geologique sur le terrain de Saucatz (departement de la Gironde). Bor- deaux, Bull. Soc. Linn. I., 1826, pp. 133-136, 143-147. Guillard, A. Dei varj modi d' illuminare e prin- cipalmente del nuovo inetodo idro-bituminoso. II Politecnico, I., 1839, pp. 9-16. 2. Delle varie materie dalle quali estrarre il gas illurninante. II Politecnico, I., 1839, pp. 225-236. Guillard, Achille. De la formation et du de- veloppement des orgaries rtoraux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, p. 263. 2. Note sur un vegetal fossile des terrains houillers de Rive de Gier (Cycadium cyprino- pholis). Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. II., 1839, pp. 123-130. 3. Observations sur la moelle des plantes ligneuses. Ann. Sci. Nat, VIII. (Bot.), 1847, pp. 295-325 ; Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. X., 1847, pp. 209-238; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1849, col. 177-187. • 4. Note sur des ocufs de Grenouille. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. VI., 1854, pp. xxvi-xxviii. 5. Idee generate de Finflorescence. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 29-41, 116-124. GUI] 78 [GUI Guillard, Achillc. 6. Note sur les vrilles des Cucurbitacees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 142-145. 7. De I'inflorescence composee. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 374-381. 8. De la forme des groupes floraux. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 452-464. 9. Sur deux Chloranthies. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 760-762. 1O. De la position des groupes floraux. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 932-939. 11. Negation physiologique. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 91-103. 12. Ombellift'res teratiques. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 727-734. 13. De la methode botanique, a propos des Euphorbiacees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 24-28, 43-49. 14. Des evolutions do 1'ovule. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 136-143. 15. Tableaux synoptiques des progress de la botanique pendant le dix-neuvieme siecle. Presse Scientitique, I., 1860, pp. 31-41. 16. Sur la coloration que les acides peu- vent commnniquer aux organes vegtitaux, dans certaines families. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1126-1128. Guillaume, . Memoire sur les cbaux du departement de la Haute-Loire. Le PUJ-, Soc. Agric. Ann. 1826, pp. 123-135 ; Auvergne, Annal. Sclent. I., 1828, pp. 113-127. 2. De 1'influence de la lune sur les saisons, les plantes, et les animaux. Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Ann. 1827, pp. 81-87. Guillatime, . Quelques mots sur les diffu- sions. Neuchatel, Bull. IV., 1856-58,pp.235-242. 2. La Roche de Chatoillon pres Saint- Blaise. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp.79-81. 3. Notice sur les eponges du lac de Neucha- tel. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 405-411. Guillavunet, . Note sur la discussion des equations du deuxieme degre a deux variables par le moyen des equations de leurs axes trouvees a priori. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVI., 1857, pp. 59-66. Guillaumont, . Sur les stagnous d'eau de fleurs d'oranger. Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1852, pp. 452-453. Guillaumot, C. A. Reponse aux questions sur les travaux qui s'executent dans les carrieres sous Paris et les environs. Paris, Mem. Soc. Sav. II., 1801. pp. 147-151. Guillebeau, E., et Mulsant. Description d'un coleoptere inedit constituant un genre nouveau parmi les Elaterides, Crepidophorus anthracinus. Lyon, Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1854, pp. 29-32. 2. Notes pour servir a 1'histoire des Tenebrions. Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. II,, 1854- 55, pp. 9-13. Guillebeau, E., et Mulsant. 3. Description de quelques especes d'Elaterides. Lyon, Linn. Soc. Ann. II., 1854-55, pp. 17-32, 317-321. 4. Notes pour servir a 1'histoire des Lagries (insectes coleopteres heteromeres). Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. II., 1854-55, pp. 65- 74. 5. Description de deux Coleopteres nouveaux ou peu connus (Leistus R.evelierii, Attelabus atricornis). Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. II., 1854-55, pp. 157-160. — — 6. Description de deux nouvelles especes d'Elaterides (Cardiphorus curtulus. Am- pedus melanurus). Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. II.. 1854-55, pp. 317-320. 7. Description d'une espece nou- velle d'Uloma (Uloma Perroudi). Lvon, Soc. Linn. Ann. II., 1854-55, pp. 421-426." 8. Description de quelques Elate- rides nouveaux ou peu connus. Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. III., 1856, pp. 60-99. 9. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Coleoptere de la tribu des Longicornes (Exo- centrus punctipennis). Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. III., 1856, pp. 103-107. 1O. Description de la larve du Ludius ferrugineus. Linn. Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. III., 1856, pp. 190-192. Guillebert, . Considerations sur les araig- nees et leur maniere de vivre. Neuchatel, Bull. I., 1844-46, pp. 201-208. Guillebot de Nerville, . Note sur un ac- cident survenu au haut-iburneau de Vanyey (Cote-d'Or). Annal. des Mines, XIX., 1841, pp. 179-182 ; Karsten, Archiv, XVI., 1842, pp. 269-271. 2. Resultats principaux des experiences faites dans le Laboratoire de Dijon, pendant 1'annee 1841. Annal. des Mines, I., 1842, pp. 541-556. 3. Analyses de six calcaires des environs de Dijon. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1843, pp. 143-157. 4. Analyse du mineral de fer de Beaure- gard (Cote-d'Or). Annal. des Mines, VI., 1844, pp. 564-566. 5. Analyse du mineral (dit mine en terre) de Courcelles-Fremoy (Cote-d'Or). Annal. des Mines, VI., 1844, pp. 566-568. 6. Analyse du mineral de fer en roche de Courcelles-Fremoy (Cote-d'Or). Annal. des Mines, VI., 1844, pp. 568-569. 7. Analyse du mineral de fer en grains de l'Etang-de-la-Chaume. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1844, pp. 569-571. 8. Analyse d'un Malain (Cote-d'Or). 1846, pp. 671-674. calcaire magnesien de Anual. des Mines, X., GUI] 79 [GUI Guillebot de Nerville, calcaire marueux de 9. Analyse d'un Savigny - sous - Malain. Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, pp. 674-675. 1O. Analyse d'un calcaire marneux exploit L' pour ciraent, a Vaux (Cote-d'Or), dit ciment de Chiitillon. Annal. des Mines, X., 1846. pp. 675-677. 11. Analyse d'un calcaire marneux exploite pour ciment a Venarey (Cote-d'Or). Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, pp. 677-678. 12. Analyse du mineral de fer d'Arcenay (Cote-d'Or). Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, pp. 678-680. 13. Analyses de deux minerals de for de Comtard, commune de Plombiercs (arrondisse- ment de Dijon). Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, pp. 680-682. 14. Analyses de deux minerals de fer de Pieftrain (Aube). Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, pp. 682-684. 15. Note snr un accident survenu, le 18 Aout 1846, au moulin a vapeur de Nicey, arron- dissement de Chatillon-sur-Seine (Cote-d'Or). Annal. des Mines, XII., 1847, pp. 617-620. 16. Rapport sur 1'explosion d'une chau- diere calorifere a vapeur en cuivre lamine. Annal. des Mines, XVIIL, 1850, pp. 447-453. 17. Note sur le terrain houiller do Sincey (Cote-d'Or). Annal. des Mines, L, 1852, pp. 127-167. 18. Sur le Lone-bed de la Bourgogne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 687- 690. Guillemard, J. Observations on the Aurora of 18th Nov. 1835. Ashmol. Soc. Proc. No. X., 1835-36, pp. 2^. Guillemeau, J. L. M. Efsai sur I'histoire natu- relle des Oiseaux du departement des Deux- Sevres. Niort, Mem. de 1'Athenee, I. [1808.], pp. 5-11. Guillemette, A. Recherclies sur la matiere cristalline du Melilot. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 172-178 ; Liebig, Annal. XIV., 1835, pp. 324-329. 2. Note sur la preparation de la Santonine. Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 152-154. Guillemette, A., et A. F. Boutron-Charlard. Note sur 1'idtntite de la Grenadine et de la Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1835, pp. Mannite. 169-172 324. G-uillemin, Liebig, Annal. XIV., 1835, pp. 321- Amedee. Recherches nouvelles sur la constitution physique des cometes. Presse Scientifique, II., 1860, pp. 497-508; L, 1861, pp. 128-144 ; II., 1861, pp. 141-151. 2. La comete de 1861. Presse Scientifique, III., 1861, pp. 105-109. — 3. La question des rouges d'aniline. Presse Scientifique, I., 1863, pp. 174-184. Guillemin, C. M. Observations on a change produced in the elasticity of a bar of soft iron, under the influence of electricity. ( Transl.) Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 384-385. 2. Reply to the remarks made by M. WERTHEIM, concerning a communication by M. GUILLBMIN, on the change produced by an elec- tric current, in the elasticity of a bar of soft iron. Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 390- 392. • 3. Courant dans une pile isolee et sans communication entre les deux poles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 521-522 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 333- 335. 4. Production de la Chlorophylls et direc- tion des tiges, sous 1'influence des rayons ultra- violets, calorifiques, et lumineux du spectre solaire. Ann. Sci. Nat, VII. (Bot.\ 1857, pp. 154-172; Paris. Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857. pp. 62-65, 543-545. 5. Note sur le phenomene de fluorescence. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 773- 775 ; Poggend. Anual. CIL, 1857, pp. 637- 641. • 6. Recherches sur 1'action des diverses parties du spectre solaire sur les vegetaux. BroTm-Sequard, Jouru. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 275-281. 7. Sur la propagation des courants dans les fils telegraphiques. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1860, pp. 385-448; Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 473-474. 8. Sur les cables telegraphiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 554-557. 9. Recherches sur les modifications qu'on peut faire subir a la duree de la transmission des courants dans les fils telegraphiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 913-914. 1O. Recherches sur les courants d'induc- tion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 1104-1106. 11. Direction des courants induits lorsque le fil inducteur fait partie d'un fil telegraphique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LL, 1860, pp. 142- 144. - 12. Note sur le nombre maximum de sig- naux telegraphiques elementaires qu'on peut transmettre, dans un temps donneV au moyen de 1'appareil Morse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 412-415. 13. Etude sur la commotion produite par les courants electriques. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1140-1142. 14. Recherches experimeutales sur la trans- mission des signaux telegraphiques. Annal. Telegraph. VI., 1863, pp. 113-155. GUI] 80 [GUI Guillemin, C. M., et Em He Burnouf. Recher- ches sur la transmission de 1'electricite dans les fils telegraphiques. Paris, Comptes Bendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 330-334 ; L., 1860, pp. 181-185 ; Annal. Telegraph. ILL, 1860, pp. 186-194, 601-619. 2. Memoire sur la propagation des courants electriques. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, L, 1859, pp. 414-429. G-uillemin, J. Sur ditferents gisements de phos- phate de chaux en France. Journ. Agric. Prat. VII., 1857, pp. 334-335. 2. Explorations mineralogiques dans la Russie d'Europe. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVII., 1859-60, pp. 232-241. 3. Premiers resultats des sondages entre- pris, en Russie par la grand Societe des Chemins do Fer Russes, pour trouver le prolongement de la formation carbonifere du Donetz vers 1'ouest. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 202- 205. Guillemin, ,/. B. A. Notice sur une monstruo- site des fteurs de 1'Euphorbia esula. Paris, Soc. Hist, Nat. Mem. I., 1823, pp. 93-97. 2. Recherches microscopiques sur le Pollen, et considerations sur la generation des plantes. Paris, Soc. Hist, Nat. Mem. II.. 1825, pp. 101- 124; Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 350-352; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1825, pp. 43-44. 3. Note supplementaire a la description du Joliffia Africana. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1827, pp. 320-324. 4. Observation d'uue monstruosite de fleur du Lilas (Syringa vulgaris, L.). Paris, Soe. Hist. Nat. Mem. IV., 1828, pp. 363-367. 5. Considerations sur 1'irregularite de la corolle des Calceolaria, suivies d'une observation de la pelorie du C. rugosa. Guillemin, Arch. Bot. II., 1833, pp. 1-6, 136-137. 6. Considerations sur I'amertume des vege- taux. Sillimau, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 273- 279; Pharm. Centr. Blatt. IV., 1833, pp. 852- 857, 866-874, 883-890. 7. Memoire stir le Pilostyles, nouveau genre de la famille des Rafflesiacees. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Bot.), 1834, pp. 19-25. 8. Zephyritis Taitensis. — Enumeration des plantes decouvertes par les voyageurs dans les iles de la Societe, principalement dans celle de Talti. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.), 1836, pp. 297-320 ; VIII., pp. 177-192, 241-255, 349-370. 9. Observations sur la nature des organes microscopiques, situes sur les vaisseaux com- munemeut appeles poreux dans le bois des Coniferes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 761-763. 10. Observations sur les genres Euryale et Victoria. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Bot.), 1840, pp. 50-52. Guillemin, J. B. A. 11. Note sur la plante qui a servi de type au genre Bobua, DC., et sur les affinites de ce genre. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Bot.), 1841, pp. 158-161. 12. Description du Jaubertia, nouveau genre de la famille des Rubiacees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Bot.), 1841, pp. 60-61. 13. Report on the subject of the Expedition to Brazil, undertaken principally with the view to obtain information respecting the culture and preparation of the Tea-Plant, and the intro- duction of this shrub into France. ( Transl.) Hooker, Journ. Bot. III., 1841, pp. 1-17. Guillemin, J. B. A., et Jean Baptiste Dumas. Observations sur 1'hybridite des plantes en general, et particulierement sur celle de quelques Gentianes alpines. Paris, Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem. I., 1823, pp. 79-92. Guillemin, J. B. A., et Foecquemin. Essai d'analise chimique de la racine de Gentiane (Gentiana lutea). Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 110-114 ; Troramsdorff, N. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1819 (St. 2), pp. 303-309. Guillemin, Jules. Note sur la pholerite, nouvel hydro-silicate d'alumine. Annal. des Mines, XL, 1825, pp. 489-490. 2. Note sur le muraillement des puits aux mines de Fins. Annnl. des Mines, XIII., 1826, pp. 85-98. 3. Sur un quartz gelatineux. Annal. des Miues, XIII., 1826, pp. 321-330 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. II., 1827, pp. 324-328 : Silliman, Jouru. XIV., 1828, pp. 391-392. 4. Analyse de 1'allophane de Firrni. Au- nal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1829, pp. 260-263 ; Cambrai, Mem. Soc. fimul. 1829, pp. 406-410 ; Schweigger, Journ. LIX. ( = Jafirb. XXIX.), 1830, pp. 86-90. Guillemot, . De la grossesse extra-uterine abdominale. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XXVII., 1831, pp. 73-83. 2. De la a;rossesse extra-uterine. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XXVIII., 1832, pp. 208-240. Guillemot, A ntoinc. Catalogue des Lepidopteres du dept. du Puy-de-D6me. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. XXVII., 1854, pp. 71-192 ; XXX., 1857. pp. 417-438. 2. Observations sur les Lepidopteres du printemps des environs d'Hyeres, compares a ceux de 1'Auvergue. Auversne. Annal. Scient. XXIX., 1856, pp. 143-162. 3. Notice sur une hybridation des Dicra- nura vinula et D. erininea. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1856, pp. 29-32. Guilliermond, .4. Des principes extractifs du Quina jaune, a 1'occasion du sel qu'ils fournissent. Bull, de Pharm. V., 1813, pp. 241-255. GUI] 81 [GUI Guilliermond, A. 2. Precede pour obtcnir la Morphine au moyen de 1'alcool. Jouru. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 436-438. • 3. De Femploi de la methode de (^place- ment dans les preparations pharmacentiques. Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1835, pp. 349-368; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LVIII., 1835, pp. 298-313 ; Liebig, Annal. XV., 1835, pp. 80- 108. 4. Recherches sur le Quinquina jaune. Journ. de Pharra. XI., 1847, pp. 437-444. 5. Precede pour 1'essai des opiums. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 17-18. 6. Note sur les extraits d'alcoolatures. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 363-365. Guilliermond, A., et F. Devay. Recherches nouvelles sur le principe de la Cigue et sur son application aux maladies cancereuses. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 350-356. Guilliermond, A., et A. Glenard. Memoire sur uue nouvelle methode de dosage de la qui- nine dans les quinquinas et dans les preparations quin iques. [1859.] Lyon, Mem. Acad. X., 1860, pp. 112-128; Chemical News, I., I860, pp. 99-100 ; Journ. de Pharin. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 5-13. Guilliermond, A., et Socquet. Sur une nouvelle combinaison de 1'iode. Journ. de Phnrm. XXVL, 1854, pp. 280-285. Guillen, . Notice sur la culture clu Madia sativn. Bordeaux, Actes Acad. Sci. 1842, pp. 31-42. Guillen, E. L. Note sur la propriete cle la Cycloide, d'etre la seule tautochrone dans le vide. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, p. 216. 2. Des quantites negatives. Usage que Ton fait en algebre des signes + et — ; regies des signes da calcul algebrique ; utilite des con- ventions relatives au calcul des quantites nega- tives. Nouv. Ann. Math. VIII., 1849, pp. 28- 44. Guillot, . Note sur les plantes nuisibles qui infestent les vieilles prairies de La Mure, et sur celles que Pexperience a dcsignees comme four- nissant le meilleur fourrage. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. L, 1838, pp. 336-343. Guillot, Natalis. Observations sur quelques phe- nonienes de la circulation. Magcudie, Journ. de Phys. XL, 1831, pp. 145-192. 2. Sur une formation de vaisseaux depen- dant de 1'apparcil respiratoire chez les phthisi- qucs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 165-166. 3. Acephalocistes du corps de l'homme. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1840, pp. 66-67. — 4. Exposition anatomique de ^organisation du centre nerveux dans les quatre classes d'airi- niaux vertebres. Bruxelles, Memoires Couroun. XVI., 1843. Guillot, Xatalis. 5. Recherches anatomiques et pathologiques sur les amas de charbon produits pendant la vie dans les organes respiratoires de l'homme. Archiv. Gen. de Med. VIL, 1845, pp. 1-38, 151-174, 284-321 ; Heller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 114-118; Jouru. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 148-149. 6. Sur un reservoir particulier que presente 1'appareil de la circulation des Raies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1179-1180. 7. Recherches sur 1'apparcil respiratoire des oiseaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 208-211 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Zoo/.), 1846, pp. 25-87 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIL, 1846, col. 273-276. 8. Sur la structure du foie des animaux vertebres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 503-509 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zool.), 1848, pp. 113-171. 9. Variations de la quantity de matieres grasses contenues dans les poumons humains malades. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXV., 1847, pp. 77-81 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1848, pp. 122-123. 1O. De la secretion du lait chez les enfants nouveau-nes, et des accidents qui pen vent 1'ac- compagner. Archiv. Gen. de Med. II., 1853, pp. 513-530. - 11. Recherches sur la genese et 1'evolu- tion des dents et des machoires. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zool.}, 1858, pp. 277-315; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 612-615 ; Dental Review, L, 1859, pp. 400-409, 470-480, 525- 535, 595-598. Guillot, Natalis, et Felix Leblanc. Note sur la presence de la caseine en dissolution dans le sang de femme pendant I'allaitement. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 520-521, 585-587 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. LL, 1850, pp. 395-397. Guillot-Duhamel. Sec Duhamel, J. P. F. G. Guilmin, A. Theorie des approximations nu- meriques. Nouv. Ann. Math. L, 1842, pp. 249-263. 2. Lettre [sur les approximations]. Nouv. Ann. Math. L, 1842, pp. 487-488. 3. Note sur les piles de boulets. Nouv. Ann. Math. III., 1844, pp. 30-32. 4. Note sur la Trigonometric. Nouv. Ann. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 52-55, 122-124. 5. Lettre sur les approximations et sur les fractions continues. Nouv. Ann. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 205-208, 311-312; V., 1846, pp. 56- 57. 6. Note sur la resolution des equations tri- gonometriques. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 49-56. GUI] 82 [GUI Guilmin, A. 7. Consequences cle la regie des sigues de DESCARTES. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 239-244, 334-340. 8. Solutions arithmetiques des priucipales questions relatives aux logaritlimes. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 429-445. 9. Definitions precises arithmetiques des racines et des logarithmes incommensurables. Nouv. Ann. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 313-32(5. 10. Note sur les equations qui ont des racines en progression. Nouv. Ann. Math. VIII., 1849, pp. 242-246. 11. Nombres premiers relatifs. Nouv. Ann. Math. X., 1851, pp. 23-25. Guilmot, . Memoire historiquo sur le Wede ou Pastel employe autrefois dans les teiutureries de la ville de Douai. Nord, Soc. Agric. Seance Publ. 1813, pp. 83-100. Guimaraes. See Silva Guimaraes (Jose da}. Guimet, . Lettre a M. GAY-LUSSAC sur la fabrication de 1'outremer. Annal. de Chimie, XLVI., 1831, pp. 431-434 ; Roy. lust. Journ. n., 1831, p. 401. 2. Rapport sur la garanciue de M. BASTET. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IV., 1841, pp. 406- 410. Guinand, Aime. [Reclamation sur 1'invention de flint- et de crown-glass.] Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 341-346. Guinon, N. Observations faitcs sur la tempera- ture de diverses eaux et a diverses epoques, leur analyse et leur emploi en teinture. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. VII., 1844, pp. 280-289. 2. Note sur 1'ernploi du sucre pour preser- ver les chaudieres a vapeur des incrustations salines. Lyou, Soc. Agric. Annal. X., 1847, pp. 449-454. 3. Sur la preparation de Facide picrique et son application a la teinture en jaune. Lyou, Soc. Agric. Annal. L, 1849, pp. 178-184 ; Revue Scieutifique, V., 1849, pp. 233-236. 4. Observations sur 1'acide azoteux et la solution azotosulfurique. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 255-257 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1852, pp. 144-147 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIL, 1851, pp. 364-366 ; Journ. do Pharm. XXIL, 1852, p. 43 ; Lyou, Soc. Agric. Annal. III., 1850-51, pp. 232- 234. 5. De la presence de la chaux dans la soie, et de ses inconvenients dans 1'operation du cle- creusage. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL1I., 1856, pp. 239-241. Guiot, Auyuste. Essai sur les variations de la pesanteur terrestre. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXV., 1847, pp. 195-197. 2. De la niesure des hauteurs par le ba- rometre. Presse Scieutifique, III., 1861, pp. 650-653. Guirao, Angel. Zwei Novitiiteu (Melanopsis lorcana und Helix lactea var. Mansa). Malako- zool. Blatt. L, 1854, pp. 32-33. - 2. Catiilogo met6dico de las Aves observadas en una gran parte de la provincia de Murcia. Madrid, Mem. IV., 1856, pp. 511-560. Guiraud-Boissenot, A. F. Du rouge cincho- nique, de sa formation, de sa composition chi- mique. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 199-202 ; Chemist, L, 1854, pp. 385-387. Guisan, . Memoire sur le Peughawar- jambio de Java. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. L, 1842^15, pp. 228-231. Guisan, F. L. Memoire sur le Gymnotus elec- tricus. Paris, Soc. Philoin. Bull. L, 1791-99, pp. 32-33. 2. Beschreibung des Gewurznelkenbaums. Ronier, Archiv. Botau. I., 1797 (St. 2), pp. 40-43. Guiscardi, Guglielmo. TJu genere di molluschi, della famiglia delle Neritide (Gargania Brochii). Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. II., 1855-57, pp. 405- 407 ; Catania, Atti Accad. Gioeu. XIV., 1859, pp. 99-104. 2. Sopra un minerale del monte Somma (Guarinite). Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. II., 1855-57, pp. 408-412; Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. X., 1858, pp. 14-16 ; Nuovo Ciraento, VII., 1858, pp. 448-452. 3. Sur les emanations gazeuses des Champs Phlegreeus. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856-57, pp. 633-635. 4. [Ueber die neucsten Kraterverander- ungen uud Ausbriiche des Vesuvs], Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IX., 1857, pp. 383-386, 562-564. 5. Notizie del Vesuvio. II Giamb. Vico, L, 1857, pp. 132-134 ; II., 1857, pp. 139, 461- 462; III., pp. 457-461; IV., pp. 136-137, 314-315. 6. Studii su i mineral! Vesuviaui. II Giamb. Vico, n., 1857, pp. 137-139. 7. Sur le Spha-rulites Teuoreana. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 1031-1035. 8. Notizie Vesuviane. Napoli, Rendi- conto, L, 1862, pp. 99-100. 9. C'ontribuzioni alia geologica dei Campi Flegrei. Napoli, Rendicouto, I., 1862, p. 197 ; Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. L, 1863, N° 7. 1O. Studii sulla famiglia della Rudiste. Napoli, Reudiconto, II., 1863, p. 282. 11. Sull' analisi delle rocce ordtuate in quadri siuottici e con illustrazioni critiche ; per G. ROTU. Nuovo Chnento, XVIL, 1863, pp. 263-266. Guise, IV. V. Upon a new species of Alpheus (A. affiuis), discovered upon the coast of Herm (Channel Islands). Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854. pp. 275-280. GUI 83 [GUL Guise, 77". 7". 2. The woad, Isatis tinctoria. Phytologist, III., 1858-59, pp. 299-302. Guislahi, De 1'influence des actes sen- soriaux tie la mere sur le developpement du fcctus. Gand, Ann. Soc. Mud. X., 1842, pp. 205- 280; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 265-268. 2. La nature considerue comme force in- stinctive des organes. Gand, Ann. Soc. Med. XVII., 1846, pp. 5-37. Guist, ]\[. Zur Naturgeschichte des grauen Geiers. Hermannstadt, Verhandl. Siebenbiirg. Ver. XIII., 1862, p. 49. Guitard, «/., et N. Joly. Memoire sur un enfant nosenei'phale adherent a son placenta, et ne vivant a Toulouse. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXL, 1850, p. 677; Toulouse, Mem. Acad. I., 1851, pp. 141-165. Guittoii, Eugene. Nouvelle classification zoo- logique basee sur les appareils et les fonctions de la reproduction. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 49-62, 113-127, 177-192, 241-248, 305-314, 353-359, 401-412, 449-457, 497-529, 577-595. 2. Reponse a M. BUREAU sur la nouvelle classification des Cetaces. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VII., 1856, pp. 264-270. Guldberg, C. M. En elemental Methode til Bestemmelsen af Maxima og Minima. Mathem. Tidssk. I., 1859, pp. 113-115. 2. Om den specifiske Vasgt af Blandinger. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VIII., 1860, pp. 549- 558. 3. Ueber die Formeln fiir barometrische Hohenmessungen. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VII., 1862, pp. 359-363. 4. Orn Diagonalernes Beregning i reguloere Polygoner. Mathem. Tidssk. V., 1863, pp. 177-179. 5. Om den Ohmske Barometerformel. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. XII., 1863, pp. 97-100. 6. Hydraulisk Notits. Nyt Mag. Natur- vid. XII., 1863, pp. 101-104. Giilich, von. Reise im Thai des Uruguay imd auf dem Gebiet der Banda Oriental. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, V., 1858, pp. 281-305. Gulick, J. T. Besehreibung von 73 neuen Achatinellen. Malakozool. Bliitt. V., 1858, pp. 198-224. 2. Descriptions of new species of Achati- nella from the Hawaiian Islands (A. resinula, A. lageua). New York, Annal. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 173-255. Gulick, L. H. The tides at Ponape, or Ascen- sion Island of the Pacific Ocean. Silliman, Journ. XXIL, 1856, p. 142. — 2. The climate and productions of Ponape or Ascension Island, one of the Carolines in the Pacific Ocean. Silliman, Jouru. XXVI., 1858, pp. 34-49. Gull, 77". 71'. On some points in the physiology of voluntary movement. Roy. Inst. Proc. I., 1851-54, p. 37. 2. Parthenogcnetic tumour attached to the muscular tissue of the left ventricle of the heart of a sheep. Guy's Hosp. Rep. VIII., 1853, pp. 145-148. 3. On the parasitical vegetable nature of Pityriasis versicolor (Microsporon furfur, Robin.). Guy's Hosp. Rep. II., 1856, pp. 191- 195. Gullet, C. On the effects of elder in preserving plants from insects and flies. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XV., 1803, pp. 63-65. Gulli, Sebastiano. Ricerche sulla profondita del vulcani. Catania, Atti Accad. Gioen. XI., 1836, pp. 39-57. Gulliver, George. On the reparation of frac- tured Bones. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XLIV., 1835, pp. 42-56. Gulliver, George. On Necrosis ; being an ex- perimental inquiry into the agency ascribed to the absorbents, in the removal of the seques- trum. [1836.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1838, pp. 1-19. 2. Researches on suppuration. Phil. Mag. XIII., 1838, pp. 193-202 ; Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1838, p. 67. 3. On the softening of coagulated fibrine. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1839, pp. 136- 152. 4. Observations on the muscular fibres of the CEsophagus and Heart in some of the Mammalia and other Vertebrata. Zool. Soc. Proc. VII., 1839, pp. 124-129 ; X., 1842, pp. 63-72. 5. On the blood-corpuscles in Mammalia. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 283. 6. Observations on the blood-corpuscles and pus-globules in certain animals. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1840, pp. 20-28. 7. Observations on the blood-corpuscles or red disks of the mammiferous animals. Phil. Mag. XVI., 1840, pp. 23-35, 105-115, 195-200; XVII., 1840, pp. 139-142, 325-331. 8. Observations on the blood-corpuscles of certain species of the genus Cervus. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1840, pp. 199-200 ; Phil. Mag. XVII., 1840, pp. 227-331. 9. Notes on the ova of the Distoma hepa- ticum, aud on certain corpuscles obtained from the genus Cysticercus. Zool. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1840, pp. 30-31. 1O. Observations on the blood-corpuscles of the Snowy Owl and Passenger Pigeon. Zool. Soc. Proc. VIH., 1840, pp. 42-45. 11. Observations on the blood-corpuscles of the Crocodilidfe. Zool. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1840, pp. 131-133. L 2 GUL] 8-1 [GUL Gulliver, George. 12. On the blood-corpuscles of the common Paradoxure (Pavadoxurus Bon- clar). Zool. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1840, pp. 154- 155. — 13. Observations on the structure of the Entozoa belonging to the genus Cysticercus. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIV., 1841, pp. 1-11. 14. Observations on the blood-corpuscles of the order Fera. Zool. Soc. Proc. IX., 1841, pp. 42-44. 15. On the blood-corpuscles of Marsupial animals. Zool. Soc. Proc. IX., 1841, pp. 49- 53. 16. Contributions to the minute anatomy of animals. Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 480- 484; XXL, 1842, pp. 107-111, 168-171,241- 246; Microscop. Journ. II., 1842, pp. 141-145, 308-312. 17. Observations on the semen and semi- nal tubes of Mammalia and Birds. Zool. Soc. Proc. X., 1842, pp. 95-102. 18. On the blood-corpuscles of the Ibex (Capra Ibex). Zool. Soc. Proc. X., 1842, pp. 107-108. 19. On the blood-corpuscles of the British Ophidian Reptiles. Zool. Soc. Proc. X., 1842, pp. 108-111. 20. On the blood-corpuscles of some of the Struthionidse. Zool. Soc. Proc, X., 1842, pp. 140-141. 21. Additional measurements of the blood- corpuscles or red particles of Birds and Mam- malia. Zool. Soc. Proc. X., 1842, pp. 190-196 ; XII., 1844, pp. 6-10, 145-146 ; XVI., 1848, pp. 36-38. 22. On fatty degeneration of the arteries, with a note on some other fatty degenerations. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXVI., 1843, pp. 86- 99. 23. On the spermatozoa of the Camel (Camelus Bactriauus). Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 50-51. • 24. On the blood-corpuscles of the Stanley Musk Deer. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, p. 66. 25. On the blood-corpuscles of the two- toed Sloth, Bradypus didactylus, Linn. Zool. Soc. Proc. XII., 1844, pp. 95-96. 26. On the buffy coat of the Blood. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LXIV., 1845, pp. 360-375 ; Heller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 368-382. 27. Ueber den Nutzen der Nebenniercn und iiber den Fettstoff. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXXIII., 1845, col. 337-338. 28. On the size of the red corpuscles of the blood in the Vertebrata, with copious tables of measurements. Zool. Soc. Proc. XIII., 1845, pp. 93-102. 29. On the spermatozoa of the Polar Bear. Zool. Soc. Proc. XIV., 1846, p. 11. Gulliver, George. 30. Note on the size of the blood-corpuscles of Birds, with measurements by Dr. DAVY of the blood-corpuscles of some Fishes and a Humming Bird. Zool. Soc. Proc. XIV., 1846, pp. 26-28 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVII., 1846, col. 337-340. 31. Note on the red corpuscles of the blood of the Meminna Deer (Moschus meminna, Erxl.}. Zool. Soc. Proc. XV., 1847, pp. 13- 14. 32. Note on the spermatozoa and on the elevator muscles of the penis of the Indian Elephant, Zool. Soc. Proc. XV., 1847, p. 105. 33. On the state of the blood and muscles in animals killed by hunting and by fighting. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LXX., 1848, pp. 367- 370. 34. Note on the spermatozoa of the Giraffe (Camelopardalis girafla). Zool. Soc. Proc. XVII., 1 849, p. 7. 35. Notes on a cetaceous animal stranded upon the north-east coast of Ireland. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXL, 1853, pp. 63-67. 36. On the size of the red corpuscles of the blood of the Great Ant-Eater (Myrmeco- phaga jubata). Zool. Soc. Proc. XXII., 1854, p. 24 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 381- 382. 37. On the marginal nerves of the leaves of Mosses. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 298- 299. 38. On the sclerogenous granules of the berry of Arbutus unedo. Aim. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 343-344. 39. On the raphides of Lemnacea\ Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, p. 423. 40. On the Fibrin and Latex of vegetables, and on the coagulation of Fibrin without evolu- tion of Ammonia. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1862, pp. 207-210. 41. On the red corpuscles of the blood of Vertebrata, and on the zoological import of the nucleus, with plans of their structure, form, and size (on a uniform scale), in many of the different Orders. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1862, pp. 91-103. 42. On the Raphides of British plants. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 13-15. 43. On the Raphides of Isnardia. Ann. Nat. Hist, XL, 1863, pp. 263-264. 44. On the Raphides of Rubiacerc. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 52-55. 45. On the leaf-cells of the British species of Hymenophyllum. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 109-111. — 46. On Raphides and Sphreraphides of Phanerogamia, with a notice of the crystal prisms of Iridaceaj. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 226-229. GUL] 85 [GUM Gulliver, George. 47. On the Raphides of Ona- gracete. Aun. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 288- 290. 48. Ou the tissue-cells of the involucres of Hynienophylluni. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 309-310. — 49. Observations on Raphides. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 365-367. SO. Observations on Raphides and Sphte- raphides. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 446-447. 51. Comparison of the leaf-cells in the British Hymenophyllese. Seemaun, Jo urn. Bot, I., 1863, pp. 294-295. Gulliver, George, and A. Smith. On the red corpuscles of the blood of the Mud-fish (Lepi- dosiren aunectens). Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1843, p. 292. Gully, Jas. M. A few records of Termination. Mouth. Arch. Med. Sci. I., 1834, pp. 302-306. Gumbart, . Beitrag zur Theorie schiefer Gewolbe. Fdrster, Allg. Bauzeitg. XVI., 1851, pp. 290-300. Giimbel, C. Wilhelm. Geognostische Bemerk- ungen iiber den. Donnersberg. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1846, pp. 543-576; 1848, pp. 158-169. 2. Ueber die Q.uecksilbererze in dem Kohlengebirge der Pfalz. Rheiiil. u. Wcstphal. Verhaud. 1850, pp. 83-118. 3. Ein Gebirgs-Durchschnitt auf der linken Rheinthal-Seite bei Landau. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1853, pp. 525-534. 4. Ueber die tertiaren Diatomeen-Lager in den Braunkohlengebilden der Oberpfalz. Regeusburg, Korresp. Blatt, 1853, pp. 83-90. 5. Verzeichniss der in der Oberpfalz vor- kommenden Mineralien. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt, 1853, pp. 145-158. 6. Uebersicht der geognostischeu Verhalt- nisse der Oberpfalz. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt, 1854, pp. 1-16, 37-48. 7. Mittheilungen iiber die neue Furber- flechte, Lccanora ventosa, Ach. [1855.] Wien, Denkschr. XL, 1856, pp. 23-40 (Alth.~2}. 8. Beitrage zur geognostischen Kenntniss von Vorarlberg. Wieu, Jahrb. Geol. VII., 1856, pp. 1-39. 9. Uutersuchungen in den Baierischeu Alpen zwischen der Isar und Salzach. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. VIII., 1857, pp. 146-151. • 10. Ueber das Vorkoinruen von Torf- Pechkohle Dopplerit im Dachelmoos bei Bercht- esgaden. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 278-287. 11. Beitrage zur Flora der Vorzeit, na- mentlich des Rothliegenden bei Erbcudorf in der Baierischen Oberpfalz. Baier. Bot. Gesell. Denkschr. IV., 1859, pp. 82-107. Giimbel, C. TJ'il/iclin. 12. Die ^equivalents der St. Cassianer Schiuhten ini Kcuper Frankens. [1858.] Wien, Jahrb. Geol. X., 1859, pp. 22- 25. • 13. Ueber das Alter der Munchberger Gneiss-Parthie im Fichtelgebirge. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1861, pp. 257-277. 14. Ueber die Baierischen Alpen. Wien, Geol. Verhaud]. XII., 1861-62, pp. 39-46. 15. Revision der Goniatiten des Fichtel- gebirgs. Leouhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1862, pp. 284-326. 16. Die Dachstcinbivalve (Megalodon tri- queter) und ihre alpinen Verwandten. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fauna der Alpen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV., 1862, pp. 325-377. • 17. Ueber das Alter der Munchberger Gneiss-Gruppe. Leonhard u. Broun, N. Jahrb. 1863, pp. 318-333. 18. Geognostische Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkommen des Antozon-haltigen Flussspathes ain Wolsenberge in der Oberpfalz. Muncheu, Sitzungsber. I., 1863, pp. 301-329. 19. Ueber die Clymenien in den Ueber- gaugsgebilden des Fichtelgebirges. Muncheu, Sitznngsbcr. II., 1863, pp. 372-373. Giimbel, C. Wilhelm, und Fried. Sandberger. Das Alter der Tertiiirgebildc in der obern Donau- Hochebene am Nordrando der Ostalpcu. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXX., 1858, pp. 212-225. Giimbel, W. Theodor. Einiges iiber den innern Ban der Achat Kugeln. Leouhard u. Broun, N. Jahrb. 1853, pp. 153-157. 2. Der Vorkeim. Beitrag zur Entwickel- uugsgeschichte der Moospflanze. [1853.] Acad. Ores. Leop. Nova Acta, XXIV., 1854, pp. 575- 670. 3. Beitrag zur Moosflora des Baierischen Waldes. Flora, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 177- 183. 4. Die Wurzelbliitter von Ranunculus flammula, durch das Mikroskop entdeckt. Flora, XXXVIL, 1854, pp. 228-230. 5. Beitrage zur Morphologie und Auatomie der Gewachse. Flora, XXXVIL, 1854, pp. 385-389. 6. Beitrag zur Physiologic der Bliithe. Flora, XXXVIL, 1854, pp. 417-421. 7. Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen Gefassen und Wurzeln. Flora, XXXVIL, 1854, pp. 737-739. 8. Das Spreitekorn im Parallelismus mit dem Pollenkorn. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XXV., 1855, pp. 361-448. 9. Kami die Narbo des Fruchtknotens durch auderweitige Bliithenorgaue ersetzt werd- en ? Flora, XXX VIII., 1855, pp. 97-99. 10. Ad Viscum album. Flora, XXXVIIL, 1855, pp. 335-336. GUM] 86 [GUM fiiimbel, Jr. Tlieodor. 11. Bine eigenthumliche Art der Bildungsweise vom Kartoffelknollen. Flora, XXXVIII., 1855, pp. 369-370. 12. Zur Entwifikelungsgeschichte von Viscum album. Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 433-436. 13. Ueber die Entstehung und das Wesen des sogenannten Honigthaues. Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 525-528. . 14. Die Moosflora der Rheinpfalz. Polli- chia, Jahresb. XV., 1857, pp. 1-95. 15. Ueber das griinfaule Holz. Flora, XLI., 1858, pp. 113-115. Gummere, John. On the construction of Eclipses of the Sun. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 467-471. 2. Practical rule for calculating, from the elements in the Nautical Almanac, the circum- stances of an Eclipse of the Sun for a particular place. [1835.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 297-318. Gummere, Samuel J. Solar eclipse of 28th July 1851. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 52. Gummi, . Einige Versuche iiber die Un- schadlichkeit der mit Blei versetzten zinuernen Gefa'sse. Schweigger, Journ. VI., 1812, pp. 225-230. Gumpel, C. G. On Electricity as applied to Clocks. Electrician, III., 1863, pp. 135-139. Gumprecht, . Dia'tetische Beitrage. Ueber den Nutzen der, nach LIETUG'S Vorschrift be- reiteten Fleischbriihe bei Verdauungsbeschwer- den. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1851, pp. 603- 606. 2. Ueber die heilsame Wirkung einiger Kiichengewachse bei der Plethora abdominalis, und der damit verbundnen Dyscrasia veuosa in diiitetischer Hiusicht. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1851, pp. 606-608. Gumprecht, . Chemische Versuche mit der Brunnenkresse, Sisymbriuni nasturtium, L. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharrn. XXII., 1813 (St. 2), pp. 50-56. Gumprecht, C. B. Ueber den Riechstoff der Waudflechte, Lichen parietalis. Trommsdorfi0, N. Journ. d. Pharm.L, 1817, pp. 62-64 ; Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 309-311. Gumprecht, Thadddus Eduard. Die Gra'nze des Granit- und Uebergangs-Gebirges zwischeu Bohmisch-Brod und Klattau in Bohrnen. Kar- sten, Archiv, X., 1837, pp. 500-534. • 2. Nepheliu in Sachsen. Poggend. Anual. XLIL, 1837, p. 174. 3. Ueber eiuige geognostische Verhaltnisse des Grossherzogthums Posen und der ihni an- gra'uzenden Landstriche. Karsten, Archiv, XIX., 1845, pp. 627-666. 4. Zur geoguostischen Kenntuiss von Pom- niern. Karsten, Archiv, XX., 1846, pp. 404-474. Gumprecht, Thaddcius Eduard. 5. Uebp.r den grossen Siidafrieanischen Volks- und Sprach- stamm. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. VT., 1849, pp. 142-191. 6. Die von REBMANN im ostlichen Siid- Africa in der Nahe des Aequators entdeckten Schneeberge. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. VI., 1849, pp. 285-297. • 7. Die Reise des Pater KRUMP in Nubien in den Jahren 1700-1702 und dessen Mittheil- ungen iiber Abyssinien. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. VII., 1850, pp. 39-88. • 8. Untersuchungen iiber die Geographic des Continents von Africa, besonders in Bezie- hung auf die Etymologic der Namen. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. VII., 1850, pp. 239- 291. 9. Die vulcanische Thatigkeit auf dem Festlande Africas, in Arabien und auf den Inseln des Rothen Meeres. Karsten, Archiv, XXIII., 1850, pp. 207-410. 1O. Einige Beitrage zur Geschichte der Geognosie. Karsten, Archiv, XXIII., 1850, pp. 468-576. 11. Die Mineralquellen auf dem Fest- lande von Africa besonders in Bezug auf ihre geognostischen Verhaltnisse. Karsten, Archiv, XXIV., 1851, pp. 71-279. 12. Ueber Herrn Dr. EARTH und Dr. OVERWEG'S Untersuchungsreise nach dem Tschadsee und in das innere Africa. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. IX., 1852, pp. 189- 329. 13. Die neueren Zustande von Spanien. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. I., 1853, pp. 85-117. 14. Altamerikanische Denkmiiler am Co- lorado-Strom in Nord-Amerika. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. I., 1853, pp. 310-318. 15. Schnee und neue Schneeberge im tropischen Afrika. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. I., 1853, pp. 230-240. 16. Die architectonischen Monumente des westlichen Nord-Amerika. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. III., 1854, pp. 135-167. 17. Die Treibproducte der Stromungen im nordatlantischen Ocean. Gumpreeht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. III., 1854, pp. 409-432. 18. Das letzte grosse Erdbeben in Japan. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. V., 1855, pp. 311-316. 19. Die Provinz Chiloe in Chile. Gum- precht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. V., 1855, pp. 412- 425, 479-487. 20. Das Volk der Muyscas oder Chibchas und seine Alterthiimer in Ncu-Granada. Gum- precht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. VI., 1856, pp. 167- 173. GUM] 87 [GUN Gumprecht, Thaddaus Eduard. 21. Die Ver- bindungswege (lurch den mittelamerikanischen Isthmus. Gumprecht, Zcitschr. Allg. Erilk. VI., 1856, pp. 421-457, 533-579. 22. Der Weinbnu in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Petermanu, Mit- theil. 1856, pp. 222-229. Gumprecht, Thaddaus Eduard, und S. G. Kerst. Paraguay nach neueren und alteren Brasilianischen, Spanischen, und Nordamerikan- iseheu Qttellen. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. II., 1854, pp. 1-41. Gunckel, . Recherches sur la Picrotoxine. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 78-79. Gundelach, C., und Ad. Strecker. Unter- suchuno- der Schweinegalle. Liebig, Annal. LXIL, 1847, pp. 205-232; Annal. de Cliimie, XXII., 1848, pp. 58-59 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1848, pp. 145-150. Gun dinger, Anton. Ueber die Schneelinie. Liidde, Zeits. f. Erdk. I, 1842, pp. 73-85. Gundlach, Johann. Beschreibung von vier auf Cuba gefangenen Fledermiiuseu. Wiegmanu, Archiv, VI., 1840, pp. 356-358. 2. Ueber zwei von mir gesanimelte Boen [Boa pardalis, Boa ?], von Cuba. "VVieg- manii, Archiv, VI., 1840, pp. 359-361. 3. Beitriige zur Ornithologie Cuba's. Ca- banis, Jourri. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. Ixxvii- Ixxxvii; III., 1855, pp. 465-480; IV., 1856, pp. 1-16, 97-113, 337-352, 417-432 ; V., 1857, pp. 225-242 ; IX., 1861, pp. 401-416. • 4. Beschreibung neuer Schnecken aus deni westlichen Theile von Cuba. Malakozool. Bliitt. in., 1856, pp. 38-42. 5. Description of five new species of Birds, and other ornithological notes of Cuban species. [1852.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. VI., 1857, pp. 313-319. 6. Malakologische Notizen aus dem Nordeu und Westeii von Cuba. Malakozool. Bliitt. IV., 1857, pp. 41-47. 7. Description of a new species of Bird of the genus Sylvicola (S. Kirtlandii). New York, Annal. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 160-166. 8. Notes on some Cuban Birds, with de- scriptions of three new species. New York, Annal. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 267-275. 9. Description of a new species of bird of the genus Sylvicola, Swainson. [1855.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 160-161. 10. Ornithologisches aus Briefen von Cuba. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 294- 299, 347-351. 11. Tabellarische Uebersicht aller bisher auf Cuba beobachteten VSgel. Cabanis, Jourii. Ornithol. IX., 1861, pp. 321-349. Gundlach, Johann, und L. Ffeiffer. Auszug aus einem Bericht iiber die zoologischen Beobacht- ungeu wiihrend der Reise vou Hamburg nach Havannah. [1838.] Cassel, Jahresber. III., 1839, pp. 9-12. 2. Zur Molluskenfauna der Insel Cuba. Malakozool. Bliitt. VII., 1860, pp. 9-32. Gxinn, John. On Paramoudras, and the drift of Norfolk and Suffolk. [1839.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, p. 170. Gunn, Ronald C. Notices accompanying a collec- tion of Quadrupeds and Fish from Van Dieineu's Land, with notes and descriptions of the new species by John Edw. GRAY. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1838, pp. 101-111; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1838, col. 113-118. 2. Botanical excursion to Mount Olympus, in Van Diemen's Laud. Hooker, Loud. Journ. Bot. VI., 1847, pp. 482-487. 3. Notes on the Acacire of Tasmania. Tas- manian Journ. Nat. Sci. III., 1849, pp. 5-17. 4. On the Bunyip of Australia Felix. [1847.] Tasmaniau Journ. Nat. Sci. III., 1849, pp. 147-149. 5. On the habitat of Cyprasa umbilicata, and C. eximia, Sowerby. Zool. Soc. Proc. XVII., 1849, p. 125 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, p. 70. 6. On the introduction and naturalization of Petaurus sciurus in Tasmania. Van Die- men's Land, Roy. Soc. Papers, I., 1851, pp. 253- 257. 7. A list of the Mammals indigenous to Tasmania. Van Diemen's Land, Roy. Soc. Papers, II., 1852-54, pp. 77-90. 8. Remarks on the Botany of Antarctic Voyages. Flora of New Zealand. Van Die- nien's Land, Roy. Soc. Papers, II., 1852-54, pp. 434-436. 9. On the encroachments of the sea along the north coast of Tasmania. Van Diemeu's Land, Roy. Soc. Papers, III., 1855-59, pp. 54-56. Gunn, Ronald C., and John Edward Gray. Notices accompanying a collection of quadru- peds and fish from Van Diemen's Laud ; with notes and descriptions of the new species. Ann. Nat, Hist. I., 1838, pp. 101-111. Gunning, J. JV. Ueber die Zusammensetzung einiger Niederliindischer Wiisser. Erdrn. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXL, 1854, pp. 139-145. 2. De erkenning en quantitative bepaling van suiker. Nederlandsch Lancet, V., 1855-56, pp. 577-602. 3. Anwenduiig des doppeltkohlensaureu Baryts in der analytischeu Chemie. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIL, 1856, pp. 10-11. 4. Ueber die Einwirkung von Jodiithyl auf Brueiii. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIL, 1856, pp. 46-47. GUN] [GUN Gunning, J. IV. 5. Bildung von Casein bei der Fiiulniss von Fibrin. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIL, 1856, pp. 52-53; Journ. dc Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 159-160. 6. Bijdrage tot de, kennis van Brucine. Amsterdam, Versing. Akad. V., 1857, pp. 60- 76; Donders, Arcbiv, I., 1858, pp. 163-168. 7. Eenige monsters zecwater. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1857-58, pp. 15-23. 8. Ueber einige Eieensehaften der Acker- krume. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1859, pp. 14-34. 9. Vibrionen of levende organismen in het algemeen. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1859, pp. 55-57. 1O. Ueber Imbibition thierischer Mem- brane. Donders, Archiv, II., 1860, pp. 245- 259. 11. Middel ter vergelijking van vateren vooral met het oog op de daarin voorkommende organische stoffen. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XL, 1861, pp. 149-158. Gunning, J. ff'., en P. Harting. Onderzoeking- en over de bron der stikstof voor de planten en het ammoniakgehalte der dampkringslucht. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. III., 1855, pp. 38- 60. Gunning, W. M. Over schimmelvormiBg in eijeren. Utrecht, Schcik. Onderzoek. VII., 1854-55, pp. 287-301. 2. Over het ontstaan van schimmels in eijeren. Nederlandsch Lancet, V., 1855-56, pp. 74-89. 3. Untersuchungen iiber Blutbewegung und Stasis. Donders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 304-353. Giinsberg, Iiuilolpli. Analyse des Bronislaw- brunneus in dem Badeorte Tfuskawice auf der CameralbeiTSchaft Drohobycz in Galizien. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 196-207. 2. Ueber eine niassanalytische Methode zur Bestimmung des Alkoholgehaltes in alka- holischen Zuckerlosungen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 567-579. 3. Uber die im Wasser loslichen Bestand- theile des Wcizenklebers. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 429-444. 4. Ueber das Verhalten von Gummi gegen Eiweisskorper. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV. (Abth. 2), 1862. pp. 643-646; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVIIL, 1863, pp. 237-241. Giinsburg, Fricdrich. Vortrag iiber die pflauz- liehe Natur mehrerer Koutagien des Menschen nnd deren Verbreitung. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1844, pp. 132-135. 2. Pathologischc Bildung des menschlichen Ovulum. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1845, pp. 112-114. Giinsburg, Fricdrich. 3. Ueber die Bestim- mung der Nervenbahnen im meusehlichen Kor- per aus krankhaften Erscheinungen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1845, pp. 114-115. 4. Notizen iiber die in den Krankheits- produkten des Menschen vorkoramende Krys- tallbildungen. Haeser, Archiv Med. VII., 1845, pp. 97-109. 5. Ueber Epiphyten auf Weichselzopfen. Miiller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 34-42. 6. Bemerkungen iiber einen wichtigen Secretionsheerd der Elemente des Auswurfs. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, IV., 1845, pp. 129-136. 7. Missbildungen im Verhliltniss zu conse- cutiven pathologischen Entwickelungsvorgang- en. Haeser, Archiv Med. VIII., 1846, pp. 293-305 ; X., pp. 158-173. 8. Ueber die Aufgabe einer volksthiim- licben Naturgeschichte des Menschen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1847, pp. 85-87. 9. Ueber die ersten Formen der Ent- wickelung thierischer Gewebe. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1848, pp. 78-79. 10. Ueber den Tod durch Verbrennung. Giinsburg, Zeits. Klin. Med. I., 1850, pp. 401- 415. 11. Zur Kenntniss des Milzgewebes. Miiller, Archiv, 1850, pp. 161-169. 12. Blasenwiirmer des Gehirns. burg, Zeits. Klin. Med. II., 1851, pp. 274- 277. 13. Neue Notizen zur Histologie und Genesis der Krebsgebilde. Giinsburg, Zeits. Klin. Med. IV., 1853, pp. 58-63. 14. Das Epithelialgewebe des menschlichen Ivorpers. Acad. Cws. Leop. Nova Acta, XXIV., 1854, pp. 257-294. • 15. Bemerkungen tiber die Corpora amy- lacea. Giinsburg, Zeits. Klin. Med. V., 1854, pp. 295-298. • 16. Vergiftung mit Semen Daturre Stra- monium. Giinsburg, Zeits. Klin. Med. VII., 1856, pp. 458-461. Gunt, //. A curious ball containing bees. Mas1. Nat. Hisl. II., 1829, p. 404 ; IV., 1831, p. 93. Giinther, Albert. Ueber den Puppenzustand eines Distoma. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, IX., 1853, pp. 95-99. 2. Beitriige zur Fauna Wiirttembergs. Wiii-ttemberg, Jahreshefte, IX., 1853, p. 224. 3. Die Fische des Ncckars. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, IX., 1853, pp. 225-232, 234-360. 4. Beitriige zur Kenntniss unserer Siiss- wasserfische. Wiecjmann, Archiv, XXL, 1855, pp. 197-212. 5. LTeber einen neuen Fisch des Neckars (Abramis dobuloides). Wurttemberg, Jahres- hefte, XIII.. 1857, pp. 50-54. GUN] 89 Giinther, Albert. 6. On the systematic arrange- ment of the Tailless Batrachians and the struc- ture of Rhinophrynus dorsalis. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVI., 1858, pp. 339-352. 7. On the geographical distribution of Reptiles. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVI., 1858, pp. 373-397. 8. Neue Schlangeuarten in der Sammlung des Britischen Museums. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXIV., 1858, pp. 221-243. 9. Neue Batraehier in der Sammlung des Britischen Museums. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXIV., 1858, pp. 319-328. 1O. On sexual differences found in bones of some recent and fossil species of Frogs and Fishes. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 377-387. 11. Description of a new genus of West African Snakes (Elapops modestus), and revision of the South American Elaps. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 161-174. 12. On the reptiles from St. Croix, West Indies, collected by Messrs. A. and E. NEWTON. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 209-217. 13. On the genus Elaps, Waglcr. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVII., 1859, pp. 79-89. 14. List of the cold-blooded Vertebrata collected by Mr. FRASEU in the Andes of Western Ecuador. Zocl. Soc. Proc. XXVII.j 1859, pp. 89-93. 15. Second list of cold-blooded Vertebrata collected by Mr. FRASEU in the Andes of W. Ecuador. Zool. Soc. Proc. XX VII., 1859, pp. 402-421. 16. Description of a new species of Anolis from Central America [A. Sallaei]. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVII., 1859, pp. 421-422; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 493-494. 17. On the reptiles and fishes collected by the Rev. H. B. TRISTBAJI in Northern Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVIL, 1859, pp. 469-474. 18. Description of Uriechis microlepidotus, a new Snake from South Africa. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 168-169. 19. Description of Leptodeira torquata, a new Snake from Central America. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 169-171. 20. Ou the history of Echeneis. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 386-402. 21. On a new species of Black-fish found on the coast of Cornwall (Centrolophus britan- nicus). Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 46-48. 22. On a new Snake from the Galapagos Islands (Herpetodryas biserialis). Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 78-79; Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVIII., 1860, pp. 97-98. 23. Description of Homalocranium lati- ceps, a new snake from Carthagena. Ann. Nat. Hist, VI., 1860, pp. 149-150; Zool. Soc. Froc. XXVIH., 1860, pp. 240-241. VOL. III. [GUN Giinther, Albert. 24. Note on Psammopliis Perroteti, D. and B. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 428-429. • 25. Ou the Reptiles of Siani. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVIII., 1860, pp. 113-117. 26. Contributions to a knowledge of the Reptiles of the Himalaya Mountains. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVIII., 1860, pp. 148-175. 27. Third list of cold-blooded Vertebrata collected by Mr. FRASEK in Ecuador. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVIII., I860, pp. 233-240. 28. On new Reptiles and Fishes from Mexico. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVIII., 1860, pp. 316-319 ; Anil. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 442- 445. 29. On a new species of Fish belonging to the genus Pagrus [P. Bocagii, Lowe], Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVIII., 1860, pp. 391-392. 30. On a West African genus of Snakes (Meizodon). Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVIII., 1860, pp. 427-430 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 223-226. 31. Skizzen aus dem zoologischen Garten in London. Wiegmaun, Archiv, XXVI., 1860, pp. 29-56. 32. Alepidosaurus, ein Meerwels. Wieg- rnann, Archiv, XXVI., 1860, pp. 121-123; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 150-151. 33. On three new Trachinoid Fishes [Cra- patalus Nova3 Zelandias, Aphritis gobio, Cham- ichthys esox]. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 85-90. 34. On the immature state of the Sea- devil (Lophius piscatorius). Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 190-195. 35. On the dentition of Herpeton ten- taculatum. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, p. 195. 36. Second list of Siamese Reptiles. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1861, pp. 266-268 ; Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 187-189. 37. On the British species of Mugil, or Grey Mullets. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 345-352. 38. Account of the Reptiles sent by Dr. WUCHERER from Bahia. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 412-417; Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 12-17. 39. On the Ophidian genus Helicops. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 425-428. 40. A preliminary synopsis of the Labroid genera. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1861, pp. 382- 389. 41. On the anatomy of Regenia ocellata. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 60-62. 42. On the anatomy of Monitor niloticus from Western Africa, and of Regenia albogu- laris. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 109-113. M GUN] 90 [GUN Giinther, Albert. 43. On a new genus of Aus- tralian Freshwater Fishes [Nannoperca aus- tralis]. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 116-117; Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 490-491. 44. On a new species of Fish of the genus Gerres [G. longirostris]. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 142-143 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1861, p. 189. 45. On a new species of the Family Boidos [Pelophilus Forclii]. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, p. 142 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1861, p. 189. 46. List of the cold-blooded Vertebrata collected by B. H. HODGSON, Esq., in Nepal. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 213-227. 47. On a collection of Fishes sent by Capt. Dow from the Pacific Coast of Central America. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 370-376. 48. On a new species of Plectropoma from Australia [P. Eichardsonii]. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 391-392. 49. On new species of Snakes in the col- lection of the British Museum. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1862, pp. 52-59, 124-132 ; XI., 1863, pp. 20-25 ; XII., 1863, pp. 348-365. 50. On an apparently uudescribed Spider from Cochin China [Cyphagogus Mouhotii]. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 299-300. 51. Some remarks on the genus Trachinus. Ann. Nat, Hist. X., 1862, pp. 301-304. — — 52. Contributions to the knowledge of the British Charrs. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1862, pp. 37- 54 ; 1863, pp. 6-16. 53. Descriptions of new species of Rep- tiles and Fishes in the collection of the British Museum. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1862, pp. 188-194. 54. Eine ueue Art von Coronella mit Furcheuzahn [Coronella brevis]. Wiegmaun, Archiv, XXV1IL, 1862, pp. 48-52. 55. Systematische Uebersicht der Familien der Stachelnosser. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVIII., 1862, pp. 53-63. 56. Eine neue Art von Mormyrus [M. Petersii]. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVIH., 1862, p. 64. 57. On new species of Batrachians from Australia. Ann. Nat. Hist. XI., 1 863, pp. 26-28. 58. On new species of Fishes from Vic- toria, South Australia. Ann. Nat. Hist, XL, 1863, pp. 114-117. 59. On some species of Tree-Snakes (AhaHulla). Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 283-287. 6O. On the European species of the genus Labrax. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 174- 175. — 61. On new species of Fishes from the Essequibo. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII., 1863, pp. 441-446. ^ 62. On Antheris Burtonii, a new snake from West Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 16-17. Giinther, Albert. 63. Note on Diemennia super- ciliosa. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 17-18. 64. Addition to Dr. WDCHERER'S article on the Ophidians. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 56-58. 65. Contribution to the Herpetology of Ceram. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 58-60. 66. Observations on Australian Tree-frogs living in the Society's Menagerie. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 249-251. Giinther, G. B. Einige Bemerkungeu iiber die Fortpflanzung der Blutegel in der Gefangen- schaft. Froriep, Notizen, XVIII., 1827, col. 323-327. Giinther, J. J. Monstrositat des rechteu Arms an einem neugeborenen Kinde. Hufeland, Jouru. Arzn. XXIV., 1806, p. 169. 2. Noch eiu Wort iiber den Begriff des Lebens. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, III., 1817, pp. 553-555. 3. Vergiftungsversuche durch Kleesiiure. .Schweigger, Journ. XIX., 1817, p. 316. • 4. Priifung des Gehaltes arsenikhaltiger Fliissigkeiten. Schweigger, Journ. XIX., 1817, pp. 316-317. 5. Ein Milch gebender Ziegenbock. Schweigger, Journ. XIX., 1817, pp. 317-318. 6. Bemerkungen zu des Herrn A. VOLTA'S Abhandlung iiber die periodische Wiederkehr der Gewitter. Schweigger, Journ. XXL, 1817, pp. 105-109. 7. Merkwiirdige Aphonie nach einetn gastrisehen Nervenfieber. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, IV., 1818, pp. 540-544. 8. Eine Beobachtung, den Ausbruch eines Erdstosses betreffend. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IH., 1824, pp. 362-365. 9. Ueber Kohlenausscheiduug durch Respi- ration und Perspiration. Schweigger, Journ. XLIIL, 1825, pp. 107-109. 10. Zur Keuntniss der stinkenden Nebel. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XL, 1827, pp. 259- 261. 11. Ueber fragliche Stiirme und Erdstosse, sowie iiber einen Lichtkreis im Januar d. J. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, V., 1832, pp. 44-46. 12. Witterungslauf vor und wilhrend der letzten Erscheinung des Halleyschen Cometen, im Jahre 1759, wo er am 13 Marz seine Sonneunahe erreichte. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XXVI., 1834, pp. 31-35. 13. Beitrase zur Kenntniss des Theins. Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 273- 280. Giinther, J. J., und Schon. Versuche und Bemerkungen iiber Regeneration der Nerven und Abhiingigkeit der peripherischen Nerven von den Central-orgauen. M tiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 270-286. GUN] 91 [GUR Gimther, JJ'. Beobachtungen des Satm-n-Ringes 1848, September 3-13. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 111-112. > 2. Beol)achtungen der Astrasa. Astr. Nachr. XXXII., 1851, col. 393-396. 3. Beobachtungen auf der Breslauer Stern- warte. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 75- 78. 4. Bahnbestimmung der Urania. Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 267-276. 5. Nachtrag zu der Vergleichung der Urania. Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855, col. 273- 284. 6. Elements and ephemeris of Urania. Gould, Astron. Journ. IV., 1856, p. 103. 7. "Verbesserto Elemente der Massalia. Astr. Nachr. XLIL, 1856, col. 49-52. 8. Bahnbestimmung der Egeria und Ara- phitrite. Astr. Nachr. XLIL, 1856, col. 167- 170; XLIIL, 1856, col. 49-52. 9. Bestimmung neuer Elemente der Urania und Egeria. Astr. Nachr. XLIII., 1856, col. 247-250. • 1O. Elemente, Bahnverbesserung, und Ephemeride der Euterpe. Astr. Nachr. XLIII., 1856, col. 369-370 ; XLIV., 1856, col. 361-364. 11. Neue Elemente der Massalia und Am- phitrite. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 87-90, 345-348. 12. Elemente und Ephemeride der Phocsa. Astr. Nachr. XLVL, 1857, col. 129-132. 13. Elenieute der Urania. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 21-24. 14. Ueber die Bahn der Egeria. Astr. Nachr. XLVIII., 1858, col. 49-52. 15. Neue Elemente der Euterpe. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 229-230. 16. Neue Bahn der Amphitrite. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 363-366. 17. Ueber die Elemente der Massalia. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 365-366. 18. Neue Elemente der Urania, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Bahn der Phocrca. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 323-326. 19. Vergleichuug von Planeten-Beobacht- ungen und daraus abgeleitete Oppositionen. Astr. Nachr. LIL, 1860, col. 189-192. 20. Vergleichung von Beobachtungen der Egeria, Phocrea, Urania und Amphitrite mit den Ephemeriden und neue Elemente der Urania. Astr. Nachr, LVH., 1862, col. 315-318. Giinther, W., und Johann Gottfried Galle. Nachrichten iiber die Breslauer Sternwarte. Beobachtung der Marsbedeckung und Epheme- ride der Massalia. Astr. Nachr. XXXVLIL, 1854, col. 173-176. — — 2. Beobachtungen des Cometen IV. 1854, und Elemente desselben Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 161-168. Gilntz, E. Ueber den botanischcn Garten zu Palermo. Flora, XIII., 1830, pp. 441-456. Guppy, R. J. Lechmere. On the older Parian formation at Pointe a Pierre, Trinidad. Geol. Assoc. Proc. L, 1859-63, pp. 267-270 ; Geolo- gist, VI., 1863, pp. 204-207. Giirenger, . Analyse von Harngries und Harusteinen eincs und desselben Krauken. Liebig, Annal. II., 1832, p. 107. Gurief. See Gourieff. Gurlt, Adolf. Ueber die neue Methode das Silber aus silberhaltigem Werkblei mittelst Zinks zu extrahiren. Dingier, Polytechu. Journ. CXXIIL, 1852, pp. 305-309. 2. Betrachtungen iiber die Theorie des Sprengeus. Der Civilingenieur, I., 1854, pp. 238-266. 3. Revue des Mineraux artificiels pyro- genes et particulie-rement des produits d'usine crystallises. Cuyper, Revue Univ. II., 1857, pp. 119-137, 173-178,341-389. 4. Ueber den Metamorphismus des Glirn- merschiefers. Rheiul. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XVI., 1859, pp. 31-33. 5. Ueber die Gestaltungszustiinde des Eisens. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzuugsber. XVIL, 1 860, pp. 22-26. 6. Ueber die Entstehung der zerbrochenen und wieder verwachsenen Geschiebe, so wie derjenigen, welche Eindriicke von anderen Ge- rollen erhalteu haben. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XVIL, 1860, pp. 45-49. — 7. Ueber die gewohnlichsten Contractions- formen bei plutonischen Gesteinen. Rheinl. it. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XVIIL, 1861, pp. 29- 33. 8. Erzvorkommen am Maubacher Blei- berge im Kreise Diiren. Rheiul. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XVIIL, 1861, pp. 56-62. 9. Ueber die chemische Constitution des Titaneisens. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XX., 1863, pp. 45-47. 1O. Ueber die neuere geologische Forsch- ung in Norvvegen. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitz- ungsber. XX , 1863, pp. 79-81. 11. Ueber die Darstellung des Eisens aus seinen Erzen mit Anwendung von Gasen. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XX., 1863, pp. 145-147. 12. Ueber eine merkwiirdige Metamor- phose, niimlich die Umwandlung von Dolomit in Topfstein. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzuugsber. XX., 1863, pp. 126-127. 13. Ueber ein ausgezeichnetes Vorkommen von Zinkerzen auf sogenannten Coutact-Lagern in der Silurformation bei Drammen im sudlicheii Norwegen. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XX., 1863, pp. 134-136. M 2 GUR] 92 [GUR Gurlt, E. F. Beschreibung und AbbilJung eiuer spiralfiirmig gewundenen Klappe an der Cardia des Pferdes. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 539-544 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VIII., 1822, pp. 111-114. 2. Ueber cine seltene Bildungshemmung del' Augen eines neugcbornen Lammes. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierhcilk. I., 1835, pp. 17-18. 3. Zwei Fiille von abnormer Haut- und Haarliildung auf der durchsichtigen Hornhaut des Auges. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. I., 1835, pp. 18-20. 4. Vergleichencle Untersuchungen iiber die Haut des Menschen und der Haus-Sauge- thiere, besonders in Beziehung auf die Ab- sonderungsorgane des Haut-Talges und des Schweisses. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. I., 1835, pp. 199-219 ; Miiller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 399-418. 5. Ueber die Verbiudung der rcchtcn hinteren Hohlvene mit clem Stamme der Leber- venen beim Embryo. Berlin, Mitt. Ges. Na- turf. I., 1836, pp. 34-36. 6. Untersuchungen iiber die hornigen Ge- bilde des Mcnscheu und der Haus-Saugethiere. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. II., 1836, pp. 201-216 ; Miiller, Archiv, 1836, pp. 262- 277. 7. Beschreibung der mangelhafl gebildeten weiblichen Gescblechtstheile eines neugebornen Fohlens. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. II., 1 836, pp. 320-326. 8. Beschreibung einer Zwillings Missge- burt vom Schaf, mit doppelteu Geschlechts- theilen und doppelten hiutereu Gliedmaassen. Gurlt. Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. III., 1837, pp. 250-255. 9. Ueber die Bilclung von sogenannten Haut-Horuern. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. III., 1837, pp. 352-354. 10. Beschreibung eiuer seltsnmen Kalbs- Missgeburt. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. III., 1837, pp. 474-480. 11. Beschreibung zweier Schaf-Missge- burten. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. V., 1839, pp. 329-334. • 12. Ueber kopflose Missgeburten. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. VI., 1840, pp. 1-9. 13. Beschreibung zweier Missgeburten. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. VI., 1840, pp. 241-246. 14. Unvollkonimener Kopf ohne Rumpf und Glieder, von einer Kuh geboren. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. VI., 1840, pp. 458- 461. 15. Ueber angeborne Spaltungen des Gesichts. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. VIII., 1842, pp. 95-97. Gurlt, E. F. 16. Ueber die auf den Haus-Sauge- thieren und Haus-Vogeln lebenden Schmarotzer- Insekten und Arachniden. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierhcilk. VIIL, 1842, pp. 409-433; IX., 1843, pp. 1-24. 17. Untersuchung eines cyclopischenKalbes mit Gehirn-Wasserbruch statt des Auges, uiid mit Spaltung des Obevkiefers. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. IX., 1843, pp. 292-295. 18. Angeborne Spaltung der untern Wand der Harnblase mit Kloakbildung bei einem Schweinchen. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. IX., 1843, pp. 470-472. 19. Ueber zwei Kalbs-Missgeburten, mit Spaltung des Riickens und des Bauches. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. X., 1844, pp. 294-302. 2O. Ueber Hautung und Metamorphose von Strongylus armatus. Wiegmann, Archiv, X., 1844, pp. 322-324. 21. Beschreibung eines Fiillenkopfes mit einem zweiten (cyclopischen) Obcrkiefer an der recbten Seite. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XI., 1845, pp. 340-345. 22. Ueber die anatomisehen Kennzeiehen der Entziindung im ersten Stadium. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XL, 1845, pp. 492- 496. - 23. Verzeiehniss der Thiere, bei welchen Entozoen gefunden wordeu sind. Wiegmann, Archiv, XI., 1845, pp. 223-336 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, L, 1846, p. 123. 24. Eine vollstiindige Janus-Missgeburt von der Ziege (Octopus Janus, G. — Janiceps, Isid. Gcoffroi/ St. Hilaire). Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XII., 1846, pp. 335-338. 25. Ueber einige Eingeweidewiirmer. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XIII., 1847, pp. 74-77. 26. Anatomic der Hausvogel. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XIII., 1847, pp. 484-494; XIV, pp. 51-77, 204-223, 261-277, 422-443. 27. Beitriige zur pathologischen Anatomie der Hausvogel. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XV., 1849, pp. 72-84. 28. Beschreibung zweier an den Steissen verwachsener Kiilber (Pygodidymus aversus). Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XV., 1849, pp. 342-346. 29. Bcschreibuug eines monstrusen Kalbs- kopfes. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XV., 1849, pp. 482-485. — 30. Beschreibung zweier kopfloser Miss- geburten von Ziegen. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thier- heilk. XVI., 1850, pp. 65-69. 31. Angeborne Fischschuppenkrankheit (Ichthyosis cornea) bei einem Kalbe. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XVI., 1850, pp. 249- 252. GUR] 93 [GUR Gurlt, E. F. 32. Ueber ilic Schiidlichkeit der Processions-Raupe fiir Menscheu uud Thiere. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XVI., 1850, pp. 252-259. 33. Ein Divertikel am Bliud-Grirnnularme des Schafes. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XVI., 1850, p. 383. 34. Ein Kalb ohne Beine. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XVI., 1850, pp. 477-479. 35. Ueber Zahn- und Haarbildung in den Hoden des Pferdes. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thier- heilk. XVII., 1851, pp. 99-102. 36. Ueber abnorme Zakubilduug am Schliifenbeine des Pferdes. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XVII., 1851, pp. 214-216. • 37. Ein Kalbskopf, aus dessen Mundhohle ein zweiter Oberkiefer hervorragt (Heteroce- phalus epignathus). Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thier- heilk. XVII., 1851, pp. 466-468. 38. Ueber das Vorkommen eines parasit- ischen Unterkiefers mit Zungo und Unterlippe bei Schafen. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XVIII., 1852, pp. 85-89. 39. Eine Janus-Missgeburt ohne Gesichter (Octopus Janus, var. aprosopus) vom Schwein. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XVIII., 1852, pp. 204-206. 4O. Beschreibung einer ungleichen acht- beinigen Zwillings-Missgeburt (Heterodidymus octipes, var. emprosthochirophorus) vom Sehafe. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XVIII., 1852, pp. 352-358. — — 41. Beitriige zur Geschichte der vergleich- enden Anatomie und Physiologic. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XIX., 1853, pp. 1-32. 42. Ueber eine neue Art von Schadel- spaltuug mit dem Unterkiefer auf der Stirn (Schistocephalus hemicephalus o metopogna- thus) vom Kalbe. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XIX., 1853, pp. 268-271. 43. Ueber seitliche Zwitterbildung (Her- maphroditus lateralis femininus) bei einem jungcn Schweinchen. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thier- heilk. XIX., 1853, pp. 272-273. 44. Spaltung des Unterkiefers und der Zunge, bei einem mannlichen Kalbe. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XXI., 1855, pp. 97- 100. 45. Kalbskopf mit Schiidel- und Gesichts- Spaltung (Schistocephalus bifidus m.); abweich- ende Form. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XXI., 1855, pp. 230-233. 46. Ueber Octopus qnadriauritus ohiie Unterkiefer vom Kalbe. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XXI., 1855, pp. 364-366. 47. Kalb niit Gehiru-Wasserbruch und ohne Vorderbeine. Gurlt, Mas. Ges. Thierheilk. XXIL, 1856, pp. 106-109. Gurlt, E. F. 48. Ueber abuorme Zahn- und Ilaarbildung. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XXIL, 1856, pp. 356-359. 49. Ueber einige osteologische Abnormi- taten. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XXIIL, 1857, pp. 92-95. SO. Ueber eine Schafmissgeburt ohne Ge- sicht, aber mit einem Unterkiefer. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XXIII., 1857, pp. 159-165. 51. Verzeichniss der Thiere, auf welchen Schmarotzer-Insekten leben. Wiegmann, Ar- chiv, XXIII., 1857, pp. 276-311. 52. Beschreibung cines Kalbes mit Ge- sichts- und Sehadelspaltung und mit missge- staltetem Ktirper. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XXIV., 1858, pp. 224-227. 53. Eine Schaf-Missgeburt mit Backeu- taschen. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XXIV., 1858, pp. 417-420. Gurlt, E. F., und C. H. Hertwig. Abnorme Zahnbildung in einer Balggeschwulst vor dem linken Ohre eines Pferdes. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. I., 1835, pp. 20-22. Gurney, Goldswortly. On the analogy between Chemical and Musical Combinations ; on the effects of temperature on musical instruments ; and on the cause of the production of musical tones from burning hydrogen gas. Gill, Techn. Rep. IV., 1823, pp. 398-407. 2. Some experiments showing the possi- bility of Fire from the use of hot water in- warming buildings, and of explosions in Steam Engine "Boilers. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841 (pt. 2), pp. 49-50. Gurney, John Henry. Anecdote of the power of fascination as exercised by a Fox, with some remarks on the exercise of a similar power by other predacious animals. Newman, Zoologist, XI., 1853, pp. 4049-4051. 2. Note on a Bird and on a Quadruped, both found in Natal, and both said to prey upon Serpents. Newman, Zoologist, XVI., 1858, pp. 6267-6268. 3. List of Birds received from Ibadan, in Western Africa. Sclater, Ibis, I., 1859, pp. 152-153. 4. List of a collection of Birds from the colony of Natal, in South-eastern Africa. Scla- ter, Ibis, I., 1859, pp. 234-251. 5. List of Birds of Prey from Beyrout. Sclater, Ibis, 1., 1859, pp. 389-391. 6. Note on Pel's owl (Scotopelia peli).. Sclater, ibis, I., 1859, pp. 445-448. 7. Note on the eggs of the Eared Vulture and the Wedge-Tailed Eagle. Sclater, Ibis, II., 1860, p. 171. 8. On Birds collected in the colony of Natal, in South-eastern Africa. Sclater, Ibis, II., 1860, pp. 203-221. GUR] 94 [GUT Gurney, John Henry. 9. On some additional . species of Birds received in collections from Natal. Sclater, Ibis, III., 1861, pp. 128-136. 1O. An additional list of Birds received from Natal. Sclater, Ibis, IV., 1862, pp. 25- 39, 149-158. 11. Remarks on the Lesser Buzzard of South Africa, and its congeners. Sclater, Ibis, IV., 1862, pp. 361-363. 12. Some remarks on Aquila Desmursii, J. Verreanx. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1862, pp. 145- 146. 13. A list of British Birds found in South Africa. Newman, Zoologist, XXI., 1863, pp. 8675-8677. 14. Note on the Kestrel of Madagascar (Tinnunculus Newtoni). Sclater, Ibis, V., 1863, pp. 34-37. 15. A fifth additional list of Birds from Natal. Sclater, Ibis, V., 1863, pp. 320-332. 16. On Accipiter Stevensoni, a new species of Hawk from China. Sclater, Ibis, V., 1863, pp. 447-450. Gurney, John Henry, and William R. Fisher. An account of the Birds found in Norfolk, with notices of some of the rare species which have occurred in the adjoining counties. Newman, Zoologist, IV., 1846, pp. 1300-1324, 1373-1393. Gury, J. Optical illusions. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist, III., 1843, pp. 536-539. Gusserow, Carl August. Ueber die Fette und den Seifenbilduugs-Prozess. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, I., 1830, pp. 69-87. 2. Ueber die chemische Zusamnicnsetzung des Fettes und seiner verschiedeuen Arten. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, I, 1830, pp. 219-234. Gussew, H. Ueber die Gestalt des Mondes. [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1860, col. 276-300. Gussew, M. Beobachtungen des veninderlichen Sterns S. Cancri. Astr. Nachr. XXXVI., 1853, col. 291-294. 2. Beitrag zur Untersuchung der eigenen Bewegung der Fixsterne. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 177-182. 3. Sternbedeckungen auf der Wilnaer Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XLVHI., 1858, col. 341-344. Gussone, Giovanni. Notizie sulle isole Linosa, Lampione, e Lampedusa, e descrizione di una nuova specie di Stapelia (St. Europrea), che trovasi in questa ultima. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. IV., 1839, pp. 73-98. (Botanica.) Gussone, Giovanni, e M. Tenore. Osserva- zioui botaniche, raccolte in un viaggio eseguito per diversi luoghi della Provincia di Terra di Lavoro e di Abruzzo uell'esta del 1834. [1835.] Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. V., 1843, pp. 291- 298. (Botanica.) Gussone, Giovanni, e M. Tenore. 2. Catalogo sistimatico clelle piante osservate in diversi luoghi degli Abruzzi e di Terra di Lavoro, nell' esta del 1834. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. V., 1843, pp. 299-334. 3. Ragguaglio delle peregriuazioni effettuate nella state del 1838 dai Sig. GUSSONE e TENOKE in alcuni luoghi delle provincie di Principato Citeriore e di Basilicata. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. V., 1843, pp. 335-426. 4. Catalogo sistematico delle piante osservate nel viaggio al Monte Vulture. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. V., 1843, pp. 427-453. Gustorf, . Bemerkungeii iiber Reinerz und den Gebrauch seines Stahlsiiuerlings bei Brust- kranken. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1850, pp. 257-267, 281-287, 297-300. 2. Die Curen der Alten zur Zeit der Frtih- jahr- und Herbst-Tag- und Nachtgleichen, des PARACELSUS Ansichteu iiber Friihjahrs- und Herbstkrankheiten, uud die " dies critici " in der Weltgeschichte. Casper, Wocheuschrift, 1851, pp. 113-118. Gut, J. Ueber Doppeltsehen mit einem Auge. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, IV., 1854, pp. 394-400. Gutberlet, Wilhvlm Karl Julius. Ueber die Phonolithe uud Trachyte der Rhon-Berge. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1845, pp. 129-139. 2. Beitriige zur mineralogischen Topo- graphie von Kurhessen. Leouhard u. Bronu, N. Jahrb. 1846, pp. 150-162. 3. Geognostische Karte des Khongebirgea. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Beripht, 1847, pp. 358-361. 4. Ueber die Pseudomorphoseunach Stein- salz. Leonhard u. Bronu, N. Jahrb. 1847, pp. 405-438. 5. [Ueber das relative Alter der Gesteine der Rhon]. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IV., 1852, pp. 520-526. 6. Ueber vulkanoidische Gesteine und erratische Trummer. Deutsch. Naturf. Ver- samml. Bericht, 1852, pp. 159-162. 7. Ueber Schwarzbraunstein im Trachyt- porphyr der Rhon. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. V., 1853, pp. 603-606. 8. Einschliisse in dem Basalte des Kalva- rien Berges bei Fulda. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1853, pp. 659-669. 9. Ueber Psilomelan im bunten Sandsteiu. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1853, pp. 802-804. 1O. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Auf- bereitung des Edder-Goldes. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1854, pp. 15-25. 11. Ueber die Zeit-Folge der hoheren Oxydation des Mangan- und Eisen- Oxydules und ihre geologische Bedeutuug. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1855, pp. 430-434. GUT] 95 JGUT Gutberlet, iniliclm Karl Julius. 12. Ueber Spharosiderit und Bohnerz in basalti.sohen Ge- steinen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1855, pp. 166-169. 13. Geognostische tmd geologische Beo- bacbtungen iiber den Kalvarieuberg bei Fulda. Giessen, Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. VI., 1857, pp. 83-117. 14. Ueber die Abkunft cles Goldes. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1857, pp. 512-531. 15. Ueber den Unterscbied zwiscben scheinbaren und wirklicben Geschieben. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1859, pp. 769-779. 16. Bemerkungen iiber crystallinische Sandsteine. Darmstadt, Notizblatt, II., 1859- 60, pp. 51-53. G-utbier, A. von. Ueber die gesonderte Lager- ung des Rothliegenden und der Kohlenforma- tion von Zwickau in Sachsen und die Ver- schiedenheit ihrer Pflanzenreste. Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 435-436 ; Leonhard u. Bronu, N. Jahrb. 1838, pp. 197-198. 2. Ueber einen ueuen Fundovt fossiler Knochen bei Oelsnitz im SiichsischenVoigtlande. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 127- 144. 3. Ueber einen fossilen Farren-Stamm, Caulipteris Freieslebeni, aus dem Zwickauer Scbwarzkohlen Gebirge. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 503-504. 4. Fossile Knochen von Olmiitz, Rhino- ceros tichorhinus. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1843, pp. 479-481. 5. Calamosyrinx Zwickaviensis ist eine Sigillaria. Leonhard u. Bronu, N. Jahrb. 1843, pp. 578-579. 6. Der Basalt am Gorichstein. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1856, pp. 413- 418. 7. Der Basalt des Pinsenberges. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. III., 1857, pp. 68- 73. 8. Steiukohle mit Bohrlocheru. All" Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. III., 1857, pp. 73-74. Gutch, J. W. G. Meteorological summary at Swansea for 1837. Meteorol. Soc. Trans. I., 1839, pp. 109-112. 2. A registry of the heights of the tides on Swansea Bar, from August to December 1838. South Wales, Roy. Inst. Rep. 1839, pp. 117- 130. 3. On the importance of meteorological inquiries derivable from observations drawn from plants, animals, and inanimate bodies. Quart. Journ. Meteorol. I., 1842, pp. 5-13. 4. A general summary of pressure, tempe- rature, and rain, at twenty-two various stations, for the year 1842. Quart. Journ. Meteorol. I., 1842, pp. 313-320. Giiterbock, . Ueber die Donne'schen Corps granuleux des Colostrum. Miiller, Archiv, 1839, pp. 184-186. Giiterbock, L. Chemische Untersuchungen zur Pathologic der Cholera. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chcm. XLVIII., 1849, pp. 340-356 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 323-327. Gutfeldt, A. H. F. Ein paar Worte iiber ver- linderte Modalit;it der Actionen thierischer Organismen. Nordisches Archiv, I., 1799-1801, pp. 447-470. Guthe, //. Mineralogische Notiz. Hannover, Jahresber. XII., 1861-62, p. 41 ; XIII., 1862- 63, p. 23. Gutheil, H. Grundziige zu einer Flora von Kreuznach. Flora, XXII., 1839, pp. 1-.39 (BeiU.). Guthnick, . Ausfliige auf's Faulhoru im Burner Oberlande, uuternommen den 13 und 27 Juli 1830. Flora, XIV., 1831, pp. 744- 752. 2. Carex (Vignea) Gaudiniana, Guthnick, eine neue Schweizerische Segge. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 241-242. 3. Bemerkungen iiber einige Arten der Gattung Phyteuma. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 81-83. 4. Bemerkungen iiber Erysimum lanceola- tum, R. Br. ; E. ochroleucum, DC., E. rluvti- cum, DC., und E. piunilum, Gaud. Flora, XX., 1837, pp. 177-192. 5. Vegetation in Algier. Bern, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 101-120. Guthrie, Alex. Description of a single Reflect- ing Microscope. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XX., 1836, pp. 326-327. Guthrie, Alfred. Causes of the explosion of Steam Boilers. Franklin Inst. Jouru. XXIII., 1852, pp. 423-432. Guthrie, Frederick. Ueber Amyloxydphosphor- siiure. Liebig, Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 57- 64; Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 102- 103; Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 120- 121. 2. Electrolytische Versuche. Liebig, An nal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 64-67. 3. Ueber die schwefelweinsauren und amyl- phosphorsauren Salze. Chem. Soc. Journ. IX., 1857, pp. 131-139 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 194-197. 4. On iodide of acetyle. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 183-186 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 335-336; Liebig, Annal. CHI., 1857, pp. 335-337. 5. On the preparation of the double ethers. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 186-188. 6. On the action of light upon chloride of silver. Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, pp. 74- 76. GUT] 96 [GUY Guthrie, Frederick. 7. Contributions to the knowledge of the arayl group. Chem. Soc. Journ. XL, 1859, pp. 245-251 ; Liebig, Aniial. CXI., 1859, pp. 82-86 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 314-316. 8. On some derivatives from the defines. Chem. Soc. Journ. XII., 1860, pp. 109-126; XIII., 1861, pp. 35-47, 129-135; XIV., 1862, pp. 128-142; Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1861, pp. 611-632; Liebig, Anna!. CXIIL, 1860, pp. 266-288 ; CXVL, 1860, pp. 234-249 ; CXIX., 1861, pp. 83-92; CXXL, 1862, pp. 108-122; Annal. de Chiraie, LIX., 1860, pp. 461-466. 9. On the bisulphide of Iodine. Chem. Soc. Jouru. XIV., 1862, pp. 57-59 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc.IV., 1862, pp. 417-419; Liebig, Annal. CXX., 1861, pp. 352-355. 10. On the Iodide of lodammonium. Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1863, pp. 235-244. Guthrie, Frederick, und II. Kolbe. Ueber die Verbindungeu des Valerals mit Siiuren. Liebig, Annal. CIX., 1859, pp. 296-300; Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 234-236. Guthrie, James. Case of a new born Child, in which the Brain and the greater part of the Cranium were wanting. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XXVL, 1826, pp. 28-29. 2. Observations on the structure of the heart of the Testudo Indica, founded on the examination of a specimen in the collection of the Zoological Society. Zool. Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 322-325. iH-uthrie, Matthew. A dissertation on the climate of Russia. [1789.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. II., 1790, pp. 213-244. 2. Some account of the Persian Cotton Tree. [1793.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. V., 1798, pp. 214-221. Guthrie, Sam. New mode of preparing a spirit- uous solution of chloric ether. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 64-65. 2. Notice of the vaporization of mercury in the fumes of nitric ether ; also notices of various chemical products. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 90-94. — — 3. On sugar from potatoe starch. Silli- man, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 284-288. 4. Remarks on various chemical prepara- tions : — 1. Fulminating preparations ; — 2. Puri- fication of oil of turpentine ; — 3. Safe process for manufacturing gunpowder ; — 4. Fulminic acid and fulminates. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 288-295. . 5. On pure chloric ether. Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1832, pp. 105-106. Gutierrez, . Relation des phenomenes ob- serves dans le tremblement de terre de Murcie ; precedee d'un coup d'ceil topographique sur le pays bouleverse. Boue, Journ. de Geol. II., 1830, pp. 21-26. Gutierrez, Juan Maria. Uebersicht der neueren geographischen Arbeiten in der Provinz Buenos Aires. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, III., 1857, pp. 141-147. Giitle, J. K. Beleuchtung eines Aufsatzes liber Blitzableiter. Gilbert, Annal. LXIV., 1820, pp. 262-267. Gutmann, . Theorie liber die Wahrschein- lichkeit in der Wittermngskunde. Schweizer. Gesell. Verh. 1824, pp. 26-27. Gutsmuths, J. C. F. Ueber das Entstehen der Schlammbanke vor clem Kustenlande Guayana. Hertha, IX., 1827, pp. 381-393. Gutteridge, U'm. On the proposed alteration of Weights and Measures, and the adaptation of Gauging Apparatus thereto. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LX., 1822, pp. 241-247. 2. On the measurement of Timber. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. LX., 1822, pp. 418-423. Giitzlaff, Carl Eduard. ^Equatio modularis pro transformatioue functionum ellipticarum septimi ordinis. Crelle, Journ. XII., 1834, pp. 173- 177. Gutzlaff, Charles. Extracts from the " Journal of Residence in Siam, and Voyage along the Coast of China to Mantchou Tartary, 1832." Geogr. Soc. Jouru. III., 1833, pp. 291-309. 2. The country of the Free Laos. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1849, pp. 33-41. 3. Frontiers of China towards Birmah. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1849, pp. 42-48. 4. Geography of the Cochin-Chinese em- pire. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1849, pp. 85- 142. 5. Tibet and Sefan. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XX., 1851, pp. 191-226. Guy, . Reponse a M. FINCK, sur la regie proposee par ce dernier, pour abreger la division approximative. — Preuve qu'elle est moins simple et moins complete quo celle publiee dans le traite de la division abregee. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 460-470. Guy, William Augustus. On the effect produced upon the pulse by change of posture. Guy's Hosp. Rep. III., 1838, pp. 92-110, 308-329; Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1838, col. 134-136. 2. On the diurnal variations of the pulse. Guy's Hosp. Rep. IV., 1839, pp. 63-74 ; Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LV., 1841, pp. 90-98. 3. On the production and identification of crystals of arsenious acid and crusts of metallic arsenic. Archives of Med. I., 1857-59, pp. 255- 267. GUY] 97 [GUY Guy, JJ'illiam Augustus. 4. Note on a singular case of colouring of the human hair. [1857.] Linn. Soc. Journ. II., 1858 (Zool,), p. 41. 5. On the colour-tests for Strychnia and the diagnosis of the alkaloids. Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 301-303; IV., 1861, pp. 2-4, 113-116; Pharmaceut. Journ. II., 1861, pp. 558-561, 602-605; III., pp. 11-15, 112-118. 6. On the microscopic characters of the crystals of arsenious acid. Microsc. Soc. Journ. IX., 1861, pp. 50-59. G-uyard, Antoine. Nouveau precede d'extraction des mctaux des residus platiniferes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1177-1180; Chemical News, VIII., 18G3, pp. 106-107. • 2. On the direct estimation of Manganese, Antimony, and Uranium, by the volumetric method ; and on some compounds of the three metals. Chemical News, VIII., 1863, pp. 292- 293. Guye, A. A. G. Onderzoekingen over de Pey- ersche en Lieberkiihnsche klieren. Amsterdam, Onderz. Phys. Lab. IV., 1863, pp. 141-192. Guyerdet, A., et L. Saemann. Experiences sur la formation du sulfate de magnesie (Ep- somite) aux environs de Saint-Jeau-de-Mau- rienne (Savoie). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 995-999. Guyon, . Sur une race particuliere de 1'Atlas a peau blanche, yeux bleus et cheveux blonds. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, p. 365; Bibl. Univ. VIII., 1837, pp. 211- 212. 2. Lettre a M. de BLAINVILLE sur les singes qui habitent les roches de Gibraltar. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 450-452. 3. Memoire sur des vers observes eutre la scelcrotique et la conjonctive chez une nugresse habitant la Martinique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 755-756; Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1838, col. 229-231. 4. Note sur une monstruosite observue a Alger. Paris, Comptes Rendus, "VII., 1838. pp. 1080-1081 ; Revue Zool. 1838, p. 309. 5. Sur un ver trouve a Alger chez un Macroscelide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, p. 342. 6. Sur 1'Hsemopis vorax. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 785-787, 1155-1156. 7. Sur la piqure des Scorpions. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 232-233; XXXIV., 1852, pp. 404-406. 8. Sur une araignee de la vallee du Chelif. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1144- 1146 ; Revue Zool. 1843, pp. 348-349. 9. Nouvelle espece de Seps supposee etre le Taculus des anciens. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 1011-1012 ; Revue Zool. 1843, pp. 151-152. VOL. HI. Guyon, 10. Des caracteres distinctifs des trois races du nord de 1'Afrique : 1'Arabe, le Kabyle, et le Mozabite. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 832-834 ; Froriep, No- tizen, XXX., 1844, col. 177-179. 11. Sur la nature de 1'alimentation de •'Ibis. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 834-835. 12. Apparition des Sauterelles en Algerie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1499- 1500. 13. Invasion de criquets [voyageurs] et d'oedipodes en Algerie en 1845. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1107-1110. 14. Sur la race blanche des monts Aures, province de Constantine. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1388-1389. 15. Ueber eino Vergiftung durch die Wurzel der Atractylis gumtnifera, dem " El Added" der Araber, in der Niihe von Algier. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXIV., 1847, col. 897-899. 16. Sur les Chaonia, nation habitant les monts Aures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 28-30; Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1848, col. 56—57. 17. Sur une nouvelle invasion de saute- relles en Algerie. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 787-789. 18. Ueber die Wurzel, welche von den Arabern in Algier " Serghine " geuannt wird, und ihre Mutterpflanze. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXX., 1850, col. 489-490. 19. Sur la viviparito de deux Sauriens, le Gongylus ocellatus et le Seps chalcides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 188- 189. 20. Sur 1'emploi hemostatique du nid do la fourmi bi-epineuse (Formex bi-spinosa, Olir., Formica spinicollis, Latr.), connu sous le nom d' Amadou de Cayenne. Paris, Comptes Rendus XXXIV., 1852, p. 974. 21. Sur des lesions produites par la foudre a bord du brick la Felicite, de Saiut-Malo, le 16 Decembre 1856. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 598-602. 22. Note concern ant les Flamants du lac de Tunis. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 317-318. 23. Sur cette question : " Le venin des serpents exerce-t-il sur eux-memes 1'action qu'il exerce sur les autres animaux ? ' Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 12-18. 24. Sur les eaux thermales do Bou-Chater, dans le regence de Tunis. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 44-53. GUY] 98 [GUY Guyon, . 25. Des battements ou contrac- tions de 1'artere cceliaque dans un cas de fievre jaune, avec suspension du pouls et des contrac- tions du cosur, refroidissement cadaverique, etc., coincidant avec le inaintien de la vie et 1'in- tegrite des facultes intellectuelles. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LI1I., 1861, pp. 498-502. 26. Morsure de Ceraste ou Vipere coruue (Cerastes tegyptiacus), suivie de la paralysie du inouvement, avec exageration de la sensibilite de la moitie du corps opposee a celle de la mor- sure. Paris, Comptes Kendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1241-1245. 27. Sur le parasitisme de la Cbique sur I'homme et les animatix. Paris, Comptes Een- dus, LVL, 1863, pp. 288-290 ; Eev. et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 77-80. 28. Sur le Lemming de Norwege (Lem- mus norvegicus, Dcsmarcst). Paris, Comptes Eendus, LVII., 1863, pp. 486-489 ; Eev. ct Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 340-344. Guyon, Felix. Etude sur les cavites de 1'uterus a 1'etat de vacuite. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 186-215, 397-420. Guyonneau de Fambour, . Ueber den Widerstaud der Wagen auf Schieneuwegen. Karsten, Arcliiv, IX., 1836, pp. 493-515. Guyot, . Ueber die Bereitung des hydriod- sauren Bleiiodiirs. Liebig, Aunal. XX., 1836, pp. 44-46. Guyot, Arnold. Eesultat de ses nouvelles ob- servations sur la dissemination du terrain erratique dans le grand bassiu de la Suisse- Basse et sur les flancs du Jura. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. 1842, pp. 132-144. 2. Sur la dispersion du terrain erratique Alpin entre les Alpes et le Jura. Bibl. Univ. L., 1844, pp. 160-174; Neuchatel, Bull. I., 1844-46, pp. 9-34. — 3. Observations sur la formation et la direction des crevasses des glaciers. Neuchatel, Bull. I., 1844-46, pp. 254-259. 4. Sur la distribution des espeees de rocbes dans le bassin erratique du Ehone. Neuehatel, Bull. I., 1844-46, pp. 477-506 ; Edinb. New Pbil. Journ. XLIV., 1848, pp. 249- 271. 5. Note sur le Bassin erratique du Ehin. Neuchatel, Bull. L, 1844-46, pp. 507-516 ; Edinb. New Pbil. Journ. XLV., 1848, pp. 20- 27. — — 6. Sur les blocs erratiques du bassin du Bbiii. Actes de la Soc. Helvetique, 1845, pp. 84-86. • 7. Notice sur la carte du fond des lacs de Neuchatel et Morat. Neucbatel, Mem. III., 1845. Guyot, Arnold. 8. Topograpby of tbe Pennine Alps and tbe primitive site of the principal spe- cies of rocks found in an erratic state in the Basin of the Ehone. Ediub. New Phil. Journ. XLIV., 1848, pp. 319-329. 9. On the erratic phenomena of the White Mountains. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 308-311. 10. On the erratic phenomena of the Central Alps. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 311-321. 11. On the progress of the system of meteorological observations conducted by the Smithsonian Institution, and the propriety of its immediate extension throughout the Ameri- can Continent. Anier. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 167-168. 12. On tbe Appalachian mountain system. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 157-187. 13. On tbe physical geography of the Appalachian mountain system. Canadian Natu- ralist, VI., 1861, pp. 51-58. 14. Tables, Meteorological and Physical, prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. [1859.] Smithson. Miscell. Coll. I., 1862. 15. Directions for meteorological obser- vations, and the registry of periodical phe- nomena. [I860.] Smithson. Miscell. Coll. L, 1862. Guyot, H. Essai sur les vaisseaux sanguins du cerveau. Magendie, Journ. dePhys. IX., 1829, pp. 29-44 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIV, 1829, col. 321-330. Guyot, Jules. Nouvelles experiences sur le sens du gout chez I'homme, suivies d'uii examen suc- cinct des travaux principaux publies recemment sur le meme sujet. Archiv. Gen. de Med. I., 1837, pp. 51-69. Guyot, Jules, et Admirault. Sur le siege du gout cbez I'homme. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1830, pp. 169-175 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVII., 1830, col. 133-137. 2. Experiences sur le gout. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1830, pp. 426-431; Eoy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, p. 425. Guyot, Jules, et Gilbert Breschet. De 1'in- fluence de la temperature de 1'atmosphere sur la cicatrisation des plaies, suites d'amputation. Paris, Comptes Eendus, VLL, 1838, pp. 7-11. Guyot, Jules, et E. Cazalis. Experiences sur les nerfs glosso-pharyngien, lingual, et hypo- glosse. Paris, Comptes Eendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 84-85. Guyot, Jules. Experience pour demontrer que le pendule n'est pas perpendiculaire a la surface des liquides tranquilles. Moigno, Cosmos, II.. 1853, pp. 447-449. GUY] 99 | GUY Guyot, Jules. 2. Coup d'oeil synthetique sur les formes et sur les forces de la matiere. Presse Scientifique, HI., 1861, pp. 130-143. 3. De 1'electricite et du mouvement mole- culaire commun. Presse Scientifique, III., 1861, pp. 246-257. 4. Sur 1'unite des forces naturelles. Presse Scientifique, III., 1861, pp. 645-648. Guys, . Sur une espece de chevre particu- liere au Liban et dite "aux dents dorees." France, Congres Scient. 1846, pp. 171-174. Guys, Ch. Ed. Notice sur le tremblement de terre qui a bouleverse la Haute Syrie en Aout 1822. Paris, Soc. Guogr. Bull. 1822, pp. 301- 305. 2. Note sur 1'ile de Zerbi. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. V., 1826, pp. 549-550. 3. Description geographique des mon- tagnes du Liban et de 1'Anti-Liban. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XX., 1833, pp. 5-28. Guyton, Louis Maurice. Sur 1'usage interne de 1'acide muriatique oxigene. Annal. de Chimie, LXXHI., 1810, pp. 330-333. Gu5'ton de Morveau, Louis Bernard. Me- moire sur la saturation des sels, et sur 1'affinite d'un compose avec uii de ses priucipes par exces. [1788.] Turin, Mem. Acad. 1788-89, pp. 18- 37. 2. Sur le spath adamantiu. Annal. de Chimie, L, 1789, pp. 188-190. 3. Sur la dilatabilite de 1'air et des gaz par la chaleur. Auual. de Chimie, I., 1789, pp. 256-299. 4. Sur 1'alteration des liqueurs salines ex- post-es a la chaleur dans les vaisseaux de verre. Aunal. de Chimie, IX., 1791, pp. 3-6. 5. Chimie minerale. Paris, Ecole Poly- techn. Journ. 1794-95, pp. 137-143, 149-159, 193-205, 430-435, 691-697. 6. Lettre sur une nouvelle substance me- tallique, trouvue par M. KLAPROTFI, dans le schorl rouge. Journ. des Mines, XII., 1795, pp. 45-48. 7. Description et usage d'un Eudiometre a sulfure de potasse. Paris, £cole Polytechn. Journ. 1795-96, pp. 166-168 (2e cah.) ; Nichol- son, Journ. L, 1797, pp. 268-270. 8. Resume des lecons sur la thuorie de la cristallisation. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. 1795-96, pp. 278-286 (3" cah.). 9. Analyse de la calcedoine du Creuzot. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. 1795-96, pp. 287-296 (3e cah.). 10. Experiences comparatives sur les terres, pour determiner leur fusibilite, leur maniere de se comporter avec les flux salins, &c. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. 1795-96, pp. 298-314 (3e cah.). Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard. 11. De- scription d'un Gravimetre, ou instrument propre a mesurer la pesanteur specifique des solides et des fluides. Annal. de Chimie, XXI., 1797, pp. 3-11 ; Nicholson, Journ. I., 1797, pp. 110-119. 12. Sur Fhyacinthe de France. Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1797, pp. 72-96. 13. Sur nn sulfate de strontiane natif. Annal. de Chimie, XX III., 1797, pp. 216-221 ; Trommsdorff, Journ. de Phann. VI., 1799, pp. 244-250. 14. Sur 1'acide de 1'etain et analyse de ses mines. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1797, pp. 127-134; Nicholson, Journ. L, 1797, pp. 543- 546. 15. Nouveaux moyens de fournir, presque sans frais, le feu et 1'eau pour les experiences chimiques. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1797, pp. 310-327; Nicholson, Journ. L, 1799, pp. 209-215. 16. Examen de quelques proprietes du platine. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1798, pp. 3-20 ; Gilbert, Annal. L, 1799, pp. 369-376. 17. Experiences et observations sur le sucre. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1798, pp. 37-50. 18. Sur les cruches rafraichissantes ou Alcarazas d'Espagne. Annal. de Chimie. XXV., 1798, pp. 167-172. 19. Examen de quelques critiques de la nomenclature des chimistes Francais. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1798, pp. 205-215. 2O. Sur les tables de composition des sels. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1798, pp. 292-298 ; Nicholson, Journ. II., 1799, pp. 340-342. 21. Essais pyrometriques pour determiner a quel point le charbon est non-conducteur de chaleur. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1798, pp. 225-231 ; Nicholson, Journ. II., 1799, pp. 499- 501 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 182- 185. 22. De 1'action du nitre en fusion sur 1'or, 1'argent, et le platine. Annal. de Chimie, XX VII., 1798, pp. 42-43. 23. Sur la trempe et le recuit de Facier. Aunal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1798, pp. 186-189. 24. Sur les emanations des corps odorants. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1798, pp. 218-220. 25. Examen de 1'experience de M. WIEGLER sur la reduction du plomb par le soufre. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1798, pp. 322-330. 26. Sur les differents etats du fer, et sur la conversion du fer en acier fondu. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIII., 1798, pp. 19-39. 27. Sur la nature de 1'acide du succin. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1798, pp. 161-169. 28. Experiences sur les refroidissements artificiels. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1798, pp. 290-298 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1797-99, pp. 179-180. N 2 GUY] 100 [GUY Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard. 29. Experiences sur la fusibilite des terres a la faveur de 1'action qu'elles exercent les unes sur les autres. Annal. de Cliimie, XXIX., 1798, pp. 320-325. 30. Examen et analyse d'un quartz pre- sentant la cristallisation du spath metastatique. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1799, pp. 107-112. 31. Sur la rnatiere colorante des sues vego- taux, son alteration par 1'etain et les autres sub- stances metalliques. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1799, pp. 185-199 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1797-98, pp. 54-55 ; Nicholson, Journal, II., 1799, pp. 155-157; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 126-129; IV., 1799, pp. 81-83. 32. Sur la combustion du diamant. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1799, pp. 72-112 ; Gilbert, Annal. II., 1799, pp. 387-401 ; Nicholson, Journal, III., 1800, pp. 298-305 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. V., 1799, pp. 56-61, 174-188. 33. Sur les affinites que les terres exercent les uues sur les autres, soit par la voie humidc soit par la voie scene. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1799, pp. 246-268; Nicholson, Journal, III., 1800, pp. 419-422, 483-488. 34. De la conversion du fer doux en acier fondu par le diamant. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1799, pp. 328-336; Gilbert, Aunal. III., 1800, pp. 65-77 ; Nicholson, Journal, III.. 1800, pp. 353-356; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. V., 1799, pp. 89-93. 35. Sur le passage du diamant a 1'etat de cbarbon, et la desoxigenation du soufre par le diamant. Annal. de Chimie, XXXII., 1799, pp. 62-66 ; Gilbert, Annal. IV., 1800, pp. 405- 409. 36. Rapport des nouveaux poids de France avec ceux des chimistes Allemauds. Aunal. de Chimie, XXXII., 1799, pp. 225-229. 37. Memoire sur les tables de composition des sels et les nioyens de verifier les proportions qu'elles indiquent. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1800, pp. 326-338. . 38. Premier Memoire sur quelques anoma- lies dans le jeu des affinites, et particulierement de celles qui out lieu a raison des changemeuts de temperature et du displacement du calorique. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1800, pp. 460-472 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1797-99, pp. 143- 144. 39. Sur la nature du priucipe colorant du lapis-lazuli. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1800, pp. 54-67; Nicholson, Journal, IV., 1801, pp. 308-313; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VI., 1800, pp. 316-324. 40. Sur les mortiers, la chaux maigre, le beton, et la pouzzolane. Anual. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1800, pp. 253-267 ; Nicholson, Journal, V., 1802. pp. 109-114. Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard. 41. Experiences sur la combustion a froid du gaz oxide de carbone. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1801, pp. 18-25; Gilbert. Annal. IX., 1801, pp. 431-434. 42. Description d'un poe'le sur les prin- cipes de la cheminee Suedoise. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1801, pp. 97-105; Nicholson, Journal, II., 1802, pp. 24-30. 43. Ueber die Mittel, die Luft gegen ansteckeude Krankheitsstofte zu bewahren und sie davon zu reinigen. ( Transl.) Gilbert, Annal. IX., 1801, pp. 357-369. 44. On the presumed effects of Galvanism in the mineral kingdom. ( Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XI., 1801, pp. 275-276. 45. Examen d'un oxide d'antimoine natif ayant 1'organisation d'un sulfure, et essai d'ap- plication des phenomenes galvaniques a la for- mation et an passage des mineraux. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. IV., 1801-2, pp. 308- 314 (cahier 11). 46. Experiences sur 1'oxide de carbone gazeux. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. IV., 1801-2, pp. 322-326 (cahier 11). 47. Sur la propolis. Aunal. de Chimie, XLII., 1802, pp. 205-209. 48. Sur quelques phenomenes qui presen- tent les essais d'alliage du fer avec 1'argent et le plomb. Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1802, pp. 47-55 ; Eoy. Inst. Journ. I., 1802, pp. 233-234. 49. Sur la vraie nature des precipites formes par les prussiates dans les dissolutions acides de barite et les affinites de 1'acide prus- sique. Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1802, pp. 185-193. SO. Sur le rouge a polir (colcotar). An- nal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1802, pp. 331-332; Gilbert, Annal. XII., 1803, pp. 491-492 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1802, p. 254. 51. Traite des rnoyens de desinfecter Fair. Anual. de-Chimie, XLV., 1802, pp. 286-296. • 52. Sur 1'usage des fumigations acides pour desiufectcr 1'air. Annal. de Chimie, XLVL, 1803, pp. 114-131 ; Journ. de Med. VIII., 1804, pp. 57-63; Nicholson, Journal, XXII., 1809, pp. 344-352. • 53. Pyrometre de platiue. Annal. de Chimie, XLVL, 1803, pp. 276-278; Nicholson, Journal, VI., 1803, pp. 89-90. 54. Examen du carbonate de magnesie natif. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIL, 1803, pp. 85-92 ; Nicholson, Journal, VI., 1803, pp. 240- 241. » 55. Zerlegung des feuerfesten Feldspaths und einer kieselhaltigen Talkerde von Piemout ; nebst einigeu andern chemisch-mineralogischen Bemerkungen. ( Transl.) Crell, Chem. Annal. I., 1803, pp. 353-357. GUYJ 101 [GUY Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard. 56. Deuxieme memoire sur les anomalies dans le jeu des affinites. Paris, Mein. de 1'Inst. V., 1804, pp. 55-72. 57. Sur une tete sculptee de Silex pyro- maque. Annal. de Chirnie, LVIII., 1806, pp. 75-86 ; Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 370-375 ; Nicholson, Journ. XVII., 1807, pp. 195-200 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXV., 1806, pp. 340-346. . 58. Sur la pierre filtrante, et sur la ma- niere de determiner la pcsanteur specifique des corps a grand pores. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1806, pp. 121-131 ; Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 207-214 ; Nicholson, Journal, XVIII., 1807, pp. 190-195. . 59. Essai d'une piece de monuaie a chaton, propre a remplacer dans la circulation les fortes coupures en cuivre et le billon, saus en avoir les inconvenients, et presentant plus de garantie contre la falsification dans les monies, la rognure et la diminution de valeur par le frai. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1806 (Sent. 2)^.^80-92. 6O. Sur un vase antique repute d'emeraude. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1807, pp. 260-267 ; Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 376-380 ; Nichol- son, Journ. XVIIL, 1807, pp. 97-99. 61. Memoire sur les moyens de juger la qualite du verre, principalement du verre en table, et de distinguer celui qui sera sujet a s'alterer. Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1807, pp. 5-18 ; Journ. des Mines, XXL, 1807, pp. 387- 396; Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. V., 1806, pp. 259-264 ; Schweigger, Journ. II., 1811, pp. 80- 87. 62. Sur 1'eifet des fumigations dans les epizootics. Annal. de Chimie, LXII., 1807, pp. ] 19-123 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXX., 1808, pp. 28-29. 63. De 1'influence de 1'electricite galvanique sur le passasre des iniueraux. Annal. de Chimie, . LXIIL, 1807, pp. 113-121 ; Gilbert, Aiinal. XXVIIL, 1808, pp. 299-305 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXIIL, 1809, pp. 263-267. 64. Sur les vices de construction des che- minees. Annal. de Chimie, LX1V., 1807, pp. 113-134. 65. Diverses observations sur 1'alteration des sabots dans les benches a feu, la diminution et la suppression du vent, le phenomene que presente sa reduction dans les mortiers d'epreuve, 1'influence du grain de la poudre dans les diffe- rentes armes, et sur les avantages des boulets a. bague de plomb. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1807 (Sem. 2), pp. 116-131. 66. Sur la nature du diamant. Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1808, pp. 84-92 ; Gilbert, An- nal. XXIX., 1808, pp. 70-78 ; Journ. des Mine*, XXIIL, 1808, pp. 33-38. Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard. 67. Description d'un hygrometre pour les gaz. An- nal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1808, pp. 5-10; Gilbert, Annal. XXXI., 1809, pp. 417-420; Nicholson, Journ. XXVII., 1810, pp. 287- 289. 68. Essai de pyrometrie ou memoire sur les divers moyens de determiner les degree de chaleur dans les plus hautes temperatures, les usages auxquels ils peuveut etre appropries, le degre de confiance qu'ils meritent et les avan- tages que presente a ce sujet le pyrometre de platine, soit pour les recherches physiques, soit dans les ateliers des arts. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1808 (Sem. 2), pp. 1-35; 1811, pp. 89-120; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIII., 1810, pp. 254- 262; LXXIV., pp. 18-47, 129-152; XC., 1814, pp. 113-137, 225-238. . 69. Sur 1'oxidation des metaux dans le vide. Annal. de Chimie, LXIX., 1809, pp. 261-265 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXII., 1809, pp. 52-56. 70. Sur I'usage du carbonate de potasse dans les maladies des voies urinaires. Annal. de Chimie, LXX., 1809, pp. 32-39. 71. Sur uno cristallisation singuliere du diamant. Annal. de Chimie, LXX., 1809, pp. 60-63 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXV., 1810, pp. 67-69. 72. Memoire sur la tenacite des metaux ductiles, et observations sur les changements de densite du plomb par les precedes d'ecrouisse- ment, et son alteration dans Feau. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1809, pp. 267-299 ; Aunal. de Chimie, LXXL, 1809, pp. 189-199 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXIV., 1810, pp. 209-218 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXVI., 1810, pp. 102-105. 73. Sur la decomposition de 1'ean par le diamant. Paris, .Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 109-111. 74. De la decomposition de 1'eau par le plomb. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 111-112. 75. Extrait de plusieurs memoires sur le diamant. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 457-467. 76. Diverses observations relatives a 1'art de la verrerie. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIII., 1810, pp. 113-146; Schweigger, Journ. II., 1811, pp. 137-152 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXI., 1812, pp. 53-69. 77. Sur la mine de platine ii St. Domingue. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIII., 1810, pp. 334- 336 ; Gilbert, Acnal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 301- 302 ; Nicholson, Joura. XXXL, 1812, pp. 77- 78. GUY] 102 [GY Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard. 78. De la platinurc et du double ou plaque de pla- tine. Annal. de Chimie, LXXVII., 1811, pp. 297-304; Brugnatelli, Giornale, IV. 1811, pp. 356-361 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIX., 1811, pp. 392-397 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 292-295. 79. Suite des observations sur les pro- prietes curatives et anticontagieuses de 1'acide muriatique oxigene. Annal. de Chimie, LXXVII., 1811, pp. 305-320. 80. De 1'effet d'une chaleur egale, long- temps continuee sur les pieces pyrometriques d'argile. Annal. de Chimie, LXXVIIL, 1811, pp. 73-85. 81. .Sur 1'Iris pseudo-aeorus (I. palustris lutea), substitue au cafe [Methode de SKRIM- SIIIRE]. Annal. de Chimie, LXXVIIL, 1811, pp. 95-103. 82. Avis sur les moyens de prevcnir la contagion et d'en arreter les progres. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIL, 1812, pp. 205-211. 83. Sur le badigeon conservateur de M. BACHELIER. [1809.] Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIIL, 1812, pp. 285-315; Nicholson, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 10-16. 84. Nouvelles experiences sur la combustion du Diamant, etc. Annal. de Chimie, LXXX1V., 1812, pp. 20-34, 233-266; LXXXVL, 1813, pp. 22-36. 85. De la maniere de juger la cuite des sucres. Aunal. de Chimie, LXXXV., 1813, pp. 192-198. 86. Sur les proprietes de 1'Iris-pseudo- acorus, comme succedanee du cafe et comme febrifuge. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVL, 1813, pp. 63-72. 87. Sur la chaux maigre. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVIII., 1813,Jpp. 19-25. 88. Sur le dissolvant des pierres biliaires. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVIII., 1813, pp. 84- 88. 89. 1st Zink zu den gebrauchlicheu Maass- en, oder zu Gefassen und Geschirren in den Militarlazarethen zu empfehlen. (Transit) Gilbert, Annal. XLV., 1813, pp. 399-412. 9O. Sur la possibilite d'operer dans la vessie la dissolution des concretions urinaires. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIX., 1814, pp. 92-98. 91. Sur quelques cas d'ejection d'urines phosphorescentes. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIX., 1814, pp. 182-190 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLIX., 1815, pp. 291-297. 92. Sur la maniere d'agir de 1' Album Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard. 94. Sur un empoisonnemeut attribue li 1'acide oxalique. Annal. de Chimie, XCIII., 1815, pp. 199-203. 95. De Faction de 1'acide phosphorique sur le Curcuma. Aunal. de Chimie, XCfV., 1815, pp. 223-224. 96. Sur les fumigations desinfectantes. gnecum dans 1'esquinancie. Anual. de Chimie, LXXXIX., 1814, pp. 325-329. 93. Note sur la trempe de 1'acier. Aunal. de Chimie, XCIL, 1814, pp. 85-89. Annal. de Chimie, XCV., 1815, pp. 321-330 ; XCVL, pp. 5-42. 97. Sur le dissolvant des calculs biliaires. Anual. de Chimie, XCVL, 1815, pp. 103-109. Guyton-Morveau, Louis Bernard, et J. A. Chaptal. Kapport sur la question de savoir si les manufactures qui exhalent une ocleur des- agreable peuvent etre nuisibles a la sante. An- nal. de Chimie, LIV., 1805, pp. 86-103 ; Gilbert, Aunal. XXIII., 1806, pp. 448-462 ; Nicholson, Journ. XII., 1805, pp. 122-130. Guyton-Morveau, Louis Bernard, et Jean Darcet. Kapport sur les resultats des experi- ences du Citoyen CLOCET sur les differents etats du fer et pour la conversion du fer en acier fondu. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1800 (Hist.), pp. 81-97 ; Jouru. des Mines, VIII., 1798, pp. 703-718; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. in., 1799, pp. 400-408. Guyton-Morveau, Louis Bernard, et Des- ormes. Essai sur 1'aualyse et la recompositiou des deux alcalis fixes, et de quelques uues des terres reputees simples. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. III., 1802, pp. 321-336. Guyton-Morveau, Louis Bernard, et Anloine Francois dc Fourcroy. Eapport sur le me- nioire de Citoyen COSSIGNT, contenaut des vues pour extraire du pastel un veritable indigo. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. III., 1802 (Hist.), pp. 34-42. Guyton, Louis Bernard, et Vauquelin. Rap- port sur un memoire du Cit. THENARD, ayant pour titre : " Observations sur la combinaison de 1'acide tartareux, avec les bases saliflables et les proprietes des sels qui en resultent." Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIIL, 1801, pp. 30- 41 ; Nicholson, Journ. V., 1802, pp. 268-272. Guzot, . Eapport sur uue zone volcanique remarquable, constatee dans Tile septentrionale de la Nouvelle-Zelande. Neuchatel, Bull. I., 1844-46, pp. 372-378. 2. Voyage dans la partie la plus eleves et la nioins connue des Alpes Penniues. Neuchatel, Bull. II., 1846-47, pp. 23-36. Gy, Andre dc. Idees geologiques fondees sur six voyages faits dans les Alpes. Journ. de Phys. LV1L, 1803, pp. 109-111. GY] 103 Cry, Andre de. 2. Construction et usage d'un ba- romutre portatif destine au nivellemeut, suivis des resultats des priucipales observations barome- triques qui ont ete faites dans les Alpes, le Jura, les Vosges, le Morvant, et dans les plaines qui separeut ces chaines de inontagnes. Journ. des Mines, XVIIL, 1805, pp. 321-434 ; Nicholson, Journ. XVIL, 1807, pp. 341-344. Gygax, Bud. Ueber die Azoren. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. 1839, pp. 233-240. Gylden, Iluyo. Ueber die absoluteu Stiirungen der Hebe. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 25- 28. 2. Berecbnung der Bahn des Cometen II., 1863. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1863, col. 363-374. Gyllenhal, Leonard. Instrumenta cibaria insec- torum aliquot Suecicorum descripta. Upsala, Nova Acta Soc. Sci. VI., 1799, pp. 117-132. 2. Anmiirkningar rorande ett af Baron de GEER, under namn af Attelabus glaber beskrifvit insekt. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXVin., 1817, pp. 137-141. Gyllenskold, O. Om Fibras obliquse i Ventri- keln. Skand. Naturf. Ferhandl. VUI., 1860, pp. 172-183. Gyory, A. r. Ueber Oxyuris spirotbeca, ». sp. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XXI., 1856, pp. 327-332. Gyory, Sundor. [Essay on Hydraulics.] Evkony- vek, V., pp. 214-225. 2. [On acoustics.] Evkonyvek, IX. 3. [On the influence of the study of Ma- thematics.] Evkonyvek, II., pp. 23-42. H. H., Annotations and remarks with a view to illustrate the probable origin of the Dayaks, the Malays, &c. Malayan Miscell. I., 1820, No. 6. H., . On the scale of temperature. Glean- ings in Sci. I., 1829, pp. 271-274. H., . Continuirliche Briickentrager. Der Civiliugenieur, IV., 1858, pp. 142-146; VI., 1860, pp. 130-202. H., B. On vital endowments of nerves. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. L., 1854, pp. 309-314, 474-480 ; LI., pp. 29-35, 349-356 ; LIL, pp. 74-79. H., C. Some remarks upon the experiments by which Mr. Ez. WALKER has endeavoured to explain the apparent enlargement of the Moon near the horizon ; with a statement of some facts upon which that phenomenon seems chiefly to depend. Nicholson, Journ. X., 1805, pp. 156- 159. H., C. Notice of the malleable iron of Louisiana. Silliman, Journ. VIII., 1824, pp. 218-225. H., C. Inledning till liiran om gentagne func- tioner. Skandia, X., 1837, pp. 5-62. H., E. Notice of a singular conglomerate and of an interesting locality of trap tuff or tufa. Silli- man, Journ. VIII., 1824, pp. 244-247. H., E. L. Et umiddelbart Syn og en mathe- matisk Slutning af Hr. Cand. mag. TIIIELE. Mathem. Tidssk. IV., 1862, pp. 113-115. 2. Hr. Caud. mag. THIELE'S Gjendrivelse. Mathem. Tidssk. IV., 1862, pp. 161-168. H., F. Ueber die Vulcane der Siidsee Inseln. Poggend. Annal. IX., 1827, pp. 135-140. H., F. 2. Vulcanische Hebungen in den Mo- lucken. Poggeud. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 506- 510. 3. Bemerkungen iiber die Vulcane der Insel Java. Poggend. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 605-616. 4. Bemerkungen iiber die Lagerstatte des Platins arn Ural. Poggend. Annal. XHL, 1828, pp. 566-576. H., G. Memoire sur 1'Ourthe. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. V., 1847, pp. 97-216. H., H. Account of a Steam-Engine Indicator. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIIL, 1822, pp. 91-96. H., /. A. Letter from the Himalayan. Glean- ings in Sci. II., 1830, pp. 48-52. H., J. Notes on the Hydraulic Earn. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIIL, 1847, pp. 133-136. H., J. F. Case of an apsidal angle in a path nearly circular. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 62-64. H., O. Preparation des Chlorures alcalins. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1827, pp. 332-337. H., P. J. Experiment in optics. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 181-182. 2. On chromatic dispersion of the eye. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 258-259. H., E. Observations on the functions of the Spleen, and other bodies in the animal economy, the uses of which are not clearly understood. London, Med. and Phys. Journ. LXVH., 1832, pp. 431-463. H., R. D. Eemarks on the effect of Salt Water in Steam Engine Boilers, and on some other points relating to their structure and use. Frank- lin Inst. Journ. VH., 1831, pp. 289-292. 104 [HAA Liebig, Annal. H., T. On the extraordinary instincts peculiar to some of the Insect Tribe. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1830, pp. 50-52. H., W. G. Atmospheric Phenomena : Lunar Haloes. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 314-315. H . . . 1, G. Fragments selenographiques. Bibl. Univ. I., 1816, pp. 291-302. Haaf, J. F. Observation sur un empoisonnement par la Cigue. Jouru. de Med. XXIX., 1814, pp. 107-114. Haag, J. Ueber Dicyandiamid und eine neue damns entstehende Base. CXXII., 1862, pp. 22-33. Haan, Da fid Bierens de. Theoremata qurcdam de Lemniscata Bcrnoulliana. Grunert, Archiv, XI., 1848, pp. 1-12. 2. Note sur 1'integrale definie /•TT / (1 — 2 r cos x + >-2) cos nxdx. Grunert, Archiv, XIII., 1849, pp. 193-221. 3. Ueber eine Sammlung von besttmmten Integralen. Oelle, Jouru. XLVII., 1854, pp. pp. 222-224. 4. Note sur une me'thode pour la reduction d'integrales definies et sur son application a quelques formules speciales. Amsterdam, Ver- hand. II., 1855. 5. Bijdragen tot de theorie der bepaalde Integralen. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IV., 1856, pp. 332-353 ; XVI., 1864, pp. 28-164. 6. Over eenige bepaalde Integralen van den vorm j: sin qx . sin rx dx, /1f» cospxdx I F(.r) — g- — J.o {ook voor het geval, dat de Factor e~px ont- breekt,) en enkele andere, die daarmede zarnen- haugen. Amsterdam, Archief \Yisk. Genoots. I., 1S56-59, pp. 177-200, 288-315. - 7. Grouden van de Theorie der bepaalde Integralen. Amsterdam, Archief Wisk. Genoots. I., 1856-59, pp. 343-422. 8. Reduction des Integrales definies generales /'<»_., sin pxdx / F(a-) — -^ — 5- J o q- + a-2 et application de ces formules au cas que F(a-) a un facteur de la forme sin".r ou cos".r. Amsterdam, Verhand. IV., 1857. - 9. Tables d'integrales definies. Amsterdam, Verhand. V., 1858, pp. 1-572. - 1O. Geschiedkundige Aanteekening over zoogenaamd onbestaanbare Wortels. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. VIII., 1858, pp. 248-260. - 11. Over eenige gevallen bij de theorie van onstadige (discontinue) function, waar men te onderscheiden heeft, of het oneindige van een' even' of oneven', een' geheelen of gebroken vorm zij. Amsterdam, Verhand. VII., 1859. Haan, David Bierens de. 12. Memoire sur une methode pour deduire quelques integrales defi- nies, en partie Ires generales, prises entre les limites 0 et oo et contenant des fonctions circu- laires directes. Haarlem, Nat. Verh. Maatsch. Wet. XVIL, 1862. 13. Expose de la theorie des proprietes des formules de transformation et des methodes devaluation des integrales definies. Amsterdam, Verhand. VIII., 1862. 14. Jets over logarithmentafels. Amster- dam, Verslag. Akad. XIV., 1862, pp. 15-94. Haan, JJ'illcm de. Commentatio in qutestionem botanicam : " Quinam sunt limites inter vitam animalium et vegetabiliuni ? " Leijden, Ann. Acad. 1820-21. 2. Vergelijking tusschen de tast-, kaaw- en bewegingorganen der gelede dieren. Hall, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 125-149; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, pp. 443-447. 3. Berist omtrent de Callianira triploptera, LamarcJt. Hall, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 150- 152. 4. Uittreksels uit de berigten van de Heeren BOIE en MACKLOT, geschreven aan boord van de Dijkzigt, gedurende hunne ries naar Java. Hal'l, Bijdragen, II.. 1827, pp. 480-489. 5. Verhandeling over de rangschikking der Velcllen, Porpiten, en Physalie'n. Hall, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 489-503. 6. Uecherches sur Fanatomie et les m^ta- morphoses de difierentes especes d'lnsectes. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, pp. 256- 257. 7. Mcmoires sur les metamorphoses des Coleopteres. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. IV., 1835, pp. 125-164. • 8. Bijdragen tot de kennis der Papilionidte. Temminck, Verhand. 1839-44 (Zool., pte. 2), pp. 1-44 (Insecta). 9. Bijdragen tot de kennis der Orthoptera. Temminck, Verhand. 1839-44 (Zool., ptc. 2), pp. 45-238 (Insecta). • 10. [Memoire sur les Orthopteres.] Ke- vue Zool. 1844, pp. 303-308. Haardt, . Beschreibung des nach Kind- scher Bohrmethode niedergebrachten und was- serdicht verzimmerten Schachtes auf der Stein- kohlenmuthung Konig Leopold. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. u. Salinw. VI., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 163-174. Haartman, Carl von. Medfodda Organisations- afvikelser. Finska Liik. Sallsk. Haudl. I., 1841- 43, pp. 193-198. Haartman, Carl von, und. Joh. Marcusen. Merkwiirdiger Fall von Eierstockcysten mit Haaren, Ziihnen und Knochen bei einer Jungfrau von 15^ Jahreu. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 321-333. HAA] 105 [HAB Haartman, Gabriel E. Om nyttan ocli verkan af Extraotum Chamomilhe. Stockholm, Acacl. Handl. XXIII., 1802, pp. 287-301. Haartman, Gabriel E., och J. H. Lindquist. Beskrifning ofver furbeningar i Refbens bras- kerne och Hjertats valvler. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXI., 1800, pp. 313-319. Haas, . Chemische Zerlegung dcs Bieber- geils. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. IV., 1797, pp. 192-224. Haas, . Zur Kenntniss der Boden-Erzeug- nisse und der Naturmerkwiirdigkeiten Persiens. Kastner, Archiv. Naturl. XXVII., 1835, pp. 179-182. Haas, . Ueber die Madia sativa. Annal. Landwirths. I., 1843, pp. 316-317. Haas, Rudolph. On the mechanism of textural nutrition. London, Journ. Med. II., 1850, pp. 642-650, 715-720. Haase, C. Bedeckung des Jupiter durch den Mond. Astr.Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 157-158. • 2. Beobachtung der Sonnenfinsterniss vom 18 Juli 1860 zu Valencia. Astr. Nachr. LIV., I860, col. 337-344. Haast, Julius. Bemerkungen iiber Strigops habroptilus, eingesendet aus Canterbury auf Neuseeland. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XIIL, 1863 (Abh.), pp. 1115-1120; Sclater, Ibis, IV., 1862, pp. 100-106. Haaxman, P. J. Hydrochloras kininaa. Mul- der, Archief, II., 1834, pp. 159-160. 2. Jets over solutio Saleb. Mulder, Ar- chief, II., 1834, pp. 161-163. 3. Over de hoeveelheid zuur, in verschill- ende soorten van Snccinum. Mulder, Archief, II., 1834, pp. 163-166. 4. Over de bloedzuigers. Tijdschr.Genoots. Vis Unita, V., 1843, pp. 47-68. 5. Over het Arsenicum en de middelen om dit metaal bij vergiftigingen te onderkennen en op te sporen. Tijdschr. Genootsch. Vis Unita, V., 1843 (St. 2), pp. 53-106. 6. Over den Meteor- of Steen-val. Tijdschr. Genootsch. Vis Unita, VI., 1847, pp. 77-93. 7. Over Oleum cajeputi. Haaxman, Tijd- schrift, I., 1849, pp. 3-12. 8. Bijzonderheden over den Cortex bebeern en het bebeerinum. Haaxman, Tijdschrift, I., 1849, pp. 103-109. 9. Opzettelijke vervalschingen van scheik- undige geneesmiddelen en droogerijen, en ver- \visselingen van geneeskrachtige plantendeelen met anderen, uit bedrog of onkunde. Haax- man, Tijdschrift, I., 1849, pp. 196-222, 244- 254, 279-286, 337-350, 368-382 ; II., 1850, pp. 26-32, 56-64, 88-96, 120-128, 155-160, 183-192, 216-224, 278-288, 311-320, 342-352, 376-384; III., 1851, pp. 24-32, 59-64, 79-92, 147-156, 184-188. VOL. in. Haaxman, P. J. 1O. Nadere bijzonderheden omtrent de groene kleur van het Oleum cajeputi. Haaxman, Tijdschrift, I., 1849, pp. 287-294. 11. Bijzomlorhcdeu over Hyraceum. Haax- man, Tijdschrift, II., 1850, pp. 204-207. 12. Is Porphyroxine een normaal bestand- deel in alle opiumsoorten ? Haaxman, Tijd- schrift, IV., 1852, pp. 97-98. 13. Over Rlmmnus frangula en cathartica. Haaxman, Tijdschrift, IV., 1852, pp. 105-111. Haaxman, P. J., en A. T. Van der Vliet. Over de electrisehe verhouding van eene grootere, tegen over eene kleinere zinkplaat, beide in een zuur gedompeld. Mulder, Archief, I., 1833, pp. 298- 303. Habel, Christian Friedrich. Etwas von der Naturgeschichte der zwei Stunden von Mainz gelegenen Stadt Wiesbaden. Berlin. Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. III., 1801, pp. 95-103. Habelmann, Paul. Eine neue Art der Kiifer- gattung Teredus, Dej. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XV., 1854, pp. 27-29. 2. Notizen iiber einige Arten der Gattung Hister. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. V.. 1861, pp. 183-185, 190. Habenicht, L. Ueber die tropfbare Absonder- ung des Wassers aus den Bliittern der Calla aithiopica. Flora, VI., 1823, pp. 529-544. Haber, Emil. Ueber die Wirkungen des Curare auf das cerebrospinale Nervensystem. Reichert, Archiv, 1859, pp. 98-131. Haberlandt, Fr. Die Wanderheuschrecken im Hansag. Presburg, Verhand. Nat. Ver. III. (Hft. 2), 1858 (Abh.), pp. 5-9. 2. Von Keszthely nach Tihany. [I860.] Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XI., 1861, pp. 10-19. Haberle, C. C. Beobachtungen iiber die Gestalt der Grund- und Reimkrystalle des schorlartigen Berils und dessen iibrige oryctognostische und geognostische Verhaltnisse. Erfurt, Nova Acta, in., 1804. 2. Beobachtungen iiber das Entstehen der Sphferia lagenaria, Pers., so wie des Merulius destruens, Pers., und iiber die verschiedenen Gestalten dieser beiden Schwammarten in den verschiedenen Perioden ihrer Eutwickelung. Erfurt, Nova Acta, IV., 1809. 3. [Ueber den von DURR entdeckten Kieselsinter, und iiber den Kieseltripel von Ronneburg.] Leonhard, Taschenb. VI., 1812, pp. 358-360. 4. Neue Beobachtungen iiber den achten Ungarischen Alaunstein ; welche zeigen, dass derselbe nicht nur dicht, sondern auch krystal- linisch und selbst vollkommen krystallisirt vor- komme. Schweigger, Journ. XXI., 1817, pp. 151-169. HAB] 106 [HAG Haberle, C. C. 5. Besclireibung einer neuen Art der Braunkohlen-Gattung, die sich zwar zuniichst an die Pech-Braunkohle anschliesst, bei allem- dem aber in so vielen Kennzeichen wiecler von derselben abweicht, dass man sie der Pech- kohle nicht unterordnen kann. Schweigger, Journ. XXI., 1817, pp. 170-176. Haberle, C. C., und Christian Friedrich Bu- cholz. Mineralogische Untersuchungeii iiber den Magnesit (Natiirliche Talkerde, JV.), nebst Analyse verschiedener Abanderungen desselben. Gehlen, Journ. VIII., 1809, pp. 662-678 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIV., 1810, pp. 65-83 ; Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 312-316 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXL, 1812, pp. 269-277. 2. Ueber den dichten Bitterkalk. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 299-308. Habermann, B. Ueber die Coca, ihre Anwend- ungen und ihre Wirkungen. Presburg, Verb. Nat. Ver. III., 1858 (Sitzb.), pp. 63-65. Habershon, Samuel O. Some observations on the abdominal sympathetic nerve, and on the union of the phrenic and pneumogastric nerves. Guy's Hosp. Rep. II., 1856, pp. 196-205. 2. Anatomical description of a double foetus. Guy's Hosp. Rep. III., 1857, pp. 116- 122. Habich, A., und H. Limpricht. Ueber die Zersetzungsproducte des Cyanuriithers und iiber Biiithylcyanursaure. Liebig, Annal. CIX., 1859, pp. 101-116; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 345-348. Habich, C. E. Schnelle Reinigung des triiben fauligen AVassers und bequemere Auwendung der Thierkohle. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1828, pp. 3-13. 2. Ueber die Wirkung der brandigen Pro- ducte auf organische Stoffe. Trommsdorfl', N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1828, pp. 13-61. Habich, G. On a ne\v source of organic heat. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1858, pp. 266-267. Habich, G. E. Zur Theorie der Bierbrauerei. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CL., 1858, pp. 222- 230, 300-310 ; CLL, 1859, pp. 223-230, 296- 309, 449-456. 2. Ueber das Weinbouquet. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIII., 1859, pp. 63-68. Habicht, . Ueber die Wirkungen des Nord- lichts auf die Telegrapheudrahte. Anhalt, Verhand. Nat. Hist. Ver. XVIII., 1859, pp. 21-23. 2. Ueber den Einfluss, den die Fortschritte der Naturwissenschaften auf das Recht und die Rechtspflege gehabt haben. Natur, VIII., 1859, pp. 222-224. Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre. Sur les are- ometres et stereometres. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1797, pp. 333-335. Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre. 2. Sur le gal- vauisme. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Joura. 1801-2, pp. 284-294 (11 cah.). 3. Memoire sur le contact des spheres. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. I., 1804-8, pp. 17-28. 4. Solution complete de la pyrarnide tri- angulaire. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. I., 1804-8, pp. 41-51. 5. Du plus petit crepuscule. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. I., 1804-8, pp. 148-151. 6. Experience sur le magnetisme de la pile electrique. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Cor- resp. I., 1804-8, pp. 151-153. 7. Des jours de 1'annee ou le temps vrai est egal au temps moyen. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. I., 1804-8, pp. 177-183. 8. De la courbe de contact d'une surface conique avec une surface dont 1'equation est du degre m. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. I., 1804-8, pp. 188-191. 9. De quelques proprietes des rayons de courbure d'une surface. Paris, Ecole Poly- techn. Corresp. L, 1804-8, pp. 213-218. 1O. De I'hyperboloide de revolution, en- gendree par la ligne droite. Paris, Ecole Poly- techn. Corresp. I., 1804-8, pp. 242-244. 11. Solution analytique de la pyramide triangulaire, comprenant la trigonometric sphe- rique. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. I., 1804-8, pp. 273-287. - 12. De la perspective lineaire par la me- thode des points de coucours. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. I., 1804-8, pp. 313-320. 13. Perspective des images vues par re- flexion sur des rniroirs a, surfaces courbes, et qu'on uorame anamorphoses. Paris, Ecole Poly- techn. Corresp. I., 1804-8, pp. 361-365. 14. Des courbes du quatrieme degre, con- siderees comme les projections de 1'intersection de deux surfaces coniques du second degre. Paris, £cole Polytechn. Corresp. I., 1804-8, pp. 368-372. 15. De l'arc-en-ciel. Paris, Ecole Poly- techn. Corresp. L, 1804-8, pp. 399-414. 16. De 1'heliostat. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1808, pp. 390-391 ; Paris, Ecole Poly- techn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 101-102; Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. IX.. 1813, pp. 263-279 ; X., 1815 (cah. 16, 17), pp. 632-633 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. IH., 1812, pp. 144-148. 17. On the apparatus best adapted for deoxidating Potash by Iron. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXII., 1808, pp. 89-92. 18. Protokoll iiber Versuche angestellt in der Polytechuischen Schule mit der grosseu Voltaischen Saule welche der Kaiser dieser Schule geschenkt hat. (Transl.) Gilbert, Annal. XXXII., 1809, pp. 45-51. HAC] 107 [HAC Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre. 19. Sur la transformation cles coordonuees. Paris, £cole Polytcchn. Corresp. H., 1809-13, pp. 6-13. 20. Application de la theorie des ombres au dessin des machines. Paris, Ecole Poly- techn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 13-17. 21. Des epicycloides sphuriques. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 22-28. 22. Explication des phenomenes d'optique, qui resultant du mouvement de la terre ; et notions d'astronomie sur lesquelles est fondee 1'application de la geometrie descriptive a 1'art de construire les Cadrans. Paris, Ecole Poly- techu. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 54-63 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1810, pp. 119-120. 23. De I'epicylcoide spherique et de sa tangente. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp, 87-93. 24. Sur la fontaine de HERON et la lampe hydrostatique de MM. GIRARD. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 97-101 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. IX., 1810, pp. 154- 155. 25. Note sur les proprietes do la projec- tion stureographique. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 242-244. 26. Note sur la transformation des coor- donnees obliques, en d'autres coordounues ob- liques, qui out le meme origine. Paris, Ecole Folytechn. Corresp. IL, 1809-13, pp. 247-249. 27. De la double re-fraction de la lumiere. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 281-289. 28. De 1'uquation qui a pour racfties les carres des demi-axes principaux d'une surface du second degre. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 324-328. 29. Du plan tangent a 1'hyperbolo'ide a, une nappe. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. IL, 1809-13, pp. 329-330. 3O. De la pyramide triangulaire. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. IL, 1809-13, pp. 332- 337. 31. De la sphere. Paris. Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. IL, 1809-13, pp. 337-343. 32. Du dessin de la vis triangulaire, eclairee par des rayons dc lumit>re qu'on suppose paralleles entr'eux. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 447-456. 33. De la mesure de la force tangeutielle dans les machines a arbre tournant. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1812, pp. 18-20 ; Journ. des Mines, XXXI., 1812, pp. 213-218. 34. Sur les eprouvettes de la poudre de chasse. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1812, pp. 49-51 ; Journ. des Mines, XXXL, 1812, pp. 309-313. Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre. 35. De la relation entre les trois diametres principaux rectangulaires d'une surface du second degre, et les trois dianu-tres conjugues de cette surface, determines par les angles que ces diametres font entre eux. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1813, pp. 310-311. 36. De la courbe de contact d'une cone ou d'un cyliudre, et de la surface helicoide des filets de la vis triangulaire. Paris, Ecole Polytechu. Corresp. III., 1814-16, pp. 18-20. 37. De la sphere qui touche quatre spheres donnees. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. III., 1814-16, pp. 21-22. 38. De la vis d'Archimude. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. III., 1814-16, pp. 43-45. 39. Application du principe des vitesses virtuelles, aux machines elementaires qui ont pour objet de transmettre le mouvement cir- culaire d'uu cercle a uii autre cercle, situe ou non dans le meme plan que le premier. Paris', Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. III., 1814-16, pp. 53-57. 4O. Analyse appliquee a la geometrie. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. III., 1814-16, pp. 132-138. 41. Des tangentes aux projections des courbes a double courbure. Examen des cas particuliers ou la methode graphique, d'apres laquelle on miine ces tangentes, est en defaut. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. III., 1814-16, pp. 197-199. 42. Observations sur la theorie des eaux courantes de M. PROXY. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. HI., 1814-16, pp. 224-233. 43. Determiner le centre et le rayon d'une sphere qui touche quatre spheres donnees. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. X., 1815, pp. 129-136 (17e cah.). 44. Sur les centres de developpo'ides. Paris, Soc. Philorn. Bull. 1815, p. 32. 45. Memoire relatif a 1'ecoulement des fluides. Annal. de Chimie, ILL, 1816, pp. 78- 90 ; V., 1817, pp. 52-58 ; Brugnatelli, Giomale, I., 1818, pp. 18-26. 46. Sur les plans osculateurs et les rayons de courbure des lignes planes ou a double courbure, qui resultent de 1'intersection de deux surfaces. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 88-89 ; Gergonne, Ann. Math. VII., 1816-17, pp. 24-27. 47. Des tangentes reciproques d'une sur- face. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 162- 163. 48. Memoire de geometric aux trois dimensions. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 201-202. o 2 HAG] 108 [HAC Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre. 49. Note sur les produits des machines a feu de WOOLF. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 206-207. SO. Methode pratique pour comparer les effets des machines a vapeur. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XVII., 1818, pp. 169-174. 51. Sur les experiences electro-magne- tiques de MM. OERSTED et AMPERE. Journ. de Phys. XCL, 1820, pp. 161-169. 52. Notice historique sur les alliages d'acier et sur les damas. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XIX., 1820, pp. 313-315. 53. Sur un cas singulier du contact de deux surfaces osculatrices. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, p. 36. 54. Application de la stereotomie a la con- struction de la partie d'une charrue qu'on appelle 1'oreille ou le versoir. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 97-99. 55. Proposition de geometric. Paris, Soc. • Philom. Bull. 1822, p. 114. 56. Description de 1'appareil de M. CER- STED, pour mesurer la compression de 1'eau. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 46-47. - 57. Experiences de M. CERSTED sur le magnetisme. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, p. 48. 58. Plusieurs propositions geometric a trois dimensions, relatives au paralleli pipede. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 71-72. - 59. De la courbure des surfaces, et solu- tion d'un cas particulier de In, perspective des surfaces courbes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 147-150. - 60. Memoire sur les divers modes de numerotage employes dans les filatures et dans les trefileries. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXIIL, 1824, pp. 349-361. - 61. Propositions de geometric a trois dimensions. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1825, pp. 113-114. - 62. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Fliichen zweiter Ordnung. Crelle, Journ. I., 1826, pp. 339-348. - 63. Ueber die stereographische Projection. Crelle, Journ. L, 1826, pp. 348-349. - 64. Ueber die Kriimmung der Fliichen, nebst Auflosung eines besondern Falles aus del- Perspective der krummen Fliichen. Crelle, Jouru. I., 1826, pp. 371-375. - 65. Description d'un heliostat de nouvelle construction inveute par M. GAJIBEY. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXV., 1826, pp. 105-117, 169-183 ; Poggend. Annal. XVII.. 1829, pp. 70-88. - 66. Sur le tableau de M. CLEMENT, relatif a la theorie generale de la puissance mecanique de la vapeur. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXV., 1826, pp. 219-223. Kacheite, Jean Nicolas Pierre. 67. Note sur un Memoire qui a pour litre : " Soluzione geome- trica di un diiRcil problema di sito. Napoli, 1825," par M. BRUNO. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 81-83. 68. Solution algebrique d'uu probleme de Geometric a trois dimensions. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. II., 1826, pp. 142-145 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1827, pp. 91-128. 69. Notice historique sur le probleme suivant : " Connaissant dans une pyramide tri- angulaire, la base et les angles des aretes opposes aux cotes de .la base, construire le sommet de la pyrarnide." Quetelet, Corresp. Math. II., 1826, pp. 211-215. 7O. Do 1'ecoulement des fluides aeriformes dans 1'air atmospherique, et de Faction com- binee du choc de 1'air et de la pression atmo- spherique. Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1827, pp. 34-53 ; Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 265-287 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1827, pp. 193-194; Quetelet, Corresp. Math. III., 1827, pp. 24-27 ; Sch weigger, Journ. LIII. (= Jahrb. XXIIL), 1828, pp. 309-317. 71. Sur un principe d'optique, et sur une experience concernant 1'ecoulement des fluides. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. III., 1827, pp. 144-145. 72. Principe et theorie du barometre diffe- rentiel de feu WOLLASTON. Paris, Bull. Soc. Eucour. XXVIII., 1829, pp. 280-284. 73. Notice historique sur les machines a vapeur. Journ. Genie Civ. VII., 1830, pp. 194-201. 74. Experiences sur le mouvement des fluides aeriformes et des liquides. Journ. Genie Civ. IX., 1830, pp. 377-411. 75. De 1'action chimique produite par 1'induction electrique ; decomposition de 1'eau. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 72-76; Pog- gend. Annal. XXV1L. 1833, pp. 394-397 ; Sil- limau, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 142-144. 76. Note sur les surfaces reglees. Crelle, Journ. VIII., 1832, pp. 358-360; Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VII., 1832, pp. 168-169. — 77. Solution algebrique d'un probleme de geometric a trois dimensions. [1826.] Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. III., 1832, pp. 3-34." 78. Lettre [sur la courbe aux trois foyers et de sa tangente]. [1831.] Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VII., 1832, pp. 32-36. ; 79. Sur Faimantation mecanique. Quete- let, Corresp. Math. VII., 1832, pp. 200-201. 8O. Sur quelques sujets de geometric de- scriptive. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VII., 1832, pp. 360-362. 81. Parmi les surfaces du second ordre, il n'y en a qu'uue qui soit reglee dans deux sens et non developpable. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1832-33, pp. 36-37. HAC] 109 [HAC Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre. 82. Observa- tions cos3 T ,. Journ. XX., 1840, pp. 97-100. — 2. Ueber den bei Hamm in Westphalen gefundenen Strontianit. Poggend. Annal. L., 1840, pp. 189-190. 3. Ueber Transformation vielfacher In- tegrale. Crelle, Journ. XXII., 1841, pp. 184- 192. 4. Ueber Abelsche Integrate. Crelle, Journ. XXV., 1843, pp. 178-183. 5. Gleichung der graden Linie und der Ebene, auf schiefwiuklige Coordinaten bezogen. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 67-74. 6. Bemerkung iiber eine von IVORY ge- fundene Eigenschaft confokaler Ellipsoide. Gru- nert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 397-399. 7. Mechanische Construction der Lemnis- cate. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, p. 400. — — 8. Bemerkungen iiber die bei dern Mechan- ismus der Gegenleukung an Dampfhiaschinen beschriebenen Curven. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 168-171. 9. Berechnung der Geschwiudigkeit Locomotiven auf Eisenbahnen. Grunert, der Ar- chiv, VI., 1845, pp. 172-178. 10. Wirkung einer elektrischen Spirale auf ein in der Axe der Spirale liegendes magnet- isches Theilchen. Poggend. Annal. LXXVIII., 1849, pp. 58-64. 11. Ueber die Wirkung linearer electrisch- er Ringe auf die magnetische Fliissigkeit. Grunert, Archiv, XIV., 1850, pp. 204-213. 12. Ueber die Wirkung des durch eine Drathspirale geheuden elektrischen Stroms auf eine in der Spirale befindliche weiche Eisen- niasse. [1851.] Crelle, Journ. XLIV., 1852, pp. 83-87. - 13. Gleichungen der Bewegung eines Pen- dels auf der sich um ihre Axe drehenden Erde. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 238-244. 14. Ueber die Veriinderungen der Rota- tionsaxe der Erde durch Verunderungen auf der Erdoberfliiche. Poggend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 342-347. HAE] 111 [HAG Haedenkamp, Hermann. 15. Ueber die Tang- entenboussole. Grunert, Archiv, XXIII., 1854, pp. 217-225. Hseger, J. A. Fiirsok till utredaude af den kemiska process, soin fb'regar da svafvelhaltiga iernmalmer rostas. Jern-Koutoret's Annal. XIII., 1829, pp. 452-472. Haeghens, J. Instructions sur la construction, la verification, et 1'observation des Thermo- metres. France, Ann. Meteor. 1849, pp. 175- 198. 2. Instructions sur la construction, La veri- fication et 1'observation des instruments d'Hy- grometrie. France, Ann. Meteor. 1849, pp. 204-224. 3. Des vents et de leur influence sur la temperature sous le climat de Paris. France, Ann. Meteor. 1850, pp. 323-347. Haen, E. de. Massanalytische Bestimmuugs- weise des Ferro- und Ferridcyans in ihreu Ver- bindungen. Liebig, Aunal. XC., 1854, pp. 160- 164. 2. Einfacbe und genaue Methode zur volumetriscben Bestimmung des Kupfers. Lie- big, Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 237-239; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 36-37. Haenke, Thaddcus. On tbe southern affluents of the River Amazons. Translation from a MS. (1799) on the advantages to be derived from the navigation of the rivers which flow from the Cordilleras of Peru into the Marafion or Ama- zons. Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1835, pp. 90-98. Haenseler, Licdo. Ueber die Bereitung der Soda Spaniens. Hermbstadt, Museum, II., 1814, pp. 324-325. I-Iaerkel, . Monographic des Radiolaires. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 502-504. Haerliu, J. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Farb- stoffe im Sonnenspectrum. Poggend. Annal. CXVIIL, 1863, pp. 70-78. Haerskel, II. Monographic des Radiolaires ou rhizopodes radiaires. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.), 1863, pp. 233-240. Haeser, H. Ueber die parasitische Bedeutung dcr Krankheit, und iiber die Beziehung dieses Begrifis zu den Tendenzen der sogeuannten naturhistorischen Schule. Haeser, Archiv Med. III., 1842, pp. 22-34. Hafeli, • . Archivarische Nachricht von einem monstrosen Karpfen. Voigt, Magazin, IV., 1802, pp. 463-464. Haffely, E. Use of the sulpho-purpuric acid (or red sulphate of indigo), in the dyeing of worsted and silk. [1852.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. XI., 1854, pp. 159-162. 2. Experiments on some of the compounds of tin with arsenic. Phil. Mag. X., 1855, pp. 290-293 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIL, 1856, pp. 209-210. HaiTely, E., und Weyermann. Ueber den Farbstoff des Sandelholzes. Liebig, Anrial. LXXIV., 1850, pp. 226-230. Haffter, W, Neue Versuche iiber den Nervus splanchnicus major. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeit- schrift, IV., 1854, pp. 322-329. Hage, E. Bidrag til den Danske Fauna. Orsted, Tidsskrift, V., 1828, pp. 85-89. • 2. Tilkeg til Kammerherre v. PAULSENS Liste over Daumarks og Hertugdommernes Fugle, uedskrevne tildels efter Hukommelsen. Krpyer, Nat. Tidssk. II., 1846-49, pp. 610- 616. Hagelstam (Lieut. -Col.'). On the regions of perpetual snow in Norway and Sweden. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. V., 1828, pp. 305-308. Hageman, J. jcz. Schetsen van malang en om- strekeu. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. I., 1853, pp. 42-76. 2. Tweede aanvulling der antwoorden op de vragen over Indische Tydrekenkunde. Ba- tavia, Tijdschr. III., 1854, pp. 279-297. — 3. Vulkanische verschijnselen op Java, in 1856 waargenomen en bekend geworden. Ba- tavia, Nat. Tijdschr. XIV., 1857, pp. 210- 211. 4. Over de uitbarsting der oostelijke vulk- anen op Java in 1586 (A. Jav. 1506). Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. XIX., 1859, pp. 441-452. Hagemeister, J. A. Ueber Transkaukasien. Ennan, Archiv Russ. VII., 1849, pp. 289- 321. Hagen, F. W. Ueber die Beeintriichtigung der Haltbarkeit von gusseisernen Gegenstiinden durch ungleichmassige Abkiihlung derselben nach dem Gusse. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXXI., 1854, pp. 204-211. 2. Das Verhaltniss des goldenen Schnitts im Quadrat und Kubus. Dingier, Polytechu. Journ. CXL., 1856, pp. 42-45. Hagen, Gotthilf. Berechnung der Beobacht- ungen der Sounenfinsterniss vom 18 Novbr. 1816. Lindenau, Zeitschr. V., 1818, pp. 49- 67 ; Berlin, Abhandl. 1816-17, pp. 140-149. Hagen, Gotthilf Heinrick Ludwig. Untersuch- ung iiber den Druck und die Reibung des Saudes. Poggend. Annal. XXVIII., 1833, pp. 17-48, 297-324. 2. Ueber die Bewegung des Wassers in engen cylindrischen Rohren. Poggend. Annal. XL VI., J 839, pp. 423-442. 3. Beobachtungen iiber die Wassermengen einiger Fliisse. Poggend. Annal. XLIX., 1840, pp. 522-532. 4. Die Elasticitat des Holzes. Berlin, Bericht, 1842, pp. 316-319 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL, 1844, pp. 112-115; Paris, Annal. Fonts et Chauss. X., 1845, pp. 252-256; Poggend. Annal. LVIII, 1843, pp. 125-129. HAG] 112 [HAG Hagen, Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig. 5. Ueber die Form und Starke der gewolbten Bogen. Berlin, Abhamll. 1844 (Math.), pp. 51-72. 6. Ueber die Oherfliiche der Fliissigkeiten. Berlin, Abbandl. 1845 (Math.), pp. 41-84 ; 1846, pp. 1-16 ; Berlin, Bericht, 1845, pp. 166- 169; 1846, pp. 154-158; Posrgeud. Annal. LXVII., 1846,' pp. 1-30,152-173; LXXVIL, 1849, pp. 449-467. 7. Vergleichung der Wasserstiinde an der Preussischen Ostseekiiste. Poggend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 543-560. - 8. Vergleichung der Wasserstande des Rheins. Poggend. Annal. LXXV., 1848, pp. 465-469. 9. Ueber die Auflosung fliissiger Cylinder in Tropfen. Berlin, Bericht, 1849, pp. 281- 287 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXX., 1850, pp. 559- 566. 10. Ueber die Scheiben welche sich beim Zusammenstosseu von zwei Wasserstrahlen bilden uud iiber die Auflosung einzelner Wasser- strablen in Tropfen. Poggend. Aunal. LXXYIII., 1849, pp. 451-476. 11. Ueber den Druck und die Bewegung des trocknen Sandes. Berlin, Bericht, 1852, pp. 35-42. • 12. Uebe,r den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Bewegung des Wassers iu Eo'hren. [1853-54.] Berlin, Abhandl. 1854 (Math.), pp. 17-98; Zeitschr. Bauwesen, IV., 1854, col. 357-380. 13. Ueber die Ausdehnung des destillirten Wassers unter verschiedeuen Wiirmegraden. Berlin, Abhandl. 1855 (Math.), pp. 1-28. 14. Ueber die Fluth- und Boden-Verhalt- nisse des Preussischen Jade-Gebietcs. Berlin, Bericht, 1856, pp. 339-353. 15. Ueber Fluth uud Ebbe in der Ostsee. Berlin, Abhandl. 1857 (Math.), pp. 23-40 ; 1859 (Math.), pp. 1-18. 16. Ueber Form uud Kuppeln. Hannover, Zeits. 1859, col. 135-152. 17. Zur Theorie der Meereswellen. gend. Annal. CVIL, 1859, pp. 283-297. — — 18. Ueber Wellen auf Gewassern von gleichmiissiger Tiefe. Berlin, Abhandl. 1861 (Math.), pp. 1-80. 19. Uber das Verhalten der Meereswellen beim Auflaufen auf Untiefen und auf den Strand. Berlin, Monatsber. 1862, pp. 313- 316. 20. Ueber Wellen auf eudlicher constanter Tiefe. Zeitschr. Bauwesen, XII., 1862, col. 413-416. 21. Ueber die Wiirme der Sonuenstralilen. Stiirke gewolbter Archit. Ver. V., Pog- Hagen, Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig. 22. Ueber die Wirkung des Windes auf trockenen Sand. Berlin, Monatsber. 1863, pp. 269-272. Hagen, Hermann August. Nachricht iiber die entomologischen Samrnlungen in Norwegen, Schweden und Danemark. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. V., 1844, pp. 68-70, 75-80, 130-131. 2. Die neueren Arbeiten iiber das Genus Raphidia, Linn. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. V., 1844, pp. 180-186. 3. Ueber die Libellula vulgatissima, Linn. und Fabr. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. V., 1844, pp. 257-262. 4. Ueber die Libellula cancellata, Linn. und Fabr. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. V., 1844, pp. 290-293. 5. PALLAS handschriftliche Bemerkungen zu LINXK'S Systenia Xatura, edit. XII. Stet- tin, Entom. Zeit. V., 1844, pp. 326-330. — — 6. Ueber die Struktur des Bauchmarkes von TEschna graudis und Acheta gryllotalpa. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. V., 1844, pp. 364-365. 7. LIXNE'S Citate der Lepidoptera in SCH/EFFER'S Icon. Ilatisb. Stettin, Entom. Zeit, V., 1844, pp. 385-389. 8. Die Neuroptera der Linneischen Samm- lung. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VI., 1845, pp. 155-156. 9. Libellula caudalis, Charpenticr. Stet- tin, Entom. Zeit. VI., 1845, pp. 318-322. 1O. Anfrage betreffend die Grossever- schiedenheit der Libellen je nach dem Klima. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VII., 1846, pp. 63-64. 11. Ueber die Bildung des Geiiders der Libellenfliigel. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VII., 1846, pp. 115-116. 12. Die fossilen Libellen Europa's. Stet- tin, Entom. Zeit. IX., 1848, pp. 6-13. 13. Uebersicht der neueren Literatur betreffend die Neuropteren, Linn. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. IX., 1848, pp. 144-153 ; X., 1849, pp. 27-30, 55-61, 66-74, 141-156, 167-177, 354-371; XL, 1850, pp. 67-83, 362- 378; XII., 1851, pp. 118-128, 185-191, 345- 350, 365-375 ; XIII., pp. 90-95, 108-115, 154- 158, 230-233. 14. Die Netzfliigler Preussens. N. Preuss. Berlin, Abhandl. 1863 (Math.), pp. 1-1 \ Provinz. Blatt. VIII., 1849, pp. 231-235. • 15. Ueber die fossile Odonate, Heterophle- bia dislocata, JVcstwood. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. X., 1849, pp. 226-231. 16. Phryganea grandis und striata, Linn!:. Linnaea Entomol. V., 1851, pp. 363-370. 17. Neuropterologische Notizen: Dromo- phila montana, eine Phryganide, Lepinotus. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XII., 1851, pp. 164-166. 18. Die Entwickelung und der innere Bau von Osmylus. Linnfea Entomol. VII., 1852, pp. 368-415. HAG] 113 [HAG Hagen, Hermann August. 19. Recension von SCHNEIDER'S Monographic der Chrysopen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIII., 1852, pp. 30-31, 35-45. 20. Die Verbreitungsgriinzen derlnsecten- fauna Europas. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIII., 1852, p. 150. 21. Ueber die Neuroptera von Mozam- bique. Berlin, Bericht, 1853, pp. 479-482. 22. Aelteste Nachricht iiber das Leuchten der Fulgora lantemaria. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIV., 1853, pp. 55-56. 23. WESTWOOD'S Angabeu iiber die Larve von Tenebrio molitor und obscurus. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIV., 1853, p. 56. 24. Leon DUFOUR iiber die Larven der Libellen mit Beriicksichtigung der friiheren Arbeiten [Ueber Respiration der Insecten], Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIV., 1853, pp. 98-106, 237-238, 260-270, 311-325, 334-346. 25. Ueber John HILLS augeblich erdich- tete Insecten. Stettin, Eutom. Zeit. XIV., 1853, pp. 168-171. 26. Die Kupfer zu SCOPOLI'S Entomologia Carniolica. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XV., 1854', pp. 81-91. — 27. [Eierlegen von Chrysopa ; Larve von Noterus.] Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XV., 1854, pp. 296-297. 28. Aufiallig nordliches Vorkommen dreier grosser sikleuropiiischer Insecten : Acantbaclisis occitanica, Cicada montana, Palingenia longi- cauda. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XV., 1854, pp. 316-319. 29. Recension von CORNELIUS Periplaneta orientalis, und MORAVITZ Blatta Germanica, Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XV., 1854, pp. 378-393. 30. Bleiplatten von Larven zerfressen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IV., 1854, pp. 113-114. • 31. Ueber die Neuropteren der Bernstein- fauna. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IV., 1854 (Abh.), pp. 221-232. 32. Beretning om Galatea-Expeditiouens Udbytte af Odonater. [Neuroptera auf der Reise urn die Welt mit der Galathea gessammelt.] Kiobenhavn, Oversigt, 1855, pp. 108-125. 33. Monographic der Termiten. Linnasa Entomol. X., 1855, pp. 1-144, 270-326. 34. Ueber MENZEL'S " Afterraupenfrass von Athalia centifolia; und Naturgeschichte der Honigbiene." Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 75-77. 35. Orthopteren der Krimm. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 109-111. 36. Ueber Porphyrophora polonica. Stet- tin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 110-111. VOL. III. Hagen, Hermann August. 37. Die Zahl der Odonaten und ihrc Verbreitung. Stettin, En- tom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 131-136. • 38. Versuch die Phryganiden PICTET'S zu bestimmen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 204-210. 39. Die Ephemeren-Gattung Oligoneuria. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 262-267. 4O. MENZELS Chitingebilde im Thierkreise der Arthropoden angezeigt. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1 855, pp. 306-307. 41. [Limnothrips schadlich den Erbsen- feldern.] Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 312-313. 42. Die Sing-Cicaden Europa's. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 340-358, 379- 386 ; XVII., 1856, pp. 381-383 ; XIX., 1858, pp. 135-137; Etudes Entomol. VI., 1857, pp. 42-43. 43. Zwei Libellen aus der Braunkohle von Sieblos. Meyer, Palajont. V., 1855-58, pp. 121- 124. -. 44. Ascalaphus proavus aus der Rhein- ischen Braunkohle. Meyer, Palceont. V., 1855- 58, pp. 125-126. 45. Die im Bernstein befiudlichen Neurop- teren. Froriep, Notizen, 1856, col. 161-170. 46. Die Odonaten-Fauna des Russischen Reiches. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVII., 1856, pp. 363-381; XIX., 1858, pp. 96-102; Etudes Entomol. V., 1856, pp. 52-59. 47. A Synopsis of the British Dragon- Flies (Odonata). Eutoni. Annual, 1857, pp. 39- 60. 48. Determination of the species of Phry- ganids: described by Mr. STEPHENS in his Illustrations of British Entomology. New- man, Zoologist, XV., 1857, pp. 5779-5784, 5850-5855. 49. THUNBERG'S entomologische Disser- tatiouen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVIII., 1857, pp. 5-12, 200-206. 50. [Anwendung der Camera lucida beim . Insectenzeichnen.] Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVIII., 1857, p. 204. 51. Zur Fauna Islands. Zeit. XVIII., 1857, p. 381. — 52. Nachricht iiber das Stettin, Entom. Kaferwerk von Joh. Euseb. VOET. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVIII., 1857, pp. 405-409. •, 53. Synopsis of the British Planipennes. Entom. Annual, 1858, pp. 17-33. i 54. Specielle Monographie der Termiten. Linnrca Eutomol. XII., 1858, pp. 4-339. 55. Bastardzeugungbei Insecten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIX., 1858, pp. 41-48, 230-232. — — 56. Russland's Neuropteren. Stettin, En- tom. Zeit. XIX., 1858, pp. 110-134. HAG] 114 [HAG Hagen, Hermann August. 57. Recension von AGASSIZ Bibliographia zooloc/ica. Stettin, En- torn. Zeit. XIX., 1858, pp. 205-290. 58. Imbibition als Hiilfsmittel bei der Ana- tomie der Insecten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIX., 1858, pp. 232-233. 59. Die beideu HOEFNAGEL, die ersten Deutscheii Entomologen und Insectenmaler im 16 Jahrlumdert. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIX., 1858, pp. 303-307. 6O. [Ueber DRDRY'S Sammlung]. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIX., 1858, pp. 316-317. 61. Zur Bastardfrage. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIX., 1858, pp. 407-416. 62. Synopsis der Neuroptera Ceylon's. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIIL, 1858 (Abh.\ pp. 471-488 ; 1859, pp. 199-212. 63. Revision critique des Phryganides decrites par RAHBUR. Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. Entom. Beige, 1859, pp. 55-108; IV., 1860, pp. 57-75. 64. Ueber Cecidomya secalina in Preussen. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Natf. Ver. XI., 1859, p. 147. 65. Ueber eine vom Herrn Professor ZEL- LER entdeckte Geschlechtsdifferenz bei der Gatt- ung Coniopteryx. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XX., 1859, pp. 34-39. 66. GEORGI'S Fauna Itussland's. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XX., 1859, pp. 101-102. — 67. Die Phryganiden PICTET'S nach Typen bearbeitet. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XX., 1859, pp. 131-170 ; XXI., I860, pp. 274-290. 68. Bastarde. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XX., 1859, pp. 201-202. 69. Acentropus niveus und Narycia ele- gans. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XX., 1859, p. 203. — 70. Chelifer als Schmarotzer auf Insecten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XX., 1859. p. 202. 71. Recension der Fingerscben Reductions- Tabellen des Millimeter-Punctes. Stettin, En- tom. Zeit. XX., 1859, pp. 284-287. 72. Ausscbliipfen von Cbrysopa-Larven. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XX., 1859, p. 333. 73. Beitrag zur KenutnissderNeuropteren, Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XX., 1859, pp. 405-412. 74. Ueber das Vorkommen von Paliugenia longicauda und Acantbaclisis occitauica in Preussen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XX., 1859, pp. 431-432. 75. Synopsis of tbe British Phryganidie. Entom. Annual, 1859, pp. 55-108 ; 1860, pp. 66-85; 1861, pp. 1-16. 76. Petalura ? acutipeniiis aus der Braun- koble von Sieblos. Meyer, Palasont. VIII., 1859-61, pp. 22-26. 77. Ueber die Seescblange. KSnigsberg, Hagen, Hermann August. 78. Monographic der Termiten. Linnsea Entomol. XIV., 1860, pp. 73-128. 79. Examen des Nevropteres (uon Odo- nates) recueillis en Sicile par M. E. BELLIER DE LA CHAVIGNERIE. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entoin. Vni., 1860, pp. 746-748. 8O. Bericht iiber die in der Provinz Preussen von 1857 bis 1859 schiidlich aufge- tretenen Insecten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXL, 1860, pp. 26-37. 81. Neuroptera Neapolitana von A. COSTA, nebst Synopsis der Ascalaphen Europa's. Stet- tin, Entom. Zeit. XXI., 1860, pp. 38-56. 82. Ueber Hemerobius (Chrysopa) trimacu- lata, Girard. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXI., 1860, pp. 98-99. 83. Ueber die Neuropteren-Fauna Ameri- ca's. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXI., 1860, pp. 209-216. 84. Miscellen. (Hydrobcenuslugubris ; Ra- phidia Riedeliana und margaritacea ; Fliegen- riissel). Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXI., 1860, pp. 224-226. 85. Die Phryganiden PICTET'S. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXL, 1860, pp. 274-290. 86. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Myrmeleon- Arten. Stettin, Eiitom. Zeit. XXL, 1860, pp. 359-369. 87. Comparison of Fossil Insects of Eng- land and Bavaria. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (/rf.2),pp. 113-114. 88. Synopsis of the British Psocidas. En- tom. Annual, 1861, pp. 18-32. 89. Ueber Insectenziige. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXIL, 1861, pp. 73-83. 90. Die Phryganiden PICTET'S nach Typen bearbeitet. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXIL, 1861, pp. 113-117. 91. Insecten-Zwitter. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXIL, 1861, pp. 259-265. 92. Insecten in RAZOUHCAVSKY'S Histoire natwrclle du Jorat. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXIL, 1861, p. 450. 93. Om O. Fr. MULLER'S Arbeider over Danmai'ks Odouater. Kr0yer, Nat. Tidssk. III., 1861-62, pp. 94-103. 94. Anzeige von BUCHTING'S Bibliographic Schrift, Phys. Okon. Ges. I., 1860 pp. 5-12. (Ber.). der Bicncnzuclit und SASIDELSON'S Biene. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 123- 124. 95. Insecten im Sicilianischen Bernstein im Oxforder Museum. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 512-514. 96. Observations on certain North Ameri- can Neuroptera. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. II., 1863, pp. 167-182. HAG] 115 [HAG Hagen, Hermann August. 97. Synopsis of the described Neuroptera of North America, with a list of the South American species. Smithson. Miscell. Coll. IV., 1862. ' 98. Insecten-Zwitter. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXIV., 1863, pp. 189-195. 99. Die Insecten-Namen derTupi-Sprache. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXIV., 1863, pp. 252- 259. 1OO. Zusatz zu den vonCHATUis und CAN- DizE aufgefiihrten Larven von Coleopteren. Stettin, Eutom. Zeit. XXIV., 1863, pp. 298- 309. 101. ABBOT'S Handzeichnungen im Brit- ischen Museum und die Neuroptera Georgieii's. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXIV., 1863, pp. 369- 378. • 1O2. Die Odonaten und Neuropteren Fauna Syrien's und Klein-Asien's. Wiener Entom. Monatsehr. VTI., 1863, pp. 193-199. Hagen, Hermann August, et Michel Edmond Baron de Selys-Longchamps. Revue des Odonates ou Libellules d'Europe. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. VI., 1850. 2. Monographic des Caloptc'rygines. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. IX., 1854, pp. 1-291. 3. Monographic des Gomphines. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. XL, 1858, pp. 257-720. Hagen, J. F. Abhandlung tiber das Ammoniak- Guniiniharz. Berlin, Jahrb. Pliarm. XVI., 1815, pp. 95-105. Hagen, Karl Gottfried. Beschreibung der Friichte und des fossilen Holzes, welche sich in den Bernsteingrabereien in Preussen finden. Gilbert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 181-186. 2. Ueber Selbst-Entziindungen und Vor- beugung derselben. Gilbert, Annal. LXIIL, 1819, pp. 439-450. 3. Untersuchung der sogenannten Bern- steinerde. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1822, pp. 273-289. 4. Bericht von der Bildung einer Blitz- rohre durch den. Blitz, am 17ten Juli 1823, zu Rauschen in Ostpreusseu. Gilbert, Annal. LXXIV., 1823, pp. 325-330; Bibl. Univ. 1823, pp. 161-164. Hagen, Otto. Verbesserungen bei der Anwend- ung iles salpetersauren Urauoxydes in der Photographic. Berlin, Monatsber. 1858, pp. 290-293 ; Photogr. Soc. Journ. V., 1859, pp. 75-76. 2. Ueber die Absorption des Lichtes in Krystallen. Poggend. Annal. CVL, 1859, pp. 33-55; Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 367-372. • 3. Notiz iiber eine ausserordentliche Luft- trockenheit in Madeira. Poggend. Anual. CXIL, 1861, pp. 639-643. Hagen, Robert. Betrachtungen iiber den Veil- chensyrup (Syrupus violarum) und zweier falschen Sorten desselben, welche iin Handel vorkommen. Trommsdorftj N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIL, 1831 (St. 2), pp. 234-241. 2. Ueber die Darstellung des Saftgriins (Succus viridis). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIL, 1831 (St. 2), pp. 242-246. 3. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung des Oligoklases. Poggend. Annal. XLIV., 1838, pp. 329-331. 4. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Pe- talits und Spodumens. Poggend. Annal. XLVIH., 1839, pp. 361-371 ; Oken, Isis, 1840, col. 889. 5. Ueber die Constitution der Aepfelsaure, ihrer Salze und iiber das Verhalteu der letz- teren in hoherer Temperatur. Liebig, Annal. XXXVni., 1841, pp. 257-278; Chem. Soc. Mem. L, 1841-43, pp. 28-35 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIV., 1841, pp. 468-482 ; Journ. de Pharm. I., 1842, p. 38 ; Phil. Mag. XIX., 1841, pp. 306-315. 6. Ueber die Zusammeusetzung des Cate- chins. Liebig, Annal. XXXVH., 1841, pp. 336-339. 7. Ueber das in den Nadeln von Pinus sylvestris enthaltene iitherische Oel. Poggend. Annal. LXIIL, 1844, pp. 574-576. 8. Die Schleimsiiure und ihre Salze. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXL, 1847, pp. 531-544 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLII., 1847, pp. 470-472; Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 310-313. 9. Ueber den Nachweis des Strychnins. Liebig, Annal. CIIL, 1857, pp. 159-164. Hagena, . Ueber Hordeum secalinum, Schreb. (pratense, Huds.). Botau. Zeituug, XVIIL, 1860, pp. 166-168. 2. Zur Oldenburgischen Flora. Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 385-387. Hagenbach, C. F. Ueberreichung seines krit- ischen Auszugs aus dem Supplemente zu seiner Flora Basilcensis. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. 1838, pp. 222-239. 2. Nachtrag zur Flora Basileensis. Basel, Bericht, VII., 1847, pp. 114-126. Hagenbach, Eduard. Untersuchungen iiber die Paukenhohle der Siiugethiere. Basel, Be- richt, L, 1835, pp. 13-14. 2. Untersuchungen iiber den Him- und Schadelbau der sogenannten Hollen- oder Kobel- hiihner. Basel, Bericht, III., 1838, pp. 3-5 ; Miiller, Archiv, 1839, pp. 311-331. 3. Anatomische Beobachtungen iiber das Gehirn, den Ohrknoten und das Gehororgan eines Affen (Cercopithecus). Basel, Bericht, III., 1838, pp. 8-11. p 2 HAG] 116 [HAH Hagenbach, Editard. 4. Ueber eine organische Verbilduug des Ganglion cervicale supremum des Nervns sympathicus. Basel, Bericht, III., 1838, pp. 16-17 ; Miiller, Archiv, 1838, pp. 90-94. 5. Entwickelung der Gehorknochelchen. Basel, Bericht, IV., 1840, pp. 17-18. 6. Fiille aus der pathologischen Anatomic der Haussiiugethiere. Basel, Bericht, IV., 1840, pp. 21-23. • 7. Ueber ein besonderes, mit dem Hammer der Saugethiere iu Verbindung stehendes Knochelchen. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 46- 54. 8. Beschreibung von einzelnen Organen des Crocodilus lucius. Basel, Bericht, V., 1843, pp. 203-216. 9. Einigo Beobachtungen iiber das fiinfte Hirnnervenpaar der Wiederkauer. Basel, Be- richt, VI., 1844, pp. 95-107. 1O. Ueber die Bestimmung der Zahigkeit einer Fliissigkeit durch den Ausfluss aus Ro'hren. Basel, Verhandl. II., 1860, pp. 532-561 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, IX., 1860, pp. 281-293 ; Pog- gend. Annal. CIX., 1860, pp. 385-426. Hagenbach, Jacob Johann. Description du Mormolyce, nouveau genre d'insecte dans 1'ordre de Coleopteres. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 500-503. 2. Lumbricus leptozonius, nouvelle espece de ver de terre de la Suisse. Ferussac, BulL Sci. Nat. I., 1824, p. 286. Hagenbach, Jacob Johann, et J. Sturm. In- secta Coleopterata, qua; in itineribus suis prte- sertim Alpinis, collegerunt D. H. HOPPE, et F. HORNSCHUCH, cum notis ct descriptionibus. Acad. Cajs. Leop. Nova Acta, XII., 1825, pp. 377-490. Hagenow, Frinlrich ron. Monographie der Riigen'schen Kreide- Vcrsteinerungen. 1s10 Ab- theilung : Phytolithen uncl Polyparien. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1839, pp. 253-296. 2. Monographie der Riigen'schen Kreide- Versteinerungen. 2lc Abtheilung: Radiarien und Annnlaten. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1840, pp. 631-672. 3. [Kreide-Gebilde an dor Nordkiiste Riigen's ; Galerites-Arteu.] Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, p. 317. 4. Monographie der Riigen'schen Kreide- Versteinerungen. 3te Abtheilung : Mollusken. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 528- 579. 5. Aspidura Ludeni. Meyer, Palseont. I., 1851, pp. 21-22. 6. Ueber die Jurastischen Bildungen ini Camminer Kreise. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1863, pp. 81-86. Hagens, Jos. von. Astrouomische Bemerkungen. Elberfeld, Jahresber. IV., 1863, pp. 19-34. Hagens, Jos. von. 2. Betrachtungcn iiber die Bestiindigkeit unseres Klimas uud der Meeres- hohe. Elberfeld, Jahresber. IV., 1863, pp. 35- 50. 3. Die Gastfreundschaft der Ameisen. Elberfeld, Jahresber. IV., 1863, pp. 111-126. Hager, B. Die Eisenbahn-Drath-Hangebriicke iiber den Niagara in Nord-Amerika. Der Civilingenieur, IV., 1858, pp. 27-37. Hager, G. Osservazioni sopra la pietra Yu dei Cinese. Brugnatelli, Giornale, II., 1809, pp. 238-247 ; Schweigger, Journ. I., 1811, pp. 73- 85. Haggbladh, A., und G. Svanberg. Beitrage zu Liingenbestimmungen aus Schweden. Astr. Nachr. XL, 1834, col. 405-412. Hague, F. On the natural and artificial pro- duction of Pearls in China. Asiat. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1856, pp. 280-284 ; Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VIII., 1857, pp. 439-444. Hague, J. D. On the Phosphatic Guano Islands of the Pacific Ocean. Sillimau, Journ. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 224-243; Petermann, Mittheil. 1863, pp. 81-86. Haguenot, . Sur la formation de 1'acide uriquc dans 1'economie animale par 1'usage du sucre. Bull, de Pharm. II., 1810, pp. 27-29. Hahmann, A. Die Dattelpalme, ihre Namen und ihre Verehrung in der alten Welt. Bon- plandia, VII., 1859, pp. 206-217, 224-233. Halm, . Ueber die Eutziindbarkeit der Bliithen von Dictamnus albus. Hannover, Jahresber. XL, 1860-61, pp. 30-31 ; Seemann, Journ. Bot. L, 1863, pp. 345-346. Hahn, Carl. Ueber das Vorkommen von ge- diegenera Antimon und Antimonoxyd. Regens- burg, Korresp. Blatt. 1855, pp. 9-12. Hahn, Friedrich Graf von. Bemerkungen iiber die Entstehung der Feuerkugeln. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. II., 1799, pp. 222-231. . 2. Beobachtungen und Gedanken iiber die Gegend des gestirnten Himracls beim uordlichen Fliigel der Jungfrau. [1798.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1801, pp. 178-184. 3. Ueber den planetarischeu Nebelfleck bei [•>• Wasserschlange. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1802, pp. 231-233. 4. Fortsetzung der Untersuchung iiber die Beschaffenheit der Soune uud der Lichtmaterie. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. IV., 1803, pp. 1-13. 5. Beobachtungen eines kleinen beweglichen Stems, sehr nahe bei Mira im Wallfisch. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1804, pp. 195-198. 6. Bemerkungen iiber die Sonnenflecken, bei Gelegenheit der beira Durchgaug des Merkurs am 9 Novemb. 1802 auf der Sonne sich ge- zeigten merkwiirdigen Fleckeiigruppen. [1803.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1806, pp. 215-219. HAH] 117 [HAI Halm, Fricdrich Graf ran. 7. Ueber die Stoffe im Wellraume und. eine Wahrnehinung am Saturn. [1804.] Bode, Astron. Jalirb. 1807, pp. 152-158. Halm, H. Die Producte der Kriitzkupferarbeit zur Altenauer Silberhutte analysirt. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XX., 1861, pp. 61-62, 72- 74. Hahii, Hugo, F. Green, aud Hath. Account of an expedition from DamaraLand to the Ovampo| in search of the .River Cunene. Geogr. Soc. Proc. H., 1858, pp. 350-354. Hahn, Hugo, und Rath. Eeise im siidwestlichen Afrika. Petermann, Mittheil. 1859, pp. 295- 303. Hahnemann, . Ueber Kometen. Halle, Zeitschr. Ges. Nat. XXII., 1863, pp. 11-33. Hahnemann, Christian Friedrich Samuel. Priif- ung des Pneumalkali. Scherer, Journ. Chimie, V., 1800, pp. 380-384; Journ. de Phys. LIIL, 1801, pp. 84-86. Haidenhain, . Ueber eine eigentluimliche Wirkung der Kohlensaure auf das Hatnalin. Eoser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, I., 1857, pp. 230- 233. Haidinger, Wilhelm. On the crystallisation of Copper-Pyrites. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 1-18. 2. Bemerkungen fiber die naturhistorische Bestimmung des Smaragdites. Gilbert, Annal. LXXV., 1823, pp. 367-388. 3. Account of the method of drawing crys- tals in true perspective, followed in the Treatise on Mineralogy of Professor MOIIS. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. V., 1823-24, pp. 485-508; Poggend. Annal. V., 1825, pp. 507-532. 4. On the regular composition of crystal- lised bodies. Edinb. Jouru. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 52- 62, 324-334 ; II., pp. 88-93 ; III., pp. 59-69 ; Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 640-649. 5. On the crystalline forms and properties of several salts. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 99-104. 6. On the series of crystallisation of Apa- tite. Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. J40- 153; Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 845-857. 7. On the forms of crystallisation of sul- phato-tri-carbonate of Lead. Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. 286-292 ; Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 217-230 ; Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 1156-1167. — — 8. A comparative view of the series of crystallisation of Epidote and of Glauber Salt. Edinb. Phil. Jouru. X., 1824, pp. 305-316; Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 534-545. 9. Account of the specific gravity of several minerals. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 67- 75; III., pp. 241-246. Haidinger, JJ'il/icliii. 10. Description of Eucho- rite, a new mineral. Edinb. Jouru. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 133-135; Schweigger, Journ. XLV. (= Jahrb. XV.), 1825, pp. 231-232. 11. Notice respecting Trona, the native carbonate of soda from Fezzan. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 325-332 ; Poggend. Annal. V., 1825, pp. 367-376. 12. Picrosmine, a new mineral species. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 376-377. 13. Notice of a remarkable variety of Boracite. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 110-111; Poggend. Anual. VIII., 1826, pp. 511-513. 14. On two newly determined species of the genus Gypsum-haloide of the system of MOHS. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 302- 306 ; Poggend. Annal. V., 1825, pp. 181-187. 15. Description of Edingtouite, a new mineral species ; with an analysis by Edward TURNER. Ediub. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 316- 320; Poggend. Annal. V., 1825, pp. 193- 198. • 16. On the Sodalite of Vesuvius. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIII., 1825, pp. 222-224. 17. Beschreibung mehrerer neuer oder bisher nur uuvolkommen bekannter Mineralien. Poggend. Annal. V., 1825, pp. 157-176. 18. Ou the crystalline forms and properties of the Manganese Ores. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1826, pp. 41-50; Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 681-688; Poggend. Annal. VII., 1826, pp. 225- 238. 19. Notice respecting Prof. MITSCHER- LICH'S Observations on the dimorphism of hydrous sulphate of Zinc and hydrous sulphate of Magnesia. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1826, pp. 301-302; Poggend. Annal. VI., 1826, pp. 191-198. 2O. Eemarks concerning the natural his- tory determination of diallage. [1823.] Ediub. Eoy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826. pp. 127-147. 21. Description of Fergusonite, a new mineral species. [1825.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc, Trans. X., 1826, pp. 271-278. 22. Ou the determination of the species, iu mineralogy, according to the principles of Pro- fessor MOHS. [1824.] Ediub. Eoy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 298-313. 23. On the specific gravity of several minerals. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 120-126. 24. On the regular composition of crys- tallized bodies. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 278-288. 25. On Mesole. Edinb. Jouru. Sci. VII.. 1827, pp. 18-23. HAI] 118 [HAI Haidinger, Wilhelm. 26. On the gradual changes which take place in the interior of cupriferous minerals, while the external form remains the same. Ediub. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 126-134 ; Poggend. Annal. XL, 1827, pp. 173-191, 366-392, 487-510. 27. Notice of some remarkable Twin-Crys- tals of Phillipsite, by Baron von BECST ; with observations. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 140-143. 28. Notice of some new observations by Mr. BROOKE on the sulphato-tri-carbonate of Lead. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 146- 147. 29. Account of a French locality for Vau- queliuite. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 213-214. 3O. On Sternbergite, a new mineral species. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 242-244; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XL, 1831, pp. 1-7; Poggend. Annal. XL, 1827, pp. 483-486. 31. On Polyhalite. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 246-249; Poggend. Annal. XL, 1827, pp. 466-469. 32. On the crystalline forms of pyrophos- phate of Soda and arseuiate of Soda. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 314-316; Schweig- ger, Journ. LVII. (- Jahrb. XXVIL), 1829, pp. 446-449. 33. On Davyue, a new mineral species. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 326-329 ; Poggend. Annal. XL, 1827, pp. 470-473. 34. On Berthierite, a new mineral species. Ediub. Jouru. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 351-353. 35. On Isopore, a new mineral species. Edinb. New Phil. Jouru. III., 1827, pp. 263- 264; Poggend. Annal. XLL, 1828, pp. 332-334. 36. Ueber den Botryogen oder deu rothen Eiseuvitriol von Fahlun. Poggeud. Annul. XII., 1828, pp. 491-494 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 48-50. 37. Description of Erinite, a new mineral species. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 93- 95. 38. On the parasitic formation of mineral species, depending upon the gradual changes which take place in the interior of minerals, while their external form remains the same. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 275-292 ; X., pp. 86-96 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XL, 1831, pp. 73-118; Froriep, Notizen, XX VI., 1830, col. 17-25, 36-40 ; Schweigger, Journ. LV. (= Jahrb. XXV.), 1829, pp. 257-317. 39. Description of Pyrolusite or prismatic manganese ore. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 304-309 ; Poggend. Aunal. XIV, 1828, pp. 197-210. 40. On Herderite, a new mineral species. Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 1-3. Haidinger, Wilhclm. 41. On Johannite, a new mineral species. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1830, pp. 306-310; Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 472-476. 42. Notiz von eiuer neuen Pseudornorphose. Prag, Jahrb. des BShrn. Mus. I., 1830, pp. 16-19. •- 43. Notiz iiber den rhomboedrischen Wis- muthglanz. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. LX., 1831, pp. 129-132. • 44. Miueralogical account of the ores of Manganese. [1827.] Ediub. Eoy. Soc. Trans. XL, 1831, pp. 119-142 ; Annal. des Mines, I., 1842, pp. 409-424. • 45. Ueber das Vorkommen von Pflauzen- resten in den Braunkohlen und Sandstein- Gebilden des Elbogner Kreises in Bohrnen. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. I., 1837-40, pp. 3-12. — — 46. Ueber ein interessantes Vorkommen von Kalkspath in Basalttuft'. Poggend. Annal. XLV., 1838, pp. 179-182; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVIL, 1839, pp. 163-166. 47. Ueber eiue Pseudotnorphose von Gyps. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VI., 1840, pp. 225- 229 ; Poggend. Annal. LLL, 1841, pp. 622-626. 48. Ueber die tropfsteinartigen Bildungen im Mineralreiche. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VI., 1840, pp. 391-401 ; Leonhard u. Broun, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 699-703. 49. Ueber eine neue Art von vorweltlichen Thier-Fahrten. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 546-548. 5O. Ueber eine neue Varietat vou Arra- gonit. Poggend. Annal. LIIL, 1841, pp. 139-142. 51. Ueber den Hartit, ein ueues Erdharz. Poggend. Aunal. LIV., 1841, pp. 261-264. 52. Berichtigung finer Angabe des Prof. BREITHAUPT den Herderit betrefl'end. Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 539-544. 53. Ueber einige neue Pseudomorphosen. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. II., 1841-42, pp. 9-16. 54. Ueber eine neue Localitiit von Gay- lussit-Pseudomorphosen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, p. 336. 55. Ueber den Ixolit, ein neues Erdharz. Poggeud. Ann«al.LV I., 1842, pp. 345-349. 56. Ueber die Pseudomorphoseu und ihre anogene und katogeue Bilduug. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. III., 1843-44, pp. 231-259 ; Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1843, pp. 81-104 ; Poggend. Annal. LXIL, 1844, pp. 161-183, 306-324. 57. Ueber den durchsichtigen Andalusit von Minas Novas in Brasilien und den Diaspor vou Scherunitz, voztiglich in Bezug auf einige ihrer merkwiirdigsten optischen Eigenschaften. [1843.] Bohm. Gesell. Abh. III., 1843-44, pp. 261-276 ; Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1843, pp. 127-138; Poggend. Annal. LXL. 1844, pp. 295-306. HAI] 119 [HAI Haidinger, U'iUtclm. 58. Ueber den Pleochrois- mus der Krystalle. Bohrn. Gesell. Abb. III., 1843-44, pp. 585-603 ; Poggend. Aunal. LXV., 1845, pp. 1-29. 59. Ueber den Diaspor von Schemnitz. Poggeud. Annal.LXI., 1844, pp. 307-314. 60. Ueber den Piauzit, ein neues Erdharz. Poggend. Annal. LXII., 1844, pp. 275-288; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 410-411. 61. Ueber das directe Erkennen des polar- isirten Lichts. Poggend. Annal. LXIII., 1844, pp. 29-38. 62. Ueber die Farbe des Axinits. Pog- gend. Annal. LXIIL, 1844, pp. 147-152. 63. Ueber eine neue Art von regelmiissiger Zusammensetzung am Dolomit. Poggend. An- nal. LXIIL, 1844, pp. 153-157. 64. Nachricht iiber cine Quavzpseudo- morpbose. Poggend. Aunal. LXV., 1845, pp. 611-616. 65. Blitze ohne Donner am 22 Juni 1845, in Wieu. Poggend. Anual. LXVL, 1845, pp. pp. 529-543. 66. Ueber den Cordierit. Bobrn. Gesell. Abh. IV., 1845-46, pp. 239-259; Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 441-467. 67. Der rotbe Glaskopf, eino Pseudc- morpliose nacb braunem ; nebst Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkommen der wicbtigsten eisen- haltigen Mineralspecies in der Natur. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. IV., 1845-46, pp. 477-496; Pog- gend. Annal. LXVIIL, 1846, pp. 478-504 ; Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 33-34. — 68. Ueber das Eisenstein-Vorkommen bei Pitten in Osterreich. Bobm. Gesell. Abh. IV., 1845-46, pp. 655-660. 69. Merkwiirdige Farbenvertheilung am Cyanplatinmagnesium. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1846, p. 3. 70. Ueber Hrn. Friedrich SIMONY'S natur- wissenschaftliche Aufhabmen und Untersuch- ungen in den Alpen des Salzkarnmergutes. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1846, pp. 209-214. 71. Erdbeben in Salzburg. Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 141-143. 72. Ueber complementare Farbeneindriicke bei Beobachtung der Lichtpolarisationsbiischel. Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 435-437. 73. Graphit, pseudomorph nacb. Schwef- elkies. Poggend. Anual. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 437-439. 74. Beobachtung der Lichtpolarisations- biischel in geradlinig polarisirtem Lichte. Pog- gend. Annal. LXVIIL, 1846, pp. 73-87. 75. Beobachtung der Lichtpolarisations- biischel, welche das Licht in zwei senkrecht aufeinander stehendeu Richtungeu polarisiren. Poggend. Annal. LXVIIL, 1846, pp. 305-318. Haidinger, Wilhelm. 76. Ueber den Periklin als Varietat des Albits. Poggend. Annal. LXVIIL, 1846, pp. 471-477. 77. Pseudomorphosen iiach Steinsalz. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 13-15, 61- 62 ; Haidinger, Abhandl. L, 1847, pp. 65-78 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXL, 1847, pp. 247-266. • 78. Geoguostisclie Uebersichtskarte der Oesterreichischen Monarchie. Haidinger, Be- richt. II., 1846-47, pp. 29-34 ; IV., 1848, pp. 215-246 ; Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 3-9. 79. Aspasiolith und Pseudomorphose nacb. Cordierit. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 50-53 ; Haidiuger, Abhandl. I., 1847, pp. 79-91 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXL, 1847, pp. 266-284. SO. Ueber das Schillern von Krystall- - fliichen. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 98-101 ; Haidinger, Abhandl. I., 1847, pp. 143- 158; Poggend. Anual. LXXL, 1847, pp. 321- 343. 81. Helle Andreas-Kreuzlinien in der Sehaxe. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 178-180. 82. Platiuverbinduugen mit schillemdeu Fliichen. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 198-199. 83. Ueber metallischen Schiller auf kiinst- lichen Fliichen. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846- 47, pp. 263-266. 84. Betrachtungen iiber den Eisgang der Fliisse. Haidin-jer, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 278-282. 85. Orientirter metallischer Schiller auf kiinstlichen Fliichen. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 263-266. 86. Schwefel bei Kalinka. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 399-402. 87. Ueber den Pleochroismus der Chryso- berylls. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 440-447. 88. Ueber den Pleochroismus des Ame- thysts. [1846.] Haidinger, Abhandl. L, 1847, pp. 1-10; Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 531-544. 89. Ueber den Hauerit, eiue neue Mineral- species aus der Ordnung der Blendeu. [1846.] Haidinger, Abhandl. L, 1847, pp. 101-106. 9O. Brandisit, eine neue Miueralspecies. Haidinger, Bericht. L, 1847, pp. 4-6. 91. Ueber den Polarisationszustand des farbigen reflectirten Lichtes. Haidinger, Be- richt. L, 1847, pp. 27-28. 92. Metamorphose von Brauneisenstein zu Rotheisenstein. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1847, pp. 36-38. : 93. Vertheilung der Farben im Amcthyste. Haidinger, Bericht. L, 1847, pp. 48-50. HAI] 120 [HAI Haidinger, Wilhelm. 94. Spoduruen von Pas- seyer. Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 114- 116. 95. Schreibersit und Shepardit. Haid- inger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 282-283. 96. Thierfahrte aus dem Wiener- oder Karpathcnsandsteine. Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 284-288. 97. Meteoreisen von Braunau. Haidinger, Bericht. III.. 1847, pp. 302-305; Poggend. Annal. LXXIL, 1847, pp. 580-582. 98. Geologische Beobachtungen in den Oesterreichischen Alpen. Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 347-368. 99. [Meteorstaub in Salzburg.] Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 489-491. 100. Ueber das Vorkommen einer voll- stiindigen Geode von Rotheisenstein. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 1-5. 101. Ueber die Metamorphose der Ge- birgsarten. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 103-134, 211-213. 102. Ueber die Eisdecke der Donau. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 142-147. 1O3. Fr. KAISER'S Beobachtungen an der Grenze des Nummulitenkalkes und der Sand- steinformation in der Niihe von Triest. Haid- iuger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 158-162. . 104. Prof. COLUMBUS' Eisbildung in der Donau in Ober-Oesterreich. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 163-167. 105. Vivianit in einem Rohrenknoehen. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 263-264. 106. Blasige Thongeschirre aus Sieben- biirgen. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 264-269. 1O7. Ueber fossile Elephanten-Zahne von Weikersdorf. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 273-274. 1O8. Comptonit von Schemnitz. Haid- inger, Bericht, IV., 1848, pp. 296-297. 109. Prof. EHRENBERG'S Mittheilung liber die Staubfiille von Gasteiu und Wien. Prof. ZITSER Kohlenstaubfull bei Neusohl. Haid- inger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 313-316. 110. Meteorologische Beobachtungen in dem Zeitraum vom 30 Januar bis zura 7 Februar 1848. Haidiuger, Bericht. IV., 1848, p. 317. 111. Ueber Carl BEINERT'S Werk, der Meteorit von Braunau am 14 Juli 1847. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 349-351. 112. Tropfsteinbildungen von Neuberg in Steiermark. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 358-361. 113. Kupferkies mit Steinsalz von Hall. Haidinger, Bericht, IV., 1848, pp. 415-417. Haidinger, Wilhelm. 114. [Zusammenhang, der zwischen der Lichtabsorption farbiger Krystalle und dem orientirten Flachenschiller stattfindet.] Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 427-428. 115. [Vorliiufige Nachricht iiber die Un- tersuchungen an dem sogenannten Dutenkalk oder Dutenmergel.] Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 431-432. 116. Staudeuformige Structur nulliporen- ahnlicher Korper. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 442-445. 117. Metamorphose der Gebirgsarten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 51-58. 118. Dichroskopische Loupe. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 70-75. 119. Neue Varietiit von Vivianit. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 75-77. 12O. Meteor-Staubfiille. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 77-80. 121. Ueber den Zusammenhang des orient- irten Fliichenschillers mit der Licht-Absorp- tion farbiger Krystalle. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 84-90 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVL, 1849, pp. 99-107. 122. Ueber Herrn v. MORLOT'S Send- schreiben an Herrn ELIE DE BEAUMONT die Bildung des Dolomits betreffend. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 108-110. 123. Nachricht iiber RUSSEGGER'S Ar- beiten zu Wieliczka ftir geologische Zwecke. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 110-112. — 124. Ueber die symmetrische Gruppirung ungleichartiger Feldspathe. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 130-135. — 125. Ueber die Galmeihohle uud die Frauenhohle bei Neuberg in Steiermark. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 139-147. — 126. Ueber ein neues Vorkommen von Kupferkies im Salzberge von Hall. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 184-188 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVIIL, 1849, pp. 88-93. — 127. Ueber den Dutenkalk. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 202-204. — 128. Ueber Pseudomorphosen des Feld- spathes. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 229-235. 129. Ueber eine neue Varietat von Ame- , thyst. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 235-238. 130. Uebev den Pleochroismus des oxal- sauren Chromoxydkalis. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 244-248 ; Haidiuger, Bericht. V., 1849, pp. 5-6 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVL, 1849, pp. 107- 111. 131. Ueber den Antigorit. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 278-282 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVIL, 1849, pp. 94-99. HAI] 121 [HAI Haidinger, IJ'Hficlm. 132. Note iiber den ineuilliihnlichen Schiller des Hypersthens. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 311-313 ; Poggeud. Annal. LXXVI., 1849, pp. 294-297. 133. Bemerkungen liber den Glanz der Korper. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 439-452. 134. Ueber die Ursache der Erscheinung der Polarisationsbiischel. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 485-493. 135. Ueber cine eigenthiimliehe Varietiit vou Talk. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 580-583. • 136. Ueber die regelmassige Gestalt des Wisniuths. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 624- 627. 137. Aiitrag auf Unterstiitzung der Ar- beiten des Urn PALERA iiber das Uran. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 628-629. 138. Gyroidische Farbenkreuze am Ame- thyst. Haidinger, Bericht. V., 1849, p. 3. 139. [Uebersicht der verschiedenen Theo- rieu, welche man bisher iiber den physikal- ischen Vorgang bei der Bildung der Polar- isationsbiiscbel und ihrer Erscheinung im Auge, ersonnen hat.] Haidinger, Bericht. V., 1849, pp. 42-43. 140. [Brauneisenstein-Stufe, pseudomorph nach Gypskrystalleu gebildet.] Haidinger, Be- richt. V., 1849, pp. 85-86. 141. Schwarze und gelbe Interferenzlinien am Glimmer. Haidinger, Bericht. V., 1849, pp. 154-155. 142. [Datolith von einem neuen Fundorte, Toggiana im Jlodenesischeu.] Haidinger, Be- richt. V., 1849, pp. 223-224. 143. Ueber den Pleochroismus des Chryso- berylls. Poggend. Annal. LXXVII., 1849, pp. 228-236. 144. Ueber eine neue Varietiit von Dato- lith. Poggend. Annal. LXXVIIL, 1849, pp. 75-81 ; Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 215-221. 145. Ueber eine uach Gypskrystallen gebildete Pseudomorphose von Brauneisenstein. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 8-9 ; Poggend. An- nal. LXXVIIL, 1849, pp. 82-88. 146. Ueber die Formeu und einige optische Eigenschai'ten der Magnesium-Platin-Cyanure. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 20-24 ; Poggend. An- nal. LXXVII., 1849, pp. 89-94. 147. Ueber das Eis der Donau in dem gegenwa'rtigen Winter 1848-49. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 24-28. 148. Ueber die schwarzen und gelben Parallel-Linien am Glimmer. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 123-131 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVII., 1849, pp. 219-228. 149. Die Oberflachen- und Korperfarben des Andersonits. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 225-229 (AM. 2) ; Poggeud. Annal. LXXX., 1850, pp. 550-558. VOL. III. Haidinger, Jfll/ielm. 150. Bericht iiber den- selben Gegenstand (Dopplerit), und iiber Dr. O. HEER'S Insccten Faunen der Tertiargebilde. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 287-293 (Abth. 2). 151. Notiz iiber den Hatchettin von Ros- sitz in Miihren. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 312-315. 152. [Ueber zwei Schaustufen von einer ganz eigenthiimlichen Art von Pseudomorphosen vom Monzoni Gebirge im Fassa-Thale.] Haid- inger, Bericht. VI., 1850, pp. 77-81. 153. Einige neuere Beobachtungen iiber metallischen Schiller, der auf kiiustlich durch Aufstreichen weicher Krystalle auf eine feste Unterlage erhaltenen Flachen sichtbar wird.. Poggend. Annal. LXXXL, 1850, pp. 572-575. 154. Ueber den Dutenkalk. Wien, Denkschr. I., 1850, pp. 181-194. 155. Ueber eiue neue Varietiit von Ame- thyst, Wieu, Denkschr. I., 1850, pp. 195- 200. 156. Die Aufgabe des Sommers 1850 fur die k.k. geologische Reichsanstalt in der geolo- gischeu Durchforschuug des Laudes. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. 1850, pp. 6-16. 157. Note iiber das Vorkommen von gediegenem Kupfer zu Recsk bei Erlau in Ungaru. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. 1850, pp. 145- 149. 158. Note iiber Krystalle uud gestrickte Gestalten von Silber, bei dem Ausgliihen des Amalgams in Schmolnitz gewonuen. Wieu, Geol. Jahrb. 1850, pp. 150-152. 159. Notiz iiber den Stroutianit vou Ra- dobcj. Wieu, Geol. Jahrb. I., 1850, pp. 606- 607. 16O. Auszug aus einem Berichte des Dr. Const, vou ETTINGSHADSEN, iiber seine neuen Forschungen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 136- 137 (Abth. 2). — 161. Ueber das erste Quartalheft des Jahrbuches der k. k. geologischen Reichsanstalt. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 198-200 (Abth. 2). 162. Ueber die Natur der Polarisations- biischel von Sir D. BREWSTER. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 442-445 (Abth. 2). 163. On the optical properties of a com- pound of Iodine and Codeine. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L., 1851, pp. 122-126. 164. Note iiber den Linarit und den Cale- donit von Rezbanya. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851, pp. 78-80. 165. Die geologische Uebersichtskarte von Deutschland. Wien, Geol. Jahrli. II., 1851, pp. 89-93. 166. Ueber UNGER'S Reclamationen gegen Dr. C. von ETTINGSHAUSEN. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851, pp. 46-53. HAI] 122 [HAI Haidinger, Wilhelm. 167. Das Interferenz- Schachbrettmuster und die Farbe der Polarisa- tiousbiischel. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851, pp. 389- 405 (Alth. 2) ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 350-364. 168. Ueber Magneteiseustein. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852 (lift. 4), pp. 31-32. 169. Note iiber die Richtung der Schwing- ungen des LichtJithers iu geradlinig polarisirtem Lichte. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VIII., 1852, pp. 52- 62 ; Moigno, Cosmos, I., 1852, pp. 153-160 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXVL, 1852, pp. 131- 144. • 170. Ueber den Znsammenhang der Korperfarbeu, oder des farbig durchgelassenen, und der OberflJichcnfarben, oder des farbig zuriickgeworfenen Lichtes gewisser Korper. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VIII., 1852, pp. 97-133 ; Annal. de Chiinie, XLIL, 1854, pp. 249-256. 171. Farbenringe durch Anhauchen auf frisclien Theilungsflachen des Glimmers. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VIII., 1852, pp. 246-248. 172. Die Lowe'schen Hinge, eine Beug- ungs-Erschcinung. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 240-249 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 451-461. 173. Niedrigste Hohen von Gewitter- wolken. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 338- 344. 174. Die Farben des Mausits. Poggend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 474-478; Phil. Mag. VII., 1854, pp. 215-218. 175. Paliio-Krystalle, durcli Pseudomor- phose verandert. Poggend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 479-482. 176. Das Schallphanomen des Monte To- matico bei Feltre. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 559-568. 177. Die Kalkspathkrystalle vom Agnes- Stollen bei Moldowa. Wieu, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 680-683. 178. Riesen-Elenu von Kilkwen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 861-862. 179. Ueber Barytkrystalle. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV.. 1853, pp. 864-865. 180. Drei neue Localitaten von Pseudo- morphosen nach Steinsalz in den nordostlichen Alpen. Wieu, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 101- 105. 181. PrioritJits-Anspruch des k.k. Professor Anton HAUCH iiber die Amvendung des unter- schwefligsauren Natrons zur Silber-Extraction. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853. pp. 544-546. 182. Eine Bemerkuug iiber die Anordnung der kleinsten Theilchen in Krystallen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1853, pp. 88-103. 183. Ueber den Eliasit von Joachinisthal. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1853, pp. 103-106. Haidinger, Wilhelm. 184. Ueber Dr. HERA- PATH'S Jod-Chinin-Verbindung. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1853, pp. 106-113; Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 284-289; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 250-258. 185. Barytkrystalle, als Absatz der neuen Militiirbadhansquelle in Karlsbad. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. V., 1854, pp. 142-148. 186. Zwei Schaustufen von Brauneisen- stein rnit Kernen von Spatheisensteiu. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. V., 1854, pp. 183-190. 187. Die Anstheilung der Oberflachen- farben am Murexid. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XI., 1854, pp. 307-317. 188. Paliio-Krystalle durcli Pseudomor- phose veriindert. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL, 1854, pp. 397-400. 189. Die grime Farbe der oxalsauren Eisenoxyd - Alkalien. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XI., 1854, pp. 1015-1022; Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 246-255. 19O. Beitrag zur Erklarung der Farben der Polarisatiousbiischel durch Beugung. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 3-9 ; Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 591-601. 191. Tabelle der Eisbedeckuug der Donau bei Galacz (1836-1853). Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 9-11. 192. Ueber den Felsobanyt, ein neues Mineral. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 183- 190. 193. Ueber SENAEMOXT'S gefarbte Krys- talle. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 400-401. 194. Ueber den Pleochroismus und die Krystallstructur des Aniethystes. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 401-421. 195. Der Partschiu von Oliihpiau. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 480-485. 196. Note iiber gewundeiie Bergkrystalle. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 545-548 ; Poggend. Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 623-626. 197. Dauer des Eindruckes der Polarisa- tionsbiischel auf die Netzhaut. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 678-680 : Poggend. Annal. XCIIL, 1854, pp. 318-320. 198. Berichtigung einerfriiheren Angabe : " Niedrigste Hohe von Gewitterwolken." Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, p. 680. 199. Mittheilung aus einem Schreiben des Herrn Professors STOKES, iiber das optische Schachbrettmuster. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 670-677 ; Poggend. Annal. XCVL, 1855, pp. 305-313. 2OO. Die Richtung der Schwiugungen des Lichtiithers ini polarisirten Lichte ; Mittheilung aus einem Schreiben des Herrn Professors STOKES, nebst Bemerkungen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 685-700 ; Poggend. Anual. XCVL, 1855, pp. 287-305. HAI] 123 [HAI Haidinger, Wit helm. 201. Einige neuere An- sichtcn iiber die Natur der Polarisationsbiischel. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 758-765 ; Pog- gend. Annal. XCVI., 1855, pp. 314-322. 2O2. Plcochroismus einiger Augito und Amphibole. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 1074-1085. 2O3. Form und Farbe des Weltzienits. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 1085-1087. 204. Pleochroismus an mehreren einaxigen Krystallen, in neuerer Zeit beobachtet. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIIL, 1854, pp. 3-17. 2O5. Pleochroismus einiger zweiaxiger Krystalle. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIII., 1854, pp. 306-331. . 206. Graphische Methode anniihernder Winkelinessungen, besonders an kleiueren Kry- stallen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIV., 1854, pp. 3-8. 207. Die Interfereuzlinien am Glimmer. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIV., 1854, pp. 295-308; Poggend. Annal. XCVI., 1855, pp. 453-468. 2O8. Anuahernde Bestirnmung der Brech- ungs-Exponenten am Glimmer und Pennin. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIV., 1854, pp. 330-335 ; Poggend. Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 493-496, 620-623. 2O9. [Statement des couleurs de la polar- isation rotatoire.] Moigno, Cosmos, VI., 1855, pp. 454-i56. 21O. Das scliwefelhaltige Bleierz von Neu- Sink.i in Siebenbiirgen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 1-9. 211. Bemerkungen iiber Herrn Adolph Joseph PICK'S " Ansichten iiber die Sicherheit barometrischer Hohenmessungen." Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 450-453. 212. Zur Erinnerung an Johann CZJZEK. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 665-681. 213. Oberfliichen- und Korperfarben von WOHLER'S Jod- Tellur- Methyl. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 3-5. 214. Schreiben des Herm Dr. August BEER, iiber die Richtung der Schwinguugen des Lichtiithers im polarisirten Lichte. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 6-17. 215. Die zwei Hypothesen der Richtung der Schwingungeu des Lichtiithers nach ihrer Wahrscheinlichkeit. [1854.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 86-90. 216. Das Stauroskop. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 351-353. 217. Bemerkungen iiber die zuweilen im geschmeidigen Eiseu entstandene krystallinische Structur, verglichen mit jener des Meteoreiseus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 354-360. 218. Das Eis der Donau bei Wien, uud das Eis des Rheins bei Koblenz. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 360-363. Haidinger, Wil/ielm. 219. Die konische Re- fraction am Diopsid. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVI., 1855, pp. 113-130 ; Poggend. Annal. XCVI., 1855, pp. 469-487. • 220. Die Lichtabsorption des Cadmacotits. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVI., 1855, pp. 131-139; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 11-12. 221. Die Krystalle des essigsaurcn Man- gauoxyduls. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVI., 1855, pp. 145-153. 222. Vcreinfaehte Methode der graph- ischen Winkelmessungen kleiner Krystalle. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVII., 1855, pp. 187-189. 223. Die Formeii des Kalichlorca'dmiates. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVII., 1855, pp. 189-191. 224. Vergleichung von Augit und Am- phibol iiach den Hauptziigen ihrer krystallo- graphischen und optischen Eigenschaften. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVII., 1855, pp. 456-475. 225. Ein optisch - miueralogischer Auf- schraube Goniometer. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVIII., 1855, pp. 110-118 ; Poggend. Annal. XCVIL, 1S56, pp. 590-599. 226. Ueber SCHEDA'S neue Karte des Oesterreichischen Kaiserstaates. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVIII., 1855, pp. 178-179. 227. Die geographische Gesellschaft in Wieu. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVIIL, 1855, pp. 317-319. 228. Bericht iiber Herrn Dr. G. H. Otto VOLGER'S Abhandlung : " Ueber den Asteris- nius." Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIX., 1856, pp. 98- 102. 229. Ueber Herrn von DECIIEN'S neue geo- logische Karte von Rheinland und Westphalen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIX., 1856, pp. 336-338. 230. Die hohlen Geschiebe aus Jem Leitha- gebirge. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXL, 1856, pp. 480-491. 231. Der Kenngottit, eine neue Mineral- species von Felsobiinya. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIL, 1856, pp. 236-239. • 232. Der polarisch-magnetische Serpentin von Frankenstein. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VIIL, 1857, pp. 806-807. 233. Ueber SCHMIDT'S Werke iiber den Vesuv. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. I., 1857, pp. 92-94. 234. Bemerkungen iiber die krystallo- graphisch-optischen Verhaltnisse des Phena- kits. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XXIV., 1857, pp. 29- 32. 235. Der Datolith von Baveuo. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIX., 1858, pp. 239-240. 236. Der fur Diamant oder noch Werth- volleres ausgegebene Topas der Herrn Du- POISAT. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXII., 1858, pp. 3-21. Q 2 HAI] 124 [HAI Kaidinger, ini/telm. 237. Der Meteorit von Kakova bei Oravitza. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIV., 1859, pp. 11-21. 238. Die Meteoriten des k. k. Hof-Minera- lien-Cabiuetes ani 7 Januar 1859 chronologisch geordnet. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIV., 1859, pp. 21-27. 239. Notiz iiber den Meteorit von Aussun. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXI V., 1859, pp. 265- 267. 24O. Die grosse Platinstufe im k.k. Hof- Mineralien - Cabinet, Gescheuk des Fursten Anatole von DEJIIDOFF. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXV., 1859, pp. 345-348. 241. Der Meteoreisenfall von Hrascliina bei Agram am 26 Mai 1751. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XXXV., 1859, pp. 361-388. • 242. Bemerkungen iiber die optischen Eigenschaften einiger chrysamminsauren Salze. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 183-190. 243. Das zweite Jahr der Erdumsegelung S. M. Fregatte Novara. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVII., 1859, pp. 5-24. 244. Ueber Feuermeteore. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVII., 1859, pp. 803-817. 245. Ueber das von Herrn J. ADERBACH in Moskau entdeckte Meteoreisen von Tula. Moscon, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIII., 1860 (pte. 2), pp. 362-376 ; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLII., I860, pp. 507-518. 246. Bericht iiber die Eisdecke der Donau in Ungarn im Winter und ihren Bruch inn Miirz 1858. [1858.] Wien, Denkscbr. XVIII., 1860, pp. 1-8. 247. Die Rutilkrystalle von Graves' Mount in Georgia U.S. N.A. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIX., 1860, pp. 5-8. 248. Eine dritte Urkunde iiber den Me- teoreisenfall von Hrasnhina bei Agram. WTien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIX., 1860, pp. 519-525. 249. Eine Leitform der Meteoriten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL., 1860, pp. 525-536. — 250. Der Meteorit von Shalka in Ban- coorah und der Piddiugtonit. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLL, 1860, pp. 251-260. 251. Einige neure Nachrichten iiber Me- teoriten, namentlich die von Bokkeweld, New- Concord, Trenzano, die Meteoreisen von Ne- braska, vorn Brazos, von Oregon. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLL, 1860, pp. 568-572. 252. Die Calcutta-Meteoriten, von Shalka, Futtehpore, Pegu, Assam und Segowlee im k.k. Hof-Mineralifu-Cabiuete. Wien, Sitz. Ber XLI., 1860, pp. 745-758 ; Bengal, Jouvn. Asiat, Soc. XXX., 1862, pp. 129-138. 253. Der Meteorit von St. Denis- Westrem im k.k. Hof-Mineralien-Cabinete. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLII., 1860, pp. 9-14. Haidinger, inihclm. 254. Die MeteoritenfalLe von Quenggouk bei Bassein iu Pegu und Dhurnr sala im Punjab. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLII., 1860, pp. 301-306. 255. Die Eisverhaltnisee der Douau iu den Jahren 1851-60. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLII., 1860, pp. 739-741. 256. Notiz iiber das Rothbleierz von deu Philip])inen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLII., 1860, pp. 742-743. 257. Notiz iiber das Meteoreisen von Ne- braska. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLII., I860, pp. 744- 746. 258. Das Doppelmeteor von Elmira und Long Island. WTien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII., 1861 (Abi/i. 2), pp. 304-307. 259. Der Meteorsteinfall von Parnallee bei Madura in Hiudostan. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII., 1861 (Altli. 2), pp. 307-309. 26O. Ueber die Natur der Meteoriten in ibrer Zusammensetzung und Erscheinung. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII., 1861 (Abth. 2), pp. 389-426 ; Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 456-461 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 15-22 ; Phil. Mag. XXII., 1861, pp. 349- 361,442-458. 261. Zwei Meteoreisenmassen in der Nahe von Melbourne in Australien aufgefunden. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII., 1861 (Abth. 2), pp. 583-584. 262. Der Meteorit von Yatoor bei Nellore in Hindostan. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1861 (Abth. 2), pp. 73-74. 263. Der Meteorit von Parnallee bei Madura im k.k. Hof - Miueralien - Cabinete. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1861 (Abth. 2), pp. 117-120. 264. Bemerkungen zu Herrn Director J. C. Julius SCHMIDT'S neueren Beobachtungen von Stemschnuppen-Schweifen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1861 (Abth. 2), pp. 229-230. 265. Der Meteorit von Dhurmsala. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1861 (Abth. 2), pp. 285- 288. 266. Der Meteorsteinfall zu Montpreis ani SI ,luli 1859. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1861 (Abth. 2), pp. 373-378. 267. Die zwei Cranbourne Meteor-Eisen- blocke in Victoria. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1861 (Abth. 2), pp. 378-380; XLV., 1862 (Abth. 2), pp. 63-74. 268. Die ersten Proben des Meteoreisens von Cranbourne in Australien. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1861 (Abth. 2), pp. 465-472. 269. Das Meteor von Quenggouk in Pegu, und die Ergebuisse des Falles daselbst am 27 December 1857. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1862 (Abth. 2), pp. 637-642. HAI] 125 [HAI Haidinger, ll'ilhclin. 270. Ueber das Regen- bogen-Phanomen am 28 Juli 1861. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV.. 1862 (Abth. 2), pp. 421-426. 271. Der Meteorsteinfall im Gorukpur- Distriete in Ober-Bengalen, am 12 Mai 1861. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV., 1862 (Abth. 2), pp. 665-67 1 . 272. Das Eisen von Kurrukpur nicht meteorischen Ursprungs. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV., 1862 (Abth. 2), pp. 672-674. 273. Stannern. Ein zweiter Meteorstein, durch seine Rinde genau in seiner kosmiachen Bahii orientirt. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV., 1862 (Abth. 2), pp. 790-795. — 274. Das Riesenhirsch-Skelet aus der k.k. geologischen Reichsanstalt in cleu zoologischen Garten iibertragen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV., 1862 (Abth. 2), pp. 797-800. 275. Zur Erinneruug an Franz ZIPPE. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. XIII., 1S63, pp. 143-146. 276. 1st Magnesit eiu feuerf'ester Stein ? Wien, Gcol. Verbandl. XIII., 1863, pp. 123- 126. — 277. Das Meteoreisen von Sarepta. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVI., 1863 (Abth. 2), pp. 286-297. 278. Die Meteoriten von Bachmut und von Paulowgrad, beide im Gouvernement Jekat- erinoslaw. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVI., 1863 (Abth. 2), pp. 307-310. 279. Die October- Feuermeteore in den Wiener Slattern 1862. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVI., 1863 (Abth. 2), pp. 393-399. - — 28O. Pseudomorphose von Glimmer nach Cordierit von Greenburg im Miihlkreisc in Oesterreich ob der Enns. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVI., 1863 (Abth. 2), pp. 575-582. 281. Der Meteorit von Albareto im k.k. Hof-Mineralien-Cabinete, vom Jahr 1766, und der Troilit. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VII., 1863 (Abth. 2), pp. 283-298. 282. [Ueber den Fall von Meteorsteinen bei Parnallee in Ost-Iudien.j Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VII., 1863 (Abth. 2), pp. 420-426. — — 283. Eine eigenthiimliche Zwillings-Krys- tallbilduug am Kupfer. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVIIL, 1863 (Abth. 2), pp. 6-10. 284. Das Carleton-Tucson-Meteoreisen im k.k. Hof-Mineralien-Gabinete. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVIIL, 1863 (Abth. 2), pp. 301-308. 285. Ein Meteor des 10 August 1863. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVIIL, 1863 (Abth, 2), pp. 309-310. 286. Herrn Director Julius SCHMIDT'S Feuermeteor vom 18 October 1863. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVIIL, 1 S6S(Al>th. 2), pp. 559-560. Haidinger, JJ'ilhelin, und Rob. Miiller. Neueste genaue Liingen- und Breiten- Bestimmungen auf St. Paul. Wien, Sitz. Ber- XXXL, 1858, pp. 351-356. Haidinger, U'll/irlm, und Partsch. Bericht iiber die Unternehmung einer geologischen Karte OesterreicLs. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 11-19. Haidinger, U'ilhflm, und F. Zippe. Beschreib- ung des Sternbergits eiuer neuen Mineral- species. (Transl.) Bohm. Monatscbr. Ges. Mus. 1827, pp. 39-59. Haidlen, Julius. Ueber die Salze und die Ana- lyse der Kuhmilf-h. Liebig, Annal. XLV., 1843, pp. 263-277; Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 467-471. Haidlen, Julius, und ffemigius Fresenius. Ueber die Anwendung des Cyankaliums in der chemischen Analyse. Liebig, Annal. XLIII., 1842, pp. 129-149. Haig, Capt, R. IV. Account of magnetic obser- vations made in the years 1858-61, in British Columbia, Washington Territory, and Vancou- ver Island. [1863.1 Phil. Trans. 1864, pp. 161-166. Haij, Dan. Dissertatio de Drosera. Upsala, Diss. Acad. II., 1800, pp. 402-409. Haij, Isaacus. Dissertatio de insectis Suecicis. Upsala, Diss. Acad. III., 1801, pp. 76-85. Haile, J. C. Observations of the great Comet of 1844-45, made at Auckland, New Zealand. Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 227-230. Haillecourt, A. Hexagrarnme de PASCAL. Nouv. Ann. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 269-270. 2. Sur les branches infinies des courbes Algebriques. Nouv. Ann. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 372-374. 3. Sur 1'emploi des signes +, — en geome- tric. Nouv. Ann. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 83-86. 4. Theoremes sur les surfaces courbes. Nouv. Ann. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 398-406. Hailstone, J. Outlines of the geology of Cam- bridgeshire. [1814.] Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1816, pp. 243-250. 2. Some observations on the Weather, ac- companied by an extraordinary depression of the barometer, during the mouth of December 1821. Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1822. pp. 453-458. 3. On a peculiar oscillation of the Baro- meter. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, p. 559. Hailstone, S. Descriptions of some species of Crustaceous Animals. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1835, pp. 261-265. 2. An illustrated description of a species of Euryuome (E. spinosa ?), supposed to be hitherto undescribed; and notices of some instances of some change of form which occurs in certain cited species of Crustaceous Animals. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1835, pp. 549-553. HAI] 126 [HAI Haimc, Jules. Note sur le Polypieroide tl'un Leiopathes glaberriraa. Anu. Sci. Nat. XII. (Zoo/.), 1849, pp. 224-226. 2. Observations sur la Milnia, nouveau genre de 1'ordre des Echini des. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1849, pp. 75-76; Anu. Sci. Nat, XII. (ZooL), 1849, pp. 217-224. 3. Decouverte d'un polypieroide siliceux dans les polypes de la faniille des Antipathidees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1849, pp. 109- 110. 4. Sur la morphologic des Tubuliporides. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1852, pp. 31-35. 5. Observations sur les metamorphoses et sur 1'organisation de la Trichodn Lynceus. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (ZooL), 1853, pp. 109-134. 6. Memoire sur le Cerianthe (Ceriantlms membranaceus). Auu. Sci. Nat. I. (ZooL), 1854, pp. 341-389. 7. Note sur le developpement des Actinies. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 437-439; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 395-397. 8. Observations sur quelques points de l'organisation des Actinies. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 595-600. 9. Description des Bryozoaires fossiles de la formation jurassique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. V., 1854, pp. 157-218. 1O. Sur la geologic de 1'ile Majorque. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 734- 752 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1301-1304. 11. Experiences sur la generation spon- tanee. L'Institut, XXVII., 1 859, p. 377. Kaime, Jules, et Henri Milne Edwards. Re- cherches sur les Polypiers. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (ZooL), 1848. le Memoire. Observations sur la structure et le developpement des Polypiers en general, pp. 37-89. 2e Memoire. Monographic des Turbinolides, pp. 211-344. 3° Memoire. Monographic des Eupsammides. Ibid. X., pp. 65-114. 4e Memoire. Monographic des As- tix-ides. Ibid. X., pp. 209-321 ; XL, pp. 233- 312 ; XII., pp. 95-197. 5e Memoire. Mono- graphic des Osculinides. Ibid. XIII., pp. 62-1 10. 6° Memoire. Monographie des Fongides. Ibid. XV., pp. 73-144. 7e Memoire. Monographic des Poritides. Ibid. XVII., pp. 21-70. 8e Memoire. Observations sur le genre Lithostro- tiurn. Ibid. XVIII., pp. 21-62; Froriep,Notizeu, X., 1849, col. 1-8, 16-26, 33-41 ; XL, 1849, col. 53-56 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 465-470, 490-497, 538-541. • 2. Sur les Polypiers appartenant a la famille des Oculinides, au groupe interme- diaire des Pseudastreides et a la famille des Fongides. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 67-73. Haime, Jules, et Henri Milne Edwards. 3. Memoire sur les Polypiers appartenant aux groupes uaturels des Zoauthaires perfores et des Zoanthaires tabules. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 257-263. • 4. Monographie des Polypiers fos- siles des terrains pala3ozoiqu.es, precedes d'un tableau general de la classification des Polypes. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Archiv. V., 1851, pp. 1- 504. Haimhoffen, Gustav R. von. Beobachtungen tiber den Wurzel-Auswuchs an Alyssum inca- num, L. (Berteroa incana, DC., und Farsetia incana, />'. Br.) uud dessen Erzeuger. Wien, ZooL Bot. Ver. Verhandl. V., 1855 (Abh.\ pp. 524-528. 2. Beobachtungen iiber die Menge und das Vorkonimen der Pflanzengallen und ihre specielle Vertheilung auf die verschiedeneu Pflanzen- gattuugen und Arten. Wien, ZooL Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.\ pp. 285-295. Haiti, . Ueber den Werth der vergleich- einlen Anatomic. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VIII., 1823, pp. 20-37. Haindl, F. X. Ueber die Silberprobeu auf nassem Wege. Dingier, Polytechu. Journ. XLIX., 1833, pp. 108-116. 2. Ueber Alfinirung uiederhaltigen Silbers durch Verputfen mit Salpeter. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. I., 1834, pp. 245-250. 3. Ueber die Probe von platinhaltenden Gold- und Silberlegirungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 167-177. Haine, — . Beobachtung eines Falles zu friiher Pubertiit und bedeutenden Fettwerdeus. Meckel, Archiv, 1832, pp. 410-411. Haine, F. G. Ueber die Bildung des Zellen- gewebes in den volllcommnern Gewiichsen. Acad. Ca3s. Leop. Nova Acta, XIV., 1828, pp. 497-514. Haines, C. Y. On some beds of limestone in the valley of Cork. Brit. Assoc. Rep. XIII. 1843 (j»f. 2), pp. 51-52. Haines, R. On the volatile oil of Ptychotis Ajwau. Chem. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1856, pp. 289-291; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 430-432. 2. Report and analysis of various kinds of Coal. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. VI., 1860, pp. lix-lxii. 3. Notes on the extraction and estimation of some of the crystalline principles of Opium. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. VII., 1861, pp. 222-234. 4. On the analysis of mineral waters, and on the arrangement of the results. Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 29-31. HAI] 127 [HAL Haines, 7?. 5. On the presence of nitrates in mineral waters, and on the production of saltpetre. Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 154- 155, 165-166, 194-195. 6. Notes on nitrification. Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 245-246, 259-260. 7. On the conversion of calomel into cor- rosive sublimate by ammoniacal salts. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1862, pp. 224- 230. 8. On a natural formation of carbonate of soda. Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1864, pp. 26- 27. Haines, fi. and Herbert Giraud. Analysis of the Mineral Springs and various Well and River Waters in the Bombay Presidency. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. V., 1859, pp. 242-263. 2. Disquisitiones in veram testium e lumbis in scrotum descensus causancu To- rino, Mem. Accad. XXIIL, 1818, pp. 64-72. Haines, S. Bctteswortlt. Memoir to accompany a chart of the south coast of Arabia, from the entrance of the Eed Sea to Misenat, in 50° 43' 25" E. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IX., 1839, pp. 125-156. 2. Memoir of the south and east coasts of Arabia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XV., 1845, pp. 104-159. 3. A description of the Arabian coast, from the entrance of the Red Sea to Messenaat. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XL, 1853, pp. 60- 211. 4. Notice on the variation of the Magnetic Needle at Aden. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXIV., 1854, pp. 225-226. Haines, Wm. A. Descriptions of four new spe- cies of terrestrial shells, from Siarn. [1855.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 157- 158. Hainguerlot, • . Experiences faites les 25 et 26 Juillet, sur le Canal de 1'Ourcq dans le but de constater le degre de vitesse qu'on pourrait donner a un bateau de poste qui ferait un ser- vice journalier entre Paris et Meaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 336-338. Hairion, . Rapport de la Commission chargee d'examiner les Memoires envoyes au Concours de 1851-53 sur la question suivante : " Exposer 1'influence respective des ditferents nerfs sur les mouvements de 1'iris." Bruxelles, Acad. Med. Belg. Bull. XIV., 1854-55, pp. 3- ou» Hajech, Camilla. Sulla rifrazione del suono. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lornb. VIII., 1856, pp. 406- 410; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 438- 440 ; Nuovo Cimento, V., 1857, pp. 5-14; Pog- gend. Annal. CIIL, 1858, pp. 163-166. Hajech, Camilla. 2. Nuove esperienze sulla rifrazione del suono. [1859.] Milauo, Atti 1st. Lomb. I., 1 858, pp. 448-450. Hake, . A memorial of certain researches on the perspiratory vessels of the skin. Lon- don, Med. and PLys. Journ. LXVL, 1831, pp. 35-39. Hake, Christian. Ueber orictognostische Classir fication der Fossilien. Moll, Ncue Jahrbiich. III., 1815, pp. 161-195, 341-357. Hake, T. G. On the structure and functions of the Spleen. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1839, pp. 164-165 ; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1839, col. 102- 103. Halbertsma, //. J. Ueber einen in der Mem- braua interossea des Unterschenkels verlauf- enden Nerven. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 303- 312. • . 2. Bijdrage tot de ziektekundige ontleed- kunde der tanden. Amsterdam, Verh. II., 1855. 3. Over Hermaphroditismus spurius femi- ninus. Amsterdam, Verh. III., 1856. 4. Over eene verbinding tussehen de breede rugspier en de driehoofdige arrnspier bij den Mensch. Een analogon van den bij diereii voorkomenden Museums aucouceus quintus. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IV.. 1856, pp. 238- 246. 5. Over de verhouding der ondersleutel- beens-slagader tot toevallig aanwezige halsrib- ben bij den mensch. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IV., 1856, pp. 247-258 ; Virchow, Ar- chiv, XL, 1857, pp. 195-196. 6. Anatomische en physiologische beschou- wingen der voorhoofdsspier, Musculus frontalis. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. VII., 1858, pp. 1- 9; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. VI., 1863, pp. 117-123 ; Bonders, Archiv, II., 1860, pp. 49-56. 7. De sutura infraorbitalis. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IX., 1859, pp. 177-184. 8. De lamina mediana cartilaginis thyre- oidete. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XL, 1861, pp. 350-359. 9. Bijdrage tot de geschiedeuis van den Canalis Schlemmii. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XL, 1861, pp. 360-367. 1O. De musculus thoracicus. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XII., 1861, pp. 164-180. 11. Ontleedkundige aanteekeuingeu. 1. Musculus gastrocnemius triceps. 2. Musculus pyriformis fissus. 3. Musculus supinator brevis accessorius. 4. Vena cava superior sinistra. 5. De taalkundige afleiding van het woord : Coronoideus. 6. Jolum HAH van Arnhem, de ontdekker der Spermatozo'iden. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIII. , 1862, pp. 330-347. HAL] 128 [HAL Halbertsma, II. J. 12. De afwijking van Let tusschenschot der kamers in der primitive aorta naar links, met hare gevolgen. Bijdrage tot de kenuis der onregelmatige ontvvikkeling van het hart. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIII., 1862, pp. 348-331; Bonders, Archiv, III., 1863, pp. 387-413. 13. Die Bedeutung der kleinen Fliigel des Keilbeins. Donders, Archiv, III., 1863, pp. 253-259. 14. Norniaal en abnormaal Hermaphrodi- tismus bij de Visschen. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XVI., 1864, pp. 165-179. Haldane, Henry. A method of measuring the force of an Electrical Battery during the time of its being charged. Nicholson, Journ. I., 1797, pp. 156-158 ; Gilbert, Annal. III., 1800, pp. 22-24 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IX., 1842, pp. 309-312. 2. Experiments made with a view to ascer- tain the cause of buildings, which have metallic conductors belonging to them, being struck by Lightning. Nicholson, Journ. I., 1797, pp. 433-441; Gilbert, Annal. V., 1800, pp. 115- 128. 3. Experiments and observations made with the newly discovered metallic pile of Signer VOLTA. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 241-245, 313-319 ; Gilbert, Annal. VII., 1801, pp. 190-201, 202-213. Haldat du Lys, Charles Nicolas Alexandrc de. Experiences sur la double vision. Journ. de Phys. LXIII., 1806, pp. 387-401 ; Nicholson, Journ. XVIL, 1807, pp. 201-214. 2. Recherches sur les limites de la vision simple et les points de correspondance de la i-L-tiue, etc. Journ. de Phys. LXV., 1807, pp. 16-27 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXV., 1810, pp. 123-135. 3. Recherches sur la chaleur produite par le frottement. Jouru. de Phys. LXV., 1807, pp. 213-222; Nicholson, Journ. XXVI., 1810, pp. 30-39. 4. Recherches sur les Albinos de 1'Europe. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1808-9, pp. 6-9 ; Journ. de Phys. LXX., 1810, pp. 144-156. 5. [Analyse de la lymphe encephalique.] Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1810, pp. 34-37. 6. Recherches sur la propagation du son. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1813-15, pp. 15-18. 7. Description de pierres flgurees des en- virons de Nancy. Journ. de Phys. LXXVIII., 1814, pp. 294-304. 8. Recherches sur la propagation du son dans Fair agite par le vent. Journ. de Phys. LXXIX., 1814, pp. 285-294. 9. Analyse de la lymphe des ventricules du cerveau. Paris, Bull. Fac. Mecl. IV., 1814, pp. 120-127. Haldat du Lys, Charles Nicolas Alexandre de. 10. Rapport fait ;i la Societe royale des Sciences de Nancj', sur les eboulements qui ont eu lieu a Norroy, pres de Pont-a-Mousson, departement de la Meurthe. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIL, 1818, pp. 352-358. 11. Recherches sur la cause de la diffrac- tion de la lumiere. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1824-28, pp. 140-143 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1829, pp. 424-426 ; Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 226-227; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 394-395 ; Schweigger, Journ. LVIII. (=Jahrb. XXVIII.), 1830, pp. 76-78 ; Sillimau, Journ. XVIII., 1830, pp. 176-177. 12. Recherches sur le magnetisme par ro- tation. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1824-28, pp. 143-149 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1828, pp. 232-243 ; Poggend. Aimal. XIV., 1828, pp. 598-607 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. 1., 1829, pp. 393- 395. • 13. Recherches sur la force coercitive des aimauts et les figures magnutiques. Aunal. de Chimie, XLIL^ 1829, pp. 33-45 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. LVIII. (= Jahrb. XXVIII.), 1830, pp. 278-291. - 14. Recherches chimiques sur 1'encre. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1829-32, pp. 144-147. 15. Recherches sur 1'incoercibilite du fluide magiK'tique. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1829-32, pp. 162-167 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1833, pp. 303-318. 16. Note sur la cristallisation de 1'oxide de fer. Annal. de Chimie, XLVI., 1831, pp. 70-73 ; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XV., 1832, pp. 47-50; Roy. Inst. Journ. II., 1831, pp. 188- 189. 17. Note sur les pierres meteoriques. Nancy, Mum. Soc. Sci. 1835, pp. 1-9. 18. Description de I'Aurore Boreale du 17 Fevrier 1837 observee a Nancy. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sei. 1836, pp. 67-69. • 19. Recherches sur la force coercitive et la polarite des aimants sans cohesion. Nancy, Mem. Soe. Sci. 1836, pp. 73-83; Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1837, pp. 214-223. • 20. Note relative aux etoiles filantes. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1836, pp. 70-72. 21. Essais destines a faciliter la repetition de 1'experience qui sert de base a la theorie de 1'interference des rayons lumineux. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1837, pp. 75-82; France, Con- gres Scient. 1837, pp. 521-522. 22. Diverses experiences d'optique. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1837, pp. 83-92. 23. Note sur la determination de la vitesse avec laquelle s'exerce 1'influence magnetique. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1^37, pp. 93-100 ; An- nal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1838, pp. 203-209. HAL] 129 [HAL Ealdat du Lys, Charles Nicolas Alexandra dc. 24. Note sur la condensation de la force mag- netique vers !es surfaces des aimants. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1838, pp. 153-156. 25. Experiences nouvelles sur le magnet- isme par rotation. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1 838, pp. 157-164. 26. Observation d'une couronne autour dc la lune. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1838, pp. 165- 168. 27. Recherches sur quelques phenomenes produits par les forces attractives et repulsives des aimants. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1839, pp. 42-76. 28. Phenomenes de la diffraction complexe. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1839, pp. 77-84. 29. Eecherches sur les causes de 1'extinc- tion du son. Naucy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1840, pp. 88-101 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1841, p. 54. 3O. Recherches sur la cause du magnet- isme par rotation. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1840, pp. 59-69. 31. Recherches sur la ceneralite du Mag- netisme ou complement aux experiences de COULOMB. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1840, pp. 70-87 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. 1845, pp. 107- 108. 32. Recherches experimentales sur le me- cnnisme de la vision. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1841, pp. 1-32; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 798-800. 33. Recherches sur la puissance motrice et 1'intensite des courants de Pelectricite dyna- ruique. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1842, pp. 1-19 ; Annal. de Chimie, VIIL, 1843, pp. 49-62 ; France, Congres Scient. 1842, pp. 69-76. 34. Recherches sar la vision. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1842, pp. 20-54; Froriep, No- tizen, XXIII., 1842, col. 97-88. 35. Extraits de divers memoires sur le magnetisme. Archives de 1'Electr. III., 1843, pp. 278-291. 36. Recherches sur la concentration de la force magnetique vers les surfaces des corps magnetises. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1843, pp. 1-10 ; Aniial. de Chimie, XI., 1844, pp. 457- 464 ; Archives de FElectr. VI., 1844, pp. 491- 498 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 843-848 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 353-358. 37. Recherches sur les causes de I'altera- tion de la force magnetique. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1843, pp. 11-36; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 911-914. 38. Meteore lumineux qui a paru en Lor- raine le 4 Mai 1843. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1843, pp. 37-41. VOL. III. Haldat du Tjjrs, Charles Nicolas Alexandrc dc. 39. Examen de 1'achromatisme de I'ocil. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1843, pp. 57-59. 40. Analyse des memoires sur la vision. Annal. de Chimie, XII., 18i4, pp. 94-107. 41. Complement au memoire sur la con- densation de la force magnetique ;i la surface des aimants (Annul, dc Chimie, torn. XL). Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1844, pp. 1-14; Archives de 1'filectr. V., 1845, pp. 394-404; Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 597-599 ; II., 1846, pp. 331- 339. 42. Observations sur Fhypothese de FORBES, relative a la vision distincte des objets repre- sentes par des rayons lumineux de directions ditferentes. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1845, pp. 51-57 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1561-1565. 43. Recherches sur Funiversalite de la force magnetique. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1845, pp. 155-192. 44. Recherches sur 1'appreciation de la force magnetique. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1845, pp. 193-201 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 873-874. 45. Nouvelles recherches sur 1'attraction magnetique et sur la disposition generate des corps a acquerir cette force. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1846, pp. 226-244. 46. Analyse d'un rnemoire sur 1'universa- lite du maguetisme. [1841.] Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1847, pp. 113-117 ; Phil. Mag. XXX., 1847, pp. 319-322. 47. Couleurs accidentelles de 1'eau. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1847, pp. 451-459. 48. Optique oculaire : examen de 1'expe- rience des deux epingles. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1847, pp. 460-466. 49. Observations des variations diurnes de 1'aiguille airnantee a Nancy. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1847, pp. 467-472. 50. Memoire sur le nu'canisme de la vision. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1848, pp. 347-361. 51. Second memoire sur les causes de 1'extinction du son et sur celles de la souorite. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1848, pp. 362-380. 52. Essai historique sur le magnetisme et I'universalite de son influence dans la nature. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1849, pp. 183-209. 53. De 1'influence de Fexperience sur le progres des sciences et des arts. France, Con- gres Scient. XVII., 1850, pp. 441-454; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1851, pp. 430-447. 54. Memoire sur quelques illusions d'op- tique, particulierement sur la modification des images oculaires. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1850, pp. 209-220. n HAL] 130 [HAL Haldat du I>ys, Charles Nicolas Alexundre de. 55. Recherches nouvelles sur 1'ailaptation ou accommodation de Trail aux distances. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1850, pp. 221-231. — 56. Note sur le fantome magnutique. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1851, pp. 64-75. 57. Recherches sur le timbre ou qualite de son dans les corps sonores. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1851, pp. 76-95. 58. Sur 1'accommodation de 1'ccil aux dis- tances. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1852, pp. 449-455. Haldeman, S. »S'. An analysis of marl from New Jersey. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIII., 1839-42, p. 150. — 2. Description of five new species of American Freshwater Shells. Philad. Journ. Acad. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1839-42, pp. 200-202. 3. Description of two new species of the genus Perca, from the Susquehanna River. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIII., 1839-42, p. 330. 4. Description of a new species of Cyclops, and two species of Tubifex. Philad. Journ. Acad. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1839-42, pp. 331-332. 5. Observations on the habits and charac- ters of the Melanians of LAMAKCK. Silliman, Journ. XLL, 1841, pp. 21-23. 6. Descriptions of four species of Cyclas (C. elevata), three of which belong to the sub- genus Pisidium (P. abruptum, P. diaphanum, P. abditurn) ; and two species of Cypris (C. agilis, C. simplex). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43, pp. 53-54. 7. Descriptions of two new Freshwater Shells, Amnicola atteiiuata and Physa globosa. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43, pp. 78-79. 8. Cyclas (Pisidium) dentata, a new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43, p. 103. 9. On Unio viridis, Raf. (U. tappanianus, Lea). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841- 43, p. 104. 10. Proposal to substitute the name Hypo- don for Diodon, as a genus of Cetacea. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43, p. 127. 11. Hydrolimax, new genus of Sterel- mintha. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43, p. 166. 12. Hydrachua scabra and H. quinque-un- data, new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43, p. 184. 13. Limnadia coriacea, a new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43. p. 184. 14. Daphnia abrupta, a new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43, p. 184. Haldeman, .S'. 8. 15. Description of a new species of Cypris (C. scabra). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proe. I., 1841-43, pp. 184-188. 16. Remarks on changes of nomenclature in natural history (Entomology). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43, p. 191. 17. Description of two new species of Hydrachna (II. uebulosa and H. coccinea), and one of Daplmia (D. reticulata). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43, pp. 196-197. 18. Fact on the preservative qualities of Copper. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43, p. 269. 19. Catalogue of the Carabideous Coleop- tera of South-eastern Pennsylvania. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. L, 1841-43, pp. 295- 298. 2O. Descriptions of North American species of Coleoptera, presumed to be uudescribed. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sei. Proc. I., 1841-43, pp. 298-305. 21. Pasimachus substriatus, a new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. L, 1841-33, p. 313. — — 22. Descriptions of several species of Aphis, inhabiting Pennsylvania. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I, 1841-44, pp. 168-169. 23. Notice of the Zoological Writings of the late C. S. RAFINESQUE. Sillimau, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 280-291. 24. Enumeration of the recent Freshwater Mollusca which arc common to North America and Europe ; with observations on species and their distribution. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1843-44, pp. 468-484. 25. Percina bimaculata, a new species from the Susquehanua. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1844, p. 157. 26. On seven new species of Aphis. Bos- ton, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1844, pp. 168- 169. • 27. Remarks on Zoological Nomenclature. Silliman, Journ. XL VI., 1844, pp. 18-24. 28. Descriptions of Insects presumed to be undescribed. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. H., 1844-45, pp. 53-55. 29. Description of Unio abacoides, a new species. Silliman, Journ. II., 1846, p. 274 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1846, p. 430. 30. On several new genera and species of Insects. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 124-128. 31. Descriptions of several new species and new genera of Insects. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 149-151. 32. Anatomical examination of Salamandra erythronota and S. cinerea, showing them to be distinct species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 184.6-47, p. 315. HAL1 131 [HAL Haldeman, S. S. 33. On the occurrence of a species of Evania in various parts of the world, curried by the Blatta which infests ships, and upon which the larva is judged to be parasitic. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1847. 34. Corrections and Additions to his paper on the Longicornia of the United States [Injrd No. 54]. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IV., 1847, pp. 371-376. 35. Descriptions of North American Co- leoptera, chiefly in the Cabinet of J. L. LE CONTE, M.D., with references to described species. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1847-50, pp. 95-110. — ^ 36. Cryptocephalinarum Boreali-Americas diagnoses, cum speciebus uovis Musei Lecon- tiani. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1847- 50, pp. 245-265; Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 170-172. 37. Chikiswalungo iron furnace, near Co- lumbia, Pa. (Results of smelting Iron with Anthracite Coal). Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 296-297. 38. On the construction of Blast Furnaces for the smelting of iron with anthracite. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 74-80. • 39. On the supposed identity of Atops trilineatus with Triarthrus Beckii. Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 107-108. 40. On the occurrence of Cremastocheilus and other insects in Ant-nests ; and of Cut-lifer found parasitic under the elytra of Alaus ocu- latus. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 148-149 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 221-222. 41. Remark on the insects of Mexico. Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, p. 435. 42. A new organ of sound in Lepidoptera. Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, p. 435. 43. On certain Insects common to New Mexico and the United States. Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, p. 435. 44. On the artificial production of Stypnite, Hold, (capillary lava). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, p. 5. • 45. On the identity of Anommawith Dory- lus, suggested by specimens which Dr. SAVAGE found together. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 200-202. 46. On several new Hymenoptera of the genera Ampulex, Sigalphus, Chelonus, and Dorylus. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 203-204. 47. History of Phalangopsis, a genus of Orthoptera, with three new species, two of which form a new sub-genus (Daihinia). Amer. As- soc. Proc. 1849, pp. 346-347. 48. On the larva of Physoccelus inflatus. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, p. 347. Haldeman, S. S. 49. History and transforma- tions of Corydalus cornutus. [1848.] Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. IV., 1849, pp. 157-161. 50. On four new species of Hemiptera of the genera Ploiaria, Chermes, and Aleurodes, and two new Hymenoptera (Aleurodes aleuro- diuus, Eremocerus corni), parasitic in the last named genus. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 108-111. 51. Report on the progress of Entomology in the United States during the year 1846. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 5-7. 52. On some albino specimens and a black variety of Tamias lysteri. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, p. 198. 53. Descriptions of some new species of Insects, with observations on described species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 361-365. 54. Materials towards a history of the Coleoptera Longicornia of the United States. [1845.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. X., 1853, pp. 27-66, 67-102 ; Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IV., 1847, pp. 371-376. 55. Description of several new and in- teresting animals (Cecidomyia RobiniaB, Erio- philus, and Aphis (Pemphigus) stamineus). Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. VI., 1859, pp. 401-403. 56. Organe de stridulation clans une Litho- sia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VLL, 1859, p. xliii. 57. On StrepomatidiE as a name for a family of fluviatile Mollusca, usually confounded with Melania. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1863, pp. 273-274. Hale, C. S. Geology of South Alabama. Silli- man, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 354-363. 2. Observations on the Gnathodon beds around the head of Mobile Bay. Silliman, Journ. XI., 1851, pp. 164-174. Hale, Enoch, and A. Holyoke. A Meteorological Journal from the Year 1786 to the Year 1829 inclusive, with a prefatory Memoir. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. I., 1833, pp. 107-216. Hale, Horatio. Migrations in the Pacific Ocean. Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 317-332. Hale, J. Observations upon Crickets in Canada. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. I., 1829, pp. 254-255. Hale, Moses. Geological notice of Troy. Silli- man, Journ. III., 1821, pp. 72-73. Hale, E. J. Case of a heart with a single ven- tricle. Pathol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1852-53, pp. 87-96. Hale, Samuel. Conjectures of the natural causes of the North- West Winds being colder, and more frequent in the winter in New England, than in the same degrees of latitude in Europe. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. II., 1793, pp. 61-62. R 2 HAL] 132 [HAL Hale, Wm. Account of a new mode of propelling vessels. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1831, p. 48. Halem, van. Liste des Mollusques que Ton trouve dans la Mer du Nord et principalement autour de 1'ile Norderney en Est-Frise, ainsi que dans cette ile. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. VIII., 1820, pp. 372-376. Halewijn, H. Jets over de Daijakkers [Bea- jous] van Banjermassiug op Borneo. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. X1IL, 1832, pp. 279- 292. Haley, Joint. Observations and experiments tending to ascertain the causes of those irregu- larities in Chronometers, which are generated during considerable intervals of time, and have been ascribed to external causes. Nicholson, Journ. VIII., 1804, pp. 46-55. Haliday, A. IT. Notices of Insect*, taken in the North of Ireland. Zool. Journ. III., 1828, pp. 500-501. 2. Characters of two new Dipterous genera, with indications of some generic subdivisions and several nndescribed species of Dolichopida3. Zool. Journ. V., 1832-34, pp. 350-384. 3. Catalogue of Diptera occurring about Holy wood in Downshire. Entom. Mag. I., 1833, pp. 147-180. 4. An essay on the classification of the Parasitic Ilymenoptera of Britain, which corre- spond with the Ichueumones minuti of LINNAEUS. Eutom. Mag. I., 1833, pp. 259-276, 333-350, 480-491 ; II., 1835, pp. 93-106, 225-259, 458- 468; IV., 1837, pp. 38-59, 92-106, 203-221. 5. Description of Crabro bidens, Hal. En- tom. Mag. I., 1833. p. 516. 6. Essay on the classification of Parasitic Hymenoptera, &c. Entom. Mag. II., 1835, pp. 93-106, 225-259, 458-468 ; III., 1836, pp. 20- 45, 121-147; IV., 1837, pp. 38-59, 92-106, 203-221 ; V., 1838, pp. 209-248, 519. 7. Notes on the Bethyli and on Dryinus pedestris. Entom. Mag. II., 1835, pp. 219- 221. 8. British species of the Dipterous tribe Sphoerocerid;e. Entom. Mag. III.. 1836, pp. 315-336. • 9. An epitome of the British genera, in the order Thysanoptera, with iudications of a few of the species. Entom. Mag. III., 1836, pp. 439- 451. 10. Notes, &c. upon Diptera. Entom. Mag. IV., 1837, pp. 147-152. 11. Characters of some undescribed species of the family Muscidte. Entom. Mag. IV., 1837, pp. 149-152. 12. Notes about Cillenum laterale and a submarine species of Aleocharidos (Diglossa mersa). Entom. Mag. IV., 1837, pp. 251-253. Haliday, A. II. 13. Note on Dryinidw. Eutom. Mag. IV., 1837, pp. 411-435. 14. Descriptions, &c., of the Insects col- lected by Capt. KING in the Straits of Magellan. [1834-35.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVII., 1837, pp. 315-360. — — 15. Description of the Larva of Blaps mortisaga. Entom. Soc. Trans. II., 1837-40, pp. 99-101. 16. Note on the genus Epyris. Entom. Mag. V., 1838, p. 519. 17. New British Insects indicated in Mr. CURTIS'S " Guide." Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1839, pp. 112-121, 183-190. 18. Remarks on the generic distribution, of the British Hydromyzid;c (Diptera). Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 217-224, 401-411. 19. Note on the primary divisions of Carabidse. Newman, Entomologist, 1840-42, pp. 185-186. 2O. Contributions towards the classifica- tion of the Chalcididrc. Entom. Soc. Trans. III., 1841-43, pp. 295-301. 21. On the Branchistoma spongillte (Larva sisyrre), and on Coniopteryx. Entom. Soc. Trans. V., 1847 (Proc.), pp. 31-32. 22. Ueber die Dipteren der in London befindlichen Linneischeu Sammlung. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XII., 1851, pp. 131-145. 23. Descriptions of Insects figured, and- references to plates illustrating the notes on Kerry insects. Nat. Hist. Review, II., 1855 (Proc.), pp. 59-64. 24. Entomological Remarks (English Tri- chopteryx). Nat. Hist. Review, LI., 1855 (Proc.), pp. 116-124. 25. On some Irish Insects. Nat. Hist. Review, II., 1855, pp. 117-124. . 26. [Descriptions of new or rare Insects.] Nat. Hist. Review, II., 1855 (Proc.), pp. 121- 124. 27. Gelegentliche Bemerkungen iiber en- tomologische Nomenclatur. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 287-291. 28. On the affinities of the Aphaniptera among Insects. Nat. Hist. Review, HI., 1856 (Proc.), pp. 9-19. 29. Descriptions of the larvse of Ochthe- bius punctatus and Diglossa mersa. Nat. Hist. Review, III., 1856 (Proc.), p. 20. 30. Larvas infesting the horns of Oreas canna, &c. Nat. Hist. Review, III., 1856 (Proc.), p. 23. — 31. On the wing veins of Insects. Nat. Hist. Review, HI., 1856 (Proc,), p. 64. 32. Notice of two Irish Dipterous Insects (Clunio rnarinus and Orphnephila testacea). Nat. Hist. Review, III., 1856 (Proc.), p. 73. HAL] 133 [HAL Haliday, A. If. 33. Entomological notes. Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 31-36. 34. Explanations of terms used in Dr. HAGEN'S papers. Entom. Annal. 1857, pp. 164-165. 35. Notes on a peculiar form of the ovaries observed in a Hyinenopterous Insect, constituting a new genus (Labolips) and species (L. iunupta) of the family Diapridee. Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 166-174. 36. On some remaining blanks in the natural history of the native Diptera (Larva?). Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857, pp. 177-196. 37. List of the genera and species of British Diptera, the earlier stages of which are more or less perfectly known, with references to the principal authorities. Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857, pp. 188-195. 38. Additional note on the metamorphosis of some species of Diptera, hitherto undescribed, or known but imperfectly. Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 192-196. 39. Caracteres de deux nouveaux genres d'Hymenopteres de la famille des Chalcididae (Philomides et Chirolophus) de la collection du Docteur SICHEL. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 115-118. 4O. lapyx, a new genus of Insects belong- ing to the stirps Thysanura, in the order Neuroptera. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIV., 1864, pp. 441-447. Haliday, A. H., and P. Wright. Notes on the blind Fauna of Europe. Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857, pp. 231-241. Hall, Archibald. Mean Temperature of Mon- treal, Lower Canada, for the period of ten years, viz., from 1826 to 1835 inclusive. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXL, 1836, pp. 236- 239. 2. On the Mammals and Birds of the dis- trict of Montreal. Canadian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 284-309; VII., 1862, pp. 44-80, 171-193, 289-316, 344-376, 401-430. Hall, Asaph. Elements and ephemeris of the first Comet of 1858. Gould, Astron. Jouru. V.. 1858, pp. 120, 138. 2. First comet of 1859. Gould, Astron. Jouru. VI., 1861, p. 24. 3. Elements of Titania. Gould, Astron. Journ. VI., 1861, p. J91. 4. Elements of the planet Clytia ©. Astr. Nachr. LVIII., 1862, col. 29-30. 5. Observations of Asteroids and of the Comet II. 1862. Astr. Nachr. LIX., 1863, col, 115-122; LX., 1863, col. 123-126; LXL, col. 209-212. Hall, Basil. On tho proper method of laying down the ship's track on sea-charts, with some remarks on the importance of time-keepers in Navigation. Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, pp. 277-282. 2. Observations on a Comet seen at Val- paraiso. Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 46-49. 3. Details of experiments made with an invariable pendulum, in London ; at the Gala- pagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean, near the Equator ; at San Bias de California on the N.W. coast of Mexico ; and at Rio de Janeiro in Brazil ; with an appendix containing the second series of experiments in London on the return. Phil. Trans. 1823, pp. 211-288. 4. Account of the " parallel roads " in the valley of Coquimbo. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XL, 1824, pp. 255-258. 5. Account of the ferry across the Tay at Dundee. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIIL, 1825, pp. 146-159. 6. Account of a bridge of suspension, made of hide ropes, in Chili. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIV., 1826, pp. 52-56. 7. On the Twin or Double Steamboats, employed in the ferry across the River Tay at Dundee. Gill, Techu. Rep. VIIL, 1826, pp. 70-75. 8. On the superior advantages of chain- cables, iron tanks, &c. Gill, Techn. Rep. VIIL, 1826, pp. 257-268. 9. Notice of the pressure of the atmo- sphere, &c. within the cataract of Niagara. Silli- man, Journ. XIIL, 1828, pp. 364-368; Froriep, Notizen, XXL, 1828, col. 293-295. 1O. Notice of a machine for regulating high temperatures, invented by the late Sir James HALL. [1833.] Geol. Soc. Proc. L, 1834, pp. 478-479. 11. Excursions in the neighbourhood of Quito and towards the summits of Chimborazo, in 1831. Hooker's Jouru. Botany, L, 1834, pp. 327-354; Hooker, Comp. Bot, Mag. L, 1835, pp. 26-29, 52-65 ; Wiegmaun, Archiv, II., 1835, pp. 100-122. 12. Narrative of a journey to Payta, on the coast of Peru. Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. I., 1835, pp. 65-80. . 13. On the want of perpendicularity of the standing pillars of the temple of Jupiter Serapis, near Naples. Phil. Mag. VI., 1835, pp. 313-314. HAL] [HAL Hall, Basil. 14. Observations of the Lunar Eclipse on the 13th October 1837, made with a view to ascertain the practical advantages of the method of determining the longitude by that phenomenon, suggested by the late Captain KATER, for a fixed station, and particularly of an adaptation of that method to nautical purposes, proposed by Captain BEAUFORT. Astron. Soc. Month. Not, IV., 1836-39, pp. 102-104. 15. Notice of the occupation of Venus on the morning of the 12th of September 1841, observed at Malta. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 121-122. Hall, Basil, and Henri/ Foster. Experiments with an invariable pendulum, made near the equator, and on the coasts of Mexico and Brazil. Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. 91-95. Hall, Basil, and Playfair. Account of the structure of the Table Mountain, and other parts of the peninsula of the Cape. [1813.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. VII., 1815, pp. 269- 278. Hall, Bcnj. H. Two problems by Bapu Deva Shiistri. Silliman, Journ. XT., 1851, pp. 194- 198. Hall, Birgcr Martin. Uplysningar till Historic om Lycoperdon truncatum. Stockholm, Akad. Haudl. XXXIIL, 1812, pp. 1-10. Hall, C. F. Frobisher Straits proved to be a 1 iay, and on the late of five men of the Arctic Expedition in the reign of Elizabeth. Geogr. Soc. Proc. VII., 1863, pp. 99-102 ; Arner. Geogr. Soc. Proc. I., 1862-63, pp. 33-38. Hall, C. Rudclyffe. On the structure and mode of action of the Iris. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1843, pp. 439-440 ; Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LXIL, 1844, pp. 95-117 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXI., 1844, col. 97-104, 113-121, 129-137, 145-149. 2. An experimental inquiry into the func- tions of the Ophthalmic Ganglion. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LXV., 1846, pp. 355-383 ; LXVL, pp. 84-108, 312-353 ; LXVIIL, pp. 172-202, 267-303 ; LXX., pp. 1-39, 298-335. 3. On the action of the muscular coat of the bronchial tubes in respiration, and on the exciting cause of inspiration and expiration. Prov. Med. Surg. Assoc. Trans. XVII., 1850, pp. 363-386. 4. On the mode of developement of Tubercle in the Lungs in chronic phthisis, its connexion with fatty degeneration of the epithelium of the air vesicles, and its early manifestation by fatty epithelial cells in the sputa. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XV., 1855, pp. 477-501; XVI., pp. 465-485. Hall, C. Raddyffc. 5. On the epithelium of the air-vesicles of the Human Lung. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XX., 1857, pp. 204-210. 6. On Pulse-Breath. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XLV., 1862, pp. 167-175. Hall, E. Congelation of mercury by natural cold. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1837, pp. 161- 162. Hall, Edward Swarbcck. On the medical topo- graphy and vital statistics of the city of Ho- barton, Tasmania, and its southern sub-districts, for 1855. Australian Med. Journ. I., 1856, pp. 161-167, 241-251; II., pp. 81-110; III., pp. 85-105. 2. On snake bites. Australian Med. Journ. IV., 1859, pp. 81-96. Hall, Frederick. On the extraordinary darkness that was observed in some parts of the United States and Canada, in the month of November 1819. Boston, Mem. Amer.Acad. IV., 1818-21, pp. 393-398 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 266-270. 2. Notice of ores of Iron and Manganese, and of Yellow Ochre, in Vermont. Silliman, Jouru. III., 1821, pp. 57-58. 3. Notice of iron mines and manufactures in Vermont, and of some localities of earthy minerals. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 23- 25. 4. Notice of the Plumbago of Ticonderoga. SiUiman, Journ. VI., 1823, p. 178. 5. Notice of a curious water-fall, and of excavations in the rocks, between Middleborottgh and Woodstock (Virginia). Sillimau, Journ. VI., 1823, pp. 252-254. 6. Description of minerals from Palestine. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1825, pp. 337-351. — — - 7. Miscellaneous notices among the White Mountains and other places. Silhman, Journ. XIII., 1828, pp. 373-376. 8. Notes on a tour in France, Italy, and Elba, with a notice of its mines of iron. Silh- man, Journ. XXXII., 1837, pp. 74-84. • 9. Notice of oriental minerals. Silliman, Journ. XXXIIL, 1838, pp. 249-256. • 1O. On the Crinoidea of the rocks of New York, their geological and geographical distri- bution. Silliman, Journ. XLV., 1843, pp. 349- 353. 11. Upon some of the results of the palre- ontological investigations in the State of New York. Silliman, Jouru. V., 1848, pp. 243- 249. Hall, George Webb. On the connexion of the Weather with the Tide. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), p. 41. HAL] 135 [HAL Hall, Ilcrm. Cfir. van. Elaboretur historia et in ea accurata descriptio viginti ad minimum plan- tarum iucligenarum, in qua singulcc partes ad legem regularum, a LINN^EO in Philosophia Botanica propositarum atque a WILLDENOWO emendatarum, sunt definiendse. Leijden, Annal. Acad. 1818-19. • 2. Des polypes et des polypiers qu'on a trouves dans les Pays-Bas. [1824.] Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. V., 182.3, pp. 297-298. 3. Esquisse de 1'Mstoire naturelle de la Hollandc septentrionale. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. V., 1825, pp. 330-332. 4. Inlandsche soorteii van Rhizomorpha. Hall, Bijdragen, I., 1826, pp. 66-76. 5. Nalezing op de Flora Bclgii septen- trionalis. Hall, Bijdragen, I., 1826, pp. 135- 150; II., 1827, pp. 110-124; III., 1828, pp. 47-62 ; V., 1830, pp. 78-87 ; VI., 1831, pp. 159-170; VII., 1832, pp. 26-38, 333-350. 6. Beschrijving van Rhizomorpha cingens. Hall, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 222-225. 7. Aauteekeningen over de beweging der Armpolypen (Hydra). Hall, Bijdragen, III., 1828, pp. 326-329. 8. Aauteekeningen over Diosma crenata. Hall, Bijdragen, IV., 1829, pp. 35-41. 9. De rijstbouw in Nederland beproefd. Hall, Bijdragen, IV., 1829, pp. 143-144. 10. Onderscheid tusschen Let brandkoreii en bet zwart in de gi-auen. Hall, Bijdragen, IV., 1829, pp. 411-414. 11. Aanteekeningen over eenige proeven eu waarnemingen, gedaan in den Oeconomiscbeii Tuin der Hoogescbool te Groniugen. Hall, Bijdragen, VI., 1831, pp. 184-201 ; VII., 1832, pp. 357-375. 12. Berigten over de kunstmatige voed- ering der Bijen en over de gi'oote vernienigvul- diging derzelve in 1831. Hall, Bijdragen, VI., 1831, pp. 406-419. 13. Eenige •waarnemingen over de duur- zaamheid van bet leveii bij sornmige Planten. Hall, Bijdragen, VII, 1832, pp. 130-142. 14. Verbandeling over Antoni van LEEU- WENHOEK, en zijne verdiensten voor de Plant- kiuide. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdsebrift, I., 1834, pp. 163-190. 15. Porypodiuni decursive-pinuatum : nova species descripta. Amsterdam, N. Verband. V.. 1836, pp. 204-206. 16. Uittreksels uifc brieven van den Heer P. W. KORTHALS uit Sumatra [on tbe genus Nepentbes and other plants]. Hoeveu en Vriese, Tijdsebrift, III., 1836, pp. 7-15. 17. Observations circa Florani Batavam. Liuua?a, X., 1836, pp. 460-465. Hall, Herm. Cltr. van, 18. Waarnemingen over de toeneming der boomen in diktu. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VI., 1839, pp. 207-221 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, XIV., 1840, col. 241-248. • 19. Beschrijving van do vorming en ont- wikkeliug der zaden van Crinum capense, Her- bert, met opmerkingen over de deelen van bet zaad en over de kieming, ook bij eenige andere Monocotyledoneoe. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijd- scbrift, VII., 1840, pp. 140-164. • 20. Niemve bijdragen tot de Nederlandsche Flora. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdsebrift, VIII., 1841, pp. 203-259. 21. Opmerkingen over de afwisselende tijd- perkeu van ontwikkeling en van stilstand in de organen der plant. Amsterdam, Tijdschr. v. Wis. en Nat. Wetens. I., 1848, pp. 83-102 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, VII., 1848, col. 149-153, 166-170. 22. Over eenen levenden Cycas Wallicbii, Miq. Amsterdam, Tijdschr. v. Wis. en Nat. Wetens. II., 1849, pp. 126-128. 23. Over Sympbytum azureum, n. sp. en Ficus diversifolia, Blume. Amsterdam, Tijd- scbr. v. Wis. en Nat. Wetens II., 1849, pp. 128- 132. 24. Aauteekeningen betrekkelijk den Dol- lard. Amsterdam, Tijdsclu-. v. Wis. en Nat. Wetens. II., 1849, pp. 133-146. 25. Opmerkingen, strekkende ter vast- stelling van de botaniscbe namen der soorteii van Akkerplanten, die in Nederland geteeld worden. JJ1850.] Amsterdam, Tijdsc.br. v. Wis. en Nat. Wetens. IV., 1851, pp. 45-57. 26. De gedaautewisseling een der hoofd- grondslagen der natuurlijke rangscbikking in bet Plantenrijk. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. H.. 1854, pp. 63-79. 27. Aanteekeningen omtrent eenige Ne- derlaudscbe planten. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. VIIL, 1858, pp. 12-19. 28. Morpbologiscbe opmerkingen omtrent do Bloem. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. VIII., 1858. pp. 20-31. 29. Bijdragen tot de organographie der planten, inzonderbeid over de Stipulte en Brao- teaj. Amsterdam, Verslas, Akad. XII., 1861. pp. 245-255. 30. Opmerkingen over eenige plantaardige geneesmiddelen uit Java. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XVL, 1864, pp. 188-206. Hall, J. C. Can the male exert any influence on the duration of tbe foetus in utero ? Veterina- rian, XV., 1842, pp. 325-326. 2. On an easy method of viewing certain of the Diatomacete. Microsc. Journ. IV., 1S5(>, ji|>. 205-208. Hall, J. P. Register of the thermometer from 1830 to 1839, kept at Boston. Silliinan, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 368-369. HAL] 13G [HAL Hall, J. P. 2. Register of the thermometer for 36 years, from 1821 to 1856, to which is added the quantity of Rain falling in Boston, Mass., for 34 years from 1823 to 1856. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. VI., 1857, pp. 229-303. Hall, James. Descriptions of two species of Trilobites, Paradoxides Beckii and P. Eatoni. Silliman, Journ. XXXIII., 1838, pp. 139-142. 2. Notes on the geology of the Western States. Silliman, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 51- 62. ^— 3. Notes explanatory of a section from Cleveland, Ohio, to the Mississippi River, in a south-west direction ; with remarks upon the identity of the Western formations with those of New York. Amer. Geol. and Nat. Assoc. Reports, 1843, pp. 267-293. 4. Remarks upon casts of mud furrows, wave lines, and other markings upon Rocks of the New York system. Amer. Geol. and Nat. Assoc. Reports, 1843, pp. 422-432. 5. Niagara Falls ; their physical changes, and the geology and topography of the sur- rounding country. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1843-44, pp. 106-133. 6. Description of some microscopic Shells from the Decomposing Marl Slate of Cincinnati. Silliman, Journ. XLVIIL, 1845, pp. 292-295. 7. Nature of the strata and geographical distribution of the organic remains in the older formations of the United States, [1843.] Bos- ton, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845-47, pp. 1-20. 8. Coal on the Rocky Mountains, dis- covered by Capt. FREMONT. Silliman, Journ. III., 1847, pp. 273-274. 9. Remarks on the observations of S. S. HALDEMAN " on the supposed identity of Atops trilineatus with Triarthrus Beckii." [1847.] Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 322-328. 10. Account of investigations on Drurn- mond's Island and the north shore of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan. Amer. Acad. Proc. II., 1848-52, pp. 253-254. 11. On the trails and tracks in the sand- stones of the Clinton Group of New York ; their probable origin, etc. ; with a comparison of some of them with Nereites and Myrianites. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 256-260. 12. On the Brachiopoda of the Silurian period, particularly the Lepta3nida3. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 347-351. 13. On Graptolites, their duration in geological periods, and their value in the identi- fication of strata. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 351-352. 14. On the supposed impression in shale of the soft parts of an Orthoceras. Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1849, pp. 107-111. Hall, James. 15. On the Silurian rocks of the Lake Superior land district. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 64-66. 16. Comparison of the geological features of Tennessee with those of the State of New York. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 256-259. 17. New genera of Fossil Corals. Silli- man, Journ. XL, 1851, pp. 398-401. 18. New species of fossils. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 204. 19. Geology and paleontology of a part of the Rocky Mountain region. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1853, pp. 126-129. 2O. On the Silurian system of the Lake Superior region. Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1854, pp. 181-194. 21. Notes on some fossils of the so-called Taconic system described by Dr. EMMONS. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1855, pp. 434-435. — — 22. On the carboniferous limestones of the Mississippi valley. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1856, (pt. 2), pp. 51-69. 23. Observations on the genus Archimedes, or Fenestella, with descriptions of species, &c. .Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 176-180; Silliman, Journ. XXIII., 1857, pp. 203-204. 24. On the genus Tellinomya and allied genera. Canadian Naturalist, L, 1856, pp. 390-395. 25. Observations upon the carboniferous limestones of the Mississippi Valley. Silliman, Journ. XXIII., 1857, pp. 187-203. 26. Observations upon the cretaceous strata of the United States with reference to the relative position of fossils collected by the Boundary Commission. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1857, pp. 72-86. 27. Description of new species of fossils from the carboniferous limestones of Indiana and Illinois. [1856.] Albany Inst. Trans. IV., 1858-64, pp. 1-36. 28. Observations upon some of the Brach- iopoda, with reference to the genera Crypto- nella, Centronella, Meristella, and allied forms. [1863.] Albany Inst. Trans. IV., 1858-64, pp. 125-145, 148 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1 863, pp. 396-406. 29. Note on the genus Leptocrelia. Albany Inst. Trans. IV., 1858-64, pp. 145- 147. 30. Notice of some new species of fossils from a locality of the Niagara group, in In- diana; with a list of identified species from the same place. [1862.] Albany Inst. Trans. IV., 1858-64, pp. 195-228. HAL] 137 IHAL Hall, James. 31. Note upon the genus Grapto- lithus, and description of some remarkable new forms from the shales of the Hudson River Group. Canadian Naturalist, III., 1858, pp. 139-150, 161-176 ; Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1858, pp. 117-119. 32. New American Trilobites, Olenus Thompson! and O. Vermontana. Canadian Journ. IV., 1859, pp. 491-492. 33. Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Silurian rocks of Nova Scotia. Cana- dian Naturalist, V., 1860, pp. 144-159. 34. On the formation of mountain ranges. Canadian Journ. V., 1860, pp. 542-544. 35. On the primordial Fauna and Point Levi fossils. Canadian Journ. VI., 1861, pp. 284-295 ; Canadian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 106-120; Silliman, Jouru. XXXI., 1861, pp. 220-226. 36. On the Cattskill Group of New York. Canadian Naturalist, VII., 1862, pp. 377-382. 37. On a new Crustacean (Aglaspis) from the Potsdam sandstone. Canadian Naturalist, VII., 1862, pp. 443-446. 38. On the Potsdam Sandstone and Hud- son River Rocks in Vermont. Silliman, Journ. XXXHL, 1862, pp. 106-108. 39. Descriptions of new species of Criuoidea from the carboniferous rocks of the Mississippi Valley. [I860.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. VII., 1863, pp. 261-328. Hall, James, and F. B. Meek. Description of new species of fossils, from the cretaceous formations of Nebraska, with observations upon Baculites ovatus and B. compressus, and the progressive developement of the septa in Ba- culites, Ammonites, and Scaphites. [1854.] Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. V., 1855, pp 379- 411. Hall, James, and Jeffries Wyman. Notice of the geological position of the cranium of the Castoroides Ohioensis. Also an anatomical de- scription of the same. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845-47, pp. 385-401. Hall (Sir) James. Experiments on Whinstone and Lava. [1798.] Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 8-18, 56-66 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. V., 1805, pp. 43-76 ; Gilbert, Annal. VII., 1801, pp. 285-425 ; Hoff, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 185-209. 2. Experiments on the effects of heat mo- dified by compression. Nicholson, Journ. IX., 1804, pp. 98-107; Journ. de Phys. LX., 1804. pp. 197-208 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III.' 1804, pp. 249-250. VOL. in. Hall (Kir) James. 3. Account of a series of experiments, showing the effects of compression in modifying the action of heat. Nicholson, Journ. XIII., 1806, pp. 328-343, 381-405 ; XIV., 1807, pp. 13-22, 113-128, 196-213, 302- 318 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. VI., 1812, pp. 71- 186; Journ. des Mines, XXIV., 1808, pp. 23- 32; Journ.de Phys. LXIV., 1807. pp. 461-467. 4. Suggestion for establishing a telegraphic intercourse between London and Dublin. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1809, pp. 124-125. 5. On Broom Flax. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1809, pp. 378-379. 6. On the vertical position and convolutions of certain strata, and their relation with Granite. [1812.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. VII., 1815, pp. 79-108 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXVIL, 1836, pp. 273-276. 7. On the revolutions of the Earth's sur- face. [1812.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. VII., 1815, pp. 139-212. 8. On the consolidation of the strata of the Earth. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 1-13 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 314-329 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, pp. 95-99; Baumgartner, Zeitschr. II., 1827, pp. 461-469 ; Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1827, pp. 415-429 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1826, pp. 299-310. Hall, John. On the staining of wood, and on medical electricity. Silliman, Journ. III., 1821, pp. 166-169. 2. On fossil bones found in East- Windsor, Connecticut. Silliman. Journ. III., 1821, pp. 247-249 Hall, John H. On the primary use of Ammonia in vegetable nutrition. [1859.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VI., 1860, pp. 326-327. Hall, Lewis. Critical remarks on Astronomical Observations made with AIRY'S Zenith Sector, from 1842-1850, in the determination of the latitudes of various trigonometrical stations. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 350- 363. Kail, Marshall. On the combinations of Oxygen. Nicholson, Journ. XXVII., 1810, pp. 213-217. 2. On the classification of chemical agents. Nicholson, Journ. XXVIII., 1811, pp. 59-63. 3. On the nature of Heat. Nicholson, Journ. XXIX., 1811, pp. 215-222, 257-268. 4. On chemical attraction. Nicholson, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 193-202. 5. Suggestion of a new principle for the Register Thermometer. Quart. Journ. Sci. IV., 1818, pp. 43-46. 6. Description of an Aerometer, for making the necessary corrections in pneumatic experi- ments for reducing the volumes of the gases to a given standard. Quart. Journ. Sci. V., 1818, pp. 52-55. HAL] 138 [HAL Hall, Marshall. 7. Experiments and observa- tions relative to vision. Quart. Journ. Sci. V., 1818, pp. 249-257. 8. On the combined agencies of oxygen gas and of water, in the oxidation of iron. Quart. Journ. Sci. VII., 1819, pp. 55-63. . 9. Some observations on the Physiology of Speech. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 8-16 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1825, col. 129- 134. 10. On one of the causes of the movements of the Barometer, and of the south and west winds. Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 14- 21. 11. On the effects of loss of blood. [1824.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XHI., 1827, pp. 121- 151. 12. On the mechanism of the act of vo- miting. Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1828, pp. 388- 392 ;"Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 265-267. 13. On the concealed agency of carbonic acid in determining the decomposition of water by the contact of iron. Quart. Journ. Sci, I., 1828, pp. 262-268; Poggend. Annal. XIV., 1828, pp. 145-146. 14. On the anatomy and physiology of the minute and capillary vessels. Roy. Soc. Proc. HI., 1831, pp. 45-46 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXI., 1831, col. 115-117. 15. On the effect of water, raised to tem- peratures moderately higher than that of the atmosphere, upon Batrachian reptiles. Roy. Soc. Proc. in., 1831, pp. 47-48. 16. An experimental investigation of the . effects of loss of blood. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XVII., 1832, pp. 250-299. 17. Theory of the inverse ratio which subsists between respiration and irritability in the Animal Kingdom. Phil. Trans. 1832, pp. 321-334; Froriep, Notizen, XXXTV., 1832, col. 215-216. . 18. On hibernation. Phil. Trans. 1832, pp. 335-360. 19. On a particular function of the Ner- vous System. Zool. Soc. Proc. II., 1832, pp. 190-192 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVTQ., 1833, col. 195-198. • 20. On the reflex function of the Medulla oblongata and Medulla spinalis. Phil. Trans. 1833, pp. 635-666 ; Miiller, Archiv, 1834, pp. 374-384. 21. Notes of experiments on the nerves in a decapitated Turtle. Zool. Soc. Proc. II., 1834, pp. 92-94. 22. Description of a thermometer for deter- mining minute differences of temperature. Phil. Mag. VIII., 1836, pp. 56-58. Hall, Marshall. 23. On the function of the Medulla oblongata and Medulla spinalis, and on the excito-motory system of nerves. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1837, p. 463; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zool.}, 1837, pp. 321-370 ; Froriep, Notizen, L, 1837, col. 211-213. • 24. Memoirs on some principles of patho- logy in the nervous system. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1839, pp. 191-217. 25. Ueber den Zustand der Irritabilitiit in den Muskeln gelahmter Glieder. Miiller, Archiv, 1839, pp. 200-219 ; Froriep, Notizen, XII., 1839, col. 1-8. 26. Second and Third Memoir on some principles of the pathology of the nervous sys- tem. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1840, pp. 121-191. 27. Briefe liber das Nervensystem an Prof. J. MULLER. Erster Brief : Ueber die Vis ner- vosa, Haller. Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 451- 466. 28. Fourth memoir on some principles of pathology in the nervous system. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIV., 1841, pp. 83-122. 29. On the circulation in the acardiac foetus. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. III., 1843, pp. 541-547 ; IV., 1844, pp. 775-776. 30. On the irritability of the muscular fibre in paralytic limbs. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. IV., 1844, pp. 655-660; Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXXL, 1848, pp. 149-162. 31. Ueber retrograde Reflexthatigkeit im Frosche. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 486-489. 32. Researches into the effects of certain physical and chemical agents on the nervous system. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1847, pp. 667- 668, 674-675 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIV., 1848, pp. 252-267 ; XLVL, pp. 27-40 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, IX., 1849, col. 273-282 ; XI., 1849, col. 4-7, 17-23. 33. Sur la division du systeme nerveux en systeme cerebral, systeme spinal, et systeme ganglionuaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 619-622; Froriep, Notizen, III., 1847, col. 145-148. 34. Comparaison entre les effets tetanoides des etats electrogeniques, et ceux de la strych- nine, de la narcotine, &c. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXTV., 1847, pp. 1054-1059. 35. Recherches experimentales sur le sys- teme nerveux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 633-634, 832-884, 879. . 36. De 1'etat de 1'irritabilite musculaire dans les paralysies cerebrales et spinales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 80-84. 37. La physiologie de 1'epilepsie et de 1'apoplexie d'origine inorganique. Paris,Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 781-786. HAL] 139 [HAL Hall, Marshall. 38. Experiments on the spinal system in the Alligator (Alligator Mississippi- ensis). Charleston, Med. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 280-282. 39. Sur la physiologic des paralysies. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 1090-1093. Hall, Marshall, and S. D. Broughton. Report of progress made in an experimental inquiry regarding the sensibilities of the Cerebral Nerves. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1834, pp. 676-680. Hall, R. Observations on the irritability of Vegetables, with an account of some experi- ments made by M. HUBERT, to determine the heat evolved by the Arum cordifolium during the process of fecundation. London, Med. Phys. Journ. XX., 1808, pp. 499-508. Hall, Richard. A description of an improved microscope for opaque objects. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIV., 1819, pp. 107-108. Hall, S. Experiments on stoving cotton goods with sulphur, with a note by Marshall HALL. Quart. Journ. Sci. IV., 1818, pp. 196-199. Hall, S. On a remarkable appearance at sunset. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 185-186. Hall, Thomas. On a self-acting apparatus for supplying steam-boilers with water, and on di- minishing the consumption of the fuel employed in heating them. Gill, Teclm. Eep. III., 1823, pp. 364-369. Hall, Thomas Y. On the Safety-Lamp for the use of coal-miners. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. I., 1852-53, pp. 323-336. 2. Improvements in Colliery workings, and observations on Safety-Lamps. North Eng- land Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. II., 1853-54, pp. 21-30. 3. On penetrating dangerous gases. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. LT., 1853-54, pp. 85-89. 4. The extent and probable duration of the Northern Coal-field, with remarks on the Coal trade in Northumberland and Durham. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. II., 1853- 54, pp. 103-230, 262-287. 5. On the Coal-measures of Styria, in the Austrian dominions : comparing the same with the counties of Durham and Northumberland, and the United Kingdom, including a report on the mines of the Sann Thai. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. IV., 1855-56, pp. 55- 105. 6. Statistical notes on the Coal and Iron Hall, Thomas Y. 7. Notes on the production and consumption of Coal in France. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. VI., 1857-58, pp. 49-112. 8. On the rivers, ports, and harbours of the Great Northern Coal-field. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. X., 1861, pp. 41-82. Hall, W. On the manufacture and application of India-rubber for insulating Telegraph Con- ductors. Chemical News, II., 1860, pp. 125- 126. Hall, William. Account of a singular halo of the Moon. [1796.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. IV., 1798, pp. 174-176; Gilbert, Annal. HI., 1800, pp. 357-359. Halla, • . Einiges uber Classification. Prag, Vierteljahrschr. 1846, pp. 197-214. — 2. Ueber Aethereinathmungen. production of the United States of America. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. IV., 1855-56, pp. 125-138. Prag, Vierteljahrschr. 1847, pp. 145-170, 176-180. Hallaschka, Franz Ignaz C. Astronomische Beobachtungen im Jahre 1821 ; Beobachtungen des Cometen im Jahre 1822. Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 295-298. • 2. [Jupiterstrabanten - Verfinsterung.] Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 285-288. 3. Ueber em. Meteor. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 407-408. 4. Sternbedeckungen vom Monde 1825. Jupiterstrabanten-Verfinsterungen, 1825. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 143-144. - 5. Astronomische Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 359-362. 6. Sternbedeckungen vom Monde und Jupiterstrabanten - Verfmsterungen. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 137-138, 469-470. 7. Sternbedeckungen vom Monde in Prag. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 383-384 ; VI., 1828, col. 97-100. 8. Sternbedeckungen von Monde, Jupiters- trabanten-Vernnsteruugen und Beobachtung der Mondfinsterniss am 3 Nov. 1827. Astr. Nachr. VH., 1829, col. 189-192, 351-352. 9. Sternbedeckungen vom Monde. Astr. Nachr. VHL, 1831, col. 61-62, 105-108, 107- 110. 10. Sternbedeckungen vom Monde, und Jupiterstrabanten- Verfinsterungen, 1830. Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 297-300, 359-360. 11. Beobachtete Sternbedeckungen in Schwarzkosteletz (Bohruen Kaurzimer Kreis). Astr. Nachr. IX., 1831, col. 113-114. 12. Sternbedeckungen vom Monde in Prag. Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 373-376. 13. Die freie Municipalstadt Bautsch in Miihren, in geographisch-topographischer und historischer Beziehung dargestellt. Bohm. Ge- sell. Abh. II., 1841-42, pp. 65-107. s 2 HAL] 140 [HAL Hallbauer, A. Festigkeits- und Biegungsver- haltnisse eines iiber mehrere Stiitzpunkte fort- laufenden Triigers. Der Civilingenieur. IV., 1858, pp. 62-73. Halle, Jean Noel. Essai de theorie sur 1'animali- sation et assimilation des aliments. Annal. de Chimie, XI., 1791, pp. 158-174. 2. Memoire sur les observations fonda- inentales d'apres lesquelles peut Gtre etablie la distinction des temperaments. Paris, Soc. Med. Emiil. Mem. III., 1799, pp. 342-366. 3. Rapport sur 1'examen dc la muthode de preserver de la petite verole par 1'inoculation de la vaccine. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. V., 1803 (Hist.), pp. 158-194. Halle, Jean Noel, Percy, et Claude Louis Ber- thollet. Exposition des i'aits recueillis jusqu'a present conceruant les effets de la vaccination, et exarnen des objections qu'on a f'aites en differeius temps, et que quelques personnes font encore centre cette pratique. Mem. de 1'Inst. 1812 (pte. 2), pp. 227-288 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1813, pp. 135-143, 271-293. Hall<§guen, . Introduction historique ;i Fethnologie de la Brctagne. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. II., 1861, pp. 588-605; III., 1862, pp. 487-500. 2. Sur 1'organisme des langues dans son rapport avec 1'organisation cerebro-mentale des races. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. III., 1862, pp. 338-346. Haller, Albert. Tentameii additamentorum et observationum ad hisforiam stirpium Helveti- carum spectantiuni. Rtimer, Arehiv Botan. I., 1797 (St. 2), pp. 1-12. Haller, Karl. Ueber den periodischen Gang der Krankheiten und ihren Zusammenhang mit den atmosphiirischen Veranderungen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIX., 1858, pp. 281-284. • 2. Die Volkskraukheiten in ihrer Abhiing- igkeit von den Witterungs-Verluiltnissen. Ein statistischer Versuch nach zehnjiihrigen Beo- bachtungen im k. k. allgemeineu Krankenhause zu Wien. [1858.] Wien, Denkschr. XVIII., 1860, pp. 1-40. Hallett, Charles Henry. Observations illustrat- ing the anatomical structure and physiological history of Monsters, with eventration. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LXVIIL, 1847, pp. 303-342. 2. An account of the anomalies of the muscular system, met with in the dissecting- room of the University during the years 1846- 1847 : with general remarks. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LXIX., 1848, pp. 1-32 ; LXXIL, pp. 1-20. 3. On the collateral circulation in cases of obliteration or obstruction of the Venaj Cava?. Ediub. Med. Surg. Journ. LXIX., 1848, pp. 269-292. Hallette, A. Hydraulische Presse nach ueuer Art mit doppelter Wirkung und ununterbroch- ener Bewegung. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXIV., 1827, pp. 473-483. Halleur, . Ueber die Goldkiiste. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. IV., 1847, pp. 75-88. 2. St. Helena nach eignen Anschauungen. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. VI., 1849, pp. 215-221. Hallgrimson, J. Nogle BemsBi-kninger om den Islaudske Utselur. Kr^yer, Nat. Tidssk. II., 1838-39, pp. 91-99. 2. Gjeisir og Strokkur. Krpyer, Nat. Tidssk. II., 1838-39, pp. 209-222. Hallier, Ernst. Aedemone mirabilis, Kotsehy, ein neues Schwimmholz vom Weissen Nil ; iinalomiach bearbeitet. Botan. Zeitung, XVII., 1859, pp. 153-156. 2. Ueber die bei Apolda aufgefundenen fossilen Cycadeen. Flora, XLIL, 1859, pp. 49-54, 481-483. — 3. Ueber fossile Cycadeen der Letten- kohlengruppe bci Apolda. Flora, XLII., 1859, pp. 513-516. 4. Ueber vegetabilische Einschliisse im Tock auf Helgoland. Bonplandia, VIII., 1860, pp. 304-305. 5. Bewegung der Pflanzen gegen verschied- ene Lichtquellen, beobachtet und gemessen an Omithogalum caudatum, Ait. Flora, XLIIL, 1860, pp. 689-694. 6. Die Flora der Insel Helgoland. Bon- plandia, IX., 1861, pp. 227-230. • 7. Merkwiirdige Erscheinung bei einem Sturm auf Helgoland, beobachtet (Curven- stromung des Wlndes). Poggend. Annal. CXII., 1861, pp. 343-344. 8. Ueber eine schone Interferenzerschein- Poggend. ung auf der Diine zu Helgoland. Annal. CXIV., 1861, pp. 657-660. 9. Vorschlag zu einer neuen Bezeichnung der Vegetationsperioden. Bonplandia, X., 1862, pp. 50-51. 1O. Die scecularen Bewegungen des festeu Erdbodens. Natur, I. (Erganz. Hft.), 1862, pp. 1-16. 11. Vollstiindige Aufziihlung und kritische Besprechung der phanerogamischen Flora Hel- golands. Botan. Zeitung, XXI., 1863 (Kuppl.). 12. Vorliiufiger Bericht iiber das botan- ische Museum der Universitiit Jena. Botan. Zeitung, XXI., 1863. pp. 415-417. 13. Ueber eine merkwiirdige Veriinderung des Holzes in den Schiffsrnasten. Poggend. Annal. CXVIII., 1863, pp. 317-318. Hallinan, J. B. Adjustment of the eye to dis- tances. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. XLIX., 1854, pp. 324-327. HAL] 141 [HAL Hallmann, C. G. Das versteineiie IIolz bei Neurode in der Grafschaft Glaz. Ballenstedt, Archiv, II., 1820, pp. 86-94. Hallmann, Edward. Ueber den Bau des Hodens imd die Entwickelung der Samenthiere der Rochen. Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 467-474. 2. Bemerkung iiber die Lebercirrhose. M filler, Archiv, 1843, pp. 475-477. Hallowell, Benjamin. On the blue appearance of (lie heavens. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1829, p. 360. Hallowell, Edward. Description of a species of Land Tortoise (Kinixis denticulata) from Africa. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIII., 1839-42, pp. 161-169. 2. Description of a new species of Cha- meleon (C. gracilis) from Western Africa. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I., 1841-43, pp. 111-113; Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIII., 1839-42, pp. 324-329. 3. Description of a new genus of Serpents (Distiehurus) from Western Africa. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIII., 1839-42, pp. 336-338. 4. Descriptions of new species of African Reptiles. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. II., 1844-45, pp. 58-62, 118-120, 169-172, 247- 250. 5. Descriptions of Eeptiles from South America, supposed to be new. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. II., 1844-45, pp. 241-247. 6. Description of a new species of Bat (Pteropus Haldemani) from Western Africa. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 52-53 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1846, pp. 356- 357 ; Silliman, Journ. II., 1846, pp. 273-274. 7. On the anatomy of Harpyia destructor, Cuv., or Harpy Eagle of South America. Phi- lad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 84- 88. 8. Description of a new species of Coluber (C. venustus) inhabiting the United States. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 278-280. 9. On the Horned Viper (Cerastes nasi- cornis) of Western Africa. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 319-322. 10. Description of two new species of Onychocephalus (0. Liberiensis and O. nigro- lineatus) from the western coast of Africa. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 59-61. 11. Notes of the post-mortem appearances of a Cynocephalus Papion, which died at the Menagerie in Philadelphia. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 62-63. 12. Notes of the post-mortem examination of a Cynocephalus porcarius. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 86-87. Hallowell, Edward. 13. Description of a new species of Salamander (S. lugubris) from Upper California. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, p. 126; Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 76-77, 14. Notes of the post-mortem appearances of a Cynocephalus ? which died in the Menagerie at Philadelphia. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 151-152. 15. Description of a species of Eryx (E. maculatus) from Madras. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 184-185 ; Silliman, Jourii. IX.,' 1850, p. 137. 16. On some new Reptiles from Oregon and the western coast of Africa. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1850-54, pp. 301-306. 17. Description of new species of Reptilia from Western Africa. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 62-65. 18. Descriptions of new species of Reptiles inhabiting North America. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 177-182. 19. Descriptions of new species of Reptiles from Oregon. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 182-184. 20. On a new genus (Dinophis) and tw,o species (D. Hammondii and Dendrophis flavi- gularis) of African Serpents. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 203-205. 21. On a new genus (Lamprosaurus) and three new species of Reptiles inhabiting North America (L. guttulatus, Crotaphytus fasciatus, Tropidonotus Woodhousii.) Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 206-209. 22. On some new Reptiles from California. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 236-238 ; VII., 1854-55, pp. 91-97. 23. On a genus (Microphis) and species (Microphis qninqueliiicatus) of Serpent from Honduras presumed to be new. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 97-98. 24. Remarks on the geographical distri- bution of Reptiles, with descriptions of several species supposed to be new, and corrections of former papers. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 98-105. 25. Notices of new Reptiles from Texas (Cnemidophorus guttatus, Crotalus ornatus). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 192-193. • 26. Descriptions of new Reptiles from Guinea (Echis squamigera and Hyla punctata). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 193-194. 27. Contributions to South American Her- petology. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1855-58, pp. 33-36. HAL] 142 [HAL Hallo well, Edward. 28. On the caducibran- chiate Urodele Batrachians. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. in., 1855-58, pp. 337-366. 29. On Trigonophrys rugiceps. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1855-58, pp. 367- 370. 3O. Description of several species of Uro- dela, with remarks on the geographical distri- bution of the caducibranchiate division of these animals and their classification. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 6-11. 31. On Sternothterus odoratus, Holb. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 106-108. 32. Description of two new species of Urodeles (Pseudotriton marginatus and P. flavis- simus) from Georgia. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 130-131. 33. On Rana halecina, Kalrn., and R. oxy- rhynchus. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 141-143. 34. Notes on the Reptiles in the Collection of the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sci- ences. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 147-153. 35. On several new species of Reptiles in .the Collection of the Academy of Natural Sci- ences. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 153-156. 36. Notes on the Reptiles in the Collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 221-238. 37. Notice of a collection of Reptiles from Kansas and Nebraska, by Dr. HAMMOND. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 238-253. 38. On a new and remarkable genus of Ranidai (Tristonophrys rugiceps) from the River Parana. Philad. Aead. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 298-299. 39. Note on a collection of Reptiles from the neighbourhood of San Antonio, Texas. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VHL, 1856, pp. 306-319. 40. Description of a new genus of Colu- briform Serpents (Lainprosoma occipitale) from California. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VHL, 1856, pp. 310-311. 41. On a new genus of Boidas from Cuba. [1856.] Arner. Phil. Soc. Trans. XL, 1857, pp. 65-69. 42 . Notice of some new and rare species of Scincidte in the Collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. [1856.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. XL, 1857, pp. 71-82. 43. Appendix to a paper on Reptiles in the Collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Silliinan, Jourii. XXIII., 1857, pp. 282-284. Hallowell, Edward. 44. Notice of a collection of Reptiles from the Gaboon country, West Africa, recently presented to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, by Dr. Henry A. FORD. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1857- 58, pp. 48-72. 45. Description of several new North American Reptiles. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1857-58, pp. 215-216; IV., 1858-59, p. 126. 46. Report upon the Reptilia of the North Pacific Exploring Expedition, under the com- mand of Capt. ROGERS. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 480-515. Hall strom, Carl Peter. Geographiska liigen af nagra orter omkring Malaren, bestamda genom chronoraeter-observationer, flren 1798 och 1799. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXIV., 1803, pp. 233-240. 2. Nagra Polhojds observationer, gjorda i norra delen af Sverige 1 799. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXIV., 1803, pp. 240-247. 3. Geographiske belagenheterne af Noors Satesgard och af Jiiiiasa Kyrka i Upland, genom astronomiska observationer bestamda 1800. Stockholm, Akad. Haudl. XXIV., 1803, pp. 247- 253. 4. Orters geographiska bredder och lang- der i Nykopings, Orebro och Stockholms Hof- dingedomeu, observerade och bestiimda ar 1801. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXIV., 1803, pp. 288-308. 5. Geographiske bredder och langder af orter i Sb'dermauland, Nerike, och Ostergotland, ob- serverade och bestamda ar 1802. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XX V.. 1804, pp. 237-257. 6. Astronomiska och chronometriska ob- servationer o'fver orters geographiska lagen i Oster-Gothland, SmSland, Olaiid och Gb'ttland, gjorda fir 1804. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXVILL, 1807, pp. 8-58. 7. Geographiska lagen af orter i Werme- land och vid Norrska gninsen, genom astrono- miska och chronometriska observationer best- amda ar 1805. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXVTIL, 1807, pp. 114-137. — — 8. Geographiska liigen af orter i Wester- gotland, bestamda genom astronomiska och chro- nometriska observationer ar 1806. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXIX., 1808, pp. 21-35. 9. Geographiska bredder och liingder af orter i Finland, bestamda geuom astronomiska och chronometriska observationer ar 1806. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXIX., 1808, pp. 133-157. 10. Geographiska bredder och langder af orter i Osterguthland och Kalmar Llin, bestamda genom astronomiska och chronometriska obser- vationer 1808. Stockholm, Akad. Haudl. XXX., 1809, pp. 101-113. HAL] 143 [HAL Halls tr 6m, Carl Peter. 11. Orters geograph- iska liigen i Kalmare Lan, Bleking, och Skane, bcstiiinda genom astronomiska och chronorne- triska observationer ar 1810. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXXIL, 1811, pp. 238-267. 12. Orters geographiska liigen i Kalmar Liui och Ostergb'tland, bestamda genom obser- vatiouer med chronometer och spegel-sextant ar 1812. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXXIV., 1813, pp. 225-239. 13. Astronomiska och chronometriska orts- bestiimmelser i sodra delen af Riket, gjorda ar is 14. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXXVI., 1815, pp. 67-79. 14. Tillagg till N. BEUNCRONA'S Anmiirk- ningar och uppgifter rorande vattenminskningen vid Sveriges kuster. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1823, pp. 30-41. Hallstrom, Gustaf Gabriel. Erkliirung einer optischen Erscheinung, welche unter Wasser getauchte Gegenstande gedoppelt zeigt. Gil- bert, Annal. VI., 1800, pp. 431-444 ; XH., 1803, pp. 621-627. 2. Von den Methoden, die Ausdehnung der Fliissigkeiten durch Wiirme zu bestimmen. Gil- bert, Annal. XIV., 1803, pp. 297-305. 3. Ob das Wasser in liingern Haarrohrchen holier als in kiirzern ansteigt. Gilbert, Annal. XIV., 1803, pp. 425-432. 4. Versuche und Berechnungen iiber die Temperatur, bei welcher Wasser die grosste Dichtigkeit hat, und iiber die Ausdehnung des Queeksilbers durch Warme. Gilbert, Annal. XVII., 1804, pp. 107-110. 5. Von den Lichtbogen am heitern Him- mel. Gilbert, Annal. XVIH., 1804, pp. 74- 79. 6. Solformorkelsen den 28 August! 1802, observerad i Abo. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXV., 1804, pp. 71-72. 7. Manformorkelsen den 11-12 Sept. 1802, observerad i Abo. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXV., 1804, p. 72. . 8. Mercurius i Solen den 9 Nov. 1802, ob- serverad i Abo. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXV., 1804, pp. 77-80. O 9. Observation pa Solformorkelsen i Abo den 17 Aug. 1803. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXV., 1804, pp. 232-233. 1O. Beobachtungen iiber die tiigliche Ver- iinderung in der Abweichung der Magnetnadel und Untersuchungen iiber deren Ursache. Gil- bert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 284-297. 11. Veriinderungen der Dichtigkeit des Wassers in Ternperaturen zwischen 0° und + 20° des hunderttheiligen Thermometers. Gil- bert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 384-391. Hallstrom, Gustaf Gabriel. 12. Untersuch- ungen iiber die Ausdehnung des Quecksilbers durch die Wiirme. Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 397-403. 13. Afhandling om Jerns utvidgning af varme. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXVI., 1805, pp. 253-272 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 52-73. 14. Solformorkelsen den 11 Febr. 1804, observerad i Abo. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXVI., 1806, pp. 233-236. 15. Erklarung einer akustischen Erschein- ung, welche Herr VIETII beobachtet hat. Gil- bert, Annal. XXV., 1807, pp. 90-97. 16. Forsok till en afhandling om Solidum mininue resistentias, i anledning af Nordinarkske grundfomilerna, rorande vattnets motstand. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXIX., 1808, pp. 159-193. 17. Om de correctioner och beriikningar som vid tidabestiimmelse med chronometer .;iro anviindbara. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXXVI., 1815, pp. 145-182. 18. Berichtigung zu BBEWSTEH'S optischen Aufsatzen in Vol. L., 1815. Gilbert, Annal. LIV., 1816, pp. 394-396. 19. Undersokning om Vattens Volum- forandring af varme, och bestammelse af den Varmegrad, hvarvid vattens tathet ar storst. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1823, pp. 193-228 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXVffl., 1825, pp. 56-93; Poggend. Annal. I., 1824, pp. 129-168. • 2O. Tillagg till bestiimmelsen om varmen for vattens storsta tathet. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1824, pp. 1-15. — — 21. Om bestammande af medelvarmen i luften. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1824, pp. 217-252; Poggend. Annal. IV., 1825, pp. 373- 418 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1827, p. 223. 22. Bemajrkninger om Magnetnaale med flere Poler. Mag. f. Naturvid. VI., 1825, pp. 231-238. 23. Om jord-atmospherens pa barometer- standet markbara dagliga foriindringar i regel- bundna perioder. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1826, pp. 1-52, 185-217 ; Poggend. Annal. VHI., 1826, pp. 131-150, 299-318, 443-452; IX., 1827, pp. 530-546; XL, 1827, pp. 251- 275. 24. Von den Combinationstonen. Poggend. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 438-465. —— 25. Granskning af seduast gjorda bestam- melser om vattnets volyrnforandringar i olika varme, och om varmen for vattnets storsta tathet. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1833, pp. 166-192 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 220-246. HAL] 144 [HAL Hallstrom, Gustnf Gabriel. 26. Bitlrag till upplysning i fragan, huruvida uppriittstSende icke-jernhaltiga kroppar roja magnetism. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1835, pp. 294-301. 27. Observations barometrical et sym- piesometricas ab ill. LUTKE sub itinere circa tellurem collects. [1836.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. III., 1837, pp. 243-268. 28. Caloris tropici ex obss. ill. LUTKE de- terminatio. [1836.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. III., 1837, pp. 269-278. 29. Calcul iles observations magnetiques publiees dans 1'ouvrage, " Recueil d'observations magnetiques, faites A St. Petersbourg et sur d'autres points de 1'cmpire de Russie, par A. T. KuFFi'-EE." [1838.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 49-55. 3O. Variationnm pressionis atmosphserae terrestris in locis longe a se distantibus con- cordantium cxamen. [1839.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn.. L, 1840, pp. 1-29. 31. Specimina mutati currente soeculo Hallstrom, Gustaf Gabriel. 39. Calculus obser- vationum barometricarum, sympiezometricarum et thermonietricarum quas sub itinere circa tellurem instituit von SCHANTZ. [1839.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. IV., 1845, pp. 273-298. 40. Ytterligave bidrag till kannedomen af de i Lappland funiia gamla Vigterne. [1843.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. II., 1847, pp. 107-118. . 41. Bidrag till kannedomen om Finska ortus Klimat-forhallande : om luftvarmen p;1 Carlo. [1843.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Feun. II., 1847, pp. 119-129. 42. Bidrag till kannedomen om Fiuska temporis, quo glaeies fluminum annual dis- soluta; sunt. [1839.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. L, 1840, pp. 129-149 ; Poggend. Annal. LXVI., 1845, pp. 586-593. 32. Clima Helsingforsise, ex observationi- bus undecirn annorum erutiun. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Feun. I., 1840, pp. 177-248. . 33. Observationum tbermometricarum in Madras, llio Janeiro, Plymouth, Salzuflen, Apenroa, Boothia, Porta Carica et Malotscbkin- scbar, per omnes fere horas anni institutarum, computus. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. L, 1840, pp. 263-372. 34. De tempore regelationis et congela- tionis aquarum fiuminis Kyro. [1841.] Hel- singfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. L, 1840, pp. 387- 394. 35. Anmarkningar om vattenytans uti ostersjo'n och medel-liafvet tidtals skecndc hoj- ningar och siinkningar. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. I., 1840, pp. 401-409; Poggend. Annal. LVL, 1842, pp. 626-652. o 36. Ny motning af Abo Slotts hojd ofver hafsytan, jemte-slutsatser om sb'dra Finlands hojning ofver hafvet. [1841.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenu. I., 1840, pp. 519-525. 37. De directionibus ventorum in Fin- landia spirantium. [1842.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. L, 1840, pp. 571-626. 38. Undersokning om ett i Finska Lapp- marken gjordt f'ynd af gamla vigter och mynt, m.m. [1841.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. L, 1840, pp. 731-740. orters Klimat-forhallande : Om luftvarmen i Woro. [1843.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. II., 1847, pp. 131-143. 43. De apparitiom'bus Aurora? Borealis in septentrionalibus Europaj partibus. [1843.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenu. II., 1847, pp. 363-376. 44. De pressione atmosphaara? telluris, per quindecim annos Helsingforsias observata. [1844.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. II., 1847, pp. 393-448. Hallwachs, Jlll/tclm. Vorliiufige Mitthcilungen iiber einen in den Pappelknospen aufgefundenen neuen Korper. Liebig, Annal., CL, 1857, pp. 372-374. 2. Ueber den Ursprung der Hippursiiure im Harn der Pflanzenfresser. Liebig, Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 207-213. 3. Ueber den Uebergang der Bernstein- saure in den Harn. Liebig, Anual. CVL, 1858, pp. 160-165. 4. Ueber das Rautenol. Liebig, Annal. CXIII., 1860, pp. 107-110. Hallwachs, IV il helm, und If'. Keferstein. Ueber die Eiuwirkuug des pankreatischen Saftes auf Eiweiss. Giittingen, Nachricliten, 1858, pp. 145—155. Hallwachs, Wilhelm, und W. Kiihue. Ueber die Bildung der Hippursiiure aus Benzoesiiure bei fleischfressenden Thiereu. Gottingen, Naoh- richten, 1857, pp. 129-134 ; Virchow, Archiv, XII., 1857, pp. 386-396. Hallwachs, Wilhelm, und A. Schafarik. Ueber Verbindungen der Erdnietalle mit organischen Radicalen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 569-571 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., is.',!), pp. 465-466 ; Liebig, Annal. CIX., 1859, pp. 206-209. Halmstein, P. II. Infusoires intestinaux de I'homme (Paramsecium coli). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, p. 934. HAL] 145 [HAM Halse, W. H. Sparks obtained from the secondary coil after the current being made to pass through water. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 256-257. 2. The reason why a small pair of plates, introduced into a circle of largo pairs, reduces the action of the whole battery to the same standard as if ii were composed of all small pairs. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 410-414. 3. Wonderful effects of Voltaic electricity in restoring animal life, when the sensorial powers have entirely ceased, or, in other words, when death iu the common acceptation of the term has actually occurred. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV,, 1839-40, pp. 481-484 ; Electrician, II., 1862, p. 287. Halsey, Abraham. Synoptical view of the Li- chens growing in the vicinity of the city of New York. [1823.] New York, Annal. Ly- ceum, I., 1824, pp. 3-21. 2. Remarks on certain entozoical Fungi. New York, Annal. Lyceum, I., 1824, pp. 125- 126. Halske, G. G. Stereoskop mit beweglichen Bildern. Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 657- 658. Halske, G. G., und W. Siemens. Apparate fur den Betrieb lauger Unterseelinien. Tele- graph. Vereins Zeitschr. VI., 1859, pp. 96-105, 160-174. Halsted, Edward P. Report on the island of Chedooba: its Natural History, &c. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 349-376, 419- 435 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1842, pp. 439- 447. 2. Iron-cased Ships. Experiments at Woolwich, 1845, and on the "Ruby" at Ports- mouth, 1859. Spherical Shot only. United Service Journ. V., 1862, pp. 121-139. 3. Iron-cased Ships. <; Simoom " experi- ments of 1849, 1850, 1851. Spherical Shot and Shell. United Service Journ. V., 1862, pp. 140-172. 4. Iron-cased Ships. The experiments on the "Trusty." 1859 and 1860. Conical Shot only. United Service Journ. V., 1862, pp. 180-262. Ham, F. Description of an instrument for ascer- taining the specific gravity of fluids. Chemical Gazette, H., 1844, p. 125. Hamal, C/i. Notice sur la ventilation de mines a grisou. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. XV., 1856-57, pp. 177-195. 2. Notice sur le jaugeage des courants d'air dans les mines. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. XIX., 1860-61, pp. 317-330. Hamal, Ch. 3. De 1'utilite du jaugeage des courants d'air dans les mines, et d'un genre d'appareils propres a cette operation. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. XXI., 1863-64, pp. 149- 185. Hamann, A. Nachrichten iiber die Taruowitzer Blei- und Silberschmelzprocesse. Erdm. Journ. Techn. Chem. XV., 1832, pp. 120-148, 237- 282, 392-413. Hamann, E. F. Eine neue Magnetisirungs- methode. Poggeud. Anual. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 464-465. • 2. Ueber einen Rotationsapparat zum Erweise der Axendrehung der Erde. Poggend. Aunal. LXXXVIL, 1852, pp. 614-616. Hamberg, N. P. Untersuchung der Heil- quellen von Ronueby. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1860, pp. 385-407. Hambrough, Albert. Notice of the occurrence of Arum Italicum at Steephill, Isle of Wight. Phytologist, V., 1854, pp. 194-195. Hamburger (Dr.). Versuche iiber die Gerinn- uug des Bluts. Froriep, Notizeu, XII., 1839, col. 244-247 ; Pharm. Centr. Blatt. XL, 1840, pp. 42-46. Hamel, . Observations sur la regeneration osseuse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1312-1315. Hamel (Dr.) J. On Pyrophorus, and the making of Potassium. Thomson, Ann. Phil. V., 1815, pp. 348-351. 2. Relation de deux teutatives recentes pour monter sur le Mont-Blanc. Bibl. Univ. XIV., 1820, pp. 304-323. 3. Sur 1'emploi du Fer chromate de Si- berie a Moacou. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. IV., 1832, pp. 196-200. 4. Ueber Cochenille am Ararat, und iiber Wurzelcocheuille im Allgemeiiien. [1833.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III. (ptc. 2), 1835, pp. 9-64. 5. Ueber die Hone der Stadt Moskau uud der Fliisse Moskwa uud Oka iiber der Meeres- iliiche. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 300-302. 6. Ueber DAGUEREE'S Heliographie und Abdriicke von seinen heliographirten Platten. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1840, col. 317-336. 7. Sur le genre d'oiseaux, uomme Dinor- nis. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1845, col. 350-352. 8. Ueber Dinornis und Didus, zwei aus- gestorbene Vogelgattungen. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 49-68. 9. Colossale magneto-elektrische Maschine zum Versilbern und Vergolden. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 244-255. HAMJ 146 [HAM Hamel (Dr.) J. 10. Sur un crane de Dodo du Musee de Copenhague. [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci.BuU. V., 1847, col. 314-318. • 11. Der Dodo, die Einsiedler, und der erdichtete Nazarvogel. [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 65-96; Fro- riep, Notizen. VII., 1848, col. 177-182 ; Wieg- mann, Archiv, XIV., 1848, pp. 118-156. 12. Blutregen und blutrothe Gewasser. Neun Falle, welche sich ia England und in der Normandie in den Zeitraum von 685 bis 1662 ereignet haben. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1852, col. 267-272. ' 13. Ueber das Project : Anstern, wie auch Hummern, Seekrebse, Krabben uud Mies- muscheln im Finnischen Meerbusen zu ziehen. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1852, col. 307-318. 14. Tbe Whale-Killer, or Thresher, men- tioned by TRADESCANT in the " Journal of his voyage to Russia, in 1618." Anier. Assoc. Proc. 1854, pp. 258-271. 15. Sir John FRANKLIN'S Nordwestexpe- dition von 1845-1848 und Charles JACKMAN'S Nordostfahrten von 1580 uud 1581. [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1860, col. 497- 507. 16. Die Entstehung der galvanischen und electroinagnetischen Telegraphic. [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1860, col. 97- 136, 298-303. 17. Bishop WATSON and the Electric Telegraph. (Transl.) Electrician, I., 1862, pp. 28-29. Hamel, J. W. van, [Over de ligging van ver- scheidene Plaatsen.] Extract uit het Journaal, 1791-92. Amsterdam, Verz. Ber. Navig. I., 1803, pp. 239-242. Hamernjk, Jos. Physiologisch-pathologische Uutersuchuugen iiber den Mechanismus, nach welchem die venb'sen und arteriosen Klappen des Herzens geschlossen werden und nach welchen die Tone der Herzgegend entstehen. Prag, Vierteljahrschr. 1847 (Heft 4), pp. 147- 176 ; Charleston, Med. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 364-367. • 2. Physiologisch-pathologische Untersuch- ungeii iiber die Verhaltnisse des Kreislaufes in der Schadelhohle. Prag, Vierteljahrschr. 1848, pp. 38-117. 3. Ueber die Verhaltnisse des Umfanges uud der Pulsationen peripherischer Arterien bei Obliteration der betreffenden Stiimrne. Ueber die Obliteration des Anfangsstiickes der absteig- enden Aorta. Prag, Vierteljahrschr, 1848 (Heft 2), pp. 40-87. Hamernjk, Jos. 4. Nachtragliehe Bemerkun- gen iiber den Mechanismus, nach welchem die Klappen des Herzens geschlossen werden. Prag, Vierteljahrschr. 1848 (Heft 2), pp. 105- 112. 5. Ueber eiuige Verhaltnisse der Venen, der Vorhofe und Kammern des Herzens, und iiber den Einfluss der Contractionskraft der Lungen und der Respirationsbeweguugen auf den Circulationsapparat. Prag, Vierteljahr- schr. 1853 (Heft 3), pp. 32-103. Hainet, . Note sur les abeilles et les effets des accoupleuients de famille. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 755-757. Hamill, //. Letter on the measure of a Ship's Velocity. Nicholson, Journ. XIV., 1806, pp. 343-344. Hamilton. See Buchanan, Francis. Hamilton, . Terrestrial magnetism. Silli- man, Journ. XXXVIL, 1839, pp. 100-103. Hamilton, Archibald H. On the electrical cur- rents in the Earth's surface. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (j>t. 2), pp. 48-49. Hamilton, Arthur. Esquisse d'nne monographic du genre Scutellaria ou Toque. Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. 1836. Hamilton, Charles. A description of the Mah- wah Tree. Asiatick Researches, I., 1788, pp. 300-308. Hamilton, Charles W. An outline of the geo- logy of part of the county of Kerry. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1838, pp. 276-285. 2. On the Limestone of the county of Wexford. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1838, pp. 313-316. 3. On the succession of the older stratified rocks in the neighbourhood of Killarney and Dublin. Phil. Mag. XV., 1839, pp. 442-447. 4. Ou the Trap rocks of Limerick. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. III., 1849, pp. 52-56. 5. On the rocks in the neighbourhood of Killarney. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. III., 1849, pp. 134-137. 6. Further remarks on the Trap rocks of the county of Limerick. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. III., 1849, pp. 145-149. Hamilton ( Capt.) D. Description of the method adopted in the Coimbatore district for catching wild elephants. Madras Journ. TIL, 1857-58, pp. 58-59. Hamilton, Edward. On the assumption of the male plumage by the female of the Common Pheasant. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1862, pp. 23-25. Hamilton, G. A short description of Carnico- bar. Asiatick Researches, II., 1790, pp. 337- 344. HAM] 147 [HAM Hamilton, George. On the results of experi- ments on the preservation of Fresh Meat. Brit. . Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2),' p. 69 ; Liverpool, Lit, Phil. Soc. Proc. X., 1855-56, pp. 138-147 ; Pharmaceut. Journal, XVI., 1857, pp. 17-20. — 2. On the composition of rotatory motion. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. XII., 1857-58, pp. 49-64. Hamilton, IT. G. Geographical positions of the principal points of Eastern Greece. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1838, pp. 423-426. 2. The country between Liverpool Plains and Moreton Bay, in New South Wales. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1843, pp. 245-253. Hamilton, Hugh. A. letter to the Rev. J. A. HAMILTON (author of a paper on a New Baro- meter, Irish Acad. Trans. V., pp. 95-116); with remarks and hints for the further improve- ment of Barometers. [1792.] Irish Acad. Trans. V., pp. 117-128. 2. On the power of fixed caustic alkaline salts to preserve the flesh of animals from putre- faction. [1794.] Irish Acad. Trans. V., pp. 319-324. Hamilton, James A. Account of Parhelia, seen 24 September, 1783, at Cookstown. [1786.] Irish Acad. Trans. I., 1787, pp. 23-24. 2. On a new kind of Portable Barometer for measuring heights. [1791.] Irish Acad. of determining the measuring Trans. V., pp. 95-116. 3. On the method Longitude, by observations of the meridian pas- sages of the Moon and a Star made at two places. [1794.] Irish Acad. Trans. VI., 1797, pp. 193-220. 4. On comparative Micrometer measures. [1805.] Irish Acad. Trans. X., 1806, pp. 109- 118. 5. An essay on the present state of astro- nomical certainty with regard to the Earth's magnitude, &c. Lish Acad. Trans. XL, 1810, pp. 13-24. 6. Farther considerations on the compara- tive observations of the differences of Right Ascension of the Moon's enlightened limb with the Sun's centre, and with Stars under different meridians. [1806.] Irish Acad. Trans. XL, 1810, pp. 25-44. Hamilton, John. Tables of observations on the Winds, the Currents, the Gulph Stream, the comparative Temperature of the Air and Water, &c. made on the North Atlantic Ocean, during twenty-six voyages to and from Europe (prin- cipally between Philadelphia and Liverpool), between the years 1799 and 1817, inclusive. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1825, pp. 140-155. Hamilton, John. Notes on the geology of the country about Kingscourt. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1850-53, pp. 161-164. Hamilton, K. B. On the refuse of the Cod- Fishery of Newfoundland as convertible into a portable Manure. Agric. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1853, pp. 393-394. Hamilton, Muthic. Observations on recent Earthquakes on the west coast of South Ame- rica. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXX., 1841, pp. 153-159. 2. Observations on the Llama, Alpaca, Guanaco, and Vicuna. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIV., 1843, pp. 285-298; Froriep, Notizen, XXVI., 1843, col. 209-215, 225-229. 3. Brief notices of Earthquakes in South America in 1844, 1845, 1846, and 1847. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 82-83. 4. Observations on sensations experienced while climbing the more elevated mountains of the Andes in Peru and Bolivia. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. IV., 1860, pp. 287-292. 5. Notes of a journey across the Cordilleras of the Andes from the coast of the Pacific Ocean to Chiquisaca, via Oruro, Potosi, &c. [1861.] Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proe. V., 1864, pp. 51-55. Hamilton, R. Observations on the Fur Seal of commerce. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1839, pp. 81- 95 ; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1839, col. 65-72. Hamilton, R. N. C. Esquisse geologique du bassin situe entre le Tigre et 1'Euphrate. (Transl.) Bibl. Univ. XXXVI., 1841, pp. 418-419. 2. Note on the transport of coal from the pits at Sonadeh to Bombay, by the Nerbudda. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVIII. , 1849, pp. 594-600. 3. Report of a trip down the Nerbudda from Mundlaisir to Baroche. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1849, pp. 119-143. 4. On the culture of Cotton in Malwa and other States connected with the Indore Resi- dency. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. VII., 1849-50, pp. 257-274. 5. On the roads in Malwa. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. IX., 1850, pp. 110-128. Hamilton, William. An account of experiments to determine the Temperature of the Earth's Surface, made in Ireland in the year 1788. Irish Acad. Trans. II., 1788, pp. 143-156. 2. Memoir on the climate of Ireland. [1794.] Irish Acad. Trans. VI., 1797, pp. 27- 56. Hamilton, William. Some account of the Agave Americana, which flowered at the Wood- lands, in the summer of 1804. Philad. Mecl. Mus. I., 1805, pp. 308-310. T 2 HAM] 148 [HAM Hamilton, JJ'Htiam. Some particulars respect- ing Hail Storms iu the West Indies in the month of April 1814; and experiments to ascertain the medicinal powers of the Hura crepitans. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIV., 1814, pp. 191-193. 2. Some account of the febrifuge bark of a tree called El Malambo, the produce of South America. Med. Bot. Soc. Trans. 1832-33, pp. 67-72. — — 3. Further remarks on the Piscidia ery- thrinn, or Jamaica dogwood. [1844.] Phar- maceut. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 111-114 ; Journ. cle Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 422-423. — — 4. On the Argemone Mexicana, Hura cre- pitans, Jatropha curcas and inultifida. [1845.] Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 23-27. 5. On the genus Jatropha, and the Jauipha mauihot and Lceflingii. [1845.] Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 27-33. 6. On the Moringa ptcrygosperma, or Oil- of-Ben tree, and its uses, economical and officinal. [1845.] Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 58-59. 7. On the gum of the Ehus metopium. and on the Aristolochia odoratissima, trilobata, and anguicida. Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 60-61. 8. On the properties ascribed to some species of Comocladia. Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 114-117. 9. On the properties of some species of Cathartocarpus. [1845.] Pharmaceut. Jouru. V., 1846, pp. 118-121. • 1O. On the medical and economical pro- perties of the Anacardium occidentale, or Cashew-nut tree. [1845.] Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 268-273. 11. On the medical properties of the various species of Cassia, found in the West Indies. Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 345- 350. 12. On the properties of the Hippomane mancinella or Manchineel tree. Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 408-412. 13. On the medical and commercial pro- perties of the C;i>salpinia coriaria or Dividivi. Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 443-452. 14. On the noxious properties of the Echites suberecta, or Savannah flower, and their antidotes. Pharmaceut. Journ. VI., 1847, pp. 23-24. 15. On the Maranta arundinacea, and its application as an antidote to animal and vege- table poisons. Pharmaceut. Journ. VI., 1847, pp. 25-28. 16. Oil the Capparis cynophallophora or Bottle Cod. Pharmaceut. Journ. VI., 1847, pp. 81-82. Hamilton, William. 17. On the Malanibo bark of the province of Carthagena, South America. [1846.] Pharmaceut. Journ. VI., 1847. pp. 255-259. 18. On some species of the genus Amyris, which are little known. Pharmaceut. Joui-n. VI., 1847, pp. 322-326. 19. On the Lemon Grass, or Andropogon schocnauthus, cultivated in most of the West Indian islands. [1846.] Pharmaceut. Journ. VI., 1847, pp. 369-374. 20. The Hymenrea Courbaril, or Locust- tree, &c. Pharmaceut. Journ. VI., 1847, pp. 520-525. 21. On the properties of the Boccouia frutescens and Clusia. Pharmaceut. Journ. VI., 1847, pp. 581-584. 22. On the Canna Achira, or Tous-Ies- Mois. [1847.] Pharmaceut. Journ. VII., 1848, pp. 56-60. 23. On the medicinal and economic pro- perties of the Sapiudus saponaria, Soap-berry or Black-nickar tree. Pharmaceut. Journ. VII., 1848, pp. 225-230. 24. Some further particulars respecting the Rhus metopium, or Hog-gum tree. Phar- maceut. Journ. VII., 1848, pp. 270-277. 25. On the Ava root of the Sandwich Islands. [1849.] Pharmaceut. Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 218-220. 26. On the cultivation, preparation, and properties of the Myrica cerifera and M. Curo- linensis, or Wax-tree of Carolina. Pharmaceut. Journ. X., 1851, pp. 450-454. 27. Observations on the late earthquake in the west of England. Pharmaceut. Journ. XII., 1853, pp. 181-183, 308-309. — — — 28. Queries respecting the poisonous pro- perties of fish. [1852.] Pharmaceut. Journ. XII., 1853, p. 344. 29. Some notices of the hurricane of 1824. Pharmaceut. Journ. XII., 1853, pp. 389-391. 30. Iron audits salts. Pharmaceut. Journ. XIV., 1855, pp. 305-306. Hamilton, (Sir) JJ~i/lia/ii. Ueber Gewicht und Grosse des Hirns und seiner Theilebei Mensch- cu und Thieren. Froriep, Notizen, XXXIV., 1832, col. 342-346. [Transl. from Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ, XXXVIL, 1832, pp. 414-416. Sec also Anatomy of the Brain, &c., by Alex. MONRO. Edinburgh. 1831.] 2. Historical notices in regard to the dis- tinction of Nerves and Nervous Filaments into Motive and Sensitive ; and in regard to the peculiarity of function, and absolute isolation of the ultimate nervous filaments. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXV., 1843, pp. 67-77. HAMJ 149 [HAM Hamilton, (Sir) William. 3. Remarks on Dr. MORTON'S Tables on the size of the Brain. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLVIII., 1850, pp. 330-333. Hamilton, William. Observations made in the district between the Mourne and Dublin moun- tains. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. II., 1839, pp. 51-69. Hamilton, William. Report on the explosion of the Gun on board the Steam Frigate "Princeton." Franklin Inst. Journ. VIII., 1844, pp. 206-216. 2. Explosion of the Locomotive Engine " Richmond." Franklin Inst. Journ. IX., 1845, pp. 16-26. 3. Report on the Catoptric, Dioptric, and Catadioptric systems of Lights for Lighthouses. Franklin Inst. Journ. XVIII., 1849, pp. 67-68, 161-166, 240-252, 335-336. Hamilton, William John. On the Lago di Amsaucto, " Amsancti Valles " of Virgil. Geogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1832, pp. 62-65. 2. Extracts from notes made on a journey in Asia Minor in 1836. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1837, pp. 34-60. 3. Observations on the position of Tavium. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1837, pp. 74-80. 4. Notes of a journey in Asia Minor in 1837. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1838, pp. 137-156. 5. Description of a bed of recent marine shells near Elie, on the southern coast of Fife- shire. [1835.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 180-181. 6. Ou part of Asia Minor. Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 651-654. 7. On the geology of part of Asia Minor, between the Salt Lake of Kodj-hissar and Cffisarea of Cappadocia, including a brief de- scription of Mount Argasus. [1838.] Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1840, pp. 583-598. 8. On the geology of the north-western part of Asia Minor, from the peninsula of Cyzicus on the coast of the sea of Marmora to Koola, with a description of the Katakekaumene. [1839.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 102- 108. 9. On a few detached places along the coast of Ionia and Caria, and on the island of Rhodes. [1840.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 293-298. 1O. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia, with some account of their antiquities and geology. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1843, pp. 148-155. 11. On the geology of some parts of Tus- cany. Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1845, pp. 273- 297. 12. On the Agate quarries of Oberstein. Geol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1848, pp. 209-216. Hamilton, JFiUimn John. 13. Observations on the geology of Asia Minor, referring more par- ticularly to portions of Galatia, Pontus, and Paphlagonia. Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1849, pp. 362-376. 14. On the occurrence of a freshwater bed of Marl in the fens of Cambridgeshire. Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1850, pp. 451-453. 15. On the geology of the Mayence basin. Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1854, pp. 254-298. 16. On the tertiary formations of the north of Germany, with special reference to those of Hesse-Cassel and its neighbourhood. Geol. Soc. Journ. XL. 1855, pp. '126-143. Hamilton, William John, and H. E. Strick- land. On the geology of the Thracian Bos- phorus. [1836.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 437-438. 2. Account of a tertiary deposit near Lixouri, in the island of Cephalonia. [1837.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 545-546. 3. On the geology of the Western part of Asia Minor. [1836,1839,1840.] Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1842, pp. 1-40. ' 4. On a tertiary deposit near Lixouri, in the island of Cephalonia. Geol. Soc. Jouru. III., 1847, pp. 106-112. Hamilton, ( Sir) William R. Theory of systems of rays. [1824.] Irish Acad. Trans. XV., 1828, pp. 69-174 : XVI., 1830, pp. 4-62 ; (pt. 2), 1831, pp. 85-92 ; XVIL, 1837, pp. 1-144. ' 2. On the error of a received principle ot analysis, respecting Functions which vanish with their Variables. Irish Acad. Trans. XVI., 1830, pp. 63-64 ; (pt. 2) 1831, pp. 129-130. • 3. Note on Mr. POTTER'S Reply respecting his experiment of prismatic interference. Phil. Mag. II., 1831, p. 371 ; Poggeud. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 328-329. 4. On a view of mathematical Optics. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1831-32, pp. 545-547. 5. On some results of the view of a charac- teristic function in Optics. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1833, pp. 360-370. 6. On the effect of Aberration in prismatic interference. Phil. Mag. II., 1833, pp. 191- 194 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 316- 318. 7. On the undulatory time of passage of Light through a Prism. Phil. Mag. II., 1833, pp. 284-287; Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 323-327. 8. On Conjugate Functions or Algebraic Couples, as tending to illustrate generally the doctrine of imaginary quantities, and as confirm- ing the results of Mr. GRAVES respecting the existence of two independent integers in the complete expression of an imaginary logarithm. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 519-523. HAM] 150 [HAM Hamilton, (Sir) William. R. 9. On the appli- cation to Dynamics of a general mathematical method previously applied to Optics. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1834, pp. 513-518. 10. On a general method in Dynamics, by which the study of the motions of all free sys- tems of attracting or repelling points is reduced to the search and differentiation of one central relation or characteristic function. Phil. Trans. 1834, pp. 247-308; Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VIIL, 1834, pp. 69-89, 200-211. 11. Remarques sur un memoire de M. PLANA, torn. VII. [sur les rayons refractes]. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VIII., 1834, pp. 27-30. • 12. Second Essay on a general method in Dynamics. Phil. Trans. 1835, pp. 95-144. 13. Inquiry into the validity of a method recently proposed by G. B. JERRARD, Esq., for transforming and resolving equations of elevated degrees. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1836, pp. 295-348. 14. Calculus of principal relations. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), pp. 41-44. . 15. Theorem connected with the question of resolving in finite terms the equation of the fifth degree. Phil. Mag. VIII., 1836, pp. 538- 543 ; IX., 1836, pp. 28-32. — 16. On differences and differentials of functions of Zero. [1831.] Irish Acad. Trans. XVII., 1837, pp. 235-236 ; Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VIIL, 1834, pp. 235-237. 17. Theory of Conjugate Functions, or Algebraic Couples, with a preliminary and ele- mentary essay on Algebra as the science of pure time. [1835.] Irish Acad. Trans.. XVII., 1837, pp. 293-422. 18. On the propagation of Light in vacua. Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), pp. 2-6. 19. On the propagation of Light in crys- tals. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), p. 6. 20. On the argument of ABEL, respecting the impossibility of expressing a root of any general equation above the fourth degree, by any finite combination of radicals and rational functions. [1837.] Irish Acad. Trans. XVIH., 1838, pp. 171-259. 21. Investigations respecting Equations of the Fifth degree. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 76-81. 22. On the Dynamics of Light. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 245, 267-270. 23. Notice of a singular appearance of the clouds observed on the 16th December 1838. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 249-252. 24. Researches respecting Vibration, con- nected with the theory of Light. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 341-349. 25. On fluctuating functions. Hamilton, (Sir) William R. 26. On a mode of deducing the equation of FRESNEL'S wave. Phil. Mag. XIX., 184), pp. 381-383. 27. On the focal lengths and aberrations of a thin lens of uniaxal crystal, bounded by surfaces which are of revolution about its axis. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1841, pp. 289-294. • 28. On certain discontinuous integrals con- nected with the developenient of the radical which represents the reciprocal of the distance between two points. Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 288-294. 29. On a theorem in the calculus of Differ- Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 475-477 Trans. XIX., 1843, pp. 264-321. Irish Acad. Irish Acad. ences. 2-3. 3O. On some investigations connected with the calculus of Probabilities. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 3-4. 31. On Equations of the Fifth Degree ; and especially on a certain system of expressions connected with those equations, which Professor BAUANO has lately proposed. [1842.] Irish Acad. Trans. XIX., 1843, pp. 329-376. 32. On an expression for the numbers of BERNOULLI by means of a definite Integral. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1843, pp. 360-367. 33. On the Composition of Forces. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 166-170. 34. On the day of the Vernal Equinox at the time of the Council of Nice. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 249-250. 35. On Dr. ROBINSON'S table of Mean Re- fractions. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 400- 403. 36. On the calculus of Probabilities. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 420-422. 37. On Quaternions. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1844, pp. 10-13, 241-246, 489-495 ; XXVI., 1845, pp. 220-224; XXIX., 1846, pp. 26-31, 113-122, 326-328 ; XXX., 1847, pp. 458-461 ; XXXI., 1847, pp. 214-219, 278-293, 511-519 ; XXXII., 1848, pp. 367-374; XXXIII., 1848, pp. 58-60 ; XXXIV., 1849, pp. 294-297, 340- 343, 425-439 ; XXXV., 1849, pp. 133-137, 200-204 ; XXXVI., 1850, pp. 305-306 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), p. 2; Camb. andDubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 161-168 ; Irish Acad. Trans. XXL, 1848, pp. 199-296; Nouv. Ann. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 275-283. 38. On symbolical Geometry. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 45-57, 137- 154, 256-263 ; LL, 1847, pp. 47-52, 130-133, 204-209 ; III., 1848, pp. 68-84, 220-225 ; IV., 1849, pp. 84-89, 105-118. 39. Illustrations from Geometry of the theory of algebraic Quaternions. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 18~47, pp. 31-49. 4O. On theorems of Central Forces. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 308-309. HAM] 151 [HAM Hamilton, (Sir) William R. 41. A new method of expressing in symbolical language the New- tonian law of attraction. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 344-352. 42. On a theorem of hodographic isochro- nism. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 417- 418, 465-470. 43. On the application of the calculus of quaternions to the theory of the Moon. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 507-520. 44. Additional theorems respecting certain reciprocal surfaces. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 192-193. 45. On theorems relating to surfaces, ob- tained by his method of quaternions. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 306-308. 46. On the equation of the ellipsoid. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 324-325. 47. On the inscription of certain " gauche " polygons in surfaces of the second degree. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 325-326. 48. On the construction of the ellipsoid by two sliding spheres. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 341-343. 49. On a theorem respecting ellipsoids, ob- tained by the method of quaternions. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 349-355. 50. On some results obtained by the qua- ternion analysis respecting the inscription of " gauche " polygons in surfaces of the second order. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 380- 386. 51. On "gauche" polygons in central surfaces of the second order. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 541-556. 52. On continued fractions in quaternions. Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 371-373; IV., 1852, p. 303; V., 1853, pp. 117-118, 236-238,321- 326. 53. A generalization of PASCAL'S theorem. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 100-101. 54. On the nature and properties of the aconic function of six sectors. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 177-186. 55. On the connexion of quaternions with continued fractions and quadratic equations. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 219-221, 299- 301. 56. On the geometrical interpretation of some results obtained by calculation with biqua- ternions. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 388- 400. 57. On the geometrical demonstration of some theorems by means of the quaternion analysis. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 407- 422. 58. On the celebrated theorem of DUPIN. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853-54, pp. 86-88. Hamilton, ( Sir) ll'illiam R. 59. On some exten- sions of quaternions. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853-54, pp. 114-115; Phil. Mag. VII., 1854, pp. 492-499; VIII., 1854, pp. 125-137, 261- 269; IX., 1855, pp. 46-51, 280-290. 60. On the solution of the equation of LAPLACE'S functions. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853-54, pp. 181-185. 61. On the calculation of the numerical values of a certain class of multiple and definite integrals. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 375- 382. 62. On some quaternion equations con- nected with FRESNEL'S wave-surface for biaxal crystals. Irish Acad. Proc. VII., 1858, pp. 122-124, 163-164 ; Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1859 (pt. 2), p. 248 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 240-242, 365. 63. On anharmonic co-ordinates. Nat. Hist. Review, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 242-246, 325-327, 506-509. 64. Quaternion proof of a theorem of reci- procity of curves in space. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), p. 4. 65. Elementary proof that eight perimeters of the regular inscribed polygon of twenty sides, exceed twenty-five diameters of the circle. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 267-269. 66. On the existence of a symbolic and biquadratic equation which is satisfied by the symbol of linear or distributive operation on a quaternion. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 127- 128; Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 190-191. 67. On a new and general method of in- verting a linear and quaternion function of a quaternion. [1862.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 182-183. 68. On "gauche" curves of the third de- gree. [1863.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 331-334. • 69. On a general centre of applied forces. [1863.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, p. 394. Hamlin, Amos. Observations on Bots iu Horses. Baltimore, Med. Phys. Recorder, I., 1809, pp. 361-364. Hammargren, T. Verzeichniss der in den Kiistengegenden des Sees Wenern in Schweden observirten Vogel. Naurnannia, 1853, pp. 290— 296. 2. Foglar i Wermland, Dalsland och We- uern. Stockholm, Ofversigt, X., 1853, pp. 121- 122. 3. Ovanliga fargvarieteter af hareu (Lepus borealis) och bjorktrasten (Turdus pilaris). Stockholm, Ofversigt, XI., 1854, pp. 19-21. • 4. Om Parus borealis, DC Scli/s Lonff- champ (Poscila borealis, Ch. Bonap.), och den s. k. briimfallningen hos vissa foglar. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, XI., 1854, pp. 216-219. HAM] 152 [HAM Hammargren, T. 5. Foglar i Wermland. Stock - liolm, uf'vcrsigt, XIIL, 1856, pp. 76-78; XV., 1858, pp. 41-42 ; Naumauuia, 1857, pp. 221- Hammer, Ein Beitrag zur geognostischen Kenntniss von Oberschlesien. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1847, pp. 54-56. Hammer, A. Changement de couleur dans un negre. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. I., 1854, pp. 148-152 (Compt. Rend.}. Hammer, Fred. Louis. Sur le gisement des os de Bastberg (mont de St. Sebastien). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Auual. VI., 1804, pp. 356-366. 2. Observations sur le Touyou ouAutruche d'Amerique (Struthio Americanus, Lin.) Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Aunal. XII., 1808, pp. 427- 433. 3. Mineralogie du departement du Bas- Rhin. Strasbourg, Soc. Sci. Journ. III., 1826, pp. 281-296. 4. Notice sur le Typographe (1'Imprimeur), Dermestes typographus, Linn.; Ips typogra- phus, De Gcer ; Bostrichus typographus, Geoff'., Latreille, Lam., Fabric. ; en AUemand, der gemeine Borkenkafer, Buchdrucker-Borkenkafer, der schwarze Wurm, llolzwurm, fliegende Wurm, Fichtenkrebs ; insecte qui duvaste les forets de sapins. Strasbourg, Soc. Sci. Journ. III., 1826, pp. 297-307. 5. Aperfu des animaux les plus remarqua- bles de 1'Alsace. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1829, pp. 343-344. Hammer, Karl. Neue Methode zur Bestirnrnung der Gerbsiiure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXI., 1860, pp. 159-168. Hammer - Purgstall, Joseph (Freiherr) von. Uebersicht der Quellen Arabischer, Persischer, uud Turkischer Geographic. Hertha, III., 1825, pp. 46-93. 2. Lettro sur MARCO POLO. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. III., 1825, pp. 115-117. 3. Ueber den Tiirkischen See-Atlas des Piri-Ueis. Hertha, V., 1826, pp. 99-131. — — • 4. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Luftsteine aus mprgenlandischen Schrit'tstellern. Bauni- gartner, Zeitschrift, VII., 1830, pp. 264-268. 5. Extracts from the Mohit, that is, the Ocean, a Turkish work on Navigation in the Indian Seas. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. III., 1834, pp. 545-553; V., 1836, pp. 441-467; VI., 1837, pp. 805-812 ; VII., 1838, pp. 767- 779; VIII., 1839, pp. 823-830. 6. Chronologischc Liste ausserordentlicher Naturerscheinungen, als : Misswachs, Pest, Ertl- lii'lirn, und Meteore in der Geschichte Kairo's von SOJUTE. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, III., 1835, pp. 283-288. Hammergren, J. Einige Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatze L. BKEHM'S " Ueber Species und Sub- species " in Naumannia fiir 1853, erstes Quartal. Naumanuia, 1854, pp. 329-335. Hammerschmidt, Carl E. Ueber die Ent- wickelung der Pflanzen-Auswiichse durch In- secten. Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 378-379. 2. Neue Spinnen. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 746. 3. Ueber artesische Brunnen und eine neue Methode zur Bohrung derselben. Deutsch. Na- turf. Versamml. Bericht, 1836, pp. 65-66. 4. [Anzeige der Anatomie der Buprestis- Larveu.] Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 505. 5. Helminthologische Beitriige. Oken, Isis, 1838, col. 351-358. 6. Ueber die Spermatozoon der Insecten. Oken, Isis, 1838, col. 358-360. 7. Andeutungen iiber das Pflanzen-Zellen- lebeu. Flora, XXIX., 1846, pp. 548-551; Hai- dinger, Bericht. L, 1846, pp. 67-70. 8. Andeutungen iiber das Pflanzen-Zellen- leben. Hammerschmidt, Allg. Oester. Zeitschr. XVIII., 1846, pp. 193-194. 9. Die Mnemotechnik oder die Kunst das Gediichtniss zu unterstiitzen. Hammerschmidt, Allg. Oester. Zeitschr. XVHI., 1846, pp. 263- 268. 10. [Physiologische und psychologische Erscheinungen bei der Aether-Einathmuug.] Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 187-190 ; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1847, col. 19-21. 11. Auftbrderung zur Beobachtung der periodischen Natur-Erscheinungen in der Vege- tation. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 359—375. 12. [Schwefelregen in Baden.] Haidin- ger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 415-416. 13. Uc-bcr den Hydrarchos. Haidiuger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 485-488. 14. Beschrcibuug einiger Oxyuris-Arten. [1846.] Haidinger, Abhandl. I., 1847, pp. 279- 288. 15. Ueber einige von ihm entdeckte Ein- geweidewiirmer. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1847, pp. 78-80. 16. Ueber Cercolabes Liebmanni. Haidin- ger, Bericht. L, 1847, p. 131. 17. Ueber Cercoleptes (Viverra) caudi- volvulus. Haidinger, Bericht. L, 1847, p. 132. IS. Ueber eine in Pruuus-laurocerasus- Baunien vorkommende Schmetterlingslarve. Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 276-279. 19. Ueber KOCH'S Hydrarchos. Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 322-327. 2O. Beschreibung eines neuen Mexican- ischen Schmetterlinges, Zeuzera (Cossus) Reil- tenbacheri, JImrschdt., dessen Entwickelung in Wieu beobachtet wurde. [1847.] Haidinger, Abhandl. II., 1848, pp. 151-152. HAM] 153 [HAM Hammer schmidt, Carl E. 21. Beobachtuugen iiber die Erscheinungen bei der Chloroform- Narkose. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, p. 102. 22. Menschliche Blutkorperchen. Hai- dinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, p. 151. 23. Eimvirkung des Schwefelkohlenstoffs auf den Menschen. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, p. 253. Hammett, John. Account of a voyage to the coast of Labrador and Quebec, including remarks on the comparative Temperature of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIL, 1818, pp. 206-210. 2. Remarks on Madeira, climate of the Tropics, Trade-Winds, Rio Janeiro, the Polar Ice, &c. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIV., 1819, pp. 107-117, 194-198. Hammond, . On the destruction of the Fcctal Brain. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XII., 1823, pp. 308-309. Hammond, William A. On certain dumb-bell forms of Crystals found in the Urine. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXVII., 1854, pp. 384-387. 2. The relations existing between Urea and Uric Acid. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXIX., 1855, pp. 119-123. 3. Urological Contributions. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXXI., 1856, pp. 330-337. 4. The physiological effects of Alcohol and Tobacco upon the human system. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXXII., 1856, pp. 305-320 ; Archiv Wiss. Heilk. III., 1858, pp. 590-608. 5. Experimental researches relative to the nutritive value and physiological effects of Albumen, Starch, and Gum, when singly and exclusively used as food. Amer. Med. Assoc. Trans. X., 1857, pp. 511-587. 6. On the injection of Urea and other substances into the blood. Charleston, Med. Journ. XIII., 1858, pp. 835-836; Archiv Wiss. Heilk. IV., 1860, pp. 99-107. 7. On the secondary formation of Blood- Crystals. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1858 (Biolog.), pp. 15-17. 8. On the action of certain vegetable Diuretics. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1858 (Biolog.), pp. 17-21. 9. Observations on the colourless Blood- corpuscle. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXXVII., 1859, pp. 348-350. 1O. Experimental researches relative to a supposed new species of Upas. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XL., 1860, pp. 363-377. 11. Ueber die Ausscheidung der Phos- phorsiiure durch die Nieren. (Transl.) Archiv Wiss. Heilk. IV., 1860, pp. 108-116. VOL. m. Hammond, William A. 12. Ueber die phy- sikalischen und chemischen Vcriinderungen des Urins bei Intermittens, und iiber die Wirkuug des schwefelsauren Chinins. (Transl.) Archiv Wiss. Ileilk. IV., 1860, pp. 117-122. Hammond, William A., and .~ZVm.), 1826, pp. 360-373; Phil. Mag. II., 1827, pp. 334-344. 46. Ueber die Beobachtungen der maguet- ischen Intensitiit bei Beriicksichtigung der Tem- peratur, so wie iiber den Einfluss der Nord- lichter auf die Magnetnadel. Poggend. Annal. IX., 1827, pp. 161-164. 47. Ueber die bei Tage gesehenen Stern- sehnuppen. Posjgend. Annal. IX., 1827, pp. 525-530. • 48. Ueber die Elasticitiit des Pulvergases. Schweigger, Journ. LI. (=^Jahrl>. XXL), 1827, pp. 237-238. 49. [Ueber Zeitbestimmungen aus abso- luten Hb'hen,] Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 126-130, 189-196. VOL. m. Hansteen, Christopher. SO. Sternbedeckungen in Christiania. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1823, col. 147-148. • 51. [Methods mittclst des Durchganges des Polarsterns und eines Bessol'schcn Sterns durch denselben Vertikal die Zeit zu bestim- men.j Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 189-190. 52. Beitrag zur Bestimmung des La'ngen- unterschiedes zwischen Christiania, Gothenburg, und Kopenhagen vermittelstdrcier Chronometer. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 469-472. 53. Table of the Variations of the Mag- netic Needle, according to the latest observa- tions. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX. 1 828, pp. 264-275. 54. Comparison of the Hourly Mean Tem- perature at Christiania and Leith, in February and July. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 309-311. 55. Om Grebbrettets Inddeliug par musi- kalske Instrumenter. Mag. f. Naturvid. VIII., 1828, pp. 45-59. 56. Bemaerkninger over Cap. KING'S Mag- netiske Intensitets-Jagttagelser langs Sydarne- ricas Kyster. Mag. f. Naturvid. VIII., 1828, pp. 106-120. 57. Bemcerkninger over forskjellige Gjen- staude, Skudtheorien vedkommeude. Mag. f. Naturvid. VIII., 1828, pp. 141-159, 176-214. 58. Geographiske Bestemmelser i Norge af forskjellige lagttagerc. Mag. f. Naturvid. Vin., 1828, pp. 280-298. 59. Den rnagnetiske Intensitfits Aftagelse paa forskjellige Steder i Europa, bestemt ved forskjellige lagttagelser af Capt. Edw. SABINE og Prof. C. HANSTEEN. Mag. f. Naturvid. VIII., 1828, pp. 299-313. 60. Nogle magnetiske Intensitcts-Iagtag- elser udenfor Europa. Mag. f. Naturvid. VIIL, 1828, pp. 314-322. 61. Magnetiske lagttagelser. Mag. f. Naturvid. IX., 1828, pp. 34-126, 283-318. 62. Tafel iiber die Inclination und ganze Iutensit;it der erdmagnetischen Kraft, nach den neuesten Bcobachtungen. Poggend. Annal. XIV., 1828, pp. 376-380. 63. Einige von verschiedcnen Beobachtern im nordlichen Europa angcstellte magnetische Beobachtuugeu, iiber Neigung und Intensitat. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 17-26. 64. Astronomischc Beobachtungerf? Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 327-328, 355-358. 65. Langenbestimmuugen. Astr. Nachr. VIIL, 1831, col. 249-266. 66. Moiidsdistanzen beobachtet in Sibirien. Astr. Nachr. VIIL, 1831, col. 293-298 ; IX., 1831, col. 105-112. 67. Ueber die magnetische Intensitiit der Erde. Astr. Nachr. IX., 1831, col. 303-312 ; Poggend. Annal. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 473-480. HAN] 170 [HAN Hansteen, Christopher. 68. Fragmentarische Bemerkungen iiber die Veraiiderungen des Erdmagnetismus, besonders seiner tiiglichen regelmiissigen Veranderungen. Poggend. Annal. XXI., 1831, pp. 361-430. 69. Oni Jordens Magnetiske Intensitets- System. Mag. f. Naturvid. XI. (= I., New Series), 1833, pp. 1-17. 7O. Om Merkurs Gang foran Solens Skive. Mag. f. Naturvid. XI. (= I., New Series), 1833, pp. 263-268. 71. Om det rette Aar og Dagen, da Slaget ved Stikklestad blev holdt. Mag. f. Naturvid. XI. (= I., New Series), 1833, pp. 280-300. 72. Upplysningar i anledning af foregaende afhandliog, " Bidrag till upplysning i fragan, huruvida uppriittstaende icke-jernhaltiga kroppar roja magnetism, af Gust. Gabr. HAJ,LSTROM." Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1835, pp. 302-308. 73. Afliandling over Foraudringer i Jor- dens magnetiske Intensitet. Kiobenhavn, Over- sigt 1839, pp. 23-25. 74. Periodisk Forandring i Jordens mag- netiske Intensitet, soni er afhaeugig af Maane- banens Beliggenhed. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. II., 1840, pp. 207-240. 75. Resultaterne at' tre Aars Baronieter- lakttagelser i Christiania. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. II., 1840, pp. 52-64. 76. Om en periodisk Forandring i den horizon tale Deel af Jordens magnetiske Kraft, som synes at staae i Forbindelse med Maane- banens Knuders nittenaarige Omlob. [1839.] Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. II., 1840, pp. 79-82 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., '1840, col. 273-285. 77. Ueber die absolute horizontale Inten- sitiit in Christiania. Gauss, Kesultate, 1841, pp. 59-63. . 78. Magnetische Beobachtungen. Gauss, Eesultate, 1841, pp. 99-112. 79. [Sonnenfinsterniss in Christiania beo- bachtet.] Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 237- 240. SO. Ueber die taglichen Barometerbeo- bachtungen in Christiania und Dresden. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 291-304. 81. Abnahme des Moments eines Magnet- stabes. Lament, Ann. Meteor. I., 1842, pp. 188-194. 82. Bidrag til Bestemmelsen af forskjel- lige Constanter for Christiania. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. III., 1842, pp. 1-84, 270-290. 83. Magnetiske lagttagelser, anstillede paa Hansteen, Christopher. 84. Magnetiske lagt- tagelser paa en lieise igjeimeni Danmark og en Deel af det nordlige Tydskland i sommeren 1839. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. ILL, 1842, pp. 227- 269. 85. Magnetiske Terrains iagttagelser i Christianias magnetiske Observatorium. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. ILL, 1842, pp. 291-301. 86. Magnetiske lagttagelser anstillede paa et Ovelsestogt med den Norske Corvet Ornen til Lissabon og de Azoriske Oer i sommeren 1841. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. III., 1842, pp. 302- 307. 87. Solformorkelsen den 18de Juli 1841 iagttaget i Christiauia. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. III., 1842, pp. 313-314. 88. Minimum af Magnetnaalens Inclina- tion i Christiania. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. III., 1842, pp. 315-317. 89. Temperaturens aarlige Forandring i Dresden. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. III., 1842, pp. 405-413. 90. Historisk Fremstilling af hvad der fra det forlobne Seculums Begyndelse til vor Tid er udrettet for Jordmagnetismens Theorie. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. III., 1842, pp. 68- 80. 91. Om de regelmEBSsige og uregelmasssige forandringer i Stb'rrelsen og Retningen af result- anten af Jordens magnetiske Krasfter i Chris- tiania. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1842, pp. 283-362. 92. Masnetische Beobachtungen. Gauss, Resultate, 1843, pp. 65-70. 93. Resultater af en atten Maaneders Rrekke af magnetiske lagttagelser i Christiania, samt foreviste flere Tabellen der anskueliggjorde disse. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. IV., 1844, pp. 147-156. 94. Bema?rkninger angaaende Brugen af Inclinations-Instrumeutet. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. IV., 1844, pp. 157-167. 95. Forslag til en alinindelig Orden ved meteorologiske lagttagelser. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. IV., 1844, pp. 169-174. 96. Om magnetiska inclinationen och declinationen i Stockholm. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, I., 1844, pp. 41-44. 97. Letter on Terrestrial Magnetism. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1845, pp. 388-395. 98. Interpolationsfbrmler for Magnet- et Togt i Middlehavet med den Norske Corvet Orneii i sommeren 1840. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. in., 1842, pp. 89-114. naalens Misvisning og Helding for forskjellige Punkter i Europa. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. IV., 1845, pp. 226-266. 99. Magnetiske lagttagelser, anstillede paa forskjellige Soereiser i Atlanterhavet og Middelhavet af den Norske Marines Officerer, samt paa en Reise til .Stockholm. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. IV., 1845, pp. 390-404. HAN] 171 IHAN Hansteen, Christopher. 10O. Den midlere Barometerstand ved Havets Overflade fra Equator till Polerne i det Atlantiske Hav. Skaud. Naturf. Forhandl. V., 1847, pp. 42-50. 101. Om den midlere Barometerhoide ved Havets Overflade i de Lande, som niermost om- give det Atlantiske Hav, samt en Formel, der tilnaermelsesviis udtrykker denne som en Function af lagttagelsesstedets geographiske Brede. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. V., 1847, pp. 311-325. . 102. Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte in Christiania. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 145-148. 1O3. [Beobachtungen des Planeten Nep- tun, Iris, und Flora.] Astr. Nachr. XXVII., 1848, col. 161-170. 104. Meteorologiske Constanter for Chris- tiania. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. V., 1848, pp. 374- 424 ; VI., pp. 37-41 ; Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1850, pp. 365-424. 105. Ueber die totale Sonnenfinsterniss den 31 Aug. 1030 bei Stiklastad in Norwegen. Astr. Nachr. 1849, col. 41-53 (Ergdnz. Hft.). 106. On a formula representing the mean height of the Barometer at the level of the sea. [1846.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1849, pp. 237-240 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. H., 1851, pp. 100-103. 107. [Meridianbeobachtungen von Uranus, Saturn, und Jupiter.] Astr. Nachr. XXXII., 1851, col. 297-306. 108. Kunsten at veje. Nyt Mag. Natur- vid. VI., 1851, pp. 1-29. 109. En simpel Methode til nqjagtigt at regulere et astronomiskt Pendeluhr. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VI., 1851, pp. 30-36. 11O. Beobachtungen von Saturn, Uranus, und Neptun auf der Sternwarte in Christiania. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 205-208. . 111. Sternbedeckungen, beobachtet auf der Sternwarte in Christiania. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 329-330 ; Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 171-173. 112. Beobachtungen der totalen Sonnen- finsterniss 1851, Juli 28, auf der Sternwarte in Christiania und an verschiedenen anderen Puncten in Norwegen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 367-378 ; Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VIL, 1853, pp. 93-106. 113. Sternbedeckungen, beobachtet auf der Sternwarte in Christiania. Astr. Nachr. XXXVI., 1853, col. 279-280. 114. Sur la diminution de 1'inclinaison magnetique en Europe. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853 (pte. 3), pp. 146-163. 115. Some observations on the variations of the rnagnetical inclination. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1854, pp. 393-394. Hansteen, Christopher. 116. [Deux lettres sur les changements que 1'inclinaison magnetique a subis en Europe et dans le nord de 1'Asie.] [1853.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1854, col. 246-261. 117. Die tiiglichen und jiihrlicheu period- ischen Veranderungen der magnetischen In- duction. Astr. Nachr. XLII., 1856, col. 67- 74. 118. Die Veranderungen der magnetischen Intensitiit in einigeu Punkten des nordlichen Europa. Astr. Nachr. XLHI., 1856, col. 57- 62, 73-78, 81-88. 119. Den magnetiske Inclinations Forand- ring i den nordlige tempererte Zone. Kioben- havn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. IV., 1856, pp. 97-167 ; Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 169- 180, 185-194, 281-294. 12O. Sur les c-toiles filantes et le magne- tisme terrestre. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. in., 1857, pp. 104-116. 121. De periodiska variationerna i den magnetiska inclinationen. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 105-106; Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 193-196; Bibl. Univ. Ar- chives, VI., 1859, pp. 334-353; Stockholm, Akad. Handl. II., 1857-58. 122. Sur le magnetisme du globe. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 120-125 ; Peters, Zeitschrift, I., 1860, pp. 32-68. 123. Om forskjellige periodiske Foran- dringer, opdaget i den magnetiske Inclination i Christiania. Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1858, pp. 210-211. 124. Sur le magnetisme terrestre. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1859, pp. 348- 366. 125. Sur 1'intensite magnetique. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1859, pp. 462- 470. 126. Reduction du temps des oscillations d'une aiguille airnantee a un arc evanouissant. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1859, pp. 356- 368. 127. Reduction des observations mag- netiques de M. E. QUETELET. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. Vni., 1859, pp. 314-322. 128. Periodisk Forandring af 11^ Aar i den horizontale Deel af den magnetiske Inten- sitet, i hvilken Epocherne for Maximum af Intensiteten faldt sammen med Epocherne for Minimum af Inclinationen og af Solpletterne. Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1859, pp. 108- 114. • 129. Ueber Nordlichter im Allgemeinen. Heis, Wochenschrift, II., 1859, pp. 145-157 (149). v 2 HAN] 172 [HAN Hansteen, Christopher. 13O. Den magnetiske Inclinations Forandringer i den nordlige og syd- lige Halvkugle. Kiubenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. IV., 1859, pp. 361-406 ; Nyt Mag. Na- turvid. X., 1859, pp. 101-138. • 131. De magnetiske Elementer for Stock- holm. Stockholm. Ofversigt, XVI., 1859, pp. 427-437. 132. Magnetiske lagttagelser paa nogle Punkter i Sverige og Norge. Christiania, For- handlinger, 1860, pp. 181-195. 133. Sur la variation de 1'inclinaison an- iiuelle a 1'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1861, pp. 186- 188. 134. Om Maanens Indflydelse paa Jordens Magnetisme. Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1861, pp. 167-171. 135. En daglig og aarlig Periode i den magnetiske Krafts Ketuing og Styrke, udledet af Tagttagelser paa Christianias Observatorium. Nyt Majr. Naturvid. XI., 1861, pp. 274-283. 136. Lufttrykket ved Havets Overflade. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. XL, 1861, pp. 284-292. 137. Polarliclit, magnetische Perturba- tiouen, und Sonnenflecken. Poggend. Annal. CXIL, 1861, pp. 397-408. 138. Sur les variations de I'inclinaison et de la declinaison inagnutiques a Bruxelles, depuis 1827 jusqu' ii ce jour. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1863, pp. 528-532. 139. Eine tugliche und jiihrliche Periode in der magnetischen Inclination. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1863, pp. 117-121. 140. Afhandling om de magnetiske Krref- ters Styrke og Retning i Christiania, og disse Elementers Forandringer i de sidste 40 til 100 Aar. Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1863, pp. 137- 148. 141. Foredrag om Havfladens Uforand- erlighed. Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1863, pp. 190-194. Hansteen, Christopher, et Hue. Liste des positions geographiques determinees en 1829. [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1860, col. 61-64. Hansteen, Christopher, und C. Fearnley. Beobachtung der Sonnenfinsterniss am 8ten October in Christiania (1847). Astr. Nachr. XXVII., 1848, col. 175-176. Hansteen, Harnld. Om Storvarts Grubes Ert- sleies Udstiwkning i Felt. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. X., 1859, pp. 263-278. Hansteen, N. L. Om den samsoske Pgruppes geoa;nostiske Forhold. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. V., 1847, pp. 572-585. Hanstein, Ilcinrich. Abuorme Bildung der Aehrchen des gemeinen Roggens, Secale cereale, L. Flora, XL., 1857, p. 513. Haustein, lleinrich. 2. Ueber die Bedeutung der Bildung von uuterirdischen Sprossen fiir das pfliinzliche Leben. Flora, XL., 1857, pp. 753-755. • — 3. Ueber die Aufuahme des Stickstoffes durch die Pflanzen vermittelst der Suuren des Humus. Flora, XLL, 1858, pp. 17-19. 4. Ueber die Bodenstetheit der Pflanzen. Flora, XLL, 1858, pp. 145-149. 5. Lassen sich nach der geognostischen oder chemischen Verschiedenheit des Bodens Pflanzeneintheilungen von mehr als localer Bedeutung begriinden ? Flora, XLL, 1858, pp. 393-402. Hanstein, Johannes. Plantarum vascularium folia, caulis, radix, utrum organa sint origine distincta, an ejusdem organi diversae tan turn partes. Linmea, XXL, 1848, pp. 65-144. 2. Die Gesneraceen des Koniglichen Her- bariums und der Garten zu Berlin nebst Beo- bachtungeu iiber die Familie im Ganzen. Linntea, XXVL, 1853, pp. 145-216; XXVIL, 1854, pp. 693-785 ; XXIX., 1857-58, pp. 497- 592. 3. Ueber giirtelformige Gefiissstrang- Verbindungen im Stengelknoten dicotyler Ge- wiichse. Berlin, Abhandl. 1857 (Phys.), pp. 77-98. 4. Zusamnienlianpr der Blattstellung mit dem dikotylen Holzring. Berlin, Bericht, 1857, pp. 105-115; Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Bot.), 1857, pp. 5-34 ; Pringsheim, Botanik, L, 1858, pp. 233-283. — - 5. Fernere Beobachtungen iiber den Ver- lauf dikotyler Blattgefiissbiindel. Berlin, Mo- natsber. 1858, pp. 41-48. 6. Ueber ein noch nicht bekanntes System schlauchformiger Gefiisse im Parenchym der Blatter und des Stengels vieler Monocotylen. Berlin, Monatsber. 1859, pp. 705-713. 7. Versuche iiber die Leitung des Saftes durch die Rinde und Folgerungen daraus. Pringsheim, Botanik, II., 1860, pp. 392-467. 8. Erliiuterung des Nardoo genannten Nahrungsmittels der Urbewohner Australiens, eiuer Marsilea-Frucht, nebst Bemerkungen zur Entwickelung dieser Gattung. Berlin, Mo- natsber. 1862, pp. 103-118; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX., 1863 (Bot.\ pp. 149-166. Hautken, , und Prudnik. Die Umgegend von Tinnye bei Ofen. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. X., 1859, pp. 567-569. Hanton, J. On the effects of the Storm of De- cember the 4th, 1811, in which the Saldauher was lost in Lough Swilly. Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1821, pp. 612-613. Hantzech, A. Das Peridermium elatiuum. Dresden, Sitzuugsber. Isis, 1863, pp. 36-37. HAN] 173 [EAR Hantzsche, J. C. Topographic und Statistik der Persischen Turkmanen. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, XIII., 1862, pp. 97-103. Hapel-la-Chenaye, . Sur les avantages d'une nouvelle methode de trailer la Canne a sucre. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1800, pp. 90-94. 2. Nouvpau precede pour le terrage du Sucre. Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1801, pp. 73- 91 ; Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 187-190 ; III., 1802, pp. 41-48. 3. Sur les trochees du Bananier et sur les usages auxquels elles peuvent etre employees. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. IX., 1807, pp. 294-300 ; Journ. de Phys. LXV., 1807, pp. 182- 185. Haquet, . Sur la formation des Pierres-a- fusil. Journ. des Mines, XX., 1806, pp. 405- 406 ; Nicholson, Journ. XVIII., 1807, pp. 114- 115. Ha ram, • . On the Chameleon. [1858.] Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. No. XIIL, 1859, pp. 67-78. Harang, . Coup-d'eeil sur les richesses my- cologiquea du nord-ouest de 1'Anjou. Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1858, pp. 73-86. Harbaville, . Recherches sur la tempe- rature ancieune et moderne, compareea de FEu- rope, d'une partie de 1'Asie, et du nord de 1'Afrique, pour servir a 1'examen de la question de la refroidissement de la terre. Arras, Mem. Soc. Roy. 1828, pp. 146-193. Harbordt, Carl. Zur Kenntniss der Amidoben- zoiisaure. Liebig, Annal. CXXIII., 1862, pp. 287-292. 2. Zur Kenntniss des Rautenols. Liebig, Annal. CXXIII., 1862, pp. 293-297. • 3. Zur Kenntniss des Wiirttembergischen Schieferols. Liebig, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 14-19. Harcourt, A. Vernon. On a particular case of induced chemical action. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 43-44. 2. On the peroxides of Potassium and So- dium. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1862, pp. 267- 290. 3. On a method for the determination of Nitric and Nitrous Acids. Chem. Soc. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 381-386; Fresenius, Zeitschr. Anal. Chemie, II., 1863, pp. 14-19. Harcourt, C. G. V. On some Microscopic Ani- malcules found at Nuneham. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, p. 311. Harcourt, Edw. Vernon. Notice of the Birds of Madeira. Zool. Soc. Proc. XIX., 1851, pp. 141-146. 2. Description of a new species of Kcgulus from Madeira. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXII., 1854, p. 153. Harcourt, Edw. Vernon. 3. Notes on the orni- thology of Madeira. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 430-438. Harcourt, IV. Vernon. Account of the Strata north of the Humber. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1826, pp. 435-439. 2. On the orange phosphate of lead. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 321-324. 3. Analysis of an Aluminous Mineral (Scarbroite). Phil. Mag. V., 1829, pp. 178- 189. 4. On a discovery of fossil bones in a marl pit near North Cliff. Phil. Mag. VI., 1829, pp. 225-232. 5. Further examination of the deposit of fossil bones at North Cliff. Phil. Mag. VII., 1830, pp. 1-9. 6. Chemical examination of a crystalline substance from the zinc foundry at Filisur ; together with an account of some ancient glass beads coloured by oxide of copper. Phil. Mag. VII., 1830, pp. 401-404. • 7. Experiments on the effects of long-con- tinued Heat on mineral and organic substances. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 576-578. S. On a source of inaccuracy in observa- tions of the Dew-point. Phil. Mag. VII., 1835, pp. 409-410. 9. Report on a Gas Furnace for experi- ments on vitrification and other applications of high heat in the Laboratory. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844, pp. 82-85 ; Bibl. Univ. LIIL, 1844, pp. 391-392. 1O. Note to a Letter to Lord BROUGHAM on the evidence of Inductive Philosophy. Phil. Mag. XXIX., 1846, pp. 36-40. 11. Report on the effects of long-continued Heat, illustrative of geological phenomena. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860, pp. 175-192. Harden, John M. B. Formula for discovering the weight and volume in a mixture of two bases. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 360-362; Sillimau, Journ. XXXVIL, 1839, pp. 289-290. 2. Observations on the pulse and respira- tion. Arner. Journ. Med. Sci. V., 1843, pp. 340-344. Hardenberg, . Bemerkungen iiber Feuer- kugeln und Nordlichter, so wie iiber den Mag- netismus und den geheimen Organismus unserer Atmosphiire iiberhaupt. Voigt, Magazin, VIII., 1804, pp. 285-300. Hardenberg, G. C., en P. F. II. Fromberg. Over eenige planten van Westelijk Borneo met betrekking tot de Papier-Bereiding. Batavia, Nat. Tijdsch. XL, 1856 pn. 295-302. HAR] 174 [HAR Hardenkamp, . Bestimmung der Rota- tionselemente der Himmelskorper aus Beobacht- ungen von Punkten oder Flecken auf ihren Oberflachen. Astr. Nachr. XV., 1838, col. 233-244. Harder, J. Beschreibung einer abnormen Mem- bran aus dein Larynx eines am Croup verstor- benen Kindes. St. Petersb. Verm. Abhand. I., 1821, pp. 58-60. 2. Beobachtung einer abnormen Pulsation in der linken Brusthiilfte. St. Petersb. Verm. Abhand. III., 1825, pp. 173-186. • 3. Durch gewaltsames Wegnehmen der Nachgeburt, veranlasste Eiterbildung in der Beckenhohle. St. Petersb. Verm. Abhand. V., 1835, pp. 393-398. 4. Geschichte einer Graviditas extrauter- ina. St. Petersb. Verm. Abhand. V., 1835, pp. 399-405, 427. Hardey, Rob. A case of acephalo-cyclopean monstrosity. London, Obstet. Soc. Trans. IV., 1863, pp. 213-221. Hardie, James. Observations on the geology of the Meywar District. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI., 1829, pp. 329-336; VII., 1829, pp. 116- 125. 2. On the geology of the secondary forma- tion of the Meywar District. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL, 1831, pp. 82-89. • 3. Outline of the geology of the Bhurtpoor District. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIII., 1832, pp. 328-336 ; XIV., pp. 76-82. 4. Sketch of the geology of Central India, exclusive of Malwa. Asiatick Researches, XVIIL, 1833 (pt. 2), pp. 27-92. 5. Remarks on the geology of the country on the route from Baroda to Udayapur (Oodi- poor) via Birpur and Salumbher. Asiatick Researches, XVIIL, 1833, pp. 82-99. 6. Geology of the valley of Oodipoor. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1833, pp. 263- 283 ; XVI., pp. 67-71, 278-285. 7. Sur 1'ile de Java. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. IV., 1833-34, pp. 218-221. 8. Explanation of the sketch giving a geological section of the strata from Nimach to Merta, published in the Asiatick Researches, Vol. XVIII. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. III., 1834, pp. 238-242. Hardie, Walter. On a method of drawing a stereoscopic duplicate of a single picture. Pho- togr. Soc. Journ. VI., 1860, pp. 279-282. Hardin, S. Om Veuerus Laxarter. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVIIL, 1861, pp. 381-384. Harding, Carl Ludivig. Sur la nouvelle planete, nominee Junou. Paris, Soc. Philorn. Bull. III., 1804, pp. 251-252. Harding, Carl Ludwig. 2. Beobachtung der Nachtseite der Venuskugel. [1806.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1809, pp. 167-171. 3. Ueber die Reduction der Bogen im Aequator auf die Ecliptik. Zach, Monat. Cor- resp. XXI., 1810, pp. 389-392. 4. Ephemeride fiir den geocentrischen Lauf der Vesta vom 29 Dec. 1810 bis 27 Sept. 1811. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXII., 1810, pp. 585- 587. 5. Stern-Verzeichniss. Zach, Monat. Cor- resp. XXVIIL, 1813, pp. 310-313. 6. Polhohe von Schnackenburg. Linde- nau, Zeitschr. I., 1816, pp. 449-451. 7. [Barometerbeobachtungen und Beo- bachtuugen des 2ten Cometen von 1822.] Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 349-352, 419-422. 8. Beobachtung des Cometen von 1823. Astr. Nachr. in., 1825, col. 193-194. 9. [Beobachtungen der Cometen von BIELA und ENCKE.] Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 181-182. 1O. [Beobachtungen des Isten Cometen vou 1826.] Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 151- 154. 11. [Beobachtungen des 3ten Cometen von 1826.] Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 153- 154. 12. [Originalbeobachtungen des in Go'tt- ingen iin August 1825 beobachteten Cometen.] Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 265-270. 13. Inequality of the dark space between the body of Saturn and its ring. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. I., 1827-30, pp. 74-75. 14. Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen iiber den Mars vom Jahr 1824. [1825.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1828, pp. 173-176. 15. Beobachtungen und Sternbedeckung- en.] Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 49-52. Harding, Carl Ludwig, und Schroter. Preli- minary account of some remarkable observations on the Ring of Saturn. Roy. Inst. Journ. II., 1803, pp. 70-71. Harding, Thomas. Observations on the varia- tion of the Needle. [1791.] Irish Acad. Trans. IV., pp. 107-118. Hardouin, L., Le Clerc, E., et F. Kenou. Catalogue des plantes vasculaires qui croissent spontanement dans le departement du Calvados. Normandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. VIII., 1843-48, pp. 166-169. Hardt, . [Ueber die Gebirgsformation vou Lintorf.] Leonhard, Taschenb. 1810, pp. 396- 404. 2. Ueber den polarisirenden Serpentin vom Haideberg bei Zelle im Baireuthischen. Gilbert, AnnaL XLIV., 1813, pp, 89-93. EAR] 175 [HAR Hardwich, T. F. On some new acids contained in the oil of the Bassia latifolia. Chem. Soc. Jouru. II., 1850, pp. 231-241 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 155-157- 2. On the chemistry of photographic printing [1854.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1856, pp. 35-37, 60-62. • 3. On the use of salts of gold in photo- graphic printing. [1855.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1856, pp. 145-147. 4. On the developement of invisible images. [1855.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1856, pp. 211-212. 5. On the effect of certain oxidizing agents on photographic prints. [1855.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1856, pp. 268-271. 6. On the action of sulphur upon positive prints. Photogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1856, pp. 304-307. 7. On the photographic properties of ci- trate of silver. [1856.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1857, pp. 6-9. 8. On various agencies destructive to pho- tographs. [1856.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. in., 1857, pp. 12-13. 9. On the chemical composition of the pho- tographic image. [1856.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. in., 1857, pp. 20-24. 10. On the action of damp air upon posi- tive prints. [1856.] Photogr.Soc.Journ.il!., 1857, pp. 39-41. 11. On the chemistry of the photographic image. [1856.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1857, pp. 77-79. 12. On the decomposition of iodized collo- dion by keeping. [1856.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1857, pp. 182-183. 13. On impurities in commercial nitrate of silver. Photogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1857, pp. 196-198. — — 14. On glycyrrhizine in negative collodion. Photogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1857, pp. 296-298. 15. Glycyrrhizine in the negative exciting- bath. [1857.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1858, pp. 5-7. 16. On the preparation of photographic pyroxyline. [1857.] Photgr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1858, pp. 17-19, 36-38. Hardwicke, Thomas. Description of a species of Meloe (= Tel-eene of the natives) found in all parts of Bengal, Behar, and Oude, and possess- ing all the properties of the Spanish Blistering Fly (M. vesicatorius). Asiatick Researches, V., 1798, pp. 213-217. 2. Narrative of a journey to Sirinagur. Asiatick Researches, VI., 1799, pp. 309-381. 3. Description of a large species of Rat (Mus giganteus), a native of the East Indies. Linn. Soc. Trans. VH., 1804, pp. 306-308. Hardwicke, Thomas. 4. Description of a spe- cies of Jerboa found in the upper part of the provinces of Hindustan, between Benares and Hurdwar. [1804.] Linn. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1807, pp. 279-281. 5. An account of the Indian Badger ; the Ursus indicus of SHAW'S " Zoology." [1806.] Linn. Soc. Trans. IX., 1808, pp. 126-130. 6. Description of the Corvus leucolophus or White-crowned Crow of India. Linn. Soc. Trans. XL, 1815, pp. 207-209. 7. Description of a substance called Gez or Manna, and the insect producing it. Asiatick Researches, XIV., 1822, pp. 182-186 ; Froriep, Notizen. VII., 1824, col. 196-197. . 8. Description of a zoophyte, commonly found about the coast of Singapore Island. Asiatick Researches, XIV., 1822, pp. 180- 181. 9. Descriptions of the Wild Dog of Suma- tra (Canis familiaris, var. Sumatrensis), a new species of Viverra (V. Liusang), and a new species of Pheasant (Phasianus cruentus). [1820.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1822, pp. 235-238. 1O. Description of the Cermatia longicornis and of three new Insects from Nepaul (Panorpha furcata, Gerris laticaudata, Pangonia lougiros- tris). [1823.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 131-136. 11. Descriptions of two species of Ante- lope (A. Goral and A. Chicara) from India. [1824.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 518-524. 12. Description of a new species of Tailed Bat (Taphozous longimanus), found in Calcutta. Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 525-526. 13. Description of the Buceros galeatus from Malacca. [1823.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 578-580. 14. Description of a new genus of the Class Mammalia (Ailurus fulgens, Cuv.), from the Himalaya chain of hills between Nepaul and the Snowy Mountains. Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 161-165. 15. Description of two new Birds (Lopho- phorus Wallichii and Phasianus Gardner!), from Nepaul. [1821.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 166-169. 16. On the Bos Gour of India. Zool. Journ. III., 1828, pp. 231-233. — _ 17. Observations on the loves of the Ants and the Aphides. Zool. Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 113-115. • 18. Observations on the Goramy of India. Zool. Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 309-314. 19. Description of a new species of the genus Numida vulturina. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1834, p. 52. HAR] 176 [HAR Hardwicke, Thomas, and J. E. Gray. Synop- sis of the species of Saurian Reptiles collected in India. Zool. Journ. III., 1828, p. 213 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. N«it, XVII., 1829, pp. 124- 126. Hardy, A. Sur une education des vers a, soie faite en Alserie a Jamma. Paris, ComptL-s Renclus, XLVL, 1858, p. 522. Hardy, E. Sur quelques matieres ulmiques. Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1862, pp. 340-356 ; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1862, pp. 29-32. 2. Sur un moyen nouvenu pour recon- naitre la purete du chlorofonne. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XX., 18G2, pp. 401-403. 3. Sur quelques matieres ulmiques deri- vees de 1'acetone. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI., 1863, pp. 874-876; Annal. de Chimie, LXIX., 1863, pp. 291-296 ; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1863, pp. 339-341. — 4. Note sur le temps necessaire au passage de quelques substances dans 1'urine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1863, pp. 41-44 (Compt. Bend.). 5. De Faction du sodium sur quelques anes- thesiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mein. V., 1863, pp. 74-77 (Compt. Rend.). Hardy, George. Contribution to the physiology of Saccharine Urine. On the origin and de- struction of Sugar in the animal economy. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XX., 1857, pp. 191- 204. Hardy, J. Quelques observations sur le Faucon pelerin (F. peregrinus, Linn.) faites dans 1'ar- rondissement de Dieppe. Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 289-291. 2. Description d'une espece inedite de Lestris (L. spinicaudus) de I'Oc'ean Meridional. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 657-058. 3. Note sur la forme des cent's d'oiseaux. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 253-258. 4. Note sur 1'incubation ties Autruches a la Pcpiniere Centrale du gouvernement a Algor. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVI., 1858, pp. 1272- 1275 ; Frankfurt, Der Zool. Garten, I., 1860, pp. 85-87, 98-102. 5. Oologie ornithologique. Rev. ct Mag. Zool. XIII., 1861, pp. 49-65. Hardy, J. F. E. Remarkable case of malforma- tion. Charleston, South. Journ. Med. II., ] 847, p. 33. Hardy, James. Contributions to the Flora of Berwickshire. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. L, 1834, pp. 206-210. 2. List of Coleopterous Insects collected in the neighbourhood of the Pease Bridge. Ber- wick. Nat. Club Hist. L, 1834, pp. 228-229. 3. On the nidification of iishes. Newmau, Zoologist, III., 1845, pp. 885-886. Hardy, James. 4. Carnivorous propensity of snails. Newman, Zoologist, III., 1845, pp. 1035- 1037. 5. Descriptions of some new British Ho- mopterous Insects. Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. L, 1846-50, pp. 416-431. 6. Descriptions of new British Coleoptera, with additional notes. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1847, pp. 379-383. 7. Description of a new species of Smin- thurus (S. baulastiuus). Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 463-464. 8. Occurrence of vernal Diptera in Ber- wickshire, with descriptions of two British species, Ephydra quadriguttata and Phora fuscipes. Newman, Zoologist, VI., 1848, pp. 2097-2100. 9. Of the manner iu which the female of Psocus quadripunctatus constructs a web to protect her eggs. Newman, Zoologist, VI.. 1848, pp. 2221-2222. — 10. Description of Leptinus testaceus, a recently-discovered British Coleopterous insect. Newman, Zoologist, VI., 1848, p. 2277. 11. On the Primrose-leaf Miner ; with notice of a proposed new genus (Chromatomyia), and characters of three species of Diptera (Ch. cinereoi'rons, Ch. syngenesis, Phytomyza aqui- legire). Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 385- 392. 12. Buttercups and Daisies. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 12-20. 13. Contributions to the Entomology of Berwickshire. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 140-143. 14. On the habits of Helobia brevicollis. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 163- 164. 15. List of Berwickshire Insects, with notes on some of the species. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist, II., 1849, pp. 191-194. 16. A synopsis of the Berwickshire species of Staphylinidie. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 233-259. 17. Catalogue of some of the rarer Bor- der Coleoptera. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 278-286. 18. On Insects injurious to the Turnip Crop. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 317-332. 19. New habitats for some Berwickshire Plants. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 349-353. 20. On the occurrence of the Wild Cat in Berwickshire. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 357-359. HAR] 177 [HAR Hardy, James. 21. Note on remedies for the Turnip-Fly amongst the ancients, and on the Turnip-Fly of New Holland, with notice of a new srenus (Sc.aptomyza) and species (S. grami- num and S. apicalis) of Diptera. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 359-362. 22. On the effects produced by some In- sects, &c. upon Plants. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 182-188; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. IV., 1853, pp. 75-81. 23. On an Acarus (A. graminisugus) and a Vibrio . (V. graminis) that attack Grasses. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 124-125. 24. Note upon Buceros ginginianus. Zool. Soc. Proc. XVIII., 1850, p. 276. 25. On some excrescences, &c. on plants, occasioned or inhabited by mites. Phytologist, IV., 1853, pp. 941-943 ; Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. III., 1857, pp. 111-113. 26. Journal of an excursion into North- umberland in June and July 1851 (Coleoptera). Tyneside Nat, F. C. Trans. II., 1853 (pt. 3), pp. 303-311. . 27. On some gall-like appearances on the leaves of a species of Chrysophyllum from the Rio-Negro, collected by Mr. SPRUCE. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1855, pp. 15-16. 28. On the frugivorous habits of some Geodephaga. Berwick. Nat. Club. Hist. III., 1857, p. 123. 29. A few notes on Berwickshire plants, with localities for some of the species. Ber- wick. Nat. Club. Hist. III., 1857, pp. 196-200, 256-258. , 30. Notes on Cuckoo-flowers and the Cuckoo-spit. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVI., 1862, pp. 70-76 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 344-349. 31. List of Berwickshire Spiders. Ber- wick. Nat. Club. Hist. IV., 1863, pp. 92-96. 32. On fossil antlers of the Roebuck and gigantic Irish Elk, found at Coldingham, 1859. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. IV., 1863, pp. 206- 208, 214-217. 33. Botanical and zoological notes and localities. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. IV., 1863, pp. 210-213. 34. History of the Wolf in Scotland. Ber- wick. Nat. Club Hist. IV., 1863, pp. 268-292. 35. The Lichen-flora of the Eastern Bor- ders. Berwick. Nat, Club Hist. IV., 1863, pp. 396-428. Hardy, James, and T. J. Bold. Catalogue of the Insects of Northumberland and Durham [Coleoptera]. Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. I., 1846-50, pp. 37-94 ; II., 1851-54, pp. 21-97, 164-255, 256-286. VOL. III. Hardy, W. A new and most accurate method of banking the balance of the time-keeper. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XXL, 1805, pp. 181-183. 2. A method of rendering all the vibra- tions of the balance of a time-piece equal. Nicholson, Journ. XIV., 1896, pp. 387-388. 3. Description of a new permanent Com- pensation-Balance for a time-keeper. Nichol- son, Journ. XVI., 1807, pp. 120-125 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXXV., 1823, pp. 389-392. 4. Construction of a curb affording a com- pensation for the effects of heat and cold in time-pieces. Nicholson, Journ. XX., 1808, pp. 138-139. 5. Account of inventions for equalizing the long and short arcs of vibration in time-keepers. Nicholson, Journ. XXL, 1808, pp. 51-53. Hare, , and Skinner. The whole process of the Silk-worm from the egg to the cocoon. [1775.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1786, pp. 347-366. Hare, C. J. Malformation of the heart. Pathol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1852-53, pp. 81-85. 2. Case of a boy, 5i years old, born with- out legs, and each arm about two inches long. Pathol. Soc. Trans. X., 1858-59, pp. 308- 310. 3. Milk secreted from the axilla. Pathol. Soc. Trans. XL, 1859-60, pp. 304-305. Hare, Clark. On the destructive distillation of the Sulphate of Etherine or heavy Oil of Wine. Silliman, Journ. XXXVL, 1839, pp. 76-78. 2. Of the reaction of Sulphuric Acid with the essential Oil of Hemlock. Silliman, Journ. XXXVIL, 1839, pp. 246-250 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 362-365. 3. On the supposed conversion of Carbon into Silicon. Silliman, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 193-195. Hare, Clark, and Martin II. Boye. On the Perchlorate of the Oxide of Ethule or Per- chloric Ether. [1840.] Amcr. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1843, pp. 73-76 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVL, 1842, pp. 129-132; Bibl. Univ. XL., 1842, pp. 183-185; Silliman, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 63-66 ; Sturgeon. Ann. Electr. VIII., 1842, pp. 406-409. Hare, N.,jun. Calendar of natural history, kept at Liskeard in Cornwall from the year 1838 to 1846. Cornwall, Polytechn. Soc. Trans. 1846, pp. 18-24. 2. Liskeard Ornithology. Cornwall, Poly- techn. Soc. Trans. 1846, pp. 25-35. Hare, Robert. Memoir on the supply and appli- cation of the Blow-pipe. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 238-245, 298-306 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1802, pp. 113-138. HAR] 178 [HAR Hare, Robert. 2. An account of the fusion of Strontites, and volatilization of Platinum ; and also of a new arrangement of apparatus. [1803.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1809, pp. 99-104. 3. An account and description of a cock with two perforations, contrived to obviate the necessity of a vent-peg, in tapping air-tight casks. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1809, pp. 105-107. 4. A substitute for WOULFE'S, or NOOTH'S apparatus. Silliman, Journ. I., 1818, pp. 410- 412 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXVIII., 1820, pp. 67-71. 5. A new theory of Galvanism, supported by some experiments and observations made by means of the Calorimotor, a new galvanic instru- ment. Silliman, Journ. I., 1818, pp. 413-423 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIV., 1819, pp. 206-215; Schweigger, Journ. XXVI., 1819, pp. 313; 331 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XTV., 1819, pp. 176-184. 6. Means of producing light. Silliman, Journ. II., 1820, p. 172. 7. Strictures on a publication, entitled CLAKK'S " Glass Blowpipe." Silliman, Journ. II. 1820, pp. 281-302. 8. Account of new Eudiometers. Silliman, Journ. II., 1820, pp. 312-318. 9. A new process for Nitrous Ether. Sil- liman, Journ. II., 1820, pp. 326-327. 1O. On the gales experienced in the At- lantic States of North America. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 204-211; Silli- man, Journ. V., 1822, pp. 352-356; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV1I., 1826, pp. 110-114. 11. A memoir on some new modifications of galvanic apparatus, with observations in sup- port of his new theory of galvanism. Silliman, Journ. III., 1821, pp. 105-117; Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 314-316 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIL, 1821, pp. 284-294; Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1821, pp. 329-340. 12. Chlorine produces heat in the skin. Silliman, Journ. III., 1821, p. 344. 13. Letter in opposition to the conjecture that heat may be motion ; and in favour of the existence of a material cause of calorific repul- sion. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 142-148 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 104-109. 14. Notice of a galvanic deflagrator. Sil- liman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 201-204. 15. Account of an improved mode of sus- pending Gasometers. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 312-314. 16. On the incompatibility of the Defla- grator and the common Galvanic Batteries, when used in connexion. Silliman, Jouru. V., 1822, pp. 94-96. Hare, Robert. 17. On the peculiar and com- parative effects of the Caloriraotor and Deflag- rator ; with account of an improved Deflagrator, and experiments therewith. Silliman, Journ. V., 1822, pp. 97-102, 105-108. 18. On Alkanet as a substitute for Litmus or Turmeric, &c., also on preparing pure nitrate of Silver and on nitrate of Ammonia for nitrous oxide. Silliman, Journ. V., 1822, pp. 348-349. • 19. Essay on the question, whether there be two electrical fluids, according to Du FATE, or one according to FRANKLIN. Philad. Jouru. Acad. Nat. Sci. VI., 1823, pp. 98-104 ; Silli- man, Journ. VH., 1824, pp. 103-108 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXII., 1823, pp. 3-7. 2O. On the relations existing between the Deflagrator and Calorimotor, and between those instruments and the common galvanic or voltaic batteries. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1823, pp. 337- 341. 21. Description of an Electrical Plate Machine, the plate mounted horizontally, and so as to show both negative and positive elec- tricity. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, pp. 8-9; Silliman, Journ. VII., 1824, pp. 108-110. 22. Description of an improved Blowpipe by alcohol, in which the inflammation is sus- tained by opposing jets of vapour, without a lamp ; also, of the means of rendering the flamo of alcohol competent for the purpose of illumi- nation. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, pp. 9-10; Silliman, Journ. VII., 1824, pp. 110- 111. 23. A brief account of some electro-mag- netic and galvanic experiments. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIII., 1824, pp. 142-143; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 367-368. 24. On some improved forms of the Gal- vanic Deflagrator; on the superiority of its deflagrating power ; also an account of an im- proved single leaf Electrometer; of the com- bustion of Iron by a jet of sulphur, in vapour ; and of an easy mode of imitating native chaly- beate waters. Silliman, Journ. VII., 1824, pp. 347-352 ; VLU., 1824, pp. 99-105 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 241-246. . 25. Kemarks respecting Mr. VANUXEM'S memoir on a fused product, erroneously identi- fied with the fused Carbon of Prof. SILLIMAN ; with some additional facts and observations. Silliman, Journ. VIII., 1824, pp. 288-292 ; TiUoch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 283-286. = 26. An account of some Eudiometers of an improved construction. Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 67-78; Tilloch. Phil. Mag. LXVIL, 1826, pp. 21-30. 27. Strictures upon Prof. VANUXF.M'S Memoir on plumbago, anthracite, fused carbon, &c. Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 111-114. EAR] 179 [HAR Hare, Robert. 28. Opinion on Hydrometers. Silliman, Journ. XI., 1826, pp. 115-119. 29. On specific gravity. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1826, pp. 121-132. 30. On the application of the Sliding Rod Measurement in Hydrometry. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVH., 1826, pp. 266-272. 31. Improved eudiometrical apparatus. Silliinan, Journ. XII., 1827, pp. 36-49; Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 126-134, 183-186. 32. A method of detecting minute quan- tities of Opium, in solution. Silliman, Journ. Xn., 1827, pp. 290-291; Joum. de Pharm. XIV., 1828. pp. 65-67. 33. Method of preparing denarcotised Laudanum. Silliman, Journ. XII., 1827, pp. 291-293 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1827, pp. 215- 216. 34. Miscellaneous contributions, descrip- tive of apparatus and inventions. Silliman, Journ. XIIL, 1828, pp. 1-8. 35. Engraving and description of the Hydro-Pneumatic Cistern, used in the Labo- ratory of the University of Pennsylvania. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 200-203. 36. Some new modifications of apparatus calculated to facilitate the experimental illus- tration of [chemical] science. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 354-359. 37. On the causes of the inadequate pro- tection afforded by Lightning Rods, in some cases, and the means of insuring their perfect competency : also, a refutation of the prevalent idea, that metals are peculiarly attractive of elec- tricity. Silliman, Journ. XIIL, 1828, pp. 322- 326 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXI., 1828, col. 289- 292. ' 38. On the construction and applications of the improved Sliding-Rod Eudiometer and of the Volumescope. Phil. Mag. VI., 1829, pp. 114-122, 171-181. 39. Chemical instruments and operations. Silliman, Journ, XV., 1829, pp. 260-285 ; XVL, 1829, pp. 293-299. 40. On the Saccharum of the Sweet Po- tato (Convolvulus battatas). Silliman, Journ. XV., 1829, pp. 285-286. 41. A modification of the process for as- certaining the specific gravity of the gases. Silliman, Journ. XVL, 1829, pp. 293-294. 42. Of the precipitation of Morphia from Laudanum by Ammonia. Silliman, Journ. XVL, 1829, pp. 265-266 ; Roy. Inst. Joum. II., 1831, pp. 198-199. 43. An account of an extraordinary ex- plosion, arising from the reaction of Nitric Acid with Phosphorus. Silliman, Journ. XVL, 1829, pp. 366-367; Roy. Inst. Journ. II., 1831, pp. 184-185. Hare, Robert. 44. On blasting rocks. Franklin Inst. Journ. VIII., 1831, pp. 232-234. 45. On the application of galvanic ignition in rock blasting. Sillirnau, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 139-141 ; Franklin Inst. Journ. XII., 1833, pp. 221-226. 46. Remarks on the error of supposing that a communication with the Earth is neces- sary to the eiScacy of Electrical Machines. Franklin Inst. Journ. XL, 1833, pp. 296-299 ; Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 253-256. 47. On the construction of DE Luc's Columns, as modified by ZAMBONI : and on a modification of the single leaf Electrometer. Franklin Inst. Journ. XII., 1833, pp. 2-5 ; Sillimau, Journ. XXV., 1834, pp. 136-139. 48. Apparatus and processes : — 1. Appa- ratus for evolving Silicon from Fluo-silicic acid gas. 2. Improved process for the evolution of Barium. 3. Description of the valve-cock, a perfectly air-tight substitute for the common cock. 4. Apparatus for separating carbonic oxide from carbonic acid by means of Lime- water. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 247-253. 49. On some improvements on BRUNNEE'S process for Potassium, and in the means of pre- serving that metal. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 312-319. 50. Bemerkungen iiber eiuige Explosionen, welche sich auf Americanischen Dampfbooten ereigueteu. (Transl.) Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LIL, 1834, pp. 81-82. 51. Some remarks on the nomenclature of the celebrated BERZELIUS, with some sugges- tions respecting its amendment. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. V., 1834, pp. 209-217 ; Silli- man, Journ. XXVLL, 1835, pp. 61-74 ; XXXH., 1837, pp. 259-272. 52. Description of a process and an appa- ratus for blasting rocks by means of galvanic ignition. 2. Apparatus for transferring a liquid from a carboy, or cask, to bottles. 3. Improved multiplier or galvanometer. Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1834, pp. 352-360. 53. Apparatus for freezing water by the aid of sulphuric acid. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. VI., 1835, pp. 91-94 ; Sillimau, Jouru. XXVIL, 1835, pp. 132-135. 54. Application of nitric oxide gas in Eudiometry. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. VI., 1835, pp. 179-182. 55. Apparatus for illustrating a peculiarity attending the combustion of phosphorus in nitric oxide gas. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. VI., 1835, pp. 185-187. 56. Apparatus for obtaining the nitrogen from atmospheric air. Sillimai), Journ. XXVIIL, 1835, pp. 263-264. z 2 EAR] 180 [EAR Hare, Robert. 57. Large Volurnescope, for the analysis of atmospheric air, by means of nitric oxide. Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1835, pp. 264-266. 58. On a Calorimotor for igniting gases in eucliometrical experiments, and gunpowder in rock-blasting. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), p. 45. 59. On the aqueous Sliding-Rod : Hydro- gen Eudiometer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), p. 46. 60. An examination of the question, whether the discordancy between the charac- teristics of mechanical electricity, and the gal- vanic or voltaic fluid, can arise from difference of intensity and quantity ; with some observa- tions in favour of the existence of an electro- motive power independently of chemical reaction, but co-operating therewith. Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 212-220. 61. Explosive reaction of hydrogen with chlorine, under the influence of the solar rays. Sillirnan, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 243- 244. 62. Apparatus for the evolution of Cyan- hydric orPrussic acid. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 244-245. 63. Description of an unusually large Gal- vanometer and of a powerful Electro-Magnet, &c. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. I., 1836-37, pp. 10-11. 64. Observations on Sulphurous Ether and Sulphate of Etherine. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 347-354; Phil. Mag. XII., 1838, pp. 474-480; Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1837, pp. 275-281 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. II., 1838, pp. 103-109, 161-165. 65. On the reaction of the essential oils with sulphurous acid, as evolved in union with Ether in the process of etherification. Amer. Phil. Soe. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 355-359 ; Bil.l. Univ. X., 1537, pp. 185-186; Phil. Mas. XIII., 1838, pp. 28-32; Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1837, pp. 281-285. 66. Of Sassarubrin, a resin evolved by sulphuric acid from oil of Sassafras, which is remarkable for its eflicacy in reddening that acid in its concentrated state. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 360-362 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1837, pp. 285-288; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. II., 1838, pp. 165-166. 67. Process for Nitric Ether, or Sweet Spirits of Nitre, bv means of an approved appa- ratus. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 363-364 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXIII., 1838, pp. 241-242. Hare, Robert. 68. Description of an Electrical Machine, with a plate four feet in diameter, so constructed as to be above the operator; also of a Battery Discharger employed therewith; and some observations on the causes of the diversity in the length of the sparks, erroneously dis- tinguished by the terms positive and negative. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 365- 374; Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1837, pp. 272- 280. 69. On the causes of the Toruado or Water-spout. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 375-384 ; Bibl. Univ. XI., 1837, pp. 156- 159 ; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1838, col. 257-259; Quetelet, Corresp. Math. X., 1838, pp. 110-113 ; SiUimau, Journ. XXXIL, 1837, pp. 153-161; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. II., 1838, pp. 195-203; IV., 1839-40, pp. 393-396. 70. Description of an Air-pump of a new construction, which acts either as an air-pump or a condenser, or as both, enabling the operator to exhaust, to condense, to transfer a gas from one cavity to another, or to pass it. through a liquid. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 385-388; Silliman, Journ. XXXIII., 1838, pp. 237-240. 71. Of an improved barometer gage Eu- diometer. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 389-394; Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1837, pp. 280-285. • 72. On the cause of the collapse of a reser- voir while apparently subjected within to great pressure from a head of water. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 395-398 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXIII., 1838, pp. 242-244. • 73. Sundry improvements in apparatus or manipulation. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 399-406 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXIIL, 1838, pp. 244-249. 74. Synthesis of Ammonia by means of Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIX., 1837, pp. 467-468. _ 75. Engraving and description of voltaic series, combining the advantages of the trough of CKUICKSHANK with those of the Derla^rutnr. Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1837, pp. 285-291. 76. Apparatus for the combustion of Phos- phorus in nitrous oxide gas. Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1837, pp. 290-291. 77. Criticisms and suggestions respecting nomenclature. American Journ. Pharm. III., 1838, pp. 1-16. 78. Rapid congelation of Water by means of Hydric Ether and concentrated Sulphuric Acid, &c. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. II., 183S, pp. 400-401. 79. Process for Ink devoid of free Acid. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. III., 1838-39, p. 84. EAR] 181 [EAR Hare, Robert. 80. Account of a Tornado, which, towards the end of August 1838, passed over the suburbs of the city of Providence, in the State of Rhode Island, and afterwards over a part of the village of Somerset. [1838.] Amcr. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1839, pp. 297-302. 81. Engraving and description of an appa- ratus for the decomposition and recomposition of Water, employed in the Laboratory of the Medical Department of the University of Penn- sylvania. [1838.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1839, pp. 339-340; Silliman, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, pp. 336-337. 82. Improved process for obtaining Po- tassium. [1838.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1839, pp. 341-342 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, p. 338. 83. Engraving and description of a Rota- tory Multiplier, or one in which one or more needles are made to revolve by a galvanic cur- rent. [1838.] Amer. Phil. Soe. Trans. VI., 1839, pp. 343-346 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, pp. 339-340. 84. Apparatus intended to show that if heat be motion, the capacity of Mercury should be greater than that of Water. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIII., 1839, pp. 147-148. 85. Sur mi nouvcl ether extraordinaire- ment volatil, produit par la reaction de 1'alcool sur un acide et sur un hyponitrite de potasse ou de soude. Journ. de Pharrn. XXV., 1839, pp. 397-399. 86. Sur plusieurs composes gazeux formes par les elements de 1'eau. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 400-401. 87. Notice respecting the fusion of Pla- tina ; also respecting a new ether, and a series of gaseous compounds formed with the elements of water. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1839, pp. 328-331 ; Bibl. Univ. XIII., 1838, p. 200 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 180-183 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 70-73. 88. Brief notice of the extrication of barium, strontium, and calcium by exposure of their chlorides to a powerful voltaic circuit in contact with mercury as a " cathode ;" and the distillation of the resulting amiilgams by means of vessels of iron. Silliman, Journ. XXXVII., 1839, pp. 267-268 ; XL., 1841, pp. 293-303 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1839 (pt, 2), p. 36 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 356-357. 89. Process for a fulminating powder — for the evolution of calcium and galvanic igni- tion of gunpowder. Silliman, Journ. XXX.VIL, 1839, pp. 268-270; Bibl. Univ. XXIX., 1840, pp. 181-183 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839- 40, p. 358. Hare, Robert. 90. An account of a remarkable Tornado which occurred towards the last of June, at Chatenay, near Paris. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 397-401. 91. Theory of the formation of Tornadoes. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1840, pp. 122-126. 92. Observations on the effect of the rare- faction of air. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1840, pp. 237-242 ; Franklin Inst. Journ. XXV., 1840, p. 419. 93. A letter to Prof, tain theoretical opinions. FARADAY, on cer- Silliman, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, pp. 1-11; Phil. Mag. XVII., 1840, pp. 44-65 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 20-30. 94. Notices of Tornadoes, &c. Silliman, Journ. XXXVIIL, 1840, pp. 73-86. 95. On the congelation of water by the evaporation of Ether. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 151-155. 96. On the extrication of the alkalifiable metals, Barium, Strontium, Calcium. [1839.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 31-42. 97. Description of an apparatus for de- flagrating carburets, phosphurets, or cyanides in vacua or in an atmosphere of Hydrogen, with an account of some results obtained by these and other means ; especially the isolation of Calcium. [1839.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 53-58 ; Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 303-308. 98. Engraving and description of an ap- paratus, and process, for the rapid congelation of water, by the explosive evolution of ethereal vapour, consequent to the combined influence of rarefaction and the absorbing power of sulphuric acid. [1840.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 215-216. 99. On the change effected in the nitrates of Potash and Soda by the limited application of heat, with the view of obtaining pure oxygen, by which they are only partially converted into Hypo-nitrites ; also on a liquid and a gaseous ethereal compound, resulting from the reaction of nascent hypo-nitrous acid with the elements of alcohol. [1840.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 277-282. — 100. Observations sur Tether sulfureux et le sulfate d'etherine (veritable ether sulfurique). Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1841, pp. 133-138. 101. On the theory of storms, with refer- ence to the views of Mr. REDFIELD. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1841, pp. 423-432. 102. Observations on the effect of the rarefaction of air, on its desiccation and refri- geration, and on other phenomena connected with the presence of aqueous vapor in the at- mosphere. Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 44-47. EAR] 182 [HAR Hare, Robert. 103. Second Letter to Prof. FAKADAY (" Theory of induction"). Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1841, pp. 465-477 ; Silliman, Journ. XLL, 1841, pp. 1-14 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VII., 1841, pp. 351-362. 104. Objections to Mr. REDFIELD'S theory of storms, with some strictures upon his reason- ing. Silliman, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 140- 147 ; XLIII., 1842, pp. 122-140 ; Froriep, No- tizen, XXL, 1842, col. 97-104, 115-119; Phil. Mag. XXI1L, 1843, pp. 92-106. 105. A letter to Win. WHEWELL, Prof, of Moral Philosophy in the University of Cam- bridge, England, in reply to certain allegations and arguments advanced in a pamphlet entitled " A demonstration that all matter is heavy." Silliman, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 260-273. 106. An eifbrt to refute the arguments advanced in favour of the existence, in the arn- phide salts, of radicals consisting, like cyanogen, of more than one element. Chemist, IV., 1843, pp. 437-441, 488-493, 533-538 ; Sillirnan, Journ. XLV., 1843, pp. 52-65, 247-261. 1O7. On the electrolysis of salts. Phil. Mag. XXLL, 1843, pp. 461-467. 1O8. Strictures on Prof. DOVE'S Essay " On the Law of Storms." Silliman, Jouru. XLIV., 1843, pp. 137-146; Phil. Mag. XXV., 1844, pp. 94-102. 1O9. Cause of the persistence of clouds between certain elevated levels. Anier. Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 187-190. 11O. On a recent speculation by FAKADAY on electric conduction and the nature of matter. Phil. Mag. XXVL, 1845, pp. 602-607; Chemist, VL, 1845, pp. 194-197. 111. A letter to BEEZELIUS on Chemical Nomenclature. Silliman, Journ. XLIX., 1845, pp. 249-257. 112. An attempt to refute the reasoning of LIEBIG in favour of the salt radical theory. SiUimau, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 82-86, 377-386 ; Chemist, VII., 1846, pp. 259-263 ; Eevue Sci- entifique, XIII., 1847, pp. 416-423. 113. Fusion of Iridium and Rhodium. Sillimuu, Journ. II., 1846, pp. 365-369 ; Revue Scieutifique, XI., 1846, pp. 223-228. 114. On improvements in the hydro- oxygen blow-pipe for the fusion of Platinum. Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1847, pp. 356-366. 115. On certain improvements in the con- struction and supply of the Hydro-oxygen Blow- pipe, by which Rhodium, Iridium, or the Os- miuret of Iridium, also Platinum in the large way, have been fused. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIII., 1847, pp. 196-206 ; Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 37-45. Hare, Robert. 116. Apparatus for the fusion of Iridium or Rhodium, or masses of Platinum less than five ounces in weight. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIV., 1847, pp. 128-130. 117. On free electricity. Sillimau, Journ. III., 1847, pp. 334-336. • 118. Definitions and discriminations re- specting matter, void space, and uihility. Arner. Assoc. Proc. 1848, pp. 76-78. 119. Objections to the theories severally of FKANKXIN, DUFAY, and AMPERE, with an effort to explain electrical phenomena, by stati- cal or undulatory polarization. Franklin Inst. Journ. XV., 1848, pp. 188-199, 264-277; Phil. Mag. XXXIL, 1848, pp. 461-489; Silli- man, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 230-236, 343-357 ; VI., pp. 45-56. 120. On the rationale of the explosion causing the great Fire of 1845, at New York. Franklin Inst. Journ. XV., 1848, pp. 452-456 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1849, col. 161-164 ; Silli- mau, Jouru. VL, 1848, pp. 281-285. 121. Remarks on the supposed connection between Cholera and Electricity. Arner. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 201-206. 122. On the Whirlwind theory of Storms. Arner. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 231-242. 123. Strictures on Prof. ESPY'S report on Storms, as respects the theoretical inferences. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 152—160. — 124. An account of an apparatus for pro- ducing attrition between the surfaces of siliceous stones in vacua, or in gaseous media, and for determining whether the consequent odour and coruscations are due to ozouificatiou. Silliman, Jouru. XII., 1851, pp. 434-438. 125. Memoir on the explosiveness of Nitre, with a view to elucidate its agency in the tremendous explosion of July 1845 in New York. [1849.] Smithson. Coutrib. II., 1851 ; Phil. Mag. XXXVIL, 1850, pp. 525-542. 126. Inconsistency and error of the con- clusion arrived at by a Committee of the Aca- demy of Sciences of France, agreeably to which Tornados are caused by Heat ; while, according to PELTIEK'S Report to the same body, certain Insurers had been obliged to pay for a Tornado as an Electrical Storm. Franklin lust. Jouru. XXJV., 1852, pp. 28-39. 127. On Mr. John WEISE'S observations and inferences respecting the phenomena of a thunder-storm to which he was exposed during an aerial voyage made by means of a balloon, 3 June 1852. Smithsonian Reports, 1855, pp. 224-230. Hare, Thomas. Account of an original plant of the Moss Rose de Meaux, with physiological observations. [1816.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. II., 1817, pp. 241-244. EAR] 183 [HAR Harel, Jules. Theoreme sur les coniques homo- focales. Nouv. Ann. Math. VIII., 1849, pp. 234-235. Hargrave, Henry J. B. On the general geo- logical figures observable on the sea-shore between Balbriggan and Rush. Nat. Hist. Re- view, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 63-68 ; Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 100-104. Hargreave, Charles J. On the Rev. BRICE BRONWIN'S paper on the integration and trans- formation of certain differential equations. Phil. Mag. XXX., 1847, pp. 8-10. 2. On the calculation of attractions and the figure of the Earth. Phil. Trans. 1841, pp. 75- 98. 3. On the solution of linear differential equations. [1847.] Phil. Trans. 1848, pp. 31-54. 4. Analytical researches concerning num- bers. Phil. Mag. XXXV, 1849, pp. 36-53. 5. General methods in analysis for the resolution of linear equations in finite differ- ences and linear differential equations. [1849.] Phil. Trans. 1850, pp. 261-286. 6. On the valuation of Life Contingencies by means of tables of single and joint lives. Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 39-45. 7. Apph'cations of the calculus of opera- tions to algebraical expansions and theorems. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 351-363. 8. On the law of Prime Numbers. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1854, pp. 114-122. • 9. On the algebraic couple; and on the equivalents of indeterminate expressions. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857, pp. 184-195. 1O. On the problem of three bodies. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 265-273. Hargreaves, T. On the work entitled " Chro- matics ;" or, an essay on the Analogy and Harmony of Colours. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. L., 1817, pp. 128-130. Harkness, H. Account of the province of Ri'imnad. southern peninsula of India. Asiat. Soc. Journ. III., 1836, pp. 165-188 Harkness, Robert. On the climate of the Coal epoch. Sturgeon, Ann. Philos. L, 1843, pp. 28-34 ; Bibl. Univ. XLIX., 1844, pp. 358- 364; Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1844, col. 33- 37. 2. On the occurrence of fossils in the Boulder Clay. Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 184.5, pp. 152-153. • 3. On changes in the temperature of the Earth, as a mode of accounting for the subsi- dence of the ocean, and for the consequent for- mation of sea-beaches above its present level. [1843.] Geol. Soc. Proc. IV., 1846, pp. 178- 181. Harkness, Robert. 4. Notice of a tridactylous footmark from the Bunter Sandstone of Western Point, Cheshire. Ann. Nat. Hist, VI., 1850, pp. 440-442. 5. On the position of the footsteps in the Bunter Sandstone of Dumfries-shire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 83-84; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 203-208. 6. On the representatives of the Mountain Limestone as they occur in Dumfries-shire. Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 84-85. 7. On the New Red Sandstone of the southern portion of the vale of the Nith. Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1850, pp. 389-399. 8. Notices of some new footsteps in the Bunter Sandstone of Dumfries-shire. Ann. Nat. Hist. VEIL, 1851, pp. 90-95. 9. On the Silurian rocks of Dumfries-shire and Kirkcudbrightshire. Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1851, pp. 46-58. 10. Description of the Graptolites found in the black shales of Dumfries-shire. Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1851, pp. 58-65. 11. On the fossil remains of the lower Silurians of the south of Scotland, and their position. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1852 (pt. 2), pp. 48-50. 12. On the occurrence of Graphite at Al- morncss Head, Kirkcudbrightshire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1852 (pt. 2), pp. 50-51. 13. On Fossil Footprints. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIL, 1852, pp. 246-267. 14. On the Silurian rocks of Kirkcud- brightshire. Geol. Soc. Journ. IX., 1853, pp. 181-186. 15. On the anthracite deposits and vege- table remains occurring in the lower Silurians of the south of Scotland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), p. 86. 16. On Coal ; the nature of the plants forming Coal ; the changes produced by che- mical action and compression ; associated mine- ral matter ; origin of Coal. Edinb. New Phil. Jouru. LVIL, 1854, pp. 66-76. 17. On the lowest sedimentary rocks of Scotland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 82-83. 18. On the geology of the Dingle Pro- montory, Ireland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 83 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. II., 1855, pp. 225-237. 19. On DiatomacetB found in a sub-fossil state in Dumfries-shire. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1855, pp. 54-55 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. II., 1855, pp. 54—56. • 20. On mineral charcoal. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L, 1855, pp. 73-77. HAR] [HAR Harkness, Robert. 21. On Annelid tracks in the equivalents of the Millstone Grits in the south-west of the county of Clare. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1855, pp. 278-284; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 294-296. 22. On the Anthracitic Schists ; and the fucoidal remains occurring in the lower Silurian rocks of the south of Scotland. Geol. Soc. Journ. XI., 1855, pp. 468-476. 23. Notes on the fossil Fucoids, Zoophytes, and Annelids of the flags and sandstones at Barlae. Geol. Soc. Journ. XI., 1855, pp. 473- 476. 24. On some new fossils from the ancient sedimentary rocks of Ireland and Scotland. Brit. Assoo. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), p. 65. 25. On the Lignites of the Giant's Cause- way and the Isle of Mull. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), p. 66; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 304-312. 26. On the occurrence of scalariform tissue in the Devonian strata in the south of Ireland. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 64- 67. 27. On the lowest sedimentary rocks of the south of Scotland. Geol. Soc. Journ. XII., 1856, pp. 238-245. 28. On the sandstones and breccias of the south of Scotland of an age subsequent to the carboniferous period. Geol. Soc. Journ. XII., 1856, pp. 254-267. 29. On the records of a triassic shore. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1 857 (})t. 2), pp. 68-69 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VII., 1858, pp. 75-79. 30. On the origin of the breccias of the southern portion of the valley of the Nith, Scot- land. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 81- 82. 31. On the Origin of the Permian breccias of the southern portion of the vale of the Nith. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IX., 1859, pp. 102- 106. 32. On the jointings in the carboniferous and Devonian rocks in the district around Cork; and on the dolomites of the same district. [1858.] Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 86- 104. 33. The geology of Hook-point. Geolo- gist, 1859, pp. 28-32, 71-75. 34. On the metamorphic rocks of the north of Ireland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 79-80. 35. On the Old Red Sandstone of South Perthshire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 114-115. 36. On the sandstones and their asso- ciated deposits of the valley of the Eden and the Cumberland Plain. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (j,t. 2), p. 115. Harkness, Robert. 37. On the rocks of por- tions of the Highlands of Scotland, south of the Caledonian Canal ; and on their equivalents in the north of Ireland. Geol. Soc. Jouru. XVII., 1861, pp. 256-271. 38. On the sandstones and their asso- ciated deposits in the vale of the Eden, the Cumberland Plain, and the south-east of Dum- fries-shire. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIII., 1862, pp. 205-218. 39. On the metamorphic rocks of the Banffshire coast, the Scarabins, and a portion of East Sutherland. Geol. Soc. Jouru. XVIII., 1862, pp. 331-342. 40. On the position of the Pteraspis beds, and on the sequence of the strata of the Old Red Sandstone series of South Perthshire. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIII., 1862, pp. 253-258. 41. On the Skiddaw Slate series. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1863, pp. 113-135. Harkness, Robert, and Edward JJ'm. Binney. An account of the Fossil Trees found at St. Helen's. Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1845, pp. 241- 252 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVII., 1846, col. 17-24; Bibl. Univ. LX., 1845, pp. 184-187. Harkness, Robert, and John Blyth. On the cleavage of the Devonians in the south-west of Ireland. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. II., 1855, jip. 245-262 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 82. Harkort, E. Verfahren vor dem Lothrohre das Kali nachzuweisen. Schweigger, Journ. XLFX. (= Jahrb. XIX.), 1827, p. 153. 2. Untersuchung des Osmelith's nach seinem Verhalten vor dem Lothrohre. Schweig- ger, Jouru. L. (= Jahrb. XX.;, 1827, pp. 312- 314. Harlan, Richard. On the generation of animal heat. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 250-261. 2. Dissection of a batrachian animal in a living state (Amphiuma means). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 54-59; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIII., 1824, pp. 325-328. 3. Observations on fossil elephant teeth, of North- America. Philad. Jouru. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 65-67. 4. On a new fossil genus, of the order Enaliosauri, Com/bcarc. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 331-337; Okeu, Isis, 1833, col. 172-174; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 409-414. 5. On a, new extinct fossil species of the genus Ichthyosaurus. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sei. III., 1823, pp. 338-339. 6. On a species of Lamautiu resembling the Manatus Senegalensis, Cttricr, inhabiting the coast of East Florida. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 390-394. HAR] Harlan, Richard. Salamandra, witl 185 | HAR 7. Observations on the genus i the anatomy of the Sala- mandra gigantea, Barton, or S. Alleganiensis, Micliuiix, and two new genera proposed. New York, Annal Lyceum, I., 1824, pp. 222-233, 270-271. 8. Description of a new genus of mam- miferous quadrupeds, of the order Edentata (Chlamyphorus truncatus). New York, Annal Lyceum, I., 1824, pp. 235-245 ; Zool. Jouru. II., 1826, pp. 154-163 ; Ann. Sci. Nat, V., 1825, pp. 5-21 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1825, col. 225- 230. 9. Further observations on the Amphiuma means. New York, Annal Lyceum, I., 1824, pp. 269-270. 10. On an extinct species of Crocodile not before described ; and some observations on the geology of West Jersey. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 15-24. 11. Notice of the Plesiosaurus, and other fossil reliquiae, from the State of New Jersey. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 232-236. 12. Description of two species of Linnrean Lacerta, not before described, and construction of the new genus Cyclura. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 242-251. 13. Description of a new species of biped Seps (S. sexlineata). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 284-286. 14. Description of a new species of Scincus (S. bicolor). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 286-289. 15. Description of two new species of Agama (A. vultuosa and A. cornuta). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 296-304. 16. Letter to N. M. HENTZ, containing some further observations on the physiology of the Alligator. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1825, pp. 226-227 ; Froriep, Notizen, 1S27, col. 147-149. 17. Sur le Saurocephalus lanciformis. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 132-133. 18. Description of a new species of Sala- mandra (S. picta). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, pp. 136-137. • 19. Description of a variety of the Coluber fulvius, Linn., presented by Dr. William BLAND- ING. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat, Sci. V., 1825, pp. 154-155. 2O. Description of a new species of Scincus (S. unicolor). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, p. 156. . 21. Description of two new species of Salamandra (S. cylindracea and S. symmetrica). Phihul. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1N25, pp. 156-158 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, pp. 132-133. VOL. III. Harlan, Richard. 22. Description of an herm- aphrodite Orang Outang, lately living in Phila- delphia. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, pp. 229-236. 23. Description of a Land Tortoise, from the Gallapagos Islands, commonly known as the " Elephant Tortoise " (Testudo elephantopus, Nob.'). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, pp. 284-292. — — - 24. Genera of North-American Reptilia, and a synopsis of the species. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, pp. 317-372; VI., pp. 7-39, 53-55. 25. On the circulatory system of Sauria. Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1825, pp. 384-385 ; Froriep, Notizen, XII., 1826, pp. 311-312. 26. On the vertebras of reptiles and am- phibia. Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1825, pp. 386-387. • 27. Descriptions of several new species of Batrachian Reptiles, with observations on the larva? of Frogs. Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 53-65 ; Oken, Isis, 1832, col. 1046-1049. 28. Description of a new species of North American quadruped (Arvicola ferruginous). Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 285-286 ; Thom- son, Ann. Phil. XII., 1826, p. 238. 29. Notice of a new species of Salamander (S. flavissima) inhabiting Pennsylvania. Silli- man, Journ. X., 1826, p. 287 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1826, p. 315. • 30. Note on the examination of the large bones disinterred at the mouth of the Missis- sippi River. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 186-187. - 31. Description of a new species of Gram- pus (Delphinus intermedius) inhabiting the coast of New England. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VI., 1829, pp. 51-53 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVIII., 1829, pp. 281-282. 32. Additional observations on the North American Reptilia. Philad. J ourn. Acad. Nat. Sci. VI., 1829, pp. 53-56. • 33. Description of a new species of Sala- mandra (S. dorsalis). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VI., 1829, pp. 101-102; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVIII., 1829, p. 460. 34. Note on the Amphiuma means, de- scribed supra, Vol. III. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VI., 1829, pp. 147-148. 35. Description of the fossil bones of the Megalonyx discovered in White Cave, Ken- tucky. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VI., 1829, pp. 269-286. 36. Description of an extinct species of fossil vegetable, of the family Fucoidcs. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VI., 1829, pp. 289-295. A A EAR] 186 [HAR Harlan, Richard. 37. Experiments made on the poison of the Rattlesnake ; in which the powers of the Hieracium venosum, as a, specific, were tested ; together with some anatomical observations on this animal. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 300-315, 400-403. 38. Description of a new species of the genus Astacus (A. Blandingii). Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 464-465. 39. Notice of an anatomical peculiarity observed in the structure of the Condor of the Andes (Vultur gryphus, Linn.). Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 466-467. 40. Tour to the caves of Virginia. Monthly Amer. Journ. Geol. I., 1831, pp. 58- 67. — 41. Description of the jaws, teeth, and clavicle of the Megalonyx laqueatus. Monthly Amer. Journ. Geol. I., 1831, pp. 74-76. 42. Description of a species of Orang (Hylobates Hooloch), from the north-eastern province of British India, lately the kingdom of Assam. [1830.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1834, pp. 52-59. 43. Notice of fossil bones found in the tertiary formation of the State of Louisiana. [1832.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1834, pp. 397-404. 44. Notice of the discovery of the remains of the Ichthyosaurus in Missouri. [1832.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1834, pp. 405- 408. 45. On the structure of the teeth in the Edentata, fossil and recent. [1834.] Pennsylv. Trans. Geol. Soc. IV, 1835, pp. 40-45. 46. Critical notices of various organic remains hitherto discovered in North America. [1834.] Pennsylv. Trans. Geol. Soc. I., 1835, pp. 46-112 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIL, 1834, pp. 342-363 ; XVIIL, pp. 28-40. 47. Notice of fossil vegetable remains from the bituminous coal measures of Penn- sylvania, being a portion of the illustrative specimens accompanying Mr. MILLER'S Essay or Geological Section of the Alleghany Moun- tain, near the Portage Railway. Pennsylv. Trans. Geol. Soc. I., 1835, pp. 256-259. 48. Description of a new fossil plant from Pennsylvania of the genus Equisetum. Penu- sylv. Trans. Geol. Soc. I., 1835, pp. 260-262. 49. Notice of nondescript Trilobites, from the State of New York, with some observations on the genus Triarthrus, &c. Pennsylv. Trans. Geol. Soc. I., 1835, pp. 263-266. SO. Notice of the Os ilium of the Mega- lonyx laqueatus, from Big Boue Cave, White County, Tennessee. Pennsylv. Trans. Geol. Soc. I., 1835, p. 347. Harlan, Richard. 51. Description of the re- mains of the Basilosaurus, a large fossil marine animal, recently discovered in the horizontal limestone of Alabama. Pennsylv. Trans. Geol. Soc. L, 1835, pp. 348-357. 52. Description of a new species of Fresh- water Tortoise (Emys Oregoniensis), inhabiting the Columbia River. Sillimnn, Journ. XXXL, 1837, pp. 382-383. 53. Notice of the Orbicular Lizards, or horned Agamas. Silliman, Journ. XXXL, 1837, pp. 383-385. 54. Description of a new species of quad- ruped, of the order Rodentia (Mus palustris), inhabiting the United States. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1837, pp. 385-386. 55. On a new species of Meriones (Meri- ones microcephalus). Zool. Soc. Proc. VII., 1839, pp. 1-2. 56. On the bones of the Orycterotherium Missouriense, a new animal of the order Eden- tata. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1841, pp. 109-111. 57. A letter on the discoveiy of the re- mains of Basilosaurus or Zeuglodon. Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1841, pp. 67-68. 58. Models of the fossil remains of the Dinotheriurn giganteum. Silliman, Journ. XLL, 1841, p. 178. 59. On the discovery of the Basilosaurus and the Batrachiosaurus. [1839.] Geol. Soc. Proc. HI., 1842, pp. 23-24 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Zool.), 1839, p. 221. 6O. Notice of two new fossil mammals from Brunswick Canal, Georgia ; with obser- vations on some of the fossil quadrupeds of the United States. Silliman, Journ. XLHL, 1842, pp. 141-144. 61. Description of a new extinct species of Dolphin from Maryland (Delphinus Calvert- ensis). Washington, Nat. Inst. Bull. II., 1842, pp. 195-196. 62. Description of the bones of a new fossil animal of the order Edentata. Silliman, Journ. XLIV., 1843, pp. 69-80; Bibl. Univ. XLVL, 1843, pp. 181-183. 63. Remarks on Prof. OWEN'S Letter [about HARLAN'S Notice of new fossil Mam- malia]. Sillirnan, Journ. XLV., 1843, pp. 208- 211. 64. Beschreibung der in der grossen Knochen-Hohle, Tennessee (Nord America), gefundenen fossilen Knochen des Megalonyx laqueatus. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XX., 1847 (pte. 2), pp. 114-139. Harle, . Note sur une nouvelle nu'thode employee a Freyberg (Saxe), pour reduire les litharges. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1834, pp. 189-191. HAR] 187 [HAR Harle, 2. Deuxieme note sur la vallee de la Seine dans le departement de la Seiue- Inferieure. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862- 63, pp. 114-118. 3. Note sur le niveau geologique des cal- caires cretaces de Sarlat (Dordogne). Piiris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862-63, pp. 120-126. Maries, Ueber die Verwandluuff des MuBkelfleiscb.es in Fettsubstanz, mit einigen Bemerkungen, diese Erscheinung betreftend. Reil, Archiv, IV., 1800, pp. 189-200. 2. Verwandlung der Knochen in Fleisch- substanz ; ein Beitrag zur Pathologie der thier- isch-organischen Materie. Reil, Archiv, IV., 1800, pp. 220-221. Harles, J. Ch. F. Magnetismus. Hufeland u. Harles, Journ. Arzn. XL1V., 1817 (ffft.3), pp. 87-170. 2. Magnetismus. Medicina Magica. Hufe- laud u. Harles, Journ. Arzn. XLV., 1817 (Hft. 3), pp. 3-58 ; XL VI. pp. 46-102 ; (lift. 4), pp. 79-81. Harless, Chr. Fr. Die Meteorologie, in ihrer Anwendung auf die Medicin, und insbesondere auf die Krankheits-Constitutionen und herrsch- enden wie durchlaufenden Krankheiten ; und was ihr Noth thut. Hufeland u. Osann, Journ. Arzn. LXXXIIL, 1836, pp. 7-37 ; (Hft. 2), pp. 3-32. Harless, Emit. Ueber einige der bedeutend- ereu Mineralquellen des ehemals Griechischen Kleinasiens. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Be- richt, 1841, pp. 103-106. 2. Ueber den jetzigen Stand der Medizin sammt Physiologic. Deutsch. Naturf. Ver- samml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 286-290. 3. Einiges liber das Nitrum der Alteu, seine Varietiiten und seine Gewinuungsweise. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1845, pp. 227-233. 4. Einige physiologische Versuche an Froschen. Miiller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 43-45. 5. Ueber die Ablagerungen anorganischer Substanzen auf deni Plexus choroideus. M tiller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 354-363. 6. Ueber die funktionell verschiedenen Partieen des Riickenmarks der Amphibien. Miiller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 74-95. 7. Biiefliche Mittheilung iiber die Gang- lieukugeln der Lobi electric! von Torpedo Gal- vauii. Miiller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 283-291. 8. Untersuchuiig der Chromatophoreu bei Loligo. Wiegmann, Archiv, XII., 1846, pp. 34-44. 9. Ueber das blaue Blut einiger wirbel- loseu Thiere uud dessen Kupfergehalt. Heller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 275-278 ; Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 148-156. Harless, Emil. 1O. Experimcnte zur Lehre von der Muskelirritabilitat. Muller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 228-231. 11. Die Muskelirritabilitiit. Mi'mchen, Abhandl. V., 1847, pp. 481-510. — 12. Ueber den Zahubau von Myliobates und den verwandten Rochen Trikeras. Miincheu, Abhandl. V., 1847, pp. 841-876. 13. Ueber die Niereu der Sepia oder die sogenannten Veneuanhange. Wiegrnann, Ar- chiv, XIH., 1847, pp. 1-8. 14. Bemerkungen zu Dr. v. HESSLING'S Entdeckung der Primitivfaser-Theilung in dem Gehirne. Jenaische Ann. Phys. Mecl. II., 1851, pp. 285-292. 15. Zusiitze zu Dr. v. WITTICH'S Beo- bachtung von Pilzbildung im Hiihnerei. Sie- bold uud Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 308- 314. 16. Ueber die im Wintersemester 1851-52 hi dem physiologischen Kabinet der Universitat Miinchen angestellten Untersuchungen. Miinch- en, Gelehrte Anz. XXXIV., 1852, col. 349- 371 ; XXXV., col. 217-240 ; XXXVII., col. 249-316. 17. Ueber die in dem physiologischen Cabinet der Universitat Miincheu im Etatsjahre 1853-54 angestellten Untersuchungen. Miinch- en, Gelehrte Anz. XXXIX., 1854, Bull. No. 10- 13. 18. Ueber die Thiitigkeit der Inspirations- muskeln bei der Ausathmung uud die Bestimm- ung der elastischen Krafte der Athmungsorgane. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, XIII., Iy54, pp. 15-29. 19. Ueber die Chromatophoren des Fro- sches. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. V., 1854, pp. 372-380. 20. Theorie uud Anwendung des " Seiteu- druckspirometers," eines neuen Instrumentes zur Bestimmung der Respirationsluft. Miinchen, Abhaudl. VII., 1855, pp. 527-558. 21. Beitriige zu einer wissenschaftlichen Begriindung der Lehre vom Mienenspiel. Miiucheu, Abhandl. VII., 1855, pp. 697-722. 22. Beschreibung der Apparate, welche in seiner Abhandlung iiber "die statischen Mo- mente der menschlichen Gliedmassen " zur Auffindung der Lage des allgemeinen Schwer- punktes bezeichnet sine]. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLIV., 1857, col. 252-268; Miinchen, Abhandl. VIII., I860, pp. 69-96. 23. Ueber moleculiire Vorgange in der Nervensubstanz. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLV., 1857, col. 41-48. 24. Wissenschaftliche Uutersuchungen iiber den Werth des Englischen Patentfleisches. Miincheu, Nat. Tech. Comm. Abh. I., 1857, pp. 83-120. A A 2 HAR] 188 [HAR Hnrless, Emil. 25. Ueber die Bedeutsamkeit der Nervenhiillen. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeit- schrift, IV., 1858, pp. 168-188. 26. Ueber Apparate zu neurophysiolog- ischen Untersucliungen. Miinchen, Gelohrte Anz. XLVI., 1858, col. 243-252. 27. Ueber Maassbestimmuugen der Nerv- enreizbarkeit. Miiuchen, GelehrtcAnz. XL VII., 1858, col. 577-584. 28. Ueber Muskelzuckungcn bei dem Vertrocknen der Nerven. Miinchcn, Gelehrtc Anz. XLVIII., 1859, col. 241-246; Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VII., 1859, pp. 218-257. 29. Ueber den Einfluss der feuchten Warme auf die Nerven und iiber die soge- uannten " modi der Erregbarkeit." Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLVIII., 1859, col. 281-286. 30. Zur Bestiitiguug der latenten Reizung. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLIX., 1859, col. 25- 35. 31. Ueber den Einfluss der Liinge eines gereizten Nervenstiicks. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLIX., 1859, col. 201-219. 32. Neurophysiologische Forscliungeii. Ziirich, Monatsschr. IV., 1859, pp. 305-345. 33. Ueber den Einfluss der Temperaturen und ihrer Schwankungen auf die motorischen Nerven. Heule und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VIII., I860, pp. 122-184. 34. Die statischen Momcntc der mensch- lichen Gliedmassen. Miinchen, Abhandl. VIII., 1860, pp. 69-96, 257-294. 35. Molckuliire Vorgiinge in der Nerven- substanz. Miinchen, Abhandl. VIII., 1860, pp. 313-379, 529-573, 683-748; IX., pp. 1- 64. 36. Ueber Maassbestimmung der Polarisa- tion durch das physiologische Rheoskop. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. L., 1860, col. 305- 309 ; Miiuchen, Abhandl. IX., 1863, pp. 187- 227. 37. Untersucliungen an der Muskelsub- stanz. Miinchen, Sitzuugsber. 1860, pp. 93- 138. 38. Untersuchungen iiber die Muskel- starre. Miinchen, Sitzungsber. 1860, pp. 425- 462. 39. Zur innern Mechanik der Muskel- zuckung und Beschreibung des Atwood'scheu Myographion. Miinchen, Sitzungsber. 1860, pp. 625-634; Miinchen, Abhandl. IX., 1863, pp. 353-417. 4O. Wirkung des Ammoniaks auf die Nervenstiimme. Henle uud Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, XII., 1861, pp. 68-125. 41. Ueber die Leistung, Ermiidung und Erholungder Muskeln. Muncheu, Sitzungsber. L, 1861, pp. 43-95. Harless, Emil. 42. Ueber die Wirkung des Ammoniaks auf die nervosen Centralorgane. Miinchen, Sitzungsber. L, 1861, pp. 273-307. 43. Analyse der willkiirlichen Bewegung. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, XIV., 1862, pp. 97-121. Harless, EmiL, und Th. von Hessling. Ueber die Veriistelung der Endfasern des Olfactorius. Jenaische Ann. Phys. Med. II., 1851, pp. 275- 282. Harley, George. Researches on the colouring principle of urine, and existence of iron in that liquid. [1852.] Pharmaceut. Journ. XII., 1853, pp. 243-245 ; Chemist, IV., 1852-53, pp. 107-108. 2. Recherches sur la physiologic du diabute sucre. — Nouvello methode pour produire arti- ficiellement le diabcte chez les animaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1853, pp. 59-61 (Compt. Rend.). 3. Ueber Urohamatin uud seine Verbind- ung mit animalischen Harze. [1854.] Wiirz- burg, Verhandl. V., 1855, pp. 1-14; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. LXIV., 1855, pp. 264-277. 4. De la strychnine et de son mode d'ac- tiou. Archiv. Gen. de Med. VIII., 1S:>6, pp. 664-670. — — 5. The Chemistry of Respiration. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XVIIL, 1856, pp. 413-515. 6. Recherches conceruant 1'action dc la strychnine sur la moelle epiniere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 470-473. 7. On the physiological action of Atropine in dilating the pupil. Edinb. Med. Journ. II., 1856-57, pp. 431-434, 705-712. • 8. On the condition of the oxygen absorbed into the blood during respiration. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 78-82; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 185G, pp. 301-303. - 9. Recherches sur la presence du sucrc dans 1'urine, sur 1'origine et la disparition du sucre dans Feconomie animale. Archiv. Gen. de Med. X., 1857, pp. 281-291. 10. Contributions to the Physiology of Saccharine Urine. On the origin and destruc- tion of Sugar in the animal economy. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. 1857 (July), pp. 191-204. 11. On the organs of cutaneous respira- tion ; principally on those of the Rana tempo- raria. Microsc. Soc. Trans. V., 1857, pp. 148- 158. 12. On the anatomy of a new species of Pentastoma (P. annulatum) found in the lung and air-sac of an Egyptian Cobra. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXV., 1857, pp. 115-122. 13. Account of a live rat from which both the supra-renal capsules and the spleen had been removed. Pathol. Soc. Trans. IX., 1857-58, p. 401. EAR] 189 [HAR Harley, George. 14. An experimental inquiry into the function of the supra-renal capsules and their supposed connexion with bronzed skin. Brit. For. Mod. Chir. Rev. XXI., 1858, pp. 204-227, 498-510. 15. On the saccharine function of the liver. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 289- 297. • 16. Contribution to our knowledge of Digestion. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XXV., 1860, pp. 206-214. 17. Case of tubal pregnancy, with fibrous tumours of the uterus. London, Obstet. Soc. Trans. I., 1860, pp. 101-103. 18. Uterus and its appendages at the catamenial period. Pathol. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1861-62, pp. 170-172. • 19. On SCHONBEIN'S Antozonc. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 44-45. • 20. History, botanical characters, and therapeutical properties of the Ordeal Bean of Old Calabar. Brit. Med. Jouru. 1863 (August). 21. On the young of the Guinea-worm. Pathol. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1863, pp. 263- 264. Harley, James. On the migration of the Star- ling. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 270- 271. Harley, John. Description of two species of Cephalaspis. Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 503-505. • 2. On the Ludlow bone-bed and its crus- tacean remains. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVII., 1861, pp. 542-552. • 3. On the parasitism of the Mistletoe (Viscum album). Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIV., 1863, pp. 175-196. Harley, John. On silicate of iron as a urinary deposit. Chemist, I., 1854, pp. 742-745. Harley, Robert. On impossible and certain other surd equations. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IX., 1851, pp. 207-235. 2. On the theory of quintics. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 343-359. 3. On the method of symmetric products, and its application to the finite algebraic solu- tion of equations. [1859.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. XV., 1860, pp. 172-219. 4. On the theory of the transcendental solution of algebraic equations. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1860-62, pp. 181-184, 199- 201, 237-240 ; Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 337-360. • 5. On the method of symmetric products, and on certain circular functions connected with that method. [I860.] Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1S60-62, pp. 43-44; Phil. Trans. 1861, pp. 327- 356. Harley, Robert. 6. On a certain class of linear differential equations. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 4-5 ; Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1862-63, pp. 11-14; Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1865, pp. 232-245. 7. On the theory of quintics. (Part 2.) Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 248-260. • • 8. On BEING'S reduction of the equation of the fifth degree to a trinomial form. Man- chester, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1862-63, pp. 69- 71. • 9. On recent researches on the theory of equations. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1862-63, pp. 173-177. • 10. A contribution to the history of the problem of the reduction of the general equation of the fifth degree to a trinomial form. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 38-45. Harmet, . Notice sur le roulage dans les mines de Blauzy (Saone et Loire). Annal. des Mines, IV., 1843, pp. 43-96. 2. Notice sur la methode d'exploitation dite par eboulement et de haut en bas, appliquec aux grandes couches de houille et notamment aux couches puissantes des mines de Blanzy (Saone et Loire). Annal. des Mines, VI., 1844, pp. 271-310. 3. Des terrains houillers de 1'Allier. St. Eticnne, Bull. Soc. ludustr. V., 1859, pp. 3- 44. Harms, Ed. Uebcr Vcrbiudungen der arsenigen Siiurc mit Jodkalium. Liebig, Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 371-374 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVL, 1854, pp. 452-453. 2. Analysen der Asche einiger Pfianzcn nml des Bodens, worauf cliese gewachsen. Lie- big, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 247-249. 3. Sur le pouvoir decolorant des graines vegetales. Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, p. 474. Harmsen, E. Sudden rise of the sea at Heligo- land. Geogr. Soc. Proc. III., 1859, pp. 372- 373. Harnay, . On forces. Mathematical Mis- cell. I., 1838, pp. 261-262. Harness, II. D. On suspension bridges. [1846.] Roy. Engineers Papers, IX., 1847, pp. 145- 148. Harnier, Wilhclm von. Reise am Nil, von Ass- uan bis Chartum und Roseires. Petermann, Mitthcil. 1861, pp. 129-133. 2. Reise auf dem Weissen Nil, Dczbr. 1860 bis Novbr. 1861. Petermann, Mittheil. 1863 (Ergiinz. Nr. 2.), pp. 125-141. Harnitz-Harnitzky, Th. Action de 1'oxychlo- rure de carbone sur 1'aldehyde. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 649-652 ; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1859, pp. 11-13 ; Liebig, An- nal. CXI., 1859, pp. 192-195. HAR] 190 [HAR Haro, A. Notice anatoinique sur le Squale bleu. Metz, Mem. Acad. XX., 1839, pp. 209- 227. • 2. Mecanisrne de la respiration chez quel- ques Eeptiles. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXI., 1840, pp. 364-385. 3. Memoire sur la respiration des Gre- nouilles, des Salamandres, et des Tortues. Ann. Sci. Nat, XVIII. (Zool.), 1842, pp. 36-50 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVI., 1843, col. 129-135, 145-151. 4. Refutation de la doctrine des genera- tions spontanees. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXV., 1844, pp. 299-369. 5. On a species of Asplenium, related to A. Trichornanes, L. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 159-160. Haro, A., et D. H. L. Fournel. Tableau des Champignons observes dans les environs de Metz. Metz, Mem. Acad. XIX., 1837-38, pp. 107-151. Harold, Edgar Freiherr TOIL Beitrage zur Kenntuiss einiger coprophagen Lamellicornien. Berlin, Entoin. Zeitschr. III., 1859, pp. 193- 224; V., 1861, pp. 92-115; VI., 1862, pp. 138-171, 379-403 ; VIL, 1863, pp. 327-390. 2. Diagnoses de uouvelles especes d'Apho- dius. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIII., 1860, pp. 614-616. 3. Note sur 1'identite de I'Aphodius atra- inentarius, Er., avec I'Aphodius depressus, Kugel. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 301-308. 4. Note sur les especes Mexicaines du genre Phauieus, et descriptions de quelques especes nouvelles de Coleopteres Mexicains. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. HI., 1863, pp. 161- 164. Harpeck, Curl. Ueber die anatornisclieii Vcr- haltnisse des Cyatosarcoma mammas in Beziehung zu denen der normalen Brustdriise. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jauresb. 1858, pp. 149-150. 2. Beschreibung der Haut eines mit Ich- thyosis cornea geborenen Kalbes. Reichert, Ai-chiv, 1862, pp. 393-404. Harper, . On galvanic connexion. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 27. Harper, L. Ceratites Amcricanus. Anier. Phil. Soc. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 126-128. Harriot, Tho. First observation of spots on the Sun. Silliman, Joum. XXIV., 1833, p. 204. Harriott, . Journal of a tour in the Morea. Geogr. Soc. Journ. V. 1835, p. 366. Harriott, «/. Description of an engine for raising and lowering weights by the action of a column of water and for other purposes. Nichol- son, Journ. IV., 1803, pp. 44-49. Harris, . Condylura cristata, n. sp. Fe- russac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 97-98. Harris, A. L. On the mode of cultivating and preparing Cacao in the West Indies. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 140-143. Harris, C. S. On the Marine Vivarium. Ann. Nat, Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 130-134. Harris, Charles. Observations on the Aurora Borealis of the 7th of January, the llth of January, and the 7th of March 1831. Roy. Inst. Joum. I., 1831, pp. 522-525. Harris, E. P. Ueber die Bestandtheile des Me- teorits von Montrejeau in Frankreich. Liebig, Aunal. CX., 1859, pp. 181-184. Harris, Edward. On Cymindis hamatus. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. II., 1844-45, p. 65. 2. On the geology of the Upper Missouri. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. II., 1844-45, pp. 234-240. 3. Description of a new species of Parus (P. septentrioualis) from the Upper Missouri. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. II., 1844-45, pp. 300-301; Ann. Nat, Hist. XVII., 1846, pp. 452-454. Harris, G. P. Descriptions of two new species of Didelphis (D. ursiua and D. cynocephala) from Van Diemen's Laud. [1807.] Linn. Soc. Trans. IX., 1808, pp. 174-178 ; Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 879-880. Harris, George. Notes of the marine zoology of Moray Firth. Newman, Zoologist, IX., 1851, pp. 2996-3002. 2. Notes on the Asteriaxke inhabiting the Moray Firth. Newman, Zoologist, IX., 1851, pp. 3305-3308. 3. Notes on Ophiurida; obtained from the Moray Firth, off Gamrie, Bauftshire, and Pen- nan, Aberdeenshire. Newman, Zoologist, XL, 1853, pp. 4137-4139. Harris, J. C. Note on the Rain-fall in the basin of the River Mahanuddy and the floods consequent thereupon. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXX, 1861, pp. 216-220. Harris, Joseph. The agricultural value of Phos- phate of Lime. New York, Agric. Soc. Trans. XL, 1851, pp. 304-338. Harris, Juriah. Saliva and its uses in digestion. Charleston, Med. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 360- 364. Harris, Richard. An account of some Astrono- mical Tables in the library of the Rev. C. TDKNOK. [1845.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XV., 1846, pp. 179-192. Harris, Stephen N. Case of ovarian pregnancy. Charleston, South Journ. Med. L, 1846, pp. 371-377. 2. Hereditary transmission. Charleston, South Journ. Med. II., 1847, pp. 516-527. Harris, T. On the application of atmospheric pressure to railways. Weale, Quarterly Papers, IV., 1845. EAR] 191 [HAR Harris, T. Townscnd. Sur la composition dn nitrate d'ammoniaque cristallise a des tempera- tures differentes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 816-818; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLI., 1847, pp. 345-347. Harris, Thaddeus Mason. Account of Pawpaw or Cowry Shells found in Dorchester. [1806.] Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. III., 1809, pp. 159- 160. Harris, Thaddeus Wm. Description of four native species of the genus Cantharis. Boston, Journ. Phil. L, 1824, pp. 494-502; New England, Journ. Med. XIII., 1824, pp. 243- 250. 2. Description of a nondescript species of the genus Condylura (C. prasinata). Boston, Journ. Phil. II., 1825, pp. 580-583 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIL, 1826, pp. 191-193. 3. Description of three species of the genus Cremastocheilus. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, pp. 381-389. 4. Upon the economy of some American species of Hispa. [1835.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. I., 1834-37, pp. 141-150. 5. Characteristics of some previously de- scribed North-American Coleopterous Insects, and description of others, which appear to be new in the Collection of Mr. A. HALSEY. Silli- man, Journ. XXXII., 1837, p. 392. 6. Remarks upon the North-American In- sects belonging to the genus Cychrus, Fabr. ; with descriptions of some newly detected species. [1838.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1838- 39, pp. 189-203. 7. Descriptive catalogue of the North- American Insects belonging to the Linnivan genus Sphinx. Silliman, Journ. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 282-320. 8. New Species of Argulus. Silliman, Journ. XXXVII., 1839, p. 393. 9. Memorandum on the larva of Papilio Philenor. Newman, Entomologist, 1840-42, pp. 60-61. 1O. Description of an African Beetle, allied to Scarabreus Polyphemus (Mecynorhina Poly- phemus). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 151-153; Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV, 1843-44, pp. 397-405. 11. A report on the Insects of Massachu- setts, injurious to vegetation. Silliman, Journ. XLIL, 1842, p. 380; XLIIL, 1843, pp. 386- 388. 12. On the Seventeen-year Locust. Silli- man, Journ. III., 1847, pp. 218-222. 13. Description of Rhinosia pometella (the Palmer-worm). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 349-352. Harris, Thaddeus Wm. ' 14. Remarks upon Scarabaeus goliatus and other African beetles allied to it. [1839.] Essex Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ. 1852, pp. 101-107. 15. On Ithycerus novoboracensis. New York, Agric. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1854, pp. 188- 189. 16. Observations on the transformations of the Cecidomyite. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VII., 1859-61, pp. 179-183. 17. On Cicindela Hentzii. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VII., 1859-61, pp. 185-189. 18. On the synonymy of three North American Butterflies, Danais Berenice and D. Erippus, Cramer, and Limenitis Misippus, Fa- bricius. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VII., 1859-61, pp. 189-190. 19. Description of Hoplocampa rubi. Bos- ton, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VII., 1859-61, pp. 235-236. Harris, Tucltcr. Some account of the great Hurricane of 1804. Philad. Med. Phys. Journ. II., 1805, pp. 53-58. Harris, W. C. Description of a new species of Antelope (Aigocerus niger). [1837.] Zool. Soc. Trans. II., 1842, pp. 213-216 ; Zool. Soc. Proc. VL, 1838, pp. 1-3. 2. Account of the trees producing Myrrh and Frankincense. Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, pp. 181-183 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1844, col. 182-184. Harris, (Sir) William Snow. On the relative powers of various metallic substances as con- ductors of electricity. [1826.] Phil. Trans. 1827, pp. 18-24 ; Poggend. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 279-280. 2. Experimental inquiries concerning the laws of magnetic forces. [1828.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1830, pp. 35-46 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XI., 1831, pp. 277-321. 3. On the utility of fixing Lightning Con- ductors in ships. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL, 1831, pp. 154-167, 304-316; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XLIL, 1831, pp. 415-419; Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 347-359. 4. Laws of electrical accumulation. Roy. Inst. Journ. L, 1S31, pp. 380-381. 5. On the transient magnetic state of which various substances are susceptible. [1830.] Phil. Trans. 1831, pp. 67-90 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXI., 1831, col. 289-291. 6. On the influence of screens in arresting the progress of magnetic action. Phil. Trans. 1831, pp. 497-500. 7. On the power of masses of iron to con- trol the attractive force of a magnet. Phil. Trans. 1831, pp. 501-506. HAR] 192 [HAR Harris, ( Sir) William Snow. 8. On the method of employing vibrating Magnets in the investi- gation of the magnetic intensity of the Earth. Brit. Assoc.Eep. 1831-32, pp. 558-564. - 9. On some new phenomena of electrical attraction. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1833, pp. 386- 390. 1O. On the construction of a new Wheel Barometer. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1833, pp. 414-417. — — 11. On the influence of the Sun's rays on the oscillations of the Magnetic Needle. Eoy. Soc. Proc. III., 1833, pp. 175-176. 12. On a new Electrometer, and the heat excited in metallic bodies by Voltaic Electricity. [1831.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans. XII., 1834, pp. 206-221. 13. On some elementary laws of Elec- tricity. Phil. Trans. 1834, pp. 213-246; Pog- gend. Annal. XLL, 1837, pp. 99-102; Bibl. Univ. XVIL, 1838, pp. 175-178. 14. First report on the Hourly Observa- tions of the Thermometer at Plymouth Dock- yard, Lat. 50° 21' N., Long. 4° 7' W. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1835, pp. 181-206. 15. On a species of Balance and its appli- cation to the measurement of electrical repul- sion. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1835 (pt. 2), p. 17. 16. On electrical attraction. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1835 (pt. 2), pp. 17-18. 17. On the application of the Proof Plane and Torsion Balance to inquiries in Electricity. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1835 (pt. 2), p. 18. 18. On some phenomena of electrical re- pulsion. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1836 (pt. 2), pp. 19-24. 19. On the investigation of magnetic In- tensity by the oscillations of the Horizontal Needle. [1834.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1836, pp. 1-26. 2O. Inquiries concerning the elementary laws of Electricity. (2nd Scries.) Phil. Trans. 1836, pp. 417-452. • 21. Account of the progress and state of the Meteorological Observations at Plymouth. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1838, pp. 21-48. 22. On the protection of ships from Light- ning. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. II., 1838, pp. 81-86. — — 23. Third report on the progress of the Hourly Meteorological Eegister at the Plymouth Dockyard, Devouport, Lat. 50° 21' N., Long. 4° 7' W. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1839, pp. 149-170. 24. On Lightning Conductors, and on certain principles in electrical science. Phil. Mag. XV., 1839, pp. 461-473 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 310-327. 25. (Bakerian Lecture.) Inquiries con- cerning the elementary laws of Electricity. (3rd Series.) Phil. Trans. 1839, pp. 215-242. Harris, (Sir) William Snow. 26. Eeport on Prof. WIIEWELL'S Anemometer, now in opera- tion at Plymouth. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1840, pp. 157-162. 27. A description and account of a new kind of Mariner's Compass. Cornwall, Poly- techn. Soc. Trans. 1840, pp. 63-65. 28. On the course of the electrical dis- charge, and on the effects of Lightning on cer- tain ships of the British Navy, he. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 41-53/ 29. Extract of a letter on Ship Conduc- tors. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 208-223. — 30. Upon the working of WIIEWELL'S Anemometer at Plymouth during the past year. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1841, pp. 36-37; Froriep, Notizen, XX., 1841, col. 53-56. 31. Eeport on the progress of the Mete- orological Observations at Plymouth. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1842, pp. 30-34. 32. On the specific inductive capacities of certain electrical substances. Phil. Trans. 1842, pp. 165-172. 33. Eeport on the working of WHEWELL'S and OSLER'S Anemometers at Plymouth for the years 1841-43. Brit, Assoc. Eep. 1844, pp. 241-266. 34. Bemarkable instances of the protec- tion of certain ships of Her Majesty's Navy, from the destructive effects of Lightning. Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 395-407. • • 35. Observations on the general Nature and Laws of Electrical Attraction. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 23-25. 36. On a general law of Electrical Dis- charge. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1848 (j)t. 2), pp. 19-21. • 37. On induced and other magnetic forces. Eoy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1851, pp. 87-92. 38. On the law of Electrical and mag- netic force. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1856 (pt. 2), p. 11. 39. On a general law of electrical dis charge. Phil. Mag. XL, 1856, pp. 339-360. 40. On certain phenomena of Electrical Discharge. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 136-140. 41. On quantitative measurement in sta- tical electricity, and on some new phenomena of electrical force. Eoy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 166-171. 42. Eesearches in statical electricity. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 81-100, 176-183. 43. On Electrical Force. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 28-30. 44. On some new Phenomena of Eesi- duary Charge, and the Law of Exploding Dis- tance of Electrical Accumulation on Coated Glass. Eoy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 247-257. HAR] 193 (HAR Harrison, B. F. On the solution of Ice formed on inland waters. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1863, pp. 49-57. Harrison, E. Geometrical theorems relating to a triangle. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 379-381. Harrison, J. Park. Evidences of lunar influence on temperature. Brit. Assoe. Rep. 1857, pp. 248-254 ; 1858 (pt. 2), p. 36 ; 1859, pp. 193- 200. 2. Lunar influence on temperature as con- nected with serenity of the sky. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 153-162. 3. On the similarity of the Lunar Curves of Minimum Temperature at Greenwich and Utrecht in the year 1859. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), p. 44. 4. On the Moon's influence over the tem- perature of the air. [1862.] Brit. Meteor. Soc. Proc. L, 1863. pp. 105-110. Harrison, Mansfield. On a Self-Registering Thermometer. "l3rit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 14-17. Harrison, Pcachei/. Observations on impreg- nation. Philad. Med. Mus. II., 1806, pp. 421- 426. Harrison, Eobcrf. On the Entozoa which are occasionally found in the muscles of the human subject. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836, p. 85. 2. On the bones which are found in the hearts of certain ruminant animals. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836, pp. 85-86. • 3. On the peculiarities of the anatomy of the Emu. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 67-82. 4. On the anatomy of the Elephant. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 385-398. 5. On the larynx, trachea, and oesophagus of the Elephant. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 132-135. 6. On the anatomy of the lachrymal appa- ratus in the Elephant. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 158-165. Harrison, Kobert, and J. D. Sollitt. On the Diatomacea; found in the vicinity of Hull. Phytologist, IV., 1853, pp. 1107-1108. Harrison, Thos. r Description of a Press for preserving botanical subjects ; with an account of the success of the improvement in the art of Blasting pointed out by Mr. JESSOP in this Journal. Nicholson, Journ. XL, 1805, pp. 236-242. Harrison, Thos., and C. Wilkinson. On the laws of Galvanism. Nicholson, Journ. IX., 1804, pp. 240-246. Harrison, W. P. Papers regarding the coal mines at Thatay Khyonng. India, Govt. Re- cords (For. Dept.), No. XXXIX., 1863. VOL. III. Harrup, R. On the opinion or inference that the chemical actions of Light and Heat are the same. Nicholson, Journ. V., 1802, pp. 245-247. 2. On the causes by which the oxygen of the atmosphere is supplied or renovated. Nichol- son, Journ. V., 1803, pp. 184-189. 3. Letter showing that the Smut in Wheat exists in the seed, and is greatly remedied by lime-steeping. Nicholson, Journ. XIII., 1806, pp. 113-117. 4. Letter on the diseases of Wheat. Nichol- son, Journ. XVIII., 1807, pp. 262-270. 5. Discussion on the cause of the figure of a man which was formed on the ice of the pond in Halnaker Park. Nicholson, Journ. XXXV., 1813, pp. 81-84. Harryngton, J. On Coal near the Damoda. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VII., 1858, p. 285. Hart, . Some account of a journey from Kurrachee to Hinglaj, in the Lus territory, descriptive of the intermediate country, and of the port of Soumeanee. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IX., 1840, pp. 134-154. Hart, Andrew S. Geometrical demonstrations of some properties of geodesic lines. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 80-84. 2. On geodesic lines traced on a surface of the second degree. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 192-194. 3. On the form of geodesic lines through the umbilic of an ellipsoid. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, p. 274. - 4. Construction by the ruler alone to de- termine the ninth point of intersection of two curves of the third degree. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jouru. VI., 1851, pp. 181-182. 5. An account of some transformations of curves. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VIII., 1853, pp. 47-50. 6. Geometrical investigation of STEINER'S construction for MALFATTI'S problem. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 219-222. 7. On the porism of the in-and-circum- scribed triangle. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, p. 143 ; Nouv. Ann. Math. XVIII., 1859, p. 166. 8. Extension of TERQUEM'S theorem re- specting the circle which bisects three sides of a triangle. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 260-261. Hart, John. On the light produced by the dis- charge of an air-gun. Quart. Journ. Sci. XV., 1823, pp. 64-66 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIX. (= Jalirb. IX.), 1823, pp. 251-254. 2. On a simple mechanical method of forming the curves for Reflectors and of illus- trating the principles of various Philosophical Instruments, &c. Edinb. Journ. Sci. L, 1824, pp. 314-318. B B EAR] 194 [EAR Hart, John. 3. Account of an improvement on the Galvanic Battery. [1825.] Eclinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1826, pp. 19-22. Hart, John. Account of a case of paralysis, the symptoms of which serve to illustrate the con- nexion existing between sensation and volun- tary motion. Dublin, Phil. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 393-398. 2. A case of irregular origin and course of the right Subclavian Artery and right in- ferior Laryngeal Nerve ; with remarks. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XXV., 1826, pp. 286-288. Hart, John, and Wm. Stokes. Observations on the actions of the Heart. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XXXIV., 1830, pp. 269-273; Froriep, Notizen, XXIX., 1831, col. 149-152. Hart, John. Description du squelette du Daim fossile d'Irlande (Cervus megaceros) du Mu- seum de la Societe Royale de Dublin. ( Transl.) Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 389-411. 2. Notice concernant les os humains trouves dans la caverne de Dnnmore-Park, dans le eomte de Kilkenny. (Transl.) Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XII., 1827, p. 113. 3. Observations on the fossil Deer of Ire- land (Cervus megaceros). Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1838, pp. 20-23. Hart, R. On an appearance seen in the Moon. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, pp. 89-90, 162-164. Hart, R. T. Over de alvleeschklier en hare verrigting. Amsterdam, Ouderz. Phys. Lab. IV., 1863, pp. 1-64. Hart, Robert. Report of the temperature and rain-fall, £c. of the year 1860, observed at Cess- nock Park. [1861.] Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. V., 1864, pp. 35-38. Hart, T. S. Notes on the Almaden Mine, Cali- fornia. Silliman, Journ.XVL, 1853, pp. 137-139. Hart, William. On an improved Electric Lamp. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 55-56. Hartcop, G. Die Wirkungen des Phosphors und die Phosphorvergiftung. Casper, Wochen- schrift, 1846, pp. 113-121, 133-143. Harten, O. Ueber das Chromsulfuret. Liebig, Annal. XXXVII., 1841, pp. 349-350. Hartenberger, Guido. Bestimmung analyt- ischer Gleichungen fiir die Seiten von Kegel- schnitts-Vielecken und Anwendung derselben. Wieu, Site. Ber. XX., 1856, pp. 541-548. 2. Ueber die Erzeugung geometrischer Curven. Crelle, Journ. LVIII., 1860, pp. 54-79. Hartig, Georg Ludwig. Ueber die in der Be- gattungszeit erhohete Lebenskraft der miinn- lichen Thiere. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. VII., 1816, pp. 77-80. 2. Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der grossen llaselmaus (Mus quercinus). Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. VIII., 1818, pp. 85-86. Hartig, Theodor. Ueber das Starkemehl, das Cambium, den Nahrungsaft und den Milchsaft der Holzpflanze, in phytophysiologischer, chem- ischer, und technischer Beziehung. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. V., 1835, pp. 217-227. • 2. Ueber die gestielten Eier der Schlupf- wespen. Wiegmann, Archiv, III., 1837, pp. 150-160. 3. Ueber die Familie der Gallwespeu. Germar, Zeitschr. Entom. II., 1840, pp. 176- 209. 4. Hymenopterologische Mittheilungen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. 1840, pp. 19-28. 5. Ueber die Entwickelung des Embryo der Coniferen und Cupuliferen mit zweijiihriger Samenreife. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Be- richt, 1841, pp. 176-178, 184-185. 6. Mikroskopische Untersuchung der kranken Kartoffeln. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1841, pp. 179-182. 7. Versuch einer Eintheilung der Pflanz- enlause (Phytophthires. Burm.) nach der Fliigel- bildung. Germar, Zeitschr. Entom. HI., 1841, pp. 359-376. 8. Nachtrag zur Naturgeschichte der Gall- wespen. Germar, Zeitschr. Entom. III., 1841, pp. 323-358 ; IV., 1843, pp. 395-422. 9. Ueber die Anfertigung entomologischer Lichtbilder. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. IV., 1843, pp. 98-104. 10. Documents pour servir a Phistoire du developpement des plantes. (Transl.) Ann. Sci. Nat, I. (Bot.), 1844, pp. 352-367. 11. Beitrage zur Algenkunde. Botan. Zeitung, IV., 1846, col. 193-199. 12. Ueber einige parasitische Hymenopt- eren des Harzes. Harz, Naturw. Ver. Ber. 1846-47, pp. 15-19. 13. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Pflanzen und zur Kenntniss der norddeutschen Braun- kohlen-Flora. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 122-128, 137-141, 166-172, 185-190. 14. Ueber die endosmotischeu Eigen- schaften der Pflanzenhiiute. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 309-317, 481-485. 15. Ueber die Oberhaut der Holzpflanzen. Botan. Zeitung, XI., 1853, col. 399-403. 16. Ueber die Adventiv - Knospen der Lenticellen. Botau. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 513-519. 17. Eiu Stearopten aus Juniperus vir- giniana. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 519. 18. Ueber die Entwickelung des Jahr- ringes der Holzpflanzen. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 553-560, 569-579. 19. Ueber Aufsangung gefiirbter Fliissig- keiten durch Steckreiser und belaubte Triebe. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 617-619. HAR] 195 [HAR Hartig, Thcodor. 2O. Das Amerikanische Platzekorn. Bota.n. Zeituug, XI., 1853, col. 638-639. 21. Ueber Bilduug uml Entwickelung der sogenanntun Knospeuwurzeln. Botan. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 1-7, 27-34. 22. Ueber die Querscheidewaude zwischen den einzelneii Gliedern der Siebrb'hren in Cucur- bita pepo. Botau. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 51- 54. 23. Chlorogen. Botan. Zeituug, XII., 1854, col. 553-556. 24. Ueber die Funktionen des Zellen- kerns. Botan. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 574- 585. 25. Ueber das Verfahren bei Behandlung des Zellenkerns mit FarbstofFen. Botan. Zeit- uug, XII., 1854, col. 877-881. 26. Ueber das Verhalten des Zellkerns bei der Zellentheilung. Botan. Zeitung. XII., 1854, col. 893-902. 27. Ueber das Leuchten des weissfaulen Holzes. Botan. Zeitung, XIII., 1855, col. 148- 149. 28. Ueber das Verhalten des Zellkerns bei der Zellbrut-Entwickelung. Botan. Zeitung, XIII., 1855, col. 161-169. 29. Ueber die Bilduug der Ablagerungs- schichten. Botan. Zeitung, XIII., 1855, col. 185-191. 3O. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Spi- ral faserzelle. Botan. Zeitung, XIIL, 1855, col. 201-203. . 31. Ueber die Entstehung der Mark- strahlen. Botan. Zeitung, XIIL, 1855, col. 2 1 7- 221. 32. Ueber die Wirkung verdiinnter Schwefelsiiure auf die Ablagerungsschichten der Zellwand in deren jugendlichstem Zustande. Botan. Zeitung, XIIL, 1855, col. 222-223; Microsc. Soc. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 78-80. — 33. Ueber die Bildung der Knospcndeck- blittter von Salix und Magnolia durcli Spalt- ungsfliichen. Botan. Zeitung, XIIL, 1855, col. 223-224. 34. Beitriige zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pflauzenzelle. Botau. Zeitung, XIIL, 1855, col. 393-401, 409-421, 433-441, 461-468, 483- 485, 505-513. 35. Ueber das Klebermehl. Botau. Zeit- ung, XIIL, 1855, col. 881-882 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.), 1856, pp. 325-349. 36. Ueber den Bau des Starkeniehls. Bo- tan. Zeitung, XUL, 1855, col. 905-911 ; XIV., col. 349-351. 37. Ueber wassrige Ausscheidungen durch die Pflanzeubliitter. Botan. Zeitung, XIIL, 1855, col. 911-913. Hartig, Theodor. 38. Weitere Mitiheilungcn, das Klebermehl (Aleuron) betreffend. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 257-268, 273-281, 297-305, 313-319, 329-335. 39. Ueber die Bewegung des Saftes in den Holzpflanzen. Botan. Zeitung, XVI., 1858, pp. 329-335, 337-342; XIX., 1861, pp. 17- 23; XX., 1862, pp. 73-76, 81-87, 89-94,97- 100, 105-109; XXL, 1863, pp. 269-274, 277- 281. • 40. Ueber den Herbstsaft der Holzpflanz- en. Botan. Zeitung, XVI., 1858, pp. 369-370. 41. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Pflanzen. Botan. Zeitung, XVI., 1858, pp. 378-379. — — 42. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomic der Holzpflauzen. Botan. Zeitung, XVIL, 1859, pp. 93-101, 105-112. 43. Verdunstuug der Zweigspitzen im unbelaubteu Zustande. Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 261-263. 44. Ueber das endosmotische Verhalten der Holzfaser. Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 285-286. 45. Folgen der Ringelung an einer Linde. Botan. Zeitung, XXI., 1863, p. 286. 46. Folgen der Rinselung an Nadelholz- Aesten, Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 286- 287. 47. Ueber die Thiitigkeit des Siebfaser- gewebes bei Riickleitung der Bildungssa'fte. Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 287-288. • — 48. Ueber die Zeit des Zuwachses der Baumwurzeln. Botan. Zeituug, XX f., 1863, pp. 288-289. 49. Ueber das sogenanute Abstcrben der Haarwurzeln (racines cheve.lues, Duham). Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, p. 289. 5O. Ueber die Schliesshaut des Nadelholz- Tiipfels. Botan. Zeituug, XXL, 1863, pp. 293- 296. 51. Ueber Abscheidung der Gase aus lufthaltigen Fliissigkeiten beim Eindriugen letzterer in capillare Riiumc. Botau. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 301-302. • 52. Ueber den Einfluss der Verdunstung auf Hebung desPflnuzensaftes. Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 302-304. 53. Ueber den Zucker und tiber einen dem Saliciu ahnlichen Korper aus den Cain- bialsiiften der Nadelholzer. Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 413-414. Harting, J. Edmund. A list of Waders that have occurred at Kingsbury Reservoir during the Summer of 1863. Newman, Zoologist, XXL, 1863, pp. 8828-8831. Harting, Pieter. Bijdragen tot de mikroskop- ische kennis der zachte dierlijke weefsels. Hoeven en Vreise, Tijdschrift, VI., 1839, pp. 1-45. B B 2 HAR] 196 [HAR Harting, Pieter. 2. Description d'un microscope a lentilles fortcment grossissantes et d'un micro- scope solaire portatif, suivie de quelques obser- vations pour servir a 1'histoire microscopique de tissus mous des animaux. Miquel, Bull. 1839, pp. 353-380. 3. Mikrometrische bepalingen en mikro- skopische aanteekeningen. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VII., 1840", pp. 165-256. 4. Limitcs de la sensibilite de quelques reactifs. Miquel, Bull. 1840, pp. 164-172 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXIV., 1841, pp. 385-388; Erclm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 45-52. 5. Etude microscopique des precipites et de leurs metamorphoses, appliqnce a 1'expli- cation de divers phenomenes physiques et physi- ologiques. Miquel, Bull. 1840, pp. 287-365; Liebig, Annal. XL1V., 1842, pp. 206-208. — — 6. Description d'un precede pour con- struire des lentilles microscopiques fortement grossissantes. Miquel, Bull. 1840, pp. 370- 378. 7. Gissingen betreffende de cerste vorming der cellen en derzelver kernen in plantaardige en dierlijkc weefsels, gegrond op bet onderzoek van anorganische praecipitaten. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VIII., 1841, pp. 179-202 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIIL, 1842, col. 257-264, 273-278. 8. Bijdrage tot de anatomie der Cactecu. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, IX., 1842, pp. 181-244. — 9. Waarnemingen over den groei der planten, en de omstandigheden, die daarop invloed hebben. Hoeven en Vreise, Tijdschrift, IX., 1842, pp. 296-348. 1O. Over de wijze van ontstaan, den oor- spronkelijken vorm en de opvolgende verander- ingen der door praecip'itatie voortgebragte or- ganisclie en anorganische vaste stoffen, inzond- erheid over do verschijnselen bij de vorming van kristallen. Hocven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, X., 1843, pp. 1 51-238. 11. Over den invloed, welke de warmte uitoefent op de metamorphoscn der praecipitaten, en bcschrijving van eenen toestel om dezelve te meteu. Hoeven en Vriese. Tijdschrift, X., 1843, pp. 239-288. 12. Middel om mikroskopische voorwerpen te bewaren. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, X., 1843, pp. 289-294. 13. Over de ontwikkcling der elementaire weefsels, gednrende den groei van den ee'njar- igen dicotyledonischen Stengel. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, XL, 1844, pp. 229-235 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Sot.), 1845, pp. 210-279; Linntea, XIX., 1847, pp. 465-566. Harting, Pieter. 14. 'Histologische Aantceke- ningeu. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, XII., 1845, pp. 25-48. 15. Vermeerdering van het aantal elemen- taire gevormdc deelen. in bepaalde organen voorhanden. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1845, pp. 28-36. • 16. Recherches sur la nature et les causes de la maladie des pommes-de-terre. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.), 1846, pp. 42-84 ; Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1846, pp. 8-16. 17. Mikrochemische Oiiderzoekingcn over den aard en de ontwikkeling van den Plant- aardigen Celvvand. Utrecht, Scheik. Onder- zoek. III., 1846, pp. 31-168; Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Bot.), 1846, pp. 326-331 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVII., 1846, pp. 329-333. 18. Brief an Herrn II. von MOHL, zur Beantwortung seines Aufsatzes : " Ueber das . Wachsthum der Zellmembran." Botan. Zeilung, V., 1847, col. 337-349. 19. Over de grenzen der Zigtbaarheid en onderscheidbaarheid dervoonverpen. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1847, pp. 46-56. 2O. Ueber das Wachsthum der vegeta- bilischen Zellenmembran. Holliind. Beitriige, I., 1848, pp. 185-217 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, X., 1849, pp. 335-336. 21. Over de Foraminiferen en Diatomeen en den Nederlandschen bodera. Utrecht, Aan- teek. Prov. Geuoots. 1848, pp. 23-29. • 22. Drie nieuwe physische werktuigen ; Hygrometer, Drijfbalans, en Atmometer of ver- dampingsmeter. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Ge noots. 1849, pp. 6-18. • 23. Over de Zamenstelling des Bodems onder Amsterdam. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1850, pp. 7-9. 24. Beschrijving van eenen nieuwen ver- lichtingstoestel voor doorshijnende mikroskop- ische voorwerpen. Nederlandsch Lancet, VI., 1850-51, pp. 457-472 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 311-316. 25. Gebruik van gerectificeerde steen- kolenolie. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1851, pp. 18-19. 26. Vergadering de uitkomsten niede, door hem verkregen bij gelegenheid van een bezoek van het Breukelerveen op den 3dcn Junij 1850. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1851, pp. 19-24. 27. Over de vorming van kunstmatig bind- weefsel nit eiwit. Nederlandsch Lancet, I., 1851-52, pp. 164-179. 28. Over de bloedschijfjes. Nederlandsch Lancet. I., 1851-52, pp. 224-229. . 29. Over de Bodem onder Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Verhand. V., 1852, pp. 73-232. EAR] 197 [HAE Harting, Pieter. 30. Natuurkundig onder- zoek van het eiland Urk. Utrecht, Aantcek. Prov. Genoots. 1852, pp. 26-28. 31. Verslag over Let voorstel. Amster- dam, Verslag. Akad. I., 1853, pp. 177-192. 32. Mode of determining the optical power of a Microscope. ( Transl.) Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1853, pp. 483-487. . 33. Ue bodem onder Gorinchem. Ver hand. Geol. Kaart Nederl. I., 1853, pp. 103- 143. 34. Onderzoek der gronden, verkregen bij de putboring, te Gorinchem in 1835 en volgende jaren verrigt. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Ge- noots. 1853, pp. 4-6. 35. Sur la constitution geologique cles environs d' Amsterdam, de Gorinchem et de I'ile d'Urk. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XI., 1853-54, pp. 21-40. 36. Vergadering, dat hij reeds voor twee jaren haar de hoofduitkomsten heeft medegedeeld van eenige onderzoekingen over de sapstijging in den wijnstok. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Ge- noots. 1853-54, pp. 40-48. 37. Proefnemingen omtrent de sapbewe- ging in de planten. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1853-54, pp. 156-165. 38. Over de kunstmatige uitbroeijing van vischeijercn. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1854-55, pp. 35-36. 39. Tegenbcdenkingen op het betoog van den Heer G. J. MDLDEE, van waar bekomen de niet bemeste planten hare stikstof? Amster- dam, Verslag. Akad. III., 1855, pp. 89-91. 40. Over kleine Maalstroombewegingen in mengsels van water met vlugtige vloeistolfen. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. III., 1855, pp, 445-464 50-67. 41. Recherches concernant I'assimilation de 1'azotc de 1'air par les vegetaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 942-946. 42. Uebcr das Absorptionsvermogen des reinen und des unreinen Chlorophylls fur die Strahlen der Sonne. Poggend. Annal. XCVI., 1855, pp. 543-550. 43. Merkwaardige wijze, waarop alkohol- ische aftreksels van groene plantendeelen somm- ige stralen van het spectrum doorlatcn en audere absorberen, reeds meermalen is beschreven. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1855-56, pp. 38-46. . 44. Description d'un diamant remarquablc contenant des cristaux. Amsterdam, Verhand. VI., 1858. 45. Naamlijst van Planten op do eilanden Texel en Wieringen. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. VII., 1858, pp. 257-273. Poggend. Anual. XCVIL, 1856, pp. Harting, Pieter. 46. Note sur les corpuscules san^uins du Cryptobranchus Japonicus. Am- sterdam, Verslag. Akad. VII., 1858, pp. 368- 372. 47. Modes of determining, by the use of the microscope, the refractive index of fluids. (Transl.) Journ. Microsc. Sci. VI, 1858, pp. 107-113. 48. Over reusachtige Cephalopoden. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1859, pp. 57- 58. — • 49. Remarques sur la maniere dont les Tarets perforent le bois. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Zool.\ 1860, pp. 127-128. SO. Verslag van zijn voorloopig onderzoek van eeu aantal nienschelijko beenderen, opge- graven aan de Zuidzijdc van den Wageningschen berg. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Geuoots. 1860, pp. 5-12. 51. Description de quelques fragments do deux Cephalopodes gigantesques. Amsterdam, Verhand. IX., 1861. 52. De nieuwere Lenzenstelscls van MEEZ en van HARTNACK, en de grenzeu van het opti?ch vermogen onzcr hedendaagsche Mikroskopen. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XI., 1861, pp. 265- 285; XII., 1861, pp. 95-100 ; Poggend. Annal. CXIV., 1861, pp. 82-99. Harting, Pieter, en J. W. Gunning. Onderzoek- ingen over de bron der stikstof voor de planten en het ammoniakgehalte der dampkringslucht. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. III., 1855, pp. 38- 60. Harting, Pieter, J. van der Hoeven, en F. A. IV. Miquel. Verslag over een in hunne handen gesteld, uit de zee opgehaald organisch voor- werp over gronden door diepzeeloodingen in de Banda-Zee opgebragt en over passaatstof. Am- sterdam, Verslag. Akad. XI., 1861, pp. 286- 299. Harting, Pieter, en C. J. BKatthes. Verslag over den vermoedelijken uitvinder van het Mikroskoop. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. I., 1853, pp. 64-78. Harting, Pieter, en W. C. II. Staring. Het eiland Urk, het Nederlandsch Diluvium. Ver- hand. Geol. Kaart. Nederl. II., 1854, pp. 157- 185. Hartlaub, Gttstav. Nouvelle espece do Bec-en- fourreau (Chionis minor). Revue Zool. IV., 1841, pp. 5-6. . 2. Description d'une nouvellc espece du genre Tangara (T. iridina). Revue Zool. IV., 1841, p. 305. 3. Notice sur 1'Eurinorhynchus pygmoeus, Bonaparte. Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 36- 38. . 4. Notices synonymiques. Revue Zool. V., 1842, p. 55. EAR] 198 [EAR Hartlaub, Gtistav. 5. Notes eur Ic " Genera Aviuin" de G. R. GRAY. Revue Zool. V., 1842, p. 202 ; Oken, Isis, 1845, col. 895-904. 6. Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Barbu (Bucco Malaccensis). Revue Zool. V., 1842. pp. 336-337. 7. Note sur les Pitta et description d'une espece nouvelle (P. cucullata) de ce genre d'oiseaux. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 65-66. 8. Lauius uubicus decouvert en Grece. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, p. 159. 9. Description de quatre especes d'oiseaux de la Nouvelle Grenade (Virio versicolor, Myio- bius diadema, M. pyrrhopterus, Todirostrum granadense). Revue Zool. VI., 1 843, pp. 289-290. 10. Description de sept Oiseaux nouveaux de Guatemala. Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 214-216. 11. Notices ornithologiques. Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 369-370. 12. Nouvelles especes d'oiseaux de 1'Inde. Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 401-403. 13. Notice sur le genre lora, Horsficld. Mag. de Zool. 1845, p. 60. 14. Ueber BREIIM'S Australische Vogel. Oken, Isis, 1845, col. 665-666. 15. Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Garrulus (G. Brandtii, Evcrsm.). Revue Zool. VIII., 1845, pp. 52-53. 16. Notes ornithologiques. Revue Zool. VIII., 1845, pp. 342-343. • 17. Description de trois nouvelles especes d'oiseaux (Muscicapa tricolor, HypLantornis flavigula, H. modestus). Revue Zool. VIII., 1845, pp. 406-407. 18. [Bericbtigung zu RUPFEL'S systemat- iscber Uebersicht der Vogel Nord-Ost-Africas.] Oken, Isis, 1846, col. 483-489. 19. Notices et rectifications synonymiques. Revue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 1-5. 2O. Note monographique sur le genre Dicee. Revue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 47-48. 21. Ueber den beutigen Zustand unserer Kenntiiisse von WestindiensOruitbologie. Oken, Isis, 1847, col. 604-615 ; 1848, col. 401-409. 22. Notice sur une nouvelle espece du genre Ca3reba (C. nitida, Vieillof). Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 84-85. in der 23. Bericlit iiber die Leistungen Naturgescbicbte der Vogel wahrend der Jabre 1846-1863. Wiegmann, Arcbiv, XIII., 1847, pp. 43-64; XIV., 1848, pp. 1-26; XV., 1849, pp. 31-53; XVI., 1850, pp. 43-66; XVII., 1851, pp. 53-65; XVIIL, 1852, pp. 1-38; XIX., 1853, pp. 26-59 ; XX., 1854, pp. 31-71; XXI., 1855, pp. 43-74 ; XXII., 1856, pp. 1-32; XXIII., 1857, pp. 29-61 ; XXIV., 1858, pp. 1-29; XXV., 1859, pp. 24-55; XXVI., 1860, pp. 70-102; XXVII., 1861,pp.37-73; XXVIIL, 1862, pp. 49-82; XXIX., 1863, p. 33. Hartlaub, Gustav. 24. Ueber den gegenwart- igeu Staudpunkt unserer Kenntnisse von der Oruithologie Madagascars. D' Alton u. Birnn. Zeitg. Zool. I., 1848, pp. 149-153, 157-160 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. II., 1848, pp. 383-396. 25. Description de cinq uouvelles especes d'oiseaux de I'Af'rique occidentale. Revue Zool. X., 1848, pp. 108-110. 26. Description de deux uouvelles especes d'oiseaux de Caraccas (Conurus erytbrocblorus et Icterus inelanopterus). Rev. et Mag. Zool. I., 1849, pp. 274-275. 27. Description de deux uouvelles especes d'oiseaux de Venezuela (Ampelis formosa et Turdus vulpiuus). Rev. et Mag. Zool. I., 1849, pp. 275-277. 28. Note monograpbique sur le sous-genre Pyrrliorhynchus. Rev. et Mag. Zool. I., 1849, pp. 493-494. 29. Description de cinq nouvelles especes d'oiseaux de I'Afrique occideutale. Rev. et Mag. Zool. I., 1849, pp. 494-499. 30. Description d'une uouvelle espece de Turdus (T. aurantiirostris) de Venezuela. Rev. et Mag. Zool. II., 1850, p. 158. 31. Sur une nouvelle espece de Colombe de Chili (Zenaida iuuotata). Rev. et Mag. Zool. III., 1851, p. 74. 32. Sur la Pachycephala niacrorhyucha, Strickl. Rev. et Mag. Zool. III., 1851, pp. 181- 183. 33. Beitrag zur Ornithologie West- Africa's. Hamburg, Abbandl. II., 1852, pp. 1-56, 57- 68. • 34. Description de quelques nouvelles especes d'oiseaux. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IV., 1852, pp. 3-7. 35. Sur une nouvelle espece du genre Pomatorbinus (P. ruflceps) de la Nouvelle Hol- lunde. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IV., 1852, p. 316. 36. Sur une nouvelle espece du genre Me- lanotis, Bonap. (M. hypoleucus). Rev. et Mag. Zool. IV., 1852, p. 460. 37. Zur geographischen Verbreitung der Gattung Turacus, Cuv. Wiegmann, Archiv, X VIII., 1852, pp. 18-21. 38. R. Titian PEALE'S Vogel der " United States Exploring Expedition " im Auszuge niitgetheilt und mit kritischen Annierkungen verseben. Wiegmann, Arcbiv, XVIIL, 1852, pp. 93-138. 39. Beitnige zur exotischeu Ornithologie. Cabanis, Jouru. Ornithol. I., 1853, pp. 30-44 ; II., 1854, pp. 409-421 ; III., 1855, pp. 97- 100. 40. Kritische Revision der Gattung Fulica, Lin. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. I., 1853 (extra), pp. 73-89. • 41. Neue Art der Gattung Tricbophorus. Cabanis, Journ. Oraithol. I., 1853, p. 156. EAR] 199 [HAR Hartlaub, Giistar. 42. Versuch einer synopt- ischen Ornithologie West-Africa's. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. I., 1853, pp. 385-400; II., 1854, pp. 1-32, 97-128, 193-218, 289-308. 43. Bericht fiber eine Sendung von Vb'geln, gesammelt um Valdivia im siidlichsten Chile durch Dr. PHILIPPJ. Naumaunia, 1853, pp. 207-222. 44. Ein Besuch auf dem Schiiferhofe. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. Ixi- Ixv. 45. Ueber Ceylon's Ornithologie. Cabanis. Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 151-160. 46. Zur Ornithologie Oceanien's. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 160-171. 47. Ornithologische Bemerkungen iiber die zoologischen Garten Belgiens. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 253-257. 48. Ornithologische Miscellen. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 257-260. 49. Vorliiufiges iiber die von B. ALTUM beschriebene kleine Schwanenart. Naumannia, 1854, pp. 327-329. SO. Ueber Tetrao falcipennis, nov. xp. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1 855, pp. 39- 42. 51. Zur Ornithologie Indiens. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 317-336. 52. Ueber Grus hoyianus, Dudl. Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 336- 337. 53. Beschreibung einiger neuen, von Herrn H. S. PEL, hollandischem Kesidenten an der Goldkiiste, daselbst gesammelten Vb'gelarten. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 353- 361. 54. Systematisches Verzeichniss der von Herrn H. S. PEL auf der Goldkiiste zwischen Cap Tres Puntas und Accrah gesammelten VSgel. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 360-361. 55. Zwei unbeschriebene VSgel des Leyd- ner Museums (Oriturus Wrangelii, Brandt ; Lauius lugubris, Tcmm.). Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 361-362. 56. Index zu PUCHEEAN'S " Etudes sur les types peu connus du Musee de Paris," in GUE- KIN'S Revue et Magazin de Zoologie. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 417-426. 57. Zur Ornithologie Siidamerica's. Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. V., 1857, pp. 36-50. 58. Ueber drei neue Vb'gel Westafrica's. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, pp. 41- 43. 59. Ueber eine neue Art der Gattuug Irrisor (I. Bollei). Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, p. 443. 6O. Note sur les Lamprotornina?. Kev. et Mag. Zool. X., 1858, pp. 346-348. Hartlaub, Gitstar. 61. On new species of Birds from Western Africa, in the collection of the British Museum. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVI., 1858, pp. 291-294. 62. Synopsis generis Fringillinre : Ery- thrurse. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVL, 1858, pp. 461-462. • 63. Monographische Uebersicht der Glanz- staare (Lamprotornithinse) Africa's. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 1-36, 110- 111. 64. Zur Fortpflanzungsgeschichte der Vo'gel Indiens. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 282-293. 65. Ueber Bradyornis, Smith, und Sigelus, Cab. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 321-325. 66. Ueber Eurinorhynchus pygmasus, Lin. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 325-329. 67. Systematische Uebersicht der Vo'gel Madagascars. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VIII., 1860, pp. 1-16, 81-112, 161-180. 68. Drei neue Africanische Vo'gel der Pariser Sammlung. Cabanis, Jouru. Ornithol. VIII., 1860, pp. 340-341. 69. Sur un nouveau genre et une nouvelle espece d'Oiseau de 1'Afrique occidentale (Cas- sinia rubicunda). Rev. et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, p. 82. 70. On a new form of grallatorial bird nearly allied to the Cariama (Dicholophus cris- tatus). Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVIII., 1860, pp. 334-336. 71. Ueber einige neue Vo'gel Westafrica's. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IX., 1861, pp. 11- 13. 72. Berichtigungen und Zusiitze zu meinem " System der Ornithologie Westafrica's." Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. IX., 1861, pp. 97-112, 161-176, 257-276. 73. On a new bird from Western Africa. Sclater, Ibis, III., 1861, pp. 321-323. 74. On some new or little-known birds from the Cape Colony. Sclater, Ibis, IV., 1862, pp. 143-149. 75. On a new bird from the Isle of Mada- gascar (Tylas Eduardi). Zool. Soc. Proc. 1862, pp. 152-153, 224. 76. On some birds collected by Capt. J. E. SPEKE at Kazeh in Eastern Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 105-106. 77. Characters of a new species of Sedge Warbler from Madagascar (Calamoherpe New- toni). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1863, p. 165. Hartlaub, Gustav, and J. J. Monteiro. On some Birds collected in Angola. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXV1IL, 1860, pp. 109-112. HAR] 200 [HAR Hartleben, Ueber das Vorkommen von Quecksilber in tier Liineburger Haide. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1854,, pp. 560-563. Hartley, J. B. On preventing the corrosion of cast and wrought iron immersed in salt water. Brit. Assoc. Kep. 1837 (pt. 2), pp. 56-57. Hartman, Carl J. Beskrifning pa. Areskutf- i.:il!et i Jiimtland. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXXV., 1814, pp. 57-1 15. 2. Physiographiska observationer under en resa genom vestliga delarne af Gestrikland, Hel- sino-land, och Jiimtland. Stockholm. Akad. Handl. XXXIX., 1818, pp. 121-160. Hartman, Carl J. Undersokning roramle niigra af LIXNES omtvistade Svenska vextarter. Llnd- blom, Botan. Not. 1840, pp. 81-92. 2. Olof IluDisECKS Lappska vexter. Lind- blom, Botan. Not. 1841, pp. 49-57, 64-70. 3. Tilliigg och rattelser till " Handbok i Skandinaviens Flora," ed. 3. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1841, pp. 81-112. 4. Varens utveckling vid Gefle aren 1840- 1846. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1842, pp. 64-72 ; 1844, pp. 177-189 ; 1846, pp. 150-152 ; Flora, XXVIII., 1845, pp. 177-189. 5. Beskrifningar af fciljande som ham for- modade nya Bladmossor. Skand. Naturf. Fo'r- liaudl. IV., 1844, pp. 187-188. 6. Anmiirkuingar vid Prof. FRIES' " Re- servation mot en del antagna asigtcr ofveratskil- liga Svenska vextern." Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1845, pp. 137-162; Hornschuch, Archiv, II., 1850, pp. 45-77. • 7. Undersokning om LINNES Orchis lati- folia och incaruata. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1846, pp. 144-149. 8. Motiver for beliandlingcii af en del vex- ter i undertecknads Svensk och Norsk Excur- sions-Flora. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1846, pp. 161-180. 9. Antcckningar vid do Skandinaviska Viixterna i LINNIOS Herbarium. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1849, pp. 145-193; 1851, pp. 211-426. 10. Bemerkungen iiber LINNE'S Mentha sativa und gentilis. Flora, XXXIII., 1850, pp. 49-52 ; Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 179-182. Hartman, Cttrl J., und A. E. Lindblom. Kort redogorelse for Botaniska sektionens forhand- lingar vid Skandinaviska naturforskarnes sam- mantrade i Kristiania 1844. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1844. pp. 97-103. Hartman, F., und A. Mousson. Aus einem Expertecberichto iiber die Qucllen von Pfdfers, Canton St. Gallen. Zurich, Vierteljahrsschr. I., 1856, pp. 162-180. Hartman, 7?. De Svenska arterna nf sliigtet Utricularia. Fries, Botan. Notiser, 1857, pp. 25-32 ; Flora, XL, 1857, pp. 669-671. Hartmann, . Ueber eine neue Blutegelart. Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 227-229. Hartmann, . Breitenbestimmung von Alien hayn und von Lahr im Breisgau. Zach, Mo- nat. Corresp. XVIII., 1808, pp. 458-460. Hartmann, Carl. De hydrophobia. Kiel, Schriften, IV., 1858. Hartmann, I)., und Schiibler. Untcrsuchmigen iiber die Regenverhiilttiisse der Schwabisnhen Alp und des Schwarzwaldes. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XXIV, 1832, pp. 209-223. Hartmann, F. Nekrose, herbeigefiihrt durch Verstopfung des Foramen nutritium. Virchow, Archiv, VIII, 1855, pp. 114-125. Hartmann, F. C. Beobachtungeu bei dem Ent- stehen eines Gewitters und iiber den daraus crfolgten Blitzschlag zu Echtcrnach am 15 August 1856. Luxemb. Soc. Sci. Nat. IV., 1855-56, pp. 66-76. Hartmann, G. L. Der angebliche Salmo Al- pinus, oder auseinandergesetzte Naturgeschichte der Rothforelle und der Bachforelle. Alpina, I, 1806, pp. 87-105. 2. Verzeichniss meiner innliindischen Con- chylien-Sammlung, als ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Schweizerischen Land- und Wasser- schneeken. Alpina, II., 1807, pp. 206-236. Hartmann, J. Ueber Anilin und Anilinfabri- kation. Niederosterr. Gewerb. Ver. Verhandl. 1863, pp. 274-280. Hartmann, J. G. Beschreibung der Weisseritz- TJeberbriickung in Dresden. Der Civilingenieur, I, 1854, pp. 230-232. Hartmann, Jo/tann Gcorg Fricdrick. Ueber die Correction der mit dem doppelt rejietirenden Theodoliten gemessenen Winkel, wegen der Excentricitiit des zweiten oder sogenannten Versicherungs-Fernrohrs. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 227-230. 2. Ueber die Correction der gemessenen Horizontal- Winkel wegen excentrischer Auf- stellung des Instrumentes. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 233-248 3. Ueber die Benutzung des fehlerzeigen- den Dreiecks zur Bestimrnung der Correction des angeniiherten vierten Punkts. Astr. Nachr. VH, 1829, col. 235-238. 4. Ueber die Benutzung von zwei gleichen enlgegengesetz-liegenden fehlerzeigenden Drci- ccken zur Besthninung der unbekannten Beo- bachtungsstelle. Astr. Nachr. VII, 1829, col. 237-240. HAR] 201 [HAR Hartmann, Johann Gcorg Fricdrich. 5. Ueber die Bestimmung der Coordinaten von zwei un- bekannten Punkten, wenn man YOU jedem dieser Punkte dieselben beiden bekannten Punkte und auch die unbekannten Punkte sieht. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 239-242. • 6. Ueber die Ausgleichnng des Einflusses der Exeentricitiit bei eingetbeilten Kreisen, durch das Ablesen an verschiedenen Nonien. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, pp. col. 241-246. 7. Ueber die Ausgleichung des Fehlers in den gemessenen Horizontalwinkeln, welcbe nur durch das Ablesen an dem nicht genau hori- zontal liegenden eingetheilten Kreis cntsteht. Astr. Nachr. VIL, 1829, col. 247-248. .8. Ueber die genaue Bestimmung der Brechung uiid Zerstreuung des Lichts in ge- gebenen Glasarten mit Hiilfe sorgfiiltig ge- schliifener Prismen. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 265-280. • 9. Ueber dio Berechnuug der Brennweite der verschiedenen dioptriscben Glaser. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 277-280. 1O. [Ueber die Theilungen der Instru- mente von ERTEL und HOHNBADM.] Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 309-312. Hartmann, Julius. Bemerkung iiber das Zeich- nen vou Krystallcn, u. s. w. Grunert, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 368-372. 2. Ueber den Winkelspiegel. Grunert, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 55-79. 3. Einige Beobachtungen und Benierkung- en iiber Personaldifferenz. Grunert, Archiv, XXXI., 1858, pp. 1-26. 4. Multiplicationstafeln zur Icichteren und sicherern Berechnung der Proportion altheile bei logarithmisch - trigonometrischen Rechnungen mit den 7-stelligen Tafehi von VEGA. Grunert, Archiv, XXXI., 1858, pp. 63-65. Hartmann, Karl. Mineralogical notices. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 342-343. 2. Crystallographisches Bedenken. [Die Arbeiten der Professoren BREITHAUPT und HESSEL iiber die Feldspathfamilie.] Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 787-788. 3. Ueber die in der Nahe von Blankenburg am Harze gefundcnen Blitzrohreu. Schweigger, Journ. LVII. (= Jahrb. XXVII.), 1829, pp. 206-213. 4. Mineralogical, Geological, and Chemical Notices. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1831, pp. 68- — 5. Ueber den Betrieb Riibcland am Harz. Erdm. II., 1834, pp. 335-337, 6. Notizen iiber den Hohofens zu Rothchiitte am Gebliiseluft. Erdm. Journ. 1834, pp. 95-97. VOL. III. des Cupolofens zu Journ. Prak. Chem. Betrieb des einen Harz mit erhitzter Prak. Chem. III., Hartmanu, Karl. 7. Beschreibung und Zerle- gung mehrerer neuer Mineralien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 489-516. 8. Ueber das Vorkommeu und die Ver- breitung des Kochsalzcs auf der Erdoberfliiche. Berg. u. Huttenm. Zeitg. VII., 1848, col. 1-5, 27-30, 51-58, 83-89, 115-121, 171-177. Hartmann, L. J. Liingenbestimmung von Dur- lach. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVI., 1807, pp. 391-394. Hartmann, Rob. Skizze der Landschaft Seunar. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, XIV., 1863, pp. 1- 40, 153-200. Hartmann, Robert. Bemerkungen iiber die elektrischen Organe der Fische. Reichert, Archiv, 1861, pp. 646-670 ; 1862, pp. 762- 772. 2. Die Endigungsweise der Gehornerven im Labyrinthe der Knochenfische. Reichert, Archiv., 1862, pp. 508-525. 3. Ueber die Endigungsweise der Nerven in den Papilla? fungiformes der Froschzunge. Reichert, Archiv, 1863, pp. 634-648, 710- 716. Hartmann, Vinzenz. Anleituug zur Bestimmung der wildvvachseudeu phanerogamen Flora Klagen- furt's. Klagenfurt, Jahresb. Realschule, IV., 1856. Hartmann, Wilhelm. Dissertatio sisteus obser- vationes botauicas de discrimine generico Betula; et Alni. Roraer, Archiv Botan. II., 1799-1801, pp. 351-378. Hartner, . Allgemeiner Beweiss fiir LEH- JIANN'S Satz iiber die Losung des Pothenot'schen Problems. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 216- 222, (Abth. 2). Hartnup, John. Results of observations made with a Sextant and Pocket Chronometer, for determining the latitude and longitude of the apartments of the Society. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843-45, p. 16. 2. Observations of Neptune. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 23, 43, 220 ; X., 1849-50, pp. 26, 163 ; XL, 1850-51, pp. 10-11. 3. Observations of ENCKE'S comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 28-29. 4. Observations of PETERSEN'S second comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848- 49, pp. 47-49. 5. Observations of Iris. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 97-99, 129; X., 1849-50, pp. 134, 148; XL, 1850-51, pp. 214-215 ; Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 95- 96. 6. Eclipses of Jupiter's satellites. Astron. Son, Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, p. 105. c c HAR] 202 [HAR Hartnup, John. 7. Observations of Flora. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, p. 154 ; X., 1849-50, p. 163 ; XI., 1850-51, pp. 9-10. = 8. Observations of Hebe. Astron. Soe. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, p. 157; X. 1849- 50, pp. 127-128. 9. Observations of Ceres. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, p. 221. 1O. Observations of Pallas. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, p. 222. 11. Observations of Metis. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 25, 43-44, 112 ; XL, 1850-51, pp. 128-130, 139. 12. Observations of Juno. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 112, 148-149. 13. Observations of Vesta. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, p. 112. 14. Observations of Astraa. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 113, 132 ; XL, 1850-51, p. 154. 15. Observations of y Virginis. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 136-137. 16. Observations of Hygeia. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 162-163; XL, 1850-51, pp. 213-214. 17. Observations taken at the Liverpool Observatory. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 273-276. — 18. Observations of PETERSEN'S comet and of Iris. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 349-350. 19. Observations of Victoria. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 54-57, 125 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 213-214. 2O. Observations of Egeria. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 125-127; XII., 1851-52, pp. 133-134. 21. Observations of Irene. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XI. 1850-51, pp. 206-209 ; XII., 1851-52, p. 198. 22. BOND'S ring of Saturn. Astron. Soc. Month. Not, XI., 1850-51, p. 230. 23. Observations of Flora, Neptune, and Victoria. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 302- 304. 24. Observations of DE G-AsrARis' new planet and of Victoria. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 363-368. 25. Observations of Victoria, Egeria, and Metis. Astr. Nachr. XXXIL, 1851, col. 135- 138. 26. Observations of Metis, Astrrea, and Irene. Astr. Nachr. XXXLL, 1851, col. 309-310. 27. Meteorological results deduced from observations taken at the Liverpool Observatory during the five years ending December 31st, 1850. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1851 (App.2); Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 238-242. Hartnup, John. 28. Observations of ENCKE'S comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851- 52, pp. 27-28. 29. Solar eclipse of 28 July 1851. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 140-142. 30. Observations of BRORSEN'S comet and of Irene, Hebe, Iris, and Hygeia. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 271-276. 31. Observations of the planets Victoria and Parthenope ; of ENCKE'S and BRORSEN'S comets. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 1 1- 16. 32. On the determination of the latitude of the Liverpool Observatory by means of obser- vations made in the prime vertical. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIII., 1852-53, pp. 242- 247. 33. Observations of Melpomene, Comet II. 1852, Fortuna, Irene, and Thetis taken at the Liverpool Observatory. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 229-232. 34. Observations of Calliope, Fortuna, Comet II. 1852, Eunomia, Melpomene, Hygeia, and Thalia. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 391-396. 35. Observations of Thalia, Calliope-, Comet II. 1853, Comet I. 1853, Iris, and Victoria. Astr. Nachr. XXXVI., 1853, col. 345-348. 36. Daylight observations of Comet HI. 1853. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853- 54, p. 12. 37. Observations of Proserpina, Comet III. 1853, Phocasa, and Thetis. Astr. Nachr. XXX VII., 1854, col. 209-212. 38. Observations of the new planet, dis- covered by Mr. HIND on the 8th of November 1853. Astr. Nachr. XXXVH., 1854, col. 347- 348. 39. Observations of Metis, Astraja, Flora, and Irene. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 355-358. 40. Observations of Euterpe and Lutetia. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 393-394. 41. On Time-balls and Sympathetic Clocks. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1854, pp. 132- 133. = 42. Meteorological results deduced from observations taken at the Liverpool Observatory during the two years ending December 31st, 1852. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1854 (App.). 43. Observations of the comet discovered at the Imperial Observatory at Paris on the 4th of June (Comet II. 1855), taken with the 8^-iuch Achromatic Refractor of the Liverpool Observatory. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV.. 1854-55, p. 225. EAR] 203 [HAR Hartnup, John. 44. Observations of Comet III. 1855, taken with 8i-inch Refractor of the Liver- pool Observatory. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, p. 45 ; Astr. Nachr. XLIL, 1856, col. 245-248. 45. Observations of Comets II. and III. 1855, and of Atalanta and Fides. Astr. Nachr. XLII, 1856, col. 221-224. 46. Observations of Fides, Atalanta, and the new Planet @. Astr. Nachr. XLII., 1856, col. 333-336. 47. Results deduced from observations, taken with the Self-registering Anemometer and Rain-gauge, at the Liverpool Observatory during the four years ending December 1855. Lancashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. VIII., 1856, pp. 212-216. 48. Note on the division of the outward ring of Saturn. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, p. 10. 49. Occultation of Jupiter, as observed at Liverpool. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, p. 73. 50. Observations of Comet LI. 1857, and of the new planet @ Ariadne. Astr. Nachr. XLVL, 1857, col. 9-10. 51. Observations of Isis and Fides. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 59-60. 52. On controlling the movements of ordinary clocks by galvanic currents. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 13, 180-181. •• 53. On the importance of testing chrono- meters before they are used at sea. Lancashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. LX., 1857, pp. 11-20. 54. Observations of Comet V. 1857, and of Comet I. 1858. Astr. Nachr. XL VIII., 1858, col. 185-188. 55. Observations of Comet V. 1858. Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 267-270. 56. Observations of Comet V. 1859 (DONAH'S), taken with the Equatoreal of the Liverpool Observatory. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. XIX., 1859, pp. 54-56. 57. On the Great Comet of 1858. Lan- cashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. XL, 1859, pp. 199- 219. 58. Observations of Comet LI. 1862, taken with the Equatoreal of the Liverpool Obser- vatory. Astr. Nachr. LIX., 1863, col. 75-76. . 59, On the rating of Chronometers. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIII., 1863, pp. 170-172. Hartop, Henry. On the boilers of steam-engines and the construction of engine chimneys. West Yorks. Proc. Geol. Soc. I., 1839-42, pp. 13-21. 2. On the occurrence of shells in the Yorkshire Coalfield. West Yorks. Proc. Geol. Soc. 1839-42, pp. 200-201. Hartop, Henry. 3. On the relative properties of Iron made by the use of cold and hot air blasts in the smelting furnace. West Yorks. Proc. Geol. Soc. II., 1842-48, pp. 2-13. Hartshorn, Frederic H. Two cases of hemi- cephalous monsters. Assoc. Med. Jouru. IV, 1856, pp. 422-423. Hartshorne, Henry. On the arterial circulation, its physiology and chief pathological relations. Amer. Med. Assoc. Trans. IX., 1856, pp. 779- 837. Hartstein, Versuche iiber die Wirkung verschiedener Diingungsmittel. Annal. Land- wirths. XXXIV., 1859, pp. 25-47; XXX VII., 1861, pp. 163-193. Hartung, . Das Vorkommen des Antimon auf den Werken des Schleizer Bergbau-Vereins. Gera, Jahresber. Naturw. V., 1862, pp. 19-22; VI., 1863, pp. 32-35. Hartvall, Victor. Undersokning af nagra mine- ralier (Fergusouite, Manganesian Epidote). Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1828, pp. 167-173 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 38- 39; Poggend. Annal. XVI., 1829, pp. 479- 485. Hartweg, Theodore. Journal of a mission to California in search of Plants. Hortic. Soc. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 180-185 ; II., pp. 121-124, 187-190; IH., pp. 217-227. • 2. Notes of a visit to Mexico, Guatemala, and Equatorial America, during the years 1836— 43, in search of plants and seeds for the Horti- cultural Society. Hortic. Soc. Trans. III., 1843-48, pp. 115-162. Hartwell, C. On Spodumene. Silliman, Journ, X., 1850, pp. 119-120. 2. Description of a tertiary Rainbow. Sil- liman, Jouru. XVII., 1854, pp. 56-57. Hartwell, C., and E, Hitchcock. On a new Spoduniene locality at Norwich, Mass. Silliman, Journ. X., 1850, pp. 264-265. Hartwig, E. Ueber das Rittener Gebirge bei Botzeu uud die Seisser Alp. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. ILL, 1846, pp. 171-182. Hartwig, Ernst ff'ilhelm. Vergleichung von Beobachtungen des Cometen 1852, 1. mit nieinen hyperbolischen Elemente in Nr. 820. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 91-92. 2. Elemente und Ephemeriden der Thetis. Astr. Nachr. XXXVI., 1853, col. 101-104. 3. Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXVI., 1853, col. 195-196. 4. Vergleichung der Beobachtuugen der Thetis nach ihrer Wiederauffindung. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 151-152. 5. Berechuung einer im Jahre 878 im mittleren Deutschland beobachteten totalen Sonnenfinsterniss. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 207-210. C c 2 HAR] 204 [HAR Hartwig, Ernst H ilhchn. 6. Ephr-rneride der Thetis fiir 12h Mittl. Berl. Zeit. Astr. Nachr. XXXVII., 1854, col. 253-256. 7. Bahnbestimmung cles Cometen I. 1853. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 403-410. 8. Elemente imd Ephemeride der Euterpe. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 103-106. 9. Bestimmung dor Euterpe. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 241-250. 1O. Einige Zusatze zu Johann BERNOULLI'S Theorie der zweif'achen Bewegung der Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XLI., 1855, col. 121-128; Nouv. Ann. Math. XVI., 1857, pp. 410-415. 11. Bahnbestirnmuug des von DUNLOP im Jahre 1833 auf der Sternwarte zu Paramatta beobachteten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XL VII., 1858, col. 37-44. 12. Berechnune einiger alter Finsternissc mit Hiilfe der Hanseu'sclien Sonnen- und Mond- tafeln. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 33-40. 13. Berechnung der Mondfinsternisse des Almagest mittelst der Hausen'schen Sonneu- und Mondtafeln. Astr. Nachr. LII., 1860, col. 257-264. Hartwig9 Ernst JJ'il/telm. und Vogel. Elemente der Thetis. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 299-300. Hartwig, P. Cicada Saxonica, mihi. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeit. III., 1857, pp. 313- 314, 350. Hartwig, Th. Hymenopterologische Mittheil- ungen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. I., 1840, pp. 19- 28. Harvey, Alexander. On the Fcetus-iu-Utero, as inoculating the maternal with the peculiarities of the paternal organism ; and on the influence thereby exerted by the male on the constitution and the reproductive powers of the female. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. IX., 1849, pp. 11 30-] 143. 2. Observations on the nature, longevity, and size of Trees. Edinb. New Phil. Jourii. XLII., 1847, pp. 1-23 ; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1847, col. 241-248 ; Hammerschmidt, Allg. Oes- ter. Zeitschr. XIX., 1847, pp. 535-536, 543-546. 3. On the Foctus-in-Utero, as inoculating the maternal with the peculiarities of the pater- nal organism ; and on mental states in either parent, as influencing the nutrition and develope- ment of the offspring. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. XL, 1850, pp. 299-310, 387-398. 4. Why is a true Corpus luteum formed (normally) only when pregnancy occurs ? Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. XIII., 1851, pp. 305-310. 5. On the relative influence of the male and female parents in the reproduction of the animal species. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. XIX., 1854, pp. 108-118. Harvey, Alexander. 6. On the Foetus-in-Utero' as inoculating the maternal with the peculiarities of the paternal organism ; and on the transmis- sion thereby of secondary or constitutional syphilis from the male to the female parent. Glasgow, Med. Journ. VI., 1859, pp. 385-407. Harvey, Arthur. On the appearance and de- cline of malarious disease in the valley of the Lower Grand Eiver. Canadian Jouru. IV., 1859, pp. 40-42. Harvey, Edw. It. On the mode of death by aconite. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 133-134. 2. The influence of mercury on the urine. Brit, For. Med. Chir. Rev. XXIX., 1862, pp. 515-520. Harvey, George. Demonstration of a curious relation between the various orders of diffe- rences. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VII., 1816, pp. 475-478. 2. Elementary ideas on the first principles of integration by finite differences. Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1817, pp. 264-268. 3. On the theory of AKBOGAST respecting the separation of the symbols of operation from those of quantity. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XVI., 1820, pp. 178-192. 4. Observations on Sir Robert SEPPING'S plan for the circular sterns of ships of war. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VII., 1822, pp. 19-28. 5. On the method of Minimum squares, employed in the reduction of experiments. Edinb. Phil. Jouru. VII., 1822, pp. 292-301. 6. Remarks on the increase of the Popula- tion of the United States of North America; with original Tables, deduced from the Ameri- can Population Returns, to illustrate the various rates of increase in the White Population and Slaves, and also the comparative ratio in which agriculture, commerce, and manufactures prevail. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VIII., 1823, pp. 41-55, 328-340 ; IX., 1823, pp. 63-81. 7. Experimental inquiries relative to the formation of Mists. Quart. Journ. Sci. XV., 1823, pp. 55-64; Annal. de Chimie, XXIII., 1823, pp. 197-202; Edinb. Phil. Jouru. IX., 1823, pp. 255-259 ; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1823, col. 209-217. 8. Remarks on the deposition of Dew. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVI., 1823, pp. 35-41. 9. Remarks on the numerical changes of the Population of Great Britain, as divided into the classes of agriculturists, manufacturers, and non-productive labourers, during the period from 1811 to 1821. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVI., 1823, pp. 203-210. EAR] 205 [HAR Harvey, George. 10. Notice of experiments on a, variation in the rates of Chronometers, with the density of the medium in which they are placed. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I.. 1824, pp. 73- 75. 11. On the circular sterns of ships of war. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 239-249. 12. Remarks on the influence of Magnetism on the rates of Chronometers. Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. 1-11, 342-346. 13. Experimental inquiries relative to the distribution and changes of the magnetic inten- sity in ships of war. Phil. Trans. 1824, pp. 310-353; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 332-335. 14. Of the effects of the density of air on the rates of Chronometers. Phil. Trans. 1824, pp. 372-412; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VII., 1824, pp. 392-393. 15. On some phenomena relating to the formation of Dew on metallic surfaces. [1823.] Quart. Journ. Sci. XVII., 1824, pp. 1-12. 16. On the alterations of rate produced on Chronometers by the influence of Magnetism. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIL, 1824, pp. 197-202 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 335-339. 17. Observations on naval architecture. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 443-446; XI., 1826, pp. 20-22. 18. Facts relating to the formation of Dew. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 69-72 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, XII., 1826, col. 196-198. 19. Of the effects of the induced mag- netism of an iron shell on the rates of Chrono- meters. [1824.] Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, pp. 34-47. 2O. Results of experiments relating to the comparative means of defence afforded by Ships of War, having Square and Curvilineal Sterns. [1824.] Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, pp. 201-223. 21. On a remarkable case of magnetic in- tensity in a Chronometer. [1823.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 117-126. 22. On an anomalous case of vision with. regard to colours. [1824.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 253-262. 23. On the fogs of the Polar Seas. [1825.] Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 11-13. 24. On the diagonal framing of ships of war. Quart. Journ. Sci. XXI., 1826, pp. 267- 273. 25. On a remarkable effect of a Magnet on the oscillations of the pendulum of a clock. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 288-289. 26. On the employment of equations of condition in naval architecture. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 294-298. Harvey, George. 27. On a remarkable forma- tion of Clouds. Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 33-34. 28. On a splendid luminous arch seen at Plymouth, September 29th, 1828. [1828.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 146-148. 29. On an interesting meteorological phe- nomenon. Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 148-150; Schweigger, Journ. LVI. (= Ja/irb. XXVI.), 1829, pp. 383-384. Harvey, J. B. On a collection of Shells and Crustacea, formed on the south coast of Devon- shire. Zool. Soc. Proc. II., 1834, p. 28. 2. [On the habits of Caryophyllia Smithii, Brod.~\ Zool. Soc. Proc. III., 1835, pp. 4, 113. 3. On the opercula of Serpula tubularia and Verniilia triquetra, regarded by TDRTON as species of Patella. Zool. Soc. Proc. III., 1835, p. 128. 4. Notice of the occurrence of four speci- mens of Velella limbosa, Lam., on the beach at. Teignmouth. Zool. Soc. Proc. IV., 1836, pp. 54-55. 5. On the thickening of the lip of Rostel- laria pes-pelecani, Lam. Zool. Soc. Proc. IV., 1836, p. 46. 6. On a collection of marine productions, including a specimen of Capros aper, Lacep., and a new species of Tubularia (T. gracilis, Hare.) collected on the south coast of Devon- shire. Zool. Soc. Proc. IV., 1836, pp. 54-55 ; Wiegmann, Archiv, II., 1837, p. 279. 7. Miscellaneous zoological notices. Mag. Nat. Hist, I., 1837, pp. 473-477. 8. Observations upon the best mode of preserving marine productions. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 98-100; Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1838, col. 231-233. 9. Remarks on Tubularia indivisa. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 511-512. Harvey, Mrs. M. Some account of a particular variety of Bull (Bos taurns). Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1829, pp. 113-114. Harvey, Jniliam Henry. Notice of a collection of Alga1 communicated to Dr. HOOKER by the late Mrs. Charles TELFAIR, from Cap Mal- heureux, in the Mauritius ; with descriptions of some new and little known species. Hooker's Journ. Botany, I., 1834, pp. 147-156. 2. Algological illustrations. — No. 1. Re- marks on some British Alga?, and descriptions of new species recently added to our Flora. Hooker's Journ. Botany, I., 1834, pp. 296- 305. 3. On two species (Mystropetalon Thomii and M. Polemauni) of a new South African genus of the natural order Rhizanthea;, Blame. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1839, pp. 385-388 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.\ 1839, pp. 376-378. EAR] 206 [HAR Harvey, William Henry. 4. On two South African genera of the natural order Passiflorere (Acharia tragoides, Th., and Ceratosieyos Eck- lonii, N. abE.). Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 420-421. 5. Musci Indici ; or List of Mosses col- lected in the East Indies by Dr. WALLICH ; with references to the figures of the new species published in HOOKER'S " Icones Plantarum." Hooker's Journ. Botany, II., 1840, pp. 1-21. 6. Description of Ballia, a new genus of Algffi. Hooker's Journ. Botany, II., 1840, pp. 190-193. 7. On a new South-African genus (Ped- diea) of plants of the order ThymeleK. Hooker's Journ. Botany, II., 1840, pp. 265-267. 8. Description of Christya, a new genus of Apocynacere from the Cape of Good Hope ; with remarks on some other Cape plants of that order. Hooker's Jouru. Botany, IV., 1842, pp. 133-136. 9. Account of a new genus (Lagaro- siphon) of the natural order of Hydrocharidete from Souther Q Africa. Hooker's Journ. Botany, IV., 1842, pp. 230-231. 1O. Descriptions of several new genera of South African Plants (Diplesthes, Choristylis, Mitrastigma, Kraussia,Pentanisia, Raphionacme, Chymocormus, Toxieophlrea, Piptolrena, Breh- inia, Crabbea, Ruttya, Sclerochiton, Acanthopsis, Ctenomeria). Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. I., 1842, pp. 18-29. 11. Description of a new species of Co- diurn (C. amphibium) recently discovered on the west coast of Ireland. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1844, pp. 321-323. 12. Description of a minute Alga (Rhodo- dermis Drummondii) from the coast of Ireland. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1844, pp. 27-28. 13. Description of a new British species of Callithamnion (C. Pollexfenii). Ann. Nat. Hist, XIV., 1844, pp. 186-187. 14. Description of Hyobanche sanguinea, Thunb. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. III., 1844, pp. 142-144. 15. Description of a new genus of Papa- veracese (Romneya) detected by the late Dr. COULTER, in California. Hooker, Loud. Journ. Bot. IV., 1845, pp. 73-76. 16. Characters of two new genera of Cru- cifera; (Lyrocarpa and Dithyrea), discovered by the late Dr. COULTER, in California. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IV., 1845, pp. 76-78. 17. Description of a new genus (Whit- lavia) of Hydi'ophyllaceai, from California. Hooker, Lond. Jouru. Bot. V., 1846, pp. 311- 312. Harvey, William Henry. 18. Short description of a new genus (Faurea) of plants, belonging to the order Proteacere, from South Africa. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VI., 1847, pp. 373- 376. 19. Account of a new British Saxifrage (S. Andrewsii). Hooker, Loud. Journ. Bot. VII., 1848, pp. 569-571. 20. Directions for collecting and preserv- ing Alg®. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 42- 45. 21. Descriptions of seventeen new species of Algae collected by the United States Explor- ing Expedition. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848-51, pp. 371-374. 22. On Oceanic Infusoria, living and fossil. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLVIL, 1849, pp. 158-160, 261-263. 23. On the nature of the fructification of the Rhctlospermatous AlgiB. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 326-331. 24. Nereis Boreali-Americana, or Contri- butions to a Marine Algce of North America. Part 1. Melanospcrmeae. Part 2. Rhodo- sperme*. Part 3. Chlorospermeae. [1851.] Smithson. Coutrib. III., 1852 ; V., 1853 ; X., 1858. 25. Short characters of three new Algas from the shores of Ceylon. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VI., 1854, pp. 143-145. 26. Notes on the botany of King George's Sound. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VI., 1854, pp. 180-184. 27. Notes on the botany of West Australia. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VI., 1854, pp. 217- 219, 315-318; VII., 1855, pp. 47-51. 28. Short characters of some new genera (Bellotia, Curdiea, Gulsonia, Apjohnia) and species of Alga? discovered on the coast of the colony of Victoria, Australia. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 332-336. 29. Characters of some new genera of plants recently discovered by J. DRUMMOND in Western Australia (Huttia, Hemistephus, Geo- coccus, Calopetalon, Drummondita, Sanfordia, Symphyopetalou, Urocarpus, Platyptelea, Chey- uia, Dicrastylis, Macropidia, Lepikena). Hook- er's Journ. Botany, VII., 1855, pp. 51-58. 30. Botany of Van Diemen's Laud. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VII., 1855, pp. 225- 232. 31. Some account of the Marine Botany of the colony of Western Australia. [1854.] Irish Acad. Trans. XXII., 1855, pp. 525-566. 32. Remarks on the British Hymeno- phyllum, &c. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 187-195. HAR] 207 [HAS Harvey, in I Ham Henri/. 33. Fejee Islands and their inhabitants. Nat. Hist. Eeview, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 5-11. 34. Short descriptions of some new British Algsc. Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 201-204. 35. Characters of new Alga? chiefly from Japan and adjacent regions, collected by Charles WEIGHT in the North Pacific Exploring Expe- dition under Capt. John RODGERS. [1859.] Arner. Acad. Proc. IV., 1857-60, pp. 327-335. 36. On a new myrtle (Hypocalymna [Car- diomyrtus] Philipsii). Nat. Hist. Eeview, V., 1858 (Proc.), p. 296. 37. Three new species of South African plants. Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 135-141 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 95-99. 38. On a new genus (Mackaya) and two new species (M. bella and Ceropegia Bowkeri) of plants from the Cape of Good Hope. Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1559, pp. 253-255 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (JRroe.),pp.514-516. 39. Remarks on Mr. DARWIN'S book on the " Origin of Species." Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 348-350. 40. On Bowkeria triphylla, a new genus and species of plant from South Africa. Dub- lin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. II., 1860, p. 5. 41. Notice of a collection of Algte made on the North-West Coast of North America, chiefly at Vancouver's Island, by David LYALL, in the years 1859-61. Linn. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862 (Bot.\ pp. 157-177. Harvey, William Henry, and J. W. Bailey. New species of Diatoniaceas, collected by the United States Exploring Expedition, under the command of Capt. WILKES. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 430-431 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 93-94. Harvey, William Henry, and J. D. Hooker. Alga; Antarctica, being characters and descrip- tions of the hitherto unpublished species of Algae, discovered in Lord Auckland's' Group, Campbell's Island, Kerguelen's Land, Falkland Islands, Cape Horn, and other southern circum- polar regions, during the voyage of H.M. Disco- very Ships, Erebus and Terror. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IV., 1845, pp. 249-276, 293-298. 2. Algte Nova; Zelaudite ; being a catalogue of all the species of Algse yet recorded as inhabiting the shores of New Zealand, with characters and brief descriptions of the new species discovered during the voyage of H.M. Discovery Ships, Erebus and Terror ; and of others communicated to Sir W. HOOKER by Dr. SINCLAIR, the Rev. W. COLENSO, and M. RAOUL. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IV., 1845, pp. 521-551 ; VH., pp. 443-445. Harvey, William Henry, and J. D. Hooker. 3. Alga; Tasmanicae ; being a catalogue of the species of Alga; collected on the shores of Tas- mania, with characters of the new species. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VI., 1847, pp. 397- 417. Harvey, //'. S. Note on the north-west coast of Borneo, from Pulo Laboan to the entrance of Malulu Bay. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1846, pp. 292-293. Harwood, Joint. An account of a pair of hinder hands of an Ourang Outang, deposited in the collection of Trinity House, Hull. Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 471-478. 2. On a newly discovered genus of ser- pentiform Fishes (Ophiognathus). Phil. Trans. 1327, pp. 49-57; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XII., 1827, pp. 277-279 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXL. 1828, col. 177-179. 3. On the structure and habits of the Seal. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1827, pp. 71-80. 4. Account of an extraordinary marine animal or Sea Serpent. [1827.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. VIII., 1828, pp. 299-300. 5. Communication on the structure and economy of the Greenland Whale. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 10-24. Harzen-Muller, N. Ueber eine angebliche Darstellung von Cyangas. Liebis, Annal. LVIIL, 1846, pp. 102-104. Harzer, H. Ueber die Pilze, insbesoudere iiber ihre guten und nachtheiligen Eigeuschaften. Altenburg, Mittheil. V., 1841, pp. 79-114. Hase, iniliam. Notice surun moy en d'alirnenter la chaudiere d'une machine a vapour, avec de 1'eau presqu'aussi chaude que 1'eau bouiUante. Journ. des Mines, XII., 1801-2, pp. 174-184. Haselberg, von. Abgang eiues Bothrio- cephalus latus. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1838, pp. 782-783. Haseli, . Nachricht von einigen fossilen Ueberresten eines Rhinoceros, und einer Missge- burt von eineni Karpfeu. Voigt, Magazin, III., 1801, pp. 512-516. Hasert, B. Verbesserte Construction des Nicol- schen Pri.snias. Poggend. Annal. CXJII., 1861, pp. ] 89-190. Hasford, . Production extraordinaire d'elec- tricite chez une femrne. Bibl. Univ. XIV., 1838, pp. 412-415. Hashoff, . Action de 1'iode sur quelques huiles essentielles. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 112-113. Haskell, Abraham. A case of Ichthyosis cornea, with observations. New England Journ. Med. VIII., 1819, pp. 1-14. Haskell, Benj. On the evolution of organic existences. Boston Med. Surg. Journ. XIX., 1839, pp. 309-316. HAS] 208 [HAS Haskell, Robert. On a visit to the recent erup- tion of Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Silliman, Journ. XXVIIL, 1859, pp. 66-71 ; XXIX., 1860, pp. 301-302. Haskims, R. If'. Examination of the theory of a resisting medium, in which it is assumed that the Planets and Comets of our system are moved. Silliman, Journ. XXXIIL, 1838, pp. 1-21. 2. The open North Polar Sea. Sillimau, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 84-91. Hasler, G. Beitrag zur Inductions-Telegraphic. Bern, Mittheil. 1861, pp. 152-156. Haslinger, Franz. Ueber Nymphoea thermalis, DC. Briinn, Verhandl. II., 1863, pp. 70-72. Hasner, Joseph ron. Ueber das BLnocularsehen. Prag. Sitzungsber. 1859, pp. 10-11 ; Bohm. Gesell. Abh. X., 1859. 2. Zur Geschichte der Kunstaugeii. Prag, Sitzungsber. 1861 (Hft. 2), pp. 23-28. Hass, Car. GiiiJ. De luxatre vertebrae cervicalis tertirc casu quodam. Kiel, Schriften, V., 1858, Medic. III. Hassall, Arthur Hill. Catalogue of Irish Zoo- phytes. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 166- 175; VIL, 1841, pp. 276-287, 363-374. 2. Description of two new genera (Cycloum and Sarcochitum) of Irish Zoophytes. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1841, pp. 483-486. 3. Observations on the functions performed by the hairs on the stigma in Campanulacese, Composite, and other plants. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1842, pp. 84-87. 4. Observations on the structure of the pol- len granule, considered principally in reference to its eligibility as a means of classification. Ann. Nat, Hist. VIII., 1842, pp. 93-108 ; IX., pp. 544-573. 5. On the phosphorescence of Zoophytes. Ann. Nat, Hist. VIII., 1842, pp. 341-344. 6. A critical examination of MOHL'S " Views of the general structure of the pollen granule." Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, pp. 93- 104. 7. A list of Invertebrata found in Dublin Bay and its vicinity. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, pp. 132-134. 8. Remarks on the genus Lepralia of Dr. JOHNSTON, with descriptions of six undescribed species, and notices of two other Zoophytes (Discopora verrucaria and Madrepora verru- caria). Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, pp. 407-414. 9. Observations ou the genera Zyguema, Tyndaridea, and Mougeotia, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Nat, Hist. X., 1842, pp. 34-47. 10. On Plumatella repens. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1S42, p. 153. Hassall, Arthur Hill. 11. Observations on a new group (Vesiculaspermre), genus (Vesicu- lifera) and subgenus (Vesiculifera composita), of Freshwater Confervte, with descriptions of species mostly new. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 336-344, 385-395. 12. Remarks on three species of Marine Zoophytes (Antennularia arborescens, Alcyoni- dium glomeratum, Farcimia spathulosa). Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 111-113. 13. Observations on the growth, repro- duction, and species of the Branched Freshwater Confervas. Ann. Nat. Hist. XI., 1843, pp. 350- 364. 14. Descriptions of British Freshwater Confervas, mostly new, with observations on some of the genera. Ann. Nat. Hist. XI., 1843. pp. 42S-437. 15. Observations on some points in the anatomy and physiology of the Freshwater Alga:. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 20- 31. 16. Observations on a disease, the pro- duction of a Fungus, occurring in the Lettuce and other vegetables. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 86-88; Froriep, Notizeu, XXVIIL, 1843, col. 54-56. 17. Observations on two of Professor Edward FORBES'S " Retrospective Comments." Ann. Nat. Hist, XII., 1843, pp. 117-120. 18. Observations on the genus Mougeotia, or two new genera of Freshwater Alga?, and on Tyudaridea, with descriptions of species. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 180-188. 19. Observations on EIIKEXBEUG'S " De Mycetogenesi Epistola." Ann. Nat. Hist. XIIL, 1844, pp. 117-121. 20. An explanation of the cause of the rapid decay of many Fruits, especially those of the Apple and Peach tribes. [J 842.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. L, 1844, pp. 111-122. 21. Remarks on a peculiar form of spiral vessel. [1842.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. L, 1844, pp. 155-156. 22. Definitions of three new British Zoo- phytes. Newman, Zoologist, VI., 1848, p. 2223. 23. Observations on the growth and re- production of Euteromorpha intestiualis. Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, pp. 152-153. 24. Essay on the distribution, vitality, structure, modes of growth and reproduction, and uses of the Freshwater Conferva;. Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, pp. 163-166. .; 25. On the developement of Torulce in the urine, and on the relation of these fungi to albuminous and saccharine urine. [1852.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXXVI., 1853, pp. 23-78. HAS] 209 [HAS Hassall, Arthur Hill. 26. On the frequent occurrence of Indigo in human Urine, and on its chemical, physiological, and pathological re- lations. Phil. Trans. 1854, pp. 297-310 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 357-359 ; Boy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1850-54, pp. 327-331. 27. On the adulteration of Annatto. Phar- maceut. Journ. XV., 1856, pp. 295-303. 28. On the frequent occurrence of Phos- phate of Lime, in the crystalline form, in human urine, and on its pathological importance. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 281-288. Hassall, Arthur Hill, and John Coffin. De- scription of three species of Marine Zoophytes. Microsc. Soc. Trans. III., 1852, pp. 160-164. Hasse, K. E. Einige Beobachtungen uber die Capillarjjefasse in entziiudeten Theilen. Heule und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, IV., 1846, pp. 1-16. 2. Ueber die Verschliessung der Hirnart- erien als nachste Ursache eiuer Form der Hirn- erweichung. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, IV., 1846, pp. 91-112. 3. Beobachtungen iiber die Saccina ven- triculi, Goods. Zurich, Mittheil. I. 1847, pp. 65-77, 81-86. • 4. Wesen und Ursachen der Geistesstor- unwen Schweizer. Monatschrift Prakt. Med. ILL, 1858, pp. 321-327, 353-368. Hasselt, A. W. M. van. Over tegengiften. Nederlaudsch Lancet, II., 1846, pp. 293-321. 2. Onderzoekingen aangaande den nog niet met juistheid bekenden invloed, die door ^even- den kalk op de dierlijke weefsels wordt uitgeoe- fend. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1850, pp. 3-7. . 3. Vergadering op de vergiftiging door Phosphorus. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1852, pp. 24-28. 4. Afbeelding der Dieffenbachia Seguine of Arum venenatum Surinamense. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1853, pp. 24-28. . 5. Op het gevaar van bet oeconomisch gebruik van groen gekleurde behangsels en gordijnen. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. 1853-54, pp. 21-32. 6. Over de herkenning van den vergift- nioord door Strychnine, in verband met de beoordeeling der waarde van het geregtelijk- scheikundig-bewijs. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. VI., 1857, pp. 249-270. 7. Aanteekening over en nadere beschrij- ving van een individu der grootste tot nu be- kende Gift-slangen uit het geslacht der Naja's (Dendroaspis, Fitz.). Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. VII., 1858, pp. 200-208. 8. Over het gebruik van vergiftigde Boog- Pijlen in Oost-Indien (Poggi-eilanden). Am- sterdam, Verslag. Akad. VIII., 1858, pp. 316- 330. VOL. III. Hasselt, A. W. M. van. 9. Over huid- en kleurverwisseling van Dolomedes fimbriatus, Hahn, in verband met zijne soort-bepaljng en die van andere spennen uit dit geslacht. Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. I., 1858, pp. 163-167. 10. Studien over de Z. G. Curafaosche Oranje-Spin, eene nog weinig bekende Latro- dectus-soort. Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. III., 1860, pp. 46-65. 11. Tweede mededeeling over het gebruik van vergiftigde Boog-Pijlen in Oost-Indie (Men- taweh-eilanden). Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XL, 1861, pp. 221-248. 12. Over Pulex penetrans. Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. IV., 1861, pp. 22-30. 13. De Slaugen-Beker van Ceylon. Am- sterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIII., 1862, pp. 116- 128; Donders, Archiv, III., 1863, pp. 222- 223. Hasselt, A. W. M. van, uud Rienderhoff. Bei- trag zur toxico-dynamischen Keuntniss der Santonins. Donders, Archiv, II., 1860, pp. 231-244. Hasselt, J. C. van. Responsum ad quasstionem, ab ordine Disciplinarum Mathematicarum et Physicarum propositam : — " Cum, licet naturce corpora vario modo inter se differant, ex hue usque cognitis observationibus tamen constare videatur, ita comparatam esse rerum naturam, ut lento quasi passu ab una specie ad alteratn progrediatur, atque sic continuam quasi catenam efficiat, ex variis quidem annulis, intime tamen junctis, compositam, hac catena in mammalium classe demonstranda qureritur." Groningen, Ann. Acad. 1816-17, pp. 127-166. • 2. [Ueber Physalia megalista, -Per.] Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 1413-1418. 3. Extrait d'une lettre, datee de Buitten- zong (ile de Java) sur les Biphores. Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 78-80; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat, II., 1824, pp. 212-214. 4. Sur les poissous de Java. [1823.] Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 89-92, 374-377. . 5. [Sur les Reptiles de Java.] Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 371-374. 6. Sur les mollusques de File de Java. [1823.] Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 81-87,237-245. 7. Anatomic des Physalies. [1823.] Fe- russac, Bull. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 117- 123. . 8. [Sur les Orchidees, etc., de Java.] [1822.] Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. ILL, 1824, pp. 187-191. D D HAS] 210 [HAS Kasselt, J. C. van, und H. Kuhl. Drei neue Arten Trematoden (Polystoma Midoe, Moiios- toma rubrum, M. album). Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 113-115. 2. Ueber Javanische Reptilien. Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 472-476 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 79-83, 370-371. 3. Extrait d'une lettre (sur la Flore de Java) datee de Tjichanjavor (ile de Java) au pied du Pangerango. [1821.] Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 65-67. 4. Sur plusieurs animaux vertebras. [1822.] Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 277-280. 5. Sur quelques vers intestinaux. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 310- 311. — 6. Sur 1'histoire generate des iles des Cocotiers et de Pile de Java. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 327-330. 1 n ssencamp, Ernst. Geognostisch - paliionto- logische Uiitersuchungen iiber den Muschelkalk der Rhonberge. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. III., 1852, pp. 300-312. 2. Beitrage zur geognostischen Kenntniss der jiingeren Gebirgs-Glieder des Rhon-Ge- birges. Leonbard u. Bronn, N. Janrb. 1853, pp. 437-441. i 3. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Muschel- kalks der Rhonberge. [1854.] Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VI., 1856, pp. 59-64. 4. Ueber einige Zeolithen. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VI., 1856, pp. 64-67. 5. Geognostische Beschreibung der Braun- kohlenformation in der Rhon. Wiii-zburg, Ver- handl. VIH., 1858, pp. 185-211. . 6. Notiz iiber das Vorkommen von Augit und Hornblende in der Rhon. [1858.] Wiirz- burg, Verhandl. IX., 1859, pp. 32-33. 7. Ueber das relative Alter der vulkan- ischen Gesteine des Rhongebirges. [1858.] Wiirzburg, Verhandl. IX., 1859, pp. 187-191. 8. Ueber fossile Insekten der Rhon. Wiirz- burg, Naturw. Zeitschr. I., 1860, pp. 78-81. 9. Geologisch-pataontologische Untersuch- ungen iiber die Tertiiirbilduugen des Rhon- gebirges. Wiirzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. I., 1860, pp. 193-213. 1O. Ueber neue Fundstellen von Tertiar- Conchylien in der Rhon. Wiirzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. II., 1861, pp. 199-200. Hassenfratz, Jean Henri. Sur les eaux aerees, minerales et thermales du Nivernois. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1789, pp. 81-97. 2. Experiences de M. SENEBIER sur 1'ac- tion de la lumiere solaire dans la vegetation. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1789, pp. 108-115. 3. Analyse d'un phosphate de chaux natif. Hassenfratz, Jean Henri. 4. Sur le gaz hydro- gene. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1789, pp. 192-193. 5. Sur la combinaison de Foxigene avec le carbone et 1'hydrogene du sang. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1791, pp. 261-274. 6. Sur la fabrication du phosphate de soude. Anna!, de Chimie, X., 1791, pp. 184- 185. An- 7. Analyse de la poudre de JAMES. nal. de Chimie, XL, 1791, pp. 36-37. 8. Sur le sel marin ; la maniere dont il est repandu sur la surface du globe. Annal. de Chimie, XI., 1791, pp. 65-88. 9. Sur 1'arrangement de plusieurs gros blocs de differentes pierres que Ton observe dans les moutagnes. Anual. de Chimie, XI., 1791, pp. 95-107. 1O. Sur 1'espece de terrain propre aux mines de charbon de terre. Annal. de Chimie, XL, 1791, pp. 261-277. 11. Explications de quelques phenomenes qui paraissent contrarier les lois des affinites chimiques. Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1792, pp. 3-24, 25-37. 12. Sur la nutrition des vegetaux. An- nal. de Chimie, XIIL, 1792, pp. 178-191, 318- 329 ; XIV., pp. 55-64 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVIL, 1803, pp. 318-323. 13. Sur les argiles et leur emploi dans les verreries. Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1792, pp 132-146; XV., 1792, pp. 3-22. 14. Observations sur les salines du Jura et du Mont-Blanc. Journ. des Mines, I. (ptc. 2), 1794-95 pp. 69-84 ; (pte. 3), pp. 3-14. 15. Observations sur la neige et la pluie. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. 1795-96, pp. 570-576 (3e cah.). 16. Sur la proportion de lumiere que produisent differents combustibles. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1797, pp. 78-103. 17. Sur les meilleures proportions a don- ner aux chaudieres, etc. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. n., 1797-98, pp. 364-371 ; Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 385-388. 18. De 1'aivomctrie. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1798, pp. 3-28, 132-154, 188-202; XXVLL, 1798, pp. 118-140; XXVIII., 1798, pp. 3-18; XXXILL, 1799, pp. 3-49 ; Gilbert, Annal. I., 1799, pp. 158-166, 396-411, 425- 435. 19. Sur les salinogrades. Annal. de Annal. de Chimie, I., 1789, p. 191. Chimie, XXVIIL, 1798, pp. 282-310. 2O. Addition faite a la Balance Romaine, pour la rendre plus sensible et plus exacte. Journ. des Mines, VIIL, 1798, pp. 683-690. 21. Rapport sur la separation de 1'antimoine de sa mine. Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 459-471 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1799, pp. 154-158. HAS] 211 [HAS Eassenfratz, Jean Henri. 22. Extrait d'un memoire sur une methode propre a determiner 1'humidite et la secheresse des sels. Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 472-476 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXL, 1799, pp. 125-140. 23. Sur les anomalies apparentes dans les densites des differentes proportions d'eau et de sel a 1'etat solide et sur quelques phenomenes de la chaux vive, de Tallin, et du nitre. Annal. de Chimie, XXXL, 1799, pp. 284-298 ; Gilbert, Annal. IV., 1800, pp. 364-376. 24. Physique generate. De 1'enseignment de cette science. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. (6° cah.\ 1799, pp. 372-408. 25. Lettre a M. SCHMIDT, sur la pesanteur specifique des corps solides et fluides. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1801, pp. 177-192. 26. Sur les ombres colore'es. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. (lle cah.), IV., 1801, pp. 272-283 ; Nicholson, Journ. VI., 1803, pp. 282-285 ; VII., 1804, pp. 23-30. 27. Note sur Fanalyse du Titane de Mou- tiers. Journ. des Mines, XV., 1803-4, pp. 413-414. 28. Lettre a M. A. G. WERNEE, sur sa nouvelle theorie de la formation des filons. Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1804, pp. 129-149. 29. Sur la cause qui augmente 1'intensite du son dans les porte-voix. Annal. de Chimie, L., 1804, pp. 297-311 ; Gilbert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 145-154 ; Journ. de Phys. LIX., 1804, pp. 18-19 ; Nicholson, Journ. IX., 1804, pp. 283-290 ; Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. II., 1811, pp. 101-109. 30. Sur la cristallisation de Falun. Annal. de Chimie, L., 1804, pp. 312-313. 31. Sur la courbure des bois. Journ. des Mines, XVI., 1804, pp. 475-482 ; Nicholson, Journ. XII., 1805, pp. 30-34. i 32. Sur la propagation du son. Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1805, pp. 64-75 : Journ. des Mines, XVIL, 1804-5, pp. 465-468 ; Nicholson, Journ. XI., 1805, pp. 127-132. 33. Sur les mines de fer spathique. Annal. de Chimie, LXIII., 1807, pp. 287-307. 34. Sur les alterations que la lumiere du soleil eprouve en traversant 1'atmosphere. An- nal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1808, pp. 54-62 ; Journ. de Phys. LXVL, 1808, pp. 356-358; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 271-275. 35. Sur la colorisation des corps. Annal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1808, pp. 152-167, 290-316; LXVIL, 1808, pp. 5-25, 113-151 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. L., 1808, pp. 223-226. — — 36. Sur le fer potasse. Journ. des Mines, XXIII., 1808, pp. 275-280 ; Nicholson. Journ. XXV., 1810, pp. 51-53. Hassenfratz, Jean Henri. 37. Sur les oxides de fer. Annal. de Chimie, LXIX., 1809, pp. 113-154; LXXIX., 1811, pp. 100-106; Geh- len, Journ. VII., 1808, pp. 690-694 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXVI., 1810, pp. 147-152 ; XXVIIL, 1811, pp. 184-193, 266-275. 38. Sur uu article du " Systeme de Chimie " de M. THOMSON (oxides de fer). Aniial. de Chimie, LXX., 1809, pp. 145-153. 39. Sur la forme apparente des etoiles et des lumieres vues a une tres-grande distance et sous un tres-petit diametre. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIL, 1809, pp. 5-24 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXILL, 1812, pp. 95-104. 40. Sur la desoxidatiou de 1'oxide de fer par le gaz hydrogene. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIIL, 1810, pp. 147-166; Nicholson, Journ. XXIX., 1811, pp. 370-379. . 41. Rapport sur Pespece de fonte de fer qu'il est bon d'employer pour couler les objc?ts qui doivent servir a la conduite des eaux du Canal de 1'Ourcq. Journ. des Mines, XXXII L, 1813, pp. 81-100. Hassenstein, Ueber das Leuchteu der Augen uud iiber das Tapetum lucidum. Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 514-519. Hassenstein, B. Die Flussgebiete des Binue, Alt-Kalabar und Camerun in West -Africa. Petermaun, Mittheil. 1863, pp. 173-179. 2. Memoire zur Karte von Inner- Africa. Petermann, Mittheil. 1863 (Ergattz. Nr. 2), pp. 1-50. Hassenstein, B., und . I. Petermann. Inner- Africa nach dem Stande der geographischeu Kenntniss im Jahre 1861. Petermann, Mittheil. 1861 (Ergan:.). Hasshaghen, Christiana Enrico. Abbozzo di una descrizione geognostica della Crimea. [1858.] Catania, Atti Accad. Gioen. XV., 1860, pp. 181-311. Hasskarl, J. C. Kort berigt van eenige Waar- nemingen aangaande de verhoogde warmte der Aroideen, geedaan of Java. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, V., 1838-39, pp. 230-232 ; Miquel, Bull. 1839, pp. 189-191. 2. Plantaruni rariorum Horti Bogoriensis decas prima. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, V., 1838-39, pp. 255-271 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Bot.\ 1840, pp. 54-60; Miquel, Bull. 1839, pp. 62-70. 3. Over de ontwikkeling van warmte in planten. Batav. Genoots. Verhand. XVIL, 1839, pp. 137-158. 4. Plantarum genera et species novas aut reformats Javenses. Flora, XXV.. 1842, pp. 1-16 (Beibl.). — 5. Plantarum rariorum vel minus cogni- tarum Horti Bo°rorii;nsis decades. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, IX., 1842, pp. 115-180. D D 2 HAS] 212 [HAS Hasskarl, J. C. Q. Annotationes cle plantis quibusdam Javanicis nonnullisque Japonicis, baud rite cognitis, e catalogo Horti Bogori- ensis excerptse. Accedunt nouuullie novie spe- cies. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, X., 1843, pp. 115-150. 7. Plantarum Javanicarum aut novarum aut minus cogDitarum adumbrationes. Flora, XXVIL, 1844, pp. 583-595, 599-609, 615- 626; XXVIIL, 1845, pp. 225-237, 241-251, 260-270. 8. Papilionacearum quarundam Javani- carum descriptiones accuratiores. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, XI., 1844, pp. 49-112; Batavia, Natuur. Archief, II., 1845, pp. 58-71. 183-199, 341-361. 9. Plantarum rariorum vel minus cogni- tarum Horti Bogoriensis pugillus novus. Hoe- ven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, XL, 1844, pp. 178- 208 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Bot.), 1845, pp. 178- 192. 10. Relatio Plantarum Javanensium itinere facto usque in Bandong recognitarum, a Dno. F. NOROHNA ; revisa et illustrata. Hoeveii en Vriese, Tijdschrift, XL, 1844, pp. 212-228. 11. Adnotationes de plantis Horti Bogori- ousis. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, XII., 1845, pp. 77-139. 12. Meteorologische waarnemingen, ge- daan op ecue reis van Nederland naar Java, aan boord van bet Fregatschip Arubarawa, Kapitein P. E. KARST ; gcdurende de maanden Juuij tot September 1845. Batavia, Natuur. Archief, III., 1846, pp. 1-12. 13. Ecnige aanmerkingen over de waarde der bloembekleedselen van de Glumacere, Brtl. en over de verdeeling van deze klasse van ge- wassen. Batavia, Natuur. Archief, III., 1846, pp. 185-194. 14. Ueber die Warmeentwiekelung am Spadix der Aroideas. Flora, XXX., 1847, pp. 463-469. 15. Reise n.ich dem Berge Japara und den Schlamm-Quellen von Kuwu. Flora, XXX., 1847, pp. 641-656. 16. Tympananthe, genus novum Asclepia- dearum propositum. Flora, XXX., 1847, pp. 757-759. 17. Ueber die Stellung der Gattung Chloopsis, Bl., im Systeme des Pflanzenreichs. Flora, XXXIV., 1851, pp. 481-486. 18. Ueber Polygonum rnicrocephalum. DC. Flora, XXXIV., 1851, pp. 561-572. 19. Ueber Adenogramma. Rchbch. und eine neue Indiscbe Art dieser Gattung. Flora, XXXIV., 1851, pp. 753-755. 2O. Beitra'ge zur Flora von Java und Sumatra. Flora, XXXV., 1852, pp. 113-118. Hasskarl, J. C. 21. Verslag over het werk getiteld : '• Plantce Junghuhnianre." Batavia, Nat. Tijdsch. VIII., 1855, pp. 461-551. -^- 22. Meteorologische waarnemingen ge- daan op eene reis van de westkust van Zuid- Amerika naar Java, aan boord van Z. M. fregat " Prins Frederik der Nederlanden," gedurende de maaiiden Augustus tot December 1854. Batavia, Nat. Tidjsch. IX., 1855, pp. 357-384. 23. Korte aanteekeningen behoorende tot de meteorologische waarnemingen gedaan op eene reis van Callao de Lima naar Makassar, aan boord van Z. M. fregat " Prins Frederik der Nederlanden " in de maanden Augustus tot December 1854. Batavia, Nat. Tidjsch. IX., 1855, pp. 385-390. 24. Ueber einige neue Gattungen der Sapotaceaj, welche Getah-pertjah liefern. Flora, XXX VIII., 1855, pp. 577-579. 25. Observations on Gleicheniacece and Cyatheai of Java. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VII., 1855, pp. 321-326. 26. Eenige kritische onderzoekingen van planten in 's lands planteutuin te Buitenzorg. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. IV., 1855-59, pp. 1-14. 27. Brief aan den Secretaris der Natuur- kundige afdeeling van de Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IV., 1856, pp. 135-141. ' 28. Retzia : sive Observationes Botauicai, quas imprimis in horto botanico Bogoriensi mensibus Februario ad Julium 1855, fecit auctor. Batavia, Nat. Tijdsch. X., 1856, pp. 1- 252. 29. Retzia ; sive Observationes Botanica;, quas de plantis Horti Botanici Bogoriensis an- nis 1855 et 1856 fecit auctor. Batavia, Ver- liand. Nat. Ver. L, 1856. 30. Observationes Botanicas quas de Filici- bus Horti Bogoriensis nee non ad Montem Gedeh aliisque locis sua sponte cresceutibus annis 1855 et 1856 fecit auctor. Batavia, Vcrhand. Nat. Ver. I., 1856 ; III., 1857-58. • 31. Bemerkungen iiber einige Pflanzen des botanischeu Gartens zu Buitenzorg und dessen Filiale Tjipanuar (3450' hoch) auf Java. Flora, XXXIX, 1856, pp. 513-516. 32. LTittreksel van eeuen brief. [Account of new plants from Java.] Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. V., 1857, pp. 93-100. 33. Ueber die Einfiihrung des Chinarinden- Baumes auf Java. Flora, XL., 1857, pp. 194- 202. — 34. Genera aliquot nova Horti Botanici Bogorieusis. Flora, XL., 1857, pp. 529-535. 35. Plantarum nonnullarum Javanicarum e familiis Asclepiadearum et Apocynearum ad- umbrationes. Flora, XL., 1857, pp. 97-106. HAS] 213 [HAT Hasskarl, J. C. 36. I-Iortus Bogorieusis de- scriptus. Bonplandia, VII., 1859, pp. 170- 174, 254-274 ; VIIL, 1860, pp. 90-100. 37. Clavis analytica generum Euphor- biacearum secundum BAILLON : " Etude generate des Euphorbiacees." FJora, XLII., 1859, pp. 721-746. 38. Revisio Euphorbiacearum, quas uuper in"Eetzia" et " Horto Bogoriensi Descripto " illustravit auctor. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 712-716. 39. Die Indischen Euphorbiaceen uacb MIQUEL'S " Flora India;." Flora, XLIII., 1860, pp. 129-136. 4O. Horti Malabarici clavis nova. Flora, XLIV., 1861, pp. 401-408, 481-488, 545-552, 577-584, 609-616, 641-648, 705-712, 737-745; XLV., 1862, pp. 41-48, 73-80, 121-128, 153- 160, 187-192. 41. Ueber Kahnia latifolia, L. Botan. Zeitung, XXI., 1863, pp. 237-239. 42. Adumbrationes Commelinacearmn qua- rundaui quas in Africse orientalis littore, Mo- zambique reperit Prof. PETERS. Flora, XL VI., 1863, pp. 385-390. 43. Amischotolype, eine neue Gattung der Commelinace*. Flora,XLVI., 1863,pp.391-393. 44. Note sur le Soulamea amara. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 374-375. Hassler, F. R. An account of pyrometrical ex- periments made at Newark, New Jersey, in April 1817. [1817.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. L, 1818, pp. 210-227. 2. Papers on various subjects connected with the survey of the coast of the United States. [1820.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1825, pp. 232-420. 3. Description of an astronomical double- repeating Theodolite. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, pp. 17-18. 4. On the substitution of optical images for wires in telescopes and microscopes. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, pp. 108-109. Hast, Hcrm. Rud. Dissertatio de Oxalide. Up- sala, Diss. Acad. II., 1800, pp. 73-100. 2. Dissertatio de Caryophillis aromaticis. Upsala, Diss. Acad. II., 1800, pp. 325-332. Hastings, Charles. Observations on the effect of dividing the eighth pair of nerves. Quart. Journ. Sci. XI., 1821, pp. 45-63 ; XII., 1822, pp. 96-97. 2. Experience qui prouve 1'existeuce de 1'irritabilite dans les vaisseaux. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, p. 107. 3. Description of a monster in whom the upper and inferior extremities were entirely wanting. Edinb. Journ. Med. Sci. II., 1826, pp. 100-101 ; Edinb. Mecl. Chir. Soc. Trans. II., 1826, pp. 39-41. Hastings, Charles. 4. On the salt springs of Worcestershire. Analyst, II., 1835, pp. 359- 385. Hastings (Marchioness of). On the freshwater Eocene Beds of the Hordle Cliff, Hants. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 63-64. 2. Description geologique des falaises d'Hordle, et sur la cote de Hampshire, en An gleterre. Paris. Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1851-52, pp. 191-203. 3. On the tertiary beds of Hordwell, Hampshire. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 1-11. Has well, C/ias. H. Report on an apparatus for supplying the boilers of marine Steam Engines with a continuous supply of fresh water, in- vented by Captain John ERICSSON. Franklin Inst. Jouru. XV., 1848, pp. 128-134. 2. Results of experiments made with a view to determine the dynamical effect of bodies falling freely, with the accelerated force due to gravitation. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIV., 1852, pp. 421-423. 3. Strength of Materials: deduced from the latest experiments of BARLOW, BUCHANAN, FAIRBAIRN, HODGKINSON, STEFHENSON, Major WADE, U.S. Ordnance Corps, and others. Franklin lust. Journ. XL., 1860, pp. 337-343, 385-391 ; XLL, 1861, pp. 37-43, 108-114, 183- 192, 242-252, 314-321, 404-408 ; XLII., pp. 37-42, 124-127, 170-173. 4. Resistance of Wrought Iron Tubes to external and internal pressure. Franklin Inst. Journ. XLII., 1861, pp. 301-306, 393-398. Hatchett, Charles. Observations on bituminous substances, with a description of the varieties of the Elastic Bitumen. [1797.] Linn. Soc. Trans. IV., 1798, pp. 129-154; Nicholson, Journ. II., 1799, pp. 201-209, 248-253. 2. An analysis of the earthy substance from New South Wales, called Sydneia, or Terra Australis. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1799, pp. 72-80. 3. Analysis of an ore of Iron, the compo- sition of which has been hitherto misunderstood, by Mr. W. HENRY ; including a letter on Ores of Iron, addressed to Mr. Thomas HENRY. Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800, pp. 454-457. 4. Chemical experiments on Zoophytes, with some observations on the component parts of membrane. Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 327-402. 5. Outline of the properties and habitudes of the metallic substance denominated Colum- bium. Nicholson, Journ. I., 1802, pp. 32-34 ; Gilbert, Annal. XI., 1802, pp. 120-122. — — 6. An analysis of a mineral substance from North America, containing a metal hitherto unknown. [1801.] Phil. Traus. 1802, pp. 49- 66; Annal. dc Chimie, XLIV., 1802, pp. 159- 175 ; Journ. de Phys. LIV., 1802, pp. 321-323. HATj 214 [HAT Hatchett, Charles. 7. On the utility of Prus- siate of Copper as a pigment. Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1802, pp. 306-308. 8. Experiments and observations on the various alloys, on the specific gravity, and on the comparative wear of gold. Phil. Trans. 1803, pp. 43-194. 9. On the mild Muriate of Mercury, or Calomel, of Thibet. Roy. lust. Journ. II., 1803, pp. 8-10. 1O. Analysis of a triple sulphuret of Lead, Antimony, and Copper from Cornwall. Phil. Trans, 1804, pp. 63-69. 11. Analytical experiments and observa- tions on Lac. Phil. Trans. 1804, pp. 191-218 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XX., 1805, pp. 350-358 ; XXI., pp. 12-22. 12. An analysis of the magnetical Pyrites, with remarks on some of the other Sulphurets of Iron. Phil. Trans. 1804, pp. 314-345; Journ. de Phys. LX., 1804, pp. 457-476 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXL, 1805, pp. 133-147, 213- 220. 13. Observations on the change of some of the proximate principles of Vegetables into Bitumen ; with analytical experiments on a peculiar substance which is found with the Bovey coal. Phil. Trans. 1804, pp. 385-410; Jouru. des Mines, XX., 1806, pp. 327-346; XXL, pp. 147-158; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXL, 1805, pp. 40-51, 147-154. 14. Additional experiments and remarks on an artificial substance, which possesses the principal characteristic properties of Tannin. Phil. Trans. 1805, pp. 285-315; Aimal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1806, pp. 113-130 ; LVIIL, 1806, pp. 211-224, 225-236; Gehlen, Journ. I., 1806, pp. 543-560, 560-586. 15. A third series of experiments on an artificial substance, which possesses the principal characteristic properties of Tannin, with some remarks on coal. Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 109- 146; Gehlen, Journ. I., 1806, pp. 587-613; Journ. de Phys. LXIV., 1807, pp. 390-416. 16. Some peculiarities in the Urine of the Camel. Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 372-380 ; An- nul, de Chimie, LXVIL, 1808, pp. 266-277 ; Gehleu, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 572-581. 17. On the method of separating Iron from Manganese. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1813, pp. 343-345 ; Schweigger, Journ. XTV., 1815, pp. 352-355. 18. Description of a process by which Corn tainted with Must may be completely purified. [1816.] Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 36- 38. 19. On the electro-magnetic experiments of MM. OERSTED and AJIPEKE. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIL, 1821, pp. 40-49. Hatchett, J. A short account of some rare British Moths. Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 244-245. 2. Account of some rare British Moths, with descriptions from " Lepidoptera Britan- nica." Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 327- 328. Hatin, F. Recherches experimentales sur la partie blanche du sang appelee comrnunement fibrine, et sur la valeur de cet element con- sidere dans ses proportions comme signe ditfe- rentiel et comme indication therapeutique dans les maladies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 534-538. Haton de la Goupilliere, J. N. Memoire sur la sommation des derivees et des integrates d'une fonction quelconque, et sur une methode gene- rale pour la reduction des series. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL1V., 1857, pp. 1145-1149; Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XXL, 1858 (37 ca.fi.), pp. 97-128. 2. Memoire sur une nouvelle theorie de la geometric des masses, et sur celle des axes prin- cipaux d'inertie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI.. 1858, pp. 92-95; Paris, Ecole Poly- techn. Journ. XXL, 1858 (37 ca.fi.), pp. 35- 96. 3. Sur les centres successifs de courbure des lignes planes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 930-933. 4. Des centres de courbure successifs. Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1859, pp. 183- 193. 5. Memoire sur la theorie du potentiel cylindrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 345-347, 988-990. 6. Nouvelle theorie generate des lignes isothermes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 621-624; Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XXIL, 1861 (38 cah.), pp. 15-112. 7. Th'jorie du regulateur Duvoir. Annal. des Mines, XVILL, 1860, pp. 575-597. 8. Sur deux potentiels reciproques. L'ln- stitut, XXVIIL, 1860, pp. 81-82. 9. Mc'moire sur les systemes isothermes algebriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 307-309. 1O. Theorie des manivelles multiples. An- nal. des Mines, IV., 1863, pp. 57-68. Hattem, J. van. Extract uit de proeve eener geueeskundig-geographische plaatsbeschrijving van het eiland Amboina. Nederlandsch Tijd- schr. Geneesk. II., 1858, pp. 529-538. Hattier, - — . Etude sur les eaux de Bourbon I'Archambault. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, p. 20. Katton, N. Memoire sur les etablissements d'Agordo ( Haute- Venetie). Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1855, pp. 407-493. HATj 215 [HAU Hatzel, E. Ueber die Teclinik in specieUer Beziehung auf die Architektur und die Gestalt- ung der Formen. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg. XIV., 1849, pp. 132-169. Hauber, Carl Fricdrich. Ueber niihernde ra- tionale Ausdriicke fur incommensurable Qiiad- ratwurzeln in Beziehung auf ARCHIMEDES Kreismessung. Lindenau, Zeitschr. IV., 1817, pp. 95-118. 2. Ueber die Bestimrnung der Genauigkeit der Beobacbtungen. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VII., 1830, pp. 286-314. 3. Verallgemeinerung der Poisson'scbeu Untersuchuugen iiber die Wabrscbeinlicbkeit der mittlern Resultate der Beobacbtungen in den " Additions a la Connaissance des Temps de 1827." Baumgartner, Zeitscbrift, VII., 1830, pp. 406-429. • 4. Theorie der mittleren Wertbe. Baum- gartner, Zeitschrift, VIII., 1830, pp. 25-56, 147-179, 295-315, 443-455 ; IX., 1831, pp. 302-322 ; X., pp. 425-457. Haubner, . Ueber die feblerhafte Beschaff- enheit der Kuhmilcb im Allgemeinen, und iiber die blaue Milch insbesondere. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XVIIL, 1852, pp. 1-84. 2. Darstelluugr und Kritik der bisherigen Ansichten iiber Ursacben und Wesen der blauen Milch. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XVIIL, 1852, pp. 129-203. 3. Ueber die Entwickelung der Band- und Blasenwiirmer im Allgemeinen, und die des Ccenurus cerebralis insbesondere. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XX., 1854, pp. 243-260. 8. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die Ent- wickelung der Band- und Blasenwiirmer. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XXI., 1855, pp. 100-118 Hauch, Adam Wilhelm. Orn de Torden- Vejr som om Vinteren paa forskjellige Steder i Norge og i flere nordlige Egne bemerkes, neesten lige saa hyppige sam om Sommeren. Kioben- havn, Dausk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. I., 1800 (Hft 2), pp. 144-166; Gilbert, Annal. XXIX., 1808, pp. 171-184. 2. Eesultater af en Deel anstillede Forsog med Hensyn til den af Hr. Professor WURTZEK i Bonn angivne Forvandling af Vandet til Sal- peterstof- eller Qvolstof-gas. [1799.] Kioben- havn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. 1, 1800 (haft 2), pp. 201-216 ; Gilbert, Annal. II.,1799, pp. 367- 386 ; Scherer, Journ. Chemie, III., 1799, pp. 623-638. 3. Uebersicbt der iibereinstimmenden und der verschiedenen Eigenscbaften des Gal- vanismus und der Electricitat ; nebst Unter- suchung, in wie weit das Waaser den neueren galvanischen Versuchen zufolge als ein zusam- mengesetzter, oder als einfacher Korper anzu- sehen ist. Nordisches Archiv, II., 1801 (pte. 2), pp. 3-48. Hauch, Anton. Die Lagerungs-Verhaltnisse und der Abbau des Steinsalzlagers zu Bocbnia in Galizien. Wien, Jalirb. Geol. II., 1851, pp. 30-41. 2. Hiittenmiinnische Analyseu. Oester- reich. Zeitschr. Bergw. III., 1855, pp. 390- 391. 1 3. Physicaliscb-chemiscbe Untersuchung der Mineral-Heilquellen von Szliacs im nord- licbeu Ungarn. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. VI., 1855, pp. 314-318. 4. Scbmollnitzer Iliittenprocesse. Die Ge- winnung von Kupfern aus Cementwassern im Schmollnitzer (Oberungariscben) Bergbezirk. Oesterreicb. Zeitschr. Bergw. VIII., 1860, pp. 269-271, 273-278, 285-287, 289-294, 301-303, 309-311, 326-328, 334-336, 340-343, 349-352, 355-357, 364-366, 382-383, 389-391, 396-398, 412-413. Hauch, Joh. Carsten von Quelques observations fragmentaires coucernaut 1'osteologie des organes du mouvement des mammiferes et des oiseaux. Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 330-343. 2. Om Brekkenet af en Flaggermuus (Phyllostoma). Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. II., 1840, p. 302. Hauck, . Fall von Bauchschwangerschaft. Casper, Wocbenschrift, 1843, pp. 752-755. Hauck, Hicronynnts. Die botaniscbe Unter- suchung der Umgegend von Niirnberg in ge- schichtlicber Darstellung. Niirnberg, Abhandl. I., 1858, pp. 241-268. Hauer (Geheimer Hath von). Ueber das Vor- kommen fosailer Thierreste im tertiaren Becken von Wien, und angehangte Vergleichung der- selben mit den Ueberresten anderer gleich- zeitiger Ablagerungen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1837, pp. 408-431. 2. Tertiare Konchylien Nieder-Oestreichs. Leonbard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1838, pp. 534— 535. 3. Nachtrag mittel-tertiarer Konchylien uni Wieu, iu Ungarn und Siebenbiirgen. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1839, p. 74. Hauer, Franz von. Ueber Cephalopoden der Hallstadter Schichten. Haidinger, Bericht. L, 1846, pp. 59-62. 2. Gebirgs-Schichten der Gegend von Gut- taring und Althofen in Kiirnthen. Haidinger, Bericht. L, 1846, pp. 132-134. 3. Ueber das Vorkommen der Caprinen in den Gosaubildungen der Oesterreichischen Al- pen. Haidinger, Bericht. L, 1846, pp. 142- 144. 4. Ueber das Vorkommen des bekannten MuschelgeschlechtesMonotis in den Oesterreich- ischen Alpen. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1846, pp. 160-161. HAU] 216 [HAU Hauer, Franz von. 5. Reihe voii Versteiner- ungen aus dem opalisirenden Muschelmarmor der Gegend von Bleiberg. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1846, pp. 174-175. 6. Versteinerungen von Dienten, siidwest- lich vou Werfenim Salzburgischeu. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1846, pp. 187-189. — ^ 7. Ueber die bei der Bohrung des artesi- scben Brunnens im Bahnbofe der Wieu-Raaber Eiscnbahn in Wicn durchfahrenen Tertiiir- Schichten. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1846, pp. 201-206. 8. Ueber einen neuen Fundort tertiiirer Fischreste bei Porcsesd in Siebenbiirgen. Hai- dinger, Bericht. I., 1846, pp. 206-209. 9. Ueber den Hagelsturm zu Gratz am 1 Julius 1846. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846- 47, pp. 15-18. 10. Ueber die Fossilien des Kalksteins bei Porcsesd. Haidiuger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 47-49. 11. Ueber Hamites Hampeanus, ein Fossil von Neuberg in Steierraark. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 75-77. 12. Ueber Nautilus plicatus von Tichau. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 316-318. 13. Oberschenkelknoclien (Femur) eines Mastodon. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 468-470. 14. Ueber die fossilen Polyparien des Wiener Tertiarbeckens. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 416-428. 15. Ueber die Kreidefossilien von Nagor- zany bei Lemberg. Haidiuger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 433-440. 16. Ueber die Cephalopoden des Muschel- marmors von Bleiberg in Kiirnthen. Haidinger, Abhandl. I., 1847, pp. 21-30. 17. Ueber Caprina Partschii, eine neue Bivalve aus den Gosauschichten der Oesterreich- ischen Alpeu. [1846.] Haidinger, Abhandl. I., 1847, pp. 109-114. 18. Neue Cephalopoden aus dem rothen Marmor von Aussee. Haidinger, Abhandl. I., 1847, pp. 257-277 ; Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 227-229. .. 19. Ueber die Fossilien von Korod in Siebenbiirgen. Haidinger, Abhandl. I., 1847, pp. 349-355. 2O. Ueber die geognostische Beschaffen- heit der Umgebungen von Hornstein und das daselbst zu vermuthende Salzlager. Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 65-69. 21. Cephalopoden vom Rossfeld. Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 476-480. 22. Markus Vincenz LIPOLD'S geognostische . Verhaltnisse von Nadworna. Haidinger, Be- richt. IV., 1848, pp. 99-102. Hauer, Franz von. 23. Bericht tiber Franz PFEIFFER'S transportables Barometer. Haid- inger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 253-256. 24. Ueber eine Reihe von fossilen Thier- resten, aus den Ordnungen der Mollusken, Ra- diaten, und Polyparien, die Herr RUSSEGGER aus Egypten und Syrien mitgebracht. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 308-313. 25. Versteinerungen aus den Venetian- ischen Alpen. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 373-376. 26. Neue Cephalopoden von Hallstatt und Aussee. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 377-379 ; Haidinger, Abhandl. III., 1850, pp. 1-26. 27. Ausliiufer der Alpen westlich von Neustadt und Neunkirchen. Haidinger, Bericht. VI., 1849, pp. 10-17. 28. Unterer Oolith von Gumpoldskirchen. Haidinger, Bericht. VI., 1849, pp. 20-22. • 29. Ueber die richtige Deutung der Schichten, welche Nummuliten enthalten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 262-266. 3O. Ueber von PETTKO'S Tubicaulis. Haidinger, Bericht. VII., 1850, p. 7. 31. Fossilien vom Berge Szallas bei Schenmitz vom Prof, von PETTKO gesammelt. Haidinger, Bericht. VII., 1850, pp. 19-20. 32. Fossilien aus Oberosterreich, von Gustos EHRLICH gesammelt. Haidinger, Bericht. VII., 1850, p. 21. 33. Ueber die Gliederung des Alpen- Kalks in den Ost-Alpen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1850, pp. 584-591. 34. Ueber die geognostischen Verhaltnisse des Nordabhanges der nordostlichen Alpen zwischeu Wien und Salzburg. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. 1850, pp. 17-60. 35. Ueber die Gliederung der geschichte- teu Gebirgsbildungen in den ostlichen Alpen und den Karpathen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 274-314. 36. Ueber BORANDE'S Versuch einer Clas- sification der Trilobiten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 304-324. 37. Ueber die von Herrn Bergrath W. Fucns in den Venetianer Alpen gesammelten Fossilien. Wien, Denkschr. H., 1851, pp. 109- 126. 38. Der Goldbergbau von Vorospatak in Siebenbiirgen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851 pp. 64-93. 39. Skelet eines Hohlenbaren (Ursus spe- Iceus). Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851, pp. 136- 137. 40. Verzeichniss der an die k. k. geologische Reichsanstalt gelangtun Einseudungen von Mineralien, Petrefacten, u.s.w. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851, pp. 144-158. HAU] 217 [HAU Hauer, Fran: i-o>t. 41. Jurapetrefacten aus der TJmgegcnd von Passau. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851 (ptc. 2), pp. 189-191. 42. Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Zustand des Museums der k. k. geologischen Reichsanstalt. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851, pp. 571-583 (Abth. 2). 43. [Ueber Nummuliten.] Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IV., 1852, pp. 517-520. 44. Ueber die fossilen Molluskcn des Ter- tiiirbeckens von Wien. Deutsch. Naturf. Ver- samml. Bericht, 1852, pp. 127-129. 45. Ueber die von der k. k. geologischen Reichsaustalt ausgefohrte geologische Karte von Unter-Oesterreich. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1852, pp. 143-148. 46. Ueber die geologische Beschaffenheit des Korosthales. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852, pp. 15-35. 47. R.C. TAYLOR'S Kohlenstatistik. Wien. Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852, pp. 102-139. 48. Das neuentdeckte Goldvorkommen in Australien. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852, pp. 148-152. 49. Vorlage von Fossilien von der Dtirru- uud Klaus-Alpe bei Hallstatt. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852, pp. 184-186. SO. Vorlage von Gebirgsarten und Fossilien aus Dalmatien. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852, pp. 192-194. 51. Bericht iiber die Reise des Tlerrn Directors CZAMOTTA. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 35-38. 52. Ueber die Gliederung der Trias-, Lias- und Juragebilde iu den nordostlicheu Alpen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 715-784. 53. Die Heterophyllen der Oesterreich- ischen Alpen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 861-910. 54. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Capri- cornier der Oesterreichischen Alpen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIH., 1854, pp. 94-121. 55. Ueber einige unsynimetrische Ammo- nitcn aus den Hierlatz-Schichten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIII., 1854, pp. 401-410. 56. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Cephalo- poden-Fauna der Hallstatter-Schichteu. Wien, Denkschr. IX., 1855, pp. 141-166. 57. Das Quecksilbervorkommen von Gag- liano bei Cividade in der Provinz Udine. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 810-814. 58. Ueber die Cephalopoden aus dem Lias der nordostlichen Alpen. [1855.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVI., 1855, p. 183 ; Wien, Denkschr. XI., 1856, pp. 1-86. 59. Ueber eiuige Fossilien aus dem Dolo- mite des Monte Salvatore bei Lugano. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 407-417. 60. Palaontologische Notizen. Wien, Sitz. Hauer, Fran: von. 61. Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Fauna der Raibler-Schichten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIV., 1857, pp. 537-566. 62. Em geologischer Durchschnitt der Alpen von Passau bis Duino. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXV., 1857, pp. 253-348. • 63. Beitriige zur Paliiontographie von Oesterreich. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. IX., 1858, pp. 75-76. 64. Ueber die Eoeengebilde im Erzher- zogthume Oesterreich und in Salzburg. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IX., 1858, pp. 103-137. 65. ErliiuteruDgen zu einer geologischen Uebersichtskarte der Schichtgebirge der Lom- bai-dei. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IX., 1858, pp. 445-496. 66. Ueber die Liassrebilde im nordostlichen Ungarn. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. X., 1859, pp. 21-23. 67. Ueber den sogenannten Karpathen- Sandstein. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. X., 1859, p. 67. 68. Umgebung von Kronstadt. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. X., 1859, pp. 105-107. 69. Geologische Uebersichtskarte des ost- lichen Siebenbiirgen. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. X., 1859, pp. 180-183. — 7O. Hohenmessungen im nordostlichen Ungarn. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. III., 1859 (Abh.), pp. 71-103. 71. Lazurstein von Ditro, dann Realgar, Schwefel, und Arragon von Kovaszna. Her- mannstadt, Verhandl. Siebenbiirg. Ver. XI., 1860, pp. 205-208. 72. Ueber die Verbreitung der Inzersdorfer- (Congerien-) Schichten in Oesterreich. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. XI., 1860, pp. 1-10. 73. Fossile Lias-Pflanzen aus Siebenbiirg- eu. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XL, 1860, pp. 57- 59. 74. Hb'henmessungeu in .Siebenbiirgen. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. IV., 1860 (Abh.\ pp. 7-36. 75. Nachtriige zur Kenntniss der Cephalo- poden-Fauna der Hallstiitter-Schichten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLL, 1860, pp. 113-150. — 76. Die Geologie und ihre Pflege iu Oester- reich. Wien, Almanach, 1861, pp. 199-220. 77. Hohenmessungeu im westlicheu Sie- benbiirgen. [I860.] Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. V, 1861 (Abh.), pp. 1-23. 78. Ueber die Ammoniten aus dem so- Ber. XXIV., 1857, pp. 145-158. VOL. III. genannten Medolo der Berge Domaro und Guglielmo im Val Trompia, Provinz Brescia. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1861, pp. 403-422. 79. Ueber die Petrefacten der Kreide- formation des Bakonyer WaKles. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1861, pp. 631-659. E K HAU] 218 [HAU Hauer, Franz von. 80. Geologische Ueber- sichtskarte des siidwestlichen zwischen der Donau und Drau gelegeueii Theiles von Ungarn. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XII., 1861-62, pp. 110- 112. 81. Ueber das Vorkommen des Phosphorits in Oesterreich. Frag, Centralblatt, XIII., 1862, pp. 183-186. 82. Geologische Uebersichtskarte von Dal- matieu. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XIII., 1863, pp. 14-15. Hauer, Franz von, und Richthofen. Bericht iiber die geologische Uebersichts-Aufuahme im nordiistlichen Ungarii im Soninier 1858. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. X., 1859, pp. 399-470. Hauer, J. C. Ueber die Behandlung der fiir Krappfarben bedruckten Zeuge vor dein Farbeu, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Kiihkothsurrogate. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXX., 1841, pp. 445-454. Hauer, Joseph von, und Alcidc f/'Orbigny. Die fossilen Foramiuiferen des tertiaren Beckens von Wien. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1846, pp. 144-147. Hauer, Karl von. Chemisclie Analyse der Fahl- erze von Paratsch bei Schruolnitz. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852 (Heft 4), pp. 98-103 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chera. LXIL, 1854, pp. 33-40. 2. Chemisclie Untersuchung des Uran- pecherzes von Pfibram in Bohrnen. Wieu, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 105-109 ; Erdni. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXI., 1854, pp. 391-397. 3. Ueber ein Vorkommen von Schwefel- arseu in den Braunkohlen von Fohnsdorf in Steiermark. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 109-111. 4. Ccelestin von Ischl in Oberosterreich, &c. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1S53, pp. 397- 402. 5. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Dar- stellung des Urauoxyd-oxyduls. Wieu, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 557-559. 6. Arbeiten in deni chemischeu Labora- torium der k. k. geologischen Keicbsanstalt. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 826-832; VI., 1855, pp. 154-161, 850-855; VII., pp. 152-159, 360-362, 805-810; VIII., 1857, pp. 151-155, 361-363, 612-617, 757-762 ; XIII., 1863, pp. 595-596. 7. Zusammensetzung einiger Mineralien. Hauer, Karl von. 9. Ueber die Darstellung und Zusammensetzung einiger Salze. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIII., 1854, pp. 443-456 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX1IL, 1854, pp. 425-439. 1O. Ueber das Bindemittel der Wiener Sandsteine. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 42-46. 11. Ueber einen von dem Mechaniker S. MARKTJS construirten Apparat zur Erzielung gleichf ormiger Temperaturen mittelst einer Gas- lampe. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 65-68. 12. Ueber krystallisirte essigsaure Mag- nesia. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 136- 138. 13. Ueber einige Steinkohlen von Rossitz in Mahren. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 139-142. 14. Ueber einige Cadmium-Salze. [1854.] Wien, Geol. Jahrb. V., 1854, pp. 67-87; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIII., 1854, pp. 13-42. 8. Ueber die Beschaftenheit der Lava des Aetna im Jahre 1852. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XI., 1854, pp. 87-92 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LX., 1854, pp. 224-230. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 23-43 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 477-491. 15. Ueber neue Verbindungen des Chlor- cadmiums mit basischen Chlormetallen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVI., 1855, pp. 409-414; XVII., 1855, pp. 331-353; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVL, 1855, pp. 176-182; LXVIII., 1856, pp. 385-399. 16. Ueber PATERA'S Auweudung einiger analytischer Methoden zur Ersctzung von Hiit- tenprocessen. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXVII., 1856, pp. 14-24. 17. Ueber ein vortheilhaftes Verfahren zur Gewiuuung des Lithions aus Lepidolith. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 310-313. 18. Chemisch-technische Untersuchung Oesterreichischer Steinkohlen. Oesterreich. Zeitschr. Bergw. IV, 1856, pp. 249-252. 19. Analyse der Griinerde von Kaaden in Bohmen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VII., 1856, pp. 845-846. 20. Notiz iiber Gewinnung von Vanadin aus den Joachimsthaler Uranerzeu. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XX., 1856, pp. 37-40 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 118-120. 21. Ueber einige neue Verbindungen des Cadmiums. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XX., 1856, pp. 40-42 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 121-123. 22. Beitriige zur Charakteristik einiger Verbindungen der Vanadinsaure. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXI., 1856, pp. 333-350; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 385-401. 23. Untersuchung des Mineralwassers von Stubitza in Croatien. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXII., 1856, pp. 307-316 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 257-266. 24. Ueber den Heizwerth der Kohle von Cusina. Niederosterr. Gewerb-Ver. Verhaiidl. 1857, pp. 174-176. HAU] 219 [HAU Hauer, Karl von. 25. Analyse des Mineral- wassers von Krapina-Teplitz. Wien, Geol. Jahvb. VIII., 1857, pp. 805-806 ; IX., 1858, pp. 229-234, 276-277. 26. Ueber das chemische Aequivaleut der Metalle Cadmium und Mangan. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXV., 1857, pp. 111-134; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 338-363. 27. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des schwefclsauren Cadmium-Oxydes. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIV., 1857, pp. 135-138; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chera. LXXII., 1857, pp. 372-376. 28. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Ka- lium-Tellurbromides und das Aequivalent des Tellurs. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXV., 1857, pp. 139-144; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIII., 1858, pp. 98-104. 29. Ueber einige Salze. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIV., 1858, pp. 431-436. 30. Chemische Analyse der Schwefel- therme Warasdin-Toplitz in Croatien. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IX., 1858, pp. 165-171 ; Wien, Geol. Verhandl. IX., 1858, pp. 68-69. 31. Chemische Untersuchung der warmen Quelle von Monfalcone niichst Triest. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IX., 1858, pp. 497-503 ; Wieu, Geol. Verhandl. IX., 1858, pp. 99-100. 32. Die Schwefeltherme von S. Stefano in Istrien. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IX.. 1858, pp. 689-695 ; Wien, Geol. Verhandl. IX., 1858, pp. 100-101, 121-122. 33. Ueber dreifach vanadinsauren Stron- tiaii. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVI., 1859, pp. 156-160. 34. Untersuchung der warmen Schwefel- quellen von Trentschin-Teplitz in Ungarn. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IX., 1859, pp. 1-9. • 35. Ueber einige selensaure Salze und die Darstellung der Selensaure. [1859.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIX., 1860, p. 299. — — 36. Notizen iiber die Krystallisation und Darstellung einiger Verbindungen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIX., 1860, pp. 438-447. 37. Krystallogenetische Beobachtungen. [1859.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIX., 1860, pp. 611-622 ; XL., pp. 539-554, 589-606; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., 1860, pp. 69-71. 38. Ueber einige Verbindungen derVana- dinsaure. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIX., 1860, pp. 448-456 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1860, pp. 324-333. 39. Ueber einige selensaure Salze. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIX., 1860, pp. 837-840. 4O. Ueber die Einwirkung von kohlen- saurehaltigen Wasser auf metallisches Eisen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXL, 1860, pp. 391-394. Hauer, Karl von. 41. Ueber ein eigenthiim- liches Krystallisations-Phiinomen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem, LXXXIIL, 1861, pp. 356-362. 42. Ergebnisse der Elemental-- Analysen eines Harzes. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XII., 1861-62, pp. 4-5. 43. Analyse des Wassers der Donnu. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XII., 1861-62, pp. 34- 36. 44. Krystallogenetische Studieu. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XII., 1861-62, pp. 49-51. 45. Quellen bei Mauer niichst Wien. Wien, Geol. Verhaudl. XII., 1861-62, pp. 56- 58. 46. Resultate einer Untersuchung der Steinkohlen von Reschitza und Steierdorf. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XII., 1861-62, pp. 212- 213. 47. Ueber die Pressuusr des Wiiides in den Hohofengestellen. Allgeui. Berg. Zeitung, IV., 1862, pp. 361-363. 48. Ueber das Verhaltniss des Brenn- wertlies der fossilen Kohleu in der Oesterreich- ischen Monarchic zu ihrem Forraationsalter. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. XIII., 1863, pp. 299- 328. Hauer, Rudolph von. Untersuchung von Acker- erdeii aus dem Banate. Wieu, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852 (Hft. 4), pp. 81-90 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXL, 1854, pp. 328-340. Hauff, . Einige Bemerkungen iiber die normale und abnorme Thiitigkeit der sensibeln Nerven ; iiber Empfindung und Schmerz. Haeser, Ai-chiv Med. VII., 1845, pp. 113-147. Hauff, J., und R. Walther. Vergleichende Untersuchuug des Wasser- und Fettgehaltes des Gehirns. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, IX., 1853, pp. 100-111; Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp. 42-55 ; Journ. de Phartu. XXIII., 1853, pp. 466-469. Hauff, J. K. F. Beschreibung eines neuen gal- vanisch-electrischen Apparats. Gilbert, Annal. XV., 1803, pp. 77-89. 2. Neue Vorschliige zu einem natiirlichen Maass-System. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1813, pp. 228-234. Hauffen, H. Zwei neue Hohlenschnecken (Val- vata erythropomatia und Paludiua pellucida). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VI., 1856 (Abh.\ pp. 465-466. 2. Ueber ein neues Carychium (C. reticu- latum). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VI., 1856 (Abh,\ pp. 623-624. 3. Zwei neue Schnecken (Carychium biden- tatum und Valvata spelrea). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VI., 1856 (Abh.), pp. 701-702. Haufler, L. von. Ueber den Vorgang bei Samm- lung ethnographischer Daten. Haidinger, Bericht. VII., 1850, pp. 115-122. E E 2 HAU] 220 [HAU Haughton, B. The Aurora Borcalis of 14 De- cember 1862 ("Northern Corona"). Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. IV., 1863, pp. 151-153. Haughton, Graves C. On the relative dynamic value of the degrees of the compass, and on the cause of the needle resting in the magnetic meridian. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1846, p. 626. 2. Proofs of the antagonism of heat and electricity ; and also of the singleness of the electric fluid, with some remarks on the nature of conduction and induction. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 27-28. • 3. Experiment proving the common nature of magnetism, cohesion, and viscosity. Phil. Mag. XXX., 1847, pp. 437-457, 502-522. Haughton, J. On the difference between rain- fall and evaporation at St. Helena in 1860. [1862.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII, 1864, pp. 139-152. Haughton, J. C. Memorandum on the geological structure and mineral resources of the Sing- bhoom Division of the South-west Frontier agency. Bengal, Jouru. Asiat. Soc. XXIII., 1854, pp. 103-122. 2. Papers relating to the Aborigines of the Andaman Islands. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXX., 1862, pp. 251-267. Haughton, James. Remarks on Moths which cause destruction in granaries. [1856.] Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 22-23. • 2. On the Coleoptera infesting granaries. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I, 1849-55, pp. 153-154. 3. Some remarks on the economy of grani- vorous Lepidopterous larvae. Newman, Zoolo- gist, XIV., 1856, pp. 5144-5145. 4. On curious webs wove by Tinea gra- nella. Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857, p. 73. Haughton, Sanntcl. On the laws of equilibrium and motion of solid and fluid bodies. Canib. and Dubl. Math. Journ. I, 1846, pp. 173-182 ; II, pp. 100-108 ; Irish Acad. Proc. Ill, 1846, pp. 252-258 ; Irish Acad. Trans. XXI, 1848, pp. 151-198. 2. On the analysis of Spodumene and Killinite. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I, 1849-55, pp. 24-25 ; Nat. Hist. Review, in, 1856 (Proc.), pp. 64-65. 3. Notes on molecular mechanics. — No. 1. On the general equations of motion. Canib. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V, 1850, pp. 172- 176. 4. On a new method of deducing FEESNEL'S laws of wave propagation from a mechanical theory. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 455- 459. — — 5. On the function peculiar to a system of attracting and repelling molecules. Irish Acad. Proc. IV, 1850, pp. 460-462. Haughton, Samuel. 6. Notice of the occur- rence of fragments of granite in limestone, county Dublin. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1850-53, p. 113. 7. Notes on the geology of Rathlin Island. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. V, 1850- 53, pp. 130-133. 8. Notes on the Serpentines of Cornwall and Connemara. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. V, 1850-53, pp. 136-139. 9. Account of the gangue of Conlig Lead Mine, county of Down. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1850-53, pp. 203-204. 10. Geological and statistical notes on Irish Mines. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. V, 1850-53, pp. 279-285; VI, 1853-55, pp. 168- 177, 206-214. 11. On CLAIEAUT'S Theorem. Carnb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VI, 1851, pp. 182-185. 12. On Prof. POTTER'S theory of sound. Phil. Mag. I, 1851, pp. 332-334. 13. Notes on molecular mechanics. — No. 2. Propagation of plane waves. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VIII, 1853, pp. 159-165; IX, 1854, pp. 129-137. 14. On a modification of Mr. GREEN'S formula applicable to the representation of M. JAMIN'S experiments on reflected polarized light, Irish Acad. Proc. V, 1853, p. 470. 15. On the use of the hygrometer in the barometric measurement of height. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 341-348. 16. On the reflexion of polarized light from the surface of transparent bodies. Phil. Mag. VI, 1853, pp. 81-88. 17. On the newer Palceozoic rocks, which border the Menai Straits, in Carnarvonshire. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VI, 1853-55, pp. 1-27. 18. Notices of Fossils from the Carboni- ferous Limestone. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VI, 1853-55, pp. 47-49. 19. On the Iron Ores of Carnarvonshire. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VI, 1853-55, pp. 128-132. 2O. On the evidence afforded by Fossil Plants, as to the boundary line between the Devonian and Carboniferous Rocks. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Jouru. VI, 1853-55, pp. 227- 241. 21. Properties of the mica of the Dublin, Wicklow, and Carlow granites. Irish Acad. Proc. VI, 1853-54, pp. 176-179. 22. On the granites of the province of Leinster. Irish Acad. Proc. VI, 1853-54, pp. 230-239. 23. On the depth of the sea deducible from tidal observations. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853-54, pp. 354-355. HAU] 221 [HAU Haughton, Samuel 24. Experiments to deter- mine the velocities of the vine bullets commonly used. Phil. Mag. VII., 1854, pp. 390-396. 25. On some new laws of reflexion of polarized light. Phil. Mag. VIII., 1854, pp. 507-520; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 66-69. 26. On a classification of elastic media, and the laws of plane waves propagated through them. [1849.] Irish Acad. Trans. XXII., 1855, pp. 97-138. 27. On the rotation of a solid body round a fixed point ; being an account of the late Pro- fessor MACCULLAGH'S Lectures on that subject. [1849.] Irish Acad. Trans. XXII., 1855, pp. 139-154. 28. Account of experiments made on a new friction sledge for stopping railway trains [1850.] Irish Acad. Trans. XXII., 1855, pp. 219-232. 29. On the original and actual fluidity of the earth and planets. [1851.] Irish Acad. Trans. XXII., 1855, pp. 251-274. 30. Notes on mineralogy. Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 272-275 ; X., 1855, pp. 23-29, 253- 257 ; XIII., 1857, pp. 116-117, 509-510; XIV., 1857, pp. 47-51 ; XVII., 1859, pp. 16-21, 258- 260; XXIIL, 1862, pp. 47-52. 31. On the lower carboniferous beds of the peninsula of Hook, county of Wexford. Dub- lin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855-57, pp. 146- 153. 32. On the pitchstone and pitchstone por- phyry of Barnesmore and Lough Eske, county of Donegal. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIL, 1855- 57, pp. 196-198 ; Nat. Hist. Eeview, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 89-91. 33. Notes of some distorted fossils from the cleaved rocks of the south of Ireland. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855-57, pp. 219-221 ; Nat. Hist. Eeview, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 98-100. 34. On the siliceo-felspathic rocks of the south of Ireland. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIL, 1855-57, pp. 282-286 ; Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 210-214. 35. Experimental researches on the granites of Ireland. Geol. Soc. Journ. XII., 1856, pp. 171-202; XIV., 1858, pp. 300-305. 36. Physiological experiments on Nicotine and .Strychnia. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1856, pp. 420-423. 37. On the solar and lunar diurnal tides of the coasts of Ireland. Phil. Mag. XL, 1856, pp. 47-64, 111-125, 262-272, 428-433. 38. On the density of the earth. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 50-51 ; Poggend. Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 332-334. Haughton, Samuel. 39. On slaty cleavage, and the distortion of fossils. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 409-421. 40. On the genus Euomphalus, and its relations to Pleurotomaria and the Haliotida:. Dublin, Nat, Hist, Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 63-65 ; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 32-35. 41. Of the tides and tidal currents of the Irish Sea and English Channel, considered with reference to the safe navigation of those seas by outward and homeward bound ships. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. I., 1856-57, pp. 3S9-419. 42. On fossil stems allied to Stigmaria, recently obtained from the upper beds of the Old Red Sandstone of Hook Point, Wexford. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), p. 69, 43. Cleavage and joint plaues of the Old Red Sandstone conglomerate of the county of Waterford. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIH., 1857-60, pp. 16-17. 44. Note on the alteration in the form of Posidonia produced by cleavage .and the pres- sure of the surrounding matrix. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 81-84; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.\ pp. 161-164. 45. On reversed faults occurring in anti- clinal folds with oblique axes, illustrated by a case at Loughshinuy, county of Dublin. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Jouru. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 84-87; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 164- 166. 46. On the felspar and mica of the granite of Canton. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 159-161. 47. On a new carboniferous Echinoderm, from the county of Limerick. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Jouru. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 183-186; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 511-514. 48. Geological account of the Arctic Archipelago, drawn up from the specimens col- lected by Captain F. L. M'CuNTOCK, R.N., from 1849 to 1859. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 196-213; Nat. Hist. Review, VIL, 1860 (Proc.), pp. 139-156. 49. Nicotine considered as an antidote to Strychnia, Irish Acad. Proc. VIL, 1858, pp. 84-91 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI. 1859 (Proc.), pp. 1-9. 50. Discussion of tidal observations made by direction of the Royal Irish Academy in 1850-51. [1854.] Irish Acad. Trans. XXIIL, 1858, pp. 35-140. 51. On the physical structure of the Old Red Sandstone of the county of Waterford, considered with relation to cleavage, joint sur- faces, and faults. Phil. Trans. 1858, pp. 333- 348. HAUJ 222 [HAU Haughton, Samuel. 52. Mirieralogieal descrip- tion of rocks collected near Nagpur, Central India, by the Rev. Messrs. HISLOP and HUNTER. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. II., 1858-59, pp. 175-180 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 42-47. 53. On some new Orthocerata from the carboniferous limestone of the neighbourhood of Cork and Clonmel. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Jouru. II., 1858-59, pp. 241-242 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), p. 199. 54. On a rare form of one of the carboni- ferous Nautilidse, found at Cleenish, Fermanagh. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. II., 1858-59, pp. 357- 358 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 507-508. 55. On Cyclostigma, a new genus of fossil Plants from the Old Red Sandstone of Kiltorean, Kilkenny ; and on the general law of phyllotaxis in the natural orders — Lycopodiacerc, Equise- tacere, Filices, &c. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. II., 1858-59, pp. 407-420 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 433-445 ; Nat. Hist, Review, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 209-222. 56. On the natural constants of the healthy Urine in man. Dublin, Quart, Journ. Med. Sci. XXVIL, 1859, p. 374 ; XXX., 1860, pp. 1-18 ; XXXIV., 1862, pp. 284-291. 57. On some fossil Pyramidellida: from the carboniferous limestone of Cork and Clonmel. Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 281-283 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 366-367. 58. On the thickness of the Earth's crust. Phil. Mac;. XVII., 1859, pp. 397-398 ; XVIII.. 1859, pp. 420-426; XIX., 1860, pp. 444-449. — — 59. On the black mica of the granite of Leinster and Donegal, and its probable identity with Lepidomelane. [1858.] Geol. Soc. Jouru. XV., 1859, pp. 129-131. 60. On the form of the cells made by various Wasps, and by the Honey Bee ; with an appendix on the origin of species. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. III., 1859-62, pp. 128-140 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 415-429. 61. On the tidal currents of the Irish Sea, considered with reference to cases of shipwreck. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. III., 1860-62, pp. 15- 20. 62. On the Fossils brought home from the Arctic Regions in 1859, by Captain Sir F. L. MCCLINTOCK. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. III., 1860-62, pp. 53-58; Nat. Hist. Review, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 359-365. 63. On the occurrence of nickeliferous magnetic Pyrites from Tiernakill, near Maura, Galway. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. IX., 1860- 62, pp. 1-2. Haughton, Samuel. 64. On some additions to the yellow sandstone Flora of Donegal. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. IX., 1860-62, p. 13. 65. Note on the windrose of the county of Clare in 1861, from Mr. F. J. FOOT'S meteoro- logical observations. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. III., 1860-62, pp. 327-341. 66. On the diurnal tides of Port Leopold, North Somerset. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860- 62, pp. 507-508 ; Phil. Trans. 1863, pp. 243-272. 67. On the phenomena of Diabetes melli- tus. Dublin, Quart. Journ. Med. Sci. XXXI., 1861, pp. 317-338 ; XXXIL, 1861, pp. 265- 277 ; XXXV., 1863, pp. 66-79. 68. On the time of high-water in Dublin Bay, on the 23rd April, 1014. Irish Acad. Proc. VII., 1861, pp. 495-496. 69. On the time of high-water in Dublin Bay on the 6th September, 1852. Irish Acad. Proc. VII., 1861, pp. 511-513. 7O. Experimental researches on the Gra- nite of Ireland. Part III. On the Granites of Donegal. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIIL, 1862, pp. 403-420. 71. On the use of Nicotine in Tetanus and cases of poisoning by Strychnine. Quart. Journ. Med. Sci. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 172-186. 72. Geological notes on the Iron and Man- ganese Ores, and on the China Clay of Kilbricle. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1862-63, p. 69. 73. The Sea-Louse of the Baltic. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862-63, pp. 61-62. 74. On the reflexion of polarized Light from polished surfaces, transparent and metallic. [1862.] Phil. Trans. 1863, pp. 81-126. 75. Notes on Diabetes insipidus. Dublin, Quart, Journ. Med. Sci. XXXVI., 1863, pp. 319-324. 76. Note on the occurrence of exogenous wood in the arenaceous limestone of the yellow sandstone series of the north coast of Mayo. [1863.] Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1864, pp. 122-125. 77. Observations on the fossil Red Deer of Ireland, founded on the skeletons found at Bohoe, in the county of Fermanagh, in 1863. [1863.] Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1864, pp. 125-127. 78. On a graphical mode of calculating the tidal drift of a vessel in the Irish Sea or English Channel. [1861.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 25-28. 79. On the dynamical coefficients of elas- ticity of steel, iron, brass, oak, and teak. [1862.] Irish Acad. Proc. VHI., 1864, pp. 86-87. 8O. Account of experiments to determine the velocities of rifle bullets commonly used. [1862.] Irish Acad. Proc. VILL, 1864, pp. 105-116. HAU] 223 [HAU Haughton, Samuel. 81. On the rain-fall and evaporation in Dublin in 1860. [1862.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 153-164. 82. Observations on the wind, made in the years 1848-49, in Leopold Harbour, North Somerset, on board H.M.S. Investigator. [1862.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 203-218. 83. On the non-cyclonic character of the storm of 29 October 1863. [1863.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 409-412. Haughton, Samuel, and Joseph A. Galbraith. On the apsiclal motion of a freely suspended pendulum. Phil. Mag. II., 1851, pp. 134-139. Haughton, Samuel and S. Wilfrid, and Joseph A. Galbraith. On experiments made in Dublin to determine the azimuthal motion of the plane of vibration of a freely suspended pendulum. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 117- 124. Haughton, Samuel, and J. Beete Jukes. On the lower palceozoic rocks of the south-east of Ireland, and their associated igneous rocks. Irish Acad. Trans. XXHL, 1859, pp. 563-622. Haughton, Samuel, and F. L. McClintock. Reminiscenses of Arctic Ice-Travel in search of Sir John FRANKLIN and his Companions ; with some Geological notes and illustrations. Dublin, Eoy. Soc. Journ. I., 1856-57, pp. 183-249. Haupt (Dr.}. Versuch einer dichotomischen Ein- thcilung der im Naturalienkabinet von Bamberg vorhanclenen Arten des Genus Clausilia. Re- gensburg, Korresp. Blatt, 1848, pp. 128-144. 2. Die kleine Kuffe, ein durch plutonische Kriifte zerrissener Keuperberg bei Bamberg. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt, 1849, pp. 138- 141. 3. Einige Ablagerungen von Kalktufi in der Niihe von Bamberg. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt, 1849, pp. 147-150. , 4. Ueber Cypris im Allgemeinen, nebst Beschreibuug zweier neuer Arten (C. hamata, C. theobromacea). Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt, 1850, pp. 138-144. 5. Beitrag zur mineralogischen Topo- graphic von Baiern. Bamberg, Bericht, I., 1852, pp. 60-77. 6. Verzeichniss der urn Bamberg bis jetzt aufgefundeneu Schmetterlinge. Bamberg, Bericht, II., 1854, pp. 80-87. 7. Das Gebiet der Trias und des Jura in Bayern und im Rheiubecken. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt, 1854, pp. 56-64. Haupt, Herman. Remarks on the resistance of posts to flexure. Franklin Inst. Journ. XVIII., 1849, pp. 21-23. , 2. On the resistance of timber and other solids. Amer. Assoc. Proc.^1850, pp. 161-167. Haupt, Herman. 3. Formula for the strain ii] ion timber. Centre of gravity of an ungula anil semi-cylinder. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIX., 1850, pp. 408-413. 4. On the resistance of the vertical plates of tubular bridges. Anier. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 254-259 ; Franklin Inst. Journ. XXVI., 1853, pp. 217-221. Haupt, Leopold. Wer legt die Eier zu den Drohnen ? GSiiitz, Abhandl. III., 1840, pp. 17-32. 2. Auf welche Weise wird das Schwiirmen der Bienen am Sichersten befordert ? Gorlitz, Abhandl. III., 1840, pp. 32-38. 3. Zur Bienenzucht. Gorlitz, Abhandl. V., 1848, pp. 62-68. Haupt, Tlteodor. Geognostische und berg- miinnische Bemerkungen iiber St. Domingo, gesammelt auf einer Reise in den Jahren 1836 und 1837. Karsten, Archiv, XVH., 1843, pp. 536-672. 2. Geognostisch - bergmannische Bemerk- uncren iiber den Bergbau Sardiniens. Berg, u. Hiittemn. Zeitg. XII., 1853, col. 1-6, 21-25, 39-42, 56-59, 69-73, 87-91, 116-120 ; XIII., 1854, col. 89-90, 105-107, 343-345, 349-351, 368-371, 382-383, 389-391, 395-397, 403-405, 414-415, 417-418. Hausemann, J. W. A. Vorliiufige Nachricht von den, in dem Landstrich von Lemforde bis Syke auzutreffeuden Merkwvirdigkeiten aus der Urwelt, nebst allgeineinen Bemerkungen, be- sonders in Beziehuug auf das dritte Heft des Archivs. Ballenstedt, Archiv, III. 1821, pp. 38-68. 2. Anfang einer Auseinandersetzung der Deutschen Arten der Gattung Agrion, Fab. Wiedemanu, Zool. Mag. II., 1823, pp. 148- 161. Hauser, Vegetation der Villacher Alpe in Karnthen. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 561-566. 2. Vegetation der Kiihweger-Alpe im Gailthale in Karntheu. Flora, XIII., 1830, pp. 161-165. Hauslab, . Sur la distinction entre les bas- sins orographiques, hydrographiques, et geo- logiques. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1843-44, pp. 569-573. 2. Ueber seine im Jahre 1817 ausgefiihrte Aufnahnie der Gletscher-Gruppe des Oetzthales. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 81-84. 3. Die bedeutenderen Gebirgsriicken der Erde liegen in den Kanten eines mit derselben excentrischen Tetracontraoktaeders. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851, pp. 117-122. 4. Sur 1'origine de 1'etat actuel du globe terrestre, ou son clivage comme cristal. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIH., 1850-51, pp. 178-194; Edinb. New Phil. Jouru. LV., 1853, pp. 165-166. HAU] Hauslab, 224 [HAU 5. Comparaison geographique, orographique, et geologique de la surface ter- restre avec celle de la partie visible de la Lunc. Paris, Sot-. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 778- 789. Hausleutner, . Ueber die Schwefelquellen zu Warnibrunn. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LVI., 1823 (Heft 5), pp. 62-89 ; Hufeland u. Osann, Journ. Arzn. LXL, 1825 (Heft 4), pp. 54-82. Hausleutner, . Aldrovanda vesiculosa, zu Tauscnden in Oberschlesien. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 600, 831-832. 2. Ueber eine neuu Nympluea aus Schlesien. Botau. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 905-908. , 3. Ueber die Aldrovanda in Schlesien. Botan. Zeitung, IX., 1851, col. 301-304. Hausmann, (Director). Ueber die Entsteliung des wahren weiblichen Eies uud die Entwickel- ung derEmbryonen der Haussaugethiere. Oken, Isis, 1840, col. 918-920. Hausmann, Alfred. Einiges iiber Vogelstim- men. Naumannia, 1855, pp. 96-101, 181-195. Hausmann, C. Exanien d'une substance retiree de I'ovaire pathologiquement developpee d'une femme et d'un liquide trouve dans la cavite abdominale du mC-me cadavre. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 91-92. Hausmann, Fr. Eine neue Carex aus Siidtirol. Flora, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 225-226. . 2. Ueber Dentaria trifolia in BERTOLINI'S Flora Italica. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. IV., 1854, pp. 8-9. 3. Zur Gattuug Facchinia, Reichenbach. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. IV., 1854, pp. 130- 131. 4. Eiue Flora von Siid-Tirol von Dr. FACCHIXI. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. V., 1855, pp. 2-3. 5. Botanische Durchforschung Tirol's im Jahre 1854. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. V., 1855, pp. 113-117, 121-124, 130-133. 6. Neue Nachtrage zur "Flora von Tirol." Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaudl. VIII., 1858 (Al,h.), pp. 371-380. Hausmann, Johatm Friedrich Litdwig. Bemerk- ungen iiber Lygreus apterus, Fabr. Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 229-241. 2. Beitrage zu den Materialien fur eine kiinftige Bearbeitung der Gattung der Blatt- liiuse. " Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 426- 445. 3. Versuch mit einigen Gattungen von Hausmann, Johann Friedrich Litdwig. 5. Be- schreibung der auf dem Harze vorkommenden Braunsteinerze und der Siebenbiirgischen Braunsteinblende. Weber, Archiv, I., 1804, pp. 32-51. 6. Bemerkungen iiber tiidtende Wetter eines alten verlassenen Bergwerks zu St. An- dreasberg. Gilbert, Annal. XXL, 1805, pp. 333-347. 7. Ideen iiber Klassification und Beschreib- ung der Mineralien. Weber, Archiv, I., 1805 (St. 2), pp. 90-105. 8. Beitrage zur Insektenfaune des Vorge- Kiifern, die statt der sogenannten Spanischen Fliege zum Blasenziehen taugen. .Voigt, Maga- zin, II., 1801, pp. 641-642. 4. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die magnet- ischen Erscheinungen an den Granitfelsen des Harzes. Crell, Chem. Anual. II., 1803, pp. 207-212. birges der Guten Hoffnung. Illiger, Magazin, VI., 1807, pp. 229-267. 9. Ein Paar mineralogische Bemerkungen iiber die Gegencl von Aachen (Aix la Chapelle). Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 194-207. 1O. Ueber das Streichen und Fallen der Grundgebirgs-Schichten im Norden von Europa. Miinchen, Denkschr. 1808, pp. 147-156. 11. Kritisch - oryktognostische Bemerk- ungen iiber Skapolith und Wernerit, uud einige andere nahe damit verwandte Fossilieu. Ber- lin, Ges. Nat. Freuude Mag. III., 1809, pp. 201-222. 12. Resultate geognostischer Beobacht- ungeu, angestellt auf einer Reise durch einen Theil von Dtinemark, Norwegen, und Schweden. [1807.] Moll, Neue Jahrbiich. I., 1809, pp. 1-48. 13. Ueber den Strontianit vom Iberge bei Grund ani Harz. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 158-160. 14. Ueber die Untersuchung des Ver- haltens der Fossilien vor dem Blas-oder Loth- rohre. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, IV., 1810, pp. 17-48 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIII., 1814, pp. 439-445. 15. Beitrage zur Oryktognosie. Weber, Beitrage, II., 1810, pp. 58-122. 16. Der Tieder Hiigel. Ein kleiner Bei- trag zur Kenntniss der bunten Sandstein- und alteren FliJtzgyps- Formation. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. U., 1810, pp. 1-8. 17. Ueber den gelben Eisenocher, in che- mischer, mineralogischer und metallurgischer Hinsicht. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVIII., 1811, pp. 1-40. 18. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Eisenoxyd- hydrat. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVIII., 1811, pp. 64-69. 19. Der Taberg unweit Jonkoping in Snialand. Leonhard, Tasehenbuch, V., 1811, pp. 1-15 ; Journ. des Mints, XXX., 1811, pp. 215-224. HAU] 225 [HAU Hausmann, Joltann Friedrich Ludicig. 2O. De relatione inter corporum naturaliuin anorgani- corum indoles chemicas atque externas. [1813.] Gottingen, Comment. II., 1811-13. 21. Ueber den sogenannten Tutenmergel von Gorarp in Schonen. Wetterau. Gesell. An- ual. III., 1812, pp. 25-28. 22. Professor BERZEUDS'S Versuch, cin rein wiasenscbaftliches System dcr Mineralogie auf die electro- chemische Theorie und die che- mische Proportionslehre zu griinden. Gilbert, Annal. XLVIII., 1814, pp. 105-116. 23. Ueber die Krystallisation des Magnet- kieses und eine Abiinderung des Scbwefelkieses. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, VIII., 1814, pp. 438- 444. 24. Observationes de pyrite gilyo (hepa- tico et radiato auctorum). [1814.] Gottingen, Comment. III., 1814-15. 25. Uebergangs - Gebirgs - Formation in Westgothland. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, 1815, pp. 456-459. 26. Wechsel von Uebergangs- und Urge- birge bei Arendal und Porsgrund in Norwegen. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, 1815, pp. 459-162. 27. Ueber eine cristallisirte Eisen-Frisch- schlacke. Moll, Neue Jahrbiich. III., 1815, pp. 39-48. 28. Det vid Kopparverket Rothenburg an der Saale brukliga salt att tillverka bla Koppar- Vitriol, hvilken i Handeln vanligen forekommer under namn af Cyprisk Vitriol. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXXVII., 1816, pp. 175-183. 29. Bemerkungen iiber das blattrige Eisen- blau von Bodenmais. Miinchen, Denkschr. 1816-17, pp. 233-240. 30. De arte ferri conflciendi veterum, im- primis Gracorum atque Romanorum. [1815.] Gottiugen, Comment. IV., 1816-18, pp. 3-58; Schweigger, Journ. XIV., 1815, pp. 247-261. 31. Specimen crystallographire metallur- gies. [1817.] Gottingen, Comment. IV., 1816- 18, pp. 59-88. 32. Ueber einige Gebirgs verhiiltnisse in Norwegen und Schweden. Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1816. 33. De Apenninorum constitutione geo- gnostica. [1822.] Gottingen, Comment. V., 1819-22, pp. 33-70; Boston, Journ. Phil. I., 1824, pp. 377-383 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 153-162; Gilbert, Annal. LXXIV., 1823, pp. 307-324. 34. De rei agvarise et saltuariae fundamento Hausmann, Joltann Friedrich Ludwig. 35. De confectione vasorum fictilium, qua; vulgo Etrusca appellantur. [1820.] Gottingen, Comment. V., 1819-22, pp. 117-148; Edinb. Phil. Journ. XII., 1825, pp. 360-368 ; XIII., 1825, pp. 45-63. 36. On metallurgic crystallography. Edinb. Phil. Journ. V., 1821, pp. 155-164, 344-351. 37. [Ueber eine neue Krystallisation des Boracits.] Leonhard, Tascheubuch, XVI., 1822, p. 927. 38. Uebersicht der jiingeren Flotzgebilde im Flussgebiete der Weser, mit vergleichender Beriicksichtigimg ihrer Aequivalente in einigen anderen Gegenden von Deutschland und in der Schweiz. Gottingen, Studien Vereins, I., 1824, pp. 381-567 ; II., 1828, pp. 215-482 ; III., 1833, pp. 326-331. 39. Bemerkungen iiber den Hyalosiderit und sein Verhaltniss zum Peridot und zur krys- tallisirten Eisenschlacke. Leonhard, Taschen- buch, XVIII., 1824, pp. 40-60. 40. Ueber die geognostischen Verhaltnisse der Gegend von Ibbenbiihren und Osnabriick. Karsten,Archivf.Bergbau, XIII., 1826, pp. 3-34. 41. Untersuchungen iiber die Pflanzen- Reste des Kohlengebirges von Ibbenbiihren und vom Prisberge bei Osnabriick. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XIII., 1826, pp. 266-282. . 42. Analyse de la description geologique des environs de Paris, et des " Memoires sur les terrains calcareo-trappeens " de M. BRONGNIART. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, p. 377. 43. De origine saxorum per Germanije septentrionalis regiones arenosas dispersorum. [1827.] Gottingen, Comment. VII., 1828-31, pp. 3-34. 44. De Hispania; constitutione geognostica. [1829.] Gottingen, Comment. VII., 1828-31, pp. 69-90 ; Annal. des Mines, VII., 1830, pp. 375-392; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 267-277. 45. Verhandeling ter beantwoording der geologico. [1818.] Gottingen, Comment. V., 1819-22, pp. 71-100 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXL, 1819, pp. 392-404. VOL. III. vrage : — " Welke is de oorsprong der Graniet- en andere primitive Rotsblokken en stukken van zeer verschillende grootte, die in groote menigte over de vlakten der Nederlanden eii van net Noordelijk Duitschland, eii in de zandgronden verspreid liggen ? — Is het mogelijk, door eine naauwkeurige vergelijking dezer Rotsstukken, en van dat Rotsgruis, kiezel genaamd, met de bestanddeelen van elders bestaande, Geologische Formation, zich te verzekeren, dat de eersten te voren een gedeelte uitmaakten der laatsten, en, zoo ja, waaraan kan men met de meeste waar- schijnlijkheid derzelver overbrenging van de nog bestaande Bergen tot onze vlakten en die van het Noordelijk Duitschland toeschrijven ?" Haarlem, Nat. Verh. Maatsch. Wet. XIX., 1831, pp. 272-400. F F HAU] 226 [HAU Hausmann, Johann Friedrich Ludwig. 46. Commentatio de usu experientiarum metallur- gicarum ad disquisitiones geologicas adjuvandas. [1836.] Gottingen, Comment. VIII., 1832-37, pp. 137-170. 47. Sketches of South European nature — Italy. (Transl.) Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1833, pp. 326-335. 48. On the. physiognomy of Scandinavia. ( Transl.) Edinb. New Phil. Journ, XV., 1833, pp. 73-84. . 49. On the Kock of Gibraltar. ( Transl.) Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XV., 1833, pp. 227- 233. 50. Ueber das Vorkommen der Grobkalk- Formation in Niedersachsen und einigen an- franzenden Gegenden Westphalens. Gottingen, tudien Vereins, III., 1833, pp. 253-318. 51. Ueber E. BUNSEN'S in den Kalktuff- Ablagerungen der Gegend von Gb'ttiugen ent- deckte Kunst-Produkte und Thier-Fiihrten. Leouhard u. Broun, N. Jahrb. 1836, pp. 472- 476. 52. On Metallurgical Phenomena as illus- trative of Geology. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIII., 1837, pp. 326-330. 53. Discoveries regarding two varieties of Siliceous Earth found near Oberohe in the Hanoverian Province of Liineburg. EJinb. New Phil. Journ. XXV., 1838, pp. 375-378 [ Transl. from Gutting. Gelchrte Anz. 25 Jan. 1838]. 54. Beitriige zur Kunde der geognostischen Konstitutiou von Siid-Afrika. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1838, pp. 181-187. 55. Ueber ein am siidlichen Rande der Liiueburger Haide entdecktes niachtiges Infu- sorien-Lager. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1838, pp. 434-436. 56. Ueber das Gebirgssystem der Sierra Nevada im siidlicheu Spanien. [1841.] Gott- ingen, Abhandl. I., 1838-41, pp. 261-293 ; Karsten, Archiv, XVII., 1843, pp. 358-370. . 57. Bemerkungen iiber das Gebirge von Jaen im siidlichen Spanien. [1842.] Gottingen, Abhandl. I., 1838-41, pp. 294-304; Karsten, Archiv, XVII., 1843, pp. 370-374. — — 58. Ueber die Bilduug des Harzgebirges. [1836.] Gottiugen, Abhandl. I., 1838-41, pp. 305-458. 59. Ueber den sogennanten Boulangerit. Poggend. Anual. XL VI., 1839, pp. 281-282. 6O. Nachtriige zu den Bemerkungen iiber das im Amte Ebstorf entdeckte Lager einer aus Infusorien-Schaalen bestehenden Kieselerde. Leouhard u. Broun, N. Jahrb. 1839, pp. 201- 206. 61. De montium Hercynise formatione. Leonhard u. Bronii, N. Jahrb. 1839, pp. 589-610. Hausmann, Johann Friedrich Ludwig. 62. Ueber einige am Eisen bei Versuchen iiber seine Elasticitat, beobachtete Erscheinungen. Poggend. Annal. LI., 1840, pp. 441-444. 63. Ueber eine lageranliche, basaltische Ausfullung am Ochsenberge unweit Dransfeld. [1834.] Gottingen, Studien Vereins, IV., 1841, pp. 245-268. 64. Versuche zur Bestimmung der Elasti- citat und Festigkeit verschiedener auf Kuniglich Hannoverschen Eisenhiitten verfertigter Stab- eisen-Sorten. Gottingen, Studien Vereins, IV., 1841, pp. 286-346. 65. Ueber die Krystallisation des Kupfer- nickels und Antimonnickels. Gottingen, Studien Vereins, IV., 1841, pp. 347-349. 66. Ueber einen blattricheii Graphit aus Zeylan. Gottingen, Studien Vereins, IV., 1841, pp. 349-351 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIL, 1842, pp. 152-153. 67. Ueber den Eisenstein vom Steinberge bei Markoldendorf. Gottingen, Studien Ve- reins, IV., 1841, pp. 351-354. 68. Ueber den sogenannten Kupferglimmer. Gottingen, Studien Vereins, IV., 1841, pp. 374- 377. 69. Geologische Bemerkungen iiber die Gegend von Baden bei Rastadt. Gottingeu, Abhandl. II., 1842-44, pp. 3-42; Karsten, Archiv, XVII., 1843, pp. 781-784. 7O. Quecksilbergewiunung auf der Kupfer- hiitte zu Altwasser in Ungarn. Karsten, Archiv, XVII., 1843, pp. 374-375. 71. Ueber die Krystallisatioueu und die Structur des Zinkoxydes. Karsten, Archiv, XVII., 1843, pp. 784-788 ; Gottingen, Studien Vereins, V., 1849, pp. 215-220. 72. Ueber die Zusanimensetzung des dunkeln Zundererzes. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1845. pp. 13-16 ; Erdin. Journ. Prak. Chern. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 40-42. 73. Beitriige zur Oryktographie von Syra. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cheni. XXXIV., 1845, pp. 239-241. 74. Bernerkuugen iiber Gyps und Kars- tenit. [1846.] Gottingeu, Abhandl. III., 1845- 47, pp. 55-98 ; Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1846, pp. 177-181. 75. Ueber eine pseudomorphische Bildung im Muschelkalke. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1846, pp. 113-119. 76. Notiz uber die Krystallisation und Pyroelektricitiit des Struvits. Gottingen, Nach- richten, 1846, pp. 121-124. 77. Ueber die Umwandlung des Karstenits in Gyps. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1846, pp. 181-185. HAU] 227 [HAU Hausmarm, JoJiann Fricdrich Ludwig. 78. Ueber das Vorkommcn des Bitumens im Kar- stenit uud Gypse. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1846, pp. 185-188. 79. Ueber eine im Muschelkalk der Weser- gegend vorkommende von Kochsalz horriihrende pseudomorpbische Bildung im Muschelkalk. Karsten. Archiv, XXI., 1847, pp. 494-500; Gottingen, Studien Vereins, V., 1849, pp. 335- 343. > SO. Ueber die Erscheinung des Anlaufens der Mineralkorpcr. Gottingen, Nacbricbten, 1848, pp. 34-52 ; Gottingeu, Studien Vereins, V., 1849, pp. 299-334 ; Karsten, Archiv, XXII., 1848, pp. 631-643. . 81. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Niello- Arbeit. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1848, pp. 146-160; Karsten, Archiv, XXIII., 1850, pp. 432-443. 82. Beitrage zur inetallurgiscben Krystall- kunde. Gottingen, Abbandl. TV., 1848-50, pp. 221-274; V., pp. 71-82; Gottingen, Nach- richten, 1850, pp. 169-176. 83. Ueber das Vorkommen des Gypses bei Stadt-Oldendorf. Gottingen, Studien Ver- eins, V., 1849, pp. 79-82. 84. Ueber den glasigen Feldspath im Ba- salte des Hohenhagens zwischen Gottingen und Miinden. Gottingen, Studien Vereins, V., 1849, pp. 83-90. 85. Ueber den Trachylyt vom Siisebiihl bei Dransfeld. Gottingen, Studiea Vereins, V., 1849, pp. 91-104. 86. Die Bleigewinnung im siidlichen Spanien im Jahre 1829. Gottingen, Studien Vereins, V., 1849, pp. 221-282. 87. Ueber das Vorkommen der Bleierze in den Gegenden am Mississippi zwischen dem 41 und 43 Breiteugrade, und die dortige Bleigewiunung. Gottingen, Studien Vereius, V., 1849, pp. 283-298. 88. Mineralogische Notizen. — Zirkousand aus Siidamerica. Apophyllit von der blauen Kuppe bei Eschwege. Anthrakonit von Ler- bach am Harz. Neuere Analyse des glasigen Feldspathes vom Hohenhagen bei Dransfeld. Gottingen, Studieu Vereins, V., 1849, pp. 344- 348. 89. Bemerkungen iiber Arsenige Saure, Realgar und Rauschgelb (Auripigment). G6t- tiugen, Nachrichten, 1850, pp. 1-9 ; Annal. des Mines, XVIL, 1850, pp. 167-172; Karsten, Archiv, XXIII., 1850, pp. 766-776; Liebig, Annal. LXXIV,, 1850, pp. 188-200 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 308-319. 9O. Ueber die geognostischen Verhaltnisse und den Metallreichthum ernes Theils von Iowa, Wisconsin, und Illinois. Karsten, Archiv, XXIIL, 1850, pp. 751-761. Hausmann, Johann Fried-rich Ludwig. 91. Ueber die Steinkohlenformation in der Provinz Leon. Karsten, Archiv, XXIIL, 1850, pp. 761- 766. 92. Ueber WEIBYE'S Atheriastit. Pog- geud. Annal. LXXXL, 1850, pp. 567-572. 93. Bemerkungen iiber das Krystallisa- tioneu-System des Karstenits, nebst Beitriigen zur Kunde des Homoomorphismus im Miueral- reiche. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1851, pp. 65- 79; Karsten, Archiv, XXIV., 1851, pp. 566- 577 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXIX., 1851, pp. 64- 77; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIIL, 1851, pp. 572-587. 94. Ueber das Vorkommeu des Diopsid's und des Bleigelbs als krystallinische Hiitten- producte. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1851, pp. 217-224 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXL, 1852, pp. 219-226. 95. Bemerkungen iiber das analogegeognost- ische Verhalten des Chippewa-Laud-Distrikts rnit Schweden und Finuland. Karsten, Archiv, XXIV., 1851, pp. 563-565. 96. Bemerkungen iiber den Zirkonsyenit. [1851.] Gottingen, Abhandl. V., 1851-52, pp. 41-70 ; Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1851, pp. 117-131 ; Karsten, Archiv, XXIV., 1851, pp. 578-585. 97. Bemerkungen iiber den Granit des Harzes. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1852, pp. 145-153 ; Gottiugen, Studien Vereins, VI., 1854, pp. 286-294. 98. Neue Beitrage zur metallurgischen Krystallkunde. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1852, pp. 177-179. 99. Ueber eine pseudomorphische Bilduug des Brauneisensteins vom Silberberge bei Bod- cnmais in Bayern. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1853, pp. 33-40 ; Gottingen, Studien Vereins, VI., 1854, pp. 311-322. — — 1OO. Ueber das Vorkommen des Dolomits am Hainberge bei Gottingen. Gottingen, Nach- richteu, 1853, pp. 177-192; Gottingen, Studien Vereins, VI., 1854, pp. 295-310. 1O1. Ueber die durch Molecularbewegung- en in starren leblosen Korpern bewirkten Form- verauderungen. [1855.] Gottingeu, Abhandl. VI., 1853-55, pp. 139-186 ; VII., pp. 3-130; Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1855, pp. 229-234; Got- tingen, Studien Vereins, VII., 1856, pp. 14- 64. 102. Ueber die blaue Fiirbung der Eisen- liohofen-Schlackeu. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1854, pp. 57-71; Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XIII., 1854, pp. 236-239 ; Gottingen, Studien Vereins, VI., 1854, pp. 323-424. 103. Bemerkungen iiber das Tellurwis- niuth aus Brasilien. Gottingen, Studien Ve- reins, VI., 1854, pp. 252-258. F F 2 HAU] 228 [HAU Hausmann, JoJwnn Ludwig Friedrich. 104. Auffindung von Quecksilber in der Liineburg- ischen Diluvial-Formation. Gottingeu, Studien Vereins, VI., 1854, pp. 259-267, 425-428; Erdtn. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXII., 1854, pp. 1-6; Poggend. Anual. XCII., 1854, pp. 168- 175. 105. Ueber die Krystallisation des Blei- oxydes. Gottingen, Nachriehten, 1855, pp. 40-48. • 106. Ueber das Vorkommen von Mangan- blende als Eisenhiittenproduct. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1855, pp. 226-228. 1O7. Ueber Chytophyllit- und Chytostil- bit- Schlacke. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1856, pp. 201-205. 108. Bemerkungen iiber die Umiinder- ungen des Glases. Gottingen, Studien Vereins, VII., 1856, pp. 1-13. 109. Beitriige zur Kenntniss krystallin- ischer Hiitteuproducte. Gottingen, Studien Vereins, VII., 1856, pp. 65-95. 110. Ueber das Vorkommen altdeutscher Kunstproducte ini Kalktuff von Rauscheirwasser. Gottingen, Studien Vereins, VII., 1856, pp. 102-110. 111. Ueber die ini vorigen Jahre in der Gegend von Bremervorde herabgef'allenen Me- teorsteine. Poggeud. Annal. XCVIII., 1856, pp. 609-620. 112. Ueber das Vorkommen des Cblor- opals in Begleitung des Basaltes am Meenser Steinberge zwischen Gdttingen imd Miinden. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1857, pp. 213-228. 113. Ueber das Vorkommen von Quellen- gebildeu in Begleitung des Basaltes der Werra- und Fulda- Gegenden. Gottingeu, Nachrichten, 18.57, pp. 277-292 ; Gottingen, Abhandl. VIII., 1858-59, pp. 55-102. 114. Ueber die Krystallisatiou des Roh- eisens. Gottingen, Nachrichteu, 1858, pp. 109- 112. 115. Bittersalzquelle analysirt. Ungar. Nat. Wiss. Ver. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 55-57. 116. Ueber den Einfluss der Beschaffen- heiten der Gesteiue auf die Architektur. [1856.] Gottingen, Abhandl. VIII., 1858-59, pp. 3- 54. Hausmann, Jt.hann Friedrich Ludwig, und R. IV. Bunsen. Ueber das Vorkommen menschlicher Kuustproducte in den Kalktuff- lagern der Gegend von Gdttingen. Gottingen, Studien Vereins, VII., 1856, pp. 96-110. Hausmann, Johunn Fricdric/t Ludiciy, und F. C. Heurici. Versuche iiber das electrische Leituugsvermogen der Mineralkorper. [1834.] Gottingen, Studien Vereins, IV., 1841, pp. 215- 244. Hausmann, Joliann Friedrich Ludwig, und Stromeyer. Ueber den im Hannoverschen entdeckten bliittrigen schwefelsauren Strontian. Gilbert, Annal. XLVL, 1814, pp. 420-425. 2. FernereBeitrage zur chemischen und mineralogischen Kenntniss des Arragonits. Gilbert, Annal. LI., 1815, pp. 103-111 ; Schweigger, Journ. XIII., 1815, pp. 362-370. 3. Bemerkungen iiber den Silber- kupferglanz. Gilbert, Annal. LIV., 1816, pp. 111-119 ; Annal. des Mines, I, 1816, pp. 485- 486. 4. Bemerkungen iiber den Allo- phan. Gilbert, Annal. LIV., 1816, pp. 120- 137 ; Aunal. des Mines, I., 1816, pp. 486- 488. 5. Bemerkungen iiber ein krystallin- isches Kupferhiittenproduct, den sogenannten Kupferglimmer. Schweigger, Journ. XIX., 1817, pp. 241-261. 6. Untersuchung des in der Gegend von Clausthal vorkommenden Selenbleies. Pog- gend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 403-414 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 103-112 ; Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IV., 1825, pp. 325-333; Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 444-451. 7. Sur la matiere micacee qui se trouve dans certains cuivres. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIII., 1826, pp. 327-330 ; Annal. des Mines, XII., 1826, pp. 524-526. 8. Untersuchung eines Harzer Datolith. Schweigger, Journ. LI. (— Jahrb. XXL), 1827, pp. 460-465; Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XIII., 1828, pp. 78-83; Poggend. An- nal. XII., 1828, pp. 155-157. 9. Antimonnickel vom Andreasherg. Karsten, Archiv, VII., 1834, pp. 209-212 ; L'Institut, II., 1834, pp. 80-81 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 50- 59. 10. Manffau- Bittererde- Alaun und Bittersalz aus Siid-Africa. Karsten, Archiv, VII., 1834, pp. 212-219 ; L'Institut, II., 1834, pp. 81-82. Hausmann, Joliann Friedrich Litdwiy, und Vieth. Nachrichten von einem Meteorsteine, der am 15 April 1812 zu Erxleben, zwischen Magdeburg und Helmstedt, herabgefallen ist. Gilbert, Annal. XL., 1812, pp. 450-459. Hausmann, Johann Friedrich Ludwig, und F. Wohler. Ueber das Schilfglaserz. Poggend. Annal. XLVL, 1839, pp. 146-158. 2. Ueber den Lepidomelan. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XX., 1840, pp. 258-261. 3. Ueber den Anthosiderit, eine neue Mineral Species aus Brasilien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 412- 416. HAU] 229 [HAU Hausmami, S. Ueber die Verbindungen des Eisenoxytls mit der Salpetersiiure. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIX,, 1854, pp. 109-112. 2. Ueber das Bleisesquioxyd. Liebig, Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 235-236 ; Journ. de Pharra. XXV., 1854, pp. 239-240. Hausmann, S., und lowenthal. Ueber die Verbindungen der Oxalsiiure mit den Oxyden des Zinns. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIX., 1854, pp. 104-109 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 234-236. 2. Analyse der Asche ruehrerer im Handel vorkommender Gurumiarten. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIX., 1854, pp. 112-114; Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 395-396. Hausmann, W. Die Hargitta und ihre niihere Umgebung in Beziehung auf ihre Naturverhalt- nisse. Herniannstadt, Verhandl. Siebenbiirg. Ver. XL, 1860, pp. 209-219. 2. Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte des Nuci- fraga caryocatietes. Herniannstadt, Verhandl. Siebenbiirg. Ver. XII., 1861, pp. 24-33. 3. Die Stumpfohreule, Strix brachyotus. Hermannstadt, Verhandl. Siebenbiirs'. Ver. XII., 1861, p. 103. Haussmann, . Voyage en Californie. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XIV., 1850, pp. 126-133. Haussmann, Jean-Michel. Sur la theorie de la teinture. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1790, pp. 237-243. • 2. Sur le rouge d'Andrinople. Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1792, pp. 196-219, 250-273; Nicholson, Journ. XXL, 1808, pp. 44-51 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIL, 1802, pp. 170-175, 260-266 ; XVIIL, 1804, pp. 340-346. 3. Essais sur la teinture par les dissolu- tions d'etain, et les oxides colores de ce metal. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1799, pp. 15-31 ; Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800, pp. 175-181. 4. Bemerkuugen iiber das Farben mit STAHLS Kali-Eisenoxyd. Scherer, Journ. Che- mie, IV., 1800, pp. 576-583 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVII., 1803, pp. 323-327. 5. Quelques reflexions sur des prussiates. Journ. de Phys. XLIX., 1799, pp. 222-228; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VI., 1800, pp. 4-9. 6. Sur le garancage. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1801, pp. 124-149. 7. Sur une couleur a marquer aux chefs les toiles de colon ou de lin en ecru, qui puisse resister aux operations du blanchiment, ainsi qu'a la fabrication la plus compliquee des toiles peintes, sans s'etendre au dela ses limites d'im- pression. Aunal. de Chimie, LIII., 1805, pp. 208-221 ; Nicholson, Journ. XIL, 1805, pp. 206-212; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIIL, 1806, pp. 8-13. Haussmanu, Jean-Michel. 8. Sur 1'oxidation. Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1805, pp. 5-14 ; Nicholson, Journ. XIII., 1806, pp. 365-369. 9. Extrait d'une lettre a M. BERTUOLLET [sur diverses actions chimiques]. Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL. 1806, pp. 182-189; Nicholson, Journ. XVIIL, 1807, pp. 339-343. 10. Pourpre-violct, et les diflerentes nuances que Ton pent en faire deriver. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1806, pp. 288-293 ; Nicholson, Journ. XVIL, 1807, pp. 182-185 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XX VII., 1807, pp. 348-350. 11. Upon the preparation of Indigo for obtaining Blue Colours for printing Calicoes. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVIL, 1807, pp. 259-260. \_Transl. from the Annales des Arts et Mauuf. 1806, p. 181.] 12. Precede simplifie pour la teinture du rouge dit d'Andrinople. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVL, 1810, p. 5-20. 13. Sur 1'application des couleurs mine- rales aux etoffes. Annal. de Chimie, XV., 1820, pp. 323-326. Hautefeullle, E. Note sur 1'aventurine artifi- cielle. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LX., 1861, pp. 609-617. Hautefeuille, P. De la reproduction du Eutile, de la Brookite et de leurs varietes ; protofluorure de Titane. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 148-152. Hauterive, . Etoiles filantes observees a Lille. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1839, pp. 8-9. Hautz, Oswald, Ueber einige isomorpho Doppel- salze des Chlorammoniums mit Chlormetallen aus der Magnesiumreihe. Liebig, Annal. LXVL, 1848, pp. 280-290. 2. Harnstoff im Harne der Krote (Bufo cinercus). Liebig, Annal. LXXXIV., 1852, pp. 127-128. Haiiw, d', et Vandevyver. Do 1'absorption des poisons metalliques par les plantes, dans ses rapports avec le chaulage du ble et autres pratiques analogues usitees dans les champs. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1841 (pte. 2), pp. 291-304. Haiiy, . Lettre a M. BERZELIUS sur la filtra- tion. [1829.] Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1831, pp. 308-312 ; Poggeud. Annal. XVIIL, 1830, pp. 408-410. 2. On the Earthquake at Odessa on the 26th of November 1829. Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 643-644. 3. Sur les salines de la Nouvelle Russie. [1828.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. I., 1831, pp. 131-153. 4. Examen du littoral de la Mer Noire compris entre les embouchures du Boug et du Dniester. [1828.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. I., 1831, pp. 154-173. HAUJ 230 [HAU Haiiy, 5. Effets generaux produits, a la surface du sol, par les eaux en rnouvement. France, Congres Scient. 1847, pp. 275-283. Haiiy, liene Just. Exposition abregee de la theorie de la structure des cristaux. Auual. de Chimie, III., 1789, pp. 1-28. 2. Sur les cristaux appeles communement " Pierre de Croix." Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1790, pp. 142-157. 3. Sur les proprietes electriques du borate magnesie-calcaire. Aunal. de Chimie, IX., 1791, pp. 59-63. 4. Sur les moyens employes pour mesurer le poids d'un pied cube d'eau. Paris, Soc. Phi- lom. Bull. I., 1791, pp. 39-41. 5. Description de la Gemme orientale. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, pp. 49-50. 6. Sur le metre, ou Funite usuelle des mesures lineaires republicaines. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, pp. 73-74. 7. Sur la dilatation de 1'eau. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, pp. 75-76. 8. Sur quelques varietes ile sulfate bary- tique ou spath pesant. Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1792, pp. 3-26. 9. Sur la structure des cristaux de nitrate de potasse. Aunal. de Chimie, XIV., 1792, pp. 85-96. 1O. De 1'action du feu sur le Quartz. Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1793, pp. 203-207. 11. Sur la double refraction de plusieurs substances minerales. Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1793, pp. 140-155. 12. Exposition de la theorie sur la struc- ture des cristaux. Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1793, pp. 225-319; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. I., 1798, pp. 35-46, 153-169, 287-303, 376-392. 13. Sur les methodes mineralogiques. An- nal. de Chimie, XVIII., 1793, pp. 225-240. 14. Mernoire sur une espece de loi parti- culiere ti laquelle est soumise la structure de certains cristaux, appliquee a une nouvelle variete de carbonate calcaire. Journ. des Mines, III., 1795, pp. 11-22; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 398-413. 15. Note sur la cristallisation du Titane. Journ. des Mines, III., 1795, pp. 28-30. 16. [Note sur le Schorl rouge de Bre- tagne.] Journ. des Mines, III., 1795, pp. 46-47. 17. Observations sur les zeolithes. Journ. des Mines, III., 1795, pp. 86-88. 18. Description de la Cymophane, avec quelques reflexions sur les couleurs des Genimes. Journ. des Mines, IV., 1796, pp. 5-16. 19. Expose d'une methode simple et facile pour representer les diflerentes formes cristal- lines par des sigues tres-abreges, qui expriment les lois de decroissement auxquelles est soumise la structure. Journ. des Mines, IV.,1 796, pp. 15-36. Haiiy, Rene J/tsf. 2O. Observations sur 1'elec- tricite des mineraux. Journ. des Mines, IV., 1796, pp. 65-71. 21. Note sur la cristallisation de I'emer- aude. Journ. des Mines, IV., 1796, pp. 72-74. 22. Observations sur le cinquienie chapitre de la " Geographic-physique " de TORBERN BERGMAN. Journ. des Mines, IV., 1796, pp. pp. 21-32. 23. Observations sur les pierres appelees jusqu'ici, par les naturalistes, Hyacinthe et Jargon de Ceylan. Journ. des Mines, V., 1796- 97, pp. 83-96 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1797, pp. 158-178. 24. Observations sur la lettre du Citoycn CARAJSJGEOT. [Sur quelques inexactitudes echap- pees a BERGMAN dans un chapitre de sa " Geo- graphie physique."] Jouru. des Mines, V., 1796-97, pp. 160-162. 25= Observations sur la structure des cris- taux de Leucite. Journ. des Mines, V., 1796- 97, pp. 185-193. 26. Observations mineralogiques sur une pierre de Vulpino dans le Berganiasc. Journ. des Mines, VI., 1797, pp. 809-811. 27. Observations sur la structure des cristaux appeles zeolithes, et sur les proprietes electriques de quelques-uns. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. I., 1798, pp. 49-55. 28. Note sur la double refraction de quel- ques substances minerales. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. 1799, pp. 25-27. 29. Observations sur des cristaux trouves parmi des pierres de Ceylan, et qui paraissent ap- partenir a 1'espece du corindon, vulgairement spath adamantin. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. 1799, pp. 55-58. 30. Sur la possibilite de substituer hypo- thetiquement les formes secondaires des cristaux aux veritables formes primitives, &c. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. 1799, pp. 102-111. 31. Sur les formes cristallines du mercure sulfure. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. 1799, pp. 114-117. 32. Sur la comparaison des cristaux de strontiaue sulfatee avec ceux de baryte sulfatee. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. 1799, pp. 129- 139. • — 33. Sur la double refraction du spath cal- caire transparent. Paris, Seances Ecol. Norm. III., 1800 (App.), 1-16, 16-32. 34. Le9ous sur la Physique. Paris, Seances Ecol. Norm. I., 1800, pp. 32-49, 188-205, 303-323, 394-412 ; (pte. 2), pp. 23-28, 55-62, 134-143, 233-244, 335-340, 374-381, 433-438, 470-475; II., pp. 129-148, 318-338 ; (pte. 2), pp. 4-22 ; III., pp. 39-61, 310-331 ; (App.), pp. 1-54; IV., pp. 71-87, 271-291; V., pp. 173- 194, 219-243, 326-351 ; VI., pp. 74-103. HAU] Haiiy, Rene Just. 35. Sur la pesanteur speci- fiquc des mineraux. Paris, Seances £col. Norm. III., 1800 (App.), pp. 33-40. 36. Sur les hydroplianes. Paris, Seances 231 [HAU Ecol. Norm. III., 1800 (App.}, pp. 41^15. . 37. Sur le diamant. Pai-is, Seances Ecol. Norm. III., 1800 (App.), pp. 46-52. 38. Sur la double refraction du cristal de roche. Paris, Seances Ecol. Norm. III., 1800 (App.), pp. 52-54. 39. Des observations sur la vertu electrique que plusieurs mineraux acquierent a 1'aide de la chaleur. Paris, Seances Ecol. Norm. III., 1800 (App.), pp. 54-65. 4O. Sur les couleurs de 1'Agathe opaline nominee communement Opale. Paris, Seances Ecol. Norm. III., 1800 (App.), pp. 65-73. _ 41. Sur les rapports de figure qui existent entre 1'alveole des abeilles et le grenat dode- caedre. Paris, Seances ficol. Norm. III., 1800 (App.), pp. 73-78. 42. De la structure, consideree comme caractere distinctif des mineraux. Paris, Seances ficol. Norm. III., 1800 (App.), pp. 79-92% 43. Description d'une nouvelle variete de chaux phosphatee. Journ. des Mines, XII., 1802, pp. 99-102. 44. Observations sur le cuivre arseniate. Paris, Mas. Hist. Nat. Annal. I., 1802, pp. 27- 42 ; Journ. des Mines, XIII., 1802-3, pp. 425- 440 ; Nicholson, Journ. VIII., 1804, pp. 187-197. 45. Sur de uouvelles varietes de chaux carbonatee, avec quelques observations sur les erreurs auxquelles on s'expose en se bornant a 1'usage du goniornetre, pour la description des cristaux. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. I., 1802, pp. 114-126. 46. Notice sur la pretendue Zeolithe ray- onnee du duche des Deux Fonts. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. I., 1802, pp. 194-197. 47. Sur I'lndicolite de M. d'ANDEADA. Haiiy, Rene Just. 53. Memoire sur les tour- malines de Siberie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. III., 1804, pp. 233-244. 54. Observations sur 1'electricite des sub- stances metalliques. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annul. III., 1804, pp. 309-314; Gilbert, Annal. XVII., 1804, pp. 441-445 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XX., 1805, pp. 120-123. 55. Ueber die Varietiit des Corindons, welche man Asterie [Sternstein] uennt. Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 187-192. 56. Description d'une uouvelle variete de Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Auual. I., 1802, pp. 257- 260. 48. Sur des Topazes du Bresil. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. I., 1802, pp. 346-352. 49. Sur deux nouvelles varietes de fer sulfure. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. I., 1802, pp. 439-444. SO. Observations sur la substance minerale appelee " Labradorische Hornblende" par les mineralogistes Allemands. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. II., 1803, pp. 17-22. 51. Sur une nouvelle variete de Quartz. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. II., 1803, pp. 97-102. 52. Observations sur des cristaux qui ren- ferment la chaux carbonatee unie au fer, sans manganese. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. II., 1803, pp. 181-187. chaux carbouatee. Journ. des Mines, XVIII., 1805, pp. 299-306 ; Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 514-520. 57. Ueber die von Hrn. EEMAN entdeckten galvanisclien Phanomene. Gilbert, Annal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 407-414. {Transl.from the Moniteur, 7 Janv. 1807.] 58. Note sur la Datholite. Journ. des Mines, XIX., 1806, pp. 362-364 ; Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 492-495. 59. Note sur la Zoysite. Journ. des Mines, XIX., 1806, pp. 365-366; Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 495-497. 60. Notice sur les analyses du Chrornate de fer, et de la variete d'Epidote appelee Zoysite. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. IX., 1807, pp. 103-105; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXX., 1808, pp. 223-225. 61. Note sur une uouvelle variete de Stvontiane carbonatee. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. I., 1807, pp. 89-90; Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 242-244. 62. Memoire sur la reunion de la Pycnite avec la Topaze. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. I., 1807, pp. 101-102 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. An- nal. XI., 1808, pp. 58-65 ; Gehleu, Jouru. V., 1808, p. 725; IX., 1810, pp. 281-282; Journ. des Mines, XXIII., 1808, pp. 39-48. 63. Sur 1'identite mineralogique du Diop- side, de la Malacolithe et du Pyroxene. Paris, Soc. Philoni. N. Bull. I., 1807, pp. 121-122. 64. Description de 1'Apophyllite, Ichthy- ophtalme deM.d'ANDRADA. (Ichthyophtalmitde EECSS, Fischaugenstein de WERNER.) Journ. des Mines, XX1IL, 1808, pp. 385-392 ; Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 10-14 ; Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 266-270; Ni- cholson, Journ. XX VII., 1810, pp. 272-275. 65. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. HASS- ENFRATZ relatif aux alterations que la lumuJre du soleil eprouve en traversant Fatmosphfere. Journ. de Phys. LXVI., 1808, pp. 356-358 ; Nicholson, Jouru. XXIV., 1809, pp. 155-158. HAU] 232 [HAU Hatty, Rene Just. 66. Sur 1'analogie du Diop- side avec le Pyroxene. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XI.. 1808, pp. 77-88 ; Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1808, pp. 227-235 ; Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 271-280; Journ. des Mines, XXni., 1808, pp. 145-159. 67. Description de plusieurs nouvelles varietes de chaux carbouatee. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XI., 1808, pp. 66-70; Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 261-265 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIII., 1808, pp. 49-54 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXL, 1808, pp. 359-363. 68. Sur FArragonite. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XI., 1808, pp. 241-266; XIH., 1809, pp. 241-253 ; Journ. des Mines, XXI1L, 1808, pp. 241-270; XXV., 1809, pp. 241- 256. 69. Sur les formes cristallines du fer arse- nical. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XII., 1808, pp. 304-309; Brugnatelli, Giornale, II., 1809, pp. 274-275 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIV., 1808, pp. 261-268. 7O. Sur une nouvelle forme cristalline de bismuth. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XII., 1808, pp. 198-204; Journ. des Mines, XXIV., 1808, pp. 321-330; Brugnatelli, Giornale, II., 1809, pp. 62-63, 310-316. 71. Mi-moire sur la theorie d'une nouvelle espece de decroissement intermediaire, relative a la structure des cristaux qui derivent du rhomboide, et sur quelques proprietes generates de cette forme, avec des applications a une variete de chaux carbonatee. Journ. des Mines, XXV., 1809, pp. 5-20. 72. Observations sur le mineral que MM. WEKXER et KAKSTEN ont appele Augit lami- naire (blattriger Augit). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Aunal. XIV., 1809, pp. 290-300 ; Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 147-156; Journ. des Mines, XXVI., 1809, pp. 27-38. 73. Addition au Memoire sur 1'Arragonite. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XIII., 1809, pp. 241-253. — — 74. Sur 1'electricite des mineraux. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Aunal. XV.. 1810, pp. 1- 8; Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1818, pp. 383- 401 ; Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 220-226 ; Journ. des Mines, XXVII., 1810, pp. 371-378 ; Schweigser, Journ. XXV., 1819, pp. 135-158 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag, XXXVIIL, 1811, pp. 81-85. 75. Sur 1'arsenic sulfure. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVI., 1810, pp. 19-34; Brugnatelli, Giornale, IV., 1811, pp. 173-175 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIX., 1811, pp. 161-178. 76. Keponse aux objections de BERTHOL- LET contre la methode de classification inventee par 1'auteur. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. I., 1811, pp. 70-81. Haiiy, Rene Just. 77. Sur les cymophanes des JStats-Unis. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVIII., 1811, pp. 57-69; Journ. des Mines, XXX., 1811, pp. 321-334; Gilbert, Annal. XLI., 1812, pp. 53-61. 78. Observations sur la simplicity des lois auxquelles est soumise la structure des cristaux. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Aunal. XVIII., 1811, pp. 169-205 ; Journ. des Mines, XXXI., 1812, pp. 161-200. 79. Sur des cristaux de Pyroxene des environs de New York. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XIX., 1812, pp. 257-267 ; Journ. des Mines, XXXIII., 1813, pp. 175-186. 80. Observations sur des cristaux epigenes de fer oxyde du departement de la Sarre, Journ. des Mines, XXXIII., 1813, pp. 161- 174. 81. Observations sur les Tourmalines, par- ticulierement sur celles qui se trouvent dans les Etats-Unis. Journ. des Mines, XXXVII., 1815, pp. 399-408 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. II., 1815, pp. 1-9. 82. Note sur la vertu electrique de quel- ques mineraux. Journ. des Mines, XXXVIIL, 1815, pp. 319-320; Annal. de Chimie, I., 1816, pp. 447-448. 83. Memoire sur une loi de la cristal- lisation, appelee Loi de Symetrie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1815, pp. 81-101, 206- 225, 273-298, 341-352 ; Journ. des Mines, XXXVIL, 1815, pp. 215-235, 347-369 ; XXXVIIL, pp. 5-34, 161-174; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1815, pp. 32-34. 84. Description d'une nouvelle variete d'Amphibole. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1815, pp. 393-400; Journ. des Mines, XXXVIL, 1815, pp. 409-416. 85. Description d'une nouvelle variete de fer sulfure blanc. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, IX., 1815, pp. 1-10. 86. Sur des cristaux d'Apophyllite nou- vellement decouverts dans le Tirol. Moll, Neue Jahrbuch. III., 1815, pp. 229-235. 87. DCS surfaces vibrantes. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVL, 1817, pp. 125-147; LXXXVIIL, 1819, pp. 125-147. 88. Observations sur une substance minerals a laquelle on a donne le nom de Fassaite. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1817, pp. 120-134 ; Annal. des Mines, II., 1817, pp. 163-178. 89. Sur la vertu magnetique considered comme moyeu de reconnaitre la presence du fer dans les mineraux. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1817, pp. 169-178; Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1817, pp. S3-92; Annal. des Mines, II., 1817, pp. 329-338 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1818, pp. 117-119. HAU] 233 [HAW Haiiy, Rent Just. 90. Sur 1'electrieite produite dans les tmneraux a 1'aide de la pression. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1817, pp. 223-228; Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 95- 101 ; Annal. des Mines, II., 1817, pp. 59-64 ; Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 383-389. — — 91. Comparaison des formes cristallines de la Strontiane carbonatoe avec celles de 1'Arragouite. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. HI., 1817, pp. 287-307 ; Annal. do Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 439-441 ; Annal. des Mines, III., 1818, pp. 83-102 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXV., 1817, pp. 355-356; Schweigger, Journ. XXVI., 1819, pp. 347-371. 92. Sur 1'usage des caracteres physiques des mineraux, pour la distinction des pierres precieuses qui ont ete taillees. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1817, pp. 353-390; Annal. des Mines, II., 1817, pp. 385-433. 93. Sur la structure des cristaux de mercure sulfure. Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1818, pp. 60-70. 94. Observations sur la mesure des angles des cristaux. Annal. des Mines, III., 1818, pp. 411-442 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXIL, 1818, pp. 233-253 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIII., 1819, pp. 413-429. 95. Sur les arrondissements qu'out subis les formes d'un grand nombre de Cristaux par des causes accidentelles. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 11-22. 96. Memoire sur le Pyroxene analogique. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1819, pp. 513-534 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIII., 1822, pp. 430-431. 97. Nouvelles observations sur la faculte couservatrice de 1'electricite acquise a 1'aide du frottement. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 455-462; Quart. Journ. Sci. IX., 1820, pp. 206-208. 98. Memoire sur la cristallisation et sur les proprietes physiques de 1'Euclase. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. V., 1819, pp. 278-293. 99. Observations sur les cristaux de Made. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VI., 1 820, pp. 241-252. 1OO. Sur la Condrodite. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 527-530. Hauy, Rene Just, Hecht, et Vauquelin. Ex- pose des observations et experiences faites sur le Wolfram de France. Journ. des Mines, IV., 1796, pp. 3-26. Havemann, . Hochst sonderbare Erschein- ung an dem, dem Pferdegeschlechte eigenen sogenannten Luftbeutel der Eustachischen Eohre. Voigt, Magazin, IX., 1805, pp. 216- 219. Havemann, A. C. Ueber den Bau der Sprung- gelenke bei Pferden. Busch, Teutsche Zeitschr. III., 1833 (Heft 4), pp. 20-37. VOL. in. Haviland, John. A case of extensive solution of the stomach by the gastric fluids after death. [1820.] Carnb. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1822, pp. 287-290. Havrez, Paul. Nouvelle theorie de la detente frigorifique. Cuyper, Eevue Univ. X., 1861, pp. 358-391. 2. Note sur la relation entre les accroisse- ments de la surface de chauffe et les accroisse- nients de la quantite d'eau vaporisee. Cuyper, Revue Univ. XI., 1862, pp. 39-53. Haw, Ilenrij. On the occurrence of natro-boro- calcite with Glauber Salt in the gypsum of Nova Scotia. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1857, pp. 230-235. Hawes, B. Official correspondence relating to the Para Grass, pointing out its importance as a species capable of resisting great drought in hot countries. Hortic. Soc. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 44-48. Hawes, Siday. Notes on the Wealden Clay of Sussex, and on its cultivation. Agric. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1858, pp. 182-198. Hawkes, H. P. Report upon the oils of Southern India. Madras Journ. III., 1858, pp. 1-57. Hawkes, W. On the transverse strength of bricks, and on expansion of brickwork in a furnace chimney. Brit. Arch. Inst. Papers, 1861, pp. 121-136. Hawkes, William. On the musical temperament of keyed instruments. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVIII., 1807, pp. 304-306. Hawkins, Abraham. On some exotics, which endure the open air in Devonshire. [1809.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 175-177. 2. Remarks on some exotics planted in the open air in Devonshire. [1811.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 242-243. 3. Notice relative to the flowering of the Agave Americana in the open air, at Wood- ville. [1821.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. IV., 1822, pp. 389-391. Hawkins, Ccesar Henry. Account of some ex- periments on the use of styptics in hcernorrhago from Arteries. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XVII., 1832, pp. 121-127. 2. Case of aqueous encysted tumour of the kidney, with a supernumerary gland attached to it. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XVIII., 1833, pp. 175-188. 3. Two cases of extensive absorption of the bones of the head, followed, in one of them, by Hernia Cerebri. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXXIX., 1856, pp. 285-296. Hawkins, Christopher. Observations on Gold found in the Tin stream works of Cornwall. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 235- 236. G G HAW] 234 [HAW Hawkins, John. Account of a species of Bark, the original Quina-Quina of Peru, sent over by Mons. de LA CONDAMINE to Cromwell MORTI- MER, about 1749. [1794.] Linn. Soc. Trans. III., 1797, pp. ,59-61. Hawkins, John. Notice sur quelques mines soumariues, notamment sur le Huel-Werry en Cornouailles. Journ. des Mines, XVI., 1804, pp. 383-394. 2. On submarine mines. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 127-142. 3. On some remarkable phenomena attend- ing the lodes of Polgooth Tin Mine. Corn- wall, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 143-153. 4. On a process of refining Tin. Corn- wall, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 200-211. 5. On some advantages which Cornwall possesses for the study of geology, and on the use which may be made of them. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1822, pp. 1-13. 6. On the stratified deposits of Tin-stone called Tin-floors, and on the diffusion of Tin- stone through the mass of some primitive rocks. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1822, pp. 29-48. 7. On the nomenclature of the Cornish rocks. [1818.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Traus. II., 1822, pp. 145-158 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXL, 1823, pp. 102-109. 8. On the phenomena of intersected lodes, and on the legitimate inferences which may be drawn from them. [1820.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1822, pp. 225-231. 9. On the intersection of lodes in the direction of their dip or underlie. [1820.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1822, pp. 232- 241. 1O. Observations on the alluvial strata of Perth, Sandrycock, and Pentuan. [1819.] CornwaU, Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1822, pp. 285- 289. 11. On some instances of the alternate disposition of the primitive strata, which have been observed in Cornwall. [1820.] Corn- wall, Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1822, pp. 376-382. 12 On the changes which appear to have taken place in the primitive form of the Corn- ish peninsula. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1827, pp. 1-16. 13. On the produce of the Copper Mines of Europe and Asia, and particularly those of Armenia. [1827.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1827, pp. 256-312. . 14. Some general observations on the structure and composition of the Cornish penin- sula. [1828.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1832, pp. 1-20. 15. Some observations made in Cornwall in the summer of 1829. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1832, pp. 40-46. Hawkins, Join. 16. On the state of our Tin Mines at different periods, until the commence- ment of the Eighteenth Century. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1832, pp. 70-94. 17. On a very singular deposit of alluvial matter on St. Agnes Beacon, and on the gra- nilical rock which occurs in the same situation. [1830.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1832, pp. 135-144. 18. Some account of the soft Growan at the Beam Mine, in the parish of Eoche, and at Carclaze Mine, in the parish of St. Austle. [1830.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1832, pp. 475-480. 19. Some account of the Porcelain Earth found in the kingdom of Saxony and the prin- cipality of Passau, and the circumstances under which it occurs. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 32-40. Hawkins, John Isaac. An investigation of the principle of Mr. SAXTON'S locomotive Differ- ential Pulley, and a description of a mode of producing rapid and uninterrupted travelling by means of a succession of such pulleys, set in motion by horses or by stationary steam engines. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1833, pp. 424-426. Hawkins, Jolin J. Account of the invention of the Compound Barrel and Winch, and its useful application on a large scale. Nicholson, Journ. VII., 1804, pp. 267-269. 2. On Vaccination. An examination of several of the mis-statements of Dr. ROWLEY. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1806, pp. 204- 209. Hawkshaw, John. Notice of the fossil footsteps in the New Red Sandstone Quarry at Lymrn, in Cheshire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842 (pt. 2), pp. 56-57. 2. Description of the fossil trees found in the excavations for the Manchester and Bolton Railway. [1S39-40.] Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1842, pp. 173-176; Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1840, col. 81-83 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. HI., 1842, pp. 139-140, 269-270. 3. Further observations on the fossil trees found on the Manchester and Bolton Railway. Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1842, pp. 177-180. 4. Some observations on the present state of geological inquiry as to the origin of Coal. Sturgeon, Ann. Philos. I., 1843, pp. 249-266. Hawle, Ignaz, uud A. J. C. Corda. Prodroni einer Monographic der Bohmischeu Trilobiten. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. V., 1848, pp. 117-292. Hawley, Richard MaddocJt. On the vital, or self-moving powers inherent in the Blood. Edinb. Med. Surg. Jouru. XL VI., 1836, pp. 305-308. Hawn, F. The trias of Kansas. St. Louis. Trans. Acad. Sci. I., 1856-60, pp. 171-172. HAW] 235 [HAW Hawn, F., and G. C. Swallow. The rocks of Kansas. St. Louis, Trans. Acad. Sci. I., 1856- 60, pp. 173-197. Haworth, Adrian H. A new arrangement of the Narcissus genus. [1799.] Linn. Soc. Trans. V., 1800, pp. 242-244. 2. A new arrangement of the genus Aloe, with a chronological sketch of the progressive knowledge of that genus, and of other succulent genera. [1801.] Linn. Soc. Trans. VII., 1804, pp. 1-28. 3. Review of the rise and progress of the science of Entomology in Great Britain, chrono- logically digested. Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 1-69. 4. A brief account of some rare and in- teresting Insects not hitherto announced as in- habitants of Great Britain. Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 75-100. 5. Observations on three species of Lepi- doptera figured on the " British Insects " of E. DONOVAN. Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 241-243. 6. An account of the genus Coccinella. Eutom. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 257-296. 7. Observations on the Coccus vitis, with remarks on some other insects of that destruc- tive genus. Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 297-309. = 8. A brief account of some rare Insects announced at various times to the Society as new to Britain. Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 332-340. 9. On the cultivation of Crocuses, with a short account of the different species known at present. [1809.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 122-139. 10. Plantsc rarce succulentte ; a description of some rare Succulent Plants. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, pp. 380-382. 11. An account of a new genus of Nar- cisse», allied to the genus Ajax, Salisb. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, pp. 440-441. 12. Descriptions of some new Cacti and Mammillariae, recently brought from Mexico by Mr. BULLOCK. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIII., 1824, pp. 40-42. 13. A technical description of Chloraster, a new genus of Narcisseas. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 102-104. • 14. Observations on the Mesembryanthema barbata. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 61-62, 109-111. 15. An account of the Mesembryanthema ringentia. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 109-111. — — 16. Decas novarum plantarum succulenta- rum [gen. Crassula, Linn.']. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 184-191. Haworth, Adrian H. 17. DOCSIS secunda nova- rum plantarum succulentarum [gen. Crassula, Linn.']. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 298-302. 18. Decas tertia novarum plantarum suc- culentarum [gen. Mesembryanthemum]. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 423-428. 19. A new binary arrangement of the Brachyurous Crustacea. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 105-106, 183-184. 2O. A binary arrangement of the class Amphibia. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 372-373. 21. Observations on the dichotomous dis- tribution of Animals : together with a binary arrangement of the natural order Saxifrages. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 428-430. 22. Decas quarta novarum plantarum suc- culentarum [gen. Globulea, Crassula, Bulbine, Cotyledon, Euphorbia]. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVL, 1825, pp. 27-33; Phil. Mag. I., 1827, p. 126. 23. Decas quinta novarum plantarum suc- culentarum [gen. Aloe]. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVL, 1825, pp. 279-283. 24. Further remarks on the dichotomous distribution of nature : together with a binary arrangement and description of the genus Sedum. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVL, 1825, pp. 172-178. 25. Decas sexta novarum plantarum suc- culentarum [gen. Mesembryanthemum]. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. LXVIH., 1826, pp. 125- 132. 26. Decas septirna novarum plantarum suc- culentarum [gen. : Mesembryanthemum]. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. LXVIIL, 1826, pp. 327-331. 27. Decas octava plantarum novarum suc- culentarum. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 121- 126. 28. Decas noua plantarum novarum suc- culentarum [gen. Cotyledon, Gasteria, Eu- phorbia, Sterilispinre]. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 271-277. 29. Decas decima plantarum novarum succulentarum [gen. Gasteria]. Phil. Mag. II., 1827, pp. 344-361. 30. Decas undecima plantarum novarum succulentarum. Phil. Mag. III., 1828, pp. 183- 188. 31. Anew account of the genus Echeveria. Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 261-264. 32. A description of the sub-genus Epi- phyllum. Phil. Mag. VI., 1829, pp. 107-110. 33. A new account of the genus Kalanchoe. Phil. Mag. VI., 1829, pp. 301-305. 34. Decas duodecima novarum plantarum succulentarum [gen. Cacteie]. Phil. Mag. VII., 1830, pp. 106-118. G G 2 HAW] 236 [HAY Haworth, Adrian H. 35. Results of an extensive re-examination of the Narcissean group of plants. Phil. Mag. VIII, 1830, pp. 130-134. — — 36. A botanical description of Herraione Cypri. Phil. Mag. IX., 1831, pp. 183-185. • 37. Decas tridecima novarum plantarum succulentarum [gen. Agave, Yucca, Sedurn, Echeveria, Tithymalus, Echinocactus, Cereus, Mesembryantbemum]. Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 414-424. 38. Observationes qutedam ad Narcissineas spectantes. Phil. Mag. I., 1832, pp. 275-286. 39. Conspectus dichotomus Crustaceorum. Okeu, Isis, 1834, col. 464-467. Haworth, IV. Effect of Galvanism in promoting the growth of Potatoes. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. IV. (pt. 2), 1845, pp. 28-29. • 2. Experiments on the growth of Indigo, under various modes of treatment. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. IV. (pt. 2), 1845, pp. 135-137. Hawranek, . Chemische Zusammensetzung eines Mergels und ernes Hippuritenkalkes aus der Gosau, sowie einiger antiker Bronze. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XI; 1854, pp. 372-375, Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 443-444. Haxo, . Cas remarquable de monstruosite. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci., 1836, pp. 40-43. 2. Multiplication de la truite au moyen de la fecondation artificielle. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb., 1849, pp. 23-24. Haxthausen, . Communication de la rage d'un etre humain a un autre. Bibl. Univ. XVI., 1838, p. 221. [Transl. from Dublin Medical Journal, vol. XIII.] Hay, Arthur. Descriptions of some supposed new, or imperfectly described species of Birds. Madras Journ. XIII., 1844-45, pp. 145-164. 2. Notice of the habits of the large Indian Boa, or Rock Snake. Madras Journ. XIV., 1 847 (pt. 2), pp. 74-77. Hay, D. R. Description of a machine for drawing the perfect Egg-Oval ; and of a method of producing curvilineal figures, on a principle whereby beauty of form may be imparted to ornamental vases and mouldings in architecture, — to the works of the silversmith, brazier, and potter, — equal to such works of the ancients. Ediub. New Phil. Journ. XL., 1846, pp. 331- 335 ; Edinb. Trans. Scot. Soc. Arts. III., 1851, pp. 123-126. — — 2. On an application of the laws of numerical harmonic ratio to forms generally, and particularly to that of the human figure. Ediivb. Roy. Soc. Proc. II., 1851, pp. 304- 306. 3. On the application of the harmonic law of nature in the orthography of architectural design. Brit. Arch. Inst. Papers, 1854-55, pp. 1-4. Hay, G. W. A. Drummond. Notices of certain plants of Morocco, with remarks on the Arar or Gum Sandarach Tree, and an inquiry respecting the Cedar of the Ancients. Phil. Mag. II., 1833, pp. 409-414; Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 322-326. 2. Notes on a collection of Birds from Tangiers. Zool. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1840, pp. 133-135. Hay, R. G. Notes on the Wild Sheep of the Hindoo Koosh, and a species of Cicada (C. stridens). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IX., 1840, pp. 440-443. • 2. Fossil Shells discovered in the neigh- bourhood of Bajgah, Afghanistan. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IX., 1840, pp. 1126-1128. 3. Note on a Bird, native of the Eastern Islands, undescribed (Bombycistomas Fuller- tonii). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 573-575. Hay, It. G., and F. A. V. Thurburn. Report on the Turan Mall Hill. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XX., 1851, pp. 502-517. Hay, R. W. Notices of New Zealand. Geogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1832, pp. 133-135. 2. Supposed junction of the rivers Gambia and Casamanza, on the western coast of Africa. Geogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1833, pp. 72-76. Hay, W. E. Notes on the Kiang of Thibet (Equus Kiang). Zcol. Soc. Proc. XXVII., 1859, pp. 353-357. Hay, ff. J. On the protection of iron from oxidation and from becoming foul when it is exposed to the action of the sea and other waters. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1848, p. 754. Haycraft, Jl'. T. On the heat produced by firing gunpowder, and on the intense heat of Blast-furnaces. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 245-247. • 2. On the specific heat of the gases. [1823.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 195-216; Annal. de Chirnie, XXVI., 1824, pp. 298-324 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXXVL, 1824, pp. 289-318; TrommsdorfF, N. Journ. d. Pharm. X., 1825 (St. 2), pp. 26-59. 3. Remarks on the use of surcharged steam, with an account of experiments thereon. Frank- lin Inst. Journ. VIII., 1831, pp. 264-271. Hayden, C. B. A comparison of the mean tem- perature of the year with the mean temperature of October and April. Franklin lust. Journ. IV., 1842, pp. 95-97. 2. On the Rock Salt and Salines of the River Holston (Va.). Silliman, Journ. XLIV., 1843, pp. 173-179 ; Bibl. Univ. XLVIL, 1843, pp. 174-178. 3. Analysis of the Scott Spring, Scott County, Virginia. Sillimau, Journ. XLIV., 1843, p. 409. HAY] 237 [HAY Hayden, C. B. 4. On the Ice Mountain of Hampshire County, Virginia, with a proposed explanation of its low temperature. Silliman, Journ. XLV., 1843, pp. 78-83; Bibl. Univ. XL VIII., 1843, pp. 200-201. Hayden, F. V. Notes explanatory of a Map and Section illustrating the geological structure of the country bordering on the Missouri River, from the moutli of the Platte River to Fort Benton, in lat. 47° 30' N., long. 110° 30' W. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1857, pp. 109- 116. - 2. Notes on the geology of the " Mauvaises Terres" of While River, Nebraska, Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1857, pp. 151-158. 3. Explanations of a second edition of a Geological Map of Nebraska and Kansas, based upon information obtained in an expedition to the Black Hills, under the command of Lieut. G. K. WARREN. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1858, pp. 139-158. 4. Tertiary basin of White and Niobrara Rivers. Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1858, pp. 404-408. 5. Geological sketch of the estuary and freshwater deposit of the " bad lands " of the Judith, with some remarks upon the surrounding formations. [1859.] Arner. Phil. Soc. Trans. XL, 1860, pp. 122-138. 6. Notes on the geology of Nebraska and Utah Territory. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1860, pp. 433-434. — — 7. Sketch of the geology of the country about (he head-waters of the Missouri and Yel- low Stone Rivers. Sillimau, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 229-245. 8. The primordial Sandstone of the Rocky Mountains in the North-western territories of the United States. Sillimau, Journ. XXXIIL, 1862, pp. 68-79. 9. Some remarks in regard to the period of elevation of those ranges of the Rocky Moun- tains, near the sources of the Missouri River and its tributaries. Silliman, Jourii. XXXIIL, 1862, pp. 305-313. — — 10. On the geology and natural history of the Upper Missouri. [1861.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. XII., 1863, pp. 1-218. Hayden, F. V., and F. B. Meek. Descriptions of new species of Gasteropoda from the Creta- ceous formations of Nebraska Territory. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 62-69. 2. Descriptions of new species of Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda from the Cre- taceous formations of Nebraska Territory. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 70-72. Hayden, F. V., and F. B. Meek. 3. Descrip- tions of twenty-eight new species of Acephala and one Gasteropod (Natica subcrassa), from the Cretaceous formations of Nebraska Territory. Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 81-87. 4. Descriptions of new species of Acephala and Gasteropoda, from the Tertiary Formations of Nebraska Territory, with some general remarks on the geology of the country about the sources of the Missouri River. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 111-126: Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1856, pp. 423-429. 5. Descriptions of new fossil species of Mollusca collected in Nebraska Territory ; together with a complete catalogue of all the remains of Invertebrata hitherto described and identified from the Cretaceous and Tertiary Formations of that region. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 265-286. 6. Description of new species and genera of Fossils, collected by Dr. F. V. HAT- DEN in Nebraska Territory ; with some remarks on the Tertiary and Cretaceous Formations of the north-west, and the parallelism of the latter with those of other portions of the United States and Territories. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1857, pp. 117-148. 7. Descriptions of new organic re- mains collected in Nebraska Territory in the year 1857, by Dr. F. V. HAYDEX, together with some remarks on the geology of the Black Hills and portions of the surrounding country. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1858, pp. 41- 59. 8. Remarks on the Lower Creta ceous beds of Kansas and Nebraska, together with descriptions of some new species of Car- boniferous Fossils from the valley of Kansas river. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1858, pp. 256-266. • 9. Fossils of Nebraska. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 439-443. 1O. Descriptions of new organic re- mains from north-eastern Kansas, indicating the existence of Permian rocks in that territory. [1858.] Albany Inst. Trans. IV., 1858-64, pp. 73-88. 11. Geological explorations in Kan- sas Territory. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1859, pp. 8-30; Sillimau, Journ. XXVIL, 1859, pp. 424-432. 12. On the so-called Triassic Rocks of Kansas and Nebraska. Silliman, Journ. XXVIL, 1859, pp. 31-35. — 13. Remarks on the Lower Creta- ceous beds of Kansas and Nebraska. Silliman, Journ. XXVIL, 1859, pp. 219-227. HAYJ 238 [HAY Hayden, F. V., and F. B. Meek. 14. Descrip- tions of new organic remains from the Tertiary, Cretaceous, and Jurassic rocks of Nebraska. Pkilad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 175- 185. . 15. On a new genus (Anisamyon) of patelliform shells from the Cretaceous rocks of Nebraska. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1860, pp. 33-36. 16. Descriptions of new Lower Silurian [primordial], Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary Fossils, collected in Nebraska, with some remarks ou the rocks from which they were obtained. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 415-447. Hayden, H. H. Notice of a singular ore of Cobalt and Manganese. Silliman, Jouru. IV., 1822, pp. 283-284. 2. Notices of the geology of the country near Bedford Springs iu Pennsylvania, and the Bath or Berkeley Springs in Virginia, with remarks upon those waters. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1831, pp. 97-104. 3. Description of the Bare Hills near Baltimore. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 349-360. Hayden, Thomas. A short notice of a ready and simple mode of measuring microscopic objects. Dublin, Quart. Journ. Med. Sci. XIX., 1855, pp. 119-121. 2. On the physiological relations of Albu- men. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 110- 113. 3. On the function of SOMMERING'S Yellow Spot in producing unity of visual perception in binocular vision. Atlantis, I., 1858, pp. 476- 490. 4. On the structural anatomy and physio- logy of the muscular system of animal life. Atlantis, III., 1862, pp. 445-463. Hayes, Augustus A. Localities of minerals in Vermont. Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1828, pp. 195-196. 2. On the combinations of Chromium. Silliman, Jouru. XIV., 1828, pp. 136-144. 3. On a portable hygrometer. Silliman, Jouru. XVII., 1830, pp. 351-352. 4. On the dew point. Silliman, Journ. 1830, pp. 63-65. 5. Hydro-broniic acid and potash in the Saratoga Springs. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1830, pp. 142-143. 6. Production of Hydrocyanic (Prussic) Acid under uncommon circumstances. Roy. lust. Journ. I., 1831, p. 169. • 7. On a singular instance of crystalliza- tion. Silliman, Journ. XX., 1831, pp. 128- 130. Hayes, Augustus A. 8. Notice of Cobalt, Nickel, &c., of the Chatham mine, Connecticut. Sillimau, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 195-196. 9. On two new acid compounds of chlorine, carbon, and hydrogen. Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1832, pp. 141-143. 1O. Details of a chemical analysis of Danaite, a new ore of iron and cobalt. Silli- man, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 386-388. 11. On the action of metallic Tin on solutions of muriate of Tin. Silliman, Jouni. XXXVIII., 1840, pp. 408-410; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 302-303 ; Bibl. Univ. XXX., 1840, pp. 411-413. 12. Notice of native nitrate of Soda, con- taining sulphate of Soda, chloride of Sodium, iodate of Soda, and chloriodide of Sodium. [1838.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. III., 1840- 41, pp. 279-280. 13. Re-examination of Microlite and Pyro- chlore. Silliman, Journ. XL VI., 1844, pp. 159-166. 14. On the A state of Columbic Acid. Silliman, Journ. XLVI., 1844, pp. 167-169. 15. Description and analysis of Picker- ingite, a native Magnesian Alum. Silliman, Journ. XLVI., 1844, pp. 360-362. 16. Remarks on the origin of the chlorine found in the Alabama Iron, and a description of new methods employed in the analysis of meteoric irons. Silliman, Journ. XLVIII., 1845, pp. 147-156. 17. On the manufacture of pure Sul- phuric Acid. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 113-114. 18. On some specimens of native Copper from Lake Superior. Amer. Acad. Proc. II., 1848-52, p. 195. • 19. On the urinary deposit called "Red Sand." Amer. Acad. Proc. II., 1848-52, p. 196. 20. On Stereoptene, or the camphor de- rived from crude oil of Valerian. Amer. Acad. Proc. II., 1848-52, pp. 199-200. 21. On the assumed existence of Am- monia in the general atmosphere. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 207-213. • 22. On the Blowpipe characters of the mineral from the Azores identified with Pyr- rhite, by J. E. TESCIIEMACHER. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 423-424. 23. On the Red Zinc ore of New Jersey. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, p. 424. 24. On the difterent chemical conditions of the water at the surface of the ocean and at the bottom, on soundings. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1851, pp. 241-244. 25. On the corrosion of an alloy, composed of copper and silver, in sea-water. Silliman, Jouru. XL, 1851, pp. 324-326. HAY] 239 [HAY Hayes, Augustus A. 26. On a remarkable change which has taken place in the compo- sition and characters of the water supplied to the City of Boston from Lake Cochituate. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, pp. 173-178 ; Silli- mau, Journ. XIX., 1855, pp. 257-263. 27. On a new species of Wax. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 190. 28. On hydro-electric currents. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 198. — — 29. On a specimen of native Iron from Liberia. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 199. 30. On Aluminium. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 221. 31. On the change of position among the particles of solid metals, induced by the action of gentle but continued percussion of the masses they form. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, pp. 322-325. 32. On some points of chemical interest connected with the manufacture of Ductile Iron by the new process of H. BESSEMER. Amer. Acad. Proc. HI., 1852-57, pp. 341-345. 33. Reclamation of Borocalcite, as distinct from a mixture of minerals, found near Iquique, South Peru. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1854, p. 95. 34. Report on a specimen of Fossilized Egg, from the Guano Islands, off the coast of Peru. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854- 56, pp. 165-167. - 35. On Cochituate Water. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 169-177. 36. On the existence of Native Iron in a malleable state in Liberia, Africa. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 250- 252 ; Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1856, pp. 153- 157 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. III., 1856, pp. 204-209. 37. Analysis tof a saline mineral from S. America. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 392-394. 38. On Serpentine rock. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1856, pp. 382-385. 39. On the Monks Island Guano. Silli- man, Journ. XXLL, 1856, pp. 300-301. 40. On the state in which phosphate of Lime exists in sea-water. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 48-51 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI., 1857", pp. 103-107. 41. Analysis of a specimen of Gum from Africa. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856- 59, pp. 129-131. 42. On the kind of Sugar developed in the Sorghum saccharatum, or Chinese Sugar-cane. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 200-203. Hayes, Augustus A. 43. On a chemical change which takes place in the glucose of the Sorghum. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 297-299. 44. On some modified results attending the decomposition of bituminous coals by heat. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 50-51 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VII., 1858, pp. 33-35; Silliman, Journ. XXVII., 1859, pp. 294-295. 45. On the composition of the so-called Guano of the Atlantic Islands. Ediub. New Phil. Journ. VI., 1857, pp. 107-112. 46. On the corrosion of yellow-metal sheathing in sea-water. Amer. Acad. Proc. IV., 1857-60, pp. 28-31. 47. On the supposed meteorite from Marblehead. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, p. 135. 48. Examination of a mineral substance in the medullary cavity of trees growing in the Sandwich Islands. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VIL, 1859-61, pp. 209-210. 49. On the occurrence of soluble com- pounds of Copper, Lead, and Tin in newly- distilled Alcoholic spirits. Chemical News, IV., 1861, p. 117. SO. On the occurrence of massive Datholite in the mines of Lake Superior. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VIII., 1861-62, pp. 62-64. Hayes, Augustus A., and C. T. Jackson. A description of a new mineral species, Lederite, from Nova Scotia, with a chemical analysis. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1834, pp. 78-84. Hayes, Augustus A., and Teschemacher. On the identity of Pyrochlore with the Microlite of Prof. SHEPAED. Silliman, Journ. XLIIL, 1842, pp. 33-35. Hayes, Geo. E. Remarks on the geology of Western New York. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1837, pp. 241-247. • . 2. Remarks on the geology and topography of Western New York. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1839, pp. 86-105. Hayes, Isaac J. Observations upon the practi cability of reaching the North Pole. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1858, pp. 234-254; Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1858, pp. 305-323. 2. The passage to the North Pole. Silli- man, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 384-392. 3. Observations upon the relations existing between Food and the capabilities of men to resist low temperatures. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXXVIII., 1859, pp. 114-118. Hayes, J. L. Probable influence of icebergs upon drift. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1843-44, pp. 426-451 ; Silliman, Journ. XLV.. 1843, pp. 316-327. HAY] 240 [HAZ Hayes, 8. D. On a new Lead-salt, correspond- ing to Cobalt-yellow. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 335-338; Sillimau, Journ. XXXL, 1861, pp. 226-229. 2. Ueber den Feldspnth im geschmolzenen Zustaude. Poggend. Annal. CXIIL, 1861, pp. 468-471. Hayez, Edward. Colligantur atque exemplis illustrentur idoneis, rationes quarum auxilio ob- jectorum ac meteororura intervalla a superficie terms, quantum potest, accurate mensureutur. Louvaine, Ann. Acad. VIII., 1826, pars 2da. Haygarth, Jolm. Description of a Glory. [1789.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. III., 1790, pp. 463-466. Haygarth, John, and Thomas Henry. On the preservation of Sea Water from putrefaction by means of quicklime ; with an account of a newly invented machine for impregnating water or other fluids with fixed Air, &c. [1781.] Man- chester, Phil. Soc. Mem. I., 1789, pp. 41-53. Haymond, Eufus. Notice of remains of Mega- therium, Mastodon, and Silurian Fossils [found in Franklin County, Indiana]. Silliman, Jouru. XL VI., 1844, pp. 294-296. 2. Birds of South-eastern Indiana. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 286- 298. Hayne, F. G. Genauere Auseinandersetzung einiger Deutscher Gewiichse. Schrader, Journ. Botan. I, 1800, pp. 15-46. 2. [Einige ueue Pflanzen der Gattung Trifolium.] Schrader, Neues Journ. Botan. II., 1807 (Hft. 2), pp. 335-341. 3. Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Veronica. Berlin, Ges. Nat, Freuude Mag. VII., 1816, pp. 131-135. 4. Ueber die Gattung Copaifera. Linncea, I., 1826, pp. 418-432. 5. Ueber die Gattungen Hymenaaa, Vouapa und eine ueue (Trachylobium) niit Hinsicht auf die Abstammung des aus Amerika kommenden Copals. Flora, X., 1827, pp. 737-752. 6. Ueber die Bewegunsr des Saftes in den Hays, Isaac. 3. On the family Proboscidea, their general character and relations, their mode of dentition, and geological distribution. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1843, pp. 44-48. Hays, Isaac, and William E. Homer. De- scription of an entire head and various other bones of the Mastodon. [1840.] Amer. Phil. Soe. Trans. VIII., 1843, pp. 37-48. Hayter, Henry H. Remarks on a filamentous material, grown upon the plant Cryptostemma caleudulaceum, believed to be suitable for ma- nufacturing purposes. [1861.] Victoria, Trans. Roy. Soc. VI., 1865, pp. 26-27. Hayward, George. Some account of an animal belonging to the genus Cervus. New England Journ. Med. VI., 1817, pp. 153-156. Hayward, George. Remarks on Anaesthesia, and the agents employed to produce it. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XXIII., 1859, pp. 480- 486. Hayward, Joseph. On the study of nature and science. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1831, pp. 5-8. Hayward, P. J. H. Van den Zelfregistrerenden windwijzer en winddrukmeter, bij de woning van den opzigter van den waterstaat C. Van Der STEER, aan den helder. Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Verhand. 1853-54, pp. 19-21. Hayward, Robert B. On a direct method of estimating velocities, accelerations, and all similar quantities with respect to axes raoveable in any manner in space, with applications. Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. X., 1858, pp. 1-22. 2. Direct demonstration of JACOBI'S canon- ical formula? for the variation of elements in a disturbed orbit. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 22-36. Hay wood, James. On the Clover-sickness of certain soils ; being an analytical investigation into the causes producing the failure of the Red- clover crop. West Yorks. Proc. Geol. Soc. II., 1842-48, pp. 351-370. 2. On the formation and destruction of vollkommeneren Gewachsen. Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 502-511. Hays, . A case of colour-blindness. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1840, pp. 265-266 ; Silli- man, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 54-56. Hays, Isaac. Description of a fragment of the Head of a new fossil Animal, discovered in a marl pit near Morristown, New Jersey. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 471-478. • 2. Description of the inferior maxillary bones of Mastodons in the Cabinet of the Ame- rican Philosophical Society, with Remarks on the genus Tetracaulodon, Godinan. [1831.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1834, pp. 317- 339. Limestone, and some of the minerals which accompany it. West Yorks. Proc. Geol. Soc. III., 1849-59, pp. 61-74. Hazard, Erskine. Facts and observations on the bursting of the boilers of Steam Engines. Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1828, pp. 56-59. 2. To describe an hyperbola. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 314-315. 3. Observations on the effect of using steam expansively under different pressures, and •when cut off at different points. Franklin Inst. Journ. XII., 1846, pp. 190-194. Hazelius, J. A. Kritiska TSlickar ofver physiska geographiens vetenskapligu uppstallning. Svea, XIV., 1831, pp. 25-78. HAZ] 241 [HEA Hazer, Joseph. Beitriige zur Lehre von der Endosmose. Eoser u. Wundcrlich, Arcbiv, XV., 1856, pp. 194-247. Hazslinszky, Friedrich. Das Thai der Schirnka bei Radacs im Saroser Comitate. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852 (Hft. 2), pp. 87-92. 2. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Flora der Karpathen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. I., 1852, pp. 200-206; III., 1853 (Abh.), pp. 141-150; V., 1855 (Abh.), pp. 765-777 ; IX., 1859 (Abh.), pp. 7-26 ; X., 1860 (Abh.), pp. 314-320. 3. Ueber den Standort der Carex pedi- formis, M. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verbandl. II., 1852, pp. 109-110. 4. Die Laubmoose der Eperieser Flora. Presburg, Verhandl. II., 1857, pp. 1-10. S. Ueber eine botanische Excursion im nordostlichen Ungarn. Presburg, Verhandl. III., 1858 (Sits. Ber.\ pp. 6-9. . 6. Ueber eine botanische Excursion in die hohe Talva. Presburg, Verhandl. IV., 1859 (Sit:. Bcr.\ pp. 79-81. — — 7. Die Kryoblasten der Eperieser Flora : — Graphideen, Calycieen, Decampieen, Hyme- nelieen, und Verrucarien. Presburg, Verhandl. IV., 1859, pp. 84-95; V., 1860, pp. 3-12. 8. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Karpathen- Sandsteines. Presburg, Verhandl. IV., 1859 (Abh.), pp. 111-116. 9. Mineralogisch-techuische Notizen aus Ober-Ungarn. Presburg, Verhandl. V., 1860- 61, pp. 136-138. Head, E. B. Meteoric stones in India. Cana- dian Journ. VII., 1862, pp. 193-200. Head, J. F. Some remarks on the natural his- tory of the country about Fort Ripley, Minne- sota. Smithsonian Reports, 1855, pp. 291-293. Headrick, J. Some mineralogical and geological observations, made in the Isle of Arran. Nichol- son, Journ. XVII., 1807, pp. 344-353. Heale, J. iV. On galvanic currents existing in the Blood. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1848, pp. 732- 735 ; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1848, col. 68-70. 2. Researches on the distribution of the blood-vessels, &c. in the Lungs. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1853, pp. 315-316. 3. On the physiological anatomy of the Lungs. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 645- 643. Heales, J. On magnesio-sulphate of Soda. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XLVHL, 1816, pp. 202-203. Healy, Charles. Notes on the food and economy of certain British Micro-Lepidoptera. New- man, Zoologist, XX., 1862, pp. 8297-8300. Heap, John. On the rain-fall at Oldham during the years 1836 to 1862 ; with remarks byG. V. VEENON. [1863.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1865, pp. 338-342. VOL. III. Heapley, Charles. On the Coromaudel gold diggings in New Zealand. Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1 854, pp. 322-324. 2. On the gold-bearing district of Coro- mandel Harbour, New Zealand. Geol. Soc. Journ. XL, 1855, pp. 31-36. 3. On the volcanic country of Auckland, New Zealand. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860, pp. 242-252. Hearder, . Verbrennung im luftverdiinnten Raume. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 253-254. [Translated from A.\hewe:vim, 1841.] Hearder, Jonathan N. On the application of Cast Iron as a substitute for Steel in the con- struction of very powerful permanent Magnets, with a specimen of a Cast Iron Magnet of great power, and a detail of some peculiar phenomena connected with its magnetic properties. Corn- wall, Polytechn. Soc. Trans. 1850, pp. 16-23, 24-28. 2. On a powerful modification of the static Induction Coil. Cornwall, Polytechn. Soc. Trans. 1856, pp. 1-7 ; Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 377-385. • 3. On some new statical and thermal effects of a powerful Induction Apparatus. Cornwall, Polytechn. Soc. Trans. 1856, pp. 8-14. 4. On a new arrangement of the Induction Coil. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 443-445. 5. On a new instrument for registering a rapid succession of electrical discharges. Phil. Mag. XIII., 1857, pp. 324-337. 6. On the amount of Electricity developed by equal surfaces of cylinder and plate elec- trical machines. Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, pp. 290-299. 7. On a new form of Telegraph Cable, intended to obviate the mischievous effects of induction, and otherwise improve the insulation and mechanical character of the cable. Corn- wall, Polytechn. Soc. Trans. 1859, pp. 98-104. 8. On the Atlantic Cable. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 27-42. 9. On a new form of telegraph cable in- tended to reduce the effects of inductive action. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 334-345. 10. The Inductometer : a new instrument for determining the specific inductive capacity and insulating power of dielectrics, by frictional electricity. Cornwall, Polytechn. Soc. Trans. 1860, pp. 58-66; Electrician, I., 1862, pp. 74-76. 11. Extracts from notes on electrical con- ductivity. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1860, pp. 14-19. 12. The Induction coil. Electrician, III., 1862, pp. 41-43. H II HEA] 242 [HEB Hearn, Geo. JVIiitehead. On the anomalous phenomenon of the apparent projection of a fixed Star on the disk of the Moon after appa- rent immersion. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843-45, pp. 246-247. 2. On the permanent state of heat in a thin uniform wire of any form, acted on by two sources of heat of equal intensity at its ex- tremities. Phil. Mac;. XXIX., 1846, pp. 22-24. 3. On the composition and resolution of forces. Phil. Mag. XXIX., 1846, pp. 258-261. 4. Investigation of an extensive class of partial differential equations of the second order, in which the equation of LAPLACE'S functions is included. Phil. Trans. 1846, pp. 133-136. 5. On confocal conic sections. Mathema- tician, II., 1847, pp. 26-27. 6. On Involution. Mathematician, II., 1847, pp. 63-66. . 7. On propositions in piano, and their analogous properties in three dimensions. Ma- thematician, II., 1847, pp. 117-119. 8. On the vertical force magnetometer. Mathematician, II., 1847, pp. 149-150. 9. On the ellipse of minimum area which can be drawn to pass through four given points. Mathematician, II., 1847, pp. 315-319. 10. On the cause of the discrepancies ob- served by Mr. BAILT with the Cavendish appa- ratus for determining the mean density of the Earth. Phil. Trans. 1847, pp. 217-230. 11. Singular application of geometry of three dimensions to a plane problem. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 265- 267. 12. Easy and expeditious mode of dis- tinguishing surfaces of the second order. Ma- thematician, HI., 1850, pp. 195-200. 13. Easy method of finding the moments of inertia of an ellipsoid about its principal axes. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VIII., 1853, pp. 37-38. Heath, - — . On the physical character, lan- guages, and manners of the people of the Navi- gators Islands. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 67-68. Heath, . Eule for converting Sidereal into Solar time, and vice, versa. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 193-194. Heath, Christopher. Foetus presenting several remarkable deformities. Pathol. Soc. Trans. X., 1858-59, pp. 304-305. Heath, D. D. Observations on a passage in Prof. TYNDAXL'S Lectures on Force and Heat. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 531-536. Heath, E. On the credibility of the existence of the Kraken, Sea Serpent, and other Sea Mon- sters. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1844- 45, pp. 68-73. Heath, G. P. Observations of Comet HI., 1853, Astron. Soc. Month. Not, XIV., 1853-54, pp. 149-150. Heath, J. M. On Indian Iron and Steel. Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1839, pp. 390-397 ; Madras Journ. XL, 1840, pp. 184-191. Heath, fl-lllirtm. On the darkness in Canada in- October 1785. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. II.. 1793, pp. 139-142. Heathcote, J. A. Surface Currents of the Bay of Bengal during the South-West Monsoon. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXII., 1862, pp. 234- 241 ; Geogr. Soc. Proc. VI., 1862, pp. 101- 102, 114-117. Heather, J. F. Algebraic demonstration of the theorem &c. Mathematician, II., 1847, pp. 296-297. Heatly, S. G. Tollemache. Institutes of analy- sis. Geometry, linear, superficial, and solid. India Eeview, I., 1837, pp. 755-756; II., 1838, pp. 38-40, 82-84, 151-153, 205-206. 2. On the theory of Angular Geometry. - Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XL, 1842, pp. 230- 239. - 3. A note on Capt. SHORTREDE'S Remarks on my paper on the theory of Angular Geometry, supra, page 240. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XI., 1842, pp. 782-783. - 4. Contributions towards a history of the developement of the mineral resources of India. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XL, 1842, pp. 811- 838 ; XII., 1843, pp. 542-563. 5. On the treatment of Geometry as a branch of Analysis. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XII., 1843, pp. 110-126. Heaton, J. D. On the mutual relations of animal and vegetable existence. West Yorks. Proc. Geol. Soc. II., 1842-48, pp. 241-254. 2. On the more distinctive characters of animals and vegetables. West Yorks. Proc. Geol. Soc. II., 1842-48, pp. 394-399. Heber, - — . Ueber die physische Beschaifen- heit und die Naturproductc der Insel Bombay. Froriep, Notizen, XXXI., 1831, col. 54-55. Heberden, IV. On the Effects of Lightning at South Weald in Essex. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. X., 1843, pp. 9-10. Heberden, ll'm. An account of the heat of July 1825, together with some remarks upon sensible cold. Phil. Trans. 1826 (pt. 2), pp. 69-74. Hebert, E. Sur le calcaire pisolitique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1846-47, pp. 517-521. 2. Sur les depots situes dans le bassiu de Paris, entre la craie blanche et le calcaire gros- sier. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. V., 1847-48, pp. 388-408. HEB] 243 [HEB Hebert, E. 3. Sur les fossiles tertiaires du Limbourg et sur ceux de la couche a Ostrea cyathula, du bassin de Paris. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1848-49, pp. 459-472. • 4. Sur les fossiles du crag recueillis au Bosc-d'Aubigny (Manche). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1848-49, pp. 559-563. 5. Observations sur le memoire de M. LETMERIE relative a un terrain cretace de Mauleon [Hautes-Pyrenees]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1848-49, pp. 569-571. - 6. Sur les poches diluviennes a ossements fossiles d'Auvers (Seine-et-Oise). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1848-49, pp. 604-605. 7. Sur 1'etage Oxfordien inferieur des en- virons de Mamers. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIII., 1850-51, pp. 142-144. 8. Sur la geologic du bassin de Paris. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 849-853. 9. Note sur la limite qui separe le terrain cretace du terrain tertiaire. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 862-865. 10. Sur 1'age des sables blancs et des marnes a Physa gigantea de Hilly. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1S52-53, pp. 437-454. 11. Sur le synchronisme du calcaire piso- litique des environs de Paris et de la craie superieure de Maestricht. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853, pp. 369-380. 12. Becherches sur la craie superieure. L'Institut, XXI., 1853, p. 100. 13. Sur 1'argile plastique de la partie meridionale du bassin de Paris. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XL, 1853-54, pp. 418-441, 645- 646. 14. Sur une nouvelle espece de Cirrhipede fossile (Scalpellum Darwini). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XL, 1853-54, pp. 470-471. 15. Sur une nouvelle extension, dans le bassin de Paris, des marnes lacustres et des sables de Billy. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XI., 1853-54, pp. 647-660. 16. Tableau des Fossiles de la craie de Meudon, et description de quelques especes nouvelles. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. V., 1854, pp. 345-374. 17. Sur le terrain jurassique du bord occi- dentale du bassin Parisien. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 79-88. 18. Sur plusieurs fossiles remarquables du bassin de Paris. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XH., 1854-55, pp. 349-352. 19. Sur le terrain tertiaire moyen du Nord de 1'Europe. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII.. 1854- 55, pp. 760-771. 2O. Sur la constitution geologique de 1'Ar- denne Fran^aise. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 1165-1187. Hebert, E. 21. Sur les fossiles de Montreuil- Bellay (Maine-et-Loire). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 1263-1268. 22. Note sur le tibia du Gastornis parisi- ensis. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XL., 1855, pp; 579-581. 23. Note sur le femur du Gastornis parisi- ensis. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1214-1217. 24. Note sur le lias inferieur des Ardennes, suivie de remarques sur les gryphees du lias. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XHL, 1855-56, pp. 207- 221. 25. Eecherches sur la faune des premiers sediments tertiaires Parisiens (Mammiferes pa- chydermes du genre Coryphodon). Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Zool.), 1856, pp. 87-136. 26. Eecherches sur les oscillations du sol de la France septentriouale, pendant la periode jurassique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 853-857. 27. Eapports de la craie glauconieuse a Ammonites varians et Eothomagensis, etc., de Eouen et des gres verts du Maine. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856-57, pp. 731-740. 28. Eecherches sur les mammiferes pachy- dermes du genre Coryphodon. Paris, Comptes Eeudus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 135-138. 29. Sur les caracteres paleontologiques de la craie de Meudon. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 143-149. 3O. Nouvelles observations sur les rapports entre la craie chloritee de Eouen et les gres verts du Maine. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 150-156. 31. Sur les phenomenes qui se sont passes a la separation des periodes geologiques. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 596- 605. 32. Sur la limite inferieure du lias et sur la composition du trius dans les departemeuts du Gard et de 1'Herault. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 905-918. 33. Eeponse a la note de M. Ch. d'Ou- BIG:NT, intitulee : " Sur 1'age veritable des poudingues de Nemours et des sables coquilliers d'Ormoy." Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVII., 1859-60, pp. 52-57. 34. Note sur la position reelle de la couche marine d'Ormoy. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIL, 1859-60, pp. 107-115. 35. Du terrain jurassique superieur sur les cotes de la Manche. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIL, 1859-60, pp. 300-316. 36. Note sur le travertin de Champigny et sur les couches entre lesquelles il est com- pris. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIL, 1859-60, pp. 800-812. n H 2 HEB] 244 [EEC Hebert, E. 37. Quelques remarques sur la mer jurassique et les theories imaginees pour rendre compte de ses defacements. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIII., 1860-61, pp. 97-102. 38. Ueber die Trigonise clavellatae. Journ. Conchyl. IX., 1861, pp. 178-186. — 39. Du terrain jurassique cle la Provence. Sa division eri etages. Son independance des calcaires dolomitiques ossocies au gypse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 836-840; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 100-124. 40. Sur I'argile a silex, les sables marius tertiaires et les calcaires d'eau douce du nord- ouest de la France. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 445-464. 41. Note sur 1'age du calcaire de Eilly. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 552-556. 42. Observations sur les systemes Bruxel- lien et Lackenien de DUMONT, et sur leur posi- tion dans la serie Parisienne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 832-839. 43. Sur les depots tertiaires marins et lacustres des environs de Provins (Seine-et- Marne). Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 513-515; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 119-120. 44. Nouvelles observations relatives au calcaire a Lophiodon de Provins. Son exten- sion dans la Beauce. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 149-152. 45. Sur le non-synchronisme des etages Campanien et Dordonien de M. COQUAND avec la craie de Meudon et celle cle Maestricht. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862-63, pp. 90- 103. 46. Note sur la craie blanche et la craie rnarneuse dans le bassin de Paris, et sur la division de ce dernier etage en quatre assises. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862-63, pp. 605- 631. 47. Observations sur 1'existence de 1'homme pendant la periode quaternaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1005-1008, 1040-1042. 48. Observations sur les principaux ele- ments du terrain quaternaire, sur les theories proposees pour en expliquer la formation, et sur 1'age de I'argile a silex. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XXI., 1863, pp. 58-72. Hebert, E., et Eugene Elides Deslongchamps. Memoire sur les fossiles de Montreuil-Bellay (Maine-et-Loire). Normandie, Soc. Linn. Bull. V., 1859-60, pp. 153-240. Hebert, E., et Meugy. Sur les meulierrs du bassin de Paris. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 600-605. Hebert, E., et E. Renevier. Descriptions des fossiles du terrain nummulitique superieur des environs de Gap, des Diablerets et de quelques localites de la Savoie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XI., 1853-54, pp. 589-603 ; Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. III., 1856, pp. 148-226. Hebreard, . Extrait d'une observation sur un cas particulier d'insensibilite dans un membrc sans perte de mouvement. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. I., 1807, pp. 65-66. 2. Memoire sur 1'analogie qui existe entre les systemes muqueux et dermo'ide. Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. Emul. VIII., 1816, pp. 153-159. Hecart, Gabr. Ant. Jos. Catalogue des Coquilles terrestres et fluviatiles des environs de Valen- ciennes. Valenciennes, Mem. Soc. Agric. L, 1833, pp. 131-151. 2. Florula Hannoniensis. Valenciennes, Mem. Soc. Agric. II., 1836, pp. 155-208. Hecht, Daniel Friedrich. Ueber die Wirkung der Menschenkraft an der Kurbel oder dem einmannischen Haspelhorn. N. Bergniiinn. Journ. IV., 1804, pp. 185-207. 2. Ueber die Einrichtung des Schwung- ringes. Gilbert, Annal. LXIV., 1820, pp. 409-419. Hecht, E., et F. C. Fodere. Analyse des feuilles et des fruits de la Pomme d'Amour (Solanum lycopersicum). Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 105-113; Liebig, Annal. III., 1832, pp. 130-135. Hecht, L. Note sur 1'inflammation spontanee d'un melange de muriate de potasse sur-oxigene et de soufre. Journ. des Mines, IV. (N° 21), 1796, pp. 73-74. • 2. Analyse d'une mine de zinc sulfure, trouvec dans le comte de Geroldseck eii Bris- gaw. Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 13-22. 3. Notice sur la decomposition spontanee de 1'Acidule tartareux. Bull, de Pharm. II., 1810, pp. 206-209. Hecht, L., et Antoine Claude Gerboin. Analyse des eaux minerales de Niederbronn. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIV., 1810, pp. 250-267. Hecht, L., Haiiy, Rene Just et Vauquelin. Ex- pose des observations et experiences faites sur le Wolfram de France. Journ. des Mines, IV., 1796, pp. 3-26. Hecht, L., et Vauquelin. Experiences sur le schorl rouge et le metal qu'il contient, faites au laboratoire du Conseil des Mines. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, pp. 92-94. 2. Analyse du schorl rouge de France. Jouru. des Mines, III. (N° 15), 1795, pp. 10-27. 3. Analyse d'un fossile de Baviere, qu'on a pris pour de la mine d'etain, et qui est de 1'oxide de titane uni a du fer et a du manganese. Journ. des Mines, IV. (N° 19), 1796, pp. 57-60. EEC] 245 [EEC Hecke. See Vandenhecke. Heckel, Jacob. Ueber Muscicapa melanoptera, eiue von M. COLLARIS zu trennende Art. Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 457-495. • 2. Scaphirhynchus, eine neuc Fischgattung aus der Ordnung der Chondropterygier mit freien Kiemen. Wiener Mus. Annal. I., 1836, pp. 68-78. 3. Ueber cinige neue, oder nicbt gehorig unterscbiedene Cyprinen, nebst einer systemat- iscben Darstelluug der Europiiischen Gattungen dieser Gruppe. Wiener Mus. Annal. I., 1836, pp. 219-234. 4. lehtbyologiscbe Beitrage zu den Familien der Cottoiden, Scorpasnoiden, Gobioiden, und Cyprinoiden. Wiener Mus. Annal. II., 1840, pp. 143-164. 5. Johann NATTERER'S neue Flussfiscbe Brasilien's nacb den Beobacbtungen und Mittbeiluugen des Entdeckers. Wiener Mus. Annal. II., 1840, pp. 325-470. 6. On Aulopyge, a new genus of fresh- water fish. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1841, pp. 522-523. 7. [Sopra varie specie Italiane di pesci d' acqua dolce]. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1844, pp. 380-385. 8. Bemerkung iiber Lepidosiren paradoxa. Miiller, Arcbiv, 1845, pp. 534-535. — — 9. Ueber die fossilen Fische des Oester- reichischen Kaiserstaates. Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 327-330. 10. Pycnodus Murattii in lichtem Kalk- stein aus der Umgegend von Pola in Istrien. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 184-189. 11. Vorlegung von Abbildungen fossiler Fiscbe. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 127-130. 12. Eine neue Gattung von Pcecilien mit rochenartigem Anklammerungs - Organe (P. xiphophorus). Wieu, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 289-303. 13. Eine neue fossile Fischgattung, Chiro- centrites. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 16-19. 14. Pimelodus Sadleri. Wien, Sitz. Ber. II., 1849, p. 19. 15. Ueber einige bisher uubekannte Arteu fossiler Fiscbe aus der Gegend von Gorz. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 163-165. 16. Ueber eine neue Gattung von Ta3ni- oiden (Lapidopides) und eine neue species aus der Gonoiden Gattung, Lepidotus (L. sulcatus). Wien, Sitz. Ber. H., 1849, pp. 176-177. 17. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische Oesterreicbs. Wien, Denkschr. I., 1850, pp. 201-242. • 18. Bericht iiber das Vorkommen fossiler Fische zu Seefeld in Tirol und Monte Bolca im Venetianischen. Wien, Geol. Jabrb. I., 1850, pp. 696-701. Heckel, Jacob. 19. Ueber das Wirbelsiiulen- Ende bei Ganoiden und Teleostiern. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850 (Abth. 2), pp. 143-148. ^— 2O. Ueber die Wirbelsaule fossiler Gan- oiden. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850 (Abth. 2), pp. 358-368. 21. Gebiss eines fossilen Haies von Gairacb in Untersteiermark. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851, p. 149. 22. Ueber die in den Seen Oberosterreichs vorkommenden Fische. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851, pp. 145-149. 23. Ueber die Ordnung der Chondrostei. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851, pp. 219-224. 24. Bericht einer ichthyologischen Reise. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VII., 1851 (Abth. 2), pp. 281-333 ; VIII., 1852, pp. 347-390 ; IX., 1852, pp. 49-123. 25. Stor-Arten der Lagunen bei Venedig. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. 1851 (Abth. 2), pp. 547-563. 26. Ueber eine neue Fisch-Species aus dem Weissen Nil, Protopterus astbiopicus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851 (Abth. 2), pp. 685-689. 27. Ueberreste eines fossilen Fiscbes aus der Familie der Lippenfische (Labroiden). Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852, pp. 176-177. 28. Beschreibung des Gymuarchus Nilo- ticus, Cuv. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 680-681 ; Wien, Denkschr. VI., 1854, pp. 11- 20. 29. Ueber aussergewohnliche Indivuluen der Bachforelle (Salar Ausonii). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. I., 1852, pp. 71-72. 30. Verzeicbniss einiger Fiscbe und Ara- phibien aus der Gegend von Botzen, und iiber den Carpione des Garcia Sees. Wien, Zool. Bot, Ver. Verhandl. I., 1852, pp. 81-82. • — 31. Verzeicbniss der Fiscbe des Donau- Gebiets. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852, pp. 28-33. 32. Ueber die Verbreitung, das Nest, und das Ei der Salicaria fluviatilis, Mayer. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IT., 1852 (Abh.), pp. 127-130 ; Naumannia, 1853, pp. 47-53. 33. Die Fische der Save. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852 (Abh.), pp. 130- 131. 34. Addizioni alia conoscenza de' pesci fossili Austriaci. Napoli, Rendicouto, II., 1853, pp. 42-46. 35. Ueber eiuen fossilen Fischiiberrest aus Sicilieu. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. III., 1853, pp. 70-71. 36. Bericht iiber die vom Iln. Cav. Achille de ZIGNO hier angelangte Sammlung fossiler Fische. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL, 1854, pp. 122- 138. • 37. Ueber fossile Fische aus Cbiavon. Wien. Sitz. Ber. XI., 1854, pp. 322-334. HEC] 246 [HED Heckel, Jacob. 38. Bericht iiber die am 15 August 1853 bei Cittanuova gestrandeten Pott- waUe (Physeter). Wien, Sitz. Ber. XI., 1854, pp. 765-772. 39. Ueber den Bau nnd die Eintheilung der Pycnodonten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 433-464. 4O. Die Fische der Salzach. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IV., 1854 (Abh.\ pp. 189- 196. 41. Neue BeitrJige zur Kenntniss der fos- silen Fische Oesterreichs. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVII., 1855, pp. 166-168 ; Wien, Denkschr. XL, 1856, pp. 187-274. 42. Ueber verirrte wilde Sch wane. Wien, Kecking, Menstrual-Blutung aus den Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. V., 1855 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 14-15. Heckel, Jacob, und Leopold Joseph Fitzinger. Monographische Darstellung der Gattung Aci- peuser. Wiener Mus. Annal. I., 1836, pp. 261- 326. Heckel, Jacob, und Felix von Gourcy-Droit- aurnont. Einiges iiber den Condor oder Kuntur (Vultur gryphus, Linn.; Sarcoramphus gryphus, Diun.). Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 407-412. Heckel, Jacob, und R. Kner. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische Oesterreichs. [1859.] Wien, Denkschr. XIX., 1861, pp. 49-76. Hecker, C. Ueber das friiheste Vorkommen der Hydrophobie beim Menschen. Griife, Journ. Chir. Augenheilk. II., 1821, pp. 325-343. 2. Eiuige Bemerkungen iiber den sogen- aunten Harnsaureinfarct in den Nieren neuge- borner Kinder. Virchow, Archiv, XI., 1857. pp. 217-235. Hecker, F., und C. Schmidt. Analyse der ex- plodirenden Baumwolle. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 257-262. Hecker, J. Erfahrungen iiber das Vorkommen der Sauderze in den Sangerhiiuser und Mansfeld- ischen Revieren, Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XIV., 1859, pp. 444-474. Hecker, Joseph L. Von dem Bernstein. Tromms- dorff, Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1796, pp. 277-288. Heckewelder, John. Account of the remark- able instinct of a Bird called the Nine-killer. [1796.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 124-126. . 2. Account of an animal called the Big Naked Bear. [1797.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 260-261. 3. Indian account of a remarkably strong and ferocious Beast, which (they say) existed iii the northern parts of the state of New York about two hundred years ago. Philad. Med. Phys. Journ. L, 1805 (pt. 2)," pp. 161-164. 4. Facts and observations relative to the Beaver of North America. [1804.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1809, pp. 209-212. Brustwarzeu. Casper, Wocheuschrift, 1839, p. 510. Heckmann, C. Ueber die chemischen Eigen- schaften des Catechus und seine Anwendung zum Fiirben. Dingier, Polytechu. Journ. LXXXI., 1841, pp. 139-141. Hecquard, //. Notes sur un voyage dans 1'in- terieur de FAfrique. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. III., 1852, pp. 357-386. 2. Apercu geographique de la Haute Al- banie. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XIII., 1857, pp. 293-300. 3. Geographic politique et physique de la Dalmatie. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. IV., 1862, pp. 5-38, 237-267. Hecquet, A. Memoire sur 1'empoisonnement par les allumettes chimiques au phosphore blauc. Abbeville, Mem. Soc. Emul. 1857-60, pp. 645- 666. Hector, James. Notes on the geology of Cap- tain PALLISER'S Expedition in British North America. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 80- 81 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XH., 1860, pp. 225-228. 2. Remarks concerning the climate of the Saskatchewan district. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 172-173. 3. Physical features of the central part of British North America, with special reference to the Botanical Physiognomy. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1861, pp. 212-240 ; Edinb. Bot, Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 168-196. 4. On the capabilities for settlement of the central part of British North America. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1861, pp. 263-268. 5. On the geology of the country between Lake Superior and the Pacific Ocean (between the 48th aud 54th parallels of latitude) visited by the Government Exploring Expedition under the command of Captain J. PAIXISER (1857- 1860). Geol. Soc. Journ. XVII., 1861, pp. 388-445. Hectot, . Histoire et analyse de 1'eau mine- rale de la Plaine de Pomie. Bull, de Pharm. V., 1813, pp. 168-174. Hedde, Isidor. Memoire sur 1'industrie serigene en Algerie. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Auual. in., 1851, pp. 350-384. Hedde, Philippe. Apercu sur les eaux thermales de Bagnols. Mende, Soc. Agric. Mem. 1837- 38, pp. 162-194. Heddle, J. F. Memoir on the River Indus. [1836.] Bombay, Govt. Records, XVII., 1855, pp. 401-457. Heddle, M. Forster. On the occurrence of Ox- alates in the mineral kingdom. Analyses of two new species [Conistonite and Heddlite]. Ediub. Proc. Phys. Soc. L, 1854-58, pp. 4-5. HED] 2-17 HEE Heddle, JA Forster. 2. On the Galactite of HALDIXGER, with analysis of Scottish Natrolites. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. I., 1854-58, p. 51 ; Phil. Mag. XL, 1856, pp. 272-275. 3. On Mesolite, Faroiilite (Mesole), and Antrimolite. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. I., 1854- 58, p. 55 ; Phil. Mag. XIII., 1857, pp. 50-55. 4. On Uigite, a new mineral ( ?). Edinb. . Proc. Phys. Soc. I., 1854-58, pp. 57-59. 5. Analyses of the mineral Edingtonite, with note on the Glottalite of THOMSON. Phil. Mag. LX., 1855, pp. 179-181. 6. On Table-spar from the Morne Moun- tains. Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, p. 452. 7. Analysis of Lunnite from Cornwall. Phil. Mag. X., 1855, p. 39. 8. Note on the Davidsonite of THOMSON. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, p. 386. 9. On the new Zeolite from Skye, analysed by MALLET. Phil. Mag. XIL, 1856, pp. 552- 553. — — 1O. Analyses of the sulphate-carbonate of Barytes of THOMSON. Phil. Mag. XIII., 1857, p. 537. 11. On the crystalline form of Faroelite. Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, p. 28. 12. On some new forms of British Sphenes. Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, p. 134. 13. A list of the pseudomorphic minerals found in Scotland. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 42-47. Heddle, M. Forster, and R. P. Greg. On British Pectolites. Phil. Mag. EX., 1855, pp. 248-253; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVL, 1855, pp. pp. 144-148. Heddle, H. On a whale of the genus Physalus, Gray, captured in Orkney. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIV., 1856, pp. 187-198. Hedenberg, Ludvig. Undersb'kning af en kriunbladig Faltspatsart frftn Finbo i Dalarna. Afhaudl. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 118-124. 2. Undersokning af ett Manganeshaltigt Mineral ifran Tunaberg. Afhandl. Fysik, II., 1807, pp. 164-170. Hedenberg, Ludvig, och Jons Jacob Berze- lius. Misslyckade forsok att erhalla svafvel- bunden qvafgas. Afhandl. Fysik, II., 1807, pp. 99-102; Schweigger, Journ. II., 1811, pp. 158-162. Hedenborg, Joltan. Nagot ofver Egyptens Geognosi. Skandia, IX., 1837, pp. 75-98. 2. Om tertiar-bildningen pa on Ehoclos. Skandia, IX., 1837, pp. 238-260. Hedenius, P. Om opium. Svenska Lak. Sallsk. Forhandl. 1858-59, pp. 84-86. 2. Om ett fall af rudimentur Lifnioder. Upsala, Arsskrift, 1861 (Med.). Hederstrom, . Bemerkungen iiber Sibirien. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, pp. 247-249. Hedges, JJ'illiam. Account of experiments ou the production of Blue instead of Red Fknvt-rs, on the Hydrangea hortensis. [181 8.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. III., 1820, pp. 173-177 ; Gill, Tech. Eep. II., 1822, pp. 132-136. Hedin, Sv. Physiologiska och pathologiska an- markuiugar. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXVII., 1806, pp. 248-262. Hedley, John. On mines and mining in the North Staffordshire Coal-field. North Engl. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. II., 1853-54, pp. 235- 248. Hedwig. See Deleuze, J. P. F. (No. 3). Hedwig, Bomanus Adolph. Tremella Nostoch commentatio. Romer, Archiv Botan. II., 1799- 1801, pp. 256-257. 2. Ueber die Eeitzfiihigkeit der Gewachse. Romer, Archiv Botan. n., 1799-1801, pp. 395-^ 398. • 3. Bemerkungen iiber die Darmzotten. Isenflamm, Beitr. Zerglied. II., 1803, pp. 51- 62. 4. Bemerkungen iiber das Studium und die Untersuchung der Wassergewachse, nebst Beschreibung zweier neuen Conferven (Con- ferva globulifera und C. fenestralis), und der Spongia Rothii. Romer, Archiv Botan. III., 1803-5, pp. 75-82. 5. Beschreibung der Art wie ich bei meinen Pflanzenzerlegungen verfahre. Romer, Archiv Botan. ILL, 1803-5, pp. 112-114. 6. Genauere, auf Zergliederungen beru- hende Beschreibung verschiedener Gewachse. Romer, Archiv Botan. III., 1803-5, pp. 117- 126. Heeger, Ernest. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Kerfe. Oken, Isis, 1848, col. 319-347, 968-1002. 2. Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte der In- secten. Als Beitrage zur Fauna Oesterreichs. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VII., 1851 (Abth. 2), pp. 203-217, 342-357; IX., 1852, pp. 263-286, 473-490, 774-781 ; X., 1853, pp. 7-3% 161- 178, 460-481 ; XL, 1854, pp. 24-45, 927-942 ; XIV., 1854, pp. 28-41, 273-283, 365-373 ; XVIII., 1855, pp. 33-47 ; XXIV., 1857, pp. 315-334; XXIX., 1858, pp. 99-120 ; XXXIV., 1859, pp. 212-226. 3. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Phy- sopoden (Blasenfiisse). Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 123-141. 4. Neue Metamorphosen einiger Dipteren. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XX., 1856, pp. 335-350. Heegmann, Atphotise. Memoire sur la Sphere. Lille, Travaux, 1825, pp. 106-153. 2. Memoire sur quelques formules algi'- briques relativement a ramortissement. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1827-28, pp. 1-45. HEE] 248 [HEE Heegmann, Alehouse. 3. Etudes sur la trigo- nometric. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1849, pp. 487- 676. 4. De la resolution generale des equations algebriques au moyen de series. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 972-974. Heelis, Thomas. On Storms, with some attempt to ascertain their tracks in the neighbourhood of the British Islands, and their analogy to other cosmical phenomena. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1857-60, pp. 169-171. • 2. On meteorological observations, and observations of the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean, made on runs from Liverpool to Gibral- tar, and from Gibraltar to Liverpool, in Sep- tember 1860. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mein. I., 1862, pp. 238-242. 3. On swell observed at sea, particularly in the regions of the South-east Trade-wind. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1862-63, pp. 45-46. • 4. Notes of observations of the speed and order of succession in magnitude of waves ob- served in gales of wind off the Cape of Good Hope. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1862- 63, pp. 108-109. 5. On ocean swell. [1863.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1865, pp. 276-283. 6. On the height and order of succession of waves as observed off the Cape of Good Hope. [1863.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1865, pp. 430-436. Heer. Sec Vorsselman de Heer, P. 0. C. Heer, Oswald. Bemerkungen iiber Lloydia sero- tina, Salisb. Flora, XIX., 1836, pp. 753-756. 2. Memoire sur la Geographic Botauique de la Suisse. Bibl. Univ. VII., 1837, pp. 198- 201. •=- 3. Die Kafer der Schweiz, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihrer geographischen Ver- breitung. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. II., 1838; IV., 1840; V., 1841. 4. Uebur die Aphodien der Alpen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. I., 1840, p. 110. 5. Ueber geographische Verbreitung und periodisches Auftreten der Maikafer. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. 1841, pp. 143-153. 6. Anfrage iiber die Maikaferflug-Jahre. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. II., 1841, pp. 142-144. 7. Ueber Trichopteryx, Kirby. Stettin, Entom. Zeit, IV., 1843, pp. 39-62. 8. Aufforderung zur Untersuchung der periodischen Erscheinungen in der Pflanzen-und Thicrwelt. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb.. 1844, pp. 134-156. 9. Ueber die systematische Stellung der Ptilien. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VI., 1845, pp. 507-311. Heer, Oswald. 1O. Ueber die von ihm an der hohen Rhone entdeckten fossilen Pflanzen. Schweizer. Gesell. Verh. 1846, pp. 35-38. 11. Physiognomic des fossilen Oeningen. Schweizer. Gesell. Verh. 1846, pp. 159-180. 12. Ueber die fossile Insecten-Fauna der Tertiiir-Gebilde von Oeningen und Radoboj, und die Pflanzen aus gleicher Formation an der hohen Rhone. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1847, pp. 161-167. 13. Die Insectenfauna des Tertiiirgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. VIII., 1847 ; XI., 1850 ; XIII., 1853. 14. Ueber die vorweltlichen Kiifer von Oeningen. [1846.] Zurich, Mittheil. 1847-48, pp. 17-18. 15. Ueber vorweltliche Florfliegen. Zurich, Mittheil. 1847-48, pp. 52-54. 16. Ueber Gliickkirschen. Zurich, Mit- theil. 1847-48, pp. 54-55. 17. Ueber fossile Ameisen. Zurich, Mit- theil. 1847-48, pp. 167-174. 18. Ueber die von ihm an der hohen Rhone entdeckten fossilen Pflanzeu. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1848, pp. 369-371. 19. Ueber eine Sammlung Kafer aus Adelaide in Neuholland. Zurich, Mittheil. 1848- 49, pp. 359-361. 2O. Fauna von Radoboj. Haidinger, Bericht. V., 1849, pp. 86-87, 107; VI., 1850, pp. 5-6, 132-135. i 21. Zur Geschichte der Insecten. Schwei- zer. Gesell. Verh. 1849, pp. 78-97; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1850, pp. 17-33. 22. Ueber die Anthrazitpflanzen der Al- pen. Zurich, Mittheil. 1850-52, pp. 129-153; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1850, pp. 657-674. 23. Ueber die, in der Nacht vom 16 auf den 17 Februar 1850, in unsern Centralalpen gefallene rothlich - braune Substanz. Zurich, Mittheil. 1850-52, pp. 154-172. 24. Ueber die periodischen Erscheinungen der Pflnnzenwelt in Madeira. Schweizer. Ge- sell. Verh. 1851, pp. 54-83; Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 396-398. 25. Reise nach Madeira. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852, pp. 186-187. 26. Uebersicht der Tertiiirflora der Schweiz. Zurich, Mittheil. 1853-55, pp. 88- 153. 27. Ueber die Rhynchoten der Tertiiirzeit. Zurich, Mittheil. 1853-55, pp: 171-197. 28. Introduction a la flore tertiaire de la Suisse. (Transl.) Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXVI., 1854, pp. 293-314. 29. On the House Ant of Madeira. (Transl.) Ann. Nat. Hi,t. XVLL, 1856, pp. 209-224, 322-333. HEE] 249 [HEE Keer, Oswald. 30. Sur 1'origine probable ties etres organises actuels des iles Azores, Madere, et Canaries. (Transl.) Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXXI., 1856, pp. 327-331 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1856, pp. 183-185. 31. [Sur 1'etude do la Flore tertiaire.] Lettre a Sir C. LYELL. Lausaune, Bull. Soc. Vaud. V., 1856, pp. 145-151. 32. Ueber die fossilen Insecten von Aix in der Provence. Zurich, Vierteljahrsschr. I., 1856, pp. 1-40. 33. Schncefall mil Wurmern (Larven des Telephorus fuscus, L.). Zurich, Vierteljahrsschr. I., 1856, pp. 85-87. . 34. Fossile Pflanzen von Locle. Zurich, Vierteljahrsschr. I., 1856, pp. 92-95. 35. Verzeichniss der Insecten von Lanza- rote und Fuerta- Ventura. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. XV., 1857, pp. 140-142. . 36. Les charbons feuilletes de Durnten et d'Utznach. Bibl. Univ. Archives, II., 1858, pp. 305-339. 37. Quelques mots sur les Noyers. Bibl. Univ. Archives, III., 1858, pp. 53-60. 38. Die klimatischen Verhiiltnisse des Ter- tiiirlandes. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XV., 1859, pp. 1-42. 39. Sur le climat de 1'epoque molassique en Suisse. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VI., 1859, pp. 134-135. 40. The fossil flora of Bovey Tracey. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 453-455; Phil. Trans. 1862, pp. 1039-1086. 41. Ueber die fossilen Calosomen. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1861, pp. 52-58. 42. Reply to Dr. NEYTBERRY on the age of the Nebraska leaves. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 435-440. . 43. On certain fossil plants from the Hempstead Beds of the Isle of Wight ; with an Introduction by W. PENGELLY. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIIL, 1862, pp. 369-377. 44. Beitriige zur Insectenfauna Oeningens. Haarlem, Nat. Verh. Maatsch. Wet. XVI., 1862. 45. Ueber die von Dr. LYALL in Grb'nland entdeckten fossilen Pflanzen. Zurich, Viertel- jahrsschr. VH., 1862, pp. 176-182. 46. Sur le terrain houiller de la Suisse et de la Savoie. Bibl. Univ. Archives, XVI., 1863, pp. 179-181. Heer, Oswald, und C. J. Andrae. Beitriige zur niihern Kenntniss der Sachsisch-Tlmriugischen Braunkohlenflora. Nebst einem Anhange iiber eitiige Siebenbiirgische Tertiiirpflanzen. Halle, Abh. Nat. Ver. U., 1861, pp. 403-438. Heer, Oswald, et Morlot. Discussion sur 1'icleutite des Chara Meriani et C. helicteres. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. III., 1849-53, pp. 278-281 ; IV., pp. 6-7, 12-13. VOL. III. Heeren, Friedrich. Untersuchungen iiber die Unterschwefelsuure. Poggend. Aiinal. VII., 1826, pp. 55-80, 171-202; Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1829, pp. 30-39; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 410-411. 2. Untersuchungen iiber die Bildung des Flechtenrothes. Schvveigger, Journ. LIX. (= Jahrb. XXIX.), 1830, pp. 313-355, 479- 481. 3. Beschreibung eines Thermostat. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 1-50. 4. Ueber Bremergriin und Miueralblau. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. V., 1835, pp. 31-33. 5. Ueber die Oxydatiou der Buchdrucker- Schriften. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. V., 1835, pp. 264-267. 6. Ueber den sogenannten Englischen Mastic-Cement. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIIL, 1838, pp. 397-404. 7. Ein neues Schiessgewehr zum Gebrauch auf Theaterbiihnen. Polytechn. Mittheil. I., 1844, pp. 137-140. 8. Ueber Messung der Lichtstiirke behufs photographischer Versuche. Poggend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 309-316. 9. Ueber die Anwendung des Chloriods in der Photographie. Polytechn. Mittheil. II., 1845, pp. 136-144. • 1O. Beschreibung des irischen Verfahrens der Leinwandbleiche. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CVIL, 1848, pp. 138-152. 11. Galvanischer Messing - Ueberzug. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXL, 1851, pp. 44-46.' 12. Anfertigung der feuerfesten Steine zu Stourbridge. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XII., 1853, col. 143-146. 13. Ueber ein Normalmaass fur Licht- starken. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLX., 1861, pp. 267-276 ; Niederosterr. Gevverb-Ver. Verhandl. 1861, pp. 75-85. Heeren, Friedrich, und Karmarsch. Versuche iiber die Leuchtkraft verschiedener Lampcn. Dingier, Polyteohn. Journ. LXIX., 1838, pp. 286-302 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XV., 1838, pp. 238-256. 2. Ueber die verhaltnissmassige Leuchtkraft des Baumohls und des raffiuirten Riibohls. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXX., 1841, pp. 60-64. Heerlein, C. Ueber die Verbindungen, welclie durch Einwirkung des Broms auf spiroylige Saure entstehen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIL, 1844, pp. 65-71. Heermann, A. L. Notes on the Birds of Cali- fornia, observed during a residence of three years in that country. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1850-54, pp. 259-272. I I HEEJ 250 [HEI Heermann, A. L. 2. Additions to tlie North American Ornithology, with descriptions of new species of the genera Actidurus, Podiceps, and Podylymbus. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854, pp. 177-180. Heermann, G. Beobachtungen und Betracht- ungen iiber die Traume der Bliuden ; ein Beitrag zur Physiologie und Psychologic der Sinne. Am- mon, Monatsschrift f. Med. I., 1838, pp. 116-180. Hees, • van, et J. G. S. van Breda. Notice sur les dents de Ruminants, de Pachydermes et de Carnassiers, trouvees dans la formation cray- euse de la Montagne de St. Pierre de Maes- tricht. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1 829, pp. 446-454. Hees, G. van. Ueber das specifische Gewicht einiger iitherischen Oele. Pharm. Centr. Blatt. XVIIL, 1847, pp. 380-381. Heff (Dr.). Sur les sels que le deutoxide d'azote forme avec les bases salifiables. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XV., 1831, pp. 253-255. Heffler, L. Ueber einige Verbindungen der Antimonsaure mit Basen. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVL, 1852, pp. 418-450; Erdrn. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LVIL, 1852, pp. 312-315. Hegar, Alfred. Zur Wurdiguug der phosphor- sauren Erdeu. Archiv Wiss. Heilk. II., 1856, pp. 420-450. Hegelmaier, F. Ueber das Gedachtniss fiir Linearanschauungen. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, XI., 1852, pp. 844-853 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 610-620. Heger, . Eine neue Maschincu-Combination. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846, pp. 292-293. Heger, Ignaz. Auflosuugsmethode fiir alge- braische Buchstabengleichungen mit einer ein- zigen unabhiingigen Buchstabengrosse. Wien, Denkschr. XII., 1856 (Abth. 2), pp. 109-212 ; XIII., 1857 (Abth. 2), pp. 143-260. 2. Ueber die Auflosung eines Systemes . von mehreren unbestimmten Gleichungen des ersten Grades in ganzen Zahlen, welche eine grossere Anzahl von Unbekannten in sich , schliessen, als sie zu bestimmen vermogen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXL, 1856, pp. 550-560; Wien, Denkschr. XIV., 1858, pp. 1-122. Hegetschweiler, . Beschreibung und Ab- bildung eines degenerirten Ovariums. Aarau. Archiv der Med. IV., 1817, pp. 266-271. Hegetschweiler, J. Versuch iiber die Helvet- ischen Arten von Eubus. Schweizer. Gesell. Verh. 1827, pp. 57-60. 2. Bemerkungen iiber die Vegetation der Moose. Schweizer.GeseU.Verh. 1827, pp. 69-71. Hegewisch, Franz flerm. Ueber dynamische und materielle Metamorphosen. Neues Nord. Archiv, L, 1807, pp. 168-182. Hegge-Zijnen, L. van der. Waarneniing van een genezen aangeboren navel-buik breuk. Boer- haave, III., 1844, pp. 284-288. Hegmuth, W. Ueber Metamorphose. Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Phann. VLU., 1824 (St. 2), pp. 88-102. Hehl, . Uebersicht der im Konigreiche Wiirttemberg vorkommenden einfachen Fos- silien. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XV., 1821, pp. 375-704. • 2. Observations pour avancer les connais- sances geologiques dans le Wiirttemberg. Fe- russac, Bull. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 332-334 ; XXL, 1830, pp. 38-39 ; Furussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XX., 1830, pp. 42-46. • 3. Ueber die geognostischen Verhaltnisse der Wiirttembergischen Alp, besonders in Be- ziehung auf die in derselben vorkommenden Trapp- und Bolmerz- Formationen. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1829, pp. 797-813. 4. Sur les rapports geognostiques de 1'Alp du Wiirttemberg, surtout par rapport aux basaltes et aux minerals de fer. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXIL, 1830, pp. 357-360. 5. Geognostische Beschreibung des Weilers Berg. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1837, pp. 137-145. 6. Mittheilungen iiber verschiedene Mine- ralien und Gebirgsarten der siidlichen Halb- kugel, welche von dem Baron von LDDWIG vorn Vorgebirge der Guten Hoffnung an das Konigl. Mineralien Kabiuet zu Stuttgart abgegeben wurden. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1837, pp. 505-521. 7. Der Versuch- Stollen auf Steinkohlen im Keuper am Eisberg bei Esslingen. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1838, pp. 119-130. 8. Resume iiber die Petrefacten Wiirttem- bergs in Hinsicht ihrer geognostischen Verhalt- nisse. St. Petersb. Schrift. Mineral. L, 1842, pp. 269-342. Heiberg, J. F. Beskrivelse over et mennes- keligt Misfoster uden Hoved, Hals, og Arme. Eyr, VI., 1831, pp. 281-291. Heideu, E. Mond- und Sonnenringe, beobach- tet zu Lemberg. Poggend. Annal. LVL, 1842, pp. 633-634. Heiden, Eduard. Ueber das Absorptions-Ver- mogen des Bodens und die Aufnahme der Pflanzeu-Nahrstoffe in die Pflanze. Annal. Landwirths. XLL, 1863, pp. 111-144, 227-246, 343-356. Heidenhain, Undo/pit. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Urogenitalsystems. Halle, Zeitschr. Ge- sammt. Naturw. L, 1853, pp. 23-30. 2. Ueber Miasma und Contagium. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. L, 1853, pp. 454- 457. 3. Nerven des electrischen Organes des Zitterwelses (Malaptemrus electricus). Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. II., 1853, pp. 233- 235. HEI] 251 [HEI Heidenhain, Rudolph. 4. Neue elektrophysio- logische Versuche. Berlin, Bericht, 1856, pp. 128-130. • 5. Historisches und Experimentelles iiber , Muskeltonus. Miiller, ArcLiv, 1856, pp. 200- 229. 6. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Zuckungs- Gesetzes. Eoser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, I., 1857, pp. 443-481. 7. Zur Physiologic des Blutes. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, I., 1857, pp. 507-540. 8. Ein mechanischer Tetanomotor fur Vi- visect ionen. Moleschott, Untersuch. IV., 1858, pp. 124-133. 9. Die Absorptionswege des Fettes. Mole- schott, Untersuch. IV., 1858, pp. 251-284. . 1O. Erorterungen iiber die Bewegungen des Frosch-Herzens. Miiller, Archiv, 1858, pp. 479-505. 11. Ueber HELMHOLTZ'S Untersuchungen, betreffend die Klangfarben. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1859, pp. 26-28. 12. Beitrag zur Anatomie der Peyer'schen Driisen. Eeichert, Archiv, 1859, pp. 460-480. . 13. Ueber Analogien zwischen pflanzlichen und thierischen Zellen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1861, pp. 50-51. 14. Die Erregbarkeit der Nerven an ver- schiedenen Puncten ihres Verlaufes. Breslau, Studien Physiol. Inst. I., 1861, pp. 1-66. 15. Zur Frage nach der Form der con- tractilen Faserzellen wiihreud ihrer Thiitigkeit. Breslau, Studien Physiol. lust. I., 1861, pp. 177-196. 16. Ueber das Auftreten einer regelmiis- sigen Querstreifung an Bindegewebsbiindehi. Breslau, Studien Physiol. Inst. I., 1861, pp. 196-199. 17. Gerinnung des Inhaltes der contrac- tilen Faserzellen nach dem Tode. Breslau, Stu- dien Physiol. Inst. I., 1861, pp. 199-202. 18. Zur Kenntniss des hyalinen Knorpels. Bresku, Studien Physiol. Inst. II., 1863, pp. 1- 30. 19. Notizen iiber die Bewegungserschein- ungen, welche das Protoplasma in Pflanzen- zellen zeigt. Breslau, Studien Physiol. Inst. H., 1863, pp. 52-68. 2O. Weitere Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Gallensecretion. Breslau, Studien Physiol. Inst. II., 1863, pp. 69-102. Heidenhain, Rudolph, und Aug. Colberg. Versuche iiber den Tonus des Blasenschliess- muskels. Miiller, Archiv, 1858, pp. 437-452. Heidenhain, Rudolph, und L. Meyer. Ueber das Verhalten der Kohlensaure gegen Losungen von phosphorsaurem Natron. Breslau, Studien Physiol. Inst. II., 1863, pp. 103-124 ; Liebig, Anual. II. (Stippl.}, 1863, pp. 157-171. Heideureich, Fr. Wilh. Einige Metamorphosen des iunern Auges, die sich als Iritis chronica verhalten. diirften. Ammon, Monatsschrift f. Med. III., 1840, pp. 370-380. 2. Ueber die Mittel, die Verfalschung der kauflichen Oele zu erkennen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 429-440 ; Bibl. Univ. XLUI., 1843, pp. 406-410. 3. Zur Kenntniss der Structur und Bildung des Fichtelgebirges. Froriep, Notizen, XXIII., 1842, col. 21-25. • 4. Ueber die Beziehung der Myotornie zur Nervenphysik. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1845, pp. 206-209. 5. Physiologische Wirkung des elektrischen Stromes auf die Sinnesnerven. Froriep, Notizen, VHL, 1848, col. 33-41. 6. Der elektromagnetische Apparat mit gleichlaufenden Inductionsstriimen zweiter Ord- nung. Poggend. Annal. XCVII., 1856, pp. 275- 283. Heidepriem, F. Ueber den Nephelinfels des Lobauer Berges. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeit- schr. II., 1850, pp. 139-153 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 500-511. Heidepriem, F., und H. Foseiger. Das Mine- ralwasser von Saxon. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 473-483. Heider, Moritz. Ueber eine besondere Eigen- schaft der Zahlen. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1846, p. 186. Heidler, . Ueber die vormalige Temperatur der Marienbader Heilquellen. Bohm. Monatschr. Ges. Mus. 1827 (Juli), pp. 58-62. 2. Die Waldquelle zu Marienbad. Hufe- land u. Osann, Journ. Arzn. LXXVI., 1833 (Hft. 5), pp. 45-61. Heidmann, Joh. Anton. Resultate aus meinen Versuchen mit der zusammengesetzten ungleich- artigen Metallverbindung, oder rnit der Volta- ischen Saule. Gilbert, Annal. X., 1802, pp. 50- 56. 2. Einige neue Entdeckungen und Erfahr- ungen aus den Versuchen mit der zusammen- gesetzten ungleichartigen Metallverbindung oder dem verstiirkten Galvanismus auf Menschen und Thiere. Reil, Archiv, V., 1802, pp. 393- 400. 3. Nichtigkeit der Versuche von TOUKDES und CIRCAUD, iiber die Reizbarkeit des Faser- stoffs durch galvanische Electricitiit ; und merk- wiirdige Versuche iiber die Verauderungen, welche das Blut durch Einwirkung des Sonnen- lichts, der verstiirkten Galvanischen Electricitiit und verschiedner Reagentien erleidet. Gilbert, Annal. XVII., 1804, pp. 1-14. i I 2 HEI] 252 [HEI Heidmann, Joh. Anton. 4. Eintheilung der festen und fliissigen Leiter einer galvanischen Kette, nach dem Grade ihrer galvanischen Ac- tion imd ihres chemischen Wirkungsvermogens. Gilbert, Annal. XXI., 1805, pp. 85-125. 5. Veriinderungen, welche das Blut unter eincm Microscopium compositum auf die Ein- wirkung des Sonneulichtes, der verstiirkten galvanischen Electricitat und verschiedener Eeagentien erleidet. Eeil, Archiv, VI., 1805, pp. 417-431. — — 6. Theorie dc 1'electricite galvanique, fondee sur 1'experience. (Tninsl.) Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1807, pp. 70-S2 ; Tilloeb, Phil. Mag. XXVIII., 1807, pp. 97-104. Heidner, G. Ueber ein Sinuselektrometer. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CL., 1858, pp. 202- 205. Heijkenskjold A'ison, D. Beskrifning om en Konstbyggnad af Stangjern vid HSkansbo Koppargrufvor. Jern-Kontoret's Annal. VII., 1823, pp. 151-168. 2. ForsSk rorande Brandars anviindande vid Tackjerns blasningen. Jern-Kontoret's Annal. VII., 1823, pp. 169-172. Heijmann, S. L. Een woqrd over Acclimatisatie. Batavia, Natuur. Archief, III., 1846, pp. 311- 359. Heijningen, J. run. Over Chinoidinum en /3 chiniuum. Haaxman, Tijdschrift, I., 1849, pp. 97-103; Pharm. Centr. Blatt. XX., 1849, pp. 465-471 ; Pharmaceut. Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 322-327. 2. Over liet eerste hydraat van Chinine. Haaxman, Tijdscbrift, II., 1850, pp. 1-3. • 3. Meteorologische Waarnemingen gcdaan gedurende eene reis van Nederland naar Java, aan boord van het koopvaardijschip " Gertrude." Bntavia, Nat. Tijdschr. I., 1850, pp. 62-72. Heilbrcn, David. Verhan deling over de Ziek- teteekenen uit de Oogen in sleepende Ziekten. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. II., 1801, pp. 159-224. 2. Verliandeling ter beantwoording der vrage : — " Welke zijn de zekere kenteekenen van die ware veepest, welke voor dertig en meer jaren vele noordelijke gewesten en ook ons vaderland heeft geteisterd ? Zijn er ge- noegzame redenen bekend om vast te stellen, dat die ziekte in deze Landen nimmer ontstaat zonder besmetting? Zoo ja, zijn dan de middelen, welke in naburige Rijken worden aangewend, om den in- en doorvocr van die besmetting voor te komen, genoegzaam geruststellende, of blijft er voor ons Vaderland deswegens nog eenige vrees overig, en wat kan en moet men in dat geval aanraden, om alle gevaren van besmetting zooveel mosjelijk weg te nemen ? " Haarlem, Nat. Verb. Maatsch. Wet. XIII., 1824, pp. 53- 122. Heilermann, . Ueber die Verwandlung der Reihen in Kettenbriiche. Crelle, Journ. XXXIIL, 1846, pp. 174-188. 2. Ueber die Reste, welche bei der An- wendung des Sturmschen Satzes vorkommen. Crelle, Journ. XLI1L, 1852, pp. 43-59. 3. Ueber die Verwandlung der Ketten- briiche in Reihen. Crelle, Journ. XL VI., 1853, pp. 88-96. 4. Independente Berechnung der Sturm- schen Reste. Crelle, Journ. XL VIII., 1854, pp. 190-206. 5. Ueber die Normalen einer Ellipse. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 327-329. 6. Beitrag zur Theorie der umhiillten Curven. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 438-469. 7. Neue Siitze iiber Flachen ' zweiteu Grades. Berlin, Monatsber. 1858, pp. 270-273; Nouv. Ann. Math. XVII., 1858, pp. 242-243. 8. Ueber confocale Curven und Fliichen zweiten Grades. Schlomilch, Zeitschr., III., 1858, pp. 341-364. 9. Ueber die Focalpunkte der Flachen zweiten Grades. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, pp. 345-364. 1O. Beitrag zu den Siitzen iiber die, einen Kegelschnitt doppelt beriihrenden Kreise. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, pp. 365-375. 11. Bemerkungen iiber Curven und Flach- en zweiten Grades. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. V., 1860, pp. 69-77. • 12. Zusammenhang nnter den Coefficienten zweier gleichen Kettenbriiche von verschiedener Form. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. V., 1860, pp. 362-364. 13. Ueber spharische Kegelschuitte. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 153-181. • 14. Bemerkungen iiber confocale spharische Kegelsclmitte. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 326-329. 15. Ueber ein System verwandter Curven uud Flachen zweiten Grades. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 353-373. Heiligenstem, A. von. Elemente und Epheme- ride der Ceres. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 413-416. Heiligenstein, Conrad. Zusatz zu ScrnvEKDT's Opposition des Uranus, 1821. Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 2-22. 2. Ortsbestimmungen im Orient, aus den Beobachtungen des Herrn Eduard RUPPEL hergeleitet. Astr. Nachr. IT., 1824, col. 149- 152, 193-200 ; III., 1825, col. 97-104, 153-162. 3. Ueber den Uhrgang -iii der "Histoire Celeste." Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 47-48. 4. Sur quelques etoiles nouvellement deter- minees par M. CAKLINI. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 95-98. HEI] 253 [HEI Heiligenstein, Conrad. 5. Zur Lange von Mannheim. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 149- 150. 6. Tafeln fur die Mitternachtsverbesserung aus correspondirenden Sonnenhohen. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 163-168. 7. Leichtes Verfahren die Argumente der Aberration und Nutation fur weit entferute Jahre zu finden : — Bedeckung von 69 Leonis am 18ten Mai"1823 in Speier beobachtet. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 205-206. 8. Zu den in Speier, 1823 und 1824, beo- bachteten Bedeckungen. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 73-78. 9. Sternbedeckungen in Mannheim beo- bachtet. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 77-80. 10. Liinge von Petropaulowski (Kaint- schatka). Astr. Nach. IV., 1826, col. 191- 192. , 11. Ueber einige Cometen von kurzer Erscheinung. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 533-534. . 12. Ephemeride des Eridancometen nach den parabolischen Elementen des Herrn Prof. NICOLAI fiir (t+xp mittl-Mannheimer Zeit. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 17-20. 13. Sternbedeckungen zu Mannheim beo- bachtet. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 19-23, 47-48. 14. Ueber die Lange von Tor, an der Ostkiiste des Meerbusens von Suez. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 143-144, 167-170. 15. Ueber den Cometen V. von 1826. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 435-438. 16. Ueber BESSEL'S Correctionsmethode bei Berechnung einer Cometenbahn vermittelst einer Gleichung des dritten Grades. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 436-438. 17. Liinge von St. Thomas und St. Croix, aus Sternbedeckungen. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 65-68. 18. Lange von Neuschloss in Bb'hmen. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 149-152, 152-156, 300-304. 19. Sternbedeckungen in Altona beo- bachtet. Ueber den am 20'sten Jun. 1827ent- deckten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. VI, 1828, col. 303-308. 20. Beweis des Verfahrens dessen sich Herr GATJSS bei Reduction der Circummeridian- Hb'hen der Sonne bedient. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 305-306. 21. FEUILLEE'S Beobachtungen in Buenos- Ayres, neu reducirt. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 461-466. 22. Lange von Irkutzk. Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 71-74. Heiligenstein, Conrad. 23. Bedeckung des Aldebaran am 9ten December 1829 auf der Sternwarte zu Mannheim und Speier beobachtet. Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 73-76. 24. Elemente des Cometen von 1832. Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 267-268. Heilmann, Josue. Observations microseopiques sur la forme, la finesse et la force des filaments de coton. Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. Industr. I., 1828, pp. 5-16. 2. Beschreibung der von ihtn erfundenen Stickmaschine. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LIX., 1836, pp. 5-24. Heilmann, Paul. Observations sur la frotte- ment des courroies a la surface des poulies et sur la largeur a donner aux courroies dans les cas speciaux. Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. Industr. VIII., 1835, pp. 464-475. Heim, . Von einer Bauch-Schwangerschaft, bei welcher das Kind zu vollen Tagen ausge- tragen, und durch den Bauchschnitt zur Welt gebracht wurde. Rust, Magazin, III., 1818, pp. 1-19. 2. Ueber Fiille anscheinender Zwitterbild- ung. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 776-783. 3. Mumienartige Vertrocknung der linken Hand und des linkun Vorderarmes bei einer an tuberculoser Luugensucht leidenden vier und funfzigjahrigen Frauensperson mit todtlichem Ausgange. Pommer, Zeitschr. II., 1837, pp. 73-91. Heim, Gabriel. Memoria sobre las rninas de la Compania Chauviteau en el distrito de Quiros, Asturias. Revista Minera, XII., 1861, pp. 81- 87,97-110. Heim, Georg Christoph. Geognostisch-minera- logische Beschreibung des Sachsen-Coburg- Meiningischen Amtes Altenstein und einiger zuniichst an dasselbe angriinzenden Gegenden. Jena, Ann. Soc. Mineral. II., 1804, pp. 111- 142. Heim, J. Bernard, und C. Melch. Scroll. Be- schreibung und eliemische Zerlegung einer wahrscheinlich neuen Steinart, welche man vielleicht Madreporstein nennen konnte. Molf, Jahrbiich. I., 1797, pp. 291-304. Heim, J. P. G. von. Ueber die Gesetze der Biegung elastischer fester Korper. Crelle, Journ. XXXVII., 1848, pp. 305-344. 2. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Schwing- ungen elastischer fester Korper. [1849.] Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850, pp. 1-20. 3. Zur Lehre von der Flugbahn der Artillerie-Geschosse. [1850.] Crelle, Journ. XLIL, 1852, pp. 151-168. 4. Beitrag zur Theorie der Bewegung der Riiderfuhrwerke, mit Inbegriff der Dampfwagen. Crelle, Journ. XL VI., 1853, pp. 48-87, 164- 188, 234-261, 328-366. HEI] 254 [HEI Helm, Johann Ludurig. Eine merkwiirdige Erscheinung durch ungewb'hnliche Strahlen- brechung. Gilbert, Annal. V., 1800, pp. 370- 375. 2. Ueber die Aehnlichkeit der ehemahligen Erd-Oberfliiche mit der gegenwartigen des Mondes. Zach, Monat. Corresp. VI.. 1802, pp. 528-542. 3. Extrait d'une lettre sur des graines trouvees dans des bois bituminisus. Journ. des Mines, XVIII., 1804-5, pp. 231-238. 4. Zwei merkwiirdige Beobachtungen iiber das Entstehen der Zauberkreise, durch den Blitz, und der Fragmente wabrer Holzkoble in den Braunkohlen. Gilbert, Annal. XEX., 1805, pp. 351-355. 5. Ueber den sogenannten Erbsenregen in Schlesien. Gilbert, Annal. XXI., 1805, pp. 126-128. Hein, J. A. Ueber die Nerven des Gaumen- Seegels. Miiller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 297-358. 2. Ueber Gallensteine als Krankheits- Erzeugnisse. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, IV., 1846, pp. 293-352. 3. Chemische Versuche iiber Gallensteine und Gallenfarbstoff. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 47-56. 4. Eierstocks-Schwangerschaft. Virchow, Archiv, I., 1847, pp. 513-527. Hein, Reinold. Ueber die Eegeneration ge- brochener uiid resecirter Knochen. Virchow, Archiv, XV., 1858, pp. 1-47. Hein, IV. Notiz iiber die Nervi splanchnici. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, I., 1857, pp. 261-262. Heine, . Geognostische Untersuchung der Uingegend von Ibbenbiireu. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitscbr. XIII., 1861, pp. 149-242; Eheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. XIX., 1862, pp. 107-211. Heine, Bernhard. Ueber die Regeneration der Knocheu nach Substanzverlust durch Resection. Okeu, Isis, 1836, col. 783. Heine, Carl Julius. Ueber kiinstliche Feld- spathbildung. Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 531-545. 2. Chernische Untersuchung einiger Eisen- saueu von der Oberhiitte bei Eisleben. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 177-204. 3. Ueber basisch molybdiinsauren Baryt. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 204- 209. 4. Chemische Uutersuchung einiger Grub- enwasser aus dem Mannsfeldischen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 65-78. 5. Quantitative Bestinmmiig des Broms in Mineralwassern. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 181-185. Heine, Carl Julius. 6. Chemische Untersuchung der Soolen, Salze, Gradir- und Siede- Abfiille von siimmtlichen Salinen der Preussischen Pro- vinz Sachsen. Karsten, Archiv, XIX., 1845, pp. 3-366. Heine, Carl Julius, und Zimmermann. Ueber Feldspathbiklung in einem Kupferschmelzofen. Karsten, Archiv, VHI., 1835, p. 225. Heine, Ferdinand. Das Genus Cnipolegus, Boie. Cabauis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 329- 337. 2. Eine wenig bekannte Dissertation THDNBEEG'S '•' De genere Megarhyncho." Ca- banis, Journ. Oruithol. VII., 1859, pp. 337- 346. 3. Ueber einige neue oder weniger be- kannte Vogel des " Museum Heineanum." Cabanis, Journ. Oruithol. VII., 1859, pp. 401- 407. 4. Ueber die Gattung Cyanocorax, Boie. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VIII., 1860, pp. 113- 118. 5. Ueber zwei neue "Waldlieste (Sauro- patis). Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VIII., 1860, pp. 183-184. 6. Beschreibung eiues neueu Riesen-Baum- hackers (Xiphocolaptes, Less.). Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VIIL, 1860, pp. 185-186. 7. Ueber Myiozetetes icterophrys, n. sp. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IX., 1861, pp. 197- 198. Heine, Heinrich Eduard. Ueber einige Auf- gaben, welche auf partielle Diflerentialgleich- ungen fiihren. Crelle, Journ. XXVI., 1843, pp. 185-216. • 2. Beitrag zur Theorie der Anziehung und der Warme. Crelle, Journ. XXIX., 1845, pp. 185-208. 3. Summation der Reihe 1 1 (* + , .fiir p = 0. CreUe, Jo'urn. XXXI.,' 1846, pp. 133-135. 4. Verwandlung von Reihen in Ketten- briiche. Crelle, Journ. XXXII., 1846, pp. 205-209. 5. Ueber die Reihe 1 _1-) (yy-i) i-i) +1 CreUe, Journ. XXXII., 1846, pp. 210-212. — 6. Ueber die Reihe 1 + 7^ — \~j — ^\'x '.x2+ etc. CreUe, Journ. XXXIV., 1847, pp. 285-328. HEIJ 255 [HEI Heine, Heinrich Eduard. 7. Abriss eincr Theorie der elliptischen Functionen. Crelle, Journ. XXXIX., 1850, pp. 122-137. 8. Ueber die in der Gaussischen " Sum- matio quaruudarn serierum singularium " vor- kommendeu Reihen. Crelle, Joum. XXXIX., 1850, pp. 288-289; Nouv. Ann. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 414-417. 9. Theorie der Anziehung eines Ellipsoids. Crelle, Journ. XLIL, 1851, pp. 70-82. 10. Der Eisensteinsche Satz tiber Reihen- Entwickelung algebraischer Functionen. Crelle, Journ. XLV., 1853, pp. 285-302 ; Nouv. Ann. Math. XIII., 1854, pp. 245-253. 11. Bestimmung des Potentials eines Kreises. Berlin, Bericht, 1854, pp. 564-572 ; 1855, pp. 306-308. 12. Untersuehungen tiber ganze Func- tionen. [1852.] Crelle, Journ. XL VIII., 1854, pp. 237-242, 243-266. 13. Ueber die Entwickelung von Wurzeln algebraischer Gleichungen in Potenzenreihen. Crelle, Journ. XL VIII., 1854, pp. 267-275. 14. Directer Beweis der Gleichheit zweier bestimmten Integrale. Crelle, Journ. L., 1855, pp. 323-324. 15. Der Uebergang von den unbestimmten zu bestimmten Integraleu. Crelle, Journ. LI., 1856, pp. 382-401. 16. Die Reduction der elliptischen Inte- grale in ihre kanonische Form. [1855.] Crelle, Journ. LIU., 1857, pp. 199-230. 17. Auszug eines Schreibens iiber Ketten- briiche. Crelle, Journ. LIII., 1857, pp. 284- 285. 18. Bemerkungen zu JACOBI'S Abhandlung iiber Variationsrechnung. Crelle, Journ. LIV., 1857, pp. 68-71. 19. LAGRANGE'S Urnkehrungsformel. Crelle, Journ. LIV., 1857, p. 388. 2O. Ueber die binomische Reihe. Crelle, Journ. LV., 1858, pp. 279-280. 21. Auszug eines Schreibens iiber die Lameschen Functionen. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, pp. 79-86. 22. Einige Eigenschaften der Lameschen Functionen. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, pp. 87-99. 23. Ueber die Ziihler und Nenner der Niiherungswerthe von Kettenbriichen. Crelle, Journ. LVLL, 1860, pp. 231-247. 24. Die Lameschen Functionen verschie- dener Ordnungen. Crelle, Journ. LX., 1862, pp. 252-303. 25. Der Abelsche Satz. [1862.] Crelle, Journ. LXL, 1863, pp. 276-282. 26. Ueber einige bestimmte Integrale. Crelle, Journ. LXL, 1863, pp. 356-366. Heine, Heinrich Eduard. 27. Die speciellen Lameschen Functionen erster Art von belie- biger Ordnung. [1862.] Crelle, Journ. LXIL, 1863, pp. 110-141. Heine, Joseph. Ueber die organischc Ursache der Herzbewegung. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 234-247. 2. Ueber die Mechanik der Herzkamrner- bewegung, des Herzstosses und iiber die Motive des ersten und zweiten Herzkammertones wahr- end Systole und Diastole. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, L, 1844, pp. 87-125. 3. Polemisches und Positives zur Herzbe- wegung. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, L, 1844, pp. 390-408. Heine, Rudolph. Ueber die korperliche Erzie- hung des Menschen, und iiber die Gewinnung und Ausbildung der Gesundheit iiberhaupt. Rust, Magazin, XL VI., 1836, pp. 91-166. Heineken, . De la nature de la Potasse et de 1'Acide nmriatique oxigene. Journ. de Phys. LXX., 1810, pp. 173-174. Heineken, C. Abstract of a Meteorological Journal kept at Funchal, in the island of Madeira, from 1 Jan. 1827 to 31 Dec. 1829. Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 73-81 ; L, 1829, pp. 34-40 ; III., 1830, pp. 237-244. 2. Account of the sirocco winds at Funchal, in the island of Madeira, during the years 1826, 1827, and 1828. Edinb. Jouru. Sci. L, 1829, pp. 42-47. 3. Notice of some of the Birds of Madeira. Edinb. Journ. Sci. L, 1829, pp. 229-233; II., 1830, pp. 145-150. 4. Experiments and observations on the casting off and reproduction of the legs in Crabs and Spiders. Zool. Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 284- 294 ; Froriep, Notken, XXVIII., 1830, col. 181-185. 5. Observations on the reproduction of the members in Spiders and Insects. Zool. Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 422-432; Froriep, Notizen, XXVIII., 1830, col. 194-201. 6. Descriptions of a new genus of Hemip- tera (Crascopus marginatus), and of a species of Hegeter (H. Webbianus). Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 35-41. 7. On Cermatia. Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 41-44. 8. Observations on the Fringilla Canada, Sylvia atricapilla, and other birds of Madeira. Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 70-79. 9. Entomological notices. Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 191-200. Heinemaun, Carl. Ueber den Respirations- Mechanismus der Rana esculenta und die Sto'r- ungen desselben nach Durchschneidung der Nervi vagi. Virchow, Archiv, XXII., 1861, pp. 1-38. HEI] 256 [HEI Heinemann, //. Ueber das Fangen und Auf- spannen der Schmetterlinge, insbesondere der Microlepidopteren. Stettin, Eutorn. Zeit. IX., 1848, pp. 190-192, 208-210. 2. Aufziihlung der in der Umgegend von Braunschweig gefundeneu Schmetterlinge. Stet- tin, Entom. Zeit. XII., 1851, pp. 55-64. 3. Lepidoptera von Braunschweig. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIII., 1852, pp. 58-64. 4. Zehn neue Microlepidopteren. Breslau, Zeits. Entom. VIII., 1854~(Le~pid.), pp. 1-7. 5. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Arten der Gattung Nepticula. Wiener, Entom. Mo- natschr. VI., 1862, pp. 237-268, 301-320 ; New- man, Zoologist, XXL, 1863, pp. 8353-8386. Heinematvn, P. G. K. Einfacher Beweis des Lehrsatzes, welcher behauptet, dass zwei drei- seitige Pyramiden, die einander gegenbildlich (symmetrisch) gleich sind, gleich grossen Raurn- inhalt haben. Grunert, Archiv, XXIII., 1854, pp. 361-363. Heir.emeier, . Ueber die Wirkung ver- schiedener Dihigerarten auf dem Kittergute Kemlitz bei Dahme, im Jahre 1855 angestellt. Annal. Landwirth. XXVIL, 1856, pp. 36-45. Heinen, F. Einiges in Bezug auf den, im II. Bande dieses Journals No. 63, S. 291, durch J. STEINER uufgestellten Lehrsatz iiber das Cen- trum gravitatis. Crelle, Journ. XVLTI., 1838, pp. 17S-184. 2. Ueber einige Siitze des Herrn Prof. STEINER. Crelle, Journ. XXIII., 1842, pp. 289-300. 3. Die Glcichung der Ellipse a2//2 + b2x2= a-b* auf einfache Weise entwickelt aus der Orundeigenschaft v + v' = 2a. Grunert, Ar- chiv, II., 1842, pp. 61-62. 4. Ueber die Summe der Winkel im Vielecke. Gruuert, Archiv. XXIX., 1857, pp. 474-478. 5. Einige Beweise des Fermat'schen Lehr- satzes (Supra XXVIL. p. 116). Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 246-250. Heinhold, Gitstav. Uebersicht der Vegetation in den Umgebungen Triests. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 657-667. Heinrich, . Ueber diflerentielle Diagnostik der bei den Irren vorkommenden latenten Lun- genkrankheiten. Damerow, Allg. Zeits. Psy- chiatrie, V., 1848, pp. 328-341. 2. Einfaches Verfahren zum Ausziehn fremder Korper aus der Nase oder aus dem aiissern Gehorgang. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1851, pp. 28-31. Heinrich, Adalbert Julius. Zwei Falle der Verbreitung nicht einheimischer Pflanzcn rXauthium spinosum, L., Inula Helenium, /„.]. Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 161-162 233-235. Heinrich, A/bin. Miihrens und Schlesiens Mar- morarten und deren Verwendbarkeit bei der Architektur und Sculptur. Briinn, Mittheil. 1852, pp. 132-135. 2. Ueber feuerfeste Baumaterialen in Miihreu und Schlesien. Briinn, Mittheil. 1852, p. 375. 3. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der geologischen VerhJiltnisse des Miihrischen Gesenkes in den Sudeten. Briinn, Jahresber. IV., 1854 ; Wien, Jahrb. Geol. V., 1854, pp. 87-107. 4. Eine seltene Move (Larus argentatus). Briinn, Mittheil. 1854, p. 88. 5. Ueber die geologische Bedeutung der Zirkone. Briinn, Mittheil. 1854, p. 383. 6. Eine ornithologische Seltenheit, Turdus roseus. Briinn, Mittheil. 1855, p. 206. 7. Vorkommen des Granits bei Carlsbrunn in Schlesien, und die Glimmerkugeln bei Her- mannschlag. Briinn, Jahresber. VI., 1856, pp. 19-22. 8. Die Bodennrten Miihrens und Schlesiens, und ihr Einfluss auf das Pflanzen und Thier- leben. Brunu, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 172-182, 188-191, 193-195. 9. Ein fossiler Stosszahn von Elephas pri- migenius, Bl., aus den Thonlagern bei Briinn. Briinn, Jahresber. XL, 1861, p. 10. 1O. Ueber einen bei Briinn aufgefundeneu fossilen Stosszahn von Elephas primigenius. Briinn, Mittheil. 1861, pp. 166-167. Heinrich, Carl Berthold. Mikroskopische und chemische Beitriige zur praktischen Medicin. Haeser, Archiv Med. VI., 1844, pp. 282-285, 395-436. 2. Ueber die Wichtigkeit mikroskopischer und chemischer Untersuchungen fur die Psy- chiatrik, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Harn- semiotik. Haeser, Archiv Med. VII., 1845, pp. 172-215. 3. Analyse des Harns von Irren, angestellt im St. Lukas-Krankenhaus in London, von Dr. Alexander J. SUTHERLAND, und Dr. Eduard RIGHT. Mit Zusatzen. Damerow, Allg. Zeits. Psychiatric, III., 1846, pp. 56-93. 4. Ueber das Vorkommen des Faserstoffes im Harne. Rheinische Monatschrift, L, 1847, pp. 24-32. 5. Ueber die Wichtigkeit der Anamnese bei der Beliandlung von Irren. Rheinische Monatsschrift, L, 1847, pp. 488-503. — — 6. Neue Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Harn- absonderung bei den Irren. Damerow, Allg. Zeits. Psychiatric, VI., 1849, pp. 189-205. Heinrich, Placidus. Geogvaphische Ortsbestim- rnungen in Baiern. Zach, Monat. Corresp. L, 1800, pp. 606-610. HEI] 257 [HEI Heinrich, Placidus. 2. Bestimmung cler mittlern Barometerhohe fiir einige nierkwiirdige Stand- punkte, nebst ihrer Erhohung iiber der Meeres- fliiche. Zach, Monat. Corresp. IX., 1804, pp. 405-415, 472-482. 3. Fernere Berichtigung der Polhohe vou Rcgensburg. Zach, Monat. Corresp. X., 1804, pp. 441-448. 4. Zufiillige Bemerkungen, wclcbe sich mir irn Verfolge meiner offentlichen Vorlcsung- en, und Versuche. iiber die verschiedencn Gas- arten unliingst darboten. Gilbert, Aunal. XXVI., 1807, pp. 221-230. 5. Schreiben an den Prof. GILBERT in Halle, die Schaffer'schen Pendelversuche und einen neuen Versuch betreffend. Gilbert, An- nal. XXVIL, 1807, pp. 328-336. 6. Ueber Barometer- Veriinderunsren zur Zeit der Monds-Perigaen und Apogiien, aus einer Reihe von sieben und zwanzigjahrigen Beobachtungen berechnet. Zach, Monat. Cor- resp. XV., 1807, pp. 337-358. 7. Etwas iiber DAVY'S Versuche mit den Alkalien. Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 413- 418. 8. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die dies- juhrige Witterung. Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 726-729. 9. Auszug zu dem Vorbericht des meteoro- logischen Tagebuchs zu St. Emmeran in Regens- burg. Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 193-196; IX., 1810, pp. 231-236. 10. Bemerkungen zu WiJNSCn's Versuclien iiber die vermeinte Sonderung des Lichts, etc. Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 729-730. 11. Hohe YOU Gottingeri iiber der Meeres- flache. Gilbert, Annal. XXVIII., 1808, pp. 460- 467. 12. Ueber die Verfertigung der bis zum Siedpunkt des Quecksilbers reichenden Thermo- meter, nebst einigeu Versuchen damit, nament- lich iiber die Temperatur des kochenden Queck- silbers, sowie leuchtender und siedender Oele. Schweigger, Journ. I., 1811, pp. 214-236. 13. Ueber den Sturm am 25 Dec. 1810. Schweigger, Journ. II., 1811, pp. 269-273. 14. Bemerkungen iiber Thermometer und Thermometerbeobachtungen, in Bezug auf die diessjahrige Sommerwarme. Schweigger, Journ. II., 1811, pp, 508-527. 15. Indigo-Bereitung aus dem Waid. Gilbert, Annal. XLII., 1812, pp. 328-337. 16. Traite de la phosphorescence des corps. Journ. de Phys. LXXIV., 1812, pp. 307-315. • 17. Antwort auf ein Schreiben des Prof. PAEROT zu Dorpat iiber die Verdampfbarkeit der Oele. Schweigger, Journ. V., 1812 (Beil- age 1), p. 17. VOL. in. Heinrich, Placidus. 18. Meteorologische Ueber- sicht des Jahres 1811, aus den Regensburger Beobachtuugen. Schweigger, Journ. VI., 1812 (Beilaqe 1); (Beilagc 2), pp. 5-20; (Bcilage 3), pp.' 27-28. 19. Vom Gefiille der Donau. Zach, Mouat. Corresp. XXV., 1812, pp. 368-379. 2O. Sternbedeckungen vom Monde, durch- aus nach mittlerer Zeit. Zach, Monat. Cor- resp. XXVII., 1813, pp. 86-92. - 21. Ueber Phosphorescenz im Pflanzen- und Thierreich. Schweigger, Journ. XIII., 1815, pp. 266-273. 22. Ueber ZAMBONI'S elektrische Siiule. Schweigger, Journ. XV., 1815, pp. 113-125. 23. Ueber Phosphorescenz durch Bestrahl- ung. Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 101-135; Quart. Journ. Sci. XI., 1821, pp. 399-401. 24. Ueber die durch iiussere Temperatur- erhohung der Korper bewirkte Phosphorescenz. Schweigger, Jouru. XXIX., 1820, pp. 450- 474. 25. Von dem Leuchten vegetabilischer und animalischer Substanzen. Schweigger, Journ. XXX., 1820, pp. 218-239. • 26. Bemerkungen iiber die Witterung von 1820, verglichen mit einem aus vierzigjahrigen Beobachtungen hergeleiteten Mitteljahre fiir Regensburg. Schweigger, Journ. XXXII. (=Jalirb. II.), 1821, pp. 348-392. 27. [Beobachtungen von Sonnenflecken.] Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 277-280. Heinrich, W. von. Analyse des Mineralwassers von Busko bei Krakau. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 385-399; Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, p. 310. Heinsk, . Nouvelles recherches sur la creatine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 500-502. Heintz, W. Bemerkungen iiber den Alaun der Thonerde und des Eisenoxydes. Poggend. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 331-339. 2. Untersuchung eines Asbestes vom Ural. Poggend. Annal. LVIIL, 1843, pp. 168-169. 3. Ueber einen eigenthiimlichen, durch das Elektroskop wahrnehmbaren Zustand des Glases. Poggend. Annal. LIX., 1843, pp. 305- 314; Archives de 1'Electr. in., 1843, pp. 542- 551. 4. Ueber den fiirbenden Bestandtheil des Feuersteins, Carneols, und Amethystes. Pog- gend. Annal. LX., 1843, pp. 519-529. 5. Ueber die Zuckersiiure und ihre Salze. Poggend. Annal. LXI., 1844, pp. 315-352 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 267-275 Liebig Annal. LI., 1844, pp. 183- 192. K K HEI] 258 [HEI Heintz, W. 6. Ueber eine neue Siiure im men- schlichen Harne. Poggend. Annal. LXII., 1844, pp. 602-607 ; Heller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 264-266. 7. Ueber einige Verbindungen des Wis- muths ; besonders in Riicksicht der Zusammen- setzung des Wismuthoxyds. Poggend. Aimal. LXIIL, 1844, pp. 55-95, 559-569 ; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 252-253. 8. Bestimmung des Harnstoffs im Ham, und die Zusammensetzung des salpetersauren Harnstoffs. Berlin, Bericbt, 1845, pp. 277-282. 9. Untersucbung der INIilch des Kuh- baums. Berlin, Bericbt, 1845, pp. 161-163 ; Journ. de Pharm. VIU., 1845, pp. 379-381 ; Poggend. Annal. LXV., 1845, pp. 240-267. 10. Ueber die harnsaureu Sedimente. Liebig, Annal. LV., 1845, pp. 45-78; Heller, Arcbiv, 1845, pp. 246-268 ; Jouru. de Pbarm. VIII., 1845, p. 478 ; Miiller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 230-261. 11. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung des Harnstoffs, des Kalis und Arurnoniaks im Harn, und iiber die Zusammensetzung das sal- petersauren Harnstoffs. Poggend. Annal. LXVL, 1845, pp. 114-160. 12. Einfacbe Metbode die geringsten Mengen von scbwefliger Siiure nacbzuweisen. Poggend. Annal. LXVL, 1845, pp. 160-163; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 58-59. 13. Versucbe und Bemerkungen zu der Frage, ob eine saure Vcrbindung von Salpeter- saure mit Harnstoff existire. Poggend. Anual. LXVIL, 1845, pp. 104-112. 14. Quantitative Bestimmung des Harn- stoffs. Berlin, Bericht, 1846, pp. 138-142 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 319- 320; XLII., 1847, pp. 401-413; Heller, Ar- chiv, 1846, pp. 151-161 ; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 50-53 ; Miiller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 383-398 ; Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 122-136. 15. Ueber das Dumasiu. Berlin, Bericbt, 1846, pp. 142-143. 16. Bemerkung zu H. MECKEL'S Arbeit iiber die vemieintliche Enstehung des Fettes aus Zucker mittelst Galle. Liebig, Annal. LIX., 1846, pp. 79-80. 17. Notiz iiber die Salpetersaure als Ee- agens auf Gallenbraun. Miiller, Archiv, 1 846, pp. 399-405. 18. Notiz iiber das bei der Darstellung des Acetous als Nebenproduct gewonnene brenzliche Oel. Poggend. Annal. LXVHI., 1846, pp. 277-282. 19. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung des Harustoffs in krankhaft verandertem Harn, nebst einigen nachtriiglichen Bemerkungen iiber seine Bestimmung im normaleu Harn. Poggend. Annal. LXVIIL, 1846, pp. 393-409. Heintz, 7T. 20. Auffindung des Kreatins im Harne. Berlin, Bericht, 1847, pp. 64-66 ; Hel- ler, Archiv, 1847, pp. 247-252 ; Poggeud. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 466-480. 21. Bestimmung der feuerbestiindigen Be- staudtheile, nanientlicb der Phosphorsaure, in den organischen Korpern. Berlin, Bericht, 1847, pp. 225-229; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLII., 1847, pp. 139-143. 22. Kechtfertigung der Methode den Harnstoff aus der Quantitiit des aus ihm er- zeugten Ammoniaks quantitativ zu bestimmen. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 282-284. 23. Neue Methode, den Schwefel in or- ganischen Korpern quantitativ zu bestimmen. Poggend. Annal. LXXI., 1847, pp. 145-151 ; Journ. de Pbarm. XII., 1847, pp. 225-226. 24. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung der Ascheubestandtheile thieriscber Substanzen uud iiber die Methode, die Phosphorsaure von den alkalischen Erden und den Alkalien durch ein Bleisalz zu scbeiden. Poggend. Amial. LXXIL, 1847, pp. 113-155; LXXIIL, 1848, pp. 455-461 ; Journ. de Pharm. XLL, 1847, pp. 227-230 ; Heller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 444-457. 25. Notiz iiber den Wassergehalt des neutralen salpetersaureu Wismuthoxydes. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 102- 106. 26. Neue Methode die Magnesia von den Alkalien zu scheiden. Poggend. Annal. LXXIIL, 1848, pp. 119-122; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 156-158. 27. Ueber die Verbindung des Bleioxyds mit der gewohnlichen Phosphorsaure. Poggeud. Anual. LXXIIL, 1848, pp. 122-136; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 153-156. 28. Ueber die Krystallform des Kreatins im Vergleich mit der des Kreatinins. Poggend. Annal. LXXIIL, 1848, pp. 595-601. 29. Ueber die Verbindung der gewohu- lichen Phosphorsaure mit clem Manganoxydul. Poggend. Annal. LXXIV., 1848, pp. 449-460 ; LXXV., 1848, pp. 174-175 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 397-400. 30. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Kreatins und Kreatiuins. Poggend. Annal. LXXIV., 1848, pp. 125-142 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XL VI., 1849, pp. 382-383. 31. Notiz iiber die Milchsaure des Muskel- fleisches. Poggend. Anual. LXXV., 1848, pp. 391-397 ; Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, p. 228. 32. Zusammensetzung der Knochenerde. Berlin, Bericht, 1849, pp. 50-53; Poggend. Annal. LXXVII., 1849, pp. 267-287 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIII., 1849, pp. 24-29 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVL, 1849, pp. 226-230. HEIJ 259 [HEI Heintz, W. 33. Ueber die Natur dor Siiure im Magensaft. Jenaiscbe Ann. Phys. Med. I., 1850, pp. 222-234; Chemist, I., 1849-50, p. 107. 34. Untersuchung des fliissigen Inbalts der Echinococcenbalge (Hydatidenbalge) einer Frau. Jenaische Ann. Phys. Med. I., 1850, pp. 180-191. 35. Ueber den Wassergehalt des krystall- isirten Cholesterins und iiber die Destination s- produkte desselben. Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 524-562. 36. Ueber das Vorkommen der Berustein- saure im menschlicben Korper. Poggend. An- nal. LXXX., 1850, pp. 114-121; Journ.de Pharm. XVIIL, 1850, pp. 228-230. 37. Zerlegung des Menschenfetts und Trennung der fetten Siiuren. Berlin, Bericht, 1851, pp. 484-489 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. Lin., 1851, pp. 443-448; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 238-261. 38. Neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffs, in organischen Substanzeu, seinem Volumen nach. Berlin, Bericht, 1851, pp. 753- 756; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 229-232 ; Halle, Jabresber. Nat. Wis. Ver. V., 1852, pp. 50-62; Poggend. Annal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 263-286. 39. Ueber die qualitative Untersuchung organischer Substanzen auf ihre unorganiscben Bestandtheile. Halle, Jabresber. Nat. Wis. Ver. IV., 1851, pp. 203-219. — 40. Ueber den in den Gallensteinen enthaltenen Farbstoff. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 106-118. 41. Ueber eine neue allgemeine Trennungs- methode solcber Korper, welche sich in ihren Eigenscbaften sehr nabe stehen. Poggend. An- nal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 221-237; Journ.de Pharm. XXI., 1852, pp. 477-479. 42. Zusammsetzuug des Wallraths. Ber- lin, Bericht, 1852, pp. 326-332 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIL, 1852, pp. 30-36 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1852, pp. 471-474; Pog- gend. Annal. LXXXVII., 1852, pp. 21-44, 267-293. 43. Ueber das Hammelfett. Berlin, Be- richt, 1852, pp. 540-545; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIL, 1852, pp. 300-305. 44. Ueber die tbierischen Fette. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1852, pp. 105-106 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesatumt. Naturw. I., 1853, pp. 85-101. 45. Ueber Erscheinungen an Glasstaben, die durch eine Flamme gezogen worden sind. Halle, Jahresber. Nat. Wis. Ver. V., 1852, pp. 39-49. Heintz, TJ'. 46. Ueber das Fett des Menscben, iiber den Wallratb und iiber eine iieue Methode der Trennung der fetten Siiuren. Halle, Jahres- ber. Nat. Wis. Ver. V., 1852, pp. 187-208. 47. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung des Schwefels in organischen Substanzen. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 424-432. 48. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Ham- meltalgs, des Meuscbenfetts und des Wallraths. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVII., 1852, pp. 553- 582 ; Annal. de Cbimie, XLIL, 1854, pp. 113- 118. 49. Ueber die Constitution des Alkohols und Aethers und der wasserfreien organischen Sauren. Halle, Zeitscbr. Gesammt, Naturw. I. 1853, pp. 102-118. 50. Ueber die Umwandlung der organ- ischen Siiuren der Reihe Cn Hn O* in die Siiuren der Reihe C" H" - - 0s. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. I., 1853, pp. 133-135. 51. Ueber die verschiedenen Methoden, die Menge des Harnstoffs im Harn zu bestimmen. Halle, Zeitscbr. Gesammt. Naturw. I., 1853, pp. 357-365. 52. Zur Theorie der Wiirme. Halle, Zeitscbr. Gesammt. Naturw. I., 1853, pp. 417- 433. 53. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Rinds- talgs. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. I., 1853, pp. 437-445 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 579-591. 54. Ueber die cbemische Natur des Ozons. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. I., 1853, pp. 447-450. 55. Ueber die Butter. Halle, Zeitsclir. Gesammt. Naturw. II., 1853, pp. 200-226 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 301- 303 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 71- 72; Poggend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 137-165. 56. Zusammensetzung und Eigenschaften der Fette uud der fetten Sauren. Berlin, Bericbt, 1854, pp. 207-213 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 363-366; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem., LXII., 1854, pp. 349-355 ; Journ. de Pharm., XXVI., 1854, pp. 313-317. 57. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Stearins. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. III., 1854, pp. 274-276. 58. Ueber den Wallrath. Halle, Zeitscbr. Gesammt. Naturw. IV., 1854, pp. 81-110; Annal. de Chirnie, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 361- 368 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXII., 1854, pp. 482-485 ; LXIII., 1854, pp. 162-168 ; Poggend. Annal. XCU., 1854, pp. 429-451, 588-612. K K 2 HEI] 260 [HEI Heintz, W. 59. Uebcr den Schmelzpunkt und die Zusammensetzung des chemisch reinen Stearins. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. IV., 1854, pp. 278-288; Erdui. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIII., 1854, pp. 168-169; Poggend. Annal. XCIIL, 1854, pp. 431-443. 60. Ucbcr die Wirkung der Salpetersaure auf Stearinsaure. Poggend. Annul. XCIII., 1854, pp. 443-448. 61. Ueber das Aethal. Poggend. Annal. XCIII., 1854, pp. 481-506 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIIT., 1854, pp. 364-366 ; Hulle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. V., 1855, pp. 13-25 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 237-238. 62. Vorliiufige Notiz iiber das Olivenol. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 111-118; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. V., 1855, pp. 299-301. 63. Ueber die Destillationsprodukte der Stearinsaure. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. V., 1855, pp. 111-124; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 413-415; Pog- gend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 272-288. 64. Chemische Untersuchung des Mar- garita uud eines mit ihm vorkommenden griinen Minerals. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. V., 1855, pp. 301-303. — — 35. Notiz iiber den Ammoniakgehalt des Harns. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. V., 1855, pp. 366-369 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 399-405. 66. Ueber die Fette. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. VI., 1855, pp. 279-307 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVL, 1855, pp. \- 51. 67. Ueber die Destillntionsproducte der stearinsauren Kalkerde, nameutlich iiber das Stearon. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. VI., 1856, pp. 11-24; Poggend. Annal. XCVL, 1855, pp. 65-80. _ 68. Ueber das Verhalten des Chloroforms zu andern Kin-pern, namentlich zum Ammoniak bei hoherer Temperatur. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. VII., 1856, pp. 340-350 ; Liebig, Annal. C., 1856, pp. 369-370 ; Poggend. Annal. XCVIII., 1856, pp. 263-269. 69. Ueber die Natur des rohen Aethals. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 183-184. 7O. Ueber die Einwirkung des Chlor- schwefels auf araeisensaure Baryterde, essig- saures und benzoesaures Natron. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. VIII., 1856, pp. 1-16 ; Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1857, pp. 487-488; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 402-405 ; Liebig, Annal. C., 1856, pp. 370- 374; Poggend. Annal. XCVIII., 1856, pp. 458- 477. Heintz, W. 71. Notiz iiber die Einwirkung des Kali - Kalks auf Palmitiusaure, und iiber die Natur des rohen Aethals. Liebig, Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 271-277. 72. Ueber die kiinstliche Erzeugung einer 34 Atorae Kohlenstoff enthaltenden Siiure der Fettsaurenreihe, deren Zusammensetzung also C34H34O4 ist. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX1L, 1857, pp. 173-174. 73. Ueber die Zusammensetzuug des festen Theiles des Olivenols. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. IX., 1857, pp. 434-438 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 366-371. 74. Ueber die Constitution des Harnstoffs, so wie der zweibasische Radikale enthalteuden Amide. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. X., 1857, pp. 1-19 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1857, pp. 129-148. 75. Ueber die Margarinsiiure. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. X., 1857, pp. 344- 364 ; Poggend. Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 257-289. 76. Neue Verbindungen der Zuckersaure. Berlin, Monatsber. 1858, pp. 413-418 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XII., 1858, pp. 290-307 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 305-306 ; Poggend. Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 211- 239. 77. Zusammensetzung des Stassfurtits. Berlin, Monatsber. 1858, pp. 673-675 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XL, 1858, pp. 265-273 ; XIIL, 1859, pp. 1-11. 78. Einfacher Gasapparat zu organischen Analysen uud zum Gliihen von Rohreu. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XL, 1858, pp. 538- 543 ; Poggend. Annal. CIIL, 1858, pp. 142- 148. • 79. Ueber die Einwirkung des Chlor- acetyls auf oxalsaure und bernsteinsaure Salze und des Succinylehlorids auf essigsaure Salze, so wie iiber die Aetherbernsteinsiiure uud ihrc Salze. Berlin, Monatsber. 1859, pp. 407-410 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIIL, 1859, pp. 149-152. 8O. Ueber zwei neue Eeihen organischer Siinren. Berlin, Monatsber. 1859, pp. 554- 560; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIIL, 1859, pp. 174-180. 81. Ueber den chemischen Process bei Vereinigung von Silberoxyd mit Aldehyd, etc. Halle, Sitzuugsb. Nat. Gesell. 1859, p. 12. 82. Uebcr die Zusammensetzung des Boracits. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XIIL, 1859, pp. 89-112; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX VII., 1859, pp. 338-345. 83. Ueber zwei neue Derivate der Zucker- saure. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XIIL, 1859, pp. 112-117; Poggend. Anna!. CVL, 1859, pp. 93-105; Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 305-306. HEI] 2G1 [HEI Heintz, Jf. 84. Untersuchung iiber die Existenz cin und zweiatomige Radicale enthaltender Anhy- dride, und Beschreibung der dabei gclegcutlich entdeckten Aetherbernsteiusiiure und einige ihrer Verbinduugen. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Natunv. XIV., 1 859, pp. 285-305 ; Poggend. Annal. CVIIL, 1859, pp. 70-101. 85. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des basisch-oxalsauren Wismuthoxydes. Liebig, Annal. CXI., 1859, pp. 205-209. 86. Ueber zwei neue Reihen organiscber Sauren. Berlin, Monatsber. 1860, pp. 26-35 ; Aunal. de Chimie, LVIII., 1860, pp. 247-248 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIX., 1860, pp. 233-242 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XV., 1860, pp. 221-238 ; Poggend. Annal. CIX., 1860, pp. 301-346, 470-505. 87. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Constitu- tion der Zuckersiiure und Weinsliure. Berlin, Monatsber. 1860, pp. 283-291 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXL, I860, pp. 134-143; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XVI., 1860, pp. 273-300 ; Poggend. Annal. XL, 1860, pp. 165-189, 291-315. 88. Ueber eine neue Metliode der Dar- stellung der Aethoxacetsaure im reinen Zustande und iiber das iithoxacetsaure Kupferoxyd. Ber- lin, Monatsber. 1860, pp. 462-464 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXL, 1860, pp. 302- 304 ; Poggend. Annal. CXI., 1860, pp. 552- 561. 89. Ueber die Existenz der Kresoxacet- siiure. Berlin, Monatsber. I860, pp. 464-465 ; Halle, Sitzungsb. Nat. Gesell. 1860, pp. 14-15 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXL, 1860, pp. 304-305 ; Poggend. Annal. CXIL, 1861, pp. 76-79. 90. Ueber die kiinstliche Erzeugung des Boracits. Berlin, Monatsber. 1860, pp. 466- 468 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XVL, I860, pp. 121-127 ; Poggend. Annal. CX., 1860, pp. 613-621. 91. Ueber einige Versuche, welche auf die Natur der Zuckersiiure oder Weinsiiure ein neues Licht werfen. Halle, Sitzuugsb. Nat. Gesell. 1860, pp. 11-12. 92. Ueber eine freiwillige Zersetzung des Alloxans. Halle, Sitzungsb. Nat. Gesell. 1860, pp. 19-20; Poggend. Annal. CXI., 1860, pp. 436-443 ; CXIL, 1861, pp. 79-87. 93. Ueber die Giinsegallc und die Zusammensetzung der Taurocheuocholsaure. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XV., 1860, pp. 89-102. 94. Notiz iiber den Stassfurtit und den Boracit. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XV., 1860, pp. 155-156. Heintz, IV. 95. Ueber die Constitution der von ihm entdeckten Oxacetsiiuren. Berlin, Monatsber. 1861, pp. 657-660; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXV., 1862, pp. 263-267 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XVIII., 1861, pp. 393-424 ; Poggend. Aunal. CXIV., 1861, pp. 440-477. 96. Ueber die von ihm entdeckte Paraap- felsiiure. Berlin, Monatsber. 1861, pp. 660- 667; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXV., 1862, pp. 267-274 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XIX., 1862, pp. 296-323; Poggend. Aunal. CXV., 1862, pp. 280-295, 452-465. 97. Analyse des Kryolith. Analyse eines an Chlorkalium reichen Steinsalzes von Stass- furt. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XVIIL, 1861, pp. 133-134. 98. Dai-stellungsniethode des Glycolsaure- hydrats. Poggend. Annal. CXIL, 1861, pp. 87-90. 99. Ueber das Vorkommen des Ammoniak im Harn. Wiirzburg. Mecl. Zeitschr. II., 1861, pp. 90-92. 100. Beweis, dass 'Ammoniak im gebun- denen Zustande ein Bestandtheil des normalen Harns ist. Wiirzburg. Med. Zeitschr. II., 1861, pp. 230-235. 101. Ueber, dem Ammoniaktypus auge- horige, organische Sauren. Berlin, Monatsber. 1862, pp. 8-15 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXV., 1 862, pp. 295-302 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XX., 1862, pp. 1-27 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXIL, 1862, pp. 257-294 ; Poggend. Aunal. CXV., 1862, pp. 165-169. 102. On the composition of the Amor- phous Deposit in Healthy Urine. Chem. Soc. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 467-468. 103. Bemerkungen zu der Frage, ob Am- moniak ini Harn enthalten ist. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXV., 1862, pp 24-34. 104. Analyse eines dichten Brauneisen- steines von der Grube " eiserner Johannes" bei Kamsdorf. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Nat. XIX., 1862, pp. 246-247. 105. Ueber die Loslichkeit des neutralen oxalsauren Ammoniaks in Ammoniaksalzlos- ungen. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XX., 1862, p. 29. 106. Ueber Rubidiumgewinnung. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XX., 1862, pp. 29-33. 107. Verhalten des Glycolamids zu Basen und Sauren. HaUe, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XX., 1862, pp. 289-297; Liebig, Aunal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 315-324. 1O8. Ueber den Acetoxacetsaure!ither(Ace- toglycolsaureather). Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XX., 1862, pp. 298-311 ; Liebig, Auual. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 325-341. HEI] 262 [HEI Heintz, W. 109. Ueber die Darstellung und die Basicitiit der Diglycolamidsaure. Liebig, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 297-310; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Natunv. XXI., 1863, pp. 121-131. 11O. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber eine Arnin- saure. Poggend. Annal. CXVI., 1862, pp. 632-634. 111. Ueber die Darstellung des Salpeter- saureathers, die Scheidung der drei Aethylamine, und iiber die Aethyl- und Diathyloxaminsaure. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XXII., 1863, pp. 1-11 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXVIL, 1863, pp. 43-55. 112. Analyse eines fast reinen Chlorkali- ums von der Anhaltinischen Steinsalzgrube bei Stassfurt. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Natunv. XXII., 1863, pp. 35-36. 113. Analyse zweier Steinsalzproben vou Erfurt. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Natunv. XXII., 1863, p. 291. 114. Ueber Diglycolimid, Diglycolamin- saure und die Produkte der Zersetzung der Di- glycolsaure durch trockeue Destination. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Natunv. XXII., 1863, pp. 449-467 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXVIII., 1863, pp. 129-151. Heintz, 77"., und Wislicenus. Neue durch Zersetzung des Aldehydammoniaks gewonnene Basis. Berlin, Monatsber. 1858, pp. 520-523 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Nat unv. XIII., 1859, pp. 23-31 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 228-229 ; Poggend. Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 577-597. 2. Ueber die Giinsegalle und die Zusammensetzung der Taurocholsaure. Poggend. Annal. CVIII., 1859, pp. 547-567. 3. Ueber die AldehydsJiure. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XIV., 1859, pp. 305-311 ; Poggend. Annal. CVIII., 1859, pp. 101-110. Heintzelman, Joseph Aug. Observations on Anagallis arvensis. American Journ. Pharm. XXXI., 1859, pp. 299-305. Heinz, Franz. Begriiudung der Aufnahme der Naturgeschichte in das Gymnasium. Laibach, Program. Gymnas. 1852. Heinzel, Gustav. De Macrozamia Preissii. [1844.] Acad. Czes. Leop. Nova Acta, XXL, 1845, pp. 201-248. 2. Welche Bedeutung hat die Mutterknolle fiir die Kartoffelstaude ? Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1850, pp. 52-57. 3. Vegetationskraft der Saubohne (Faba vulgaris, Mocnch. ; Vicia faba, Lin.) Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1850, pp. 57-58. Heinzel, Victorin. Ueber Cossus ligniperda. Briinn, Jahresheft Nat. Wiss. Sect. 1859 (Sitsb.), p. xxxiii. 2. Ueber Mustela lutreola, L., und iiber monstrose Bildung bei Corvus corone. Briinn, Verhandl. L, 1862, pp. 18-19. 3. Ueber Calamoherpe turdoides, Brehm, und Lagopus scoticus. Briinn, Verhaudl. II., 1863, pp. 29-30. Heinzerling, F. Die Formen der Pflanzen, ius- besondere der fingerformigen Blatter. Giessen, Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. V., 1855, pp. 70-77. Heis, Eduard. Ueber die Structur der Pflan- zenzellen. Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, col. 1093- 1103. 2. Ueber die mathematische Form des Kiels des Papier-nautilus (Argonauta Argo). Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1844, pp. 23-25. 3. Bemerkungen iiber die Lehre von den geometrischen Progressionen. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 104-105. 4. LTeber Sternschnuppen. Deutsch. Na- turf. Versamml. Bericht, 1847, pp. 375-376. 5. Aurores Boreales, etoiles filantes et lu- miere zodiacale observees a Aix-la-Cha))elle en 1849. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVII., 1850, pp. 96-97. 6. Variabilis ~/_ Cygni und Mira Ceti beo- bachtet zu Miinster. Astr. Nachr. XLIV., 1856, col. 39-40. 7. Ueber die am 3 Februar dieses Jahres gesehene Feuerkugel. Poggend. Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 333-340. 8. Die Sternschnuppen der Juli-undAugust- Periode 1856. Poggend. Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 322-327. 9. Stereographische Projection. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 354-355. 1O. Stereometrische Satze entsprechend den planimetrischen Siitzen oder harmonische und anharmonische Proportioned Grunert, Archiv, XXXI., 1858, pp. 37-39. 11. Erweiterung der Satze iiber harmon- ische und anharmonische Proportionen. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXXI., 1858, pp. 39-40. 12. Siitze iiber das irreguliire Tetrae'der. Grunert, Archiv, XXXI., 1858, pp. 41-43. 13. Aufgaben und Satze iiber geometrische Oerter fiir Punkte, deren Summe der Entferu- ungen von gegebenen geraden Linien oder ge- gebenen Ebenen eine constante ist. Grunert, Archiv, XXXI., 1858, pp. 228-233. 14. Die Sternschnuppen der November- und December-Periode 1857. Heis, Wochen- schrift, L, 1858, pp. 7, 13,20-22, 30-31, 72. 15. Vergleichung der in der Pflanzenwelt wahrend der letzten fiinf Jahre zu Miinster angestellten Beobachtungen. Heis, Wochen- schrift, L, 1858, pp. 22-23. HEI] 263 [HEL Heis, Edouard. 16. Grosse Feuerkugel am 17 December 1857. Heis, Wochenschrift, I., 1858, pp. 54-55, 62-64, 69-72. 17. Die ringformige Sonnenfinsterniss am 15 Marz 1858. Heis, Wocbenscbrift, I., 1858, pp. 57-62, 65-69, 128. 18. Das Nordlicht vom 9 April d. J. zu Minister. Heis, Wochenschrift, I., 1858, pp. 202-204, 213-216, 223-224, 225-231, 233-235, 241-242. 19. Der Schweif des Donati'schen Kome- ten. Heis, Wochenschrift, I., 1858, pp. 331- 335; Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 269- 272. 2O. Resultate der Sternschnuppen-Beo- bachtungen der August-Periode 1858. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 145-152. 21. Observations sur les aurores boreales, la lumiere zodiacale, et les etoiles filantes. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1859, pp. 82- 88. 22. Sur les perturbations magnetiques et la lumiere zodiacale observees en 1857, 1858, et 1859. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1859, pp. 373-375. 23. Das Siidlicht in Australien und das gleichzeitige Nordlicht in Miinster in der Nacht des 9-10 April 1858. Heis, Wochenschrift, II., 1859, pp. 97-102. 24. Die bevorstehende Juli- und August- Periode der Sternschnuppen und Kesultate aus den Sternschnuppen-Beobachtungeu der Juli- und August-Periode 1858. Heis, Wochensclirift, II., 1859, pp. 201-206, 213-216. 25. Feuerkugeln und Sternschnuppen in der zweiten Halfte des Jahres 1858. Heis, Wochenschrift, II., 1859, pp. 220-223, 225- 228. 26. Hohenrauch im Friihjahr und Sommer 1859. Heis. Wochenschrift, II., 1859, pp. 236- 239. 27. Die veranderlichen Mira Ceti, % Cygni und Algol Persei. Astr. Nachr. LIIL, 1860, col. 259-260. 28. Suite des observations sur la lumiere zodiacale faites a Miinster, du 20 Decembre 1859 au 23 Fevrier 1860. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1860, pp. 359-360. 29. Aurores boreales observees pendant le mois d'Aout 1860. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1860, pp. 422-423. 30. Suite des observations de la lumiere zodiacale faites a Miluster (Westphalie). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XI., 1861, pp. 640- 641. 31. Observations des etoiles filantes periodi- ques du mois d'Aout et du mois de Novembre 1860, faites en Allemagne. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XI., 1861, pp. 642-643. Heis, Edouard. 32. % Cygni in der Periode der Sichtbarkeit 1861. Astr. Nachr. LVL, 1862, col. 69-72. 33. Lumiere zodiacale. Bolide du 4 Mars 1863. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 280-282. 34. Sur les etoiles filantes du mois d'Aout. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 514- 517. Heisch, C. On the Arsenic Eaters of Styria. Chemical News, I., 1860, p. 280. Hekekyan Bey, . Notes on the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVII., 1848, pp. 584-587. 2. Note on the formations and Lead Mines of Kohel-et-Terafeh. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIX., 1850, pp. 217-220. 3. Note on the strata cut through in ex- cavating for coal in Wadi Araba. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIX., 1850, pp. 139-143. Hekmeijer, W. J. E. Over Arabinezuur. Mul- der, Schiek. Verhand. II., 1859, pp. 167-171. Helbig, . Eine mineralogische Merkwiir- digkeit aus der Gegend bei Weimar. Voigt, Magazin, VIII., 1804, pp. 63-66. 2. MerkwiirdigeBeobachtung von Johannis Wiirmchen (Lampyris noctiluca) Voigt, Ma- gazin, IX., 1805, pp. 166-168. Held, Geo. Friedrich. Ueber die in die Hauc der Syuapten eingelagerten KalkkSrper. Ziirich, Vierteljahrsschr. II., 1857, pp. 243-271. Held, Friedrich. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Weichthiere (Clausilia ventricosa). Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 998-1006. 2. Aufzahlung der in Baiern lebenden - Mollusken. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 271-282. 3. Notizeu tiber die Weichthiere Baierns. Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 303-309, 901-919. Held, Friedrich. Grundlinicn zu einem natiir- liehen System der organischen Korper mit vor- ziiglicher Beriicksichtigung der Evertebraten. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt. 1851, pp. 114— 127, 129-144, 145-158. Heldman, C. Die Gebirgsformation in der Ge- markung Sellers (Kreis Nidda) und Umgebung. Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. 1859, pp. 81-90. Heldreich, Theodor von. Beschreibung vier neuer Pflauzenarteu Siciliens. Flora, XXVII., 1844, pp. 65-70. 2. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Griechische Arbutus-Arten. Flora, XXVII., 1844, pp. 13-15. • 3. Descriptio specierum novarum. [Cam- panula Leukveinii, Ceutaurea Niederi, Mattia Schmidtii.] Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Bot.\ 1860, pp. 379-382 ; Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XL, 1861, pp. 299-301. 4. PhanologischcNotizenausGriechenland Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XII., 1862, pp. 385- 386 ; XIII., 1863, pp. 48-49, 91-93, 126-127. HEL] 264 [HEL Heldt, JT. Notiz iiber den in Alkohol loslicheu Bestandtheil des Roggenmehls. Liebig, Aunal. XLV., 1843, pp. 198-200. • 2. Ueber die Constitution der citronen- saurcn Sake. Liebig, Annal. XL VII., 1843, pp. 157-198. 3. Uebc-r die Natur des Santonins und die Gasetze der Harzbildung. Liebig, Annal. LXIIL, 1847, pp. 10-83 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Cliem. XLIIL, 1848, pp. 186-188; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 65-67. 4. Die Theorie des Bleicliens mittelst schwefliger Siiure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIIL, 1861, pp. 20-35. 5. Ueber die soger.annte Passivitat der Metalle. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XC., 1863, pp. 257-288. Heldt, U\ und F. Rochleder. Untersuchung einiger Flechtenartun. Liebig, Annal. XLVIIL, 1843, pp. 1-18; Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 89-105. Heifer, JoJiann IJ'ilficl/n. Nova species Europrea sectionis Trichidum (Gnorimus i.lecempunctatus). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 495- 497. 2. On the indigenous Silkworms of India. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI. (1837), pp. 38- 46 ; Ann. Sci. Nat, XI. (Zool.), 1839, pp. 142- 154; Bibl. Univ. XL, 1837, pp. 193-199; Froriep, Notizen, XIII., 1840, col. 113-122. 3. Lettre sur la faune de Malacca. Paris, Ann. Soe. Entom. VII., 1838, pp. x-xii. 4. Experiments on various trees in Assam, with a view to ascertain the properties of their iuices in connexion with the article caoutchouc. India, Agric. Soc. Traus. V., 1838, pp. 38-41. 5. Geology of Tenasserim. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VII., 1838, p. 171. . 6. Report on the Coal discovered in the Tenasserim provinces. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VII., 1838, pp. 701-706. 7. Note on the auinial productions of the Tenasserim provinces. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VII., 1838, pp. 855-862. 8. Gedruckte und ungedruckte Schriften iiber die Tenasserim Provinzen, den Mergui Archipel uud die Andamanen-Inseln. (1859.) Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. III., 1859 (Abh.\ pp. 167-390. Helfft, . Von der Akklimatisation der Europaer iu den Tropen. Deutsche Klinik, II., 1850, pp. 303-305, 315-317- 2. Das Klima und die Bodenbeschaflenheit Algerieus. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Ercik. V., 1855, pp. 383-392. 3. Das Klima und die Gesundheitsverhalt- Helie, Reflexions sur 1'usage de 1'eprou- vette, dans 1'artillerie, pour apprecier la force de la poudre. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XIII., 1822- 23, pp. 249-257. 2. Recherches experimentales sur la resist- ance de 1'air. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, p. 619. 3. Machines arithmetiques. Eure, Recueil Trav. II., 1842, pp. 170-176. Helie, 77*. Observation d'anencephalie. Re- vue Med. Frang. et Etr. II., 1832, pp. 427- 442. 2. Notesur lenerf musculo-cutane. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XVII., 1841, pp. 45-50. 3. Du mecanisme et de la theorie du saut considere chez I'liomme. Nantes, Jourii. de Med. XIX., 1 843, pp. 257-282. 4. Observation d'acephalie. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XX., 1844, pp. 15-32. 5. Observation de grossesse extra-uterine. Nante?, Journ. de Med. XXXIIL, 1857. pp. 142-152. 6. Exameu anatomique des organes auditifs d'un sourd-muet, suivi de considerations sur les le'sions anatomiques de la surdi-mutite. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 176-191. 7. Recherches sur la structure des trompes uterines, suivies de quelques considerations re- latives aux lu'matoceles peri-uterines. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 261-298. 8. Examen des organes auditifs d'un sourd-muet alieue, mort dans 1'asile des alienes de Saint-Jacques. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XXXV., 1859, pp. 175-182. 9. Observations de grossesse extra-uterine tubaire, suivie de considerations sur la mem- brane caduque dans la grossesse extra-uterine. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XXXVI., 1860, pp. 14- 28. Hellancourt, Lettre sur le blanchissage nisse des siidlicbeu Frankreichs. Giinsburg, Zeitschr. Klin. Med. VII., 1856, pp. 260-267. des toiles en Beauvoisis, en Flandre et en Basse- Picardie. [1787.] Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1790, pp. 263-277. Helleday, F. JV. Analys pa mineralvattnet frUn den s. k. Fahlu helsobrunn. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, IX., 1852, pp. 193-194. 2. Loka hiilsovatten. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, XVI., 1859, pp. 245-251. Hellenius, Carl Nicolas. Beschreibung einer neuen Pflanzengattung aus Westindien, genannt Hisingera. Romer, Archiv Botan. II., 1779- 1801, pp. 445-449. 2. Fortsattning af Beriittelsen om den genom en Ragets paruing med en Gumse, up- komna affodaus fortplantning, samt de hos den- samma, diir under sig forete"nde foriindringar. Stockholm, Akad. Hand]. XXII., 1801, pp. 105- 116. HEL] 265 [HEL Heller, . Observation d'un cmpoisonne- ment par la noix vomique. Paris, Ann. Cere. Mi'd. I., 1820, pp. 205-213. Heller, Camill. Beitrag zur Fauna der Adria. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VI., 1856 (Abh.\ pp. 629-634, 717-720. 2. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Siphono- stomen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXV., 1857, pp. 89-108. 3. Merkwiirdiger Fall vorderer Verwachs- ung an Diplozoon paradoxum. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXV., 1857, pp. 109-110. 4. Beitnige zur Oesterreichischen Grotten- Fauna. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXVI., 1857, pp. 313-326. 5. TJeber neue fossile Stelleriden. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXVIII., 1858, pp. 155-170. 6. Zur Anatomie von Argas persicus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXX., 1858, pp. 297-325. 7. Ueber einen Flusskrebs-Albino. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Sitzb.), pp. 83-84. 8. Beitrage zur Crustaceen-Fauna dcs Ro- then Meeres. [I860.] Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XLIIL, 1861, pp. 297-374; XLIV., 1861, pp. 241-295. 9. Synopsis der im Rothen Meere vorkom- menden Crustaceen. [I860.] Wieu, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XI., 1861 (Abh.\ pp. 3-32. 1O. Vorlaufiger Bericht liber die wiihrend der Weltumseglung der k.k. Fregatte Novara gesammelten Crustaceen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XL, 1861 (Abh.), pp. 495-498; XII., 1862 (Abh.\ pp. 519-528. 11. Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss der Macrouren. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV., 1862, pp. 389-413. 12. Untersuchungen liber die Litoral- Fauna des Adriatischen Meeres. [1862] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VI. (Abth. 1), 1863, pp. 415-448. Heller, Carl. Reisebericht aus Mexico, ent- haltend eine Scliilderung der Vorgebirge des Vulcans Orizaba. Wien, Verhand. Gartenbau Gesell. 1846, pp. 78-87. 2. Reisebericht aus Mexico verbunden mit einer Vegetations-Schilderung des Vulcans Orizaba und der Hochebene los Derrumbados. Wien, Verhand. Gartenbau Gesell. 1846, pp. 88-102. 3. Ueber den Staat Tabasco. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 248-255. 4. Ueber den Staat von Chiapas und So- conusco in der Republik Mexico. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 255-266. 5. Versuch einer systematischen Aufziihl- ung der in Mexico einheimischen, unter deni Volke gebrauchlichen und cultivirten Nutz- pflanzen. Skofitz. Botan. Wochenbl. I., 1851, pp. 49-52, 57-59, 65-68, 74-76, 81-84, 89-90, 97-99, 105-107, 113-115, 122-123, 129-132, 139-140, 145-148. VOL. III. Heller, Curl. 6. Die Hochebene und der Vulcan von Toluca in Mexico. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. II., 1852, pp. 123-125, 131-133. 7. Einiges iiber das Vorkommen der Orchi- deen in Mittcl-America und der sich darauf griindenden Cultur derselben. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. II., 1852, pp. 259-260, 268-269. 8. Der Mexicauische Staat Tabasco. Pe- termann, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 399-409. 9. Kleine Pflanzengeographische Studien. Olmiitz, Jahresb. Gymnas. 1857. 1O. Der Vulcan Orizaba und seine Urnge- gend bis zur Kiiste des Mexicanischen Meer- busens. Petermann, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 366- 379. 11. Ueber Maxima der Vegetation, und iiber jene von Attika insbesondere. Wien, Jahresb. Gymnas. 1863. Heller, H. J, Geometrische Aufgaben durch Berechnunggelost. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIV., I860, pp. 6-12. Heller, Johann Finnan. Ueber das Blut des Mensehen und der rothbliitigen Thiere. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1837, p. 181. 2. Ueber zwei neue entdeckte Mineral- Species. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1837, pp. 135-137. 3. Ueber die Rhodizonsiiure im Allge- nieinen. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1837, pp. 112-113. 4. Rhodizonsiiure, eine neue Oxydations- Stufe des Kohlenstoffes. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII., 1837, pp. 193-230; Bibl. Univ. XVI., 1838, pp. 417-426. 5. Ueber die krokousauren Salze. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII., 1837, pp. 230-241; Bibl. Univ. XV., 1838, pp. 407-412. 6. Die Rhodizonsiiure, eine aus den Pro- ducten der Kaliumbereitung gewounene neue S;iure, und ihre chemischen Verhaltnisse. Lie- big, Annal. XXIV, 1837, pp. 1-17. 7. Ueber eine leichtere Darstellung der Rhodizonsiiure, ihre Eigenschaften und Zusam- mensetzung. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VI., 1840, pp. 54-61 ; Bibl. Univ. XXX., 1840, pp. 219-220; Liebig, Aunal. XXXIV., 1840, pp. 232-234. 8. Ueber das Leuchten gefaulter Holzer. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1843, p. 196. 9. Pathologisch-chemische und mikroskop- ische Untersuchungen. Heller, Archiv, I., 1844, pp. 1-51, 113-124,215-228. 10. Methode, hiichst geringe Mengen Jod im Blute, Harn, Speichel, etc., nachzuweiseu. Heller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 90-95. 11. Verfahren, liochst geringe Mengen Galle oder Gallenfarbstoff im Harn, etc., zu entdecken. Heller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 95-96. L L HEL] 260 [HEL Heller, Joliann Florian. 12. Die Harnsaure, ein sehr reichliches Excret der Schmetterliuge. Heller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 132-134. 13. Qualitative und quantitative Analyse albuminoser Fliissigkeiten. Heller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 192-199. 14. Hocbst einfache und sichere Methode zur Diagnose des Zuckers in thierischen Fliiss- igkeiten ; Unterscheidung des Harn-, Milch- und Rohr-Zuckers. Heller, Archiv, 1844. pp. 292-298. 15. Urostealith, ein neuer Korper als Harnstein. Heller, Archiv, II., 1845, pp. 1- 12. 16. Ueber neue Farbstoffe im Harn, Uroxanthin, Uroglaucin, und Urrhodin. Heller, Archiv, II., 1845, pp. 161-173. 17. Pathologische Chemie des Morbus Brightii. Heller, Archiv, IL, 1845, pp. 173- 218. 18. Erkennung des Eiters im Blute und anderen Fliissigkeiten. Heller, Archiv, II., 1845, pp. 303-307. 19. Ueber die Gegenwart des Kupfers in der Galle, und die Gegenwart des Bleies in der Galle bei Morbus saturninus. Harn bei De- lirium trcmens, Hydrops anasarca, Coxalgie ; Spermatozoon in der Hydrocelefliissigkeit. Heller, Archiv, II., 1845, pp. 321-335. 20. Ueber Ausscheidung des Uroglaucins und Urrhodins aus normalem Harn. Blut der Somnambule Leopoldine in Wien. Heller, Archiv, III., 1846, pp. 19-28. 21. Pathologische Chemie der Krebskrank- heit. Heller, Archiv, III., 1846, pp. 28-48, 531-535; Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. VII., 1847, pp. 71-74. 22. Untersuchung des Harns und der Fiices nach dem innerlichen Gebrauche ver- schiedener Arzneimittel (Rheum, Tinctura cantharidum, Cubeben, Eisenpritparate, Zink- oxyd, &c.). Heller, Archiv, IV., 1847, pp. 1- 14, 133-145, 233-241. 23. Zur Erkennung des Biliphains, he- sonders in albuniinosen Fliissigkeiten. Ueber ein eigenthumlichcs Harnsedinient. Analyse der Mola hydatidea. Heller, Archiv, IV., 1847, pp. 305-317. 24. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Ge- genwart von SalpetersJiure in der atmosphar- ischen Luft. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, VIL, 1851, pp. 409-410. 25. Die Salpetersiiure, ein constanter Be- standtheil der atmospharischen Luft, und die Verhaltnisse jener zum Ozon. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, VII., 1851, pp. 738-742. Heller, Johnnn Florian. 26. Ueber das Hama- tin und dessen Ausmittelung. Wien, Zeit- schr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, I., 1858, pp. 733-736, 749-755. Heller, Theodor Egidius. Ueber den Riick- schlag. Gilbert, Annal. IL, 1799, pp. 223- 229. 2. Ueber das Gefrieren des Wassers. Gilbert, Annal. I., 1799, pp. 474-478. 3. Ueber den Einfluss des Sonnenlichts auf die Verduustung des Wassers. Gilbert, Annal. IV., 1800, pp. 210-222. 4. Ueber den magnetischen Mittelpunkt des weichen Eisens. Gilbert, Annal. IV., 1800, pp. 477-478. 5. Versuche iiber das Leitungsverrnogen des Wassers, und Betrachtungen iiber des Licht des elektrischen Funkens. Gilbert, Annal. VI., 1800, pp. 248-257. 6. Fernere Beobachtungen iiber das Ver- halten des Phosphors in den Gasarten. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, V., 1800, pp. 211-215. 7. Nachrichten iiber das Rhongebirge in Franken. Moll, Annalen, I., 1802, pp. 1-49. 8. Zersetzung der atmospharischen Luft durch Kochsalz-Wasser. Gilbert, Annal. XVI., 1804, pp. 95-103. 9. Liisst sich aus mehrjiihrigen meteoro- logischen Beobachtungen, eine Regel finden, nach welcher man die grossere oder geringere Fruchtbarkeit vorhergegangener Jahre beur- theilen konnte. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. II., 1810, pp. 164-169. 1O. Beitriige zur Eudiometrie. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. IL, 1810, pp. 213-231. Hellert, -. Exploration de 1'isthme de Pa- nama. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. V., 1846, pp. 98-121. 2. Nouvelles observations sur la jonction des deux Oceans au moyen il'un canal a travers risthme de Darien. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. V., 1846, pp. 389-400. Hellerung, . LTeber TURNER'S Eigenschaft der ungeraden Zahlen. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 319-321. 2. Zwei allgemeine Summations-Formeln fiir die dritte Potenz der Glieder der Reihen, deren w-tes Glied = + [1 + (n — 1) 2-r] ist. Grunert, Archiv, IL, 1842, pp. 198-200. Hellins, John. An improved solution of a pro- blem in physical astronomy by which swiftly converging series are obtained, which are useful in computing the perturbations of the motions of the Earth, Mars, and Venus by their mutual attraction. To which is added an Appendix, containing an easy method of obtaining the sums HEL] 267 [HEL Hellins, John. of many slowly converging series, which arise in taking the fluents of Binomial Surds, £c., and some observations tending to facilitate and abridge the computations of the coefficients A and B are added. Phil. Trans. 1798, pp. 527- 566. 2. A second Appendix to the improved solution of a problem in physical astronomy inserted in the Phil. Trans., 1798, containing some further remarks and improved formulae for computing the coefficients A and B, by which the arithmetical work is considerably shortened and facilitated. Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 86-97. 3. Of the rectification of the Conic Sections. Phil. Trans. 1802, pp. 448-476. 4. On the rectification of the Hyperbola by means of two Ellipses ; proving that method to be circuitous, and such as requires much more calculation than is requisite by an appro- priate theorem : in which process a new theorem for the rectification of that curve is discovered. To which are added some further observations on the rectification of the Hyperbola, among which the great advantage of Descending Series over Ascending Series, in many cases, is clearly shown ; and several methods are given for com- puting the constant quantity by which those series differ from each other. Phil. Trans. 1811, pp. 110-154. Hellis, . Observation relative aux com- bustions humaines spontanees. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1822, pp. 47-51. 2. Note sur 1'emploi du sulfate de quinine. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1822, pp. 64-70. 3. Histoire d'un hoquet spasmodtque, accompagne d'une espece d'aura qui se faisait sentir dans diverses parties. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1827, pp. 87-92. 4. Sur 1'interieur de 1'Afrique et les bords du Niger. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1833, pp. 1-18. Hellmann, A. Ueber die Federbedeckung der Strix passerina, Bechst. Cabanis, Journ. Or- nithol. I, 1853 (Extraheft), pp. 108-113. 2. Einiges iiber das Zungenorgan der Vogel, insbesondere das des Auerhahns. Nau- mannia, 1853, pp. 139-146. 3. Verzeichniss derjenigen Vogel, welche als Stand- Zug- oder Strich-Vogel in Thiiringen, in dem Distrikt, welchen die Saale bis Naurn- burg, die Unstruth bis Artern, der Harz, die Linie von Ellrich bis Witzenhausen und end- lich die Linie von der Werra bis zum Fichtel- gebirge einschliesst, vorkommen. Naumannia, 1853, pp. 276-290. 4. Ueber die Niitzlichkeit der Krahen- hiitten. Cabauis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 439-444. Hellmann, A. 5. Beitrag zur Ptilographie und Anatomie der Hirundo rustica. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IV., 1856, pp. 360-370. Hellmann, Jul. A. Einiges iiber die Anwend- ung des Asphaltes und sein Verhalten gegen die Atmosphiirilien. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. VII. , 1848, col. 23-25. 2. Ueber die Neckar Salinen. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. VIII., 1849, col. 1-6, 22-26. 3. Excursion in das Murgthal : die Ba- dener Gegend. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. VIII., 1849, col. 43-46. 4. Die Forderung der Soole auf Salinen. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. VIIL, 1849, col. 193- 195. 5. Von dem geognostischen Vorkommen des Salzes und dessen Gewinnung, in berg- und hiittenmaunischer Beziehung. Berg. u. Hiit- tenm. Zeitg. VIII., 1849, col. 353-358, 371- 378, 385-390. 6. Ueber die Salinen in der Schweiz. Berg. u. Hiittemn. Zeitg. VIIL, 1849, col. 465- 467. 7. Ueber das Verfahren Kochsalz, welches zerfliessliche Salze enthalt, vollkommen von diesen zu befreien. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. VIIL, 1849, col. 468-469. — 8. Ueber den Bau der Siedhiiuser auf Salinen. Der Ingenieur, II., 1850, col. 287-300, 9. Ueber die Anwendung der Abfallwarme bei den Coaksofen ini Salinenwesen. Der In- genieur, II., 1850, col. 327-336. Hellriegel, Hermann. Beitrag zur Keimungs- geschichte der Oel-gebenden Samen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX1V., 1855, pp. 94-107. 2. Ueber die Bestandtheile und den Werth des Fischguano aus Ostpreussen, Annal. Land- wirths. XXXL, 1858, pp. 134-135. 3. Einige Worte iiber Sandboden im Allge- meiueu und den Ackerboden der Umgegeud von Dahme im Besondern. Annal. Landwirths. XXXL, 1858, pp. 305-321. 4. Einige Diingungsversuche. Annal. Landwirths. XXXIL, 1858, pp. 456-460. 5. Untersuchung der Seradella uud zweier Riibensorteu auf ihren Futterwerth. Annal. Landwirths. XXXIII., 1859, pp. 150-155. 6. Einige Worte iiber verschiedene An- wendungs-Weisen des Guanos. Annal. Land- wirths. XXXIIL, 1859, pp. 339-356. 7. Ueber den Einfluss des specifischen Gewichts des Samens auf die aus demselben erwachsende Pflanze. Annal. Landwirths. XXXIV., 1859, pp. 10-24. 8. Versuche iiber Pflanzenwachsthum aus dem Laboratorio der Versuchsstation Dahme. Annal. Landwirths. XXXVIII., 1861, pp. 296- 361 : XLIL, 1863, pp. 53-62, 119-139, 268- 273, 296-314. L L 2 HEL] 268 [HEL Hellriegel, Hermann. 9. Bericht des Vor- standes der agriculturchemischen Versuchs-Sta- tion zu Dahme iiber Dimgungs-Versuche mit border Phosphorit und Wollabfiillen. Annal. Laudwirths. XXXIX., 1862, pp. 484-497. 10. Ueber die Methoden der Berechnung des thierischen DiingRrs. Annal. Landwirths. XXXIX., 1862, pp. 497-516. Hellwag, . Vcrsuch einer berichtigendeu Modification der Newton'schen Farbentheorie. Kastiier, Archiv Cliemie, IV., 1831, pp. 51-57. Hellwig, , Leyteny, und Tihavsky. Versuche iiber den Galvanisraus. Scberer, Journ. Chemie, VII., 1801, pp. 617-624. Hellwig, , uud Weimann. Ueber die chcniische Zusammensetzuug der bei Griinberg geforderteu Braunkohle. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht. 1841, pp. 75-80. Hellwig, C. Einfacbe Bereehnung der Zahl ir. Gruuert, Arcbiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 234-238. 2. Beitrage zur Kenutniss des gerad- linigcn Dreiecks. Grunert, Archiv, XIX., 1852, pp. 14-51. 3. Betrachtung derjenigen Reihen, welche (lurch Ueberspringung einer Anzahl von Glied- ern aus den bekanuten Reihen fiir log(l+a:), (! + #)/< und e ^'gebildet werden konnen. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 43-77. • 4. Beitrage zur Theorie derjenigen Func- tionen, welche die Verallgerueinerung der hyper- bolischen und cyclischen Cosinus und .Sinus darstellen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 186-200. Hellwig, J. C. L. Ueber Byssus septica, Lin. Acad. COBS. Leop. Nova Acta, XI., 1823, pp. 558-568. Helm, Erwin. Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte des Biiren (Ursus arctos, L.). Presburg, Verhandl. II. (Bd. 2), 1857, pp. 21-26. 2. Die periodische Quelle von Kapsdorf im Zipser Comitate. Presburg, Verhandl. V., 1860-61, pp. 96-103. Helm, Fred. Gust. Plants? uovre Sibiria?. Mos- cou, Soc. Nat. Mem. II., 1809, pp. 106-108. 2. Reise von Bargusin zur Mineralquelle am Kargat. Crichton, Russ. Sammlung, L, 1816. pp. 406-418. 3. Beschreibung des Ekaterinburgischen Bergwerksbezirks in okonomischer und physi- kalischer Hinsicht. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. IV., 1832, pp. 347-391. 4. Die metallurgischen Arbeiten in den Ekaterinburgischen Huttenwerken. Moscou, Soc. Nat, Bull. VI., 1833, pp. 73-125. Helmersen, Gregor von. Notice historique sur les travaux des mines dans 1'Oural. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1835, pp. 279-298. Helmersen, Gregor von. 2. Description oro- graphique et geognostique d'une partie de la Steppe Kirghise, situee entre le fleuve Oural, le Oui, et les ruisseaux affluents de gauche du Tobol. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1836, pp. 83- 111 ; Beitr. Russ. Reich. VI., 1843, pp. 217- 243. 3. Ueber den Ural und Altai. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 97-112 ; Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1838, pp. 3-24. 4. Mdmoire sur le schiste argileux-bitu- mineux d'Esthonie, et sur une nouvelle roche combustible, decouverte dans cette province. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1838, pp. 97-128. 5. Description de la montagne magnetique de Blagodat dans 1'Oural septentrional. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1838, pp. 239-260 ; St.Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1838, col. 113-126. 6. Resume des compte-rendus des expedi- tions de mineurs, faites dans 1'Oural septentri- onal. Russie, Aun. des Mines, 1838, pp. 307- 326. 7. Observations faites sur un puits creuse a Jakoutsk (Siberie orientale). Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1838, pp. 343-350. 8. Notiz iiber einen in der Stadt Jakut.sk angelegten Brunnen. [1837.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1838, col. 193-198. 9. Ueber den bituminosen Thonschiefer und ein neuentdecktes, brennbares Gestein der Uebergangsfbrmation Ehstlands, mit Bemerk- ungen iiber einige geologische Erscheinungen neuerer Zeit. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839. col. 56-73 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVI., 1839, pp. 484-485. 1O. Sur la formation des montagnes du Valdai. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. 1840, pp. 102-109. 11. Le lac Teletz et les Teleoutes de I' Al- tai oriental. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1840, pp. 3-87. — 12. Coup d'ocil geognostique sur le plateau du Valdai et sur son versant septentrional. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1840, pp. 105-119. 13. Notiz iiber die Entdeckung des Wasch- goldes am Ural. [1839.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1840, col. 217-220 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 253-256. 14. Auffindung Devonischer Schichten bei Orel, und Vergleichung der Mittel-Russ- ischen mit der Waldaischen Kohlenformation. Ermann, Archiv Russ. L, 1841, pp. 398-401. 15. Notice geologique sur la partie de la Russie Europeenne comprise entre les lacs Ilmen, Seliguer, et Tchoudsk. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1841, pp. 19-32; Leouhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1841, p. 595. HEL] 209 [HEL Helmersen, Gregor von. 16. Excursion geolo- gique dans les gouvernements de Moscou, de Toula, d'Orel, ct de Kalouga. Eussie, Ann. des Mines, 1841, pp. 60-73. 17. Compte-rendu de la reconnaissance du gisement de iniuerais de cuivre, decouvert en 1842 sur la rive droite du Volkhov, entre le debarcadere de Gostinopolsk et le village Dou- bovick. Eussie, Ann. des Mines, 1842, pp. 142- 152. 18. Determination barometrique de quel- ques hauteurs dans 1'Oural, la steppe Kirghise et le bassin Caspien. Eussie, Ann. des Mines, 1842, pp. 392-396. 19. Gcognostische Beobachtungen am Ural. Beitr. Euss. Eeich. VI, 1843, pp. 127- 216. 20. Ueber ein Vorkomnien von Kupfer- erzen mid Knochenbreccie in den Silurischen Schichten des Gouvernements St. Petersburg. [1842.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 161-167 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, pp. 224-225. • 21. Ueber die geognostische Beschaffenheit des Ustiirt und insbesondere dessen b'stlichen Abfalles zum Aral- See. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 1-18. 22. Anmerkungen und Zusatze zu den geognostischen Bemerkungen iiber die Steppen- gegend zwischen den Fliissen Samara, Wolga, Ural und Manytsch, auf einer Eeise im Jahre 1843, von A. NOESCHEL gesammelt. [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1847, col. 273- 294. • 23. Eeise nach dem Altai im Jahre 1834 ausgefuhrt. Beitr. Euss. Eeicb. XIV., 1848, pp. 1-286; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1848, col. 99-104. 24. Aulosteges variabilis, ein neuer Bra- chiopode mit artikulirtem Schlosse, aus dem Zeichstein Eusslands. [1847.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1848, col. 135-144. 25. Herrn von MIDDENDORFF'S geognos- tische Beobachtungen auf seiner Eeise durch Sibirien. [1847.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1848, col. 193-195. 26. Nachrichten iiber die, im Jahre 1847 von der Eussischen geographischen Gesellschaft, ausgesandte Expedition zur Erforschung des nordlichen Ural. Erman, Archiv Euss. VII., 1849, pp. 258-274. 27. Geognostische Bemerkungen iiber die Halbinsel Maugyschlak, am ostlichen Ufer des Kaspischen Meeres. [1848.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 155-160. 28. Observations geologiques aux deux Helmersen, Grcgor ran. 29. Ueber dcu Artes- ischen Brunnen in der Westbatterie bei Eeval. [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 59-64. 3O. Versuche die relative Wiirmeleitungs- fahigkeit einiger Felsarten zu ermittchi. [1 851.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1852, col. 117- 120; Aniial. de Chimie, XLVL, 1856, pp. 126- 127 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIII., 1853, pp. 461-464. 31. Notiz iiber die Brachiopoden-Genera Aulosteges uud Strophalosia. [1852.] St. Pe- tersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XI., 1853, col. 140-142. 32. Ueber ein in der Niihe von Moskau angelegtes Bohrloch zur Aumnduug vou Stein- kohlenlagern. [1852.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1853, col. 170-172. 33. Ueber das langsame Emporsteigen der Ufer des Baltischen Meeres uud die Wirkung derWellenund des Eises auf dieselben. [1855.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1856, col. 193-217. 34. [Geognostisches von Olonez.] Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IX., 1857, pp. 565-568. 35. Ueber die Bohrarbeiten auf Steinkohle bei Moskau und Sserpuchow. [1856.] St. Pe- tersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1858, col. 46-48. 36. Geoguostische Bemerkungen auf einer Eeise in Schweden und Norwegen. St. Pe- tersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IX., 1859, pp. 296- 335. 37. Ueber Diluvial-Erscheinungen in Euss- land. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1860, pp. 36-47. 38. Beschreibung einiger Massen gediege- nen Kupfers, die aus Eussischen Bergwerkon. herstammen, und in dem Museum des Berg- Instituts zu St. Petersburg aufbewahrt werden. [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1860, col. 321-324. 39. Die geologische Beschaffenheit des untern Narovathals und die Versandung der Narovamiindurig. [I860.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1861, col. 12-49. 4O. Das Olonezer Bergrevier geologisch untersucht in den Jahren 1856, 1857, 1858 und 1859. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1861. extremites de FOural. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 80-82. 41. Die in Angriff genommenen Stein- kohlenlager des Gouvernements Tula. [I860.] St. Peterb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1861. — 42. Nocb ein Wort iiber die Tulaer Stein- kohle. [1861.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1862, col. 449-453. 43. Die Alexandersaule zu St. Petersburg. [1862.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1863, col. 273-289. HEL] 270 [HEL Helmersen, Gregor von, und Johann Friedrich Brandt. Reise uach Buchara und Samarkand in den Jahren 1841 und 1842: — Nebst einem zoo- logischen Anhange von J. F. B. Beitr. Euss. Reich.. XVII., 1852, pp. 1-342. 2. Vorschlag zur Anstellung paliion- tologischer Nachgrabungen im siidlichen Russ- laud. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1860, col. 553-557. Helmersen, Gregor von, und 7i'. Pacht. Geo- gnostische Untersucliungen in den mittlereu Gouvernemeuts Russlands, zwischen der Diiua und Wolga, in den Jahreii 1850-53. Beitr. Russ. Reich. XXI., 1858, pp. 1-187. Helmert, J. A. Versuch einer Beantwortung der Frage : ob es vortheilbafter ist, trocknes oder nasses Holz zu verkolilen ? Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. IV., 1829, pp. 230-239. Helmes, J. Eine einfachere auf einer neuen Analyse beruhende Auflosung der Sectio aurea, nebst einer kritischen Beleuchtung der geivohn- lichen Auflosung dieses Problems und der Betrachtung ihres piidagogischen Werthes. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 15-22. 2. Bedeutung und Giiltigkeit der allge- meinen Formeln fiir t und * der arithmetisclien und den geometrischen Progression fiir den Fall, dass das n dieser Formeln eine gebrochene Zahl ist. Grunert, Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 136-157. Helmhacker, R. W. Ueber den Apatit von Przibram. Lotos, XIII., 1863, pp. 40-41. Helmholtz, H. Ueber das Wesen der Faulniss und Gahrung. Miiller, Archiv, 1843, pp. 453- 462 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 429-437. 2. Ueber den Stoffverbrauch bei der Muskelactiou. Miiller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 72- 77-83. 3. Ueber die Warme-Entwickelung bei der Muskelaction. Miiller, Archiv, 1848, pp. 144- 164. 4. Ueber die Fortpflauzungsgeschwindig- keit der Nervenreizung. Berlin, Bericht, 1850, pp. 14-15 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1855, pp. 367-379 ; Miiller, Archiv, 1850, pp. 71-73 ; 1852, pp. 199-216; Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 329-330. 5. Messungen iiber den zeitlichen Verlauf der Zuckung animalischer Muskeln und die Fortpflauzungsgeschwindigkeit der Reizuna; in den Nerven. Miiller, Archiv, 1850, pp 276- 364. 6. Notes sur la vitesse de propagation de 1'agent nerveux dans IPS nerfs rachidiens. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 204- 206 ; XXXIII., 1851, pp. 262-265; 285. Helmholtz, H. 7. Ueber die Dauer und den Verlauf der durch Stromesschwaukungen in- ducirten elektrischen Strome. Poggend. Aunal. LXXXIII., 1851, pp. 505-540. 8. Ueber Herrn D. BREWSTEK'S neue Analyse des Sonnenlichts. HaUe, Jahresber. Nat. Wis. Ver. V., 1852, pp. 158-161 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 69-74 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXII., 1853, pp. 123-128 ; Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, pp. 401-416 ; Poggend. Aunal. LXXXVL, 1852, pp. 501-523. 9. Messungen iiber Fortpflanzungsge- schwindigkeit der Reizung in den Nerven. Miiller, Archiv, 1852, pp. 199-216. • 1O. Ueber die Theorie der zusammenge- setzten Farben. Miiller, Archiv, 1852, pp. 461-482 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVI., 1852, pp. 500-508 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. I., 1853, pp. 32-34 ; Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, p. 519; Poggend. Aunal. LXXXVIL, 1852, pp. 45- 66. 11. Ueber eine neue einfachste Form des Augenspiegels. Roser u. Wunclerlich, Archiv, XI., 1852, pp. 827-843; Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1852, pp. 125-126. • 12. Ueber eine bisher unbekannte Veriin- derung am meuschlichen Auge bei veninderter Accommodation. Berlin, Bericht, 1853, pp. 137-139. 13. On the mixture of homogeneous colours. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1853 (pt. 2), p. 5. 14. Ueber die aus der Zusammensetzung eiufacher Farbeu hervorgehenden Mischfarben. Fechner, Centralblatt, I., 1853, col. 3-9. 15. On the methods of measuring very small portions of time, and their application to physiological purposes. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 313-325. 16. Ueber einige Gesetze der Vertheilung elektrischer Strome in kb'rperlichen Leitern, rnit Anwendung auf die thierischen elektrischen Versuche. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 211-233, 353-377. 17. On the Conservation of Force ; a physical memoir. ( Transl.) Taylor, Scientif. Mem. (Nat. Phil.), 1853, pp. 114-162. 18. Ueber die Accommodation dus Auges. Archiv Ophthalm. I., 1854 (Abt/t. 2). pp. 1-74. 19. Geschwindigkeit einiger Vorgiinge in Muskeln und Nerven. Berlin, Bericht, 1854, pp. 328-332. 2O. Rechtfertigung seiner Schrift " iiber die Erhaltung der Kraft " gegen CLAUSIUS. Pog- gend. Annal. XCI., 1854, pp. 241-260. 21. Ueber die Zusammensetzung von Spec- tralfarben. Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 1-28 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 70- 74. HEL] 271 [HEM Helmholtz, //. 22. Ueber die Euipfindlichkeit der menschlichen Netzhaut fiir die brechbarsten Strahlen des Sonnenlichts. Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 205-211 ; Annal. de Chimic, XL1V., 1855, pp. 74-75. 23. Ueber die Combinations-Tone. Berlin, Bericbt, 1856, pp. 279-285 ; Poggend. Aunal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 497-540. 24. On the interaction of natural forces. (Transl.) Phil. Mag. XL, 1856, pp. 489- 518; Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1857, pp. 189- 216. 25. Ueber die Erklarung der stereoskop- ischen Erscheinung des Glanzes. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XIII., 1856, pp. xxxviii- xl. . 26. Ueber die Combinations-Tone oder Tartiniscben Tone. Ebeinl. u. Westphal. Sitz- ungsber. Xni., 1856, pp. Ixxv-lxxvii. 27. Das Telestereoskop. Poggeud. Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 494-496; CII., 1857, pp. 167- 175; Annal. de Chimie, LII., 1858, pp. 118- 124; Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, pp. 19-24. 28. Ueber die Luftscbwingungen in Rohren mit offenen Enden. Heidelberg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 202-205 ; Crelle, Journ. LVII., 1860, pp. 1-72. 29. Ueber Integrals der hydrodyuamischen Gleichungen welche den Wirbelbewegungen ent- sprechen. Crelle, Jourii. LV., 1858, pp. 25-55. 3O. Ueber die Vocale. Donders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 354-355. 31. Ueber die subjectiven Nachbilder im Auge. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XV, 1858, pp. xcviii-c. 32. On the application of the law of the Conservation of Force to organic nature. Roy. Inst. Proc. III., 1858-62, pp. 347-357. 33. Die Klangfarbe der Vocale. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLVTII., 1859, col. 537-556 ; Aunal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1860, pp. 249-253 ; Heidelberg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 229-231 ; Phil. Mag. XIX., 1860, pp. 81- 88 ; Poggend. Annal. CVIII., 1859, pp. 280- 290. 34. Ueber die Contrasterscheinungen im Auge. Heidelberg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 32-33. 35. Vortrag " Ueber Klangfarben." Heid- elberg, Verhaudl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 57-58. 36. Ueber musikalische Temperatur. Heid- elberg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 73-78 ; Poggend. Annal. CXIH., 1861, pp. 87- 90. 37. On the motion of the strings of a Helmholtz, //. 38. Zur Theorie der Zungen- pfeifen. Poggend. Annal. CXIV., 1861, pp. 321-327. 39. Ueber die normalen Bewegungen des menschlichen Auges. Archiv f. Ophthalm. IX., 1863 (Hft. 2), pp. 153-188. 4O. Untersuchungen iiber die Warmeent- wickelung bei der Muskelactiou. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1863, pp. 18-21. Helmholtz, //., und G. von. Piotrowski. Ueber Reibuug tropfbarer Fliissigkeiten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL., 1860, pp. 607-658. Helmreichen, Virgil von. Ueber das Vorkomm- en der Diamanten uud ihre Gewinnungsniethode auf der Serra do Grao-Mogor in Brasilien. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1846, pp. 18-21. 2. Reise in Brasilien. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 137-151. 3. Resultate der geognostisch-montanist- ischen Bereisung des ostlichen Pusterthales. Innsbruck, Bericht Geogn. Mont. Verein. I., 1859, pp. 16-29. Helot, . On the manufacture of the Chinese green dye, called Lo-kao. Pharmaceut. Journ. XVI., 1857, pp. 517-520, 553-556. Helpman, - — . Report on an expedition to examine Coal discovered on the Irwin River. Geogr. Soc. Proc. XVIII., 1848, pp. 38-44. Helwig, Carl Gottfried von. Einige Gedanken iiber das Leuchten des Meerwassers. Gilbert, Annal. L., 1815, pp. 126-128. 2. Einige Versuche mit gliisernen soge- nannten Kuallbornben. Gilbert, Annal. LI., 1815, pp. 112-115. 3. Bemerkungen iiber Blitz und Donner, violin. [I860.] Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. V., 1860-64, pp. 17-21; Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 393-396. nebst Vermuthungen iiber das Entstehen der Luft-Erscheinungen. Gilbert, Annal. LI., 1815, pp. 117-148. Hement, F. Theoreme de M. STEINER, sur les axes rectangulaires, dans les surfaces du second degre. Nouv. Ann. Math. X., 1851, pp. 119- 122. Hemert, W. J. Junius van, en J. C. Schroder. Verhandeling over den regel van NEPEK. Mengelw. Wisk. Verhand. II., 1816, pp. 105- 118. Hemery, E. Notice of the cyclone at Guddapah, on 2nd Nov. 1857. Madras Journ. nE^lSoS, pp. 65—71. Heming, G. C. On the muscles which move the tail and tail-coverts of the Peacock. [1844.] Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, pp. 212-214; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIL, 1844, col. 245-246. Hemmer, J. J. Observations on Animal Elec- tricity, aud particularly that called spontaneous. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. V., 1799, pp. 1-7, 140-145. 2. On the influence which the Sun has on the state of the Barometer. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL, 1801, pp. 151-157. HEM] 272 [HEN Hemming, Edward T. Tabulated results of analyses in Agricultural Chemistry. Agric. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1852, pp. 449-563. Hemming, John. Brief account of some of the Survey operations undertaken at the Cape of Good Hope for the verification of the labours of LACAILLE, and some notice of the country. Eoy. Engineers Papers, I., 1851, pp. 27-45. Hemmings, J. New Safety Tube adapted to the Oxyhydrogen Blowpipe. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1831-32, pp. 572-573. Hempel, C. W. Ueber die Products der Oxy- dation des iitherischen Fenchelols durch Chrorn- saure. Liebig, Annal. LIX., 1846, pp. 104- 107 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, p. 377. 2. Ueber die Producte, welche bei der trocknen Destination des zimmtsauren Kupfer- oxyds gebildet werden. Liebig, Anual. LIX., 1846, pp. 316-321. 3. Nachweisung sehr geringer Quantitaten loslicher Jodmetalle. Liebig, Anual. CV., 1858, pp. 260-262. 4. Eisenoxydulsalz mit caustischem Alkali als Reductionsmittel. Liebig, Anual. CVII., 1858, pp. 97-98, 5. Neue volumetrische Methode der Be- sthnmung des Quecksilbers. Liebig, Annal. CVII., 1858, pp. 98-100. 6. Verhalten von Jod- und Brom- Kalium gegen die hoheren Oxydc des Mangans. Liebig, Annal. CVII., 1858, pp. 100-102. 7. Zur Nachweisung des Jods. Liebig, Annal. CVII., 1858, pp. 102-110. 8. Allgemein anwendbare volumetrische Bestimmungsmethode des Quecksilbers. Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 176-181. Hemp rich, F. G. Amphisbrenarurn generis novai species dua3 (A.scutigera, A.rufa). [1820.] Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verhand. I., 1829, pp. 129-130. 2. Ccecilia, Ophidioruin genus. [1824.] Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verhand. I., 1829, pp. 284-296. 3. Ueber die Heilquellen von Cudowa in der Grafschaft Glatz. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXXIIL, 1831 (Hft. 3), pp. 101-116. Hemprich, F. G., und Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg. Vorliiufige Uebersicht der in Nord-Africa und West-Asien einheimischen Scorpione und deren geographische Verbreit- ung. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verhand. I., 1829, pp. 348-362; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat XVIII., 1829, pp. 278-279. 2. Bcobachtungcn iiber die Afien- Arten in Sennaar, Cordofan, und Arabien. Ber- lin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verhand. I., 1829 pp 406-408. Hempthv.ie, Auyuste Donat de. Memoire sur la question : " Quelles sont les applications que Ton peut faire dans nos fabriques et dans 1'eco- nomie domestique de la vapeur d'eau, employee comme moycn d'echauffemeut." Bruxelles, Me- moires Couronn. I., 1818. 2. Recherches sur les nouveaux systemes de distillation. Ann. Gen, Sci. Phys. IV., 1820, pp. 244-262. 3. Des substances, qui ont la propriete de rendre la matiere vegetale incombustible, et de leur emploi dans les incendies. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. VI., 1820, pp. 168-186. 4. Description d'une pompe inventee par 1'auteur. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 221-223. 5. Sur les manometres a air libre. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci Bull. XII., 1845, pp. 541-543. Hemptinne, Auyuste Donat de, et Stas. Rap- port sur un memoire presente par M. MELSENS, relatif a Faction cle 1'acide sulfurique sur 1'acide acetique. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 130-134. Henck, J. B. Ovals and Three-centre arches. Canib. (Mass.) Math. Monthly, I., 1859, pp. 25- 27, 41-45. 2. On a simplification in computing earth- work. Camb. (Mass.) Math. Monthly, I., 1859, pp. 127-129. 3. The theorem of PAPPUS. Camb. (Mass.) Math. Monthly, I., 1859, pp. 200-208. Hencke, Karl Ludwig. Discovery of a new planet (Astraa) ; with observations, elements, &c. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 27-33. 2. Beobachtungen der Astriea. Astr. Nachr. XXIII., 1846, col. 385-388. 3. [Entdeckung der Hebe Juli 1, 1847.] Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 77-78. 4. Berechnung der Bahn des Brorsen'schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 155- 158. 5. List of Star-magnitudes which remain for insertion in BAJLT'S Edition of LALANDE'S " Histoire Celeste." Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIX., 1859, pp. 340-346. 6. Ueber einen neuen veriinderlichen Stern. Astr. Nachr. LIV., 1860, col. 131-132 ; 253-256. Henckel von Donnersmark. See Sonners- mark. Henckel von Donnersmarck, Leo Felix Victor {Graf.). Sur 1'Ornithogalum luteum, L. Paris, Journ. Botan. IV., 1814, pp. 225-228. 2. Reise-Bemerkungen botanischen In- halts. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 33-48, 49-58. 3. Ueber Waldwolle (Piuus sylvestris, L.). Botan. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 184. 4. Zur numismatischen Botauik. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 73-84. HEN] 273 [HEN Henderson, A. Experiments and observations on the change which the air of the atmosphere undergoes by respiration, particularly with re- gard to the absorption of Nitrogen. Nicholson, Journal, VIII., 1804, pp. 40-45 ; Gilbert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 417-427. Henderson, Andrew. Report on the statistics of Life-boats and Fishing-boats on the coasts of the United Kingdom. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857, pp. 308-329. 2. Report of a Committee appointed to inquire into the defects of the present methods of measuring and registering the Tonnage of Shipping, as also of marine Engine-Power, and to frame more perfect rules in order that a cor- rect and uniform principle may be adopted to estimate the actual carrying capabilities and working power of Steam Ships. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857, pp. 62-96. 3. On River Steamers, their form, con- struction and fittings, with reference to the necessity for improving the present means of shallow water navigation on the rivers of Bri- tish India. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858, pp. 268- 281. Henderson, George. Notice of the effect of the root of Monk's-hood (Aconituin napellus) on the horse. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. I., 1834, p. 157. 2. Note on the Glow-worm. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 98-99. Henderson, H. B. Results of an inquiry re- specting the law of mortality for British India. Asiatick Researches, XX., 1836, pp. 190-244. Henderson, J. On Rheumic acid. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1816, pp. 247-254; Annal. de Chimie, III., 1816, pp. 406-407 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXIV., 1818, pp. 318-319. 2. On a luminous appearance of the ocean. Calcutta, Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. I., 1825, pp. 107-110. Henderson, James. On a species of Pitoya Bark. Gill, Techn. Rep. XL, 1827, pp. 226-227. Henderson, John. Observations on the salt of Bitumen, the Bit-Noben of the Hindoos. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 206-209. 2. An account of the coal measures or strata lately explored on the Water of Brora, in the valley S. of Clyne, near the south-east coast of Sutherland in Scotland. Tilloeh, Phil. Mag. XXXIX., 1812, pp. 337-338. 3. Essay on the Smut in wheat. Highland Soc. Trans. IV., 1816, pp. 205-220. Henderson, Joseph. Observations on the ger- mination of Ferns. Jardine, Mag. Zool. Bot. I., 1837, pp. 333-341. • 2. On the reproductive organs of Equise- tum. [1840.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIIL, 1841, pp. 517-574. VOL. III. Henderson, Joseph. 3. On the structure of the stigma in Mimulus and Diplacus. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 51-52. Henderson, P. On naturally-coloured photo- graphs. [1855.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1856, pp. 122-123. Henderson, T. On coal formations in the Straits of Magellan. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XX., 1851, pp. 151-153. Henderson, Thomas. Improvement of Dr. YOUNG'S rules for computing an observed Oc- cultation. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, pp. 343-347 ; Naut. Aim. 1827. 2. Remarks on the determination of the Longitude, from observations of the Moon's right ascension. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 109-115. 3. Tables of third and fourth differences, for interpolating the Moon's place. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 287-292. 4. Corrections of the catalogue of Zodiacal Stars inserted in the third number of the Astro- nomical Collections. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, p. 293. 5. A method of computing the Sun's hori- zontal parallax from observations of the transits of Venus. Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 94-96. 6. Remarks on the discordances observed between the Lunar Observations at Greenwich and Paris. Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 96-98. 7. Observations on Mr. MENDOZA T Rios's method of computing the true from the apparent Lunar distances. Quart. Jourii. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 315-321. 8. Some remarks on Capt. SABINE'S Pen- dulum observations. Phil. Mag. II., 1827, pp. 124-126. 9. On the difference of meridians of the Royal Observatories of Greenwich and Paris. Phil. Trans. 1827, pp. 286-296. 10. A corrected method of computing an observed Occultation. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1827, pp. 434-437. 11. Calculations of lunar phenomena. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1827, pp. 450-452. • 12. Answer to remarks by T. B. on Mr. HENDERSON'S Improvement on Dr. YOUNG'S method of computing the Longitude from the observed occultation of a fixed Star by the Moon. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 407- 415. 13. Astronomical observations made at the Observatory, Edinburgh. Astr. Nadir. VHL, 1831, col. 149-154; IX., 1831, col. 75- 80. St M HEN] 274 [HEN Henderson, Thomas. 14. Observations made at the Observatory, Calton Hill, Edinburgh, on Moon-culminating Stars. Astron. Soc. Mem. IV., 1831, pp. 189-192. 15. Practical rules for the approximate prediction of occultations. [1830.] Astron. Soc. Mem. IV., 1831, pp. 587-598. 16. On the latitude and longitude of the Cape Observatory. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. II., 1831-33, pp. 183-185; Astron. Soc. Mem. VI., 1833, pp. 125-132; VIII., 1835, pp. 137- 140. 17. Positions of Stars near the South Pole, from observations made at the Cape of Good Hope. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. II., 1831-33, pp. 185-186 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. VI., 1833, pp. 133-136. • 18. Observations of the periodic Comet of 67 years, made at the Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, between 18 November 1832 and 3 January 1833. Astron. Soc. Mem. VI., 1833, pp. 159-168. 19. Observations of the Moon and Stars, made with the Mural Circle at the Cape of Good Hope, for the determination of the Moon's parallax. Astron. Soc. Mem. VI., 1833, pp. 205-206 ; VIIL, 1835, p. 232. 2O. Observations of Mars and Stars, made with the Mural Circle at the Cape of Good Hope, for the determination of the parallax of Mars. Astron. Soc. Mem. VL, 1833, pp. 207- 215. 21. Observations on the Comet of ENCKE, made in June 1832. Phil. Trans. 1833, pp. 549-558. 22. On the mural circle of the Observa- tory at the Cape of Good Hope. [1834.] As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, pp. 57- 59 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. VIH., 1835, pp. 141- 168. 23. Eesults of the Lunar observations made at Edinburgh Observatory, from Oct. 1834 to May 1835, compared with the Tables of BDEKHARDT and DAMOISEAU. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, p. 124. 24. Various observations, made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, p. 129. 25. Oppositions of Jupiter in January 1836, of Juno in January 1836, and of Vesta in March 1836, observed at Edinburgh. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, pp. 200-204. — — 26. [Astronomical observations made at Edinburgh in 1831.] Astr. Nachr. XI., 1834, col. 25-30, 27. [Observations made at the Cape.] Astr. Nachr. XI., 1834, col. 293-298. , 28. [Observations of two telescopic comets.] Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 117-120. Henderson, Thomas. 29. Letter to Professor AIRY, on the Sun's parallax, as deduced from various observations made at Greenwich, Cam- bridge, and the Cape of Good Hope. [1834.] Astron. Soc. Mem. VIIL, 1835, pp. 95-104. 3O. Observations of Vesta, at the oppo- sition in 1834, made at Edinburgh. Astron. Soc. Mem. VIIL, 1835, pp. 232, 233. 31. Observations of Jupiter at the oppo- sition in 1834, made at Edinburgh. Astron. Soc. Mem. VIIL, 1835, pp. 234, 235. 32. Observations of Venus, at the inferior conjunction, in December 1834, made at Edin- burgh. Astron. Soc. Mem. VLTL, 1835, pp. 236, 237. 33. Observations of Mars, at the oppo- sition in January 1835, made at Edinburgh. Astron. Soc. Mem. VIIL, 1835, p. 239. — 34. Places of the Comet of BIELA, de- duced from observations at Slough and the Cape of Good Hope. Astron. Soc. Mem. VIII., 1835, pp. 240-242. 35. Places of ENCKE'S Comet from obser- vations made at the Cape of Good Hope, and at Buenos Ayres. Astron. Soc. Mem. VIIL, 1835, p. 243. 36. Notes to M. MOSOTTI'S observations of the Comet of ENCKE. Astron. Soc. Mem. VIIL, 1835, pp. 244-250. 37. On the declinations of the principal fixed Stars, deduced from observations made at the Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1832 and 1833. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IV., 1836-39, pp. 71-73 -, Astron. Soc. Mem. X., 1838, pp. 49-90. 38. The constant quantity of the Moon's equatorial horizontal parallax, deduced from observations made at Greenwich, Cambridge, and the Cape of Good Hope in 1832 and 1833. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IV., 1836-39, pp. 92- 94 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. X., 1838, pp. 283- 294. 39. Letter relative to the late annual [annular] Eclipse of the Sun on 15 May 1836. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IV., 1836-39, pp. 165- 166. 4O. On the parallax of « Centauri. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. LV., 1836-39, pp. 168-170; Astron. Soc. Mem. XL, 1840, pp. 61-68; Bibl. Univ. XXL, 1839, pp. 391-393. 41. [Observations at the Cape.] Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 81-96, 103-106. 42. Refraction of Stars near the Horizon, observed at the Cape of Good Hope. [1837.] Astron. Soc. Mem. X., 1838, pp. 271-282. 43. On the parallax of Sirius. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 5-7 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. XL, 1840, pp. 239-248. HEN] 275 [HEN Henderson, Thomas. 44. On the determination of the parallax of a. Centauri, by recent obser- vations made by Mr. MACLEAR at the Cape of Good Hope in 1839-40. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 171-172; Astron. Soc. Mem. XII., 1842, pp. 329-372. 45. The parallax of « Centauri deduced from Mr. MACLEAK'S observations at the Cape of Good Hope in the years 1839 and 1840. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 182-183. 46. On the parallaxes of certain Southern stars. Astroii. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 223-225. 47. Elements of the great Comet of 1843, with an Ephemeris, from the observations of March 20, 22, and 25, reported in Prof. SCHU- MACHER'S circular. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, p. 266. 48. On the great Comet of 1843. Astron. Soc. Month. Not.V., 1839-43, pp. 266-269. 49. Of the Comet of 1668. Astr. Naclir. XX., 1843, col. 333-336. SO. Elements of the orbit of the Comet recently discovered by M. FATE. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843-45, pp. 15, 18-20, 57- 58 ; Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844, col. 235-236. 51. The right ascensions of the principal fixed Stars, deduced from observations made at the Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1832 and 1833. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843-45, pp. 75-76; Astron. Soc. Mem. XV., 1846, pp. 129-146. — — 52. Original Beobaclitungen des Cometen von 1833 auf der Sternwarte zu Paramatta. Astr. Nachr. XLII., 1856, col. 61-62, 75-80, 93-96, 105-108. Henderson, Thomas, and Maclear. Occulta- tions of Aldebaran by the Moon, in the year 1829, computed for ten different observatories in Europe. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. I., 1827-30, pp. 89-91. 2. A list of the occupations of Aldebaraii by the Moon, in the year 1830, com- puted for ten different observatories in Europe. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. I., 1827-30, pp. 133- 140. Henderson, W. On Sir H. DAVT'S theory of Chlorine and its compounds. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1813, pp. 13-18, 122-133. Henderson, W. Memorandum on the nature and effects of the flooding of the Indus, 10th Aug. 1858, as ascertained at Attok, &c. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXVIH., 1859, pp. 199-228. Henderson, W., and Robertson. Report on experiments made on Flexion and Fracture of Deodar and Fir Woods. Calcutta, Eng. Journ. HI., 1859, pp. 2-6, 15-18, 18-20. Hendricks, Joel E. Review of Mr. BLAKE'S article on the flow of elastic fluids. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1853, pp. 378-380. Hendriks, A, Jets over de Wapeu-fabricatie op Borneo. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XVIII., 1842, pp. 1-30. Hendriksz, Ment. Ant. Commentatio ad qu»s- tionem qua quseritur : " Primo, historia diverti- culi, quod vocant, in intestine tenui brutorum non rare, in homine minus frequenter obvii. Deinde, descriptio formationis tubi intestinalis in embryone, quatenus faciat ad originem fabricre hujus abnormis illustrandam." Gro- ningen, Ann. Acad. 1825-26. Hendry, William. Angle of aperture. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., 1860, pp. 61-62. 2. Amphipleura pellucida. Joui'n. Microsc. Sci. Vin., 1860, pp. 208-209 ; I., 1861, pp. 87-89. 3. The saccharo - polariscope. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., 1860, pp. 248-250. 4. On Hyalodiscus subtilis (Syn. Cras- pedodiscus Franklini). Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1861, pp. 179-183. 5. On Navicula rhoinboides. Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1861, pp. 230-234. 6. On the Hull Pleurosigma fasciola. Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1862, pp. 152-155. 7. On the nerve-cells of the spinal cord in the Ox. Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1863, pp. 41-45. Heneke, . Bemerkungen iiber einige Ver- iinderliche [Sterne]. Peters, Zeitschrift, I., 1860, pp. 131-132. Heneken, T. S. On some tertiary deposits in San Domingo. Geol. Soc. Journ. IX., 1853, pp. 115-134. Henfrey, Arthur. Description of a species and variety of the genus Statice, known to British Botanists as the Limonium Anglicum minus of RAT'S " Synopsis." Phytologist, I., 1844, pp. 561-563. 2. Note on the viviparous grasses. Phy- tologist, I., 1844, pp. 620-621. 3. On the developement of Vegetable Cells. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), pp. 68- 69 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1846, pp. 364- 368. 4. On the anatomy of monocotyledouous stems. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 83. 5. Report on the progress of physiological Botany : No. 1. Recent researches into the origin and developement of the vegetable em- bryo. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1848, pp. 49-62; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1848, col. 193-198. 6. Report on the progress of physiological Botany : No. 2. Anomalous forms of dicotyle- donous stems. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1848, pp. 124-132. M M 2 HEN] 276 [HEN Henfrey, Arthur. 7. Report on the progress of physiological Botany : No. 3. On the growth of leaves. Ann. Nat, Hist. I., 1848, pp. 274-279. 8. Eeport on the progress of physiological Botany : No. 4. On the multiplication of vege- table cells by division. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1848, pp. 436-443. 9. On some points in the structure and growth of monocotyledons. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1848, pp. 180-187; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1848, col. 97-102. 1O. Note on the developement of pollen. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), p. 84. 11. Report on the progress of physiological Botany : No. 5. On the phenomena accompany- ing the germination of the spores of Ferns. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 339-348. 12. On the structure and habits of the Oro- banehacece. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1 849, pp. 29- 32 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1849, col. 230-232. 13. Observations on Viscum album. Hen- frey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 169-172. 14. On Fumaria parviflora, Lam., and Vaillantii, Lois. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, p. 255. 15. Observations on the immediate causes of the ascent of the sap in spring. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, p. 229. 16. On Sagiua apetala, L., and S. ciliata, Fries, with some remarks on the mode of dis- criminating species. Heufrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 182-185. 17. Further remarks on Fumaria Vaillantii, Lois., and F. parviflora. Henfrey, Bot. Ga- zette, II., 1 850, pp. 202-203. 18. On the reproduction and supposed existence of sexual organs in the higher crypto- gamous plants. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851, pp. 102-123; Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1852, pp. 441- 461 ; Phytologist, IV., 1851, pp. 343-344 ; Sil- liman, Journ. XIV., 1852, pp. 378-389 ; XV., pp. 25-41. 19. On the anatomy of the stem of Victoria Regia : Part 1. Phil. Trans. 1852, pp. 289-294 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 398-399. 20. On a peculiarity in the thickening layers of vegetable cells. Journ. Microsc. Sci. L, 1853, pp. 233-234. 21. Remarks on the so-called eye-spot of the Infusoria and Microscopic Alg;e. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 266-267. 22. On the developement of the ovule in Orchis Morio, Linn. [1848.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1855, pp. 7-11 ; Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 26-29. 23. On the developement of the spores and elaters of Marchantia polymorpha. [1849.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1855, pp. 103-111; Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 61-64. Henfrey, Arthur. 24. On the developement of Ferns from their spores. [1852.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1855, pp. 117-140; Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 203-206. 25. Note on the elaters of Trichia. [1854.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1855, pp. 221-224 ; Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 279- 280. 26. Elementary introduction to the subject of vegetable physiology. Agric. Soc. Journ. XVII., 1856, pp. 62-85 ; XVIIL, 1857, pp. 370-414. 27. On cell-developement in plants. Ann. Nat. Hist, XVIL, 1856, p. 417. 28. Recent discoveries in vegetable em- bryogeny. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIIL, 1856, pp. 217-219. 29. On the developement of the embryo of flowering plants. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 85-87. 30. On the developement of the ovule of Santalum album ; with some remarks on the phenomena of impregnation in plants generally. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1856, pp. 69-80. 31. Notes on some fresh-water confervoid Algm new to Britain. Microsc. Soc. Trans. IV., 1856, pp. 49-54. 32. On the transformation of ^Egilops into Wheat, Agric. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1858, pp. 103-121. 33. On the structure of roots. Agric. Soc. Jouru. XIX., 1858, pp. 467-488. 34. On the relation of the Raphe to the coats of the vegetable ovule. Ann. Nat. Hist. L, 1858, pp. 356-357. 35. Note on the cell-contents of Closte- rium. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1858, pp. 419- 423. 36. On the developement of roots, and the exfoliation of the cellular coats of their ex- tremities. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 184- 189. 37. Note on the morphology of the Balsa- rninaceEe. [1858.] Linn. Soc. Journ. III., 1859 (Bot.), pp. 159-163. > 38. On Chlorosphsera, .1 new genus of uni- cellular fresh-water Algos. Microsc. Soc. Trans. VH., 1859, pp. 25-30. 39. On the anatomy of Victoria Regia : Part 2. Phil. Trans. 1859, pp. 479-492. Hengler, F. Einiges iiber Aeronautik. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XL VII., 1833, pp. 321-341. Hengler, Lorenz. Astronornische Pendelwage, nebst einer neuen Nivellirwage. Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. XLIIL, 1832, pp. 81-92. Henke, K. G. Kurzer Bericht iiber eine oologisch6 Excursion bei Archangel. Allg. Deutsch. Nat- Hist. Zeitg. II., 1856, pp. 236-238. HEN] 277 [HEN Henke, A". G., und (Graf) C. Hoffmansegg. Limosa cinerea in ihrem Sommerverhalten. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1856, pp. 238-240. Henke, IV. Die Bewegung des Fusses am Sprungbein. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VII., 1855, pp. 225-234. 2. Die Bewegung des Beines am Sprung- bein. Heule und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VIII., 1857, pp. 149-155. 3. Die Oeffiiung und Schliessung der Augen- lider und des Thranensackes. Archiv Ophthalm. IV., 1858 (Abth. 2), pp. 70-98. 4. Die Bewegung zwischen Atlas und Epi- stropheus. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, II., 1858, pp. 114-159. — 5. Die Controversen iiber die Fussgeleuke. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, II., 1858, pp. 163-172. 6. Einwirkung des Phosphorchlorids auf einige Amide. Liebiir, Annal. CVL, 1858, pp. 272-277. 7. Verbindungeu der Nitrilemit Chloriiren. Liebig, Annal. CVL, 1858, pp. 280-287 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 448-449. — 8. Die Beweguugeu der Handwurzel. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VII., 1859, pp. 27-44. 9. Die Beweguug des Kopfes in den Ge- lenken der HalswirbelsJiule. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VH., 1859, pp. 49-62. 10. Die Aufhiingung des Armes in der Schulter durch den Luftdruck. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VII., 1859, pp. 262-268. — — 11. Der Mechanismus der Accommodation fiir Niihe und Ferae. Archiv Ophthalm. VI., 1860 (Abth. 2), pp. 53-72. 12. Der Mechanismus der Doppelgelenke mit Zwischenknorpeln. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VIII., 1860, pp. 48-55. 13. Antikritik, betreffend Kniegelenk. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, XIV., 1862, pp. 243-256. 14. Hypothese iiber den Schlaf und die wirksamen Stoffe in Nerveu. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, XIV., 1862, pp. 362-366. 15. Contractur des Metatarsus. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, XVII., 1863, pp. 188- 194. 16. Genealogisches iiber Knorpelelemente. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, XVIII, 1863, pp. 61-75. Henle, F. G. J. Ueber die Pupillarmembran. Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1833, col. 327-330. 2. Ueber die Gefasse einiger Theile des Auges. Froriep, Notizen, XXXVI., 1833, col. 52-56. Henle, F. G. J. 3. Ueber das Diplostoraum rhachianim. einen Eingeweidewurm der Wir- belhohle. Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIII., 1833. col. 19-22. • 4. Sur les Narcines, nouveau genre de Raies electriques, suivi d'un synopsis des Raies electriques en general. (Trans/.) Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1834 (Zool.), pp. 311-315. • 5. Einige Worte iiber die Membrana cap- sulo-pupillaris. Ammou, Zeitschrift, IV., 1835, pp. 23-27. 6. Ueber die Gattung Branchiobdella. Miiller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 574-608. 7. Ueber Enchytrceus, eine neue Anneliden- gattung. Miiller, Archiv, 1837, pp. 74-90. 8. Ueber den Musculus spinalis cervicis des Menschen. Miiller, Archiv, 1837, pp. 297- 303. • 9. Beitriige zur Anatomie der Darmzotten. Froriep, Notizen, V., 1838, col. 165-168. 1O. Ueber Schleim- und Eiterbildung und ihr Verhaltniss zur Oberhaut. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXXXVI., 1838 (Hft. 5), pp. 3-62. 11. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der phy- siologischen Pathologie und pathologischen Ana- tomie in den Jahren 1836-37. Miiller, Archiv, 1838, pp. i-xc. 12. Ueber die Ausbreitung des Epithelium im menschlichen Korper. Miiller, Archiv, 1838; pp. 103-128. 13. Ueber die mikroskopischen Bestand- theile der Milch. Froriep, Notizen, XI., 1839, col. 33-38. 14. Die Bedeutung der Ganglion in Be- ziehung auf die Nervenganglien. Froriep, Notizen, XII., 1839, col. 247-248. 15. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der phy- siologisclien Pathologie und pathologischen Ana- tomie in den Jahren 1837-38. Miiller, Archiv, 1839, pp. i-xciv. ; Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. VI., 1846, pp. 221-251 ; VII., 1847, pp. 205- 206. 16. Ueber den Bau der Driisen. Oken, Isis, 1839, col. 867-868. 17. Ueber den Bau der Retina. Oken, Isis, 1839, col. 868. 18. Ueber verschiedene Lebeusperioden der Eingeweidewiirmer. Froriep, Notizen, XIII., 1840, col. 86-87. 19. Ueber die Structur und Bildung der menschlichen Haare. Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1840, col. 113-119. 20. Bericht iiber die Arbeiten im Gebiet der rationellen Pathologie seit Anfang des Jahres 1839 bis Ende 1842. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, II., 1844, pp. 1-409 ; HI., 1845, pp. 1-32. HENj 278 [HEN Henle, F. G. J. 21. Rohrengeschwulst, — Si- pkonoma, eine neue Art pathologischer Ge- schwiilste. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, HI., 1845, pp. 130-136, 318-320. 22. Ueber die Gattung Gregarina. Miiller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 369-374. 23. Ueber Blutanalyseu. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VII., 1849, pp. 404-410. • 24. Ueber HASSALL'S concentrische Kor- perchen des Blutes. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeit- schrift, VII., 1849, pp. 411-412. 25. Ueber Blut, Zellen und Faseru. Vir- chow, Archiv, UL, 1851, pp. 228-248. 26. Versuche und Beobachtungen an einem Enthaupteten. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, II., 1852, pp. 299-312. 27. Ein Fall von Trichina spiralis. Heule und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VI., 1855, pp. 247- 248. 28. Ein Fall von angeborener Spalte der Clitoris. Heule und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VI., 1855, pp. 343-344. 29. Notiz, den Musculus coraco-brachialis des Meuschen betreffend. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VIII., 1857, pp. 223-224. 3O. Zur Anatomie der geschlossenen (len- ticuliiren) Driiseu oder Follikel und der Lymph- driisen. Henle uud Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VIII., 1860, pp. 201-230. 31. Zur Physiologic der Leber. Gott- iugen, Nachrichten, 1861, pp. 338-352. 32. Zur Anatomie der Niere. Gottingen, Abhaudl. X., 1861-62, pp. 223-254; Gottin- gen, Nachrichten, 1862, pp. 4-12, 50-53. 33. Ueber das caveniose Gewebe. Gott- ingen, Nachrichten, 1863, pp. 125-135. 34. Ueber die Cowper'schen Drtisen. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1863, pp. 203-206. 35. Zur Physiologie der Niere. Gottiii- geu, Nachrichten, 1863, pp. 257-261. 36. Ueber den Bau und die Function des menschlichen Oviducts. Gottingen, Nach- richten, 1863, pp. 352-358. 37. Ueber den Mechanismus der Erection. Henle uud Pfeufer. Zeitschr. XVIII., 1863, pp. 1-13. Henle, F. G. J., et Kolliker. Des corpuscules de Pacini. Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. 1850, pp. 7- 56. Henle, F. G. J., und Jolt. Miiller. Ueber die Gattungen der Plagiostomen. Wiegmann, Ar- chiv, III., 1837, pp. 394-401, 434 ; IV., 1838, pp. 83-85. 2. On the generic characters of . Cartilaginous Fishes. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 33-37, 88-91. Henley, T. F. Notes on the Pandanus Vacoa, or Screw Pine. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. II., 1843, pp. 92-98. Henley, T. F. 2. Memorandum on specimens of the Dyeing Lichens of Mauritius and Mada- gascar. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. II., 1843, pp. 208-209. 3. Experiments with Guano at Mauritius. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. II., 1843, p. 370. 4. Observations on the applicability of artificial manures to the cultivation of the Sugar Cane, with some suggestions for the ameliora- tion and extension of the Sugar cultivation in Bengal. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 61-91. Henley, T. F., and A. Campbell. Notes on the Kunchoora fibre of Rungpore. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 30-33. Henn, C. B. Witterungsbeobachtungen, ange- stellt in Okak auf der Kiiste Labrador. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 142- 153. Hennah, (Rev.) Richard. Observations respect- ing the Limestone of Plymouth. Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1817, pp. 410-412 ; V., 1821, pp. 619-624 ; II., 1829, p. 405 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1826-27, p. 1. 2. On the questions as to the existence of metallic veins in the transition limestone of Plymouth. Thomson, Ann. Phil. V., 1823, p. 471. 3. On the animal remains found in the transition limestone of Plymouth. [1830.] Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834, pp. 169-170. Hennah, W. P. Description of specimens col- lected on the island of Ascension. [1835.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, p. 189. Hennau, Viet. Nap. Historia opinionum circa sympathies a celeberrimis medicines auctoribus usque ad nostra tempora eniissarum ; et systema sympathiaruni quale hodie scientia exigit. Liege, Ann. Acad. 1821-22. Henne, //. Probleme sur deux coniques qui se touchent. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 405-406. Henneberg, W. Notiz iiber Zirkon. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX VEIL, 1846, pp. 508- 510. 2. Ueber die unorganischen Bestaudtheile des Hiihnerbluts. Liebig, Anual. LXL, 1847, pp. 255-261 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 50-51. 3. Neue Analyse der Htihnerblutasche. Liebig, Annal. LXVL, 1848, pp. 112-117. 4. Beitrage zur Ernahrungslehre. Liebig, Annal. LXIX., 1849, pp. 336-347. 5. Ueber einige Zersetzungsproducte des Mellonkaliums. Liebig, Annal. LXXIIL, 1850, pp. 228-255. 6. Versuche liber die Vegetation der Gerste in kiinstlicher Ackererde. Liebig, Annal. LXXXI., 1852, pp. 355-365. HEN] 279 [HEN Henneberg, U'., und T/i. Fleitmann. Ueber phosphorsaure Salze. Liebig, Annal. LXV., 1848, pp. 304-334. 2. Notiz iiber einige pyrophosphor- saure Doppelsalze. Liebig, Annal. LXV., 1848, pp. 387-390. 3. Ueber die verschiedenen Mocli- ficationen der Metaphosphorsiiure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIX., 1850, pp. 224-228. Henneberg, W., und Stohmann. Ueber das Verhalten der Ackerkrume gegen Ammoniak und Ammoniaksalze. Liebig, Annal. CVII., 1858, pp. 152-174 ; Journ. de Pharrn. XXXV., 1859, pp. 64-73. Henneberg, W., Bautenberg, F., und F. Stoh- mann. Ueber die Bestimmung von Hippur- siiure, HarnstofF, und Kochsalz im Harn der Pflanzenfresser, und iiber die Zusamniensetzung desselben bei verschiedenem Futter. Liebig, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 181-203. Hennecke (Dr.). Entomologische Aphorismen. Harz, Naturw. Ver. Ber. 1840-46, pp. 61-62. 2. Ueber das Vorkommen und Nisten der Steindrossel (Turdus saxatilis), am nordlichen Harze. Naumannia, 1854, pp. 325-327. 3. Ueber Turdus saxatilis, Steindrossel. Harz, Naturw. Ver. Ber. 1857-58, p. 5. Hennell, Henry. On the production and nature of Oil of Wine (Oleum sethereum of the Lon- don Pharmacopoeia). Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 96-98. 2. On the mutual action of sulphuric acid and alcohol, with observations on the compo- sition and properties of the resulting compound. Phil. Trans. 1826 (pt. 3), pp. 240-249 ; Annal. deChimie, XXXV., 1827, pp. 154-160; Pog- gend. Annal. IX., 1827, pp. 12-22 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXI., 1826, p. 184; Schweigger, Journ. XLIX. (= Jahrb. XIX.), 1827, pp. 58-75. 3. On the mutual action of sulphuric acid and alcohol, and on the nature of the process by which ether is formed. Phil. Trans. 1828, pp. 365-372 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLII., 1829, pp. 77-87 ; Phil. Mag. VI., 1829, pp. 342-348 ; Poggend. Annal. XIV., 1828, pp. 273-282; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharin. XXL, 1830, pp. 224-237; Schweigger, Journ. LVI. (= Jahrb. XXVI.), 1829, pp. 116-122. 4. On Elaterium ; and a new principle ob- tained from it by analysis. Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 532-534. Hennemann, W. Einige Versuche mit dem Strychnin, besonders gegen Ruekenmarkslahm- ung. Beitr. Mecklenb. Aerzte, I., 1830 (Hit. 2), pp. 123-147. 2. Noch eine Absetzung des Beins. Beitr. Mecklenb. Aerzte, I., 1830 (Hft. 2), pp. 156- 159. Hennemann, W. 3. Angeborner Mangel der Vorhaut. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1836, pp. 296- 301. Hennert, J. F. Ueber die geographischen Mess- ungen, insbesondere iiber die Bestimmung der Polhohe. [1798.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1802, pp. 127-144. 2. Ueber die Breite und wahre Zeit aus Hohenmessungen zu finden. [1799.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1803, pp. 117-139. . 3. Aus der grossten Mittelpunctsgleichung die Excentricitiit der Balm eines Planeten zu finden. [1800.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1804, pp. 218-226. Hennert, J. F. Verhandeling over de Ophaal- Bruggen. Amsterdam, Verhaud. I., 1812, pp. 13-30. Hennessy, Henry. On the application of Photo- graphy to registering the Thermometer and Barometer. Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1845, pp. 273-276. 2. On the connexion between the rotation of the Earth and the geological changes of its surface. Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1845, pp. 376- 384 ; XXVIIL, 1846, p. 106. 3. Researches on physical Geology. Roy. Soc. Proc. 1846-50, pp. 659, 807. 4. On the attraction of spheroids. Phil. Mag. XXXIIL, 1848, pp. 24-28. 5. On the changes of the Earth's figure and climate resulting from forces acting at its surface. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1848- 50, pp. 139-141. 6. On the variation of gravity at the Earth's surface, on the hypothesis of its primitive so- lidity. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1848-50, pp. 147-149. 7. On the distribution of Shooting Stars in the interplanetary spaces. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), p. 24. 8. On the influence of the Earth's figure on the distribution of land and water at its surface. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 333- 339. 9. The figure and primitive formation of the Earth, or Researches in Terrestrial Physics. [Part I., 1846] ; [Part II., 1849]. Phil. Trans. 1851, pp. 495-510, 511-548. 1O. On the stability of the Earth's axis of rotation. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1852, pp. 151- 152 ; Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 386-388. 11. On the causes of certain phenomena observed in Lough Erne. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853-57, pp. 279-281. 12. On Meteorology. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853-57, pp. 299-300. 13. On an optical phenomenon seen at sea. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853-57, p. 301. HEN] 280 [HEN Hennessy, Henry. 14. On the influence of the Earth's internal structure 011 the length of the day. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853-57, pp. 388- 390 ; Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 99-103. 15. On the motion of Water through Pipes. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIX., 1855, pp. 191- 195. 16. On the physical structure of the Earth. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 26- 27 ; Atlantis, I., 1858, pp. 170-184. 17. On the solidification of fluids by pres- sure. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), p. 25. 18. On simultaneous isothermal lines. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 29-30. 19. On the distribution of Heat over islands, and especially over the surface of the British Isles. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), p. 30 ; Atlantis, I., 1858, pp. 396-413 ; Phil. Mag. XVI., 1858, pp. 241-257. 2O. On the vertical currents of the atmo- sphere. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt.2),pp. 30-31. — — 21. On the existence of forces capable of changing the sea-level during different geological epochs. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 69- 70. 22. On the influence of the Gulf-stream on the winters of the British Islands. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 324-328. • 23. On the decrease of temperature over elevated ground. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), p. 36. 24. On the healing of the atmosphere by contact with the Earth's surface. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 36-37. 25. Note on the laws which regulate the distribution of isothermal lines. Atlantis, II., 1859, p. 201 ; Silliman, Journ. XXVIL, 1859, pp. 328-334. 26. Note on the thickness of the Earth's crust. Atlantis, II., 1859, pp. 457-460. - i 27. On terrestrial climate as influenced by the distribution of land and water during differ- ent geological epochs. Atlantis, II., 1859, pp. 208-221 ; Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 181- 194; Silliman, Journ. XXVIL, 1859, pp. 316- 328. 28. On the figure of an imperfectly elastic fluid. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), p. 5. 29. On mild winters in the British Isles. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), p. 50. 3O. On the thickness and structure of the Earth's crust. Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1859, pp. 22-26. 31. On the principles of Meteorology. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), p. 44. 32. On the possibility of studying the Earth's internal structure from phenomena ob- served at its surface. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), p. 35. Hennessy, Henri/, 33. On the vertical currents of the atmosphere. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1860, pp. 421-430. 34. Provisional report on the present state of our knowledge respecting the transmission of sound-signals during fogs at Sea. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861, pp. 173-176. 35. On the connexion between Storms and vertical disturbances of the Atmosphere. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), p. 61. 36. A theorem relating to conical sur- faces. Irish Acad. Proc. VII., 1861, pp. 361- 362. 37. On CLAIRAUT'S theorem. Irish Acad. Proc. VII., 1S61, pp. 401-402; Phil. Mag. XXI., 1861, pp. 396-398. 38. On the probable cause of the diurnal variation of Magnetic Dip and Declination. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), p. 39. 39. On the vertical movements of the At- mosphere considered in connexion with Storms and changes of Weather. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862, pp. 165-170. 4O. On some of the characteristic differ- ences between the configuration of the surfaces of the earth and moon. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), p. 14. 41. On the relative amount of sunshine falling on the torrid zone of the earth. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), p. 31. Hennessy, John Pope. On some demonstrations in geometry. Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, pp. 417- 419. 2. On some facts connected with geomet- rical reasoning. Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 127- 131. 3. On the theory of parallels. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 283-286. 4. On a solution of the theory of parallels. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 371-375. 5. On the importance of an adequate definition in developing the theory of parallel lines. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 452-457. 6. On the origin and elimination of EUCLID'S " Reductio ad absurdum." Brit. As- soc. Rep. 1857 (j>t. 2), p. 3. 7. On Dr. WHEWELL'S views respecting the nature and value of mathematical defini- tions. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 3-4. 8. On some properties of a series of the powers of the same number. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 4-5. 9. On the inclination of the planetary orbits. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), pp. 34-35. Hennezel, E. de. Note sur la preparation mecanique des minerals de fer dans les departe- ments de la Meuse et des Ardennes. Annal. des Mines, XV., 1839, pp. 85-90. HEN] 281 [HEN Hennezcl, E. de. 2. Notice sur le prix_ de 1'abatta^e de la roche. Annal. des Mines, XV., 1839, pp. 497-522. 3. Sur quelques irregulantes des mons metalliques. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XL, 1839- 40, pp. 359-362. 4. Notice sur le gisement, 1'exploitation et le traitement de la galene argentifere a Przibram (Boheme). Anual. des Mines, I., 1842, pp. 27-68. 5. Note sur une nouvelle machine a vapeur Anglaise, dite machine a disque. Annal. des Mines, II., 1842, pp. 325-341. 6. Notice sur la preparation mecanique des minerals de plomb du Hartz. Aunal. des Mines, IV., 1843, pp. 339-376. Hennicke, J. F. Besclireibung von Kaschmir. Zach, Monat, Corresp. IV., 1801, pp. 481-515. 2. Besclireibung von Nepaul. Zach, Monat. Corresp. IV., 1801, pp. 584-607. 3. Besclireibung der Insel Minorca. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVII., 1808, pp. 481-513. Hennig, C. Echinococcus hepatis. Deutsche Klinik, II., 1850, p. 7. 2. Etude chimique et pharmacologique de la Gomme kino. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 76-78. (Translated from Archiv. der Pharm. LXXIIL). , 3. Ueber einen blauen Farbstoif beim Menschen. Virchow, Archiv, VIII., 1855, pp. 350-355. 4. Ueber die bei Kindern am Kopfe uud am obern Theile des Riickgrats vernehmbaren Gerausche. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, XV., 1856, pp. 411-440. 5. Ueber die Nebenbiinder und Schat- hautstriinge in der Eihohle des Menschen. Vir- chow, Archiv, XIX., 1860, pp. 200-214. Hennig, C. F. CEstrus equi, L. ; die Magen- bremse, CEstrus gastricus major, Schwab. ; die grosse Magenbremse, Gastrus equi, Meyer. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. L, 1855, pp. 297—307 Hennig, Fr. Ueber Blutegel. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. L, 1846, pp. 120-127. Henning, . Geschichte eines Pemphigus der am zehnten Tage todlich ward. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. XXXVII., 1813 (Hft. 9), pp. 89-95. 2. Ueber die neuentdeckten salmischen Eisenquellen bey Zerbst. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. XLVI., 1818 (Hft. 4), pp. 48-67. . 3. Pietra ritrovata in una fossa nasale. Brera, Nuovi Comment. III., 1819, pp. 526-527. 4. Geschichte eines monstros an den Geschlechtstheilen geborenen Kindes weiblichen Geschlechts, das fur einen Knaben bestimmt worden war. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. XLIX., 1819 (lift. 2), pp. 98-108. VOL. III. Henning, Jensen. See Jensen, llcnning. Henning, Joannes. Observationes de plantis Tanaiceusibus. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. VI., 1823, pp. 61-93. Henning, T. Meteors and Falling Stars. Canadian Journ. II., 1853-54, pp. 188-192, 209-212. 2. Remarks on the planetoids between Mars and Jupiter. Canadian, Journ. III., 1854-55, pp. 206-210. Hennocque, . Notice sur le gres d'Het- tange. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. VI., 1851, pp. 56-72. Henon, J. L. Oxalide de Dieppe. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. I., 1838, pp. 83-93. 2. Note sur le Cytise Adam. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. II., 1839, pp. 375-377. 3. Note sur la Tulipe, CEil-de-soleil. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. VIII., 1845, pp. 262-264. 4. Note sur une espece inedite du genre Iris. Lyon, Agric. Soc. Annal. VIII., 1845, pp. 462-468. 5. Observation sur la vitalite des bulbes de Narcisses. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IX., 1846, p. 152. 6. Orchis de Hanri (O. Hanrici). Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IX., 1846, pp. 721-726. 7. Note sur une variete de 1'Antholize d'Ethiopie. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IX., 1846, pp. 727-728. 8. Sur le Wei-hwa, plante tinctoriale de la Chine. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. X., 1847, pp. 531-536. 9. Note sur un Pommier produisant des pommes jumelles. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. XL, 1848, pp. 752-754. 1O. Sur une espece de Narcisse peu connue (N. Bernard!, DC. ined.). [1853.] Lyon, Mem. Acad. IV., 1854, pp. 5-17. 11. Histoire et description d'un cham- pignon parasite, le Merule destructeur (M. des- truens, Pers.). Lyon, Mem. Acad. IV., 1854, pp. 140-152. 12. Note sur 1'Occa rouge, Oxalis crassi- caulis, Zucc., var. rubra (impropr. O. crenata, Hort.). Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. VI., 1854, pp. iii-v. 13. Histoire et description do 1'CEillet su- perbe (Dianthus superbus, Linne). [1855.] Lyon, Mem. Acad. VI., 1856, pp. 248-262. 14. Promenade a la recherche du Narcissus reflexus, Loiseleur. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 187-191. Henop, Ch. Ueber das Verhiiltniss der Philo- sophic zu den Naturwissenschaften. Haeser, Archiv Med. VI., 1844, pp. 13-27. N N HEN] 282 [HEN Henot, • . Memoire anatomique sur plusieurs foetus humains monstrueux. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XXIV., 1830, pp. 313-334. 2. Repouse aux reflexions critiques de M. LESAUVAGE, sur 1'Anatomie des organes genito- urinaires de foetus monstrueux heteradelphes. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XXV., 1831, pp. 442-448. 3. Memoire sur le chloroforme, applique, comme agent d'insensibilite, a diverses opera- tions chirurgicales. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXX., 1848-49, pp. 283-312. Henraux, . Note sur les taches rouges des marbres bruts et sculptes. Paris, Comptes Een- dus, III., 1836, pp. 715-716 ; Froriep, Notizen, I., 1837, col. 81-84. Henri, . Formules pour calculer les paral- laxes de longitude et de latitude et le derni- diametre apparent d'une planete quelconque. Connaiss. des Temps, 1809, pp. 441-448. Henri, Maurice. Tableau des signes des lignes trigonometriques dans les quatre quadrants de la circonference. Nouv. Ann. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 285-286. Henrici, Friedrich Christoph'. Notiz liber eine periodische Quelle bei Kissingen. Gottingen, Studien Verein, III., 1833, pp. 321-325. 2. Beobachtuug iiber das Befrieren der Fensterscheiben. Poggend. Annal. XLIII., 1838, pp. 407-410. 3. Ueber die Wirkung elcktrischer Ent- ladung auf die sie vermittelnden Metalle und Fliissigkeiten. Poggend. Aunal. XLVI., 1839, pp. 585-594. — — 4. Ueber das Gefrieren des Wassers auf Thermometern. Poggend. Annal. XLVII., 1839, pp. 214-217. 5. Ueber die elektriscbe Polarisirung der Metalle. Poggend. Annal. XLVH., 1839, pp. 431-443. 6. Ueber die sogenannte Becquerel'sche Kette. Poggeud. Annal. XLVIII., 1839, pp. 372-374. . 7. Eiuige Bemerkungen iiber das Queck- silber-Thermometer. Poggeud. Annal. L., 1840, pp. 251-255. 8. Erwiderung auf eiue Bemerkung des Hm. Etatsraths PFAFF. Poggend. Annal. LI., 1840, pp. 447-449. — — 9. Ueber die elektrische Zersetzung des Wassers vermittelst einfacher Zinkkupferketten. Poggend. Aniial. LII., 1841, pp. 387-405. . 10. Zur Galvanometrie. Poggend. Aunal. LILL, 1841, pp. 277-293. i 11. Notiz iiber die secundiiren Strome. Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 412-416. . 12. Untersuchungen iiber einige anormale und normale galvanische Erscheinungen. Pog- gend. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 253-264 ; LVIIL, 1843, pp. 61-76, 375-391. Henrici, Friedrich Christoph. 13. Ueber die An wen dung des Natrium-Amalgams zu galvan- ischen Behufe. Poggend. Annal. LVIIL, 1842, pp. 232-234. 14. Notiz iiber die mehrfachen Tone der Stimmgabeln. Poggend. Annal. LVIII., 1842, pp. 265-267. 15. Methode den Widerstand eines Galvano- meters zu bestimmen. Poggend. Annal. LXIIL, 1844, pp. 344-347. 16. Einige die Theorie und Anwendung der Elektricitiit betreffende Bemerkungen. Pog- gend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 345-356; Phil. Mag. XXVIL, 1845, pp. 164-171 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 319-320. 17. Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf das Leitungsvermogen der Fliissigkeiten fur galvanische Strome. Poggend. Annal. LXVI., 1845, pp. 174-176. 18. Bemerkungen iiber einige meteoro- logische Gegenstiinde. Poggend. Annal. LXVL, 1845, pp. 503-528. - 19. Ueber die Elektricitiits-Entwickelung bei Abloschung erhitzter Metalle in Fliissig- keiten. Poggend. Aunal. LXXEX., 1850, pp. 170-173. • 20. Ferneres iiber die Elektricitiits-Ent- wickeluug bei Abloschung erhitzter Metalle in Fliissigkeiten. Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 473-477. 21. Galvanische Mittheilungen. Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 568-573. 22. Ueber thermo-elektrische Erschein- ungen an gleichartigen Metallen. Poggend. Annal. LXXX., 1850, pp. 167-174. 23. Ueber den Einfluss der Bodenniihe auf die Anzeigen der im Freien aufgehangten Ther- mometer. Poggend. Annal. XCVII., 1856, pp. 319-326, 628-630. 24. Ueber, scheinbare Elektricitiits-Ent- wickelung durch chemische Processe. Poggend. Annal. CXI., 1860, pp. 136-149. . 25. Kleine Versuche iiber elektrische Erscheinungen. Poggend. Annal. CXVII., 1862, pp. 175-188. Henrici, Friedrich Christoph, und Johanti Friedrich Lvdwig Hausmann. Versuche iiber das elektrische Leitungsvermogen der Mineral- korper. [1834.] Gcittiugeu, Studien Vereins. IV., 1841, pp. 215-244. Henrotay, J. A. Note sur les bourgeons axil- laires du Sagina nodosa. Bruxelles, Bull. Soc. Bot. I., 1862, pp. 160-175. Henry, . Ueber die Landesvermessung von Baiern. 36-45. Zach, Monat. Corresp. VI., 1802, pp. HEN] 283 [HEN Henry, - tinees a — . Resultats des observations des- determiner avec uno grande precision la position de 1'Observatoire Je Geneve. Bibl. Britannique, LVL, 1814, pp. 97-100. Henry, . Memoire sur 1'emploi du fer dans les ponts suspendus. Journ. Genie Civ. I., 1828, pp. 219-236. Henry, . Notice sur la hauteur de la tour de Strasbourg. Strasbourg, Journ. Soc. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 39-45. Henry, . On the annual oscillations of the level and azimuthal errors of the Greenwich and Cambridge Transit instruments. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, pp. 134-135. Henry, Aime. MIEBEL'S Beobachtungen fiber die innere Organisation und die Metamorphose der Marchantia polymorpha. Flora, XVIIL, 1835, pp. 449-464. 2. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Laubknospen. lste Abth. Laubholz. Acad. Cres. Leop. Nova Acta, XVHI., 1836, pp. 525-540. 3. Gedanken iiber das Zeichnen naturhis- torischer Gegenstande. Flora, XIX., 1836, pp. 129-134. 4. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Laubknospen. 2te Abth. Coniferen. [1837.] Acad. Ctes. Leop. Nova Acta, XIX., 1839, pp. 85-114. 5. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Laubknospen. 3te Abth. Ueber iiebenstiindige Beiknospen. [1839.] Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XIX., 1842 (pte. 2), pp. 359-366. 6. Beitriige zur Kenntuiss der Laubknospen. 3te Abth. Tulipa sylvestris, Gagea arvensis und stenopetala. [1844.] Acad. Cres. Leop. Nova Acta, XXL, 1845, pp. 275-292. 7. Knospenbilder : ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Laubktiospen und der Verzweigungsart der Pflauzen. lte Abth. Dikotyledonen. [1846.] Acad. Cres. Leop. Nova Acta, XXII., 1847, pp. 169-342. 8. Etwas fiber Terminalkuospe. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Vcrhaud. 1847, pp. 6-9. 9. Etwas iiber Knospen mit knolliger Basis. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1850, pp. 45-71. 10. Etwas fiber Knospen an knolligver- Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. dickten Achsen. 1850, pp. 262-276. 11. Ueber die Bildung der Wurzelfasern von Sedum Telephium, S. maximum, und S. Fabaria. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1860, pp. 1-12. Henry, G, Recherches sur la germination. Adansonia, IV., 1864, pp. 220-247. Henry, Gco. On dental caries. Dental Review, IV., 1862, pp. 10-25. Henry, Joseph. Topographical sketch of the State of New York, designed chiefly to show the general elevations and depressions of its surface. [1829.] Albany Inst. Trans. I., 1830, pp. 87-112. 2. On some modifications of the electro- magnetic apparatus. [1827.] Albany Inst. Trans. I., 1830, pp. 22-24. 3. On the application of the principle of the galvanic multiplier to electro-magnetic apparatus, and also to the developement of great magnetic power in soft iron, with small galvanic elements. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1831, pp. 400-408. 4. On a reciprocating motion produced by magnetic attraction and repulsion. Silliman, Journ. XX., 1831, pp. 340-343. 5. On a disturbance of the Earth's magnet- ism in connexion with the appearance of an Aurora Borealis, as observed at Albany, 19 April 1831. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 143-155. 6. On the production of currents and sparks of electricity from magnetism. Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1832, pp. 403-408. 7. Facts in reference to the sparks, &c. from a long conductor uniting the poles of a galvanic battery. Franklin Inst. Journ. XV., 1835, pp. 169-170. 8. Contributions to Electricity and Mag- netism. No. 1. Description of a galvanic bat- tery for producing Electricity of different inten- sities. No. 2. On the influence of a spiral conductor in increasing the intensity of Electri- city from a galvanic arrangement of a single pair, &c. [1835.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 217-232 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. I., 1837, pp. 540-547. 9. Notice of electrical researches. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1837 (pt. 2.), pp. 22-24. 1O. Contributions to Electricity and Mag- netism. No. 3. On electro-dynamic induction. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1839, pp. 303- 338; VIII., 1843, pp. 1-36; Annal. de Chimie, III., 1841, pp. 394-436 ; Phil. Mag. XVI., 1840, pp. 200-210, 254-265, 551-562; XVHL, 1841, pp. 482-514; Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 84-97 ; LI. (Ergaiiz.), 1842, pp.^282-312; Silliman, Journ. XXXVIIL, 1840, pp.* 209-243 ; XLL, 1841, pp. 117-152 ; Stur- geon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 281-310 ; VII., 1841, pp. 21-56. 11. Novel phenomenon of capillary attrac- tion. [Passage of mercury through lead.] [1839.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1840, pp. 82-83 ; Bibl. Univ. XXIX., 1840, pp. 175- 176; Liebig, Annal. XL., 1841, pp. 182-183. N N 2 HEN] 284 [HEN Henry, Joseph. 12. Resume des recherches faites sur les cour.ints d'induction. Archives de 1'filectr. II., 1842, pp. 348-392. 13. On phosphorogenic emanation. Amer. Phil. Soe. Proc. III., 1843, pp. 38-44 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 444-450. 14. On a new method of determining the velocity of projectiles. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 165-167; Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 350-352. 15. Nouvelles experiences sur 1'induction developpee par 1'electricite ordinaire. ( Transl.) Archives de 1'Electr. III., 1843, pp. 484-488. 16. Observations on the effects of a thunder-storm at Princeton, 14 July 1841. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 111-116. 17. Experiments on Soap Bubbles. Silli- man, Journ. XL VIII., 1845, pp. 215-217. 18. On the heat of the Solar spots. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (j>t. 2), p. 6. 19. Extrait d'une lettre a M. de la RIVE sur les telegraphes electriques dans les Etats- Unis de TAmerique. Bibl. Univ. Archives, II., 1846, p. 178. 2O. Experiments relative to spots on the Sun. Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 321- 324 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIII., 1846, col. 179-182; Poggend. Annal. LXVIIL, 1846, pp. 102-104. 21. On a simple method of protecting from Lightning buildings with metallic roofs. Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 324-326; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIII., 1846, col. 133-134; Silli- man, Journ. II., 1846, pp. 405-406. 22. Observations on capillarity. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IV., 1847, pp. 176-181 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIII., 1846, col. 167-169; Pog- gend. Annal. LXXII. (Ergan:.), 1848, pp. 358- 361. 23. On the action of the electricity of the atmosphere on the wire of the electrical tele- graph. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IV., 1847, pp. 260-268. 24. Remarks on the corpuscular hypothesis of the constitution of matter. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IV., 1847, pp. 287-290. 25. On the induction of Atmospheric Electricity on the wires of the Electrical Tele- graph. Silliman, Journ. III., 1847, pp. 25-32; Phil. Mag. XXX., 1847, pp. 186-194. 26. On Heat. Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 113-114. 27. Analysis of the dynamic phenomena of the Leyden Jar. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 377-378. 28. On the limit of perceptibility of a direct and reflected sound. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 42-43. Henry, Joseph. 29. On the theory of the so- called imponderables. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851 (pt. 2), pp. 84-91. 30. On the induction of electrical currents. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 198. 31. On the mode of testing building materials, and an account of the marble used in the extension of the United States Capitol. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 102-112; Silli- man, Journ. XXII., 1856, pp. 30-38. 32. On the effect of mingling radiating substances with combustible materials. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 112-116. 33. On Acoustics applied to public build- ings. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1856, pp. 119-135; Canadian Journ. II., 1857, pp. 130-140. 34. Account of a large sulphuric-acid Barometer in the Hall of the Smithsonian In- stitution. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1856, pp. 135- 138. 35. Communication relative to the appli- cation of the telegraph to the prediction of changes of the weather, particularly in the city of Boston and its vicinity. Amer. Acad. Proc. IV., 1857-60, pp. 271-275. 36. On Meteorology. Canadian Natura- list, IV., 1859, pp. 289-291. 37. On the conservation of Force. Silli- man, Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 32-41. 38. Instructions in reference to collecting nests and eggs of North American Birds. Smithson. Miscell. Coll. II., 1862 (Appendix). 39. Circular in reference to collecting North American Shells. Smithson. Miscell. Coll. II., 1862 (Appendix). 40. Circular in reference to the history of North American Grasshoppers. Smithson. Miscell. Coll. II., 1862 (Appendix). 41. Directions for collecting, preserving, and transporting specimens of Natural History. [1859.] Smithson. Miscell. Coll. II., 1862 (Appendix). Henry, Joseph, and Stephen Alexander. Ex- periments relative to the spots on the Sun. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IV., 1847, [pp. 173- 176. Henry, Joseph, and T. Romeyn Beck. On the Mean Temperature of twenty-seven different places in the State of New York for 1828. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 249-260. Henry, Joseph, et Fellis. Memoire sur nn nouveau moteur electrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 367-369. Henry, Louis. Analyse de Berberine. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 25-26. 2. De la berbtrine et de ses sels. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1859, pp. 579-607 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 132-140. HEN] 285 [HEN Henry, Louis. 3. Considerations sur quelques classes de composes organiques et sur les radi- caux organiques en general. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. VIII., 1859. Henry, Maurice. Observations de quelques etoilesqui culminent a peu de distance du zenith, pour servir a verifier la liauteur du pole de 1'Observatoire de 1'Academie Imperials des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. [1798.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XII., 1801, pp. 448-456. 2. Observations faites avec le quart-de- cercle mural de 1'Academie des Sciences de Saint Petersbourg dans le courant de 1'annee 1798. [1799.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XII., 1801, pp. 466-492. 3. Ueber die Untersuclmng der richtigen Lage eines Mittags-Fernrohrs, mittelst einer einzigen Beobachtung zwei verschiedener wohl- bestirnmter Sterne, oder mittelst zwei Beobacht- uugen eines und desselben Sterns, der iiber und unter dem Pol culminirt. Zach, Monat. Cor- resp. III., 1801, pp. 344-352. 4. Observations de Venus faites a 1'Obser- vatoire de 1'Academie Imperials des Sciences de Saint Petersbourg, vers le temps de la plus grande digression occidentale de cette planete, qui a eu lieu en Mai 1798. [1798.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIIL, 1802, pp. 399- 406. 5. Passage de Mercure sur le Soleil du 7 Mai 1799. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIIL, 1802, pp. 463-476. 6. Sur 1'occultation de e des Gemaux du 8 Aout 1798. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIIL, 1802, pp. 494-507. . 7. Resultats de 1'observation de la Lune au meridien et de 1'occultatiou de <$> du Sagittaire du 21 Aout 1799. [1800.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIIL, 1802, pp. 508-51. 8. Parallaxen-Formelu, aus des Hru. de LA GRANGE Tbeorie gezogen. [1800.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1804, pp. 113-128. Henry, Mitchell. Description of the dissection of a brain, in which the corpus callosum, fornix and septum lucidum were imperfectly developed. Mecl. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXXI., 1848, pp. 239- 244. Henry, Noel Etienne. Sur la propriete emetique de la partie ligneuse de Fipecacuanha gris. An- nal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1806, pp. 28-36; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1806, pp. 13-17. 2. Sur les deux preparations d'ether ace- tique. Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1806, pp. 199-204; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1806, pp. 86-88; Nicholson, Journ. XVII., 1807, pp. 219-221. 3. Sur le marronnier d'Inde. Anna!, de Chimie, LXVIL, 1808; pp. 205-213. Henry, Noel Eticnnc. 4. Sur un melange que Ton vend sous le uom d'ipecacuanha. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1808, pp. 152-154. 5. Examen pharmuceutique de plusieurs especes de Jalaps du commerce. Annal. de Chimie, LXXII., 1809, pp. 275-281. 6. Sur le tartrate de potasse et de soude. Annal. de Chimie, LXXII., 1809, pp. 309-313; Bull, de Pharm. II., 1810, pp. 107-108 ; V., 1813, pp. 302-305. 7. Observations sur les dechets que la pul- verisation fait eprouver aux substances qui y sont soumises. Annal. de Chimie, LXXV., 1810, pp. 324-328; Nicholson, Journ. XXXI., 1812, pp. 9-11. 8. Essai sur differentes matieres propres a arreter la fermentation du mout de raisin. An- nal. de Chimie, LXXVL, 1810, pp. 290-301. 9. Eapport sur differentes terres du Duche de Toscane. Bull, de Pharm. II., 1810, pp. 122- 127. 1O. Essais sur les combiuaisons des huiles avec les oxides metalliques, et particuli&rement ceux formes par les oxides de plomb. Bull, de Pharm. II., 1810, pp. 360-366. 11. Observations sur la solubilite du mu- riate de mercure au maximum dans les ditferents menstrues, et sur 1'alteration qu'il eprouve dans les sirops antisyphilitiques, robs, et decoctions. Bull, de Pharm. III., 1811, pp. 192-202. 12. Notice sur la preparation du Eegule martial et du Lilium de Paracelse au Codex de Paris. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIIL, 1812, pp. 316-322. 13. Notice sur differents essais faits dans 1'intention de retirer 1'indigo du pastel (Isatis tinctoria). Bull, de Pharm. IV., 1812, pp. 108- 117. 14. Observations sur 1'huile de ricin et sur les precedes employes pour 1'obtenir. Bull, de Pharm. V., 1813, pp. 337-343, 15. Analyse compares des rhubarbes de Chine, de Moscovie, et de France. Bull, de Pharm. VI., 1814, pp. 87-128 ; Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XXIV., 1815 (St. 2), pp. 88- 157. 16. Observations sur divers precedes pour extraire 1'huile d'oeufs. Journ. de Pharm. I., 1815, pp. 433-437. 17. Examen de la racine de Gentiane. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 97-1 10; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819 (St. 2), pp. 281-302. 18. Notice sur 1'huile de Palme. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 241-248 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IV. 1820 (St. 2), pp. 241- 250. HEN] 286 [HEN Henry, Noel Etienne. 19. Observations et analyse de deux ecorces exotiques counues sous le nom de Cannelle blanche et de Winter. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 481-495. 20. Observations sur la matiere colorante du Safran (Polycroite). Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 397-402. 21. Examen analytique de deux farines designees sous les noms de Farine de Ble d'Odessa et Farine de Ble Francais. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 51-56 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIII., 1822, pp. 405-406. 22. Extrait de quelques observations sur les preparations d'iode, les medicaments com- poses avec ce corps et les hydriodates, et sur les iodures. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 97-106 ; Tronimsdorflf, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822 (St. 2), pp. 258-272. 23. Notice sur les acetates et sur quelques acides. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 164-170. 24. Sur un precede pour obtenir la strych- nine. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 401- 404 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIV., 1823, pp. 443- 444 ; Trommsdorft", N. Journ. d. Pharm. VII., 1823, pp. 336-341. 25. Recherches sur le fruit du Gui de Pommier. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 149-157. 26. Recherches sur 1'ecorce de Paratodo. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 279, 325, 410- 417. 27. Notice aualytique sur Fecorce de Parobo. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, p. 562 ; X., 1824, pp. 161-165 ; Trommsdorft; N. Journ. d. Pharm. X., 1825, pp. 62-69. 28. Examen de la racine de Pari-Parobo. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 165-169 ; Trommsdorff, N. Jouru. d. Pharm. X., 1825, pp. 70-76. 29. Analyse d'une ucorce apportee du Bresil, designee sous le nom de Fedegoso. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 217-223. • 3O. Examen du Macis. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 281-287 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. X. 1825 (St. 2), pp. 60-69. 31. Nouvelles recherches sur le fruit de . Gui. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 337- 351. 32. Rapport sur un nouvel emploi du chlorure d'oxide de sodium pour desinfecter les Halles de Paris et les paniers qui servent a la vente du poisson. Jouru. de Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 212-215. . 33. Action du Sulfate de Quinine sur differents vins, et observations sur les moyens d'y reconnaitre ce sel. Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 331-340; Schweigger, Journ. XLV. (=Juhrb. XV.), 1825, pp. 326-340. Henry, Noel Etienne. 34. Essai chimique sur une sorte de Casse d'Aniurique. Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1826, pp. 370-377. 35. Note sur les Baumes Chiron et de Locatel. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 269-271. 36. Memoire sur 1'action reciproque de diflerents corps mis en contact avec les ethers sulfurique, nitreux, acetique et hydrochlorique. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 118-131 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1827, p. 221. 37. Memoire sur la preparation des iodures. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 403-412; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1828 (St. 2), pp. 120-132. 38. Note sur une racine nominee Vetiver. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 57-61. 39. Rapport sur 1'introduction de plusieurs sels metalliques dans le pain. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 58-66. 40. Examen de deux especes de semences de Cameline (Myagrumsativum, L.~], famille des Cruciferes. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 71-73. — 41. Note sur 1'analyse du lait d'une pouliche de quatre jours. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 418-420. 42. Observations sur les farines de froment. Journ. de Pharm. XVI, 1830, pp. 535-542 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. IX., 1830, pp. 149- 156. — 43. Rapport sur un memoire de M. BRA- CONKOT relatif au caseurn et au lait. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 194-200. 44. Matiere a marquer le linge. Journ. do Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 388-390; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII., 1831, pp. 85-86. Henry, Noel Etienne, ct Bonastre. Recherches analytique sur les Charaneons du Ble. Journ. de Pharm. XIH., 1827, pp. 539-545 ; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1828, pp. 203-211. Henry, Noel Etienne, Henry, Ossian, et Boul- lay. Analyse de 1'eau de deux sources de Saint-Nectaire. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 87-98 ; Auvergne, Aiinal. Scient. I., 1828, pp. 232-237. Henry, Noel Etienne, et Wallee. Sur la pre- paration de Tether sulfurique. Annal. de Chimie, LV., 1805, pp. 70-73. Henry, Ossian. Observations sur la preparation du sulfate de quinine, et nouveau precede pour 1'obtenir. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 296-302; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822 (St. 2), pp. 11-20. HEN] 287 [HEN Henry, Oxxia,/. 2. Note sur un moyen d'obtenir le mercure doux (proto-chlorure de mercure) en poudre impalpable. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 545-548. • 3. Nouvelles recherches sur 1'eau minerale d'Enghien, pros de Montmorency, prise a la source dite du Roi. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 482-497 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IX., 1824 (St. 2), pp. 107-129. 4. Analyse comparative de deux bitumes elastiques d'Angleterre et de France. Journ. Chimie Med. I, 1825, pp. 18-27 ; Annal. des Mines, XII., 1826, p. 269 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 434-440 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXII., 1827, p. 228; Silliman, Journ. XTV., 1828, pp. 371-372. 5. De Faction reciproque des acides hydro- sulfurique et carbonique sur les carbonates et sur les hydrosulfates. Joum. Chimie Med. I., 1825, pp. 257-268 (317-328), 320-330 (380- 390); Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1825, p. 321; Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, p. 393 ; Thom- son, Ann. Phil. X., 1825, p. 381. 6. Analyse d'une eau sulfureuse des sources de la Pecherie, a Enghien, pres Montmorency, et quelques considerations a ce sujet. Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 83-101. 7. Analyse d'un calcul tres-volumineux, extrait de la vessie d'une femme d'Angers. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 131-140; Schweigger, Journ. XLV. (= Jahrb. XV.), 1825, pp. 118-124. 8. Analyse de la racine d'une espece de Patate, cultivee aux environs de Paris, qui parait etre la Patate rouge. Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 233-245 ; Tromrnsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 151-170. 9. Examen chimique d'un calcul salivaire de cheval. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 465-470; Trornrnsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIIL, 1826, pp. 100-106. 1O. Analyse de 1'eau de deux sources, ap- pelees Layarde, situc'es dans la commune de Bio, departement du Lot. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 27-32. 11. Analyse d'une poudre vendue sous le nom de Poudre aromatique de Leayson. Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 46-51. 12. Experiences analytiques sur 1'eau sul- fureuse naturelle de Bonnes, et quelques re- flexions a ce sujet. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 285-294. 13. Examen critique d'une nouvelle ana- lyse de 1'eau ^ d'Enghien, faite par M. LONG- CHAMPS, en reponse a ce chimiste. Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 341-359. Henry, Ossian. 14. Essai sur le Phormium tenax. Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 49.~>- 505 ; Trommsdorff; N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1827 (St. 2), pp. 208-220. • 15. Quelques experiences pour servir a 1'histoire des eaux minerales sulfureuses et particulierement decelles d'Enghien. Joum. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 564-572. • 16. Examen des matieres broyees a 1'huile. Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 596-604. 17. Note sur 1'action de 1'eau de chaux dans la precipitation de la magnesie. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1827, pp. 1-7 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XV., 1827, pp. 155-164. 18. Note sur une alteration particuliere survenue dans 1'eau ferrugineuse naturelle de Passy. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1827, pp. 208-212. • 19. Preparation des chlorures alcalins. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1827, pp. 332-337 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. I., 1828, pp. 103- 107. — = — 2O. Note sur la formation d'une eau sul- fureuse. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1827, pp. 493-498. 21. Observations sur 1'action ruciproque du sulfure d'antimoine et du carbonate neutre de soude ou de potasse par la voie humide. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, p. 544. 22. Sur des melanges de farine de fro- ment. Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1829, p. 223. 23. Note sur la preparation de quelques bromures et sur celle du cyanure de zinc. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 49-58 ; Schweigger, Journ. LVI. (=Jahrb. XXVL), 1829, pp. 351-361 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1830, pp. 165-177. 24. Precede pour extraire 1'uree de 1'urine humaine. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 161-166; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 418-419; Schweigger, Journ. LV. (=Jahrb. XXV.), 1829, pp. 102-109 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXI., 1830, pp. 260-266. 25. Examen d'une urine humaine particu- liere. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 228- 236 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, p. 199. 26. Analyse de 1'eau du premier puits arte- sien fore a la Gare de Saint-Oucn. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 622-631. 27. Note sur la composition de quelques bromures. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 646-647. 28. Quelques modifications au precede pour extraire la strychnine et la brucine de la Noix Vomique. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 751-755. HEN] 288 [HEN Henry, Ossian. 29. Essais pour servir a 1'ana- lyse des eaux minerales en general. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 61-77, 242-265; Trommsdorft; N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIV., 1832, pp. 169-229. 30. Note sur 1'iodure de plomb. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 267-270. 31. Sinapisine. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, p. 273. 32. Note sur 1'acide hydrocyanique medi- cinal. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 315-316. 33. Analyse d'un alliage connu sous le nom de Mailleehort. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII.. 1832, pp. 76-79. 34. Note sur la preparation des iodures de Barium et de Strontium. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 134-136. 35. Reflexions et faits au sujet de 1'analyse elementaire des matieres organiques. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 285-294. 36. Experiences sur la transformation facile des iodures de Sodium et de Potassium eu Oxisels, par 1'action de certains corps oxigenants et notamment du Chlorate de Potasse. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 345-350. 37. Recherches analytiques sur 1'eau mine- rale Je Passy pres Paris, et reflexions sur les eaux ferrugineuses. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 409-417. 38. Note' sur la Delphiue, la Veratrine, et la Solanine. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 661-666 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXVIII. (=Jar1tb. VIII.), 1833, pp. 77-80; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXVI., 1833 (St. 2), pp. 240-247. 39. Essais a 1'appui d'un precede pour apprecier 1'azote dans 1'analyse elementaire organique. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 16-20. 40. Quelques essais analytiques sur une ecoree connue sous le nom de Paraguatan. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 201-202. 41. Analyse d'un calcul intestinal de cheval. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 229-233. 42. Note au sujet de la Delphiue. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 593-595. — 43. Resume d'un procedis pour effectuer 1'analyse elementaire organique. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 54-63. 44. De 1'application du tannin pur comme moyen d'alcaloimetrie. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 429-437 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. III., 1834. pp. 1-6 ; Liebig, Annal. XIII., 1835, pp. 96-104. 45. Sur les preparations du phosphore. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 593-603; Liebig, Annal. XIII., 1835, pp. 321-325. Henry, Ossian. 46. Note sur le Manioc amer et essais analytiques sur le sue de sa racine. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 622-630; Liebig, Annal. XIII., 1835, pp. 315-319. 47. Recherches sur 1'efficacite du peroxide de fer hydrate, comme antidote de 1'acide arse- nieux. Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1835, pp. 98- 102. 48. De 1'action du tannin sur les bases salifiables organiques, et applications qui en derivent. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 212-231 ; Liebig, Annal. XV., 1835, pp. 300- 315. 49. Examen chimique de 1'huile d'lllipe. Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1835, pp. 503-505. SO. Rapport sur un memoire de M. ANDRE [sur 1'action des acides et du chlore sur la Quinine]. Journ. de Pharm. XXII. , 1836, pp. 127-138. 51. Analyse de la racine du Rheum aus- trale cultivee pres Paris. Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 393-405 ; Liebig, Aniial. XIX., 1836, pp. 190-194. 52. Note sur une eau minerale trouvee a Propiac. departement de Vaucluse, et sur une alteration particuliere qu'elle a presentee. Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1 836, pp. 592-597. 53. Recherches chimico-legales, pour de- montrer la presence de tres-petites quantites d'acide hydrocyanique, soit libre, soit combine. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 23-29. 54. Note sur un calcul vesical de cystine pure (oxide cystique). Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 71-74. 55. Examen chimique de 1'eau minerale de Bagnols, departement de la Lozere. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 110-114. 56. Sur 1'essai " Sur la dissolution des calculs dans la vessie," par M. CHEVALIER. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 251-253. 57. Decouverte de 1'arsenic dans un ca- davre inhume depuis trois ans et demi. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 386-391 ; Liebig, Annal. XXV., 1838, pp. 224-229. . 58. De 1'eau minerale naturelle d'En- ghien. — Recherches sur sa nature, ses proprietes physiques et chimiques, sa richesse en soufre comparee avec cells d'autres eaux sulfureuses, et considerations sur les causes de sa formation. Jouru. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 424-454. 59. Analyse de 1'eau sulfureuse et ferru- gineuse de la montagne de la Golaise. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 115-119. 60. Note sur un nitrate de soude [natif] du Perou. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 634-637. HEN] 289 [HEN Henry, Ossift/i. 61. Note au sujctcle la presence cle 1'arseniate cle Chaux ou do Strontiane dans les incrustations formees par les eaux minerales de Hamman-Mes-Koutin(Hanimam-Mescoutine), en Algerie. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 247-251 ; VII., 1845, pp. 457-459. • 62. Modification pour obtenir les acides oxychlorique et chlorique en dissolution : appli- cations a 1'analyse. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 268-274 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chcm. XVII., 1839, pp. 486-487 ; Liebig, Annal. XXXL, 1839, pp. 345-346. 63. Notice et recherches chimiques sur des produits venant des eaux thermales de Mescoutine, en Algerie. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 525-534. • • 64. Resume de travaux sur plusieurs ana- lyses d'eaux minerales naturelles, savoir ; de Saint-Galmier (Loire), de Vic-sur-Serre (Can- tal), de Seltz, de Tessiere-les-Boulies (Cantal), de Segray (Loiret), de Rennes (Aude), et de Saint-Honore (Nievre). Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 613-627,697-703. — — 65. Exainen chimique d'une urine de diabete sucre. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1841, pp. 617-622. • 66. Analyse d'un produit secrete a la sur- face de la main d'une personne goutteuse apres de forts acces de goutte. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1841, pp. 622-624. — 67. Moyens d'apprecier des quantites tres- minimes de bromure dans les eaux minerales. Journ. de Pharm. I., 1842, pp. 214-217. 68. Quelques reflexions au sujet de la for- mation des eaux sulfureuses naturelles. Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 27-32. 69. Additions au Sulfhydrometre. Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 32-35. 7O. Analyse chimique de 1'eau sulfureuse alcaline ioduree de Challes, en Savoie, pres Chambery. Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 489-497. 71. Note sur la presence de 1'iode dans quelques conferves des eaux d'Evaux, de Neris, et de Vichy. Journ. Chimie Mecl. X., 1844, pp. 181-183. 72. Analyse cliimique de 1'eau minerale des sources d'Evaux (Creuse). Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 124-128. • 73. De 1'existence de 1'iode dans les eaux sulfureuses de la chaine des Pyrenees. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 15-19. 74. Nouvelles experiences pour 1'essai des potasses du commerce et appareil dit Potassi- rnetre propose pour I'effectuer. Jouru. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 214-222. VOL. III. Henry, Osslaii. 75. Nouveau precede de dosage de 1'or par la voie humide et essais qui s'y rat- tacheut. Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1847, pp. 5-10 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 314-317. 76. Combinaisons de 1'etain avec 1'iode et le chlore. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, p. 134. 77. Analyse d'une eau nouvelle ferrugi- neuse arsenicale decouvertc a Cassejouls (Avey- ron). Journ. do Pharm. XII.. 1847, ppi 241- 244. 78. Observations sur la composition chi- mique de 1'eau de plusieurs sources de Vichy (Allier), et quelques reflexions sur la maniere d'envisager la composition des eaux minerales. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 5-13. 79. Precede pour reconnaitre la presence du sulfate de Cinchonine dans le sulfate de Qui- nine, et pour en apprecier la proportion. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 102-105. 8O. Note sur la presence de 1'iodure de Sodium dans differents echantillons de Sel Gemme, et correlation avec la formation de eer- taines eaux minerales naturelles. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 245-247. 81. Memoire sur 1'existence de deux nou- veaux corps de la serie amylique. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1849, pp. 246-253 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVL, 1849, pp. 160-162. 82. Nouveau precede pour determiner et apprecier la proportion du sulfate de Cinchonine qui existe dans le sulfate de Quinine du com- merce. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 327- 332. 83. Sur les eaux minerales naturelles ferro- manganesiennes de Cransac, sources anciennes, haute et basse Richard. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 161-172 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 126-128. 84. De 1'etablissement thermal de Sail-les- Chateaumorand (Loire) et des eaux minerales alcalines iodurees qui 1'alimentent. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 104-115. 85. Eau minerale naturelle ferrugineuse d'Auteuil pres Paris (Seine). Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 23-30. 86. Eaux minerales ferrugineuses (ferro- crenatees) de Saint-Denis pres Blois (Loir et Cher). Journ. de Phann. XX., 1851, pp. 161- 167. 87. Nouvelles experiences sur les eaux minerales ferro-manganesiennes de Cransac (sources haute et basse). Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 337-351. 88. Eau minerale sulfureuse et thermalo de Saint-Honore (Nievre). Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 401-415. o O HEN] 290 [HEN Henry, Ossian. 89. Precede pour separer le brome et 1'iode et pour en determiner les pro- portions. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 255-257. 9O. Note sur la presence du nickel et du cobalt dans quelques eaux ferrugineuses, et sur quelques precedes pour les isoler. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 305-308 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 29-31. 91. Rechercb.es sur 1'etat du soufre dans 1'eau sulfureuse naturelle d'Enghien, et reflexions sur la formation probable de cette eau minerale. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 105-115, 168-172. 92. Appareil pouvant scrvir de cuve hydro- et hydrargyro-pneuinatiques. Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1854, pp. 270-274. 93. Emploi de Fhypermanganate de Potasse pour la recherche de 1'Iode et du Brume existaut dans les eaux minerales a 1'etat de combinaisons salines. Joui-n. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 423-426. 94. Precede pour doser 1' Arsenic dans les eaux minerales ou dans les produits qui s'y rat- tachent. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIII., 1855, pp. 33-38. 95. Encore qnelques essais au sujet de la presence de 1'Iode dans les eaux de Vichy et de Cussy. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 413-416. 96. Nouvelle analyse chimique de 1'eau minerale iodo-bromuree de Saxon (Valais, en Suisse). Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 172-180, 246-255. 97. De 1'eau minerale sulfureuse de Gazost: son analyse. Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 173-184. 98. Analyse de 1'eau sulfureuse de Mont- brun (Drome). Journ. de Pharm. XXXI1L, 1858, pp. 91-94. 99. Analyse chimique de deux nouvelles sources d'eau minerale decouvertes a Con- trexeville (Vosges). Jouru. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 250-256. Henry, Ossian, et Bally. Analyse d'un calcul biliare d'une nature particuliere. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 196-200. Henry, Ossian, et Blondeau. Analyse des eaux minerales de Pout-Gibaud. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 125-132. Henry, Ossian, et P. F. G. Boullay. Analyse des eaux minerales de Miers, Pougues, de la Roche Posay, de Chateklou, de Greoulx, des Pitons a la Martinique, de Propiac, et de Plom- bieres. Jouru. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 211-223. Henry, Ossian, et P. F. G. Boullay. 2. Nou- velle analyse de 1'eau minerale de Bagneres de Bigorre, connue sous le nom de Source d'Angou- leme. Jouru. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 33-37. 3. Memoire sur 1'etat de combinai- son du soufre dans les eaux minerales des Pyrenees, suivi d'une analyse de 1'eau de Barzuu, pres Barege. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 261-274. 4. Nouvelles observations sur 1'etat du soufre dans les eaux sulfureuses des Pyre- nees. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 177- 184. Henry, Ossian, Boullay, et Noel Etiennc Henry. Analyse de 1'eau de deux sources de Saint-Nec- taire. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 87-89; Auvergne, Annal. Scient. I., 1828, pp. 232- 237. Henry, Ossian, et A. F. Boutron-Charlard. Recherches sur 1'existence du principe acre dans 1'embryon de Ricin, et sur les causes de 1'acrete de 1'huile de Ricin d'Amerique. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 466-475. 2. Exarnen chimique de 1'ecorce du Quillaria saponaria. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 247-252. 3. Recherches sur 1'alcalinitu de la Conicine, principe actif de la Cigue. Aniial. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 337-351 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 277-291. 4. Memoire sur la Nicotine, prin- cipe actif du Tabac. Jouru. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 689-705; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 209-222. 5. Recherches sur le principe vene- neux du Manioc amer. Paris, Mem. Acad. Med. V., 1836, pp. 212-220 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 118-126; Liebig, Annal. XVIIL, 1836, pp. 172-178. 6. Analyse chimique des eaux qui alimentent les fontaines publiques de Paris. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 161-179. 7. Analyse chimique de 1'eau de la Mer Morte et de 1'eau du Jourdain. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 161-172. Henry, Ossian, et P. A. Cap. Analyse d'une Urine visqueuse. Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 324-331. 2. Note sur le bichlorure de Cuivre ammoniacal (deutochlorure de Cuivre amrnoni- acal, 1'hydrochlorate de deutoxide de Cuivre ammoniacal). Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 615-619 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 184-187. 3. Faits nouveaux pour servir a 1'histoire de 1'urine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, p. 336 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 500-502. HEN] 291 [HEN Henry, Ossian, et P. A. Cap. 4. Recherches sur les Lactates, et sur 1'etat de I'Uree dans 1'urine de 1'homme et de quelques animaux. [1838.] Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 133-147; XXVI., 1840, pp. 202-205; Liebig, Annal. XXX., 1839, pp. 106-116. 5. Experiences pour prouver 1'ex- istence du Lactate d'Uree dans 1'urine normale de 1'homme. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1841, pp. 355-359 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIV., 1841, pp. 227-232. Henry, Ossian, et J. B. Caventou. Recherches sur le principe qui cause Famertume dans la racine de Gentiane (Gentiana lutea). . [1820.] Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 173-183 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822 (St. 2), pp. 79-94. Henry, Ossian, et A. Chevallier. Ueber der Verfalschungen des kiiuflichen Kochsalzes. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XL, 1831, pp. 296- 328 ; Journ. Chimie Med. 1831, pp. 257-266, 339-363. 2. Memoire sur le lait. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 332-348, 401-423 ; Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1839, pp. 145-163, 193-223. 3. Examen d'une eau sulfureuse trouvee a Paris, rue de Vendome, au Marais. Jouru. Chimie Med. IX., 1843, pp. 509-515. 4. Presence du Cuivre et de 1'Arsenic dans les minerais de fer, dans les depots des sources minerales, etc. Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1847, pp. 246-247. Henry, Ossian, Derosne, Bernard, et Payen. Examen chimique et medical de 1'ecorce de Mone- sia. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1841, pp. 20-35. Henry, Ossian, et Auguste Delondre. Re- cherches sur les eaux meres incristallisables de la preparation du sulfate de Quinine, dans le but d'en extraire 1'alcaloide designe sous le nom de Quinoidine. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 144-151; Schweigger, Journ. LX. (=Jahrb. XXX.), 1830, pp. 242-248 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXII., 1831, pp. 244-254. 2. Note sur une nouvelle substance alcaloide decouverte dans le Quina jaune. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 623-625. 3. Note sur une niatiere cristalliue isolee d'un des produits de la preparation en grand du sulfate de Quinine, et desiguee d'abord sous de iiom de Quinoidine. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 157-162. 4. Examen chimique de plusieurs produits appartenant au Quinquina Calisaya. Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1835, pp. 508-512; Liebig, Annal. XVII., 1836, pp. 199-203. 5. Note sur les falsifications et 1'epreuve du sulfate de Quinine. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 281-286. Henry, Ossian, et Garot. Examen chimique d'un produit resultant de Faction reciproque du sulfure d'Antimoine et de 1'Iode. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 51 1-524 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, pp. 396-397 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIIL), 1825, pp. 53-68 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. X., 1825 (St. 2), pp. 179-200. 2. Recherches sur 1'etat du soufre dans la semence de Moutarde. Journ. Chimie Med. I., 1825, pp. 499-516, 527-538 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. LXII. (= Jahrb. II.), 1831, pp. 161-168. 3. Experiences sur la semence de Moutarde blanche (Sinapis alba), et sur la nia- tiere cristallisable qui s'y trouve (Sulfosinapisine) designee d'abord sous le nom d'acide sulfo-sina- pique. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 1- 16 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. II., 1831, pp. 194-197. Henry, Ossian, et Ossian Henry (Jtls). Lettre sur le rouge turc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 1199-1200. Henry, Ossian, et Lheritier. Nouvelle analyse chimique de 1'eau minerale des sources salines et ferrugineuses de Plombieres (Vosges). Journ. de Pharm. XXVIIL, 1855, pp. 333-345, 408- 436. Henry, Ossian, et C. P. Ollivier, Recherches sur le Tanguin de Madagascar. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 49-58 ; Archiv. Gen. de Med. IV., 1824, pp. 351-369. Henry, Ossian, et Payen. Note sur la compo- sition des semences de 1'Arachis hypogfea et son analogic avec celle des Amandes douces. Journ. Chimie Me"d. L, 1825, pp. 491-499. 2. Note sur la Batate douce, variete a peau rose, cultivee en France. Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1826, pp. 25-30. 3. Untersuchung der Monesia- Rinde. Liebig, Annal. XXXVIL, 1841, pp. 352-353. Henry, Ossian, et A. A. Flisson. Memoire pour faire suite a 1'histoire de la Quinine, de la Cin- chonine, et de 1'acide quinique. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1827, pp. 268-282, 369-379 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1827, pp. 165-188 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1827, pp. 482-483; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XV., 1827 (St. 2), pp. 59-77 ; XVI., 1828, pp. 200-213. 2. Precede pour extraire la Mor- phine pure de 1'Opium sans 1'emploi de 1'alcool. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 241-247. 3. Memoire sur 1'acide quinique, et ses principales coiubinaisons avec les bases sali- fiables. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 389- 409 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1829, pp. 325- 331 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XX., 1830, pp. 268-294. o o 2 HEN] 292 [HEN Henry, Ossian, et A. A. Flisson. 4. Memoire sur 1'analyse orgauique, et les precedes pour 1'effec- tuer. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 249- 292, 581-614 ; Aunal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1830, pp. 94-103; Roy. Inst. Journ. II., 1831, pp. 405- 407; Schweigger, Journ. LX. ( = Jahrb. XXX.), 1830, pp. 92-107,213-242; LXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1831, pp. 59-82, 332-350 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIII., 1831, pp. 88-207. 5. Recherclies sur les substances organiquea azotees. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 713-729; Annal. do Chimie, XLV., 1830, pp. 304-321 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1831, pp. 314-332. 6. Meruoire sur 1'Asparagine. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1530, pp. 729-733. 7. Reponse a plusieurs critiques par M. LIEBIG inserees dans les Ann. de C/ii/n., 1831,portant sur des resultats analytiqueset sur 1'appareil dont nous nous soinmes servis. Annal. de Chimie, XL VII., 1831, pp. 427-437. 8. Recherclies sur les matieres or- ganiques centres et azotees. [1830.] Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 177-185 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLVI., 1831, pp. 190-199 ; Schweisger, Jouru. XLII. ( = Jahrb. II.), 1831, pp. 168-184. 9. Note au sujet de la these de M. BUISSON, et de 1'extraction des alcnloides des Quinquinas. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 200-202. 10. Additions pour servir a 1'his- toire de 1'analyse organique et analyse elemen- taire de plusieurs substances vegetales et ani- rnales. Jouru. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 437- 456. 11. Essais ile Chlorometrie, et nou- veau Chlorometre. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 569-579 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XII., 1831, pp. 266-272. Henry, Ossian, et Foumarede. Analyse des eaux ferro-rnauganesiennes de Cransac (Avey- roji). Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 532-545 ; Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1840, pp. 361-380. Henry, Ossian, et E. Soiibeiran. De 1'action des acides sur quelques dissolutions salines. Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 430-442 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXI., 1826, pp. 248-259 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 266-292. . 2. Recherches analytiques sur le sang d'un diabetique. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 320-325. 3. Note sur un moyen de recon- naitre 1'addition de la cervelle dans le lait. Journ. de Pharm. L, 1842, pp. 222-224. Henry, Ossimi (Jils). Note sur 1'existence de deux nouveaux corps de la serie amylique. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 247-249 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI1L, 1849, pp. 48-50. 2. Note sur un nouveau precede d'eclairage et de chauffage par 1'hydrogene pur. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 105-111. 3. Essais chimiques sur quatre nouveaux Quinquinas provenant de la province d'Ocagna (Nouvelle-Grenade). Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 400-405. 4. Sur une concretion particuliere du pan- creas. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 285-288 ; Journ. Chimie Med. L, 1855, pp. 273-276. 5. Note sur la composition de certains depots qu'ahandonnent les eaux minerales de Luxeuil. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 416-423. Henry, Ossian (fils), et A. Chevallier, Jils. Etudes chimiques et medico-legales sur le phos- phore. Annal. Hygiene Publ. VII., 1857, pp. 414-435 ; VIII., pp. 208-226. Henry, Ossian (Jils), ciE, Humbert. Recherches chimiques et medico-legales, sur 1'acide cyan- hydrique et ses composes. Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 171-179; Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1857, pp. 157-167, 205-227. 2. Nouvelle methode analytique pour reconnaitre 1'Iode et le Brome. — Recherches de ces metalloides dans les eaux minerales. — Leur presence dans 1'eau de Vichy. Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 401-414. 3. Note sur la recherche de 1'Iode par 1'amidon. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 203-206; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVII., 1858, p. 298. Henry, Peter. On the action of metallic oxides aud earths upon oils, in low degrees of heat. [1792.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IV., 1793, pp. 209-216. Henry, Thomas. On the natural history and origin of Magnesian Earth, particularly as con- nected with those of sea salt, and of nitre; with observations on some of the chemical properties of that earth, which have been, hitherto, either unknown or undetermined. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. I., 1789, pp. 448- 473. 2. Experiments and observations on fer- ments and fermentation, by which a mode of ex- citing fermentation in Malt Liquors, without the aid of Yeast, is pointed out, with an attempt to form a new theory of that process. [1785.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1789, pp. 273- 293 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1792, pp. 64-84. HEN] 293 [HEN Henry, Thomas. 3. Observations on the influ- ence of Fixed Air on vegetation ; and on the probable cause of the difference in the results of various experiments made on that subject. [1784.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1789, pp. 357-365. • 4. Observations on the Bills of Mortality for the towns of Manchester and Salford. [1786.1 Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. III., 1790, pp. 159-173. 5. Conjectures relative to the cause of the increase of weight acquired by some heated bodies during cooling. [1786.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. III., 1790, pp. 174-177. 6. Case of a person becoming short-sighted in advanced age. [1786.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. III., 1790, pp. 182-183. 7. Considerations relative to the nature of Wool, Silk, and Cotton, as objects of the art of Dyeing ; together with some observations on the theory of Dyeing in general. [1786.] Man- chester, Phil. Soc. Mem. III., 1790, pp. 343-407. 8. Account of a remarkable effect produced by a stroke of Lightning. [1809.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1813, pp. 259-269. Henry, Thomas, and John Hay garth. On the preservation of Sea Water from putrefaction by means of quicklime ; with an account of a newly invented machine for impregnating water or other fluids with fixed Air, &c. [1781.] Man- chester, Phil. Soc. Mem. I., 1789, pp. 41-53. Henry, Thomas Charlton. Notes derived from observations made on the Birds of New Mexico during the years 1853 and 1854. Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 306-317. 2. Descriptions of new Birds from Fort Thorn, New Mexico. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1858, pp. 117-118. 3. Catalogue of the Birds of New Mexico, as compiled from notes and observations made while in that territory, during a residence of six years. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1859, pp. 104-109. Henry, Thomas H. On the compounds of Tin and Iodine. Phil. Trans. 1845, pp. 363-368; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 52-58. • 2. Observations on the separation of Nickel from Cobalt, and of both these from other metals. Chemical Gazette, V., 1847, pp. 370- 372. 3. On the composition of the Gold from California. Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1849, pp. 205-207; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VI., 1849, pp. 405-407; Froriep, Notizen, IX.. 1849, col. 148-150. 4. On Francolite, a supposed new mineral. Phil. Mag. XXXVI., 1850, pp. 134-135; Pog- gend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 311-312. Henry, Thomas II. 5. On the composition of Wootz or Indian steel. Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, pp. 42-45; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVII., 1852, pp. 236-239. Henry, W. Observations on the habits of the Salmon family. Quebec, Trans. Lit, Soc. III., 1837, pp. 347-364. Henry, H'/lfiam. A description of a self-moving or sentinel Register. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1791, pp. 286-288. Henry, iruiiam. Extraction of sugar from Car- rots ; experiments on Barytas and Strontites. Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800, pp. 168-171. 2. Account of a series of experiments undertaken with a view of decomposing Muriatic Acid. Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 188-203; Annal. de Chimie, XLIII., 1802, pp. 306-323; Gilbert, Annal. VII., 1801, pp. 265-280. 3. Zerlegung des rothen Eisenrahms. Iloff, Magazin, I., 1801. pp. 180-185. 4. Letter to the Editor on his discovery of a new and improved method of preparing the Prussiate of Potash ; and on the disputed ques- tion, whether Prussiate of Potash be decomposed by Muriate of Barytes. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 30-33. 5. Further remarks on the preparation of Prussiate of Potash. Method of purifying caustic and carbonated Alcalis from Sulphate of Potash. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 172-173. 6. Experiments on the chemical effects of Galvanic Electricity. Nicholson, Jouru. IV., 1801, pp. 223-226 ; Gilbert, Aunal. VI., 1800. pp. 369-375. 7. A review of some experiments, which have been supposed to disprove the materiality of Heat, [1801.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. V., 1802, pp. 603-621. 8. Letter concerning the invention of aro- matic vinegar. Nicholson, Journ. IV.. 1803, pp. 215-216. 9. Experiments on the quantity of gases absorbed by water at different temperatures and under different pressures. [1802.] Phil. Trans. 1803. pp. 29-42, 274-276 ; Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 147-167. 10. On the property which the Acetic Acid possesses of dissolving Camphor and various essential oils. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XV., 1803, pp. 156-158. 11. Illustrations of Mr. DALTON'S theory of the constitution of mixed gases. Nicholson, Journ. VIII., 1804, pp. 297-301 ; Gilbert, An- nal. XXL, 1805, pp. 393-401 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIX., 1804, pp. 193-196. 12. Letter in reply to Mr. Gouan [on the constitution of mixed Gases]. Nicholson, Journ. IX., 1804, pp. 126-128. HENJ 294 [HEN Henry, William. 13. Experiments on the gases obtained by the destructive distillation of wood, peat, pit-coal, oil, wax, &c., with a view to the theory of their combustion, when employed as sources of artificial Light ; and including ob- servations on hydro-carburets in general, and the carbonic oxide. Nicholson, Journ. XI., 1805, pp. 65-74; Gilbert, Annal. XXII., 1806, pp. 58-78. 14. Formation of Muriatic Acid by gal- vanism. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXII., 1805, pp. 183-185 ; Gehlen, Jouru. II., 1806, pp. 127- 131. 15. Experiments on the Fire-damp of Coal Mines. Nicholson, Journ. XIX., 1808, pp. 149-153. 16. Description of an apparatus for the analysis of the compound inflammable gases by slow combustion ; with experiments on the gas from Coal, explaining its application. Phil. Trans. 1808, pp. 282-303 ; Gilbert, Anual. XLIL, 1812, pp. 359-375. 17. Experiments on Ammonia, and an account of a new method of analysing it, by combustion with oxygen and other gases. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 430-449; Gilbert, Annal. XXX VI.. 1810, pp. 291-300. 18. Note to Dr. HENRY'S Paper on Am- inouia. Nicholson, Journ. XXV., 1810, pp. 152-155. 19. An analysis of several varieties of British and foreign Salt (muriate of Soda), with a view to explain their fitness for different economical purposes. Phil. Trans. 1810, pp. 89-122; Gilbert, Annal. XXXVII., 1811, pp. 131-134. 2O. Case in which the larvse of an Insect were voided in the Urine. — Cases of poisoning by Foxglove and Corrosive Sublimate. — Re- marks on enlargement of the Heart. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. VII., 1811, pp. 146-154. 21. Experiments on the Urine discharged in Diabetes mellitus, with remarks on that disease. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. II., 1811, pp. 118-135; Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1813, pp. 27-36. 22. Additional experiments on the Muriatic and Oxymuriatic acids. Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 238-246; Gilbert, Anual. XL VII., 1814, pp. 337-347. 23. On the theories of the excitement of Galvanic Electricity. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1813, pp. 293-312 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXV., 1813, pp. 259-271. 24. Description of a Eudiometer, and of other apparatus employed in experiments on the gases. [1811.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1813, pp. 384-390. Henry, William. 25. A memoir on the Uric Acid. [1811.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1813, pp. 391-413. 26. On the conversion of Cast-iron pipes into a substance bearing some resemblance to Plumbago. Thomson, Annal. Phil. V., 1815, pp. 66-68. 27. Analysis of a siliciferous sub-sulphate of Alumine, found in considerable quantity in a coal mine near Oldham. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1818, pp. 432-434 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXVL, 1818, pp. 461-463. 28. Experiments on the gas from Coal, chiefly with a view to its practical application. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. III., 1819, pp. 391-429 ; Karsten, Archiv. f. Bergbau, III., 1820,pp. 193-219; Schweigger, Journ. XX VIII., 1820, pp. 144-147; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIV., 1819, pp. 335-344 ; XV. pp. 32-39 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIV., 1819, pp. 117-126, 164- 170. 29. On urinary and other morbid concre- tions. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. X., 1819, pp. 125-146 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 351-365 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XV., 1820, pp. 107-117. • 3O. On the aeriform compounds of Char- coal and Hydrogen ; with an account of some additional experiments on the gases from oil and from coal. Phil. Trans. 1821, pp. 136- 161 ; Annal. de Chiuiie, XVIIL, 1821, pp. 72- 88 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1821, pp. 167- 182 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822 (St. 2), pp. 218-249. 31. Analysis of a native carbonate of Mag- nesia from the East Indies. Thomson. Ann. Phil. I., 1821, pp. 252-254 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XL, 1821, pp. 387-388 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXII. (= Jahrb. H.), 1821, pp. 454-455. 32. On the action of finely divided Platinum on gaseous mixtures, and its application to their analysis. Phil. Trans. 1824, pp. 266-289 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1825, pp. 416-430; Silliman, Journ. XII., 1827, pp. 181-183. 33. Experiments on the analysis of some of the Aeriform Compounds of Nitrogen. Man- chester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IV., 1824, pp. 499- 517; Annal. de Chimie, XXVL, 1824, pp. 364- 367 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIH., 1824, pp. 299-303, 344-348 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharni. X., 1825 (St. 2), pp. 15-25 ; XII., 1826 (St. 2), pp. 214-219. 34. Analysis of a crystallized compound of Hyponitrous and Sulphuric acids. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1826, pp. 368-371 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 113-118; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXL, 1826, pp. 390-391 ; Pog- gend. Annal. VII., 1826, pp. 135-136. HEN] 295 [HEN Henry, William. 35. On the Magnesite dis- covered in Anglesey. Ediub. Journ. Sci. II., 1830, pp. 155-157. 36. Experiments on the disinfecting pow- ers of increased temperatures, with a view to the suggestion of a substitute for quarantine. Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 363-369 ; XI., 1832, pp. 22-31 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XIII., 1832, pp. 19-27, 418-429; Journ. de Pharm. XVIH., 1832, pp. 229-245 ; Liebig, Annal. IV., 1832, pp. 91-101 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 370-373 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 113- 123, 340-347 ; Silliman, Journ. XXI., 1832, pp. 392-399 ; XXTL, 1832, pp. 111-122. 37. Report on the state of our knowledge of the laws of Contagion. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 67-94. Henry, William Charles. A critical and ex- perimental inquiry into the relations subsisting between nerve and muscle. Roy. Soc. Proc. HI., 1831, pp. 64-65; Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XXXVII., 1832, pp. 11-20. 2. Report on the Physiology of the Ner- vous System. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1833, pp. 59- 91. 3. Remarks on the Atomic Constitution of Elastic Fluids. Phil. Mag. V., 1834, pp. 33-39. 4. Experiments on the Action of Metals in determining Gaseous Combination. Phil. Mag. IV., 1835, pp. 354-366 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. V., 1835, pp. 109-123 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXVI., 1835, pp. 150-160. 5. On Gaseous interference. Brit. As- soc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), pp. 54-55 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. EX., 1836, pp. 347-359 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIII., 1837, pp. 140-143 ; Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 324-333 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXIX., 1836, pp. 385-397. Hensche, A. Ueber die Driisen und glatten Muskelu in der iiussern Haut von Rana tem- poraria. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VII., 1856, pp. 273-282. 2. Ueber einen auf der Kurischen Nehrung bei Nidden gefundenen Knochen. Kb'nigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Oekon. Gesell. I., 1860, pp. 147- 160. 3. Die lebenden Heliceen der Provinz Preussen. Malakozool. Blatt. VII., 1860, pp. 1-9. 4. Preussens Molluskenfauna. Konigs- Hensche, W. Einiges sur Kenutniss der Tod- tenbestatttmg bei den heidnischen Preussen. Ktinigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Oekon. Gesell. II., 1861, pp. 130-138. Henschel, A. Aufruf an die Deutschen Botan- iker, den Beweis des Pflanzengeschlechts neu zu begriinden. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 559-573, 575-586, 591-599. 2. Verzeichniss eines Systems von Ver- stichen iiber die Bestaubung der Pflanzen. Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 262-271. • 3. Bemerkungeu iiber A. BUONGNIART'S Bestimmungen der Vegetation in den ver- schiedenen Epochen der Erdgeschichte. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, III., 1831, pp. 99-102. Henschel, Carl Anton. Einige Worte iiber Verbesserung der Dampfmaschinen. Gilbert, Annal. LXL, 1819, pp. 405-414. Hensel, Friedrich. Vergleichung der Beobacht- ungen der Hygiea mit d'ARREST's zweiten Elementen. Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 279-282. — — 2. [Bestimmung der Bahn des Cometen (I. 1849) und Vergleichung derselben mit den Beobachtungen.] Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 289-298. 3. Neue Elemente der Hygiea und Ephem- eride fur die Riickkehr von der Sonne. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 81-86. 4. Ephemeride der Parthenope. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 23-26. 5, Neue Elemente des zweiten Cometen von 1806. Astr. Nachr. LVIII., 1862, col. 89- 92. Hensel, Reinhold. Ueber die fossilen Sauge- thiere Schlesiens. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1852, pp. 37-38. 2. Ueber angeblich fossile Menschenreste. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1853, pp. 61-63. 3. Ueber fossile in Schlesien entdeckte Reste des Riesenhirsches. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1853, pp. 63-64. • 4. Uebersicht der fossilen und lebenden Siiugethiere Schlesiens. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Denkschr. 1853, pp. 239-250. 5. Ueber die Verschiedenheit iin Schiidel- berg, Schrift. Phys. Oekon. Gesell. II., 1861, pp. 73-96 ; III., 1862, pp. 194-203. 5. Eine Skalaride der gemeineu Wein- bergschnecke (Helix pomatia). Frankfurt, Der Zool. Garten, IV., 1863, pp. 106-107. bau der Mustela Maries und M. Foina. Wieg- mann, Archiv, XIX., 1853, pp. 17-22. 6. Ueber das Vorkommen von Eckziihnen bei Cervus capreolus. Wiegmann, Archiv, XIX., 1853, pp. 23-24. 7. Ein Beitrag zur Kenutniss fossiler Ueberreste aus der Gattung Arctomys. Acad. Crcs. Leop. Nova Acta, XXIV., 1854, pp. 295- 306. HEN] 296 [HEN Hensel, Reinhold. 8. Beitrage zur Kenntniss fossiler Saugethiere, Insectenfresser uud Nage- thiere der Diluvialformation. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VII., 1855, pp. 458-501 ; VIII., 1856, pp. 279-290, 660-703. 9. TJeber cinen fossilen Muntjac aus Schle- sien. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. XI., 1859, pp. 251-280. 1O. Ueber Hipparion mediterranean!. Ber- lin, Ahhand. 1860 (P/ti/s.), pp. 27-121 ; Berlin, Monatsber. 1860, pp. 356-363. 11. Bericht iiber die Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der Saugethiere wahrend des Jahres 1859-61. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVL, 1860 (Bd. 2), pp. 19-69 ; XXVIL, 1861 (Bd.2), pp. 74-116; XXVIII., 1862 (Bd. 2), pp. 83- 160. 12. Ueber die Reste einiger Saugethier- arten von Pikermi in der Miinchener Sammlung. Berlin, Monatsber. 1862, pp. 560-569. Henseii, V. Ueber Zuckerbildung in der Leber. Virchow, Archiv, XL, 1857, pp. 395-398. 2. Do urinae excretione in epilepsia. Kiel, Schriften, VI., 1860. 3. Unlersuchnngen zur Physiologic der Blutkorperchen, sowie iiber die Zellennatur der- selben. [1861.] Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. XL, 1862, pp. 253-278. 4. Studien iiber das Gehororgan der De- capoden. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. XIII. , 1863, pp. 319-412. 5. Zur Morphologic der Schnecke, des Menschen und der Saugethiere. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, pp. 481-512. 6. Ueber eine Brachiolaria des Kieler Hafens. Wiegmanu, Archiv, XXIX., 1863 (Bd. 1), pp. 242-246, 363-364. Hensley, P. J. Determination of the foci of the conic section expressed by trilinear coordinates. [1861.] Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 177-183. 2. Determination of the trilinear equation of the axes of a conic section. Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 273-275. Henslow, G. Notice of South European plants indigenous to the Channel Islands, most of which reach their northern limits in the south and west of Britain. Phytologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 633- 638. Henslow, John Stevens. Supplementary obser- vations to Dr. BEIIGER'S account of the Isle of Man. [1820.] Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1821, pp. 482-505. • 2. Geological description of Anglesea. [1821.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1822, pp. 359-452. 3. On the Deluge. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VI., 1823, pp. 344-348. Henslow, John Stevens. 4. On the crystalliza- tion of Gold. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1829, pp. 146- 147 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 176-177. 5. On the leaves of Malaxis paludosa. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1829, pp. 441-442; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1830, pp. 103-105. 6. On the specific identity of the Primrose, Oxlip, Cowslip, and Polyanthus. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1830, pp. 406-409. 7. On the specific identity of Anagallis arvensis and cocrulea. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1830, pp. 537-538. . 8. On variations in the cotyledons and primordial leaves of the Sycamore (Acer pseudo- platamis, L.). Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 346-347. 9. On the fructification of the genus Chara. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 348- 350. 1O. On the varieties of Paris quadrifolia, considered with respect to the ordinary charac- teristics of monocotyledouous plants. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 429-434. . 11. On the examination of a hybrid Digi- talis. [1831.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1833, pp. 257-278. 12. Facts in relation to the reproductive economy of the Mistletoe (Viscum album, L.). Mag. Nat, Hist. VI., 1833, p. 500. 13. On a monstrosity of the common Mignionette. [1832.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1835, pp. 95-100. 14. Observations concerning the indi- genousness and distinctness of certain species of plants included in the British Floras. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1835, pp. 84-88. 15. An enumeration of species and varie- ties of Plants which have been deemed British, but whose iudigenousness to Britain is con- sidered to be questionable. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 88-91. 16. A notice of the fact, and of particulars on the mode, of sugarcandy being produced in the flowers of Rhododendron ponticum, L. ; and a notice of the effect on the germination of the seeds of an Acacia Necker of boiling them variously. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 476-479. • 17. On the disunion of contiguous layers in the wood of Exogenous Trees. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. L, 1837, pp. 32-35. 18. On the requisites necessary for the advance of Botany. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. I., 1837, pp. 113-125. 19. On the structure of the flowers of Adoxa moschatellina. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. L, 1837, pp. 259-261. HEN] 297 [HEN Henslow, Jolni Stevens. 20. Description of two new species of Opuntia (O. Darwinii and O. galapageia) ; with remarks on the structure of the fruit of Rhipsalis. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. I., 1837, pp. 466-469. 21. Florida Keelingensis. An account of the native plants of the Keeling Islands. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1838, pp. 337-347 ; Froriep, No- tizen, X., 1839, col. 257-259. 22. Report of the diseases of Wheat. Agric. Soc. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 1-25. 23. On the specific identity of the fungi producing Rust and Mildew. Agric. Soc. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 220-224. 24. On Cecidomyia tritici. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841 (pt. 2), pp. 72-73. 25. On the occurrence of the animalcule of Vibrio tritici in blighted grains of the ears of Wheat, constituting what is termed Earcockle, Purples, or Peppercorns. Microsc. Journ. I., 1841, pp. 36-39. 26. Observations on the Wheat-midge. Agric. Soc. Jouru. III., 1842, pp. 36-39. — — 27. Report of the Committee on the Vi- tality of Seeds. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842, pp. 34-38. (See Daubeny, supra, vol. II., p. 157, col. 2. ) 28. On Nodules, apparently coprolitic, Henslow, John Stevens. 39. On the anomalous Oyster-Shell. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, p. 314. • 40. On typical objects in Natural History. Brit. Assoc. Rep. ISooj pp. 108-126. 41. On the triticoidal forms of vEgilops, and on the specific identity of Centaurea nigra and C. nigrescens. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 87-88. 42. On a monstrous developcment in Ha- from the Red Crag, London Clay, and Green- sand. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), pp. 51-52. 29. On concretions in the Red Crag at Felixstow, Suffolk. Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1845, pp. 35-36. 3O. On detritus derived from the London Clay and deposited in the Red Crag. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 64. 31. On the parasitical habits of Scrophu- larinete. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 294- 295. 32. On the awns of Nepaul barley (Hor- deum coeleste, vars. trifurcatum and ajgiceras). Hooker's Journ. Botany, I., 1849, pp. 33-40 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1849, col. 102-104. 33. On the structure of the pistil in Eschscholtzia Californica. Hooker's Journ. Botany, I., 1849, pp. 289-291. 34. Parasitic larva? observed in the nests of hornets, wasps, and humble bees. Newman, Zoologist, VII., 1849, pp. 2584-2586. 35. On the experiments of raising Pri- mula;, &c. from seed. Phytologist, III., 1849, pp. 651-652. 36. Way in which Toads shed their skins. Newman, Zoologist, 1850, p. 2881. 37. Gnawing power of the Caterpillar of the Goat-moth (Xyleutes cossus). Newman, Zoologist, 1850, p. 2897. 38. Food of Micro-lepidoptera. Newman, Zoologist, 1852, p. 3358. VOL. m. benaria chlorantha. [1857.] Linn. Soc. Journ. II., 1858 (Bot.), pp. 104-105. Hensmans, Peter Joseph. Sur la preparation du KerniL-s mineral avec les alcalis caustiques. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. VII., 1820, pp. 382- 386. 2. Reaction particuliere de 1'acide muri- atique sur 1'oxide de rnercure. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. VIII., 1821, pp. 399-400. 3. Historia naturalis, technica et chemica Opii ejnsque succedaueorum. Louvaine, Ann. Acad. IV., 1822. 4. Sur les esprits alcooliques. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. IV., 1823. — — 5. Ueber den Phosphorgehalt der Varec- Soda. Kastuer, Archiv Naturl. IX., 1826, pp. 83-86. 6. Su la composizione degli ossidi de' me- talli e sui termini in uso per disegnarli. Cat- taneo, Giorn. Farm. VI., 1827, pp. 23-27. Hensmans, J'elcr Joseph, et L. de Koninck. Nouveau mode de preparation de la Salicine. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1832-34, pp. 172-174. 2. Recherches relatives a la prepa- ration de la Salicine. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1835, pp. 231-232. Hentz, Charles A. Descriptions of new species of Fishes of Florence, Alabama. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1845-48, pp. 48-49. Hentz, Nicholas Mareellns. A notice concern- ing the Spider, whose web is used in medicine (Tegeuaria medicinalis). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 53-55. 2. Some observations on the anatomy and physiology of the Alligator of North America (Lacerta alligator, Gmel. ; Crocodilus lucius, Cuvier). [1820.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1825, pp. 216-228. 3. Description of some new species of North American Insects. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, pp. 373-375 ; Fi-russac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVIII., 1829, pp. 475-476. 4. Description of eleven new species of North American Insects. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 253-258. p P HENJ 298 [HEN Hentz, Nicholas Marcellus. 5. Remarks on the use of the maxillae in Coleopterous insects, with an account of two species of the family Tele- phoridre (Chauliognathus marginatus, and Ch. bimaculus), and of three of the family Mordel- lidce (Rhipiphorus dimidiatus, R. limbatus, R. tristis) which ought to bo the type of two dis- tinct genera. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 458-463. 6. On North American Spiders. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 99-122. 7. Description of an American Spider ( Spermophora meridionalis) constituting a new sub-genus of the tribe Inrequitelne, Latrcille. Silliman, Journ. XLL, 1841, pp. 116-117. 8. Descriptions of the Araneides of the United States. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1843-44, pp. 54-57, 223-230, 386-396 ; V., 1845-47, pp. 189-202, 352-369, 443-478 ; VI., 1857, pp. 18-35, 271-295. 9. Species of Mygale of the United States. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. L, 1844, pp. 41-42. Hentze, W. Bemerkungcn iiber Betula odorata, Rcichst., und B. pubescens, Ehrh. Casscl, Jahresb. X., 1846, pp. 11-14. 2. Zur Birkenfragc. Botan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 161-164, 180-183. 3. Weitere Bemerkungen iiber die in Deutschland vorkommenden Birkenarten. Bo- tan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 73-80, 103-110. 4. Beschreibung einer neuen Nymphma. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 601-604. 5. Weitere Mittheilung iiber die Unter- suchung Deutscher Seerosen. Botau. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 697-702. 6. Description de diverses especes de Nenu- phar (Nympha-a) cultivees pres de Cassel. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Bot.\ 1852, pp. 376-379. 7. [Ueber Nympluea alba, L.~\. Botan. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 745-747. Henwood, William Jori/. On a singular extri- cation of gas in the Union Mines. [1826.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1827, pp. 203- 207. 2. Notice of some circumstances connected with the heave of a copper lode by a flucan vein, in the Consolidated Mines, Gweunup. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1827, pp. 329- 331. 3. Remarks on Mr. J. TAYLOR'S paper " On the accidents incident to Steain-Boilers." Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 408-411. 4. On the performance of an engine at Huel To wan. Ediub. Journ. Sci. VIII., 1828, p. 160 \_Anonymous], 5. Observations on the explosion of Steam Boilers. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VIII., 1 828, pp. 160-162. Henwood, William Jory. 6. Account of the Steam Engines in Cornwall. [1828.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 34-50. 7. A summary of experiments recently made on the Temperature of Mines. Ediub. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 245-267. 8. Observations on some late statements respecting Steam Engines in Cornwall. Phil. Mag. VII., 1830, pp. 323-325. 9. Facts bearing on the theory of the form- ation of Springs, and their intensity at various periods of the year. Phil. Mag. IX., 1831, pp. 170-177. 1O. Notes on some recent improvements of the Steam Engine in Cornwall. Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 97-103. 11. Notice of a geological survey of the Mines of Cornwall. Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 358-363. 12. On some of the deposits of Stream Tin- Ore in Cornwall, with remarks on the theory of that formation. [1829.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1832, pp. 57-69. 13. On the manipulations to which the ores of Tin and Copper are subjected in the central mining district of Cornwall. [1828.] Corn- wall, Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1832, pp. 145- 165. 14. Account of experiments on the per- formance of some Steam Engines in Cornwall. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1832, pp. 246-251. 15. On periodical variations in the quan- tities of water afforded by springs. Phil. Mag. L, 1832, pp. 287-295. 16. Geologischc Umrisse des Grubeu-Dis- trictes in Cornwall. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, pp. 633-640. 17. Observations on the rise and fall of water in several wells in Cornwall, and in certain mines in Flintshire. Phil. Mag. III., 1833, pp. 417-421. 18. On some intersections of mineral veins in Cornwall. [1832.] Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834, pp. 405-407. 19. Lettre sur la difference de temperature des couches aux monies profondeurs, selon la nature des roches, et sur 1'electricite dans les lilons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, p. 343. 20. On the steam-engines of Cornwall. Phil. Mag. VIII., 1836, pp. 20-21. 21. On the differences of temperature be- tween the Granite and Slate in the Cornish mines. Thomson, Records, IV., 1836, pp. 198- 199. 22. On Mi-. Fox's (alleged) conversion of copper pyrites into purple and vitreous copper. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. I., 1836-37, pp. 225- 229. HEN] 299 [HEN Henwood, William Jory. 23. On the higher Temperature which prevails in the Slate than in the Granite of Cornwall. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1837 (pt. 2), pp. 36-37. 24. On some intersections of mineral veins in the mines of Dolcoath and Huel Prudence in Cornwall. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1837 (pt. 2), p. 74. 25. A lecture on the phenomena of metal- liferous veins. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXII., 1837, pp. 152-176 ; Karsten, Archiv, X., 1837, pp. 535-580. 26. On the electric currents observed in some metalliferous veins. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXII., 1837, pp. 270-281 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. I., 1836-37, pp. 124-133 ; Annal. des Mines, XL, 1837, pp. 585-604; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1837, col. 273-281. 27. On the expansive action of steam in some of the Pumping Engines in the Cornish Mines. Civ. Eng. Institut. Trans. II., 1838, pp. 49-60 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVII., 1839, pp. 42-52 ; Mining Review, V., 1839, pp. 33-34. • 28. Note on Mr. MURRAY'S defence of Mr. R. W. Fox's theories. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. III., 1838-39, pp. 338-339. 29. On the preparation of the white oxide of Arsenic (Arsenious acid) in Cornwall. Corn- wall, Polytechn. Soc. Trans. 1839, pp. 113-114. 30. Experiments on the electric conditions of the rocks and metalliferous veins (Lodes) of Longclose and Rosewall Hill mines in Cornwall. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1841, p. 317. 31. A brief note to accompany a series of specimens from Lockport, near Niagara, in the State of New York. [1841.] Geol. Soc. Proc. in., 1842, pp. 453-454. 32. Notes to accompany a series of speci- mens from Chaleur Bay and the River Risti- gouche in New Brunswick. [1841.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 454-456. 33. On the metalliferous deposits of Corn- wall and Devon. [1836.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1843, pp. 1-386. 34. Observations on subterranean tempe- rature in the mines of Cornwall and Devon. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1843, pp. 387- 412 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIV., 1843, pp. 246-256. — • — 35. On the quantities of water which enter the Cornish Mines. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1843, pp. 413-444. 36. On the electric currents observed in rocks and veins. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1843, pp. 445-460. 37. Statistical notices of the mines in Corn- wall and Devon. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1843, pp. 461-482. Henwood, William Jory. 38. On the rocks and veins which form the opposite walls of cross-veins. Phil. Mag. XXLL, \ 843, pp. 373- 384, 443-461. 39. On the (displacements) heaves of metal- liferous veins by cross-veins. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, pp. 180-181, 258-260. 4O. Notice of the Morro Velho mine, pro- vince of Minas Gerae's; and on the relations between the structure of the containing rocks and the directions of the shoots of Gold in the Brazilian mines. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1844, pp. 341-344 ; Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 143-146. 41. Notice of the Itabira and Santa Anna mines, in Brazil. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 227-229. 42. Notice of the Descoberta gold mine, in Brazil. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 294-295. 43. Abstract of Meteorological Observa- tions made during 1845 at Gongo Soco in the interior of Brazil. Phil. Mag. XXV1IL, 1846, pp. 364-368. — — 44. Notices of the superposition of certain minerals in some of the metalliferous deposits of Cornwall and Devon. Phil. Mag. XXIX., 1846, pp. 359-361. 45. Abstract of Meteorological Observa- tions made during 1846-47 at Gongo Soco in the interior of Brazil. Phil. Mag. XXX. 1847, pp. 361-364 ; XXXII., 1848, pp. 422- 425. 46. Observations on the Providence mines. [1851.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VII., 1847-60, pp. 179-184. 47. On the geological associations of Tellu- rium. [1853.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VII., 1847-60, pp. 228-229 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LVIL, 1854, pp. 363-365. 48. Sur un arc atmospherique incolore, observe dans 1'interieur du Bresil. LTnstitut, XVH., 1849, p. 48. 49. Abstract of a Memoir on the metal- liferous (Gold) deposits of Brazil. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L., 1851, pp. 61-64. 50. Observations on a remarkable deposit of Tin Ore at the Providence Mines near St. Ives, Cornwall. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 68-72. 51. Notice of some ancient Indian Mining Tools, found in the copper districts of Lake Superior. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LVIL, 1854, pp. 324-325. — 52. Report on the metalliferous deposits of Kumaon and Gurhwal. India. Govt. Records (Home Dept.), VIII., 1855 ; Ediub. New Phil. Journ. III., 1856, pp. 135-141. p p 2 HEN] 300 [HER Kenwood, William Jory. 53. Notes on the copper turf of Merioneth. [1856.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. V., 1857, pp. 61-64. 54. Notes on Subterranean Temperature observed in the Mines of Chili. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VII., 1858, pp. 147-149. 55. Notes on the Silver produced in Corn- wall. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 173-183. Henz, . Ueber die Regulirung der Fahrtiefe schnellfliessender Strome. Crelle, Journ. Bauk. XII., 1838, pp. 99-137. Hepburn, Archibald, Notes on the habits of certain Birds. Newman, Zoologist, I., 1843, pp. 185-188. 2. Notes on Birds injurious to agriculture, and 011 the benefits also derived from them. Newman, Zoologist, I., 1843, pp. 296-303, 366-374. 3. Notes on the partial migration and local shiftings of certain Birds in East Lothian, and a few remarks on the subject in general, as applied to Scotland and the North of England. Newman, Zoologist, IV., 1846, pp. 1332-1336. 4. Notes on the Quadrupeds and Birds of the northern districts of Inverness-shire. New- man, Zoologist, VI., 1848, pp. 2010-2014. 5. Notes on nocturnal Lepidoptera. Ber- wick. Nat. Club Hist, II., 1849, pp. 212-213. 6. Notes on the Wood-Pigeon. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 272-275. 7. Note and description of the female Bridled Guillemot CUria lachrymans). Ber- wick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1849, pp. 275-277. 8. Notes on the habits of the Rooks in East Lothian. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. III., 1857, pp. 48-50. 9. Notes on some of the Mammalia and Birds found at St. Abb's Head. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. III., 1857, pp. 70-77. Hepburn, J. Stewart. On the causes of ob- struction in water-pipes and syphons from dis- engaged air, and on the construction of an Hydraulic Air-extractor for removing them. [1834.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XX., 1836, pp. 100-116 ; Edinb. Trans. Scot, Soc. Arts, I., 1841, pp. 79-94. Hepp, . Ueber die hei Neustadt vorkomm- enden Oolithen und die Entstehungsart der- selben. Pollichia, Jahresb. II., 1844, pp. 15-19. 2. Ueber die bei Diirkheim aufgefundenen versteinerten Phryganreen-Gehause. Pollichia, Jahresb. II., 1844, pp. 19-23. 3. Ueber die bei Zweibriicken entdeckten vorweltlichen Equiseteen. Pollichia, Jahresb. II., 1844, pp. 23-26. 4. Species Lichenum Javanensium novas collectionis Zollingerianae. Batavia, Nat. Tijd- schr. VI., 1854, pp. 141-144. Hepp, Ludwig. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Hypertrophie der Muskeln. Henle uud Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, IV., 1854, pp. 257-259. Heppe, . Bericht iiber seine Untersuch- ungen des Terpins. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. I., 1853, pp. 124-125. 2. Verhalten des Nitroprussiduatriutus zu verschiedenen Reageutien. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. II., 1853, pp. 243-254. Heppe, F. W. Waarneemingen omtreut ver- Bcheidene soorten van Etterziekten, benevens eenige proefneemingeu en aanmerkingen over den Etter en andere dierlijke Vogten. Utrecht, Verhand. Prov. Genootsch. X., 1821, pp. I- 118. Hepworth, John. On the structure of the foot of the Fly. Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 158-163. 2. Memoranda on the feet of the Fly. Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 312-314; IV., 1856. pp. 88-89. 3. Observations on the practical applica- tion of the microscope. Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 109-111. 4. The practical use of the microscope. Journ. Microsc. Sci. V., 1857, pp. 1-3. 5. On compound Nucleated Cells. Journ. Microsc. Sci. V., 1857, pp. 141-142. Herapath, John. On the physical properties of Gases. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1816, pp. 56-60. 2. On the law of continuity. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 181S, pp. 208-213. 3. New demonstrations of the Binomial Theorem. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIII., 1819, pp. 365-368. 4. A mathematical inquiry into the causes, laws, and principal phenomena of Heat, Gases, Gravitation. Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1821, pp. 273-293, 340-351, 401-416. 5. Tables of temperature, and a mathema- tical devclopement of the causes and laws of the phenomena which have been adduced in support of the hypothesis of " Calorific Capacity, Latent heat," Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1821, pp. 50- 56, 89-103, 201-211, 256-274, 363-388,434- 462 ; III., pp. 16-28. 6. Remarks on Dr. THOMSON'S paper " On the influence of humidity in modifying the specific gravity of gases." Thomson, Ann. Phil III., 1822, pp. 419-422. 7. On the hypothesis of gaseous repul- sion. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LX.,"l822, pp. 18- 25. 8. Observations on M. LAPLACE'S com- munication to the Royal Academy of Sciences, " Sur 1'attraction des spheres, et sur la repul- sion des fluides elastiques." Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, pp. 61-66, 136-139. HER] 301 [HER Herapath, John. Q. Addition to Mr. UKRA- FATII'S theory of evaporation. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VII., 1824, pp. 349-353. 1O. On the Solution of \J/".r=.r. Thom- son, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 420-427. 11. On the irregular indications of Ther- mometers. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 8-15. 12. On the complete solution of certain functional equations. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 197-200. 13. On the transformation of the solutions of a periodical functional equation. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 333-339. 14. On the Binomial Theorem, and he application of some properties of Ara Ore to general differentiation and integration. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 321-332. 15. On the conditions of possibility, arbi- trary functions, and complete solutions of periodical functional equations. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVL, 1825, pp. 102-108. 16. Methods of experimentally determining the quantity of vapour in the atmosphere, and the specific gravities of gases mixed with vapour. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1826, pp. 97-103. 17. Supplement to a paper in the Phil. May. for August 1825, on functional equations. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIL, 1826, pp. 442- 445. • 18. On the integration of linear differ- ential equations having constant coefficients and last term any function of the indeterminate quantity x. Phil. Mag. II., 1827, pp. 419-425 ; III., 1828, pp. 19-26. 19. Failure of LAGRANGE'S Method of integrating linear [differential equations] with constant coefficients. Phil. Mag. III., 1828, pp. 210-212. 20. On the velocity of sound, and varia- tion of temperature and pressure in the atmo- sphere. Gleanings in Sci. II., 1830, pp. 307- 312 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 167-175. 21. Observations of the Comet discovered by Mr. HERAPATH, January 1831. Astron Soc. Mem. IV., 1831, p. 626. 22. Eiuiges iiber Eisenbahnen. (Transl.) Dingier, Polyteclm. Journ. LVIIL, 1835, pp. 1-11. Herapath, Thornton John. Curious oxidation of a Lead-pipe. Chemical Gazette, IV., 1846, p. 419. 2. On native sulphate of Alumina. Chemi- cal Gazette, IV., 1846, pp. 422-423. 3. On the composition of the root of the Radish. Chemical Gazette, V., 1847, pp. 279- 282. Herapath, Thornton John. 4. On the chemical composition of Pollen. Chem. Soc. Journ, 1., 1849, pp. 1-2. 5. On the composition and distribution of the inorganic substances in the different organs and component organic parts of the Mulberry Tree. Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1849, pp. 103- 116. 6. On some combinations of Boracic acid with oxide of Lead. Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1849, pp. 375-380. 7. Composition of a caleulus from a Monkey's liver. Chemist, I., 1849-50, p. 37. 8. Note on the so-called dumb-bell-shaped crystals of oxalate of Lime. Chemist, I., 1849- 50, pp. 99-100. 9. Chemical examination of coprolitic re- mains from different parts of England. Chemist, I., 1849-50, pp. 109-110. 10. Chemical and microscopical researches on the Blood, excretions, and breath in cholera. Chemist, I., 1849-50, pp. 183-185. 11. Examination of the liquid from a case of ovarian dropsy. Chemist, I., 1849-50, pp. 299-301. 12. The improvement of land by warping, chemically considered. Agric. Soc. Journ. XI., 1850, pp. 93-113. 13. Analyses of the ashes of some esculent vegetables. Chem. Soc. Journ. II., 1850, pp. 4-25 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VII., 1849, pp. 381-401. 14. On some newly discovered substances from the African Guano deposits. Chem. Soc. Journ. II., 1850, pp. 70-74. 15. Analysis of a medicinal water from the neighbourhood of Bristol. Chem. Soc. Journ. II., 1850, pp. 200-205. 16. On the tartar of the teeth. Chemist, II., 1850-51, pp. 289-290. 17. Some observations on the chemical composition and agricultural value of the fossil bones and pseudo-coprolites of the Crag. Agric. Soc. Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 91-104. 18. On Jatropha manure. Agric. Soc. Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 256-258 ; Chemist, III. 1851-52, pp. 25-26, 125. 19. Analysis of the ashes of the Spanish Potato (Convolvulus batatas), and of the luldoes (Arum esculentum, Linn., Colocasia esculenta, Sc/wtt.). [1850.] Chem. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, pp. 193-199. 2O. Analysis of sugar feculencies. Chem. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, p. 367. 21. On a cement for stopping the cavities of teeth. Chem. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, pp. 367-369. HER] 302 [HER Herapath, Thornton John. 22. On the com- bination of arsenious acid with albumen. Phil. Mas;. II., 1851, pp. 34.5-347 ; Erclm. Journ. Prak. Chera. LIV., 1851, pp. 407-410. • 23. Analysis of a chalybeate water from the neighbourhood of Brecon. Chemist, ILL. 1851-52, pp. 145-147. 24. Chemical report on the water supply of Bristol. Chemist, III., 1851-52, pp. 433- 436, 499-502, 529-536. 25. On the mode of extracting manure from sewage water, practised at Cardiff Gaol. Agric. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1852, pp. 197-199. 26. On the combination of arsenious acid and albumen, considered in its relations to LIKRIG'S theory on the action of inorganic poisons. Annals of Pharm. I., 1852, pp. 164— 168 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1852, pp. 35- 37; Pharmaceut. Journ. XI., 1852, pp. 266- 268. 27. On a quick approximative method of estimating minute quantities of Iron by means of a Colorimeter. Chem. Soc. Journ. V., 1853, p. 27. 28. Bestimmung des Eisens, Cyans, Cyan- wasserstoffs, und Schwefelcyanwasserstoffs durch volumenometrische Analyse. (Tri/i/st.) Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 242-244. 29. Were the ancient Egyptians acquainted with Nitric Acid? Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 339-340. 3O. On a quick approximative method of estimating minute quantities of Iodine. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp.. 185-186. 31. The Torbanehill mineral. [1853.] Chemist, I., 1854, pp. 207-208. • 32. On the presence of Fluorine in the feathers of birds, and on the existence of minute traces of that element in hair and wool. Chemist, I, 1854, pp. 324-325. 33. Chemical and microscopical examina- tion of the fruit of the Medlar (Mespilus ger- manica) ; with some observations on the pheno- mena of Wetting or rotting. Chemist, I., 1854, pp. 513-520. 34. On the adulteration of malt liquors with Cocculus Indicus ; with remarks on the detection of Picrotoxia. Chemist, I., 1854, pp. 577-582. 35. On the estimation of the proportion of Aconitine in the tubers and root-stock of Aconitum uapellus (Wolfsbane or Monkshood) ; with remarks on the preparation of Aconitine, and on a case of poisoning by Aconitum. Chemist, II., 1855, pp. 147-153. 36. On the presence of Nicotine in the urine of Tobacco smokers ; with remarks on the detection of Nicotine and Coniine. Chemist, II., 1855, pp. 522-524. Herapath, Thornton John. 37. Curious oxida- tion of a lead pipe. Chemist, II., 1 855, pp. 534- 535. 38. On the estimation of iron, cyanogen, hydrocyanic acid, and hydrosulphocyanic acid by volume analysis ; with remarks on the quantitative determination of the sulphocyauide of potassium in the human saliva. Chemist, II., 1855, pp. 577-580. 39. Remarks on the micro-chemical ex- amination of a tree that had been struck by lightning. Chemist, II., 1855, pp. 596-597. 4O. On the application of the microscope to the identification and discovery of certain vegetable poisons. Chemist, III., 1856, pp. 49-57. 41. On the metals of the earths. Chemist, III., 1856, pp. 249-254. 42. On the ammonio-sulphate of copper, and zinc. Chemist, III., 1856, p. 394. 43. On the phosphorescence of the glow- worm and fire-fly. Chemist, III., 1856, pp. 714-715. 44. On the stannate of Zinc found in the slags of the copper furnaces. Chemist, IV., 1857, pp. 65-66. 45. On the presence of Iodine in atmo- spheric air. Chemist, IV., 1857, pp. 193-196. 46. On the determination of" the strength and money value of commercial cyanide of Potassium, and on a method of estimating cyanogen and hydrocyanic acid. Chemist, IV., 1857, pp. 263-265. 47. Note sur le Plomb contenu dans les Eaux. (Transl.) Journ. de Pharm. XXXVL, 1859, pp. 205-206. Herapath, Thornton John and William. On the artificial formation of crystalline oxide of zinc. Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1849, pp. 42-44. 2. On the waters of the Dead Sea. [1849.] Chemist, I., 1849-50, pp. 242-247; Chem. Soc. Journ. II., 1 850, pp. 336-344 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLVIIL, 1850, pp. 313-320. 3. Note on the existence of Strontia in the well waters of Bristol. Chem. Soc. Journ. V., 1853, pp. 193-194. Herapath, Thornton Jo/in, and Berkeley Hill. Chemical examination of the so-called "Cuckoo- spittle." Chemist, II., 1855, pp. 1-3. Herapath, William. Description of a new magnetic balance. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1821, p. 291. 2. On Cadmium, and the sources of pro- curing it in quantity. Thomson, Ann. Phil. III., 1822, pp. 435-437 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1822, pp. 217-220; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIIL, 1822, pp. 427-428; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, pp. 166-168. HER] 303 [HER Herapath, William. 3. Crystallized Carbon. — Artificial Plumbago. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVI., 1823, p. 162. 4. On opaque crystallized carbon. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXL, 1823, pp. 423-424. 5. Experiments on oil and coal gas. Til- Gil- loch, Phil. Mag. LXL, 1823, pp. 424-431 bert, Annal. LXXVL, 1824, pp. 157-164. 6. On DOEBEREINER'S new Experiment with Hydrogen Gas and Platinum in a finely divided state. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, pp. 286-289; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIX. (= Jahrb. IX.), 1823, pp. 255-256. 7. On the combinations of oxygen. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 321-329; Trornrnsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XL, 1825 (St. 2), pp. 164-167. 8. On a new Compensation Pendulum. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 374-375. 9. A simple method of exhibiting the com- bustion of the diamond. Phil. Mag. VII., 1830, pp. 407-408 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 615-616. 1O. On the Aurora Borealis. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), p. 32. . 11. On arsenical poisons. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1836 (pt. 2), pp. 67-70. 12. On Lithiate of Ammonia as a secretion of Insects. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), p. 70. 13. Analysis of the water of the King's Bath, Bath. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), pp. 70-73. 14. On a new process of tanning. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), pp. 71-72. 15. Analysis of the Bath Waters, and of the Bristol Plot-wells' Water. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, p. 371. 16. On early Egyptian Chemistry. Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 528-529. Herapath, William, Bird. On the optical pro- perties of a newly-discovered salt of quinine. Phil. Mag. in., 1852, pp. 161-173; Anual. de Chimie, XL., 1854, pp. 247-249; Journ. Mi- crosc. Sci. L, 1853, pp. 57—58 ; Pharmaceut. Journ. XI., 1852, pp. 448-455, 499-504. 2. On the chemical constitution and atomic weight of the new polarizing crystals produced from quinine. Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, pp. 186-192; Pharmaceut. Journ. XLL, 1853, pp. 6-11. 3. On the discovery of quinine and quini- dine in the urine of patients under medical treatment with the salts of these mixed alka- loids. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 171-175; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXL, 1854, pp. 87- 89 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1855, pp. 205- 209; Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 13- 18; Pharmaceut. Journ. XIII., 1854, pp. 216- 219. Herapath, William Bird. 4. On the manufac- ture of large available crystals of Sulphate of lode-quinine (Herapathite), for optical purposes as artificial Tourmalines. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 346-351; VII., 1854, pp. 352-358; Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1854, pp. 249-251 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXL, 1854, pp. 82-87, 367-368; LXXIL, 1857, pp. 104-105; Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 83-90; Pharma- ceut. Journ. XIII., 1854, pp. 449-454; Pog- gend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 616-622. 5. Further researches into the properties of the sulphate of lodo-quinine or Herapathite, more especially in regard to its crystallography, with additional facts concerning its optical re- lations. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1854, pp. 398- 402 ; Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 366-370. 6. Letter to Prof. STOKES, " On the com- pounds of iodine and strychnine." Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, p. 447 ; Phil. Mag. X., 1855, pp. 454-455. 7. On the detection of Strychnia by the formation of iodostrychnia. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 149-150 ; Phil. Mag. XIII., 1857, pp. 197-198. 8. On the optical characters of certain alkaloids associated with quinine, and of the sulphates of their iodo-compounds. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 340-343. 9. Researches on the Cinchona alkaloids. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 5-22; Chem. Soc. Journ. XL, 1859, pp. 130-153. 1O. Preliminary notice of additional re- searches on the Cinchona alkaloids. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 316-321 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 364-666. Herault, . Memoire sur les terrains du de- partement du Calvados. Annal. des Mines, IX., 1824, pp. 553-570; III., 1828, pp. 361-366; Caen, Acad. Mem. 1825, pp. 51-85, 257-258; 1829, pp. 74-81. 2. Memoire sur le terrain intermediaire du Calvados. Calvados, Mem. Soc. Linn. 1824, pp. 249-271. 3. Sur les principales roches qui composent le sol intermediaire dans le departement du Cal- vados. Calvados, Mem. Soc. Linn. 1824, pp. 249-271 ; Annal. des Mines, X., 1825, pp. 511- 530. 4. Notice sur Pargent natif de Curcy, de- partement du Calvados. Annal. des Mines, XL, 1825, pp. 71-72. • 5. Notice sur le terrain d'Alen9on et do ses environs. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIIL, 1826, pp. 101-105. 6. Notice sur le Kaolin des Pieux, departe- ment de la Manche. Eure, Journ. d'Agric. V., 1828, pp. 367-372; Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mum. IV., 1828, pp. 194-196. HER] 30-1 [HEE Herau.lt, . 7. Stir le terrain de transition aucien Je Norrnaudie. Annal. des Mir.es, V., 1834, pp. 303-305 ; VI., 1834, pp. 97-104. 8. Sur les rccherclies de charbon de terre faites a Feuguerolles. Caen, Acad. Mem. 1840, pp. 395-400. Kerberger, JoJiann Eduard. Cheniisehc Unter- suchnng eines mergelartigen Sandes und eines Thoumergels aus der Gegend von Miinchcn. Erdin. Journ. Tech. Chem. VIII., 1830, pp. 259-268. • 2. Proprietes dti Stearopton de 1'huile vola- tile de Sauge. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 574-577. 3. Die Heilquclle zu Ueberlingen am Bo- densee. Kastuer, Archiv Naturl. XX., 1830, pp. 297-308 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 448-452. 4. Ueber die Wiclitigkeit der Normalitat der iiusseru Ilautfunction in hygiiiischer und therap'eutischer Hin.sicht. Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 613-616. 5. Du Sang de Dragon. Journ. de Phann. XVII., 1831, pp. 225-230; Roy. lust. Journ. II., 1831, p. 198. 6. Ueber das Salicin und die Weideu-Uu- tersiiurc. Schweigger, Journ. LXIII. ( = Jalirb. III.), 1831, pp. 383-384. 7. Chcinische Untersuchung verscbiedener roller Kulksteine und Dolomite Rheinbaierns und Badens. Erdni. Journ. Prak. Chein. III., 1834, pp. 247-260. 8. Extrait d'une lettre a M. ROBIQUET, relativement au recherches etendues sur les diflerentes especes de gomme et de mucilage. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 409-413. 9. Traite chimique sur le Lichen des Mu- railles (Lichen parietinus, L., Parmelia parie- tina, Ach.). Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 536-543. ' 1O. Beitriige zur pathologischen Chemie. — 1. Untersuehung eines Nasen-Concrements. 2. Untersucliung eiuer krankhaften Fraueumilch. Erdni. Jouru. Prak. Chem. VI., 1 835, pp. 273- 284. 11. Ueber das Cetrarin. Liebig, Annal. XXL, 1837, pp. 137-143; Journ. de Pharm. XX1IL, 1837, pp. 505-509. 12. Ueber das Entfarbungsvermogen der Kolile. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXL, 1840, pp. 431-445. . 13. Ueber den relativen Werth der chem- ischen Veriahruugsweise zur Ausmittelung des Arseniks in VergiftungsfaUen. Deutsch. Na- turi'. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 108-110. 14. Notiz iiber ein Veri'ahren, Kupfer und Nickel im Grossen zu scheiden. ^'lirzburg, Verhaudl. I., 1850, pp. 64-68. Herberger, Jolinnti Eduard. 15. Verschiedene technologische und chemische Notizen. Wiirz- burg, Verhandl. L, 1850, pp. 178-184. Herberger, Johami Eduard, e A. Buchner. La berberina. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XIII., 1831, pp. 332-338. Herbert, G. On the construction of Buoys, Beacons, and other stationary floating Bodies. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXXI., 1856, pp. 79- 84. Herbert, Heiiirich. Nachtrag zum Iviifcrver- zeichnisse Siebenbiirgens. Hermannstadt, Ver- handl. Siebenbiirg. Ver. IX., 1 858, pp. 87-88. Herbert, J. D. An account of a tour made to lay down the course and levels of the River Sutledge or Satudra, as far as traceable within the limits of the British authority, performed in 1819. Asiatick Researches, XV., 1825, pp. 340-428. • 2. On the Zehr Mohereh or Snake Stone. Asiatick Researches, XVI., 1828, pp. 382-386. 3. Notice on the occurrence of Coal within the Indo-Gangetic tract of mountains. Asiatick Researches, XVI., 1828, pp. 397-408. 4. Particulars of a visit to the Sikkim Hills, with some account of Darjeeling. Glean- ings in Sci. II., 1830, pp. 89-96. 5. On accumulations of Diluvium or Gravel in valleys bordering the Himalaya. Gleanings in Sci. II., 1830, pp. 164-165. 6. On the organic remains found in the Himalaya. Gleanings in Sci. L, 1831, pp. 265- 272. 7. Notice of the occurrence of Gypsum in the Indo-Gaugetic tract of mountains. Asiatick Researches, XVIIL, 1833 (pt. 2), pp. 216-223. 8. On the mineral productions of that part of the Himalaya Mountains lying between the Sutledge and the Kalee (Gogra) Rivers. Asiatick Researches, XVIIL, 1833, pp. 227-258. 9. Report of the mineralogical survey of the Himalaya Mountains lying between the Rivers Sutledge and Kalee. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XL, 1842 (Swppl.). 1O. Journal of a tour from Almorah, in a N.W., W., and S.W. direction, through parts of the province of Kumaon and British Gnrhwal, chiefly in the centre of the Hills. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIV., 1844, pp. 734-764. Herbert, ./. D., and John Anlhony Hodgson. An account of trigonometrical and astronomical operations for determining the heights and positions of the principal peaks of the Himalaya Mountains, situated between the latitudes of 31° 53' 10" and 30° 18' 30" N., and the longi- tudes of 77° 34' 04" and 79° 57' 22" E. Asiatick Researches, XIV., 1822, pp. 187-369 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 312-315; Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 205-208. HER] 305 [HER Herbert, J. I)., and John Anthony Hodgson. 2. Observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites, taken at Chowringhee, in the years 1821, 1822, and 1823. Astron. Soc. Mem. II., 1826, pp. 288-289. Herbert, iniliam. Instructions for the treat- ment, of the Amaryllis longifolia, with some observations on the production of hybrid plants. [1818.] Ilortie. Soc. Trans. III., 1820, pp. 187-196. 2. On the production of hybrid vegetables, with the result of many experiments made in the investigation of the subject. [1819.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. IV., 1822, pp. 15-50. • 3. Amaryllidearum species novas (Pan- cratium tortuosum, P. trianthum). Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, p. 28. 4. Local habitation and wants of plants. [1845.] Hortic. Soc. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 44- 49. 5. A note upon Saxifraga mutata. [1846.] Hortic. Soc. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 155-160. 6. A history of the species of Crocus. Hortic. Soc. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 249-292. 7. On hybridization amongst vegetables. [1846.] Hortic. Soe. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 1-27, 81-106. Herbich, Frans. Botanischer Ausflug nach dem Agnano See, der Solfatara, Pozzuoli und deni Monte Nuovo. Flora, VI., 1823, pp. 614-620. 2. Botanischer Ausflug nach dem Monte St. Angelo bei Castellamare. Flora, VII.. 1824, pp. 71-80. 3. Botanischer Ausflug nach der Insel Capri. Flora, VII., 1824, pp. 481-488. 4. Ausflug nach dem See Agnano, der Solfatara und Pozzuoli, dann zuriick liings dem Meeresufer an die Bagnoli Pascone iiber den Monte Posilipo nach Neapel. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 737-744. 5. Botanische Excursion iiber den Vesuv und Sonima-Berg nach Ottajano. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 744-749. 6. Botauischer Ausflug in die Galizisch- Karpatischen Alpen des Sandezer Kreises. Flora, XVII., 1834, pp. 561-575, 577-587. 7. Botanischer Ausflug in cinem Theil der Hochgebirge der Bukowina. Flora, XIX., 1836, pp. 625-640, 641-656. 8. Zur Flora der Bukowina. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. V., 1855, pp. 181-183, 189-190. 9. Beschreibung zweier in der Bukowina entdeckteu neuen Pflanzenspecies, nebst Nach- richten uber einige daselbst angestellte botan- ische Wanderungen. Flora, XXXVIII., 1855, pp. 641-645. 10. Botanische Mittheilungen aus Galizien. Flora, XL., 1857, pp. 497-509. VOL. III. Herbich, Frrtnz. 11. Pflanzengeographische Bemerkungen iiber die Wiild^r G:ili/iens. Wicn, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. X.. 1860 (./////. >. lr 359-366. • 12. Beitriige zur Flora von Galizien. — 1. Spicilegium Flora; Galiciaa. 2. Zur Ge- schichte der Betula oyeoviensis, Bess. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. X., 1860 (AM.), pp. 607-634. 13. Die Urschieferformation der cistlichen Karpathen und ihre Erzlagerstatten. Oester- reicli. Zeitschr. Bergw. IX., 1861, pp. 209- 213. 14. Ueber die Verbreitung der in Galizien und der Bukowina wildwachsendcn Pflanzen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XL, 1861 (Abh.\ pp. 33-70. 15. Bemerkungen iiber den bei Krakan wildwachsenden Sarothamnus vulgaris, Wimmer. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XI., 1861 (AM.), pp. 399-402. 16. Krhische Bemerkungen iiber Blitum ehenopodioides, Besser. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XII., 1862 (Abh.\ pp. 1179-1184. Herbig, Ferd. Reseda lutea. Gorlitz, Ab- handl. IV., 1847 (Hft. 2), p. 65. • 2. Anbau der K6rbelrii.be (Scandix bul- bosa). Gorlitz, Abhandl. V., 184s, p. 88. • 3. Ueber Kartoflelbau. Gorlitz, Abhandl. V., 1848, pp. 172-174. • 4. Kurzer Bericht iiber den Anbau des Safrans zu Gorlitz. Gorlitz, Abhandl. VI., 1853 (Hft. 2), pp. 66-68. Herbst, E. F. Gust. Ueber die Capacitiit der Lnngen fur Luft im gesunden und kranken Zustande. Meckel, Archiv, 1828, pp. 83-107 ; Journ. Heb. de Med. I., 1828, pp. 184-202. 2. Ueber den Nutzen der kalten Begiess- unge.n bei Vereiftungen durcli Blausiiure. Meckel, Archiv, 1828, pp. 208-218. Herbst, G. Ueber die Wasserscheu. Hannover, Ann. Heilkuude, IV., 1839, pp. 107-132. 2. Ueber die Farbe des Chylus. Deutsrh. Naturf. Vcrsamnil. Bericht, 1844 (Al>th. 2), pp. 96-98. 3. Die Kiefern-Ueste in der Braunkolilo von Kranichfeld bei Weimar. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, pp. 173-179. 4. Ueber ein fossiles Ei. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1847, pp. 311-313. 5. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen iiber den Ursprung der Lymphgefiisse. Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1848, col. 71-73. 6. Mittheihtng iiber einige geologisehc Verhiiltnisse der Umgegend von Weimar. Berg, u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. VIII., 1849, eol. 65-70. 7. Ueber die Paoinischen Kiirper. Go'tt- ingcn, Nachrichten, 1851, pp. 161-170. Q Q HER] 306 [HER Herbst, G. 8. Beobachtungen iiber Trichina spiralis. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1851, pp. 260-264 ; 1852, pp. 183-204 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1852 (ZooL), pp. 63-64 ; Journ. Mi- crosc. Sci. I., 1853, pp. 209-211. 9. Die Unterbindung des Wirsung'schen Ganges an Kaninchen, mit Eiicksicht auf die Bernard'sche Ansicht iiber den Zweck des pankreatischen Saftes. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, III., 1853, pp. 389-391. 10. Erderschiitterung in Sachsen und Thuringen. Darmstadt, Notizblatt, I., 1857, pp. 78-79. Herbst, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm. Bemerk- ungen iiber eine ostindische Schildkrote. Ber- lin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. I., 1795, pp. 314-320. 2. Beschreibung einiger hochst seltenen Heuschreckeu. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. IV., 1803, pp. 111-120. Herder, Ferdinand von. Mittheilungen libel- die periodische Entwickelung der Pflauzen ini freien Lande des Kaiserlichen Botanischen Gartens zu St. Petersburg, nebst Notizen aus der Petersburger Flora. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXVL, 1863, pp. 1-126, 293-388; (pte. 2), pp. 267-325, 503-573. 2. Ueber die Veriiuderlichkeit der Arten im Pflanzenreich. [1861.] Pollichia, Jahresb. XX., 1863, pp. 1-4. Herder, Ferdinand von, Hegel, E., uud L. Rach. Verzeichniss der vom Herrn PAUX- LOWSKT uud Herrn von STUBENDORF in den Jahren 1857 und 1858 zwischeu Jakutzk und Ajan gesammeltcn Pflanzen. Ein Beitrag zur Flora Ostsibii'iens. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXII., 1859, pp. 204-237. Herder, Siegmund August Wolfgang von. Be- sehreibung und Vorkomnien des natiirlicheu strahligen Alauns von Tschermig in BShmeii. Gilbert, Annal. LXIX., 1821, pp. 44-46. 2. Geognostische Notiz iiber die Gegend von Carlsbad. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1835, pp. 253-255. Here, . De grandes variations de tempera- ture peuvent decomposer le moude et le reconi- poser. St. Quentin, Mem. 1834-36, pp. 61-66. 2. Sur les Aerolithes. St. Quentin, Mem. 1837-39, pp. 5-12. Heretieu, . Note sur une variete assez rare du Lepus timidus. Eevue Zool. IV., 1841, pp. 33-35. Hergt, Johann Ludwig. Versuch zur Darstell- ung des eigeuthiimlichen Princips der Eichen- rinde. Trornmsdorft", N. Jonrn. d. Pharm. XI., 1825 (St. 2), pp. 150-152. Hergt, Karl. Die Schwefelquellen zu Langen- briicken bei Heidelberg. Hufeland u. Osaun, Jouru. Arzn. LXX, 1830 (Hft. 4), pp. 64-83. 2. Vergleichende Untersuchung des ver- sendeten Langenbriicker und Weilbacher Schwc- felwassers, beziiglich auf den Gehalt an Hydro- thionsaure. Liebig, Anual. III., 1832, pp. 175- 1*70 78. 3. Ueber die Selbstverbreunung des meuschlichen Korpers. Schneider, Ann. Staats- arzneik. II., 1837, pp. 473-502. 4. Fall von Melancholie, Nahrungsscheu, Lungenbraud, brandiger Entziindung des Dick- darmes, und gliicklichen Ausgange, init allge- meinen Bemerkungeu. Damerow, Allg. Zeits. Psychiatric, IV., 1847, pp. 385-409. 5. Eenige opmerkiugen omtrent Cyno- pithecus niger, J. Geoff] Batavia, Nat. Tijd- srhr. II., 1851, pp. 337-342. Herholdt, Johan Daniel. Eine Anmerkung iiber die Physiologic des Gehors, als vSeitenstiick zur Abhandlung des Hrn. KOLLNERS. Reil, Archiv, III., 1799, pp. 165-178. 2. Eiu Beitrag zur Geschichte der Ent- deckung des Schaafwassers in der Luftrohre des Fo'tus. Nordisches Archiv, I., 1799-1801, pp. 212-240. 3. Anm;vrkniuger over den chirurgiske Behandling afdybe Saari Brystet, foranledige ved nye Forsog over Aandedrfettets Mechanisme. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. I., 1800 (Hft. 2), pp. 40-104. 4. Om de chemiske Midler til .Luftens Rensning inden Skibsborde i Hospitaler, Fivngsler o. s. v. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. H., 1801-2 (Hft. 2), pp. 1-40. 5. Forsog til en historisk Udsigt over Luftens Eensniug i Bjerggruberne og ombord paa Krigsskibene. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. II., 1802, pp. 97-160. 6. Betragtninger over det Sporgsmaal : om Mennesket seer kun rued et Oie ad Gangen, eller Med dem begge tillige ? Et Sidestykke til Dr. GALLS La;re. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. IV., 1805-6 (Hft. 2), pp. 169- 247. 7. Beskrivelse over et menneskeligt Mis- foster, hvis organer havde et omvendt leje. Kiobenhavn, Dausk. Vid. Sels. Afh. IV., 1829, pp. 237-256. 8. Betragtninger over Misfostere i almin- delighed. Kiobenhavn, Dausk. Vid. Sels. Afh. IV., 1829, pp. 257-320. 9. Ueber Zeugung, Entwickelung und Ge- burt der Schlaugeu. Froriep, Notizeu, XXX., 1831, col. 177-183. 10. Untersuchunijen iiber die Natter. Froriep, Notizen, XXXIII., 1832, col. 241-248. HER] 307 [HER Herholdt, Johan Daniel. 11. Anatomisk Be- skrivelse over fern menneskelige Misfostere. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vicl. Selsk. Afh. V., 1832, pp. 1-58. Hericart de Thury, Louis Eticnnc Francois. Observations sur la riviere du Loiret. Jouru. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 419-430. 2. Essai potamograpliique sur la Mouse, ou observations sur sa source, sa disparitiou sous terre, sa nouvelle sortie et son cours. Journ. des Mines, XII., 1802, pp. 291-319. 3. Memoire sur les machines a vapeur de rotation, pour 1'extraction des substances mine- rales et I'epuisement des eaux, presentement en usage dans les houillieres de Littry (Calvados). Journ. des Mines, XIIL, 1802-3, pp. 175-193. 4. Memoire sur 1'Anthracite. Journ. des Mines, XIV., 1803, pp. 161-187. 5. Sur un nouveau gisement du Titane. Journ. des Mines, XV., 1803-4, pp. 401-414. 6. De 1'effet qui resulte dans la qualite de la houille, de la presence ou de 1'absence des rnatieres animales. Journ. des Mines, XVI., 1804, pp. 449-464. 7. Potamographie du departement des Hautes-Alpes, ou description de ses bassins et vallees, sous le rapport de la nature de leur sol, et des chaines de montagnes qui les circonscri- vent. Journ. des Mines, XVII., 1804-5, pp. 345-380. 8. Notice sur la mine de plomb du Sault, departement du Mont-Blanc. Journ. des Mines, XIX., 1806, pp. 219-234. 9. Oryctographie, ou description mineralo- gique de la montagne et de la mine d'argent des Cbalances, departement de 1'Isere. Journ. des Mines, XX., 1806, pp. 41-64, 81-101 ; Nichol- son, Journ. XXII., 1809, pp. 124-134. 10. Mines d'or du departement de 1'Isere. Journ. des Mines, XX., 1806, pp. 101-118; Nicholson, Journ. XXIL, 1809, pp. 244-237, 279-284. 11. Hauteur des montagnes, des cols, et des endroits les plus remarquables du departement des Hautes-Alpes. Journ. de Phys. LXIII., 1806, pp. 5-6. 12. Notice sur les avantages que presente dans la fonte des minerals de ploinb le nouveau precede de MM. de BLUMENSTEIN. Journ. des Mines, XXL, 1807, pp. 381-386. 13. Essai du mineral de plomb de Mont- jean, pres de Vizille. Journ. des Mines, XXI., 1807, pp. 261-268. 14. Hauteurs barometriques, ou elevations au-dessus de la mer des points les plus remar- quables du departement de 1'Isere avec leur nature considered sous le rapport de leur consti- tution physique. Journ. de Phys. LXV., 1807, pp. 169-181. Hericart de Thury, Louis Etieime Francois. 15. Exploitations immemoriales des montagnes d'Huez en Oisans. Journ. des Mines, XXH., 1807, pp. 281-316. 16. Description de la sonde de 1'Inspection Generale des Carrieres du departement de la Seine. Journ. des Mines, XXXI., 1812, pp. 401^18; Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. X., 1812, pp. 75-85. 17. Suite de la description mineralogique du departement de 1'Isere. Journ. des Mines, XXXIL, 1812, pp. 199-224, 293-308, 431-448; XXXIII., 1813, pp. 53-64; XXXIV., 1813, pp. 261-288 ;XXXV., 1814, pp. 29-54. 18. Sur la cristallisation de la elace. Journ. des Mines, XXXIII., 1813, p. 157. 19. Considerations generates sur les ves- tiges fossiles de vegetaux du sol des environs de Paris, et plus particulierement sur leur gisement dans le gypse et le calcaire marin. Journ. des Mines, XXXV., 1814, pp. 161-196 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1815, pp. 22-33, 133-151. 20. Die Eisgrotte von Fondeurle in der ehemaligen Dauphiue'. Gilbert, Annal. XLIX., 1815, pp. 305-309 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, pp. 80-82. 21. Sur les lames damassees. Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 420-432. 22. Sur la fabrique de limes de M. MOTJSSEAU. Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 495-498. 23. Extrait d'un rapport sur 1'etablisse- rnent de Lithoglyptique de M. VALLIN. Aunal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 511-518. 24. Sur les aciers damasses. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XX., 1821, pp. 351-385. 25. Etat des substances terreuses, pier- reuses, metalliques et fossiles, trouvees a St. Nicolas d'Alihermont. Kouen, Acad. Trav. 1821, pp. 26-32. 26. Sur les aciers damasses de SIR HENRY. Annal. des Mines, VII., 1822, pp. 555-578; Mag. f. Naturvid. II., 1823, pp. 230-265. 27. Eecherches sur le dessin ou le moire des aciers damasses. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXL, 1822, pp. 84-92. 28. Eapport sur 1'etat actuel des carrieres de inarbre de France. Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1823, pp. 3-96. — • — 29. Considerations geologiques et phy- siques sur le gisement des eaux souterraiues, relativement au jaillissement des fontaines arte- sienues, et recherches sur les puits fores en France, a 1'aide de la sonde. Journ. Genie Civ. I., 1828, pp. 268-298; Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1830, pp. 267-278. Q Q 2 HER] 308 [HER Hericart de Thury, Louis Elicnne Francois. 3O. Lcttrc sur les puits fores, et plus par- ticulierement sur la nature du terrain ou la con- stitution physique Ju sol de la ville de Lyon. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1829, pp. 321-328; Journ. Genie Civ. VL, 1830, pp. .32-57. 31. Notices sur le double puits fore au Tort Saint-Ouen. Journ. Genie Civ. IV., 1829, pp. 608-633. 32. Sur les marbres des Pyrenees. Journ. Genie Civ. V., 1829, pp. 1-20. 33. Notices sur le double puits fore a la Gare de Saint-Ouen, pros Paris. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXVIIL, 1829, pp. 58-72. 34. Observations on the cause of the spouting of overflowing wells or artesian foun- tains. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IX., 1830. pp. 157-165; Gleanings in Sci. I., 1831, pp. 9- 13. 35. Notice sur les cavernes calcaires de Cusy, dans les Beauges, et sur les sables auri- feres et gemmiferes du Cheran, en Savoie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1832-33, pp. 229- 234 ; Aim. Sci. Nat. XXVI1L, 1853, pp. 344- 368. 36. Observations sur un degagernent con- siderable de gaz hydrogene sulfure d'un puits artesian perce a Gajarino, pri:s Conegliuno, gouvernement de Trieste. Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1833, pp. 208-216. 37. Notice sur quelques phenomenes qui ont accompagnes le percement de puits artesiens dans le departement des Pyrenees Orientales et aux environs de Conegliano (Royaurae Lom- bardo-Venitien). Annal. des Mines, IV., 1833, pp. 515-524. 38. Note sur un uouveau puits fore a Tours, dans le quartier de Cavalerie. Annal. des Mines, V., 1834, pp. 301-302. • 39. Notice geologique sur les mines d'an- thraeite de Fragny, commune de Bully ; et sur le defile des roches de la Loire, entre les bassins de Feurs et de Roaune. Annal. des Mines, XII., 1837, pp. 47-66. 4O. Note sur la continuation des travaux de percement du puits artesien de Fabattoir de Grenelle et sur le degre probable du jaillisse- ment des eaux. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXXIX., 1840, pp. 395-399. 41. Notice sur le puits fore de Fabattoir de Grenelle. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XL., 1841, pp. 98-103. — — 42. De Finflueuce des arbres sur la foudre et ses eifets et considerations a ce sujet. Gand, Ann. Soc. Agric. IV., 1848, pp. 344-356. Hericart-Ferrand, (Lc Vicomte). Sur un ter- rain d'eau douce superficiel et les terrains qui liii soiit iuferieurs, entre les rivieres d'Aisne et d'Ourcq. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 419- 450. 2. Itineraire geognostique de Foutaine- bleau a Chateau-Landon, et composition du sol de la plaine de Chateau-Landon. Ann. Sci. Nat, VIII., 1826, pp. 54-75 ; Annal. des Mines, L, 1827, pp. 297-318. 3. Coupe geognostique du departement de 1'Oise. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1831-32, pp. 9-13. 4. Sur les gres marius de Levignan. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1831-32, pp. 38- 39. 5. Note presentant Fenumeration de tous les gisements du Lentieulites variolaria decrit par LAMARCK, qu'il a reconnus dans la partic nord-est du basin geologique de Paris. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1832-33, pp. 75-76. 6. Sur les deux systemes de gres marin du nord du bassin Parisien, et sur les crustaees fossiies qu'on y trouve. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1832-33, pp. 85-86. 7. Notice sur des coquilles marines trou- vees a Chateau-Landon. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1834-35, pp. 90-93. 8. Sur le relief des roches qui forment les Gorges d'Olivules. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1841-42, pp. 374-376. Hering, . Beitrag zur Geschichte des Ta- baks in der Oberlausitz. N. Lausitz. Monatschr. 1801 (Hft. 2), pp. 251-267. Hering, . Diagnoses Algarum novarum a cl. Dre. Ferdinand KRAUSS in Africa Australi lectarum. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1842, pp. 90-92. 2. Abbildung und Beschreibung der Mar- tensia elegans, Hering, einer neuen Algen- Gattunf 806. Flora, XXVII., 1844, pp. N03- Hering, , et Martens. Aniausia junger- mannioides. Flora, XIX., 1836, pp. 481-487. Hering, E. Versuche, die Schnelligkeit des Blutlaufs und der Absonderung zu bestimmen. [1827.] Tiedemann, Zeitschr. III., 1829, pp. 85-126 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI., 1829, pp. 78-81; Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1829, pp. 421-422. 2. Die Kratzmilben der Thiere und einige rerwandte Arten, nacli eigenenUntersuchungen. [1835.] Acad. Cxs. Leop. Nova Acta, XVIII., 1836, pp. 573-624. • 3. Ueber das Verhalten der schwefligen Siiure gegen Ziimchloriir. Liebig, Annal. XXIX., 1839, pp. 90-93 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 150-153. HER] 309 [HER Hering, E. 4. Eino ncue Kratzmilbe (Sar- coptes bovis). Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, I., 1845 (Abh.), pp. 110-114. 5. Ueber Milben, an und in kranken Kar- tofFeln. Wiirttemberg, Jabroshefte, II., I*i7 (Abh.\ pp. 117-124. 6. Besclireibung zweier Missgeburton. (Tin-It, Mag. Gas. Thierhcilk. XIII., 1847, pp. 69-74. • 7. Versuche, die Druokkraft des Herzens zu bestimmen. Roser u. Wunderlieh, Archiv, IX.. 1850, pp. 13-21. 8. Versuche iiber einige Momente, die auf die Schnelligkeit des Blutlaufs Einfluss haben. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv. XII., 1853, pp. 112-149. Hering, Eduard. Naturgeschichte des Psyche muscella. Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 927-928. 2. Die Falter Preussens. Stettin, Entora. Zeit. I., 1840, pp. 52-54. 3. Beitriige zur Insecten-Fauna Poinmerns. Die Pommerschen Falter. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. I., 1840, pp. 146-156 ; II., 1841, pp. 14- 16, 27-32 ; III., 1842, pp. 5-18 ; IV., 1843, pp. 6-19, 343-348, 354-363. • 4. Xylina somniculosa. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. II., 1841, pp. 165-167. 5. Lithosia arideola. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. V., 1844, pp. 415-416. 6. Lepidopterologische Beitriige. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VII., 1846, pp. 226-238. — 7. Bemerkungen iiber einige Species aus dem Genus Lithosia. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. IX., 1848, pp. 101-108. 8. Lepidopterologisches. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 302-305. 9. Arsilonche, Led. (Simyra TV.) Biittneri, n. sp. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIX., 1858, pp. 442-144. Hering, Eduard, und C. Cornelius. Sphinx nerii und Celerio in Deutschland, 1846. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VIII., 1847, pp. 130-131. Hering, Ewald. Zur Anatomic und Physiologie der Generations organedes Regenwurms. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VIII., 1857, pp. 400-424. 2. Ueber W. WUNDT'S Theorie desbinocu- laren Seliens. Poggend. Annal. CXIX., 1863, pp. 115-130. Hering, If. Kurze Besclireibung des Quells im Warmbade bei Wolkensteiu mit Hiublick auf die geognostischen Verhaltnisse der dortigen Gegend. Berg. u. Huttenm. Zeitg. VII., 1848, col. 441-449. Herklots, James Adrian. Notice carcinologique. Bijdr. tot de Dierkunde, I., 1848-54, pp. 35-37. 2. De larve van Anogcodes (? Anoncodes) Melanuru. Leiden, Nederl. Entom. Vereen. Handel. I., 1856 (St. 2), pp. 62-63 ; Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. IV., 1861, pp. 164-166. Herklots, James Adrian. 3. Notices entomo- logiques. Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. I., 1858, pp. 94-97. 4. Catalogue des Crustaces qui ont servi de base au systeme carcinologique de M. \V. de HAAN, redige d'apres la collection du Musue des Pays-Baa et les Crustaces de la Faunc du Japon. Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. IV., 1861, pp. 116- J56. 5. Description de deux especes nouvelles de Pennatulides des mers de la Chine [Pteroides Chinense, Halisceptrum Gustavianum]. Nederl. Tijdscli. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 31-32. Herland, ,/. F. Essai sur la geologic de Nossi- Be. Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1855, pp. 335- 363. Herlincourt, Leon d\ Argile brulee. Fabri- cation des engrais artificiels. France, Congres Scientifique, XX., 1853 (pte. 2), pp. 36-37. Hermann, Karl Samuel Lebcrecht. Ueber das Schlesische Zinkoxyd, und iiber ein darin gefundenes sehr wahrscheinlich noch unbe- kanntes Metall. Gilbert, Annal. LIX., 1818, pp. 95-99. 2. Noch ein Schreiben iiber das neue Metall [Cadmium]. Gilbert, Annal. LIX, 1818, pp. 113-116. 3. Ueber das Schlesische Zinkoxyd und den Cadmium-Gehalt desselben. Gilbert, An- nal. LXVL, 1820, pp. 276-294. 4. Trauriges Ereigniss mit Knallqueck- silber ; zur Wanning mitgetheilt. Gilbert, An- nal. LXXVL, 1824, pp. 337-339. 5. Ueber den Kaligehalt mehrerer Salinen, und die Urnbildungen des Salzgehaltes derselben ; iiber Gewinnung des Nickels im Grossen und iiber Lichterscheinungen bei Krystallisationen. Schweigger, Journ. XL. (= Jalirb. X.), 1824, pp. 70-75. 6. Ueber die Bereitung des Chinin und Cinchonin. Schweigger, Journ. XLII. ( = Jithrb. XII.), 1824, pp. 358-359. 7. Bemerkungen iiber VAUQUELIN'S Ver- suche iiber das Verhalten der Seifen zum Meer- wasser. Schweigger, Journ. XLVII. (= Jalirb. XVII.), 1826, pp. 196-202. 8. Bemerkungen iiber Zerlegung und Bild- ung der Schwefelsauren Magnesia und des aus dieser und dem schwefelsaurem Kali sich bild- enden Doppelsalzes, Poggend. Annal. XL, 1827, pp. 249-250. 9. Darstellung des Bronis aus der Schone- becker Kochsalz-Mutterlauge. Si-hweigger, Journ. XLIX. (= Jahrb. XIX.), 1827, pp. 101- 102. 10. Bemerkungen iiber die Darstellung des Broms, und des Kaliums. Poggend. Annal. XIII., 1828, pp. 175-176. HER] 310 [HER Hermann, Karl Samuel Lebcrecht. 11. Nach- trag zu der Zusammenstellung iiber kiinstliche Darstellung des Ultramarins. Schweigger, Journ. LII. (= Jaltrb. XXII.), 1828, pp. 483- 485. Hermann, Ludimar. Beitrag zur Erledigung der Tonusfrage. Reichert, Archiv, 1861, pp. 350-360. 2. Ueber das Verhiiltuiss der Muskelleist- ungen zu der Stiirke der Reizc. Reichert, Ar- chiv, 1861, pp. 369-393. Hermann, Max. Ueber den Einfluss der Blut- verdiinnung auf die Secretion des Harns. Virchow, Archiv, XVII., 1859, pp. 451-463. Hermann, Moritz. Ueber Bromkohlenwasserstoff und Bromkohlenstofti die sich aus der Mutter- lauge der Schonebecker Saline gewinnen lassen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 284- 289; Journ. de Pharra. XXV., 1854, pp. 76- 78. 2. Ueber die bei der technischeu Gewinn- ung des Bronis beobachtete fliichtige Bromver- bindung. Liebig, Aunal. XCV., 1855, pp. 211- 225 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVL, 1855, pp. 373-375. Hermann, Rudolph. Ueber das Atomengewicht des Lithiums. Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 480-485; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 410- 411. 2. Zerlegung des Pyrophillits. Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 592-593 ; Edinb. New- Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 40-41. 3. Sur la formation de 1'ecorce de la terre. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. II., 1830, pp. 228-248. 4. Ueber die Proportionen, in welchen sich die Elemente zu einfacheii vegetabilischen Ver- binduugen vereinigen. Poggend. Annal. XVIII., 1830, pp. 368-397. 5. Ueber die Veriiuderungen die das Blut und die Secretionen des menschlicheu Organ- ismus durch die Cholera erleiden. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. III., 1831, pp. 161-215; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1832, pp. 128-134 ; Poggend. Annal. XXII., 1831, pp. 161-193. 6. Ueber die Ansteckungs-Fiihigkeit der Cholera. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. III., 1831, pp. 216-231 ; Poggend. Annal. XXII., 1831, pp. 558-565. 7. Memoire sur ses travaux chimiques. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. IV., 1832, pp. 124-152. 8. Ueber den Zusammenhang der Misch- ungs-Gewichte starrer cbemischer Elemente. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. V., 1832, pp. 3-29. 9. Fernere Bemerkungen iiber den Zusam- menhang der Mischungs-Gewichte und der speci- fischen Gewichte starrer Elemente. Moscou, Soc. Nat. BuU. V., 1832, pp. 30-36. 1O. Ueber Melanochroit, eiuneues Mineral. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. V., 1832, pp. 37-42. Hermann, Rudolpli. 11. Untersuchung von Eisensteinen aus dem Gouvernement von Ni- schni-Novgorod. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. V., 1832, pp. 43-44. 12. Untersuchungen verschiedener in Russ- land gefallener meteorischer Substanzen. Mos- cou, Soc. Nat. Bull. V., 1832, pp. 45-63; Pog- gend. Annal. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 566-575; Sil- liman, Journ. XXVIIL, 1835, p. 361. 13. Ueber die Proportionen, in deuen sich der Phosphor mit andern Elementen vereinigt. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. V., 1832, pp. 207-219. 14. Nachtriigliche Bemerkuugen zu seinen Untersuchungen iiber die Cholera. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. V., 1832, pp. 353-361. • 15. Untersuchungen der Mineralquellen am Kaukasus, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die geognostiche BeschafFeuheit Inner- Russlands und den Ursprung der Warrne heisser Quellen. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Nouv. Mem. II., 1832, pp. 385-440 ; Poggend. Annal. XXII., 1831, pp. 344-390. 16. Bemerkungen iiber das Vorhanden- sein von freier Siiure in dem venosen Menschen- Blut. Poggend. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 533- 539. 17. Nachtriigliche Bemerkungen zu seinen Untersuchungen iiber die Proportionen der Elemeute in vegetabilischen Verbindungen. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. VI., 1833, pp. 30-45. — 18. Ueber den Melanochroit. Poggend. Annal. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 162-165. 19. Ueber die saure Beschaffenheit des venosen Menschen-Bluts, und iiber den Unter- schied zwischen arteriellem und venosem Blute. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. VII., 1834, pp. 135- 148 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXI., 1834, pp. 311- 319. 20. Chemisch - physiologische Beitrage. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. VII., 1834, pp. 149- 165; Poggend. Annal. XXXIL, 1834, pp. 293- 304. 21. Sur les bases, acides et sels ther- miques. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. VII., 1834, pp. 281-314. 22. De 1'intensite magnetique des metaux et de ses rapports a leur capacite thermique. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. VII., 1834, pp. 315- 321. 23. Ueber die Proportiouen in den sich die Wiirme mit den chemischen Elementen und ihren Verbindungen vereinigt, und iiber die Mischungs-Gewichte, als Quotienten der speci- fischen Gewichte der KSrper durch ihre Wiirme- Capacitiit betrachtet. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Nouv. Mem. III., 1834, pp. 135-230. HER] 311 [HER Hermann, Rudolph. 24. Untersuchungen iiber die Bedingungen von welchen der Zuckergehalt und das Gewicht der Runki'lriiben abhungeii. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IV., 1835, pp. 339- 351. 25. Ueber Irit und Osmit, zwci neue Mineralien. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. IX., 1836, pp. 2 1 5-232. 26. Ueber einige dreifache Verbindungen von Osmium-, Iridium-, uud Platinchlorid mit Chlorkalium und Chlorammoniurn. Poggend. Annal. XXXVIL, 1836, pp. 407-408 ; Bibl. Univ. IV., 1836, pp. 384-386. 27. Chemische Untersuchung des Tschor- nasems oder der schwarzen Ackererde der siid- lichen Gouverneraents Russlands. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII., 1837, pp. 277-291. 28. Bemerkungen iiber Coprolitheu in Russland, etc. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII., 1837, pp. 292-297. 29. Notiz iiber die saure Beschaft'enheit des Bluts. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 19-22. 30. Untersuchungen iiber den Moder. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 64-81 ; XXIII., 1841, pp. 375-387 ; XXV., 1842, pp. 189-206. 31. Ueber neunachtel-kohlensaures Kali und Natron. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 442-446 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXX., 1841, pp. 219-222; Liebig, Anual. XL., 1841, pp. 256-258. 32. Ueber Ural-Orthit und Irit, zwei neue Miueralien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIII., 1841, pp. 273-278. 33. Ueber Ural-Orthit, ein neues Mineral. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XIV., 1841, pp. 544- 549. 34. Ueber die Entstehung und Zusamrnen- setzung des anderthalb-kohlensaurcn Natrons. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 312-314; Journ. dePharm. III., 1843, pp. 58-60. 35. Ueber Dreif'ach-Eisenoxydhydrat, und iiber Quellerz, ein neues Mineral. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVII., 1842, pp. 53-56. 36. Untersuchungen iiber die Fauluiss des Holzes. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. XXVII., 1842, pp. 165-177. 37. Untersuchung eiuer kiirzlich in Mos- kau entdeckten Mineralquelle. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XV., 1842, pp. 181-187; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXV., 1842, pp. 207-208 ; Jouru. de Pharm. I., 1842, pp. 425-426. 38. Untersuchungen iiber das Cerit. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 184-192. 39. Ueber die Zusammensetzuug des Cerits. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 193-197. Hermann, Rudolph. 40. Untersuchungen iiber das Lanthan. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 197-206. 41. Ueber Talk-Apatit. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XVI., 1843, pp. 148-150. 42. Untersuchungen iiber die Zirkonerde. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 75-89; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 240-241. 43. Untersuchungen einiger Russischer Mineralieu. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 89-103. • 44. Ueber das Vorkommeu von Yttero- tantalit im Ilmen-Gebirge. Ueber Arseniksinter ; Turgit ; und iiber die Zusammensetzung des Kieselzinkerzes. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIII., 1844, pp. 87-98. 45. Bernerkungen iiber den Zuckergehalt der sogenannten Sibirischen Runkelriibe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI1L, 1844, pp. 246- 247. 46. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der na- tiirlichen Verbindungen der Thouerde mit Phos- phorsaure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIII., 1844, pp. 282-290. 47. Ueber die natiirlichen Verbindungen der Arseniksiiure mit Kupferoxyd. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIII., 1844, pp. 291- 30C. 48. Untersuchungeu einiger Russischer Mineralien [Aeschynit und Pyrochlor von Miask, Leuchtenbergit]. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XVII., 1844, pp. 605-624. 49. Mineralogische Bemerkungen [Vor- kommen von Ytterotantalit mi Hmen-Gebirge, Vorkommen von Phenakit, Vorkommen von gediegenem Zinn in den Uralschen Gold- seifenj. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XVII., 1844, pp. 873-878. 50. Bemerkuugen zu MULDER'S Unter- suchungeu iiber Modersubstanzeu uud Acker- erde. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIV., 1845, pp. 156-163. 51. Ueber Stroganowit, mitimonsaures Blei, und Xylit. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIV., 1845, pp. 177-181. 52. Bemerkungen iiber das Atomgewicht des Lanthans und iiber das Didymium. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIV., 1845, pp. 182- 184. 53. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Tur- maline, sowie iiber die Atomgewichte des Tur- maline von Bor und Kiesel. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 232-247 ; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 470-472. 54. Untersuchungen einiger neuer Russ- ischer Mineralien: Stroganowit, Fischerit, Xylit, antimonsaures Bleioxyd, Turgit, Arseniksinter. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XVIII., 1845, pp. 241- 256. HERJ 312 [HER Hermann, liittldlph. 55. Ueber die Zusammen- setzung ilcr phosphorsauren Kupfererze. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chcin. XXXVII., 1846, pp. 175- 193 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 383-386. 56. Ueber ein neues Vorkommen von Phenakit ; iiber Chiolith, und weissen Diopsid ; iiber den Fundort des antimonsauren Bleioxyds. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVII., 1846, pp. 186-188. 57. Ueber Ilmenium, ein neues Metall, auch iiber Titan, Tantal und Niobium, so wie iiber Aeschynit, Ytteroilmenit und Columbit. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chcrn. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 91-123; Bibl. Univ. Archives, II., 1846, pp. 383-392 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 290-307. 58. Ueber die geognostische Beschaffen- lieit des Mineralbruchs an der Schischimskaja Gora, und iiber die dort vorkommenden Miuer- alien [Volcknerit, Hydrargillit, Cblorit (Leucht- enbergit), Steatit, Chondrodit, Monazit, Mon- azitoid, Gibbsit]. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 7-34; Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1847, pp. 389-392. 59. Untersuchuugen iiber das Ilmenium. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 457- 480; Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 313-318. 60. Bemerkungen iiber die Atomgewiehte von Tantal und Niobium, sowie iiber die Zu- sammensetzung einiger Verbindungen dieser Metalle in Vergleich zu der Zusammeusetzung der entsprechenden Verbindiingen des Ilme- niurns. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 477-480. 61. Bemerkungen zu H. ROSE'S Urtheil iiber das Ilmenium. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLII., 1847, pp. 129-135. 62. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Epi- dote, so wie iiber heteromere Mineralien im Allgemeinen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIIL, 1848, ].p. 35-71, 81-113; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 214-219. 63. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Zu- sammensetzung der Sibirischen Vesuviane. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIV., 1848, pp. 193-203. 64. Nachtrag zu Epidot und Orthit. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XLIV., 1848, pp. 204-206. 65. Untersuchungen iiber die Zusammen- setzung der zur Tantal-Gruppe gehorenden Mineralien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIV., 1848, pp. 207-220. • 66. Untersuchungen Russischer Miner- alien : — Chrysolith in Talkschiei'er, krystal- lisirter Serpentin, Villamt, Marmolith. Talk von Roschkina, Spcckstein, talkerde Silicate, Hydrotalkit und Vo'lcknerit, Gillingit, Ratofkit. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVI., 1849, pp. 222-244. Hermann, Rudolph. 67. Untersuchuug einiger zur Familic der Feldspathe gehorenden Minera- lien, uamentlieh des Lepolitbs, Linseits, und Hyposklerits ; so wie iiber die Ileteromerie der Feldspathe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVI., 1849, pp. 387-404. • 68. Untersuchungen einiger Nordamerikan- ischen Mineralien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIL, 1849, pp. 1-15. 69. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen zu Le- polith, Lindsayit und Hyposklerit. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIII., 1849, pp. 254- 256. 70. Untersuchungen verschiedener Miner- alien [Stilbit vom Ilmen Gebirge, Vorkommen von Chrysolith im Talksehiefer am Ural, Ra- tofkit,] Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIL, 1849, pp. 318-332. 71. Versuche zur Darstellung von Man- ganoxydsalzen. Poggend. Annal. LXXIV., 1849, pp. 303-312 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 397-400. 72. Ueber die Identitiit von Arkansit und Brookit. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 200-201. • 73. LTntersuchungen iiber die Zusammen- setzung der Tantalerze. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIII., 1850 (ptc. 2), pp. 291-343; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 164- 200 ; Ernian, Archiv Russ. X., 1852, pp. 260- 301. 74. Nachtriigliche Bemerkungen iiber die Zusammeusetzung der Epidote ; iiber Hetero- merie und Atomvolume heteromerer Verbind- ungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIL, 1851, pp. 250-258. 75. Untersuchunsen iibev die Glimmer und Cordierite : besonders iiber Mazonit, Chloritoid, Perlglimmer, Kiimmererit, Rhodo- chroin, Baltimorit und Chromchlorit. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 1-30. 76. Ueber die Identitiit von Williamsit und Serpentin. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, p. 31. 77. Ueber das Vorkommen des Malakori im Ilmengebirge. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 32-33. 78. Bemerkungen iiber die Zusammensetz- unir der Turmaline. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 280-290. 79. Ueber die Gleichheit der Form und der stochiometrischen Constitution von Spod- umen und Achmit. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 185-187. 80. Untersuchungen iiber die Skapolithe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 410- 429 ; Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXV., 1852, pp. 109-135. HER] 313 [HER Hermann, Rudolph. 81. Fortgesetztc Bemerk- ungen iiber die stochiometrische Constitution tier Turmaline und Epidote. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 451-458. 82. Untersuchungen iiber die Zusammen- setzung der Pyroxene. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXV., 1852 (pte. 2), pp. 195-220; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIL, 1852, pp. 193-212. 83. Uutersuchuugen iiber die Spodumene und Petalite. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXV., 1852 (pte. 2), pp. 338-360 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. LVIL, 1852, pp. 276-292. • 84. Ueber die gegenseitige Vertretung von R und 44 in Verbindungen von gleichcr Form. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIII., 1853, pp. 502-504. 85. Untersuchung der Asche von Salsola Soda. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVII., 1854, pp. 261-266. 86. Untersuchungen iiber Ilmcnium, Nio- bium und Tantal. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVIII., 1855, pp. 241-291 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXV., 1855, pp. 54-90; Erman, Archiv Russ. XVI., 1857, pp. 192-235. 87. Heteromeres Mineral- System. Moscou, Soc. Nat, Nouv. Mem. X., 1855, pp. 1-214. 88. Untersuchung desWassers der Narsan- Quelle. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIX., 1856 (pte. 2), pp. 307-312. 89. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Epi- dote, Vesuviane und Granate. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 321-339. 90. Ueber das Vorkornmen von Tantal- siiure im Columbite von Bodenmais. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 397-399. 91. Untersuchungeu iiber Niobium. Mos- cou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXX., 1857, pp. 3-47 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXV1II., 1856, pp. 65-97. 92. Untersuchungen iiber Tantal. Mos- cou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXX., 1857, pp. 305-324 ; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1857, pp. 184-185; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 193-207. 93. Ueber das Wachsen der Steine sowie iiber kiinstliche Bildung einiger Mineralien [Skolezit, Krystallisirte Trona, Krystallisiren von Quarz, Bimstein]. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXX.. 1857, pp. 545-550 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 25-28. 94. Ueber Neftedegil, Baikerit uud As- phalt. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXX., 1857 (pte. 2), pp. 470-489 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIIL, 1858, pp. 220-235 ; Erman, Archiv Russ. XVIL, 1858, pp. 635-651. 95. Ueber Heteromerio und heteromere Mineralien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX1 V., 1858, pp. 256-314. VOL. HI. Hermann, Ifit(/n//>/i. 96. Ueber systematische Eintheilung der Mineralien nach den Principien der Heteromerie. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 385-448. 97. Ueber einige neuo Mineralieu [Auer- bachit, Trichalcit, Thermophyllit, Vorkommen von Euklas am Urale]. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXI., 1858, pp. 86-94 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIIL, 1858, pp. 209-215 ; Erman, Archiv Russ. XVIL, 1858, pp. 568-574. 98. Bemcrkungen iiber Phosphorchalcit und Ehlit. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXL, 1858, pp. 95-101 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIIL, 1858, pp. 215-220; Erman, Archiv Russ. XVIL, 1858, pp. 574-580. 99. Ueber die Trenmmjr der Tantalsiiure von den Siiuren des Niobiums so wie Bemerk- ungen iiber Pelopsaiire. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXL, 1858 ( pte. 2), pp. 88-96 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 62-69 ; Erman, Archiv Russ. XVIIL, 1 859, pp. 572- 579. - — • 1OO. Bemerkuugen iiber den Graphit aus der Kirgisen-Steppe. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXL, 1858 (pte. 2), pp. 530-532. 101. Untersuchungeu einiger Wismutherze, so wie iiber Oxysulphuret von Wismuth. Mos- cou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXL, 1858 (pte. 2), pp. 533-539 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 448-453. 1O2. Ueber den Soda-Gehalt der Asche von Schoberia acuminata. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXL, 1S58 (pte. 2), pp. 540-541. 1O3. Ueber die Zusammeusetzung der zur Gruppe der Uransilicate gehorenden Mineralien. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIL, 1859, pp. 107-120; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 320-329; Erman, Archiv Russ. XIX., 1860, pp. 265-277. 1O4. Fortgesetze Untersuchungen iiber die Zusammeusetzung der Epidote und Vesuviane. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIL, 1859 (pte. 2), pp. 269-295 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVI1L, 1859, pp. 295-312. 105. Nachtrugiiche Bemerkungen iiber die Zusammensetzuug der Epidote. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIir., 1860 (pte. 2), pp. 191- 193 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem.LXXXL. 1860, pp. 233-235. 1O6. Ueber die Heteromerie des rothen schwefelsauren Ceroxydoxyduls. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIIL, 1860 (pte. 2), pp. 194- 199. 107. Untersuchungen iiber Didym, Lan- than, Cerit und Lanthanocerit. Moscou, Soe. Nat. Bull. XXXIIL, 1860 (pte. 2), pp. 543- 574; Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 72-73, S7-88 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIL, 1861, pp. 385-408. R R HER] 314 [HER Hermann, Rudolph. 108. Ueber monokliuo- edrisches Magnesiahydrat oder Texalith. Mos- cou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIII., 1860 (pte. 2), pp. 575-577 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXII., 1861, pp. 368-369. 109. Bemerkungen iiber das Dianium. Moscow, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIV., 1861, pp. 156-161 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIIL, 1861, pp. 106-109 ; LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 317- 318. 110. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Kaukasischeii Mineralquellen in verschiedenen Perioden. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIV., 1861, pp. 587-604 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 129-140. 111. Untersuchungen einiger neuer Euss- ischen Mineralien [Planerit, Kupfferit, Kok- scharowit, und Bagrationit]. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXV., 1862 (pte. 2), pp. 240-241; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVHL, 1863, pp. 193-201. Hermann, W. Lettre sur un nouveau metal (cadmium). Jourii. de Phys. LXXXVI., 1818, pp. 456-457. Hermbstiidt, Sigismund Friedrich. Extrait d'une lettre sur les attractions procliaiues. Annal. de Chimie, XXIL, 1797, pp. 107-108. 2. Extrait d'une lettre sur le depart du Nickel allie au Cobalt. Annal. de Chimie, XXIL, 1797, pp. 108-109. 3. Chemische Untersucliung der Konigs- Chiuarinde. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. IV., 1797, pp. 73-103. 4. Chemische Versuche und Beobacht- ungen iiber die Darstellung des Zuckers und eines brauchbaren Syrups aus einheimischen GewJichsen. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. II., 1799, pp. 324-350, 450-452 ; Nicholson, Journal, in., 1800, pp. 333-339, 410-419 ; Scherer, Journ. Chemie, IV., 1800, pp. 130-154; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VII., 1800, pp. 105-113, 206-210. — 5. Bemerkungen tiber die Anziehung verschiedener Korper unter einander. Gilbert, Annal. II., 1799, pp. 63-69. — — 6. Versuch einer Anleituug zur chemischen Zergliederung der animalischen Korper, in ihre Gemeng- und Mischungs- Theile ; nebst Bestim- mung der charakteristischen Merkmale uud Verhaltnisse derselben zu andern Stoflen. Ber- lin, Jahrb. Pharm. VI., 1800, pp. 1-21. • 7. Chemische Bemerkungeu iiber die Blatter und Wurzeln des Tulpenbaums (Lirio- dendron tulipifera, Linn.) ; nebst Anfrage : ob derselbe uicht zur Aufnahme in die Materia Medica sich qualifiziren inochte ? Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. VI., 1800, pp. 22-29. Hermbstadt, Sigismund Friedrich. 8. Versuche uud Beobachtungen iiber verschiedene Sorten Lichte, aus Wachs, Talg, Wallrath, so wie solcher, die aus der Vermischung dieser drei Substanzen bereitet sind ; sowohl in Hinsicht der Sparsamkeit beim Brennen derselben, als auch der Erleuchtung, die dadurch bewirkt wird. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, TV., 1800, pp. 40-51 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Sav. I., 1801, pp. 387-392. 9. Versuch einer scientifischen Beurtheil- uug der Gerbekunst ; und der Lohgerberei ins- besondere. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, IV., 1800, pp. 471-499. . 10. Versuche und Bemerkungen iiber die Gerbung des Ober- und Sohl- Leders durch ver- schiedene Vegetabilien, mit Rucksicht auf die quantitativen Verhaltnisse des darin befind- lichen gerbenden Stoifes, ihrer Vergleichung gegen die Eichenrinde, und der Zeitraurne, welche eine jede dieser Substanzen zum Gahr- machen der Hiiute erfordert. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freuude N. Schr. in., 1801, pp. 252-279. i 11. Ueber die Entstehung des Bernsteins. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. HI., 1801, p. 477. 12. Eemarques sur la difference essentielle qu'il y a entre les sels alcalins et les terres alcaliiies. Berlin, Mem. Acad. 1801, pp. 83- 88. • 13. Experiences et observations sur le rapport chimique de quelques nouveaux metaux et terres aux parties colorantes de la Cochenille. Berlin, Mem. Acad. 1801, pp. 89-96 ; Eoy. Inst. Journ. I., 1802, pp. 235-237 ; Scherer, Journ. Chemie, VII., 1801, pp. 607-616; VIII., 1802, pp. 3-14; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 316-319. 14. Eecherches sur la maniere dont les corps naturels out leurs couleurs, et essai d'une uouvelle explication de ce phenomene. Berlin, Mem. Acad. 1801, pp. 97-104; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1804, pp. 201-207. • 15. Eecherches sur la question : " Qu'est- ce que le fumier, quel est 1'effet qu'il produit dans 1'agriculture, et quels sont les moyens les plus surs de remplacer le fumier ordinaire ? " Berlin, Mem. Acad. 1802, pp. 29-38. 16. Observations sur une methode d'eva- poration spontanee de 1'eau des puits salans a la temperature de 1'atmosphere ; considerations sur le degre d'utilite des applications qu'on en pourrait 1'aire dans les salines du Eoyaume, et recherches sur les causes physiques qui con- courent pour produire cette evaporation. [1802], Berlin, Mem. Acad. 1803, pp. 91-104. 17. Essai d'une theorie nouvelle de 1'existence et des qualites des elements phy- siques. Berlin, Mem. Acad. 1803, pp. 105-128. HER] 315 [HER Hermbstadt, Sigismuml Fi-icdrirli. 18. Ver- suche und Beobachtungen iiber die Erzeugung der Essigsiiure. Berlin, Abhundl. 1804-11, pp. 11-20 (/%«.). 19. Chemische Zerglicderung des Spar- gels. Berlin, Abhaudl. 1804-11, pp. 21-27 (Phys.}. • 2O. Untersucbung iibor die Milch der Kiihe. Berlin, Abhandl. 1804-11, pp. 28-38 (Phys.). 21. Experiences et observations sur le blanchissage de la toile et autres produits du lin. (Transl.) Aun.il. de Chimie, LV., 1805, pp. 113-136. - 22. Sur les eaux-de-vie de grains. Annal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1808, pp. 63-81. 23. Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber die Ausscheidung des Indigo aus dem Waidkraut und einigen andern Vegetabilien. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 93-99. 24. Bemerkungeu iiber das Leuchten or- ganischer Korper im Leben und nach dem Tode derselben. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 248-256. 25. Ueber die Fiihigkeit der lebenden Pflanzen im Winter Wiirrne zu erzeugen. Ber- lin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 316- 319. 26. Vermischte chemische Bemerkungen iiber Gerbestoff. Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 414-416. 27. Ueber den schuellen Wechsel der Witterung zwischen dem 26 und 27 Januar (1809). Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. in., 1809, pp. 237-240. 28. Chemische Zergliederung der Boss- kastanie. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 243-248. 29. Bemerkungen iiber den Gehalt des Zuckers in verschiedenen bei uns einheimischen Pflanzenproducten, und die Verfahruugsart den- selben mit Vortheil daraus abzuscheideu. Gehlen, Journ. VIII., 1809, pp. 589-611 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIL, 1809, pp. 160-190 ; Bull, de Pharm. n., 1810, pp. 19-22. 30. Ueber die Geriiche und die physisehen Ursachen ihrer Erzeugung. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 111-124. ; Hermb- stadt, Bulletin, XIV., 1813, pp. 336-358. 31. Ueber den specifischen Unterschied des Humus, und die Bestimmung seines quantita- tiven Gehaltes in der Ackerkrume. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 124-132. 32. Beschreibung einer Anstalt zur Fabri- cation des Waidindig's. Hermbstadt, Bulletin, IX., 1811, pp. 312-333. Hermbstadt, Sir/ismund Fricdrich. 33. Ver- snche und Beobachtuugen iiber den Instinct der Pfianzen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1812-13, pp. 107- 115 (Phys.); Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Man-. VI., 1814, pp. 273-275. 34. Versuche und Bemerkungen iiber das Keirnen der Pflanzensamen. Berlin, Abhandl 1812-13, pp. 116-128 _(P/tys.). 35. Ueber Organismus und Leben. Hermb- stiidt, Bulletin, XIII., 1813, pp. 1-11. 36. Der Bernstein, seine Gewinnung und sein Gebrauch. Hermbstadt, Bulletin, XTV. 1813, pp. 51-73. 37. Erfahrnngen und Beobaehtungen : iiber die Gemengtheile des Fleisches und der Knochen verschiedener Thierarten ; mit Rucksicht auf die diiitetischen Vortheile welche daraus ge- zogen werdeu konnen. Hermbstadt, Bulletin XIV., 1813, pp. 129-161. 38. Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber die Weingahrung und die Bildung des Alkohols. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. VI., 1814, pp. 221-234. 39. Bemerkungen iiber eine sehr einfache Methode, die specifische Dichtigkeit der Holz- arten, ihren Gehalt an Kohle, und die Masse des darin enthaltenen Kohlenstoffes zu bestim- men. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. VI. 1814, pp. 250-253. 40. Anweisung zur Kunst, wollene, seidene, baumwollene und leinene Zeuge selbst zu farb- en. Hermbstadt, Museum, I., 1814, pp. 22- 50, 117-143, 193-227, 327-341. 41. Die Benutzung des Faserstoffes der bei der Fabrication der Kartoffelstarke abfallt, auf Branntwein. Hermbstadt, Museum, I., 1814, pp. 77-79. 42. Ueber den wahren Tod uud den Scheintod. Hermbstiidt. Museum, I., 1814, pp 97-117. 43. Der Deutsche Schmack. Hermbstadt, Museum, L, 1814, pp. 144-150. 44. Eesultate iiber den Gang zweier Kiip- en, von welcheu die Eine mit Waidindig, und die zweite zur Vergleichnng. mit iichtem Indig bereitet wurde. Hermbstadt, Museum, I., 1814 pp. 319-326. 45. Versuch einer technischen Geschichte der Flintensteine und ihrer Fabrication. Hermb- stadt, Museum, H., 1814, pp. 112-141. — 46. Ueber MSrtel oder Mauerspeise und dessen Verfertigung. Hermbstadt, Museum, II., 1814, pp. 174-181. — 47. Giebt es einen Instinct der Pflanzen ? Hermbstadt, Museum, II., 1814, pp. 211-214. 48. Die Fabrication des Bleizuckcrs. Hermbstadt, Museum, II., 1814, pp. 255-263. u R 2 HER] 316 [HER Hermbstadt, Sif/ismuiid Friedricli. 49. Nach- richt von der Erschcinung eiues Werks iiber den Torf und die Naturkunde desselben. Hermbstiidt, Museum, II., 1814, pp. 334-352. 50. Das lonum, eine neuentdeckte Sub- stanz. Hermbstadt, Museum, III., 1814, pp. 97-131, 193-223, 348-361 ; IV., 1814, pp. 9- 33. 51. Anfrage iiber Tabackspflanzen. Hermb- stadt, Museum, III., 1814, pp. 269-273. 52. Bemerkungen iiber die Veriinderung, welche giihrungsfahige Korper erleiclen, wenn solche der Weingahrung unterworfen werden. Hermbstadt, Museum, IH., 1814, pp. 276-284. 53. Ueber Anleitung zur Zusammensetz- ung einer allgemeinen Bcize fiir verschiedene Arten Roth und Gelb. Hermbstadt, Museum, in., 1814, pp. 311-318. 54. Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber einen diabetischen Urin. Berlin, Abhandl. 1814-15, pp. 53-62 (Pltys.~). 55. Versuche und Bemerkungen iiber die Verdunstung sogenanuter feuerbestandiger Kor- per. Berlin, Abhandl. 1814-15, pp. 63-72 (Phys.) ; Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1817, pp. 88-96. 56. Ueber den Fortgang der Fabrication des Runkelriibenzuckers in Althaldensleben uud Hundisburg. Hermbstadt, Museum, V., 1815, pp. 358-363. 57. Anweisung zur Verfertigung der Far- ben fiir die Sammet- und Manchester- Malerei. Hermbstadt, Museum, VI., 1815, pp. 193-198. 58. Ueber die Erzeugung des Wachses. Hermbstiidt, Museum, VIII., 1816, pp. 189-192. 59. Bemerkungen iiber die chemische Zer- gliederung organischer Substanzen iiberhaupt uud der Getreidearteu insbesondere. Berlin, Abhandl. 1816-17, pp. 39-48 (Pliys.). 60. Bemerkungen iibev die Verunreinigung der Luft durch die Excremente der Menscheu. Ilermbstiidt, Museum, X., 1817, pp. 27-36. 61. Ueber Morphium und Mekonsiiure, als Gegenstiinde der Arzneikunde betrachtet. Hermbstadt, Museum, XIV., 1818, pp. 141-148. 62. Bemerkungen iiber den Dunstkreis aus physiologischen und pathologischen Ge- sichtspunkten betrachtet. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LI., 1820, pp. 3-15. 63. Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber die Darstellung cines cheuiisch-reinen Oxyds aus dem Nickel. Berlin, Abhaudl. 1820-21, pp. 1-10. 64. Bemerkungen iiber die Legierung der Metalle mit Kalium und einigen andern Stoffen, wenn sic durch schwarzen Fluss reducirt werdeu. Berlin, Abhandl. 1820-21, pp. 41-46; Schweig- ger, Jouru. XXXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 81-86. Hermbstadt, Sigismund Friedricli. 65. Ueber das Nicotianin, einen eigenthiimlichen Bestand- theil in den verschiedenen Arten des Tabacks. Berlin, Abhandl. 1820-21, pp. 47-54 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. XXXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 442-448. 66. Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber die Atmosphare und das Wasser der Ostsee. Ber- lin, Abhandl. 1820-21, pp. 55-62 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXII. (= Jahrb. II.), 1821, pp. 281- 291. 67. Chemische Zergliederung des Wassers aus dem Todten Meere, des aus de:n Jordan, des bituminosen Kalks und eiues andern Fossils aus der Nachbarschaft des Todten Meeres. Berlin, Abhandl. 1820-21, pp. 63-92; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1822, pp. 153-195. 68. Ueber Selenium und Kobalt. Analyse des Schiesspulvers. Schweigger, Journ. XXXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 103-108. 69. Ueber die Untersuchung der Schwefel- alkalieu von BERZELIUS. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIII. (= Jahrb. III.), 1821, pp. 132- 139. 7O. Nachricht von drei neu entdeckten mineralischen Heilquellen, eine Schwefelquelle, eiue Bittersalzquelle, und eine Eisenquelle, am Heiligendamm und zu Dobberan, im Gross- herzogthum Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LVI., 1823 (Hft. 3), pp. 68-79. . 71. Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber den Einfluss der Diingungsmittel auf die Erzeugung der na'hern Bestandtheile der Ge- treidearten. Berlin, Abhandl. 1824, pp. 57- 74 ; 1826, pp. 1-20 ; Schweigger, Journ. XL VI. (= Jahrb. XVI.), 1826, pp. 278-285. 72. Einige Notizen iiber das Hermannsbad bei Muskau, dessen mineralische Triuk- und Badequelle, und den Moor- oder Bade- Schlamm daselbst. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LX., 1825 (lift. 4), pp. 65-73. 73. Versuche und Beobachtungen fiber die chemische Zergliederung des Kanonen- metalls. Berlin, Abhandl. 1826, pp. 21-28. 74. Ueber das Brom, sein Vorkommen in verschiedenen Substanzen, und die Darstellung desselben. Berlin, Abhandl. 1828, pp. 85-96 ; Oken, Isis, XXI., 1828, col. 487-491 ; Pog- gend. Annal. VIII, 1826, pp. 475-476; X., 1827, p. 627. 75. Ueber die Cultur des Weinstocks und die Bearbeitung des Mostes zu Wein; mit be- souderer Beziehung auf die Production der "VVeine im Niirdlichen Deutschland. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. I., 1828, pp. 9-18. HER] 317 [HER einige Gegeustande der Hermbstadt, Sigismund Fried-rich. 76. ^Yie verhiilt sich der Ertrag des Ackerbodens bei dem Anbau der Knrtofteln, gegen den Anban des Eoggens, wenn beide auf Brandtwein verarbeit- et werden und die davon abfallende Schliimpe zur Ernahrung des Viehes beuutzt wird ? Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. I., 1828, pp. 19-22. 77. Beobacbtungen iiber die nachtheilige Wirkung einer mit Salpetersiiure verunrei- nigten Schwefelsiiure, bei ihrem Gebrauche zur Seheidung des gold- und silberbaltigen Kupfers. Erdm. Journ. Tecb. Chem. I., 1828, pp. 128-131. 78. Bemerkungeu iiber einige wichtige Gegenstande der Gesundlieits-Polizei und deren Verbesserung. Erdm. Journ. Tecb. Chem. I., 1828, pp. 147-152. 79. Bemerkungen iiber die beste Verfahr- ungsart, die Kartoffeln auf Brandtwein zu ver- arbeiten. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. I., 1828, pp. 371-380. 80. Bemerkungen iiber das sogenannte Rosten des Flachses und die Verbesserung desselben. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. II., 1828, pp. 34-40. — — 81. Notizen iiber Chemie. Einfache Darstellung der Chrom- siiure ; chemische Zergliederung des Dihlschen Kittes. [1819.] Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verb. I., 1829, pp. 51-55. 82. Bemerkungeu iiber die Darstellung des kiinstlichen Ultramarins. Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 82-83 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, p. 412. • 83. Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber die Hamatine als rothfarbender Stott' im Blute. Berlin, Abhandl. 1830, pp. 125-134 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 314-324. 84. Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber die Essigsaure, ihr Vorkommen in den natiirlichen Evzeugnissen und die Erzeugung derselben aus ihren chemischen Elementeu. Berlin, Abhandl. 1831, pp. 285-300; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVII., 1833, pp. 225-240. —- — 85. Ueber den Nutzen der chemischen Zergliederung roher Arzneimittel zur Erkennt- niss und Beurtheilung ihrer wLrksamen Grund- lagen. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XXXII., 1831, pp. 1-17. 86. Ueber die neuesten Fortschritte in der Fabrikation des Essigs und die Methode einen vollkommen guteu Essig in Zeit von 24 Stund- en zu produciren. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XL, 1831, pp. 250-264. . 87. Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber die chemische Zergliederuug vegetabilisch - organ- iscber Erzeugnisse iiberbaupt und der Getreide- arten insbesondere. Erdm. Joura. Tech. Chem. XII., 1831, pp. 1-53. Hermbstadt, Sigismund Friedrich. 88. Bei- triige zur chemischen Keuntniss der Getreide- arten. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XIV., 1832, pp. 149-158. 89. Ueber die blauc und die rothc Milch, die Ursachen ihrer Erzeugung und die Mittel deren Bildung zu verhindern. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVII., 1833, pp. 1-19. Hermes, G. M. Beobachtungen des Mutter- korns in dem Roggen betreifend. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freuude N. Schr. I., 1795, pp. 244-248. Hermes, 0. Ausdehnung eines Satzes vom ebeueu Vierseit auf riiumliche Figuren. Crelle, Journ. LVI., 1859, pp. 204-217. 2. Ueber hornologe Tetraeder. [1857.] Crelle, Journ. LVI., 1859, pp. 218-246. 3. Das Fiinfflach und Fiinfeck im Raurne entsprecbend dem Vierseit und Vierecke in der Ebene. [1857.] Crelle, Journ. LVI., 1859, pp. 247-262. Hermes, Otto. Ueber krystallisirtes Natron- hydrat. Poggend. Annal. CXIX., 1863, pp. 170-172. Hermesdorf, G. On the Isthmus of Tehuan- tepec. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXII., 1862, pp. 536-554. Hermite ( Capt.~). Theorie et description d'une machine a courants electriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 1200-1202. Hermite, Charles. Lieu geometrique des poles d'une section couique par rapport a une autre. Nouv. Ann. Math. I., 1842, pp. 263-264. 2. Considerations sur la resolution alge- brique de 1'equation du cinquiemedegi'e. Nouv. Ann. Math. I., 1842, pp. 326-336. - 3. Sur la theorie des transcendantes a dif- ferentielles algebriques. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 1133-1148; Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 353-368. 4. Principaux theoremes de 1'analyse des fonctions elliptiques. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1845, pp. 201-211. 5. [Theoreme pour obtenir 1'expression la plus simple des racines des equations traitees par ABEL.] Extraits de deux lettres a M. JACOBI. Crelle, Journ. XXXII., 1846, pp. 277-299. 6. Note sur la theorie des fonctions ellip- tiques. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 54-56. 7. Note sur la reduction des fonctions homogenes a coefficients entiers et a deux inde- terminees. Crelle, Journ. XXXVI., 1848, pp. 357-364. 8. Sur la division des fonctions Abeliennes ou ultra-elliptiques. [1843.] Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. X., 1848, pp. 563-572. • 9. Sur une question relative a la theorie des nombres. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIV., 1849, pp. 21-30. HER] 318 [HER Hermite, Charles. 1O. Demonstration elemen- taire d'une proposition relative aux diviseurs de a?+A^2. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIV., 1849, pp. 451-452. 11. Sur la theorie des fonctions elliptiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, p. 594. 12. Sur la theorie des formes quadratiques ternaires. Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850, pp. ITS- IT?. • 13. Sur differents objets de la theorie des nombres. Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850, pp. 261-15. 14. Sur 1'introduction des variables con- tinues dans la theorie des nombres. Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 191-216. 15. Sur les fonctions algebriques. Paris, Comptes Kendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 458- 461. 16. Sur 1'extension du theoreme de M. STURM a. un systeme d'equations simultanees. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 52- 54. 17. Uu theoreme de FERMAT. Nouv. Ann. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 45-46. 18. Remarques sur le theoreme de M. STURM. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 294-29T. 19. Sur la decomposition d'un nombre en quatre carres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 133-134. 20. Remarques sur un Memoire de M. CAYLEY relatif aux determinants gauches. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 63-6T. : 21. Sur la theorie des fonctions homogenes a deux iudeterminees. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 1T2-21T ; Crelle, Journ. LH., 1856, pp. 1-38. . 22. Sur la theorie des formes quadratiques ternaires indefinies. Crelle, Journ. XLVII., 1854, pp. 30T-312. 23. Sur la theorie des formes quadratiques. Crelle, Journ. XL VII., 1854, pp. 313-342, 343- 368. 24. Sur la theorie de la transformation des fonctions Abeliennes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 249-254, 304-309, 365-369, 42T-431, 485-489, 536-541, T04, T04-T07, T84- T8T. 25. Remarques sur un theoreme de M. CAUGHT. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 181-183. 26. Sur le nombre des racines d'une equa- tion algebrique comprises entres des limites donnees. Crelle, Journ. LII., 1856, pp. 39-51. 27. Sur le nombre limite d'irrationalites Hermite, Charles. 28. Sur 1'invariabih'te du nombre des carres positifs et des carres negatifs dans la transformation des polynomes homo- genes du second degre. Crelle, Journ. LIIL, 185T, pp. 2T1-2T4. 29. Sur les formes cubiques a deux inde- terminees. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 185T, pp. 20-22. 3O. [Correspondence with M. CATLEY on cubic forms.] Quart. Journ. Math. I., 185T, pp. 85-91. • 31. Extract of a letter to Professor SYL- VESTER. [Sur le nombre des solutions entieres et positives de 1'equation ax-\-by-}-cz-\-, etc. = n.~\ Quart. Journ. Math. I., 185T, pp. 3TO-3T3. 32. Sur quelques fonnules relatives a la transformation des fonctions elliptiques. Liou- ville, Journ. Math. III., 1858, pp. 26-36. 33. Sur la theorie des formes cubiques a trois indeterminees. Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1858, pp. 3T-40. 34. Sur quelques fonnules relatives a la transformation des fonctions elliptiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 1T1-1T5. 35. Sur la resolution de 1'equation du cinquieme degre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 508-515; Tortolini, Amiali, L, 1858, pp. 256-259, 326-328. 36. Sur la resolution de 1'equation du quatrienie degre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. T15-T22. 37. Sur quelques theoremes d'algebre, et la resolution de 1'equation du quatrieme degre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 961- 96T. 38. Sur 1'interpolation. Paris, Comptes auxquelles se reduisent les racines des equations a coefficients entiers complexes d'un degre et d'un discriminant donnes. Crelle, Journ. LIIL, 185T, pp. 182-192. Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 62-6T. 39. Sur la reduction des formes cubiques a deux indeterminees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 351-35T. 4O. Sur la theorie des equations modulaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL. 1859, pp. 940-94T, 10T9-1084, 1095-1102 ; XLIX., 1859, pp. 16-24, 110-118,_141-144. 41. Sur 1'abaissement de 1'equation modu- laire du huitieme degre. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1859, pp. 59-61. 42. Sur le resultant de trois formes quadra- tiques ternaires. Crelle, Journ. LVIL, 1860, pp. 3T1-3T5. 43. Sur 1'invariant du dixhuitieme ordre des formes du cinquieme degre, et sur le role qu'il joue dans la resolution de 1'equation du cinquieme degre. Crelle, Journ. LIX., 1861, pp. 304-305. 44. Sur la theorie des nombres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 214-231. HEE] 319 [HER Hermite, Charles. 45. Sur la transformation du troisieme ordre dcs fonctions elliptiques. [1861.] Crelle, Journ. LX., 1862, p. 304. — — 46. Sur la theorie des fonctions elliptiques et ses applications a I'arithmctique. Paris, Comptes Reudus, LV., 1862, pp. 11-18, 85-91 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1862, pp. 25-48. 47. Sur la theorie des formes quadratiques. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LV., 1862, pp. 684- 692. 48. Sur la theorie des fonctions elliptiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVII., 1863, pp. 613- 618, 993-1000. 49. Sur les fonctions de sept lettres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVII., 1863, pp. 750-757. Herold, . Recherches sur le developpement de 1'oeuf des araiguees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, pp. 250-281. 2. Physiologische Untersuchungen iiber das Riickengefass der Inseeten. Marburg, Ges. Naturw. Schriften, I., 1832, pp. 41-109. 3. Observations sur les Couleuvres. L'ln- stitut, II., 1834, pp. 192-193. 4. Recherches sur le developpement des eeufs chez les insectes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Zool.), 1839, pp. 176-205. Heron, E. On the general nature of Light. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VIII., 1800, pp. 161-163. 2. The same methods of reasoning, common to mathematics and to natural history and other branches of physics. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL, 1801, pp. 294-300. Heron, (Sir) Robert. On the breeding of Gold- fishes in the author's menagerie. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1842, p. 533. 2. On the Jerboas in his collection. Zool. Soc. XII., 1844, p. 123 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, p. 286. Heron-de-Villefosse, Antoine Marie. Memoire sur les mines de houille des departements reunis, dans lequel elles sont considerees principalement dans leur rapport avec 1'agriculture et le com- merce. Journ. des Mines, XL, 1801-2, pp. 433-448. 2. Statistique des mines et usines du de- partement de la Moselle. Journ. des Mines, XIV., 1803, pp. 123-155. 3. Extrait d'un memoire sur la maniere de fabriquer les essieux d'artillerie a 1'usine de Halberg pres Sarrebriick. Journ. des Mines, XV., 1803-4, pp. 415-420. 4. Considerations sur les fossiles, et parti- culierement sur ceux que presentent le pays d'Hanovre. Journ. des Mines, XVI., 1804. 5. Traite sur la preparation des minerals de plomb, comprenant les divers precedes em- ployes au Hartz pour cet objet. Journ. des Mines, XVIL, 1804-5, pp. 81-122, 165-202. Heron-de-Villefosse, Antoine Marie. 6. Ni- vellement des Harzgebirges mit dem Barometer. Gilbert, Annal. XXVIIL, 1808, pp. 49-120. 7. Note sur un produit (cadmie) des forges de M. JOMELLES, a Marche-les-Dames. Journ des Mines, XXIX., 1811, p. 80. 8. Note sur la ressernblance d'une substance qu'on obtient abondamment des usines a plomb et a cuivre du Bas-Rhin, avec un produit ruetal- lurgique qui se forme dans quelques hauts- fourneaux du departement de Sambre et Meuse. Journ. des Mines, XXIX., 1811, p. 81. 9. Sur la construction des bords de chau- diere dont on fait usage dans les salines du royaume de Westphalie. Journ. des Mines XXXIL, 1812, p. 147. 10. Extrait d'un memoire inedit sur 1'etat des mines du pays de Liege, et des rapports de MM. les Ingenieurs au Corps Imperial des Mines sur la catastrophe de Beaujonc. Journ. de Phys. LXXV., 1812, pp. 81-89; Journ. des Mines, XXXL, 1812, pp. 367-382. 11. Rapport fait au Jury Central de 1'expo- sition des produits de 1'Industrie Fran^aise, de 1'annee 1819, sur les objets relatifs a la metal- lurgie, et augmente de quelques annotations. Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 17-112. 12. Rapport fait au Jury Central de 1'expo- sition des produits de Plndustrie Fran9aise de 1'annee 1823, sur les objets relatifs a la metal- lurgie. Annal. des Mines, VIIL, 1823, pp. 649- 788. 13. Memoire sur 1'etat actuel des usines a fer de la France, considerees au commencement de 1'annee 1826, avec un supplement relatif a la fin de cette meme annee. Annal. des Miaes, XIII., 1826, pp. 339-459; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1827, pp. 113-132. 14. Rapport fait au Jury Central de 1'expo- sition des produits de 1'Industrie Franfaise, de 1'annee 1827, sur les objets relatifs a la metal- lurgie. Annal. des Mines, II., 1827, pp. 401- 620. 15. Sur le voyage metallurgique en Angle- terre de MM. DUFRENOY et EXIE DE BEAUJIONT. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1828, pp. 83-102. 16. Recherches statistiques sur 1'etat actuel des usines a fer de la France, en 1'annee 1825. Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. IX., 1830, pp. 125-143. 17. Recherches statistiques sur les metaux en France. Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. IX., 1830, pp. 144-183. Herpin (Dr.*). Des bains de PArve dans le can- ton de Geneve. Bibl. Univ. XL VIIL, 1843, pp. 131-155, 333-361. Herpin, Jean Charles. Memoire sur la graisse des vins, etc. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1820, pp. 46-47. HER] 320 I HER Herpin, Jean Charles. 2. Sur 1'emploi du plutre et du poussier ds cbarbon pour desinfecter et dessecher instantanement los matieres fccales. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XLVIII., 1849, pp. 259-273.^ 3. Etudes medieales scientifiques et statis- tiques sur les eaux minerales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 59-62. 4. Sur 1'emploi des agents anesthetiques pour la destruction des insectes, qui devorent les cereales et surtout pour celle de 1'Alucite. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 365-367. 5. Sur 1'Alucite ou teiinie des bles et sur les moyens de la detruire. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIII., 1861, pp. 501-505. Herpin, Th. Du Selin des marais. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 16-24. Herrenkohl, . Ueber Tilloca muscosa, L., und Isolepis Saviana. Rheiul. u. Westplial. Verhand. 1846, pp. 30-31. Herrenscbneider, Joluinn Liulwig. Observa- tions niL'teorologiques f'aites ;i Strasbourg, pen- dant les amiees 1807, 1808, 1809 et 1810. Strasbourg, Soc. Sci. Mem. I., 1811, pp. 470- 476. 2. Observation faite a Strasbourg de 1'eclipse de Soleil du 7 de Septembre 1820. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XL, 1820-21, pp. 90- 93. • 3. Scbreiben an den Prof. GILBERT iiber die zu Strasburg angestellten meteorologischen Beobachtungen. Gilbert, Annal. LXXIL, 1822, pp. 82-86. 4. Resume des observations meteorolo- giques faites a Strasbourg, pendant les annees 1821-27. Strasbourg, Journ. Soc. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 164-172 ; II., 1825, pp. 43-56 ; III., 1826, pp. 155-174 ; IV., 1827, pp. 121-136 ; V., 1828, pp. 81-101. Herrera, Francisco, An official report (1827) on the River Beni, and the countries through which it flows. Geogr. Soc. Jouru. V., 1836, pp. 99-101. Herrgen, Christiana. Matcriales para la geo- grai'ia miner aldgica de Espana y de sus pose- siones en America. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. L, 1799, pp. 5-17, 246-256; III., 1801, pp. 101-112. • 2. Titaueo de Horcajuelo. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. L, 1799, pp. 17-30. 3. Diferentes combinaciones del carbona en el reyno mineral. Math-id, An. Hist. Nat. I., 1799, pp. 116-120. • 4. Descubrimiento de dos substancias nuevas en el reyno mineral. Madrid, Au. Hist. Nat. I., 1799, pp. 124-127. 5. Aragonito. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. I., 1799, pp. 257-260. Herrgen, Christiana. 6. Esparraguina de Ju- milla en Murcia. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. I., 1799, pp. 260-263. 7. Descripcion del Xergon del reyno de Santa Fe. Madrid, Au. Hist. Nat. II., 1800, pp. 76-77. 8. Descripcion orictognostica del apatite terreo de Logrosan. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. II., 1800, pp. 168-175. 9. Extracto de la carta del Baron de HUM- BOLDT al Sr. Baron de FUKELL, ferha en Cara- cas. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. II., 1800, pp. 251- 261. 1O. Qbservaciones geognosticas que D. Guillelmo THALACKER, hizo en zu viage desde esta corte a Teruel. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. II., 1800, pp. 281-314. 11. Descripcion y anuucio de varies mine- rales del reyno de Chile. Madrid, An. Sci. Nat. IV., 1801, pp. 192-206. 12. Aviso mineralogico. Madrid, Au. Sci. Nat. IV., 1801, pp. 297-298. 13. Descripcion del anthraconito. Ma- drid, An. Sci. Nat. IV., 1801, pp. 298-302. 14. Memoria sobre el desprendiiniento del calorico, considerado como fenomeiio geognos- tico. Madrid, An. Sci. Nat. VI., 1803, pp. 246-258. Herrich-Schaffer, F. A. G. Auseinandersetz- ung der Europaischen Arteu der Gattung No- mada. Germar, Zeitschr. Entom. L, 1839, pp. 267-288. 2. Vorarbeiten zu einer Synonymik sammt- licher Lepidopteren. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. III., 1859, pp. 126-131. 3. Mittheilung seines brieflichen Aus- spruches beziiglich der Gastropacha arbusculae. Stettin, Entom. Zeit, XXII., 1861, pp. 55-57. 4. On some new or little-known Micro- Lepidoptera from England. Newman, Zoologist, XX., 1862, pp. 8291-8295. Herrich-Schaffer, F. A. G., und Ottomar Hof- mann. Die Lepidopteren-Fauna der Regens- Imrger Umgegcud. Regeusbiirg, Korresp. Blatt. 1854, pp. 101-109, 113-144, 167-190; 1855, pp. 57-88, 133-150. Herrick, Edward C. Lettre a M. ARAGO sur les Etoiles filautes du mois d'Aout. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 847-849. 2. Remarks on the occurreuce of the Au- rora Borealis in summer ; with an abstract of HUXIIAM'S Auroral Register from 1728 to 1748. Silliman, Journ. XXXIII., 1838, pp. 297- 300. — 3. Further proof of an annual meteoric shower in August, with remarks on Shooting Stars in general. Silliuian, Journ. XXXIII., 1838, pp. 354-364, 401-402. HER] 321 [HER Herrick, Edward C. 4. Additional observations on the Shooting Stars of 9th and 10th August 1837. Silliman, Jouru. XXXIV., 1838, pp. 180-182. 5. Report on the Shooting Stars of the 9th and 10th of August 1838. Silliman, Jouru. XXXV., 1839, pp. 167-174. 6. Report on the Shooting Stars of 7th December 1838, with remarks on Shooting Stars in general. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1839, pp. 361-370. 7. Additional account of the Shooting Stars of 6th and 7th December 1838. Silliman, Journ. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 355-358. 8. On the meteoric shower of 20th April 1803, with an account of observations made on and about the 20th April 1839. Silliman, Jouru. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 358-363. 9. Account of a meteor seen in Connecti- cut, 14th December 1837 ; with some considera- tions on the Meteorite which exploded near Weston, 14th Dec. 1807. Silliman, Journ. XXXVII., 1839, pp. 130-135; Bibl. Univ. XXV., 1840, p. 425. 1O. Report on the Shooting Stars of 9th and 10th August 1839, with other facts relating to the frequent occurrence of a meteoric display in August. Silliman, Journ. XXXVII., 1839, pp. 325-338. 11. Fall of a Meteorite in Missouri, 13th February 1839. Silliman, Journ. XXXVII., 1839, pp. 385-386. 12. Observations on the Aurora Borealis of 3rd September 1839. Silliman, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, pp. 260-264 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 316-319. 13. Parasite of the eggs of the Elm-tree moth (Geometra vernata). Silliman, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, p. 385. 14. Observations on the Shooting Stars of 9th and 10th August 1840. Silliman, Journ. XXXIX., 1840, pp. 328-334. 15. Aurora belt of 29th May 18-10. Stur- geon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 486-487. 16. Contributions towards a history of the Star-showers of former times. [1840.] Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 349-365. 17. A brief preliminary account of the Hessian Fly and its parasites. Silliman, Journ. XLI., 1841, pp. 153-158. 18. Meteoric observations made at New Haven, Connecticut, on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of August 1842. Silliman, Journ. XLIII., 1842, pp. 377-378. 19. Great comet of 1843. Sillimau, Journ. XLV., 1843, pp. 229-230; Astr. Nachr. XXI., 1844, col. 175-176. VOL. III. Herrick, Edward C. 20. Observations made at New Haven, Conn., on the Shooting Stars of the August meteoric period, in 1844. Silli- man, Journ. XLVHI., 1845, pp. 316-320. 21. Account of observations on Shooting Stars at the meteoric periods of 10 August and 13 November in the year 1845. Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 86-88. 22. Observations on Shooting Stars, 10th August 1846. Silliman, Journ. III., 1847, pp. 125-126. 23. Shooting Stars of 10th August 1847. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 278-279. 24. Report on the Shooting Stars of 9th and 10th August 1855. Silliman, Journ. XX., 1855, pp. 285-287. 25. Shooiing Stars of 10th August 1856. Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1856, p. 290. 26. Stir les etoiles filantcs du 10 Aoiit 1859, 1'aurore boreale du 28 Aout 1859 et la lumiere zodiacale. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1859, pp. 322-326. 27. [Sur la probabilite d'existence d'une ou plusieurs planoles entre Mercure etle Soleil.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 810- 812. 28. Shooting Stars of 9-10 August 1860. Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 296-298 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1860, pp. 414- 420 ; XII., 1861, pp. 175-179. 29. Shooting Stars of Nov. 1860. Silli- man, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 137-139. 3O. Sur les etoiles tilantes de Novembre et de Decembre 1861. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIIL, 1862, pp. 127-134. Herrick, Edward C., and James D. Dana. On a new species of Argulus. Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1836, pp. 388-389. 2. Description of the Argulus cato- stomi, a new parasitic crustaceous animal. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1837, pp. 297-308. Herrmann, — . Verbesserung der II. Callet- schen Tafel der gemeinen Logarithmen mit 20 Decimalen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 113- 126. 2. Bestimmuns; der trigonometrisehen Functionen aus den Winkeln und der Winkel aus den Functionen, bis zu einer beliebigen Grenze der Genauigkeit. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 465-481. Herrmann, Benedict Franz Joltann von. Unter- suchung der Katfeebohnen aus der Levante und aus Martinique. Crell, Cheui. Annal. II., 1800, pp. 108-112, 176-183. 2. Description de la topaze de Siberie. [1797.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XII., 1801, pp. 344-351 ; Crell, Chem. Aunal. II., 1801, pp. 357-362. s s HEE] 322 [HER Herrmann, Jirncilict Fran: Johann i-on. 3. Ex- periences sur l'acier damasse. [1798.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XII., 1801, pp. 352-363 ; Crell, Chem. Annal. I., 1802, pp. 13-24. 4. Meinoire sur la pierre de poix ou pissite de Siberie. [1799.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XII., 1801, pp. 399-405 ; Crell, Chem. Annal. II., 1801, pp. 282-286. 5. Description de la celebre mine d'argent de Zmeof aux Monts Alta'i en Siberie. [1798.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIII., 1802, pp. 275-304. 6. Description d'une nouvelle mine de cuivre nomine Achirite. [1800.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIII., 1802, pp. 339- 345. 7. Remarques sur les differentes methodes de rendre le i'er malleable. [1801.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIII., 1802, pp. 352- 356. 8. Mineralogische, metallurgisclie, und an- dere Nachrichten von dem Uralischen Erzge- birge. Crell, Chem. Annal. I., 1803, pp. 181- 188, 270-277 ; II., 1803, pp. 263-275. 9. Notice sur les roches des Monts-Alta'i en Siberie. [1800.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIV., 1805, pp. 409-441. 10. Notice sur une groupe remarquable de spath de plomb de la Siberie. [1801.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIV., 1805, pp. 445-449. 11. Mineralogische Bemerkungen auf einer Reise durch das Orenburgische Gouvernement ini Jahre 1803. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. I., 1807, pp. 27-47 ; IV., 1810, pp. 163- 205. Herrmann, J. C. F. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Poa. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. III., 1812, p. 232. Herrmann, Max. Ueber den Einfluss der Blut- verdiinnung auf die Secretion des Harns. Vir- chow, Archiv, XVII., 1859, pp. 451-463. > 2. Vergleichung des Hams aus den beiclen gleichzeitig thiitigen Nieren. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVL, 1859, pp. 349-367 ; Henle und Pfeu- fer, Zeitschrift, XV., 1862. 3. Ueber den Einfluss des Blutdruckes auf die Secretion des Harns. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV. (Abth. 2), 1862, pp. 317-351; Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, XVII., 1863, pp. 1-34. Herrmannsen, . On some genera of Shells, established in 1807 by the late H. F. LINK. Zool. Soc. Proc. XIX., 1851, pp. 228-233 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1853, pp. 448-452. Hersaut, - — . Notes sur la republique du centre de I'Arnerique. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XIX., 1843, pp. 207-219. Hersart, Ch. Notice sur la casserie de Framont. Journ. des Mines, XIX., 1806, pp. 309-316 ; Nicholson, Journ. XVI., 1807, pp. 196-200. 2. Description du cuivre phosphate. Journ. des Mines, XXIV., 1808, pp. 331-338 ; Nichol- son, Journ. XXVIL, 1810, pp. 358-361. 3. Notice sur une uouvelle decouverte de minerai d'etain dans le departement de la Loire- Inferieure. Journ. des Mines, XXXV., 1814, pp. 293-308. Herschel, - — . Die Europaischen Arten von Necrophorus mit Unterscheidung einer neuen Art ; N. Vestigator. Uliger, Magazin, VI., 1807, pp. 268-276. Herschel, . Ueber den Gebrauch der Kaffee- bliitter in Sumatra. Mannheim, Jahresb. Ver. Naturk. XX., 1853. Herschel, Alexander S. On an approximate and graphical rectification of the circle. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 165-167. 2. When is Venus brightest ? Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 232-234. 3. On a mechanical subdivision of the right angle. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 315-316. . 4. On luminous meteors. Roy. Inst. Proc. IV., 1863, pp. 87-97. 5. Method of determining the path of a meteor. [1863.] Brit.Meteor.Soc.Proc.il., 1864, pp. 16-22. Herschel, Caroline. Errata for Miss HERSCHEL'S " Catalogue of Stars " taken from FLAMSTEED'S " Observations," contained in the 2nd vol. of the Historia Ccelestis, &c. Astr. Nachr. IX., 1831, col. 397-412. Herschel, Gustav. Beantwortung der Fragen : Ging die Erstarrung der Erd-Kruste iiber den ganzeu Erdball gleichmiissig vor sich, oder schritt dieselbe in gewissen Erd-Theileu schnell- er vor sich als in andern ? und wie ist in der Entstehung und Fortbildung der Erde zugleich der tellurische Magnetismus begriindet. Leon- hard u. Bronu, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 446-449. Herschel, ( Sir) John Frederick William. Ana- lytical formulae for the tangent, cotangent, &c. Nicholson, Journ. XXXI., 1812, p. 133. (Anonymous.) 2. Trigonometrical formula} for sines and cosines. Nicholson, Journ. XXXII., 1812, p. ] 3. (Anonymous.) 3. On trigonometrical series, particularly those whose terms are multiplied by the tan- gents, cotangents, secants, &c. of quantities in arithmetical progression, together with some singular transformations ; with notes relating to a variety of subjects connected with the pre- ceding Memoir. Camb. Mem. Analyt. Soc. 1813, pp. 33-64. (Anonymous.) HER] 323 [HER Herschel, (Sir) John Frederick William. 4. On equations of differences and their applica- tion to the determination of functions from given conditions. — Part 1. General theory of equations of differences of the 1st degree in- volving one variable only : — Part 2. On the integration of certain particular equations of differences : — Part 3. On functional equations. [N.B. The principle of this part is defective. A>tct.~\ Camb. Mem. Analyt. Soc. 1813, pp. 65-114. (Anonymous.) 5. On a remarkable application of COTES'S theorem. [1812.] Phil. Trans. 1813, p. 8- 26. 6. Consideration of various points of analysis. Phil. Trans. 1814, pp. 440-468. 7. On the developement of exponential functions, together with several new theorems relating to finite differences. [1815.] Phil. Trans. 1816, pp. 25-45. 8. On circulating functions, and on the integration of a class of equations of finite dif- ferences into which they enter as coefficients. Phil. Trans. 1818, pp. 144-168. 9. On the Hyposulphurous Acid and its compounds. Edinb. Phil. Journ. I., 1819, pp. 8-29; Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1820, pp. 353- 363 ; Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. III., 1820, pp. 305-306 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1821 (St. 2), pp. 308-321. 1O. Additional facts relative to the Hypo- sulphurous Acid. Edinb. Phil. Jourii. I., 1819, pp. 396-400. 11. On the application of a new mode of analysis to the theory and summation of certain extensive classes of series. Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, pp. 23-33. 12. On the optical phenomena exhibited by Mother-of-Pearl, depending on its internal structure. Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, pp. 114-121. 13. Some additional facts relating to the habitudes of the Hyposulphurous Acid and its union with metallic oxides. Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, pp. 154-156. 14. The refractive power of hyposulphite of Soda and Silver, and of nitrite of Lead. Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, p. 184. 15. On the action of crystallized bodies on homogeneous light, and on the causes of the deviation from NEWTON'S scale in the tints which many of them develope on exposure to a polarized ray. [1819.] Phil. Trans. 1820, pp. 45-100; Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1821, pp. 115- 132, 160-181. 16. On the aberrations of compound lenses and object-glasses. Phil. Trans. 1821, pp. 222-267. Herschel, (Sir) John Frederick William. 17. On the separation of iron from other metals. Phil. Trans. 1821, pp. 293-299; Annal. de Chiniie, XX., 1822, pp. 304-306; Thomson, Ann. Phil. I, 1821, pp. 389-390; III., 1822, pp. 95-99 ; SchwiMfrger, Journ. XXXII. (= Jahrb. II.), 1821, pp. 452-453. 18. On a new method of computing occul- tations of the Fixed Stars. Astron. Soc. Mem. I., 1822, pp. 325-328. 19. Subsidiary Tables for facilitating the computation of annual tables of the apparent places of forty-six principal Fixed Stars ; to which is prefixed a statement of the Formula employed, and the elements adopted in their construction. Astron. Soc. Mem. I., 1822, pp. 421-496. 2O. On certain remarkable instances of deviation from NEWTON'S scale in the tints developed by crystals with one axis of double refraction, on exposure to polarized light. [1820.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1822, pp. 21-42 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. IV., 1820-21. pp. 334-344 ; V., 1821, pp. 334-341. 21. On the rotation impressed by plates of Rock Crystal on the planes of polarization of the rays of light, as connected with certain pecu- liarities in its Crystallization. [1820.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1822, pp. 43-52. — 22. On the reduction of certain classes of functional equations to equations of finite dif- ferences. [1820.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1822, pp. 77-88. — 23. On a remarkable peculiarity in the law of the extraordinary refraction of differently- coloured rays exhibited by certain varieties of Apophyllite. [1821.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1822, pp. 241-248 ; Edinb. Phil. Jouru. VII., 1822, pp. 136-142. 24. Rules for the determination of the radii of a double achromatic object glass. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 391-370; Schweig- ger, Journ. XXXVIII. (= Jahrb. VIII.), 1823, pp. 370-387. 25. [Letter explanatory of subsidiary Tables about to be published by the Astronomi- cal Society.] Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 30- 31. 26. On the absorption of Light by coloured media, and on the colours of the Prismatic Spec- trum exhibited by certain flames ; with an ac- count of a ready mode of determining the abso- lute dispersive power of any medium by direct experiment. [1822.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. IX., 1823, pp. 445-460. s s 2 HER] 324 [HER Herschel, ( Sir) Jo/in Frederick William. 27. On certain motions produced in fluid con- ductors when transmitting the electric current. (Bakerian Lecture.) Phil. Trans. 1824, pp. 162-196; Annal. de Chimie, XXVIII., 1825, pp. 280-318 ; Poggend. Annal. I., 1824, pp. 3.51-356 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLIV. (= Ja/trli. XIV.), 1825, pp. 177-216 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 170-176, 271-286. 28. Analysis of Sir D. BREWSTER'S " De- scription of a monochromatic lamp," and Sir J. F. W. HERSCHEL'S paper " On the absorption of light by coloured media and the colours of certain flowers." Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 344-348. (Anonymous.) 29. Notice of a remarkable occurrence of Serpentine at the Junction of the Sienite with the Dolomite of the Tyrol. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 126-129. 3O. Extract of a letter to Dr. RITCHIE ex- plaining a new process of Aetinometry. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, p. 107. 31. On the mechanical effects produced when a conducting liquid is electrified in con- nexion with mercury. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 193-199; Schweigger, Journ. XL VIII. (= Jcihrl. XVI1L), 1826, pp. 246-249. i 32. Account of some observations made with a 20-feet Reflecting Telescope : compre- hending, 1 . Descriptions and approximate places of 321 new Double and Triple Stars. 2. Obser- vations of the second Comet of 1825. 3. An account of the actual state of the great Nebula in Orion, compared with those of former astrono- mers. 4. Observations of the Nebula in the Girdle of Andromeda. Astron. Soc. Mem. II., 1826, pp. 459-497. 33. Account of a series of observations, made in the summer of 1825, for the purpose of determining the difference of meridians of the Royal Observatories of Greenwich and Paris. Phil. Trans. 1826, pp. 77-126. 34. On the parallax of the Fixed Stars. Phil. Trans. 1826, pp. 266-280. 35. Observations on Mr. FRAUNHOFER'S memoir on the inferiority of Reflecting Tele- scopes when compared with Refractors. [1825.] Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 288-293. 36. On the astronomical causes which may influence geological phenomena. [1830.] Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1826-33, pp. 244-245; Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1835, pp. 293-300. 37. Letter to Mr. R. I. MURCHISON : On the cause of the subterranean sounds heard at Nakoos, near Tor, in Arabia. Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1826-33, p. 388. • 38. Nature of the light emitted by lime in a high state of incandescence. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI. 1827, p. 176. Herschel, (Sir) John Frederick William. 39. Correction of an error in a paper published in the Phil. Trans, entitled " On the parallax of the Fixed Stars." Phil. Trans. 1827, pp. 126-127. • 4O. On the approximate places and de- scriptions of 295 new Double and Triple Stars discovered in the course of a series of observa- tions with a 20-feet Reflecting Telescope ; together with some observations of Double Stars previously known. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. I., 1827-30, pp. 25-26 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. III., 1829, pp. 47-63. 41. Third series of observations with a 20- feet Reflecting Telescope ; containing a cata- logue of 384 new Double and Multiple Stars, completing a first thousand of those objects de- tected in sweeps with that instrument ; together with observations of some previously known. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. I., 1827-30, pp. 45- 47 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. III., 1829, pp. 177- 214; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 90-93. — 42. Account of two remarkable cases of insensibility in the eye to particular colours. Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 153-159. 43. Table of the refractive powers of several bodies. Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 296-301. 44. Account of an experiment made on oil of Cassia to determine the cause of its high dispersive power. Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 308-310. 45. Lettre sur les couleurs de diSerentes flammes et sur les spectres qu'elles produisent quand on les analise au moyen du prisme. Quetelet, Corresp. Math.V., 1829, p. 254; Pog- gend. Annal. XVI., 1829, pp. 186-187. 46. Fourth series of observations with a 20-feet Reflector ; containing the mean places and other particulars of 1,236 Double Stars, as determined at Slough, in the years 1828 and 1829, with that instrument. The greater part of them not previously described. [1830.] Astron. Soc. Mem. IV., 1831, pp. 331-378. 47. Einige Beugungs - Erscheinungen. (Transl.) Poggeud. Annal. XXIII., 1831, pp. 281-289. 48. Notice of the elliptic orbit of £• Bootis, with a second approximation to the orbit of "/ Virginis, and to which is appended a notice of the elliptic orbit of ?) Coronrc. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. II., 1831-33, pp. 191-192 ; Astrou. Soc. Mem. VI., 1833, pp. 149-158. 49. Lettre aux Redacteurs sur la separa- tion de 1'oxide de fer, et sur un nouveau precede pour effectuer la purification complete de 1'oxide d'urane. Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1832, pp. 306-311 ; Poggend. Anual. XXV., 1832, pp. 627-628. HER] 325 [HER Herschel, (Sir) John Frederick William. SO. On the action of light in determining!the preci- pitation of Muriate of Platinum by Lime-water. Phil. Mag. I., 1832, pp. 58-60 ; Liebig, Aunal. III., 1832, pp. 337-339; Poggend. Annal. XXVI., 1832, pp. 176-177 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1832, pp. 262-263. 51. Lettre a M. QUETELET sur une pro- prii'to optique des rayons colores dans le borax, et sur les revolutions periodiques de quelques etoiles doubles. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VII., 1832, pp. 77-79. 52. Lettre sur la maniere d'agir de 1'acide nitrique sur le fer. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1833, pp. 87-94 ; Liebig, Annal. X., 1834, pp. 250-2.55; Poggend. Annal. XXXIL, 1834, pp. 211-216. 53. [Astronomical observations on the Southern Double Stars and BIELA'S comet.] Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 317-320. 54. Micrometrical Measures of 364 Double Stars, with a 7-feet Equatorial Telescope, taken at Slough iu the years 1828, 1829, and 1830. [1831.] Astron. Soc. Mem. V., 1833, pp. 13- 92. 55. On the investigation of the orbits of revolving Double Stars, being a Supplement to a Paper entitled " Micrometrical Measures of 364 Double Stars, &c., &c." 1. General State- ment of the Method. 2. Application of the foregoing Process to the cases of particular Binary Stars. [1832.] Astrou. Soc. Mem. V., 1833, pp. 171-222. 56. Observations of BIELA'S Comet. [1832.] Astron. Soc. Mem. VI., 1833, pp. 99-110; As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. II., 1831-33, pp. 117- 124. 57. Fifth catalogue of Double Stars ob- served at Slough, iu the years 1830 and 1831, with the 20-feet Reflector ; containing the places, descriptions, and measured angles of posi- tion of 2.007 of those objects, of which 1,304 have not been found described in any previous collection ; the whole reduced to the epoch of 1830.0. Astron. Soc. Mem. VI., 1833, pp. 1- 74. 58. Remarks on a fifth catalogue of Double Stars, communicated to the Royal Astronomical Society, 7th June 1832. Astron. Soc. Mem. VI., 1833, pp. 74-82 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. II., 1831-33, pp. 137-140. 59. On the absorption of light by coloured media, viewed in connexion with the undulatory theory. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1833, pp. 373-374 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1834, col. 276-280; Phil. Mag. III., 1833, pp. 401-412 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXI., 1834, pp. 245-260 ; Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VIII., 1834, pp. 114-127. Herschel, (Sir) John Frederick William. 6O. Explanation of the principle and construction of the Actinometer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1833, pp. 379-381. 61. Description of a Machine for resolving by inspection certain important forms of tran- scendental equations. [1832.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1833, pp. 425-440. 62. Notice of a remarkable deposition of ice round the decaying stems of vegetables during the frost, Phil. Mag. II., 1833, pp. 110- 111; Poggend. Annal. XXVIII., 1833, pp. 231- 233. 63. Observations of nebulse and clusters of stars, made at Slough, with a 20-feet reflector, between the years 1825-1833. Phil. Trans. 1833, pp. 359-506. 64. Report on the fluid-lens telescope, con- structed for the Royal Society on Mr. BAKLOW'S principles. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1833, p. 245. 65. Account of some Double Stars and Nebulas observed at the Cape of Good Hope. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, pp. 75- 77. 66. On the present appearance of 7 Vir- ginis. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, pp. 197-198. 67. On phenomena connected with the internal temperature of the earth. Geoi. Soc. Proc. II., 1833-38, pp. 548-552, 596-598. 68. [Letter to Mr. SCHUMACHER concern- ing observations at the Cape of Good Hope.] Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 273-276. 69. On the satellites of Uranus. [1834.] Astron. Soc. Mem. VIII., 1835, pp. 1-24 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, pp. 35- 36. 70. A list of test objects, principally Double Stars, arranged in classes, for the trial of telescopes in various respects, as to light, distinctness, &c. [1834.] Astrou. Soc. Mem. VIII., 1835, pp. 25-32. 71. A second series of micrometrical measures of Double Stars, chiefly performed with the 7-feet Equatorial, at Slough, in the years 1831, 1832, and 1833. Astron. Soc. Mem. VIII., 1835, pp. 37-60. 72. Sixth catalogue of Double Stars, observed at Slough, in the years 1831 and 1832, with the 20-feet Reflector ; containing the places, descriptions, and measured angles of position of 285 of those objects, of which 105 have not been previously described. Reduced to the Epoch 1830.0. Astron. Soe. Mem. IX., 1836, pp. 193-204 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, pp. 137-138. HER] 326 [HER Herschel, (Sir) John Frederick William. 73. Report of the Meteorological Committee of the South African Literary and Scientific Institution. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXL, 1836, pp. 239- 246. 74. Account of a remarkable increase of magnitude of the star 7] in the constellation Argo, observed at the Cape, 16-17 Dec. 1837. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IV., 1836-39, pp. 121-122 ; Astr. Nachr. XV., col. 311-312. 75. On the suspected variability of the star a Cassiopeia?. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. IV., 1836-39, pp. 195-196. 76. On the prepared or peculiar voltaic condition of Iron. Phil. Mag. XL, 1837, pp. 329-333. 77. Observations of the comet of HAJLLEY, after the perihelion passage in 1836, made at Feldhausen, Cape of Good Hope. [1837.] Astron. Soc. Mem. X., 1838, pp. 325-336 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), pp. 19-20 ; Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1839. pp. 32-35. 78. Extrait do deux lettres relatif au climat et a la vegetation de 1'Afrique du Sud, avec des observations de M. Alph. DE CANDOLLE. Bibl. Univ. XIV., 1838, pp. 116-128 ; Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1838, col. 321-329. 79. On the structure of the vitreous humour of the Eye of the Shark. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), pp. 15-16. 80. Observations on Stars and Nebulas at the Cape of Good Hope. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pit. 2), pp. 17-19. 81. On periodical and variable stars and their magnitudes. Astr. Nachr. XVI., 1839, col. 187-190 ; Bibl. Univ. XX., 1839, pp. 177- 179. 82. A letter to the Rev. W. WHEWELL on the chemical action of the solar rays of the Spectrum in producing colours analogous to their own. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1839 (pt. 2), pp. 9-12. 83. Notice of the meteoric phenomena at Feldhausen, South Africa, on the 13th and 14th November 1837. Meteorol. Soc. Trans. I., 1839, p. 77. 84. Notice of a chemical examination of a specimen of native Iron, from the east bank of the Great Fish River in South Africa. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1839, pp. 32-37 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 213-214. — 85. Note on the art of photography, or the application of the chemical rays of light to the purposes of pictorial representation. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1839, pp. 131-133; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1839, col. 260-261. Herschel, (Sir) John Frederick William. 86. On the advantages to be attained by a revision and re-arrangement of the Constellations, with especial reference to those of the southern hemisphere, and on the principles upon which such re-arrangement ought to be constructed. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 116- 118 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. XII., 1842, pp. 201-224. 87. On the variability and the periodical nature of the Star « Oriouis. Astron. Soc. Mem. XI., 1840, pp. 269-278 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 11-16; Bibl. Univ. XXVI., 1840, pp. 189-192. 88. On a simple mode of obtaining from a common Argand oil lamp a greatly increased quantity of light. Phil. Mag. XVI., 1840, pp. 194-195. 89. On the chemical action of the rays of the Solar Spectrum on preparations of silver and other substances, both metallic and non- metallic, and on some photographic processes. Phil. Trans. 1840, pp. 1-60 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1840, col. 129-134. 90. Report of a Committee appointed for the purpose of superintending the scientific co- operation of the British Association in the system of Simultaneous Observations in Terres- trial Magnetism and Meteorology. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841, pp. 38-41. 91. Letter on processes for producing co- loured photographs. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841 (pt. 2), p. 40. 92. Report of a Committee appointed for the purpose of superintending the scientific co- operation of the British Association in the system of Simultaneous Observations in Terres- trial Magnetism and Meteorology. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842, pp. 1-11. 93. Extracts from a letter explanatory of the phenomena of the freezing cave of Illetz- kaya Zatchita. Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 697-699; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIV., 1843, pp. 14-16; Phil. Mag. XXI., 1842, pp. 359-361. 94. On some phenomena observed in Glaciers, and on the internal temperature of large masses of ice or snow, with some remarks on the natural ice-caves which occur below the limit of perpetual snow. Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1S42, pp. 699-702; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIV., 1843, pp. 17-21 ; Phil. Mag. XXL, 1842, pp. 362-364. 95. On the action of the rays of the Solar Spectrum on Vegetable Colours, and on some new Photographic Processes. Phil. Trans. 1842, pp. 181-214 ; Phil. Mag. XXII., 1843, pp. 5-21, 107-116, 135, 170-180, 246-252, 505- 511 ; Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1842, pp. 397-398; Froriep, Notizen, XXIII., 1842, col. 294-296. HER] 327 [HER Herschel, (Sir} John Frederick William. 96. Notice of a remarkable photographic process by which dormant pictures are produced, capable of developement by the breath or by keeping in a moist atmosphere. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), p. 8. 97. Report of a Committee appointed for the purpose of superintending the scientific co- operation of the British Association in the system of Simultaneous Observations in Terres- trial Magnetism and Meteorology. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843, pp. 54-60. 98. Report of the Committee appointed for the Reduction of Meteorological Observa- tions. Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1843, pp. 60-103. 99. On the action of the rays of the solar spectrum on the daguerreotype plate. Phil. Mag. XXII., 1843, pp. 120-132. 1OO. On certain improvements in photo- graphic processes described in a former com- munication, and on the Parathermic Rays of the Solar Spectrum. [1842.] Phil. Trans. 1843, pp. 1-6. 101. Notice of an extraordinary luminous appearance seen in the heavens on the 17th of March 1843. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1843, pp. 450-452. 102. The comet and the zodiacal light. Sturgeon, Ann. PhiL I., 1843, pp. 187-189. • 1O3. On the increase in magnitude of the star 7) Cygni. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843-45, pp. 23-24. 104. Further remarks on the revision of the Southern Constellations. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843-45, pp. 60-62. 1O5. Letter to M. SCHUMACHER on the Comet of 1843, seen in India with two tails. Astr. Nachr. XXI., 1844, col. 199-202. 1O6. Contributions to actino-chemistry. On the amphitype, a new photographic process. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), pp. 12-13. 1O7. Report of a Committee appointed for the purpose of superintending the scientific co- operation of the British Association in the system of Simultaneous Observations in Terres- trial Magnetism and Meteorology. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844, pp. 143-155. 108. Report of a Committee for revising the Nomenclature of the Stars. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844, pp. 32-42. 1O9. Observations on the entrance pas- sages in the Pyramids of Ghizeh. Phil. Mag. XXIV, 1844, pp. 481-484. 11O. Letter to Mr. SCHUMACHER on Mr. HOUZEAU'S theory on the effect of aberration arising from proper motion in changing the apparent orbits of double stars. Astr. Nachr. XXIL. 1845, col. 249-254. Herschel, (Sir) John Frederick William. 111. Report of a Committee appointed for the purpose of superintending the scientific co-operation of the British Association in the system of Simul- taneous Observations in Terrestrial Magnetism and Meteorology. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845, pp. 1-73. 112. 'Apop<$>(t>Ta. No. I. On a case of superficial colour presented by a homogeneous liquid internally colourless ; No. II. On the Epipolic dispersion of Light, being a supplement to No I. Phil. Trans. 1845, pp. 143-146, 147- 154; Annul, de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1853, pp. 378-381 ; Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1843, p. 547. 113. On the diminution of brightness of (3 Ursa? Minoris. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 95-96. 114. [Observations of BIELA'S double comet, 28 Jan. 1846.] Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 19-20. 115. On the determination of the most probable orbit of a binary star from the assem- blage of a great number of observed angles of position. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848- 49, pp. 166-172 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. XVIII., 1850, pp. 47-68. 116. Extrait d'une lettre a M. LE VERRIER sur sa methode pour la determination de 1'orbite des etoiles doubles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVHI., 1849, pp. 421-422. 117. On the algebraic expression of the number of partitions of which a given number is susceptible. Phil. Trans. 1850, pp. 399- 422. 118. On the substitution of bromine for iodine in photographic processes. [1853.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. I., 1854, p. 70. 119. On the application of photography to astronomical observations. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, pp. 158-159. 120. On slaty cleavage, and the contor- sions of rocks. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 197- 198. 121. Report of the Joint Committee of the Royal Society and the British Association, for procuring a continuance of the Magnetic and Meteorological Observatories. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858, pp. 295-305. 122. On a new projection of the sphere. Geogr. Soc. Proc. III., 1859, pp. 174-177; Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 100-106. 123. Remarks on colour-blindness. Roy. Soc, Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 72-84. 124. On the formula investigated by Dr. BRIXKLET for the general term in the develope- ment of LAGRANGE'S expression for the sum- mation of series and for successive integration. Roy. Soc. Proc. X, 1859-60, pp. 500-501; Phil. Trans. 1860, pp. 319-323. HER] 328 [HER Herschel, (Sir) John Frederick iniliam. 125. British modular Standard of Length. Franklin Inst. Journ. XL., 1860, pp. 47-51. 126. Remarks on radiation and absorption. Phil. Mag. XXII., 1861, pp. 377-378. 127. On the disappearance of a nebula in Coma Berenices. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XXII., 1862, pp. 248-250. 128. Remarks on a paper " On the present state of Meteorology," by Mr. T. HOPKINS. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1862, pp. 215- 217. 129. Some remarks appended to a report on Mr. HOPICINS'S Paper on the theory of the motion of glaciers. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862- 63, pp. 676-679. ISO. Letter to M. 1'Abbc MOIGNO describ- ing three combinations ol' prisms for spectrum analysis affording an emergent ray coincident with the direct. Les Mondes, 1863, No. 25 (Suppl.). 131. Catalogue of Nebula; and clusters of Stars. [1863.] Phil. Trans. 1864, pp. 1-137. Herschel, (Xir) John Frederick William, and Charles Babbage. Barometrical Observations made at the Fall of Staubbach. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1821-22, pp. 224-227; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1822, col. 308-309. 2. Account of the repetition of M. ARAGO'S experiments on the magnetism mani- fested by various substances during the act of rotation. Phil. Trans. 1825, pp. 467-496. Herschel, ( Sir) John Frederick William, and ( Kir) James South. Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 380 double and triple stars, made in the years 1821, 1322, and 1823, and compared with those of other astronomers ; together with au account of such changes as appear to have taken place in them since their first discovery. Also a description of a Five- feet Equatorial instrument employed in the observations. Phil. Trans. 1824 (pt. 3), pp. 1-412 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 281- 288 ; IV., pp. 66-70. Herschel, (Sir) U'illiam. On the power of pene- trating into space by telescopes, with a compa- rative determination of the extent of that power in natural vision, and in telescopes of various sizes and constructions, illustrated by select observations. Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 49-85. 2. Investigation of the powers of the Prismatic Colours to heat and illuminate objects, with remarks that prove the different refrangi- bility of Radiant Heat. To which is added an Inquiry into the method of viewing the Sun advantageously with telescopes of large apertures and high magnifying powers. Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 255-283; Gilbert, Annal. VII., 1801, pp. 137-157. Herschel, («SVr) William. 3. Experiments on the refrangibility of the invisible Rays. Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 284-292. 4. Experiments on the Solar and on the Ter- restrial Rays that occasion heat, wiih a compara- tive view of the laws to which Light and Heat, or rather the Rays which occasion them, are subject, in order to determine whether they are the same or different. Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 293-326, 437-538; Gilbert, Annal. X., 1802, pp. 68-87 ; XII., 1803, pp. 521-546. 5. Observations tending to investigate the nature of the Sun, in order to find the causes or symptoms of its variable emission of Light and Heat ; with remarks on the use that may pos- sibly be drawn from solar observations. Phil. Trans. 1801, pp. 265-318. 6. Additional observations tending to in- vestigate the symptoms of the variable emission of the Light and Heat of the Sun ; with trials to set aside darkening glasses by transmitting the solar rays through liquids ; and a few re- marks to remove objections that might be made against some of the arguments contained in the former paper. Phil. Trans. 1801, pp. 354- 362. 7. Observations on the two lately dis- covered celestial bodies [Ceres and Pallas]. Phil. Trans. 1802, pp. 213-232; Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1808, pp. 120-130, 142-148. 8. Catalogue of 500 new Nebulas, nebulous Stars, planetary Nebula?, and clusters of Stars, with remarks on the construction of the heavens. Phil. Trans. 1802, pp. 477-528. 9. Observations of the transit of Mercury over the disk of the Sun, to which is added an investigation of the causes which often prevent the proper action of mirrors. Phil. Trans. 1803, pp. 214-232. 1O. Account of the changes that have happened during the last 25 years in the relative situation of Double Stars, with an investigation of the cause to which they are owing. Phil. Trans. 1803, pp. 339-382; Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1808, pp. 154-178. 11. Continuation of an account of the changes that have happened in the relative situation of Double Stars. Phil. Trans. 1804, pp. 353-384. . 12. Experiments for ascertaining how far telescopes will enable us to determine very small angles, and to distinguish the real from the spurious diameters of celestial and terrestrial objects ; with an application of the result of those experiments to a series of observations on the nature and magnitude of Mr. HARDING'S lately discovered star [Juno]. [1804.] Phil. Trans. 1805, pp. 31-70. HER] 329 [HER Herschel, (Sir) William. 13. On the direction and velocity of the motion of the Sun and Solar System. Phil. Trans. 1805, pp. 233- 256. 14. Observations on the singular figure of the planet Saturn. Phil. Trans. 1805, pp. 272- 280. . 15. On the quantity and velocity of the Solar Motion. Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 205-237. 16. Observations and remarks on the figure, climate, and atmosphere of Saturn and its ring. Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 455-467 ; Gil- bert, Annal. XXXIV., 1810, pp. 82-105. 17. Experiments for investigating the cause of the coloured concentric rings, discovered by Sir I. NEWTON, between two object-glasses laid one upon another. Phil. Trans. 1807, pp. 180-233; Annal. de Chimie, LXX., 1809, pp. 154-181, 293-321 ; LXXI., 1809, pp. 5-40. • 18. Observations on the nature of the new celestial body (Vesta) discovered by Dr. OLBERS, and of the Comet which was expected to appear last January in its return from the Sun. Phil. Trans. 1807, pp. 260-266. 19. Observations of a Comet, made with a view to investigate its magnitude and the nature of its illumination. To which is added an account of a new irregularity lately perceived in the apparent figure of the planet Saturn. Phil. Trans. 1808, pp. 145-163 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 389-393 ; Zach, Monat, Corresp. XX., 1809, pp. 512-514. 20. Continuation of experiments for inves- tigating the cause of coloured concentric rings and other appearances of a similar nature. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 259-302. 21. Supplement to the First and Second Part of the Paper of Experiments for investi- gating the cause of coloured concentric rings between object-glasses, and other appearances of a similar nature. Phil. Trans. 1810, pp. 149- 177 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLVI., 1814, pp. 22-79. 22. Astronomical observations relating to the construction of the heavens, arranged for the purpose of a critical examination, the result of which appears to throw some new light upon the organization of the celestial bodies. Phil. Trans. 1811, pp. 269-336; Journ. de Phys. LXXV., 1812, pp. 121-167. 23. Observations of a Comet (1811), with remarks on the construction of its different parts. [1811.] Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 115- 143; Journ. de Phys. LXXVII., 1813, pp. 125-135; Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVIII., 1813, pp. 455-469, 558-568. , 24. Observations of a second Comet, with remarks on its construction. Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 229-237 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXV., 1813, pp. 193-199. VOL. in. Herschel, (Sir) William, 25. Astronomical observations relating to the sidereal part of the heavens, and its connection with the nebulous part ; arranged for the purpose of a critical examination. Phil. Trans. 1814, pp. 248-284 ; Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1818, pp. 97-118. 26. A series of observations of the satellites of the Georgian Planet, including a passage through the node of their orbits ; with an introductory account of the telescopic apparatus that has been used on this occasion ; and a final exposition of some calculated particulars de- duced from the observations. Phil. Trans. 1815, pp. 293-362 ; Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1819, pp. 232-242. 27. Astronomical observations and experi- ments tending to investigate the local arrange- ment of the celestial bodies in space, and to determine the extent and condition of the Milky Way. Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 302-331. 28. Astronomical observations and experi- ments selected for the purpose of ascertaining the relative distances of clusters of stars, aud of investigating how far the power of our telescopes may be expected to reach into space, when directed to ambiguous celestial objects. Phil. Trans. 1818, pp. 429-470. 29. On the places of 145 new Double Stars. [1821.] Astron. Soc. Mem. I., 1822, pp. 166-181. Hersent, . Untersuchungen iiber die Zu- sammensetzung des Brutes im Puerperalfieber. Heller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 43-45. Herter, F., und A. Ermann. Ueber periodische Aenderungen der magnetischen Declination am 20 Marz 1836 zu Berlin und seculars Abnahme derselben in Berlin und Konigsberg. Poggend. Annal. XXXVIL, 1836, pp. 522-525. Herter, Paul. Ergiinzungen zu Herrn MEWIITS Bericht iiber die neuere Mansfelder Silber- gewinnung. Ernian, Archiv Kuss. VIII., 1850, pp. 503-509. 2. Bemerkungen iiber die Entsilberungs- versuche am Altai. Ermau, Archiv Kuss. IX., 1851, pp. 633-635. 3. Ueber die Verhiitung der Kartoffel- krankheit. Erman, Archiv Kuss. XII., 1853, pp. 498-499. 4. Neue Mineralien von Zarkenbach in Bohmen. Halle, Sitzungsb. Nat. Gesell. 1857, pp. 9-10. 5. Beitrag zur Charaktcristik der Thuring- isch-Siichsischen Brauukohlenforimtion. [1856.] Halle, Abh. Nat. Gesell. IV., 1858, pp. 39- 85. T T HER] 330 [HER Herter, Paul, und Adnlph Erman. Ueber Ter- tiarschichten, welche die bernsteinfiihrende Braunkohle au der Samliindischen Ostseekiiste bedecken. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 410-427. 2. Bericht iiber eine Nachgrabung in der Baumannshohle im Herbst 1851. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 320-335. — 3. Ueber Messungen der perma- nenten Ausdehnung die das Gusseisen durch Erhitzen erleidet, und die dabei gebrauchten Mittel zur Bestimmung holier Temperaturen. Poggend. Annal. XCV1I., 1856, pp. 489-499. Herter, Pa/if, und Emil Forth. Das Erzvor- kommen zu Rochlitz am Siidabhange des Riesen- gebirges. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. X., 1859, pp. 10-22. Herth, G. Mittheilungen aus dern cheinischcn Laboratorium zu Heidelberg. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cheni. LXIII., 1854, pp. 49^52. 2. Ueber das Verhalten der Wurzeln ver- schiedener Pflanzcnspecies zu Salzlosungen. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIX., 1854. pp. 334-339. 3. Ueber den Einfiuss verschiedener Salze auf die Entwickeluna; dor Zuckerriibe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cliem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 129- 147. 4. Ueber den Oelgehalt des gemeinen und Kaukasischen Soimehblumen- Samens. Annal. Landwirth. XXVU., 1856, pp. 245-246. 5. Ueber den Einflnss der Ammoniak- und Salpetersauren Salze auf die Vegetation. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 16-18. — — 6. Ueber die Nahrungsaufhahme der Pflanzen. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1859, pp. 352-354. Hertsch, H., uud H. Itzigsohn. Ueber einen Xanthiiun-Bastard. Botan. Zeituug, XII., 1854, col. 34-35. Hertwig. C. Communication of Hydrophobia. (Transl.) Quart. Journ. Sci. I. 1830, pp. 435- 436. — — - 2. Wirkung der Siiureu auf das Blut. Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1833, col. 165- 166. 3. Ueber Kriitz- und Raiidemilben. Wieg- mann, Archiv, 1835, pp. 398-400. 4. Verhiiltnisse, in welchen die schwefel- saure Kali-Thonerde mit Wasser sich verbinden kann. Poggend. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 99-106 ; Liebig, Annal. XLIV., 1842, pp. 270-271. • 5. Ueber die in Wasser schwerlijslichen und unloslichen Modificationen des schwefel- sauren Kali-Chrornoxyds. Poggend. Annal. LVL, 1842, pp. 95-100 ; Liebig, "Annal. XLIV., 1842, pp. 271-272. Hertwig, C. 6. Ueber die bei der vollstandigen Zersetzung des Chromalauns durch Ammoniak eiutretende und durch die chemische Masse des letztern erzeugte Metamorphose des Chrom- oxyds. Liebig, Annal. XLV., 1843, pp. 298- 308. 7. Chemische Untersuchung einiger Pflanz- enaschen. Liebig, Annal. XLVL, 1843, pp. 97-117. 8. Eigenthumliche Lahmheit an den Hint- erschenkeln der Pferde, erzeugt durch die Zerreissung des vordern Schienbein- und des dritten Wadenbeinmuskels. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. Xffl., 1847, pp. 221-235. Hertwig, C., und E. F. Gurlt. Abnorme Zalmbildung in einer Balggeschwulst vor dem linken Ohre eines Pferdes. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. I., 1835, pp. 20-22. Hertz, H. Zur Histologie des Lungengewebes. Virchow, Archiv, XXVI., 1863, pp. 459-474. Hertz, J. Bereitung des Terpenthinolhydrats und einer noch naher zu bestimmenden, aus dem Terpenlbinole ausgeschiedenen Substanz. Pog- gend. Annal. XLIV., 1838, pp. 190-192. Hertzberg, Nils. Orn at forudsige Veirliget, og hvorvidt gamle Veirspaadomme indtraiffe i si'mdre Berge.nhuus Amt. Mag. f. Naturvid. III., 1824, pp. 120-140, 161-185. 2. Forsog med en, i forskjellige Dybder i Havet nedssenkt,, tilproppet Flaske. Mag. f. Naturvid. V., 1825, pp. 75-82. 3. Bidrag til Bestemmelse af Luftens Tem- peratur i sondre Bergenhuus Amt. Mag. f. Naturvid. V., 1825, pp. 192-202. 4. Fortsaittelse af meteorologiske lagttag- elser. Mag. f. Naturvid. VII., 1826, pp. 122- 148. 5. Natur-Mxrkvaa-digheder ved Gaarden Ouse og dens Omegn i Gravens Prsestegjeld i Hardangers Provstie. Mag. f. Naturvid. VII., 1826, pp. 198-215; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XII., 1827, p. 366. 6. Observations on the Minimum and Maximum of the Barometer made during a period of twenty-nine years at Malmanger and Ulleusvang in Norway. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 83-85. 7. Observations on the Barometer and Thermometer made at Malmanger and Ulleus- vang in Norway, during a period of thirty years from 1798-1828. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 292-294. Hertzsprung, . Balm des Cometen von 1859. Astr. Nachr. LIIL, 1860, col. 149- 152. HER] 331 [HES Herve-Mangon, Charles Fruit rois. Stir 1'as- sainissement des villes. Annul, do I'himie, XLVII., 1856, pp. 368-371. 2. Des obstructions qui se ferment dans les tuyaux de drainage. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 441-445 ; Moigno, Cosmos, IX., 1856, pp. 275-280. 3. Note sur 1'extraction des engrais con- tenus dans les eaux d'egout. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 964-968 ; Bruxelles, Journ. Soc. Centr. Agric. III., 1856, pp. 416- 419 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LVL, 1857, pp. 109-114. 4. Note sur 1'alteration des bois dans les fondations. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LVL, 1857, pp. 634-637. 5. Note sur uu nouveau pluvioscope. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 936-938. 6. Sur les produits du curage et du fau- cardemeut des eours d'eau. L'liistitut, XXIX., 1861, pp. 107-108. 7. Production de la maticre verte des feuilles sous 1'influence de la lumiere electrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIU., 1861, pp. 243- 244. 8. Esperienze sulle torbe trasportate dai corsi d'acque. Nuovo Cimeuto, XVIII., 1863, pp. 202-204. 9. Experiences sur 1'emploi des eaux d'irrigation, sous divers climats, et thuorie de leurs effets. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 292-296. 1O. Experiences sur les limous charries par les cours d'eau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 904-908. Hervier, Paul, et Saint-Sager. Recherches sur Facide carbonique exhale par le poumon a 1'etat de sante et de maladie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 260-261 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVII., 1849, pp. 138-140. Hervieux, . Eflets physiologiques et thera- peutiques de la digitaline. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 62-63. Hervy, Osmin. Memoire sur le Polygonum tinctorium. Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 290-343; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXL, 1840, pp. 65-93, 157-176. 2. Analyse de la canne a sucre dessechee, et precede pour determiner facilemeut la quan- tite de principe sucre qu'elle renferme. Journ. de Pharm. XXVL, 1840, pp. 569-576; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXL, 1840, pp. 419-426. — . 3. Examen comparatif de la canne a sucre venue aux Antilles et en France, suivi de con- siderations sur la fabrication du sucre. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1841, pp. 1-14; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIV., 1841, pp. 157- 168 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VII., 1841, pp. 56-64, 118-120. Herwerdey, J. D. van. Bijdrage tot de kennis van bet Tengerscb-Gebergte en desselfs Be- wouers. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XX., 1842. Herz, J. B. Ein Wort fur Mergentheim. Wiirz- burg. Med. Zcitschr. III., 1862, pp. 38-43. Herzberg, . Noch einige meteorologische Bemerkungen [Verhalten des Barometers in Gewittern] aus dem siidlicbsten Theile des Stifles Bergen. Gilbert, Annal. XXIX., 1808, pp. 190-193. Herzberg, . Beschreibung eines mon- strosen Kalbes. Heusiuger, Zeitsckrift, I., 1827, pp. 249-251. Herzig, Aug. Spindelf ormige Elemente quer- gestreifter Muskelu. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XXX., 1858, pp. 73-74. Herzig, Any., und A. von Biesiadecki. Die verschiedenen Formen der quergestreiften Mus- kelfasern. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIIL, 1858, pp. 146-149 ; Moleschott, Untersuch. VI., 1860, pp. 105-109. 2. Ueber salzsaures Thein. Liebig, An- nal. XXVL, 1838, pp. 344-345. Herzog, C. Hydatide im Gehirn. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1839, pp. 816-817. 2. Sur 1'fitlier cinnamylique ou 1'ether de cannelle. ( Transit) Jouru. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 267-268. 3. Ueber salzsaures Caffein und Thein, nebst dessen Krystallformen. Liebig, Annal. XXIX., 1839, pp. 171-173. 4. Zinimtschwefelsiiure und deren Ver- bindungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 51-59; Liebig, Annal. XLVIIL, 1843, pp. 246-247. 5. Veriiuderungen der Galle bei Gegen- wart von Zucker. Heller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 555-556. Herzog, E. On the detection of Bisulphide of Carbon in Coal Gas. Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 330-331. Herzog, Michael. Ueber die Phanerogamen- Flora von Bistritz. Bistritz, Program. Gymnas. VIIL, 1859. Herzogenrath, H. Analyse der Friichte von Trapa natans. Erlangen, Mitt. Phys. Med. Soc. I., 1859, pp. 21-22. Heschl, . Ueber die Neubildung quer- gestreifter Muskeln und cavernose Tumoren. Virchow, Archiv, VIIL, 1855, pp. 126-127. 2. Ueber die seitliche Verscliiebung des Bildes im Mikroskope bei schiefer Beleuchtung. Poggeud. Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 295-298. Heschl, Richard. Vorkommen von Schweiss- driisen in einer Fett- uud Haarcyste des linkeii Ovariums. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, VIIL, 1852, pp. 150-152. T T 2 HES] 332 [HES Heschl, Richard. 2. Untersuchuugeu iiber das Vcrhalten des mensclilichen Uterus nach der Gelmrt. Wien, Zcitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, VIII, 1852 (Hft. 2), pp. 228-235. Hesler, A. Ornithologische Beobachtungen. Cubanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 185- 189, 286-288. Hess, - — . Chemischo Untersuchung einiger Fcssilien aus Finnland und Olonez. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. V., 1825, pp. 321-328. Hess ( Dr.) . Nacbtrag zur Flora des Niesen iin Berner Oberlande. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XL, 1861, p. 46. Hess, A. Ueber Leucht-Thurme. C'relle, Journ. Bank. XXIX., 1850, pp. 70-92, 93-141, 191- 208, 349-374 ; XXX., pp. 56-87. Hess, Cltristopli. Uebersicht der geognostischen Besclmnx'tiheit der Umgebungen von Gotha. Leonhard, Tascbenbucb, XIV., 1820, pp. 120- 186. 2. Ueber die geognostiscbe Beschaftenheit des Sachsen-Weimarischen Neustiidter Kreises, besonders in Bezug auf die Grauwacken- und Thonschiefer-Formation desselben, nebst einigen Betrachtungen die BilJung der Uebergangs- Formation im Allgemeinen betrefteud. Leon- liard, Zeitschrift, 1826, pp. 97-123, 193-211, 334-359. Hess, Hermann. Geognostische Beobachtungen auf einer Reise von Irkutzk iiber Nertschinsk nach Kiachta. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1827 (lift. 2), pp. 321-348. — 2. Zerlegung des Wassers aus dem Flusse Sagis. Poggend. Annal. IX., 1827, pp. 491- 496. 3. Versucb iiber einige stickstoftbxydsaure Salze. Poggend. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 257- 262 ; Quart. Journ. Sei. II., 1828, p. 434. 1 4. Chemische Analyse des Dioptases. Poggend. Annal. XVI, 1829, pp. 360-363. 5. Bemerkungen iiber pyrophosphorsiiure Salze. Poggeud. Annal. XVIII, 1830, pp. 71-74. 6. Notiz iiber den Diaspor. Pog°-end. Annal. XVIII, 1830, pp. 255-256. 7. Note iiber ein Sublimat von Kieselerde. Poggend. Annal. XX, 1830, pp. 539-541. 8. Analyse de la Worthite, nouvelle especu minerale. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Recueil, 1830, pp. 57-64; Moscou, Soc. Nat, Bull. IV, 1832, pp. 307-310 ; Poj^end. Annal. XXI, 1831, pp. 73-75. • 9. Aper9u geognostique sur les contrees au-dela du lac Baikal. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXIV., 1831, pp. 137-139. 1O. Sur les sels communs du gouverne- ment d'Irkoutsk. [1829.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. I., 1831, pp. 1 1-24. Hess, Hermann, 11. Analyse de 1'eau de la Neva. [1830.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. I., 1831, pp. 195-200. 12. Sur la decomposition de 1'alcool par la potasse. [1830.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mom. I, 1831, pp. 469-474. 13. Sur la propriete quo possede le platine tres-divise d'operer la combiuaison de 1'oxygene avec 1'hydrogene, et sur la densite du platine. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mom. I, 1831, pp. 587- 600. 14. Ouvarovite, nouvelle substance mine- rale. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. IV.. 1832, pp. 311-312; Poggend. Annal. XXIV, 1832, pp. 388-390. 15. Ueber die Zersetzung welche das zweite Schwefelsaurehydrat (44. S) durch die Wiirme erleidet. Poggeud. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 652-654. 16. Ueber die Bebandlung des Tellur- silbers von Kolywann. Poggend. Annal. XXVIII, 1833, pp. 407-410. 17. Sur 1'existence d'un oxide cobaltoso- cobaltique. [1832.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1833, pp. 393-400 ; Poggend. Annal. XXVI, 1832, pp. 542-547. 18. L'bydroboracite. nouvelle espoce mine- rale. St. Petersb. Acad.' Sci. Mem. II, 1833, pp. 673-676; Poggend. Auual. XXXI, 1834, pp. 49-52. 19. Beleuchtung einiger streitigen Punkte iiber Eupioii und Bergnapbta. Poggend. Annal. XXXVIII, 1836, pp. 163-171. 20. Memoire sur quelques produits pyro- genes. [1835.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1836, p. 4; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 331-336; Bibl. Univ. Ill, 1836, pp. 177- 183 ; Journ. de Pbarm. XXIV, 1838, pp. 15- 21 ; Liebig, Annal. XX, 1836, pp. 9-27 ; Pog- gend. Auual. XXXVI, 1835, pp. 417-435 ; XXXVIII, 1836, pp. 378-396 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. ILL, 1838, pp. 297-312, 389- 400, 527-536. 21. Note sur 1'emploi de 1'air chaud pour alimenter les hauts-fourneaux. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I, 1836, pp. 35-37. 22. Composition du gaz des feux [sacres] de Bacou. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I, 1836, pp. 166-167 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII, 1838, pp. 514-516. 23. Ueber die Bereitung des Eupions. Poggend. Annal. XL, 1837, pp. 94-105 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIII, 1837, pp. 241-254. 24. Beschreibuiig zweier neuen Lampen [zur organiscbon Analyse und zum Glasblasen]. Poggend. Aunal. XLI, 1837, pp. 198-202. HES] 333 [HES Hess, Hermann. 25. Note sur le sucre de lait. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 126-128; Poggend. Annal. XLL, 1837, pp. 194-197 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 498-500 ; Liebig, Annal. XXII., 1837, pp. 158- 162. • 26. Lettre a M. ARAGO concernant les resultats des nombreuses experiences de M. DOLONG sur la chaleur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, p. 871 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVI., 1839, pp. 438-444. 27. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der ZuckersJiure. [1837.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1838, col. 49-52; V., 1839, col. 294- 302; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XV., 1838, pp. 463-465 ; XVII., 1839, pp. 379-388 ; Liebig, Annal. XXVI., 1838, pp. 1-9; XXX., 1839, pp. 302-313 ; Poggend. Annal. XLII., 1837, pp. 347-349 ; XLVL, 1839, pp. 411-422. • 28. Sur la composition de la cire d'abeilles. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1838, col. 337-343 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 411-419; Liebig, Annal. XXVII., 1838, pp. 3-10 ; Poggend. Annal. XLIII., 1838, pp. 382-389. 29. Note sur la determination de 1'hydro- gene dans 1'analyse des substances organiques. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1838, col. 369-372; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 506-509 ; Liebig, Annal. XXVI., 1838, pp. 189-194 ; Poggend. Annal. XLHL, 1838, pp. 580-582. 30. Note sur la composition de la Vesu- vienne. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1838, col. 372-373 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 51-52 ; Poggend. Annal. XLV., 1838, pp. 341-342. 31. Note sur la nature de la flamme. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1838, col. 373- 374 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 516-517; Poggend. Annal. XLIV., 1838, pp. 536-537. 32. Eecherches sur la composition de quel- ques Resines. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1838, col. 322-328 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVI., 1839, pp. 161-168 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIX., 1839, pp. 135-141; Poggend. Annal. XLVL, 1839, pp. 319-326. 33. Appareil pour 1'analyse des substances organiques. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1838, col. 372-374 ; Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1839 (pt. 2), p. 57 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVII., 1839, pp. 98-101 ; Poggend. Annal. XLVL, 1839, pp. 179-182. 34. Ueber J. LIEBIG'S Berichtigung zu meineni Aufsatze iiber die Constitution der Zuckersiiure. Poggend. Annal. XLVIL, 1839, pp. 627-628 ; Liebig, Annal. XXXIII., 1840, pp. 116-117. Hess, Hermann. 35. Zur Analyse organischer Stoffe. Poggend. Annal. XLVIL, 1839, pp. 212-213 ; Erdm. Journ, Prak. Chem. XVII., 1839, pp. 399-401. 36. Note sur le degagement du calorique en proportions multiples. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 302-303; Bibl. Univ. XXII., 1839, pp. 382-383 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVII., 1839, pp. 490-491 ; Liebig; An- nal. XXXI., 1839, pp. 79-80 ; Poggend. Annal. XLVIL, 1839, pp. 210-217. 37. Ueber die chemische Warme-Enfrwickel- ung, aus einem Schreiben an MARCHAND. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XX., 1840, pp. 123- 128. 38. Ueber Wiirme-Entwickelung in be- stimmteu Verhiiltnissen. Liebig, Annal. XXXVL, 1840, pp. 117-121. 39. Eecherches sur les quantites de chaleur degagees dans les combinaisons chimiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 759-763; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIV., 1840, pp. 32.5-330; Poggend. Annal. LIL, 1841, pp. 114-118. 40. Lettre a M. AKAGO. [Sur la thermo- neutralite.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 978-983 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 185-190. 41. Thermochernische Untersuchungen. Poggend. Annal. L., 1840, pp. 384-404 ; LIL, 1841, pp. 97-113; LIIL, 1841, pp. 499-513, 535-548 ; LVL, 1842, pp. 463-478, 593-603 ; LVIL, 1842, pp. 569-584 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXV, 1840, pp. 80-103; IV., 1842, pp. 211-229, 290-316; Bibl. Univ. XXXIIL, 1841, pp. 200-203 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVII., 1842, pp. 99-119; Liebig, Annal. XL., 1841, pp. 137-148 ; Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIII., 1841, pp. 541-548; Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 1-5. 42. Notice sur la composition de la resine d'Elemi. [1839.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1840, col. 297-298 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 508-510; Pog- gend. Annal. XLIX., 1840, pp. 219-222. 43. Recherches thermochimiques. Repbnse aux observations de M. GRAHAM sur la consti- tution des sull'ates. [1842.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 148-159. 44. Extrait d'une lettre a M. ARAGO, sur la nouvelle methode generate pour la deter- mination des quantites de chaleur degagees ilans les combinaisons chimiques. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XX., 1845, pp. 190-193. 45. Methode pour la determination des quantites de chaleur degagees, par voie humide. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 34-38 ; Poggend. Annal. LXVL, 1845, pp. 58-62. HES] 334 [HES Hess, Hermann. 46. Note sur le traitement du rninerai de Platine. St. Petersb. Acacl. Sci. Bull. VI., 1848, col. 80. 47. Note sur la chaleur de fusion de la glace, et sa capacite pour la chaleur. [1848.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 81-85. Hess, Hermann, et Jacobi. Note sur la prepa- ration et 1'emploi du gaz oxygene et hydrogene. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 193- 194. Hess, Hermann, Struve, W., et E. Lenz. Rap- port sur une decouverte recente de M. NEBVAN- DEE concernant la Meteorologie. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1845, col. 30-32. Hess, L. Cli. Chemische Analyse einer aus Braunkohlen beim Verbrenneii haufig aus- scbmelzenclen Schlacke. Liebig, Anual. XL VII., 1843, pp. 366-373. — 2. Analyse eines an Koble und kohlen- saureu Eisenoxydul reichhaltigen Schiefers aus einem Steinkohlenlager bei Bochnm. Poggend. Annal. LXXVL, 1849, pp. 113-119. Hess, Robert. Ueber die Krystallform des Dato- litb vou Andreasberg. Poggend. Annal. XCIIL, 1854, pp. 380-392. Hesse, . Ueber die Zustaude und Handels- verhiiltnisse der Britisch-West-Indischen Insel Jamaica, vom 27 Februar 1851. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, V., 1858, pp. 185-224, 305-325. 2. Verkehrs- und Haudelsverhaltnisse des Siidamericanischen Freistaates Neu-Granada. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, VI., 1859, pp. 12-41, 110-124. Hesse, Eugene. Memoire sur les Pranizes et les Ancees. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (ZooL), 1858, pp. 93-1 19. 2. Des moyens a 1'aide desquels certains crustaces parasites assurent la conservation de leur espece. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLVT., 1858, pp. 1054-1055 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (ZooL), 1858, pp. 120-125. 3. Memoire sur les metamorphoses qui subissent, pendant la periods embryounaire, les Auatii'es appeles Scalpels obliques. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (ZooL), 1859, pp. 160-178. 4. Memoire sur les metamorphoses qua subissent les Cirripedes pendant la periode em- bryonnaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, p. 911. 1 5. Memoire sur deux nouveaux genres de 1'ordre des crustaces isopodes sedentaires, et sur les especes types de ces genres. [Athelgue cla- dophore, A. fullode, Prosthete cannelee.] Ann, Sci. Nat. XV. (ZooL), 1861, pp. 91-116. . 6. Observations sur des crustaces rares ou nouveaux des cotes de France. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (ZooL), 1862, pp. 343-355. Hesse, Eugene. 7. Recherches sur quelques crustaces rares ou nouveaux des cotes de France. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (ZooL), 1863, pp. 101-128. 8. Des moyens curieux a 1'aide desquels certains crustaces parasites assurent la conser- vation de leur espece. [1863.] Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. XVIII.. 1868, pp. 303-309. Hesse, Eugene, et P. J. van Beneden. Re- cherches sur les Bdellodes (hirudinees) et les Thematodes marins. [1862.] Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXXIV., 1864. Hesse, Joliann. Ueber die Structur der Hufe, des Fischbeins, und der Zahne des Ornitho- rhyuchus. [1839.] Froriep, Notizen, XV., 1840, col. 1-6. Hesse, L. Versuche iiber Chlor-Bereitung. Liebig, Annal. HI., 1832, pp. 61-69. 2. Eiuige Beobachtuugen bei Bereitung des fluchtigen Senfols. Liebig, Annal. XIV., 1835, pp. 41-42 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1835, pp. 470-472. Hesse, L., und Philipp Lorenz Geiger. Ver- suche iiber die Bereitung der medicimschen Blausiiure aus blausaurem Eisenoxydulkali. Lie- big, Annal. III., 1832, pp. 318-326. 2. Fortgcsetzte Versuche iiber die verschiedenen blaubliilieuden Aconiten. Liebig, Annal. IV., 1832, pp. 66-74; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 164-168. 3. Darstellung des Atropins. Lie- big, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 43-81 ; VI., 1833, pp. 44-65. Hesse, Ludwig Otto. Ueber Oberflachen zweiter Ordnung. [1837.] Crelle, Journ. XVHI., 1838, pp. 101-118. 2. De curvis et superficiebus secundi ordi- nis. Crelle, Journ. XX., 1840, pp. 285-311 ; Nouv. Ann. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 178-194. - 3. Ueber die Construction der Oberflachen /welter Ordnung vou welchen beliebige neun Puukte gegeben sind. Crelle, Journ. XXIV., 1842, pp. 36-39. 4. Ueber das geradlinige Sechseck auf dem Hyperboloid. Crelle, Journ. XXIV., 1842, pp. 40-43. 5. De integratione squationis differentialis dx, dxt .. ,. . A i partialjs, A,-A2 - . f ,, < J- L . , A,, < J-j - ' dx, dx, - ' ' dx, -J , ] -- xt } =0 n_, J designantibus A, , A2 , ---- An functiones quas- libet vnriabilium Xi,a-,, ...... arn_, lineares. Crelle, Journ. XXV., 1843, pp. 171-177. 6. Ueber die lineare Construction des achten Schnittpunktes dreier Oberflachen zweiter Ordnung, wenn sieben Schnittpunkte derselben gegeben sind. Crelie, Journ. XXVI., 1843, pp. 147-154. HES] 335 | HES Hesse, Ludwig Otto. 7. Ueber die Bildung der Endgleichung, welche durch Elimination einer Variabeln aus zwei algebraischen Gleichungen hervorgeht, und die Bcstinnuung ibrcs Grades. Crelle, Journ. XXVLL, 1844, pp. 1-5. 8. Ueber die Elimination der Variabeln aus drei algebraischen Gleichungen vom zweiten Grade mit zwei Variabeln. Crelle, Journ. XXVIIL, 1844, pp. 68-96. 9. Ueber die Wendepunkte der Curven dritter Ordnung. Crelle, Journ. XXVIIL, 1844, pp. 97-107. 1O. Algebraiscbe Auflosung derjenigen Gleichucgon 9ten Grades, deren Wurzelu die Eigenschaft haben, dass eine gegebene rationale und symmetrische Function Q (x^ , x^ ) je zweier Wurzeln a;A und x^ eine dritte Wurzel XK giebt so dass gleichzeitig : a-K = Q OA,-TM ). -''A =9 (X^XK ); .TM = Q (a,v,-TA ) is*. Crelle, Journ. XXXIV., 1847, pp. 193-208. 11. Ueber Curven dritter Ordnung und die Kegelschnitte, welche diese Curven in drei verschiedenen Punkten berilhren. Crelle, Journ. XXXVI., 1848, pp. 143-176. 12. Ueber Curven dritter Classe und Curveu dritter Ordnung. Crelle, Journ. XXXVIIL, 1849, pp. 241-257. 13. Eigenschafteu der Wendepunkte der Curven dritter Ordnung und der Ruckkehrtan- genten der Curven dritter Classe. Crelle, Journ. XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 257-261. 14. Transformation einer beliebigen homo- genen Function dritten Grades von zwei Vari- abeln durch lineare Substitutionen neuer Vari- abeln, in eine Form, welche nur die dritten Potenzen der neuen Variabeln enthiilt. Crelle, Journ. XXXVIII., 1849, pp. 262-265. 15. Zwei Schreiben an Herru Prof. C. G. J. JACOBI. Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850, pp. 316- 318. 16. Transformation einer beliebigen gege- benen homogenen Function 4ten Grades von zwei Variabeln durch lineare Substitutionen neuer Variabeln in die Form, welche nur die geraden Potenzen der neuen Variabeln enthiilt. Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 243-263. 17. Algebraische Auflosung derjenigen Gleichungen 6fcen Grades, zwischen deren Wurzeln .r, ,y^,x»,yt, x3 , y3 , die Bedingungs- gleichung (*, — y2) (a-, - y3) (x3 - y,) + (yi — xi) (y-i — O (y — a-,) = 0 Statt findet, Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 264-268. 18. Eine Bemerkung zum Pascalschen Theorem. Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 269- 271. Hesse, Ludwig Otto. 19. Ueber die Wende- punkte der algebraischen ebenen Curven und die Schmiegungs-Ebencn der Curven von dop- pelter Kriimmung, welche durch den Schnitt zweier algebraischen Oberfliichen entstehen. Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 272-284. 20. Ueber die ganzen homogenen Func- tionen von der dritten und vierten Ordnung zwischen drei Variabeln. Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 285-292. 21. LTeber die Bedingung, unter welcher eine homogene ganze Function von n unabhiin- gigen Variabeln, durch lineare Substitutionen von n andern unabhangigen Variabeln auf eine homogene Function sich zuruckfiihren liisst, die eine Variable weniger enthiilt. Crelle, Journ. XLLL, 1851, pp. 117-124. 22. Ueber die geometrische Bedeutung der linearen Bedingungsgleichung zwischen den Coefficienten einer Gleichung zweiten Grades. Crelle, Journ. XLV., 1853, pp. 82-90 ; Nouv. Ann. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 122-129. 23. Ueber die Eigenschaften der linearen Substitutionen, durch welche eine homogene ganze Function zweiten Grades, welche nur die Quadrate von vier Variabeln enthiilt, in eine Function von derselben Form transformirt wird. [1851.] Crelle, Journ. XLV., 1853, pp. 93- 101. . 24. LTeber Determinanten und ihre An- weudung in der Geometric, insbesondere auf Curven vierter Ordnung. [1853.] Crelle, Journ. XLIX., 1855, pp. 243-264. • 25. Ueber die Doppeltangenten der Curven vierter Ordnung. [1853.] Crelle, Journ. XLIX., 1855, pp. 279-332 ; LV., 1858, pp. 83- 88. 26. Transformation der Gleichung der Curven 14ten Grades, welche eine gegebene Curve 4ten Grades in den Beriihrungspunkten ihrer Doppeltangenten schneiden. Crelle, Journ. LIL, 1856, pp. 97-102. 27. Ueber die Criterien des Maximums und Minimums der einfachen Integrate. Crelle, Journ. LIV., 1857, pp. 227-273. 28. Zur Theorie der ganzen homogenen Functionen. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, pp. 263-269. — — • 29. II determinante di SYLVESTER ed il risultante di EULERO. Tortolini, Annali, IL, 1859, pp. 5-8. 3O. Neue Eigenschaften der linoaren Sub- stitutionen, welche gegebene homogene Func- tionen des zweiten Grades in andere trans- formiren, die nur die Quadrate der Variabeln en thai ten. Crelle, Journ. LVIL, 1860, pp. 175-182. HES] 336 [HES Hesse, Lndiciy Otto. 31. Zerlegung der Be- diugung fiir die Gleichheit der Hauptaxen eines auf einer Oberfliiche zweiter Ordnung liegenden Kegelschnittes in die Surnme von Quadraten. Crelle, Journ. LX., 1862, pp. 305-312. 32. Die cubische Gleichung von welcher die Lb'suug des Problems der Homographie von M. CHASLES abhiingt. [1862.] Crelle, Journ. LXIL, 1863, pp. 188-192. Hesse, Oswald. Ueitriige zur Kenntniss der Faulnissproducte von Bierhefe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 34-45; LXXI., 1857, pp. 471-488. 2. Ueber die Ammoniakbasen im Peruan- ischeii Guano. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 18,57, p. 60. 3. Trimethylamin im Safte der Runkel- rubeubliitter. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 60-61. 4. Ueber das Hiimatoxylin. Liebig, An- nal. CIX., 1859, pp. 332-341. 5. Ueber die lininusartigen Bestandtheile der Chinarinden. Liebig, Annal. CIX., 1859, pp. 341-343 ; Journ. de Pharin. XXXV., 1859, pp. 386-387. 6. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Chinon- gruppe. Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 194- 202, 333-343 ; CXIL, 1859, pp. 52-58 ; CXIV., 1860, pp. 292-337; Chem. Centr. Blatt, V., 1860, pp. 377-383, 385-395. 7. Notiz iiber Cyanquecksilberacetonitril. Liebig, Anual. CX., 1859, pp. 202-203. • 8. Ueber die Chinasilure uud ihre Salze. Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 333-343 ; Journ. de Pharin. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 148-149. 9. Einwirkung des Chlors und Cyanathyl. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIII., 1861, pp. 431-433. 1O. Ueber einige Fleehtenstoffe. Liebig, Annal. CXVIL, 1861, pp. 296-351. 11. Ueber Ceratophyllin. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861. pp. 365-367. 12. Zur Geschichte des Pyrrolrothes. Lie- big, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 368-369. 13. Zur Geschichte derCarbohydrochinon- siiure. Liebig, Annul. CXXII., 1862, pp. 221- 224. . 14. Bemerkungen iiber einige Kobaltamin- basen. Liebig, Annal. CXXII., 1862, pp. 224- 225. 15. Anwendung von schwef.igsauren Salz- en zur AufliJsuug des Joels. Liebig, Aunal. CXXII., 1862, pp. 225-226. • 16. Ueber Cinchonin. Liebiff, Aimal. CXXII., 1862, pp. 226-240. — — 17. Ueber Anisol-Chinin. Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 382-384. Hesse, Oswald, und J. Jobst. Ueber das neutrale Chininsulfat. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 361-365. Hesse, Oswald, und Limpricht. Notiz iiber das sogenannte Leuciusaurenitril. Liebig, An- nal. CXVL, 1860, pp. 201-203. Hesse, Oswald, und O. Schmidt. Notiz iiber Phloretin. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 103-107. Hessel, Johunn Friedrich Christian. Einiges iiber Basaltberge und iiber Lagerungsverhaltnisse der Basaltsiiulen an einem und demselben Ba- saltberge. Marburg, Ges. Naturw. Schriften, I., 1823, pp. 153-166. 2. Beittag zur richtigen Bestimmung der Bestandtheile des Basaltes. Leonhard, Taschen- buch, XVIII., 1824, pp. 119-124. 3. Ueber eine Kalkformation bei Marburg. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, II., 1825, pp. 340-341. 4. Fischabdriicke im Polierschiefer. Leon- hard, Zeitschrift, II., 1825, pp. 489-490. 5. Ueber ein wohlfeiles Lothrohr f'iir Chemiker, Mineralogen und solche, die mil dem Mundlothrohre zu lothen pflegeu. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IX., 1826, pp. 326-329. 6. Ueber die Familie Feldspath. Leon- hard, Zeitschrift, 1826, pp. 289-333. 7. Ueber das Krystall- System des Gypses. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1826 (pte. 2), pp. 222- 230. 8. Ueber die Farbenwandlung des Labra- dors und einiger anderer Mineralien. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. X., 1827, pp. 273-290. • 9. Einiges iiber Eis-Krystalle und iiber die Natur des Fenstereises. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. X., 1827, pp. 299-304 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 186-187. 10. Ueber Eis-Krystallisirung und iiber Giinge von Eis in Eis. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1830, pp. 221-225 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIII., 1832, pp. 158-160; Froriep, No- tizen, XXXV., 1833, col. 166-168. 11. Nachtrag zu deni Euler'schen Lehrsatze von Polyedern. Crelle, Journ. VIII., 1832, pp. 13-20. 12. Ueber die Krystalle des Antirnon- Metalls. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, pp. 56-57. 13. Ueber gewisse merkwiirdige Reihen. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 287-306. 14. Losung einer interessanteu geometri- schen Aufgabe. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 321-323. 15. Versuche iiber Magnet-Ketten und iiber die Eigenschaften der Glieder derselben besonders iiber jene, welche ihnen angewohnt, oder auf sonstige Weise willkiirlich ertheilt werdeu kunueu. Mai'burg, Ges. Naturw. Schriften, V., 1844, pp. 1-301. HES] 337 [HES Hessel, Johann Friedrick Christian. 16. Einige neue Beweise von Lehrsatzen aus der Elementar- Stereoraetrie. Grunert, Archiv, VII., 1846, pp. 284-287. • 17. Eigenthlimliche, leicht fassliche, in systematischern Zusammenhange stehende Be- weise bekannter wichtiger Siitze aus der Com- binationslehre. Grunert, Archiv, VII., 1846, pp. 295-304. 18. Beweis des Ptolemaischen Lehrsatzes. Grunert, Archiv, VIII., 1846, pp. 215-217. 19. Ueber die Bediugung, unter welcher orc>a"ist. Grunert, Archiv, XIV., 1850, pp. 93-96. 20. Ueber drei Hauptartcn von Logarith- men-Systemen. Grunert, Archiv, XIV., 1850, pp. 97-100. 21. Ueber die Bestiuimung des Inhalts der dreiseitigen Pyramide. Grunert, Archiv, XIV., 1850, pp. 162-169. 22. Ueber das merkwiirdige Beispiel einer zum Theil punctirt gebildeten Curve, das der Gleichung entspricht : ?/= V •*•'• Grunert, Ar- chiv, XIV., 1850, pp. 169-187. 23. Ueber ein Bimssteinlager bei Marburg. Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 319- 322. 24. Beschreibung eines neueii Farben- wandlungs - Apparates. Posrgend. Annal. LXXIX.. 1850, pp. 442-454. 25. Ueber die Aufgabe, aus der gegebenen Anzahl aller denkbaren Durchmesser eines Kreises die Anzahl aller denkbaren Durch- messer einer Kugel zu findeii. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 1-3. 26. Einiges iiber die Anwendung des gebrannten Gypses, um triibe Weine klar zu macheu, ihr Sauerwerden zu verhiiten und et- waigen Essigsiiuregehalt zu beseitigen. Liebig, Aniial. XCVIII., 1856, pp. 334-338. 27. Ueber die gemeinschaftliche Form aller jener ganzeii Zahlen, deren jede so beschaffen ist, dass der Kreis, durch rein geometrische Construction, in eine ihr gleich grosse Aiizahl "•leicher Theile getheilt werden kann. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVII., 1861, pp. 269-276. • 28. Elementare Beweise eiuiger Satze, welche fur die Lehre von den regelmiissigen Polygonen von Wichtigkeit sind. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 279-302. Hessel, Johann Friedrich Christian, und Leopold Gmelin. Mineralogisch - chemische Bemerk- ungen iiber den Harmotom, zumal iiber den aus der Gegend von Marburg. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1825, pp. 1-18. Hessel, Johann Friedrich Christian, et Ch, Kopp. De 1'asphalte des mines du Val-de Travers. Actes de la Soc. Helvetique, 1855, pp. 154-168. VOL. in. Hessel, Jos. Uutersuchung des Wassers der Heilquelle in Szepctowka. Liebig, Annal. CXIIL, 1860, pp. 364-366. Hesselius, And. Dissertatio de Aloe. Upsul, Diss. Acad. II., 1800, pp. 181-194. Hessemer, J. M. Ueber die Anfertigung stereoskopischer Bilder. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXXIX., 1856, pp. 111-121. Hessenberg, Friedrich. Ueber das Zwillings- Gesetz der von G. ROSE bekannt gemachteu Quarz-Vierlinge von Reichenstein in Schlesien. Leonhard u. Broun, N. Jahrb. 1854, pp. 306- 309. 2. Ueber die Krystallgestalt des Queck- silberhornerzes. Senekeuberg, Naturf. Gesell. Abhandl. 1854-55, pp. 25-28. 3. Mineralogische Notizeu. Senekcnberg, Naturf. Gesell. Abhandl. 1856-58, pp. 158- 186, 243-264; 1859-61, pp. 256-286; 1862- 63, pp. 1-45, 181-225. 4. Ueber die Krystallform des Sphens. Chur, Jahresber. Naturf. Gesell. IV., 1857-58, pp. 56-58. 5. Lazulit : Notiz. Chur, Jahresber. Na- turf. Gesell. V., 1858-59, p. 112. Hessler, Ferdinand. Ueber den Einfluss der materielleu Beschaffenheit des Prisma auf die chemische Wirkuug des durch dasselbe zerlegt- en Sonnenlichtes. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, III., 1835, pp. 336-348 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXV., 1835, pp. 578-579. 2. Ueber eineu von ihm construirten electro-magnetischen Inductions-Apparat und dessen sehr kriiftige, physiologische Wirk- ungen. Bohm. Gesell. Abhandl. 1837-40 (Sect. Ber.), pp. 24-29. 3. Ueber Anweudung der Babinet'schen Verbesserung auf Ilahn-Luftpumpen. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1843, pp. 229- 230. 4. Ueber eine leichte und eiufache Art, therm o - electrische Siiulen zu verfertigen. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1843, pp. 230-231. . 5. Ueber die Verhandlungen der Commission zur Festellung guter und bequemer Brannt- weinwagen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 298, 302-316 (Abth. 2). Hessling, Theodor von. Histologische Beitriige. Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1848, col. 1-S, 17-21, 33-40; VIII., 1848, col. 257-266 ; IX., 1849, col. 3-5. 2. Eiue histologischc Neuigkeit [gestreifte Muskelfasern am Penis der Schmetterlinge]. Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1849, col. 1-2. c u HES] Hessling, Throdor roii. 3. Ueber die Veriiste- lung der Primitivfaser des Gehirns. Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1849, col. 145-148; Jenaische Ann. Phys. Med. II., 1851, pp. 283-284. — — - 4.- Ueber die Seitendriisen der Spitz- mause. Siebold uud Kolliker, Zeitsckr. V., 1854, pp. 29-40. 5. Histologische Mittheilungen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. V., 1854, pp. 189-200. 6. Einige Bcmerkungen zu des Hrn Dr. KEBER'S Abhandlung : " Ueber den Eintritt der Samenzellen in das Ei." Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. V., 1854, pp. 392-420. 7. Ueber die Ursachen der Perlbildung bei Unio margaritifer. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitscbr. IX., 1858, pp. 543-546. 8. Die Verbreitung der Seeperleumuschel uud der Perlfischerei. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesanimt. Naturw. XIV., 1859, pp. 17-32. 9. Ueber die Bef'ruchtung der Flussperlen- muschel. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. X., 1860, pp. 358-363. Hessling, Throdor von, und Emil Harless. Ueber die Veriistelung der Endf'asern des Olfac- torius. Jenaische Ann. Phys. Med. II., 1851, pp. 275-282. Hetet, F. Quelle est la substance qui determine 1'absorption de I'oxygene contenu dans le sang, et comment on peut expliquer la coloration de ce liquide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 410-411; Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. XIX., 1852, pp. 82-83. 2. Recherches experimentales d'organo- geuie vegetale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 512-513. 3. Note sur une nouvelle propriete du Vernis du Japon. Acclirn. Soc. Bull. VI., 1859, pp. 425-431 ; Jouru. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 163-168. 4. Du Sorgho saccharin, de ses produits et de ses usages. Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 256-264. 5. Recherches experimentales d'organo- genie et de physiologic vegetale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1004-1007. 6. Recherches experimeutales sur la for- mation des couches ligueuses dans le Pircunia. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Bot.\ 1862, pp. 218-222. Hetru, . . Reflexions sur Fergot du seigle, et precede a niettre en usage pour obtenir 1'ergotine. Nantes, Journ. de Med. X., 1834, pp. 9-12. 2. Appareil coutinu pour faire du gaz hydrogene carbone avec des substances resi- neuses ; moyeu d'enlever 1'huile empyreumatique qui se distille avec le gaz hydrogene carbone, et reflexions sur la forme des verres a gaz. Nantes. Journ. de Med. X., 1834, pp. 12-18. 338 [HEU Hetru, . 3. Analyse de 1'urine d'une dia- betique et reflexions sur 1'emploi de la creosote coulre un diabete. Nantes, Jouru. de Med. XI., 1835, pp. 26-34. Hetzer, W. Intensitiit des Erdmagnetisnms in Halle nach absolutern Maasse. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. IX., 1857, pp. 168-170. Heuffel, Johann. Plantaruui Hungarian nova- rum aut non rite cognitarum Decas prima. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 353-368. 2. Plantarum Hungarian novarum vel non rite cognitarum Decas secunda. Flora, XVIII., 1835, pp. 241-256. 3. Caricineaj in regnis Hungarian, Croatia?, Slavouia;, magnoque Transylvania? principatu sponte uascentes, enumerate ac digests. Flora, XXVII., 1844, pp. 527-536. 4. Sertuni plantarum novarum aut minus rite cognitarum. Flora, XXXVI.. 1853, pp. 617-627. 5. Ueber einige verwechselte Arten del- Flora Ungarns. Flora, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 289-293. 6. Die in Ungarii vorkommenden Arten der Gattung Knautia, Coult., nebst einigen Be- merkungen. Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 49-56. 7. Ueber Galium aristatum, Linn., und die verwaudten Arten G. capillipes, Rcichenb., und G. papillosum, Heuffel. Flora, XL., 1857, pp. 561-564. 8. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Flora des Banates. Skofltz, Botan. Wocheubl. VII., 1857, pp. 118-119, 175-177, 222-224, 286-287. 9. Diagnosen neuer, oder verwechselter Pflanzen - Arten aus dem Banate. Skoh'tz, Botan. Wochenbl. VIII., 1858, pp. 25-29. — 10. Enumeratio Plantarum in Banatu Temesiensi sponte crescentium et frequentius cultarum. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 39-240. 11. Fragmenta Monographic Caricum in regnis Hungariae, Croatiie, Slavonian, magnoque Transsylvaniaj principatu sponte nascentium. Linntca, XXXI., 1861-62, pp. 658-728. Heurler, Ludwig von. Nachrichten uber den Zustand der Botanik in Tirol. Flora, XXVI., 1843, pp. 589-597. . 2. Monstrose Blumen von Linaria vulgaris. Lmnaja, XVII., 1843, pp. 10-14. , 3. Zur Naturgeschichte von Istrien. Haidinger, Bericht. VI., 1850, pp. 150-158. 4. Ueber den Vorgang bei Sammlung ethnographischer Daten. Haidinger, Bericht. VII., 1851, pp. 115-123. 5. Sul morbo dell' uva. Collettore dell' Adige, II., 1852, pp. 428-429, 507-508. 6. Der Monte Penegal. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. II., 1852, pp. 291-293, 299-300. HEU] 339 [HEU Heufler, Ludwig von. 7. Catalogus Lichenum quorundiim Austriacorum. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. I.. 1852, pp. 142-144. 8. Drei neue Algen [Ulotlirix latissima, Scytonema stygium, Anhaltia flabellum]. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852 (Abh.), pp. 1-8. 9. Zwei kleine Beitriige zur Lichenen- Flora der Gegend von Wien. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VI., 1856 (Abh.), pp. 225-228. 1O. Asplenii Species Europe. Unter- suchungen iiber die Milzfarne Europa's. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VI., 1856 (Abh.), pp. 235-242. 11. Ueber die Lecanora ventosa, Ach. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. I., 1857, pp. 18- 19. 12. Ueber den Glutpilz von Marienbad, Pyronema Marianum, Carus. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Ab/t.), pp. 629- 632. — 13. Die Laubmoose der Oesterreichischen Torfmoore. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 317-320. 14. Beitriige zu einer Lebensgeschichte SENDTNER'S. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IX., 1859 (Abh.), pp. 103-118. 15. Die Verbreitung von Asplenium fissum, Kit. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IX., 1859 (Abh.), pp. 309-312. 16. Ueber das wahre Hypnum poly- morphum, Hedw. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Ver- handl. IX., 1859 (Abh:), pp. 382-386. 17. Untersuchungen iiber die Hypneen Tirols. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. X., 1860 (Abh.), pp. 383-384-502. 18. Nachtrag zu den "Untersuchungen iiber die Hypneen Tirols." Bonplandia, IX., 1861, pp. 191-192. Heufler, Ludwig von, und Michael Stotter. Geognostisch-botanische Bemerkungen auf einer Eeise durchs Oetethal und Schnal.s. Innsbruck, Neue Zeitschr. VI., 1840, pp. 95-137. Heugel, C. A. Ueber Nephrodium Filix mas, Rich. [1846.] Riga, Arb. Natf. Ver. I., 1848, pp. 7-23. 2. Ueber die in Riga's Umgebung vor- kommenden Atriplex-Arten. Riga, Arb. Natf. Ver. I., 1848, pp. 257-275. 3. Bemerkungen und Beitrage zur Flora der Ostseeprovinzen. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Natf. Ver. V., 1851-52, pp. 130-152. 4. Zur Charakteristik der Umbelliferen im Allgemeinen und der Gattung Archangelica im Besonderen. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Natf. Ver. V., 1851-52, pp. 163, 179-184. 5. Ueber die Vorgiinge der Entwickelung des Pflanzenkeimes. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Natf. Ver. VI., 1852-53, pp. 139-152, 155-165. Heugel, C. A. 6. Beitrag zur niiheren Kennt- niss einiger Erysimum-Arten. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Natf. Ver. VII., 1853-54, pp. 143-151. 7. Beitrag zur Kryptogamenkunde der Ostsee-Gouvernements Russlands. Riga, Cor- resp. Blatt. Natf. Ver. VIII., 1854-55, pp. 73- 79, 81-94, 105-110, 119-127, 129-141, 163- 178, 185-203 ; IX., 1855-56, pp. 45-48. 8. Betrachtuugen iiber die kosmische Materie. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Natf. Ver. IX., 1855-56, pp. 137-155, 157-164. 9. Zur Flora der Ostseeprovinzen. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Natf. Ver. XL, 1859, pp. 117- 123. 10. Ueber talg- und wachsahnliche Er- zeugnisse des Pflanzeureiches. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Natf. Ver. XII., 1862, pp. 82-93. Heuglin, Theodor von. Beobachtungen iiber Zug- und Strichzeit der in Suddeutsehland vor- kornmenden Vogel. Naumannia, 1850 (Hft. 2), pp. 61-65. 2. Ueber Falco arcadicus, Lindenmayer ; F. Eleonorae, Gene, und F. concolor, Tcmminck. Naumannia, 1850 (Hft. 3), pp. 31-36. 3. Circus Mulleri, Heuglin. Naumannia, 1850 (Hft. 3), pp. 36-37. 4. Ueber ein Cetaceum aus dem rothen Meere (Balsenoptera, Lacep.). Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851 (Abth. 2), pp. 449-451. 5. Ueber Africanische Fische. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851 (Abth. 2), pp. 452-453. 6. Brief aus Assuan. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 235-240. 7. Reisebericht aus Char turn von 25 Octob. 1852. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 915- 921. 8. Systematische Uebersicht der Vogel Nord-Ost-Africa's, mit Einschluss der Arab- ischen Kiiste des Rothen Meeres und der Nil- Quellen-Liinder siidwarts bis zum 4 Grade nordlicher Breite. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIX., 1856, pp. 255-324. 9. Reise nach Abyssinien 1852 und 1853. Petermaun, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 464-474. 10. Die Habab-Liinder am Rothen Meere. Petermann. Mittheil. 1858, pp. 370-372. 11. Erfbrschung der Bajuda-Landscliaft zwischen Ab-Dom und Chartum im Jahre 1856. Petermann, Mittheil. 1859, pp. 468-471. 12. List of Birds observed und collected during a voyage in the Red Sea. Sclater, Ibis, I., 1859, pp. 337-352. . 13. Reise in Nordost-Africa und langs des Rotben Meeres im Jahre 1857. Petermann, Mittheil. 1860, pp. 324-358. 14. Reise langs der Somali-Kiiste im Jahre 1857. Petermann, Mittheil. 1860, pp. 419-437. u D 2 HEU] 340 [HEU Heuglin, Tlieodor von. 15. On new or little- known birds of North-Eastern Africa. Sclater, Ibis, It., 1860, pp. 407-414 ; III., 1861, pp. 69-76, 121-128. 16. Diaguosen neuer Siiugethiere aus Africa am Rothen Meere. Acad. Cxs. Leop. Nova Acta, XXVIII., 1861. 17. Ueber einige ornithologisclie Samm- lungen vom Rothen Meer und der Abyssinischen Kiiste bis Tigreh. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IX., 1861, pp. 193-197. 18. Beitrage zur Ornithologie Nord-Ost- Africa's. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IX., 1861, pp. 417-431. 19. Forschungen iiber die Fauna des Rothen Meeres und der Sonuili-Kiiste. Ein systematisches Verzeiclmiss der Siiugethiere und Vogel, welche in diesen Regionen bisher beobaehtet worden sind, mit Riicksicht auf ihre geographische Verbroilung in horizontaler und vertikaler Ausdehnung. Petermann, Mittheil. 1861, pp. 11-32. 2O. Expedition narh Inner-Africa. Peter- mann, Mittheil. 1861, pp. 169-174, 226-230, 276-282, 308-310, 347-348, 394-395; 1862, pp. 15-29, 142-145, 241-246, 333-336, 381- 387, 424-428. 21. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Wirbel- thiere des nordlichen AcKyptens und des Petrii- ischen Arabiens, gesammc'lt wahrend des Auf'ent- haltes der Deutschen Expedition in genannten Gegenden wahrend der Monate Miirz bis Mai 1861. Petermann, Mittheil. 1861, pp. 310-312. 22. On a new African species of the genus Zosterops (Z. poliogastra). Sclater, Ibis, III., 1861, pp. 357-361. 23. Beitrage zur Fauna der Siiugethiere Nord-Ost-Africa's. Acad. Cess. Leop. Nova Acta, XXIX., 1862. 24. Die Besteigung des Zad'-Amba durch die Deutsche Expedition im September 1861. Petermann, Mittheil. 1862, pp. 55-57. 25. Reise YOU Keren in den Bogos-Landern nach Adoa in Abyssinien, 28 October bis 14 November 1861. Petermann, Mittheil. 1862, pp. 102-107. 26. Berichte und Arbeiten iiber den Aegyptischen Sudan uud die Lander westlich und siidlich von Chartum. Petermann, Mit- theil. 1863 (Ere/an:. Nr. 2), pp. 97-115. 27. Bericht iiber seine und Dr. STEDDNEE'S Reise von Chartum den Bahr-el-abiad und Bahr- ghasal hinauf bis zum See Req. Petermann, Mittheil. 1863 (JErganz. Nr. 2), pp. 142-152. 28. Bericht iiber seine Reise vom See Req bis Bongo im Lande der Dor. Petermann, Mittheil. 1863 (Erganz. Nr. 2), pp. 153-162. Heuglin, Thcodor von. 29. Bericht iiber seinen Aufenthalt im Flussgebiete des Bahr Djur. Petermann, Mittheil. 1863 (Ergcinz. Nr. 2), pp. 162-164. 30. Description of a new African plover (Hemerodrornus cinctus). Sclater, Ibis, V., 1863, pp. 31-32. 31. Ueber die Antilopeu und Biiffcl Nordost- Africa's. [1863.] Acad. Cres. Leop. Nova Acta, XXX., 1864. 32. Nachtrag zur zweiten Abhandlung des XXX. Bandes : " Beitrage zur Zoologie Africa's. Ueber einige Saugethiere des Biischlo- Gebietes." [1863.] Acad. Crcs. Leop. Nova Acta, XXX., 1864. Heuglin, Tlieodor von, und It. von IConig- Warthausen. Beobachtungen und Notizen iiber die Fortpflanzung verschiedener Vogel im siidwestlichen Deutschland. Naumannia, 1850 (Hft. 3), pp. 64-74. Heuguier, C. Memoire sur les appareils secre- teurs des organes gcnitaux externes chez la i'emme et chez les animaux. [1846.] Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Zool.) 1850, pp. 239-294. Heuland, Henri/. On a mass of Platinum at Madrid. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1818, pp. 200-201. 2. On the matrix of the Diamond. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1821-23, p. 419 ; Phil. Mag. LXL, 1823, p. 385. Heumanu, Ch. Sur la quantite d'acicle cyan- hydrique obtenu par des distillations aqueuses des diverses parties du Prunus padus. ( Transl.) Journ. de Pharm. I., 1842, pp. 332-333. 2. Ueber Lithofellinsaure. Liebig, Annal. XLL, 1842, pp. 303-306. 3. Observations on the double chloride of copper and ammonium. Chemical Gazette, III., 1845, pp. 388-390. Heun, //. Vorliiufige Versuche iiber den Schleim in den Wurzeln. Trornmsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XIX., 1810 (St. 2), pp. 3-5. 2. Untersuchung einiger Kochsalze, und einige Bemerkuugen hieriiber. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XX., 1811 (St. 2), pp. 3-7. Heurck, Henri van. Notice sur une prolification axillaire floripare du Papaver setigerum, DC. Bruxelles, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1863, pp. 329- 334. Heureuse, Albert d'. Untersuchung des Ver- haltens von Eisen und Zink gegen die Schwefel- siiure und ihre Verbindungen. Poggend. Annal. LXXV., 1848, pp. 255-282. Eeurlin, E. Summarisk forteckniug ofver de meteorologiske observationerue hallne i Wexio under hela aret 1815-16, samt Observationer pa Wexter, Foglar och Fiskar. Stockholm, Akad. Haudl. XXXV1L, 1816, pp. 164-166; XXXVIII., 1817, pp. 154-155. HEU] 341 [HEU Heurteloup, . Application do la poudre fulminante aux arts. L'Institut, III., 1835, p. 135 ; Poggend. Annul. XXXV., 1835, pp. 308- 309. 2. De la myolethe ou oubli du muscle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, p. 180. Heuser, A. Versuch einer geognostischen Be- sclireibung der im Riechelsdorfer Gcbirgo auf- setzenden Giingo und sogenanntcn Verandcr- ungen. LeonharJ, Tasehenbuch, XIII., 1819, pp. 311-437. 2. Vergleichung verschiedener Methoden, das Verhaltuiss auszumitteln, in welchem anste- licndc Massen durch bergmiinnisehe Gewinn- ung aufgelockert werclen. Giittingen, Studien Verein. 1824, pp. 287-308. 3. Beitriige zur Kunde der jiingeren Fliitzgebilde in den Wesergegenden. [1826.] Guttingen, Studien Verein. III., 1833, pp. 207- 218. 4. Vorlaufige Mittheilungeii liber, auf den Obernkircher Steinkohlenbergwerken im Schauraburgischen angestellte Sprengversuche, sowie viber eiue daselbst kiirzlich eingefiilirte, besonders bei sehr nassem Arbeiten und bei feucrreissendem Gesteine anwendbare neue Sprengmethode mit Sandbesetzung. Gottingen, Studien Verein. IV., 1841, pp. 93-128. Heuser, Paitl. Cultur der Orobanchen. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VI., 1856, pp. 162-166. 2. Kurze Bemerkungen iiber einige intercs- sante Pflanzen der Ueutscheu und besonders der Schlesischen Flora [der Carex-ArtenJ. Skofltz, Botan. Wochenbl. VI., 1856, pp. 217-219. 3. Eiue botanische Excursion in der Um- gegend von Gnadau. [1861.] Skofltz, Botan. Zeitschr. XII., 1862, pp. 38-43. 4. Einiges iiber die Flora von Ebersdorf. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XII., 1862, pp. 387- 395. Heusinger, Carl Friedrich. Die Hemmungs- bildungen der Milz. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 17-36. . 2. Zootomische Analekten. 1. Ueber die Bedeutung des sogenannten Schulter-Kapsel- beins. 2. Ein Beitrag zur Metamorphose des Vogel-Fliigels. 3. Verhalten des Pigmenti nigri der Choroidea. 4. Untersuchung zweier schuell verstorbeuer Stubenvogel. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 544-552. . 3. Zootomische Analekten. [Ueber einige Besonderheiten des Eulenfliigels.J Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VU., 1822, pp. 177-197. 4. Merkwiirdige palhologisclio Erscheiuung in einem Huhue. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VII., 1822, pp. 197-200. 5. Ein paar Bemerkungen iiber Pigment- absonderung und Haarbildung. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VII., 1822, pp. 403-423. Heusinger, Carl Friedrich. 6. Ueber das Harea oder die Regeneration der Haare. Meckel, Deutschus Archiv, VII., 1822, pp. 555-561. 7. Noch einige Beitriige zur Lehre von der Absonderung der Pigmente im thierisehen Korper. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VIII., 1823, pp. 37-44. 8. Noch cin interessanter Beitrag iiber die Entstehung der Haare aus Pigment. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VIII., 1823, pp. 557-558. 9. Vor- und Nachwort zu THON'S Skulet der Kafer. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VIII., 1823, pp. 574-585. 10. Bemerkungen iiber den Verdauungs- kanal der Comatulen. Meckel, Archiv, I., 1826, pp. 317-324. 11. Bemerkungen iiber das Gehorwerkzeug des Mormyrus cyprinoides, Gastroblecaa com- pressus, und Pimelodus synodoutis. Meckel, Archiv, I., 1826, pp. 324-327. — 12. Ueber den Antagonismus der thier- isehen Exoretioncn. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 33-59, 149-169. 13. Missbildung der Nieren eines neuge- bornen Kindes. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 60-67. 14. Zwei Falle von angeborener After- verschliessung. Heusiuger, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 206-212. 15. Beschreibung mehrerer Hemmungs- bildungen an eiuem und demselben Fiitus. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 333-334. • 16. Noch cin Divertikel am Krummdarm. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 334-335. 17. Bis zur Geburt bestehende Vasa om- phalomesenterica. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, I., 1 827, pp. 335-336. 18. Beobachtung einer Graviditas extra- uterina. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 337-338. 19. Tiefe Lage der linken Niere im kleinen Beckon in einer erwachsenen Weibs- person. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 456-461. 2O. Beobachtung einer Missgeburt mit Venvachsuug der Haut und des Amnions, Mangel der rechten unteren Extremitat, u. s. w. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, II., 1828, pp. 208-213. 21. Ueber die von BRESCHET und VEL- PEA.U beschriebene Hohle in der hiufalligcn Haut des menschlichen Eies. Heusinger, Zeit- schrift, II., 1828, pp. 513-517. 22. Anatomische Untersuchung der Co- matula mediterranea. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, III., 1833, pp. 366-374. 23. Untersuchungen iiber die Extremitiiten der Ophidien, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Ex- tremitaten-Entwickelung im Allgemeiueu. Heus- inger, Zeitschrift, III., 1833, pp. 481-523. HEU] 342 [HEW Heusinger, Carl Friedrich. 24. Fliichtige Be- merkungen iiber die Malaria und eine Patho- logia animata, Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 484-487. Heusler, Fr. Beschreibung des Verfahrens zur Zuguteniachung des Nickels und Kupfers aus nickelhaltigem Schwefel- und Kupferkies auf der Isabellenhiitte bei Dillenburg. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLV., 1860, pp. 362-372. Heusser, Jacob Christian. Ueber die Krystall- formen einiger ameisensauren Salze. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIIL, 1851, pp. 37-77. 2. Untersuchung iiber die Brechung des farbigen Lichts in einigen krystallinischen Me- dien. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVII., 1852, pp. 454-470; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 251-255. 3. Ueber die Krystallformen einiger citron- ensauren Salze. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 121-145. 4. Vergleichung der Werthe der Winkel der optischen Axen, die aus directen Messungen der scheinbaren Axen folgen, mit den aus den Brechungscoefficienten, berechneten fur Arra- gonit und Schwerspath. Poggend. Aunal. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 532-539. 5. Die Mineralien des Binnen und Saas- thales. Zurich, Mittheil. III., 1853-55, pp. 431-445. 6. Beobachtung der Frauenhofer'schen Linien in St. Moritz, 5500 Fuss iiber Meer. Zurich, Mittheil. III., 1853-55, pp. 360-361 ; Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 319-320. — 7. Ueber die Dispersion der Elasticitiits- axen in einigen zwei und eingliedrigen Krys- tallen. Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 497- 524; Zurich, Mittheil. in., 1853-55, pp. 347- 360. 8. Bemerkung zur Abhandlung des Hrn. SARTORIUS v. WALTERSHAUSEN iiber den Do- lomit von Wallis. Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 334-335. 9. Ueber die Krystallformen der Mandel- saure und des Aldehydamraoniaks. Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 637-639. 10. Ueber den Dufrenoysit, Binnit und Adular des Binnenthales. Poggend. Annal. XCVn., 1856, pp. 115-129. 11. Notiz iiber die Krystallform des Aldehyd-Ammoniaks. Poggend. Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 171-174. 12. Notiz iiber die Krystallform des Pennin. Poggend. Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 174-175. 13. Eiu Beitrag zur Keimtniss des Bra- siliauischen Kiisteugebirges. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. X., 1858, pp. 412-422. Heusser, Jacob Christian. 14. Physikalische und geologische Forschungen im Innern Brasi- liens. Petermaun, Mittheil. 1859, pp. 446-468. 15. Thierleben in der Brasilianischen Provinz Rio de Janeiro. Petermann, Mittheil. 1860, pp. 247-257. Heusser, Jacob Christian, et G. Claraz. Frag- ments meteorologiques et hydrographiques sur les provinces Bresiliennes de Rio-de-Janeiro et Minas Geraes. Bibl. Univ. Archives, V., 1859, pp. 244-257. 2. Ueber die wahre Lagerstatte der Diamanten und anderer Edelsteine in der Pro- vinz Minas Geraes in Brasilien. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. XI., 1859, pp. 448-466; Annal. des Mines, XVII., 1860, pp. 289-299. Heussi, ., und Heim-ii-h Dohrn. Zur Keimtniss der Molluskenfauna der Balearen. Malakozool. Bliitt. IX., 1862, pp. 99-111. Heyningen, - - van. Rcchcrches sur la Chi- noidine. Journ. do Pliarm. XVI., 1849, pp. 280-289. Keynsius, A. Bijdrage tot eene physische verk- laring van de abnormale geruischen in het vaatstelsel. Utrecht, Onderzoek. Phys. Lab. VII., 1854-55, pp. 1-89. 2. Bijdrage tot de kennis van de Melk- afscheiding. Nederlandsch Lancet, V., 1855-56, pp. 603-655 ; Amsterdam, Onderz. Phys. Lab. I., 1856-57. 3. Over do vormig en uitscheiding van suiker in het dierlijk orgauisme. Amsterdam, Onderz. Phys. Lab. I., 1856—57 ; Nederlandsch Tijdschr. v. Geneesk. I., 1857, pp. 208-218 ; Doiiders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 243-254. 4. Over de afscheidiu«; en bereiding van de urine in de uier. Amsterdam, Onderz. Phys. Lab. I., 1856-57; Donders. Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 265-304; Nederlandsch Tijdschr. v. Geneesk. I., 1857, pp. 509-527. — 5. Lettre a M. BuoWN-SiJQDAED sur les bruits anormaux dans le systeme vasculaire. Brown-Sequard, Journ. Physiol. III., 1860, pp. 722-724. 6. Bijdrage tot de kennis van de stofwis- seling in de lever. Amsterdam, Oiiderz. Phys. Lab. II., 1860, pp. 41-50. 7. Over eiwitdiffusie. Amsterdam, On- derz. Phys. Lab. II., 1860, pp. 115-136; Don- ders, Archiv, II., 1860, pp. 306-328. 8. Der periodiciteit der levensverschijn- selen. Amsterdam, Oiiderz. Phys. Lab. II., 1860, pp. 137-152 ; Donders, Archiv, II., 1860, pp. 436-452. 9. Over den oorsprong der leversuiker. Amsterdam, Onderz. Phys. Lab. III., 1861, pp. 105-157. x x HEY] 346 [HIB Heynsius, A. 1O. Over de ornzettingsproducten van glycerine. Amsterdam, Onderz. Phys. Lab. IV., "1863, pp. 225-241 ; Doiiders, Archiv, III., 1863, pp. 240-252. Heyrowski, E. Geognostische Skizze derGriifl. Henckel Donnersbach'schen Braunkohlen-Berg- baue zu Sillweg und Holzbruckcn. Gratz, Mittheil. Nat. Wiss. Steierrnark, I., 1863, pp. 29-32. Keys, W. H. On the Kaloscope. [1861.] Man- chester, Phil. Soc. Mem. I., 1862, pp. 234-237. Heyse, G. Berechnung des cubischcn Inhalts an einander gestiirzter conischer Erzhaufen. Karsteu, Archiv, V., 1832, pp. 511-515. Heysham, T. C. Some observations on the habits of the Dottrel (Charadrius morienellus, Linn.). Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 295- 304. Heywood, James. On the geology of the Coal District of South Lancashire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1837 (pt. 2), pp. 77-81; Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. VI., 1842, pp. 426-463. Hibbert, Samuel. Notice concerning David Gil- bert TATE, a lad born deaf and blind. Edinb. Phil. Journ. I., 1819, pp. 171-177. 2. Sketch of the distribution of rocks in Shetland. Edinb. Phil. Journ. I., 1819, pp. 296-314 ; II., pp. 67-80, 224-242. 3. Discovery of the Shetland Cod-bank in the summer of 1818. Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, pp. 138-150. 4. Discovery of chromate of iron in Shet- land. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIL, 1821, pp. 265-266. 5. On the natural expedients resorted to by Mark YARWOOD, a Cheshire boy, to supply the want which he has sustained from birth, of his fore-arms and hands. [1823.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-23, pp. 449-465. 6. On the passage of basalt into granite. Edinb. Jouru. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 105-108. 7. Remarks suggested by the resemblance which certain ancient stone axes found in Orkney and Shetland bear to those which have been found near the Huinber. Edinb. Journ. Sci. L, 1824, pp. 306-309. 8. Account of the circumstances connected with the discovery of the fossil elk in the Isle of Man, which prove that this animal is not antediluvian as some naturalists and antiquaries have supposed. Ediub. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 12-28. 9. Notice of the remains of an animal resembling the Scandinavian Elk, recently dis- covered in the Isle of Man ; with suggestions on the importance of distinguishing this animal from the fossil Irish Elk, Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 129-135. Hibbert, Samuel. 1O. On the dispersion of stony fragments remote from their native beds, as displayed in a stratum of loam near Man- chester. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1826, pp. 208- 213. 11. On some remarkable concretions which are found in the sandstone of Kerridge in Cheshire. [1825.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1826, pp. 138-142. 12. History of the Fossil Elk of Ireland. Edinb. Jouru. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, pp. 63-64. 13. Additional contributions towards the history of the Cervus eurycerus, or Fossil Elk of Ireland. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1830, pp. 301-317 ; Bone, Journ. de Geol. L, 1830, pp. 261-286 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVIH., 1830, col. 33-41. 14. Inquiry into the circumstances under which the remains of some fossil animals were accumulated in the volcanic soil of Le Velay in France. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1830, pp. 82- 89. 15. Remarks on a natural Rocking-Stone of granite, surmounted by an ancient cross, illustrative of the early Gaulish costume ; ob- served near the village of Loubeyrat, in the province of Auvergne, France. Ediub. Journ. Sci. III., 1830, pp. 312-319. 16. Notice of a memoir on the caves occupied by the early inhabitants of the west of Europe. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IX., 1830, pp. 149-152. 17. On the direction of the diluvial wave in the Shetland Islands. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1831, pp. 85-91. 18. History of the brown coal formation of the Lower Rheinland. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1831, pp. 276-300. 19. On the question of the existence of the Rein-deer, during the twelfth century, in Caithness. Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1831, pp. 50- 52. 20. Observations on the theories which have been proposed to explain the vitrified forts of Scotland. Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1831, pp. 285-309. 21. On the discovery of very extensive vitrified remains at Elsness, in the island of Sauday, Orkney. Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1831, pp. 309-318. 22. The volcanic basin of Rieden in the Lower Rheinland. Ediub. Journ. Sci. VI., 1832, pp. 108-141. 23. On the ossiferous beds contained in the basins of the Forth, the Clyde, and the Tay. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 642-644. HIB] 347 [HIP Hibbert, Samuel. 24. On the Freshwater Limestone of Burdiehouse, in the neighbour- hood of Edinburgh, belonging to the carboni- ferous group of rocks. With supplementary notes on other Freshwater Limestones. [1833- 34.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1836, pp. 169-282. — — 25. On the fossil Fishes of the limestone of Burdiehouse. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1845, pp. 72-74. Hibbert, IV. Remarks upon the Maculla Hot Spring in Arabia, together with some notes regarding the Red Sea islands. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIV., 1838, pp. 30-35; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1838, col. 273-277. Hicks, John Braxton. On a new organ in In- sects. [1856.] Linn. Soc. Journ. I., 1857 (Zool.\ pp. 136-140. 2. Description of a new British species of Draparnaldia. Linn. Soc. Journ. I., 1857 (Bot.\ p. 192. 3. Further remarks on the organs found on the bases of the Halteres and Wings of Insects. Liuu. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1857 (pt. 2), pp. Hi- He. 4. On a new structure in the Antennas of Insects. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 147-154. 5. Further remarks on the organs of the Antenna? of Insects. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1859, pp. 383-399. — — 6. On certain sensory organs in Insects, hitherto undescribed. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 25-26 ; Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1862, pp. 139-153. 7. Remarks on two cases of extra-uterine feetation. Guy's Hosp. Rep. VI., 1860, pp. 272- 281. . 8. Contributions to the knowledge of the developement of the gonidia of Lichens, in rela- tion to the unicellular Algre. Microsc. Journ. VIII., 1860, pp. 239-244; I., 1861, pp. 15-23; II., pp. 90-97. 9. On the amoeboid conditions of Volvox globator. Microsc. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1860, pp. 99-102. 1O. On the homologies of the Eye and of its parts in the Invertebrata. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 80-84. 11. Remarks on Kiestine, and its existence in the virgin and sterile states. Guy's Hosp. Rep. VII., 1861, pp. 102-108. 12. On the diamorphosis of Lyngbya, Schizogonium, and Prasiola, and their connexion with the so-called Palmellacerc. Microsc. Journ. I., 1861, pp. 157-166. • 13. On the motionless spores (stato-spores) of Volvox globator. Microsc. Journ. I., 1861, pp. 281-283. Hicks, John Braxton. 14. On the nerve pro- ceeding to the vesicles at the base of the Hal- teres, and on the sub-costal nervure in the Wings of Insects. [1861.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 377-379. 15. Observations on the gonidia and con- fervoid filaments of Mosses, and on the relation of their gonidia to those of Lichens and of certain freshwater Algte. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 567-588. 16. Observations on vegetable amoeboid bodies. Microsc. Journ. II.. 1862, pp. 96- 103. Hielm, Sur un sel tire du jus de cerise. Annal. de Chimie, III., 1789, pp. 29-45. Hiern, W. P. On a quality of the Eye in rela- tion to perspective. Messenger of Mathem. II. 1863, pp. 30-34. 2. On the magical equation to the tangent of a curve. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 31-38. Hieronymi, C. F. Chemische Untersuchung des Harns einiger fleischfressender Thiere. Schweigger, Journ. LVII. (= Jaltrb. XXVH.), 1829, pp. 322-334. Hieronynras, • — . Ueber das periodische Verschwinden vieler Vogel zur Herbstzeit. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. V., 1857, pp 385- 399. Hiffelsheim, . Quelques observations rela- tives au phenomene de la circulation. Laurent et Gerhard t, Cornpt. Rend. 1850, pp. 125- 138. 2. Observation d'une fracture de Papophyse zygomatique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1853 pp. 169-172. 3. Recherches theoriques et experimentales sur la cause de la locomotion du cceur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 1048- 1052. 4. Physiologie du cosur; mouvements ab- solus et relatifs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. I., 1854, pp. 273-289 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus XLL, 1855, pp. 255-258. 5. Des applications de, 1'electricitu dy- namique a la physiologic et a la therapeutique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1857, pp. 183- 190. 6. Etudes sur Faction therapeutique du courant voltaique continu. L'Institut, XXVI., 1858, pp. 13-14. 7. Theorie et pratique de 1'electrisation musculaire a 1'aide de courants intermittents. L'Institut, XXVI., 1858, pp. 14-15. 8. Des conditions d'activite de la pile et du courant volta'ique continu permanent. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1858, pp. 250-260. x x 2 HIF] 348 [HIG HiiFelsheim, , ft Valentin. Recherches sur le developpement des monstres doubles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1852, pp. 99-102. (Compt. Rend.) Higgens, . On the colours of the two com- ponent stars of 95 Herculis. [1863.] Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XXIV., 1864, p. 7. Higgir., Edward. Remarks on the country, pro- ducts, and appearance of the island of Rodri- guez. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1849, pp. 17- 19. Higgin, James. On the colouring matters of madder. Phil. Mag. XXXIII., 1848, pp. 282- 294; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), p. 54; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVL, 1849, pp. 1-18. 2. Nouveau reactif pour reconnaitre la presence do 1'acide nitriquc. (Trans/.) Journ. de Pharm. XVI] I., 1850, pp. 378-380. Higginbottom, John. Researches to determine the number of species and the mode of develope- inent of the British Triton. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1847, p. 669 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1853, pp. 369-384. 2. Influence of physical agents on the developement of the Tadpole, the Triton, and the Frog. Phil. Trans. 1850, pp. 431-436; Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1850, p. 949. 3. Additional observations and experi- ments ou the influence of physical agents iu the developement of the Tadpole and the Frog. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 532-537 ; Brovvn-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. VI., 1863, pp. 204-210. Higgins, Bryan. On the sound produced by a current of hydrogen gas passing through a tube. Nicholson, Journ. I., 1802, pp. 129-131. Higgins, E. T. Bonfi-fide British-killed Hawk- Owl. Newman, Zoologist, IX., 1851, pp. 3029-3032. Higgins, Frank. A Catalogue of the shell- bearing species of Mollusca, inhabiting the vicinity of Columbus, Ohio, with some remarks thereon. Ohio, Agrie. Report, 1857, pp. 548-555. Higgins, //. //. Upon the Sphaerobolus stella- tus. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. XL, 1856- 57, p. 51 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, p. 529. — 2. On colour patterns in natural pro- ductions. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. XL. 1856-57, pp. 133-143. 3. On the death of the common Hive Bee, supposed to be occasioned by a parasitic fungus. Liverpool, Lit. PhiK Soc. Proc. XII., 1857-58, pp. 160-163; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 124-125 ; Linn. Soc. Journ. III., 1859 (Zool.), pp. 29-31. 4. On the dipterous insects of the district around Liverpool. Lancashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. X., 1858, pp. 199-202. Higgins, II. H. 5. On the cultivation of Mosses. [1857.] Linn. Soc. Journ. II., 1858 (Hot.), pp. 44-47. 6. Synopsis and list of British Gastero- mycetes. Liverpool. Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. XIII., 1859 (Appendix). 7. On Jania and Corallina. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. XIIL, 1859, pp. 247-248. 8. On the stony Corals. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. XIV., 1860, pp. 230-249. Higgins, J., and C. Bickeli. On Columbian guano, its composition and character. Silliman, Journ. XXIII., 1857, pp. 121-123. Higgins, W. M. On Volcanoes. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 431-436. Higgins, W. M., and John William Draper. On Volcanoes. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 164-174, 262-272, 632-637 ; VI., pp. 344-350. 2. Remarks on the formation of the Dead Sea and the surrounding district. Mag. Nat. Hist, V., 1832, pp. 532-534. 3. Remarks on Electrical decompo- sition. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1833, pp. 314-317. Higgins, Jnififim. On sulphurate of Lime, to be used as a substitute for Potash in bleaching with the oxygenated Muriatic Acid. Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800, pp. 253-257. • 2. Description and analysis of a Meteoric Stone which fell in the county of Tipperary, in Ireland, in the mouth of August 1810. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVIII., 1811, pp. 262- 268. 3. On the origin of the Atomic Theory. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVIIL, 1816, pp. 362- 371, 408-417; LI., 1818, pp. 81-91, 161-164 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXX1V., 1817, pp. 392-394. 4. Remarks on a paper by Mr. DALTON on the chemical compounds of Azote and Oxygen, &c. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIX., 1817, pp. 241-250. 5. Account of a shower of Meteoric Stones which fell in the county of Limerick. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LI., 1818, pp. 355-358. 6. On Dr. MURRAY'S statement respecting the origin of the doctrine of Definite Propor- tions, and the arrangement of the elementary principles of chemical compounds. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIIL, 1819, pp. 401-410. Higginson, F. Account of an explosive Meteorite. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1853, pp. 276-277. Higgs, Samuel. Notice of the copper mines of Alderley Edge, Cheshire. [1858.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VII., 1847-60, pp. 325-326. Highley, Samuel. Hints on the management of some difficult subjects in the application of Photography to science. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), pp. 69-70. HIG] 349 [HIL Highley, Samuel. 2. Crystallogenesis, .and the equivalent in the Mineral Kingdom, correspond- ing to geographical distribution in the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pi. 2), p. 172. 3. Contributions to Micro - Mineralogy. Microsc. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 220-224. 4. Contributions to Micro-Mineralogy ; Part 1. Instruments of micro-mineralogical re- searches. Microsc. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 277- 286. 5. Note on the Taranaki Iron-sand. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859-63, p. 165. 6. A Photo-micrographic Camera. Geol. Che- mical News, VIII., 1863, pp. 116-117. Hignard, . Sur les larves trouvees dans un kystc cerebral. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XIII., 1837, pp. 131-138. 2. Cas de melanodermie. Naiites, Journ. de Med. XVIIL, 1842, pp. 177-181. Hildebrand, . Nagra fynd af fornsaker fran Bronz- och Jern-perioden. Skand. Naturf. Fdrhandl. VII., 1856, pp, 643-648. Hildebrand (Dr.~). Bemerkungen iiber den Em- bryo des Strausscs im Eie. Voigt, Magazin, XL, 1806, pp. 97-126. Hildebrand, F. Der Bau der Couiferenspalt- offnungen und einige Bemerkungen fiber die Vertheilung derselben. Botan. Zeitung, XVIII., 1860, pp. 149-152. 2. Ueber ein Chroolepus mit Zoosporen- bildung. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 81- 85. 3. Ueber eine Art von Chroolepus lageni- ferum. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XVIIL, 1861, pp. 33-36. 4. Untersuchungeu iiber die Farben der Bliitben. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzuugsber. XVHL, 1861, pp. 64-66 ; Pringsheim, Botanik, III., 1863, pp. 58-76. • 5. Die Verbreitung der Coniferen in der Jetztzeit und in den iriiheren geologischen Pe- rioilen. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhaud. XVIIL, 1861, pp. 199-384. 6. Ueber einige Fiille abnormer Bliithen- bildung. Botan. Zeitung, XX., 1862, pp. 209- 214. 7. Doppelte Bliithe von Convallaria majalis. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XIX., 1862, pp. 99-100. 8. Die Fruchtbildung der Orchideen, ein Beweis fur die doppelte Wirkung des Pollen. Botau. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 329-333, 337- 345; Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 169- 174. . — 9. Ueber die Wirkung des Bliithenstaubes bei der Fruchtbildung der Gewachse. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XX., 1863, pp. 116- 118. //. De arsenico et ejus in Kiel, Schriften. VIII., 1861 Hildebrand, F. 1O. Gcwachsenes Exemplar von Orchis (Himantoglossum) hircina. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XX., 1863, pp. 138- 139. 11. Experiments iiber den Dimorphismus von Primula Sinensis angestellt. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XX., 1863, pp. 183- 184. Hildebrandt, F. artibus usu et (Philos. I.). Hildebrandt, Francesco. Esperimenti fatti allo scopo di ritrovare un metodo piu opportune per conservare alcune preparazioni anatomiche, &c. Torino, Mem. Acad. XXXV., 1831, pp. 95- 102. Hildebrandt, Georg Fried/rich. Beitriige zur chemischen Geschichte des Goldes. Scherer, Journ. Chimie, I., 1798, pp. 650-655 ; V., 1800, pp. 597-605 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IV., 1799, pp. 18-23. 2. Ueber die Aufloslichkeit des Kupfers im Ammoniak. Crell, Chcm. Annul. I., 1801, pp. 257-267. 3. On the different effects of the Alkalis in the production of Alum. (Transl.) Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 49-55. 4. Beschreibung eines filtre inalterable aus der Fabrik der Burger SMITH, CUCHET, und MONFORT in Paris. Gilbert, Annal. XXL, 1805, pp. 179-184. 5. Apparate zur Zersetzung des Wassers durch galvauische Elektricitat betreffend. Gil- bert, Annal. XXI., 1805, pp. 257-262. 6. Ueber die Unabhangigkeit der Erreg- ung des Galvanismus von dem Unterschiede der Oxydabilit.-it in den einander beriihrenden Er- regern. Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 36-52. 7. Versuche iiber das Verhalten des todten Fleisches in verschiedenen Gasarten. Gehlen, Journ. VII., 1808, pp. 282-306 ; VIIL, 1809, pp. 180-187 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIIL, 1810, pp. 300-327; LXXXVIIL, 1813, pp. 330-333 ; Nicholson, Journ, XXXL, 1812, pp. 168-178, 178-182; Schweigger, Journ. I., 1811, pp. 358-361 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXV1IL, 1811, pp. 70-76, 109-112. 8. Versuche iiber das blausaure Kupfer. Gehlen, Journ. VII., 1808, pp. 667-681. 9. VOLTA'S Siiule, aus drei Metallen. Gil- bert, Annal. XXX., 1808, pp. 67-71. 1O. Ueber das bei der Verpuffung des Sal- peters mit Kohle erhaltene Gas. Gehlen, Journ. VIIL, 1809, p. 714; Schweigger, Journ. I., 1811, pp. 391-392; V., 1812, pp. 6-8. 11. Essai sur un nouveau succedane du Quinquina. (Transl.) Annal. de Chimie, LXXVL, 1810, pp. 201-203. HIL] 350 [HIL Hildebrandt, Georg Friedrich. 12. Ueber den Zweck cles Pankreas. [1809.] Erlangen, Ab- hanill. I., 1810, pp. 251-267. — — 13. Von der Torricelli'schen Leere iiber Wasser. Gehleu, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 541-558. 14. Ueber Phosphorkalk und Phosphor- kali. Gehlen, Journ. IX,, 1810, pp. 766-767. • 15. Von der Torricellischen Leere iiber fettem Oel. Schweigger, Journ. I., 1811, pp. 41-53. 16. Versuche iiber die Unterscheidung des Lichtes beider Elektricitiiten in verdiinuter Luft. Schweigger, Journ. I., 1811, pp. 237- 250. 17. Ueber doppelte Mischungen und Scheidungen. Schweigger, Journ. III., 1811, pp. 274-291. 18. Ueber Stiirke und Schwiiche in dem Organismus. Erlangen, Abhandl. II., 1812, pp. 38-53. 19. Ueber die rosige Saure im Harn. Schweigger, Journ. V., 1812, pp. 164—165. 2O. Kleiner Beitrag zur Geschichte des Goldes. Schweigger, Journ. VI., 1812, 369-370. 21 . Versuche iiber die Talkerde (Magnesia) in den Menschenknocheu. Schweigger, Journ. VIII., 1813, pp. 1-20; Aunal. de Chimie, LXXXVIIL, 1813, pp. 199-203. 22. Ueber den gelben Niederschlag, wel- chcr bei der Auflosung des Kupfers in Salpeter- siiure sich absetzt. Schweigger, Journ. XI., 1814, pp. 169-186. 23. Ueber die verschiedene Wirksanikeit verschiedener Metalle in der Erzeugung des elektrischen Spitzenliclites. Schweigger, Journ. XL, 1814, pp. 437-448. 24. Zweifel gegen DAVY'S Theorie von der Chlorine oder dem Halogen auf Thatsachen gegrundet. Schweigger, Journ. XIII., 1815, pp. 72-97. 25. Ueber den Sauerstofffrehalt der Atmo- pp. spluire und die Anwendung des Salpetergases denselben zu finden. Schweigger, Journ. XIV., 1815, pp. 265-293. Hildenbrand, E. Analyse des Manganspathes von Oberneiseu. Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 348-350. Hildenbrand, Ignatz von. Botanische Reise nach den Euganeischen Hiigeln. Flora, LIL, 1820, pp. 736-746. Hildreth, Sam. Prescott. A concise description of Marietta, in the state of Ohio ; with an enumeration of some vegetable and mineral pro- ductions in its neighbourhood. New York, Med. Repos. VI., 1809, pp. 358-363. 2. Facts [geological] relating to certain parts of the state of Ohio. [1819.] Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 1-8. Hildreth, Sam. Prescott. 3. Observations on the Climate and Productions of Washington county, Ohio. Silliman, Journ. XII., 1827, pp. 206-212. 4. Notice of fossil trees, near Gallipolis, Ohio. Silliman, Journ. XII., 1827, pp. 205- 213. 5. Ueber die Americanische Cicade. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXII., 1828, col. 33-35. 6. Miscellaneous observations on the coal, diluvial, and other strata of certain portions of the state of Ohio. Sillimau, Journ. XIII., 1828, pp. 38-40. 7. Observations on, and descriptions of the Shells found in the waters of the Muskingum River, Little Muskingum, and Duck Creek, in the vicinity of Marietta, Ohio. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 276-291. 8. Miscellaneous remarks of Rocks and Minerals in the state of Ohio. Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1829, pp. 154-159. 9. Notices and observations on the Ameri- can Cicada, or Locust. Silliman, Journ. XVIIL, 1830, pp. 47-50. 10. Observations on the saliferous rock formation, in the valley of Ohio. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 46-70. 11. Abstract of meteorological observations taken at Marietta, Ohio, with notices of floods, fruits, and flights of pigeons, in the year 1832, Lat. 39° 25' N., Long. 4° 28' west of Washing- ton city. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 132-141 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1834, col. 289-296. 12. Observations on the Bituminous Coal deposits of the valley of the Ohio, and the accompanying rock strata ; with notices of the fossil organic remains and the relics of vegetable and animal bodies. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 1-154. 13. Report on the geological survey of Ohio. Silliman, Journ. XXXII., 1837, pp. 190-191. 14. On the habits of Cicada septendecim. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1847, pp. 136-141 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, III., 1847, col. 241-245. 15. Abstracts of a meteorological Journal kept at Marietta, Ohio, for the years 1849, 1854, 1860, and 1861, Lat. 39° 25', Long. 4° 28' west of Washington city. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 264-266 ;'XIX., 1855, pp. 234-238 • XXXI., 1861, pp. 252-256; XXXIIL, 1862, pp. 216-218. 16. Abstract of a Meteorological Journal kept at Marietta, Ohio, for the year 1862. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1863, pp. 181-184. HIL] 351 [HIL Hildreth, Sam. Prescott, and J. W. Clemens. Notice of the Spoonbill Sturgeon, or Paddle Fish (Polyodon folium) of the Ohio. Silliinau, Journ. XII., 1827, pp. 201-206. Hiley, John S. On the collieries of the parish of Halifax, and their chemical and geological relations. Chemist, II., 1841, pp. 293-298. 2. On the waters of the parish of Halifax. Chemist, II., 1841, pp. 325-331. • 3. On the efflorescences on the walls of stables. [1841.] Chemist, III., 1842, pp. 6-8. 4. On the instinct and irritability of plants. Chemist, III., 1842, pp. 103-108, 170-172, 195- 197, 259-264. Hilferding, • — . Eeise von Ragusa nach Mostar. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, IX., 1860, pp. 110-147. 2. Reise von Mostar nach Ssarajewo. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, IX., 1860, pp. 217- 256. Hilgard, , and Elias Burand. Planta? Heermannianse : descriptions of new plants, col- lected in South California, by Dr. A. L. HEER- MANN. Philacl. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1855-58, pp. 37-46. Hilgard, Eugene W. On the quantitative assay of Chromium by blowpipe processes. Amer. Assoc. Proc. V., 1857, pp. 126-149; Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1857, pp. 387-394 ; Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XVIII., 1859, pp. 331-334. Hilgard, J. E. Method of deducing the value of a Micrometer Screw from observations of a circumpolar Star near culmination or elongation. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 92-93. 2. On the longitudes of Key West, Cedar Keys, and St. Mark's, Florida. Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 33-34. • 3. Magnetic observations on the boundary line between the United States and Mexico, made in 1 855 ; and general discussions of the Magnetic Observations made in connection with the Mexican Boundary Surveys. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. VI., 1857, pp. 213-221. Hilgard, J. E., and A. D. Eache. On the general distribution of Terrestrial Magnetism in the United States. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1857, pp. 1-20. Hilgard, Thco. C. Experimental observations on Taste and Smell. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1854, pp. 248-257. 2. Contributions to the physiology of Sight. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 251-271. — - 3. Synopsis of a new classification of the vegetable kingdom. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIH., 1856, pp. 304-306. 4. Phyllotaxis : its numeric and diver- gential law explicable under a simple organo- logical idea. St. Louis, Trans. Acad. Sci. I., 1856-60, pp. 48-61. Hilgard, Theo. C. 5. Exposition of a natural series by immediate catholic affinities in the Vegetable Kingdom. St. Louis, Trans. Acad. Sci. I., 1856-60, pp. 125-156. 6. Notes on comparative organotaxis. St. Louis, Trans. Acad. Sci. I., 1856-60, pp. 416- 430. • 7. On the structure of the head in Verte- brata, and its relations to the phyllotactic laws. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 81-95; Bonplandia, VI., 1858, pp. 22-26. Hilgard, W. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Licht- flamme. Liebig, Annal. XCIL, 1854, pp. 129- 177 ; Journ. de Pharin. XXIX., 1856, pp. 63-67. Hilger, . Ueber falsche Drachenblutssorten. Wiirzburg. Naturw. Zeitschr. III., 1862, pp. 254-256. Hilhouse, William. Notices of the Indians settled in the interior of British Guiana. Geogr. Soc. Journ. PL, 1832, pp. 227-248. 2. Journal of a voyage up the Massaroony in 1831. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1834, pp. 25-40. 3. Memoir on the Warow Land of British Guiana. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1834, pp. 321-333. 4. Journal of an expedition up the River Cuyuny, in British Guiana, in March 1837. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1837, pp. 446-453. Hilkenkamp, L. Ueber die Zersetzungspro- ducte von Nitrobenzol und Nitrotoluol durch schwefligsaures Ammoniak. Liebig, Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 86-103 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1855, pp. 344-347. . 2. Ueber zwei Doppelverbindungen des Cyans mit Kupfer und Ammoniak. Liebig, Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 218-223 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL VII., 1856, p. 181 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVL, 1855, pp. 344-348. Hill, . Account of the larva of a supposed (Estrus hominis, or Gad-fly, which deposits its eggs in the bodies of the human species. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VHL, 1830, pp. 284-288. Hill, B. On a new electro-magnetic machine. London Electr. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 83-87. Hill, Berkeley, and Thornton John Herapath. Chemical examination of the so-called Cuckoo- spittle. Chemist, II., 1855, pp. 1-3. Hill, Carl Johann Danielson. Einige Versuche mit der gewolmlichen Elektrisirmaschiue zu maguetisiren. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1822, pp. 290-324. 2. Casum irreducibilem solvendi conatus. Crelle, Journ. II., 1827, pp. 304-306; VII., 1831, pp. 44-54. 3. Ueber die Integration logarithmisch- rationaler Differentiale. Crelle, Journ. III., 1828, pp. 101-159. HIL] 352 [HIL Hill, Carl Joluinn Danitlson. 4. De approxi- mata seriei, juxta data functionis derivata dis- positie, summatione. Crelle, Journ. V., 1830, pp. 319-335. 5. Exemplum usus functionum iteratarum in thcoria functionum integraliter transcen- dentium. Cix-lle, Journ. XL, 1834, pp. 193- 197. 6. Analysis ajqnationum aliquot, fuuctiones duplicis argument! (x, y) determinantium, vide- licet : — II. [x,(y,3)-] = \y, (y,z)-]. III. [* + y,*]=k(y,«)]. Crelle, Journ. XL, 1834, pp. 241-250. 7. De factoribus numerorum compositorum dignoscendis. Crelle, Journ. XL, 1834, pp. 251-261. • 8. De radiee cubica celeritev extrabenda. Crelle, Journ. XL, 1834, pp. 262-263. 9. Oin approximerad trisectio och multi- sectio anguli. Skandia, III., 1834, pp. 268- 290. 10. Tabula schematum numeros auxiliares et regulas (ultra trecentas) pro factoribus primis (300 minoribus) (/>) agnoscendis idoneas breviter exhibeiitium. Crelle, Journ. XII., 1834, p. 355-357. 11. Anmiirkning vid Trigonometriska Tabellerna. Lund, Phys. Siillsk. Tidskr. I., 1838, pp. 283-285 ; Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 191-193. 12. Solutio casus irreducibilis optica ; oder Trisectio et multisectio auguli optica. Grunert, Archiv, I., 1841, pp. 215-216. 13. Fragmenta theorhn asquationum liuea- riter diflerentialiuin. Crelle, Journ. XXV., 1843, pp. 1-21. • 14. De radicibus rationalibus xquationis Kiccatiaute ^y+a+by+cyt=Q ubi a, I, c f'unc- X tiones snnt rationales ipsius .r. Crelle. Journ. XXV., 1843, pp. 22-37. 15. Disquisitio, qualis aKjuatio difFeren- tialis gaudeat integrali algebraico complete ? qualisve primarie transcendent! ? quajnamque forma integral! competat ? Crelle, Journ. XXV., 1843, pp. 38-56. 16. Naizra historisk-mathematiska anmiirk- ningar. Skand. Naturf. Forbandl. V., 1847, pp. 360-373. . 17. Methode rapide d'approximation de la racine cubique. Nouv. Ann. Math. VII., 1848, p. 459. 18. Om en akers inedelafstand fran hein- met. Stockholm, Akad. Ilaudl. 1849, pp. 1- 36. 19. Om Arithmetisk Qvadratur. Stock- holm, Akad. Handl. 1854, pp. 405-494. Hill, Carl Johann Danielson. 2O. Nagra an- inarkningar om Qvadratur. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, XIIL, 1856, pp. 15-37. 21. Remarques sur la forme des racines numeriquement determinees. Upsala, Nova Acta Soc. Sci. II., 1856, pp. 221-228. 22. N;ir iiro de n tbrsta termerne af BER- NOULLIS seriu gifven funktion af den i den sista ingaende dcrivatan ? Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 259-261. 23. Om integration af ett system differ- ential-eqvationer. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 267-268. 24. En del egenskaper af sumniatoriska functioner. Skand. Naturf. Forbandl. VIII., 1860, pp. 518-524. 25. Nagra aumarkningar om difterential- eqvationers integration. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. VIII., 1860, pp. 525-535. 26. Niitn-a ord om Erland Sam. BRINGS reduction ai' 5lL' gradens eqvation. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVIIL, 1861, pp. 317-355. 27. Om hogre eqvationers construction. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIX., 1862, pp. 307- 324. Hill, Daniel. On the utility of oxygen air in promoting vegetation. [1811.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 233-235. Hill, Franklin C. On Cantharis. American Pharm. Assoc. Proc. 1862, pp. 228-229. Hill, G. JI'. Discussion of the equations which drti-rnunu the position of a Comet or other planetary body from three observations. Camb. (Mass.) Math. Monthly, III., 1860, pp. 26-29. Hill, //. Account of the formation of some cylinders of snow, which had been observed near Keswick. Ashmol. Soc. Proc. XVI., 1839, pp. 3-4. Hill, Lawrence, and Lewis Gordon. Descrip- tion of the great chimney at St. Kollox, Glasgow, and of the climbing machine used in examining and repairing a rent, in that chimney. [1844.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXX VIII., 1845, pp. 216-220. Hill, Patrick. On the Ornithorbynclius para- doxus, or Mulliugong, its venomous spur, and general structure. Tillocb, Phil. Mag. LXL, 1823, pp. 8-10; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1823, col. 33-35 ; Oken, Isis, 1823. col. 1426-1430. Hill, Richard. Letter relating to the nests of the Birds of Jamaica. Zool. Soc. Proc. IX., 1841, pp. 69-70; Froriep, Notizen, XXII., 1842, col. 292-293. 2. On the skull of a Seal found on the Pedros. Zool. Soc. Proc. XIV., 1846, pp. 80- 81. 3. Contributions to the natural history of the Shark. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 353-370. HIL] 353 [HIL Hill, Richard. 4. Insect vision and insect sleep. Intell. Observer, I., 1862, pp. 102-111. 5. Ou the Devil-fish of Jamaica. Intell. Observer, II., 1863, pp. 167-205. 6. Notes on the Mimicte of Jamaica. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1863, pp. 304- 306. Hill, Bichard, and Ph. H. Gosse. John-Crow Vulture (Vultur aura, L.). Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIIL, 1847, pp. 90-94. Hill, Thomas. Notice of the habits of Ploiaria brevipenuis. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 347-348. 2. On a new curve for railroad tracks. Amer. Assoe. Proc. 1851, pp. 67-69. 3. On a machine for the mechanical calcu- lation of occultations. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, pp. 67-68. 4. The catenary curve. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 10-11. 5. Two new theorems, and solution of a problem. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 83-84. 6. [Tables of the path of the central and annular Eclipse of 26 May 1854.] Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 119-120. 7. On solutions by construction. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 62-66. 8. Systems of coordinates in one plane. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1857, pp. 42-45. 9. On a new form of arithmetical comple- ments. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1857, p. 82. . 10. Further remarks upon systems of coordinates. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1858, pp. 1-6. 11. On certain spirals. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1859, p. 158. 12. Note on derivatives. Camb. (Mass.) Math. Monthly, I., 1859, pp. 35-37. 13. Note on diacaustics. Camb. (Mass.) Math. Monthly. II., 1860, pp. 416-419. Hill, IJ'illiam. An attempt to simplify and generalise the theory and practice of Railway Curves. Victoria, Trans. Phil. Inst. V., 1859, pp. 123-141. Hill, William Henri/. Aphis on Endive and Lettuce. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1829, pp. 104- 105, 209-210. Hill, William Robinson. A few remarks upon the supposed influence of Ozone on the Pulse. Edinb. Med. Journ. VII., 1861-62, pp. 41-43. Hillairet, J. B. Note sur un cas d'amputation Bpontan.ee incomplete du tronc et du cou par enroulement et striction du cordon ombilical chez un foetus de trois mois. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1856, pp. 117-124. VOL. III. Hillardt, C. Zur Flora des siidlichen Bohmens. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. IV., 1854, pp. 313- 315, Hillary, IJ'illiam. On the advantages of a Steam Life-boat ; and on extinguishing fires by steam- engines, &c. Gill, Techn. Rep. VIII., 1826, pp. 40-49. Hille, . Ueber vergleichende Physiognomik. Dresden, Ausz. Protokol. 1833, pp. 142-145. Hille, J. Ueber die Elephantiasis ; nach eigenen Beobachtungen in Westindien. Casper, Wo- chenschrift, 1841, pp. 433-442, 457-463. 2. Ueberfruchtung. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1842, pp. 59-60. Hille, K. A. Ueber das Doppeltsehen und seine Hcilung. Jouru. Chir. Augenheilk. IX., 1850, pp. 325-328. Hillebrandt, Fran:. Aufzahlung der auf vier- zehn verschiedenen Oesterreichischen Alpen beobachteten Pflanzenarten. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. III., 1853 (Abh.\ pp. 76-95. 2. Beitrag zur Flora von Ungarn. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Abh.\ pp. 39-42 ; Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VIII., 1858, pp. 297-300. 3. Zur Gattung Ornithogalum. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VIII., 1858, pp. 250-251. Hiller, . Vespertilio als Feinschmecker und Systemverachter. Stettin, Eutom. Zeit. XIX., 1858, pp. 223-226. Hiller, L. E. Beskrifning pa orsaken till en obotelig svarighet att kunna nedsvalja och be- hiilla mat, Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXXIII., 1812, pp. 145-150. Hilliard, Charles H. Notes on the Manacusi, or King George River. Geogr. Soc. Proc. III., 1859, pp. 160-162. Hillier, Congenital malformation of the heart: perforation of the Septum vcntriculorum. Pathol. Soc. Trans. X., 1858-59, pp. 110-111. Hillinger, Karl. Der Bleibergbau auf der Petzen. Kiirnten, Jahrb. Landesmus. VI., 1863, pp. 23-34. Hills, Robert. Remarks on the Antelope Chick- ara. Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 501- 505. Hillyai-d, C. On Wheat. Asric. Soc. Journ. III., 1842, pp. 297-305. Hilse, . Verzeichniss der bisher bei Strehlen beobachteten Laubmoose. Breslau, Schles. Ge- sell. Uebersicht, 1857, pp. 93-96. 2. Nachtrag zur Moosflora Strehlens. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1858, pp. 78- 79. 3. Arerzeichniss der bei Strehlen gcfund- eneu selteneren Phanerognmen und Gefiiss Cryptogainen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1859, pp. 63-68. T T HIL] 354 [HIN Hilse, . 4. Beitriige zur AJgen- und Dia- tomeeu Kunde Sclilesiens, insbesondere Streh- lens. Breslau, Scliles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1860, pp. 75-86. 5. Ueber einige Diatomeen in Conjugation. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1860, pp. 86- 88. 6. Neue Beitriige zur Algen- und Dia- tomeen-Kunde Sclilesiens, iusbesondere Streh- lens. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1862 (Hft. 2), pp. 56-70. Hilscnberg, Thco., and Wcnceslaus Bojer. A sketch of the province of Emerina, in the island of Madagascar, and of the Huwa, its inhabitants (with an appendix on the Tan«rhina poison). Hooker, Botan. Miscell. III., 1833, pp. 246- 277. Hiltebrandt, F. Nota de calculo humano eximio. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. IV., 1832, pp. 184-195. Hilton, John. On the distribution and probable function of the superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves ; as demonstrated, by dissection, in the human subject. Guy's Hosp. Eep. II., 1837, pp. 514-518. • 2. Description of the sacculus or pouch in the human larynx. Guy's Hosp. Rep. II., 1837, pp. 519-525. 3. On the decussatioii of fibres at the junction of the Medulla spinalis with the Medulla oblongata. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1838, pp. 71-72. 4. Notes on the developcment and design of certain portions of the Cranium. Guy's Hosp. Rep. VIII., 1853, pp. 357-400. Hilty, Ulrich. Der innere Callus, seine Entsteh- ung und Bedeutung. Henle uud Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, III., 1853, pp. 188-197. Himly, Dr. C_'«/7. Einiges liber die Polaritiit der Farben. Ophthalm. Bibliothek, I., 1802 (pte. 2), pp. 1-20. 2. De perforatione membranaa tympani. [1806.] GSttingen, Comment. XVI., 1804-8, pp. 107-124. 3. Ueber den Schaden, welchen Wissen- schaft, Kunst und biirgerliches Wohl durch die Vernachliissigung des ophthalmologischen Stu- diums leiden. Ophthalm. Bibliothek, III., 1805 (pte. 2), pp. 1-28. 4. Beobachtung und Beschreibung des Finuenwurmes (Vesicaria lobata, Oft. Fabric. ; Ta;nia muscularis oder Finna humana, Fischer ; Cysticercus finna, Zcder ; Ta?nia hydatigena anomala, Stcinbuch; Hytlatis finna, Blumen- bach ; Cysticercus cellulose, liudolph.}, bei dem Menschen. Hufeland, Journ. Arzu. XXIX., 1809 (Hft. 12), pp. 115-148. Himly, Dr. Carl. 5. Demoustratio hydrocephali human! memorabilis. [1826.] Gottingeu, Com- ment. VI., 1823-27, pp. 61-72. Himly, Curl. Ueber die Destillationsproducte des Caoutchouc und insbesondere iiber Caoutchin. Pharm. Centr. Blatt. VI., 1835, pp. 863-872, 879-889. 2. Ueber die eiufachen und doppelteu Cyanverbindungen des Goldes. Liebig, Annul. XLIL, 1842, pp. 157-163, 337-345. 3. Vorliiufige Notiz einer neuen Methode, die Metalle aus ihren Auflosungen als Schwefel- metalle abzuscheiden und von einander zu trennen. Liebig, Annal. XLIIL, 1842, pp. 150-153 ; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 430- 432. 4. Ueber die Sauerstoffsalze, des schwef- lichtsauren Goldoxyduls mit schweflichtsauren Alkalieu. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1846, pp. 190-191. 5. Ueber zwei neue Reihen von Sauerstofl- doppelsalzeu mit Goldoxydul. Liebig, Annal. LIX., 1846, pp. 95-96. 6. Ueber die Bestimmuns; der verschied- enen Hiirten des Wassers mit Zugrundelegung der Methode von CLARK. Kiel, Mittheil. Ver. Elbe, III., 1859, pp. 50-57. Himly, Carl, und R. W. Bunsen. Notiz iiber eine dem Cyaneisenammoniumsahniak analog zusammengesetzte Verbindung. Poggend. An- ual. XXXVIII., 1836, pp. 208-210. Himly, E. A. W. G. VROLIK'S Abhandlung iiber zerstreute Theile eines zweiten Kindes in einer Geschwulst an der linken Wange einer sieben- monatlichen menschlichen Frucht, mit Bemerk- ungen verseheu und mitgetheilt. Erster Nachtrag zu dessen Geschichte des Fotus im Futu. Meckel, Archiv, VI., 1832, pp. 397- 411. Himmel, . Nachricht von dem Ausbruche des Vesuvs am 15 Junius. Lausitz. Monatschr. !794(/>fe. 2), pp. 31-41. Hincks, Edward. On the manner in which algebraic functions of the principal variable are, in certain cases, introduced into the integrals of linear differential equations that have constant co-efficients. Irish Acad. Trans. XIII., 1818, pp. 115-120. Hincks, Edward. On the ethnological bearing of the recent discoveries in connexion with the Assyrian Inscriptions. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1853, pp. 85-87. 2. On the Eclipse of the Sun mentioned in the first book of HERODOTUS. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), p. 27. 3. On certain Babylonian observations of the planet Venus. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1860, pp. 319-320. HINJ 355 [HIN Hincks, Edward. 4. On some recorded obser- . vations of the planet Venus in the seventh century before Christ. Brit. Assoc. Eep. I860 (pt. 2), pp. 35-36. 5. On the quantity of the acceleration of the Moon's mean motion, as indicated by the records of certain ancient eclipses. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 22-24. Hincks, (Rev.} T. D. On early contributions to the Flora of Ireland ; with remarks on Mr. MACKAY'S " Flora Hibernica." Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 1-12, 126-135. Hincks, Thomas. Notes on British Zoophytes, with descriptions of some new species. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1851, pp. 353-362; XL, 1853, pp. 178-185 ; XV., 1855, pp. 127-130. • 2. Notes on the reproduction of the Cam- panulariadse, with a description of a new species of Laomedea. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 81-87. 3. On a peculiar Organ which occurs on some of the marine Bryozoa, and which appears to indicate a difference of sex. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1852 (jit. 2), pp. 75-76. 4. Note on Reticularia immersa and Halia prretenuis. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1856, pp. pp. 469-471. • 5. On some new British Polyzoa. .Tourn. Microsc. Sci. V., 1857, pp. 175-176, 249-250. 6. Laomedea angnlata, a new species, with remarks on Campanularia. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1858, p. 126. 7. Descriptions of new Polyzoa from Ireland. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIIL, 1860, pp. 275-2SO. 8. On Clavatella, a new genus of Corynoid polype?, and its reproduction. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 73-81. 9. On new Australian Hydrozoa. Ann. Nat. Hist. VH., 1861, pp. 279-281. • 10. A catalogue of the Zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1861, pp. 152-161, 251-262, 290- 297, 360-366 ; IX., 1862, pp. 22-30, 200-207, 303-310, 467-475 ; X., pp. 360-363. 11. Note on the ovicells of the cheilo- stomatous polyzoa. Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1861, pp. 278-281. 12. On the production of similar Gono- zooids by Hydroid Polypes belonging to different genera. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 459- 461. 13. On the production of similar Medu- soids by certain Hydroid Polypes belonging to different genera. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 107-108. 14. On some new British Hydroids. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 45-47. Hincks, Thomas D. On the composition of Bogs. Dublin Soc. Trans. VI., 1810, pp. 69-75. Hincks, (Rev.} William. Description of a new species of Balanus from the Cabinet of Samuel WEIGHT. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1840, pp. 333- 334. 2. Descriptions of three vegetable mon- strosities lately found at York. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 46-47. 3. Descriptions of some vegetable mon- strosities. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 118— 119. 4. On the causes of disjunctions of vege- table substances, especially those which are horizontal. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 273- 276. 5. Note on the nature of fasciated stems. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 215-218. 6. Considerations respecting anomalous vegetable structures. Canadian Journ. III., 1858, pp. 311-318. 7. The family of Falconidse. [1858.] Canadian Journ. IV., 1859, pp. 443-449. 8. On some questions in relation to the theory of the structure of plants of the orders Brassieacea? and Primulacea?. Canadian Journ. V., 1860, pp. 332-340. 9. Remarks on the classification of Mam- malia. Canadian Journ. V., 1860, pp. 512— 516. 10. Specimen of Flora of Canada j with preliminary remarks. Canadian Journ. VI., 1861, pp. 165-169, 266-285; VII., pp. 108- 122. • 11. An attempt at an improved classifica- tion of Fruits. Canadian Jouru. VI., 1861, pp. 495-498. 12. Observations accompanying the exhi- bition of a specimen of Sula bassana (the Solan Goose or Gannett), lately obtained at Oshawa. C.W., and belonging to the Museum of the University of Toronto. Canadian Journ. VII., 1862, pp. 229-336. 13. Materials for a Fauna Canadensis. Canadian Journ. VII., 1862, pp. 446-462, 484- 502. Hind, H. Youle. Notes on the geology of Toronto. Canadian Journ. I., 1852-53, pp. 147-151. 2. On the minerals of Canada. Canadian Naturalist, II., 1857, pp. 52-63. 3. Essais sur la fabrication du gaz d'eclairage au moyen du petrole. Anual. des Mines, IV., 1863, pp. 117-124. Hind, John Ri/sscll. Elements of the comet of FATE. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843- 45, pp. 59-78 ; Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844, col. 279-282. T Y 2 HIN] 356 [HIN Hind, John Russell. 2. Elliptical elements of DE Vice's comet, with an Ephemeris. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843-45, pp. 134-135. 3. On the comets of 1556 and 1264. Astr. Nachr. XXI., 1844, col. 193-198. 4. Elements and Ephemeris of MATJVAIS' Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXI., 1844, col. 215- 218. 5. [Ephemeris and elliptical elements of FATE'S comet.] Astr. Nachr. XXIL, 1845, col. 61-62, 295-296, 310-312. — — 6. Observations and elliptical elements of the new comet of DE Vico (1844). Astr. Nachr. XXII., 1845, col. 269-370. 7. Lettre sur les Cometes cle 1585 et de 1433. Paris, Comptes Renclus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1074-1075. 8. Elements of the orbit of the binary star y Virginia. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 1-2. 9. Ephemeris of the periodical Comet of BIELA. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845- 47, pp. 2-3. 10. On the Comet of 1585, discovered by ROTHMANN. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 21-22 ; Astr. Nachr. XXIII., 1846, col. 377-380. . 11. On the orbits of several binary stars. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 22-24. 12. Elements of the orbit of the great Comet of 1844-45. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, p. 35. 13. On the double stars, 3 Cygni, 7 Leonis. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, p. 96; Astron. Soc. Mem. XVI., 1847, pp. 291-294. 14. Observations of BRORSEN'S Comet. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 84-87; Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 18-16, col. 209- 212. 15. Elliptical elements of DE Vice's fourth Comet. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845- 47, p. 158 ; Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 381-382. 16. Observations of DE Vice's fifth Comet (29 July 1846). Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 160-161 ; Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 31-32, 33-36. 17. Reduction of TTCIIO BKAIIE'S obser- vations of the Comet of 1590, with elements deduced therefrom. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 168-170. 18. On the expected reappearance of the celebrated Comet of 1264 and 1556. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 260- 266. Hind, Jo/i n Russell. 19. Orbit and elements of the binary star "/ Virgiuis. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, p. 287 ; Astr. Nachr. XXIII., 1846, col. 225-228 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. XVI., 1847, pp. 461-465. 20. Discovery of Iris. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 299-301. 21. Observations and elements of SCIIWEI- ZER'S Comet. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 313-314. 22. Elements and ephemeris of DE Vice's Comet, Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 120- 122. 23. Elements of the large Comet of January last (COLLA'S). Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 133-134. 24. Elements of M. MAUVAIS' and of M. D'ARREST'S Comets. Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 197-198. 25. Orbit of the Comet of 1596. Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 229-232. 26. Orbit for the binary star S 1938 ; ephemeris of BIELA'S Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 351-356. — 27. Elements of various comets. Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 377-378. 28. Observations and elements of the planet Astnea. Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 407- 408,409-412; XXIV., 1846, col. 3-4, 23-26, 33-36. 29. Observations on the Cornet of BIELA. Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 19-22. 3O. [Observations of Astra^a, and of several Comets (BIELA'S, DE Vice's third, BRORSEN'S, and DE Vice's fourth).] Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 67-70. 31. [Discovery of a telescopic Comet in Coma Berenices.] Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 93-96. 32. On the Comet, of 1590. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 111-116, 129-132. 33. Observations and positions of the new Comet (discovered by him, 6th February). Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 239-242, 289- 292, 331-334. 34. Original observations of the Comet in Coma Berenices, discovered 19 October 1846. [1846.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XVI., 1847, pp. 299-301. 35. Observations of Flora. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, pp. 1-3, 17-19 ; Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 205-206, 251- 254, 261-262 ; XXVI., 1848, col. 253-254. 36. Observations of HIND'S changing Star. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, pp. 155-158. 2 37. Orbit of binary star near /* Bootis. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, p. 159. HIN] 357 [HIN Hind, John Russell. 38. Discovery, elements, observations, and ephemeris of Iris. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, pp. 168-171 ; IX., 1848-49, rp. 24; Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848. col. 170-174, 183-186, 213-214; XXVIII., 1849, col. 169-174, 285-288, 317- 320. 39. Observations of ENCKE'S Comet. As- tron. Soc. Mouth. Not. VIII., 1847-48, pp. 179- 181. 4O. [Elements of COLLA'S Comet.] Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 49-50. 41. Observations of the new planet, and of MAUVAIS' Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 83-84. 42. Elements of the new planet (Hebe). Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 91-92. • 43. Observations of MAUVAIS' and of BRORSEN'S Comet, and of Hebe. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 141-144. 44. Elements of SCHWEIZER'S Comet, and observations and elements of Flora and Iris. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 207-208, 257- 258, 273-274, 367-368; XXVII., 1848, col. 5-6. 45. New reduction of observations of the Comet of 1744. Astr. Nachr. XXVII., 1848, col. 137-148. 46. Orbits of ancient comets. Astr. Nachr. XXVII., 1848, col. 157-160. 47. Observations of Metis. Astr. Nachr. XXVII., 1848, col. 237-238. 48. Liste d'etoiles qui ne se trouvent plus ou elles avaieut etc observes. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 256-261. 49. Note concernant la derniere Comete de M. MAUVAIS, la Cornete de 1556, et la planete Flore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 428-429. SO. Observations of GOUJON'S new Comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848- 49, p. 128. 51. Elements of several binary stars. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 144-146. 52. Note upon the mass of the planet Neptune as deduced from observations of his satellite. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848- 49, pp. 202-203. 53. On the first Comet of BRORSEN, 1846. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 203-204; Astr. Nachr. XXVL, 1848, col. 175- 176. 54. On the past history of the Comet of HALLET. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849- 50, pp. 51-58. 55. Ou the expected Comet of 1264 and Hind, Jolt n Russell. 56. Observations on PETERSEN'S second Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXVIII., 1849, col. 109-110, 137-144. 57. Position for 1850 of a scarlet star between Orion and Eridanus. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 257-258. 58. Observations of Iris and of PETERSEN'S Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 357- 358, 360. 59. The new planet Victoria. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 2-8 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 191-192. 60. On a uew variable star. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XL, 1850-51, p. 46 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 337-338. 61. Change of colour in a fixed star. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 46-47. 62. On the elements of the binary star 7 Virginis, resulting from a discussion of the measures taken by Capt. W. H. SMYTH, R.N., between the years 1831 and 1850. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 135-137. 63. Discovery of a new planet, Irene. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 149-153 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXII., 1851, col. 259-260, 277-278 ; Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1 852, pp. 22-23. 64. Observations of PETERSEN'S Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 67-70. 65. Observations of the new planet. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 61-64. 66. [Elements of Clio.] Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, pp. 151-152. 67. Note ou the discovery of the new planet of De GASPARIS. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 125-129 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 163-164. 68. On the supposed period of revolution of the great Comet of 1680. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 142-150. 69. Discovery of Fortuna. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. XIL, 1851-52, pp. 192-194 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 79-80, 193- 194; Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 192. 7O. Discovery of Melpomene. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIL, 1851-52, pp. 194-197; Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 363-364; 391-392 ; Gould, Astrou. Journ. II., 1852, p. 168. 71. Discovery of a new Nebula. Astron. 1556. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 123-124. Soc. Month. Not. XIL, 1851-52, p. 208. 72. New planet (Calliope). Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIL, 1851-52, p. 213 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 331-332. 73. Beobachtungeu der Thetis. A>tr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 281-2-1'. 74. [On a supposed missing star.] Gould. Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 78. HIN] 358 [HIN Hind, John Russell. 75. Observations of the total Eclipse of the Sun on 28 July 1851. Astron. Soc. Mem. XXI., 1852, pp. 81-85. 76. Discovery of Thalia. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIII., 1852-53, p. 1 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 379-380; Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 28-29. 77. On the appearance of the planet Saturn and his rings, as viewed in Mr. BISHOP'S refractor, 9th Jan. 1853. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIII., 1852-53, pp. 39-40. 78. On four small stars which had been observed during the preparation of Mr. BISHOP'S ecliptical charts, and have since disappeared. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIII., 1852-53, p. 163. 79. Ueber veriinderliche Sterne. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 267-268 ; XXXVI., 1853, col. 145-148. 80. [Observations of WESTPHAL'S Comet, and of Massilia.J Astr. Nachr. XXXV.. 1853, col. 371-372. • 81. Discovery of a new planet, Euterpe, Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 12-13; Astr. Nachr. XXXVII., 1854, col. 315-316. 82. Elements and cphemeris of the second Comet of 1854. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 177-178. 83. Discovery of a new planet, Urania. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, p. 240; Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 91-94. 84. Twenty - second Asteroid. Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, p. 24. 85. On Saturn's rings. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, pp. 31-34. 86. On the satellite of Neptune. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, pp. 46-48. 87. Note on the satellites and mass of Uranus. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854- 55, p. 48. 88. [Observations of BEUHN'S Comet (IV. 1854), with elements of the orbit ; variable stars ; satellites of Neptune and Uranus.] Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 131-134. 89. On a new variable star. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XVI., 1855-56, p. 56. 90. Note on the variable star 420 (MAYER) Leouis, or R Leonis of AKGELANDEK. Astron. Soc. Month. Not, XVII., 1856-57, pp. 199-200. 91. Elements of the binary star y Virginis. Astron. Soc. Mem. XVI., 1857, pp. 21-22. 92. On the probable identification of AXTHELM'S variable of 1670 (Nova Vulpecute), and on some other variable stars. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XXL, 1861, pp. 231-233. 93. On the nomenclature of the minor planets. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXL, 1861, pp. 233-236. Hind, John Russell. 94. Passages de Venus en 1874 et 1882. Paris, Comptes Reudus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 131-132. 95. Note on a dark circular spot upon the Sun's disk, with rapid motion, as observed by W. LUMMIS, Esq., of Manchester, 20 March 1862. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIL, 1862, pp. 231-233. Hind, John Russell, und Vogel. Beobachtungen tier Psyche auf Mr. BISHOP'S Sternwarte in London. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 243-244. Hind, IV. M. Localities of Plants observed by Mr. William MILLEN near Belfast. Phytologist, IV., 1851. pp. 363-364. 2. The Flora of Matlock. Phytologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 609-612. 3. The ville of Dunkirk and its Flora. Phytologist, III.. 1858-59, pp. 289-294. 4. Addenda to the Flora of Harrow. Phy- tologist, V., 1861, pp. 198-204. Hindersin, . Ueber die Theorie der Blitz- Ableiter. Gilbert, Annal. LL, 1815, pp. 438- 441. 2. Erfahrungen von gesprungenen Jagd- flinten und eine Anfrage. Gilbert, Aunal. LVIIL, 1818, pp. 200-206. 3. BemerkuDsren iiber den Blei-Baum. [1816.] Gilbert, Aunal. LXXIL, 1822, pp. 311-312. Hindmarsh, L. On the Wild Cattle of Chilling- ham Park. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1839, pp. 274- 284 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1839, col. 81-89. Hinds, Richard Briusley. Observations on the construction of maps in Geographical Botany. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1835, pp. 498-501. 2. The physical agents of temperature, humidity, light, and soil, considered as develop- ing climate, and in connexion with Geographic Botany. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, pp. 169- 189, 311-333, 415-417, 469-475, 521-527; Froriep, Notizen, XXIIL, 1842, col. 49-56, 65- 72, 83-88, 321-327, 337-346 ; XXIV., 1842, col. 97-100, 305-312. 3. Table of the distribution of the Species described in the first four volumes of DE CAN- DOLLE'S " Prodromus Regni Vegetabilis." Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, pp. 415-416. 4. Descriptions of new Shells. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 81-84. 5. On the permanent regions of Alpine vegetation. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. L, 1842, pp. 128-133. 6. The regions of vegetation ; being an analysis of the distribution of vegetable forms over the surface of the globe, in connexion with climate and physical agents. Hooker, Lond. Jourii. Bot. L, 1842, pp. 312-318. HIN] 359 [HIN Hinds, Richard Brinsley. 7. Remarks on tlie physical aspect, climate, and vegetation of Hong- Kong, China. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. L, 1842, pp. 476-481. 8. Remarks on the vegetation of the Feejee Islands, Tanna, New Ireland, and New Guinea. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. L, 1842, pp. 669-676. 9. Descriptions of new Shells from the Col- lection of Captain BELCHER. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 16-21, 255-257. 1O. On new species of Shells of the fenera Trichotropis and Typhis, collected by ir E. BELCUEK. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 17-19. 11. On two new species of Triphoris (T. pagodus and T. collaris), in the collection of H. CUMIXG, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 22-25. 12. On new species of Pleurotoma, Clava- tula, and Mangelia. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 36-46. . 13. On new species of Cancellaria. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 47-49. 14. On new species of Corbula and Poto- momya. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 55- 59. 15. On new species of Neasra, from the collections of Sir E. BELCHER and H. CUMING, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 75-79. 16. Descriptions of new species of Nucula from the collections of Sir E. BELCHER and H. CUMING, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 97-101. 17. On new species of Scalaria and Murex. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 124- 129. 18. On new species of Terebra. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 149-159. 19. Synopsis of the genus Terebra. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 159-168. 20. Descriptions of new species of Me- lania collected during the voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1844, pp. 8-11. 21. Descriptions of new species of Triton, Solarium, and Corbula. Zool. Soc. Proc. XII., 1844, pp. 21-26. 22. Descriptions of Marginalise collected during the voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur, and from the collection of H. CUMING, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. XH., 1844, pp. 72-77. 23. Descriptions of new species of Ringi- cula and Nesera, from the cabinets of Sir E. BELCHER and II. COMING, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. XII., 1844, pp. 96-98. 24. Description of a new species of Sola- Hinds, Richard Brinsley. 25. Memoirs on Geo- graphical Botany. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 11-30, 89-104. Hiue, Thomas. On the Giant Sainfoin. Agric. Soc. Journ. X., 1849, pp. 54-69. Hingenau, Otto von. Ueber die geologischen Verhaltnisse der Gegend von Blansko. [1849.] Haidinger, Berichte, VI., 1850, pp. 70-71. 2. Die chemische Bestimmung des Schwefel- eisens und Schwefelzinks. Oesterreich. Zeit- schr. Bergw. IV., 1856, pp. 145-147, 153- 157. 3. Einfluss des Schwefeleisens und Schwefel- zinks auf die Metallabgiinge, Metalldarstellungs- kosten und auf den Einlosungspreis der be- treftendeu Geschicke. Oesterreich. Zeitschr. Bergw. IV., 1856, pp. 273-277, 281-283. 4. Braunkohleulager im Hausriickwalde in Ober-Oesterreich. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VII., 1856, pp. 164-165 ; Oesterreich. Zeitschr. Bergw. IV., 1856, pp. 37-39, 43-45. 5. Geologisch-bergrniinnische Skizze des Bergwerkes Nagyag und seiner niichsteu Umge- geiid. Wieu, Geol. Jahrb. VIII., 1857, pp. 82- 143. 6. Bemerkungen zu der vorstehenden Mittheilung des Herrn Directors J. GKIMJI [iiber Nagyag]. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VIII., 1857, pp. 721-725. 7. Ueber die Berge von Kiraly-Helmecz auf der Bodrogkoz im siidlichen Theile des Zempliuer Comitats. Wien, Geol. Verhaudl. IX., 1858, pp. 156-157. 8. Studien iiber das Saliuenwesen, mit be- rium (S. fuliginosum), from the collection of H. CUMING, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. XII., 1844, p. 158. sonderer Beziehung auf die Verhandlungen der Reichs- und Landes-Vertretungen iiber die sen Gegenstand. Oesterreich. Zeitschr. Bergw. XL, 1863, pp. 105-109, 113-114, 121-122, 129- 133, 137-138. Kingston, T/tomas. On the use of Iron among the early nations of Europe. [1829.] Corn- wall, Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1832, pp. 113- 134. Hinlopen, , en Severyn. Verslag van een onderzoek der Poggi-eilanden. Batavia, Tijdschr. III., 1854, pp. 319-337. Hinricks, Gustav. Om Biuomialformeln. Ma- them. Tidssk. II., 1860, pp. 38-42. • 2. Fern Love af den kosmiske Physik. Skaud. Naturf. Forhandl. VIII., 1860, pp. 455- 457. Hinterberger, Friedrich. Untemichung des Ochsenharns. Liebig, Annal. LXXL, 1819, pp. 70-79. 2. Vergleichende Untersuehuugen iiber einige Methoden der Blutanalyse. Roser u. AVunderlich, Archiv, VIII., 1849, pp. 603-618. HIN] 360 [HIP Hinterberger, Fricdricfi. 3. Vorlaufige Xotiz iiber ein neucs Alkaloid des Opiums. Liebig, Annal. LXXVII., 1851, pp. 207-208; Journ. de Pharm. XIX. 1851, pp. 303-305. 4. Beitrag zur Konntniss der Quecksilber- verbindungen der 'Alkaloide. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. 1851, pp. 104-109, 432-447 (Abth. 2) ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 50-57 ; Erdm. Joura. Prak. Chem. LIII., 1851, pp. 426-431 ; LVI.. 1852, pp. 144-159; Journ. de Pharm. XXlil., 1853, pp. 154-155 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXVII., 1851, pp. 201-207 ; LXXXIL, 1852, pp. 311-323. . 5, Ueber die Einwirkung der Wurtz'schen fliichtigen Basen auf Senful. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 249-252 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1853, pp. 107-115; Liebig, Annal. LXXXIII., 1852, pp. 346-350 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 263-266. 6. Einiges iiber Seide und Seidenzucht (Analyse der gclben und weisseu Kohseide). Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL, 1854, pp. 450-454. Hinterberger, J. Die Vogel von Oesterreich - ob der Enn.«, als Beitrag zur Fauna dieses Krou- landes. Linz, Bericht,'"XIV., 1854, pp. 1-112. 2. Beitriige zur Characteristik der Ober- Oesterreichischen Ilochgebirge. Linz, Bericht, XVIII., 1858, pp. 1-95. Hinterberger, Joseph. Beobachtungen iiber die Empfindungen der Menschen im Momente des Eiuschlagens des Blitzes bei Gewittern. Bauni- gartner, Zeitschrift, III., 1835, pp. 177-181. . 2. Wirkung des Blitzes auf Meuschen. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, III., 1835, pp. 212- 220. Hinterhuber, Julius. Beitriige zur Flora von Salzburg. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XII., 1862, pp. 305-320. 2. Berichtigungen zu den Beitragen der Flora von Salzburg. Skofitz, Botau. Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, pp. 327-329. Hinterhuber, liudolph. [Ueber ehiige seltene Pflauzen der Salzburger Gebirge.] Flora, XL, 1828, pp. 396-400. 2. Blut-henkalender von Salzburg. Flora, XIV., 1831, pp. 301-303. , 3. Nachtriige zum Prodromus einer Flora von Salzburg, etc. [1851.] Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. V., 1855, pp. 329-332, 337-339, 347-349. 4. Zur Pflanzen-Geographie. Skofitz, Bo- tan. Wochenbl. VI., 1856, pp. 137-139, 145- 147, 337-340. 5. Zur Pflanzen-Geographie. Skofitz, Bo- tan. Wochenbl. VII., 1857, pp. 206-208. Hinterocker, P. Joh. iV. Beitriige zur Fauna von Linz. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. V., 1855, pp. 44-45. Hinterocker, J". Joh. N. 2. Botanische Mit- theilungen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 332-340. 3. Eigenthiimlichkeiten und Seltenheiten der Flora und Insecten-Fauna von Neuhaus. Linz, Bericht, XXIIL, 1863, pp. 96-116. Hinton, James. On the proximate cause of func- tional action. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XVIII., 1856, pp. 180-194. 2. On physical morphology, or the law of organic form. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Eev. XXII., 1858, pp. 482-495. Hintz, IV. Notizen aus meinem ornithologischen Tagebuche. Naumannia, 1854, pp. 285-293 ; 1856, pp. 18-27. 2. Beobachtungen iiber die Aukunft und den Wegzug der Zugvogel im Jahre 1855. Nau- mauuia, 1857, pp. 6-21. 3. Beobachtungen iiber die Ankunft und den Herbstzug der Vogel, nebst Bemerkungen iiber ihre Brutzeit, im Jahre 1856, in der Um- gegend von Scblosskampen, bei Coslin in Pom- mem. Naumannia, 1857 (pte. 2), pp. 55-63. 4. Beobachtungen iiber die Aukunft und den Wegzug der Vogel im nord-ostlichen Pom- mern, in den Jahren 1829-1854. Naumannia, 1857 (ptc. 2), pp. 69-78. 5. Beobachtungen iiber die Aukunft und den Herbstzug der Vogel, nebst Bemerkungen iiber ihre Briitezeit im Jahre 1859-60, in der Umgegeud von Schlosskiimpen bei Coslin in Pommern. Cabauis, Journ. Ornithol. IX., 1861, pp. 218-232, 306-320, 440-471. Hinze, . Menstrua durch dieBriiste. Hufe- land, Journ. Arzu. XLIIL, 1816 (Hft. 5), pp. 97-99. Hiortdahl, Th. Om homologe Legemers Krys- talform. Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1862, pp. 263-275. • 2. Chemisk underscfgelse af Mergeller i Eomeriget og de deri indeholdte Boller-samt af de lignende Boiler fra Eomsdalen. [1863.] Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1864, pp. 47-51. Hiortdahl, Th., og M. Irgens. Beretning om de vigtigste resultater af en i Sommeren 1863 foretagit seologisk unders^gelse af kysteu af nordre Bergeuhus Amt. [1863.] Christiania, Forhaudlinger, 1864, pp. 194-198. Hioux et Bodemer. Thi-oremes sur les surfaces du second ordre. Nouv. Ann. Math. II., 1863, pp. 426-432, 488-494. Hipp, 31. Ueber Translatoren. Bern, Mittheil. 1853, pp. 112-120 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 241-247. . 2. Ueber seine te'.cgraphische Eisenbahn- Control-Uhr. Bern, Mittheil. 1854, pp. 62- 64. HIP] 361 [HIR Hipp, M. 3. Ueber gleichzeitiges Telegrapliiren in entgegengesetzten Richtungen mittelst des gleichen Leitungsdrahts. Bern, Mittheil. 1855, pp. 81-89. 4. Ueber VerscMedenheit der Wirkung gleich starker Strome auf Elektromagnete. Bern, Mittheil. 1855, pp. 190-192. 5. Ueber den elektrisehen Webstuhl. Bern, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 89-100. 6. Description d'un telegraphe militaire. Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXXILL, 1856, pp. 109- 112. — 7. Ueber eine neue Anwendimg der Elek- tricitiit. Bern, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 66-70; Berlin, Telegraph. Vereius Zeitschr. IV., 1857, pp. 73-75. 8. Ueber den Wirkungs-UnterscJiied der Inductions-Strome beim Oeffnen und Schliessen der Kette. Berlin, Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. VI., 1859, pp. 155-160; Bibl. Univ. Archives, IV., 1859, pp. 347-354. 9. Note sur quelques instruments rneteoro- logiques enregistreurs. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 586-590. 10. Ueber die Storungen der elektrisehen Telegraphen wiihrend der Erscheinuug eines Nordlichts. Bern, Mittheil. 1860, pp. 33-37. 11. Sur un appareil regulateur des cou- rants electriques. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861- 63, pp. 115-118. Hippemeyer, . 1. Empfinduugen bei Be- riihrung irdischer Ku'rper. 2. Einwirkungen der Hiinmelskorper. 3. Wiinschelruthe. 4. Me- tallschwingung. Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 144- 146. Hippisley, J. An account of some improve- ments in a speculum-grinding and polishing machine. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849- 50, pp. 66-68. 2. Remarkable appearance of the shadow of Saturn projected on the ring. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 163-164. 3. Note on the observations of the minute companion of Autares. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XVII., 1856-57, p. 11. Ilirche, Johann Gottfried. Die erfuudene Dreschmaschine. nach ihrer Construction, Be- handlung und Wirkuug. N. Lausitz. Monatschr. 1808, pp. 265-302. Hirchfeld, Ludovic. Sur la portion cephalique du grand sympathique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1851, pp. 115-117 (Compt.Kend.). • 2. Note sur les nerfs de 1'uterus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1852, pp. 135-138 (Compt. Rend.}. Him, Gustuv Adolph. Notice sur le jaugeage des cours d'eau. Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. Industr. XIX., 1845, pp. 233-260. VOL. III. Him, Gtistav Adolph. 2. Essai sur la theorie mathematique des ventilateurs. Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. Industr. XX., 1847, pp. 305-427. 3. Sur les frottements mediats et sur la valour meeanique des matifcres lubrifiantes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Eacour. LV., 1856, pp. 621- 643. 4. Note sur les transmissions de force au moyeu de cables inetalliques. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LVII., 1858, pp. 37-41. 5. Recherches sur 1'equivalent mecaniquc de la chaleur. Bibl. Univ. Archives, VI., 1859, pp. 146-198. 6. [Sur le bruit du tonnerre.] Moigno, Cosmos, XVI., 1860, pp. 652-655. 7. Theorie approximative de la machine a gaz dilati'. Moigno, Cosmos, XVII., 1860, pp. 617-628. 8. Note sur la grille a etages de M. LANGEX. Annal. des Mines, II., 1862, pp. 411- 414. 9. Monographic de la turbine Jonval. Ann. Genie Civil, I., 1862, pp. 25-29, 45-63, 105-128. 1O. Les paratonnerres et la theorie me- cauique de la chaleur dans sou application aux mouvements vitaux. Moiguo, Cosmos, XXI., 1862, pp. 256-261. 11. Notice sur 1'utilite de rarithmometre et de 1'Lydrostat. Ann. Genie Civil, II., 1863 (pte. 2), pp. 113-117, 153-164. 12. Theorie mecauique de la Chaleur. Moigno, Cosmos, XXII., 1S63, pp. 283-292, 734-740. 13. Confirmation experimental de la secoude proposition de la Theorie mecanique de la Chaleur et des equations qui en decoulent. Demonstration analytique de cette proposition et consequences principales auxquclles elle con- duit. Moigno, Cosmos, XXII., 1863, pp. 413- 468. 14. Notice sur 1'utilite de 1'arithmometre de M. THOMAS de Colmar. Les Mondes, III., 1863, pp. 433-445. Him, Gustav Adolpli, et Seguin. Des en- veloppes des machines a vapeur et du developpe- ment du calorifjuo par le frottement. Moigno, Cosmos, VI., 1855, pp. 679-691. Hirsch, Ailolpli. Vorausberechnung der totalen Sonnen-Finstoruiss am IS Juli 1860. AVien, Sitz. Ber. XIX., 1856, pp. 195-225; XXX., 1858, pp. 200-204 ; Astr. Nachr. XL VIII., 1858, col. 327-330. 2. Etablissement de Pobservatoire a Neu- chatel, son orientation et les premiers iravaux d'installation. Nenchfttel, P>ull. V., 1859-61, pp. 60-65. z z HIRJ 362 [HIR Hirsch, Adoljih. 3. Determination de la diffe- rence de longitude entre Geneve et Neuchatel. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 172-184. 4. Hauteur de 1'observatoire de Neuchatel au-dessus de la mer. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859- 61, pp. 200-204. 5. Du dernier memoire public par M. WOLF de Zurich, sur les taches du Soleil. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 222-239. 6. Determination de la difference en longi- tude entre les observatoires de Berne et de Neuchatel. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 253-257. • 7. Sur les principaux phenomenes astrono- miques signales pendant cet ete. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 403-404. • 8. Recherches sur des Peudules Astrono- miques. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 461-490. 9. Decouverte de deux nouvelles petites planetes. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 507-528. 10. Note sur les courants electriques de- rives et remarques sur I'etablissement d'un sys- teme d'horloges electriques. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 591-647. 11. Relation des phenomenes meteoro- logiques avec la inarche des instruments rnag- netiques. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 48-52. 12. Deux decouvertes ile nouveaux astres. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 54-56. 13. Determination de la difference de lon- gitude entre les observatoires de Neuchatel et de Greenwich. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 61-63. 14. Sur la vitesse de propagation des cou- rants electriques dans la determination graphique de longitude entre Geneve et Neu- chatel. Neuchatel, Bull. VI, 1861-63, pp. 82-87. - - 15. Note sur 1'hypothese de plusieurs zones d'asteroides deduite par M. LE VEEEIER des rnouvernents des quatre premieres planetes. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 91-93. - 16. Description d'un photometre. Neu- chatel, BuU. VI., 1861-63, pp. 94-99. - 17. Experiences chronoscopiques sur la vitesse des differentes sensations et de la trans- mission nerveuse. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861- 63, pp. 100-105 ; Moleschott, Untersuch. IX., 1863, pp. 183-199. - 18. Sur la determination nouvelle de la parallase du Soleil, par les observations de Mars dans sou opposition en 1862. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 316-319. - 19. Sur une deviation remarquable du fil a plomb, d^couverte recemment a Moscou. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 319-325. Hirsch, Adolph. 20. Sur les corrections et equa- tions personnelles dans les observations chrono- graphiques de passage. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, p. 365 ; Moleschott, Untersuch. IX., 1863, pp. 200-208. 21. Sur la transmission electrique de 1'heure a travers un reseau telegraphique. Neu- chatel, BuU. VI., 1861-63, pp. 373-379. 22. Remarques sur 1'observatiou de la temperature ct de 1'humidite de 1'air au moyen du psychrotnetre. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861- 63, pp. 380-386. 23. Rapport sur un me'moire de M. H. GRANDJEAN du Locle concernant les chrono- metres de marine de sa fabrication. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 387-393. 24. Sur les nouvelles planetes et cometes decouvertes en 1862. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 400-404. Hirsch, W. Einige practische Bedenken gegen die jetzt herrscheude Zeugungstheorie. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, II., 1852, pp. 127-139. Hirschbrvmn, , und C. H. L. von Babo. TJeber das Sinapiu. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIV., 1852, pp. 10-32 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIII., 1853, pp. 283-289; Journ. de Plurm. XXIII., 1853, pp. 394-397. Hirschel, B. Geschichte und Heilung einer zwei Jahre anhaltenden Retentio mensium. Hufcland, Journ. Arzn. LIL, 1821, pp. 21-28. Hirschfeld, . Ueber das Verhaltniss der graucn zur weissen Substanz des Gehirns, des Riickenmarks zum Gehirne, und den innern Ban des Gehirus als Geistesorgan. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1844 (Ablli. 2), pp. 110-111. Hirschland, . Bloken eines Kalbes in der Gebarmutter (Vagitus uterinus). Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XIX., 1853, pp. 450-452. Hirschmann, Lconhard. Zur Lehre von der durch Arzneimittel hervorgerufenen Myosis und Mydriasis. Reichert, Archiv, 1863, pp. 309- 318. Hirst, Thomas Archer. On the existence of a magnetic medium. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854- 55, pp. 448-454. — — 2. Sur le potentiel d'une couche infini- nieiit mince comprise entre deux parabolokles elliptiques. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1857, pp. 385-391. . 3. Note sur une propriete d'un systenie de courbes planes. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1857, p. 392. 4. On equally attracting bodies. Phil. Mag. XIII., 1857, pp. 305-324 ; XVI., 1858, pp. 160-177, 266-284. . 5. Note sur les corps qui exercent des attractions egales sur uu point materiel. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVII., 1858, pp. 274-276. HIR] 363 [HIS Hirst) Thomas Archer. 6. Sur la courbure d'ime serie de surfaces et de lignes. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1859, pp. 95-112, 148-167. 7. On derived surfaces. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 210-218. 8. On ripples, and their relation to the velocities of currents. Phil. Mag. XXI., 1861, pp. 1-20, 188-198. 9. Note sur les volumes des surfaces podaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 572-575 ; Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 247-250 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), p. 5. 1O. On the volumes of Pedal Surfaces. Phil. Trans. 1863, pp. 13-22 ; Crelle, Journ. LXIL, 1863, pp. 246-264 ; Tortolini, Annali, V., 1863, pp. 79-101. Hirszel, . Die hepatisch-salinische Mineral- Quelle zu Busk im Stopnitzer Kreise der Woywodschaft Krakau im Konigreiche Polen. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXXXII., 1836 (Hft. 3), pp. 119-123. Hirt, Emst. Ueber das numerische Verhiiltniss zwischen den weissen und rothen Blutzellen. Miiller, Archiv, 1856, pp. 174-199. Hirt, Hcinrich Adolph. Ein neuer Fall von Hirnschadelspalten bei einem normal gebornen Kiude. Rust, Magazin, I., 1816, pp. 245-258. 2. Drei Beobachtungen von Schwanger- schaften ausserhalb der Hohle der Gebiirmutter. Siebold, Journ. f. Geburtshiilfe, XIV., 1835, pp. 24-66. Hirtz, . Caso interressante di gravidanza extra-uterina addominale. Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. X., 1844, pp. 44-46. Hirzel, H. Untersuchung des Imperatoriaoles. Ziirich, Mittheil. 1848-49, pp. 234-238 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VI., 1849, pp. 293-296. 2. A new method of finding the number of vibrations corresponding to the sounds of the natural scale, by dividing the vibrations of the fundamental sound by the numbers eight and nine. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 376-377. 3. Observations opthalmoscopiques. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854-55, pp. 219- 224. 4. Planetaire a 1'usage des avcugles. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. V., 1856, pp. 71-77. Hirzel, //., und H. Prey. Einiges iiber den Bau der sogenannten Winterschlafdrusen. [1861.] Siebold und Ko'lliker, Zeitschr. XII., 1863, pp. 165-174. Hirzel, L. Untersuchungen iiber die Verbind- ungen des sympathischen Nervens mit den Hirnnerven. Tiedemann, Zeitschr. I., 1824, pp. 197-209. Hirzel-Escher, . Journal d'un voyage par six cols remarquables aux environs du Mont Rose. [1827.] Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat, XIV., 1828, pp, 409-411. His, Wilhelm. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Horuhaut. [1853.] Wiirzburg, Verhandl. IV., 1854, pp. 90-9fi. 2. Ueber die Beziehungen des Blutes zum erregten Sauerstoff. Virchow, Archiv, X., 1856, pp. 483-499 ; Brown Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 634-639 ; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXIX., 1859, pp. 207-215. 3. Ueber die Thymusdriise. Basel, Ver- handl. II., 1860, pp. 523-532. 4. Beitragc zur Kenntniss der zum Lymph- system gehorigen Driisen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. X., 1860, pp. 333-357 ; XL, 1862, pp. 65-86. 5. Ueber das Verhalten des salpetersauren Silberoxyds zu thierischen Gewebsbestaudtheilen. Virchow, Archiv, XX., 1861, pp. 207-209. 6. Zur Anatomic der menschlicheu Thy- musdriise. [1861.] Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. XL, 1862, p. 164. 7. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Peyer'schen Driisen und der Darmschleimhaut. [1861.] Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. XL, 1862, pp. 416-443 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVILL (ZooL), 1862, pp. 304-324. 8. Ueber den Bau der Lymphdriisen. Basel, Verhandl. III. 1863, pp. 1-11. 9. Ueber die Wurzeln der Lymphgefiisse in den Hauten des Korpers und iiber die Theorien der Lymphbildung. [1862.] Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. XII., 1863, pp. 223- 254. 10. Ueber das Epithel der Lymphgefass- wurzeln und iiber die von Recklinghausen'schen Saftcanalchen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, pp. 455-473. Hisinger, Edw. Viet. Eug. Flora Fagervikiensis eller oversigt af de vid och omkring Fagervik vexande Cotyledoneer och Filices. [1855.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Feun. 1 857 ( Stp. 505-508. 35. Analyser af nagra Svenska mineralier. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1838, pp. 186-193. 36. Antcckningar ofver Kritbadden vid Carlshamn. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1838, pp. 194-197. Hisinger, H'il/ttJiH, och Jons Jacob Berzelius. Experiences galvaniques. ( Transl.) Annal. de Chimie, LI, 1804, pp. 167-173. 2. Forsok med Elektriska Stapelns verkan pa Salter och pa uagra af deras baser. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, I, 1806, pp. 1-38 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXVII, 1807, pp. 269-324. HISJ 365 [HIT Hisinger, Jl'il/ie/m, och Jons Jacob Berzelius. 3. Undersokning af Cerium, en ny metall, fun- nen i Bastniis Tungsten. Hisinger, 'Afliancll. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 58-84 ; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1804, pp. 245-271 ; Nicholson, Journ. IX., 1804, pp. 290-300; X., pp. 10-12 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XX., 1805, pp. 154-158. 4. Undersokning af Spinell fran O Akers Kalkstensbrott i Sodermanland. Hisin- ger, Afhandl. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 99-105. 5. Unclersiikuing af rosenrdd syrsatt Mauganes fran Langbanshyttan i Wermelaud. Hisinger, Afhaudl. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 105-110. 6. Undersokning af Pyrophysalith, et nytt Stenslag fran Finbo i Dalarna. Hisin- ger, Afhandl. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 111-118 ; Aunal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1806, pp. 113-121; Nicholson, Journ. XIX., 1808, pp. 33-37. 7. Undersokning af en groungtig Stenart, frau Glanshammar i Nerike. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, II, 1807, pp. 203-205. 3. Undersokning af Orsten (Lapis suillus). Hisinger. Afhandl. Fysik, III., 1810, pp. 379-388. Hisinger, JJ'il/ielm, och Johrtnn Gah.ii. Forsok at med elektriska gnistor fran en vanlig elek- tricitets-machin sonderdela vatten. Hisinger, Afhaudl. I., 1806, pp. 45-50. Hisinger, Wilhelm, och C. A. Murray. Un- dersokuing af Niccolan. Afhandl. Fysik, III., 1810, pp. 105-112; Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 165-174; Thomson, Ann. Phil. L, 1813, pp. 116-120. Hislop, Stephen. Oil the age of the Coal Strata in Western Bengal and Central India. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XXIV., 1855, pp. 347-353. 2. On the connexion of the Umret Coal- beds with the Plant-beds of Nagpur ; and of both with those of Burdwan. Geol. Soc. Journ. XI., 1855, pp. 555-561. 3. Geology of the Nagpur State. Bom- bay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1857, pp. 58-76, 148-150. 4. On the tertiary deposits associated with Trap-rock in the East Indies. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860, pp. 154-166. 5. Description of fossil shells, from the [tertiary] deposits [associated with Trap-rock in the East Indies]. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860, pp. 166-182. 6. On the age of the fossiliferous thin- bedded Sandstone and Coal of the province of Nagpur, India. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVII., 1861, pp. 346-354. 7. Remarks on the geology of Nagpur. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862, pp. 194- 204. Hislop, Stephen, and Robert Hunter. On the geology of the neighbourhood of Nagpur, Cen- tral India. Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1854, pp. 470-473 ; XL, 1855, pp. 345-383. Hislop, ft. Description of an object-compressor for preparing and mounting objects. [1856.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. V., 1857, pp. 159-160. 2. Description of a new Secondary Stage. Microsc. Soc. Trans. VI., 1858, pp. 94-96. Hiss, . Sur I'Ophrys insectifera. Journ. de Phys. LXV., 1807. pp. 241-265. Hiss, . Extrait d'une lettre relative a plu- sieurs questions sur la Faune des Alpes. Sil- berrnann, Revue Entom. H., 1834, pp. 168-176. Hitchcock, C. If. Impressions (chiefly tracks) on alluvial clay, in Haclley, Mass. Sillimau, Journ. XIX., 1855. pp. 391-396. 2. On fractured ledges of Slate in Ver- mont. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 51-55. 3. On the fo-called Talcose Schist of Ver- mont. Arner. Assoc. Proc. 1859, pp. 321-329. 4. On the marks of ancient glaciers on the Green Mountain Range in Massachusetts and Vermont. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1859, pp. 329- 335. • 5. Lake ramparts in Vermont. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1859, pp. 335-337. • 6. Lithology of Vermont. Canadian Natu- ralist, IV., 1859, p. 296. 7. Devonian Granite and Taconic Rocks. Canadian Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 298-299. 8. Geology of the island of Aquidneck. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, pp. 112-137. 9. Synchronism of Coal-beds in the New England and Western United States coal- basins. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, pp. 138- 143. • 10. Notes on the geology of Maine. Port- land, Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. I., 1862, pp. 72-85. 11. Fossils of the Potsdam Group in North America. Portland, Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. I., 1862, pp. 87-90. 12. A new species of Carpolithes, C. Lescurii. Portland, Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. I., 1862, pp. 95-96. • 13. Supplement to the Ichuology of New England. Amer. Acad. Proc. VI., 1862-63, pp. 85-92, 104-105. Hitchcock, Edward. Remarks on the geology and mineralogy of a section of Massachusetts on Connecticut River, with a part of New Hampshire and Vermont. Silliman, Journ. I., 1818, pp. 105-116. 2. New localities of Agate, Chalcedony, Chabasie, Stilbite, Analcime, Titanium, Preh- nite, &c. Silliman, Journ. I., 1818, pp. 134- 135. HIT] 366 [HIT Hitchcock, Edward. 3. On a singular disrup- tion of the ground, apparently by frost. Silli- maii, Journ. I., 1818, pp. 286-292. 4. A sketch of the geology, mineralogy, and scenei'y of the regions contiguous to the River Connecticut ; with occasional botanical notices. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1823, pp. 1-86, 201-236 ; VII., pp. 1-30. 5. Description of a new species of Botry- chiuni. Silliman, Jouru. VI., 1823, pp. 103- 104. 6. Notice of the geology of Martha's Vineyard and the Elizabeth Islands. Silliman, Journ. VII., 1824, pp. 240-248. 7. Notice of several localities of minerals in Massachusetts. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1825, pp. 20-23. 8. Physiology of the Gyropodium cocci- neum. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1825, pp. 56-60. 9. Miscellaneous notices of mineral locali- ties, with geological remarks. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 215-230. 1O. Tin in Massachusetts. Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1829, pp. 189-191. 11. Report on the geology of Massachu- setts. Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1832, pp. 1-70. 12. On the meteors of 13 Nov., 1833. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1834, pp. 354-363. 13. On certain causes of geological change now in operation in Massachusetts. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. I., 1834-37, pp. 69-81. 14. Sketch of the geology of Portland and its vicinity. [1836.] Boston, Joura. Nat. Hist. I., 1834-37, pp. 306-346. 15. Ornithichnology. — Description of the footmarks of birds (Ornithichnites) on new Red Sandstone in Massachusetts. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 307-340; Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1836 (Zoo/.), pp. 154-179, 206-223 ; Bibl. Univ. III., 1836, pp. 189-196; XII., 1837, pp. 429-430 ; Froriep, Notizen, L., 1836, col. 1-8, 17-26, 145-153, 166-168. 16. Ornithichnites in Connecticut. Silli- man, Journ. XXXI., 1837, pp. 174-175. 17. Fossil footsteps in sandstone and gray- wacke. Silliman, Journ. XXXII., 1837, pp. 174-176. 18. On the Shooting Stars of 9th and 10th August 1837, and on the probability of the annual occurrence of a meteoric shower in August. Sillimau, Journ. XXXIII., 1838, pp. 176-180. 19. Notice of a report on a re-examination of the economical geology of Massachusetts. Silliman, Journ. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 363-378. — 20. Specimens of Minerals and Rocks. Silliman, Journ. XXXIX., 1840, pp. 199-200. Hitchcock, Edward. 21. Report on the Or- nithichuites or footmarks of extinct birds in the new Red Sandstone of Massachusetts and Con- necticut. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1842, pp. 235-238 ; Froriep, Notizeu. XXI., 1842, col. 20-24. 22. American Geology. — Erratic Blocks — Glacial Action. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXII., 1842, pp. 74-80. 23. Remarks upon Mr. MURCHISON'S Address before the London Geological Society. Silliman, Journ. XLIIL, 1842, pp. 396-398. 24. The phenomena of Drift, or Glacio- Aqueous action in North America, between the tertiary and alluvial periods. Amer. Geol. and Nat. Assoc. Reports, 1843, pp. 164-221. 25. Description of five new species of fossil footmarks from the Red Sandstone of the valley of Connecticut River. Amer. Geol. and Nat, Assoc. Reports, 1 843, pp. 254-264. 26. Description of several species of fossil plants from the New Red Sandstone formation of Connecticut and Massachusetts. Amer. Geol. and Nat. Assoc. Reports, 1843, pp. 294-296. — 27. Note on the Geology of several parts of Western Asia. Amer. Geol. and Nat. Assoc. Reports, 1843, pp. 348-421. 28. Note on birds' nests of enormous size (Dinornis). Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV, 1844, pp. 310-311. 29. Analysis of wines from Palestine, Syria, and Asia Minor, and of specimens ot American cider. Silliman, Journ. XL VI., 1844, pp. 249-258 ; Bibl. Univ. LIII., 1844, pp. 190- 192; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVII., 1844, pp. 176-182. 3O. Report on Ichnolithology, or Fossil Footmarks, with a description of several new species, and the Coprolites of Birds, from the valley of Connecticut River, and of a supposed footmark from the valley of Hudson River. Silliman, Journ. XL VII., 1844, pp. 292-322 ; Bibl. Univ. LX., 1845, pp. 189-192; Froriep, Notizen, XXX VII., 1846, col. 344-346. 31. Discovery of more native copper in the town of Whately, in Massachusetts, in the valley of Connecticut River, with remarks upon its origin. [1843.] Silliman, Journ. XL VII., 1844, pp. 322-323. 32. Discovery of the Yttro-Cerite in Massachusetts. [1843.] Silliman, Journ. XL VII., 1844, pp. 351-353. 33. Rejoinder to the article of Dr. DEANE on fossil footmarks. Silliman, Journ. XLVII., 1844, pp. 390-399. 34. [On Ichnolithology.] Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1845, pp. 141-142. HIT] 367 [HIT Hitchcock, Edward. 35. Description of a sin- gular case of the dispersion of blocks of stone connected with drift, in Berkshire county, Massachusetts. [1844.] Silliman, Jouru. XLIX., 1845, pp. 258-265. 36. Description of two new species of Fossil Footmarks found in Massachusetts and Connecticut, or of the animals that made them. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 46-57. 37. On the Trap Tuff, or Volcanic Grit of the Connecticut valley, with the bearings of its history upon the age of the trap rock and sandstone generally in that valley. [1844.] Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 199-207. 38. An attempt to discriminate and describe the animals that made the Fossil Footmarks of the United States, and especially of New Eng- land. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acacl. III., 1848, pp. 129-256. 39. On the river terraces of the Connec- ticut valley, and on the erosions of the Earth's surface. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 148-157. 40. Oil the erosions of the Earth's surface, especially by rivers. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 85-87. 41. On terraces and ancient sea beaches, especially those on the Connecticut River, and its tributaries in New England. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 87-88. 42. On the separation of butter from cream by catalysis. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 195-196. 43. On the terraces and sea-beaches that have been formed since the drift period, espe- cially those along the Connecticut River. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 264-269. 44. On the geological age of the clay slate of the Connecticut Valley, in Massachusetts and Vermont. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 299-300. 45. Description of a slide on Mount La- fayette at Franconia. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, pp. 73-76. 46. Description of a Brown Coal deposit in Brandon, Vermont, with an attempt to deter- mine the geological age of the principal hema- tite ore beds in the United States. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1853, pp. 95-104. 47. The coal-field of Bristol County and of Rhode Island. Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1853, pp. 327-336. • 48. Description of several sections mea- sured across the sandstone and trap of Connec- ticut River Valley, in Massachusetts. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 225-227. 49. Additional facts respecting the tracks of the Otozoum Moodii on the liassic sandstone of the Connecticut Valley. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, p. 228. Hitchcock, Edward. SO. Account of the dis- covery of the fossil jaw of an extinct family of Sharks from the coal formation. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 229-230. 51. Description of a new species of Clathropteris discovered in the Connecticut Valley sandstone. Sillimau, Journ. XX., 1855, pp. 22-25. 52. Shark remains from the coal forma- tion of Illinois, and bones and tracks from the Connecticut River sandstone. Silliman, Journ. XX., 1855, pp. 416-417. 53. On a new fossil fish and new fossil Footmarks. Silliman, Journ. XXI., 1856, pp. 96-100. 54. A new fossil shell in the Connecticut River sandstone. Sillinian, Journ. XXII., 1856, pp. 239-240. 55. Description of a large boulder in the drift of Amherst, Massachusetts, with parallel strire upon four sides. Silliman, Jouru. XXII., 1856, pp. 397-400. 56. Illustrations of Surface Geology. [1856.] Smithson. Contrib. IX., 1857. 57. Remarks upon certain points in Ichno- logy. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, pp. 144-156. 58. On certain conglomerated and brec- ciated trachytic dykes in the Lower Silurian rocks of Shelburne, in Vermont ; with special reference to the degree of heat at the time of their production. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, pp. 156-158. - 59. Additional facts respecting the Cla- thropteris of East Hampton, Massachusetts. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, pp. 158-159. i 6O. On the conversion of certain conglo- merates into talcose and micaceous schists and gneiss, by the elongation, flattening, and meta- morphosis of the pebbles and the cement. SUliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 372-392. Hitchcock, Edward, and T. Romeyne Beck. Abstract of a Meteorological Journal kept at Deerfield (Mass.), beginning March 1817, and ending November 1818, to which is added a Meteorological Table, kept at Albany. Silliman, Jouru. IV., 1822, pp. 333-338. Hitchcock, Edward, and C. Hartwell. On a new Spodumcue locality at Norwich, Mass. Silliman, Journ. X., 1850, pp. 264-265. Hitchcock, Edward, and B. Silliman. On Topaz. Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 352-358. Hitchcock, Samuel. An account of the Frogs found in the Earth. [1789.] Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. II., 1793, pp. 63-64. Hitchins, Malac/ii/. Account of the discovery of silver in Herland Copper Mine. Phil. Trans- 1801, pp. 159-164. HIT] 3GS [HLA Hitschmatm, Hugo II. Eine Excursion auf die " Zakova hora." Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. V., 1855, pp. 345-347, 353-356. 2. Ueber Xanthium spinosum der Mahr- ischen Flora. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VI., 1856, pp. 65-66. 3. Eine, Excursion um den Neusiedler See. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VIII., 1858, pp. 221-228. Hittorf, J. Chemische Uutersuchungen des Blutes von Tobsuchtigen. Heller, Archir, 1846, pp. 411-442. Hittorf, W. Ueber die Bildung einer blauen Oxydatious-Stufe des Platins, so wie einiger anderen Oxyde der edlen Metalle auf galvan- ischem Wege. Poggend. Annal. LXXII., 1847, pp. 481-485. 2. Ableitung einiger Eigenschaften der Kegelschnitte aus ihrer Polargleichung. Crelle, Journ. XXXVIII., 1849, pp. 89-92. 3. Ueber das elektrische Leitungsver- mogen des Sclnvefelsilbers. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 1-27 ; Annal. de Chirnie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 124-128. 4. Ueber die Allotropie des Selens. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 214-220 ; Journ. de Pharin. XX11I., 1853, pp. 372-374. 5. Ueber die Wanderungen der lonen wiilirend der Elektrolyse. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 177-211; XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 1-33 ; CHI., 1858, pp. 1-56; CVL, 1859, pp. 337-411, 513-586. Hittorff, J. J. Ueber das Pyramidion von ver- goldetem Erz, von den alten Egyptiern bei einigen ibrer Obelisken als Kriinuug angewen- det. Zur Uuterstiitzung des Vorschlages, das Pyramidion am Obelisken von Luxor auf die- selbe Weise wieder herzustellen. Porster, Allg. Bauzeitg. II., 1837, pp. 289-294. Hjalmarson, J. A. Om on San-Domingo. Stockholm, Ofversigt, 1858, pp. 343-346 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XIV., 1859, pp. 12-16. Hjalmarson, J. A., und L. Ffeiffer. Beitriige zur Fauna von Westindien. Malakozool. Bliitt. V., 1858, pp. 135-155. J£je\mtPcter Jacob. Minerograpliiske anteckningar om Porphyr-Bergen i Ell'dals-Socken och Oster Dalarna, samt deras gransor i omkringliggande Socknar. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXVI., 1805, pp. 1-48, 75-109. Hjelt, Otto. Ueber die Regeneration der Ner- ven. Virchow, Archiv, XIX., 1860, pp. 352- 366. Hjenko, P. Produits de la putrefaction de la Caserne. Journ. de Pharin. XIII., 1848, pp. 137-138. Hjort, J. J. Hvorvidt finder en Vexelvirkning Sted mellem begge Nethinder hos Mennesket '{ Mag. f. Naturvid. IX., 1828, pp. 127-135. Hlasiwetz, Heinrich. Untersuchung des Asa- fotidaoles. Liebig, Annal. LXXI., 1849, pp. 23-56 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 234-238 ; XIX., 1851, pp. 452-454. 2. Analyse der Stefansquelle in Karlsbad. Prag, Vierteljahrschrift, 1849 (Hft. 4), pp. 151- 152. 3. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung der thicrischen Fliissigkeiten. Prag, Viertel- jahrschr. 1850 (Hft. 4.), pp. 1-24, 24-38 ; 1851, pp. 81-105. • 4. Ueber das Cinchonin. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 9-11. 267-270; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. LL, 1850, pp. 409-415; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 302-303; Liebig, Annal. LXXVIL, 1851, pp. 49-56. • 5. Notiz iiber die Schwefelcyan-Verbind- ungen des Acetons und Metacetons. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 271-274. 6. Ueber einige Verbindungen der Radi- cale (Cr, II5) R». Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 171-190 (Abth. 2); Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 355-374. 7. Ueber die Riude der China nova. Lie- big, Annal. LXXIX., 1851, pp. 129-155 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 41 1- 432 ; Jouru. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 396- 400. 8. Zur Photographic. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXXI1L, 1854, pp. 1 18-120. 9. Ueber die Robinia- Satire. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIII., 1854, pp. 526-527. . 1O. Ueber die Wurzel der Ononis spiuosa. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 142-168; An- nal. de Chirnie, XLVI., 1856, pp. 374-377 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXV, 1855, pp. 419-450 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 361-362. 11. Ueber die Zusammeusetzung des Ur- sons. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVI., 1855, p. 293 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 398-399. — 12. Ueber Rutinsaure und Quercitrin. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVII., 1855, pp. 375-381 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIL, 1856, pp. 97-104 ; Liebig, Annal. XCVI., 1855, pp. 123- 126. 13. Ueber das Phloretin. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVII., 1855, pp. 382-400 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIL, 1856, pp. 105-126 ; Lie- big, Annal. XCVI., 1855, pp. 118-123. 14. Analyse des Sauerbrunnens und der Schwefelquelle zu Obladis in Tirol. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVIII., 1855, pp. 133-142. 15. Apparat zurn Transportiren und Ueber- fiillen gemessener Gasmengen. Liebig, Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 241-244. HLA] 3G9 [HOA Hlasiwetz, Heinrich. 16. Ueber eiu neues Verfahreu, Aschen fiir die Analyse darzustellen. Liebig, Annal. XCVII., 1856, pp. 244-248. 17. Ueber Kohlensaure-Bestimmuugen der atmosphiirischen Luft. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XX., 1856, pp. 189-207. 18. Ueber einige Salze dcs Harnstoffs mit organischen Siiuren. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XX., 1856, pp. 207-216 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 100-111. 19. Notiz iiber die Mesityl-Schwefelsiiure. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXI., 1856, pp. 225-235; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. S65-377. — — 20. Ueber einige neue Zersetzungsweisen von KSrpern aus der Harnsaurengruppe. Liebig, Annal. CIIL, 1857, pp. 200-218. 21. Ueber die Phloretinsiiure. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIV., 1857, pp. 237-267 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1858, pp. 335-338 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 395-429 ; Lie- big, Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 145-180. 22. Notiz iiber die Achillea-Siiure. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIV., 1857, pp. 268-269 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 429- 430. 23. Ueber Bucheutheer-Kreosot und die Destillationsproducte des Guajakharzes. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXX., 1858, pp. 81-119; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 1-44; Liebig, Annal. CVL, 1858, pp. 339-385. 24. Analyse der Mineralquelle " del Franco " zu Reooaro. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIIL, 1858. pp. 90-98. 25. Guajakharz. Liebig, Annal. CXIL, 1859, pp. 182-184. 26. Jodoform. Liebig, Annal. CXIL, 1859, pp. 184-185. 27. Ueber eine neue Zersetzungsweise der Trinitrophenylsaure. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXV., 1859, pp. 136-147 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1859, pp. 124-128 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIL, 1859, pp. 385-398; Liebig, Anual. CX., 1 859, pp. 289-303. 28. Ueber das Chinovin. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXV., 1859, pp. 503-510 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1859, pp. 360-363 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIIL, 1859, pp. 104-112 ; Liebig, Aunal. CXI., 1859, pp. 182-191. 29. Ueber das Quercitrin. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVL, 1859, p. 401 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIIL, 1859, pp. 257-277 ; Liebig, Annal. CXIL, 1859, pp. 96-117. 30. LTeber das Phloroglucin. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 451-462; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXV., 1862, pp. 475-486; Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 199- 213. VOL. III. Hlasiwetz, Heinrich. 31. Ueber die Gunjak- harz.siiurc und das Pyroguajacin. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 463-474; Lie- big, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 266-281. 32. Ueber eine neue Siiure aus dem Milch- zucker. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 475-476 ; Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 281-283. 33. Ueber das Galbanum. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 477-484. 34. Ueber einige Xanthinsaure-Verbind- ungen. [1861.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV. (Abth. 2), 1862, pp. 33-40 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVIL, 1862, pp. 208-216; Liebig, Aunal. CXXIL, 1862, pp. 87-95. 35. Ueber Morin und Quercetin. Licbij Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 358-360. 36. Ueber eine neue Saure aus dem Guajakharz. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VIII. (Abth. 2), 1863, pp. 218-219. Hlasiwetz, Heinrich, und Hugo von Gilm. Ueber das Chinovin. Liebig, Annal. CXL, 1859, pp. 182-191 ; Journ. de Pharra. XXXVL, 1859, pp. 385-387. 2. LTeber das Hydroberberin. Lie- big, Annal. II. (Suppl.\ 1863, pp. 191-210. Hlasiwetz, Hcinrich, und L. Pfaundler. Ueber den Quercitrinzucker. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XC., 1863, pp. 452-457 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXVIL, 1863, pp. 362-368. 2. LTeber das Morin und die Morin- gerbsaure. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVIII. (Abth. 2), 1863, pp. 10-18 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XC., 1863, pp. 445-452; Liebig, Annal. CXXVIL, 1863, pp. 351-361. Hlasiwetz, Heinrich, und F. Bochleder. Notiz iiber ein Stearopten aus Cassiaol. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 432-436. 2. Ueber die Wurzel der Chiococca racemosa. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850 (Abth. 2), pp. 6-15; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LL, 1850, pp. 415-424; Haaxman, Tijdschrift, III., 1851, pp. 160-164. 3. Untersuchung der Bliithenknosp- en von Capparis spinosa. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIL, 1852, pp. 197-205; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 96-103; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1852, pp. 158-159. Hniliczka, Joseph. Ueber den Klausen- und Teichbau. Wien, Jahrb. Pol. lust. XIX., 1837, pp. 159-211. Hoare, Charles. A new and simple method of extracting the roots of all powers. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXXIX., 1860, pp. 50-52. Hoare, John. [On living animals found in Stone.] London, Med. and Phys. Jouru. XXXVIII., 1817, pp. 35-36 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXV., 1817, pp. 69-70. 3 A HOB] 370 [HOC Hobart, /.-:), and of the Nahoor (Ovis Nahoor, Hodgs.), with observations on the distinction between the genera Capra and Ovis. Zool. Soc. Proc. II., 1834, pp. 106-110; Froriep, Notizen, XLIV., 1835, col. 129-134 ; L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 121-123. 28. Description of the Bearded Vulture of the Himalayan (Gypaetos (Vultur) barbatus). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, pp. 454— 457 ; Bibl. Univ. VIII., 1837, p. 212. 29. Red-billed Erolia. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, pp. 458-461. 30. Synopsis of the Thar and Ghoral An- telopes. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, pp. 487-489. 31. On the Wild Goat and Wild Sheep of the Himalayan, with remarks on the genera Capra and Ovis. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, pp. 490-494, 710 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Zool.), 1836, pp. 299-300. 32. Specific description of a new species of Cervus (C. elaphoides). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, pp. 648-649; V., 1836. pp. 240-242. 33. Synopsis of the Vespertilionidse of Nepal. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, pp. 699-700. 34. Note on the Red-billed Erolia or Clo- rhynchus strophiatus. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, p. 701. — - 35. Description of the little musteline animal (Putorices Kathiah) denominated Ka- thiah Nyul in the Catalogue of the Nepalese Mammalia. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, pp. 702-703. 36. Indication of a new genus of the Carnivora (Ursitaxus iuauritus), with description of the species on which it is founded. Asiatick Researches, XIX., 1836, pp. 60-69. 37. Description of three new species of Paradoxurus (P. hirsutus, P. Nipalensis, P. lanigerus) inhabiting the southern, central, and northern regions of Nepal respectively. Asiatick Researches, XIX., 1836, pp. 72-87. 38. Notices of the Ornithology of Nepal. Asiatick Researches, XIX., 1836, pp. 143-192. 39. Description of a new species of Co- lurnba (C. Nipalensis). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 122-123. 40. Summary description of some new spe- cies of Falconidffi. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 227-230. 41. Synoptical description of sundry new animals, enumerated in the Catalogue of Ne- palese Mammals. Bengal, Jouru. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 231-238. HOD] 376 [HOD Hodgson, Bryan Houghton. 42. Notes on the Cervus Duvaucelii, Cuvier, or C. elaphoides and Bahraiya, Hodgs. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 240-242 ; Zool. Soc. Proc. IV., 1836, pp. 46-47. 43. Description of two new species belong- ing to a new form of the meruline group of Birds, with indication of their generic character (Cochoa purpurea, C. viridis). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V.. 1836, pp. 358-359. 44. On a new genus and species of the Meropida? (Bucia nipalensis), Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 360-361. 45. On a new piscatory genus of the stri- gine family (Cultrungis fiavipes). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 363-364. 46. Postscript to the account of Ursitaxus (Meles labradorius), printed in the XIX. Vol. of the Asiatick Researches. Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. V., 1836, p. 671. 47. Note on zoological nomenclature. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 751- 752. 48. Additions to the Ornithology of Nepal. Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. V., 1836, pp. 770- 774. 49. On some of the Scolopacidai of Nepal. Zool. Soc. Proc. IV., 1836, pp. 7-8. 50. On the lachrimal sinus in Antilope Thar, and Cervus Aristotelis. Zool. Soc. Proc. IV., 1836, pp. 39-40. 51. On seven new species of Vesperti- lionida- observed in the central region of Nepal. Zool. Soc. Proc. IV., 1836, p. 46. 52. On three new genera or sub-genera of long-legged Thrushes (Tesia, Nobis, Larvivora, Paludicola), with descriptions of their species. Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. VI., 1837, pp. 101- 103. 53. Description of three new species of Woodpecker (Picus sultaneus, Vivia nipalensis, Picus pyrrhotis), and of Malacolophus melano- chrysos. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837, pp. 104-109. 54. Indication of a new genus of Insessorial Birds (Cutia). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI.. 1837, pp. 110-112. 55. On a new genus of the Sylviadaj, with description of three new species (Yuhina gularis, Y. occipitalis, Y. flavicollis). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI.. 1837, pp. 230-232. 56. On some new genera of Raptores, with remarks on the old genera. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837, pp. 361-373. 57. New species of Scolopacidre (Indian Snipes). Bengal, Jouru. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837, p. 489. Hodgson, Bryan Hour/hton. 58. Description of the Gauri Gau of the Nepal forest (Bibos subhemachalus). Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. VI., 1837, p. 499; Wiegmann, Archiv, VI., 1840, pp. 263-267. 59. On a new genus of the Plantigrades (Urva cancrivora), with an appendix by A. CAMPBELL. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837, pp. 560-565. 6O. On the Bibos, Gauri Gau, or Gaurika Gau of the Indian forests (Bibos cavifrons, B. classicus, B. Aristotelis). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI, 1837, pp. 745-749. 61. Indication of a new genus belonging to the Strigine family, with description of the new species and type. Madras Journ. V., 1837, pp. pp. 23-26. 62. On two new genera of Rasorial Birds (Lerva, Arborophila). Madras Journ. V., 1837, pp. 300-306. 63. On the structure and habits of the Elanus melanopterus. Madras Journ. VI., ] 837, pp. 75-78. 64. On a new species of Pheasant (Pha- sianus crassoptilon) from Tibet. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VII., 1838, pp. 863-864. 65. On a new genus and two species of the Fissirostral Tribe (Raya sericeogula, R. ru- bropygea). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VIII., 1839, pp. 35-36. 66. [Three] new species of meruline birds (Sibia picao'ides, S. nigriceps, S. nipalensis). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VIII., 1839, p. 37. 67. On Cuculus (Pseudornis dicruroides). Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. VIII., 1839, pp. 136- 137. 68. On three new species of Musk (Mos- chus) inhabiting the Himalayan districts (M. chrysogaster, M. leucogaster, M. saturatus). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VIII., 1839, p. 202. 69. Summary description of four new spe- cies of Otter. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soe. VIII., 1839, pp. 319-320 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1840, pp. 27-29. 7O. On the common Hare of the Gangetic Province:;, and of the Sub-Himalaya ; with a slight notice of a strictly Himalayan species. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IX., 1840, pp. 1183- 1186; Ann. Nat, Hist. VIII., 1842, pp. 231- 234. — — 71. Three new species of Monkey (S. schistaceus, hodie, Pithex ,oinops, P. pelops) ; with remarks on the genera Semnopithecus and Macacus (Pithex, Nobis). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IX., 1840, pp. 1211-1213. 72. Classical terminology of Natural His- tory. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 26-29. HOD] 377 [HOD Hodgson, Bryan Ifouc/hton. 73. On the two wild species of Sheep (Ovis ammonoides, O. Nahoor) inhabiting the Himalayan region, with some brief remarks on the craniological charac- ter of Ovis and its allies. Bengal, Jouru. Asiat. ,Soc. X., 1841, pp. 230-234. 74. Illustrations of the genera of the Bovina?. Part 1. Skeletons of Bos Bibos and Bison, the individuals examined being the common Bull of Nepal, the Gowri Gao of Nepal, and the Yak. Bengal. Journ. Asi.it. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 449-470." 75. Note on the Cervus elaphus (?) of the Saul Forest of Nepal (horlie, C. affinis, Nobis). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Hoc. X., 1841, pp. 721- 724. 76. Notice of the Marmot (Arctomys Himalayanus) of the Himalaya and of Tibet. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 777- 778. 77. On a new organ in the genus Moschus. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 795- 796. 78. Of a new species of Lagomys inhabit- ing Nepal (Lagomys nipalensis, Nobis}. Ben- gal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 854—855 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 76-77. 79. Notice of a new form of the Glauco- pina% or Rasorial Crows, inhabiting the northern region of Nepal : Conostoma remodius (Nobis, type). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 856-857; Ann. Nat, Hist. X., 1842, pp. 77-79. — 80. Classified Catalogue of Mammals of Nepal [corrected to end of 1841, first printed in 1832]. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841 (pt. 2), pp. 907-916; Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 212-221 ; IV., 1844, pp. 284-285. 81. Notice of the Mammals of Tibet. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soe. XL, 1842, pp. 275- 288. 82. On the Civet of the continent of India, Viverra orientalis (liodic melanurus). Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 47- 56. . 83. On a new species of Prionodon (P. pardicolor). Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 57-60. 84. New species of Rhizornys discovered in Nepal (R. baclius, Bay Bamboo Rat). Cal- cutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 60-61, 410-411. • 85. European notices of Indian canines, with further illustrations of the new genus Cuon vel Chrysa;us. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 205-209. VOL. III. Hodgson, Bryan Iloiigliton. 86. On a new species of Mustela ? known to the Ncpalese commerce as the Chuakhal Mustela ? Calotus, Nobis. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 221-223. 87. Appendix to account of Cuon pri- mevus, the Wild Dog, or Buansu. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 412-414. 88. Description of a new genus of Fal- conidas (Aquila pernigra). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XII., 1843, pp. 127-128. 89. Catalogue of Nepalese Birds. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XII., 1843, pp. 301-313, 447-450. 90. Notice of two Marmots found in Tibet [Arctomys Himalayanus of catalogue (potius Tibetensis), hodie mild, and A. Hema- chalamis]. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XII., 1843, pp. 409-414. 91. On a new species of Cervus (C. dimorphe). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XII., 1843, pp. 889-898. 92. Summary description of two new species of Flying Squirrel (Sciuropterus chryso- trix, Sc. senex). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIII., 1844, pp. 67-68. • 93. On the Leiotrichane Birds of the Sub- Himalayas, with some additions and annotations: a Synopsis of the Indian Pari, and of the Indian Fringillidrc, by E. BLYTH. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIII., 1844 (pt. 2), pp. 933- 963. 94. On the Rats, Mice, and Shrews of the central region of Nepal. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 266-270. 95. Characters of six new species of Nepalese Birds. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 326-327. 96. On Nepalese Birds. Zool. Soc. Proc. XIIL, 1845, pp. 22-38. 97. Description of a new species of Tibetan Antelope (Procapra picticaudata). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XV., 1846, pp. 334- 343. 98. On a new form of the Hog kind or Suidrc (Porcula salvauia, Pigmy Hog). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 423-427. 99. On the Pigmy Hog of the Saul Forest. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 593-594. 100. Oil the Hispid Hare of the Saul Forest (Lepus hispidus, Pears., Caprolagus hispidus, nii/th). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Sue. XVI., 1847, pp. 572-577. 101. Various genera of the Ruminant?. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 685-711. 3 B HOD] 378 [HOD Hodgson, Bryan Hovghton. 102. On the Tibetan Badger (Taxidia leucurus). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 763-771. 103. On a new species of Porcupine (Hystrix alophus). Bengal, Jourii. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 771-774. 1O4. On the Charj or Otis Bengalensis. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 883-889. 1O5. The slaty-blue Megadernie (M. schis- tacea). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 889-894. 106. On a new species of Plecotus (PL homochrous). Bengal, Jouru. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 894-896. 107. On the tame Sheep and Goats of the Sub-Himalayas and of Tibet. Bengal, Jouru. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 1003-1026. 108. On the Cat-toed Subplantigrades of the Sub-Himalayas. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 1113-1129. 1O9. On the aborigines of the Sub- Himalayas. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 1235-1244 ; XVII., 1848, pp. 73-78. 110. Description of the Wild Ass (Asi- nus polyodon) and Wolf of Tibet (Lupus lauiger). Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. VII., 1847, pp. 469-477. 111. On a new genus and species of Suids (Porcula salvania), and a new species of Taxidia (T. leucurus). Zool. Soc. Proc. XV., 1847, pp. 115-116. 112. Anatomy of Ailurus, Porcula, and Stylocerus. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVEL, 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 475-487, 573-575. 113. The Aborigines of Central India. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVII., 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 550-558. 114. Memorandum relative to the seven Cosis of Nepal. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVII., 1848 (pt. 2). pp. 646-649. 115. On the Chepang and Kusunda tribes of Nepal. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVII., 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 650-658. 116. Observations on the manners and structure of Prionodon pardicolor. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1848, pp. 40-45. 117. On a new genus of Insessorial Birds (Merva). Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1848, pp. 45-48. 118. On the Four-horned Antelopes of India. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1848, pp. 87-94. 119. On the Buzzards of the Himalaya and of Tibet. Calcutta, Jouru. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1848, pp. 94-97. 12O. Note ou the Kiang. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist, VIII., 1848, pp. 98-100. Hodgson, Bri/an Houghton. 121. A brief note on Indian Ethnology. Bengal, Jouru. Asiat. Soc. XVIII., 1849, pp. 238-246. 122. Aborigines of Southern India. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVIII., 1849, pp. 350-359. 123. The Polecat of Tibet, n. sp. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVIII., 1849, pp. 446-450. 124. Aborigines of North-Eastern India. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVIIL, 1849, pp. 451-460. — 125. On the physical geography of the Himalayas. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVIII., 1849, pp. 761-788. — 126. On the aborigines of the Eastern frontier. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVIII., 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 967-976. 127. On the Takin (Budorcas taxicolor), of the Eastern Himalaya. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIX., 1850, pp. 65-75. 128. Aborigines of the North-Eastern frontier. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIX.. 1850, pp. 309-317. 129. Aborigines of the South. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIX., 1850, pp. 461-466. — 13O. On the Shou or Tibetan Stag (Cer- vus Tibetauus). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIX., 1850, pp. 466-469, 518-520. 131. On the Shou or Tibetan Stag (C. affinis, Mifii). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XX., 1851, pp. 388-394. 132. On the Mongolian affinities of the Caucasians. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXII., 1853, pp. 26-76. 133. Catalogue of Nepalese Birds. Ben- gal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXIV., 1855, pp. 572- 582. 134. On the geographical distribution of the Mammalia and Birds of the Himalaya. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIII., 1855, pp. 124-128. . 135. Aborigines of the Neilgherries. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXV., 1856, pp. 31-38, 498-522. 136. Aborigines of the Eastern Ghauts. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXV., 1856, pp. 39-52. 137. On a new Perdicine bird (Sacpha Hodgsonias) from Tibet. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXV., 1856, pp. 165-166. 138. Route of two Nepalese Embassies to Pekin, with remarks on the water-shed and platean of Tibet. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXV., 1856, pp. 473-497. 139. On a new species of Lagomys (L. Curzouiaj), and a new Mustela (M. tenion) in- habiting the north of Sikkim and the proximate parts of Tibet. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXVI., 1857, pp. 207-208 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1858, p. 80. HODJ 379 [HOD Hodgson, Bryan Ifougliton. 140. Description of a new species of Himalayan mole (Talpa ma- crura). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXVIL, 1858, p. 176 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, p. 494. Hodgson, Bryan Houghton, and R. W. G. Frith. Notes on certain species of Silkworms indigenous to India, India, Agric. Soc. Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 167-181. Hodgson, Bryan Ifoi/r/hton, and A. S. Waugh. Papers relating to the Himalaya and Mount Everest. Geogr. Soc. Proc. I., 1857, pp. 345- 351. Hodgson, C. On improvements in the manu- facture of Peat Fuel. Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 161-163,209-211. Hodgson, (Miss) E. On a deposit containing Diatomacete, Leaves, &c., in the Iron-ore Mines near Ulverstone. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1863, pp. 19-31. Hodgson, John. A method of correcting the variation of the Mariner's Compass. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIX., 1812, pp. 370-373. 2. Letter to Sir Humphry DAVY respect- ing the use of the Safety-Lamp. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1816, pp. 131-135. Hodgson, John Anthony. Journal of a survey to the heads of the Rivers Ganges and Jumna. Asiatick Researches, XIV., 1822, pp. 60-152 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1822, pp. 31-52, 99- 117. 2. Latitudes of places in Hindostan, and the Northern Mountains ; with observations of longitude in the mountains, according to immer- sions and emersions of Jupiter's Satellites. Asiatick Researches, XIV,, 1822, pp. 153-179. 3. Journey to the source of the Jumna and of the Snow Excavations at Jumnotre, formed by the steam of hot springs. Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 7-19. 4. Journey to the head of the Ganges. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VIII., 1823, pp. 231-245. 5. Observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, made at Futty Ghur, on the Ganges (N. Lat. 27° 21' 35"). in 1824-25. Astron. Soc. Mem. II., 1826, pp. 439-441. 6. On the longitudes of Calcutta, Madras, and Futty Ghur, as determined by lunar trans- its and eclipses of Jupiter's first satellite. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. I., 1827-30, pp. 96-98. 7. Observations taken at Calcutta in the year 1822. — 1. Transit of Mercury over the Sun's disc on 4th November 1822. 2. Occul- tations of Stars by the Moon. 3. Extract of a letter relative to the mode adopted for determin- ing the times of observations of Jupiter's Satel- lites, recorded at p. 440, vol. II. Astron. Soc. Mem. [1827.] Astron. Soc. Mem. III., 1829, pp. 109-112. Hodgson, John Anthony. 8. Register of certain observations of the eclipses of the Satellites of Jupiter, made in Hindostan and in the Burmese Dominions, between 18th July 1795 and llth April 1827. Astron. Soc. Mem. IU., 1829, pp. 344-357. 9. Observations of transits of the Moon and Moon-culminating Stars at Chouringhy, Calcutta, from 18th November 1826 to 20th March 1827. Astrou. Soc. Mem. HI., 1829, pp. 358-367. — — 1O. Observations on the inclination and declination of the Magnetic Needle. Asiatick Researches, XVTIL, 1833 (pt. 2), pp. 1-12. 11. On the Solar Eclipse of the loth May 1836. Astron. Soc. Mem. X., 1838, pp. 347- 352. 12. Memorandum on the differences of the Meridian of the Observatory at Madras and the Flag-staff of Fort William and of the Canton- ment of Futty Ghur in the Doab. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IX., 1840, pp. 75-89. Hodgson, John Anthony, and J. D. Herbert. An account of trigonometrical and astronomical operations for determining the heights and positions of the principal peaks of the Himalaya mountains, situated between the latitudes of 31° 53' 10" and 30° 18' 30" N. and the longi- tudes of 77° 34' 4" and 79° 57' 22" E. Asiatick Researches, XIV., 1822, pp. 187-369 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 312-313 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 205-208. • 2. Observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, taken at Chouringhy in the years 1821, 1822, and 1823. Astron. Soc. Mem. II., 1826, pp. 288-289. Hodgson, R. Self-luminous spot in the Moon. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, p. 55. 2. Description of an eye-piece for observ- ing the Sun. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, p. 45. 3. Passage of D'ARREST'S Comet over a fixed star. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, p. 171. 4. On a curious appearance seen in the Sun. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1860, pp. 16-20. 5. On the brilliant eruption of the Sun's Surface, 1st September 1859. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), p. 36. 6. On a Solar spot. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXII., 1862, pp. 299-300. Hodgson, William. On the bitter principle of Podophyllum peltatum. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Journ. III., 1832, pp. 273-275. 3 B 2 HOD] 380 [HOE Hodgson, JJ'illiam. Description of the Chroiio- scope, an instrument proposed for finding the time by observation. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL VI II., 1850, pp. 269-272. 2. On certain new applications of prisms. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIL, 1852, pp. 137- 141. 3. On defining the position and measuring the magnitude of microscopic objects. Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 209-212. Hodgson, William B. Notice snr le trace geographique d'unc partie de 1'Afrique septen- trionalc. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. II., 1834, pp. 81-115, 145-174. Hoek, ran der, en G. B. Cornelisse. Twee gevallen van hijpospadie, \vaargenomen in der gevangenis voor veroordeelde vrouwen te Gouda. Utrecht, KLiniek, II., 1846, pp. 201- 223. Hoek, Martinus. Bahnbestimmung des von Herrn BRUIIN 12 Nov. 1855 entdeckten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XLIV., 1856, col. 33- 38. 2. Bahubestimmung des Cometen vom Jahre 1856. Astr. Nachr. XLIV., 1856, col. 329-334. 3. Ueber die augebliche Identitiit der Co- meten von 1556, 1264 und 975. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 49-54. 4. Bemerkungen iiber die Bahnbestimm- ungen des Cometen von 1264. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 337-342. 5. Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte zu Leiden. Astr. Nachr. XLVL, 1857, col. 251- 254, 259-268. 6. Beobachtungen von kleiuen Planeten auf der Sternwarte zu Leiden. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 263-272, 273-280 ; XLVIIL, 1858, col. 165-172. 7. Bahnbestimmung der Proserpina. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 171-174. 8. Beobachtungen von Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 177-182. 9. Micrometer-Beobaehtungen zu Lei- den. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 155-160, 167- 176. 1O. Beobachtuiigen von kleinen Plaueten. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 91-96. 11. Ephemeride der Proserpina. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 107-108. . 12. Beobachtuiigen des Cometen III., 1860. Astr. Nachr. LIII., 1860, col. 299-300 ; LIV., 1860, col. 129-132. 13. Beriehtigung zum " Twelve - Years Catalogue " und zum " Greenwich Catalogue of 1576 stars, reduced to the Epoch 1850.0." Astr. Nachr. LIII., 1860, col. 305-308. Hoek, Martimts. 14. Ephemeride fur die Oppo- sition der Proserpina. Astr. Nachr. LIV., 1860, col. 317-320. • 15. Ueber die Berechnung des Brechungs- quotienten, welcher einem gegebeneu Gemische zweier Fliissigkeiten entspricht. Poggend. An- nal. CXIL, 1861, pp. 347-350. 16. Ueber die Bestimmuug der Biegung bei Meridian-Instrumenteu. Astr. Nachr. LVL, 1862, col. 301-304, 323-326. 17. Ueber den Catalog von zerstreuten Sternpositionen. Astr. Nachr. LXL, 1863, col. 121-124. Hoeven, G. G. van der, De bruggen over de Weichsel bij Dirschau en over de Nogat bij Ma- rienburg. Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Verhand. 1856-57, pp. 29-40. Hoeven, Jan van der. Cornmentatio ad quass- tiononi botanicam, qua quseritur coucinna expo- sitio eorum, qua? de foliorum plantarura ortu, situ, fabrica et functioue innotuerunt. Leijden, Annal. Acad. 1819-20. 2. Responsum ad quaastioneui ab ordine Medicorum propositam : — " Qureritur brevis et distincta expositio fabrica; et functionis organ! auditus in Homine, recentiorum etiam anatomi- corum observationibus, et anatome comparata ita illustrata, ut ex hisce pateat, quffinani sit hujus organ! pars ad audiendum ruaxime uecessaria, et qua in re illud preestantius in Homiue, quam in Brutis sit censeudum." Utrecht, Ann. Acad. 1820-21. 3. Mernoire sur le genre Ornithorhyuque. Aead. Caas. Leop. Nova Acta, XL, 1823, pp. 351-371 ; XII., 1825, pp. 869-872. 4. Over het kenmerk van het getal der geledingen van den Tarsus bij de Insekteu. Oken, Isis, 1824 (Lite. Anz.\ col. 222-224. 5. Disputatio de causarum finalium doc- trina, ejusque in zoologia usu. [1822.] Utrecht, Nieuwe Verbandl. III., 1824. 6. Systeinatische Besehrijving van eenige Insekten van Noord-Nederland. Hall, Bijdra- gen, L, 1826, pp. 333-352, 431-449. • 7. Over het Vleugelhaakje bij de Avond- eu Nachtvliuders (Lepidoptera crepuscularia et uocturna). Hall, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 273- 284. 8. Jets over de spoor van der Ornitho- rhynchus. Hall, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 503- 504. — 9. Jets over de vermenigvuldiging der Armpolypeu ( Hydra'). Hall, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 551-555. 10. vSur un nouveau caractere pour dia- tinguer les Libellules et les ^Eshnes. ( Transl.) Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 423-427. HOE] 381 [HOE Hoeven, Jan van der. 11. Bemerkung iiber BOJANUS'S Darstellung des Athmens der Ace- phaleu. Meckel, Archiv, 1828, p. 502. 12. Het trommelvlies van Jen Bradypus tridactylus van buiten bol. Hall, Bijdragen, V., 1830, pp. 93-94. 13. Aanteekeningen over het inwendig maaksel des Veemnols (Gryllotalpa vulgaris). Hall, Bijdragen, V., 1830, pp. 94-102. 14. Over de Chinchilla (Mus laniger, Molina). Hall, Bijdragen, VI., 1831, pp. 105- 118; Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, II., 1835 (pte. 2), pp. 159-160. 15. Kleiue ichthyologische aanteekeningen. Hall, Bijdragen, VI., 1831, pp. 338-340. 16. Eenige aanteekeningen over de ken- O merken van het geslacht Bombinator, Men-cm, en over de soorten, die daartoe beliooren. Hall, Bijdragen, VII., 1832, pp. 77-82. 17. Ueber die Durobkreuzung der Sehner- ven beim Kabliau. Meckel, Archiv, 1832, pp. 412-413. 18. Bijdragen tot de natuurlijke geschie- denis van den Mensch. — Algemeene aanmerk- ingen over het onderwerp der natuurlijke geschiedenis van bet menschelijk geslacht. en over de rigting, die men op dit veld van onder- zoek thans vooral moet. Hoeveu en Vriese, Tijdschrift, 1., 1834, pp. 86-97; Froriep, Noti- zen. XLIV., 1835, col. 193-199, 212-218. 19. Over de hoofdstammen van het men- schelijk geslacht. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, I., 1834, pp. 247-262. 20. Berigt over de uitbreiding der naluur- O * cj lijke geschiedenis en ontleedkuude der Diereii in het jaar 1832. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, I., 1834 (B.), pp. 1-86. 21. Berigt van eenige miueralogische en geologische geschriften over het jaar 1833. Hoeveu en Vriese, Tijdschrift, I., 1834 (B.), pp. 199-207. . 22. Aanteekeningen over den Negerstam in het algemeen, benevens eeuige afmetiugen van het beenig hoofd bij denzelven. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, II., 1835, pp. 356-371. 23. Berigt over de uitbreiding der natuur- lijke geschiedenis en ontleedkunde der Dieren in het jaar 1833. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, II., 1835 (B), pp. 1-144. 24. Jets over het onderscheid tusschen de kiezeu der boven- en onderkaak bij de olifanten. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, III., 1836, pp. 53-58. 25. Over de geographische verbreidiug van den JEthiopischen menschenstam. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, III., 1836, pp. 89-114 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLVIL, 1836, col. 193-201. Hoeven, Jan van der. 26. Jets over Sinezen en Japanners als voorbeelden van den Mon- goolscheu menschenstam. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, III., 1836, pp. 143-161. 27. Nieuwe bijdragen tot de kennis van het. Vogelbekdier (OrnithorhynchuB paracloxus), overgenomen uit de Transactions of the Zoolog- ical Society, I., Part 3, London, 1 835. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, III., 1836, pp. 227-289. 28. Essai sur les dimensions de la tete osseuse, considerees dans leur rapport avec 1'histoire uaturelle du genre humain. Ann. Sri. Nat. VIII. (Zool.), 1837, pp. 116-124. 29. Berichtigung einer Stelle in der An- zeige des Aufsatzes von Milne EDWARDS, iiber die Farbeuveranderung des Chamaleons. Wieg- rnaun, Archiv, III., 1837, pp. 229-230. . 30. Over de afmetingen van het beenig hoofd bij Europeaneu. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, IV., 1837-38, pp. 262-265 ; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1837, col. 145-151, 161-168. 31. Beschouwiug van eenen Kafferschedel. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, IV., 1837-38, pp. 266-270; Miquel, Bull. 1838, pp. 143-144. 32. Jets over den grooten zoogenoeinden Salamander van Japan (Cryptobranehus Japoni- cus). Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, IV., 1837- 38, pp. 375-386 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Zool.), 1839, pp. 63-65 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1840, col. 86-87 ; Miquel, Bull. 1838, pp. 90-91 ; Zool. Soc. Proc. VI., 1838, p. 25. 33. Over Lepidosiren paradoxa, een nieuw geslacht van reptilia. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijd- schrift, IV., 1837-3S, pp. 407-408. 34. Notice sur le genre Limulus et les especes qui y appartiennent. ( Transl.) Miquel, Bull. 1838, pp. 60-61, 136. 35. Einige Worte iiber die Gattung Liniu- lus. Wiegmann, Archiv, IV., 1838, pp. 334- 336. 36. Eenige denkbeelden over de waarde der Dierkuude en over de regte wijze om haar te beoefenen. Hoeveu en Vriese, Tijdschrift, V., 1838-39, pp. 88-113. 37. Over het getal der Luchtgaten (stig- mata) bij Scolopeudra. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, V., 1838-39, pp. 332-337 ; Miquel, Bull. 1839, pp. 185-188. 38. Beschrijving van Buprestis Daleni, n. sp., Papilio Payeni, fioisdttr., en Colias Ver- huelli, n. sp. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, V., 1838-39, pp. 338-343 ; Miquel, Bull. 1839, pp. 119-120. 39. Anuotatioues de quibusdani mamma- lium generibus. [1837.] Acad. Cxs. Leop. Nova Acta, XIX., 1839, pp. 169-186. 40. Spheniscus ferium cquinum. Mag. de Zool. 1839 (Ltsectes), pi. 4. HOE] 582 [HOE Hoe ven, Jan van der. 41. Over het hart der Krokodillen en de geschiedenis onzer kennis van hetzelve. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VI., 1839, pp. 151-167. 42. Bulla albocincta, n. sp. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VI., 1839, pp. 245-247; Miquel, Bull. 1839, pp. 463-465. 43. Nadere aauteekeuingen over den Negerstam. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VI., 1839, pp. 248-256. 44. Waarnemingen omtrent een schadelijk insekt op Pinus larix, uit brieven van den Heer A. BRANTS. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VI., 1839, pp. 321-326. 45. Nader berigt over Lepidosireu. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VI., 1839 (B.\ pp. 61- 62. 46. Eenigegeschiedkundige aanteekeningeii betreffende vlinders met rupsenkoppen. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijilschrift, VII., 1840, pp. 271-275. 47. Beschrijving eeniger nieuwe of weinig bekende nitlaudsche soorten van Lepidoptera. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VH., 1840, pp. 276-283. 48. Fragments zoologiques sur les Batra- ciens. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1840. 49. Note sur les globules sanguins du Cryptobranchus Japouicus. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (ZooL), 1841, pp. 251-253. 50. Groote blocdschijfjes bij Cryptobran- chus Japouicus : eene bijdrage tot de vroegere mededeelingen over dit dier. Hoeven eu Vriese, Tijdschrift, VIII., 1841, pp. 270-272. 51. Over de soorten van het geslacht Li- rnulus. Hoeven en Vriese, Tidjschrift, VIII., 1841, pp. 273-276. 52. Eenige aanteekeningen over het ge- slacht Stenops, llligcr, en de daartoe behoorende soorten. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VHL. 1841, pp. 337-348. 53. Verzameling van berigten over Amphi- oxus lanceolatus, eene vischsoort uit de orde der Cyclostomata. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VHL, 1841 (B.\ pp. 73-93. 54. Ueber die zellige Schwiminblase des Lepisosteus. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 221-223. 55. Bijdragen tot de kennis van het ge- slacht Phrynus, Oliv, Hoeven en Vriese, Tijd- schrift, IX., 1842, pp. 68-93. 56. Mededeeling over kleine vischjes, waarschijnlijk jongen van Esox Belone, L., door Prof. BEEN, bij Kiel in de Oostzee ont- dekt. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, X., 1843, pp. l-ll. 57. Jets over Phrynus variegatus, en over de zamengestelde oogen bij het geslacht Limulus. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, X., 1843, pp. 94-96. Hoeven, Jan van der. 58. Twee Entomologische bijdragen. [Het zenuwstelsel van Telyphouus, en eene monstrositeit door verdubbeling bij Cara- bus auratus.] Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, X., 1843, pp. 369-372. 59. Bijdrageu tot de kennis van de Lemu- ridie of Prosimii. Hoeven en Vreise, Tijd- schrift, XI., 1843, pp. 1-48. 6O. Ueber die Schadel Slavouischer Volker. Miiller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 433-435. 61. Over de den Indischen Archipel eigene soorten van Stenops. Batavia, Natuur. Archief, II., 1845, pp. 78-81. 62. Beschrijving van eenige nieuwe of weinig bekende uitlandsche soorten van Lepi- doptera (Nymphalis [Aterica] Edwardsii, Plusia Duverneyi, Noctua dotata). Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, XII., 1845, pp. 251-256. 63. On the structure of Nautilus pom- pilius. Brit. Assoc. Hep. 1847 (p(. 2), pp. 77- 78. 64. Eenige afwijkingen in den vorni van het hoofd, waargenomen bij een mannelijk voor- werp van Nautilus pompilius. Amsterdam, Tijdschr. v. Wis. en Nat. Wetens. I., 1848, pp. 67-73. 65. Ueber das Nabelschnurgeriiusch. Eoser u. Wundcrlich, Archiv, VII., 1848, pp. 513-515. 66. Over den schedel van den Kaffer en van den Hottentot. Amsterdam, Tijdschr. v. Wis. en Nat. Wetens. II., 1849, pp. 48-60. 67. On the genus Perodicticus, Bc/u/r/f, and its relation to Steuops. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), p. 125. 68. Contributions to the knowledge of the animal of Nautilus pompilius. Zool. Soc. Proc. XVIIL, 1850, pp. 1-9; Zool. Soc. Trans. IV., 1850, pp. 21-29. 69. Bijdrage tot de kennis van den Potto (Pterodicticus ?) van BOSNIAN. Amsterdam, Ver- hand. IV., 1851, pp. 1-12. 70. Beschrijving van twee schedels van Guajiro's. Amsterdam, Tidjschr. v. Wis. en Nat. Wetens. V., 1852, pp. 36-41. 71. Over het geslacht Icticyon, Lund, (Cynalicus, Gray). Amsterdam, Verhand. HI., 1856. 72. Bijdragen tot de ontleedkundige keu- nis aangande Nautilus pompilius, L., vooral met betrekking tot het mannelijke dier. Amster- dam, Verhand. HI., 1856; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Zool.), 1856, pp. 291-314; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 58-74 ; Wiegmann, Archiv, I., 1857, pp. 79-103. 73. Over Cecrops en Lasmargus, twee ge- slachteu van parasitische schaaklieren. Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. L, 1858, pp. 67-87. HOE] 383 [HOF Hoeven, Jan van der. 74. Jets over den Pithe- cheir Melanure, F, Cuvicr. Amsterdam, Ver- slag. Akail. IX., 1859, pp. 50-52 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 470-471. 75. Beschrijving van drie merkwaardige menschelijke schedels uit het Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie te Leiden : [Schedels van Oenalaschka en uit oude graven in Ken- tucky.] Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IX., 1859, pp. 290-306. 76. Quelques mots sur le cri que fait en- tendre le Sphinx ( Acheroutia) atropos. Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. II., 1859, pp. 117-122. 77. On the anatomy of Stenops Potto (Perodicticus Geoffroyi, Bennett). Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 134-136. 78. Observations on the Teredo navalis, and the mischief caused by it in Holland. Brit. Assoc. Eep. I860 (pt, 2), p. 136. 79. Jets over den Acaruseruditus, Schrank. Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. III., I860, pp. 158- 165. 80. Beschrijving van eeuen Magyaren- en van eenen Esthlander-schedel. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XII., 1861, pp. 83-94. 81. Beschreibung zweier, in folge vorzei- tiger Synostose der Schadelnahte verunstalteter menschlicher Schadel. [1861.] Acad. Ca3s. Leop. Nova Acta, XXIX., 1862. 82. Eenige aanteekeningen over Martinus SLABBER'S " Natuurkundige Verlustigiugen." benevens opgave der systematische namen van de daarin afgebeelde diersoorten. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIV., 1862, pp. 270-285. 83. Ueber Form-Abweichuugen und Vari- anten der Nasenbeine. Siehold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. XL, 1862, pp. 138-141. 84. Over een kleiu Hemipterum, dat op de bladen van verschillende soorten van Acer ge- vonden wordt. Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. VI., 1863, pp. 1-7. Hoeven, Jan van der, Goddard, Q. J., en F. J. J. Schmidt. Aauteekeningen over de ana- tomie van den Cryptobranchus Japonicus. Haarlem, Nat. Verh. Maatsch. Wet. XIX., 1862. Hoeven, Jan van der, en W. Vrolik. Beschrij- ving en afbeelding van eenen te Pompeji opge- graven menschelijken schedel. Amsterdam, Verhand. VII., 1859. Hofacker, Ratio of the Births of Males and Females relative to the Age, &c., of the Parents. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, p. 439. Hofacker, G. Ueber das Natrium-Selenantimo- niat. Liebig, Annal. CVIL, 1858, pp. 6-21 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 444- 445. Hofacker, G., und Anton Geuther. Ueber die Einwirkuug des Chlors im Sonnenlichte auf die salzsauren Verbindungen einiger organischen Basen. Liebig, Annal. CVIIL, 1858, pp. 51- 55. Hof berg, H. Upgift pa nagra i ock omkriug Strengnas forekomman de siillsyntare Fauero- gamer. Liudblom, Botan. Not. 1842, pp. 76-78. 2. Forteckning p;l siillsyutare vexter funna omkriug Soderlelje. Liudblom, Botan. Not. 1843, pp. 134-136. 3. Tillagg vid upgifterna ofver Streugnas- traktens vegetation. Liudblom, Botau. Not. 1843, pp. 136-137. Hofer, . Ueber die geognostischen Ver- haltnisse des Kgl. Wiirtembergischen Oberamts Biberach. Deutsch. Naturf. Versarnml. Bericht, 1840, pp. 108-110. Hofer, Ferd. Observations et recherches ex- perimentales sur le platine considere coniine agent physiologique et therapeutique. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1841, pp. 213-216. 2. Chemical nomenclature and classifica- tion ; to which is added, an historical Lexicon of synonyms, including the ancient names, the formula?, the new names, the names of the authors, and the date of the discovery of the principal products of chemistry. Chemist, VII., 1846, pp. 385-393, 433-441, 481-489, 529- 536. 3. Sur la cause des tremblements de terre. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1184- 1186. 4. Des habitations lacustres de la Suisse. Cosmos, XXIII., 1863, pp. 308-312, 374-381, 404-409, 516-519. Hoff, K. E. A, von. Eiuleitung und Bemerk- ungen iiber das Studium und die Behaudlungs- art der Miueralogie als Wissenschaft, nebst einer kurzen Uebersicht der wichtigsten neuern Fortschritte und des jetzigen Zustandes der- selben. Hoff, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 1-42. 2. Uebersicht und Priifung der wichtigsten Bemerkuugen von FATJJAS DE ST. FOND, iiber Gegeustiinde der Mineralogie in England, Schottland und den Hebriden. Hoff, Maga- zin, I., 1801, pp. 43-70. 3. Ueber eine merkwiirdige Krystallisa- tion des schwarzen Stangenscho'rLs. Hoff, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 70-75. 4. Ueber die Oruitholithen. Hoff, Maga- zin, I., 1801, pp. 283-302. 5. Bemerkungen iiber das, was neuerlich in Frankreich zur Aufkliiruug der Natur- geschichte des Basaltes geschehen ist. Voigt, Magazin, XL, 1806, pp. 3-36. 6. Einige Bcmcrkungeu iiber eine iu der Havel entstandene Insel. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. I., 1807, pp. 233-240. HOP] 384 [HOF Hoff, A*. E. A. von. 7. Mineralogische Be- schreibung des Sceberges bei Gotha. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, I., 1807, pp. 12.5-161. 8. Etwas iiber das Vorkommen des altern Flotzkalksteins an dem no'rdlichen Fusse des Thiiringer Waldgebirgs. Leonhard, Taschen- buch, IV., 1810, pp. 97-131. 9. Beobachtungen iiber die Verhaltnisse des Basaltes an einigen Bergen vou Hessen und Thiiringen. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811. pp. 347-362; Annal. des Mines, II., 1817, pp. 361-368. 10. Uebcr gecgnostisch - geographische Mineraliensammlungen. Leonhard, Taschen- buch, VI., 1812, pp. 342-353. 11. Dc-ber BI.UMENBACH'S Beschreibung der Gebirgsart Salcette und Elephanta. Leon- hard, Taschenbuch, VI., 1812, pp. 353-356. 12. Hohenbestimmungen verschiedener Punkte in Tliiiringen durch correspondirendc Barometer-Stande. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXV., 1812, pp. 255-264. 13. Beschreibung des Thonschiefer- und Gramvackengebirgs iin Thiiringer- und Frauk- enwalde, nebst einigen Bemerkungen in Bet.rcff der Uebergangs-Formation iiberliaupt. Leon- hard, Taschenbuch, VII., 1813, pp. 135-187. 14. Beschreibung des Triimmergebirgs und des altern Flotzgebirgs, welche den Thur- inger Wald umgeben. Leonhard, Taschen- buch, VIII., 1814, pp. 319-438. 15. Geognostische Uebersicht des Thur- inger Waldes. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, IX., 1815, pp. 485-509 ; Annal. des Mines, II., 1817, pp. 347-360. 16. Merkwurdiges Vorkommeu des Ba- saltes in der Gegend von Eisenach. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XV., 1821, pp. 169-174. 17. Bemerkungen iiber eine angeblich alte historische Nachricht von feuerspeienden Berg- en in Frankreich. Moll, Neue Jahrbiich. IV., 1821, pp. 183-193 ; Zach, Corresp. VI., 1822, pp. 31-42. 18. Lettre sur une parhelie tres-remarqua- ble. Zach, Corresp. X., 1824, pp. 533-538. 19. Betnerkuugen iiber Karlsbad. Kast- ner, Archiv Naturl. VI., 1825, pp. 103-144. 2O. "YVechselnde Luf'tbeschaft'enheit wahr- - end des Hohenrauch's im Mai dieses Jahres. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VIII., 1826, pp. 238- 242. 21. Ueber die Natur des Hohenrauch's. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VIII., 1826, pp. 351- 382; XL, 1827, pp. 438-451. 22. Geognostische Wahrnehmungen iiber Karlsbad. Leonhard, Zeitschrif't, I., 1826, pp. 158-167. Hoff, A". E. A. von, 23. Verzeichniss von Erd- beben, vulcanischen Ausbriichen und merkwiird- igen meteorischen Erscheiuungen seit deni Jahre 1821. Poggend. Annal. VII., 1826, pp. 159- 170. 289-304 ; IX., 1827, pp. 589-600; XII., 1828, pp. 555-584; XV., 1829, pp. 363- 383 ; XVIIL, 1830, pp. 38-56 ; XXL, 1831, pp. 202-218 ; XXV., 1832, pp. 59-90 ; XXIX., 1833, pp. 415-446, 447-451 ; XXXIV., 1835, pp. 85-108. 24. LTeber einen angeblichen Meteor- steinfall. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XV., 1828, pp. 48-50. • 25. Barometrische Hb'hen-Messung einiger Orte und Berge zwischen Gotha und Coburg. Kastner, Archiv Natur]. XV., 1828, pp. 51-80. 26. Nachrichten iiber den Gang der Wit- terung zu Gotha u. s. w. wahrend des Jahres 1828. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XV., 1828, pp. 401-428. 27. Auffindung des Steinsalzes bei Gotha. Leonhard, Zeitschril't, 1828, pp. 829-835. • 28. Wahruehmung von Nebensonnen, Nebenmonden und Halos zu Gotha, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber solche Erscheiu- ungen iiberliaupt. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XVI., 1829, pp. 57-64. 29. Nachtrag zu den Bemerkungen iiber Nebensonnen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XVII., 1829, pp. 473-481. 3O. Ueber Hohenmessungen in Thiiringen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XVIIL, 1829, pp. 401-434. 31. Fragmentarische Bemerkungen iiber die geognostische Beschaffenheit der Gegend um Coburg. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1829, pp. 1-28. 32. Nnchrichten iiber den Gang der Wit- terung zu Gotha wahrend des Jahres 1829. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, I., 1830, pp. 129-175. 33. Nachrichten iiber den Gang der Wit- terung zu Gotha wiihrend des Jahres 1830. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, II., 1830, pp. 321-366. - — 34. Das Nadelohr im Thale der Werra und Einiges iiber Thal-Bildung. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1830, pp. 421-441. 35. Neue Beitriige zu CHLADNI'S Verzeich- nissen von Feuermeteoreu und herabgefallenen Massen. Poggeud. Annal. XVIIL, 1830, pp. 174-197. 36. Noeh einisje Nachrichten iiber Meteor- steine. Poggend. Annal. XVIIL, 1830, pp. 315-318. 37. Der See bei Salzungen und Einiges von Erderschiitterungen in Thiirinsren. Pog- gend. Annal. XIX.. f830, pp. 449-474. 38. Das Nordlicht vorn 7 Januar, beo- bachtet zu Gotha. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, III., 1831, pp. 48-49. HOP] 385 [HOP Hoff, A". E. A. ron. 39. Nachriehten iibcrden Gang derWitterungzu Gotha wiihrend des Jahres 1831. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, V., 1832, pp. 1-24. 4O. Neue Beitriige zu CHLADNI'S Verzeich- nissen von Feuermeteoren und herabgefallcnen Massen. Poggend. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 221-224. 41. Hohenmessungen und Bestimmungen einiger mittlerer Luftwurinen in und um Thiir- ingen. Kastuer, Archiv Cheraie, VII., 1833, pp. 291-294. 42. Bemcrkungen iiber den Ursprnng der Meteorsteine besonders in Bezielnuig anf den Aufsatz von BERZELIUS in diesen Annakn. Poggend. Annal. XXXVI., 1835, pp. 161-186 ; Ed'inb. New Phil. Journ. XXII., 1837, pp. 285- 304; Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IX., 1837, pp. 419-432. • 43. Neue Beitriige zu CHLADNI'S Verzeich- nissen von Feuermeteoren und herabgefallenen Massen. Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 339-360. 44. Zur Geschichte der Sternsehnuppen. Poggend. Annal. XXXVI., 1835, pp. SIS- SIS. Hoff, K. E. A. von, et Jacobi. Description geo- logique et mineralogique du Thiiriiiger-Wald. (Transl.) Jouru. de Phys. LXXVII., 1813, pp. 17-33. Hoff, A". E. A. von, und Eries. Beschreibung und Zeichnung eines zu Gotha beobachteten aus- gezeichnet schouen Meteors. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. 209-218. Hoff, Tli. Om Tinstenens Forekomst ved Ivi- ka3t veil Arsut Fjord i Syd-Gronland. Kjo'ben- havn, Vidensk. Meddel. 1854, pp. 201-204. Hoffa, M., und C. Iiudwig. Einige neue Ver- suche iiber Herzbewegung. Heule und Pfeufer, Zeitsehrift, IX., 1850, pp. 107-144. Hoffbauer, . Ueber den Begriff des Lebens, und der Gesundheit und Krankheit, als Zu- sttinde desselben. Eeil, Archiv, III., 1799, pp. 465-476. Hoffer, Johann. Ueber das Magnetisiren luif- eisenfb'rmiger und gerader Stahlstangen. Baumgartner, Zeitsehrift, II., 1833, pp. 197- 212, 360-373 ; III., 1835, pp. 193-212. 2. Ueber KAPELLER'S Barometer. Haid- inger, Bericht, IV., 1848, pp. 299-300. Hofflmayr, , und J. G. Crentele. Darstell- ung des Cyaneisenkaliums im Grossen. Liebig, Annal. XXHI., 1837, pp. 160-168. Hoffmann, . Untersuchung des genieinen Kornbranntweins'in Riicksicht fines vermeinten Metallgehalts. Tromnisdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1798, pp. 79-85. Hoffmann, . Abhandlung iiber die Gattung Aster. Romer, Archiv, II., 1799-1801, pp. 295-317. VOL. III. Beschreibung ciner sehr ver- besserten Einrichtung der elektrischen Lampe. Wetterau. Gesell. Aunal. I., 1809, pp. 299-312; II., 1810, pp. 134-137. Hoffmann, . Zu niiheren Kenntniss der Bienen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. III., 1824, pp. 397-403. Hoffmann, . Genaue Bestimmung der Hohe des Barometer-Niveaus auf der Konig- lichen Universitiits-Sternwarte zu Breslau iiber dem Ostseespiegei bei Swinemiinde. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1843, p. 240. Hoffmann, . Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Mundwerkzeuge des Sphcerius acaroides, Weltl. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 194- 195 ; XVIII., 1857, pp. 409-414. Hoffmann, A. Einige vergleichende Betracht- ungen iiber den Milzbrand der Thiere und die Asiatische Cholera der Menschen. Busch, Teutsche Zeitschr. II., 1831 (Heft 4), pp. 89- 111. Hoffmann, C. Ueber Statuen- und Bild-Bronze. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 226-242. 2. Beschreibung der Tafelwage. Poggend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 317-320. Hoffmann, Carl. Eiue Excursion nach dem Vulcan de Cartago in Central-America. Bon- plandia, IV., 1856, pp. 27-34. 2. Eine Excursion nach dem Barha- Vulcan in Costa Rica. Bonplandia, VI., 1858, pp. 302- 320. Hoffmann, D. G. F. Merkwiirdige oder seltene Pflanzenarten aus dem botanischen Garten zu Gottingen. Hoffinann, Phytogr. Bliitt. I., 1803, pp. 65-101. 2. Satyrium epipogium, Lin. Hoffmann, Phytogr. Bliitt. I., 1803," pp. 110-116. 3. Equisetum pratense, Elirli. Hoffmann, Phytogr. Bliitt. I, 1803, pp. 117-121. Hoffmann, F. L. De Falcool de chiendent. Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1854, pp. 135-137. Hoffmann, Frederick. On Plica Polonica. [1793.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IV., 1796, pp. 324-329. Hoffmann, Frederick. On the detection of Phos- phorus. (Transl.) Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 50-51. Hoffmann, Fricdrich. Versuch einer systemat- ischen Auordnung der Gebirgsarten nach ihren naturgemiissen Verhiiltuissen uuter einander. Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 710-739. 2. Noch Einiges von dem gedicgenen Kup- fer und dem Kupferschiefer in Connecticut, und Vorkommen gediefencn Kupfers bei Helgoland. Gilbert, Annal. LXX., 1822, pp. 431-436. 3. Ueber das Torfraoor zu Linum. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, V., 1822, pp. 253-277. 3 c EOF] 386 [HOF Hoffmann, Friedrich. 4. Geognostisclie Bemerk- ungen iiber die Basalte der Gegeml des Meiss- ners und ihren vulcauischen Ursprung. Gilbert, Annal. LXXV., 1823, pp. 323-332. 5. Geognostisclie Beschreibung der Her- vorragungen des Flotzgebirges bei Liiueburg und bei Segeberg. Gilbert, Annal. LXXVL, 1824, pp. 33-72. 6. Ausfiillung der Blasenriiume im Hefelder Mandelsteine. Leonhard, Tascheubuch, II., 1825, pp. 490-494. 7. Ueber die geognostischen Verhiiltnisse des linken Weser-Ufers bis zum Teutoburger Walde. Poggend. Annal. III., 1825, pp. 1- 42. 8. Ueber die geognostischen Verhiiltnisse der Gegend von Ibbenbiihren und Osnabriick. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XII., 1826, pp. 264-336. 9. Untersuchungen iiber die Pflanzenreste des Kohlcn-Gebirges von Ibbeubiihreu, und von Piesberge bei Osnabriick. Karsten, Archiv, XIII., 1826, pp. 266-282 ; Leonhard, Zeit- schrift, 1827, pp. 168-169. 1O. Kupf'ersclriefer Gebirge im Nordwest- lichen Theile des Norddeutschen Flotzgebirges. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, L, 1826, pp. 530-541. 11. Ueber einige neu entdecktc geoguost- ische Erscheinungen in der Norddeutschen Ebene. Poggend. Anual. XII., 1828, pp. 109- 120. 12. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Vegeta- tion und die Fauna von Helgoland. [1824.] Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verhand. L, 1829, pp. 228-260 ; Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 443. 13. Ueber die allgemeinen geognostischen Verhaltnisse des nordwestlichen Deutschlaiids. Karsten, Archiv, L, 1829, pp. 115-154. 14. Bemerkungen iiber die gegenseitigen Verhaltnisse der vorweltlichen Flora. Pog- gend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 415-450; Boue, Journ. de Geol. I., 1830, pp. 172-189, 219- 246. 15. Ueber die Beschaffenheit des E6- niischen Bodens, nebst eiuigen allgemeinen Be- trachtungen iiber den geognostischeu Charakter Italiens. Poggend. Annal. XVI., 1829, pp. 1- 40 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 76-98. 16. Ueber das Verhalten der krystallin- ischen Gesteine zum Schiefergebirge am Harze, im Erz, und im Fichtelgebirge. Poggend. Annal. XVI., 1829, pp. 513-562. 17. Ueber Erhebungsthaler und deren Zusammenhang mit dem Ursprunge der Sauer- quellen. Poggeud. Annal. XVII., 1829, pp. 151-158; Boue, Journ. de Geol. L, 1830, pp. 159-166 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IX., 1830, pp. 349-354. Hoffmann, Friedrich. 18. [Ueber das Albaner Gebirge, deu Aetna, den Serapis-Tempel von Pozzuoli, uud die geognostichen Verhaltnisse der Umgegend von Catania.] Karsten, Archiv, III., 1831, pp. 361-412 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1832, pp. 370-378. • 19. Ueber die Knochen-fiihrende Grotte von Mardolce bei Palermo. Karsten, Archiv, IV., 1832, pp. 253-271. 2O. Verhaltnisse der in den letzten vierzig Jahreu zu Palermo beobachteten Erdstosse. Poggend. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 49-64. 21. Ueber die geognostische Beschaffenheit der Liparischeii Inseln. Poggend. Annal. XX VI., 1832, pp. 1-88; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 67-77 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1832-33, pp. 170-180. 22. Ueber Knochen-Breccieu in Sicilien. Leonhard u. Bronu, N. Jahrb. 1833, pp. 84- 85. 23. Die Gebirgsverhaltnisse in der Graf- schaft Massa-Carrara. Karsten, Archiv, VI., 1833, pp. 229-263 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXI., 1836, pp. 116-125. 24. Sur les porphyres du bord meridional des Alpes dans le canton de Tessin. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1833-34, pp. 103-110. 25. Geognostisclie Beobachtuugen, ge- sammelt auf einer Reise durch Italien und Sicilien, in den Jahren 1830 bis 1832. Karsten, Archiv, XIII., 1839, pp. 3-726. Hoffmann, Friedrich, und A. Licht. Riug- fonnige Brennofen mit imnierwiihrenden Betrieb. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVIIL, 1860, pp. 183-192. Hoffmann, G. Besteigung des Windgellen. Basel, Bericht, VII., 1847, pp. 103-105. Hoffmann, G. Franc. Asperurn horti Gottin- gensis : Decas lma. Gottingen, Comment. XV., 1800-3, pp. 93-111. 2. Verouicarum horti Gottingensis Decas. Gottingen, Comment. XV., 1800-3, pp. 112- 131. 3. Peutas plantarum rariorum Iberiaa. [1803.] Moscou, Comment. Soc. Phys. Med. I., 1808, pp. 3-11. 4. Descriptions plantarum Iberia? nondum cognitarum. [1806.] Moscou, Comment. Soc. Phys. Med. L, 1808, pp. 38-48. Hoffmann, G. H. Experiences sur la coloration du sang et sur les gaz qu'il contient. Aun. Sci. Nat. I. (Zool.), 1834, pp. 315-320. Hoffmann, G. H., and 31. J. Berkeley. Descrip- tion of the anatomical structure of Cerithium telescopium, Bruy. Zool. Journ. V., 1832-34, pp. 431-439. Hoffmann, H. Zur Metamorphosenlehre. Lie- big, Annal. XLV., 1843, pp. 242-249. EOF] 387 [HOF Hoffmann, H. 2. Metamorphosen des Albumin's. Liebig, Annal. XLVL, 1843, pp. 118-122; Jouru. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 214-216. 3. Blutanalysen. Liebig, Annal. L., 1844, pp. 159-160. 4. Ueber falsche Sternschnuppen. Liebig, Annal. XLIX., 1844, pp. 240-242. Hoffmann, H. In ein gegebenes Dreieck ein ahnliches zu zeichnen, dessen Seiten mit den homologen des erstereu einen gegebenen Winkel <}> bilden. Grunert, Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. 280- 292. 2. Bemerkung zu Aufgabe 23 in " Die merkwiirdigsten Eigenschaften des geradlinigen Dreiecks. Von C. ADAMS, Winterthur, 1846." Grunert, Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. 317-319. 3. Multiplications-Formeln filr die ellipti- schen Functionen mit complexen Vielfachen des Arguments und dem Modul ^/ Jr. Crelle, Journ. XL VIII., 1854, pp. 332-347. Hoffmann, Hermann. Schwaugerschaft ohne Kindesbewegung. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1844, pp. 189-191. 2. Zur Verdauungslehre. Haeser, Archiv Med. VI., 1844, pp. 157-188. 3. Eiickblicke auf die neuesten Leistungen in der physiologischen Chemie. Haeser, Archiv Med. VII., 1845, pp. 321-339. 4. Ueber eine Gasabsonderung der Pflanzen. Liebig, Annal. LIII., 1845, pp. 242-252. 5. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Versehen der Schwangeren. Berlin, Neue Zeits. Geburts- kunde, XX., 1846, pp. 161-165. 6. Etickblick auf die neuesten Leistungen in der physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie. Haeser, Archiv Med. VIII., 1846, pp. 176-196 ; IX., pp. 181-283 ; X., pp. 233-278, 361-405. 7. Ueber die Eichtung der Saftstromung in den Pflanzen. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 377-383. 8. Zur Kenntniss des Eicheuholzes. Flora, XXXI., 1848, pp. 369-380. 9. Ueber die Wurzeln der Doldengewachse. Flora, XXXII., 1849, pp. 17-25, 721-729; XXXIH., 1850, pp. 385-389, 401-405, 657- 665; XXXIV., 1851, pp. 529-535; XXXV., 1852, pp. 225-233, 241-255. 1O. Recherches sur le sommeil des Plantes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Bot.), 1850, pp. 310-330 ; XVI., pp. 47-81. 11. Ueber die Organe der Saftstromung in den Pflanzeu. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 17-20, 33-44. 12. Ueber die Saftwege in den Pflanzen. Botau. Zeitung, VIII. 1850, col. 793-802, 809- 820, 842-844, 857-862, 876-878; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. (Nat. Hist.), 1853, pp. 1-51. Hoffmann, Hermann. 13. Sonnenfinsterniss und Pnauzenschlaf. Botan. Zeitung, IX., 1851, col. 649-658. 14. Skizzen aus dem Schwarzwalde. Botan. Zeitung, XI., 1853, col. 145-153, 169- 180. 15. Ueber contractile Gebilde bei Blatt- erschwammen. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 857-866; Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 243-250. 16. Spermatien bei einem Fadenpilze. Botan. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 249-254, 265- 269. 17. Die Polliuarien und Spermatien von Agaricus. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 137-148, 153-163. • 18. Klimatologische Beitriige. Giessen, Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. VI., 1857, pp. 12-17. 19. Ueber den klimatischen Coefficienten der Vegetation. Botan. Zeitung, XVH., 1859, pp. 85-88. 2O. Ueber Pilzkeimungen. Botan. Zeit- ung, XVII., 1859, pp. 209-214, 217-219 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XL, 1859 (Bot.\ pp. 175-182. 21. Vegetationszeiten in den Jahren 1857- 58. Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. 1859, pp. 59-65. 22. Die Kartofielkraukheit im Jahre 1856- 57. Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. 1859, pp. 65-71. 23. Mykologische Studien liber die Gahr- ung. Botan. Zeitung, XV1IL. 1860, pp. 41- 46, 49-54 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 273- 278; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Bot.\ 1860, pp. 19-44; Bibl. Univ. VII., 1860, pp. 337-345; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 228-233. 24. Beitriige zur Entwickelungsgesehichte und Anatomic der Agaricinen. Botan. Zeitung, XVIIL, 1860, pp. 389-395, 397-404. 25. Vergleichende Studien zur Lehre von der Bodenstetigkeit der Pflanzen. Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. 1860, pp. 1-12. 26. Untersuchungen iiber die Keimuug der Pilzsporen. Pringsheim, Botanik, II., 1860, pp. 267-337. 27. Zur Kenntniss der Vegetationsnorm- alen. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 177- 182, 185-191. 28. Ein Versuch zur Bestimmung des Werthes von Species und Varietat. Botan. Zeitung, XX., 1862, pp. 1-2. 29. Vegetationszeiten im Jahre 1861 und 1862. Giessen, Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. LX., 1862, pp. 74-82. 3O. Ein Diffusionsversuch. Poggend. An- nal. CXVIL, 1862, pp. 263-276. 31. Sylloge der Pilze aus der Mittelrhein- gegend, insbesondere dem Grossherzogthum Hessen. Botan. Zeituug, XXL, 1863, pp. 73- 79. 3 c 2 HOF] 388 [HOF Hoffmann, Hermann. 32. Neue Beobaclitungen iiber Bacterien mit Riicksicht auf Generatio spontanea. Botan. Zeituug, XXL, 1863, pp. 304-307, 315-319. Hoffmann, J. F. Jets over Dracocephalum virginianum, L. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, III., 1836, pp. 203-210. 2. Bijdrage tot oplossing eler Vraag : Is Lemna arrhiza, Auct., eene standvastige, onder- scheideue soort, dan wol een ontwikkeliugsvorm van eenige andere van hetzelfde geslacht ? Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdsckrift, IV., 1837, pp. 282-333 ; Miquel, Bull. 1838, pp. 73-76. 3. Beschrijving van den Academischen Kruidtuin (HortusBotanieus) te Gottingen. Ho- even en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VI., 1839, pp. 62-84. 4. Kruidkundige mededeelingen. Hoeven c-u Vriese, Tijdschrift, VI.. 1839, pp. 85-93, 257-274. 5. Beitrage zur niiheren Kenntniss von Lemua arrhiza, uebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber L. polyrrhiza, gibba, minor und trisulca. Wiegmann, Arehiv, VI., 1840, pp. 138-163 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (.Bo*.), 1840, pp. 223-242. • 6. Bijdrage ter verklaring van den norm- alen en abnormalen kruikvorm der bladen. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VII., 1840, pp. 318-357. Hoffmann, J. G. Ueber die Besorgnisse welche die Zuuahme der Bevolkerung erregt. Berlin, Abhandl. 1835 (Phil.), pp. 121-152. 2. Die Unzuliissigkeit eines Schlusses auf Sitten-Verfall aus der Vermehruug der gericht- lichen Untersuchungen gegen jugendliche Ver- breclier. Berlin, Bericht, 1838, pp. 1-3. 3. Darstellung der Bevb'lkerungs-Geburts-, Ehe- und Sterbliehkeits-Verhiiltnisse, welche im Preussischen Staate in den 15 Jahren 1820- 1834 bestanden. Berlin, Abhandl. 1841 ( Theil. 3), pp. 1-285. • 4. Uebersicht der allgemeinsten staats- wirthschaftlichen Verhaltnisse, welche die Ver- schiedenheit der Bildung uud des Besitzstandes unter den Staatsangehb'rigen erzeugt. Berlin, Abhandl. 1842 (Phil.), pp. 117-145. Hoffmann, Jac. Fried. Verfahrungsart, Pflanz- entheile oder auch ganze Pflanzen so zu trockneu, dass ihre natiiiiiche Ge^talt uud Richtung er- halten werde. Hermbstiidt, Museum, XL, 1817, pp. 128-141. Hoffmann, Joh. Ueber Oesterreichische Kafer. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. Ill, 1853, pp. 105-106. Hoffmann, Johann Joseph Ignatz. Ueber die Parallellinien. Gilbert, Annul. LIV., 1816, pp. 314-316. 2. Ueber den 28 Satz des XL Buchs der " Elemente " des EUCLIDES. Grunert, Arehiv, X., 1847, pp. 77-89. Hoffmann, Julius. Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte von Fringilla serinus. Naumannia, 1852 (Jfft.3), pp. 58-64. 2. Die Waldschnepfe falzt nnd nistet zweimal im Jahr. Naumaunia, 1857 (Hft. 2), pp. 79-82. 3. Ueber fossile Eier. Naumaunia, 1857, pp. 305-306. 4. Zur Naturgeschichte von Fringilla se- rinus. Naumannia, 1858, pp. 337-339. Hoffmann, A'. M. Miscellaueen entomologischen Inhalts. Der Naturforscher, XXIX., 1802, pp. 223-235. Hoffmann, Karl Fricdrich Vollrath. Ueber Africa's Fliicheuiuhalt. Hertha, II., 1825, pp. 62-63. • 2. Barometrische Hohenmessungen, an- gestellt auf einer Reise von Dresden, iiber Tep- litz uud Karlsbad nach Franzensbad, Hertha, IX., 1827, pp. 475-502. 3. Observations sur la carte geologique du Harz de M. BERGHAUS. Fcrussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828, pp. 192-193. Hoffmann, Ludwig. Analyse der Asche des Holzes und der Rinde der Linde (Tilia euro- pa;a). Liebig, Annal. LVL, 1845, p. 125. Hoffmann, Ludwig. Ueber die vortheilhafteste Benutzung eines gegebenen Gefiilles zur Anleg- ung dreier Wasserriider hinter einander fur die gebriiuchlichen Miihlwerke mit Beziehung auf einen specielleu Fall. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg. X., 1845, pp. 138-156. 2. Ueber Belastuug der Sicherheitsventile auf Dampfkesseln. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg. X., 1845, pp. 239-241. • 3. Auwendung der Mnemonik auf das Behalten von Formeln nach eigenera System. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg. X., 1845, pp. 362- 369. 4. Die vortheilhafteste Einrichtung von Sagemiihleu dergestalt, dass mit gegebener Kraft der grosstmogliche Eifect an Schnittflache gewonnen wird. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg. XL, 1846, pp. 141-193. Hoffmann, PJdlipp Karl. Berichtigung uud Ergiinzung der Naturgeschichte Wetterauscher Schmetterlinge. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. L, 1809, pp. 202-209; II., 1810, pp. 256-262. Hoffmann, Raphael. Uebersclnvefelblei im Russkberg. Hermannstadt, Verhandl. Sieben- biirg. Ver. V., 1854, pp. 189-190. Hoffmann, Rdnhold. Reaction auf Leucin und Tyrosin. Liebig, Annal. LXXXVIL, 1853, pp. 123-125. 2. Ueber Monochloressigsiiure. Liebig, Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 1-20 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1858, pp. 215-216 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 236-238 ; Jouru. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 216-217. HOFJ 389 [EOF Hoffmann, Eeiithold. 3. Ueber die Fabrication des Blutlaugensalzes. Chem. Centr. Blatt, III., 1858, pp. 934-937 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1860, pp. 167-172; Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. CLL, 1858, pp. 63-67 ; Liebig, Annul. CXIII., I860, pp. 81-96. Hoffmann, Ilobert. Aualysen von Mergel. Kalk- stein, Basalt aus Bohmen. Prag, Centralblatt, IX., 1858, pp. 138-139. 2. Analyseu der Schwefelkohle von Muck- ow. Prag, Centralblatt, IX., 1858, pp. 249- 250. 3. Analyse der Rosskastanie. Prag, Cen- tralblatt, IX., 1858, p. 377. 4. Aualysen von Brandschiefer, Coprolitlion aus dem Rotbliegenden in Bohinen. Prag, Cen- tralblatt, X., 1859, pp. 322, 330-331. 5. Ueber sogenannte Haarballen aus den Gediirmen der Wiederkauer. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVI., 1862, pp. 118-120. « 6. Ueber die Zusamroensetzung des Torfes. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVlIL, 1863, pp. 206-211. • 7. Zusammeusetzung der Polirschiefer uud der Kieselguhr aus Bohmen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XC., 1863, pp. 467--168. . 8. Analysen von Koprolithen aus Bohmen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XC., 1863, pp. 469- 470. 9. Von Torf. Prag, Centralblatt, XIV., 1863, pp. 2-8. 1O. Phosphor! t und Coprolithen. Prag, Centralblatt, XIV., 1863, pp. 132, 137. 11. Analyse des Stassfurther Abraunisalzes. Prag, Centralblatt, XIV., 1863, p. 152. 12. Analyse der Schwefelkohle von Ober- bautzeu. Prag, Centralblatt, XIV, 1863, p. 265. 13. Analyse von Kalken und Mergeln aus Bohmen. Prag, Centralblatt, XIV., 1863, pp. 276-277. Hoffmann, Rud. Elemente der Lutetia. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 115-116. Hoffmann, S. F. Nachtrag zu der Beobachtung der Luftrohreuhaare bei Limnanthemum, Gi/ie- lin, und Villarsia, Ventcnat. Linnai-a, XIII., 1839, pp. 291-296. Hoffmann, .S'. F., und August Heinrich Rudolph Grisebaeh. Beobachtung der Luftrohren- haare bei Limnanthemum, Gmelin, und Villarsia, Venten. Linnaea, XII., 1838, pp. 681-685. Hoffmannsegg, Johann Centurius von. Be- merkungen iiber die Europilischeu Arten der vierzehnten FamiUe der Schmetterliuge im lOten Bande von HERBST'S " Natursystem der In- secten: Schekkenfalter, Milites, Herbst." Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 446-459; II., 1802, pp. 295-297. Hoffmannsegg, Jolitnm Centurius von. 2. Al- phabetisches Verzcichniss zu J. HUBNEU'S " Abbildungen der Papilionen " mit den beige- fiigteu vorziiglichstcn Synonymen. Illiger, Magazin, III., 1804, pp. 181-206 ; V., 1806, pp. 176-183. 3. Beschreibung vier affeuartiger Tliiere .ins Brasilien. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freuude Mag. I., 1807, pp. 83-104. 4. Ueber das Leuchten der Fulgoren. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. I., 1807, pp. 152-155. 5. Eutomologische Bemerkungen bei Gele- genheit der Abhandluugen iiber Americanische Insecten. Wiedemann, Zool. Mag. I., 1817, pp. 8-56 ; (St. 2). pp. 49-108. Hoffmannsegg, Joint im Centurius von, und K. G. Henke. Limosa cinerea in ihrem Sommer- verhalten. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1856, pp. 238-240. Hoffmannsegg, Jolinnn Centurius von, und Link. Bemerkungen iiber die Pflanzen Gatt- ung, Scilla. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. IV., 1803, pp. 14-22 ; Annals of Botany, I., 1805, pp. 99-106. Hoffmeister, A. Ueber das Holz der African- ischen Ceder. Harz, Naturw. Ver. Ber. 1859- 60, pp. 62-63. Hoffmeister, //. Zusammenstelluug einiger im allgemeinen Korperbau vorhandenen Unter- schiede, wodurch sich die beiden Geschlechter der Kafer von einander auszeichnen. Cassel, Jahresber. 1842, pp. 12-15. 2. Einige Nachtrage zu MEIGEN'S Zwei- fluglern. Cassel. Jahresber. VIII., 1844, pp. 11-14. 3. Beitrag zur Kunde der Dipteren, insbe- sondere iiber Vorkommen uud Fang einiger bisher selteuen Arten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. V., 1844, pp. 360-363. 4. Notiz iiber das beste Papier zum Auf- kleben kleiner Insecten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VIII., 1847, pp. 95-96. Hoffmeister, IVcrncr. Beitrag zur Kenntniss Deutscher Land-Anneliden. Wiegmaun, Archiv, IX., 1843, pp. 183-199. Hofle, M. A. Spermatozoiin in der Hydrocele- Fliissigkeit, nebst cinigen anderen Bemerkungen iiber diese Fliissigkeit. Heller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 268-274. 2. Pathologisch-chemische und mikroskop- ischc Untersuchungen. Jenaische Ann. Phys. Med. II., 1851, pp. 267-274. Hofman-Bang, N. Skrivelse til Prof. SCHOUW angaaend de paa det Inddocmmede ved Hof- mansgave fremkomne Planter ; tilligeined an- mjerkninger af sidstnievnte. Orstcd, Tidsskrift, II., 1823, pp. 205-220. HOP] 390 [HOF Hofman-Bang, N. 2. Om de Fiske-Arter, som findes ved Kysterne af det nordlige Fyen og i Odense Fjord. Orsted, Tidsskrift, II., 1823, pp. 357-379. • 3. Bemrerkninger om Vegetationen paa det Indda?mmede ved Hofmansgave i Aaret 1823. Orsted, Tidsskrift, III., 1824, pp. 290- 301 ; Froriep, Notizen, VHL, 1824, col. 113- 117. 4. Om Confervens Nytte i Naturens Hus- holdning. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. II., 1826, pp. 207-220. 5. Om Conferva zonata, Forvandling til Infusions-Dyr. Orsted, Tidsskrift, IV., 1826, pp. 60-62. 6. Bidrag til Kundskab om de fossile Lev- ninger af Forverdeneus Dyr og Planter, som findes i Fyen. Orsted, Tidsskrift, V., 1828, pp. 223-242. 7. Ueber die Herkuuft des in Diinemark vorkommenden Gerulles. Kr0yer, Nat. Tidssk. n., 1838-39, pp. 601-611. 8. Om de danske Rullestenes Herkomst. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. II., 1840, p. 343. Hofmann, August Wilhelm. Chemische Untei'- suchung der organischen Basen im Steinkohlen- Theerol. Liebig, Annal. XL VII., 1843, pp. 37-87 ; Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1843, pp. 129- 177; Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, pp. 115-128, 193-205, 261-267. 2. Uebersicht der in letzter Zeit unter- nommenen Forschungen iiber den Indigo und seine Metamorphosen. Liebig, Annal. XLVIII., 1843, pp. 253-343. 3. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Chloranil. Liebiar, Annal. LII., 1844, pp. 55-66; Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1846, pp. 283-293 ; Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, pp. 227-233 ; Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 199-206. 4. Metamorphosen des Indigo's. Erzeug- ung organischer Baseu, welche Chlor und Brom enthalten. Liebig, Annal. LIIL, 1845, pp. 1- 57 ; Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, pp. 266- 299; Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 193- 214, 241-267 ; Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 385-404, 502-517. 5. Ueber die wahre Zusammensetzung des Chlorindatmits. Liebig, Annal. LIII., 1845, pp. 57-62 ; Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, pp. 306-308 ; Phil. Mag. XXVH., 1845, pp. 20- 23. 6. Ueber eine sichere Reaction auf Benzol. Liebig, Anna!. LV., 1845. pp. 200-205 ; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 68-70. 7. New Researches upon Aniline. Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 26-27 ; Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1847, pp. 52-53 ; Liebig, An- nal. LVIL, 1846, pp. 265-267. Hofmann, August Wilhelm. 8. Action du Cyanogene sur 1' Aniline et ses homologues. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 305-310. 9. Ueber Darstelluug des Butyronitril und Valerouitril. Liebig, Annal. LXV., 1848, pp. 56-57. 10. Ueber salpetersaures Amyloxyd. Lie- big, Annal. LXVIIL, 1848, pp. 332-333. 11. Researches on the volatile bases. [No. 1. On the action of Cyanogen and Aniline, Toluidine and Cumidine.] Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1849, pp. 159-173 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1848, pp. 67-87; Chem. Coll. Reports, 1849, pp. 108-136 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 210-215 ; Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 73-77 ; Liebig, Annal. LXVL, 1848, pp. 129-149. 12. Researches on the volatile bases. [No. 2. On the action of Iodine on Aniline.] Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1849, pp. 269-280; An- nal. de Chimie, XXV., 1849, pp. 230-246 ; Chem. Coll. Reports, 1849, pp. 108-136 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 216-218 ; Liebig, Annal. LXVIL, 1848, pp. 61-78. — 13. Researches on the volatile organic bases. [No. 3. Action of Chloride, Bromide, and Iodide of Cyanogen on Aniline ; Melanilinc, a new conjugated alkaloid.] Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1849, pp. 285-317 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1850, pp. 305-341 ; Chem. Coll. Re- ports, 1849, pp. 137-170 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 218-221 ; Liebig, An- nal. LXVIL, 1848, pp. 129-173. 14. Ueber Californisches Gold. Liebig, Annal. LXX., 1849, pp. 255-256. 15. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber die Einwirkung der Warme auf den Amylalkohol. Liebig, An- nal. LXXL, 1849, p. 119. 16. Note sur la composition du Mesiti- lene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 130-132. 17. Recherches sur la serie anilique. Ac- tion des acides sur la cyanilide et la dicyano- melaniline. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 543-545 ; Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 396-400. 18. Recherches sur 1' ethylaniline et sur la methylaniline. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 184-186 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIII., 1849, pp. 243-245. 19. Recherches sur la serie anilique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 786- 788. 20. Recherches sur les bases organiques volatiles. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIII., 1850, pp. 429-451 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVLTI., 1850, pp. 399-400. HOF] 391 [HOF Hofmanu, Auyust U'dhclm. 21. Eesearches on the volatile organic bases. [No. 4. Anilides.] Chem. Soc. Journ. II., 1850, pp. 36-51 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 222-232; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chein. LI., 1850, pp. 221-227 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 315-320; Liebig, Annal. LXX., 1849, pp. 129-149. 22. On the composition of Mesitilole, and some of its derivatives. Chem. Soc. Journ. H., 1850, pp. 104-115 ; Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXI., 1850, pp. 65-69 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVL, 1849, pp. 310-314; Liebig, Aunal. LXXI., 1849, pp. 121-137. 23. Eesearches on the volatile organic bases. [No. 5. On the action of acids and bases upon Cyaniline.] Chem. Soc. Journ. II., 1850, pp. 300-306; Annal. de Chimie, XXVIII., 1850, pp. 429-434 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 215-216 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXIII., 1850, pp. 180-189. 24. Eesearches on the volatile organic bases. [No. 6. Metamorphoses of Dicyanomel- aniline. Formation of the Aniline-term corre- sponding to Cyanic Acid.] Chem. Soc. Journ. II., 1850, pp. 307-331 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXVHL, 1850, pp. 434-438 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 227-230; Liebig, Annal. LXXTV., 1850, pp. 1-33. 25. Eesearches on the volatile organic bases. [No. 7. Action of anhydrous phosphoric Acid on various aniline Salts and Anilides.] Chem. Soc. Jouru. II., 1850, pp. 331-335; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 230- 231 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 67- 73 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXIV., 1850, pp. 33-40. 26. Ueber zwei neue Eeilien fliichtiger organiseher Basen. Liebig, Annal. LXXIII., 1850, pp. 91-92. 27. Notiz iiber das Verhalteu der Cumin- saure im thierischen Organismus. Liebig, An- nal. LXXIV., 1850, pp. 342-345; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 318-320. 28. Eecherches sur la constitution des bases organiques volatiles. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 146-148 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 288-289. 29. Eesearches regarding the molecular constitution of the volatile organic bases. Phil. Trans. 1850, pp. 93-132 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 87-118; Chem. Soc. Journ. in., 1851, p. 279 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 231-337; Journ. de Pharm. XVHL, 1850, pp. 161-172; Liebig, Aunal. LXXIV., 1850, pp. 117-177. and Nitrile bases. 30. On Amidogen Chem. Soc, Journ. III., 1851, p. 96. 31. On the passage of cuminic acid through the animal system. Chem. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, p. 187. Hofmanu, August Wilhclm. 32. Note upon the action of Heat upon Valeric Acid ; with some remarks upon the formula; of the alcohol- radicals. Chem. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, pp. 121-134; Jouru. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 470-477; Liebig, Annal. LXXVIL, 1851, pp. 161-183. 33. Eeseavches on the volatile organic bases. [No. 9. On the behaviour of Aniline and the Alcohol Bases with nitrous acid.] Chem. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, pp. 231-240; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIII., 1851, pp. 385-390; Liebig, Annal. LXXV., 1850, pp. 356-368. • 34. Sur la constitution moleculaire des bases organiques. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXin., 1851, pp. 95-98. 35. Eesearches into the molecular constitu- tion of the organic bases. 2nd Memoir. Phil. Trans. 1851, pp. 357-398 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXHI., 1851, pp. 108-170; Chem. Soc. Journ. rV., 1852, p. 304 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIII., 1851, pp. 390-402; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 220-240 ; Liebig, An- nal. LXXVIII., 1851, pp. 253-286; LXXIX., pp. 11-39. 36. Compound testing jet. Chem. Soc. Journ. IV., 1852, pp. 39-40. 37. Die orgauische Chemie in ihrer An- wendung auf die Parfiimerie. Liebig, Annal. LXXXI., 1852, pp. 87-93 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 325-328 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 439-441. 38. G-aslampe fur den Gebrauch in La- boratorien. Liebig, Annal. LXXXI., 1852, pp. 226-228. 39. Ueber das Vorkommen des Trimethyl- amins in der Hiiringslake. Liebig, Aunal. LXXXHI., 1852, pp. 116-117; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 68-69. •» 40. On the use of gas as fuel in organic analysis. Chem. Soc. Journ. VI., 1854, pp. 209-216; XL, 1859, pp. 30-35; Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1854, pp. 223-230 ; LIV., 1858, pp. 5-13 ; Liebig, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 235- 244 ; CVII., 1858, pp. 37-44. 41. Contributions to the history of aniline, azobenzole, and benzidine. Eoy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 444-445 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIL, 1856, pp. 131-132. 42. On the chemical type : Ammonia. Eoy. Inst. Proc. II., 1854-58, pp. 274-282. 43. Sur 1'acide insolinique, produit d'oxy- dation de 1'acide cuminique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 718-720 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIL, 1856, pp. 279-281.. HOF] 392 [HOF Hofmann, August Jllf/ietm. 44. Chemical analysis of the mineral waters of Harrogate. Pharmaceut. Journ. XIV., 1855, pp. 74-77, 118-125; Erclm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 221-225 ; Liebig, Annal. XCIII., 1855, pp. 286-310. 45. Sur le bromure de titanium. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 352-354; Annal. de Chimie, XLVII., 1856, pp. 164-166 ; NUO-PO Cimento, III., 1856, pp. 153-155 ; Pog- gend. Annal. XCVII., 1856, pp. 510-512. 46. On insolinio acid. Eoy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 1-3 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1858. pp. 104-108 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 136-137 ; Liebig, Annal. XCVII., 1856, pp. 197-210. 47. On some of the metamorphoses of Naphthylamine. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856- 57, pp. 10-13 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 152-154. 48. Contributions towards the history of the phosphorus-, arsenic-, and antimony bases. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 500-502 ; Liebig, Annal. CIIL, 1857, pp. 357-358 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, p. 137. 49. Researches on the phosphorus-bases. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 523-527. 50. On a new mode of forming triethyl- amine. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 489-491 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, pp. 207- 216 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 399-400 ; Liebic:. Annal. CIIL, 1857, pp. 352- 355. 51. Contributions towards the history of thialdine. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 491-494 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, pp. 193-202; Liebig, Annal. CIIL, 1857, pp. 93- 104. 52. On the action of sulphuric acid upon anisic and salicylic acids. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 495-496. • 53. Ueber das Nitrophenol. Liebig, Annal. CIIL, 1857, pp. 347-352 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, pp. 203-207. 54. Notes of researches on the poly-am- monias. No. 1. New alkaloids produced by the action of the bromides of triatomic alcohols upon the primary amidogen bases. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 150-156. 55. Notes of researches ou the poly-ammo- nias. No. 2. Action of Chloroform upon Aniline. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 229-231 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 197-200 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVII., 1858, pp. 352- 354. Hofmann, August Wilhelm. 56. Notes of re- searches on the poly-ammonias. No. 3. Con- tributions towards the history of the diamides ; cyanate and sulphocyanide of phenyl. Roy. Soc. Proe. IX., 1857-59, pp. 274-277; Anna], de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 200-206; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVII., 1858, pp. 422-425. 57. Notes of researches on the poly-am- monias. No. 4. Action of bibromide of ethylene upon aniline. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 277-283. 58. Notes of researches on the poly-am- monias. No. 5. Action of bichloride of carbon on aniline. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 284-286; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 214-217. 59. Researches on the phosphorus-bases. No. 1. Action of bibromide of ethyleue upon triethylphosphine. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857- 59, pp. 287-290. 6O. Researches on the phosphorus-bases. No. 2. Action of bisulphide of carbon on tri- ethylphosphine. Roy. Soe. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 290-293. 61. Contributions towards the history of the monamines. No. 1. Action of bibromide of ethylene on trimethylamine. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 293-297. 62. Notice of researches on the sulpho- cyanide and eyanate of naphtyl, conducted by Vincent HALL. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 365-366. 63. Researches on the phosphorus-bases. No. 3. Phosphoretteil ureas. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 487-493. 64. Contributions towards the history of the monamines. No. 2. Action of bisulphide of carbon upon amylamiue. Eoy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 591-593. 65. Notice of researches on a new class of organic bases, conducted by C. S. WOOD, Esq. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 616-619. 66. Researches on the phosphorus-bases. No. 5. Diphosphonium-compounds. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 651-656. 67. New volatile organic acids, from the berry of the Mountain Ash. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 681-684 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. XII., 1860, pp. 43-52. 68. Formation of the crystalline compound of hydriodic acid and phosphoretted hydrogen. Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, p. 210 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXII. , 1857, p. 454 ; Liebig, Annal. CIIL, 1857, pp. 355-356. 69. Lettre a M. PELOL'ZE relative aux recherches sur les bases polyammoniques Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 255- 260. HOFJ 393 [HOF Hofmann, August U'llhelm. 70. Faits pour - servir a 1'histoire des bases organiques. Paris, Comptes Kendus, XLVII., 1858, pp. 453-457, 492-495, 558-562; XLVIII., 1859, pp. 1085- 1088 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 197- 218, 356-362. 71. Recherches sur les bases phosphorees, urees mixtes a azote et phosphore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVII., 1858, pp. 1014- 1016. . 72. On Mauve and Magenta. Roy. Inst. Proc. III., 1858-62, pp. 468-483. 73. Zur Kenntniss der Phospliorbasen. Berlin, Monatsber. 1859, pp. 56-60 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cbem. LXXVI., 1859, pp. 247- 250. 74. ZurTheorieder Polyammoniake. Ber- lin, Monatsber. 1859, pp. 367-373 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIL, 1859, pp. 180- 185. — - 75. On ammonia and its derivatives. Chem. Soc. Journ. XI., 1859, pp. 252-319; XII., 1860, pp. 62-109 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIIL, 1859, pp. 436-487 ; LXXXI., 1860, pp. 431-442. 76. Ueber die Anwendbarkeit der man- gansauren und iiberinangansauren Alkalien zum Desinficiren der Luft,des Wassers, &c. \_Trmisl.'] Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIII., 1859, pp. 62-63. . 77. Note sur deux nouveaux acides volatils obtenus des baies de sorbier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 297-300 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 227-229 ; Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 129-140. 78. Recherches sur les bases phosphorees (serie diatomique). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 787-791. 79. Recherches sur les ammoniaques dia- tomiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1359, pp. 781-790. 80. Recherches sur les bases diatomiques a azote et phosphore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 880-885. 81. Recherches sur les bases phosphorees (serie triatomique). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 928-931. 82. Report on vegetable parchment. [1858.] Pharmaceut. Jouru. XVIII., 1859, pp. 273-278 ; Liebig, Annal. CXII.. 1859, pp. 243- 256. 83. Researches on the phosphorus-bases. No. 6. Phosphammonium compounds. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 100-103. 84. Notes of researches on the poly-am- monias. No. 6. New derivatives of phenyl- amine and ethylarnine. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 104-108. VOL. III. Hofmann, August JVilhdm. 85. Researches on the phosphorus-bases. No. 7. Triphosphonium compounds. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 189-192. 86. Notes of researches on the poly-am- monias. No. 7. On the diatomic ammonias. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 224-234. 87. Notes of researches on the poly-am- monias. No. 8. Action of nitrous acid upon nitro-phenylene-diamine. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 495-500. 88. Contributions to the history of azo- benzol and benzidine. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859- 60, pp. 585-588 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1862, pp. 60-63 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXII., 1861, pp. 444-446 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 362-368. 89. Contributions towards the history of the nioiiamines. No. 3. Compound ammonias by inverse substitution. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859- 60, pp. 594-596 ; Chemical News, II., 1860, p. 160 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 234-236. 9O. Notes of researches on the poly-ain- monias. No. 9. Remarks on anomalous vapour- densities. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 596-598 ; Chemical News, II., 1860, .pp. 169- 170 ; Paris. Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 236-238. 91. Notes of researches on the poly-am- monias. No. 10. On sulphamidobenzamine, a new base ; and some remarks upon ureas and so-called ureas. Roy. Soe. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 598-603. 92. Researches on the phosphorus bases. No. 8. Oxide of triethylphosphine. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 603-607. 93. Researches on the phosphorus bases. No. 9. Phospharsonium compounds. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 608-609. 94. Researches on the phosphorus bases. No. 10. Metamorphoses of bromide of brom- ethylated triethylphosphonium. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 610-613. 95. Researches on the phosphorus-bases. No. 11. Experiments in the methyl- and in the methylene-series. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 613-618. 96. Researches on the phosphorus-bases. No. 12. Relations between the monoatomic and the polyatomic bases. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 619-622. • — 97. Ueber die mehratomigen Baseu der Stickstoff-, Phosphor- und Arsen-Reihe. Ber- lin, Monatsber. 1860, pp. 522-527 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXII., 1861, pp. 110- 116; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LL, I860, pp. 395-399. 3 D HOF] 394 [HOF Hofmann, August Wilhelm. 98. On the detec- tion of Bisulphide of Carbon in Coal-Gas. Chemical News, II., 1860, pp. 266-267. 99. Bases diatomiques a phosphore et arsenic. Paris. Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 313-314. 1OO. Contributions to the history of the phosphorus-bases: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd memoirs. Phil. Trans. 1860, pp. 409-533 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1861, pp. 385-451 ; LXIIL, 1861, pp. 257-336 ; LXIV., 1862, pp. 110-174; Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 290-325 ; XIV., 1862, pp. 73-110, 316-346 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVII., 1862, pp. 174-207, 385-427; Liebig, Annal. (I. Suppl.) 1861, pp. 1-61, 145-218, 275-329. 1O1. Researches on the Arsenic-bases. Roy. Soc. Proc. XI., 1860-62, pp. 62-66; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVI., 1862, pp. 355- 360 ; Paris, Comptes Reudus, LIL, 1861, pp. 501-505. —— 1O2. Contributions towards the history of the Monamines. No. 4. Separation of the Ethyl-bases. Roy. Soc. Proc. XI., 1860-62, pp. 66-68 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 902-906; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVI., 1862, pp. 360-363. 1O3. On the action of Dibromide of Ethyl- ene on Pyridine. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 261-263. 1O4. Notes of researches on the Poly- Am- monias. No. 11. Isomerism of diatomic com- pounds. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 271-273. • 1O5. Notes of researches on the Poly- Am- monias. No. 12. Action of Cyanate of Ethyl on Urea. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 273-275 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1011-1013. • 1O6. Notes of researches on the Poly-Am- monias. No. 13. Derivatives of the Phenyl- series : Diphenylparabanic acid. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 275-278. 1O7. Notes of researches on the Poly-Am- monias. No. 14. Diagnosis of diamines. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 278-285, 518-520. 1O8. Notes of researches on the Poly- Ammonias. No. 15. Monacid polyamines. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 281-285 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1289- 1294. 1O9. Researches on the Phosphorus-liases. [No. 13. Sulphuretted derivatives of Triethyl- phosphine.] Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 286-289. 110. Researches on the Phosphorus-bases. No. 14. Action of Triethylphosphine on the sub- stitution compounds of Marsh-Gas. Roy. Soc, Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 290-296. Hofmann, Augvst Wilhelm. 111. Notes of researches on the Poly-Ammonias. No. 16. Triatomic ammonias. Roy. Soc. Proe. XL, 1860-62, pp. 413-420 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 53-60. 112. Notes of researches on the Poly- Am- monias. No. 17. Mixed triammonias contain- ing monatomic and diatomic radicals. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 420-423 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 313-317. 113. Notes of researches on the Poly- Ammonias. No. 18. Tetrammonium compounds. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1 860-62, pp. 423-430 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 307- 313. • 114. Notes of researches on the Poly-Am- monias. No. 19. Aromatic diamines. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 518-525 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 889-897. 115. Contributions towards the history of the Monamines. No. 5. Action of chloracetic ether on triethylamine and triethylphosphine. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 525-532. 116. On the polyatomic derivatives of Ammonia. Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 18- 19, 33-34. 117. Action of nitrous acid upon Nitro- phenylene-diamine. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 51-59; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 249-260. 118. Action of bisulphide of carbon upon Amylamine. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 60-62; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 260-263. — 119. On the use of pentachloride of anti- mony in the preparation of chlorine compounds. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. X1IL, 1861, pp. 62-65; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 264- 267. 120. On di-iodide of Methylene. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 65-67 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 267-269. 121. Dibromide of Ethylene. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIIL, 1861, pp. 67-68 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 269-271. 122. Metamorphoses of mouobrominated Ethylene. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIIL, 1861, pp. 68-69; Liebig, Aiinal. CXV., 1860, pp. 271-272. 123. Preparation of Iodide of Ethyl. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIIL, 1861, pp. 69-70 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., 1860, p. 465 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 272- 275. 124. On the deportment of cyanate of Ethyl with ethylate of Sodium. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIIL, 1861, pp. 70-71 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 275-276. HOP] 395 [HOF Hofmann, August JViUiclm. 125. On Glycerin. [I860.] Chera. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 71-72; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 276- 277. 126. Dinitrotoluie acid. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 72-73; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 277-279. 127. On Isatin. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 73-76; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 279-282. 128. Spontaneous decomposition of Gun- cotton. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, p. 76 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 282-283. 129. Experimental illustration of the com- position of Ammonia in Lectures. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, p. 77; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 283-285. 130. How to exhibit the inflammability of Ammonia. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, p. 78 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, p. 285. 131. Separation of Cadmium from Copper, and Arsenic from Antimony. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 78-80; Chemical News, II., 1860, pp. 159-160 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 286-288. 132. Analysis of the saline water of Christian Malford, near Chippenham. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 80-84 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 286-292. 133. Spontaneous decomposition of chloride of lime. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, p. 84; Chemical News, II., 1860, p. 243; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 292-293. 134. Bisulphide of carbon in coal-gas. [I860.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 85-87; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 293- 297. 135. Remarks on the changes of Gutta- percha under tropical influences. [1857.] Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 87-90; Liebig, Annal. CXV., I860, pp. 297-300. 136. Recherches surles bases phosphorees. Derives sulfures de la triethylphosphine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 835-839. 137. Recherches sur les bases phosphorees. Action de la triethylphosphine sur les produits de substitution du gaz des marais. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 947-954. 138. Combinaisons parabaniques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1059-1062. 139. Diagnose des ammoniaques diatomi- ques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 18-21. 140. Action de Tether chloracetique sur la triethylamine et sur la triethylphosphine ; action du cyanate d'ethyle sur la diethylamine et la triethylamine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 252-260. Hofmann, August Wilhelrn. 141. Note sur la diim'thylamine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV 1862, pp. 749-751. 142. Notes of researches on the Poly- Ammonias. No. 20. On the colouring matters produced from Aniline. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 2-13; Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1862, pp. 207-221 ; Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 130-131, 141-142, 155-156; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 428-439. 143. Notes of researches on the Poly- Ammonias. No. 21. On Paraniline. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 312-315. 144. Contributions towards the history of the Monamines. No. 6. Note on the action of Iodide of Methyl on Ammonia. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 380-383. 145. Contributions towards the history of the Monamines. No. 7. Transformation of Aniline into Benzoic Acid. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 383-384 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 805-806. 146. Notes of researches on Poly- Ammo- nias. No. 22. Secondary products formed in the manufacture of Aniline. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 389-394 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 781-785, 901-906. 147. Researches on some of the artificial colouring matters. No. 1. On the composition of the blue derivatives of the tertiary Mon- amines derived from Cinchonine. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 410-418; Chemical News, VII., 1863, pp. 85-87; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 849-857. • 148. Notes of researches on the Poly- Ammonias. No. 23. Hydrazobenzol, a new com- pound isomeric with Benzidine. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 576-578; Chemical News, VIIL, 1863, p. 29 ; Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1110-1113. • 149. Note on the composition of Aniline blue. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 579- 580. 15O. Notes of researches on the Poly- Ammonias. No. 24. On isomeric Diamines. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 639-645 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 992- 996. — • 151. Contributions towards the history of the colouring matters derived from Aniline. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 645-647; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1033- 1035. 152. Contributions towards the history of the colouring matters derived from coal-tar. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 647-648 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1062- 1063. 3 D 2 HOF] 396 [HOF Hofmann, August Jf'ilhelm, 153. On Forrna- mide. Chem. Soc. Jouru. I., 1863, pp. 72-74 ; Paris, Comptes Eendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 328-329. 154. Note on Kinone. Roy. Soc. Proc. XIII., 1863, pp. 4-6 ; Chemical News, VIII., 1863, pp. 63-64 ; Paris, Coinptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1143-1146. 155. Researches on colouring matters de- rived from coal-tar. No. 1. On Aniline-yellow. Roy. Soc. Proc. XIII., 1863, pp. 6-9; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 817-821. 156. Researches ou colouring matters de- rived from coal-tar. No. 2. On Aniline-blue. Roy. Soc. Proc. XIII., 1863, pp. 9-14 ; Che- mical News, VIII., 1863, pp. 49-51 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 25-32. Hofmann, August JVilhelm, and Joint Blyth. On Styrole, and some of the products of its decomposition. [1845.] Chem.Soc.Mem.il., 1843-45, pp. 334-357; Phil. Mag. XXVIL, 1845, pp. 97-121 ; Liebig, Annal. LIIL, 1845, pp. 289-329 ; Bibl. Univ. LIX., 1845, pp. 170- 177. Hofmann, August jnihelm, and George Boivd- Icr Buckton. On the action of sulphuric acid on the uitriles and on the amides. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 544-547 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLVI., 1856, pp. 366-369; Erdm. Journ. Pruk. Chem. LXVIII., 1856, pp. 43-45; LXX., 1857, pp. 470-475. • 2. Researches on the action of sul- phuric acid upon the amides and nitriles, together with remarks upon the conjugate sulpho-acids. Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 453-480; Annal de Chimie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 497-504; Liebig, Annal. C., 1856, pp. 129-170. Hofmann, August U'ilhelm, und HeinricJi Buff. Zerleguug gasformiger Verbindungen durt-h elektrisches Gliihen. Liebig, Annal. CXIIL, 1860, pp. 129-150; Chem. Soc. Journ. XII., 1860, pp*. 273-289. Hofmann, August U'iltielm, et Auguste Cahours. Recherches sur de nouvelles bases phosphorees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 831- 834; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIII., 1856, pp. 48-50. 2. Recherches sur une nouvelle classe d'alcools. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 217-222; Berlin, Bericht, 1856, pp. 79-86; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1857, pp. 432- 462 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIII., 1856, pp. 171-179; Liebig, Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 285-311 ; Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 555-574. 3. Recherches sur les bases phos- phorees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 1092-1094 ; Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1857, pp. 5-47 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 364-366 ; Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 1-39 ; Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 575-600. Hofmann, August Wilhelm, Bromeis, et Charles Gerhardt. Composition de la Qninoleine et son identite avec le Leucole. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846. pp. 314-317. Hofmann, August Wilhelm, and T/iomas Gra- ham. Upon the alleged adulteration of pale ale by strychnine. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIIL, 1852, pp. 266-274; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1852, pp. 397-399 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXIII., 1852, pp. 39-46; Pharmaceut. Journ. XII., 1853, pp. 160-173, 235-243. Hofmann, August Wilhelm, Graham, Thomas, and Jr. A. Miller. Chemical Report on the supply of water to the metropolis. Chem. Soc. Mem. IV., 1852, pp. 375-415. Hofmann, August JVilhelm, Graham, Tliomas, and T/ieojik. Redwood. Report upon original gravities. Chem. Soc. Journ. V., 1853, pp. 229-256. Hofmann, August Jnihelm, and J. S. Mus- pratt. On certain processes in which Aniline is formed. Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, pp. 249-254; Liebig, Annal. LIIL, 1845, pp. 221- 229 ; Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 581-586. , — 2. On Toluidiue, a new organic base. Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, pp. 367- 383 ; Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 1-29 ; Phil. Mag. XXVIL, 1845, pp. 178-194. 3. On Nitraniline, a new product of decomposition of Dinitrobenzol. Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 111-124 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 138-141; Journ. de Pharm. IX, 1846, pp. 459-462; Liebig, Annal. LVIL, 1846, pp. 201-224. Hofmann, Ernst. Geognostische Beobachtungen angestellt auf einer Reise um die Welt, in den Jahren 1823 bis 1826, unter dern Befehl des Kaiserlich Russischen Flotten Capitaines und Ritters Herrn Otto von KOTZEBUE. Karsten, Archiv, I., 1829, pp. 243-315. 2. Ueber die in der Natur vorkommenden Verbindungen des Arseniks mit Metalleu. Pog- gend. Aunal. XXV., 1832, pp. 485-494. 3. Zerlegung einiger Chabasite. Poggend. Annal. XXV., 1832, pp. 495-497. 4. Bericht iiber eine geoguostische Reise nach Odessa und in die sudliche Krimm in den Sommerferien 1838. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1840, col. 257-271. 5. Geognostische0Beobachtungen auf einer Reise von Dorpat bis Abo. Beitr. Russ. Reich. IV., 1841, pp. 97-142. 6. Die Entstehung der Imatra-Steine. Erman, Archiv Russ. I., 1841, pp. 534-544. 7. Geognostische Beobachtungen an der Biriusa und in den, zwischen Podkamenaja und Werchnaja-Tuuguska gelegenen, Bergen. Er- man, Archiv Russ. III., 1843, pp. 356-358. HOF] 397 [HOF Hofmann, Ernst. 8. Reise nach den Goldwiisch- en Ost-Sibiriens. Beitr. Russ. Reich. XII., 1847, pp. 3-218. 9. Kurze Allgemeine Uebersicht des Ural- gebirges. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1848-49, pp. 23-43. 1O. Expedition to the North Ural. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1849, pp. 31-32. 11. Bericht iiber die Expedition zur Er- forschung des nordlichsten Theils des Urals. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. II., 1850. pp. 43-60. 12. [Geognosie von Wotkinsk.] Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VI., 1854, pp. 516-521. 13. Siimmtliche bis jetzt bekannte Trilo- bite Rtisslands. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1857-58, pp. 21-55. 14. Ueber die hypsometrischen Verhalt- nisse des Uralgebirges. Zeitschr. AUg. Erd- kunde, V., 1858, pp. 433-458. 15. Ein Profil des Uralgebirges. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, V., 1858, pp. 8-11. Hofmann, Fr. [On the extraction of the cube root.] Grunert, Archiv, XXII., 1854, p. 240. Hofmann, Franz Jos. Bemerkung iiber die Gewinnung der Samcn fiir den Getreide- und Handelsgewachs-Bau. Gorlitz, Abhandl. IV., 1844, pp. 63-68. Hofmann, Franz W. Ueber ein hiiufiges Vor- kommen von Pissodes notatus, Schonb. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verliandl. II., 1852 (Sitzber.), p. 120. Hofmann, J. N. Botanische und meteorologische Notizen aus Siidtirol. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XL, 1861, pp. 282-289. Hofmann, Josef. Bemerkungen iiber einige zweifelhafte Gebirgspflanzen. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. II., 1852, pp. 169-170, 177-179, 185-186, 193-194. 2. Bemerkungen iiber einige zweifelhafte Gebirgspflanzen. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. IV., 1854, pp. 28-29, 33-34, 386-388, 393-394. • 3. Bemerkungen iiber einige zweifelhafte Gebirgspflanzen. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VII., 1857, pp. 190-192. Hofmann, Joseph Vinzenz. Ueber die Tirol- ischen Arten der Gattung Verbascum. luns- bruck, Neue Zeitschr. VII., 1841, pp. 43-58. Hofmann, Z. Ueber eine neue Reaction zur Entdeckung des Phosphors in Vergiftungsfallen. Liebig, Annal. CXXV., 1863, pp. 121-123. Hofmann, Ottmar. Ueber die Naturgeschichte der Psychiden. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. IV., 1860, pp. 1-53. Hofmann, Ottomar, und F. A. G. Herrich- Schaffer. Die Lepidopteren-Fauna des Regens- burger Umgegend. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt. 1854, pp. 101-109, 113-144, 167-190; 1855, pp. 57-58, 133-150. Hofmann, P. IVilhelm. Action de 1'acide nitrique sur 1'huile des pommes de terre. Annal. de Chimie, XXI1L, 1848, pp. 374-377 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chera. XLV., 1848, pp. 358-360 ; Liebig, Annal. LXVIIL, 1848, pp. 332-333. Hofmeister, /•'. A. W. Nach der Geburt ofieu gebliebener Urachus, mit Fungus umbilicalis. Brosdie, Zeitschrift, V., 1828, pp. 461-463. Hofmeister, It. II. Untersuchungen iiber die Witterungsverhaltnisse von Lenzburg, Canton Aargau, October 1839 bis December 1845. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. X., 1849. 2. Ueber die meteorologischen Verhalt- nisse von Lenzburg, im Canton Aargau, 1847. Zurich, Mittheil. I., 1849, pp. 23-36. Hofmeister, V. Ueber die Trennung der Beryll- erde von der Alaunerde, nebst der Analyse zweier Berylle. Erdni. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 1-8. Hofmeister, Wilhelm. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Coniferen am Himalayan. Botan. Zeitung, IV., 1846, col. 177-185. 2. Untersuchuugen des Vorgangs bei der Befruchtung der Oenothereen. Botan. Zeitung, V, 1847, col. 785-792 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1848, pp. 65-72. 3. Ueber die Entwickelung des Pollens. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 425-434, 649- 658, 670-674. 4. Naissance de 1'embryon des Phanero- games ; serie de recherches microscopiques. (Trawl.) Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.), 1849, pp, 375-382. 5. Ueber die Fruchtbildung uud Keimung der hoheren Cryptogamen. Botan. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 793-800; Ilenfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 70-76. 6. Zur Eutwickelungsgeschichte des Em- bryo der Personaten. Flora, XXXIV., 1851, pp. 449-457. 7. Histoire du developpement des organes reproducteurs dans les Lycopodiacees. (Transl.) Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Bot.), 1852, pp. 172- 192. 8. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Zos- tera. Botan. Zeitung, X., 1852, pp. 121-131, 137-149, 157-158; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. (Nat. Hist.) 1853, pp. 239-261. • 9. Ueber die Stellung der Moose im Sys- tem. Flora, XXXV., 1852, pp. 1-16. 10. Ueber die Keimung der Equisetaceen. Flora, XXXV, 1852, pp. 385-388. 11. Ueber die Befruchtuug der Farrn- kriiuter. Flora, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 257-259 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV, 1854, pp. 272-274, 429- 440; Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.), 1854, pp. 371- 373 ; Leipzig, Berichte, 1854, pp. 54-56. 12. Ueber die Befruchtung der Conifereu. Flora, XXX VII., 1854, pp. 529-542. HOF] 398 [HOG Hofmeister, IVilhelm. 13. Zur Morphologic der Moose. Leipzig, Berichte, 1854, pp. 92-106. 14. Keimung des Botrychium lunaria, Sw. Bonplandia, III., 1855, pp. 331-335. 15. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gefass- kryptogamen. [1852.] Leipzig, Abh. Math. Phys.ll, 1855, pp. 121-179 ; III., pp. 603-682. 16. Embryologisches. Flora, XXXVIII., 1855, pp. 257-266 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.), 1855, pp. 209-219. 17. Eine neue Theorie der Zeugung bei den Phanerogamen. Bonplaudia, IV., 1856, pp. 286-288. 18. Uebersicht neuerer Beobachtungen der Befruchtung und Embryobildung der Phanero- gamen. Leipzig, Berichte, VIII., 1856, pp. 77- 102. 19. Ueber die Fortpflanzung der Desmi- dieen und Diatomeen. Leipzig, Berichte, IX., 1857, pp. 18-38 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1858, pp. 1-18. 20. Ueber das Steigen des Saftes der Pflanzen. Leipzig, Berichte, IX., 1857, pp. 149-161 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Bot.), 1858, pp. 5-19 ; Flora, XLL, 1858, pp. 1-12. • 21. Ueber die zu Gallerte aufquellenden Zellen der Aussenflache von Samen und Peri- karpicn. Leipzig, Berichte, X., 1858, pp. 18-37. 22. Neuere Beobachtungen iiber Embryo- bildung der Phanerogamen. Pringsheim, Bo- tanik, I., 1858, pp. 82-188. 23. LTeber den Ban der weiblichen Bliithe von Viscum album. Botan. Zeitung, XVII.. 1859, pp. 369-374. 24. Neue Beitrage zur Kenutniss der Em- bryobildung der Phanerogamen. Leipzig, Abh. Math. Phys. IV., 1859, pp. 533-672; V., pp. 629-760 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.), 1859, pp. 5-71. 25. Ueber die Beugungen saftreicher Pflanzentheile nach Erschiitterung. Leipzig, Berichte, XL, 1859, pp. 175-204; Pringsheim, Botanik, II., 1860, pp. 237-266. 26. Ueber die Entwickelung der Sporen von Tuber ffistivum, Viltad. Leipzig, Berichte, XL, 1859, pp. 214-225 ; Pringsheim, Botanik, II., 1860, pp. 378-391. 27. Ueber die durch die Schwerkraft bestimmteu Biehtungen von Pflanzentheilen. Leipzig, Berichte, XII., 1860, pp. 175-213 ; Ann. Sci. Nat, XV. (Bot.), 1861, pp. 179-219 ; Priugsheim, Botanik, III., 1863, pp. 77-114. 28. Ueber Spannung, Ausflussmenge und Ausflussgeschwindigkeit von Saften lebender Pflanzen. Flora, XLV., 1862, pp. 97-108, 113- 120, 138-144, 145-152, 170-175. • — 29. Ueber die Mechanik der Eeizbeweg- ungen von Pflanzentheilen. Flora, XLV., 1862, pp. 497-503, 513-517. Hofmeister, Wilhclm. 30. Zusatze und Be- richtigungen zu den 1851 veroffentlichten Unter- suehungen der Entwickelung hoherer Krypto- gamen. Pringsheim, Botanik, HI., 1863, pp. 259-293. Hofrichter, B. Ueber deu Nutzen der Schild- driise. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 161-186. Hofrichter, J. C. Zur iilteren Topographic von Steiermark. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. V., 1861 (Abh.), pp. 24-34. Hofstadter, P. Gotthard. Ueber kunstliches und mineralisches Paraffin. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIII., 1854, pp. 436-443 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXII., 1854, pp. 410-417 ; Liebig, An- nal. XCL, 1854, pp. 326-334. 2. Untersuchung des Fettes des Kopfes des Pottwalls (Physeter macrocephalus). Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 765-771 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 79-80; Liebig, An- nal. XCL, 1854, pp. 177-185. 3. Vegetations- Verhaltnisse von Krems- miinster und Umgebung. Kremsmiinster, Pro- gram. Gymnas. 1862. Hofstetter, Joh. Analyse des natiirlichen sal- petersauren Natrons aus Peru. Liebig, Annal. XLV., 1843, pp. 340-341. Hofstetter, Joh., und C. Stahelin. Chemische Untersuchung einiger Rinden. Liebig, Anual. LI., 1844, pp. 63-80. Hogan, A. R. Catalogue of Coleoptera found in the neighbourhood of Dublin. Newman, Zoolo- gist, XL, 1853, pp. 4134-4136 ; XII., pp. 4195- 4199, 4338-4342; Nat, Hist. Eeview, I., 1854, pp. 32-34, 88-91, 98-101. 2. Notes on the land and fresh-water Mol- lusca of the county of Dublin. Nat. Hist. Ee- view, I., 1854, pp. 93-94. — — 3. Notes on Irish Sphajriae. Entom. Soc. Trans. III., 1854-56 (Proc.), pp. 20-21. 4. Notes on various insects captured and observed in the neighbourhood of Dingle, in Kerry, in June 1854. Nat. Hist. Review, II., 1855 (Proc.), pp. 50-55. 5. Catalogue of Irish Microlepidoptera. Nat, Hist. Eeview, H., 1855 (Proc.), pp. 109- 115. 6. On a new British Oniscoid (Platy- arthus Hoffmannseggii) found in ants' nests. Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 170-174 ; Nat. Hist, Eeview, VI, 1859 (Proc.), pp. 109-113. 7. On the habits and localities of Niphar- gus fontanus (n. sp.), N. Kochianus (n. sp.), and Crangonyx subterraneus (n. g. et sp.), Spence Bate. Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I, 1859, pp. 241-244 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI, 1859 (Proc.), pp. 166-169. HOG] 399 [HOG Hogan, A. R. 8. Notice of British Well Shrimps. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 116-117. 9. On Daphnia Scha?fferi. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1861 (pt. 2), p. 146. Hogan, W. On the storm of the 6th July 1845. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 140-143. — 2. On the storm at Dublin on the 18th April 1850. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 520-521. - 3. On the meteorological observations published in the Proceedings by Mr. George YEATES. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 12- Hogard, Henri. Note sur les Coprolithes du calcaire Muschelkalk de Giremont (Vosges). Epinal (Vosges), Annal. I., 1832 (2e ca/iier), pp. 114-118. 2. Limbometre. Epinal (Vosges), Annal. I., 1833 (3e cahicr), pp. 98-104. 3. Tableau mineralogique des roches des Vosges. Epinal (Vosges), Annal. II., 1834, pp. 271-345. 4. Coup d'oeil sur les vallees du systeme des Vosges. Epinal (Vosges), Annal. II., 1834, pp. 505-545. — — 5. Note pour servir a 1'histoire geologique des gres rouges des Vosges. Epinal (Vosges), Annal. III., 1837, pp. 370-383. 6. Observations sur les traces de glaciers, qui a une epoque reculee, paraissent avoir re- convert la chaine des Vosges. Epiual (Vosges), Annal. IV., 1840, pp. 91-112. 7. Esquisse geologique du Val d'Ajol. Epinal (Vosges), Annal. IV., 1840, pp. 351- 392. 8. Sur les traces d'anciens glaciers dans les Vosges. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1844-45, pp. 249-255. 9. Sur les nappes et cones d'eboulement et sur les lits de dejection des torrents. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 186-203. Hogberg, D. S. Om nagra for Sverige nya arter och forniforandringar af Land-och Insjosnackor. Stockholm, Akad. Haiidl. 1841, pp. 197-205. Hogendorp, W. van. Beschrijving van het Eiland Timor. Batav. Genootsch. Verhaud. I., 1781, pp. 192-214. 2. Vervolg der beschrijving van het Eiland Timor. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. II., 1784, pp. 405-431. Hogg, Jabez. Observations on the developement and growth of the Water Snail. Microsc. Soc. Trans. II., 1854, pp. 91-103. 2. Cilia in Diatomaceoe. Microsc. Journ. III., 1855, pp. 235-236. 3. Facts on the propagation of Actinia. Journ. Microsc. Sci. V., 1857, pp. 238-239. Hogg, Jnbez. 4. A microscopical inquiry into the vegetable parasites infesting the human skin. Microsc. Soc. Trans. VII., 1859, pp. 39-57. Hogg, John. On the nature of the marine pro- duction commonly called Flustra arenosa. [1823.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 318-321 ; Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1116- 1117. 2. On vessels made of the Papyrus. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1829, pp. 324-332 ; III., 1830, pp. 535-537. 3. On the geography, geology, and vege- tation of Sicily. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1830, pp. 105-1 16 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVII., 1830, col. 337-345. 4. Observations on some of the classical plants of Sicily. Hooker's Journ. Botany, I., 1834, pp. 98-147, 203-224. 5. On the comparative influence of the climate of Naples upon the periods of vegetation. Phil. Mag. IV., 1834, pp. 274-279. — — 6. On the snake-like Proteus (P. anguinus). Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp." 625-630. — — 7. On the action of light upon the colour of the River Sponge. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1838, p. 72 ; Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 259-268. 8. Further observations on the Spongilla fluviatilis, with some remarks on the nature of the Spongi* marina?. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1838- 48, pp. 36-39, 226-227. 9. On the classifications of the Amphibia. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 265-274, 367- 378. 1O. On the tentacular classification of Zoo- phytes. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 364- 367. 11. Correction of a mistake relating to the River- Sponge Insect and to the Freshwater Sponge. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 315- 316. • 12. On the existence of Branchiae in the young CfEcilife ; and on a modification and ex- tension of the branchial classification of the Amphibia. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1841, pp. 353-363 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIX., 1841, col. 193-200,212-215. -^^ 13. Observations on the Spongilla fluviatilis. [1838.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIIL, 1841, pp. 363-367, 368-408. 14. Remarks on the Horny Sponges, with proposed divisions of the order Spongirc. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1842, pp. 3-6. 15. A catalogue of Sicilian Plants, with some remarks on the geography, geology, &c. of Sicily. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 287- 335. 16. Notices of entomological captures at Stockton-upon-Tees. Ann. Nat. Hist, XII., 1843, p. 363. HOG] 400 [HOH Hogg, Jtilm. 17. A catalogue of Birds observed in south-eastern Durham and in north-western Cleveland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), pp. 59-60 ; Newman, Zoologist, III., 1845, pp. 1049-1063, 1106-1112, 1169-1187. 18. A synopsis of the classification of the genera of British Birds. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 76-79. 19. On the classification of Birds, and particularly of the genera of European Birds. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLL, 1846, pp. 50- 71. 20. On a large and remarkable Wasps' nest (Vespa vulgaris). Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1848- 55, pp. 33-34. 21. On the artificial breeding of Salmon and Trout, with remarks on the modes of fecun- dating their ova. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1848- 55, pp. 246-247. 22. Notice of the appearance of myriads of a species of Aphis (A. rumicis) in the north of England. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1848-55, pp. 261-262. 23. On the external membrane of the tin- impregnated and impregnated ova of the com- mon Salmon. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1848-55, pp. 330-332. 24. On the occurrence of a large specimen of Thyunus vulgaris in the river Tees. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1848-55, pp. 348-349, 360- 361. 25. On the geography and geology of the peninsula of Mount Sinai and the adjacent coun- tries. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 52- 55; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL VIII., 1850, pp. 193-219; XLIX., pp. 33-53, 255-275. 26. On Dr. NARDO'S classification of the Spongia?, and further notices of the Spongilla fluviatilis. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 190-193. — — 27. On the distribution of certain species of Freshwater Fish, and on the modes of fecun- dating the ova of the Salmonidae. Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. III., 1854-58, pp. 73-87. 28. On four varieties of British plants. [1857.] Linn. Soc. Journ. II., 1858 (Bot.), pp. 133-137. 29. Account of a species of Phalangista, recently killed in the county of Durham. Tyne- side Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 180-184 ; New- man, Zoologist, XVIII., 1860, pp. 6953-6957 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), p. 149. 30. On the distinctions of a Plant and an Animal, and on a fourth kingdom of Nature. Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 111-112; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1860. pp. 216- 225. Hogg, John. 31. On Gebel Haurau and its adjacent districts, and the Eastern Desert of Syria, with remarks on their geography and geology. [1859.] Edinb. New Phil. Jouru. XL, 1860, pp. 173-192 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), p. 180. 32. On the Rosa rubella, irmch. [1859.] Linn. Soc. Journ. IV., 1860 (Bot.), pp. 198-199. 33. Note on the Tree Mallow. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Jouru. V., 1861 (Bot.), pp. 51-52. 34. List of rare phcenogamous plants dis- covered in the S.E. of Durham since 1829. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863 (pt. 2), p. 96. 35. On the Roman Imperial and Crested Eagles. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863 (pt. 2), p. 104. 36. On some old maps of Africa, placing the Central Equatorial Lakes (especially Nyanza and Tanganyika) nearly in their true positions. Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1863 (pt. 2), pp. 138-139. 37. On the fossil teeth of a horse found in the red clay at Stockton. Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. VI., 1863-64, pp. 236-237 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863 (pt. 2), p. 70. 38. On proliferous cones of the common Larch. Tyneside Nat, F. C. Trans. VI., 1863- 64, pp. 238-239 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863 (pt. 2), pp. 95-96. Hogg, JT. On a mossy soil. Highland Soc. Trans. I., 1829, pp. 271-282. Hogg, William. Notes on the Crow. Newman, Zoologist, I., 1843. pp. 304-305. Hohenacker, R. F. Enumeratio Plantarum in territorio Elisabethopolensi et in provincia Karabach sponte nascentium. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. VI., 1833, pp. 210-261. 2. Enumeratio Animalium. in provinciis Transcaueasicis, Karabach, Schirwan et Talysch nee non in territorio Elisabethopolensi observatis. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. N°. VII., 1837, pp. 136-147. 3. Enumeratio Plantarum in itinere per provinciam Talysch collectarum. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. 1838, pp. 231-330, 337-414. Hohenegger, Ludwig. Notizen aus der Umge- bung von Teschen. Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 142-145. 2. Geologische Arbeiten in Teschen. Haidinger, Bericht. V., 1849, pp. 115-126. 3. Metallurgischc Betrachtuugen liber den Sphiirosiderit der Karpathen. [1849.] Haid- inger, Abhandl. III., 1850, pp. 105-120 ; Haid- inger, Bericht. VI., 1850, p. 61. 4. Geologische Untersuchungen in Teschen. [1849.] Haidinger, Bericht. VI., 1850, pp. 106-116. 5. Geognostische Skizze der Nordkarpathen von Schlesien und den naehsten Angranzungen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852 (Hft. 3), pp. 135- 147. HOHj 401 [HOL Hohenegger, Ludwiy. 6. Gcologische Notiz aus Schlesien. Briinn, Mittheil. 1854, pp. 148-149. • 7. Neuere Erfahrungen aus den Nord- karpathen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 304-312. • 8. Ueber die AJnether Schichten in den Karpathen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VIII., 1857, pp. 143-146. Hohl, . Ueber Verletzungen des Kindes im Mutterleibe. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Be- richt, 1847, pp. 129-138. • 2. Ein Fall vou sogenannter Bauch- schwangerschaft mit der Beschreibung des muskulosen Fotalsackes und der Haut des Fotus. Deutsche Klinik. I., 1849, pp. 6-8, 18- 20. 3. Inosite remplagant le sucre dans les urines d'un diabetique. (Transl.) Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, p. 344. Hohl, A. Einige Beitrage zur physiologischen und pathologischen Anatomic. Meckel, Archiv, 1828, pp. 177-192. Hohlfeld, . Die verstarkte Elektricitiit. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. 200-203. • 2. Ueber positive und negative Elektri- citat. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. 203-205. 3. Das Niederschlagen des Eauchs durch Elektricitat. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. 205-207. 4. Die Entwickelung; des Wasserstoffgases aus 6'ligen und geistigen Fliissigkeiten, u. s. w. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. 223- 225. Hohnbaum, • . Die Furcht als begiinstig- ender Moment der Ansteckung. Damerow, Allg. Zeits. Psychiatric, VII., 1850, pp. 572- 593. Hohnbaum, G. [Dessen Theilrnaschine.] Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 307-312. Hoiningen gen. Hiine, , von. Die Schwef- elkies- und Schwerspath-Lagcr bei Meggen an der Lenne. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1856, pp. 300-330. Hok, C. Th. Nagra applysninger rorande Sver- iges badgyttjor. Stockholm, Svenska Lak. Sallsk. Nya Handl. VIII., 1854, pp. 63-104. 2. Calicotyle Kroyeri, Dies. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIII., 1856, pp. 157-160; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. VIII., 1856, pp. 507-512. Holandre, J. Jos. Jacq. Notice sur la decou- verte d'ossements fossiles d'elephant, a Port-sur- Seille, dans 1'automne de 1834. Metz, Mem. Acad. XVI., 1834-35, pp. 212-216 ; L'Institut, IV., 1836, p. 159. 2. Chenilles du Sphinx du laurier-rosc trouvees a Metz en Aout 1835. Metz, Mem. Acad. XVII., 1835-36, pp. 215-216. VOL. III. Holandre, J. Jos. Jacq. 3. Notice surquelques nouvelles especes d'Oiseaux de passage qui out paru dans les environs de Metz, depuis la publi- cation de la lre partie de \&Faune de la Moselle, en 1825. Metz, Mem. Acad. XVIL, 1835-36, pp. 217-221. 4. Notice sur les Musaraignes des environs deMetz, et surquelques autres genres d'animaux de ce mume pays. Metz, Mem. Acad. XV III., 1836-37, pp. 94-103. 5. Considerations suv la question : Com- ment out pu se former les escarpements que Ton remarque aux limites de plusieurs formations et de plusieurs divisions de formations. France, Congres Scient. 1837, pp. 305-309. 6. Sur la formation des tourbieres dans Test du departement de la Moselle et en particu- lier dans les environs de Bitche. France, Con- gres Scient. 1842 (pte. 1), pp. 191-193. 7. Observations sur les ovoides ferrugineux du lias, et principalement sur ceux que 1'ou ren- contre aux environs de Fey. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. I., 1843, pp. 103-107. 8. Note sur un poisson du genre Salmo qui n'a pas encore etc signale dans le departement de la Moselle. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. I., 1843, pp. 116-117. 9. Catalogue des Lepidoptores ou Papil- lons, observes et recueillis aux environs de Metz. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. V., 1848- 49, pp. 30-54. 1O. Note sur une Orobanche de la Prime- vere de Chine. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. V., 1848-49, pp. 55-56. 11. Sur une singuliere nourriture de 1'Helice des jardins. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. V., 1848-49, pp. 56-58. 12. Observation sur TAnemone ranuncu- loides. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. V., 1848- 49, p. 59. 13. Sur le Cardamine pratensis. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. V., 1848-49, pp. 60-61. 14. Catalogue des animaux vertebres ob- serves et recueillis dans le departement de la Moselle. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. VI., 1851, pp. 87-132. 15. Observations surun insecte du Meleze, attribue au genre Cochenille. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. VI., 1851, pp. 156-161. Holberton, T. H. Notes taken during the examination of a specimen of Testudo tabulata, which lately died in the Collection of the Zoolo- gical Society. Zool. Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 325- 328. Holberton, T. H., and Wm. Yarrell. Notes on the internal appearance of several animals examined after death, in the Collection of the Zoological Society. Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 14-18. 3 E HOL] 402 [HOL Holbcll, Carl. Bemrcrkninger over uogle Patte- dyrs og Fugles Dykkeevne. Krtfyer, Nat. Tidssk. IV., 1842-43, pp. 277-278. 2. Ornithologiske Bidrag til den Grjzfa- landske Fauna. Kr0yer, Nat. Tidssk. IV., 1842-43, pp. 361-457. 3. Bemcfirkninger om Opbevaringen of de lavere S0clyr in levende Tilstand. Kr0yer, Nat. Tidssk. IV., 1842-43, pp. 582-584. 4. Notice over Gr0n tender nes Kiper- karnak. Krtfyer, Nat. Tidssk. II., 1846-49, pp. 308-310. 5. Ornithologische und klimatologische Notizen iiber Gronland. Halle, Zeitschr. Ge- sammt. Naturw. III., 1854, pp. 424-428. Holbrook, John Edward. An account of several species of Fish observed in Florida, Georgia, &c. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1855- 58, pp. 47-58. Holcomb, Antasa. Communication of observa- tions of the Solar Eclipse of loth May 1836, and of an Aurora on the evening of 10th May. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIX., 1837, p. 7. 2. Observations on the Auroral Arch seen on the 29th of May 1840. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXV., 1840, p. 390. Holder, . Account of the effects of the juice of the Papaw Tree (Carica papaya), in tenerating Butcher's-meat. [1816.] Edinb. Mem. Wem. Soc. HI., 1817-20, pp. 245-250. Holditch, Hamnet. On rolling curves. [1838.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1842, pp. 61-86. 2. On small finite oscillations. [1843.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1849, pp. 89- 104. 3. On the caustic by reflection from a spherical surface. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 93-111. 4. Geometrical theorem. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, p. 38. 5. On the nth caustic by reflexion from a circle. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 301- 322. 6. Note on the incipient caustic. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, p. 88. 7. On the n"' e volutes and involutes of curves. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 236-246. 8. Theorems on related curves. Quart. Journ. Math. Ill, I860, pp. 271-274.. 9. On double tangents. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 289-307; IV., 1861, pp. 28-44. 10. On a magic square. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 181-189. Holdsworth, A. H. Notes on the Dry-rot, as observed in the church of King's Wear, Devon- shire. Phytologist, IV., 1851, pp. 30-32; Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 80-81. Holdsworth, E. W. H. Description of a new Sea Anemone (Scolanthus sphajroides). Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIII., 1855, pp. 85-86. 2. Description of two new species of Ac- tinia [A. pallida and A. ornata (rubida)] from the south coast of Devon. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXI II., 1855, pp. 235-237. 3. Description of a new species of Actinia from the Devonshire coast (A. vinosa). Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIV., 1856, p. 172; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1856, pp. 497-498. 4. On Electra verticillata, with a notice of its different forms of growth. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVI., 1858, pp. 306-307; Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 159-160. 5. On Zoanthus Couchii, Johnston. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVI., 1858, pp. 557-560 ; XXVII., 1859, pp. 124-125. 6. On the burrowing habits of Peachia hastata, Gosse. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 78-79. 7. On digestive power in the Actinia?. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 275-280. 3. On the developement of Aurelia aurita in the Society's Aquaria. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVII., 1859, pp. 201-202; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 832-833. 9. On an undescribed species of British Zoanthus (Z. rubricornis). Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 99-100 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 484-485. 10. A summary of the history of the Le- porines. Newman, Zoologist, XX., 1862, pp. 7923-7929. 11. Descriptions of two new species of Corals belonging to the genus Flabellum (F. campauulatum and F. nobile). Zool. Soc. Proc. 1862, pp. 198-199. 12. On the occurrence of Caryophyllia clavus on the coasts of Britain, with some remarks on the circumstances affecting the dis- tribution of Corals around the British Islands. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1862, pp. 199-202. Holdsworth, Joseph. Notice on the discovery of coal-measures and of fossil fruits at Billesdon Coplow, in Leicestershire. Phil. Mag. III., 1833, p. 76. 2. A notice of some important geological discoveries at Billesdon Coplow, Leicestershire ; with observations on the nature of their relation to the modern system of geology. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 38-49. 3. On the geology of the district of the Knockmahon Mines in the county of Water- ford. Dublin, Gcol. Soc. Journ. I., 1838, pp. 85-99. Holeczy, Michael. Tremblements de terre a Komarom in Honsrie. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVIII., 1829, p. 1 95. HOL] 403 [HOL Eolger, Phiiipp Aloys (Hitter) von. Analyse des zum Wiener Pakibug verwendeten Nickels. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, III., 1827, pp. 19-23. • 2. Ueber die Wirkung des Zuckers auf Kupfersalze. Baumgartner, Zoitschrift, III., 1827, pp. 401-407. 3. Neue Analyse des verwunscheneuBurg- grafeu von Ellenbogen. Baumgartuei^ Zeit- schrift, V., 1829, pp. 1-7. 4. Ueber die Bereitung eines farblosen Firnisses aus dem Schellack. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VI., 1829, pp. 278-291. 5. Chemische Untersuchung der Eier des Javauischen Kasuars (Casuarius orientalis, Stru- thio casuarius, L.). Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VI., 1829, pp. 129-137. 6. Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchung des Klausner Stahlbrunnen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XVIIL, 1829, pp. 313-320. 7. Neue Analyse der beiden Meteoreisen- uiassen von Lenarto und Agram, nebst einigen Bemerkungen liber den Ursprung der Meteor- massen iiberhaupt. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VII., 1830, pp. 129-149; Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 599. 8. Analyse des Kakoxens. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VIII, 1830, pp. 135-146. 9. Analyse des Cap'schen Meteoreisena. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VIII., 1830, pp. 279- 284. 1O. Einige Notizen iiber den Gerbestoff. Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 599. 11. Analyse des Kropfwassers zu Hall in Oesterreich ob der Enns. Baumgartner, Zeit- schrift, IX., 1831, pp. 75-87. 12. Analyse des Meteoreisens von Bohu- miliz. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, IX., 1831, pp. 323-328. 13. Analyse des Cortex adstringens bra- siliensis. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 903-904. 14. Versuch einer empirischen Classifica- tion der uaheren Bestandtheile organischer Eeste. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, I., 1832, pp. 1-26. 15. Analyse des bei Wessely gefallenen Meteorsteines. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, I., 1832, pp. 240-248. 16. Bemerkuugen zu der Analyse des Meteoreisens von Bohumiliz. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, II., 1833, pp. 35-37. 17. Analyse des Meteorsteines von Stan- nern. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, II., 1833, pp. 293-307. 18. Ueber die geognostische Bedeutung des Weissteins. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, IV. 1837, pp. 159-172, 289-302. 19. Ueber die geognostische Bedeutung des Serpentins. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, IV., 1837, pp. 302-307. Holger, Phiiipp Aloys (Hitter) ron. 2O. Aetz- ender Kalk aufgefunden als Gemengtheil des - Themes des Wiener Beckens. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, IV., 1837, pp. 308-309. 21. Analyse des Agalmatholiths. Baum- gartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 1-7. 22. Ueber den Gurhofian. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 65-75. 23. Die Tuchmacher-Klippe bei Felbering V. O. M. B. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 124-128. 24. Einige Worte iiber die Pathologic der Mineralien. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 159-179. 25. Versuch einer empirischen Charakter- istik der naheren normalen Bestandtheile or- ganischer Reste. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 363-383. • 26. Ueber die geognostische Bedeutung des Syenits. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 403-413. 27. Ueber die Mondmilch. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 413-416. 28. Die Steinb'lquelle bei Gaming, im. Kreise ob dem Wienerwalde. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 446-449. 29. Aetzender Kalk in der Natur vorkom- mend. Liebig, Annal. XXIV., 1837, p. 323 ; Bibl. Univ. XVI., 1838, p. 213. 30. Ueber das Trocknen der Runkelriiben. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. XIII., 1838, pp. 276-284. 31. Kalkstein-Analysen. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VI., 1840, pp. 103-116. 32. Miueralien-Analysen, ausgefuhrt niit dem Brunner'schen Apparate. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VI., 1840, pp. 257-268. 33. Ueber den Blauschiefer. Eine neu aufgestellte Felsart im Kreise ob dem Man- hartsberge in Nieder-Oesterreich. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VII., 1840, pp. 13-21. Holger, Phiiipp Aloys (Rittcr) von, und Kast- ner. Ueber das Bleichen des Schellacks und Bereitung eines farblosen Firnisses aus dem- selben. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chern. VI., 1829, pp. 364-376. Holker, . Fabrication de 1'acide sulfuriqne. Eouen, Trav. Acad. 1851-52, pp. 22-23. Holker, Samuel. An examination of Dr. DAY- TON'S new method of measuring the water of crystallisation contained in different varieties of salts. Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1845, pp. 207-217. Holl, Fr. Bemerkungen iiber einige crypto- gamische Pnanzen. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 332- 336. • 2. Einige neue Cryptogamen. Flora, VII., 1824, pp. 249-256. 3 E 2 HOL] 404 [HOL Holl, Fr. 3. Erster Bericht vom b'konomisch- technisch-caturhistorischen Reiseverein im Ko- nigreich Sachsen. Flora, X., 1827, pp. 460- 462. . 4. Excursion nach clem Pico Ruivo auf der Insel Madeira. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 689-704. — — 5. Verzeichniss der auf der Insel Ma- deira beobachteten Fflanzen, nebst Beschreibung einiger neuen Arten. Flora, XIII., 1830, pp. 369-392 ; Hooker's Journ. Botany, I., 1834, pp. 1.5-22. Holl, Harvey B. On the raetamorphic rocks of the Malvern Hills. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863 (pt. 2), 70-73. 2. On the correlation of the several sub- divisions of the inferior Oolite in the middle and south of England. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1863, pp. 306-317. Holland, G. Calvert. Influence of respiration on the motion of the Blood. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. LIV., 1840, pp. 116-146. 2. The properties and influence of Arteries on the circulation of the Blood. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LV., 1841, pp. 17-47. 3. The influence of the Heart on the mo- tion of the Blood. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LVL, 1841, pp. 69-88. 4. The forces by which the Blood is circu- lated in Capillary Vessels. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LVIIL, 1842, pp. 27-59. 5. The condition of the Blood in the Veins in the natural and the disturbed states of the Animal system. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LIX., 1843, pp. 117-127, 254-271; LX., 1843, pp. 18-32. 6. On the circulation in the Acardiac Foetus. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LXIL, 1844, pp. 156-178. Holland, (Sir) Henry. A sketch of the natural history of the Cheshire Rock-Salt District. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1811, pp. 38-62; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIX., 1812, pp. 210-215, 338-351. 2. On the manufacture of the Sulphate of Magnesia at Monte della Guardia near Genoa. Phil. Trans. 1816. pp. 294-300 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1986-1988. 3. On the influence of the weather in re- lation to disease. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIX., 1840, pp. 28-54. 4. Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Untersuchungen iiber das Nervensystem. ( Tratisl.") Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1840, col. 17-25, 33-41. Holland, Homere. Desulfuration des metaux et extraction de Tor. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 319-320. Holland, Robert. Remarks upon a few of the rarer plants found in Cheshire- Phytologist, III., 1850, pp. 863-865. Holland, T. S. Excess of the colourless cor- puscles of the blood (Leucocythemia) occurring in cases of goitre. Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853, pp. 176-173. Holland, Theodor. Vogel-Fauna der Umgegend Stettins. Naumannia, 1857, pp. 113-125. 2. Ornithologische Beobachtungen vom Jahre 1857. Naumannia, 1858, pp. 78-84. 3. Ornithologische Skizzen aus Vorpom- merii nebst Bemerkungen iiber einige Vogel unserer Fauna. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 441-447. 4. Eiue Excursion nach den Inseln des Neu-Vorpommerschen Ostseestrandes. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VIII., 1860, pp. 303-308. 5, Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Fe- dern. Cabanis, Jouru. Ornithol. VIII., 1860, pp. 341-347, 432-441. 6. Umriss einer allgemeinen Pterographie. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IX., I860, pp. 17-33. Holland, Thomas Grampian. On the radiation of caloric. [1820.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. IX., 1823, pp. 179-186. Hollander, Gustav. Ein Beitrag zu den Unter- suchungen iiber den Uebergang kleiner fester KSrper aus dem Darmkanal in's Blut. Virchow, Archiv, XL, 1857, pp. 100-107. Hollar, V. Ueber einen Kartoffelfeind. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852, pp. 80-81. Hollard, Henri. Note sur la doctrine de la specialite physiologique des racines des nerfs rachidiens. Laurent, Annal. Anat. III., 1839, pp. 177-181. — — 2. Sur la generation, les organes males et leurs produits dans les animaux rayonnes en ge- n6ral et dans les Actinies en particulier. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 80-83. 3. Sur les classifications zoologiques. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 159- 164. 4. Sur la structure de 1'epiderme. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. L, 1842-45, pp. 181- 182. 5. Recherches sur 1'organisation des Vel- elles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVLT.. 1843, pp. 675-676 ; Froriep. Notizen, XXVIII., 1843, col. 247-248 ; XXXVI., 1845, col. 1-6 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Zool.), 1845, pp. 248-254. 6. Quelques considerations sur la classifi- cation des mammiferes. Neuchatel, Bull. 1846- 47, pp. 86-92. 7- Note sur la disposition de tentacules chez les Actinies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 974-977. 8. Sur les dependances de la peau chez les animaux articules. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXVII., 1848, p. 183. HOL] 405 [HOL Hollard, Henri. 9. Note sur le cloisonneiueut de la cavite viscerale des Actinies, et sur ses relations avec la disposition des tentacules. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 2-5. 1O. Coup d'oeil sur Fordre des Ganoides, et recherches sur les caracteres des Lopho- branches, pour determiner leurs veritables affi- nites zoologiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 564-566. 11. Etudes zcologiques sur le genre Ac- tinia. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 744-745 ; Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 225-229, 285-294, 623-634. 12. Monographic anatomique du genre Actinia, Lin., considere coinme type du groupe general des polypes zoanthaires (J'apres les Act. senilis et equina). Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Zool.), 1851, pp. 257-291. 13. Monographic de la famille des Balis- toides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 117-118; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Zool.), 1853, pp. 71-114. 14. Recherches sur les caracteres anatom- iques des dependances de la peau chez les animaux ariicules. Rev. et Mag. Zool. III., 1851, pp. 283-294. 15. Monographic des Balistides. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Zool.), 1854, pp. 41-72, 303-339; II., pp. 321-366 ; IV., pp. 5-27. 16. Note sur le caractere osteogenique de la perforation qui affecte, dans un grand nom- bre de cas, la cloison des fosses olecranienne et corono'ide de 1'humerus. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Zool.), 1855, pp. 341-345. 17. Monographic des Ostracionides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 805-807 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zool.), 1857, pp. 121-170. 18. Etudes sur les Gyrunodontes et en par- ticulier sur 1'osteologie de ces poissons, et sur le parti qu'on peut en tirer pour leur classification. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 796- 797 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Zool.), 1857, pp. 275-328. • 19. Nouvel exemple de croisement fecond du Canis lupus et du Canis familiaris. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 1072-1073. 20. Memoire sur le squelette des poissons plectoguathes, etudie au point de vue des carac- teres qu'il peut fournir pour la classification. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Zool.), 1860, pp. 5-46 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, L.. 1860, pp. 719-720; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. 171-172. 21. Etudes relatives au squelette des pois- sons. Presse Scientifique, III., 1861, pp.778-780. 22. Recherches sur le placenta des Ron- geurs, et plus specialenient sur celui des Lapins. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 773- 774 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.), 1863, pp. 223-232. Hollard, Henri. 23. De la signification anatom- ique de 1'appareil operculaire des Poissons et de quelques autres parties de leur systeme osseux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 38-39 ; Presse Scientifique, L, 1863, pp. 539- 549; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XV, 1863, pp. 27-28. 24. De la distribution des pieces qui com- posent 1'arc suspenseur de la machoire infurieure chez les poissons osseux, et de leur signification anatomique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 633-634; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 167-168. 25. Recherches sur la signification homo- logique de quelques pieces facialcs du squelette des Poissons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, p. 670; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 384-385 ; Presse Scientifique, I., 1863, pp. 538-540. Hollberg, L. Beskrifning ofver Bohus-Lanske Fiskarne. Gotheborg, Nya Handl. III., 1819; IV, 1821 ; V., 1822. Holle, (Dr.) G. von. Ueber den Zellenkorper der Lebermoose. Heidelberg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 35-38 ; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1857, pp. 569-573. 2. Ueber den KartofFelpilz. Heidelberg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 87-89; Botan. Zeitung, XVI., 1858, pp. 37-42, 45-53 ; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1858, pp. 321-324. 3. Ueber die Formen und den Bau der vegetabilischen Proteinkb'rper. Heidelberg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 115- 118; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit, 1858, pp. 349- 352. • 4. Ueber die Torfmoose der Gegend von Hannover. Heidelberg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 212-213; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1859, pp. 801-803. 5. Ueber Proteinkrystalle. Heidelberg, Verhaudl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 213- 215; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1859, pp. 803- 804. 6. Ueber Protemkorner im Samen der Cy- peraceen. Heidelberg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 236-237; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1859, p. 827. 7. Ueber einige Pflanzen-Formen der Alpen. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1859, p. 814. 8. Ueber Pflanzen-Bastarde. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1861, pp. 180-181. 9. Ueber die Granzen einiger Pflanzen- Arten. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1861, pp. 193- 194. Holle, O. Verbreitung der um Hannover nach- gewiesenen, wild Wiichsenden und allgemeiner cultivirten Gefiisspflanzen iiber die geognost- ischen Formationen des Gebietes. Hannover, Jahresber. XII., 1861-62, p. 7-23. HOL] 406 [HOL Holler, Aug. Bemerkungen liber das Nuphar spennerianum, Gaud., des Spitzingsees. Flora, XXXVIII., 1855, pp. 721-723. 2. Beitrag zur Flora des Algaus. Augs- burg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. XI., 1858, pp. 92- 96 Hoilier, E. Geology of the Castle Hill, with special reference to some of its peculiar fossils. Dudley, Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1863-64, pp. 31- 32, Hollings, G. E. Replies to queries regarding Manures, from Luckuow and Fyzabad. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. II., 1843, pp. 245-248. 2. Remarks on the agricultural capabilities of the district of Leia, in the Punjaub. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. VII., 1849-50, pp. 228-237. — 3. Further remarks regarding the fibre of the Muddar (Calotropis Hamiltonii), and on the culture of Cotton, Silk, Tobacco, and other pro- ducts in the Punjaub. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. VIIL, 1854, pp. 132-145. Hollins, William. On the causes and cure of the disease termed the " Curl " in Potatoes. Gill, Tech. Rep. IX., 1826, pp. 83-93. Hollstein, . Mittheilungen iiber einige angeborene Bildungsfehler. Journ. Chir. Aug- enheilk. VI., 1847, pp. 497-504. Hollander, Christian Fiirchtegott. Versuche iiber die Auffindung einer wohlfeilen luid brauch- baren Glasur auf Englisches Steingut. Schweig- ger, Journ. XVI., 1816, pp. 225-240. 2. Ueber eiue neue Methode Vitriol- und Alaunerze auf ihren wahren Gehalt an Vitriol uud Alaun in huttemmnnischer Bcziehung zu untersucheu. Schweigger, Journ. XIX., 1817, pp. 344-360. . 3. Betrachtungen iiber die Holzessigsaure (Meilerwasser, Pechwasser, Theerwasser) und deren Anwendbarkeit in der Haus- und Land- wirthschaft so wie den technischen Kiinsten und Gewerbeu ; nebst einigen freimiithigen Bemerkungen, wie stockender Gewerbfleiss mehr zu beleben sey. Hermbstadt, Museum, XIII., 1818, pp. 201-215. 4. Versuche iiber die Verbindung des Zinkes mit dem Eisen. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIII. (= Jahrl. III.), 1821, pp. 41-61, 166-195. 5. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Benutzung und Verarbeitung des Zinkes. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, V., 1822, pp. 68-94; Mag. f. Na- turvid. IV., 1824, pp. 149-177. 6. Versuch zur Auffindung eiuer verbesser- ten Zink-Probe. Karsteu, Archiv f. Bergbau, VIH., 1824, pp. 105-129. 7. Vermischte chemikalische Beobacht- ungen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. -iGl-473. Hollunder, Christian Fiirchtegott. 8. Kiinst- licher Siiulen-Sandstein. Kastner, Archiv Na- turl. IV., 1825, pp. 125-126. 9. Moschus und Bleierze als Hiitten-pro- ducte. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IV., 1825, pp. 127-128, 250-256. 10. Salzsiiure-Entwickelung aus unreinem Salpeter durch kochendes Wasser verniittelt. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IX., 1826, pp. 359-361. 11. Zersetzung der Auflosung des eisen- blausauren Kali beirn Sieden. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IX., 1826, pp. 361-364. 12. Winke iiber eine iiberseheiie Erschein- ung bei der Berlinerblaufabrication. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IX., 1826, pp. 365-369. > 13. Chlorgeruch im Bier. Kastner, Ar- chiv Naturl. IX., 1826, pp. 369-370. 14. Merkwiirdige Reaction einer arsenik- sauren Kaliauflosung auf Gusseisen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IX., 1826, pp. 370-371. 15. Beleuchtung einiger beiin Oberschle- sischen und Poliiischen Eisenhiitten- und Zink- hiittenbetriebe vorkommenden merkwurdigen Erscheinungen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XII., 1827, pp. 385-392. 16. Urngekehrte Reaction der Saureu auf Pflanzenfarben im chemischen und im Lebens- Prozess. Kastuer, Archiv Naturl. XII., 1827, pp. 397-398. 17. Wieder ein Beitrag zu merkwiirdigen Ammoniakbildungen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XII., 1827, pp. 399-402. 18. Versuch eines kleinen Beitrages zur Kenntniss der Natur der Thouerde. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XII., 1827, pp. 424-441. 19. Ueber Metallscheidungen, vorziiglich auf trockenem Wege, und insonderheit iiber die Scheidung des Silbers vom Kupfer. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XIIL, 1828, pp. 102-144, 205- 222. ' 2O. Beschreibung des gewohnlichen Alaun- hiittenprozesses. Die Benutzung der Staub- kohlen auf Alaun. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XIH., 1828, pp. 273-320. 21. Ueber neue Materialien zur Erzeug- ung eines brauchbaren Beleuchtungsgases. Erdni. Journ. Tech. Chem. V., 1829, pp. 274- 280. Holm, H. Nonnulla de encephalomalacia arte- riarum obstructione orta, cujus morbi casus adjicitur. Kiel, Schriften, II., 1856. Holm, Peter Alberg. Ornithologiske Bidrag til Fa?roernes Fauna. Kr0yer, Nat. Tidssk. II., 1846-49, pp. 465-526 ; Wiegmann, Archiv, XIV., 1848, pp. 197-340. Holm, S. M. Account of a remarkable fiery eruption from the earth in Iceland in the year 1783. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. III., 1799, pp. 113- 120. HOL] 407 [HOL Holm, Jniliclm. Ueber die physiologischc Wirk- ung des Helleborus viridis. Wiirzburg. Med. Zeitschr. II., 1861, pp. 448-161. Holmberg, Heinrich Joh. Geognostiscbe Be- merkungen auf einer Baidarkenfahrt um die Insel Kadjak in den Russisch-Americanischen Colo- nien, ausgefuhrt im Sommer 1851. St. Petersb. Verband. Min. Gesell. 1852-53, pp. 246-251. 2. Hydrograpbiscbe und orographisch- geognostische Beobachtungen im nordlichen Finnland. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1855-56, pp. 1-62. 3. Ethnographische Skizzen uber die Volker des Russischen America. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. IV., 1856, pp. 281-421. 4. Bemerkungen auf einer geognostiscben Reise nach Ost-Finnland. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIX., 1856 (ptc. 2), pp. 503-554. 5. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Mine- ralogie in Finnland. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1857-58, pp. 149-155. 6. Ueber Fiacbcultur in Finnland. Mos- cou, Soc, Nat. Bull. XXXIIL, 1860, pp. 321- 449 ; XXXIV., 1861, pp. 201-283 ; XXXV., 1862, pp. 148-213; XXXVL, 1863, pp. 127- 200. 7. A sketch of the Geological Structure of Finland. [1863.] Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1864, pp. 41-48. Holmberg, N. Beskrifning pa en vindflojel, som inue i rummet visar medelst elektricitet viudens riktning i fria luften. Stockholm, Ofrersigt, XVII., 1860, pp. 79-80. Holmboe, . Foredrag om oprindelsen af det Skandinaviske Vasgtsystem i Middelalderen. Christiania, Forhandliuger, 1861, pp. 96-112. Holmboe, Berndt Michael. Om Legemernes absolute og relative Kraft. Mag. f. Naturvid. VI., 1825, pp. 61-73. 2. Formen af den Function, som fyldestgjo'r Ligningen F(x + z) + F(x-z)=aF (x). F (s). Mag. f. Naturvid. I., 1832 (?), pp. 275-279. 3. Analytisk Opgave. Mag. f. Naturvid. II., 1836, pp. 279-285. Holme, Edward. The inverse method of central forces. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IV., 1796, pp. 369-421 ; V., 1798, pp. 102-108. Holme, Frederick. Notice of the coleopterous insects observed in the Scilly Islands. [1836.] Entom. Soc. Trans. II., 1837-40, pp. 58-64. 2. Notice of the explosive properties of Brachinus crepitans. Entom. Soc. Trans. II., 183 7-40 (Proc.), p. vii. 3. On the earlier notices relative to the natural history of the Giraffe. Ashmol. Soc. Trans. 1838. Holme, Frederic/,'. 4. Rough notes on the habit?, manners, &c. of some of the British Bracholytra. [1838.] Entom. Soc. Trans. III., 1841-43, pp. 108-128. 5. Notice of the occurrence of the Orange Hobby (Falco rufipes). Newman, Zoologist, I.. 1843, p. 78. 6. Note on snails devouring insects. Newman, Zoologist, I., 1843, p. 201. 7. Letters on natural history. Newman, Zoologist, XIV., 1856, pp. 5034-5044. Holme, John. An analysis of Satin Spar from Alston Moor in Cumberland. [1812.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XL, 1815, pp. 164-166. 2. Observations on Arragonite, together with its analysis. [1813.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XL, 1815, pp. 235-241. Holmes (Dr.). On reflex vision. Amer. Acad. Proc. IV., 1857-60, pp. 373-375. Holmes, Abiel. Account of meteorological ob- servations made in Georgia and South Carolina. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. III., 1809, pp. 107- 112. Holmes, F. H. On Magneto-Electricity, and its application to Lighthouse purposes. Electrician, IV., 1863, pp. 66-68, 81-82, 92-94. Holmes, Francis S. Description of a Bezoar Stone found in the stomach of a Buck (Cervus virgiuianus, Gm.~). Charleston, South. Journ. Med. II., 1847, pp. 527-530. 2. Notes on the geology of Charleston, S. C. Charleston, Med. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 655-671 ; Silliman, Journ. VII., 1849, pp. 187- 201. 3. Remarks on Rob. GIBBES'S paper on the fossil Equus. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 68-69. 4. Observations on the geology of Ashley River, South Carolina. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 201-204. — — 5. Debris d'animaux domestiques melanges avec des fossiles post-pliocenes dans la Caroline du Sud. (Transl.) Bibl. Univ. Archives, V., 1859, pp. 37-44. 6. Descriptions of new fossil Balani, from the Eocene Marl of Ashley River. Elliott Soc. Proc. L, 1859, p. 21. 7. Description of a new species of Ostrea, found living in the waters of the coast of South Carolina. Elliott Soc. Proc. I., 1859, p. 29. 8. Contributions to the natural history of the American Devil Fish, with description of a new genus from the harbour of Charleston, South Carolina. Elliott Soc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 39-46. Holmes, J. H. H. On Safety Lamps for Coal- mines. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1816, pp. 129-131, 269-272. HOL] 408 [HOL Holmes, J. H. II. 2. Explosion of Coal Gas in a ship. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1816, pp. 213-215. Holmes, John. On some double salts containing chloride of mercury and chloride of ammo- nium. Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 352-354. Holmes, O. W. On the use of direct light in microscopic researches. Amer. Acad. Proc. II., 1848-52, pp. 326-332. Holmes, 0. IF., and C. IJ'. Hodges. 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Berichtigung zur Monographia Trypho- nidum. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIX., 1858, pp. 433-434. ~— 8. Conspectus generum Ophionidum Suecire. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XV., 1858, pp. 321-330. 9. Crotopus, nytt genus ibland Ichneu- moniderna. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XV., 1858, pp. 353-354. 10. Bidrag till kannedomen af Ichneumo- nidernas lefnadssiitt. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVI., 1859, pp. 19-22; Halle, Zeitschr. Ge- saiumt. Naturw. XIII., 1859, pp. 196-199. 11. Forsok till uppstiillning och beskrif- ning af Sveriges Ichneumonider. Monographia Pimplariarum Suecias. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. III., 1859-60. Holmgren, Frithiof. Om den hvita blodcellen. Upsala, Arsskrifti 1861 (Med.). Holmgren, Hjalmar. Sur la convergence des series trigonometriques procedaut suivant les multiples d'un memo arc. Liouville, Journ. Math. XVI., 1851, pp. 186-190. Holmgren, K. A. Recherches i-elatives a Tin- fluence de la temperature sur le magnetisme. Upsala, Nova Acta Soc. Sci. I., 1851, pp. 309- 328. 2. Gamla grufvor igenvallade af mossa. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XL, 1854, pp. 355-358. 3. Om viirmeledningen hos magnetiskt jern. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIX., 1862, pp. 163-171. Holmquist, Daniel Erhard. Utdrag af mete- orologiska dagboken, hallen vid Upsala Obser- vatorium ar 1800. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXII.. 1801, pp. 73-80. Holms, Ch., et Aug. Laurent. Analyses di- verses. Anual. de'diimie, LX., 1835, pp. 330- 333 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VII., 1836, pp. 339-344. Holroyd, Arthur F. Notes of a journey to Kordofan, in 1836-37. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IX., 1839, pp. 163-191. Holscher, . Operation von Hydatiden in der Augenhuhle, in einem merkwiirdigen Falle von Exophthalmos. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1833, pp. 237-242. 2. Uebcr die Macht des Gemiithes in Krankheiten. Oken, Isis, 1840, col. 850-856. Hoist, . Surveys in Norway. Geogr. Soc. Proc. IV., 1860, pp. 240-243. Hoist, Frederik. Om Sovnen ; (Fragment af physiologiske Forelresninger.) Mag. f. Naturvid. IV., 1824, pp. 48-85. 2. Merkwiirdige Missbildung des Herzens uud seiner grossen Gefasse bei einer blau- siichtigen Kranken. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXXXIV., 1837, pp. 98-107. Holstius, /. Versuche iiber die Fiillung der Kieselerde aus der alkalischen Auflosung durch Schwererde. Crell, Chem. Annal. I., 1803, pp. 377-387,451-461. Holt, . On Rain-Gauges. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XV., 1820, pp. 71-73. Holt, — , Embleton, T. If7., and Morton. On the geology of the North Midland Railway. West Yorks. Proc. Geol. Soc. I., 1 839-42, pp. 138-144. Holt, Thomas. Remarks on the nomenclature and constitution of certain pharmaceutic sub- stances. Chemist, IH., 1842, pp. 312-313. Holten, C. Om et nyt Luftthermometer. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. III., 1842, pp. 315-318. 2. Om optiske Billeders Klarhed. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. V., 1847, pp. 240-243. 3. Beregning af REGNAULT'S Forsog over Qvregsolvets absolute Udvidelse ved Varmen, etc. Kiobenhavn, Oversigt, 1850, pp. 37^i6. 4. Elemental beregning af den midpunkt- sp'gende Kraft ved Centralbevsegelsen. Mathem. Tidssk. I., 1859, pp. 161-165. HOL] 409 [HOL Holten, C. 5. Unders^gelscr over Sticrnernes Fuuklcii tilligeraed nogle bemserkninger om Phenakistoskopets Theorie. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VIII., 1860, pp. 565-570. 6. Resultaterne af bans unders^gelser over Regnforholdene i Nordamerika. Kiiibenhavn, Oversigt, 1861, pp. 87-93. Fremstilling af Regnforholdene i Eu- ropa. Kiobenhavn, Oversigt, 1861, pp. 231-232. 8. Om karakteerberegning. Matbem. Tidssk. V., 1863, pp. 65-69. Holten, H. S. von. Filaria chrysomeloc. Kio- benbavn, Skriv. Nat. Selsk. IV., 1797, pp. 16- 18. 2. Beskrivelse over en uy Fisk fra Portu- gal (Tricbiurus gladius), og tvende i sarame fundne ubekiendte Indvoldeorrae (Echinorhyn- chus trichiuri, Diplasia trichiuri). Kiubenhavn, Skriv. Nat. Selsk. V. (Hft 2), 1802, pp. 19-28. 3. Anmrcrkninger til beskrivelsen over Zeus guttatus, samt beskrivelser over tvende nye arter Lernaeer (Lernrea merlucci et exo- coeti). [1800.] Kiobenhavn, Skriv. Nat. Selsk. V. (Hft 2), 1802, pp. 129-137. Holt on, J. F. On musical intonation and tem- perament. New York, Annal. Lyceum, IV., 1840, pp. 505-519. 2. On an American Prime Meridian. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 381-383. Eoltz, TJ'. Vorliuifige Mittheilung iiber das Durchbrechen von Glas mittelst Reibungselek- tricitiit. Poggend. Annal. CXVI., 1862, pp. 507-508. Holtzapffel, C. On the Gauges at present used for measuring the thickness of sheet metals and wires, and proposals for a new system of Gauges founded on the decimal subdivision of the Stan- dard Inch. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIV., 1847, pp. 116-122, 204-208. Holtzmann, Carl Hcinrich Alexander. Ueber den Nutzen der erwarmten Luft bei Gebliise- feuern. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 304-311. 2. Apparat zur Nachweisung der Abhiin- gigkeit der Pendelschwingungen von derbeweg- enden Kraft. Poggend. Annal. LVIII., 1843, p. 135. 3. Ueber den Ausfluss der Luft aus einem Behiilter. Poggend. Aunal. LXL, 1844, pp. 466-471. 4. Ueber die theoretische Formel f iir die Spannkraft des Wasserdampfs. Poggend. An- nal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 382-384. 5. Ueber die Cohasion des Wassers. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXL, 1847, pp. 463-464. 6. Ueber die Warme und Elasticitat der Giise und Diimpfe. Poggend. Annal. LXXII. (Ergdnzungsband), 1848, pp. 183-192 ; Tay- lor, Scientif. Mem. IV., 1846, pp. 189-217. VOL. III. Holtzmann, Carl Heinric.h Alexander. 7. Ueber die beivegeude Kraft der Wiirme. Poggond. Annal. LXXXII., 1851, pp. 445-452. 8. Die mechauische Arbeit, welche zur Er- haltuug eines elektrischen Stromes erforderlich ist. Poggend. Annal. XCI., 1854, pp. 260- 267. 9. Ueber die Polarisation des elektrischen Stroms. Poggend. Anual. XCII., 1854, pp. 577-588. 10. Ueber die Ursache der elektrischen Inductionsstrb'me. Wurttembcrg, Jahreshefte, X., 1854, pp. 251-255. 11. Das polarisirte Licht schwingt in der Polarisationsebene. Poggend. Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 446-451 ; Aunal. de Chimie, LV., 1859, pp. 501-504 ; Phil. Mag. XIII., 1857, pp. 125-129. Holub, Franz Jos. Ueber Monstrositaten. Prag, Vierteljahrsschr. 1844 (Hft. 4), pp. 38- 58. 2. Merkwiirdige Missgeburt. Prag, Vier- teljahrsschr. 1846, pp. 156-157. Holuby, Joseph Ludwig. Ein Ausflug auf die Jaworina. Presburg, Verhandl. I., 1856, pp. 69-73. 2. Vegetations-Beobachtungen zu Pres- burg. Presburg, Verhaudl. I., 1856, pp. 96- 107. 3. Erganzung zu Dr. KRZICH'S Flora des Ober-Neutraer Comitates. Presburg, Verhandl. III., 1858, pp. 58-63. 4. Bemerkungen aus der Flora des Unter- Neutraer Comitates. Presburg, Verhandl. IV., 1859, pp. 67-78 ; (Sit:. Ber), p. 35. 5. Ueber die Riesen im Pflanzenreich. Presburg, Verhandl. V., 1860-61, pp. xxxix-xl. 6. Botanische Notizen aus Skalitz. Pres- burg, Korresp. Blatt. II., 1863, pp. 81-91. Holyoke, A., and Enoch Hale. A Meteorological Journal from the Year 1786 to the Year 1829 inclusive, with a prefatory Memoir. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. I., 1833, pp. 107-216. Holyoke, Edw. Augustus. A Bill of Mortality for the town of Salem, for the years 1782 and 1783. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. I., 1785, pp. 546-550. 2. An estimate of the heat and cold of the American atmosphere beyond the European, in the same parallel of latitude ; with some thoughts on the causes of this excess. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. II., 1793, pp. 65-88. 3. A table of results, from a course of ob- servations made on the heat of the atmosphere by FAHRENHEIT'S Thermometer iu the years 1786 — 1792 in Salem, Massachusetts. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. II., 1793, pp. 89-92. 3 F HOL] 410 [HOM Holyoke, Edw. Augustus. 4. An easy and cheap method of preparing Sal aeratus (car- bonate of potash). Tilloch, Phil. Mag. V., 1799, pp. 36-38. 5. A proposal for adjusting a new scale to the mercurial thermometer. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. III., 1809, pp. 51-56. 6. Observations made with FAHRENHEIT'S Thermometer, at Salem, Mass., from the year 1793 to the year 1818, both inclusive, being the last 26 years of a period of 33 years' observa- tions. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. IV., 1818, pp. 361-386. Holyoke, Edw. Augustus, and Chester Dewey. Meteorological Observations made in N. America. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 349-353. Holzbauer, C. Der Goldberg nordostlich von Bopfingen. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. VII., 1854, pp. 24-26. 2. Die Petrefacten des Eisenbergwerkes Wasseralfingen bei Aalen, nebst einigen Mit- theilungen iiber den Bergbau daselbst. Augs- burg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. VIII., 1855, pp. 52- 53. 3. Die Schichtenfolge in der Umgegend Ips bei Bopfingen. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist, Ver. VIII., 1 855, pp. 54-56. 4. Das Steinsalzbergwerk bei Wilhelms- gliick im Konigreich Wiirttemberg. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. IX., 1856, p. 28. Holzbauer, C., und Fr. Sieber. Der Ips und seine Umgebung in geognostischer Uebersicht, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Schichten- folge des mittleren und oberen braunen Jura. Eegensburg, Korresp. Blatt. 1853, pp. 37-47. Holzinger, J. B. Beitrag zur Lichenen-Flora Nieder-Oesterreichs. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XIII., 1863 (Abh.), pp. 1003-1008. Holzl, Karl. Botanische Beitriige aus Galizien. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XI., 1861 (Abh.), pp. 149-160, 433-446. 2. Ueber eine fur Oesterreich neue Lathy- rus-Art. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XII., 1862 (Abh.), pp. 1141-1142. 3. Die Potentillen Galiziens. [1862.] Wieii, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XIH., 1863 (Abh.),w. 119-128. Holzmann, . Einige Mittheilungen iiber die geognostischen Verhiiltnisse der Galmei- Lagerstiitte bei Wiesloch. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1852, pp. 907-910. Holzmann, M. Ueber einige Salze des Cers uud Lanthans. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 321-352. 2. Zur Kenntniss der Cerverbindungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 76-82 ; Phil. Mag. XXII., 1861, pp. 216- 220. Holzmann, M., and Matthiessen. On the effect of the presence of metals and metalloids upon the electric conducting power of pure copper. Phil. Trans. 1860, pp. 85-92; Che- mical News, H., 1860, pp. 217-218; Berlin, Telegraph. Verein. Zeitschr. VII., 1860, pp. 261-269. Hombres, Charles d'. Notes sur les observa- tions meteorologiques faites a Alais en 1839. Gai-d, Mem. Acad. 1838-39, pp. 113-116. 2. Notice sur une variete du Ble de Sainte- Helene, ou Ble monstre. Mende, Soc. Agric. Mem. 1839-40, pp. 57-59. 3. Notes georgico-meteorologiques pendant I'annee 1842. Gard, Mem. Acad. 1842-44, pp. 62-66. 4. Observations meteorologiques. Gard, Mem. Acad. 1847-48, pp. 31-36. 5. Resultats des observations georgico- meteorologiques, faites ii St. Hippolyte-de- Caton (Gard), en 1848. Gard, Mem. Acad. 1847-48, pp. 36-43. 6. Resultats des observations georgico- meteorologiques faites en 1849 a St. Hippolyte- de-Caton (Gard). Gard, Mem. Acad. 1849-50, pp. 195-201. • 7. Observations georgico-meteorologiques, sur I'annee 1851, faites a St. Hippolyte-de- Caton. Gard, Mem. Acad. 1851-52, pp. 173- 179. Hombres-Pirmas, Louis Augustin d'. Sur une methode simple, de ramener toujours dans le baromctre le niveau du mercure au point de zero de 1'instrument. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1806, pp. 19-26. 2. Remarques sur le Megascope de M. CHARLES. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1807, pp. 143-146. • • 3. Description d'un nouvel Udometre. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1807, pp. 150-156. 4. Notice sur le tremblement de terre du mois de Fevrier 1808. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1808, pp. 180-183. 5. Observations sur les influences lunaires. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1808, pp. 183-190. 6. Nivellement barometrique des princi- pales hauteurs du departement du Gard. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1808, pP%190-204. 7. Observation sur 1'eclair galvnnique. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1809, pp. 147-150. 8. Nivellement barometrique du departe- ment du Gard. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1810, pp. 77-113. 9. Resultat des observations meteorolo- giques. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1810, pp. llo-llo. HOM] 411 [HOM Hombres-Firmas, Louis Attgustin d\ 10. De- termination de la hauteur d'Alais, au-dessus du niveau de la mer. Bibl. Britannique, XL VIII., 1811, pp. 150-161; Montpellier, llec. des Bull. IV., 1811, pp. 277-285. 11. Sur la ponderabilite du calorique. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1811, pp. 138-149. 12. Sur la malleabilite du Zinc. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1811, pp. 149-154. 13. Description d'un baroscope. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1811, pp. 154-165. 14. Eapport sur un nit-moire de M. MOLLET, relatif a la production de la lumiere et de la chaleur par reflet de la compression. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. 1811, pp. 175-182. 15. Lettre sur 1'influence de la pluie sur le Barouietre. Bibl. Britannique, LI., 1812, pp. 289-297. 16. Note sur la trempe de 1'acier, et pro- cede pour lui donner une grande durete. Bibl. Britannique, LIL, 1813, pp. 279-282. 17. Rapport sur un abime ouvert dans la plaine de Boucoiran, arrondissement d'Alais, de- partenient du Gard. Jouru. de Phys. LXXXIL, 1816, pp. 147-148; Gard, Aperfu des Trav. 1822, pp. 94-97. 18. Description d'une formation calcaire des environs d'Alais. Bibl. Univ. VI., 1817, pp. 189-193 ; Annal. de Cliimie, VIII., 1818, pp. 70-75. 19. Notice sur 1'asphalte et les petrifications d'Auzon, departement du Gard, pour servir a 1'histoire naturelle de ce pays. Bibl. Univ. IX., 1818, pp. 236-240 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIIL, 1819, pp. 182-185. 20. Experiences sur le magnutisme du rayon violet. Bibl. Univ. XI., 1819, pp. 29-32 ; Annal. de Chimie, X., 1819, pp. 285- 287 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIIL, 1819, pp. 459-462. 21. Memoire pour servir a 1'histoire natu- relle des Cevennes. Essai sur les petrifications, et en particulier sur celles qui se trouvent a Sauvages pres d'Alais. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 247-253 ; Bibl. Univ. XIII., 1820, pp. 43-51. 22. Chevreau femelle de 15 jours avec un fcetus bien forme. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1819, pp. 105-106 ; Gard, Apercu des Trav. 1822, pp. 91-92. 23. Memoire sur 1'application de la Me- teorologie a 1'Agriculture, et sur 1'etablissement d'une correspondance pour les progres de cette Science. Journ. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 190- 196. 24. Notice sur les Sauterelles d'Arles. Journ. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 210-212. Hombres-Firmas, Louis Auyustin d'. 25. Memoire sur la Temperature du rnois de Janvier 1820. Journ. de Phys. XCI., 1820, pp. 81-90. 26. Notice sur des ossements humains fos- siles. Bibl. Univ. XVII., 1821, pp. 33-41 ; Journ. de Phys. XCIL, 1821, pp. 227-253. 27. Notice sur les aerolithes du departe- ment de 1'Arcleche. Bibl. Univ. XVIII., 1821, pp. 80-83. 28. Note sur un phenomene de vegetation. Bibl. Univ. XX., 1822, pp. 234-238. (Anonym.). 29. Sur le duvet des chevres acclimatees en France. Gard, Apei^u des Trav. 1822, pp. 92-94. 30. Sur la propriete attribute au calorique de s'elever. Gard, Aper9U des Trav. 1822, pp. 97-101. 31. Rapport sur le tableau des variations de 1'aiguille aimantee de M. COTTE, et leur rap- port avec la frequence des aurores boreales. Gard, Apei^u des Trav. 1822, pp. 101-103. 32. Influence de la pluie sur le barometre. Gard, Apercu des Trav. 1822, pp. 105-113. 33. Sur un abaissement extraordinaire du barometre. Bibl. Univ. XXIII., 1823, pp. 99- 101. 34. Description du pout naturel de 1'Ar- deche. Bibl. Univ. XXIIL, 1823, pp. 111-116; Journ. de Phys. XCVL, 1823, pp. 138-141. 35. Considerations sur les Fossiles, et par- ticulierement sur les Ammonites. Bibl. Univ. XXVL, 1824, pp. 58-66. — 36. Sur 1'abaissement du barometre le 23 Janvier 1824, a Alais. Bibl. Univ. XXVL, 1824, pp. 183-185. 37. Observations sur la temperature du mois de Juin 1824. Bibl. Univ. XXVII., 1824, pp. 186-189 ; Brescia, Comment. 1824, pp. 79- 81. — — 38. Sur le projet d'une correspondance meteorologique et sur les grandes variations du Barometre. Bibl. Univ. XXX., 1825, pp. 186- 190 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. N.Bull. 1826, pp. 21- 23. 39. Notice sur un gisement de Strontiane sulfatee, decouvert dans la commune de Mons, arrondissement d'Alais, departement du Gard. Bibl. Univ. XXX., 1825, pp. 487-489 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 357-379. 40. Comparaison de quelques barometres avec celui de 1'Observatoire de Paris. Bibl. Univ. XXXIV., 1827, pp. 15-36. 41. Notice sur les ossements fossiles des environs d'Alais, departement du Gard. Bibl. Univ. XXX VII., 1828, pp. 52-56. 42. Observations sur la grele du 21 Mai 1828. Bibl. Univ. XXXIX., 1828, pp. 51- 57. 3 F 2 HOM] 412 [HOM Hombres-Firmas, Louis Augustin cF. 43. Considerations sur 1'etablissement d'une corre- spondance meteorologique, et resultats des ob- servations georgico-ineteorologiques faites a Alais, en 1828. Bibl. Univ. ~XLL, 1829, pp. 177-191. 44. Sur la constitution froide et pluvieuse de 1829. Bibl. Univ. XLIIL, 1830, pp. 155- 157. 45. Memoire sur 1'hiver de 1829 a 1830, et sur la constitution meteorologique de cette derniere annee. Bibl. Univ. XLVL, 1831, pp. 73-87. 46. Nivellement barometrique des Ceven- nes. Gard, Mem. Acad. 1832, pp. 177-196 ; Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Seances Publ. 1833, p. 29. 47. Notes sur quelques vegetaux qui crois- sent spontanement dans le departement du Gard, et qui meriteraient ime culture particuliere par leurs vertus medicates ou leurs usages dans les arts. Gard, Mem. Acad. 1833, pp. 104-123. 48. Recherches sur les barometres vivants. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III.. 1836, pp. 382- 383 ; Gard, Mem. Acad. 1835-37, pp. 106- 130. 49. Sur les Spherulites et les Hippurites du departement du Gard. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1837-38, pp. 190-196. 50. Notice sur la Nerinee gigantesque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 84-85 ; Bibl. Univ. XIII., 1838, pp. 206-207 ; Gard, Mem. Acad. 1838-39, pp. 116-117. 51. Notice sur une portion de machoire fossile. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, p. 878. 52. Sur les effets extraordiuaires de la foudre. Gard, Mem. Acad. 1838-39, pp. 60- 65 ; Toulouse, Mem. Acad. VI., 1843, pp. 6-8. 53. Description d'une nouvelle Spherulite. Gard, Mem. Acad. 1838-39, pp. 117-120. 54. Sur les Hippurites d'Alais. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1838-39, pp. 15-16. 55. Description d'une nouvelle Hippurite (H. Moulinsii). Bibl. Univ. XX., 1839, pp. 411-412; Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XL, 1839, pp. 150-152 ; Revue Zool. 1839, p. 6. 56. Description d'une formation problema- tique observee aux environs d'Alais. Bibl. Univ. XX., 1839, pp. 412-413. 57. Description de la Nerinee toupie (N. trochiformis). Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XL, 1839, pp. 147-148; Bibl. Univ. XXV., 1840, pp. 194-195 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XL, 1839-40, pp. 70-71. 58. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Splierulite (S. Requiescii). Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XL, 1839, pp. 148-150 ; Bibl. Univ. XXV., 1840, pp. 195-196. Hombres-Firmas, Louis Augustin d\ 59. Sur les degfits commis aux environs d'Alais, par la sauterelle Porte-selle (Locusta ephippigcr). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1839, pp. xxx- xxxii. 60. Excursion a la montagne de Saint Pierre ou Pietersberg, pres de Maastricht. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. III., 1840, pp. 347- 353. • 61. Sur deux Terebratules nouvelles (T. contracta, T. contr. triplicata). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1840-41, pp. 262-263. 62. Description du Cycloconus Catulli. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XII., 1841, pp. 253-254 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1842- 43, p. 72. 63. Sur une empreinte de feuille de Cha- mserops des environs d'Alais. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1841-42, pp. 410-411. 64. Description de deux Terebratules des Cevennes. Normandie, Soc. Linn. Mem. VII., 1842, pp. 95-97. 65. Souvenirs de voyage aux environs de Vesuve. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XVII., 1842, pp. 205-212. 66. Description d'une Moule geante fossile. Bibl. Univ. XL1V., 1843, p. 405. 67. Notes sur Fressac (Gard), et descrip- tion de deux anciennes Terebratules inedites (T. minima et T. Leopoldina, Nobis~). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 586-588. 68. Description de la Terebratula alesien- sis. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 836-837. 69. Note sur la Grotte-du-Cbien. Gard, Mem. Acad. 1847-48, pp. 66-75. 70. Sur les ossements fossiles des environs d'Alais. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. V., 1847-i8, pp. 381-383; Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. XL, 1848, pp. Ixii-lxvi. 71. Notes sur quelques plantes succedanees de 1'Oseille et des -Epiuards. Lyon, Soc. Asric. Annal. XL, 1848, pp. 755-758. 72. Sur 1'utilite des Jardins d'Acclimata- tiou : Jardin de St. Hippolyte. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 470-474; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1849, col. 113-116. 73. Sur les puits artesiens et particuliere- ment sur les puits naturels ou plutot les sources ascendantes du departement du Gard. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 501-503. 74. Etudes hydro-geologiques du departe- ment du Gard. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1848-49, pp. 599-603 ; Gard, Mem. Acad. 1849- 50, pp. 202-215. 75. Observations d'acbromatopsie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 175-179. 76. Sur les geodes d'Alzon. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 479-481. HOM] 413 [HOM Hombres-Firmas, Louis Aitgiistin a". 77. Nouvelles observations d'achromatopsie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 56-60, 376-379. 78. Note sur les geodes pleines d'eau de St.-Julien-de-Valgalgue. Montpellier, Acad. Proc. Verb. 1850-51, pp. 20-22; Paris, Soe. Geol. Bull. VIII., 1850-51, pp. 174-175. 79. Memoire sur le Rhinoceros minutus de Saint-Martin d'Arenes pres d'Alais. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 225- 230. 80. Sur la Terebratula diphya. Paris, Soc. Ge"ol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 685-688 ; Lyou, hoc. Agric. Annal. VII., 1855, pp. xxiii- XXV. 81. Note sur le froid exceptionnel observe a Montpellier en Janvier 1855. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 701-702. 82. Description de deux coquilles fossiles nouvelles ou nouvellement observees (Galerites coniexcentricus, Nautilus Bonelli). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 1083-1086. 83. Observations sur le Pecten glaber. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 612- 618. Hombres-Firmas, Louis Augustin d', et Pages. Relation de la chute de deux aerolithes. Mont- pellier, Rec. des Bull. III., 1809, pp. 52-56 ; Journ. de Phys. LXIL, 1806, pp. 440-442 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 189-193. Hombron, , et P. Da-ussy. Sur les glaces du pole austral : apercu topographique sur les terres et les glaces australes. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. I., 1844, pp. 5-26; Froriep, Notizen. XXIX., 1844, col. 37-39. Hombron, , et Jacquinot. Description de quelques Mollusques, provenant de la campagne de 1' Astrolabe et de la Zelee. Ann. Sci, Nat. XVI. (Zool.), 1841, pp. 62-64, 190-192. 2. Description de plusieurs Oiseaux nouveaux ou peu connus, provenant de Pexpedi- tion autour du monde i'aite sur les corvettes 1'Astrolabe et la Zelee. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Zool.), 1841, pp. 312-320. 3. Remarques sur quelques points de 1'anatomie et de la physiologic des Procel- laridees, et essai d'une uouvelle classification de ces oiseaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 353-358. 4. Note sur le Nasalis Jarvatus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 155- 158. Home, David Milne. Notice of elongated ridges of drift, common in the south of Scotland, called "Kaims." Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt, 2), pp. 115-116. Home, David Milne. 2. Notes on ancient Gla- ciers made during a brief visit to Chamouni and neighbourhood, in September 1860. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1861, pp. 46-62 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862, pp. 454- 456. Home, (Sir) Everard. On the structure and uses of the Mernbrana Tympani of the ear. (Croo- nian Lecture.) Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 1-21; Gilbert, Annal. XLIV., 1813, pp. 362-393. 2. Some observations on the head of the Ornithorhynchus paradoxus. Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 432-436; Voigt, Magazin, III., 1801, pp. 78-84. 3. On the irritability of nerves. (Croonian Lecture.) Phil. Trans. 1801, pp. 1-22. • • 4. Observations on the structure and mode of growth of the grinding teeth of the Wild Boar. Phil. Trans. 1801, pp. 319-332. 5. On the power of the eye to adjust itself to different distances, when deprived of the crystalline lens. (Croonian Lecture.) Phil. Trans. 1802, pp. 1-11. 6. A description of the anatomy of the Ornithorhynchus paradoxus. [1801.] Phil. Trans. 1802, pp. 67-84 ; Voigt, Magazin, IV., 1802, pp. 719-726. 7. Description of the anatomy of the Orni- thorhynchus hystrix. Phil. Trans. 1802, pp. 348-364. 8. Extrait de ses observations anatomiques sur 1'echidne. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1803, pp. 125-127 (225-227). 9. Observations on the structure of the Tongue, illustrated by cases in which a portion of that organ has been removed by ligature. Phil. Trans. 1803, pp. 205-213. 10. Remarks on the structure of the ori- fices found in certain poisonous snakes, and the description of a bag connected with the eye, met with in the same snakes. Phil. Trans. 1804, pp. 70-76. 11. Description of the structure of the parts which perform the voluntary expansion of the skin of the neck in the Cobra de Capello or Hooded Snake of the East Indies. Phil. Trails. 1804, pp. 347-352. 12. An account of a small lobe of the human prostate gland, which has not before been taken notice of by anatomists. Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 195-204. 13. Observations on the shell of the Sea Worm found on the coast of Sumatra, proving it to belong to a species of Teredo ; with an account of the anatomy of the Teredo navalis. Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 276-291. HOM] 414 [HOM Home, (Sir) Evcrard. 14. Observations on the Camel's stomach respecting the water it con- tains, and the reservoirs in which that fluid is inclosed ; with an account of some peculiarities in the urine. Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 357-384. 15. An account of two children born with cataracts in their eyes, to show that their sight was obscured in very different degrees ; with experiments to determine the proportional know- ledge of objects acquired by them immediately after the cataracts were removed. Phil. Trans. 1807, pp. 83-92 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVIII., 1807, pp. 203-210. 16. Observations on the structure of the different cavities which constitute the stomach of the Whale, compared with those of ruminating animals, with a view to ascertain the situation of the digestive organ. Phil. Trans. 1807, pp. 93-102. 17. Observations on the structure of the stomachs of different animals, with a view to elucidate the process of converting animal and vegetable substances into chyle. Phil. Trans. 1807, pp. 139-179. 18. On the structure and uses of the spleen. [1807.] Phil. Trans. 1808, pp. 45- 54 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXL, 1808, pp. 103- 119; Reil, Archiv, IX., 1809, pp. 524-537, 538- 550. 19. Further experiments 011 the spleen. Phil. Trans. 1808, pp. 133-142. 20. Some observations on Mr. BRANDE'S paper on Calculi. Phil. Trans. 1808, pp. 244- 248 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXII., 1809, pp. 51- 54. 21. An account of some peculiarities in the anatomical structure of the Wombat, with obser- vations on the female organs of generation. Phil. Trans. 1808, pp. 304-312; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, II., 1816, pp. 528-531. 22. On the nature of the intervertebral substance in Fish and Quadrupeds. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 177-187. 23. An anatomical account of the Squalus maximus, Linn., which in the structure of its stomach forms an intermediate link in the grada- tion of animals between the whale tribe and cartilaginous fishes. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 212-220 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXI., 1810, pp. 241-247. 24. Hints on the subject of animal secre- tions. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 385-391 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXIV., 1820, pp. 362-367; Reil, Archiv, XII., 1815, pp. 108-118. 25. The case of a man who died in eonse- Home, (Sir) Everard. 26. On the gizzards of grazing Birds. Phil. Trans. 1810, pp. 184-189. 27. On the mode of breeding of the ovi- viviparous Shark (Carcharias), and on the aera- tion of the foetal blood in different classes of animals. Phil. Trans. 1810, pp. 205-222; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, 1816, pp. 531-539. 28. Experiments to prove that fluids pass directly from the stomach to the circulation of the blood, and from thence into the cells of the spleen, the gall-bladder and urinary bladder, without going through the thoracic duct. Phil. Trans. 1811, pp. 163-170 ; Reil, Archiv, XII., 1815, pp. 125-136. 29. An account of some peculiarities in the structure of the organ of hearing in the Balaana mysticetus, Linn. [1811.] Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 83-89 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, III., 1817, pp. 137-139. 30. Observations intended to show that the progressive motion of snakes is partly performed by means of the ribs. Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 163-168. — 31. On the different structures and situa- tions of the solvent glands in the digestive organs of Birds, according to the nature of their food and particular modes of life. Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 394-404. — 32. Description of the solvent glands and gizzards of the Avdea argala, the Casuarius Emu, and the Long-legged Casowary from New South Wales. [1812.] Phil. Trans. 1813, pp. 77- 81. — 33. Experiments to ascertain the coagu- lating power of the secretion of the gastric glands. Phil. Trans. 1813, pp. 96-100. — 34. On the tusks of the Narwhale. Phil. Trans. 1813, pp. 126-130. — 35. On the formation of fat in the intes- tines of living animals. 'Phil. Trans. 1813, pp. 146-158. quence of the bite of a Rattle-snake ; with an account of the effects produced by the poison. [1809.] Phil. Trans. 1810, pp. 75-88. 36. Additions to the account of the anatomy of the Squalus maximus contained in a former paper ; with observations on the structure of the branchial artery. Phil. Trans. 1813, pp. 227-241. 37. Observations on the functions of the Brain. Phil. Trans. 1814, pp. 469-486. 38. Some account of the fossil remains of an animal more nearly allied to fishes than any of the other classes of animals. Phil. Trans. 1814, pp. 571-577. 39. On the influence of the Nerves upon the action of the Arteries. Phil. Trans. 1814, pp. 583-5S6. HOM] 415 [HOM Home, (Sir} Everartl. 40. On the structure of the organs of respiration in animals which appear to hold an intermediate place between those of the class Pisces and the class Vermes, and in two genera of the last-mentioned class. Phil. Trans. 1815, pp. 256-264 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, II., 1816, pp. 594-600; Oken, Isis, I., 1817, col. 25-35. 41. On the mode of generation of the Lamprey and Myxine. Phil. Trans. 1815, pp. 265-269; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, II., 1816, pp. 539-542; Oken, Isis, I., 1817, col. 35-40. 42. Some account of the feet of those animals whose progressive motion can be carried on in opposition to gravity. Phil. Trans. 1816, pp. 149-155. • 43. Experiments and observations to prove that the beneficial effects of many medicines are produced through the medium of the circulating blood, more particularly that of the Colchicum nutumualc on Gout. Phil. Trans. 1816, pp. 257-261. — — 44. An appendix to a paper on the effects of the Colchicum autumnale on Gout. Phil. Trans. 1816, pp. 262-264. 45. On the formation of fat in the intestine of the Tadpole, and on the use of the yelk in the formation of the embryo in the egg. Phil. Trans. 1816, pp. 301-310 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, IV., 1818, pp. 281-285. 46. Some farther account of the fossil re- mains of an animal, of which a description was given to the Eoyal Society in 1814. Phil. Trans. 1816, pp. 318-321. 47. Farther observations on the feet of animals whose progressive motion can be carried on against gravity. Phil. Trans. 1816, up. 322- 330. 48. Eemarks upon the internal structure of the Surinam Frog [Rana paradoxa, Z.]. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1816, pp. 57-59 ; Oken, Isis, 1817, col. 647-648. 49. On the effects of a paralytic stroke upon the powers of adjustment of the eyes to near distances. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1816, pp. 86-87 ; Annal. de Chimie, I., 1816, pp. 426- 430. SO. On the influence produced upon the secretion of milk in the Ass, by taking away the Foal. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1816, pp. 165- 166. 51. An account of the circulation of the blood in the class Vermes, Linn., and the prin- ciple explained in which it differs from that in the higher classes. [1816.] Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 1-12; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 872-876. Home, () Ercranl. 52. An account of some fossil remains of the Rhinoceros discovered by Mr. WHITBT in a cavern enclosed in the limestone rock, from which ho is forming the breakwater at Plymouth. Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 176-182 ; Gilbert, Annal. LVII., 1817, pp. 302-307. 53. On the passage of the ovum from the ovarium to the uterus in women. Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 252-261. 54. Some farther observations on the use of Colchicum autumnale in Gout. Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 262-268. 55. The distinguishing characters between the ova of the Sepia, and those of the Vermes testacea that live in water, explained. Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 297-301 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, 1818, pp. 274-277; Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 258-259. 56. Some account of the nests of the Java Swallow, and of tho glands that secrete the mucus of which they are composed. Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 332-338 ; Schweigger, Jouru. XXIL, 1818, pp. 315-316. 57. Observations on the gastric glands of the human stomach, and the contraction which takes place in that viscus. Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 347-352. 58. Additional facts respecting the fossil remains of an animal, on the subject of which two papers have been printed in the PInl. Trans., showing that the bones of the sternum resemble those of the Ornithorhynchus para- doxus. Phil. Trans. 1818, pp. 24-32. 59. On the changes the blood undergoes in the act of coagulation. (Croouian Lecture.) [1817.] Phil. Trans. 1818, pp. 172-184. 6O. Some additions to the Croonian Lecture on the changes the blood undergoes in the act of coagulation. Phil. Trans. 1818, pp. 185- 198. 61. A description of the teeth of the Delphinus Gangeticus. Phil. Trans. 1818, pp. 417-419 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 308-310. — 62. On the conversion of Pus into granu- lations or new Flesh. [1818.] Phil. Trans. 1819, pp. 1-10. 63. On corpora lutea. Phil. Trans. 1819, pp. 59-69. — 64. An account of the fossil skeleton of the Proteosaurus. Phil. Trans. 1819, pp. 209- 211. 65. Reasons for giving the name Proteo- saurus to the fossil skeleton which has been described. Phil. Trans. 1819, pp. 212-216 ; Oken, Isis, 1820, col. 256. 66. On the ova of the different tribes of Opossum and Ornithorhynchus. Phil. Trans. 1819, pp. 234-240. HOM] 410 [HOM Home, (Sir) Evcrard. 67. On the use of Colchi- cum. Quart. Journ. Sci. VI., 1819, pp. 105-107. 68. A further investigation of the com- ponent parts of the blood. (Croonian Lecture.) [1819.] Phil. Trans. 1820, pp. 1-10. 69. On the milk-tusks and organ of hearing of the Dugong. Phil. Trans. 1820, pp. 144-155. 7O. On the mode of formation of the canal for containing the spinal marrow, and on the form of the fins (if they deserve the name) of the Proteosaurus. Phil. Trans. 1820, pp. 159- 164. 71. Observations on the human urethra. showing its internal structure, as it appeared in the microscope of F. BAUER, Esq. Phil. Trans. 1820, pp. 183-195. 72. An account of a new mode of per- forming the high operation for the stone. Phil. Trans."l820, pp. 209-213. 73. Particulars respecting the anatomy of the Dugong, intended as a supplement to Sir T. S. RAFFLES' account of that animal. Phil. Trans. 1820, pp. 315-323. 74. On the black retc mucosum of the Negro, being a defence against the scorching effect of the sun's rays. [1820.] Phil. Trans. 1821, pp. 1-6 ; Froriep, Notizen, I., 1822, col. 147-150. 75. Microscopical observations on the following subjects : — On the Brain and Nerves, showing that the materials of which they are composed exist in the blood. On the discovery of valves in the branches of the Vas breve, lying between the villous and muscular coats of the stomach. On the structure of the Spleen. (Croonian Lecture.) [1820.] Phil. Trans. 1821, pp. 26-46. 76. An account of the skeletons of the Dugong, two-horned Rhinoceros, and Tapir of Sumatra, sent to England by Sir Thomas Stam- ford RAFFLES, Governor of Beucooleu. Phil. Trans. 1821, pp. 268-275. 77. On the peculiarities that distinguish the Manatee of the West Indies from the Du- goug of the East Indian seas. Phil. Trans. 1821, pp. 391-392 ; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1822, col. 260-261. — — 78. On a new species of Rhinoceros found in the interior of Africa, the skull of which bears a close resemblance to that found in a fossil state in Siberia and in some other countries. [1821.] Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 38- 45 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXX1II., 1823, pp. 219- 225. 79. On the anatomical structure of the eye. (Croonian Lecture.) [1821.] Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 76-85. Home, (Sir) EvCrard. SO. On the difference in the appearance of the teeth and the shape of the skull in different species of Seals. Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 239-240. 81. Observations on the changes the egg undergoes during incubation in the common Fowl. Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 339-356. 82. On the placenta. Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 401-407. 83. On the difference of structure between the human membrana-fympani and that of the elephant. [1822.] Phil. Trans. 1823, pp. 23- 26. 84. On the double organs of generation of the Lamprey, the Conger Eel, the common Eel, the Barnacle, and Earth-worm, which impreg- nate themselves; though the last from copulating appear mutually to impregnate one another. Phil. Trans. 1823, pp. 140-151. 85. On the internal structure of the human brain, when examined in the microscope, as compared with that of fishes, insects, and worms. (Croonian Lecture.) [1823.] Phil. Trans. 1824, pp. 1-10. • 86. Some curious facts respecting the Walrus and Seal, discovered by the examination of specimens brought to England by the different ships lately returned from the Polar Circle. Phil. Trans. 1824, pp. 232-241. 87. An account of the organs of genera- tion of the Mexican Proteus, called by the natives Axolotl. Phil. Trans. 1824, pp. 419- 423. 88. On the existence of nerves in the Pla- centa. (Crooiiiau Lecture.) [1824.] Phil. Trans. 1825, pp. 66-80. 89. Observations on the changes the ovum of the Frog undergoes during the formation of the Tadpole. [1824.] Phil. Trans. 1825, pp. 81-86. 90. On the influence of nerves and gang- lions in producing animal heat. Phil. Trans. 1825, pp. 257-268. 91. Microscopical observations on the ma- terials of the brain and of the ova of animals, to show the analogy that exists between them. Phil. Trans. 1825, pp. 436-439. 92. A letter respecting a statement pub- lished by Doctor BOSTOCK in his '' Elements of Physiology." Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, pp. 290-291. 93. Pneumatic mechanism enabling the Walrus to carry on progressive motion against gravity. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 231-233; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1825, pp. 145- 147. 94. Additional proofs of animal heat being influenced by the nerves. [1825.] Phil. Trans. 1826 (pt. 2), pp. 60-64. HOM] 417 [HOM Home, (Sir) Ei-crard. 95. On the structure of a muscular iibrc from which are derived its elon- gation and contraction. (Croonian Lecture.) [1825.] Phil. Trans. 1826 (pt. 2), pp. 65-68. 96. On the coagulation by heat.of the fluid blood in an aneurismal tumour. Phil. Trans. 1826 (pt. 3), pp. 188-201. 97. On the production and formation of pearls. Phil. Trans. 1826 (pt. 3), pp. 338-341 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 275-278 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVIII., 1827, co}. 199-200. 98. On the mode by which the propagation of the species is carried on in the common Oyster and the large fresh-water Muscle. (Croonian Lecture.) Phil. Trans. 1827, pp. 39- 48 ; Heusinger, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 391- 396. 99. An examination into the structure of the cells of the human lungs, with a view to ascertain the office they perform in respiration. Phil. Trans. 1827, pp. 58-64 ; Heusinger, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 396-401. 1OO. On the effects produced upon the air- cells of the lungs, when the pulmonary circula- - tion is too much increased. Phil. Trans. 1827, pp. 301-307. 1O1. Observations sur les fonctions du cervcau. (Transl.) Nantes, Journ. de Med. VI., 1830, pp. 137-153. 102. A report on the stomach of the Zariffa. [1829.] Phil. Trans. 1830, pp. 85- 86. 103. Additional thoughts on the use of the Ganglions in furnishing electricity for the pro- duction of animal secretions. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1831, p. 48. 104. Facts adduced in refutation of the assertion that the female Ornithorhynchus para- doxus has mammas. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1831, pp. 77-78. Home, ( Capt.) Evcrard. Account of a Luminous Animalcule. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 383-385. 2. Magnetical observations made in the West Indies, on the north coast of Brazil, and North America, in the years 1834-1837. Phil. Trans. 1838, pp. 343-350. 3. Observations of the beginning and end of the Solar Eclipse on 8th July 1842, in the fort on the left bank of the Shanghai River, near the town of Woosung on the coast of China. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, p. 261. Home, N. The great auroral exhibition of 28 Aug. to 4 Sept. 1859, observed at Halifax (lat. 44° 39'). Silliman, Journ. XXIX., I860, pp. 251-252. VOL. Ill Homer sham, S. C. An account of some obser- vations made on the depth of Rain which falls in the same localities at different altitudes in the hilly districts jof Lancashire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1848, pp. 759- 760. Homeyer, A. H. Gekrdnte Preisschriften iiber die von der Kurf. Akad. n. W. z. E. aufgegeb- enen pomologischen Preisfragen. Erfurt, Nova Acta, II., 1802. Homeyer, Alex. von. Frlihjahrszug und Notizen iiber einige Vogel bei Frankfurt a. M. Nau- mannia, 1858, pp. 142-147. 2. Ueber das Vorkommen einiger Vogel im Gebiete des Mittel-Rheius mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung Frank furts a. M. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 51-57. 3. Beobachtungen iiber die Vogel des zoologischen Gartens zu Frankfurt a. M. Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 351- 375. Homeyer, Eugen F. von. Eine neue Drossel (Turdus atrocyaneus) in Pommern. Oken, Isis, 1843, col. 604-605. 2. Bemerkungen iiber einige Vogel Pom- merns. Rhea, 1846, pp. 27-39. 3. Ueber den aschgrauen Kuckuck. Nau- mannia, 1849, pp. 14-16. 4. Ueber den Federwechsel der Seetaucher. Naumannia, 1849, pp. 17-20. 5. Ueber C. L. BONAPARTE'S "Revue critique, etc." Naumannia, 1852 (ffft. 2), pp 71-78. 6. Ueber die Gattung Hypolais, Garten- siinger. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. I., 1853 (Extraheft), pp. 89-92. 7. Larus Heinei, Heine's Move. Nauman- nia, 1853, pp. 129-130. 8. Ueber den Federwechsel der Vogel; mit Riicksicht auf H. SCHLEGEL'S Sendschreiben an die Ornithologen-Versammlung zu Alien- burg. Naumannia, 1853, pp. 64-78. 9. Bemerkungen zu Hrn. RADDE'S " Bei- triigen zur Ornithologie Siid-Russlands." Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 363-366. 1O. Einige Worte iiber Art, Bastard und klimatische Ausartung ; mit besonderer Riick- sicht auf Fuligula Homeyeri. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. Ixvi-lxix. 11. Ein ferneres Wort iiber das Ausfiir- ben. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855. pp. 113-117. 12. Noch ein Wort iiber die Verfarbung. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IV., 1856, pp. 129- 132. 13. Ueber die Mauser der weissen Bach- stelze und der Moven. Cabanis, Journ. Orni- thol. V., 1857, pp. 141-143. 3 a HOM] 418 [HOO Homeyer, Eugcn F. von. 14. Zur Naturge- schichte des gemeinen Kranichs, Grus cinerea. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. V., 1857, pp. 168- 169. - 15. Ueber einige Vogel Europa's. Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 128-132. . 16. Ueber Larus Heinei. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 155-156. - 17. Ueber einige zweifelhafte Arten der Europaischen Ornis. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 200-206. - 18. Ueber eine anscheinend neue Art der Gattung Plyctolophus. Cabauis, Journ. Orni- thol. VIIL, 1860, pp. 357-359. - 19. Einige Notizen iiber den diesjiihrigen Herbstzug iu Neu - Vorpommern. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VIIL, 1860, pp. 370-373. Homfray, J. A description of the Coal Field of the Damoodah Valley and the adjacent countries of Beerbhoom and Poorooleah, as applicable to the year 1842. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XI., 1842, pp. 723-739. Hommaire de Hell, Xav. Sur 1'origine des lacs sales de la mer Caspienne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1842-43, pp. 261-265. - 2. Sur la difference de niveau entre la mer Caspienne et la mer d'Azov. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 736-741 ; Paris, Soe. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1842-43, p. 320. - - 3. Resume d'un voyage a la mer Caspienne. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. I., 1844, pp. 81-91. - 4. Coup d'oeil general sur la topographic des plaines de la Russie meridionale. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. II., 1844, pp. 267-278. - 5. Sur les resultats d'un nivellement du Bosphore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 143-147. Homolle, - . Memoire sur la Digitale pour- pree. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 57-83 ; Chemical Gazette, III., 1845, pp. 77-82. - 2. De 1'Huile de Foie de Morue et de son usage en medecine. [1852.] Journ. de Pharm. Honicke, Ueber die Ameise. Anhalt, XXV., 1854, pp. 3. Dei caratteri distintivi dell' Olio di Fegato di Merluzzo dagli altri olii vegetal! o animali. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XVILL, 1854, pp. 261-264. 4. Experimentations physiologiques sur quelques preparations de Digitale. Archiv. Gen. deMed. XVIIL, 1861, pp. 5-26. Honeyman, D. The fo.ssiliferous rocks of Ari- saig, Sydney County, N. S. Nova Scotia, Trans. Lit. Sci. Soc. 1859, pp. 19-29. 2. On new localities of fossiliferous Silu- rian rocks in Eastern Nova Scotia. Canadian Naturalist, V., 1860, pp. 293-299. 3. On the geology of the gold-fields of Nova Scotia. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIIL, 1862, pp. 342-346. Verhand. Nat. Hist. Ver. II., 1843, p. 8. Honigberger, Martin. Journal of a route from Dera Ghazi-Khan, through the Veziri country to Kabul. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. HI.. 1834, pp. 175-177. Honiger, Johcnin. Kurze geschichtliche Darstell- ung des Goldbergbaues zu Obergrund in k.k. Schlesien. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. II., 1851 (Hft. 3). pp. 91-95. Honinghaus, Fried. Wilh. Abbildung einer Varietiit der Crania personata. Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 108. 2. Calymene niacrophthalma. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 464, 986-987. 3. Sur des dents d'elephauts fossiles de Liedberg. Furussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, p. 392. 4. Extrait d'une lettre sur des restes fos- siles trouves pres de Crefeld (Prusse Rhenane). Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XHL, 1827, pp. 430- 431. 5. Versuch einer geognostischen Eintheil- ung seiner Versteinerung-Sainmlung. Leon- hard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1830, pp. 226-245, 446- 476; 1831, pp. 132-170. 6. Isocardia Humboldtii. Okeu, Isis, XXIIL, 1830, col. 96. 7. Vogelknochen im Mainzer Tertiiir Kalk. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1839, pp. 70-71. 8. Decouverte d'ossements fossiles d'ois- eaux, &c., dans un calcaire d'eau douce des environs de Crefeld. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XL, 1839-40, pp. 26-28. 9. Rhinoceros, Palasomeryx, Sumpfvogel, Fische, Neritina im Mombacher Paludinen- Kalk. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1840, p. 219. 1O. Ueber die bei Ratingen in den Spalten des Bergkalks vorkommenden Fischziihne. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1847. pp 212-213. Honnorat, . Considerations sur les enve- loppes des fleurs, et determinations de leurs caracteres. Paris, Trav. Soc. Amat. L, 1807, pp. 33-35. 2. Note sur une greffe naturelle de Meleze (Pinus larix, Lin.), observee dans une foret d'Allos, departement des Basses-Alpes. Paris. Trav. Soc. Amat. L, 1807, pp. 81-83. Hony, W. E. Geological remarks on the vicinity of Maestricht. [1814.] Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1817, pp. 310-313. Hood, Charles. On the properties and chemical constitution of Coal, with remarks on the methods of increasing its calorific effect, and preventing the loss which occurs during its combustion. Chemist, L, 1840, pp. 292-295. HOO] 419 [HOO Hood, Charles. 2. Oil some peculiar changes in the internal structure of iron, independent of and subsequent to the several processes of its manufacture. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIII., 1842, pp. 286-291 ; Froriep, Noti- zen, XXIV., 1842, col. 145-152. Hood, W. Charles. On the condition of the blood in Mania. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XLIL, 1860, pp. 158-176. Hooft, F. X. ft. T. Reis van Soerabaya naar Macao, het bezoeken der noordelijke havens van China en terugreis naar Batavia. Tindal, Ver- hand. Zeewezen, VI., 1846, pp. 1-40. Hoogeweg, . Ueber die forensische Be- deutung des Harnsiiure-Infarcts in den Nieren neugeborner Kinder. Casper, Vierteljahrs- schrift, VII., 1855, pp. 33-55. Hooijman, J. Verhandeling over den Landbouw, en over de Suikermolens. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. I., 1781, pp. 123-184 ; II., 1784, pp 81-114; III., pp. 297-336. 2. Beschrijving der Vogeluestjes. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. III., 1787 (?), pp. 91-104. Hooke, B. Early developement of the antiphlo- gistian theory of combustion. Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800, pp. 497-500. 2. Description of a blow-pipe by alcohol, having 'a safety valve, with other advantages. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1803, pp. 106-107. — . — 3. Remarkable fact of the disappearance of a mixture of Oxygen and Hydrogen, at the common temperature over water ; inducing the probability that water may be formed at low heats. Nicholson, Journ. V., 1803, pp. 228- 229. Hooker, Charles. Essai sur le Collinsonia cana- densis, Lin. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1827, pp. 508-515. 2. On the relation between the respiratory and circulating functions. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. XVIIL, 1838, pp. 235-253, 277-286, 293-302. Hooker, Emma Jane. Method of preparing and applying a composition for painting in imitation of the ancient Grecian manner, called Encaustic Painting. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIL, 1808, pp. 120-123; Annal. de Chimie, LXXVII., 1811, pp. 161-167 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXI., 1808, pp. 81-85. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. On the examination of some fossil wood from Macquarie Plains, Tas- mania. Tasmanian Journ. Nat. Sci. I., 1842, p. 24. 2. Note on some marine animals, brought up by deep-sea dredging, during the Antarctic Voyage of Captain Sir James C. Ross. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1845, pp. 238-239. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 3. On the Huon Pine, and on Microcachrys, a new genus of Coniferse from Tasmania; together with remarks upon the geographical distribution of that order in the Southern Hemisphere. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IV., 1845, pp. 137-157. 4. On Fitchia, a new genus of arborescent Composite ( Trib. Cichoracere), from Elizabeth Island (lat. 26°, long. 125° W.), in the South Pacific. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IV., 1845, pp. 640-643. 5. Note on a Fossil Plant from the Fish River, South Africa. Geol. Soc. Trans. VII., 1845-56, p. 227. 6. Description of Pleuropetalum, a new genus of Portulacea;, from the Galapagos Islands. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. V., 1846, pp. 108- 109. 7. On the diatomaceous vegetation of the Antarctic Ocean. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 83-85. 8. Botany of the Niger Expedition ; notes on Madeira plants. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VI., 1847, pp. 125-139. 9. Description of a new species of Lysi- poma, from the Andes of Columbia. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VI., 1847, pp. 286-287. 1O. Observations made when following the Grand Trunk Road across the hills of Upper Bengal, Paras-Nath, &c. in the Soane Valley ; and on the Kymaor branch of the Vindhya hills. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVII., 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 355-411 ; Berghaus, Zeits. f. Erdk. IX., 1849, pp. 230-242. 11. Extract from a letter to Professor WHEATSTONE [on the temperature of the soil in Egypt, &c.]. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 17-19. 12. On the vegetation of the carboniferous period, as compared with that of the present day. Geol. Survey Mem. H., 1848, pp. 387- 430; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLV., 1848, pp. 362-369 ; XL VI., pp. 73-78. 13. On some peculiarities in the structure of Stigmaria. Geol. Survey Mem. H., 1848, pp. 431-439. 14. Remarks on the structure and affini- ties of some Lepidostrobi. Geol. Survey Mem. II., 1848, pp. 440-456. 15. Botanical mission to India. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VII., 1848, pp. 237-268, 297-321 ; I., 1849, pp. 1-14, 41-56, 81-89, 113-120, 129-136, 161-175, 226-233,274-282, 301-308, 331-336, 336-344, 361-370 ; H., 1850, pp. 11-23, 52-59, 88-91, 112-118, 145- 151, 161-173, 213-218, 244-249. 3 G 2 HOO] 420 [EDO Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 16. Notes, chiefly botanical, made during an excursion from Dar- jiling to Tonglo. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVIII., 1849, pp. 419-446 ; Hortic. Soc. Journ. VII., 1852, pp. 1-23. 17. Enumeration of the Plants of the Galapagos Islands, with descriptions of the new species. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 276- 279; Linn. Soc. Trans. XX., 1851, pp. 163- 234. 18. On the vegetation of the Galapagos Archipelago, as compared with that of some other tropical islands and of the continent of America. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 313- 314; Linn. Soc. Trans. XX., 1851, pp. 235- 262. 19. On the probable extent of the Flora of the Coal-Formation in Britain. Silliman, Journ. VIII., 1849, pp. 131-133. — 2O. A fourth excursion to the passes into Tibet by the Donkiah Lah. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XX., 1851, pp. 49-52. 21. On the physical character of Sikkim- Himalaya. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. III., 1851, pp. 21-31. 22. Description of a new species of Amo- mum, from tropical West Africa. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IV., 1852, pp. 129-130. 23. On the climate and vegetation of the temperate and cold regions of East Nepal and the Sikkim-Himalaya Mountains. Hortic. Soc. Journ. VII., 1852, pp. 69-131 ; India, Agric. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1854, pp. 35-65, 73- 95. 24. On a new genus [Milligania] and some new species of Tasmanian plants. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. V., 1853, pp. 296-300. 25. Notes on the fossil plants from Read- ing. Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1854, pp. 163-166. 26. On a new species of Volkmannia (V. Morrisii). Geol. Soc. Jouru. X., 1854, pp. 199- 202. 27. On some species of Amomum, col- lected in Western Tropical Africa by Dr. DANIELL, Staff' Surgeon. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VI., 1854, pp. 289-297. 28. On the functions and structure of the rostellum of Listera ovata. Phil. Trans. 1854, pp. 259-264 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1855 (Bot.), pp. 85-90. 29. On the structure and affinities of Tri- gonocarpon (a fossil fruit of the coal-measures). Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 28-31; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 209-212. 3O. On some minute seed-vessels (Carpo- lithes ovulum, Brongniart), from the eocene beds of Lewisham. Geol. Soc. Journ. XI., 1855, pp. 562-565. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 31. On some small seed-vessels (Folliculites minutulus, Broun), from the Bovey Tracey Coal. Geol. Soc. Journ. XL, 1855, pp. 566-570. 32. On Chortodes, a subgenus of Flagel- laria, from the Isle of Pines (New Caledonia). Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VII., 1855, pp. 198- 200. 33. Note on the occurrence of an eatable Nostoc in the Arctic Regions and in the moun- tains of Central Asia. [1852.] Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 166-169 ; Phytologist, IV., 1853, pp. 856-859. 34. On Hodgsonia, Hook, fil., et T/ioms., a new and remarkable genus of Cucurbitacea?. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 257-259. 35. On some remarkable spherical exos- toses developed on the roots of various species of Coniferte. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 335*-336*. 36. On the structure and affinities of Balanophoreaj. [1855.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1856, pp. 1-68. 37. On three new species of Acrotrema, from Ceylon. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VIII., 1856, pp. 241-243. 38. Descriptions of two new Dilleniaceous plants from New Caledonia and Tropical Aus- tralia. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IX., 1857, pp. 47-49. 39. On Notospartium, a new genus of Leguminosa: from New Zealand. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IX., 1857, pp. 176-177. 40. On Loxodiscus, a new genus of Sapin- daceae, from New Caledonia. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IX., 1857, pp. 200-201. 41. On a new species of Diapensia, from the Eastern Himalaya. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IX., 1857, pp. 372-373. 42. On some collections of Arctic Plants. [1856.] Lina. Soc. Journ. I., 1857 (Bot.), pp. 114-124. 43. On the botany of Raoul Island, one of the Kermadec group in the South Pacific Ocean. Linn. Soc. Journ. I., 1857 (Bot.), pp. 125-129. 44. On the growth and composition of the ovarium of Siphonodon celastrineus, Griffith, especially with reference to the subject of its placentation. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 133-141. 45. On the origin and developement of the pitchers of Nepenthes, with an account of some new Bornean plants of that genus. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1859, pp. 415-424 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.), 1859, pp, 222-231. HOO] 421 [HOO Hooker, Joseph Dalton, 46. On a new genus of Balanophoreae (Dactylanthus Taylori) from New Zealand, and two new species of Balano- phora (B. Harlandi and B. Lowii). Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1859, pp. 425-427. 47. The monstrous Begonia frigida at Kew, in relation to Mr. DARWIN'S " Theory of Natural Selection." Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 350- 352. 48. On the origination and distribution of species : — Introductory essay to the Flora of Tasmania. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1860, pp. 1-25, 305-326. 49. On Fropiera, a new Mauritian genus of calycifloral exogens, of doubtful affinity. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (Bot.), pp. 1-2. 50. On Barteria, a new genus of Passi- florea>, from the Niger River. Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (Sot.), pp. 14-15. . 51. An account of the Plants collected by Dr. WALKER in Greenland and Arctic America during the Expedition of Sir Francis M'CLIN- TOCK, R.N., in the Yacht " Fox." [I860.] Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (Bot.), pp. 79-88. 52. On the vegetation of Clarence Peak, Fernando Po ; with descriptions of the Plants collected by Mr. Gustav MANN on the higher parts of that mountain. [1861.] Linn. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862 (Bot.), pp. 1-23. 53. Illustrations of the Floras of the Ma- layan Archipelago and of Tropical Africa. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1862, pp. 155-173. 54. Outlines of the distribution of Arctic plants. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1862, pp. 251-348. 55. On three Oaks of Palestine. [1861.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1862, pp. 381-387. 56. On the Cedars of Lebanon, Taurus, Algeria, and India. Nat. Hist. Review, 1862, pp. 11-18. 57. On a new Heliconia with the habits of a Musa, sent from New Granada by Dr. A. ANTIIOINE to the Royal Gardens, Kew. Linn. Soc. Journ. VII., 1863 (Bot.), pp. 68-69. 58. On Wehvitschia, a new genus of Gnetacea?. [1862.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIV., 1863, pp. 1-48. Hooker, Joseph Dalton, and George Bentham. Note on the embryo of Ancistrooladus. Linn. Soc. Journ. VII., 1863 (Bot.), p. 111. Hooker, Joseph Dalton, and Edward Win. Binney. On the structure of certain Lime- stone nodules enclosed in seams of Bituminous Coal, with a description of some Trigonocar- pons contained in them. [1854.] Phil. Trans. 1855, pp. 149-156. Hooker, Joseph Da I ton, and William Henry Harvey. Alg:c Antarctica, being characters and descriptions of the hitherto unpublished species of Alga?, discovered in Lord Auckland's Group, Campbell's Island, Kerguelen's Land, Falkland Islands, Cape Horn, and other southern circum polar regions, (luring the voyage of H.M. Discovery Ships, Erebus and Terror. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IV., 1845, pp. 249-276, 293- 298. 2. Alga? Nova? Zelandia?; being a catalogue of all the species of Algae yet recorded as inhabiting the shores of New Zealand, with characters and brief descriptions of the new species discovered during the voyage of H.M. Discovery Ships, Erebus and Terror ; and of others communicated to Sir W. HOOKER by Dr. SINCLAIR, the Rev. W. COLENSO, and M. RAOTJL. Hooker, Lond. Jouru. Bot. IV., 1845, pp. 521-551 ; VII., pp. 443-445. 3. Alga? Tasmanica? ; being a cata- logue of the species of Algin sin b =sin i sin (v — cr) J fcos&siu (I— h — r)=cos ksiu(v—h}—sAcosw •I cosbcos(l—h—T) = cos(v— h)+sA.s'mw [_ sin b = sin k sin (v—h) + s so dass r, A, k, w von v unabhangig sind. Astr. Nachr. LVII., 1862, col. 137-142. Hopffer, C. H. Diagnosen der von PETERS in Mozambique gesammelten Schmetterlinge. Ber- lin, Monatsber. 1855, pp. 639-643 ; 1857, pp. 421-422. Hopfgartner, Anton. Analyse zweier hydrau- lischer Kalke, eines Englischen (Portland Ce- ment) und eines Deutschen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXIIL, 1849, pp. 354-357. Hopfner, Gust. Ad Ovis (tragelaphi) nahur Hodgs. cognitionem additiones nonnulla?. Kiel, Schriften, VIIL. 1861. Hopkins, Edward A. Memoir on the Geo- graphy, History, Productions, and Trade of Paraguay. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Bull. L, 1852, pp. 14-46. Hopkins, Evan. On the Polarity of Cleavage Planes, their conducting power, and their in- fluence on Metalliferous deposits. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), p. 69. 2. Geology and topography of the Isthmus of Panama. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 123-129. 3. On the structure of the crystalline rocks of the Andes, and their cleavage-planes. Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1850, pp. 364-366. 4. On the vertical and meridional lami- nation of the primary rocks. Geol. Soc. Journ. XL, 1855, pp. 143-144. Hopkins, J. On a mode of mounting a tele- scope equatoreally. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 41-44. Hopkins, Thomas. Experiments and observations on diverging streams of compressed air. [1828.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. V., 1831, pp. 208- 225. 3 H 2 HOP] 428 [HOP Hopkins, Thomas. 2. Observations on Malaria, with suggestions for ascertaining its nature. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1839, pp. 104-121. 3. On the influence of mountains on tem- perature in the winter in certain parts of the northern hemisphere. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841 (pt. 2), pp. 28-29 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIII., 1842, pp. 88-91 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIX., 1841, col. 177-180. 4. On the formation of the Cumulus Cloud. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1841, pp. 135-143; Froriep, Notizen, XIX., 1841, col. 129-138. i 5. On the irregular movements of the Barometer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), pp. 21-22. • 6. On the diurnal changes of the aqueous portion of the Atmosphere, and their effects on the Barometer. Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1845, pp. 427-435. • 7. On the causes of the semi-diurnal fluc- tuations of the Barometer. Phil. Mag. XXVI1L, 1S46, pp. 166-175. - 8. Notices of Mirage on the coast of Lan- cashire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 16-17 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1849, col. 337- 339. — — 9. On a means of computing the quantity of vapour contained in a vertical column of the Atmosphere. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), p. 24. 1O. On the formation of Dew. [1848.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IX., 1851, pp. 46- 55. 11. On the cause of unequal falls of Rain in Cumberland. [1850.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IX., 1851, pp. 196-206. 12. On the causes of the great Currents of the Ocean. [1851.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. X., 1852. pp. 1-16. 13. On the origin and nature of the Forces that produce Storms. [1851.] Man- chester, Phil. Soc. Mem. X., 1852, pp. 59-70. 14. On the separate pressures of the aqueous and the gaseous portions of the Atmo- sphere. [1852.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. XL, 1854, pp. 1-26. • 15. Ou the influence of Sun-heated Land in producing ascending Atmospheric Currents. [1853.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. XL, 1854, pp. 199-214. 16. On certain arid countries, and the causes of their dryness. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXVI., 1856, pp. 158-173. 17. On the action of aqueous vapour in disturbing the atmosphere. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 421-422. 18. On the causes of the mild Winter- Temperature of the British Islands. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXVIL, 1857, pp. 206-220. Hopkins, Thomas. 19. On the causes of dry- ness in certain arid districts. Geogr. Soc. Proc. I., 1857, pp. 58-60. 2O. On the influence of heated terrestrial surfaces in disturbing the atmosphere. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 227-229. 21. On weather, and the operating causes of its changes. Manchester, PhiL Soc. Proc. I., 1857-60, pp. 81-83. 22. On irregularities in the winter tem- perature of the British Islands. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1857-60, pp. 153-155. 23. Ou the fine regions of the Trade Winds. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXVIIL, 1858, pp. 362-371. 24. Ou the forces that produce the great currents of the air and of the ocean. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, p. 235. 25. On a possible passage to the North Pole. Geogr. Soc. Proc. IV., 1860, pp. 234- 240. 26. On improvement in meteorological registration. [1858.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. XV., 1860, pp. 75-91. 27. On the influence of the earth's rotation on winds. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1862-63, pp. 26-28; Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1865, pp. 246-256. Hopkins, Thomas C. On Delphinium consolida. American Journ. Pharm. V., 1840, pp. 1-8. Hopkins, Thomas H. On the hourly alterations of the vapour atmosphere at Bombay. Phil. Mag. XXX., 1847, pp. 246-253. — — 2. On the times of occurrence of the daily Atmospheric and Barometric Disturbances at Bombay. [1846.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. VIII., 1848, pp. 129-147. Hopkins, IV. On Janthina communis collected on the west coast [Ireland] with other Molluscs. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 150-153. 2. Occurrence of Janthina communis and Spirula Peronii at Kilkee. Nat. Hist. Review, II.. 1855 (Proc.), pp. 97-99. Hopkins, W. E. On Screw-PropeUers. Silli- man, Journ. XXIII., 1857, pp. 60-61. Hopkins, IV. T. On a sesqui-sulphate of mer- cury. Silliman, Journ. XVIIL, 1830, pp. 364- 365. Hopkins, William. Remarks on FAREV'S ac- count of the stratification of the Limestone District of Derbyshire. Phil. Mag. V., 1834, pp. 121-J31. 2. On aerial vibrations in cylindrical tubes. [1834.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1835, pp. 231-270 ; Poggend. Annal. XLIV., 1838, pp. 246-271. 603-624. • 3. On certain points in Physical Geology. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), pp. 78-81. HOP] 429 [HOP Hopkins, William. 4. On Physical Geology, with a further exposition of certain points con- nected with the subject. Phil. Mag. VIII., 1836, pp. 227-236, 272-281, 357-366. 5. Reply to Dr. BOASE'S remarks on " Researches in Physical Geology." Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 171-173, 366-370. 6. Researches in Physical Geology. [1835.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI, 1838, pp. 1-84. 7. On the phenomena of precession and nutation, assuming the fluidity of the interior of the earth. Phil. Trans. 1839, pp. 381-424. 8. On precession and nutation, assuming the interior of the earth to be fluid and hetero- geneous. Phil. Trans. 1840, pp. 193-208. 9. On the thickness and constitution of the earth's crust. Phil. Trans. 1842, pp. 43-56. • 1O. On the geological structure of the Weaklen district and of the Bas Boulonnais. [1841.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 363- 366; Geol. Soc. Trans. VII., 1845-46, pp. 1- 52. 11. On the elevation and denudation of the district of the lakes of Cumberland and West- moreland. Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 757-766 ; Geol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1848, pp. 70- 98 ; Phil. Mag. XXI., 1842, pp. 468-477. 12. On the cause of the motion of Glaciers. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (ft. 2), pp. 62-64. • 13. On the motion of Glaciers (Letter 1). Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 1-16. 14. On the Mechanism of Glacial Motion (Letter 2). Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 146- 169. 15. On the Mechanism of Glacial Motion (Letter 3). Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 237- 251. 16. On the Mechanism of Glacial Motion (Letter 4). Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 328- 334. 17. Reply to Dr. WHEWELL'S remarks on Glacier Theories. Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 334-342. 18. Remarks on Prof. FORBES'S Reply to his letters on Glaciers. Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 593-599. 19. Report on the geological theories of Elevation and Earthquakes. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847, pp. 33-92. 2O. On the motion of Glaciers. [1843.] Camb. PhiL Soc. Trans. VIII., 1849, pp. 50-74, 159-169. 21. On the transport of erratic blocks. [1844.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1849, pp. 220-240. Hopkins, JJ'il/i'im. 22. On the internal pres- sure to which rock masses may be subjected, and its possible influence in the production of the laminated structure. [1847.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1849, pp. 456^70; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLV., 1848, pp. 115-118; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1849, col. 20-22. 23. On the dispersion of granite blocks from Ben Cruachan. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), p. 88. 24. Observations on Drift ; on the causes of change in the Earth's superficial tempera- ture ; the doctrine of progression with respect to inanimate matter. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LUL, 1852, pp. 1-31. 25. On the Granite Blocks of the South Highlands of Scotland. Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1852, pp. 20-30. 26. On the causes which may have produced changes in the Earth's superficial temperature. Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1852, pp. 56-92 ; Silliman, Journ. XV., 1853, pp. 72-86, 248- 259, 334-341. 27. On the external temperature of the earth and the other planets of the solar system. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, pp. 190-195. • 28. On the conductivity of various sub- stances for Heat. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), P. 70. 29. Experimental researches on the con- ductive powers of various substances, with the application of the results to the problem of Terrestrial Temperature. Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 805-850. 30. On the Earth's internal temperature, and the thickness of its solid crust. Roy. Inst. Proc. III., 1858-62, pp. 139-143. 31. On the construction of a new Calori- meter for determining the radiating powers of surfaces, and its application to the surfaces of various mineral substances. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 514-515; Phil. Trans. I860, pp. 379-408. — 32. On the theories of Glacial Motion. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 61-62. 33. On the theory of the Motion of Glaciers. Phil. Trans. 1862, pp. 677-745. Hopkins, William. Brief outline or general description of a remarkable fossil, not known to be described, and by some supposed to be an Ichthyodorulite. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1854, pp. 287-290. Hopkinson, Francis. Description of a Machine for measuring a Ship's way through the Sea. [1783.] Amer. Phil. Soc. trans. II., 1786, pp. 159-165. HOP] 430 [HOP Hopkins on, Francis. 2. Account of a -worm in a horse's eye. [1783.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1786, pp. 183-184. 3. Description of a machine for measuring a ship's way. [1790.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1793, pp. 239-240. • 4. Description of a Spring-Block, de- signed to assist a Vessel in sailing. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1793, pp. 331-333. Hopkinson, Francis, and David Sittenhouse. An account of the effects of a stroke of Lightning on a house furnished with two con- ductors. [1790.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1793, pp. 122-124. Hopkinson, J. P. Eemarks on some of the nervous functions, more particularly on those of respiration ; illustrated by experiments. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VI., 1823, pp. 240-261. Hopkinson, ./. P., and ./. Pancoast. On the visceral anatomy of the Python (Cuvier), de- scribed by DAUPIN as the Boa reticulata. [1832.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 121-134. Hoppe, Physiologische Bemerkungen iiber das Schnarchen. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1841, pp. 362-368. Hoppe, David Heinr. Ueber die Zahl der Staub^efiisse (Stamina) bci Eriophorum alpi- num, Linn. Eegensburg, Bot. Zeit. I., 1802, pp. 53-58. 2. [Ueber die Friihlingsfloren der Ge- senden urn Triest, etc.] Regensburg, Bot. Zeit. L, 1802, pp. 180-192. 3. [Ueber die Gattung Salix und Tussi- lago.] Eegensburg, Bot. Zeit. I., 1802, pp. 219- 224. 4. Ueber Pedicularis asplenifolia. Eegens- burg, Bot. Zeit. II., 1803, pp. 129-160. 5. Ueber eine wiedergefuudene Pflanze. Flora, I., 1818, pp. 10-16. 6. Die Warme ist ein vorziigliches Eequisit der iippigen Vegetation. Flora, L, 1818, pp. 231-239. 7. [Botanische Excursion nach Tyrol.] Flora, L, 1818, pp. 470-483. 8. [Crocus variegatus et C. reticulatus (?).] Flora, I., 1818, pp. 584-588. 9. Ranunculus Traunfellneri. Flora, II., 1819, pp. 731-746. 1O. Bemerkungen, Zweifel und Anfragen iiber einige Arten der Gattung Sempervivuni. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 613-622. 11. [Ueber Pflanzenvarietaten.] Flora, III., 1820, pp. 676-684. 12. Bupleurum subovatum, Link. ; ein Beitrag zur Flora Germanica. Flora, IV., 1821, pp. 139-141. Hoppe, Dai-id Heinr. 13. Aufzahluug der Varietiiten von Tofieldia palustris, Huds. Flora, IV., 1821, pp. 187-190. 14. Reisebericht. [Ueber die Gegend von Triest.] Flora, IV., 1821, pp. 461-476. • 15. Betrachtungen iiber die Witteruug des Jahres 1821, und iiber ihreu Einfluss auf die Vegetation. Flora, V., 1822, pp. 195-201. 16. Ueber einige Carex-Arten. Flora, VII., 1824, pp. 593-598. • 17. Ueber Scirpus dichotomus, Linn., und Sc. annuus, Allione. Flora, VIII., 1825, pp. 177-182. 18. Ueber die Zahl der Staubgefasse von Juncus conglomeratus und effusus, L. Flora, IX., 1826, pp. 65-70. 19. Ueber die Kultur der Alpeupflanzen. Flora, IX., 1826, pp. 529-544. 2O. Einige Carices in SPEENGEL'S " Sys- tema vegetabilium " betreffend. Flora, IX., 1826, pp. 618-623. 21. Beautwortungen und Gegenbemerk- ungen zu der in der vorigen Nro. der Flora abgedruckten Correspondenz des Hrn. Dr. WEIHE " iiber Carices," etc. Flora, IX., 1826, pp. 753-761. 22. Aufziihlung der in Deutschland wild- wachsenden Arten der Gattung Carex. Flora, IX., 1826, pp. 1-97 (lste Beit.). 23. Ueber Capparis spinosa et C. ovata. Flora, X., 1827, pp. 186-188. 24. Bemerkungen iiber einige Pflaiizen Deutschlands, nach Anleitung von STEDDEL und HOCHSTETTEK. Flora, X., 1827, pp. 497-512, 524-528, 561-573, 647-656. — - 25. Ueber einige Anemonen, besonders iiber die in STURM'S 46tem Hefte von Deutsch- lands Flora enthaltene Anemone patens, L. Flora, X., 1827, pp. 730-734. 26. [Ueber einige Alpenpflanzen.] Flora, XL, 1828, pp. 641-653. 27. Ueber Farrnkriiuter. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 314-320. 28. Nomina plantarum generica Regibus consecrata. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 410-415. — • 29. Draba aizoon und aizoides. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 473-475. 30. Barkhausia, Barckhausia, Borkhausia, Barkhausenia, Barkhusenia. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 510-512. 31. Bemerkungen iiber Pceonia officinalis. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 525-528. 32. Viola umbrosa, eine neue Veilchenart. Flora, XIIL, 1830, pp. 521-525. 33. Ueber einige Nordeuropiiische Carices. Flora, XIIL, 1830, pp. 565-569. - — 34. Beitriisre zur Flora Deutschland's. Flora, XIIL. 1830, pp. 742-744. HOP] 431 [HOP Hoppe, David Hcinr. 35. Ui'ber einige Synantheren, besonders Hieracien. Flora, XIV., 1831, pp. 177-186, 194-202. 36. Carex menibranacea, Hp., eine neue Deutsche Segge. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 545- 547. 37. Die Garnsgrube im Oberkarnthischen Hochgebirge ; Schilderung ihrer Besteigungen, Lage und Vegetation. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 545-560, 561-573, 584-592. 38. Ueber einige Draba-Arten. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 702-704. 39. Ueber die Zweckmiissigkeit von Ex- cursions-Beschreibungen und iiber die Behand- lung der auf Excursionen gesammelten Pflanzen. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 705-710. 40. Ueber Leontodon salinus und seine Verwandten. Flora, XVII., 1834, pp. 700-703. 41. Vermischte botanische Notizeu. Flora, XXIII., 1840, pp. 78-80. 42. Zur Character! stik der diesjiihrigen Friihlingsflora. Flora, XXIV., 1841, pp. 361- 368. Hoppe, David Heinrich, und Fricdrich Horn- schuch. Insecta coleoptrata quas in itineribus suis, prtesertim alpinis, collegerunt. Cum notis et descriptionibus Jac. STUKM et Jac. HAZEN- BACH. Acad. CEBS. Leop. Nova Acta, XII., 1825, pp. 477-490; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, pp. 112-114. Hoppe, David Heinrich, und Koch. Abhand- lung iiber die zur Flora Deutschlands gehdrigen Arten der Gattung Draba. Flora, VI., 1823, pp. 417-430, 433-447. Hoppe, David Heinrich, und Casper von Stern- berg. Einige neue Pflanzen Deutschlands, nebst eingestreuten Bemerkungen iiber die ver- wandten Arten. Baier. Bot. Gesell. Deukschr. I., 1815, pp. 148-171. 2. Botanische Bemerkungen und Berichtigungen, mit vorziiglicher Riicksicht auf . Deutschlands Flora. Baier. Bot. Gesell. Denk- schr. n., 1818, pp. 84-156. Hoppe [Hoppe-Seyler], Felix. Ueber das Chon- driu und einige seiner Zersetzungsproducte. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 129- 144 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1852, pp. 232- 234. 2. Ueber die Gewebselemente der Knorpel, Knochen und Ziihne. Virchow, Archiv, V., 1853, pp. 170-188. 3. Chemische Untersuchung eines, nach aufgehobener Function, atrophirten Seh-Nerven. Virchow, Archiv, VIII., 1855, pp. 127-128. 4. Ueber serose Transsudate. Virchow, Arehiv, FX., 1856, pp. 244-268. 5. Ueber den Einfluss des Kohrzuckers auf die Verdauung und Ernahrung. Virchow, Ar- chiv, X., 1856, pp. 144-169. Hoppe [Hoppe-Seyler], Felix. 6. Ueb. i n Primzahlen. Schlom- ilch, Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 304-305. 24. Rechnung mit rationellen symme- trischen Functioneu. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 353-359. 25. Ueber die Auflosung der Gleichung 3=.r — y in rationalen Zahlen. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 359-361. - 26. Erwiderung auf einen Artikel von CJ.AUSIUS, nebst einer Bemerkung zur Erkliirung der Erdwiirme. Poggend. Annal. CX., 1860, pp. 598-612. -- 27. Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung Seite 80 dieses Bandes iiber die Integration der parti- ellen Ditferentialgleichung da* dy dy* \dx [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LVIIL, 1861, pp. 369- 373. 28. Ueber die LTmhiillungslinie der Pol- Linien einer Curve und deren inverse Linie. [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LVIIL, 1861, pp. 374- 377. 29. Bedingung der Stabilitiit eines auf dem Gipfel einer Fliiche ruhenden Korpers. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 213-215. 3O. Ueber die Darstellung der Curven durch Kriimmung und Torsion. Crelle. Journ. LX., 1862, pp. 182-187. 31. Ebene Curven zwischen dereu Bogen und Coordinate]! cine Gleichung zweiten Grades besteht. [1862.] Crelle, Journ. LXIL, 1863, pp. 193-198. Hoppensack, J. M. Sur les mines d'Espagne. ( Transl.) Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1790, pp. 51-60. Horbye, J. C. Det erratiske phrenomen paa Rigsgrajudseu. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VIII., 1855, pp. 337-384. 2. Et strog af Rigsgra^ndsen. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. TUT., 1855, pp. 385-434. — • 3. Notitser om det erratiske phamomen i Lofoten, Senjen, og ved Troms0. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. IX., 1857, pp. 21-30. 4. Fortsatte iagttagelser over de erratiske plijcnomoner. Nyt Mac-. Naturvid. X., 1859, pp. 232-261. 5. Et strog af Rigsgrrradscn. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. XL, 1861. pp. 65-136. • • 6. Notiiser om Thydalen. Nyt Mag. Na- turvid. XL, 1861, pp. 220-225. Hordinsky, . and Krushevitch. On the Caucasian Mineral Waters. (Trc/nsl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVIT. 1HOT, pp. 127-132. VOL. III. Hore, Jr. S. Description of a species of Oro- hanche new to Great Britain, probably Orobanclic amethystea, Thuillicr. Phytologist, II., 1845, pp. 239-240. 2. Notes on British Ferns. Phytologist, IV., 1851, pp. 94-98. Horing, , und A. G. F. Emmert. Ueber die Veranderungen, welche einige Stoffe in dcm Korper sowohl hervorbringen als erleiden, wenn sic in die Bauchhohle lebender Thiere gebracht werden. Meckel, Detitsches Archiv, IV., 1818, pp. 497-536. Horinek, A. Analyse der Salinenproducte von Ischl. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XIII., 1863, pp. 148-150. I-Iorion, C. Sur le terrain cretace de la Belgique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 635- 667. • 2. Notice sur le calcaire devonien de Vise. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVII., 1859-60, pp. 58- 61. 3. Sur les terrains primaires des environs de Vise. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XXL, 1863, pp. 766-770. Horion, Philip. Phenomena electro-chemica, atque theorise quaa ad ea explicanda fuerunt excogitate. Liege, Ann. Acad. 1826-27. Horiska, J. V. Velblond [the Camel]. Ziva, 1855, pp. 225-233. llorkel, . Eine historische Einleitung in die Lehre von den Pollenschlaucheu. Berlin, Bericht, 1836, pp. 71-82. 2. Saamenbildung und Keimen des Genus Pistia. Berlin, Bericht, 1837, pp. 41-43. • 3. Polyembryonie der Coniferen. Berlin, Bericht, 1839. pp. 92-94. Horky, M. Flora Bakonyensis. Presburg, Ver- handl. IV., 1839 (Sit:. Ber.}, pp. 84-88. Horlbeck, Elian. Expulsion of two Foetuses of unequal size at the same time, with remarks on superfoctation. Charleston Med. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 28-33. Horlbeck, 77'. C. A case of tubal pregnancy, with rupture of the Fallopian tube. Charleston Mcd. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 303-311. Horlin, . Sur quelquea calcaires de la Basse Bretagne etsurleur conversion en chaux grasses et hydrauliques. Paris, C'omptes Rendtis, XXX., 1850, pp. 354-357. Horlych, //. Th. Abriss cines Beweises fiir den sogenannten elften Euklidischen Grundsatz. Grnncrt, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 455-460. Horn, . Ueber die Flimmerbewegiing der Pollenkorner einiger Phanerogamen. Flora, XXXI1L, 1850, pp. 241-256. 3 i HOR] 434 [HOR Horn, Andrew. On Optic Vision, with a few remarks on the Cosmogony of Moses. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVIIL, 1816, pp. 117-122. . 2. On Magnetism. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1817, pp. 137-139. 3. On Vision, in answer to Mr. PATEK. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIX., 1817, pp. 26-29. Horn, Ernst. Beobachtung einer in ihrer Ent- stehung h5chst merkwiirdigen Wasserscheue, die nach einer zwdlfstiindigen Behandlung im Charite-Krankenhause todtlich wurde, nebst Sectionsbevicht. Hufeland u. Himly, Journ. Arzn. XXXIX., 1814 (Heft 10), pp. 30-39. 2. Geschichte einer Superfotation oder gleichzeitig bestehenden Bauchhohlen- und Gebarniutterschwangerschaft und der Endigung der letztern durch Geburt, mit besondern Be- merkungen. Siebold, Journ. f. Geburtshulfe. VIII., 1828, pp. 330-411. Horn, Gco. H. Descriptions of three new species of Gorgon idaj, in the collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, p. 233. 2. On Milne EDWARDS'S Synonymy of Xiphigorgia sctacea. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 367-368. 3. Descriptions of new Corals in the Museum of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 435-436. 4. Descriptions of new North American Coleoptera, in the Cabinet of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 569-571. 5. Notes on the habits of some coleopterous larvse and pupa;. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. I, 1861-63, pp. 28-30. 6. Observations on the habits of some coleopterous larvae and pupa?. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 1861-63, pp. 43-44. 7. Description of some new North Ameri- can Coleoptera. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 1861-63, pp. 187-188. 8. Monograph of the species of Trogosita, inhabiting the United States. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1862, pp. 82-88. Horn, Gco. II., and fj'm. M. Gabb. Descrip- tions of new cretaceous corals from New Jersey. Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 366- 367. 2. Monograph of the fossil polyzoa of the secondary and tertiary formations of North America. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1862, pp. 111-179. Horn, Herm. Ueber das Blut der Pfortader. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, VII., 1848. pp. 340-346. Horn, Herm. 2. Ueber die Endschlingen des Geruchsnerven (Nervus olfactorius). Muller, Archiv, 1850, pp. 74-75. Horn, IV. Von den Keradoiden oder Spiral- linien doppelter Kriimmung. Crelle, Journ. II., 1827, pp. 70-84. 2. Quadratur des Mantels des senkrechten, schief abgeschuittenen Kegels. Crelle, Journ. II., 1827, pp. 364-366. Horn, W. Ueber den Einfluss des lods und Bronis auf die Tonabstufungeu im photograph- ischen Bilde. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXXIII., 1854, pp. 429-430. Hornbeck, (Dr.). Nogle Benuerkninger over St. Thomas's Geognosie. Skaud. Naturf. For- handl. II., 1840, pp. 364-368. 2. Notits om en coralborende Gasteropod (Stylifer), fra Antillerne og et Par andre Con- chylier. Stand. Naturf. Forhandl. V., 1847, pp. 938-943. Hornberg, . Nachtrage zu Dr. BESNAED'S Verzeichniss Baierischer Mineralieu. Regens- burg, Korresp. Blatt. 1854, pp. 161-164. Hornblower, J. C. Description of an Hydraulic Bellows for a smith's Forge. Nicholson, Journal, I., 1802, pp. 219-220. 2. On the construction of the Beams of Steam Engines. Nicholson, Journal, II., 1802, pp. 68-69. 3. Method of measuring any aliquot part of an inch by a screw, which gives no such part in its turn ; and observations on an error of EDWARDS in placing the Eye Stop of re- flecting Telescopes. Nicholson. Journal, VI., 1803, pp. 247-249. 4. Account of a machine for sweeping chimnies by a blast of air. Nicholson, Journal, VII., 1804, pp. 246-251. 5. Account of a fact respecting water heated in a boiler of stone ; with observations. Nicholson, Journal, VIII., 1804, pp. 169-171. 6. Letter on the measure of force by horse powers. Nicholson, Journal, XI., 1805, pp. 95-99. 7. On the measure of mechanic power. Nicholson, Journal, XI., 1805, pp. 264-271. Home, B. W. Geometrical demonstration of the anharmonic properties of a conic. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, p. 278. Hornemann, . Ueber Jodkalium. Pharm. Centr. Blat.t. IX., 1838, pp. 719-720. Hornemann, G. L. Ueber die Schwefelblau- sa'ure im atherischeu Oele des Senfsamens, und Bemerkung eines misslungenen Versuchs, die Schwefelsenfsiiure zu erhalten. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XXIX., 1827, pp. 29-39. HOR] 435 [HOR Hornemann, G. L. 2. Nachlrag zur chemischen Untersuclmug des Meerschwammes. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharni. XXXI., 1829, pp. 65-71. Hornemann, If. Ueber die Bildung der Wein- siiure und Traubensaure durch Einwirkung von Salpetersaure auf verschiedene Kohlehydrate. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XXI., 1863, pp. 1-30. Hornemann, Jens JVilken. Erorterung der Frage, ob der Berberizzenstrauch Host am Getreide verursacht. Hermbstadt, Museum, X., 1817, pp. 250-265. 2. Om Universitets botaniske Have. Or- sted, Tidsskrift, I., 1822, pp. 64-85. 3. Om M. VAHLS Fortjenester af naturk- kyndigheden som videnskabsmaud og Icerer. Kiobeuhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. I, 1824, pp. 1-22. 4. Bemasrkninger angaaende forskjellig- heden af vegetatiouen i de Danske Provindser. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. L, 1824, pp. 153-208 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824. pp. 162-167 ; Flora, VIII., 1825, pp. 537-544. 5. OrnFucusbuccinalis.Z,i«w. Kiobenhavn, Dausk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. III., 1828, pp. 379- 390. 6. Beretning om det 36te Hefte af Flora Danica. Kiobenhavn, Oversigt, 1832-33, pp. 2-4. 7. Beretning om det 37te Hefte af Flora Danica. Kiobenhavn, Oversigt. 1835-36, pp. 5-7. 8. Om Flora Danica. Kr^yer, Nat. Tidssk. L, 1837, pp. 105-137, 417-475. 9. Om de Danske, Norske, og Holsteenske Botanikere og Botanikens Yndere, som have nydt den sere, at deres navne ere blevne tillagte Planteslregter til Erindring om dem. Krjzfyer, Nat. Tidssk. I., 1837, pp. 550-595. 1O. Fors^g til en fortegnelse over de vild- vorende, men i asldre tider indf^irte planter i Danmark. Kr0yer, Nat. Tidssk. II., 1838-39, pp. 639-650 ; III., 1840-41, pp. 59-84, 113-206^ Hornemann, Jens Wilken, och J. F. Schouw. Oversigt af botanikens fremskridt og tilstand i dette Aarhuiiclrede. Orsted, Tidsskrift, L, 1822, pp. 127-191, 304-369; II., pp. 1-42 ; HI., pp. 132-141. Homer, F. R. On some discoveries relative to the Chick in Ovo, and its liberation from the Shell. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1853 (pt. 2), pp. 68- 69. Homer, Friedr. Ueber die normale Kriirnrnuug der Wirbelsiiule. Muller, Archiv, 1854, pp. 478-511. Homer, H. P. Meteor of November 27th. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. XVII., 1862- 63, pp. 65-67. Horner, Jolturin Ktmpar. Versuch, die Tafcln des Herrn von LINDENAU zum Hohenmessen mit dcm Barometer auf wenigen Bliittern darzu- stellen. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIX., 1811. pp 468-478. 2. Zusiitze zu S. TILLARD'S Beschreibung einer vulcanischen Eruption nahe bei der Insel St. Michael. Gilbert, Anual. XLIL, 1812, pp. 412-415. 3. Blutregen. Gilbert, Annal. XLVI., 1814, pp. 98-103. 4. [Untersuchungen iiber das Hohen- raessen mit dem Barometer.] Lindenau, Zeit- schr. I., 1816, pp. 452-458 ; II., pp. 463-470. 5. Description d'un Photometre. Bibl. Univ. VI., 1817, pp. 162-166; Quart. Journ. Sci. V., 1818, pp. 118-120. 6. Ueber das specifische Gewicht des Meerwassers in verschiedenen Gewiissern. Gil- bert, Annal. LXIIL, 1819, pp. 159-183 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 161-167. 7. Ueber die Temperatur des Meeres in verschiedenen Tiefen. Gilbert, Annal. LXIIL, 1819, pp. 266-286 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 161-167. 8. Der Messtisch ohne Stativ. Gilbert, Annal. LXIV., 1820, pp. 85-97. 9. Einige Bemerkungen zu den Aufsatzen iiber das Meerwasser vom jetzigen Winter. Gilbert, Annal. LXIV., 1820, pp. 98-102. — 1O. Lettre : " Sur un nouveau mode d'en- visager les sections coniques, etc." Zach, Corresp. IV., 1820, pp. 440-452. 11. Gletscher ; electrischer Magnetismus ; Beschreibung einer Quecksilber-Wage. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIII., 1821, pp. 101-103, 12. Lettre et table generate pour faciliter le calcul de la latitude par les observations de 1'etoile polaire, etc. Zach, Corresp. V., 1821, pp. 308-321. 13. Lettre sur le probleme de DOUWES, etc. Zach, Corresp. VI., 1822, p. 81. 14. Lettre : " Sur la reduction des dis- tances hinaires." Zach, Corresp. VI., 1822, pp. 520-526, 527-549. 15. Reduction des observations astrono- miques de M. RUPPELL. Zach, Corresp. VII., 1822, pp. 81-86. 16. Lettre avec tables pour corriger les distances de deux astres quelconques de 1'effet de la refraction. Zach, Corresp. VH., 1822, pp. 159-182. 17. Briefliche Nachschrift betreftbnd den Magnetismus des Eisens, die Inclinatious-Beo- bachtungen auf KRUSENSTERN'S Entdeckungs- reise, und einige, der Oersted'schen electrisch- magnetischeu Theorie, giinstige Natur-Erschein- ungen. Gilbert, Anual. LXXIIL, 1823, pp. 5-10. 3 i 2 HOR] 436 [HOR Horner, Jo/xinn Kaspar. 18. Von Wasserhosen und Erdtromben und ihrer verwiistendeu Kraft, neuere Bemerkungcn. Gilbert, Anual. LXXIIJ., 1823, pp. 95-96. 19. Eine kleine Verbesserung Jer Schmal- kaldenschen Boussole. Gilbert, Annal. LXXV.. 1823, pp. 206-210. 20. Lett re : " Siir la reduction des dis- tances lunaires." Zach, Corresp. XII., 1825, pp. 242-252, 296-300. 21. [Bedeckung dos Uranus vora Monde], und iiber die Lage des Schwerpuncts in eineni Viereck. Astr. Nadir. V., 1827, col. 279-282. 22. Ein neuer Reeenmesser. Schweisrger, Journ. L1X. (= Jalirb. XXIX.), 1830, pp. 36- 43. Horner, Johann Kaspar, ct Eamgsdorf. Ob- servations mcteorologiques, faites d'heure en heure, entre les tropiques, dans la mer du Sud, pour examiner les oscillations du barometre. [1808.J St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. I., 1803-6, pp. 450-488 ; Gilbert, Aunal. LXII., 1819, pp. 190-208. Horner, Joseph. Approximation to the roots of algebraic equations in a series of aliquot parts. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 251-262. 2. On the forms A" Ox and their congeners. Quart, Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 111-123, 204-220. 3. Decomposition of rational fractions. [I860.] Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 39-42. 4. Fundamental theorems in " couples," &c. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 4-8. Horner, Leonard. On the Mineralogy of the Malvern Hills. Geol. Hoc. Trans. I., 1811, pp. 281-321. 2. Account of the Brine Springs at Droit- wich. Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1814, pp. 94- 109. 3. Sketch of the geology of the South- western part of Somersetshire. [1815.] Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1816, pp. 338-384. 4. Geology of the environs of Bonn. [1833.] Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834, pp. 467- 470; Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1835, pp. 433- 481. 5. On the occurrence of the Megalichthys in a bed of Cannel Coal in the West of Fife- shire, with observations on the supposed Lacus- trine Limestone at Burdiehouse. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XX., 1836, pp. 309-320 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1845, pp. 112-113 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLIX., 1836, col. 17-24. 6. On an artificial substance resembling Shell. Phil. Trans. 1836, pp. 49-50; Phil. Mag. X., 1837, pp. 201-202; Froriep, No'tizen, L., 1836, col. 51-53. Horner, Leonard. 7. On the quantity of solid matter suspended in the water of the Rhine. [1834.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 71-72 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII., 1835, pp. 102-106; Poggeud. Annal. XXXIIL, 1834, pp. 228-229. 8. Observations on the discovery, by LEPSIUS, of sculptured marks on the rocks in the Nile-Valley of Nubia. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIX., 1850, pp. 126-144. 9. On the discovery and analysis of a medi- cinal mineral water at Helwan, near Cairo. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LV., 1853, pp. 284-290. 10. On some intrusive igneous rocks in C'awsand Bay, near Plymouth. Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1854, pp. 359-366. 11. An account of some recent researches near Cairo, undertaken with the view of throwing light upon the Geological History of the alluvial land of Egypt. Phil. Trans. 1855, pp. 105-138. 12. An account of some recent researches near Cairo, undertaken with the view of throwing liu'ht upon the Geological History of the alluvial land of Egypt. Phil. Trans. 1858, pp. 53-92. 13. Notes on the Rock-specimens from Spitsbergen, collected by Capt. PARKY and Lieut, FOSTER. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860, pp. 442-444. Horner, Lodewylt. Geologische en mineralo- gische aanteekeningeu over het eiland Borneo, lloeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, IV., 1837, pp. 359-369. 2. Beitriige zur Geologic des Indischen Archipels. Li;onhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1838, PP. 1-12. 3. Observations geologiques et mineralogl- ques sur 1'ile de Borneo. Miquel, Bull. 1838, pp. 125-128. 4. Geologische gesteldheid van de vulkaan Gede op Java. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XVII., 1839, pp. 1-30. 5. Verslag van eene mineralogische reis in de Resideutic Bantam op Java. Batav. Ge- nootsch. Verhand. XVII., 1839, pp. 31-62. 6. Verslag van een geologisch onderzoek van het zuid-oostelijke gedeelte van Borneo. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XVII., 1839 (pie. 2), pp. 87-119. 7. Reizen over Sumatra. Batavia, Tijd- schr. X., 1861, pp. 322-373. Horner, Lodciry/t, und S. Miiller. Fragmenteu nit de reizen en onderzoekingeu in Sumatra, gedaan op last der Nederlandsch-Iudische reger- ing, in de Jaren 1833 tot 1838. Nederl. Indie Bijdrag. II., 1854, pp. 212-271 ; III., pp. 65- 72, 193-249, 313-388. Horner, IV. G. New and important combina- tions with the Camera Lucida, Thomson, Ann. Phil. VI., 1815, pp. 281-283. HOR] i37 [HOR Horner, H'. G. 2. I. On Annuities. II. Ima- ginary Cube Roots. III. Roots of Binomials. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIIL, 1816, pp. 279-284, 388-389. 3. Solution of the equation if/" .r=.r. Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1817, pp. 341-346. 4. On Cubic Equations. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1817, pp. 378-381. 5. On reversion of series, as connected with the Equation « — \|/ «-J/.j-=.ii. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1818, pp. 108-112. 6. A new method of solving numerical equations of all orders by continuous approxi- mation. Phil. Trans. 1819, pp. 308-335. 7. Improvements in the solution of equa- tions by continued fractions. Quart. Journ. Sci. XXL, 1826, pp. 72-79, 282-289; XXII., pp. 67-80, 285-293. 3. Extension of a theorem of FERIIAT. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1826, pp. 81-83. 9. On the solutions of the function -fy° .1; and their limitations. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1826, pp. 168-173, 241-246. 10. On the use of continued fractious with unrestricted numerators in summation of series. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1826, pp. 416-421 ; XII, pp. 48-51. 11. On the properties of the Daedaleum, a new instrument of optical illusion. Phil. Ma"-. IV., 1834, pp. 36-41. 12. On the autoptic spectrum of certain vessels within the eye, as delineated in shadow on the retina. Phil. Mag. IV., 1834, pp. 262- 271. 13. Considerations relative to an interesting case in equations. Phil. Mag. V., 1834, pp. 188-191. 14. On the signs of the trigonometrical lines. Phil. Mag. VI., 1835, pp. 86-90. 15. On the theory of congeneric surd equations. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1836, pp. 43- 50. 16. New demonstration of an original pro- position in the theory of numbers. Phil. Ma". XL, 1837, pp. 456-459. 17. On algebraic transformation, as de- ducible from first principles, and connected with continuous approximation, and the theory of finite and infinitesimal differences. [1823.] Mathematician, L, 1845, pp. 108-112, 156-140, 311-316 ; II., 1847, pp. 32-37, 129-132. Horner, IJ illiam E. A case of unusual arrange- ment in the ascending Cava and in the external jugular veins of the human subject. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. L, 1817, pp. 401-405. 2. Description of a small muscle at the internal commissure of the Eyelids. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIIL, 1824, pp. 70- 80. Horner, Jf'iHinni E. 3. An inquiry into UK- discovery of the Tensor Tarsi Muscle, \y.-\\\ | an answer to the objections of Signer Gaetano FLAJANI, of Rome. Philad. Journ. Acad. X.-u. Sci. IX., 1824, pp. 98-105. 4. Inquiries into the healthy and diseased appearances of the Mucous Membrane of the Stomach and Intestines. Amcr. Journ. Med. Sci. L, 1828, pp. 9-40. — 5, Contributions to the physiology and pathology of the nervous system. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. IV., 1829, pp. 54-62. 6. Notice of an experiment on the cular connexion of mother and foetus. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XII., 1833, pp. 353-354. 7. Note of the remains of the Mastodon and some other extinct animals collected together by Mr. Albert Kocn in St. Louis, Missouri. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. L, 1840, pp. 279-282. 8. Remarks on the dental system of the Mastodon, with an account of some lower jaws in Mr. KOCH'S Collection at St. Louis, Missouri, where there is a solitary tusk on the right side. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. L, 1840, pp. 307-308 ; L'Institut, IX., 1841, p. 449 ; Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1843, pp. 53-61. 9. Communication of Pulmonary Air Vesicles by a direct route with the Pulmonary Veins. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. V., 1843, pp. 332-335. 1O. On the preservation of the human body for anatomical purposes. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. IX., 1845, pp. 245-248. 11. On the odoriferous glands of tiie Negro. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XL, 1846, pp. 13-16. Horner, William E., and Isaac Hays. Descrip- tion of an entire head and various other bones of the Mastodon. [1840.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIIL, 1843, pp. 37-48. Homes, Moriz. Ueber ein neues Vorkomnien des Nickelglanzes oder Nickelarsenik-Kieses von Schladming in Steiermark. Poggend. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 503-508. 2. Fossile Siiugethiere des Wiener Beckens. Haidinger, Bericht. L, 1846, pp. 50-55. 3. Mittheilungen u'ber die Mineralien- Sammlung der Frau Johanna Edlen von HENICKSTEIN. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1846, pp. 769-786. 4. Versteinerungen aus dem Jurakalke von Nikolsburg. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47. pp. 3-5. 5. Tertiiirversteinerungen der Gegend von S/obb nordostlich von Gran in Ungarn. Haid- inger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 23^-235. 6. Uebersichtliche Darstellung des Molis- ischen Mineralsystems. Haidinger, Bericht. II.. 184S-47, pp. 249-254. HOR] 438 [HOR Homes, Moriz. 7. Acerotherium incisivuin, Kaup (Rhinoceros incisivus, Cuvier). Hai- dinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 411-412. 8. Soolbad zu Neusalzwerk. Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 53-55. 9. [Geognostische Verhiiltnisse von Seelo- witz.j Haidinger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 83- 89. 10. Fossile Siiugethiere von Bribir. llaid- inger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 83-86. 11. J. POPPELACK'S Saugethier-Reste des Wiener Beckens. Ilaidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 176-178. 12. Fossile Holzer aus tier Privatsammlung Sr. Majestat des Kaisers. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 207-208. 13. Verzeichniss siimmtlicher bis jetzt im Wiener Beckeu aufgef'uudenen Tertiar-Verstein- erungen. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 366-373. 14. RUSSEGGER'S Reisewerke. Haidinger, Bericht. V., 1849, pp. 70-80. 15. Artesischer Brunnen des Hrn. ZEISEL am Sehottenfelde No. 336. Haidinger, Bericht. V., 1849, pp. 128-130. 16. Elephas primigenius von Haindorf. Haidinger, Bericht. V.', 1849, pp. 151-152. 17. Ueber die von POPPELACK im Wiener Becken gesammelten Wirbelthier-Reste. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1849, pp. 751-752 ; Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1850 (pt. 2), p. 44. 18. Wirbelthiere von Leiding. [1849.] Haidinger, Bericht. VI., 1850, pp. 43-46. 19. Ueber die Faluns im Siidwesten von Frankreich von Herrn Joseph DELBOS. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. I., 1850, pp. 587-598. 20. Bericlit iiber die Bereisung mehrerer Fuudorte von Tertiar-Petrefacteu im Wiener- Becken. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. I., 1850, pp. 662- 679. 21. Ueber neue Fundorte von Versteiner- ungenindem weiten Ungarischen Tertiiirbecken. Haidinger, Bericht. VII., 1851, pp. 194-197. 22. Die fossileu Schnecken aus dem Kalk- tuff von Scheibbs und dem Loss von Nussdorf. Haidinger, Bericht. VII., 1851, pp. 200-201. 23. Die fossilen Mollusken des Tertiar- Beckens von Wien. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851, pp. 93-134 ; III., 1852 (lift. 4), pp. 134- 139; Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Ver'handl. I., 1852, pp. 75-82; II., 1852, pp. 71-75,91-95; III., 1853, pp. 9-12, 102-105, 144. 24. Zahn des Unterkiefers von Rhinoceros Homes, Moriz. 25. Neuer Fund von Mas- todouresten. [1851.] Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaurll. I., 1852, pp. 11-14; Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851 (Hft. 2), pp. 187-188. 26. Tertiiirpetrefacteu von Porstendorf bei Mahrisch-Triibau. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 188-189. 27. Reise nach Warschau. Wien, Geol. tichorhinus, Cuv. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851, (fff(.4), pp. 154-155. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 857-858. 28. Ueber die Gastropoden und Acephalen tier Hallstatter Schichten. Wien, Denkschr. IX., 1855, pp. 33-56 ; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 277-296. 29. Ueber eiuige neue Gastropoden aus den ostlicheu Alpeu. Wien, Denkschr. X., 1855, pp. 173-178; Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XVII. 1855, p. 612. 30. Liste de 84 especes marines subfossiles de Kalamaki, sur 1'isthme de Corinthe. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 571-573. — 31. Ueber Gastropoden aus tier Trias der Alpen. Wien, Deukschr. XII., 1856 (Abtlt. 2), pp. 21-34 ; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XX., 1856, pp. 68- 70. 32. Ueber den Meteorsteinfall bei Ohaba im Blasendorfer Bezirke in Siebenbiirgen, in der Nacht zwischen dem 10 und 11 October 1857. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXI., 1858, pp. 79-84 ; Poggend. Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 334-336. 33. Ueber den Meteorsteinfall bei Kaba, siidwestlich von Debreezin am 15 April 1857. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XXXI., 1858, pp 347-350. 34. Krystallisirtes Gold aus der Grube Felso-Verkes. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XIII., 1863, pp. 6-8. Homes, Moriz, und Kleyle. Ueber sogenannte Nassgallen (Slaniska) in Miihren, Bittenvasser, und das Wasser eines artesischen Brunnens in Wien. Erdrn. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XL VI., 1849. pp. 214-221. Kornig, Emil. Ueber die cheniische Zusammen- setzung einiger in der Gegend von Krems vor- kommenden Weisssteine. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851 (Abth. 2), pp. 583-589. 2. Bei-icht der Abtheilung fur Chemie und Physik iiber die Bedeutung des Lo-kao fill- die vaterliindische Industrie. Niederosterr. Gewerb-Ver. Verhandl. 1859, pp. 145-149. 3. Ueber Chromgriin. Niederosterr. Ge- werb-Ver. Verhandl. 1859, pp. 203-204. Hoi-nig, J. von. Ueber die ersten Stande von Anthophila mendaculalis, Tr. (Dardouini, B., H.-Sc.hffr.). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II. 1852 (Alth.), pp. 136-137. HOR] 439 [HOR Hornig, J. eon. 2. Uebcr die ersten Stiinde einiger Lepidopteren. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852 (Abh.\ pp. 151-152; III., 1853 (Abh.\ pp. 409-412 ; IV., 1854 (Ablt.), pp. 15-22, 541-544 ; V., 1855 (AM.), pp. 129-130 ; VI., 1856, pp. 21-24; Wiener, Entora. Monat- schr. I., 1857, pp. 69-73 ; II., 1857, pp. 19-23. 3. Ueber die ersten Stiinde von Antho- phila rosina. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852 (Sits. Ber.), pp. 68-70. 4. Ueber die ersten Stiinde einiger Phyci- deen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. III., 1853 (Abh.), pp. 70-74. 5. Ein lepidopterologischer Besuch der Alpeu Mangert und Rombon. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IV., 1854 (Abh.), pp. 177-184. 6. Ueber die Raupe von Agrotis sagittifera. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IV., 1854 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 105-106. Hornsby, . Observations relatives ;i la pre- paration de I'oxygene. Journ. de Pharm. XXX.. 1856, pp. 46-47, 52. Hornschuch, Friedrich. Botanische Wanderung von Heiligenblut nach Kals, dem Windisch- mattreyer Tauern, Virgen, Pregratten und De- fereggen, im August 1817. Flora, I., 1818, pp. 317-332, 333-344. — — 2. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Weissia splaehnoides. Flora, L, 1818, pp. 429-435. 3. Neue Laubrnoose. Flora, II., 1819, pp. 81-107. 4. Lucasiana. Entwickelungsstufen der Laubmoose. Flora, II., 1819, pp. 171-176. • 5. Einige botanische Notizeu aus England und Schweden. Flora, II., 1819, pp. 440-444. 6. Muscorum nonnullorum novorum de- scriptiones. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 177-192. — — 7. BotanischeBemerkungeuaufeinerRei.se durch Schonen und Seeland in September und October 1819. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 413-422, 429-438. 8. Ueber die von CHAMISSO und BERGIUS gesammelten Moose. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 511-542. 9. Einige Beobachtuugen und Bemerkung- en iiber die Entstehung und Metamorphose der niederen vegetabilischen Orgauismen. Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, X., 1821, pp. 513-582; Flora, V., 1822, pp. 705-714. 10. Botanische Neuigkeiten aus Schweden. Flora, IV., 1821, pp. 49-64. 11. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Fortschritte in der Kenntniss der Moose, nach den Schriften der altern Botanikerbis auf unsere Zeit. Flora, VIII., 1825, pp. 209-224, 225-240. 12. Botanische Notizen gesammelt auf einer Reise von Brzezina nach Prag im Herbst 1827. Flora, X., 1827, pp. 746-7 51 ; XL, 1828, pp. 257-267. Hornschucli, Friedrich. 13. Eremodon Rudol- pliiauus, Hornsch., eine neubestimmte Lauli- moosart. Flora, XIIL, 1830, pp. 209-213. 14. Einige naturgeschichtliche, besonder.s botanische Bemerkungen iiber die Greifswalder Oie (Insel). Flora, XVIIL, 1835, pp. 313- 320. 15. Uebcr die Entstehung und Metamor- phose der niederen vegetabilischen Organismen. Flora, XVIIL, 1835, pp. 433-446. 16. Ueber die Eigeuthiimlichkeiten der Flora der Torfmoore in der Umgegend von Greifswald. Flora, XX., 1837, pp. 737-747, 753-762. 17. Ueber den Standort und die Art des Wachsthums der Malaxis paludosa, Sw. Flora. XXL, 1 838, pp. 257-266, 273-288. 18. Botanische Notizeu aus Schweden. Flora, XXII., 1839, pp. 731-736, 751-752. 19. Muscorum froudosorum novorum, quos in Africa Australiori collegeruntEcivLON, DREGE, MONDT, et MAIRE, dcscriptiones. Linnasa, XV., 1841, pp. 113-157. 2O. Carex thuriugiaca, W. Flora, XXV., 1842, pp. 506-509. 21. Nadere mededeeling over de jongeii van Esox Belone, L. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijd- schrift, X., 1843, pp. 295-300. 1 22. Hortorum botanicorum planta; nov.i et adnotationes in indicibus seminum a 1845 de- positse. Linntea, XIX., 1847, pp. 380-410. 23. Ueber Ausartung der Pflanzen. Flora, XXXI., 1848, pp. 17-28, 33-44, 50-64, 66-86. Hornschuch, Friedrich, und Biittner. Bruch- stiicke zur Geschichte und Erklarung der Feuerkugeln und Meteorsteine. Gilbert, Annal. XXIIL, 1806, pp. 93-105. Hornschuch, Friedrich, und David Heinrick Hoppe. Insecta coleoptrata qua; in itineribus suis prasertim alpinis collegerunt. Cum notis et descriptionibus Jac. STURM: et Jac. HAGEN- BACH. Acad. GEES. Leop. Nova Acta, XII., 1825, pp. 477-490 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, pp. 112-114. Hornschuch, Friedrich, et Reinwardt. Musci froudosi Javanici. [1826.] Acad. Goes. Leop. Nova Acta, XIV., 1828, pp. 697-732. Hornschuch, Friedrich, und M. Schilling. Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Kleiderwechsel der Berg-Ente (Anas marila, L.~). Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1823, col. 3-4. 2. Nachtriigliche Bemerkungen iiber den Farbenwechsel des Vogelkleides, besondeix des der Anas marila, L. Froriep, Notizen, V., 1823, col. 165-167. 3. Niihere Bestimniung eines an der Pommerschen Kiiste vorkommenden Robben. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 812-815; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. V., 1825. pp. 104-105. HOE] 440 [HOR Eornseliuch, Fricdrich, und M. Schilling. 4. Ornithologische Beitrage aus dem zoologischcn Museum der Universitat zu Greifswald. Wieg- mann, Archiv, IV., 1838, pp. 167-190. Hornschuch, Friedric/i, und T. Ziemssen. Botanischc Bemerkungen iiber die Insel Eiigen. Flora, II., 1819, pp. 477-492, 493-500. Hornstedt, Claud. Fred. Dissertatio de novis generibus plantarum. Upsala, Diss. Acad. I., 1799, pp. 1-28. Hornstein, Karl. Uebcr das Steinheil'sche Pas- sage-Prisnia. Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 93-96, 109-112. 2. Bcobachtungcn der Thetis auf der Wiener Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV.. 1852, col. 243-244. 3. Beobaehtungen der Thetis. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 281-282. 4. Beobaehtungen des Cometeu I., 1852 auf der Wiener Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 347-348. 5. Beobachtungeu des am 22ten August 1852 von Herru HIND in London entdeckten Plnneteu. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 93- 94. 6. Beobaehtungen der Thalia. Astr. Naclir. XXXV., 1853, col. 397-398. 7. Elemente und Ephemeride der Calliope. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 399-400 ; XXXVI, 1853, col. 109-112. 8. Beobaehtungen der Calliope auf der Wiener Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 399-400. 9. Beobaehtungen und Elemente des Co- meten I., 1853. Astr. Naehr. XXXVI., 1853, col. 257-258. • 1O. Elemente und Ephemeride der Cal- liope und Vergleichung mit den Beobaehtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXXVI., 1853, col. 281-288. 11. Twenty-first Asteroid. — Observations made at the Vienna Observatory. Gould, As- tron. Journ. III., 1854, p. 30. 12. Twenty-third, Twenty-second, and Twenty-first Asteroids. Gould, Astroii. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 34-36. 13. Beobaehtungen auf der Wiener Stern- warte. Astr. Nachr. XXXVII., 1854, col. 143-148. 14. Elemente und Ephemeride des neuen Cometen (II. 1854). Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 201-204. 15. Ueber die Balm des am 6 Februar 1847 von HIND entd<-ckteu Cometen. Astr. Naehr. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 324-328. 16. Bestimmung der Balm des ersten Cometen vorn Jahrc 1853. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 11-21, 320-321; Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 159-160. Hornstein, Karl. 17. Bestimmung der Balm des ersteu Cometen vom Jahre 1847. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XII., 1854, pp. 303-319. 18. Ueber die Balm der Calliope. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855. pp. 91-106, 417-424 ; XXIV., 1857, pp. 106-119; Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 233-238. 19. Opposition der Calliope im Jahrc 1856. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVII., 1855, pp. 601- 611. 20. Beobaehtungen auf der Wiener Stern- warte, Asteroid @. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 73-74. 21. Beobaehtungen von Asteroiden. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 129-136. 22. Beobaehtungen am Refractor der Wiener Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. LIII., 1860, col. 11-16. 23. Beobaehtungen des neuen Cometen. Astr. Naclir. LIII., 1860, col. 153-154. 24. Beobaehtungeu des Cometen III., 1860. Astr. Nachr. LIII., 1860, col. 347-350. 25. Sonnenfleckenbi.'obachtungen im Juli 1860. Astr. Nachr. LTV., I860, col. 49-60. 26. Ueber Ilelligkeitsmessungen bci kleinen Fixsternen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLL, 1860, pp. 260-270. 27. Elemente und Oppositions-Ephemeride (1861) der Calliope. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLL, 1860, pp. 519-522. • 28. Dio Lk'hterschcinungen bei totalen Sonnenfinsternissen. Wien, Schrift. Ver. Na- turw. Kennt. I., 1860-61, pp. 59-80. 29. Ueber die Bildung des Sounensystems nach LAPLACE'S Ilypothese. Wien, Schrift. Ver. Naturw. Kcnnt, II., 1861-62, pp. 233-265. 30. Elemente und Ephemeride des neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 109-112. 31. Beobaehtungen am 6-zolligen Re- fractor der Wiener Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. LIX., 1863, col. 131-140. Hornstein, Karl, und Jelinek. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen de Vico. Astr. Naehr. XXIII., 1846, col. 277-280. Hornstein, Knrl, und Ziittrow. Observations of COLLA'S comet. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. VIII, 1847-48, p. 12. 2. Beobaehtungen auf der Wiener Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr, XXXVI., 1853, col. 113-116. Hornung, E. G. Botanische Ansichten. Flora, VI, 1823, pp. 545-560. 2. Beitrage zur niihern Kenntniss der gelb bliihenden Ornithogalen. Flora, VII, 1824, pp. 33-48, 49-64. 3. Ueber WALLROTH'S Schedule criticae in floram Haleuscm. Flora, VII, 1824, pp. 193- HOR] 441 [HOR Honmng, E. G. 4. Vorschlag iiber OPIZ Pflanzentausch-Anstalt. Flora, VII., 1824, pp. 753-759. 5. Hutchinsia rotundifolia, R. Br., und H. cepesefolia, DC. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 431- 432. 6. Draba aizoides und aizoon. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 443-448. 7. Bemerkungen iiber Arabis pendula, L., und Arabis bellidifolia, Jacq. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 668-670. 8. Ueber Carex Kochiana. Flora, XIV., 1831, pp. 385-390. 9. Ueber die Gattung Thalictrum und namentlich iiber Thalictrum minus. Flora, XIV., 1831, pp. 545-558. 10. Kritische botanische Bemerkungen. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 209-220, 225-232. 11. Ueber das naturwissenschaftliche Streben in Aschersleben, mit Bezug auf den naturwissenschaftlichen Verein des Harzes. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 273-283, 291-302. 12. Bromus brachystachys, eine neue Deutsche Pflanze. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 417- 421. 13. Saxifraga Kochii, eine neue in der Schweiz aufgefundene Pflanze. Flora, XVIII., 1835, pp. 465-473. 14. Botanische Bemerkungen. Flora, XVIII., 1835, pp. 609-624, 625-639. 15. Ueber ein merkwiirdiges Vorkommen der Corydalis fabacea, Pers. Flora, XIX., 1836, pp. 667-672. 16. Ueber Rhynchites hungaricus, F. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. I., 1840, p. 62. 17. Anregung zur aufmerksamen Beo- bachtung der in und unter der Rinde der Biiume lebenden Insecten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. I., 1840, pp. 162-166. 18. Eigenthiimliches Verfahren Insecten und besonders Kafer binnen Kurzern nicht nur in grosserer Anzahl zu fangen, sondern sie auch mit Leichtigkeit und ohne grosse Miihe auf- zubewahren. Harz, Naturw. Ver. Ber. 1840- 46, pp. 33-34. 19. Ueber Kiifer des Harzes. Harz, Na- turw. Ver. Ber. 1840-46, pp. 80-82 ; 1846-47, pp. 14-15. 2O. Ueber einige in den Betelnussen vor- kommende Kiifer. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. III., 1842, pp. 115-117. - 21. Mittheilungen iiber die Grundlage zu einem Verzeichniss der Kiifer des Harzes. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VI., 1845, pp. 49-57. Hornung, E. G., und L. F. Bley. Entomo- logisch-chemische Untersuchung des Carabus auratus, L., GoldschinidtkiLR-rs und des Sca- rabiEus nasicornis, L., Nashornkiifers. Erdm. Joura. Prak. Chem. III., 1834, pp. 289-309. VOL. III. Hornung, E. G., uml L. F. Bley. 2. Entomo- logisch-chemische Untersuchung des sogenanntcn Mistkiifers (Blaps obtusa, Fab.). Erdra. Journ. Prak. Chem. VI., 1835, pp. 257-269. 3. Priifung eines dunkelgriinen Kupfersalzes, welches sich an den zum Durch- bohren der Kiifer gebrauchten Nadeln von Do- nacieu abgesetzt hatte. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VI., 1835, pp. 269-271. 4. Entomologisch-chemische Unter- suchung der Sonnenkiiferchen, Johanniswiirm- chen, Coccinella septem-punctata, L. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 122-128. Horsburgh, James. Observations on a diurnal variation of the barometer between the Tropics. Phil. Trans. 1805, pp. 177-185. 2. Facts and observations relating to the winds, waves, and other phenomena by which the surface of the Sea is affected. Nicholson, Journ. XV., 1806, pp. 6-14 ; Gilbert, Ann.il. XXXII., 1809, pp. 405-411; XXXIII., pp. 357-367. 3. Facts and observations respecting vision under water ; and various particulars relative to swimming. Nicholson, Journ. XV., 1806, pp. 265-269 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXIV., 1810, pp. 51-58. 4. Enumeration of several cases of ships which have been struck by Lightning ; the de- structive effects having acted in a vertical di- rection towards the centre of the Earth, and never horizontally. Nicholson, Journ. XIV., 1806, pp. 318-322; Gilbert, Annal. XXIX., 1808, pp. 62-69. 5. On the Insulated or Safety Compass lately invented by Mr. JENNINGS. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIII., 1819, pp. 365-367. 6. Remarks on several icebergs which have been met with in unusually low latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere. Phil. Trans. 1830, pp. 117-120; Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1832, pp. 200-201. 7. Some remarks relative to the geography of the Maldiva Islands, and the navigable channels (at present known to Europeans) which separate the Atols from each other. Geogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1832, pp. 72-80. Horsfield, Thomas. Scheikundige ontleding van een vulkaansch zand en een yzer-erts. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. VII., 1814. 2. Over de Rivier van Solo. Batav. Ge- nootsch. Verhandl. VII., 1814. 3. Reis naar de Ooster-streken van Java. Batav. Genootsch. Verhandl. VII., 1814. 4. Beschrijving van den Gatip-Boom. Ba- tav. Genootsch. Verhandl. VII., 1814. 5. Beknopte beschrijving van het Crinurn Asiaticum. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. VII., 1814. 3 K HOR] 442 [HOR Horsfield, Thomas. 6. Scheikundige ontleding der vruchten van den Rarak-Boom (Sapindus saponaria, Linn.}. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. VII., 1814. 7. On the Oopas or Poison-tree of Java. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. VII., 1814; Thom- son, Ann. Phil. IX., 1817, pp. 202-214, 265- 274; Journ. de Phys. LXXXIV., 1817, pp. 259-266 ; Magendie, Journ. de Phys. VII., 1827, pp. 334-384. 8. On the mineralogy of Java. Batav. Genootsch. Verhaud. VIII., 1816 (?) pp. 141- 173. 9. Essay on the Geography, Mineralogy, and Botany of the western portion of the terri- tory of the native princes of Java. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. VIIL, 1816 (?) pp. 175- 312. 1O. Systematic arrangement and descrip- tion of Birds from the island of Java, [1820.] Linn. Hoc. Trans. XIII., 1822, pp. 133-200 ; Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 1053-1087. • 11. Description of the Eiman-Dahan of the inhabitants of Sumatra, a new species of Felis (F. mncrocelis) discovered in the forests of Bencoolen by Sir Stamford RAFFLES. Zool. Journ. I., 1824-25, pp. 542-554 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 400-402 ; Oken, Isis, 1830, col. 825-827. 12. Description of the Helarctos Euryspi- lus, exhibiting in the Bear from the island of Borneo the type of a sub-genus of Ursus. Zool. Journ. II., 1826, pp. 221-234 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 399-400; Oken, Isis, 1830, col. 1023-1027. — 13. Notice of a species of Ursus (U. isa- bellinus) from Nepal. [1826.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 332-334. 14. Notice of two new species of Vesperti- lionidoe found in Cuba (Molossus velox, Phyllo- stoma Jamaicense). Zool. Journ. III., 1827-28, pp. 236-240. • 15. Notice of a new species of Mustela (M. Hardwickii), found in India by Major-Gene- ral Thomas HABDWICKE. Zool. Journ. IV., 1828-29, pp. 238-240; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XX., 1830, p. 322. . 16. Descriptions of several oriental Lepi- dopterous Insects. Zool. Journ. V., 1829-30, pp. 65-70. — - 17. Observations on two species of bats, from Madras (Megaderma lyra), one of them new (Nycticejus Heathii), presented by Mr. HEATH. Zool. Soc. Proc. I., 1831, pp. 113- 114. 18. On the specific distinction of Viverra Rasse, Horsf., and Viverra Indica, Geoff}-. Zool. Soc. Proc. II., 1832, pp. 22-23. Horsfield, Thomas. 19. A List of Mammalia and Birds collected in Assam by J. MCCLELLAND. Zool. Soc. Proc. VII., 1839, pp. 146-147 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 366-374, 450-461 ; Oken, Isis, 1846, col. 631-634. 2O. Report on the island of Banka. Journ. Ind.Archipel. III., 1848, pp. 373-427, 705-724, 779-819; Silliman, Journ. VII., 1849, pp.86-101. 21. Brief notice of several Mammalia and Birds discovered by B. H. HODGSON, Esq., in Upper India. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1849, pp. 202-203. 22. Brief notices of several new or little known species of Mammalia, lately discovered and collected in Nepal, by Brian Houghton HODGSON, Esq. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1855, pp. 101-114. 23. Catalogue of a collection of mammalia from Nepal, Sikkim, and Tibet, presented to the H. E. I. C. by Mr. HODGSON in 1853. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIV., 1856, pp. 393-406. Horsfield, Thomas, and N. A. Vigors. A de- scription of the Australian birds in the collection of the Linnean Society. Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 170-321 ; Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 258-312. 2. Notice of a new genus of Mam- malia (Gymnura), found in Sumatra by Sir T. Stamford RAFFLES. Zool. Journ. III., 1827-28, pp. 246-249 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVIII., 1829, pp. 443-444 ; Oken, Isis, 1830, col. 1168- 1169. 3. Descriptions of two new species of the genus Felis in the collection of the Zoo- logical Society (F. planiceps and F. Temmincki). Zool. Joui-u. III., 1827-28, pp. 449-451. 4. Observations on some of the mammalia contained in the Museum of the Zoological Society. Zool. Journ. IV., 1828-29, pp. 105-113, 380-384; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XX., 1830, p. 321. Horsford, Eben. N. New instrument for the so- lidification of carbonic acid. Silliman, Journ. XLIX., 1845, pp. 206-208. 2. Ueber den Werth verschiedener vegeta- bilischer Nahrungsmittel, hergeleitet aus ihrem Stickstoffgehalt. Liebig, Annal. LVIII., 1846, pp. 166-212 ; Erdin. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 485-488; Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1847, pp. 49-50. 3. Analyse der Asche desKlee's (Trifolium pratense). Liebig, Annal. LVIII., 1846, p. 391. 4. Ammoniakgehalt der Gletscher. Liebig, Auual. LIX., 1846, pp. 113-116. 5. Ueber Glycocoll(Leimzucker) uudeinige seiner Zersetzungsproducte. Liebig, Annal. LX., 1846, pp. 1-57; Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1847, pp. 154-160 ; Silliman, Journ. III., 1847, pp. 369-381 ; IV., 1847, pp. 58-70, 326-340. HOR] 443 [HOR Horsford, Eben. N. 6. List of sweet bodies and tlieir formulas. Amer. Acad. Proc. I., 1846-48, pp. 302-305. — — 7. Ueber den elektrischeu Leitungswider- stand der Fliissigkeiten. Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 238-242 ; Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 36-39. • 8. VARRENTRAPP and WILL'S method of the determination of Nitrogen : an improved apparatus. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 267- 268. 9. Spirit Lamp, for securing extreme heats with little delay. Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, 126-127. 1O. Results of investigations and experi- ments on the chemical action of water of various kinds upon the materials ordinarily employed for its transmission and distribution. Amer. Acad. Proc. II., 1848-52, pp. 62-99. 11. Results of some experiments on the explosions of burning fluids. Amer. Acad. Proc. II., 1848-52, pp. 178-179. 12. On the permeability of metals to mer- cury. Amer. Acad. Proc. II., 1848-52, pp. 295-297 ; Arner. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 48-63 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 374- 377 ; Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1852, pp. 305-318. • 13. On the moisture, ammonia, and or- ganic matter of the Atmosphere. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 124-128. 14. Note on Soda in the ashes of Anthra- cite coal. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 233- 234. 15. Note on the colour of fused Sulphur. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 234-235. 16. On ammonia in atmospheric air. Amer. Assoc. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 43-44. — — 17. On the relation of the chemical consti- tution of bodies to taste. Amer. Assoc. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 216-222 ; Silliman, Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 195-199. 18. Notiz iiber den Ammoniakgehalt der Atniosphare. Liebig, Annal. LXX1V., 1850, pp. 243-244. 19. Connection between the Atomic weights and the physical and chemical properties of Barium, Strontium, Calcium, and Magnesium, and some of their compounds. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 176-184. 2O. On the occurrence of placid waters in the midst of large areas where waves are con- stantly breaking. Arner. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 41-42. 21. On the plasticity of sulphur. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 63-64. 22. Relation of the chemical constitution of bodies to light. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 74-75; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 294-295. Horsford, Eben. N. 23. The effect of heat on the perpendicularity of Bunker Hill monument. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 81-84 ; Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, p. 443 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 308-311. 24. The pendulum at Bunker Hill monu- ment. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 132- 137. 25. Solidification of the rocks of the Florida Reefs, and the sources of lime in the growth of corals. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 207-215 ; 1853, pp. 122-147 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 56-67 ; Silliman, Jouru. XIV., 1852, pp. 245-253. 26. Analyses of the ashes of certain com- mercial Teas. Silliman, Journ. XI., 1851, pp. 249-251. 27. Manganese in the urine. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1851, p. 259. 28. On the value of the different kinds of prepared vegetable food. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, pp. 109-129. 29. On the fatal effects of Chloroform. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 234-239. 30. Ammonia in the Atmosphere. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1856, pp. 145-152. 31. On some of the relations of salts of Zinc and Alumina to Soda and Potassa. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. VIII., 1863, pp. 354-360. Horsford, Eben. N., and Wyman. On Valeria- nate of Morphia. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 92-93. Horsford, Eben. JV., Levering, Joseph, Tread- well, Daniel, and Benjamin Peirce. Report on a paper entitled " Description of the causes of the explosion of steam-boilers, and of some newly-discovered properties of heat and other matters ; for the purpose of showing that the application of steam for the production of motive force is susceptible both of immense improve- ment and economy," by James FROST. Amer. Acad. Proc. II., 1848-52, pp. 129-130. Horsley, C. H. Miscellaneous facts in the natural history of New South Wales. Newman, Zoolo- gist, IV., 1846, pp. 1422-1431. Horsley, John. On the conversion of Tannin into Gallic Acid. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), p. 52. 2. A new method of instituting post-mortem researches for Strychnia. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), p. 53 ; Chemist, IV., 1857, pp. 2- 3 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 312-314. 3. Testing for Strychnia, Brucia, &c. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 53-54 ; Che- mist, in., 1856, pp. 707-710 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 314-315; Pharmaceut. Journ. XVI., 1857, pp. 177-179. 3 K 2 HOR] [HOS Horsley, John. 4. On a new method of extract- ing the alkaloids Strychnia and Brucia from Nux vomica without alcohol. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), p. 54 ; Chemist, IV., 1857, pp. 1-2. 5. Experiments on animals with Strychnia, and probable reasons for the non-detection of the poison in certain cases. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), p. 55 ; Chemist, III., 1856, pp. 710- 713; Pharmaceut, Journ. XVI., 1857, pp. 179- 181. 6. A new method of testing for and manu- facturing iodine. Chemist, III., 1856, pp. 65- 68. Chemical 7. On the analysis of milk. News, III., 1861, p. 82. 8. On the microscopical and chemico- microscopical characters of various starches and grainmeals. Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 162-163, 181-182. 9. On the Nitro-prusside of Sodium as a test for certain alkaloids. Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 355-356. 1O. Note on experiments with Nitrates. Chemical News, VII., 1863, pp. 267-268. Horst, . Ueber spontaue Zerreissung des Herzeus. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1847, pp. 119-122. Horst, J. J. Bemerkuugen, die fliissige Hydro- thionsaure als Reagens auf Metallgchalt und dessen in gewissen Fallen tiiuschende Anzeige. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VII., 1823, pp. 275-281. 2. Examen d'une substance rouge extraite d'un Carbonate de Magnesie du commerce. (Transl.) Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 145-147. Horstig, . Von der Beschaffenheit derLuft in Beziehung auf die menschliche Gesundheit. Lausitz. Monatschr. I., 1800, pp. 267-275. Horstmann, S. Geologische Verhiiltnisse der Sodener Gegend und ihre Heilquellen. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, pp. 232-234. Hort, Fenton J. A. Notice of a few Plants growing at Weston-super-Mare. Phytologist, II., 1847, pp. 1047-1048. 2. Note on Alsine rubra, var. media, Bab. Phytologist, III., 1848, pp. 321-325. 3. On Viola sylvatica and canina. Hen- frey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 197-200. 4. Notice on Potamogeton fluitans, Roth, and Ulex Gallii, Planch. Henfrey, Bot. Ga- zette, II., 1850, pp. 1-2. 5. On Euphorbia stricta and platyphylla. Henfrey, Bot, Gazette, III., 1851, pp. 15-17. 6. Note on Athyrium filix-fcemina, var. latifolium. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, III., 1851, pp. 155-157 ; Phytologist, IV., 1852, pp. 440- 442. Hort, Fenton J. A. 7. Occurrence of Orobanche Cffirulea, Vill., and Aconitum napellus, L., in Monmouthshire. Phytologist, IV., 1852, pp. 640-641. 8. On a supposed new species of Rubus. [1851.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. IV., 1853, pp. 113-116; Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 185), pp. 374-377. Horta, F. Quadrifolio balistico. Lisboa, An- naes, I., 1857. pp. 525-541. 2. Parallelogramo das forcas. Lisboa, Annacs, I.. 1857, pp. 619-627- 3. Formula symbolica do Sr. DANIEL. Lisboa, Annaes, I., 1857, pp. 705-712. 4. Outra formula symbolica. Lisboa, Au- naes, I., 1857, pp. 713-717. 5. Uma propriedade dos coefficientes do biuomio. Lisboa, Annaes, II., 1858, pp. 98- 116. Hortala, . Sur un ouragan qui a devaste la commune de Salleles-d'Aude, arrondissement de Narbonne (Aude). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 566-568 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIV., 1842, col. 131-132. Hortes, Hyacinthc . XII.), 1824, pp. 461-463; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, pp. 399-400. Hottot, , et Serullas. Rapport sur une note de M. PLISSON concernant 1'Iotlure d'Ar- senic. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 49- 56. Houbotte, . Experiences sur la force por tante de divers materiaux de construction. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. XIIL, 1854-55, pp. 432-455. 2. Experiences sur la resistance des longe- rons en tfile. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. XV., 1856-57, pp. 403-426. 3. Versuche iiber die Festigkeit blecherner Tra'ger. Der Civilingenieur, IV., 1858, pp. 98- 102. Houel, . Monstre celosomien du genre agenosome. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., 1850, pp. 107-117. 2. Observations de monstres ectromeliens. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1853, pp. 211-221. 3. Memoire sur les adherences du placenta ou des enveloppes a certaines parties du corps du fffitus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1857, pp. 55-62. HOU] 446 [HOU Houel, 4. Description de trois monstres syncephaliens. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1857, pp. 297-305. • 5. Memoire sur 1'encephalocele congenitale. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XIV., 1859, pp. 409-424. Hotiel, Jules. Sur le polygone regulier de dix- sept cotes. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVI., 1857, pp. 310-311. 2. Memoire sur le developpement des fonc- tions en series periodiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 512-515. 3. Essai d'une exposition rationelle des principes fondamentaux de la Geometrie elemen- taire. Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 171- 211. Hough, . Some points of connection between astronomy and geology. Dudley, Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1833-34, pp. 29-31. Hough, Franklin B. On the cylindrical structure observed in Potsdam Sandstone. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 352-354. 2. New mineral localities in New York. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 288-289. 3. On the existing mineral localities of Lewis Jeflerson and St. Lawrence counties, New York. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 424-429. 4. On the association of certain minerals in Northern New York. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 205-206. 5. On the existence of diluvial agencies during the earlier geological periods. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 262-264. i 6. Results of a series of meteorological observations made at New York Academies from 1826 to 1850. Amer. Assoc. Proc. X., 1856, pp. 231-237. Hough, Franklin B., and S. W. Johnson. On the discovery of Sulphuret of Nickel in Northern New York. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 287-288. Hough, G. W. Description of a new machine for cataloguing and charting stars. [1863.] Albany Inst. Trans. IV., 1858-64, pp. 167-175. 2. Observations of Comet II., 1862, made with the Olcott Meridian Circle, at the Dudley Observatory. Astr. Nachr. LEX., 1863, col. 29-32. 3. Observations of the Planet Neptune, made with the Olcott Meridian Circle, at the Dudley Observatory, Albany, U. S. A. Astr. Nachr. LX., 1863, col. 155-158. Hough, H. G. Inquiries into the principles of liquid attraction. Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1830, pp. 86-98. Houghton (Dr.). Remarks upon the subject of the metalliferous veins of the northern penin- sula of Michigan. Silliman, Journ. XLI., 1841, pp. 183-186. Houghton, William. On the discovery of the Snail-Leech, Glossiphonia marginata, in Eng- land. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 248-249. 2. Note on the winter occurrence of Fre- dericella sultana. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, p. 389. 3. On the occurrence of the Fingered Na'is (Protodigitata) in England. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 393-396. 4. Cristatella mucedo. — Where to look for and how to find this Polyzoon. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., 1860, p. 59. • 5. Remarks on the Glossiphouida?, a family of discophorous Annulata. Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1861, pp. 33-40. 6. On the Unicorn of the ancients. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 363-370, 416-417. 7. Observations on the Fly affecting the Mangold Wurzel crops, in the year 1861. Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1862, pp. 39-43. 8. On the parasitic nature of the fry of Anodouta cygnea. Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1862, pp. 162-168. Houlton, Joseph. Description of Melilotus coe- rulea. [1842.] Pharmaceut. Jouru. II., 1843, p. 128. 2. On Digitalis purpurea. Pharmaceut. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 126-128. Houry, • . Observations sur un ouvrage alle- rnand de M. C. G. NOSE, ayant pour titre, " Description d'une collection de fossiles, &c." Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 389-398. Houry, , et Roziere. Memoire sur la sta- tistique minuralogique du departemeut de la Haute-Marne. Journ. des Mines, XVII., 1804-5, pp. 405-436. House, Henry. Notice of the occurrence of Hy- brid individuals occurring in the genus Sme- rinthus. [1837.] Entom. Soc. Trans. III., 1841-43, pp. 193-194. Housel, - — . Division pratique de la circon- ference en parties egales. Nouv. Ann. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 77-80; 2. Division abregee. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 129-131. 3. Considerations sur les droites dans 1'espace. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 228-229. 4. Sur le probleme de HALLEY de tracer une conique dont on connait un foyer et trois points (voir p. 263). Nouv. Ann. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 425-433. 5. Les Porismes d'EuCLiDE. Liouville, Journ. Math. I., 1856, pp. 192-209. 6. Methode de M. CAUCHT pour modifier la methode de NEWTON dans la resolution des equations numeriques. Nouv. Ann. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 244-256. HOU] 447 [HOU Housel, 7. Solution trigonometrique de la methode de M. BABINET pour la determination des latitudes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 103-105. 8. Les Coniques d'ArOLLONius. Liouvillc, Journ. Math. Ill, 1858, pp. 153-192. — 9. Determination du sommet et des axes principaux d'un paraboloide. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVII., 1858, pp. 223-229. 10. Note sur un theoreme de M. CHASLES : Quand un quadrilatere est circonscrit a une conique, le produit des distances d'une cin- quieme tangente quelconque a deux sommets opposes du quadrilatere, est avec le produit des distances de cette tangente aux deux autres sommets, dans un rapport constant. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVIIL, 1859, pp. 352-353. - — • 11. Surfaces de revolution du second degre. Liouville, Journ. Math. V., 1860, pp. 129-138. 12. Plan osculateur a 1'intersection de deux surfaces homofocales. Nouv. Ann. Math. II., 1863, pp. 400-410. Housman, H. Some forms of invertebrate ex- istence which have continued from the Palaeo- zoic period to the present. Dudley, Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1863-64, pp. 70-75. Houston, John. On the structure and mechan- ism of the tongue of the Chameleon. Irish Acad. Trans. XV., 1828, pp. 177-201 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VII., 1829, pp. 161-177 ; Oken, Isis, 1832, col. 623-626. 2. Observations on the form of the Rectum. Dublin, Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. ILL, 1833, pp. 371-381. 3. On the peculiarities of the circulating organs in diving animals. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1835 (pt. 2), pp. 81-83 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL VI., 1835, col. 129-138. — — 4. An account of a variety of Hydatid (Cysticercus tenuicollis) found in the omentum of an Axis Deer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1835 (pt. 2), pp. 83-84 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL VIII., 1836, col. 7-10. 5. An account of Hydatids found in the omentum of an Axis Deer ; with observations on their pathological changes. Dublin, Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. VIII., 1836, pp. 268-281. 6. An account of a human foetus without brain, heart, or lungs ; with observations on the nature and cause of the circulation in such monsters. Dublin, Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. X., 1836, pp. 204-220. 7. On the circulation of the blood in Acar- diac Foetuses ; being a reply to a paper by Dr. Marshall HALL on this subject. Dublin, Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. XXIV., 1844, pp. 337-354. Houtain, Louis. Des solutions siugulieres des equations differentielles. Bruxelles, Ann. Univ. Belg. 1851-52, pp. 971-1323. Houton de la Billardiere, Jacques Julien. Note sur la forme cristalline du deutoxide (pro- toxide) de Plomb. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1817, pp. 367-369; Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1818, p. 218. 2. Memoire sur les combinaisons des Hydro- genes phosphores avec 1'acide hydriodique. Jouru. de Pharm. III., 1817, pp. 454-461 ; Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1817, pp. 304-307 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXVIII., 1821, pp. 253-259; Schweigger, Journ. XXI., 1817, pp. 100-104; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819, pp. 189-194. 3. Note sur 1'identite de 1'acide malique avec 1'acide sorbique. Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1818, pp. 214-216 ; Journ.de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 350-351 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819 (St. 2), pp. 382-384. 4. Sur un nouvel acide produit pendant la calcination de 1'acide mucique. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1818, pp. 365-371 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIV., 1819, pp. 265-269 ; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819 (St. 2), pp. 384-392. 5. Recherches sur la nature du Camphre artificiel et de 1'essence de Terebenthine. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 1-10. 6. Memoire sur le palmier Nipa. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. V., 1819, pp. 297- 303. 7. Sur la statue de Lillebonne. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1824, pp. 107-109; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 102-104. 8. Memoire sur un nouveau moyen de mesurer la force des matieres employees dans la composition du chlorure de chaux sec. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1824, pp. 74-81. 9. Nouvelles observations sur un chloro- metre. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 264- 268. 1O. Note sur un nouveau moyen chloro- metrique. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 53-55. 11. Lettre a M. GAY-LUSSAC sur les oxides de plomb. Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1827, pp. 96-98. 12. Essais sur le sulfure rouge d'arsenic, ou realgar, considere comme ruatiere colorante applicable a la fabrication des toiles peintes. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1827, pp. 39-42. 13. Sur 1'oxide rouge de plomb ou minium. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1827, pp. 56-58. 14. Description d'un colorimetre et du moyen de connaitre la qualite relative des indigos. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1827, pp. 73- 84; Journ. de Pharm. XTH., 1827, pp. 610- 613. 15. Sur la puceron lanigere. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1831, pp. 89-91. HOU] 4-18 [HOV Houzeau, . Aper§u cliirnique sur la Litho- graphic. Journ. de ljharrn. XII., 1826, pp. 173-182. 2. Memoire sur les inflammations spon- tanees des cotons gras. Mulhausen, Bull. Soc. Indust. II, 1829, pp. 416-437 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. VII, 1830, pp. 205-213. Houzeau, Auguste. Recherches sur 1'oxygene a 1'etat naissant. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 947-950; XLIIL, 1856, pp. 34-38 ; Aunal.de Chimie, LXII, 1861, pp. 129-159; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXV., 1855, pp. 499-502 ; LXX., 1857, pp. 340-344 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 413-417 ; XXX., 1856, pp. 342-350; Poggend. Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 484-489; XCIX., 1856, pp. 165- 170. 2. Methodc analytique pour reconnaitre et doser 1'oxygene naissant. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLV., 1857, pp. 873-877; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1863, pp. 466-484; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVI, 1859, pp. 164- 167 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIIL, 1858, pp. 115-123; Poggend. Annal. CIX., 1860, pp. 180-182. 3. Preuve de la presence dans 1'atmosphere d'un nouveau principe gazeux, 1'oxygene nais- saut. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 89-91 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 110-113. 4. Sur 1'absence de 1'ozone libre dans Fessence de terebenthine oxydee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 829-831 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXL, 1860, pp. 117-119. 5. Variabilite normale des proprietes de 1'air atmospliL'rique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III, 1861, pp. 809-811, 1021-1025 ; Chemical News, IV., 1861, p. 43. Houzeau, Auyuste, et Pouchet. Experiences sur les generations spontanees. Developpement de certaines proto-organismes daus de 1'air arti- ficiel. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 982-984; Ann. Sci. Nat, IX. (ZooL), 1858, pp. 350-352. Houzeau, Augitste, e Zantedeschi. Del valore scientitieo delle indicazioui ozouoscopiche e della loro erroneita negli studj del Colera- morbus. Fireuze, II Tempo, I, 1858, pp. 181- 189. Houzeau, J. C. [Betrachtungen iiber die Lage des Zodiakallichtes.] Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844, col. 183-190. 2. D'un ncuvel effet de 1'aberration de la lumiere particulier aux etoiles doubles qui possedent un mouvcment propre. Sur les systemes binaircs 61 Cygni et 70 p. Ophiuchi. Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844, col. 241-248, 273- 278; Bibl. Univ. L., 1844, pp. 380-385; Napoli, Rcndiconto, IV., 1845, pp. 138-142. Houzeau, J. C. 3. Resultats de quelques ex- periences thermometriques et magnetiques exe- cutees dans la fosse n° 2 Charbonnage du couchaut du Flenu. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1844 (pte. 2), pp. 283-292. 4. Sur les etoiles filantes periodiques du mois d'Aoiit, et en particulier sur leur appari- tion de 1842. Bruxelles, Memoires Couronn. XVIII., 1844-45 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1844 (pte. 2), pp. 142-146. 5. Elements et ephemeride de la cometc decouverte par M. D'ARUEST. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1845, pp. 107-109. 6. Sur la derniere cornete decouverte a Rome. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1845, pp. 309-311. • 7. Methodo pour determiner simultane- ment la latitude, la longitude, 1'heure, et 1'azimut, par des passages observes dans deux verticaux. Bruxelles, Memoires Couronn. XXV., 1851-53. 8. Note sur la geographic positive du Hainaut. Hainaut, Mem. Soc. Sci. I, 1853, pp. 105-115. 9. Sur la direction et la grandeur des soulevements qui out afiecte le sol de la Bel- gique. Bruxelles, Memoires Couronn. XXIX., 1855. 10. Sur les limites que, dans 1'etat actuel de nos connaissances, on peut assigner a la rotation d'Uranus. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXIIL, 1856, pp. 351-357. 11. Note sur la determination du rayon vecteur d'une planete nouvelle. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII, 1859, pp. 172-190. 12. Methode pour mesurer la parallaxe horizontale des astres. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII, 1862, pp. 232-286. Houzeau-Muiron, . Fabrication du gaz eclairant au moyen des eaux de savon des fabriques. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1842, pp. 250-255. Hovel, A. van. Ueber das in Schemnitz ein- gefiihrte zu Bernaul iibliche Verfahren bei der Reduction der Gliitte. Karsten, Archiv, IX., 1836, pp. 228-231. Hoven, F. J. J. van. Planten gevonden in do omstreken van Maastricht. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. L, 1848, pp. 212-217. 2. Opgave van eenige planten in de om- streken vans 's Hertogenbosch verzameld. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. L, 1848, pp. 273-279. Hovey, S. Geology of Antigua. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1839, pp. 75-85 ; Bibl. Univ. XXVIIL, 1840, pp. 208-211. 2. Geology of St. Croix. Sillinian, Journ. XXXV., 1839, pp. 64-74. HOVJ Hoviiie, 449 [HOW Note sur 1'emploi des rondelles en caoutchouc vulcanise comme ressort Je choc et de traction. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1854, pp. 80-85. How, Henry. On the decomposition of Citrate of Lime in contact with putrefying curd. Chem. Soc. Journ. V., 1853, pp. 1-7; Erdm. Journ. Prnk. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 208-210. 2. On certain salts and products of de- composition of Comenic Acid. [1851.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XX., 1853, pp. 225-246; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 484- 488 ; Liebig, Anual. LXXX., 1851, pp. 65-98. 3. On Meconic Acid and some of its derivatives. [1852.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XX., 1853, pp. 401-416 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1853, pp. 192-197 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 32-33 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXI1L, 1852, pp. 350-374. 4. On some new basic products obtained by the decomposition of Vegetable Alkaloids. Chem. Soc. Journ. VI., 1854, pp. 125-139 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 487- 490; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 489-492 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 383-384. 5. Note on Platinum accompanying Silver in solution in Nitric Acid. Chem. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855, pp. 48-49. 6. On the Hyposulphites of the Organic Alkaloids. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I. 1855 pp. 47-57. 7. Some additional observations on the ethers and amides of Meconic and Comenic Acids. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1855, pp 212-225. 8. On the occurrence of Natro-Boro-Cal- cite with Glauber Salt in the Gypsum of Nova Scotia. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIIV 1857 pp. 54-60. 9. On the action of the Halogen Com- pounds of Ethyl and Amyl on some Vegetable Alkaloids. [1854.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1857, pp. 27-48 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIIL, 1854, pp. 300-307 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 233-235. 1O. Chemical analysis of Faroelite, and some other Zeolites occurring in Nova Scotia. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1858, pp. 207- 212; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 460-462 ; Silliman, Journ. XX VI., 1858 pp. 30-34. 11. Description and analysis of three new minerals, associates in the Trapp of the Bay of Fundy. [1858.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. X., 1859, pp. 84-94 ; Nova Scotia, Trans. Lit. Sci. Soc. 1859, pp. 30-41. VOL. III. How, Henry. 12. On an Oil-Coal found near .Pictou, Nova Scotia, and thu comparative com- position of the minerals often included in the term Coal. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1860, pp. 80-87 ; Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 74-79. 13. On Natro-boro-calcite and another Borate occurring in the Gypsum of Nova Scotia. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1861, pp. 112-116; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862, pp. 428-432 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXII., 1861, pp. 9-13. 14. On Gyrolite occurring with Calcite in Apophyllite in the Trapp of the Bay of Fundy. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1861, pp. 117- 118; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862, pp. 426-428; Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1861, pp. 13-14. 15. On some Mineral Waters of Nova Scotia. Canadian Naturalist, VIII., 1863, pp. 371-376. 16. On Pickeringite occurring in Slate in Nova Scotia, and on the class of salts to which it belongs. Chem. Soc. Jouru. I., 1863, pp. 200-206. How, Henry, and Rowney, H. Analysis of the ashes of the Orange Tree (Citrus aurantium). [1847.] Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 370-377; Chem. Coll. Reports, 1849, pp. 43- 50 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1847, pp. 322-329 ; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1 848, pp. 97-101 ; Liebig, Annal. LXIIL, 1847, pp. 333- 337 ; Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1847, pp. 271-278. Howard, D. S. The formation of bars in rivers and harbours. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXXVL, 1858, pp. 73-76. Howard, David. Contribution towards the history of Cinnamic Acid. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 135-139. Howard, Edward. On a new fulminating mer- cury. Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 204-238 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXVII., 1811, pp. 75-97; Journ. de Phys. LIIL, 1801, pp. 440-443. - 2. Experiments and observations on certain stony and metalline substances which at different times are said to have fallen on the earth ; also on various kinds of native iron. Phil. Trans 1802, pp. 168-212 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLTII.,' 1802, pp. 56-85, 225-267; Gilbert, Aunal. XIII., 1803, pp. 291-327 ; Journ. des Mines, XIII., 1802-3, pp. 11-31, 81-91 ; Journ. de Phys. LV., 1802, pp. 362-376. 3. Account of an experiment for supplying Worm Tubes and other refrigeratories by the assistant pressure of the atmosphere, which proved unsuccessful on a large scale ; to which is added an improvement for extending the useful applications of the Syphon. Nicholson, Journ. VI., 1803, pp. 216-218. 3 L HOW] 450 [HOW Howard, J. Eliot. Examination of PAVON'S collection of Peruvian barks contained in the British Museum. Pharmaceut. Journ. XL, 1852, pp. 489-498, 557-564 ; XII., 1853, pp. 11-16, 58-62, 125-129, 173-180, 230-235, 339- 342. — — 2. Observations on some additional spe- cimens of Peruvian barks presented to the museum of the Pharmaceutical Society. Pharmaceut. Journ. XIV., 1855, pp. 61-63. 3. On the bark of Gomphosia chlorantha, Wedd., occurring mixed with quilled Calisaya bark. Pharmaceut. Journ. XIV., 1855, p. 318. 4. On Copalche bark. Pharmaceut. Journ. XIV., 1855, p. 319. 5. On the tree producing red Cinchona bark. Pharmaceut. Journ. XVI., 1857, pp. 207-212 ; Journ. de Phann. XXXL, 1857, pp. 142-149. 6. Report on the bark and leaves of Chin- chona succirubra grown iu India. Seemann, Jouru. Bot. I., 1863, pp. 211-214 ; Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1864, pp. 74-75. Howard, Liike. On a periodical variation of the Barometer, apparently due to the influence of the Sun and Moon on the atmosphere. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VII., 1800, pp. 355-363. - 2. Account of a microscopical investi- gation of several species of pollen, with remarks and questions on the structure and use of that part of vegetables. [1800.] Linn. Soc. Trans. VI., 1802, pp. 65-74. 3. Considerations on Dr. BUTTON'S theory of Rain. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 55-62. — — 4. On the modifications of clouds, and on the principles of their production, suspension, and destruction. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVI., 1803, pp. 97-107, 344-357 ; XVII., pp. 5-11 ; Gilbert, Annai. XXL, 1805, pp. 137-159. ^— 5. Lettre a M. PICTET sur une preparation perfectionnee du Calomel. Bibl. Britannique, XLV., 1810, pp. 211-212; Schweigger, Journ. H., 1811, pp. 258-259 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLIV., 1813, p. 450. 6. The natural history of clouds. Nichol- son, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 35-62. • 7. Appendix to the Meteorological Journal, containing observations of rain and rain gauges. Nicholson, Journ. XXXL, 1812, pp. 142-145 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLL, 1812, pp. 417- 425 ; LI., 1815, pp. 1-48, 66-72. 8. New process for refining sugar. Thom- son, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1816, pp. 209-210 ; Annal. de Chimie, II., 1816, pp. 373-375 ; Schweigger, Joum. XXV., 1819, pp. 184-191. 9. Effect of the late Solar Eclipse on the temperature of the day on which it occurred. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1816, pp. 467-469. Howard, Luke. 1O. A descending spout on land. Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1817, pp. 146- 147; Gilbert, Annal. LVIL, 1817, pp. 219-221. 11. Account of the late Solar Eclipse. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XVI., 1820, pp. 313-314. 12. On the best means for conducting meteorological observations in different places and climates, so as to produce some uniformity in the modes of obtaining and summing up the results. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIL, 1821, pp. 81-83. 13. On the late extraordinary depression of the barometer. Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 113- 116; Gilbert, Annal. LXXIIL, 1823, pp. 297.- 330. 14. On the difference of the quantity of rain at different heights above the surface of the neighbouring ground. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 563-564. 15. On the wet summer of 1839. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1840, p. 203. 16. On certain variations of the mean height of the barometer, mean temperature, and depth of rain, connected with the lunar phases, in the cycle of years from 1815 to 1823. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1840, p. 211. 17. Tables of the variation, through a cycle of nine years, of the mean height of the barometer, mean temperature, and depth of rain, as connected with the prevailing winds, influenced in their direction by the occurrence of the lunar apsides ; with some concluding observations on the result. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1840, pp. 226-227. 18. On a cycle of eighteen years in the mean annual height of the barometer in the climate of London, and on a constant variation of the Barometrical Mean according to the Moon's declination. Phil. Trans. 1841, pp. 277-280 ; Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1841, p. 300. 19. On a cycle of eighteen years in at- mospherical phenomena. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842 (pt. 2), pp. 24-25. 2O. The Mean Year or Solar Variation through the seasons of the barometer in the climate of London. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), pp. 14-20. 21. On a lunar meteorological cycle. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), pp. 25-26. 22. On the barometrical variation as affected by the Moon's declination. [1845.] Phil. Trans. 1846, pp. 441-448. Howard, R. Hochster und niedrigster Baro- meterstand im Jahre 1821. Beobachtungen zu Stratford bei London. (Transl.) Gilbert. Annal. LXXIIL, 1823, pp. 294-297. Howard, Robert. On certain precautions neces- sary in using chemical tests. Pharmaceut. Journ. II., 1843, pp. 641-646. HOWJ 451 [HOW Howard, Samuel. On a continued spontaneous evolution of gas at the village of Charlemout, Staffordshire. Brit. Assoc. Kep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 38-39. Howard, W. Description of a Differential Thermometer. Quart. Journ. Sci. VIII., 1820, pp. 219-220 ; Silliman, Journ. II., 1820, pp. 327-328. 2. Heat in the rays of the Moon. Silliman, Journ. II., 1820, p. 329. 3. On the stopping of Astronomical Clocks. Silliman, Journ. VIII., 1824, pp. 277-279. Howden, John. Remarks and facts on Ants. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 269-271. Howe, . Case of a blind and deaf mute (01. Caswell). Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. XXVI., 1842, pp. 249-254. Howell, Henry H. The geology of the Warwick- shire coal-field and the Permian rocks and Trias of the surrounding district. Geol. Survey, Mem. 1859, pp. 5-29. Howell, Henry H., and W. T. Aveline. The geology of part of Leicestershire. Geol. Survey, Mem. 1860. Kowell, Henry H., and Archibald Geikie. The geology of the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Geol. Survey, Mem. 8vo. 1861. Howell, J. W. On some hitherto unnoticed peculiarities in the structure of the capsule of Papaveracete, and on the nature of the stigma of Cruciferaj. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 248-255. 2. On the structure of the capsule of Papaveracese, and on the nature of the Stigma of Cruciferse. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 42-43. Howell, R. On the wheat-fly and its ravages. Anier. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 179-181. Howell, Sam. Notice of the Shad and Shad fisheries of the river Delaware. Sillimau, Journ. XXXIL, 1837, pp. 134-140. Howgrave, W. G. Artificial precious Stones. Electrician, IV., 1863, pp. 4-5. Howie, Charles. Fifeshire ferns. Phytologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 263-264, 362-366. 2. Fifeshire Lycopodia and Equiseta. Phy- tologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 293-294. 3. Fifeshire mosses. Phytologist, II., 1857— 58, pp. 483-485 ; III., 1858-59, pp. 212-216. Howison, James. Some account of the elastic Gum Vine of Prince of Wales's Island, and of experiments made on the milky juice which it produces. Asiatick Researches, V., 1798, pp. 157-165 ; Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800, pp. 534- 539 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VI., 1800, pp. 14-20. 2. An account of the Chinese method of propagating Fruit Trees by abscission. Nichol- son, Journ. XXII., 1809, pp. 321-324; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1808, pp. 114-116. Howison, iniliam. An account of the manu- facture of Turpentine from the Pinus sylves- tris. Highland Soc. Trans. V., 1820, pp. 495- 508. 2. Short account of the Forest Trees and Timber Trade of the interior of Russia. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XII., 1825, pp. 56-70. Howitz, F. G. Ueber den Einfluss des Luftzuges auf das Kochen und Dcstilliren des Wassers. Schweigger, Journ. XLI. (= Jahrb. XL), 1824, pp. 293-318. Howldy, Thomas. Experiments in Electricity. Nicholson, Journ. XXXVL, 1813, pp. 198- 201. 2. Influence of atmospheric moisture on an electric column composed of discs of Zinc and Silver. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIIL, 1814, pp. 241-245, 363-366. 3. On the fracture of electrical Jars by spontaneous discharges. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVL, 1815, pp. 205-208. 4. On the Frauklinian theory of the Leyden Jar ; with remarks on Mr. DONOVAN'S experiments. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVL, 1815, pp. 401-408. 5. On certain electrical phenomena. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XL VII., 1816, pp. 285-288. 6. On the inflammation of gunpowder by electricity. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIH., 1826, pp. 173-177. 7. On effecting combustion by the electric spark. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIII., 1826, pp. 267-269. 8. Remarks on Mr. STURGEON'S paper " On the inflammation of gunpowder by electricity." Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 343-345 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXIL, 1827, pp. 379-380. Hewlett, F. Observations of the Solar Spots. Astron. Soc. Month. Not, XXIL, 1862, pp. 6-8; XXIII., 1863, pp. 266-273. 2. Remarks upon the phenomena attending the disappearance, by rotation, of the great solar spot of 4th August 1862, as recorded by both helio-photography and ordinary telescopic ob- servation. [1862.] Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIIL, 1863, pp. 108-116. Hewlett, Samuel B. Table for determining altitudes with the mountain barometer. Roy. Engineers, Papers, I., 1832, pp. 48-53. 2. Description of a compensating barometer, adapted to meteorological purposes, and requiring no corrections either for Zero or for Tempera- ture. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1839, p. 133 ; Roy. Engineers, Papers, III., 1839, pp. 164-168. Howse, Richard. [ Catalogue of the fossils of the Permian system of the counties of Northumber- land and Durham. Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. I., 1846-50, pp. 219-264. 3 1 2 HOW] 452 [HOY Howse, Richard. 2. Notes on a dredging ex- cursion off the coast of Durham ; with descrip- tions of the ova-capsules of Fusus Norvegicus and F. Turtoni. Ann. Nat, Hist. XIX., 1847, pp. 160-164. 3. Notes on the Permian system of North- umberland and Durham ; being a supplement to the catalogue of fossils of the Permian system of those counties. Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. HI., 1854-58, pp. 235-285. 4. Notes on the fossil remains of some recent and extinct mammalia found in the coun- ties of Northumberland and Durham. Tyne- side Nat. F. C. Trans. V., 1860-62, pp. 111- 121. 5. Synopsis of organic remains found in the Northumbrian carboniferous rocks, with their geographical distribution. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. XII., 1863, pp. 207-213. Howship, John. A case of malformation of the heart, Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. IX., IS 13, pp. 399-402. . 2. Experiments and observations in order to ascertain the means employed by the animal economy in the formation of bone. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. VI., 1815, pp. 263-295. 3. Microscopic observations on the struc- ture of bone. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. VII., 1816, pp. 387-403, 581-582. 4. Observations on the morbid structure of bones, and an attempt at an arrangement of their diseases. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1817, pp. 57-107. 5. On the formation of new joints. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1817, pp. 515-525. 6. Experiments and observations on the union of fractured bones. [1817.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. IX., 1818, pp. 143-180. 7. Observations upon the morbid appear- ances and structure of bones. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. X., 1819, pp. 176-211. — — 8. On the phenomena and appearances from partial obstruction in the cerebral circu- lation. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XVII., 1832, pp. 423-433. 9. An account of two cases of inflammatory tumour produced by a deposit of the larva of a large fly (CEstrus humanus) beneath the cutis in the human subject ; accompanied with draw- ings of the larva. Eoy. Soc. Proc. III., 1833, p. 181. Hoxter, -. Bemerkungen iiber die Reduc- tion des Bleies auf nassem Wege, die Einwirk- ung des Galvanismus dabei, und das Vermogen der thierischen Blase, Fliissigkeiten durch sich hindurch zu lassen. Gilbert, Annal. LXXIV., 1823, pp. 424-428. Hoy, Barlow. On the Hylurgus pimperda, Latr. Zool. Soc. Proc. I., 1830-31, p. 126. Hoy, J. D. On the autumnal migration and habits of some of the genus Sylvia in England. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1830, pp. 34-35. 2. Observations on the habits and nidifi- cation of the Bearded Titmouse (Parus biar- micus, L.). Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1830, pp. 328-329. 3. Observations on the British species of Shrikes, their habits, nidification, &c. Mag. Nat. Hist, IV., 1831, pp. 341-344. 4. Observations on the Iceland and Ger Falcons (Falco islandicus), tending to show that these birds are of two distinct species. Mag. Nat, Hist. VI., 1833, pp. 107-110. 5. A notice of some rare species of birds observed or killed in the county of Suffolk, and adjoining borders of Essex, during the winter months of 1832 and 1833. Mag. Nat. Hist, VII., 1834, pp. 52-58. 6. A notice of the fact of the capture of an individual of the grey-headed Wagtail (Mo- tacilla neglecta, Gould') at Stoke Nayland, Suffolk. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, p. 352. 7. A notice of the occurrence of two species of the genus Tringa (T. pectoralis and T. platyrhyncha) new to the British Islands ; with a list of the rarer birds killed in Suffolk and the adjoining borders of Norfolk and Essex, from the Autumn of 1835 to December 1836. Mag. Nat. Hist. L, 1837, pp. 115-118. Hoy, James. On the supposed variety of Juncus articulatus occasioned by the Chermes graminis (Livia juncorum). Linn. Soc. Trans. II., 1794, pp. 354—355. 2. Some account of the Trichiurus Lep- turus, Linn., found on the shore of the Moray- Frith. Linn. Soc. Trans. XI., 1815, pp. 210- 212 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1917-1918. 3. On the height of the Aurora Borealis from the Earth. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LI., 1818, pp. 422-423. Hoy, Philo R. Description of two species of Owls (Nyctale Kirtlandii, Bubo subarcticus), presumed to be new, which inhabit the State of Wisconsin. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 210-212. • 2. Notes on the Ornithology of Wisconsin. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 304-313, 381-385, 425-429. 3. On the Amblystoma luridum, a Sala- mander inhabiting Wisconsin. Smithsonian Reports, 1855, p. 295. Hoy, Thomas. Account of a spinning Limax or Slug. [1790.] Linn. Soc. Trans. I., 1791, pp. 183-186. HOY] 453 [HUB Hoyau, Description d'un appnroil propre a reronnaitre le niveau de 1'eau dans los chau- dieres a vapeur a haute pression, et d'un mano- metre indiquant la force elastique de la vapeur en ayant egard au poids de la colonne de rner- cure qui s'eleve dans le tube. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXXI., 1832, pp. 266-283. Hoyer, Christian. Betragtninger over Tlieorieu af Bevasgelsen paa Hiul, hvori fornemiuelig vises den Fordeel, hqje Hiul have over de lave til at lette Bevaegelsen. Kiubenhavn, Uansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. L, 1800 (haft 2), pp. 105-140. Hoyer, //. Ueber die Eifollikel der Vb'gel, namentlich der Tauben und Hiihner. Miiller. Archiv, 1857, pp. 52-60. 2. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen iiber die Zunge des Frosches. Reichcrt, Archiv, 1859, pp. 481-514. 3. Ueber die mikroskopischen Verhalt- nisse der Nasenschleimhaut verschiedener Thiere und des Menschen. Reichert, Archiv, 1860, pp. 50-71. Hoylarts, J. P. Genees- en verloskimdige ver- haudeliug over de stuiptrekkingen, welke zo dikwerf ten tyde der zwangerheid worden waar- genomen. Verhand. Genoots. Occ. Qui Non, L, 1798, pp. 211-234. 2. Waarneming betrekkelyk vrugt in eenen byzonderen zak der baarmoeder gevonden, naar eene voorafgeboorne moederkoek ontdekt : benefens eene kleine schets der toevallen die 'er zyn ontstaan na de verlossing, veroorzaakt door den hevigen bloedvlied. Verhand. Ge- noots. Occ. Qui Non, II., 1799, pp. 27-35. Hoyle, Thomas. Experiments and observations on the preparation and some remarkable pro- perties of the Oxygenated Muriate of Potash. [1797.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. V., 1798, pp. 221-242. Hoyt, D. H. Note on some properties of square numbers. Camb. (Mass.) Math. Monthly, III., 1860, pp. 2-5. Hoyt, Epaphras. Astronomical observations made near the centre of the village of Deer- field, Mass. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. III., 1815 (pt. 2), pp. 305-307. Hrdina, E. Contouren zu eincr Monographic des Traunsee's. Linz, Bericht, XIX., 1859, pp. 61-84. Hruschauer, Franz. Ueber Albumin und dessen Verhalten zu Sauren. Liebig, Annal. XLVI., 1843, pp. 348-352 ; Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1843, p. 241 ; Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 25-29. 2. Ueber das Vorkoramen des Tellurs im Oesterreichischen Staate, vorziiglich als Tetra- dymit zu Schubkau bef Scheuinitz. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1844 (Abth. 2), pp. 195-196. Hruschauer, Fran;. 3. Untersuchungen fiber die anorganischen Bestandtheile einiger Vege- tabilien aus der Untern-Steiermark. Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 331-341. 4. Ueber die medicinische Wirksamkeit des Chinoidins. Liebig, Annal. LX., 1846, pp. 116-117. 5. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Einfiusses des chemischen Momentes im Boden auf die Vertheilung dor Pflanzen. Liebig, Annal. LIX., 1846, pp. 198-208 ; Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 216-218. 6. Untersuchung der Mineralquelle zu Kostreiniz in der Untern-Steiermark. Liebig, Annal. LXIIL, 1847, pp. 229-240 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 49-50. 7. Untersuchung des Neuhauser Bade- wassers. Oesterr. Med. Wochenschr. 1848, col. 417-424. Hruschauer, Franz, und F. Unger. Beitriige zur Lehre von der Boden statigkeit gewisser Pflanzen. Wien, Denkschr. I., 1850, pp. 83- 89. Hruschka, A. W. Ueber die geognostischen Lagerungs Verhaltnisse der Gegend von Stern- berg. Briinn, Mittheil. L, 1850, pp. 571-573. Huard, Pluie de Crapauds. L'Institut, II., 1834, p. 353. Hubatka, Carl. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Meerrettig-Oels (01. armoraciie). Liebig, Annal. XLVII., 1843, pp. 153-157 ; Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 42-44. Hubbard, . Proprietes du Ceanothus Americanus. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 354-355. Hubbard, J. P. Account of several varieties of British Marble produced from the Babbicomb Quarry, near Teignmouth in Devonshire. Nicholson, Journal, XXVI., 1810, pp. 27-30. Hubbard, J. S. On the establishment of an Astronomical Journal in the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 378-381. 2. Zodiac of Hygeia. Gould, Astron. Journ. L, 1851, p. 9. 3. On the orbit of the great Comet of 1843. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, pp. 10- 13,24-29, 57-60, 153-154; II., 1852, pp. 46- 48, 57, 153-156. 4. Observations of Astraea, 1847. Gould, Astron. Jouru. I., 1851, pp. 38-39. 5. [Observation of ENCKE'S Comet.] Gould, Asiron. Journ. I., 1851, p. 56. 6. First Comet of 1850. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, pp. 83-84. 7. Zodiac of Parthenope. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, p. 151. 8. [Zodiac of Clio.] Gould, Astron. Journ. L, 1851, p. 172; Astr. Nachr. XXXII., 1851, col. 129-132. HUB] 454 [HUB Hubbard, J. S. 9. Orbit, zodiac, and elements of Egeria. Gould, Astron. Jouru. II., 1852, pp. 4, 166; Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 291-292. 1O. Elements of Egeria, and comparison with observations in 1850-51. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 65-68. 11. New elements of Egeria. and ephe- rneris for 1852. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 81-83. 12. Results of some investigations respect- ing BIELA'S double Comet. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1854, pp. 47-52. 13. Continuation of investigations respect- ing the orbit of Egeria. Gould, Astron. Journ. HI., 1854, pp 1-5. 14. Ephemeris of Egeria for the opposi- tion, 1853. Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 49-50. — 15. On the orbit of BIELA'S Comet in 1845-46. Gould, Astron. Journ. III.. 1854, pp. 60-64, 65-68, 73-77, 89-94. 16. [Elements and ephemeris of the Comet, 1853.] Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, p. 119. 17. New elements of Egeria, and ephe- meris for 1854. Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 185-187. 18. Results of additional investigations respecting the two nuclei of BIELA'S Comet. Gould, Astron. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 1-5. 19. Ephemeris of Egeria for 1855-56. Gould, Astron. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 129-130. 2O. Corrections of the logarithms of A, B, C, D, in the Tabula? Regiomoutanre. Gould, Astron. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 142-143. 21. On the approaching return of BEELA'S Comet. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, pp. 185-186. 22. On the orbit of the fourth Comet of 1825. Gould. Astron. Jouru. VI., 1861, pp. 17-22, 26-31, 33-37. 23. On BIELA'S Comet. Gould, Astron. Journ. VI, 1861, pp. 110-112, 113-118,121- 126, 129-134, 137-142, 157-160. Hubbard, John. Observations and experiments on absorption. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1822, pp. 242-254 ; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1823, col. 161-164. Hubbard, Oliver P. Remarks on the lead veins of Massachusetts. Silliman, Jouru. IX., 1825, pp. 166-167. 2. Geological and mineralogical notices. Silliman, Journ. XXXII., 1837, pp. 230-235. 3. Observations made during an excursion to the White Mountains, in July 1837. Silli- man, Journ. XXXIV., 1838, pp. 105-124. — — 4. Account of a storm in New Hampshire. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1839, pp. 233-237. Hubbard, Oliver P. 5. Notice of "Third Annual Reports on the Geological Survey of the State of New York, &c." Sillimau, Journ. XXXIX., 1840, pp. 95-108. 6. Notice of the geological survey of the State of New York. Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 73-H85. 7. Notice of geological surveys: — 1. Of the State of Ohio. 2. Of Indiana. 3. Of Michigan. Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 126-137. • • 8. Notices of Koordistan : — Hot Sulphur Spring. — Manna. — Mines of Lead. — Sulphur and Orpiment. — Rock Salt and Saline Springs. — Ruins, &c. Silliman, Journ. HI., 1847, pp. 347-354. 9. On Rutile and Chlorite in Quartz. Ainer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 25-28 ; Sillimau, Journ. X., 1850, pp. 350-352. 1O. The condition of Trapp dikes in New Hampshire, an evidence and measure of erosion. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 158-171. 11. On the resuscitation of Frozen Fish. Silliman, Journ. X., 1850, pp. 132-133 ; XII., 1851, pp. 291-292 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 397-398. 12. Notices of minerals and new localities. Silliman, Jouru. XL, 1851, pp. 423-424. 13. Mines of sulphurets of Arsenic and Sulphur in Koordistan. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, pp. 103-104. Hubbard, Oliver P., and Flummer. On the removal of carbonic acid gas from wells, &c., and spontaneous combustion in wood ashes ; and on the combustibility of wood ashes. Silliman, Journ. XLII., 1842, pp. 165-169. Hubbard, Oliver P., and B. Silliman. Chemi- cal examination of bituminous coal from the pits of the Mid Lothian Coal Mining Company, south side of James River, fourteen miles from Richmond, Virginia, in Chesterfield County. Silliman, Journ. XLII., 1842, pp. 369-375. Hubbard, 8. D. Notice of the Brewster wool spinning frame. Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 130-131. Hiibbe, . Von der Beschaffenheit und dem Verhalteu des Sandes. Zeitschr. Bauwesen, XI., 1861, col. 1-42, 183-226. 2. Von der Bewegung des Wassers im Saude. Zeitschr. Bauwesen, XL, 1861, col. 389-416. Hubbell, Horatio. New Formula for computing the number of Balls in the Triangular, Square, and Obloug Piles. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXXIV., 1857, pp. 20-22. Hubbell, Win. W. Description of the Solar Magnetic Engine. Franklin Inst. Journ. XX.. 1850, pp. 126-134, 193-195. HUB] 455 [HUB Hiibbenet, A. Ueber den Magcnsaft. Liebig, Annal. LXXIX., 1851, pp. 184-205 ; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 394-396. Hubbert, James. The great auroral exhibition of 28 August to 4 Sept. 1859, observed at Grafton, Canada West (1st. 44° 3' N., long. 78° 5'). Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1860, pp. 252-253. Hubener, A. Nonnulla de lienis functione. Kiel, Schriften, I., 1855. Hubener, J. W. P. Beschreibungen einiger neuen Deutschen Jungermannien. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 305-308. 2. Einleitung in das Studium der Leber- moose, insbesondere der Jungermannien. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 257-272, 273-288. 3. Die Gattungeii der Deutschen Leber- nioose nebst Aufziihlung ihrer Arten. Liebig, Annalen, VII., 1833, pp. 63-82. 4. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Lebermoose, vorziiglich mit Beriicksichtig- ung der Deutscheu Flora. Flora, XVII., 1834, pp. 433-444, 449-457. 5. Beitriige zur Geschichte und Literatur der Botanik. Flora, XXII., 1839, pp. 465- 476, 481-488. Huber, . [Notice sur 1'inondation de St. Petersbourg.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. II., 1824, pp. 265-266. Huber (Dr.). Notizen iiber das Vorkoinmen pflanzlicher und thierischer Parasiten in un- serm Bezirk. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. Xin., 1860, pp. 121-129. 2. Notizen iiber Schmarotzerthiere unseres Bezirks. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. XIII., 1860 (Abth. 2), pp. 79-84. Huber, Bd. Considerations geographiques et statistiques sur 1'ile de Cuba. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XII., 1829, pp. 267-279. Huber, Daniel. Mondfinsterniss, Planeten- und Stern- Bedeckungen. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XII, 1805, pp. 179-187. 2. Versuch iiber das astronomisch-nautische Problem betreffend die Eeduction der schein- baren Monds-Distanzen auf wahre. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XH., 1805, pp. 305-317. 3. Ueber einen im Jahre 1639 erschien- enen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, pp. 57-59. Huber, Francois. Lettre sur certains dangers que courent les Abeilles daus leurs ruches, et sur les moyens de les en preserver. Bibl. Britannique, XXVII., 1804, pp. 275-288. 2. Memoire sur 1'origine de la cire. Journ. de Phys. LVIH., 1804, pp. 142-152 ; Bibl. Britannique, XXV., 1804, pp. 58-79; Nicholson, Journ. IX., 1804, pp. 182-192. 3. Sur les abeilles. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1804, p. 181. Huber, Jean. Description des mines de Deutseh- Gladna, dans le Bannat. Boue, Journ. de Geol. II., 1830, pp. 298-301. Huber, Leopold. Die Vb'gel Karntens. Karn- ten, Jahrb. Landesunus. IV., 1859, pp. 1-32. Huber, Pierre. Observations on several species of the genus Apis, known by the name of Humble-Bees, and called Bombinatrices by LINNAEUS. [1801.] Linn. Soc. Trans. VI., 1802, pp. 214-298 ; Bibl. Britannique, XXV.. 1804, pp. 106-126. 2. Relations des Fourmis avec les Puce- rons et les Galle-insectes. Bibl. Britannique, XXVIIL, 1805, pp. 247-270. 3. Sur differents instruments de physique et de meteorologie. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. I., 1821, pp. 93-119. 4. Histoire du Trachuse dore (Apis auru- lenta, Panz.). [1823.] Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. II., 1824 (pte. 2), pp. 145-160. 5. Notice sur une migration de papillons. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. III., 1826 (pte. 2), pp. 247-253 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 343-348 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVIII., 1827, col. 342-344. 6. Memoire pour servir a 1'histoire de la Chenille du harnac (Tinea harrisella, Linn. ; CEcophore, Latrcillc). Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. VIL, 1836, pp. 121-160. 7. Notice sur la Melipone domestique, abeille domestique Mexicaine. [1836.] Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. VIII., 1839, pp. 1-26. 8. Memoire pour servir a 1'histoire des Attelabes, insectes voisins des charau9ons. [1838.] Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. VIII., 1839, pp. 455-501. 9. Memoire pour servir a 1'histoire de la Cocciuelle de la Saponaire (Cocc. impunctata et 24-punctata, Fab. ; C. globosa, Illig.; Subcocc. de la Saponaire, Huber). Geneve, Mum. Soc. Phys. IX., 1841, pp. 363-376. 1O. Sur quelques insectes du genre Ich- neumon. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. IX., 1841, pp. 377-398. 11. Memoire pour servir a 1'histoire d'une rnouche a scie. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. IX., 1841, pp. 399-408; Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 241-246; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zoo!,), 1843, pp. 387-393 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVIL, 1843, col. 1-6. 12. Sur les araignees aeronautes du genre Lycose. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. X., 1843, pp. 1-14. 13. Memoire sur le charangon lozange (Cionus scrophularise). Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. X., 1843, pp. 15-34. 14. Memoire pour servir a 1'histoire des Psoques. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. X., 1843, pp. 35-48. HUB] 456 [HUB Huber, Pierre. 15. Meuioire pour servir a I'histoire de quelques Cassides. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. XL, 1846, pp. 177-185. 16. Notice sur uue particularity offerte par une larve de Tenthrede. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. XI., 1846, pp. 186-190. Huber-Burnand, . Lettre sur un nouveau systeme de meteorographie symboliau--. Bibl. Univ. XXXIX., 3828, pp. 38-51. 2. Lettre a M. le Prof. PREVOST sur 1'ecoulement et la pression du sable. Bibl. Univ. XL., 1829, pp. 22-37 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLI., 1829, pp. 159-173. 3. Extrait d'uue notice sur la temperature de la derniere semaine de Janvier et de la pre- miere de Fevrier 1830 a Yverdun. Bibl. Univ. XLIIL, 1830, pp. 158-162. 4. Sur la nature de la neige tombee a Yverdun pendant 1'hiver dernier. Bibl. Univ. XLIIL, 1830, pp. 355-359 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 196-197. 5. Note sur un froid extraordinaire observe a Yverdun dans la nuit du 25 au 26 Decerabre 1830. Bibl. Univ. XLVL, 1831, pp. 100-101. 6. Lettre sur quelques phenomenes meteor- ologiques. Bibl. Univ. LV., 1834, pp. 225-230. Hubert, . Analyse chimique de 1'eau miuerale de Brucourt pres Dives (Calvados). Nonnandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. 1826-27, pp. 216- 228. Hubert, . Essais chimiques sur la nature du sue retire des fruits du Nerprun purgatif (Rhamnus catharticus, Lin.). Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1830, pp. 193-197. Hubert, Alois von. Analyse eiues Minerals von Orawitza. Haidiuger, Bericht. III., 1847, pp. 389-390. 2. Analyse eines Wismuthglanzes. Haid- inger, Bericht. III., 1847, p. 401. 3. Beschreibung eines neuen Verfahrens, urn den Kupfergehalt VOD Legirungen und Erzen schiiell und sehr nahe annahernd zu bestimmen. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 89-96. — — 4. Colorimetrische Kupferprobe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVL, 1849, pp. 174-181. 5. Analyse der Asche eines Heuschobers. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVL, 1849, pp. 212-214. 6. Ueber die colorimetrische Kupferprobe. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. I., 1850, pp. 415-423. 7. Analyseu vou 24 verschiedenen Kalk- steinen aus Sudtyrol. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. I., 1850, pp. 729-734. 8. Analyse zweier Pseudomorphosen von Kyanit nach Andalusit. [1850.] Haidinger, Bericht. VII., 1851, pp. 152-153. ' 9. Analysen verschiedener Kalksteine aus Tyrol. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 225-227. Hubert, Joseph. Sur la chaleur naturelle des fleurs d'une espece d'Arum indigene a 1'ile de la Reunion. Paris, Mem. Soc. Sav. I., 1801, pp. 336-349. Hubert, L. J. Mecanisme du developpement du bassin et de la production de ses principales anomalies ; avec des notes critiques sur la theorie de M. GAVARKET, par M. le docteur H. VALERIUS. Bruxelles, Acad. Med. Belg. Mem, IV., 1857, pp. 1-63. 2. Des phenomenes mecaniques de 1'ac- couchement. Bruxelles, Acad. Med. Belg. Mem. IV., 1857, pp. 67-148. 3. Memoire sur les moles hydatiques, on hydatides uterines. Bruxelles, Acad. Med. Belg. Mem. IV., 1857, pp. 149-183. Hiibner, B.. und R. Voerkel. Ueber den Ge- halt einiger Kohlensorten an leichten Oelen, schweren Oelen, Paraffinmasse, &c. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLI1L, 1857, pp. 143- 149. Hiibner, C. W. T. Beschreibung einer bei Re- val gesehenen Wasserhose. Mitau, Quatember, I., l$29(pte. 2), pp. 1-8. 2. Ueber die Fliehkraft. Mitau, Quatem- ber, II., 1830, pp. 3-22. 3. Der Weidenholzspinner. Mitau, Qua- tember, II., 1830, pp. 22-28. Hiibner, E. Ueber die Lage von Brcsippo in Hispania Bastica. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, XIIL, 1862, pp. 35-44. Hiibuer, //. Note sur quelques derives du chlo- rure d'acetyle. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1861, pp. 262-271. 2. Ueber einige Zersetzuugen des Acetyl- ehlorids. Liebig, Annal. CXX., 1861, pp. 330- 336. 3. Ueber Cyanacetyl. Liebig, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 315-324. Hiibner, //., und G. Wehrhane. Ueber eine Verbindung des Cyans mit Phosphor. Liebig, Annal. CXX VIII., 1863, pp. 254-256 ; Got- tingen, Nachrichten, 1863, pp. 183-185. Hiibner, Lied. Ernst. Beobachtungen und Er- fahruugen iiber fehlerhafte Milchabsonderung, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Milch selbsr. Busch, Teutsche Zeitschr. III., 1833 (Hft. 4), pp. 40-47. Hubrecht, //. F. R. Ammoniak-bepaling van het gaswater der Groninger gasfabriek. [1862.] Mulder, Schiek. Verhand. III., 1864, pp. 194- 201. Hiibschmann, F. T. Kreosotbereitung. Lie- big, Annal. XL, 1834, pp. 40-42; Annal. de Chimie, LVII., 1834, pp. 105-108. 2. Ueber Mandelkleber. Schweizer. Ge- sell. Verh. 1841, pp. 210-211. HUB] 457 [HUE Hiibschmann, F. T. 3. Ueber das Amygdalin, nebst einem Vorschlage zu desscn leichterer und wolilfeilerer Bereitung. Pommer, Zeitschr. IV., 1849, pp. 312-316. Huckett, Thomas. Ecmarks on a few rare British species of Lepidoptera. Newman, Zoolo- gist, XXI., 1S63, pp. 8601-8606. Huddart, J. Observations on Horizontal Re- fractions which affect the appearance of terres- trial objects, and the Dip or Depression of the Horizon of the Sea. Nicholson, Journ. I., 1797, pp. 145-152; Gilbert, Annal. III., 1800, pp. 257-380. 2. Description and use of the Station Pointer, an instrument for readily ascertaining the situation of the observer after having deter- mined the angular position of three known objects. Nicholson, Journ. VII., 1804, pp. 1-5. 3. Letter on the apparent enlargement of the Moon at low altitudes. Nicholson, Journ. X., 1805, pp. 139-141. Huddleston, L. Method of conveying Boats or Barges from a higher to a lower level, and the contrary, on canals, by means of a Plunger, instead of losing water by Locks. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1803, pp. 236-241. Huddlestone, H. Note on the progress making in the provinces of Gurhwal and Kumaon in the cultivation of the Tea Plant. India, Agric. Soc. Proc. 1842, pp. 11-13. 2. A few additional particulars regarding Hemp cultivation in Gurhwal, with some remarks on the copper and iron mines of that province. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. III. (pt. 2), 1844, pp. 83-84. Hudson, Charles. Notes in elucidation of the geometric quadrature. India Review, II., 1838, pp. 206-210. — 2. The geometric method of trisecting angles, and a demonstration for the mechanical methods of the same, which have heretofore been extant. India Review, II., 1838, pp. 332- 333, 396-398. 3. On the trisection of an arc or angle. India Review, II., 1838, p. 399. Hudson, Henry. On the phenomena usually referred to the Radiation of Heat. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1835, pp. 163-169 ; (pt. 2), pp. 9-11. 2. Method for inferring the Dew-point from the indications of the Wet-bulb Hygro- meter. Phil. Mag. VII., 1835, pp. 256-265. 3. On an error in Dr. APJOHN'S formula for inferring the specific heats of dry gases. Phil. Mag. VIII., 1836, pp. 21-23. 4. Remarks on M. MELLONI'S and Prof. POWELL'S papers on the transmission of calorific rays. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1836, pp. 109-112. VOL. m. Hudson, James. On American Phosphate of Lime. Agric. Soc. Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 249- 255. Hudson, James. Hourly observations on the Barometer, with experimental investigations into the phenomena of its periodical oscillation. Phil. Trans. 1832, pp. 575-594; Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 393-395. Hudson, R. Fowclt. On Hydatids. Australian Mod. Journ. VI., 1861, pp. 75-88. Hudson, Robert. A notice and an inquiry on a rare species of Fossil Shell, discovered in a Chalk-Pit near Lewes, and deemed to be a species of Conia. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 103-105. Hudson, W. B. On an improvement in Gas Illumination. Quart. Journ. Sci. X., 1821, pp. 464-465. Huebener, A. L., and J. A. Wolle. Catalogue of botanical specimens collected, during the year 1837, in the vicinity of Bethlehem and other parts of Northampton County, Penn- sylvania, in the order as they were found in bloom. Silliman, Journ. XXXVIL, 1839, pp. 310-320. Hueck, A. Bemerkungeu iiber ein vierzehn- jiihriges Madchen ohne Extremitaten. Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1838, col. 1-5. 2. Von den Grenzen des Sehvermogens, Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 76-81. • • 3. Ueber die Tauschung des Fernriiekens der Gesichtsobjecte. Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 82-97. 4. De la rotation de 1'oeil sur son axe. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XL, 1841, pp. 439-451. Hueck, D. A. Ueber die Lagerstiitte fossiler Knochen in Livlaud. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1839, pp. 530-545. Huene, . Ueber kiinstlich gebildetes Spie- geleiseu, durch einen Zusatz von Schwefel zu grauem Roheisen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 308-312. 2. Das Vorkommen von Galmei-Blende, Bleierz Schwefelkies und Braunkohle bei Berg- isch Gladbach. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IV., 1852, pp. 571-575. 3. Das Vorkommen von Hartmaneanerz im Trachyt am Drachenfels am Rheine. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IV., 1852, pp. 576-578. Huet, Determination du centre de gravite de la surface totale d'un tronc de cone circulaire droit a bases paralleles. Nouv. Ann. Math. in., 1844, pp. 24-30. 2. Theoremes statiques sur les Polygones et les Polyedres. Nouv. Ann. Math. III., 1844, pp. 167-170. 3 M HUE] 458 [HUF Huet, . 3. Note sur la determination clu rapport IT de la circonference au diametre, par la methode des perimetres. Nouv. Ann. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 156-160. 4. Note relative a 1'integration d'une equation differentielle. Nouv. Aim. Math. V., 1846, pp. 165-166. 5. Expression des cotes d'uii triangle et de sa surface en fonction des trois hauteurs. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 225-226. 6. Note sur les annuites. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 346-347. 7. Theorems sur les asymptotes de 1'hy- perbole. Nouv. Aun. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 232-233. Huet, A. Sur les gisements des provinces Basques et de la province de Santander, visites en 1856 et 1857. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1860, pp. 232-248. Huet au Pavilion, A. Description de quelques plantes nouvelles des Pyrenees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Bot.\ 1853, pp. 251-256. 2. Note sur diverges plantes decouvertes par lui et par MM. HAJSTKY et JACQUIN, dans le departement du Var, en 1859. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 344-346. Hueter, . Beobachtungen und Bemerk- ungen iiber die Kopfblutgeschwiilste der Neu- gebornen. Weimar, Zeitschr. Geburtskunde, IV., 1829, pp. 223-239. Hueter, C. Anatomische Studieu an den Ex- tremitiitengelenken Neugeboreuer uud Erwachs- ener. Virchow. Archiv, XXV., 1862, pp. 572- 599; XXVI., 1863, pp. 484-519. Huette, . Nombre des jours de tonnerre a Nantes. p. 744. Huette, Paris, Cornptes Eendus, VII., 1838, — . Hermaphrodisme apparent chez le sexe masculiu. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., 1856, pp. 155-157 (Compt. Rend.). Huette, Cft. Eecherches sur les proprietes phy- siologiques et therapeutiques du Bromure de Potassium. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., 1850, pp. 19-30. 2. Eecherches sur les proprietes physiolo- giques de l'£ther lodhydrique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., 1850, pp. 47-54. Hufeland, C. JJ'. Beschreibung und Abbildung eines zu Berlin beobnchteten weiblichen Her- maphroditen. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. XII., 1801 (Hft. 3), pp. 170-172. 2. Bemerkungen iiber GALL'S Gehiru- orgauenlehre. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. XXI., 1805 (Hft. 3), pp. 114-158. • 3. Exernple d'abstinence prolongee. Journ. de Med. XIV., 1807, pp. 47-48. 4. Noch ein Wort iiber die Vitalitiit des Blutes. Hufelaud, Journ. Arzn. XXVII., 1808 (Hft. 4), pp. 157-161. Hufeland, C. JJ~. 5. Ueber den Maguetisuius nebst der Geschichte einer merkwiirdigen vollkommuen Tageblindheit (Nyctalopie, Photo- phobie) welche nach dreijahriger Dauer durcli den Magnetismus vollig geheilt wurde. Hufe- land, Journ. Arzn. XXIX., 1809 (Hft. 8), pp. 1-68. 6. Die Atmosphare in ihreii Beziehungen auf den Orgauismus. Ilufeland, Jouru. Arzu. XXXI., 1810 (lift. 11), pp. 1-34. • 7. Eine in wenig Minuteu todlich ge- wordene Vergiftung mit Blausiiure. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. XL., 1815, pp. 85-91. 8. Ueber die Gleichzahl beider Ge- schlechter im Menschengeschlechte. Berlin, Abhandl., 1818-19 (Phys.\ pp. 151-186. 9. Ueber die Gleichzahl beider Geschlecht- er im Menschengeschlecht. Eiu Beitrag zu der hohern Orduung der Dinge in der Natur. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. L., 1820, pp. 3-40; Bibl. Univ. XV., 1820, pp. 264-276 ; XVI., pp. 62-71 ; Ediub. Phil. Journ. III., 1820, pp. 296-298. 1O. Magnetismus. Medicina magica. Hufe- land, Journ. Arzn. L., 1820 (Hft. 2), pp. 43- 67 ; LI. (Hft. 2), pp. 65-73. 11. Ueber Atmosphiirologie. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LI., 1820, pp. 26-34. 12. Atmospharische Krankheiten und atmosphiirische Ansteckung, Uuterschied von Epidemic, Contagion, uml Infection. Ein Bei- trag zu Untersuchungeu iiber die Contagiositat des gelben Fiebers. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LVIL, 1823, pp. 3-41. 13. Predestination des Geschlechts, als Nachtrag zu der Abhandlung iiber die Gleich- zahl der Geschlechter bei den Menschen. Hufeland, Journ. Arzu. LXHL, 1826 (Hft. 4), pp. 41-48. 14. Friihzeitige Pubertiit. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXXVIII., 1834 (Hft. 4), pp. 101-102. 15. Ueber die Varietaten und patholog- ischen Verschiedenheiten des Menschenge- schlechts. Hufelaud, Journ. Arzn. LXXX., 1835, pp.. 13-31. 16. Einfiihrung eines neuen eisenfreien Mineralwassers des Ludwigsbruunens in der Wetterau. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXXXLL, 1836 (Hft. 4), pp. 112-113. Hufeland, Fr. Ausserordentliche Erhohung der Seusibilitiit ; ein Beitrag zu den Erfahrungen iiber Somnambulismus und thierischen Magnet- ismus. Eeil, Archiv, VI., 1805, pp. 225-264. Hufschmid, E., und Jac. Moleschott. Ex- perimenteller Beweis der Theorie, nach welcher der Vagus ein Beweguugsnerv des Herzens ist. Moleschott, Untersuch. VIII., 1862, pp. 52- 120. HUF] 459 [HUG Hufschmid, E., und Jar. Moleschott. 2. Die R^izung des verlangerten Marks und des Riick- enmarks in ihrcm Einflusse auf die Pulsfre- qnenz. Moleschott, Untersuch. VIII., 1862, pp. 572-600. Hug, J. C. Mathematische Mittheilungen en- thnltend Satze iiber algebraische und transcen- dente Gleichungen, sowie iiber die Unmb'glich- keit einer neuen rein matkematischen Eiuheit. Zurich, Vierteljahrsschr. VII., 1862, pp. 270- 292. Hugard, . Etude cristallographique de la stroutiane sulfatee et description de plusieurs formes nouvelles de cette substance. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 387-388 ; Annal. des Mines, XVIIL, 1850, pp. 3-26. 2. Dolomie de la vallee de Binn ; ses caracteres de roehe ; ses nombreux mincraux ; son gisement. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 1261-1264. Hiigel, Clemens von. Ueber die Veranderungen, der Terrain-Beschaffenheit, die sich durch Ein- wirkung der nienschlichen Thatigkeit in der Nahe grosser Stiidte bemerklich machen. Haid- inger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 229-233. 2. Ueber HELLER'S Altherthumer aus Yucatan. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, p. 189. Hiigel, Karl von. Notice of a visit to the Valley of Kashmir in 1836. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 184-187. 2. Notice of a visit to the Himmaleh Mountains and the Valley of Kashmir, in 1835. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VI., 1836, pp. 343-350; Bibl. Univ. VEX, 1837, pp. 437-438. • 3. Ueber Nelumbium speciosum. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1837, pp. 156-157. 4. Mittel gegen die Brunstwuth der Ele- phanten. Wiegmann, Archiv, V., 1839, pp. 109-110. 5. Kaschmir und das Reich der Siek. Geogr. Soc. Journ. X., 1841, pp. 562-567. 6. Ueber die neuesten Unternehmungen zur Erforschung des Innern von Neuholland. Haidinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 341-348. Hiigel, Karl von, und G. Fulljames. Recent discovery of fossil bones in Perim Island, in the Cambay Gulf. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 288-291. Huggins, William. Description of an Observa- tory erected at Upper Tulse Hill. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, pp. 175-176. . 2. Observation of the oecultation of Jupiter by the Moon, 8 Nov. 1856. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVH., 1856-57, p. 2. 3. Oecultation of « Virginis, 6 May 1857. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, p. 246. Huggins, William. 4. On the spectra of some of the chemical elements. [1863.] Phil. Trans. 1864,. pp. 139-160. Huggins, William, and W. A. Miller. Notes on the lines in the spectra of some of the fixed stars. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 444- 445. Huggon, William. On the alkaline waters of Leeds. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 51- 52. Hughes, E. J. R. Vernal appearances at St. Bees, Cumberland. Phytologist, II., 1847, pp. 821-823, 904-906. Hughes, G. W, Report relative to the working of Copper Ore. Franklin List. Journ. VIII., 1844, pp. 31-43, 124-133, 194-202, 261-267. 2. Report on the system of drainage of low lands in Holland. [1843.] Roy. Engi- neers, Papers, VIL, 1845, pp. 165-199. Hughes, John. Method of ascertaining dis- tances from one station to another (in Levelling or Surveying) on level and variously inclined sin-faces, to their exact length of horizontal base, by the addition of an angular bubble attached to the Telescope of a Spirit Level. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIII., 1819, pp. 271-272. Hughes, Sam. Ueber den Ausfluss des Leucht- gases und Bewegung desselben in den Leitungs- ro'hren. ( Transl.) Der Civilingenieur, I., 1854, pp. 61-66. Hugi, Fr. Jos. Bemerkungen an Herrn PFEIFFER [Ueber Laich und Eier von Limnasus stag- nalis]. Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 213-214. 2. Ueber den Nebelreif und dessen von der Temperatur abhangende Kristallformen. Schweizer. Gesell. Verh. 1825, pp. 51-52. 3. Ueber die Bildung des Jura, seine Schichtungen, und darin vorkommende Ver- steinerungeu. Schweizer. Gesell. Verh. 1825, pp. 57-58. 4. [Blicke auf die Bildung des Jura iiberhaupt und auf das Ersclieinen der Petre- facten in diesem Gebirge.] Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 287-289. 5. Beobachtungen in den Alpeu. Leon- hard, Zeitschrift, 1828, pp. 81-103, 177-213. 6. Notice sur la glace du fond des eaux, et sur les iles de glace. Bibl. Univ. XLI., 1829, pp. 201-213 ; Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XVII., 1829, pp. 59-71 ; Schweigger, Journ. LVII. (=Jahrb. XXVIL), 1829, pp. 408-420. 7. Profil de la chaine meridionalc du Jura, de Soleure a Welschenrohr. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1829, p. 179. 8. Observations on the Glaciers of the Alps. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. X., 1831, pp. 332-341 ; XI., pp. 74-82. 9. Ueber den rothen Schnee. Oken, Isis. 1831, col. 1196-1197. 3 M 2 HUG] 460 [HUL Hugi, Fr. Jos. 10. [Vulcanische Umbiklungen in Calabrien.] Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 416. 11. [Miueralogische und Botanisclie Eeise nach Algier.] Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 592-594. 12. [Gegen VOIGT'S Auf'satz iibcr sein Werk : "Die Gletscher und die erratischen Blocke."] Leonbard u. Bromi, N. Jalirb. 1843, pp. 590-594. 13. Das Wesentlicbste iiber die Gletscher- frage. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. 1846, pp. 90- 158. Hugcm, Thomas. Remarks on tbe Silkworms and Silks of Assam. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837, pp. 21-57; Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Zool.), 1839, pp. 155-178 ; Bibl. Univ. XL, 1837, pp. 193-199. Hugounenq, . Note sur 1'Huile lodee. Journ. de Pbarm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 214-216. 2. De Fanalyse des vins platres. Journ. de Pbarm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 262-266. 3. Note sur la presence de 1' Arsenic dans 1'eau mincrale d'Avene (Herault). Journ. de Pbarm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 93-95. Huguenin, Aug. Note sur les plantes phaneio- garaes. Savoie, Mem. Acad. II., 1854, pp. 235- 240. 2. Note sur quelques plantes observees eu Savoie. Savoie, Mem. Acad. II., 1854, pp. 409-414. Huguenin, O. F. U. J. Bij dragon tot de geo- logiscbe en mineralogiscbe kennis van Neder- landscb Indie : Mijnbouwkundig onderzoek der koperertsen in de rcsidentie Padangscbe boven- lauden. Batavia, Nat. Tijdsch. VI., 1854, pp. 223-254. 2. Bijdragen tot de geologiscbe en mine- ralogiscbe kennis van Nederlandsch Indie. Batavia, Nat. Tijdscb. XII., 1857, pp. 110-128. 3. Onderzoek naar Mangaanerts, voor- komende teTjikangkareng. Batavia, Nat. Tijd- sch. XXII., 1860, pp. 218-227. Huguenin, U. Ontwikkeling van eenige trigo- nometrische Reeksen betreffende de Cirkel- deeling. Amsterdam, Verband. V., 1820, pp. 43-104. Hugueny, . Sur uue trombe observee a Dijou. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXI., 1845, pp. 443-445. Hugueny, , et Augustc Brulle. Experi- ences sur le developpement des os dans les Mammiferes et les Oiseaux, faites au moyen de 1'alimentation de la Garance. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Zool.), 1845, pp. 283-358 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1061-1065 ; Froriep, Notizeu, XXXVII, 1846, col. 55-58. Huguier, P. C. Memoiresur les appareils secre- teurs des organes genitaux externes cbez la femme et chez les animaux. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Zool.), 1850, pp. 239-294. Huhn, Otto de. Description d'une moutafjne volcanique au Kamtschatka. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. II., 1809, pp. 189-197. Huidobro, C. Noticia sobre la formacion hullera i su orijen. Chile, Annul. Univ. 1859, pp. 1131-1139. Huijgens, H. Algemeene Bepalingen voor bet vinden van den invloed van bet Scheepsijzer op de Kompassen. Swart, Verbandel. 1854, pp. 76-104. 2. De Scbroef- Stoomschepen. Swart, Verbandel. 1855, pp. 249-283 (2 Afd.). Huish, Robert. On the power of the common Bee to generate a Queen. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 604-611. Hulin, C/t. Observation remarquable de repro- duction periodique de calculs urmaires chez une jeuue fille. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. X., 1844, pp. 174-175. Hulke, J. J]'. Observations on the growth of the Crystalline Lens, and on the formation of Capsular Opacities. Ophthalm. Hosp. Reports, I., 1857-59, pp. 182-191. 2. On tbe minute structure of tbe articular lamella of bone. Pathol. Soc. Trans. XL, 1859- 60, pp. 216-217. 3. Contribution a 1'anatomie de la retine des amphibies et des reptiles. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. VI., 1863, pp. 524-548. Hull, (Captain). Account of the capture of a female Oraug-Outang, caught on the coast of Sumatra. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 162-163 ; Froriep, Notizen, XV., 1826, col. 273-274. Hull, Edward. On the physical geography and pleistocene phenomena of the Cotteswold Hills. Geol. Soc. Journ. XL, 1855, pp. 477-496. 2. On the south-easterly attenuation of the Oolitic, Liassic, Triassic, and Permian formations. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (j)t. 2), pp. 67-68. 3. The geology of the country around Cheltenham. Geol. Survey, Mem. 1856, pp. 7- 98. 4. Notes on the basalts of the Giant's Causeway, County Antrim. Ediub. New Phil. Journ. V., 1857, pp. 53-61. 5. On the Triassic and Permian rocks of the Odenwald, in tbe vicinity of Heidelberg, and the corresponding formations in central England. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1858, pp. 219-227. 6. The geology of the country around Woodstock, Oxfordshire. Geol. Survey, Mem. 1859. 7. On the Blenheim Iron Ore ; and the thickness of the formations below the Great Oolite at Stonesfield, Oxfordshire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 81-83. HUL] 401 [HUM Hull, Edward. 8. On the vestiges of extinct glaciers in the Lake Districts of Cumberland and Westmoreland. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL, 1860, pp. 31-44. 9. On the south-easterly attenuation of the lower secondary formations of England; and the probable depth of the coal-measures under Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire. Geol. Soc. Jouru. XVI., I860, pp. 63-81 ; Cuyper, Revue Univ. X., 1861, pp. 20-49. 1O. Geological structure of the country around Prescot, Lancashire. Geol. Survey. Mem. 1860. 11. On isomeric lines, and the relative distribution of the calcareous and sedimentary strata of the carboniferous group of Britain. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 116-117. 12. Notes on the glacial phenomena of Wastdale, Cumberland. Geologist, 1861, pp. 478-481. 13. Geology of the country around Al- trincham, Cheshire. Geol. Survey, Mem. 8'°., 1861. 14. On iso-diametric lines, as means of representing the distribution of sedimentary clay and sandy strata, as distinguished from calcareous strata, with special reference to the carboniferous rocks of Britain. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIIL, 1862, pp. 127-146. 15. The geology of the country around Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire. Geol. Survey, Mem. 8™., 1862. 16. The geology of the country around Wigan, Lancashire. Geol. Survey, Mem. 8'°., 1862. 17. On the vestiges of extinct glaciers in the highlands of Great Britain and Ireland. [I860.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. I., 1862, pp. 131-146. 18. A brief sketch of the Triassic group of central England. Dudley. Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1863-64, pp. 49-55. 19. On the new red sandstone and permian formations, as sources of water supply for towns. [1862.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1865, pp. 256-276. 20. Additional observations on the drift- deposits and more recent gravels in the neigh- bourhood of Manchester. [1863.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1865, pp. 449-461. Hull, Edward, Aveline, and Ramsay. Geology of parts of Wiltshire and Gloucestershire. Geol. Survey, Mem. 1858, pp. 1-46. Hull, Edward, and William Whitaker. The geology of parts of Oxfordshire and Berkshire. Geol. Survey, Mem. 8'°., 1861. Hull, John. Observations on the nervous systems of different animals ; on original defects in the nervous system of the human species, and their influence on sensation and voluntary motion. [1800.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. V., 1802, pp. 475-514. Hull, John. Ueber einige Rhodan-Verbindungen. Liebig, Annal. LXXVI., 1850, pp. 93-97. Hullmandel, C. On the subsidence of the coast near Puzzuoli. [1839.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III.. 1842, p. 290. Hulls, Jonathan. A description and draught of a new invented machine, for carrying vessels or ohips out of or into harbour, port, or river, against wind and tide or in a calm. Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 271-278. Hultae, Nathaniel. Experiments and observations on the light which is spontaneously emitted with some degree of permanence from various bodies. Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 161-187; Gil- bert, Annal. XII., 1803, pp. 129-160, 292-309. 2. A continuation of the experiments and observations on the light which is spontaneously emitted from various bodies ; with some expe- riments and observations on solar light, when imbibed by CANTON'S phosphorus. Phil. Trans. 1801, pp. 403-426 ; Gilbert, Annal. XII., 1803, pp. 224-229. Hulme, R. T. On calcification of the dental pulp. Dental Review, III., 1861, pp. 12-15, 58-68. Hulsmann, . Astronomische Ortsbestimm- ungen. Astr. Nachr. XVI., 1839, col. 17-24. 2. Bestimmung der Polhohe von Elberfeld durch Beobachtungeu des Polarsterns. Astr. Nachr. XVII., 1840, col. 179-184. 3. Ueber das Dipleidoscop. Astr. Nachr. XXIII., 1846, col. 5-10. 4. Ueber Lange und Breite von Diissel- dorf. Astr. Nachr. XXVII., 1848, col. 229- 232. Hiilsse, Mittheilung einiger Erfahrungen, welche bei der Niederbringung eines Bohrlochs im Hauptschacht zu Kotschau gemacht worden sind. Karsten, Archiv, I., 1829, pp. 400-410. Hiilsse, J. Ueber die Anwendung des Elektro- magnetismus auf Telegraphie. Dingier, Polv- techn. Journ. LXIX., 1838, pp. 85-104. Hultmark, C. W. Saxicola rubicola funnen i Sverige. Stockholm, Ofversigt, 1852, pp. 116- 117. Hulton, . An account of the Curia Muria Islands, near the south-eastern coast of Arabia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XI., 1841, pp. 156-164. Humann, Edmund. Ueber das Btitylmercaptan und Butylurethan. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIL, 1856, pp. 37-42 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 337-342 ; Liebig, Aunal. XCV., 1855, pp. 372-373. HUMJ 462 [HUM Humbert, Alois. Note sur la structure des or- ganes generateurs chez quelques especes du genre Pecten. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Zool.), 1853, pp. 333-339. 2. Description de quelques especes nouvelles de Planaires terrestres de Ceylan, suivie d'ob- servations anatomiques sur le genre Bipalium par Edouard CLAPAREDE. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. XVI., 1862, pp. 293-311. 3. Description d'un uouveau genre de Mol- lusque Pulmone terrestre de Ceylan (Tennentia). Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 417-430. 4. Etudes sur quelques mollusques terres- tres nouveaux ou peu connus (Parmarion, Fischer, Triboniophorus, nov. yen. Vaginula, Per.). Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. XVII., 1863, pp. 109-128. Humbert, A,, et F. J. Pictet. Note sur un nouvel exemplaire de 1'Emys Laharpi, Pict. et Humb., decouvert par M. de LA HARPE dans les lignites des environs de Lausanne. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VI., 1858, pp. 39-42. Humbert, E. Note sur une propriete curieuse de la solution d'lodoforme dans le Sulfure de Carbone. Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1854, pp. 194-196. 2. De la liqueur de Barreswil comme re- actif de la Fibrine, I'Albumine, le Caseine, la Gelatine. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 272-274. 3. De la solution d'lodoforme dans le Sul- fure de Carbone. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 352-353. 4. De 1'emploi du Bisulfate de Potasse dans la preparation des liqueurs titrees. Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 90-92. Humbert, E., et Ossiati Henry (Jifs). Eecherches chimiques et medieo-legales, sur 1'acide cyan- hydrique et ses composes. Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 171-179 ; Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1857, pp. 157-167, 205-227. 2. Nouvelle methode analytique pour reconnaitre Plode ct le Brome. — Recherches de ces metalloides dans les eaux minerales. — Leur presence dans Peau de Vichy. Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 401-414. 3. Note sur la recherche de Plode par 1'Amidon. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 203-206 ; Paris. Comptes Rendus, XL VII, 1858, p. 228. Humbert de Molard, A. Images photogra- phiques sur papier obtenues au moyen de la plaque albuminee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 208-210. Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. Sur une serpentine verte qui possede a un haut degre la polarite magnetique. Annal. de Chimie, XXII, 1797, pp. 47-50 ; Nicholson. Journ. I., 1797, pp. 97-101. Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. 2. Nouvelles experiences sur 1'irritation causee par les metaux. Anna!, de Chimie, XXII., 1797, pp. 51-63 ; Nicholson, Journ. I., 1797, pp. 256-260 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IX., 1842, pp. 522-526. 3. Sur le precede chimique de la vitalite. Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1797, pp. 64-82. 4. Sur 1'influence de 1'acide muriatique oxigene, et sur 1'irritabilite de la fibre organisee. Paris, Soc. Med. Emul. Mem. I., 1797, pp. 458- 466. 5. Sur Papplication prematuree de quelques uecouvertes chimiques a la medecine. Annal. de Chimie, XXVII., 1798, pp. 62-71. 6. Sur la combinaison ternaire du phosphore, de 1'azote et de 1'oxigene. Annal. de Chimie, XXVII., 1798, pp. 141-J60; Scherer, Journ. Chimie, I., 1798, pp. 573-589. 7. Experiences sur le gaz nitreux, et ses combinaisons avec Poxigene. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIII., 1798, pp. 123-180. 8. Sur 1'absorption de 1'oxigene par les terres. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1798, pp. 125-160 ; Gilbert, Annal. I., 1799, pp. 501-514. 9. Die Entbindung des Wlirmestoffs, als geognostisches Phiinomen betrachtet. Moll, Jahrbuch. III., 1799, pp. 1-14. 1O. Versuche iiber die chemische Zerleg- ung des Luftkreises. Gilbert, Annal. III., 1800, pp. 77-90. 11. Catalogo de las rocas de la America meridional. ( Transl.) Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. H., 1800, pp. 262-268. 12. Lettre renfermaut des observations astronomiques, nautiques, et meteorologiques. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1800, pp. 98-101, 109-111. 13. Nachrichten aus Siid-America. Zach, Monat. Corresp. I., 1800, pp. 392-425. 14. Esquisse d'un tableau geologique de 1'Amerique meridionale. Journ. de Phys. LIII., 1801, pp. 30-59 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVII., 1803, pp. 347-357 ; XVIIL, pp. 26-36, 172-179. 15. Observations geographiques et phy- siques. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. ILL, 1801, pp. 4-6. 16. Lettre a M. FOURCEOY sur le Curare, les mangeurs de terre, &c. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. HI., 1801, pp. 9-11. 17. Nivelacion barometrica hecha en 1801 des de Cartagena de Indias hasta Santa Fe de Bogota. ( Transl.) Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. V., ' 1802, pp. 231-233. 18. Voyages en Amerique du Sud. (Let- tre a M. DELAMBEE.) Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. II., 1803, pp. 169-180; IH., 1804, pp. 228-232. HUM] 463 [HUM Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. 19. AperQU de ses voyages en Amurique du Sud. : Lettre a son frere. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. II., 1803, pp. 322-337 ; Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. VI., 1803, pp. 267-280. 20. Carta escrita desde Mexico en 22 de Abril de 1803 a, D. Autonio Josef CAVANILLES. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. VI., 1803, pp. 281-289 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. IV., 1804, pp. 475-478. 21. Curious particulars respecting the mountains and volcanoes, and the effects of the late earthquakes in South America. ( Transl.) Nicholson, Journ. VI., 1803, pp. 242-247. 22. Notes sur son voyage en Amerique. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. HI., 1804, pp. 396-404. 23. Geognostische Skizze von Siidamerica. Gilbert, Annal. XVI., 1804, pp. 394-449. 24. Physikalische Beobachtungen in Peru und Mexico. Gilbert, Annal. XVIII., 1804, pp. 118-125. 25. Note sur des poissons rejetes par un volcan au Perou. Journ. de Phys. LX., 1804, pp. 243-245. 26. Reisen in der Cordillere der Andeu und physikalische Beobachtungen in Quito und Mexico. Gilbert, Annal. XVI., 1804, pp. 450- 493. 27. Versuche iiber die electrischen Fische. Gilbert, Annal. XXH., 1806, pp. 1-13 ; Erfurt, Nova Acta, IV., 1809. 28. Beobachtungen iiber das Gesetz der Warmeabnahme in den ho'hern Regiouen der Atmosphare, und .iiber die untern Griinzen des ewigen Schnees. Gilbert, Aunal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 1-49. 29. Memoir on the Eremophilus and As- troblepus, two new genera of the order of Apodes. (Transl.) TUloch, Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1806, pp. 329-332. 30. Memoir on a new species of Pimelodus thrown out of the volcanoes in the kingdom of Quito, with some particulars respecting the vol- canoes of the Andes. (Transl.) Tilloch, Pliil. Mag. XXTV., 1806, pp. 333-339. 31. Memoir on a new species of monkey found in the eastern declivity of the Andes. (Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIV, 1806, pp. 339-341. 32. Ideen zu einer Physiognoniik der Ge- wiichse. Voigt, Magazin, XI., 1806, pp. 310- 322. 33. Ueber die Verbindung von Mexico mit Vera Cruz. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XIV., 1806, pp. 445-460. Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. 34. Ueber die Chinawiilder in Siidamerica. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. I., 1807, pp. 57-68, 104-120 ; Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. I., 1808, pp. 260-292 ; III., 1808, pp. 186-204. 35. Nachtrag iiber den problematischen quarzreichen Sandstcin von Cascas am west- lichen Abfall der Peruanischen Audesketto. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. 1807, pp. 231- 233. 36. Memoire sur les refractions astrono- miques dans la zone torride, correspondantes a des angles de hauteur plus petits que 10°. [1808.] Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. I., 1807, pp. 162-164; Gilbert, Anual. XXXI., 1809, pp. 337-397 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIII., 1808, pp. 393-398; XXIV., 1808, pp. 169-218; Journ. de Phys. LXVL, 1808, pp. 413-447. 37. Die vollstiindigste aller bisherigen Beobachtungen iiber den Einfluss des Nordlichts auf die Magnetnadel. Gilbert, Annal. XXIX., 1808, pp. 425-429. 38. Des Volcans de Jorullo. Journ. de Phys. LXIX., 1809, pp. 149-155; Nicholson, Journ. XXVI., 1810, pp. 81-86. • 39. A physical view of the equatorial regions, drawn up from measures taken and observations made on the spot, from the tenth degree of North to the tenth of South latitude. (Transl.) Nicholson, Journ. XXVL, 1810, pp. 371-378. 4O. Note sur la communication qui existe entre 1'Orenoque et la riviere des Arnazones. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. IV., 1810, pp. 65-68 (Cah. 10) ; Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVL, 1812, pp. 230-235. 41. Bemerkungcn iiber das gelbe Fieber, und dessen Zusammenhang mit der Temperatur. Gilbert, Aunal. XLIIL, 1813, pp. 257-304. 42. [Nachricht iiber den merkwiirdigeu Vulkan von Jorullo.] Leoiihard, Taschenbuch, 1814, pp. 258-263. 43. Sur les lois que 1'on observe dans la distribution des formes vegetales. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1816, pp. 225-239 ; Oken, Isis, I., 1817, col. 177-185 ; Schweigger, Journ. XVHI., 1816, pp. 129-145 ; Tilloch, Phil. Ma". XLVIL, 1816, pp. 446-453. 44. Sur 1'elevation des montagnes de 1'Inde. Aunal. de Chimie, III., 1816, pp. 297- 317. 45. Sur le lait de 1'Arbre de la Vache. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1817, pp. 182-190; Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1818, pp. 138-14:-; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 449-450; Schweigger. Journ. XXVL, 1819, pp. 231-242; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1818, pp. 115-117. HUM] 464 [HUM Humboldt, Fricdrich Hcinrich Alexander von. 46. Des lignes isothermes et de la distri- bution de la chnleur sur le globe. Arcueil, Mem. de Phys. III., 1817, pp. 462-602; Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 102-112 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. III., 1820, pp. 1-20, 256-274 ; IV., 1821, pp. 23-38, 262-281 ; V., 1821, pp. 28-39 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 852-866 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXV., 1819, pp. 254-268; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL. 1818, pp. 177-194. 47. Ucber die Hohe von Bergen in Hin- dostan. Gilbert, Annal. LVL, 1817, pp. 1-41. 48. Pflanzenbilder. Hermbstadt, Museum, XL, 1817, pp. 307-321. 49. Sur le Steatornis, nouveau genre d'Oiseau nocturne. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 51-52. SO, De 1'influence de la declinaison du soleil sur le commencement des pluies equato- rielles. Annal. de Chimie, VIIL, 1818, pp. 179-190; Schweigger, Jouru. XXIV., 1818, pp. 71-84. 51. Ueber eiuen Nachtvogel Guacharo ge- nannt, der zu Tausenden eine tiefe HShle, die Caripe genannt, in den Missionen der Indischen Chaymas bewohnt. Okcn, Isis, 1818, col. 411- 412. 52. Sur les Gymnotes et autres poissons electriques. Annal. de Chimie, XL, 1819, pp. 408-437. 53. Account of the earthquake which destroyed the town of Caraccas. (Transl.) Edinb. Phil. Journ. I., 1819, pp. 272-280. • 54. Sur 1'accroissement nocturne de 1'in- tensite du son. Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1820, pp. 162-173 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXV., 1820, pp. 31-42. 55. Sur la limite inferieure des neiges perpetuelles dans les montagnes de 1'Himalaya et les regions equatoriales. Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1820, pp. 5-57 ; Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 551-576. 56. On the temperature of the different mines in America. {Transl.) Ediub. Phil. Journ. III., 1820, pp. 286-288. 57. Nouvelles recherches sur les lois quo 1'on observe dans la distribution des formes vegetales. Aunal. de Chiinie, XVI., 1821, pp. 267-297 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 273-284 ; VII., 1822, pp. 47-55 ; Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 1033-1047 ; Quart, Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 338-339. 58. Sur la difference de hauteur a laquelle on cesse de trouver des poissons dans la Cor- dillera des Andes et dans les Pyrenees. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1821, pp. 308-319. 59. LTeber die Respiration und Schwimm- blase der Fische. Froriep, Notizen, XXL, 1821, pp. 326-329. Humboldt, friedrick Hcinrich Alexander von. 6O. Curare, or War-poison of the Indians. (Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIIL, 1821, pp. 231-234. 61. Ueber den Bau und die Wirkungsart der Vulcane in verschiedenen Erdstrichen. Ber- lin, Abbandl. 1822-23, pp. 137-156 ; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1823, col. 49-54; Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XVIIL, 1824, pp. 1-39 ; Thom- son, Ann. Phil. VI., 1823, pp. 121-135. 62. Sur le gisement du granite dans la vallee de Fiemme. Annal. de Chimie, XXIIL, 1823, pp. 261-265. 63. Resultats d'experiences faites sur la ligature et la section longitudinale des nerfs. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 157-158. 64. On petrifactions, or fossil remains. Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 20-35. 65. Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte der Mos- quitos. Froriep, Notizen, III., 1823, col. 97-103. 66. Sur le magnetisme polaire d'une mon- tagne de chlorite schisteuse et de serpentine. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 327-334. 67. Analyse de 1'eau du Rio Vinagre, par M. Mariano de RIVERO, avec des eclaircisse- rnents geognostiques et physiques sur quelques phenomenes quo presentent le soufre, 1'hydro- gene sulfure et 1'eau clans les volcans. Annal. de Chimie, XXVII., 1824, pp. 113-136 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 67-88 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLV. (=Jahrb. XV.), 1825, pp. 36-54; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 108-122 ; Quart, Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, pp. 406-407. 68. Rapport verbal fait a 1'Academie des Sciences sur un ouvrage de M. A. de ST. HILAIRE, intitule : " Plantes usuelles des Brasi- lieus." Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1824, pp. 410-416. 69. On Rock Formations. ( Transl.) Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. 40-53, 224-239. 7O. Examen chimique des Juvias ou fruits du Bertholletia exeelsa. [1823.] Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 61-66. 71. Observations sur quelques phenomenes pen connus qu'offre le goitre sous les tropiques, dans les plaines et sur les plateaux des Andes. Ma- gendie, Journ. de Phys. IV., 1824, pp. 109-118. 72. De quelques phenomenes physiques et geologiques qu'oifrent les Cordilleres des Andes de Quito et la partie occidentale de I'Himalayah. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 225-253. 73. Rapport verbal sur la Flore du Bresil meridional de M. A. de ST. HILAIRE. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 222-224. 74. Ueber die Gestalt und das Klima des Hochlandes in der Iberischeu Halbinsel. Hertha, IV., 1825, pp. 5-23. 75. Note relative au tableau de la popu- - lation du Perou, par le Colonel POINSETT. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. III., 1825, pp. 170-171. HUM] 465 [HUM Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. 76. Volcano of Purace. — River containing free Acids. ( Transl.) Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, pp. 404-406. • 77. De la temperature cles diflurentes parties de la zone torride au nireau des mers. Anual. de Cbimie, XXXIIL, 1826, pp. 29-48 ; Poggend. Annal. VIII., 1826, pp. 165-174. 78. Bericht iiber die naturhistorischen Reisen der Herren EIIRENBERG und HEMPRICH. Berlin, Abhandl. 1826, pp. 111-134. 79. Ueber den neuesten Zustand des Frei- staates von Central-America oder Guatemala. Hertha, VI., 1826, pp. 131-161. 80. Ueber die Provinz Antioquia uud die neu entdeckte Lagersta'tte der Platina auf Gangen. Hertha, VII., 1826, pp. 263-276 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1826, pp. 323-325; Poggend. Annal. VII., 1826, pp. 515-524. 81. Beobachtugen iiber die stiindlichen Variationen des Barometers zwischen den Wen- dekreisen vom Meeres-Spiegel an, bis auf den Riicken Cordillera der Anden. Froriep, Notizen, XII., 1826, col. 65-71; Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIV., 1826, pp. 328-331 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1826, pp. 290-301 ; Schweigger, Journ. XL VI. (=Jahrb. XVI.), 1826, pp. 438-458 ; XLVII., 1826, pp. 137-185. 82. Beschreibung eines Ausbruches des Vulcanes Jorullo in Mexico. Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1826, col. 321-325 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1826, pp. 30-55. 83. Ueber Canzocolli unweit Predazzo in Siidtirol. Innsbruck, Beitr. Gesch. Tirol, II., 1826, pp. 309-312. 84. Geognostisches Gemiilde von Siid- America. (Transl.) Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1826 (pte. 2), pp. 97-124, 481-500. 85. Ueber die Haupt-Ursachen der Tem- peratur-Verscliiedenheit auf dem Erdkurper. Berlin, Abhandl. 1827, pp. 295-316; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IV., 1828, pp. 329-346 ; Pog- gend. Annal. XI., 1827, pp. 1-27. 86. Observations on the Mean Temperature of the Equatorial Regions. (Transl.) [1826.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 136-144. 87. Neueste Beschliisse der Mexicanischen Regierung iiber einen Handelsweg in der Land- enge von Goazacoalco und Tehuantepec. Her- tha, IX., 1827, pp. 5-28. 88. On the volcanoes of Guatemala. (Transl.) Phil. Mag. II., 1827, pp. 117-122. 89. Grosse der KSrner von gediegenen Platin. Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 487-490. 9O. Beobachtung eines Nordlichts in Ber- lin. Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 510-573. 91. Ueber die allgemeinen Gesetze der stiindlichen Schwankungen des Barometers. Poggend. Annal. XII, 1828, pp. 299-337. VOL. ni. Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. 92. Ueber die bei verschiedenen VSlkern iib- lichen Systeme von Zahlzeichen und iiber den Ursprung des Stellenwerthes in den Indischen Zahlcn. Crelle, Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 205-231 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 300-329 ; Nouv. Ann. Math. X., 1851, pp. 372-407. 93. Observations sur 1'inclinaison de 1'aiguillc aimantee, executees pendant son voyage aux montagnes de 1'Oural en 1829. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. I., 1829, pp. 356-361 ; Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 267-268. 94. Ueber die Mittel, die Ergriindung einiger Phanomene des tellurischen Magnetismus zu erleichtern. Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829. pp. 319-354. 95. De 1'inclinaisou de 1'aiguille aimantee dans le uord de 1'Asie. Anual. de Chimie, XLIV., 1830, pp. 231-243 ; Poggend. Annal. XVIII., 1830, pp. 355-356. 96. Recherches sur les systeines de mon- tagues et les volcans de 1'interieur de 1'Asie. Annal. de Chirnie, XLV., 1830, pp. 208-215, 337-348. 97. Notice sur son voyage en Siberie, et recherches de M. EURENBERG sur 1'organisa- tion et la distribution geographique des Infu- soires dans 1'Asie septentriouale. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXI., 1830, pp. 203-208. 98. Sur les chaines et les volcans de 1'interieur de 1'Asie, et sur une nouvelle erup- tion dans les Andes. Boue, Journ. de Geol. II., 1830, pp. 136-173 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL, 1831, pp. 227-240 ; XII., pp. 145- 159; Poggend. Annal. XVIIL, 1830, pp. 1-18 ; XXIIL, 1831, pp. 294-301. 99. [Lettre datee de 1'Irtisch, sur une expedition dont le but principal etait de faire des recherches sur les mines d'or de Borosowk.] Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XX., 1830, pp. 399- 403. 100. Ueber das relative Alter der Gebirgs- ziige. Poggend. Annal. XVIIL, 1830, pp. 19- 24. 1O1. Ueber die Goldausbeute im Russ- ischen Reiche. Poggend. Annal. XVIIL, 1830, pp. 273-275; Roy. Inst. Journ. 1831, pp. 418- 419. 102. Betrachtungen iiber die Temperatur und den hygrometrischen Zustand der Luft in einigen Theilen von Asien. Poggend. Anual. XXLTL, 1831, pp. 74-113. 103. Riicksichtlich seiner Forschungen iiber den Erdmagnetismus. Froriep, Notizen, XXXIL, 1832, col. 243-244 ; Bibl. Univ. IV., 1836, pp. 127-139. 1O4. Bemerkungen iiber die Temperatur der Ostsee. Poggend. Annal. XXXIIL, 1834, pp. 223-227. 3 N HUM] 466 [HUM Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. 105. Note sur des empreintes de pieds d'un quadrupede, dans la formation de gres bigarre de Hildburghausen. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 45-48 : Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Zool.), 1835, pp. 135-138. 1O6. Note sur une grande masse de Mala- chite, trouvee dans les mines Ouraliennes de M. DEMIDOFP. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 86-87. 1O7. Chronologie des plus anciennes cartes d'Amcrique. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. IV., 1835, pp. 411-414. 1O8. Ueber die Mittel den Erdmagnetismus durch permanente Anstalten und correspondi- rende Beobachtungen zu erforschen. ( Transl.) Astr. Nachr. XIII., 183(3, col. 281-292. 109. Ueber zwei Besteigungen des Chim- borazo. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1836, pp. 96-98 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXIX., 1838, pp. 401-434; Edinb. New Phil. Jouru. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 291-312; Schumacher, Jahrb. 1837, pp. 176-206. 110. Sur la hauteur moyenue du baro- metre au niveau de la mer par diflerentes latitudes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 570-573. 111. Analyse d'un memoire de C. G. EITRENBERG sur des infusoires fossiles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 200-202. 112. Ueber einige electro - magnetische Erscheinungen und den vermmderten Luft- druck in der Tropen-Gegend des Atlantischen Oceans. Poggend. Annal. XXXVII., 1836, pp. 241-257. 113. Gelegentliche Bemerkungeu iiber den mittleren Luftdruck am Meere. Poggend. Annal. XXXVII., 1836, pp. 468-480. — — 114. Ueber die Lage und das Fortriickeu der Abweichungs-Curven in Nord-Asien. Pog- gend. Annal. XXXVII., 1836, pp. 480-481. 115. Ueber die Vulcane des Hochlandes von Quito. Leouhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1837, pp. 253-284 ; Poggend. Annal. XL., 1837, pp. 161-192; Annal. de Chimie, LXIX., 1838, pp. 345-351 ; Berlin, Bericht, 1837, pp. 33- 38. 116. Lettre sur la farine des montagnes [Bergmehl], Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, p. 293. 117. Die Hochebene von Bogota. Berlin, Bericht, 1838, pp. 38-43; Poggend. Annal. XLIII., 1838, pp. 570-576. 118. Geognostiche und physikalische Beo- bachtungen iiber die Vulcane des Hochlandes von Quito. Berlin, Bericht, 1838, pp. 85- 86. Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. 119. Geognostische und physikalische Beo- bachtungen iiber die Vulcaue der Hochebene von Quito. Berlin, Bericht, 1839, pp. 245- 253; Annal. des Mines, XVI., 1839, pp. 411- 452; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1838, pp. 638-664 ; Poggend. Annal. XLIV., 1838, pp. 193-220. — . — 12O. On the difference of level between the Black Sea and the Caspian. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1838, pp. 135-136. 121. Ueber den Manati des Orinoko. (Transl.) Wiegmann, Archiv, 1838 (pte. 2), pp. 1-18. 122. Ueber die Bestimmuns; der Licht- stiirke siidlicher Sterne. Astr. Nachr. XVI., 1839, col. 225-230. 123. On the Longitude of Valparaiso and Callao. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IX., 1839, pp. 502- 506. 124. Nachrichten von der Uritersuchung des Thiers im Nautilus Pompilius. Berlin, Bericht, 1841, pp. 55-59. 125. Anatomic des Steatornis caripensis. Berlin, Bericht, 1841, pp. 172-179. 126. Versuch die mittlere Hohe der Con- tinente zu bestimmen. Berlin, Bericht, 1842, pp. 233-244 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIV., 1843, pp. 326-337 ; Napoli, Rendi- conto, II., 1843, pp. 315-321 ; Poggend. Annal. LVII., 1842, pp. 407-419. 127. Asie Centrale : Recherches sur les cliaines de montagnes et la climatologie com- paree. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XII., 1842, pp. 269-280. 128. On the comparative level of Lakes and Seas. ( Transl.) Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXV., 1843, pp. 323-336. 129. Temperature des eaux fournies par le puits artesien de New-Salswerck, en West- phalie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843. pp. 600-603. 13O. Vergleichung astrononiischer Orts- bestimmungen in Russland und Sibirien. (Transl.) Astr. Nachr. XXII., 1845, col. 99- 102. 131. On the physiognomy of the surface of the Earth. (Transl.) Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIX., 1845, pp. 105-124. 132. Schichtung der Gebirgsarten am siid- lichen Abfall der Kiistenkette von Venezuela gegen das grosse Becken der Ebenen (Llanos). Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. V., 1853, pp. 18-20. 133. Ueber die Hohe des Mexicanischen Vulcaus Popocatepetl. Petermaun, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 479-481. HUM] 467 [HUM Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. 134. Ueber einige Erscheinungen in clcr Intensitiit des Thierkreislichtes. Poggend. Annal. XCVII., 1856, pp. 138-141 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, pp. 16-20 ; Astr. Nachr. XLII., 1856, col. 65-68. 135. Ueber den Manati des Orinoko. Wiegmann, Archiv, 1858, pp. 390-425. 136. Von den Zweifeln, welche iiber den Flacheninhalt des jetzigen Mexicanischen Ge- biets erhoben worden sind. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, IV., 1858, pp. 169-172. 137. Sur le nombre et la distribution geographique ontological characters of the Potsdam sand- stone. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 271-273. 24. Examinations of some Canadian mine- rals. Phil. Mag. I., 1851, pp. 322-328. 25. Description and analysis of Loganite. Phil. Mag. II., 1851, pp. 65-67. 26. On the mineral springs of Canada. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1851, pp. 174-181. 27. On the chemical constitution of the mineral Warwickite. Silliman, Journ. XI., 1851, pp. 352-356. 28. On the compound ammonias, and the bodies of the Cacodyle Series. Sillimau, Journ. XIII., 1852, pp. 206-211. 29. On octahedral oligist iron. [1851.] Sillimau, Joum. XIII., 1852, pp. 370-373. 3O. Examination of some American mine- rals. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, pp. 340- 346. 31. On atomic volume. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1853, p. 116. 3 o HUN] 474- [HUN Hunt, Thomas Sterry. 32. Considerations on tlie theory of chemical changes, and on equi- valent volumes. Silliinan, Jouni. XV., 1853, pp. 226-234. 33. On the constitution and equivalent volume of some mineral species. Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1853, pp. 203-218. 34. Illustrations of chemical honiology. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1854, pp. 237-247 ; Silli- man, Journ. XVIII., 1854, pp. 269-271. 35. On the composition and metamorphoses of some sedimentary rocks. Phil. Mag. VII., 1854, pp. 233-238 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 174-177. 36. Description of Parophite. Sillinian, Journ. XVII., 1854, p. 127. 37. On the theoretical relations of water and hydrogen. Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1854, pp. 194-199. 38. Remarks on the mineral species of Algerite. Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1854, pp. 351-352. 39. On some of the crystalline limestones of North America. Sillinian, Journ. XVIII., 1854, pp. 193-200. 40. On the nature of forces. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1854, pp. 237-249. 41. Sur les roches magnesieunes du groupe de la riviere Hudson, au Canada. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 1029-1031. — 42. Note sur les sources acides et les gypses de Haut-Canada. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XL., 1855, pp. 1348-1351. 43. Sur les volumes atomiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 77-81. 44. Recherches sur les eaux minerales du Canada. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 300-304. 45. Sur les rapports eutre quelques com- poses differant par H£ et par O^. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 1167-1169. 46. Examinations of some felspathic rocks. Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 354-363; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVI., 1855, pp. 149-154. 47. Thoughts on solution and the chemical process. Silliman, Journ.XLX., 1855, pp. 100-103. 48. On the equivalents of some species. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1855, pp. 416-418. 49. On the Serpentines of Canada and their associated rocks. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 423-425. SO. On the part which the silicates of the alkalies may play in the inetamorphisni of rocks. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 458-461 ; Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, pp. 68-70 ; Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 287-289. 51. On the origin and metamorphosis of some sedimentary rocks. Canadian Journ. II., 1357, pp. 355-357. Hunt, Thomas Sterry. 52. On Serpentine, and some of its uses. Canadian Naturalist, II., 1857, pp. 28-34. 53. On the chemical composition of the waters of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers. Phil. Mag. XIIL, 1857, pp. 239-245. 54. On the reactions of the alkaline sili- cates. Silliman, Journ. XXIIL, 1857, pp. 437- 438. 55. Note on the Cherokine of C. U. SHEPAED. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1857, pp. 27-50. 56. On the probable origin of some mag- nesiau rocks. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 159-164; Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1857, pp. 272-273. 57. On the theory of igneous rocks and volcanos. Canadian Journ. in., 1858, pp. 201-208 ; Canadian Naturalist, III., 1858, pp. 194-201. 58. On the chemistry of the primeval Earth. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 102- 103. 59. Contributions to the history of Ophio- lites. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 217- 226 ; XXVI., 1858, pp. 234-240 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 457- 458. 60. On the extraction of salts from sea- water. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 361- 371 ; Canadian Naturalist, HI., 1858, pp. 97- 110. 61. On the origin of Feldspars and on some points of chemical lithology. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 435-437. 62. On Euphotide and Saussurite. Silli- man, Journ. XXV., 1858, p. 437. 63. On some reactions of the salts of lime and magnesia. Silliman, Journ. XXVL, 1858, pp. 109-110. 64. Contributions to the history of gyp- sums and maguesian rocks. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1859, pp. 227-247 ; Canadian Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 294-295. 65. On the formation of magnesian lime- stones. Canadian Journ. IV., 1859, pp. 185- 186. 66. Fish Manures. Canadian Naturalist. IV., 1859, pp. 13-23. 67. Formation of siliceous rocks. Cana- dian Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 295-296. 68. Contributions to the history of Eu- photide and Saussurite. Silliman, Journ. XXVIL, 1859, pp. 336-349; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1860, pp. 333-336. — 69. On some reactions of the salts of Lime and Magnesia, and on the formation of Gypsum and Magnesian Rocks. Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1859, pp. 170-187, 365-383. HUN] 475 [HUN Hunt, Thomas Sterry. 70. Notes on some points in chemical geology. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 83-84 ; Canadian Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 414-425; Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 488-496 ; Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 133-137. 71. Analysis of Canadian Wolfram. Cana- dian Journ. V., 1860, p. 303. 72. On the intrusive rocks of the district of Montreal. Canadian Journ. V., 1860, pp. 426-442. 73. On the titaniferous iron ores of Canada. Chemical News, II., 1860, pp. 41-42. 74. On the formation of Gypsums and Dolomites. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860, pp. 152-154. — — — 75. Sur les relations entre les matieres amyloides et albuminoides. Paris, Comptes Eendus, L., 1860, pp. 1186-1187; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIIL, 1860, pp. 122-123. 76. On some of the igneous rocks of Canada. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1860, pp. 282-284. 77. Notes on the Dolomites of the Paris Basin. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1860, pp. 284-285. 78. On the theory of types in chemistry. Canadian Journ. VI., 1861, pp. 120-129 ; Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 247-250 ; Phil. Mag. XXII., 1861, pp. 15-23 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 256-264. 79. On some points in American Geology. Canadian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 81-106; Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 392-414. 8O. On the origin of some Magnesian and Aluminous Rocks. Canadian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 180-184; Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 158-160. 81. Notes on the history of Petroleum or Rock Oil. Canadian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 241-255 ; Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 5-6, 16-19, 35-36. 82. Mr. BAURANDE on the primordial zone in North America, and on the taconic system of EMSIONS. Canadian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 374-383. 83. Note on chloritoid from Canada. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 442-443. 84. On Ozone, Nitrous Acid, and Nitro- gen. SUliman, Journ. XXXII. , 1861, pp. 109- 110. 85. Considerations sur la chimie du globe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 1190- 1195; Canadian Naturalist, VII., 1862, pp. 201-205. 86. Note sur la nature de 1'azote et la theorie de la nitrification. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 460-462 ; Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 27-29. Hunt, Thomas Stern/. 87. On the chemical and mineralotjical relations of metamorphic rocks. Canadian Naturalist, VIII., 1863, pp. 195-208 ; Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1864, pp. 85-95. 88. On the earth's climate in palaeozoic times. Canadian Naturalist, VIII., 1863, pp. 323-328. 89. Sur la nature du jade. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI., 1863, pp. 1255-1257. 90. Contributions to the chemical and geological history of Bitumens and of Pyro- schists or Bituminous Shales. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1863, pp. 157-171. Hunt, Thomas Sterry, and W. E. Logan. On the chemical composition of recent and fossil Lingulre and some other shells. Canadian Journ. II., 1853-54, pp. 264-266; Silliman, Journ, XVII., 1854, pp. 235-239. Hunt, Thomas Sterry, and Silliman. On the meteoric iron of Texas and Lockport. Silliman, Journ. II., 1846, pp. 370-376. Hunter, Alex. The fixed vegetable oils of Southern India. Hooker, Journ. Botany, V., 1853, pp. 109-115. 2. The raw products of India suited to the manufacturing wants of Great Britain. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. X., 1859, pp. 173- 201. Hunter, Anne. Description of an Agaric (Agaricus caperatus), new to the British Flora. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. II., 1842-49, pp. 174-175; Ann. Nat. -Hist. XVHL, 1846, pp. 474-475. Hunter, C. L. Notices of the rarer minerals and new localities in Western North Carolina. SUliman, Journ. XV., 1853, pp. 373-378. Hunter, J. On the introduction of the Coperni- can theory into England. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, pp. 3-4. Hunter, James. Case of sudden and temporary occurrence of Presbyopia in a young boy. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LIIL, 1840, pp. 124- 129. Hunter, John. Experiments and observations on the growth of bones. London, Trans. Soc. Imp. Med. II., 1800, pp. 277-286. Hunter, John. On the absorption of gases by charcoal. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 364- 368. Hunter, Robert. On the muscularity of arteries. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XXII., 1824, pp. 256-271. 2. Case of a peculiar malformation of the female genital organs. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XXVL, 1826, pp. 46-49; Siebold, Journ. f. Geburtshiilfe, VII., 1828, pp. 193- 196. 3 o 2 HUN] 476 [HUO Hunter, Robert. 3. Oil the propriety of intro- ducing a simplified anatomical nomenclature. Glasgow Med. Journ. I., 1828, pp. 182-195. 4. On the classification, nomenclature, and mechanism of the articulations of the human body. Glasgow Med. Journ. III., 1830, pp. 174-182, 386-391. 5. On a peculiar conformation of the Colon. Glasgow Med. Journ. IV., 1831, pp. 419-422. Hunter, Robert, and Stephen Hislop. On the geology of the neighbourhood of Niigpur, Cen- tral India. Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1854, pp. 470-473 ; XL, 1855, pp. 345-333. Hunter, (Rev.) Robert. On some obscure mark- ings upon an Old Red Sandstone Slab at Mill of Ash, near Dunblane. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. II., 1859-62, pp. 163-164. Hunter, Thomas. Case of reunion of the thumb. Edinb. Med. Surg. Jouru. XL, 1815, pp. 452-453. Hunter, William. On the plant Morinda and its uses. Asiatick Researches, IV., 1795, pp. 35-42. 2. Astronomical observations made in the upper parts of Hindustan and on a journey thence to Oujein. Asiatick Researches, IV., 1795, pp. 141-163. 3. Astronomical observations. Asiatick Researches, IV., 1795, pp. 359-362. 4. Some account of the astronomical labours of JAYASINHA, Rajah of Ambhere, or Jayanagar. Asiatick Researches, V., 1798. pp. 177-211. 5. Description of a species of Meloe, an insect of the 1st or Coleopterous order in the Linnean system ; found in all parts of Bengal, Behar, andOude ; and possessing all the proper- ties of the Spanish blistering fly, or Meloe vesicatorius. Asiatick Researches, V., 1798, pp. 213-218. 6. Astronomical observations made in the upper provinces of Hindustan. Asiatick Re- searches, V., 1798, pp. 413-420. 7. Narrative of a Journey from Agra to Oujein. Asiatick Researches, VI., 1799, pp. 7-77. 8. Remarks on the species of pepper, which are found on Prince of Wales' s Island. Asiatick Researches, IX., 1807, pp. 383-393 ; XL, pp. 565-566. 9. Observations on Nauclea Gambir, the plant producing the drug called Gutta Gam- beer, with characters of two other species (N. acida and N. sclerophylla). [1807.] Linn. Soc. Trans. IX., 1808, pp. 218-224; Nicholson, Journ. XXII., 1809, pp. 366-370. 1O. Analysis of the water drawn from a well in Fort William at the depth of 70 feet from the surface. [1806.] Gleanings in Sci. I., 1829, pp. 103-105. Hunter, William Perceval. Some Account of the salt of the mountain of Geru, at Cardona, in Catalonia, Spain ; with some facts indicative of the little esteem entertained by Spaniards for Naturalists. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 640-644. 2. Some account of the Limestone quar- ries and petrifying spring at Pounceford, in Sussex ; with preliminary remarks on the Wealden Rocks. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1835, pp. 597-608. 3. Rough notes made during a visit to the freestone quarries of the Isle of Portland, on Wednesday, 25 August 1835. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 97-103. 4. Some account of the bursting of a bog in the County of Antrim, Ireland, on 25 Sept. 1835 ; with some preliminary remarks on the nature, extent, origin, &c. of Peat. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 251-261 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXIX., 1836, pp. 515-528. Hunton, Louis. On the definite combinations of sugar with the alkalies and metallic oxides. Phil. Mag. XL, 1837, pp. 152-156; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL, 1837, pp. 409-414. 2. Accompanying remarks to a, section of the upper lias and marlstone of Yorkshire, showing the limited vertical range of the species of Ammonites and other Testacea with their value as geological tests. [1836.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 416-417 ; Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1840, pp. 215-222. Huot, J. J. N. Observations sur le bane de Grignon, sur le calcaire renfermant des restes des vegetaux, et sur les couches superieures de cette localite. Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 5-15. 2. Notice sur la geologie du pretendu fos- sile humain trouve pres de Moret, departernent de Seine-et-Marne. Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 138-148. 3. Notice geologique sur uu terrain occu- pant, sur la rive droite de la Seine, la plaine situee entre la montagne de Triel et la riviere, et sur la rive opposee, 1'espace compris depuis Medan jusqu' a Rolleboise. Normandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. 1826-27, pp. 229-247. 4. Quelques considerations geologiques sur la presence des debris d'animaux vertebres dans les ditterentes couches de notre globe. Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 261-291 ; Froriep, No- tizen, XVIL, 1827, col. 273-282, 293-297. 5. Sur les belerunites. Paris, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. 1835, p. 19 ; L'lustifcut, HI., 1835, pp. 261-262. 6. Notice geologique sur les terrains qui s'etendent a 1'est de Rambouillet, et qui com- prennent la vallee de la Remarde, petite riviere qui va se Jeter dans 1'Orge a Arpajon. Seine- et-Oise, Mem. 1835, pp. 135-164. HUO] 477 [HUS „„., J. J. N. 7. Sur la constitution geognos- tique d'une partie de la province Russe de Bessarabie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1838- 39, pp. 230-232. 8. Sur le puits artesien de Grenelle. Mos- Huraut, Th. 6. Note sur 1'Hydroferrocyanate de Potasse et d'Uree. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1850, pp. 411-417. 7. Sur 1'alteration des Pastilles. Journ. . cou, Soc. Nat. Bull. 1841, pp. 550-558. Hupe, //. Observations sur 1'Helix pellis-serpen- tis, Chemn., et descriptions d'especes nouvelles du genre Helice. Rev. et Mag. Zool. V., 1853, pp. 296-303. . 2. Note sur uu nouveau genre de Mol- lusque acephale, genre Blainvillia. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 219-224. , 3. Description d'une nouvelle espece du wenre Cytheree (Cytherea Loroisii). Rev. et Mag. Zool. VII., 1855, pp. 468-469. . 4. Observation d'un mode particulier de parasitisme offer t par un mollusque gasteropode, du genre Stylifer. L'Institut, XXVII., 1859, pp. 417-419; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. 118-125. 5. Nouveau genre de mollusque gastero- pode (Galeropsis). L'Institut, XXVIII., 1860, p. 134 ; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. 125-128. Hupe, H., et Emile Deville. Description de quelques Coquilles nouvelles provenaut de 1'Ex- pedition de M. de CASTELNAU. Rev. et Mag. Zool. II., 1850, pp. 631-644. Hupe, H., et Paul Fischer. Description de deux especes nouvelles du genre Anostoma, Fischer (A. Deshayesianum, A.Ven-eauxianum). Journ. Conchy 1. I., 1856, pp. 350-354. Hupe, H., et E. G. Lorois. Description de trois coquilles nouvelles ou peu connues (Car- dium Loroisii, Cythereu Valencionnesi, Mactra proxima). Rev. et Mag. Zool. VIII., 1856, pp. 470-471. Huppert, //. Ueber die Hofmann'sche Reaction auf Phosphor. Liebig, Annal. CXXVI., 1863, pp. 252-255. Huraut, Th. Dissertation chimique sur 1'hydro- gene, suivie d'un nouvel aperqu sur la nature des sels. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 423-430. 2. De 1'origine du Soufre dans les vege- taux. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 360- 364; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 488-491. 3. Note sur quelques preparations de Cigue. Journ. de Pharm. XIV, 1848, pp. 27- 29. 4. Examen comparatif des differents modes de preparation de 1'Iodure de plomb. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 34-40. 5. Appareil pour preparer les extraits dans le vide. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 179-185. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 112-113. Huraut, Th., Bussy, et F. Foy. Rapport sur un memoire de M. LAROCQUE ayant pour titre : " De la volatilite des sels fixes dans la vapeur d'eau et de quelques applications auxquelles cette propriete peut donner lieu." Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 345-350. Huraut, Th., et Larocque. Note sur une falsification du Valerianate de Zinc. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 430-433. 2. Note sur un nouveau precede de preparation du chloroforme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 103-105; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIIL, 1848, pp. 396- 397 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 97- 100. Huraut, Th., et Moutillard. Observations sur le Sirop de Violettes. Jouru. de Pharm. XXII., 1852, pp. 5-9. Hure, . Emploi de 1'acide benzoi'que dans le traitement de la gravelle phosphatique. Jouru. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 397-398. Hurlburt, J. B. The great mixed forest of North America in connection with climate. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIIL, 1863, pp. 244-247. Hurry, 7K C. Note on the " Trochilus " and "Crocodile" of Herodotus. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VIII., 1839, p. 590. Hursch, . Tailed variety of Man. Charles- ton Med. Journ. X., 1855, pp. 731-732. Hurst, John. Observations on the habits of the large fresh-water lobsters of Tasmania. Tas- mania, Roy. Soc. Papers, 1863, pp. 5-6. Hurst, Thos. Grainyc. On some peculiarities of the Tyne Low Main seam. North England Inst. Miu. Eng. Trans. VIII., 1859-60, pp. 23- 32. Hurst, JJ'. J. Note on the Sulphur compound formed by the action of Sulphuretted Hydrogen on Formiate of Lead at a high temperature. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 82-83 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 278-281; Liebig, Annal. CXXVI., 1863, pp. 67-71. Hurtzig, , und Anton Geuther. Einige Beitrage zur niiheren Kenntniss der Siiuren des Phosphors und Arseniks. Liebig, Annal. CXI., 1859, pp. 159-173; Annal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1859, pp. 359-360. Husband, Thomas J. Experiments on Galiprea officinalis. Philad. Coll. Pharm. Jouru. V., 1834, pp. 202-204. Huschke, Emil. Ueber thierische Bewegung und ihre Organe. Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 790-798. HUS] 478 [HUS Huschke, Emil. 2. Ueber WEBEK'S Gehorkno- chelchen der Fisclie. Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 889- 893. 3. Bemerkungen zur Anatomie der Sinnes- organe und der Kinnladen. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 1101-1114. 4. Ueber die Umbildung des Darmcanals uud der Kiemen der Froschquappen. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 615-627. 5. Ueber die Kiemenbogen und Kiernen- gefiisse beim bebriiteten Hiihnchen. Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 401-403. 6. Ueber die Ziihne von Cladobates. Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 758-760. 7. Ueber die Kiemenbogen am Vogel- embryo. Oken, Isis, XXI., 1828, col. 160- 164. 8. Ueber die Textur der Nieren. Okeu, Isis, XXI., 1828, col. 560-572. 9. Beschreibung und Anatomie eines neuen in Sicilien gefundenen Meerwurms, Notosper- mus drepanensis. Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 681-683. 1O. Ueber die Carotiden-Driise einiger Lurche. Oken, Isis, 1830, col. 683-684 ; Tiede- mann, Zeitschr. IV., 1831, pp. 113-118. 11. Ueber die erste Bildungsgeschichte des Auges und Ohres beim bebriiteten Kiich- lein. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 950-951. 12. Tausende von Kalkkrystallen im Ge- hororgan der Vo'gel. Froriep, Notizeu, XXXUI., 1832, col. 33-36. 13. Ueber die erste Entwickelung des Auges und die damit zusammenhangende Cy- klopie. Meckel, Archiv, 1832, pp. 1-47. 14. Untersuchungen iiber einige Streit- puncte in der Anatomie des menschliclien Auges. Arnnion, Zeitsclirift, in., 1833, pp. 1-29. 15. Ueber die Kalkcrystalle im Olire und andern Theilen des Frosches. Oken, Isis, 1833, cols. 675-678. 16. Verbindung des Ambosses im Ohr mit dem Griflelfortsatz. Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 678-679. — 17. Versuch einer Theorie der Sympathie. Okeu, Isis, 1833, col. 679-697. 18. Ueber einige Streitpuncte aus der Anatomie des Auges. Ammon, Zeitschrift, IV., 1835, pp. 272-295. 19. Ueber die Gehorzahne, einen eigen- thiunlichen Apparat in der Schnecke des Vogel- ohrs. Miiller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 335-346. 20. Untersuchungen iiber die Winduugeu des kleinen Gehirns. Leipzig, Berichte, 1853, pp. 142-154. Husemaxm, Aug. Ueber Carotin und Hydro- carotin. Liebig, Annal. CXVIL, 1861, pp. 200-229. Husemann, Aug. 2. Notiz iiber die Einwirkung von Einfach-Schwefelkohlenstoff auf Antimon- superchlorid. Liebig, Annal. CXVII., 1861, pp. 229-230. 3. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenutniss der schwefelhaltigen Aethylenverbindungen. Got- tingen, Nachrichten, 1862, pp. 318-334. 4. Ueber Diathylensulfiir und Dimethyl- ensulfiir. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1862, pp. 498-503. 5. Ueber Sulfocarbonate der Aethyl-, Allyl- und Aethylenreihe. Gottingen, Nach- richten, 1862, pp. 503-507. 6. Ueber iithylenschweflige Siiure (Disulf- §.2 Q3 1 atholsiiure), ., ut u., >-O*- Gottingen, tr ft > ft I Nachrichten, 1862, pp. 507-511. 7. Zur Kenntniss des Ehodanammoniums und der Harnstoft'e. Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 64-83. 8. Ueber den Sulfokohlensaure-Aethyl- glycoliither (Aethylensulfocarbonat). Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 83-90. 9. Ueber schwefelhaltige Abkommlinge der Kohlenwasserstoffe aus der Reihe -G" H>2u. Liebig, Annal. CXXVI., 1863, pp. 269-298. 1O. Zur Erkennung des Moi-phins und Narcotins. Liebig, Annal. CXXVIIL, 1863, pp. 305-310. Husemann, Aug., und Wilk. Marme. Vor- liiufige Mittheilung iiber Lycin, ein neues Alka- loid in Lycium barbarum, L. (gemeiner Teu- felszwirn). Liebig, Annal. II., 1863 (Suppl.), pp. 383-387. Husemann, Th. Ueber Alphus und Puccinia favi, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Phytoparasiten des Menschen im Allgenieinen. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, XIII., 1857, pp. 588-590. Husenbeth, F. C. Ueber Kroten. Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1831, col. 161-164. Hiiser, , und Eichhoff. Ueber das Fri- schen der Gliitte wiihrend des Abtreibeprozesses auf den Freiberger Hiitten. Karsten, Archiv, IX., 1836, pp. 232-236. Husgen, . Abhandlung iiber die Heil- quellen bei Schonberg in der Konigl. Preuss. Oberlausitz. Gorlitz, Abhandl. LU., 1842 (Hft. 2), pp. 66-79. 2. Zur Naturgeschichte der Krote. Gor- litz, Abhandl. V., 1848, pp. 167-168. Huss, . Ueber eine neue Art Blutegel, Sanguisuga albipunctata. ( Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXIIL, 1842, col. 297-298. 2. Om Bafverns forekommande i Norrland. Stockholm, Ofversigt, L, 1844, p. 10. Hussey, . On the growth of the flea. Ash- mol. Soc. Proc. No. XL, 1836, pp. 3-4. HUS] 479 [HUT Hussey, . 2. Case of apparent spontaneous combustion in a forest in the Eastern Alps. Ashmol. Soc. Proc. No. XVII., 1840, pp. 39-41. Hussey, Arthur. The tendency of species to form varieties. Newman, Zoologist, 1859, pp. 6474-6475. Hussey, James. Note on the return of Corollas normally irregular to a regular form. Phyto- logist, III., 1850, pp. 949-950. Hussey, T. J. List of differences in the cata- logues of PIAZZI and of BESSEL. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. L, 1827-30, pp. 67-69. 2. On the rotation of Venus. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. II., 1831-33, pp. 78-79 ; Astr. Nachr. XL, 1834, col. 121-136, 139-146. 3. [Observations of Uranus.] Astr. Nachr. XL, 1834, col. 379-382. • 4. [Observations of Saturn and Jupiter.] Astr. Nachr. XL, 1834, col. 421-424. 5. Beobachtungen des Halley'schen Co- meten. Astr. Nachr. XHL, 1836, col. 159-160, 291-294. Husson, . De 1'education physiologique du sens auditif chez les sourds-muets. [1828.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Med. II., 1833, pp. 178-196 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXL, 1828, col. 113-121. Husson, . Untersuchungen iiber Fettbildung in Proteinstoffen, besonders in Krystallinsen. GSttingen, Nachrichten, 1853, p. 57. Husson, . Etude geologique sur les couches situeea a la jonction des trois departements Meurthe, Moselle et Meuse. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1862, pp. 341-354. 2. Note sur les alluvions de la vallee de 1'Ingressin (arrondissement de Toul), a 1'oc- casion de la machoire humaine decouverte dans les terrains de transport de Mouliu-Quignon. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1227- 1230. 3. Sur les terrains de transport des environs de Toul. Cavernes a ossements. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 329-331 ; Revue et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 312-313. Husson, A. H., et A. Figari. Journal d'uii voyage geologique a Gebel Zeyt et dans le desert compris entre le Nil et la mer Eouge. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull, in., 1845, pp. 353-357 ; IV., 1845, pp. 32-40, 238-253 ; V., 1846, pp. 32- 40, 238-250 ; VI., pp. 111-136, 248-273. Husson, J. B. E. De 1'influence qu'exercent la division et les preparations diverses des aliments sur la nutrition des animaux. Bruxelles, Journ. Soc. Centr. Agric. VI., 1859, pp. 367-370. Husson, T. B. N. L. Sur la culture du tabac dans le departement du Bas-Ehiu. Strasbourg, Soc. Sci. Journ. L, 1824, pp. 226-257. 2. Des Orobanches et de leur influence sur les plantes qu'elles affectionnent. Strasbourg, Soc. Sci. Journ. II., 1825, pp. 262-272. Huston, D. On the analogy between the pris- matic spectrum and the musical division of sound. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1814, pp. 254-256. Hutchings, L. On a compound obtained by the action of fuming sulphuric acid on chloride of phenyl. Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, p. 102. Hutchins, Titos. Description of a remarkable rock and cascade, near the western side of the Yonghiogeny river. Philad. Trans. II., 1786, p. 50. Hutchinson, . Eoof of the New Iron Fouudery at Kasipur near Calcutta. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, pp. 111-115. Hutchinson, C. S., and ( Genl.)J. Fox Burgoyne. On quarrying rock for great works, as practised at Holyhead in the years 1850 and 1851. Eoy. Engineers, Papers, II., 1852, pp. 1-24. Hutchinson, G. R. On the conducting power of water as applied to submarine explosions by voltaic electricity, with details of apparatus. Eoy. Engineers, Papers, VII., 1845, pp. 33-41. Hutchinson, John. Neuer pneumatischer Ap- parat zur Priifung des Eespirationsvermogens. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXXL, 1844, col. 182-184. 2. Pneumatischer Apparat zur Abschiitz- ung der Starke der Eespiration. ( Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXXILL, 1845, col. 209- 211. 3. On the capacity of the lungs, and on the respiratory functions, with a view of estab- lishing a precise and easy method of detecting disease by the spirometer. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIX., 1846, pp. 137-252; Heller, Arehiv, 1847, pp. 169-180. 4. Eesearches on the function of the inter- costal muscles and on the respiratory movements, with some remarks on muscular power, in man. Eoy. Soc. Proc. V., 1847, pp. 691-693 ; Froriep, Notizen, LV., 1847, col. 149-150. Hutchinson, Jonathan. Malformation of the heart in a child who had suffered from Cyanosis. Pathol. Soc. Trans. V., 1853-54, pp. 99-101. 2. Spina bifida with Hydrocephalus. Pa- thol. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 23-24. Hutchinson, Simon. Practical experiments on the Air-drainage of Land. Agric. Soc. Journ. IX., 1848, pp. 340-342. Hutchison, A. Copcland. On the comparative infrequency of urinary calculi among seafaring people. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. IX., 1818, pp. 443-471. 2. A further inquiry into the comparative infrequency of calculous diseases among sea- faring people, with some observations on their frequency in Scotland. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1830, pp. 94-127. HUT] 480 [HUT Hutchison, Graham. Objections to Mr. ESPY'S theory of rain, hail, &c. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIII., 1839, pp. 80-90. 2. On a method of prognosticating the probable mean temperature of the several winter months from that of corresponding months in the preceding summer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 41-42. • 3. On the nature and causes of the diur- nal oscillations of the barometer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 19-20. Hutchison, Joseph C. A remarkable case of change of complexion, with loss of the sense of smell. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXIII., 1852, pp. 146-148. Huter, Riippert. Dorferalpe in Pragratten, am Fusse des Gross- Venediger. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VI., 1856, pp. 297-299, 305-306, 313-314, 321-323, 331-332. 2. Inula Hausmanni, Huter. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, pp. 137-140. Huth, G. Ueber die chemische und electrische Wirkungsweite des Galvanismus in der Volta- ischen Siiule. Gilbert, Annal. X., 1802, pp. 43-49; Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. IV., 1803, pp. 161-179. - 2. Ueber die Sonnenflecken und Sonnen- fackelu. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. IV., 1803, pp. 70-79. 3. Ueber das einfachste Compensat des Pendels. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1803, pp. 213- 215. 4. Beobachtung eines beweglichen Sterns im Lowen. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1805, pp. 215-217. 5. Vermischte physikalische Notizen. [Schnee auf dem Mars; plotzliche VerJinderung in der magnetischen Abweichung ; eine Feuer- kugel; das Zodiakallicht.] Gilbert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 246-248. 6. Ein neuer Comet. Zach, Monat. Cor- resp. XII., 1805, pp. 499-502. 7. Beschreibung eines electrischen Meteors, Hutin, Sources thermales en Afrique. welches den 31 Miirz 1804 Abends von 9 bis 12 Uhr zu Frankfurt an der Oder beobachtet worden. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. I., 1807, pp. 294-296; Gilbert, Annal. XXX., 1808, pp. 238-241. 8. Einige astronomisch-physische Beo- bachtungen. [1804.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1807, pp. 185-198. 9. Astronomische Nachrichten und Be- merkungen ; physische Beobachtung des grossen Cometen von 1811 ; geographische Bestimm- ungen u.s.w. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1815, pp. 104-111. Huth, G. W. R. Bildung von Ziihnen am unge- wohnlichen Orte. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XIII., 1847, pp. 318-322. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, p. 654. Hutin, B., et P. If. Boutigny. Quelques mots relatifs a la conservation des bois de construc- tion, et particuli&rement des traverses de che- miu de fer. Annal. de Chimie, XXIIL, 1848, pp. 381-383 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 353-355 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 383-384. Hutten-Schmidt-de-Schorndorf, Carl Robert. Recherches sur le developpement du liege et du faux liege, sur 1'ecorce des dicotyledones lig- neuses. [1836.] Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1838, pp. 290-310. Huttmann, William. On Chinese and European maps of China. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1844, pp. 117-126. Hutton, . Notice respecting experiments on the freezing of alcohol. Nicholson, 'Journ. XXXIV., 1813, pp. 166-174 ; Bull, de Pharm. V., 1813, pp. 411-415; Gilbert, Annal. XLVL, 1814, pp. 119-127; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLI., 1813, pp. 130-136 ; Schweigger, Journ. VIII., 1813, pp. 128-130 ; XIX., 1817, pp. 301-307. Hutton, Charles. Abstract of experiments made to determine the true resistance of the air to the surfaces of bodies of various figures, and moved through it with different degrees of velocity. [1787.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. II., 1790, pp. 29-36. • 2. On the origin of stones that have fallen from the atmosphere. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIL, 1805, pp. 71-79. 3. On the calculations for ascertaining the mean density of the earth. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVIII., 1811, pp. 112-116. 4. Lettre a M. le Marquis de LAPLACE sur differents sujets astronomiques et physiques. Journ. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 307-312. 5. On the mean density of the earth. Phil. Trans. 1821, pp. 276-292 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIII., 1821, pp. 3-13. Hutton, F. W. Some remarks on Mr. DARWIN'S theory. Geologist, 1861, pp. 132-136, 183-188. Hutton, G. F. On chronometers ; with remarks on the trial just terminated at Greenwich, under the direction of the Admiralty. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXL, 1823, pp. 177-180. Hutton, James. The theory of rain. [1784.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. I., 1788, pp. 41-86. 2. Theory of the earth. [1785.] Edinb. Roy. Soe. Trans. I., 1788, pp. 209-304. 3. Of certain natural appearances of the ground on the hill of Arthur's .Seat. [1778.] Edinb. Koy. Soc. Trans. II., 1790, pp. 3-1.1. 4. Answers to the Objections of M. DE Luc, with regard to the theory o!' rain. [1787.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. II., 1790, pp. 39-58. HUT] 481 [KUT Button, James. 5. Observations on granite. [1790.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. III., 1794. pp. 77-85. 6. Of the flexibility of the Brazilian stone. [1791.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. III., 1794, pp. 86-94. 7. On the philosophy of light, heat, and fire. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. IV., 1798 (Hist.), pp. 7-16. — — 8. On the sulfurating of metals. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. IV., 1798 (Hist. ), pp. 27-36. Hutton, James. On polar fogs. Silliraan, Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 378-379. Hutton, (Mrs.) Leins. Account of the habits of a species of Australian Ant. Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (Zool.), pp. 217-218. Hutton, Thomas. On the habits of the Palu- dinre. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. I., 1832, pp. 411-414. 2. Notes in Natural History. (Ova of the Spider, the Scorpion, Fresh-water Crab.) Ben- gal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. I., 1832, pp. 474-475, 554-558. 3. On the nest of the Tailor Bird. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. II., 1833, pp. 502-506. 4. On the Land Shells of India. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. III., 1834, pp. 81-93, 520- 521. 5. Account of the Bearded Vulture of the Himalaya. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. III., 1834, pp. 522-523. 6. On an article in LOUDON'S Magazine on the subject of the Albatros. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, pp. 106-110. 7. Extracts from a journal kept during a voyage from England to Calcutta. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, pp. 167-173. 8. Nest of the Bengal Vulture (Vultur Bengalensis), with observations on the power of scent ascribed to the Vulture tribe. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837, pp. 112-117. 9. On the Indian Boa, Python tigris. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1 837, pp. 528- 537. 10. Geometric Tortoises, Testudo Geome- trica. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837, pp. 689-695. 11. Proposal to explore Spiti Valley. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837, pp. 897- 898 ; VII., p. 667. 12. Journal of a trip to the Burendo Pass in 1836. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837 (pt. 2), pp. 901-938. 13. Notice of the Himalayan Vulture Eagle. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VII., 1838, pp. 20-24. VOL. in. Hutton, Thomas. 14. Journal of a trip through Kunawur, Huugrung, and Spiti, undertaken in the year 1838. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VIII., 1839, pp. 901-949 ; IX., 1840, pp. 489- 513, 555-581. 15. Wool and woollen manufactures of Khorassan. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soe. IX., 1840, pp. 327-333. 16. Geological report on the valley of the Spiti, and of the route from Kotghur. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 198-229. 17. On the creation, diffusion, and ex- tinction of organic beings. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. I., 1841, pp. 461-488. 18. On Galeodes (vorax?). Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. XI., 1842, pp. 857-862 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 81-85 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVIII., 1843, col. 49-54. 19. On the wool of the Bactrian or two- humped Camel (Camelus Bactrianus). Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. XL, 1842, pp. 1182-1187. 20. The wild sheep of Afghanistan ; " Koh-i-poombur " of the Afghans ; Bearded Sheep of Pennant (?). Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 515-521. 21. "Borz" of the Afghans; Wild Goat of Afghanistan ; " The Pasing " of Authors. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 521- 535. — 22. Markhore, or the Snake-Eater of the Afghans ; Wild Goat of Afghanistan. Cal- cutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 535- 542. 23. Remarks on the Calcutta Delta. Cal- cutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 542- 560. 24. Note on the Flata limbata, and White Wax of China. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XII., 1843, pp. 898-903, 1011. 25. Correction of the erroneous doctrine that the Snow lies longer and deeper on the Southern, than on the Northern aspect of the Himalayas. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1844, pp. 275-283. 26. Rough notes of the Zoology of Can- dahar and the neighbouring districts, with some additional information on the Birds of Afghan- istan by E. BLYTH. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIV., 1845, pp. 340-353; XV., 1846, pp. 135- 170. 27. Apparent objections to the glacial theory. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845, pp. 283-307. 28. Note on the snow line on the Hima- laya. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845, pp. 379-383 ; VI., 1846, pp. 56-59 ; Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVIII., 1849, pp. 954-966 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L., 1851, pp. 93-103. 3 p HUT] 482 [HUX Huttou, Thomas. 29. Some account of the preparatory states of Boinbyx (Actias) Selene of India. [1844.] Entom. Soc. Trans. IV., 1845-47, pp. 221-223. . 3O. Notes on the geology and mineralogy of Afghanistan. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. VI., 1846, pp. 562-611. 31. Observations on the Ovis ammonoides, Hodgson. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 568-572. • 32. Rough notes on the Ornithology of Candahar and its neighbourhood. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 775-794. 33. Notes on Indian Lepidoptera. Entom. Soc. Trans. V., 1847-49, pp. 45-51. 34. Extract of a letter on Lepidoptera to J. 0. WESTWOOD, Esq. Entom. Soc. Trans. V., 1847-49, pp. 85-86. 35. Notes on the nidification of Indian Birds. Bengal, Jourii. Asiat. Soc. XVII. (pt. 2), 184S, pp. 3-12, 681-696. 36. Notices of some Land and Fresh-water Shells occurring in Afghanistan. Bengal, Jouru. Asiat. Soc. XVIII., 1849, pp. 649-661. 37. On the Actias Selene. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIV., 1856, pp. 5-6. 38. Remarks on certain species of silk- worms indigenous to India. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. IX., 1857, pp. 164-170. 39. Remarks on the improvement of silk- worms. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. IX., 1857, pp. 391-398. 40. Notes on the silkworms of India. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. XL, 1861, pp. 1-47. • 41. Notes on the Tussuv moth. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. XL, 1861, pp. 532-533. Hutton, Thomas, and W. H. Benson. On the Land and Fresh-water Shells of the Western Himalaya. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VTL, 1838, pp. 211-218. Hutton, William. On the occurrence of Chloro- phasite in basaltic dikes in Northumberland ; of Carbonate of Stroutian in the Lead-Measures at Fallowfleld, near Hexhani. Geol. Soc. Proc. L, 1826-33,' p. 40-41; Phil. Mag. in., 1828, p. 136. 2. Notes on the New Red Sandstone of the county of Durham, below the Magnesian Lime- stone. [1830.] Northumb. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. L, 1831, pp. 60-74 ; Phil. Mng. VHL, 1830, pp. 348-354, 411-417. 3. On the Whin Sill of Cumberland and Northumberland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1831-32, pp. 76-77. 4. On the stratiform, basalt associated with the carboniferous formation of the North of England. [1831.] Northumb. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. II., 1832, pp. 187-214 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. L, 1834, pp. 341-342. Hutton, William. 5. Observations on coal. [1833.] Geol. Soc. Proc. L, 1834, pp. 415-417. Hutzelmann, Adolph. Ueber den Dillnit und Agalmatolith. Poggend. Annal. LXXVIIL, 1849, pp. 575-577 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chern. LI., 1850, pp. 185-187 ; Haidinger, Bericht. VI., 1850, pp. 55-57. 2. Ueber den Dillnit und Agalmatholith, die Begleiter des Diaspors von Schemnitz. Berg. u. Huttenm. Zeitg. X., 1851, col. 11-12. Huxley, Thomas Henry. Examination of the corpuscles of the blood of Amphioxus lanceo- latus. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 95. 2. On the anatomy and affinities of the family of the Medusae. Phil. Trans. 1849, pp. 413-434 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Zool.), 1851, pp. 331-358. 3. Description of the animal of Trigonia. Zool. Zoc. Proc. XVII., 1849, pp. 30-32 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 141-143. 4. Notes on Medusa? and Polypes. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 66-67. 5. Observations sur la circulation du sang chez les Mollusques des genres Firole et At- lante. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Zool.), 1850, pp. 193-195. 6. Zoological Notes and Observations made on board H.M.S. Rattlesnake during the years 1846-50. No. 1. On the auditory organs in the Crustacea. No. 2. On the anatomy of the genus Tethya. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 304-306, 370-374; Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Zool.), 1854, pp. 255-256. 7. Report upon the researches of Prof. MULLER into the anatomy and developement of the Echinoderms. Ann. Nat. Hist. VHL, 1851, pp. 1-19. 8. Zoological notes and observations, made on board H.M.S. Rattlesnake, on Tha- lassicolla, a new zoophyte. Ann. Nat. Hist. VHL, 1851, pp. 433-442. 9. Observations on the genus Sagitta. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851 (pt. 2), pp. 77-78. i 1O. An account of researches into the anatomy of the hydrostatic Acalephas. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851 (pt. 2), pp. 78-80. 11. Ueber die Sexualorgane der Diphyda; und Physophoridas. Miiller, Archiv, 1851, pp. 380-384. 12. Observations upon the anatomy and physiology of Salpa and Pyrosoma. Phil. Trans. 1851, pp. 567-594 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1852, pp. 242-244. . 13. Remarks upon Appendicularia and Doliolum, two genera of the Tunicata. Phil. Trans. 1851, pp. 595-606. . 14. Upon animal individuality. Roy. Inst. Proc. L, 1851-54, pp. 184-189 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LHL, 1852, pp. 172-177. HUX] 483 [HUX Huxley, Thomas Henry. 15. On the identity of structure of plants and animals. Roy. lust. Proc. I., 1851-54, pp. 298-302; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LV., 1853, pp. 235-239; Journ. Microsc. Sci. I, 1853, pp. 307-311. 16. On the common plan of animal forms. Roy. Inst. Proc. I., 1851-54, pp. 444- 446. 17. Researches into the structure of the Ascidians. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1852 (pt. 2), pp. 76-77. 18. On the anatomy and developement of Echinococcus veterinorum. Zool. Soc. Proc. XX., 1852, pp. 110-126. 19. Observations on the existence of cel- lulose in the tunic of Ascidians. Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853, pp. 22-24. 2O. On the developement of the teeth, and on the nature and import ofNASMYTH's "Per- sistent Capsule." Journ. Microsc. Sci. L, 1853, pp. 149-164. 21. Lacinularia socialis : a contribution to the anatomy and physiology of the Rotifera. [1851.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. L, 1853, pp. 1- 19. 22. On the morphology of the Cephalous Mollusca, as illustrated by the anatomy of cer- tain Heteropoda and Pteropoda, collected during the voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake in 1846-50. [1852.] Phil. Trans. 1853, pp. 29-66. 23. On the vascular system of the lower Annulosa. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), p. 109. 24. On the structure and relation of the Corpuscula tactus (Tactile corpuscles or Axile corpuscles) and of the Pacinian bodies. Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 1-7. • 25. On the ultimate structure and rela- tions of the Malpighian bodies of the Spleen and of the Tonsillar Follicles. Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 74-82. 26. On certain zoological arguments com- monly adduced in favour of the hypothesis of the progressive developement of animal life in time. Roy. lust. Proc. II., 1854-58, pp. 82- 85. 27. On natural history as knowledge, dis- cipline, and power. Roy. Inst. Proc. II., 1854- 58, pp. 187-195. 28. On the present state of knowledge as to the structure and functions of nerve. Roy. Inst. Proc. II., 1854-58, pp. 432-437. 29. On the phenomena of gemmation. Roy. Inst. Proc. II., 1854-58, pp. 534-538 ; Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1859, pp. 206-209. 3O. Contributions to the anatomy of the Brachiopoda. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 106-117, 241-242. Huxley, T/iomas Henry. 31. On hermaphro- dite and fissiparous species of tubieolar Anne- lida? (Protula Dysderi). Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L, 1855, pp. 11 3- 129. 32. On the structure of Noctiluca mi- liaris. Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 49- 54. 33. On the enamel and dentine of the Teeth. Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 127- 130. 34. Memoir on Physalia. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 3-5. 35. On the anatomy of Diphyes, and on the unity of composition of the Diphyidai and Physophoridce. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 67-69. 36. On the method of Palaeontology. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1856, pp. 43-54. • 37. Observations on the structure and affinities of Himanopterus. Geol. Soc. Journ. XII., 1856, pp. 34-37. 38. Further observations on the structure of Appendicularia flabellum, Ckamisso. Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 181-191. 39. Note on the reproductive organs of the Cheilostome Polyzoa. Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 191-192. 4O. Description of a new crustacean (Pygocephalus Cooperi, Huxley}, from the coal- measures. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1857, pp. 363-369. 41. On Dysteria, a new genus of Infu- soria. Journ. Microsc. Sci. V., 1857, pp. 78- 82. 42. Review of Dr. HANNOVER'S Memoir : " Ueber die Eutwickelung und den Bau des Siiugethierzahnes." Microsc. Soc. Journ. V., 1857, pp. 166-171. 43. Letter to Mr. TYNDALL on the struc- ture of glacier ice. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 241-260. 44. On the theory of the vertebrate skull. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 381-457; Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 414-439. • 45. Observations on the genus Pteraspis. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 82-83. 46. The Cell-Theory. (Review.) Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XII., 1858, pp. 285-314. 47. On Cephalaspis and Pteraspis. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1858, pp. 267-280. 48. On a new species of Plesiosauru.s (P. Etheridgii) from Street, near Glastoubury ; with remarks on the structure of the atlas and axis vertebras and of the cranium, in that genus. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1858, pp. 281-294. 49. Ou the agamic reproduction and mor- phology of Aphis. Linn. Soc. Traus. XXII., 1858, pp. 193-220, 221-236. 3 P 2 HUX] 484 [HUY Huxley, Thomas Henry. SO. On the persis- tent types of animal life. Roy. Inst. Proc. Ill, 1858-62, pp. 151-158. 51. On species and races, and their origin. [I860.] Eoy. Inst. Proc. III., 1858- 62, pp. 195-200 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 344-346. 52. On the nature of the earliest stages of the developement of animals. Roy. Inst. Proc. III., 1858-62, pp. 315-317. 53. On the Stagonolepis Robertson!, Agassiz, of the Elgin sandstones ; and on the recently discovered footmarks in the sandstones of Cummingstone. Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 440-460. 54. On some amphib'ian and reptilian remains from South Africa and Australia. Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 612-649; Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 507-509. 55. On a new species of Dicynodon (D. Murray!) from near Colesberg, South Africa ; and on the structure of the skull in the Dicy- nodonts. Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 649-658 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, p. 507. 56. On Rhamphorhynchus Bucklandi, a Pterosaurian from the Stonesfield slate. Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 658-670 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, p. 509. 57. On a fossil Bird and a fossil Cetacean from New Zealand. Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 670-677 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 509-510. 58. On the dermal armour of Crocodilus Hastingsipe. Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 678-680 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IH., 1859, p. 510. 59. On the anatomy and affinities of the genus Pterygotus. Geol. Survey, Mem. 1859, pp. 1-36. 6O. On Dasyceps Bucklandi (Labyrintho- don Bucklandi, Lloyd). Geol. Survey, Mem. 1859, pp. 52-56. 61. On a fragment of a lower jaw of a large Labyrinthodont from Cubbiugton. Geol. Survey, Mem. 1859, pp. 56-57. 62. Observations on the developement of some parts of the skeleton of fishes. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 33-46. 63. Oil some points in the anatomy of Nautilus pompilius. [1858.] Linn. Soc. Jouru. in., 1859 (ZooL), pp. 36-44. 64. On the structure of the mouth and pharynx of the Scorpion. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., 1860, pp. 250-254. 65. On the dermal armour of Jacare and Huxley, Thomas Henri/. 66. On a new species of Macrauchenia (M. Boliviensis). Geol. Soc. Journ. XVII., 1861, pp. 73-84. 67. On Pteraspis Dunensis (ArcliEeoteu- this Dunensis. Homer). Geol. Soc. Jouru. XVII., 1861, pp. 163-166. 68. Preliminary essay upon the systematic arrangement of the fishes of the Devonian epoch. Geol. Survey, Mem. 4°., 1861, Dec. X. 69. On the zoological relations of man with the lower animals. Nat. Hist. Review, 1861, pp. 67-84. 70. On the brain of Ateles paniscus. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 247-260. 71. On new Labyrinthodonts from the Edinburgh coal-field. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIII., 1862, pp. 291-296. 72. On a stalk-eyed Crustacean from the carboniferous strata near Paisley. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIII., 1862, pp. 420-422. 73. On (he premolar teeth of Diprotodon, and on a new species of that genus (D. australis). Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIH., 1862, pp. 422-427. 74. On the anatomy and developement of Pyrosoma. [1859.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1862, pp. 193-250 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 29-35. 75. Description of a new specimen of Glyptodon recently acquired by the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862- 63, pp. 316-326. 76. Letter on the human remains found in Shell-mounds. Ethnol. Soc. Trans. II., 1863, pp. 265-266. 77. Description of Anthracosaurus Rus- Caiman, with notes on the specific and generic characters of recent Crocodilia. [1859.] Linn. Soc. Journ. IV., 1860 (Zool.), pp. 1-28. selli, a new Labyrinthodont from the Lanark- shire coal-field. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1863, pp. 56-68. Huxley, Thomas Henri/, and«7o/<« Tyndall. On the structure and motion of glaciers. Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 327-346 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1858, pp. 340-344; Bibl. Univ. Archives, II., 1858, pp. 200-231; Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, pp. 365-388; Zurich, Vierteljahrschr. III., 1858, pp. 36-61. Huygens, Christian. On the cause of the re- markable appearance of calcareous Spar, and on its cleavage in three diflerent directions. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 314-317. Huyot, E. Notice sur la mine et 1'usine d'ldria (Carniole). Annal. des Mines, V., 1854, pp. 7- 68. Huyot, E., et Napoleon Garella. Rapport sur les mines de houille d'PIeraclee. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1854, pp. 173-234. HUYJ 485 [HYR Huyssea, Any. Ueber die Anwendung der Mauerung zum Abdiimmen der Grubenwasser im Miirkischen und im Essen-Werdenschen Berg-Amts-Bezirke. Karsteu, Archiv, XXV., 1853, pp. 3-118. 2. Beschreibung der in Westplialen an- gewandten Methodeu Bohrschiichte niederzu- brinsren und wasserdicht herzustellen. Karsteu, Aretiiv, XXVI., 1854, pp. 65-114. 3. Der Salzbergbau und Salinenbetrieb in Oesterreich, Steiermark und Salzburg. Carnall, Zeitschr. II., 1855, pp. 1-94. 4. Die Soolquellen des Westphiilischen Kreidegebirges, ihr Vorkomnien und muth- maasslicher Ursprung. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VII., 1855, pp. 17-252, 567-654. 5. Das Steinkohlengebirge an der Ruhr in Westphalen und das Schlesische. Breslau, Schks. Gesell. Jahresb. 1863, pp. 28-30. 6. Die allgemeinen geologischen Verlmlt- nisse der Lombardei. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1863, pp. 33-35. Huzard, Note sur des experiences faites pour constater 1'effet du sulfate d'ammoniaque dans les cultures en grand. Paris, Bull. Soe. Encour. XLV., 1846, pp. 23-28 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 3-6. 2. Note sur les accouplements entre con- sanguins dans les families ou races des princi- paux animaux domestiques. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 145-160. Huzard, J. B. Observations et remarques sur un veau qui est reste mort et intact dans la ma- trice pres de quinze mois apres le temps du velage. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1798-99, pp. 295-311. Huzard, J. B. (Jlls). Foetus de brebis reste trois annees dans le ventre de sa mere. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. V., 1816, pp. 192-194. 2. Note sur le fleuve du Senegal. Journ. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 168-169. 3. Description d'une valvule spirale a 1'ouverture cardiaque de 1'estomac du cheval, decouverte par M. le Doct. GUKLT. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VIII., 1822, pp. 111-114. Hvoslef, //. Beobachtungen iiber Phosphor- metalle. Liebig, Annal. C., 1856, pp. 99-103 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 149-150. 2. Forelobige Meddelelser om nogle Deri- vater af Salicylsyren. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. VIII., 1860, pp. 559-564. Hybord, . Sur de nouvelles eaux minerales de la Perriure, pres de la ville de Moutiers en Tarantaise. J ourn. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 422-423. Hyett, W. H. On modes of comparing the nu- tritive values of different crops. Agric. Soc. Journ. IV., 1843, pp. 139-150. Hyett, W. H. 2. On the absorption of liquid solutions by growing timber. Highland Soc. Trans. VIII., 1843, pp. 535-567. 3. Heights of some points of the Cotswold hills, with some experiments with the Aneroid Barometer. [1849.] Cotswold Club, Proc. I., 1853, pp. 38-41 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 255-259. Hylten-Cavallius, C. Kemisk-tekniska forsok med lim. Stockholm, Ofversigt, X., 1853, pp. 167-169 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 140-142. Hymmen, von. Verzeichniss der Lepidopt- eren, welche ich in der Umgegend von Trier gefangen oder aus der Raupe gezogen habe, nebst Angabe der Fangorte, geordnet nach dem System von OCHSENHEIMEK und TREITSCHKE ; die Tinieden nach ZELLER. Trier, Jahresber. 1853, pp. 40-50. Hyndman, George C. Note on the occurrence of the genus Diphya on the coast of Ireland. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1841, pp. 164-166. 2. Note of species obtained by deep dredging near Sana Island, off the Mull of Can- tire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842 (pt. 2), pp. 70- 72; Ann. Nat. Hist, X., 1842, pp. 19-20. 3. Report on the proceedings of the Bel- fast Dredging Committee. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857, pp. 220-237. 4. Notice of a curious monstrosity of form in the Fusus antiquus. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (p(. 2), p. 104 ; Nat. Hist. Review, 1857 (Proc. Soc.), p. 250. 5. Report of the Belfast Dredging Com- mittee. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858, pp. 282-293. Hyrtl, Joseph. Ueber die Caudal- und Kopf- Sinuse der Fische, und das damit zusammen- hangende Seiteugefuss-System. Miiller, Archiv, 1843, pp. 224-240 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Zool.), 1843, pp. 215-229. 2. Lepidosiren paradoxa : Monographic. Bohrn. Gesell. Abh. III., 1843-44, pp. 605-668. 3. Entdeckung zweier neuer Muskeln. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, I., 1844, pp. 115-117. . 4. Beitriige zur Physiologic der Harn- Secretion. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, I.. 1845, pp. 381-397. 5. Beitriige zur angewandten Anatomic des Hiiftgelenkes. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, III., 1846, pp. 50-85. 6. Ueber die Carotiden des A'i (Bradipus torquatus). Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, p. 69. 7. Ueber einige iuteressaute Abweich- ungeu der unteren Wirbelbogeu der Fische. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 79-85. 8. Ueber einige Eigenthiimlichkeiten der Schwimmblase bei der Guttling Caranx. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 331-334. HYR] 486 [HYR Hyrtl, Joseph. 9. Ueber das angebliche Fehlen der Harnblase bei einigen Fischgattungen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. III., 1849 (Abth. 2), pp. 9-10. 1O. Ueber das Ossiculum canalis naso-lacry- malis. Wien, Sitz. Ber. III., 1849 (Abth. 2), pp. 222-224. 11. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Angio- logie. I. Ueber die Nasalwundernetze der Wiederkiiuer und Pachydermen. II. Ueber die Carotiden des Ai (Bradypus torquatus). III. Ueber die Lymphherzen des Sclieltopusik (Pseudopus Pallasii). Wien, Denkschr. I., 1850, pp. 13-28. 12. Zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Trommelhohle. Wien, Denkschr. I., 1850, pp. 29-37. 13. Beitrage zur Morphologic der Uro- genital-Organe der Fische. Wien, Deukschr. I., 1850, pp. 391-409. 14. Bemerkungen iiber den Proteus an- guinus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. V., 1850, p. 303. 15. Das uropoetische System der Knochen- fische. Wien, Denkschr. n., 1851, pp. 27- 100. 16. Ueber die Schwimmblase des Lepid- osteus osseus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VIII., 1852, p. 71. — — 17. Ueber die Pori abdominales, die Kiemeu-Arterien, und die Glandula thyreoidea der Ganoideu. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VIII., 1852, pp. 179-185. 18. Ueber das Arterien-System des Lepid- osteus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VIIL, 1852, pp. 234- 241. i 19. Ueber das Vorkommen von Wunder- netzen bei Hyrax Syriacus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. Vin., 1852, pp. 457-466. 2O. Bemerkuugen zu zwei anatomischen Abhandlungen iiber Mauis und Myrmecophaga. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 225-299. 21. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Angio- logie. IV. Das arterielle Gefass-System der Monotremen. [1852.] Wien, Denkschr. V., 1853, pp. 1-20; Wien, Sitz. Ber. VIIL, 1852, pp. 33-39. 22. Ueber das Labyrinth und die Aorten- bogen der Gattung Ophiocephalus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1853, pp. 148-153. 23. Ueber normale Quertheilung der Sau- rierwirbel. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1853, pp. 185- 192. -^— 24. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Angio- logie. V. Das arterielle Gefass-System der Edentaten. [1852.] Wien, Denkschr. VI., 1854, pp. 21-64 ; Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, p. 783. 25. Ueber den Zusammenhang der Ge- Hyrtl, Joseph. 26. Beitrag zur Anatomie von Heterotis Ehrenbergii, C. V. Wien, Denkschr. VIIL, 1854, pp. 73-88; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIL, 1854, pp. 397-399. 27. Zur Anatomie von Saccobranchus singio, C. V. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL, 1854, pp. 302-307. 28. Ueber einige Eigenthiimlichkeiten der arteriellen Gefassveriistlungen bei den See- hunden und Wallrossen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL, 1854, pp. 744-749. 29. Ueber weibliche Oviducte bei mann- lichen Chimreren, und eine mannliche Vesicula seminalis bei Weibchen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL, 1854, pp. 1078-1087. 30. Kurze, vorlfmfige Notiz iiber einen fur das hiesige zootomische Museum erworbenen Chlamydophorus truncatus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIL, 1854, pp. 77-79. 31. Ueber ein angebliches Bastardkalb von Hirsch und Kuh. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XIII., 1854. pp. 143-162. 32. Kurzer Bericht iiber die Osteologie des Chlamydophorus truncatus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIV., 1854, pp. 309-315. 33. Beweis, dass die Ursprvinge der Coro- nar-Arterien, wuhrend der Systole der Kammer, von den Semilunarklappen nicht bedeckt werd- en, und dass der Eintritt des Blutes in dieselben nicht wain-end der Diastole stattflndet. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIV., 1854, pp. 373-385. 34. Chlamydophori truncati cum Dasypode gymnuro comparatum examen anatomicum. [1845.] Wien, Denkschr. EX., 1855, pp. 1-66. 35. Ueber die accessorischen Kiemenor- schlechts- und Harnwerkzeuge bei den Gan- oiden. Wien, Denkschr. VIIL, 1854, pp. 65- 72; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIL, 1854, pp. 179-180. gane der Clupeaceen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Darmcanal derselben. Wien, Denkschr. X., 1855, pp. 47-58 ; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVII., 1855, pp. 163-165. 36. Anatomische Mittheilungen iiber Mor- rnyrus und Gymnarchus. Wien, Denkschr. XIL, 1 856, pp. 1-22 ; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLX., 1856, pp. 94-97. 37. Das arterielle Gefass-System der Rochen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXV., 1857, pp. 236-239 ; Wien, Denkschr. XV., 1858, pp. 1- 36. 38. Ueber die Plica nervi laryngei. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXV., 1857, pp. 471-475. 39. Anatomische Untersuchung des Cla- rotes (Gonocephalus) Heuglini, Kner. (Mit einer Abbildung und einer osteologischen Tabelle der Siluroiden). Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXVI., 1857, pp. 371-372 ; Wien, Denkschr. XVI., 1859, pp. 1-18. 4O. Ueber den Amphibienkreislauf von Amphipnous und Monopterus. [1857.] Wien, Denkschr. XIV., 1858, pp. 39-48. HTE] 487 [IBB Hyrtl, Joseph. 41. Zwei Varianten des Mus- culus sternoclavicularis. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIX., 1858, pp. 265-268. 42. Notiz iiber das Cavum proper! toneale Retzii in der vorderen Bauchwand des Mensch- en. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIX., 1 858, pp. 259-269. 43. Ueber spontane Dehiscenz des Teg- men tympani und der Cellulre mastoidese. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXX., 1858, pp. 275-282. 44. Ein Fall von Processus supracondy- loideus femoris (Gruber) am Lebenden. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXI., 1858, pp. 231-234. • 45. Berichtigung iiber die Ala parva In- grassite. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 284-286. 46. Vorliiufige Anzeige iiber gefasslose Herzen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 572-576. 47. Angeborner Mangel der unteren Nasen- muscheln und des Sieb-Beinlabyrinthes. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVIII., 1859, pp. 222-228. 48. Ueber die Trochlearfortsatze der menschlichen Knochen. Wien, Denkschr. XVHL, 1860, pp. 141-156 ; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXV., 1859, pp. 133-135. 49. Ueber Wirbelsynostosen und Wirbel- suturen bei Fischen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL., 1860, pp. 273-275 ; Wien, Denkschr. XX., 1862, pp. 95-110. — 50. Ueber wahre und falsche Schalt- knochen in der Pars orbitaria des Stimbeines. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIL, 1860, pp. 213-222. 51. Anatomical Notes. Nat. Hist. Re- view, 1861, pp. 315-324 ; 1862, pp. 95-105. 52. Ueber das epigonale Kiemenorgan der Lutodeira, mit einer Tafel und einer osteolog- ischen Tabelle der Clupeiden CUVIER'S. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLHI., 1861, pp. 155-156. Hyrtl, Joseph. 53. Ueber Anangische (gefass- lose) Netzhiiute. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLm., 1861, pp. 207-212. 54. Ueber eine neue Rippenart und iiber das Labyrinth von Polyacanthus Hasselti. [1861.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLFV., 1861, pp. 191-192; Wien, Deukschr. XXI., 1863, pp. 11-16. 55. Ueber das Vorkommen falscher Schalt- knochen in der iiusseren Wand der mensch- licheii Highmorsholile. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1861, pp. 347-354. 56. Ueber die Nierenknauel der Haifische. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XI., 1861 (Abh.), pp. 125-132. 57. Ueber besondere Eigenthiimlichkeiten der Kiemen und des Skeletes, und iiber das epigonale Kiemenorgan von Lutodeira Chanos. [1861.] Wien, Denkschr. XXL, 1863, pp. 1- 10. 58. Ueber die Injectionen der Wirbel- thierniereu und deren Ergebnisse. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VII., 1863, pp. 146-204. 59. Ueber die accessorischen Strecksehnen der kleinen Zehe, und ihr Verhalten zum Liga- mentum interbasicum dorsale der zwei letzten Mittelfussknochen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VII., 1863, pp. 340-346. 60. Neue Wundernetze und Geflechte bei Vogeln und Siiugethiereu. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVni., 1863, pp. 6-7; Wien, Denkschr. XXLL, 1864, p. 113. 61. Ueber abwickelnbare Geflissknauel in der Zunge der Batrachier. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VIII., 1863, pp. 437-440. I. I., /. R. Proposal for constructing a Galvanic Apparatus of great power, for the combustion of metals. Nicholson, Journ. VII., 1804, pp. 269- 270. 2. Description of a Galvanic Apparatus affording a large surface for oxidation, and con- vertible into one or more plates at pleasure. Nicholson, Journ. VIII., 1804, pp. 79-80. landous, A. Tabak. Nastin chemicky [on tobacco]. Ziva, 1860, pp. 172-175. 2. Aluminium. lod. Ziva, 1862, pp. 181-184. Ibbetson, Agnes. On the impregnation of the seed, and first shooting of the nerve of life, in the embryo of Plants. Nicholson, Journ. XXHL, 1809, pp. 161-169. 2. On the Perspiration of Plants. Nichol- son, Journ. XXHL, 1809, pp. 169-173. 3. On the formation of the winter Leaf- bud, and of Leaves. Nicholson, Journ. XXIIL, 1809, pp. 293-300. — 4. On the stem of trees, with an attempt to discover the cause of motion of Plants. Ni- cholson, Jourii. XXIIL, 1809, pp. 334-350. IBB] 488 [IBB Ibbetson, Agnes. 5. On the supposed perspira- tion of Plants. Nicholson, Jouru. XXIII., 1 809, pp. 351-354. 6. Remaining proof of the cause of motion in Plants explained ; and what is called the sleep of Plants shown to be relaxation only. Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 114-124. 7. On the effects produced by the grafting and budding of trees. Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 337-346. 8. On the defects of grafting and budding. Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 316-357. 9. On the structure and growth of seeds. Nicholson, Journ. XXVII., 1810, pp. 1-17. • 10. On the structure and classification of seeds. Nicholson, Journ. XXVII., 1810, pp. 174-184. 11. On the method of JDSSIEU. Nichol- son, Journ. XXVIII., 1811, pp. 98-105. 12. The beautiful tint of flowers acquired by the same means that paint the rainbow. Nicholson, Journ. XXVIII., 1811, pp. 170- 180. 13. On the interior of plants. Nicholson, Journ. XXVIII., 1811, pp. 254-266; XXIX., 1811, pp. 1-12. — 14. Description of Firs, illustrated by dissections. Nicholson, Journ. XXIX., 1811, pp. 202-212. 15. On the motion of the flower of the Barberry. Nicholson, Journ. XXIX., 1811, pp. 213-214. . 16. Farther observations on the fructifi- cation of the Firs. Nicholson, Journ. XXIX., 1811. pp. 295-298. 17. On the hairs of Plants. Nicholson, Jouru. XXX., 1812, pp. 1-9 18. Of the mechanical powers in the leaf stalks of various Plants. Nicholson, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 179-183. 19. On the mechanism of Leaves. Ni- cholson, Journ. XXXI., 1812, pp. 1-4. 2O. On the mechanism of Flowers. Nicholson, Journ. XXXI., 1812, pp. 81-87. 21. On the different sorts of Wood, with some remarks on the work of Du THOUARS. Nicholson, Journ. XXXI., 1812, pp. 161-168. 22. On fresh-water Plants. Nicholson, Journ. XXXI., 1812, pp. 241-248. 23. On the fructification of the Plants of the class Cryptogamia. Nicholson, Journ. XXXII., 1812, pp. 1-13. 24. Letter on the structure of the Water Lily. Nicholson, Journ. XXXII., 1812, pp. 137-138. 25. On the dissection of Flowers. Nichol- son, Journ. XXXIL, 1812, pp. 169-176. — — 26. On the interior buds of all Plants. Nicholson, Journ. XXXIII., 1812, pp. 1-10. Ibbetson, Agnes. 27. On the secret and open nectaries of various Flowers. Nicholson, Journ. XXXIII., 1812, pp. 171-179. 28. On the growth or increase of Trees. Nicholson, Journ. XXXIII., 1812, pp. 241-251. 29. On the roots of Trees. Nicholson, Journ. XXXIII., 1812, pp. 334-344. • 3O. On the formation of the seeds of Plants, and other objects. Nicholson, Journ. XXXV., 1813, pp. 19-29. = 31. On the wood and bark of Trees much magnified. Nicholson, Journ. XXXV., 1813, pp. 87-94. 32. The seeds of all Plants first formed in the roots. Nicholson, Journ. XXXVI., 1813, pp. 34-45. 33. Letter showing that the spiral wire is the cause of all motions in Plants. Nicholson, Journ. XXXVI., 1813, pp. 266-277. 34. On the use of air-vessels in Plants. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIII., 1814, pp. 81-88 ; Journ.de Phys. LXXVIIL, 1814, pp. 453-461. 35. Explanation of the cuticle of Leaves. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIV., 1814, pp. 161-171. 36. On the nourishment produced to the Plant by its Leaves. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLV., 1815, pp. 3-15. 37. On the phenomena attending the roots of Plants in snowy weather. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLV., 1815, pp. 177-178. 38. A paper proving that the embryos of the Seeds are formed in the Root alone. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLV., 1815, pp. 183-188. 39. On the phenomena of vegetation. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLV., 1815, pp. 321-329. 4O. Experiments introductory to an attempt to exhibit the comparative anatomy of animals and vegetables. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVL, 1815, pp. 46-48. 41. Comparative anatomy ; or a slight attempt to draw up a comparison between animal and vegetable life. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVL, 1815, pp. 81-100. 42. On the anatomy of vegetables ; in- tended to substitute many important Truths in Phytology. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVIIL, 1816, pp. 96-111. 43. On the physiology of vegetables. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVIIL, 1816, pp. 173- 189, 401-408 ; XLIX., 1817, pp. 125-132 ; L., 1817, pp. 341-348. 44. A new view of vegetable life. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XLVIIL, 1816, pp. 278-286. 45. On the death of plants. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1818, pp. 252-262. 46. On the seeds of plants. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LI., 1818, pp. 404-411. 47. On the fructification of seeds. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. LIL, 1818, pp. 81-88. IBB] 489 [IDE Ibbetson, Agnes. 48. On the action of lime upon animal and vegetable substances. Thom- son, Ann. Phil. XIV., 1819, pp. 125-129. • 49. On the physiology of botany. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. LVL, 1820, pp. 3-9. SO. On the flower-buds of trees passing through the wood, as noticed by CICERO and PLINY. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 3-8. — 51. On the perspiration alleged to take place in plants. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 243-248. 52. On the pollen of flowers. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LX., 1822, pp. 56-60. Ibbetson, L. L. Boscawen. On a method of Electrotype, by which the deposition on minute objects is easily accomplished. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), p. 39. — — 2. On three sections of the Oolitic for- mations on the Great Western Railway, at the West end of Sapperton Tunnel. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847, p. 61. 3. On the position of the Chloritic Marl or Phosphate of Lime Bed in the Isle of Wight. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 69-70. 4. Ueber die verschiedenen Etagen und Schichten der Kreideformation auf der Insel Wight. Dresden, Sitzungsber. Isis, 1863, pp. 156-158. Ibbetson, L. L. Boscawen, and E. Forbes. On the section between Black-Gang Chine and Atherfield Point. Geol. Soc. Jouru. I., 1845, pp. 190-197. Ibbetson, L. L. Boscawen, and J. Morris. Notice of the geology of the neighbourhood of Stamford and Peterborough. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848, pp. 127-131. Ibrelisle (Dr.). Du froid et de son action sur I'economie animale. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXVIII., 1846-47, pp. 246-276. Ibsen, . Over Delphinernes og Sielhundenes Karsystemer. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl, I., 1839, pp. 135-136. 2. Bidrag til Orets Anatomi. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VI., 1851, pp. 226-229. Icard, . Analise d'un calcul uriuaire. Aix, Acad. Mem. 1827, pp. 297-306. Icilius, Quintits. Meruoire sur les valeurs numeriques des constantes qui entrent dans 1'expression de la chaleur degagee par les courants. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1857, pp. 495-499. Ick, William. Remarkable plants found growing in the vicinity of Birmingham in the year 1836. Analyst, VI., 1837, pp. 20-28. 2. On some superficial deposits near Bir- mingham. Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1812, pp. 731-732. VOL. ni. Ick, William. 3. Description of the remains of numerous fossil dicotyledonous trees in an outcrop of the bottom coal at Parkfield Colliery, near Bilston. Geol. Soc. Journ. L, 1845, pp. 43-46. 4. On some crustaceous remains in car- boniferous rocks. Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1845, p. 199. Ide, J. J. A. Principiorum hygrometriae suc- cincta recensio. Moscou, Comment. Soc. Phys. Med. I., 1808, pp. 105-140. Ideler, Christian Ludwia. Ueber die Gradmess- ungen der Alien. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXIII., 1811, pp. 453-482. 2. Ueber die Trigonometric der Alien. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVI., 1812, pp. 3-38. • 3. Ueber das Kalenderwesen der Griecheii und Romer. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVIII., 1813, pp. 514-551. 4. Ueber die Sternkunrle der Chaldaer. Berlin, Abhandl. 1814-15 (Phil.), pp. 199-229. 5. Ueber den Cyclus des Metou. Berlin, Abhandl. 1814-15 (Phil.), pp. 230-258. 6. Ueber die Zeitrechnung der Perser. Berlin, Abhandl. 1814-15 (Phil.), pp. 259- 280. 7. Erliiuterung zweier die Hunds-Stern- periode der Aegypter betreffcnden Stellen der Alten. Lindenau, Zeitschr. I., 1816, pp. 436- 441. 8. Ueber den Kalender des PTOLEM^EUS. Berlin, Abhandl. 1816-17 (Phil.), pp. 163- 214. 9. Ueber die bei den morgenlandischen Volkern gebriiuchlichen Formen des Julian- ischen Jahrs. Berlin, Abhandl. 1816-17 (Phil.), pp. 215-262. 1O. Ueber die Zeitrechnung der Romer. Berlin, Abhandl. 1818-19 (Hist. Phil.), pp. 101-178. 11. Ueber den astronomischen Theil der Fasti des OVID. Berlin, Abhandl. 1822-23 (Phil.), pp. 137-170. 12. Ueber die Liingen- und Fliichenmasse der Alten. Berlin, Abhandl. 1825 (Phil.), pp. 169-189; 1827 (Phil.), pp. 111-128. 13. Ueber die von D'ANVILLE in die alte Geographie eingefiihrten Stadien. Berlin, Abhandl. 1826 (Phil.), pp. 1-18. 14. Ueber EUDOXUS. Berlin, Abhandl. 1828 (Phil.), pp. 49-88. 15. Ueber das Alter der Runenkalender. Berlin, Abhandl. 1829 (Phil.), pp. 49-66. 16. Ueber die Zeitrechnung vor Chata und Igur. Berlin, Abhandl. 1832 (Phil.), pp. 271-299. 17. Ueber die Reduction Aegyptischer Data aus den Zeiten der Ptolemaer. Berlin, Abhandl. 1834 (Phil.), pp. 43-61. 3 Q IDE] 490 [ILI Ideler, C/tristian Ludwig. 18. Ueber die Zeit- reclmung der Chinesen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1837 (PM.),pp. 199-369; 1839 (Phil.), pp. 19-39, 199-369. 19. Ueber den Ursprung des Thierkreises. Berlin, Abhandl. 1838 (Phil.), pp. 1-24. Ideler, Julius Ludwig. Ueber den Hagel. Poggend. Aunal. XVI., 1829, pp. 499-508. 2. Ueber den Hagel und die electriscken Erscheinungeii unserer Atrnosphare. Poggend. Annal. XVII., 1829, pp. 435-471. 3. Ueber die angebliclien Veranderungen des Klima's. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, p. 249. Idestam, Gustav. Chemische Untersuchung der Schlacken welche bei der Zugutemachung der Erze von Orijervi Kupfergrube in Finland erhalten werden. (Transl.) Karsteo, Archiv f. Bergbau, XIV., 1827, pp. 401-418. Igelstrom, L. J. Mineral analyser : [Wollast- onit, Tungsten, Antophyllit, Ellagit, Neotokit]. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VI., 1849, pp. 166-168. — — 2. Om refflorna, jiittegrytorna och diluvial- forniationen i Norden. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VI., 1849, pp. 238-257. 3. Bidrag till kannedomen af Weruilands mineralier. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VII., 1850, pp. 202-211. 4. Geognostisk-mineralogisk beskrifning ofver Wermskogs socken ined delar af omkring- liggande socknar i Wermlands Liin. Skaud. Naturf. Forhandl. VL, 1851, pp. 123-144. 5. Pajsbergit och Stratopeit, tvenne nya Svenska mineralier. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VIII., 1851, pp. 143-147 ; Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XL, 1852, col. 163-166 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chcm. LIV., 1851, pp. 190-194. 6. Mineralogiska underrattelser franWerm- skogs socken i Wermland. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, IX., 1852, pp. 18-20. 7. Mineral-analyser. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, X., 1853, pp. 69-70. 8. Sallsamma mineralier frail Elfdahls hiirad i Wermland. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XI., 1854, pp. 66-70. 9. Nya Svenska mineralier (Svanbergit, Lazulith). Stockholm, Ofversigt, XL, 1854, pp. 156-159; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. LXIV., 1855, pp. 252-254. 1O. Orn ett for Sverige nytt mineral. (Brucit.) Stockholm, Ofversigt, XV., 1858, pp. 187-189. 11. Undersdkuing af tvenne, icke forut i Sverge antraffade mineralier (Stilpnomelan, Pek- tolit). Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVI., 1859, pp. 399-400. 12. Om ett aphrodiserit-likt mineral fran Wermland. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVII., 1860, pp. 453-454. Ignon, Auyuste. Note sur de la chaux sulfatee selenite, trouvee a Brugers. Mende, Soc. Agric. Mem. 1827, pp. 161-162. 2. Observations sur le forage de puits ar- tesiens, dans quelques localites du departement de la Lozere. Mende, Soc. Agric. Mem. 1830, pp. 202-205. Ignon, J. J. M. Rapport sur les variations de 1'atmosphere et sur les causes auxquelles on peut les attribuer. [1823.] Mende, Soc. Agric. Mem. 1827, pp. 146-153. 2. Reboisement des montagnes. Mende, Soc. Agric. Mem. 1841-42, pp. 80-83. Ignone, Giuseppe. Sul rnodo di migliorare la bevanda del Caffe. [1832.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. V., 1834, pp. 245-248. Ihle. M. Erz-Vorkommen und andere geolog- isclie Erscheinungen bei Kaafjord unfern Alton in Finnmarken. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, p. 369. Ihle, M., und F. Reich. Ueber die Temperatur und den mittlereu Barometerstand zu Kaafjord bei Alton in Finnmarken. Poggend. Annal. LVIIL, 1843, pp. 336-344. Ihne, . Bergmanuische Skizzen von der Lahu und Dill. Allgem. Berg. Zeitung, I., 1859, pp. 489-491, 509-511 ; II., pp. 33-36, 41-44, 73-75, 110-112, 113-116. 2. Bemerkungen iiber die geognostischen und bergmannischen Verhaltnisse der mittlereu Mosel. Allgem. Berg. Zeitung, III., 1861, pp. 1-5, 16-20, 33-34, 63-66. 3. Geognostische und montanistische Frajr- mente vom Westerwalde. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitung, XX., 1861, pp. 181-185, 210-212,218- 220, 226-230, 240-242, 246-249. Ikany, . Ueber die Flora der Umgegend von Briinu. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver, Verhandl. III., 1853, pp. 174-177. Ikin, . Description de nouvelles grilles a barres creuses, pour les fourneaux et les foyers. Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 559-562. Iliff, William Tiffin. Notice on some larva believed to belong to Musca canicularis con- tained in the Urate of Ammonia voided by a Boa Constrictor. Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1840, p. 52. 2. Some experiments on the roots of the Canna Indica, with reference to their value in an economical point of view. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 85. Ilimoff, — — . Analyse d'un cymolite du gou- vernement d'Ekaterinoslav. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1841, pp. 336-337. 2. Analyse de 1'acier damasse de Zlatooust et de deux scories provenant de la fabrication de cet acier. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1841, pp. 391-398. 3. Analyse de la Volkhonskoite. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1842, pp. 366-367. ILI] 491 [ILL Ilin. See lulin. Ilisch, Fr. Bestimmung der in den Knollen der Kartoffeln enthaltenen Sauren. Liebig, Annal. LI., 1844, pp. 246-250. Iljenko, Paul. Ueber Faulnissproducte des Thiercaseins. Liebig, Anual. LXIIL, 1847, pp. 264-272. Iljenko, Paul, und N. Laskowski. Ueber die fliichtigen Sauren im Kii.se. Liebig, Annal. LV., 1845, pp. 78-95 ; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 459-460. illiger, Karl. Vierzig neue Insecten aus der Hellwigischen Sammlung in Braunschweig. Wiedemann, Archiv, I., 1800 (pte. 2), pp. 103- 150 ; II., pp. 229-230. 2. Nachtrag und Berichtigungen zum Verzeichnisse der Kafer Preussens. [1798.] Illiger. Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 1-94. 3. 1st es richtiger, Genus durch Ge- schlecht oder durch Gattung auszudriicken ? Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 95-105. 4. Ueber die Deutscben Benennungen in der Naturkunde. Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 106-124. — 5. Namen der Insecten-Gattungeu, ihr Genitiv, ihr grammatisches Geschlecht, ihr Silbenmass, ihre Herleitung ; zugleich rnit den Deutschen Benennungen. Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 125-155. 6. Die Deutschen Namen der Insectengat- tungen. Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 156-162. 7. Neue Insecten. Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 163-208. 8. Prtifende Uebersicht der seit 1801 auf- gestellten neueu Gattungen uud Arten. Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 242-252. 9. Vermischte Nachrichten und Bemerk- ungen in Entomologie. Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, p. 253. 1O. Ueber das Fabrici'sche System und iiber die Bediufnisse des jetzigen Zustandes der Insectenkunde. Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 261-284. 11. Aufzahlung der Kafergattungen nach der Zahl der Fussglieder. Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 285-305. 12. Zusiitze, Berichtigungen und Bemerk- ungen zu FABRICII " Systema Eleutheratorum." Tomus I. Illiger, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 306- 425 ; III., 1804, pp. 164-180; IV., 1805, pp. 69-174 ; V., 1806, pp. 221-246. 13. Nachschrift zum Aufsatze des J. C. FABRICICS liber die Vertheidigung des Fabrici- schen Systems. Illiger, Magazin, II., 1803, pp. 14-23. 14. Auseinandersetzung von zwei unter dem Namen Rumina bisher verwechselten Tag- falterarten : Papilio rumina und P. medesicaste. Illiger, Magazin, II., 1803, pp. 181-185. Illiger, Karl. 15. Verzeichniss der in Portugal einheimischen Kafer. Illiger, Magazin, II., 1803, pp. 186-258. 16. Ueberblick der Siiugethiere nach ihrer Vertheilung iiber die Welttheile. [1811.] Berlin, Abhandl. 1804-11, pp. 39-160. 17. Die essbaren Insecten und eine neue Art von Spinnen. Illiger, Magazin, III., 1804, pp. 207-214. 18. Zusiitze zu der Terminologie der In- secten. Illiger, Magazin, V., 1806, pp. 1-27. 19. William KIEBY'S Familien der bienen- artigen Insecten, mit Zusiitzen, Nachweisungen und Bemerkungen. Illiger, Magaziu, V., 1806, pp. 28-175. 2O. Einige Bemerkungen iiber CUVIER'S Eintheiluug der Siiugethiere. Wiedemann, Archiv, V., 1806, pp. 269-273. 21. Monographic der Elateren mit leucht- enden Flecken auf dem Hals-Schilde. Berlin, Ges. Nat, Freunde Mag. I., 1807, pp. 141-152. 22. Portugiesische Kafer. Illiger, Magazin, VI., 1807, pp. 1-80. 23. Verzeichniss der Arten der Flohkafer, Haltica?, in der Hellwig-Hoffinanseggischen Sammlung, mit Beschreibung der neuen und Bezeichnung der iibrigen Arten. Illiger, Maga- zin, VI., 1807, pp. 81-177. 24. Lemaa saltitorire der Hellwig-Hoff- manseggischen Sammlung. Illiger, Magazin, VI., 1807, pp. 178-182. 25. Namenweiser der Arten der Gattung Halticre. Illiger, Magazin, VI., 1807, p. 183. 26. Vergleichung der Gattungen der Haut- fliigler, Piezata, Fabr., Hymenoptera, Linn., Jttr. Illiger, Magazin, VI., 1807, pp. 189- 199. 27. Die neueste Gattungs-Eintheilung der Schmetterlinge aus den Linneischen Gattungen Papilio und Sphinx. Illiger, Magaziu, VI., 1807, pp. 277-295. 28. Nachlese zu den Bemerkungen, Be- richtigungeu und Zusiitzen zu FABRICII "Systema Eleutheratorum." Illiger, Magazin, VI., 1807, pp. 296-317. 29. Vorschlas zur Aufnahine im Fabrici- schen Systeme fehlender Kafergattungen. Il- liger, Magazin, VI., 1807, pp. 318-349. 30. Diopsis nigra. Illiger, Magazin, VI., 1807, p. 365. 31. Tabellarische Uebersicht der Vertheil- ung der Vogel iiber die Erde. Berlin, Abhandl. 1812-13, pp. 221-236. Illing, B. Analyse eines Arsenikalkieses und Magnesiaglimmers. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. III., 1854, pp. 339-340. Illingworth, . Remarks on the isthmus of Cupica. Geogr. Soc. Proc. I., 1857, pp. 86- 87. 3 Q 2 ILM] 492 [IMR Ilmoni, Imman. Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte der Actinien. Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 604-699. 2. Sur deux nouvelles Actinies (Cereus cupreus et Actinia clavata). Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXIV., 1831, p. 123. 3. Misceller om vulcanen ./Etna. [1841.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. I., 1840, pp. 749-754. 4. Om en Medusaj-art i Adriatiska Hafvet. [1839.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. II. 1847, pp. 761-776. Imans, . De laatste ouderzoekingen omtrent het zamentrekkings-vermogen der Milt en hare betrekking tot het bloedleven. Nederlandsch Lancet, V., 1849-50, pp. 554-575. Imbert, . Sur les puits salans et les sources de gaz inflammables en Chine. Bibl. Univ. XL., 1829, pp. 318-324 ; Ediiib. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 108-112. Imbert, F. Memoire sur le mecanisme de la respiration du limagon terrestre. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. III., 1823, pp. 161-172. Imbert-Desgranges, . Harmonie de la cosmogonie de Moisc avec les sciences moderues. [1854.] Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. V., 1859, pp. 128-134. Imbert-Gourbeyre, A. Memoire sur 1'action physiologique do I'huile essentielle d'oranges ameres. Auvergne. Annal. Scient. XXVI., 1853, pp. 49-80. Imbornone, Francesco. Ueber die Erdbeben in Sicilien, im Jahr 1823. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1824, col. 97-100. Imhof, . Ueber eine im Baierischen Land- gerichte Erding beobachtete Naturerscheinung. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 371-381. Imhoff, Ludioig. Entomologica. Oken, Isis, 1832, col. 1198-1208. 2. Puppenhiille von Bombilius major, L. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 536-537. 3. Ueber Insecten-metaniorphose, und ihre Anwendung auf Insecten-Classitication. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 1167-1182. 4. Ueber Metamorphose und darauf sich griindende Classification der Insecten. Basel, Bericht, L, 1835, pp. 1-3. 5. Versuch einer Berechuung der Totalzahl der bis jetzt bckannten und wahrscheiulich nocli zu entdeckendeu Arten (species) von Thieren jeder Klasse und insbesondere der Insecten im engern Sinne. Basel, Bericht, L, 1835, pp. 3- 5 ; Bibl. Univ. II., 1836, pp. 201-202. 6. Bau der Stimmorgane namentlich bei den Gattungen Locusta und Gryllus. Basel, Bericht, II., 1836, p. 6. 7. Monstroser Broscus vulgaris, Pzn. Ba- sel. Bericht. III., 1838, p. 3. Imhoff, Ludwig. 8. Verzeichniss der um Basel heruui und noch in einigeu andern Theilen der Schweiz gef'undenen Hymenopteren. Basel, Bericht, IV., 1840, pp. 8-9. 9. Ueber eiue dem offentlichen Museum vom Herrn Missionar Ens geschenkte Sammlung Guineensischer Kiifer. Basel, Bericht, V.. 1843, pp. 164-181. 1O. Ueber grosse Ameiseuschwiirme, welche sich in Basel zeigteu (Formica nigra). Basel, Bericht, V., 1843, pp. 181-183. 11. Notizeu iiber Nitidula aenea und Tinea evonymella. Basel, Bericht, VI., 1844, p. 72. 12. Parasiten, insbesondere parasitische Hymenoptera. Basel, Bericht, VIL, 1847, p. 90. 13. Beobachtungen iiber die Lebeusweise der gemeinen Wespe. Basel, Bericht, VIII., 1849, pp. 41-42. 14. Die Wanderheuschrecke in Basel. Basel, Bericht, IX., 1851, p. 64. 15. Ueber einige Uuterfaniilien derBienen. Basel, Bericht, IX., 1851, p. 64. — 16. Ueber eine Art Africanischer Ameisen. Basel, Bericht, X., 1852, pp. 175-177; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1854, pp. 75-76. 17. Oligoneuria rhenana. Basel, Bericht, X., 1852, pp. 177-182 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1854, pp. 77-79. 18. Ueber eine neue Gattung der Scolop- endriden von der Africanischen Goldkiiste, Alipes multicostis. [1853.] Basel, Verhandl. I., 1857, pp. 120-122. 19. Xwei neue Europaische Kiiferarten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVIII., 1857, pp. 62-64. Imlach, Henry. Observations and experiments on softening, erosion, and perforation of the Stomach. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XL VII., 1837, pp. 391-412. Impey, . Discoveiy of ammonitiferous Limestone near Jeyselmeer in the Great Desert, &c. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862, pp. 161-162. Imi-ie, . Miueralogical description of the mountain of Gibraltar. [1797.] Edinb. Koy. Soc. Trans. IV., 1798, pp. 191-202 ; Nicholson, Journ. II., 1799, pp. 185-187, 219-223. 2. Some remarks upon the Pudding or Conglomerate Rock, which stretches along the south front of the Grampian Mountains. [1810.] Ediub. Mem. Wern. Soc. I., 1808-10, pp. 453- 460. 3. A geological account of the southern district of Stirlingshire, commonly called the Campsie Hills, with a few remarks relative to the two prevailing theories as to Geology, and some examples given illustrative of these re- marks. Edinb. Mem. Werii. Soc. II., 1811-16, pp. 24-50. IMR] 493 [ING Imrie, . 4. A description of the strata which occur in ascending from the plains of Kincardineshire to the summit of Mount Battoc, one of the most elevated points in the eastern district of the Grampian Hills. [1804.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. VI., 1812, pp. 3-20. Im Thurn, A. Physiologisch-chemische Studien iiber Leim und Leimbildner. Moleschott, Unt- ersuch. V., 1858, pp. 315-318. Imthurn, Ed. Ueber einige Gewichts- und R-iumlichkeitsverhaltnisse des Herzens einiger Hauss;iugethiere. Basel, Bericht, IV., 1840, pp. 18-21. Incarville, d'. Catalogue des plantes et autres objets d'histoire naturelle en usage en Chine. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. III., 1812, pp. 103-128 ; IV., pp. 26-48. Ince, W. The solubility of lead in water. Pharmaceut. Journ. II., 1843, pp. 406-409. Inchbald, Peter. Record of some of our rarer Plants growing in the valley of the Don, be- tween Doncaster and Conisbro' Castle. Soil calcareous. Phytologist, III., 1848, pp. 330-' 331. 2. Record of the more uncommon of the Plants growing in the neighbourhood of Hud- dersfield. Soil siliceous : sub-soil argillaceous. Phytologist, III., 1848, pp. 331-332. 3. Record of the rarer Plants occurring in the neighbourhood of Adwick, four miles north of Doncaster. Phytologist, III., 1849, pp. 445- 449. Ingall, Remarks on the district traversed by the St. Maurice Expedition, in the summer of 1829. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. II., 1831, pp. 7-23. 2. Remarks on the country lying between the rivers St. Maurice and Saguenay, on the north shore of the St. Lawrence. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. II., 1831, pp. 216-230. Ingalls, Thomas R. On the luminous appear- ance of the ocean. [1828.] Albany Inst. Trans. I., 1830, pp. 8-9; Froriep, Notizeu, XXIII., 1829, col. 22-24 ; Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1830, pp. 209-211. Ingalls, William. The structure, functions, and pathology of the spleen. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. XXII., 1840, pp. 149-154, 170-176, 185-189. Ingenhouss, Ueber die Nahrung der Pflanzen und die Diingung des Bodens. Voigt, Magazin, I., 1798 (Hft. 2), pp. 97-105. Znghirami, Francesco. Delle supposte iufluenze lunari. Inghirami, Opuscoli, I., 1820, pp. 265- 286. Inghirami, Giovanni. Delia longitudine e lati- tudine delle citta di Pistoja e di Prato. Pistoja, Atti Accad. 1816, pp. 1-24, 25-50, 51-78. Inghirami, Giovanni. 2. Lettera : Triangola- zione in Toscana, etc. Zach, Corresp. I., 1818, pp. 101-121. 3. Lettera : Effemeride delle occultazioni delle piccole stelle sotto la Luna perl' anno 1819. Zach, Corresp. I., 1818, pp. 140-151. 4. Lettera : Posizione geografica della citta di Lucca. Zach, Corresp. I., 1818, pp. 230-250. 5. Obbliquita dell' ecclittica : Lettera. Zach, Corresp. I., 1818, pp. 375-396. 6. Osservazioni del' angolo dell' ecclittica con 1' equatore. Zach, Corresp. I., 1818, pp. 541-547 ; II., pp. 31-43. 7. Effemeride astronomica del pianeta Venere per 1' anno bisestile 1820 del meridiauo di Parigi. Zach, Corresp. II., 1819, pp. 155- 164, 165-175, 255-263, 389-397. 8. Lettera : Suites des operations geode- siques en Toscane, etc. Zach, Corresp. II., 1819, pp. 240-248. 9. Serie di oecultazioui di stelle fisse dietro la Luna per gli anni 1820-1825. Zach, Cor- resp. II., 1«19, pp. 446-456 ; III., 1819, pp. 573-580; IV., 1820, pp. 598-609; VI., 1822, pp. 174-178, 185-192, 277-284 ; VIII., 1823. pp. 258-268, 373-381 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, pp. 161-165, 278-279, 378-380. — — 1O. Lettera : Triangolazione della Lombar- dia e dello Stato di Lucca, et della Toscana, etc. Zach, Corresp. III., 1819, pp. 135-155. 11. Effemeride astronomica del pianeta Venere per 1' anno 1821. Zach, Corresp. III., 1819, pp. 243-252, 343-352, 474-482. 12. Riunione della Triangolazione di Lom- bardia con quella della Toscana. Inghirami, Opuscoli, I., 1820, pp. 101-107. 13. Lettera : EU'emeridi di Giove per 1' 1821. Zach, Corresp. IV., 1820, pp. 33- anno 45. — 14. Effemeride Astronomica del piaueta Venere per 1' anno 1822 pel meridiano di Parigi. Zach, Corresp. IV., 1820, pp. 382-396, 15. Riflessioni sulle dimostrazioni del prin- cipio degli Infinitesimi e del Biuomio di NEWTON, che si trovano nelle " Lezioni elementari " dell' Abe Marie. Inghirarni, Opuscoli, II., 1821, pp. 494-499. 16. Lettera relativa alia vera distanza tra il centre del Fanale di Portoferrajo e quello dell' opposta torre di Populonia. Zach, Corresp. V., 1821, pp. 251-276. 17. Serie di occultazioni di stelle fisse dietro la Luna per 1" anno 1822 (mend, del Cairo). Zach, Corresp. V., 1821, pp. 542- 548 ; VI., pp. 75-80. 18. Lettera sulla livellazione geometrica della Toscana. Zach, Corresp. VI., 1822, pp. 261-276, 349-366. ING] 494 [ING Inghirami, Giovanni. 19. Serie di occultazioni di stelle fisse dietro la Luna per 1' anno 1823, calcolata per il meridiano del Cairo en Egitto. Zach, Corresp. VII., 1822, pp. 43-48. • 2O. Lettera : SuUa longitudine geografica di Paramatta e del Cairo. Zach, Corresp. IX., 1823, pp. 345-347. 21. [Osservazioni della terza Cometa del 1822.] Astr. Nachr. II., 1824, col. 1-8. • 22. Longitudini geografiche risultanti dalle occultazioni osservate dal Sig. Odoardo RUPPELL in Arabia e in Egitto. Zach, Corresp. XII., 1825, pp. 253-271. 23. Osservazioni della cometa dell' Cocchiere fatte a Firenze. . Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 321-328. 24. Osservazioni della cometa dell' Eridano. Zach, Corresp. XIV., 1826, pp. 269-284. 25. Seguito delle osservazioui fatte sulla cometa dell' Eridano ; della Balena ; e del Toro all' Osservatorio delle Scuole Pie di Firenze. [1826.] Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 21-30, 49- 54, 145-152, 181. 26. Osservazioni della cometa di Boote e dell' Eridano. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 289- 292. 27. [Scoperta di una nuova cometa nella costellazione dell' Ercole, fatta dal Sign. PONS.] Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 301-302. 28. Posizioni della cometa di BIELA osser- vata nci seguenti giorni all' Osservatorio delle Scuole Pie, e confrouto delle medesime con quelle delle Efemeridi. Astr. Nachr. XI., 1834, col. 39-42. Inghirami, Giovanni, e Gambart. Comete de 1'an 1825 decouverte dans la constellation de 1'Eridan, et de 1'an 1826. Zach, Corresp. XIV., 1826, pp. 482-508, 580-594. Inghirami, Giovanni, e Fcrdinando Martinelli. Calcolo della vera longitudine geografica dei luoghi d'osservazione di ecclissi di stelle fisse dietro la Luna osservate in Egitto dal Sig. Rur- PELL, e nella Nuova Gallia Meridionale dal Sig. RUMKER. Zach, Corresp. LX., 1823, pp. 59-66. Inghirami, Giovanni, und Del Rico. Sternbe- deckungen durch den Mond fiir die Jahre 1810, 1811,1812, und 1814. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XX., 1809, pp. 225-265; XXII., 1810, pp. 451-466 ; XXIV., 1811, pp. 344-364 ; XXVI., 1812, pp. 365-383 ; XXVIIL, 1813, pp. 211-221. 2. Stern-Bedeckungen beobachtet auf der Sternwarte St. Giovanni in Florenz. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXIV., 1811, p. 98. Ingleby, J, T. Remarks on Extra-Uterine Pregnancy, with cases. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XLII., 1834, pp. 350-359. Inglefield, Ed. A. Report on the Return of the " Isabel " from the Arctic Regions. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXIII., 1853, pp. 136-144. Inglis, Gavin. Some particulars connected with the late Earthquake in Scotland. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVIIL, 1816, pp. 431-433. 2. On the cause of Ebbing and Flowing Springs. Tilloch. Phil. Mag. L., 1817, pp. 81- 83. 3. On the origin of Hot Springs. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LI., 1818, pp. 107-109. 4. On a case of formation of Ice on an alkaline solution. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LI., 1818, pp. 201-203. 5. On the geological history of Loch Lomond. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LI., 1818, pp. 327-330. 6. On the Dry Rot. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LI., 1818, pp. 435-437. 7. On the theory of Water-spouts. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. LII., 1818, pp. 216-222. 8. On the Swallow. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LII., 1818, pp. 271-282 ; LIII., 1819, pp. 16- 17 ; LIV., 1819, pp. 321-324. _ 9. On the preservation of Seeds, the use of Lime in Agriculture, and former state of Cultivation in Scotland. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LII., 1818, pp. 436-440. 1O. On the geology of Loch Leven in Scotland. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIV., 1819, pp. 220-221 ; LV., 1820, pp. 113-118. • 11. Supposed effects of a Water-spout. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 152-154. Inglis, James. Prize Essay " On Iodine." Phil. Mag. VII., 1835, pp. 441-444 ; VIII., 1836, pp. 12-20, 191-192 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836 ( pt. 2), p. 66; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. VII., 1836, pp. 394-411. Inglis, James. Notice of the discovery of Nau- tilus Rawsoui. West Yorks. Proc. Geol. Soc. II., 1842-48, pp. 182-183. 2. On a new species of Nautilus from the Halifax Coal Beds. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 64. Inglis, Robert H. Letter to Col. SABINE on a curious aerial phenomenon. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 17-18. Ingpen, Abel. Remarks on the destruction of Cocci. Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1836, p. 174. 2. Notes upon the economy of Brachinus crepitans and Sirex duplex. Entom. Soc. Trans. II., 1839, p. 82. Ingram, Hughes. Account of an expedition of about 200 miles up the Gambia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XV., 1847, pp. 150-155. Ingram, J. K. New properties of surfaces of the second degree. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1844, pp. 188-192. 2. On certain properties of surfaces of the second degree. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 442-444. ING] 495 [INZ Ingram, J. K. 3. On certain properties of curves and surfaces of the second degree. Irish Acad. Proc. HI., 1847, pp. 502-506. Inman, Thomas. Geographical and other pecu- liarities of Australia. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1844-45 (pt. 2), pp. 12-15. • 2. The Aborigines of Australia. Liver- pool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1844-45 (pt. 2), pp. 18-22. 3. On voluntary and involuntary motions, with an account of the organs by which they are produced. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1844-45 (pt. 3), pp. 34-39. 4. On the circulation in the closed cells of certain vegetables. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1844-45 (pt. 4), pp. 26-39. 5. On the causes that determine the Fall of Leaves. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1844-45 ( pt. 4), 89-93 ; Heufrey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 59-61. 6. On the starches of commerce. Chemist, I., 1849-50, pp. 35-37. 7. On the Feet of Insects. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1849-51 (pt. 6), pp. 209- 227. . 8. On the natural history and microscopic character of Hair. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1849-51 (pt. 7), pp. 83-107, 219. 9. Structure of the epidermis of the petal of the Geranium. Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853, pp. 56-57. • 1O. On the formation of dotted Tissue. Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853. p. 57. 11. Desquamation of pulmonary air-cells. Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853, pp. 58-60. 12. On the power by which Insects are enabled to adhere to smooth perpendicular sur- faces. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1854 (pt. 2), pp. 109- 110. 13. An account of some of the volcanoes of Italy. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. XL, 1856-57, pp. 147-151. limes, George. On the late Lunar Occultation of Jupiter ; with remarks on the late Solar Eclipse. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVL, 1820, pp. 434-436. 2. On the Solar Eclipse of the 7th Septem- ber 1820 ; being a comparison of calculations with some of the observations made in Great Britain and on the Continent. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVm., 1821, pp. 274-276. 3. Beobachtung der Bedeckung Jupiters von dem Monde, 1824, April 5. Astr. Nachr. in., 1825, col. 423-424. 4. Eesults of computations relative to the Solar Eclipse of the 28th of November 1826. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. I., 1827-30, pp. 33-34. 5. Longitudes of various places. Astr. Innes, George. 6. Sternbcdeckungen in Aber- deen. Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 179-180. 7. Determination of the Longitude of the Observatory at Aberdeen. Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 429-438. 8. [Observations made at Aberdeen.] Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 209-216. 9. [Observations made at Dublin and Armagh.] Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 273- 276. Innes, George, and Cruickshank. Observations of the occultation of Mercury on the 25 April 1838, made at Aberdeen. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IV., 1836-39, p. 144. 2. Observations of the Solar Eclipse, 18 July 1841. Astron. Soc. Mem. XII., 1842, p. 421. Innes, George, Gordon, James, and T.M. Bris- bane. Observations on two Comets discovered at Paramatta in 1824 by Mr. RUMKER and Mr. DTTNI.OP ; to which are added the Elements of their Orbits. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 332-336. Inochodzoff, P. Summarium observationum meteorologicarum in urbe Kamyschin ad Wol- gam, sub latitudine 50° 5' 6" et longitudine 63° 4', ab Octobri 1770 ad Augusturn 1774 institutarum, et cum respondentibus Petropolitauis collatarum. [1799.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XII., 1801, pp. 497-507. 2. De relativa noiiBullorum locoruni eleva- tione, hi quibus observationes barometric* ac thermometricae sunt institutge. [1800.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIII., 1802, pp. 555-564. 3. Observationes qucedam astronomies Petropoli hi specula domestica habitas. [1803.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIV., 1805, pp. 743-746. 4. Extrait parallele des observations Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 341-344. meteorologiques faites d'apres le nouveau stile a St. Petersbourg et a Moscou en 1800. [1801.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XV., 1806, pp. 565-590. Inochodzoff, P., et B. Fetroff. Extrait des observations meteorologiques faites a St. Peters- bourg, annees 1801-1805. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1807-8, pp. 224-247 ; IH., 1809- 10, pp. 324-348 ; IV., p. 479. Interlandi e Sirugo, Pompeo. Osservazioni geognostico-geologiche sul poggio di S. Filippo e suoi dintorni in Militello. Catania, Atti Accad. Gioen. I., 1844, pp. 35-55. Inzani, Giov., e F. Lussana. Sui nervi del gusto. Oinodei, Ann. Univ. CLXXXI., 1862, pp. 282-322. INZ] 496 [IRM Inzani, Giov., e F. Lussana. 2. Delia inner- vazione del ventricolo o della influenza dei nervi sulle funzioni del ventricolo. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CLXXXL. 1862, pp. 465-528; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXXV., 1862, pp. 338-340. 3. Dell' ulcera perforante dello stomaco, ossia della digeslione dello stomaco vivo. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CLXXXIL, 1862, pp. 93-139. Inzenga, Giuseppe. Sullo spirito di Asfodelo in Sicilia e sulle prime esperienze fatte nell' Insti- tute Agrario Castelnuovo. II Cimento, VI., 1855, pp. 326-331. 2. Sul Guano-Sombrero e sulla coltura dell' Avena Sibirica. Rapporto. Sicilia, Atti Soc. Acclim. I., 1861, pp. 71-76. Iperen, Jostta van. Beschrijving van een witten Neger. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. I., 1781, pp. 215-231. 2. Beschrijving van eene blanke Negerin. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. II., 1784, pp. 125- 136. Iperen, Jostia van, en F. Schouman. Be- schrijving van de Wouwowen. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. H., 1784, pp. 235-256. Irby, L. Howard. Lists of Birds observed in the Crimea. Newman, Zoologist, XV., 1857, pp. 5353-5362. 2. Notes on birds observed in Oudh and Kumaon. Sclater, Ibis, III., 1861, pp. 217- 251. Ireland, J. P. Some account of the effects of Arsenic in counteracting the poison of serpents. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. II., 1811, pp. 393-401. Ireland, If. M. Some account of the external changes which take place in the Surinam Frog (Rana paradoxa, Linn.}, from its earlier stages till it becomes a perfect animal. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1816, pp. 55-59. Ireland, Jf. W. Experiments on the influence of ozonised air upon animals. Edinb. Med. Journ. VIII., 1862-63, pp. 729-731. Iremonger, R. J. Description of a Galvano- meter by which the deflecting power of an electric current, however copious, may be measured. Electr. Soc. Trans. 1837-40, pp. 45-46 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. III., 1838-39, pp. 413-414. 2. Description of a hydrostatic galvano- meter. London Electr. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 175-180. 3. Further description of the hydrostatic galvanometer. London Electr. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 201-204. Irgens, J\l., og Th. Hiortdahl. Beretning om de vigtigste Resultater af en i Sommeren 1863 foretagit geologisk Unders(Sgelse af Kysten af nordre Bergenhus Amt. [1863.] Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1864, pp. 194-198. Irman, • . Gisement de pierres gemmes au village de Moursinka. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1836, pp. 115-124. Irminger, C. Ueber nordpolare Striknungen Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. III., 1854, pp. 43-46. • 2. Ueber Meeres-Stromungen. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. III., 1854, pp. 169-190. 3. The Arctic Current around Greenland. Gteogr. Soc. Journ. XXVI., 1856, pp. 36-43. 4. Die Stromungen und das Eistreiben bei Island. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, XL, 1861, pp. 191-211 ; Geogr. Soc. Proc. V., 1861, pp. 225-234. Irmisch, Thilo. Nachtrage zu MEYER'S Chloris Hanoveriana aus der Grsfschaft Holinstein. Linnrea, XII.. 1838, pp. 38-49. 2. Beschreibung einer mevkwiirdigen Miss- bildung von der Bluthe von Hordeum hyma- laycnse trifurcatum, Hort. Monsp. Linnrca, XIII., 1839, pp. 124-128. 3. Bemerkungen iiber die Epipactisarten der Deutschen Flora. Linnrea, XVI., 1842, pp. 417-462. 4. Ueber Teucrium montanum, L., und einige andere Arten dieser Gattung. Botan. Zeitung, III., 1845, col. 809-813. 5. Ueber das Vorkommen der Helminthia eehioides, Melilotus parviflora und einigerandern Pflanzen in Nord-Tlriiringen. Botan. Zeitung, IV., 1846, col. 772-775. 6. Ueber die Stolonen von Epilobium palustre und von einigen andern Arten desselben Genus. Botan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 5-8. 7. Ueber die Dauer der Carlina acaulis. Botau. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 8-9. 8. Ueber die Kuospenlage der Blumen- kronblatter von Euphrasia luteaund von mehrern andern verwandten Prlanzengattungen. Botan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 81-84. 9. Notiz iiber Helianthemum fumana. Botan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 84-85. 10. Beschreibung des Rhizoms von Sturmia Loeselii. Botan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 137-140. 11. Einige Beobachtungen iiber Deutsche Eichen. Botan. Zeitung, V., 1 847, col. 577-582. 12. Ueber einige gamopetale Bltithen. Bo- tan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 641-647, 657-666. 13. Ueber das Vorkommen des Eiben- baums im nordlichen Thiiringen. Botan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 882-885. 14. Ueber die Bearbeitung der Paniceen in der " Synopsis Flora Germanic* et Helve- tica?." Botan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 929-934. 15. Nachtrag zu den Bemerkungen iiber die Epipactisarten der Deutschen Flora. Linnasa, XIX., 1847, pp. 113-124. 16. Monstriise Anemonenbliithen. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 217-218. IRM] 497 [IRM Irmisch, T,',ilo. 17. TJeber den Bliithenbau von JEsculus hippocastanum. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 713-725. 18. Ueber die Inflorescenz der frucht- tragenden Pflanze von Humulus lupulus. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 793-799. 19. Botanische Notizen. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 894-898. 20. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Gentiana cruciata, ciliata und germanica. Botan. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 1-11. • 21. Ueber die Anordnung dcr Bliitheu- stande bei einigen Kleearten. Botan. Zeituny, VII., 1849, col. 513-521. 22. Ueber Scorzonera hispanica. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 4-7. 23. Ueber die Dauer einiger Gewiichse der Deutschen Flora. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 128-129, 143-144; Henfrey, Bot, Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 99-101. 24. Bemerkungen liber Scrofularia no- dosa, L., und S. aquatica, Aiictoruin (S. Ehrharti, Stei-.). Botan. Zeitung, VI1L, 1850, col. 168- 169; Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 99- 101. 25. Ueber Helianthemum fumaria. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 201-205. 26. Eiiiige Bemerkungen iiber die kraut- artigen Rosaceen. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 249-251, 270-273, 294-298, 321-322 ; Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 225-236. 27. Ueber die Knolle von Trichonema bulbococlium. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 340-341. 28. Ueber Scabiosa succisa, L. Botan. . Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 394-399. 29. Ueber die Dauer einiger Gewiichse der Deutschen Flora. Botan. Zeitung, IX., 1851, col. 361-366, 377-382; Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, III., 1851, pp. 144-149, 159-161. 30. Ueber die Bliithenstiinde einiger Le- guminosen. Botan. Zeitung, IX., 1851, col. 673-681, 689-697. 31. Ueber die Inflorescenzen der Deut- scben Potaineen. Flora, XXXIV., 1851, pp. 81-93. 32. Einige Bemerkuugen iiber Tussilago farfara. Flora, XXXIV., 1851, pp. 177-182. • 33. Bemerkungen iiber die Inflorescenzen der einbeimiscben Vaccinium-Arten, sowie einiger Ericeen und der Polygala chamrebuxus. Flora, XXXIV., 1851, pp. 497-519. 34. Kurze botanischc Mittbeilungen. [Ueber Keimpflanzen, etc.] Flora, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 521-532. 35. Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte der ein- beimiscben Valeriana-Arten, insbesondere der V. officinalia und dioica. Halle, Abh. Nat. Gesell. I., 1853, pp. 19-42. VOL. III. Irmisch, Thilo. 36. Beitrag zur Natur- geschichte des Cirsium arvense, Scop., und einiger andern Distelarten. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. I., 1853. pp. 193-199. 37. Notiz iiber Artemisia Tournefortiana, Rchb. Botan. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 61- 63. 38. Bemerkung iiber Hippuris vulgaris, /.. Botan. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 281- 287. • 39. Notiz iiber Gentiana pneumonantbe. Botan. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 690-693. 4O. Eiuige Beobachtungen an einheim- ischen Orchideen. Flora, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 513-524. 41. Bemerkungen iiber Malaxis paludosa, Sw. Flora, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 625-627. 42. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Morpbo- logie der Pflanzen. Halle, Abb. Nat. Gesell. II., 1854, pp. 30-43; III., 1855, pp. 63-102, 107-137. 43. Ueber die Keimung und Knospen- bildung des Aconitum napellus. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. IV., 1854, pp. 181-192. 44. Morphologische Mittbeilungen iiber die Verzweigung einiger Monocotylen. Botan. Zeitung, XIII., 1855, col. 41-48, 57-63. 45. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Seclum maximum, Koch. Botan. Zeitung. XIII., 1855, col. 249-255. 46. Bemerkungen iiber einige Pflanzen. der Deutschen Flora. Flora, XXXVIIL, 1855, pp. 625-638. 47. Ueber die Friichte der Spirtea ulrnaria und Spirrea filipendula. Halle, Zeitschr. Ge- sammt. Naturw. VI., 1855, pp. 461-464. 48. Ueber einige Ranunculaceen. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 1-11, 17-29; XV., 1857, col. 81-87, 97-164; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.), 1856, pp. 274-298. 49. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die ein- heimischen Pyrola-Arten. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 585-591, 601-606. 50. Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Natur- geschichte des Thelygonum cynocrambe, L. Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 689-698. 51. Notiz iiber Drosera intermedia und rotundifolia. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 729-731. 52. Ueber die Keimung und die Erneuer- ungsweise von Convolvulus sepium, und C. arvensis, sowie iiber hypokotylische Adven- tiv-Knospen bei krautartigen phanerogamen Pflanzen. Botan. Zeituug, XV.. 1857, col. 433- 443, 449-462, 465-474, 489-497. 53. Ueber das Vorkommen von schuppen- oder haarformigen Gebilden innerhalb der Blattscbeiden bei monokotylischen Gewiichsen. Botan. Zeitung, XVI... 1S5N, pp. 177-179. 3 i: IEM] 498 [IRV Irmisch, Tkilo. 54. Zur Naturgeschichte von Melittis melissophylhun. Botau. Zeitung, XVI., 1858, pp. 233-235. 55. Ueber einige Pflanzen der Thiiriug- ischen Flora. Botau. Zeituug, XVI., 1858, pp. 235-236. 56. Botauische Mittheilungen : Ueber Utricularia minor ; iiber Crocus und Keimung von Buniunj crcticum, Urv.} etc. Flora, XLL, 1858, pp. 33-42. 57. Bemerkungen iiber Spergula pentan- dra und Morisonii. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesanimt. Naturw. XI., 1858, pp. 53-55. 58. Bemerkung iiber Scilla bifolia, L. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XI., 1858, pp. 343-345. 59. Ueber Lathyrus tuberosus und einige andere Papilionaceeu. Botan. Zeitung, XVII., 1859, pp. 57-63, 65-72, 77-84. 6O. Bemerkungen iiber eiuige Wasser- gewiichse. Botan. Zeitung, XVIL, 1859, pp. 353-356. 61. Zur Naturgeschichte des Potamogetou densus, L. Flora, XLII., 1859, pp. 129-139. 62. Kurzc Mittheilungen iiber einige Py- rolaceen. Flora, XLII., 1859, pp. 497-501. 63. Ueber einige Crassulaceen. Botan. Zeitung, XVIII., 1860, pp. 85-91. 64. Ueber einige Rauunculaceen. Botan. Zeitung, XVIII., 1860, pp. 221-227. - 65. Morphologische Beobachtungen an einigen Gewiichsen aus den natiirlichen Farni- lien der Melanthaceen, Irideen und Aroideeu. [1856.] Halle, Abh. Nat. Ver. I., 1860, pp. 127-147. - 66. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Poterium sanguisorba und polygamum. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 45-46. - 67. Eiu neuer Thiiringischer Staudort der Diplotaxis muralis. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 46-47. - 68. Ueber Carlina acaulis. Botan. Zeit- ung, XIX., 1861, p. 67. - 69. Ueber Polygonum amphibium, Lysi- machia vulgaris, Comarum palustre und Me- nyanthes trifoliata. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 105-109, 113-115, 121-125. 7O. Ueber zwei Varietiiten der Brunnen- kresse. Botau. Zeituug, XIX., 1861, pp. 316- 319. 71. Noch einige Beobaclituugen iiber die Stipules bei Lotus, Tetragonolobus und Bon- ieania. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 329- 331. 72. Ueber einige Arten aus der natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilie der Potameen. [1858.] Halle, Abh. Nat. Ver. II., 1861, pp. 1-56. 73. Notiz iiber die Rubus-Arteu. Botan. Zeitung, XX., 1862, p. 295. Irmisch, Tliilo. 74. Ueber einige Fumariaceen. Halle, Abh. Nat, Gesell. VI., 1862, pp. 195- 316. 75. 1st RENEALJIUS als Begriinder der Gattung Erythrosa anzusehen ? Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 70-71. 76. Beitriige zur vergleichenden Morpho- logie der Pflanzen. Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 137-142, 161-164, 169-173, 177- 181. 77. Hypoxis oder Hypoxys ? Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 218-220. 78. Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Natur- geschichte der Microstylis monophylla. Flora, XL VI., 1863, pp. 1-8. 79. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Scilla autumnalis und Sc. bifolia. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XXL, 1863, pp. 433-444. Ironside, . Account of a large tree in India. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IV., 1799, pp. 359- 360. 2. Account of a Banian Tree in the pro- vince of Bahar. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IV., 1799, pp. 360-361. Irton, Edward L. On one of the vitreous tubes found at Drigg in Cumberland. Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1821, pp. 617-618; Gilbert, Annal. LXX1V., 1823, pp. 218-222. Irvine, Aikcn. Catalogue of Zoophytes found in Dublin Bay and its vicinity. Nat. Hist. Re- view, L, 1854, pp. 244-247. Irvine, Alexander. Notes on the localities of certain Hampshire plants, observed in August and September 1853. Phytologist, IV., 1853, pp. 1115-1117. 2. Some notices of the Sorb-tree of Wyre Forest, Worcestershire. Phytologist, L, 1855- 56, pp. 193-198. 3. Calamintha Nepeta, Clairv. Phytolo- gist, II., 1857-58, pp. 131-132. 4. History of the Houseleek. Phytologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 486-492. 5. A notice of some exotic plants which have been collected about Wandsworth, Batter- sea, Chelsea, and Pimlico, from 1851 to 1859 inclusive ; with some remarks on their origin and distribution. Phytologist, III., 1858-59, pp. 330-350. • 6. Chapters on British Botany. Remarks on plants supposed common both to England and Greece. Phytologist, LV., 1860, pp. 198- 223. 7. Note on the occurrence of Lepigonum salinum, Fries, in Cheshire, and of Lepigouum neglectum, Kindberg, in the Isle of Wight. Phytologist, V., 1861, pp. 81-83. . 8. A chapter on the Botany of Thanet. Phytologist, VI., 1862-63, pp. 50-57, 83-90. IRV] 499 [ISH Irvine, R. H. Cultivation of Tobacco at Bhilsa, with a specimen of the soil. India, Agric. Soc. Proc. 1841, pp. 15-17 ; India, Agric. Soc. Journ. I., 1842, pp. 279-280. 2. On the Cotton called " Nurrna." Ben- gal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XL, 1842, pp. 311- 315. 3. Observations on the products and re- sources of Darjeeling. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 181-197. Irvine, William. A Letter concerning the late Dr. IRVINE, of Glasgow, his doctrine, which ascribes the disappearance of heat without in- crease of temperature, to a change of capacity in bodies, and that of Dr. BLACK, which sup- poses Caloric to become latent by chemical combination with bodies ; with particular remarks on the mistakes of Dr. THOMPSON in his accounts of these doctrines. Nicholson, Journ. VI., 1803, pp. 25-31. 2. Experimental determinations of the latent heat of Spermaceti, Bees' Wax, Tin, Bismuth, Lead, Zinc, and Sulphur. Nicholson, Journ. IX., 1804, pp. 45-52 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXVIH., 1811, pp. 305-317. Irving, , and J. B. Cherriman. The Solar Eclipse of May 26th, 1854. Canadian Journ. HI., 185-1-55, pp. 177-186. Irving, E. G. Notes on the cultivation of Cot- ton in the " Yoruba country," Western coast of Africa. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VII., 1855, pp. 297-302. Irving, John T. Indian Sketches, &c. Geogr. Soc. Journ. V., 1835, pp. 344-348. Irwin, . Memoir on the climate, soil, pro- duce, and husbandry of Afghanistan and the neighbouring countries. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VIII., 1839, pp. 745-776, 779-804, 869- 900, 1005-1015 ; IX., 1840, pp. 33-64, 189- 197. Irwin, F. C. State and position of Western Australia, &c. Geogr. Soc. Journ. V., 1835, pp. 341-343. Isaac, S. W. P., and Edward Spender. Farm- yard manure, considered chemically and prac- tically. Bath Soc. Journ. VI., 1858, pp. 81- 95. Isaacs, C. E. On the anomalies of arteries. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXX., 1855, pp. 400- 403. 2. Researches into the structure and physiology of the Kidney. New York, Acad. Med. Trans. I., 1857, pp. 377-435 ; Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 577- 617. 3. On the function of the Malpighian bodies of the Kidney. New York, Acad. Med. Trans. I., 1857, pp. 437-456. Isambert, E. Memoire sur 1'induration pul- inonaire nominee carniflcation congestive. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., 1856, pp. 1-22. 2. Note sur Faction physiologique et thera- peutique du chlorate de potassc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1856, pp. 1-21. 3. Note sur un cas de leucocythemie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1856, pp. 72-85. Isbister, A. K. Some account of Peel River, North America. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XV., 1845, pp. 332-345. 2. On the geology of the Hudson's Bay Territories and of portions of the Arctic and North-western regions of America. Geol. Soc. Journ. XI., 1855, pp. 497-520; Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1856, pp. 313-338. Isely, M. Sur la forme des leviers d'un appareil electrique. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 535-538. 2. Influence du ressort de suspension sur la duree des oscillations du pendule. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 648-674. 3. Quelques remarques sur les series. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 356-363. Isenberg, , and Krapf. Journal of the route from Cairo through Ze'ila to Shwa and I'fat. Geogr. Soc. Journ. X., 1841, pp. 455- 468. Isenflamm, H. F. Verschiedenheiten der rechten und linken Seite. Isenflamm, Beitr. Zerglied. I., 1800, pp. 7-41. 2. Nachricht von einer Missgeburt ohne Extremitaten. Isenflamm, Beitr. Zerglied. I., 1800, pp. 268-274. 3. Bemerkungen iiber die Flechsen. Isen- flamm, Beitr. Zerglied. I., 1800, pp. 286-303. 4. Ueber das Knochenmark. Isenflamm, Beitr. Zerglied. II., 1803, pp. 33-51. 5. Beschreibung eines seltenen Brust- muskels (Rectus sternalis). Isenflamm, Beitr. Zerglied. II., 1803, pp. 92-98. 6. Beschreibung eiuer menschlichen Mis- geburt ohne Kopf. Isenflamm, Beitr. Zerglied. II., 1803, pp. 269-286. 7. Beschreibung einiger menschlichen Kdpfe von verschiedenen Ragen. Erlangen, Abh. II., 1812, pp. 1-14. Isenschmid, . Kurze Notiz iiber ein merk- wiirdiges Priiparat aus der anatomisch-patholog- ischen Sammlung. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. 1839, pp. 127-129. Iseppi, • . Memoria sulla costruzione ed uso delle carte marine. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. H., 1808, pp. 289-307. Isherwood, B. F. Investigation of the com- parative merits of the perpendicular and radial Paddle Wheels for sea-going vessels. Frank- lin Inst. Journ. XX., 1850, pp. 134-139, 181- 188. 3 P. 2 ISE] 500 [ITI Isherwood, B. F. 2. Reply to the objections of M. to a comparison between the radial and perpendicular Paddle Wheels for steamers. Franklin Inst. Journ. XX., 1850, pp. 378-383. 3. Notes on Indicator Diagrams from the U.S. War Steamer "Spitfire." Franklin Inst. Journ. XXL, 1851, pp. 91-95. 4. Remarks on NYSTROM'S Screw Pro- peller. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXII., 1851, pp. 42-48. 5. Remarks on H.B.M. Screw Steam Frigate " Arrogant." Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIII., 1852, pp. 315-322. • 6. The U.S. Steamer " Water Witch." Franklin Inst. Journ. XXV., 1853, pp. 178- 188. 7. Experiments on Screw Propellers in H. B. M. Steamer " Minx." Franklin Inst. Journ. XXVI., 1853, pp. 221-226, 297-303. 8. An account of some experiments on a mixture of saturated and surcharged steam. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXVII., 1854, pp. 257- 267. 9. The Transatlantic Steamship " Her- man." Franklin Inst. Journ. XXVIII., 1854, pp. 53-57, 121-128. 10. An account of some comparative ex- periments made at Washington, D.C., Navy Yard, April 1854, on the ordinary mode of setting Land Boilers, and on the mode patented by Henry F. BAKER. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXVIIL, 1854, pp. 193-200, 259-267. 11. Disquisition on the laws regulating the slips of Screw Propellers ' in function of form and dimensions ; based on a digest of the experiments made in 1845 by M. BOURGOIS. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIX., 1855, pp. 156- 163, 219-231, 295-304, 361-368. Isimbardi, Carlo Innoc. Sui piccoli forni di fusione a manica portatili. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto, II., 1814-15, pp. 69-78. Islawin, JJ'olrfemar. Das Hausweseu, die Renn- thierzucht und die Gewerbsthiitigkeit der Sa- mojeden der Mesen'schen Tundra. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, X., 1861, pp. 76-114. Islemann, . Ueber das Harzgebirge. Bal- lenstedt, Archiv, III., 1821, pp. 233-246. Isnardi, Lorenzo. Lettera : Delia formola di GAUSS pel calcolo della Pasqua. Zach, Corresp. XIV., 1826, pp. 248-253. 2. Lettera : Sul formola pel calcolo del gioruo di Pasqua. Zach, Corresp. XIV., 1826, pp. 546-551. Isoard, - — , and Isoard, Jan. On a new form of instantaneous generator of illuminating gas by means of superheated aqueous vapour and any hydrocarburet whatever. Brit. Assoc. Rep. lS59\ft. 2), pp. 69-70. Itard, J. 31. G. Memoire sur quelques fonctions involontaires des appareils de la locomotion, de la prehension et de la voix. Archiv. Gen. de Mud. VIII., 1825, pp. 385-407. • 2. De la parole considered cornme moyen de developpement de la sensibility organique. Revue Mud. Franf. et Etr. II., 1828, pp. 359- 370. Ith, Bericht iiber die am 15 Mai 1824 in der Versammlung uaturforschender Freunde von Hrn. Prof. MEISNER gehaltene Vorlesung von den urspriinglichen Stainnn^en der Haus- thiere aus der Classe der Mammalien. Meisner, Annalen, II., 1824, pp. 218-240. Ithen, J. .(. Beitrag zur Kenutniss und Heilung des in der Gemeinde Schupfarth im Canton Aargau enzootisch herrschenden Riickenblutes beim Rindvieh. Busch, Teutsche Zeitschr. III., 1833 (Hft. 3), pp. 1-15. Itier, Jules. Note sur le dipyre des Pyrenees, et sur un gisement de cette substance dans 1'aniphi- bolite (ophite de M. PALASSON), suivie de quel- ques considerations sur ce terrain. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1833, pp. 384-391. 2. Notice geologique sur la formation neocomienne dans le departement de 1'Ain et sur son eteudue en Europe. France, Congres Scient. II., 1841, pp. 33-61. 3. Memoire sur les roches asphaltiques de la chaine de Jura. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. II., 1841, pp. 128-158. 4. Sur 1'ulectroplastique et sur les pro- prietes electriques du charbon. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. II., 1841, pp. 170-176. 5. Notice sur la formation neocomienne du Jura. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 514-516. 6. Sur la constitution geologique des envi- rons du Fort 1'Ecluse. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1842-43, pp. 229-232. 7. Notice sur la constitution geologique du Cap de Bonne Esperance. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIX., 1844, pp. 960-970; Froriep, No- tizen, XXXIIL, 1845, col. 113-122. 8. Notice sur le Lo-ma et le Tsinnr-ma, O 7 plantes textiles de la Chine. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. IV., 1846, pp. 71-73. 9. Extrait d'une description de 1'archipel des iles Solo. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. V., 1846, pp. 311-319. 10. Fragment d'un journal de voyage aux iles Philippines. Paris, Soc. Geogr. BuU. V., 1846. pp. 365-389. 11. Notes sur di verses plantes alimentaires cultivdes a Java, notamment sur le riz et sur la culture de cette plante. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. X., 1847, pp. 246-251. ITI] 501 [ITZ Itier, Jules. 12. Note sur deux plantcs textiles (le Lo-ma et le Tsing-ma) fournissant la manure de la batiste de Canton, et des toiles communes de Chine. Lyou, Soc. Agric. Annal. X., 1847, pp. 442-445. 13. De la constitution geologique du de- partement de 1'Ain. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. VII., 1855, pp. 240-249. Ittner, Franz von. Vermischte Bcmerkungen : Ueber Trennung der Arsensiiure von der Phosphorsiiure, iiber Alcohol und Knallsilber. Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 390-393. 2. Ueber das Vorkommcn der Blausiiure im Oele der bittern Mandeln. Schweigger, Journ. XXIV., 1818, pp. 395-398. Itzigsohn, Hermann. Bemerkungen iibcr die Laubmoosflora der Mark Brandenburg. Flora, XXIV., 1841, pp. 353-361 ; XXXI., 1848, pp. 225-229. 2. Die Markischen Charen. Botan. Zeit- ung, VII., 1849, col. 194-196. 3. Wesshalb ich glaube, dass das auswaclis- ende Pollenkorn nicht das Analogon des Sper- matozoen's sein konne. Botan. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 297-300. 4. Die Markischen Lebermoose. Botan. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 481-485. . 5. Zur endlichen Losung der Frage iiber Spermatozoen der Phanerogamen. Botan. Zeit- ung, VII., 1849, col. 560-562. 6. Ueber Hypnum strigosum und pracox. Botan. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 579-581. — 7. Die Deutschen Bryen und ihre Varie- tiiten. Botan. Zeitunsr, VIII., 1850, eol. 205- 211. 8. Charologisches. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 337-340. 9. Die Antheridien und Spermatozoen der Flechten. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 393-394,913-919. 1O. Jod und Brom in Siisswasserpflanzen. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 734-735. — 11. Stomata und Epithelium von Nitella syncarpa. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850. col. 767-769 ; Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 310-311. 12. Wimperepithelium der Chara fragilis. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 769-770 ; HenfVey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 310-311. 13. Die Markischen Algen. Botau. Zeit- ung, VIII., 1850, col. 820-821. 14. Bestiitigung der Spermatozoen von Borrera. Botan. Zeitunsj, IX., 1851, col. 152- 154. 15. De 1'existence des Spermatozoides dans certains Algues d'enu douce. ( Transl.) Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII. (Bot.\ 1852, pp. 150-152; Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 35-36. Itzigsohn, Hermann. 16. Kryptogamischer Ursprung der Miu^inen. Botan. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 227-229. 17. Ueber die Sporenbildung der Cha;to- phoren. Botan. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 785— 787. 18. Ueber den mannlichen Geschlechts- apparat bei Spirogyra und einigen anderen Conferven. Botan. Zeitung, XI., 1853, col. 201-209, 217-227. 19. Ein Wort iiber Hyalotheca und Micra- sterias. Botan. Zeituug, XI., 1853, col. 485- 488. 20. Ueber die Laubmoose der erratischen Blocke. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 601- 604. 21. Die Fructification der Mougeotia. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 681-686. 22. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Phragmidium incrassatum. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 785-789. 23. Die Nostoc - Diamorphose. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 817-820. 24. Die Fortpflanzung der Oscillarien. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 877-881 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. LL, 1854, pp. 188-191. 25. Zur Frage iiber die Abgrenzung der niederen Gewiichsclassen. Botan. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 76-80. 26. Wie verhiilt sich Collema zu Nostoc und zu den Nostochineen ? Botan. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 521-527. 27. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen iiber die Spermatozoidien der Vaucheria. Botan. Zeit- ung, XII., 1854, col. 527-531. 28. Die Gloeocapsen- und Chroococcus- Diamorphose. Botau. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 641-651. 29. Ueber die Algengattung Psicholior- miurn. Flora, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 17-20. 30. Skizzen zu einer Lebensgeschichte des Hapalosiphon Braunii. [1853.] Acad. Cajs. Leop. Nova Acta, XXV., 1855, pp. 249- 298. 31. Gloeocapsa und Cladonia. Botan. Zeitung, XIII., 1855, col. 203-207. 32. Ueber die Erforschung der Ge- schlechtlichkeit bei den Phanerogamen. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 281-286. 33. Geologische Bedeutuug der Laub- moosflor der erratischeu Blocke Norddeutsch- lands. Botau. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 913- 920. 34. Phykologische Studieu. [ 1 855. J Acad. Cues. Leop. Nova Acta, XXVI., 1857, pp. 135- 167. 35. Vegetabilische Zelle uud Sexus, eine hypothetische Andeutuug. Botan. Zeituug, XV., 1857, col. 53-56. ITZ] 502 [IVO Ztzigsohn, Hermann. 36. Intoxication durcli Kohlenoxydgas, typische Neurose dadurch be- wirkt. Virchow, Archiv, XIII., 1858, pp. 190- 193. 37. Zur Naturgeschiclite der Sarcina ven- triculi, Goodsir. Virchow, Archiv, XIV., 1858, pp. 541-549. 38. Bitte an die Herren Lichenologen we- gen Ephebe pubescens, Fries. Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 147-148. Itzigsohn, Hermann, und //. Hertsch. Ueber einon Xanthium-Bastard. Botan. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 34-35. Ivanitzki, - — . Description geognostique de la contree exploree par 1'expedition de inineurs envoyes u la recherche de 1'or sur les bords du Taidon. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1835, pp. 99- 104. 2. Gite d'anthracite du hanieau de Popov- skoi au bord de la riviere Grouchevka, territoire des Cosaques du Dou. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1839, pp. 140-155. 3. Notice sur les gites de la houille connue dans le commerce sous le uom de Houille de Nikitoffska. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1839, pp. 156-191. 4. Description geognostique d'une partie du district de Bakhmouth, gouvernemeut d'Eka- terinoslav. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1839, pp, 192-218. 5. Nouvelles observations geognostiques faites dans la vallee de Miousk, gouvernement d'Ekaterinoslav. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1839, pp. 393-394. 6. Coup d'tcil geognostique sur la contree traverses par le Miouss, avec une carte geologi- que. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1840, pp. 88-92. Ivanoff, - — . Analyse du Vesuvien, mineral trouve dans 1'arrondissement de Zlataoust. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1837. pp. 255-257; Liebig, Annal. XXVHL, 1838, p. 343. 2. Analyse d'un mineral trouve dans 1'ar- rondissement minier de Zlataoust. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1838, pp. 365-371. 3. Recherches sur la composition des houilles du district de Lougane. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1839, pp. 325-331. 4. Analyse de 1'eau de la Mer Morte. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1840, pp. 256-260. 5. Analyse d'une serpentine cristalline de la mine de cuivre de Talovsk (arr. de Kolui- vano-Voskressensk). Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1841, pp. 333-335. 6. Kaliphite, nouvelle esptce minerale trouvee en Hongrie. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1841, pp. 338-344. 7. Chemische Untersuchung des in Neapel gebriiuchlichen Formsandes. Oesterreich. Zeit- schr. Bergw. I., 1853, pp. 403-404. Ivernois, — — d'. Sur quelques points relatifs a la vie moyenne. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VIII., 1834, pp. 232-235. Ives, Ansel If. An experimental inquiry iuto the chemical properties and economical and medicinal virtues of the Humulus lupulus, or Common Hop. Sillimau, Jouru. II., 1820, pp. 302-312 ; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 320-322 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1821, pp. 194-202. Ives, Eli. Observations on a species of Limo- sella, recently discovered in the United States. Silliman, Journ. I., 1818, pp. 74-76; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIIL, 1819, pp. 328-329. 2. Description of a new species of Ascle- pias. Silliman, Journ. I., 1818, p. 252. 3. Description of a new species of Gna- phalium. Silliman, Journ. I., 1818, pp. 380- 381. Ivon, Louis. Volume du trouc de cone par la methode des coefficients indetermines. Nouv. Ann. Math. II., 1843, pp. 23-25. Ivory, James. A new series for the rectification of the Ellipsis, with observations on the evo- lution of a certain algebraic formula. [1796.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. IV., 1798, pp. 177- 190. 2. Rule for reducing a square root to a continued fraction. [1800.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. V., 1805, pp. 20-22. 3. A new method of resolving cubic equations. [1799.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. V., 1805, pp. 99-118. 4. A new and universal solution of KEPLER'S problem. [1800.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. V., 1805, pp. 203-246. 5. On the attractions of homogeneous ellipsoids. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 345-372 ; Paris, Soc. Philoni. Bull. III., 1812, pp. 176- 180, 216. 6. On the grounds of the method which LAPLACE has given in the 2nd chapter of the 3rd book of his " Mecanique Celeste " for com- puting the attractions of Spheroids of every description. [1811.] Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 1-45. 7. On the attractions of an extensive class of Spheroids. [1811.] Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 46-82. 8. A new method of deducing a first proximation to the orbit of a comet from three geocentric observations. Phil. Trans. 1814, pp. 121-186. 9. Solution of a curious mathematical pro- blem. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1816, pp. 273-276. 1O. Observations relating to the depression of mercury in glass tubes. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIL, 1821, pp. 267-269. IVO] 503 [IVO Ivory, James. 11. On the atmospherical re- fraction. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVII., 1821, pp. 321-325, 404-406. 12. Observations respecting the calcula- tion of the depression of mercury in capillary tubes. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVII., 1821, pp. 421-426. 13. Remarks on the gradation of heat in the atmosphere. Tillooh, Phil. Mag. LVIIL, 1821, pp. 24-31. • 14. On the problem in Nautical Astronomy for finding the latitude by means of two ob- servations of the Sun's altitude and the time elapsed between them. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIIL, 1821, pp. 81-90. 15. On the new method proposed by Dr. YOUNG for calculating the atmospherical re- fraction. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIII., 1821, pp. 161-168. 16. On NAPIER'S rules of the circular parts. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIII., 1821, pp. 255-259. 17. A demonstration of LE GENDRE'S theorem for solving such spherical triangles as have their sides very small in proportion to the radius of the sphere. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIIL, 1821, pp. 270-273. 18. On MAYER'S formula for the astro- nomical refraction. Tilloch, Phil. Mao-. LVIIL, 1821, pp. 341-347. 19. On the rollinc pendulum. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIIL, 1821, pp. 417-421. 20. On the expansion in a series of the attraction of a spheroid. Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 99-112. 21. Method of computing the latitude from two altitudes and the time intervening. Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 389-390. 22. Calculation of the horizontal refrac- tion in an atmosphere of uniform temperature. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 90-93. 23. On the theory of parallel lines in Geometry. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 161-167. 24. On the Hygrometer by evaporation. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LX., 1822, pp. 81-88. 25. On the astronomical refractions. Phil. Trans. 1823, pp. 409-495. 26. On the figure requisite to maintain the equilibrium of a homogeneous fluid mass that revolves upon an axis. [1823.] Phil. Trans. 1824, pp. 85-150. 27. Remarks on an article published in No. 23 of the Journal of Science, and treating of the new tables of refraction. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 261-266. — — 28. Remarks on the theory of the figure of the earth. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 339-348. Ivory, Jumcs. 29. Letter on the astronomical refractions. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 418-427. 30. Solution of a Geodetical Problem. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 35-40. ' 31. On the method of the Least Squares. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 3-10, 81-68, 161-168. 32. A Letter in reply to the historical sketch of the problem of atmospherical re- fraction in the last number of the Journal of Science. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 32-37. 33. Comparison of Mr. IVORY'S Table of Refractions, Philosophical Transactions, 1824, with Dr. BRADLEY'S Observations published by M. BESSEL in his " Fundamenta Astronomic." Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 107-108. 34. On the theory of the figure of the earth. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 241-249. 35. Correction of an inadvertence in a Geodetical Problem inserted in the Philosophical Magazine for July last. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 249-250. 36. On the laws of the condensation and dilatation of air and the gases, and the velocity of sound. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVI., 1825, pp. 3-13. 37. On the constitution of the atmo- sphere. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVI., 1825, pp. 81-93, 241-250. 38. On the variation of density and pres sure in the interior parts of the earth. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVI., 1825, pp. 321-329. 39. On the theory of the figure of the Planets contained in third Book of the " Meca- nique Celeste." Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVI., 1825, pp. 429-439 ; LXVIL, 1826, pp. 31-36, 81-89. — 4O. Mode of finding the length of the Geodetic Curve. Quart. Journ. Sci. XXL, 1826, pp. 361-363. 41. On the properties of a line of shortest Distance traced on the surface of an oblate spheroid. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIL, 1826, pp. 241-249, 340-352. 42. Notice relating to the theory of the equilibrium of fluids. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIL, 1826, pp. 439-442. — 43. On the ellipticity of the earth as deduced from experiments made with the pen- dulum. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIIL, 1826, pp. 3-10, 92-101. 44. On the equilibrium of a fluid at- tracted to a fixed centre. TUloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIIL, 1826, pp. 10-11. 45. On the method of the Least Squares. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIIL, 1826, pp. 161-165. IVO] 504 [IVO Ivory, James. 46. Atmospheric refraction at very low temperatures and altitudes. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIII., 1826, pp. 177-180. 47. On the methods proper to be used for deducing a general formula for the length of the seconds pendulum, from a number of experi- ments made at different latitudes. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIII., 1826, pp. 241-245. 48. Disquisition concerning the length of the Seconds Pendulum, and the ellipticity of the earth. Tilloch. Phil. Mag. LXVIII., 1826. pp. 246-251. 49. On the grounds for adopting the ellip- ticity of the earth deduced by Captain SABINE from his experiments with the Pendulum in his work lately published. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIII.. 1826, pp. 321-326. 50. Short abstract of M. de FREYCIXET'S experiments for determining the length of the Pendulum. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIII.. 1826, pp. 350-353. 51. On the elastic force of steam at diffe- rent temperatures. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 1-5. 52. Investigation of the heat extricated from air when it undergoes a given condensa- tion. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 89-93. 53. Continuation of the subject relating to the absorption and extrication of heat in a mass of air that changes its volume. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 165-170. 54. Notice relating to the Seconds Pen- dulum at Port Bowen. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 170-171. — 55. Application of the variations of tem- perature in air that changes its volume to account for the velocity of sound. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 249-255. 56. Some remarks on a memoir by M. POISSON [Surl'attractiondesspherokles] inserted in the Connaissance des Temps, 1829. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 324-331. 57. Letter to Prof. AIRY, in reply to his remarks on some passages in a paper by Mr. IVORY [published in vol. I., p. 324]. Phil. Mag. II., 1827, pp. 16-20. " 58. Letter to G. B. AIRY. [" On the ana- lysis employed by LAPLACE in the investigation of the figure of the planets."] Phil. Mag. II., 1827, pp. 88-92, 93-94. 59. On the figure of equilibrium of a homogeneous planet in a fluid state ; in reply to the obervations of M. POISSON. Phil. Mag. H., 1827, pp. 161-168, 241-247, 321-326. 60. On the theory of Capillary Action, and the depression of the mercury in the tubes of Barometers. Phil. Mag. III., 1828, pp. 1-11. 61. On the ellipticity of the earth as deduced from experiments with the Pendulum. Phil. Mag. III., 1828, pp. 165-173, 206-210. Ivory, James. 62. Letter to the Editors relating to the ellipticity of the earth as deduced from experiments with the Pendulum. Phil. Maf. III., 1828, pp. 241-243. 63. On the figure of the earth, as deduced from measurements of different portions of the Meridian. Phil. Mag. III., 1828, pp. 343-349, 431-436. 64. Notes relating to the theory of BAR- KER'S Mill. Phil. Mag. TIL, 1828, pp. 425-430. 65. On the latitudes and difference of longitude of Beachy Head and Dunnose in the Isle of Wight, &c. Phil. Mag. IV., 1828. pp. 6-11. 66. On measurements on the earth's sur- face perpendicular to the Meridian. Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 189-194. 67. On the method employed in the Tri- gonometrical Survey for finding the length of a degree perpendicular to the Meridian. Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 241-245. 68. On the attraction of Spheroids, &c. Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 245-248." 69. Answer to an article by Mr. Henry MEIKLE in the Quarterly Journal of Science [On Ihe variation of temperature consequent upon change of bulk of the air]. Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 321-326. 7O. On the method in the Trigonometrical Survey for finding the difference of longitude of two stations very little different in latitude. Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 432-435. 71. On the method of deducing the dif- ference of longitude from the latitudes and azi- muths of two stations. Phil. Mag. V., 1829. pp. 24-28. 106-109. 72. Observations on Mr. MEIKLE'S reply on sound and heat. Phil. Mag. V., 1829, pp. 104-106. 73. Some arguments tending to prove that the earth is a solid of revolution. Phil. Mag. V., 1829, pp. 205-209. 74. On the figure of the earth. Phil. Mag. VII., 1830, pp. 241-244, 412-4)6. 75. On the shortest distance between two points in the earth's surface. Phil. Mag. VIII., 1830, pp. 30-34, 134-137. 76. On the equilibrium of fluids, and the figure of a homogeneous planet in a fluid state. Phil. Trans. 1831, pp. 109-146. 77. On the theory of the Elliptic Tran- scendents. Phil. Trans. 1831, pp. 349-378. 78. On the theory of the perturbations of the planets. Phil. Trans. 1832, pp. 195-228. 79. On the developement of the disturbing function, upon which depend the inequalities of the motions of the planets, caused by their mutual attraction. Phil. Trans. 1833, pp. 559- 592. IVO] 505 [JAB Ivory, James. 80. On the equilibrium of a mass of homogeneous fluid at liberty. Phil. Trans. 1834, pp. 491-530. 81. Note on the astronomical refractions. Astr. Naclir. XII., 1835, col. 110-114. 82. On such functions as can be expressed by series of periodic terms. Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 161-165. 83. Sur ledeveloppementde(l — 2.rz+z2) ". Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1837, pp. 105-106. 84. On the conditions of equilibrium of a homogeneous planet in a fluid state. Phil. Mag. XIII, 1838, pp. 81-82. 85. Of such ellipsoids consisting of homo- geneous matter as are capable of having the resultant of the attraction of the mass upon a particle in the surface, and a centrifugal force caused by revolving about one of the axes, made perpendicular to the surface. [1837.] Phil. Trans. 1838, pp. 57-66. 86. (Bakerian Lecture). On the theory of the astronomical refractions. Phil. Trans. 1838, pp. 169-230 ; Phil. Mag. XIV., 1839, pp. 276-287, 342-352; XV., 1839, pp. 3-12, 105- 109, 385-395, 497-507 ; Eoy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1838, pp. 59-60. • 87. On the conditions of equilibrium of an incompressible fluid, the particles of which are acted upon by accelerating forces ; with a note relating to the correcting of an error in a paper printed in the Pliil. Trans, for 1838. Phil. Trans. 1839, pp. 243-265. Ivory, Jiimrs. 88. Remarks on Sir J. W. LCBIIOCK'S " Theory of heat and vapours." Phil. Mag. XX, 1842, pp. 46-49. 89. On Mixed Gases. Phil. Mag. XX, 1842, pp. 81-83. 9O. On the constitution of the atmosphere. Phil. Mag. XX, 1842, pp. 197-201, 278-281. Iwanizkji, . Ueber Goldvorkommen in Transkaukasien. Erman, Archiv Russ. XIII, 1854, pp. 509-514. Iwanow, J. M. Die Halbinsel Maugyschlak. Erman, Archiv Russ. XI., 1852, pp. 642- 683. Iwaschinzoff, N. Die Russische Aufnahme des Kaspischen Meeres. Petermann, Mittheil. 1863, pp. 53-62. Izarn, . Note sur la temperature de 1'ebul- lition de 1'eau a diflerentes hauteurs dans les Pyrenees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX, 1845, pp. 169-170; Poggend. Annal. LXV, 1845, pp. 368-369. Izarn, J. Sur 1'effet galvanique des disques mutalliques oxides. Journ. de Phys. LVII, 1803, pp. 131-152. Izokalski, Victor. Histoire d'une tunieur scro- tale contenant les debris d'uu foetus, extirpee par M. VELPEAU, suivie de considerations pratiques sur le diagnostic et le trailement des moustruosites par inclusion. Archiv. Gen. de Med. VII, 1840, pp. 299-313. J. J., Observations on the occurrence of fresh-water Testacea in temporary pools formed by rain and unconnected with permanent bodies of water. Gleanings in Sci. I, 1829, pp. 363-365. 2. Remarks on Cancar. Gleanings in Sci. I, 1829, pp. 365-368. J., C, Demonstrations of certain points in FKESNEL'S Theory of Double Refraction. Phil. Mag. X, 1837, pp. 24-28. J., D. Equivalents uutritifs des aliments du betail. Bruxelles, Journ. Soc. Centr. Agric. V, 1858, pp. 239-241. J., D. G. On the temperature of wells. Gleanings in Sci. II., 1830, pp. 131-132. J., J. On the intellectual faculties of brute animals. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV, 1831, pp. 498- 500. VOL. III. J., J. On the notations employed in the dif- ferential and integral Calculus. Phil. Ma«\ XXIV., 1844, pp. 25-37. J., J. K. Phenomena produced by the juxta- position of certain colours in certain circum- stances. London, Polyt. Mag. II, 1845, pp. 171-174. Jabin, J. F. Notice sur 1'exploitation et le traitement de 1'antimoine sulfure de Malbosc (Ardeche). Annal. des Mines, I, 1827, pp. 3-24. Jablonski, P. E. Beitrag zur Lcisung der Frage, ob durch den Vegetationsprozess chemisch unzeiiegbare Stofle gebildet werden. Wieg- mann, Archiv, II, 1836, pp. 206-212. Jabornegg, M. von. Beitriige zur Flora von Karnten. Karnten, Jahrb. Landesmus. VI., 1863, pp. 95-99. 3 s TAG] 506 [JAG Jaccard, A. Notes sur la Florc Fossile du terrain d'eau douce superieur du Locle. Neu- chatel, Bull. IV., 1856-58, pp. 57-68. 2. Note sur les restes de tortues fossiles du terrain d'eau douce du Locle. Neuchatel, Bull. IV., 1856-58, pp. 430-434. 3. Bondages sur les raarais du Locle (1857-58). Neuchatel, Bull. IV., 1856-58, pp. 434-440. 4. Notice sur les renversements des ter- Jackel, 3. Eine nothwendige Bemerkung rains stratifies dans le Jura. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. V., 1857, pp. 248-251. Jaccottet, Francois. Sur le meteore du 15 Avril. Bibl. Britannique, XXV., 1804, pp. 365-366. Jacinto. See Davila. Jack, A. Self-calculating Sextant. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. I., 1841, pp. 521-527. i 2. Snow on the Himalayas. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1844, pp. 455-458. Jack, W. B. Account of the operations for determining the longitude of Fredericton, New Brunswick, by galvanic signals. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, pp. 190-194. Jack, Jl'iUiam. Descriptions of Malayan plants. Malayan Miscell. I., 1820, Nos. 1,5; II., 1822, No. 7 ; Hooker, Botan. Miscell. I., 1830, pp. 273-290; II., 1831, pp. 60-89; Hooker's Journ. Botany, I., 1834, pp. 358-380 ; Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. I., 1835, pp. 121-157, 219-224, 253- 272. 2. On the Geology and Topography of the Island of Sumatra, and some of the adjacent Islands. [1823.] Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1824, pp. 397-405 ; Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1827, pp. 213-321. • 3. On the Malayan species of Melastoma. [1822.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 1- 22 ; Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1036-1039. 4. On Cyrtandracese, a new natural order of plants. [1822.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 23-45; Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 1176- 1181. 5. Account of the Lansium and some other genera of Malayan Plants. [1823.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 114-130. 6. Description of Malayan plants. Cal- cutta. Journ. Nat, Hist. IV., 1843, pp. 1-62, 159-201, 205-374. Jackel, . Etwas iiber die Verrichtung der Milz, und insbesondere iiber TIEDEMANN'S neueste Bestimmung derselben. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 581-589. 2. Etwas zur Wiirdigung der " Physiolog- ischen Untersuchungen von KRIMEE." Leipzig, 1820. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VII., 1822, pp. 395-401. zu Prof. MATER'S Aufsatz " Ueber den Unter- schied des venosen und arteriosen Bluts riick- sichtlich seines Gehalts an Faserstoff." Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VII., 1822, pp. 402-403. Jackel, Andreas Johannes. Beitriige zur Or- nithologie Frankens. Oken, Isis, 1848, col. 20- 47, 373-390. 2. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen. Ein- zelne Beitriige zur Baierischen Fauna. Regens- burg, Korresp. Blatt. 1849, pp. 21-25. 3. Nachtriige zu den Materialien zur Baierischen Ornithologie. Regensburg, Kor- resp. Blatt. 1851, pp. 61-64, 68-80, 81-95, 99- 101, 189-192. 4. Materialien zur Baierischen Fauna. Ein Bertrag zur Geschichte der geographischen Verbreituug der Saugethiere. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt. 1852, pp. 96-112, 113-126, 129-144, 148-159. 5. Verzeichniss der Trivialnamen der Baierischen VSgel. Naumanuia, 1853, pp. 391-399 ; 1855, pp. 70-73. 6. Materialien zur Baierischeu Fauna. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt. 1853, pp. 58-61, 75-80, 93-95 ; 1854, pp. 81-95 ; 1855, pp. 91- 101, 105-120, 121-132. 7. Der Vogelzug, etc., in Baiern in dem eigentlnimlichen Herbste, Winter uud Friihl- inge 1852-53. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 263-276. 8. Der Vogelzug und anderweitige Wahr- nehmungen iiber die Vogelwelt Baierns, im Jahre 1853-54. Cabauis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 481-502 ; III., 1855, pp. 401-416. 9. Ein Besuch in der zoologischen Samm- lung zu Erlangen. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt. 1854, pp. 154-156. 1O. Einzelne Mittheilungen aus der Vogel- welt Baiern's. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 444-446. 11. Ornithologischer Jahresbericht aus Baiern. Naumannia, 1856, pp. 40-58, 238- 251, 500-527; 1857, pp. 369-391; 1858, pp. 426-451. 12. Noch ein Wort iiber das Schuurren der Becassine. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IV., 1856, pp. 85-94. — 13. Das Schnurren oder Miickern der Be- cassine. Naumannia, 1857, pp. 21-33 ; 1858, pp. 490-498. — 14. Ueber die Vertilgung der Feldmause. Niirnberg, Abhandl. I., 1858, pp. 269-326. 15. Zur Frage iiber ALTUSI'S Schwan und den Cygnus melanorhinus NAUJIANN'S. Cabauis, Journ. Ornithol. IX., 1861, pp. 66-71. Jackel, F. W. LTeber die Seen der Umgegend von Liegnitz. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1848, pp. 75-76. JAC] 507 [JAG Jack el, F. W. 2. Ueber die in dor Umgegend von Liegnitz vorkommenden Mineralien und ihre technische Anwendung. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1853, pp. 51-61. 3. Ueber die Basalto Niederschlesiens. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, pp. 24-35. • 4. Ueber die Schwedenschanzen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, pp. 56-60. Jackson, . Course of the Tulang Bawang river, on the eastern coast of Sumatra. Malayan Miscell. II., 1822, No. 4. Jackson, . On the effects of woods on climate. Highland Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 194-203. Jackson, . Proprietes anti-acides de la maguesie et ses effets sur la vegetation. (Transl.) L'Institut, IX., 1841, p. 414. Jackson, . Poissons vivipares en Californie. (Transl.) Hainaut, Mem. Soc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 7-12. Jackson, (Dr.). On the cultivation of Roses and the manufacture of Rosewater and Attar or Otto at Ghazeepore. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVHI., 1840, pp. 326-331. Jackson, Charles T. Notice of the revolving electric magnet of M. PIXII. Silliman, Jouru. XXIV., 1833, pp. 146-149. 2. " Chiastolite," or Made of Lancaster. [1834.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. I., 1834-37, pp. 55-62. 3. Chemical analysis of Chrysocolla from the Holquin Copper Mines, near Gibara, Cuba. [1835.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. I., 1834-37. pp. 206-208. 4. Chemical analyses of three varieties of Bituminous Coal and one of Anthracite. [1835.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. I., 1834-37, pp. 357-360. 5. On the collection of geological specimens and on geological Surveys. Silliman, Jouru. XXX., 1836, pp. 203-208. 6. Chemical analyses of mineral waters from the Azores. [1836.] Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1837, pp. 94-97 ; Bibl. Univ. VIII., 1837, pp. 197-198. 7. Miscellaneous remarks on certain por- tions of the geology of Maine. Silliman, Jouru. XXXIV., 1838, pp. 69-73. 8. Chemical analysis of meteoric iron, from Claiborne, Clarke Co., Alabama. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1838, pp. 332-337; Bibl. Univ. XVIIL, 1838, pp. 386-388; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVI., 1839, pp. 239-243 ; Stur- geon, Ann. Electr. III., 1838-39, pp. 563-568. 9. Bituminization of peat and conversion into coal. Silliman, Jouru. XXXIV., 1838, p. 395. Jackson, Charles T. 10. Catlinite or Indian Pipe Stone. Silliniau, Journ. XXXV., 1839, p. 388. 11. Reports on the geology of the State of Maine, and on the public lands belonging to Maine and Massachusetts. Silliman, Jouru. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 143-156. 12. On Limestone from the Welland Canal. Silliniau, Journ. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 379-380. 13. Report on the Geology of the State of New Hampshire. Silliman, Journ. XLL, 1841, pp. 383-384. 14. On specimens of Lava from the Volcano Kilauea in Hawaii, the crater of which is said to be the largest in the world. Boston. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1841-44, pp. 22-23. 15. Report on a paper, entitled " An hypothesis to explain the changes of the surface of the earth," by Charles STODDAED. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1841-44, p. 123. 16. Description and analysis of Yttrocerite, from Worcester County, Mass. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 165-167. 17. Description and analysis of the pink Scapolite, of Bolton, Massachusetts. [1844.] Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 167-168; Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1843-44, pp. 504-506. 18. Description of the Tin veins of Jack- son, N.H. Arner. Geol. and Nat. Assoc. Reports, 1843, pp. 316-321. 19. Remarks on Zinc, Lead, and Copper ores of New Hampshire. Amer. Geol. and Nat. Assoc. Reports, 1843, pp. 321-322. 20. Remarks on Drift. Silliman, Journ. XLV., 1843, pp. 320-321. 21. On the organic matters of soils. Silli- man, Jouru. XLV., 1843, pp. 337-340. — 22. Remarks on the Alabama meteoric iron, with a chemical analysis of the drops of green liquid which exude from it. Silliman, Journ. XL VIII., 1845, pp. 145-147. 23. On the Copper and Silver of Kewenaw Point, Lake Superior. Silliman, Journ. XLIX., 1845, pp. 81-93 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1844-45, pp. 317-319. 24. Chemical and mineralogical frag- ments. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845-47, pp. 405-412. 25. Results of a chemical analysis of lava from the great crater of Kilauea, in Hawaii. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1845-48, pp. 120-122. 26. Analysis of Soils. Amer. Q. Journ. Agric. IV., 1846, pp. 220-238. 27. Cancrinite, Nepheline, and Zircon, from Litchfield, Maine. Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 119-120. 3 s 2 JACJ 508 [JAG Jackson, Claries T. 28. Ores and Minerals of Lake Superior. Silliman, Journ. II., 1846, pp. 118-119. 29. A new method of extracting pure gold from alloys and from ores. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, p. 187; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLVL, 1849, pp. 164-166, 30. Discovery of Tellurium in Virginia. Silliman, Jouru. VI., 1848, p. 188. 31. Analyses of three samples of white Cast Iron, containing manganese. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848-51, pp. 232- 235. 32. Analysis and description of Vermi- culite from Millbury, Mass. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848-51, pp. 243-245; .Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 422-423. 33. Description, with an analysis, of Asphaltum recently discovered in New Bruns- wick. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848- 51, pp. 279-282. 34. Remarks on some specimens of native Jackson, Charles T. 4:5. Analysis of water from a hot spring in the region of the Great Salt Lake. Silliman, Journ. X., 1850, p. 134. 46. Geological report on the Lake Supe- rior Copper Region. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1851, pp. 147-148 ; Karsten, Archiv, XXV., 1853, pp. 656-667. 47. On the asphaltic coal of New Bruns- wick. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1851, pp. 292-293. 48. On Eupyrchroite of Crown Point, phosphate of lime or Apatite from a large vein discovered in Hurdstowu, New Jersey. Amer. Acad. Proc. II., 1848-52, p. 242. 35. Analysis of a crystal of phosphate of lime from Hurdstown, New Jersey. Amer. Acad. Proc. II., 1848-52, p. 261 ; Boston, Proc. Nat, Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 41-43. 36. Observations on the Mirage seen on Lake Superior in July and Aug. 1847. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 143-147. 37. Remarks on the geology, mineralogy, and mines of Lake Superior. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 283-287 ; Paris, Sue. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 667-673. 38. On the geological structure of Kewe- naw point. [1849.] Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 288-301 ; Silliman, Journ. X., 1850, pp. 65-77. 39. On ancient Pot-holes in Rocks. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 188-190. 40. Description and analysis of Allanite from Franklin, New Jersey. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 323-324. 41. Description of Bismuthic Tellurium or Tetradymite, from the gold mine of White- hall, Virginia, with an analysis of the mineral, and its relations to the gold associated with it. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 324-325 ; Silli- man, Journ. X., 1850, pp. 78-80. 42. On the manufacture of zinc and zinc white. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 335-337. 43. Analysis of Red Marl of Springfield, Mass. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 337- 338. 44. Artificial minerals from an iron furnace in Easton, Pa. Anier. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 384-385. New York. Silliman, Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 73-74 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LI., J851, pp. 328-331. 49. Discovery of fossil fish in the coal formation of New Brunswick. Silliniau, Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 281-282. 50. Description and analysis of Pitch Stone, found at Isle Royale, Lake Superior. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 39-40 ; Silliman, Jouru. XI., 1851, pp. 401-403. 51. Description and analysis of Botryoidal fibrous Phosphate of Lime, from Crown Point. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 47-49. 52. Descriptions of five new species of fossil fish, of the genus Palreoniscus, and notices of several specimens of fossil plants, from the shales of the coal formation at Hillsboro, N.B. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 138-142. 53. Analysis of water. Anier. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 196. 54. Observations sur quelques mines des Etats Unis et sur le gres rouge du Lac Superieur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 803-807. 55. Geology of parts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist, Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 242-445. 56. On the chemical analysis and com- parison of Serpentine Marbles known under the name of Verd Antique. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 314-316, 339-363 ; Silliman, Journ. XXIIL, 1857, pp. 123-126. 57. Analysis of Allophaue from the black oxydc of copper mines of Polk County, Ten- nessee. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1855, p. 119. 58. Courants marins : nouvcau gisement de Trilobites. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 883-884. 59. On the coal formation of Deep River, N. Carolina. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 30-32, 33-34. 6O. Chemical analysis of a variety of Agal- matolite. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 32-33. 61. Analysis of a specimen of Bornite from Dahlonega, Georgia, Amer. Acad. Proc. IV., 1857-60, p. 196. JAC] 500 [JAC Jackson, C/tarlcs T. 62. Results of an exami- nation of the frozen well in Brandon, Vermont. Amer. Acad. Pi'oc. IV., 1857-60, pp. 269-271. 63. Sur les gisemeuts de 1'or dans la Guorgie. Paris, Comptcs Eendus, XLVII1., 1859, pp. 638-639. 64. Sur la bornite de Dahlcraega et sur les diamants de 1'Etat de Georgie. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 850-851 ; Silli- man, Journ. XXVII., 1859, pp. 366-367. 65. Analysis of the juice of the leaf-stalks Jackson, Georyc. 2. On Micrometers. [1847.] Microbe. Soc. Trans. II., 1849, pp. 134-140. 3. On thin glass-covers. Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853, pp. 141-142. 4. Ou the best form of micrometer for the of the garden Rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VII., 1859-61, p. 305. — - — 66. Existence of Nitrogen in plants. Its origin in animals. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. LXIIL, 1861, pp. 289-292. 67. Sur un gisement de combustible fossile decouvert a Chiriqui (Nouvelle-Grenade, pro- vince de Veragua), par M. le Dr. John EVANS. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LII., 1861, pp. 69-71. • 68. Chemical analysis of a Meteoric Stone from Dhurmsala, India. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VIII., 1861-62, pp. 233-235 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1018-1019. 69. Analysis of Meteoric Iron found in Dacotah. Amer. Acad. Proc. VI., 1862-63, pp. 166-167. Jackson, Charles T., and Francis Alger. A description of the mineralogy and geology of a part of Nova Scotia. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 305-330; XV., pp. 132-160, 201- 217. 2. Remarks on the mineralogy and geology of Nova Scotia. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. I., 1833, pp. 217-330. Jackson, Charles T., and John H. Blake. On the frozen well at Brandon, Vt. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VII., 1859-61, pp. 81-84. Jackson, Charles T., Blake, John II., and Rogers. Report of the Committee appointed to examine the frozen well of Brandon, Ver- mont. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IX., 1863, pp. 72-81. Jackson, Charles T., and A. A. Hayes. A description and chemical analysis of a new mineral species, Ledererite, from Nova Scotia. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1834, pp. 73-84. Jackson, Charles T., and J. G. Percival. Report on the Albert Coal Mine, with a micro- scopic examination. Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1852, pp. 276-277. Jackson, George. Account of Ormosia, a new genus of decandrous plants belonging to the natural order of Leguniinosre. [1810.] Linn. Soc. Trans. X., 1811, pp. 358-364. Jackson, George. Observations on microscopic measurement. Microsc. Journ. I., 1841, pp. 11-13. microscope. Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 129-131. 5. On micrometers and micrometry. Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 241-243. Jackson, George Henry. On some hydrargyro- cyanurets. Thomson, Records, III., 1836, pp. 355-364. Jackson, Gordon. A case of extra-uterine foetation ; with dissection, &c. Dublin, Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. II., 1833, pp. 191-199. Jackson, /. Descriptive account of a Bicepha- lous Fcetus. London, Med. and Phvs. Journ. XLV., 1821, pp. 128-134. 2. Curious case of Dracunculus. Calcutta, Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. VIII. (pt. 2), 1842 (App.), pp. cccxiv-cccxvi. Jackson, J. B. S. Anatomical description of the Galapagos Tortoise. [1837.] Boston. Journ. Nat. Hist. I., 1834-37, pp. 443-460. 2. Case of monstrosity, in which the brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, and right kidney were wanting. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXL, 1837, pp. 362-368. 3. Malformation of the internal genital organs in an adult female. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXIL, 1838, pp. 393-395. 4. Report ou a specimen of the Ant-Eater (Myrmecophaga jubata) of South America. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1841-44, p. 19. 5. Dissection of two adult Dromedaries, a male and a female. [1842.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1843-44, pp. 1-15. 6. Dissection of a Spermaceti Whale, and three other Cetaceans. [1842.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845-47, pp. 137-171. 7. On the fossil bones of Mastodon. Bos ton, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1845-48, pp. 60- 62. 8. On the dentition of the Mastodon. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. H., 1845-48, pp. 140-141. 9. On a particular derangement of the structure of the spleen. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIX., 1846, pp. 277-282. 10. Two foetuses united face to face, from the umbilicus to the upper third of the sternum. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. LVIIL, 1858, pp. 274-277 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 827-829. 11. Peculiar form of Spina bifida, with imperforation of the duodenum and rectum. Boston, Med. Surg. Jouru. LIX., 1859, pp. 355— 359. JAC] 510 [JAC Jackson, James. On the properties of life. New England Journ. Med. V., 1816, pp. 9-20. 2. Beobachtung einer Entziindun^ der O O Schleimhaut des Darmcanals und einer Miss- bildung des Herzens. (Transl.) Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VIII., 1823, pp. 163-165. Jackson, Jatnes Grey. Lettre a M. JOMAED [sur la geographic d'Afrique]. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. II., 1824, pp. 135-136. Jackson, John. Anomalous distribution of the arteries of the leg. Glasgow Med. Journ. III., 1830, pp. 396-397. Jackson, Julian R. Des couleurs considerees dans les corps transparents. Bibl. Univ. XLIV., 1830, pp. 11-23. 2. Sur les galets ou pierres roulees de la Pologne. Bibl. Univ. XLIV., 1830, pp. 183- 189. 3. De la transparence et de la couleur de 1'atmosphere, et de la teinte des objets vus dans 1'eloignement. Bibl. Univ. XLIX., 1832, pp. 163-177. 4. Des lacs sales. Bibl. Univ. XLIX., 1832, pp. 177-186. 5. On the " Seiches " of Lakes. Geogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1833, pp. 271-274; Canadian Journal, II., 1853-54, pp. 27-29. 6. Physico-Geographical Essays. Essay I. — Observations on Lakes. Geogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1833, pp. 243-247. 7. Hints on the subject of geographical arrangement and nomenclature. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1834, pp. 72-87. 8. Aide-Memoire du voyageur, ou ques- tions relatives a, la Geographic, physique et poli- tique, &c. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1834, pp. 229-238. 9. Congelation of the Neva at St. Peters- burgh, and temperature of its waters when covered with ice. Geogr. Soc. Jouru. V., 1835, pp. 1-22. 10. On picturesque description in books of travels. Geogr. Soc. Journ. V., 1835, pp. 381-386. 11. On Ground Ice in the Siberian rivers. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VI., 1836, pp. 416-418. 12. Kiinste und Erfindungen des wilden Lebens, betrachtet als unmittelbare Ergebnisse der Naturbeobachtungen. Liklcle, Zeits. f. Erdk. HI., 1844, pp. 144-149. Jackson, M. A. Catalogue of some of the rarer species of plants found in the neighbourhood of Lichfield. Analyst, VI., 1837, pp. 297-298. Jackson, R. E. Scoresby. On the influence of Weather upon Disease and Mortality. Ediub. Eoy. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1861, pp. 299-348. Jackson, Samuel. On Absorption. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. V., 1829, pp. 277-296. Jackson, Samuel. 2. Of the Pulse and its modifications. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. VI., 1830, pp. 104-114. 3. On digestion of fatty matters by the Pancreatic Juice. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXVIII., 1854, pp. 307-313. 4. On Starch as a product of the liver, and ou the Amyloid degeneration of the liver in Yellow Fever. Amer. Jouru. Med. Sci. XXXIV., 1857, pp. 549-552. Jackson, Thomas. Elementary demonstration of the composition of pressures. [1816.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1818, pp. 245- 248. Jackson, W., and J. Wonfor. On the compo- sition of Dublin Porter. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. III., 1860-62, pp. 163-170. Jackson, Jl'clby. On the Iron works of Beer- bhoom. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIV., 1845, pp. 754-755. Jackson, William F. On the toxical and other properties of a substance analogous to gun- cotton. American Jouru. Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 244-249. Jacob, . Notice sur une transposition de tous les visceres. Journ. de Med. XXII., 1811, pp. 214-219. Jacob, — . Memoire sur les eaux thermales de Baguols (Lozere). Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Ann. 1837-38, pp. 39-108. 2. Examen analytique de quelques vins du canton de Tonnerre. Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1843, pp. 519-531. Jacob, . Note sur les pnramctres des courbes du second ordre. Nouv. Ann. Math. II., 1843, pp. 138-144. 2. Probleme sur les aires minima (alveole). Nouv. Ann. Math. II., 1843, pp. 160-162. Jacob, . Ueber Zmkblechstreifen als Schutz- niittel fiir eiserne Dampfkessel. Karsten, Ar- chiv, XXL, 1847, pp. 200-204. Jacob, Arthur, An account of a membrane in the eye now first described. Phil. Trans. 1819, pp. 300-307 ; Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1820, pp. 313-318 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 302-308. 2. Inquiries respecting the anatomy of the Eye. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XII., 1823, pp. 487-519. 3. On the sreueric characters and anatom- ical] structure of the whale, entitled Delphinus diodon, Hunter, and Hyperoodon, Lacepede. Dublin, Phil. Jouru. I., 1825, pp. 58-73. 4. Account of a whale (Balaam rostrata) which was found floating in the Atlantic ocean on the north-west coast of Ireland ; with some observations respecting its generic characters and anatomical structure. Dublin. Phil. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 333-350. JAC] 511 [JAC Jacob, Arthur. 5. On the infraorbital cavities iu Deers and Antelopes, called " Larmiers " by the older French Naturalists. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1835, pp. 208-210 ; Dublin, Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. Vni., 1836, pp. 395-401 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XX., 1836, pp. 74-79 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLVII., 1836, col. 292-296. 6. On the structure of the Mammary Gland in the Cetacea, with observations on the me- chanism of the mouth and soft palate, as applied by the young animal iu sucking. Dublin, Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. VII., 1836, pp. 299-304. Jacob, Arthur A. On the Queen's County Col- lieries. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1850-53, pp. 229-231. 2. Account of a reconnaissance of the Nerbudda Valley in Central India. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1853-55, p. 183. Jacob, G. Le Grand. An account of Gumli, or more correctly Bhumli, the ancient capital of Jetwar. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1839, pp. 73-80. 2. Report on the Iron of Kattywar, its comparative value with British metal, the mines, and mode of smelting the ore. Born- bay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VII, 1843, pp. 98-104. 3. Report upon the general condition of the province of Kattywar. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. VII., 1846, pp. 1-96. 4. Report on the district of Babriawar. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. VII., 1846, pp. 200-208. • 5. Notice of Borneo and the Eastern Ar- chipelago. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1857, pp. 140-148. 6. Extract from Journal of a trip to Sind from Kutch in 1852. [1861.] Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1863, pp. 22-29. 7. Extracts from a Journal kept during a tour made in 1851 through Kutch, giving some account of the Alum Mines of Murrh, and of changes effected in 1844 by a series of Earth- quakes, that appear hitherto to have escaped notice. [1862.] Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1863, pp. 56-66. Jacob, Jos. [On the path of a Centauri and Saturn's shadow.] Astr. Nachr. XLIV., 1856, col. 41-44. Jacob, W. 8. Description of a small Observatory constructed at Poonah, in the year 1842, ac- companied by observations of eclipses, &c. of Jupiter's Satellites. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843-45, pp. 1-2. 2. Double Stars observed at Poonab in 1845-46. [1846.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XVI., 1847, pp. 211-322. 3. The Annular Eclipse of 8-9 Oct. 1847. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, pp. 27-28. Jacob, W. S. 4. Occultations observed at Poonah. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, p. 133. 5. Catalogue of Double Stars, deduced from observations made at Poonah from November 1845 to February 1848. [1848.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XVII., 1849, pp. 79-92. 6. Notes on the British Association Cata- logue. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 141-142. 7. On the limits of error in the elements of the orbit of « Centauri, and on the orbits of p Eridani and 61 Cygni. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 170-172. 8. On the extinction of Light in the At- mosphere. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. II., 1851, pp. 271-273. 9. Remarks on Saturn as seen with the Madras Equatoreal. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIII., 1852-53, pp. 240-241. 1O. On the parallax of a Herculis. As- tron. Soc. Month.'Not. XIII., 1852-53, pp. 241- 242. 11. Double stars observed at Madras. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, p. 242. - — 12. Places of Comet II. of 1854, as ob- served at Madras. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, p. 246. 13. Remarks on the orbits of a Centauri and ) in formam dt, ' . ,. . /» simpliciorem I —— — _ — -rTi—. - — - J G— G cos ,jcos3 — G 'sin •/) sin3. Crelle, Journ. VIII., 1832, pp. 253-279, 321- 357. 24. Ueber und zu LEGENDRE'S " Theorie des fonctions elliptiques." Crelle, Journ. VIIL, 1832, pp. 413-418. 25. De thcoremate Abeliano observatio. Crelle, Journ. IX., 1832, p. 99. 26. Observatio arithmetica de numero classium divisorum quadraticorum formce yy-\-A.:z designante A numerum primuni forma; 4 n + 3. Crelle, Journ. IX., 1832, pp. 189-192. VOL. III. Jacobi, C. G. J. 27. Considerationes generales de transcendentibus Abclianis. Crelle, Journ. IX., 1832, pp. 394-403. 28. 13e transformatione et determinatione integralium duplicium commentatio tertia. [1832.] Crelle, Journ. X., 1833, pp. 101-128. 29. Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung des Herrn Professor SCHKHK iiber die Integration der Gleichung ^{ = (a + 8 .T) y, Band 10, S. 92. Crelle, Journ. X., 1833, p. 279. 30. Demonstratio formula; J. (l_ip)'-> dw = f™e->: a?'1 dx.f, e-* 3>"ldx_ Tb Crelle, Journ. XL, 1834, p. 307. - 31. De binis quibuslibet functionibus ho- niogeneis secundi ordinis per svibstitutiones lineares in alias binas transformandis, qure solis quadratis variabiliuni constant ; una cum variis theoreniatis de transformatione et determinatione integralium multiplicium. Crelle, Journ. XII., 1834, pp. 1-69. - 32. Geometrische Siitze (Auszug). Crelle, Journ. XII., 1834, pp. 137-140 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 237-240. - 33. De compositione numerorurn e quatuor quadratis. Crelle, Journ. XII., 1834, pp. 167- 172. - 34. De usu legitimo formulae sunnnatorire Maclauriniana;. Crelle, Journ. XII., 1834, pp. 263-272. - 35. De fractione continua inquam integrale /oo e~xz dx evolvere licet. Crelle, Journ. XII., 1834, pp. 346-347. -- 36. Ueber die Figur des Gleichgewichts. Poggend. Annal. XXXIII., 1834, pp. 229-232. - 37. De functionibus duaruin variabiliuni quadruplicate!1 periodicis, quibus theoria tran- scendentium Abelianarum innititur. Crellc, Journ. XI1L, 1835, pp. 55—78. - 38. Observatiunculaj ad theoriam aequa- tionuni pertinentes. Crelle, Journ. XIII., 1835, pp. 340-352; Nouv. Ann. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 22-28. - 39. De usu theorire integralium elliptico- rum et integralium Abelianorum in analysi Diophantea. Crelle, Journ. XIII., 1835, pp. 353-355. - 40. Dato systemate n rcquationum linea- rium inter n incognitas, valores incognitarum per intcgraliadefinita (n— 1) tuplicia exhibentur. Crelle, Journ. XIV., 1835, pp. 51-55. 41. Zur Theorie der Curven. Crelle, Journ. XIV., 1835, pp. 56-63. 3 T JAC] 514 [JAC Jacobi, C. G. J. 42. Ueber den Steinerschen Satz von den Primzahlen im 4ten Hefte des 13ten Bandes dieses Journals. Crelle, Jouru. XIV., 1835, pp. 64-65; Nouv. Ann. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 268-269. 43. Theorernata nova algebraica circa sys- terna duarum tequationuni, inter duas variabiles propositarum. Crelle, Jouru. XIV., 1835, pp. 281-288 ; Nouv. Ann. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 118-126. 44. Sclireiben iiber Variationsrecbnung und Integration der Differentialgleichungcu der analytischen Mechauik. Berlin, Bericht, 1836, pp. 115-119. 45. Formula transformationis integralium definitoruui. Crelle, Journ. XV., 1836, pp. 1-26. 46. De eliminatione variabilis e duabus lequationibus algebraicis. Crelle, Journ. XV., 1836, pp. 101-124 ; Nouv. Ann. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 158-171, 287-294. 47. De integralibus quibusdam duplicibus quffi post transformatiouem variabilium in ean- dem formam redeunt. Crelle, Journ. XV., 1836, pp. 193-198. 48. Formula? novre in theoria transcenden- tium ellipticarum fundamentales. Crelle, Journ. XV., 1836, pp. 199-204. 49. De evolutione expressions (£ + 2 /' cos^> + 2 /" cos <£')-" in seriem infinitam secundum cosinus multi- plorum utriusque anguli , ^' procedentem. Crelle, Journ. XV., 1836, pp. 205-228. 50. De relationibus, qua; locum haberc debent inter puncta intersectionis duarum cur- varum vel triurn superflcierum algebraicarum dati ordinis, simul cum euodatione paradoxi alge- braici. Crelle, Journ. XV., 1836, pp. 285-308. 51. Observationes geometrical. Crelle, Journ. XV., 1836, pp. 309-312. - 52. Lettre sur quelques points d'analyse ruatheruatique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 59-61. 53. Mittbeilung iiber die Kreistheilung und ihre Anwendung auf die Zahlentheorie. Berlin, Bericht, 1837, pp. 127-136 ; Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 166-182; Nouv. Ann. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 337-352. 54. Nota de erroribus quibusdam geo- metricis qui in theoria functionum leguutur. Crelle, Jouru. XVI., 1837, pp. 342-343. 55. Demonstratio et amplificatio nova theorematis Gaussiani de quadratura Integra trianguli in data superficie e lineis brevissimis formati. CreUe, Journ. XVI., 1837, pp. 344- 350. 56. Zur Theorie der Variations-Rechnung und derDirlerentialgleichungen. Crelle, Journ. XVII., 1837, pp. 68-82. Jacobi, C. G. J. 57. Ueber die Reduction der Integration der partielleu Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung zwisehen irgend einer Zahl Variabeln auf die Integration eines eiuzigen Systems gewohnlicher DitFerentialgleichungen. Crelle, Journ. XVII., 1837, pp. 97-162. 58. Note sur 1'integration des equations differentielles de la dynamique. Paris, Coruptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 61-67. 59. Neues Theorem der analytischen Me- chanik. Berlin, Bericht, 1838, pp. 178-182 ; Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 117-120. 60. Sur le calcul des Variations et sur la theorie des equations differentielles. [1836.] Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1838, pp. 44-59. 61. Sur la reduction de 1'integration des equations differentielles partielles du premier ordre entre un nombre quelconque de variables a 1'integration d'un seul systeme d'equatious differentielles ordinaires. Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1838, pp. 60-96, 161-202. 62. Note von der geodatischen Linie auf einem Ellipsoid und den verschiedenen An- wendungen eiuer merkwiirdigen analytischen Substitution. Crelle, Journ. XIX., 1839, pp. 309-313; Berlin, Bericht, 1839, pp. 62-66; Liouville, Jouru. Math. VI., 1841, pp. 267-272. • — 63. Ueber die complexen Primzahlen, welche in der Theorie der Reste der 5ten, Sten und 12ten Potenzen zu betrachten sind. Crelle, Jouru. XIX., 1839, pp. 314-318 ; Berlin, Be- richt, 1839, pp. 86-91 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. VIII., 1843, pp. 268-272. 64. Elementarer Beweis einer merkwiir- digen analytischeu Forniel, nebst einigen aus ihr folgenclen Zahlensiitzen. Crelle, Journ. XXL, 1840, pp. 13-32 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1842, pp. 85-109; Nouv. Ann. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 410-413. 65. De formatione et proprietatibus de- termiuantium. Crelle, Journ. XXII., 1841, pp. 285-318. 66. De determinantibus functionalibus. Crelle, Journ. XXIL, 1841, pp. 319-359. 67. De functionibus alternantibus earum- que divisione per productum e differentiis ele- mentorum conflatum. Crelle, Journ. XXIL, 1841, pp. 360-371. 68. Zur combinatorischen Analysis. Crelle, Journ. XXIL, 1841, pp. 372-374. 69. Dilucidationes de ajquationum differ- entialium vulgarium systematis earumque con- nexioue cum requationibus differentialibus par- tialibus liuearibus prirni ordinis. Crelle, Journ. XXIIL, 1842, pp. 1-104. 70. Ueber Reihen von Kegelschnitten in einer Ebene, welche sich in denselben vier Puncteu schneiden. Crelle, Journ. XXIIL, 1842, pp. 243-254. JAC] 515 [JAC Jacobi, C. G. J. 71. De integratione aequa- tionis differeutialis (A + A'* + A"y) (xdy—ydx) - (B + B'.r + B".y) d,j + (C + C'* 4- C"y) dx=0. Crelle, Journ. XXIV., 1842, pp. 1-4. 72. De motu puncti singularis. Crelle, Journ. XXIV., 1842, pp. 5-27. 73. Demonstratio nova theorematis Abe- liani. Crelle, Journ. XXIV., 1842, pp. 28- 36. 74. Sur un nouveau principe general de la mecanique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 202-205; Atti Scienz. Jtal. 1843, pp. 475- 476. 75. Sur I'elimination des nceuds dans le probleme des trois corps. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XV, 1842, pp. 236-255; Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 81-98 ; Crelle, Journ. XXVI., 1843, pp. 115-131 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 313-333. 76. Ueber einige merkwiirdige Curven- theoreme. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 115- 120 ; Nouv. Ann. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 660- 665. 77. Ueber die Entwickelung des Ausdrucks [a a — 2 a a' (cos a cos cos (&— &) + a' a/]-*. Crelle, Journ. XXVI., 1843, pp. 81-87; Giorn. Arcad. XCVIII., 1844, pp. 59-66 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. X., 1845, pp. 229-232. 78. Zur Theorie tier elliptischen Fuuc- tionen. Crelle, Journ. XXVL, 1843, pp. 93- 114. 79. Theoria navi multiplicatoris systemati requationum diflerentialium vulgarium appli- candi. Crelle, Journ. XXVII., 1844, pp. 199- 268 ; XXIX., 1845, pp. 213-279, 333-378. 8O. Sulla condizione di uguaglianza di due radici dell' equazione cubica, dalla quale dipen- dono gli assi principal! di una superficie del second' ordine. Giorn. Arcad. XCIX., 1844, pp. 3-11 ; Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 46- 50. 81. Sul principio dell' ultimo moltiplicatore, e suo uso conie nuovo principio generale di mec- canica. Giorn. Arcad. XCIX., 1844, pp. 129- 146 ; Liouville, Journ. Math.X., 1845, pp. 337- 346. 82. Ueber eine neue Auflosungsart der bei der Methods der kleinsten Quadrate vorkom- menden linearen Gleichungen. Astr. Nachr. XXII., 1845, col. 297-306. 83. Nouveau principe de Dynamique. [1843.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1845, col. 33-37. 84. Bestimmung der geodatische Linie auf einem dreiaxigen Ellipsoid mittelst blosser Quadraturen, als Beispiel zu dieser neuen Me- thode. Berlin, Bericht, 1846, pp. 351-355. Jacobi, C. G. J. 85. Ueber ein leichtes Ver- fahren die in der Theorie der Sacularstorangen vorkommenden Gleichungen numerisch auf- zulosen. Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 51- 94; Nouv. Ann. Math. X., 1851, pp. 258-265. -- 86. Ueber die Additionstheoreme der Abelscheu Integrale zweiter und dritter Gatt- ung. Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 121-126. -- 87. Ueber die Darstellung einer Reihe ge- gebner Werthe durch eine gebrochne rationale Function. Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 127- 156. — — 88. Note sur les fonctions Abeliennes. [1843.] Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 183- 184. - 89. Ueber einige, die elliptischen Funct- ionen betreffende Formeln. Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 269-270. - 9O. Auflosungen und Beweise einer Reihe von Aufgaben und Lehrsiitzen der ebenen Geometrie. Crelle, Journ. XXXI., 1846, pp. 40-84, 93-110, 359-360. - 91. Beweis eines geometrischen Satzes. Crelle, Journ. XXXL, 1846, pp. 178-180. - 92. Ueber den Werth, welchen das be- S*** _ ,/„ 1— stimmte Integral^ !_A cos ^.^ Sln fiir beliebige imaginiire Werthe von A und B anniinmt. Crelle, Journ. XXXIL, 1846, pp. 8-13. 93. Beweis des Satzes, dass jede nicht fiinfeckige Zahl eben so oft in eiue gerade als ungerade Anzahl verschiedener Zahlen zerlegt werden kanu. Crelle, Journ. XXXIL, 1846, pp. 164-175. 94. [Sur les formules de la transforma- tion inverse.] Lettre. Crelle, Journ. XXXIL, 1846, pp. 176-181. 95. Ueber die Vertauschung von Para- meter und Argument bei der dritten Gattung der Abelschen und hohern Trauscendenteu. Crelle, Journ. XXXIL, 1846, pp. 185-196. • 96. Ueber einige der Binomialreihe analoge Reihen. Crelle, Journ. XXXII., 1846, pp. 197-204. . 97. Ueber eine neue Methode zur In- tegration der hyperclliptischen Differential- gleichungen und iiber die rationale Form ihrer vollstiindigen algebraischcn Integralgleichungen. Crelle, Journ. XXXII., 1846, pp. 220-226. 98. Extrait d'une Lettre addressee a M. HERBIITE [relative a la theorie des fonctions elliptiques et a cello des fonctions Abeliennes]. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 97- 103. 99. [Probleme de chercher 1'attraction d'un ellipsoide homogene, exercee sur un point exterieur quelcouque.] Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 341-342. 3 T 2 JAC] 510 [JAC Jacobi, C. G. J. 10O. Keimtniss des Dio- PHANTUS von cler Zusammcusetzung tier Zalilen aus zwei Quadraten, nebst Emendation eiuer Stelle. Berlin, Bericht, 1847, pp. 265-278. 101.. Notiz liber A. GOPEL ; [nebst den Resultaten seiner Dissertation : De cequutioni- bus secundi gradus indetcrminatis.~\ Crelle, Journ. XXXV., 1847, pp. 31.3-317; Liouville, Journ. Math. XV., 1850, pp. 357-362. 1O2. De la vie de DESCARTES, et de sa methode pour bien conduire sa raison et chercher la verite dans les sciences. [1846.] Liouville, Journ. Math. XII., 1847, pp. 97-116. 103. Ueber die Reduction quadratis-cher Formeii auf die kleiuste Anzahl GHeder. Berlin, Bericht, 1848, pp. 414-417 ; Crelle, Journ. XXXIX., 1850, pp. 290-292 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. XIII., 1848, pp. 412-414. 104. Ueber die unmittelbare Verification einer Fundamcntalf'ormel der Theorie der ellipt- ischen Functionen. Crelle, Journ. XXXVI., 1848, pp. 75-80. -- 105. Ueber die partielle Differentialgleich- ung, welcher die Ziilder und Neuner der ellipt- isclien Functioneu Geniige leisten. Crelle, Journ. XXXVI., 1848, pp. 81-88. — 106. Ueber die Differeutialgleichung, welcher die Reihen l±2g+2q*±2qn+ etc. 2V7 + 2i/<79 + 2V'725 + etc. Geniige leisten. Crelle, Journ. XXXVL, 1848, pp. 97-112; Liouville, Jouru. Math. XIV., 1849, pp. 181-200. - 1O7. Ueber eine particuliire Losung der partielleu Differentialgleichung, Crelle, Journ. XXXVL, 1848, pp. 113-142. 108. Ueber uuendliche Reihen, deren Exponeuten zugleich in zwei verschiedenen quadratischen Formen enthaltcn sind. Crelle, Journ. XXXVII., 1848, pp. 61-94, 221-254. 109. [Ueber die grosse Leverrier'sche Entdeckung.] Astr. Nachr. XXVIII., 1849, col. 43-46. 110. Versuch einer Berechnung der gross- en Ungleichheit des Saturns nach einer strengen Entwickelung. Astr. Nachr. XXVIIL, 1849, col. 65-80, 81-94. 111. Ueber die anniihernde Bestimmung sehr entfemter Glieder in der Entwickelung der elliptischenCoordinaten, nebst einer Ausdehnung der Laplace'schen Methode zur Bestimmung der Fuuctionen gerader Zahlen. Astr. Nachr. XXVIIL, 1849, col. 257-270. 112. Sur la rotation d'un corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 97-106 ; Crelle, Journ. XXXIX., 1850, pp. 293-350; Liouville, Journ. Math. XIV., 1849, pp. 337-344. Jacob!, C. G- J. 113. LTntemichungeu iiber die Couvergenz der Reihe, durch welche das Kepler'- sche Problem gelost wird. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 197, 213, 229, 245. 114. Ueber neu nufgefundene Correspon- denzeu LEIBNITZEN'S nebst einigen alten Algoris- men. Berlin, Bericht, 1850, pp. 426-435. 115. Beweis des Satzes, dass eine Curve «ten Grades im Allgemeinen %>i (»— 2) (w3— 9) Doppeltangenten hat. Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850, pp. 237-260 ; Nouv. Ann. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 141-161 ; Tortolini, Annali, II., 1851, pp. 435-463. 116. Schreiben an Professor O. HESSE. [Demonstration of a theorem of HESSE.] Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850, p. 318. 117. Auszug zwcier Schreiben an Herrn Director HANSEN. [Ueber die Form der Stor- ungsgleichungen.] Crelle, Journ. XLH., 1851, pp. 12-23-31. 118. AUSZUK eines Schreibens an Herrn Prof. HEINE. [Ueber HEINE'S " Beitrag zur Theorie der Anziehung und der Warrne."] Crelle, Journ. XLIL, 1851, pp. 35-40. . -- 119. Ueber die Zusammensetzuug der Zahlen aus ganzen positiven Cuben ; nebst einer Tabelle fur die kleinste Cubenanzahl, aus welcher jede Zahl bis 12,000 zusammengesetzt werden kann. Crelle, Journ. XLIL, 1851, pp. 41-69. - — • 120. Nouvelles formules de geodesic. Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855, col. 209-216. - 121. Ueber Eeihenentwickclungen, welche nach den Potenzen eines gegebeneu Polynoms fortschreiten, und zu Coeilicienteu Polynome eines niedereren Grades liaben. [1847.] Crelle, Journ. LIII., 1857, pp. 103-126. - 122. Ueber eine elementare Transforma- tion eines in Bezug auf jedes von zwei Varia- blen-Systemen linearen und homogenen Aus- drucks. Crelle, Jouru. LIII., 1857, pp. 265- 270. - 123. Ueber einen algebraischen Fun- damentalsatz und seine Amvendungen. Crelle, Journ. LIII., 1857, pp. 275-280. - 124. Solution nouvelle d'un probleme fon- damental de Geodesic. [1849.] Crelle, Journ. LIII., 1857, pp. 335-341, 342-365. - 125. Darstellung der dliptischen Funct- ionen durch Potenzreihen. Crelle, Journ. LIV., 1857, pp. 82-97. - 126. Ueber die Substitution y" (et'b'x + e') = 0 und iiber die Reduction der Abelscheu In- tegralc erster Ordnung in die Normalform. Crelle, Journ. LV., 1858, pp. 1-14. - 127. Untersuchungen iiber die Differen- tialgleichung der hypogeometrischen Reihe. Crelle, Jouru. LVL, 1859, pp. 149-163. JAC] 517 [JAC Jacobi, C. G. J. 128. Uebcr die Abbildung eines ungleichaxigen Ellipsoids auf finer Ebene, bei welcher die klcinsten Theile ilhulich bleiben. Crelle, Journ. LIX., 1861, pp. 74-88. 129. Nova methodus, ajquationes ilifler- entiales partiales primi ordinis inter numerum variabilium quemcunque propositas integrand!. Crelle, Journ. LX., 1862, pp. 1-181. Jacobi, Cliristiaan. Om het toenemend Hout- gebrek der Suiker-molens in de Bovenlanden spoedig en duurzaam te verhelpen. Batav. Ge- nootsch. Verhand. II., 1784, pp. 334-344. Jacobi, G. IV. Ueber die beiden Miiieralquelleu zu Moutabauer. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IV., 1820, pp. 94-103. Jacobi, M. H. Ueber die Construction schief- liegender Raderwerke. Crelle, Journ. II., 1 827, pp. 276-285. 2. Litterarische Notizen iiber Dampfma- schlnen. Crelle, Journ. Bauk. VI., 1833, pp. 83-94. 3. Sur une machine magnetique, dans la- quelle le magnetisme est employe comme force motrice. L'Institut, II.. 1834, pp. 394-395. 4. Notiz fiber die Electromaguete. Pog- gend. Annal. XXXI., 1834, pp. 367-368. • 5. JACOBI'S Commutator. Poggend. An- nal. XXXVI., 1835, pp. 366-370. 6. Ueber BECQUEREL'S einfache Sauer- stoffkette. Poggend. Annal. XL., 1837, pp. 67-72. 7. Experiences electro-magnetiques, for- mant suite au Memoire sur 1'application de I'electro-magnetisme au mouvement des ma- chines. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 17-31, 37-44 ; Archives de 1'Electr. III., 1843, pp. 233-278 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. II., 1841, pp. 1-19. 8. [Experiences relatives a la cliainc gal- vanique.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 60-64, — 9. Ueber den Nutzen der Kammersaule. Poggend. Annal. XLIII., 1838, pp. 328-335. • 10. Ueber die Zeit zur Entwickelung eines electrischen Stroms. Poggend. Anual. XLV., 1838, pp. 281-284. 11. Sur la vitesse avec laquelle se devc- loppc I'electricite de contact dans une simple couple d'elements. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1838, col. 333-335. • 12. Ueber den galvanischen Funken. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1838, col. 102- 106; Bibl. Uiiiv. XIV., 1838, pp. 171-175; Poggend. Annal. XLIV., 1838, pp. 633-638. 13. Ueber die Inductions-Phunomene beim Oeffnen und Schliessen eiuer Volta'schen Kette. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1838, col. 212-224; Potrgeud. Annal. XLV., 1838, pp. 132-148. Jacobi, M. II. 14. Ueler das chemische und magnetische Galvanometer. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 353-377 ; Poggend. Annal. XLVIIL, 1839, pp. 26-57. 15. Die Galvanoplastik oder das Verfahren cohiirentes Kupfer uninittelbar aus Kupfer- auflosungen auf galvanischem Wegc nieder- zuschlagen. (Traj/xl.) Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXVIIL, 1840, pp. 110-120; Stur- geon, Ann. Electr. VII., 1841, pp. 323-328, 337-344, 491-498 ; VIII., 1842, pp. 66-74, 168-173. 16. Sur les forces comparatives de diffe- rents elements voltalques. Paris, Comptes Reu- dus, XL, 1840, pp. 1058-1060. 17. Ueber die Principien der electro- magnetischen Maschinen. Poggend. Annal. LI., 1840, pp. 358-372 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 18-24 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VI., 1841, pp. 152-166. 18. Mesure comparative de 1'action de deux couples voltaiques, 1'un cuivre-zinc, 1'autre platine-zinc. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1840, col. 369-371 ; Phil. Mag. XVIL, 1840, pp. 241-243; Poggend. Annal. L., 1840, pp. 510-513. 19. Ueber die Bemcrkungeu dcs Heirn BECQUEEEL in Betreff meiuer vergleiehenden Messung der Wirkuug einer Kupfer-Zink- und einer Platin-Zink-Kette. Poggend. Annal. LIIL, 1841, pp. 336-345; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VIII., 1842, pp. 18-26 ; London, Electr. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 35-41. 20. Ueber einige electromagnetische Ap- parate. Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 335- 352 ; London, Electr. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 191- 194. 21. Ueber die Galvanographie. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVII., 1842, pp. 210- 215 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXXVI., 1842, pp. 360-364. 22. Eine Methode, die Constanteu der Voltas'chen Ketten zu bestimmen. Poggend. Annal. LVIL, 1842, pp. 85-100 ; Archives de 1'Electr. II., 1842, pp. 575-590. 23. Notice sur des modes parti culiers de transmission du courant galvanique. (Transl.) Archives de 1'Electr. III.. 1843, pp. 415-429. 24. Beschreibung eines verbesserten Volta- gometers. Poggend. Annal. LIX., 1843, pp. 145-148. 25. Bericht iiber die Entwickelung der Galvanoplastik. [1842.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 65-71 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXVIIL, 1843, pp. 176-183. 26. Bericht iiber die galvanische Ver- goldung. [1842.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. L, 1843, col. 72-78; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXVIIL, 1843, pp. 183-190. JAG] 518 [JAC Jacobi, M. H. 27. Einige Notizen fiber galvan- ische Leitungen. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. 1843, col. 129-141 ; Poggend. Auual. LV1IL, 1843, pp. 409-423. 28. Zusatz zu der dritten Abtheilung des Aufsatzes "liber die Gesetze der Electro- magnete." [1843.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1844, col. 108-111 ; Poggend. Auual. LXIL, 1844, pp. 544-548. 29. Sur la pile a effet constant du Prince P. BAGRATION. H843.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1844, col. 188-192. 30. Ueber galvanische Messing-Eeduction. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1844, col. 296-300 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 249-252 ; Poggend. Annal. LXII., 1844, pp. 230-233. • 31. Galvanische und electromaguetische Versucbe. Ueber electro-telesraphische Leit- ungen. [1844.] St. Petersb.^Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 113-135 ; V., 1847, col. 86-91, 97-113, 209-224 ; VI., 1848, col. 17-44 ; VII., 1849, col. 1-21, 161-170; VIII., 1850, col. ]-17 ; Archives de 1'Electr. V., 1845, pp. 574- 595 ; Poggend. Annal. LXVL, 1845, pp. 207- 234 ; LXIX., 1846, pp. 181-187, 188-206, 207- 223. 32. Ueber die Leitung galvanischer StrSme durch Fliissigkeiten. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1846, pp. 86-91. 33. On the reabsorption of the mixed gases in a voltameter. Roy. Soc. Prcc. V., 1847, p. 667. 34. Vorliiufige Notiz liber galvanoplas- tische Reduction mittelst einer magneto-electri- schen Maschine. [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1847, col. 318-321. 35. Note sur la recomposition des gaz mixtes developpes dans le voltametre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 628-630 ; Anual. de Chimie, XXV., 1849, pp. 216-219. 36. Ueber eine Vereiufachung der Uhr- werke, welche zur Hervorbringung eiuer gleich- formigen Bewegung bestimmt sind. [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1848, col. 104-106 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXL, 1847, pp. 390-392. 37. Das Quecksilber-Voltagometer. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXVIL, 1849, pp. 173-196. 38. Note sur les telegraphes electriques. [1847.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 30-32. 39. Sur quelques points de la galvauo- metrie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 277-282. 40. Determination de 1'epaisseur du noyau de fer d'un electro-aimant doune. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII.. 1851, pp. 297- 298. Jacobi, M. H. 41. Sur la theorie des machines electro-magnetiques. [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 289-310 ; An- nal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 451-480. 42. Note preliminaire sur la mesure du courant galvanique par la decomposition du sulfate de cuivre. [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 333-336 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 480-484. 43. Description d'un telegraphe electrique naval, etabli sur la Fregate a vapour lo Polkan. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1856, col. 145-150. 44. Die galvanische Pendeluhr. [1856.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1857, col. 25-32. 45. Sur la necessite d'exprimer la force des courants electi'iques et la resistance des circuites en unites unanimement et generale- ment adoptees. [1857.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1858, col. 81-104. 46. Note sur 1'emploi d'une contre-batterie de platine aux lignes electro-telegraphiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 610- 614. 47. Beschreibung eines neuen Apparates, "Separator" genannt. [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1860, col. 85-89. 48. Note sur quelques experiences avec un cible electro-magnetique. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1863, col. 327-330. Jacobi, M. H., et Hess. Note sur la prepara- tion et 1'emploi du gaz oxygene et hydrogeue. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 193-194. Jacobi, M. //., et K. E. A. von Hoff. Description geologique et mineralogique du Tlmringcr- Wald. (Transl.) Journ. de Phys. LXXVIL, 1813, pp. 17-33. Jacobi, M. II., und E. Lenz. Ueber die Ge- setze der Electromagnete. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1838, col. 337-367 ; II., 1844, col. 65-108; Archives de 1'Electr. V., 1845, pp. 569-574 ; Poggend. Annal. XLVIL, 1839, pp. 225-270 ; LXL, 1844, pp. 254-280. — — 2. Ueber die Anziehung der Elec- ti'omagnete. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 257-272 ; Poggend. Annal. XL VII., 1839, pp. 401-417. Jacobi, M. H., et Zinine. Rapport sur la machine de M. CHANDOR. [1862.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1863, col. 313-321. Jacobi, R. Die Reinigung der Korner fur den Mahlprocess und ihr Einfluss auf denselben. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLXI., 1861, pp. 410-417. Jacobs, . Ueber tonende Berge in Tliur- iiisren. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVII. , 1813, pp. 418-420. JAC] 519 [JAC Jacobs, . Die Selbstverbreunung des menschlichen Kurpers. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1841, pp. 113-123, 140-147, 156-164. Jacobsen, Emil. Ueber die von PASTEUE beo- bachtete Anomalie am ameisensauren Strontian. Poggend. Annal. CXIIL, 1861, pp. 493-498. . 2. Die Bilduug der hemiedrischen Fliichen am clilorsaureu Natron. Poggend. Annal. CXIIL, 1861, pp. 498-502. Jacobsen, Frz. Vogelius Steenstrup. Meddel- elser om Danske Inseckters forekomst. Kr0yer, Nat. Tidssk., II., 1838-39, pp. 536-537. 2. Om Lathrobiuni elongatum. Kr0yer, Nat. Tidssk. IV., 1843, pp. 344-346. 3. Meddelelse om de Coleoptera, der enten ere meget alinindelige og karacteristiske for Eguen omkring Soro, eller som forekomme sjeldent der. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. V., 1847, pp. 662-673. 4. Oversigt over Arterne af Staphylini Xantholiniui, og Genuini, Erichs., som jeg liar fuudet her i Landet, ledsaget af nogle kritiskc Bemaerkninger. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. V., 1847, pp. 674-710. 5. Oversigt over de Dauske Snudebiller, forsaavidt de ere komne til ruin Enndskab at vaare fundne' her i Landet. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. V., 1847, pp. 711-727. Jacobson, Heinrich. Beitrage zur Hsemodyn- amik. Reichert, Archiv, 1860, pp. 80-112 ; 1862, pp. 683-702. — — 2. Zur Einleitung in die Hsemodynamik. Reichert, Archiv, 1861, pp. 305-328. Jacobson, J. Versuche iiber technische und medicinische Anwenduug der Chromoxyde und Chromsalze. Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 329-331 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XV., 1833, pp. 157-159 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 169-171. 2. Ueber die b'konomische und medicin- ische Anwendung des chromsaureu Kalis und der Chromoxyde. Liebig, Annal. IX., 1834, pp. 239-240. 3. Verhalten der Chromsaure. Liebig, Annal. XL., 1841, p. 265 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIIL, 1841, pp. 467-469. 4. Untersuchung des Stauroliths vom St» Gotthardt. Poggend. Annal. LXIL, 1844, pp. 419-428. 5. Ueber sclrwefelsaures Quecksilberoxyd- Schwefelquecksilber. Poggend. Anual. LX VIII., 1846, pp. 410-413. 6. Analyse von Staurolithen verschiedener Fuudorter. Poggend. Annal. LXVIII., 1846, pp. 414-416. Jacobson, Ludwig Levin. Description anatom- ique d'uu organe observe dans les mammiferes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1812-13, pp. 53- 56. Jacobson, Ludwig Levin. 2. Recherches ana- tomiques et physiologiques sur un systeme veineux particulier aux reptiles. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1812-1813, 259-262; Brug- natelli, Giornale, VI., 1813, pp. 249-254 ; Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 1410-1413. 3. Sur une glande conglomerate apparte- nante a la cavite nasalc. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1812-1813, pp. 267-269; Brera, Nuovi Comment. I., 1818, pp. 158-159. 4. Sur un organe particulier des sens dans les raies et les squales. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1812-18 J 3, pp. 332-337. 5. Ueber eine wichtige Function der Venen. ( Transit) Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, III., 1817, pp. 147-150. 6. Ueber die Thymus der Winterschlafer. ( Transl.) Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, III., 1817, pp. 151-154. 7. Supplements ad otojatriam. Supple- mentum primum de anastomosi nervorum nova in aure detecta. Kiobenhavn, Reg. Soc. Med. Acta, V., 1818, pp. 292-303. 8. Sur 1'existence des reins dans les ani- niaux mollusques. Journ. de Phys. XCL, 1820, pp. 318-320 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 370-372. 9. De systemate venoso peculiari in per- rnultis animalibus observato. Journ. de Phys. XCLTL, 1821, pp. 229-233 ; Brugnatelli, Gior- nale, V., 1822, pp. 399-402 ; Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XIX., 1823, pp. 78-82; Froriep, No- tizen, I., 1821, col. 161-164; Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 114-118. 1O. Note sur la nature du fluide contenu dans 1'allantoide des oiseaux. Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 365-366 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VIII., 1823, pp. 332-334; Schweigger, Journ. XL. (= Jahrb. X.), 1824, pp. 287- 288. 11. Sur 1'absorption chez les Mollusques. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 129- 130. — 12. Bidrag til Bloddyrenes anatomie og physiologic. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. III., 1828, pp. 249-362. 13. Undersogelser til nsermere Oplysning af den herskende Mening om Dainmuslingernes [Unio] Fremavling og Udvikling. Kiobenhavn, Dausk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. III., 1828, pp. 251- 297. 14. Beskrivelse af tvende i Dammuslingen opda^ede Indvoldsorme. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. III., 1828, pp. 298-302. 15. Cycladens anatomiske Undersogelse. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. III., 1828, pp. 303-324 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXIIL, 1830, pp. 140-142. JAC] 520 [JAC Jacobson, Lwdwiy Lerin. 16. Om Bloddyrenes Nyrer og cm Urinsyren, som ved dem hos nogle af disse Dyr afsoudres. Kiobenliavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. III., 1828, pp. 324-347. 17. Undersogelser over Binyrerne (Glan- dulre suprarenales). Kiobenliavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. III., 1828, p. xxxix. 18. [Fortssettelserne af sine Bidrag til Bloddyrenes anatomie og physiologie.] Kioben- liavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. III., 1828, pp. Iviii-lx ; Oken, Isis, 1848, col. 96-97. 19. Beitriige zur Lehre von der Absorp- tion. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verliand. I., 1829, pp. 408-412. 20. Geschichte einer habituellen Blutung aus beiden Briisten. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXIX., 1829 (Heft 3), pp. 109-113. 21. Me"moire pour servir a 1'anatomie et a Jacquart, Henri. Memoire sur les organes de la circulation ehez le serpent Python. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Zool.), 1855, pp. 320-364. 2. De 1'appareil • circulatoire sanguin chez le serpent Python. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 1125-1128. 3. Memoire sur la mensuration de Tangle la physiologie des Mollusques. (Transl.) Fe- russac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXIV., 1831, pp. 204- 207. 22. De Okenske Legemer eller Primordial- nyrerne, et Bidrag til Lreren om Embryets Ud- viklino;. Kiobenliavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. V., 1832, pp. 153-188. 23. Resultater om den therapeutiske An- vendelse af det neutrale chromsure Kali. Kio- benliavn, Oversigt, 1832-33, pp. 6-16. 24. Sur les branchies temporaires des Reqnins. L'Institut, II., 1834, p. 175. 25. Extrait d'une lettre (sur le Filaria me- dinensis, Dragonneau) a M. de BLAINVILLE. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. III., 1834, pp. 80-83; Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Zool.), 1834, p. 320. 26. Om C'hronisyren. Kiobenhavn, Over- sigt, 1840, pp. 2-3. 27. Indverkningen af forskjellige Chrom- prreparater paa coaguleret Blod. Kiobenliavn, Overset, 1841, pp. 4, 6. 28. Om Hermaphroditisnien hos Krybdy- rene. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. III., 1842, pp. 679-680. 29. Om Entozoer hos Mollusker. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. III., 1842, pp. 701-704. 30. Om Chrpmprasparaters Auvendelse ved anatomiske Undersogelser. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. III., 1842, p. 704. 31. Om brckenets ndvidelse under drreg- tigheden hos Pindsvinet (Erinaceus Europreus). Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. III., 1842, pp. 704- 706. 32. Om Primordial-Craniet. Skand. Na- turf. Furhandl. III., 1842, pp. 739-744. 33. Om Zonula Zinnii. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. III., 1842, pp. 821-822. JacobsOTi, Ltidwiri Levin, mid Heinhardt. Beitriige zur Anatomie der Nebennieren. Fro- riep, Notizen, VII., 1824, col. 3-6. facial, les goniometres faciaux, et un nouveau goniometre facial invente par 1'auteur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1856, pp. 56-69 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Zool.), 1856, pp. 283-294. 4. Formation primitive de 1'amnios ; per- sistance presumee du pedicule aniniotique sur deux ccufs humaius abortifs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1856, pp. 227-230 (Compt. Rend.). 5. Des organes uiusculeux de la degluti- tion chez les ophidiens. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1856, pp. 243-248 (Compt. Rend.). 6. De la distribution des nerfs pneumo- gastriques dans les poumons des ophidiens. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1857, pp. 166-168 (Compt. Rend.). • 7. Sur plusieurs points du systume vein- eux abdominal du Caiman a museau de Brochet. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVII., 1858, pp. 822- 823; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zool.) 1858, pp. 129-154 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 62-65. 8. Nouvclles recherches sur 1'anatomie du cosur des ophidiens. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. I. 1859, pp. 16-21 (Compt. Rend.). 9. Anatomie comparee appliquee a la teratologie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. I., 1859, pp. 235-243. 1O. Note sur le mecanisme de la retraction des ongles des Felis, et des crochets des Lin- guatules trouves dans les poumons des Serpents. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., I860, pp. 53-57. (Compt. Rend.). 11. Memoire sur le coeur de la Tortue franche (Chelonia Midas). Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Zool.), 1861, pp. 303-326; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1862, pp. 263-267. (Compt. RcnrL). Jacquelain, Victor Augustc. Analyse de la Non- tronite trouvee aux environs d'Autun. Annal. de Chimie, LXVI., 1837, pp. 101-106 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chern. XIV., 1838, pp. 45-49. 2. Memoire sur quelques combinaisons de bismuth. Anual. de Chimie, LXVI., 1837, pp. 113-135 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 1-18 ; Liebig, Anual. XXVIII., 1838, pp. 232-234. 3. Memoire sur les combinaisons de 1'acide sulfurique avcc la potasse et quelques composes qui en derivent. [1837.] Aunal. de Chimie, LXX., 1839, pp. 311-324; Liebig, Annal. XXXII., 1839, pp. 232-234. JAC] 52-1 [JAC Jacquelain, Victor Aitr/itstc. -4. Etude des phenomenes que presente la fecule hydrat^e soumise en vases clos a des temperatures con- stantes. Paris, Comptcs Rendus, VII., 1839, pp. 916-918. 5. Memoire sur la fecule. Annal. de Chi- mie, LXXIII., 1840, pp. 167-207. 6. Etude sur la composition ele'mentaire de quelques anthracites. Annal. deChitnie, LXXIV., 1840, pp. 200-212 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 27-38. 7. Observations relatives a, la cristallisa- tion du platine. Modifications apportees dans 1'art de travailler ce metal. Paris, Coraptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 204-207 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIV., 1840, pp. 213-221 ; Erdm. - -Tourn. Prak. Chem. XXIL, 1841, pp. 22- 27. 8. Rectification du nombre proportionnel du zinc. Paris, Comptes Rendns, XIV., 1842, pp. 636-641; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 298-304. 9. Purification de 1'acide sulfurique a un atome d'eau, pour analyse de precision et re- cherches de medicine legale. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 642-64.5 ; Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 189-207; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVL, 1842, pp. 379-382. 1O. Moyen de communiquer a la fecule, sans le secours de la torrefaetion ni des acides, la propriete de se dissoudre dans 1'eau de 70° degres, et de conserve!' cette solubilite pendant un an et plus. Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1843, p. 255 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 477-478. 11. Memoire sur la combinaison de 1'acide sulfurique et de I'anirnomaque anhydres, designee jusqu' ici sous le nom de sulfamide. Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1843, pp. 293-309 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 224- 241; Liebig, Annal. XLVIIL, 1843, pp. 206- 207. 12. Etude compares de 1'arsenic et de 1'an- timoine. Annal. de Chimie, IK., 1843, pp. 472-479. 13. Methode d'analyse pour constater des quantity's minimes d'hydrogene-arsenique, phos- phore, sulfure, ou de gaz sulfureux. Methode nouvelle pour extraire tout 1'arsenic d'une ma- tiere animale empoisonnee. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 28-31 ; Annal. de Chi- mie, IX., 1843, pp. 479-499; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 184-188. 14. Etudes sur les acides du soufre. An- nal. de Chimie, XXL, 1847, pp. 110-111 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIL, 1847, pp. 338-340. 15. Inflexions sur 1'engraissement des oies. Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1847, pp. 470-478. VOL. III. Jacquelain, Virlor Angiiste. 16. Precede de fabrication ecouomique du bichromate de potasse, des chromatesdeplombet du bichromate de chaux. Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1847, pp. 478-484. 17. Etude de la reaction de 1'acide sulfu- rique sur le bichromate de potasse ; etude sur 1'alun de chronic. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 439-441; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIIL, 1848, pp. 202-207; Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 239-210 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1847, pp. 55-58. 18. Etudes sur 1'aluu de potasse, le sulfate d'alumine et quelques sulfates de sesqui-oxide de fer. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 441-442 ; Revue Scientifique, XIV., 1847, pp. 191-197. 19. De 1'action calorifique de la pile de BDNSEN, du chalumeau a gaz oxygene et hydro- gene sur le carbone pur, artificiel et naturel. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 1050- 1052 ; Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1847, pp. 459- 472. 2O. Methode exacte pour faire prompte- ment Tanalyse des sulfates d'alumine du com- merce. [1846.] Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1847, pp. 47-49 ; Revue Scientifique, XIIL, 1847, pp. 279-290. 21. Moyen rapide et tres approximatif de doser le cuivre d'un mineral ou d'un alliage en se servant d'un colorimetre. [1846.] Eevue Scieutifique, XIIL, 1847, pp. 245-262. 22. Etudes. 1°. Sur la decomposition du bichromate de potasse par 1'acide sulfurique. 2°. Sur 1'alun de chrome, le sulfate de chrome et 1'isomerie. Revue Scientifique, XIV., 1847, pp. 131-154. — — • 23. 1°. Analyse du sesquichlorure de chrome. 2°. Determination de 1'equivalent de chrome. 3°. Etude et discussion des proprietes chirniques du sesquichlorure de chrome pur. Eevue Scieutifique, XIV., 1847, pp. 198-210. 24. Memoire sur les equivalents. [1844.] Eevue Scientifique, XV., 1847, pp. 239-263. 25. Sur les divers precedes connus pour la preparation de 1'acide iodique. Anual. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 332-343; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 451-459 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 209-212. • • 26. Observations diverges sur les hydrates d'acide sulfurique. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 343-355 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 461-471. . 27. Action dc la vnpcur d'cau a des tem- peratures et pressions variables, sur les carbo- nates de soude, de baryte, dc chaux, de manga- nese, de plomb et d'argcnt. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 106-107; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 195-216; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 291-307. 3 u JAC] 522 [JAC Jacquelain, Victor Auguste. 23. Sur les hy- drates ti'aeicle sulfurique. Paris, Comptes Reu- dus, XXXI., 1850, p. 624. 29. Memoire sur 1'acide iodique anhydre et cristallise. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 624-625. 3O. Memoire sur la dulcine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 625-626 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 163-171. 31. Memoire sur les miniums. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, p. 626 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 151-156. 32. Production de 1'hydrate de baryte pur, par le carbonate de baryte sous 1'influence de la vapeur d'eau surchauffee. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 421-427; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXIL, 1851, pp. 294-300 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 11-16; Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. L., 1851, pp. 524- 528; Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 877-878. 33. Memoire sur les engrais. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 398-399 ; Journ. Agric. Prat. IV., 1852, pp. 319-323; Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. L., 1851, pp. 697-710. 34. Note sur 1'equivalent du phosphore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 693-697; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 203-207. — 35. Idues sur la loi des proportions mul- tiples. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1852, pp. 82-83. 36. Sur un precede d'exti'action de 1'iode, coutenu a 1'etat d'iodure et d'iodate, dans 1'azo- tate de soude brut et naturel du Chili, con- sidere conime source d'iode tres-riche et toute nouvelle. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LIV., 1855, pp. 652-655. . 37. Etude chimique de 1'eau d'une source de Neubourg. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 67^2-673. 38. Methode generate d'analyse des eaux fluviales, conduisant a la determination : — 1°. Des matieres salines telles qu'elles existent dans ces eaux. 2°. De 1'air en dissolution dans les eaux de sources abandonnees dans un bassin et de 1'air exhale par ces memes eaux. 3°. Emploi favorable d'une eau chargee d'un air tres-riche en oxygene, pour le traitement des diabetiques. [1861.] Les Mondes, III., 1863, pp. 769-804. Jacquelin-Duval, Camille. [Observations sur des hemipteres (Stenogaster lavaterre) vivant en societe.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1849, p. xvi. 2. [Observations sur le Claviger testaceus, sur le LremophL-eus Dufourii, et sur une aberration chez Calosoma sycophanta.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1849, p. Ixxii. Jacquelin-Biival, Camille. 3. [Note sur quel- ques observations recueillies dans un voyage a Prades.j Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutom. VIIL, 1850, p. xxiv. — — 4. Description d'un genre nouveau (Chev- rolatia), et de quelques especes nouvelles de Coleopteres, Chevrolatia insignis, Euscsthetus Lespesii, et Stenus Guynemeri. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1850, pp. 45-52. 5. [Observations sur les mosurs de la Meconema varia (Orthopteres), qui ponde les ocufs dans 1'ecorce d'un ormeau.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1850, p. 49. 6. Note sur le male du Vesperus Xatarti, Mulsant. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1850, pp. 347-349. 7. Palpe monstrueux observe sur un Bem- bidium striatum, F. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1850, pp. 533-534. 8. [Anillus (coccus), genre nouveau des Carabiques.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. Ixxii- Ixxiii. 9. De Bembidiis Europreis. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. 441-576; X., 1852, pp. 101-236, 523-528. 1O. Description de deux genres nouveaux, et de plusieurs especes nouvelles de Coleopteres propres a la Faune Francaise. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. 695-718. 11. Sur les machoires des Gyrinus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1853, pp. xlv-xlvi. 12. Quelques remarques sur la faune ento- mologique Franchise (Coleopteres). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1853, pp. Ixvi-lxvii. 13. [Diagnoses de quelques Coleopteres nouvelles a la Faune Fran9aise.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, pp. xxxvi-xxxviii. 14. De Bembidiis Europteis. Notes supple- mentaires, et reponse aux critiques de M. SCHAUJI. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. 647-675. 15. Note sur 1'organisation du squelette exturieur des insectes et les lois fixes qui la regissent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLILL, 1856, pp. 999-1002. 16. Note sur quelques Coleopteres (Stro- phosomus, Stenus, Hister). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. liii-lv. 17. Glauures entomologiques. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. 85-106. Jacquelin-Duval, Camille, et Ph. Lareynie. Quelques observations sur les Coleopteres des environs de Montpellier. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. 719-735. Jacquemart, . Note sur la fermentation urinaire. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 149-151; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 188-191. JAC] 523 [JAC Jacquemart, . 2. Composition de la pou- drette fabriquee a Montfaueon. Annal. de Chiraie, VII., 1843, pp. 378-380; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chcm. XXX., 1843, pp. 29-33. 3. Note sur le danger qu'il y aurait a transformer en sels fixes le sous-carbonate d'ammoniaque contenu dans les engrais. Paris, Comptes Kendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 725-728. Jacquemier, J. M. Recherches d'anatomie et de physiologic sur le systeme vasculaire sanguin de 1'uterus humain pendant la gestation, et plus specialement sur les vaisseaux utero-placen- taires. Archiv. Gen. de Med. III., 1838, pp. 165-194. 2. Eecherches d'anatomie, de physiologic et de pathologic sur 1'uterus humain pendant la gestation, et sur 1'apoplexie utero-placentaire, pour servir a 1'histoire des hemorrhagies ute- rines, du part premature et abortif. Archiv. Gen. de Med. V., 1839, pp. 5-29, 321-341, 397-426. Jacquemin, , et Feschier. Analyse de 1'Anagyre fetide (Anagyris fetida), du Cytise des Alpes (Cytisus laburnum), et de la Coronilla varia. [1829.] Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. V., 1832, pp. 75-88 ; Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1830, pp. 65-78 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXI., 1830, pp. 44-59. Jacquemin, E. Note sur 1'actioii de la vapeur d'eau et de 1'oxyde de carbone sur quelques sulfates. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 1164-1165. 2. Note sur la reduction de la binitro- naphtaline par Facide sulfuriqiie et le zinc. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1180- 1182; Chemical News, V., 1862. p. 60. Jacquemin, E., et Ides-Bodart. Note sur une combinaison de 1'acide sulfurique avec Tether. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 990- 991. 2. Action de 1'acide sulfurique sur les composes du barium, du strontium, et du calcium. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLVI., 1858, pp. 1206-1208. Jacquemin, E., et Schlagdenhauffen. Faits pour servir a 1'histoire de 1'acide hippurique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 1011— 1013 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 259-261. , Jacquemin, E., et Vosselmann. Action des chlorures organiques sur le sulf'hydrate et sur le sulfure potassique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 371-372. Jacquemin, Emilc. Extrait des recherches sur 1'anatornie et la physiologic de la Corneille (Corvus corone), pris comme type de la classe des oiseaux. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zool.), 1834, pp. 277-303 ; Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 565-648. Jacquemin, Emilc. 2. Vorlaufigcr Bericht mei- ner Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Planorbis cornea und Limnams palustris. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 537-544. 3. Ueber die Respiratiou bei den Vogeln. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XLIIL, 1835, col. 309-311. 4. Eecherches anatomiques et physiolo- giques sur le developpement des etrcs organises : ler Memoire contenant 1'histoire du developpe- ment du Planorbis cornea : — 2e Memoire conte- nant 1'histoire du developpement du Limnrcus palustris et du Plauorbis marginatus. L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 94-95; Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, XVIIL, 1836, pp. 635-678. 5. Bliis'chen-Bildung. Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 472-475. 6. Sur le developpement des pieces osseuses chez le foetus des oiseaux. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. Ill, 1836, pp. 114-117, 175-180; Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 325-328. 7. Sur le developpement de 1'embryon de Planorbis. L'Institut, IV., 1836, pp. 49-50. 8. Developpement des Mollusques. Paris, Comptes Reiidus, II., 1836, pp. 133-134, 163- 164. 9. Lettre concernant la mode suivant lequel 1'air penetre les poches pneumatiques de la cavite pectoro-abdominalc de 1'oiseau, dans les diverges pieces de son squelette, &c., particuliere- nient sur la situation des ouvertures par les- quelles ce fluide s'avance. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, II., 1836, pp. 311-312; Froriep, Notizen, XLIX., 1836, col. 183-184. 10. De 1'ordre suivant lequel les plumes sont disposees sur le corps de 1'oiseau. Paris, Comptes Eendus, II., 1836, pp. 374-375. 11. Sur la distribution des canaux aeriens dans les diverses parties du squelette des oiseaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 419-420. 12. Memoire sur les pachydernies fossiles counus jusqu' a ce jour, et description du nouveau genre Dinotherium de M. KAUP. Mag. de Zool. 1837. 13. Sur un Os observe dans la machoirc des Perroquets, et regarde comme nouveau par E. EOUSSEAU. Paris, Comptes Reudus, X., 1840, pp. 139-140. 14. Recherches physiologiques et anatom- iques sur la respiration et sur les phenomencs qui en sont les consequences. [1836.] Acad. Ca?s. Leop. Nova Acta, XIX., 1842 (pte. 2), pp. 283- 338; Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1843, pp. 379- 384 ; L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 6-7, 30-31. Jacquemont, Victor. Note sur le gissement du Gypse dans les Alpes. [1823.] Ann. Sci. Nat- Ill., 1824, pp. 87-9.3. 3 u 2 JACj 524- [JAC Jacquemont, Victor. 2. Extrait de plusieurs lettrcs de M. V. JACQUEJIONT, voyageur natu- raliste du Museum, en mission aux Indes Orientales. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. I., 1832, pp. 135-1 .32. Jacquemyns, E. Sur la preparation du bleu de Prussc. Annal. de Chiraie, VII., 1843, pp. 295- 298 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. C'hem. XXX., 1843, pp. 26-29 ; Liebig, Annal. XL VI., 1843, pp. 236-239. Jacquemyns, E., Lados, A. C., et J. Mareska. De la presence du sulfate de cuivre dans le pain. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. VII., 1841, pp. 133- 135 ; Poggend. Annal. XVIII., 1830, pp. 75- 83. 2. Sur la falsification du pain par le sulfate de cuivre ; note en reponse a celle de M. DE LA HA™. Gand, Bull. Soc. Mud. VII., 1841. pp. 135-142. Jacquemyns, J. Sur 1'eau de couleur des bi- joutiers. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1836, pp. 11-12. 2. Mernoire sur 1'eclairage au gaz. Que- telet, Corresp. Math. IX., 1837, pp. 118-130. Jacquin, Joseph von. Genauere botaniscbe Be- schreibung des Tamarindenbaums. Tromms- dorff, Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1796, pp. 253-256. 2. Continuation des experiences sur la decomposition des Alkalis. (Transl.) Bibl. Britannique, XXXVIIL, 1808, pp. 190-192. 3. Ein neuer Steinregen, am 22sten Mai 1808, in Miihren. Gilbert, Annal. XXVIII., 1808, p. 491. 4. Ueber leuchtende Flaschchen, DAVY'S Versucbe. Gilbert, Annal. XXXI., 1809, pp. 213-216. 5. Der Zugo bei Klein-Saros in Sieben- biirgen, und dessen ewiges Feuer. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVII., 1811, pp. 1-33. • 6. Artieolo di lettera sopra divers! argo- meuti di cbimica. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIIL, 1815, pp. 359-360. 7. Sopra il Gingko (Salisburia adiantifolia, Willd.). Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1820, pp. 39-43 ; Bibl. Univ. XVII., 1821, pp. 145-153. 8. Ueber eine einfache practische Methode, das Vergrosseruujrsverhaltniss bei Mikroskopen zu bestimmen. Baumgartner, Zeitscbrift, IV., 1828, pp. 1-16. 9. Bemerkungen fiber Mikroskope und ihren Gebrauch i'iir Naturforscher. Baum- gartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1829, pp. 131-160. 10. Bemerkungen iiber das neueste Mi- kroskop des Herrn Prof. AJIICI in Modena. Baumgartner, Zeitscbrift, VII., 1830, pp. 257- 263. 11. Die gebohrten Quellbrunnen in Unter- Oesterreich. Baumgartner, Zeitscbrift, VIIL, 1830, pp. 257-276. Jacquin, Joseph von. 12. Eine ueue Syringa aus Siebenbiirgen. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 870. 13. Ueber eine leichte practiscbe Metbode, das Vergrosserungsvermogen von Fernrbbren aller Art genau zu bestimmen. Baumgartner, Zeitscbrift, II., 1833, pp. 101-110. 14. Ombrometrisehe Beobachtungen im k. k. Universititts-Garten, 1832. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, IL, 1833, pp. 373-378. 15. Nctizen fiber dialytische Fernrohre. Baumgurtuer, Zeitschrift, III., 1835, pp. 57- 66. Jacquinot, . Note sur la parabole rapportee a deux tangentes. Nouv. Ann. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 217-218. Jacquinot, //. Essai sur 1'Iiistoire naturelle de I'lioinine. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1355-1361 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIV., 1845, col. 289-295. 2. Note sur les Indiens loways. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1488-1489; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVL, 1845, col. 65-70. 3. Sur les Americaina loways. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 27-32. 4. Des caracteres anthropologiques. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 298-300; Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1845, col. 321-323. Jacquinot, //., et Hombron. Description de qtielques Mollusques, provenant de la campagne de 1'Astrolabe et de la Zelee. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1841 (Zoo/.), pp. 62-64, 190-192. 2. Description de plusieurs Oiseaux nouveaux et peu connus, provenant de 1'expedi- tion autour du monde faite sur les corvettes 1'Astrolabe et la Zelee. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1841 (Zoo/.), pp. 312-320. 3. Eemarques sur quelques points de 1'anatomie et de la physiologic des Procella- ridees, et essai d'uiie nouvelle classification de ces oiseaux. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 353-358. 4. Note sur le Nasalis larvatus. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 155- 158. Jacquot, Eugene. Notice sur la fabrication de la fonte, du fer et de 1'acier dans le Thurin- gerwald et le Frankenwald. Aunal. des Mines, IL, 1842, pp. 231-286. 2. Memoire sur les mines et les minieres de fer de la partie occidentale du departement de la Moselle. Annal. des Mines, XVI., 1849, pp. 427-494. 3. Notice geolosique sur les environs de Sierck. Met*, Mem. Acad. XXXIV., 1852-53, pp. 246-258. 4. Quelques observations sur la terre vege- tale et sur son rule dans les phenomenes de la vegetation. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXXV., 1853- 54, pp. 164-171. JACJ 525 [JAG Jacquot, Eityenc. 5. Note sur la composition chimique des sources minerales des environs cle Sierck. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXXV., 1853-54, pp. 172-178. 6. Sur la place du gres d'Hettauge (Mo- selle) dans la serie liasique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 1286-1298. 7. Note sur la decouverte de la houille a Creutzwald et a Carling. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXXVI., 1854-55, pp. 87-104. 8. Note sur la composition de quelques calcaires magnesiferes des terrains vosgien et triasique en Lorraine. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. VII., 1855, pp. 125-136. 9. Note sur les recherclies qui ont ete executees le long de la frontiers nord-est du departement de la Moselle pour y decouvrir le prolongement du bassiu de la Sarre. Anual. des Mines, XL, 1857, pp. 107-148. 1O. Etudes geologiques sur le Pays Messin, ou nouvelles recherclies sur le prolongement du bassin de la Sarre au-dessous de la partie cen- trale du departement de la Moselle. Annal. des Mines, XL, 1857, pp. 513-639. 11. Notes geologiques. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. VIII., 1857, pp. 168-179. 12. Notice geologique et historique sur les mines de plomb et de cuivre des environs de St.-Avola de Hargarteu et de Sarrelouis. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXXIX., 1857-58, pp. 531-556. 13. Note sur la terre vegetale des mon- tagnes de la Clape pres de Narbonne. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, III., 1860, pp. 318-320. Jacquot, Ei/yenc, et Langlois. Etudes mine- ralogiques et chimiques sur les minerals de fer du departement de la Moselle. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXXIL, 1850-51, pp. 257-285 ; Annal. des Mines, XX., 1851, pp. 109-140. Jacquot, Eugene, et Moevus. Eesultats des essais 1'aits dans les mines de St.-Etienne et de Rive-de-Gier, avec la lampe de surete a cylin- dre en cristal, de M. DUMESXIL, modifiee par MM. COMBES et LEFRAXIJOIS. Annal. des Mines, IX., 1846, pp. 105-108. Jacquot, Engine, et Terquem. Note sur quel- ques fossiles du terrain keuperien du departe- ment de la Moselle. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat, VII., 1855, pp. 149-155. Jacquot, Felix. Experimentation de plusieurs pretendus succedaues du quinquina. Arch. Gen. de Med. III., 1854, pp. 678-705. Jaffe, C. Ueber die vermeintliche Umwandlung von Ammouiak in Salpetersiiure innerhalb des thierischeu Organismus. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 238-241 ; Journ. de Pharrn. XXVI., 1854, pp. 47-49. Jaffe, Max. Ueber die Identitat des Iliinmtoidins und Bilifulvins. Vircbow, Archiv, XXIIL, 1862, pp. 192-193. Jagemann, . Beschreibung einer merk- wiirdigen Zwitterbildung. Berlin, Neue Zeits. Geburtsk. XVIL, 1845, pp. 15-21. Jager, . Bemerkuugen iiber die Veriinder- ung, welche mebrere vegetabilische Reagentien erleiden, wenn sie mit einzelnen, oder mit ver- schiedenen, paanveise mit einander verbundnen Metallen in Beriihrung konirnen. Versuch einer hypothetisclien Erkliirung dieser Thatsachen. Gilbert, Aunal. XL, 1802, pp. 288-315, 316-339. 2. Experiments on the colouring „ pro- perties of the Molybdic Acid, and on its~use a.s a mordant. Roy. lust. Journ. I., 1802, pp. 237-239; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XV., 1803. pp. 15-18. 3. Electrometrisehe Versuclie iiber VOLTA'S Siiule. [1802.] Gilbert, Annal. XIL, 1803, pp. 123-127. 4. Ueber die electroskopischen Aeusser- ungen dor Voltaischen Ketten und Saulen. [1802.] Gilbert, Annal. XIIL, 1803, pp. 399- 433. 5. Beschreibung eines cristallisirten Sand- steins aus der Gegend vou Stuttgart. Schwiib. Gesell. Denkschr. L, 1805, pp. 293-306. 6. Ueber einige Schwierigkeiten in VOLTA'S Theorie der electrischen Siiule und was diese Theorie noch zu leisten hat. Gilbert, Annal. XXIIL, 1806, pp. 59-84. 7. LTeber die Zamboni'sche Siiule und iiber einige andere trockne electrische Saulen. [1814.] Gilbert, Annal. XLIX., 1815, pp. 47-66. 8. Ueber die trocknen electrischen Saulen. Gilbert, Aunal. L., 1815, pp. 214-216. 9. Untersuchungen zur Begriinduug einer Theorie der trocknen Volta'schen Saulen. [1815.] Gilbert, Annal. L1L, 1816, pp. 81- 10. Versuch einer Vergleichuug des Turma- lins mit den trockeuen electrischen Saulen. Gilbert, Anual. LV., 1817, pp. 369-416. — 11. Bemerkuugen iiber das Vorkomtnen der fossilen Knocheu in der Gegend von Stuttgart und Canstatt. Gilbert, Anual. LVIIL, 1818, pp. 121-137. — 12. Ueber die electrischen Wirkungen viel wie moglich ausgetrockneter Papier- Gilbert, Aunal. LXIL, 1819, pp. 227- so siiulen. 246. Jager, — , Bohnenberger, und Zamboni. Neuere Versuclie mit trocknen electrischeu Saulen. Gilbert, Annal. LI., 1815, pp. 182-197. Jager, . Ueber das Ericheinen der kleinen Larchenblattwespe (Nematus laricis, Ilartig), in dem sogenannten Limpuvger Walde. Wiirt- temberg, Jahreshefte, V., 1850, pp. 261-262. 2. Beobachtung iiber den Gold-Regen- pfeifer (Cbaradrius auratus. S/ffi.). Wiirttem- berg, Jahreshefte, VII., 1851, p. 264. JAG] 526 [JAG Jager, C. Ueber das Vorkommen von Chrom an einer Stelle tier Sandfelsen bci Halle. Schweig- ger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 249-251. Jager, Edward. Ergebnisse der Untersuchung des menschlichen Auges mil dem Augenspiegel. Wieu, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 319-344. Jager, Georg von. Ueber die Wirkungen des Arseniks auf verschiedene Organismen und iiber einige Zeichen daruit geschehener Vergiftung. Geh'len, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 271-305. 2. Nachtrag zu den Versuchen iiber den Werth einiger chcmischen Erkennungsmittel des Arseniks. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 757-763. 3. Ueber die Entstehung von Schimmel im Innern des thierischen Korpers. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, II., 1816, pp. 354-356. 4. Vorkommen eines Anhanges ani Krumm- darm, bei zwei Kindern derselben Eltern. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, III., 1817, pp. 539- 546. 5. Einige Bemerkuugen iiber die Koth- und Harnausleerung bei neugebornen Sauge- thieren. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, III., 1817, pp. 546-553. 6. EigenthiimlicheBesehaffenheit mehrerer Schwielen bei zwei Dromedaren und einem Vicunna und der Sitzschwielen mehrerer Wolfe. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, V., 1819, pp. 105- 112. 7. Ueber das Vorkommen eines Knochens im Herzen des Hirsches uud insbesondere eines Knocheus im Zwerchfelle des Dromedars und des Vicunna. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv. V., 1819, pp. 113-114. 8. Ueber den Fleischhocker des Zebu. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 10- 16. 9. Ueber das Vorkommen von Kohle in menschlichen Galleusteinen, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber Verkohlung orgauischer Korper. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 484-494. — 1O. Beobachtungen iiber Hulsenwiirmer im Menschen und einigen Siiugethiereu. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 495-521. 11. Bemerkungen iiber den Zusauimenhaug des Nahrungs- und Geschlechtstriebes, mit einigen korperlicheii und psychisehen Erschein- ungeu bei Thieren und dem Menschen. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VII., 1822, pp. 200-213. 12. De metainorphosi partium floris Tro- pteoli majoris in folia. Acad. Ca3s. Leop. Nova Acta, XIII., 1826, pp. 809-816. 13. Mangel des Unterkiefers und maugel- hafte Entwickeluug desselben an deni Fotus eines Hirsches und an zwei Lammern. Meckel, Archiv, 1826, pp. 64-79. Jager, Gcorr/ ro/i, 14. Beobachtuugen eines neugebornen Kalbes, dessen Gelenke zum Theil verwachsen waren. Meckel, Archiv, 1826, pp. 79-83. • 15. Fall einer mit Krankheit des Gehirns und Ruckenmarks verbundenen Zusammenzie- hung der Fiisse mit Lahmung und Brand. Meckel, Archiv, 1826, pp. 83-88. 16. Untersuchung eines in der Gebiir- mutter vertrockneten Kalbes. Meckel, Archiv, 1826, pp. 88-95. 17. Zwei Beispiele missgebildeter Krebs- scheei'en. Meckel, Archiv, 1826, pp. 95-96. 18. Eiuige Beobachtungen iiber die Wirk- ung der Blausiiure und der Vitriol- und Arsenik- naphtha. Meckel, Archiv. 1826, pp. 161-187. 19. Beobachtungen eiues hohen Grades von Hautwassersucht bei einem ungeborenen Kalbe, nebst einigeu Bemerkungen iiber die Function der Haut. Meckel, Archiv, 1826, pp. 377-385. 2O. Ueber das Vorkommen vou kornigtem gemeinem Zucker in den Blumen des Rhodo- dendron pont.icum. Tiedemann, Zeitschr. II., 1826, pp. 173-175. 21. Bci Stuttgardt aufgefundeue Saamen von Guilandina bonducella. Flora, X., 1827, pp. 688-704. 22. Beschreibung zweier durch eigenthiim- liche Bildungsabweichungen, insbesondere durch Verkiirzung der Fiisse, ausgezeichneter Zwerg- kiilber. Meckel, Archiv, 1827, pp. 586-599. 23. Transformatio corolla? Clematidis viti- cella; in bilabiatam, ejusdemque in tubulosam atque lirabatani. Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, XIV., 1828, pp. 641-642. — 24. Sur les plantes fossiles du gres de construction de Stuttgart. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 92-98. 25. Mangel des Unterkiefers bei einem ueusjeborenen Lamme. Meckel, Archiv, 1828, pp. "7 1-74. 26. Beschreibung der Missbilduns des linken Vorderfusses eines Stierkalbes und der Wirkung vou Arsenik und Blausiiure, welche an die missgebildeten Theile gebracht wurdeu. Meckel, Archiv, 1828, pp. 74-83. 27. 'Beschreibuug eines durch Vereinigung der Augenhohlen, Mangel der Nase, Verkiirzung des Oberkiefers und Aufwartskriimmung des Unterkiefers missgebildeten Kopfes eiues Lammes und einer Ziege. Meckel, Archiv, 1829, pp. 202-208 ; 1830, pp. 105-119. 28. Ueber fossile Ueberreste von Sauge- thieren. Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 520- 521. 29. Theilung der Luftrohre durch eine Scheidewand bei der Fettgans (Apteuodytes demersa). Meckel, Archiv, 1832, pp. 48-54. JAG] 527 [JAG Jager, Geory ron. 30. Beitrag zur Anatomie des Lowen. Meckel, Archiv, 1832, pp. 54- 59. 31. Beschreibung des iiberzahligen Fusses ciiirs Kalbes, an welchem die Muskeln in Fett- substanz verwandelt waren. Meckel, Archiv, 1832, pp. 59-65. • 32. Gleichartige Beschaffenheit der in der Leiche einer Frau gefundenen Galleusteine mit den 1.5 Jahre vor dem Tode abgegangenen. Meckel, Archiv, 1832, pp. 66-67. 33. Amleutungen iiber den Einfluss der Umdrehung der Erde an die Bildung und Veranderung ihrer Oberfliiche. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1839, pp. 16-25. 34. Ueber den Schlidel einer Kuh mit einem iiberzLihligen Home an der Stirne. Miiller, Archiv, 1839, pp. 13-16. . 35. Ueber die Hohlen der Schadelknochen. Oken, Isis, 1839, col. 864-865. 36. De monstrosa folii Phoenicia dactyli- ferre conformatione, a Goetheo olim observata et figura picta illustrata, necnon de ramo ejusdera arboris intra spadiceni contento. Acad. Cxs. Leop. Nova Acta, XVIII. (Suppl. prim.), 1841, pp. 289-294. 37. Bemerkungen iiber die Entwickelung der Griithe des Schadels bei den Saugethiereu und iiber die Eutwickelung und Function der Knochenhohlen. Miiller, Archiv, 1842, pp. 433- 443. 38. Ueber die Stellung und Deutung der Ziiline des Wallrosses. Miiller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 70-75. 39. Verzeichniss der in Wiirttemberg gegenwartig haunger vorkommendeu, theils in freiem, theils in gezahmtem Zustande lebenden Siiugethiere. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, I., 1845, pp. 236-254. 4O. Uebersicht der fossilen Siiugethiere, welche in Wiirttemberg in verschiedenen Form- ationen aufgefunden worden sind, und niiherc Beschreibung und Abbildung eiuiger derselben. [1850.] Acad. Cess. Leop. Nova Acta, XXII., 1847, pp. 765-934. 41. Ueber fossile Schildkroten. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1847, pp. 256- 258. 42. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die an dem Schiidel mehrerer Wirbelthiere im Ver- laufe der Entwickelung bemerkbaren Veriin- derungen. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 415- 421. . 43. Ueber die Uebereinstimmung des Pygopterus lucius, Agass., mit dem Archego- saurus Dechenii, Goldf. Miiuchen, Abhandl. V., 1847, pp. 877-886. 44. Ueber die Bildung der Gerolle. Wiirt- temberg, Jahreshefte, III., 1847, pp. 172-176. Jager, Gcort/ row. 45. Ueber die Identita't und Unterscheidung des Aucrochscn, Bos urtis, und des Bison, Bos bison. Wiirttemberg, Jahres- hefte, III., 1847, pp. 176-178. 46. Unvollstiindigo Schwimmha'ute zwisch- eu den sonst gehorig entwickelten Zehen einer Gans (Anser domesticus). Mit Riicksicht auf analoge Missentwiekelungen der Form und Function einzelner Organe. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, III., 1847, pp. 209-216. • 47. Ueber den Ursprung und die Verbreit- ung der Hauskatze. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, IV., 1849, pp. 65-74. 48. Ueber einige aus Griechenland erhalt- ene fossile Knochen. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, V., 1850, pp. 124-126. 49. Ueber die Ausfiillung der fossileu Knochen durch erdige oder krystallinische Substanzen. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, V., 1850, pp. 126-133. 50. Berichtigung einer Angabe CUVIER'S iiber einen Narwhalschadel des Stuttgarter Naturaliencabinets, an welchem beide Stoss- zahne aus den Zahnhohlen hervorragen sollen. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, VII., 1851, pp. 25- 32; IX., 1853, pp. 88-91. 51. Vergleichende Darstellung der miss- gebildeteu Scheeren des gemeinen Flusskrebses (Astacus fluviatilis) und der missgebildeten Scheere einer Krabbe (Cancer uca, Linn., Uca una, Latr.) aus Surinam. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, VII., 1851, pp. 33-42. 52. Ueber die Euhe und Bewegung des Wassers auf der Oberna'che der Erde in seinen verschiedenen Coha'sionszustanden und die Folg- en, welche sich daraus fiir die Oekonomie der Natur ergeben. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, VII., 1851, pp. 139-168. 53. Ueber die Fundortc fossiler Ueberreste von Saugethieren, iusbesondere in Stuttgart und seiner Umgebung, nebst geognostischen Bemerk- ungen iiber letztere, als Ergebniss einer Wand- erung durch die Umgegeud von Stuttgart : in einem den 24 Miirz 1851 gehaltenen Vortrage dargestelt. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, VII., 1851, pp. 169-180. 54. Ueber die Fortpflanzungsweise des Ichthyosaurus. Miinchen, Bull. Akad. 1852, pp. 25-28 ; Miiuchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXXIV., 1852, col. 33-36. 55. Berichtigung der im Isten Hefte des 8ten Jahrgangs dieser Zeitschrift unter Nr. 14, p. 116 enthaltenen Angabe iiber Dinornis. Wiirttemberg, Jahresbefte, IX., 1853, pp. 91-94. . 56. Ueber einige fossile Knochen und Zahne des Uonauthals. Wiirttemberg, Jahres- hefte, IX., 1853, pp. 129-172. JAGJ 528 [JAG Jager, Geary von. 57. Ueber eine Eigentbiim- lichkeit mancher Gewiicbse, welcbe mit der Kugelform tier Krone des Stamraes nnd des Bliitbenstandes zusammenzuhangen scheint. Bonplandia, II., 1854, pp. 124-125. 58. Musculus lumbocostalis. Miiller, Ar- cbiv, 1854, pp. 160-165. 50. Ueber die Idenlitat des Europaischen und Americanischen Bison. Wiirttemberg, Jabresbefte, X., 1854, pp. 203-209. 60. Ueber eine neue Species von Icb.tb.yo- sauren (I. longirostris, Owen et Jiiger). Nebst Bemerkungen iiber die ubrigen in der Liasform- ation Wiirttembergs aufgefundenen Eeptilien. Acad. Caas. Leop. Nova Acta, XXV., 1855, pp. 937-967. 61. Eiuige Worte iiber Parasiten. Bon- plandia, III., 1855, pp. 50-52. 62. Ueber die relative TJnschadlichkeit von Beschadigungen des Stamms und der Blat- ter mit Substanzverlust auf die Entwickelung der Blatter und der ganzen Pflanze, und die Production von Wurzelu an ungew5hnlicben Stellen. Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 65-72. 63. Ueber einen durcb ringformige Erhob- ungen (Wacbstbumsringe ?) ausgezeicbneten bocbst wahrscheinlich fossilen Stosszahn des Elepbanten. Moscou, Soe. Nat. Bull. XXIX., 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 609-624. 64. Ueber das Verhiiltniss der parasit- iscben Gewiicbse zu der Nabrpflanze. Wiirt- temberg, Jabresbefte, XII., 1856, pp. 63-68. 65. Osteolosischc Bemerkungen. [1855.] Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XXVI., 1857, pp. 87-134. 66. Bemerkungen iiber die Veranderung der Ziibne von Saugetbiercn im Laufe ibrer Entwiekelunpr, nnmentlicb bei dem Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) und dem Cacbalot (Pby- seter macrocepbalus). Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXX., 1857 (pte. 2), pp. 571-580. • 67. Ueber zwei am Becken verwacbsene mannliche Kalber. Amsterdam, Versing. Akad. VII., 1858, pp. 155-162. 68. Beobachtung cines Stierkalbs mit einem Nebenkopfe. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. VII., 1858, pp. 163-168. 69. Unvollstandige Entwickelung eines zweiten Kiefers voii der Sympbyse des Uuter- kiefers bei zwei Schweinen. Amsterdam, Ver- slag. Akad. IX., 1859, pp. 169-176. 7O. Ueber cine krankbafte Veriinderung der Blu'then-Organe der Weiutraube. Flora, XLIII., 1860, pp. 49-51. 71. Bemerkungen iiber die Sumpfscbild- krote (Emys Europnea) in fossilem Zustande. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIV., 1861, pp. 190-200. Jager, Gtistav. Das Os bumeroscapulare der Vogel. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIII., 1857, pp. 387-422. 2. Ueber Symmetric und Regularitat als Eintheilungsprincipien des Thierreichs. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIV., 1857, pp. 338-365. 3. Das Wirbelkorpergeleuk der Vogel. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 527-564. 4. Ueber eiuen neuen Sehnenknochen des Genus Falco. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verbaudl. IX., 1859 (Abh.\ pp. 79-92. 5. Die Pflanzenthiere. Bonplandia, VIII., 1860, pp. 153-157. 6. Ueber das spoutane Zerfallen der Siiss- wasserpolypen nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber Generationswecbsel. Wien, Sitz. Ben XXXIX., 1860, pp. 321-340. • 7. Ueber Seewasser-Aquarien. Wien, Zool. Bot, Ver. Verhandl. X., 1860 (Abh.), pp. 177- 178. 8. Die Darwin'schc Theorie iiber die Ent- stehung der Arten. Wien, Scbrift. Ver. Naturw. Kennt. I., 1860-61, pp. 83-110. 9. Ueber das Aquarium. Wien, Schrift. Ver. Naturw. Kennt. I., 1860-61, pp. 281-297. 10. Ueber das Skelet. Wien, Scbrift. Ver. Naturw. Kennt. II., 1861-62, pp. 137-177. 11. Ueber Acclimatisation und zoologiscbc Garten. Wien, Scbrift. Ver. Naturw. Kennt. II, 1861-62, pp. 389-403. 12. Ueber die Spracbe der Tbiere. Frank- furt, Dei- Zool. Garten, III., 1862, pp. 245-248, 266-268. 13. Ueber die Entwickelung und die Zu- sammensetzung des Wirbelthierkopfes. Wien, Sehrift. Ver. Naturw. Kennt. III., 1862-63, pp. 381-415. Ueber das Erkcnnen und Begebren der Tbiere. Frankfurt, Der Zool. Garten, IV., 1 863, pp. 5-8, 33-36, 53-54. 15. Zoologiscbes iiber das Menschen- gescblecht. Wien, Scbrift. Ver. Natunv. Kenut. IV., 1863-64, pp. 205-243. Jager, Karl. Systematiscbe Uebersicbt der in der Wettcrau vorkommenden Vogel. Wetterau. Gesell. Jabresb. 1S53-55, pp. 151-204. 2. Die Fi.scLe der Wetterau. Wetterau. Gesell. Festgabe, 1858, pp. 232-242. 3. Beobacbtuni'en iiber den Frublinars- und Herbstzug der Arogx4 in der Umgegend von Frankfurt mid Ilaiiau in den Jabreu 1856 und 1857. Naumannia, 1858, pp. 147-149. Jago, James. Ocular spectres and structures as mutual exponents. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854- 55, pp. 208-213, 326-327. 2. Ocular spectres, structures and func- tions, mutual exponents. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 603-610. JAG] 529 [JAK Jago, James. 3. On the functions of the tym- panum. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 18.37-59. pp. 134-140; Brit. For. Mod. Chir. Review, 1857. 4. On Entoptics. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XXIII., 1859, pp. 465-485; XXIV., pp. 165-178. 5. Obscure Trunk-pains, or chronic pains in the abdominal and thoracic walls. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. 1861. Jagor, Fcdor. Neue Schlangengattung. Ber- lin, Monatsber. 1859, pp. 269-271. Jagt, A. van der. Beschrijving der Kokos- of Keeling-Eilanden. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XIII., 1832, pp. 293-322. Jahkel, . Beschreibung der Fabrication der Stearinsiiure-Kerzen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXX., 1841, pp. 296-305. 2. Note sur la fabrication de 1'argentan de Sheffield. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1844, pp. 501-510. Jahn, . On the disorders arising from the long-continued use of Iodine. Roy. lust. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 187-188. Jahn, A., und //. Welcker. Die kernahnlichen Gebilde der quergestreiften Muskelfaser und die Frage nach der Existenz eines plasmatischen Gefiiss-Systems der Muskeln. Henle und Pfeu- fer, Zeitschrift, X., 1860, pp. 239-261. Jahn, E. Die verbesserte Messkette. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XV., 1860, pp. 397-450. Jahu, Eduard. Thiere uud Pflanzen bei HORA- TIUS. Prag, Program. Gymnas. 1863-64. Jahn, Franz. Ueber eine eigenthumliche Fiirb- nng, welche die Bestuschef'sche Nerventinctur durch Salpetersiiure erleidet. Liebig, Annal. XIX., 1836, pp. 314-321. 2. Verhalten des Eisenchlorids und Eisen- chloriirs zum Aether. Liebig, Annal. XIX., 1836, pp. 321-325 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 81-83. . 3. Ueber Unguentum Cantharidum. Lie- big, Annal. XIX., 1836, pp. 326-329. • 4. Ueber die Ausscheidung des Zuekers aus dem Harne von Harnruhrkrauken. Liebig, Annal. XIX., 1836, pp. 329-333. 5, Stearopten aus Gewiirznelken. Liebig, Annal. XIX., 1836, pp. 333-335. 6. Ueber das Verhalten des salpetersauren Quecksilberoxyduls gegen Blausiiure, und iiber die Anwendung dieses Mittels zur Bestimmung der Stiirke einer Blausiiure. Liebig, Annal. XXL, 1837, pp. 149-165. 7. Zusammensetzung eines vStiicks Metall, gefunden in eineni Iliinengrabe bei Einod- hauseu in der Nahe der alteu Bergruine Henue- berg. Liebig, Annal. XXVII., 1838, pp. 338-341. 8. Praktische Bemerkungen. Liebig, An- nal. XXVIII., 1838, pp. 94-116. VOL. III. Jahn, G. A. Wirkungen einer Luftvergiftung durch den Holzschwamm (Merulius destruens)° Nebst einer Beleuchtung der bisherigen Mein- ungen von den animalischen Schwammchen (Aphthen). Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXIL, 1826 (Heft 6), pp. 3-47 ; LXIII., pp. 45- 88. Jahn, Giestav. A. Auflosung einiger Aufgaben aus der Calendariographie. Crelle, Journ. IX., 1832, pp. 139-145. 2. Cometenbeobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 337-338. 3. [Beobachtungen von Mondsternen.1 Astr. Nachr. XXVIL, 1848, col. 351-352. • 4. De calculo eclipsium Besseliano com- mentatio. [1849.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. X., 1853, pp. 183-210. 5. Ueber die gegenseitige Lage der Bahnen der kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 81-94, 145-152, 169-172. Jahn, J. V. Kuneticka hora. [The Kuueticka Mountain.] Ziva, 1859, pp. 197-205. 2. Opucka ve vychodnich Cetrach. [The greywacke in Eastern Bohemia.] Ziva, 1860, pp. 227-237. 3. Diffuse a Dialysa. [Diffusion and Dia- lysis.] Ziva, 1863, pp. 56-65. Jaillard, P. Sur une combinaison bien definie et parfaitement cristallisee de bichlorure de soufre et de perchlornre d'iode. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, p. 149; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 454-456; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 161-165. Jakobs, . Ueber Selbstverbrennung. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1847, pp. 44-46. Jaksch, . Beitrag zur Wiirdigung der bei der Blutcirculation obwaltenden physikalischen Verhiiltnisse. Prag, Vierteljahrsschr. 1844, pp. 13-27. 2. Einige Andeutungen iiber die Wichtig- keit des Gesichts- und Tast-Siunes bei Erforsch- ung der Krankheiten der Respirations-Organe. Prag, Vierteljahrsschr. 1847, pp. 137-148. Jakubowitsch, N. Ueber den Speichel. Liebig, Annal. LXXIX., 1851, pp. 156-183 ; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 388-394. 2. Recherches sur 1'histologie du systeme uerveux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 290-295. 3. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen iiber die Nervenurspriingc im Riickenmarke und verlangertem Marke, iiber die Empfiuduugszellen uud sympathischen Zellen in denselben, und iiber die Structur der Primitivnervenzellen, Nerveufasern und der Nerven uberhaupt. [1856.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1857, col. 1-11. 3 x JAK] 530 [JAM Jakubowitsch, jV. 4. Recherches comparatives sur le systeme nerveux. Paris, Gomptes Rendus, XLVII., 1858, pp. 290-294, 380-383. 5. Nouveau precede pour etudier les ele- ments de la moelle epiniereet du cerveau a 1'etat frais. Paris, Comptes liendus, XLVII., 1858, pp. 581-585. 6. Etudes sur la structure intime du cer- veau et de la moelle epiniere. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII., 1859 (Zool.), pp. 189-245. 7. Terminaisons des nerfs a la peripherie et dans les differents organes, ou terminaisons peripheriques du systeme nerveux en general. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L.. I860. pp. 859-862 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1861, pp. 124-127. Jakubowitsch, N., und Owsjanikow. Mi- kroskopiscbe Untersuchungen iiber die Nerven- urspriinge im Gehirn. [1855.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1856, col. 173-174. Jakutowicz, Denys. Quelques experiences elec- tro-magnetiques sur le corps humain. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. 1840, pp. 260-263. Jallon, . Observation d'un empoisonnement par 1'oxide d'arsenic blanc. Orleans, Bull. I., 1810, pp. 131-133. Jamard, . Essai sur la nature et les pro- prietes des nombres. Rouen. Trav. Acad. 1804, pp. 75-76. James, , Sylvester, and Ward. Account of a journey from Soor to Jalilan, and thence to Ras Roves. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1849, pp. 101-105. James, . Note sur la vaccine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 441-442. James, Constantin. Untersuchungen iiber die Ammoniumgrotte bei Neapel. (Translated from the Gazette Medicale de Paris, 1843.) Froriep, Notizen, XXVIII., 1843, col. 257-265. James, Edwin P. Geological sketches of the Mississippi Valley. Philad. Jouru. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 326-329. 2. On the identity of the supposed Pumice of the Missouri and a variety of Amygdaloid found near the Rocky Mountains. [1823.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, I., 1824, pp. 21-23. 3. Catalosue of plants collected during a journey to and from the Rocky Mountains, during the summer of 1820. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1825, pp. 172-190. 4. Remarks on the Sandstone and Floetz Trap Formations of the western part of the valley of the Mississippi. [1821.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1825, pp. 191-216. 5. Remarks on the Lime Stones of the Mis- sissippi Lead Mines. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat, Sci. V., 1825, pp. 373-380. James, H. A short account of Mr. SMITH'S Air-pump Vapour-bath. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 293-298. James, H. Analyse der Asche des Samens von weissem und schwarzem Senf. Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 347-348. 2. Analyse der Asche von Fucus vesi- culosus. Liebig, Anual. LIV., 1845, p. 352. James, H. R. Report of a journey to Kokan. India, Govt. Records (For. Dept.), No. XXXIX., 1863. James, (Sir) Henry. On the variegated appear- ances of the New and Old Red Sandstone Systems. Phil. Mag. XXIH., 1843, pp. 1-3. 2. On a section exposed by the excava- tion at the new Steam Basin in Portsmouth Dockyard. Geol. Soc. Journ. III., 1847, pp. 249-251. 3. Note on the tertiary deposits of the county of Wexford. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. III., 1849, pp. 195-196. 4. On a necessary correction to the ob- served height of the Barometer depending upon the force of the Wind. [1852.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XX., 1853, pp. 377-384. 5. On the geodetic operations of the Ord- nance Survey. Roy. lust. Proc. II., 1854-58, pp. 516-521. 6. On the deflection of the Plumb-line at Arthur's Seat, and the mean specific gravity of the Earth. Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 591-606. 7. On the figure, dimensions, and mean, specific gravity of the Earth, as derived from the Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 607-626. • 8. On the deflection of the Plumb-line at Arthur's Seat, and on the mean density of the Earth. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 364-366. 9. Note on refraction. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), p. 38. James, (Sir) Henry, and Alexander E. Clarke. On projections for maps applying to a very large extent of the earth's surface. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 306-312. James, Hugh. Report on the Purguna of Chan- dookah, in Upper Sind. [1847.] Bombay, Govt. Records, No. XVII., 1855, pp. 709-774. James, J. B. The air-balance, a new form of Barometer, for weighing atmospheric fluctua- tions. Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1858, pp. 271- 272. James, J. H. Observation on the phenomena of the circulation. London, Med. and Phys. Journ. LIX., 1828, pp. 1-9. James, Samuel. On the inscription of a Regular Polygon of seventeen sides in a circle : or division of the circumference into seventeen equal parts. [1820.] Irish Acad. Trans. XIII., 1818,.. pp. 175-188. JAM] 531 [JAM James, T//OS. C. Some observations on extra- uterine pregnancy. N. Amer. Med. Sure;. Jouru. III., 1827, pp. 275-291. James, Thomas P. An enumeration of Mosses detected in the Northern United States, which are not comprised in the manual of Asa GRAY, M.D., some of which are new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VTL, 1854-55, pp. 444- 417. James, JJ'. P., Anthony, J. G., and G. Graham. Two species of fossil Asterias in the blue lime- stone of Cincinnati. Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 441-442. Jameson, . On the hatching of fowls from eggs, which have been laid subsequent to the death of the male bird. Edinb. Phil. Journ. V., 1821, pp. 355-357. Jameson, , and H. Thompson. Chelten- ham Waters. Quart. Journ. Sci. III., 1817, p. 380. Jameson, Robert. Observations on Kelp. High- land Soc. Trans. L, 1799, pp. 43-49. 2. Observations and experiments on various saponaceous compounds, particularly the Fish Soap of Sir John DALRYMPLE. Nicholson, Journ. in., 1800, pp. 108-118. 3. On Granite. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 225-233. 4. On the supposed existence of mechanical deposits and petrefactions in the primitive mountains, and an account of petrefactions which have been discovered in the newest Flotz Trapp formation. Nicholson, Journ. III., 1802, pp. 13-20. 5. Examination of the supposed igneous origin of the rocks of the Trapp formation. Nicholson, Journ. III., 1802, pp. 111-119. 6. Catalogue of animals belonging to the class Vermes, found on the coasts of Scotland. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVI., 1803, pp. 161-165. • 7. On contemporaneous veins. [1808.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. I., 1808-10, pp. 1-7. 8. Mineralogical queries. [1808.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. I., 1808-10, pp. 107-125. 9. On colouring geognostical maps. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. I., 1808-10, pp. 149-161. 1O. On the Topaz of Scotland. [1809.] Ediub. Mem. Wern. Soc. I., 1808-10, pp. 445- 452. 11. On the Strontian Lead-glance forma- tion. [1810.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. I.. 1808-10, pp. 461-464. 12. On Cryolite. [1809.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. I, 1808-10, pp. 465-468. 13. Catalogue of animals, of the class Vermes, found in the Frith of Forth and other parts of Scotland. [1809.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. I., 1808-10, pp. 556-565. Jameson, Robert. 14. Outline of the mineralogy of the Pentland Hills. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. II., 1811-16, pp. 178-201. 15. On conglomerated or brecciated rocks. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. II., 1811-16, pp. 202- 216 ; Journ. des Mines, XXXVIII., 1815, pp. 69-75, 87-96. 16. On Porphyry. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. II., 1811-16, pp. 217-220. 17. Mineralogical observations and specu- lations. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. II., 1811-16, pp. 221-231 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLIIL, 1813, pp. 107-110; Journ. des Mines, XXXVII., 1815, pp. 461-472 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXL, 1815, pp. 172-180; Thomson, Ann. Phil. H., 1813, pp. 345-346 ; IV., 1814, pp. 419-424. 18. On the geognosy of the Lothians. [1814.] Ediub. Mem. Wern. Soc. II., 1811-16, pp. 618-633. — 19. On [geological] formations. Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1812, pp. 191-206. 20. On the Red Sandstone formation. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VI., 1815, pp. 13-15. 21. On the rocks of Sandside in Caithness. [1820.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 220-224. 22. Geognosy of East Lothian. [1815.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III.. 1817-20, pp. 225-244. 23. On the Rocky-Mountain Sheep of the Americans. [1819.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IH., 1817-20, pp. 306-313; Edinb. Phil. Journ. V., 1821, pp. 138-143. 24. On the geological relations of Granite, Quartz Rock, and Red Sandstone. Edinb. Phil. Journ. I., 1819, pp. 109-115. 25. On the Black Lead or Graphite of Borrodale, of Ayrshire, and of Gleustrathfarrar. Edinb. Phil. Journ. L, 1819, pp. 130-134. 26. No. 1. Secondary Greenstone and Wacke not of volcanic origin. No. 2. Veins which con- nect mineral beds together not confined to Trap- Rocks. No. 3. Trap Veins (Whindikes) probably of contemporaneous formation with the Trap- rocks which they traverse. Edinb. Phil. Journ. I., 1819, pp. 138-147. 27. On the geognosy of the Cape of Good Hope. Ediub. Phil. Journ. L, 1819, pp. 283-289. 28. Geognostical description of the neigh- bourhood of Edinburgh. Edinb. Phil. Journ. I., 1819, pp. 352-363. 29. Account of rocks formed by hot springs, torrents of hot water, bursting of sub- terranean lakes, air volcanoes, and cold springs. Edinb. Phil. Journ. II,, 1820, pp. 307-316. 3O. Account of the remarkable depression of the Thermometer, and rise of the Barometer in Jan. 1820. Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, pp. 335-340. 3x2 JAM] 532 [JAM Jameson, Robert. 31. Notes on the geognosy of the Crif Fell, Kirkbean, and the Needle's Eye, in Galloway. [1814.] Edinb. Mem.Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-23, pp. 541-547. 32. Speculations in regard to the formation of Opal, Wood-Stone, and Diamond. [1823.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-23, pp. 556- 561 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 163-167. 33. General observations on the former and present geological condition of the countries discovered by Captains PARRY and Ross. Ediub. New Phil. Journ. II., 1827, pp. 104-106. 34. On the level of the Sea. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. V., 1828, pp. 336-341. 35. On the rocks which afford the gold dust or gold sand met with in rivers. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. V., 1828, pp. 341-343. 36. Eemarks on the ancient Flora of the Earth. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 112-131. 37. On the relative age of the different European Chains of Mountains. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 293-307. 38. Visit to the Graphite or Black Lead Mine in Glen Farrer, in Inverness-shire, &c. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IX., 1830, pp. 266- 287. 39. On the fossil bones found in the Bone Caves and Bone Breccia of New Holland. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. X., 1831, pp. 393- 397 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1831, col. 272- 281. 40. Eurylaimus Dalhousiae, new species. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1831-37, pp. 472- 473 ; L'Institut, III., 1835, p. 238. 41. Aquila nigra, new species. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. VII., 1831-37, pp. 483-484 ; L'Institut, III., 1835, p. 315. 42. Lophophorus Nigelli, new species. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. VII., 1831-37, p. 484 ; L'Institut, III., 1835, p. 315. 43. Ibis spinieollis, new species. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. VII., 1831-37, pp. 485-486; L'Institut, III., 1835, p. 316. 44. Tanagra nigricephala, new species. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. VII., 1831-37, pp. 486-487 ; L'Institut, III., 1835, p. 316. 45. Notice of Fossil Fishes found in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. VII., 1831-37, pp. 488-489; L'In- stitut, IV., 1836, pp. 193-194. 46. On the similarity of some birds from Northern India with European species. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. VII., 1831-37, pp. 489-490 ; L'Institut, IV., 1836, p. 194. 47. On the Guano, or modern Coprolite. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1832, pp. 126- 128. Jameson, Robert. 48. Chemical analyses of stratified rocks altered by Plutonian Agency ; and analyses of Largo Law Basaltic Rock, and Wollastonite from Corstorphine Hill. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XV., 1833, pp. 386-389. 49. On Malaria. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVII., 1834, pp. 161-167. 50. Remarks on the connection between the Mosaic history of the creation and the dis- coveries of geology, occasioned by rthe lectures of Baron CUVIER on the history of the Natural Sciences. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1834, pp. 26-41. 51. On the origin of the erratic blocks of the North of Germany. Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1835, pp. 389-390. 52. On footmarks of animals in rocks. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XX., 1836, pp. 179- 185. 53. Notes on the natural history and statistics of the island of Cerigo and its de- pendencies. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXL, 1836, pp. 263-280 ; XXII., pp. 62-70. 54. Notice of Greeuockite, a new mineral species of the order Blende. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVIIL, 1840, pp. 390-392. 55. Tabular view of an arrangement of minerals, founded upon physical and chemical characters. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXI., 1841, pp. 174-183, 357-370 ; XLIV., 1848, pp. 373-378. 56. Dependence of the geographical re- lations of countries and nations on the extent and situation of forests. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXVL, 1844, pp. 236-260. 57. On interesting changes of internal structure observed to take place in solid ar- senious acid, and other solid bodies. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L., 1851, pp. 346-349. 58. Siluria. — Present state of Geology. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LVII., 1854, pp. 313- 323. Jameson, Robert, and Leslie. On the value of water as a moving Power for machinery. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIII., 1825, pp. 170-173 ; Gill, Tech. Rep. VIII., 1826, pp. 78-81. Jameson, iniliain. Meteorological Journal from the mouth of the Rio de la Plata to the coast of Chili, 1822. [1823.] Ediub. Mem. Wern. Soc. VI., 1826-31, pp. 203-208. 2. Physical and geographical observations made in Columbia. Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. I., 1835, pp. 111-116.- 3. Botanical notes, made in the republic of El Ecuador (Quito, Guayaquil, and Asuay). Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot, II., 1843, pp. 643-661. 4. Botanical excursion to Salinas, an Indian village on Chimborazo. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IV., 1845. pp. 378-385. JAM] 533 [JAM Jameson, William. 5. Excursion made from Quito to the River Napo, January to May 1857. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXVJII., 1858, pp. 337-349. 6. Journey from Quito to Cayambe. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXL, 1861, pp. 184-190. • 7. On the Ink-plant of New Granada, Coriaria thymifolia. Linn. Soc. Journ. VII., 1863 (Bot.), pp. 120-121. Jameson, William, and Louis Fraser. Notes on some of the Humming-birds of Ecuador figured in Mr. GOULD'S Monograph. Sclater, Ibis, I., 1859, pp. 399-400. Jameson, William. On the distribution of European Birds. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VIII., 1839, pp. 21-34. 2. On the geographic distribution of the Vulturidte, Falconidre, and Strigidce. Bengal, Jouru. Asiat. Soc. VIIL, 1839, pp. 321-326. . 3. Remarks on the Geology, &c. of the country extending between Bhar and Simla. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VIIL, 1839, pp. 1037-1056. 4. On the affinities of the Falconidae ; being an attempt at a natural arrangement of this family. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. L, 1841, pp. 299-324. 5. Extract of a letter to Mr. CLERK [Mine- rals in Kalabagh]. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XL, 1842, pp. 1-3. 6. Examination of the effects of the great inundation of the Indus. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XII., 1843, pp. 183-225. 7. Report on the cultivation and manu- facture of Tea in Kemaon and Gurhwal. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. II., 1843, pp. 323- 333 ; IV., 1845, pp. 173-197 ; VI., 1848, pp. 81-118. 8. Zoology of Chinese Tartary. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. VII., 1847, pp. 360-363. 9. On the physical aspect of the Pun- jab ; its Agriculture and Botany. Hortic. Soc. Journ. VIIL, 1853, pp. 273-313 ; India, Agric. Soc. Journ. VIIL, 1854 (Suppl.), pp. 162- 197. Jamieson, Alexander. Ueber die Zersetzbarkeit des Schwefelcyanbleis und Knpfers durch Schwefelwasserstotf. Liebig, Annal. LVIIL, 1846, pp. 264-266. 2. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des so- genannten Schwefelcyans und iiber eine neue schwefelhaltige Siiure der Mellonreihe. Liebig, Annal. L1X., 1846, pp. 339-349 ; Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 228-231. 3. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise von metaphosphorsaurem Natron. Liebig, Annal. LIX., 1846, ppp. 350-351 ; Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, p. 314. Jamieson, Robert. Description of the Marine Thermometer. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIL, 1821, pp. 294-300. Jamieson, Thomas F. Action of the Atmosphere upon newly-deepened Soil. (Prize Essay.) Agric. Soc. Journ. XVI I. , 1856, pp. 407-474. 2. On Fossil Shells and Striated Boulders at high levels in Scotland. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1858, pp. 509-532. — — 3. On an outlier of Lias in Aberdeenshire. [1858.] Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 131-133. 4. On the Drift and rolled Gravel of the north of Scotland. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860. pp. 347-371. 5. On the occurrence of Crag Strata be- neath the Boukler-clay in Aberdeenshire. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVL, 1860, pp. 371-373. 6. On the structure of the South-West Highlands of Scotland. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIL, 1861, pp. 133-145. 7. On the ice-worn Rocks of Scotland. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIIL, 1862, pp. 164-184. 8. On the parallel roads of Glen Roy, and their place in the history of the Glacial period. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1863, pp. 235-259. Jamin, Jules. De 1'action que les belemnites ex- ercent sur la lumiere polarisee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 680-681. — 2. Sur la polarisation mutallique. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXL, 1845, pp. 430-434; Poggend. Annal. LXIX., 1846, pp. 459-462. 3. Memoire sur la polarisation metallique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 477- 480. 4. Sur la polarisation metallique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 1103-1105. 5. Memoire sur la reflexion metallique. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1847, pp. 296-342; Poggend. Annal. LXXIL, 1848 (Ergons. Bd.\ pp. 437-480. 6. Memoire sur la couleur des metaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 714- 716 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXIL, 1848, pp. 311- 327 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXIV., 1849, pp. 528- 542. 7. Note sur les houppes colorees de HAI- DINGEK. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX VI., 1848, pp. 197-199 ; Poggend. Anual. LXXIV., 1849, pp. 145-147. 8. Memoire sur la reflexion de la lumiere par les substances transparentes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 383-384. 9. Memoire sur la reflexion do la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX VII., 1848, pp. 147-150. 10. Sur les phenomencs optiques dccou- verts dans 1'alun ammouiacal. Paris, Soc. Phi- lorn. Proc. Verb. 1848, p. 72. JAM] 534 [JAN Jamin, Jules. 11. Sur la polarisation du quartz. Paris, Soc. Philoui. Proc. Verb. 1849, pp. 36-37. 12. Memoire sur la reflexion a la surface des corps transparents. Aunal. de Cliimie, XXIX., 1850, pp. 263-305; Poggend. Annal. 1853 (Ergunz. Bd.), pp. 232-268. 13. Memoire sur la double refraction ellip- tique du quartz. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 99-101 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 55-73. 14. Memoire sur la reflexion totale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 1-3 ; An- nal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 257-266 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXII., 1851, pp. 279-288; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. V., 1852, pp. 66-101. 15. Sur la reflexion par les liquides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 696-698. 16. Memoire sur la reflexion de la lumiere a la surface des liquides. Annal. de Cuirnie, XXXI., 1851, pp. 165-187 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXn., 1851, pp. 149-152; 1853 (Ergdnz. Bd.), pp. 232-264. 17. Memoire sur les anueaux colores. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 14- 17 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVI., 1852, pp. 158-193. 18. Note sur la decomposition de 1'eau par la pile. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 390-392. 19. Deuxieme note sur la decomposition de 1'eau par la pile. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 443-444. 2O. Sur les mouvements imprimes par un airnant aux liquides traverses par les courants. Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1855, pp. 334-340 ; Poggend. Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 602-607. 21. Description d'un nouvel appareil de recherches, fonde sur les interferences. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 482-485 ; Poggend. Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 345-349. 22. Note sur reudosmose des gaz. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 234-236 ; Poggend. Aunal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 327-329. 23. Sur la vitesse de la lumiere dans 1'eau a diverses temperatures. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 1191-1194; Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 478-479. 24. La Meteorologia. Suoi progress!, e mezzi d'osservazione. Giorn. Arcad. VI., 1857, pp. 128-176. 25. Memoire sur la mesure des indices de refraction des gaz. Annal. de Chimie, XLDL, 1857, pp. 280-303. 26. Recherches sur les indices de refrac- tion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 892-894. • — 27. Memoire sur les variations de 1'iudice de refraction de 1'eau a diverses pressions. Aunal. de Chimie, LIL, 1858, pp. 163-171. Jamin, Jules. 28. Memoire sur 1'indice de re- fraction de la vapeur d'eau. Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1858, pp. 171-188. 29. Note sur la theorie de la reflexion et de la refraction. Aunal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 413-426. 30. Memoire sur 1'equilibre et le mouve- meut des liquides dans les^corps poreux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 186*0, pp. 172-176, 311- 314, 385-389; Phil. Mag. XIX., 1860, pp. 204- 207. 31. Analyse spectrale. Expose des de- couvertes recentes de BUNSEN et KIHCHHOFF. Journ. de Pharm. XLIL, 1862, pp. 9-20. Jamin, Jules, et A. Bertrand. Sur la condensa- tion des gaz a la surface des corps solides. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 994-998. Jamin, Jules, et Mnsson. Memoire sur la trans- missibilite de la chaleur. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 14-18. Jamin, P., et E. Cosson. De la culture du dattier dans les oasis des Ziban. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 36-51. 2. Notes sur les cultures des oasis des Ziban. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 599-609. Jammes, De 1'action que 1'iode cxerce sur les oxydes, par I'intermediaire de 1'eau, en particulier de celle qu'il exerce sur 1'oxyde de plofflb. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 356- 360 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 352-356. Jan, G. Silene Elisabetha, eine neue Italieu- ische Pflanze. Flora, XV., 1832, p. 177. 2. Dell' uomo considerate come un proprio regno dell' istoria naturale. II Politecnico, VI., 1843, pp. 15-32, 129-153. 3. Plan d'une Iconographie descriptive des Ophidiens, etc. Rev. et Mag. Zool. X., 1858, pp. 439^49, 514-527 ; XL, pp. 122-130, 148-157, 505-512. 4. Spix"SerpentesBrasilienses" beurtheilt nach Autopsie der Originalexemplare und auf die Nomenclatur von DUMERIL und BIBRON zuriickgefuhrt. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 272-275. 5. Tetrapedos, neue Sauriergattung. Wiegmann, Archiv, XX VI., 1860, pp. 69-70. 6. Note sulla famiglia del Tiflopide, sui loro generi e sulle specie del genere Stenostoma relative alle tav. V. e VI. del' 1°. ed alle tav. V. e VI. del 2°. fascicolo dell " Iconographie generale des Ophidieus." Canestrini, Archivio, L, 1861, pp. 178-200. 7. Bemerkungen iiber die Typhlopiden. Wiegmaun, Archiv, XXVII., 1861, pp. 1-7. 8. Ueber die Familie Homalopsidre. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVII., 1861, pp. 87-90. JAN] 535 [JAN Jan, (i. 9. Ueber die Familien dor Eryciden und Tortricidcn. Wiegmanu, Archiv, XXVIII., 1862, pp. 238-252. 1O. Enunierazione sistematica della specie d' ofidi del gruppo Calamaridse. Canestrini, Archivio, II., 1862-63, pp. 1-76. • 11. Enumerazione sistematica degli ofidi appartenenti al gruppo Corouellidae. Canestrini, Archivio, II., 1862-63, pp. 213-330. Jan, G., et J. de Cristoforis. Description de liuit especes nouveEes de Carabes du Bosphore. Mag. de Zool. VII., 1837. Jandriac, . Memoire sur la culture du pecher. Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Annal. XII., 1842-46, pp. 43-63. Janicot, . Analyse des eaux extraites de la mine de la Chauvetiere pres Saint-Etienne. Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, p. 671. Janike, . Chemische Untersuchung der Myrrhe und des Bdelliums. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XVII., 1816, pp. 240-248. Janin de St. Just, . Ueber den Gymnotus electricus. Froriep, Notizen, I., 1822, col. 209- 212. Janisch. . Resume succinct de 1'ouvrage : " Traite des applications de 1'analyse mathe- matique au jeu des echecs." St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1863, col. 473-477. Janisch, C. Astronomische Beobachtungen. Astr. Nacbr. V., 1827, col. 465-470. Janish, C. Zur Charakteristik des Guano's von verschiedenen Fundorten. Breslau, Schles. GeseU. Jabresb. 1861 (Abh.\ pp. 150-164- 1862 (Heft 2), pp. 1-29. Janka, Victor von. Anthemis Haynaldi, Jank. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VI., 1856, p. 1. • 2. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Flora von SiebenbiLrgen. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VI 1856, pp. 193-195, 202-205. • 3. Saxifraga (Dactyloides) Grzegorzekii, Jank. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VI., 1856 pp. 241-242. • 4. Ueber einige Ranunculaceen. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VI., 1856, pp. 345-347. • 5. Viola (Nominium) Jooi, Janka. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VII., 1857, pp. 198-199. • 6. Floristische Notizen. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VII., 1857, pp. 328-330; VIII., 1858, pp. 330-331. 7. Heliosperma Veselskyi, Janka. Botan Zeitung, XVI., 1858, p. 65. • 8. Bemerkuugen iiber einige Arten der Gattung Centaurea aus Ungarn und Sieben- biirgen. Flora, XLI., 1858, pp. 441-445. 9. Zur Flora des Ostens. Skofitz, Botau. Wochenbl. VIII., 1858, pp. 93, 135-136. • 1O. Zur Flora von Siebenbiirgcn. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VIII., 1858, pp. 196-201. Janka, Victor von. 11. Zur Flora Austriaca. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 429-432. 12. Zur Kenutniss einiger Sesleria-Arteu. Botan. Zeitung, XVII., 1859, pp. 73-75. 13. Zur Kenntniss einiger Avena-Arten. Botan. Zeitung, XVII., 1859, pp. 172-174. 14. Adnotationes in plantas Dacicas non- nullasque alias Europosas. Liunaea, XXX 1859-60, pp. 549-622. 15. Nachtrag zur Kenntniss einiger Avena- Arten. [1859.] Botan. Zeitung, XVIII., 1860, pp. 23-24. 16. Ideutitiit dreier Heliotropium-Arten. Botan. Zeitung, XVIII., I860, p. 24. 17. Zur Kenntniss der perennirenden Adonis - Arten Europa's. Botan. Zeitun"-, XVIIL, 1860, pp. 104-106. 18. Zur Kenntniss der Plautago Sibirica. Botau. Zeituug, XVIIL, 1860, pp. 185-188. 19. Cuscutos species flora; Rossicze. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull XXXV., 1862, pp. 586-588. • 2O. Analytische Bestimmung der Europii- ischen Cuscuta-Arten. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XII., 1862, pp. 85-86. 21. Aus der Flora von Ungarn. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XII., 1862, pp. 280-284. 22. Auch einige Worte fiber SCHDR'S Ranunculus tuberosus. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XII., 1862, pp. 320-322. 23. Entwurf einer analytischen Tabelle zur Bestimmung sammtlicher Carex- Arten der Flora Europa's. [1862.] Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, pp. 33-45. 24. Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkommen f'tir Ungarn interessanter oder neuer Pflanzen- arten. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, pp. 113-116. 25. Die Gattung Euphorbia. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, pp. 165-166. 26. Eine neue Pflanze [gen. Dorycnium]. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, pp. 314- 316. 27. Ein fur die Oesterreichische Monarchic neues Gras. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, p. 364. 28. Analytische Zusammenstellung der Europaischen Calamagrostis - Arteu. Skofitz, Botau. Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, p. 365. 29. Analytische Uebersicht der Europa- ischen Wasser-Ranunkeln (Batrachium, D. C.). Skofitz, Botau. Zeitschr. XIIL, 1863, pp. 399- 400. Jannettaz, E. Note sur la formation du cache- long dans les silex de Champigny (Seine). Paris, Soc. Gcol. Bull. XVIIL, 1860-61, pp. 673-674. JANj 536 [JAN Jannettaz, E. 2. Note sur la presence d'une variete cle cordierite alteree dans les schistes siluriens de Bagneres-de-Luchon. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862-63, pp. 201-202. Janni, Giuseppe. Teorica del contravarianti, degli invariant! e de' covarianti. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 174-182, 194-202, 240- 253, 340-351. 2. Nota sopra i determinant! minor! di uu dato determinante. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 270-275. 3. Teorica di determinant! simmetrici gobbi. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 275-278. Janni, Vincenzo. Theoreme sur les cercles osculateurs a une ellipse. Nouv. Ann. Math. L, 1862, pp. 80-82. 2. Teoria geometrica delle curve del 2° ordine. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 7-10, 77-81. 3. De' diametri conjugati parallel! nel sisterna di due superficie di 2° grado. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 223-224, 280- 282. 4. Sul momento di una forza presa rispetto ad un asse. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 282-283, 351-354. Janota, Eugen. Historisch-topographische Skizze des Bades Bartfeld und seiner nachsten Umge- bung. Wien, Mittheil. Geosrr. Gesell. IV., 1860 (Abh.\ pp. 141-156. Janoyer, . Recherches sur 1'influence du soufre sur la nature des fontes. Annal. des Mines, XX., 1851, pp. 359-378 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 287-290. 2. Recherches sur 1'influence du soufre sur le fer, et sur 1'influence du phosphore neu- tralisant en partie cette action du soufre. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1854, pp. 149-172; Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XV., 1856, pp. 306- 307; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLL, 1856, pp. 104-109; Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1857, pp. 330-341. 3. Memoire sur la fabrication du fer a grains et de 1'acier naturel aux fours a puddlcr. Annal. des Mines3 XV., 1859, pp. 147-168. Jansch, . Ueber die in Schlesien einheim- ischen Arten der Gattung Bostrichus. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1838, pp. 46-50. 2. Ueber die Schlesischen Hister-Arten. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1839, pp. 111-113. 3. Ueber die Schlesischeu Buprestis- Arten. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1839, pp. 113-114. Jar-sclia, Clemens. Krinoideen aus Krain. Hai- dinger, Bericht. VII., 1851, pp. 55-56. Jansen, A. F. J. Uitbarsting van den Awoe op Groot-Sangir. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. XL, 1856, pp. 373-382 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 659-663. Jansen, H. G. Over het van stapel loopen der schepen in Denemarken. Tiudal, Verhand. Zeewezen, II., 1841, pp. 361-384. 2. Jets over het Molleschip. Tindal, Ver- hand. Zeewezen, III., 1843, pp. 133-147. Jansen, //. J. Uitkomsten mede kunner onder- zoekingen onitrent de ziekelijke veranderingen der slagaderwanden, welke als oorzaken der spontane slagaderbreuken te beschouwen zijn. Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Geuoots. 1847, pp. 13- 17. Jansen, J. H. Waarneming van eenen door verettering uitgestooten' acephalocysten - zak. Nederlandsch Lancet, II., 1846, pp. 380-399. 2. Zur pathologischen Anatomic der Peri- cbondrits laryngea. Holland. Beitriige, I., 1848, pp. 75-85. . 3. Waarnemingen van anomale spieren. Nederlandsch Lancet, V., 1849-50, pp. 431- 437. Jansen, J. H., en F. C. Bonders. Cirrhose der lever (hepar granulatum). Nederlandsch Lancet, L, 1845, pp. 23-50. 2. Onderzoekingen omtrent de uit het bloed in het hart afgezette voortbrengselen. Nederlandsch Lancet, I., 1845, pp. 215-234, 283-314, 342-376. Jansen, M. H. Het Stroomen van den Oceaan. Swart, Verhandel. 1853, pp. 105-158. 2. Mededeelingen uit het rapport vau de reis van het klipperschip met stoomvermogen " Royal Charter " van Liverpool naar Port Philip. Swart, Verhaudel. 1857, pp. 3-93. Jansen, P. F., en H. Buys. Verslag omtrent den Staat der Bosschen en de Houtsoorten in de Kolonie Suriname, en beschrijving van de Gouvernements-Houtvelling aan de Rivier Coppename. Tindal, Verhand. Zeewezen, II., 1841, pp. 128-165. Janson, Edward W. Notice of the occurrence of rare Coleopterous insects, with observations on their habits ; to which is appended the de- scription of a species hitherto unrecorded as British (Tetratoma Desmarestii). Newman, Zoologist, VI., 1848, pp. 2108-2110. 2. Observations on the species of Elatcridte described by Mr. CURTIS in page 10-18. En- toin. Soe. Trans. III., 1854-56, pp. 222-224. 3. New British Coleoptera since 1839. Entom. Annual, 1 855, pp. 84-108. • 4. New British Coleoptera noticed in 1855. Entom. Annual, 1856, pp. 82-92. 5. New British Coleoptera noticed in 1856. Entom. Annual, 1857, pp. 69-84. JAN] 537 [JAR Janson, Edward TJ'. 6. Observations ou the Myrmecophilous Coleoptera, or Ants' -Nest Beetles of Britain. Entom. Annual, 1857, pp. 85-96. 7. New British Coleoptera noticed in 1857. Entom. Annual, 1858, pp. 62-77. 8. Notes on Ants'-Nest Beetles. Annual, 1858, pp. 78-84. 9. On Bledius unicornis, Germ. Entom. Entom. Soc. Trans. IV., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 57-58. 10. Notes on the Coleoptera found near London (Scolytus, &c.). Entom. Soc. Trans. IV., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 79-81. 11. On Symbiotes. Entom. Soc. Trans. 1859 (Proc.), pp. 54-55. 12. New British species (Coleoptera) no- ticed in 1858. Entom. Annual, 1859, pp. 118- 144. 13. New British species (Coleoptera) no- ticed in 1859. Entom. Annual, 1860, pp. 96- 118. 14. New British species (Coleoptera) no- ticed in 1860. Entom. Annual, 1861, pp. 59- 81. Janson, Edward W., and Gco. R. Water- house. On the British species of the genus Stenus, with notes 011 the species of Stenus de- scribed by KIRBY and STEPHENS. Entom. Soc. Trans. III., 1854-56, pp. 1,36-155. Janson, //. U. Another object finder. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIIL, 1860, pp. 199-201. 2. The nose-piece finder. Microsc. Jouru. Sci. VIIL, 1860, pp. 269-271. Janssen, . Sur le rnagistere do Bismuth et quelques autres combinaisons de 1'acide nitrique avec 1'oxyde de Bismuth. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1853, pp. 319-320. Janssen, C. A., und H. Schacht. Ueber Kar- tofielkrankheit. Hamburg, Mittheil. 1845, pp. 29-45. Janssen, C. E. Tinctura ferri acetici tetherea. Liebig, Anual. XXIX., 1839, pp. 193-202. Janssen, Gerard. Researches on hypophosphite of lime. Pharmaceut. Journ. III., 1862, pp. 327-328. Janssen, Jules. Sur 1'absorption de la chaleur rayonnante obscure dans les milieux de 1'ceil. Paris, Comptes llendus, LI., 1860, pp. 128- 131 ; Annal. de Chimie, LX., I860, pp. 71-93; Chemical News, II., I860, p. 207 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., I860, pp. 189-192. 2. Note sur les raies telluriques du spectre solaire. Paris, Comptes llendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 1280-1281; Eonia, Atti, XVI., 1862-63, pp. 261-266. • 3. Note sur de nouveaux spectroscopes. Eoma, Atti, XVI., 1862-63, pp. 73-75 ; Che- mical News, VII., 1863, p. 40. VOL. III. Janssen, Jules. 4. Note sur les spectres par projection. Roma, Atti, XVI., 1862-63, pp. 482-483. 5. Sur les raies telluriques du spectre so- laire. Paris, Comptes Reudus, LVI., 1863, pp. 538-540. 6. Application de 1'analyse spectrale a la question concern.int 1'atmosphere lunaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI., 1863, pp. 962-963. • 7. Remarques a 1'occasiou d'une communi- cation du P. SECCIII sur les spectres prismatiques des corps celestes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 215-217. Janssen, Jules, et E. Follin. Considerations physiologiques sur 1'eclairage, et applications a 1'examen ophthalmoscopique. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XVIII., 1861, pp. 26-37. Janssens, F. Verbeterde handelwijze om Strych- nine uit contenta, spijzen enz. in crimineele gevallen af te schiedeu. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. X., 1860, pp. 273-276. Jansz, J. Blankcn. Verhandeling ter beant- woording der vraag : — Over de oorzaken van de toenemende opslibbing van het Y, en de mid- delen tegen dezelve. Haarlem, Nat. Verh. Maatsch. Wet. IV., 1809, pp. 1-58. Jantsch, Franz. Vorkommen des Zinnes in BShmen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 190-192. Jappelli, . Sopra i ponti sospesi di leguame, ovvcro sul modo col quale si potrebbe costruire un ponte di legno, che si dovesse prestauiente gettare sopra un fiume o torrente. Venezia, Atti, III., 1844, pp. 92-95. Jaques Amadeo. Erforschung des Rio Salado. [1855.] Petermann, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 229- 231. Jardim. Sec Gomes Jardim, Ricardo Jose. Jardin, Edelestan. Essai sur 1'histoire uaturelle de 1'archipel de Mendana ou des Marquises ; lre partie : Geologic et mineralogie. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 49-64. • 2. Essai sur 1'histoire natiu-elle de 1'Ar- chipel de Mendana ou des Marquises. 2e partie : Botanique. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. V., 1857, pp. 289-331. 3. Essai sur 1'histoire naturelle de 1'Ar- chipel de Meudana ou des Marquises. 3e partie : Zoologie. Cherbourg, Mum. Soc. Sci. VI., 1858, pp. 161-200. 4. Supplement au Zephyritis Taitensis de M. GUILLEMIX. Cherbourg, Mum. Soc. Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 239-244. Jardine, A. Johnstone. Observations on the Sea Fishery of the Colony [of Cape of Good Hope], and some of the physiological peculiarities of Seals. South African Quart. Journ. I., 1830, pp. 286-292. 3 T JAR] 538 [JAS Jardine, (Sir) William. Observations on Rhruo- pomastus of Dr. SMITH, a new genus among the Promeropid*. Zool. Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 1-3. 2. Observations on a collection of Birds lately received from Madeira, with the descrip- tion of some new species from that Island. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 241-245. 3. Queries respecting the natural history of the Salmon. Sea-Trout, Bull-Trout, Herling, &c. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, pp. 59-61 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIH., 1830, pp. 358-359. 4. Description of Procellaria Leachii, Temm., LEACH'S Petrel. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. III., 1830, pp. 46-47. 5. Description of Cratopus bicolor, a new species among the Merulidffi of S. Africa. South African Quart. Journ. No. 5 (1st Ser.), 1830, pp. 84-86; Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. HI., 1831, p. 97. 6. Observations upon rare or little known British Fishes. No. 1. The Vendace orVendis of the Lochmaben Lochs. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. III., 1831, pp. 1-4. 7. Descriptions of new or little known species of Birds. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. III., 1831, pp. 209-212. 8. Notice of the Herling of the Solway being found in the Tweed, with some observa- tions on its habits and distribution. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. I., 1834, pp. 50-52. 9. Notice of the Parr. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. I., 1834, pp. 82-84 ; Thomson, Re- cords, IH., 1836, pp. 269-272. 1O. Observations on the Salmonidoe which were met with during an excursion to the North-West of Sutherlandshire in June 1834. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 613-615; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII., 1835, pp. 46-59 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLIIL, 1835, col. 289-296, 305-309. 11. On the history and habits of Croto- phaga. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 160- 171, 318-322. 12. Horse Zoologies. On the history and habits of the Birds composing the genus Prionites, Illiger. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 321-328. ' 13. Hora3 Zoologicoe. Remarks on the structure and habits of Lepidosiren annectens. Ann. Nat. Hist, VII., 1841, pp. 21-26. 14. Horre Zoological. Description of some Jardine, (Sir) William. 16. Horse Zoologies. Notice of some Birds from Western Africa. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1846, pp. 85-88. 17. Horse Zoologies. Ornithology of the Island of Tobago. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1846, pp. 114-121; XIX., 1847, pp. 78-83; XX., pp. 328-334, 370-378. 18. Note to Mr. HAKKNESS'S paper on " The position of the impressions of footsteps in the Bunter Sandstone of Dumfries-shire." Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 208-209. 19. Contributions to Ornithology, Nos. I. and II. Prof. W. JAMESON'S collections from the Eastern Cordillera of Ecuador. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. II., 1855, pp. 113-119; HI., pp. 90-93. 2O. Report upon the experiments con- ducted at Stormontfield, near Perth, for the artificial propagation of Salmon. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856, pp. 451-458. ^— 21. Contributions to Ornithology, No. III. Ornithology of Eastern Africa — Natal Collec- tions. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. III., 1856, pp. 238-246. 22. Contributions to Ornithology, No. IV. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. V., 1857, pp. 255- 257. 23. On the condition of the Salmon Birds collected during the last expedition to the Niger. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 186- 190. 15. Illustrations of Ornithology. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1845, pp. 174-176. fisheries of England and Wales in 1861 ; with a notice of some of the modes of fishing, espe- cially those practised in the Severn and Wye ; and remarks on the natural history of the Sal- mon. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 203-231. Jarjavay, J. F. Memoire sur les vaisseaux lym- phatiques du poumon. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XIII., 1847, pp. 70-76, 220-229. Jarman, T. On Gas Lights. Silliman, Journ. III., 1821, pp. 170-173. Jarmer, A. Einiges iiber die Einwirkung der Oestrus-(Gastrus-) Larven auf den Organismus des Pferdes, und deren Beurtheilung in gericht- licher Beziehung. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thier- heilk. XVH., 1851, pp. 273-283. Jarrett, Thomas. On algebraic notation. [1827.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans, HL, 1830, pp. 65-104. 2. On the summation of certain circular functions. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 5. Jasche, C. F. Bemerkungen iiber die Krystalli- sationen des im starken freien Rostfeuer ge- schmolzenen Eisensteins. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, IX., 1825, pp. 201-209. 2. Ueber die Manganerze bei Elbingerode am Harz. St. Petersb. Schrift. Mineral. I., 1842, pp. 345-363. 3. Ueber Pflauzen- und Saurier-Reste im bunten Samlsteine von Nienburg an der Saale. Harz, Naturw. Ver. Ber. 1857-58, pp. 16-17. JAS] 539 [JAU Jasche, C. F. 4. Ueber Eruptiousgesteine. Harz, Naturw. Ver. Ber. 1859-60, pp. 56-58. 5. Vorkommen von Gangmassen iin Granit- gebirge. Harz, Naturw. Ver. Ber. 1861-62, pp. 10-11. 6. Bemerkungen iiber einige in dem Grau- wackengebirge der TJmgegend von Ilsenburg aufgefundene organische Reste. Harz, Naturw. Ver. Ber. 1861-62, pp. 11-12. Jaschkowitz, E. Beitrag zur experimentellen Pathologie der Milz. Virchow, Archiv, XI., 1857, pp. 235-239. Jasikoff, P. Notice sur le terrain crayeux du gouvernement de Simbirsk, en Russie. Annal. des Mines, VHL, 1835, pp. 303-316. 2. Sur la carte generale des terrains de la Russie d'Europe publiee en 1841 par M. HEL- MERSEN. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XVI., 1843, pp. 326-340. Jasmin, M. J. Fahrt nach der Halbinsel Mangy- schlack im Jahre 1846. Russ. Geogr. Gesell. Denkschr. I., 1849, pp. 481-605. Jaspar, J. Description d'un appareil photo- electrique conservant la lumiere an meme point. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX.. 1853, pp. 478- 482. 2. Description de quelques modifications apporteea aux horloges electriques. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853 (pte. 3), pp. 281- 286. 3. Essai sur la resistance comparee des conducteurs de fer et de cuivre. a la rupture par le courant galvanique et 1'etmcelle elec- trique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1863, pp. 324-332. Jassoy, P. E. Neueste Veriinderungen in Hemi Bergrath WERNER'S Mineralsystem. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. III., 1812, pp. 41-64. 1 2. Das tessularische Uebergang- System der Krystalle mirieralischer Korper. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XII., 1818, pp. 67-90. Jaubert, (Comte). Notice sur la vie et les travaux de BOIVIN. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. I. 1854, pp. 225-239. 2. Sur le deperissemeut des arbres de nos promenades publiques. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 292-302. 3. Note sur le Farsetia clypeata. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 899-904. 4. Sur la vegetation du centre de la France et sur quelques lacunes dans les ouvrages de botanique descriptive. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 534-542. 5. Note sur quelques plantes du baut Perou. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 114-119. 6. Note sur 1'Attalea funifera. Paris Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 156-158. Jaubert, (Comte), et Ed. Spach. Note sur lo Boreava, nouveau genre de Cruciferes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Bot.), 1841, pp. 341-345. 2. Monographia generis Cicer. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIIL (Bot.), 1842, pp. 223- 23o. — 3. MonograpLia generis Halimo- dcndrou. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIH. (Bot.) 1842 pp. 235-240. 4« Monographia generis Chesueya. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Bot.), 1842, pp. 282- 290. 5. Argyrolobia hemispbajrje septen- trionalis. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Bot.), 1843, pp. 42-52. 6. Monographia generis Ebenus. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Bot.), 1843, pp. 149- 161. — 7. Ebinidium, genus novum. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Bot.), 1843, pp. 162-164. 8. Leobordefe orientales. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Bot.), 1843, pp. 232-238. 9« Conspectus generis Gaillonia. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Bot.), 1843, pp. 82-87. 1O. Conspectus subgeneris Anneri- astrum. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Bot.). 1843, pp. 248-256. 11. Conspectus generis Biebersteinia. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.), 1846, pp. 137-142. 12. Conspectus generis Reauniuria. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Bot.), 1847, pp. 377- 382. 13. Conspectus generis Nitraria. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Bot.), 1850, pp. 21-24. 14. Conspectus generis Chartolepis. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Bot.), 1850, pp. 269- 272. 15. Conspectus generum Derderia et Scbouwia. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIH. (Bot.), 1850, pp. 362-366. 16. Gramineaj orientales, novse vel critics. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Bot.), 1850, pp. 351-366. Jaubert, Amedec. Rapport fait a la Commission Ceutrale [sur un MS. intitule " Mirabilia de- scripta per Fratrem Jordanum," &c.]. Paris, Geogr. Soc. Bull. II., 1824, pp. 214-219. 2. Sur une espece de chrysalide qui se trouve en Perse. Paris. Soc. Geogr. Bull, in., 1825, p. 118. Jaubert, C. Description d'une espece nouvelle d'ancyloceras de 1'etage neocomien de Cas- tellane (Basses-Alpes). Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. VIII., 1856, pp. 326-329. 2. Sur des usines a fer de la Niuvre, du Cher et de 1'Allier, et les matieres qu'elles em- ploient. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XV., 1857-58, pp. 667-672. 3x2 JAU] 540 [JEA Jaubert, J. B. Aigle do Saiute-Victoire : Aquila Barthelemyi. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IV., 1852, pp. 545-550. 2. Notice teudant a prouver que le Pyr- rhula erjthrina et le Chlorospiza incerta sont une seule et meme espece. Rev. et Mag. Zool. V., 1853, pp. 109-114. 3. Description de deux oiseaux hybrides. Rev. et Mag. Zool. V., 1853, pp. 114-119. 4. Note sur quelques oiseaux du midi de la France. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 158-164. 5. Lettres sur 1'ornithologie de la France meridionale. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 209-217, 258-267, 372-379; VII., 1855, pp. 63-73, 122-128, 167-174, 222-230, 308- 316, 409-414; VIIL, 1856, pp. 64-66, 97-105, 149-152, 262-267, 322-327, 403-406, 407-417. 6. Fossiles nouveaux provenant du terrain neocomieu du bassin de Gruoulx, Basses-Alpes. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 189-190. Jaufroid, B. Analyse indeterminee du pre- mier degre. Nouv. Ann. Math. XI., 1852, pp. 158-162. 2. Sur les fonctions symetriques. Nouv. Ann. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 116-118. 3. Theorcmes sur les erreurs relatives. Nouv. Ann. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 154-157. Jaume-St. Hilaire, J. H. Sur les orobanches. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1808, pp. 281-288; Paris, Journ. Botan. I., 1808, pp. 282-295. 2. Memoire sur la germination et sur les families naturelles. [1805.] Paris, Jouru. Botan. I., 1808, pp. 65-84; Milano, Ann. Scienz. VI., 1811, pp. 122-128. 3. Sur les genres Hedysarum et JEschino- mene, L. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1812, pp. 191-193. 4. Sur le Nerium tinctorium, Roxb., et Wrightia tinctoria, Brown. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 64-67. Javal, Julien. Note sur la preparation du phos- phore. Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1820, pp. 207-210; Trommsdorft; N. Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1821 (St. 2), pp. 327-330. 2. Sur quelques combinaisons de Tor. Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1821, pp. 337-348 ; Giorn. Arcad. XII., 1821, pp. 160-164 ; Quart, Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 318-319. Javet, Charles. Description de Loricera Wollas- tonii. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, p. xxiii. 2. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Batocera (B. Thomsonii). Thomson, Archiv. Entom. L, 1857, pp. 412-413. Jay, Joint C. Description de deux coquilles nouvelles appartenant au genre Bulimus. Revue Zool. V., 1842, p. 80. Jay, John C. 2. Description of new species of Shells. [1846.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, IV., 1848, pp. 169-170. Jayet, A. Notice sur la plaine de 1'Orbe. [1862.] Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VII., 1864, pp. 290- 311. Jeandel, F. Etudes experimentales sur les in- oudations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 1011-1015. •Teanjaquet, . Considerations on the solar spots. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXII., 1862, pp. 233-236. Jeanjean, B., Dubreuil, et Marcel de Serres. Memoire sur les diverses especes d'Hyenes fossiles des cavernes de Lunel-Vieil. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XVII., 1828, pp. 269-312. 2. Memoire sur les diverses especes d'ossements fossiles decouvertes dans les cavernes de Lunel-Vieil. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XVII., 1828, pp. 380-463 ; XVIII., 1829, pp. 93-147, 313-356. Jeanjean, Felix. Sur 1'huile essentielle contenue dans 1'alcool de Garance. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1855-57, pp. 318-320 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXLX., 1856, pp. 204- 207; Liebig, Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 94-97; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 857- 859 ; XLIIL, 1856, pp. 103-104. 2. Note sur les urees sulfurees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV, 1862, pp. 330-331 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXV., 1863, pp. 249-251. Jeanjean, Felix, et Marcel de Serres. Des breches osseuses et des cavernes a ossements reunies aupres de la metairie de Bourgade dans les environs de Moutpellier. Montpellier, Acad. Proc. Verb. 1850-51, pp. 13-16 ; Ann. Sci. Nat, XIV. (Zool.), 1850, pp. 91-104 ; XV., pp. 71- 72 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 518-519. Jeanmaire, C. Memoire analytique sur 1'eau minerals de Jarville pres Nancy. Journ. de Phys. LVILL, 1804, pp. 169-180. Jeannel, J. Note sur uu nouvel aruonietre in- diquant la densite reelle des liquides, et en meme temps le volume du kilogramme. Bor- deaux, Journ. de Med. IV., 1859, pp. 31-39. 2. Recherches chimiques sur le role des corps gras dans 1'absorption et 1'assimilation des oxydes metalh'ques. Bordeaux, Journ. de Med. IV., 1859, pp. 65-91. 3. Recherches sur 1'absorption et 1'assimi- latiou des huiles grasses emulsionnees, et sur 1'actiou dynuuiique des sels gras a base de mercure. Bordeaux, Journ. de Med. IV., 1859, pp. 211-233 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIIL, 1859, pp. 581-583. Jeans, J. JJ~. Description of an Observatory erected at Grantham. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, p 181. JEB] 541 [JEP Jebb, J. Notes on the theory and practice of sinking artesian wells, [1841.] Roy. Engineers, Papers, V., 1842, pp. 266-280. Jebens, , und Franzen. Ueber das Eierol. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XXXIII., 1833 (lift. 2), pp. 105-112. Jebson, John. On water springs and their relation to manufactures. [I860.] West Yorks. Proc. Geol. Soc. IV., 1860-64, pp. 122-130. Jechl, Fr. Ueber die Tilia cucullata, Snv., bei Goldenkron. Lotos, VII., 1857, pp. 192-194. Jedlik, P. A. Bereitung kiinstlicher Sauerlinge. Bauuigartner, Zeitschrift, VII., 1830, pp. 47- 58. Jeep, W. Ueber eine Bremsvorriehtung, bei welcher das Bremsen durch die Last, welche herabgelassen wird, selbst geschieht. Der Civilingenieur, VIII., 1862, col. 334-344. Jeffers, Wm. N. Remarks on the Rifle. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIV., 1852, pp. 145-154. 2. Remarks on the application of steam to Ships of War. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIV., 1852, pp. 289-295. 3. Remarks upon MAYNAED'S system of priming for fire-arms. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIV., 1852, pp. 339-343. Jefferson, Thomas. A memoir on the discovery of certain bones of a Quadruped of the clawed kind in the western parts of Virginia. [1797.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 246- 259; Hoff, Magazin, L, 1801, pp. 441-448; Nicholson, Jouru. IV., 1801, pp. 42-43, 66-73. 2. The description of a Mould-board of the least resistance, and of the easiest and most certain construction. [1798.] Philad. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 313-322 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. I., 1802, pp. 322-331 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXII., 1805, pp. 79-85. Jeffery, Henri/ M. On a method of expressing the combinations and homogeneous products of consecutive numbers and their powers by means of the differences of nothing. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 364-378. 2. On the expansion of powers of the trigonometrical ratios in terms of series of ascending powers of the variable. [I860.] Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 91-108. 3. On the derivatives of the Gamma- Jeffreys, A description of a method for function. [1862.] Quart. Jouru. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 82-108. Jeffery, Joseph. Observations of new facts in Voltaic Electricity. Electr. Soc. Trans. 1837- 40, pp. 51-52. Jeffray, James. Account of a singular distri- bution of the venous system. Glasgow, Med. Journ. I., 1828, pp. 1-4. 2. Vom Aufhoren der Eigenthiimlich- keiten des Fotuslebeus. Froriep, Notizen, I., 1837, col. 85-87. condensing smoke, metallic vapours, and other sublimed matters, by which they are prevented from passing otf into the atmosphere. [1824.] Quart. Jouru. Sci. XVI1L, 1825, pp. 270-272. Jeffries, John. Some account of the dissection of a Simia satyrus, Orang-Outang, or Wild Man of the Woods. Boston, Journ. Phil. II., 1825, pp. 570-580 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIL, 1826, pp. 182-190; Froriep, Notizeu, XIV., 1826, col. 1-8. 2. Observations on the habits and general structure of the Orang-Outang. Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1826, pp. 166-168. Jeffreys, John Guyii. A synopsis of the Tes- taceous Pneumonobranchous Mollusca of Great Britain. [1828-30.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 323-392, 505-524. 2. A list of marine Mollusca taken during a few days stay at Oban, in Argyleshire, in the autumn of 1838. Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. L, 1838, pp. 33-46. 3. A list of Testaceous Mollusca collected in the Shetland Isles during a few days residence there in the autumn of this year, and not noticed by Dr. FLEMING in his " History of British Animals " as indigenous to that country. Ann. Nat. Hist, VIII., 1842, pp. 165-166. 4. On the results of deep dredging otf the Mull of Galloway. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, p. 237. 5. Notice of the raised beaches on the western coast of Ross-shire. Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1845, p. 217. 6. Descriptions and notices of British Shells. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1847, pp. 309- 314; XX., 1847, pp. 16-19 ; II., 1848, p. 351. 7. On rare and recent British shells, and species considered identical with them in the Crag formation. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1848 (Sect ), P. 7. 8. On the recent species of Odostornia, a genus of Gasteropodous Mollusks inhabiting the seas of Great Britain and Ireland. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 330-351. 9. Notice of some Mollusca recently taken by Geo. BARLEE, Esq., oft' Lerwick. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 299-300. 10. Supplementary notes on British Odo- stomiaB. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 108-110. 11. Note on the Chemnitzia Gulsona?, Clark. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 27-28. 12. On Chemnitzia and other Mollusca, in answer to Mr. CLAEK. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 465-469. 13. Notes on British Foraminifera. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 485-488 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1855, pp. 209-212 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 173-175. JEF] 542 [JEI Jeffreys, John Gicyn. 14. Notes on Swiss Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 20- 34. 15. Note on the descent of glaciers. Aim. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1855, pp. 122-124. 16. List of Shropshire Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1855, p. 464. 17. On the Marine Testacea of the Pied- montese Coast. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII, 1856, pp. 155-188. 18. Further notices of Piedmontese Mol- lusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1856, pp. 271- 272. 19. Note on the genus Scissurella. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1856, pp. 319-322. 2O. On Scissurella and Schismope. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1856, pp. 470-471. 21. Cyclas lacustris, Draparnaud. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1856, p. 74. 22. Note on Clausilia plicatula and C. Mortilleti. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIH., 1856, pp. 185-186. 23. A last word on Scissurella. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1856, pp. 188-189. 24. Contribution to the Conchology of France. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVHI., 1856, pp. 471-472. 25. Gleanings in British Conchology. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1858, pp. 39-48 ; II., 1858, pp. 117-133 ; III., 1859, pp. 30-43, 106-120; IV., 1859, pp. 189-201. 26. Observations sur 1'animal du Skenea uitidissima. Journ. Conchyl. III., 1858, pp. 361-364. — - 27. Notes on British Mollusca, in answer to Mr. William CLARK'S Remarks on " Gleanings in British Conchology." Ann. Nat. Hist. HI., 1859, pp. 496-499. 28. Note in answer to Mr. CLARK'S " Re- marks on Lepton sulcatulum." Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 131-132. 29. Remarks on Mr. M 'ANDREW'S " Note on the comparative size of Marine Mollusca in various latitudes of the European Seas." Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 197-200. 3O. A synoptical list of the British species of Teredo, with a notice of the exotic species. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 121- 127. 31. On the origin of species. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, p. 152. 32. Notice of an undescribed peculiarity in Teredo. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI, 1860, pp. 289- 291. — . 33. On the Mollusca of the Upper Harz. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 348-350. 34. On the British Teredines or Ship- Jeffreys, John Gii't/ii. 35. On a presumed cause of failure in Oceanic Telegraphy ; and on the existence of animal life at great depths in the Sea. Ann. Nat, Hist. VIL, 1861, pp. 254- 255. 36. On an abnormal form of Cyathina Smithii. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 ( pt. 2), pp. 146-147. — — 37. Report of the results of Deep-sea Dredging in Zetland ; with a notice of several species of Mollusca new to science or to the British Isles. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861, pp. 178- 181; Ann. Nat. Hist. VHL, 1861, pp. 297- 299. 38. Preliminary report on the best mode of preventing the ravages of Teredo and other animals in our ships and harbours. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861, p. 200. 39. On the Corbicula (or Cyrena) flumi nalis geologically considered. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVH., 1861, pp. 473-475. 4O. On the animal of Zonites excavatus, &c. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, p. 76. 41. On a species of Limopsis, now living in the British Seas ; with remarks on the genus. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 343-346. 42. Report of the Committee for Dredging on the North and East Coast of Scotland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862, pp. 371-373. 43. Notice of an Ancient Sea-bed and Worms. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860, pp. 117-119. Beach near Fort William, Inverness-shire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 73-76. 44. Report of the Committee appointed for exploring the coasts of Shetland by means of the dredge. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863, pp. 70- 81. 45. The Upper Tertiary Fossils at Udde- valla, in Sweden. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863 (pt. 2), pp. 73-79. Jeffreys, Julius. Inquiry into the laws of Attrac- tion and Repulsion. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. H., 1833, pp. 441-464, 506-537. 2. On the solubility of silica by steam. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1840, pp. 232-233 ; Bibl. Univ. LDL, 1845, pp. 399-400. Jeitteles, Ludwig Heinrich. Quellentemperatur- Messungen in den Sudeten und Carpathen. [1859.] Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. III., 1859 (AM.), pp. 390-397. 2. Das Erdbeben am 15 Januar 1858 in den Karpatheu und Sudeten in seinen Bezie- hungen zur Atmosphare. [1859.J Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. III., 1859, pp. 397-414; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXV., 1859, pp. 511-592. 3. Versuch einer Geschichte der Erdbebeu in den Karpathen- uud Sudeten-Landern bis zu Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. XII., 1860, pp. 287-351. JEI] 513 [JEL Jeitteles, Ludwig Heinrich. 4. Ueber das Ausbleiben cler Sodener und Franzensbrunner Minoralquellcn zu Anfangc Novembers 1859. [1859.] Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. IV., 1860 (Abh.\ pp. 67-70. — — 5. Zoologische Notizen aus Ober-Ungarn. Presburg, Verhandl. V., 1860-61, pp. xi-xiii. 6. Ueber die Siiss-Wasser-Arten der Fisch- gattung Cottus. Beitrag zu einer wiederholten Revision dieses Geuus. Canestrini, Archivio, I., 1861, pp. 158-177. 7. Zoologische Mittheilungen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XL, 1861 (Abh.), pp. 322- 330, 373-374. 8. Ueber das Vorkommen von Lucioperca Volgensis, C. V. bei Wien, nebst Beitragen zur naheren Kenntniss der beiden Mitteleuropaischen Lucioperca-Arten. Wieu, Zool. Bot. Ver. Ver- handl. XII., 1862 (Abh.), pp. 113-114. 9. Prodromus faunas vertebratorum Hun- gavias superioris. Beitriige zur naheren Kennt- niss der Wirbelthiere Ungarn's. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XII., 1862 (Abh.\ pp. 245-314. 1O. Die Fische der Mark bei Olmiitz. Olmiitz, Jahresb. Gymnas. 1863. Jekel, Henry. Note on the species of Cherrus and Polyphrades (Curculionidte). Entom. Soc. Trans. III., 1854 (Proc.), p. 3. 2. Sur le Barypeithes rufipes avec quelques considerations generates sur la classification des Curculiouites. Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutom. III., 1855, pp. xxvi— xxix. 3. Note relative a quelques points de la geographic de certains Curculionites. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV.. 1856, p. xlvi. 4. Sur trois especes de Curculionites. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1856, p. Ixxii. 5. Descriptions of new Curculionidous Beetles collected on the voyage of H.M.S. " Herald ; " with notes by Adam WHITE. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 356-361. 6. Remarks on the pollinosity of the genera Lixus and Lariuus. Journ. of Entomol. I., 1862, pp. 12-16. 7. Observations suggerees par les notes de M. CHEVKOLAT sur les Ceiambycides de M. THOMSON (premier article ; Lamiadte). Journ. of Entomol. I., 1862, pp. 255-262. 8. Tentamenta Entomologica. Journ. of Entomol. I., 1862, pp. 263-274. 9. Eine neue Art der Gattung Pycnopus, Germ. [Pycnopus Gerstiickeri]. Stettin, En- tom. Zeit. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 156-157. Jekel, Henry, et W. W. Saunders. Descrip- tions de quelques Curculionites ; Elytrurus ala- tus, E. marginatus, Isomerinthus barbipes, Tri- gonops dispar, Orthorhinus la?tus, 0. Leseleuci, O. variegatus, Hybomorphus melanosomus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. 289-306. Jekimof, Jegur. Fall of an Aerolite in the Sand- wich Islands, and accompanying phenomena. [Transl.] Quart. Journ. Sci. H., 1828, p. 233. Jeleznov, JV. Note sur la station mctuorologique de Naronovo. [1854.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII., ] 855, col. 249-252. 2. Sur la determination de la masse de neige qui s'accumule sur le sol. [1855.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1856, col. 37-39. 3. Notices sur les moyens de decouvrir la presence de 1'ergot dans les farines. [1856.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1857, col. 59-60. 4. Sur les resultats du drainage, obtenus a Naronovo (gouvernement de Novgorod), en 1856. [1857.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1858, col. 57-62. Jelinek, Carl. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der krummen Liuien. Wien, Site. Ber. 1849 (Abth. 2), pp. 19-28. 2. Beitrage zur Construction selbstregis- trirender meteorologischer Apparate. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, Suppl. 3. Bahnbestimmung des von de Vico am 24 Januar 1846 entdeckten Cometen. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. VI., 1851, pp. 109-131. 4. Ueber den tiiglichen Gang der vorziig- Hchsten meteorologischen Elemente, aus den stiindlichen Beobachtungen der Prager Stern- warte abgeleitet. Wien, Denkschr. II., 1851 (Abth. 2), pp. 73-142. 5. Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss voin 28 Juli 1851. Astr. Nachr. XXXHI., 1852, col. 203-206. 6. Theorie der Pendelabweichung. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV., 1861 (Abth. 2), pp. 241-259. 7. Ueber die Benutzung der Ae'ronautik zu wissenschaftlicheu Zwecken. Lotos, XIII., 1863, pp. 17-22, 66-68. Jelinek, Carl, und Hornstein. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen de Vico. Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 277-280. Jellett, John H. On some new properties of surfaces of the second order. Irish Acad. Proc H., 1844, pp. 92-93. 2. On the quadrature of surfaces of the second order. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 57-68. 3. Extrait d'une lettre addressee ;i M. LIOUVLLLE, sur la quadrature des surfaces du second degre. Liouville, Joum. Math. XII., 1847, pp. 92-94. 4. Theorem on the quadrature of surfaces. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 176-177. — — 5. Sur la surface dont la courbure moyenne est constante. Liouville, Journ. Math. XVIII., 1853, pp. 163-167. JEL] 544 [JEN Jellett, John H. 6. On the effect of the internal fluidity of the earth ou the length of the clay. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853-54, pp. 372-374. 7. On the equilibrium and motion of au elastic solid. [1850.] Irish Acad. Trans. XXII., 1855, pp. 179-218. 8. On the properties of inextensible sur- faces. [1853.] Irish Acad. Trans. XXII., 1855, pp. 343-378. 9. On some general propositions connected with the theory of attractions. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 3-4. 1O. On the reflexion and refraction of polarized light. Irish Acad. Proc. VII., 1858, pp. 116-117. 11. A new analysing prism. Nat. Hist. Review, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 503-505. 12. On a new optical saccharometer. [1863.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 279-281. Jellicoe, C. On the laws of mortalitj'. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1839, p. 115. Jelly, H. On the fossil shells of the genus Modiola being frequently found in the Bath Oolite, enclosed in the shells of the genus Lithodomus. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 551-553. Jeltes, Pet.Abr. Over de radix Poly galaj amara. Tijdschr. Genootsch. Vis Unita, III., 1833 (St. 3), pp. 133-174. Jemina, G. B. Osservazione diretta a provare che il carbonchio bovino non si communica da uomo a uorno. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1815, pp. 251-253. Jemsen, C. E. Beitriige zur Keuntniss der Sehwefelalkalien in Beziehuug auf ihre An- wendung zur Bereituug des Schlippeschen Salzes. "Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chcm. XXXIIL, 1844, pp. 336-347. Jendrassik, A. E. Anatomische Uutersuch- miTen iiber den Ban der Thymnsdriise. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXLL, 1856, pp. 75-113. Jenkin, Flccmuia. On Gutta Percha as au in- sulator at various temperatures. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), pp. 248-250. 2. On the insulating properties of Gutta Percha. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 409- 415. 3. On Thermo-Electric Currents in cir- cuits of one metal. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 39-41 ; 1862. pp. 173-178; Che- mical News, IV., 1861, pp. 222-223 ; Electrician, I., 1862, pp. 15-17. 4. Experimental researches on the trans- mission of Electric Signals through Submarine Cables. Part I. Laws of transmission through various lengths of one cable. Phil. Trans. 1862, pp. 987-1017. Jenkin, Flceming, and Thomson. On the true and false discharge of a Coiled Electric Cable. Phil. Mag. XXII., 1861, pp. 202-211. Jenkins, F. An account of some minerals col- lected at Nagpur and its vicinity, with remarks ou the geology, &c. of that part of the country. Asiatick Researches, XVIII., 1833 (pt. 2), pp. 194-215. 2. Further discovery of Coal Beds in Assam. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, pp. 704-706. 3. Hints for the management of the Grape Vine in an unpropitious soil and climate ; with an account of the beneficial effects resulting from a system of under-draining. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. HI., 1844, pp. 89-94. 4. On the discovery of Coal of a very superior description, in a new situation in Upper Assam. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. VH., 1847, p. 213. Jenkins, Jolm. Notices of Auroras observed at Swansea. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), p. 22 2. Tables of Meteorological Phenomena observed at Swansea. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 23-31. Jenkins, R. On coal in Assam. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VII, 1830, pp. 169-170. Jenkins, 1. E. On the detection of Strychnine and other vegetable and animal proximate principles. Chemical News, IL, 1860, p. 197. Jenkins, Thomas. Observations on the young of the Salmon, more particularly on the Samlet, or small fish found in the Wye and other rivers ia the autumn months, called, in Here- fordshire, " Lasprings " or " Gravel-Lasprings." Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 161-169; Froriep, Notizeu, XIV., 1840, col. 209-216. Jenkinson, Henry T. J. On irrigation as prac- tised in Switzerland. Jouru. Agric. Soc. XI., 1850, pp. 607-611. Jenner, . Lettre sur des traces d'industrie humaine trouvees en terre a une assez grande profondeur, dans le canton d'Argovie. Bibl. Britannique, XXXI., 1806, pp. 188-191. Jenner, A. L. O. De alkoholismo chronico. Kiel. Schriften, II., 1 856. Jenner, Charles. A comparative view of the more important stages of developement of some of the higher Cryptogamia and the Phauero- o-arnia. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc., 1855, pp. 13- 14; Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 241-246 ; Edinb. Bot. Soe. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 55-60. 2. On Spores. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc., 1856, pp. 16-17; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. III. 1856, pp. 269-279. Jenner, Edward. Observations on the distemper in Do?s. Med. Chir. Soc. Trails. L, 1809, pp. 263-268. JEN] 545 [JEN Jenner, Edward. 2. Two cases of Srnall-pox infection communicated to the Foetus in Utero under peculiar circumstances, with additional remarks. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. I., 1809, pp. 269-275. 3. Some observations on the migration of birds. [1823.] Phil. Trans. 1824, pp. 11-44 ; Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1824, cols. 289-293. Jenner, William. On the identity or non-iden- tity of the specific cause of Typhoid, Typhus, and Relapsing Fever. [1849.] Med. Chir. 1 Soc. Trans. XXXIII., 1850, pp. 23-42. 2. Malformation of the aortic valves. Pathol. Soc. Trans. III., 1850-52, p. 296. 3. Malformation of the pulmonary semi- lunar valves. Pathol. Soc. Trans. III., 1850- 52, pp. 301-302. 4. On the determining causes of vesicular Emphysema of the lung. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XL., 1857, pp. 25-38. 5. On congestion of the heart, and its local consequences. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XLIL, 1860, pp. 200-215. Jennings, . Sur deux arbres fossiles de- couverts dans le terrain houiller, aux mines d'Auzin. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIII., 1836-37, pp. 171-174. Jennings, Ef/crton A, On one of the functions performed by the liver, more particularly in the foetus, aud in amphibious animals. London, Med. and Phys. Jouru. LX., 1S28, pp. 202-207. 2. On the physiology of the iris. London, Med. and Phys. Journ. LIX., 1828, pp. 281- 285; Froriep, Notizen, XXL. 1828, cols. 133- 136. Jennings, Francis. On some remarkable geo- logical phenomena in the vicinity of Cork. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), p. 51. Jennings, Francis M. On eels killed by frost. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1841, pp. 236-237. 2. On a peculiar sensation caused by some Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 326- 327. Jennings, H. C. On saponificatiou. Chemist, IV., 1857, pp. 196-202. Jenny, Samuel. Uutersuchuugen des Gespinnstes der Saturnia spini. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXX., 1858, pp. 327-336. Jensen, Henning. Nova dipterorum genera. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. IV., 1832, pp. 313-312. Jensen, Th. Ad Bryologiam Norvegicam anno- tationes aliquot. Kjobenhavn, Vidensk. Meddel. 1858, pp. 55-64. 2. Bryologiske Bidrag. Kjobenhavn, Vi- densk. Meddel. V., 1863, pp. 238-244. Jenyns, Leonard. Observations on the orni- thology of Cambridgeshire. [1825.] Carnb. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1827, pp. 287-324. TOL. in. Jenyns, Lconnnl. 2. Observations on a preter- natural growth of the incisor teeth, occasionally observed in certain of the Mammalia rodentia. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1829, pp. 134-137. 3. Some observations on the habits and character of the Natterjack (Bufo rubeta, Pennant). With a list of reptiles found in Cambridgeshire. Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 373-382. 4. Some remarks upon the late winter of 1829-30, and upon the general character of the weather which preceded and followed it. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1830, pp. 538-544. 5. On a peculiar species of Mite parasitical on Slugs (Philodromus limacum). Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1831, pp. 538-541. • 6. An extraordinary swarm of Flies. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, p. 302. 7. A monograph on the British species of Cyclas and Pisidium. [1831.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1833, pp. 289-312 ; Journ. Couchyl. II., 1851, pp. 396-420. - 8. The distinctive characters of two British species of Plecotus (PL auritus and brevimanus), supposed to have been confounded under the name of Long-eared Bat. [1828.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 53-60. 9. Some observations on the Common Bat, Pennant ; with au attempt to prove its identity with the Pipistrelle of French Authors. [1829.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 159-168. 1O. Some remarks on genera and sub- genera, and on the principles on which they should be established. Mag. Nat. Hist. VI., 1833, pp. 385-390. 11. Report on the recent progress and present state of Zoology. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 143-251. 12. On designing genera and subgenera, and on the principles of classification which they involve. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII.. 1834, pp. 97-99. 13. Some remarks on the study of Zoo- logy, and on the present state of the science. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. I., 1837, pp. 1- 31. 14. Notice of a case in which the Larva; of a Dipterous Insect, supposed to be the An- thomyia canicularis, JUciycn, were expelled in large quantities from the human intestines. Entom. Soc. Trans. II., 1837-40, pp. 152-156. 15. On certain species of Sorex. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1838 (pt. 2), p. 104>. 16. On the dentition aud other characters of the British Shrews, with reference to M. DUVERNOT'S recent researches into the structure of this genus of Animals. (First Part.) Jar- dine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. II., 1838, pp. 24- 42. 3 z JENJ 546 [JEN Jenyns, Leonard. 17. Further remarks on the British Shrews, including the distinguishing characters of two species previously confounded (Sorex fodiens and S. ciliatus). (Second Part.) Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1838, pp. 417-427 ; II., 1839, p. 43. 18. Notes on some Shrews brought from Germany by W. OGILBY, Esq., including the description of an apparently new species. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1839, pp. 323-329. 19. On a new species of Bat (Vespertilio sedilis) found in the county of Durham, and preserved in the Museum belonging to the Dur- ham University. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 72-76. 2O. On three undescribed species of the genus Cimex, closely allied to the common Bed-Bug. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 241- 244. 21. Notes on some of the smaller British Mammalia, including the description of a new species of Arvicola, found in Scotland [A. neg- lecta]. Ann. Nat. Hist. VLL, 1841, pp. 261- 276. 22. On the reproduction of Frogs and Toads without the intermediate stage of Tad- pole. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1853, p. 482. 23. On the variations of species. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 101-105. 24. Note on the smaller British species of Pisidium. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 104- 107. Jenzsch, Gustav. Amygdalophyr, ein Felsit- Gestein mit Weissigit einem ueuen Minerals in Blasen-Eiiumen. Leouhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1853, pp. 385-398 ; 1854, pp. 401-407 ; 1855, pp. 798-805 ; Chem. Ceutr. Blatt. I., 1856, pp. 76-80; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XI., 1853-54, pp. 491-498; XIII., 1855-56, pp. 222-225. 2. Ueber Fundorte herzformiger Quarz- zwillingskrystalle. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeit- schr. VI., 185-4, pp. 245-247. • 3. Zusammensetzung des rothen Polyhalits von Vic, im Departement der Meurthe. Pog- gend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 175-176. 4. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Zu- sammensetzung eines Lithionhaltigen Feldspaths aus der Gegend von Badeberg. Poggend. An- nal. XCV., 1855, pp. 304-307 ; Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt. XXVI., 1855, pp. 576-577. 5. Ueber die Bildung und Zusammensetz- ung eigenthiimlicher Thonerdehaltiger Kalk- Silicate. Poggend. Anual. XCV., 1855, pp. 307-311. 6. Mikroskopische und chemisch-analyt- ische Untersuchung des bisher fiir Melaphyr gehaltenen Gesteines vom Hockenberge bei Neurode. Poggend. Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 418-426. Jenzsch, Gustav. 7. Ueber eiuige phosphorsaure Eisenoxyd - Oxydul - Verbinduugen. Poggend. Annal. XCVL, 1855, pp. 139-144; XCVIH., 1856, pp. 629-632 ; Erdin. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIL, 1856, pp. 211-212. • 8. Fluor im Kalkspath und Aragonit. Poggend. Annal. XCVL, 1855, pp. 145-151. 9. Methode zum genauen Abbilden der Erdoberflache, oder das mathematisch begriindete Relief-Zeichnen. in Beziehung zur Lehmann- schen, sowie zu einigeu andern jetzt gebrauch- lichen topographischen Zeichuen-Methoden. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1856, pp. 21-30. 10. Notiz iiber die Nester von Antho- phora retusa, Latr., oder A. pilipes, Fair., im Trachyttuffe des Kehlsbrunnen im Siebenge- birge und im Pariser Becken. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1856, pp. 73-74. 11. Beitiiige zur lienntniss einiger Pho- nolithe des Bohmischen Mittelgebirges. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Baues dieses Gebirges. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VIII., 1856, pp. 147-210. 12. Zirconerdehaltiger Tantalit von Li- moges. Poggend. Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 104-108. 13. Ueber die Bestimmung der specifischen Gewichte. Poggend. Annul. XCIX., 1856, pp. 151-153. 14. Analyse des Phonolithes vom Nestom- itzer Berge in Bohmen. Poggend. Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 417-434. 15. Die Lagerungsverhaltnisse der Erup- tivgesteine in dem im Jahre 1858 in Abbau stehenden Theile des Zwickauer Steinkohlen- bassins, nebst Andcutungen iiber die soge- nannte Zwickauer Hauptverwerfung. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XVIL, 1858, pp. 297-300, 305-310, 313-315. 16. Die Verbreitung des Melaphyrs und Sanidin-Quarzporphyrs in dern im Jahre 1858 in Abbau stehenden Theile des Steinkohlen- bassins von Zwickau im Konigreiche Sachsen, nebst Audeutuugen fiber die sogenanute Zwick- auer Hauptverwerfung. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. X., 1858, pp. 31-79, 272-276. 17. Ueber des Herrn Professor Dr. GEI- NTTZ Bemerkungen zu meiner Abhandlung, die Verbreitung des Melaphyrs und Sanidin-Quarz- porphyrs in der Gegend von Zwickau. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. X., 1858, pp. 439-446. — 18. Ueber eiu eigenthiimliches Vorkommen des Talk-Spathes, Carbonites hystaticus. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 535-536. 19. Lithologie, die Basis der rationellen Geologie. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1858. pp. 539-545 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Na- turw. XII., 1858, pp. 447-454. JEN] 547 [JER Jenzsch, Gttstav. 20. Ueber den Sanidin- Quarzporphyr aus der Gegend von Zwickau im Konigreich Sachsen, deu sogenannten Pechstein, Hornstein-Porphyr, Thonstein-Porphyr, Felsit- Porphyr der dasigen Bergleute. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 651-658. 21. Etwas iiber das Verhalten des Lithion in der Silicatanalyse bei gleiclizeitiger Gegen- wart von Kali. Poggeud. Annal. CIV., 1858, pp. 102-113. 22. Die krystallisirte Kieselsiiure ist di- morph. Poggend. Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 320- 329; Liebig, Annal. CVIIL, 1858, pp. 382- 384; Eevista Brazil. III., 1860, pp. 157-160. i 23. Neugebildete Sanidin-Krystalle in Folge von Gesteinsverwitterung. Poggend. Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 618-620. 24. Ueber die Krystallform des Kupfer- oxyds. Poggend. Annal. CVIL, 1859, pp. 647- 651. — 25. Bemerkungen iiber optisch-zweiaxige Turmaline. Poggend. Annal. CVI1I., 1859, pp. 645-646. Jephson, Chas. Denham Orlando. On variations of temperature in a thermal spring at Mallow. [1834.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, p. 76. Jerdon, Archibald. A list of the Birds of Rox- burgshire. Newman, Zoologist, VIII., 1850, pp. 2872-2878. — — 2. List of Fungi observed in the neigh- bourhood of Jedburgh, Roxburghshire. Phy- tologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 49-55. — 3. On the sporidia of several ascomycetous Fungi. Phytologist, III., 1858-59, pp. 113-1 14. 4. Chapters on Fungi. Phytologist, III., 1858-59, pp. 225-229, 295-299, 369-374 ; IV., 1860, pp. 67-78, 177-181, 296-301 ; V., 1861, pp. 265-268 ; VI., 1862-63, pp. 193-200. Jerdon, T. C. Catalogue of the Birds of the peninsula of India, arranged according to the modern system of classification ; with brief notes on their habits and geographical distri- bution, and description of new, doubtful, and imperfectly described species. Madras Journ. X., 1839, pp. 60-91, 234-269 ; XL, pp. 1-38, 207-239; XII., 1840, pp. 1-15, 193-226; XIIL, 1844-45, pp. 116-144. 2. On the fresh-water fishes of southern India. Madras Journ. XV., 1848, pp. 139- 149 ; XV., 1849, pp. 302-346. 3. A catalogue of the species of ants found in Southern India. Madras Journ. XVIL, 1851, pp. 103-127; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIIL, 1854, pp. 45-56, 100-1 10. 4. Icthyological gleanings in Madras. Madras Journ. XVIL, 1851, pp. 128-151. 5. Reptiles inhabiting the peninsula of India. Bengal, Jouru. Asiat. Soc. XXIL, 1853, pp. 462-479, 522-534. Jerdon, T. C. 6. Notice of some new species of Birds from Upper Burmah. Sclater, Ibis, IV., 1862, pp. 19-23. Jeremejew, P. Geognostische Beobachtungen an den Ufern des Wolchow. St. Petersb. Ver- hand. Min. Gesell. 1855-56, pp. 63-84. Jerichau, Ernst Bernhard. Ueber das Zusam- menstromen fliissiger Korper die durch eine porose Lamelle getrennt sind. Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 613-627. 2. Om et Forhold imellemLufttrykmaalerens Dele, hvorved deu selv berigtiger sin Stand for Varmens Indflydelse. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. VI., 1837, pp. 189-206. 3. De Newtonske farveriuge og to nye instrumenter. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. II., 1840, pp. 234-241 ; Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1842, pp. 363-370 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXLU., 1841, pp. 469-470, 470-472 ; Kioben- havn, Oversigt, 1840, pp. 20-22 ; Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 139-147. Jer-kow, N. Einige Notizen iiber Astrachan und dessen Umgebungen. Ermau, Archiv Russ. XIIL, 1854, pp. 223-237. Jerofejew, B. Notiz uber die Kreide und den Sandstein der Umgegend von Nowgorod-Se- wersk. St. Petersb. Verhand.Min. Gesell. 1847, pp. 163-169. Jerrard, G. B. On the transformation of equa- tions. Phil. Mag. VII., 1835, pp. 478-480. 2. On the occurrence of the form -J} in pass- ing from general to particular values of certain algebraic functions. Phil. Mag. XII., 1838, pp. 345-347. 3. Reflections on the resolution of alge- braic equations of the fifth degree. Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 545-574. — — 4. On the resolution of algebraic equa- tions of the fifth degree. Phil. Mag. XXVIIL, 1846, p. 63. 5. On the resolution of equations of the fifth degree. Phil. Mag. in., 1852, pp. 112- 116. 6. On solving equations of any degree. Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 457-460. — — 7. On a method of transforming equations by means of symmetric functions. Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 354-363, 493-494. 8. Remarks on Mr. HARLEY'S paper on quiutics. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1860, pp. 272-274 ; XXL, 1861, pp. 39-41. 9. Remarks on M. HERMITE'S argument relating to the algebraical resolution of equa- tions of the fifth degree. Phil. Mag. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 146-149. 10. Supplementary remarks on M. HER- MITE'S argument relating to the algebraical resolution of equations of the fifth degree. Phil. Mag. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 469-470. 3 z 2 JER] 548 [JOA Jerrard, G. B. 11. Note on some objections of Mr. CATLEV and Mr. COCKLE against his researches of equations of oth degree, Notes I. and II. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 193-197, 457-461. Jerrard, G. B., und L. Hermite. Die Trans- formation und AufliJsung der Gleichungen fiinf- ten Grades. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 77-90. Jervis, Thomas Hcst. On slate quarries in the Western Ghauts. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. I., 1832, pp. 514-515. 2. Memoir on the origin, progress, and present state of the surveys in India. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1837, pp. 127-142. 3. Additional observations on the remark- able tides in the Gulf of Cambay. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1838, pp. 202-204. Jervis, W. P. On certain rocks of Miocene age in Tuscany, including- Serpentine, Copper-ores, Lignite, and pure Alabaster used in sculpture. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860, pp. 480-486. lessen, C. Ueber die Bildung der Zellen bei einigen Algen. Botan. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 497-504. . 2. Ueber die Lebensdauer der Gewachse. [1854.] Acad. CMS. Leop. Nova Acta, XXV., 1855, pp. 61-248. . 3. Ueber Raphanus und Raphanis beim THEOPHRAST. Bonplandia, V., 1857, pp. 4-10. 4. Ueber die Lilie der Bibel. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 77-78. 5. Ueber Alopecurus ruthenicus, Weinm. Jeston, J. U'. On an improved mode of col- lecting English Opium ; and an analysis of Turkey and English Opium. Gill, Techn. Rep. V., 1824, pp. 80-91. Jesty, George. On White Mustard. Agric. Soc. Journ. V., 1845, pp. 358-359. Jeuffrain, A. Essai sur les moyens de perfec- tionner la theorie des paralleles. Paris, Trav. Soc. Amat. II., 1808, pp. 78-106. Jevons, W. f>. On the cirrous form of cloud. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 22-35. 2. On a Sun-gauge. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 351-356. 3. On the forms of clouds. Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, pp. 241-255. _ — 4. On the semidiurnal oscillation of the barometer. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 313- 323. 5. On the deficiency of Rain in an elevated Rain-«auge, as caused by Wind. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), p. .62 ; Phil. Mag. XXII., 1861, pp. 421-433. 6. Remarks on the Australian Gold Fields. (A. uigricaus, Horn.). Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 49-51. 6. Absorbing power of the Roots of Plants. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 147-148. Jessen, C. Ueber neuere Braumethoden. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLVIIL, 1858, pp. 295-302. 2. Ueber die Ldslichkeit der Stiirke. Pog- gend. Annal. CVL, 1859, pp. 497-500; CIX., 1860, pp. 361-364. Jessen, P. Ueber die in Beziehung auf Geistes- und Gemuthskranke hcrrschenden Vorurtheile. Damerow, Allg. Zeits. Psychiatric, IV., 1847, pp. 1-18. Jessop, W. Letter on an improvement in the process of blasting rocks with gunpowder. Nicholson, Journ. IX., 1804, pp. 230-232; Gilbert, Annal. XXII., 1806, pp. 113-123. 2. Blasting of Rocks. Quart. Journ. Sci. XXL, 1826, pp. 169-170. Jessup, A. E. Geological and mineralogical notice of a portion of the North-Eastern part of the State of New York. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 185-191. [1859.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. I., 1862, pp. 115-130. Jewett, , and Win. Darling. Cases of Mon- strosity. New York Journ. Med. II., 1844, pp. 377-378. Jewreinoff. Sec Ewreinoff, J. von. Jewreinoff, P. Kalium-Gold-Cyaniir und Gold- Cyaniir. [1843.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1844, col. 289-296; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 242-249. 2. Versilberung des Gusseisens. [1842.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 159- 61 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 264-267. 3. Analyse des Hydrargilits, eines neuen Minerals. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. V., 1846, col. 631-633. 4. Diphanite, nouveau mineral de 1'Oural. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 309-310. 5. Bericht liber die Leistungen des Berg- und Hiittenlaboratoriums im'Jahre 1847. Berg, u. Hutteura. Zeitg. XII., 1853, col. 193-199. Jirecek, Jos. Ueber die Vorstellungen der heiduischen Bohmen von Seele und Leib. Prag, Sitzungsber. 1863, pp. 16-18. Jneichen, Ueber einen einfachen und gefahrlosen Apparat zu Experimeuten mit der Flamme des Kuallgases. Poggend. Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 333-335. Joachimsthal, Ferdinand. Observationes de lineis brevissimis et curvis curvaturre in super- ficiebus secundi gradus. Crelle, Journ. XXVI., 1843, pp. 155-171. . 2. Ueber die Normalen der Ellipse und des Ellipsoids. Crelle, Journ. XXVL, 1843, pp. 172-180. JOA] 549 [JOA Joachimsthal, Ferdinand. 3. Dernonstrationes theorematum ad superficies curvas spectantium. Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 347-350. 4. Ueber die Bediugung der Integrahilitiit. [1844.] Crelle, Journ. XXXIII., 1846, pp. 95-116. 5. Remarques sur la condition de Fegalite de deux racines d'une equation alge'brique, et sur quelques theoremes de Geometric qui eu suivent. Crelle, Journ. XXXIII., 1846, pp. 371-376. 6. Note sur 1'enveloppe d'une droito de longueur constaiite, inscrite daus un angle rec- tilignc quelconque. Nouv. Ana. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 260-262. • 7. Probleme sur les polaires. Nouv. Ann. Math. VI., 1847, p. 312. 8. On the attraction of a straight line. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 93-94. 9. Demonstration d'un theorems de M. STEINEE. Par un point quelconque D d'nne ellipse passent trois circonferences de cercles, osculatrices a trois autres points A, B, C de la conique ; les quatre points A, B, C, D sont situes sur une oirconference de cercle. Crelle, Journ. XXXVI., 1848, pp. 95-96. 1O. Sur les normales infiniment voisines d'une surface courbe. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIII., 1848, pp. 415-422. 11. Theoreme relatif au cercle qui passe par trois points d'une ellipse. Crelle, Journ. XXXIX., 1850, pp. 138-139. — — 12. Sur quelques applications des deter- minants a la Geometric. Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850, pp. 21-47. 13. Note relative a un theorcme de Mr. MALMSTEN sur les equations ditferentielles line- aires. Crelle, Journ. XL., 1 850, pp. 48-50. • 14. Note sur les lignes de courbure. Nouv. Ann. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 64-65. 15. Theoremes sur 1'equation aux carres des differences des racines, et application geo- metrique aux faisceaux tangentiels. Nouv. Ann. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 98-105. 16. Theoreme sur 1'intersection de deux coniques. Nouv. Ann. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 169-171. 17. Sur les proprietes attractives d'un poly gone. Nouv. Ann. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 451-454. 18. Sur une formule relative aux tan- gentes. Nouv. Ann. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 323-326. 19. Sur la construction des normales qu'on peut abaisser d'un point donne sur une section conique completement decrite. Crelle, Journ. XL VIII., 1854, pp. 377-380. Joachimsthal, FcrdutriinL 2O. Bemerkungen iiber den Sturm'schen Satz vermittelst dessen man die Anzahl clcr reellen Wurzeln einer Gleichung bestimmen kann. die zvrischen belie- bigen Griinzen liegen. Crelle, Journ. XLVIII., 1854, pp. 386-416. 21. De a-quationibus qnarti et sexti graclus qua? in theoria lin«arum et superficierum se- cundi gradus occurrunt. Crelle, Journ. LIU., 1857, pp. 149-172. 22. Sur les surfaces dont les lignes de 1'une des courbures sont planes. Crelle, Journ. LIV., 1857, pp. 181-192. 23. Bemerknng zu SCHROTER'S Abhand- lung iiber die Raumcurven dritter Klasse und dritter Ordnung. Crelle, Journ. LVI., 1859, pp. 44-45. 24. Ueber ein elementares Theorem der analytischen Geometrie. Crelle, Journ. LVI.. 1859, pp. 280-284. 25. Ueber ein Attractionsproblem. Crelle, Journ. LVIIL, 1861, pp. 135-137. 26. Ueber die Anzahl reeller Normalen, welche von einem Puncte an ein Ellipsoid gezoajen werden kdnnen. Crelle, Journ. LIX., 1861, pp. 111-124. Jonnnis, L. de. Observations sur plusieurs Mol- lusques dont on ne connaissait que les coquilles, et description de ces Mollusques, et de quelques especes inedites ou non figurees jusqu' a ce jour. Mag. de Zool. 1833, Cl. v., pi. 36-38. 2. Tylodina citrina. Mag. de Zool. 1833, Cl. v., pi. 36. — 3. Sur la Natica glauciua. Mag. de Zool. 1833, Cl. \.,pl. 37. 4. Sur 1'animal de Patella pyramidella, Lam. Mag. de Zool. 1833, Cl. v., pi. 38. 5. Sur 1'animal de Turbo rugosus. Mas:. de Zool. 1834, Cl. v., pi. 39. 6. Purpura htemastoma. Mag. de Zool. 1834, CJ. v., pi. 40. 7. Sur 1'animal de Rostellaria pespelecani. Lam. Mag. de Zool. 1834, Cl. v., pi. 41. 8. Sur 1'animal de Cassis sulcosa, Lain. Mag. de Zooi. 1834, Cl. v., pi. 45. 9. Sur 1'animal de Faaciolaria tarentina. Mag. de Zool. 1834. Cl. v.,pl. 46. 1O. Sur 1'animal de Monodonta fragarioides, Lam. Mag. de Zool. 1834, Cl. v., pi. 47. 11. Achatina Sauleydi, Joann. Mag. de Zool. 1834, Cl. v.,pl. 50. 12. Sur 1'animal de Columbella rustica, Lam. Mag. de Zool. 1834, Cl. v., pi. 51. 13. Sur 1'animal du Cerithium vulgatum, Lam. Mag. de Zool. 1834, Cl. v., pi. 52. 14. Sur 1'auimal de Dolium galea, Lam. Mag. de Zool. 1834, Cl. v., pi. 53. 15. Mesodesma Fauresii. Mag. de Zool. 1834, Cl. v.,pl. 54. JOA] 550 [JOB Joannis, L. de. 16. Observations sur les pois- sous du Nil, et description de plusieurs especes nouvelles. Mag. de Zool. 1835, Cl. iii., pi. 1-15. 17. Tetraodon parvus, Joann. Mag. de Zool. 1835, Cl. iv., pi. 15. 18. Figure de 1'animal de Buccinum macu- losum, Lam. Mag. de Zool. 1835, Cl. v., pi. 58. 19. Cyrenoida Dupoutia. Mag. de Zool. Jobard, 3. Sur la veritable cause d'ex- 1835, Cl. \.,pl.64. 20. Notice sur la generation des anguilles. Paris, Comptes Keiidus, VIII., 1839, pp. 301- 302. 21. Notice sur la parturition et la genera- tion des anguilles. Eev. Zool. II., 1839, pp. 48-53. 22. Note sur uue galle du Nasturtium palustre, DC. Angers, Ann. Soe. Linn. 1853, pp. 178-181. 23. Lc Pagre egyptien (Pagrus egyptius, Joannis}. Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1853, pp. 182-184. 24. Notice sur les mollusques terebrants. Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1856, pp. 28-33. 25. Description des chenilles de la Noc- tuelle double omega, du Bonibyx peuplier et du Liparis V noir. Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1856, pp. 228-231. 26. Notice sur la Dreissena polymorpha. Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1858, pp. 258-260. 27. Etude sur les Nayades. Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1858, pp. 260-295. 28. Notice sur le Triton variegatus, le Pupa granum, le Planorbis Irevis, et la Succinea arenariu. Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1858, pp. 296-298. Joass, J. M., and George Gordon. On the relations of Ross-shire sandstones containing reptilian footprints. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIX.. 1863, pp. 506-510. Job, . Observations de la quantite d'eau pluviale tombee depuis le ler Mars 1841, d'apres 1'udometre place sur la tour carree du fort Lamothe a Lyon. Larnont, Ann. Meteor. II., 1842, pp. 172-174 ; Lyon, Soc. Agric. Anual. V., 1842, pp. 247-249. •Toba, Any. Catalogue des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles observes dans le departernent de la Moselle. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. II., 1844, pp. 31-45. 2. Supplement au Catalogue des Mol- lusques terrestres et fluviatiles du departement de la Moselle. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. VI., 1851, pp. 133-138. Jobard, . Memoire sur le logophore. France, Congres Scientifique, 1835, pp. 60-71. 2. Ueber die Explosioueu der Dampf- kessel. (Tran.il.) Dingier, Polytechu. Journ. LXVIIL, 1838, pp. 329-335. plosion des chaudieres a vapeur. Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. Industr. XV., 1841, pp. 598-604. 4. Gaz a 1'eau, invention et fabrication. Journ. Genie Civ. XII., 1846, pp. 427-444. 5. Chemin de fer electro-pneumatique. Journ. Genie Civ. XIV., 1846, pp. 136-142 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CHI., 1847, pp. 10-15. — — 6. Hypothese sur 1'explication du vol des oiseaux. France, Congres Scientifique, XVII., 1850, pp. 399-402. 7. Mise au pointage oculaire naturel. France, Congres Scientifique, XXI., 1854, pp. 238-241. 8. Des explosions foudroyantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 51-52. 9. Notice sur les pluies de Crapauds. Dijon, Acad. Mem. VI., 1857 (pte. 2), pp. 169- 174. 10. Notice sur une averse de petits cra- pauds. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, p. 159. Jobert, . Lettre sur quelques points de la geologic do 1'Auvergue, Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, pp. 89-92. 2. Memoire sur le fait de la division des terrains en un grand nornbre de couches de difterente nature. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII., 1829, pp. 225-242. Jobert, , et (Abbe) Croizet. Sur une ma- choire iuf erieure d'Anthracotherium trouve dans les gres tertiaires de la Limagne. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, pp. 139-156 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1829, pp. 276-278. 2. Sur un Canis fossile de la grandeur du Renard. Boue, Journ. de Geol. L, 1830, pp. 151-155. Jobert de Lamballe, A. J. Recherches sur la disposition des nerfs de 1'uterus et 1'application de ces connaissances a la physiologic et a la pathologie de cet organe. [1841.] Paris, Mem. Savans Etraug. VIII., 1843, pp. 386-420 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 882-884; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Zool.), 1841, pp. 302- 303 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIX., 1841, col. 149- 150. 2. Recherches anatomiques sur 1'organe electrique de la torpille. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XVHI., 1844, p. 810 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1844, col. 225-228. 3. Reflexions sur 1'anatomie pathologique et la therapeutique des fistules uriuaires ure- trales chez I'honinie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 984-986. 4. De la regeneration des tissus dans riiomme et les animaux. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 195-197. JOB] 551 [JOD Jobert de Lamballe, A. .7. 5. Sur les fistules recto-vaginales et leur traitement autoplastique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 440- 443. 6. Des fistules vesico-uterines et ve"sico- uterines-vaginales. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 211-214. ' 7. Origine du nerf facial au-dessous de Fentrecroisenient des pyramides ; explication anatomique de la paralysie croisee de ce nerf. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., 1850 ( Compt. Rend.), pp. 5-6. 8. Becherches sur les corps etrangers dans les voies aeriennes. Paris, Comptes Een- dus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 706-709. 9. Considerations sur les appareils elec- triques de la torpille, du gymnote, etc. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 41-42. 10. Observation d'un cas de compression de le partie superieure de la moelle par 1'apo- physe odontoide. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 535-537. 11. Cas de compression de la moelle epiniere : Notes et remarques. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 486-490. 12. Des corps etrangers articulaires et en particulier des corps etrangers du genou. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 1003- 1008. — — 13. De Finfluence des operations sur le systeme nerveux. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 842-846. 14. Memoire sur les proprietes du tissu cicatriciel et 1'application de 1'autoplastie aux brides. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 476-480. — - 15. Considerations anatomiques et thera- peutiques sur les fistules vesico-vaginales (auto- plastie par glissement). Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. XIV., 1856, pp. 721-791. 16. Eecherches anatomiques sur 1'appareil electrique du Malapterure electrique. Paris. Comptes Eendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 8-16. 17. De la contraction rhythniique muscu- laire involontaire et de Faction musculaire volontaire : contraction involontaire rhythmique du court peronier lateral droit. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 757-764. 18. De la regeneration des tendons. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 425-430; LIV., 1862, pp. 483-491, 578-586, 698-703. 19. Usages et proprietes des tendons. Paris. Comptes Eendus, Lin., 1861, pp. 561-566. 2O. Des theories relatives a la regenera- tion et a la cicatrisation des tendons. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 1211-1217. 21. Eegeneration et reparation des tissus. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 365- 368. Jobert de Lamballe, A. J. 22. Theories du cal. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 649-654, 881-885. Jobin, , et Lies-Eodart. Preparation de 1'iodure de calcium et du calcium. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 363-365. Jobst, Carl. Beschreibung der im Handel vor- kommenden Sarsaparillsorten. Liebig, Anna!. XVI., 1835, pp. 283-285. 2. Thein identisch mit Caftein. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XXXIX., 1838, pp. 361-366 ; Liebig, Annal. XXV., 1 838, pp. 63-66. Joe, Stephan. Ueber eine neue Iris Art. Her- mannstadt, Verhandl. Siebenbiirg. Ver. II., 1851, pp. 98-99. Joch, Eduard. Die Flora von Kiirnten. Karn- ten Jahrb. Landesmus. II., 1853, pp. 53-96 • III., 1854, pp. 1-71. Jockams, F. Eecherches experimentales sur les appareils destines a 1'aerage des travaux souter- rains. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. XL, 1852- 53, pp. 5-182. 2. Notes sur 1'aerage des mines. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. XV., 1856-57, pp. 5-44. 3. Note sur le systeme d'aerage mecanique des mines de houille de St. Martin, a Mar- chienne-au-Pout. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. XVI., 1857-58, pp. 127-152. Jochmann, E. Ueber die Molecularconstitution der Gase. Poggend. Aunal. CVIIL, 1859, pp. 153-162. 2. Beitriige zur Theorie der Gase. Schlo- milch, Zeitschr. V., 1860, pp. 24-39, 96-131. Joclimus, A. Notes on a journey into the Balkan, or Mount Hremus, in 1847. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXIV., 1854, pp. 36-85. Jodin, . Imperforation du rectum. — Ano- malies du systeme arteriel. Jouru. Heb. de Med. III., 1831, pp. 413-418. 2. Compression de la cinquieme paire, alteration des sens. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. XL, 1831, pp. 20-26. Jodin, F. V. Developpement de Mucedinees dans les dissolutions salines sursaturees ; re- marques presentees a 1'occasion d'une com- munication recente de M. TEKEEIL. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1143-1145. 2. Eecherches sur la fermentation alco- olique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIII., 1861. pp. 1252-1256. 3. Etudes de chimie physiologique. Pre- miere partie : Du role physiologique de 1'oxy- gene, etudie specialement chez les mucedinees et les ferments. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 917-920; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII., 1862 (Bot.\ pp. 118-124. 4. Du role physiologiquo de 1'axote. Paris. Comptes Eendus, LV., 1862, pp. 612-615. JOD] 552 [JOE Jodin, F. V. 5. Sur la transformation isome- rique clu sucre de canue sous 1'influence d'un ferment specifique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 720-723. 6. Etudes sur les modifications du sucre de canne sous 1'influence des ferments alco- oliques. Paris, Comptes EenJus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 434-437. Joel, . Missbildungen der niiinnlicheu Ge- nitalien. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1839, pp. 573- 575. Johanys, . De la Muscardine. — Des moyens de la developper artificiellemeut, de modifier ou de detruire les effets de la contagion. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI., 1839 (Zool.), pp. 65-80. John, C. Ueber einige Pflanzen der Berliner Gegend. Botan. Zeitung, I., 1843, col. 689- 692. John, C. Theoremes sur les angles des poly- gones plans convexes et des polygones sphe- riques convexes. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 674-675. John, Christopher Samuel. Beschreibung einiger Affeu aus Kasi oder Benares ini uordlichen Ben- galen. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Sehr. L, 1795, pp. 211-218. 2. Beschreibung einiger Ostindischen In- secten. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. I., 1795, pp. 347-352. 3. Ueber die Schweinsjagd auf Sumatra. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. II., 1799, pp. 351-356; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XII., 1802, pp. 39-42. 4. Auszug aus Briefeu des Dr. HAYNE iiber die Salpetergevvinnuug am Ganges. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. II., 1799, pp. 372- 378. 5. Beschreibung und Abbildung des Urano- scopus Lebeckii. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. III., 1801, pp. 283-287. • 6. Naturhistorische Fragmente. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 63-73. John, E. Ueber den Einfluss, welchen der Stick- storT des Diingers auf den Proteingehalt der Ernten nusiibt. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 57-62. 2. Die Ernteruckstande, ihre Menge und Beschaffenheit. Anual. Landwirth. XVII., 1851, pp. 313-347. John, Jo/i. Fried. Chemische Untersuchung des Antophyllits. Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 496-503. 2. Chemische Untersuchuug des oriental- iscbeu Tin-kisses. Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 93-97. 3. Chemische Untersuchung des St. An- dreasberger Pharmakoliths. Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 537-540. John, Joh. Fried. 4. Beitrage zur chemischen Kenntniss des Mangans. Gehleu, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 452-485; IV., 1807. pp. 436-448; Journ. des Mines, XXII., 1 807, pp. 245-280 ; XXIIL, pp. 195-208; Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1813, pp. 172-184, 263-276; III., pp. 413-420. 5. Untersuchung des weissen erdigen Talks von Freiberg in Sachsen. Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 223-225 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1808, pp. 258-265. • 6. Analyse des gelben erdigen Talks von Merowitz in Bohmen. Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 225-227 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVII., 1808, pp. 258-265. 7. Chemische Analyse des Nadelerzes. Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 229-237 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVII., 1808, pp. 278-293 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIV., 1808, pp. 227-230 ; Nichol- son, Journ. XXVII., 1810, pp. 236-237. 8. Chemische Untersuchung des Orlean. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XIV., 1808, pp. 66-79 ; Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 60-71. 9. Chemische Untersuchung der Haare des Stachys lanata. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 72-74. • 1O. Ueber den Lucullun (schwarzeu Mar- mor). Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 163-172. 11. Eecherches chimiques sur deux sub- stances minerales que Ton a placees dans 1'ordre magnesien. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. II., 1809, pp. 109-118. 12. Chemische Untersuchung des edleu Serpentin. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 108-114. 13. Chemische Untersuchung des Caviars. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 307-309 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1814, pp. 100-102. 14. Ueber den Egyptischen Ophit. Ber- lin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 141- 145. 15. Chemische Untersuchung des Saftes der Chondrilla juncea, Linn. ; ein Beitrag zur niihern Kenntniss der Caoutchoucfiihrenden Pflanzen. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XV., 1811, pp. 81-85. 16. Analyse des Tabasheer's. Schweig- ger, Journ. II., 1811, pp. 260-262. 17. Ueber eiuige uoch unbekannte Ver- binduugen der Chrornsaure mit verschiedenen Basen. Schweigger, Journ. III., 1811, pp. 378-382 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1814. pp. 424-427. 18. Analyse chirnique d'un gypse fibreux qui se trouve a Ivanofsky, village situe a trente verstes de Moscou. IMijscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. I., 1811, pp. 5-8. JOH] 553 [JOH John, Joh. Fried. 19. Reclierches sur Ic tannin contenu dans le fruit du Pin (P. abies, Linn.) et du Sapin (P. sylvestris, Linn.). Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. I., 1811, p. 21. 20. Reclierches chimiques sur un alun, qui se trouve aupres de Moscou, et qui contient beaucoup de sulfate de fer. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. I., 1811, pp. 22-24. 21. Analyse cbimique de la Keffekilitbe de la Crimee. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. I., 1811, pp. 37-42. 22. Experience et analyse chimique de la Turquoise. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. I., 1811, pp. 131-139. 23. Examen chimique du chrome, du manganese, et autres substances ininerales. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. III., 1812, pp. 195- 216. — — 24. Examen [chimique] d'une dent d'ele- phant fossile. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. III., 1812, pp. 217-220. 25. Examen du sel gemme de la riviere d'lleck. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. in., 1812, pp. 221-225. 26. Notice sur le Fischeriue, nouveau minerai du Nord. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. III., 1812, pp. 226-231. 27. Analyse der sogenannten natiirlichen Bleigliitte. Schweigger, Journ. IV., 1812, pp. 219-226. 28. Chemische Untersuchung der soge- nannten rothen Bleierde aus Kail im R6r-De- partement. Schweigger, Journ. IV., 1812, pp. 227-229. 29. Chemische Analyse des Conits aus der Gegend des Meisseners. Schweigger, Journ. V., 1812, pp. 13-18. 30. Analyse einiger Gummiarten, welche aus den Friichten und Stammen der Prunus- arteu quellen. Schweigger, Journ. VI., 1812, pp. 374-380. 31. Chemische Untersuchung der Gurken (Cucurbita citrullus, L.). Schweigger, Journ. IX., 1813, pp. 34-41. 32. Chemische Analyse einer antiken Me- tallmasse. Gilbert, Annal. XLVI., 1814, pp. 108-110. 33. Analyse der Gehirnsubstanz des Men- schen und einiger Thiere. Gilbert, Annal. XLVI., 1814, pp. 329-333. 34. Analyses de plusieurs substances mine - rales. Journ. des Mines, XXXV., 1814, pp. 317-318. 35. Ueber das Gehirn, das verliingerte Ruckenmark, die Thalami nervorum opticorum und die Nerven der Thiere. [Chemisches.] Schweigger, Journ. X., 1814. pp. 155-170. VOL. III. John, Jolt. Fried. 36. Chemische Analyse der Contenta eiuer iiberaus grossen menschlichen Gallenblase. Schweigger, Journ. XL, 1814, pp. 1-7. 37. Chemische Zergliederung einer Con- cretion aus der Vene des Uterus einer Frau. Schweigger, Journ. XII., 1814, pp. 80-84. 38. Chemische Zergliederung eines Bezo- ards angeblich aus dem Herzen eines Hirsches. Schweigger, Journ. XII., 1814, pp. 63-66. 39. Ueber das Pigment des griinen ge- faulten Holzes, iiber einen moglichen Chrom- gehalt ganzer Gebirge, uud iiber einen bemerkten Erdegehalt des Schnees. Schweigger, Journ. XII., 1814, pp. 218-220. 4O. Chemische Untersuchung des Nickel- Antimonerzes. Schweigger, Jouru. XII., 1814, pp. 238-243. 41. Ueber den Befruchtungs-Staub, nebst einer Analyse des Tulpenpollens. Schweigger, Journ. XII., 1814, pp. 242-252. 42. Chemische Untersuchung des Gum- migutt. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XVI., 1815, pp. 105-116. 43. Chemische Untersuchung des Aragons, oder des excentrischeu Kalkspaths aus dem Breisgau. Schweigger, Journ. XIII., 1815, pp. 249-259. 44. Chemische Untersuchung des farbe- losen, klaren Doppelspaths von St. Andreas- berg. Schweigger, Journ. XIII., 1815, pp. 259-260. 45. Chemische Untersuchung des Blnsen- tan/>/.), 1861, pp. 338-380. 20. Note sur les derives pyrogenes de 1'acide malique et de 1'acide citrique. Bruxelles. Acad, Sci. Bull. XIII., 1862, pp. 341-368. 21. Untersuchungeu iiber organische Sauren. [Fumarylchlorid, Maleinsaure-Anhy- drid, Maleinsaure ; Citraconsiiure, Mesacon- siiure, Citracousaureanhydrid ; Wasserstoff- addition durch Zink ; Betrachtungen iiber einige Falle von Isomerie.] Liebig, Annal. II. (Suppl.), 1863, pp. 85-116. Kekule, August, und N. Triedreich. Zur Amy- loidfrage. Virehow, Archiv, XVI., 1859, pp. 50-65. Kekule, August, et E. Linnemann. Note sur Faction de 1'iode sur quelques sulfures orgamque.=. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII., 1862, pp. 156-168 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 273-286. KEK] 630 [KEL Kekule, August, nnd A. Planta. Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger fliichtigen Basen. Liebig, Annal. LXXXVIL, 1853, pp. 1-11; Erdni. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 237-239 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 446-447 2. Cheinische Notizen. Analyse der Schwefelquelle von Serneus, Analyse zweier Kalksteine, Analyse von Gallensteinen. Liebig, Anual. LXXXVIL, 1853, pp. 364-368. 3. Sur 1'ethyluicotine. Annal. de Chiniie, XL., 1854, pp. 230-232. 4. Zur Kenntniss einiger fliichtiger Basen [Coniin]. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIX., 1854, pp. 129-156; Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, pp. 182-185 ; Erdm. Joum. Prak. Cbem. LXI., 1854, pp. 491-496. 5. Analyse der Mineralquellen von St. Moritz im Ober-Engadin, Kauton Grau- biindten. Liebin, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 316- 322. Kelaart, Edward Fred. Catalogue of the Mam- malia of Ceylon. Zool. Soc. Proc. XVIII., 1850, pp. 155-159. • 2. Notes on tbe Geology of Ceylon — Late- rite Formation, Eluviatile Deposits of Nuera Ellia. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 28-36. 3. Descriptions of new or little-known species of Reptiles collected in Ceylon. Ann. Nat. Hist, XIII., 1854, pp. 25-31. 4. Catalogue of Reptiles collected in Cey- lon. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1854, pp. 137-140. 5. Descriptions of new species of Ceylon Eeptiles [Eumeces (?) Taprobauensis ; Poly- pedates (?) Schmarda]. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1854, pp. 407-408. 6. Introductory report on the natural history of the Pearl oyster (Meleagrina margari- tifera, Lam.} of Ceylon. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. I., 1854-58, pp. 399-405; Madras Journ. III., 1858, pp. 89-104. 7. Description of a new Ceylonese Nudi- brauch [Trevelyana Ceylonica]. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1858, pp. 257-258. 8. Report on the Tamblegam Pearl Oyster Fishery. Madras Journ. ILL, 1858, pp. 105- 110. 9. Descriptions of new and little-known species of Ceylonese Nudibranchiate Mollusks. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 291-304, 488- 496; IV., 1859, pp. 267-270. Kelaart, Edward Fred., and Karl Mobius. On the natural history of the Cingalese Pearl Oyster and on the production of Pearls, Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1858, pp. 81-100. Kelch, • . Zergliederung eines sehr aus- gedehnteu und mit Schleim gefullten Ovariums. Hufeland, Jouru. Arzn. XXV., 1806 (Hft. 2), pp. 194-202. Kelch, A. Bastardbegattung zwischen Mela- loutha vulgaris und M. Hippocastani. Oken, Isis, 1834, pp. 737-738. Kelch, A. Ueber Nymphasa neglecta. Botan. Zeitung, X. 1852, col. 421-423. Kelland, Philip. On the laws of transmission of Light and Heat in uncrystallized media. Phil. Mag. X., 1837, pp. 336-342. 2. On the dispersion of Light, as explained by the hypothesis of Finite Intervals. [1836.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1838, pp. 153- 184. 3. On the motion of a system of particles, considered with reference to the phenomena of Sound and Heat. [1836.] Camb. Phil. Soe. Trans. VI., 1838, pp. 235-288. 4. On the transmission of Light in crys- tallized media. [1837.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1838, pp. 323-352, 353-360. 5. On the conduction of Heat. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 15-16. 6. On the theory of waves. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 50-52. 7. FRESNEL'S Formulae for the intensity of Reflected and Refracted Light. [1839.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1840, pp. 393-418. 8. On the theory of waves. Part 1. [1839.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1840, pp. 497-546. 9. On general Differentiation. Parts 1, 2, and 3. [1839.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1840, pp. 567-603,604-618; XVI., 1849, pp. 241-304. 10. On the present state of our theoreti- cal and experimental knowledge of the laws of conduction of Heat. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840, pp. 1-26. < 11. On molecular equilibrium. Part 1. [1838.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1842, pp. 25-60. 12. On the quantity of light intercepted by a grating placed before a lens ; and on the effect produced by interference. [1840.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1842, pp. 153-172. 13. On the explanation of dispersion. Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 373-378. — 14. Note on fluid motion. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1842, pp. 29-33. 15. Reply to some objections against the theory of Molecular Action according to NEW- TON'S Law. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1842, pp. 202- 208, 263-270, 340-342, 344-348, 422-423, 437- 444. 16. Supplementary remarks on certain ar- guments against NEWTON'S Theory of Molecular action. Phil. Mag. XXII., 1843, pp. 117-120. 17. On Mr. EARNSHAW'S Reply to the De- fence of the Newtonian Law of Molecular Action. Phil. Mag. XXII., 1843, pp. 194-200. KEL] 631 [KEL Kelland, Philip. 18. On the plane and angle of polarisation of Light reflected at the Surface of a Crystal. [1840.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XV., 1844, pp. 37-66. 19. On the theory of waves. Part 2. Edinb. Koy. Soc. Trans. XV., 1844, pp. 101-144. . 2O. On the theoretical investigation of the absolute intensity of interfering light. [1842.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XV., 1844, pp. 315-330. 21. On the vibrations of an interrupted medium. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XV., 1844, pp. 511-540. 22. On a process in the differential calcu- lus, and its application to the solution of certain differential equations. [1849.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XX., 1853, pp. 39-56. 23. On the interest strictly chargeable for short periods of time. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 274-276. 24. On Superposition. [1855.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXI., 1857, pp. 271-274. 25. On a problem in combinations. [1855.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1857, pp. 359-362. 26. Quaternions, or the doctrine of Vec- tors. Messenger of Mathem. II., 1863, pp. 136- 166. Keller, . Des naufrages sur les cotes a marees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 583-585. 2. Description et principales applications du double planisphere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 567-568. Keller, Adolpli. Lepidopterologische Mittheil- ungen. Stettin, Eutom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 336-339. 2. Entomologische Notizen. Stettin, En- torn. Zeit. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 284-285. Keller, Alois. Ueber die sogenannte Verwand- lung der Helminthen. Wien, Jahresb. Ober- Realsch. Inn. Stadt, I., 1859, pp. 27-36. Keller, Antonio. Sopra alcune malattie che danneggiarono i prodotti agricoli nel 1862. Venezia, Atti, VIII., 1862-63, pp. 281-297. Keller, E., und C. H. L. von Babo. Ueber die Piperinsiiure, ein Zersetzungsproduct des Piperins. [1856.] Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 53-72 ; Freiburg, Berichte, I., 1858, pp. 231-254. Keller, Em. et F. A. E. Memoire sur la cause de la pesanteur et des effets attribues a 1'attrac- tion universelle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 530-533. Keller, FiHppo. Sopra alcune proprieta della propagazione della corrente elettrica nei fill tele- grafici, dedotte dalla teoria di OHM. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1859, pp. 305-315, 357-364. Keller, Filippo. 2. Alcuni osservazioni sui barometri a bilancia. Roma, Corrisp. Scient. VI., 1863, pp. 435-457 ; Nuovo Cimento, XVII., 1863, pp. 210-213. Keller, Franz. Beitriige zur Idcntitatslehre der schwefel- und stickstoffhaltenden Thier- und Pflanzenstoffe. Liebig, Annal. LXXIL, 1849, pp. 24-38 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 313-315. 2. Die anorganischen Bestandtheile des Fleisches, nebst einigen Bemerkungen liber die Aschenanalysen von Thiersubstanzen. Liebig, Annal. LXX., 1849, pp. 91-101. • 3. Methode zur Darstellung grosserer Mengen von Metacetonsiiure. Liebig, Annal. LXXIII., 1850, pp. 205-207. 4. Ueber das wahre Theobromin. Liebig, Annal. XCIL, 1854, pp. 71-73. 5. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Gru- bengase, von Bexbach. Liebig, Annal. XCIL, 1854, pp. 74-75. 6. Die Kieselerde in ihrer Bedeutung fur den Haushalt der Pflauzen. Annal. Landwirth. XXVII., 1856, pp. 413-421. 7. Ueber die niiheren Bestandtheile des Scammoniums. Liebig, Annal. CIV.. 1857, pp. 63-76; CIX., 1859, pp. 209-218; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIIL, 1858, pp. 479-480. Keller, 0. Memoire sur Fexploitation de 1'argile salifere et le traitement du sel dans le Salzkarninergut. Annal. des Mines, II., 1862, pp. 1-94. Keller, Wilhdm. Ueber Verwandlung derBenzoe- saure in Hippursaure. Liebig, Annal. XLILT., 1842, pp. 108-111 ; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 327-328. 2. On Ciliary cells in some marine naked Mollusca in embryo. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 173-174. 3. Chemical analysis of a calculus from the bladder of a whale. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 185-187 ; Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, p. 118. Kelley, Edward G. Remarks on the geological features of the island of Owyhee or Hawaii, the largest of the group called the Sandwich Islands ; with an account of the condition of the volcano of Kirauea, situated in the southern part of the island, near the foot of Mouna Roa. Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 117-122; Bibl. Univ. XXXVII., 1842, pp. 201-205. Kellie, George. Historical and critical analysis of the functions of the skin. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. I., 1805, pp. 170-187. 2. Case of Torpor from cold, and some general observations on the effects of diminished temperature upon the living system. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. L, 1805, pp. 302-313. KEL] 632 [KEL Kellie, George. 3. An account of the appearances observed in the dissection of two out of three in- dividuals presumed to have perished in the storm of the 3rd November 1821, and whose bodies were discovered in the vicinity of Leith on the morning of the 4th. With some reflections on the pathology of the Brain [and on the effect of depletion on the circulation within the Cranium]. Edinb. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. 1824, pp. 84- 169. Kellie, J. Report on the Chendamungalum Hills. Madras Quart. Journ. IV., 1862, pp. 87-91. Eellner, A. Ueber das Vorkommen seltener Deutscher Kiifer im Thuringer Walde. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. II., 1841, p. 128. 2. Quedius riparius, eine neue Art. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. IV., 1843, p. 3.1. 3. Neue Brachelytren und eine Beobacht- ung iiber Quedius dilatatus. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. V., 1844, pp. 413-415. 4. Bemcrkungen iiber die als Larven im Rothwilde lebenden Oestrus. Stettin, Entom. Zeit, VII., 1846, pp. 29-30 ; VIII., 1847, pp. 366-367. 5. Vier neue Catops-Arten, im Thuringer Walde aufgefunden. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VII., 1846, pp. 176-178. 6. Beobachtungen iiber die im Roth- und Rehwilde lebenden Oestrus-Arten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIV., 1853, pp. 89-93. Kellner, W., und Fr. Beilstein. Ueber Trini- trocressol und Chrysanissiiure. Liebig, Annal. CXXVIII., 1863, pp. 164-177. Kellogg (Dr.) Description of a new genus of plants (Liliorhiza, A'.). Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proe. 1860, pp. 46-48. 2. Description of a new species of Tril- lium (T. californicum). Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 48-50. 3. Description of Sisyrinchium flavidum, A'. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proe. 1860, pp. 50-52. 4. Description of Hemizonia balsamifera, K. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 64- 66. 5. Description of Lonicera conjugalis, K. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 67-69. 6. Observations on the white-flowered Rosin Weed (Hemizonia luzulrefolia, var. fra- garioides, A'.), common in the vicinity of San Francisco. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 69-71. 7. New species of Abronia from Carson Valley (A. cruxmalta?, A'.). Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I860, pp. 71-72. 8. Description of a species of Polypodium found in the vicinity of San Francisco (P. car- nosum, K.\ Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 88-89. Kellogg (Dr.) 9. Description of Ribes balsami- fera, A'. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, p. 94. 10. Descriptions of Galium stellatum, G. multiflorum, Meutzelia Veatchiana, and Sisym- brium reflexum. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 97-101. . 11. Description of a new species of Chloro- galum (Soap plant) from Shasta (C. angusti- folium, A'.). Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 104-106. 12. Description of a plant from Cerros island (Lipochseta hastata, AT.). Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 106-108. 13. Descriptions of new plants, Alliuni anceps, A. attenuifolium, Collinsia hirsuta, A. unifolium, A'. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 109-112. . 14. Description of Lewisia alba and Astra- galus hypoglottis, var. strigosa, K. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 11 5-1 18. 15. Description of a new species of Ceano- thus, from Washoe (C. cordulatus, A'.). Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 123-124. Kellogg, E. On the passage of Lightning. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1825, pp. 84-86 ; Quart. Jouru. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 339-341. Kellogg, 0. A remarkable geological develope- ment, in Elizabethtown, Essex County, N. Y. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1848, pp. 135-138. Kelly, B. M. Observations on the temperature, and general state of the weather, on the Coast of Africa, from the River of Sierra Leone, 8° 30' N. to the Equator, but principally in the Gulf of Guinea, from lat. 5° N. to the latter. Thomson, Ann. Phil. V., 1823, pp. 360-375. Kelly, John. On the Quartz Rocks of the northern part of the county of Wicklow. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1850-53, pp. 237- 262. 2. On the drift of the district about Rath- farnham, in the county of Dublin. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1853-55, pp. 133-164. 3. On localities of fossils of the carboni- ferous limestone of Ireland. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855-57, pp. 1-62. • 4. Researches among the Palaeozoic Rocks of Ireland, with a view to determine the limits of the Old Red Sandstone, and its relation to the inferior rocks. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855-57, pp. 115-145. 5. On the subdivision of the carboniferous formation of Ireland. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855-57, pp. 222-266 ; Nat, Hist, Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 100-134. 6. On the graywacke rocks of Ireland, as compared with those of England. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 251-314 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 272-297, 445-502. KEL] 033 [KEM Kelly, John. 7. On the carboniferous rocks of Ireland, and chiefly on the Yellow Sandstone, and its relations with the coal measures and other groups. Atlantis, II., 1859, pp. 221-276. 8. On the five palaeozoic Ked Sandstones. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1862-64, pp. 74- 77. Kelly, iniliam. On the temperature, fogs, and mirages of the River St. Lawrence. [1832.] Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. III., 1837, pp. 1-45. 2. Abstract of the meteorological journal kept at Cape Diamond, Quebec, from the 1st of January 1824 to the 31st December 1831, with some remarks on the climate of Lower Canada. [1832.] Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. III., 1837, pp. 46-71. 3. On the temperature of the springs at Quebec. [1834.] Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. III., 1837, pp. 251-254. 4. On some extraordinary forms of mirage. [1836.] Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. III., 1837, pp. 292-297. 5. On the effect of clearing and cultivation on climate, and on the situations most favourable to the deposition of hoar frost and dew. [1836.] Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. III., 1837, pp. 309- 312. 6. On the temperature of the surface water over the banks, and near the shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. [1836.] Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. III.,- 1837, pp. 316-321. 7. On low fogs and stationary clouds. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1837, p. 33. 8. On the connexion between the winds of the St. Lawrence and the movements of the barometer. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1845, pp. 556- 557. 9. Case of double Uterus. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXIV., 1852, pp. 328-331. 10. The annual variations of atmospheric pressure in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Irish Acad. Proc. VII., 1858, pp. 3-5 ; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 44-46. 11. British Columbia, and a proposed Emigrant Route from Pembina to Yale. Geogr. Soc. Proc. VI., 1862, pp. 231-235. Kelly, William, and Jos. Skey. Analysis of a mineral water sent from Gaspe. [1833.] Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. III., 1837, pp. 229- 232. Kelsall, Henry. The connection between mag- netic phenomena and epidemic diseases. Leicester, Lit. Phil. Soc. Selection, 1855, pp. 165-191. Keltsch, . Einige naturgeschichtliche Be- merkungen iiber die Tatra oder die Ungarischen Centralkarpathen. Gorlitz, Abhandl. III., 1842 (Heft 2), pp. 41-53. VOL. III. Kemp, Alexander. Neues Verfahren Cyan zu bereiten. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 63-64. 2. On the purification of oil of vitriol from Nitric Acid. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLVIII., 1850, pp. 354-356. 3. On the absence of iron in Hydrochloric Acid, prepared by Prof. GREGORY'S process. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLVIII., 1850, pp. 356-357. 4. On a modification of the process for the determination of Nitrogen in Organic Com- pounds. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 126-130. Kemp, Alexander, and J. Schlossberger. On the proportion of Nitrogen contained in ali- mentary substances taken from both the organic kingdoms as a comparative measure of their nutritive power. Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1845, pp. 350-362; Bibl. Univ. LX., 1845, pp. 389- 392 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVII., 1846, pp. 289-301 ; Heller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 468-471 ; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 396- 398; Liebig, Annal. LVL, [1845, pp. 78-94; Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, V., 1846, pp. 17- 28. Kemp, Alexander F. Notes on the Bermudas and their natural history, with special reference to their Marine Algse. Canadian Naturalist, II., 1857, pp. 145-156. 2. The Freshwater Algce of Canada. Canadian Naturalist, III., 1858, pp. 331-345, 450-466. 3. A classified list of Marine Alga; from the Lower St. Lawrence, with an introduction for amateur collectors. Canadian Naturalist, V., 1860, pp. 30-42. 4. A holiday visit to the Acton Copper Mines. Canadian Naturalist, V., I860, pp. 349- 362. 5. On the shore-zones and limits of Marine Plants on the north-eastern coast of the United States. Canadian Naturalist, VII., 1862, pp. 20-34. Kemp, George. On the composition of mucus. Chemist, III., 1842, pp. 302-303 ; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 330-332; Liebig, Annal. XLIIL, 1842, pp. 115-119. 2. On a new method of determining sulphur quantitatively in mineral sulphurets. Chemical Gazette, II., 1844, pp. 214-215. 3. Observations on the bile. Chemical Gazette, II., 1844, pp. 234-235 ; III., 1845, pp. 260^-261 ; Heller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 257-261. 4. On the cholic acid, choloidic acid, and the product obtained from ox-bile by means <>t' oxidizing agents, with some remarks on the for- mula for proteine. Chemical Gazette, II., 1844, pp. 297-300. 4 L KEM] 634 [KEM Kemp, George. 5. On the application of the principles of a natural system of Organic Che- mistry to the explanation of the phenomena occurring in the diseased Potato Tuber. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), p. 44. 6. Method of separating the body pro- duced by the joint action of sulphuric acid and sugar on ox-bile (PETTENKUFER'S test). Che- mical Gazette, IV., 1 846, pp. 278-279. 7. Remarks on the constitution of the human bile. Chemical Gazette, IV., 1846, pp. 294-296. 8. Observations on the theory of proteine. Chemical Gazette, IV., 1846, pp. 369-371 ; Chemist, VII., 1846, pp. 494-495; Liebig, An- nal. IX., 1846, pp. 104-107. 9. Determination of the quantity of sulphur contained in ox-bile, with remarks on the mu- tual relations which subsist between that body, taurine, cystine, and lithofellic acid. Chemical Gazette, IV., 1846, pp. 471-474. 10. On the elementary composition of the potato whilst forming a succession of tubers, as observed during the year 1846. Chemical Gazette, V., 1847, pp. 69-75. 11. Further observations on the potato disease. Chemical Gazette, V., 1847, pp. 136- 137. 12. On berberine and some of its com- pounds, with remarks on certain precautions which are necessary to be observed in the de- termination of the elementary composition of similar bodies. Chemical Gazette, V,, 1847, pp. 209-211. 13. Observations on Prof. MULDER'S Re- searches on the bile. Chemical Gazette, V., 1847, pp. 414-415. 14. Observations on the nature of the biliary secretion ; the object being to show, that the bile is essentially composed of an electro-negative body in chemical combination with one or more inorganic bases. [1843.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1849, pp. 44- 49; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIII., 1843, pp. 154-165. 15. Experimental researches on the func- tions of the mucous membrane of the gall- bladder, principally with reference to the con- version of hepatic into cystic bile. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII, 1856-57, pp. 133-140. Kemp, Graver. Method of preparing a beautiful and permanent White for Water Colours. Ni- cholson, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 33-34. 2. Chemical observations on the sepia of the Cuttle Fish. Nicholson, Journ. XXXIV., 1813, pp. 34-37 ; Schweigger, Journ. IX., 1813, pp. 371-374. Kemp, K. T. On a new mode of applying Gal- vanism without giving a shock. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XXXII., 1829, pp. 342- 345 ; Schweigger, Journ. LVIII. (= Jalirb. XXVIII), 1830, pp. 433-439. • 2. Description of a new kind of Galvanic Pile, and also of another Galvanic Apparatus in the form of a trough. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI, 1829, pp. 70-78. 3. 1. Description of an improved Blow- pipe. 2. On the ascent of mercury on wires of Iron. 3. Experiments on the electro-mag- netic properties of Carbon. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI, 1829, pp. 340-348 ; Schweigger, Journ. IV. (= Jalirb. XXV.), 1829, pp. 116- 119, 435-438, 448-454; Silliman, Journ. XVH., 1830, pp. 375-376; XVIII, 1830, pp. 175-176. 4. On the eifects of Electricity on the liquified Gases, and on the conducting power of these fluids. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. Ill, 1830, pp. 26-30 ; liebig, Aunal. V., 1833, pp. 3-5; Roy. Inst. Journ. I, 1831, p. 613. 5. On the changes which take place in the electricity of the simple and compound galvanic circles, by increasing or diminishing the distance of the zinc and copper plates from each other. Edinb. Jouru. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I, 1830, pp. 13-18. 6. Experiments to show that two or more streams of Electricity may be made to circulate, in opposite directions, upon the same wire with- out neutralizing each other. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I. 1830, pp. 91-94. 7. Experiments on exciting Galvanism, with compound and simple substances, at high temperatures. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I, 1830, pp. 183-186. 8. Description of two Thermometers adap- ted to indicate minute differences of temperature in the boiling point of liquids in different vessels. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I, 1830, pp. 262-264. 9. Description of a new Torricellian Air- Pump. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II, 1830, pp. 95-99. — 10. Voltaic batteries with amalgamated Zinc. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. I, 1836-37, pp. 81-88. Kemp, William. On the supposed Moraines of Glaciers in Scotland. Phil. Mag. XVIII, 1841, pp. 337-343. 2. On the latest geological changes in the south of Scotland. Phil. Mag. XXIII, 1843, pp. 28-41. • 3. An account of some seeds buried in a sand-pit which germinated. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII, 1844, pp. 89-91. KEM] 635 !KEN Kempen, E. M. van. Experimento iiber die Func- tion des Vagus. Froriep, Notizcn, XXVI., 1 843, col. 229-230. 2. Note relative h des experiences sur le systeme nerveux. Brnxelles, Acad. Med. Belg. Bull. II., 1858-59, pp. 215-217. 3. Experiences physiologiques sur la trans- mission cle la sensibilite et du mouvement dans lamoellc upiniere. Bruxelles, Acad. Med. Belg. Bull. II., 1858-59, pp. 443-472; Brown-Se- quard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 516- 531. 4. Nouvelles recherclies sur la nature fonctionnelle des racines du nerf pneumogastrique et du nerf spinal. Bruxelles, Acad. Mud. Belg. Bull. 1862, pp. 668-678; 1863, pp. 323-349; Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. VI., 1863, pp. 284-305. Kemper, E. Einwirkung des Schwefelwasser- stotfgases auf SalpetersJiure. Liebig, Annal. GIL, 1857, pp. 342-346. Kempthorne, G. B. Notes made on a survey along the eastern shores of the Persian Gulf in 1828. Geogr. Soc. Journ. V., 1835, pp. 263- 285. 2. Description of the frankincense-tree, as found near Cape Gardafui, on the Somali coast. Pharmaceut. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 37- 38. 3. A narrative of a voyage in search of the crew of the ship " Charles Eaton," performed in the year 1836. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1849, pp. 210-235, 365-382. Kempton, H. T. On sympathetic nervous affec- tions connected with the teeth. Dental Eeview, in., 1861, pp. 247-252, 300-308. Kendal, Edward. Account of the island of De- ception, one of the New Shetland Isles. Geogr. Soc. Journ. I., 1832, pp. 62-65. Kendall, . On the combination of arsenious acid with albumen. Pharmaceut. Journ. IX., 1850. pp. 526-528. Kendall, E. A. A description of the Aurora Borealis seen in London on the evening and night of 25th September 1827 ; with critical re- marks upon other descriptions of the same, and previous appearances of the Meteor, both in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1827, pp. 385-423. Kendall, E. K. Note on Euclid, Proposition 5, Book 1. Canadian Journ. III., 1858, pp. 318- 320. Kendall, E. Otis. Reduction of observations of the solar eclipse of 26th and 27th July 1832. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXI., 1838, pp. 37-39. 2. Observations of the great Comet of 1843, made at Philadelphia. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 304-307. Kendall, E. Otis. 3. On the longitude of several places in the United States, as deduced from the observations of the Solar Eclipse of ISth September 1838. [1839.] Philad. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 67-72. 4. Observation of the Southern Comet of December 1844. Silliman, Journ. XLVIII., 1845, pp. 402-403. 5. Moon-culminations observed at Phila- delphia. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, pp. 190-191. Kendall, E. Otis, and Sears C. Walker. Obser- vations of ENCKE'S Comet, at the High School Observatory, Philadelphia, March and April 1842, with the Fraunhofer Equatorial. [1842.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1843, pp. 311- 314 ; Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1843, pp. 67- 85; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 294-295 ; Silliman, Journ. XLV., 1843, pp. 188- 208. Kendall, J. L. Washingtonite of Shepard. Sil- liman, Journ. L, 1846, p. 122. Kendall, Thomas. Notice of a Halo. Silliman, Journ. VII., 1824, pp. 337-338 ; Froriep, Noti- zen, VHL, 1824, col. 148-149. 2, On the asserted acceleration of the motion of Water-wheels during the night and in winter. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1825, pp. 104- 106. • 3. Bemerkungen iiber das Schneiden des Stahls durch weiches Eisen. Schweigger, Journ. XLVII. (=Jahrb. XVII.), 1826, pp. 77-81 ; Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 127-129; Thom- son, Ann. Phil. XI., 1826, pp. 315-317. Kennedy, A. Observations upon the economy of several species of Hymenoptera found in a garden at Clapton. Phil. Mag. XII., 1838, pp. 14-18 ; Froriep, Notizeu, VI., 1838, col. 113- 117; Oken, Isis, 1838, col. 375-378. Kennedy, Alexander. Notice regarding the working and polishing of granite in India. Edinb. Phil. Journ. IV., 1821, pp. 349-352. 2. Account of a nondescript worm (the Ascaris pellucidus) found in the eyes of horses in India, with a description of the animal by Capt. Thomas BROWN. [1816-18.] Ediub. Eoy. Soc. Trans. IX., 1823, pp. 107-112. 3. Account of the erection of a Granite Obelisk, of a single stone, about seventy feet high, at Seringapatam. [1821.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. IX., 1823, pp. 307-316. 4. Notice respecting the working and polishing of granite in India. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1826, pp. 281-282. Kennedy, C. J. On the theory of Electricity. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 24-26 ; Stur- geon, Ann. Electr. VI., 1841, pp. 235-243. 4 L 2 KENJ 636 [KEN Kennedy, Edmund. Expedition to ascertain the course of the Kiver Victoria. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1849, pp. 193-200. 2. Journal of an Exploring Expedition into Central Australia, to determine the course of the Kiver Barcoo (or the Victoria of Sir T. L. MITCHELL). Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXII., 1852, pp. 228-280. Kennedy, //. Sur le diagnostic de 1'etat grais- seux du cceur. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XV., 1 860, pp. 568-576. Kennedy, James. On the probable origin of the American Indians, with particular reference to that of the Caribs. [1854.] Ethuol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 226-268. Kennedy, John. Observations sur les progres du commerce de Coton en Angleterre et parti- culierement dans le comte do Lancastre et dans les comtes adjacens. Journ. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 383-387. Kennedy, Rich. H. On Dracunculus. Calcutta, Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. I., 1825, pp. 165-178. 2. On the Carnelians, &c. of Guzerat. Calcutta, Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. III., 1827, pp. 425-428. Kennedy, Robert. A chemical analysis of three species of Whinstone [Basalt of Staffa ; Whin of Salisbury Rock; Whin of the Calton Hill, near Edinburgh], and two of Lava [Lava of Catania, ./Etna ; Lava St. Venere, Piedernonte, xEtna]. [1798.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. V., 1805, pp. 76-98 ; Annal.de Chimie, XLL, 1801, pp. 225-241 ; Nicholson, Jouru. IV., 1801, pp. 407-415, 438-442. 2. Chemical analysis of an uncommon species of Zeolite. [1802.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. V., 1805, pp. 295-304 ; Journ. de Phys. LVL, 1802, pp. 315-316. Kennedy n'illiaiii. Report on the Return of Lady FRANKLIN'S vessel, the " Prince Albert," from the Arctic Regions. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXIII., 1853, pp. 122-128. Kennerly, C. 13. R. Description of a new species of Cypselus (C. borealis), collected on the North Western Boundary Survey. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1857, pp. 202-203. Kenney, Edward. A method of preparing a sulphureous medicinal water. [1793.] Irish Acad. Trans. V., pp. 83-88. Kenngott, Gustav Adolph. Ueber das Verhalt- niss zwischen der Krystallforrn und der chem- ischen Zusammensetzimg. Breslau, Schles. Ge- sell. Uebersicht, 1847, pp. 50-52. 2. Ueber die richtige Aufl'assung und Be- handlung der Krystallologie. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1848, pp. 44-53. 3. Ueber die Krystallform des Rhomben- glimmers. Poggend. Annul. LXXIIL, 1848, pp. 601-602. Kenngott, Gustav Adolph. 4. Ueber die Blatterdurchgange des Quarzes. Poggend. Annal. LXXIIL, 1848, pp. 602-605. 5. Ueber den Dopplerit. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. L, 1850, pp. 303-306. 6. Beitriige zur Bestimmung einiger Miue- ralien. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850 (Abth. 2), pp. 234-270. 7. Ueber die Achatmandeln in den Mela- phyren, namentlich iiber die von Theiss in Tirol. [1850.] Haidinger, Abhandl. IV., 1851 (Abth. 2), pp. 71-104. 8. Ueber Autrimolith, Poonalith, Harring- tonit, Karpholith, Berzelin, Gismondin, Zcago- nith, Zirkon. [1850.] Haidinger, Bericht. VII., 1851, pp. 189-194. 9. Ueber die Gemengtheile eincs Granite aus der Niihe von Pressburg. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851, pp. 42-47. 1O. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Erschcin- uugsweise der elliptischen Riugsystenie am zwei- axigen Glimmer. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851, pp. 413-420. 11. Ueber die Einschliisse von Mineralien in krystallisirtem Quartz. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 402-4 13. 12. Verhaltniss zwischeu dem Atom- gewichte, der Harte und dem specifischen Ge- wichte isomorpher Minerale. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852 (Hft. 4), pp. 104-116. 13. Mineralogische Untersuchungen, be- treffend die Minerale Ziukeuit, Gyps, Antimon- Silber, Kupferglanz, Millerit, Pyrrhotin, Dauait und den oktaedrischen Antimon-Baryt. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 557-595. 14. Ueber die Krystalle welche sich an der inneren Seite der Schaufenster von Kasten die zur Aufbewahrung ausgestopfter Thiere dienen bildcn. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 782- 783. 15. Bericht iiber die geognostische Un- tersuchung des nordwestlichen Theiles von Schlesien. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 3-12. 16. Ueber die trigonalen Trapezoeder des hexa°-onalen Systems und ihr Vorkommen am Quarz. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIV., 1854, pp. 243- 262 ; Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 591- 597. 17. Zwei noue am Berge Zdjar vorge- fundene Mineralien. Briinn, Jahresb. V., 1855, pp. 54-56. 18. Notiz iiber vikarirende Stoffe in Alaunen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 492-495. 19. Ueber den Akanthit, eine neue Species in dem Geschlechte der Silberglanze. Poggend. Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 462-464. KEN] 637 [KEN Kenngott, Gnstnv Adolph. 20. Mineralogische Untersuchungen, betreffend die Minorale Lie- benciit, Brcvicit, Quarz, Kryptolith, Pyrargyrit und Diaspor. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1853, pp. 595-621. 21. Mineralogische Notizen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. X., 1853, pp. 179-184, 288-299; XL, 1854, pp. 12-23, 290-301, 750-764, 977-990; XII., 1854, pp. 22-43, 161-178, 281-303, 485- 514, 701-722 ; XIII., 1854, pp. 462-484 ; XIV., 1854, pp. 243-273. 22. Notiz iiber die Krystallgestalteu des Strychnins. Poggend. Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 613-615. 23. Mineralogische Notizen, betreffend den Hausmannit, Plagionit, Vcsnvian, Beudantit, Aluminit und Paraluminit, mid die neue Species Akanthit in dem Geschlechte der Silber Glanze. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 234-255. 24. Mineralogische Notizen, betreffend die bekannten Species : Karstenit, Dolomit, Mil- lerit, Turmalin, Galaktit, Wasser, Plagionit, Diopsid, Zinkit, Calcit, und Felsobanyt, sowie zwei neue : deu Enstatit im Geschlecbte der Augit-Spathe und deu Pseudophit im Ge- scblecbte der Serpentin-Steatite. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVI., 1855, pp. 152-179. 25. Ueber einigc Krystallgestalten des Siderit. Poggend. Annal. XCVII., 1856, pp. 99-104. 26. Mitthcilungen iiber einigc besondere Exemplare des Calcits. Poggend. Annal. XCVII., 1856, pp. 310-319. 27. Notiz iiber das Tyrit genannte Mine- ral. Poggeud. Annal. XCVII., 1856, pp. 622- 628. 28. Notiz iiber eine gestorte Krystall- bildung des Quarzes. Poggend. Annal. XCVII., 1856, pp. 628-630. 29. Bescbreibung eines neuen Minerals von Felsobanya in Ungarn. Poggend. Annal. XCVIII., 1856, pp. 165-168. 3O. Notiz iiber Pyritkrystalle in Quarz. Poggend. Annal. XCVIII., 1856, pp. 168-169. 31. Bemerkungen iiber die Zusammensetz- ung des Vanadits. -Poggend. Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 95-101. 32. Ueber den Piauzit von Tiiffer und den Hartit von Rosenthal in Steiermark. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. VII., 1856, pp. 91-95. 33. Ueber eine Pseudomorphose des Kup- fers. Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 467-470. 34. Mineralogiscbe Notizeu. Poggend. Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 308-312. 35. Beschreibung des Vorhauserit. Wien, Kenngott, flustav A(/o/jifi. 37. Bemerkungen iiber das Tyrit genannte Mineral. Poggend. Aunal. CIV., 1858, pp. 329-330. 38. Ueber Meteoriten. Zurich, Monats- schrift, IV., 1859, pp. 346-364. 39. Mineralogiscbe Mittheilungen. — I. Ueber Pennin, Epidot, und Rutil. II. Ueber Kutil, Granat, und einen Meteorstein. III. Staurolith, Disthen, Argentit, Rutil, Scheelit. IV. Quarz, Fluorit, Pyrit. Zurich, Viertel- jahrsschr. IV., 1859, pp. 193-197, 298-308, 337-346 ; V., 1860, pp. 60-66. 4O. Bemerkuugen iiber die Zusammensetz- ung einer Vesuvlava. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesanimt. Naturw. XV., 1860, pp. 102-113. 41. Der Hornesit, ein neues Mineral uus dera Banal. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. XL, 1860, pp. 10-11. 42. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Pen- nin, Chlorit, und Klinochlor genannten Mine- rale. Ziiricb, Vierteljabrsschr. VII., 1862, pp. 113-142. 43. Ueber die Zusarnmensetzung des Apo- pbyllit. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIX., 1863, pp. 449-455. 44. Der Hessenbergit, eine neue Mineral- species. Ueber die Grundgestalt des Hiimatit. Miinchen, Sitzungsber. 1863, pp. 230-236. Kenngott, Gustav Adolph, und D. F. Wiser. Mittheilung iiber die Meteoriten der Zuricher Sammlungen. Zurich, Vierteljahrsschr. VIL, 1862, pp. 142-158. Kennicott, Rob. Description of a new snake from Illinois (Regiua Kirtlandii). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1856, pp. 95-96. 2. Notes on Coluber calligaster, Say, and a description of new species of Serpents in tbe collection of the North-Western Uni- versity of Evanston, 111. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1859, pp. 99-100. 3. Descriptions of new species of North American Serpents in the Museum of the. Smith- sonian Institution, Washington. Pbilad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 328-338. 4. On three new forms of Rattlesnakes. Pbilad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 206- 208. 5. Descriptions of four new species of Jabrb. Geol. VIII., 1857, pp. 358-361. 36. Ueber die Gestaltengruppen der Krys- tallspecies. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. XL, 1858, pp. 497-537. Spcrmophilus, in the collections of the Smith- sonian Institution. Pbilad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1863, pp. 157-158. Kenrick, John. The Rev. Mr. M'ENERY'S re- searches in the bone cave of Kent's Hole, Tor- quay, and their relation to the archeology and paleontology of Britain. [1861.] West Yorks. Proc. Geol. Soc. IV., 1860-64, pp. 150-165. KEN] 638 [KER Kent (Miss). Considerations ou Botany, as a study for young people, intended as an intro- duction to a series of papers illustrative of the Linnsean System of Plants. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1829, pp. 124-135. - — - 2. An introductory view of the Linntean System of Plants. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1829, pp. 228-238, 429-436 ; II., 1829, pp. 155-164 ; HI., 1830, pp. 52-62, 134-142, 350-361. Kent, Ed. N. A new process for preparing Gallic Acid. Silliman, Jourii. XL VI., 1844, p. 78. 2. On Gntta Percha. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 246-247. 3. Description of a new apparatus for separating gold and other precious metals from foreign substances. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 185-187. Kent, -S*. L. An account of some experiments with the Prism. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VI., 1823, pp. 115-116. Kent, S. L., and W. Phillips. Observations on the rocks of Mount Sorrel, of Charnwood Forest, and of the neighbourhood of Grooby, in Leicestershire. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VII., 1824, pp. 1-19. Kent, T. On the extract of Mimosa Bark, for the use of tanners, imported from New South Wales. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XL, 1824, pp. 266- 267; Gill, Techn. Rep. V., 1824, pp. 323-324; VII., 1825, pp. 239-240. Kenyon, Joseph. Remarks on British Land and Fresh-water Shells. Mag. Nat. Hist. L, 1829, pp. 424-429. 2. Land and Fresh-water Shells in the neighbourhood of Preston. Mag. Nat. Hist. IE., 1829, p. 273. 3. Answer to Mr. Thomas BROWN'S obser- vations on Land and Fresh-water Shells. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. L, 1830, p. 220. 4. On British Limnei. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 379-380. Keogh, Cornelius, et V. A. Lebesque. La trigonometrie spherique, simplified dans ses for- mules et ses demonstrations, Nouv. Ann. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 304-312. Ker, John Bellenden. A review of the genus Amaryllis. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1817, pp. 342-343. 2. On the genus Criuum. Quart. Journ. Sci. III., 1817, pp. 102-115. • 3. On the genus Pancratium. Quart. Journ. Sci. III., 1817, pp. 316-337. Xeraudren, — — . Reflexions sur les experiences dynamonietriques de M. RANSONNET. Journ. Med. Chir. Pharm. XXIV., 1812, pp. 41-46. 2. Des nioyens de conserver 1'eau et de s'en procurer dans quelques cas de disette. Ann. Hygiene Publ. IV., 1830, pp. 307-316. Keraudren, • . 3. DCS proprietes du sublime corrosif pour la conservation du bois et des effets de cette preparation sur la sante des marins. Paris, Mem. Acad. Mud. V., 1 836, pp. 41-63. Herbert, Conrad. Acidi carbonici nativi his- toria naturalis et chemica, ej usque foutes praj- cipui. Leijden, Annal. Acad. 1836-37. Kerby, Francis, and Merrick. The results of some experiments on the sonorous properties of the gases. Nicholson, Journ. XXVII., 1810, pp. 269-271 ; XXXIH., 1812, pp. 161- 171 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXIX., 1811, pp. 438- 441. Kercado (Comfe de). Observations sur le Pic vert (Picus viridis, Linn.), pour faire partie du Catalogue Ornithologique du departement de la Gironde. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, VI., 1833, pp. 165-168. Xerckhoff, Pctr. Joh. van. Ueber die Einwirk- ung von Kali auf Pyroxylin. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 284-288. • 2. Analyse des Mineral wassers von Mon- dorff bei Luxemburg. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIIL, 1848, pp. 350-368. . 3. Versuche tiber den sogenannten Sph;i- ro'idalzustand des Wassers. Poggend. Annal. LXXX1V., 1851, pp. 136-145. 4. Ueber das Verfahren das Arsen als Chlorarsen von organischen Substanzen abzu- scheiden. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVI., 1852, pp. 395-400. 5. Analyses de minerals de fer, argiles, calcaires, gypses, etc., du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. Luxemb. Soc. Sci. Nat. III., 1855, pp. 86-107. 6. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen rnehre- ren Reihen organischer Radicale. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 31-47. — — 7. Ueber die gegenseitige Einwirkung von Oxalsaure und Zucker. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 48-52. 8. Middelen ter bepaling van de zuiver- lieid of oureinheid van raap-olie. Mulder, Scheik. Verhand. II., 1859, pp. 371-414. Kerckhoff, Petr. Joh. van, und F. Heuter. Ueber Pyroxylin (Schiessbaumwolle). Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 262-284. Kerckhoffs, . Ueber die atmosphiirische Luft, und ihreu Einfluss auf das thierische Leben. (Transl.) Hermbstadt, Museum, X., 1817, pp. 223-250, 337-352. Kerhallet, C. Ph. de. Notice des iles du Cap Vert. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XV., 1858, pp. 373-387. Kericuff, H. de. Note sur 1'eclipse de soleil du 18 Juillet 1860. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLLX., 1859, pp. 852-854. KER] 639 [KER Kericuff, H. de. 2. Note sur la repulsion des rayons solaires. Paris, Comptes Keiidus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1256-1258. Kerigan, Tf/os. A method of deducing the Longitude from the Moon's right ascension. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1832, p. 107. Kerkwijk, J. J. van. Het bereideii van hout tegen bederf, volgens het stelsel van Doctor BOUCHEREE. Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Verhand. 1857-58, pp. 65-82. 2. Das Telegraphiren zwischeu Amsterdam uud London wahrend der Nordlicht-Erschein- ungen zur Zeit des 8 August bis 4 September 1859. Berlin, Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. VII., 1860, pp. 104-106. Kerl, Bruno. Ueber ein neucs Vorkommen von Selenquecksilber auf dem Harze. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIL, 1852, pp. 470-476. 2. Ueber das Vorkommeu, die Aufbereit- ung und die Qualitiit des Braunsteins von Ilfeld am Harze. Dingier, Poly techu. Journ. CXXVIL, 1853. pp. 344-346. 3. Notizen iiber Vitriol- und Alaunsiederei, mit besouderer Beriicksichtigung des am Com- munion-Unterharze iiblicheu Verfahrens. Berg, u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XII., 1853, col. 785-789, 803-811. 4. Ueber Kupfer- und Eisenproben. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. VII., 1856, pp. 1-14. 5. Arbeiten ini nietallurgisch-chemischeu Laboratorium zu Clausthal. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. VIII., 1856, pp. 477-495 ; Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XVI., 1857, pp. 196- 199, 201-204. 6. Ueber die technische Benutzuug; des am Kahlenberge bei Clausthal vorkommenden Thones. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. VII., 1857, pp. 14-20. 7. Die in den Oberharzer Erzgiingen vor- kommenden Mineralicn. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XVIII., 1859, pp. 21-22, 25-26, 33-34, 41-42, 114-115, 137-139, 158-161. 8. Ueber die Qualitat des Kupfervitriols von Okerhiitte bei Goslar. Berg. u. Hiittenni. Zeitg. XIX., 1860, pp. 66-67. Kern, JVilli. Fritdr. Untersuchungen iiber die Temperatur-Verhiiltuisse der Schwabischen Alp. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XXL, 1831, pp. 20- 49. Kerndt, Karl H. T/ieodo>\ Ueber die Krystall- form und die chemische Zusammensetzung dea Geokronits vorn Val di Castello. Poggend. Annal. XLV., 1845, pp. 302-307. 2. Ueber die Krystallform des wolfram- sauren Ammoniaks. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 190-192. Kerndt, Karl H. T/ieotlor. 3. Ueber die Krys- tallform uud chemische Zusammensetzung der natihiichen und kiinstlichen Verbindungen des Wolframmetalles. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIL, 1847, pp. 81-116; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 237-238. 4. Beitrage zur Mineralchemie. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIIL, 1848, pp. 207- 241 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 395- 397. Kerner, , und J. H. F. Autenrieth. Beo- bachtuugen iiber die Function einzelner Theile des Gehors. Reil, Archiv, IX., 1809, pp. 313- 376. Ueber die Tinctura nervina Kerner, Bestuscheffii und die Bildung des Eisenchloriirs durch Aussetzeu von Losungen des Eisenchlorids in Aether, Aetherweingeist und Alkohol an das Sonnenlicht. Liebig, Annal. XXIX., 1839, pp. 68-75. • 2. Ueber eiufach Jodeisen. Liebig, Annal. XXIX., 1839, pp. 182-186. 3. Proto-Joduretum Ferri cum Saccharo Lactis. Liebig, Anual. XXIX., 1839, pp. 186- 188. • 4. Joduretum Ferri saccharatum, Ferrum sesquijodatum saccharatum und Ferrum bijoda- tum saccharatum. Liebig, Annal. XXX., 1839, pp. 117-122. Kerner, Ant. Flora des Douauthales von Melk bis Hollenburg. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Ver- handl. I., 1852, pp. 27-33. 2. Ueber eiue neue Weide, nebst botan- ischeii Bemerkungen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852 ( AM.), pp. 61-64. • 3. Ueber die Vegetationsverhiiltnisse des Erlaf-Thales in Nieder Oesterreich. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. III., 1853, pp. 27-32. 4. Beitrag zur Kenntuiss der Flora des Miihlviertels. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IV., 1854 (Abh.), pp. 213-220. 5. Ueber den Eiufluss der Temperatur des Quellen-Wassers auf die im Rinnsale der Quellen vorkommenden Pflauzeu. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. V., 1855 (Abh.), pp. 83-86. 6. Niederiisterreichische Pflauzeiinamen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. V., 1855 (Abh.), pp. 257-272. 7. Der Jauerling, eine pflanzengeograph- ische Skizze. Wieu, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. V., 1855 (Alh.), pp. 521-524. . S. Die Flora der Bauerngarten in Deutsch- hind. Wieu, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. V., 1855 (Abh.), pp. 786-826. 9. Beitrag zur physikalisclieo Geographic von Ofen. Ofeu, Jahresb. Realschule, I., 1856, p. 37. KERJ 640 [KER Kerner, Ant. 10. Der Bakonyerwald. Eine pflanzengeographische Skizze. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VI., 1856 (AM.), pp. 373-3»3. 11. Die Flora der Ungarischen Sandhaid- en. Eine pflanzengeographische Skizze. Flora, XL., 1857, pp. 49-56. 12. Der Nagy Sziil. Eine pflanzengeo- graphische Skizze. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VII., 1857, pp. 390-392, 399-401. 13. Beitrag zur Hydrographie von Ofen. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. I., 1857 (Abh.), pp. 143-145. 14. Das Pilis-Vertes Gebii-gc. Eine pflauz- engeographische Skizze. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Abh.), pp. 256-278. 15. Das Hochkar. Bine pflanzengeo- graphisehe Skizze. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Ver- handl. VII., 1857 (Abh.), pp. 517-530. 16. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Niederost- erreichischen Cirsien. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Abh,), pp. 567-578. 17. Salix pentandra - alba $. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VIII., 1858, pp. 183-184. 18. PhJinologische Beobachtungen auf der Margaretheninsel bei Ofen ira Jahre 1857. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 21-22. 19. Ueber die Zsombek-Moore Ungarns. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaudl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 315-316. 2O. Ueber einige in historischer Beziehuug inleiTossante Pflanzen der Ungarischen Flora. Wiener Zeitung, 1859. 21. Die Format ionen immergriiner Eri- ciueen in den nordlicheu Kalkalpcn. Bonplandia, VIII., 1860, pp. 210-212, 287-289, 305-308; Wiener Zeitung, 1860. 22. Niederosterrek'.hische Weiden. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaudl. X., 1860 (Abh.), pp. 3-56, 79-282. 23. Die Waller des Ungarischen Tief- luiulcs. Bonplandia, IX., 1861, pp. 31-33, 55— 57, 78-80; Wiener Zeitung, 1861. 24. Zur Keuntuiss des rothen Schnee's. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XII., 1862, pp. 261-265. 25. Ranunculus cassubicus, L., in Nieder- Oesterreich aufgefunden. WTieu, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XII., 1862 (Abh.), pp. 1237-1240. 26. Botanische Streifziige (lurch. Nord- Tirol. Oesterr. Wochenschr. 1863, p. 204. 27. Descriptioues plantarum novarum floras Hungaricse et Transsilvanicas. Skofitz, ISutan. Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, pp. 90-91, 140- 142, 188, 227-228, 246-247, 296-297, 313-314, 362-363, 384-385. 28. Aus clem botanischeu Garten in Inns- bruck, Saxifraga Hausmanni und Regelii. Skulit/, Botan, Zeitschr. XIII., 1863,, pp. 105- 108. Kerner, Ant. 29. Ueber das sporadische Vor- kommen sogenannter Schieferpflanzen im Kalk- gebirge und insbesondere iiber die Auffindung zweier, f iir die Oberosterreichische Flora neuer, sonst nur im Schiei'ergebirge beobachteten Ge- wiichse iui Bereiche des Dachsteingubirgcs. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XIII., 1863 (Abh.), pp. 245-256. 30. Ueber botanischo Nomenclatur im Allgemeinen und insbesondere iiber jene der Cytisusstriiucher aus der Gruppe Tubocytisus, D. C. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XIII., 1863 (Abh.), pp. 327-338. 31. Ueber zwei fur die Tirolische Flora neue Riedgraser. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Ver- handl. XIII., 1863 (Abh.), pp. 365-368. 32. Nachtrag zu C. M. NENDTVICH'S Enumeratio plantarum territorii Quinque-Eccle- siensis. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XIII. 1863 (Abh.), pp. 561-574. Kerner, G. Chemische Analyse der heisscu Miuuralquelle im Badehaus zum Spiegel in Wiesbaden. Erclm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 100-111. 2. Ueber das physiologische Verhalten des Guanins. Liebig, Annal. CIIL, 1857, pp. 249- 270. 3. Ueber das physiologische Verhalten der Benzoesaure. Archiv. Wiss. Heilk. III., 1858, pp. 616-626. 4. Ueber die Priifung des kauflichen schwefelsauren Chinius auf fremde Chiiia- alkalo'ide. Fresenius, Zeitschr. Anal. Chemie, L, 1862, pp. 150-162. Kerner, G., und MTeubauer. Ueber das Guanin. Liebig, Annal. CI., 1857, pp. 318- 337 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXI., 1857, pp. 104-108 ; Journ. cle Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 478-480. 2. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Harnstoffs. Liebig, Annal. CI., 1857, pp. 337- 344. 3. Bestimmung des Chlors in stick- stofFhaltigen organischen Substanzen. Lieljig, Annal. CI., 1857, pp. 344—346. Kerner, Josef. ^. Salix Erdingeri (superdaph- noides-Caprea), ein neuer Weidenbastart. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaudl. XI., 1861 (Abh.), pp. 243-244. 2. X Salix retusoides (retusa x Jacquini- ana), ein neuer Weidenbastart. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XII., 1862 (Abh.), pp. 1221-1224. 3. Bemerkungen iibcT ,X Salix atlinis o (rubra x fragilis), Schur. Skolitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, pp. 155-158. KER] 641 [KEE Kerner, Jnstimis. Ueber die anssergewohn- lichen Ersclieinungen welch e an bestimmten Orten und lluusern haften. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, III., 1847, pp. 178-184. Kerr, - — . Sur 1'eau do soude. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. III., 1820, pp. 200-205. Eerr, Robert. On artificial stone. Brit. Arch. Inst. Papers, 1863, pp. 141-159. Eerr, (Lord) Schomberg II., Saint-Quentin, et R. F. Thompson. Notes d'un voyage dans les montagues de 1'Elbourz et le Mazenderan. Paris, Soc. Acclim. Bull. VI., 1859, pp. 141-149. Eerr, (Lord) Kehomberg If., and R. F. Thomson. Journey through the mountainous districts north of the Elburz, and ascent of Demavend, in Persia. Geogr. Soc. Proc. III., 1859, pp. 2- 17. Eerr, Jniliam. Description of a simple, cheap, and accurate method of experimenting on small quantities of gases by means of bent tubes. Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. 53-56 ; Gill, Tech. liep. V., 1824, pp. 75-78 ; Tromms- clorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IX., 1824 (St. 2), pp. 43-49. 2. Description of a variation in the form of bent tubes, formerly described, for experi- menting on small quantities of gases. Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. 251-255; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. X., 1825 (St. 2), pp. 8-14. Eerridge, D. G. The larva of Zeuzera cesculi. Mag. Nat. Hist. L. 1829, pp. 291-292. 2. The eggs of butterflies. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1829, p. 405. Eerrison, R. Masters. On the dilatation of the male Urethra by inflation, for the extraction of calculi from the bladder, as practised in Egypt nearly 250 years ago. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XII., 1823, pp. 315-323. Eersh, JJ'm. D. On a remarkable slide of a rock in Fail-field district, S. C. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 443-444. Kerst, S. G., und Thaddaus Ediiard G-um- precht. Paraguay nach neueren und iilteren Brasilianischen, Spanischen, und Nordamericau- ischen Quellen. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. II., 1854, pp. 1-41. Eersten, Einiges iiber die freiwilligen Blutungen aus den Augen. Bust, Magazin, LVIII., 1841, pp. 141-156. Eersten, Carl Moritz. Untersuchung des Wis- muth-Kobalterzes, eines neuen zur Abtheilung der Arsenikmetalle gehorenden Minerals, von Schneeberg im Erzgebirge. Sehweigger, Journ. XLVII. (=Jahrb. XVII.), 1826, pp. 265-294 ; Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IX., 1826, pp. 49-80. VOL. III. Eersten, Carl Moritz. 2. Ueber ein neues Vorkommen des Selens. Sehweigger, Journ. XLVII. (= Jnhrb. XVII.), 1826, pp. 294-297 ; Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IX., 1826, pp. 80-83. 3. Ueber das Vorkommen des Broms in den Salzsoolen und Siedemutterlaugen der Saline Werl im Herzogthum Westphalen. Sehweigger, Journ. XLIX. (= Jahrb. XIX.), 1827, pp. 490- 493. 4. Ueber mehrere neue Vorkommnisse des Selens. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XIV., 1828, pp. 127-137. 5. Chernische Untersuchung des weissen Eisensinters von Freiberg. Sehweigger, Journ. LIII. (= Jahrb. XXI1L), 1828, pp. 176-183. 6. Chemische Untersuchung des Arsenik- glanzes von Marienberg in Sachsen. Sehweig- ger, Journ. LIII. (—Jahrb. XXIII.), 1828, pp. 377-391. 7. Note sur les usines a 1'or, argent, et plomb de Transylvanie. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1829, pp. 297-311. 8. Ueber das Oxisulphiire des Zinks, welches sich in den Freiberger Htittenwerken erzeugt. Sehweigger, Jouru. LVII. ( = Jahrb. XXVIL), 1829, pp. 186-188; Annal. deChimie, XLI., 1829, pp. 426-428. 9. Chemische Untersuchung einiger Fos- silien. Mag. Oryktog. Sachsen, V., 1831, pp. 200-209 ; VIL, pp. 287-305. 1O. Chemische Untersuchung des Metaxit. Mag. Oryktog. Sachsen, V., 1831, pp. 121-123. 11. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetz- ung der Braunbleierze. Sehweigger, Journ. LXII. (= Jahrb. II.), 1831, pp. 1-30 ; Aiinal. de Chimie, XLVin., 1831, pp. 157-185 ; Silli- man, Jouru. XXII., 1832, pp. 307-320. 12. Ueber die Zusammensetzuug der Knochen und ihre Anwendung als Nahrungs- mittel. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Cheiu. XIII., 1832, pp. 64-107. 13. Uebersicht der Versuche und Erfahr- ungen bei Einfiihrung der Kalkmergelsohlen bei dem Abtroibeprozess, auf den Kiinigl. Frei- berger Hiitten, vom Jahre 1815 bis 1831. Karsten, Archiv, V., 1832, pp. 422-440. 14. Ueber die Unsicherheit der gewohn- lichcn Silberprobe mittelst der Kuppellation. Karsten, Archiv, V., 1832, pp. 474-497. 15. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Ar- senikglanzes vom Palmbaum bei Marienberg. Karsten, Archiv, V., 1832, pp. 497-498. 16. Chemische Untersuchung ciniger zum Then- und Kieselgeschlecht gehoriger Fossilien. Karsten, Archiv, V., 1832, pp. 499-507. 17. Ueber die Zusammensetzung einiger Sachsischen Minerale. Poggend. Annal. XXVI., 1832, pp. 489-496; Annal. de Chimie, LIII., 1833, pp. 315-325. 4 M KEE] 642 [KER Kersten, Carl Moritz. 18. Ueber den Ziuk- bleispath vom Monte Poni bei Iglesias in Sar- diuien. Schweigger, Joum. LXV. (= Jakrb. V.), 1832, pp. 365-373. 19. Uutersuchung rnehrerer gallcrtartigen und neueren Producte des Mineralreiches. Schweigger, Journ. LXVI. (= Jahrb. VI.) 1832, pp. 1-40. 2O. Note sur un nouveau precede pour extraire le plomb pur des Abstrichs, employe dans lea usines royales de Freiberg. Annal. des Mines, III., 1833, pp. 619-627. 21. Chemische tjntersuchung des krys- tallisirteu Kieselwismuths. Poggend. Aniial. XXVII., 1833, pp. 60-79, 81-96. 22. Beschreibimg des Gold-, Silbcr-, Blei- uudlvupfer Ausbringens auf deuKonigl. Ungar- ischen Hutteu zu Fernezely, u.s.w. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. I., 1834, pp. 193-245, 479- 510. — 23. Versuche um die Ursacbe der ver- schiedenartigen Wirkung des rohen und ge- lirannten Thons iu del1 Landvvirthscbaft zu ermittelu. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cbern. I., 1834, pp. 363-368. 24. UntersucLung einer weissen pulvcr- formigen Substauz aus dem Dolomit von Eber- inergen in Baiern. Leonhard u. Broun, N. Jalirb. 1834, pp. 319-321. 25. Ueber die kiinstliclie Darstellung des Feldspatbs. Poggend. Annal. XXXIII., 1834, pp. 336-340; Annal. de Chimie, LV1L, 1S34, pp. 219-223 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1835, pp. 31-35. 26. Note sur la production des usines a argent et de 1'atelier d'arnalgamation, de Saxe, pendant 1837. Amial. des Mines, XV., 1839, pp. 493-496. 27. Resultate der chemischen Untersuch- ung mehrerer Sachsischen Hiitteuproducte. Erdm. Joum. Prak. Chem. XVI., 1839, pp. 193- 204 ; XIX., 1840, pp. 118-123 ; XXV., 1842, pp. 96-100. 28. Ueber die quantitative Bestiniinung des Kupfergehalt.es von Erzen und Iliitteupro- ducteu auf nasseni Wege. Karsteu, Archiv, XII., 1839, pp. 567-571. • 29. Versuche iiber die cheniische Zusam- mensetzung der Krystalle von phosphorsaurem Ammoniak. Mag. Oryktog. Sachsen, X., 1839, pp. 196-198. 3O. Ueber eine auf Wiesen gebildete leder- artiire Substanz. Poggend. Anual. XL VI., 1839, pp. 183-184. 31. Ueber raehrere neue Vorkommnisse des Seleus. Poggend. Aunal. XLVI., 1839, pp. 265-280. 32. Neues Vorkommen des Lanthans. Poggend. Aunal. XLVH., 1839, p. 210. Kersten, Carl Moritz. 33. Untersuchung des Monazits. Poggend. Anual. XLVII., 1839, pp. 385-396 ; Bibl. Univ. XXIV., 1839, pp. 185- 192. 34. Chemische Untersuchung des Milo- schin aus Serbieu. Poggend. Annal. XLVII., 1839, pp. 485-488. 35. Chemische Uutersuchung des Wol- chonskoit. Poggend. Aunal. XL VII., 1839, pp. 489-492. 36. Ueber den bleihaltigen Arragonit von Taruowitz. Poggeud. Auual. XL VIII., 1839, pp. 352-353. 37. Vorliiufige Notiz iiber Bildung und Darstellung des blauen Titanoxyds auf trocknem Wege. Poggeud. Annal. XLIX., 1840, pp. 229- 232; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XX., 1840, pp. 373-376 ; Bibl. Univ. XXVIIL, 1840, pp. 204-206. • 38. Kiinstliches Eothkupfererz. Poggend. Annal. XLIX., 1840, p. 358. 39. Versuche iiber die Ursache der blauen Fiirbung maucher Natur- und Kunstproducte. Poggend. Annal. L., 1840, pp. 313-339. 40. Ueber ein neues ziemlich reichliches Vorkommen des Vanadins in Deutschland. Poggend. Anual. LI., 1840, pp. 539-543. 41. Uutersuchung eines nou entstandenen natiirlichen Silicates uud Versuche zur Erkliir- ung seiner Bikluug und des Kieselsiiuregeh:iltori von Grubenwiissern. Erdiu. Joum. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 1-7. 42. Ueber ferneres Vorkommen des Vana- dins in den verschiedeuen Kupferschiefer- schlacken und nietallischeu Producten von den Manusfelder Hiitten, von Sangerhausen in Thiiringen und der Friedrichshutte bei Eichels- dorf in Hesseu. Poggend. Aunal. LIL, 1841, pp. 629-632 ; Karsten, Archiv, XVI., 1842, pp. 367-369. 43. Resultate der Priifung des Kupfer- schiefers so wie mehrerer damit vorkommendeii metallischen Mineralien auf Vanadin. Poggend. Annal. Lin., 1841, pp. 385-386 ; Karsten^ Ar- chiv, XVI., 1842, pp. 370-372. — 44. Notiz iiber einen in Brauneisenstein und Bitumen umgewandelteii Menschenschiidel. Poggend. Annal. LIIL, 1841, pp. 387-390; Karsten, Archiv, XVI., 1842, pp. 372-375. • 45. Untersuchuug zweier AbanJerungen hydraulischen Kalksteines aus der Nalr; von Colchester (Essex) in England. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXV., 1842, pp. 317-319. 46. Untersuchung eines krystallisirten Hiittenproducts geMlen bei der Bleiarbeit in Freiberg. Poggeud. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 118- 120. KERJ 643 [KER Kersten, Carl Moritz. 47. Untersuclmng cincr krystallinischen Verbindtrag welche sich ilurch langsames Erkalten aus Glasmassc ausgcsrhir- den hat. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 145-147. 48. Vanadinsiiuregeh alt cles hyacinthrothen Pechurans (Gummierzes von EREITHAUPT) von Johanngeorgenstadt. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 333-334. 49. Ueber ein eiG;el. Wieginann, Archiv, V., 1839, pp. 332-334. 3. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen zur Uebersicht der Gattungs- und Art-Charactere der Europiiischen Fledermiiuse. Wiegmanu, Archiv, VI, 1840, pp. 1-12. 4. Berichtigung von Artnamen (Mus, Sniinthus). Wiegmaiin, Archiv, VT., 1840, p. 330. 5. Erwiderung auf BUEJIEISTER'S Aufsatz : " Bemerkungen iiber die Bekleidung des Laufs der Vugel." Wiegmauu, Archiv, VI., 1840, pp. 362-366. 6. Notiz iiber Verbreitung von geognostischen Formatiouen im Europiiischen llussland. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. 1841, pp. 870-900. 7. Beschreibung einer neuen Feld- maus, Arvicola ratticeps. [1841.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. IV., 1845, pp. 319-334. Keyserling, Alex. ( Graf) von, und P. von Kru- senstern. Reise an der Petschora und ihren Zutiussen. Ermau, Archiv Russ. V., 1847, pp. 709-727. Keyserling, Alex. ( Graf) von, und A. de Meyen- dorf. Geology of the south of Russia. [1841.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 407-408. Keyserling, Alex. (Graf) von, Murchison, (.Sz>) Rod. I., and E. de Verneuil. A second geological survey of Russia in Europe. Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 717-730. 2. Memoir on the geological struc- ture of the Ural Mountains. Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 742-753; PhD. Mag. XXIII., 1843, pp. 124-135. Keyserling, Alex. ( Graf) von, et P. E. P. de Verneuil. Coupes du versant meridional des Pyrenees. Paris, Soc, Geol. Bull. XVIII., 1860-61, pp. 341-357. Keyserling, Eug. Beschreibuug einer ueuen Spinne aus den Hohlen von Lesina [Hadites tegenarioides]. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XII., 1862 (Abh.), pp. 539-544. 2. Beschreibung iieuer wenig bekannter Arten aus der Familie Orbitelns, Latr., oder Epeirida.% Sund. Dresden, Sitzungsber. Isis, 1863, pp. 63-98, 119-134. 3. Nouveaux Cyprinides de la Perse. (Transl.) Rev. et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 419-422. 4. Beschreibungen neuer Spiunen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XHL, 1863 (Abh.), pp. 369-382. Khanikoff, N. Orographical survey of the country of Orenburg. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1843, pp. 278-324. • 2. On the desiccation of the Tanghi-Daria, a branch of the Jaxartes. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1844, pp. 333-335. 3. Travaux geographiques des Russes dans les contrees voisines de la mer d'Aral, de la mer Caspienne et du Khanat de Khiva. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. II., 1851, pp. 168-171. 4. [Treinblenient de terre a Tebriz.] [1854]. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII., 1855, col. 252-254. 5. Tremblement de terre observe a Tebriz en Septembre 1856 : notices physiques et geo- graphiques. [1857.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1858, col. 337-352. Khittel, Joseph. Analysis of the leaves of the Poisoii-oak (Rhus toxicodendron). American Journ. Pharm. XXX., 1858, pp. 542-544. Khrestchatitzky, . Analyse de la Cymolithe du gouvernement d'Ekatherinoslav. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1842, pp. 386-387. Khun, . Ueber die Einrichtung und den Be- trieb der conischen Schacht- oder sogenannten Rumfordschen Kalkb'fen iu den Konigl. Kalk- steinbriichen zu Riidersdorf bei Berlin. Karsteu, Ai-chiv, X., 1837, pp. 645-702. KIC] 648 [KID Kickx, Jean. Dissertation sur les traps strati- formes. Bruxelles, Acatl. Sci. Mem. II., 1822, pp. 157-186. 2. Extraits des observations meteorologi- ques faites a Bruxelles. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1822, pp. 298-314. 3. Sur la geographic physique tlu Braliant meridional. [1824.] Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1826, pp. 229-256. 4. Extraits des observations meteorologi- ques faites a Bruxelles, entre le 1 Juillet 1822 et Ie31 Dec. 1824. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. in., 1826, pp. 515-566. 5. Description d'une nouvello espece de Primevere (P. sertulosa). Pai'is, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 28-31. 6. Resume des observations ineteorologi- ques faites dans le Brabant-Meridional, pen- dant plusieurs aunees. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. II., 1826, pp. 100-104. 7. Extraits des observations meteorologi- ques faites a Bruxelles (1 Jan. 1825 — 31 Dec. 1826). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1827, pp. 497-548. 8. Descriptio plantarum ofGcinalium et ve- nenatarum turn phauerogamarum turn cryptoga- marum, in agro Lovauiensi sponte crescentium. Louvaine, Ann. Acad. IX., 1827 (ptc. 2). 9. Extraits des observations meteorologi- ques faites a Bruxelles (1 Jan. 1827 — 31 Dec. 1828). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. V., 1829. Kickx, Jean, et Quetelet. Relation d'un voyage fait a la grot.te de Han. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1822, pp. 317-362. Kickx, Jean (Jils). Sur la Marchantia fragrans des auteurs Beiges. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 19-21. 2. Sur les plantes du littoral Beige. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 50-59. 3. Sur trois Limaces, nouvelles pour la Faune Beige. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 137-141. • 4. Sur trois especes peu connucs et indi- genes du genre Sclerotium. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 315-319. • 5. Sur les Chama-riphes major et minor de GrjERTNEK, et description d'une nouvelle espece voisine (C. conduplieata). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V. 1838, pp. 55-62. 6. Sur une nouvelle espece exotique de Polypore (P. myrrhinus). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1838, pp. 370-373. 7. Sur le genre Aristoloche, et description d'une espece inedite (A. glaudulosa). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1839 (jite. 2), pp. 450-455. 8. Sur deux uouvelles Scrophularinees du genre Augelonia (A. pilosella, A. Leandri). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1839, pp. 507- 510. Kickx, Jean (Jils). 9. Sur quelques champig- nons du Mexiquc. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1841 (pte. 2), pp. 72-81. 10. Recherches pour servir a la Flore cryptogamique desFlandres: — 1 centurie. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XIII., 1841. 11. Recherches pour servir a la Florc cryptogamique des Flaudres: — 2 centurie. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XVII, 1843. 12. Recherches pour servir a la Flore cryptogamique des Flaudres: — 3 centurie. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XX., 1847. 13. Recherches pour servir a la Flore cryp- togamique des Flandres : — 4 centurie. [1848.] Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXIIL, 1849. 14. Sur une ascidie accidentelle du Rosier. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVIII., 1851, pp. 591-594. 15. Recherches pour servir a la Flore cryptogamique des Flandres: — 5 centurie. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXIX., 1855. 16. Sur les varietes indigenes du Fucus vesiculosus. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXIII. , 1856. pp. 477-526. Kickx, Jean (Jils), et Mareska. Rapport sur L'epidcmie actuelle des pommes de terre. Gaud, Ann. Soc. Med. XV., 1845, pp. 333-373. Kidd, Charles. On the nature of death from the administration of Anaesthetics, especially Chlo- roform and Ether, as observed in Hospitals. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 136-138. 2. On simple syncope as a coincident in chloroform accidents. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 130-133. 3. On the apncea of drowning;, chloroform, &c. Electrician, IV., 1863, pp. 102-103. Kidd, G. H. Description of a monster by ex- cess of developemeut. Dublin Hosp. Gaz. III., 1856, pp. 82-84. Kidd, John. Analysis of a new Mineral found in Cornwall. Nicholson, Journ. XIV., 1806, pp. 134-140; Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 340- 345 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXV., 1807, pp. 458- 466. 2. Notes on the mineralogy of the neigh- bourhood of St. David's, Pembrokeshire. Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1814, pp. 79-93. 3. Observations respecting the natural pro- duction of Saltpetre in the walls of subterra- neous and other buildings. Phil. Trans. 1814, pp. 508-526. 4. Observations on Naphthaline, a peculiar substance resembling a concrete essential oil, which is apparently produced during the decom- position of coal-tar, by exposure to a red-heat. Phil. Trans. 1821, pp. 209-221 ; Annal. de Chi- mie, XIX., 1821, pp. 273-279; Schweigger, Jouru. XXXIV. ( =Jakrb. IV.), 1822, pp. 426- 433. KID] 649 [KIE Kidd, John. 5. Quantity of blood in animals. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XII., 1825, p. 413; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1825, col. 84-8.5. • 6. On the anatomy of the Mole Cricket. Phil. Trans. 1825, pp. 203-246. Kiefer, . Hydatiden-Bildung in den Lung- en einer Kuh. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XIV., 1848, pp. 484-489. Kieffer, Ludwig. Massanalytische Bestimmuug der freien Schwefelsaure mittelst einer ueuen acidimetrischen Fliissigkeit, und Anwendung der letztern zu acidimetrischen Bestimmungen iiber- haupt. Liebig, Annal. XCIIL, 1855, pp. 386- 388. 2. Ueber einige Reactionen des Morphins. Liebig, Annal. CIIL, 1857, pp. 271-283 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 455-457, 457-458. 3. Ueber indirecte Analysen aus volum- etrischen Daten. Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 185-194. Kielmann, . Die Kultur von Friihkartoffeln in Kagel. Annal. Landwirth. XII., 1848, pp. 217-225. Kiener, Louis. Quelques observations sur le genre Litiope, Rang. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXX., 1833, pp. 221-224. - 2. Nouvelle espece de Mollusque du genre Turbo, Linn. (T. Jonrdani). Revue Zool. II., 1839, p. 324. Kiepert, H. Note iiber die Construction der Karte zu Consul WETZSTEIN'S Reise. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, VII., 1859, pp. 204-208. • 2. Bemerkungen zu der Karte von Marocco. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. VIIL, 1860, pp. 82-90. Kiernan, Francis. The anatomy and physio- logy of the Liver. Phil. Trans. 1833, pp. 711-770; Froriep, Notizen, XLII., 1834, col. 119. Kiernan, George. Description of a new Air- Pump. Irish Acad. Trans. XIII., 1818, pp. 109- 114. Kierulf. See Kjerulf, Theodor. Kiesenwetter, Hellmuth vmi. Ueber den Colymbetes consputus, Sturm: Deutschl. Ins. VIIL 83, 7. Stettin Entom. Zeit. III., 1842, pp. 88-90. — 2. Beitrage zur Monographic der Gattung Heterocerus. Germar, Zeitschr. Entom. IV., 1843, pp. 194-224 ; V., pp. 480-482. 3. Ueber einige Myrmecophilen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. IV., 1843, pp. 306-310. 4. Die Staphylinenfauna von Leipzig's Umgegend. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. V., 1844, pp. 307-320, 340-356, 372-378. 5. Entomologische Notizen. Stettin, En- tom. Zeit. VI., 1845, pp. 147-149, 220-227. VOL. III. Kiesenwetter, Hellmuth von. 6. Ueber den, der Weinkultur schiidlichen Riisselkiifer. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. I., 1846, pp. 567- 569. 7. Die Anthophagen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VII., 1846, pp. 20-24. 8. Das Riesengebirge in entomologischer Beziehung. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1847, pp. 161-165. 9. Einige in den letzten Jahren in Sachs- en als schiidlich beobachtete Insecten. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1847, p. 165. 10. LTeber die entomologische Fauna der Umgebungen des Glockners. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1847, pp. 420-427. 11. Monographische Revision der Gattung Hydrreua. Linnsea Entomol. IV., 1849, pp. 156-190, 425-427. 12. Verzeichniss der im Konigreiche Sachsen vorkommenden Sphexartigen Insecten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. X., 1849, pp. 86-92. 13. Entomologische Briefe iiber cine Reise in das siidliche Frankreich, den Mont Serrat und die Pyreniien. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. X., 1849, pp. 328-336. • 14. Fuufzig Diagnosen unbeschriebener oder wenig bekanntei Europaischer Kafer. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XL, 1850, pp. 217- 225. 15. Reisebriefe. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XL, 1850, pp. 315-327, 383-392. 16. Revision der Kafergattung Heteroce- rus. Linurea Entomol. V., 1851, pp. 280- 300. 17. Enumeration des Coleopteres trouves dans le midi de la France et en Catalogue. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. 385-440, 577- 656. 18. Reisebriefe. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XII., 1851, pp. 151-157, 170-176, 229-236. 19. Beitrage zu einer Monographic der Malthinen. Linnxa Entomol. VII., 1852, pp. 239-322. 2O. Physiognomische Betrachtung einiger Insectenformen. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. L, 1857, pp. 60-69. 21. Bemerkungen iiber LACORDAIRE'S Bu- prestidensystem. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. L, 1857, pp. 169-171. 22. Chlorops nasuta, L., in grossen Sehwarmen beobachtet. Berlin, Entom. Zeit- schr. L, 1857, p. 172. 23. Catops nivicola. Berlin, Entom. Zeit- schr. II., 1858, p. 36. 24. Ludwig REDTENBACIIER'S " Fauna Austriaca" verglichen mit FAIKMAIKE'S und LA- BOULBENE'S " Faune eutomologique Francaise." Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. II., 1858, pp. 82-85. 4 N KIE] 650 [KIL Kiesenwetter, Hellmuth von. 25. Beitrag zur Kaferfauua Griechenlands. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. II., 1858, pp. 231-249 ; III., 1859, pp. 17-34, 158-192 ; V., 1861, pp. 221-252. 26. Synouymische Bemerkungen (Uoleopt.) Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. III., 1859, pp. 91-92 ; IV., 1860, pp. 94-98. 27. Ueber die entoniologische Fauna von Ragatz. Berlin, Eutom. Zeitschr. III., 1859, pp. 339-341. 28. Ueber die Bienen des Hymettus. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. IV., 1860, pp. 315- 317. 29. Lebensweise von Metopius micrato- rius. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. V., 1861, pp. 192-194. 30. Eine entomologische Excursion in das Wallis und nach dem Monte Rosa im Sommer 1861. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. V., 1861, pp. 360-395. 31. Ueber die systematische Stellung von Telmatophilus, Byturus und einigen verwandt- eu Gattungen. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. VI., 1862, pp. 407-416. 32. Eine entomologische Alpenexcursion im Sonimer 1862. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. VII., 1863, pp. 235-247. 33. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der zur Unter- gattung Isomira, Mnls., gehorenden Cistela- Arten. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. VII., 1863, pp. 423-427. - • 34. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenutniss der Europaischen Mathiniden. Berlin, Eutom. Zeitschr. VII., 1863, pp. 428-431. 35. Ueber einige Cantharis-Arten, mit Bezug auf MULSANT'S " Mollipennes." Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. VII., 1863, pp. 442-444. 36. Iconographischer Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Dascillideu. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. VII., 1863, p. 451. Kiesenwetter, IleUmuth ron, und Fr. Markel. Eine entomologische Excursion im Riesenge- birge im Juli 1846. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VII., 1846, pp. 333-352 ; VIII., 1847, pp. 73-87. 2. Bericht iiber cine entomologische Excursion in die Kiirntuer Alpen im Jahre 1847. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. IX., 1848, pp. 210- 221, 277-285, 314-320, 321-329. Kiesenwetter, Hellmuth von, und H. Schaum. Die neueBearbeitung des Catalogs Europaischer Kiifer. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. X., 1849, pp. 98- 100. 2. Sur la nomenclature entomolo- gique. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. cxcvii-cci. Kieser, D. G. Ueber LINNE'S Antirrhinum Peloria. Hotfmann, Phytogr. Blatt. I., 1803, pp. 102-109. Kieser, D. G. 2. Ontleding van den Stekeligen Modderstaart (Chara hispida), het Knobbelig Zeewier (Fucus nodosus) en andere cryptogam- ische Gewassen. Haarlem, Nat. Verh. Maatsch. Wet. VII., 1814, pp. 99-120. 3. Ueber den Organismus der Pflanzen. Hermbstiidt, Museum, VI., 1815, pp. 115-121. 4. Ueber die urspri'mgliche und eigenthiim- liche Form der Prtanzeuzellen. Acad. Cats. Leop. Nova Acta, IX., 1818, pp. 57-86. Kieser, D. G. Von den Leidenschaften und Artecten. Damerow, Allg. Zeits. Psychiatric, VII. 1850, pp. 234-252. Kieser, G. Ueber die Metamorphose des Thier- auges. Ophthalm. Bibliothek, II, 1803 (Heft 3), pp. 73-124. Kietaibel, P., und F. C. Waldstein. Be- schreibung von Ungarn. Zach, Monat. Corresp. VIII., 1803, pp. 21-30. Kilburn, D. T. On Sun Pictures by the calo- type process. Van Diemen's Land, Roy. Soc. Papers, II., 1852-54, pp. 446-459. Kildal, Simon N. Bericht iiber eine merk- wiirdige menschliche Missbildung oder die Missgeburt Brede Normann Tanoen. [Trans- lated from Eyr, et medicinsk Tidsskrift, X., 1839.] Froriep, Notizen, XLIX., 1836, col. 225-229. Kilian, Elephanten Stosszahn im Rhein gefunden. Leonhard u. Bronu, N. Jahrb. 1835, p. 524. 2. (1.) Dens lanarius eines Mammuth. (2.) Mytilus polymorphus (Pallasii). (3.) Sphinx Nerii. (4.) Buxbaumia indusiata. Mannheim, Jahresber. III., 1836. 3. Wegweiser durch die Sale des Gross- herzoglichen naturhistorischen Museums. Mannheim, Jahresber. IV., 1837. 4. (1.) Der Rattenkonig. (2.) Strix otus. (3.) Scolopax rusticola. (4.) Calosoma syco- pbanta. (5.) Die fossilen Reste von Elephas primigenius. Mannheim, Jahresber. V., 1838. 5. Ueber den naturgeschichtlichen Unter- richt an Gelehrteuschulen. Mannheim, Jahres- ber. VI., 1839. 6. (1.) Ginkgo biloba, L. (2.) Helix eri- cetorum, var. scalaris. (3.) Bos taurus primi- genius. Mannheim, Jahresber. VII., 1840. 7. (1.) Die fossile Wallfischkinnlade. (2.) Em fossiler Wallfischwirbel. (3.) Der Fisch- regen bei Buchen. (4.) Apus cancriformis. (5.) Ein sprosseuder Piuieuzapfen. Mannheim, Jahresber. Vin., 1841. 8. Beschreibung einiger fossilen Knochen des hiesigen Museums (Elephas primigenius, Rhinoceros tichorhinus, Hyisna spekea, Cervus tarandus priscus, var. Guettardi). Mannheim, Jahresber. IX., 1842. KIL] Kilian, 651 [KIN 9. (1.) Dinotherium giganteum, Kairp. (2.) Ein fossiler Nashornschadel. (3.) Hyrena spelrea. (4.) Emys turfa. (5.) Bombyx pavonia minor. (6.) Bombyx (gastropacha) pini. (7.) Ein Americanischc-r Scolopeuder. (8.) Armenische Pflanzen. (9.) Abermals ein Rat- tenkonig. Mannheim, Jahresber. X., 1843. Kilian, Franz M. Zur Lehre von den Extra- utcrinal-Schwangerschaften. Berlin, Neuc Zeits. Geburtsk. XXIV., 1848, pp. 226-234. 2. Ueber die Beziehungen des Uterus zur Medulla oblongata. Berlin, Neue Zeits. Ge- burtsk. XXV., 1848, pp. 65-94. 3. Die Endigung sympathischer Fasern. Heule und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VU., 1849, pp. 221-227. . 4. Die Structur des Uterus bei Thieren. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VIII., 1849, pp. 53-90 ; IX., 1850, pp. 1-51. 5. Die Nerven des Uterus. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, X., 1850, pp. 41-100. 6. Einfluss der Medulla oblongata auf die Bewegungen des Uterus. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, II., 1852, pp. 1-34. Killias, E. Nachtrag zu A. MOKITZI'S Verzeich- niss der Pflanzen Graubundens. Chur, Jahres- ber. Naturf. Gesell. I., 1854-55, pp. 71-86. , 2. Beitrage zur Rhtetischen Flora : Gefiiss- pflanzen. Chur, Jahresber. Naturf. Gesell. IH., 1856, pp. 1168-179 ; V., pp. 71-81 ; VI., pp. 245-251. _ 3. Verzeichniss der Btinduerischen Laub- moose. Chur, Jahresber. Naturf. Gesell. IV. 1857-58, pp. 77-134. 4. Ein Lanirnergeier (Gypoetus barbatus). Chur, Jahresber. Naturf. Gesell. VI., 1859-60, pp. 253-255. 5. Insecten- Verzeichniss aus Puschlav. Chur, Jahresber. Naturf. Gesell. VII., 1860-61, pp. 102-108. Kimball, James. Ueber einige fossile Pflanzen aus der Kohlen-Formation von Pennsylvania und Ohio. [ Translated from Flora from the Apa- lachian Coal Field, 1859.] Leonhardu. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 400-402. 2. On Sodalite and Elseolite from Salem, Massachusetts. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1860, pp. 65-67. Kimberley, Ueber die naphtylschweflige Siiure. Liebig, Annal. CXIV., 1860, pp. 129- 140; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXII., 1861, pp. 211-213. Kimberley, George. On the use of Saltpetre as Manure. Agric. Soc. Journ. I., 1840, pp. 275- 277. Kinahan, G. H. The igneous rocks of the Berehaven District. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855-57, pp. 154-162. Kinahan, G. H. 2. Description of a starling roost at Rathkeale, county of Limerick. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 88-90; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 94- 96. 3. On the Valentia Trap-District. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), p. 75. 4. On a reversed fault occurring in the Leinster coal-field, at the junction of the Queen's County and county of Kilkenny. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 213-215 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 156-158. 5. Notes on the Cormorants in the neigh- bourhood of Castleconnell. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. HI., 1859-62, pp. 46-47 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 400-401. • 6. On the occurrence of Trichomanes ra- dicans in the county of Limerick, with a list of the Ferns of Killaloe. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. III., 1859-62, pp. 47-52 ; Nat, Hist. Review, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 401-403. 7. On a new locality for Polypodium phe- gopteris, with a list of the Ferns occurring in the district comprised in that part of Sheet 125 of the Ordnance inch-maps of Ireland that lies to the west of Lough Dera; and the south-east of Sheet 124. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. HI., 1859-62, pp. 90-91. 8. Natural History Notes. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862-63, pp. 77-78. 9. The Eskers of the central plain of Ire- land. [1863.] Dublin, Geol. Soe. Journ. X., 1864, pp. 109-112. 1O. On crumpled lamination in Shales. [1863.] Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1864, p. 113. 11. On crannoges in Lough Rea. [1863.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 412-427. Kinahan, John Bolcrt. On Botrychium lunaria, its most remarkable varieties. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 25-28 ; Nat. Hist. Review, III., 1856 (Proc.), pp. 65-68. 2. On the classification and nomenclature of varieties of Ferns. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55. pp. 47-49. — — 3. On an undescribed variety of Blechnum spicant. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849- 55, pp. 50-51. 4. On a digitate variety of Botrychium lu- naria, and a new Irish locality for Lophodium spinosum. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 51-52 ; Nat. Hist. Review, II., 1855 (Proc.), pp. 15-16. 5. On the abnormal forms of Ferns. Dub- lin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 53-56, 59-63; Nat. Hist. Review, I., 1854, pp. 142- 147, 150-156. 4 N 2 KIN] 652 [KIN Kinahan, John Robert. 6. On the occurrence of DAUBENTON'S But (Vespertilio Daubentonii) in the county of Kildare. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 66-69. • 7. On the autumnal song of birds. Dub- lin, Nat. Hist, Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55. pp. 93-98, 98-100. 8. On the reproduction and distribution of the Smooth Newt (Lissotriton puuctatus, Bell), with a notice of the superstitions relating to it, Dublin, Nat, Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 104-106 ; Nat. Hist. Review, I., 1854, pp. 77- 79. 9. On the spawning of the smooth-tailed Stickleback (Gasterosteus leiurus), with a list of the fishes inhabiting the Dodder. Dublin, Nat, Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 129- 132. 10. Further remarks on the spawning of the smooth-tailed Stickleback (G. leiurus). Dub- lin, Nat, Hist, Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 132- 133. 11. On the destruction caused by the smooth-tailed Stickleback (Gastcrosteus leiurus) in tish-ponds and vivaria, Dublin, Nat, Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 133-134 ; Nat. Hist. Review, I., 1854, pp. 81-83. 12. On the occurrence of Vespertilio Nat- tereri in Kildare. Nat. Hist. Review, I., 1854 (Proc.), pp. 23-25. 13. On specimens of a bat taken in Kil- dare. Nat. Hist. Review, I., 1854 (Proc.), pp. 87-88. 14. On the nidus and ova of Gasterosteus leiurus. Nat. Hist, Review, I., 1854 (Proc.), pp. 235-236. 15. A list of the Ferns and their allies found in the county of Dublin, with special reference to the Dodder Valley. Phytologist, V., 1854, pp. 196-201. 16. Local list of Birds found in the county of Dublin. Nat. Hist. Review, II., 1855 (Proc.), pp. 22-25, 26-28. 17. On the geology of the Chinchas Is- lands, Peru, South America. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855-57, pp. 175-180. 18. On Annelidoid Tracks in the rocks of Bray Head, county of Wicklow. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855-57, pp. 184-187; Nat, Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 20-22. 19. Some account of the Guano deposits and inhabitants of the Chinchas Islands, Peru. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. I., 1856-57, pp. 89- 100. 20. Remarks on the habits and distribu- tion of Marine Crustacea on the eastern shores of Port Phillip, Victoria, Australia, with descrip- tions of undescribed species and genera. Dub- lin, Roy. Soc. Journ. I., 1856-57, pp. 110-134. Kinahan, John Robert. 21. Remarks on Crus- tacea collected in Peru, the High Seas, and South Australia, with descriptions of uudescribed species. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. I., 1856-57, pp. 328-352. 22. On Xantho rivulosa and other decapod- ous Crustacea occurring at Valentia Island, co. Kerry. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proe. II., 1856- 59, pp. 9-17 ; Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 62-69. 23. On a Crangon, or Shrimp, new to science (C. Allmanni), with notices of other nondescript Crustacea, and observations on the distribution of the Crustacea Podophthalmia of the eastern or Dublin marine district of Ireland. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 27-34 ; Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 80-87 ; Newman, Zoologist, XV., 1857, p. 5617. 24. Notes on the foregoing paper [MEL- VILLE'S Carcinological Notes], with a supplement to his list of Dublin Crustacea. Dublin, Nat. Hist, Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 43-51 ; Nat. Hist. Review, IV, 1857 (Proc.), pp. 153-156. 25. Addendum to Supplemental Dublin list of Crustacea. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, p. 58; Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 228-229. 26. Remarks on the Zoe of Eurynome as- pera, and the habits of the animal in confinement. Dublin, Nat. Hist, Soc. Proc. H., 1856-59, pp. 77-79; Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1858. pp. 233- 235 ; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 37-39. 27. On the occurrence of anew Irish ^Esop prawn (Pandalus) in Dublin Bay. Dublin, Nat. Hist, Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 79-81 ; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 40-41. 28. On the subaqueous habits of the Wa- ter Ouzel (Cinclus aquaticus). Dublin, Nat, Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 86-88 ; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 91-94. 29. On the distribution of Ferns in Ire- land, with a list of some of the more remarkable localities in which they occur. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 91-103 ; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 175- 188. 30. On the genera Philoscia (Latreille), Itea(-&Toc/«), Philongria (Kinahan), comprising descriptions of new British species. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 110-116 ; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 194- 200. 31. On the genus Ranieeps, and the oc- currence of the Tadpole-fish (R. trifurcatus) in Dublin Bay. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59. pp. 197-198; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 459-461. KIN] 653 [KIN Einahan, John Eobert. 32. A review of the genera of terrestrial Isopoda (Oniscoidea), with descriptions of all the known British species and genera. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59 (Suppl.). 33. On the zoological relations of the Cam- brian Rocks of Bray Head and Howth. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 75-76. 34. Remarks on certain genera of terres- trial Isopoda. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), p. 104. 35. Dublin Crustacea ; supplemental list. Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 156- 162. 36. Analysis of certain allied genera of terrestrial Isopoda ; with description of a new genus, and a detailed list of the British species of Ligia, Philongria, Philoscia, Porcellio, Oniscus, and Arnmdillium. Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 258-282. 37. List of the Podophthalmous Crustacea occurring in Dublin Bay and the adjacent waters. Newman, Zoologist, XV., 1857, pp. 5714-5717, 5773-5779. 38. Description of a Galathea new to science (G. Andrewsii). Newman, Zoologist, XV., 1857, pp. 5759-5760. 39. On the organic remains of the Cam- brian rocks of Bray (county of Wicklow), and Howth (county of Dublin) ; with notices of the most remarkable fossils. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 68-73 ; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 148-153. 40. A series of fossils from the marine drift of Bohernabreena, county of Dublin. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 87-88; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 167-168. 41. On Haughtonia, Kinahan, a new genus of Cambrian fossils from Bray Head, county of Wicklow. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 116-120; Nat. Hist. Re- view, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 309-313. 42. Report on Crustacea of Dublin dis- trict. Part 1. Decapoda podophthalmata. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858, pp. 262-268. 43. On Oldhamia, a genus of Cambrian fossils. Irish Acad. Proc. VII., 1858, pp. 34- 37; Irish Acad. Trans. XXIII., 1859, pp. 547- 562; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 207-209. 44. On a proposed scheme for a uniform mode of naming Type-Divisions. Irish Acad. Proc. VII., 1858, pp. 96-100 ; Nat. Hist, Re- view, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 14-17. 45. On the genus Scorpionura (J. V. Thompson, MSS.). Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 202-205. Einahan, Joint Robert. 46. Natural history notes in Devon and Cornwall. Nat. Hist. Re- view, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 266-270 ; Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 141-148. 47. Descriptions of two unrecorded British Isopoda (Philoscia Couchii, Philongria - — , n. s. ?). Newman, Zoologist, XVI., 1858, pp. 6098-6099. 48. Notes on two Crustacea new to Bri- tain (Platyarthrus IIotFmanseggii, Brandt, and Crangon Pattersonii). Newman, Zoologist, XVI., 1858, pp. 6274-6276. 49. On the genus Platyarthrus, Brandt ; with notices of allied undescribed genera. Dub- lin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 188- 201 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 125-135. SO. Notes on dredging in Belfast Bay, with a list of species. Nat. Hist. Review, XVI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 79-85. 51. On the distribution of the Irish Echinoderrnata, Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 368-371. 52. On the tracings formed on recent rock surfaces by Patella vulgaris and other molluscs. Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 372- 374. 53. Mammalogia Hibernica : Part 1. Sub- class, Lissencephala ; order, Cheiroptera, Insecti- voridse ; or a general review of the history and distribution of Bats in Ireland ; with remarks on Mr. FOOT'S discovery in Clare, of the lesser Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros), a species hitherto unrecorded in Ireland. Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 381-397. 54. On the occurrence of the Black Red- start (Ph. tithys) in the neighbourhood of Dublin. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soe. Proc. III., 1859-62, pp. 11-14; Nat. Hist. Review, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 365-368. 55. On migration in birds, and its bearings on the winter occurrence in the British Isles of European summer migrants. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. III., 1859-62, pp. 14-20; Nat. Hist. Review, VII, 1860 (Proc.), pp. 368-374; Newman, Zoologist, XVIII., 1860, pp. 6957- 6964. 56. Addendum to Mammalogia Hibernica : Cheiroptera. Dublin, Nat. Hist, Soc. Proc. III., 1859-62, pp. 42-43; Nat. Hist. Review, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 396-397. 57. Three clays among the Bats in Clare. Dublin, Nat. Hist, Soc. Proc. III., 1859-62, pp. 94-99; Newman, Zoologist, XIX., 1S61, pp. 7617-7624. 58. Notes on the marine fauna of the coast of Clare. Dublin, Nat. -Hist. Soc. Proc. III., 1859-62, pp. 99-103. KIN] Kinahan, John Robert. 59. Inquiries into the causes of the present decay of the Dublin Crab and Lobster fisheries, with a few suggestions as to the practicability of amendment of them and the market supply, either by substitution of species or otherwise. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. in., 1359-62, pp. 107-112. 6O. Report of the Committee appointed to dredge Dublin Bay. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860, pp. 27-31. 61. Observations on Mr. WARREN'S paper [On the winter migration of the Pomarine Skua, &c.]. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862-63, pp. 7-9. • 62. Synopsis of the species of the families Crangonidaj and Galatheidre, which inhabit the seas around the British Isles. [1862.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 67-80. Kinast, • . Untersuehung eines faserigen, hochst wahrscheinlich gediegenen Zinnes aus Ostindien. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, I., 1830, pp. 112-115. — — 2. Zur Kenntniss des anderthalb Chlor- eisens und des essigsauren Eisens. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, II., 1830, pp. 281-284. Kinberg, J. G. iff. Nya sliigten och arter af Annelider. Animalia annulata nova seu minus rite cognita. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XII., 1855, pp. 381-388; XIV., 1857, pp. 11-14; Wiegmann, Archiv, XXII., 1856, pp. 311-320. Kind, . Ueber das Rechtsehen. Pfaff, Mittheil. 1837 (Heft 7 und 8), pp. 1-31. 2. Versuch das unwillkiihrliche ruhige Athrnen aus der reflectirenden Function zu erkliiren. Pfaff, Mittheil. 1837 (Heft 7 und 8), pp. 31-64. Kind, . Description d'une methode em- ployee, pres de Forbach (Moselle), pour detacher de gros echantillons dans le cours d'un sondage et pour reconnaitre la direction et 1'inclinaison des couches que 1'on traverse. Annal. des Mines, XIII., 1848, pp. 221-225. Kind, A., und Zwenger. Ueber das Solanin uud dessen Spaltungsproducte. Liebig, Annal. CXVIIL, 1861, pp. 129-151. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von con- centrirter Salzsiiure auf Solanin. Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 341-347. Kind, Hugo. Chemische pfeflerten Fleischschwammes (Agaricus pipe- ratus). Trommsdoi-if, Journ. d. Pharm. IV., 1797 (St. 2), pp. 124-140. • 2. Chemische Versuche um die Basis der Boraxsiiure niiher kennen zu lernen. Tromms- dorff, Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1798, pp. 89-100. • 3. Beobachtung einer kiinstlichen Erzeug- ung des Kampfers. Trommsdorff, Jouru, d. Pharm. XI., 1803 (St. 2), pp. 132-134 ; Annal. de Chirnie, LI., 1804, pp. 270-286. Untersuchung des ge- 654 [KIN Kindberg, N. C. Ofversigt af de Skandinaviska arterna af sliigtet Lepigonum. Fries, Botan. Notiser, 1857, pp. 41-46. 2. Om de ofullstandiga blommorna hos Viola umbrosa, Fr. Fries, Botan. Notiser, 1857, pp. 191-192. 3. Anmarkningar om Lepigonum laxi- florum, Bnrtl. Fries, Botan. Notiser, 1858, pp. 9-10. 4. Om vegetationen pa Dalslands Kalk- formation. Fries, Botan. Notiser, 1858, pp. 115-117. • 5. Descriptions of some species of Lepi- gonum. (Transl.) Phytologist, IV.. 1860, Dp. 193-197. Kindler, A. Bemerkungen iiber die Bildung einiger Eisenerze. Poggend. Annal. XXXVII., 1836, pp. 203-205; Bibl. Univ. IV., 1836, pp. 180-182; Erclm. Journ. Prak. Cheni. VII., 1836, pp. 245-247 ; Liebig, Annnl. XX., 1836, pp. 240-241. 2. Ueber eine Veranderung der Knochen ini Erdboden. Poggeud. Annal. LXXXVIL, 1852, pp. 611-614. Kindt, G. C. Auffindung der Baumwolle in Leinwand. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 379-381 ; Liebig, Annal. LXL, 1847, pp. 253-255. 2. Ueber Veranderung der Starke durch Salpeter-Schwefelsiiure, iiber Auffinduug der Baumwolle in Leinwand und iiber Schiessbaum- wolle. Poggeud. Aunal. LXX., 1847, pp. 167- 170. King, Alfred T. A description of a Halo or Corona of great splendour, observed at Greens- burgh, Westmoreland County, Pa. Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 25-27 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr.IX., 1842, pp. 299-300. 2. Descriptions of Fossil Foot Marks, sup- posed to be referable to the classes Birds, Reptilia, and Mammalia, found in the carboni- ferous series, in Westmoreland county, Pennsyl- vania. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. II., 1844- 45, pp. 175-180 ; Bibl. Univ. LX., 1x45, pp. 187-189 ; Silliman, Journ. XL VIII., 1845 pp 343-352 ; I., 1846, p. 268. 3. Description of Fossil Foot Prints. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. II., 1844-45, pp. 299-300 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1846, pp. 451-452 ; Silliman, Journ. XLIX., 1845, pp. 216-217. 4. On the ancient Alluvium of the Ohio River and its tributaries. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. Vn., 1854-55, pp. 4-8. • 5. Description of Fossil Trees in the coal rocks near Greensburgh, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 64-66. KIN] 655 [KIN King, Alfred T. 6. Description of Fossil Fruit found in the Carboniferous Rocks of Beaver County, Pa. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, p. 66. King, Butler. Rapport sur la Californie, sa popu- lation, sou climat, son sol, ses diverges produc- tions, etc. Anual. des Mines, XVIII., 1850, pp. 475-534 ; Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851, pp. 121-156. King, Chas. Crohcr. On the adjustment of the chordas vocales by the oblique ary tenoid muscles. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 301-305. 2. On death by hanging ; with an account of the execution of a murderer, and the subse- quent examination of the body. Dublin, Quart. Jouru. Med. Sci. XVIII., 1854, pp. 86-91. King, D. O. Travels in Siani and Cambodia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 177-182. King, David. History of three persons who were nearly suffocated, and of one who perished, from the irrespirable gases arising from a coal-fire. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. VII., 1811, pp. 180- 184. King, F. G., and E. G. Ludlow. Appearances 011 dissection of the Phoca cristata. New York, Annal. Lyceum, I., 1824, pp. 99-103. King, H. Some remarks on the geology of the State of Missouri. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 182-201. King, J. Fall einer Bauchschwangerschaft aus- serhalb der Gebarmutter, in welchern die Frucht durch einen Einschnitt in die Vagina lebendig zur Welt gebracht und die Mutter am Leben erhalten wurde. Rust, Magazin, III., 1818, pp. 414-425. King, J. A new demonstration of the Parallel- ogram of Forces. [1823.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1827, pp. 45-46. King, J. B., and J. Becroft. Details of ex- plorations of the Old Calabar River in 1841 and 1842. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1844, pp. 280-282. King, James. Description of a new Safety Tube for chemical apparatus. [1826.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 61-63. 2. Description of an apparatus for im- pregnating liquids with gases. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VIIL, 1828, pp. 110-111. 3. Account of a new Self-registering Thermometer. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 113-116. 4. Observations on the climate and geo- logy of New South Wales. [1827.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 117-123 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXL, 1828, col. 341-345. King, James. On the preparation of Chloro- form. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1844-48, pp. 219-221. King, John. A new application of Polarized Light in examining every description of objects. [1846.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. II., 1849, pp. 81-82. King, Kclburne. Cases of congenital malforma- tion of different portions of the digestive appa- ratus. Edinb. Monthly Jouru. Med. Sci. XIX., 1854, pp. 323-329. King, Nicholas. An improvement in Boats for river navigation. [1797.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 298-302. King, (Capt.) Philip Parker. Observations on the intensity of Magnetism made during a voyage of survey of the southern extremity of South America with Prof. HAJJSTEEN'S instrument and remarks. Mag. f. Naturvid. VEIL, 1827, pp. 106-120. 2. On a comet seen near the South Pole. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. I., 1827-30, pp. 195- 196. 3. On the animals of the Straits of Magel- lan. Zool. Journ. HI., 1828, pp. 422-432 ; IV., pp. 91-105. 4. Occultation of Jupiter by the Moon, at Port Famine, Straits of Magellan, 26 May 1828. Astron. Soc. Mem. IV., 1831, pp. 199- 200. • 5. Characters of new species of birds from the Straits of Magellan. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1831, pp. 14-16, 29-30. 6. Some observations upon the geography of the southern extremity of South America, Tierra del Fuego, and the Straits of Magellan, made during the late Survey of those coasts in H.M.S. "Adventure" and "Beagle," between the years 1826 and 1830. [1831.] Geogr. Soc. Journ. I., 1832, pp. 155-174. 7. Description of the Cirrhipeda, Conchi- fera, and Mollusca in a collection formed by the officers of H.M.S. " Adventure " and " Beagle " (1826-30), in surveying the southern coasts of S. America. Zool. Journ. V., 1832-34, pp. 332- 349. • 8. Extract from a letter accompanying specimens from the Straits of Magellan. [1827.] Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834, pp. 29-31. 9. Observations on Oceanic Birds, particu- larly those of the genus Diornedea, Linn. Zool. Soc. Proe. II., 1834, pp. 128-129. 10. Note on some Fishes captured at Port Praya. Zool. Soc. Proc. III., 1835, p. 119. • 11. Notes on several Rodents collected during a survey of the Straits of Magellan. Zool. Soc. Proc. III., 1835, pp. 189-191. • 12. Observations of the transit of Mercury of 8 May 1845, and of the lunar eclipse of 21 May 1845, made at Port Stephen, New South Wales. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, p. 10. KIN] 656 [KIN King, ( Capt.) Philip Parker. 13. Observations of the great comet of 1844-45 (WILMOT'S), made at Port Stephen, New South Wales. Astron. Soc. .Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 10-11 ; Astr. Nachr. XXIII., 1846, col. 247-248. 14. Abstract from a meteorological journal kept at Port Stephen, New South Wales, during 1843-47. Tasmanian Journ. Nat. Sci. III., 1849, pp. 465-468. 15. Solar Eclipse of 31 Jan. 1851, ob- served at Paramatta. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 29-31. • 16. On some of the species of Daphniadaj found in New South Wales. Van Dieinen's Land, Roy. Soc. Papers, II., 1852-54, pp. 243- 253. . 17. On Australian Entomostracaus. Van Diemen's Laud, Roy. Soc. Papers, II., 1852-54, pp. 253-262. • 18. On Australian Entomostracans. [1854.] Van Diemen's Land, Roy. Soc. Papers, III., 1855-59, pp. 56-75. 19. On the Pselaphida? of Australia. [1862.] New S. Wales, Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1863-64, pp. 37-54, 102-106. 20. On the Scydmtenides of New South King, S. 2. Description of an out-of-doors equa- toreal stand for telescopes. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, pp. 28-29. King, T. Wilkinson. On the influence of the tricuspid valve of the heart on the circulation of the blood. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1835, p. 335. 2. On the safety-valve of the right ven- tricle of the heart in man ; and on the grada- tions of the same apparatus in mammalia and birds. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1836, pp. 396- 397. 3. Ueber den Einfluss des linken Bronchus auf das Schliessen des Ductus arteriosus bei der Geburt und einige beziigliche Umstiinde in Pathologic und vergleichender Anatomie. Fro- riep, Notizen, XVI., 1840, col. 5-7. 4. On the rapidity of the circulation in the Wales. New S. Wales, Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1863-64, pp. 91-99. King, Richard. Temperature of Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Plants. Trees, aud Earths, as ascertained at different times and places in Arctic America during Capt. BACK'S Expedi- tion. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXL, 1836, pp. 150-151 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1836, pp. 515-516. 2. Ueber das Rennthier (Cervus tarandus). Froriep, Notizen, L., 1836, col. 308-310. 3. On the supposed extinct inhabitants of Newfoundland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1 844 (pt. 2), p. 83. 4. On the Fish River of the Polar Sea. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1844, pp. 412-416. 5. On tlie physical characters of the Esquimaux. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXVI., 1844, pp. 296-310; Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1844, col. 65-70 ; Ethnol. Soc. Jouru. L, 1848, pp. 45-59. . 6. On the intellectual character of the Esquimaux. [1844.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXVIIL, 1845, pp. 306-332 ; Ethnol. Soc. Journ. L, 1848, pp. 127-153. 7. On the industrial arts of the Esquimaux. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLII., 1847, pp. 112- 186. King, .V. On a large achromatic object-glass of a telescope worked by Mr. DOLLOND, the flint glass of which was prepared by the late Dr. RITCHIE. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. V., 1839- 43, pp. 65-66. Lymphatic System. Guy's Hosp. Rep. V., 1840, pp. 97-100 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVI., 1840, col. 69-72. 5. On the episternal bones occasionally found in man. Guy's Hosp. Rep. V., 1840, pp. 227-228. — 6. On some supplementary muscles of the anus, described by Dr. HORNEE of Philadelphia. Guy's Hosp. Rep. V., 1840, pp. 229-232. 7. Some further illustrations of the safety- valve function of the heart. Guy's Hosp. Rep. VI., 1841, pp. 39-51. 8. On the open state of the Ductus Arte- riosus after birth. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. II., 1842, pp. 83-97. 9. Observations on the digestive solution of the oesophagus, and on the distinct properties of the two ends of the stomach. Guy's Hosp. Rep. VII., 1842, pp. 139-156; I., 1855, pp. 113-116. 10. Ueber die fortschreitende Entwickel- uug der Knochenpuncte der Wirbel und des Brustbeines, sowie uber die Bildung nnd Be- festigung der Epiphysen. ( Transl. ) Froriep, Notizen, XXXIII., 1845, col. 84-88. King, }]'. On the loss of light by glass shades ; with a note of additional experiments by F. H. STOEER. Silliman, Jouru. XXX., 1860, pp. 420-424. 2. On the loss of light by glass shades. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 283-285. King, William. On Sigillaria, Stigmaria, and Neuropteris. Edinb. New Phil. Jouru. XXXV., 1843, pp. 372-375. 2. An attempt to classify the Tetra- branchiate Cephalopoda. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1844, pp. 271-279. 3. On a new genus of Palreozoic Shells. Ann. Nat. Hist, XIV., 1844, pp. 313-317. 4. The genus Cliiton found in the magne- siiin limestone of Durham. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1844, pp. 381-382. KIN] 657 [KIN King, William. 5. Contributions towards estab- lishing the general character of the Fossil Plants of the genus Sigillaria. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXVI., 1844, pp. 4-21, 272- 290 ; XXXVII., 1844, pp. 62-75 ; XXXVIII., 1845, pp. 119-135. 6. Note on a British Shell of the genus Circe. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 112- 113. 7. Remarks on certain genera belonging to the class Palliobranchiata. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1846, pp. 26-42, 83-94. 8. An account of some Shells and other invertebrate forms found on the coast of North- umberland and of Durham. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1846, pp. 233-251 ; XIX., pp. 334-340. 9. On a magnesian-limestone species of Chiton. London Geol. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 10- 12. 10. On a British specimen of Oculiua prolifera. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1847, pp. 279-280. 11. On some families and genera of Corals. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1849, pp. 388- 390. 12. On the occurrence of Permian Mag- nesian Limestone at Tullyconnel, near Artrea, in the county of Tyrone. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855-57, pp. 67-81. — 13. On Anthracosia, a fossil genus of the family Unionidte. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1856, pp. 51-57. 14. On Pleurodictyum problematicum. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1856, pp. 131-142. 15. Notes on Permian Fossils : — Pallio- branchiata. Ann. Nat, Hist. XVII., 1856, pp. 258-269, 333-341. 16. On the jointed structure of Rocks, particularly as developed in several places in Ireland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 83-84. 17. On the occurrence of crystalline lime- stone in the vicinity of Trichinopoly. Madras Jouru. IV., 1858-59, pp. 272-273. 18. On Gwyuia, Dielasma, and Macan- drevia, three new genera of Palliobranchiate Mollusca, one of which has been dredged in Belfast Lough. Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 256-262 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 511-520. 19. On the occurrence in Gahvay of the lesser Horse-shoe Bat (Rhinolophus hipposi- deros). Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 264-268 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Pror..), pp. 522-525. 2O. On certain species of Permian Shells said to occur in carboniferous rocks. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1861, pp. 37-45 ; XV., pp. 251-253. VOL. in. King, William. 21. Notice of some objects of natural history lately obtained from the bottom of the Atlantic. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 108-109. 22. On the origin of Species, &c. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 253-256 ; Geologist, V., 1863, pp. 254-257. 23. On the Neanderthal skull, or reasons for believing it to belong to the Clydian Period, and to a species different from that represented by Man. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863 (pt. 2), pp. 81-82. 24. Preliminary notice of the organic and inorganic objects obtained from the sound- ings of H.M.S. "Porcupine," off the West coast of Ireland. Electrician, III., 1863, pp. 114-115. 25. An attempt to correlate the glacial and post-glacial deposits of the British Isles, and to determine their order of succession. Geo- logist, VI., 1863, pp. 168-178. 26. Analysis of Albert coal and Boghead caimel. Pharmaceut. Journ. IV., 1863, p. 507. King, ini/iam Doubleday. List of land and fresh-water shells found in the neighbourhood of Sudbury. Newman, Zoologist, XL, 1853, pp. 3913-3916. Kinglake, Robert. On the nature and properties of vital powers. London, Med. and Phys. Journ. II. 1799, pp. 127-131. 2. On animal excitability. London, Med. and Phys. Jouru. XLV., 1821, pp. 441-450. Kingsley, G. H. Observations on Notamia bur- saria. Ann. Nat, Hist, XIII., 1854, pp. 347- 349. - 2. Cilia on the surface of Confervas. Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, p. 243. Kingsley, James L., and Benj. Silliman. Ac- count of a remarkable fall of Meteoric Stones in Connecticut, 14 Dec. 1807. Philadelphia, Med. Phys. Journ. III., 1808, pp. 39-57 ; Con- necticut, Mem. Acad. I., 1810, pp. 141-162; Gilbert, Anual. XXIX., 1808, pp. 153-474 ; XXX., pp. 421-430 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIII., 1808, pp. 127-141 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXX., 1808, pp. 232-245. Kingsley, W. Towler. On the application of the microscope to photography. Photogr. Soc. Journ. I., 1854, pp. 93-96. Kingsmill, Thomas W. Notes on the geology of the east coast of China. [1862.] Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1864, pp. 1-6. Kingston, G. T. On the employment of the electric telegraph for predicting storms. Cana- dian Journ. II., 1857, pp. 177-179. 2. On deducing tlie mean temperature of a month. [1857.] Canadian Journ. III., 1858, pp. 5-7. 4 o KIN] 658 [KIR Kingston, G. T. 3. Mean meteorological re- sults at Toronto, for the year 1861. Canadian Journ. VII., 1862, pp. 97-103. - 4. On the magnetic disturbances at To- ronto, during the years 1856 to 1862, inclusive. Canadian Journ. VIII., 1863, pp. 157-168. Kingston, J. F. A sketch of the distribution of Animals and Plants in the south-western extre- mity of Great Britain. Eclinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. IH., 1831, pp. 340-352. Kingston, J. T, Account of the Iron Mine at Hay tor, in Devonshire. Phil. Mag. III., 1828, pp. 359-365. Kinkelin, Hermann. Untersuchung iiber die Formel n F(nx) =f(x)+ + ____ / ( x + '•—- \ . Grunert, Archiv, XXLL, 1853, pp. 189-224. 2. Ueber den Poteuzialausdruck ((!))*. Grunert, Archiv, XXVL, 1856, pp. 304-315- 3. Ueber die Auszichuug von Wurzelu aus Zahlen. Grunert, Archiv, XXVI., 1856, pp. 361-390. - 4. Die Fundamentalgleichungen der Func- tion r (x). [1856.] Bern, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 1-11. 5. Ueber die Bewegung eines magnetischen Pendels. Gruuert, Archiv, XXVIII., 1857, pp. 456-470. - 6. Ueber Convergenz uneudlicher Reihen. Bern, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 57-68. - 7. Ueber einige unendliche Reihen. Bern. Mittheil. 1858, pp. 88-116. 8. Ueber eiue mit der Gammafunctiou ver- wandte Trauscendeute und deren Anwendung auf die Integralrechnung. Crelle, Jouru. LVII., 1860, pp. 122-138. 9. Die schiefe axonometrische Projection. Ziirich, Vierteljahrsschrift, VI., 1861, pp. 358- 367. 10. Zur Theorio des Prismoides. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 181-186 ; Basel, Verhandl. Ill, 1863, pp. 504-510. 11. Beweis der drei Briider fiir den Aus- druck des Dreieckiuhaltes durch die Seiten. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 187- 189. 12. Ueber barmonische Reihen. [1861.] Basel, Verhandl. HI., 1863, pp. 18-32. 13. Das Buch der drei Briider. Basel, Verhandl. III., 1863, pp. 511-515. Kinmanson, Samuel. Dissertatio de insectis Suecicis. Upsala, Diss. Acad. ILL, 1801, pp. 86-94. Kinzelbach, Th. Bin Brief aus El Obed, der Hauptstadt von Kordofan. Petermaun, Mit- theil. 1863, pp. 217-225. Kippist, Richard. On the existence of Spiral Cells in the seeds of Aeanthaceas. [1840.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1 845, pp. 65-76 ; Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 63-64. 2. Note on Crepis biennis and Barkhausia taraxacifolia. [1841.] Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 98-99. 3. Description of the Fund! or Fundungi, a new species of grauiferous Paspaluni (P. exile, Kip.}, from Sierra Leone. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 156-157. 4. , On Jausonia, a new genus of Legumi- nosrc, from Western Australia. [1847.] Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 330-331 ; Linn. Soc. Trans. XX., 1851, pp. 383-386. 5. On Acradenia, a new genus of Diosmeae. [1852.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1855, pp. 207-210; Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 200- 202. 6. Notice of two apparently undescribed species of Genetyllis, from S. W. Australia. [1855.] Linn. Soc. Journ. I., 1857 (Bot.\ pp. 48-52. Kippist, Richard, and J. Woods. On the various forms of Salicornia. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 109-113. KiprijanofF, Valerian. Ueberreste von Fischen im Kurskischeu eisenhaltigen Sandsteine. Mos- cou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXV., 1852 (pte. 2), pp. 221-226, 483-495; XXVL, 1853, pp. 331- 336; XXVL, 1853 (pte. 2), pp. 286-294. 2. Erster Zusatz zur Beschreibung des Koprolithes Mantellii, Ag. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVIL, 1854 (pte. 2), pp. 251-254. 3. Fisch-Ueberreste im Kurskischen eisen- haltigen Sandsteiue. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVIL, 1854 (pte. 2), 372-397 ; XXX., 1857, pp. 151-162. 4. Einige Worte iiber Wirbelthiere, die sich im aufgeschwemmten Boden der Fluss- thiiler des Dniepr und der Wolga flnden, zwischen Orel und Charkoff, in den Gouverne- nients Orel, Tschernigoff und Kursk. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVIII., 1855, pp. 185-205. 5. Zweiter Beitrag zu Hybodus Eichwaldi. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVIIL, 1855, pp. 392-400. 6. Fischreste im Kurskischen eisenhaltigen Sandsteine. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIIL, 1860, pp. 601-670 ; XXXIIL, 1860 (r'e. 2), pp. 40-56. Kirby, (Miss~) M. Note on the "Flora of Leicestershire," with Addenda thereto. Phy- tologist, III, 1848, pp. 179-180. Kirby, W. F. On the geographical distribution of European Rhopalocera. Eutom. Soc. Trans. I., 1862-63, pp. 481-492. KIR] Kirby, William. Descriptions of threo new species of Hirudo, with additional note by G. SCHAW. [1793.] Linn. Soc. Trans. II., 1794, pp. 316-320. 2. A history of three species of Cassida. [1794.] Linn. Soc. Trans. HI., 1797, pp. 7- 11. 3. Ammophila, a new genus of insects in 659 [KIR the class Hymenoptera, including the Spex sabulosa, Linn. [1797.] Linn. Soc. Trans. IV., 1798, pp. 195-212. 4. History of Tipula tritici, and Ichneu- mon tipulrc, with some observations upon other Insects that attend the Wheat. Linn. Soc. Trans. IV., 1798, pp. 230-239 ; V., 1800, pp. 96-111. 5. Observations upon certain Fungi, which are parasitics of the Wheat. [1799.] Linn. Soc. Trans. V., 1800, pp. 112-125. 6. Some observations upon Insects that prey upon Timber, with a short history of the Cerambyx violaceus, Linn. [1799.] Linn. Soc. Trans. V., 1800, pp. 245-260. 7. The genus Apion of HEKBST'S " Natur- system" considered, its characters laid down, and many of the species described. [1805.] Linn. Soc. Trans. IX., 1808, pp. 1-80. 8. Descriptions of seven new species of Apion. [1809.] Linn. Soc. Trans. X., 1811, pp. 347-357. 9. Strepsiptera, a new order of Insects proposed, and the characters of the order with those of its genera laid down. [1811.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XI., 1815, pp. 86-123, 233-234. 10. A Century of Insects, including seve- ral new genera. [1817.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XII., 1818, pp. 375-453 ; Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 112-129. _ 11. A description of several new species of Insects collected in New Holland by Eobert BROWN. [1818.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XII., 1818, pp. 454-482. 12. On the use of the Pedes scansorii of Birds. Linn. Soc. Trans. XII., 1818, pp. 517- 519. 13. The characters of Otiocerus and Ano- tia, two new genera of Hemipterous Insects belonging to the family of Cicadiadre ; with a description of several species. [1819.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1822, pp. 12-23; Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1824, pp. 193-200 ; Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1181-1185. . 14. On Animals receiving their Nutriment from Mineral Substance. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXL, 1823, pp. 3-4. Kirby, William. 15. A description of some Insects which appear to exemplify Mr. William S. MACLEAT'S doctrine of Affinity and Anal<>-v. Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 93-110; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VI., 1823, pp. 417-426. 16. Some account of a new species of Eulophus,Geq/froy. [1822.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, 'pP- Hl-113; Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1210-1212. 17. A description of such genera and species of Insects, alluded to in the " Intro- duction to Entomology " of Messrs. KIRBY and SPENCB, as appear not to have been before sufficiently noticed or described. [1824.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 563-572. — 18. On the structure of the Tarsus in the Tetramerous and Trimerous Coleoptera of the French Entomologists. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 193-194, 267-268. 19. Some remarks on the nomenclature of the Gryllina of MACLEAT, &c., with the cha- racters of a new genus in that tribe. Zool. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 428-432. 20. Some further remarks on the nomen- clature of Orthoptera, with a detailed descrip- tion of the genus Scaphura. Zool. Journ. II., 1826, pp. 9-11. 21. A brief description of a pair of re- markable horned mandibles of an insect. Zool. Journ. H., 1826, p. 70. . 22. A description of two new species of Coleopterous insects belonging to the genera Cremastocheilus and Priocera. Zool. Journ. II., 1826, pp. 516-518. 23. A description of some new genera and species of Petalocerous Coleoptera. Zool. Journ. HI., 1828, pp. 145-158. . 24. A description of some Coleopterous insects in the Collection of the Rev. F. W. HOPE. Zool. Journ. IH., 1828, pp. 520-525. 25. Some account of the Hessian Fly. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1829, pp. 227-228. 26. An outline and description of Cen- trotus Bennettii and Hardwickii. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1829, pp. 20-22. 27. The characters of Clinidium, a new genus of insects in the order Coleoptera, with a description of Clinidium Guildingii. Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 6-9. Kirchenpauer (Senator). Die Seetonnen der Elbmiindung. Ein Beitrag zur Thier- und Pflanzen-Topographie. Hamburg, Abhandl. Naturwiss. Verein. IV. (Abth. 3), 1862. — ' — 2. Neue Sertulariden aus verschiedenen Hamburgischeu Samnilungen, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber LAMOUROUX'S Gattung Dy- namena. [1863.] Acad. Coes. Leop. Nova Acta, XXXI., 1864. 4 o 2 KIR] 660 [KIR Kircher, Julius. Ueber Mannit und Schleim aus Kunkelriiben. Liebig, Annalen. XXXI., 1839, pp. 337-339. • 2. Leichte Darstellung des erstcn Schwefel- natrium's. Liebig, Annal. XXXI., 1839, pp. 339-341 ; Bibl. Univ. XXV., 1840, pp. 184- 185. 3. Ueber Antimonsulfiir-Schwefelnatrium. Liebig, Annal. XXXL, 1839, pp. 341-344. Kirclihof, Georg Fricdrich. Botanisch-chem- isch-pharinaceutische Abhaiullung iiber den Saamen des sehwarzen Bilsenkrauts (Semen hyoscyami). Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XVII., 1816, pp. 114-144. Kirchhoff, Gottlieb Sigismund. Ueber die Rein- igung der Getreide-Starke. Schweigger, Journ. XIV., 1815, pp. 385-389; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1816, pp. 201-204. 2. Ueber die Zuckerbildung beim Malzen des Getreides, und beim Bebriihen seines Mehls mit kochendem Wasser. Schweigger, Journ. XIV., 1815, pp. 389-398; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1816, pp. 250-258. 3. Methode simple et econouiique de ver- nir les vases de terre, dont on fait usage dans la cuisine et les laboratoires. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. II., 1819, pp. 116-122. 4. Sur un sel nouveau, compose d'acide sulfureux, de soufre, d'oxide de mercure et do potasse. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. V., 1820, pp. 372-373. Kirchhoff, Gustav. Ueber den Durchgang eiues electrischen JStromes durch cine Ebene, insbesondere durch eine kreisf ormige. Poggend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 497-514; LXVIL, 1846, pp. 344-349 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1854, pp. 115-127. 2. Ueber die Auflosung der Gleichungen, auf welche man bei Untersuchung der linearen Vertheilung galvanischer Strome gefuhrt wird. Poggend. Annal. LXXIL, 1847, pp. 497-508. 3. Note relative a la theorie de 1'equilibre et du mouvement d'une plaque elastique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 394-397. • 4. Ueber die Anwendbarkeit der Formeln fiir die Intensitiiten der galvanischen Strome in einem Systeme linearer Leiter auf Systeme, die zum Theil nicht aus linearen Leitern be- stehen. Poggend. Annal. LXXV., 1848, pp. 189-205 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1854, pp. 327-333. 5. Note sur les vibrations d'une plaque circulaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 753-756. 6. Bestirnrnung der Coustanten von welcher die Intensitiit inducirter electrischer Strome abhangt. Poggend. Annal. LXXVI., 1849, pp. 412-426. Kirchhoff, Gustav. 7. Ueber eine Ableitung der Ohm'schen Gesetze, welche sich an die Theorie der Electrostatik anschliesst. Poggend. Annal. LXXVIII., 1849, pp. 506-513; Aunal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, pp. 496-500 ; Phil. Mag. XXXVII., 1850, pp. 463-468. 8. Ueber das Grleichgewicht und die Bewegung einer elastischen Scheibe. Crelle, Journ" XL., 1850, pp. 51-88. 9. Ueber die Schwingungen einer kreis- furmigen elastischen Scheibe. Poggeud. Annal. LXXXL, 1850, pp. 258-264. • 1O. Ueber die Gleichungen des Gleich- gewichtes eines elastischen Korpers. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 762-773. 11. Ueber den inducirten Magnetisrnus eines unbegrenzten Cylinders von weichem Eisen. Crelle, Journ. XLVIIL, 1854, pp. 348- 376. 12. Ueber einen Satz der mechanischen Warmetheorie und einige Anwendungen des- selbeu. Poggeud. Annul. CIII., 1855, pp. 177- 206. 13. Ueber die Leitungsfahigkeit fiir Elec- tricitat von Kalium, Natrium, Lithium, Mag- nesium, &c. Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 178-193. 14. Ueber die Bewegung der Electricitiit in Drahten. Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 193-217, 251-252; Annal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1859, pp. 238-256 ; Phil. Mag. XLLL, 1857, pp. 393-412. 15. Ueber die Bewegung der Electricitiit in Leitern. Poggend. Annal. GIL, 1857, pp. 529-544 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVII., 1859, pp. 238-256. — — 16. Ueber das Sonnenspectrum. Heidel- berg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 251-255. 17. Bemerkung iiber die Spannung des Wasserdaiupfs bei Temperaturen die dem Eis- punct uahe sind. Posgend. Annal. CIII., 1858, pp. 206-209. 18. Ueber die thermoelectrische Spann- ungsreihe. Poggend. Anual. CIII., 1858, pp. 412-428. 19. Ueber die Spannung des Dampfes von Mischungeu aus Wasser und Schwet'elsaure. Poggend: Annal. CIV., 1858, pp. 612-622. 2O. Ueber die Fraunhofer'schen Linien. Berlin, Monatsber. 1859, pp. 662-665 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVIII., 1860, pp. 254-256 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 388-389 ; Poggend. Annal. CIX., 1860, pp. 148-150 ; Phil. Mag. XIX., 1860, pp. 193-197. 21. Ueber den Xusamnienhang zwischen Emission und Absorption von Licht und Warrne. Berlin, Monatsber. 1859, pp. 783-787. KIR] 061 [KIR Kirchhoff, Gustav. 22. Ueber das Gleichge- wicht und die Bewegung eines unendlich dun- nen elastischen Stabea. Crelle, Journ. LVI., 1859, pp. 285-313. 23. Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen des Herrn WULLNEK beziiglich der Spannung des Wasserdampfes von waaserigen Losimgeo. Pog- gend. Annal. CVI., 1859, pp. 322-325. 24. Ueber das Verhiiltniss der Quercon- traction zur Liingendilatation bei Staben von federhartem Stahl. Poggend. Annal. CVIIL, 1859, pp. 369-392 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 498-505; Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 28-46. 25. Ueber die Winkel der optischen Ax en des Aragonits fur die verschiedenen Frnun- hofer'schen Linien. Pogsrend. Annal. CVIII., 1859, pp. 567-575 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 488-491. 26. Ueber einem neuen Satz der Warme- lehre. Heidelberg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 16-23 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVIL, 1860, pp. 29-36 ; Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 240-247. 27. Ueber die Fraunhofer'schen Linien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1 860, pp. 480-486 ; Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 115- 116. 28. Ueber das Verhiiltniss zwischen dem Emissionsvermogen und dem Absorptionsver- miicren der Korper fiir Wiirine und Licht. Pog- gend. Annal. CIX., 1860, pp. 275-301 ; Annal. de Chiniie. LIX., 1860, pp. 124-128 ; LXIL, 1861, pp. 160-192. 29. LTntersuchungen iiber das Sonnen- spectrum und die Spectreii der chemischen Elemente. Berlin. Abhandl. 1861 (P/u/s.), pp. 63-95; 1862 (Phys.), pp. 227-240 ;' Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1863, pp. 1-45 ; Nuovo Cimento, XVI., 1862, pp. 199-232. 3O. Ueber die Vertheilung der Eleetri- citiit auf zwei leitenden Kugeln. Crelle, Journ. LIX., 1861, pp. 89-110. 31. Letter on the Chemical Analysis of the Solar Atmosphere. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 185-188. 32. Sur le principe de 1'egalite des pou- voirs emissifs et absorbants. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1863, pp. 184-186. 33. On Standards of Electrical Resistance. Electrician, IV., 1863, p. 51. 34. Zur Geschichte der Spectral-Analyse und der Analyse der Sonnenatmosphare. Pog- gend. Annal. CXVIIL, 1863, pp. 94-111 ; Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 250-262. Kirchhoff, Gustav, und R. W. Bunsen. Che- mische Analyse durch Spectralbeobachtungen. Poggend. Annal. CX., 1860, pp. 160-189; CXIIL, 1861, pp. 337-425; Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1861, pp. 452-486; LXIV., 1862, pp. 257-311; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1860, pp. 449-477; Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 270-288; Liebig, Annal. CXVIIL, 1861, pp. 349-361 ; Phil. Mag. XXIL, 1861, pp. 329- 349. 498-510. 2. Die Spectren der Alkalien und alkalischen Erden. Fresenius, Zeitschr. Anal. Chemic, I., 1862, pp. 1-2. • — 3. Kleiner Spectralapparat zum Gebrauch in Laboratorien. Fresenius, Zeitschr. Anal. Chemie, I., 1862, pp. 139-140. Kirchhoffer, C. Beschreibung eines durch Fehler der ersten Bildung quervercngten Beckens. Ber- lin, Neue Zeits. Geburtsk. XIX., 1846, pp. 305- 342. Kirchner, J. Wunderbare Darstellung des Wasserstoft-Superoxyds. Liebig, Annal. XVIL, 1836, pp. 40-43. Kirchner, Leopold Anton. Verzeichniss der in der Gegend von Kaplitz, Budweiser Kreises in Bohmen vorkommenden Aderfliigler. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IV., 1854 (Abh.), pp. 285-316. 2. Die Gallenauswiichse des Budweiser Kreises, nebst nomineller Angabe der Galleu- erzeuger und ihrer Schmarotzer. Lotos, V., 1855, pp. 127-137, 157-161, 202-205, 236-244. 3. Zur Morphologic der Pflanzenzellen. Lotos, V., 1855. pp. 218-220. 4. Die Harzgallen der Nadelholzer urn Kaplitz. Lotos, VI., 1856, pp. 9-12. 5. Die von mir erzogenen Ichneumonen der Umgegend von Kaplitz. Lotos, VI., 1856, pp. 33-40, 63-67, 107-118, 147-154, 169-174. 185-195, 214-223, 226-234. 6. Beschreibung einiger ueuer und im siid- lichen Theile des Budweiser Kreises selteuer vorkommenden Pilze. Lotos, VI., 1856, pp. 179-184, 197-199, 202-208, 242-247. 7. Die Bienen des Budweiser Kreises in Bohmen. Lotos, VII., 1857, pp. 30-39, 49-55, 69-78, 121-126, 165-170, 180-190, 213-215, 228-234, 242-247. 8. Die Coleopteren der Umgegend von Kaplitz. Lotos, VHL, 1858, pp. 38-40, 56- 64, 87-89, 126-133, 180-182, 201-203. 9. Drei neue Arten Hymenoptereu bei Prag. Lotos, X., 1860, pp. 71-72. 10. Zur Biologic der Tachinen. Lotos, XL, 1861, pp. 87-88. 11. Ueber Protococcus pluvialis. Lotos, XL, 1861, pp. 130-133. 12. Zur Biologic des Bombyx Piui. Lotos, XL, 1861, pp. 211-214. KIR] 662 [KIR Kirchner, Leopold Anton. 13. Die Pilzsucht der Insecten. Lotos, XII., 1862, pp. 73-79. 14. Ueber die Larven von Lytta vesica- toria. Lotos, XIIL, 1863, pp. 6-8. 15. Beitrag zur Naturokonomie der Mil- ben. Lotos, XIIL, 1863, pp. 41-47, 84-86. Kireevsky, E. Observations esquissees pendant nn voyage aux Steppes de 1'Asie Centrale. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIX., 1856 (pte. 2), pp. 292-300. 2. Description d'une chaux carbonatee trouvee sur des monticules de sable dans les Steppes de 1'Asie Centrale. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIX., 1856 (pie. 2), pp. 454-458. KirejefF, A. Ueber die "Wirkung wanner unrl kalter Sitzbader nuf den gesunden Menscheu. Virctow, Archiv, XXII., 1861, pp. 496-516. Kirilow, Jonnwiies, et Georgites Karelin. Enu- meratio plautarum anno 1840 in regionibus Altaicis et confinibus collectarum. Moscou, Soc. Nat, Bull. 1841, pp. 369-459, 703-870. 2. Tetras generum plantarum novorum ex ordine Compositarum, Rossife indigenorum. Moscou, Soc. Nat. BuU. XV., 1842, pp. 124- 128. 3. Enumcratio plantarum in desertis Son- gorise orientalis et in jugo summarum alpium Alatau anno 1841 collectarum. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XV., 1842, pp. 129-180, 321-453, 503-542. 4. Nova plantarum genera Rossiae indigena. [1842.] Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. 1843 (Bot.), pp. 311-316. Kirk, John. On the occurrence of a new Mus- cari on Mount Ida. [1858.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VI., 1 860, pp. 28-30. 2. Report on the natural products and capabilities of the Shire and Lower Zambesi Valleys. Geogr. Soc. Proc. VI., 1862, p. 25. • 3. On a new genus of Liliaceoe [Walleria] from east tropical Africa. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIV., 1864, pp. 497-499. Kirk, R. Report on the route from Tajurra to Aukobar. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XII., 1842, pp. 221-237. Kirk, Rupert, Porrett, R., jun., and Wm. Wil- son. On the explosive compound of Chlorine and Azote. Nicholson, Journ. XXXTV, 1813, pp. 180-190, 276-290 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLVIL, 1814, pp. 56-83; Schweigger, Journ. VIII., 1813, pp. 309-324. Kirk, Thomas. List of Ferns and allied Plants found in the vicinity of Coventry, and other localities in the county of Warwick. Phytolo- gist, II., 1847, pp. 809-810. 2. Notice of a few of the rarer Warwick- shire Plants. Phytologist, II., 1847, pp. 969- 972. Kirk, Thomas. 3. Anacharis alsinastrum, Bab. (Udora Canadensis) in Warwickshire ; with remarks on its nativity in this country. Phy- tologist, IV., 1851, pp. 274-275. 4. On the occurrence of Hypericum hirci- num, L., and Impatiens parviflora, DC., near Liverpool. Phytologist, IV., 1860, pp. 142- 143. Kirkby, J. W. On some Permian Fossils from Durham. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIIL, 1857, pp. 213-218; Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. III., 1854-58, pp. 286-294. 2. On Permian Entomostraca from the fossiliferous limestone of Durham. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 317-330, 432-439 : Tyne- side Nat. F. C.Trans. IV., 1858-60, pp. 122-157. 3. On the Permian Chitonidas. Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 607-626 ; Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. IV., 1858-60, pp. 238-263. 4. On the occurrence of " Sand-pipes " in the magnesian limestone of Durham. Geologist, 1860, pp. 293-298, 329-336. 5. On the occurrence of Lingula Credncri, Geinitz, in the coal-measures of Durham ; and on the claim of the Permian rocks to be entitled a system. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860, pp. 412-421. •" 6. On the Permian rocks of South York- shire ; and on their palasontological relations. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVII., 1861, pp. 287-325. • 7. On the remains of Fish and Plants from the Upper Limestone of the Permian Series of Durham. Ann. Nat. Hist. LX., 1862, pp. 267- 269. 8. On some additional species that are common to Carboniferous and Permian Strata ; with remarks on the recurrency of carbo- niferous species. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 202-216. 9. On some remains of Chiton from the mountain-limestone of Yorkshire. Geol. Soc. Journ. XV1H., 1862, pp. 233-237. - 1O. On some fossils from the Lower Mag- nesian limestone of Sunderland. Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. VI., 1863-64, pp. 212-220. • 11. On the occurrence of fossils in the highest beds of the Durham coal measures. Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. VI., 1863-64, pp. 220-225. Kirkby, J. W., and T. Afthey. On some Fish remains from the Durham and Northumberland coal measures. Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. VI., 1863-64, pp. 231-235. Kirke, H. On the Hemp cultivation in the Himalayas. India, Agric. Soc. Proc. 1841, pp. 15-20 (February). 2. On Indian Hemp. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. I., 1842, pp. 41-48. KIR] 663 [KIR Kirke, //. 3. Progress of the Hop cultivation in the Deyrah Dhoon. India, Agric. Soc. Jouru. I., 1842, p. 204. Kirkes, W. Senhousc. On some of the principal effects resulting from the detachment of fibri- nous deposits from the interior of the heart, and their mixture with the circulating blood. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXXV., 1852, pp. 281-324; Archiv. Gen. de Med. I., 1853, pp. 297-308. Kirkman, Thomas P. On a problem in combina- tions. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 191-204. 2. On pluquaternions, and homoid products of sums of n squares. Phil. Mag. XXXIII., 1848, pp. 447-459, 494-509. 3. On the meaning of the equation U3 = V2, when U and V are products of /* linear functions of two variables. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 97-110. 4. On the complete hexagon inscribed in a conic section. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 185-200. 5. Note on an unanswered prize question [relating to Combinations]. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 255-262. 6. Ou the triads made with fifteen things. Phil. Mag. XXXVII., 1850, p. 169. 7. On bisignal uuivalent imaginaries. Phil. Mag. XXXVII., 1850, pp. 292-301. 8. On linear constructions. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IX., 1851, pp. 279-296. 9. Theorems on combinations. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VIII., 1853, pp. 38-45. lOo On the representation and enumera- tion of Polyedra. [1853.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. XII., 1855, pp. 47-70. 11. On the A-partitions of N. [1854.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. XII., 1855, pp. 129-146. — 12. On the enumeration of a--edra having triedral summits, and an (a: — l)-gonal base. [1855.] Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 399-412. — 13. On the representation of Polyedra. [1855.] Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 413-418. - — . 14. On the perfect /--partitions of r2— /•+ 1. Lancashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. IX., 1857, pp. 127-142. 15. On the 7-partitions of X. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. XIV., 1857, pp. 137-150. 16. On auto-polar Polyedra. Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 183-216. 17. On the /e-partitions of the r-gon and /•-ace. [1856.] Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 217- 272. 18. On the partitions of the /--pyramid, being the first class or r-gonous a;-edra. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 4-5 ; Phil. Trans. 1858, pp. 145-162. Kirkman, Thomas P. 19. On the j-nodal ^-partitions of the /--gon. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1857-60, pp. 113-117. — — 20. On the roots of substitutions. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 4-6. 21. On the triedral partitions of the &--ace, and the triangular partitions of the a>gon. [1857.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. XV., 1860, pp. 43-74. 22. On the general solution of the problem ofthepolyodra. [1858.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. XV., 1860, pp. 92-103. 23. On the partition and reticulations of the r-gon. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. XV., 1860, pp. 220-237. 24. Theorems on Groups. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1860-62, pp. 73-97. 25. On non-modular Groups. Manches- ter, Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1860-62, pp. 245-253 ; Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1865, pp. 204-227. 26. On the theory of the polyedra. Roy. Soc. Proc. XI., 1860-62, pp. 218-232 ; Phil. Trans. 1862, pp. 121-165. 27. On the roots of substitutions. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 4-6. • 28. On the theory of Groups and many- valued Functions. [1861.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. I., 1862, pp. 274-398 ; Messenger of Mathem. I., 1862, pp. 58-68, 187-192. 29. On the puzzle of the Fifteen Young Ladies. 204. 3O. On maximum Groups. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1862-63, pp. 59-65. 31. The complete theory of Groups, being the solution of the mathematical prize question of the French Academy for 1860. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1862-63, pp. 133-152, 161-162. 32. Applications of the theory of the polyedra to the enumeration and registration of results. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp 341-380. Kirkpatrick, J. Notes on a few of the Insects of Northern Ohio injurious to the farmer or horticulturist. Ohio, Agric. Report, 1855, pp. 243-248. 2. Insects beneficial to the Agriculturist. Ohio, Agric. Report, 1857, pp. 513-525. 3. On Bots and Bot-flies. Ohio, Agric. Report, 1858, pp. 330-337. 4. Descriptions of the Rapacious Birds in Ohio. Ohio, Agric. Report, 1858, pp. 341- Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 199- 383. 5. The Army-worm. 1860, pp. 350-358. Ohio, Agric. Report, KIR] 664 [KIR Kirkpatrick, J. 6. Description of two, proba- bly new, Diptera, belonging to the Tachinidas, parasitic on the caterpillars of the Army Worm moth (Leueania extranea — Exorista leucania? ; Ex. Osten-Sackenii). Ohio, Agric. Report, I860, p. 358. 7. The grain Aphis. Ohio, Agric. Eeport, 1861, pp. 429-433. Kirkpatrick, James A. The meteorology of Philadelphia. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXXIX., 1860, pp. 210-211, 277-279. Kirkup, Jos. Account of Tenebrio mauritanicus. Entoin. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 329-331. Kirkwood, Daniel. On a new analogy in the periods of rotation of the primary planets. Arner. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 207-221 ; Frank- lin Inst. Journ. XVIIL, 1849, pp. 324-328 ; Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 395-399 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIX., 1850, pp. 165-170, 400. 2. On the law of the rotation of the Primary Planets. Silliman, Journ. XI., 1851, pp. 394-398. 3. On Saturn's Ring. Silliman, Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 109-110. 4. On certain analogies in the solar system. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, pp. 210-219 ; Moigno, Cosmos, II., 1853, pp. 466-474. 5. On the mean distances of the periodic Comets. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1858, pp. 10-14. 6. On the possible intersection of the Kirn, 5. Ueber die Anwendung von orbits of Mars and certain of the Asteroids. Silliman, Journ. XXVII., 1859, p. 335. 7. Instances of nearly commensurable periods in the solar system. Camb. (Mass.) Math. Monthly, II., 1860, pp. 126-133. 8. On the Nebular Hypothesis. Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 161-181. 9. Inequalities of long period between the planets Mars and Astrea, Jupiter and Cal- liope, and Jupiter and Clio. Gould, Astron. Journ. VI., 1861, p. 126. Xirn, . Ueber den Betrieb der Hohl- und Fensterglashiitten im Bohmer Waldgebirge, in den Vogesen und in einigen Gegenden von Siid- Deutschland. Karsten, Archiv, II., 1830, pp. 247-284. 2. Ueber die zweckmassige Behandlung des Holzes als Brennmaterial. Karsten, Archiv, III., 1831, pp. 189-202. 3. Ueber die Flanimenfeuerung bei An- wendung von Holz zu den Glasofen. Karsten, Archiv, III., 1831, pp. 203-209. — 4. Ueber die verschiedenen Methoden, das Brennholz zu Glasofeufeuerung zu dorren, nebst einigen Worten iiber die Anwendung gedb'rrten Holzes in Eisenhohofen und Frischheerden. Erdiu. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVL, 1833, pp. 275-306. Natronsalzen zum Glasschmelzen. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVIL, 1833, pp. 134-167. 6. Ueber das Strecken des Fensterglases. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 175- 191. • 7. Betrachtungen iiber die Raumverhalt- nisse der gebriiuchlichsten fur Holzfeuerung eingerichteteu Glas-Oefen und Hafeu. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XI., 1837, pp. 34-54. Kirsch, Ed. Mikroskopischer Befund eines Ge- schwiires am oberen Augenlide. Prag, Viertel- jahrsschrift, I., 1860, pp. 168-176. Kirsch, Th. Beobachtung iiber den Spinnen- faden. Stettin, Entoin. Zeit. XVIII., 1857, pp. 319-320. 2. Zwei neue Laufkafer. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XX., 1859, pp. 197-200. 3. Ueber Telmatophilus brevicollis, Aube, etc. Berlin, En torn. Zeitschr. VII., 1863, pp. 231-232. Kirschbaum, C. L. Verzeichniss der in der Ge- gend von Wiesbaden, Dillenburg und Weilburg im Herzogthum Nassau aufgefundenen Sphegi- den. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIV., 1853, pp. 28- 31, 43-49. Kirschleger, Frederic. Geographisch-botan- ische Beitrage zur Flora der Vogesen des obern Ellsasses. Flora, XVIII., 1835, pp. 289- 304. 2. Notice sur les violettes de la vallee du Rhin depuis Bale jusqu' a Mayence, des Vosges et de la Foret-Noire. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1840. 3. Notices sur quelques faits de teratologie vegetale. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1840. • 4. Note sur 1'ovaire infere. France, Con- gres Scient. I., 1842, pp. 203-206. 5. Notice sur la vegetation comparee du Jura, des Vosges et de la Foret-Noire. France, Congres Scient. II., 1842, pp. 28-53. 6. Statistique vegetale des environs de Strasbourg. France, Congres. Scient. II., 1842, pp. 54-61. 7. Geographisch-botanischer Beitrag zur Flora der Vogesen, des Jura's und des Schwarz- •vvaldes. Flora, XXVI., 1843, pp. 186-194. 8. Uebersicht der Vegetatiousverhiiltnisse der Umgegend Strassburgs. Flora, XXVI., 1843, pp. 194-198. 9. Teratologische Notizen. Flora, XXVII., 1844, pp. 129-131. 1O. Botanische Mittheilungen. Flora, XXVII., 1844, pp. 725-731. 11. Ueber das Keimen des Chaerophyllum bulbosum, L. Flora, XXV1IL, 1845, pp. 401- 402. KIR] 665 IKIR Kirschleger, Frederic. 12. Tcratologische No- tizen. Flora, XXVIII., 1845, pp. 402-403. 13. Ucber durchwachsene Nelken und einitje anclere pflanzlichc MissbiUlungen. Flora, XXVIIL, 1845, pp. 613-617. 14. Notiz iibcr eine spatbliihende Oro- banclie (serotina, Kirschl.). Pollicliia, Jahresb. III., 1845, pp. 12-15. 15. Teratologische Beitrage. Flora, XXIX., 1846, pp. 529-543. 16. Essai sur les iblioles carpiques on car- pidics dans les plantes Angiospermes. Revue Botanique, II., 1846-47, pp. 289-292 ; Flora, XXX., 1847, pp. 57-60. 17. Die Moorwiesen, ihre Benutzung und Verbesseruug. Flora, XXXI., 1848, pp. 481- 485. 18. Ueber eine Vergriinung (Virescenz) der Dielytra spectabilis. Flora, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 545-546. 19. Notes .sur quelques anomalies vege- tales. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 722- 724. • • 2O. Etwas iiber fluthende Pflanzen (Plantse fluitantes) und sonstige Notizen in Bezug auf die Kheinische Flora, Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 529-536 ; XL., 1857, pp. 193-194. 21. Notes sur quelques plantes flottantes, sur la germination du Chserophyllum bulbo- sum, et sur quelques plantes ruderales des en- virons de Strasbourg. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 542-545. 22. Apergu succinct de la vegetation Al- sato-Vosgieune. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 417-424. 23. Observations sur la derniere livraison des annotations a la Flore de France et d'Alle- magne de M. C. BILLOT. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 375-381. 24. Sur les plantes des vieux chateaux, dans la region Alsato-Vosgienne. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 15-18. 25. Note sur les Rub us monstrneux. Paris, Bull. Soc. J5ot. IX., 1862, pp. 290-292. 26. A quellc epoquc remonte 1'etablisse- meut du premier herbier 1 Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot, IX., 1862, pp. 292-294. Kirsteii, . Beantwortung der Frage : 1st •lie Mineralogie in dein Zustaude, wie sie jetzt ist, eine Wissenschaft. Jena, Ann. Soc. Mine- ral. II., 1804, pp. 53-70. Kirtland, J. P. Observations on the sexual characters of the animals belonging to LA- MARCK'S family of Naiades. Silliman, Jouru. XXVI., 1834, pp. 117-120; Wiegmann, Ar- chiv, II., 1836, pp. 236-239. . 2. Fragments of natural history : 1. Ha- bits of the Naiades. Silliman .Tnii™ WVTV Kirtland, J. P. 3. Descriptions of four new species of Fishes. [1838.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist, III., 1840-41, pp. 273-277. 4. Descriptions of the Fishes of the Ohio River and its tributaries. [1839.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. III., 1840-41, pp. 338-352, 469-482; IV., 1843-44, pp. 16-25, 231-240, 303-307; V., 1845-47, pp. 21-31, 256-276, 330-343. 5. Fragments of natural history : 2. Orni- 1840, pp. 164-168. Silliman, Journ. XXXIX., VOL. III. thology. Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 19- 24. 6. Leuciscus Storerianus. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 199-200. 7. Description of a new Fish of Ohio. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1845-48, pp. 49-50. 8. Remarks on the sexes and habits of some of the Acephalous Bivalve Mollusca. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 85-93. 9. Peculiarities of the Climate, Flora, and Fauna of the south shore of Lake Erie, in the vicinity of Cleveland, Ohio. Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1852, pp. 215-219, 293-294. 10. Improved method of killing and pre- paring Lepidopterous insects for cabinet speci- mens. Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1852, pp. 286- 287. 11. Description of a new species of Liby- thea and of Macroglossa. Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1852, pp. 336-338. 12. Localities and habits of certain species of insects. Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1854, p. 444. 13. On the larva of the Thyreus Abbottii. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1857, pp. 148- 149. Kirwan, Richard. An essay on the variations of the Barometer. Irish Acad. Trans. II., 1788, pp. 43-72. 2. Observations on Coal Mines. [1789.] Irish Acad. Trans. II., 1788, pp. 157-170. 3. Experiments on the alkaline sub- stances used in Bleaching, and on the colouring matter of Linen-Yarn. [1789.] Irish Acad. Trans. III., 1790, pp. 3-48; Annal. de Chimie, XVIIL, 1793, pp. 163-220. 4. On the strength of acids, and the pro- portion of ingredients in Neutral Salts. [1790.] Irish Acad. Trans. IV., pp. 3-84 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1792, pp. 152-211, 238-286. 5. A comparative view of Meteorological Observations made in Ireland since the year 1788, with some hints towards forming pro- gnostics of the Weather. [1793.] Irish Acad. Trans. V., pp. 3-30. 6. Reflections on Meteorological Tables, ascertaining the precise signification of the terms Wet, Dry, and Variable. [1793.] Irish Acad. Trans. V., pp. 31-38. 4 r KIR] 666 [KIR Kirwan, Richard. 7. State of the Weather in Dublin from the 1st of June 1791 to the 1st of June 1793. Irish Acad. Trans. V., pp. 39-50. 8. Examination of the supposed igneous origin of stony substances. [1793.] Irish Acad. Trans. V., pp. 51-82. 9. Essay, in answer to the following Ques- tion proposed by the Royal Irish Academy : " What are the Manures most advantageously applicable to the various sorts of soils, and what are the causes of their beneficial effect in each particular instance?" [1794.] Irish Acad. Trans. V., pp. 129-198. 10. Meteorological Observations made in Ireland in the year 1793. [1794.] Irish Acad. Trans. V., pp. 227-242. 11. Experiments on a new Earth found near Stronthian in Scotland. [1794.] Irish Acad. Trans. V., pp. 243-256. 12. Synoptical view of the state of the Weather in Dublin. [1796.] Irish Acad. Trans. VI., 1797, pp. 169-176. 13. Thoughts on Magnetism. [1796.] Irish Acad. Trans. VI., 1797, pp. 177-192; Gilbert, Annal. VI., 1800, pp. 391-406. 14. On the primitive state of the Globe and its subsequent catastrophe. [1796.] Irish Acad. Trans. VI., 1797, pp. 233-308. 15. Synoptical view of the state of the Weather in the year 1796. [1796.] Irish Acad. Trans. VI.. 1797, pp. 309-312. 16. Synoptical view of the state of the Weather at Dublin in the Year 1797. Irish Acad. Trans. VI., 1797, p. 435. 17. Experiments on the composition and proportion of Carbon in Bitumens and Mineral Coal. Nicholson, Journ. I., 1797, pp. 487- 497. 18. Experiences sur la composition des sels. (Transl.) Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1798, pp. 282-291. 19. Ueber die Priifungsmittel fur die Salzsaure im freien oder verbundeueu Zustande. Crell, Chem. Annal. I., 1800, pp. 480-484. 2O. Ueber die Priifungsniittel fur die Vitriolsiiure in freiem oder verbundenem Zu- stande. Crell, Chem. Annal. II., 1800, pp. 3-12, 87-94. 21. Ueber die Priifungsmittel des im Wasser befindliehen Boraxes, wie auch tier freien Boraxsiiure. Crell, Chem. Annal. II., 1800, pp. 171-175. 22. Ueber die Priifungsmittel des Eisens iu Wassern, es mag mit Luftsaure oder mit einer mineralischen Siiure verbunden sein. Crell, Chem. Annal. II., 1800, pp. 266-272. 23. Ueber die Priifungsmittel der soge- nannten Schwefel-Lebern und ihrer Abarten. Crell, Chem. Annal. II., 1800, pp. 347-350. Kirwan, Richard. 24. Ueber die Priifuugs- mittel der Leberluft und der schwefligten Luft. Crell, Chem. Annal. II., 1800, pp. 448-450. 25. Additional observations on the pro- portion of real acid in the three ancient known mineral acids, and on the ingredients in various neutral salts and other compounds. [1797.] Irish Acad. Trans. VII., 1800, pp. 163-304 ; Gilbert, Annal. XI., 1802, pp. 266-287. 26. Synoptical view of the state of the weather at Dublin in the year 1798. Irish Acad. Trans. VII., 1800, p. 316. 27. Synoptical view of the state of the weather at Dublin in the year 1799. Irish Acad. Trans. VII., 1800, p. 359. 28. Ueber die Ursache, warum entgegen- gesetzte, in einem Wasser zugleich aufgeloste. Salze sich nicht zerlegen. Crell, Chem. Annal. I., 1801, pp. 345-354. 29. Ueber die chemische und mineralog- ische Kunstsprache. Crell, Chem. Annal. II., 1801, pp. 32-46, 118-135. 3O. Report of the Gold Mines in the county of Wicklow, with observations thereon. Dublin Soc. Trans. II., 1801 (pt. 2), pp. 130- 149. 31. Observations on the proofs of the Huttoninn theory of the earth, adduced by Sir James HALL, Bart. [1800.] Irish Acad. Trans. VIII., 1802, pp. 3-28 ; Crell, Chem. Annal. I., 1802, pp. 91-105, 179-197 ; Gilbert, Annal. VIII., 1801, pp. 109-128 ; Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 97-102, 153-159. 32. An illustration and confirmation of some facts mentioned in an essay on the primi- tive state of the Globe. [1800.] Irish Acad. Trans. VIII., 1802, pp. 29-34 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 14-17. 33. An essay on the declivities of moun- tains. [1800.] Irish Acad. Trans. VIII., 1802, pp. 35-52; Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1803, pp. 256-266. . 34. Of chemical and mineralogical no- menclature. [1800.] Irish Acad. Trans. VIII., 1802, pp. 53-76. 35. Synoptical view of the state of the weather in Dublin in the year 1800. Irish Acad. Trans. VIII., 1802, pp. 203-205. 36. Of the variations of the atmosphere. [1801.] Irish Acad. Trans. VIII., 1802, pp. 269-508. 37. Synoptical view of the state of the weather at Dublin in the year 1801. Irish Acad. Trans. VIII., 1802, p. 509. 38. A reply to Mr. PLAYFAIR'S reflections on Mr. KTRWAN'S refutation of the Huttonian theory of the earth. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 3-13. KIK] 667 [KIT Kirwan, Richard. 39. Of the state of vapour subsisting in the Atmosphere. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 143-148, 251-258. 40. Of the variations of the temperature of the Summer and Winter Seasons that take place in different years. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVI., 1803, pp. 212-216. 41. On winds. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XV., 1803, pp. 311-319. 42. On space and duration. Irish Acad. Trans. X., 1806, pp. 189*-215. 43. Of duration, time, and eternity. [1805.] Irish Acad. Trans. X., 1806, pp. 215- 228. 44. Synoptical view of the state of the weather in Dublin in the years 1802, 1803, and 1804. Irish Acad. Trans. X., 1806, pp. 31-34, 189. 45. A description of a new Anemometer. Irish Acad. Trans. XI., 1810, pp. 61-68 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1809, pp. 247- 251. 46. Synoptical view of the state of the weather at Dublin in the years 1805, 1806, 1807, and 1808. Irish Acad. Trans. XL, 1810, p. 69. 47. Essays on powers and their differ- ences. [1809.] Irish Acad. Trans. XL, 1810, pp. 131-210. 48. Proposed mineral surveys of the Brit- ish Counties. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVIL, 1S11, pp. 8-10. Kitaibel, Paul. Acrobrya protophyta Hun- garian Linniea, XXXII., 1863, pp. 263-282. Kitchener, F. E. Note on the general equation of surfaces of the second degree. Messenger of Mathem. LT., 1863, pp. 175-177. Kitchener, W. On the size best adapted for achromatic glasses, with hints to opticians and amateurs of astronomical studies on the eonstruction and use of Telescopes in general. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVL, 1815, pp. 122- 129. Kith [?], Roberto. Cuenga carbonifera de Villa- nueva del Rio. Eevista Minera, VIII., 1857, pp. 549-558, 605-610, 685-691, 717-726. Kittary, Modestc. Anatomische Untersuchung der gemeinen (Galeodes araneoides) und der furchtlosen (Galeodes intrepida) Solpuga. Mos- cou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXL, 1848 (pte. 2), pp. 307-371. 2. Orthopteres observes dans les Steppes des Kirguises. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXII., 1849 (pte. 2), pp. 437-479. 3. Die Eishohle bei Kungur. Erman, Ar- chiv Russ. VIII., 1850, pp. 75-86. 4. Recherches anatomiques sur les poissons du genre Acipenser. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIIL, 1850 (pte. 2), pp. 389-445. Kittary, Modestc. 5. Uittreksel uit het anatom- isch onderzoek van de gewone en stekelige Solpuga (Galeodes araneoides en G. dorsalis). Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XL, 1861, pp. 41- 50 (Suppl.). Kittel, - — . Meteorologische Beobachtungen in Aschaffenburg. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VII., 1857, pp. 11-25. Kittel, Martin Balduin. Memoire sur les puce- rons, suivi de la description du quelques especes nouvelles. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1827, pp. 133-155. 2. Rapport fait a la Societe Linneenne sur la " Nouvelle disposition methodique des especes de Mousses exactement connues," presentee par G. A. Walker ARNOTT ; suivi de notes critiques et d'additions qui completent ce travail et le mettent a la hauteur des connaissances actuelles. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1827, pp. 205-324. 3. Beitriige zur Anatomic, Physiologic und Organographie der Gewachse. Flora, XL, 1828, pp. 657-670, 705-717. 4. Crabro parisinus. Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, col. 925-926. 5. Ueber den Einfluss des Blitzes auf die Magnetnadel. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XVII., 1829, pp. 489-490. 6. Ueber periodisches Anschwellen der Seen und Fliisse. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XVIIL, 1829, pp. 463-465. 7. Beitriige zur Organographie und Phy- siologie des Pflanzenreiches. Flora, XIII., 1830, pp. 81-91. — 8. Beitriige zur Flora, XIII., 1830, allgemeinen Botauik. pp. 617-628, 640-648 ; XIV., 1831, pp. 289-301. 9. Ueber die systematische Eintheilung der Gattungen der Cruciferen, in besonderer Riicksicht auf die Deutschen Burger dieser Familie. Flora, XXVIIL, 1845, pp. 417-421. 10. Zur Viscum-Frage. Botan. Zeitun", VII., 1849, col. 377-379. Kittlitz, F. H. von. Zoologische Mittheilungen. Oken, Isis, 1829, col. 523-530. 2. Ueber eiuige Vogel von Chili. [1830.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. I., 1831, pp 174-194. 3. Ueber die Vogel der Inselgruppe von Boninsima. [1830.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. L, 1831, pp. 231-248. 4. Ornithologische Notizen. Oken, Isis, 1832, col. 1102-1105. 5. Nachricht von den Briitepliitzen einiger tropischen Seevogel im Stillen Ocean. Museum Senckenb. I., 1834, pp. 115-126. 6. Beschreibung mehrerer neuer oder wenig gekannter Arten des Geschlechtes Acanthurus, ini Stillen Ocean. Museum Senckenb. L, 1834, pp. 189-194. 4 p 2 KIT] 668 [KJE Kittlitz, F. H. von. 7. Ueber einige noch un- beschriebene Vogel von der Insel Luzon, den Carolinen und den Marianen. [1831.] St. Pe- tersb. Mem. Savans fitrang. II., 1835, pp. 1-10. 8. Ueber einige Vogel von Chili. [1834.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etraug. II., 1835, pp. 465-472. Kittoe, (Lieut.) M. Description of Coluber myctericans. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837, p. 320. 2. Section of a hill iu Cuttack supposed to be likely to contain Coal. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VII., 1838, pp. 152-153. 3. Discovery of Coal. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VII., 1838, pp. 1060-1063. 4. Report on the Coal and Iron Minos of Talcheer and Ungool, &c., &c. Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. VIII., 1839, pp. 137-144. Kiwisch, Fran:. Ueber den Kreislauf im hochschwaugeren Uterus und im reiferen Fotus. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht. 1843, pp. 270-273. • 2. Ueber cine neue Theorie des Herzstosses. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1845, pp. 210-214. • 3. Beitrag zur Pathologie der wciblicb.cn Urethra. Prag, Vierteljahrsschrift, 1846 (Hft. 3), pp. 49-53. 4. Kritische Bemerkungen zii Dr. J. HA- MEENJK'S " Physiologisch-pathologischen Unter- suchungen fiber die Verhaltnisse des Kreislaufes in der Schadelhohle." Pratr, Vierteljahrsschrift, _1848 (Hft. 3), pp. 77-89. Kjaerbolling, N. Verzeichniss der in Danemark vorkommenden, weniger gewohnlichen und sel- tenen Vogel. Naumannia, III., 1850, pp. 38-56. 2. Bemerkungen iiber einige zur Ansicht mitgebrachte Vogel und Eier. Naumannia, I., 1852, pp. 9-12. ' 3. Ueber Clangula mergoides, JKJtirb., als wahre, unverkennbare Tan eh en te. Cabanis, Journ. Oruithol. I., 1853 (Extrahcfl), pp. 29- 32. • 4. Meine ornithologisch-literarische Wirk- sainkeit, meine Vogel- und Eier-Sammlung, nebst einigen meiner wesentlichaten Beobacht- ungeu. Cabanis, Journ. Omithol. II., 1854, pp. Ivi-lxi. 5. Mittheilungen iiber meine literarische, sammlerische und beobachtende Thiitigkeit im Gesellschaftsjahre 1853-54. Naumannia, 1854, pp. 304-310. 6. Ueber die hochnordischen Edelfalken. Naumannia, 1855, pp. 489^193. 7. Om Visitigheden af lagttagelser over Kjaerbolling, N. 8. Om en ny Art, Procellaria minor, fra Greenland. [1851.] Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. V., 1855, pp. 254-255. Kjellberg, Adolf. Studier i liiran om Lyniph- kiirlens ursprung. Upsala, Arsskrift, 1862 (Mcd.). Kjerner, Melker. Dissertatio de Melantliio. Upsala, Diss. Acad. II., 1800, pp. 391-401. Kjerulf, Tlicodor. Einige Versuche iiber die Ilarnsecrction. Ziirich" Mittheil. II., 1850-52, pp. 515-524 ; Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, III., 1853, p. 278. 2. En kritisk fremstilling af de forskjellige meninger om Rygradskrurnningers aarsager og behandling. Christiania, Norsk. Mag. VII., 1853, pp. 1-30, 65-97. 3. Om anvendelsen af Electrieititen, isrer af den localiserede inductionselcctricitet mod Lamheder. Cliristiania, Norsk. Mag. VII., 1853, pp. 142-151. • 4. Ueber einc Isliindische quarzfuhrcnde Abiinderung des Trachyts. Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp. 257-263 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 367-373. 5. Ueber die Zusnmmensetzung des Cents. Liebig, Annal. LXXXVII., 1853, pp. 12-18; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 282- 284. 6. Bidrag tils Islands geognostiske frcm- stilling efter optegnelser fra sommeren 1850. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VII., 1853, pp. 1-70. 7. Chemisch-geognostische Untersuchung- en iiber das Christiania- Territorium. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1854, pp. 299-305. —— 8. Mineralanalysen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXV., 1855, pp. 187-194. 9. Om Islands trachytiske dannelser. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VIII., 1855, pp. 72-116. 10. Om forholdene ved Monzoni og Pre- dazzo i Sydtyrol. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VIII., 1855, pp. 117-163. 11. Beretning om nogle udforte analytiske arbeider. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VIII., 1855, pp. 173-196. 12. Om Silurformationen ved Christiania- Ijorden. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VII., 1856, pp. 136-139. 13. Om profilet fra Mjb'sen til Dovre. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VII., 1856, pp. 155- 158. 14. Besvarelse af den af det Akademiske Fuglenes Vandringer for ved Sammenligninger at kunnc slutte sig til Varigheden og Ketningen. [1851.] Skand. Naturf. 'Forhandl. VI., 1855, pp. 249-253. Collegium d. 23de Mai 1854 fremsatte Pris- opgave Nr. 6: "At underkaste do forskjellige theorier, der ere fremsatte om Dannelsesmaaden af de uskiktede bjergarter i Christianias over- gangsformation, en videnskabelig Provclse, samt veie dem mod hinanden." Nyt Mag. Naturvid. IX., 1857, pp. 31-88. KJE] 669 TKLA Kjerulf, Thcodnr. 15. Ueber das Frictions- Phiinoinen. Dcutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitsehr. XII., I860, pp. 389-408. 16. Bemzerkninger. til dot fremlagte geo- logiske kort over en deel af Norge. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VIII., 1860, pp. 764-780. 17. Om deii saakaldte Palaso-Albit fra Snsrum (en Bavenoer-Tvilling). Skand. Na- turf. Forhandl. VIII., 1860, pp. 798-803. 18. Om Professor J. ESMAKKS Stilling (il Glacialtheorierne. Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1861, pp. 67-80. 19. Zusammenstellung der bislierigen Er- gebnisse der geologischen Untersuchung Nor- wegens. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1862, pp. 129-145. 2O. On the phenomena of the Scratched Rock Surfaces. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII., 1863, pp. 1-30. 21. Bemcerkninger orn de glaciale Mergel- bollers Dannelse. [1863.] Christiania, For- handlinger, 1864, pp. 51-60, 101-107. 22. Foredrag om et fund af Fossiler ved Hp'gberget. [1863.] Christiania, Forhandlin- ger, 1864, pp. 198-201. Kjerulf, Theodor, og Tcllef DahlJ. Ueber die Geologie des siidlichen Nonvegens. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. IX., 1857, pp. 193-333. 2. Om Kongsbergs Ertsdistrikt. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. XI., 1861, pp. 173-207. 3. Om jernertsernes forekomst ved Arendal, Noes og Krugero. Nyt 51 ag. Naturvid. XL, 1861, pp. 293-359; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1862, pp. 557-581. Klaatsch, . Bemerkungen iiber das Wild- bad Gastein. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LVIIL, 1824, pp. 74-88. Klaatsch, (Dr.), und A. Stich. Ueber den Ort der Geschmacksvermittelung. Virchow, Archiv, XIV., 1858, pp. 225-243. 2. Ueber das Gefiihl ira Munde mit besonderer Riicksicht auf den Geschmack. Virchow, Archiv, XVI I., 1859, pp. 80-93. Klaproth, . Beschreibung einer bedeut- enden Desorganisation des Magens. Hufelaud, Journ. Arzn. LXVIIL, 1829, pp. 127-136. Klaproth, //. Julius. Ueber die wahrc Lage der Stadt Sera des PTOLEMyEus. Zach, Monat. Corresp. I., 1800, pp. 425-429. . 2. Ueber die tistliche Kiiste von Korea. Zach, Monat. Corresp. IL, 1800, pp. 514-522. 3. Volcans dans 1'interieur de 1'Asie. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 8-10. 4. Beschrcibung der Inseln Lieu-Khieu, ausgezogen aus mehreren Sinesischen und Japanischen Werken. Hertha, II., 1825, pp. 274-293. • 5. Ueber die Hunuen. Hertha, V., 1826, pp. 166-181. Klaproth, //. Julius. 6. Ueber den Lauf des Yarn Dsanglio Tschu odor des grossen Strorncs von Tibet, nebst Nachrichten iiber die Qui-llc! des Burramputra. Hertha, VII., 1826, pp. 155- 171. 7. Der Kaukasus. Hertha, X., 1827, pp. 3-37, 103-154. 8. Ueber den Namen China und die iibrigen Bencnnungen dieses Landes. Hertha, X., 1827, pp. 71-77. • 9. Statistischcr Ueberblick iiber das Chinesische Reich. Hertha, X., 1827, pp. 275- 293. 10. Denkschrift iiber die Quellen des Brahmaputra und des Irawadtly. Hertha, XII., 1828, pp. 147-173. — 11. Sur les volcans du Japon. Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1830, pp. 348-354 ; Pop. 146-154; Annal. de Chimie, LXIX., 1809, pp. 302-310; Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, ]>p. 375-378. 84. Vermisehte chemische Notizeti. Geh- len, Journ. VII., 1808, pp. 198-201. 85. Observations on WERNER'S Silex schistosus politorius, Polierschiefer, from Billin, in Bohemia. (Trans/.) Nicholson, Journ. XIX., 1808, pp. 380-381. — — • 86. Sur les pierres me teoriques. (Transl.) Annal.de Chimie, LXX., 1809, pp. 181-184; Brugnatelli, Giornale, II., 1809, pp. 330-332. 87. Chemische Untersuchung des Eliio- liths. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 43-44. 88. Chemische Untersuchung der Kiesel- Guhr, aus Isle de France. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 44-45. • 89. Chemische Untersuchung eines griinen Fossils, aus dem Spessart. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1 809, pp. 46-47. 9O. Chemische Uutersuchung des Wassers vom Todten Meere. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 139-143; Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1813, pp. 36-39. 91. Chemische Untersuchung des Meteor- steins, von Lissa. Gehlen, Journ. VIII., 1809, pp. 461-467; Nicholson, Journ. XXV., 1810, pp. 59-61. 92. Bestandtheile des Smolensker Meteor- steins. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIII., 1809, pp. 210-211. 93. Untersuchung einiger alten Metall- massen aus der Stiftskirche zu Goslar. Gehlen, Journ. IX.. 1810, pp. 401-407; Annal. de Chimie, LXXV., 1810, pp. 317-321 ; Nichol- son, Journ. XXXI., 1812, pp. 11-14. 94. Chemische Untersuchung der Metall- rnasse der Chinesischen Gong-Gong's. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 408-409'; Annal. de Chimie, LXXV., 1810, pp. 322-323; Nichol- son, Journ. XXX., 1812, p. 307. 95. Beitrag ziir numismatischen Doki- masie. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 652- 665 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXX1., 1812, pp. 82-97. Klaproth, Martin Her -itrirh . 96. Chemische Untersuchung des Blau-Eisensteins vom Cap der Guten-Hotthung. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 72-74. - — - 97. Chemische Untersuchung des Faser- quarzes vom Cap der Guten-tlofihung. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 75-76. 98. Chemische Untersuchung des Belugen- Steins. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 107-110. 99. Cliemische Untersuchung des Stein- marks. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 331-333. • 1OO. Chemische Untersuchung des fur Braunkalk gehaltenen Minerals. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 335-337. 1O1. Chemische Untersuchung des stiing- lichen Dolomits. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freundo Mag. V., 1811, pp. 402-403. 102. Chemische Untersuchung der Sibir- ischen Bergbutter. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 401-406. — 103. Einisie Notizen iiber die auf dem Schlosse zu Sondershauaen auf bewahrte metall- ene Bildsiiule des Piisterich, nebst deren chera- isrhen Untersuchung. Schweigger, Journ. I., 1S11, pp. 509-517. 104. Chemische Untersuchung des griinen kb'rnigen Strahlsteins aus Teinach. Schweigger, Journ. III., 1811, pp. 269-273. 105. Chemische Untersuchung zweier Ge- diesen-Eiscn-Massen. Schweigger, Journ. V., 1812, pp. 1-5. 1O6. Die Aufloslichkeit des weissen Arse- niks im Wasser. Schweigger, Journ. VI., 1812, pp. 231-235 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVIIL, 1813, pp. 210-213 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1814, pp. 132-133. 1O7. Chemische Untersuchung des Mare- kanits. Berlin, Abhandl. 1812-13 (P/tys.), pp. 49-58. 1O8. Lettre a M. VOGEL sur une nouvelle variete de mine d'antimoine. Auual. de Chimie, LXXXV., 1813, pp. 65-71. 109. Chemische Untersuchung des Nickel- Spiessglanzerzes von Freusberg. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mas. VI., 1814, pp. 71-74 ; Tilloeh, Phil. Mag. XLIII., 1814, pp. 299-302. 110. Chemische Untersuchung eines neuen Erdharzes aus Sibirien. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. VI., 1814, pp. 74-76. 111. Chemische Untersuchung des split- trigen Hornsteins von Schneeberg. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. VI., 1814, pp. 254- 255. 112. Chemische Untersuchung des Berg- inchls von Santa Fiora. Schweigger, Journ. X., 1814, pp. 91-95. KLA] 673 [KLE Klaproth, Martin He'mrlcli. 113. f'hcmisdio Untersurhung des Avsenikerzes von Kuirhen- stein. Berlin, Abhandl. 1814-15 (Phys.), pp. 27-34. 114. Chomische Untersuchung des Dolomits von Reiclienstein. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freuudc Mag. VII., 1816, pp. 159-160. 115. Chemische Untersuchung des rhoru- boidalischen Eisenspatlis von Ehrcnfriedersdorf. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. VII., 1816, pp. 238-240. 116. Chemische Untersuchung des Pseudo- Chrysoliths von Thein an dor Molduu. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. VIII., 1818, pp. 86- 88. 117. Ueber die Eigenschaften reinen Kobalts. Gilbert, Annal. LXXL, 1822, pp. 110-111. Klaproth, Martin Heinrich, und Karsten. Untersuchung des miirben Zoisits, vom Radel- graben in Kiirnten. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II, 1808, pp. 187-188. 2. Untersuchung des Sphene, aus dem Felberthale im Pinzgau, im Sal/burgischen. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 188-191. 3. Untersuchung de s Eisenpecherzes, von der Christbescherung unweit Freiberg. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 191-194. Klatt, F. W. Plants Muelleriana; : Pittosporeae. Linna?a, XXVIII, 1856, p. 567. 2. Plant* Muellerianaj : Umbellifera?, Juss. Linnaea, XXIX., 1857-58, pp. 705-718. 3. Monographia generis Sisyrinchium. Linntea, XXXI., 1860-61, pp. 63-100, 245- 246. 4. Beiichtigungen und Nachtrage zu der Monographia generis Sisyrinchium ; nebst Monographic der Gattung Libertia. Linnaia, XXXI., 1861-62, pp. 370-386. 5. Specimen e familia Iridearum. Liuna;a, XXXI, 1861-62, pp. 533-570. 6. Fortsetzung der Bestimmungen von Irideen. Linntea, XXXII, 1863, pp. 283- 288. 7. Ueber einige zweifelhafte und neue Arteu Androsace. Ein Beitrag zur Kenutniss der Primulaceen. Linnam, XXXII, 1863, pp. 289-293. 8. Revisio Iridearum. Linn&n, XXXII., 1863, pp. 689-784. Xiauer, C. Ueber verschiedene Ainalgame. Liebig, Anual. X, 1834, pp. 89-91. 2. Ueber einen neuen Alaun, das Sulfas aluminico-ferrosus. Liebig, Annal. XIV., 1835, pp. 261-264. 3. Ueber Mascnesia-Alaun. Liebig, An'nal. XIV., 1835, pp. 264-266. VOL. III. Klauer, C. 4. Ueber den Spiesglanzgehalt der Tinctura antiraoiiii aoris. Liebig, Annal. XIV., 1835, pp. 267-271. 5. Ueber em neues Eisenpriiparat. Liebig, Annal. XIX, 1836, pp. 129-135 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIII, 1837, pp. 86-88. 6. Ueber das Oleum animale Dippelii der Alien. Liebig, Annal, XIX, 1836, pp. 135- 145 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 76- 79. Klaus, A*. Ueber eine merkwiirdige Gebirgsart im mittlereu Russland. Erman, Archiv Euss. XIII, 1854, pp. 447-454. Klebnikof, Pierre. Sur les rapports qui existent eutre la contraction des volumes de deux liquides capables de se meler ensemble, et de la chaleur qui peut se developper dans ce cas. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI, 1863, col. 445-473. Klebs, (Dr.). Psorospermien ini Innem von thierischen Zellen. Virchow, Archiv, XVI, 1859, pp. 188-192. - 2. Zur uormalen und pathologischen Ana- tomie des Auges. Virchow, Archiv, XIX, 1860, pp. 321-351 ; XXL, 1861, pp. 171-190 ; XXV, 1862, pp. 355-398. — — 3. Die Eierstockseier der Wirbelthiere. Virchow, Archiv, XXI, 1861, pp. 362-366. - 4. The nerves of the organic muscles. (Transl.) Archives of Med. IV, 1863, pp. 142-146. 5. Die Eierstockseier der Siiugethiere und Vogel. Eine vergleicheud-anatomische Studie. Virchow, Archiv, XXVIII, 1863, pp. 301- 336. - . Widerlegung des Luftdruckes. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 65-70. -- 2. Besohreibung der Cultur der Cochenille in Antigua, Guatemala und Amatitan im Staate Guatemala, Republic von Centro-America. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1844 (Abt/t. 2), pp. 114-127. Klee, Ft: Nogle bernasrkninger om Rullesteens- sand dannelsen i Danmark. Skand. Naturf. Jorhandl. VI, 1851, pp. 145-164. Kleeberg, - . Bisher unbekannte Driise in verschiedenen Gasteropoden. Okeu, Isis, XXIII, 1830, col. 574-575. Kleefeld, (Dr.). Bericht, iiber meine Reise uach Venedig. Gorlitz, Abhandl. IX, 1859, pp. 22-50. Kleefeld, Alwin. Eine Beobachtung dos Sanct- Elmsfeuers. Poggend. Anual. CXII, 1861, pp. 643-644. Kleefeld, Joh. Gottfr. Beschreibung eines In- struments zum Messen einer sehr kleinen Menge von Electricitiit. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIV, 1810, pp. 203-208. 4 Q KLE] 674 [KLE Kleefeld, Joh. Gottfr. 2. Meteorologische Be- trachtungeii und Beobachtungeu in den Jahren 1807-1824 zu Danzig (1807-30). Dauzig, N. Schrift. II., 1826 (Heft 1, 3, u. 4). 3. Beschreibung und Abbildung einer merk- wiirdigen Tropfsteinhole bei Mechau, unweit Putzig, nebst vorangeheuden Bomerkungen vom Herrn Professor WEEDE. [1821.] Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verhand. I., 1829, pp. 184- 196. 4. Meteorologische Beobachtungen ange- stellt zu Danzig in den Jahren 1831-38. Danzig, N. Schrift. III., 1835 (Heft 3). Kleemaim, Wllh. Ueber vierfiissige wieder- kiiueude Danipfkessel, als Vorlaufer unsurer Dampf boote. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XVII., 1825, pp. 231-235. Klein, • . Conchylien der Siisswasserkalk- formationen Wiirttenibergs. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, II., 1847 (Abh.), pp. 60-116. 2. Beitriige zur Anatomie der unge- schwiinzten Batrachier. Wurttemberg, Jahres- hefte, VI., 1850, pp. 1-84. — — 3. Conchylien der Siisswasserkalks- formatiou Wiirttembergs. Wiirttemberg, Jahres- hefte, VIII, 1852, pp. 157-164; IX., 1853, pp. 203-223. 4. Apparat zur Bewegung der Zunge bei Manis macroura, Dcsm. (erassicaudata, Griff.). Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, XII., 1856, pp. 96- 99. -. De la fecondation des reines ou Klein, femelles de 1'Abeille (Apis mellifica) et du Bourdon terrestre (Bomb us terrestris), Psythirus, Lcp., Apathina, Newm. Luxemb. Soc. Sci. Nat. HI., 1855, pp. 68-85. Klein, (Carl. Chr. von ?). Merkwiirdige Ge- schichte eines ganz von selbst entstaiidenen magnetischen Somnambulismus mit sogeuann- tem Hellsehen. Hufelaud, Journ. Arzn. XL., 1815 (Heft 2), pp. 102-144. 2. Beitrag zur Geschichte des Versehens. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, II., 1816, pp. 333- 354. 3. Beschreibung ernes zweikopfigen Mad- cheus. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, III., 1817, pp. 375-384. 4. Beschreibuug eines selteuen inissgestal- teten Kindes ohne Bedeckung der Uuterleibs- Eingeweide. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, III., 1817, pp. 391-395. 5. Janusmissgeburteu. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, IV., 1818, pp. 551-557. Klein, F. Darstellung von Bromcalcium, Brom- baryum, Bromstrontium, Brommagnesium, Bromlithium, Bromkalium und Bromnatrium. Liebig, Annai. CXXVIIL, 1863, pp. 237-240. Klein, J. M. Uebersicht der besonders durch die neuere Chemie aus dem Pflanzen geschied- enen StofFe und Producte. Flora, XXIV., 1841, pp. 65-79, 81-95. Klein, L. Ueber einige Verbinduugen von Mc- tallchloriden mit Cyanchlorid und mit Cyan- wasserstoffsaure. Liebig, Aunal. LXXIV., 1850, pp. 85-88. Kleiner, M. Bemerkungen iiber die Behaudlung der Beryl- und Rauchtopas-Krystalle in Jeka- therineuburg. St. Petersb. Schrift. Mineral. I., 1842, pp. 34V344. Kleinholt, V. Resume des experiences sur la maladie des pommes de terre. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXXV., 1853-54, pp. 138-163. 2. Observations sur la maladie des pommes de terre et de quelques autres vegetaux, en 1854. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXXVI., 1854-55, pp. 41-54. Kleinschmidt, . Analyse der Asche der Eiehelu (Quercus robur, L.). Liebig, Annal. L., 1844, pp. 417-418. Kleinschrod, E. Th. Zur Kenntniss der Salz- burgischen Gebirge. Leouhard, Taschenbuch, XII., 1818, pp. 354-362. 2. Das Steinsalz-Gebirge von Cardona in Spanien. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XV., 1820, pp. 49-150. 3. Herrn. L. COUDIER'S "Classification niethodique des roches par families naturelles," und die Aufstelluug der geologischen Sauim- lungen im Pflauzengarten zu Paris. Leonhard u. Broun, Jahrb. 1831, pp. 17-39. — — 4. Aper^u geologique sur une partie de FAuvergne, specialement sur les environs de Clermont-Ferrand. Auver^ne, Annal. Scient. X., 1837, pp. 193-266, 289-345. Kleitz, . Determination de la poussee des terres et etablissement des murs de soutenement. Paris, Annal. Pouts et Chauss. VII., 1844, pp. 233-256. 2. Note sur les formules relatives au mouvernent des locomotives. Paris, Annal. Fonts et Chauss. XV., 1848, pp. 318-381. Klemann, . Das Hermannsbad zu Muskau, in der KSnigl. Preuss. Oberlausitz. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LX., 1825 (pie. 3), pp. 125-138. Klencke, P. F. Hermann. Ueber die nothwendige Keform der anatomisch-physiologischeu Dar- stelluug durch das philosophische Bewusstsein der Gegenwart, Oken, Isis, 1840, col. 625-640. 2. Ueber die Structur der Retina. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1841, pp. 67-73. • 3. Vorliiufige Mittheilungeu iiber meine Versuche zur Erforschung der Hydatiden als Contagium animatum. Haeser, Archiv Med. V., 1843, pp. 227-278 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1844, pp. 315-319 ; Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 101-163. KLE] 675 [KLI Klencke, P. F. Hermann. 4. Uober die Struc- turvcriinderung eines cariosen Zahns, und iiber die Gegenwart eines mikroskopischen Pilzes in demselben. Haeser, Archiv Mecl. VI., 1844, pp. 206-209. Klenin, — — . Zwei merkwiirdige Fiille von Somnambulismus. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXVL, 1828, pp. 99-112. Klenze, . Mittheilungen dcs Dr. BOWRINO iiber die Chinesische Reispapierpflauze. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. X., 1853, pp. 105-109. Kleszczynski, Eduard. Die Miueralspecies und die Pseudomorphosen von Pfibram nach ihrem Vorkommen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 46-64. 2. Geognostische Skizze der Umgebung von Pfibram. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 254-263. Klette, . Ueber die Feigen in Dalmatien, und die Beniitzung des Farbestoffes aus den auf den Feigenbauinen befiudlichen Insecten. Wien, Jahrb. Pol. Inst. IX., 1826, pp. 131-134. Kletzinsky, . Ueber eine Modification der Trommer'schen Zuckerprobe. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte, X., 1854, pp. 111-118. 2. Ueber vegetabilisches Pergament. Ding- ier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVL, 1860, pp. 385- '390. 3. Sur le rhodicite ou borate de chaux. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1860, pp. 518-520. Kleurtz, . Zwei Beobachtungen merk- wiirdiger wuchernder Entartungen der Nyinph- en. Bust, Magazin, XXII., 1826, pp. 203-219. Kley, C. Verbesserung des Watt'schen Kugel- regulators. Der Civilingenieur, IV., 1858, pp. 197-202 ; Jerii - Kontoret's Anual. XVI11., 1863, pp. 144-156. 2. Ueber die Anwendung des Woolf 'schen Systems auf eiufachwirkende Wasserhaltungs- maschinen. Der Civilmgenieur, VI., 1860, pp. 293-311. Kleybolte, Ueber das von NAT/CHE im Urine der Schwangerschaft endeckte Kystein. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1845, pp. 269-272. Kleyr, J. M. A propos des fievres intermitteutes (fievres paludeennes, malaria), a Eisborn et a Imbringen. Luxemb. Soc. Sci. Nat. V., 1857- 62, pp. 56-68. Klier, Jakob. Einige Andentungen iiber das Versauern der Topfpflanzen und iiber die uothigen Mittel es zu verhiiten, oder die davon bereits ergriffenen Pflanzen wieder herzustellcn. Flora, XVIII., 1835, pp. 273-288. 2. Ueber die Wirkung des Ammoniaks auf Pflanzen. Liebig, Annal. XLIIL, 1842, pp. 239-240. Kliever, . Die geognostischen Verhiiltnisse des Siegerlandes. Eheinl. u. Westphal. Ver- hand. XIX., 1862, pp. 309-320. Klincksieck, Th. Analyse des Teichwassers bei Unterbiirg. Erlangen, Mitt. Phys. Med. Soc. I., 1859, pp. 18-19. 2. Analyse der Ascho von Trapa natans (Hoch-, Niederblatter und Wurzeln). Erlangen, Mitt. Phys. Med. Soc. I., 1859, pp. 19-20. Klincksieck, Th., und Eugcn Franz von Gorup-Besanez. Ueber Monobrombutter- siiure und Bromvaleriansaure. Liebig, Aunal. CXVIIL, 1861, pp. 248-251. Klingelhoffer, . Mittheilungen aus seinem Tagebuche. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. IV., 1843, pp. 85-89. 2. Vorschlage betreffend das Todten der Schmetterlinge und das Verhindern des Oelig- werdens. Stettin, Entom. Zoit. V., 1844, pp. 87-88. 3. Monstrcise Kiifer. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. V., 1844, pp. 330-331. i 4. Beitrage zur Deutschen Insecteukunde. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VI., 1845, pp. 347-349. 5. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte einiger Insecten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. VII., 1846, pp. 26-29. • 6. Verzeichniss der bis hierher im Gross- herzogthum Hessen gesammelten Kafer. Hesse, Nat. Hist. Verhandl. U., 1848, pp. 15-28. 7. Die Zahl der Kiifer-Arten im Gross- herzogthurn Hessen. Dai-mstadt, Notizblatt, 1854-57, pp. 43-44. Klingenfeld, . Ueber cine eigenthiimliche Metallablagerung in einem galvanoplastischen Apparat. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1845, pp. 137-138. Klingenstierua, Sam. Selecta ex ejus MSS. posthumis. Upsala, Nova Acta Soc. Sci. VIII., 1821, pp. 117-135. Klinger, Augtist. Ueber die Siiuren des diabet- ischen Harns. Liebig, Annal. CVL, 1858, pp. 18-23. 2. Ueber Cyclamin aus Cyclamen Euro- paeum. Erlangen, Mitt. Phys. Med. Soc. I., 1859, pp. 23-38. Klingert, C. H. Description of a new diving machine, proper for being employed in rivers, &c. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. III., 1799, pp. 59-66. KlinggriifF, C. J. von. Ueber die Vegetation des Weichselgebiets in der Provinz Preussen. Bo- tan. Zeitung, IX., 1851, col. 120-124, 137-148. 2. Beitrage zur genauern Characteristik einiger Arten der Deutschen Flora. Botan. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 169-173. 3. Ueber Pflanzenverbreitung und Pflanz- der Provinz Preussen. Botan. engrenzen in Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 297-308. 4. Einige Bemprkungeii iiber Pflanzen- grenzen oder Vegetationslinien im niirdlichen Europa. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 361-366. 4 Q 2 KLI] 676 [KLI Klinggraff, C. J. von. 5. Bericht fiber die Versammlung von Freunden der Flora Preussens in Elbing, am 3 Juli 1857. N. Preuss. Provinz. Bltitt. XII., 1857, pp. 81-86. 6. Ueber die Verbreitung ciniger Holz- pflanzen in der Provinz Preussen. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Oekon. Ges. II., 1861, pp. 119- 126. KlinggrafF, Hugo von. Zur Flora der errat- ischen Blcicke Norddeutschlands. Botan. Zeitung, XVL, 1858, pp. 350-351. 2. Zur Sexualitat der Moose. Botan. Zeituug, XVIII., 1860, pp. 344-345. 3. Die in der Umgegend von Agram in Croatien vorkommenden Pilanzcn. Linnzea, XXXI., 1860-61, pp. 6-62. 4. Nachtrag zur Flora der holieren Crypto- gamen Preussens. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Oekon. Ges. III., 1862, pp. 15-30. Klinkerfues, E. F. W. Scheinbare Oerter des Neptun. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 71-72. 2. Oerter der Ceres. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 73-74, 351-354. 3. Beobachtungen des am Isten Mai ent- cleckteu Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 27-28. 4. Kreismikrometer-Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIL, 1851, col. 131-134. 5. Elemente des am 22 Oct. 1851 ent- deckten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 339-340. 6. Elemente der Eunomia. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 199-202. 7. Discovery of a new comet on the 10th of June 1853. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIII., 1852-53, p. 239 ; Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1853, pp. 104, 110-111. 8. Elemente der Melpomene und Ver- gleichung derselben mit bekannten Beobacht- ungen. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 51-54. 9. Elemente der Psyche, und Vergleichung derselbeu mit sumnitlichen mir bekannt gewor- denen Beobaehtungen derselben. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 233-236. 10. Discovery of a new comet on the 2nd December 1853. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, p. 33. 11. Elemente und Ephemeride der Psyche. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 181-184. 12. Beobachtungen, Elemente, uud Ephe- meride des Cometen III., 1854. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 349-352. 13. Discovery of a new comet (4th of June 18.55). Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854- 55, p. 203 ; Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855, col. 95- 96. — 14. Beobachtungen der Circe auf der Gtit- tinger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855, col. 89-90. Klinkerfues, E. F. W. 15. Beobachtungen und Elemente des Cometen II. 1855. Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855, col. 173-174. 16. Elemente, Ephemeride und Bahnen der Psyche. Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855, col. 351- 352 ; Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1855, pp. 173-176. 17. Ueber die Bahnen der Doppelsterne o> Leonis und a~ Corona?. Gottingen, Nach- richten, 1855, pp. 136-139. 18. Ueber die Berechnung der Bahnen der Doppelsterne. Astr. Nachr. XLIL, 1856, col. 81-90. 19. Beobachtungen der Harmonia, u.s.w. Astr. Nachr. XLIII., 1856, col. 107-110. 2O. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planet- en Circe fur die Opposition 1856. Astr. Nachr. XLIV., 1856, col. 47-48, 109-110. 21. Discovery of a new comet (III. 1857). Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, pp. 253-254. 22. Elemente und Ephemeride der Psyche. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 197-200. • 23. Ephemeride der Circe. Astr. Nachr. XL VII., 1858, col. 215-216. 24. Allgemeine Methode zur Berechnung von Doppelstern-Bahnen. Astr. Nachr. XL VII., 1858, col. 353-366. 25. Ueber die Balm von p Ophiuchi. Astr. Nachr. XL VIII., 1858, col. 101-108. 26. Beobachtung der Sounenflnsterniss vom 18 Juli 1860 zu Cullera. Astr. Nachr. LIV., 1860, col. 217-220. 27. Ueber erne irn Falle der ersten an- genaherten Bahnbestimmung von Planeten und Cometen zumachende Abkurzung der gebriiuch- lichen Methode von GAUSS, fur den Fall zuliissig, dass man sich auf die erste Hypothese be- schriinken will. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1861, pp. 84-86. 28. Ueber Bahnbestimmungen vou Planet- en und Cometen aus verschiedcnen Combina- tionen von Beobachtungen. Gottingen, Al>- handl. X., 1861-62 (Math.), pp. 183-224 ; Got- tingen. Nachrichten, 1862, pp. 207-211. 29. LTeber Construction von Storungs- Tafelu fur die kleinen Plaueten. Gottingen, Abhandl. XL, 1862-63 (Math.), pp. 3-36. 30. tTeber Bestimmung der absoluten Stiiruugen mit Riicksicht auf die Bahnen von grosser Excentrieitiit und Neigung. Gottingen, Abhandl. XL, 1862-63 (Math.), pp. 37-68. 31. Ueber die Storungen der kleiuen Planeten. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1863, pp. 17-18. 32. Ueber Storungsentwiekelungen. Got- tingen, Nachrichten, 1863, pp. 181-183. 33. Ueber die Bestimmung der absoluten Storungen fur die Korper des Sonnensystems. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1863, pp. 268-271. KLI] 677 [KLI Klinkerfues, E. F. W., und Just. Gen. West- phal. Eleraente, Ephemeride, und Beobacht- ungc'ii des von DE GASPAKIS 1851 eutdeckten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 79. 2. Beobachtung dcr Mondflnsterniss 1852, Jan. 6. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 405-406. 3. Variationen der Declination des Ma^neteu wiihrend des Nordliclits 1852, Febr. 19. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 143- 146. 4. [Observations of Melpomene.] Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 182-183. 5. Discovery of a New Comet, II. 1852. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 183. 6. Beobachtungen des Cometen II. 1852. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 91- 92. 7. Beobachtungen des am 22sten August 1852 von Herrn HIND in London ent- deckten Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 92-94. 8. Bcobnchtungen der Fortuna auf der Gottinger Stermvarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 225-226. 9. Beobachtungcn der Fortuna, Massalia und des Cometen II. 1852 auf der Gottinger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 209-210. Klingler, Franz. Resultate iiber die geognost- isch-montanistische Bereisung des westlichen Theiles vom Unterinnthaler Kreise. Inns- bruck, Ber. Geogn. Mont. Verein. VI., 1844, p. 3. Klingler, Fran:, und Joseph Trinker. Surn- marischer Bericht iiber die geognostisch-berg- mannische Untersuchungen eines Theiles des Oberinnthaler Kreises. Innsbruck, Ber. Geogn. Mont. Verein. V., 1843, pp. 3-20. Klinsmann, Ernst Ferdinand. Ueber zwei Pflanzen-Monstrositiiten. Linnosa, X., 1836, pp. 604-608. 2. Ueber die Aufbewahruug der Pilze. Botan. Zeitung, III., 1845, col. 868-869. 3. Novitia atque defectus Flora) Gedan- ensis. Danzig, N. Schrift. IV., 1851, pp. 103- 120. 4. Ueber die Botrychien der Deutschen Flora und iiber Botrychium Kannenbergii als cine neue Species und deren Stellung zu den iibrigen. Botan. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 377- 381. 5. Teratologische Beobachtungen. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 245-248. 6. Botanisehe Notizen. Botan. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 158-160. 7. Silphium perfoliatum. Botau. Zeituug, XIII., 1855, col. 273-274. Klinsmann, Ernst Ferdinand 8. Clavis Brey- niana, oder Schliissel zu " Jacob! BREYNII Gedanensis Exoticarum aliarumque minus cog- nitarum plantarum Centuria prima," &c. Dan- zig, N. Schrift. V., 1856 (2tcs Heft). 9. Corispermum Marschalii, Stev. der Flora von Danzig. Skofltz, Botan. Wochenbl. VI., 1856, pp. 177-179. 1O. Eurze Mittheilungen. Botan. Zeitung, XV., 1857, col. 847-849. • 11. Ueber den Bernstein. Botan. Zeit- ung, XVI., 1858, pp. 370-371. 12. Ein Beitrag zur Entvvickelungsge- schichte von Stratiotes aloides. Botan. Zeitung, XVIII., 1860, pp. 81-82. 13. Ueber Bildung und Eutstehung von Humus und Festleguug des fliegenden Diinen- sancles durch Stereonema chthonblastus, Al. Br. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Oekon. Ges. II., 1861, pp. 127-130. 14. Beitrage zu einer Cryptogamen-Flora Danzigs, erweitert durch Mittheilungen aus West- und Ostpreussen mit einern einleitenden Bericht der ganzen botanischen Literatur der Provinz Preussen. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Oekon. Ges. III., 1862, pp. 36-61. Klippart, John II. Essay on the origin, growth, diseases, varieties, &c. of the Wheat plaut. Ohio, Agric. Report, 1857, p. 562. 2. History, culture, and varieties of Indian Corn. Ohio, Agric. Report, 1858, pp. 493- 528. 3. The Oat plant : its history, varieties, chemical constituents, &c. Ohio, Agric. Re- port, 1858, pp. 529-553. 4. Account of the Zizania aquatica, or Wild Rice. Ohio, Agric. Report, 1859, pp. 589-592. 5. Forests, their influence upon soil and climate. Ohio, Agric. Report, 1860, pp. 255- 278. 6. Hybridization of Plants. Ohio, Agric. Report, 1861, pp. 223-233. 7. On fish guano. Ohio, Agric. Report, 1862, pp. 180-220. Klippart, John II., und Jlr. W. Mather. Sketches of the Meteorology of Ohio, and the relations of climate to Agriculture. Ohio, Agric. Re- port, 1858, pp. 392-470. Klippel, C. Ueber das Mcthplumbathyl. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chora. LXXXL, 1860, pp. 287- 301. Klipstein, August von. Ueber ein rnerk- wiirdiges Vorkommen von Thonsaulen-Bildung im Basalte des Vogels-Gebirges. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1826, pp. 496-510 ; Oken, Isis, 1826, co). 280-289. • 2. Ueber vulcanisirte Sandsteine am Vo- gelsgebirge. Hertha, X., 1827, pp. 354-368. KLI] 678 [KLO Klipstein, August von. 3. [Dolomit iin Vogels- Gebirge.] Leonhard, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 76-78. 4. [Ueber die Phonolitho von Ober- Widdershelm.] Leonhard, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 519-521. 5. [Geognostische Bemerkungen iiber Ober-Schwaben.] Leonhard, Zeitschrift, II., 1827, pp. 293-304. 6. Einige Beitrage zur Beurtheilung der Erscheinungen, welche die Kugelabsonderung der Felsgesteine begleiten. Hertha, XII., 1828, pp. 503-510. 7. Keupersandstein im Vogels - Gebirge. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, p. 319. 8. Pechstein mit Nephelin von der Spitze des Katzenbuckels. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, pp. 321-322. 9. Braunkohlen-Gebirge von Dietesheim am Neckar. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 528-529. 1O. Ueber Contact-Verhaltnisse zwischen vulkanischen Gesteinen und neptunischeu Bild- ungen der Wetterau. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 622-637. 11. Ueber das niuthmassliche Vorkommen von Steinsalz in der Wetterau. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1835, pp. 265-282. 12. Versuch einer geographisch-geognost- ischen Eintheilung des westlichen Deutschlandes nebst generellen Andcutungen zur geognost- ischen Constitution der verschiedenen Gebirgs- Abtheilun<;en desselben. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. "1836, pp. 255-289. 13. Nephelinfels von Meiches. Karsten, Archiv, XIV., 1840, pp. 248-260. 14. Ueber das Vorkommen von Tachylyt bei Bobeuhausen am Vogels-Gebirge. Oken, Isis, 1840, col. 900. 15. Das Vorkommen der Keuperformation am Vogels-Gebirge. Karsten, Archiv, XV., 1841, pp. 216-227. 16. Ueber die Gebirgsschichtenfolge Sud- tirols und eines Theils der Lombardischen Alpen. Deutseh. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 115-117. 17. Ueber die Dolomite der Lahngegeuden und das mit denselben in Verbindung stehende Vorkommen von Manganerzen. Karsten. Archiv, XVII., 1843, pp. 265-303. 18. Versteinerungen in den Schichten von St. Cassian. Karsten, Archiv, XVII., 1843, pp. 349-352. 19. Geognostische Beobachtungen iiber die Umgebungen von Marienbad in Bohmen. Wieu, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851, pp. 1-33. 20. Ueber die geologische Stellung der Cassianer Schichten. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852 (Hft. 3), pp. 134-135. Klipstein, August von. 21. Geognostische Schilderung des westlichen Theils des im K6- niglich Preussiselien Kreise Wetzlar gelegenen Gebirgsdistrictes zwischen der Dill und der Lahn. Deutseh. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. V., 1853, pp. 516-590. , Klipstein, C. W. Chemische Untersuchung des Miueralwassers zu Alach bei Erfurt. Tromms- dortf, Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1799 (St. 2), pp. 78-87. 2. Chemische. Untersuchung eines violett- en Fossils, welches sich an dein Odenwalde bei Hochstadten findet. Tromrnsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1799 (St. 2), pp. 88-94. 3. Chemische Zergliederung eines granat- blencligen Gesteins,aus demOdenwald. Tromms- dorff, Journ. d. Pharm. VII., 1800, pp. 69- 74. 4. Chemische Untersuchung des Mineral- wassers aus dem Diiukholder-Brunnen bei Braubach. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. VIII., 1800 (St. 2), pp. 26-34. Klober, . Ornithologische Mittheilungen. Oken, Isis, 1828, col. 1105-1112. Klocke, Osc. Excursion nach der kleinen Insel Jordsand an der Diimschun Westkiiste. Allg. Deutseh. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. I., 1855, pp. 319- 324. Kloden, Carl Fricdrich von. Noch Einiges iiber Feuermeteore, Gediegeneisenmassen, u.s.w. Poggend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 219-226. 2. Ueber die Steingeschiebe in naturhis- torischer und technischer Hinsicht. Crelle, Journ. Bank. II., 1830, pp. 38-58. i 3. Anleitung zur Kenntniss der wichtig- sten natiirlichen Bausteine und ihrcr Anwendung fiir Architecten, die friiher keiuen Unterricht in der Mineralogie genossen haben. Crelle, Journ. Bauk. IV., 1831, pp. 27-51, 183-208, 273- 301. 4. Ueber die Zunahme der Temperatur nacli dem Innern der Erde. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1831, pp. 385-390. 5. Ueber das Vorkommen der Geschiebe in den Siid-Baltischen Liindern, besonders in der Mark Brandenburg. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1832, pp. 368-407. - — • 6. Ueber eine Lagerung oolithischen Kalks in der Niihe von Fritzow bei Camrnin in Pom- mern. Karsten, Archiv, VIII., 1834, pp. 113- 148. — 7. Ueber die Felsarten, welche in der Mark Brandenburg als Geschiebe vorkommen. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 58-59. 8. Das oolithische Kalklager in der Niihe von Fritzow bei Cammin in Pommern. Karsten, Archiv, X., 1837, pp. 627-640. KLO] 679 [KLO Kloden, furl Fricdrich ron, und C/ir. Thcod. Schmiedel. Beobachtuugen des ausgezeichuet tiefen Barometerstandes am 23 Januar 1824. Gilbert, Anual. LXXVI., 1824, pp. 107-111. Kloden, Gustav Adolph von. Ueber das Siuken der Dalmatischen Kiisten. Poggcnd. Annal. XLIIL, 1838, pp. 361-381. 2. Bemerkuugeu iibcr die Monti Pisani. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1840, pp. 505- 514. 3. Ueber DABWIN'S Theorie der Bildung der Corallen-Inseln. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. II., 1841, pp. 21-26. 4. Ueber AGASSIZ Gletscher- Theorie. Berlin, Mouatsber. Ges. Erdk. II., 1841, pp. 101-109. 5. Streifziige durcli Istrien im Jahre 1837 : Ueber den Karst. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. III., 1842, pp. 31-38 ; IV., pp. 11-28. 6. Ueber die Niederliindischen und Franz- osischen Besitzuugen in Guyana. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, IV., 1858, pp. 22-36. Klopsch, E. Ueber die umspiunenden Spiral- fasern der Bindegewebsstriinge. Miiller, Ar- chiv, 1857, pp. 417-434. Klopsch, J. E. Entstehung der Insecten nach ARISTOTELES. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 744. 2. [Ueber Abnormitiiten unter den Schmett- erlingen, imd narnentlich iiber Verkriippelungen.] Breslau, Scliles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1836, pp. 87-88. 3. [ Ueber Pyralis no valis, n. sp.~\ Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1836, p. 88. 4. Ueber den Aufenthalt und die Lebens- weise der Schnietterliuge. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1838, pp. 59-63; 1839, pp. 19-23, 127-131. 5. Ueber die Raupen des Papilio Podali- rius, des Sphinx pinastri und Vanessa prorsa. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1842, pp. 160-162. 6. Zucht der Raupe von Harpyia fagi. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1845, pp. 49-58. 7. Ueber das System der EuropLiischen Schmetterlinge von OCHSENHEIMER. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1845, pp. 49-51. Klose, . Du decollement des epiphyses. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XII., 1858, pp. 146- 155. Kloss, H. Grundziige der jetzt herrschendeii Ansichten in der physiologisehen und patholog- ischeu Chemie. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, III., 1844, pp. 155-184. 2. Ueber Parasiten in der Niere von Helix. Senckenberg. Naturf. Gesell. Abhandl. 1854- 55, pp. 190-213. Klotz, C. Bemerkungen iiber Sphinx nerii. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XIX., 1858, pp. 226-228. Klotz, F. Vui-L'iiiligc Nachricht von einer noch uicht zu Tage gekommenen Sauerwasserquelle und einigen Wirkungen dcrselben. Voigt, Maga- ziu, VIII., 1804, pp. 469-474. 2. Auszug aus cinigen Versuchen iiber die Wirkuug der galvanischen Electricitat auf die Keimung verschiedener Pflanzeusaamen. Voigt, Magazin, IX., 1805, pp. 495-508. 3. Ueber den Nutzeu der eisernen Draht- seile bei deu Schachtforderungen mittelst Dampf- Maschinen, im Essen- Werderschen Berg-Amts- Bezirke. Karsten, Archiv, XIV., 1840, pp. 110-122; Annal. des Mines, XIX., 1841, pp. 183-192. Klotzsch, Jolidiui Fricdrich. Mycologische Berichtigungen, zu der nachgelassenen Sowerby- schen Sammlung, so wie zu den wenigen, im Linne-schen Herbarium vorhandenen Pilzeu. nebst Aufstellung einiger ausliindischen Gatt- ungen und Arten. Linna;a, VII., 1832, pp. 193-204. 2. Favolus, genus hymenoniycetum a FEIE- sio proposition. LiuiiKa, VIIL, 1833, pp. 316- 317. 3. Fungi exotici e collectionibus Britan- norum. Liunasa, VIII., 1833, pp. 478-490. 4. Ericearum a eel. Adelberto de CHAMISSO descriptarum pars addita. Linnaia, VIIL, 1833, pp. 655-669; IX., 1834, pp. 350-367, 611-642, 643-706 ; X., 1836, pp. 312-355 ; XII., 1838, pp. 511-543. 5. Leutinus cornucopioides, Kl., eine neue Art aus Brasilien. Linua3a, X., 1836, pp. 123- 124. 6. Bemerkuugen zu den Geraniaceen und deren Verwandtschaften. Linnsea, X., 1836, pp. 425-439. 7. Die Ericese mit bleibender Blumeu- krone : eine kiinstliche Ordnung der natiirlicheu Ericaceffi nebst einer Uebersicht ihrer Gatt- ungen. Flora, XXI., 1838, pp. 225-236, 241- 248; Ann. Sci. Nat. XL (Bot.), 1839, pp. 317- 320. 8. Ericearum genera et species. Linnaw, XH., 1838, pp. 211-247, 497-499. 9. Additanienta et emendata in tribus Clavajfloras, Intestinifloras, Scoliostomata et Liuibatas, Ericas generis. Linnaia, XII., 1838, pp. 500-511. 1O. Bemerkuugen zur Gattung Grubbia, Endlicher. Lmntea, XIII., 1839, pp. 378-38 J. 11. De Proteaeuis Americanis lierbarii regii Berolinensis. Liunxa, XV., 1841, pp. 51- 58. 12. Neue uud weniger gekannte Siidameri- canische Euphorbiaceen-Gattungen. Wieg- mann, Archiv, VII., 1841, pp. 174-204. KLO] 680 [KLO Klotzsch, Johann Fricdrich. 13. Turkprmania, eine neue Nordamericanische Gattung :uis der natiirlichen Ordnuii!* Empetrcffi. Wiegmann, Archiv, VII., 1841, pp. 248-255. 14. Die Gattuug Trewia, L. Wiegmann, Archiv, VII., 1841, pp. 255-257. 15. Observations botanicaj in itinere cir- cum terram institute : auct. F. J. F. MEYEN. Opus posthumum Soeiovum Academic curis suppletum. — Fungi. Acad. Cces. Loop. Nova Acta, XIX., 1843 (Suppl. 1), pp. 233-246. 16. Beitriige zu einer Flora der Aequinoc- tial-Gegenden der Neuen Welt. (Equisetaceie, Lycopodinieas et Filiccs.) Linncca, XVIII. , 1844, pp. 515-556. — 17. Bemerkungen dos Hrn. Dr. H. KAR- STEN zu den in der Botan. Zeitung (St. 6) zum Verkauf ausgcbotcnen Pflanzen aus Columbien. Ein Auszug aus dessen Tagebuche. Botan. Zeitung, IV., 1846, col. 105-112. 18. Uebor die Arten der Gattung Vanilla. Botan. Zeitung, IV., 1846, col. 561-567. 19. Umwandlung eines Carpells in ein Staubgefiiss an Toficldia calyculata, JVahlbg. Botan. Zeitung, IV., 1846, col. 889-891. — • 20. Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatxe des Herrn LEGELER, "Beitrag zur diesjahrigen Kartoffelkrankheit." Botan. Zeitung, IV., 1846, col. 892-893. 21. Beitriige zu einer Flora der Aequinoc- tial-Gegenden der Neuen Welt. Filices. Lin- nrea, XX., 1847, pp. 337-432. 22. Nachtriige zu dem Lycopodineis und Filicibus, welche im 18 Bande der Unncea, p. 515-556, unter cler Ueberschrift : "Beitriige zu einer Flora der Aequinoctial-Gegendcn der Neuen Welt" veriiffentlicht wurden. Palrna:, Cycadea?, Balanophorea?, Musacerc, Pandaneai, Proteaceai, Artocarpes. Linnrea, XX., 1847, pp. 433-445, 446-456, 457-459, 460-461, 462- 466, 467-470, 471-475, 523-542. 23. Vorliiuflge Nachricht iiber die Ein- wirkung der Knospendecken auf die Entwick- elung der Rinde. Botan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 593-594. 24. Beitriige zu einer Flora dor Aequinoc- tial-Gegenden der Neuen Welt. Laurineoe, auctore NEES AI; ESENBECK. Liunaea, XXI., 1848, pp. 487-526. 25. Solanum utile, eine neue unscrer Kar- toffel ahnliche Art nebst ibreu Verwandtschaft- eu. Annal. Laudwirth. XV., 1850, pp. 186- 191. 26. Ueber Solanum tuberoso -utile. Ber- lin, Bericbt, 1851, pp. 674-676. 27. Studien iiber die natiirlicbe Klassc Bicornes, Linne. Linnaa, XXIV., 1851, pp. 1 QQ 1— oo. Klotzsch, Johann FricdricJi. 28. Ueber Pistia. Bi-rlin, Abliandl. 1852 (/%.?.), pp. 329-359; Berlin, Bcriebt, 1852, pp. 62*7-634. 29. Eiuiges iiber die Beziehungen des Facbgelehrteii der Botanik zum Practiker. Berlin, Bericht, 1852, pp. 334-344. 30. Ueber Pseudo-Stearoptene, welche auf der Ausseuseite der Pflanxen vorkommen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 242- 243 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1852, pp. 433- 435. 31. Beitrage zu einer Flora der Aequiuoc- tial-Gegenden der Neuen Welt. Cassiniacese. Linnrea, XXV., 1852, pp. 268-292. 32. Einitre neue Gattungcn der Rubiaceen. Berlin, Bericht, 1853, pp. 494-502. 33. Begoniaceen-Gattungen und Arten. Berlin, Abliandl. 1854 \PJnjs.), pp. 121-255 ; Berlin, Bericht, 1854, pp. 119-128. 34. Ueber die Nutzamvendung der Pflanz- en-Bastarde uud Mischlinge. Berlin, Bericht, 1854, pp. 535-562. 35. Das Pflanzen -Individuum. Bonplandia, III., 1855, pp. 283-284. 36. Plantffi nova; et minus cognita? qute in Hort. Reg. Bot. Berolinensi coluntur. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.), 1856, pp. 350-372. 37. Philipp SCHONLKIN'S botanischer Nach- lass auf Cap Palmas. Berlin, Abliandl. 1856 (Phys.\ pp. 221-242. 38. Ueber die Abstammung der iin Handel vorkommendcn rotben Chinarinde. Berlin, Abhandl. 1857 (Phys.), pp. 51-76. 39. Nachschrift zur Frage : Alteru die Pflanzensorteu ? Bonplandia, V., 1857, pp. 239- 244. 4O. Eine synoptischc Aui'ziihlung der Arten von Myroxylon, Mutis und Myrospermum, Jucq. Bonplandia, V., 1857, pp. 272-277. 41. Ueber die Begoniaceen-Gattung Plat-y- ceiitrum. Botan. Zeitung, XV., 1857, col. 177- 184. 42. Kritik der ueueren Bearbeitungen der Pflanzenklasse Bicornes, Linn. Berlin, Bericht, 1857, pp. 1-16 ; Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. III., 1857, pp. 224-230 ; Bonplandia, V., 1857, pp. 162-168. 43. LIXNE'S natiirliche Pflanzenklassc Tri- cocca? des Berliner Herbariums im Allgemeiuen, und die natiirliche Ordnung Euphorbiacese ins- besondere. Berlin, Abhandl. 1859 (Pht/s.), pp. 1-108 ; Berlin, Monatsber. 1859, pp. 236- 254. 44. Die Aristolochiacese des Berliner Her- bariums. Berlin, Mor.atsber. 1859, pp. 571— 626. 45. Pleurocarpis decemfidus, eine neue Rubiacee aus der Tribus Hammeliere. Bon- plandia, VII., 1859, pp. 3-4. KLO] 081 [KLU Klotzsch, Johann Friedricli. 46. Ueber die Ver- wandtschaft der Tamariseineen und tier Salici- neen. Berlin, Monatsbcr. 1860, pp. 75-77. 47. Die Gattung Morina, Tournef. Bou- plandia, VIII., 1860, pp. 67-68. Klotzsch, Johann Fricdrich, Bouche, et Alex- ander Braun. Species nova; et minus cognita? in Hort. Keg. Bot. Berolinensi cultae. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Bot.), 1853, pp. 375-382. Klotzsch, Johann Fricdrich, Bouche, Alex- ander Braun, et Koch. Appendix specierum novarum ct minus cognitarum qute in Hort. Reg. Bot. Berolinensi coluntur. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.), 1854, pp. 333-370. Klucak, Robert. Zur Metbodik des Unterrichtes in der Zoologie am Untergymnasiuni. Leit- meritz, Program. Gymuas. 1853. Klug, Fricdrich. Absondcruug einiger Kaupen- todter und Vereinigung derselbeii zu einer neuen Gattung Sceliphron. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Scbr. III., 1801, pp. 555-566. 2. Versuch einer Bericbtigung der Fa- brieiub'schen Gattungen Scolia und Tiphia. Weber, Arcbiv, I., 1805 (St. 2). pp. 8-40 ; II. pp. 167-216. 3. Pterocbeilus, cine ncuc Inscctengattung aus der Klasse der Piezaten. Weber, Arcbiv, I., 1805 (St. 2), pp. 142-150. 4. Ueber die Gescbleclitsversebiedenheit der Piezaten. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mao-. I., 1807, pp. 68-80 ; II., pp. 48-63. 5. Oxaea, eine neue Gattung aus der Ord- nung der Piezaten. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. I., 1807, pp. 261-263. 6. Species Apiariarum familiae novas. Ber- lin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. 1., 1807, pr> 263- 265. 7. Ein neuer merkwimliger Ilenops (H. Waxelii). Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Ma"-. I., 1807, pi). 265-267 8. Kritiscbe Revision der Bienengattungen in FABUICIUS' neuen Piezatensysteme, mit Be- rueksichtiguug der Kirby'scben Bieuenfamilien und ILLIGEK'S Bemerkungen zu KIKBY'S Mono- grapbie im funften Bande des Magazins. II- liger, Magazin, VI., 1807, pp. 200-228. 9. Die Blattwespen naeb ibren Gattung- en und Arten zusammengestellt. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 261-283; VI., pp. 45-62, 276-310 ; VII., 1816, pp. 120- 131; VIII., pp. 42-84, 110-144, 179-219,273- 307. 1O. Einige neue Piezatcugattungen. Ber- lin. Ges. Nat. PYeunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 31- 45. 11. Nacbricbt von einem neuen Scbnia- rotzeriusect auf einer Andrene. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 266-270. VOL. in. Klug, Fricdrich. 12. Ueber die Ljungscbe Piezatcngattung Gonatopus. Weber, Beitrage, 1810, pp. 164-166. 13. LATREILLE'S " Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum," angozeigt. Weber, Beitriige, II., 1810, pp. 217-228. 14. Die Europa'iscben Arten der Insecten- Gattung : Leucospis. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. VI., 1814, pp. 65-71. 15. Die Blattwespen (Tentbredo, Linn.} dor Fabriciscben Sammbuiii-. Wiedemann, Zool. Mag. I., 1819 (St. 3), pp. 64-91. 16. Entomologiie Brasiliana; specimen. Acad. Cffis. Leop. Nova Acta, X., 1821, pp. 277-324. 17. Entomologiffi Brasilianaj specimen al- terum, sisteng insectoruui Coleopterorum non- dum descriptorum ccnturiam. Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, XII., 1825, pp. 419-476. 18. Ueber die Zergliederung eines Zwit- ters der Papilio cinxia, L. Froriep, Notizen, X., 1825, col. 183-184. 19. Versucb einer Darstellung der Fami- lien und Arten der Blattwespcngattung Cimbex, Fair. [1820.] Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verband. L, 1829, pp. 71-98. 20. Bemerkungen bei Gelegenbeit der Zergliederung eines Zwitters der Melitsea didyma, Oclis. (Cinxia und Didyma, F., Cinxia, Bit. Hit. fferbst.) uebst Bescln'eibung der Zwit- ter in der Insectensammlung des Koniglichen Zoologiscben Museums in Berlin. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verband. L, 1829, pp. 363- 369. 21. Ueber das Verhalten der einfachen Stirn- und Sebeitel-Augen bei den Insecten mit zusammengesetzten Seiten-Augen. Berlin, Abbandl. 1831, pp. 301-313. 22. Insecten von Madagascar. Berlin, Abbandl. 1832, pp. 91-224. 23. Uebersicbt der Cicindeletas der Samuilung des Berliner Museum. Klug, Jabrb. Insect. I., 1834, pp. 1-47. 24. Uebersicbt der Carabici der Samm- lung des Berliner Museum. Klug, Jahrb. Insect. 1834, pp. 48-82. 25. Uebersicbt der Histeroides der Samm- lung des Berliner Museum. Klug, Jabrb. Insect. I., 1834, pp. 83-208. 26. Die Arten der Gattung Megalopus. Klug, Jabrb. Insect. I., 1834, pp. 208-223. 27. Uebersicbt der Tentbredincta; der Sammlung des Berliner Museum. Klug, Jahrb. Insect. I., 1834, pp. 223-253. 28. Zusammenstelluug siimmtlicher Zwit- ter-Insecten der Sammlung des Berliner Mu- seum. Klug, Jabrb. Insect. I., 1834, pp. 254- 258. I i: KLU] 682 [KLU Klug, Friedrich. 29. Bestimmung dreier neuen Gattungen und Auseinandersetzung einiger verwandten Arten von Madagascar, aus den Familien Cicindeletre und Carabici. Wieg- niann, Archiv, I. 1835, pp. 381-389. 3O. Versucli einer systematischen Fest- stellung der Insecten-Familie Panorpataa, und Auseinandersetzung ihrer Gattungeu und Arten. Berlin, Abhandl. 1836, pp. 81-108 ; Berlin, Bericht, 1836, pp. 54-55. 31. Ueber zwei neue Coleopterengattungen von Madagascar [Colobodera uud Aulonoc- nemis]. Berlin, Bericht, 1837, pp. 52-53; Wiegmann, Archiv, IV., 1838, pp. 67-72. 32. Ueber die Insecten-Faniilie Clerii. Berlin, Bericht, 1837, pp. 122-123. 33. Eine systematische Aufstellun;. der Insecten-Fauiilie Chrysidida;. Berlin, Bericht, 1839, pp. 1-2. 34. Ueber die Stellung des Scarabscus lougimanus im System. Berlin, Bericht, 1839, pp. 67-68. 35. Ueber die Insecten-Faniilie Heterogyna, Lat., uud die Gattung Thynnus, F. insbesondere. Berlin, Abhandl. 1840, pp. 1-44. 36. Versucli einer systematischen Best- immung und Auseiuaudersetzung der Gattungen und Arten der Clerii, einer Insecten-Faniilie aus der Ordnung der Coleopteren. Berlin, Ab- handl. 1840, pp. 259-397. 37. Neuc Zusanimenstellung der Insecten- Gattung Phanams, MacLcai/, Berlin, Bericht, 1841, pp. 209-211. 38. Die Arteu der Gattung Peleeinus, Latr. Germar, Zeitschr. Entom. III., 1841, pp. 376-385. 39. Die Coleoptereu-Gattungen Athyreus und Bolboceras. Berlin, Abhandl. 1843, pp. 21-58. 4O. Ueber das Geschlechtsverhaltniss der kleinen wehrlosen zu den Gattungen Mellipona und Trigona gehorenden im siidlichen America besouJers hiiufigen Honigbieneu. Berlin, Be- richt, 1843, pp. 219-221. 41. Uebersicht der bis jetzt bekannt ge- wordeneu Arteu der Kafergattung Goliath, Lam., im Auszuge mitgetheilt. Berlin, Bericht, 1844, p. 293. 42. Bcmerkungcu iiber die Hymenoptercn- Gattung Philanthus. Berlin, Bericht, 1846, pp. 41-42. 43. Ueber die Lepidoptereu-Gattung Syn- ernon ; nebst einem Nachtrage iiber Castnice. Berlin, Abhandl. 1848 (P/ii/s.), p. 245. 44. Ueber die Stellung der Familie Cast- ilia? im System. Berlin, Abhandl. 1848 (Phys.), pp. 251-257. 45. Die Arten der Gattung Manticora, F. Linnrea, Entomol. IV., 1849, pp. 417-424. Klug, Friedrich. 46. Ueber die Lepidopteren- Gattung Catagramma ; Wespennester (Eucheira socialis ; Hylotoma Olfersii). Berlin, Bericht, 1850, p. 426. 47. Uebersicht der von Herrii PETEES wiihrend seines Aui'enthalts in Mossambique ver- anstalteteu entomologischen Sammlungen. Ber- lin, Bericht, 1853, pp. 244-250. 48. Herniaphrocliten. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XV., 1854, pp. 102-103. 49. Fortsetzung der Diaguosen der neuen Coleopteren, welche die Insectensendungen des Herrii PETEKS von Mossambique enthalten batten, von der Familie der Stapnylinii an bis zu den Lamellicornia, diese mit eingeschlosseu. Berlin, Monatsber. 1855, pp. 643-660. 50. Ueber die Ameisen in Ceylon. Ber- lin, Bericht, 1855, p. 683. Klug, Friedrich, und Wilhelm Ferdinand Erich- son. Einige Diagnosen neuer Arten aus mehreren Insecten Ordnungen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XX., 1859, pp. 83-87. Kluge, C. Versuche iiber die medicinische Wirksamkeit des sogenannten Ungarischen Blutegels im Verhiiltnisse zum Deutschen. Liebig, Anual. XXII., 1837, pp. 78-99. Kluge, Emit. Ueber Erhebungs Kratere und die Bedeutung des Wortes " Erhebung " im Allgemeiuen. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. I., 1855, pp. 337-344. 2. Das Erdbcben vom 25 bis 26 Juli 1855 in der Schweiz und den angrenzenden Landern. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. I., 1855, pp. 345-355. 3. Berit-ht iiber die Thiitigkeit der miueralogischen Abtheilung der Gesellschaft "Isis" zu Dresden wiihrend des Jahres 1855. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1856, pp. 396-397. 4. Eiuige Mittheilungen iiber das Erd- beben vom 12 October 1856. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1856, pp. 464-470. 5. Verzeiclmiss der Erdbeben und vulcan- ischen Eruptionen in den Jahren 1855-56. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. III., 1857, pp. 321-343, 361-390, 401-416. 6. Die Reactionen des Erdinnern gegen die Erdoberfiache in den Jahren 1855 und 1856. Petermann, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 236-251. • — 7. Ueber Bewegungen in Gewassern bei Erdbeben und eiue mogliche Ursache gewisser Erd-Erschiitterungen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1861, pp. 777-831. 8. Ueber die Periodicitai vulcanischer Ausbriiche. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1862, pp. 582-589. Kliigel, G. S. Anzeige von seinen Fortschritten in der Perturbations-Theorie. [1797.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1800, pp. 110-112. KLU] 683 [KNA Kliigel, G. S. 2. Parallaxen-Rechnung, mit Riicksicht auf die sphliroidische Gestalt der Erde. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1800, pp. 132-144. 3. Bestimmung der Zeit der Culmination eines Gestirns durch zwei beobachtete Ho'hen mit den Zeiten der Beobachtungen. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1801, pp. 172-177. 4. Abriss eines Verfahrens, die Beobacht- ungen der Sonnenflnsternisse, Bedeckungen und Durchgange, auf den Mittelpunct der Erde iiberzutragen. [1799.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1802, pp. 93-104. 5. Abkiirzungeu sphiirisch-trigonometri- scher Kechnungen durch Niiherungsformeln. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1803, pp. 215-224. 6. Ueber die astronomische Strahlenbrech- ung. [1801.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1804, pp. 198-208. 7. Nachtrag zu dem Aufsatze iiber die Parallaxen-Rechnung im Jahrbuohe fiir 1800, S. 132. [1802.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1805. pp. 171-175. 8. Formelu zur Bestimmung des Orts der Sonne in welchem sie fiir einen gegebenen Ort auf der Erde eine bestimmte Tiefe unter dem Horizont oder Hohe dariiber erreicht, indem ein gegebener Stern sich im Horizont selbst befindet. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1805, pp. 182- 186. 9. Aufgabe zur Meteorologio und Erd- messkunst. Gilbert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 115-117. 1O. Bemerkungen iiber den Ursprung der Bilder im Thierkreise. [1803.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1806, pp. 232-237. 11. Neue Art, die grosste Mittelpuncts- Gleichung aus der Excentricitiit zu flnden. [1803.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1806, pp. 23 8-241. 12. Beitrage zu den Formeln, aus dem scheinbaren Abstande zweier Gestirne den wahren zu flnden. [1805.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1808, pp. 241-244. 13. Bemerkung iiber den Zusammenhang der drei Weltordnungen. [1805.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1808, pp. 244-245. 14. Angabe eines mb'glichst vollkommenen achromatischen Doppel-Objectivs, und iiber die Anwendbarkeit dieser und ahnlicher Berech- nungen fiir Kiinstler zur Verfertigung achro- matischer Fernrohre. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIV., 1810, pp. 265-275. 15. Weitere Entwickelung der Augabe eines vollkommenen Doppel-Objectivs in dem vorhergehenden Aufsatze. Gilbert, Anual. XXXIV., 1810, pp. 276-291. Klun, Vincenz. Einfluss der Rotation der Erde auf den Lauf und die Uferbildung der Fliisse. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. VI., 1862 (AM..), pp. 144-154. Klun, Vincenz. 2. Flusskarten der Donau und der Theiss. [1862.] Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. VII., 1863, pp. 1-17. Klusemann, . Hydrostatische Lungenprobe und Gebiiren im Stehen. Casper, Vierteljahrs- schrift, Xn., 1857, pp. 288-310. Kliiver, . Uebcr die Abweichung der Ab- plattung unserer Erde, wclche aus ihrer jetzigen Rotationsgeschwindigkeit gefolgert werden muss und derjenigen, welche die wirkliche Beobacht- ung ergeben. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1844 (Abth. 2), pp. 38-41. Kluyskens, J. F. Overzigt van onderscheidene zwangerlieden buiten de Baarmoeder. Am- sterdam, Verhand. V., 1820, pp. 203-236. 2. Waarneming over eene ougemeene wansbaltigheid aan de vingers van beide de handen. Amsterdam, Verhand. VI., 1823, pp. 328-337. Kluyskens, H. Retour des regies a un age tres- avance. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. X., 1844, pp. 212-213. 2. Imperforation du vagin. Gand, Ann. Soc. Med. XV., 1845, pp. 293-296. Knaf, Jos. Fr. Exiguitates botanicse. Flora, XXIX., 1846, pp. 289-300, 305-309 ; XXX., 1847, pp. 181-186. 2. Beobachtungen iiber Ajuga reptans, A. genevensis, und A. pyramidalis. Lotos, I., 1851, pp. 82-87. 3. Beobachtuugeu iiber Elatine alsin- astrum. Lotos, I., 1851, pp. 87-89. 4. Ueber Fumaria micrantha, Lag., und F. rostellata, Knaf. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. I., 1851, pp. 219-220. 5. Etwas iiber Giftpflanzen in der Familie der Papilionaceen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber einige andere. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. II., 1852, pp. 114-117, 121-123. — • 6. Ueber Epilobium obscurum, Schreber, uud seine michsten Verwandteu. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. H., 1852, pp. 275-277, 283-285. 7. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der aussergewohn- lichen Erscheinungen in der Thier- besonders Pflanzen-Welt im Herbste und Winter des Jahres 1852 auf 1853. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. III., 1853, pp. 219-220, 228-230, 233-235, 241- 242. 8. Beitrage zur Flora von Bohnien. Lotos, IV., 1854, pp. 209-215, 237-242. 9. Noch einige Worte iiber Epilobien. Lotos, V., 1855, pp. 56-58. 10. Ueber Potentilla Bouquoiana, Knaf, und ihre Verwandten : (P. recta, L., P. pilosa, W., P. chrysantha, Trev., P. thuringiaca, Bcrnh., P. intermedia, L., und P. parvifiora, Gaud.). Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. V., 1855, pp. 57-60, 67-68, 75-77. 4 R 2 KNA] 684 [KNE Knaf, Jos. Fr. 11. Ant wort auf den Aufsatz des Herrn Dr. WOLFNER im Bot. JJ'ochenblatt, 1855, Nr. 19, S. 148: " Noch ein Paar Worte iiber P. Bouquoiana, Knaf." Skon'tz, Botan. Wochenbl. V., 1855, pp. 281-283, 290-292. 12. Uebcr Fumaria micrantha, f.ftf/., und F. rostellata, Knaf. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VI., 1856, pp. 81-83. Knapp, F. The law of the nutrition of animals pointed out by Dr. R. D. THOMSON. [Transl.~\ Phil. Mag. XXXII., 1848, pp. 456-461. Knapp, F. Ueber eine neue Form der Pulmo- naria. Flora, XLV., 1862, pp. 273-274. Knapp, F. Ueber die Entstchuug der Cyanur- siiure aus Melam. Liebig, Annal. XXI., 1837, pp. 241-257; Annal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1837, pp. 237-254. 2. Zur Bildungsgeschichte des Brechwein- steins. Liebig, Annal. XXXII., 1839, pp. 76- 85 ; Journ.de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 136-139. 3. Die Schnellessigfabrication, in Bezug auf deu dabei sich ergebeiulen Vcrlust und dessen Quellen. Liebig, Annal. XLII., 1842, pp. 113-133. 4. Ueber die medicinische Wirknng des Leberthrans und deren Ursachen. Liebicr, Anual. LVIII., 1846, pp. 84-89. 5. Untersuchung einer antiken Bronze. Liebig, Annal. LVIII., 1846, pp. 104-106. 6. Bemerkungen iiber die bei der gegeu- wiirtigeu Theuening gemachten Vorschliige zu wohlfeilereni Erode mittelst Kartoffeln, Riiben, etc. Liebig, Annal. LXL, 1847, pp. 209-316. Knapp, Friedricli. Natur und Wesen der Ger- berei und des Leders. Miinchen, Nat. Tech. Comm. Abh. II., 1858, pp. 127-160. Knapp, J. If. Ueber physikalische Bestimraung der Aceommodationshreite. Heidelberg, Ver- handl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 42-47. 2. Ueber die Behandlung der Krankheiten des Thriineiikanals. Heidelberg, Verhantll. Nat. Med. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 47-49. 3. Ueber die Lage und Kriimmung der Oberfliichen der menschliehen Kristall-Linse und den Einfluss ihrer Veriinderungen bei der Ac- commodation auf die Dioptrik des Auges. Archiv Ophthalm. VI., 1860 (Abth. 2), pp. 1-52. 4. Ueber die Asymmetric des Auges in seinen verschiedeneu Meridian ebenen. Archiv Ophthalm. VIII., 1862 (Abth. 2), pp. 185-241. Knapp, Joseph. Phanerogame Flora der Stadt Neutni nebst ihrer Umgebung. Pressburg, Corresp. Blatt, II., 1863, pp. 117-199. Knappert, Laurentius. Commentatio in quassti- onem physicam : •' Quaenam experimenta ope machinal a doctissimo AlWOOD inventce institui possunt, et quibusnain position ibus physicis illustrandis inscrviuut?" Leijden, Annal. Acad. 1817-18. Knar, Joseph. Beitriige zur Lehre von der Ent- wickelung der Fuuctionen. Baumgartner, Zeit- sehrift, II., 1827, pp. 254-279, 366-396. 2. Beweis eines Satzes zur Vergleichung der Difterenzialquotienten mit Combinationcn fiir eine bestimmte Zeiger-Scale. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, III., 1827, pp. 175-182. 3. Ueber die Theorie der Parallellinien. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, III., 1827, pp.414-439. 4. Berichtigung meiner Ansicht iiber die Theorie der Parallellinien. Baumgartner, Zeit- schrift, IV., 1828, pp. 427-436. 5. Beschreibung eines tausendtheiligen Mass-Stabes. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VII., 1830, pp. 58-64. 6. Entwickelung der vorziiglichsten Eigen- schaften einiger mit deu goniometrischen zu- niichst verwandten Fuuctionen. Grunert, Archiv, XXVII., 1856, pp. 365-470. Knauer, . Mineralischer Magnetismus gegen Nervenleiden. Liebig, Annal. XVII., 1836, pp. 105-106. Knauer, B. Die Flora im Suczkawa und seiner Umgegend. Suczkawa, Program. Gymnas. 1863. Knauss, Carl. Ueber Gewinnung und Verar- beitung der Destillationsproducte des Ilolzes. [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1860, col. 124-129. 2. Untersuchungen der Aschc vom Seetang aus dem Weissen Meere, des Wassers des Weis- sen Meeres, und zweier Salzsoolen aus Nonoxa, ausgefiihrt in Archangel vom August 1859 bis Februar 1860. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1860, co!. 303-317. Knebel, . Etwas zur Empfehlung der Ein- impfung der Kuhpocken. N. Lausitz. Monat- schr. 18^00 (pie. 2), pp. 405-431. 2. Resultate meiner chemischen Priifung des Fruchtessigs. N. Lausitz. Monatschr. 1802 (pic. 2) pp. 401-415. 3. Etwas vom Mutterkorn und dessen Ein- fluss auf die menschliche Gesundheit. N. Lausitz. Mouatschr. 1804 (ptc. 2), pp. 52-59. 4. Anweisung zuni Gebrauch der salzsauren Diimpfe, als eines ansteckungswidrigen Mittels in verschiedenen Fiillen. N. Lausitz. Monatschr. 1807, pp. 314-321. Kneeland, Samuel. Dissection of Scymnus bre- vipinna, Lesueur. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845-47, pp. 479-485. 2. Characteristics of the Hindoo skull. Arner. Assoc. Proc. 1 850, pp. 34-38. 3. The Mauatus not a cetacean, but a pachyderm. Amcr. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 42-47. 4. [On the skull of the four Hindoo castes.] Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1850, pp. 212-213. KNE] 685 | KNE Kneeland, Smnncl. 5. [On (Mustek) Putorius barbatus, L.~\ Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1850, pp. 238-239. 6. [On the capacity of the cranium of Troglodytes niger and Gorilla (Simla troglo- dytes and S. gorilla).] Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1850, p. 259. 7. [On an Aztec skull.] Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist, Soc. III., 1850, p. 272. 8. [On the odontoid process of Emysaurus (Chelydra) serpentina.] Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 84-85. 9. [On the horn of the Rhinoceros.] Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, p. 175. 10. [On the skeleton of Troglodytes go- rilla.] Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soe. IV., 1851- 54, pp. 209-210. 11. On the bones of the lower extremity of a gigantic bird (Dinornis), New Zealand. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 236-239. 12. On a Flat-head Indian skull, from Florida. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist, Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 266-270. 13. [On the tarso-metatarsal bone of Pal- npteryx.] Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 298-299. 14. On the skeleton of the Great Chim- panzee, Troglodytes gorilla. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 23-30; Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. VI., 1857, pp. 336-347. 15. [On three skulls of American Indians.] Boston, Proc. Nat, Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 76-78. 16. On the sterility of many of the varie- ties of the domestic fowl, and of hybrid races generally. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 220-225; Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 246-250. • 17. On a so-called Opate Indian exhibited in Boston. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 234-239. • 18. On a supposed new species of Siredon from Lake Superior. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 152-154. 19. On the birds of Keweenau Point, Lake Superior. Boston, Proc. Nat, Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 231-241. 2O. On the breathing apparatus of the Menobranchus. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 428-430. 21. Dissection of Crocodiluslucius. [1849.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. VI., 1857, pp. 110- 118. 22. Case of Spina bifida with inalforma- tion of the genitals. Boston, Mod. Surg. Journ. LVL, 1857, pp. 29-32. KneifF, Fried. Gotth. Den Standort dcs Zygo- don conoideum, Hook., bei Strassburg betreff- end. Flora, VIII., 1825, pp. 590-591. Kneisel, G. F. Ueber die neuo Markscheide- kunst. Der Civilingenieur, II.. 1856, pp. 124- 132. KneppeLhout, G. J. Beschrijving van den Acrochordus Javanicus. Haarlem, Nat, Verh. Maatsch. Wet. VIII., 1817, pp. 234-240. Kner, Rudolph. Ausichten iiber den gegen- wartigen Stand der Zoologie und insbesondere der Ichthyologie. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1843, pp. 181-183. 2. Sepienschulpe aus dem Grauwacken- gebirge. Haidinger, Bericht. L, 1846, pp. 134- 136. 3. Geognostische Excursion in die b'st- lichen Kreise Galiziens. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1846, pp. 153-158. 4. Ucber die beiden Arten Cephalaspis Lloydii, und C. Lewisii, Agass., und einige diesen zuniichst stehende Schalenreste. Hai- dinger, Bericht. II., 1846-47, pp. 177-178 ; Haidinger, Abhandl. I., 1847, pp. 159-168. 5. Versteinerungen des Kreidemergels von Lemberg und seiner Umgebung. [1847.] Hai- dinger, Abhandl. III., 1850 (Abth. 2), pp. 1- 42. — 6. Ueber den bei Lemberg vorkommenden Bernstein. Wicn, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851, pp. 163-164. 7. Ueber die Verschiedenheitcn der Blind- diirme bei den Salmonen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851, pp. 240-248. 8. Neue Beitragc zurKenntniss der Kreide- versteinerungeu von Ost-Galizien. Wien, Denkschr. HI., 1852, pp. 293-334. 9. Ueber die Miigen und Blinddarme der Salmoniden. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VIII., 1852, pp. 201-232. 1O. Kleine Beitriige zur weiteren Kennt- niss der geognostischen Verhaltnisse Istrieus. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 223-232. 11. Die Panzer welse des k. k. Hof-Natur- alien-Cabiuetes zu Wieu. I. Abth. Loricarinie. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1853, pp. 113-116; \Vien, Denkschr. VI., 1854, pp. 65-98. — 12. Ueber die Hypostomiden oder die zweite Hauptgruppe des Panzerfische, Loricata und Goniodontes. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1853, pp. 279-282; Wien, Denkschr. VII., 1854, pp. 251- 286. — 13. Ueber einige Sexual-Unterschiede bei der Gattung Callichthys uud die Schwimmblase bei Doras, C. Val. Wicn, Sitz. Ber. XL, 1854, pp. 138-146. KNE] 686 [KNI Kner, Rudolph. 14. Ichthyologische Beitrage. I. Abth. I. Ueber die C4attungen Aspredo und Chaca, C. V., aus der Fainilie der Welse (Silu- roidei). II. Zur Systematik der Gattuug Cal- lichthys, Linn. III. Ueber die Siluroiden Gattungen Plotosus, Saccobranclms, Trichomyc- terus, C. V., und Pareiodon, nov. gen. Wien, Site. Ber. XVII., 1855, pp. 92-162. 15. Ueber ein neues Genus, Clarotes (Gonocephalus), aus der Familie der Welse, Siluroidei. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVII., 1855, pp. 313-316. 16. Ichthyologische Beitriige. II. Abth. Wien, Site. Ber. XXVL, 1857, pp. 373-448. 17. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber CASTEL- NAD'S Siluroiden. Wiegmann, Arclu'v, XXIV., 1858, pp. 344-350. 18. Ueber Virgularia multifiora, n. sp., aus der Farnilie der Seefedern, Pennatulina. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaudl. VIII., 1858 (Abh. ), pp. 295-308. 19. Ichthyologische Beitriige. III. Abth. [1858.1 Zur Familie der Characinen. Wien, Deukschr. XVII., 1859, pp. 137-182; XVIII., pp. 9-62; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXX., 1858, pp. 75-80 ; XXXII., 1858, pp. 163-168. 2O. Ueber Mannchen und Weibchen von Euryophorus Nordmanni. M. Edw. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIV, 1859, pp. 268-274. 21. Ueber Trachypterus altivelis und Choetodon truncatus, n. sp. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIV., 1859, pp. 437-445. 22. Ueber einige noch unbeschriebene Fische. [1859.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIX., 1860, pp. 531-547. 23. Zur Characteristik und Systematik der Labroiden. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL., 1860, pp. 41-57. 24. Ueber Belonesox belizanus, nov. gen. et spec, aus der Familie der Cyprinodonten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL., 1860, pp. 419-422. 25. Uebersicht der ichthyologischen Aus- beute wahrend der Eeise Sr. Kais. Maj. Fregatte Novara. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL., 1860, pp. 423- 428. 26. Ueber den Flossenbau der Fisehe. Kner, Rudolph. 30. Uebersicht der ichthyo- logischen Ausbeute des Herrn Prof. Dr. Moriz WAGNER in Central America. Miinchen, Sitz- ungsber. II., 1863, pp. 220-229. 31. Ueber die drei Fischgattungen Ptero- phyllum, Symphysodon uud Monocirrhus, Heck. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VI., 1863, pp. 294-303. 32. Ueber die sogeuannten Spornsehuppen der Fische und ihre Bedeutung fur die Sys- tematik. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVL, 1863, pp. 477-481. 33. Ueber einige fossile Fische aus den Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLL, 1860, pp. 807-824; XLII., 1860, pp. 232-260, 759-786 ; XLIIL, pp. 123-152; XLIV., 1861, pp. 49-80. 27. Ichthyologische Berichtigungen. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVIL, 1861, pp. 57- 59. 28. Ueber Kiemen-Anhiinge bei Chara- cinen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaudl. XL, 1861 (Abh.), pp. 189-192. 29. Kleinere Beitriige zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische Oesterreichs. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV., 1862, pp. 485-498. Kreide- und Tertiiir-Schichten von Comen und Podsused. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVIIL, 1863, pp. 126-148. 34. Ein Wort zur Zeit. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XIIL, 1863 (Abh.), pp. 479- 484. Kner, Rudolph, und Jacob Heckel. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische Oesterreichs. [1859.] Wien, Denkschr. XIX., 1861, pp. 49-76. Kner, Rudolph, und Steindachner. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossileii Fische Oesterreichs. [I860.] Wien, Denkschr. XXL, 1863, pp. 17-36. Knezaurek, Joseph. Verfahren, wollene und seidene Stoffe so wie auch Stroh zu bleichen. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VI., 1829, pp. 454- 459. 2. Beschreibung einer neuen und einfachen Extractions- und Filtrirmasehine. Baumgart- ner, Zeitschrift, IX., 1831, pp. 88-93, 329-331. 3. Ueber die Darstellung einer rosen- und karminrothen Farbe fiir Seide aus der grossen Brennessel (Urtica dioica). Baumgart- ner, Zeitschrift, X., 1832, pp. 294-300. 4. Ueber die Beschleimigung der Essig- gahrung bei Darstellung des Essigs im Allge- meinen, und iiber einen mechanischen Giihrungs- regulator bei der weinigen oder geistigen Gahr- ung. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, III., 1835, pp. 39-48. Kniberg, A. F. Manformorkelsen den 11 Dec., 1816. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXXVIIL, 1817, pp. 288-289. Knight, Charles. Observations on the " Biten- taculate Slug " of New Zealand (Limax biten- taculatus), Quay and Gaiinard ; Janella anti- podarum, Gray ; "Aneiteum Slug," ? Macdonald. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1859, pp. 381-382. 2. On some New Zealand Verrucarise. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 99-100. Knight, Charles, and II'. Mitten. Contributions to the Lichenographia of New Zealand ; being an account, with figures, of some new species of Graphidere and allied Lichens. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 101-106. KNI] 687 ("KNI Knight, J. W. On the Fin of the Balista. Calcutta, Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. VIII., 1836, pp. 134-136. Knight, Jonathan. Observations on the func- tions of the absorbent system. New England Journ. Med. XHL, 1824, pp. 225-229. Knight, P. Notice of the general geology of Erris, county of Mayo. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1838, pp. 45-51. Knight, R. A new and expeditious process for rendering Platina malleable. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VI., 1800, pp. 1-3. 2. Description of an apparatus for pre- paring Fluoric Acid, and for Etching on Glass. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVII., 1803, pp. 357-359. Knight, Thomas. On the theory of Capillary Attraction. Nicholson, Journ. XXVII. , 1810, pp. 126-132. 2. Eemarks on a new principle introduced by LEGENDEE in his " Elements of Geometry." Nicholson, Journ. XXVII., 1810, pp. 285-287. 3. On the expansion of any functions of multinomials. [1810.] Phil. Trans. 1811, pp. 49-88. 4. Remarks on LA PLACE'S theory of Capillary Action. Nicholson, Journ. XXVIIL, 1811, pp. 155-156. 5. On the attraction of such solids as are terminated by planes ; and of solids of greatest attraction. Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 247-309. • 6. On the penetration of a hemisphere by an indefinite number of equal and similar cylin- ders. Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 310-313. 7. A new demonstration of the Binomial Theorem. Phil. Trans. 1816, pp. 331-334. 8. Of the construction of Logarithmic Tables. Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 217-233. — 9. Two general propositions in the method of differences. Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 234-244. 10. Note respecting the demonstration of the Binomial Theorem inserted in the last volume (anno 1816) of the Phil. Trans. Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 245-251. Knight, Thomas Andrew. Account of some ex- periments on the ascent of the Sap in Trees. Phil. Trans. 1801, pp. 333-353. 2. Account of some experiments on the descent of the Sap in Trees. Phil. Trans. 1803, pp. 277-289 ; Eoy. Inst. Journ. II., 1803 ; pp. 71-74. 3. Experiments and observations on the motion of the Sap in Trees. Phil. Trans. 1804, pp. 183-190. 4. Concerning the state in which the true Sap of Trees is deposited during winter. Phil. Trans. 1805, pp. 88-103. 5. On the reproduction of Buds. Phil. Trans. 1805, pp. 257-263. Knight, Thomas Andrew. 6. On the direction of the Radicle and Gerinen during the vegeta- tion of seeds. Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 99-108 ; Journ. de Phys. LXVI., 1807, pp. 145-161. 7. On the inverted action of the alburnous vessels of Trees. Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 292-304. — 8. On the formation of the Bark of Trees. Phil. Trans. 1807, pp. 103-113. 9. On the economy of Bees. Phil. Trans. 1807, pp. 234-244 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIX., 1807, pp. 104-112. 1O. On the variegation of Plants. [1808.] Linn. Soc. Trans. IX., 1808, pp. 268-271 ; Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XXXII., 1808, pp. 306-308; Nicholson, Journ. XXII., 1809, pp. 370-372. 11. On the inconvertibility of Bark into Alburnum. Phil. Trans. 1808, pp. 103-110; Nicholson, Journ. XXL, 1808, pp. 5-11. 12. On the origin and office of the Albur- num of Trees. Phil. Trans. 1808, pp. 313-321. 13. On the origin and formation of Roots. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 169-176. 14. On the comparative influence of Male and Female parents on their offspring. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 392-399 ; Reil, Archiv, XII., 1815, pp. 97-107. 15. On the parts of trees primarily im- paired by age. Phil. Trans. 1810, pp. 178-183. 16. Farther account of a Mule Animal between the Male Ass and Female Zebra. Nicholson, Journ. XXIX., 1811, pp. 127-128. 17. On the causes which influence the direction of the growth of roots. Phil. Trans. 1811, pp. 209-219; Nicholson, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 370-378. 18. On Potatoes [and the "Curl" disease]. [1810.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. I., 1812, pp. 187- 193. 19. A concise view of the theory respect- ing vegetation, lately advanced in the Philo- sophical Transactions, illustrated in the culture of the Melon. [1811.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. L, 1812, pp. 217-224. 2O. On the motions of the tendrils of Plants. Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 314-320. 21. On ice found in the bottoms of rivers. Phil. Trans. 1816, pp. 286-289. 22. On the action of detached leaves of Plants. Phil. Trans. 1816, pp. 289-293 ; Spren- gel, Jahrb. I., 1820, pp. 57-63. 23. Ou the want of permanence of cha- racter in varieties of fruit, when propagated by grafts and buds. [1815.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. II., 1817, pp. 160-161. 24. On the mode of propagation of the Lycoperdon cancellatum, a species of fungus, which destroys the leaves and branches of the pear tree. [1815.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. II., 1817, pp. 178-183. KNIJ 688 [KNO Knight, Thomas Andrew. 25. Upon the extent of the expansion and contraction of Timber in different directions relative to the position of the medulla of the tree. Phil. Trans., 1817, pp. 269-274. • 26. On the office of the heart-wood of trees. Phil. Trans. 1818, pp. 137-143. 27. Account of a Peach Tree, produced from the seed of the Almond Tree, with some observations on the origin of the Peach Tree. [1817.] Ilortic. Soc. Trans. III., 1820, pp. 1-5; Annal. de Chimie, X1IL, 1819, pp. 327- 332. 28. Upon the variations of the Red Cur- rant (Ribes rubrum) when propagated by seed. [1818.] Ilortic. Soc. Trans. III., 1820, pp. 86- 90. 29. Upon the effects of very high tempe- rature on some species of plants. [1819.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. III., 1820, pp. 459-465. 30. On the different qualities of the albur- num of spring and winter-felled oak trees. Phil. Trans. 1820, pp. 156-158. 31. Physiological observations upon the effects of partial decortication, or ringing the stems or branches of fruit trees. [1820.] Ilor- tic. vSoe. Trans. IV., 1822, pp. 159-162. 32. Observations on Hybrids. [1821.] Ilortic. Soc. Trans. IV., 1822, pp. 367-373. 33. An account of some Mule Plants. [1823.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. V., 1824, pp. 292- 296. 34. Some remarks on the supposed influ- ence of the Pollen in cross breeding, upon the colour of the seed coats of plants, and the qua- lities of their fruits. [1823.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. V., 1824, pp. 377-380 ; Froriep, Kotizen, IX., 1825, col. 49-51. 35. Observations upon the effects of age upon fruit trees of different kinds. Hortie. Soc. Trans. V., 1824, pp. 384-389 ; Gill, Tech. Rep. VI., 1824, pp. 406-410. i 36. On some circumstances relating to the economy of bees. Phil. Trans. 1828, pp. 319- 324; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 331- 332 ; Froriep, Notizen, XX1L, 1828, col. 324- 325 ; Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 590-591. 37. Upon the supposed changes of climate in England. [1829.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. VII., 1830, pp. 563-567. 38. On the direction of the radicle and germen during the vegetation of seeds. Roy. Inst. Journ. II., 1831, pp. 80-82. 39. On the potatoe. [1831.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. I., 1831-35, pp. 93-100. 4O. On the beneficial effects of the accumu- lation of sap in annual plants. [1830]. Ilor- tic. Soc. Trans. I., 1831-35, pp. 323-327. Knight, Tlinmas Andrew. 41. On the supposed powers of suction of the common Leech. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1833, p. 198; L'Institut, II., p. 276. 42. Upon the causes of the diseases of the leaves of Peach trees. [1834.] Hortic. Soe. Trans. II., 1835-41, pp. 27-29. 43. Upon the causes of the premature death of parts of the branches of the Moor-Park Apricot and other wall-fruit trees. [1835.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. II., 1835-41, pp. 34-36. 44. On two species of Insects which are found injurious to the Pear Tree. [1836.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. II, 1835-41, pp. 104-107. 45. Upon the supposed absorbent powers of the cellular points or spongioles of the roots of trees, and other plants. [1836.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. II., 1835-41, pp. 117-118; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.), 1836, pp. 294-297. 46. On the hereditary instinctive propen- sities of animals. Phil. Trans. 1837, pp. 347- 370. Knight, William. Account of the granite quar- ries of Aberdeenshire, and remarks on marble and Serpentine. Highland Soc. Trans. IV., 1835, pp. 54-80. Knoblauch, H. Veriinderungeu, welche die strahlende Wiirme (lurch diffuse Reflexion erlei- det. Berlin, Bericht, 1845, pp. 170-180; Pog- gend. Annal. LXV., 1845, pp. 581-592. 2. Ueber strahlende Wiirme. Berlin, Bericht, 1846, pp. 355-366. 3. Untersuchung iiber die Beugung der Warmestrahlen. Berlin, Bericht, 1847, pp. 391- 395. — 4. Ueber den Durchgang der strahlenden Wiinne durch diathermane Korper, mit besond- erer liiicksicht auf die Temperatur der Warme- quellen. Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 210-229 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. V., 1852, pp. 191-205. 5. Ueber die Erwarmung der Korper durch strahlende Wiirme. Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 230-238 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. V., 1852, pp. 205-211. 6. Ueber das Warmeausstrahlungsver- mogen der Korper. Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 337-351 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. V., 1852, pp. 211-221. 7. Vergleich der Wiirme, welche von ver- schiedeuen Korperu innerhalb gewisser Tem- peraturgriinzen ausgestrahlt wird. Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 352-371 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. V., 1852, pp. 221-237. 8. Vergleich der von verschiedenen Kor- peru diffuse retiectirten Wiirme. Poggend. An- nal. LXXI., 1847, pp. 1-57 ; Taylor, Scieutif. Mem., V., 1852, pp. 383-425. KNO] 689 [KNO Knoblauch, H. 9. Ueber Wiirmequellen. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXL, 1847, pp. 58-70 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. V., 1852, pp. 425-434. - 10. Ueber die Doppelbrechung der strahl- enden Wiirme. Poggend. Annal. LXXIV., 1849, pp. 1-9. - 11. Ucber die Beugung der strahlenden Wiirme. Poggend. Annal. LXXIV., 1849. pp. 9-24. - 12. Ueber die Polarisation der strahlend- en Warme durch Reflexion. Poggend. Annal LXXIV., 1849, pp. 161-170. - 13. Ueber die Polarisation der strahlenden Wiirme durch eiufache Brechung. Po"-"end. Annal. LXXIV., 1849, pp. 170-177. - 14- Ueber die Polarisation der strahlenden Warme durch Doppelbrechung. Poggend. An- nal. LXXIV., 1849, pp. 177-190. - 15. Ueber die Longitudinalstreifeu im Sonnenspectrum. Poggeud. Annal. LXXIV., 1849, pp. 389-394. - - 16. Ueber das Verhalten krystallisirter Korper zwischen electrischen Polen. Berlin, Bericht, 1851, pp. 271-281 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 117-119 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIII., 1851, pp. 289-299. - 17. Ueber die Abhangigkeit des Durch- gangs der strahlenden Warme durch Krystalle von ihrer Richtung in denselben. Poggend. Annal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 169-188 ; XCIII., 1854, pp. 161-213 ; Annal.de Chimie, XXXVL, 1852, pp. 124-126 ; XLIII., 1855, pp. 124- 128 ; Halle, Abh. Nat. Gesell. II., 1854, pp. 45-46 ; Phil. Mag. X., 1855, pp. 16-23 ; Taylor, Scient. Mem. (Nat. Phil.), 1853, pp. 99-113. - 18. Ueber das Verhalten der Warme- strahlen gegen Metalle. Halle, Sitzungsb. Nat. Gesell. 1856, p. 4. - 19. Ueber die Construction der Thermo- saulen. Halle, Sitzungsb. Nat. Gesell. 1856, pp. 5-6. -- 20. Ueber den Einfluss, welchen Metalle auf die strahlende Wiirnie ausiibeu. Poggend. Annal. CI., 1857, pp. 161-214; Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1857, pp. 503-505; Bibl. Univ. Archives, II., 1858, pp. 22-33 ; Nuovo Ciniento, VI., 1857, pp. 210-212 ; Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 356-374. - 21. Versuche zur Ermittelung des Zusam- menliangs der physikalischen Eigenschaften und der Structurverhiiltnisse verschiedener Holz- arten. Halle, Sitzungsb. Nat. Gesell. 1858, pp. 13-17 ; Poggend. Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 623-628 ; Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 348- 22. Ueber Alkoholometer. Halle, Sitz- ungsb. Nat. Gesell. 1859, pp. 8-9. VOL. III. Knoblauch, //. 23. Ein Paar optischc Vor- lesungsversuche. Poggend. Annal. CV1L, 1859, pp. 323-326. 24. Ueber die Interferenz der Warme- strahlen. Berlin, Monatsbt-r. 1859, pp. 565- 569; Halle, Sitzungsb. Nat. Gesell. 1860, pp. 13-14; Poggend. Anual. CVIIL, 1859, pp. 610-615 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 492-494 ; Phil. Mag. XIX., 1860, pp. 126- 129. 25. Ueber die von verschiedenen Korpern reflectirten Wiirmestrahlen. Poggend. Anual. CIX., 1860, pp. 595-606. 26. Ueber den Durchgang der strahlenden Warme durch polirtes, mattes und berusstes Steinsalz, und iiber die Diffusion der Wiirme- strahlen. Poggend. Annal. CXX., 1863, pp. 177-286. Knoblauch, H., und J. Tyndall. Ueber das Verhalten krystallisirter Ku'rper zwischen den Poleu eines Magnetes. Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 233-241 ; LXXXL, 1850, pp. 481-499; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVL, 1852, pp. 375-383 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XVI., 1851, pp. 177-204 ; Phil. Mag. XXXVL, 1850, pp. 178-183; XXXVIL, 1850, pp. 1-33. Knoblauch, W. Von den jiihrlichen, als auf nothwendigen Naturgesetzen beruhenden Invo- lutionen und Evolutionen des Lebens, und dem dadurch entstehenden Umlaufe der Krankheiten. Hufeland, Jouru. Arzn. XXXV., 1812 (Heft 10), pp. 3-42; (Heft 11), pp. 52-75. Knoch, . Fall von wahrscheinlicher Super- fotatiou bei einern Pferde. Casper, Wochen- schrift. 1835, p. 664 ; Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thier- heilk. I., 1835, pp. 347-348. Knoch, A. V. Bemerkungen iiber eiuige elec- trische Versuche, deren Erkliirung schwierig schieu. Gilbert, Annal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 104- 112. 2. Ueber die electrische Polaritiit einer Zinksilbernadel. Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 186-188. 3. Ueber Pendel-Schwingungen. Gilbert, Annal. LVIL, 1817, pp. 360-388. Knoch, J. Vorlaufige Mittheilungeu iiber den Bothriocephalus latus, die Entwickeluug des- selben, die Wanderung und endliche Ueber- tragung seines Embryo's in den Menscheu. Virchow, Archiv, XXIV., 1862, pp. 453- 461. 2. Die Naturgeschichte des breiten Band- wurms (Bothriocephalus latus, Auctt.) mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung seiner Entwicke- lungsgeschichte. [1861.] St. Pctersb. Acad. Sci. Mom. V., 1863, No. 5. 4 s KNO] 690 [KNO Knoch, J. 3. Einige Bemcrkungen iiber die auf- fallende Aehnlichkeit der in Flatten ira Friihlinu; 1862, vorgekomuienen Trichineukrankheit mit den fiinf in Magdeburg in den Jahren 1858-62 von Dr. SENDLEK beobachteteu, unter dem Namen " acutes Oedena des subcutanen Zellge- webes und der Muskeln " bescliriebenen Epi- demien. [1862.] Siebold u. Kolliker, Zeitschr. XII., 1863, pp. 255-262. Knochenhauer, K. W. Ueber die Gesetze des Magnetisrnus nach AMPERE'S Theorie. Pog- gettd. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. -481-496. 2. Ueber die Oerter der Maxima und Minima des gebeugteu Lichts uach den Fresnel- schen Beobachtttngen. Poggend. Annal. XLL, 1837, pp. 103-109. 3. Ueber cine besondere Klasse von Beug- ungserscbeinttngen. Poggend. Anual. XLIII., 1838, pp. 286-291. 4. Ueber das galvanische Flugrad. Pog- gend. Annal. XLV., 1838, pp. 149-157. 5. Ueber die erste Entstchuug dor Krys- talle. Poggeud. Annal. XL VI., 1839, pp. 248- 257. 6. Ueber die Eigenschafteu der gebund- enen Electricitiit. Poggeud. Annal. XL VII., 1839, pp. 444-450. 7. Ueber eine Beobaclitung betreffend den die electriscbe Ladung trennenden Nichtleiter. Poggend. Annal. LI., 1840, pp. 125-130. 8. Ueber Blendungsbilder. Poggend. Annal. LIII., 1841, pp. 346-355. 9. Versuchc iiber die gebuudene Electri- citiit. Poggend. Annal. LVIII., 1843. pp. 31- 48, 211-232, 391-409. 1O. Ueber den Nebenstrom im getheilten Scliliessungsdraht der Batterie. Poggend. An- nal. LX., 1843, pp. 70-82, 235-251. 11. Ueber die electrischen Strome im getheilteu Schliessungsdraht der Batterie. Pog- geud. Annal. LXL, 1844, pp. 55-94. 12. Ueber den Zusammenhang der Form- eln, welche die Warme-Entwickelung durch den electrischen Strom bestimmen. Poggend. Anna). LXIL, 1844, pp. 207-219. 13. Ueber die Schwachung des Haupt- stroms bei getheiltem Scbliessungsdraht der Bat- terie. Poggend. Anual. LXIL, 1844, pp. 353-366. 14. Ueber die Vertbeilung des electriscben Stroms auf einem verzweigten Schliessungs- drabt. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1845, pp. 93-99. 15. Neue Versucbe iiber den electrischen Nebenstrom. Poggend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 64-81, 284-309. 16. Ueber das Gesetz, nach welchem ein nicbt isolirter Korper von der Innenseite der electrischen Batterie angezogeu wird. Poggend. Annal. LXV., 1845, pp. .369-580. Knochenhauer, A". II'. 17. Zum electrischen Nebenstrom. Poggend. Aunal. LXVL, 1845, pp. 235-249. 18. Bestimmung der compensirten Draht- liiugen ohne Luftthermorneter. Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 327-344. 19. Ueber die Vertheilung der freien Spannung auf dem Schliessuugsdraht des elec- trischen Batterie. Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 468-496. 20. Lo'sung des kiirzlich iiber die Ver- zweigung galvanischer Strome aufgestellten Problems fiir den Entladungsstrom der elec- trischen Batterie. Poggend. Annal. LXVIIL, 1846, pp. 136-139. 21. Ueber die Spannuugsverhaltnisse beirn Laduugsstrom der electrischen Batterie. Pog- gend. Annal. LXIX., 1846, pp. 77-80. 22. Ueber den Vergleich der electrischen mit den galvanischen Fornieln. Poggend. Annal. LXIX., 1846, pp. 421-426. 23. Allgemeine Physik. Eepert. der Phys. VII., 1846, pp. 121-238. 24. Ueber die Spunnungsverhultnisse beirn electrischen Nebenstrom. Poggend. Anual. LXX., 1847, pp. 106-115, 255-267. 25. Ueber Erscheiuungen, die init deni electrischeu Ladungsstrome zusammenhangen. Poggend. Annal. LXXL, 1847, pp. 343-357. 26. Ueber die Veranderungeu, welche der Eutladungsstrom einer electrischeu Batterie erleidet, wenn mit dem Schliessungsdrathe eine zweite Batterie, in Verbindung gesetzt wird. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 317-393. 27. Ueber den Widerstand der Luft im Schliessungsbogen der electrischeu Batterie. Poggend. Annal. LXXVIIL, 1849, pp. 42- 54. • 28. Ueber Seitenentladungen am Schliess- uncjsbogeu der electrischeu Batterie. Poggend. Annal. LXXVIIL, 1849, pp. 54-58. 29. Ueber den Zusammenhang, in welchem die Stromtheilung und der Nebenstrom der eiectrischen Batterie mit einander stehen. Poggeud. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 255-269. 30. Ueber die Correction der Beobacht- ungen bei Anwendung ungleicher Flaschen zu den electrischen Batterieu. Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 354-367. 31. Versuche iiber die electrische Induc- tion. Grunert, Archiv, XIX., 1852, pp. 53- 69, 97-118. 32. Apparat zu Inductionsversuchen niit der Nebenbatterie. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 113-115. 33. Notiz iiber das Tonen der Neben- batterie. Poggend. Anual. XC., 1853, pp. 189- 192. ENO] 691 [KNO Knochenhauer, K. W. 34. Ueber die inducirte Ladung dor Nebenbatterie in ihrem Maximum. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1853, pp. 219-274. 35. Notiz fiber den Widerstand des Eisen- dratlies im electrischen Strome. "Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1853, pp. 275-278. 36. Ueber den Einfluss der Nichtleiter auf die Starke der electriscben Induction. Pog- gend. Annal. XCIII., 1854, pp. 407-417. 37. Ueber die inducirte Ladung der Ne- Knocker, benbatterie in ihrem Maximum. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 113-116. 38. Ueber die gemeinsame Wirkung zweier electrischer Strome. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVIIL, 1855, pp. 143-177. 39. Ueber die Wirkung eines Eisendraht- biindels auf den electrischen Strom. Poggend. Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 260-274. 4O. Ueber die Theilung des electrischen Stroms. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXII., 1856, pp. 327-331. 41. Ueber den Strom der Nebenbatterie. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXII., 1856, pp. 331-376. 42. Beobachtuugen iiber zwei sich gleich- zeitig entladende Batterien. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXV., 1857, pp. 71-86. 43. Versuche mit einer getheilten Bat- terie. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXVIL, 1857, pp. 207- 256. 44. Notiz betreffend den electrischen Funken. Poggend. Annal. CIV., 1858, pp. 643-647. 45. Ueber den electrischen Zustand der Nebenbatterie wahrend ihres Stromes. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 163-204. 46. Ueber den Strom der Nebenbatterie. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIV., 1859, pp. 77-90. 47. Ueber die Theilung des electrischen Stroms. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 427-453. 48. Ueber das electrische Lufttherniometer. [1859.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIX., 1860, pp. 701-760. 49. Ueber den Gebrauch des Luftther- Ueber eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Stiirkemchls in den vegetabil- ischen Nahrungsmitteln. Breslau, Schles. Ge- sell. Uebersicht, 1846, pp. 34-37. 2. Ueber die chemische Constitution der mometers. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 259-280; XLIII. (Abth. 2), 1862, pp. 27-78; XLV. (Abth. 2), 1862, pp. 229- 250. 50. Versuche zur Theorie des Condensa- tors. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VI. (Abth. 2), 1863. pp. 138-156. • 51. Ueber Fliissigkeiten im electrischen Strome. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVI. (Abth. 2), 1863, pp. 462-482. Knocke, W. Darstellung von Schwefelsiiure beim Kosten von Kupfererzeh in Schachtofen zu Oker. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIV., 1859, pp. 181-192. Galle, mit Bezug auf die in neuester Zeit hier- iiber gemachten Entdeckungen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1846, pp. 37-40. Knod. E. von. Ueber die Aehnlichkeit und Verschiedenheit des Licht- und Warmestoffes. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. L, 1809, pp. 145- 160. Knogler, Gabriel. Nachricht von astronom- ischen Beobachtungen in Deutschland und China, und von einer Chinesischen Grad-Mess- ung. Zach, Monat. Corresp. I., 1800, pp. 241- 251, 589-593. Knoll, G. Theorie des poutres latices. Cuyper, Revue Univ. III., 1858, pp. 467-473. Knollaert, J. M. C. Eenige opmerkingen over Versio en Evolutio Spontanea. Benevens eene waarneming over dit onderwerp ; alsrnede Im- perforatio Urethras dit geval betrefiende. Boerhaave, VI., 1847, pp. 169-184. Knoop, Ed. De veneficio per strychninum ej us- que antidotis. Kiel, Schriften, VII., 1860 (P/rilos. I.). Knop, Adolph. Notiz iiber ein chromsaures Kupferoxyd-Kali. Liebig, Anual. LXX., 1849, pp. 52-54. 2. Beobachtungen iiber Krystallisation des salpetersauren Bleioxyds, nebst einigen Bemerk- ungen iiber Bildung der endogenen Pseudo- morphosen. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXIV., 1853, pp. 17-22. 3. Ueber einige histologisch merkwiirdige Erscheinungen an Gang-Gesteinen aus dem Hochstatter-Thale bei Auerbach an der Berg- strasse, insbesondere iiber die sogeuannten Peri- morphosen von Kalkspath uudEpidotin Granat. Leonhard u._Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 33-54. 4. Ueber ein dem Amphibol ahnliches Mineral von Waldheim in Sachsen. Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 363-367. 5. Ueber die Krystallform des Faujasits. Liebig, Annal. CXI., 1859, pp. 375-380, 6. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Steinkohlen- Formatiou und des Eothliegenden im Erzge- birgischen Bassiu. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1859, pp. 532-539, 671-720. 7. Ueber Pseudomorphosen einer pinitoid- ischen Substanz nach Cordierit aus dem Granit von Heidelberg. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1861, pp. 142-153. 8. Ueber die Kupfererz-Lagerstiitten von Klein Namaqualand und Damaraland. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1861, pp. 513-550. 9. Ueber die Krystallform der Chinasaure Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 327-331. 4 s 2 KNO] 692 [KNO Knop, Adolph. 10. Ueber titansaurehaltigea Magneteisenstein. Liebig, Anual. CXXIII., 1862, pp. 348-353. 11. Ueber Pachnolith, ein neues Mineral. Liebig, Annal. CXXVII., 1863, pp. 61-68. 12. Chlornatriuni ia Ilexakisoctaedern ; krystallographische Notiz. Liebig, Annal. CXXVII., 1863, pp. 68-69. 13. Analyse der Pachnolith. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XHL, 1863, pp. 143-144. Knop, Adolph und IJ'ilttclm. Ueber die Gase, welche in den inneren Hiihlungen der Pflanzeu eino-eschlossen sind. Chem. Pharin. Ceutr. Blatt, XXII., 1851, pp. 609-615. 2. Zusammensetzung der Sphseria deusta. Chera. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXII., 1851, pp. 648-650. 3. Ueber die Abhiingigkeit der Pflanzen von der Atmosphare. Chein. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXII., 1851, pp. 721-734. 4. Ueber die irn Griinsteinschiefer von Harthau bei Chemnitz auftretenden Pseudo- morphosen. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXII., 1851, pp. 754-759. 5. Ueber die Gerbsauren und eine Klasse neuer stickstoffhaltiger Abkommlinge der Gerbsiiurereihe. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXIII., 1852, pp. 417-423 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 327-334. 6. Ueber dasVerhalten der nitrirten Zuckerverbindungen zu reducirenden Mitteln. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXIII., 1852, pp. 423-426 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 334-339. 7. Ueber ein neues Vorkommen von Anatas. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXIIL, 1852, pp. 459-460. 8. Notiz iiber ein eigenthumliches sprodes Silber. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXIIL, 1852, pp. 530-532. 9. Ueber die Abhiingigkeit der Pflanzen von der Atmosphiire. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXIIL, 1852, pp. 593-602. Xuop, Wilhclm. Ueber eine neue Platinverbind- mif. Liebig, Annal. XLIIL, 1842, pp. 111-115 ; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 328-330. 2. Chernisch-physiologische Untersuchung iiber die Flechteu. Liebig, Annal. XLIX., 1844, pp. 103-124 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 196-208 ; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1S44, pp. 80-99. . 3. Ueber die nnorganischen Bestandtheilc der Ve^etabilien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 14-48. 4. Notiz iiber die Fallung und Treunung der Thonerde und des Eisenoxyds. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 58- 59. Knop, inUielm. 5. Einige Beobachtungen iiber Krystallbildung. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 90-104; XLL, 1847, pp. 81-84. 6. Ueber das Atomgewicht des Maunits. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XX., 1849, pp. 801-808 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VIII., 1849, pp. 362-371; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 239-240. 7. Nachtraeliche Bemerkung iiber das _ ° *-.i T»t Atomgewicht des Mannits. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXL, 1850, pp. 49-52 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIX., 1850, pp. 228-232. 8. Ueber einige Verbindungen des Man- nits. Liebig, Annal. LXXIV., 1850, pp. 347- 351. 9. Mittheilung iiber eine ueue Metamor- phose der nitrirten Verbindungen der Zuckeriihn- lichen Substanzeu. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXIIL, 1852, pp. 129-130. 10. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Wasser- pflanzen zu Gasen. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXIV., 1853, pp. 646-654 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 65-134. 11. Ueber Anwendung des Broms zum Bromiren organischer Substanzen nach quanti- tativ bestimmbareu Verhiiltnissen, und eine maassanalytischc Priifungsmethode fiir Fette und fliichtige Oele. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXV., 1854, pp. 320-323. 12. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber maassau- alytische Untersuchung mittelst Brom, in spe- cieller Anwendung auf Fette und fliichtige Oele. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXV., 1854, pp. 403-414. 13. Notiz iiber die Bereitung der Brom- wasserstoll'saure. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXV., 1854, pp. 436-438. 14. Ueber einige bromirte fliichtige Oele und Fette. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXV., 1854, pp. 498-501. 15. Notiz iiber das Verbrennen des Na- triums auf Wasser. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXV., 1854, pp. 822-824. 16. Untersuchung iiber die Gerbsaure und Gallussiiure. Chem. Pharm. Ceutr. Blatt, XXV., 1854, pp. 855-860. 17. Untersuchung iiber die Gerbsaure (iiber die Forrnel derselben und das Ilydrylamin H»NH3 ein neues gepaartes Ammoniak). Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXVI., 1855, pp. 657- 672. 18. Ueber Anwendung der Alkoholreihe als Basis der chemischen Systematik. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXVI., 1855, pp. 674- 681. 19. Ueber die Pyrogallussiiure, Gallus- siiure und die Constitution der Gerbsaure. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXVL, 1855, pp. 737-752. KNO] 693 [KNO Knop, Wilhelm. 20. Ueber einigo Regelmiissig- keiten in der Zusammensetzung organischer Ku'rper. Chem. Centr. Blatt, I., 1856, pp. 81- 95, 102-103. 21. Einige Beinerkungen zu vorstehender Abhaudlung von A. CAHOURS und A. W. HOK- MANN iiber cine neue Classe von Alkoholen, und iiber den Typus der Salpetersiiure und des Ammoniaks. Chem. Centr. Blatt, I., 1856, pp. 198-203. 22. Ueber Auffindung des lods. Chem. Centr. Blatt, I., 1856, pp. 497-498. 23. Ueber Behandlung der nicht fliichtigen organischen Kiirper mit schwefligsauren Alka- lien. Chem. Centr. Blatt, I., 1856, pp. 513- 515. 24. Neue Methode die Phosphorsiiure zu bestimmen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. LXIX., 1856, pp. 401-415. 25. Notiz iiber Anwendung des Wasser- glases als Kornerdiingung. Chem. Centr. Blatt, II., 1857, pp. 337-339. — — 26. Untersuchung iiber die Gerbsiiure. Chem. Centr. Blatt. II., 1857, pp. 370-381. • 27. Notiz iiber die Stelluug des Glycols in der Reihe der Alkohole. Chem. Centr. Blatt, II., 1857, pp. 626-630. 28. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die bei An- gaben von dichten oder specifischen Gewichten von Gasen und Dampfen gebrauchlichen Zahlen. Chem. Centr. Blatt, II., 1857, pp. 902-904. 29. Ueber das gleiche Verhalten des mo- lybdiinsauren Ammoniaks gcgen Phosphorsaure und Kieselsiiure. Chem. Centr. Blatt, III., 1858, pp. 102-105. 3O. Ueber einige neue Verbindungen des Fluorkiesels. Chem. Centr. Blatt, III., 1858, pp. 388-399, 404-407; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIV., 1858, pp. 41-62 ; Jouru. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 235-236. 31. Ueber ein phosphorhaltiges Oel der Erbsen. Chem. Centr. Blatt, III., 1858, pp. 759-761. 32. Untersuchungen iiber die Aufnahme von Mineralstoffen durch die Pflanzen. Chem. Centr. Blatt, III., 1858, pp. 881-884. 33. Notiz iiber die Bereitung der Platin- eyandoppelsalze. Chem. Centr. Blatt, IV., 1859, pp. 17-19. 34. Ueber eine Eigenschaft des Platinsal- miaks. Chem. Centr. Blatt, IV., 1859, pp. 241- 245. 35. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gerbsiiure. Chem. Centr. Blatt, V., 1860, pp. 278-280. 36. Ueber die bei Vegetationsversuchen bisher befolgten Untersuchungsmethoden. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXI., 1860, pp. 321- 356. Kuop, Wilhelm, uud 7?. Arendt. Uebcr Be- stimmung der Phospliorsliure bei Gegenwart von Eisen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 415-417. 2. Ueber die Bestimmung der Phos- phorsaure mittelst der Oxyde des Urans. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 385-397 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, p. 158. 3. Methode der Analyse von Pflan- zenaschen. Erdin. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 63-68. 4. Ueber Eigenschaften einiger Uransalze. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 68-73. Knop, Wilhelm und Acfolji//. See Knop, Adolpli. Knop, Wilhelm, und H. Bitter. Vergleichende Uutersuehung der Mineralbestandtheile von auf verschiedenem Boden gebauten Pflanzen. Chem. Centr. Blatt, IV., 1359, pp. 106- 108. Knop, Wilhelm, und G. H. E. Schnedermann. Ueber den Mannit. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 410-416. 2. Ueber die Manuitsohwefelsaure und das Atomgewicht des Mannits. Liebig, Annal. LI., 1844, pp. 132-139; Jouru. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 360-364. 3. Chemiseh-physiologische Unter- suchungen iiber die Flechten. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 107-122 ; XXXIX., 1846, pp. 363-367 ; XL., 1847, pp. 385-400; Gottingen, Nachrichteu, 1845, pp. 97-108 ; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 63-66 ; Liebig, Annal. LV., 1845, pp. 144- 166. 4. Notiz zur Geschiehte des Vor- kommens von Arsen in deu Knoehen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 471- 472. 5. Ueber die Cyanverbindungen des Platins. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVII., 1846, pp. 461-475 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 223-227. Knop, Wilhelm, und //". Wolf. Versuche iiber die Bestimmung des Stickstoffes in Ammoniaksalzen, in stickstotthaltigen orgauischen Korpern, in den Wassern und in der Ackererde mittels der bromirten Losuug von unterchlorigsaurem Na- tron. Chem. Ceutr. Blatt, V., 1860, pp. 257- 272. 2. Ueber eine beachtenswerthc Ei- geuschaft der Ackererde und die Bestimmuug dea Ammoniaks in derselben. Chem. Ceutr. Blatt, V., 1860, pp. 534-540. Knopfer, Lcunder. Der Zirknitzer - See. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 273-278, 279-298. KNO] 694 [KNO Knopfler, IVilhelm. Uebcr den Aerolithenfall bei Mezo-Madaras. Hermannstadt, Verhandl. Siebenbiirg. Ver. III., 1852, pp. 153-154 ; IV.. 1853, pp. 19-24 ; VI., 1855, pp. 87-88. 2. Ueber den am 4 September 1852 bei Mezo-Madaras in Siebenbiirgen stattgehabteu Meteori ten-Fall. Wieii, Sitz. Ber. XL, 1854, pp. 675-681. Knopler , W. Nagyag in topographischer, berg- rnannischer und iiaturhistorischer Beziehung. Altenburg, Mittheil. VIII. , 1845, pp. 216-233. Knopp, Hermann. Calcul de 1'effet utile des marteaux a vapeur du systetne DAELEN, a ex- pansion. Cuyper, Revue Univ. IX., 1861, pp. 127-136. Knorr, Ernst. Ueber den Gang der Temperatur zu Kasan wahrend des Jahres 1833. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. VIII., 1835, pp. 125-147 ; Pog- gend. Annal. XLII., 1837, pp. 647-667. 2. Resultate der in den Jahren 1828 bis 1833 auf dem meteorologisclien Observatorium der Universitiit zu Kasan angestellten Barorneter- vind Thermometer-Beobachtuugen. Poggend. Annal. XXXVL, 1835, pp. 204-208. 3. Bestimmung der absoluten Hohe von Kasan. Moscou, Soc. Nat, Bull. 1837, No. 6, pp. 19-28. 4. Sur la formation des images de MOSEE. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 239-240; Bibl. Univ. XLILL, 1843, p. 397. 5. Sur la tbermographie. Paris, Comptes Kendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 691-695 ; Bibl. Univ. XLV., 1843, pp. 379-385; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXXVIIL, 1843, pp. 217-221 ; Pog- gend. Annal. LVIIL, 1843, pp. 563-574. . 6. Darstellung von Warmebildern. Pog- gend. Annal. LVIII., 1843, pp. 320-326. 7. Untersucliungen iiber das von Prof. MOSEE zu Konigsberg entdeekte dunkle Lieht und iiber die Erzeugung von Warmebilderu. [1842.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 261-277 ; Poggend. Annal. LX., 1843, pp. 18-39; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cheui. XXIX., 1843, pp. 246-264. 8. Notiz iiber einige Apparate zu hydro- metrischen Messungen in Stromen. [1842.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 81- 90. 9. Ueber electrische Abbildungen und Thermograpbien. Poggend. Annal. LXL, 1844, pp. 569-585; LXII., 1844, pp. 464-478; LXIIL, 1844, pp. 506-519; Arcbives de 1'Electr. V., 1845, pp. 115-127. 1O. Practiscbe Benierkungen zur Daguer- reotypie. 'Posjgend. Anna!. LXV., 1845, pp. 30-68. 11. Beobachtung eines Irrlichts. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 620-625. Knorr, Ernst. 12. Der Tastengyrotrop und seine Anwenduug zu pbysikalischen Zwecken und in der electromagnetiscben Telegrapbie. Poggend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 177-182. . 13. Bemerkungen iiber das neue Mikro- meter des Herrn PETEUSCHETVSKY. Poggend. Annal. CXI., 1860, pp. 125-136. 14. Ueber die Messung der Gehorweite und die Ungleichheit derselben fiir das rechte und linke Ohr. Poggend. Annal. CXIII., 1861, pp. 320-327. 15. Ueber die tiiglicbe Variation des Baro- meters und die atmosphariscbe Lunar-Flutb. Schlornilch, Zeitschr. VII., 1862, pp. 180-188. Knorre, Karl. Sternbedeckungen, beobachtet im Jabre 1824 in Nicolajew. Astr. Nacbr. IV., 1826, col. 535-538. 2. Beobachtungen des Cometen von 1823 und 1824 an einem Fraunboferscben Kreismi- krometer in Nicolajew gemacbt. Astr. Nacbr. V., 1827, col. 101-110. 3. [Sternbedeckungeu, beobachtet in den Jabreu 1822-25.] Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 57-62. 4. Sternbedeckungen. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 261-264. 5. [Beobachtungen des Cometen von 1831.] Astr. Nachr. IX., 1831, col. 173-180. 6. Tafel fiir die Mitternacbtsverbesserung. Astr. Nachr. IX., 1831, col. 181-188. 7. Bemerkuugen zu HAEDJNG'S Himmels- karten. Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 3-12. 8. Ueber den Vortheil, welcher durch Ablesen an mehreren Puncten der Theilung erlangt -wird. Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 213-216. 9. Sternbedeckungeu in Nicolajew. Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 137-140. 10. [Elemente des von MAUVAIS entdeckten Cometen.] Astr. Nachr. XXI., 1844, col. 37- 38. Knorz, . Ueber den von Herrn DECAISNE angegebenen Parasitismus der Ehinanthaceen. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 239-241. 2. Ueber die Entstehung des Embryo im Pflanzen-Ei. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 273-282. Knott, G. Observations of Comet II., 1862. [1862.] Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXHL, 1863, pp. 30-31. 2. On the variable star E, Vulpeculte. T1862.] Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. XXIII., 1863, p. 64. 3. On the Elchies Equatoreal. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIH., 1863, pp. 91-92. Knotz, . Ueber den Cretinismus. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1843, pp. 260-262. KNO] 695 [KNO Knowles, John. On the advantages of the Curvilinear Form introduced by Sir Robert SEPPINGS, in the construction of the sterns of British Ships of War. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIV., 1823, pp. 325-332. Knowles, E. R. J. Extraordinary appearance in the flame of a common mould caudle. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), p. 49. Knox, A. E. Notes on the birds of Sussex. Newman, Zoologist, I., 1843, pp. 137-140, 225- 230 ; II., pp. 430-433. • 2. Notes on the cause of the nudity of the throat, &c., and of the absence of nasal bristles in the adult Rook. Newman, Zoologist, II., 1844, pp. 628-633. • 3. On the habits of the black- winged Stilt, as observed on its occurrence in Sussex. Sclater, Ibis, I., 1859, pp. 395-397. Knox, George. Observations on Calp. [1801.] Irish Acad. Trans. VIII., 1802, pp. 207-214. 2. Some account of a very singular and important Alum Mine near Glasgow. Nichol- son, Journ. XVI., 1807, pp. 233-235. 3. Facts and experiments relating to Fiorin Grass. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLL, 1813, pp. 313-314. 4. Experiments and observations on the Newry pitch-stone, and its products, and on the formation of pumice. Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 313- 338 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1823, pp. 44-50. 5. On Bitumen in stones. Phil. Trans. 1823, pp. 517-528; Aunal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 178-192; Sillinian, Journ. XII., 1827, pp. 147-149. Knox, George James. On the direction and mode of propagation of the electric force traversing interposed media. [1839.] Phil. Mag. XVI., 1840, pp. 185-194; Irish Acad. Trans. XIX., 1843, pp. 147-153. 2. On a compound of fluorine and carbon. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 299-300. 3. On the insulation of fluorine, and on a compound of fluorine and selenium. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 335-337. 4. On the oxidating power of glass for metals. [1840.] Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 369-370 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XX., 1840, pp. 503-505. 5. Notice of a gaseous compound of fluorine and cyanogen. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 371-373. 6. On a principle for producing an ever- burning flame. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 473-474. 7. Supplementary researches on the direc- tion and mode of propagation of the Electric Force, and on the source of electric develope- ment. [1841.] Irish Acad. Trans. XIX., 1843, pp. 257-263. Knox, George James. 8. On the improvement of the voltaic pile. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 25-29. 9. On the compound nature of nitrogen. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 171-172. Knox, George James, and Thomas Knox. On the insulation of Fluorine. [1837.] Irish Acad. Trans. XVIII., 1838, pp. 127-134 ; Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), p. 77. 2. On Fluorine. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 54-56 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 119-121 ; XX., 1840, pp. 172- 175 ; Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 107-109. 3. On the magnetising power of the more refrangible solar rays. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 393-395. Knox, Henry B., and Thomas Knox. On the comparative amount of rain at Toomavara, county of Tipperary, and at Monks' Eleigh, Suffolk. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 455- 458. 2. On the quantity of rain which falls in the south-west of Ireland and in Suf- folk, with the wind at the several points of the compass. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 22-23. Knox, John. On some phenomena of colours exhibited by thin plates. Phil. Trans. 1815, pp. 161-181. Knox, R. W. Report of some experiments on the electricity of metallic veins, and the tem- perature of mines. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1837, pp. 133-137. Knox, Robert. On the relation subsisting be- tween the time of the day, and various functions of the human body ; and on the manner in which the pulsations of the heart and arteries are aifected by muscular exertion. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XI., 1815, pp. 52-65, 164- 167 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, II., 1816, pp. 85-95. 2. On the climate of Southern Africa, with an abstract of a Meteorological Register kept at Graaf Reynet. Edinb. Phil. Journ. V., 1821, pp. 279-287 ; Froriep, Notizen, I., 1822, col. 225-227. 3. Notice relative to the habits of the Hy;ena of Southern Africa. [1822.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-23, pp. 383-385 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 80-83 ; Fro- riep, Notizeu, V., 1823, col. 243-245. 4. Observations on the anatomy of the Beaver (" Castor Fiber," Linn.), considered as an aquatic animal. [1823.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 548-555. 5. Observations relative to the action of the heart in fishes. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XVIIL, 1822, pp. 564-567. KNO] 096 [KNO Knox, Robert. 6. Beobachtungen iiber den Bandwurm (Treni.i solium) und seine Entfem- ung mittels Terpentin-Spiritus. (Transl.) Fro- riep, Notizen, I., 1822, col. 121-124. 7. An account of the Foramen centrale of the retina, generally called the Foramen of SCEMMEHING, as seen in the Eyes of certain Keptiles. [1823.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. V., 1823-24, pp. 1-7 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 358-359. — — 8. Observations on the anatomy of the Duck- billed animal of New South Wales, the Orni- thorhynchus paradoxus of naturalists. [1823.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. V., 1823-24, pp. 26- 41 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 377- 381 ; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1823, col. 289-292. 9. Additional observations relative to the Foramen centrale of the retina in Reptiles. [1823.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. V., 1823-24. pp. 104-106. 1O. Observations on the organs of diges- tion and their appendages, and on the organs of respiration and circulation, in the Ornitho- rhynchus paradoxus. [1823.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. V., 1823-24, pp. 144-174 ; Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1824, col. 65-69. 11. Inquiry into the origin and character- istic differences of the native races inhabiting the extra-tropical part of Southern Africa. [1823.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. V.. 1823-24, pp. 206-219; Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 33- 46 ; Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1824, col. 17-24. 12. On the mode of growth, reproduc- tion, and structure of the poison-fangs in Ser- pents. [1824.] Edinb. Mem. Weru. Soc. V., 1823-24, pp. 411-423 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIX., 1828, col. 146-150. 13. Observations on the general Anatomy of the Gymnotus Electricus, the Electric Eel of America ; and on the philosophical anatomy of the electric organs. Ediub. Journ. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 96-99. 14. Observations on the anatomy of the lacteal system in the Seal and Cetacea. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XXII., 1824, pp. 23- 31 ; Froriep, Notizen, VIIL, 1824, col. 49-53. 15. Observations on the anatomical struc- ture of the Cassowary of New Holland (Casua- rius Novas Hollandise,CW.). Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. 132-140; Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1824, col. 263-264; Meckel, Archiv, 1832, pp. 271-273. 16. Observations on the structure and functions of the canal of PETIT and of the Marsupium nigrum, or peculiar vascular tissue traversing the vitreous humour, in the eyes of birds, fishes, and reptiles. Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. 323-32.5 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 231-252. , Robert. 17. Observations on the com- parative anatomy of the eye. [1823.J Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. 338-342 ; Ediub. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 43-78 ; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1824, col. 161-165. 18. On the theory of the existence of a sixth sense in fishes ; supposed to reside in certain peculiar tubular organs, found imme- diately under the integuments of the head in Sharks and Rays. Edinb. Jouru. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 12-16. 19. On the limits of the retina of the eye of the Sepia loligo, one of the Cephalo- podous Mollusca. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 193-200 ; Froriep, Notizen, XII., 1826, col. 181-186. 2O. Observations on the anatomy of a human foetus, presenting several remarkable congenital deformities. Ediub. Journ. Med. Sci. I., 1826, pp. 342-347. 21. Observations on the comparative anatomy of the base of the Iris, and its mode of union with the Cornea, Aunulus albus, and choroid tunick. Edinb. Journ. Med. Sci. II., 1826, pp. 101-115. 22. Observations on the size of the teeth in Sharks compared with the fossil teeth of an animal analogous to the present Shark. Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1826, pp. 16-18. 23. On the Wombat of FLINDERS. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1826, pp. 104-112. 24. Notice respecting the presence of a rudimentary spur in the female Echidna of New Holland. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1826, pp. 130-132. 25. On the structure of the knee-joint in the Echidna setosa and the Ornithorhynchus paradoxus. Zool. Journ. III., 1 828, pp. 597-598 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat, XVI., 1829, p. 461. 26. Remarks on the structure of the Gibbons, a sub-genus of the Orangs or Pitheci. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 155-157. 27. Notice regarding the osteology and dentition of the Dugong. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 157-158. 28. Notice of a Sword -Fish recently caught in the river Tay. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, pp. 427-430. 29. Theory of Hermaphroditism, and its application to the generative and respiratory organs. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1830, pp. 322-326. 3O. Notice regarding the nature of a peculiar structure observed in the second stomach of certain Cetacea, generally con- sidered as simply glandular, but seemingly analogous to the electric organs of the Torpedo and Gymnotus. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1830, pp. 319-324. KNO] 697 [KNO Knox, Robert. 31. Observations to determine the dentition of the Dugong ; to which are added observations illustrating the anatomical structure and natural history of certain of the Cetacea. [1830.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XL, 1831, pp. 389-417. 32. Observations on the structure of the stomach of the Peruvian Lama ; to which are prefixed remarks on the analogical reasoning of anatomists, in the determination a priori of unknown species and unknown structures. [1830.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XL, 1831, pp. 479-498 ; Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I., 1839, pp. 321-328, 349-350. 33. Observations on the natural history of the Salmon. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1831-32, pp. 587-589 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIL, 1833, col. 33-35. 34. Observations on the anatomy of the Rorqual, drawn up from the dissection of a specimen found dead off North Berwick. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1832-33, pp. 14-15. 35. Observations on the structure of the foot of the Horse. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1832-33, pp. 15-17. 36. Account of the dissection of a young Rorqual, or short Whalebone Whale (Balasna rostrata, Fabricius) ; with a few observa- tions on the anatomy of the foetal Mysticetus. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1833-34, pp. 63-65. 37. Observations on the natural history of the Salmon, Herring, and Vendace. [1833.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XII., 1834, pp. 462- 518. • 38. Remarks on the lately discovered microscopic Eutozoa, infesting the muscles of the human body ; with some observations on a similar animal found beneath the intestinal mucous membrane of the Horse. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XLVL, 1836, pp. 89-94. 39. On the newly discovered microscopic Entozoon infesting the muscles of the human body. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1836, p. 133. 40. Proofs that the teeth of the Cachalot are devoid of enamel. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1836, p. 146. 41. Physiological observations on the pul- sations of the Heart, and on its diurnal revo- lution and excitability. Ediub. Med. Surg. Journ. XL VII., 1837, pp. 358-377. 42. Contributions to Anatomy and Phy- siology. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LVL, 1841^ pp. 125-139, 330-337. 43. Recollections of researches into the natural and economic history of certain species of the Clupeadas, Coregoni, and Salmonidce. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 79-80. VOL. III. Knox, Robert. 44. On the food of certain gre- garious Fishes. Linn. Soe. Proc. II., 18oo, pp. 354-359; Newman, Zoologist, XIII., 1855, pp. 4709-4724. 45. Some observations on the Salmo estuarius or Estuary Trout. Newman, Zoologist, XIII., 1855, pp. 4662-4673. 46. Inquiries into the philosophy of Zoology : — No. 1. On the dentition of the Sal- monidte. No. 2. Coloration of the Salmonidw. No. 3. The proportions of the Salmonid;e, as compared with each other and with the generic animal. Newman, Zoologist, XIII., 1855, pp. 4777-4792. 47. On tlie growth of the Salmon, from the egg to the adult. Newman, Zoologist, XIII., 1855, pp. 4792-4798. 48. Contributions to the philosophy of Zoology: — No. 1. On the relation of species or race to genus or natural family. Newman, Zoologist, XIII., 1855, pp. 4837-4842. 49. The present position of the Salmon question, considered physiologically. Newman, Zoologist, XIV., 1856, pp. 4985-4992. SO. Some remarks on the skeleton of the head of the Urus Scoticus. Newman, Zoologist, XV., 1857, pp. 5417-5419. 51. Zoology : its present phasis and future prospects. Newman, Zoologist, XV., 1857, pp. 5473-5502. 52. Contributions to the anatomy and natural history of the Cetacea. [1857.] Linn. Soc. Journ. III., 1859 (Zool.}, pp. 63-76. 53. Ethnological inquiries and observa- tions. Authropol. Review, I., 1863, pp. 246- 263. 54. On the application of the anatomical method to the discrimination of species. An- thropol. Review, I., 1863, pp. 263-270. 55. On the deformations of the human cranium supposed to be produced by mechanical means. Anthropol. Review, L, 1863, pp. 271- 273. Knox, Thomas. On a new rain-gauge. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 90-96. 2. On the relative electro-negative powers of Iodine and Fluorine. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), p. 39. 3. Application of the daguerrotype process to astronomical purposes. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 251-256. • 4. On the action of certain salts as ma- nures. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 333- 335. 5. On cyanogen, as a food for plants. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 517-519. • 6. On the purification and ventilation of vessels. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 560- 561. 4 T KNO] 698 [KOB Knox, Thomas. 7. On the amount of rain which had fallen, with the different winds, at Toomavara, in the county of Limerick, during five consecutive years. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), p. 17. 8. On the quantity of rain which fell at Toomavara during five years since 1827. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 100-102. Knox, Thomas and George James. See Knox, George Jnmes. Knox, Thomas and Henry B. See Knox, Henry B. Kobell, Franz von. Ueber den dichten Gehlenit von der Montzom-Alpe bei Bozza [Pozza ?]. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IV., 1825, pp. 313-325. 2. Zur nahern Keuntniss des Granats. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. V., 1825, pp. 164- 167. 3. Ueber den Vesuvian von Mussa und Montzoni. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VII., 1 826, pp. 399-406. 4. Ueber die Verunreinigung des Kali durch Phosphors-iure. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VIII., 1826, pp. 323-325. 5. Analyse des Pyrops vom Stifelberge in Bohmen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VIII., 1826, pp. 447-454. 6. Zur Kenntniss des Granats. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. X., 1827, pp. 15-28. 7. Untersuchungen iiber den einaxigen Glimmer, Chlorit uud Talk. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XII., 1827, pp. 29-51. 8. Ueber das Auffinden des Kupfers in kupferhaltigen Miueralien vor dem Lothrohr. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XII., 1827, pp. 318- 321. 9. Krystallographische Bemerkungeu. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XIII., 1828, pp. 1-4. 10. Formeln zur Berechnung der Rhoni- boeder, gleichwinklichen sechsseitigen Pyram- iden und der Quadratpyrarniden. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XIII., 1828, pp. 4-12. 11. Ueber den Pektolith. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XIII., 1828, pp. 385-393. • 12. Notiz iiber das phosphorsaure Kupfer ; briefliche Mittheilung. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XIII., 1828, pp. 393-395. 13. Ueber den Ockenit, eine neue Mineral- Species. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XIV., 1828, pp. 333-337. 14. Ueber einen dichten Granat voin Schwarzenstein im Zillerthale in Tyrol. Kast- ner, Archiv Naturl. XIV., 1828, pp. 338- 341. • 15. Zur Kenntniss des Pektoliths. Kast- ner, Archiv Naturl. XIV., 1828, p. 341. 16. Ueber das Eisensilicat von Bodenmais (Thraulit). Poggend. Auual. XIV., 1828, pp. 467-469. Kobell, Franz von. 17. Ueber Olivenit, Kup- ferschauin, und Kieselmalachit. Miinchen, Ab- handl. 1829-30, pp. 115-136; Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XXHL, 1832, pp. 88-107 ; Poggend. Annal. XVIII., 1830, pp. 249-254. 18. Ueber einige in der Natur vorkom- ineude Verbimlungen der Eisenoxyde. Miin- cheu, Abhandl. 1829-30, pp. 137-170 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXII. (— Jahrb. II.), 1831, pp. 195-199 ; LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 283-293. 19. Ueber einen optisch merkwtirdigen Arragonitkrystall, uud iiber die Eigenschaft des Glimmers und Gypses, das Licht zu polarisiren. Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 342-346. 2O. Ueber die krystallographische Be- zeichnung der Formen des kliuorhonibischen Systems. Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 401-411. 21. Ueber die polarisirende Eigenschaft des Glimmers und einiger auderen Mineralien. Poggeud. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 412-416. 22. Mineralogische Bemerkungen. Leon- hard u. Broun, Jahrb. 1831, pp. 127-131. 23. Ueber das Erdol von Tegernsee im Baierischen Oberlande. [1835.] Miinchen, Abhandl. 1831-36 (pte. 2), pp. 141-161; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. VIII., 1836, pp. 305-320; Liebig, Annal. XX., 1836, pp. 234-235. 24. Cluiracteristik der Mineralien. Oken, Isis, XXIV., 1831, col. 464. 25. Analyse des Titaneisens von Egersund. Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 59-63. 26. Vermuthung iiber die Zusarnmensetz- ung der Beryllerde. Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 191-192. 27. Ueber das Titaueisen von Gasteiu (Kibdelophan). Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 245-249. 28. Ueber den Humboldtilit. Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 293- 297 ; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XVII., 1833, pp. 221-223 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 51-53. 29. Vermischte chemische und rnine- ralogisch-krystallographische Bemerkungen. [Ueber die Pracipitation von Silicateu aus der salzsaureu Auflosung durch kohlensauren Kalk.] Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 297-300, 418-420, 429-434; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 53-54. — 3O. Beitrag zur Kenntuiss isometrischer und honwoinetrischer Krystallreihen. Schweig- ger, Journ. LXIV. (- Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 410-418. KOB] 699 [KOB Kobell, Franz von. 31. Bemerkungen iihcr das diklinoedrische und triklinoiklrische Krystall- system. Schweigger, Journ. LXVII. (= Jaltrb. VII.), 1833, pp. 152-159, 211-216. 32. Vermischte chemische, mineralogische und krystallographiscke Bemerkungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. I., 1834, pp. 81-95. 33. Ueber die in der Natur vorkommenden Eisenoxydhydrate. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. I., 1834, pp. 181-186. 34. Ueber den Onkosin, eine neue Mineral- Species. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 295-297. 35. Ueber den schilleruden Asbest von Reichenstein in Schlesien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 297-298. 36. Ueber den Chonikrit und Pyrosklerit. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 51- 64. 37. Ueber den Hydrornagnesit von Kumi auf Negroponte. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chein. IV., 1835, pp. 80-81. 38. Ueber den Epidot-Gabbro. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. V., 1835, pp. 212-213. 39. Ueber Arragonit-Tropfsteine von Anti- paros. Leouhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1835, pp. 256-257. 40. Ueber Krystallsystem und Krystall- reihe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VII., 1836, pp. 152-162. • 41. Mineralogische Notizen. [Tellurwis- niuth ; Jamesonit ; Nickelwismuthglanz und Fallung von Wismuthoxyd durch kohlensauren Kalk.J Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 341-343. 42. Ueber den Nickelwismuthglanz, eine neue Mineral-Species. [1835.] Munchen, Ge- lehrte Anz. II., 1836, col. 360-362 (350-352) ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VI., 1835, pp. 332- 338. 43. Vorschlag zu einer Scala iiber die Schmelzbarkeit der Mineralien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 258-260. 44. Ueber den Arfvedsonit. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIIL, 1837, pp. 3-8. 45. Beitrag zur Berechnung der Gestalten des tesseraleu Krystallsystems. Poggend. An- nal. XLI., 1837, pp. 314-322. 46. Ueber die Zersetzung des Chlorna- triums durch Kleesaure und kleesaures Ammo- niak. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV.. 1838, pp. 379-380. 47. Ueber den Titangehalt des Achmits. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV. 1838, pp. 412-413. 48. Ueber das hystatische und haplotype Eisenerz (Basanomelan). Munchen, Gelehrte Auz. VI., 1838, col. 203-206; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 409-412. Kobell, Franz von. 49. Ueber den Chlorit und Bipidolith, eine neue Mineralspecies. Miincheu, Gelehrte Anz. VIII., 1839, col. 321-327 ; Bibl. Univ. XXI., 1839, pp. 407-412; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVI., 1839, pp. 470-475. 50. Ueber den Gismondin. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. VIII., 1839, col. 836-840 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVIII., 1839, pp. 105-110. 51. Ueber Hemitropieen von Kalkspath. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. VIII., 1839, col. 841- 843 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVIII., 1839, pp. 110-111. 52. Ueber eine neue Anwendung der galvanischen Kupferpriicipitation zur Verviel- faltigung von Gemalden und Zeichnungen in Tuschmanier durch den Druck. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. X., 1840, col. 709-712 ; Bibl. Univ. XXX., 1840, pp. 212-214; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXVIL, 1840, pp. 68-72; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XX., 1840, pp. 151- 156; Silliman, Journ. XLVIII., 1845, pp. 221- 246 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 193- 202. 53. Ueber einen Zinkspath von Nert- schinsk. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XV., 1842, col. 292-294 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIII., 1843, pp. 480-481. 54. Ueber einen Meerschaum von Theben in Griecheuland. Miincheu, Gelehrte Anz. XV., 1842, col. 294-295 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIII., 1843, pp. 482-483. 55. Ueber die Krystallisation des Arnmo- niakbrechweinsteins. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XV., 1842, col. 296-298 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIII., 1843, pp. 483-485. - 56. Ueber die Krystallisation einer Ver- bindung von Harnzucker und Chlornatrium. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XVI., 1843, col. 351 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIII., 1843, pp. 489-491. 57. Ueber die Berechnung der Ableitungs- Coefficienten tesseraler Krystalle fur die Nau- mann'sche Bezeiclmung. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XVI., 1843, col. 352-355. 58. Ueber ein neues Zinksalz. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XVI., 1843, col. 355-357; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIII., 1843, pp. 492-494. 59. Ueber den Spadait, eine neue Mineral- Species, imd iiber den Wollastonit von Capo di Bove. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XVII., 1843, col. 945-950; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX.. 1843, pp. 467-471 ; Giorn. Arcad. XCIX., 1844, pp. 162-164. 6O. Ueber iieuere Galvanographieeu. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XVII., 1843, col. 950- 951 ; Dingier, Polytechu. Journ. LXXXV., 1842, pp. 342-347 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIII., 1843, pp. 500-504 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 101-102. ~ T 2 KOBJ 700 [KOB Kobell, Franz von. 61. Ueber das Anlaufen einiger Erze rait bunten Farben unter clem Einflusse des galvanischen Stroms. Miinchen, Gelehrtc Anz. XVII., 1843, col. 951-952 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 471-472. 62. Ueber deu Diallage von Grossarl im Salzburgischen. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XVII., 1843, col. 953-955 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 472-474. 63. Ueber einen als Hochofenschlacke ge- bildeten Diopsid. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XIX., 1844, col. 97-99. 64. Ueber die Krystallisatiou des sauern phosphorsauern Amtuoniaks -N- Jft4 44- 2 4i. Miin- chen, Gelehrte Anz. XIX., 1844, col. 99. • 65. Ueber eine Anwendung chemischer Metallniederschliige zu farbigen Zeichnungeii auf Kupfer. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XIX., 1844, col. 99-102. 66. Ueber die Fortschritte der Galvauo- graphie. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XIX., 1844, col. 372-382; Archives de 1'EIectr. IV., 1844, pp. 584-590 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIII., 1844, pp. 390-396; Walker. Electr. Mag. II., 1845, pp. 1-6. 67. Ueber die galvanische Anfertigung erhabcner Typen, welche gleich den Holz- schnitten gedruckt werden konneu. Miiueheu, Gelehrte Auz. XIX., 1844, col. 382-384 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIII., 1844, pp. 396-398. — 68. Ueber em Nickelerz von Lichtenberg bei Steben in Baiern. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XIX., 1844, col. 385-391 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXXIII., 1844, pp. 402-407. 69. Ueber das Titaneisen. Poggend. An- nal. LX1I., 1844, pp. 599-601 ; Annal. de Chimie, XV., 1845, pp. 320-322. 70. [Ueber ein neues Vorkommen von Zirkon in Tyrol; iiber die Scheidung von Phos- phorsiiure, und iiber ein chemisches Kenuzeichen for Titaneisen und Sphen.] Miinchen, Ge- lehrte Auz. XX., 1845, pp. 828-832 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 320- 322. 71. Ueber deu Broucit von Ujardlersoak in Gronland. Miiuchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXI., 1845, col. 302-303. 72. Analyse eines sinterartigeu Minerals vom Vesuv. Miincheu, Gelehrte Anz. XXI., 1845, col. 305-307. 73. Ueber die Scheidung der Borsiiure von der Phosphorsiiure und Flusssiiure und iiber die Eimvirkung der letzteren auf Silicate. Miinchen, Gelehrte Auz. XXI., 1845, col. 307- 310. Kobell, Franz von. 74. Ueber das Auffinden und Erkenuen des Schwefelgehalts einer Ver- biiiduug und die Unterscheklung von Sulphur- eten uud Sulphaten. Miincheu, Gelehrte Anz. XXL, 1845, col. 310-311. 75. Ueber den einaxigen Glimmer von Bodenmais. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXI 1845, col. 313-316. 76. Ueber den Brongniartin von Bercht- esgaden. Munchen, Gelehrte Auz. XXII., 1846, col. 33-35. 77. Ueber den Condurrit und iiber das Verhalten der Kufperoxyde zu metallischem Arscnik iui Feuer. Munchen, Gelehrte Auz. XXIIL, 1846, col. 321-325; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 204-208. 78. Ueber das Kupferpecherz von Turinsk im Ural. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXIII., 1846, col. 325. 79. Easy method of distinguishing Iron and Copper Pyrites. ( Translated from BEKZE- LIUS' Jahresb. XXIV.) Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, p. 157. 80. Ueber deu Hydrargillit von Villa Ricea in Brasilien. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXIV., 1847, col. 899-902 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 152-160; L., 1850, pp. 492-496. 81. Ueber den Disterrit. Miinchen, Ge- lehrte Anz. XXIV., 1847, col. 902-904. 82. Ueber die Bestimmung des Arseniks mittelst Kupfer. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXIV., 1847, col. 905-907. 83. Ueber die Bildung eines Molybdiin- Sesquioxyds. Munchen, Gelehrtc Anz. XXIV., 1847, col. 907-909. 84. Ueber den Chloropal. Munchen, Ge- lehrte Auz. XXVI., 1848, col. 543-548 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIV., 1848, pp. 95-99. 85. Ueber den Kreittonit, einen neuen Spinell von Bodenmais, nebst einigen Bemerk- ungen iiber die Mineralspecies mit vicarirenden Mischungstheilen. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXVI., 1848, col. 549-572 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIV., 1848, pp. 99-115. 86. Ueber den Skolopsit, ein neues Sulfat- Silicat. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXVIII., 1849, col. 637-646 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem XL VI., 1849, pp. 484-490. 87. KrystallographischeNotizen. [Streifung am Bergkrystall ; Zwillingskrystall von Glauz- kobalt.] Munchen, Gelehrte Auz. XXVIIL, 1849, col. 646-648. 88. Ueber die Bestimmung des Arseniks mittelst schweflichter Siiure. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXVIIL, 1849, col. 652-655; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVL, 1849, pp. 491- 494. KOB] 701 [KOB Kobell, Franz von. 89. Ueber die Mineral- species mit vicarirendeu Mischungstheilen uud iiber die Molecular Gemenge. Miincben, Ge- lehrte Anz. XXVIU., 1849, col. 657-663 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VI., 1849, pp. 494-500. 90. Ueber den Araoxen, ein neues Blei- Zink-Vanadat. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 496-500. 91. Ueber Jsoinorpbie, Dimorphic, Poly- meric und Heteromerie. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXX., 1850, col. 491-512, 533-536 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIX., 1850, pp. 469-490. 92. Ueber das galvanische Verhalteu und die Leitungsfahigheit der Mineralkorper als Kenuzeicben. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXX., 1850, col. 717-727 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 76-82. 93. Ueber die Bildung galvanischer Kup- ferplatten, vorziiglicb zum Zweck der Galvano- graphie, mittelst des Trommel- Apparates. Miin- chen, Abbaudl. VI., 1851, pp. 345-380. • 94. Ueber den Gymnit aus Tyrol. Miin- chen, Gelehrte Anz. XXXIII., 1851, col. 9-11. 95. Ueber eineu interessanten Zwilliug am Thoneisengranat. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXXIIL, 1851, col. 11-12. 96. Ueber eine neue Aetzttiissigkeit fiir Kupfer. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXXIII. , 1851, col. 12. 97. Ueber den Sismondin, Chloritoid und Masonit, und iiber die Mischuug dieser und iihnlicher Silicate (Disterrit, Xanthophyllit, Clintonit, Chlorit, Ripidolith), aus dem Gesichts- puncte der Polymerie betrachtet. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXXV., 1852, col. 209-215 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 39-44. 98. Ueber den Pyromelin. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXXV., 1852, col. 215-216; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIII., 1853, pp. 44-45. 99. Ueber Chloritoid von Bregratten in Tyrol und Klinochlor von Markt Leugast im Baireuthischen, und iiber die Seheidung von Eisenoxyd und Eisenoxydul bei diesen und ahnlichen Silicateu. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 343-349 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXII., 1854, pp. 92-97 ; Liebig, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 244-251. 100. Ueber die Bestirnmung von Thonerde und Eiseuoxyd. Miinchen, Gelehrte Auz. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 350-351 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXII., 1854, pp. 97-98 ; Liebig, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 251-252. 101. Beitrag zur Statik der Gewolbe. Kobell, Franz von. 102. Stauroskopische Beo- bachtungen. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLI., 1855, Bull. Nr. 7-10 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXV., 1855, pp. 321-341. 1O3. Optisch-krystallographischeBeobacht- ungen und iiber ein neues Polariskop, Stauro- skop. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XL., 1855, Bull. No. 18-19; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 387-399 ; Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 184-198; Poggend. Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 320-332. 1O4. Stauroskopische Beobachtungen und Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg. XX., 1855, pp. 92- 110. iiber ein Complementar-Stauroskop. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLII., 1856, Bull. No. 9-10 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVffl., 1856, pp. 225-233. 105. Stauroskopische Beobachtungen und iiber Pleochroismus. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLIIL, 1856, Bull. No. 1-5; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 217-250. 1O6. Uebev eine neue Methode, Krystall- winkel zu messen. Miinchen, Gelehrte Auz. XLIV., 1857, col. 293-294 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXI., 1857, pp. 144-151. 1O7. Ueber das Verhalten der mineral- ischen Metall-Sulphurete zur Salzsaure unter «*alvanischem Einnuss. Miinchen, Gelehrte Auz. XLIV., 1857, col. 295-299. 108. Ueber eiue einfache Methode zur Bestimmung des Kohlenstofts im Gusseisen, 8cc. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLIV., 1857, col. 300. 109. Ueber das Weisskupfererz von Schnee- berg. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLIV., 1857, col. 300-302. 11O. Ueber ein Kennzeichen fiir Tellur- Erze. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLIV., 1857, col. 302. 111. Erne Kohlensaure-Presse. Miinchen, Nat. Tech. Comm. Abh. I., 1857, pp. 75-81. 112. Stauroskopische Beobachtungen. Miinchen, Gelehrte Auz. XLVI., 1858, col. 254-259 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIII., 1858, pp. 385-390. 113. Emploi du Phosphate de Sesquioxyde de Manganese a la place du Manganate de Po- tasse. ( Transl. from Chemisches Centralblatt 1859.) Journ. de Pharm. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 391-392. 114. Ueber die Auwendiing des phosphor- saureu Manganoxyds in der Titriranalyse und der Phosphorsiiure zur Mineralbestimniung. Miiuchen, Gelehrte Anz. XL VIII., 1859, col. 377-387 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVI., 1859, pp. 415-424. KOB] 702 [KOC Kobell, Franz von. 115. Ueber eine eigeuthiini- liclie Saure, Diansiiure, in der Gruppe der Tantal- und Niobverbindungen. Mimcheu, Ge- lehrte Anz. L., 1860, col. 377-389 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., I860, pp. 477-479 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chein. LXXIX., 1860, pp. 291- 303; Liebig, Anual. CXIV., 1860, pp. 337- 350 ; Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 415-424. 116. Zu HERMANN'S Bemerkungen iiber die Diansaure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIII., 1861, pp. 193-195. 117. Ueber die Diansaure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIII., 1861, pp. 449- 453. 118. Ueber Linarit voni Ural. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIII., 1861, p. 454. 119. Ueber merkwiirdige Krystalle von Steinsalz. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 186], pp. 420-422. 120. LTeber die Diausaure. Liebig, Anual. CXIX., 1861, pp. 283-288. 121. Ueber Astcrismus und die Brewster- schen Lichtfiguren. Miiuchen, Sitzungsber. I., 1862, pp. 199-209 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVL, 1862, pp. 461-471 ; Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 497-504. 122. LTeber ein Gemsbart-Electroskop und iiber Mineral-Electricitat. Munchen, Sitzungs- ber. I., 1863, pp. 51-65 ; Chemical News, VIII., 1863, pp. 215-216; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVIIL, 1863, pp. 385-397 ; Poggend. Annal. CXVIIL, 1863, pp. 594-604. 123. Ueber Asterismus. Stauroskopische Bemerkungen. Munchen, Sitzuugsber. L, 1863, pp. 65-66; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXXXVIIL, 1863, pp. 397-399. Kobell, Franz von, und August Breithaupt. Disterrit, ueues Mineral. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. VI., 1847, col. 535-536. Kobell, Franz von, und Steinheil. Resultate ihrer gemeinschaftlichen Versuche iiber Fixirung der Lichtbilder, nebst Probeu. Munchen, Ge- lehrteAuz.IX., 1839, col. 17-22 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVII., 1839, pp. 402-407. Kobelt, . Trichina spiralis, in Deutschland aufgefundeu. Froriep, Notizen, XIII., 1840, col. 309-311. 2. Entdeckuug ekies dem Penis analogen Wollustorgans beim weiblichen Geschlechte. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht. 1842, pp. 221-223. Koberlin, . Groneubach im Allgjiu nach seinen botanischen Verhaltnissen. Flora, XIV., 1831, pp. 33-39. 2. Ausflug auf den Widersteiu im Walser- thal. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 232-240. Kobers, C. Fall einer ausserordentlichen Ver- grosserung der weiblichen Briiste. Meckel. Archiv, 1830, pp. 281-310. Kobner, Heinrich. Ueber Sycosis und ihre Be- ziehungun zur Mycosis tonsurans. Virchow, Archiv, XXII., 1861, pp. 372-419. Koch, (Dr.). 1st die Contraction des Herzens die einzige bewegende Kraft des Blutum- laufs, oder hat dieser noch eine Hiilfskraft und wie zeigt sie sich. Meckel, Archiv, 1827, pp. 416-468. 2. Ueber Seele und Lebenskraft. Meckel, Archiv, 1828, pp. 225-336. 3. LTeber die Entziindung nach mikroskop- ischeu Versuchen. Meckel, Archiv, 1832, pp. 121-260. Koch, (Dr.). Skizze der Vegetation an der Deutschen Nordseekiiste. Lotos, I., 1851, pp. 9- 15, 23-30. Koch, A. Geognostisch-geologische Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Siilzer Soolenfeldes. Meklen- burg, Archiv, V., 1851, pp. 169-190. 2. Der Todtenkopf (Acherontia atropos) und die Kartoflelkrankheit. Meklenburg, Archiv, IX., 1855, pp. 187-191. 3. Seehunde in der Recknitz, Trebel und Peene. Meklenburg, Archiv, X., 1856, pp. 71- 73. Koch, Adolphus Fredericus Godefrcdus. De Camphora? virtute phisiologica, prascipue prima- ria, ipsius autoris experimentis in animantibus institutis probata, de iudicationibus, qure earn contra maxime varies morbos in usuui vocant. Kiel, Schriften, VIII., 1861 (Medic. IV.). Koch, Albert. Remains of the Mastodon of Mis- souri. Silliman, Journ. XXXVIL, 1839, pp. 191-192. 2. On the genus Tetracaulodon. Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 714-716. 3. Beschreibung des Missurian Theristo- kaulodon, Koch, oder Missuri -Leviathan (Levia- than Missuriensis) ; die vermuthete Lebensart desselben und Indianische Traditionen iiber den Ort, wo es ausgegraben wurde ; ferner Ver- gleichungen des Wallflsches, des Krokodils und des Missurium mit dem Leviathan, wie solcher im 41 Capitel des Buches HIOB beschrieben wird. Liidde, Zeits. f. Erdk. IV., 1845, pp. 33-51. 4. Ueber die Gattung Zeuglodou, Owen (Basilosaurus, Harlan, Hydrarchus, Koch, Dorn- don, Gibbes). Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1850, pp. 59-60. 5. Das Skelet des Zeuglodon macrospon- dylus. [1850.] Haidinger, Abhandl. IV., 1851, pp. 53-64. — 6. Entdeckung der Zeuglodonten-Reste. Haidinger, Bericht. VII., 1851, pp. 198-199, 203-204. 7. Mastodon remains in the State of Mis- souri, together with evidences of the existence of man contemporaneously with the Mastodon. St. Louis, Trans. Acad. Sci. I., 1856-60, pp. 61-64. KOC] 703 [KOC Koch, C. A. L. Iiisecten-Larven ini mensch- lichen Darmkanale. Ammon, Monatsschrift f. Med. I., 1838, pp. 642-648. 2. Ueber den Einfluss der Gcbirge und der Gebirgsformationen auf die Krankheiten der Menschen. Ammon, Monatsschrift f. Med. L, 1840, pp. 357-368. Koch, C. L. Systematische Uebersicht iiber die Familie der Galeoden. Wiegmaun, Archiv, VIII., 1842, pp. 350-356. 2. Systematische Uebersicht tiber die Ord- nung der Zeckeu. Wiegmann, Archiv, X., 1844, pp. 217-239. 3. Bemerkungen zu den Arten Natica ma- roccana (Nerita), Chemn., und N. marochiensis, Lam. Zeitschr. Malakozool. 1844, pp. 151—155. Koch, Carl. Die Griinsteine in Nassau und dem Hinterlande. Darmstadt, Notizblatt, L, 1857- 58, pp. 75-77. 2. Die Fledermiiuse (Chiropteren) Ober- hessens und der angrenzenden Liindertheile. Oberhess. GeseU. Ber. 1860, pp. 25-62. 3. Das Vorkommen von Schwefelkiesen und Pseudomorphosen nach denselben in der Kramenzelformatioii. Darmstadt, Notizblatt, III., 1860-61, pp. 12-14, 21-22. 4. Ueber die Eisenspilite. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. XLX., 1862, pp. 302- 308. Koch, Carolus Christianus Theodorus. Nonnull.i de nutritionis vitiis in hominibus qui cordis aftectibus laborant. Kiel, Schriften, IV., 1858. Koch, Edward. Beitrage zur Lehre von den Epiphyten. Virchow, Archiv, X., 1856, pp. 317-324. Koch, F. Naturgeschichtliche Bemerkungen iiber das zwischen dem Trebel- und Recknitz- thale gelegene Moor. Meklenburg, Archiv, in., 1849, pp. 147-159. Koch, F. E. Beitrage zur Geognosie Meklen- burgs unter specieller Beriicksichtigung der siidwestlichen Haide-Ebene, und Darstellung der Verhiiltnisse unter denen daselbst der Gyps zu Liibtheen auftritt. Meklenburg, Archiv, VII., 1853, pp. 17-57. 2. Ueber die tertiiiren Ablagerungen in Lauenburg und dem angreuzenden Holsteinschen Gebiete. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VI., 1854, pp. 92-98. 3. Die anstehenden (turouischen) Lager bei Brunshaupten. Meklenburg, Archiv, VIII., 1854, pp. 62-72. 4. Die anstehenden Formationen der Ge- gend von Domitz. Ein Beitrag zur Geognosie Meklenburgs und der Norddeutschen Tiefebene iiberhaupt. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VIII., 1856, pp. 249-278. Koch, F. K. L. Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber die Geselnvindigkeit und Quantitat ver- dichteter, atmosphiirischer Luft, welche aus Oeffnungen von verschiedener Construction und durch Rohren ausstromt. Guttingen, Studien Vereiu, I., 1824, pp. 1-232. 2. Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkommen des krystallisirten Eisenglascs, im gerosteten Spath- eisenstein. Gottingen, Studien Verein, L, 1824, pp. 368-380. 3. Versuch einer Darstellung der auf deu Harzer und Weserhiitten (den Herrschaftlichen, Kouiglich Hannoverschen und Herzoglich Braunschweigischen Werken) iiblichsten Eisen- frischprocesse. Gottingen, Studien Verein, II., 1828, pp. 1-92. 4. Versuche iiber die Auwendung der Fichtensaarnenzapfen (Tannenzapfen), als Sur- rogat der Kohle bei dem Eiseufrischprocess, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber den Verlust an Eisen beitn Frischen. Gottiugen, Studien Verein, II., 1828, pp. 93-106. 5. Einigc Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber die Bewegung verdichteter atrnospharischer Luft in langen Ruhrenleitungen. [1828.] Gottingen, Studien Vereiu, III., 1833, pp. 1- 26. 6. Bemerkungen iiber Berechuuns: der Windquantitiiten bei Gebliisen. [1832.] Got- tingen, Studieu Verein, III., 1833, pp. 27-64. 7. Notizen iiber Eisenhiitten, gesammelt auf einer Reise durch deu ostlichen Theil Frankreichs in den Mouateu Aug., Septbr. und Octob. 1839. Gottingen, Studien Verein, IV., 1841, pp. 380-392. 8. Ueber einige neue Versteinerungen und die Perna niulleti, Desk., aus dem Hilsthon vom Elligser Brink und von Holtensen im Braunschweig'schen. Meyer, Pakeont. I., 1851, pp. 169-173. 9. Pleurotomaria solarium, eine neue Schnecke aus den Beleninitcnschichten des Lias bei Kahlenfeld unfern Nordheim. Meyer, Pa- lajont. L, 1851, pp. 174-175. 1O. Die Mineral-Regionen der oberen Halb- insel Michigan's (Nord America) am Lake Supe- rior und die Isle Royal. Gottingen, Studieu Verein, VI., 1854, pp. 1-248. Koch, Friedrick. Ansicht von der Zeugung der Bienen. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 198-200. Koch, G. F. Einige Zusiitze zu F. W. SCOULTZ'S Flora der Pfalz. Pollichia, Jahresb. IV., 1846, pp. 11-20. 2. Nachtrag soldier Pflanzeu, welche im Jahresberichte 1844 nicht aufgcnommeu war- den. Pollichia, Jahresb. IV., 1846, pp. 21-22. KOC] 704 [KOC Koch, G. F. 3. Bemerkungen iiber einigo Pflanzen aus der Flora der Pfalz. Pollichia, Jahresb. V., 1847, pp. 21-24. 4. Bemerkungen iiber Pflanzen aus der Flora der Pfalz (mit Notizen von BISCHOFF und C. H. SCIIULTZ). Pollichia, Jahresb. VII., 1849, pp. 10-28. 5. Bemerkungen iiber Pflauzen aus der Flora der Pfalz. Pollichia, Jahresb. VIII., 1850, pp. 10-24 ; IX., pp. 13-32. 6. Ueber kritische Pflanzen der Pfalz. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1852, pp. 287-288. 7. Zusatzc und Bemerkungen zur Flora der Pfalz. Pollichia, Jahresb. X., 1852, pp. 22-35. 8. Ueber BILLOT'S " Flora Galliae et Ger- mania: exsiccata." Pollichia, Jahresb. X., 1852, pp. 36-39. 9. Beitriige zur Flora der Pfalz. Pollichia, Jahresb. XII., 1854, pp. 16-26. 1O. Angebliche Umwandlung von Aegylops in Triticum. Skofitz, Botau. Wochenbl. IV., 1854, pp. 147-149. 11. Beitriige zur Flora der Pfalz. Pol- lichia, Jahresb. XIII., 1855, pp. 17-20. 12. Verzeichniss der in der Pfalz aufge- fundenen Flcchten. Pollichia, Jahresb. XIV., 1856, pp. 16-20. 13. Beitriige zur Flora der Pfalz. Pol- lichia, Jahresb. XVIII.-XIX., 1861, pp. 38-40. Koch, Gabriel. Die Raupen und Schmetterlinge der Wetterau, insbesoudere der Umgegend von Frankfurt und der ostlichen Abdachung des Taunusgebirges. Oken, Isis, 1848 (H/t. 2), col. 891-955. 2. Beschreibung eines sehr practischen Raupen-Erziehungs-Apparats. Stettin, Entoni. Zeit. XL, 1850, pp. 313-315. 3. Die Raupe der Phorodesma smaragdaria, Espcr. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XII., 1851, pp. 265-267. 4. Die geographischen Verbreitungen der Europiiischen Schmetterlinge in anderen Welt- theilen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 68-72. 5. Gegenbemerkungen zu C. H. G. HEY- DEN'S Bemerkungen iiber seine Abhandlung : " Die Raupeu und Schmetterlinge der Wetterau" (Isis, 1848). Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XVI., 1855, pp. 113-116. 6. Entwurf einer Aenderung des Systems der Lepidopteren. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. XXI., 1860, pp. 226-235. 7. Beleuchtung und Berichtigung der Kri- tik eines Frankfurter Entomologen [C. von Hcydeti\ iiber seine Fauna der Schmetterlinge des Siidwestlichen Deutschlands. Stettin, Eu- tom. Zeit. XXI., 1860, pp. 301-306 ; XXII., 1861, pp. 225-226. Koch, II. Bryologische Beitriige. Linnaea, XVI., 1842, pp. 69-97. 2. Ueber die Involucra bei Cynosurus und Setaria. Botan. Zeitung, I., 1843, col. 249-253, 265-271, 281-286. 3. Zusatze und Berichtigungen zu K. MULLER'S " Flora cryptog. Oldenburg." Botan. Zeitung, II., 1844, col. 201-204, 225-228, 250- 255. 4. Eine neue Deutsche Carex (C. Frisica). Flora, XXIX,, 1846, pp. 273-278. 5. Ueber die riicklaufenden Reihen in den Grasinflorescenzen. Flora, XXX1IL, 1850, pp. 161-171. Koch, //. de, en Wesselink. Rapporten be- trekkelijk het sectant met BECKER'S Pendulum- horizon. Tinclal, Verhand. Zeewezen, VI., 1846, pp. 486-499. Koch, H. P. G. Om Falsters Vegetation. Kio- benhavu, Vidensk. Meddel. IV., 1862, pp. 79- 152. Koch, Heinr. Einige Worte zur Entwiekelungs- geschichte von Eunice mit einem NaJk^vort vou A. KUI.LIKER. Schweizer. Gesell. N.T)enkschr. VIII., 1847. Koch, Herrmann. Naturhistorische Notizen. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1856, pp. 297-302. Koch, J. Votum gegen das Genus Tubercularia. Botan. Zeitung, I., 1843, col. 153-160. Koch, J. Einige Notizen iiber den Donati'schen Cometen. Bern, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 117-120. Koch, J. R. von. Ueber Haarballe, Magen- und Darmsteine, Concremente (Bezoare). Gratz, Mittheil. Nat. Hist. Ver. Steierm. I., 1863, pp. 24-29. Koch, Julius August. Beobachtung und Berech- nung der Oerter Jupiters, Sat.urns und Uranus, um die Zeit der Opposition im Jahr 1796 und 1797, nebst Beschreibung einer Vorrichtung an astronomischen Fernrohren, das Anlaufen der Gliiser zu verhiiten. [1797.] Bode, Astrou. Jahrb. 1800, pp. 184-187. 2. Beobachtungen des Jupiter und Uranus in den Jahren 1797 und 1798 nebst Ver- gleichung derselben mit den Tafeln ; ingleichen Bemerkung iiber den Gang einer Magellanischen Uhr. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1801, pp. 210-213. 3. Ueber bemerkte Uuterschiede in den scheinbaren Gro'ssen einiger Sterne. [1807.] Bode, Astron, Jahrb. 1810, pp. 242-244. 4. Beobachtungen der Vesta und Bemerk- ungen iiber die gegenseitigc Lichtstiirke einiger Fixsterne. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1812, pp. 248-249. 5. Beobachtungen der Venus im Juli und August 1810 und iiber den veriinderlichen Stern im Sobieskischen Schilde. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1813, pp. 234-235. KOC] 705 [KOC Koch, Julius August. 6. Ueber veranderliche Sterne im Herkules und in cler Nordl. Krone. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1817, pp. 218-222. 7. Tafel aller zu Anfang des Jahres 1815, bekannten veriinderlichen Sterne, deren Liclit- veriinderungs Periode bestimrat worden. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1818, p. 96. Koch, Karl. Ueber seine Reisen am Kaukasus. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1840, pp. 29-30. 2. [Pflanzen des Kaukasus.] Deutsch. Naturf. Versaraml. Bericht, 1840, pp. 116- 117. 3. Catalogus plantarum, in itinere per Caucasum, Georgiam, Armeniaraque annis 1836 et 1837, collectarum. Linncea, XV., 1841, pp. 243-258, 705-723; XVI., 1842, pp. 347-366 ; XVII., 1843, pp. 31-50, 273-314. 4. Einiges fiber Cotula, Strongylosperma und Cenia, Less, und DC. Botan. Zeitung, I., 1843, col. 37-42. 5. Witterungsbeobachtungen zu Bukarest. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. I., 1844, pp. 291- 294. 6. Ueber die Lasen im Pontischen Ge- birge, eineu Ueberrest der Kolchier. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1845, pp. 45-51. 7. Beitrage zur Flora des nordlichen Kiistenlandes von Kleinasien. Lmnrea, XIX., 1847, pp. 1-67. 8. Noch einige Bemerkuugen iiber die vom Herrn Dr. THIRKE an der Nordkiiste Kleiuasiens und am Bithynischen Olymp gesammelten Pflanzen. Linnaea, XIX., 1847, pp. 313-320. 9. Ueber die Walder des Kaukasus, mit Bezug auf den gegenwartig dort gefiihrten Krieg. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. V., 1848, pp. 84-88. 1O. Ueber das sogenannte Persische In- secten-Pulver. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 364-367. 11. Beitrage zu einer Flora des Orientes. Linntea, XXL, 1848, pp. 289-443, 609-736 ; XXIL, 1849, pp. 177-336, 597-752; XXIIL, 1850, pp. 577-713; XXIV., 1851, pp. 305-480. 12. Acanthopleura, ein neues Genus der Umbelliferen. Botan. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 408. • 13. Scoperta della Segala nello stato sel- vaggio. Napoli, Eendiconto, VIII., 1849, pp. 364-366. . 14. Ueber Manna, besonders Vorder- Asiens. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. VII., 1850, pp. 114-121. 15. Die Halbinsel Taman. Berlin, Monats- ber. Ges. Erdk. VII., 1850, pp. 149-161. VOL. III. Koch, Karl. 16. Uebersicht der Flora des Kaukasus zur Erlauterung seiner vorgelegten Karte. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. VIII., 1851, pp. 22-27. 17. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Flora des Kaukasischen Isthmus. Liunaea, XXIV., 1851, pp. 89-98. 18. Einige Worte iiber Anthurium, Philo- dendrum, und Monstera. Botan. Zehung, X., 1852, col. 273-278. 19. Ueber Pistia im Allgcmeinen und Pistia Turpini, Blume, insbesondere. Botau. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 577-585. 20. Das Rion-Gebiet. Petermann, Mit- theil. 1 856, pp. 320-333. 21. Einitrcs aus der Familie der Aroideen. Bonplandia, IV., 1856, pp. 3-12. Koch, Karl, Bouche, A. Braun, et J. F. Klotzsch. Appendix specierum novarum et minus cognitarum qua? in Hort. Reg. Bot. Bero- linensi coluntur. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.], 1854, pp. 333-370. Koch, Karl, und David Heinrich Hoppe. Ab- handlung iiber die zur Flora Deutschlands gehorigen Arten der Gattung Draba. Flora, VI., 1823, pp. 417-430, 433-447. Koch, L. Zur Characteristik des Artenunter- schiedes bei den Spinnen im Allgemeinen und insbesondere der Gattung Amaurobius. Regens- burg, Korresp. Blatt, 1855, pp. 159-168. Koch, Louis. On the expansion of Steam. Franklin Inst. Journ. XL., 1860, pp. 378- 384. Koch, T. Beobachtungen iiber das Cupido- Huhn, Tetrao Cupido, L. (Prairie-Hen, Ruster). Wiegmann, Archiv, II., 1836, pp. 159-163. Koch, IVilhelm Daniel Joseph. Etwas iiber Saxifraga sponhemica und S. condensata der Flora Badensis. Flora, II., 1819, pp. 631-634. 2. Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Sene- cio nemorensis und S. saracenicus der Flora Palatina und Flora Badensis. Flora, II., 1819, pp. 715-730. 3. Bemerkungen iiber einige Deutsche Weidenarten. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 273-288, 289-303, 305-320. 4. Bemerkungen iiber einige Pollidiische Pflanzen. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 463-468. - 5. [Ueber Siebera und Sommerauera.] Flora, V., 1822, pp. 753-759. - 6. Bemerkungen iiber die in Deutschland einheimischen Cinerarien. Flora, VI., 1823, pp. 497-510, 513-525. - 7. Beobachtungen iiber die Gattung Armeria. Flora, VI., 1823, pp. 689-699, 705- 713. 8. Botanische Notizen [zur Conservation des Herbarien]. Flora, VII., 1824, pp. 488- 494. ZOC] 706 [KOC Koch, Willielm Daniel Joseph. 9. Generum tribuumque plantarnm umbelliferarum nova dispositio. Acad. Cues. Leop. Nova Acta, XII., 1825, pp. 55-156. 10. Ueber Viola canina uud nioutaua, Linn. Flora, XL, 1828, pp. 1-16. 11. Einige botanische Bemerkungen in einem Schreiben an Herrn Prof. HOPPE. Flora, XI., 1828, pp. 225-234. . 12. Botanische Bemerkungen auf einer Reise nach clem Wildbade Kreuth. Flora, XIII., 1830, pp. 113-122, 132-144, 149-156, 177-189. 13. Entdeckung des miinnlicheu Straucb.es der Salix Forbyana, Smith, in Deutschland. Flora, XIII., 1830, pp. 319-320. 14. Ueber einige Diantbus-Arten der Deutscbeu Flora. Flora, XIII., 1830, pp. 665- 671. 15. Ueber die Zahl der Bliithentheile bei Chrysosplenium alternifoliuui. Flora, XIII., 1830, pp. 713-715. 16. Ueber LINNE'S Fumaria capnoides. Flora, XIV., 1831, pp. 705-708. 17. Bemerkungen iiber die Gattung Eosa und insbesoudere iiber die Deutschen Arten dieser Gattung. Liunasa, VI., 1831, pp. 261- 302. 18. Sernpervivuin Funckii, Braun, eine neue Deutsche Hauswurzart. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 1-5. 19. Ueber einige in Deutschland ange- baute Pflanzen und iiber die Aufnahme von solchen in die Deutschen Fioren. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 49-64. 20. Ueber die Griinzen der Deutschen Flora. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 178-187. 21. Ueber oinige Anenioneu aus der Rotte der Pulsatillen. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 321- 327. 22. Einige Bemerkungen aus und zu GAUDIN'S Flora Helvetica. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 427-429. 23. Ueber Fritillaria inontaua, IIpp. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 476-480. 24. Ueber einige Monstrositateu der Aue- monen. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 535-539. 25. Ueber Salix versifolia, Pteonia coral- lina und Myosotis collina, Ehrh. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 568-574. 26. Potamogeton natans uud seine Varie- tiiten. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 649-653. 27. Bupleuruni odontites aus Deutsch- lands Flora, von F. C. MERTENS und W. D. J. KOCH. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 689-692. 28. Taraxacum officinale und palustre erweisen sich durch die Zucht aus clem Samen als eine und dieselbe Art. Flora, XVII., 1834, pp. 49-59. Koch, Jnihelm Daniel Joseph. 29. Bemerk- ungen iiber einige Deutsche Pflanzen. Flora, XVII., 1834, pp. 225-231. 30. Einige Zusiitze zu den S. 142 uud 143 des vorhergehendeii Bandes befindlicheE Be- merkungen iiber Aconiten. Flora, XVII., 1 834, pp. 411-415. 31. Gagea saxatilis und Bohemica erweisen sich durch die Vergleichung an den lebenden Pflanzen als zwei verschiedene Arten : nebst einigen andern Beobachtungen iiber Gagea. Flora, XVII., 1834, pp. 545-554. 32. Ueber einige Arten der Gattung Senecio. Flora, XVII., 1834, pp. 609-622. 33. Bitte wegen Aufklurung iiber Gen- tiana excisa, Presl. Flora, XVII., 1834, pp. 676-684. 34. Description des Orobanches de la Flore d'Allemagne. ( Transl.) Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Bot.), 1835, pp. 361-374 ; V., pp. 34-48, 82-98, 146-186. 35. Sempervivum globiferum, Linn., nach dem angegebenen Standorte und der Diagnose mit Anschluss der Synonyme beschrieben. Flora, XVIII., 1835, pp. 209-219 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Bot.), 1836, pp. 117-119. 36. Die Deutschen Erigeronen. Flora, XVIII., 1835, pp. 257-271 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Bot.\ 1836, pp. 105-108. 37. Biasolettia und Hladnikia, zwei neue Gattungeu der Doldengewiichse. Flora, XIX., 1836, pp. 161-175. 38. Zusiitze uud Verbesserungen zu meiner " Synopsis Floras Germanics; et Helveticce." Flora, XXI., 1838, pp. 1-15, 23-32. 39. Eutdeckung des in Kocn's " Synopsis " schon aufgefiihrten Juncus nigritellus, Don, und dessen niihere Beschreibung. Flora, XXI., 1838, pp. 289-295. 40. Noch einige Bemerkungeu iiber Senecio Doria, Linn., S. saracenicus, Linn., und S. nemorensis, Linn., so wie uber S. octoglossus, DC. Flora, XXI., 1838, pp. 697-705. 41. Mcehringia diversifolia, Dolliner, eine neue Deutsche Pflanzeuart. Flora, XXII., 1839, pp. 2-11. 42. Ueber die Polygala Buxi minoris folio, Vaillant. Flora, XXII., 1839, pp. 225-233; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.), 1839, pp. 126- 127. 43. Waldsteinia trifolia, Rachel, eine neue Art aus Siebenbiirgen. Linnaea, XIII., 1839, pp. 337-338. 44. Ueber die friihere oder spiitere Steng- elbilduug bei den Hieracieu. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1840, pp. 115-116. 45. Charactere der Deutschen Gladiolus- Arten. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1840, pp. 122-123. KOC] 707 [KOC Koch, Jnihelm Daniel Joseph. 46. Ueber die specifischen Unterschiede von Pinus sylvestris und P. pumilio. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1840. pp. 123-124. 47. Zusiitze und Verbesserungcn zu meiner " Synopsis Floras Germanicae et Helveticas." Flora, XXIIL, 1840, pp. 353-363, 369-375; XXIV., 1841, pp. 417-432, 433-448, 449-464, 465-480, 481-494, 495-512, 513-528. 48. Zwei Excursionen nach Streitberg und Muggendorf. Flora, XXIV., 1841, pp. 289- 304. 49. Botanischo Notizen. Flora, XXV., 1842, pp. 526-528. SO. Ueber die Deutschen Erdbeeren. Flora, XXV., 1842, pp. 529-539; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Bot.), 1842, pp. 368-372. 51. Ueber Saxifraga planifolia, Saxifraga Seguieri und eine verwandte Art. Flora, XXV., 1842, pp. 622-624. 52. Ueber den Deutschen Standort der Carex ustulata. Flora, XXVII., 1844, pp. 47- 53. Ueber die Europiiischen Fohrenarten. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1845, pp. 166-172. 54. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Deutschen Arten der Gattung Fumaria. Flora, XXIX., 1846, pp. 65-71, 81-85. 55. Utricularia Grafiana, eine neue Deutsche Art. Flora, XXX., 1847, pp. 265- 267. Koch, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph, und Treviranus. Ueber einige Rosen, besonders die Rosa Baltica, Roth. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 129-140. Koch, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph, und J. B. Ziz. Berichtigungen einiger Pflanzcn in POLLICH'S "Flora Palatina;" nach Anleitung des"Cata- logus plantarum in ditione Floras Palatinre lecta- rum." Flora, II., 1819, pp. 394-396. Kocher, . Die Hohle bei Gliicksbrunn. Hoff, Magazin, I., 1801, pp. 428-440. 2. Kurze Beschreibung der vor zwei Jahren ohnweit Schweina entdeckten Zoolitheu Hohle. Jena, Ann. Soc. Mineral. I., 1802, pp. 141-154. Kochlin, C., et E. Matthieu Flessy. Memoire sur 1'action du sel ammoniac dans 1'oxidation des matieres colorantes par les sels de cuivre. Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. Industr. XXII., 1849, pp. 311-323 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 474-478 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1850, pp. 401-406; Revue Scientifique, V., 1849, pp. 145-150. Kochlin, Edouard. Apercu geologique sur les environs de Mulhouse. Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. Industr. II., 1829, pp. 258-276. Kochlin, Edouard. 2. Notice sur le sondage fait au pied du vignoble dc Mulhausen, suivie d'une lettre de M. VOLTZ, sur la geologic de 1'Alsace et de quelques observations a cet egard. Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. Industr. in., 1830, pp. 275-289. Kochlin, Emile. Memoire sur les machines a vapeur, sur des experiences comparatives a faire entre les divers systemes de machines. Mul- house, Bull. Soc. Industr. IX., 1836, pp. 79- 182 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXIL, 1836, pp. 161-192. Kochlin, Heinrich. Analyse der Asche des Sapanholzes. Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, p. 344. 2. Analyse der Asche von Elsasser Krapp- wurzeln (Rubia tinctoria). Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 344-345. 3. Analyse der Gerstenasche (Hordeum distichon). Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1854, p. 347. Kochlin, J. R. Ueber die Pfiiferser Heilquelle. Meisner, Annalen, II., 1824, pp. 155-174. 2. Ueber die Witterung nach einfacher Naturbeobacbtung, und die Vorherbestimmung ihrer BeschafFenheit. Schweizer. Gesell. Verh. 1846, pp. 191-200. Kochlin-Schlumberger, J. Sur la grauwacke metamorphique de Thann. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XL, 1853-54, pp. 89-102. — 2. Coupe geologique des environs de Mende (Lozere) et sur un Nautile et plusieurs Ammonites. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XI., 1853- 54, pp. 604-644. 3. Sur deux varietes d* Ammonites. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 118-127. 4. Sur la falaise entre Biaritz et Bidart. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 1235-1256. 5. Etudes geologiques dans le Haut-Rhin. Terrains jurassiques. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 729-786. 6. Etudes geologiques dans le departement du Haut-Rhin. Environs de Belfort. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856-57, pp. 117-206. 7. Nouvelles etudes sur les Ammonites margaritatus, Montfort, et A. spinatus, Brug. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856-57, pp. 817- 840. — 8. Sur les fossiles tertiaires et diluviens du Haut-Rhin. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XV., 1857- 58, pp. 295-300. — 9. Observations critiques sur un memoire de M. S. GKAS, intitule : " Comparaison chrono- logique des terrains quaternaires de 1'Alsace avec ceux de la vallee du Rhone, dans le Dau- phine." Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 297-365. 4 u 2 KOC] 708 [KOE Kochlin-Sciuumberger, J. 10. Metamor- phisme des roches de transition a, Tliann et dans ses environs. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 680-729. 11. Replique aux observations de M. S. GRAS concernant le terrain quatcrnaire de 1'Alsace. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIL, 1859- 60, pp. 82-93. Kochlin-Schlumberger, J., et P. Merian. Sur la formation de Saint-Cassiau dans le Vorarlberg et dans le Tyrol septentriouale. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 1045- 1064. Kochlin-Schlumberger, J., et Wm. Ph. Schimper. Memoire sur le terrain de tran- sition des Vosges. Partie geologique par J. KascHLiN-SciiLUMBERGEK. Partie paleontolo- gique par Wm. Ph. SCHIMPER. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. V., 1862. Kochlin-Schouch, Daniel. Essais sur la ga- rance et sur ses parties colorantes. Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. Industr. I., 1828, pp. 175-194 ; Dingier, Polyteclm. Journ. XXV11., I 828, pp. 218-227. 2. Memoire sur le mordant rouge des fa- bricants d'indiennes. Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. Industr. I., 1828, pp. 277-322; Erdm. Jouru. Tech. Chem, III., 1828, pp. 180-203. 3. On a new use of the Chromate of Potash. ( Translated from the Annales de Fln- dustrie.) Quart. Journ. Sci. II., -1828, pp. 215- 216. 4. Versuche iiber die Auwcndung der Kleie zur Buntbleiche der gedruckten Cattune. ( Translated from the Annales de ITndustrie, 1829.) Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. VI., 1829, pp. 273-284. 5. Notice sur quelques anomalies que pre- sente la gomme Senegal. Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. Industr. XVIL, 1843, pp. 323-331. Kock, , en J. ]'. Delpral. Waarnemingen en Berekeningeu, wegens het vermogen der uitwaterende sluizen te Katwijk. Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Verhand. 1853-54, pp. 21-43. Kb'cker, L. An essay on the devastation of the gums and the alveolar processes. Gill, Techn. Rep. L, 1822, pp. 27-42. Kodweiss, Fr. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Harnsiiure. Poggeucl. Annal. XIX., 1830, pp. 1-25. 2. Ueber die Fabrication des Riibenzuckers. Liebig, Annal. XII., 1834, pp. 61-83 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. III., 1834, pp. 350-368. 3. Ueber die Zusammensetzuug des Eidot- ters. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1843, pp. 200-201. 4. Berichtigung iiber die Zusammensetzuug des Eigelbs. Liebig, Annal. LIX., 1846, pp. 261-263. Xoene, C. J. Analyse chimique de la racine de pyrethre. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 327-331 ; Journ. de Pharrn. XXII., 1836, pp. 88-89 ; Liebig, Annal. XVI., 1835, pp. 66-70 ; Spongia, Comm. Med. I.. 1836, pp. 198-201. 2. Observations sur la preparation de la creosote. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 331-335 ; Liebig, Annal. XVI., 1835, pp. 63-66. • 3. Sur un sel double de codeine et de morphine. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1836, pp. 424-429. 4. Sur 1'action reciproque de 1'acide sul- fureux et du fer ou du zinc, et sur la constitu- tion des produits qui resulteut de cette merne action. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1843 (pte. 2), pp. 52-61 ; XL, 1844, pp. 29-36 ; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 225-228. 5. Observations sur 1'extrait d'un memoire de MM. FORDOS et G^LIS [relative a Faction de 1'etaiu, &c. sur 1'acide sulfureux]. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1843 (pte. 2), pp. 61-66. 6. Considerations sur les oxy-sels neutres inorganiques en general, et sur les phosphates, arseniates, phosphites et arsenites en particulier. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1843 (pte. 2), pp. 201-217. 7. Sur la non-existence du sulfate d'oxyde azotique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1844, pp. 87-97. 8. DC la nature de 1'eau regale, de 1'acide hypoazotique consideru comuie oxydant, de la constitution de cet acide, et du role qu' ii joue a Fegard des corps organiques. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1844, pp. 152-178; Poggend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 403-446. 9. Considerations sur la nature du produit qui resulte de Faction reciproque des acides sulfureux et hypoazotique, suivies d'uue demon- stration experimentale de la non-existeuce de ce dernier acide dans les cristaux qui se forment pendant la fabrication de 1'acide sulfurique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1844 (pte. 2), pp. 178-183 ; Poggend. Annal. XLV., 1845, pp. 268-272. 1O. Ueber die Wirkung zwischen schwe- fliger Saure und Zink oder Eisen und iiber die Zusammensetzuug der daraus hervorgehenden Producte. Poggend. Annal. LXIIL, 1844, pp. 245-282, 431-454. 11. Aufzahlung der Hauptfolgerungen, zu welchcu die Entdeckung des schwefelsauren Stickstoffoxyds Anlass gegebeu, uebst einer experimentelleu Beweisftihrung vom Nicht- Daseiii dieses Salzes. Poggend. Annal. LXIIL, 1844, pp. 455-459. 12. Om Undersalpetersyra och om Kungs- vatteu. Stockholm, Ofversigt, I., 1844, pp. 183- 187. KOE] 709 [KOH Koene, C. J. 13. Bestimmung der Chlorwasser- stoffsiiure in einer Fliissigkeit, nut freiem Chlor. Poggend. Anual. LXIV., 1845, p. 404. "14. Betrachtungen viber die Theone cles Hrn PELIGOT und die des Hrn BAUDRIMONT iibcr die Fabrication der Sdiwefelsiiure. Pog- gend. Annal. LXV., 1845, pp. 273-275. _ . 15. Ueber die Bildung der unterjodigen Siiure und die bei den Umwaudlungen dieser neuen Siiure stattfindenden Reactionen. Pog- Kend. Annul. LXVL, 1845, pp. 302-309. 16. Sur les fouctions de 1'eau. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII., 1846 (pte. 2), pp. 272- 290. , , 17. Notice sur les assolements en general et sur la culture du froment en particulier. Bruxelles, Journ. Soc. Centr. Agric. I., 1854, pp. 213-214. 18. Ueber die Constitution der Uuter- schwefelsaure. Poggend. Annal. CIII., 1858, pp. 171-173. 19. Ouelques reflexions au sujet du pro- ^ *• . 11 . • j.1^. cede USLAB et ERDJIANN pour 1'extraction et la reconnaissance individuelle des alcaloides ve- neueux. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1862, pp. 54- 56. Kohl, G., und A. Swoboda. Ueber einige Doppelsalze des Cyanquecksilbers. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 252-256; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIII., 1853, pp. 267-270 ; Lie- big, Annal. LXXXIII., 1852, pp. 339-343. Kohl, J. G. Bienenzucht der Armenier in den Steppen am Dniestr. Froriep, Notizen, X., 1839, col. 182-184. 2. Schlangen in den Siidrussiscneu Steppen. Froriep, Notizen, X., 1839, col. 196-198. 3. Die Wanderuugen und Colonien-Stiit- ungen Europiiiscber Nationeu in Europa aus- serhalb ihres Vaterlandes. Liidde, Zeits. f. Erdk. II., 1842, pp. 1-29. 4. Die Watten-Welt, an der nord-westhchen Kiiste von Deutscbland. Liidde, Zeits. f. Erdk. V., 1846, pp. 331-346, 433-457. 5. Ueber die Hydrographie und bntdeck- un"S"escbichte der Bay von San Francisco. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, IV, 1858, pp. 293- 395 1. ' 6. Aeltere Geschichte der Atlantischen Stromungen und namentlicb des Golfstroms bis auf Benjamin FRANKLIN. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, XL. 1861, pp. 305-341, 385-446. . 7. Die Miindungen des Mississippi. Zeit- schr. Allg. Erdkunde, XIIL, 1862, pp. 161- 209. ~__ ' s. Aelteste Geschicbte der Entdeckung und Erforschung des Golfs von Mexico und der ilm umgebenden Kiisten durch die Spanier von 1492 bis 1543. Zeitschr. Allg. Erkunde, XV., 1863, pp. 1-40, 169-194. Kohl, inihelm. Vorschlag eiuer Verminilerung der Anzahl der Batterien auf Mittelstationen. Berlin, Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. IV., 1857, pp. 172-174. _ 2. Ueber Doppel- (Gegen-) Corresponded. Berlin, Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. IX., 1862, _ pp. 75-83. Kohlau, E. Elementarer Beweis eines in der Differenz-Eechnuug vorkommenden Ausdrucks. Crelle, Journ. VI, 1830, pp. 255-256. Kohler, Friedrich. Ueber deu Libellulit von Sol- enhofen. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, II, 1826, pp. 231-233. _ 2. Ueber den Schillerspath von der Baste. Poggend. Annal. XL, 1827, pp. 192-212. __ 3. Mineralogische Uutersuchung einiger Varietaten des Diallags. Poggend. Annal. XIIL, 1828, pp. 101-1 16. _ 4. Ueber den Strahlkies von Gross-A llmer- ode in Hessen. Poggend. Annal. XIV, 1828, pp. 91-97. _ 5. Die Krystallform des Tourmalins, Zmk- silicats und Boracits in Bezug auf die durch Tcmperaturveranderung erzeugte electrische Polaritiit. Poggend. Annal. XVII, 1829, pp. 146-150. _ 6. Zur Naturgeschichte des Kreuzsteins oder Harmotoms. Poggend. Annal. XXXVII, 1836, pp. 562-576. _ 7. Ueber die Verbindungen der beiden Sum-on des Selens mit den beiden Queck- silberoxyden, und das natiirliche selenigsaure Quecksilberoxydul (Onofrit). Poggend. Anual. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 146-152 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX, 1853, pp. 168-170. Kohler, H. On the Anthracite deposit at Tamaqua, Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania. Pennsylv. Trans. Geol. Soc. I., 1835, pp. 326- 327. Kohler, Hermann. Ueber das chcmische Ver- halten der Fliissigkeit aus eiuem sogenannten Ueberbeine. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Na- turw. V, 1855, pp. 437-442. _ 2. Ueber einige Cetylverbinduugen and damit angestellte Versuche. HaUe Zeitschr. esammt Natunv. VII, 1856, pp. 352-360. __ 3. Mikrochemische Untersuchung der Schneckeuzungen. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. VIII, 1856, pp. 106-112 4. Mikrochemische Untersuchung derreibS- kornformigen Concremente aus Sehnenscheiden. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. IX, 1 5ueber das Vorkomn.cn des Allantoin's i,n Harn bei gestorter Kespirat.on Halk Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. X, 18o,, pp. 3, 344. KOH] 710 [KOH Kohler, J. M. Ueber den Weinbau am Ziirichsee. Zurich, Mittheil. I., 1847, pp. 150-156. Kohler, Joseph. Zur Kenntiiiss der Pilze. Ol- miitz, Jabresb. Eealschule, 1862. Kohler, Th. Zur Resorption. Virchow, Archiv, XIV., 1858, pp. 401-432. Kohler, Vittorio. Osservazioni sullo stato attuale della quistione intorno le ghiacciaie. Napoli, Rendiconto, III., 1844, pp. 9-17. Kohlmann, . Ueber die wichtigsten Ab- anderungen des Foucault'schen Versuchs. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesainmt. Naturw. I., 1853, pp. 277- 280. 2. WILSON'S Verfahren hohe Temperaturen zu messen. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. II., 1853, pp. 114-118. 3. Ueber die Werthbestimmung der Butter. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. II., 1853, pp. 382-386. 4. Beobachtungen iiber das Grundeis in der Saale bei Halle. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. IH., 1854, pp. 40-44. Kohlmayr, Paul. Special-Flora von Kanning und Umgebung. Karuten, Jahrb. Landesmus. HI., 1854, pp. 72-88. 2. Eine Excursion auf den Latschour in Karnten. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VIII., 1858, pp. 318-321. 3. Der Reisskofel und seine ostlichen Ab- hiinge in naturhistorischer Beziehung. Kiirn- ten, Jahrb. Landesmus. IV., 1859, pp. 44- 64. —— 4. Das Maltathal ; Gestaltung, Gewasser, Clinia und Flora. Kiirnten, Jahrb. Landesmus. VI., 1863, pp. 63-94. Kohlrausch, 0. Ueber den Bau der haar- uud zahnhaltigen Cysten des Eierstocks. Miiller, Archiv, 1843, pp. 365-366. 2. Ueber innei'e Wurzelscheide und Epi- thelium des Haares. Miiller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 300-313. — — 3. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Schilddriise. Miiller, Archiv, 1853, pp. 142-148. 4. Ueber das Schwellgewebe an den Mus- cheln der Nasenschleirnhaut. Miiller, Archiv, 1853, pp. 149-150. 5. Ueber sogenannte Infarkten. Miiller, Archiv, 1853, pp. 151-155. Kohlrausch, Rudolph. Ueber die Nutzlosigkeit der Luftsacke der Vogel zum Fliegen. Froriep, Notizen, XXXVL, 1833, pp. 280-282. 2. Ueber die Messung des Radius der Vorderflache der Hornhaut am lebenden mensch- lichen Auge. Oken, Isis, 1840, col. 886-887. 3. Ueber das Dellmann'sche Electro- meter. Poggend. Annal. LXXII., 1847, pp. 353-405. Kohlrausch, Rudolph. 4. Nachtrag zum Dell- niann'schen Electrometer. Poggend. Annal. LXXIV., 1848, pp. 499-509. 5. Der Condensator in Verbindung mit dem Dellmann'schen Electrometer. Poggend. Annal. LXXV., 1848, pp. 88-98. 6. Die electromotorische Kraft ist der elec- troskopischen Spannung an den Polen der geoffneteniKette proportional. Poggend. Annal. LXXV., 1*848, pp. 220-228 ; Aunal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, pp. 357-361 ; Bibl. Univ. Ar- chives, XXIL, 1853, pp. 105-116. 7. Die electroskopischen Eigenschaften der geschlossenen galvanischeu Kette. Poggend. Annal. LXXVIII., 1849, pp. 1-21 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, pp. 362-386. 8. Ueber den Ursprung der electromotor- ischen Kraft in der Daniell'schen Kette. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 177-202. 9. Versuch zur nunierischen Bestimmung der Stellung einiger Metalle in der Spannungs- reihe. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIL, 1851, pp. 1-18. 1O. Zur Erkllirung der electromotorischen Kraft der Grove'schen Kette. Poggend. Annal. LXXXH., 1851, pp. 407-410. 11. Die electroskopischen Eigenschaften der Thermokette. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIL, 1851. pp. 411-418. 12. Ueber electrische Differenzen und iiber FAKADAY'S Schwefelkalium-Kette. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 464-475. 13. Das Sinus-Electrometer. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 497-519. 14. Theorie des electrischen Riickstandes in der Leidner Flasche. Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 56-83, 179-214 ; Phil. Mag. VII., 1854, pp. 305-320, 412-426, 476-489. 15. Ueber die electrischen Vorgange bei der Electrolyse. Poggend. Annal. XCVII., 1856, pp. 397-414, 559-576. 16. Notiz iiber REGNAULT'S Bestimmung des Gewichts von einen Liter Luft und iiber die Dichtigkeit des Wassers bei Null. Pog- gend. Annal. XCVHI., 1856, pp. 178-181. 17. Practische Regeln zur genaueren Be- stimmung des specifischen Gewichtes. Mar- burg, Ges. Naturw. Schriften, VIII., 1857, pp. 1-88. 18. Ueber die elastische Nachwirkung bei der Torsion. Poggend. Annal. CXLX., 1863, pp. 337-368. Kohlrausch, Rudolph, und Wilhelm Weber. Ueber die Electricitiitsmenge, welche bei gal- vanischen Stromen durch den Querschnitt der Kette fliesst. Poggend. Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 10-25. KOH] 711 [KOK Kohlrausch, Rudolph, und Wilhelm Weber. 2. Electro-dyuamische Maasbestimmungen ius- besondere Zuriickfukrung der Strom-Inteusitats- Messungeu auf meclianisches Maas. [1856.] Leipzig, Abh. Math. Pkys. III., 1857, pp. 219- 292 ; Annal. de Chiniie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 115- 127. Kohlschiitter, E. Messungen der Festigkeit des Schlafes. Henle und Pfeufcr, Zeitschr. XVII., 1863, pp. 209-253. Kohn, . Ueber den Einfluss oft wieder- holter Torsiouen auf den Molecularzustand des Schiniedeisens auszumittelu. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 25-28. Kdhnke, 0. Pseudo-Gaylussit. Stockholm, Ofversigt, III., 1846, pp. 94-95. Kokeil, Friednch. Verzeichniss der in der Urn- gegend von Klagenfurt vorkomuienden Sumpf- gewachse. Flora, XXIII., 1840, pp. 81-96. 2. Beobachtungen iiber die in Krain und Kiirnteu vorkoramendeu Saturnien. Okeu, Isis, 1843, col. 134-139. 3. Entomologische Notizen. Okeri, Isis, 1843, col. 139. 4. Aufziihlung der in der Umgebung von Klagenfurt vorkommenden phaueroganiischen Gewachse und Farnkrauter. Kiirntcn, Jahrb. Landesmus. I., 1852, pp. 15-56. 5. Beobachtungen iiber das Vorkommeu verschiedener Insecteii im Jahre 1857 und 1858. Karnten, Jahrb. Landesmus. IV.. 1859, pp. 110-114. 6. Larrichiuni alpestre in Kiirnteu. Karn- ten, Jahrb. Landesmus. IV., 1859, p. 127. 7. Ornithogalum Pyrenaicum, L., imd Chara fcetida, A. Sr., in Kiirnten. Karnten, Jahrb. Landesmus. IV., 1859, pp. 128-129. Kokscharow, Nicolai von. Sur une tres grosse pepite d'or trouvee dans 1'Oural. Annal. de Chiniie, VII., 1843, pp. 243-244. 2. Sur la pepite d'or recemment decou- verte dans 1'Oural. Annal. des Mines, ILL. 1843, pp. 51-54. 3. Ueber eine neue Combination des Sca- poliths. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1847, pp. 170-172. 4. Ueber das Krystallsystem des Ural- orthits. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1847, pp. 173-191. 5. Ueber den Bagrationit. Poggend. An- ual. LXX1IL, 1848, pp. 182-187. 6. Krystallographische Notiz iiber einen neuen Sechsmalachtflachner. Poggend. Aunal. LXXIIL, 1848, pp. 188-191. 7. Ueber Brookit-Krystalle vom Ural. Kokscharow, Xicolai von. 8. Neue Combina- tioneu an den Krystalleu von Pyrochlor und Granat. St. Petersb. Verhand. Miu. Gesell. 1848-49, pp. 15-17. 9. Ueber Kammererit-Krystalle. St. Pe- tersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1848-49, pp. 18- • 22. 10. Ueber den Bagrationit, einem Ural- ischen Fossile. Erman, Archiv Russ. VIII., 1850, pp. 123-130. 11. Ueber einen neueu Achtundvierzig- flacher des Uralischen Magneteisen. Erman, Archiv Russ. VIII., 1850, pp. 131-134. 12. Eiuige Notizen iiber das Krystall- system des Chiolits. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1850-5 J, pp. 1-6; Poggend. Aunal. LXXXIIL, 1851, pp. 587-591. 13. Ueber Krystalle des Chlorits von der Achmatowscheu Grube im Ural und ihrer Beziehung zum Chlorit von Schwarzeustein in Tyrol, Ripidolith von St. Gotthard, &c. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1850-51, pp. 163-195; Erman, Archiv Russ. X., 1852, pp. 164-166; Poggend. Auual. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 519-543. 14. Materialien zur Mineralogie Russlands. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1852-53, pp. 1-80. 15. Notiz iiber den krystallisirten Scor- odit, aus einem neuen Fundorte. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1852-53, pp. 91-92 ; Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, p. 488. 16. Notiz iiber eine Mineralien-Sendung aus dem Tunkinskischen Gebirge. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1852-53, pp. 333-338. 17. Ueber den Cancrinit' aus dem Tunk- inskischen Gebirge. Poggeud. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 613-616. — 18. Ueber eiu neues Scalenoiider des Eisenglanzes. Poggend. Aunal. 1853 (Ergcinz.), p. 320. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1848-49, pp. 1-14; Erman, Archiv Russ. VIII., 1850, pp. 307-317; Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 454-464. 19. Notice of a crystal of Fischerite. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1853, p. 449. — — 20. Mineralogische Arbeiteu. Ernian, Archiv Russ. XIII., 1854, pp. 325-329. 21. Resultate von Messungeu an Rutil- uud Bleivitriolkrystallen. Poggeud. Aunal. XCL, 1854, pp. 154-158. 22. Resultate der an Krystallen des Ve- suvians ausgei'uhrten IMessungen. Poggend. Aniial. XCIL, 1854, pp. 252-266. 23. Materialien zur Miueralogie Russlauds. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1854, pp. 1-66, 127-205. KOK] 712 [KOL Kokscharow, Nicolai von. 24. Ueber Klino- chlor von Achmatowsk, am Ural. (Clinochlore, W. P. Blake; Kliuochlor, Chlinochlor, von Deutschen Autoren ; Ripidolith, Kobell ; Chlorit, G. Rose). [1854.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIIL, 1855, col. 129-144; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1855, pp. 9-24 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 1031-1034; Pog- gend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 216-234, 336 ; Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1855, pp. 176-181 ; Wien, Geol. Jahrb. V., 1854, pp. 852-866. 25. Ueber den zweiaxigen Glimmer vom Vesuv. [1854.] Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 212-216; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIIL, 1855, col. 149-153. 26. Beitriige zur Kenntniss einiger Mine- ralieu. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1856, col. 299-316. 27. Krystallbestimmung des lodoforms. Chem. Centr. Blatt. II., 1857, pp. 524-525. 28. Materialien zur Mineralogie Russ- land. Erman, Archiv Russ. XVI., 1857, pp. 311-328. 29. Krystallographisclie Beschreibung des Doppelsalzes aus Bromnatrium und bromsaurem Natron. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1857, col. 279-281. 3O. Notiz liber zwei Topaskrystalle aus Nertschiusk. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1857, col. 313-316. 31. Ueber die Russischen Topase. [1855.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VIII., 1857, pp. 357-396. 32. Notiz iiber das Vorkomrnen des Eu- klases in Russland. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1858, col. 284-286 ; Poggend. Annal. CIIL. 1858, pp. 347-349 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. I., 1859. 33. Notiz iiber die Krystallisation und die Winkel des Russischen Diaspors. Miincheu, Gelehrte Anz. XLVIII., 1859, col. 569-574. 34. Ueber den Russischen Phenakit. [1857.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IX., 1859, pp. 175-197. 35. Ueber den Russischen Zirkon. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. I., 1859. 36. Krystallographische Notizen iiber den Rutil und Paralogit, [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., I860, col. 229-233. 37. Anhang zu der Abhandlung "Ueber die Russischen Topase." St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1860. 38. Zweiter Anhang zu der Abhandlung " Ueber die Russischen Topase." St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1861. 39. Ueber den Russischen Epidot und Orthit. [I860.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1861. Kokscharow, Nicolai von. 40. Mineralogische Notizen. [1861.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1862, col. 563-570. 41. Ueber den Russischen Monazit und Aeschynit. [1861.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1862. 42. Ueber den Kotschubeit, eine neue Klinochlorart. [1861.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1863, col. 369-372. 43. Notiz iiber die Krystallform und Win- kel des Hydrargillits aus den Schischimsker Bergen. [1861.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1863, col. 372-375. 44. Beschreibung des Alexandras. [1862.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. V., 1863, No. 2. Kolaczek, Erwin. Beitrag zur Losung der Frage iiber die Entstehung des sogenanuten Speisenblutes. Presburg, Verhandl. II., 1857 (Abk.\ pp. 33-38. 2. Pilzbildungen im Inuern unversehrter Eier. Presburg, Verhandl. II., 1857 (AM.), pp. 39-42. 3. Botanisch-physiologische Notizen. Pres- burg, Verhandl. IV., 1859 (Abh.), pp. 15-22. Kolb, E. Friedr. Notizeu iiber Rheinbaiern. Hertha, II., 1825, pp. 643-662. Kolb, Osc. Allgemeiue Uebersicht der vegeta- tiven Verhaltnisse des Fiirstenthums Hohen- zollern uud des angrenzenden Theiles Wiirttem- bergs. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. XI., 1858, pp. 66-73. 2. Beitrag zur Flora des Donauriedes und der Umgebung von Wertingen. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. XII., 1858, pp. 91-118. 3. Botanische Mittheilungen aus der Um- gebuug von Buchloe. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. XIV., 1858, pp. 65-70. Kolbe, F. N. An account of the Damara country. Ethnol. Soc. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 1-3. Kolbe, Hermann. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Getreidefuselols. Liebig, Annal. XLL, 1842, pp. 53-56. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung des Chlors auf Schwefelkohleustoff. Liebig, Annal. XLV., 1843, pp. 41-46; Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 304-308. 3. Notiz iiber einige gepaarte Verbind- ungen der Chlorkohlenstoffe. Liebig, Annal. XLIX., 1844, pp. 339-341. 4. Foreningar af chlorkol nied svafvelsyr- ligliet med dityonsyra (undersvafvelsyra) och med salpetersyra. Stockholm, Ofversigt, I., 1844, pp. 146-148. 5. Beitriige zur Keuntniss der gepaarten Verbinduugen. Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 145-188 ; Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, pp. 360-366; Jouru. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 217- 230, 230-232; Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1845, pp. 171-177. KOL] 713 [KOL Kolbe, Hermann. 6. On the Formation of Nitric Acid in Eudiometric Combustions of Gases mixed with Nitrogen. Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 184.5-48, pp. 245-247 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, p. 452 ; Liebig, Annal. LIX., 1846, pp. 208-213 ; Phil. Mag. XXIX., 1846, pp. 543- 546. 7. Observations on the oxidizing power of Oxygen when disengaged by means of Voltaic Electricity. Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 285-286 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL. 1847, pp. 137-139; Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 214-216; Liebig, Annal. LXIV., 1847, pp. 236-237 ; Phil. Mag. XXX., 1847, pp. 334-336. • 8. Ueber die Zersetzung der Valeriansaure durch den galvanischen Strom. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIL, 1847, pp. 311-313; Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 378-379 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 228-229; Liebig, Annal. LXIV.. 1847, pp. 339-341 ; Phil. Mag. XXL, 1847, pp. 348-350. 9. Untersuchungen iiber die Electrolyse organischer Verbindungen. Liebig, Annal. LXIX., 1849, pp. 257-294 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. II., 1850, pp. 157-184 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIII., 1849, pp. 99-101 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 385-389. 1O. Ueber die chemische Constitution und Natur der organischen Radicale. Liebig, Annal. LXXV., 1850, pp. 211-239; LXXVL, 1850, pp. 1-73; Chem. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, pp. 369-405 ; IV., pp. 41-79. 11. Notiz iiber das Cyanbenzoyl. Liebig, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 52-63. • 12. Kritische Bemerkungen zu WILLIAM- SON'S Wasser-, Aether- und Saure-Theorie. Liebig, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 46-61; Chem. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855, pp. 111-121 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIIL, 1854, pp. 366- 370. . 13. Neuc Bildungsart des Bittermandelols. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 202-204. 14. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise des Benzoylwasserstoffs und die chemische Consti- tution der Aldehyde. Liebig, Aunal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 344-349 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLVIII., 1856, pp. 189-192 ; Marburg, Gesell. Naturw. Schriften, VUL, 1857, pp. 1 13-119. . 15. Ueber die ratiouelle Zusammensetzung der fetten und aromatischen Siiuren, Aldehyde, Acetone, u.s.w., und ihre Beziehungen zur Kohl- ensaure. Liebig, Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 256- 265. 16. Ueber die chemische Constitution der Milchsaure. Liebig, Annal. CIX., 1859, pp. 257-268 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. XII., 1860, pp. 15-23. VOL. III. Kolbe, Hermann. 17. Ueber die chemische Constitution der Isathionsaure und des Taurins. Liebig, Annal. CXIL, 1859, pp. 241-243. 18. Ueber Synthese der Salicylsiiure. Lie- big, Annal. CXIII., 1860, pp. 125-127 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 101-102. 19. Ueber die Riickbilduug des Alanins aus Milchsaure. Liebig, Annal. CXIII., 1860, pp. 220-223; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 201-202. 2O. Ueber die Constitution und Basicitiit der Milchsiiure. Liebig, Annal. CXIII., 1860, pp. 223-224; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 192-198. 21. Ueber den natiirlichen Zusammenhang der organischen mit den unorganischen Ver- bindungen, die wissenschaftliche Grundlage zu einer naturgemiissen Classification der organ- ischen chemischen Korper. Liebig, Annal. CXIII., 1860, pp. 293-332. 22. Vorliiufige Notiz iiber einige ueue Derivate des Benzylsulfonchlorids. Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 352-354. 23. Ueber die Eini'iihrung von Wasserstoff in organische Verbindungen, und die Umwand- lun"- der Salicylsiiure in Gallussiiure. Liebig, Annal. CXVIII., 1861, pp. 122-124. 24. Direct e quantitative Bestimmung der Kohlensiiure, kohlensaurer Salze und Braun- steinanalyse. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 129-135. 25. Darstelluug der Oxalsiiure. Ueber- fiihruug der Dicarbonsiiuren in die zugehorenden Monocarbonsauren. Reduction der Schwefel- siiure zu SchwefelwasserstofF durch Wasserstotf im Status nascens. Bildung von Salpetersaure beim Verbrennen von Wasserstotf im istickstoff- haltigem SauerstofF. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 172-176; Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. IV., 1861, pp. 419-420. 26. Ueber die chemische Constitution des aus clem Aceton durch nascirenden Wasserstoff erzeugten Alkohols. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 687-690. 27. Ueber die chemische Constitution des Aspara-nns und der Asparagiusiiure. Liebig, Annal. "CXXI., 1862, pp. 232-236. 28. Ueber die chemische Constitution und kunstliche Bildung des Taurins. Liebig, Annal. CXXII., 1862, pp. 33-47 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 94-104; Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 193-204. , 29. Ueber die muthmasshche Natur und chemische Constitution der Diglycolamklsaure und Triglycolamidsaure. Liebig, Annal. CXXV., 1863, pp. 99-101 ; Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. VI., 1863, pp. 56-57. 4 x KOL] 714 [KOL Kolbe, Hermann. 3O. Ueber die cbeinisclie Constitution der Mellithsiiure, des Paramids, der Paramidsiiure und Euchronsaure. Liebig, Annal. CXXV., 1863, pp. 201-206. 31. Constatirung eiues Irrtbunis in seiner Abhaudlung iiber die cberniscbe Constitution der Mellitlisiiure. Liebig, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, pp. 125-126. 32. Bemerkungeu zu den Abbandlungeu : " Ueber die Glycolsiiure " von DKECHSEL. Lie- big, Annal. CXXVIL, 1863, pp. 159-161. — — 33. Ueber die Erzeugung von salpetriger Siiure beim Verbrennen von Wasserstoff im stickstoffhaltigen SauerstoiF. Miinchen, Sitz- ungsber. I., 1863, pp. 292-293. — — 34. Beobachtungen iiber neue bemerkens- werthe Isomerien organischer Verbindungen. Miinclien, Sitzungsber. II., 1863, pp. 215- 220. Kolbe, Hermann, and Edward Frankland. Upon tbe chemical constitution of Metacetonic Acid, and some other bodies related to it. Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 386-391 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIL, 1847, pp. 313-319 ; Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1847, pp. 266-271. 2. Ueber die chemische Constitu- tion der Siiuren der Reihe (C2 H,),, 0, und der unter dem Nanien Nitrile bekannten Ver- biudungen. Liebig, Aunal. LXV., 1848, pp. 288-304; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VI., 1849, pp. 301-303. 3. On the products of the action of Potassium on cyanide of Ethyl. [1848.] Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1849, pp. 60-74 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVI., 1849, p. 304 ; Journ.de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 294-295 ; Liebig, Annal. LXV., 1848, pp. 269-287. Kolbe, Hermann, und Frederick Guthrie. Ueber die Verbindungen des Valerals rnit Siiureu. Lie- big, Annal. CIX., 1 859, pp. 296-300 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 234-236. Kolbe, Hermann, und E. Lautemann. Ueber die Siiuren des Benzoeharzes. Liebig, Anual. CXV., 1860, pp. 113-114; CXIX., 1861, pp. 136-141 ; Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. IV., 1861, pp. 41.5-418. 2. Ueber die Constitution und Basicitiit der Salicylsiiure. Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 157-206; Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1860, pp. 365-373. Kolbe, Hermann, und Schmitt. Rother Farb- stotf aus dem Kreosot. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 169-172. 2. Directe Umwandlung der Kohleu- siiure in Ameisensiiure. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 251-253. Kolbenheyer, Karl. Vorarbeiten zu einer Flora von Tescheu und Bielitz (Pflanzengeographische Skizze und Pflanzen-Enumeration). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaudl. XII., 1862 (Abh.), pp. 1185-1220. Kolbing, F. W. Ueber einige Eigenthumlich- keiten der Oberschlesischen Flora. Flora, XX., 1837, pp. 193-204. 2. Meteorologische Beobachtungen. Pog- gend. Anual. LXIL, 1844, pp. 373-390; LXXL, 1847, pp. 308-320. Kolbing, E. Nachtrag zu F. W. KOLBING'S Flora der Oberlausitz. Gorlitz, Abhandl. III. (Heft 2), 1842, pp. 17-25. ' 2. Eiu Brief von C. R. KOLBING ill Gnadenthal am Kap der Guten Hotfnung [Ueber das Kliuia und die Flora Slid- Africa's]. Gorlitz. Abhandl. IV. (Heft 2), 1847, pp. 1-19. Kolbmann, Beobachtung eiues doppelten Hirnbruchs (Encephalocele), an einem neuge- bornen Kinde. Siebold, Journ. f. Geburtshulfe, IV., 1824, pp. 150-152. Kolenati, Fricdrich A. Die Gletscher-Lavine am Kasbek. [1843.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1844, col. 260-266. 2. Bericht iiber seine Besteigung des Kas- bek. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. II., 1845, pp. 235-246. 3. Die Ersteigung des Kasbek im Jahre 1844, den 14 (26) August. [1844]. St. Pe- tersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 177-224 ; Erman, Archiv Russ. V., 1847, pp. 248-304; Poggend. Annal. LXVI., 1845, pp. 553-577. 4. Die Turjagd am Kasbek, nebst Berne rk- uugen fiber die Lebensweise des Tur's und des Caucasischen Rebhuhns. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 257-264. • 5. Die Falkenjagd der Tatareu. St. Pe- tersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 264-267. 6. Der Anstand beim Aase bei Elisabeth- pol. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 267-272. 7. Versuch einer systematischen Anord- iiung der in Grusien einheimischen Reben. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XIX., 1846, pp. 279- 371. 8. Das Asiatische Kameel. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1847, pp. 407-420. 9. Ueber einige Russische Oedemeriden. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XX., 1847, pp. 132- 147. 10. Der Gletschergast. [1845]. St. Pe- tersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1847, col. 49-60. 11. Prodrom zurn ersteii Theile der "Ge- nera et Species Trichopterorum." Stettin, En- torn. Zeit, IX., 1848, pp. 16-63. 12. Ueber den Nutzeii und Schaden der Trichoptern. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. IX., 1848, pp. 50-52. KOL] 715 [KOL Kolenati, Friedrich A. 13. Einige Notizen iiber den Seidenwurm. Stettin, Entoin. Zeit. IX., 1848, pp. 84-86. 14. Meletemata entomologica. Stettin. Entorn. Zeit. IX., 1848, pp. 369-377. • 15. Erfahrungen und Untersuchungen iiber die Dennaptern. Bohm. Gesell. Abb. VI., 1848-50 (Sect. Ber.), pp. 12-13, 14-15. 16. Ueber Phryganiden im Bernstein. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. VI., 1848-50 (Sect. Ber. 1848), p. 15. 17. Genera et species Trichopterorum. — Pars prior : Heteropalpoidea. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. VI., 1848-50, pp. 1-108. 18. Ueber die Hornsteingebilde Mahrens. Briinn, Mittheil. 1852, pp. 18-19. 19. Europa's Chiroptern. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. II., 1856, pp. 121-133, 161- 192. 20. Bestimmungstabelle fib' die in Miihr- en und Schlesien heimischen Fledermause. Briinn, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 34-35, 55. 21. Ueber die Vampyre, Blutsauger. Briinn, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 107-109. 22. Ein iiber 2,000 Jahre alter Eibenbaum iu Mahren. Briinn, Mittheil. 1856, p. 201. 23. Meletemata entomologica hemiptero- rum heteropterorum Caucasi. Harpagocorisite, monographice dispositaj. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIX., 1856 (pte. 2), pp. 419-502. 24. Meletemata entomologica : Homoptera, Lettr., Leach ; Gulasrostria, Zett. Moscou, Soc. Nat, Bull. XXX., 1857, pp. 399-429. • 25. Einige Arachniden der Caucasischen Lander, u.s.w. Moscou, Soc. Nat, Bull. XXX., 1857, pp. 429-443. 26. Eine neue Oesterreichische Phryganea (Stenophylax areatus). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VI., 1856 (Abh.), pp. 165-166. 27. Eine neue Mahrische Nycteribia (N. Frauenfeldii). Wien, Zool. Bot, Ver. Ver- handl. VI., 1856 (Abh.), pp. 189-190. ^— 28. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Europiiischen Chiroptern. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. III., 1857, pp. 1-24, 41-68. • 29. Synopsis prodroma der Flughaut- Milben (Pteropida) der Fledermause. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. I., 1857, pp. 59-60. 3O. Synopsis prodroma der Nycteribien. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. I., 1857, pp. 61-62. 31. Synopsis prodroma der auf Vesper- tilionen Europa's lebenden Ccratopsyllen. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. I., 1857, pp. 65-66. 32. Epizoa der Nycteribien. Wiener En- tom. Monatschr. I., 1857, pp. 66-69. 33. Eine Excursion indie Herrmannshohle bei Kirchberg am Wechsel in Steiermark. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. I., 1857, pp. 133- 135. Kolenati, Fricdrich A. 34. Eine fur Oester- reichisch-Schlesien neue Fledermaus. Lotus, VIII., 1858, pp. 48-52. 35. Meletemata entomologica : Curculio- niua Caucasi et vicinorum. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXI., 1858, pp. 102-184, 581-444; (pte. 2), pp. 1-87, 395-504. 36. Synopsis prodroma der an Chiroptern als Epizoe'n vorkommenden Zecken, Ixodida. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. II., 1858, pp. 1-2. 37. Synopsis prodroma der an Chiroptern als Epizoe'n vorkommenden Eimilben (Sphsero- nissida, Kol.~). Wiener Entom. Monatschr. II., 1858, pp. 3-4. 38. Synopsis prodroma der auf Chiroptern als Epizoe'n vorkommenden Lausmilben (Carida, Kol). Wiener Entom. Monatschr. II., 1858, pp. 4-7. 39. Beitrage zu Oesterreich's Neuroptern- Fauna. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. II., 1858, pp. 37-49. 40. Epizoon der Wahlameise. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. II., 1858, pp. 86-87. 41. Epizoon cles Haselschlafers. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. II., 1858, pp. 88-89. 42. Die Larve von Setodes hiera, Kol. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. H., 1858, pp. 89-91. 43. Systematische Uebersicht der Thys- anuren. Nach NICOLET'S " Essai sur une classi- fication des insectes apteres de 1'ordre de Thys- anures ;" mit Verbesserungen und Zusiitzeu. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. II., 1858, pp. 129- 135. 44. Beitrage zur Keuntniss der Neurop- tera Austriaca. Wiener Entoin. Monatschr. H., 1858, pp. 254-256. 45. Synopsis prodroma der Gattung Hy- dropsy che. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. II., 1858, pp. 277-279. 46. Acentropus niveus, 01., wieder aufge- funden und untersucht ob er eine Phryganide oder ein Lepidopteron sei. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. II., 1858, pp. 381-385. 47. Zwei fur Oesterreich neue Arteu von Fledermausen (Nanugo Ursula, Wagner, und N. minutissimus, Schinz). Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXVIII., 1858, pp. 243-252. 48. Zwei neue Oesterreichische Poduriden (Anurophorus Kollarii und Tritomurus macro- cephalus). Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIX., 1858, pp. 241-246. 49. Zwei neue Ostindische Philopteriden (Docophorus macrotichus und Nirmus sculptus). Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIX., 1858, pp. 247-249. . 50. Eine neue Oesterreichische Fledermaus (Amblyotus atratus). Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIX., 1858, pp. 250-256. 51. Die Gaumenfalten und Nebenzungen der Chiroptern. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIX., 1858, pp. 329-345. 4 x 2 KOL] 716 [KOL Kolenati, Friedricli A. 52. Dei- erste Ostiud- ische Conotrachelus, neue Species (C. Helferii). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (AM.), pp. 341-342 53. Ein neues Oesterreichisches Curculion- iden-Genus. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 343-350. 54. Naturhistorisclie Durehforschung des Altvater Gebirges. Briinn, Jahresheft Natur- wisa. Sect. 1859, pp. 1-4. 55. Systematisches Verzeiclmiss der am Altvater bis gegenwiirtig beobachteten oder gesammelten Insecten von 3700 bis 4680 Fuss Meereshobe. Briinu, Jahresheft Naturwiss. Sect. 1859, pp. 5-9. 56. Mollusken des Altvaters. Briinn, Jahresheft Naturwiss. Sect. 1859, pp. 69-71. 57. Wiirmer des Altvaters. Briinn, Jahresheft Naturwiss. Sect. 1859, pp. 71-72. 58. Die Wirbelthiere des Altvaters. Briinn, Jahresheft Naturwiss. Sect. 1859, pp. 72-83. 59. Systematisches Verzeichniss der dem Verfasser bekannten Phryganiden und deren Synonymik. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. III., 1859, pp. 15-23, 56-59. 6O. Beitriige zur Kenutniss der Arachnidcn. [1858.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIII., 1859, pp. 69-89 ; XXXV.. 1859, pp. 155-190. 61. Die Lebensweise der Erbsenkafer. Briinn, Mittheil. 1860, pp. 108-109. 62. Die Oppa Haul am spontanen Stan- dorte aufgefunden. Briinn, Mittheil. 1860, pp. 232-236, 242-244, 250-253. 63. Die Larve vou Elmis Mangetii, Latr. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. IV., 1860, pp. 88- 89. 64. Einige neue Insecten - Arten vorn Altvater (dem hohen Gesenke der Sudeten). Wiener Entom. Monatschr. IV., 1860, pp. 381- 394. 65. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Arach- niden. [1859.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL., 1860, pp. 573-581. 66. Der Zerstorer der Zwiebelkartott'el in Miihren. Briinn, Mittheil. 1862, pp. 153-154. 67. Eutomologische Notizen. Briinu. Mittheil. 1862, pp. 179-180, 208, 248, 256, 271, 335. 68. Beitriige zur Cultur der Hochgebirgs Pflanzen. Briinn, Mittheil. 1862, pp. 253-255. 69. Botanische Notizen aus den Sudeten. Briinn, Mittheil. 1862, pp. 279-280, 312, 329, 344, 360. 70. Forstbotanische Notizen. Briinu, Mittheil. 1862, p. 288. 71.Landwirthschaftlich-botanische Notizen aus den Sudeten. Briinn, Mittheil. 1862, pp. 307-308. Kolenati, Friedricli A. 72. Mineralogische Notizen. Briinn, Mittheil. 1862, p. 336. 73. Beitrag fiir die incurablen Verfechter der Geueratio requivoca. Briinn, Mittheil. 1862, p. 352. 74. Die Triiffelfliege Helomyza. Briinn, Mittheil. 1863, pp. 6-7. 75. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Phthirio- Myiarien. [1862.] Horas Soc. Ent. EossiciB, II., 1863, pp. 9-109. Koler, Georges Louis. Sur les boutons et ramifications des plautes, la naissance de ces organes, et les rapports organiques existaut entre le tronc et les branches. Journ. de Phys. LX., 1804, pp. 352-371 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIL, 1805, pp. 231-241, 321-327. Koler, Hermann. Einige Notizen iiber die Eingebornen an der Ostkiiste des St. Vincent- Golf's in Siid-Australien. Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. III., 1842, pp. 42-57 ; I., 1844, pp. 34-62. 2. Notizen iiber die Districte von Batuni und Tschoruksu, nebst Bemerkungeu iiber die Kiiste im ostlichen Theile des Paschaliks von Trebisond. Berlin, Mouatsber. Ges. Erdk. II., 1845, pp. 22-60. Kolff, 1). If. Reize door der weinig beken- den Zuidelyken Molukscheii Archipel. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1837, pp. 369-373. Koiing, Heinrich. Nachricht von den zu Miin- ster in Westphalen in den neun Jahren von ISIS bis 1826, regelmiissig angestellten meteoro- logischen Beobachtungen. Miinster, Abhandl. Aerzt. Gesell. I., 1829, pp. 404-416. Kolk, H, If. Schroder van der. Voorloopige breedtebepaling der Utrechtsche Sterrewacht. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IX., 1859, pp. 185- 212. 2. Ueber die Bestimmung des galvanischen Leituugswiderstandes. Poggend. Anual. CX., 1860, pp. 452-476. 3. Ueber die Abweichungen der wirklichen Gase vom Mariotte'schen Gesetze. Poggend. Annal. CXVI., 1862, pp. 429-452. 4. Mittheilung iiber die magnetischen Storungen im September 1859. Poggend. Annal. CXVI., 1862, pp. 346-351. Kolk, J. I,. C. Schroder van der. Responsum ad qurestionem ab Ordine Disciplinarum Mathe- maticarum et Physicarum propositam : — " Quas sunt emolumenta prsecipua, qua? ex calorico latente, seu ligato, ae'ris et aquas ad oeconomiam animalem redundant?" Groningen, Ann. Acad. 1815-16, pp. 109-136. 2. Commentatio ad quasstionem, ab Ordine Medico anno 1818 propositam, de sanguinis vase efliueutis coagulatione, cui ut satisfaciat re- spondens — I. Ipsum phenomenon succincte de- scribet, statumque atmosphajras ei necessarium KOLJ 717 [KOL Kolk, J. L. C. Schroder ran der. aut faventem. — II. Exponet conditiones in- ternas, quibus in coalescendo sanguinem a sanguine admodum differre constat. — III. Dubia solvere teutabit, atque contraria, qua; HEWSOXI, HEYI ac DAVYI experiinenta adhucdum pre- munt IV. Denique ex hisce omnibus expli- cabit coaguli causam viresque, qua% quo minus in ipsis vasis constipetur sanguis, impediuut. Groningen, Ann. Acad. 1818-19. 3. Ueber die innere Organisation der Larve von Oestrus Equi. Oken, Isis, XXIIJ., 1830, col. 555-556. • 4. Bijdrage tot de anatomic van der Ste- nops Kukang (Nycticebus javauicus). Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VIII., 1841, pp. 277- 336. 5. Antwoord op cenige aanmerkingen, welke op deszelfs bijdrage tot de anatomie van den Stenops Kukang door den Hoogleeraar W. VROLIK. gemaakt zijn. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijd- schrift, XI., 1844, pp. 123-156. 6. Mernoire sur 1'anatomie et la physio- logie du Gastrus equi. Amsterdam, N. Ver- hand. XI., 1845, pp. 1-155. 7. Ueber Carcinom. Deutsch. Naturf. Versainml. Bericht, 1847, pp. 117-118. 8. Anatomisch-pathologische opmerkingen over de ontsteking van eenige inwendige deelen van het oog, en bijzonder over Choroiditis als oorzaak van Glaucoma. Amsterdam, Verhand. Genoots. Geneesk. I., 1848, pp. 35-56. 9. Over het verband tusschen de gevoels- en bewegingszenuwen. Amsterdam, Tijdschr. v. Wis. en Nat. Wetens. I., 1848, pp. 44-62; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1847, col. 129-139. 1O. Waarnemingen over het maaksel van de menschelijke Placenta en over haren Bloeds- omloop. Amsterdam, Verhand. IV., 1851, pp. 69-180. 11. Waarneming van eene atrophie van het linker halfrond der Hersenen, met gelijk- tijdige atrophie der regterzijde van het lig- chaam. Amsterdam, Verhand. V., 1852, pp. 31-72. 12. Ueber die Bildung und Verbreiiung von Krebszellen in der Umgebuiig von Krebs- gescliwiilsten, und die Bedeutung derselben fur die Exstirpation. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeit- schrift, V., 1854, pp. 127-147 ; Archiv. Gen. de Med. VII., 1856, pp. 54-63. 13. Anatomisch physiologisch onderzoek over het fijnere zamenstel en de working van het ruggemerg. Amsterdam, Verhand. II., 1855. 14. Over het fijnere zamenstel in de werk- ing van het verlengde ruggemerg en over de naaste oorzaak van epilepsie en hare rationale behandeling. Amsterdam. Verhand. VI., 1858. Kolk, J. L. C. Schroder van der. 15. Eenige onderzoekingen over ontsteking als alleen uit slagaderlijk bloed voortspruitende. Amsterdam, Versing. Akad. VIII., 1858, pp. 86-97. 16. Over de structuur der lougen bij de vogels. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. VIII., 1858, pp. 98-101 ; Bonders, Archiv, II., 1860, pp. 92-95. 17. Einige Untersuchuugen zum Beweise, dass Entziiudung nur von dem arteriellen Sys- teme ausgeht. Bonders, Archiv, II., I860, pp. 81-91. 18. Bijdrage over het eigenaardig maaksel van de lever bij den olif'ant in verband tot het gernis eener galblaas. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XII.. 1861, pp. 298-313 ; Bonders, Ar- chiv, III., 1863, pp. 206-210. Kolk, J. L. C. Schroder van der, en W. Vrolik. Nasporingcn omtrent vaatvlechten bij onderscheiden diervormen. Bijdr. tot de Bier- kunde, L, 1848-54 (Afd. 2), pp. 1-16. 2. Recherches d'anatomie comparee sur le genre Stenops, 111. Bijdr. tot de Bier- kuiide, I., 1848-54 (Afd. 2), pp. 29-52. 3. Ontleedkundige nasporingen over de hersenen van den Chimpanse. Amsterdam, Verhand. I., 1849, pp. 263-278. 4. Recherches sur les Plexus vascu- laires chez differents auimaux. Anu. Sci. Nat. V. (Zool.), 1856, pp. 111-133. 5. Note sur 1'encephale de 1'Oraug- Outang. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIII., 1862, pp. 1-10; Nat. Hist. Review, 1862, pp. 111- 1 17; Bonders, Archiv, III., 1863, pp. 220-221. Koike, H. vom. Ueber eine neue Methode die Intensitat des Magnetismus zu bestimmen, nebst eiuigen mit Hiilfe derselben gefundenen Re- sultaten. Poggend. Anna!. LXXXL, 1850, pp. 321-347. Kollar, Vincenz. Beitriige zur Keuutniss der lerniienartigen Crustaceen. Wiener Mus. Annal. I., 1836, pp. 79-92. • 2. Species Insectorum Coleopterorum uovce. Wiener Mus. Annal. I., 1836, pp. 327-336. 3. Lepidopterorum Brasilia; Species nova? iconibus illustrataj. [1839.] Wiener Mus. An- nal. II., 1840, pp. 213-218. 4. Beurtheilung des von Br. MEDOVICS audio Serbische Regierung erstatteten Berichtes iiber die Entstehung der geiahrlicheu Gollu- batzer Mucken (Simulium reptans Gollubatzense) und der Mittel zu ihrer Vertilgung. Wien, Sitz. Ber. I., 1848, pp. 92-106. 5. Ueber den Palrcrnoii anophthalmus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. I., 1848, pp. 137-138. 6. Ueber das ungewohnliche Auftreten gewisser Insecten-Larven im lebenden thier- ischen und meuschlichen Ko'rper. Wien, Sitz. Ber. I., 1848, pp. 149-151. KOL] 718 [KOL Kollar, Vinccn:, 7. Ueber ein die Kornerfrueht verwustencles Insect, Noetua(Apamea) basilinea, Fbr. Wien, Sitz. Ber. I., 1848, pp. 173-176. 8. Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte eines neuen blattlausartigen Insectes, Acantho- chermes quercus. Wien, Sitz. Ber. I., 1848, pp. 191-194. 9. Ueber den Sitophylus oryzoe, Schon- herr, Curculio orizae, Linn. Wien, Sitz. Ber. I., 1848, pp. 482-485. 10. Ueber den Eichen-Kernkafer, Platypus cylindrus, Herbst. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 3-4. 11. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Haushaltes und der geographisclieu Verbreitung einiger in okonomischer und technischer Hinsicht wich- tigen Insecten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849 (Abh.), pp. 317-323. 12. Naturgeschichte derZerr-Eichen-Saum- miicke (Lasioptera cerris), eines schiidlichen Forstinsectes. Wien, Denkschr. I., 1850, pp. 347-350; Napoli, Kendiconto, II., 1853, pp. 46-47. 13. Beitriige zur Insectenfauna von Neu- Granada uud Venezuela (Papiliones). Wien, Denkschr. I., 1850, pp. 351-364; Napoli, Ren- diconto, II., 1853, pp. 47-52. 14. Ueber einen bisher nocli nicbt beo- bachteten Feind des Weinstockes, die Apate bispinosa, Olir., Sinoxylon mtiricatum, Dftschm. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 380-382. 15. Bericht iiber Blatta Germanica schad- lich in Oestreich. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850 (j)te.2), pp. 15-16. 16. Ueber Weinbeschiidigung durch einen kleinen Nacbtfalter, Tortrix roserana, Froltl., in den Weingiirten von Brtinn nachst Modling. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850 (pte. 2), pp. 89-90. 17. Ueber ein dem Roggen schadliches Insect (Dipteron). Wien, Sitz. Ber. VI., 1851, pp. 459-460. 18. Nachtrag zur Naturgeschichte der Cerr - Eicben - Blattwespe (Tenthredo cerris). Wien, Sitz. Ber. VI., 1851, pp. 556-557. . 19. Bericht iiber die von Herrn LATJTNER in Cairo eingesandten wirbellosen Tbiere. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VII., 1851, pp. 200-202. 2O. Ueber die Mexicanische Cochenille. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VII., 1851, pp. 333-334. 21. Die Cerr - Eichen - Blattwespe, Ten- thredo (Eniphytus) cerris. Ein forstchadliches Insect. Wien, Denkschr. III., 1852, pp. 48-50. 22. Ueber eine Sendung nuturhistorischer Gegenstiinde aus Egypten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VEIL, 1852, pp. 178-179. 23. Ueber zwei der Schwarzfohre schiid- liche Insecten (Magdalinus violaceus, Bostricbus bidens). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. I., 1852, pp. 229-230. Kollar, Vincens. 24. Der Kartoffel-Blattsauger, Psylla solani tuberosi, Schneider (Cicada [Ty- phlocyba] solani tuberosi, Kollar). Ein die Kartoffeliaule erzeugendes Insect. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 3-7. 25. Bericht iiber die Abbandlung des Dr. SCHNEIDER betreffend ein Insect, welches die Kartoftelkrankheit verursacht. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 22-27. 26. Neuere Beobachtungen iiber den Wein- Wickler, Tortrix vitisana, Jacq. (Cochylis reli- quana, Tr.\ ein dem Weinstocke in Oesterreich sehr schiidliches Insect. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852 (Abh.), pp. 1-4. 27. Ueber Epilachna globosa, ///. Wien, Zool. Bot, Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852 (Sitzber.), pp. 24-25. 28. Ueber Insecten (Cicada solani tube- rosi), welche die Kartoffeln angreifen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaiidl. II., 1852 (Sitzber.), pp. 80-81. 29. Beitrag zum Haushalt der Insecten. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852 ( Sitzber.), pp. 95-98. 3O. Beitrag zum Haushalte der sehr las- tigen Viehbremsen (Tabanidre). Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIII., 1854, pp. 531-535. 31. Ueber die Weizenmotte, Tinea (Ge- lechia) pyrophagella. Wien, Zool. Bot, Ver. Verhandl. IV., 1854 (Sitzber.), pp. 6-9. 32. Laterale Begattung von Mantis reli- giosa. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaudl. V., 1855 (Sitzber.), p. 95. — 33. Ueber Beschiidigung des Eoggens in den Scheuern durch die Raupen eines Nacht- falters, Noctua (Apamea) basilinea, .ZV. V. (Quecken-Eule). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Ver- liandl. V., 1855 (Abh.), pp. 696-700. 34. Ueber eine ungewohnliche Farben- varietiit der Gemse, Rupicapra capella, Bias. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Sitzber.), p. 139. 35. Ueber ein seltenes Vorkommen der Sammt-Ente (Anas oidemia fusca, L.). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaudl. VII., 1857 (Sitzber.), p. 140. 36. Ueber Stein- und Goldadler (Aquila fulva und chrysaetos) in der Niihe bei Wien geschossen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VH., 1857 (Sitzber.), pp. 140-141. 37. Ueber Gordius und Mermis, Faden- wih'mer der Insecten. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VH., 1857 (Sitzber.), p. 141. 38. Ueber das Insect (Sirex juvencus), welches den Franzosen wahrend des Feldzuges in der Krimrn die Bleikugeln durchbohrt hat, nebst einer Mittheilung iiber eine analoge Erscheinung in Wien. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Sitzber.), pp. 153-155. KOL] 719 [KOL Kollar, J'inceit;. 39. Zur Naturgeschichte der Apis cerealis. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaudl. VII., 1857 (Sitzber.), pp. 155-156. 40. Beitrag zur Kenntniss iiber die geo- graphische Verbreitung und den Haushalt des Callidium russicum, Fabr. Wieu, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Abh.), pp. 184- 186. • 41. Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte des Bos- trichus curvidens, Rtzb. Wieu, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Abh.), pp. 187-188. 42. Beitrag zur Keuntniss iiber die geo- graphische Verbreitung des Agriotypus armatus, Walker. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Abh.), pp. 189-190. 43. Ueber springende Cynips-Galleu auf Quercus cerris. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Ver- handl. VII., 1857 (Abh.), pp. 513-516. 44. Naturgeschichte eines in den Gallen von Tamarix articulata, Vahl., lebenden Wick- ler's : Grapholitha pharaonana, Koll. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. II., 1858, pp. 154-160. 45. Ueber Ida PFEIFFER'S Sendungeu von Naturalien aus Mauritius und Madagascar. [Termes; Coccus.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXI., 1858, pp. 339-343. 46. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte des grossen Fichten-Bastkafers, Hylesinus (Den- droctonus) micaus, Kug. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 23-28. 47. Zur Naturgeschichte des Ulmeu-Blatt- kafer, Galleruca xanthomelaena, Schrk. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIIL, 1858 (Abh.), pp. 29-30. 48. Beitrag zur Geschichte schadlicher Heuschrecken. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VHL, 1858 (Abh.), pp. 321-324. 49. Ueber Agrilas viridis, Kiesew., ein die Erleu verwiistendes Insect. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 325-328. 50. Zoologische Mittheilungeu. [Bruchus pisi. Hydroba?nus lugubris.] Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. V1IL, 1858 (Abh.), pp. 421-428. Kollar, Vincenz, and Fohl. An account of the Pulex penetrans, L. {Translated from Bra- siliens vorziiglich liistige Insecteu.) Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 294-298. Kollar, Vincenz, und L. Hedtenbacher. Ueber den Character der Insecten-Fauna von Siid- Persien. Wien, Denkschr. I., 1 850, pp. 42-53 ; Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1853, pp. 52-54. Kolle, A. Entdeckungen iiber die Entstehung des organischen Lebens. Kastuer, Archiv Naturl. XII., 1827, pp. 348-361. 2. Ueber die Entstehuug und die chemische Beschaffenheit der Salzsoolen, sodaun iiber ihre Eeinigung vor dem Versieden. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. Xni., 1828, pp. 321-336. Koller, , und A. C. Leyer. Zcrsetzungs- producte der Federn, Igelstacheln, Haare, des Globulins, Humatins und der Fltigeldecken der Maikafer niit verdiinuter Schwefelsiiure. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1 852, pp. 258-263 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIII., 1853, pp. 273- 278 ; Liebig, Aiinal. LXXXIIL, 1852, pp. 332- 338. Koller (Baron). Itinerary of a tour to Petra. describing an inland route from Mount Sinai to Akabah. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XII., 1842, pp. 75-78. Koller, Marian. Beobachtungen des Cometen von 1830 auf der Stermvarte zu Kremsmiinster. Astr. Nachr. IX., 1831, col. 291-292. 2. [Beobachtungen des Jupiters, des Uranus, der Vesta, der Juno und des Saturns.] Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 135-140, 265-268. 3. [Beobachtungen der Planeten Uranus, Jupiter, Pallas, Ceres.] Astr. Nachr. XI., 1834, col. 7-10. 4. [Beobachtungen des Biela'schen Comet- en.] Astr. Nachr. XL, 1834, col. 223-226, 257-260. 5. Beobachtungen des Mondes auf der Stermvarte zu Kremsmiinster, 1833. Astr. Nachr. XI., 1834, col. 367-370. 6. Mondsterne, beobachtet auf der Stem- warte zu Kremsmiinster, 1833. Astr. Nachr. XL, 1834, col. 425-430. 7. Mondsterne und Sternbedeckungen. Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 173-178. 8. Der Halley'sche Comet. Astr. Nachr. Xni., 1836, col. 145-240. 9. Beobachtungen des Mondes. Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 105-110. 10. Plauetenbeobachtungen am Meridian- kreise. Astr. Nachr. XV., 1838, col. 193- 198. 11. Beobachtuugeu am Meridiankreise der Stern warte zu Kremsmunster, 1837. Astr. Nachr. XVL, 1839, col. 215-218. 12. Beobachtungen des Enckeschen Co- meten auf der Sternwarte zu Kremsmiinster. Astr. Nachr. XVL, 1839, col. 387-398. 13. [Beobachtungen an dem von Dr. GALLE entdeckten Cometen.] Astr. Nachr. XVIL, 1840, col. 157-160. 14. Beobachtungen des neuen Cometen [BREMIKEE'S]. Astr. Nachr. XVIII., 1841, col. 85-88. 15. [Beobachtungen der Cometen von GALLE und BREMIKER.] Astr. Nachr. XVIIL, 1841, col. 183-188. • 16. Ueber den Gang der Luftwiirme zu Kremsmiinster. Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 595-600. KOL] 720 [KOL Koller, Marian. 17. Extract from a Letter to Francis BAILT, Esq., accompanying a Catalogue of 20S Stars. [1842.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XII., 1842, pp. 373-380. 18. Magnetische Constanten tier Stern- warte im Kremsmiinster. Lamont, Ann. Meteor. II., 1842, pp. 195-196. 19. Beobachtungen am Meridiankreise der Sternwarte zu Kremsmiinster im Jahre 1840-41. Astr. Nachr. XX.r 1843, col. 49-62. 20. Beobachtungen des Encke'schen Co- meten. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 281-282. 21. Resultate aus zehnjuhrigen Beobacht- ungen der Luftfeuchtigkeit auf der Sternwarte zu Kremsmiinster. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1843, pp. 251-254. • 22. Cometenbeobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXI., 1844, col. 369-372. 23. Meteorologische Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 263-272. 24. Ileber die Berechnung periodischer Naturerscheinungen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 147-149; Wien, Denkschr. L, 1850, pp. 54-74. 25. Ueber das Passage-Instrument. Briinn, Verhandl. L, 1862 (Abh.), pp. 1-37. 26. Zur Theorie des August'schen Helio- staten. Briinn, Verhandl. II., 1863 (Abh.), pp. 3-14. 27. Bericht iiber ein nahezu vollendetes handschriftliches Werk des verstorbeneu Aka- demikers Dr. K. KREIL, iiber die Klimatologie in Bohmen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VII., 1863 (Abtti. 2), pp. 427-428. Kolliker, Albert. Some observations upon the structure of two new species of Hectocotyle, parasitic upon Tremoctopus violaceus, D. Ch., and Argonauta Argo, Linn. ; with an expo- sition of the hypothesis that these Hectocotyla? are the males of the Cephalopoda upon which they are found. [1845.] Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1838-48, pp. 237-238 ; Linn. Soc. Trans. XX., 1851, pp. 9-22; Oken, Isis, 1847, col. 869-870. 2. Ueber das Wesen der sogenannten Saamenthiere. Froriep, Notizen, XIX., 1841, col. 4-8. 3. Observations pour servir a 1'histoire des orgaues sexuels et du liquide seminal des Crus- taces et des Cirrliipedes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1843 (Zool.), pp. 334-350. 4. Observationes de prima insectorum ge- nesi, adjecta articulatorum evolutionis cum ver- tebratorum comparatione. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX., 1843 (Zool.), pp. 253-284. 5. Ueber die Randkorper der Quallen, Polypen uud Strahlthiere. Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1843, col. 81-84. 6. Ueber das Gehororgan der Mollusken. Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1843, col. 133-134. Kolliker, Albert. 7. G-eruchsorgane der Cepha- lopoden. Froriep, Notizen, XXVI., 1843, col. 166-167. 8. Furchungen und Saamenfaden bei einem Riiderthiere. Froriep, Notizen, XXVIII., 1843, col. 17-20. 9. Ueber das Geruchsorgan von Amphi- oxus. Miiller, Archiv, 1843, pp. 32-35. 1O. Beitriige zur Entwickelungsgeschichte wirbelloser Thiere. Miillei', Archiv, 1843, pp. 68-141. 11. Ueber die Entwickelung der Thiere. Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1844, col. 228-229. 12. Drei neue Gattungen von Wiirmern, Lineola, Chloraima, Polycystis ; und mehrere neue Arten der Gattung Nemertes. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. 1844, pp. 86-98. 13. Ueber Samenfaden. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. 1844, pp. 322-324. 14. Ueber die Gesetze, nach welchen die Samenfaden sich bilden. Froriep, Notizeu, XXXVI., 1845, col. 289-290. 15. Ueber Flimmerbewegungeu in den Primordialnieren. Miiller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 518-523. 16. Sulla struttura e sviluppo de' vasi linfatici capillari presso le larve de' Batrachii. Atti Scienz. Ital. VIII. 1846, p. 441. 17. Dell' anatomia del Tristoma papillo- sum. Atti Scienz. Ital. VIII. 1846, p. 469. 18. Siill' Hectocotylus argonauta?. Atti Scienz. Ital. VIII., 1846, p. 498. 19. Origine, terminazione e sviluppo delle fibre nervose. Atti Scienz. Ital. VIII., 1846, p. 504. 20. Ueber die Blutkorperchen eines menschlichen Embryo und die Eutwickelung der Blutkorperchen bei Saugethieren. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, IV., 1846, pp. 112- 159. • 21. Note sur le developpement des tissus organiques chez les Batraciens Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 106-108 ; Froriep, Notizeu, XXXIX., 1846, col. 113-115; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1846 (Zool.), pp. 91-108. 22. Ueber die Bildung der Schadelknochen. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. 1846, pp. 58-61. 23. Zur Lehre von den Furchungen. Wiegmann, Archiv, XII., 1846 (pte. 2), pp. 9- 22 ; XIII., 1847 pp. 9-22. 24. Ueber die contractilen Zellen der Planarienembryouen. Wiegmaun, Archiv, XII., 1846, pp. 291-295. 25. Ueber die Entwickelung der Gewebe bei den Batrachiern. Froriep, Notizen, II., 1847, col. 1-5. 26. Rhodope, nuovo genere di Gasteropodi. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. VIII., 1847, pp. 551- 561. KOL] 721 [KOL Kolliker, Albert. 27. Nnchwort zu Heinr. KOCH'S : " Worte zur Entwickelungs-Geschichte von Eunice." Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. VIII., 1847. 28. Die Bildung der Samenfaden in Bliis'chen als allsemeines Entwickelungsgesetz. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. VIII., 1847. 29. Ueber die Structur und die Verbreit- ung der glatten oder unwillkiirlichen Muskeln. [1846.] Ziirich, Mittheil. I., 1847, pp. 18-28. 3O. Ueber die Entozoengattung Gre- garina, L. Ditfour. Zurich, Mittheil. I., 1847, pp. 41-46. 31. Ueber den Bau der Syuovialhiiute. Ziirich, Mittheil. I., 1847, pp. 93-96. 32. Ueber den Bau und die Verrichtungen der Milz. Ziirich, Mittheil. I., 1847, pp. 120- 125, 129-137. 33. Histiologische Bemerkungen. Zurich, Mittheil. L, 1847, pp. 168-179. 34. Ueber einige anatomisch-physiolog- ische Gegenstiinde. Zurich, Mittheil. I., 1847- 48 (Heft 2), pp. 87-97. 35. Ueber Verknocherung bei Rhachitis. Froriep, Notizen, V., 1848, col. 118-122. 36. Beitriige zur Kenutniss niederer Thiere. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. I., 1849, pp. 1-37; Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853, pp. 211-213. • 37. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der glatten Muskeln. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. I., 1849, pp. 48-87. 38. Neurologische Bemerkungen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. I., 1849, pp. 135-163. • 39. Zur Lehre von der Contraetilitiit menschlicher Blut- und Lymphgefiisse. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. I., 1849, pp. 257-260. 4O. Das Sonneuthierchen, Actinophrys sol. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. I., 1849, pp. 198-217 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853, pp. 25-34, 98-106. 41. Ueber blutkorperchenhaltige Zellen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. I., 1849, pp. 260-267. 42. Zur Eutwickelungsgeschichte der iius- sern Haut. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 67-96. 43. Noch ein Wort iiber die Blutkorper- chen haltenden Zellen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 115-117. 44. Histiologische Bemerkungen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 118-120, 278-281. 45. Contractionen der Lederhaut des Menschen durch Einwirkung von Galvanismus. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 123-124. VOL. ni. Kolliker, Albert. 46. Die Theorie des Primor- dialschiidels. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 281-291. 47. Ueber den Haarwechsel und den Bau der Haare. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 291-294. 48. Ueber Theiluugcn der Nervenprimitiv- fasern des Menschen. Wiirzliurg, Verhandl. I., 1850, pp. 56-58. 49. Ueber die Nerven der Knochen des Menschen. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. I., 1850, pp. 68-73. SO. Ueber den Faserverlaut' irn mensch- licheu Riickenmark. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. I., 1850, pp. 198-207. 51. Ueber eiue Janusmissbildung. Wiirz- burg, Verhandl. I.. 1850, pp. 280-283. 52. Anatomisch-physiologisehe Bemerk- ungen. [1849.] Zurich, Mittheil. II., 1850- 52, pp. 17-37. 53. Ueber einige an der Leiche eines Hingerichteten angestellte Versuche uud Beo- bachtungen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 37-52; Goodsir, Ann. Anal. Phys. 18.50-53, pp. 105-113. 54. Skizze einer wissenschaftlichen Reise nach Holland und England. Siebold und Kol- liker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 81-106. 55. Ueber das Vorkommcn von glatten Muskelfasern in Schleimhiiuten. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 106-107,233. 56. Ueber das anatomische und physiolog- ische Verhalten der cavernosen Korper der Sexualorgaue. Wiirzburg, Verhaudl. II., 1852, pp. 118-134. 57. Beitriige zur Anatomie der Mundhohle. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. II., 1852, pp. 169-184. 58. Ueber die Gefiisse in den Follikeln der Peyerschen Haufen. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. II., 1852, pp. 222-230. 59. Ueber die Entwickelung der sogenannt- en Kernfasern, der elastischen Fasern und des Bindegewebes. [1851.] Wiirzburg, Verhandl. III., 1852, pp. 1-8 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 178-184. 6O. Zur Anatomie und Physiologic der Retina. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. III., 1852, pp. 316-336. 61. Ueber den Bau der Cutispapillen und die sogenannten Tastkorperchen R. WAGNER'S. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. IV., 1853, pp. 43-52. 62. Neuer Schmarotzer Lophoura. Sie- bold und KSlliker, Zeitschr. IV., 1853, p. 359. 63. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Pacin- ischen Korpercheu. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. V., 1854, pp. 118-122. 64. Die Eruption des Aetna von 1852. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. IV., 1854, pp. 37-43. 4 T KOLJ 722 [KOL Kolliker, Albert. 65. Histologische Studien angestellt an der Leicbe einer Selbstmorderin. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. IV., 1854, pp. 52-60. 66. Ueber den Bau der grauen Nerven- fasern des Geruchs-Nerven. [1853.] Wiirz- burg, Verhandl. IV., 1854, pp. 60-64. 67. Weitere Bemerkungen iiber die Helm- ichthyiuen. [1853.] Wiirzburg, Verhandl. IV., 1854, pp. 100-102. 68. Notiz iiber die electrischen Nerven des Malapterurus. [1853.] Wiirzburg, Verhandl. IV., 1854, pp. 102-103. 69. Ueber den feinereu Bau und die Functionen der Lymphdriisen. [1853.] Wiirz- burg, Verhandl. IV., 1854, pp. 107-124. 70. On the occurrence of Leuciue and Tyrosine in the Pancreatic Fluid and contents of the Intestine. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 124. . 71. Ou the physiology of the Spermatozoa. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 125. 72. On a peculiar structure lately dis- covered in the Epithelial Cells of the Small In- testines, together with some observations on the absorption of Fat into the system. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 126-127. 73. Ueber die Entwickelung der Linse. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 142-143. 74. Experimenteller Nachweis von der Existenz eiues Dilatator pupilloe. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 143-144. 75. Note sur Faction du Curare sur le systeme nerveux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 791-792. 76. Sur la terminaison des nerfs dans 1'organe electrique de la Torpille. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856. pp. 792-794. 77. Sur des mouvements particuliers et quasi-spontanes des cellules plasmatiques de certains animaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 794-795. • 78. Ueber die Eimvirkung kaustischer Alkalien auf die Bewegungen der Sameuiaden. [1855.] Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VII., 1856, pp. 181-182 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 293-299. 79. Notiz iiber das Vorkommen von Lymphkorperchen in den Anfiingen der Lymph- gefasse. [1855.] Siebold und Kolliker, Zeit- schr. VII., 1856, pp. 182-183 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 291-293. 80. Ueber die Einwirkung eiiier concen- trirten Harnstofflosung auf die Blutzellen. [1855.] Siebold uud Kolliker, Zeitschr. VII., 1856, pp. 183-184 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. in., 1855, pp. 289-291. Kolliker, Albert. 81. Physiologische Studieu iiber die Samenfliissigkeit. Siebold und Kol- liker, Zeitschr. VII., 1856, pp. 201-273. 82. Physiologische Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung eiuiger Gifte. Virchow, Archiv, X., 1856, pp. 3-77, 235-296. 83. Ueber die Vitalitat uud die Entwicke- lung der Samenfiiden. [1855.] Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VI., 1856, pp. 80-84. 84. Nachweis eines besondereu Baues der Cylinderzellen des Diinndarms, der zur Fettre- sorption in Bezug zu stehen scheint. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VI., 1856, pp. 253-273; Journ. Microsc. Sci. V., 1857, pp. 152-153. 85. On the action of Urari and of Strychnia on the animal economy. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 201-205. 86. Einige Beraerkungen iiber die Endig- ungeu der Hautnerven und den Bau der Mus- keln. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VHI.. 1857, pp. 311-325 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VI. j 1858, pp. 31-33. 87. Ueber die Vitalitat der Nervenrohren der Frosche. [1856.] Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VIL, 1857, pp. 145-147. 88. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Resorp- tion des Fettes im Darme, iiber das Vorkommen eiuer physiologischen Fettleber bei jungeu Saugethieren und iiber die Function der Milz. [1856.] Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VIL, 1857, pp. 174-193. 89. Allgemeine Bemerkungen iiber Poren- kanale in Zellmembranen ; Nachschrift zu LEUCKAKT'S Nachweis von Porenkaniilchen in den Epidermiszellen von Ammocoetes. Wiirz- burg, Verhandl. VIL, 1857, pp. 195-198. 90. Observations on the poison of the Upas Antiar. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 72- 76. 91. Some remarks on the physiological action of the Tanghinia venenifera. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 173-174. 92. On the different types in the micro- scopic structure of the skeleton of osseous fishes. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 656-668 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 67-77. 93. Vorliiufige Mittheilung iiber den Bau des Riickenmarks bei niederen Wirbelthieren. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. IX., 1858, pp. 1-11. 94. Beitriige zur vergleichenden Anato- mie und Histologie. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeit- schr. IX., 1858, pp. 138-142. 95. Ueber die Vitalitat der Nervenrohren. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. IX., 1858, pp. 417-433. 96. Zehn neue Versuche rnit Urari. Sie- bold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. IX., 1858, pp. 434- 438. KOL] 723 [KOL Kolliker, Albert. 97. Ueber Kopfkiemer mit Augen an den Kiemen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. IX., 1858, pp. 536-541. 98. Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Gewebelehre, angestellt in Nizza im Herbste 1856. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VIII., 1858, pp, 1-128. 99. Ueber die Leuchtorgano von Lam- pyris. [1857.] Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VIII., 1858, pp. 217-224 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VI.. 1858, pp. 166-173. 10O. Zur feineren Anatomie der Insecten. Wurzburg, Verhandl. VI1T., 1858, pp. 225-235. 1O1. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Wirk- ung des Upas Antiar. [1857.] Wiirzburg. Verhandl. VIII., 1858, pp. 284-288. — • — 102. On the developement of the trans- versely striated muscular fibre, in Man, from simple cells. (Transl.) Journ. Microsc. Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 54-56. 103. Ueber verschiedene Typen in der mikroskopischen Structur des Skelettes der Knochenfische. Wurzburg, Verhandl. IX., 1859, pp. 257-271. 104. Ueber die Wirkung von Wasserein- spritzungen bei Froschen ; die Eiuwirkuug starker Dosen von Strychnin auf die Nerven- stiimme ; und die Srtliche Eiuwirkung des Strychnins auf das Riickenmark. Wurzburg, Verhandl. IX., 1859 (Sit:. Ber. 1858), pp. xv- xviii. 105. Ueber die Leuchtorgane einiger Ame- ricanisher Elater. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. IX., 1859 (Sitz. Ber. 1858), pp. xxviii-xxix. 106. Ueber die Einwirkung von Koniin auf Muskeln. Wurzburg, Verhandl. IX., 1859 (Sitz. Ber. 1858), pp. Iv-lvi. 1O7. On the frequent occurrence of vege- table parasites in the hard structures of animals. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 95-99. 108. On the structure of the Chorda dor- salis of the Plagiostomes and some other Fishes, and on the relation of its proper sheath to the developement of the vertebras. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 214-222. 109. Ueber das ausgebreitete Vorkommen von pflanzlichen Parasiten in den Hartgebilden niederer Thiere. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. X., 1860, pp. 215-232; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., 1860, pp. 171-187. 110. Ueber die Entwickelung des Geruchs- organes beim Menschen und beim Hiihnchen. Wurzburg, Med. Zeitschr. I., 1860, pp. 425- 435. 111. Ueber den Inhalt der Schleimsacke der Myxinoiden und die Epidermis der Neuu- augen. Wurzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. I., 1860, pp. 1-10. Kolliker, Albert. 112. Histologisches iiber Rhinocryptis (Lepidosiren) annectens, Pet. Wurzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. I., 1860, pp. 11- 19. 113. Ueber den Authcil der Chordascheide an der Bildung des Schiidelgrundes der Squa- lidte. Wurzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. I., 1860, pp. 97-105. 114. Ueber den Ban der Sage des Sage- fisches. Wurzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. L, 1860, pp. 144-149. 115. Ueber die grosse Verbreitung der " perforating fibres " von SHARPF.Y. Wurzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. I., I860, pp. 306-316. 116. Ueber die Beziehungen der Chorda dorsalis zur Bildung der Wirbel der Selachier und einiger andern Fische. [1859.] Wurz- burg, Verhandl. X., 1860, pp. 193-243 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V, I860, pp. 323-329. 117. Ueber die Knochen von Orthagoris- cus. Wurzburg, Verhandl. X., 1860, p. xxxviii. 118. Der embryonale Schneckenkanal und seine Beziehuugen zu den Theilen der fertigen Cochlea. Wurzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. II., 1861, pp. 1-9. • 119. Neue Untersucliungen iiber die Entwickelung des Bindgewebes. Wiirzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. II., 1861, pp. 141-170. 120. Ueber das Vorkommen von freien Talgdriisen am rothen Lippenrande des Mensch- en. [1861.] Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. XL, 1862, pp. 341-343. 121. Ueber die letzten Endigungen der Nerven in den Muskeln des Frosches. Wurz- burg, Naturw. Zeitschr. III., 1862, pp. 1-5. 122. On the termination of nerves in muscles, as observed in the Frog ; and on the disposition of the nerves in the Frog's heart. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 65-84. 123. Untersuchungen iiber die letzten Endigungen der Nerven. [1862.] Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. XII., 1863, pp. 149-164. 124. Die Entwickelung der Zahnsiickchen der Wiederkiiuer. [1862.] Siebold und Kol- liker, Zeitschr. XII., 1863, pp. 455-460. 125. Ueber den Vorgang der Erection. Wiirzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. V., 1864 (Sitz. Ber. 1863), p. v. 126. Ueber den Ban der Spongieu. Wurz- burg, Naturw. Zeitschr. V., 1864 (Sitz. Ber. 1863), p. xiv. Kolliker, Albert, und Carl Gegenbaur. Ent- wickelung von Pneumodermon. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. IV., 1853, pp. 333-334. Kolliker, Albert, Gegenbaur, Carl, und H. Miiller. Bericht iiber eiiiige im Herbste 1852 in Messina angestellte vergleichend-anatomische Uutersuchungen. Siebold uud Kolliker, Zeit- schr. IV., 1853, pp. 297-370. 4 Y 2 KOL] 724 [KOM Kolliker, Albert, und C. Lowig. De la com- position et de la structure des enveloppes des Tuniciers. Ann. Sci. Neat. V. (Zoo/.), 1846, pp. 193-238 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1846, col. 81-89, 97-102. 2. Observations sur 1'existence d'une substance ternaire identiquc avec la cellulose dans toute une classe d'animaux sans vertebres, les Tuniciers. Paris, Comptes Renclus, XXII., 1846, pp. 38-40; Erdm. Journ. Pr.ik. Chem. XXXVII., 1846, pp. 439-441. Kolliker, Albert, und 77. Miiller. Ueber das electromotoriscbe Verbalteii des Froschberzens. Berlin, Mouatsber. 1856, pp. 145-148. 2. Note sur la structure de la retine luimaine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 488-492; Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1853, pp. 478-481. 3. Bericbt iiber pbysiologische Ver- suche. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. V., 1855, pp. 213- 236. 4. Zweiter Bericbt iiber die im Jahr 1854-55 in der physiologischeii Anstalt der Universitiit Wiirzburg angestelltenVersuche. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VI., 1856, pp. 435-533. 5. Anastomoseu zwischen der Vena porta uud Vena cava beim Hunde. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Sitz. Her. 1856), pp. vii-x. Kolliker, Albert, und Felikau. Physiologisch- toxikologische Untersuchungen iiber die Wirk- ung des alkoholiscben Extractes der Tanghinia venenifera. [1858.] Wiirburg, Verhandl. IX., 1859, pp. 33-44. — 2. Untersuchungen iiber die Ein- wirkung einiger Gifte auf die Leistungsfiihigkeit der Muskeln. [1858.] Wiirzbursr, Verhandl. IX., 1859, pp. 66-107. Kolliker, Albert, et Scanzoni. Quelques re- marques sur le Trichomonas vaginal de DONNE. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1076- 1077 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 464- 465. Kolliker, Albert, und Virchow. Ueber einige an der Leiche eines Hiugerichteten angestellte Versuche und Beobacbtungen. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. I., 1850, pp. 318-321. K oiling, . Om den geouietriske Betydning af en almiuclelig partiel Difterentialligniug. Mathem. Tidssk. V., 1863, pp. 79-82. Kollmann, J. Ueber kiinstliche Teiche zur Aufbewahrung, Erhaltung und Fortpflanzung der Blutegel. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XLVI., 1832, pp. 139-142. 2. Ueber den Verlauf des Lungenmngen- nerveu in der Bauchhohle. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. X., 1860, pp. 413-448. Kollmann, M. H. J. Scheikundig onderzoek van eenen kalksteen, a Komstig van Rangka in de residentie Bazelen. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. XXV., 1863, pp. 209-212. Kollner, Joh. Ueber den Zweck der Eustach- ischen Rohre. Reil, Archiv, II., 1797, pp. 18- 24. 2. Priifung der neuesten Beraiihungen und Untersuchungen in der Bestimmung der organ- ischen Krafte, nach Grundsatzen der kritischen Philosophie. Reil, Archiv, II., 1797, pp. 240- 250 ; Reil, Archiv, II., 1797, pp. 351-396. 3. Priifung der Bemerkungen iiber die Physiologic des Gehors von J. D. HERHOLD im 3 B. 2 H. dieses Archivs. Reil, Archiv, IV., 1800, pp. 105-116. Kollock, M. Henry. On Gelsemium semper- virens. American Journ. Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 197-203. Kolmodin, G., och L. Svanberg. Oni Mesox- alsyra. Stockholm, Ofversigt, IV., 1847, pp. 113-114; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, p. 300. 2. Om Ricinoljsyra. Stockholm, Ofversigt, IV., 1847, pp. 124-128 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 431-434 ; Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 314-315. Kolreuter, Joli. Theoph. Mirabiles Jalapse Hybrids. [1795.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XI., 1798, pp. 389-399. 2. Mirabilium Jalaparum hybridarum cou- tinuata descriptio. [1797.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XII., 1801, pp. 378-398. 3. Mirabilium Jalaparum hybridarum ulte- rius coiitinuata descriptio. [1798.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIII., 1802, pp. 305- 335. 4. Mirabilium Jalaparum hybridarum spici- legium ultimum. [1799.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIV., 1805, pp. 373-408. 5. De autherarum pulvere. [1801.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XV., 1806, pp. 359-398 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1809-10, pp. 159-199. 6. Account of the observations on the irri- tability of the stamens of Berbens vulgaris. Annals of Botany, II., 1806, pp. 1-10. Kolreuter, IT. L. Ueber das Vorkommeu eines schwarzgrauen Sandes im Rheine und dessen niiueralische Gemengtheile, nebst ange- hiingter chemischer Analyse der letztern. Schweigger, Journ. XXL, 1817, pp. 121-133. Koltz, J. P. J. Notice sur un vegetal parasite croissant sur la Mouche commune (Musca domestica, L.). Luxemb. Soc. Sci. Nat. VI., 1863, pp. 116-117. Komaroff, . Observations geoguostiqucs sur 1'arrondissement minier d'Olonetz. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1842, pp. 1-50. KOM] 725 [KON Komarzewski, . Description of a sub- terraneous graphometer. Nicholson, Journ. V., 1803, pp. 283-285. Komm, - — . Ueber einen Fall von Lithiasis. Deutsch. Naturf. Versaraml. Bericht, 1843, pp. 286-289. 2. Seitenblasenschnitt an einem Stein- kranken mit Liihmung dcr Blase und der untern Extremitiiten. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1843, pp. 274-277. Komonen [Komonene], A. Koralevskite, nou- velle espece minerale. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1840, pp. 463-467. 2. Uwarowit. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1842, pp. 55-57. 3. Analyse einer Bergart, die Ammoniak- Alaun enthalt. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1842, pp. 58-63. 4. Leuchtenbergit. St. Petersb. Verhaud. Min. Gesell. 1842, pp. 64-65. 5. Linseit aus Orrijarwi in Finnland. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1843, pp. 112-114. 6. Bemerkungen zu den Analysen des Uwarowits und des Leuchtenbergits. St. Pe- tersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1843, pp. 115-119. Koner, W. Paraguay. Zeitschr. Allg. Erd- kundc, XIII., 1862, pp. 51-65. 2. Zur Karte von Montenegro. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, XIIL, 1862, pp. 217-223. 3. Notizen zu dem Itinerar durch die Gobi von Kiachta bis Peking. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, XIV., 1863, pp. 351-356. Konig, Charles. Observations on the Durion, Durio zibethinus, Linn. [1803.] Linn. Soc. Trans. VII, 1804, pp. 266-273. • 2. On ^Egiceras fragrans (Rhizophorn corniculata, Z,.). Annals of Botany, I., 1805, pp. 129-133. 3. Some account of the Sago Palm (Me- troxylon Sago). Annals of Botany, I., 1805, pp. 193-200. 4. A few botanical observations. Annals of Botany, I, 1805, pp. 356-368. 5. On vegetable monstrosities, with some account of a pretended Ranunculus bellidiflorus. Annals of Botany, I, 1805, pp. 368-376. 6. Some observations on M. JUSSIEU'S paper on the natural order of the Onagrarirc, with the description of two species of Goniocarpus (G. micranthus, G. scaber). Annals of Botany, I, 1805, pp. 542-548. 7. Account of the Rasamala, or tree which yields the true liquid Storax, belonging to the natural order of Conifer®. Annals of Botany. II, 1806, pp. 325-330. 8. Blighise, novi ex Sapindteorum ordine natural! sreneris descriptio. Annals of Botany, II, 18067pp. 569-574. Konig, Charles. 9. On a fossil human skeleton from Guadaloupe. Phil. Trans. 1814, pp. 107- 120 ; Gilbert, Annal. LII, 1816, pp. 177-196 ; Journ. des Mines, XXXVII, 1815, pp. 66-70; Journ. de Phys. LXXIX., 1814, pp. 196-296. 1O. Ueber die Mineralien welche auf TUCKEY'S ungliicklicher Ausrtistung am Congo geaammelt wurden. (Trans/,.) Okeu, Isis, 1819, col. 234-236. 11. An account of the Rock specimens collected by Captain PARRY, during the Northern Voyage of Discovery, performed in the years 1819 and 1820. Quart, Journ. Sci. XV, 1823, pp. 11-22; Froriep, Notizen, IV, 1823, col. 289-296. Konig, Christian Rudolph. Chemische Notizen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX, 1856, pp. 461-467; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLIII, 1857, pp. 347-352. 2. Analyse eines technisch angewendeten Kupfer amalgams. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX, 1857, p. 64. 3. Ueber das Flavin, ein neues Fiirbe- material. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXI, 1857, pp. 98-104. 4. Ueber die Bestimmung des Eisens nach FUCHS auf heissem und auf kaltem Wege. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXII, 1857, pp. 36-43. 5. Ueber das Wasser der Howaraquelle (Sinaihalbinsel). Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVII, 1862, pp. 472-475. Konig, J. F. Zerlegung der Gleichung .c2—fgyz = + 1 in Factoren. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIII, 1859, pp. 1-13. 2. Einiges iiber Kettenbriiche. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIII., 1859, pp. 369-390. 3. Die Fliiche des spharischen Vierecks. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIV, 1860, pp. 12-17, 355—358. 4. Discussion der Gleichunsr vom vierten Grade in Bezug auf den Sturm'schen Satz. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXXIV, 1860, pp. 101-114. Konig, R. Appareil pour la mesure de la vitesse du son. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV, 1862, pp. 603-605 ; Poggend. Aunal. CXVIII, 1863, pp. 610-614. 2. Nuovo metodo sperimentale per mostrare la posizione de' ventri e dei nodi nelle colonue d' aria vibrant! nci tubi. Nuovo Ciinento, XVI, 1862, pp. 5-6. Konig-Warthausen, Richard von. Leucopathie und andere Abiinderungeu der Normalfarbung be! Vogeln. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 249-253. 2. Einige Notizen iiber die blaue Elster, Pica cyanea. Naumannia, 1854, pp. 30-32. 3. Beobachtungen iiber domesticirte Vogel. Naumannia, 1854, pp. 32-37. KONJ 726 [KON Konig-Warthausen, Richard vo». 4. Material zur Fortpflanzungsgesehiehte cles gemeinen Eisvogels, Alcedo hispida, L. Naumannia, 1854, pp. 160-166. 5. Die Vogelwelt im letzten Winter. Naumannia, 1855, pp. 171-180. 6. Zur Naturgeschichte des Mauerlaufers, Tichodroma muraria, lllig. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 43-45. 7. Beitrag zur Fauna Wiirttembergs. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, XII., 1856, pp. 72- 89. 8. Einc achtfach bliihende Agave ameri- cana. Wiirttemberg, Jalireshefte, XII., 1856, pp. 100-103. 9. Ueber die Preparation und die der Vogeleier Eiersammlungen. Einriehtung von Naumannia, 1858, pp. 101-111. 10. Zur Fortpflanzungsgeschichte der Spott- sanger. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXII., 1859, pp. 238-250. 11. Zur Fortpflanzungsgeschichte des Eu- ropaischen Seidenschwanzes, Ampelis, Linn., Bombycilla garrula, Briss. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXII., 1859 (pte. 2), pp. 411-417. 12. On the nidification of certain birds in north-eastern Africa. Sclater, Ibis, II., 1860, pp. 122-130. 13. Sicheres und Unsicheres iiber die Fort- pflanzung des Tannenhehers. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol., IX., 1861, pp. 33-44. Konig-Warthausen, Richard von, und Theodor von Heuglin. Beobachtungen und Notizen iiber die Fortpflanzung verschiedener Viigel im siidwestlichen Deutschland. Naumannia, 1850 (Oft. 3), pp. 64-74. Konigsfeld, Joseph. Sur les proprietes cere- brales de 1'Anacarde ou suv 1'Arbre de la Science du Bien et du Mai. Bull, de Pharm. VI., 1814, pp. 375-377. Koninck, Later. Guil. de. Sur un moule pyri- teux du Nautile de Deshayes, Deft:, ou de 1'Adour, Basterot. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1833-34, pp. 437-441. 2. Ueber das Phloridziu (Phlorrhizin). Liebig, Annal. XV., 1835, pp. 75-77, 258-263 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 151-167 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 88- 101 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 78- 82 ; Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 731-732. 3. Sur 1'analyse de deux calculs d'un volume considerable, dont 1'un biliaire et 1'autre renal. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1836, pp. 279-283. 4. Sur 1'emploi de la phloiidzine. Brux- elles. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 94-97. 5. Description des coquilles fossiles de 1'argile de Basele, Boom, Schelle, etc. [1837.] Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XL, 1838. Koninck, Law: Guil. de. 6. Sur la populine. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1840, pp. 25- 30. 7. Sur les crustacees fossiles de Belgique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XIV., 1841. 8. Sur le sulfocarbamylate potassique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IX. 1842 (pte. 2), pp. 546-549. 9. Notice sur une coquille fossile des ter- rains anciens de Belgique [Belemnite]. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1843, pp. 207-208. 10. Rapport sur le memoire de H. NYST sur les coquilles et polypiers fossiles des terrains tertiaires de Belgique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1843, pp. 413-427. 11. Sur le genre Bembix et sur une nou- velle espece d'Orthis des terrains cretaces de Belgique. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. I., 1843, pp. 205-207. 12. Sur quelques fossiles de Spitzberg. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII., 1846, pp. 592-596. 13. Sur deux especes de Brachiopodes du terrain paleozo'ique de la Chine. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII., 1846 (pte. 2),' pp. 415- 425. 14. Monographic du genre Productus. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. IV, 1847, pp. 71-278. 15. Sur les fossiles du Spitzberg. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1849 (pte. 2), pp. 632-643. 16. Rapport sur la description des Ento- mostraces fossiles des terrains tertiaires de la France et de la Belgique, par J. BOSQUET. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVIII., 1851, pp. 145-148. 17. Discours sur 1'etat de la paleontologie en Belgique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVIII., 1851 (pte. 2), pp. 648-664. 18. Notice sur le genre Davidsonia. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. VIII., 1853, pp. 129-139. 19. Notice sur le genre Hypodema. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. VIII., 1853, pp. 140-144. 20. Notice sur un nouveau genre de Cri- noides du terrain carbonifere de PAngleterre. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXVIII., 1854. 21. Notice sur une nouvelle espece de Davidsonia. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. X., 1855, pp. 281-288. 22. Sur la distribution de quelques fos- siles carboniferes. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXIII., 1856 (pte. 2), pp. 309-310. 23. Sur deux nouvelles especes siluriennes appartenant au genre Chiton. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1857, pp. 190-199 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 91-98. 24. Sur quelques crino'ides paleozo'iques nouveaux de 1'Angleterre et de Pficosse. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1858, pp. 93-108. KONJ 727 [KOO Koninck, Laur. Guil (ft: 25. Sur la decouverte d'ossetuents fossiles, faito a Saint-Nicolas. (Rap- port.) Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIJI., 1859, pp. 109-123. 26. [Notes et additions a, sa traductiou du memoire de M. T. DAVIDSON " sin1 les genres et sous-genres des Brachiopodes."] Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. XVI., 1861, pp. 1-51. 27. Descriptions of some fossils from India, discovered by Dr. A. FLEMING of Edinburgh. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1863, pp. 1-19. Koninck, Laur. Guil. de, et J. T. P. Chan- delon. Examen comparatif des garances de Belgique et des garances etrangeres. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. I., 1843, pp. 49-74. Koninck, Laur. Guil. de, et Peter Joseph Hensmans. Nouveau mode de preparation de la Salicine. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1832-34, pp. 172-174. 2. Recherches relatives a la prepa- ration de la Salicine. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1835, pp. 231-232. Koninck, Laur. Guil. de, et H. Le Hon. Re- cherches sur les Crinoides du terrain carbonif ere de la Belgique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXVI1L, 1854. Koninck, Laur. Guil. de, and Edward Wood. On the genus Woodocrinus. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 76-78 ; Geologist, 1858, pp. 12-15. Koning, A. de. Eeue wanschapenheid der Bloe- men van Lonicera periclyrnenurn, (Bosch-Kam- perfoelie). Hall, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 230- 237. Koning, B. Antwoord op de Vraag, "Daar de zelfontylamrning van den Phosphorus in het luchtledige, ofschoon door proeveu stellig bewe- zen, echter van omstandigheden schijnt af te hangen, die nog niet genoeg bekend zijn, vraagt de Maatschappij ; Welke zijn de vereischte om- standigheden, ouder welke de zelfontvlauimiug van den Phosphorus in't genielde ijdel plaats heeft, en welke is de vorzaak van dit verschijn- sel ?" Zeeuwsch. Genoots. Nieuwe Verhandel. IV., 1827. Koning, Izaak de. Waarneming eener meervou- dige zwangerschap en verlossing. Boerhaave, II., 1840, pp. 33-38. Koniug, P. Over een aanmerkelijk been-uitwas aan de onderkaak. Amsterdam, Verhand. V., 1820, pp. 189-202 ; Amsterdam, Geneeskund. Verhaud. II., 1825. 2. Waarneming van eene langdurige kraukzinnigheid, vergezeld met teekenen van zeer pijnlijke aandoeningen, aanmerkelijke ver- mageringen en oppervolakkige versterving aan de onderste Ledemateu, waarschijnlijk ten ge- Koning, P. volge van eene aanmerkelijke hoeveelheid wor- raen, na den dood gevonden in de zelfstandiglieid van de lever en derzelver galbuizen, zoowt-1 a Is in de darmen. Amsterdam, N. Verhand. I., 1827, pp. 282-293. Konlein, . Mineral or native Naphthaline. (Transl.) Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 446-447. Kool, J. A. Beschrijving van de ijzeren tralie- rug over de Maas bij Maastricht. Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Verhaud. 1858-59, pp. 1-20. Koopmau, J. Berigt aangaande het eiland Money, de zuidkust van Java, en de vaart van Batavia naar Macassar op het eiland Celebes. Schroder, Berig. Zeevaart. III., 1824, pp. 183- 196. Koopman, J. C. Verschillende Aauteekeningen over eenige Havens in de West-Indien, en het zeilen van en naar dezelven. Amsterdam, Ver- zam. Bericht. Navig. II., 1804-22, pp. 541- 570. Koopmans, Rinse Cnoop. Onderzoek van een menschelijke clarm in den toestand van opslor- ping. Nederlandsch Lancet, V., 1855-56, pp. 90-94. 2. Bijdrage tot de kennis der spijsver- tering van de plantaardige eiwichtachtige lig- chamen. Nederlandsch Lancet, V., 1855-56, pp. 385-437 ; Utrecht, Onderz. Phys. Lab. VII., 1855-56, pp. 71-123. 3. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Verdauuug der eiweissartigen Korper des Pflanzenreichs. Moleschott, Untersuch. II., 1857, pp. 158-206 ; Donders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 1-59. Koosen, J. Die Quantitiitsverhaltnisse der unzerlegteu Stoffe uud specifisches Gewicht der Erde. "Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem.XXII., 1841. pp. 490-494. Koosen, J. H. Methode, die Abweichuug der Magnetisirung des Eisens von der Proportion- alitat mit der Strornstiirke zu beobachteu. Pog- gend. Aunal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 159-165. 2. Ueber den Inductionsstrom der electro- magnetischen Maschine. Poggend. Annal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 226-239. 3. Zur Theorie der Saxton'schen Ma- schine. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVII., 1852, pp. 386-414. 4. Ueber die electromaguetische Wirkung galvauischer Strome von sehr kurzer Dauer. Poggend. Aunal. LXXXVII., 1852, pp. 514- 540. 5. Ueber die Erwiirmung und Abkiihlung welche die permanenten Gase erfahren, sowohl durch Compression uud Dilatation als auch durch Beriihruug mit Korpern von verschied- ener Temperatur. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 437-468. KOO] 728 [KOP Koosen, J. H. 6. Ueber die Gesetze der Ent- wickelung vou Wiirme und mechanischer Kraft durch den Sehliessungsdraht der galvanischen Kette. Poggend. Annal. XCI., 1854, pp. 427- 451, 525-552. 7. Beschi'eibung einer electromagnetischen Maschine. Poggend. Annal. XCI., 1854, pp. 552-561. 8. Ueber die Ladung der Leydener Bat- terie durch electromagnetische Induction. Poggend. Annal. XGVIL, 1856, pp. 212-233. 9. Entwickelung der Fundamentalgesetze iiber die Elasticitiit und das Gleichgewiclit im Innern chemisch homogener Korper. Poggend. Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 401-452. 1O. Ueber die Wirkunsr des unterbroch- enen Inductionsstroraes auf die Magnetnadel. Poggeud. Annal. CVIL, 1859, pp. 193-213. 11. Ueber den Unterschied der Warrae- ausstrahlung in geschlosseuen Thiilern und auf Hochebenen. Poggend. Aunal. CXVII., 1862, pp. 611-615. Kop, C. A. Over de vervalsching van het Oleum Chamremeli vulgaris. Hall, Bijdragen, VII., 1832, pp. 44-46. 2. Over een' geheel in water oplosbarcn Murias Ferri. Mulder, Arcbief, I., 1833, pp. 287-289. 3. Over den Murias Ferri per sublimati- onem. Mulder, Arcbief, I., 1833, pp. 289-291. 4. Eeuvoudige toestel, om plantaardige zelfstandigbeden door drukking uittetrekken. Mulder, Archief, I., 1833, pp. 291-292. 5. Over het destilleren van Zink en sublim- eren van Zink-oxyde. Mulder, Archief, III., 1835, pp. 228-229. Kopcke, C. Ueber die Dimensiouen von Balkeula- gen, besondershiLagerhiiusern. Hannover, Zeits. Archit, Ver. II., 1856, col. 283-304, 397-422. 2. Praktische Beispiele zur Festigkeits- Theorie, mit Tabellen iiber die Dimensionen von Balken und Tragern bei verschiedeuer Belastung. Hannover, Zeits. Archit. Ver. III., 1857, col. 189-208. 3. Versuch einer Theorie der sogenannten " Abscheerungsfestigkeit " und Anwenduug der- selben auf Briickentrager. Hannover, Zeits. Archit. Ver. IV., 1858, col. 225-268. 4. Ueber Triisrer von gleichem Wider- stande, insbesondere die Anwendung derselben zu Brucken, &c. Hannover, Zeits. Archit. Ver. IV., 1858, col. 292-310. 5. Ueber die Construction eiiier steifen Hangebriicke. Hannover, Zeits. Archit. Ver. VI., 1860, col. 346-354 ; Franklin Inst, Journ. XLI., 1861, pp. 361-368. 6. Project eiuer steifen Hangebriicke. Hannover, Zeits. Archit. Ver. VII., 1861, col. 231-261. ' Kopetzky, Rcncdikt. Der Coglio bei Gorz, topographisch - geognostische Skizze. Gorz, Jahresb. Gymnas. 1850. 2. Der Boden von Wien. Wien, Jahresb. Comm. Schule, 1858. Kopf, Beschreibung des Salzbergbaus zu Hall in Tyrol. Karsten, Archiv, XV., 1841, pp. 425-726. l£opp, Ch. Sur les telegraphes electriques. Neuchatel, Bull. 1846-47, pp. 329-342. 2. Sur les approximations en arithmetique. Neuchatel, Bull. 1846-47, pp. 352-357. 3. Resume des observations meteorolo- giques faites pendant 1'annee 1852. Neuchatel, Bull. III., 1853, pp. 38-48. 4. Sur 1'orage qui a ravage le canton de Vaud le 23 Aout 1850. Neuchatel, Bull. III., 1853, pp. 73-78. — 5. Bande jaune qui traverse le lac de Marin vers Serrieres, les jours de bise. Neu- chatel, Bull. III., 1853, pp. 208-212. 6. [Colorations diverses du lac.] Neu- chatel, Bull. III., 1853, pp. 212-215. 7. Analyse d'uu morceau de jaluze ou cal- caire dolomitique du kimmeridien. Neuchatel, Bull. IV., 1856-58, pp. 161-162. 8. Rapport mt-teorologique pour 1'annee 1856. Neuchatel, Bull. IV., 1856-58, pp. 243- 301. 9. Observations faites aux Brenets sur trois sources ferrugineuses sourdant du milieu du Doubs. Neuchatel, Bull. IV., 1856-58, pp. 312-318. 1O. Rapport meteorologique pour 1'annee 1857. Neuchatel, Bull. IV., 1856-58, pp. 394- 430. 11. Des variations du niveau du Lac de Neuchatel, pendant les annees 1835 a 1856. Neuchatel, Mem. IV., 1859. 12. Rapport du Comite Meteorologique de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 266-314. 13. Resume des travaux de M. SCHCENBEIN sur 1'ozone. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 322-345. 14. Determination du meridien de Neu- chatel. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 583- 586. 15. Rapport du Comite Meteorologique de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel pour 1'annee 1860. Resume des phenomenes les plus remarquables qui se sont passes a Neu- chatel dans le 18me siecle de 1'an 1700 a 1'an 1750. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 674- 727. — 16. [Des phases de 1'azote.] Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 66-70. KOP] 729 [KOP Kopp, Ch. 17. Exanien chimique des vendanges de Neuchatel, 1861. Neuchatel, Bull. VI., 1861-63, pp. 212-218. Kopp, Ch., et Ch. Matthieu. Note sur 1'analyse des vins rouges. Neuchatel, Bull. IV., 1856-58, pp. 143-152. Kopp, E. Rapport sur lo memoire de M. LUBTZING, intitule " Essai sur la direction des aerostats." Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1840 (CCC.). * 2. Considerations sur la difference qui existe entre la force elastique de la vapeur et Telectro-magnetisme. France, Congres Scient. II., 1842, pp. 77-82; Revue Scientifique, IV., 1845, pp. 31-38. 3. Note sur la decomposition de Tether hydriodique par la chaleur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 871-875; Erdni. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIII., 1844, pp. 182- 185 ; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 109-112 ; Revue Scientifique, IV., 1845, pp. 38-41 ; Lie- big, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 320-321. 4. Analyse de 1'eau minerale de Soultz-les- Bains. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844. pp. 875-878. 5. Note sur le sulfate chromique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 1156-1158. 6. Sur le Benjoin. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1269-1272 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1845, pp. 226-237 ; Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 46-49. 7. Recherches sur 1'acide cinnamique et sur le cinnamene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 1376-1380 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVII., 1846, pp. 280-285; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 239-240. 8. Recherches sur le sulfate chromique. Revue Scientifique, IV., 1845, pp. 19-21. 9. Recherches sur les resines du benjoin. Revue Scientifique, IV., 1845, pp. 22-31. 1O. Sur la constitution des sels. Revue Scientifique, VIII., 1846, pp. 21-36. 11. Sur la formation des alcalo'ides arti- ficiels. Revue Scientifique, XI., 1846, pp. 273- 300. • 12. Action de THydrogene sulfure sur 1'Ether nitreux et sur 1'Ether nitrique. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 320-321. 13. Recherches sur les principes consti- tuants du baume de Tolu. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 614-616 ; Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1847, pp. 379-383 ; Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 425-428 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 326-329 ; Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 145-160. 14. Appareil distillatoire a extraction con- tinue par Tether, Talcool et Teau. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 305-30S. VOL. III. Kopp, K. 15. Notice sur un precede perfec- tionne de fabrication de la soude artificielle et de Tacide sulfurique. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIIL, 1856, pp. 81-99 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 360-366. 16. Note sur la preparation et les pro- prietes de Tacide arsenique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 1060-1063 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLVIIL, 1856, pp. 106-109 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 270- 274 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 359- 360. • 17. Notice sur la composition du jus de rhubarbe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 475-477; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 307-310. 18. On the preparation of artificial colouring matters with the products extracted from Coal Tar. (Translated from the Moniteur Scientifique.) Chemical News, II., 1860, pp. 123-125, 148-149, 172-174, 196-197, 221-223, 281-283, 291-293. 19. Ou the artificial colouring matters derived from Aniline. ( Translated from the Mouiteur Scientifique.) Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 209-210, 220-221. 2O. Sur le rouge d'aniline. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 363-364 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1861, pp. 222-230; Chemical News, III., 1861, p. 289. 21. Observation sur la relation entre la production de la nitraniline et celle du rouge d'auiline. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 861-862. 22. Notice sur la composition et les pro- prietes de quelques cinnamates et nitrocinna- mates. Paris, Comptes Reudus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 634-637 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. LXXXVII., 1862, pp. 240-244. 23. On the composition of Aniline Red. (Translated from the Repertoire de Chimie.) Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 57-59. 24. On Tannate of Rosaniline. ( Trans- lated from the Repertoire de Chimie.) Chemical News, VII., 1863, pp. 16-17. Eopp, Hermann. Einfache Construction eines Differential-Barometers. Poggend. Annal. XL., 1837, pp. 62-66. 2. Ueber die Vorausbestimrnung des spe- cifischen Gewichts einiger Klassen chemischer Verbindungen. Poggend. Annal. XLVIL, 1839, pp. 133-152 ; Liebig, Annal. XXXIL, 1839, pp. 207-210. 3. Einiges liber Loslichkeit. Liebig, An- nal. XXXIV., 1840, pp. 260-271. 4. Ueber das Volumenometer, ein Instru- ment zur Bestimmung des Volums fester oder fliissiger Korper. Liebig, Annal. XXXV., 1840, pp. 17-43. 4 z KOP] 730 [KOP Kopp, Hermann. 5. Ueber die Cohiision einiger Fliissigkeiten. Liebig, Annal. XXXV., 1840, pp. 230-234. 6. Ueber die Zersetzung des Mercaptans mit Salpetersiiure. Liebig, Annal. XXXV., 1840, pp. 343-350. 7. Ueber Atomvolum, Isomorphismus und specifisches Gewicht. Liebig, Annal. XXXVI., 1840, pp. 1-32; Annal. de Chimie, LXXV., 1840, pp. 406-435 ; Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1840, pp. 59-61. 8. Ueber die Verhaltnisse zwischen Atomgewicht und specifischen Gewicht bei festen und fliissigen Korperu. Liebig, Annal. XL., 1841, pp. 173-182. 9. Ungleiche Mischung von Metall-Legir- ungen in geschmolznem Zustande. Liebig, Au- nal. XL., 1841, pp. 184-186. 1O. Dichtigkeit des Cadmiuniamalgams. Liebig, Annal. XL., 1841, p. 186. 11. Ueber die Losliohkeit des Kochsalzes in wiissrigem Weingeist. Liebig, Aunal. XL., 1841, p. 206. 12. On the atomic volume and crystalline condition of bodies. Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1841, pp. 255-264. 13. Ueber die Volumtlieorie. Poggeud. Annal. LIL, 1841, pp. 243-261. 14. Ueber die Abhiingigkeit der Krystall- form vom Atomvolum, und iiber die Aenderung derselben durch Erwarmung. Poggend. Annal. LIL, 1841, pp. 262-267. 15. Ueber das verschiedene Verbalten der verschiedenen Mischungen aus Alkohol und Wasser in Bezug auf Dichtigkeit. Poggend. Annal. LIIL, 1841, pp. 356-362. 16. Ueber Isomorphismus analoger Ver- bindungen obne Isomorphismus der entsprech- enden Bestandtheile. Poggend. Annal. LIIL, 1841, pp. 446-458. 17. Bemerkungen iiber die Volumeutheorie und L. GIIELIN'S Atomzahlentbeorie. Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 202-207. 18. Recherches sur le volume specifique. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1842, pp. 462-508. 19. Sur un volumenometre. Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1842, pp. 380-382. 20. Sur un nouveau barometre raccourci portatif. Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1842, p. 383. 21. Ueber die Vorausbestimmung eiuiger physikalischen Eigenschaften bei mehreren Rei- hen organischer Verbinduugen. Liebig, Annal. XLL, 1842, pp. 79-89, 169-189 ; Journ. de Pharm. L, 1842, pp. 131-132, 237-238. 22. Notiz iiber einige chromsaure Salze. Liebig, Annal. XLIL, 1842, pp. 97-103. 23. On a great regularity in- the physical properties of analogous organic compounds. Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 187-197. Kopp, Hermann. 24. Ueber die Beriicksichtig- ung der Temperatur bei Vergleichung der spe- cifischen Volume. Poggend. Anual. LVL, 1842, pp. 371-392. 25. Ueber das abgekiirzte Barometer. Poggend. Annal. LVL, 1842, pp. 513-541. 26. Recherches sur les temperatures oii les volumes specifiques des differentes substances sont comparables. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 389-401. 27. Ueber die Verbindung nach Volumen von Aether mit Wasser zu Alkohol. Liebig, Annal. XLVL, 1843, pp. 215-221. 28. Ueber den Zusamnienhang zwischeu der chemischen Constitution und einigen phy- sikalischen Eigenschaften bei fliissigen Ver- bindungen. Liebig, Annal. L., 1844, pp. 17- 144. 29. Ueber Siedepuncts-Regelmiissigkeiten und daraus abgeleitete Folgerungen, so wie iiber die Theorie der specifischen Volume der Fliiss- igkeiten. Poggend. Aunal. LXIIL, 1844, pp. 283-316 ; LXV., 1845, pp. 89-100. 30. Uebersicht der Resultate einiger Ar- beiten, welche Regelmassigkeiten in den specif- ische Gewichten und den Siedepuncten chem- ischer Verbindungen behandeln. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIV., 1845, pp. 1-36. 31. Ueber die Siedepuncte einiger isomerer Verbindungen, und iiber Siedepuucts-Regel- massigkeiten tiberhaupt. Liebig, Annal. LV., 1845, pp. 166-200. 32. Point d'ebullition des combinaisons organiques. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 222-224. — • 33. Berichtiguugeiuer Angabe iiber chrorn- saures Zinkoxyd und Kupferoxyd. Liebig, Annal. LVIL, 1846, pp. 386-388. 34. Bemerkungen zu LUWIG'S Volum- theorie. Poggend. Annal. LXIX., 1846, pp. 506-525. 35. Untersuchungen liber das specifische Gewicht, die Ausdehuung durch die Warme und den Siedepunct einiger Fliissigkeiten. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXIL, 1847, pp. 1-62, 176, 223- 293. 36. Ueber das Atomgewicht des Silici- ums und die atomistische Zusammensetzung der Kieselerde. Liebig, Annal. LXVIL, 1848, pp. 356-359 ; Journ de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 226-227. 37. Ueber die specifische Wiirme einiger Fliissigkeiten. Poggend. Auual. LXXV., 1848, pp. 98-108. 38. Ueber Siedepuncts-Regelmiissigkeiten undH. SCHRODER'S neueste Siedepuncts-Theorie. Poggend. Aunal. LXXXI., 1850, pp. 374-402. KOPJ 731 [KOP Xopp, Hermann. 39. On the relations between the chemical composition and the boiling points and specific volumes. Chem. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, pp. 104-105. 40. Ueber die Ausdehnung einiger fester Korper durch die Warme. Liebig, Annal. LXXXI., 1852. pp. 1-67; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1852,' pp. 338-340 ; Phil. Mag. III., 1 852, pp. 268-270 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXVL, 1852, pp. 156-159. 41. Ueber die specifischen Volume flilssiger Verbindungen. Liebig, Annal. XCII., 1854, pp. 1-32 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1855, pp. 353-366; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXVIII., 1855, pp. 200-207. 42. Ueber die Volumanderung einiger Substanzen beim ErwJirmen und Schmelzen. Liebig. Annal. XCIIL, 1855, pp. 129-232. 43. Ueber die Bildung von Krystallen mit Kernen. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 118- 125. 44. Ueber die Abhiingigkeit des Siede- puncts und des specifischen Volums fliissiger Ver- bindungen von der cheraischen Zusammensetz- ung. Liebig, Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 121-126. 45. Beitriige zur Stdchiometrie der physi- kalisclien Eigenschaften chemischer Verbind- ungen. Liebig, Annal. XCVL, 1855, pp. 1-36, 153-185, 303-335; C., 1856, pp. 19-38. ' — '• — 46. Untersuchungen iiber das specifische Gewicht, die Ausdehnung durcb die Warme und den Siedepunct einiger Fliissigkeiten. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 2.57-320; XCV., 1855, pp. 307-356 ; XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 367- 376 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLVII., 1856, pp. 412- 418 ; LVIII., 1860, pp. 507-509. 47. Relations entre la composition chimi- que et le point d'ebullition et la densite des combinaisons fluides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 186-190. 48. Memoire sur les changements de volume qui accompagnent 1'elevation de temperature et la fusion. Anual. de Chimie, XLVII., 1856, pp. 291-296. 49. Ueber die specifischen Volume stick - stoffhaltiger Verbindungen. Liebig, Annal. XCVlI.,"l856, pp. 374-376. 50. Ueber die Siedepuncte entsprechender Brom- und Chlorverbindungen und die Formeln der Silicium- und Titanverbindungen. Liebig, Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 265-272. 51. Sur quelques regularities dans les points d'ebullition des combinaisons organiques. Aunal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 338-364. 52. Rechercbes sur les volumes specifiques des combinaisons liquides. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1857, pp. 458-486. Kopp, Hermann. 53. Sur le ealcul des densites de vapeur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 1347-1348. 54. Zur Erkliirung ungewohnlicher Con- densationen von Dampfcu. Liebig, Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 390-394. 55. On the relation between boiling-point and composition in organic compounds. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 463-467 ; Chemical News, II., 1860, pp. 122-123 ; Phil. Trans. 1860, pp. 257-276. 56. Krystallochemische Notizen. Liebig, Annal. CXXV., 1863, pp. 369-374. 57. Ueber die specifische Warme starrer Korper, und Folgerungen beziiglich der Zusam- mengesetztheit s. g. chemischer Elemente. Lie- big, Annal. CXXVI., 1863, pp. 362-373. 58. Zur Lehre von den specifischen Vol- umen fliissiger Verbindungen. Liebig, Annal. CXXVIII., 1863, pp. 193-200 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 283-287. 59. Sur la chaleur specifique des corps solides ; deductions relatives a la nature com- posee des corps considered comme elements. Paris, Comptes Reudus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1251- 1255; LVIL, pp. 47-50; Chemical News, VIII., 1863, pp. 90-91 ; Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 125-130 ; Nuovo Cimento, XVII., 1863, pp. 60-63. Kopp, J. H. Ueber den zu Bieber im Hanau- ischen einbrechendeu Kobaltvitriol und das ihn begleitende Arsenikoxyd. Leonbard, Taschen- buch, I., 1807, pp. 104-119. 2. Chemische Untersuchung zweier neuen Mineralien von Bieber im Hanauischen [Kobalt- vitriol und natiirliches Arsenikoxyd]. Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 157-164. 3. Chemische Zerlegung eines mensch- lichen Blasensteins, uud Bemerkungen iiber die Anwendung der Harnsiiure als Farbematerial. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. I., 1809, pp. 118- 125. 4. Apei'QU general des reactifs necessaires aux operations chimiques relatives a la medecine legate et a 1'hygiene publique. Bull, de Pharm. II., 1810, pp. 261-276, 5. Ueber die Bedeutung der Versteiner- ungen. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, VIII., 1814, pp. 175-186. Koppe, C. Von der Lage der Ebenen und Linien im Raume. Crelle, Journ. XIV., 1835, pp. 70-75. 2. Ein polyedrischer Satz. [1837.] Crelle, Journ. XVIII., 1838, pp. 275-277. 3. Sur les premiers theoremes de la Stereo- metric. Nouv. Ann. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 480- 483. 4. Cubature d'un polyedre a faces trapezes. Nouv. Ann. Math. VIII., 1849, pp. 108-110. 4 z 2 KOP] 732 [KOR Koppe, C. 5. Ueber die Theorie der nordost- liclien und siidwestlichen Winde in der gemiissig- sten Zone. Poggend. Annal. CXIL, 1861, pp. 486-490. Koppe, J. G. Ueber die Wichtigkeit des An- baues der Wurzel und Kohlgewacb.se. Auual. Landwirth. XIII., 1849, pp. 286-304. 2. Ueber die Vertheilung des productiven Bodens. Annal. Laudwirtli. XIII., 1849, pp. 335-348. Koppen, P. von. Ueber die Temperatur von 130 Quellen der Tauriscben Halbinsel. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 337- 342 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1841, pp. 383-422. 2. Ueber den Wald- und Wasser-Vorrath im Gebiete der obern und niittlern Wolga. Beitr. Kuss. Eeich. IV., 1841, pp. 163-268. 3. Wege und Pfade des Taurischen Ge- birges. [1838.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1841, pp. 359-382. 4. Ueber einige Landes-Verhiiltnisse der Gegend zwiscben dem Untern-Dnjepr und dem Asow'schen Meere. Beitr. Russ. Reicb. XI., 1845, pp. 3-37. • 5. Kurzer Bericbt iiber eine im J. 1846, von St. Petersburg nacli Kasan, Wiatka und Wologda gemachte Reise. Beitr. Russ. Reich. XIII., 1849, pp. 1-40. 6. Die Heusehrecken in der Krym, im Jahre 1859. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXII., 1859 (ptc. 2), pp. 296-300. 7. Areal und Bevolkerungs-Verbaltnisse desKaiserthums Russland. [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1860, col. 257-276. Kops, J. Over eene wanschapenheid der Bloe- men van do Vicia cracca, Vogehvikke. Amster- dam, Verband. VI., 1823, pp. 289-296 ; Am- sterdam, Geneeskund. Verband. I. 1823. 2. Over eeue bijzondere Hindering (Proli- ficatio) van de gele Wouw, Reseda lutea, /3 crispa, Pcrsoon. Hall, Bijdragen, I., 1826, pp. 286-292. Koralek, Philippe. Formule barometrique sim- plifiee d'apres M. BABINET. Nouv. Ann. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 192-195. 2. Moyen de calculer proniptement les ra- cines d'une equation du quatrieme degre, qui n'a aucune racine reelle. Nouv. Ann. Math. XL, 1852, pp. 117-122. 3. Formules des fonctions de M. STURM pour les equations du deuxieme, du troisieme et du quatrieme degre. Nouv. Ann. Math. XI., 1852, pp. 333-335. 4. Exercice sur une equation numerique. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIII., 1854, pp. 36-41. Korber, G. Beobachtung einer Darrnfistel (Anus artificialis) bei einem Pferde. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierhcilk. II, 1836, pp. 82-91. Korber, G. 2. Ueber die Fortpflanzung der Flechten durch Keimkorner. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1840, pp. 95-100 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVIII., 1841, col. 228-231. 3. Einige Bemerkungen iiber individuelle Fortpflanzung der Flecbteu. Flora, XXIV., 1841, pp. 6-14, 17-32. 4. Aphorismen iiber das Verhaltniss der Arten zu ibren Individuen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1845, pp. 61-63. 5. Beitnige zur Lebre von der Bildung der Pflanzenzelle. Breslau, Scbles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1847, pp. 121-124. 6. Ueber die Sporen der Flecbten. Bres- lau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1853, pp. 168- 172. 7. Sertum Sudetieum, conlinens novas Li- cheuum species. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Denk- schr. 1853. pp. 231-238. 8. Die im der Unigebung Augsburffs vor- konimenden Reptilien. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. VIII., 1855, pp. 35-44. 9. Ueber die naturhistorischen Verhaltnisse des Bades Teplitz bei Trentscbin und seiner Umgebung. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1858, pp. 56-58. 1O. Ueber den Einfluss der anorganischen Substrate auf den Character der Flechten- Vegetation. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1859, pp. 54-59. 11. Ueber den Einfluss der anorganischen Substrate auf die Lichenenvegetation. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1862, pp. 50-51. 12. Reliquix Hochstetterianre. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1862 (AM., Hft. 2), pp. 30-34. 13. Ueber Thier- und Menschen-Racen. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. XVI., 1863, pp. 133-191. 14. Ueber die Gonidien (Brutzellen) der Flecbten. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1863, pp. 76-79. Koreff, . Ueber die Erscheiuungen des Lebens und iiber die Gesetze, nach deuen es im menschlicben Organismus sich offenbart. Rust, Magazin, VIII., 1820, pp. 193-218. 2. Affection de la moelle epiniere suivio de quelques observations. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. IV., 1824, pp. 373-398. 3. Fall einer spontauen Hydrophobie. Rust, Magazin, XVI., 1824, pp. 478-491. Koren, J. Beskrivelse over Thyone fusus og Cuvieria squamata. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. IV., 1845, pp. 203-225 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1845, col. 17-24, 33-40. 2. Indberetning til Collegium Aeademicum over en paa ofientlig Bekostning foretagen zoologisk Reise i Sommeren 1850. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. IX., 1857, pp. 89-96. KOR] 733 [KOR Koren, J., og D. C. Danielssen. Bidrag til Tubulariernes Udvikling. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. V., 1848, pp. 253-258 ; Oken, Isis, 1848, col. 199-202. 2. Bemrcrkninger til Molluskernes Udvikling. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. V., 1848, pp. 258-262; Oken, Isis, 1848, col. 202-204. 3. Bidrag til Cirripedernes Udvik- ling. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. V., 1848, pp. 262- 264 ; Oken, Isis, 1848, col. 204-205. 4. Bemrerkninger til Bipinnaria asterigera. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. V., 1848, pp. 264-269 ; Oken, Isis, 1848, col. 205-208 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (ZooL), 1847, pp. 347-352. 5. Virgularia Christii, n. sp. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. V., 1848, pp. 269-271 ; Oken, Isis, 1848, col. 208-209. 6. Bidrag till Pectinibranchiernes Udviklings-historie. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VI., 1851, pp. 256-258 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (ZooL), 1852, pp. 256-271 ; XIX., pp. 89-102; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 353-366, 433- 442; Taylor, Scient. Mem. (Nat. Hist.), 1853, pp. 330-352. 7. Beitrag zur Entwickelungsge- schichte der Kammkiemer [Buccinum undatum, Purpura lapillus]. (Trans!.) Wiegmann, Archiv, XIX., 1853, pp. 173-206, 8. Observations on the develope- rnent of the Star-fishes. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 132-136. 9. Description of Siphonactinia, a new genus of Actinia; from Norway. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, p. 240. 10. Description of Actinopsis, a new genus of Actinias from Norway. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, p. 400. Koren, J., och M. W. von Diiben. Ichthyo- logiska bidrag. Stockholm, Akad. Hand]. 1844, pp. 27-120. 2. Orn Holothuriernas hudskelett. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1844, pp. 211-228. 3. Ofversigt af Skandiuaviens Echi- nodermer. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1844, pp. 229-328 ; Stockholm, Ofversigt, II., 1845, pp. 73-77. 4. Om nya Skandinaviska fiskar. Stockholm, Ofversigt, II., 1845, pp. 9-12. Koristka, Karl. Ueber den Einfluss der HShe und der geometrischen Beschaffenheit des Bodens auf den Erdmagnetismus. Haidinger, Bericht. VI., 1850, pp. 139-149. 2. Die Resultate aus Karl KREIL'S Be- reisungen des Oesterreichischen Kaiserstaates. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. I.. 1850, pp. 61-76, 220-233 ; III., 1852, pp. 36-41. Koristka, Kurt. 3. Ueber einige trigonome- trische und barometrische Hb'henmessungen in den nordiJstlichen Alpen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851, pp. 34-58. 4. Vorliiufiger Bericht iiber hypsometrische Untersuchungen in Nieder-Oesterreich. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. II., 1851 (Hft. 4), pp. 155-156. 5. Ueber hypsometrische Messungen ins- besondere zu geologisch-orographischen Zweck- en. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852 (lift. 2), pp. 1-35 ; (Hft. 3), pp. 119-126. 6. Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1851 aus- gefiihrten Huhenmessungen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. III., 1852 (Hft. 3), pp. 94-119. — — 7. Bericht iiber einige im siidlichen Mahren ausgefiihrte Hohenmessungen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IV., 1853, pp. 12-32; V., 1854, pp. 161-183. 8. Eiuige Bemerkungen iiber neuere geographische und topographische Arbeiten und Forschungen. Wien, Geol. Jalirb. IV., 1853, pp. 283-311. 9. Bericht iiber einige im mittleren Mahren ausgefiihrte Hohenmessungen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 72-88. 1O. Neue Tafeln zur schnellen Berechnung barometrisch gemessener Hohen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VI., 1855, pp. 837-842. 11. Ueber eine neue Methode, Hohen- winkel mittelst Reflexion zu messen. Grunert, Archiv, XXVII., 1856, pp. 275-290. 12. Bericht iiber einige in den Sudeten, in den Bieskiden und im Westlichen Mahren aus- gefiihrte Hohenmessungen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. VII., 1856, pp. 279-307. 13. Ueber Prof. Dr. J. B. ROTH'S Hohen - Messungen in Paliistina, u.s.w. Petermann, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 3-5. 14. Bericht iiber einige im ostlichen und nordostlichen Mahren und Schlesien ausge- fiihrte Hohenmessungen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. IX., 1858, pp. 80-102. 15. Bericht iiber einige in den Mahrisch- Schlesischen Sudeten im Jahre 1858 ausgefiihrte Hoheumessungen. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. X., 1859, pp. 237-257. 16. Ueber einige neue Hohenmessungen in Bohmen. Lotos, X., 1860, pp. 58-62. 17. Ueber einige neue Hohenmessungen im nordlichen Bohmen. Lotos, XL, 1861, pp. 21-24. 18. Bericht iiber einige im uiederen Ge- senke und im Marsgebirge ausgefiihrte Hohen messungen. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. V. 1861 (Abh.\ pp. 132-149. 19. O novem dobyvani antimonu u Milr- sova v Cechach. [New sources of antimony at Mileschau in Bohemia.] Ziva, 1863, pp. 55-56. KOR] 734 [KOR Eoristka. Karl. 20. Vysledky msfeni jimz velikost a podoba zeme ustanovena byla. [Re- sults of the measurements of the Earth's magni- tude.] Ziva, 1863, pp. 141-154. JCr.j-rner. . Physiologische Streitfragen iiber deu Heilungsprocess nach der Subcutaneal- Tenotomie. Journ. Chir. Augeuheilk. I., 1843, pp. 229-284. '.Earner, F. Bestimmung des absoluten Gewichts des Franz., Engl., Rheinl. und Weimarischen Cubikfusses und Zolles destillirten Wassers in Grammen und Granen bei verschiednen Wiirme- graden, ingl. des absoluten Gewichts des Rheinl. duodecim. Cubikzolles atmosph. Luft und ver- schiedener andern Gase, vorziiglich in Bezie- hung auf die in PFAFF'S Analyt. und DOBER- EIKER'S Mikrochemie aufgestellten, diesen Ge- genstand belreffenden Zahlengrossen, und Be- sehreibung einiger verbesserten chemischen Werkzeuge. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. de Pliavm. VII., 1823 (St. 1), pp. 236-274; (St. 2), pp. 91-98. 2. Ueber Flintglas Bereitung, Berechnung, Schleifen und Centriren achromatischer Objec- tive. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VII., 1826, pp. 233-252 ; XL, 1827, pp. 318-359. 3. Ueber die Verfertiguug richtiger Ariio- meter. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. V., 1829, pp. 331-334. 4. Ueber Construction eines Volumprocent- Alkoholometers. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, IV., 1831, pp. 251-263. 5. Ueber thermometrisches Hiihenmessen. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, IV., 1831, pp. 263- 269. 6. Ueber den Werth der Procente des Richter'schen Alkoholometers in Vergleichung rait Volumen- und Gewichtsprocenten. Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharni. XXIII., 1831, pp. 1-6. 7. Beschreibung einer neuen, mit Selbst- steuerung versehenen Luftpumpe. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, V., 1832. pp. 240-249. 8. Practische Vortheile bei der Verfer- tigung und dem Gebrauche der Luftpumpen. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, V., 1832, pp. 250- 258. 9. Ueber die optischen Gliiser mit Ober- flachen, welche Cylindern zugehoren. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, VI., 1832, pp. 321-326. Eorner, F., und J. IV. Dobereiner. Verein- fachung des Daniell'schen Schwefel-Aether- Hygrometers. Gilbert, Annal. LXX., 1822, pp. 135-140. Corner, Th., und IV. Strube. Ueber den Ein- fluss von Wasserinjectionen in das Blut und von Blutentziehungen auf die Gallenabsouder- ung. Breslau, Studien Physiol. Inst. II., 1863, pp. 94-102. Korner, JV., und Fr. Mosler. Zur Blut- und Harnanalyse bei Leukiimie. Virchow, Archiv, XXV., 1862, pp. 142-150. Korner, IV., und //. Will. Zur Kenntniss der Bildung des Senfols aus dem Samen des schwarzen Senfs. Liebig, Annal. CXXV., 1863, pp. 256-281. Kornhuber, G. Andreas. Die Umbelliferen des Presburger Vegetations-Gebietes. Presburg. Program. Realschule, IV., 1854. 2. Uebersicht der phanerogamen Flora. Presburg, Program. Realschule, V., 1855. 3. Systematische Uebersicht der Vo'gel Ungerns. Presburg, Program. Realschule, VI.. 1856. 4. Die geologischeu Verhiiltnisse der niichsten Umgebung von Presburg. Presburg, Verhandl. I., 1856 (Abh.\ pp. 1-5. • 5. Barometrische Hiihenmessungen in den Karpathen. Presburg, Verhandl. I., 1856 (Abh.), pp. 56-68. 6. Die klimatischen Verhiiltnisse zu Pres- burg wiihrend des Jahres 1856. Presburg, Ver- handl. I., 1856 (Abfi.), pp. 74-90. 7. Das Thonschieferlager von Mariathal. Presburg, Verhandl. I., 1856 (Sitz. Ber.), p. 25. 8. Ueber die geologischen Verhiiltnisse der Porta Hungarian. Presburg, Verhandl. I., 1856 (Sits. Ber.), pp. 40-41. 9. Ueber neue Fundorte von Tertiiir-Petre- facten zwischen Busing und Modern. Presburg, Verhandl. I., 1856 (Sitz. Ber.\ p. 41. 1O. Ueber Golumbacser Fliegen. Pres- burg, Verhandl. I., 1856 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 47- 49. 11. Ueber die Naturgeschichte des See- Adlers (Haliaetos albicilla, Briss). Presburg, Verhandl. I., 1856 (Sit:. Ber.), pp. 53-55. 12. Synopsis der Saugethiere. Presburg, Program. Realschule, VII., 1857. 13. [Ueber das Ozon.] Presburg, Ver- handl. II., 1857 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 7-10. 14. Ueber die Verbreitung der Eocen- Formation in Ungern. Presburg, Verhandl. II., 1857 (Sitz. Bei:), pp. 11-15. 15. Ueber die naturhistorischen Verhiilt- nisse der Umgebung von Tata. Presburg, Ver- handl. II., 1857 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 52-53. 16. Zur Naturgeschichte der Arctomys Marmota, Schrb. Presburg, Verhandl. II., 1857 (Sitz. Bei:), pp. 54-56. 17. Ueber ein neues Vorkommeu von Tertiiir-Petrefacten, in der Gegend von Hain- burg. Presburg, Verhandl. II, 1857 (Sitz. Ber), pp. 65-66. 18. Merkwiirdige Felsbildung in den Sumpfen der Ungrischen Ebene. Presburg, Verhandl. II., 1857 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 15-16. KOR] 735 [KOR Kornhuber, G. Andreas. 19. Die mittlere Windesrichtung zu Presburg im Jahre 1856. Presburg, Verhandl. II., 1857 (Abh.), pp. 27-31. 2O. Das Erdbeben vom 15 Januar 1858, besonders riicksichtlich seiner Verbreitung in Ungern. Presburg, Verhandl. III., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 23-54. 21. Ueber Erdbeben im Allgemeinen mit besonderer Beziehung auf das Ereigniss vom 15 Januar. Presburg, Verhandl. III., 1858 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 10-12. 22. Barometrische Hohenmessungen in Ungern. Presburg, Verhandl. III., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 20-28. 23. Das Moor "Schur" bei St. Georgeu. Presburg, Verhandl. in., 1858 (Abh.), pp. 29- 36. 24. Ueber saulenformige Gesteins-Absou- derungen am Siidrande der Schemnitzer Trachyt- gebirgsgruppe. Presburg, Verhandl. III., 1858 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 4-5. 25. Ueber das Eisen und sein Vorkommen im Allgemeinen. Presburg, Verhandl. III., 1858 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 18-20. 26. Ueber die Entstehungsursache der Erdbebeu. Presburg, Verhandl. III., 1858 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 58-61, 67-68. 27. Barometrische Hohenmessungen im nordwestlichen Ungern. Presburg, Verhandl. IV., 1859 (Abh.), pp. 96-110. 28. Geognostische Beschaffenheit des Ba- konyer-Gebirges. Presburg, Verhandl. IV., 1859 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 51-53. 29. Ueber Nickel- und Kobalterze von Dobschau. Presburg, Verhandl. IV., 1859 (.Site. Ber.), p. 53. 3O. Geognostische Verhaltnisse der Treut- schiner Gespanschaft. Presburg, Verhandl. IV., 1859 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 61-63. . 31. Die geognostischen Verhaltnisse der Umgebung von Ballenstein. Presburg, Ver- haudl. IV., 1859 (Sits. Ber.), pp. 71-75. 32. Botanische Aufzeichnuugen im Ba- konyerwalde. Presburg, Verhandl. IV., 1859 (Sits. Ber.), pp. 87-88. 33. Die Gefiisspnanzen der Presburger Flora. Presburg, Program. Kealschule, X., 1860. 34. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fische im Waag-Gebiet. Presburg, Verhandl. V., 1860- 61, pp. 40-44. 35. Note iiber das geologische Alter der Thonschiefer von Mariathal. Presburg, Ver- handl. V., 1860-61, p. 69. 36. Barometrische Hohenmessungen in Ungeru. Presburg, Verhandl. V., 1860-61, pp. 70-85. _ — 37. Die Seehohe von Presburg. Presburg, Verhandl. V., 1860-61, pp. 125-131. Kornhuber, G. Andreas. 38. Ueber ein Mon- strum von Hausschwein (Sus Scrofa domestica). Presburg, Verhandl. V., 1860-61, pp. iv-v. 39. Das Vorkommen von Braunkohle y.u Bruznick S. O. von LIPPA. Presburg, Verhandl. V., 1860-61, pp. liii-lv. 40. Ueber ein befiedertes Fossil aus dem lithographischen Kalke von Solenhofen. Pres- burg, Corresp. Blatt, L, 1862, pp. 97-102. 41. Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkommeu der Fische urn Presburg und an einigeu anderen Orteu Ungerns. Presburg, Corresp. Blatt, II., 1863, pp. 205-213. Kornicke, Friedrich. Eriocaulacearum mono- graphic supplementum. Linnasa, XXVII., 1854, pp. 561-692. 2. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Crocus. Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 465-478. 3. Ueber Bidens tripartita, L., nodiflora, L., radiata, Thuill., und platycephala, Oerst. Bonplandia, VIIL, 1860, pp. 222-227. 4. Beitrag zur Flora der Provinz Preussen und Posen. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Oekou. Ges. III., 1862, pp. 157-165. 5. Monographise Marantearum prodromus. Pars altera. \_For\stPart, see " Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou," XI., 1859, p. 299 seqtj.'] Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXV., 1862, pp. 1- 147. 6. Erinnerungen aus der Flora von Peters- burg. Skofitz, Botan. Zeitschr. XIII., 1863, pp. 177-188, 249-252, 273-296. Kornitzer, Ferdinand. Die am lebenden Herzen mit jedem Herzschlag vor sich gehenden Ver- iinderungen aus den anatomischen Verhiiltnissen des Herzen abgeleitet. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIV.. 1857, pp. 120-122. 2. Anatomisch - physiologische Bemerk- ungen zur Theorie des Herzschlages. [1857.] Wien, Denkschr. XV., 1858, pp. 1-19. Kornprobst, . Du mouvemeut d'un fluide dans un vase en mouvement. Besan^on, Seances Publ. 1842, pp. 81-99, 130-166. Korovaeff, Th. Der Kischtim-Parasit, ein neues Mineral. [1861.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1862, col. 401-408 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXXXV., 1862, pp. 442-448. Korte, Franz. Ueber das iitherische Oel, welches dem Getreidebranntwein den uuangenehmen Geruch und Geschmack giebt. Schweigger. Journ. L, 1811, pp. 273-277 ; Annal. de Chimie. LXIL, 1812, pp. 170-176. 2. Die schwefelwasserstoffige Quelle von Wipfeld in Wiirzburg. Schweigger, Jouru. IX., 1813, pp. 318-326. KOR] 736 [KOR Kcrte, Franz. 3. Beschreibung der Schwefel- wasserstoffgas Quelle zu Wipfeld im Gross- herzogthume Wiirzburg, in geognostischer, phys- ischer ujid chemischer Hinsicbt. Hermbstiidt. Museum, VI., 1815, pp. 311-363. 4. Was ist Humus, wie und auf welche Art wirkt derselbe als ernahrendes Mittel fur die Pflanzen ? Hermbstiidt, Museum, XIII., 1818, pp. 221-264. 5. Eine der Sepia ahnliche Farbe. Herrnb- stadt, Museum, XV., 1818, pp. 105-111. Korte, W. Urstier-Schadel. Ballenstedt, Ar- cbiv, III., 1821, pp. 326-331. Z or thai s, P. IV. Opmerkingen over bet geslacht Nepenthes. Hall, Bijdrageu, V., 1830, pp. 371- 376 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVIII., 1829, pp. 84-85. 2. Geognostische opmerkingen op eene reis [in de Padangscbe bovenlauden, enz.J in Julij 1833. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdscbrift, I., 1834, pp. 190-192. 3. Uittreksels uit eonen brief aan den Hoogleeraar, C. L. BLUME. [Botanical notes.] Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdscbrift, I., 1834, pp. 290-294. 4. Aauteekeningen over dc vijftig Kotta's in de Padangsche Bovcnlandeu op Sumatra. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschvift, II., 1835, pp. 6- 26. 5. Trideia en Pellacalyx, twee nieuwe plantengeslacbten. [1834.] Hoeveu en Vriese, Tijdschrift, III., 1836, pp. 16-26. 6. Aanteekeningen over eenige Loranthus- soorten. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdscbrift, III., 1836, pp. 187-202; Miquel, Bull. 1838, pp. 44- 47. 7. Over de oorzaak van bet branden der Pbysalia. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, IV., 1837, pp. 209-210; Froriep, Notizeu, VI., 1838, col. 23-24. 8. Over het ombulsel van bet Stigma der Sccevolacea? eri Goodeniaceoi. Hoeveu en Vriese, Tijdscbrift, IV., 1837, pp. 370-374. 9. Note sur la coloration de la fleur de 1'Hibiscus mutabilis, L. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1838, p. 63. 10. AanteekeniugeuoverPcederia. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdscbrift, VI., 1839, pp. 55-61 ; Miquel, Bull. 1839, pp. 253-255. 11. Over bet geslacht Tupeia. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XVIL, 1839, pp. 185- 196 ; Miquel, Bull. 1838, pp. 156-157. 12. Verbandeling over de op Java, Su- matra en Borneo verzamelde Lorauthacea;. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XVII., 1839, pp. 197-288. , 13. Remarques sur les poils du Drosera. Miquel, Bull. 1839, pp. 49-50. Korthals, P. W. 14. Over bet geslacht Ne- penthes. Temminck, Verhand. 1839-42 (Bot.), pp. 1-44. 15. Over eenige soorten van de Familie der Dipterocarpeas. Temminck, Verhand. 1839- 42 (Bot.), pp. 45-76. 16. Over eeuige soorten van het geslacbt Bauhinia. Temminck, Verhand. 1839-42 (Bot.), pp. 77-92. 17. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ternstrre- miacea\ Temminck, Verhand. 1839-42 (Bot.), pp. 93-149. 18. Over het geslacbt Nauclea. Temminck, Verbandl. 1839-42 (Bot.), pp. 150-174. 19. Bijdragen tot de geslachten Cratoxy- lon en Tridesmis. Temminck, Verhandl. 1839- 42 (Bot.), pp. 175-180. 2O. Bijdragen tot de geslachten Salacia en Hippocratea. Temminck, Verbandl. 1839-42 (Bot.), pp. 181-188. 21. Over de geslachten Praravinia en Omphacarpus. Temminck, Verbandl. 1839-42 (Bot.), pp. 189-194. 22. Bijdragen tot de kennis der eiken [QuercusJ van den Indischen Archipel. Tem- miuck, Verbandl. 1839-42 (Bot.), pp. 195-217. 23. Bijdragen tot de kennis der Indische Melastomacea;. Temminck, Verhandl. 1839-42 (Bot.), pp. 218-255. 24. Bijdragen tot de geslachten Cleisocra- tera, Boscbia, en Marantbes. Temminck, Ver- hand. 1839-42 (Bot.), pp. 256-259. 25. Coup d'ocil sur la constitution physique et la vegetation d'une partie de 1'ile de .Sumatra. Mouiteur des Indes, 1846-47, pp. 205-212. 26. Aanteekeningen over een gedeelte van Borneo's zuidoostkust, getrokken uit het aldaar iu 1836 gehouden dagboek. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. L, 1848, pp. 20-45. 27. Blik op de natuurlijke gesteldbeid en Vegetatie van een gedeelte van Sumatra. Ne- derl. Kruidk. Arch. L, 1848, pp. 58-83. 28. Waarnemingen aangaande den berg Gede op Java. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. I., 1848, pp. 117-133. 29. De groeiplaats van Dipterocarpus Baudii. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. L, 1848, pp. 134-139. 30. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Myrtacere. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. I., 1848, pp. 185-206. 31. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ranuncu- lacere van Nederlandscb Oost-Indie. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. I., 1848, pp. 207-211. 32. Overzigt der Sterculiaceas en Butne- riacea? van de Nederlandsch Oost-Indie bezitt. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. I., 1848, pp. 301-355. 33. Aanteekeningen op de familie de Violariea; van den Indischen Archipel. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. L, 1848, pp. 356-363. KOR] 737 [KOS Korthals, P. W. 34. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Indische Magnoliacea?. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. II. (2 sfuk), 185], pp. 93-98. 35. Overzigt der Rubiaceen van de Neder- landsch Oost - Indische Kolonien. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. II. (2 stit/t), 1851, pp. 99-138, 145-269. 36. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Chryso- balanea? van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. III., 1855, pp. 379-390; Ba- tavia, Nat. Tijdschr. VII., 1854, pp. 19-36, 206- Korthals, P. 77'., und Miiller. Besteigung des Merapi auf Sumatra. Froriep, Notizen, V., 1838, col. 244-247. Eortrum, Carl von. Wirkung der flussspathsatiren Dampfe auf verschiedene Steine. Voi plagas in infiuitum producta sint, numerus sphserarum deflniatur, quaj hrec plana lateralia tarn interne quam externe tangant, turn etiam radii harum sphrerarum et constructione et com- putationc determinandi sunt eorumque mutua ratio investigandn. Leijden, Annal. Acad. 1835-36. Kuijpers, F. W. H. Over Sumatrasche zwavel. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. VII., 1854, pp. 160- 161. Kukla, . Description of some new kinds of Galvanic Batteries. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1853 (pt. 2), pp. 44-45. Kukla, F. K. Die verbesserte Bereitung des Kaliums nebst dem dazu erforderlichen Appa- rate. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 466-471. Kukla, F. X. Ueber essigsaures Morphin. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, IV., 1837, pp. 182- 185. Kukla, Fi: H. Ueber die vortheilhafte Anwen.l- ung des Schwefelathers bei der Bereituug mehr- erer in demselben liislicher Alkaloide. Baum- gartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 339-341. Kukula, n'illiclm. Die Vegetations-Verhiilt- nisse Laibachs und der nachsten Umgebung. Laibach, Jahresb. Realschule, V., 1857; VIII , 1860. KUL] 770 [KUM Kulczycki, Adam. Geologische Notiz iiber die Insel Tahiti und die Halbinsel Taiarapu. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. X., 1859, pp. 570-574. Kulik, Jacob Philipp. Eiuige Hohenmessungen aus Steiermark. Gilbert, Annal. LXVII., 1821, pp. 215-217. 2. Anzeis;e von Druckfehlern. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 191-192. 3. [Nachricht iiber dessen Canon Logar- ithmorum naturalium.] Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 47-48. . 4. Elernentarischer Beweis der Formel f iir die Schwingungszeit des einfachen Pendels. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, I., 1826, pp. 337- 342. 5. Bestimmung der goniometrischen Fund- amentalf'ormelu obne Zuziehung geometrischer Vorbegriffe. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VII., 1830, pp. 68-73. 6. Untersuchungen iiber die Kettenbriick- enlinie. B5hm. Gesell. Abh. I., 1837-40, p. 1. 7. Aufsatz iiber eiuen neuen analytischen Beweis des Satzes vom Parallelogramme der Kriifte. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. I., 1841 (Sect. Ber. 1S40), pp. 2-5. 8. Ueber die Bestimmung der Auzahl der Primzahlen unterhalb einer gegebenen Zahl. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. II., 1843 (Sect. Ber. 1841), pp. 17-18. 9. Anzeige der in den stereotypirten Tafeln der Quadrat- und Kubik- Zahlen des D. G. A. JAHN enthaltenen Druck- und Rechnungsfehler. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. II., 1843 (Sect. Ber. 1841), pp. 19-24. 10. Ueber die graphische Construction der Primzahleu. BGhrn. Gesell. Abh. II., 1843 (Sect. Ber. 1842), pp. 47-48. 11. Ueber die Tafel primitive!' Wurzeln. Crelle, Journ. XLV., 1853, pp. 55-81. 12. Ueber den 1 1 Grundsatz des EUKLIDES, wclchen er auf eine neue Weise zu beweisen suchte. Prag, Sitzungsber. 1860, pp. 20-23. 13". Beitriige zur Auflosung hoherer Gleieh- ungen iiberhaupt und der kubischen Gleich- ungen insbesondere. Bohm. Gesell. Abh. XL, 1861, pp. 21-123. Kullberg, Jonas. Dissertatio de insectis Sue- cicis. Upsala, Diss. Acad. III., 1801, pp. 109- 114. Ueber die Wasserfiille des Kummer, id Sendtner. Enumeratio Kulschin, Dnjepr und die Inseln in demselben. Erman. Archiv Russ. IV., 1845, pp. 60-62. 2. Die Schlammvulcane der Kryni. Erman, Archiv Russ. IV., 1845, pp. 130-134. Kummer, . Einige Bernerkungen iiber meteorologische Instruniente. Gilbert, Annal. LIX., 1818, pp. 301-317. plantarum in itinero Seudtneriano in Bosnia lectarum, cum definitionibus novarum specie- rum et adumbrationibus obscurarum varietatum. Flora, XXXIL, 1849, pp. 1-10, 753-766. Kummer, ron. Ueber die Veranlassung des Brandes in Stcinkohlengruben durch Selbst- entziindung. Karsten, Archiv, II., 1830, pp. 234-246. — — 2. Ueber die Grundsatze nach denen der finanzielle Erfolg bergmannischer Unternehm- ungen zu beurtheilen ist, speciell auf den Nie- derschlesischen Steinkohlenbergbau angewendet. Karsten, Archiv, VIII., 1835, pp. 154-184. Kummer, E. E. Sur 1'integration generale de 1'equation de RICCATI par des integrates de- finies. Crelle, Journ. XII., 1834, pp. 144-147. 2. Ueber die Convergenz uud Divergenz der unendlichen Reihen. Crelle, Journ. XIII., 1835, pp. 171-184. 3. Ueber unendlich verschiedeneEutwickel- ungen der Potenzen dor Cosinus und Sinus. Crelle, Journ. XIV., 1835, pp. 110-122. 4. Ueber die hypcrgeometrische Reihe , «./3 . «(a + l)0(S+l) , , I I. (__ • !> _l_ \ / rvtL I «(« + !) I + 2) Crelle, Journ. XV., 1836, pp. 39-83, 127-172. 5. Eine neue Methode, die numerischen Summen langsam convergirender Reihen zu berechnen. Crelle, Journ. XVI., 1837, pp. 206-214. 6. DC ajquatione x~ = z~ per nume- ros integros I'esolvenda. Crelle, Journ. XVII.. 1837, pp. 203-209. 7. De intenralibus definitis et seriebus iufi- nitis. Crelle, Journ. XVII., 1837, pp. 210- 227. 8. De integralibus quibusdarn definitis et seriebus infinitis. Crelle, Journ. XVII., 1837, pp. 228-242. 9. Note sur 1'integration de 1'equation f— y~ = xmy par des inttigrales definies. Crelle, Journ. XIX., 1839, pp. 286-288. 1O. Sur quelques transformations gem-rales des integrales definies. Crelle, Journ. XX., 1840, pp. 1-10. 11. Ueber die Transcendenten, welche aus wiederholten Integratiouen rationaler Formeln entstehen. Crelle, Journ. XXL, 1840, pp. 74- 90, 193-225, 328-371. — — 12. Eino Aufgabe, betreffend die Theorie der cubischen Reste. Crelle, Journ. XXIIL. 1842, pp. 285-286. KUM] 771 [KUM Hummer, E. E. 13. Beinerkuugeu iiber die cubische Gleichung durch welche die Haupt- Axen der Fliichen zweiten Grades bestimuit werden. Crelle, Journ. XXVI., 1843, pp. 268- 272; Giorn. Arcad. XCVIII., 1844, pp. 71- 82. 14. Vei'vollstandigung der Theorie der complexen Zahlen. Berlin, Bericht, 1846, pp. 87-96. 15. Ueber die Divisoren gewisser Formeii der Zahlen, welche aus der Theorie der Kreis- theilung, entstehen. Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 107-116. 16. De residuis cubicts disquisitioues non- nulla; analytics . Crelle, Jouru. XXXII., 1846. pp. 341-359. 17. Beweis des Fermatschen Satzes der Unmoglichkeit von x*—y*=z* fur eine unend- liche Anzahl Primzahleu x- Berlin, Bericht. 1847, pp. 132-139, 140-141, 305-319. 18. Beitrag zur Theorie der Function T (a:)=r vx-* dv. Crelle, Journ. XXXV., 1847, pp. 1-4. 19. Ueber Systems von Curven, welche einander iiberall rechtwinklig durchschneiden. Crelle, Journ. XXXV., 1847, pp. 5-12. 2O. Zur Theorie der complexen Zahlen. Crelle, Journ. XXXV., 1847, pp. 319-326. 21. Ueber die Zerlegung der aus Wurzelu der Einheit gebildeteu complexen Zahlen in ihre Primfactoren. Crelle, Journ. XXXV., 1847, pp. 327-367. 22. Sur les nombres complexes qui sont formes avec les nombres entiers reels et les racines de 1'unite. Liouville, Jouru. Math. XII., 1847, pp. 185-212. 23. Ueber die Vierecke, dereu Seiten und Diagoualen rational sind. Crelle, Journ. XXXVII., 1848, pp. 1-20. 24. Allgemeine Eeciprocitiitsgesetze fur beliebig hohe Poteuzreste. Berlin, Bericht, 1850, pp. 154-165. 25. Bestimmung der Anzahl nicht Liqui- valenter Classen fur die aus Xte° Wurzeln der Einheit gebildeten complexen Zahlen uud die idealen Factoren derselben. Crelle, Journ. XL.. 1850, pp. 93-116. 26. Zwei besondere Untersuchungen iiber die Classen-Anzahl und iiber die Einheiteu der aus Xten Wurzeln der Eiuheit gebildeteu com- plexen Zahlen. [1849.] Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850, pp. 117-129. Kummer, E. E. 27. Allgemeiner Beweis des Fermatschen Satzes, dass die Gleichung xK+y*=;*' durch ganze Zahlen unlosbar ist. fiir alle diejenigen Potenz-Exponenten A, welche ungerade Primzahlen siud und in den Zahlern der ersten -J- (A— 3) Bernouillischen Zahlen als Factoreu nicht vorkommen. [1849.] Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850, pp. 130-138. 28. Theoreme de FEEMAT et manuscrit Arabe. Nouv. Ann. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 386- 392. 29. Ueber eine allgemeine Eigenschaft der rationalen Entwickelungs-Coefiicienten eiuer bestimmten Gattung analytischer Functiouen. Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 368-372. 30. Memoire sur la theorie des nombres complexes composes de racines de 1'unite et de nombres entiers. Liouville, Jouru. Math. XVI., 1851, pp. 377-498. . 31. Ueber die Erganzuugssiitze zu den allgemeiuen Reciprocitiitsgesetzen. Crelle, Journ. XLIV., 1852, pp. 93-146. 32. Sur les systemes de courbes algebriques planes qui se coupent orthogonalement et sur leur confocalite. Nouv. Ann. Math. XL, 1852, pp. 426-434. 33. Note sur une expression analogue a la resolvante de LAGRANGE pour 1'equation s"=1. Rouia, Atti, VI., 1852-53, p> 237- 241. 34. Ueber eine besondere Art, aus com- plexen Einheiten gebildeter Ausdriicke. Crelle, Journ. L., 1855, pp. 212-232. 35. Theorie der idealen Primfactoren der complexeu Zahlen, welche aus den Wurzeln der Gleichung w"=l gebildet siud, weun n eine zusammeugesetzte Zahl ist. Berlin, Abhandl. 1856 (Math.}, pp. 1-47. 36. Einige Siitze iiber die aus den Wurz- eln der Gleichung u.K= 1 gebildeten complexen Zahlen, fiir den Fall, class die Klassenanzahl durch X theilbar ist, nebst Anwendung derselben auf einen weiteren Beweis des letzten Fermat- schen Lehrsatzes. Berlin, Abhandl. 1857 (Math.}, pp. 41-74 ; Berlin, Mouatsber. 1857, pp. 275-282. 37. Ueber die den Gaussischen Perioden der Kreistheilung entsprecheudeii Congruenz- wurzeln. Crelle, Journ. LIIL, 1857, pp. 142- 148. 38. Ueber die allgemeiuen Eeciprocitiits- gesetze der Poteuzreste. Berlin, Mouatsber. 1858, pp. 158-171. 39. Ueber die allgcmeinen Reciprocitats- gesetze unter den Resten und Nichtresteu der Potenzeu, deren Grad cine Primzahl ist. Ber- lin, Abhandl. 1859 (Math.}, pp. 19-158. 5 E 2 KUMJ 772 [KUN Eummer, E. E. 40. Ueber die Erganzungs- satze zu den allgemeinen Reciprocitatsgesetzen. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1869, pp. 270-279. 41. Ueber atmospharische Strahlenbrech- ung. Berlin, Monatsber. 1860, pp. 405-420. 42. Modelle der allgcmeinen, unendlich diinuen, gr.adlinigen Strahlenbiindel. Berlin, Monatsber. 1860, pp. 469-474. 43. Allgemeine Theorie der gradlinigen Strahlen-Systeme. Crelle, Journ. LVIL, 1860, pp. 189-230; Nouv. Ann. Math. XIX., 1860, pp. 362-371 ; XX., 1861, pp. 72-76, 255-260, 359-365 ; I., 1862, pp. 31-40, 82-89. 44. Sur les diviseurs de certaines formes de nombres qui resultent de In theorie de la di-; vision du cercle. Liouville, Journ. Math. V., I860, pp. 369-386. 45. Discorso commemorative su Giustavo Pietro LEJEUNE DIRICHLET. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1860, pp. 221-231, 283-297. 46. Zwei neue Beweise der allgemeinen Reciprocitatsgesetze unter den Rcsteu und Nicht- resten der Potenzen, deren Grad eine Primzahl ist. Berlin, Abhandl. 1861 (Math.), pp. 81- 122. 47. Ueber die Klassenanzahl der aus w-ten Einheitswurzeln gebildeten eomplexen Zahlen. Berlin, Monatsber. 1861, pp. 1051-1053. 48. Modell der Krummungsmittelpuncts- flache des dreiaxigen Ellipsoids. Berlin, Mo- natsber. 1862, pp. 426-428. — — 49. Ueber die Klassenanzahl der aus zu- sammengesetzten Einheitswurzeln gebildeten iclealen eomplexen Zahlen. Berlin, Monatsber. 1863, pp. 21-28. 50. Ueber die Flacheu vierten Grades, auf welchen Schaaren von Kegelschnitten liegen. Berlin, Mouatsber. 1863, pp. 324-336. 51. Ueber atmospharische Strahlenbrech- ung. [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LXL, 1863, pp. 263-275. Hummer, If. Theorie des Vogelflugs und Con- struction eines fliegenden Automateu. Schwei- zer. Gesell. Verb. XXIV., 1849, pp. 59-67 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXVIL, 1850, pp. 100-106. Kiimmich, . Etwas iiber das Vorkommen der Eisenerze uud Jaspissteiue bei Kaudern im Badenschen. Leouhard, Tascbenbuch, X., 1816, pp. 396-412. Kumps, Hcnr. Joseph. Dattis sit radius sphaerse. cui singula corpora solida, quorum hedraj sunt polygona duplicis generis (trianyula etfjitadrata, trianynla et pentagona, quadruta et hexagona, ) regnlaria, anguli solidi ajquales vel symmetric!, inscripta simt. Qucerantur valores generates, qni prrebent quantitatem ; 1°, cujus- TJS ejugmodi corporis acierum ; 2°, hedrarum ; Kumps, Hcnr. Joseph. 3°, superncierum ; 4°, soliditatis ; 5°, radii deuique circuli qui circa siugulam cnjusvis cor- poris supra invent! hedram circumscribi potest. Louvaine, Ann. Acad. IV., 1822. Kunde, F. Ueber Krystallbildung im Blute. Heule und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, II., 1852, pp. 277-281; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1S52, pp. 32-35 (Cowpt. Send.). 2. Physiologische Bemerkungen iiber den Scheintod. Miiller, Archiv, 1857, pp. 280-297. 3. Ueber \Yasserentziehung und Bildung vorubergehender Katarakte. Siebold und Kol- liker, Zeitschr. VIII., 1857, pp. 466-486. 4. Ueber den Einfluss der Warme und der Electricitiit auf das Riickenmark. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VIII., 1858, pp. 175-176; Charles- ton Med. Journ. XIV., 1859, pp. 404-405. Kii.nd.ig, T. Bildung von Acetamid aus essig- saurera Ammoniak. Liebig, Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 277-278. 2. Einwirkung von Chlor auf Baldrian- aldehyd. Liebig, Annal. CXIV., 1860, pp. 1-5. Kundt, August. Ueber die Untersuchung plan- paralleler Flatten. Poggeud. Ann. CXX., 1863, pp. 46-54. 2. Untersuchungeti iiber Augenniaass und optische Tauscbungen. Poggend. Ann. CXX., 1863, pp. 118-158. Klines, V. O povetrnosti. [On the weather.] Ziva, 1853, pp. 53-55, 117-122, 178-181, 279- 282, 375-380. 2. Prehled pov^trnosti od roku 1852. [Survey of the weather in 1852.] Ziva, 1853, pp. 86-90, 121-122. 3. O kometach. [On comets.] Ziva, 1853, pp. 309-316. 4. O padajicich hvezdach. [On falling- stars.] Ziva, 1853, pp. 342-344. 5. O postaveni nasi slunceiii soustavy v prostorn svetovem. [On the place of our solar system in the universe.] Ziva, 1854, pp. 53-60. 121-126, 170-175, 239-242, 308-311, 336-340^ 374-377. 6. Svetlove vlacky. [On streaks in the sky caused by the sun.] Ziva, 1 854, p. 254. 7. O stalicich. [On the fixed stars.] Ziva, 1855, pp. 79-83, 144-149. Kuneck, - — . Versuch, betreffeud die Griind- ung einer eudlichen, wahren und sichern Tbeorie der Hohenmessungen, vermittelst des Barome- ters. Oken, Isis, 1821 (Lit. Anz.), col. 273- 330. Kunge, F. F. Ueber einige Producte der Steiu- koblendestillation. Froriep. Notizeu, XL., 1834, col. 231-233. KUN] 773 [KUN Kimkel, . Notiz iiber die Wirkung des Co- deins auf den thierischen Orgauismus. Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 327-329. Ktmowsky, . Einige physische Beobacht- ungen des Mondes, des Saturns, Jupiter und Mars, der Doppelsterne, etc. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1825, pp. 214-226. 2. [Bemerkungen iiber die von PASTORF entdeckte Photosphiire der Planeten.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1826, pp. 201-205. Kunsel, C. Volumetrical method for the estima- tion of Copper and Nickel and Copper and Zinc. Chemical News, VIII., 1863, p. 38. Kunsemiiller, . Vagitus seu clamor ute- rinus. Siebold, Journ. f. Geburtshulfe, XV., 1836, pp. 337-382. Kunth, Karl Sigismuiid. Observations sur quel- ques genres de la famille des Valerianees. Paris, Journ. Botan. IV., 1814, pp. 171-173. 2. Considerations generates sur les Grami- nees. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. II., 1815, pp. 62-75 ; Okeu, Isis, I., 1817, col. 793-798. 3. Considerations generates sur la famille des Cyperacees. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. II, 1815, pp. 147-153 ; Oken, Isis, I., 1817, col. 785-794. 4. Revision de la famille des Bignoniacees. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVII., 1818, pp. 444- 454. 5. Observations sur quelques genres de la famille des Aroidees. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 427-438. 6. Note sur le genre Piper et la place qu'il doit occuper parmi les monocotyledons. [1816.] Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 439-442. 7. Reponse a un article de M. CASSINI, ayant pour litre : "Analyse critique et raisonnee du quatrieme volume du Nova genera et species Plantarum requinoctialiurn." Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 278-284. 8. Sur le genre Bambusa. Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 148-151. 9. Notice sur les genres Myrtus et Eugenia des auteurs. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1823, pp. 322-328. 10. Note sur le genre Bauhiuia, Linne. Ann. Sci. Nat, I., 1824, pp. 83-86. • 11. Sur uneuouvelle especc de Cupania (C. Poiretii). Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1824, pp. 457-458. 12. Sur le genre Saccellium de MM. de HUMBOLDT et BONPLAND. Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1824. p. 80. — — 13. Terebinthacearum genera denuo ad cx- amen [revocata], characteribus magis accuratis [distincta], inque septem familias [distributa]. Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 333-366; Oken, Isis, XXI., 1 328, col. 809-845. Kunth, Karl Sit/ismiintl. 14. Recherches sui- tes plantes trcmvtk's dans les tombeaux Egyptiena par M. PASSALACQUA. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 418-423. 15. Notice sur 1'Impatiens balsamina, /-. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1S27, pp. 384- 389. 16. Note sur I'Anthoxanthum odoratum. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, p. 224. 17. Synonyma ad plantas Humboldtianas e Mantissa tcrtia ROEMEKI et SCHULTESII. Lin- naja, V., 1830, pp. 366-369. 18. Ueber die Thymelaceen und eine neue ihnen verwandte Pflanzenfamilie, die Penaeaceen. Linnrea, V., 1830, pp. 667-67*. — 19. Generis Pommereullae descriptio ac- curatior, iconibus illustrata. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIII., 1831, pp. 223-224. 20. Ueber die Verwandschaft der Gattung Stilbe und die Nothwendigkeit, sie als den Anfana; einer neuen Familie zu betrachteu. Berlin, Abhandl. 1831, pp. 201-207 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XXX., 1833, pp. 335-336. 21. Ueber erne neue Gattung (Mitscher- lichia) aus der Familie der Nyctagineen. Ber- lin, Abhandl. 1831, pp. 208-210. 22. Ueber die Gattung Sympieza, Liclit- enst. Berlin, Abhandl. 1831, pp. 211-213. 23. Ueber die Wilklenow'sche Gattung Omphalococca. Berlin, Abhandl. 1831, pp. 214- 216. 24. Ueber die Bliithen- und Fruchtbildung derCruciferen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1832, pp. 33-42. 25. Ueber einige Aublet'sche Pflanzen- gattungen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1832, pp. 43-56. 26. Ueber die Natur des schlauchartigen Organs (Utriculus), welches in der Gattung Carex das Pistill und spa'ter die Frucht ein- hiillt. AViegmann, Archiv, I., 1835 (pte. 2), pp. 349-353. 27. Ueber die Linne'ischen Gattungen Scirpus und Schosnus. Berlin. Abhandl. 1835. pp. 33-82 ; Berlin, Bcricht, 1836, pp. 58-59. 28. Ueber die Fruchtbildung der Cyper- aceen. Wiegmann, Archiv, II., 1836, pp. 213- 216. 29. Ueber die natiirlichen Pflanzengruppen der Cypereen und Hypolytreen. Berlin, Ab- handl. 1837, pp. 1-14. 3O. Ueber den Bau der Griiser. Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 497-498. 31. Ueber Myosurus, Linn. Ueber die Narben der Gattung Papaver. Ueber den Embryo der Cruciferen. Ueber die Gattung Teesdalia. Wiegmann, Archiv, III., 1837, pp. 231-234. 32. Ueber die naiiirlichen Pflanzengruppen der Sclerineen und Caricineen. Berlin, Ab- liandl. 1839, pp. 37-50. EUN] 771 [KUK Jrlunth, Karl Sisgimund. 33. Bemerkungen iiber die Familie der Piperaceen. Linnaja. XIII., 1839, pp. 561-726; Ann. Sci.Nat.XIV. (Bot.), 1840, pp. 173-220. 34. Einige Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Aroideen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1840, pp. 45-62 ; Berlin, Bericht, 1840, pp. 42-45. 35. Ueber die Gattungen der Fainilie Eriocauleen. Berlin, Abbandl. 1840, pp. 63- 90. 36. Ueber Mayaca, Aubl. Berlin, Ab- Kuntzmar.n, 4. Ueber die Structur nnd haudl. 1840, pp. 91-94; Berlin, Bericlit, 1841, pp. 110-114. 37. Ueber die uaturliche Gruppe der Liliaceen im weitesten Siuue des Worts. Ber- lin, Abbandl. 1842, pp. 1-56 ; Berlin, Bericlit, 1842, pp. 52-55. — 38. Natiirliche Gruppe der Liliaceen. Ber- lin, Bericht, 1843, pp. 129-132. 39. Ueber die Blattstellung der Dlcotyle- donen. Berlin, Bericlit, 1843, pp. 236-245. 40. Ueber die natiirliche Pflanzengruppe der Buddlejese. Berlin, Abhandl. 1844, pp. 49-70 ; Berlin, Bericht, 1844, pp. 294-266. 41. Revision der Familio der Comme- lyueen. [1841.] Berlin, Abhandl. 1844. pp. 71-88. — 42. Die Stellung der Bliithentheile. Berlin, Bericht, 1844, pp. 41-45. 43. Plantrc novas et annotationes in iudi- cibus variis seminum hortorum botanicorum anno 1845 deposita;. Ann. Sci. Nat. Y. (Bot.), 1846, pp. 350-364. 44. Species novae et eniendatas Hort. Reg. Bot. Beroliuensis. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Bot.), 1847, pp. 181-189. 45. Enumeratio synoptica Ficus speciernm cum novarum turn cognitarum Hort. Reg. Bot. Berolinensis. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Bot.), 1847, pp. 231-256. 46. Nachtriigliche Bemerkungen iiber die Familie der Smilacineen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1848 (Pfii/s.\ pp. 31-50; Berlin, Bericht, 1848. pp. 207-209. 47. Ueber die Familie der Dioscorineen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1848 (P/iys.), pp. 51-75. 48. Species nova; Hort. Reg. Bot. Bero- linensis. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.), 1849, pp. 218-233. Kuutzmann, . Ueber das sogenanute Be- sprechen der Rose. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des vitalen Maguetismus. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. XXXI., 1810 (Hft. 10), pp. 102-111. 2. Ueber das Gehb'rorgau blind geborner Thiere. Gilbert, Annal. XLL, 1812, pp. 384- 391. 3. Ueber den Stachel der Bienen. Hufe- land, Jouru. Arzn. LI., 1820 (Hft. 3), pp. 119- 126. Function der Saugorgane des Blutegels, desseu Anwenduns uud Auf bewahrung. Grafe, Journ. Chir. Augenheilk. II., 1821, pp. 262-272. 5. Ueber den Handel mit Blutegeln. uud iiber Aufziehung und Erhaltung derselben. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXIL, 1826 (Hft. 3), pp. 59-82. 6. Bemerkungen iiber die Schuppen der Fische. [1824.] Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verhand. I., 1829, pp. 269-284, 369-374. 7. Ueber die Gehiiuse der Blutegel, be- sonclers iiber den sclnvammartigen Ueberzug derselben. Berlin, Ges. Nat, Freunde Verhand. I., 1829, pp. 374-381, 413. Kunz, G. Hcinr. Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte des Europaischen Kukuks (Cuculus cauorus, L.). Naumannia, 1850 (pte. 2), pp. 51-53. 2. Der Aufsatz : " Ueber den Natteradler, Aquila brachydactylus " im ersten Hefte dieses \Verkes, S. 29. Naumannia, 1850 (pte. 3), pp. 61-63. 3. Die Oologie physiologisch betrachtet. Namnaunia, 1854, pp. 194-202. Kunze, Gustav. Beitrage zur Monographic der Rohrkafer. Halle, N. Schr. Nat. Gesell. II. (Heft 4), 1818, pp. 1-56. 2. Vermischte Bemerkungen und Zusiitze zu den in diesen Schriften abgehandelten Gatt- ungen und Arten der Kafer. Halle, N. Schr. Nat. Gesell. II. (Heft 4), 1818, pp. 57-70. 3. Zeugophora (Jochtriiger), einc neue Kafergattung. Halle, N. Schr. Nat. Gesell. II. (Heft 4), 1818, pp. 71-76. 4. Achitomum (Staubkugel), eine neue Pilzgattung. Flora, II., 1819, pp. 49-64. — 5. Ueber Stilbospora asterospora, Hoff- mann. Flora, II., 1819, pp. 225-240. — 6. Entomologische Fragmente. Halle, N. Schr. Nat. Gesell. II., 1819. — 7. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Classification, und Physiologic der Farren im Allgemeinen und besonders iiber die Traubenf'arren (Os- munda). Flora, IV., 1821, pp. 477-492, 493- 504. 8. Monographie der Ameisenkiifer (Scyd- maenus, Latr.). Leipzig, Schr. Nat. Gesell. I., 1822, pp. 175-204. 9. Synopsis Filicum Brasiliensium auct. Josepho RADDIO. Flora, VII., 1824, pp. 324- 334, 337-349. 10. Einige Bemerkungeu iiber den rotheu Schnee. Flora, VHL, 1825, pp. 449-464. 11. Ueber die Gattung Francoa, Cavanilles. Flora, XIV., 1831, pp. 369-378. 12. Hypodematium, eine neue Farrngatt- ung. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 689-691. KUN] 775 [KUN Kunze, Guslar. 13. Synopsis plautarum crypto- gamicarum ab Eduardo POEPPIG in Cuba insula et in America meridionali collectarum. Linnaea, IX., 1834, pp. 1-111. 14. Thyrsopteris, erne neue Farrngattung. LinnaBa, IX., 1834, pp. 506-508. 15. Acotyledonearum Africa? Australioris recensio nova. Linna;a, X., 1836, pp. 481- 570. 16. Bemerkungen und Nachtrage zu AUEE'S Monotomen. Germar, Zeitschr. Entom. I., 1839, pp. 383-393. 17. Additamentum enumerationis Filicum Mexicanarum, partim ab SCHIEDE, partim a cl. Car. EHRENBERGIO aliisque collectarum. Lin- naea, XIII., 1839, pp. 129-153. 18. Secotiurn, eine neue Gattung der Gas- tromycetes Trichogastres. Flora, XXIIL, 1840, pp. 321-322. 19. Botanische Bemerkungen iibev den Fucus oder Muscus amylaceus, das Zeylon- Moos. Pharm. Centr. Blatt. XII., 1841, pp. 188-189. 20. Pugillus primus plantarum adhuc iu- editarum, seu minus cognitarum, quas annis 1838-42 praater alias, alio loco descriptas vel describendas, coluit Hortus Botanicus Univers. Litterarum Lipsiensis. Linnaaa, XVI., 1842, pp. 309-322. 21. Ueber Spironema. Botan. Zeitung. I., 1843, col. 272-273. 22. Lilium isabellinum aus dem Leipziger botanischen Garten. Botan. Zeitung, I., 1843, col. 609-610. 23. Nothochlfena pulchella, ein neues Farrnkraut der Garten. Botan. Zeitung, I., 1843, col. 633-635. 24. Phylloglossum, genus novuni ex online novo. Botan. Zeitung, I., 1843, col. 721-723. 25. Pugillus secuudus plantarum adhuc ineditarum, seu minus cognitarum, quas annis 1842 et 1843 prnster alias, alio loco descriptas vel describendas, coluit Hortus Botanicus Uni- vers. Litterarum Lipsiensis. Linniea, XVII., 1843, pp. 567-580. 26. Einige Worte iiber Cheilauthes fim- briata, Vis. Botan. Zeituncr, II., 1S44, col. 277-278. 27. Generis Polypodiacearuni Jamesonise, Hook., skiagraphia. .Botan. Zeitung, II., 1844, col. 737-739. 28. Filicum in Promontorio Bouse Spei et ad Portum Natalensem a GUEINZIO nuperius collectarum, sive adhuc ineditarum, sivc Floras Africa Australia addendarum recensio et de- scriptio brevis. Linnasa, XV1IL, 1844, pp. 113-124. 29. Filices a SIEBOLDO in Mexico lectae. Kunze, Guslar. 30. Einige Worte iiber M \ - SCHALL YON BIEBERSTEIN'S Crocus speciosus. Botan. Zeitung, III., 1S4.3, col. 209-211. 31. Filicum a cl. MOEITZ in Caracas lec- tarum determinatio, novarumque brevis de- scriptio. Botan. Zeitung, III., 1845, col. 281- 288. 32. In filices Java? Zollingeriauas aliasquc ex herbario Moricandiano observationes. Bc- tan. Zeitung, IV., 1846, col. 417-426, 441-447, 457-463, 473-478. 33. Chloris Austro-Hispanica. E collec- tionibus Willkommianis, a m. Majo 1844 ad finem m. Maji 1845 factis. Flora, XXIX., 1846, pp. 625-640, 641-656, 673-686, 689-704. 737-752, 753-793. 34. Ueber eine bisher unbeachtete Eigen- thiimlicbkeit der Wurzeln von Thesium und einiger anderen Santalaceen. Botan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 361-364. 35. Pugillus tertius plantarum adhuc in- editarum seu in hortis minus cosrnitarum, qur.s annis 1843-1846, prjeter alias alio loco descrip- tas vel describendas, coluit Hortus Botanicus Univers. Litterarum Lipsiensis. Linnasa, XX., 1847, pp. 1-64. 36. Ueber Parasitismus der Ehinantha- ceen, von J. DECAISNE, mit einigen Anmerk- ungen. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 24- 27. 37. In filices Java; Zollingerianas aliasque ejusdem insulas ex amicorum herbariis et pro- prio selectas, observationes. Botau. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 97-103, 113-122, 141-146. 172- 177, 189-199, 209-216, 234-239, 258-263, 282- 285, 304-306. 38. Pteridographia Japonica. Uebersicht der Farm der Flora von Japan, sowie der In- seln Loo Choo, Peel und Benin Si ma. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 489-496, 505-509, 521- 526, 537-543, 553-559, 569-573, 585-589. 39. Ueber abnorme Fruchtbildune aui Oberfliiche der Wedel von Farm aus den Poly- podiaceen. Botan. Zeitung, VI., ' 1848, col. 687-688. 4O. Ueber ein uoch unbeschriebenes und ein neuerlich beschriebenes Antrophyum (A. discoideum, A. cayennense, A. Grevillii). Bo- tan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 702-705. 41. Plantar Kegeliance Surinamenses : Filices. Linnsa, XXL, 1848, pp. 201-211. 42. Ueber drei bisher mehrialtig verwech- selte Deutsche Farm : Aspidium lobatum, Sin.. aculeatum, SHI., und Braunii, Spenn. Flora, XXXI., 1848, pp. 353-365 ; Henfrey, Bot. Ga- zette, I., 1849, pp. 7-12, 37-43. 43. Notes on some ferns of the United Linna-a, XVIII., 1844, pp. 303-352. States. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 80- 89. KUN] 776 [KUP Kunze, Guslar. 44. Pteridologische Studien. — Ueber eine nocli unbeobachtete Form der Spor- angien* (Sporangia plagiogyrata). Botan. Zeit- ung, VII., 1849, col. 865-867. 45. Pteridologische Studien. — Knollenbild- ungen an den Auslaufern der Nephrolepis- Arten. Ueber die Gattung Mesochlcena, R. Br. Botan. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 881-885. 46. Planta; Regnellianre : Filices et Lyeo- podiacea?. Linnasa, XXII., 1849, pp. 575-581. 47. Heterachthia, neue Gattung der Com- melynaceen. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 1-4. 48. Pteridologische Studien. Einige Be- merkungen iiber Dicksonia. Botan. Zeitung. VIII., 1850, col. 57-62. 49. Borraginearum novum genus (Trache- lanthus). Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 665-666. 50. Index Filicum (sensu latissimo) adhuc, quantum innotuit, in hortis Europaiis cultarum, cum synonymis gravioribus, patria, introduc- tionis seu germinationis tempore, durations et cultura. Linnaea, XXIII., 1850, pp. 209-324. 408-410. 51. Oleandrr.1. Cm:, species iu herbario suo servata (0. nodosa, 0. Cumingii, 0. micans, O. hirtella, O. lomatopus, O. densifrons, etc.). Botan. Zeitung, IX., 1851, col. 345-349. 52. Generum e Compositarum ordine, ut videtur ineditoruni, bigam proposuit auctor. Botan. Zeitung, IX.. 1851, col. 349-351. 53. Einige Fiille von Umwandlungen der Nebenaxen in Hauptaxen bei den Abietinceu. Flora, XXXIV., 1851, pp. 145-151. 54. Filices Nilagiricas. Linnaea, XXIV., 1851, pp. 239-299. 55. Plantas Wagencriana? Columbica? : Cryptogama?. vasculares. Linurea, XXV., 1852, pp. 748-750. Kunze, Guslar, und P. IF. J. Muller. Mono- graphic der Ameisenkafer, Scydmsenus, Latr. Leipzig, Schr. Nat. Gesell. I, 1822, pp. 175- 204. Kunze, L. [Review.] Sauimluug physikaliseher Aufgaben nebst ihrer Auflosuug ; zum Ge- brauch in Schulen und beim Selbstunterrieht. Von Dr. Friedrich KRIES. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 160-166. Ximzek, A. Vegetations-Bauer der Cultur- ptianzen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 216 (Abth. 2). 2. UebersicLten der Jahres- uud Monats- Mittel aus den wiihrend eines Zeitraumes von 20 Jahren in Lemberg fortgefiihrten meteorolog- ischen Beobachtungen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. L851, pp. 3-7 (Abth. 2). Kunzek, A. 3. Bericht uber STELLWAG'S Ab- handlung : '• Die doppelte Brechung uud davou abhangi^e Polarisation des Lichtes im mensch- lichen Auge." Wien, Sitz. Ber. VIII., 1852, pp. 82-87. Kiinzel, Carl. Ueber die Einwirkung der schwe- fligsauren Saure und sclnvefligsaurer Salze auf Aminkobalt-Sesquioxyde. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 209-223. 2. Titrirmethode fiir Kupfer und Nickel und fiir Kupfer und Zink. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVIIL, 1863, pp. 486-489. Kunzmann. Sec Kuntzmann. Kupffer, A. T. Sur une relation remarqual>le qui existe entre la forme cristalline, le poids d'un atome, ct la pesanteur speciflque de plusieurs substances. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 337-358. 2. Ueber den Schwefel. Poggend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 423-426. 3. Recherches relatives a 1'influeuce de la temperature sur les forces magnetiques. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1825, pp. 113-136 ; Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VI., 1825, pp. 185-219. 4. Untersuclmngen iiber das Eigeugewicht des Zinnblei's. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VIII., 1826, pp. 331-350. 5. Ueber die Krystallisation des Kupfer- vitriols, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber das ein- und eingliedrige oder tetartoprismat- ische System. Poggend. Annal. VIII., 1826, pp. 61-77, 215-229. 6. Recherches sur les variations de la duree moyenne des oscillations horizontales de 1'ai- guille aimantee, et sur divers autres points du magnelisme terrestre. Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1827, pp. 225-241 ; Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 545-562 ; Schweigger, Journ. LI. (= Jahrb. XXI.), 1827, pp. 152-173. 7. Recherches sur la distribution du mag- uetisme libre dans les barreaux aimantes. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVI., 1827', pp. 50-68 ; Poggend. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 121-136. 8. Ilmeuit, ein neues Fossil (sammt neuen Spielarten des Zirkon und Gadolinit) aus Sibi- rien. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. X., 1827, pp. 1-13. 9. Notiz iiber die Krystallisation des Ausits. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. X., 1827, pp. 305-310. 1O. Ueber die Krystallisation des Roth- bleierzes. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. X., 1827, pp. 311-315. 11. Neue Thatsachen zur Kenntniss des Magnetismus (des Nordlichtes und der Gewitter). Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XII., 1827, pp. 277- 293 ; XIII., pp. 13-48, 145-166. 12. Ueber die Krystallisation des Adulars. Poggend. Anual. XIII., 1828, pp. 209-233. KTJP 777 [KUP Kupffer, A. T. 13. Note stir la pesanteur s fique des alliagcs et leur point de fusion. Annal. do Chimie, XL., 1829, pp. 285-302; Edinb. Journ. ticl. I., 1829, pp. 296-299 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 185-186. 14. Extrait d'uue lettrc u M. AEAGO con- cernant la composition de 1'atmosphere a Kazan. Anna!, de Chimie, XLL, 1829, pp. 423-424; Schweigger, Journ. LVII. (=Jahrb. XXVII.), 1829, pp. 214-215. 15. Voyage au sommet le plus eleve du Caucase. Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1829, pp. 105-111. 16. Memoire sur la temperature moyenne de 1'air et du sol dans quelques points de la Russie orientale. Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1829, pp. 367-392 ; Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829. pp. 159-191 ; Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, pp. 461-463; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 233-258 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. II.. 1830, pp. 251-261 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVII., 1830, col. 225-233. 17. Essai d'un tableau geognostique de 1'Oural. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII., 1829, pp. 441- 463. 18. Ueber die unregelinlissigen Bewegung- en im tiiglichen Gange der horizontalen Magnet- nadel. Posrgend. Annal. XVI., 1829, pp. 131- 138. 19. Versuch einergeognostischen Schildcr- ung des Urals und insbesondere der Umgegend von Slatoust. Poggend. Annal. XVI., 1829, pp. 260-284. 2O. Barometrische Beobacbtungen, ge- sammelt auf einer ini Jahre 1828 unternommenen Reise nach dem Ural. Posgend. Annal. XVII., 1829. pp. 497-520. 21. Notiz liber ein in St. Petersburg beo- bachtetes Nordlicht. Posgend. Anual. XVIII., 1830, pp. 611-616; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 429-432. 22. Ueber die Abnahme der magnetiscben Erdkraft mit der Hohe iiber der Erdoberfliiche. Schweigger, Journ. LVIII. (=Jahrb. XXVIII.), 1830, pp. 79-80. 23. Observations geognostiques faites pen- dant un voyage dans les environs du inont Elbroutz, dans le Caucase en 1829. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXII., 1831, pp. 239-262 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1831, pp. 351-357 ; V., 1831, pp. 126- 141 ; Roy. Inst. Joum. L, 1831, pp. 610-612. 24. A Barometer of a new construction. (Transl.) Roy. Inst. Journ. L, 1831, p. 601. 25. Notiz iiber die mittlere Temperatur und Barometerhdhe in Iluluk, auf der Insel Unalaschka. Poggend. Annal. XXIII., 1831, pp. 114-119; Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1833, col. 275-276 ; Phil. Mas. I., 1832, pp. 429- 431. VOL. III. Kupffer, A. T. 26. Ueber die magnetische Neigung von St. Petersburg, uud ihre tiiglichen und jahrlichen Veriinderungen. Poggend. Annal. XXIII., 1831, pp. 449-485; XXV., 1832, pp. 193-219. 27. Ueber die magnetische Neigung und Abweichung in Peking. Poggend. Annul. XXV., 1832, pp. 220-227. 28. Untersuchungen iiber die magnetische Abweichung von St. Petersburg, und ihre monatlicheu und jilhrlichen Veriinderungen. Poggend. Annal. XXV., 1832, pp. 455-484. 29. Beschreibung eines ncuen Barometers. Poggend. Annal. XX VI., 1832, pp. 446-451. 3O. Ueber die mittlere Temperatur und Barometerhohe zu Sitka, an der Nordwestkuste America's. Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1833, col. 273-274 ; Phil. Mag. I., 1832, pp. 427-428. 31. Ueber die mittlere Temperatur vou Irkutzk in Sibirien. Froriep, Notizen, XXXVI., 1833, col. 179-183. 32. F. von WRANGEL'S Beobachtungen der stiindlichen Variationen der Abweichung zu Sitka. Poggend. Annal. XXXI., 1834, pp. 193-198. 33. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Tem- peratur der Quellen. Poggend. Annal. XXXIL, 1834, pp. 270-272. 34. Bemerkungen iiber die Zuuahme der Temperatur in den tieferen Erdschichten. Pog- gend. Annal. XXXII., 1834, pp. 284-288. 35. Magnetische Beobachtungen aus Nert- schinsk. Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 58-62. 36. Beobachtungen iiber die magnetische Abweichung in Peking und ihre tiiglichen Ver- iinderungen angestellt von KOWANKO. Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 53-57. 37. Beobachtungen iiber die tiiglichen Variationen der Abweichung in Archangelsk, angestellt vom Flottencapitain REINEKE. Pog- gend. Annal. XXXV., 1835, pp. 58-71. 38. Untersuchungen iiber die Variationen der magnetischen Intensitiit in St. Petersburg. Poggeud. Annal. XXXIX., 1836, pp. 225-243, 417-435. 39. Sur le decroissement observe dans 1'intensite du magnetisme terrestre a mesure qu'on s'eleve sur les moutagnes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 958-961. 40. Observations meteorologiques et mag- netiques faites dans 1'etendue de ('Empire de Russie. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1838, pp. 377-379. 41. Resume des observations meteorolo- giques, faites a St. Petersbourg en 1831. St. Petersb.Acad.Sci. Mem. III., 1838 (Bull. Sci.), pp. iv-viii ; Poggend. Annal. XXX. (Ergan;.), 1836, pp. 324-326. 5 F KUP] 778 [KUP Kupffer, A. T. 42. Extrait des observations meteorologiques f'aites a 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences tie Saint Petersbourg, de 1822 a 1835. Bibl. Univ. XXL, 1839, pp. 176-185; Edinb. New Phil. Jouru. XXVIII., 1840, pp. 77-85. 43. Sur les observatoires magnetiques fondes par ordre des gouvernemeuts d'Anglcterre et de Eussie sur plusieurs points de la surface terrestre. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Recueil, 1839, pp. 115-127. 44. Note sur la formula hygrometrique de M. AUGUST. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1840, col. 337-352. 45. Ueber das Gewicbt eines Cubikzolles reinen Wassers. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 62-63. 46. Observations meteorologiques faites a St. Petersbourg en 1824 a 1834. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1841, pp. 1-214. 47. Sur la temperature moyenne de plu- sieurs points de 1'Empire de Russie. [1838.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1841, pp. 215-308. 48. Ueber magnetische und nieteorolog- ische Observatorien in Russland. Dcutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 71-76. 49. Ueber Masse und Gewichte in Russ- land. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 82-85.. SO. Note relative a 1'influence de la tem- perature sur la force magnetique des barreaux. [1842.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 168-172. 51. Observations meteorologiques faites a Archangel. [1842.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. V., 1844, pp. 379-620. 52. Note relative a la temperature du sol et de 1'air aux limites de la culture des cereales. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 81- 97. 53. Recherches experiinentales, relatives a 1'elasticite des mt'taux. [1848.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 289-298 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VII., 1853, pp. 233- 302. 54. Meteorologische Stationen in Trans- caucasien und erste in denselben erlialtene Resultate. Auszug aus einem Brief des Hrn. Prof. ABICH in Tinis. [1848.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 280-288. 55. Mittlere Temperaturen in Russlaud. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 375-384 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVIL, 1849, pp. 357-368. 56. Ueber die Ableitung mittlerer Tages- Temperaturen in Russland. Erman, Archiv Russ. VIIL, 1850, pp. 87-98. KupfFer, A. T. 57. Notiz iiber Hohenmessungen mit dem Barometer. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VIIL, 1850, col. 327-328. 58. Observations meteorologiques faites a Sitka (57° 3' N. lat. 222° 15' E. long, de Paris). [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VI., 1850, Append. 59. Rapport addresse a PAcademie des Sciences relatif a PObservatoire Physique Central foncle aupres du Corps des Mines. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 85-96; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XV., 1850, pp. 18-30. 60. Bemerkungen iiber das mechanische Aequivalent der Wiirme. [1851.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. .X., 1852, col. 193-197; Pog- gend. Anual. LXXXVL, 1852, pp. 310-314. 61. Untersuchungen iiber die Flexion elastischer Metallstiibe. [1853.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1854, col. 161-167. 62. [Zusiitze zum Brief HANSTEEN'S iiber die Inclination und die Variation der Magnet- nadel.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1854, col. 261-270. 63. Eiufluss der Temperatur auf die Elasticitiit der festen Korper. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1856, col. 273-284, 289- 299. 64. Untersuchungen iiber die Elasticitiit, welche wiihrend der Jahre 1850 bis 1855 in dem Petersburger Physikalischen Observatorium angestellt wurden. Erman, Archiv Russ. XVI.. 1857, pp. 400-488. 65. Ueber den Eiufluss der Wiirme auf die elastische Kraft der festen Korper und ins- besondere der Metalle. [1852.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VIIL, 1857, pp. 397-494. 66. Untersuchungen; die in dem Peters- burger Physikalischen Observatorium angestellt wurden. — I. Ueber die Elasticitiit der Metalle. II. Vorschliige zu einer neuen Art von Ver- gleichung der Intensitat der Schwere an ver- schiedeuen Puncten derErde. Ermann, Archiv Russ. XIX., 1860, pp. 629-651. 67. Note sur une erreur dans la division des alcoometres fabriques a Berlin et poinconnes dans le Bureau de Verification des Alcoqmetres. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1861, col. 353-355. 68. Untersuchungen iiber die Elasticitiit Oesterreichischer Stahl- und Eisensorten. Oesterreich. Zeitschr. Bergw. XL, 1863, pp. 209-210. Kupffer, A. T., und E. Lenz. Bericht iiber die Abhandlung des Hn. Prof. KAJITZ : Resultate magnetischer Beobachtungen in Finnlaml. [1848.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII.. 1849, col. 246-250. KUP] 779 [KUR Kupffer, Carl. Ueber das Hemmungsvermogen der Muskeln gegeniiber localer Erregung, nach Prof. Dr. FICK. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, II., 1858, pp. 160-162. Kupffer, Carl, und Wilhelm Keferstein. Ueber den feineren Bau des electrischen Organs beim Zitter-Aal (Gymnotus electricus), mit Riicksicht auf den Bau bei anderen electrischen Fischen insbesondere bei Mormyrus oxyrhynchus, mit nachtniglichen Bemerkungen iiber die Endig- uugen der Nerven im Allgeraeinen, von Ru- dolph WAGNER. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1857, pp. 253-268. 2. Untersuchung iiber die electri- schen Organe von Gyninotus electricus und Mormyrus oxyrhynchus. Henlo und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, II., 1858, pp. 344-356. Kupffer, Carl, und C. Ludwig. Die Beziehung der Nervi vagi und splauchnici zur Darmbeweg- uug. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXV., 1857, pp. 580- 583 ; Heule und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, II., 1858, pp. 357-360. Kupfferschlager, Is. Observations sur le pre- cede indique par M. E. FREMY pour separer la potasse de la soude. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. II., 1845-46, pp. 142-144. 2. Precede pour analyser par voie seche les minerais de zinc. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. X., 1855, pp. 289-293. 3. Notice sur Faction du fer et du zinc dans les dissolutions des metaux dont les oxydes sont solubles dans l'ammoniaque. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. XVI., 1861, pp. 296-310. Kiipper, C. Zur Kreistheilung. Grunert, Ar- chiv, XXVII., 1856, pp. 62-65. 2. Ueber einige Arteii der mechanischen Beschreibung der Ellipse und iiber den Satz voii FAGNANO. Schlornilch, Zeitschr. I., 1856, pp. 363-370. 3. Ueber eine allgemeine Art der Be- sehreibung der Kegelschuitte. Grunert, Ar- chiv, XXVIII., 1857, pp. 100-109. 4. Ueber die Construction der Korbbugen. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIII., 1857, pp. 256-261. 5. Grundziige einer Theorie der Polaren. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIIL, 1857, pp. 261-270. 6. Zur Theorie der Triigheitsmomente. Schlumilcb, Zeitschr. II., 1857, pp. 73-84. 7. Ueber die Projection der Kriimmungs- linien des Ellipsoids. Schlumilch, Zeitschr. II., 1857, pp. 223-228. 8. Demonstration geometrique de cette proposition, que toute fonction elliptique dc premiere espece peut etre remplacee par deux fonctions elliptiques de seconde espece, et de- veloppement d'une formule relative a la recti- fication de 1'hyperbole. Crelle, Journ. LV., 1858, pp. 89-93. Kiipper, C. 9. Ueber die gleichseitige Hyperbel und die ihr aualoge Fliiche zweiten Grades. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. III., 1858, pp. 119-124. 10. Die geomctrischen Gesetze der Orts- veranderung starrer Systeme. Schlomilch, Zeit- schr. VI., 1861, pp. 12-37. 11. Vervielfachung und Theilung der elliptischen Integrale und damit in Zusanimen- hang stehende Eigenschafteu confocaler Kegel- schnitte. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VII., 1862, pp. 239-251. Kurowitzky, — einer centr.ilen Beobachtung . und Stopoff. Sonnenfiusterniss ani 7 Juli 1842 in Semipalatinsk. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 355-360. Kurr, . Ueber einige weniger bekannte Gebirgsarten des Schwarzwaldes. Wtirttem- berg, Jahreshefte, I., 1845, pp. 155-157. • • 2. Ueber einige Belemniteu Wiirttembergs. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, I., 1845 (Abh.), pp. 233-235. • 3. Ueber die Wahrscheiulichkeit des Vor- kommens von Steinkohlen in Wiirttemberg. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, II., 1847, pp. 170- 173. 4. Zur Geologic der Triasformation in Wiirttemberg und des Steinsalzes im Besond- eren. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, IV., 1849, pp. 1-17. —— 5. Ueber die Entstehuug des Flotzgebirges. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, VII., 1851, pp. 247- 263. 6. Zur Naturgeschichte einiger Heliceen. Zeitschr. Malakozool. IX., 1852, pp. 184-186. • 7. Bulimus agrcnsis. Malakozool. Blatt. II., 1855, p. 107. Kurr, , und Hermann von Fehling. Unter- suchuug verschiedeuer Wiirttembergischer Kalk- steine. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, VII., 1851, pp. 95- 126. 2. Uutersuchung fossiler Fischziihne von uiibekannter Abstammung. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, XII., 1856, pp. 118-119. Kurrer, W. H. i traite de la peau d'un homme a Cayenne. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., 1860, pp. 161- 166 ; Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1861, pp. 249- 253. 41. Metamorphoses d'uiie mouche parasite Tachina (Masicera) villica. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1861, pp. 231-248. 42. Description de la larve du Callicnemis Latreillei. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1861, pp. 607-611. 43. Note pour servir ;i 1'histoire des para- sites de la Noctua (Hadena) brassicaj. Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutom. L, 1861, p. 612. 44. Sur les stigmates de la larve du Noso- dendron fasciculare. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entoin. H., 1862, pp. 149-152. 45. Descriptions de plusieurs larves de Coleopteres avec remarques. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 559-575. 46. Note sur des Helminthes parasites du genre Mermis sortis du corps du Gryllus domes- ticus et du Dytiscus marginalis. [1861.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutom. II., 1862, pp. 576-578 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. in., 1862, p. 254 (Compt. Rend.). • 47. Sur des Mermis (helminthes gordiaces) parasites du Dytiscus margiualis. [1861.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1862, pp. 255-256 (Compt. Rend.). 48. Memoire sur les signes medico-legaux fournis par les mains des ouvriers-piqueurs, tail- leurs'ou rhabilleurs de pierres meulieres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1862, pp. 191-198. 49. Sur des larves de Dipteres trouvees dans les tuniques de 1'estomac, les replis peri- toneaux et la paroi abdomiuale chez les Gre- nouilles. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. in., 1863, pp. 14-16. 50. Description d'uue Chenille mineuse des feuilles du Bouleau. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, pp. 99-104. 51. Description du Sciara Bigoti, de sa larve et de sa nymphe. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. HI., 1863, pp. 105-110. 52. Note sur la phosphorescence des larves et des nymphes du genre Lampyris. Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutom. Ill, 1863, p. 470. LAB] 787 [LAC Laboulbene, Alcxandre, et Louis Amblard. Note sur uue galle developpee sur uuc branche de Quercus Mirbeckii. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1853, pp. xxvi-xxvii. r 2. Note sur les galles de Calligonuiu comosum et Limoniastrum Guyonianum en Al- gerie. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. Ix-lxi. Laboulbeiie, Alexandre, et Leon Dufour. Ana- toinie du Bacillus gallicus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. cxxxvi-cxxxvii. Laboulbene, Alexandre, et E. Follin. Note sur la matiere pulverulente qui recouvre la sur- face du corps des Lixus et de quelques autres insectes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. 301-306. Laboulbene, Alexandre, et Goureau. Histoire des metamorphoses de la Gelechia car- linclla. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. 263-278. Laboulbene, Alexandre, et C. Robin. Me- moire sur trois productions morbides non de- crites. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1853, pp. 185-196. — — 2. Description de 1'Acarus (Tyi'o- glyphus) entomophagus, Laboulbene, et observa- tions anatomiques sur le genre Tyroglyphus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutom. II., 1862, pp. 317- 338. Laboulbene, Alexandre, et L. Soubeiran. Note sur des synanthies d'Ereroostachys laci- niata. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1853, pp. 123-124 (Compt. Rend.). Laboulbene, Alexandre, et A. Vulpian. Note sur des larves d'insecte diptere trouvues dans les tuniques de 1'estomac, les replis peritoneaux et la paroi abdomiuale chez des grecouilles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. HI., 1862, pp. 329-333. Labourdette, , et Champion. Sur 1'ieono- grapbie des Champignons. L'Institut, XXVII.. 1859, p. 272. Laboure, . Faits pour servir a 1'bistoire des lodures. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 325-333. Labouret, J. Note relative a un caractere du genre Mamillaria de la famille des Cactees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. L, 1854, pp. 210-213. 2. 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Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 1125- 1127 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVHL, 1843, col. 149-152. Lacaux, . Observations sur le developpe- ment de 1'electricite contenue dans 1'atrnosphere et sur les detonnations qu'elle produit. Rouen. Trav. Acad. 1818, pp. 74-89. 2. Memoire sur la theorie des engrenages. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1818, pp. 103-110. La Cava, P. Sulla Barite solfata di Antonomina nel distretto di Gerace (Calabria). Napoli, Rendiconto, I., 1842, pp. 76-79. 2. Sur la composition de la Houille de Toscane. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 303-304. Lacaze-Duthiers, F. G. Henri. Recherches sur 1'armure geuitale des insectes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Zoo/.), 1849, pp. 353-375; XIV., pp. 17-52. 2. Recherches sur 1'armure genitale femelle des insectes Orthopteres. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII. (Zoo/.), 1852, pp. 207-251. LAC] 788 [LAC Lacaze-Buthiers, F. G. Henri. 3. Recherches sur 1'armure genitale femelle des insectes He- mipteres. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Zool.), 1852, pp. 337-390. 4. Recherches sur 1'armure genitale femelle des insectes Nevropteres. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.), 1853, pp. 25-37. 5. Arinure genitale femelle des insectes Thysanures. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.), 1853, pp. 37-41. 6. Armure geuitale femelle des insectes Coleopteres. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.), 1853, pp. 41-69. 7. Armure genitale femelle des insectes Dipteres. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.), 1853, pp. 69-88. 8. Recherches sur 1'armure genitale femelle des insectes Lepidopteres. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.), 1853, pp. 203-213. 9. Armure genitale femelle des insectes Aphanipteres : Puce. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.), 1853, pp. 213-214. 1O. De 1'armure eenitale femelle des in- sectes en general. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.), 1853, pp. 215-236. 11. Recherches pour servir a 1'histoire des Galles. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Bot.), 1853, pp. 273-354. 12. Recherches pour servir ;i 1'histoire des galles (structure). Paris, Comptes Rend us, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 620-623. 13. Memoire sur le Bucephale Hairne (B. haimeanus), helminths parasite des huitres et des bucardes. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Zool.), 1854, pp. 294-302. 14. Memoire sur 1'organisation de 1'Auo- mie (Anomia ephippiuui). Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zool.), 1854, pp. 5-34. 15. Recherches sur les organes genitaux des Acephales lamellibranches. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zool.), 1854, pp. 154-248 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 188-191. 16. Memoire sur 1'Anomie (A. ephippium). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 72-74. 17. Memoire sur le developpement des Acephales lamellibranches. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 103-106. 18. Developpement do la Moule comestible, et, en particulier, formation desbrauchies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 148-150. 19. Observations sur le developpement des Actinies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 434-437 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 78-79. 20. Nouvelles observations sur le de- Lacaze-Duthiers, F. G. Henri. 21. Memoire sur 1'organe de BOJAKUS des Acephales Lamelli- branches. Ann. Sci, Nat. IV. (Zool.), 1855, pp. 266-319. 22. Observations sur PHermaphroclisrne des Anodontes. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Zool,), 1855, pp. 381-382. 23. Des organes de la generation de 1'huitre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 415-418. 24. Sur les monstres doubles des mol- lusques (de la Bullrea aperta). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 1247-1250. 25. Memoire sur le developpement des branchies des Mollusques acephales lamelli- branches. Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Zool.), 1856, pp. 5-47. 26. Histoire de 1'organisation et du de- veloppement du Dentale. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Zool.), 1856, pp. 225-282, 319-385 ; VII., pp. 5-51, 171-255 ; VIII., pp. 18-44. 27. De 1'organisation et de 1'embryogenie du Dentalium entalis. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 91-95, 864-866, 1318-1321 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 236-237. 28. Lettre sur la question des generations spontanees, addressee a M. Milne EDWARDS. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zool.), 1858, pp. 367-370 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 118-120. 29. Recherches sur la Bonellie (Bonellia viridis). Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Zool.), 1858, pp. 48-110; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 1056-1058. 30. Observations sur 1'anatomie des Mol- lusques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 261-262. 31. Histoire anatomique et physiologique du Pleurobranche orange. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Zool.), 1859, pp. 199-302. 32. Memoire sur le systeme nerveux de 1'Haliotide (H. tuberculata et H. lamellosa, Latnk.). Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Zool.), 1859, pp. 247-305. 33. Recherches anatomiques et physio- veloppement des huitres. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 1197-1200. logiques sur le Pleurobranche (Pleurobranchus aurantiacus). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 1155-1157; Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 318-320. 34. Note respecting the circulation of Gas- teropodousMollusca and the supposed aquiferous apparatus of the Lamellibranchiata. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 193-196; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 225-228. 35. Natural History of the purple of the Ancients. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 579-584. LAC] 789 [LAC Lacaze-Duthiers, F. G. Henri. 36. Mi'moire sur la Pourpre. Paris, Comptes Eendus, L., I860, pp. 463-467 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Zoo/.), 1859, pp. 5-84 ; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. 138-139. 37. Memoire sur 1'anatomie et 1'embryo- gc-nie des Vermets (V. triqueter et V. semisur- rectus, Phil.). Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Zool.), 1860, pp. 209-296. 38. Memoire sur un point de 1'organisation des Vermets (Vermetus triqueter). Paris, Comptes Eendus, LL, 1860, pp. 880-882 ; Eev. et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. 540-542. 39. Histoire naturelle des Brachiopodes vivauts de la Mediterranee (Premier Memoire sur la Thecidie). Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Zool.), 1861, pp. 259-330. 40. Eecherches sur les Bracliiopodes vivauts de la Mediterrauee. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 849-850; Eev. et Mag. Zool. XIII., 1861, pp. 485-487. 41. Embryogenie des Eayonnes. -Repro- duction geneagenitique des Porpites. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 851-853 ; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIII. , 1861, pp. 488-490. 42. Developpement de I'Astro'ides caly- cularis. L'Institut, XXX., 1862, p. 8. 43. Memoire sur la reproduction du corail. Paris,. Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 116- 119; Eev. et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 26- 30. 44. Deuxieme Memoire sur la reproduc- tion du corail (developpement). Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 498-502. Lacaze-Duthiers, F. G. Henri, et Alfred Riche. Memoire sur 1'aliinentation de quelques iusectes Gallicoles et sur la production de la graisse. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 998-1001 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zool.), 1854, pp. 81-105. Lacene, . Memoire sur les Courtillieres. Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. 1836. Lacepede, Bern. Germ. Etiennc (Comte de). Sur le Polyodon feuille. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1797, p. 49. . 2. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de VANDERMONDE. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. I., 1798 (Hist.), pp. xix-xxvi. 3. Memoire sur 1'organe de la vue du pois- son appele " Cobite anableps " ou " gros yeux de Cayenne." Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1799, pp. 372-379. 4. Classification des oiseaux et des mammi- feres. Paris, Seances Ecol. Norm. VIII., 1800, pp. 1-86. 5. Sur la vie et les ouvrages deDAUBENTON, considered relativement a la maniere d'etudier 1'histoire naturelle. Paris, Seances Ecol. Norm. VIII., 1800, pp. 130-148. Lacepede, Bern. Germ. Etienne (Comte «. 33. On a method of support- ing a large speculum free from sensible flexure in all positions. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 180-183. 34. Observations of the planet Saturn, accompanied by his eight satellites, 21 Nov. 1850, at about 9m 20h G. M. T. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 18-20. 35. Satellite of Neptune. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 61-62. 36. Observed differences of Japetus and the centre of Saturn in R. A. and N. P. D. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, p. 62 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXIL, 1851, col. 241-244. 37. Observations of PETERSEN'S Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 97-98. 38. [Discovery of a second satellite of Neptune.] Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 143-144. 39. [Spots on Jupiter's belt : — Satellite of Neptune.] Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, p. 77. 40. Observations of the planet Saturn with the 20-foot Equatoreal. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 9-11. 41. On the interior satellites of Uranus. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 15-17. 42. Observations of the satellites of Ura- nus, made with the 20-foot Equatoreal. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 152-154 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 325-328. 43. Observations of Neptune and his satellite. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851- 52, p. 155 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 93-98. 44. On two new satellites of Uranus. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1851-53, No. 7, pp. 20-21 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXIH., 1852, col. 259-260 ; Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 70. 45. [Observations of Saturn at Malta.] Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XHL, 1852-53, pp. 11-16. 46. Observations of the satellites of Ura- nus made with the 20-foot Equatoreal at Valetta. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XIIL, 1852-53, pp. 148-151. 47. [Observations of Saturn.] Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIIL, 1852-53, pp. 34-39. 48. Description of an improvement in the machine for polishing specula. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XHL, 1852-53, pp. 43-44. 49. Observations of two of the satellites of Saturn, and of the exterior diameter of the exterior ring, made at Valetta. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIIL, 1852-53, pp. 181-183. SO. Measures of stars made at Valetta for verification of measures of satellites, &c. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XIIL, 1852-53, p. 183. 5 E 2 LAS] 868 [LAT Lassell, William. 51. [On the ring of Saturn and the nebula of Orion.] Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 383-386. 52. Observations of the satellites of Uranus, made at Valetta. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 187-192. 53. Observations of Hyperion and lapetus. Measures of the exterior diameter of the ex- terior ring of Saturn and of the polar and equatoreal diameter of his disk. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 255-258. 54. Measures of double stars made at Valetta for verification of measures of satellites. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 287-288. 55. [Sur 1'anncau de Saturne.] Extrait d'une lettre a M. Otto STUDVE. [1852.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1853, col. 153- 158. 56. Observations of the Nebula of Orion, made at Valetta, with the 20-foot Equatoreal. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 74-77 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. XXIIL, 1854, pp. 53-62. 57. Observations of the Planet Saturn made with the 20-foot Equatoreal at Valetta. [1853.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XXII., 1854, pp. 151-166; Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col.145- 156. 58. Account of the re-mounting of his Observatory, with some observations of the satellite of Neptune. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, pp. 17-18. 59. Observations of the planet Saturn. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, pp. 57-59. 60. Observations of Juno. Comparison of relative efficiency of Prism and Plane Speculum. Deep-red stars. Curious triple-double star. Close satellites of Saturn (Mimas, Enceladus). Satellites of Jupiter, f*.2 Herculis. Trapezium in the Nebula of Orion. Occultation of Jupiter. Satellite of Neptune. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, pp. 64-71. 61. Observations of the satellites of Ura- nus. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856- 57, pp. 175-176. 62. Physical observations of Jupiter. Astron. Soc. Month. Not, XIX., 1859, pp. 50-53. 63. Observations of the satellite of Saturn, Hyperion. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1860, pp. 292-293. 64. On a brilliant elliptic ring in the planetary Nebula, sR 20° 56', N. P. D. 101° 56'. Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 14-15. 65. Observations made at Malta on a Lassus, Attgc de. Analyse du memoire de Gae'tan MONTI sur 1'Aldrovandia, suivie de quel- ques observations sur 1'irritabilite des folli- cules de cette plante. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 519-523. Lassus, Pierre. Examen de 1'estomac d'une personne empoisonnee par 1'opium. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1799, pp. 107-108. 2. Notice snr la vie et les ouvrages de PELLETIKR. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1799, pp. 138-143. 3. Recherches sur la cause de la hernie ombilicalc de naissance. Paris. Mem. de 1'Inst. III., 1800, pp. 378-391. Lastdrager, J. Over de vorming der wormen in het dierlijk ligchaam. Tijdschr. Genootsch. Vis Unita, III., 1833 (St. 2), pp. 149-187. Lasteyrie, . Maniere de fabriquer les alcarrazas ou vases dont on se sert en Espagne pour refraichir 1'eau. Journ. des Mines, VL, 1796-97, pp. 791-796 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. I., 1798, pp. 371-376. 2. Description d'un cheval sans poils. Journ. de Phys. LIL, 1801, pp. 383-387; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. X., 1801, pp. 36-38. 3. Speedy and easy method of copying drawings. ( Transl. from Archives des De- couvertes.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL VII., 1816, pp. 132-133. 4. Notes relatives a la Lithographic. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIV., 1817, pp. 124-125. Laterrade, Ch. Observations sur le genre Circoea, L. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XL, 1839, pp. 383-389. • 2. Observations sur 1'Agave geminiflora, Ker. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XVI., 1849, pp. 105-114. • 3. Maladie du raisin et de la pomme de terre en Suisse, en 1851. Bordeaux, Actes Acad. Sci. 1851, pp. 717-724. 4. Compte-rendu des travaux de la Corn- planetary Nebula. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862- 63, pp. 269-270. 66. Observations of Mars. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not, XXIIL, 1H63, pp. 176-178. mission de la Maladie de la Vigne, pendant 1'annee 1852. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XVIIL, 1852, pp. 307-426. Laterrade, J. F. Notice en refutation de la non-existence de la Licorne. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Bull. L, 1826, pp. 89-95 ; Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 123-126. 2. Sur 1'effet du (Void sur quelques plantes hiemales. Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Seances Publ. 1830, p. 28. 3. De la Licorne. [1831.] Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, V., 1832, pp. 115-116. 4. Geastrum coliforme (Encyclopedia of plants, No. 16513). Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, V., 1832, pp. 117-120. 5. Notice sur 1'education des vers a soie. Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Seances Publ. 1833, pp. 93-102. LAT] 869 [LAT Laterrade, J. F. 6. Observations sur la vege- tation du Colchique d'automne. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Aetes, VI., 1833, pp. 66-68. - 7. Note sur trois especes de Graminees, nouvelles pour la Flore Bordelaise et de la Gironde (Crypsis octjeno'ides, C. alopecuroides, Trachynotia stricta). Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, VI., 1833, pp. 183-185. - 8. De quelques especes nouvelles pour la Flore Bordelaise et de la Gironde. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, VII., 1835, pp. 131-138. - 9. Des champignons comestibles et des champignons veneneux. Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Seances Publ. 1837, pp. 159-166. - 10. Le Hieracium prostratum (DC.) n'est qu'une variete du Hieracium eriophorum (Sl.- Am.). Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, IX., 1837, pp. 30-33. - 11. Synopsis du Supplement a la Flore Bordelaise et de la Gironde. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, X., 1838, pp. 159-179, 242-250. - 12. Nouvelles considerations sur les fou- geres. Bordeaux, Actes Acad. Sci. 1839, pp. Supplement au memoire relatif nux Bordeaux, Actes Acad. Sci. 1839, 243-250. 13. fougeres. p. 510. 14. Synopsis du Supplement a la Flore Bordelaise et de la Gironde. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XL, 1839, pp. 153-160. 15. Le Pissenlit des marais (Taraxacum palustre, De Candolle). Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XII., 1841, pp. 254-255. 16. Note sur le Cierge triangulaire. Bor- deaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XV., 1847, p. 254. 17. Des plantes de nos dunes. Bordeaux, Actes Acad. Sci. 1851, pp. 293-304. Laterrade, J. F., et Charles Des Moulin s. Notes sur quelques plantes nouvellement ob- servees ou determinees dans le rayon de la Flore de la Gironde. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XVII., 1851, pp. 74-84, 123-152, 213-286. Laterrade, J. F., Petit-lafitte, et. Raulin. Rapport sur une communication botanique faite sous les auspices de M. DURAND. Bordeaux, Actes Acad. Sci. 1849, pp. 131-140. Latham, A. G. On the cause of the metallic lustre on the wings of the Lepidoptera, both diurnal and nocturnal. Manchester. Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1860-62, pp. 188-190. Latham, John. An essay on the various species of Sawfish. [1793.] Linn. Soe. Trans. II., 1794, pp. 273-282. 2. Observations on the Spinning Limax. [1797.] Linn. Soc. Trans. IV., 1798, pp. 85- 89. 3. An essay on the Trachere or Windpipes of various kinds of birrls. [1797.] Linn. Soc. Trans. IV., 1798. pp. 90-128. Latham, R. G. Facts and observations relating to the Science of Phonetics. Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1841, pp. 124-130. 2. On the southern limits of the Esqui- maux Race in America. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt.2), p. 78. 3. On the Ethnography of Africa, as de- termined by its languages. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), pp. 79-80. 4. On the eastern limits of the Australian Race and Language. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), p. 80. 5. On the ethnographical position of cer- tain tribes of the Garrow Hills. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), p. 80. 6. On the Ethnography of America. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), p. 77. 7. On the Ethnography of the Chinese and Indo-Chinese nations. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), p. 77. 8. On the present state of philological evi- dence as to the unity of the Human Race. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), p. 78. 9. On the Ethnology of Russian America. [1845.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL., 1846, pp. 1-34, 35-45 ; Journ. Ethnol. Soc. I., 1848, pp. 182-191. 1O. Upon the philological Ethnography of the countries around the Bight of Biafra. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL., 1846, pp. 327-330. 11. On the original distribution of the Germanic, Lithuania, and Slavonic populations. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 141-142. 12. On the ethnological position of the Bnihui. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851 (pt. 2), p. 89. 13. On the subjectivity of certain classes in Ethnology. Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 326-330. 14. On the non-Russian populations of Russia in Europe. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 185i (pt. 2), pp. 129-130. 15. Ethnological remarks upon some of the more remarkable varieties of the Human Species, represented by individuals now in Lon- don. Ethnol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 148- 154. Latham, W. Account of a singular influence of atmospheric refraction. [1797.] Tilloch, Phil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 232-234 ; Gilbert, An- nal. IV., 1800, pp. 142-147. Lathrop, J. H. On the connexion between the theory of the earth and the secular variations ol the magnetic needle. Silliman, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, pp. 68-72. 2. Applications of the igneous theory of the earth. Silliman, Journ. XXXIX., 1840, pp. 90-90. LAT] 870 [LAT liathrop, John. An account of the springs and wells on the peninsula of Boston, with an at- tempt to explain the manner in which they are supplied. [1800.] Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. III., 1809, pp. 57-68. 2. Effects of lightning on several persons in the house of Samuel CART, Esq., of Chelsea, 2nd August 1799. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. IK., 1809, pp. 82-85. 3. Effects of lightning on the house of Capt. Daniel MERRY, and several other houses in the vicinity, on the evening of the llth of May 1805. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. III., 1809, pp. 86-91. Lathrop, S. Pearl. Notice of an Ice Mountain in Wallingford, Rutland county, Vermont. Sil- liman, Journ. XL VI., 1844, pp. 331-332. 2. Results additional to those offered by Dr. LOCKE from his three experiments " On Single and Double Vision produced by viewing objects with both eyes." Silliman, Journ, VII., 1849, pp. 343-347. Latini, Vincenzo. Analisi di una polvere repu- tata valevole per le morsicature delle vipere, c tenuta come segreto. Giorn. Arcad. LVIL, 1832, pp. 37-42. 2. Sulle muuunie di Ferentillo : Notizie accompagnate dall' analisi chimica della terra di quel cimitero. Roma, Atti, XV., 1861-62, pp. 264-274. Latini, Vincenzo, e B. Viale. Sull' ammoniaca iiella respirazione. Roma, Atti, V., 1851-52, pp. 659-665 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1854, pp. 299-301 ; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XX., 1855, pp. 51-56. 2. Nuove modificazioni al metodo di GAULTIER, per disvelare lo iodo dalle sue combiuazioni. Roma, Atti, VI., 1852-53, pp. 466-472; Journ.de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 406-413. 3. De 1'existeuce de 1'ammoniaque clans les eaux, dans les plantes, et dans I'atrno- sphere. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1853, pp. 376-379 ; Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1853, pp. 273-277. 4. Sur la nature des arornes dans les plantes. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIII., 1855, pp. 41-45. 5. Dell' ammoniaca nella respira- zione : considerazioni iutorno alle osservazioni dei farmacisti G. B. FASOLI e G. DELLA TORRE. Polli, Ann. di Chirn. XX., 1855, pp. 351-356. 6. Del ferro nelle oriue normali e nel sudore. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXI., 1855, pp. 108-112; Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1855, pp. 382-387. 7. Sulle acque Albule presso Tivoli. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXV., 1857, pp. 317-320 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 174-1 75. La Touche, J. D. On the mode of formation of limestone bands ; with a note by J. W. SALTER. Geologist, VI., 1863, pp. 20-24. Latour, . Memoire sur le Laurier rose (Nerium oleander, Apocynees). Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 332-335. 2. Note sur la nature et la composition chimique d'un liquide pathologique extrait d'un kyste ovarique. Journ. de Pharm. XL., 1861, pp. 340-343. Latour (Doctcur). Recherches sur les influences de 1'imagination et des passions dans le deve- loppenient, la duree, et la guerison de diverses maladies rebelles aux remedes. Orleans, Bull. V., 1812, pp. 113-134, 165-199, 221-259. 2. Recherches sur les influences du corps dans les differeutes operations de Tame. Orleans, Bull. VII., 1813, pp. 3-19, 49-69, 97-120, 153- 175. Latour, Benoist. Reponse a ceux qui preten- dent que le Croup nous a ete apporte avec la Vaccine, et qu'il etait incounu avant elle. Or- leans, Annal. VI., 1823, pp. 5-39. 2. Note sur les travaux de sondage exe- cutes aux montees. Orleans, Annal. IX., 1 828, pp. 120-122. Latour, Benoist, et Fagot. Examen des avan- tages que la ville d'Orleans pourrait retirer des eaux de Fleury, et particulierenient de celles de la Fontaine 1'Etuvee, sous le rapport de la salubrite et de son embellissement. Orleans, Aunal. V., 1823, pp. 121-140. La Tour, Frany. Leap. de. Beschreibung eines neu entdeckteu Chalcedous uud Chalcedonyx, nahe bei Hildesheim ini Okerdepartement des Konigreichs Westphalen. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 406-410. Latour, Robert. Du mode d'action de la medi- cation refrigerante appliquee sur toute la sur- face du corps, et des conditions qui en rendent 1'emploi inoffensif. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 99-100. 3. De la destination physiologique de la chaleur animale. Revue Med. Frang . et ffitr. II., 1846, pp. 481-492. Latour de Trie, A. Recherches sur 1'ecorce de Racine de Grenadier employee contre le Trcnia ou Ver Solitaire, sur sa composition chimique et ses applications medicales. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 503-518, 601-610; Liebig, Annal. II., 1832. pp. 297-304; Trommsdorfl', N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXV., 1832 (St. 2), pp. 257-270. 2. Traite sur 1'eau medicinale et thermale de Capbern, considered sous le point de vue topographique, chimique, et medical. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 358-363. LAT] 871 [LAT Latour de Trie, A., et E. Lefrancois. Note sur 1'existence de 1'arsenic dans le sel marin. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1850, pp. 618-622. Iiatour de Trie, A., et Kozieres. Nouvelle preparation du sirop de pointes d'Asperges, avec des considerations chimiques. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 667-674. La Tramblais, de. Meteore lumineux observe pres de Neuilly (Seine), le 13 Sep- tembre 1858. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 800-801. La Trehonnais. See Robiou de La Tre- honnais. Latreille, P. Andre. Sur les Salamandres do France. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791-99, p. 33. 2. L'histoire des Termes, ou Fourmis blanches. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791- 99, pp. 84-85. 3. Sur les organes de la generation de 1'Iule applati (lulus complanatus, L.). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. L, 1791-99, p. 103. 4. Sur une nouvelle espece de Psylle, Kermes, L. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791- 99 (pte. 2), p. 113. 5. Histoire des insectes connus sous le nom de Faucheurs, Phalangium, L. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. L, 1791-99 (pte. 2), pp. 113-114. 6. Sur la Raphidie ophiopsis. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791-99 (pte. 2), pp. 153-154. 7. Aranea perita. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. L, 1791-99 (pte. 2), p. 170. • 8. Sur les Araignees mineuses. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. 1799, pp. 118-128 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. L, 1791-99 (pte. 2), p. 169. i 9. Sur la Fourmi fongueuse, Fair. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1799-1801, p. 1. • 1O. Sur 1'Abcille tapissiere, Reaumur. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1799-1801, p. 33. 11. Sur un insecte (Philanthus apivorus) qui nourrit ses petits d'Abeilles dornestiques. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1799-1801, pp. 49-50. — — 12. Sur une nouvelle espece d'Ichneumon (Pelecinus polycerator). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. H., 1799-1801, p. 138. 13. Description d'un nouveau genre d'in- sectes sous le nom de Pelecine. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1799-1801, pp. 155-156. 14. Description d'une nouvelle espeee de Fourmi (F. coarctata). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1801-5, pp. 65-66. 15. Observations sur quelques Guepes qui, quoiqu' a-peu-pres semblables, produisent des nids tout-a-fait differents (Vespa vulgaris, V. holsatica). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1801-5, p. 147; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. L, 1802, pp. 287-294. Latreille, P. Andre. 16. Description d'une larve et d'une espece inedites du genre des Cassides. (C. quatuordecim-maculata.) Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat, Annal. L, 1802, pp. 295-298. 17. Familieu, Gattungen und Horden der Kafer, Coleoptera. ( Transl.) Illiger, Magazin, HI., 1804, pp. 1-145. 18. Observations sur 1'Abeille parietine [Anthophora parietina, Faltr.'j, et considerations sur le genre auquel elle se rapportc. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. III., 1804, pp. 251-259. 19. Des Langoustes (Palinurus, Fabr.) du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. III., 1804, pp. 388-395. 2O. Sur un gateau de ruche d'une Abeille des Grandes Indes, et sur les differences des Abeilles proprement dites, ou vivant en grande societe, de 1'ancien continent et du uouveau. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Anual. IV., 1804, pp. 383-394. 21. Notice des especes d'Abeilles vivant en grande societe, et formant des cellules hex- agones, ou des Abeilles proprement dites. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. V., 1804, pp. 161-178. 22. Notice biographique sur J. C. FA- BRICIUS. Paiis, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XL, 1808, pp. 393-404. 23. Sur le genre Anthidium, Fabr., classe des Insectes, ordre des Hymenopteres, famille des Apiaires. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. Xin., 1809, pp. 24-53, 207-234 ; Germar, Mag. Entom. L, 1815 (Heft 2), pp. 40-103. 24. Nouvelles observations sur la maniere dont plusieurs insectes de 1' ordre des hymenop- teres pourvoient a la subsistauce de leur pos- terite. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XIV., 1809, pp. 412-425. 25. Sur un insecte que les auciens repu- taient fort venimeux, et qu'ils nommaient " Bu- preste." Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XIX., 1812, pp. 129-143. 26. Siidamericanische Insecten, gesammelt durch VON HUMBOLDT und BONPLAND auf ihrer Reise im siidlichen America. Germar, Mag. Entom. I., 1815 (Heft 2), pp. 104-135. • 27. Sur la geographic des Insectes. An- nal. de Chimie, III., 1816, pp. 222-224. 28. Sur 1'iusecte qui produit la laque (Coccus lacca). Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 49-54 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1018-1020 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. II., 1818, pp. 248-254. 29. Introduction a la geographic generale des Arachnides et des Insectes, ou des climats propres a ces animaux. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. HI., 1817, pp. 37-67 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. V., 1821, pp. 370-378; VI., 1822, pp. 51-62. LAT] 872 [LAT Latreille, P. Andre. 3O. Considerations nou- velles et generates sur les insectes vivant en societe. Puris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1817, pp. 391-410. 31. Sur deux insectes des Etats-Unis, en- voyes a 1'Academie [Cicada septendecim et Cecidomya destructor]. Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 782. 32. Des Insectes points ou sculptes sur les monuments antiques de 1'figypte. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. V., 1819, pp. 249-270. 33. Affinites des Trilobites. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. VI., 1820, pp. 350-358 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VII., 1821, pp. 22-32. 34. Rapport sur deux ouvrages manuscripts de SAVIGNY, ayant pour titre, 1'un : " Recherches pour servir a la classification des Annelides ;" et 1'autre : " Tableau systematique de la classe des Annelides." Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VI., 1820, pp. 93-115; Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. V., 1820, pp. 72-85. 35. DCS rapports generaux de 1'organisa- tion exterieure des animaux invertebres arti- cules, et comparaison des Annelides avec les Myriapodes. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VI., 1820, pp. 116-144; Ann. Geii. Sci. Phys. V., 1820, pp. 85-95. 36. De quelques appendices particuliers du thorax de divers insectes. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VII., 1821, pp. 1-21 ; Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. VI., 1820, pp. 332-349. 37. Rapport sur le voyage de M. D'Un- VILLE. Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 77-80. 38. Rapport sur un travail de M. AUDOUIN sur la generation des insectes. Oken, Isis, 1822 (Beilage, No. 2), col. 16. 39. De 1'organe musical des Criquets et des Truxalles, et sa comparaison avec celui des males des Cigales. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VIII., 1822, pp. 122-132. .40. Uclaircisseinents relatifs a 1'opinion de M. HUBEU fils sur 1'origine et Tissue exterieure de la cire. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VIII.. 1822, pp. 133-148. 41. Observations nouvelles sur 1'organisa- tion exterieure et generale des animaux articules et a pieds articules, et application de ces con- naissanees a la nomenclature des principales parties des memes animaux. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VIII., 1822, pp. 169-202. 42. De 1'origine et des progres de 1'Ento- mologie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VIII., 1822, pp. 461-482 ; Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 864- 873. — 43. Des habitudes de I'Araignee avicu- laire, Linn. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VIII., 1822, pp. 456-460 ; Froriep, Notizen. III., 1823, col. 211-213. Latreille, P. Andre. 44. De 1'organisation exterieure ties Cephalopodes comparee avec celle de divers poissons. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1823, pp. 269-272. 45. Note sur lemernoire [du Comte Ignace MIELZINSKY] relatif a une larve qui devorc les Helix nemoralis et a 1'insecte auquel elle donne naissance. Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1824, pp. 78-80 ; Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 483-485. 46. Notice sur un nouveati genre d'Ara- neides. Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 23-27. 47. Esquisse d'une distribution generale des Mollusques, d'apres un ouvrage inedit, intitule : " Families naturelles du regne animal. exposees succinctement et dans un ordre analy- ti(iue, avec 1'indication de leurs genres." Ann. Sci. Nat, III., 1824, pp. 317-335 : Froriep, Notizen, X., 1825, col. 161-166." — — 48. Rapport fait a 1' Academic des Sciences, sur un ouvrage de M. DALMAN, ayaut pour titre : " Analecta entomologica." Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 374-376. 49. Observations precedentes a la mono- graphic du genre iEucnemide par M. le Baron de MANNEIUIEIJI. Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 426-434. 50. Notice sur un insecte hymenoptere, de la famille des Diplopteres, connu dans quelques parties du Bresil et du Paraguay, sous le nom de Lecheguana, et recoltant du miel, suivi de 1'exaraen chimique de ce miel. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XL, 1824, pp. 313-318 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 335-340. 51. Sur les families des Mollusques. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, pp. 123- 126. 52. Rnpport sur le mernoire de M. GUEEIN relatif a 1'Europodius, nouveau genre de Crus- tace decapode brachyurc. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XVI., 1828, pp. 357-359. 53. £claircissements de quelques passages d'auteur.s anciens, relatifs a des Vers a soie ou aux insectes qui y sont designes sous les noms de Bombyx et de Vers. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIII., 1831, pp. 58-84 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIV., 1832, col. 97-106, 134-137. 54. Lettre a M. AUDODIN sur Caris ves- pertilionis. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXVI., 1832, pp. 260-263 ; Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 511-512. 55. Vues generales sur les Araneides ii quatre pneumobranchies ou quadripulmonaires, suivies d'une notice de quelques especes de Mygales inedites et de 1'habitation de celle qu'on nomme Nidulans. [1830.] Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. I., 1832, pp. 61-76. 56. Considerations sur les insectes Cole- opteres de la tribu des Denticrures, famille des Brachelytres. Puris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. 1/1832, pp. 77-92. LAT] 873 [LAU Latreille, P. Andre. 57. Do 1'organisation exterieure et comparee des insectes de 1'ordre des Tliysanoures. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. I., 1832, pp. 161-187. • 58. Description d'un nouveau genre de Crustaces. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. II., 1833, pp. 23-34. • 59. Distribution methodique et naturelle des genres de di verses tribus d'insectes Cole- opteres, de la famille des Serricornes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1834, pp. 113-177; L'Institut, II., 1834, pp. 202-203. Latrobe, Benjamin Henry. Memoir on the sand- hills of Cape Henry in Virginia. [1798.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 439-443. 2. A drawing and description of the Clupea tyraunus and Oniscus praegustator. [1800.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1802, pp. 77-81. 3. On two species of Sphex (S. coerulea, S. Pennsylvanica), inhabiting Virginia and Pennsylvania, and probably extending through the United States. [1803.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI, 1809, pp. 73-78; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXV., 1806, pp. 236-241. 4. First Report in answer to the inquiry, " Whether any, and what improvements have been made iu the construction of steam engines in America?" [1803.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1809, pp. 89-98. • 5. An account of the Freestone Quarries on the Potomac and Rappahannoc .Rivers. [1807.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI, 1809, pp. 283-292. 6. Observations on the principles and prac- tice of building in India. [1808.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1809, pp. 384-390. 7. Oniscus physodes. Gistl, Faunus, I, 1837, pp. 83-84. 8. Memoir descriptive of the explosion of the boiler of the Steamboat Medora, in the port of Baltimore, in 1842. Franklin Inst. Journ. IV., 1842, pp. 312-327. 9. On the mode of calculating the strength of Cylindrical Steam Boilers. Franklin Inst. Jourii. V., 1843, pp. 396-400. Latta, Thomas A. Observations on icebergs made during a short excursion in Spitzbergen. Edinb. Phil. Journ. Ill, 1820, pp. 237-243. 2. Observations on the Arctic Sea and Ice, and the intended expedition of Captain PARRY to the North Pole. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. II, 1827, pp. 86-104. 3. Observations on the Greenland Sea, as connected with the late disasters in Baffins Bay. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. X., 1831, pp 136- 146. VOL. III. Latter, Thomas. On a method of treating Mineral Sulphurets, especially those of Copper, for the manufacture of Sulphuric Acid and the extraction of their metallic base. Calcutta. Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845, pp. 307-310. Lattre, Ad. de, et J. Bourcier. Description de quinze especes nouvelles de Trochilidees, fai- sant partie des collections rapportees par M. Ad. de LATTRE, et provenant de 1'interieur de Perou, des Republiques de la Equateur, de la Nouvelle Grenade et de 1'isthme de Panama. Revue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 304-312. Lattre, Ad. de, et Lesson. Oiseaux-Mouches nouveaux ou tres-rares, decouverts enAmerique (Ornismya Rhami. 0. campylopterus, O. brevi- rostris, O. Canivetii, O. Lessonii, etc.). Revue Zool. II, 1839, pp. 13-20. Latzko, H. Analyse eines alteu Mortals. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXX VI., 1859, pp. 208-209. Latzko, //., und .S'. Werner. Analyse des Wassers zweier Brunnen Wiens. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVI, 1859, pp. 202-208. Laubenhehner, . Beitrag zur topograph- ischen Mineralogie des Grossherzogthums Hessen und dessen nachster Umgebung. Hesse, Nat. Hist. Verhandl. II, 1848, pp. 28- 30, 30-60. 2. Zur Naturgeschichte von Deilephila Euphorbia^, H. Giessen, Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. V., 1857, p. 82. Laubert, . Memoire pour servir a 1'histoire des differentes especes de Quinquina. Bull, de Pharm. II, 1810, pp. 289-322. 2. Quelques experiences sur 1'Ecorce du Cinchona Condaminea, Ilumb. et Bonp., Cas- carilla de loxa des Espagnols. Journ. de Pharm. II, 1816, pp. 289-296 ; III, 1817, pp. 193-205. 3. Experiences sur la matiere que Tether extrait de la Noix de Galle. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 65-72. 4. Sur les principes chimiques du Quin- quina. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 370-379. 5. Quelques essais sur la racine de Quin- quina. Journ. de Phann. V., 1819, pp. 44-47. 6. Recherches sur le Quinquina. Journ. de Med. IV., 1819, pp. 172-176. Laubert, • •, et Robert. Deuxieme memoire pour servir a 1'histoire des differentes especes de Quinquinas. Bull, de Pharm. Ill, 1811, pp. 240-258. Laubreis, Andreas. Beobachtungen von Wasseransammlungen in den Gehirnbohlen bei Erwachsenen. Acad. CJBS. leop. Nova Acta, IX., 1818, pp. 379-418. Lander, Henry Scott. On new Diatoms. [1863.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. XII, 1864, pp. 6-8. Laudet, . Observations sur les ethers. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1800, pp. 282-288. 5 s LAU] 874 [LAU Laudet, . 2. Precede pour obtenir 1'acide pb-ospborique pur. Bull, de Pharrn. I., 1809, pp. 216-218. Lauer, J. C. Vorgeblicbe Mannaregen im Jabve 1847. Briinn, Mittbeil. 1847, pp. 130-131. 2. Bine Bastardfrucbt von Erbse und Wicke. Briinn, Mittbeil. 1859, pp. 97-98. Laugel, Aug. Du clivage des roches. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 368-369. 2. Sur les Alpes de 1'Oisans. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 570-579. 3. Du clivage de roches. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 182-185, 978-980. 4. Memoire sur la geologic du departement d'Eure-et-Loire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVII., 1859-60, pp. 316-333. — — 5. Note sur le Blatterstein du Harz. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIII., 1860-61, pp. 103- 106. — — 6. Note sur la decouverte d'un castor (Steneofiber viciacensis) a Auneux et sur le terrain falunien dans Eure-et-Loire. Paris, Coniptes Eendus. LIII., 1861, p. 35; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIIL, 1861, pp. 330-331. 7. Note sur 1'age des silex et des gres aits laderes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861- 62, pp. 153-159. 8. La faune de Saiut-Prest, pres Cbartres (Eure-et-Loir). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 709-720. Laughrin, William. Observations on the choice of food in the Cod and Ling. Linn. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862 (Zool.), pp. 165-166. Laugier, Andre. Analyse d'une pierre tombee de I'atmosphere. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. IV., 1804, pp. 249-257 ; Annal. de Cbimie, LXIX., 1809, pp. 315-317. 2. Analyse du disthene de St. Gothard. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. V., 1804, pp. 12- 17. 3. Analyse de Famphibole du Cap de Gattes, dans le royaume de Grenade. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. V., 1804, pp. 73-79 ; Annal. de Cbimie, LXVI., 1808, pp. 325-328 ; Journ. de Pbys. LXL, 1805, pp. 105-106 ; Nicholson, Jouru. XXVIIL, 1811, pp. 75-77. 4. Analyse de 1'epidote grise du Valais en Suisse. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. V., 1804, pp. 149-153; Journ. de Phys. LXL, 1805, pp. 104-105. 5. Analyse d'uue pierre siliceo-ferrugineuse de couleur jaune verdatre. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. V., 1804, pp. 229-236. 6. Analyse de la mine de plomb de Johann- Georgen Stadt en Saxe, que quelques mineralo- gistes ont nominee arseniate de plomb. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. VI., 1804, pp. 163-171; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIX., 1S11, pp. 305- 309. Lruigier, Andre. 7. Examen cbimique des grammatites blanche et grise du mont Saint- Gothard. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. VI., 1804, pp. 229-235 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXL, 1812, 'pp. 76-81; Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 46-50.' 8. Examen du chromate de fer des mon- tagnes Ouraliennes eu Siberie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. VI., 1804, pp. 325-331 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXVIIL, 1811, pp. 69- 72 ; Gehlen, Journ. I., 1806, pp. 192-193 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXII., 1812, pp. 78-80; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1806, pp. 4-8. 9. Annonce d'un nouveau principe dans les pierres meteoriques. Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1806, pp. 261-265; Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. II., 1811, pp. 186-194; Nicholson, Journ. XV., 1806, pp. 147-149 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1806, pp. 11-13. 1O. Analyse de 1'actinote de Zillerthal. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. VII., 1806, pp. 249-259 ; Gehlen, Journ. IH., 1807, pp. 97- 101. 11. Sur 1'existence du chrome dans les pierres meteoriques. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. VII., 1806, pp. 392-397; Gilbert, An- nal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 376-384. 12. Note sur 1'analyse de la mine de plomb de Johann-Georgen-Stadt. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. VH., 1806, pp.398-399. 13. Analyse de la stilbite rouge du Tyrol. Journ. de Phys. LXIV., 1807, p. 472, 14. Examen do la pierre dite zeolite rouge du Tyrol. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. IX., 1807, pp. 75-80 ; Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 225-227 ; Journ. de Phys. LXV., 1807, pp. 470- 472. 15. Examen chimique d'une substance auimale de la grotte de FArc, dans 1'ile de Capree. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. IX., 1807, pp. 321-332 ; Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang." II., 1811, pp. 195-202; Annal. de Chimie, LXVI., 1808, pp. 104-112. 16. Analyse du paranthine. Paris. Mus. Hist, Nat. Annal. X., 1807, pp. 472-479 ; Journ. de Phys. LXVI., 1808, pp. 337-338. 17. Analyse du diopside. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Aiinal. XL, 1808, pp. 153-159. 18. Analyse de 1'aplome. Paris, Mus. Hist, Nat. Annal. XL, 1808, pp. 267-272; Annal. de Chimie, LXXL, 1809, pp. 110-112; Journ. de Phys. LXVIL, 1808, pp. 397-399 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXV., 1810, pp. 233-239. 19. Analyse comparative de deux sables ferrugineux, trouves 1'un a St. Domingue, 1'autre sur les bords de la Loire aux environs de Nantes. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XII., 1808, pp. 448-455. LAU] 875 [LAU Laugier, Andre. 20. Examen comparatif de 1'aciJe muqueux forme par 1'action de 1'acide nitrique, 1°, sur les gommes ; 2°, sur le sucre de lait. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XIV., 1809, pp. 107-115; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIL, 1809, pp. 81-92; Gilbert, Annal. XLII., 1812, pp. 228-229; Nicholson, Journ. XXVIIL, 1811, pp. 14-19 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 191-196 ; Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XIX., 1810 (St. 2), pp. 145-156. 21. Exanien chimique do la prehnite com- pacte de Reichenbach, pres Oberstein. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XV., 1810, pp. 205- 212; Annal. de Chimie, LXXV., 1810, pp. 78-89. 22. Examen chimique de la resine jaune du Xanthorhea hastilis, et du mastic resineux dont se servent les sauvages de la Nouvelle Hol- lande, pour fixer la pierre de leurs haches. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XV., 1810, pp. 323-335; Annal. de Chimie, LXXVI., 1810, pp. 265-289 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 310-317. 23. Examen chimique des matieres salines contenues dans la liqueur qu'on obtient, lorsqu'on fait fondre des Meduses en les abandonuant a une decomposition spontanee. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVI., 1810, pp. 341-349. 24. Examen chimique des crayons litho- graphiques. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVII., 1811, pp. 166-168. 25. Examen chimique de deux varietes de cobalt arsenical, suivi d'experiences sur la nature des sulfures d'arsenic, et sur la compo- sition de deux arseniates alcalins. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXV., 1813, pp. 26-60. 26. Nouvelle maniere de retirer 1'osmium du platine brut. [1813.] Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIX., 1814, pp. 191-198; Schweigger, Journ. XIX., 1817, pp. 70-75. 27. Experiences sur la purification et la reduction des oxides de titane et de cerium. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIX., 1814, pp. 306- 324 ; Schweigger, Joum. XIX., 1817, pp. 54- 69. 28. Note sur la presence de la strontiane dans 1'arragonite, Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1815, pp. 66-68 ; Journ. des Mines, XXXVI., 1814, pp. 313-316; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLV., 1815, pp. 389-391. 29. Note sur une matiere renfermee clans un kyste qui se trouvait attache au bord libre du foie dans le cadarre d'une femme agee d'en- viron 70 ans. Annal. de Chimie. II., 1816, pp. 126-129. 30. Note relative aux arragonites de Bas- tenes, de Baudissero, et du pays de Gex. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1817, pp. 308-311 ; Annal. des Mines, III., 1818, pp. 104-114. Laugier, Andre. 31. Experiences propres a confirmer 1'opinion emise par des naturalistes sur 1'identite d'origine entre le fer de Siberie et les pierres meteoriques ou aerolithes. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1817, pp. 341-352; Aii- nal. de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 363-366; Gil- bert, Aunal. LVIIL, 1818, pp. 182-186. 32. Experiences sur le mode de traitement le plus convenable des mines de cobalt et de nickel. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1818, pp. 267- 282; Journ. de Pharni. V., 1819, pp. 369-372; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819 (St. 2), pp. 93-113. 33. Observations sur le sue de carottes (Daucus carota). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 102-108. 34. Faits pour servir a 1'histoire chimique des pierres meteoriques. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VI., 1820, pp. 233-240 ; Giorn. Arcad. VII., 1820, pp. 142-144; Journ. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 312-313 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. X., 1821, pp. 189-190; Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 508-510. 35. Analyse de la pierre meteorique de Juvenas. Annal. de Chimie, XIX.. 1821, pp. 264-273; Gilbert, Annal. LXXI.,'l822, pp. 203-213 ; Journ. de Phys. XCIV., 1822, pp. 156-158 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIH., 1822, pp. 419-420, 438-439 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1822, pp. 414-421. 36. Analyse de deux varietes de cobalt arseniate, provenant d'Allemont et du duche de Wirtemberg. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. IX., 1822, pp. 233-244. 37. Analyse chimique de plusieurs terres envoyees du Senegal. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. X., 1823, pp. 398-404. 38. Exanien chimique d'un fragment d'une masse saline considerable rejetee par le Vesuve dans 1'eruption de 1822. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. X., 1823, pp. 435-438 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXVL, 1824, pp. 371-375 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, p. 407. — ^ 39. Analyse de deux meteorites. Aunal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 219-221. — 4O. Decomposition de 1'oxalate de chaux par la potasse. Annal. de Chimie, XXVL, 1824, pp. 217-219. 41. Examen chimique d'un calcul urinaire trouve sur un sujet mort quelques jours apres 1'operation. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 258-262; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, p. 189. 42. Memoire sur Panalyse de pierres et de fers meteoriques trouves en Pologne. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XL, 1824, pp. 89-96 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXXV., 1823, pp. 262-268 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, pp. 389-392 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLII I. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 25-27. 5 s 2 LAU] 876 [LAU Laugier, Andre. 43. Examen chimique des terres de Lamana, dans la Guyane Fran$aise, et reflexions sur leur nature et sur 1'emploi qu'on en pourrait faire. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XL, 1824, pp. 261-264. 44. Examen du platine trouve en Russie. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, pp. 289-295 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLVI. (= Jahrb. XVI.). 1826, pp. 94-101 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVL, 1825, pp. 285-288. 45. Examen chimique du fer oxide re- sinite de HAUY. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1825, pp. 325-331. 46. Examen du platiue trouve en Siberia. Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1825, pp. 333-341. i 47. Note sur le carbonate de soude natif. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 511-518. 48. Examen chimique d'un calcul salivaire d'ane. Journ. Chimie Mod. I., 1825, pp. 105— 107. 49. Examen chimique de trois mintraux provenant de 1' ile de Ceylan et de la cote de Coromandel. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XII., 1825, pp. 177-197; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 414—415 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLII. (= Jahrb. XII.), 1824, p. 239. 50. Examen analytique de 1'argile de Combal. Paris, Mus. Hist, Nat Mem. XIII., 1825, pp. 283-288. 51. Note sur un titane reduit et cristallise, trouve dans le creuset d'un haut fourneau ou Ton traite le fer, dans le departement de la Moselle. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1825, p. 102; Trommsdorflf, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XII., 1826 (St. 2), pp. 253-255. 52. Zerlegung einer gichtischen Concre- tion. (Transl.) Schweisjger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, p"p. 284-289. 53. Analyse de deux pierres calcaires magnesiennes provenant des montagnes d'Ol- lioules, en Provence, et de Cette, en Languedoc. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, pp. 243-244. 54. Analyse du Dichroite, ou de la Cor- dierite d'Arendal en Norwege. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 43-44. 55. Note sur Tether sulfurique. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, p. 165. 56. Note sur la composition chimique de la pierre meteorique de Ferrare. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1827, pp. 139-142; Schweig- ger, Journ. XLIX. (— Jahrb. XIX.), 1827, pp. 402-405. 57. Examen chimique d'une matiere noiratre trouvee dans 1'ovaire d'une femme. Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1827, pp. 261-263. 58. Analyse de la variety en masse de 1'essonite de Ceylan. Paris, Mus. Hist, Nat, Mem. XIV., 1827, pp. 336-339. Laugier, Andre. 59. Analyse des Indianites rose et blanche de Coromandel. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat, Mem. XIV., 1827, pp. 340-344. 60. Considerations chimiques sur diverses concretions du corps humain. Paris, Mem. Acad. Med. I., 1828, pp. 394-416. 61. Essai chimique d'un calcul de 1'espece nommee Xanthique. Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1829, pp. 513-515 : Schweigger, Journ. LVII. (= Jahrb. XXVII.), 1829, pp. 334-337. 62. Note relative a 1'analyse des eaux calcaires et seleniteuses. Journ. Chimie Mod. VI., 1 830, pp. 225-228. 63. Action des eaux calcaires et seleni- teuses sur la teinture du tournesol rougie. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 204-207. 64. Analyse d'un carbonate de chaux magnesifere de la Spezzia, dans les Appennius. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XIX., 1830, pp. 142-144. Laugier, Andre, et Serullas. Rapport sur un pretendu mineral de Titane natif. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 45-48. Laugier, Andre, et Temminck. Notice sur les Cigognes, et particulierement sur les trois grandes especes (Ciconia Marabou, C. argala, C. capillata) qui fournissent a la toilette des dames les plumes deliees dites " Marabou." Ann. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, pp. 91-96. Laugier, Leonard. Analyse de quelques alliages de bismuth. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVI., 1827, pp. 332-334. Laugier, Paul Auguste Ernest. Memoire sur les taches du soleil. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 648-649. 2. Decouverte d'une nouvelle comete dans la nuit du 28 Oct. 1842 dans la constellation du Dragon. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 816, 948-949 ; Astr. Nadir. XX., 1843, col. 79-80. 3. Note sur la premiere comete de 1301. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842. pp. 949- 951 ; Connaiss. des Temps, 1846, pp. 97-98. • 4. Note sur 1'apparition de la conu-te de HALLET en 1378. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 1003-1006; Conuaiss. des Temps, 1846, pp. 99-101. 5. Sur 1'influence du ressort de suspension sur la duree des oscillations du pendule. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 117-120. — — 6. Memoire sur quelques cometes an- ciennes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 148-156. 7. Note sur la comete de GAMBART. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 287- 289. 8. Sur quelques anciennes apparitions de la comete de HALLET. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 183-189. LAU] 877 [LAU Laugier, Paul Angustc Ernest. 9. Sur le mouvement propre de trois amas d'etoiles du catalogue de MESSIER. Bibl. Univ. Archives, VI., 1847, pp. 45-46; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 1021-1022. • 10. Sur la compensation des horloges astronomiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 415-419. • 11. Sur 1'utilite" d'un catalogue de nebu- leuses. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 573-576. 12. Memoire sur les declinaisons absolues des etoiles fondamentales. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 49-70. 13. Rapport sur un memoire intitule : " Recherches sur les variations qui affectent la marche des montres marines," par M. LIEUSSOC. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 894-908 ; Connains. des Temps, 1856, pp. 3-16. 14. Sur un nouveau catalogue de nebu- leuses observees a Paris. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 874-879. 15. Observations of the new comet (II. 1854). Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853- 54, p. 176 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 303-306 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 648-650. 16. Note sur la formule proposee par M. FATE pourcalculer les refractions astronomiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 521-524. 17. Note sur un plan propose pour 1'etude du magneti.sme terrestre. Astr. Nachr. XLIIL, 1856, col. 67-74. 18. Note sur quatre observations de la declinaison magnetique faites a Paris en 1854 sur le contour de 1'enceinte fortifiee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 173-185, 305-313. 19. Experiences sur la sensibilite de I'reil dans les pointes astronomiques. Astr. Nachr. XLVL, 1857, col. 81-86; Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 841-848 ; Connaiss. des Temps, 1860, pp. 20-31. 2O. Determination des distances polaires et des mouvements propres normaux de 140 etoiles fondamentales pour le 1" Janvier 1852. Com- paraison de ces distances polaires norruales avec les distances polaires observees au cercle mural de GAMBET. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 1113-1121, 1185-1193 ; Astr. Nachr. XLVI., 1857, col. 193-214; Connaiss. des Temps, 1860, pp. 1-19 ; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXVII., 1860 (pte. 2), pp. 1-1 19 ; App. pp. i-cxx. — 21. Sur le mouvement propre de Sirius en distance polaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVI., 1858, pp. 699-704 ; Astr. Nachr. XLVIII., 1858, col. 209-214. Laugier, Paul Auguste Ernest, et D. F. J. Arago. Phenomene atmospherique observe le 24 Juin. Bibl. Univ. LI., 1844, p. 371. Laugier, Paul Auguste Ernest, et Victor Mau- vais. Comparaison de la comete de 1843 avec les cometes anciennes et specialement avec celle de 1106. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1845. pp. 919-929. 2. Discussion des observations mag- netiques faites en 1842 au pied et au sommet du Canigou. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 1172-1178. 3. [Comparaison de la Comete du 22 Aout 1844 avec celle qu' avait observee Tycho Brahe en 1585.] Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIX., 1844, p. 500. 4. Rapprochements entre la seconde comete de 1844 et plusieurs anciennes cometes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 557- 558. 5. Elements elliptiques de la comete de 1585. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 701-703. — — - 6. Note a 1'occasion d'un memoire de M. LE VERRIEB sur les cometes periodiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 945- 953. Laugier, Paul Auguste Ernest, et Plantamcmr. Elements elliptiques de la comete de HALLEY. Bibl. Univ. XL, 1837, pp. 385-386. Laugier, Stan. Sur 1'accroissement de la mem- brane des bourgeons charnus et les usages de la suppuration dans la cicatrisation des plaies ex- posees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 1046-1050. 2. Memoire sur 1'anatomie pathologique de la membrane des bourgeons charnus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 998- 1003; XL., 1855, pp. 108-112. 3. Memoire sur 1'origine de 1'hematocele retro-uterine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 455-459. Laumonier, . Eine anatomisch-physiolog- ische Beobachtung. Reil, Archiv, I., 1796 (Heft 3), pp. 64-67. Laun, . Ueber die Grosse des taglichen Gewichtverlustes des menschlichen Korpers bei vollstandigem Fasten und bei regelmassiger Erniihrung. Moleschott, Untersuch. II., 1857. pp. 278-284. Launitz, ran. Ueber die Zeiehnung ana- tomischer Gegenstande, namentlich des Skeletes. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 228-230. Laur, P. Observations sur 1'origine et la distri- bution de 1'or dans les divers terrains de la Cali- fornie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861. pp. 1096-1099. LAU] 878 [LAU Laur, P. 2. Du gisenient et de 1'exploitation de 1'or eu Californie. Annal. des Mines, III., 1863, pp. 347-435. Laurance, . Geologie im Jahre 1835. Fro- riep, Notizen, XLVIII., 1836, col. 193-202, 209-218, 225-233. 2. Geschichtete Felsarten. Froriep, No- tizen, XLVIII., 1836, col. 257-265, 273-282, 289-296. - 3. Die niclit fossilieufiihrenden Felsarten. Froriep, Notizen, XLVIII., 1836, col. 308- 312. Laurand, A. Empoisonnement par 1'extrait de BeUadonne. Jouru. Heb. Sci. Med. IV., 1834, pp. 321-327. Laurence (Lieut.). On the streams of sea- water which flow into the land in the island of Cephalonia. [1835.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, p. 393. Laurence, Aime. Note sur la reproduction des oiseaux et sur nne education de Perdrix garnbra. Paris, Soc. Acclim. Bull. VIII., 1861, pp. 534- 540. 2. Ueber die Zucht der Mandarineu-Ente (Anas galericulata). (Transl.) Frankfurt, Der Zool. Garten, II., 1861, pp. 95-98. Laurence, John Zachariah. The influence of the variation of the size of the pupil on the accommodating power of the Eye. Glasgow, Med. Journ. VIII., 1861, pp. 268-273. 2. Some observations on the sensibility of the Eye to colour. Phil. Mag. XXII., 1861, pp. 220-226; Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 49-51 ; Glasgow, Med. Journ. IX., 1862, pp. 196-201. Laurencet, (dc Lyoti). Nouvelle methode de dissequer le cerveau et d'etudier ses fonctions d'apres sa structure. Archiv. Gen. de Med. VI., 1824, pp. 355-370 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1825, col. 1-8; Eevue Med. Fran?, et Etr. IV., 1824, pp. 208-221. 2. Memoire sur la physiologic du cerveau et des nerfs. Revue Med. Fran9- et Etr. I., 1825, pp. 61-74, 360-371; III., p. 41 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1825, col. 177-180; XIII., 1826, col. 293-296. Laurens, C., et Thomas. Memoire sur 1'emploi de la vapeur non saturee dans les machines a vapeur. L'Institut. I., 1833, pp. 7-8. Laurens, G. Analyse de 1'eau dc la partie de la Mediterranee qui baigne les cotes de Marseille. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 90-92. Laurens, L. Sur 1'emploi des soudes dans les fabriques a savon de Marseille. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1808, pp. 97-106. 2. Observations chimiques sur la nature des eaux des fontaines publiques de Marseille. Marseille, Mem. Acad. VIII., 1809 (pte. 2), pp. 41-48. Laurens, L. 3. Analyse chimique des eaux thermales d'Aix. Marseille, Mem. Acad. VIII., 1809 (pte. 2), pp. 79-88. 4. Recherches sur les Savons du commerce, suivies de quelques observations relatives aux moyens de detruire les sulfures contenus dans les lessives des soudes artificielles. Marseille, Mem. Acad. IX., 1811 (pte. 2), pp. 1-33. 5. Rapport sur les eaux min^rales des Camoins, aux environs Je Marseille. Marseille, Mem. Acad. IX., 1811 (pte. 2), pp. 60-67; IX., 1812 (pte. 2), pp. 60-67. Laurent, Adolph. Definiantur medicamina ex- citantia necnon tonica ; disquiratur et diju- dicetur illorum agendi norma, tarn universalis, quam specifica aut localis. Postulatur quoque an stimulatio gcueralis, remediis excitautibus tributa, sit semper, necne, sibi similis ; an varia tanturnmodo, pro gradu excitationis act®, sistat eorum potestas, necne ; exinde indicetur, num deutur morbi, qui excitantibus aut tonicis ali- quibus potentius, quam casteris aliis, debelleutur : argumenta, observation^ clinica fulta, proferan- tur. Liege, Ann. Acad. 1825-26, pp. 335-477. Laurent, Albert. Intensite et vitesse du bruit du tonnerre. Moigno, Cosmos, XVII., 1860, pp. 7-10. Laurent, Aitguste. Sur un nouveau moyen de preparer la naphtaline, et sur son analyse. An- nal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1832, pp. 214-221 ; Liebig, Annal. III., 1832, pp. 9-11 ; Poggend. Annal. XXV., 1832, pp. 376-384. 2. Sur les chlorures de naphtaline. Aunal. de Chimie, LIL, 1833, pp. 275-285; Liebig, Annal. VIII., 1833, pp. 8-16 ; Pharm. Centr. Blatt, IV., 1833, pp. 612-616; Poggend. An- nal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 77-84 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXVIII. (= Jahrb. VIII.), 1833, pp. 316-325. 3. Sur les schistes bitumineux et sur la paraffine. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1833, pp. 392-396 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 121-124; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 420-422. 4. Sur de nouveaux chlorures et bromures d'hydrogeue carbone. L'Institut, II., 1834, p. 30; Aunal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 196- 220; Poggend. Anual. XXXI., 1834, p. 320. 5. Nouveau precede pour analyser les sili- cates alcalins. Annal. de Chimie, LVIII., 1835, pp. 428-432. 6. Analyse du spodumene de PArriege et de la wichtyne. Anual. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 107-111. 7. Sur la nitronaphtalase, la nitronaphta- lese. et la naphtalase. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 376-397. LAU] 879 [LAU Laurent, Augitste. 8. Sur le benzoile et la benzimide. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 397-423; Liebig, Annal. XVII, 1836, pp. 88-94; Poggend. Annal. XXXVI., 1835, pp. 497-504. 9. Sur le benzoile et la preparation de la benzimide; analyse de 1'essence d'amandes ameres. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1835, pp. 215-219. 1O. Action de 1'acide nitrique sur la para- naphtaline. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1835, pp. 220-223. 11. Note sur les chlorure, bromure, et iodure d'aldehydene. Annal. de Chiinie, LX., 1835, pp. 326-330; Liebig, Annal. XVIIL, 1836, pp. 165-168. 12. Sur la naphtaline et quelques uns de ses composes. L'Institut, III., 1835, p. 142. 13. Nouvelle substance, la benzimide. Moyen d'extraire le radical benzoyle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 39-40. 14. Note sur la paranaphtalese. Paris, Comptes Eendus, I., 1835, pp. 439-440. 15. Sur la chlorophenise et les acides chlorophenisique et chlorophenesique. Annal. de Chimie, LXIII., 1836, pp. 27-45; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 293-307 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIII., 1837, pp. 60-71 ; Paris, Comptes Eendus, ILL, 1836, pp. 494-495. 16. Essai sur Faction du chlore sur la li- queur des Hollandais et sur quelques ethers. Annal. de Chimie, LXIII., 1836, pp. 377-390 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL, 1837, pp. 232- 242 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIL, 1837, pp. 292- 305. 17. Theorie des combinaisons organiques. Paris, Comptes Eendus, II., 1836, pp. 130-132; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 125-146; Erdm. Joum. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 201- 218. — — 18. Sur un nouvel acide, 1'acide naphta- lique et ses combinaisons. Paris, Comptes Een- dus, II., 1836, pp. 236-237; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 113-125; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 13-20 ; Liebig, Annal. XIX., 1836, pp. 38-50. 19. Note sur une nouvelle espece d'amide (hydrobenzamide). Paris, Comptes Eendus, II., 1836, pp. 532-533 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1836, pp. 23-31 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 437-442; Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1836, pp. 630-632; Liebig, Annal. XXL, 1837, pp. 130-134. 20. Phenomenes que presente 1'eau en con- tact avec les corps chauffes au rouge. Paris, Comptes Eendus, III., 1836, pp. 149-150 ; An- nal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1836, pp. 327-334. 21. Note sur le radical de 1'acide chloro- phenisique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, III., 1836, pp. 552-553. Laurent, Aitgustc. 22. Eecherches sur 1'acide camphorique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, III., 1836, pp. 790-792; Annal. de Chimie, LXIII., 1836, pp. 207-219 ; Erdm. Joum. Prak. Chem. XI., 1837, pp. 287-294 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIL, 1837, pp. 135-147. 23. Action du chlore sur les hydrochlorates d'etherine et de methylene. Annal. de Chiinie, LXIV., 1837, pp. 328-335; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL, 1837, pp. 423-426. 24. Sur 1'acide oleique et 1'acide elaidique. Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1837, pp. 149-156 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII.; 1837, pp. 411- 416; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 187- 189; Liebig, Annal. XXVHL, 1838, pp. 253- 257. 25. Sur les ethers des acides gras. An- nal. de Chimie, LXV., 1837, pp. 294-300 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 189-192. 26. Sur les acides pinique et sylvique, et sur le camphorvle. Annal. de Chimie, LXV.. 1837, pp. 324-332. 27. Sur la cementation du fer. Anna!, de Chimie, LXV., 1837, pp. 417-427 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 295-303. 28. Sur la densite des argiles cuites a di- verses temperatures. Annal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1837, pp. 96-99 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 445-447. 29. Eecherches diverses de chimie orga- nique : — 1. Sur le chrysene, Fidrialene, le py- rene, et sur les nitrites de chrysenase, d'idrialase, et de pyrenase. 2. Action de 1'acide nitrique sur 1'acide oleique. 3. Sur divers combinaisons azotees du benzoile. 4. Sur de nouvelles com- binaisons chlorurees de naphtalene, de'camphene, et de citrene. Annal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1837, pp. 136-213 ; Liebig, Annal. XXVIII., 1838, pp. 257-264, 265-269. 3O. Suite des recherches diverses de chi- mie organique : — 5. Analyses et observations di- verses. Eesine animee cristallisee. Chlorophe- nyle. Sur Faction du chlore sur quelques ethers. Sur 1'acetone, le chlorure et 1'hydrure d'alde- hyde. Theorie des ethers. Theorie des combi- naisons benzoiques. Theorie des substitutions. Annal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1837, pp. 314-335. 31. De Fhuile des schistes bitumineux et de quelques produits qu'on en obtient. Paris, Comptes Eendus, IV., 1837, pp. 909-912; An- nal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1837, pp. 321-328; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL, 1837, pp. 418- 423 ; Liebig, Annal. XXV., 1838, pp. 283- 290. 32. Eecherches sur la composition et sur la formule atomique des acides oleique et elai- dique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, V., 1837, p. 70. LAU] 880 [LAU Laurent, Atiguste. 33. Action de 1'acide sul- furique sur 1'hyilrure de benzoile. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 346-347 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1837, pp. 192-203 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII., 1837, pp. 416-424; Liebig, Annal. XXVIII., 1838, pp. 269-271. 34. Memoire sur un nouveau carbure d'hy- drogene (chrysene). Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 718-719. 35. Nouveau carbure d'hydrogene (pyrene). Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, p. 803. 36. Sur les boratcs de potasse et de soude, et sur le tungstate de tungstene et de potasse. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1838, pp. 215-220 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 506- 510; Liebig, Annal. XXVIII., 1838, pp. 89-92. 37. Sur les acides pimarique, pyromarique, azomarique, etc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 797-798 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIL, 1839, pp. 383-415 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 241-243 ; Liebig, Annal. XXXIV., 1840, pp. 272-287. - — • 38. Sur divers nitrites et chlorures anthra- ceniques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, p. 136 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIL, 1839, pp. 415-427; Liebig, Annal. XXXIV., 1840, pp. 287-296. — 39. Reclamation de priorite relativement 11 la theorie des substitutions, et a celle des types ou radicaux derives. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 409-417. 4O. Sur les essences d'estragon ct de sabine, la cinnhydramide et le bromure de camphre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 531- 532 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XX., 1840, pp. 497-498. - 41. Memoire sur de nouvelles combinaisous chlorurees, bromurees, et sulfurees de la naph- taline. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 754-755. - 42. Sur 1'acide chloro-naphtalique et sur quelques composes obtenus en traitant divers chlorures naphtaliques par 1'acide nitrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 947-948; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIV., 1840, pp. 26-38 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XX., 1840, p. 499 ; Liebig, Annal. XXXV., 1840, pp. 292-301. - 43. Composes de la creosote. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, p. 124. - 44. Sur 1'isomorphisme de certains corps lies entre eux par la loi des substitutions. Recla- mation de priorite centre M. DE LA PROVOSTAYE. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, p._876. - 45. Sur de nouvelles combinaisons ben- zoiliques azotees et sulfurees. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1841, pp. 291-310 ; Liebig, Annal. XXXVIII., 1841, pp. 320-336. 46. Recherches sur 1'indlgo. Chimie, III ,1841, pp. 371-382. Laurent, Auguste. 47. Memoire sur le phenyle et ses derives. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 430-433 ; Annal. de Chimie, III., 1841, pp. 195-228 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXV., 1842, pp. 401-430; Liebig, Annal. XLIIL, 1842, pp. 200-223. • 48. Nouvelles recherches sur 1'imligo. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XII., 1841, pp. 537- 539; XIII., 1841, pp. 85-88; Annal. de Chimie, III., 1841, pp. 462-500; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXV., 1842, pp. 430-474 ; XXVIII., 1843, pp. 337-351. 49. Sur les acides nitrobromophenisique et ampelique, le chlorophenyle, etc. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XII., 1841, pp. 610-613. SO. Recherches sur 1'esseuce d'estrajron. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 764- 766 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXV., 1842, pp. 124-125; Liebig, Annal. XL1V., 1842, pp. 313-319. — • 51. Sur de nouveaux acides dc la serie draconique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 1046-1047; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIL, 1842, pp. 232-250. 52. Nouvelles recherches sur les combi- naisons de la naphtaline. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIL, 1841, pp. 1193-1195. 53. Ueber verschiedeue Verbindungen, das Azocinnamylhydi-iir, Imabenzyl, etc. ( Transl.) Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIL, 1842, pp. 309-3 1 8. 54. Ueber neue stickstoffhaltige Verbind- ungen des Naphtalins, liber Phtalinsiiure und Nitrophtalinsiiure. (Transl.) Liebig, Annal. XLL, 1842, pp. 98-114. 55. Sur le poids atomique du chlore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 456- 457 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVL, 1842, pp. 307-308. 56. Sur de nouvelles combinaisons de la serie de 1'indigo. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 490-492 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVL, 1842, pp. 123-126. 57. Sur de nouvelles combinaisons chlo- rurees de la uaphtaliue, et sur 1'isomorphisme et 1'isomerie de cette serie. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIV., 1842, pp. 818-822; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIL, 1842, pp. 29-34. 58. Nouvelles recherches sur les rapports Anual. de qui existent entre la constitution des corps et lours formes cristallines, sur Fisomeromorphisme et sur 1'hemirnorphisme. Paris, Comptes Reu- dus, XV., 1842, pp. 350-352. 59. Recherches sur le naphtum. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 739-745. 60. Sur les acides draconique, nitro-dra- conique et sur 1'anisole. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 953-955. LAU] 881 [LAU Laurent, Augustc. 61. Ut-ber Camphorbromiir. ( Tra/isl.) Liebig, Annal. XLVin., 1843, pp. 251-252 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIII., 1843, pp. 333-336. 62. Nouvelles recherches sur les radicaux derives. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 340-341. 63. Memoire sur la serie stilbique. Paris, Coraptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 856-860; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cliem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 418-444. 64. Sur la composition de quelques acides gras. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 860-862. 65. Note sur les combinaisons organiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 311- 312. — 66. Sur uu nouveau mode de formation de Taniline. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1366-1368 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 286-288. 67. Sur la constitution du cacodyle. An- ual. de Chimie, X., 1844, pp. 126-127.' 68. Sur les produits de la distillation du sulfure, de 1'azoture et du sulfazoture de ben- zene. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 187-189; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 444-454; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 348-358 ; Revue Scientifique, II., 1844, pp. 197-208. 69. Sur les acides amides et chloramidus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 436- 438. 7O. Sur de nouvelles combinaisons de 1'iuiligo. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1 844, pp. 565-572. 71. Sur un nouvel alcali organique (lo- phiue'). Paris, Comptes Reudus, XVIII., 1844, p. 1016 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 455-461 ; Revue Scientifique, II., 1844, pp. 272-278. 72. Sur les acides amides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 316-324 ; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 347-348. 73. Sur un nouvel alcali, 1'amarine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 353-355 ; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 178-180 ; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, p. 359. 74. Sur de nouvelles combiuaisous azotees du benzile. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 570-573. 75. Action de quelques bases organiques sur la lumiere polarisee. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIX., 1844, pp. 925-927 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 486-487 ; Lie- big, Annal. LIL, 1844, p. 363. 76. Classification chimique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1089-1099 ; Bor- deaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, 1845, pp. 5-24. VOL. in. Laurent, Auyuste. 77. Cristaux d'ucide iodique. Revue Scientifique, II., 1844, p. 208. 78. Sur la constitution de 1'aniline. Re- vue Scientifique, II., 1844, pp. 280-283 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 13-16. 79. Sur de nouvelles combinaisons isati- niques. Revue Scientifique, II., 1844, pp. 458- 479 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 108-128. 8O. Sur les acides amides, chloramides, etc., et sur la chloranilamide. Revue Scien- tifique, III., 1844, pp. 138-168 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 277-284. 81. Sur les produits de 1'action de I'am- moniaque sur le benzile et 1'essence d'amandes ameres. Revue Scientifique, III., 1844, pp. 440-449 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 461-468; XXXVL, 1845, pp. 1-10. 82. Ueber Carnphoramsaure, Camphor- amid, und die Amidsiiuren. (Transl.) Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 501- 508. 83. Sur 1'isomorphisme et sur les types cristallins. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XX., 1845, pp. 357-366. 84. Sur de uouveaux acides amides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 510-514. 85. Sur les combinaisons organiques azo- tees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 850-855. 86. Sur les combinaisons azotees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1115-1121 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVIIL, 1846, pp. 266-298; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 65- 89 ; Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 386-389. 87. Sur des bases organiques chlorees et bromees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1587-1591. 88. Sur de nouvelles combinaisons naph- taliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 33-37 ; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 474-476; Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 390-402. 89. Sur le mode de combinaison des corps et sur les acides phtalamique, oenanthique, pima- rique, &c. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 852-860. 90. Sur la quinone et 1'acide opianique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1413- 1418. 91. Nouvelles anilides. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 308-309. 92. Action de 1'acide nitrique sur la bru- cine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 633-635 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXIL, 1848, pp. 463-467 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV.. 1848, pp. 378-381 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, p. 153. 0 T LAU] 882 [LAU Laurent, Attguste. 93. Sur le chlorocyanilide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 695- 697. 94. Sur le Sucre de gelatine et sur divers composes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 789-791 ; Journ.de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 387-388. 95. Sur 1'isomeromorphisme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 811-814; Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 308-313 ; Revue Scieutifique, XI., 1846, pp. 266-269. 96. Sur les silicates. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1846, pp. 1050-1058 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 374-381 ; Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 257-288. 97. M. LIEBIG et la chimie. Revue Scien- tifique, VIII., 1846, pp. 300-320. 98. Memoire sur la composition des alcalis orgauiques et de quelques combinaisons azotees. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1847, pp. 359-377 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 400- 413 ; Liebig, Annal. LXIL, 1847, pp. 95-106. 99. Formules generales des silicates et des borates. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 70-73. 10O. Action des alcalis chlores sur la lu- miere polarisee et sur 1'economie animale. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 235-236. 101. Sur les borates. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 94-99. 102. Recherches sur les tungstates. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 538-543 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1847, pp. 54-68 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIL, 1847, pp. 116-129; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 53-61. 103. Sur la chlorocyanilide 'et quelques autres anilides. Aniial. de Chimie, XXIL, 1848, pp. 97-116; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL1V., 1848, pp. 157-172. 1O4. Sur les acides des pins. Anual. de Chimie, XXIL, 1848, pp. 459-463; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 61-64 ; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 153-154. 1O5. Sur les acides amides et le sucre de gelatine. Annal. de Chimie, XXIIL, 1848, pp. 1 10-123 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 168-179. 106. Sur les alcaloides chlores et bromes. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1848, pp. 302-315 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVI., 1849, pp. 52-63 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 456- 460 ; Liebig, Annal. LXIX., 1849, pp. 8-15. _ — 1O7. Sur les combinaisons euxauthiques et les produits de Faction du chlore sur 1'acide citrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 33-37; Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1848, pp. 377-385. Laurent, Augusts. 1O8. Sur les polycyanures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 295- 300. 1O9. Sur 1'isomorphisme des oxydes RO et R203 et sur I'hemimorphisme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 134-138. 11O. Note sur des rapports qui existent entre la forme et la composition de quelques corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 632-635 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 209-212. 111. Sur la quinone et sur differents derives de Fiudigo. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 190-203 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIL, 1849, pp. 153-166. 112. Sur les borates et sur le poids atom- ique du chlore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 5-8 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIL, 1849, pp. 412-416. 113. Sur les paratungstates. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 157-160; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVHL, 1849, pp. 233-236. 114. Sur le sulfure d'azote et sur les lepamides miuerales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 557-565. 115. Sur de nouvelles combinaisons chlo- rees de la naphtaline. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1850, pp. 1-9. 116. Sur les borates. Laurent et Ger- hardt, Compt. Rend. 1850, pp. 33-50. 117. Sur les huiles essentielles de niou- tarde et d'amandes ameres. Laurent et Ger- hardt, Compt. Rend. 1850, pp. 81-88. 118. Sur 1'acide chrysammique. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1850, pp. 163-166. 119. Sur les combinaisons ammoniacales. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1850, pp. 201-224. 120. Sur les radicaux et sur 1'eurhizene. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1850, pp. 241-252. 121. Sur un homologue du sucre de raisin (le dulcose). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 41-43; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIX., 1850, pp. 403-404; Laurent et Ger- hardt, Compt. Rend. 1850, pp. 364-368. 122. Sur les huiles essentielles d'a'il et de moutarde. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 126-127, 130 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 285-286. 123. Note sur le dulcose et sur les acides broinobenzoique et chrysammique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 339-340. 124. Sur les combinaisons du cyanogene avec 1'hydrogene sulfure. Paris, Comptes Reu- dus, XXX, 1850, pp. 618-619; Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1850, pp. 373-376. LAU] 883 [LAU Laurent, Augusts. 125. Sur les sels des oxydes R-'0:l. Paris, Cornptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 673-678. 126. Sur diverges combinaisons organiqucs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 349- 356 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 240-247. 127. Sur des combinaisons sulfuriques et nitriques de la benzine et de la naphtaline. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 537- 539 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. (Jhem. LIL, 1851, pp. 58-60. 128. Sur les acides ferri et ferri-rnangani- tungstiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI.. 1850, pp. 692-694. 129. Note sur le dulcose. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 694-695. 130. Note sur 1'acide bromobenzo'ique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, p. 11. 131. Sur les composes de la garance, les tannins, les cklorosulfures, et cyanures ammoni- acaux, la thiobenzaldine, les carbonates, et quel- ques autres sels. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVI., 1852, pp. 320-354. 132. Sur les tannins et les glucosamides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 161- 165; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIL, 1852, pp. 169-173. 133. Sur la resine de jalap et sur Tether succinique perchlore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 379-382; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 18-21. 134. Sur les combinaisons uriques, chloro- sulfaliques et percarboniques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 629-636. 135. Sur les transformations quelachaleur fait eprouver a 1'acide tartrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 742-746; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 280- 283. Laurent, Auyuste, < I Casthelaz. Nitro-benzine ou mirbane, aniline et violet d'aniline. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1860, pp. 131-135. Laurent, Auguste, et Gustave Chancel. Sur le metacetonitrates et sur un nouveau precede de preparation des nitryles. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXV., 1847, pp. 883-886. 2. Sur les metacetonitrates et sur un nouveau precede pour preparer les imides. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1847, pp. 104- 106. 3. Action de 1'acide nitrique sur la butyrone. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. _462-464. *•,!• Production artiflcielle d'un alcaloide oxygene. II. Sur un nouveau carbure d'hydrogene. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1848, pp. 27-28. Laurent, Aitguslc, et Joseph Delbos. Sur 1'acide phenique nitrobichlore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 1419-1420 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1847, pp. 380-382 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 382-383 ; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 390-391. 2. Nouvelles anilides. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 309-310. 3. Sur la fluosilicanilide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, p. 697. Laurent, Auguste, et Charles Gerhardt. Sur les mellonures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 679-681. 2. Recherches sur les combinaisons melloniques. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1847, pp. 85-112; XX., 1847, pp. 118-121 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 453-462 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 148-152. 3. Sur deux derives de la morphine et de la narcotine (Sulfomorphide et Sulfo- narcotide). Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1848, pp. 112-115; Erdm. Jourii. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 369-372 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 303-304; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., 1848, p. 80. 4. Recherches sur les anilides. An- nal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1848, pp. 163-207 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 130-146; Liebig, Annal. LXVIII., 1848, pp. 15-46; Paris, Comptes Readus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 13- 16, 165-166. 5. Sur la composition de Torcine et de ses derives. Aunal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1848, pp. 315-321 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 304-306; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 304-305 ; Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 164-165. 6. Sur la composition de 1'aposepe- dine ou leucine [oxyde caseique de PROUST]. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1848, pp. 321-326 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1848, pp. 256- 258 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 31 1-314. 7. Recherches sur les modifications qu'eprouvent 1'acide tartrique et 1'acide para- tartrique par la chaleur. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 1-12,97-108; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVI., 1849, pp. 360- 370; XL VII., 1849, pp. 61-70; Liebig, Annal. LXX., 1849, pp. 348-359 ; Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 318-321. 8. Sur les sels d'argent de la suc- ciuimide. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 108-113 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chera. XLVIL, 1849, pp. 71-75. 9. De 1'action de 1'ammoniaque sur le chloroplatinate d'ammoniaque. Laurent et Ger- hardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 113-115; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVI., 1849, pp. 51 1-512 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXIIL, 1850, pp. 223-225. 5 T 2 LAU] 884 [LAU Laurent, Auguste, et Charles Gerhardt. 10. Remarques sur les combinaisons des acides avec les alcalis organiques. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 160-170. 11. Recherches sur la composition de 1'acide stearique. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 337-343; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 400-402. 12. Recherches sur les combinaisons azotees de la serie diphenique. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 417-429 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 489- 491. - 13. Recherches sur les phenides, nouvelle classe de composes organiques. Lau- rent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 429- 437; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 170-173. 14. Recherches sur de nouvelles combinaisous de 1'essence d'amandes ameres. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1850, pp. 113-125 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 404-405. Laurent, Auguste, et Ch. Holms. Analyses di- verses. Fer oxidule artificiel ; albite de Ches- terfield; mineral des laves du Vesuve ; cristalli- sation de 1'oxide de zinc. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1835, pp. 330-333; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VII., 1836, pp. 339-344. Laurent, Auguste, et F. Leplay. Theorie de la cementation. Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1837, pp. 403-416; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 284-295. Laurent, Charles. Puits artesiens du Sahara Oriental. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856- 57, pp. 615-632; Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Me"ra. 1856, pp. 21-90. 2. On the LEMIELLE system of ventilation of Mines. North England Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. VI., 1857-58, pp. 129-134. 3. Note geologique sur la ligne du chemin de fer de Madrid a Alicante. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 548-558 ; Revista Minera, X., 1859, pp. 621-629, 645-650. 4. Mdmoire sur les Bondages executes dans le Sahara Oriental. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1859, pp. 227-256. 5. Coupe d'un sondage execute a 1'Hopital Militaire de Rochefort et details sur la nature des couches traversees. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XXL, 1863, pp. 97-101. Laurent, Charles, et J. Degousee. On the Valenciennes Coal Basin. Geol. Soc. Journ. XII., 1856, pp. 252-254. — 2. Oscillations du sol manifestoes par des perturbations dans le regime de quel- ques puits artesiens. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 114-116. Laurent, Hermann. Sur les courbes a plusieurs points d'arret. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIX., 1860, pp. 210-212. 2. Theoreme sur les series. Nouv. Ann. Math. I., 1862, pp. 126-129. Laurent, J. L. Maur. Essai sur les tissus elastiques et contractiles. Broussais, Annales, X., 1826, pp. 605-630. 2. Observations sur le developpement des oeufs de la limace grise et de la limace rouge. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L, 1835, pp. 228-230 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLVL, 1835, col. 293-294. 3. Faits pour servir a 1'histoire generate du developpement des animaux. Laurent, Annal. Anat, I., 1837, pp. 17-27, 252-268 ; II., 1838, pp. 133-159. 4. Memoire sur les tissus animaux en general et sur les tissus elastiques et contrac- tiles en particulier. Laurent, Annal. Auat. I., 1837, pp. 57-73. 5. Experiences sur 1'imbibition des tissus dans I'age embryonnaire. Laurent, Annal. Anat. L, 1837, pp. 81-84. 6. Recherches sur les affinites et les diffe- rences naturelles des appareils organiques des animaux. Laurent, Annal. Anat. I., 1837, pp. 221-239. 7. Recherches de principes en Anatomic et en Physiologic comparees des regions des animaux. Laurent, Anual. Anat. L, 1837, pp. 323-329. 8. Recherches sur les affinites et les diffe- rences uaturelles des materiaux de contexture des animaux. Laurent, Annal. Anat, I., 1837, pp. 404-413 ; II., 1838, pp. 33-50. 9. Recherches anatomiques et zoologiques sur les mammiferes marsupiaux. Mag. de Zool. VII., 1837. 1O. Suite des observations sur le de- veloppement des Limaces et autres mollusques gasteropodes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 295-297. 11. De. 1'os marsupial, du bassin des Di- delphes et Ornithodelphes, et de la signification des pieces du squelette des vertebres en general. Mag. de Zool. VIII., 1838, pp. 65-103. 12. Memoire sur la region sternoperineale des Marsupiaux, et sur celle des vertebres en general. Mag. de Zool. VIII., 1838, pp. 104-140. 13. Notice sur 1'encepkale de PEchidne compare a celui de 1'Ornithorhynque, et con- siderations generates sur 1'encephale des Mam- miferes et des Oiseaux. Mag. de Zool. VIII.. 1838, pp. 141-153. 14. Considerations zoologiques relatives aux marsupiaux, a la classification des Mammi- feres, et a celle des animaux vertebres et in- vertebres en general. Mag. de Zool. VIII., 1838, pp. 154-175. LAU] 885 [LAU Laurent, J. L, Munr. 15. Kecherches sur la zoogenie : — 1. Nouvelles observations sur la vdsieule ombilicale des niollusques gasteropodes. 2. De 1'existence d'un orgaue auditif dans les mollusques cephalidiens. 3. Note sur les tissus embryonnaires et sur ceux des animaux infe- rieurs. Laurent, Annal. Anat. II., 1838, pp. 242-253. • 16. Recherches sur la signification d'un organe [suppose auditif] nouvelleinent decouvert dans plusieurs mollusques. Laurent, Annal. Anat. II., 1838, pp. 342-358; III., 1839, pp. 118-122. 17. Recherches sur la Spongille fluviatile. Laurent, Annal. Anat. II., 1838, pp. 316-318 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 617- 619. 18. Recherches snr la zoogenie : — Pre- miers resultats des observations sur le de- veloppement des organes glandulaires des Limaces. Laurent, Annal. Anat. II., 1838, pp. 325-335. 19. Essai sur les monstruosites doubles : observations anatomiques sur le squelette d'un monstre double de chat dornestique (Felis cattus, L.}. Laurent, Annal. Anat. III., 1839, pp. 210-221. 20. Essai sur la doctrine des Sciences Naturelles. Laurent, Annal. Anat. III., 1839, pp. 286-306. 21. Resultats d'observations faites sur la coquille de 1'Huitre commune (Ostrea eclulis, L.). Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 135-136 ; Laurent, Annal. Aiiat. III., 1839, pp. 53-55. 22. Recherches sur le developpement nor- mal et anormal des animaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 416-420. 23. Recherches sur les trois sortes de corps reproducteurs des animaux, et sur 1'his- toire naturelle et 1'anatomie des oeufs de PHydra vulgaris grisea. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, p. 820. — 24. Recherches sur les Spongilles et specialement sur leur mode de reproduction. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 478- 479. 25. Deuxieme memoire sur la Spongille. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 693-696. 26. Etudes des masses spongillaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 1048-1050. 27. Resultats d'observations microscopiques faites sur les corps reproducteurs libres et vagatits de 1'Ectosperma clavata, et sur les em- bryons cilies libres de la Spongille. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 1050-1051. • 28. Nature de la Spongilla fluviatilis : sur les corps reproducteurs de la Spongille. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1840, pp. 69-70, 71-74. Laurent, J. L. M 21. On Aphis avena?. Canadian Natu- ralist, VII., 1862, pp. 264-277. 22. Some account of Plants collected in Plantago lanceolata 7. sphrerostachya ( W. and G. of Bab. Manual). Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 35-36. the counties of Leeds and Grenville, Upper Canada, in July 1862. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trail". VII., 1863, pp. 468-479 ; Edinb. New Phil" Journ. XVII., 1863, pp. 197-208. LAWJ 896 [LAY Lawson, George. 23. Note on Lemania varie- gata, Agardh. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 521-524 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII., 1863, pp. 30-34. 24. Synopsis of the Canadian species of Equisetura. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 558-564. 25. Synopsis of Canadian Ferns and Fili- coid plants. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIX., 1864, pp. 102-116, 273-291. Law sou, II. Description of a new Electro- meter. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XI., 1801, pp. 251- 253. Lawson, Henry. Observations on the placing of thermometers. Quart. Jouru. Meteorol. I., 1842, pp. 22-23. 2. Observations on the placing of thermo- meters, with the plan of a stand. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), pp. 17-18. 3. On an easy method of contracting the aperture of a large Telescope. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), p. 9. 4. On the arrangement of a Solar Eye- piece. Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 9- 10. 5. On Spots in the Sun. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 9. Lawson, Henry. On the Affinities of the groups Trematoda, Planariac, and Hirudinci ; and on the formation of a new class of Annuloida for the reception of these animals. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. III., 1860-62, pp. 216-224. 2. On the generative system of Helix aspersa and H. hortensis. Jouru. Microsc. Sci. I., 1861, pp. 264-271. 3. On the general anatomy, histology, and physiology of Limax maximus, Moyuiii-Tati- don. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. IV., 1863, pp. 19-43 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1863, pp. 10- 37. 4. On the anatomy and physiology of Gasteropods : the digestive system of the Great Slug. Intell. Observer, III., 1863, pp. 276- 285. 5. On the lungs, heart, and blood-vessels of the Slug. Intell. Observer, IV., 1 863, pp. 105-114. Lawson, Robert. Observations on the Tempera- ture and Hygrometric State of the Atmosphere of the Island of Barbadoes. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXV., 1843, pp. 57-64. 2. Remarks on the Trade-Winds and other Currents in the Atmosphere at Barbadoes ; with an attempt to develope the causes of Hurricanes in the West Indies. Ediub. New Phil. Journ. XXXIX., 1845, pp. 132-169; XLIII., 1847, pp. 364-385 ; Edinb. Trans. Scot. Soc. Arts, III., 1851, pp. 17-40, 182-202. Lawson, Uobert. 3. Observations on the Tem- perature and Moisture of the Atmosphere, and on the Temperature and Specific Gravity of the Surface Water of the Northern Atlantic. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIX.. 1845, pp. 347-357. Lawton, William. On the Meteorology of Hull. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1853 (pt. 2), pp. 27-32. Lax, William. On a method of examining the divisions of astronomical instruments. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 232-245. Laxarsa, ./. J. Note sur un uouveau genre (Alamania) d'Orchidees du Mexique, extra! to d'une Lettre adressee a M. DE CANDOLLE. Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 452-453. Lay, George Tradcscant. Observation on a species of Pteropus from Bonin (P. pselaphon). Zool. Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 457-459. 2. Mutations of colour in Sepias and Cory- phaena. Zool. Journ. V., 1829-30, pp. 141-142. 3. On the habits of a Bird of Paradise (Paradisea apoda, Linn.). Zool. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1840, pp. 13-14. 4. The scholar's lute among the Chinese. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1841, pp. 297-298. 5. On part of Borneo Proper. [1840.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 290-291. 6. A calendar for four months of the Weather, Natural History, and Country opera- tions, at Foo-chow-foo. Hortic. Soc. Trans. III., 1843-48, pp. 237-246. 7. A few hints regarding Chinese agricul- ture, with a translation from a Chinese Work on the culture of the Mulberry Tree. India, Agric. Soc. Jouru. III., 1844, pp. 18-22. 8. Outlines of a Natural History Calendar at Foo-chow-foo, the capital of the Chinese pro- vince of Fokien (lat. 26° 4' S., long. 119° 4' E.). [1845.] Hortic. Soc. Journ. L, 1846, pp. 119- 125. Layard, A. H. A description of the Province of Khuzistan. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1848, pp. 1-105. Layard, A. //., and (Professor) Long. Ancient sites among the Baktiyari Mountains ; with remarks on the rivers of Susiana, and the site of Susa. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XII., 1842, pp. 102-108. Layard, Edgar L. On the progress of Natural History in Ceylon. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 402-409. 2. Rambles in Ceylon. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1852, pp. 329-339 ; XL, 1853, pp. 224- 236, 302-314, 386-398. 3. Notes on the Ornithology of Ceylon, collected during an eight years' residence in the Island. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1853, pp. 97- 107, 165-176, 262-272 ; XIII., pp. 123-131. 212-218, 257-264, 446-453; XIV., pp. 57-64, 105-115, 264-272. LAY] 897 [LEA dees de la Flore du Grand-Duche de Luxem- bourg. Luxemb. Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem. III., 1855, pp. 170-191. 2. Rapport sur le travail de M. BRIMMETR: les aniraaux sauvages indigenes considered sous le point de vue economique. Luxemb. Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem. IV., 1855-56, pp. 95-105. Layman, . On the preparation of Forest Trees for immediate use, and increasing the duration of Timber. Nicholson, Journ. XXXV., 1813, pp. 51-57. Layton, James. Account of the Fossil Remains in the neighbourhood of Harborough. [1826.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 196-201. Lazar, Koloman. Beitriige zur Ornithologie Sie- benbiirgens. Hermannstadt, Verhandl. Sieben- biii-g. Ver. X., 1859, pp. 244-248. 2. Einige Bemerkungen Dr. L. BREHM'S iiber STETTER'S Beschreibung der Schneesporner. Hermannstadt, Verhandl. Siebenbiirg. Ver. XII., 1861, pp. 166-168. Lazzari, Paolo Mori. Cartilagine semi-ossea morbosamente formetasi nell' articolazione del ginocchio. Parma, Giorn. Soc. Med. Chir. I., 1806, pp. 198-206. 2. Tentativi chimici istituiti per iscoprire la natura del corpo straniero estratto dalP arti- colazione del ginocchio d' un' inferma. Parma, Giorn. >Soc. Med. Chir. I., 1806, pp. 241-246. Lazzerini, Pictro. Alcune riflessione sopra le lenti ottiche per gli occhiali. Inghirami, Opuscoli, II., 1821, pp. 293-298. VOL. III. Layard, Edgar L. 4. Observations on the genus Paludomus of SWAINSON, with descrip- tions of several new species, and the description of a new species of Anculotus (A. carinatus). Zool. Soc. Proc. XXII., 1854, pp. 87-94. 5. No.es on the sea birds observed daring a voyn^e in ihe Antarctic Ocean. Sclater, Ibis, IV., 1S6-2. pp. 97-100. 6. Ornithological notes from the Antipodes. Sclate--. Ibis. V., 1863, pp. 241-250. Laycock, Thomas. On tbe reflex function of the Brain. Forbes, Med. Rev. XIX., 1845, pp. 298-311. 2. On the Nervous System. (Review.) Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XII., 1853, pp. 1- 22. 3. On the Physiology of Cells in relation to consciousness and adaptive movements. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), pp. 110-111. 4. Further researches into the functions of the Brain. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XVI., 1855, pp. 155-187. 5. On some first principles of a mental science deduced from correlations of the pri- mary laws of matter and mind. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862, pp. 183-190. Layen, J. B. Revision de la f'amille des Orchi- Lea, A. Description of a new shell (Melanfa Cincinnatiensis) recently taken in the vicinity of Cincinnati. Sillimau, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, p. 175. Lea, Carey. On the first or southern coal-field of Pennsylvania. Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 370-374. 2. On Picric acid and some of its Salts, with an advantageous modification of one of the processes for obtaining it. Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1859, pp. 379-386; Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 310-311. 3. Further remarks on numerical relations between equivalents. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, pp. 101-103; Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 97-98 ; Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 399- 401. 4. Note on sources of error in the employ- ment of Picric acid to detect the presence of Potash. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, pp. 104- 107; Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 180-181 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 75-78. 5. On the production of Ethylamine by reactions of the Oxy-Ethers. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, p. 108; Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1860, p. 401. 6. On the optical properties of the Picrate of Manganese. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, pp. 109-112; Chemical News, II., 1860, pp. 314- 315 ; Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 402- 404. 7. On numerical relations existing between the equivalent numbers of elementary bodies. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., I860, pp. 98-111, 349-360 ; Chemical News, I., 1860, pp. 169- 170; II., 1860, pp. 110-111. — 8. On the preparation of Nitrate and Nitrite of Ethyl. Chemical News. IV., 1861, pp. 219-220. — 9. On the effects of reducing agents upon Nitrate of Ethyl. Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 230-231. 1O. On a series of new combinations of ammonia, picric acid, and metallic bases. Silli- man, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 78-86 ; Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 195-196, 208-210. 11. On the formation of picramic acid. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, p. 188 ; Che- mical News, IV., 1861, pp. 193-194. 12. Remarks on a proposed process for the estimation of nitrogen, and on an acidimetric process. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 189-191. — 13. On the production of the Ethyl Bases. Silliman, Journ. XXXII., 1861, pp. 25-26 ; Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 88-89. 14. On the exact separation of the Ethyl Bases. Silliman, Journ. XXXII., 1861, pp. 26-29; Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 71-72. 5 x LEA] 898 [LEA Lea, Carey. 15. Chemical contributions. 1. On the preparation of Nitrate and Nitrite of Ethyl. 2. On the effects of reducing agents upon Nitrite of Ethyl. 3. On the preparation of Urea from Ferrocyanide of Potassium. Silliman, Journ. XXXII., 1861, pp. 177-180, 210-211. 16. Contributions to the history of Picric Acid. Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1S61, pp. 180-183 ; Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 5-6. 17. On the production of new colouring matters by decomposition of Nitronaphthaline and Dinitronaphthaline. Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1861, pp. 211-213 ; Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 73-74. — — 18. Note on a compound of Ammonia, Mercury, and Nitric Acid. Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1861, pp. 374-375. 19. On the action of Nitric Acid on Picramic Acid. Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 18-19. 2O. On the reactions of Ethylamine and Diethylamine. Silliman, Journ. XXXIIL, 1862, pp. 80-86 ; Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 127- 128. 21. On Nitrate of Ethyl. Silliman, Journ. XXXIIL, 1862, pp. 86-89; Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 158, 310-311. 22. On the production of the Methyl Bases, and on the preparation of Nitrate of Methyl. Silliman, Journ. XXXIIL, 1862, pp. 227-229. 23. Colored derivatives of Naphthaline. Silliman, Journ. XXXIIL, 1862, pp. 229- 230. 24. On Methylamine. Silliman, Journ. XXXIII., 1862, pp. 366-370 ; Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 46-47. 25. On Triethylaniine. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 66-73 ; Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 97-99. 26. On a Constant Aspirator and Blower. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 245-248 ; Chemical News, VII., 1863, pp. 37-38. 27. On arithmetical relations between chemical equivalents. Sillimau, Journ. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 387-389 ; Chemical News, VII., 1863, pp. 63-64. Lea, Henry C. Description of some new species of fossil shells, from the Eocene, at Claiborne, Alabama (Pasithea minima, P. cancellata, P. elegans, Acteon Ijevis, A. magnaplicatus, Sca- laria elegans, S. veuusta, etc.). Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 92-103. 2. A description of some new species of Marine Shells inhabiting the coast of the United States. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 204-205. Lea, Henry C. 3. Remarks upon an examina- tion of the peroxide of manganese. Silliman, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 81-87 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VIIL, 1842, pp. 409-444. — 4. Description of some new species of shells, native to the United States (Cyrena pur- purea, Modiola elliptica, M. pulex, etc.). Silli- man, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 106-112. • 5. Description of some new Fossil Shells from the Tertiary of Virginia. Arner. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 162-165. 6. Descriptions of some new species of Marine Shells, inhabiting the coast of the United States (Pholas semicostata, Bulla bipli- cata, Littorina lunata, Cingula robusta, C. mo- desta, C. turriculus). [1844.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845-47, pp. 285-289. 7. Description of some new Fossil Shells from the Tertiary of Petersburg, Virginia. [1845.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IX., 1846, pp. 229-274. 8. Catalogue of the Tertiary Testacea of the United States. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848, pp. 95-107. Lea, Henry C. and Isaac. Description of a new genus (Pachychilus) of the family Melaniana, and of many new species of the genus Melania (M. canalis, M. fceda, M. sobria, M. subula, M. acus, etc.), chiefly collected by Hugh CUMING during his zoological voyage in the East, and now first described. Zool. Soc. Proc. XVIH., 1850, pp. 179-197. Lea, Isaac. An account of the minerals at present known to exist in the vicinity of Phila- delphia. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1817, pp. 462-482. 2. Notice of a singular impression in sand- stone. Silliman, Journ. V., 1822, p. 155. 3. On Hybernation. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1825. pp. 75-83 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1834, col. 161-168. • 4. On earthquakes, their causes and effects. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1825, pp. 204-215. 5. On the North-west Passage. Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 138-145. — • 6. Notice of two halos with parhelia. Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 368-369. 7. Descriptions of six new species of the genus Unio ; embracing the anatomy of the oviduct of one of them, together with some anatomical observations on the genus. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 259-274. . 8. Description of a new genus of the family of Naiades, including eight species, four of which are new ; also the description of eleven new species of the genus Unio, from the rivers of the United States ; with observa- tions on some of the characters of the Naiades. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 403-457. LEAJ 899 [LEA Lea, Isaac. 9. Observations on the Naiades, and descriptions of new species of that and other families. [1830.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1834, pp. 63-121. 1O. Description of a new genus (lo) of the family Melaniana, Lamark (lo fusiformis). [1831.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1834, pp. 122-124 ; Gistl, Faunus, I., 1837 (pte. 16), p. 83. 11. Observations on the genus Unio, to- gether with descriptions of new genera and species in the families, Naiades, Concha;, Coli- macea, Lymnasana, Melaniana, and Peristomiana. Silliman, Journ. XXVII., 1835, pp. 371-377. 12. Observations of the Naiades, and de- scriptions of new species of that, and other families. [1832.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 23-120. 13. Neue Gattungen von Najaden. Gistl, Faunus, I., 1837 (pte. 6), pp. 43-53. 14. Descriptions of new Freshwater and Land Shells, principally N. American. [1834.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1839, pp. 1-154. 15. Synopsis of the family of Naiades. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VL, 1839, pp. 113-142. 16. Descriptions of new species of Coli- macea (Bulimus subglobosus, B. virido-striatus, Helix Blandingiana, Carocolla bifasciata, Cyclo- stoma Woodiana, etc.). Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1840, pp. 173-175 ; Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIL. 1841, pp. 455-466. 17. Descriptions of new Freshwater and Land Shells : gen. Naias, Melania, Carocolla, and Cyclostoma. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1840, pp. 284-289; 1847, pp. 162-169; Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1843, pp. 163-250 ; IX., 1846, pp. 1-32,275-282 ; X., 1853, pp. 67- 102. 18. On the Patella amcena, Say. [1840.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIL, 1841, pp. 73-74. 19. Notice of the Oolite formation in America, with descriptions of some of its or- ganic remains. [1840.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 251-257. 2O. Organic remains from the Oolite of Cuba. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIL, 1841, pp. 257-260. 21. On traces of a fossil reptile (Sauropus primajvus) found in the Old Eed Sandstone. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1849 (pt. 2), p. 56. 22. On the genus Acostaja, D'Orbigny, a Freshwater Lamellibranchia. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1850-54, pp. 125-131. 23. Description of a fossil Saurian (Clep- sysaurus Pennsylvanicus) of the New Red Sand- stone formation of Pennsylvania; with some ac- count of that formation. Philad. Joum. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1850-54, pp. 185-202. Lea, Isaac. 24. On some new fossil molluscs in the carboniferous slates of the anthracite seams of the Wilkesbarre coal formation (Mo- diola Wyomingensis, M. minor, Posidonia cla- thrata, P. perstriata, P. distans, Pakeoniscus Leidyiana). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1850-54, pp. 203-206. 25. Descriptions of five new species of Anodonta3 collected by Hugh CUMING, Esq., in the East Indies (A. gracilis, A. crepera, A. tennis, A. subcrassa, A. Cumingii). Zool. Soc. Proc. XVTH., 1850, pp. 197-199. 26. Description of a new species of Sym- phynote Unio (Unio Cumingii). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 54-55. 27. Description of a new species of Es- chara (E. Claibornensis), from the Eocene of Alabama. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 109-110. 28. Notice of the Mya nodulosa, Wood. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, p. 368. 29. Descriptions of new species of the Family Uuionidse. [1852.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. X., 1853, pp. 253-294. 3O. Description of a new genus (Basistoma) of the family Melaniana, together with some new species of American Melanire. [1852.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. X., 1853, pp. 295- 302. 31. Description of a new species of Helix (H. Lecontii), from California, and a new cha- racteristic form of certain American Colimacea?. [1852.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. X., 1853, pp. 303-306. 32. On the fossil footmarks in the Red Sandstones of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. [1852.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. X., 1853, pp. 307-318. 33. On some reptilian footmarks recently discovered in the gorge of the Sharp Mountain, near Pottsville, Pa. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. V., 1854, pp. 91-94. 34. On the great size of certain Naiades from the neighbourhood of Cincinnati. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. V., 1854, pp. 191-193. 35. Rectification of Mr. T. A. CONRAD'S " Synopsis of the family of Naiades of North America," published in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, February 1853. Philad. Acad.' Nat. Sci. Proc. VIL, 1854-55, pp. 236-249. 36. Description of a new Mollusk (Cypri- cardia Leidyi) from the Red Sandstone near Pottsville, Pa. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIL, 1854-55, pp. 340-341. 37. Descriptions of exotic genera and species of the family Unionidte. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. ILL, 1855-58, pp. 289-321. 5x2 LEA] 900 [LEA Lea, Isaac. 38. On Centemodon sulcatus, a new genus of fossil Saurian Reptiles. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 77-78. 39. Description of a new sub-genus of Naiades (Plagiodon isocardiodes). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, p. 79. 40. Description of a new species of Tri- quetra (T. lanceolata). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, p. 79. 41. New freshwater Shells from California. Philad. Ac.id. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 80-81. 42. Descriptions of twenty-five new species of exoiic Uniones. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 92-95. 43. Descriptions of four new species of exotic Uniones (U. Nuttallianus, U. Cambodi- ensis, U. Newcombianus, U. Coloradoensis). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 103-104. 44. Descriptions of thirteen new species of exotic Peristomata. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 109-111. 45. Descriptions of fifteen new species of exot'c Melaniana. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 144-145. 46. Description o" the Byssus in the genus U.iio. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 213-214. 47. Descriptions of eleven new species of exotic Uriones. from Georgia. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 262-263. 48. Reptilian remains in the New Red Sandstone of Pennsylvania. Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1856, pp. 122-124. 4:9. On the New Red Sandstone formation of Pennsylvania. Silliman, Jouru. XXII., 1856, pp. 422-423. • SO. Description du sous-genre Plagiodon, et da genre Pompholyx. (Transl.) Journ. Conchyl. II., 1 857, pp. 207-208. 51. Descriptions of thirteen new species of Uniones. from Georgia. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sc:. Proc. IX., 1857, pp. 31-32. 52. Descriptions of six new species of Uniones from Alabama (U. propinquus, U. Florentinus, U. biemarginatus, U. mundus, U. Thorntonii, U. Mooresiauus). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sc;. Proc. IX., 1857, pp. 83-84. 53. Descriptions of eight new species of Naiades from various parts of the United States ; of three new exotic species of Naiades (Unio Poeyanus. U. Canadensis, Anodonta Hottonis), and of twelve new species of Naiades from North Carolina. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IX., 1 857, pp. 64-86. tea, Isaac. 54. Descriptions of six new species of Freshwater and Land Shells of Texas and Tamaulipas, from the Collection of the Smith- sonian Institution (Un>'o Berlandierii, U. Popeii, U. Bairdianus, Anodonta Henryiana, Helix Couchiana, II. Ta*naalipasensis). Philad. Acad. N.'t. Sci. Proc. IX., 1857, pp. 101-102. 55. Descriptions of twenty-seven new spe- cies of Unioues, from Georgia. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IX., 1857, pp. 169-172. 56. Descriptions of new species of Unio (U. turgidulus, U. perradiutus, U. exactus, etc.) from Tennessee. Alabama, and North Carolina. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. X., 1858, pp. 40- 41. 57. Descripiions of a new Helix (II. Clarkii) and two new Planorbes (P. Wheatleyi, P. Newberryi). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. X., 1858, p. 41. 58. Descriptions of four new Freshwater Molluscs, from the Isthmus of Darien and Hon- duras (Unio Caldwellii. U. Goascorar.ensis, Ano- donta luteola, Melania planensis). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. X., 1858, p. 1 18. 59. Descriptions of seven new species of Margaritanoe, and four new species of Ano- donta; (A. Halenbecldi, A. Gesnerii, A. Dari- ensis, A. Danielsii). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. X., 1858, pp. 138-139. 6O. Descriptions of twelve new species of Un>ones and other Freshwater Shells of the United States. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. X., 1858, pp. 165-i66. 61. Descriptions of the embryonic forms of thirty-eight species of Unionidie. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1858-60, pp. 43- 50. 62. New Unionidae of the United States. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1858-60, pp. 51-95, 191-233. 63. Descriptions of exotic Unionidae. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1858-60, pp. 235-273. 64. New Unionidai of the United States and Northern Mexico. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1858-60, pp. 327-374. 65. On Auroras. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. VI., 1859, pp. 162-164. 66. Descriptions of new species of Unio- nidoa, from Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas (U. spissus, U. corvus, Margaritana elliptica, Ano- donta Texasensis, etc.). Philad. Acad. Na>. Sci. Proc. 1859, pp. 112-113. — - 67. Descriptions of new species of Uniones, fiom South Carolina, Florida, Alabrma, and Texas (U. cacao, U. hepaticus, U. macrodon, etc.). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1859, pp. 154-155. LEA] 901 [LEA Lea, Isaac. 68. Descriptions of twenty-one new species or exo.'c Unionidae. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1859, pp. 151-154. 69. Desc'iptious of two new species of Uniones, from Georgia (U. fibuloides, U. com- pactus). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1859, p. 154. 7O. Descriptions of twelve new species of Uniones, from Georg'a. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1859, pp. 170-172. 71. Descriptions of four new species of exotic Uuionidas (U. bjlloides, Monocondylaea planulata, M. rhomboidea, Unio rudus). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1859, p. 187. 72. Description of a new species of Unio (U. Averyi), from the Isthmus of Darien. Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. 1859, p. 281. 73. Descriptions of three new species of exotic Uniones (U. Wynegungaensis, U. eonso- brinus, U. Nagpoorensis). Pliilad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1859, p. 331. 74. Descriptions of four new species of Unionidre (U. trifldus, U. patelloides, Anodonta Amazonensis, A. Moricandii), from Brazil and Buenos Ayres. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 89-90. 70. Descriptions of fifteen new species of Uruguayan Umonidae (U. Wynianii, U. Uru- guayensis, eic ). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 90-92. 76. Descriptions of five new species of Uniones (U. pudicus, U. camelopardalis, etc.) from Nor.h Alabama. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 92-93. 77. Descriptions of four new species of Melanidsfi of the UnHed States (Schizochilus Showalterii, Anculosa Showalterii, Melania grenatella, M. Newberryi). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, p. 93. • 78. Descriptions of fourteen new species of Schizostomae, Anculosre. and Lithasire. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I860, pp. 186-188. 79. Descriptions of two new species of Uniones from Georgia (U. linguaeformis, U. dispar). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, p. 305. 80. Descriptions of three new species of Uniones, f;om Mexico (U. Couchianus, U. Sala- doensis. U. cognatus). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1360. pp. C05-306. SI. Descriptions of new species of Unio- nidre, from the United States (U. Lesley!, U. casttis, Anodonia Kennerlyi, etc.). Philad. Acad. Na.. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 306-307. 82. Descriptions of six new species of Unio^-'dffi, from Alabama (U. Showalterii, U. Hartmanianus, U. dolosus, U. parvulus, U. plancus, Anodonta Showalterii). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, p. 307. Lea, Isaac, 83. Descriptions of three new species of exotic Unionidaj ([]. occatus, Ano- donta Calliaudii, Myrcetopus emarginatus). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 307-308. 84. Descriptions of twenty-five species of Unionidce, from Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Florida. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 38-41. 85. Descriptions of new species of Schiz- ostoma (S. Spillmanii), Anculosa (A. turbinata, A. Lewisii, A. Coosaensis), and Lithasia (L. fusiformis, L. imperialis, L. Tuomeyi, L. subglo- bosa, L. dilatata). Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 54-55. G6. Description of a new species of Neri- tina, from Coosa River, Alabama (N. Showal- terii). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 55-56. 87. Descriptions of two new species of Anodonta? (A. Kennicotii, A. Simpsoniana), from Arctic America. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 56-57. 88. Descriptions of twelve new species of Uniones, from Alabama, Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 59-60. 89. Description of a new genus (Strepho- basis) of the family Melanida?, and vhree new species (Str. Spillmanii, Str. cornea, Str. Clarkii). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 96-97. 90. Descriptions of forty-nine new species of the genus Melania. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 117-123. 91. Descriptions of new fossil Mollusca, from the cretaceous formation at Haddonfield, New Jersey (Corbula Foulkei, Modiola Juliae, Dosinia Haddonfieldensis). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 148-149. -- 92. Descriptions of eleven new species of the genus Unio, from the United States. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1361, pp. 391- 393. - 93. Descriptions of seven new species of the genus lo. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 393-394. - 94. Descriptions of ten new species of Tro- gosita, inhabiting the United Spates. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1862, pp. 168-169. 95. Descriptors of ten new spec;es of Unio- nidffi of the United S^tes. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sc-'. Proc. 1862, pp. 168-169. - 96. Description of a new genus (Trypar- rostoma) of the family Melanidse, and of forty- five new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1862, pp. 169-175. - 97. Descriptions of two new species of exotic Uniones (U. Paramattensis. U. Pazii), and one Monocondylrea (M. VVheatleyi). Phi- lad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1862, p. 176. LEA] 902 [LEA Lea, Isaac. 98. Description of a new genus (Gouiobasis) of the family Melanidse, and eighty- two new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1862, pp. 262-271. 99. Descriptions of eleven new species of Melanidse of the United States. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1862, pp. 272-274. 1OO. New Unionidfe of the United States. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1862, pp. 53-109. 1O1. New Unionidaj of the United States and Arctic America. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1862, pp. 187-216. 1O2. Check lists of the Shells of North America. Smithson. Miscell. Coll. II., 1862. 1O3. Descriptions of fourteen new species of Melanidfe and one Paludina. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1863, pp. 154-156. 104. Descriptions of eleven new species of exotic Unionidw. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1863, pp. 189-190. 1O5. Description of a new species of Unio (U. Laosensis) and a Monocondyloea (M. Mou- hotii). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1863, p. 190. 1O6. Descriptions of twenty-four new spe- cies of Union id2 divisant p—l. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 593-595. 56. Note sur le Canon Arithmeticus de JACOBI. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 1069-1071 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. XIX., 1854, pp. 334-336. 57. Demonstration du theoreme de LEXELL. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 24-26. 58. Sur 1'integrale !- wenn r die Entfernung des bewegten Puncts vom Schwer- punct der anziehenden Masse [*-, und k die Gauss'sche Zahl 0-01720209895 bedeutet, und fiir 7-=£ die Geschwindigkeit c stattfindet. Astr. Nachr. XLIII., 1856, col. 161-174, 177- 190, 193-204. 24. Kurze Notiz, die August'schen Logar- ithmen-Tafeln betretfend. Astr. Nachr. XLIII., 1856, col. 225-228. 25. Construction einer Tafel fiir den lapsus hypcrbolicits innerhalb der Grenzen t=-+/ und t unencllich. Astr. Nachr. XLIV., 1856, col. 17-30, 49-58, 63-80, 81-86, 99-110. 26. Kurze Notiz, die Kohler'schen Logar- ithmen-Tafeln betreffend. Astr. Nachr. XLIV., 1856, col. 209-216. 27. Construction einer neuen Tafel fiir den lapsus ellipticus innerhalb der letzten funf Achtel des Zeitraums, in welchem der bewegte Punct aus dem Zustande der Ruhe bis zurn Centralpunct gelangt. Astr. Nachr. XLIV., 1856, col. 161-170, 177-184, 241-254, 261-268, 272-280. 28. Construction einer Tafel fiir die ge- radlinige Central-Bewegung mit abstossender Kraft, welche sich umgekehrt wie das Quadrat der Entfernung verhiilt, innerhalb der Grenzen 2g k2 W. r=2a=— 2_T2p~a und r=2'55034980'7- verbunden mit einer durchgreifeiiden Revision der Berechnung der dritten Diflerential-Co- efficienten in den Interpolations-Formeln fiir die Tafeln des lapsus hyperbolicus und ellipticus. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 161-176, 289- 304, 353-362. VOL. ni. Lehmaun, Johann Wilhelm H. 29. Construc- tion einer Tafel fiir die geradlinige Central- Bewegung mit negativer Gravitation, innerhalb der Grenzen <=10034^A./ - und t unendlich, verbunden mit einer neuen, unzweideutigereu Controlle der Tafel des lapsus hyperbolicus. Astr. Nachr. XLVL, 1857, col. 177-186, 225- 228, 305-318; XLVIL, pp. 49-64, 113-128. 30. [Ueber DE GASPAKIS' Tafeln zur Auf- losung des Kepler'schen Problems.] Astr. Nachr. XLVL, 1857, col. 257-260. 31. Construction einer compendiosen Tafel der reciproken Werthe zur Erleichterung sehr exacter Rechnungen. Astr. Nachr. LIL, 1860, col. 1-22. 32. Die Losung der Fermat'schen Aufgabe: Wegschaffung der Wurzelgrossen aus algebra- ischen Ausdriicken, in welchen solche als Sum- manden vorkommen. Grunert. Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 207-219. • 33. Anfrage an die practischen Astronomen wegen eines theoretischen Bedenkens, die Beo- bachtungen Saturns gegen die Zeit seiner Quadratur betreffend. Astr. Nachr. LV., 1861, col. 1-44, 65-76. 34. Exacte Berechnung der Gauss'schen Constante It und ihres Logarithmus, mit Be- riicksichtigung der von Mercur, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, und Neptun auf die Lange der Epoche der Erde ausgeiibten-Secular- StSrung. Astr. Nachr. LVL, 1862, col. 321-324. 35. l)ie Elemente der Bahnen der acht Hauptplaneten fiir die Fundamental - Epoche 1800, Jan. 1 nebst ihren differentiellen Sacular- Aenderungen erster uud zweiter Ordnung. Astr. Nachr. LX., 1863, col. 289-302, 353-364, 369-374 ; LXL, 1863, col. 1-14. Lehmann, Julius. LTeber den Kaffee als Getriink in chemisch-physiologischer Hinsicht. Liebig, Annal. LXXXVIL, 1853, pp. 205-217, 275- 290; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXV., 1854, pp. 29-39 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 104-108 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 449-457. 2. Ueber die chemische Constitution des Wolfram-Minerals. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXL, 1854, pp. 160-172. 3. Ueber einen Gasapparat zu organischen Analj-sen und zum Gliihen von Rohren. Lie- big, Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 180-184. 4. Recherches sur la valeur nutritive des siliques de Colza faites a la Ferme-ecole du mar- quisat d'Oberlausitz. Bruxelles, Journ. Soc. Ceutr. Agric. V., 1858, pp. 174-176. 5. Ueber die mineralischen Nahrstoffe, insbesondere iiber die Erdphosphate als Niihr- stofle des jungen thierischen Organismus. Lie- big, Annal. CVIIL, 1858, pp. 357-378. 6 c LEH] 938 [LEH Lehmann, L. Ueber die Wirkung 12°-7.7° E. wanner Sitzbiider. Archiv Wiss. Heilk. I., 1854, pp. 521-543. 2. Ueber die Wirksamkeit 15°-30.5° E. warmer Sitzbiider, und iiber die Aufuabme von Wasser im Bade durch die Haut. Arcbiv Wiss. Heilk. II., 1856, pp. 1-23. — — 3. Ueber die Anbabnung einer vergleich- enden Balneologie, speciell iiber eine Vergleich- ung der Einwirkungeu eines gewohnlichen Was- serbades und der Einwirkung eines Eehmer (Oeynhauser) Soolbades. Rheinl. u. Westpbal. Corresp. XIIL, 1856, pp. 59-60. 4. Einige Notizen die Erniihrung betref- fend. Archiv Wiss. Heilk. III., 1858, pp. 1- 11. — — 5. Das Sooldunstbad zu Bad Oeynhausen (Rebme) und das gewolmliche Wasserdampf bad. Arcbiv Wiss. Heilk. III., 1858, pp. 279-311. 6. Das Tbermalbad zu Bad Oeynhausen und das gewohuliehf Wasser. Archiv Wiss. Heilk. IV., 1860, pp. 18-37. 7. " Welchen Einfluss iibt unter versehie- Lehnms, - -. 6. Eine Eigenschaft des Dreiecks. denen Verhiiltnissen die korperliche Bewegung — bis zur ernradenden Anstrengung gesteigert — auf den menschlichen Organismus, iusonderheit auf den Stoffwechsel aus ? " Archiv Wiss. Heilk. IV., 1860, pp. 484-520. 8. Diffusion durch die Haut im Bade. Virchow. Archiv, XXII., 1861, pp. 133-154. Lehmann, L., en IV. Vrolik. Waarneming eeuer aangeboren Hernia unibilicalis, gecompli- ceerd met tegenuatuurlijken anus. Amsterdam, Verhand. Genoots. Geueesk. II., 1858, pp. 157- 166. Lehmann, M. C. G. Beobachtungen iiber das Gewebe der Kreuzspinne (Aranea diadema). Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. III., 1801, pp. 147-158; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL, 1801, pp. 320-326. 2. Further observations on the Curculio Trii'olii in a letter to Mr. W. MARKWICK. Linn. Soc. Trans. VI., 1802, pp. 147-150. Lehmus, . Ueber zwei Curven. Crelle, Journ. L, 1S26, pp. 61-64. 2. Ueber die Theorie der Schraube. Crelle, Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 202-203. 3. Den einen Kreis ani innigsten osculi- renden Kegelschnitt zu flnden. Crelle, Journ. XXL, 1840, pp. 235-239. 4. Einige geometrische Aufgaben. Crelle, Journ. XXXI., 1846, pp. 85-89. • 5. Die Brennlinie fiir den elliptischen Quadranten, wenn die einfallenden Strahlen voni Mittelpunct der Ellipse ausgeheu und jeder zuriickgeworfene Strahl denselben Winkel mit der zugehorigen Normale bildet, wie der entsprechende einfallende. [1847.] Crelle, Journ. XLIV., 1852, pp. 90-92. Crelle, Journ. L., 1855, pp. 266-267. 7. Vier Aufgaben iiber die Kegelschnitte und die Maxima und Minima. Grunert, Ar- XXVIIL, 1857, pp. 249-253. lie Hon, H. Geologic et Paleontologie. Hain- naut, Mem. Soc. Sci. VIIL, 1847-48, pp. 13- 26. 2. Geologic et Paleontologie. Hypothese et faits curieux. Hainaut, Mem. Soc. Sci. L, 1853, pp. 121-131. 3. Terrains tertiaires de Bruxelles ; leur composition, leur classement, leur faune et leur flore. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 804-832. 4. Note sur les couches neocomienucs et albiennes de Wissant. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XXL, 1863, pp. 14-16. lie Hon, H., et Koninck. Recherches sur les Crinoides du terrain carbonifere de la Belgique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXVIIL, 1854. Lehot, C. J. Sur le galvanisme. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIH., 1801, pp. 42-65 ; Journ. de Phys. LIL, 1800, pp. 135-149. 2. Lettre sur la pile galvanique. Bibl. Britaunique, L., 1812, pp. 76-80. 3. Sur les lunettes a micrometre prisma- tique de Mr. 1'Abbe EOCHON. Bibl. Britanuique, LIV., 1813, pp. 376-382. • 4. Lettre sur la courbe resultante de 1'at- traction capillaire. Bibl. Britannique, LVILT., 1815, pp. 78-86. 5. Sur le mouvement spontane des corps flottauts. Journ. des Mines, XXXVIIL, 1815, pp. 75-80 ; Bibl. Britannique, LLX., 1815, pp. 377-384. — • 6. Sur certains phenomenes des corps flottants. Bibl. Univ. IV., 1817, pp. 75-80. 7. Observations sur 1'ecoulement des fluides. Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 205-212. 8. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Ausfliessen tropfbarfliissiger Korper aus Haarrohrchen. Gilbert, Annal. LXV., 1820, pp. 64-68. 9. Observations sur le galvanisme et le magnetisme. Eouen, Trav. Acad. 1821, pp. 19-21. 1O. Ueber das Magnetisiren von Stabl- nadeln, durch Electricitiit. Gilbert, Aunal. LXVILL, 1821, pp. 306-308. 11. Sulla visione. Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1822, pp. 161-164. 12. Osservazioni intorno ai fenomeni che presentano le punte elettrizzate. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VI., 1823, pp. 214-216. 13. Nuova teoria sopra la visione. Brug- natelli, Giornale, VII., 1824, pp. 290-294. 14. Application de la loi mathematique de 1'evaluation des distances. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. V., 1826, pp. 17-18. LEH] 939 [LEI Lehot, C. J. 15. Sur le cbangement de la gran- deur apparente des corps. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. VII., 1827, pp. 245-247. 16. Observations sur 1'ecoulement des fluides. Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1829, pp. 5-13. Lehot, C. J.. Clement, et Desormes. Experi- ences sur la resistance que le mouvement de 1'air eprouve dans les tuyaux d'uue grande longueur. Journ. de Phys. LXXLTL, 1811, pp. 36-40; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1811, pp. 295-298; Journ. des Mines, XXIX., 1811, pp. 301-307 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXIII., 1811, pp. 36-40; Gilbert, Annal. XXXIX., 1811, pp. 142-149. Le Htmte, diaries. Analysis of the stony pericarp of the Lithospermum officinale. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIII., 1832, pp. 24-26; Liebig, Annal. III., 1832, pp. 139-140. 2. Analysis of the Labradorite Felspar found in the Trap-Rocks of Scotland. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIIL, 1832, pp. 86-90. 3. On the geology of the neighbourhood of Kelso. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVI., 1839, pp. 144-152. Lehwess, . Eierstocks-Schwangerschaft. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1842, pp. 814-816. Leib, George C. Description of a new species of Fuligula. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIII., 1839-42, pp. 170-171. 2. Description of the nest and eggs of the Fulica Americana and Anas discors. Phil.id. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIII., 1839-42, pp. 203- 204. Leibius, A., und Peter Griess. Notiz iiber die Verbindungen des Cyans mit den Amidosauren. Liebig, Annal. CXIII., 1860, pp. 332-334; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 390- 391. Leiblein, . Verzeichniss der Wasseralgen, welche sich in der Gegend um Wiirzburg vor- finden. Flora, X., 1827, pp. 257-266, 273- 281. 2. Beitrag zu einer Anatomic des Pur- purstachels (Murex brandaris). Heusinger, Zeitschrift, 1., 1827, pp. 1-32. 3. Observations anatomiques sur la pourpre des anciens, ou le Rocher droite epine (Murex brandaris, Linn.). Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828, pp. 177-206. 4. Mollusken-Fauna der Gegend um Wiirz- burg. Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1280-1287, 1288-1290. 5. Algologische Bemerkungen. Flora, Leibold, Fried-rich. Polypeu-Bildungen und Korallen-Biinke. Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. I., 1846, pp. 263-269. Leichliardt, Ludwig. Scientific excursions in New Holland. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. TV., 1845, pp. 278-291. 2. Expedition from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, Australia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1846, pp. 212-238. • 3. Lectures on the geology, botany, natural history, and capabilities of the country between Moreton Bay and Port Essington. Tasmanian Journ. Nat. Sci. HI., 1849, pp. 81-113. 4. ITeber die Kohlenlager von Newcastle am Hunter. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. I., 1849, pp. 44-52. 5. Beitrage zur Geologic von Australian. Halle. Abb.. Nat. Gesell. III., 1855, pp. 1- 62. Leichtenschneider, Ferd. Chaudiere a vapeur, pour le service des sechoirs des papeteries me- caniques. Dijon, Mem. Acad. 1840, pp. xlvi-li. Iieidenfrost, . Evaporation of water from hot surfaces. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1829, pp. 180-181. Leidig, Franz. Die Dotterfurchung nach ihrem Vorkommen in der Thierwelt und nach ihrer Bedeutung. Oken, Isis, 1848, col. 161-193. Leidy, Joseph. On the existence of the sack of the dart and of the dart in several species of North American pneumonobranchiate Mollusks. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1845, pp. 59-60. 2. Anatomical description of the animal of Littorina angulifera, Lam. [1845.] Bos- ton, Journ. Nat. Hist, V., 1845-47, pp. 344- 347. 3. On several important points in the anatomy of the human larynx. Arner. Journ. Med. Sci. XII., 1846, pp. 141-143. 4. Remarks upon the anatomy of the XIIL, 1830, pp. 305-318, 323-335, 337-351. ieiblein, . Versuch einer Aufzahlung der Fische des Main-Gebietes. Regensburg, Kor- resp. Blatt, 1853, pp. 97-127, 183-185. abdominal viscera of the Sloth, Bradypus tridactylis, Linn. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 72-74; Bibl. Univ. Archives, III.. 1846, pp. 287-288. 5. On the anatomy of Spectrum femo- ratum, Say. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III.. 1846-47, pp. 80-84. 6. Description of a new genus and species of Entozoa. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 100-101 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX.. 1847, pp. 209-210. 7. On the mechanism which closes the membranous wings of the genus Locusta. Phi- lad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 104-105; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1847, pp. 214-215. 6 c 2 LEI] 940 [LEI Lcidy, Josepli. 8. On the situation of the olfac- tory sense in the terrestrial tribe of the Gas- teropodous Mollusca. Philail. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 136-137 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1847, pp. 210-211 ; Silliman, Journ. III., 1847, pp. 434-435. 9. Description and anatomy of a new and curious sub-genus of Planaria (Phagocata gra- cilis). Philail. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 248-252 : Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1848, pp. 242-246. 1O. Description of two new species of Planaria (P. maculata, Prostoma marginaturn). Philad. Aead. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47. pp. 251-252; Ann. Nat. Hist. L, 1848, pp. 78-79. 11. On the fossil Horse of America. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 262-266. 12. On a new genus and species of fossil Ruminantia, Poebrotherium Wilsoni. Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 322- 326; Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1848, pp. 389-392 ; Silliman. Journ. V., 1848, pp. 276-279. 13. History and anatomy of the hemip- terous genus Belostoma. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1847-50, pp. 57-67. 14. Miscellanea Zoologica. 1. Description of a new genus and species of Entozoa : Cryp- tobia helicis. 2. On the mechanism which closes the membranous wings of the genus Lo- custa. 3. On the situation of the olfactory sense in the terrestrial tribe of the Gasteropodous Mollusca. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1847-50, pp. 67-70. 15. Descriptions of two species of Dis- toma (D. horridum, D. vagans), with the partial history of one of them. Philad. Journ. Aead. Nat. Sci. I., 1847-50, pp. 301-310. 16. On the eyes of the Balanus. Silli- man, Journ. VI., 1848, p. 136. 17. On some bodies in the Boa-constrictor resembling the Paciniau corpuscles. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 27-28 ; Miilk-r, Archiv, 1848, pp. 527-530. 18. On a new fossil genus and species of ruminantoid Pachydermata, Merycoidodou Cul- bertsonii. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. TV., 1848-49. pp. 47-50. 18*. Observations on the developement of bone, the structure of articular cartilage, and on the relation of the areolar tissue with muscle and tendon. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 116-117. • 19. Observations on the existence of the intermaxillary bone in the embryo of the human subject. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 145-147. 2O. Tapirus Americanus fossilis. Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 180-183. Leidy, Jofeph. 21. [On the existence of En- tophyta in healthy animals, as a natural con- dition.] Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 225-233; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 71-76. 22. On some new genera and species of Entozoa (Ascaris cylindrica ; A. infecta ; Aor- urus, n. g. of Nematoidere, etc.). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49. pp. 229-233 ; Ann. Nat. Hist, V., 1850, pp. 314-317. 23. Observations on the characters and intimate structure of the odoriferous glands of the Invertebrata. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 234-236. 24. Descriptions of new genera (Coryno- cladus and Cryptodesma), and species (Ente- robus spiralis, E. attenuates) of Entophyta. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 249-250. 25. On the intimate structure and history of the articular cartilages. Arner. Journ. Med. Sci. XVH., 1849, pp. 277-294 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 156-158. 26. On the developemunt of the Purkinjean corpuscle in bone. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 74-75. 27. On the arrangement of the areolar sheath of muscular fasciculi, and its relation to the tendon. Aim. Nat, Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 158-159. 28. Internal anatomy of Corydalus cor- nutus, in its three stages of existence. [1848.] Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. IV., 1849, pp. 162- 168. 29. Notice of certain peculiar bodies ob- served in the human subject. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XX., 1850, pp. 89-91. • 3O. Notice on the formation of some crys- talline bodies in collodion. American Journ. Pharm. XVI., 1850, pp. 24-26. 31. On the characters and intimate struc- ture of the odoriferous glands of the Inverte- brata. Ann. Nat, Hist. V., 1850, pp. 154-156. 32. Nyctotherus, a new genus of Poly- gastrica allied to Plesconia. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 158-159. 33. Descriptions of new Eutophyta grow- ing within animals (Eccrina longa, E. monili- forma, Anthromitus nitidus). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51. pp. 35-36; Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 236-237. 34. Observations on two new genera of mammalian fossils, Eucrotaphus Jacksoni and Archieotherium Mortoni. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 90-94. • 35. Contributions to Helminthology (Li- gula tritonis, Pentastomum euryzonum, P. pro- boscideum, Echinorlryiichus ovatus, etc.) Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 96-98. LEI] 941 [LEI Leidy, Joseph. 36. Notes on the clevelopcment of the Gordius aquaticus. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 98-100. 37. Two new species of infusorial En- tozoa (Nyctotherus ovalis and Bodo julidis). Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proe.V., 1850-51, p. 100. 38. Description of some Nematoid Entozoa infesting Insects (Streptosoraa gracile, Thelas- toma appendiculatum, T. labiatum, T. robustum, etc.). Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. V., 1850- 51, pp. 100-102. 39. Descriptions of three Filariie (F. ho- miuis-oris, F. canis-cordis, F. Borc-constrictoris). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 117-119. 40. On the nettling organs of the Hydra. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 119-121. 41. On some fossil Mammalian remains (Rhinoceros Nebraskensis ; Agriochoerus, n. g.; Palaaotherium). Philad. Aead. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 121-122. 42. Descriptions of new genera (Peloscolex, Rhynchoscolex, Emea, Auortha) of Vermes. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 124-126. 43. Descriptions of new species of Entozoa (Cuculanus roseus, Ascaris Felis discoloris, etc.). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850- 51, pp. 155-156. 44. On a fossil Tortoise, Stylemys Ne- brascensis. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 172-173. 45. Contributions to Helminthology. Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 205-209, 224-227, 239-244, 284-290, 349- 351. 46. On fossil remains of Ruminant ungu- lates from Nebraska (Oreodou priscum, O. gra- cile, Cotylops speciosa). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 237-239. 47. [On the genus Plumatella, Base.'] Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 261-263. 48. On Cristatella, Cm: Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 265-266. 49. Corrections and additions to former papers on Helminthology. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 284-290. SO. On the fossil remains of Balaana palceatlantica and B. prisca, from the Miocene formation of Virginia. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 308-309. 51. On some American freshwater Poly- zoa (Pectinatella magnitica, Plumatella diffusa, and P. nitida, Paludicella elongata, and Urna- tella gracilis). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 320-322. Leidy, Joseph. 52. On some fossil Reptilian and Mammalian remains (Cimoliasaurus mag- nus, Discosaurus vetustus, Crocodilus fastigi- atus, Emys Oweni). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 325-330. 53. Descriptions of some American An- nelida abranchia (Nais gracilis, N. rivuk>3a, Pris- tina longiseta, Strephuris agilis, etc.). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1850-54, pp. 43- 50. 54. Description of a new species of Croco- dile (Crocodilus antiquus) from the Miocene of Virginia. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1850-54, pp. 135-138. 55. On the osteology of the head of Hippopotamus, and a description of the osteo- logical characters of a new genus of Hippo- potamid;e (Chreropsis Liberiensis). Philad. Jouru. Acad. Nat, Sci. II., 1850-54, pp. 207- 224. 56. On Bathyguathus liorealis, an extinct Saurian of the new Red Sandstone of Prince Edward's Island. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1850-54, pp. 327-330. 57. Zoological Researches. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1851, pp. 274-275. 58. Report upon some fossil Mammalia and Chelonia from Nebraska. Smithsonian Reports, 1852, pp. 63-65. 59. On a new species of fossil Delphinus (D. Conradi) and a new saurian, Thoracosaurus grandis. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, p. 35. 6O. Ursus amplidens, new fossil species. Philad. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, p. 303. 61. On some fossil Cetacean remains. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 377-378. 62. On the organisation of the genus Gregarina, Dufour. [1851.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. X., 1853, pp. 233-240. 63. Some observations on Nematoidea imperfecta, and descriptions of three parasitic Infusoria (Nyctotherus velox, N. ovalis, Bodo Julidis). Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. X., 1853, pp. 241-244. 64. Description of an extinct species of American Lion, Felis atrox. [1852.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. X., 1853, pp. 319-322. 65. A memoir on the extinct Dicotylinaj of America. [1852.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. X., 1853, pp. 323-344. 66. A Flora and Fauna within Living Animals. [1851.] Smithson. Contrib. V., 1853. 67. Memoir on the extinct species of American Ox (Bison latifrons). [1852.] Smithson. Contrib. V., 1853. LEI] 942 [LEI Leidy, Joseph. 68. The ancient Fauna of Nebraska ; or a description of remains of ex- tinct Mammalia and Chelonia, from the Mau- vaises Terres of Nebraska. [1852.] Smithson. Contrib. VI., 1854, pp. 392-394. 69. On Brimosaurus grandis, n,g. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, p. 72. 7O. On Bison latifrons (Sus Americanus. Hurl., S. Harlanus, Ow.). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, p. 89. 71. Hippodon and Merycodus, new fossil genera indicated. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proe. VII., 1854-55, p. 90. 72. Synopsis of extinct Mammalia, the remains of which have been discovered in the eocene formations of Nebraska. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 156-158. 73. Description of a fossil apparently in- dicating an extinct species of the Camel tribe (Camelops Kansanus). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 172-173. 74. On Urnatella gracilis and a new species of Plumatella (P. vesicularis). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 191- 192. 75. Notice of some fossil bones discovered by Mr. Francis A. LINCKE, in the banks of the Ohio river, Indiana. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 199-201. 76. Remarks on the question of the identity of Bootherium cavifrons with Ovibos moschatus or 0. rnaxiinus. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 209-210. 77. Indications of twelve species of Fossil Leidy, Joscpli. 83. Description of some re- mains of extinct Mammalia (Camelops Kan- sanus, Canis prirncevus, Ursus amplidens, U. americauus fossilis, Procyon priscus, Anomodon Snyderi). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1855-58, pp. 166-171. • 84. Description of two Ichthyodortilites (Stenacanthus nitidus, Cylindracanthus orna- tus). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 11-12 ; Silliman, Journ. XXI., 1856, pp. 421-422. 85. A synopsis of Entozoa and some of their Ecto-congeners. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 42-58. 86. Notices of some remains of extinct Fishes from New Jersey and S. Carolina. Phi- lad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 395-397. — 78. Indications of five species, with two new genera, of extinct Fishes (Sicarius extinc- tus, Edestus vorax, Oracaulhus vetustus, Pristis curvidens, P. ensidens). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, p. 414. 79. Notices of some Tape Worms (Trenia solium, T. laticephala, T. serrata, T. cucumerina, etc.). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854- 55, pp. 443-444. — 80. A memoir on the extinct Sloth Tribe of North America. [1853.] Smithson. Con- trib. 1855. 81. Contributions towards a knowledge of the Marine Invertebrate Fauna, of the coasts of Rhode Island and New Jersey. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1855-58, pp. 135-152. 82. Descriptions of some remains of Fishes from the Carboniferous and Devonian Forma- tions of the United States. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1855-58, pp. 159-165. Mammalia, discovered by Dr. F. V. HATDEN, in the Bad Lauds of Nebraska (Hipparion occi- dentale, Hyopotamus Americanus). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 59-60. 87. Notices of remains of extinct Rep- tiles and Fishes, discovered by Dr. F. V. HAY- DEN in the Bad Lands of the Judith River, Nebraska Territory. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 72-76; Silliman. Journ. XXL, 1856, pp. 422-423. 88. Notices of remains of extinct Mam- malia, discovered by Dr. F. V. HATDEN, in Nebraska Territory (Troadon formosus, Deino- dou horridus, Crocodilus pumilis, etc.). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIH., 1856, pp. 88-90. 89. Notice of the remains of a species of Seal, from the post-pliocene deposit of the Ottawa River. Pliilud. Acad. Nac. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 90-91. 9O. Notices of several genera (Deinictis, Hyracodon, Titanotherium) of extinct Mam- malia, previously less perfectly characterized. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 91-92. 91. Notice of some remains of extinct Vertebrated Animals (Leptauchenia major, Pro- tomeryx Halli, Oreodon major, etc.). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VEX, 1856, pp. 162-165. 92. Notices of remains of extinct Verte- brated Animals of New Jersey, collected by Prof. COOK (gen. Macrophoca, Polygouodou, Ischyriza, Edaphodon). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 220-221. 93. Notices of remains of extinct Verte- brated Animals discovered by Professor E. EMMONS (fam. Cetacea, Sauria, Labyriutho- douta, Pisces). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 255-256 ; Silliman, Journ. XXIII, 1857, pp. 271-272. 94. Notice of some remains of Fishes dis- covered by Dr. John E. EVANS (Clupea humilis, Cladocyclus occidentalis, Euchodus Shumardi). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 256-257. LEI] 943 [LEI Leidy, Joseph. 95. Notice of remains of two species of Seals (Phoca Wymani and Ph. de- bilis). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, p. 265. 96. Remarks on certain extinct species of Fishes (Edestus vorax, Cylindracanthus or- iiatus, Saurocephalus and its allies). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 301- 302. 97. Notices of remains of extinct Turtles of New Jersey, collected by Prof. COOK (Che- loue grandreva, Emys firmus, E. pravus, Pla- ternys sulcatus, Chelone ornata). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 303-304. 98. Notices of extinct Vertebrata dis- covered by Dr. F.. V. HAYDEN, during the ex- pedition to the Sioux country (fam. Mammalia, Chelonia, Pisces). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 311-312. 99. List of extinct Vertebrata, the remains of which have been discovered in the region of the Missouri river ; with remarks on their geo- logical age. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IX., 1857, pp. 89-91. 100. Notices of some remains of extinct Fishes (Hadrodus priscus, Phasganodus dirus, Turseodus acutus, Pycnodus robustus). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IX., 1857, pp. 167-168. 101. Remark on the larvre of a species of Gordius and of CEstrus. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IX., 1857, p. 204. 1O2. On a boring Sponge. Silliman, Journ. XXIII., 1857, pp. 281-282. 103. Notice of remains of extinct Verte- brata, from the valley of the Niobrara River, collected during the Exploring Expedition of 1857, in Nebraska, by Dr. F. V. HAYBEN. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. X., 1858, pp. 20- 29. 104. Contributions to Helminthology. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. X., 1858, pp. 110-112. • 1O5. Observations on three kinds of dip- terous larvce from man. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. XL, 1859, pp. 7-8 (Biolog.}. 106. Notice of remains of the Walrus dis- covered on the coast of the United States. [1856.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. XL, 1860, pp. 83-87. 107. Descriptions of the remains of fishes from the carboniferous limestone of Illinois and Missouri (Cochliodus nitidus, C. occidentalis, C. latus, Helodus gibbus, Chomatodus venustus, Ch. obscurus, Palseobatis insignis, Ctenoptychius digitatus). [1856.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. XL, 1860. pp. 87-90. 1O8. Remarks on Saurocephalus and its allies. [1856.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. XL, 1860, pp. 91-95. Leidy, Joseph. 109. Observations on the ex- tinct Peccary of North America ; being a sequel to " A memoir on the extinct Dicotylinse of America." [1856.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. XL, 1860, pp. 97-105. 110. Remarks on the structure of the feet of Mesralonyx. [1856.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. XL, 1860, pp. 107-108. 111. Extinct Vertebrata from the Judith River and great lignite formations of Nebraska. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. XL, 1860, pp. 139- 154, Leigh, John. On the composition of Gas pro- duced by the joint distillation of Tar and Water at a high temperature. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IX., 1851, pp. 243-249. 2. On the chemical changes attending the formation of Coal, and on the relation of these changes to the philosophy of Gas-making. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IX., 1851, pp. 250-278. • 3. On the analysis of gaseous mixtures. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IX., 1851, pp. 297-305. Leigh, John, and E. W. Einney. On a patch of red and variegated Marls, containing fossil shells at Colyhurst, near Manchester. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1836, pp. 571-572. Leigh, T. S. A visit to the River Zambezi. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1849, pp. 1-6. • 2. Mayotta and the Comoro Islands. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XLX., 1849, pp. 7-16. Leighton, W. A. On Viola imberbis \Lciyhtoii\, a species of Violet supposed to be new to the British Flora; with brief observations on some peculiarities of Viola lactea, Viola canina, Ranunculus ficaria, and Galium, cruciatum. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1835, pp. 277-281. 2. On the specific distinction of Rhyncho- spora alba and Rynchospora fusca. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1835, pp. 675-678. 3. On Epilobium angustifolium, Linn., and species which have been confounded with it. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1842, pp. 246-248, 401-404. 4. Hints towards a new specific character in the Willows. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 21-22. 5. Notes on Shropshire Rubi. Phytologist, III., 1848, pp. 71-76, 159-166, 173-178. 6. On the form of the Capsule and Seeds as affording a specific character in Primula vul- garis, Suds. ; P. veris, Linn. ; and P. elatior, Jacq. Ann. Nat. Hist. H., 1848, pp. 164- 166; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. III., 1850, pp. 69-70. 7. Note on Viola sylvatica and V. canina. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 304-310. LEI] 944 [LEJ Leighton, W. A. 8. Monograph of the British Graphidea?. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1854, pp. 81-97, 202-212, 264-279, 387-395,436-446. 9. Hints on a new character in Ferns. Phytologist, I., 1855-56, pp. 256-259. 10. On the impregnation of Vaucheria sessilis, DC. Phytologist, I., 1855-56, pp. 289- 292. 11. Monograph of the British Umbilicai'ioe. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1856, pp. 273-297. 12. New British Arthonise (A. glauco- maria, A. vinosa, A. aspersa). Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1856, pp. 330-333. . 13. New British Lichens (Opegrapha anomala, Coniocyhe citrina, Sphinctrina sep- tata). Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 129- 133. Leiner, . Verzeichniss der Schmetterlinge um Coustauz. Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1059-1066. Leinweber, . Verwtistungen an Ulmen durch Galleruca xanthomelsena. Wien, Zool. Bot, Ver. Verhandl. VI., 1856 (Sitsunysber.), pp. 74-75. Leipner, A. On the presence of silica in the Rubiaceaj and in Achillea ptarmica. Journ. Microsc. Sci. V., 1857, pp. 134-137. Leisering, . Ueber die Fortpflanzung des Kanguruh. Wiegmanu, Archiv, XV., 1849, pp. 18-38. Leishman, William. On the mechanism of parturition. Glasgow, Med. Joum. XI., 1864, pp. 432-459. Leisler, . Nachtrag zu BECHSTEIN'S Natur- geschichte der Deutschen Vogel. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. I., 1809, pp. 126-144, 286-293 : II., 1811, pp. 335-347. 2. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Deutsche Fledermiiuse. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 155-158. 3. Ueber eine bisher imbekannte Adlerart. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. II., 1810, pp. 170-184. • 4. Die kurzzehige Lerche, Alauda brachy- dactyla. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. III., 1812, pp. 357-359. Leitao, J. M. Notice sur le district metallifere du Moncayo, dans le royaume d'Aragon. Annal. des Mines, I., 1852, pp. 107-112. Leitch, William. On some remarkable effects of lightning observed in a farm-house near Monie- mail, Cupar-Fife. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1848-55, pp. 69-72. 2. On the developement of sex in social insects. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 111-112. 3. On the sexual developement and eco- nomy of bees, and on the saccharine matter of plants, viewed in relation thereto. Canada, Bot. Soc. Ann. I., 1861-62, pp. 146-154. Leite. Sec Silva Leite, Maximiano Antonio da. Leitgeb, Hubert. Die Luftwege der Pflanzen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVIII., 1855, pp. 334-363. 2. Die Haftwurzeln des Epheu. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIX., 1858, pp. 350-360. Leith, A. H. Note on an apparently new genus of Gasteropod. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1857, pp. 145-146. 2. Discovery of more organic remains and minerals in the Trapp of Bombay. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862, p. 180. Leithart, J. On the stratification of rocks. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838, pp. 88-89. 2. On faults and anticlinal and synclinal axes. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838, p. 89. Leithead, W. An account of various arrange- ments of the Voltaic apparatus, and remarks on the limited extent of metallic surface, sufficient for electrical excitation ; with a few observa- tions on electro-chemistry. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. I., 1836-37, pp. 216-223. Leithnor, F. Frcihcrr von. Ueber fabrikmassige Erzeugung des Nickelmetalls. Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. LXXXIIL, 1842, pp. 121-124. Leitner, . Merkwiirdige Vergiftungen uuter unsern Hausthieren, durch den Taxus bacnata, den Juniperus Sabina und den Semen Staphis- agri;e ; ein Beitrag zur Toxicologie. Hermb- stiidt, Museum, IV., 1815, pp. 147-151. Leitner, E. T. Observations on depriving flowers of their anthers, to produce double flowers. Silliman, Journ. XXIII., 1833, pp. 45-48. Lejean, G. L'intorieur de la Guyane Francaise. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XI., 1856, pp. 246- 264. 2. Mission dans les Provinces Danubiennes. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XV., 1858, pp. 99-116. • 3. Le Balkan central. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XV., 1858, pp. 413-418. 4. Die Gebiete am untern Senegal. Peter- mann, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 394-396. 5. Ethnographic de la Turquie d'Europe. Petermaun, Mittheil. 1861 (Err/anz.) 6. Rapport d'uue mission dans la region du Haut Nil. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. III., 1862, p_p. 205-221. Iiejeune, . Notice relative a la comparaisou du terrain cretace dans les environs de Neuehatel avec celui du Barrois en France. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. 1836, pp. 118-122. —— 2. Terrain cretace du Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1837-38, pp. 46-47. 3. Position geologique du calcaire oolitique du Barrois. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1837- 38, pp. 338-342. 4. Sur la geologie du Jura. Paris. Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1837-38, pp. 360-364. LEJ] 945 [LEJ Lejeune, . 5. Sur la position geologique du calcaire oolitique du Barrois. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1838-39, pp. 311-313. 6. Notice sur les earrieres de Brouck. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. I., 1843, pp. 108- 110. 7. Coupe geologique de la chaine des Vosges a la cote de Saverne, et dans 1'emplace- ment de la partie souterraine du canal de la Marne tm Rkin. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. II., 1*44, pp. 23-27. Lejeune, , et E. Rivot. Notes sur le gise- ment des minerals de zinc et de plomb dans la Haute Silesie, recueillies dans un voyage fait en 1846. Annal. des Mines, XIII., 1848, pp. 271-336. Lejeune, A. /.. S. Sur les proprietes medi- cinales de plusieurs plantes indigenes : Nar- cisse des pres, Le Putiet, Coronille bigarree, Galeopside grandiflore. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. V., 1820, pp. 331-347. 2. Remarques critiques sur le Memoire de M. COURTOIS sous le titre : Comraentarius iu Remberti Dodoncei Pemptades. [1836.] Acad. C»s. Leop. Nova Acta, XIX., 1839, pp. 385- 406. Lejeune, A. L. S., et R. Courtois. Aanteek- eningen over eenige Planten der Zuid-Neder- landsche Flora, en voornamelijk der Flora van de omstreken van Spa. Hall, Bijdragen, L, 1826, pp. 292-299. 2. Verhandeling over de Ranuu- culacese der Nederlandsche Flora. Hall, Bij- dragen, II., 1827, pp. 69-110. Lejeune, P/iocas. Sur plusieurs especes du genre Nasturtium qui doivent entrer dans la Flore Belgique, avec les diagnoses de celles qui n'y sont pas decrites (N. microphyllum, N. siifolium, N. pyrenaicum). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1832-34, pp. 179-182. 2. Sur deux especes de Senesou (S. ver- nalis, S. Jacquinianus) a aj outer a la Flore de la Belgique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1838, pp. 284-286. 3. Amvendung des Zuckerschaums — noir unimal — zur Urbarmachung der Heiden und Steppen. Annal. Landwirth. XX., 1852, pp. 105-118. 4. De la valeur relative de quelques en- grais. Journ. Agric. Prat. II., 1854, pp. 223— 228. 5. Sur une maladie des plantes cruciferes agricoles et Lorticoles. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1859, pp. 476-479. Lejeune-Dirichlet, G. Recherches sur les divi- seurs premiers d'une classe de formules du quatrieme degre. Crelle, Journ. III., 1828, pp. 35-69. VOL. III. Lejeune-Dirichlet, G. 2. Memoire sur 1'im- possibilite de quelques equations indeterminees du 5e degre. Crelle, Journ. III., 1828, pp. 354- 375. 3. Demonstrations nouvelles de quelques theoremes relatifs aux nombres. Crelle, Journ. III., 1828, pp. 390-393. 4. Note sur les integrates definies. Crelle, Journ. IV., 1829. pp. 94-98. 5. Sur la convergence des series trigono- metriques qui servent a representer une t'onc- tion arbitraire entre des limites donnees. Crelle, Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 157-169. 6. Solution d'une question relative a la theorie mathematique de la chaleur. Crelle, Journ. V., 1829, pp. 287-295. • 7. Demonstration d'une propric'te analogue a la loi de reciprocite qui existe entre deux nombres premiers quelconques. Crelle, Journ. IX.. 1832, pp. 379-389. 8. Demonstration du theorems de FERMAT pour le cas des 14i0mes puissances. Crelle, Journ. IX., 1832, pp. 390-393. 9. Untersuchungen iiber die Theorie der quadrat! schen Formen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1833 pp. 101-122. 1O. Einige neue Satze iiber unbestimmte Gleicbungen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1834, pp. 648- 664. 11. Ueber eine neue Anwendung bestimm- ter Integrale auf die Summation endlicher oder unendlicher Reihen. Berlin, Abhaudl. 1835, pp. 391-401. — 12. Sur les integrates Euleriennes. Crelle, Journ. XV., 1836, pp. 258-263. 13. Ueber den Satz : dass jede arithmet- ische Progression, deren erstes Glied und Dif- ferenz keinen gemeinschaftlichen Factor haben, unendlich viel Primzahlen enthiilt. Berlin, Be- richt, 1837, pp. 108-110. 14= Sur les series dont le terme general depend de deux angles, et qui servent a ex- primer des fonctions arbitraires entre des limites donnees. Crelle, Journ. XVII., 1837, pp. 35- 56. 15. Sur 1'usage des iutegrales definies dans la sommation des series finies ou infinies. CreUe, Journ. XVII., 1837, pp. 57-67. 16. Sur la maniere de resoudre 1'equation t2 — pu- = 1 au moyen des fonctions circulaires. Crelle, Jouru. XVII., 1837, pp. 286-290. 17. Ueber die Darstellung ganz willkiihr- licher Functionen durch Sinus- und Cosinus- reihen. Report, der Phys. I., 1837, pp. 152- 174. 18. Ueber die Bestimmung asymptot- ischer Gesetze in der Zahlentheorie. Berlin, Bericht, 1838, pp. 13-15. 6 D LEJ] 946 [LEJ Lejeune-Dirichlet, G. 19. Sur 1'usage des series inflnies dans la theorie des nombres. Crelle, Journ. XVIII., 1838, pp. 259-274. 2O. Neue Methods zur Bestimmung viel- facher Integrate. Berlin, Bericht, 1839, pp. 18-25, 61-79. 21. Reeherches sur diverges applications de 1'analyse infinitesimale a la theorie des nom- bres. Crelle, Journ. XIX., 1839, pp. 324-369 ; XXI., pp. 1-12, 134-155. 22. Sur une nouvelle methode pour la determination des integrates multiples. Paris, Comptes Reudus, VIII., 1839, pp. 156-160; Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1839, pp. 164- 168. 23. Demonstration de cette proposition : — Toute progression arithmetique dont la pre- micre terme et la raison sont des entiers sans diviseur commun, contient une infinite de nom- bres premiers. Liouville, Jouru. Math. IV., 1839, pp. 393-422. 24. Ueber eine Eigenschaft der quadrat- isclien Formen. Berlin, Bericht, 1840, pp. 49- 56 ; Crelle, Joum. XXI., 1840, pp. 98-100. 25. Extrait d'une lettre a M. LIOUVILLE. (Sur la theorie des nombres.) Paris, Comptes Reudus, X., 1840, pp. 285-288. 26. Untersuchungeu iiber die Theorie der complexen Zahlen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1811, pp. 141-161; Berlin, Bericht, 1841, pp. 190-194; Crelle, Jouru. XXII., 1841, pp. 375-378 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 245- 269. 27. Untersuchungen iiber eine Klasse hornogener Functionen des dritten und der hoheren Grade. Berlin, Bericht, 1841, pp. 280- 285. 28. Verallgemeinerung eines Satzes aus der Lehre von den Kettenbruchen nebst einigen Anwendungen auf die Theorie der Zahlen. Berlin, Bericht, 1842, pp. 93-96. 29. Reeherches sur les formes quadratiques a coefficients et a iudeterminees complexes. Crelle, Journ. XXIV., 1842, pp. 291-371. 30. Bedinguugen der Stabilitlitdes Gleich- gewichts. Berlin, Bericht, 1846, pp. 34-37 ; Crelle, Journ. XXXII., 1846, pp. 85-88; Liou- ville, Jouru. Math. XII., 1847, pp. 474-478. 31. Theorie der complexen Einheiten. Berlin, Bericht, 1846, pp. 103-107. 32. Ueber die characteristischen Eigen- schaften des Potentials einer auf einer oder mehreren endlichen Fliichen vertheilten Masse. Berlin, Bericht, 1846, pp. 211-212. 33. Sur un inoyen general de verifier 1'ex- pression du potential relatif a une masse quel- conque homogene ou heterogene. Crelle, Journ. XXXII., 1846, pp. 80-84. Hejeune-Dirichlet, G. 34. Die Reduction der positiven quadratischen Formen mit drei un- bestimmteu ganzen Zahlen. Berlin, Bericht, 1848, pp. 285-288 ; Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850 pp. 209-227 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1 859 pp. 209-232. 35. Ueber die Bestimmung der mittleren Werthe in der Zahlentheorie. Berlin, Abhandl. 1849 (Math.), pp. 69-83; Liouville, Journ. Math. I., 1856, pp. 353-370. 36. Ueber einen neuen Ausdruck zur Bestimmung der Dichtigkeit einer unendlich diinnen Kugelschale, wenn der Werth des Po- tentials derselben in jedem Puucte ihrer Gber- flache gegeben ist. Berlin, Abhandl. 1850 (Math.'), pp. 99-1 16 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. H., 1857, pp. 57-80. 37. Ueber die Zerlegbarkeit der Zahlen in drei Quadrate. Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850, pp. 228-232 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1859, pp. 233-240. 38. Ein die Theorie der Division betref- feudes Problem. [1851.] Berlin, Berieht, 1851, pp. 20-25 ; Crelle, Journ. XL VII., 1854, pp. 151-154; Liouville, Journ. Math. I., 1856, pp. 371-376. 39. Nachricht iiber JACOBI'S wissenschaft- lichen Nachlass. Crelle, Journ. XLII., 1851, pp. 91-92. . 4O. Fiille, in deuen sich die Bewegung eines festen Korpers in einem incompressibeln fliissigen Medium theoretisch bestimmen lasst. Berlin, Bericht, 1852, pp. 12-17. 41. Ueber die Irregularitiit der Determin- anten. Berlin, Bericht, 1853, pp. 194-200. 42. Gediichtnissreds auf Carl Gustav Jacob JACOBI. Grunert, Archiv, XXIL, 1853, pp. 158-182. — 43. Vereinfachung der Theorie der binaren quadratischen Formen von positiver Determin- aute. Berlin, Abhaudl. 1854 (Math.), pp. 99- 115; Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1857, pp. 353-376. 44. Ueber den ersten der von GAUSS gegebenen Beweise des Reciprocitiitsgesetzes in der Theorie der quadratischen Reste. Crelle, Journ. XLVIL. 1854, pp. 139-150 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1859, pp. 401-419. 45. De formarum biuariarum secuudi gra- dus compositione. Crelle, Journ. XLVIL, 1854, pp. 155-160; Liouville, Joum. Math. IV., 1859, pp. 389-398. 46. Ueber eine Eigenschaft der quadrat- ischen Formen von positiver Determinante. Berlin, Berichte, 1855, pp. 493-495 ; Crelle, Journ. LIIL, 1857, pp. 127-129 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. I., 1856, pp. 76-79. LEJ] 947 [LEL Iiejenne-Dirichlet, G. 47. Sur un theoreme relatif aux Series. Liouville, Journ. Math. I., 1856, pp. 80-81 : Crelle, Journ. LIII., 1857, pp. 130-132. 48. Sur 1'eq nation t3+u2-^-vz + w2=4m. LiouviUe, Journ. Math. I., 1856, pp. 210-214. 49. Untersuchungen iiber ein Problem der Hydrodynamik. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1857. pp. 205-207 ; Gottingen, Abhandl. VIII., 1858- 59 (Math.), pp. 3-42; Crelle, Journ. LVIIL. 1861, pp. 181-216. SO. Demonstration uouvelle d'une propo- sition relative a la theorie des formes quadra- tiques. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1857, pp. 273-276. — — 51. Ueber Jen biquadratischen Character der Zahl " Zwei." [1857.] Crelle, Journ. LVII., 1860, pp. 187-188; Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1859, pp. 367-368. 52. Demonstration d'un theorems d'AuEL. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1862, pp. 253- 255. le Jolis, Augustc. Observations sur quelques plantes rares dec.ouvertes aux environs de Cher- bourg. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Bot.), 1847, pp. 214-231. 2. On a new kind of Phormium, or New Zealand flax. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VII., 1848, pp. 533-539 : Froriep. Notizen, IX., 1849, col. 85-86. 3. Observations sur les Ulex des environs de Cherbourg. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. I., 1852, pp. 263-279. 4. Examen des especes confondues sous le nom de Laminaria digitata, Auct., suivi de quelques observations sur le genre Laminaria. [1854.] Acad. Cxs. Leop. Nova Acta, XXV., 1855, pp. 529-592; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 470-473. 5. Quelques remarques sur la nomenclature generique des Algues. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 65-84. 6. Note sur des fleurs anormales de Cytisus Adami. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. VI., 1858, pp. 157-160. 7. Lichens des environs de Cherbourg. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. VI., 1858, pp. 225- 332. 8. Note sur des fleurs anormales de Phor- mium tenax. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. VI., 1858, pp. 333-336. 9. Plantes vasculaires des environs de Cherbourg. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 245-360. 1O. De 1'influence chimique des terrains sur la dispersion des plantes. France, Congres Scient. XXVIL, 1860, pp. 227-262 ; Cher- bourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. VIII., 1861, pp. 309- 372. lie Jolis, Auguste. 11. Sur une forme du Coclilearia Danica. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 421-422. 12. On the synonymy of Ectocarpus lir.-i- chiatus. [I860.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 36-37. 13. Quelques remarques a propos de 1'in- fluence des terrains sur la dispersion des plantes. Presse Scientifique, I., 1863, pp. 533-535. iejonmark. Sec leyonmark. le Jumel,- . Nouvelle espece d'Oxalis. Nor- mandie, Soc. Linn. Seance Publ. 1837, pp. 63- 71. le Keux, Henry. Remarks on the Turnip-fly (Haltica nemoruni). Entom. Soc. Trans. II., 1837-40, pp. 24-33. Le lievre, Claude Hugues. Note sur Tempi oi du schorl rouge pour oolorer la porcelaine a Sevres. Journ. des Mines, III., 1795, p. 27. • 2. Note sur le feld-spath vert de Siberie, et 1'existence de la potasse dans cette pierre. Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 23-29. 3. De la lepidolithe. Paris, Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. 1799, pp. 153-166 ; Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 221-236. 4. Description et analyse du cuivre arse- niate en lames. Journ. des Mines, X.. 1801, pp. 555-562. • 5. Extrait d'uue note, sur une decouverte d'emeraudes [en France]. Journ. des Mines, X., 1801, pp. 641-645. 6. Sur un mineral de plonib sur-oxygene, contenant du fer et de 1'arscnic oxydes. Journ. des Mines, XL, 1801-2, pp. 209-212. 7. Notice sur 1'urauite et sur sa decouverte en France. [1799.] Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst, 1804, pp. 383-392. 8. Memoire sur un manganese carbonate perrifere. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1807, (Sent. 1), pp. 90-94. 9. De la Yenite, nouvelle substance mine- rale. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst., 1807 (Sem. 1), pp. 95-103 ; Journ. de Phys. LXIV.. 1807, pp. 278-279 ; Journ. des Mines, XXL, 1807, pp. 65-74 ; Nicholson, Journ. XX., 1808, pp. 139-145. 10. Notice sur un gisement de Corindon. [1811.] Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1810 (Sem. 2), pp. 53-57; Gilbert, Annal. XLIII., 1813, pp. 112-113; Journ. de Phys. LXXIV., 1812, pp. 463-467; Journ. des Mines, XXXI., 1812, pp. 127-131. 11. Notice sur une alumine hydratee sili- cifere. Annal. des Mines, II., 1817, pp. 473- 480; Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1817, pp. 333- 334. 6 D 2 LEL] 948 [LEM Lelivec de Trezuriil, H. Memoire sur les mines de fer et sur les forges du departement du Mont-Blanc. Journ. des Mines, XVII., 1804-5, pp. 123-164. 2. Notice sur quelques perfectionnements a apporter au precede usite pour le tirage des mines. Jouru. des Mines, XIX., 1806, pp. 235-240. 3. Statistique des mines et usines du de- partement du Mont-Blanc. Journ. d<>s Mines, XIX., 1806, pp. 379-400, 435-458; XX., pp. 407-502. Leloutre, , und E. Zuber. Versuehe iiber die Hirn'sche Seiltrausmission. Der Civilinge- nieur, VII., 1861, col. 461-472. Lelut, F. Etudes anatomiques sur 1'epithelium. Eepert. Anat. Physiol. III., 1827, pp. 131-164; Heusinger, Zeitschrift, II., 1828, pp. 329-349, 397-413. 2. Examen comparatif de la longueur et de la largeur du crane, cliez les voleurs homi- cides. Journ. Heb. de Med. VI., 1832, pp. 49- 67 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIII., 1832, col. 37- 41. 3. Des glandes muqueuses de 1'intestin grille, chez les animaux. Journ. Heb. de Med. VIII., 1832, pp. 351-357. 4. Des glandes muqueuses de la portion sus-diaphragmatique du tube digestif, a 1'etat normal. Jouru. Ileb. de Med. XI., 1833, pp. 285-297. 5. Formule des rapports du cerveau a la pensee. Annal. Med. Psyehol. I., 1843, pp. 185- 207. 6. Appreciation des idees de GAI.L sur les fonctions du cervelet. Annal. Med. Psyehol. II., 1843, pp. 175-195. 7. Essai d'une determination etbnologique de la taille moyenue de 1'homine en France. Ann. Hygiene Publ. XXXI., 1844. pp. 297- 316; Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1844, col. 51- 54. 8. Memoire sur les pbenomenes et le prin- cipe de la vie. Annal. Med. Psyehol. IV., 1852, pp. 157-174. 9. Physiologic de la pensee ou recherche critique des rapports du corps a 1'esprit. Annal. Med. Psyehol. VIII., 1862, pp~ 369-425 ; I., 1863, pp. 1-40. Lelut, J. P. Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber das Innere des Schiidels. ( Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXVIII., 1830, col. 289-293. Lemaire, . Notice sur les mines de cuivre pyriteux de Zamabor, situees dans 1'intendance ile Carlstadt (Croatie civile). Journ. des Mines, XXXVIII., 1815, pp. 35-56. Lemaire, Charles. Sur la culture du Murier. St. Queutin, Annal. 1841, pp. 17-20 (14me her.). Lemaire, Charles. 2. Delairen, ad Synanthereas genus novum spectans. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.) 1844, pp. 379-381. Lemaire, Jules. On Phenic Acid ; its action on Vegetables, Animals, Ferments, Poisons, Virus, Miasmus, and its applications to Hygiene, to Therapeutics, and to the Anatomical and Industrial Sciences. ( Transl. from the Moniteur Scientifique, IV.) Chemical News. VIII., 1863, pp. 66-67, 89-90. 2. Nouvelles recherches sur les ferments et sur les fermentations. Paris, Comptes Rendus LV1L, 1863, pp. 625-628. Lemaire-Lisancourt, . Note sur les Sends. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 345-347. 2. Sur le vetiver de 1'Inde. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 43-44. 3. Nouveaux renseiguements sur la plantc de 1'Inde nommee Chyrayita (Gentiana Chy- rayita, Roxburgh). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1824, pp. 171-176. 4. Note sur le muriate de chaux employe commc engrais. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 214-217. 5. Sur la polychromie des corolles et des bractees ou ecailles corolloi'des. Paris, Soc. Phi- lom. Bull. 1824, pp. 190-191 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLV. (=Ja/irb. XV.), 1825, pp. 150-153. Le Maistre, ( Count ) . Method of making a fine purple colour for painting in Oil. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIV.. 1819, pp. 361-363. 2. A memoir on some new combinations of Prussic Acid. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIV., 1829, pp. 440-449. Lemaistre, L. F. Note sur les caves de la com- mune de Laon, departemeut de 1'Aisne. Journ. des Mines, VI., 1797, pp. 651-654. 2. Essai sur la topographic mineralogique du ci-devant district de Laon, et d'uue partie de celtii de Chauny, ou se trouvent la Fere et Saint-Gobain. Journ. des Mines, VI., 1797, pp. 853-878. • 3. Description d'un Thermometre a index, servant a, presenter en meme temps le maximum et le minimum de chaleur qui ont eu lieu en Pabsence de 1'observateur. Journ. des Mines, VII., 1798, pp. 473-477. 4. Notice geologique sur tine moutagne calcaire pres Chessy, departement du Rhone. Journ. de Phys. LIL, 1801, pp. 212-214; Journ. des Mines, XVIII., 1805, pp. 307-309. 5. Sur la scintillation des bois charbonnes. Journ. des Mines, XV., 1803-4, pp. 265-270. 6. Notice sur une disposition de couches singulieres observee dans la chaiue du Jura. Journ. des Mines, XVIII., 1805, pp. 310-316. 7. On the property ascribed to Quicklime of increasinc; the force of Gunpowder. ( Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXI.. 1805, pp. 245-248. LEM] 949 [LEM Lemaitre, . Notes sur la gravure helio- graphique sur plaque d'acier. Paris, Comptes Rendu*, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 910-911 ; Moigno, Cosmos, II., 1853, pp. 666-668. Leman, A. Notice sur la distribution de la vapeur, a 1'aide de 1'excentrique circulaire. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. XIX., 1860-61, pp. 41-72. — — 2. Equilibre physique du treuil ordinaire. Bruxelles, Ann. Trav. Publ. XX., 1861-62, pp. 121-129. Leman, S. Sur la gyrogonite. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1812, pp. 208-210 [108- 110]. 2. Note sur plusieurs especes nouvelles de Rosiers des environs de Paris, et sur une nouvelle rnethode de decrire les especes du genre Rosa. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVII., 1818, pp. 359-367 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818, pp. 93-94. 3. Note sur une chaux fluatee naturelle- meut lumineuse. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 104-105 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, p. 34. Leman, S., et J. V. F. Lamouroux. Sur la chute de pierres qui a eu lieu dans le departcment de Lot-et-Garonne le 5 Septembre 1814 ; et sur la comparaison de ces pierres avec celles d'autres lieux. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1814, pp. 151-155 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLVIIL, 1814, pp. 395-409. Le Maoiit, E. Lettre sur vingt-ncuf Dauphins echoues sur les cotes de Bretagne ( Delphi nus globiceps). L'lnstitut, II., 1834, pp. 77-78, 102. • 2. Sur la nageoire dorsale du Delphiuus globiceps, Cuv. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, p. 65. Le Mas son le Golft (Mdllc.). Description du Lompe. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1807, pp. 55-56. Lembert, — — . Sur les mouvements organiques dans les corps vivants. Journ. Heb. de Med. VI., 1830, pp. 508-509. 2. Ueber die Ursachen der Bewegungen Lembert, 4. Purification de 1'acide sul- in den Thieren. ( Transl. from Journ. General de Medecine.) Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1831, col. 292-296. Lembert, . De la presence de 1'iode dans 1'acide nitrique du commerce. Journ. de Pharm. I., 1842, pp. 297-298. 2. De la presence de 1'iode dans le nitrate de soude naturel et dans 1'acide nitrique du commerce, et de 1'etat auquel il s'y trouve. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 201-207 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 345-352. 3. Moyen de reconnaitre des traces d'acide sulfureux dans 1'acide chlorhydrique. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 207-208 ; Erdm. Journ. Prnk. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 356-360. furique ; distillation des liquides en general. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 166-170; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIL, 1847, pp. 341-345. 5. De Faction de 1'acide sulfurique sur le fer et les sulfates de fer. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 182-184. — 6. Note sur la presence de 1'Iode dans differenta calcaires. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 240-243. — 7. Resume d'un memoire sur I'addition a un liquide d'une substance d'y determiner un depot cristallisable en totalite ou en partie, comnie moyeu d' analyse des liquides organiques. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IL, 1858, pp. 53-55. 8. Du passage spontane des corps de 1'etat amorphe a 1'etat cristallin. Lyon. Soc. Agric. Annal. IL, 1858, pp. 56-58. 9. Sur le degre de dilution ou s'arretent les reactions chimiques et sur la solubilite des corps reputes insoluble^. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IL, 1858, pp. 59-66. Le Mercier, F. M. Memoire sur les alterations que les oeufs et les larves de certains insectes impriment aux proprietes physiques, chimiques et medicinales des flours de 1'Arnica montana, Linn. Bull, de Pharm. III., 1811, pp. 120- 127. Lemesurier, George. Geographical and sta- tistical memorandum on Beloochistan. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IL, 1848, pp. 139-150. Lemielle, Th. Memoire sur Fat-rage et 1'eclair- age des mines. Bruxelles, Memoires Couronn. L, 1840, pp. 387-408. Lemoch, Ignatz. Untersuchung der Fehler, welche aus eiuer uicht centrischen Aufstellung des Messtisches oder eines Winkelmessers ent- stehen. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 424-437. 2. Untersuchung des Fehlers, wenu die Ebenen eines Glasspiegels nicht parallel sind. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 163-167. 3. Untersuchung des Fehlers, wenn bei eiuem Spiegelinstrumente die Spiegel auf dem Limbus uicht senkredit stehen. Grunert, Ar- chiv, XXV.. 1855, pp. 167-175. Lemoine, E. Theoreme de MOBIUS. Sur la conique determines par cinq points sur un plan. Nouv. Ann. Math. VIII, 1849, pp. 298-299. 2. Description d'une machine a air dilate. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX VI., 1853, pp. 263-264. 3. Note sur une conique et son cercle directeur. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVIL, 1858, pp. 240-241. Le Moine, J. M. Notes on Land and Sea Birds observed around Quebec. Canadian Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 411-414. LEM] 950 [LEN Lemon, (Sir) Charles. Remarks on the growth of a peculiar Fir resembling the Pinaster. [1833.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. I., 1831-35, pp. 509-512. 2. On the disease of potatoes. Agric. Soc. Journ. IV., 1843, pp. 431-434. 3. On the stump of a tree found in cutting a drain at Heligan. [1847.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VII., 1847-60, pp. 28-30. lemon, (Sir) Charles, and G.B. Tremenheere. Report on the tin of the province of Mergui in Tennasserim, in the northern part of the Ma- layan Peninsula ; with introductory remarks. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 68-75. Iiemonnier, , et Vallee. Soupnpes de surete avec levier a echappenient. Annal. des Mines, I., 1852, pp. 337-343. Iiemonnier, If. Formules fondamentales de la Trigonometric Spherique et sur les angles de torsion. Nouv. Ann. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 606- 6!6. 2. Calcul de SMO, 8-w0, , 8"w0 en fonc- tion de Az<0, A'2?<0 A "'?«„, puis de 8tt_j, §-ti _,, , 8*M_M en fonctiou de Aw_t, A2?/, ^'"u-v,- Nouv. Ann. Math. XX., 1861," pp. 197-206. 3. Note sur la methode d'approximation de NEWTON. Nouv. Ann. Math. I., 1862. pp. 188-191, 243-244. Le Monnier, J. F. B. Nouvelle Theorie des paralleled, suivie de deux articles ; 1'un, sur Ja trisection de Tangle ; Fautre, sur la construction des plans hydrographiques. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Aead. 1838, pp. 320-347. Le Moyne, . Observations sur 1'emploi des terrasses, vidanges et materiaux provenant de demolitions et destines a servir d'engrais. Euro, Soc. Agric. Bull. II., 1823, pp. 304-309. Lemoyne, . Notice sur les moyens qu'on pent avoir de predire le temps ; a 1'occasion de la correspondance meteorologique de M. MOKIN. Metz, Mem. Soc. Sci. IX., 1827-28, pp. 185- 201. Lemoyne, • Theorie des ponts suspendus. Journ. Genie Civ. V., 1829, pp. 601-608. Iiemoyne, C. Note sur la construction des bo- bines des electro-aimants des appareils tele- graphiques. Annal. Telegraph. II., 1859, pp. 251-256. i 2. Note sur 1'evaluation du poids equiva- lent a un cahot en ce qui concerne la resistance d'une poutre de pont. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. XVII., 1 859, pp. 326-333 ; Der Civil- ingeniem-, VII., 1861, col. 249-252. 3. Des moyens employes pour augmenter la vitesse de transmission des depeches tele- graphiques. Aunal. Telegraph. III., 1860, pp. 376-383. Le Moyne, J. R. Note concernant un nouveau procede photographique sur verre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 305-307. Lempe, . Ueber die Berechnung des Fass- ungsraums eines Teiches, und etwas iiber dessen Ausmessung. N. Bergmanu. Journ. II., 1799. pp. 382-404. Lempriere, T. J. Description of a Sea Slug found at Port Arthur. Tasmanian Journ. Nat. Sci. I., 1842, pp. 152-153. Lemuhot, L. Precedes d'amalgamation des minerals d'argent a Potosi. Anual. des Mines, XIII., 1858, pp. 447-496. Lendrick, diaries. Ca.se of recovery from the effects of Corrosive Sublimate. Ireland, Coll. Phys. Trans. III., 1820, pp. 310-315. Le STeuf de TTeuville, - — . Extrait d'un memoire sur le Calcaire de Caen. Calvados. Mem. Soc. Linn. 1824, pp. 57-66. Lengerke, von. Ullucus tuberosus, Loz., und Boussingaultia baselloides, ffumb. et Kuntk. Annal. Land'wirth. XIV., 1849, pp. 319-324. / Lenglet, Etienne Gery. Introduction a This toire; ou recherches sur les deruieres revolutions du globe et sur les plus anciens peuples connus. (Extrait.') Journ. de Phys. LXXV., 1812, pp. 442-467. Lenglet, L. Memoire sur 1'etat primitif et sur 1'organisation de 1'Univers. France, Congres Scient. 1835, pp. 458-554. 2. Des creations spontanees et de la crea- tion universelle. Nord, Soc. Agric. Mem. 1845- 46. pp. 227-254. 3. Note sur la vapeur vesiculaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 1048-1049. Lenglier, . Lieu geometrique. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIX., 1860, pp. 123-125. Lenhart, William. A general investigation with reference to the construction of a table of num- bers, and the roots of two cubes of which they are composed, and practical illustrations of the equation, a^+y3 = (x+y) . (a.-2 — xy+y'1) when x+y is a cube, or a multiple of a cube, or nine times a multiple of a cube ; and also when x-—x>/+y2 is a cube, or a multiple of a cube; together with the solutions of two general prob- lems, and their application to several examples. [1836.] Mathematical Miscell. I., 1838, pp. 114-128. 2. Diophantine speculations. Mathema- tical Miscell. L, 1838, pp. 263-267, 330-336 ; II., 1839, pp. 127-132. Lenhossek, Joseph von. Ueber den feiuereu Bau der gesammten Medulla spinalis. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIII., 1854, pp. 487-502. 2. Neue Untersuchungen iiber den feineren Bau des centralen Nervensystems des Menschen. [1854.] Wien, Deuksehr. X., 1855 (Abth. 2), pp. 1-70. LBN] 951 [LEN Lenhossek, Joseph von. 3. Memoire sur la structure intime de la moelle epiniere. de la raoelle allongee et du pout de VAKOLE. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zool.\ 1857, pp. 257-277. 4. Etude du systeme nerveux central. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 587- 590. 5. Beitriijje zur Erorterung tier histolosr- ischen Verhaltnisse des centralen Nervensys- tems. [1857.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXX., 1858, pp. 34-36. Lenhossek, Michael von. Ueber die Wuth- krankheit. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Be- richt, 1837, pp. 62-64. Leninn, Michel. Note sur un nouvel ellipso- graphe. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 377-382. Lenk, — — . Ueber Larus capistratus, Im. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. III., 1853, pp. 195-197. Lenne, . Bevicht fiber den Anbau der Dioscorea Batatas. Anual. Landwirtb. XXV., 1855, pp. 453-455. Lennox, A. C. W. On the Bromide of Carbon. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 257-260; Chem. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1862, pp. 205-209 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXIL, 1862, pp. 122-128. Lenoble, . Du grand aloes (Agave Ameri- cana), nomine vnlgairement Pitte. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 349-351. 2. Rechercbes cbimiques sur une concre- tion trouvee dans la panse d'une vacbe laitii-re (a Montevideo). Journ. de Pbarm. XVII., 1850, pp. 1.99-200. 3. Recberches cbimiques sur une racine qui croit dans la republique orientate de 1'Uru- guay (Montevideo), nominee par les Indiens Racine de Guaicuru. Journ. de Pbarm. XVII., 1850, pp. 200-201. 4. Tabacs du Paraguay. — Proportion de Nicotine qu'ils contiennent. — Precede employ*' pour obtenir cet alcaloide. Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1852, pp. 30-31. Lenoir, . Rapport sur une recherche de mine de houille, faite dans la commune d'Etbion (Ardennes). Journ. des Mines, XL, 1802, pp. 225-230. 2. Notice sur les mines de plorub sulfure de Bleyberg ou Bleyburg. Journ. des Mines, XIV., 1803, pp. 190-193. 3. Deuxieme notice sur les mines de plomb de Bleyberg. Journ. des Mines, XVI., 1804, pp. 157-160. Lenoir, , et Francois Pierre Nicolas Gillet de Laumont. Rapport fait a la Conference des Mines, sur la reprise des anciens travaux des mines de plomb argentifere de la Croix- aux-Mines, departement des Vosges. Journ. des Mines, X., 1801, pp. 727-762. Lenoir, A. Ricerche intorno le borse sotto- cutanee del piede, e sulla loro infiammazione. (Transl.) Spongia, Comm. Med. IV., 1837, pp. 112-113. Lenoir, G. A. Sur un principe contenu dans la Laitue vireuse. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, p. 457 ; Liebig, Annal. LX., 1846, pp. 83-86. 2. Sur le nouvel acide du Soufre de M. WACKENKODER. Journ. de Pharrn. XII., 1847, pp. 374-375 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIIL, 1848, pp. 455-456; Liebig, Annal. LXIL, 1847, pp. 253-256. Lenoir, J. M. B. Note sur les minerals de cuivre et d'argent du Chili, et particub'erement sur ceux de Copiapo. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Anual. IV., 1852, pp. 118-133. 2. Apet'9u sur les gisements metalliferes du Chili. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. VII., 1855, pp. 426-464. Lenormand, . De 1'appareil distillatoire de MM. ADAM. Bull, de Pbarm. II., 1810, pp. 537-553. Lenormand, . Catalogue des plantes re- cueilles a Cayenne par M. DEPLANCHE. Nor- mandie, Soc. Linn. Bull. IV., 1859, pp. 153- 177. 2. Rectifications a faire au Catalogue des Plantes recueillies a Cayenne, par M. D£- PLANCHE. Normandie, Soc. Linn. Bull. V.', 1859-60, pp. 327-331. Lenormann, . Bemerkungen iiber die fehlerhafte Methode deren die Fiirber bei Ver- fertigung des salzsauren Ziuns (Scharlach-Com- position), sicb bedienen. Hermbstadt, Museum, IX., 1816, pp. 168-191. Lenormant, Francois. Note sur quelques repre- sentations antiques du Chama;rops humilis. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 148-153. Lenotti, Giuseppe. Relazione di una torba esis- tente nella terra di Cavajon. distretto di Caprino. Verona, Mem. Accad. Agric. XXIIL, 1849, pp. 105-111. Lensseu, E. Directe volumetrische Bestimmung des Ferridcyans in seiuen Verbindungen. Lie- big, Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 240-241; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chein. LXIV., 1855, pp. 37-38. 2. Ueber die Gruppirung der Elemente nach ihrem chemisch-physikalischen Character. Liebig, Annal. CIIL, 1857, pp. 121-131. 3. Zur Farbenlehre. Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 177-184. 4. Reductions- und Oxydations-Analysen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXV1II., 1859, pp. 193-205. 5. Verhalten des Zinnoxyduls gegen Kup- feroxyd in alkalischer Losung. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIX., 1860, pp. 90-94; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIL, 1860, p. 470. LEN] 952 [LEN Iienssen, E. 6. Das Aequivalent des Cadmiums. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIX., 1860, pp. 281-282 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., 1860, p. 464. 7. Untersuchung des Wassers der Sool- quclle EgestorfTshall in Hannover. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1860, p. 407. 8. Volumetrische Bestimmung des Man- ganoxyduls. Erdm. Joura. Prak. Chem. LXXX., I860, pp. 408-411. 9. Die alkalipathischen Oxydationsagen- tien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXL, 1860, pp. 276-287. 10. Einige Zinnoxydulsalze. Liebig. An- nal. CXIV., 1860, pp. 113-118. 11. Eigenthiimliche Reaction der Unter- salpetersaure gegeniiber dem Kupferoxydul. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIL, 1861, pp. 50-52. • 12. Die acidipathischen Oxydationsagen- tien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXII. 1861, pp. 293-313. 13. Chemische Mittheilnngen : — 1. Ueber die Darstellung der essigsauren Thonerde aus schwefelsaurer Thonerde. 2. Entglasung durch gespanute WasserdJimpfe. 3. Silberoxydul-Ver- bindungen in Silberschlacken enthaltcn. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXV., 1862, pp. 89- 99. 14. Eine Diffusionserscheinung. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXV., 1862, pp. 416- 419. 15. Eine Eeaction auf ehlorige Siiure. Fresenius, Zeitschr. Anal. Chemie, I., 1862. p. 165. • 16. Herr KESSLER und die Oxydation's- und Reductions - Erscheinungen. Fresenius, Zeitschr. Anal. Chemie, II., 1863, pp. 169- 173. Iienssen, E., und J. Lowenthal. C'hemische Unlersuchungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXV., 1862, pp. 321-351, 401-416. 2. Zur Katalyse des Sauerstoffs. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX VI., 1862 pp. 193-215. 3. Zur Kenntuiss der unterjodigcn Siiure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVI , 1862, pp. 216-226. 4. Die Bestimmung des Eiseuoxy- duls mittelst Chamiileons. Fresenius, Zeitschr. Anal. Chemie, I, 18(32, pp. 329-335. Iienssen, E., und A. Souchay. Ueber die Oxalate der Alkalieu und alkalischen Erden. Liebig, Anual. XCIX., 1856, pp. 31-45 ; C, 1856, pp. 308-325. 2. Ueber einige Strontiansalze. Lie- big, Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 45-48. Iienssen, E., und A. Souchay. 3. Die oxal- sauren Salze der Alkalieu und alkalischen Erden. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cbem. LXX.. 1857, pp. 56-60, 356-359; LXXI., 1857, pp! 295-299. — — 4. Ueber die Oxalate der schworen Metalloxyde. Liebiij, Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 41-54; CIIL, 1857,"pp. 308-320; CV., 1858. pp. 245-257. 5. Ueber die Oxalate der Alkalien und alkalischen Erdeu. Liebig, Annal. CIL. 1857, pp. 35-41. Lent, Eduard. Ueber die Entwickelung des Zalmbeins und des Schmelzes. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 121-134; Brit. Journ. Dental Sci. I., 1856-57, pp. 319- 324, 350-353. 2. Beitriige zur Lehre von der Regenera- tion durchschnittener Ncrven. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VII., 1856, pp. 145-153. Iientheric, . Essai d'une theorie generale des mouvements apparents. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XII., 1821-22, pp. 41-68. 2. Recherches sur les sommes de puissances semblables des sinus et cosinus des divisions de la circonference. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XVI., 1825-26, pp. 39-45. 3. Sur la recherche des asymptotes des eourbes algebriques, et, en particulier, de celles de 1'hyperbole. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XVII., 1826-27, pp. 79-83. — 4. Note sur la limite superieure des racines positives des equations nnmt'riques. Gergoune, Ann. Math. XX., 1829-30, pp. 297-299. 5. Resolution de quelques cas de ['equation a deux termes. Gergoune, Ann. Math. XXL. 1830-31, pp. 101-1 ie: 6. Discussion des cas douteux des triangles spheriques. Nouv. Ann. Math. II.. 1843, pp. 32-34. 7. Note sur la generation des surfaces du second ordre par les lignes du second ordre. Nouv. Ann. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 5-8. 8. Theorie gent-rale des poles, polaires, plans polaires, polaires coiijugees et polaires reciproques des lignes et surfaces du deuxieme ordre. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. I., 1847- 50, pp. 279-313, 427-471; Nouv. Ann. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 352-360, 373-385. 9. Theorie gener.ile des polaires recipro- ques planes. Nouv. Ann. Math. V1IL, 1849, pp. 252-256. 1O. Solution generate du probleme des roulettes. Montpellier, Acad. Proc. Verb. 1850-51, pp. 30-31, 34-35, 37-38. 11. Solution generale du probleme des roulettes ; rectification et quadrature des cy- cloides et epicyclo'ides. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1851-54, pp. 1-20. LEN] 953 [LEN Lentheric, 12. Traite de Gnomonique. Montpelliei-, Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1851-54, pp. 97-108. 13. Demonstration elementaire du theo- reme de GUI.DIN et du volume d'un tronc de prisme. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1851-54, pp. 109-113. — 14. Note sur la theorie des roulettes. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1851-54, pp. 315-320. 15. Note sur les coniques et les surfaces du second ordre. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1851-54, pp. 455-458. 16. Nouveau mode de discussion de 1'equa- tion generale du second degre a deux variables. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1855-57, pp. 449-482. — 17. Reduction a la forme la plus simple de 1'equation numerique du second degre a deux variables. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1858-60, pp. 46-74. 18. Transformation Newtonienne des fi- gures planes. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1858-60, pp. 145-183, 351-427. Lentherie, , Balard, et ER concernant la Meteorologie. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1845, col. 30-32. Iienz, Emil, und M. H. Jacobi. Ueber die Ge- setze der Electromagnete. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1838, col. 337-367 ; II., 1844, col. 65-108 ; Archives de 1'Electr. V., 1845, pp. 560-574; Poggend. Annal. XLVIL, 1839, pp. 225-270 ; LXI., 1844, pp. 254-280. 2. Ueber die Anziehung der Elec- tromagnete. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 257-272 ; Poggend. Anual. XL VII., 1839, pp. 401-417. Lenz, Emil, und A. T. Kupffer. Bericht iiber die Abhandlung des Herrn Prof. KAMTZ : Re- sultate magnetischer Beobachtungeu in Fiunland. [1848.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 246-250. Lenz, Emil, et Parrot. Experiences de forte compression sur divers corps. [1832.] St. Pe- tersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1833, pp. 595-630. Lenz, Emil, und Saweljev. Ueber galvanische Polarisation und electromotorische Kraft in Hydroketten. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull., V., 1847, col. 1-28 ; Annal. de Chiraie, XX., 1847, pp. 184-217 ; Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 497-528. Lenz, Emil, und L. Schrenk. Meteorologische Beobachtungen auf dem Atlantischeu und grossen Oceane in den Jahren 1853-54. [1861.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1862, col. 96- 118. Lenz, H. 0. Biss der Viper Deutschlands und dessen Folgeu bei Menachen und Thieren. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXXI., 1830 (Heft 4) pp. 3-22. Lenz, R. Untersuchung einer unregelmiissigen Vertheilung des Erdmagnetismus im nordlichen Theile des Finnischen Meerbusens. [1862.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. V., 1863, No. 3. Leo, — — . Versuche iiber die Beeren des Was- serholderstrauchs. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XLVL, 1832, pp. 120-123. • 2. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Baier'ischen Biere. Dingier, Polytechu. Journ. XLVIL, 1833, pp. 378-382. Leo, Emil. Die Braunkohleuformation am Fusse des Kyffhausergebh'ges, der siidwestlichste Punct der ganzen Norddeutschen Braunkohlen- Ablagerungen. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XIIL, 1854, pp. 49-50, 57-"o9, 65-68. 2. Geognostische Beschreibung der Herri. Meyer'schen Bergwerksdistricte auf der Rhon im Konigreich Baieru. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XVI., 1857, pp. 89-92, 97-98. Leo, F. Chemiache Untersuchung der Fliissigkeit eines Hydrops orarii. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VIII., 1826, pp. 303-319. 2. Ueber einige ausgezeichnete anatoniische und physiologische Verhaltnisse der Piscicola geometra. Miiller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 419- 427. Leo, Julius. Ueber die Fortpflanzuug der Regen- wiirmer. Oken, Isis, 1820 (Lit. Anz.), col. 386-387. 2. De structuraLumbrici terrestris. Okeu, Isis, 1822, col. 492-496. Leo, W. Geologische Skizze des KyfFhauser Gebirges. Berg. u. Hiitteum. Zeitg. IV., 1845, col. 28-33. 2. DieNeuhauser Steinkohleuwerke. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. IV., 1845, col. 97-102. 3. Der Granit bei Heberndorf und Mellen- bach im Fiirstenthiun Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. IV., 1845, col. 249- 252. 4. Die Steinkohleu in der Weald-Forma- tion des nordlicheu und nordwestlichen Deutsch- lands. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. VIII., 1849, col. 737-740, 756-758. 5. Geognostische Skizze der Kohlenablager- ungen im siidlichen Theile des Russischen Gou- vernements Tula. Allgem. Berg. Zeitung, L, 1859, pp. 137-139. 6. Geognostische Skizze von Kurland. Allgem. Berg. Zeitung, L, 1859, pp. 237-238. 7. Die Brauukohlenformation im Europii- ischen Russlaud. Allgem. Berg. Zeitung, L, 1859, pp. 249-250. 6 E 2 LEO] 956 [LEO pp. Leo, W. 8. Geognostische Skizze des Russischen Gouvernements Grodno, Wilna, und Kowno. Allgem. Berg. Zeituug, I., 1859, pp. 301-302, 305-306. 9. Die Steinkohlen am Donetz im siidlichen Russland. Allgem. Berg. Zeitung, I., 1859, pp. 325-326. 1O. Darstellung der geognostischen Verhiilt- 1 uisse des Kyffhauser Gebirges in Absicht auf Bohrversuche nach, eventuell auf Abbau von Steinkohlen. Allgem. Berg. Zeitung, II., 1860, pp. 201-203. 11. Analyse tlreier Torfsorten an* dem Torfsuch bei Zintenhof unvveit Pernau in Liv- land. Allgem. Berg. Zeitung. It., 1860, 441-442. Leon, Isidore. Recherches nouvelles sur la cause du mouvement spiral des tiges volubiles. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 351-356, 610- 614, 624-629, 679-685. Leon de Pontelli, - — . Notes sur quelques parties du Chiapa. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XVII., 1859, pp. 180-186. Leon de Rosny, L. Lettre sur 1'etude de la Botanique en Chine et au Japon. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 236-238. Lt-on des Avanchers, . Esquisse geo- graphique des pays Oromo ou Galla, des pays Soomali. et de la cote orientals d'Afrique. Paris Soc. Geogr. Bull. XVII., 1859, pp. 153- 170. Leonard, . On the intelligence of animals. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1842, p. 538. Leonard, S. W. On the growth of grass. Phytologist, III., 1850, pp. 792-793. Leonhard, Gustav von. Mineralogisch - geo- gnostische Beschreibung der Umgegend von Schrieshem mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die an der Bergstrasse auftretenden Porphyre. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1839, pp. 26-60. 2. Ueber Entstehung und Umwandlung der Zeolithe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. XXIV., 1841, pp. 402-411. Ueber HEEZ' Mineralieu Samznlung in Leonhard u. Bronn, X. Jahrb. 1841, — 3. Berlin, p. 75. 4. Ueber einige pseudomorphosirte zeolith- ische Substanzen uus Rheinbaiern, nebst allge- meinen Bemerkungen diese Gruppe mineral- ischer Korper betreffend. Leouhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 269-314 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXV., 1841, pp. 199-202; Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 579-585. 5. Geognostische Skizze des Grossher- zogthums Baden. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1846, pp. 26-44. 6. Topographische Miueralogie der Verein- igten Staaten von Nord- America. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1849, pp. 805-836. Leonhard, Gustav von. 7. Sur les porphyres avec quartz. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1851- 52, pp. 97-119. • 8. Orthit bei Weinheim in Baden. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1853, pp. 554—560. 9. Riesentiipfe : ihr Vorkomrnen und ihre geologische Bedeutung. Leonhard u. Bronu, N. Jahrb. 1854, pp. 148-160. 1O. Fortbilduneen im Mineral - Reiche. Leouhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1854, pp. 415- 419. 11. Realgar und Auripigment im Muschel- kalk bei Wiesloch unfern Heidelberg. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1857, pp. 549-551. 12. Ueber einige ausgezeichnete Mineralien uuserer Gegend. Heidelberg, Verhaudl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 43-46. • 13. Ueber das Vorkommen des Minette genannten Gesteins an der Bergstrasse und iiber Stylolithen in dem Zechstein-Dolomit von Schlierbach bei Heidelberg. Heidelberg, Ver- handl. Nat. Med. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 7-9. Leonhard, Gitstav von, Seyfert, A. H., und Editi. Sochting. Die Einschliisse von Minera- lien in krystallisirten Mineralien, deren chem- ische Zusammensetzung und die Art ihrer Entstehung. Haarlem, Nat. Verh. Maatsch. Wet. IX., 1854. Leonhard, Karl Ccisar von. Ueber den Siderit und Lazulith. Gehleu, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 101-104. • 2. Die Quecksilberbergwerke auf dom liuken Rheinufer. Leouhard, Taschenbuch, I., 1807, pp. 20-73. 3. Das Maynthal zwischen Hanau und Frankfurt. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, I., 1807, pp. 74-103; Journ. des Mines, XXII., 1807, pp. 125-142. 4. Characteristik des phosphorsauren Kup- fers. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. I., 1809, pp. 83-85. 5. Beschreibung einer auserlesenen Suite von Speiskobalten. Ein berichtigender Beitrag zur Characteristik des weissen Speis- und des Glanzkobaltes. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. L, 1S09, pp. 215-228. 6. Ueber den Kreuzstein von Oberstein. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 133-134. 7. Beschreibung eines in der Gegend von Schemnitz aufgefundeuen Minerals. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 333- 334. — — 8. Bemerkungen iiber das bei Steinheim, uuweit Hanau vorkommeude, ehemahls fur strahligen Braunkalk gehalteue Mineral. Ber- lin, Ges. Nat, Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 334- 335. LEO] 957 [LEP Leonhard, Karl Casar von. 9. Beitriige. zu einer mineralogischen Topographie der Wetterau. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. III., 1812, pp. 1-24. 1O. Mineralogische Notizen. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1825, pp. 243-251. 11. Ueber das Vorkommen ausgezeichneter Eisen-Vitriol-Krystalle zu Bodenmais in Baiern. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1826, pp. 125-128. 12. Die Phonolith - Berge der Rhon. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1827, pp. 94-148. 13. Die verglasten Burgen in Schottland. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1830, pp. 1-13. 14. Ueber die Hornblende von Pargas in Finland. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1830, pp. 31-48. 15. Arrangements of Rocks. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IX., 1830, p. 355. 16. Bitten und Wiinsche den kornigen (sogenaiinten Ur-) Kalk betreffend. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, pp. 312-315. 17. Einige geologische Erscheinungen in der Gegend urn Meissen. Leonhard u. Broun, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 127-150. 18. Ueber Reibungsflachen im Allge- meinen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1837, p. 536. 19. Gauge kornigen Kalkes im Stein- kohlen-Gebirge unfern Wolfstein in Rhein- baiern. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrh. 1837, pp. 641-646 ; Bibl. Univ. XIV., 1S38, pp. 162- 168. 20. Die Eisenstein-Giinge bei Schletten- bach und Bergzabern in Rheinbaiern. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, pp. 1-17. 21. Beitrage zur Kenntuiss der Gesteine. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1850, pp. 1-16. 22. Ueber Hiittenerzeugnisse als Stiitz- puncte geologischer Hypothesen. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1852, pp. 6-12. 23. Ueber den Schwefel. Berg. u. Hiit- teum. Zeitg. XII., 1853, col. 435-439, 458-462, 473-478, 498-502 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1853, pp. 273-298; Oesterreich. Zeitschr. Bergw. I., 1853, pp. 193-195, 204-206, 210- 211. 24. Kiinstlicher Augit. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1853, pp. 642-658. 25. Kiinstlicher Glimmer. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1854, pp. 129-137. 26. Krystallisirung von Schlacken. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1855, pp. 129-151. 27. Kiinstlicher Graphit. Leonhard u. Leonhard, Karl Casar von, und A. Vogel. 2. Mineralogische Beobachtungen und chemische Versuche iiber den Triphan (Spodumen). Schvveigger, Journ. XXL, 1817, pp. 58-59. 3. Chemische Zerlegung des Tan- talit's oder Columbit's aus Baiern, nebst miner- alogischen Beobachtungen iiber das Fossil. Schweigger, Journ. XXI., 1817, pp. 60-61. Leonhardi, Hermann (Frciherr) von. Ueber Pnauzen- und Thiersystematik, und ein ihren Foderungen vollig entsprechendes Darstellungs- und zugleich Forschungs-Hilfsmittel. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VII., 1857 (Al>h.), pp. 154-162. 2. [Metaschematische Bluthen von Tul- pen.] Prag, Sitzungsber. 1862, pp. 73-74. 3. Die bisher bekannteu Oesterreichischen Armleuchter-Gewachse besprochen voni mor- phogenetischen Stanclpuncte. Briinu, Ver- handl. II., 1863 (Abh.), pp. 122-224. 4. Ueber die Bohmischen Characeen. Lotos, 1863, pp? 55-62, 69-80, 129-132, 145- 148. 5. Die in Bohmen bisher mit Sicherheit nachgewiesenen Characeeu. Prag, Sitzungsber. 1863 (Hft. 1) pp. 110-114. 6. Beitrage zur Morphologic der Pflanzen, Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1856, pp. 398-417. Leonhard, Karl Casar von, und A. Vogel. Mineralogisch-chemische Untersuchung des in Tyrol aufgefundenen Triphan's (Spodumen). [1817.] Miinchen, Denkschr. 1816-17, pp. 197-212; Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XIII., 1819, pp. 3-26. namentlich der Rosen. Prase, Sitzungsber. 1863 (Hft. 2), p. 13. Leopold, . On the reddening of teeth. Dental Review, III., 1861, pp. 392-395. Leotaud, A. De 1'exomphale chez 1'enfant negre. Schweizer. Monatsschrift Prak. Med. III., 1858, pp. 129-135, 179-193. 2. Ilernie ombilicale contenant 1'uterus charge du produit de la conception. Schweizer. Monatsschrift Prak. Med. III., 1 858, pp. 277-279. Lepage, P. H. Recherches sur les inoyens de distinguer les alcalis vegetaux par le chlore et par le sulfocyanure de potassium. Journ. de Pharin. XXVI., 1840, pp. 140-149. 2. Recherches sur quelques nouveaux lae- tates. Journ. Chimie Med. X., 1844, pp. 8-12; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 377-378 ; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 309- 310. 3. Note sur la transformation du chlorure mercurique en chlorure mercureux, par quelques preparations pharmaceutiques. — Composes mer- curiels uon incompatibles avec ces memes pre- parations. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 61-63. 4. Note relative a 1'huile de Croton tig- lium, employee en frictions. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, p. 64. — 5, Note sur une substance extraite des ecorces de Metre (Fagus sylvatica). Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 181-183 ; Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1847, pp. 513-514. LEP] 958 [LEP Lepage, P. If. 6. Analyse d'un lait rose. Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1847, pp. 76-77. 7. Experiences pour servir a 1'histoire chimico-pharmaceutique des feuilles de laurier- cerise, de leur eau distillee et de celle d'amandes ameres. Journ. Chimie Med. IV., 1848, pp. 365-383 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848. pp. 190-192. 8. Nouvelle observation relative a la pre- existence de 1'huile volatile et de 1'acide cyan- hydrique dans les feuilles vertes de laurier- cerise. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 274- 278. 9. Du chloroforme comme agent dissolvant. Journ. Chimie Med. VII., 1851, pp. 450-456. 1O. Note relative a la pretendue solubilite de la Morphine dans le Chloroforme. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 258-259. 11. Quelques faits pour servir a 1'histoire chimique et technologique du marron d'Inde. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1854-55, pp. 147-161. 12. Des proprietes rubefiantes de la Pou- dre de Raifort sauvage ou Cran de Bretagne (Coehlearia armoracia, Lin.), et de son emploi comme succedane de la Farine de Moutardc. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII.. 1855, pp. 268-272. — — 13. Essais de la Codeine falsifiee avec le Sucre candi. Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 213-215. 14. Des proprietes physiques, organolep- tiques et ehimiques qui peuvent servir a dis- tinguer les strops niedieamenteux les plus gene- ralement employes. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 171-174. 15. Rernarques sur quelques-uns des moyens proposes pour constater la presence de 1'alcool dans le chloroforme. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., 1860, pp. 93-96. 16. Etude chimique sur les graines du fusnin d'Europe. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1861-62, pp. 117-122. Lepage, P. If., et Morin. Note sur les effets du nouvel antidote [melange-ferrosoferrique] de 1'acide prussique indique par M. SMITH. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 354-356. Lepaige, . Note sur ie Campylus linearis. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, p. 13. Lepasquier, . Notice historique et statis- tique sur les enfants-trouves. Rouen. Trav. Acad. 1630, pp. 73-84. Lepechin, J. Typha Laxmanni. [1797.] St, Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XII., 1801, pp. 335-336. 2. Alca Camtschatica. [1798.] St. Pe- tersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XII., 1801, pp. 369-371. 3. Cheiranthus Tauricus descriptus. [1799.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIII., 1802, pp. 336-338. Lepechm, J. 4. Syrnphyti asperi nova species descripta. [1802.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta, XIV., 1805, pp. 442-444. Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, Am. Sur quelques especes nouvelles d'insectes de la sec- tion des Hymenopteres appelesles Porte-tuyaux, et sur les caracteres de cette famille et des genres qui la composent. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annai. VII., 1806, pp. 115-129. 2. Sur une nouvelle espece de Belle-de- nuit (Mirabilis, L.). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Aunal. VIII., 1806, pp, 480-481. 3. Sur les araignees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1813, pp. 254-258. 4. Sur un nouveau genre de champignons (Pecila Peleterii). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 109-110. 5. Observations sur les accouplemeuts d'in- sectes d'espece different e. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, p. 318. 6. Description du genre Macromeris et de deux especcs (M. spleudida et violacea). Mag. de Zool. 1831, No. 29-30 (Insect.). 7. Description du Sphex Latreillei. Mag. de Zool. 1831, No. 33 (Insect.). 8. Description du Sphex Thunbergii. Mag. de Zool. 1831, No. 34 (Insect.). 9. Vers intestinaux : perforations organi- ques produitea par ces animaux. Paris, Journ. de Med. et Chir. IV., 1831, pp. 365-369. 1O. Memoire sur le genre Goiytes, Latr., Arpactus, Jitr. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1832, pp. 52-79. • 11. Observations sur 1'ouvrage intitule: " Bombi Scandinavia Monographice Tractati, etc., a Gustav. DAHLBOM, Londini-Gothorum, 1832 ;" auxquelles on a joint les caracteres des genres Bombus et Psithyrus, et la description des especes qui appartienuent an dernier. Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutom. I., 1832, pp. 366-382. 12. Description de trois nouvelles especes du genre Cimbex (C. La Portei, C. Viardi, C. Biguelina). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 454-455. 13. Remarques sur les caracteres donnes par M. KLTJG (Monogr. Entom. Berlin, 1824) au genre Syzygonia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 456-457. 14. Observations sur une Monographic des Odyneres de Belgique de M. WESMAEL. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1835, p. Ixviii. 15. Reponse aux observations de M. Leon DuporR sur les Crabro. Paris, Ann. Soc. En- tom. VII., 1838, pp. 415-420. Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, Am., et Au- (fi(st( Brulle. Monographic du genre Crabro, de la famille des Hymenopteres fouisseurs. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IH., 1834, pp. 683- 810. LEP] 959 [LEP Lepere, Gratien. Recherches sur les experiences faites a Cherbourg, pour rein placer la pouzzo- lane clans les constructions hydrauliques, etc. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. IV., 1805, pp. 10-14. Lepiez, . Sur quelques points de 1'unatomie d'un Marsouin. L'lustitut, III.. 1835, pp. 46- 47. Le Pileur, A. Sur les phenomenes physiolo- giques qu'on observe en s'elevant a une certaine hauteur dans les Alpes. Revue Med. Franr. et Etr. II., 1845, pp. 55-85, 196-223, 341-367 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIV., 1845, col. 209-212 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1199- 1202. Lepine, Jules. Note sur la conversion des dolo- mies en sels inasriesiens. Journ. Chimie Med. X., 1854, pp. 4.52-454. 2. De 1'Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Linne. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIII., 1855, pp. 47-59. 3. Note sur le Casuarina equisetifolia, L. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 924-926. 4. Recherches sur quelques plantes aliruen- taires de Tahiti. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 1001-1006, 1012-1017. 5. Note sur la Gomme de Cocotier. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., I860, pp. 403- 404. 6. Note sur quelques huiles peu connues du sud de 1'Inde. Journ. de Pharm. XL., 1861, pp. 16-23. 7. Note sur le Veppamarum Vembou (Aza- dirachta Indica, A. de Jitss.). Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot, VIII., 1861, pp. 95-96. 8. Note sur 1'usage de 1'^Eschynomene aspera, Lin. (M. aquatica, Koxli., J£>. Indica, If'all., Hedysarum lagenaria, Lour.) Ann. Sci. Nat, XVIII. (Bot.), 1863, pp. 254-257. Lepissier, . Observations d'Alexandra (jy faites a 1'Observatoire imperial de Paris. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, p. 514. 2. Elements et ephemeride de la planete Europa (&). Paris, Comptes Reudus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 585-586. Lepissier, , et Y. Villarceau. Observa- tions de la Comete de TEMPLE, faites a 1'Obser- vatoire imperial de Paris. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLVIII., 1859, p. 880. Le Flat, . Beobachtung einer Wasserhose. Sprengen mit Sandbesetzung. Gilbert, Annal. LVIII., 1818, pp. 207-209. Le Play, Albert. Recherches chimiques sur 1'une des sources de la chaux que s'assimilent les produits agricoles des terrains primitifs du Li- mousin. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1054-1058 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1862, pp. 449-473. 2. Origins de la chaux dans les plantes. Journ. Agric. Prat. I., 1862, pp. 276-279 ; II., 1862, pp. 256-265. Le Play, F. Analyse d'une tourmaline du Mont Rose. Aunal. de Chimie, XLII., 1829, pp. 270-282 ; Schweigger, Journ. LIX. (= Jahrb. XXIX.), 1830, pp. 71-85. 2. Analyse d'une substance associee a 1'amphibole dans les carrieres de St. Yrieix. Annal. des Mines, V., 1829, pp. 187-188. 3. Itineraire d'un voyage en Espagne, pre- cede d'un aper§u sur 1'etat actuel et sur 1'avenir de 1'industrie minerale dans ce pays. Annal. des Mines, V., 1834, pp. 175-208. 4. Observations sur 1'Estramadure et le nord de 1'Andalousie, et essai d'une carte geo- logique de cette contree. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1834. pp. 297-380, 477-521 ; Madrid, An. de Minas, II., 1841, pp. 143-196. 5. Notice sur la preparation de 1'acide sulfurique fumant, dans le nord de 1'Allemagne. Annal. des Mines, VII., 1835, pp. 185-196 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. V., 1835, pp. 137- 147. - — 6. Essai sur la theorie du traitement des minerals de fer dans les hauts-fourneaux, et expose de plusieurs prineipes uouveaux sur le mode d'action du carbone considere comme re- actif reducteur et carburant. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836. pp. 68-73 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXII., 1836, pp. 291-298; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VII., 1836, pp. 222-224; Liebig, Aunal. XVII., 1836, pp. 246-250. 7. Description de 1'affinage par cristallisa- tion, nouveau precede metallurgique ayant pour objet la separation du plomb et de 1'argent. Annal. des Mines, X., 1836, pp. 381-406 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 321- 343 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXV., 1837, pp. 386-392 ; Poggend. Annal. XLI., 1837, pp. 203-206. 8. Notice sur une disposition nouvelle de tiges de sonde, employee en Prusse dans les forages tres-profonds. Annal. des Mines, XV., 1839, pp. 447-454. 9. Memoire sur le mode d'action du car- bone dans la cementation des corps oxydes, et sur les reactions qui caracterisent les fourneaux a courant d'air force employes en metallurgie. Annal. des Mines, XIX., 1841, pp. 267-386. 1O. Memoire sur la fabrication de 1'acier en Yorkshire, et comparaison des principaux groupes d'acieries Europeennes. Annal. des Mines, III., 1843, pp. 583-714. 11. Note sur les experiences recemment entreprises par le gouvernement Sarde, en vue de perfectionner la fabrication du fil de fer. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1843, pp. 411-428. 12. Recherches geologiques dans FOural. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844. pp. 853- 860. LEP] 960 [LEP Le Flay, F. 13. Memoire sur la fabrication et le commerce des fers a acier clans le nord de 1'Europe, et sur les questions soulevees depuis uu siecle et demi par 1'cmploi de ces fers dans les acieries Frai^aises. Annal. des Mines, IX., 1846, pp. 113-208, 209-306. 14. Description des precedes metallur- giques employes dans le pays de Galles pour la fabrication du cuivre ; et recherches sur 1'etat actuel et 1'avenir probable de la production et du commerce de ce metal. Annal. des Mines, XIII., 1848, pp. 3-219, 389-556, 557-667. 15. De la methode nouvelle employee dans Le Predour, Resume des operations hy- les forets de Carinthie pour la fabrication du fer, et des principes auxquels doivent recourir les proprietaires des forets et d'usines a bois pour sotitenir la lutte engages en Europe entre le bois et le charbon de terre. Annal. des Mines, III., 1853, pp. 463-640. Le Play, F., et Attgustc Laurent. Theorie de la cementation. Annal. de Cliimie, LXV.. 1837. pp. 403-416 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem.XIII., 1 838, pp. 284-295. Le Flay, //. Distillation du sorgho sucre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 444-448 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 336-343. 2. Etudes chimiques sur la betterave u sucre, dite Betterave blanche de Silesie. Pre- mirre partie : Du developpement et de 1'accumu- lation du sucre dans la betterave a sucre pen- dant sa vegetation. Au moment de sa maturite. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI.. I860. pp. 166- 170 ; Journ. Agric. Prat. II., 1861, pp. 192-196. 3. Etudes chimiques sur la betterave a sucre, dite Betterave blanche de Silesie. Deux- ieme partie : Du developpemeut et de 1'accurnu- lation du sucre dans la betterave a sucre pen- dant sa croissance jusqu' a sa maturite. Paris, Comptes Reudus, LI., 1860, pp. 201-204. 4. Sur la betterave a sucre, dite Betterave blanche de Silesie. Troisieme partie : De- veloppement pendant la vegetation et accumu- lation des matieres etrangeres au sucre. Paris. Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 185-188. Le Play, H., et J. Cuisinier. Memoire sur un iiouveau mode dV'puration des liquides sucres, jus et sirops, et sur un nouveau moyen de revi- vification du noir animal employe dans la fabri- cation du sucre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 270-273 ; Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 253-254. Le Poivre, . Des sections du Cone. Hai- naut, Mem. Soc. Sci. I., 1853, pp. 146-160. Leporin, . Analyse eines Speichelsteines. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 395-398. Le Prade, E. de. Memoire sur les orages. Bruxelles, Actes Soc. Med. III., 1810, pp. 179- 312. drographiques faites sur la cote occidentale d'Afrique, dans les annees 1826-7, a bord La Flore et La Dorade, cominandees par M. MAS- SIEU DE CLERVAL. Connaiss. des Temps, 1831, pp. 3-15. Le Frestre, . Observations sur le cygne noir. Paris, Soe. Acclim. Bull. I., 1854, pp. 409-414. Le Prevost, Auguste. De la superfetation. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1818, pp. 43-73. 2. Observations sur quelques maladies et autres circonstances nuisibles a plusieurs arbres verds. Eure, Bull. Soc. Agric. I., 1822, pp. 219-227. • 3. Sur le Puceron lanigere. Kure, Journ. d' Agric. II., 1825, pp. 377-384. 4. Rapport sur le iru'moire geologique en- voye au concours [concernant la gt'ologie de la Seine-Infi'rieure]. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1829, pp. 45-73. B. Sur une experience d'agriculture faite dans l'arrondissement de Bernay. Eure, Soc. Agric. Recueil, I., 1830, pp. 74-80. 6. Note sur le Pogonus pallidipennis. Eure, Soc. Agric. Recueil, IV., 1833, pp. 390-391. 7. Sur le niurier d'ltalie ii fruit rose. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1833, pp. 93-94. 8. Sur quelques points controversy's du systeme onranique et physiologiquc des vrii'r- taux. Rouen, Tnn . Acad. 1849-50, pp. 126- 134. Leprieur, • — . Exploration gt'ologique du bassin de la Comtt-. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. V., 1847-48, pp. 251-254. Leprieur, . Note sur ITIuile de Lentisque. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIL. 1860 pp. 251-253. Leprieur, C. E. Lettre sur les Coleopteres, qui se trouveut dans les marais salans des environs de Dieuze. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, p. xciv. 2. Sur les moeurs et les metamorphoses du Spercheus emarginatus. Paris, Ann. Soc. En- tom. VIII., 1850, pp. xxxiv-xxxv. 3. Methode dichotomique, appliquee au genre Stenus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX.. 1851, pp. 191-202. 4. Sur quelques Coleopteres de 1'Algerie. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1853, pp. Ivii-lx. 5. Sur plusieurs Coleopteres des families des Palpicornes, Hydrocanthares et Staphy- liniens pris dans les environs de Bone. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1853, pp. Iviii-lx. 6. Quelques mots sur I'Hydrophilus iner- mis. [1853.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entoin. II., 1854, pp. 69-73. 7. Note sur le Zuphium olens trouve it Bone. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, p. xxix. LEP] 961 [LER j C. E. 8. Essai sur les metamorphoses du Trachys pygmiea. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 314-318. 9. De 1'emploi de 1'alcool satuiv d'acide arsenieux pour la conservation des collections entor.iologiques. Paris, Ann. Soc. En torn. I., 1861, pp. 75-84. - 10. Description de la larve du Teretrius parasita. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1861, pp. 457-458. - • 11. Essai sur les metamorphoses du Tra- chys pygtnasa, insecte de la famille des Bupres- tides. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1861, pp. 459-466. le Prieur, F. R. Note sur le Pteris cornuta de PALISOT-BEAUVOIS, espece du genre Cerat- opteris. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1830, pp. 99-103. - 2. Dissertation sur le rnarais vernier. Eure, Soc. Agric. Kecueil, TIL, 1832, pp. 182- 218. - 3. Note sur le Stylochceton hypogeum, plante tie la Senegambie, constituant un genre nouveau dans la i'araille des Aroidees. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Bot.\ 1834, pp. 184-186. - 4. Voyage dans la Guyane Centrale. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. I, 1834, pp. 201-229. Ziepriol, C. J. Introduction a la physique et particulierement a la mecanique. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1811, p. 13. - 2. Observations sur 1'ordre et les demon- strations de quelques theorumes relatifs a la theorie des equations numeriquea a une seule inconnue. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1812, pp. 41- 56. - 3. Methode tres-simple pour determiner les petits angles refringeants et la force refrac- tive d'un prisme diaphane. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1812, pp. 57-64. Leps, - . Sur une chute de foudre qui a pro- tluit des effets magnetiques remarquables. Ar- chives de 1'Electr. III., 1843, pp. 443-448. -- 2. Sur les trombes marines. Aunal. de Chimie, XX., 1847, pp. 247-256. Xiepsius, -- . Ueber den Ban der Aegyptischen Pyramiden, und Entdeckung des Labyrinths. Crelle, Journ. Bank. XIX., 1843, pp. 347-374. - 2.- Voyage dans la presqu'ile de Sinai. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. VII., 1847, pp. 345- 392. - 3. Ueber einige Beruhnmgspuncte der Aegyptischen, Griechischen und Ru'mischen Chronologic. Berlin, Abhandl. 1859 (Phil.), pp. 1-82. le Bullion de Boblaye, Emtle. Essai sur la configuration et la constitution geologique de la Bretagne. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, p. 179. VOL. III. Le Puillon de Boblaye, Emile. 2. Memoire sur la formation jurassique dans le nord de la France. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIL, 1829, pp. 35-81 ; Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XV., 1831, pp. 27-31. 3. [Lettre sur la geognosie de la Moree.] Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1829, pp. 34- 38 ; Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, pp. 44-46. 4. Sur la constitution geognostique de la Moree. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1830, pp. 82-86. 5. Sur les alterations des roches calcaires du littoral de la Grece. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. L, 1830, pp. 150-156. 6. Observations sur la constitution geolo- gique de la Moree. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIL, 1831, pp. 113-134. 7. Sur les roches designees par les anciens sous les noms de marbre Lacedemonien et d'ophite. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1832- 33, pp. 66-67 ; L'Institut, L, 1833, pp. 93-94. 8. Application du calcul aux phenomenes geognostiques. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1832-33, pp. 317-320. 9. Des depots terrestres ou epigeiques a la surface de la Moree. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1833, pp. 99-126 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII, 1835, pp. 1-19 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXVIIL, 1836, pp. 253-263. 1O. Analyse des remarques sur 1'applica- tion du calcul aux phenomenes geognostiques. L'Institut, L, 1833, pp. 87-88. 11. Modifications dc certains terrains de sediment par le voisinage de roches ignees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 168- 171. 12. Notice sur la geologic des environs d'Alger. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, p. 348. Lequien, Essai monographique sur le genre Anthia, Weber. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832. 2. Description de 1'Amallopodes scabrosus. Mag. de Zool. III., 1833. Leras, . Action du sue gastrique sur les preparations martiales employees en therapeu- tique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 303-304. 2. Tremblement de terre ressenti a Brest le 19 Novembre 1849. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXLX., 1849, pp. 638-639. Leray, . Deux observations de moles vesi- culaires ou hydatique?. Journ. de Med. Chir. Pharm. XIV., 1822, pp. 113-131. 2. Note historique sur PAcarus scabiei. Nantes, Journ. de Med. IV., 1828, pp. 211- 213. 6 F LER] 962 [LER Leray, . 3. Recherches sur la nature des causes des deformations du Eachis. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XIV., 1838, pp. 5-31. 4. Observation d'un exomphale congenial volumineux, et essai sur la theorie de ce cas de teratologie. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XV., 1839, pp. 74-90. 5. Notes statistiques et observations sur le terme naturel de 1'accouchenient. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XXI., 1845, pp. 162-183 ; Journ. de Chirurgie, IV.. 1846, pp. 71-82. Le RayCj Ch. Ueber einige Vierfttssler der Gegend am Missouri. Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 1764. Lerch, J. U. Analyse zweier Blciglanze aus Przibram. Liebig, Annal. XLV., 1843, pp. 325-328. 2. Analyse eines Braunbleierzes aus Blei- stadt. Liebig, Anual. XLV., 1843, pp. 328- 330. 3. Ueber die fliiclitigen Sauren der Butter. Liebig, Anual. XLIX., 1844, pp. 212-231 ; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 14-21. 4. Untersuclmng der Chelidonsaure. Lie- big, Annal. LVIL, 1846, pp. 273-318 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 180- 192; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 472- 480. • 5. Ueber das VorkornmcH des Schwefel- arsens in den Leichen der mit arseniger Siiure Vergifteten. Prag, Vierteljahrsschrift, III., 1848, pp. 50-55. 6. Ckemische Untcrsuchung einiger Mine- ralquellen in Buhmen. Prasr, Vierteljahrsschrift, m., 1862, pp. 84-95. 7. Ueber Kohlenoxydkalium und die aus dernselben darstellbaren Sauren. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV. (Abth. 2), 1862, pp. 721-727 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVII., 1862, pp. 359-382, 427-469 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 20-42. Iiereboullet, Augttste. Sur la conservation des animaux morts. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 72-73. 2. Rectification des caracteres du genre Bombiuator. L'Institut, IV., 1836, p. 345. 3. Notes pour servir a Fanatomie du Coipou. Strasbourg, Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. HI., 1840. 4. Memoire sur 1'unite de 1'espece humaine. France, Congres Scient. I., 1842, pp. 1-13. 5. Memoire sur la Ligidia Persoonii, Brandt. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI.. 1843, pp. 1158-1161 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Zool.), 1843, pp. 103-142. 6. Memoire sur les crustaces de la famille des Cloportides qui habitent les environs de Strasbourg: Partie anatomique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 345-349 ; Froriep, Notizeu, XXXIV., 1845, col. 213-217. Lerebouliet, Axgusie. 7. Vues sur la classifi- cation des Vers. Revue Zool. VIII., 1845, pp. 54-58. 8. Note sur le mecanisme des secretions. Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Zool.), 1846, pp. 175-187. 9. Observations de peritonite developpee sur un Caiman, suivie de reflexions sur la possibilite de 1'inflammation chez les animaux a sang froid. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. II., 1846, pp. 59-64. 10. Baobachtuno; des Eiukriechens von Cercarieu in den Leib der Insecten. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1847, col. 266. . 11. Observations sur le cccur et sur la circulation dans la Litunadie, flerm., et daus les Daphnies. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. IV., 1850, pp. 208-212; Froriep, Notizeu, VIII., 1848, col. 342-344. 12. Sur une respiration anale observee dans plusieurs Crustaces. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. IV., 1850, p. 211. 13. Note sur 1'ovaire des Cypris. Stras- bourg, Soc. Hist, Nat. Mem. IV., 1850, pp. 211-212. 14. Recherches sur 1'anatomie des organes genitaux des animaux vertebres. [1848.] Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Aeta, XXIII., 1851, pp. 1-228. 15. Note sur les varietes rouges et bleues de 1'Ecrevisse fluviatile. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 376-379. 16. Note sur une rnonstruosite observee sur le Hanneton vul«aire. Rev. et Mag. Zool. III., 1851, pp. 433-43S. • 17. Memoire sur la structure intime du foie, et sur la nature de Falteration connue sous le nom de foie gras. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 44-51 ; Paris, Mem. Acad. Med. XVII., 1853, pp. 387-501. 18. Embryogenies des vertebres et des animaux articules. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 978-980. 19. Quelques propositions sur 1'embryo- loc'ie des poissous, particulierenient du Brochet et de la Perche, et sur Fembryogenie de 1'Ecre- visse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 978-980. 2O. Resume d'un travail d'embryologie comparee sur le developpement du Brochet, de la Perche, et de 1'ficrevisse. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Zool.), 1854, pp. 237-289 ; H., pp. 39-80. 21. Sur la monstruosite double chez les poissons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 854-856, 916-917, 1028-1030, 1063-1065. 22. Description de deux nouvelles especes d'Ecrevisse de nos rivieres (Astacus longicornis, A. pallipes). Strasbourg, Soc, Hist. Nat. Mem., V., 1858. LER] 963 [LEE Lereboullet, Angttste. 23. Reckerckes sur le mode de fixation des oeufs aux fausses pattes abdominales, dans les ecrevisses. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Zoo/,), 1860, pp. 359-378 ; Paris, Comptes ReuJus, LIT., 1861, pp. 155-157 ; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIII., 1861, pp. 21-23. 24. Redierclies d'embryologie comparee sur le developpemeut de la truite (Salar Ausonii, Vol.), du lezard (Lacerta stirpium, Daud.~), et tin limnee (Liranaeus stagnalis, Lam.). [1857.] Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Zool.), 1861, pp. 113- 196; XVII. (Zool.). 1862, pp. 89-157 ; XVIII. (Zool.), 1862, pp. 87-211 ; XIX. (Zool.), pp. 5-130; XX. (Zool.), 1863, pp. 5-58. 25. Recherches sur les monstruosites du brocket observees dans 1'ocuf et sur leur mode de production. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Zool.), 1861, pp. 359-368 ; XX. (Zool.), 1863, pp. 176-270 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 957-959. 26. Experiences relatives a la production artiflcielle des monstruosites dans 1'ceuf du brocket. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 761-762; Rev. et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 171-173. 27. Reclierckes d'embryologie comparee sur le developpement du brocket, de la perche, et de 1'ecrevisse. Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. XVII., 1862, pp. 447-805. Iiereboullet, An/juste, et G. L. Duvernoy. Tableaux des ordres, des families, et des genres de mammiferes, adoptes pour le Cours de Zoo- logie de la Faculte des Sciences. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. II., 1835. 2. Es^-ai d'une monograpkie des or- ganes de la respiration de 1'ordre des Crustaces isopodes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XI., 1840, pp. 881-894; Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Zool.), 1841, pp. 177-240. 3. Notes et renseignements sur les animaux vertebres de FAlgerie qui font partie du Musee de Strasbourg. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. HI., 1840. Lerebovirs, . Sur un nouveau precede d'iodage pour les planckes destinees a recevoir des images pkotograpkiques, precede qui abrege considerablement la duree du temps necessaire pour que la lumiere produise une impression numsante. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 1059-1060 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXIV., 1841, pp. 178-179. 2. Du foyer ckimique et du foyer apparent dans les objectifs du daguerreotype. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, p. 634. ^ 3. Sur les rayons destructeurs et les rayons continuateurs. Paris. Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 763-764. Lerebours, , et Secretan. Objectif oflrant une parfaite coincidence du foyer ckimique et du foyer apparent pour la plaque daguerrienne, mais non pour le collodion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 789-790. Le Sic que de Monchy, A. Note sur les varia- tions d'Algol. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1855-57, pp. 429-438. 2. Observation de 1'occultatiou de Jupiter. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. 1855-57, pp. 439-440. 3. Note sur Papparition de Ouiicron de la Baleine en 1857. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1858-60, pp. 37-46. 4. Observation de IV'clipse de Soleil du 15 Mars 1858. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1858-60, pp. 89-98. Lermer, J. C. Hop bitter in tke crystalline form. Ckemical News, VIII., 1863, p. 102. Lermier, J. Memoire sur les moulins a pilon. Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Seances Publ. 1824, pp. 67-101. — — 2. Memoire sur 1'kydraulique. Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Seances Publ. 1825, pp. 113-152. 3. Considerations sur 1'etablissement d'une usine kydraulique quelcouque. Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Seances Publ. 1826, pp. 145-182. 4. Fragments sur la perspective. Bor- deaux, Acad. Sci. Seances Publ. 1829, pp. 40- 41. 5. Memoire sur le cours d'eau de la Jale de St. Medard. Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Seances Publ. 1830, p. 36. 6. Observations sur la topograpkie de Bareges. Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Seances Publ. 1832, pp. 141-184. 7. Observations sur le reboisement en France. Bordeaux, Actes Acad. Sci. 1848, pp. 605-624. Lermina, Cl. Description d'un sel sulfure de soude. Paris, Journ. Ecole Polyteckn. IV., 1801-2, pp. 337-340 (11* call.). 2. Sur la cristallisation du lazulite. Annal. de Ckimie, L., 1804, pp. 144-146; Geklen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 486-487. Lerznina, CL, Garin, et Pecheur. Descrip- tion et analyse d'une pierre appelee " Siberite." Paris, Ecole Polyteckn. Journ. II., 1798-99, pp. 439-445 ; Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. IV., 1801, pp. 147-154. Leroi, Alphonsc. Extract of experiments and ob- servations on tke use of Pkospkorus administered internally. Tillock, Pkil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 290-293 ; Nickolson, Joum. IH., 1800, pp. 84-86. Leroi, Alphonse. Memoire sur le sirop, 1'eau- de-vie, et le pain obtenus de la racine de ckien- dent. [1812.] Joum. Chirnie Med. L, 1855, pp. 6-15. 6 F 2 LEE] 964 [LER Leroi, J. A., et Vandenhecke. Recherches microscopiques sur 1'Acarus scabici ou insecte de la gale de 1'homme. [1834.] Seine-et-Oise, Mem. 1835, pp. 1-25. Lerouge, . Observations sur les methodes a employer pour calculer les terrasses et deter- miner la position des centres de gravite des differents solides. Paris, Annal. Fonts et Chauss. XIII., 1837, pp. 277-291. 2. Memoire sur les voutes eu anses de panier. [1838.] Paris. Annal. Fonts el Chauss. XVIII., 1839, pp. 335-362. Leroux, . Decouverte d'une matiere gom- rneuse, contenue dans 1'ognon de la plante ap- pelee Hyacinthus nonscriptus. Annal. de Chi- mie, XXXIX., 1801, pp. 105-109. 2. Sur la gomnie que contient 1'ognon du Hyacinthus nonscriptus. Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1801, pp. 145-165. 3. Nouveau precede pour preparer 1'ex- trait gommeux d'opium. Annal. de Chimie, XLVI., 1803, pp. 161-169. Leroux, . Monstre double, bifemelle, de la famille des monomphaliens, a unions sous et sus ombilicale, appartcnant en meme temps aux deux genres ischiopage et xyphopage de GEOF- FROY SAINT-HILAIRE. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me'm. V., 1863, pp. 45-47 (Compt. Rend.). Leroux, F. P. Note sur 1'emploi a cliaud du bioxyde de manganese et de 1'acide sulfurique dans la pile de BUNSEX. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXX. VII., 1853, pp. 355-357. 2. Note sur la cause du developpement de 1'electricite par suite de 1'elevation de tempera- ture. Paris, Cornptes Rendus, XXXVIL. 1853, pp. 500-503. 3. Remplacement de 1'oxygene parle chlore dans la pile de BUNSEN. Reaction qui a lieu lorsque 1'on remplacc 1'acide azotique par 1'acide chlorhydrique dans la pile ordinaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 588-589. 4. Memoire sur les machines magneto- electriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 802-805 ; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1857, pp. 463-479. 5, Etudes sur les machines electro-mag- netiqueset magneto-electriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 414-417. 6. De 1'influence de la structure sur les proprietes magnetiques du fer. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 477-480. 7. Recherches sur certaines rotations de tubes et de spheres metalliques produites par 1'electricite. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 579-581 ; Poggeud. Annul. CVIL, 1859, pp. 461-462. 8. Quelques experiences electrodyuamiques au moyen de conducteurs rlexibles. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 409-412. Leroux, F. P. 9. Note sur la preparation des miroirs d'acier trempe destines aux experiences d'optique. Annal. de Chimie, LIX.. 1860, pp. 458-460. 1O. Sur des phcnomenes de chaleur qwi accompagnent, dans certaines circonstances, le mouvement vibratoire des corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 656-657, 729-731. 11. De la production de 1'ozone au moyen d'un fil de platine rendu incandescent par uu courant electrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 691-692. 12. Recherches sur les indices de refrac- tion des corps qui ne prenuent 1'etat gazeux qu' a des temperatures ordinaires. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1861, pp. 385-419. — — • 13. Sur un nouveau priucipe de thermo- scopie. L'Institut, XXIX., 1861, pp. 6-7. 14. Experiences destinees a mettre en evidence le defaut d'achromatisme de 1'ceil. — Explication d'un certain nombre d'apparences dues a cette cause. Annal. de Chimie, LXVI., 1862, pp. 173-182. 15. Recherches sur les indices de refrac- tion des corps qui ne prennent 1'etat. gazeux qu' a des temperatures elevces. — Dispersion anomale de la vapeur d'iode. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 126-128 ; Poggend. Annal. CXVIL, 1862, pp. 659-660. 16. Recherches experimentales sur la vi- tesse de propagation d'un ebranlement souore dans un tuyau cylindrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 662-664. 17. Experiences sur 1'etincelle d'induc- tion. Son action sur 1'argent iodure. — Nouveau mode de poiutage. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 839-840. Le HiOy, . A memoir on the best method of measuring Time at Sea, containing the de- scription of the Longitude Watch presented to His Majesty the 5th of August 1766. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XX VI., 1806, pp. 40-68, 129-146, 193-203. Le Soy, - — . Decouverte d'une earriere de chaux hydraulique dans le departement des Ar- dennes. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, p. 11. 2. Rapport sur le puits artesien entrepris a Saint-Andre. Eure, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. 1833, pp. 135-139. Leroy, . LTeber die Bildung des Amnio- niaks wiihrend der Darstellung des Kermes. (Transl.) Liebig, Annal. XIII., 1835, p. 140. 2. Recherches sur la Tanaisie. Journ. Chimie Med. L, 1845, pp. 357-R58. 3. Note sur le fruit du Myroxylum tolui- ferum. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 37- 41. LER] 965 [LER Leroy, 4. Observations sar la teinture Le Boy d'Etiolles, d'lpecacuanha (Cephselis ipecacuanha). Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1852, pp. 356-359. 5. Observations do Pharmacie pratique sur quelques composes hydrates et principale- ment sur 1'hydrate ferriquc. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 359-363. L-eroy, . Nouvel acide obtenu par la com- bustion lente de 1'alcool autour du fll de platine incandescent. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 283-285, 322-363. Leroy, Camille, Essai statistique et medical sur les eaux minerales des environs de Grenoble. Isere, Soc. Stat, Bull. I., 1838, pp. 65-68. 2. Memoire sur 1'appareil de MARSH. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. II., 1841, pp. 15-25. 3. Notice sur les eaux minerales du Mones- tier-de-Clerraont (Isere). Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. II., 1841, pp. 386-399. 4. Nouvelle analyse de 1'eau gazeuse et ierrugiueuse d'Oriol pres de Mens. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. III., 1843, pp. 92-96. 5. Sur un perfectionnement de 1'appareil de MAKSH. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. IV., 1846, pp. 51-58. 6. Sur 1'action stupefiante de la vapeur d'ether sulfurique. Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. II., 1847, pp. 213-215. Leroy, F. G. Examen chimique des turions du bouillon, Humulus lupulus, L, ; dioecie pentan- drie, famille des Urticees, J. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1840, pp. 3-11. Iieroy, ./. Recherches sur 1'asphyxie. Magen- die, Journ. de Phys. VI., 1826, pp. 45-82; VIII.. 1828, pp. 97-135 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1827, p. 491. Ireroy, Jos. Anton. Referantur prascipua phe- nomena chymica, qute dupliceui interpretatiouem theoreticam patiuutur ; illustrando processus, in quibus phaenomena quaesita locum habeut. Louvaine, Ann. Acad. V., 1823. Jjeroy, L. G. Sur la presence de 1'iodate de potasse dans 1'iodure de potassium. Journ. Chimie Mod. V., 1849, pp. 349-361. Le Boy d'Etiolles, — — -. Sur des animaux microscopiques trouves dans les urines de gens affectes de maladies de la prostate. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, p. 134. 2. Sur la dissolution des calculs de la vessie. Journ. de Pharm. I., 1842, pp. 454- 460. 3. Sur la dissolution des concretions uri- naires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 429-140. 4. Lettre a 1'occasion des nouvelles expe- riences de M. MATTEUCCI sur 1'electricite aui- male. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 1012-1016. 5. Recherches con- cernant 1'action deletere du sang noir. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 546-547. 6. La cystine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1862, pp. 119-124 (Compt. Rend.}. Le Boy d'Etiolles, , et J. Thco. Cocteau. Experiences relatives a la reproduction du cris- talliu. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. VI., 1826, pp. 30-44; Froriep, Notizen, XVI., 1827, col. 289-298. Leroy de Mericourt, A. Memoire sur la colo- ration partielle en noir ou en bleu de la peau chez les femmes. Archiv. Gen. de Med. X., 1857, pp. 430-452. 2. Memoire sur la chromhidrose ou chro- mocrinie cutanee. Ann. d'Oeulist, L., 1863, pp. 5-26, 110-205. Leroy de Mericourt, A., et J. B. Fonssa- grives. Recherches sur les poissons toxico- phores exotiques des pays chauds. Ann. Hygiene Publ. XVI., 1861, pp. 326-359. Le Boyer, A. Sur le volume de 1'atome des corps. Journ. de Phys. XCTL, 1821, pp. 408- 411. 2. Du priucipe actif contenu dans la digi- tals pourpree. Bibl. Univ. XXVI., 1824, pp. 102-106 ; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. I., 1824, pp. 373-377. 3. Nouveau precede pour obtenir 1'acide gallique. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. III., 1825, pp. 79-80. Le Boyer, A., et Prevost. De la digestion chez les ruminants. Bibl. Univ. XXVII., 1824, pp. 229-235. 2. Note sur la Digestion. Ann. Sci. Nat, IV., 1825, pp. 481-487. 3. Observations sur les coutenus du canal digestif chez !e foetus des vertebres. Bibl. Univ. XXIX., 1825, pp. 1-33-139. 4. Note sur 1'aeide libre contenu dans Pestomac des herbivores. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. HI., 1826 (ptc. 2), pp. 143-145. Lersch, />'. M. Etwas itber den Zuckergehalt des Blutserunis und anderer seroser Fliissig- keiten. Rheinische Monatsschrift, I., 1847, pp. 169-175. 2. Uebersicht der Versuche, die bisher iiber das Vorkommen des Ilarnstofl's und der Harnsuure ausser dem Harn augestellt wurden. Rheinische Monatsschrift, III., 1849, pp. 173- 182. 3. Ueber den physiologischen Zuckerge- halt der Leber-Substanz. Rheinische Monats- schrift, IV., 1850, pp. 41-44. 4. Bericht iiber die neueren Leiatungen in der Lehre von den Nahrungsmitteln und Ge- nussmitteln. Rheinische Monatsschrift, IV., 1850, pp. 268-284. LER] 966 [LES lersch, B. M. 5. Ueber den Casein-G ehalt des Blutes. Bheinische Monatsschrift, V., 1851, pp. 44-46. 6. Ueber alte und neue gefuhllosmachende Mittel aus der Familie der Kohlemvasserstoffe. Bheinische Monatsschrift, V., 1851, pp. 149- 158. 7. Brayera antbelmintica, oder der Kousso. Eheinische Monatsschrift, V., 1851, pp. 292- 296. liSrsit, . On Metallic Ligatures applied to Arteries. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 429-430. Lesage, C. Note sur le Platre-Ciment, decou- vert a Boulogne-sur-Mer. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. I., 1803, pp. 30-32. Lesaing, . Description d'un fragment fos- sile de la machoire inlerieure d'un saurieu. (Simosaurus Gaillardotii). Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1844, pp. 76-89. Le Sant, . Memoire sur une pluie couleur de sang. Journ. de Pharin. III., 1817, pp. 248-252. 2. Eecherch.es sur la composition cliimique das tubercules du Souchet comestible. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 497-513. 3. Note sur la composition chimique d'uue matiere produite par une espece de kyste situe a 1'un des genoux de la nominee Louise BRIANT. Nantes, Journ. de Mud. I., 1825, pp. 60-64. 4. Courte note sur les sulfates bibasique et nentre de quinine. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XIX., 1843, pp. 46-48. 5. Note sur une farine alimentaire appelee Ervalenta. Nantes. Journ. de Med. XIX., 1843, pp. 143-146. Le Sant, , et Prevel. Essai sur les pro- prietes physiques, chimiques et medicales de 1'eau minerale de Forges. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 306-320. Le Sauvage, E. Quelques considerations sur les albinos. Caen, Travaux, 1811-15, pp. 164- 166. 2. Observation sur le ver nomine Bicorne rude, ou Ditracliyceros, de M. SULTZEE, ou Diceras, de M. BUDOLPHI. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. VI., 1818, pp. 115-118; Brera, Nuovi Comment. III., 1S19, p. 267. . 3. Experiences sur la circulation du sang dans les poissons. Journ. de Med. XII., 1821, pp. 184-185. — — 4. Sur un nouveau genre de Polypier fossile (Thamnasteria Lamourouxii). Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. I.. 1823, pp. 241-244 ; Caen, Acad. Mem. 1825, pp. 99-100 ; Zool. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 231-233. 5. Sur une espece nouvelle du genre Am- modyte (A. lanceolatus). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1824, pp. 140-141. Le Sauvage, E. 6. Memoire sur 1'Acrostotne, nouveau genre de ver vesiculaire. Normaudie. Soc. Linn. Mem. 1826-27, pp. 108-112; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII.. 1829, pp. 433-438; Okeu. Isis, 1832, col. 562-563. 7. Eecherches sur 1'organisatioii et les fonctions de la membrane caduqne. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. XI., 1831, pp. 123-144 ; Archiv. Gen. de Med. II., 1833, pp. 37-51. 8. Note sur le genre de Polypier fossile, etabli sous le nom de Thamnasterie. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXVI., 1832, pp. 328-331. 9. Note sur les freres Siamois. Archiv. Gen. dc Med. II., 1837, pp. 71-76. — 1O. Catalogue methodique des oiseaux du Calvados. Normandie, Soc. Linn. Mem. VI., 1838, pp. 170-229. 11. Mode de developpemeut et organisa- tion de la caduque. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XV., 1842, pp. 126-127, 174-175, 326-327. 12. Observation nouvelle d'accouchement d'un foetus double monstrueux, avec quelques remarques sur le mecanisine de 1'accouchement dans le cas de diplogenese inonstrueuse. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XVIII., 1848, pp. 444-454. 13. Sur le traitement physiologique de la variolc. Caen, Acad. Mem. 1849, pp. 411-419. 14. Eemarques a 1'occasion d'une note recente de MM. JULY et FILHOL sur xm monstre pygoinele. Paris, Comptes Reiidus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 849-850. 15. Eecherches sur les polygeneses mon- ovariennes. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 730-732. 16. Theorie de la vie. Caen, Acad. Mem. 1856, pp. 103-156. Lesbos, -- . Sur les amides de la naphtali- dame. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 1091-1093 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIL. 1847, pp. 244-247. [Vide Belbos, Lesbros, -- Experiences hydrauliques sur les lois de Fecoulement de 1'eau a travers les orifices rectaugulaires verticaux a grandes di- mensions, entreprises a Metz pendant les annees 1828-34. Paris, Mem. Savans Etraug. XIII., 1852, pp. 1-509 ; Der Civilingenieur, III., 1857, pp. 123-148 ; Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 86-91. Lesbros, -- , et Poncelet. Experiences hy- drauliques sur les lois d'ecoulement de 1'eau a, travers les orifices rectangulaires verticaux it grandes dimensions, entreprises a Metz. [1829.] Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. III. 1832, pp. 242- 502 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1830, pp. 386- 407; Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1830, pp. 87-108 ; Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. XL. 1830, pp. 214-236. LES] 967 'LLES Iiescaille, . Essai sui- la difference des rapports entre la force des bois et leurs dimen- sions. Caen, Trav. Acad. 1811, p. 56. Lescallier, . Fragment sur la geologic de la Guadeloupe. Journ. de Phys. LXVII.,"l808, pp. 373-387. Lescallier, P. P. Memoire sur 1'action du Ni- trate mercuriel liquide, et de 1'acide nitrique sur les huiles fixes, la cire et 1'huile volatile de Terebinthine. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 203-207. Lescarbault, . Ducouverte d'une nouvelle planete entre Mercure et le Soleil. Moiguo, Cosmos, XVI., 1860, pp. 22-28, 50-56 ; Roma, Bull. Naut. Geogr. L, 1860, pp. 10-11. 2. Passage d'une planete sur le disque du Soleil, observe a Orgeres (Eure-et-Loire). Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 40-46. Lescaze, Arthur. Propositions segmentaires sur la parabole, 1'hyperbole equilatere et propriety du cercle principal de 1'ellipse. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIX., 1860, pp. 225-230. Leschen, G. Versuclie iiber die Verfertigung sehr feuerfester Schmelzgcflisse und besouders iiber die Anwendbarkeit der kohlensauren Talk- erde und anderer Talkerde-haltiger Korper zu diesem Zweck. Gottingen, Studieu Verein. I., 1824, pp. 309-368. Leschenault de la Tour, Louis Theodore. Notice de differents objets d'histoire naturelle rapportes des iles de Java, Madura, Bali, etc. Journ. de Phys. LXV., 1807. pp. 406-410 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXIL, 1812, pp. 300-304. 2. Memoire sur le Strychnos tieute et 1'Antiaris toxicaria, plantes veneneuses deJava, avec le sue desquelles les indigenes empoison- nent leurs Heches ; et sur 1'Andira Horsfieldii, plante mediciuale du meme pays. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat, Ann. XVI., 1810, pp. 459-482; Journ. de Phys. LXXIL, 1811, pp. 471-475. 3. Notice sur la vegetation de la Nouvelle Hollande. Paris, Mus. Hist, Nat, Ann. XVII., 1811, pp. 81-98. 4. Notice sur un lac d'acide sulfurique qui se trouve au fond d'un volcan du Mont-Idienne, situe dans la province de Bagnia-Vangui, cote orientale de 1'ile de Java. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Ann. XVIIL, 1811, pp. 425-446 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIL, 1813, pp. 126-132, 182- 188. 5. Memoire sur les cultures des environs de Pondicherry. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VI., 1820, pp. 300-328. 6. Relation d'un voyage a Karikal et a Salem. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VI., 1820, pp. 329-348. Leschenault de la Tour, Louis Theodore. 7. Rapport sur les resultats du voyage fait a Salem, ville de 1'interieure de la peuiusule de 1'Inde. 1. Nerium tinctorium. 2. Cannes a sucre. 3. Cotonniers. 4. Bois de santal et bois de Tek. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VI., 1820, pp. 349- 360. 8. Lettre a M. JCSSFEU, contenant des ob- servations sur quelques especes d'Orties. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VI., 1820, pp. 361-366. 9. Relation abregee d'un Voyage aux Indes Orientales (Recherches Zoologiques et Botau- iques). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. IX., 1822, pp. 245-274. 10. Notice sur une nouvelle espece de Vinetier (Berberis tinctoria) des montagues de Nellys-berry. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. IX., 1822,V 306. 11. Notice sur le Caiinellier de 1'ile de Ceylan, sur sa culture et sur ses produits. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VIII., 1822, pp. 436-446; Froriep, Notizeu, III., 1823, col. 225-230. . 12. Notice sur la roue du lapidaire dont on se sert dans les Indes Orientales pour tailler les pierres fines. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mein. XL, 1824, pp. 230-231. 13. Notice sur le cocotier et sur ses pro- duits, principaleinent sur ce qui est relatif a Fextraction de 1'huile. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XL, 1824, pp. 232-238. teschevin, P. X. Memoir upon a process em- ployed in the ci-devant Maconnais of France, to avert Showers of Hail, and to dissipate Storms. ( Transl.from MILLIN'S Mag. Encyclop. II., 1806, p. 5.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVL, 1806, pp. 212-218; Gilbert, Annal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 249-260. 2. Memoire sur le chrome oxyde natif du departement de Saone-et-Loire. Journ. des Mines, XXVIL, 1810, pp. 345-370; Journ. de Phys. LXX., 1810, pp. 372-388. 3. Notice sur la presence du zinc et du plomb dans quelques mines de fer en grains, des ci-devant provinces de Bourgogne et de Franche-Comte. Journ. des Mines, XXXI., 1812, pp. 43-54. 4. Memoire sur la constitution geologique de la portion du departemei.t de la Cote-d'Or, dans laquelle doit se trouver le point de partage du canal de Bourgogue. Journ. des Mines, XXXHL, 1813, pp. 5-46. Iiescbner, C. A. Resultate von Analysen ver- schiedener Hiittenproducte. Erdrn. Jouru. Tech. Chern. XL, 1831, pp. 23-31. Lesclos, Jules. Note sur quelques roches silu- riennes du nord du departement de la Mauche. Cherbourg, Meui. Soc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 373- 376. LES] 968 [LES Iicsdos, Jules. 2. Sur le gres du Eoule. France, Congres. Scient. XXVII., 1860, pp. 175-179. Leseleuc, dc . Description tie 1'Amphionycha luctuosa. Mag. de Zool. XIV., 1844. pi. 138 (Insectcs). leseure, . Notice sur im nouveau martcau- pilon ;i vapeur construit par M. TURCK. An- nal. des Mines, VIII., 1855, pp. 533-542. • 2. Etude sur le prolongement du bassin houiller de Rive-de-Gier dans le departement du Rhone. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Industr. IV., 1859, pp. 361-383. 3. Etude sur les terrains houillers de la concession de Saint diamond. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Industr. VI., pp. 667-678. 4. Ueber den Seilverbrauch. (Tra/isl.) Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XXL, 1862, pp. 331- 333, 363-366. 5. Resistance des cables de mines. Cuy- per, Revue Univ. XII., 1862, pp. 516-519. Leseurre, J. Memoire sur 1'emploi des rayons solaires pour la transmission des signaux a des distances quelconques. — Application au sud de 1'Algerie. Anna). Telegraph. I., 1856, pp. 113- 127, 137-153. Iiesieur, . Calcul biliaire, du volume d'une noix, rendu par les selles. Journ. Heb. deMud. IX.. 1832, pp. 231-232. Lesieure-Desbriere, J. J. P. Note sur un nouveau precede pour obtenir le sulf'ate neutre de quinine, sans employer 1'alcool. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1827-28, pp. '145-148. Lesley, J. P. On the Broadtop coal basin in Central Pennsylvania. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 78-81. 2. On three comparative sections of the coal-measures in Kentucky, and in Eastern and Western Pennsylvania. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 39-42. 3. On flexure of strata in the Broad-Top Field, Pennsylvania. Canadian Journ. II., 1857, pp. 479-480. 4. Note on Mr. LESQUEREUX'S Table of Comparative Sections of Coal-Measures. Silli- man, Journ. XXXIL, 1861, pp. 281-285. 5. Coal formation of Southern Virginia. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IX., 1862-63, pp. 30- 38. 6. Curtain Aurora seen on the 23rd of July last, near Sydney, Cape Breton. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IX., 1862-63, pp. 60-63. 7. Section of coal-measures on the Cape Breton Coast. Amer. Phil. Soe. Proc. IX., 1862-63, pp. 93-109. 8. Notice of a remarkable coal mine or asphalt vein, cutting the horizontal coal-mea- sures of Wood County, Western Virginia. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IX., 1862-63, pp. 183- 197. Leslie, David. On the zodiacal light. Silli- man, Journ. XV., 1829, pp. 62-64. Leslie, David. The laws of vital selection. Edinb. Med. Journ. VII., 1861-62. pp. 250- 256. Leslie, ./. On the flow of water through pipe? and orilices. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIX., 1855, pp. 335-338. Leslie, James. On a method of making pure salt from sea water. Highland Soc. Trans. IV., 1816, pp. 406-421. Leslie, James. Description of an inclined plane, for conveying boats from one level to another, on the Monkland Canal, at Blackwall, near Glasgow, constructed in 1850. Edinb. Trans. Scot, Soe. Arts, IV., 1856, pp. 69-82. 2. Account of the bursting of Bilberry Reservoir. Edinb. Trans. Scot. Soc. Arts, IV.. 1856, pp. 130-137. Leslie, John. On the resolution of indeter- minate problems. [1788.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. II., 1790, pp. 193-212. 2. Description of a Hygrometer and Pho- tometer. Nicholson. Journ. III.. 1800, pp. 461-467; Annal. de Chimie. XXXV., 1800. pp. 3-22 ; Gilbert. Annal. V., 1800, pp. 234- 256. 3. On the absorbent powers of different earths. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 196- 200 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLL, 1803, pp. 114- 122. 4. Observations and Experiments on Light and Heat, with some remarks on the inquiries of Dr. HERSCHEL, respecting those objects. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 344-350; Gilbert, Annal. X., 1802, pp. 88-109. • 5. Further remarks on the inquiries of Dr. HERSCHEL respecting light and heat. Ni- cholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 416-421. — — • 6. On capillary action. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 193-205. 7. Methode nouvelle de produire et d'en- tretenir la congelation. Annal. de Chimie, LXXVIIL, 1811, pp. 177-182 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLIII., 1813, pp. 373-377; Schweigger. Journ. II., 1811, pp. 209-216. 8. On the relations of air to heat, cold, and moisture, and the means of ascertaining their reciprocal action. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLL, 1813, pp. 446-457. 9. Description of an Atmometer, and an account of some Photometric, Hygrometric, and Hygroscopical Experiments. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIL, 1813, pp. 44-52. 10. New method of freezing water. Thom- son, Ann. Phil. IX., 1817, pp. 412-413 ; Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 467-468 ; Tilloch," Phil. Mag. LI., 1818, pp. 411-421. LES] 969 [LES Leslie, John. 11. On certain impressions of cold transmitted from the higher atmosphere, with the description of an instrument adapted to measure them. Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans. VHL, 1818, pp. 465-496. 12. On heat and climate. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIV., 1819, pp. 5-27. 13. On sounds excited in hydrogen gas. [1821.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. I.. 1822, pp. 267-268 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXI., 1822, pp. 94-97 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1822, p. 172. 14. Observations on electrical theories. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XI., 1824, pp. 1-39. 15. Remarks on the light of the Moon and of the Planets. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XI., 1824, pp. 393-401 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 185-197. — 16. Apparatus for ascertaining the specific gravity of powders. Quart. Journ. Sci. XXI., 1826, pp. 374-376 ; Froriep, Notizen, XV., 1826, col. 81-83. 17. Experiments with the Spectrum : — Light and Heat. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1826, pp. 234-236 ; Froriep, Notizen, XX., 1828, col. 100-102. 18. On the Goniometer. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. II., 1827, pp. 384-386. — 19. On Mr. EITCHIE'S experiments on Heat and new Photometer. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IV., 1828, pp. 170-172. 20. Theory of compression applied to dis- cover the internal constitution of our earth. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI., 1829, pp. 84- 89 ; Schweigger, Journ. LVI. (= Jahrb. XXVI.), 1829, pp. 396-403. Leslie, John, and Robert Jameson. On the value of water as a moving power for machi- nery. Ediub. Phil. Journ. XIH., 1825, pp. 170-173; Gill, Tech. Rep. VIII., 1826, pp. 78- 81. Leslie, Louis. Some remarks on the Bushmen of Orange River. Ediub. New Phil. Jouru. V., 1828, pp. 157-160 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1831, col. 150-152. Leslie, Matthew. On the Pangolin of Bahar. Asiatick Researches, L, 1788, pp. 376-378. Lesoirme, A. Description d'uue methode nou- velle employee a Freyberg pour separer le cuivre de 1'argent. Annal. ties Mines, III., 1828, pp. 15-23. Lesoinne, A., et Uagelmakers. Notice sur les mines de houille de Saarbrucke. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. L, 1843, pp. 75-84. Le Sourd-Dussiples, E. Note sur une ano- malie presentee par une fleur d'Orchis mascula. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 227- 228. VOL. III. Le Sourd-Dussiples, E., et Georges Bergeron. Note sur un cas de metamorphose ascendante. Transformation des utamines en feuilles carpel- laires. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 348-350. Lespagnol, N. L. Observation sur la reunion immediate de 1'extremite d'un doigt qui avail ete entierement coupee et separee du corps. Journ. de Med. XXXIX., 1817, pp. 273-277. Lespes, Charles, Recherches sur 1'ceil des Mol- lusques Gasteropodes terrestres et fluviatiles de France. Journ. Conchyl. II., 1851, pp. 313- 318. 2. Note sur la terminaison du nerf olfactif chez les Gasteropodes terrestres. Journ. Con- chyl. III., 1852, pp. 299-303. 3. Memoirs sur les Spermatophores des Grillons. Ann. Sci. Nat, III. (ZooL), 1855, pp. 366-377 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. XVI., 1855, pp. 150-151. — — 4. Deuxieme note sur les spermatophores du Gryllus sylvestris. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (ZooL), 1855, pp. 244-249. 5. Sur les moeurs de la Lomechusa para- doxa. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. li-lii. 6. Note sur un Nematokle (Isakis mi- grans) parasite des Termites. Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (ZooL), 1856, pp. 335-336; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 388-390. 7. Recherches sur 1'organisation et les mceurs du Termite lucifuge. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 426-428 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (ZooL), 1856, pp. 227-282. 8. Observations sur quelques Cercaires parasites de mollusques marins. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (ZooL), 1857, pp. 113-117. 9. Note sur une nouvelle espece du genre Echinobothrium (E. lEevicolle). Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (ZooL), 1857, pp. 118-119. 1O. Note sur quelques insectes des grottes de 1'Ariege. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (ZooL), 1857, pp. 278-284. 11. Memoire sur 1'appareil auditif des in- sectes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 368-370. 12. Observations sur les fourmis neutres. Ann. Sei. Nat. XIX. (ZooL), 1863, pp. 241- 251. Lespiault, G. Memoire sur la libration reelle de la Lune. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 613-615. 2. Observations f'aites a Briviesca (Vieille Castille) sur IV'clipse totale de Soleil du 18 Juillet 1860. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 220-223. 3. Memoire sur le mouvement des nocuds de la Luue. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 727-730. 6 G LES] 970 [LES Lespiault, G. 4. Application de la theorie des couples. France, Congres Scient. XXVIII., 1861, pp. 496-499. • 5. Note sur les petites plant-tes situees entre Mars ot Jupiter. Bordeaux, Mem. Soc. Sci. Phys. II., 1861-63, pp. 169-195. Lespiault, Maurice. Note sur le Tuber album, Bullinrd. Ann. Sci. Nat, II. (Bo/.), 1844, pp. 316-319. 2. Sur la fructification des genres Clathrus et Phallus. Ann. Sci. Nat, IV. (Bot.'), 1845, pp. 44-48; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1845, pp. 327-329. Lespinasse, A. F. de, en A. D. Keneman. Onderzoekingen over den iiivloed der afwissel- ende urwerking van zuurstof en koolstofzuur op de bloedligchaamjes. Nederlandscli Lancet, VI., 1850-51, pp. 389-393. Lespinasse, G. Reeherches sur 1'Helosciadium intermedium DC. Prodr. (II. bulbosum, Koch.~). — Neccssite de declassement de cette ombellifere. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XIV., 1845, pp. 264-272. 2. Reeherches sur le mode de reproduction des Mucedinees. L'action de ces vegetaux et particulierement du Botrytis capitata, doit-elle etre considered comme la cause de la maladie des Pommes-de-terre ? Rapport sur un Me- moire par M. SAUGERRE. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XIV., 1845, pp. 273-278. 3. Note sur une plante nouvelle (Modiola ereeta) trouvee au Port-Juvenal. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 646-648. 4. Note sur des echantillons monoi'ques de Trinia vulgaris. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 606-608. Lespinasse, G., et A. Theveneau. Enumera- tion des plantes etraugeres observees aux en- virons d'Agde, et principalenient au lavoir u lainc de Bessan. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI.. 1859, pp. 648-658. Lesquereux, Leo. Quelques recherches sur les marais tourbeux en general. Neuchatel, Mem. III., 1845 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, VI., 1847, pp. 154-158 ; Hammerschmidt, Allg. Oester. Zeitschr. 1848, pp. 73-76 ; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1848, col. 209-213. 2. Catalogue des Mousses de la Suisse. Neuchatel, Mem. III., 1845. 3. Sur la tourbe. (Extrait des " Explora- tions dans le nord de 1'Allemagne," etc.). Bibl. Univ. Archives, IV., 1847, pp. 202-203. 4. Sur les plantes qui forment la houille. Bibl. Univ. Archives, VI., 1847, pp. 158-162. • 5. On the formation of Peat in the North of Europe. (Transl.) Geol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 29-31. Lesquereux, Lfo. 6. Observations on the coal measures of Ohio. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 175-181. 7. Ueber die Torfbildung im grossen Dis- mal-Swamp. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1852, pp. 172-173. 8. Decouverte dans 1'isthme de Panama d'une espece d'Upas. Neuchatel, Bull. III., 1853, pp. 71-72. 9. New species of fossil plants, from the anthracite and bituminous coal-fields of Penn- sylvania; with introductory observations by Henry Darwin ROGERS. [1854.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. VI., 1857, pp. 409-431. 10. On the order in the coal measures of Kentucky and Illinois, and their relations to those of the Appalachian Coal-field. Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1858, pp. 110-112. 11. On some fossil Plants of recent for- mations. Silliman, Journ. XXVII., 1859, pp. 359-366. 12. On some questions concerning the Coal Formations of North America. Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1859, pp. 21-37; XXX., 1860, pp. 63-74, 367-384; XXXII., 1861, pp. 15-25, 193-205 ; XXXIII., pp. 206-216 ; XXXV., pp. 375-386. 13. On fossil plants collected by John EVANS at Vancouver Island and at Bellingham Bay, Washington Territory. Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1859, pp. 85-89. 14. On the fossil fruits found in con- nexion with the Lignites of Brandon. Silliman, Journ. XXXII., 1861, pp. 355-363. 15. On the fossil botany of Coal, and the character of the Millstone Grit in the Far West. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IX., 1862-63, pp. 1S8- 204. Lesquereux, Leo, and IVMiam S. Sullivant. Characters of some new Musci collected by Charles WRIGIIT in the North Pacific Explor- ing Expedition, under the command of John RODGERS. [1859.] Amer. Acad. Proc. IV., 1857-60, pp. 275-282. Lessep, . Note sur le sel marin de Setuval et sur les rnoyens par lesquels s'en opere 1'ex- traction. Annal. des Mines, II., 1832, pp. 152- 162. Lesseps, E. de. Sur la Coca, le Quinoa, et le Pito des Indiens. Paris, Soc. Acclim. Bull. VIII., 1861, pp. 550-553. Lesser, 0. Elemente der Thetis. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 391-392. 2. [Observations of Melpomene.] Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 182-183. 3. Kreismicrometer - Beobachtungen der Melpomene, des Cometen II., 1852, und der Fortuna. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 243-244. LES 971 [LES Lesser, O. 4. Elemente der Phoesea. Astr. Nachr. XXXVII., 1854, col. 327-328. 5. Bercclinung der Fortuna und Lutetia fur die nachste Erscheinung, nebst Elementen und Ephemeride der Massalia. Astr. Nachr. XXXVII., 1854, col. 397-404. 6. Elements of CHACORNAC'S Planet. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, p. 173. ^^— 7. Ephemeride und Elemente der Phocsea. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 123-126; XLII., 1856, col. 257-260. 8. Elemente und Ephemeride der Poly- hymnia. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 263-264. 9. Planetenbeobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 369-380. 10. Berliner Refractor - Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 153-156; XLL, 1855, col. 373-384 ; XLII., 1856, col. 153-158. 11. Elemente, Ephemeride, und Beobacht- ungen des von Herrn CHACORNAC am 6 April entdeckten Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 357-358. 12. Elemente der Phoctea. Astr. Nachr. XLII., 1856, col. 257-260. 13. Bahnbestimmung und Elemente der Pomona. Astr. Nachr. XLII., 1856. col. 261- 264; XLIX., 1859, col. 131-134; LII., 1860, col. 61-64. 14. Allgemeine Jupiterstorungen der Lu- tetia. Astr. Nachr. XL VI., 1857, col. 65-70. 15. Elemente und Epliemeride der Lu- tetia. Astr. Nachr. XL VIII., 1858, col. 17- 18; L., 1859, col. 361-364. 16. Allgemeine Storungen der Metis. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 193-212. 17. Elliptische Elemente des vierten Co- nieten von 1854. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 369-376. 18. Ueber die allgemeinen Storungen der Lutetia. Astr. Nachr. LII., 1860, col. 263- 272. 19. Beobachtungen der Planeten @ und ®. Astr. Nachr. LIV., 1860, col. 95-96. — - — 2O. Allgemeine Jupiterstorungen der Po- mona. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 161- 170. Lesser, 0., und E. Schonfeld. Elemente des Cometcn III., 1851. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 339-340. Lessing, Chr. Fr. De Synauthereis Herbarii Regii Berolinensis, dissertatio prima. Vernoniea?. Linnaea, IV., 1829, pp. 240-356. 2. De Synanthereis Herbarii Regii Beroli- nensis, dissertatio secunda. Nassauviere. Lin- nsea, V., 1830, pp. 1-42. 3. De Synanthereis Herbarii Regii Beroli- nensis, dissertatio tertia. Mutisieoe. Linnoea, V., 1830, pp. 237-298, 337-366. Lessing, Chr. Fr. 4. De plantis in expeditions speculatoria Romanzoffiana observatis : Synan- thereae, Etch. Linnasa, VI., 1831, pp. 83-170, 209-260, 501-528. 5. De Synanthereis Herbarii Regii Beroli- nensis, dissertatio quarta. Vernonieas. Liunsa, VI., 1831, pp. 624-721. 6. Beitrag zur Flora des siidlichcn Urals und der Steppen. Linnrea, IX., 1834, pp. 145- 213 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.), 1835, pp. 20- 39. Lessing, J. G. Ueber ein plasmatisches Gefass- System in alien Geweben, insbesondere aber in den Knochen und Zahnen. Hamburg, Mittheil. 1845, pp. 51-73. Lessing, Sigmund. Zur Histologie des Binde- gewebsknoehen. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, XII., 1861, pp. 314-333. Lesson, Adolphe. Catalogue d'une Faune du departement de la Charente-Inf6rieure. Bor- deaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XII., 1841, pp. 3-64. 2. Notes sur quelques mollusques rares ou nouveaux recueillis dans la Mer du Sud (Can- cellaria chrysostoma, C. umbilicata, C. nassi- formis, C. granulosa, etc.). Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XII., 1841, pp. 203-210. 3. Notes sur quelques coquilles marines rapportees de la Mer du Sud (Purpura horrida, P. armigera, P. aperta, P. Peruviana, P. patula, etc.). Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 102-104. 4. Notes sur les oiseaux nouveaux ou peu connus rapportes de la Mer du Sud (Mega- lonyx rufogularis, M. nanus, Oxiurus Pata- gonicus, Psittacus aurifrons, etc.). Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 135-136, 209-210. 5. Mollusques [genres Mitra et Pleuro- toma] recueillis dans la Mer du Sud. Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 141-144. 6. Mollusques recueillis dans la Mer du Sud et 1'Ocean Atlantique (Columbella strom- biformis, C. Paytensis, C. meleagris, C. bicolor, etc.). Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 184-187. 7. Mollusques recueillis dans la Mer du Sud (Turbinella pugillaris, T. tubercularis, T. paciflca, T. cingulata, etc.). Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 210-214, 237-238. Lesson, JR. P. Coup d'oeil sur les iles oceaniennes et le grand ocean. Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1825, pp. 172-188; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1825, col. 273-279. 2. Distribution geographique de quelques oiseaux marins observes dans le voyage autour du monde de la corvette La Coquille (Porcel- laria pufiinus, P. ajquinoxialis, P. gigantea, Diomedtea epomorpha, D. chlororhyncus, D. spadicea, etc.). Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 88-103 ; Eure, Journ. d'Agric. III., 1826, pp. 253-267 : Froriep, Notizen, XII., 1 826, col. 145-151. 6 G 2 LES] 972 [LES Lesson, R. P. 3. Observations generates d'his- toire naturelle, faites pendant un voyage dans les Montagues Bleues de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 241-266 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, XIII., 1826, col. 177-183; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IV., 1828, pp. 156-168. . 4. Note sur la pierre de Coco. Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, pp. 40-41. • 5. Indication de quelques Cetaces nou- veaux observes dans le voyage autour du monde de la corvette La Coquille (Delphinus bivitta- tus, D. superciliosus, D. leucocepbalus, D. Ma- layanus, etc.). Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, pp. 373-375. . 6. Espece nouvellc du sous-genre Coucal (Centropus, Illig.). Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, p. 113. 7. Etablisseruent du sous-genre Alccthelia, dans le genre Megapodius, fam. des Gallinacees, et indication de 1'espece nouvelle d'Oiseau qui a servi a le former (Alecthelia Urvillii). Ferus- sae, Bull. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 114-115. 8. Note sur la propriete locomotrice du Peigne comniun des cotes de France. Fe- russae, Bull. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 400-401. 9. Espece nouvelle d'Agame, Agama Mo- linaii, N. Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XL, 1827, p. 120. 1O. Espece nouvelle d'Hippocampe (H. abdominalis). Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XL, 1827, pp. 127-128. 11. Considerations nouvelles sur la grande Physale, la Caravelle, la grande Galere des tropiques. [1822.] Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XL, 1827, pp. 163-169. 12. Note sur un Ouistiti nouveau, Jactus chrysopygus, Natterer. Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XL, 1827, p. 385. 13. Nouveau genre d'oiseau (Syma toro- toro). Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XL, 1827, pp. 443-444. 14. Note sur un Guanaco vivant (Auche- nia Vicugna, Desm., p. 6.57), apporte du Perou. Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XII., 1827, pp. 1 19-121. 15. Description d'une nouvelle espcce de Dacelo (D. macrorhinus). Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIL, 1827, pp. 131-132. 16. Espece nouvelle de Diacope, Guv., D. macolor. Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIL. 1827, pp. 138-139. 17. Note sur la coquille qui fournissait la pourpre de Tyr. Journ. de Pliarrn. XIII., 1827, pp. 601-603; Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIIL, 1828, pp. 441-442. 18. Description d'un nouveau genre de mollusques nucleobrancb.es, nonime Pterosoma. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1827. pp. 414- 417; Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat, XIL. 1827, pp. 282-283. Lesson, R. P. 19. Note sur le Pontocarde, genre de Zoopbytes, probablement nouveau. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1827. pp. 417-418 ; Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIL, 1827, pp. 296- 297. 20. Description du genre Todiramphe et de deux especes d'oiseaux qui le eomposent (Todiraraphus sacer et T. divinus). Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. III., 1827, pp. 419-424 ; Fe- russae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIL, 1827, pp. 268-271. 21. Observations generates sur les Reptiles observes dans le voyage autour du monde de la corvette La Coquille. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIL, 1828, pp. 369-394. 22. Description du nouveau genre Ich- thyophis et de plusieurs especes incdites ou peu connues de poipsons (lulis quadricolor, I. ma- culata, I. semi-decorata, I. coris, etc.), recueillis dans le voyage autour du monde de La Coquille. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. IV., 1828, pp. 397- 412. 23. Description du Pbalanger de COOK (Trichosurus Cookii). Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1829, pp. 282-285. 24. Sur 1'auimal de 1'Argonaute. Ferus- sae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVIL, 1829, pp. 132-134. 25. Description d'un nouveau genre d'oiseau, Euryceros. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIL, 1831, pp. 421-423. 26. Catalogue des Reptiles qui font partie d'une collection zoologique recueillie dans 1'Inde continentale ou en Afrique par LAMAKE-PIQUOT. Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXV., 1831, pp. 119- 123. 27. Note sur deux Onchidies nouvelles; Oncbidium ater et O. ferrugineum. Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXV., 1831, pp. 128-130. 28. Monographic du genre Dipbyes (D. dispar). Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXV., 1831, pp. 244-246. 29. Illustrations de Zoologie : 1. Eury- ceros Prevostii. 2. Pipra militaris. 3. Psit- trich.'is Pecquetti. 4. Cinnyris Longuemarei. 5. Attagis Latreillii. 6. Tinochorus Swainsonii. 7. Coueholepas Peruvianus. 8. Calyptrasa tubi- fera. Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXV., 1831, pp. 339-348. 30. Illustrations de Zoologie : 1. La Vis- cacbe (Lagostomus). 2. Loxia Bonapartei. 3. Rhynchsea Hilairea. 4. Fissurella costata. 5. F. radiosa. Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXVL, 1831, pp. 186-194. — 31. Nouvelle espece et nouveau genre de ver Planaire, Homopneusis frondosus. Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat, XXVL, 1831, pp. 104-105. 32. Essai sur la dispersion des oiseaux sur la surface du globe. Ferussae, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXVII., 1831, pp. 92-100 ; Froriep, No- tizen, XXXIV., 1832, col. 65-73. LES] 973 [LES Lesson, R. P. 33. Calyptrrea (Calypeopsis) rugosa, Less. Mag. de Zool. 1832, Cl. 5, pi. 2. 34. Cyrena papua, Less. Mag. de Zool. 1832, Cl.5,pt, 11. 35. Calyptrsea (Trochatella) araucana, Less. Mag. de Zool. 1832, Cl. 5, pi. 14. 36. Sur quelques Oiseaux du Chili (Mega- lonyx medius, Phytotoma melina, Pyrgita Peru- viensis, Phithylus luteus, Ph. olivaceus, etc.). L'Institut, H., 1834, p. 316. 37. Felis Senegalensis, nouvelle espece. L'Institut, II., 1834, p. 316. 38. Table of a distribution of the families of the Acalepha, Cuv. Zool. Soc. Proc. III., 1835, pp 2-3. 39. Memoire sur la farnille des Beroides (Beroideae, Less.). Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Zool.), 1836, pp. 235-266; Bibl. Univ. V., 1836, pp. 423-424. 4O. Sur les Todiers. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., 1838 (Zool.), pp. 166-168. • 41. Sur le Picchion Mexicain et Grimpic a nuque rousse. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., 1838 {Zool.), pp. 168-169. • 42. Sur le genre Lanicterus, Lesson. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., 1838 (Zool.), pp. 169- 170. 43. Sur deux oiseaux mouches (Ornismya Fanny, O. Vesper). Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., 1838 (Zool.), pp. 170-171. 44. Sur deux especes de Tchitrecs ou Schets (Muscicapa Casarnanssas, M. Senegal- ensis). Ann. Sci. Nat, IX., 1838 (Zool.), pp. 172-174. - 45. Sur le canard Glaucion. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., 1838 (Zool.), pp. 174-176. 46. Description faite sur nature du Grand Harle ou du Merganser. Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 8-10. 47. Espece nouvelle du genre Beroe (B. Santonum). Revue Zool. I., 1838, p. 80. 48. Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Testacelle (Testacellus Guadeloupensis), et synopsis d'une Monographic de ce genre de Mollusques. Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 249- 251. - 49. Synopsis des especes du genre Tchitrue (Tchitrea, Less.), Muscicapa, Auct. Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 276-279. 5O. Mastologie methodique. Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 312-314 ; II., 1839, pp. 68-70. 51. Especes uouvelles d'oiseaux mouches (Ornismya Arsinoe, 0. Fanny, 0. vesper, O. vestita, 0. helianthea, etc.). Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 314-315. 52. Description du Chat du Senegal (Felis Lesson, R. P. 53. Oiseaux raves ou nouveaux de la collection du Dr. ABEII.I.E a Bordeaux (Pipra lilifera, Motacilla picata, Pyrrhula Abeillei, Psaris Mexicanus, Pica ornata, etc.). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 40-43. 54. Oiseaux inedits (Trochilus Cecilia?, Ornismya Delphina1, Himantopus Asiaticus, Sericulus Anais, etc.). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 43-47. 55. Description de treize oiseaux nouveaux de 1'Ameiique du Sud et de 1'Afrique. Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 100-104. 56. Avium species novas (Thamnophilus palliatus, Platyrhynchus Lherminieri, Muscicapa regulus, M. bilineata, etc.). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 104-105. 57. Tableau de la famille des oiseaux Accipitres (Raptores). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 132-133. 58. Revision de la famille des Pie-grieches. Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 133-134. 59. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Pie-grieche (Lanius algeriensis). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 134-135. 6O. Revision de la famille des Fourmilliers (Myriothevideoe). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 135-136. 61. Oiseaux rares ou uouveaux de la col- lection du Dr. ABEILLE (Pityriasis gymno- cephalus, Bucco mystacophanos, B. frontalis, B. Rafflesii, etc.). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 136-139, 167. 62. Description de la Couleuvre masquee (Coluber personatus). Revue Zool. II., 1839, p. 168. 63. Cadre specifique des oiseaux de la famille de Laniadees. Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 197-199. 64. Espece nouvelle de Salaruaudre ter- Senegalensis). Mag. de Zool. 1839. restre de France (Salamandra elegans). Revue Zool. II., 1839, p. 199. 65. Cadre speciflque des oiseaux de la famille des Myriotheres. Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 225-226. 66. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Syrnium (S. ocellatum). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 289-290. 67. Note sur le genre Cygne. Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 321-324. 68. Oiseaux nouveaux (Paradigalla carun- culata, Melias corallirhynchus, et Ramphocelus affinis). Revue Zool. in., 1840, pp. 1, 353- 355. 69. Oiseaux-mouches rares ou nouveaux (Ornismya Allardi, O. Costa?, O. Mazeppa, 0. Felicioe, etc.). Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 71- 74. 70. Tableau des Leniuriens. Revue Zool. Ill, 1840, p. 97. LES] 974 [LES Lesson, 7?. P. 71. Reflexions ornitbologiques. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 97-98. 72. Nomenclature et description d'oiseaux nouveaux (Emberiza luctuosa, Todus Portori- censis, Hwmatornis lugubris, Phccnisoma oli- vacea, etc.). Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 98-99. 73. Sur les genres Jacapa, Triclias, et Caloramphe. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 132- 135. 74. Note sur le genre Zosterops. Revue Zool. III., 1840, p. 135. 75. Notes sur les genres Phyllastrephus, Polyodon, Micropus, et Brachypus. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 135-137. 76. Note sur le genre Polyodon, Lafresn. Revue Zool. III., 1840, p. 136. 77. Observations zoologiques. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 161-164. 78. Observations Zoologiques: 1. Oryc- teropus Sencgalensis. 2. Pitylus ardesiacus. 3. Ploceus isabellinus. 4. Picnonotus niveo- venter. 5. P. carbonarius. 6. Tamnophilus capistratus. 7. Copsychus luteolus. 8. Dry- mophila ruficauda. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 225-227. 79. Note sur les genres Phyllornis et Petrocossyphus. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 164-166. 80. Description d'un genre nouveau d'oi- seau (Anais Clemencirc), Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 210-211. 81. Cassidaria Lamarckii, n. sp. Revue Zool. III., 1840, p. 212. 82. Notices ornithologiques. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 261-275. 83. Molluscorum species novre (Buccinum nielo Purpura idostoma, P. (patulre) Lefevrei, P. te'ssellata, etc.). Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 355-356. 84. Description de quelques mollusques nouveaux (Cancellaria ampullacera, Buccinum nielo, Purpura tessellata, et Struthiolaria tri- carinata). Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Zool.}, 1841, pp. 253-256. 85. Catalogue d'une fauiie du depnrtement de la Charente-Inferieure. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XII., 1841, pp. 4-34. 86. Description des Oiseaux du genre Momot. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XII., 1841, pp. 187-194. 87. Revision des especes d'Oiseaux du genre Megalonyx. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XII., 1841, pp. 194-197. 88. Catalogue des mollusques rares ou Lesson, P. P. 89. Description de deux coquilles nouvelles (Bucciuum tritou et Cancellaria mul- tiplicata). Revue Zool. IV., 1841, p. 37. 90. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Paludine de Madagascar (Paludina gigas). Revue Zool. IV., 1841, p. 348. 91. Purpura iodestoma, n. sp. Mag. de Zool. 1842 (Moll.), pi. 58. 92. Description d'une nouvelle espece de sangsue (Hirudo Mauillensis, Nob.). Revue Zool. V., 1842, p. 8. 93. Description du crapaud des vignes (Bufo vinearurn). Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 33-35. 94. Note sur les oiseaux nouveaux ou pen connus rapportes de la Mer du Sud (Pterop- tochos megapodius, Megalonyx rufogularis, M. nanus, Parra cordifera, etc.). Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 135-136, 174-175, 209-210. 95. Species aviuni novas aut minus cog- nitce (Crypticus apiaster, Momotus Lessonii, Penelope albiventer, Pipra fastuosa, etc.). Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 174-175. 96. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Neriptere (Neritina gigas). Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 187-188. 97. Nouveau genre d'oiseaax de proie (Carnifex, Less.). Revue Zool. V., 1842, p. 378. 98. Note sur le genre uouveau d'oiseau appele Ramphocinclus. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 325-327. 99. Iridosornis rufivertex. Revue Zool. VII., 1844, p. 431. 1OO. Oiseaux nouveaux (Picolaptes cinna- morneus, Ornismya Feliciana, Troglodytes muri- uus, Arremon Abeillei, etc.). Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 433-437. — 1O1. Sur un Phoque de 1'Amerique du Nord. Revue Zool. XL, 1848, pp. 1-2. 102. Etudes sur les mammiferes Primates. nouveaux, recueillis dans la mer du sud ; par M. le Docteur Adolphe LESSON (Columbella strombiformis, Cerithium marmoratum, Terebra perlata, T. orizo'ides, etc.). Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XII., 1841, pp. 198-203. Revue Zool. XL, 1848, pp. 159-170, 191-210, 223-235, 255-260. Lesson, R. P., et Ad. Delattre. Oiseaux mouches nouveaux ou tres-rares decouverts en Amerique (Ornismya Rhami, O. brevirostris, O. Canivetii, O. Lessonii, etc.). Revue Zool. 1839, pp. 13-20. Lesson, H. P., et Prosper Garnot. Mammi- feres nouveaux ou peu connus, decrits et figures dans 1'Atlas Zoologique du voyage autour du monde de la corvette " La Coquille " (Vesper- tilio Blossevillii, Batbyergus Hottentotus, On- taria molossina, Cuscus maculatus, etc.). Fe- russac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 95-96. 2. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Cassican (Barita Keraudrenii). Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VIIL, 1826, pp. 110-111. LES] 975 [LES Lesson, R. P., et Prosper Garnot. 3. Mega- poclius Duperii, Garn. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 113-144. 4. Memoire sur les Papouas ou Pa- pous. Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 93-112; Froriep, Notizen, XVII., 1827, col. 177-185; Heusinger, Zeitschrift, I., 1827, pp. 759-771. 5. Memoire sur les Tasmaniens, sur les Alfourous, et sur les Australiens. Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 149-162; Heusinger, Zeit- schrift, I., 1827, pp. 771-779. 6. Description de quelques nouvelles especes cl'oiseaux (Mainatus Mino, Gracula religiosa, G. calva, Mainatus Duraontii, etc.) recueillies dans 1'expedition de decouverte coni- mandee par le Capitaine DUPERREV. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 158-160. 7. Nouvelle espece de Martinet (Cypselus mystaceus). Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XL, 1827, pp. 11 3-1 1.1). 8. Description d'une espece nouvelle d'Eurylaime (Eurylaimus Blainvillii). Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XL, 1827, pp. 302-303. 9. Nouvelle espece de Sou'i -Manga (Cinnyris eques). Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XL, 1827, pp. 386-387. Lestelle, //. Sur le dosage rapide des sulfures solubles renfermes dans les soudes brutes. An- nal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1862, pp. 172-173. Lester, . On the increase and projection of Light. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIL, 1818, pp. 68-71. Lestiboudois, Themistocle. Notice sur la plus interne des enveloppes florales des Graminees. LiUe, Travaux, 1819-22, pp. 174-180 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. BuU. 1823, pp. 155-156. 2. Notice sur le fruit des Papaveracees. Lille, Travaux, 1819-22, pp. 181-190; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 175-176. 3. Memoire sur les fruits siliqueux. Lille, Travaux, 1819-22, pp. 194-207. 4. Memoire sur la structure des Monoco- tyledoues. Lille, Travaux, 1819-22, pp. 207- 246; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 185- 187. 5. Memoire sur 1'insertion des etamines des Cruciferes. Lille. Travaux, 1823-24, pp. 243-247. 6. Mi-moires sur le Canna indica, et sur les families des Balisiers et des Bauaniers. Lille, Travaux, 1823-24, pp. 248-269. 7. Note sur le Cygne sauvage et le Cygne domestique. Lille, Travaux, 1823-24, pp. 270- 272. 8. Du receptacle et de 1'insertion des or- ganes floraux. Lille, Travaux, 1825, pp. 268- 287. Lestiboudois, Themistocle. 9. Notice sur le genre Hedychiurn, de la fainille des Musacees. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1827-28, pp. 407-431; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, pp. 113-139. 10. Notice sur le Globba. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1829-30, pp. 158-173; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX., 1830, pp. 302-318. - 11. Note sur la culture de la Canne-a-sucre. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1831-32, pp. 78-80. 12. Note sur la possibility de distinguer les filaments du lin et du coton par 1'observation microscopique. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1836- 38, pp. 219-222. 13. Note sur le genre Samolus. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1836-38, pp. 315-319. 14. Etudes sur 1'anatomie et la physio- logic des vegetaux. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1839, pp. 89-376 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Bot.), 1840, pp. 276-314. 15. Observations sur les Musacees, les Scitaminees, les Cannees, et les Orchidees. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1840, pp. 47-572 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Bot.), 1841, pp. 305-349; XVII. (Bot.), 1842, pp. 205-226, 257-287. 16. Note sur la culture du Polygonum tiuctorium. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1841, pp. 100-101. 17. Note sur la culture du Peganum har- mala. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1841, pp. 101- 102. 18. Rapport sur la maladie des pommes de terre. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1845, pp. 245- 278. 19. Phyllotaxie auatornique, ou recherches sur les causes organiques des diverses distribu- tions des feuilles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 674-679; Ann. Sci. Nat. X., (Bot.), 1848, pp. 15-105, 136-189; Froriep. Notizen, VIII., 1848, col. 81-86. 2O. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Statice (St. Bonduelli). Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Bot.), 1851, pp. 81-82. 21. Carpographie anatomique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 69-74 ; XXXIX., 1854, pp. 81-88, 218-225 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Bot.), 1854, pp. 223-243 ; III., 1855, pp. 47-72, 223-253. • 22. Structure comparee des tiges des vege- taux vasculaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 880-884, 987-991 ; XLL, 1855, pp. 618-625. 23. De la vrille des Cucurbitacees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 78-84 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 744- 756. 24. Note sur la vrille dans les genres Vitis et Cissus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 153-161 ; Paris, BuU. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 809-816. LES] 976 [LES Lestiboudois, Tltfmistocle. 25. Memoire sur la structure des Cycadees. Paris, Comptes Reu- dus, LI., 1860, pp. 651-655. 26. Memoire sur 1'ecorce des Dicotyle- doues, et specialement sur le Suber. Paris, Comptes Reudus, LI, 1860, pp. 1064-1069. 27. Note sur les vaisseuux du latex : les vaisseaux propres ; les reservoirs des sues elabore? de vegetaux. Paris, Comptes Reudus, LVL, 1863, pp. 421-429, 816-824 ; LVII., 1863. pp. 17-25 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 402-409; XII., 1863, pp. 267-275, 340- 348. 28. Note sur les tissus elementaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVII., 1863, pp. 861- 863. Lesueur, Charles Alcxandir. Memoire sur quelques nouvelles especes d'animaux mollus- ques et radiaircs, recueillis dans la Mediter- ranee, pres de Nice (Cestum Veneris, Pyrosoma elegans, Hyalaea lanceolata, et H. inflexa). Journ. de Phys. LXXVIL, 1813, pp. 119-124 ; Oken, Isis, I., 1817, col. 1502-1508; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1813, pp. 281-2S5; • 2. Sur deux poissons lion encore decrits du genre Callionyme et de 1'ordre des Jugu- laires (Callionymus Risso et C. elegans). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1814, pp. 5-6. 3. Sur une nouvelle especc d'insecte du genre Cymothoa, Fabricius (C. Bopyroides). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1814, pp. 45-46. 4. Memoire sur Forganisation de Pyro- somes et sur la place qu'ils doivent occuper dans une classification naturelle. Journ. de Phys. LXXX., 1815, pp. 412-423 ; Oken, Isis, I., 1817, col. 1508-1512 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1815, pp. 70-74. 5. Memoire sur deux nouveaux genres de mollusques, Atlante et Atlas. Journ. de Phys. LXXXV., 1817, pp. 390-393. 6. Description de six nouvelles especes de Firola (F. mutica, F. gibbosa, F. Forskalea, F. Cuviera, F. Frederica, et F. Peroniana), ob- servees par MM. LESUEUR et PERON dans la Mer Mediterrauee en 1809, et otablissement du nouveati genre Firolo'ida (F. Desmarestia, F. Blainvilliana, F. aculata). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 157-160; Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1817, pp. 3-8 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1557-1559. 7. Characters of a new genus (Firoloida), and descriptions of three new species upon which it is formed ; discovered in the Atlantic ocean, in the mouths of March and April 1816, Lat. 22D 9'. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1817, pp. 37-41. 8. Description of three new species of the Lesueur, Charles Atexandrc. 9. A short de- scription of five (supposed) new species of the genus Murcena (M. rostrata, M. Bostoniensis, M. serpentina,M.argantia, and M.macrocephala). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat, Sci. I, 1817, pp. 81- 83. 10. Description of two new species of the genus Gadus (G. rnaculosus and G. cornpressus). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1817, pp. 83- 85. 11. Description of a new species of the genus Cyprinus (C. maxillingua). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1817, pp. 85-86. 12. An account of an American species of Tortoise (Testudo geographica), not noticed in the systems. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1817, pp. 86-88. 13. A new genus of Fishes, of the order Abdominales proposed under the name of Catostomus ; and the characters of this genus, with those of its species (C. Cyprinus, C. gib- bosus, C. tuberculatus, C. macrolepidotus, etc.), indicated. Pliilad. Journ. Aead. Nat. Sci. I., 1817, pp. 88-96, 102-111. 14. Descriptions of four new species, and two varieties, of the genus Hydrargira. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1817, pp. 126- 134. 15. Observations on several species of the o-enus Actinia. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. L, 1817, pp. 149-154, 169-189. 16. Descriptions of several new species of North American Fishes (Somniosus brevipinna, Squalus obscurus, S. littoralis, etc.). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1817, pp. 222-235, 359-373. 17. Observations on a new genus of Fossil Shells (Maclurite). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. S,-i. L, 1817, pp. 310-313. 18. Description of several new species of the genus Esox, of North America (E. estor, E. reticulatus, E. niger, and E. phaleratus). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I., 1817, pp. 413-417. 19. Description of several species of Chon- o-enus Raja. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat, Sci. L, 1817, pp. 41-45. dropterygious Fishes of North America, with their varieties (Petromyzon Americanus, P. ni- gricans, Ammocoetes bicolor). [1817.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 383-394. 2O. Sur le Serpent nomine Scoliophis. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVI, 1818, pp. 466-469; Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 263-264. 21. Notice de quelques poissons (Pimelodus albidus, P. nebulosus, P. ceneus, P. nigricans, etc.) decouverts dans les lacs du Haut Canada, durant 1'ete de 1816. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. V., 1819, pp. 148-161. LES] 977 [LES Lesueur, Charles Alexandre. 22. Description de plusieurs animaux appartenant aux Poly- piers lamelliferes de LAMARCK (Caryophyllia solitaria, C. arbuscula, Agaricia purpurea, Mean- drina viridis, etc.)- Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VI., 1820, pp. 271-299. 23. Description of a new genus, and of several new species of fresh-water fish, indi- genous to the United States. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 2-8. 24. Description of two new species of Exocoetus. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 8-11. 25. Descriptions of several new species of Cuttle-fish. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 86-101. 26. Observations on several genera and species of fish, belonging to the natural family oftheEsoces. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 124-138. 27. Descriptions of the five new species of the genus Cichla of CUVIEK. Philad. Journ. Acad". Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 214-221. 28. Description of three new species of the genus Scirena. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 251-256. 29. On the Onykia angulata, Les. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 296- 299. 30. Description of a Squalus, of a very large size, which was taken on the coast of New Jersey ; with note of two new (?) species. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 343-352. 31. Descriptions of several new species of Ascidia (A. cavernosa, A. albeola, A. multi- formis, A. variabilis, etc.). Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 2-8 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIII., 1824, pp. 321-325. 32. Description of a new species of Ce- phalopod of the genus Loligo. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 282-284. 33. On three new species of Parasitic Vermes, belonging to the Linntean genus Lernjea. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 286-293. 34. Descriptions of two new species of the genus Batrachoid of LACEPEDE. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 395-403. 35. Description of several species of the Linnasan genus Raja, of North America. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 100-121. 36. Description of several new species of Holothuria. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 155-163. 37. Description of two new species of the Linnasan genus Blennius. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 361-364. VOL. III. Lesueur, Charles Alexandre. 38. Description of a new Fish of the genus Salmo. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, pp. 48-51. 39. Descriptions of four new species of Murajnophis. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, pp. 107-109. — — 40. Description of a new species (S. mi- nutus) of the genus Saurus, Cuvier. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V. 1825, pp. 118-119. 41. Note sur deux especes de tortues, du genre Trionyx (T. spiniferus et T. muticus) de GEOFFROY-SAINT-HILAIRE. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XV., 1827, pp. 257-268. 42. Observation sur une morsure de vipere. Eure, Soc. Agric. Recueil, II., 1831, pp. 194- 198. 43. Sur deux vessies auxiliaires dans les Tortues du genre Emys. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, IX., 1839, pp. 456-457. Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, et A. G. Des- marets. Memoire sur quelques Flustres et Cellepores fossiles (Flustra tessellata, F. reti- culata, F. quadrata, F. crassa, F. bifurcata, et Cellepora globulosa). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1814, pp. 52-55. 2. Note sur le Botrylle etoile (Bo- tryllus stellatus), Pall. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1815, pp. 74-78. Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, et F. Per on. His- toire generale et particuliere de tous les animaux qui component la famille des Meduses. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XIV., 1809, pp. 218-228. 2. Tableau des caracteres generi- ques et specifiques de toutes les especes de Meduses connues jusqu' a ce jour. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XIV, 1809, pp. 325-366. 3. Suite de 1'Histoire generate et particuliere de tous les animaux qui composent la famille des Meduses. Journ. de Phys. LXX., 1810, pp. 269-290, 357-371. 4. Memoire sur la conservation des diverses especes d'animaux dans 1'alcool. Journ. de Phys. LXXL, 1810, pp. 265-288. 5. Sur les Meduses du genre Equoree. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XV., 1810, pp. 41-56 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVH., 1811, pp. 374-382. 6. Histoire de la famille des Mol- lusques pteropodes : caracteres des dix genres qui doivent la composer. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XV, 1810, pp. 57-69. 7. Histoire du genre Firole. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XV, 1810, pp. 70-76. 8. Notice sur 1'habitation des ani- maux marins. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Aunal. XV., 1810, pp. 287-292. • 9. Notice sur 1'habitation des pho- ques. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XV., 1810, pp. 293-300. 6 H LES] 978 [LET Lesure, Alfred, Magron, Martin, et E. L. Rousseau. Action des courants electriques sur les nerfs rnixtes et sur les racines ante- rieures rachidiennes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1857, pp. 223-247. Leszczyc Suminski (Le Comtc). Sur le de- veloppement des Fougeres. (Transl.) Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.\ 1849, pp. 114-126. Le Tauneac, Angc. Remarque sur la note de M. ALLEGRET concernant la solution de quel- ques problemes curieux d'arithmetique. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVI., 1857, p. 272. 2. Sur les coefficients binomiaux. Nouv. Ann. Math. XX., 1861, pp. 147-148. Letellier, . Memoire sur la falsification Je la Cochenille. Jouru. de Fharm. VI., 1844, pp. 423-432. 2. Note sur les falsifications des chocolats et sur les moyens pratiques de les reconnaitre. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 368-376. Iietellier, Felix. Observations sur Faction du sucre dans 1'alinientation des granivores. An- nal. de Chimie, XL, 1844, pp. 150-161 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zoo/.), 1844, pp. 38-45 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIII., 1844, pp. 108- 119. 2. Influence des temperatures extremes de Fatmosphere sur la production de Facide car- bonique dans la respiration des auimaux a sang chaud. Paris, Coniptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 795-798 ; Aunal. de Chimie, XIIL, 1845, pp. 478-501 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVII., 1846, pp. 241-244. 3. Action des vapeurs d'essence de tere- benthine inspirees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 243-244. Iietellier, J. B. Recherches sur la nature et le mode d'action du priucipe veneneux des cham- pignons. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XL, 1826, pp. 94-97. 2. Essai sur les proprieties chimiques et toxiques du poison des Agarics a volva. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 109-118. 3. Note sur quelques especes et varietes nouvelles d' Agarics. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.), 1835, pp. 85-95. 4. Sur les proprietes toxiques de 1'Agari- cus gloiocephalus. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.), 1835, pp. 96-97. 5. Considerations sur les Champignons veneneux. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 369-386 ; Liebig, Anual. XXV., 1838, pp. 295-304. 6. Experiences sur les proprietes du sang. L'Institut, V., 1837, p. 156. 7. Memoire sur le sang humain. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 543-544. Letheby, Henry. Electrische und Nerven Krafte. (Translated from London Medical Gazette, August 1842.) Froriep, Notizen, XXIV., 1842, col. 132-134. 2. An account of the dissection of a Gym- notus electricus, together with reasons for believing that it derives its electricity from the brain and spinal cord, and that the nervous and electrical forces are identical. London, Electr. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 367-385. 3. An account of the dissection of a second Gymnotus electricus, together with a description of the electrical phenomena and the anatomy of the Torpedo. London, Electr. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 512-527. 4. On animal electricity. London, Electr. Soc. Proc. 1843, p. 537. 5. On the classification and structure of the Leech. Pharmaceut. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 252-257, 297-303. 6. On the action of Oxalic Acid upon the dead tissues of the Animal Body. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), p. 41. 7. On the difference in the physiological actions of the Yellow and Red Prussiates as an evidence of their containing dissimilar radicals. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 41-42. — • 8. New process for the detection of arsenic in organic mixtures. Chemical Gazette, IV., 1846, pp. 137-139. 9. Mikroskopisch-chemische Untersuchung einer Menstrualfliissigkeit, die einige Zeit in der Vagina verweilt hatte. (Translated from the Lancet, Aug. 2, 1845.) Heller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 89-93. 10. A description of a new process for the detection of arsenic in organic tissues and fluids. Pharmaceut. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 165-171. 11. An account of two cases in which ovules or their remains were discovered in the Fallopian tubes of unimpregnated women who had died during the period of menstruation. [1851.] Phil. Trans. 1852, pp. 57-64. 12. On the structure and movements of the Iris. Ophthalm. Hosp. Reports, II., 1859- 60, pp. 18-20. 13. On the chemical reactions of Strychnia. Chemical News, II., 1860, p. 3. 14. On the production of a blue sub- stance by the electrolysis of Sulphate of Ani- line. Chem. Soc. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 161- 162. 15. On the nascent oxygen tests for Ani- line. Chemical News, V., 1862, p. 71. 16. The poisonous effects of carbonic oxide. Pharmaceut. Journ. III., 1862, pp. 531- 532. LET] 979 [LET Letheby, Henry. 17. On the physiological pro- perties of Nitrobenzole and Aniline. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, p. 550 ; Nuovo Cimento, XVII., 1863, pp. 419-420; Pharmaceut. Jouru. V., 1864, pp. 130-134. 18. Chemistry of Food. Electrician, III., 1863, pp. 44-45, 53-54. Lethierry, . Rapport sur 1'excursion pro- vinciale faite en Savoi en Juillct 1861. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1861, pp. 625-647. Letierce, C. Ed. Sur la structure de la mem- brane interne des arteres. Arcliiv. Gen. de Med. XXI., 1829, pp. 424-425. Letiot, . Sur les caracteres, que peut four- nir a la Mineralogie, I'electricite des mineraux. Journ. de Phys. LXXV., 1812, pp. 472-474. Letourneur, . Memoire sur la theorie gene- rale de la manoeuvre des vaisseaux et autres points qui s'y rattachent. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, VI., 1838, pp. 745-746. Letourneux, Tacite. Sur la distribution geo- graphique des plantes dans le departement de la Vendee et les regions voisines. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 91-95, 124-127, 160- 165. Le Touze de Longuemar, . Note sur les cavernes et breches u ossements de la Vienne. France, Congres Scientif. XXVI., 1859, pp. 440-'442. • • 2. Esquisse geologique des terrains de la Vienne. France, Congres Scientif. XXVI., 1859, pp. 443-458. Letrone, Paul. Monographic des Gallinaces. Races principales indigenes et exotiques. Paris, Soc. Acclim. Bull. VI., 1859, pp. 305-318, 359- 363, 403-413, 455-465 ; VII., 1860, pp. 481- 485, 534-539. Letronne, Jean Antoine. De la division de 1'equateur et du jour chez les Chaldeens, et de celle du cercle en 360 degres. Journ. des Savants, 1817, pp. 738-748. 2. Sur 1'ile de Pharos dans Horuere. Bull. Sci. Nat. XXV., 1831, pp. 283-298. 3. Opinions populaires et scientifiques des ancieus sur les eclipses. Journ. des Savants, 1838, pp. 424-450. 4. Sur la pretendue communication de la Mer Morte avec la Mer Rouge. Journ. des Sa- vants, 1838, pp. 495-500. 5. Opinions populaires et scientifiques des Grecs sur la route oblique du Soleil. Journ. des Savants, 1839, pp. 129-146. 6. Nouvelles recherches sur le calendrier des anciens Egyptiens, sa nature, son histoire, et son origine. — 1" Memoire. De 1'annee vague en £gypte et du lever heliaque de Sirius. — 2e Memoire. De 1'annee fixe Egyptienne en elle- meme et dans ses rapports avec 1'annee vague et avec les annees Julienne et Alexandre. — Letronne, Jean Antoine. 3° Memoire. Du rapport de 1'anuee vague et de 1'annce fixe avec 1'annee rurale ou agricole, representee par la notation hieroglyphique des mois, et de la constitution originelle du calen- drier Egyptien. [1838.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Inscript. XXIV., 1864, pp. 1-44, 45-125, 127- 154. Lettsom, . On the natural and medicinal histories of Tea. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLI., 1813, pp. 229-232. Lettsom, W. G. Note on electro-tint, and on etching Daguerreotype plates. London Electr. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 257-258. 2. On the influence of flame upon fric- tional electricity. Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 247-250. 3. Flora of the tertiary formation. Silli- man, Journ. XIV., 1852, pp. 280-282. 4. On the occurrence of metallic iron ill fossil wood. Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, pp. 333- 335. Le Turquier-Deslongchamps, . Sur les Fougeres et les plantes cryptogames. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1817, p. 21. 2. Description des genres et des especes de la seconde famille des plantes cryptogames Ou des hepatiques. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1819, pp. 33-34. 3. Supplement a la flore des environs de Rouen. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1824 (Suppl.). Le Turquier-Deslongchamps, , et Le- vieux. Concordance des figures de plantes Cryptogames. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1819 (SuppL). Le Tussac, Sur le Brosimum alicastrum de la Jamaique. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1808, p. 297. Letzerich, Litdwig. Ueber die Befruchtung und Entwickelungsgeschichte des Embryon vou Agrimonia eupatoria. [1861.] Botan. Zeituug, XX., 1862, pp. 9-11. Letzner, K. Ueber die in Schlesien einheim- ischen Arten der Gattung Cryptocephalus, und iiber eine neue Art der Gattung Clythra. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1839, pp. 114-116. • 2. Ueber den Bostrichus dactyliperda und seine friihern Stande. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1839, pp. 116-120. 3. Ueber Hydrobius punctato-striatus, n. sp. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1840, pp. 81-82. 4. Bemerkungcn iiber die Unterschiede zwischen Hydrophilus piceus und H. Morio. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1840, pp. 83-84. 5. Ueber Pterostichus cordatus. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1841, pp. 100-101. 6 H 2 LET] 980 [LET Letzner, A'. 6. Mittheilungen iiber die Chry- somela cerealis, Lin. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1841, pp. 102-104. 7. Die Chrysomela fulgida, Fab., und ihre Stiinde. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1841, pp. 105-108. 8. Ueber Kafer des Schlesischen Hoch- gebirges. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1842, pp. 152-154. 9. Ueber Blaps fatidica, Crcutz. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1843, p. 170. 1O. Agabus Silesiacus. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1843, pp. 170-172. 11. Ueber Chrysomela (Prasocuris) Han- noveraua, Hbst. u. F. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1843, pp. 172-173. 12. Leptura lineata. Breslau, Schles. Ge- sell. Uebersicht, 1843, pp. 173-174. 13. Mittheiluugen iiber drei Arten der Gattung Eccoptogaster (E. multistriatus, E. scolytus, E. pygmteus). Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1844, pp. 64-68. 14. Ueber Bostrichus asperatus. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1844, pp. 68-69. 15. Ueber Chrysomela salicis und Chrys. (Lina) collaris, F. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1844, pp. 69-71. . 16. Bemerkungen zu Canthavis mela- noceros und denticollis, Schummel. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1844, pp. 71-72. 17. Ueber einige Arten der Gattung Eccoptogaster, und zwar die Arten : E. Pruni und E. Padi, Ratz. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1845, pp. 37-40. 18. Ueber Schlesische Tachyporinen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1846, pp. 73-74. 19. Ueber die Abandeningen der Cantharis (Telephorus) nigricornis, F. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1846, pp. 74-75. 20. Cantharis (Telephorus) sudetia, n. sp., und C. rufescens, n. sp. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1846, pp. 75-76. , 21. Ueber Eccoptogaster Pruni, Ratz. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1846, pp. 76-78. 22. Schlesische Arten der Gattung Phi- lonthus, Leach. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1846, pp. 78-85. 23. Ueber die Eaupe von Sesia mutillaj- formis. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1846, pp. 102-104. i. 24. Uebersicht der im Jahre 1847 ill den Bfskiden gefangenen Kafer. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1847, pp. 101-105. Letzner, K. 25. Systematische Beschreibung der Laufkiifer Schlesiens. Breslau, Zeitschr. Entom. I., 1847, Coleoptera (Nos. 2-4), pp. 1-24; II., 1848 (Nos. 6-7), pp. 25-40; II]., 1849 (Nos. 10-12), pp. 41-72 ; IV., 1850 (Nos. 13-15), pp. 73-112; V.-VL, 1851-52 (Nos. 17-24), pp. 113-292. 26. Mittheilungen iiber die im vorigen Jahre zu Pfingsten bei Ustron in den Beskiden gesammelten Kafer. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1848, pp. 95-97. 27. Kafer im fauligen Holz einer Eiche ; Kiifer vom Riesengebirge. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1848, pp. 97-98. 28. Bostrichus Jalappse. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1848, p. 99. 29. Vortrag iiber Pterostichus (Poecilus, Bott.) lepidus, Fab. und dessen in Schlesien bis jetzt gesammelte Varietiiten. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1849, pp. 65-67. 3O. Ueber einige Kiifer des Riesengebirges. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1850, pp. 70-75. 31. Ueber Orchestes pratensis, Germ. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1851, pp. 93-94. 32. Ueber mehrere Arten der Gattung Telephorus. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1851, p. 95. 33. Ueber Hypulus bifasciatus, Fab. Bres- lau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1851, p. 96. 34. Chrysomela fusco-aenea, Schum. et Kujf. und Chrysomela speciosissima, Scop, et Sujf'. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1852, ppl 87-90. 35. Vortrag iiber Chlsenius tibialis, Dej. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1852, p. 91. 36. Ueber die Stiinde der Chrysomela (Plagiodera) armoracia:, Lin. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1852, pp. 91-93. 37. Ueber die Chrysomela varians, Fab. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1852, pp. 93-94. 38. Die Fauna der niichsten Umgebung von Meran. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1853, pp. 175-177. 39. Ueber Dorcatoma rubens, E. H. und flavicornis, Fab. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1853, pp. 177-178. 4O. Ueber Megachile circumcincta. Bres- lau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1853, p. 184. 41. Beitriige zur Verwandlungs-Geschichte einiger Kafer. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Denkschr 1853, pp. 207-219. • 42. Vortrag iiber Bruchus pisi, Lin. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1854, pp. 79-82. LET] 981 [LEU Letzner, A". 43. Mittheilungenuber Anthrenus musajorum, Lin. (verbasci, St.) und A. claviger, Er. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1854, pp. 82-84. 44. Vortrag iiber die Stiinde des Carabus sylvestris, Fab. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1854. pp. 84-86. 45* Monstroses Fiihlhorn eines Carabus Sacheri, Zaw. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1854, pp. 86-87. 46. Bewohner und Beschiidiger des Knie- holzes (Pinus pumilio). Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1854, pp. 87-88. 47. Ueber Pissodes abietis, Ratz. ; P. pini, L. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1854, pp. 88-89. 48. Chilocorus renipustulatus, Scrib. und bipustulatus, Lin. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1854, pp. 89-90. 49. Ueber Thereva subfasciata, Schum, Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1854, p. 99. 50. Ueber Tenthredo punctulata, Kl. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1854, pp. 100-101. 51. Ueber Palingenia virgo. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1854, p. 101. 52. Ueber Cryptocephalus betulte-nants und Donacia palustris, Schill. Breslau, Zeitschr. Entom. VIII., 1854 (Coleop.\ p. 18. 53. Monstroses Fiihlhorn einer Chrysomela cacalite, Schr. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1855, p. 106. 54. Friihere Stande der Chrysomela (Phratora) vitellinse, L. Breslau, Schles. Ge- sell. Uebersicht, 1855, pp. 106-109. 55. Ueber die Stande der Chrysomela (Gonioctena) viminalis, Gyl. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1855, pp. 109-111. 56. Ueber Cecidomyia salicina, Meig. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1855, p. 126. 57. Systematisch-synonymisches Verzeich- niss der bisher beobachteten und bekannt gemachten Larven Europiiischer Coleopteren. Breslau, Zeits. Entom. IX., 1855 (Co/eop.), pp. 1-77. 58. Die Larvensiicke der Clythra scopo- lina, L., des Cryptocephalus pini, L., und Crypt, ianthinus, Germ. Breslau, Zeits. Entom. IX., 1855 ( Coleop.), pp. 78-80. 59. Cassida lineola, Cr., und ihre ersten Stande. Breslau, Zeits. Entom. IX., 1855 (Coleop.), pp. 80-88. 6O. Ueber Xantholinus lentus, Grav., und seine Stande. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1856, pp. 97-98. 61. Ueber Larve und Puppe des Orchestes populi, L., und eines ihnen schadlichen Ich- neumon's. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1856, pp. 98-102. Letzner, A". 62. Ueber eine dem Raps schiid- liche Riisselkiiferlarve. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1856, p. 102. 63. Larve der Mordella guttata, Payh. (atomaria, F.). Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1856, pp. 103-104. 64. Stande der Chrysomela (Gastrophysa) polygon!, L. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1856, pp. 10-1-106. 65. Larve der Chrysomela cacalire, Schrank. Bresluu, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1856, pp. 106-108. 66. Larve und Puppe der Coccinella muta- bilis, Scrib. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1856, pp. 108-109. 67. Ueber Eristalis tenax, Lin., und ihre Stiinde. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1856, pp. 117-118. 68. Vortrag iiber Anaspis flavo-atra (A. flava, /.., lateralis, F., frontalis, L., atra, F.). Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, pp. 119-121. 69. Ueber Mordella pusilla. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, p. 122. 7O. Ueber die Puppe von Opilus domes- ticus, St. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, pp. 122-123. 71. Neue Kiifer-Species (Chrysomela cu- prea, Ch. 20-punctata, Ch. litura, Helodes phel- landrii). Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, pp. 123-133. 72. Puppe und Larvensack des Crypto- cephalus sericeus, L. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, p. 133. 73. Ueber Crioceris asparagi, Lin. Bres- lau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, pp. 133- 136. 74. Ueber Rhagium bifasciatum, Fab. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, pp. 136-138. 75. Puppe des Ampedes nigrmus, Payk. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, p. 138. 76. Vortrag iiber die Stande der Chry- somela sanguinolenta, L. Breslau, Schles. Ge- sell. Jahresb. 1859, pp. 95-96. 77. Ueber Larven- und Puppenzustand der Gastrophysa raphani, F. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1859, pp. 96-98. Letzner, K., und G. Kraatz. Ueber die ersten Stiiude einiger Coleoptereu. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. III., 1859, pp. 304-312. Leu, J. FT. Bericht iiber die Vogel des Re- gie-rungs Bezirkes Schwaben und Neuburg. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. VIII., 1855, pp. 15-34; IX., 1856, pp. 43-47; XL, 1858, pp. 78-82. • 2. Die Fledermause. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist, Ver. XV., 1862, pp. 69-87. LEU] 982 [LEU Leube, G. Bereitung tier Phosphorsiiure. Erdui. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 276-278. 2. Ueber den Einfluss der Cliemie auf die Geognosie im Allgemeinen und auf die Erkliir- ung der Bildung des Dolomits und der dolo- mitischen Kreide des Aachtliales insbesondere. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, ]>)>, 132-134; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1843, pp. 143-149. •i 3. Untersuchungen iiber die Natur des Dolomits. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1844 (Abth. 2), pp. 48-58. • 4. Einfache Methode der Analyse der Do- lomite. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht. 1844 (Abth. 2), pp. 199-200. 5. Ueber die Bedeutunsj der Chemie fiir die Geognosie. Wtirttemberg, Jahreshefte, L, 1845, pp. 153-154. 6. Ueber die Bildung des Grundeises mil Bemerkungen von PLIENTNGEK. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, II., 1847, pp. 165-168. 7. Ueber zwei bei Ulm erlegte Biber. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte, V., 1850, pp. 149- 151. leube, G., jun. Proximate analysis of " Ka- mala." American Journ. Pharm. XXXII., 1860, pp. 551-553. Leube, W. Ueber die Anwendung des Spek- troskops zur Erkennung von Blutflecken. Moleschott, Untersuch. IX., 1863, pp. 217-225. Leubuscher, . Ueber Abulie. Damerow, Allg. Zeits. Psychiatric, IV., 1847, pp..562-578. Leuch, . Ueber Darstellung und Zusam- mensetzung einiger Doppeljodiiren. Bern. Mittheil. 1845, pp. 105-112. Leuchs, E. F. Ueber die Wirkung des Lichtes auf die Pflanzen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XV., 1828, pp. 300-305 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1830, p. 437. 2. Ueber die Wirkung der Metalle auf die Pflanzen. Poggend. Annal. XIV., 1828, pp. 499-505. 3. Ueber die Wirkung fliichtiger Korper auf die Pflanzen. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. V., 1829, pp. 111-113. 4. Anwendung der Salzsiiure. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. VI., 1829, pp. 447-450. 5. Ueber die Wirkung eiuiger Stoffe auf die Pflanzen. Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 153-158. 6. Wirkung des Arseniks auf die Pflanzen. Poggeud. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 488-493. 7. Wirkung einiger Korper auf das Wachs- thum einiger Pflanzen. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. X., 1831, pp. 79-85. 8. Ueber die Hefe. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XL, 1831, pp. 209-214. 9. Wirkung des Speichels auf Starke. Leuclis, E. F. 10. Ueber die Verzuckerung des Starkrnehls durch Speichel. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, III., 1831, pp. 105-107. 11. Wirkung des Schwefels auf trockneOele. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, III., 1831, pp. 107-108. 12. Ueber die Wirkung einiger Salze auf das Verbrennlichwerden der Korper. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, III., 1831, pp. 108-109. 13. Ueber die Reinigung des Wassers. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVI., 1833, pp. 33-36. 14. Mittheiluug vermischten Inhalts. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVII., 1833, pp. 409-420. 15. Bemerkungen iiber die Brennstoffe und Oefen. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVII., 1833, pp. 389-400. Leuchs, Joh. Carl. Verhandeling ter beant- woording der vrage : — "Is de schoonheid der edelste Grieksche menscheubeeldeu op eene ware physische volmaaktheid van den menschelijken vorm gegrond, of althans daarmede verbonden ? Zoo ja, waarin bestaat die volmaaktheid ? Welke nuttige leerlingen zijn er uit die kennis voor de beeldende kunsteu at' te leiden ?" Haarlem, Nat. Verh. Maatsch. Wet. X., 1820, pp. 127-214. 2. Verhandeling ter beautwoording der vrage : — " Welke ziju de algemeene regelen, vol- gens welke men vooraf, zonder regtstreeksche proeveu, met waarschijnlijkheid oordeelen kan, van welke nuttige gewassen de aankweeking hier te laude al of uiet met een gunstig gevolg zoude kuunen worden beproefd?" Haarlem, Nat. Verh. Maatsch. Wet. X., 1820 (pte. 2), pp. 1-91. 3. Versuche iiber den Einfluss verschied- ener Korper auf die Essig-Gahrung. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. IV., 1829, pp. 247-258. 4. Ueber den Einfluss verschiedener Korper auf die Weingiihhrung. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. V., 1829, pp. 148-168. 5. Versuche iiber die Bereituug des Zuckers aus Starkrnehl niittelst Schwefelsaure. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem.V., 1829, pp. 193-201. 6. Ueber den gelben Farbstoff der Kart- offelbluthen. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. V., 1829, pp. 452-454. 7. Ueber die Bereitung des Erodes. Erdra. Journ. Tech. Chem. XIV., 1832, pp. 273-294. 8. Ueber die Fabrication des Feuer- schwammes oder Zanders. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XIV., 1832, pp. 434-438. 9. Ueber den Werth einiger chemischer Erfahrungen fiir die Arzneiwissenschaft. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXV., 1842, pp. 60-64. 1O. Cheniisch-tecbnische Beobachtungen. Poggend. Annal. XXII., 1831, p. 623. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXH., 1861, pp. 453-461. 11. Ueber die Einwirkung der Hitze und des Alkohols auf die Hefe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 174-177. LEU] 983 [LEU Leuchtenberg, Maximilian Herzog von. Ein paar neue Experimente der Galvano-Plastik. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIII., 184], pp. 143-148 ; Erman, Archiv. Russ. I., 1841, pp. 53-58. 2. Ncue Batterie zum Gebrauebe bei der Galvanoplastik. Dingier, Polyteclm. Journ. XCVIIL, 1845, pp. 25-26. 3. Verfahren, bei Vergoldungen und Ver- silberungen auf galvanischem Wege die Quan- titiit Gold und Silber kennen zu lernen, welche man angewandt. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cbeni. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 363-365; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V.. 1847, col. 28-30. 4. Vorliiufige Anzeige liber neue galvanische Batterieen. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 69-71. 5. Untersuchung der Kupfervitriol - Auf- losungen, welche zu galvanoplastischen Arbeiten gebraucht werden. [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1847, col. 199-204 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 312-318. 6. Ueber die Bildung und die Bestandtheile eines schwarzen Niederschlags an der Anode, bei der Zersetzung des Kupfervitriols durch den galvanischen Strom. [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1 847, col. 376-383 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 290- 297. • 7. Weitere Untersuchung des schwarzen Niederschlags, welcher sich an der Anode bei der Zersetzung des Kupfervitriols durch den galvan- ischen Strom, bildet. [1847.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1848, col. 129-132 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 222-224. 8. Beitriige zur galvanischen Vergoldung. [1847.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VJ., 1848, col. 177-186 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 235-244. 9. Ausfiihrliche technisch - chemische Untersuchung des schwarzen Niederschlags, welcher sich an der Anode bildet, bei der Zer- setzung des Kupfervitriols, in grossen Massen, durch den galvanischen Strom. [1848.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 218- 224 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 460-468. 10. Ueber die fabrikrmissige galvanische Vergoldung im Grossen und iiber einige dabei gemachte technisch-wissenschaftliche Beobacht- ungen. [1849.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1850, col. 113-121 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIIL, 1849, pp. 372-381. Leuchtweiss, A. Analyse der Asche des Hauf- samens (Cannabis sativa) und Leinsamens (Li- num usitatissimum). Liebig, Annal. L., 1844, pp. 416-417. Leuchtweiss, A. 2. Untersuchung mehrerei Manuasorten des Handels. Liebig, Annal. LIIL, 1845, pp. 124-134 ; Journ. de Pharm. VILL, 1845, pp. 278-279. Leuckart, A. Ueber den Bau und die Bedeut- ung der sogenannten Lungen bei den Arach- niden. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. L, 1 849, pp. 246-254. Leuckart, F. S. 1. Naehtrag zur einem ge- lieferten Aufsatze von JAGER iiber den Herz- knochen des Hirsches und denZwerchfellknochen des Dromedars und des Vicunna. 2. Biber- herzen. 3. Angeborene Missbildung. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 136-154. 2. Einiges iiber die fischartigeuAmphibien. Oken, Isis (Lit. An.z.\ 1821, col. 257-265. 3. Zwerchfellknochen beim Dromedar. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VIII., 1823, pp. 441-442. 4. Anatomische Notizen iiber Halmaturus giganteus. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VIII., 1823, pp. 442-448. 5. Ueber den Canis Cerdo oder Zerda der Naturforscher. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 211-220. 6. Ueber das zweihufige Pferd (Equus bisulcus) MOLINA'S. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 362- 368. 7. Bemerkungen zu einer Stelle aus ARIS- TOTELES Histor. Anim. lib. VI., cap. 30. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 717-719. 8. Ueber den Canis Zerda. Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 296-299. — 9. Anatomische Untersuchung der Coma- tula mediterranea. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, III.. 1829, pp. 366-374. — 1O. Eiuiges iiber die Organisation des von ihm Meckelia Somatotomus genaunten Ring- wurmes. Oken, Isis, 1830, col. 575. 11. Trematoda, als eigene Classe. Oken, Isis, 1830, col. 612. 12. Erklarung in Bezug auf RUPPELL'S Atlas zu der Reise im Nordlichen Africa. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 424. 13. Fotus von Squalus acanthias. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 1086-1088. 14. Einiges iiber das Asteroiden-Geschlecht Comatula, Lam., iiberhaupt und iiber C. medi- terranea iusbesondere. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, III., 1833, pp. 375-391. 15. In Beziehuug auf den Haarstern (Co- matula) und Pentacrinus Europanis, so wie auf das Schmarotzerthier auf Comatula. Froriep, Notizen, L., 1836, col. 129-131. 16. Enthelminthen aus Insecten. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 764. 17. Einige zoologische Bemerkungen. 1. Ueber das Gen. Lepidosiren. 2. Ueber das Gen. Cryptobranchus. Froriep, Notizeu, XIII.. 1840, col. 17-20. LEU] 984 [LEU Leuckart, F. S. 18. Berichtigung das Genus Idalia, Leitck, und das Genus Euplocamus, /%/'/.. betreffend. Wiegmann, Archiv, VII., 1841, pp. 345. 19. Ueber die menschenahnlichsten Thiere. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericbt, 1842, pp. 39-40. 2O. Uebcr ein cigenthiimliches Zerfallen der Arteria inf'raorbitalis bei verscliiedenen Saugethieren. Deutsch. Naturt'. Versamml. Be- richt. 1842, p. 219. 21. Der Magen eines Moschus Javanicus. Muller, Archiv, 1843, pp. 24-27. Leuckart, Rudolph. Wirbellose Thiere von Helgoland und Island. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1847, pp. 86-92. 2. Zur Morphologic und Anatomie der Geschlechtsorgane. Gottinger Studien, 1847, pp. 155-282. 3. LTeber die mannlichen Geschlechtstheile der Sepiola vulgaris. Wiegmann, Archiv, XIIL, 1847, pp. 23-29. 4. Ueber einige abnorme Bildungen des Naseubeins beim Menschen und Orang-LTtang. D' Alton u. Burm. Zeitg. Zool. I., 1848, pp. 59-61. 5. Beobachtungeu und Reflexionen iiber die Naturgeschichte der Blasenwurmer. Wieg- inann, Archiv, XIV., 1848, pp. 7-26. 6. Beschreibung zweier neuen Helminthen (Strongylus alatus, Bothriocephalus maculatus). Wiegmanu, Archiv, XIV., 1848, pp. 26-30. 7. Beitrage zur Lehre von der Befrucht- ung. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1849, pp. 113- 127. 8. Zur Kenntniss der Fauna von Island. Wiegmann, Archiv, XV., 1849, pp. 149-208. 9. Cha-topterus pergamentaceus, Cuv. Wiegmann, Archiv, XV., 1849, pp. 340-351. • 1O. Ueber den Bau und die Bedeutung der Vesicula prostatica. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1850, pp. 79-80. — — 11. Ueber die allmahlige Bildung der Kdrpergestalt bei den Rochen. Zur Entwick- lungsgeschichte von Torpedo marmorata. Sie- bold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 254- 267. • 12. 1st die Morphologic denn wirklich so ganz imberechtigt ? Siebold und Kolliker, Zeit- schr. II., 1850, pp. 271-275. 13. Helminthologische Notizen. n, Archiv, XVI., 1850, pp. 9-16. 14. Ueber Metamorphose, ungeschlecht- liche Vermehrung, Generationswechsel. Sie- bold uud Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 170- 188. • 15. Ueber den Bau der Physalien uud der Rohrenquallen irn Allgemeiuen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 189-212 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Zool.), 1852, pp. 201-230. Leuckart, Rudolph. 16. Der Bau der lusecten in seinen Beziehungen zu den Leistungen und Lebensverhaltnissen dieser Thiere. Wiegmann, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 1-25. 17. Ueber die ungeschlechtliche Vermehr- ung bei Nais proboscidea. Wiegmanu, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 134-138. 18. Ueber deii Bau und die systematische Stellung des Genus Phyllirhoe. Wiegmann, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 139-145. 19. Ueber einige Verschiedenheiten der Thiere uud Pflanzeu. Wiegmann, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 146-157. 20. Parasitismus und Parasiten. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, XL, 1852, pp. 199-259, 379-437. 21. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Ver- breitung des Chitins bei den wirbellosen Thieren. Wiegmann, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 22-28. 22. Megastomum Ehrenbergii, Oerst., anatomisch dargestellt. Wiegmann, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 234-260. 23. Nachtriigliche Bemerkiiugen iiber den Bau von Phyllirhoe. Wiegmann, Archiv, XIX., 1853, pp. 243-252. • — — • 24. Ueber den Bauchsaugnapf und die Copulationsorganc bei Firola und Firoloides. Wiegmann, Archiv. XIX., 1853, pp. 252-254. 25. Ueber die Gehorwerkzeuge der Krebse. Wiegmaun, Archiv, XIX., 1853, pp. 254-265. . — 26. [Sur le developpement des Coenures.] Paris, Comptes Remlus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 319-320. 27. Sur le developpement des Pupipares. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXL, 1854 (pte. 2), pp. 851-852. 28. Zur niihern Kenntniss der Siphono- phoren von Nizza. Wiegmann, Archiv, XX., 1854, pp. 249-377. 29. Bericht iiber die Leistungeu in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere wiihrend der Jahre 1848-1853. Wiegmann, Archiv, XX., 1854 (lift. 2), pp. 290-471 ; XXL, 1855, (Hft.2). pp. 75-110. 30. Ueber die Micropyle und den feinern Bau der Schalenhaut bei den Insecteneiern. Miiller, Archiv, 1855, pp. 90-264; Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 287-292. 31. Erziehung des Cysticercus fasciolaris aus den Eiern der Toenia crassicollis. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, p. 139. 32. Ueber die Jugendzustaude einiger Anneliden. Wiegmann, Ai'chiv, XXL, 1855, pp. 63-80 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. XVI., 1855, pp. 259-271. 33. Lettre relative a de nouvelles experi- ences sur le developpement des vers intestinaux. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Zool.), 1855, pp. 351-355. LEU] 985 [LEU Leuckart, Rudolph. 34. Beitrage zurKenntniss der Medu?en-Fauna von Nizza. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXII., 1856 (Hft. 2), pp. 1-40. 35. Bericht iiber die Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere wahrend der Jahre 1854 und 1855. Wiegmaim, Archiy, XXII., 1856 (Hft. 2), pp. 325-4.54. 36. Demonstration par voie experimentale de 1'ideutite specifique du Pentastomum denti- culatum et du Pentastomum trenioides. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II. 1857, pp. 30-33. 37. Sur la transformation des Liuguatules denticulees en Linguatules tenioides. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1857, pp. 4-6. 38. Sur le Pentastomum trenioides, prove- nant du parcage de Pentastomum denticulatum. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1857, pp. 163- 165. 39. Sur 1'arrenotokie et la parthenogenese des Abeilles et des autres hymenopteres qui vivent en societe. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1857, pp. 200-204. 40. Bericht iiber die Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere wiihrend des Jahres, 1856. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXIII., 1857 (Hft. 2), pp. 164-272. 41. Nachweis von Porencaniilen in den Epidermenzellen von Ammocoetes nebst allge- meinen Bemerkungen iiber Porencanale in Zell- membranem von A. KOLLIKER. Wiirzburg, Verhandl. VII., 1857, pp. 193-195. 42. Pentastomum denticulatum, der Jugend- zustand von Pent, ttenioides. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, II., 1858, pp. 48-60; Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp.320; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 182-193. 43. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die Ju- gendzustiinde und die Entwickelungsgeschichte von Pentastomum trcnioides. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, IV., 1858, pp. 78-101. 44. Die Fortpflanzung und Entwickelung der Pupiparen nach Beobachtungen an Melo- phagus ovinus. Halle, Abh. Nat. Gesell, IV., 1858, pp. 145-226. 45. Zur Keuntniss des Generationswech- sels und der Parthenogenesis bei den Insecten. Moleschott, Untersuch. IV., 1858, pp. 327- 438. 46. De outwikkelingsgesnhiedenis van Lin- guatula denticulata. Nederlandsch Tijdschr. Geneesk. II., 1858, pp. 566-569. 47. Bericht iiber die Leistuniren in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere wiihrend des Jahres, 1857. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXIV., 1858 (Hft. 2), pp. 93-192. 48. [Transformation des Trichines en Tri- chocephalus.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, p. 453. VOL. III. Leuckart, Rudolph. 49. Die Fortpflauzung der Rindenlause. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Parthenogenesis. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 208-231 ;> Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 321-327, 41 1-422. 50. Carcinologisches. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 232-266. 51. Einige Bemerkungen uber Sacculina, Thomps., (Pachybdella, Dies ; Peltogaster, Rathhe}. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 232-241 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 422- 429. 52. Notopterophorus, Costa. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 241-247 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. V., 1860, pp. 353-357. 53. Ueber die Gesichtswerkzeuge der Copepoden. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 247-262. 54. Ueber das Vorkommen eines saugnapf- artigen Haftapparates bei den Daphniaden und verwandten Krebsen. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 262-265 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. V., 1860, pp. 445-447. 55. Ueber die Gehororgane der Decapoden. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 265-266. 56. Bericht iiber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der uiedereif Thiere wahrend des Jahres 1858. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859 (Bd. 2), pp. 97-255. 57. Der geschlechtsreife Zustand der Trichina spiralis. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeit- schrift, VIII., 1860, pp. 259-262, 334-335; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., 1860, pp. 168-171. 58. Untersuchungen iiber Trichina spi- ralis. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1860, pp. 135- 138; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 503-504 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (ZooL), I860, pp. 318- 320. 59. Bericht iiber die wissenschaftlichen Leistuugen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere wahrend des Jahres 1859. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVI., 1860 (Bd. 2), pp. 103-264. 60. Die Larvenzustiinde der Musciden. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVII., 1861, pp. 60-62 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. VIII., 1861, pp. 428-429. 61. Ueber Paranifecium (?) coli, Malmst. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVIL, 1861, pp. 81-86; Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1861, pp. 437-440. 62. Bericht iiber die wissenschafllichen Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere wiihrend des Jahres 1860. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVII., 1861 (Bd. 2), pp. 215-387. 63. Helminthologische Experimentaluuter- suchungen. — 1. Ueber Echinococcus. 2. Ueber T»uia solium und T. mediocanellata. 3. Ueber Echinorhynchus. Guttingen, Nach- richten, 1862, pp. 13-15, 15-21, 432-447; Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1863, pp. 56-66. 6 i LEU] 986 [LEV Leuckart, Rudolph. 64. Ueber den Finnen- zustand dev Tasnia mediocanellata. Gottingeu, Nachrichten, 1862, pp. 195-206. Leuckart, Rudolph, und A. Pagenstecher. Untersuchungen uber niedere Seethiere. M til- ler, Archiv, 1858, pp. 558-613 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 463-465. Xteudet, E. Note sur 1'obliteration des veines renales dans quelques maladies du rein. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. TV., 1852, pp. 125-135. - 2. Note sur un fait de cysticerques du cceur de 1'homme, avec endocardite. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1852, pp. 141-146 (Compt. Rend.). - 3. Note sur un cas d'hypertrophie de la rate et d'alteration du sang, consistant en une augmentation des globules blancs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1853, pp. 3-12. - 4. Observation de cysticerques du cerveau et des muscles cliez 1'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1853, pp. 24-31 (Compt. Rend.). - 5. Recherches anatoraiques et cliniques sur le retrecissement de 1'aorte au niveau du canal arteriel. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1857, pp. 63-79. - 6. Etude des lesions viscerales de la leu- cemie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1858, pp. 73-91. - 7. Remarques sur une variete d'uterus bicorne rudimentaire decrite par quelques au- teurs comme des cas d'abseuce de 1'uterus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1861, pp. 121-133. -- 8. Recherches sur 1' obliteration complete de la veiue renale et le mode de retablissement de la circulation collaterale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. IV., 1862, pp. 93-100. Leudet, E., et Marchand. Analyse de 1'eau de Bleville. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1859-60, pp. 100-107 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIL, 1860, pp. 328-335. letienstern, Joseph Riedl. von. Sternschnuppen- Beobaclitungen. Haidinger, Bericht, III., 1847, p. 400. - 2. Ueber das vergleichende Maass der Korperwinkel. [1847.] Haidinger, Abhandl. II., 1848 (Abth. 2), pp. 1-16. - 3. Ueber die Summen der Korperwinkel an Pyramideu. [1849.] Haidinger, Abhandl. III., 1850 (Abth. 2), pp. 87-108. 4. Ueber Raute, Prisma und Kegel in acrornetrischer Beziehung. [1850.] Haidinger, Abhandl. IV., 1851 (Abht. 2), pp. 49-69. -- 5. Die Bahn der Quotiente oder Curve aus z\vei Brennpuncten, mit Fahrstrahlen von bestiindigem Verbiiltnisse. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., .1855, pp. 373-376. Leufroy, Augustin. Memoire sur une nouvelle espece de coquille fossile du genre Ferussine (Grateloup), Strophostome (Deshayes). [Fe- russina lapicida.] Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 401-405. 2. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'He- lice fossile (H. Reboulii). Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 405-408. Leunis, . Verzeichniss der im Fiirsten- thume Hildesheim und dem augrenzenden Harze aufgefundenen Blattwespen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. III., 1842, pp. 42-45. 2. Ueber die Larven von Br achy tarsus scabrosus, Fbr. Stettin, Entom. Zeit. III., 1842, pp. 190-191. Zieupe, P. A. Beschrijving van de eijlanden Banda. Nederl. Indie, Bijdrag. III., 1855, pp. 73-85. Leupold, lusecten im menschlichen Kor- per [Meloii proscarabseus], Germar, Mag. En- tom. IV., 1821, pp. 403-404. Leuret, . Ueber die Gestaltung des Ge- hirus beim Menschen und den Saugethieren. Froriep, Notizen, XLIV., 1835, col. 164-168. 2. Sur la disposition de 1'encephale chez certains singes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 1372-1373. Leuret, , and Jean Louis Lassaigne. On the detection of Hydrocyanic Acid in the bodies of animals poisoned by it. (Transl.) Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1827, pp. 480-481. Leuthwaite, . Sur 1'iuflammation Jo la poudre par 1'etincelle electrique. Aniial. de Chimie, XVII., 1821, pp. 440-441 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XI., 1821, pp. 391-392; Gilbert, Annal. LXIX., 1821, p. 371. Leva, Ltiigi. Sulla quadratura del circolo. Bibl. Ital. II., 1816, pp. 246-248. Levaillant, . L'origine des cavernes a osse- meuts. Paris, Soc. Geol. BuU. I., 1843-44, pp. 417-419. Levaillant, Jean. Sur une invasion de Criquets voyageurs (Alscerie). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, p. 1041. 2. Notice sur le Papilio Feisthamelii. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. 407- 409. Iievallois, J. Notice geologique sur les envi- rons de Salles, departement des Basses-Py- renees. Annal. des Mines. VI., 1821, pp. 403- 418. 2. Memoire sur les carrieres et les fours a platre de Saint-Leger-sur-Dheune (Saone-et- Loire). Anual. des Mines, VII., 1822, pp. 403- 414. 3. Note sur la formation gypseuse des en- virons de Saint-Leger-sur-Dheune, departement de Saone-et-Loire. Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1823, pp. 381-382. LEV] 987 [LEV Levallois, J. 4. Memoire sur la preparation mecanique et sur le traitement metallurgique du mineral de plomb argentifere de Vialas et de Villefort (departemeut de la Lozere). Annal. des Mines, IX., 1824, pp. 717-740, 753-794; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XII., 1826, pp. 416-447. 5. Forme cristalline de 1'acide sulfurique. Annal. des Mines, I, 1832, pp. 280-284. 6. Note sur la temperature souterraine dans la mine de sel genime de Dieuze. Annal. des Mines, III., 1833, pp. 629-663. 7. Memoire sur les' travaux qui ont ete executes dans le departement de la Meurthe, pour la recherche et 1'exploitation dusel genime. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1833, pp. 37-76, 321- 356 ; VI., 1834, pp. 119-164, 281-296. 8. Identite des formations qui separent, dans la Lorraine et dans la Souabe, le calcaire a <*rypliites (lias) du muschelkalk. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. II., 1835, pp. 1-2S. 9. Notice sur le keuper et les gres keupe- riens. France, Congres Scient. 1837, pp. 310- 313. 10. Note sur un sondage execute h Ces- singen, dans le Grand Duche de Luxembourg. Annal. des Mines, XVI., 1839, pp. 295-297. 11. Considerations sur les puissances me- cauiques et calorifiques de la vapeur. — Applica- tion a la saline de Dieuze. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1843, pp. 181-198. 12. Note sur le gisement du sel gemme dans le departement du Jura. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1844, pp. 189-205. 13. Note sur 1'exploitation du sel gemme par dissolution. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1844, pp. 206-212 ; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1845, pp. 67-73. 14. Observations sur la roche ignee d'Es- sey-la-C6te (Luneville). Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1846, pp. 17-24. 15. Memoire sur le gisement du sel genime dans le departement de la Moselle, et sur la composition generate du terrain du muschelkalk en Lorraine. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1846, pp. 70-96 ; Annal. des Mines,- XL, 1847, pp. 3-26. 16. Notice sur la miniere de fer de Florange, departement de la Moselle, et sur ses relations avec le gres super-liasique (marly-sandstone des Anglais). Annal. des Mines, XVI., 1849, pp. 241-256 ; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1850, pp. 108-137. 17. Apercu de la constitution geologique du departement tie la Meurthe ; note a 1'appui de la carte geologique de ce departement. France, Congres Scient. XVII., 1850, pp. 455- 482 ; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1850, pp. 295-331 ; Annal. des Mines, XIX.. 1851, pp. 635-667. Levallois, J. 18. IJemarques sur 1'Ostrasa cos" tata et O. acuminata considerees comme fossiles caracteristiques, et sur la composition de 1'etage oolithique inferieur en Lorraine. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1851, pp. 158-181 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VHL, 1850-51, pp. 327-343. 19. Note sur le gres d'Hettange (Moselle) et sur le gres de Luxembourg. Composition generate du lias en Lorraine. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1851-52, pp. 289-301 ; Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1852, pp. 456-476. 20. Apercu de la constitution geologique du departement de la Meurthe. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1862, pp. 246-301. 21. La question du Gres d'Hettauge. — Resume et conclusions. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862-63, pp. 224-233. Xievasseur, . Tissus de grandes dimensions fabriques par des chenilles. Paris, Comptes Eendus, IX., 1839, pp. 275-276, 533-534. Le Vavasseur, Lion. Notice sur divers pro- cedes propres a corriger les defauts de certains fers, aciers et fontes. Journ. des Mines, XL, 1801-2, pp. 239-252 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1802, pp. 183-190. 2. Sur 1'oxidation de la fonte de fer. An- nal. de Chimie, XL VII., 1803, pp, 107-108. Ii'Eveille, . De 1'emploi des contre-forts. [1843.] Paris, Annal. Pouts et Chauss. VII., 1844, pp. 208-232. 2. Des peutes et rampes sur les chemins de fer. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. XIII., 1847, pp. 1-43; Der Ingenieur, L, 1848, col. 520-552. 3. Eecherches sur les inondations daus le bassin de la Saone. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Aunai. II., 1858, pp. 323-410. 4. Note sur le tarage du moulinet de WOLTMANN et sur son emploi dans la mesure du debit des rivieres. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. XIX., 1860, pp. 215-239. Iieveille, Charles. Apercu geologique de quelques localites tres riches en coquilles sur les froii- tieres de France et de Belgique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. II., 1835, pp. 29-40. 2. Description de quelques nouvelles fos- siles du departemeut des Basses Alpes. Paris, Geol. Soc. Mem. II., 1835, pp. 313-315. 3. Sur les fossiles du poudingue nervien (tourtia). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1845- 46, pp. 332-338. Iieveille, J. B. F. Question : le sentiment est-il entitlement detruit, des 1'instant que, par un instrument tranchant quelcouque, la tete est tout-a-coup separee du corps. Paris, Soc. Med. Emul. Mem. L, 1797, pp. 449-457. 2. Observations anatomiques sur le poulet dans 1'oeuf. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I. (j)tc.2), 1798-99, pp. 172-173. 6 i 2 LEV] 988 [LEV Iieveille, J. B. F. 3. Sur les membranes qui enveloppent le poulet dans 1'oeuf. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I. (pte. 2), 1798-99, pp. 186-187. 4. Ein Auszug iiber die Ernahrung der Frucht in den Saugethieren und Viigeln. (Transl.) Reil, Archiv, IV., 1800, pp. 413- 435. 5. Memoire sur les Rapports qui existent entre les premieres et les secondes dents, et sur la disposition favorable de ces dernieres au de- veloppement des deux maehoires. Paris, Med. Soc. Eraul. Mem. VII., 1801, pp. 394-425. Ijeveille, J. H. Description d'une nouvelle espece d' Agaric et d'une nouvelle Agaricoidee. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 45-51. 2. Rapport sur un Memoire par le Dr. D^GLAND de Lille renfermant la description d'un ver rendu par le vomissement. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 132-140. 3. De 1'influence du froid sur quelques in- dividus de la f'atnille des Agaricoidees ; suivie de considerations generales sur les Coprins, et de la description de deux nouvelles especes d'agaric (A. conotruncatus, A. sigillatus). Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 190-197. 4. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'aga- ric le Plenropus eleutlierophyllus. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 271-275. 5. Observations sur deux champignons de la famille des Uredinees. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 202-212. 6. Memoire sur le genre Pilobolus. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 622-633. 7. Note sur le genre Dietyophora, clans la famille des Champignons, et description d'une nouvelle espece provenant de 1'ile de Java. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1827, pp. 499-507. 8. Memoire sur 1'ergot. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1827, pp. 565-579. 9. Memoire sur 1'hymeniuni ou mem- brane fructifiante des Champignons. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1S37, pp. 42-44 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Sot.), 1837, pp. 321-338. . 1O. Sur le developpement des Uredinees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1837, pp. 90- 92; Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.), 1839, pp. 5- 16. 11. Description de quelques especes nou- velles de Champignons (Angiopoma campanu- latum, Cantharellus anthracophilus, Agaricus erythrocephalus, etc.). Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Bot.), 1841, pp. 235-242 ; XIX., pp. 213-231. 12. Memoire sur le genre Sclerotium. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 446- 448 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Bot.), 1843, pp. 219-248. 13. Champignons exotiques. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Bot.), 1844, pp. 167-221 ; III., pp. 35-71. Leveille, J. H. 14. Fungi Archipelagi Malaijo- Neerlamlici novi. Batavia, Natuurk. Archief, II., 1845, pp. 596-619 ; III., 1846, p. 608. 15. Description des Champignons de 1'Her- bier du Museum de Paris. Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Bot.), 1846, pp. 111-167, 249-305. 16. Sur la disposition muthodique des Uredinees. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Bot.), 1847, pp. 369-376. 17. Sur quelques nouveaux genres dans la famille des Uredinees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1847, pp. 86-89. 18. Seigle ergote. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1847, pp. 90-92. 19. Fragments mycologiques. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1848, pp. 119-144, 245-262. 20. Sur une muladie qui attaque actuelle- ment les vignes des environs de Paris. Paris. So... Philom. Proc. Verb. 1850, pp. 61-64. 21. Organisation et disposition methodique des especes qui composent le genre Erysiphe. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Bot.), 1851, pp. 109- 179. 22. Note sur uue nouvelle distribution des Erysiphes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1851, pp. 31-35. 23. Description d'un nouveau genre de champignons (Eutomosporiutn). Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 30-32. Iieveille, J. H., et Thiebaut de Berneaud. Note sur les mceurs et les habitudes du Came- le"on. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 233-238. Leven, Manuel. Sur les causes du tournis chez le mouton. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1863, pp. 165-166 (Compt. Rend.). Leven, Manuel, et Pierre Gratiolet. Sur les mouvements de rotation sur 1'axe que deter- minent les lesions du cervelet. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 917-921. Leven, Manuel, et Aug. Ollivier. Recherches sur la physiologic et la pathologie du cervelet. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XX., 1862, pp. 513-525, 696-716 ; Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem. IV., 1862, pp. 113-117 (Compt. Rend.). Leveque, . Sur la maladie^des pommes de terre. Cambrai, Mem. Soc. Emul. 1845, pp. 175-188. Leveque, Pierre. Rapport fait a la Classe des Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques, des ob- servations astronomiques et nautiques de Joseph Joachim de FEKKEH. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. V., 1798 (Hist.), pp. 1-15. 2. Rapport sur un nouveau systeme de mats d'assemblage pour les vaisseaux. Paris. Mem. de 1'Inst. V., 1799 (Hist.), pp. 16-28. LEV] 989 [LEV I/eveque, Pierre. 3. Memoire a 1'occasion d'un ouvrage presente le 1 1 Fructidor, an VI. par le citoyen MAINGON, ayant pour titre : " Me- moire contenant des explications theoriques et pratiques sur une carte trigonometrique servant a reduire la distance apparente de la Lune au Soleil ou a une etoile, en distance vraie, et a resoudre d'autres questions de pilotage." Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. IV., 1802-3, pp. 467-500. 4. Memoire sur les observations qu'il est important de faire sur les marees dans les dif- ferents ports de la Republique. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst., 1806 (Sem. II., Hist.), pp. 267-285. 5, Rapport sur une sonde de mer. Journ. des Mines, XXV., 1809, pp. 401-414 ; Journ. de Phys. LXVIII., 1809, pp. 117-126. Leveque-Lasource, . Des signes de naissance, ou de 1'influence de 1'imagination et des maladies sur la formation du fcetus humain et ses difformites. Journ. de Med. XXXIII., 1815, pp. 27-33. Lever, J. C. W. On a Fcetal Kidney exhibiting cystiibrm disease, with absence of the ureters. Pathol. Soc. Trans. II., 1848-50, pp. 74-75. le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph. Sur les com- binaisons du phosphoro avec 1'hydrogene. An- nal. de Chimie, LX., 1835, pp. 174-194 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 253-257 ; Liebig, Annal. XVIII., 1836, pp. 333-338. 2. Sur les combinaisons du phosphore avec 1'oxigene. Annal. de Chimie. LXV., 1837, pp. 257-279; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 18-35; Liebig, Annal. XXVII., 1838, pp. 167-182. 3. Sur les variations seculaires des orbites des plauetes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 370-374. 4. Sur les mouvements des inclinaisons el des nccuds des orbites des trois planetes, Jupiter, Saturne, et Uranus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 476-477. 5. Sur le calcul des inegalites seculaires, tel qu'il a etc donne par M. de PONTECOULANT, dans le 3e volume du " Systerne analytique du Monde," p. 387 a 401. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 550-552. 6. Sur les inclinaisons respectives des or- bites de Jupiter, Saturne, et Uranus, et sur les mouvements des intersections de ces orbites. Liouville, Journ. Math. V., 1840, pp. 95-109. • 7. Sur les variations seculaires des ele- ments elliptiques des sept planetes principales : Mercure, Venus, La Terre, Mars, Jupiter, Sa- turne, et Uranus. Liouville, Journ. Math. V.. 1840, pp. 220-254 ; Connaiss. des Temps, 1843, pp. 3-66. 8. Remarques sur les inegalites seculaires des orbites planetaires. Paris, Coraptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 476-477. Le Verrier, Urbuin Jean Joseph. 9. Sur la de- termination des coefficients qui servent de base au calcul des inegalites des planetes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 751-753. • 1O. Sur la determination simultanee de toutes les inegalites periodiques des planetes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XI., 1840, pp. 696- 701. 11. Sur la determination des inegalites seculaires des planetes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XI., 1840, pp. 967-977 ; Connais. des Temps, 1844, pp. 28-110. 12. Note sur le mouvement en inclinaison de 1'orbite de Mercure. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XII., 1841, pp. 116-117. 13. Sur 1'influence des inclinaisons des or- bites dans les perturbations des planetes. De- termination d'une grande inegalite du moyen mouvement de Pallas. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 344-348. 14, Note sur les iuegalites iutroduites dans la longitude des planetes par les variations a longue periode de ieurs elements. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XIV., 1842, pp. 487-488. 15. Seconde note sur les perturbations de la planete Uranus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 660-663. 16. Recherches sur 1'orbite de Mercure et sur ses perturbations. Determination de la masse de Venus et du diametre du Soleii. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIII., 1843, pp. 273- 359. 17. Determination nouvelle de 1'orbite de Mercure et de ses perturbations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI.. 1843, pp. 1054-1065. 18. Memoire sur la grande inegalite du moyen mouvement de Pallas. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, p. 1435. 19. Discussion d'auciennes observations de Mercure, extraites par M. Edouard BIOT de la collection des viugt-quatre historiens de la Chine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 732-735. 2O. Sur la forme qu'il conviendrait de donner aux ephemerides des planetes. Appli- cation a Mercure. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 735-738. 21. Sur la construction des tables astrono- miques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 884-886. 22. Sur la comete observee par M. FATE, 1843, Nov. 22, et sur son identite avec la comete de LEXELL. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 826-827. 23. Note sur les perturbations de plusieurs cometes. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XIX., 1844, pp. 559-560. LEV] 990 [LEV lie Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph. 24. Pertur- bations du mouveiueut elliptique de la seconds comete de 1844. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 666-670 ; Napoli, Rendiconto, IV., 1845, pp. 199-202. 25. Theorie de la comete periodique de 1770. Paris, Cornptes Reiidus, XIX., 1844, pp. 982-994 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb., 1844, pp. 53-55. 26. Sur le prochain passage de Mercure sur le Soleil. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX.. 1845, pp. 587-593. 27. Determination d'une grande inegalite du moyen mouvement de la planete PaUas. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 767-786. 28. Sur la rectification des orbites des comotes au moyen de i'ensemble des observations faites pendant leur apparition. Paris, Comptes Reiidus, XX., 1845, pp. 1071-1076 ; Astr. Naclir. XXIII., 1846.. col. 183-188. 29. Sur la comete periodique de 1843. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1309- 1313. 30. Sur le dernier passage de Mercure sur le disque de Soleil. Paris, Comptes Reiidus, XX., 1845, pp. 1603-1604 ; XXL, 1845, pp. 769-770. 31. Premier memoire sur la theorie d'Uranus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 1050-1055. 32. Sur le prochain passage de Mercure sur le Soleil. Astr. Nachr. XXIII., 1846, col. 33-40. 33. Premier memoire sur la comete perio- dique de M. FATE. Astr. Nachr. XXIII.. 1846, col. 193-196. 34. Observations de la comete de FAYE. Astr. Nachr. XXIII., 1846, col. 299-302. 35. Recherches sur les mouvements d'Uranus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII.. 1846, pp. 907-918 ; Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 53-80, 85-92. 36. Sur la planete qui produit les anomalies observees dans le mouvement d'Uranus. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 428-438, 657-662. 37. Comparaison des observations de la nouvelle planete avec la theorie deduite des perturbations d'Uranus. Paris, Comptes Rendus. XXIIL, 1846, p. 771. 38. Sur la deeouverte de deux nouvelles petites planetes. Bibl. L'niv. Archives, V., 1847, pp. 397-400. 39. Recherches sur les conu-tes periodiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 561- 571, 916-926 ; Amer. Acad. Proc. I., 1846-48, pp. 296-300; Astr. Nachr. XXVL, 1848, col. 375-384 ; Roma, Corrisp. Scient. I., 1848, pp. 307-309 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI.. 1848, col. 369-380. Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph. 40. Note sur les orbites de Flore calculees par MM. HIND, D'AKKEST, et Hugh BEEEX. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXV., 1847, pp. 851-854. 41. Note sur les erreurs produites dans le calcul des orbites des planetes et des cometes, par les erreurs des observations fondanieutales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 609- 611. 42. Theorie du mouvement de Mereure. Connaiss. des Temps, 1848, pp. 3-165. 43. Memoire sur la comete periodique de 1770. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 465-469. 44. Sur la planete Neptune. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 273-279, 325-332. 45. Recherches sur les mouvements de la planete Herschel. [1846.] Connaiss. des Temps, 1849, pp. 1-254. 46. Nouvelles recherches sur les mouve- ments des planetes, Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX,, 1849, pp. 1-5 ; XXX., 1850, pp. 457- 465. 47. Remarques sur la nouvelle edition de la " Mecanique Celeste." Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 21-22. — — 48. Retour de la comete periodique de M. FAYE. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 789-793. 49. Remarques a 1'occasion de la derniere communication de M. PETIT sur les bolides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 561-566. SO. Efemeride della cometa di FAYE. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1851, p. 46. 51. Determination des differences des etoiles fondamentales eu ascension droite, d'apres les observations faites u Greenwich (1750-1762). Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 497-507. 52. Ascensions droites relatives des 36 etoiles fondamentales, deduites des observations faites u. 1'Observatoire Royal de Greenwich (1750-1762 et 1836-1850). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 815-820; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XILL, 1852-53, p. 82. 53. On interpolation applied to the cal- culation of the coefficients of the developement of the disturbing function. ( Transl.) Taylor, Scieutif. Mem. V., 1852, pp. 334-352. 54. Tables du mouvement apparent du So- leil, deduites de la comparaison de la theorie avec les observations faites depuis 1750jusqu'a nos jours. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIII., 1852-53, pp. 236-238. 55. Tables du mouvement apparent du Soleil. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 349-359. LEV] 991 [LEV le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph. 56. Sur la construction des tables astronomiques et sur les observations du Soleil. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 1105-1106. 57. Considerations sur 1'ensemble du sys- teme des petites planetes situees entre Mars et Jupiter. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 793-798 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 62-64 ; Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1854, pp. 80-84. 58. Sur les eccentricites et les incliuaisons des orbites des petites planetes. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXVII, 1853, pp. 965-966. 59. Resume des observations de la pres- sion barometrique et de la temperature, faites a 1'Observatoire Imperial de Paris pendant les mois de Janvier, Fevrier, Mars, et Avril 1 854. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 797-799. 60. Observation d'une nouvelle comete (V. 1854). Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 353- 354. 61. Remarques sur des observations de la declinaison magnetique faites a, Paris en 1 8'54. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 250- 262. 62. Sur le changement qu'eprouve la bous- sole dans sa direction, lorsqu'on la transporte d'un point a un autre de la terrasse de 1'Obser- vatoire Imperial de Paris. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 361-365. 63. Note a 1'occasion de la derniere com- munication de M. VALZ ("relative aux elements des orbites des astres nouveaux avec une ap- proximation poussee jusqu'aux secondes]. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 817-818. 64. Sur la determination des longitudes terrestres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 249-257. 65. Entdeckung eines Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XL VI., 1857, col. 365-366. 66. Fifty-first and fifty-second asteroids. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, p. 135. 67. Fifty-third asteroid. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, p. 135. 68. Remarques sur les cometes et sur 1'hypothese d'un milieu resistant. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 891-894. 69. Note relative a la nomenclature des petites planetes du groupe compris entre Mars et Jupiter. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 36-38. 7O. Sur la theorie de Mercure et sur le mouvement du perihelie de cette planete. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 379-383 ; Moigno, Cosmos, XV., 1859, pp. 471-476. Z>e Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph. 71. Obser- vations de Mnemosyne 0 faites a Pequatorial de la tour de 1'oucst, a 1'Observatoire Imperial de Paris. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, p. 483. 72. Rapport sur 1'eclipse du 18 Juillet. Presse Scientifique, I., 1860, pp. 97-102, 222- 226 ; Roma, Corrisp. Scient. VI., 1863, pp. 251-253 ; Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 309-312. 73. Sur la constitution du systeme plane- taire. Theorie et Tables de Mars. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1106-1112; Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1861, pp. 222-227. 74. Elements de 1'orbite de la grande comete de 1861. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 41-44. 75. Sur la grande comete de 1861, et sur le mouvement de 1'etoile Sirius en declinaison. Paris, Comptes Rendus, Lin.. 1861, pp. 80-81. 76. Sur la nomenclature du systeme des petites planetes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 430-433. 77. Sur le passage de Mercure devant le disque du Soleil, le 12 Novembre au matin. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 746- 748. 78. Observations du passage de Mercure sxir le Soleil, faites en divers lieux le 12 No- vembre dernier. Paris, Comptes Reudus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 946-955. 79. Observations equatoriales de la grande comete de 1861. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1034-1043. 80. Sur le systeme des planetes les plus voisines du Soleil, Mercure, Venus, la Terre et Mars. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1043-1044. 81. Observations qui ont ete faites a Rome du passage de Mercure sur le Soleil, le 12 No- vembre. Presse Scientifique, III., 1861, pp. 748-751. 82. Sur le systeme des planetes Mercure, Venus, la Terre et Mars. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. J7-31. 83. Eclipse de Soleil du 31 Decembre 1861. Observations meteorologiques faites a Paris. Observations astronomiques et meteo- rologiques faites a Marseille. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 230-231. 84. Eclipse totale de Soleil, le 31 Decem- bre 1861, observee a 1'ile de la Triuite. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 426-428. 85. Comete de Juillet, 1862. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 291-293. 86. Determination de la longitude du Havre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 453-460; 483-485. LEV] 992 [LEV Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph. 87. Refuta- tion de quelques critiques et allegations portees centre les travaux de 1'Observatoire Imperial de Paris, et denuees de toute espece de fondement. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 105- 118. 88. De 1'influence des erreurs systematiques dans quelques recherches d'astronomie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI., 1863, pp. 164-170. Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph, et G. B. Airy. Nouvelle determination de la difference de lon- gitude entre les Observatoires de Paris et de Greenwich. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX, 1854, pp. 552-566. Levesque, S. Nouvelle methode pour tracer les cadrans solaires liorizontaux. Nouv. Ann. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 310-311. Levetzky, . Sur les perles de Viatka. Mos- cou, Soc. Nat. Bull, II., 1830, pp. 223-227. Levi, E. Boden und Aschcnanalyseii. Liebig, Annalen, L. 1844, pp. 421-426. Levie, L. Proeve eener physiologische verk- laring van den Hartstoot. Nederlansch Lancet, IV., 1848-9, pp. 1-8, 121-140; Eoser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, VIII., 1849, pp. 420-441. 2. Over de werking der verdoovende middelen in het algemeen, en over de werking en algemeene aanwending van de Nux vomica en hare alcaloiden en het bijzonder. Neder- laudsch Lancet, IV., 1848-9, pp. 164-176. Levieux, . et Le Turquier-Deslong- champs. Concordance des figures de plantes Cryptogames. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1819 (SuppL). Levison, J. L. Singular fossil Nuts. Thomson, Aim. Phil. X., 1825, pp. 431-432. Levison, L. Waaraemingeu van Echinococcus- blazen in de lever en het Onientum magnum. Nederlandsch Lancet, III., 1847, pp. 37-52. Le Voir, L. C. Notiz iiber Ammoniakgehalt des destillirten Wassers und Eisenoxyd in statu nascenti. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 326-328. 2. Ueber Eisenoxyd in statu nascenti. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXLX., 1863, pp. 145-146. 3. Zur Disinfection. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIX., 1863, p. 147. Levol, A. Observations sur les phenoinenes qui accompaguent la precipitation d'uii metal a 1'etat metallique par un autre en presence d'un troisieme metal n'exereant pus d'action chimique, et sur les circonstances qui peuvent modifier les resultats. Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1837, pp. 285-290. Levol, A. 2. Note sur 1'action du protoxide de fer sur le deuxtoide de cuivre, a 1'etat d'hydrates. Aunal. de Chimie, LXV., 1837, pp. 320-324; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 115-118; Liebig. Annalen, XXVIII., 1838, pp. 229-231. 3. Sur le sulfure de phosphore. Annal. de Chimie, LXVII., 1838, pp. 332-335 : Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XV., 1838, pp. 119-121. 4. Nouvelle pissette. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIII., 1838, pp. 222-223. 5. Note sur le minium. Annal. de Chimie, LXXV., 1840, pp. 108-111; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem., XXII., 1841, pp. 38-41 ; Liebig, Annalen, XL., 1841, pp. 270-271. 6. Precede de dosage et de reconnaissance des melanges de proto- et de perchlorure d'anti- moine. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1841, pp. 504- 508 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIV., 1841, pp. 253-256 ; Liebig, Annalen, XL., 1841, pp. 274-275. 7. Note sur un nouveau moyen de doser le cuivre. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1842, pp. 381- 383. 8. Nouveau moyen d'essai des manganeses. Journ. de Pharm. L, 1842, pp. 210-213 ; X., 1846, pp. 26-32 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 151-155 ; XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 341-343. 9. Remarques sur 1'emploi du Cyanure- ferrure de Potassium comme reactif. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 211-213; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 361- 363. 10. Note sur dc nouveaux moyens de dorer et. d'argentcr au trempe. Journ. de Pliarm. III., 1843, pp. 213-215 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 23-25. 11. Note sur la preparation de 1'or pur, et remarqucs sur les essais d'or. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 51-54. 12. De 1'action du phosphore sur les dis- solutions metalliques. Revue Scientifiqtie, II., 1844, pp. 269-272. 13. Note sur la preparation de 1'oxide d'argent, et sur un nouveau procede de reduc- tion du chlorure d'argent par la voie humide. Revue Scientifique, IIL, 1844, pp. 100-102. 14. Methode de separation quantitative de 1'etain d'avec rantiraoine. Anual. de Chimie, XIII., 1845, pp. 125-127. 15. .Etudes de quelques uns des pheno- nienes qui se produisent dans la coupellation des alliages d'argent et d'or. Annal. de Chimie, XV., 1845, pp. 55-64 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVL, 1845, pp. 366-372. 16. Notiz iiber die Schmelzbarkeit einiger Salzgernische. (Trans!.) Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 28-30. LEV] . 993 [LEV Level, A. 17. Note sur une nouvelle propriete de 1'oxicle de carbone. Revue Scientifique, IV., 1845, pp. 303-304. 18. Memoire sur lo dosage de 1'arsenic dans les mutaux usuels et dans leurs alliages. Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1846, pp. 493-504 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 174-176. 19. Note sur un moyen d'eviter les incon- venients qui resultent de la presence du mer- cure dans 1'essai d'argent par le precede de la voie humide. Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1846, pp. 504-507 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 177-179. 20. Lettre sur le precede pour le dorage d'argent. Annal. de Chimie, XVIIL, 1846, p. 331. — — 21. Note sur la preparation de 1'acide pour le toucheau. Jouru. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 19-20 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 343-344. 22. Note sur 1'arseniate d'ammoniaque et de magncsie bibasique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 57-58 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1846, pp. 501-502; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 381-382. 23. Note sur une nouvelle cause d'hetero- geneite des alliages d'argent et de cuivre pro- duite par absorption d'oxigene. Revue Scienti- fique, X., 1846, pp. 211-213. 24. Analyse de quelques composes formes d'or et d'argent. Annal. de Chimie, XXVII., 1849, pp. 310-315; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIX., 1850, pp. 171-175. — — 25. Memoire sur les alliages, considered sous le rapport de leur composition chimique. Revue Scientifique, V., 1849, pp. 366-392 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 111-114. 26. Observations sur 1'or sulfure, et deter- mination du poids atomique de 1'or a 1'aide d'une nouvelle methode. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 355-361 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 446-450. 27. Observations sur 1'etat naturel de Par- senic dans les depots des eaux minerales man- gano-arseniferes. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 94-96. - 28. Memoire sur les alliages, considered sous le rapport de leur composition chimique. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVI., 1852, pp. 193- 224; XXXIX., 1853, pp. 163-184; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 449-456 ; Neuchatel, Bull. III., 1853, pp. 32-38. 29. Ueber die Legirungen des Kupfers mit dem Silber. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXX., 1853, pp. 128-129. 30. De 1'influence du bismuth sur la duc- tilite du cuivre. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LIL, 1853, pp. 746-748. VOL. in. Level, A. 31. Note sur la conversion du prot- oxyde de plomb en minium, a la temperature ordinaire. Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1854, pp. 196-199 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 310-312 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 43-44. 32. Note sur une modification qu'il con- vient d'introduire, dans certains cas, a la me- thode d'essai de 1'argent par la voie humide. Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 347-348. 33. Nouveaux modes d'essai du plomb et de Pantimoine sulfures. Annal. de Chimie, XLVL, 1856, pp. 472-477. 34. De 1'essai du minerai d'etain. Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 87-91. 35. Nouveau mode de dosage des chlo- rures et des sulfates. Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 99-103. 36. Note sur la conversion du carbonate de chaux en sulfate par le sulfate d'ammo- niaque. Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 116-117. 37. Eclaircissements sur la formation du minium dans 1'interieur des coupelles im- pregnees de protoxyde de plomb. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 358-359. 38. Note sur la sonorite de 1'etain. Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 110-111. 39. Note sur une alteration produite sur les plombes d'un reservoir d'eau. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LVIII., 1859, pp. 439-440. 40. On the quantitative determination of Lead in Chemical Analysis. ( Translated from Repertoire de Chimie appliquee, IV.) Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 144-145. Levrat, Gustavo. Causes de deterioration chez les Coleopteres. Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. 1850, pp. 218-219. — 2. Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Pimelia (P. Mulsanti). Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. I., 1852-53, p. 1. 3. Description de trois Coleopteres nou- veaux (Argutor siculus, Telephorus puncticollis, Gibbium Boieldieui). Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. IV., 1857, pp. 417-420. Iievrault, . Rapport sur les provinces de Canelos et du Napo. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XL, 1839, pp. 57-86. Levret, . Determination du nombre des combinaisons completes. Nouv. Ann. Math. I., 1842, pp. 87-90. Levret, . Reproduction sur cuivre d'une gravure faite sur pierre. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, L., 1860, pp. 580-584. Le"vy, A. On the determination of certain secon- dary faces in crystals, which require neither measurement nor calculation. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 227-237; Annal. de Chi- mie, XXL, 1822, pp. 263-279. 6K LEV] 994 [LEV Levy, A. 2. On the crystalline forms of arti- ficial salts. Quart. Journ. Sci. XV., 1823, pp. 282-288. 3. Account of a new mineral (Humboldt- ite). Thomson. Ann. Phil. V., 1823, pp. 130- 134. . 4. Description of a new mineral (Tur- nerite). Thomson, Ann. Phil. V., 1823, pp. 241-243. 5. On Cleavelandite. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VI., 1823, pp. 394-395. 6. Observations on the preceding paper on Felspar, Albite, Labrador (etc.), by ROSE ; with an account of a new mineral (Forsterite). Thomson, Ann. Phil. VII., 1824, pp. 59-62. 7. Account of a new mineral substance (Bucklandite). Thomson, Ann. Phil. VII., 1824, pp. 134-136. 8. Account of a new mineral substance (Babingtonite). Thomson, Ann. Phil. VII., 1824, pp. 275-277. 9. On a new mineral substance (Broch- antite). Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 240-245. 10. Account of a new mineral substance (Eoselite). Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 439-441. 11. On the modes of notation of WEISS, MOHS, and HAUY. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XII., 1825, pp. 70-81 ; XIV., 1826, pp. 131-135, 256-270. 12. Description of Eudialite. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XII., 1825, pp. 81-82. 13. An account of a new mineral (Brook- ite). Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1825, pp. 140- 142. 14. Description of two new minerals (Herschelite and Phillipsite). Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1825, pp. 361-363. 15. On Euclase. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIV., 1826, pp. 129-131; Poggend. Annal. IX., 1827, pp. 283-285. 16. Descriptions of two new minerals (Konigine and Beudantite). Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1826, pp. 194-196; Annal. deChimie, VI., 1826, pp. 497-499. — 17. On the Tungstate of Lead. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1826, pp. 364-366 ; Poggend. Annal. VIH., 1826, pp. 513-516. 18. On the identity of Epistilbite and Heulandite. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 6-11. 19. On some newly discovered Siberian Minerals (Tautalite, Gadolinite, and Zircon). Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 26-27. — 2O. On the origin of the crystalline forms of the Haytorite. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 43- 46. Ii£vy, A. 21. On the crystalline forms of Wag- nerite. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 133-135 ; Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 326-329. 22. On a new mineral species (Mohsite). Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 221-222 ; Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 329-330. 23. On a new mineral substance, proposed to be called Murchisonite. Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 448-452. 24. Memoire sur difierentes proprietes des surfaces du second ordre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IV., 1828, pp. 18-27. 25. Sur une nouvelle maniere de deter- miner la pesanteur specifique des corps. Que- telet, Corresp. Math. VI., 1830, pp. 208-210. 26. Mcjmoire sur quelques proprietes des systemes de forces. Quetelet, Corresp, Math. VI., 1830, pp. 261-271. 27. Sur la Haydeuite, et sur la Beau- montite. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1839, pp. 133-135. 28. Inconvenients de 1'emploi de notations cristallographiques differentes suivant les auteurs. L'Institut, VIII., 1840, p. 388. 29. Question sur les probabilities. Nouv. Ann. Math. I., 1842, pp. 179-183. 3O. Probleme sur deux cercles. Nouv. Ann. Math. I., 1842, pp. 364-365. 31. Description de plusieurs especes mine- rales appartenant a la fainille du zinc. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1843, pp. 507-521. Levy, Anguste. Sur quelques observations me- teorologiques. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1851-52, pp. 92-100. 2. Etude sur un effet remarquable produit par le tonnerre. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1852-53, pp. 154-167. 3. Sur des alterations produites par 1'elec- tricite sur des vegetaux. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1852-53, pp. 168-176. 4. Etude scientifique et archeologique sur le territoire de la ville de Rouen, dans les temps les plus recules. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1859-60, pp. 177-225. 5. Etude scientifique et archeologique sur les rives et I'embouchure de la Seine. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1861-62, pp. 122-149. Levy, Atiffttste, et J. Girn.rd.in. Recherches sur les causes d'un incendie qui a eclate a Elbeuf, dans une secherie de laine, le 3 Fevrier 1856. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1855-56, pp. 131-143. Levy, C. E. Beschreibung einer Missgeburt mit vollstiindiger Wirbelspalte und einem Darm- bruche in der Ruckgrathshohle. Miiller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 22-33. LEV] 995 [LEW Levy, J. Notice sur les divers terrains super- poses au terrain houiller, et sur les principaux fails concernant les travaux entrepris jusqu'a ce jour clans le bassin cle la Moselle. St. Etieune, Bull. Soc. Industr. V., 1359, pp. 43-100. ^ Levy, Marc. Memoire sur les polygones etoiles. Rouen, Trav. Acad. 1824, pp. 40-50. Lewakowski, J. Observations sur les terrains tertiaire et quaternaire clans les gouvernements de Kherson, d'Ekatherinoslaw, de la Tauride et dans le pays cles Cosaques du Don. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIV., 1861, pp. 463-480. 2. Zur Geologic von Siid-Russland. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXV., 1862, pp. 514-530. Lewald, Georg. Untersucliungen iiber die Aus- scheidung von Arzneimitteln aus clem Organis- mus, insbesondere iiber die der mineralischen und vegetabilischen Adstringeutien clurch die Nieren und ihren Einfluss auf die Thatigkeit derselbeu. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1861 (Abh.\ pp. 236-290. Lewenau, de. Extraction clu Selenium des depots sulfureux provenant de la fabrication de 1'acide sulfurique par les pyrites. Jouru. cle Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 94-98; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 104-106. Lewes, G. H. The spinal chord, a sensational and volitional centre. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 135-138. 2. On the chylaqueous fluid of the Ac- tinice. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 417- 418. 3. New British species of Hydra (H. rubra). Aim. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 71-72. ' 4. The sensory and motor functions of iierves. Nat. Hist. Review, 1861, pp. 176- 185. Lewin, Georg. Studien iiber Phosphorvergiftung. Virchow, Archiv, XXI., 1861, pp. 506-567. Lewin, J-J'iffiam. Observations respecting some rare British Insects (Sphinx apiformis, Sph. crabronifonnis, Phalaena trifolii, and Ichneu- mon chrysopus). [1793.] Linn. Soc. Trans. III., 1797, pp. 1-4. Lewins, Robert. Remarks on the physiological and therapeutical effects of Colchicum. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XL VII., 1837, pp. 345-358. Lewinsky, . Bericht iiber das von Dr. LAMATSCII dargestellte Pepsin im Narnen und Auftrage des zur Priifung desselben designirteu Comites. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. Aerzte, I., 1853, pp. 49-57. Lewinstein, Gustav. Ueber die Zusammensetz- ung des glasigen Feldspaths. Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 98-110. 2. Die Zusammensetzung des Domits vom Puy de Dome. Poggend. Annal. XCVTII., 1856, pp. 163-165. Lewis, E. Objections to M. STUTCHBURY'S genus Cypraecassis. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. 387-388. 2. Desultory observations on zoological subjects. Zool. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1840, p. 118 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1841, p. 545. Lewis, E. W. [Habits of Pimpla stercorator.] Mag. Nat. Hist. VI., 1833, pp. 414-417. Lewis, F. IV. Notes on new and rarer species of Diatomaceas of the United States sea-board (Triceratium alternans, Surirella pulchra, S. Febigerii, S. ovata, Cymatopleura marina, etc.). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 61-74 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1862, pp. 155-161. 2. On some new and singular intermediate forms of Diatomaceie. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1863, pp. 336-346. Lewis, James. Description of a new species of shell, Cyclas crocea. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 25-26. 2. On Lymnaia catoscopiuni. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 27-29. 3. Notes on Paludina decisa, Say. Bos- ton, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 52-53. 4. Remarks on Cyclas, Physa, and Lymnaea. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 120-125. 5. Conchological Notes. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 295-298. 6. Shell-bearing species of Mollusca (Unio complanatus, U. cariosus, U. luteolus, Alasmo- don rugosa, Anoclou fluviatilis, etc.), observed in portions of Herkimer and Otsego counties, New York. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 2-4. 7. Registering Thermometer. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, pp. 21-33. 8. Catalogue of the Molluscs in the vicinity of Mohawk, New York. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 17-19. 9. On Melania (Arunicola) lapidaria. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VIII., 1861-62, pp. 255-256. 10. Remarks on some species of Paludina, Amnicola, Valvata, and Melania : Amnicola (Pal.) limosa, A. (Pal.) grana, Melania subu- laris, M. exilis, Paludina Integra, etc. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1862, pp. 587-593. 11. Molluscs of the Mohawk district, New York (Paludina rufa, Melania virgiuica, M. isogona, Sphcerium solidulum). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IX., 1863, pp. 160-163. Lewis, James A. Kenawha Gas. Silliman, Journ. XLIX., 1845, pp. 209-211; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVI., 1845, col. 230-232. Lewis, Joel. Case of apparently vicarious men- strual discharge. New England Journ. Med. VII., 1818, pp. 317-319. 6 K 2 LEW] 996 [LEW Lewis, Locke. An account of the Ovahs, a race of people residing in the interior of Madagas- car ; with ;i sketch of their country, appear- ance, dress, language, &c. Geogr. Soc. Journ. V., 1835, pp. 230-242. Lewis, R. II. Explanation of the sudden appear- ance of the Web-spinning Blight of the Apple, Hawthorn, &c. Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1836, pp. 21-22. 2. Descriptions of some new genera of British Homoptera (Idiocerus, Macropsis, and Batracomorphus). Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1836, pp. 47-51 ; Gistl, Faunus, I., 1837, pp. 125- 127. — — 3. Case of maternal attendance on the larva by an insect of the tribe of Terebrantia, belonging to the genus Perga, observed at Hobarton, Tasmania. Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1836, pp. 232-234. 4. Notes made during a voyage from Eng- land to Van Dicmeu's Land, with a sketch of the Entomology of the Cape of Good Hope. Entom. Soc. Trans. L, 1836 (Proc.), pp. Ixxix- Ixxxi. 5. Observations upon the Entomology of Van Diemen's Land. Entom. Soc. Trans. II., 1837-40 (Proc.), p. xliv. Lewis, Richard T. On the changes in the apparent size of the Moon. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 380-382. Lewis, T. H. A brief account of some experi- ments made upon concrete. Brit. Arch. Inst. Papers, 1857-58, pp. 45-46. Lewis, W. Augustus. On a new species of Hy- panthocrinites from the Wenlock Shale of Wal- sall. London Geol. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 99- 100. Lewis, W. J. A new method of involving poly- nomials to any power. Franklin Inst. Joum. III., 1842, pp. 44-49 ; Silliman, Journ. XLII., 1842, pp. 239-243. Lewis, W. T. On the Plant yielding the " Rice- Paper" of China. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. VILL, 1854, pp. 65-66. Lewis, William. On the assaying of Gold by cupellation with Lead, and by parting with Aqua Fortis. Gill, Techn. Rep. V., 1824, pp. 381-394. 2. On the refining of Gold. Gill, Techn. Rep. VI., 1824, pp. 55-64. 3. On the colour of Gold, and the methods of restoring its lustre, when sullied. Gill, Techn. Rep. VI., 1824, pp. 136-142. • 4. On the melting of Gold, and the pre- paration of Gold-Leaf. Gill, Techn. Rep. VI., 1824, pp. 304-314. 5. On Portable Furnaces, for making ex- periments in Chemistry, &c. Gill, Techn. Rep. X., 1827, pp. 361-370. Lewis, William. 6. On the different Black Colours. Gill, Techn. Rep. XL, 1827, pp. 357- 369. Lewis, Window. Description of a Gibbon. Bos- ton, Journ. Nat. Hist. I., 1834-37, pp. 32-40. Lewy, . Foredrag om Vaxarterne i almin- delighed. Skaud. Naturf. Forhandl. IV., 1844, pp. 116-137. Lewy, />. Note sur la composition de la paraf- fine. Annal. de Chimie, V., 1842, pp. 395-399; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. XXVII., 1842, pp. 360-363 ; Liebig, Annal. XLIV., 1842, pp. 308-309. 2. Note sur la cire des abeilles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 675-678 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 13-14. 3. Recherches sur la composition de Fair atmospherique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 235-248 ; Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1843, pp. 425-478 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 207-224 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVII., 1843, col. 197-200; Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 212-215. 4. Note sur la cire de Chine. Paris, Comptes' Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 978-980 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 13-15 ; Liebig, Annal. L1L, 1844, p. 424. 5. Examen de la resine de Maynas. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 242-245 ; Anual. de Chimie, X., 1844, pp. 380-383 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 94-97. 6. Recherches sur les diverses especes de cires. Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1845, pp. 438-460 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 65-83 ; Sillimau, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 117-118. 7. Recherches sur les cires en general. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 34-41. 8. Sur quelques combinaisons nouvelles du perchlorure d'ctain. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 369-374; Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1846, pp. 303-313; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVL, 1845, pp. 144-150 ; XXXVIL, 1846, pp. 478-482; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 375-378. 9. Recherches sur la composition des gaz, que 1'eau de mer tient en dissolution dans les differeuts moments de la journee. [1845.] An- nal. de Chimie, XVII., 1846, pp. 5-23; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV1IL, 1846, pp. 358- 370 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1846, col. 305- 310 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 130-132 ; Liebig, Annal. LVIIL, 1846, pp. 326-335. 1O. Analyse d'une eau thermale du Paramo de Ruiz. Jouru. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 487- 488 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 449-453. LEW] 997 [LEY Lewy, n. 11. Sur la pluie lerreuse tombee dans la partie sud-est de la France, pendant les grands orages des 16 et 17 Octobre 1846. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 810- 812. 12. Lettre a M. BODSSINGAULT sur la composition cbimique de Fair. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 725-726; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIL, 1851, pp. 278-279 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXVIIL, 1851, pp. 123-124. 13. Note sur le Cedron. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 335-336 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIL, 1852, pp. 134-135. 14. Rechercbes sur la constitution de I'atmosphere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1 851, pp. 345-349 ; Annal. de Cbimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 5-29 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIL, 1852, pp. 126-130 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 249-253 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 212-214. 15. Recberches sur la formation et la composition des emeraudes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 877-881 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1858, pp. 5-26 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 167-171 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, p. 60. Lewy, B., et J. B. Boussingault. Observa- tions simultanees faites a Paris et a Andilly pour rechercher la proportion d'acide carbonique contenue dans 1'air atmospherique. Annal. de Chimie, X., 1844, pp. 470-474. — — 2. Memoire sur la composition de 1'air confine dans la terre vegetate. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 764-775; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1852, pp. 5-50 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Bot.\ 1853, pp. 5-16; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 341-350; Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 128-130. Lexis, E. Geschichte eines merkwiirdigen Falles von Cyanosis, bedingt durch Oeffnung beider Ventrikel in die Aorta. Hufeland, Journ. Arzn. LXXXL, 1835 (Hft. 6), pp. 84-88. Ley, W. Ueber Rubus concolor, Ley, und Rubus floribundus, Ley, zwei neue Species dieser Gattung aus der Umgegend Eupen's. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verband. 1845, pp. 19-22. 2. Berichtigung eiuiger irrthunilichen An- gaben unseres Prodromus, zunachst fiir den Regierungsbezirk Aachen. Rheinl. u. West- phal. Verhand. 1845, pp. 35-37. Leybold, Friedrich. Daphne petrrea, eine iieue Pflanze der Tyroler Alpen. Flora, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 81-82. 2. Androsace Pacheri und Mohringia glauca, zwei neue Pflanzen der Siiddeutschen Alpenkette. Flora, XXXVL, 1853. pp. 585- 586. Leybold, Friedrich. 3. Neuere Bemerkungen iiber Androsace Hausmanni. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. III., 1853, pp. 412-413. 4. Botanische Skizzen von den Grenzen Siidtyrols. Flora, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 129- 139, 147-154. 5. Ranunculus minutus, cine Varietiit des R. monlanus, uud Artemisia norica, die Varie- tiit von Artemisia nana, Gaud., in den ostlichen Centralalpen. Flora, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 369- 370. 6. Der Schleern bei Botzen in Siidtyrol ; allgemeine Beschreibung desselben und Auf- fiihrung der daselbst gefuudenen Gefiisspflanzen (Anemone vernalis, Ranunculus montanus, Trol- lius Europa3us, Actsea spicata, Arabis hirsuta, etc.), je nach ibren eigenthumlichen Stand- orten. Flora, XXXVIL, 1854, pp. 433-444, 449-456. 7. Eine botanische Excursion von Botzen nach dem Eishof am Siidabhang des grossen Oetzthaler Gletschers. Flora, XXXVIL, 1854, 657-665. 8. Primula villosa-auricula. (Ein wilder Blendling ; beobachtet auf Urgebirg in Judi- carien). Skofitz, Botan. "Wocheubl. IV., 1854, pp. 9-10. 9. Ueber Tyroler Schlangen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhaudl. V., 1854 (Sitzlter.), pp. 19- 21. 1O. Asplenium Seelosii, ein neuer Farm aus Siidtyrol. Flora, XXXVIIL, 1855, pp. 81- 82. 11. Nachtragliche Berichtigungen iiber ein PaarTyrolische Pflanzen (Artemisia borealis und Primula FlOrkeana). Flora, XXXVIIL, 1855, pp. 132-133. 12. Ein botanischer Ausflug auf den Gaukofel in Siidtyrol. Flora, XXXVIIL, 1855, pp. 305-316. 13. Stirpium in alpibus orientali-austra- libus nuperrime repertarum nonullarumque non satis adhuc expositarum Icones; quibus brevem ex recentissimis observationibus derivatam ad- junxit descriptionem auctor. Flora, XXXVIIL, 1855, pp. 337-349. 14. Dos nuevas plantas Clulenas (Viola atropurpurea, Barneoudia Domeykoana). Chile, Anal. Univ. 1858, pp. 158-159 ; Flora, XLIL, 1859, pp. 241-243. 15. Cinco plantas nuevas de la Flora de Chile, a saber : Psycrophila notophylla, Draba stenophylla, Viola rbombifolia, V. microphylla, Phil., e Ceratophyllum chilense. Chile, Anal. Univ. 1859, pp. 678-683. 16. Descripcion de una nueva especie de pez descubierto en el Rio-Seco de los baiios de Colina. Chile, Anal. Univ. 1859, pp. 1083- 1088. LEY] 998 [LEY Leybold, Friedrich. 17. On Tecophileacere, a new natural order of monocotyledonous plants. Seeman. Journ. Bot. I., 1863, pp. 9-10. Leycester, Aug. A. Notes on the habits of Menura Albert!. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVIII., 1860, p. 113 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1860, p. 731. 2. Narrative of an excursion to the moun- tains of the Richmond river, New South Wales, in quest of PRINCE ALBERT'S Lyre-bird. Sclater, Ibis, HI., 1861, pp. 167-176. leycester, E. M. Some account of the volcanic groups of Santorin or Thera, once called Cal- liste. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XX., 1851, pp. 1-37. 2. Some account of the volcanic group of Milo, Anti-Milo, Kimolo, and Polino. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXII., 1852, pp. 201-227. Xieyde, Ed. Ueber die Bedeutung des Sauer- stofts iui Haushalte der Natur. Berlin, Poly- techn. Gesell. Verhaudl. XIIL, 1852, pp. 17-26. 2. Ueber Cement. Berlin, Polytechn. Gesell. Verhaudl. XIII., 1852, pp. 85-88. ieyden, John. Sketch of Borneo. Batav. Ge- nootsch. Verhand. VII., 1814. leydig, Franz. Die Dot.terfurchung nach ihrem Vorkonimen in der Thierwelt und nach ihrer Bedeutung. Oken, Isis, 1848, col. 161-193. 2. Zur Anatomie von Piscicola geometrica init theilweiser Vergleichung anderer einheim- ischer Hirudineen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeit- schr. I., 1849, pp. 103-134. 3. Ueber die Schleimcanale der Knochen- fische. Miiller, Archiv, 1850, pp. 170-181. 4. Zur Anatomic der mannlicheu Ge- schlechtsorgane und Analdriisen der Siiugethiere. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 1-57. 5. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Entvdckel- ung der Bluttliiuse. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeit- schr. II., 1850, pp. 62-66. 6. Ueber Paludina vivipara ; ein Beitrag zur naheren Kenntniss dieses Thieres in embryo- logischer, anatomischer und histiologischer Be- ziehung. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 125-197 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 36-37. — — 7. Ueber Argulus foliaceus ; ein Beitrag zur Anatomie, Histiologie und Entwicklungs- geschichte dieses Thieres. Siebold und Kolli- ker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 322-349. 8. Ueber Psorospermien und Gregarmen. Miiller, Archiv, 1851, pp. 221-234 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853, pp. 206-209. 9. Ueber die Nervenkniipfe in den Schleim- canalen von Lepidoleprus, Umbrina und Cor- vina. Miiller, Archiv, 1851, pp. 235-240. 10. Zur Anatomie und Histologie der Chimaera monstrosa. Miiller, Archiv, 1851, pp. 241-271. Ley dig, Franz. 11. Ueber die Haut einiger .Siisswasserfische. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeit- schr. III., 1851, pp. 1-12. 12. Ueber Artemia salina und Branchipus stagnalis ; Beitrag zur anatomischen Kenntuiss dieser Thiere. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 280-307. 13. Anatomisches iiber Brauchellion und Pontobdella. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 315-324. 14. Anatomische Bemerkungen iiber Cari- naria, Firola und Amphicora. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 325-332. 15. Anatomisches und Histiologisches iiber die Larve von Corethra plumicornis. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 435- 451. 16. Zur Anatomie uud Eutwickelungsge- schichte der Lacinularia socialis. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 452-474. 17. Ueber ein neues parasitisches Krusten- thier (Spheerosoma corvinre). Wiegmanu, Ar- chiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 259-262. 18. Ueber Flimrnerbewegung in den Uter- indriisen des Schweines. _] Miiller, Archiv, 1852, pp. 375-378. 19. Anatomische Notizen iiber Synapta digitata. Miiller, Archiv, 1852, pp. 507-520. 2O. Einige histologische Beobachtungen iiber den Schlammpeitzger (Cobitis fossilis). Miiller, Archiv, 1853, pp. 3-8. 21. Neuer Schmarotzerkrebs auf einem Weichthier, Doridicola agilis. Siebold und Kol- liker, IV., 1853, pp. 377-387. 22. Ein neuer Bandwurm aus Polypterus bichir. Wiegmann, Archiv, XIX., 1853, pp. 219-222. 23. Ueber das Geschlecht der BLiderthiere. Wurzburg, Verhandl. IV., 1853, pp. 104-106. 24. Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Ban der Hydren. Miiller, Archiv, 1854, pp. 270- 283. 25. Ueber einige Strudelwiirmer : Steno- stornum coluber, Catenula lemnse, Derostomum catenulas ; und iiber einige Eundwiirmer : Oucho- laimus rivalis,' O. Echini, Enoplus tridentatus. Miiller, Archiv, 1854, pp. 284-295. _ — 26. Kleinere Mittheilungeu zur thierischen Gewebelehre. Miiller, Archiv, 1854, pp. 296- 348. 27. Zur Anatomie von Coccus hesperidum. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. V., 1854, pp. 1-12. 28. Histologische Bemerkungen iiber den Polypterus bichir. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeit- schr. V., 1854, pp. 40-74. 29. Ueber die Vater-Pacinischen Korper- chen der Taube. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeit- schr. V., 1854, pp. 75-87. LEY] 999 [LEY Leydig, Franz. 30. Der hintere Sklerotikalring im Auge der Vogel. Miiller, Archiv, 1855, pp. 40-46. 31. Ueber Cyclas cornea, Lam. Miiller, Archiv, 1855, pp. 47-66. 32. Zum feineren Bau der Arthropoden. Miiller, Archiv, 1855, pp. 376-480. 33. Ueber den Bau und die systematische Stellung der Riiderthiere. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 1-120; Journ. Microsc. Sci. HI., 1855, pp. 136-142. 34. Ueber Tastkorperchen und Muskel- structur. Miiller, Archiv, 1856, pp. 150-159. 35. Ueber Ilydatina senta. Miiller, Ar- chiv, 1857, pp. 404-416; Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1859, pp. 288-297. 36. Ueber Parasiten niederer Thiere. Virchow, Archiv, XIII. 1858, pp. 280-282. 37. Zur Anatomie der Insecten. Reich- ert, Archiv, 1859, pp. 33-89, 149-183. 38. Ueber die ausseren Bedeckungen der Siiugethiere. Eeichert, Archiv, 1859, pp. 677- 747. 39. Bemerkungen iiber den Bau der Cy- clopiden. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 194-207. 40. Ueber Haarsackmilben und Kriitz- milben. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 338-354. — 41. Ueber Geruchs- und Gehororgane der Krebse und Insecten. Eeichert, Archiv, 1860, pp. 265-314. — 42. Ueber den'Schwanzstachel des Lowen. Eeichert, Archiv, 1860, pp. 820-824; Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 278-279. 43. Ueber Kalkablagerung in der Haut der Insecten. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXVI., 1860, pp. 157-160. 44. Die Augen und neue Sinnesorgane der Egel. Eeichert, Archiv, 1861, pp. 588-605. 45. Haben die Nematoden em Nerven- system ? Reichert, Archiv, 1861, pp. 606-614. — — 46. Ueber das Nervensystem der Anue- liden. Eeichert, Archiv, 1862, pp. 90-124. 47. Ueber das Nervensystem der After- spinne (Phalangium). Eeichert, Archiv, 1862, pp. 196-202. — — 48. Das sogenannte Bauchgefass der Schmetterlinge, und die Musculatur der Ner- vencentren bei Insecten. Reichert, Archiv, 1862, pp. 565-580. 49. Der Parasit in der neuen Krankheit der Seiden-Eaupe noch einnial. Eeichert, Archiv, 1863, pp. 186-192. 50. Einiges iiber den Fettkorper der Arthropoden. Reichert, Archiv, 1863, pp. 192- 203. Leydolt, Franz. Ueber die sehr nierkwiirdigc zwillingsartige Zusammensetzung des Ankerits. Haidinger, Bericht. I., 1847, pp. 115-116. 2. Ueber ein neues Vorkommeu des Oli- venits. Haidinger, Bericht. IV., 1848, pp. 251- 252. 3. Erne neue Methode, die Achate und andere quarzhaltige Mineralien naturgetreu darzustellen. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. II., 1851, pp. 124-132. 4. Beitragezur Kenntniss der Krystallform und der Bildungsart des Eises. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851 (Abth. 2.), pp. 477-487. 5. Ueber die Krystallbildung im gewohn- lichen Glase und in den verschiedenen Glas- fliissen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. VUL, 1852, pp. 261- 274; Poggend. Annal. LXXXVI., 1852, pp. 494-496. — 6. Ueber eine neue Methode, die Structur und Zusammensetzung der Krystalle zu unter- suchen; mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Varietiitendes rhomboedrischenQuarzes. [1854.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XV., 1855, pp. 59-85. 7. Ueber die Structur und Zusammensetz- ung der Krystalle des prismatischen Kalkha- loides. Wien^Sitz. Ber. XIX., 1856, pp. 10-32. 8. Ueber den Meteorstein von Borknt. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XX., 1856, pp. 398-406. Leyer, A. C., und Roller. Zersetzungs- producte der Federn, Igelstachelu, Haare, des Globulins, Hamatins und der Fliigeldecken der Maikafer mit verdiinnter Schwefelsaure. Wien, Sitz. Ber. IX., 1852, pp. 258-263; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVI1L, 1853, pp. 273- 278 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXIII., 1852, pp. 332- 338. Leyeune, see Lejeune. Leykauf, Th. Chemische Notizen (Ueber die Fiillung des metallischen Kupfers aus neutralem schwefelsaurem Kupferoxyd durch Zink und durch das dabei frei werdende Wasserstoffgas, etc.). Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 124-127 ; XXI., 1840, pp. 316-319. 2. Ueber die Thonarten und die Einwirkung derselben auf das Kochsalz. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XX., 1840, pp. 367-369. Leymerie. Observation sur la production de cayeux par des portions d'ecailles d'un oiguon d'Aletris Capensis. Paris, Trav. Soc. Amat. I., 1807, pp. 77-81. Leymerie, Alexandre. Notice sur les roues hydrauliques. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. VII., 1828, pp. 155-168. — - 2. Essai sur les pyrites des environs de Troyes. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. IX., 1830, pp. 1-21. 3. Coup-d'oeil sur les terrains du departe- ment de 1'Aube. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. IX., 1830, pp. 82-99. LEYJ 1000 [LEY Iieymerie, Alexandre. 4. Recit d'une excursion mineralogique aux environs de Pont-Gibaud (Puy-de-Dome), faite en Septembre 1830. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XI., 1832, pp. 103-122. 5. Note sur le soufre natif et la seleuite trouves dans la craie de Montgueux. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XII., 1833, pp. 1-4. 6. Notice geologique sur Troyes, sur la route de Troyes a Nogent, et sur la contree com- prise entre Nogent et Resson. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XII., 1833, pp. 70-82. 7. Sur la position geologique de Lyon. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1835-36, pp. 84-89. 8. Sur la- geologie du departement du Rhone. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1835-36, pp. 211-212. — - 9. Sur la coupe geologique du groupe de montagnes comprises entre la Saone et la Loire, &c. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1835-36, pp. 212-216. 10. Extrait d'un voyage en Alsace, en Lorraine et en Franche-Comte fait en I'annee, 1834. Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. 1836. 11. Sur la portion de la chaine qui separe la Saone de la Loire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIII., 1836-37, pp. 309-319. 12. Coupe du Mont d'Or Lyonnais. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1837-38, pp. 48-51. 13. Sur la Constance d'une forme de chaux carbonatee du coral-rag de 1'Aube. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1837-38, pp. 276-279. 14. Sur le terrain cretace du departement de 1'Aube. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1837-38, pp. 381-388; Paris,Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 700-702. 15. Notice sur les terrains diluviens des environs de Troyes. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XVII., 1838, pp. 89-94. 16. Memoire sur les terrains secondaires inferieurs du departement du Rhone. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 674-676. 17. Memoire sur la partie inferieure du systeme secondaire du departement du Rhone. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. III., 1838, pp. 313- 379. 18. Description geologique du departement de 1'Aube. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XVIII., 1839, pp. 68-82. 19. Puits absorbants et fontaines jaillis- santes du canton de Soulaiues. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 974-977. — — 2O. Considerations sur 1'importance que la geologie tire des fossiles, meme de ceux mal determinees. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., XL, 1839- 40, pp. 121-126. 21. Sur les terrains tertiaires du departe- ment de 1'Aube. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1840, pp. 13-24. Leymerie, Alexandre. 22. Memoire sur le terrain cretace du departement de 1'Aube, con- tenant des considerations generates sur le terrain neocomien. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. IV., 1840, pp. 291-364 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 613-614 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., XL, 1839-40, pp. 31-37. 23. Sur les depots diluviens du departe- ment de 1'Aube. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1841-42, pp. 63-78; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 989-991. 24. Suite du memoire sur le terrain cretace du departement de 1'Aube. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. V., 1842, pp. 1-34; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1843-44, pp. 39-44. — — 25. Sur les terrains superieurs des Cor- bieres. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1842-43, pp. 527-531. • 26. Note sur un gisement de mercure natif qui existerait dans le departement de 1'Aveyron vers 1'escarpement occidental du Larzac. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 1313-1319, 1451-1452. 27. Sur le terrain jurassique du departe- ment de 1'Aube. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1843-44, pp. 29-39 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1336-1339. 28. Memoire sur le terrain a nummulites (epicretace) des Corbieres et de la montagne Noire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. I., 1844, pp. 337-373 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 343-347 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1844- 45, pp. 1 1-26. 29. Exposition d'un plan pour la carte et la description geologique du departement de la Haute-Garonne. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. I., 1844, pp. 202-214. 3O. Sur la communication faite sur le lower-green-sand de 1'ile de Wight. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1844-45, pp. 41-47 ; Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 281-286. 31. Lettre sur le terrain a nummulites des Corbieres. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1844-45, pp. 270-273. — 32. Rapport sur le concours pour le prix d'histoire naturelle a decerner en 1846. Tou- louse, Mem. Acad. II., 1846, pp. 252-268. 33. Coupe des collines entre Mancioux et 1'Escalere, au sud de St. Martory, comprenant une grande partie du systeme cretace des basses montagnes de la Haute-Garonne. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. II., 1846, pp. 289-304. 34. Rapport fait au nom d'une Commission chargee d'examiner la question de 1'envahisse- raent des caves du quartier Lafayette par les eaux souterraines. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. III., 1847, pp. 90-94. LEY] 1001 [LEY Leymerie, Alca-andrc. 35. Sur un nouveau type Pyreneen parallelc a la craie proprement elite. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 738-740; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1848- 49, pp. 568-569 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. IV., 1851, pp. 177-202. 36. Voyage au Mai-bore et au Mont-Perdu. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 308- 310. 37. Sur les gites saliferes cles Pyrenees Franchises. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. V., 1849, pp. 113-122. 38. Sur une note de M. RAULIX, intitules : Quelques mots encore sur le terrain a nummu- lites. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 90-98. 39. Sur le terrain de transition superieur de la Haute-Garonne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 211-221. 40. Note sur le systeme cristallin de la tourmaline. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 707-709. 41. Tableau mineralogique du calcaire. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. VI., 1850, pp. 57-77. 42. Observations sur le peu de probability de 1'existence dans les contrees Pyreneennes, soit de la houille, soit d'aucun depot considerable de tout autre combustible fossile. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. VI., 1850, pp. 217-228. 43. Sur quelques terrains de la Provence, Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIIL, 1850-51, pp. 202- 207. 44. Note sur le plan en relief des Pyre- nees de la Haute-Garonne entrepris par M. LEZAT. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. I., 1851, pp. 346-351. 45. Note sur un Anthracotherium mag- num decouvert a Moissac (Tarn-et-Garonne), et sur 1'age geologique de cette partie du bassin sous-Pyreneen. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. I., 1851, pp. 388-394. 46. Exposition d'une methode eclectique ou Wernerienne de mineralogie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1852-53, pp. 207-234. 47. Sur quelques localites de 1'Aude, et particulierement sur certains gites epicretaces. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1852-53, pp. 511-518. — — 48. Sur le massif d'Ausseing et du Saboth (Haute-Garonne), ou Ton demontre 1'existence stratigraphique des types epicretace et cretace superieur (craie). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1852-53, pp. 518-528. 49. Les Pyrenees ne sont pas creuses. Note pour refuter 1'assertiou contraire emise par M. PETIT. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. III., 1853, pp. 285-288. 50. Du pbenomene diluvien dans la vallee de la Garonne (Haute-Garonne). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 1299-1308. VOL. III. Leymerie, Alexandre. 51. Apercju des Pyre- nees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1177-1182. 52. Sur les echinodermes des Pyrenees et des contrees annexes de cette chaine de nion- tagnes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 355-365. 53. Legende explicative des coupes du ter- rain jurassique des Pyrenees Francaises. Paris, Soc. 'Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 671-674. 54. Memoire sur 1'hemiedric. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. I., 1856, pp. 468-480; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 1042- 1053. 55. Du terrain jurassique dans les Pyre- nees Franchises. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 730-735. — 56. Sur la part qu'il paraitrait raisonnable de faire :i 1'hemiedrie dans le tableau des sys- temes cristallins. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 1183-1187. 57. Recit d'une ascension a la Maladetta, accompagne d'observations geologiques sur les roches de cette partie des Pyrenees. L'Institut, XXVI., 1858, pp. 177-280. 58. Sur quelques points de la geologic des regions Pyreneennes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 140-143. 59. Note sur le terrain de transition de la vallee de la Pique (Pyrenees de la Haute-Ga- ronne). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 636-638. 60. Lettre a M. D'AucmAC, sur le calcaire a dicerates des Pyrenees. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 848-851. 61. Sur une ascension a la Maladetta et sur les granites des Pyrenees de la Haute-Ga- ronne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 120-124. 62. Etude d'une des parties constituautes de Faeiolithe de Montrejeau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 446-447. 63. Sur 1'aerolitlie de Montrejeau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 247-248. 64. Notice sur un aerolithe tombe pres Montrejeau (Haute-Garonne), le 9 Decembre 1859. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. III., 1860, pp. 51-63. 65. Notice geologique sur Amelie-les- Bains. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. III., 1860, pp. 445-459. 66. Note sur le terrain tertiaire post-Pyre- neen du Bigorre, considere principalement dans la vallee de 1'Adour. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 257-260. — 67. Note sur la decouverte de 1'etage ap- tien aux environs d'Orthez. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 683-685. 6 L LEY] 1002 [LEZ leymerie, Alexandre. 68. Esquisso geognos- tique de la vallee de 1'Ariege. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862-63, pp. 245-291. 69. Note sur le systeme Garumnien. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862-63, pp. 483-489. Leymerie, Alexandre, et J. J. Clement-Mullet. Note sur les gres vert de Moutieramey (Aube). Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. X., 1831, pp. 157-169. Leymeriej Alexandre, et Gustave Cotteau Catalogue des echinides fossOes des Pyrenees. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII, 1855-56, pp. 319- 354. Leymerie, Alexandre, et Filhol. Note sur 1'aerolithe de Montrejeau. Paris, Comptes Een- dus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 193-198, 348-349. Leymerie, Alexandre, et N. Joly. Recherches sur les nummulitcs. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 591-592. Leynseele, Ck. van. Essai physiologique sur la periodicite dans les ibnctions de generation. Bruxefles, Journ. de Mod. XXIV., 1857, pp. 425-428. Leyomnarck, John Ad. Angaende Svenska Tabellverket, och om folkinangdeu m.m. i Riket under de ifran 1815 sistforflutne 25 aren. Stockholm, Akad. Hand!. 1845, pp. 157-264. Leyonmark, Gustaf A. Om pendlar.s sviing- ningstider. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXIII., 1802, pp. 165-176. 2. Om vissa exponential-eqvationers re- duction til algebraisk form. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXIX., 1808, pp. 284-293. 3. Tillagg till afhandlingen om vissa ex- ponential-eqvationers reduction til algebraisk form. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXXI., 1810, pp. 101-105. 4. Uplosning af exponential-eqvationen a? =A. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXXI., 1810, pp. 161-175. Leyser, 7?. von. Erlauternde Worte zu der Camera clara dioptrica. Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1842, pp. 407-421. Leyteny, , Hellwig, und Tihavsky Versuche uber den Galvanismus. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, VII., 1801, pp. 617-624. Leze, . Memoire en rupouse it la question ; Quelles sont les plants indigenes du departe- ment de la Sarthe susceptibles d'etre employees en medecine, comme succedanees des plantes exotiques. Le Mans, Soc. Agric. Bull. III., 1854-55, pp. 335-375 ; IV., pp. 57-76, 142- 188. END OF VOL. III. LONDON : Printed by GKORGE E. ETKE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. [7531.— 1000.— 10/69.] ffl ipf