. • . • ' ' DU '' i . , - CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS FOURTH SERIES (1884-1900) VOL. XIII CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, MANAGER HtmHon: FETTER LANE, E.G. 100 PRINCES STREET Berlin: A. ASHEE AND CO. ILnpwj: F. A. BROCKHAUS i3ombao ani Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. ^Toronto: J. M. DENT AND SONS, LTD. JTohDo: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All rights reserved CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS FOURTH SERIES (1884-1900) COMPILED BY THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON VOL. XIII A-B CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1914 PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS PREFACE TO FOURTH SERIES The Fourth Series of the Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Papers, of which this is the first volume, comprises the titles of papers published or read during the period 1884 to 1000, and concludes the work undertaken by the Royal Society. The Catalogue thus completed will contain titles of papers for the whole of the nineteenth century. The continuation of the work is now in the hands of the authorities of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, which deals with the titles and subjects of papers published after the end of the year 1900. In order to obtain the material for the present Catalogue arranged according to Authors, and also for the Subject Indexes of the various sciences, the serial publications on the list for the period 1884-1900 were submitted to Referees conversant with the sciences treated in them, who selected the papers that ought to be catalogued. The Referees have, in addition, advised the inclusion of parts of some Serials which had been omitted in previous volumes of the Catalogue either by accident or in consequence of their being at the time inaccessible. These and all other entries relating to papers previous to 1884 are marked by asterisks in accordance with the method adopted in the earlier series of the Catalogue. In consequence of the selection of the papers having been made by different Referees, and especially on account of the different characters of the subject matter, there will probably be found some differences of method of selection as regards the less exactly defined sciences, especially in the cases of Anthropology and Geography. When the preparation of the slips was commenced, it was intended to number the entries consecutively under each author, as had been the practice in the previous twelve volumes ; but, in consideration of the time occupied in identifying the authors in order to connect the numbers with those in former parts of the Catalogue and the large quantity of matter to be dealt with, the Committee decided that the numbering should be discon- tinued. Thus the numbering is here confined to entries under the letter A. Where the full names of authors are not given at the headings of the papers, but only their surnames, a dash has been placed after the surname, if there is no probability of confusion with other authors. Where such confusion might occur, reference books have been consulted or, as a last resort, application has been made, when possible, to the authors themselves for information. In the cases in which names of authors have been made complete by addition of parts not appended to the original papers the additions are printed in square brackets. The preparation of Catalogues and hand lists would be much VI facilitated if the editors of Scientific Journals would insist on authors giving their full names in all their papers; this is the practice in some Societies, but it is by no means universal. In the compilation of the supplementary Volume XII it was decided that reference should be given only to the original publication of a paper, and that abstracts should not he inserted unless they were of papers published in the less well-known languages. In order to find the original paper it was often necessary to compare it with its reprints, and to select the one that appeared to be most suitable. This was found to entail a large amount of work, and the Committee has therefore thought it advisable to discontinue such procedure and to include under one entry the papers from different Serials which have identical titles and approximately the same date. This course has economised time ; and it has the advantage of making reference more easy where some of the Serials are not readily accessible. Such entries are, however, not quite complete because a considerable number of the duplicates had been destroyed before this decision was made. When possible, abstracts of papers in languages other than English, French, German, Italian or Latin are included in the entries along with the originals. When the reference to a paper contains more than one set of pages these usually represent different parts of the same paper ; but in the case of papers in the less familial- languages contained in Serials which also issue a translation or resume of the paper in some better known language, the additional paging sometimes represents this translation, not a continuation of the paper. In certain Serials the second paging has been marked Re's. irrespective of the language of the translation or abstract. Anonymous papers have not been entered in the Catalogue of Authors, although their contents have been used for the Subject Index. In former volumes these anonymous papers have been printed separately under the respective Serials, after Z. The titles of important Patents have been collected and will be placed at the end of tin; Catalogue. Very brief notes which are especially numerous in the Zoological Serials have not been catalogued owing to inevitable limitations of space. For the transliteration of the names of Russian authors the system adopted by the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, based on the phonetic value of Roman letters in Bohemian, has been used, cross references being employed to facilitate identification. A list of the 1555 Serials which have been examined for the preparation of the Catalogue, together with the Abbreviations used for their titles, is prefixed. A large number of expert Referees have assisted in the selection of the papers and in making the titles for the Subject Index, and the Committee is indebted for this responsible1 and valuable work to Miss K. A. Burke, Miss G. L. Elles, Miss Alice Everett, Miss E. J. Forbes, Miss W. M. Hudson, Miss G. L. C. Matthavi, Miss F. M. G. Micklethwait, Miss M. H. Naylor, Miss E. Perrin, Miss Burna Pool, Mrs Kingston Quiggin, Miss Ida Smedley, .Miss Frances A. Welby, Miss A. Werner, Mr F. Allen, Dr E. F. Armstrong, Dr A. P. Beddaid, Mr T. Duncan Bell, Mr J. H. Binder, Mr \V. W. Bryant, Dr Joun Cameron, Di E. P. Cathcart, Mr C. V. Crook, Mr J. T. Cunningham, Mr R. J. Dallas, Mr W. A. Davis, Dr E. Drabble, Vll >• Dr W. d'Este Emery, Professor J. D. Everett, Mr W. F. Fallaize, Dr Herbert French, Dr F. E. Fritsch, Mr A. T. Goodfcllow, Dr E. Godding, Mr W. F. Gwiunell, Mr James S. Harding, Mr R. Hargreaves, Dr David Eraser Harris, Dr T. A. Henry, Mr T. G. Hill, Dr J. Horder, Mi- H. Knapman, Dr R. A. Lehf'eldt, Mr W. Lowson, Mr T. H. Pope, Mr H. E. Schmits, Mr J. H. Shaxby, Dr E. W. Skeats, Mr L. J. Spencer, Mr R. Strachan, Mr W. L. Symes, Mr Northcote W. Thomas, Dr W. Marshall Watts, Mr G. Harold Wilson. The Committee is indebted to the authorities of the British Museum, of the Natural History Museum, of the Royal College of Surgeons, of the Patent Office, and of the Meteorological Office, for the facilities given to the type-writers and revisers of the Catalogue staff, in their task of copying titles of papers from the Serials in the libraries of these institutions ; the Committee is also indebted to the Cambridge University Library, to the Chemical Society, the Geological Society, the Linnean Society, the Royal Astronomical Society, the Royal Geographical Society and the Alpine Club for the loan of books for the preparation of the Catalogue. To the authorities of these Libraries and of others which have been consulted the Committee gratefully expresses thanks for the assistance that has been received. The present volume contains 11551 entries of titles of papers by 2001 Authors with the initial A, and 51720 entries of papers by 6928 Authors with the initial B, making a total of 63271 entries by 8929 Authors. In consequence of the large amount of material for the Period 1884-1900, it has been found necessary to print this and the succeeding volumes in smaller type than that used in volumes I to XII. The Catalogue Committee desires to record its thanks to the persons constituting the Staff entrusted with the work of arranging the material and preparing it for the press. In particular it acknowledges indebtedness to the Director, Dr Herbert McLeod, F.R.S., for the scrupulous care which has characterized his management, to Miss Bremner, Miss Vagner, Miss Barnard, Miss Earthy, Miss Harkness, Miss Hanbury, and Miss Chapman, and to the other members of the Catalogue Staff, for their untiring zeal. The Syndics of the Cambridge University Press have undertaken the complete risk of printing anil publishing, as regards both the Catalogue of Scientific Papers and the Subject Index. It will be the care of the Committee, and it is hoped of the Scientific world generally, to use their best endeavours that this public-spirited action shall not result in financial loss. The thanks of the Committee are due to the officials of the Cambridge Press for their unfailing courtesy in the discharge of the complex task of printing the material. March, 1914. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. A. Aarau, Mitth Mittheilungen des Aargauisehen Naturforsehenden Gesellschaft. Svo. Aarau. 4, 1886 — 9, 1901 [in part]. Abeille [Publications de la Societe Eutomologique de France.] L'Abeille. Journal d'Entomologie. Paris. 12mo. 22, 1884 — 27, 1890- 92. 8vc.. -28, 1892-96 * 29, 1896-1900. Acireale Ace. Atti Atti e Rendiconti dell' Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Arti dei Zelanti e PP. dello Studio di Acireale. 8vo. Acireale. 1, 1890—9, 1899. Acireale, Soc. Ital. Micr. Bollettino della Societa Italiana dei Microscopisti. Svo. Acireale. Boll. 1, [1891]. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta Nova Acta Academise Csesarese Leopoldino-Carolinse Germanic* Naturie Cuiiosorum. Verhandlungen [Abhandlungen] der kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie dei- Naturforseher. -tto. Halle. 45, 1884—73, 1907 [to p. 2.39] ; 74, 1899—77, 1901 [to p. 367]. Acta Math Acta Mathematica. 4 to. Stockholm. 4, 1884-23, 1900. Aeronaute L' Aeronaute. 8vo. Paris. 9,1876; 12,1879; 13,1880; 1884- 1900. [1-S, 10, 11 and 14-16 already indexed.] Aeronaut. Jl The Aeronautical Journal. Svo. London. 1, 1897 — 4, 1900. Aeronaut. Soc. Rep [Annual] Report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain. 12mo. Greenwich. 19, 1884—23, [1893]. Agr. Soc. Jl The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 8vo. London. [Second Series.] 20,1884—25,1889. [Third Series.] 1, 1890—11, 1900. Agr. Stud. Gaz Agricultural Students' Gazette. Edited by the Students at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. Svo. Cirencester. [New Series.] 1, 1882-84 [from p. 161]— 10, 1900-02 [to p. 66]. Aix Ac. Mem Memoires de 1'Academie des Sciences, Agriculture, Arts et Belles- Lettres d'Aix. Svo. Aix-en-Provence. 13,1885—18,1900. Alabama Geol. Surv. Bull. Geological Survey of Alabama. Bulletin. Svo. Montgomery, Ala. Jacksonville. 1, 1886—6, 1900. Albany Publishing place of N.Y. Mus. Bull., q.r. N.Y. Mus. Mem., q.r. N.Y. Mus. Rep., q.r. Albany Inst. Trans Transactions of the Albany institute. Svo. Albany. 11, 1887 & 12, 1893. Allg. Bot. Ztschr Allgemeine Botanische Zeitschrift fiii- Systematik, Floristik, PHan- zengeographie, etc. 8\o. Karlsruhe. 1895-1900. [Allg. Deutsche Ornith. Ores. ,S».r Jl. f. Ornith. Allg. Ent. Ges .S'«e 111. Ztschr. Ent. Allg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesam. ,s'« Zurich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkschr. Naturwiss. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr. ... Allgemeine Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie untl psychischgerichtliche Meclicin. Svo. Berlin. 40, 1884—57, 1900. Amer. Ac. Mem Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 4to. Cambridge [Mass.]. 11, 1888 (1't. ~2) & 12, 1902 [to p. 466]. K. S. A. U. b Amer. Ac. Proc Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Svo. Boston. 19, 1884— 36, 1901 [to p. 238]. Amer. Ass. Proc Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 8vo. Salem. 1884-1900. Amer. Cbem. Jl American Chemical Journal. Svo. Baltimore. 5 (1883-84) — 24 (1900). Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl The Journal of the American Chemical Society. Svo. New York. Easton, Pa, 6, 1884—22, 1900. Amer. Engineer & Rail- American Engineer, [Car Builder] and Railroad Journal. Folio. road Jl. Svo. New York. 67, 1893—74, 1900. Continuation of: Railroad & Engin. Jl., q.-a. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans Transactions of the American Entomological Society [and Pro- ceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences]. Svo. Philadelphia. 11, 1884—27, 1900 01 [to p. 155]. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York. Svo. New York. 14 (1882)— 32 (1900). Amer. Geologist The American Geologist. Svo. Minneapolis, Minn. 1,1888 — 26, 1900. Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. Svo. New York. Rochester. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. 8vo. Trans. Philadelphia. Easton, Pa. New York City. 1 (1871-73)— 31, 1902 [to p. 109]. Amer. Jl. Math American Journal of Mathematics — Published under the Auspices of the Johns Hopkins University. 4to. Baltimore. 6, 1884 — 22, 1900. Amer. Jl. Pharm The American Journal of Pharmacy. Svo. Philadelphia 56, 1884—72, 1900. Amer. Jl. Physiol The American Journal of Physiology. Svo. Boston, U.S.A. 1, 1898—4, 1901. Amer. Jl. Psychol The American Journal of Psychology. Svo. Baltimore. Worcester, Mass. 1, 1888—12, 1900-01 [to p. 144]. Amer. Jl. Sci The American Journal of Science. Svo. New Haven, Conn. [Third Series.] 27, 1884-50, 1895. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1896— 1(1, 1900. Amer. Math. Soc A.V N.Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Amer. Meteorol. Jl American Meteorological Journal. Svo. Detroit. Ann Arbor, Mich. Boston. New York. Chicago. London. 1 (1884-85) -12 (1895-96). Amer. Micr. Jl The American Monthly Microscopical Journal. Svo. Washington. 5, 1884—21, 1900. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society. Svo. Washing- ton. Ithaca, N. Y. 14 (1892)— Hi (1894).' Continuation of : Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc., q.r. ,sv,-,vW», //>,/.- Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans. ... Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. Svo. Lincoln, Neb. Buffalo. 17,1895—21,1900. Amer. Mus. Bull Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Svo. New York. 1 (1881-86) [from p. 139]— 13, 1900. Amer. Mus. Mem Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History. 4to. New York. 1, 1903 [to p. 214] >v 2, 1900. Amer. Natlist The American Naturalist. Svo. Philadelphia.' Boston. IS, 1884 —34, 1900. Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Transactions of the American Ophthalniological Society. Svo. Trans. Boston. Hartford. 1884-1900. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Phila- delphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge. Svo. Philadelphia. 21, 1884-31, 1893; 33, 1894—39, 1900. XI Memorial Volume, 1, 1900. Proceedings commemorative of the one hundred and fiftieth Anni- versary of the Foundation of the American Philosophical Society held May 22—26, 1893. Svo. Philadelphia. [32], 1894. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society held at Phila- delphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge. 4to. Philadelphia. l(j, 1890—19, 1898. Proceedings of the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science. Svo. Newburgh, N. Y. Manhattan, Kansas. Colum- bus, Ohio State College, Pa. 1883-84—1893 ; 1895. [1894 inaccessible.] Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Svo. New York. 13, 1884—44, 1900. Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists. Svo. No publishing place. 1884—1887 ; 10, 1888—13 (1891). Continued as : Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc., q.i\ Annual Report of the State Agricultural Experimental Station at Amherst, Mass. Svo. Boston. 1, 1884 & 2, 1885. Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agri- cultural Experiment Station at Amherst, Mass. Svo. Boston. 3, 1886—12, 1895. PiMishiny plui-f ni' N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., ./ / N. France Soc. Linn. Mem., sW Jl. Anat. Physiol. Angers Ac. Sci. Mem Memoires de 1'Academie des Sciences et Belles-Lettres d'Angers. 8vo. Anders. 1, 1890-91 — 3, 1894-95. [Later volumes in- accessible.] Angers Soc. Sci. Bull Bulletin de la Soeiete d'Etudes Scientifiques d'Angers. Svo. Angers. 1884-1900. Annab.-Buchh. Ver. Nat Bericht iiber den Annaberg-Buchholzer Verein fiir Natur- Ber. kunde. Svo. Annaberg. 8, 1889 — 10, 1898. Continuation of': Annab.-Buchh. Ver. Nat Jahresberieht des Annaberg-Buchholzer Vereins fiir Natur- Jber. kunde. Svo. Annaberg. 7, 1886. Cimtinufd an: Annab.- Buchh. Ver. Nat. Ber., //.<-. Annaes Sci. Nat Annaes de Sciencias Naturaes. Svo. Porto. 1,1894 — 6,1900. Ann. Agron Annales Agronomiques publiees sous les Auspices du Ministere de I'Agriculture. Svo. Paris. 10, 1884—26, 1900. Ann. Bot Annals of "Botany. Svo. London. 1,1887-88—14,1900. Ann. Chim Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Svo. Paris. [Sixth Series.] 1,1884-30,1893. [Seventh Series.] 1,1894-21,1900. Ann. Chim. Anal Annales de Chimie Analytique publiees sous le Patronage du Synclicat Central des Chimistes et Essayeurs de France. Svo. Paris. 1, 1886-5, 1900. Ann. Conduct. Ponts et Annales des Conducteurs [et Coinmis] des Fonts et Chaussees et Chauss des Garde-Mines [Controleurs des Mines]. Svo. Paris. 28, 1884-44, 1900. Ann. Conserv. Arts et Met. Annales du Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers publiees par les Professeuvs. Svo. Paris. 10, 1873 & 11, 1879. [Second Series.] !,• 1889—10, 1898. [Third Series.] 1, 1899 A- 2, 1900. | Nothing published between 11, 1879 A 1, 1889.] Ann. de Dermatol Annales de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie. Svo. Paris. [Second Series.] 5, 1884—10, 1889. [Third Series.] 1, 1890—10, 1899. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1900. Ann. der Hydrogr Annalen der Hydrograpliie und Maritimen Meteorologie. Organ des Hydrographischen Bureaus [Amtes] und der Deutschen See\varte. [ I lerausgegebpii von der Deutschen Seewarte in Hamburg.] I to. Berlin. ?> (1875)— 28 (1900). CoHthnm/i,,,, «/'. Hydrogr. Mitth., q. r. Ann. di Chim Annali di Chimica [Medico- Farmaceutica e di FarmacologiaJ. Svo. Milano. Bologna, etc. [Third Series. | 7S, 1884 tt 7!l, 1884. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1885—25 & 26, [1897). Continued as . • Ann. di Farm, e Chim \imali di Farmaeoterapia e (,'himica, [ BiologieaJ. Svo. .Milano. Bologna, etc. [Fourth Series.] 27 \- 28, [1898], [1899], [1900]. Ann. d'OCUlist Vimales d'Oculistique. Svo. |-',rii\elles. Paris. 1)1, 1884 — 125, 1901 | in part ]. Annecy /'uli/ln/iini/ /'/or o/' Savoie Soc. Nat. |C. R.|, i/.i\ X 111 Annee Biol L'Annee Biologique. Comptes Renclus annucls des Travaux de Biologie Generale. Svo. Paris. 1895—1899-1900. Ann. Geogr Annales de Geographic. Svo. Paris. 1,1892—9,1900. Ann. Hydrogr Annales Hydrographiques. Recueil publie par le Service des Instructions [Nautiques]. Svo. Paris. [Second Series.] 6, 1885-22, 1900. Ann. Hyg. Publ Annales d'Hygiene Publique et de Meclecine Legale. Svo. Paris. [Third Series.] 11, 1884—44, 1900. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Annales de 1'Institut Pasteur. (Journal de Microbiologie.) Svo. Paris. 1 (1887)— 14 (1900). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. Svo. London. [Fifth Series.] 1 3, 1884—20,1887. [Sixth Series.] 1,1888—20,1897. [Seventh Series.] 1, 1898—0, 1900. Ann. Malacol Society Malaeologique de France. Annales de Malacologie. Svo. Paris. 1 (1870-84) [from p. 341] &, 2 (1884-86)'. Huper- xi'il',1 Inj: France Soc. Malacol. Bull., q.v. Ann. Mat Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata 4to. Milano. [Second Scries.] 12 (1883-84)— 2(5 (1897). j Third Series.] 1,1898—4, 1900. Ann. Math Annals of Mathematics. Office of Publication: University of Virginia. 4to. Charlottesville, Va. 1 (1884-85)— 12 (1898-99). Annals of Mathematics. Published under the Auspices of Harvard University. 4to. Salem, Mass. Cambridge (Mass.). London. Leipzig. 1, 1900 & 2 (1900-01) [to p. 56]. Ann. Microgr Annales de Micrographie specialement consacrees a la Bacterio- logie, aux Protophytes et aux Protozoaires. Svo. Paris. [1] (1888-89)— 10 (1898). Ann. Mines Annales des Mines redigees et publiees sous 1'Autorisation du Ministre des Travaux Publics. Svo. Paris. [Eighth Series.] 5,1884—20,1891. [Ninth Series.] 1, 1892— IS, 1900. Annot. Zool. Jap Annotationes Zoologies; Japonenses, Auspiciis Societatis Zoologies Tokyonensis seriatim eclitse. 4 to. Tokyo. 1, 1897—3, 1899- 1901 [to p. 30]. Ann. Phys Annalen der Physik. Begriindet und fortgefiihrt clurch F. A. C. GREM, L. W. GILBERT, J. C. POGGENDORPP, G. und E. WIEDE- MANN Unter Mitwirkung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft herausgegeben... Svo. Leipzig. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1900—3, 1900. Continuation of : Ann. Phys. Chem Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Begriindet und fortgefiihrt clurch F. A. C. GREN, L. W. GILBERT, J. 0. POGGENDORFF Unter Mitwirkung der [Deutschen] Physikalischen Gesellschaft [in Berlin] herausgegeben Svo. Leipzig. [New Series.] 21, 1884—09, 1899. Ann. Fonts et Chauss Annales des Fonts et Chaussees. Svo. Paris. [Sixth Series.] 7 (1884)— 20 (1890). [Seventh Series.] 1 (1891)— 13 (1897); 1898—1900. Ann. Sci. Geol Annales des Sciences Geologiques. Svo. Paris. l.r>, 1884 — 22, 1889. [Merged in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.).] Ann. Sci. Nat Annales des Sciences Naturelles. (Hot.) Botanique. Svo. Paris. [Sixth Series.] 17, 1884—20, 1885. [Seventh Series.] 1, 1885—20, 1895. [Eighth Series.] 1, 1895—12, 1900. (/.mil.) Zoologie et Paleontologie, comprenant 1'Anatomie, la Physio- logic, la Classification et 1'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux. Svo. Paris. [Sixth Series.] 17, 1884—20, 1885. [Seventh Series.] 1 , 1886 20, 1895. [Eighth Series.] 1,1896—11, 1900. XIV Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist The Annals of Scottish Natural History. A Quarterly Magazine with which is incorporated " The Scottish Naturalist." 8vo. Edinburgh. 1892-1900. Ann. Telegr Annales Telegraphiques. Svo. Paris. [Third Series.] 11,1884— 25, 1899. Antbrop. Inst. Jl The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. London. 13, 1884—30, 1900. Anthropological Congresses .S'<. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R. Anthrop. (Paris) Materiaux pour 1'Histoire de 1'Homme. Revue d'Anthropologie. Revue d'Ethnographie reunis. L'Anthropologie. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Anvers, Jl. de Pharm Journal de Pharmacie. Public par [Organe de] la Society de Pharmacie d1 Anvers. 8vo. Anvers. 40, 1884—56, 1900. Aquila Aquila. A Magyar Ornithologiai Kozpont Folyoirata. Periodical of Ornithology. Journal pour Ornithologie. Zeitschrift fur Ornithologie. 4to. Budapest. 1, 1894—7, 1900. [All papers in this serial are in German, French or English as well as Hungarian.] Arcachon Soc. Sci. Stat. Societe Scientifique et Station Zoologique d'Arcachon. 8vo. Paris. Zool. Trav. 1896 97—1899. Arcetri Oss. Pubbl sv,- Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl. (Arcetri Oss.). Arch. Anat. Micr Archives d'Anatomie Microscopique. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1897—3, 1900. Arch. Anat. Physiol Archiv fiir Anatomic und Physiologic. (A //at. Alt//<.) Anatomische Abtheilung. Archiv fiir Anatomie und Ent- wickelungsgeschichte. Svo. Leipzig. 1884-1900 & 4 Supplement-Bande, 1889, 1890, 1895, 1897. ( Physiol. Adt.h.) Physiologische Abtheilung. Archiv fur Physiologic. [Contains the Berlin. Physiol. Ges. Verb.] 8vo. Leipzig. 1884- 1900 it 10 Supplement-Bande, 1884-1887, 1889, 1890, 1892, 1893, 1899, 1900. Arch. Anthrop. Geol. Archiv fiir Anthropologie und Geologic Schleswig-Holsteins und Schlesw. -Hoist. der benachbarten Gebiete. 8vo. Kiel. Leipzig. 1,1896 — 3, 1900. Arch. Antropologia Archivio per 1' Antropologia e la Etnologia. Organo della Societa Italiana di Antropologia, Etnologia e Psicologia Comparata. Svo. Firenze. 14, 1884—30, 1900. Arch. Augenheilk Aruhiv f iir 'Augenheilkunde. In deutscher und engliseher Sprache. .Svo. Wiesbaden. 13, 1884—42, 1901 [to p. 258]. [For Knglisli edition set' Arch. Ophthalm. Arch. Bot. N. France Archives Botani(|iics du Nord de la France. Svo. Lille. Paris. '2, [1882-87] & 3 (1886-87). Arch, de Biol Archives de Biologic. Svo. Gand. Leipzig. Paris. Liege. 5, 1884—17, 1901 [to p. 580]. Arch, de Parasit Archives de Parasitologit: paraissant tons les trois innis. S\o. Paris. 1, 1898—3, 1900. Arch. EntwMech Archiv fiir Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen. Svo. Leipzig. 1, 1895—10, 1900. Arch. Exper. Path Archiv fiir experimeutelle Pathologic und Pharmakolugie. 8vo. Leipzig. 18, 1884—45, 1901 [to p. 155J. Arch. f. Anthrop Archiv fiir Anthropologie Organ der deutschen Gesellscliat't fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologic und Urgeselrichte. 4to. Braun- schweig. 15, 1884—27, 1902 [to p. 155]. Arch. f. Ophthalm Albrecht von Graefe's Archiv fiir Ophthalmologie. 8v«i. Berlin. Leipzig. 30, 1884—51, 1900. Arch. Gen. Med Archives "Genet-airs de Mi'-decine. Svo. Paris. 153, 1884— I M1,, 1900. Arch. Hyg Archiv fur Hygiene. s\0. Mum-lion. Leipzig. 2, 1884 -38. 1900. XV Arch. Ital. Biol Archives Italiennes de Biologie. Revues, Resumes, Reproductions des Travaux Scientifiques Italiens. Svo. Turin. 5,1884 — 34, 1900. Arch. Math. Naturvid Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab. 8vo. Kristiania. Kjobenhavn. 9, 1884—22, 1900. Arch. Math. Phys Archiv der Mathematik und Physik Gegrimdet von J. A. GRUNERT, fortgesetzt von R. HOPI-K. Svo. Leipzig. 70, 1884. [Second Series.] 1, 1884—17, 1900. Arch. Med Archives of Medicine. Svo. New York. 1, 1879—12, 1885. Arch. Med. Exper Archives de Medecine Experimentale et d'Anatomie Pathologique. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1889—12, 1900. Arch. Med. Navale Archives de Medecine Navale [et Coloniale]. Nvo. Paris. 11, 1884—7-1, 1900. Arch. Med. Pharm. Mill- Archives de Medecine et de Pharmaeie Militaires. Svo. Paris. taires 3, 1884-36, 1900. Arch. Mikr. Anat Archiv fur Mikroskopische Anatomie [uud Entwickelungs- geschichte]. 8vo. Bonn. 23, 1884—56, 1900. Arch. Miss. Sci Archives des Missions Scientifiques et Litteraires. Svo. Paris. [Third Series.] 11, 1885 — 15, 1889. Continued as: Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci., q.v. Arch. Nat. (Dorpat) Archiv fur die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands. Heraus- gegeben von der Dorpater Naturforscher-Gesellschaft. (tier. 1) Erste Serie. Mineralogische Wissenschaften, nebst Chemie, Physik und Erdbeschreibung. Svo. Dorpat. 9, [1889] [from p. 161]. (Ser. 2) Zweite Serie. Biologische Naturkunde. 8vo. Dorpat. 9, 1884 [in part]— 11, [1897]. Arch. Naturg Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte. Svo. Berlin. 50, 1884—66, 1900. Arch. Neerland Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles publiees par la Societe Hollandaise des Sciences a Harlem. Svo. Haarlem. La Haye. 19, 1884—30, 1897. [Second Series.] 1, 1898—3, 1900; 5, 1900. Arch. Ohrenheilk Archiv fiir Olirenheilkunde. 8vo. Leipzig. 21, 1884—50, 1900. Arch. Ophthalm Archives of Ophthalmology. Edited in English and German. Svo. New York. 13, 1884—29, 1900. [For German edition s?e Arch. Augenheilk. I Arch. Otol Archives of Otology. Edited in English and German. Svo. New York. 13, 1884—29, 1900. [For German edition nee Ztschr. Ohrenheilk.] Arch. Path. Anat ,sW Virchow, Arch. Arch. Pharm Archiv der Pharmaeie. Svo. Halle a/S. 222,1884—238,1900. Arch. Psychiatr Archiv fur Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten. Svo. Berlin. 15, 1884—33, 1900. Arch. Sci. Med Archivio per le Scienze Mediche. Svo. Torino. 7, 1884—24, 1900. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat Bibliotheque Universelle. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. Svo. Geneve. [Third Period.] 11, '1884—34, 1895. [Fourth Period.] 1, 1896—10, 1900. Arch. Slaves Biol Archives Slaves de Biologie. Svo. Paris. 1, 1886—4, 1887. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thier- Archiv fur Wissenschaftliche und Praktische Thierheilkunde. heilk. 8vo. Berlin. 10, 1884—26, 1900. Arch. Zool. Exper Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generate. Svo. Paris. [Second Series.] 2, 1884—10, 1892. [Third Series.] 1, 1893 8, 1900. Argentina, Inst. G-eogr. Bol. Boletin del Institute Geografico Argentine. Svo. Buenos Aires. La Plata. 5, 1884—17, 1896; '20, [1899]. [Vols. 6, 12, 16, 17 and 20 done in part only, the rest being inaccessible.] XVI Argentina Soc. Ci. An. ... Armagh Nat. Hist. & Phil. Soc. Ass. Franc. C. R. Ass. [Soc.] Meteorol. Ital. Assur. Mag Anales do la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina. 17, 1884 50, 1900. xp.e Irish Natlist. Svo. Buenos Aires. Astr. & Astrophys. Astr. Ges. Astr. Jl. Astr. Nachr. Astronomic Astrophys. Jl. Astr. Soc. Mem Astr. Soc. Month. Not. . Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ. Athenes Obs. Nat. Ann. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber. . Auk Aust. Ass. Rep. Aust. Geol. Soc. Trans Auxerre, Soc. Sci. Bull. Avignon Association Francaise pour I'Avancement ties Sciences [fusiouuee avec 1'Association Scientifique de France]. Compte Rendu. Svo. Paris. 1884-1900. Sue Moncalieri Oss. Boll. The Assurance Magazine [and Journal of the Institute of Actuaries]. Svo. London. [1, 1851] — 13, 1867. (W;/,»r,/ as. Inst. Act. JL, q.v. Astronomy and Astro-Physics. Svo. Nortlitield, Minn. 11, 1892—13, 1894. Continuation /;/': Sidereal Messenger, rj.v. Sii,;-,;ihcl /ji/ : Astrophys. JL, q. i\ ,s(v Astr. Nachr. The Astronomical Journal. 4to. Boston. 7, 1888— I' 1. 1901 [to p. 64]. [The publication of this serial was suspended from 1861-1886.] Astronomische Nachrichten begriindet von H. C. SCHUMACHER. Unter Mitwirkung des Vorstandes der Astronomischen Gesell- schaft herausgegeben von 4to. Kiel. 107, 1884 — 154, 1901 [in part]. L'Astronomie. 4to. Paris. 1882—1894. The Astrophysical Journal. An International Review of Spectro- scopy and Astronomical Physics. Svo. Chicago. 1, 1895 — 12, 1900. XHfcexgor to: Astr. & Astrophys., q.v. Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. 4to. London. 48, 1885—53, 1899." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society. Svo. London. 44, 1884—60, 1900. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Svo. San Francisco. 1, 1889—12, 1900. Annales de 1'Observatoire National d'Athenes. 4 to. Athenes. 1, 1896 & 2, 1899. Mericht des Naturhistorischen [Naturwissenschaftlichen] Vert-ins [fiir Schwaben und Neuburg (a. V.)] in Augsburg. Svo. Augsburg. 1885 1900. The Auk. A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology. (Continuation of the Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club.) Svo. lioston, Mass. New York. [New Series.] 1, 1884—17, 1900. Report of the Meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Svo. Svdnev. Melbourne. 1888- 1900. Transactions of the Geological Society of Australasia. Melbourne. 1, 1886-92. Bulletin de la Societc des Sciences Historiqucs et Naturelles tie 1'Yonne. Deuxieme Partie. Sciences Naturelles. S\, ,. Auxerre. Paris. 32, 1878—54, 1900. J'n.h/iK/ii'iii/ /ilncf. (if Vaucluse Ac. Mem., //.<.-. XV11 Baltimore Bamb. Natf. Ges. Ber Barcelona Ac. Bol Barcelona Ac. Mem Barrow Field Club Rep. Basel Verb. 13. Publishing jt/ttn ut Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Mem., /'/ 1, 1898 & 1, Heft 2, 1900. Beitrage zur Morphologic und Morphogenie. Untersuehungen aus dem Anatomischen Institut zu Erlangen. 4to. Stuttgart. 1, 1884. Beitrage zur Naturkunde Preussens. Herausgegeben von der Konig- lichen Physikalisch-Oekononiischen Gesellschaft zu Kiinigsberg. 4 to. Konigsberg i. Pr. 1, 1868—8, 1900. Beitrage zur Palaontologie [und Geologic] Oesterreich-Ungarns und des Orients. 4to. Wien. Leipzig. 3, 1884 [from p. 125]— 13, 1901 [to p. 109]. Beitrage zur Pathologist-hen Anatomie und Physiologie. Svo. Jena. 1, 1886 & ^ 1888. licit rage zur Pathologischen Anatomie und zur Allgemeinen Pathologie. Svo. Jena. 3, 1888— 28, 1900. Beitriige zur Phvsiologie und Morphologie Niederer Organismen. Aus dem Kryptogamischen Laboratorium der Universitiit Halle a. S. Svo. Leipzig. 1, 1892—5, 1895. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches und der angren- zenden Lander Asiens. Auf Kosten der Kaiserlichen Aka- demie herausgegeben Svo. St. Petersburg. [Second Scries.] 7, 1884—9, 1886. [Third Series.] 1, 1886— S, 1900. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1893 & 2, 1896. Annual Reports and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. Svo. Belfast. 2, 1888—4, 1901 A Appen- dices. See Irish Natlist. Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. Svo. Belfast. 1883-84 [in part] — 1900-01 [in part]. .sv Irish Natlist. La Belgique Horticole. Annalcs dc Botaniquc ct d' Horticulture. Svo. Liege. 34, 1884 & 35, 1885. Bulletin de la Socictc Uoyale do Botanique de Belgique. S\o. Bruxelles. 23, 1884—:?!), 1900. Journal of the Asiatic Sm/icty of licnual. Svo. Calcutta. 53, 1884—69, 1901. [Parts 2 "& 3 only indexed.] Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Svo. Calcutta. 1884—1900. Bergens Museums Aarbog for Afhandlinger ng Aarsberetning udgivjie at' Bergens ."Museum. Svo. Uergcn. 1892 — 1900. Successor /<> : Bergens Museums Aarsberetning for S\o. llcrgcn. 1885 1891. l!ciu und Hiittenmannische Xcitung. Ho. Leipzig. 43, 1884 — 59, 1900. See Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1885. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890. Publishing place <\t Int. Erdm. Centralbur. Ber., 7, 1900. XXI Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob. Bonn Sternw. Veroff. Bordeaux Ac. Act Bordeaux Obs. Ann Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. P.-V. Boston Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. Botanical Congresses Sitzungsberichte der Nlederrheinischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. Svo. Bonn. 1883 [pp. 111-113]— 1900. Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Stern warte der Koniglichen Klieinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn. 4to. Bonn. 1, 1846—8, 1886. VerohVntlirhungen der Koniglichen Stern warte zu Bonn. 4 to. Bonn. 1, 1895—4, 1900. Actes de 1'Academie Nationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. Svo. Paris. 46, 1884—62, 1900. Annales de 1'Observatoire de Bordeaux. 4 to. Paris. Bordeaux. 1, 1885—9, 1900. Actes de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux. Svo. Bordeaux. 38, 1884—55, 1900. Memoires et Bulletins de la Societe de Medecine et de Chirurgie de Bordeaux. 8vo. Paris. Bordeaux. 1884—1900. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Bordeaux. 8vo. Paris. Bordeaux. [Third Series.] 1,1884 — 5, 1890. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1893—"), 1895. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1896 — :">, 1901 [in part]. [The publications of the Commission Meteorologique de la Gironde are issued as an Appendix to the volumes of this serial.] Proems- Verbaux des Seances de la Societe des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Bordeaux. 8vo. Paris. Bordeaux. 1894- 95— 1899 1900. I'tibliH/tt HI/ l 8vo. Boston being 4to. 236]. Svo. Botaniste Bot. Centrbl. Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte Bot. Gaz Bot. Jaarb Amer. Ac. Proc., (/.>-. Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., i/.r. Amherst Agr. Stat. Rep., q.v. Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences. 1, 1897—5, 1901 [to p. 320]. Memoirs read before the Boston Society of Natural History : a new Series of the Boston Journal of Natural History. Boston. 3, 1878-94 [from p. 353]— 5, 1895-1904 [to p. Occasional 1'aprrs of the Boston Society of Natural History. Moston. 4 (1, 1893-1900). Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 8vo. Boston. 2.3, 1888—28, 1899. See Congr. Bot. Int. Atti. Congr. Int. Bot. Act. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull. l.r I'x.tauistc. Svo. Caen. Botanisches Centralblatfc. 1889—1900. Referirendes Organ fur das Gesammt- gebiet der Botanik des In- und Auslandes. 8vo. Cassel. 17, 1884 — 88, 1901. [This serial was up to 1898 the organ of publication of the following Societies: Hamburg Bot. Ges. Lund Bot. Ver. Miinchen Bot. Ver. Stockh. Bot. Siillsk. Upsala Naturvet. Studentsallsk. | Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt. Referirendes Organ fur das Gesammtgebiet der Botanik des In- und Auslandes. Svo. Cassel. 1891—1900. The Botanical Gazette. Svo. Crawfordsville. 9 A- 10, 1884-85— 30, 1900. Botaniscb Jaarboek uifcgegeven door het Kruidkundig ( Icnootschap Dodonaea te Gent. 8vo. Gent. Leipzig. 1,1889 — 11.1899. XX 11 Bot. Mag., Tokyo Bot. Notiser Bot. Tidsskr. Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's) Bot. Ver. Gesamtthiiringen Bot. Ztg Bradford Brain Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber. Bremen Abb. Brescia Ateneo Comment. Breslau Bot. Garten Arb. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber. Breslau Ver. Schles. Insektenk. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull. Brighton Nat. Hist. Soc. Rep. Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc. ... Brit. Architects Jl Brit. Architects Trans Brit. Ass. Rep Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem Brit. Guiana Agr. Soc [Brit. Guiana Geol. Surv. Mem.] Brit. Inst. Publ. Health ... Brit. Jl. Dental Sci Brit. Mycol. Soc. Trans.... Brit. Ornith. Club Bull. Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans. The Botanical Magazine [edited by Tokyo Botanical Society]. Svo. Tokyo. 4, 1890 [tfos. 43-46]— 14, 1900. [Earlier parts inaccessible.] Botaniska Notiser. Svo. Lund. 1884 — 1900. Rotauisk Tidsskrift udgivet af den Botaniske Foreiiing i Kjolicn- havn. Svo. Kjobenhavn. 14, 1884-85—23, 1900! Untersuchungen ans dein G-esammtgebiete der Mykologie. Fortset- zung der Schimmel- und llefenpilze von Oscar BKKFELD. 4to. Leipzig. Minister i. W. 6, 1884 — 12, 1895. ,sW Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth. I'.otaiiische Zeitung. 4to. Leipzig. 42,1884 — 58,1900. Publishing /ilncf of Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., q. v. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 8vo. London. New York. 6, 1884 [from p. 433]— 23, 1900. Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg. Mit lieitrngen. Svo. Berlin. 2."), 1884 [from p. 1821—42, 1901. Jahresbericht des 'Vereins fiir Nafcurwissenschaft zu Braunschweig. Svo. Braunschweig. (4), 1887— (12), 1902. Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereine zu Bremen. Svo. Bremen. 9,1887—15,1901 [in part] ; 10, 1900. Commentari dell' Ateneo di Brescia. 8vo. Brescia. 1884 — 1900. Arbeiten aus dem Konigl. Botanischen Garten zu Breslau. Svo. Breslau. 1, 1892. Jahres-Bericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft fiir Vaterlandische C'ultur. Svo. Breslau. 1884—1900. See Ztschr. Ent. (Breslau). Bulletin de la Societe Academique de Brest. Svo. Brest. [Second Series.] 9, 1884—25, 1900. Brighton and .Sussex Natural History and Philosophical Society. Annual Report together with Abstracts of Papers. Svo. Brighton. 1887—1899. [1900 inaccessible.] Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society. Svo. Bristol. 4, 1885 | from p. 107]— 9, 1901 [to p. 80]. Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects. I to. London. [Third Series.]" 1,1894—7,1900. Successor to : Itoyal Institute of British Architects. [The] Transactions. 4 to. London. 1884. [New Series.] 1,1885—8,1892. Report of the... Meeting of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science.... Svo. London. 1884 — 1900. Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association. Svo. London. 1, [1893]- 9, 1901. •. Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, . 1885-87—1892-95. Publishing plnce of S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., q. v. Cape of Good Hope. Department of Agriculture. Annual Report of the Geological Commission. 8vo. Cape Town. 1896 — 1900. Transactions of the Caradoc and Severn Valley Field Club. 8vo. Shrewsbury. 1, 1893-96 & 2, 1897-1900. Cardiff Naturalists' Society. Report and Transactions. 8vo. Cardiff. 15, 1884—32, 1901. See Zool. Anz. Casopis pro Pestovani Mathematiky a Fysiky. [Journal for the Advancement of Mathematics and Physics.] 8vo. V Praze [Prag]. 1, 1872—30, 1901. Atti dell' Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Natural! in Catania. 4to. Catania. [Third Series.] 18, 1885—20, 1888. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1889—13, 1900. Bollettino delle Sedute della Accademia Gioenia 8vo. Catania. .">!, 1898 — 04, 1900. Continuation of : Bullettino Mensile della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania, col Resoconto delle Sedute ordinarie e straordinarie e Suiito delle Memorie in esse presentate. 8vo. Catania. [New Series.] 1, 1888—30 & 31, 1893. Bullettino delle Sedute della Accademia Gioenia 8vo. Catania. 32, 1893—50, 1899. La Cellule. Recueil de Cytologie et d'Histologie g^nerale. 4to. Lierre. Gand. Louvain. 1, [1885]— 17, 1900. Centralblatt fur Bacteriologie und Parasitenkunde. 8vo. Jena. 1, 1887 — 16, 1894. Continued as: Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie [und] Parasitenkunde [und In fektionskrankheiten]. Erste Abteilung. [Medizinisch-hygienisclie Bakteriologie und Tierische Parasitenkunde.] 8vo. Jena. 17,1895—28,1900. Zweite Abteilung. [Allgemeine, landwirtschaftlich-techno- logische Bakteriologie, Garungsphysiologie und Pflanzen- pathologie.1 8vo. Jena. 1, 1895—6, 1900. Centralblatt fur die Medicinischen Wissenschaften. 8vo. Berlin. 22, 1884—38, 1900. Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie in Ver- hindung mit dem Neuen Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1900. Centralblatt fur Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie. 8vo. Jena. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Central-Zeitung fiir Optik und Mechanik, [Elektrotechnik und verwandte Berufszweige]. 4to. Leipzig. Berlin. 4, 1883 — 21, 1900. See Montpellier Inst. Zool. Trav. Publishing place of Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., . 1, 1896 & 1, No. 2, 1897. Zoological Series. 8vo. Chicago, U.S.A. 1, 1895-99. Publications »f the Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago. 4to. Chicago. 1, 1900. Actcs de la Societe Scientitique du Chili [Actas de la Sociedad Cientifica de Chile]. 4to. Santiago. 1, 1892—10, 1900. [Part 5 of Vol. 10 inaccessible.] Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. <>f Graubiinden Natf. Ores. Ber., q.r. Ciel ct Terre. Revue populaire d'Astronomie [et] de Meteorologie [et de Physique du Globe]. Svo. Bruxelles. 1, 1881—21 (1900-01) [to p. 500]. [Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory.] ? 8vo. ? 4to. Cincinnati. [1], 1876—14, 1898. The Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. 8vo. Cincinnati. 7, 1884—19, [1901] [to p. 242]. Publishvtio p/nce of Agr. Stud. G;iz., , 1896. [1 & 2 inaccessible.] Danmarks Geologiske Undersogel.se. 8vo. Kjobenhavn. [First Series.] 1, 1893—8, 1900. [Second Series.] 1, 1890—10, 1899. [Third Series.] 1, 1896. Schrit'ten der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig. 8vo. Danzig. 6, 1884-87—10, 1899-1902 [in part]. Abhandlungen der Grossherzoglich Hessisclien Geologischen Landesanstalt /,u Darmstadt. Svo. Darmstadt. 1, 1889 — 3, 1899. Sue following entry. Notizblatt des Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Darmstadt und des Mittelrheinischen Geologischen Vereins. 8vo. Darmstadt. [Fourth Series.] 5, 1884— 1 2, 1891. Notizblatt des Vereins fiir Erdkunde und der Grossh. Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Darmstadt. 8vo. Darmstadt. 13, 1892 — 21, 1900. Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. 8vo. Davenport, Iowa. 4, 1886—8, 1901. [Bulletin de la] Soeiete de Borda, Dax [Landes]. 8vo. Dax. 1884—1900. Aimales de 1'Ecole Poly technique de Delft. 4 to. Leide. 1, 1885—8, 1897. Bulletin of [the Scientific Laboratories of] Denison University. 8vo. Granville. 1, 1885—11, 1902 [to p. 239]. Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Oesterreichischen Alpenvereins. 8vo. Salzburg. Miinchen. Wien. Berlin. Graz. 15, 1884 — 31, 1900. Deutsches Archiv fiir Klinische Medicin. 8vo. Leipzig. 31, 1884—69, 1901 [to p. 220]. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft. 8vo. Berlin. 2, 1884—18, 1900. Deutsche Botanische Monatsschrift. 8vo. Sondershausen. Bielefeld. Leipzig. Arnstadt. Berlin. 2, 1884—18, 1900. ,s'« Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. See Ztschr. Elektroch. See following entry. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift [(vorher "Berliner Entomo logische Zeitschrift ")] herausgegeben von der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft [(bisher " Berliner Entomologi- scher Verein ")]. 8vo. Berlin. 25, 1881—31, 1887; 1888— 1900 [pp. 17-224]. See Ztschr. Angew. Chem. Sf.e Mschr. Kakteenk. See Meteorol. Ztschr. See Ann. der Hydrogr. See Zool. Anz. Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgie. iitinn/;d ax : Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutseher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Svo. Leipzig. 1890—1900. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palsestina- Vereins. 1884—23, 1901. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft ...... Svo. Leipzig. 1899 A: 1900. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft auf der ...... Jahresversammlung. Svo. Leipzig. 1891 — 1900. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art. Svo. Plymouth. 16, 1884—32, 1900. Sec Plymouth Inst. Trans. MemoireS dr ]'. \radriiiic- des Sciences, Arts el, I Jclles Lett rc.s de Dijon. [Partie . Stuttgart. 1, 1888—14, 1896. Historisehe Studien aus dem Pharmakologischen Institute der Kaiserlichen Universitat Dorpat. 8vo. Halle a. S. 1, 1889 — 5, 1896. SitzuHgsberichte dcr Naturforscher-Gesellschaft bei der Univer.sitat [Jurjew] Dorpat. 8vo. Dorpat. 7, 1886—12, 1901. Schriften herausgegeben von der Naturfor.scher-Gesellschaft bei der Uiiiversitat [Jurjew] Dorpat. 4to. Dorpat, 1,1884—9,1896. Beobachtungen der Kaiserlichen Universitats-Sternwarte [Dorpat]. -Ho. Dorpat. 17, 1887— IS, 1891; 20, 1893. Ac'rpoiiOMii'iecKoil OficepBaiopiS IlMiiepaTopcKaro B'L B)pbCB"t (ouBiiiCM't Jepirrfc). Beobachtungen der Kaiserlichen Universitats-Sternwarte zu Jurjew (vormals Dorpat). 4to. HJpteBT.. Jurjew. 19, 1899. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. 8vo. Sherborne. Dorchester. 5, [1884]— 22, 1901 [in part]. Memoires de la Societe il' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts Centrale du Departement du Nord seant a Douai. 8vo. Douai. [Third Series.] 1, 1885 & 2, 1889. Memoires de la Societe d'Emulatioii du Doubs. 8vo. Besane/jn. [Fifth Series.] 9, 1885 & 10, 1886. [Sixth Series.] 1, 1887— 10, 1896. [Seventh Series.] 1, 1897—5, 1901. .See Iris. Festschrift zur Jubelfeier des 25jiihrigen Bestehens des Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Dresden. 8vo. Dresden. 1888. Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Dresden. 8vo. Dresden. 21, 1885—26, 1898. Festschrift der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschat't Isis in Dresden zur Feier ihres 50jiihrigen Bestehens am 14. Mai 1885. 8vo. Dresden. 1885. Sitzungsberichte und Abhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden. 8vo. Dresden. 1884 — 1900. Mittheilungen aus dem Koniglichen Mineralogisch-Geologischen und Prahistorischen Museum in Dresden. 4to. Cassel. Leipzig. 6, 1884—14, 1898. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Koniglichen Zoologischen und Anthropologisch-Ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden. 4to. Berlin. 1886-87—1900-01 [in part]. The Dublin Journal of Medical Science. 8vo. Dublin. 77, 1884—110, 1900. Sre Irish Natlist. The Proceedings and Papers of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. 8vo. Dublin. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1892. The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Formerly The Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland founded [in 1849] as The Kilkenny Archaeological Society. 8vo. Dublin. 2, 1892—10, 1901. XXXIV Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans. ... Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans. Dun Echt Obs. Publ. Dunsink Obsns. Durham Univ. Proc. Phil. Soc. Tim Scientific Proceedings , 1884. Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Svo. Edinburgh. 19, 1893— 21, 1900. Transactions of I, he Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. Svo. [Edinburgh ] I, 1886 [from p. l.'ilij. Continued as: Edinb. Nat. Soc. Trans., «/. r. Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland. Svo. Edinburgh. 1, 1883 -is, 1900. Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society. S\<>. Edinburgh. f>, 1888— S, 1905 [to p. is | |. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. s\o. London. Edinburgh. 1, 1894; 2, 1884 — 19, 1901. Transactions of the Kdinlmrgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society, instituted as the Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. Svo. [Edinburgh.] 2, 1891— 4, 1902 [to p. 132]. c<'ii/!niii,/l,,,i <>j : Edinb. Field Club Trans., . Morlaix. fi, 1884— [11], 1892. Bulletin de la Commission G^ologique de Finland*'. Svo. llrlsiin; fors. 1, 1895 98 A- -', 1898 1902. .sv, Fennia. See Helsingfors, Bidrag. Helsingfors, Ofvers. XXXV11 Firenze Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl (,SV~. Mrd.) (Arcetri Oss.) Firenze Soc. Studi Geogr. Boll. Flora Foldt. Kdzlbn. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg. ... Forsch. Agr.-Phys Forsch. Deutsch. Landesk. Fortschr. Math. Fortschr. Med Fortschr. Phys Fortschr. Rontgenstr Fortschr. Theerfarben-Fa- brikation France Bur. Centr. Meteo- rol. Ann. France Gites Min. Etudes France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull. France Serv. Carte Geol. Mem. Publishing place of Italia , Soc. Bot. Bull., q.r. Italia , Soc. Ent. Bull., q.r. Italia , Soc. Geogr. Bull., q.r. 'Italia , Soc. Meteorol. Annu. q.r. Atti della Reale Accademia Economico-Agraria dei Georgofili cli Firenze. 8vo. Firenze. [Fourth Series.] 8, 1885—23, 1900. Pubblicazioni del R. Istituto di Studi Superior! Pratici e cli Per- fezionaiuento in Firenze. Sezione di Scienze Fisiche e Natural!. 8vo. Firenze. 1, 1877 —39, 1900. Sezione di Medicina e Chirurgia [e Scuola di Farmacia. Archivio della Scuola d'Anatomia Patologioa]. 8vo. Firenze. 1, 1876—20, 1897. R. Osservatorio di Arcetri. 4to. Firenze. Fane. 1, 1896 — Fasc. 14, 1900. ,sW Riv. Geogr. Ital. Flora oder Allgemeine Botanische Zeitung [friiherj herausgegeben von der Konigl. Bayer. Botanischen Gesellschaft in Regens- burg. 8vo. Regensburg. Marburg. 67, 1884 — 87, 1900. Foldtani Kuzlony. Havi folyoirat kiadja a Magyarhoni Foldtani Ti'trsulat. [Egyszerstoind a M. Kir. Foldtani Intezet hivatalos Kozlonye.] Foldtani Kozlony. (Geologische Mittheilungen.) Zeitschrift der Ungarischen Geologischen Gesellschaft. [Zu- gleich aintliches Organ der K. Ung. Geologischen Anstalt.] 8vo. Budapest. 14, 1884 [in part]— 30, 1900. Allgemeine Bauzeitung [mit Abbildungen]. Gegriindet von Professor Chr. Ludwig FORSTER. [Oesterreichische Vierteljahrsschi-ift fiir den offentlichen Baudienst. Herausgegeben ira K. K. Minis- terium des Innern.] Folio. Vienna. 49, 1884 — 65, 1900. Forschungen auf clem Gebiete der Agrikultur-Physik. 8vo. Heidelberg. 7, 1884—20, 1897-98. Forschungen zur Deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde im Auftrage der Central Kommission fur Wissenschaftliche Landeskunde von Deutschland. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1,1886 — 13, 1901 [to p. 152]. Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik liegriindet von Carl OHRTMANN. 8vo. Berlin. 1884—1900. Fortschritte der Medici n. 8vo. Berlin. 2 (1884)— 18 (1900). Die Fortschritte der PhysikimJahre 8vo. Berlin. 1884—1900. Fortschritte auf clem (Jebieteder Rontgenstrahlen. 4to. HamlHirg. I, 1897-98—4, 1900-01 [to p. 59]. Fortschritte der Theerfarbenfabrikation und verwandter Industrie- zweige An der Hand der systematise!! geordneten und mit kritisehen Anmerkungen versehenen Deutschen Reichs-Patente dargestellt von Dr. P. FRIEDLAENDEH. 8vo. Berlin. 1877-87 — 1897-1900. Ministere de 1'lnstruction Publique. Annales flu Bureau Central Metferologique de France. 4to. Paris. 1877 — 1898. Etudes des Gites Mineraux de la France publiees sous les Auspices de J/. le Ministre des Travaux Publics par le Service des Topographies Souterraines. 4to. Paris. 1881 — 1900. Bulletin des Services de la Carte Geologique de la France et des Topographies Souterraines. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1890 — 11, 1900. Carte Geologique detaillee de la France. 8vo. Paris. Mem. No. 1, 1873. Mi'moires pour sc'.rvir :'i 1'Explication de la Carte Geologique detaillt'-c dc la France. 4to. Paris. 1873 (2" Ed. 1879): 1879—1897. XXX VI 11 France Soc. Acclim. Bull. France Soc. Agr. Bull. ... France Soc. Agr. Mem. ... France Soc. Bot. Bull. ... France Soc. Ent. France Soc. Malacol France Soc. Malacol. Bull. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol. France Soc. Min. Bull. France Soc. Zool France Soc. Zool. Bull. ... France Soc. Zool. Mem. ... Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber. Frankf. a. M. Ver. Pflege Photogr. Frankfurt am Main Frankf., Zool. Garten Franklin Inst. Jl. Freiburg Ber Frelon Fresenius, Ztschr. Bulletin de la Societe Nationale d'Acclimatation de France. [(Revue des Sciences Naturelles Appliquees.)] Svo. Paris. 31, 1884—35, 1888; 43, 1896—47, 1900. Revue des Sciences Naturelles Appliquees. Bulletin bimensuel de la Societe Nationale d'Acclimatation cle France. Svo. Paris. 30, 1889—42, 1895. Bulletin des Seances de la Societe Nationale d' Agriculture de France. Svo. Paris. 44, 1884—60, 1900. Memoires publics par la Societe Nationale d' Agriculture de France. Svo. Paris. 129, 1884—139, 1900. Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France. Svo. Paris. 31, 1884—47, 1900. oefi Abeille. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull. Rev. Ent. See Ann. Malacol. Bulletins de la Societe Malacologique de France. Svo. Paris. 1, 1884—7, 1890. Annuaire de la Societe Meteorologique de France. Svo. Paris. 2, 1854—48, 1900. Nouvelles Meteorologiques publiees sous les Auspices de la Societe Meteorologique de France [et de 1'Observatoire Meteorologique Central de Montsouris]. Svo. Paris. 1, 1868—9, 1876. Bulletin de la Societe Mineralogique de France. Svo. Paris. 7, 1884 A 8, 1885. Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie. (Ancienne Societe Mineralogique de France.) Svo. Paris. 9, 1886—24, 1901. See Paris, Caus. Sci. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France. Svo. Paris. 9, 1884—25, 1900. Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France. Svo. Paris. 1, 1888—13, 1900. Jahresberieht des Physikalischen Vereins zu Frankfurt am Main. Svo. Frankfurt am Main. 1883-84—1900-01. >'« Wien, Photogr. Correspond. Publishing place of Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., er Zoologisehe Garten. [(Zoologischer Beobachter.)] Zeitschrift fiir Beobachtung. Pttege und Zucht der Tiere Herausge- geben von der " Neuen Zoologischen Gesellsehaft " in Frankfurt a. M. [unter Mituirkuni; von Fachgenossen]. Svo. Frankfurt a. M. 25, 1884—41, 1900. The Journal of the Franklin Institute devoted to Science and the Mechanic Arts. Svo. Philadelphia. 117, 1884—150, 1900. Berichte [liber die Verhandlungen] der Naturt'orschenden Gesell- sehaft zu Freiburg i. B. Svo. 8, [1885]; 1, 1886—11, 1899- 1901 4 Supplement to 8, |1885]. Le Frclnn. Journal d'Entomologie descriptive. Svo. Chateauroux. 1, [1892]— 8, [1900]. Zeitschrift fiir Analytische Chemie. Herausgegeben von Dr. (_'. II< migius FuESENirs. [Begriindet von R. FRESENIUS.] S\o. Wiesbaden. 23, 1884—39,' 1900. XXXIX Galicyi Atlas Geol. Tekst Gard. Chron Garden & Forest. Gazz. Chim. Ital. Geelong Field Naturalists' Club Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu. Geneve, Inst. Nat. Bull. Geneve, Inst. Nat. Mem.... Geneve Mus. Hist. Nat. Ann. Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem. Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem.... Genie Civil . Genova Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann. ... Genova Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Boll. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti Genova Univ. Atti .. Gent Kruidk. Genootsch. Dodonaea Geogn. Jhefte Geogr. Jbuch. Geogr. Jl Geogr. (Paris) Geogr. Soc. Proc. G. Atlas Geologiczny Galicyi. Tekst do Zesztu Wydawnictwo Komisyi Fizyjograticznej Akademii Umiejetnosci. [Geological Atlas of Galioia. Text to Sheet Published by the Physio- graphical Commission of the Academy of Science.] Svo. Krakow. 1, 1887— S, 1900; 10 (Pt. 1), 1897; 10 (Ft. 2), 1898; 12, 1900. [9 and 11 after 1900.] The Gardeners' Chronicle. 4to. London. [Second Series.] 21, 1884—26, 1886. [Third Series.] 1, 1887—28, 1900. Garden and Forest. A Journal of Horticulture, Landscape Art and Forestry. 4 to. New York. 1, 1888—10, 1897. [La] Gazzetta Chimica I talia.ua. Svo. Palermo. Roma. 14, 1885—30 (1900, Pt. 2). See Wombat. Annuaire du Conservatoire du Jardin Botanique de Geneve. Svo. Geneve. 1, 1897—4, 1900. Bulletin de Tlnstitut National Genevois. Svo. Geneve. 26, 1884—35, 1900. Memoires de 1'Institut National Genevois. 4to. Geneve. 16, 1886—18, 1900. See Rev. Suisse Zool. Le Globe. Journal Geographique. Organe de la Societr de Geographic de Geneve. [Bulletin et Memoires.] Svo. Geneve. 23, 1884—40, 1901 [to p. 47]. Memoires de la Societc tie Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. 4to. Geneve. 29, 1884-87—33, 1898-1901 [in part], & Supplementary Volume 1891. Le Genie Civil. Revue generale des Industries franchises rt etrangeres. 4to. Paris. 1, 1880-81—38, 1900-01 [to p. 148]. See Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Svo. Genova. 20, 1884—40, 1899. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata della R. Universita di Genova. Svo. Genova. 1892-94 — 1899-1900. Atti della Societa Ligustica di Scienze Naturali e Geogratiche. Svo. Genova. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Atti della R. Universita di Genova pubblicati per Decreto ed a Spese del Municipio di Genova. Svo. Genova. 6, 1884 — 15 1900. See Bot. Jaarb. Geoguostische Jahreshefte. Svo. Cassel. Miinchen. 1, 1888 12. 1899. Geographisches Jahrbuch. Svo. Gotha. 10, 1885 — 22, 1900. The Geographical Journal. Including the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society. Svo. London. 1, 1893 — 16, 1900. La Geographic. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic. Svo. Paris. 1, 1900 & 2, 1900. Continuation of: Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., q.v. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly licvord of Geography. Svo. London. 6, 1884 — 14, 1892. by: Geogr. Jl., . xl Geogr. Soc. Suppl. Pap. Geol. Ass. Proc Geol. Mag Geological Congresses Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl Georgia Geol. Surv. Bull. ... Ges. Geburtshlf. Gynak. ... Giessen, Oberhess. Ges. Ber. Giorn. Mat Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr. ... Gironde Comm. Meteorol. Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans. Glasgow Inst. Engin. Trans. Glasgow Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. Glasgow Med. Jl Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans. Glasgow Path. Clin. Soc. Trans. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc.... Globe Gloucester . Gb'rlitz Abh Goteborg Handl. Gottingen Abh. ... Gottingen Nachr. Gottingen Sternw. Astr. Mitth. Gomes Teixeira, Jorn. Sci. Gordon Coll. Photogr. Ass. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber. Royal Geographical Society. Supplementary Papers. 8vo. Luinlmi. 1, 1886—4, 1890. Succeeded /iy : Geogr. Jl., q.v. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. Svo. London. 8,1885 [from p. 299]— 17, 1902 [to p. 7G]. The Geological Magazine or Monthly Journal of Geology with which is incorporated The Geologist. Svo. London. [Decade 3.] 1, 1884—10, 1893. [Decade 4.] 1, 1894-7, 1900. ,sv, Congr. Geol. Int. C. R. The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. 8vo. London. 40, 1884—56, 1900. Geological Survey of Georgia. Bulletin. Svo. Atlanta. 1, 1894— 7/1898; 10,1900. [8 and 9 after 1900.] ,sv, Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak. iVriclite der Oberhessischen Gesellschaft fiir Natur- \md Heil- kunde. Svo. Giessen. 2.'!, 1884— 32, 1897-99. Giornale di Matemafciche. 4to. Napoli. 22,1884—38.1900. Giornale di Mineralogia, Cristallogratia e Petrografia. Svo. Milano. 1, 1890—5, 1894. •• Astronomicas, puhlicadu pelo Dr. K. G..MKS TEIXEIRA. Svo. Coimbra. 5,1883—14,1900. See Wombat. Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubiindens. Svo. Chur. 27, 1884 [in part]— 43, 1900. xli 's G-ravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr. Graz Graz Bot. Inst. Mitth. Great Britain Geol. Surv. Mem. Great Britain Geol. Surv. Mem. (Dint-rii-f) Great Britain Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sli'-i'i) Great Britain Phil. Soc. Greenwich Obsns. Greifswald Naturwiss. Ver. Mitth. Grenoble Grenoble Univ. Lab. Geol. Trav. Grevillea .. Tijdschrift van lid Koninklijk Instituut \au [ngenieurs. 4to. 's Gravenhagc. 1883-84 [iu part j — 1900-01 [in part]. Publishing place of Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., ;it Britain and of the Museum of Practical Geology. Svo. London. 3, 1866. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great llritain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology. Svo. London. 1839—1866. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and of tlie Museum of Practical Geology. Svo. London. 1860 — 1866. tfee Victoria Inst. Jl. Astronomical and Magiietical and Meteorological Observations made at the Koyal Observatory, Greenwich, in the year I to. Loud. in. 1882 -1898. .fc- Neu-Vorpommern Mitth. Publiuhvng pine/' "/ Isere Soc. Bull., , [1901]. Grevillea, a Quarterly lieeoi-d of Cryptogamie Botany and its Literature. Svo. London. 13, [1885]— 22, [1894].' Haarlem, Hollands. Maatsch. Nat. Verh. Haarlem Kolon. Mus. Bull. Haarlem, Mus.Teyler Arch. Habana Ac. An. Hague (The) Hainaut Soc. Mem. Halifax, Nova Scotia Halle . Halle Kryptog. Lab. Halle Natf. Ges. Abh. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber. H. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, te Haarlem. 4to. Haarlem. 4, 1887 [,SV«/- I] et 5, 1903 [Stuk 1 & Mn,k '2]. Bulletin van het Koloniaal Museum te Haarlem. Svo. Amsterdam. [6], 1893— 1>3, 1900. Archives du Musee Teyler. 4to. Haarlem. Paris. Leipsiu. [Second Series.] L', 1886— T, 1902 [to p. 152]. Anales de la [Real] Academia de Ciencias Medioas, Fisicas y Naturales de la Habaua. Revista Cientitica. Svo. Habana. 1, 1864—37, 1900. See 'a Gravenhage. Memoires et Publications de la Soeiete des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Hainaut. Svo. Mons. [Fourth Series.] S, 1884 — 10, 1888. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1889—10, 1898. [Sixth Series.] 1, 1899—3, 1901. Publishing place of N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 7. r. Publish my place of Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, r PAGENSTECHEH fur das Jahr , abgestattet in dem Jahrbuch der Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten zu Hamburg. 8vo. Hamburg. 1884 — 1887. Continued as: Mitteilung aus dem Naturhistorischeu Museum in Hamburg. Aus dem .lalirhiifh der Haiuburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten. 8v,,. Hamburg. 6, 1889 — 10, 1893. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischeu Museum in Hamburg. Beiheft zum Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten. t Wetterau. Ges. Nat. Ber., q. i\ Zeitschrift des Arehitekten- und Ingeuieur- Vereins zu Hannover. 4to. Hannover. 30, 1884—41, 1895. Zeitschrift fur Architektur und Ingenieurwesen. Organ des S;ichsischen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereins und des Arehi- tekten- und Ingenieur-Vereins zu Hannover. 4to. Hannover. li'. 1896--4ii, 1900. Jahresbericht der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft /.u Hannover. 8vo. Hannover. 1883-87—1897-99. ,sVe Arch. Neerland. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. 4to. Cambridge. Karlsruhe. Waterville, -Me. 13 (I'l. 2), 1888 [from p. -JOr,]— 27 (Pt. 1), 1890; 28 (Pi. 1), 1897—37 (Pi. 1), 1900; 39 (Pt. 1), 1899; 40, 1896; 42 (Pt. 1), 1897 A- (1't. 2), 1900. [27 (Pt. 2); 37 (Pt. 2); 38; 39 (Pt. 2) i 41 not published till after 1900.] Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. 11.1883-85 [in part]— 38, 1900-03 [36, 37 & 38 in part]. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. 4to. Cambridge. U.S.A. 10, 1883 85 [A'o.--. 2-4]— 24, 1899. xliii Havre La Haye . Hedwigia Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Geol. Karte Erliiut. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Festschr. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb. Heidelb. Sternw. Verdff. .. Helgoland Biol. Anst Helsingfors, Acta Helsingfors, Bidrag Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Acta Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd. Helsingfors, Ofvers Hereny Astrophys. Obs. Publ. Hermannstadt Hermannstadt Verb. . Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. Highland Soc. Trans Hildesheim Roemer-Mus. Mitth. Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc. Homme Hongkong Obs. Obsns Publishing place of Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., (1900-01) [to p. 193]. Transactions of the Hull Geological. Society. Svo. Hull. 1,1894 r> (Pt. 3), 1903 [in part]. Humboldt. Monatsschrift fiir die Gesamten Naturwissenschaften. 4to. Stuttgart, 3, 1884- -9, 1890. The Humming Bird. A scientific, artistic and industrial lleview. London. Springvale. 4to. 1,1891. Svo. 2,1892 — f>, 1895. Xfr Ann. der Hydrogr. Hydrographisehe Mittheilungen. Herausgegeben von dem Hydro- graphischen Bureau der Kaiserlichen Admiralitat. 4to. Berlin. 1 (1873) it 2 (1874). f W/,,,,,W ,,x .- Ann. der Hydrogr., ,t. v. Congr. Int. Hig. Act. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R. Int. Congr. Hyg. Arb. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. Ibis lekaterinenb., Soc. Oural. Bull. 111. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull.... 111. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 111. Wschr. Ent. 111. Ztschr. Ent. India Agr. Soc. Jl India Agr. Soc. Proc. & Jl. India Archaeol. Surv. Rep. India Bot. Surv. Records India Geol. Surv. Mem. I. The [bis, a quarterly Journal of Ornithology. 8vo. Loudon. [Fifth .Series.] 2,' 1884— 6, 1888. [Sixth Series.] 1.1889—0, 1894. [Seventh Series] 1, 1895— G, 1900. Maimciiir ypa.iiidi.aro OomecTBa . Iiooirre.ieii EcTecTB03HaHiji. Bulletin de la Societe Ouralienne d'Amateurs des Sciences Naturelles. Ekaterinburg. 4 to. ."> (X«. 4), 1886; S (X<>. 1), 1885-13 (Xo. 2), 1891-94; If), 1895-1(5 (X,,. 2), 1897: I'd i.V". 1). 1898—21, 1899. Svo. 14 (.Y«. f>). 1896; 17 (To. 1), 1896—111 (No. 1), 1897. [10 (X<>. 1); It (Nos. 1-4); 1C, (.\n. 1) inaccessible.! I'.ulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Svo. Peoria. Springtield. Urbana. 2, 1890—5, 1902 [to p.' 178]. liulletin of the Illinois State Museum of Natural Historv, Springfield, Illinois. 4 to. Springfield, 111. 2, 1884—12. 1897. Illustrierte Wochenschrift fiir Entomologie. Internationales ( li-gan fur alle Interessen der Insektenkumle. Offizielles Organ der Herliner Entomologischen (iesellschaft. 8vo. Neudamm. 1, 1896 .t 2, 1897. (',,„/;, tun! as: Illusirierte Xeitschrit't fiir Entomologie. [Organ der Allgemeinen Entomologischen Gesellschaft.] Internationales Organ fiir die Interessen der .•illgeiiieineii iind angewandten Entomologie wie der [nsekten-Biologie. s\-o. Neudamm. :'.. 1898 ~>. 1900. Journal of the Agricultural and lloi'ticultui-al Society of India. 8vo. Calcutta. 7, 1886 [in part] ---!) (1890-93). Continued as : Proceedings and Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Svo. Calcutta. 10 (1894 96) A- 11 (1897 1901).' Arrha'olo-ical Survey of India. Svo. Calcutta. 17. 1884 2.".. 1887. lleoortl.s of the Botanical Sun ey of India. Svo. Calcutta. I, 1893-1902 1 1., p. 329]. .Memoirs of the (.ieological Survey of India. Svo. Calcutta. 1. 1859; 21, 1885 30, 1901 [to p. 168]. xl V India Geol. Surv. Quart. Notes India Geol. Surv. Records India Geol. Surv. Rep Indiana Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep. Indian Med. Gaz. Indian Meteorol. Mem. Indian Mus. Notes Innsbruck, Ferdinandeum Ztschr. Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber. Inst. Act. Jl. . Inst. Actuaries Inst. Brewing Trans Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc. ... Inst. Egypt. Bull Inst. Egypt. Mem Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. Trans. Inst. Solvay Trav Int. Congr. Hyg. Arb Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc. ... Int. Ent.-Ver Int. Erdm. Centralbur. Ber. 4, q.v. Int. Erdm. [ Veroff. ] Int. Erdm. Veroff. Centralbur. Centralbur. Geological Survey of India Department. Quarterly Notes. [Folio. Calcutta.] 1, 1895—4, 1895; 1, 1896-4, 1896; 1, 1897. Records of the Geological Survey of India. Svo. Calcutta. 17, 1884—30, 1897. General Report on the Work carried on by the Geological Survey of India Svo. Calcutta. 1897-98—1899-1900. Indiana, Department of Geology and Natural History [Resources]. Svo. Indianapolis. 14, 1884—24, 1900. The Indian Medical Gazette. A Record of Medicine, Surgery, Public Health, and of general medical Intelligence, Indian and European. 4to. Calcutta. 19, 1884—35, 1900. Indian Meteorological Memoirs : being occasional Discussions and Compilations of meteorological Data relating to India and the neighbouring Countries. 4to. Calcutta. Simla. 1, 1876—81 — 11, 1899-1901 [to p. 251]; 12, 1900-02 [to p. 30]. Indian Museum Notes. Svo. Calcutta. 1, 1889-91- -5, 1903 [in part]. Xeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fur Tirol und Vorarlberg. Svo. Innsbruck. [Third Series] 28, 1884-44, 1900. Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-inedi/.inischeti Vereines in Inns- bruck. Svo. Innsbruck. 14, 1884—20, 1901 [to p. ix]. Journal of the Institute of Actuaries [and Assurance Magazine]. Svo. London. 14, 1869-30, 1902 [in part]. Continuation of: Assur. Mag., '' Ornis. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of .Sciences. 8vo. Des Moines, Iowa.' 1875-80; [1 (Ft. I)],"l890— 7, 1900. Iowa Geological Survey. Svo. Des Moines. 1, 1893 Id, 1900. Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State I'niversity of Inwa. Svo. Iowa City, Iowa. 1, 1888-90 — 5, 1899 1904 [to p. 86]. .diurnal of the Royal Geological Society of Ireland. 8yo. London. Dublin. Edinburgh, li, 1886 [from p. -207]— 8, 1889. lleport on the Geology of the County of Londonderry, and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh. Svo. Dublin. 1843. [Memoirs of the Geological Survey.] Svo. Dublin. 1858 — 1861. Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Svo. Dublin. 1861 — 1891. See Dublin, Roy. Soc. Ant. Ir. Jl. S* Irish Natlist. Correspondenz-Blatt des Eiitoiuologischen Vereins Iris zu Dresden. S\o. Dresden. 1 (1884-88). Iris, Dresden. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift herausgegeben von der ( lesellschaft Iris zu Dresden in Verbindung mit der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin Fort- set /miu des " ( lorrespondenz-Blattes des Entomologischen Vereins Iris.' 8vo. Dresden. 2 (1889)— 13 (1900) [to p. 1591 Uoyal Irish Academy. Cunningham Memoirs. Ito. Dublin. 1, 1880—10, 1894. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. [Science.] Svo. Dublin. [Second Series.] 4,188488. [Third Series.] 1,1889-91—6, 1900-02 [in part]. The Transactions of the Uoyal Irish Academy. Science. 4to. Dublin. L's. 1880-86 [in part]— 31, 1896-1901 [to p. 47-']. Tin- Irish Naturalist : a monthly Journal of general Irish Natural History, the official Organ of the Royal Zoological Society of Ireland; the Dublin Microscopical Club; the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society : the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club; the Dublin Naturalists' Field Club; the Armagh Natural History and Philosophical Society ; the Cork Naturalists' Kidd Cluli. Svo. Dublin. Belfast. London. 1, 1892—9, 1900. The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Svo. London. New York. 1884—1900 & "Special Volume." Bulletin de la Soeiete ile Si at ist i. pie, iles Sciences naturelles et des Arts industriels du Departement de 1'Ueiv. s\n. Grenoble. •Jl, 1884 [in part | 31, 1900. xlvii Isle of Man Nat. Hist. & See Yn Lioar Manninagh. Antiq. Soc. Italia Carta Geol. Descriz. Memorie per servire alia Descrizione della Carta geologica d' Italia, Mem. pubblicate a cura del R. Comifcato Geologico del Res;nu. 4to. Firenze, Roma. 1, 1871—4 (ljt. 2), 1893. Italia Carta Geol. Mem. Memorie descrittive della Carta geologica d' Italia. Svo. Roma. Descritt. 1, 1886-10, 1900. Italia Com. Geol. Boll. ... Bollettino del R. Comitato Geologico d' Italia. 8vo. Roma. l-">. 1884 :il, 1900. I Italia I, Soc. Bot. Bull. ... Bullettino della Societa Botanica Italiaua. 8vo. Fireiize. 1892 — 1900. [Italia], Soc. Crittog. Atti Atti della Societa Crittogamologica Italiana residente in Milano (R. Orto Botanico di Brera). 8vo. Varese. 3 (Di.sp. 3), 1884 & 3 (Disp. 4), 1885. [Italia |, Soc. Ent. Bull. ... Bullettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana. 8vo. Firenze. 16, 1884—32, 1900. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll. Bollettino della Societa Geogratica Italiana. 8vo. Firenze. Roma. 1, 1868—37, 1900. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem. Memorie della Societa Geografica Italiana. s\o. Roma. 1,1878 — 0, 1899. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll. ... Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana. 8vo. Roma. 3,1884 — 19, 1900. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annuario della Societu Meteorologioa Italiana. 8vo. Roma. Annu. Torino. Firenze. 1, 1878—3, 1880. Annuario Meteorologico Italiano pubblicato per Cura del Comitato Pirettivo della Societa Meteorologica Italiana. vo. Amsterdam. 13 (1884)— 29 (1900). Jamaica Inst. Jl Journal of the Institute of Jamaica. 8vo. Kingston, Jamaica. 1, 1894 & 2, 1899. Japan Asiat. Soc. Trans. Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. 8vo. Yokohama. Tokyo. 12, 1885—28, 1900. Japan Geol. Surv. Bull. ... Bulletin of the Imperial Geological Survey of Japan. 8vo. [? Tokyo.] 1886; 1887 [to p. 203] ; 1888 [pp. 99—307]; 1890— 1893 ; 1896 ; 1898 ; 1899. [In Japanese. Part of 1887 & 1888 and the whole of 1889, 1894, 1895, 1897 2, 1884-48, 1900. Jl. Exper. Med The Journal of experimental Medicine. Svo. New York. 1. 1896—5, 1900-01 [to p. 3 IS]. Jl. f. Ornith Journal fur Ornithologie. Deutsches Centralorgan fiir die gesammte Ornithologie. In Verbindung mit der Allgemeinen I >tiitsehen Ornithologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin herausgegeben. Svo. Leipzig. 32, 1884—41, 1893. Journal fur Ornithologie. Gegriindet von .1. CAIIANIS. Im Auftrage der [Allgemeinen] Deutschen Ornithologischen Gesellschaft herausgegeben. Svo. Leip/.ig. 42, 1894 is, 1900. Jl. Geol. (Chicago) The Journal of Ceology. Svo. Chicago. I, 1893 — S, 1900. Jl. Int. Anat See Int. Jl. Anat. Jl. Landw Journal fiir Landuirtlischaft. Svo. Berlin. 32. 1884 — 4S, 1900. Jl. Malacol. The Journal of Malacology. Svo. London Berlin. 3, 1894 7, 1900. <'<»tiinii KasancKOMt yHHBepciiTork 8vo. Kazan. 1,1891—10,1901. Successor to: Kazan Soc. Nat. (Phys.-Mnth.) Proc., ij.v. y'lOHHH 'iaiincKii HMnepaiopcKaro Kn^aiifcaro yiniBein'irrrra. [Scientific Memoirs of the Imperial University of Kazan.] 8vo. Kazan. 1890-1900. [1890 (I'ts. 1-5); 1891 (/Vx. 1 & 2); 1893 (Pi. 6); 1895 (Pts. 4-10); 1897 (Pi. 12); 1898 (Pts. 5 & 6); 1899 (/J/6. 2 & 9-12); 1900 (Pts. 1-10 it 12) inaccessible.] Kentucky Geological Simry. ito. Frankfort, Ky. [1884.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Com- mun. Boj'al [Botanic] Gardens, Kew. Bulletin t>f Miscellaneous Information. Svo. London. 1887-1900. Coimini'iiiii XapKOBCitaro MaTeMaTiinecKaro (idin i-ations ile la Soeirtc Mathematique de Kharkov. 1884—1887. [Second Series.] 1 | I 'IK. 1 — •!]. [No more accessible.] frna. Communi- Kharkov. Svo. 1889— 5, [1896?] li Kiel Komm. Wiss. Unters. Deutsch. Meere Kiel Sternw. Publ. Kiel Univ. Mitth. Min. Inst. Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem. Kjdbenh. Bot. For Kjobenh. Bot. For. Festskr. Kjobenh. Bot. For. Medd. Kjobenh., Carlsb. Lab. Medd. Kjobenh., Dansk. Geol. For. Medd. Kjobenh., Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr. ., E Museo Lundii Kjobenh. Ent. For. Kjobenh., Overs. Kjpbenh. Vid. Medd K. K. Ges. Aerzte Klagenfurt Klausenburg Kbnigsb. Phys.-Oekon. Ges. Konigsb. Schr Konigsb. Sternw. Astr. Beob. Kolozsvar Kosmos (Lwow) See. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Publication der [Kuniglichen] Sternwarte in Kiel. 4to. Kiel. Leipzig. [1], 1873—10, 1899. Mittheilungen aus dem Mineralogischen Institut der Universitiit Kiel. Svo. Kiel. Leipzig. 1, 1892. For continuation see: Arch. Anthrop. Geol. Schlesw. -Hoist. Maniinjii KiescEaro 06m,ecTBa EcrecTBOHciiHTaTejieB. [Memoires de la Societe des Naturalistes de Kiev.] 8vo. Kiev. 7 [1884] [pp. viii — xvi, Ixxxix — cvi, and from p. 433] — 17 (1) 1901 [to pp. cxxvii & cxi (bis)], 17 (2), 1902 [to p. xv]. See Bot. Tidsskr. Festskrift, udgivet af den Botaniske Foreuing i Kjobenhavn i Anledning af dens Halvhundredaarsfest, den 12. April 1890. Svo. Kjobenhavn. 1890. Medclelelser fra den Botaniske Forening i Kjobenhavn. Udgiviie som tillsegshsefter til " Botani.sk Tidsskrift " Bulletins de la Societe Botanique de Copenhague. Supplements an " Journal de Botaaique " Svo. Kjobenhavn. Copenhague. 1, 1882-86 [from p. 77], & 2, 1887-91. Meddelelser fra Carlsberg Laboratoriet. Udgivne ved Labora- toriets Bestyrelse. Avec un resume en fram-ais. Svo. Kjobenhavn. 2, 1888 [from p. 103; (Res. from p. 60)]— 5, 1903 [to pp. xxv tt CO; (Rfs. to pp. xii & 63)]. Mcddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening. 8vo. Kjobenhavn. 1, 1894—6, 1900. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs .Skrifter. 4to. Kjobenhavn. [Fifth Series.] 4, 1856-59, 1898 [pp. 409—454]. [Sixth Series.] 1, 1880-85 [from p. 397]— 9, 1898-1901 [to p. 300]; 10, 1899-1902 [to p. 90]. E Museo Lundii. En Samling af Afhandlinger. 4to. Kjobenhavn. 1, 1888 i 2, 1893-96. See. Ent. Medd. (Kjobenh.). Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger [og dets Mecllemmers Arbejder i Aaret samt med en Resume du Bulletin de 1'Academie Royale Danoise des Sciences et des Lettres], S\-o. Kjobenhavu. 1884—1900. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobenhavn. Svo. Kjobenhavn. 1883 — 1900. See Med. Jbiich. Publixttiny place of Karnten Landesmus. Jbuch., . See Kolozsvar. See Beitr. Naturk. Preussens. Schriften der physikalisch-6k onomischen Gesellschat't zu Konigs- berg in Pr. 4to. Konigsberg. 24,1884—41,1900. [Contains Sitzungsbericht des Preussischen Botanischen Vereins. Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Koniglichen Universitats- Sternwarte zu Konigsberg. Folio. Konigsberg. 37 (Pt. 1), 1882-39, 1899. Pitbliahvng place of Erdel. Muz.-Egyl. Ertek., J Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., , [1889]; LI, 1801— 16, 1896. Continuation of : Liverpool Geological Association. Transactions. Svo. Liverpool. 4, 1884— [S, 1888]; 10, 1890. Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society. Svo. Liverpool. 4, 1885—8, 1900. lYi >r<-< 'dings of the Literarv and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Svo. London. Liverpool. 38, 1884—55, 1901 [to p. 114]. [411, 1886 contains the first report of the Liverpool Marine Biological Committee.] Iv Liverpool Mar. Biol. Comm. Liverpool School Trop. Med. Mem. Liverpool, Thompson Yates Lab. Rep. Loc. G-ov. Brd. Rep. (Med. Off.) London London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl. London Malacol. Soc. Proc. London Math. Soc. Proc. London Path. Soc. Trans. London Phys. Soc. Proc.... Lotos [Louisiana], Geol. Agr. Rep. Lowell Obs. Ann Liineb. Nat. Ver. Jheft. Lum. Elect Lund Bot. For. Lund. Univ. Acta Luxemb. Inst. Publ. .. Luxemb. Soc. Bot. Rec. Mem. Trav. Lyon Ac. Mem Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.) Lyon Mus. Hist. Nat. Arch. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans. Liverpool Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Memoir. 4to. Liverpool. 2, 1900. The Thompson Yates Laboratories Report. 4to. Liverpool. 1, 1900—3 (Ft. 1), 1900. Annual Report of the Local Government Board. Supplement containing the Report of the Medical Officer. 8vo. London. 13, 1884—28, 1899 A Supplements. See Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1888. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans., 1891. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc., 1898 Journal of the Federated Institutes of Brewing containing the Transactions of the various Institutes 8vo. London. 1, 1895—7, 1901 [in part]. Successor to: Inst. Brewing Trans., \ Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok kor^bdl. Kiadja a Magyar Tudomanyos Akadrmia. [Memoirs in the Natural Sciences. Published by the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Huda- pc-st. 14, 1885 [in part]— 23, 1894. AVyw/W™/ /f Massachusetts. Svo. Boston. IS, 1887— 31, 1900. tiff. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz. h \ 111 Mater. Hist. Homme. Math. Ann. Mathesis Math. Gaz Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn Math. Termt. Ertes. .. Math. Termt. Kozlem. Mauritius Roy. Soc. Trans. Mecklenb. Geol. Anst. Mitth. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch. Med. Chir. Soc. Proc. Med.-Chir. Trans. Medd. Gr^nland Medical Congresses Med. Jbiich. Materiaux pour 1'Histoire primitive rt naturelle de I'Hoinuie. Svo. Paris. 18, 1884 — 22, 1888. For continuation see: Anthrop. (Paris). Mathematische Aimalen. In Verbindung mil C. NEUMANN be- griindet durcli Rudolf Friedrich Alfred CLEBSCH. Svo. Leipzig. 23, 1884—53, 1900. Mathesis. Recueil mathematique a 1'Usage des Ecoles speciales et des Etablissements d'Instruction moyenne. Publie par P. MANSION et J. NEUBEKG. Svo. Gand. Paris. 4, 1884 — 20, 1900. The Mathematical Gazette. London. 4to. Nos. 1 (1894) — 6 (1895). ? 8vo. Vol. 1, 1900. Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. Mit Unterstiitzung der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissen- schafteu und der koniglicli Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft herausgegeben 8vo. Budapest. Berlin. Leipzig. 2 (1883-84) [in part]— 1 8, 1903. Mathematikai es Termeszettudomanyi Erte.sito. Kiadja a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. [Mathematical and Natural Science Report. Published by the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budapest. 2, 1884 [in part]— 12, 1894/ Mathematikai es Termeszettudomanyi Ertesito. A M. Tucl. Akademia in. Osztalyanak Folyoirata. [Mathematical and Natural Science Report. Journal of the third section of the Hungarian Academy of Science.] Svo. Budapest. 13, 1895 — 19, 1901 [in part]. Mathematikai es Termeszettudomanyi Kozlemenyek vonatkozolag a hazai Viszonyokra. Kiadja a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Mathematikai es Ternieszettudomanyi allando Bizottsaga. [Mathematical and Natural Science Communications referring to home relations. Published by the Permanent Committee on Mathematics and Natural Science of the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budapest. 20, 1885—27, [1901]. Transactions tie la Soeiete Royale des Arts et des Sciences art] : 7, 1893—21, 1899- 1902 [in part] : 23, 1899. [4-(i already indexed.] Set Congr. Int. Med. C. R. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R. Congr. Med. Int. Atti. Int. Med. Congr. Trans. Int. Med. Congr. Verh. Medizinische Jahrbiicher. Herausgegeben von der k. k. (icsrllschaft der Aer/.te. Svo. \Vien. 1884 A- 1885. [New Series.] 1, 1886—3, 1888. lix Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem. Melbourne Obs. Astr.Obsns. Results Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb. Messenger Math. Meteorol. Congr Meteorol. Council | Meteorol. Off., Int. Met.) Comm. Rep. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Conf. Rep. Meteorol. Off., Met. Comm. Rep. | Meteorol. Off.,] Met. Congr. Rep. Meteorol. Off., Met. Council Rep. Meteorol. Off. Monthly Weath. Rep. Meteorol. Off. Quart. Weath. Rep. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl. Meteorol. Ztschr. Metz Ac. Mem. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull. Meudon Obs. Ann Mex. Com. Geol. Bol Mex. Geogr. Bol Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol. Scientific Memoirs by medical Officers of the Army of India. 4to. Calcutta. 1, 1885—11, 1898. Results of astronomical Observations made at the Melbourne Observatory. 8vo. Melbourne. 1876-80; 1881-84. Memoires sur les Lepidopteres. Rediges par N. M. ROMANOFF. Large Svo. St. Petersbourg. 1, 1884—7, 1893; '.), 1897. [8 not published till after 1900.] The Messenger of Mathematics. 8vo. London. Cambridge. 13, 1884—29, 1900. See [Meteorol. Off.,] Met. Congr. Rep. See Meteorol. Off., Met. Council Rep. Report of the Permanent Committee of the First International Congress at Vienna. Svo. London. 1873 ; 1874 ; 1876 ; 1878. Report [of the Meetings] of the International Meteorological Com- mittee. Svo. London. 1880 ; 1882 ; 1885 ; 1888 ; 1894 ; 1899. Report of the International Meteorological Conference Svo. London. 1891 ; 1896. Report of the Meteorological Committee of the Royal Society for Svo. London. 1867— [1876-77]. Continued as: Meteorol. Off., Met. Council Rep., q.v. He-port of the Proceedings of the Meteorological Congress at Vienna. Protocols and Appendices. 8vo. London. 1873. Report of the Meteorological Council to the Royal Society for 8vo. London. [1877-78]— [1893-94]. Continuation of: Meteorol. Off., Met. Comm. Rep., q.r. Report of the Meteorological Council for to the President and Council of the Royal Society. Svo. London. [1894-95]— [1899-1900]. The Monthly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office for the Year 4to. London. 1884 — 1887. [Appendices only indexed.] Quarterly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office. 4to. London. 1869—1880. [Appendices only indexed.] Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Svo. London. 10, 1884—26, 1900. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft. 4to. Berlin. 1 (1884) i 2 (1885). Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von [im Auftrage] der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fur Meteorologie und der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft. tto. Berlin. Wien. 3 (1886)— 17 (1900)." Metzer Akademie. Litteratur, Wissenschaft, Kunst und Land- wirthschaft. Memoires de 1'Academie de Metz. Lettres, Sciences, Arts et Agriculture. Svo. Metz. 65, 1887 [in part]— 81, 1902. Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire naturelle de Metz. Svo. Metz. 16, 1884—20, 1898. Annales de 1'Observatoire d'Astronomie physique de Paris sis Pare de Meudon (Seine-et-Oise). 4 to. Paris. 1, 1896. Boletin de la Comision Geologica de Mexico. 4to. Mexico. I, 1895. Continued as: Mex. Inst. G-eol. Bol., q.v. Boletin de la Sociedad de Geograffa y Estadistica de la Republica Mexicana. Svo. Mexico. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1888—3, 1894. Boletin del Institute Geologico de Mexico. 4to. Mexico. 2, 1895—14, 1900. Continuation of: Mex. Com. Geol. Bol., q.v. h 1 Ix Mex. Mas. An. Mex. Obs. Bol. Mex. Soc. "Alzate" Mem. Mhefte. Chem Mhefte. Math. Phys. Michigan Fish Comm. Bull. Michigan, Fish Comm. Rep. Michigan Geol. Surv. Rep. Micr. Soc. Jl Midland Natlist. Milano, Cagnola Atti Milano, 1st. Lomb. Mem. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend. Milano Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Milano Oss. Brera Pubbl. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti Milano Soc. Ital. Mem. Minas Geraes Comm. Geogr. Bol. Min. Mag Minn. Ac. Sci. Bull." Minn. Ac. Sci. Occ. Pap. Minn. Bot. Stud. Anales del Museo Nacional de Mexico. 4to. Mexico. 3, 1886 [from p. 115] — 6, 1900 [Appendix only]. Ministerio de Fomento de la Republica Mexicana, Boletin Mensual del Observatorio Meteoroldgico [-Magnetieo] Central de Mexico. 4to. Mexico. 1, 1888—3, 1890; 1895—1900. Memorias de la Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate." Svo. Mexico. 1, 1887—15, 1900. Monatshefte fiir Chemie und verwandte Theile anderer \Vissen- schaften. Gesammelte Abhandlungen aus den Sitzungsbe- richteu der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Svo. Wien. 1885—1901 [in part]. Monatshefte fiir Mathematik und Physik. Svo. Wien. 1, 1890—11, 1900. See following <•»//•), 1898. Comniissiio Geographica e Gcologica do Estado de Minas Genir.-.. Boletim. Svo. Rio de Janeiro. 1, 1894—3, 1895. Boletim da Commissiio Geographica e Geologica do Estado de Minas Geraes. Svo. Rio de Janeiro. 4, 1896 it f>, 1898. The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society. Svo. London. 6, 1886—12, 1900. Bulletin of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. Svo. Minneapolis. 3, [1891] [in part] JL- 4, 1896. The Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences at Minneapolis, Minn. Occasional Papers. Ito. Minneapolis. 1, -Vo. 1, 1894. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Minnesota botanical Studies. Svo. Minneapolis. 1, 1894-98 it ~2. 1898 1902 [to p. 536]. Ixi Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Rep. Min. Petr. Mitth. Min. Soc. Jl. Misc. Ent. Missouri Geol. Surv. Bull. Missouri Geol. Surv. [Subj. Rep.] Mitteldeutsche Psychiater und Neurologen Mittelrhein. Geol. Ver Mitth. Osterland Modena Ace. Sci. Mem. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti (Rend.) Moncalieri Oss. Annu. .. Moncalieri Oss. Boll. Moncalieri Oss. Bull. Moniteur Sci. Mons Mont Blanc Obs. Ann Montevideo Mus. Nac. An. Montevideo, Obs. Meteorol. Bol. Montpellier, Ac. Mem. Montpellier Inst. Zool. Trav. Geological .-Hid Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Bulletin. Svo. St, Paul. Minneapolis. 1,1889; '2, 1887—8, 1893; 10, 1894. [9 forms the special sub-series entitled : Minn. Bot. Stud., q.v.] The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. 8vo. Minneapolis. St. Paul. 12, 1884—24, 1899. [Tsehermak's] Mineral ogische und Petrographische Mittheilungen. Svo. Wien. [New Series.] 1, 1878—19, 1900. See Min. Mag. Miscellanea Entomologica. Svo. No publishing place. 1, [1893] — S, 1900. Geological Survey of Missouri. Bulletin. Svo. Jefferson City. 1, "1890—5, 1891. Geological Survey of Missouri. [Subject Reports.] Svo. Jefferson City. [1], 1891—3, 1892. Missouri Geological Survey. [Subject Reports.] Svo. Jefferson City. 4, 1894—13, 1900. Sei' Arch. Psychiatr. See Darmst. Ver. Erdk. Notizbl. Mittheilungen aus clem Osterlancle. Svo. Altenburg. 2, 1884 [in part]— 9, 1900. Memorie della Regia Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Modena. 4to. Modena. [Second Series.] 2, 1884—12, 1896. [Third Series.] 1, 1898—3, 1901 [in part]. Atti della Societa clei Naturalist! [e Matematici] di Modena. [Memorie.] Svo. Modena. [Third Series.] 3, 1884— 1C, 1898. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1900 & 2, 1901. Rendiconti delle Adunanze. Svo. Modena. 1, 1882 — 3, 1886. Osservatorio centrale del Real Collegio Carlo Alberto in Moncalieri. Annuario Storico Meteorologico Italiano. Svo. Torino. 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Associazione [Societa] Meteorologica Italiana sotto gli auspici di S. M. il Re d' Italia. Bollettino Mensuale pubblicato per cura dell' Osservatorio Centrale del Real Collegio Carlo Alberto ill Moncalieri. 4to. Torino. [Second Series.] 1, 1881 — 20, 1900. Continuation, of: I'.ullettino Meteorologico dell' Osservatorio del R. Collegio Carlo Alberto in Moncalieri 4to. Torino. 1, 1866 — 15, 1881. Le Moniteur Scientifique [du docteur QUESNEVILLE]. Journal des Sciences pures et appliquees. Svo. Paris. 2l>, 1884 — 28, 1886. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1887—14, 1900. Publishing place of Hainaut Soc. Mem., q.v. Annales de 1'Observatoire meteorologique [physique et glaoiaire] du Mont-Blanc. 4 to. Paris. 1, 1893—4, 1900. Anales del Museo Nacional de Montevideo. 4to. Montevideo [1, 1897] & 2, 1901. Boletin Mensual del Observatorio Meteorologico del Colegio Pio de Villa Colon. Svo. Montevideo. [1, 1888]— 4, 1894; 7, 1895—12, 1900. [5 & 6 apparently never published.] Academic des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. Memoires de la Section des Sciences. 4to. Montpellier. 11,1892 [Second Series.] 1, 1894—3, 1907 [to p. iv]. Travaux originaux du Laboratoire Zoologique de la Faculte des Sciences de Montpellier et de la Station Maritime de Cette. Svo. Montpellier. 1, 1885—7, 1900. Ixii Montpellier, Soc. Langued. Geogr. Bull. Montreal Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. Morlaix Morphol. Arb. Morphol. Jbuch. Moscou Moscou Nouv. Mem. Moscou Obs. Ann. Moscou Soc. Math Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull. Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull. Moscow Univ. Mem. (Nat. Hint.) Moscow Univ. Mem. (Phya. Math.) Mschr. Kakteenk. Miinchen Munchen, Ak. Abh. Miinchen Ak. Sber. Munchen Bot. Ver. Munchen Geogr. Ges. Jber. Munchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., [15], 1894 (FtxtKchr.) Societe Languedociennc de Geographie. pellier. 7, 1884—23, 1900. S>>e Canad. Rec. Sci. Bulletin. Svo. Mont- Ptiblishvng place of Finistere Soc. Sci. Bull., q.r. Moiphologische Arheiten. Svo. Jena. 1, 1892 — S, 1898. Super- seded by: Ztschr. Morphol. u. Anthrop., q.v. Morphologisches Jahrbuch. Eine Zeitschrift fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Svo. Leipzig. 9, 1884—20, 1902 [to p. 281]. See Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892. Nouveaux Metuoires de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 4to. Moscou. 13, 1898 & 1C, 1898-1905 (Livr. 1 A 2). Moscou. 1, 1874— (Lin: 1), 1886—3 Annales de 1'Observatoire de Moscou. Ito. 10 (Livr. 2), 1884. [Second Series.] I (Livr. 2), 1896. See Rec. Math. (Moscou). Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Svo. Moscou. 58 (Pt. 2), 1884 [in part]— 62 (Pi!. 2), 1887. [New Series.] 1, 1887—14, 1900. HuB'tcTBia HmiepaTOpcKaro OomcoiBa .IKXJUTC.H'II EcTecTBOSHama, Auipoiiojioriii u UTiiorpa(|>ii[, coi'Toamaro iipii KunepaTOpCKOirB MocKOBCKOM'b ymiBepcirrerh. [Bulletin of the Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology, and Ethnography, in connection with the Imperial University of Moscow.] 4to. Moscow. 41 (No. 2), 1884; 43 (No. 2), 1885: 45, 1884; 46 (No. 1), 1885 [in part]— 96 (No. 2), 1901. oaimcKii IIiinepaTOpcKaro MocEOBCsaro YHiiBepeirreTa. Ec'recTBeHHOHCTOpii'iecKiil. [Scientific Memoirs of the Imperial University of Moscow. Natural History Section.] Svo. Moscow. 1, 1880—7, 1892; 9, 1892—12, 1896. [S is inaccessible.] ; la u lie K u IIjniepaTOpCKaro MocKOBCitaro yHiiBepcirrera. $H3l[KO-MaTeMaTl[iecKift. [Scientific Memoirs of the Imperial University of Moscow. Physico-Mathematical Section.] Svo. Moscow. 1, 1880—12, 1896. [Paul ARENDT'S] Monatsschrift fur Kakteenkunde [ Organ der Deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft]. Svo. Berlin. Neudamm. [1, 1892]— 10, 1900. Publishing place of Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., q.v. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., q.v. AUiandlungen der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der Kiinig- lich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaf ten. 4to. Miinchen. 15, 1886—20, 1900. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der k. 1>. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. s\-o. Munchen. 14, 1885—30, 1901. .sv, Bot. Centrbl. Jahresbericht der Geographischen (lesellsehat't in Miinchen. v\". Munchen. 8, 1884—14, 1892; 16, 1896-18, 1900. For 15, 1894 see Festschrift der Geographischen (Jesellsehaft in Miinchen zur Feier ill res fiinfundzwanzigjahrigen llestehens mit einem Jahresberi.-ht fiir 1892 und 1893. 8v.i. Munchen. 1894. Ixiii Munchen. Ges. Anthrop. Munchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber. Miinchen Ornith. Ver. Jber. Munchen Photogr. Ges. Munchen Sternw. Neue Ann. Munchen Thierarztl. Hoch- schule Jber. Munchen Thierarznei- Schule Jber. Miinster Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull. Murith., Soc. Val. Sci. Nat. See Beitr. Anthrop. Bayerns. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft fur Morphologic und Physiologie in Munchen. 8vo. Munchen. 1, [1886]— 16, 1900. Jahresbericht des ornithologisclien Vereins. Miinchen. 8vo. Miinchen. [1], 1899. A?? Wien, Photogr. Correspond. Neue Annalen der K. Sternwarte in [Bogenhausea bei] Miinchen. 4to. Munchen. 1, 1890—3, 1898. Jahresbericht der k. Thierarztlichen Hoohschule in Miinchen. 8vo. Leipzig. 1889-90—1894-95. Continuation «j : Jahresbericbt der k. Central-Tbierarznei-Schule in Miinchen. 8vo. Leipzig. 1883-84—1888-89. Publishing place <>t WestfaL Ver. Jber., q.v. Bulletin de la Society industrielle de Mulliouse. 8vo. Mulhouse. 54, 1884—71, 1901. Se>; Bull. Murith. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull. Napoli, Ace. Aspir. Ann. Napoli, Ace. Atti Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti Napoli, Aspir. Natural. ... Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti Napoli, Rend Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll. Nassauisch. Ver. Jbiich. Nat. Canad. Nat. Sicil. Nat. Tidsskr. Naturaleza . . . N. Bulletin de la Society des Sciences de Nancy. Ancienne Society des Sciences uaturelles de Strasbourg [fondee en 1828, et de la Reunion Biologique de Nancy fondee en 1895]. 8vo. Paris. Nancy. 1884—1900. Bulletin de la Society des Sciences naturelles de 1'Ouest de la France. 8vo. Nantes. 1, 1891—10, 1900. Annali della Accademia degli Aspirant! Naturalisti. 4to. Napoli. 1, 1887. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Soienze Fisiche e Matematiche. 4to. Napoli. [Second Series.] 1, 1888— Id, 1901. Atti della Accademia Pontaniana. 4to. Napoli. Hi (I'l. 1), 1885—30, 1900. tie? Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Napoli. Atti del Reale Istituto d' Incoraggiainento [alle Scienze Naturali, Economiche e Tecnologiche] di Napoli. 4to. Napoli. [Third Series.] 3, 1884— 6," 1887. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1888—11, 1898. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1899 & 2, 1901. Rendiconto dell' Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche. (Sezione della Societa Reale di Napoli.) 4to. Napoli. 23, 1884—39, 1900. Bollettino della Societa di Naturalisti in Napoli. 8vo. Napoli. 1, 1887—14, 1901. Successor to: Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Napoli, q.v. Jab.rbu.cher des Nassauischen Vereins fur Naturkimde. 8vo. Wiesbaden. 37, 1884—54, 1901 [in part]. Le Naturaliste Canadien. Bulletin de Recherches, Observations ct Decouvertes se rapportant a 1'Histoire naturelle du Canada. Svo. Quebec. Chicoutimi. 15, 1886—27, 1900. II Naturalista Siciliano. Giornale di Scienze Naturali. [Organo della Societa dei Naturalisti Siciliani.] 4to. Palermo. 3, 1884 [in part]— 14, 1895. [New Series.] 1, 1896—3, 1899. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift. Svo. Kj^benhavn. 14,1884. La Naturaleza. Periodico cientinco de la Sociedad Mexicana d»- Historia Natural. 4to. Mexico. 6, 1884 [in part] & 7, 1887. [Second Series.] 1, 1891 & 2, 1897. Ixiv Naturaliste Naturalists' Jl Nature Nautical Almanac {.l Nautilus Naval Architects Trans.... N. Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull. N. Carolina Geol. Surv. Bull. N. -China Roy. Asiat. Soc. Jl. Neapel Zool. Stat., Fauna & Flora Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth. Nebraska Univ. Stud Nederl. Bot. Ver. Versl. en Meded. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijd- schr. Nederl. Ent. Ver. Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd. Versl. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk. ... N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull. Le Naturaliste. Folio. Paris. [2 (1882-84)] [from p. 385]— 22, 1900. The Naturalists' Journal. 8v<>. London. Huddersfield. 1, 1893 — 9, 1900. Natuiv. A weekly illustrated Journal of Science, 4to. London. New York. 29, 1884—63 (1900-01). The Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for for the Meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. Appendix. 8vo. London. Edinburgh. 1884 — 1904. The Nautilus. A Monthly Journal devoted to the interests of Conchologists. 8vo. Philadelphia. 3, 1889-90—14, 1900-01 [to p. 96]. Xnccesmir to : Conchologists' Exchange, q.r. Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects. 4to. London. 25, 1884—42, 1900. Bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick. 8vo. St. John, N. B., Canada. 3, 1884—18, 1899. North Carolina Geological Survey. Bulletin. 8vo. Raleigh. Winston. 1, 1893; 3, 1896; 5, 1894—11, 1896; 13, 1897. [2 & 12 not published till after 1900. 4, 1893 inaccessible.] .sVe China Roy. Asiat. Soc. Jl. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte herausgegeben von der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel. 4to. Leipzig. Berlin. 1, 1880 — 25, 1899. Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel. Zugleich ein Repertorium fiir Mittelmeerkunde. 8vo. Leipzig. Berlin. 5, 1884—14, 1901 [top. 237]. University Studies. Published by the University of Nebraska. 8\o. "Lincoln, Nebraska. 1, 1888-92 & 2, 1894-1902. See Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche. Dierkundige Vereeuiging. Svo. Leiden. 6, 1882-85 [from pp. 35 & cci]. [Second Series.] 1, 1885-87—0, 1900 & Supplements. ,s',e Tijdschr. Ent. [Het] Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor behoeftige en minverinogende Ooglijders [gevestigd] te Utrecht [Jaarlijkscb] Verslag [ Met het Nummer der wetenschappelijke Bijbladen.] 8vo. Utrecht, 26, 1885—34, 1893. Continuation of: Don- ders, Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd. Versl., uze] ed Arti. Svo. Roma. 73, 1884—171, 1900. Ixvii Nuova Notarisia Nuovo Cimento Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. N. Y. Ac. Ann. N. Y. Ac. Mem... N. Y. Ac. Trans. N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull. N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Trans. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl. N. Y. Geologist Rep. N. Y. Linn. Soc. Trans. N. Y. Math. Soc. Bull. N. Y. Med. Jl N. Y. Mus. Bull. N. Y. Mus. Mem. N. Y. Mus. Rep. La Nuovfi Notarisia. Rassegna [trinjestrale] consacrata allo Studio clelle Alghe [e Corollario alia " Sylloge Algarum Omnium"]. 8vo. Padova. [1], 1890—11, 1900. Tl Nuovo Cimento, Giornale cli Fisica, Chimica e Stnria Naturale. 8vo. Torino. Pisa. 19, 1863—28 (1868). [1-18 of the First Series, the whole of the Second Series and 1-12 of the Third Series already indexed.] 11 Nuovo Cimento, Giornale [di Fisica] fondato [per la Fisica e la Chimica] da C. MATTEDCCI e E. PIRIA 8vo. Pisa. [Third Series.] 13, 1883—36, 1894. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1895—4, 1896. II Nuovo Cimento, Periodico fondato da C. MATTEUCCI e R. PIHIA. Organo della Societa Italiana di Fisica. 8vo. Pisa. 5,1897 12, 1900. Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano [e Bullettino della Socic-l.-'i Botanica Italiana]. 8vo. Firen/e. Hi, 1884-25, 1893. Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano. Memorie della Societa Botanica Italiana. 8vo. Fin-nze. [New Series.] 1, 1894—7, 1900. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, late Lyceum of Natural History. 8vo. New York. 3,1883-85—14,1901-03 [in part]. New York Academy of Sciences. Memoirs. 4to. New York. 1 (Pt. 1), 1895 & 2, 1900. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. Late Lyceum of Natural History. 8vo. New York. 3, 1885—10, 1898. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. Continuation of the Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society. 8vo. New York. Lancaster, Pa. 1, 1895—7, 1901. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 4to. Lancaster, Pa. New York. 1,1900. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 8vo. New York. 1, 1893—8, 1900. [State of New York.] Report of the State Geologist 8vo. Albany. [1881]— 1884. Annual Report of the State Geologist. Svo. Albany. 1885 — 1894. Transactions of the Limuean Society of New York. 8vo. New York. 2, 1884 [from p. 215]. Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society. 8vo. New York. 1, 1892—3, 1894. Continued ns: N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., ij.i: The New York Medical Journal. 4to. New York. 39, 1884—72, 1900. University of the State of New York. Bulletin of the New York State Museum. 8vo. Albany. 1, No. 1, 1892—7, 1901 [to p. 944] ; 8, [1900-01] [to p. 226} Memoirs of the New York State Museum. 4to or Folio. Albany. I, 1889—4, 1900. Annual Report on the New York State Museum of Natural History, by the Regents of the University of the State of New York. 8vo. Albany. 35, 1884 [in part] ; 37, 1884 ; 3,s, 1885 ; 40, 1887. [36, 1883 already indexed.] Annual Report of the Trustees of the State Museum of Natural History.... Svo. Albany. 39, 1886 ; 41, 1888 ; 42, 1889. University of the State of New York. New York State Museum Annual Report of the Regents. Albany. Svo. 43,1890 — 49 ( Vol. 1), 1897 ; 50 ( Vol. 1), 1898—52, 1900. 4 to. 49 ( Vol. 2), 1898 * 49 ( Vol. 3), 1898. l.xviii Nyt Mag. Naturvid Nyt Tidsskr. Fys. Kem. ... Nyt Tidsskr. Math N. Zealand Col. Mus. Geol. Surv. Rep. N. Zealand Inst. Min. Engin. Trans. N. Zealand Inst. Trans. N. Zealand Jl. Sci. N. Zealand Pap. & Rep. (Min.) Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. 8vo. Christiania. i'S. 1884— 3s, 1900. Nyt Tidsskrift for Fysik og Kemi. Svo. [Kj^benhavn.] 1, 1896— 3, 1898. Nyt Tirlsskrift for Mathematik. Svo. Kjobenhavn. 1, 1890— 11, 1900. Colonial Museum and Geological Survey of New Zealand. Reports of Geological Explorations during Svo. New Zealand: Wellington. 16,1884—22,1893. Continued in: N.Zealand Pap. & Rep. (Min.), g.v. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute of Mining Engineers. Svo. Auckland. 1, 1897 & 2, 1898. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. 8vo. Wellington, N. Z. London. 16, 1884 [in part]— 32, 1900. The New Zealand Journal of Science. Svo. Dunedin, N. Z. 2, 1884-85. [New Series.] 1, 1891. New Zealand. Papers and Reports relating to Minerals and Mining. Folio. Wellington. 1894 — 1900. Continuation of: N. Zealand Col. Mus. Geol. Surv. Rep., S, 1884—131, 1900. Memoires de 1'Academie des Sciences de 1'Tnstitut de France. li<>. Paris. 43, 1889—45, 1899. Annales du Bureau des Longitudes 4 to. Paris. 1, 1877 — 5, 1897. Annuaire pour I'An public par le Bureau des Longitudes. 12mo. Paris. 1864—1900. Causeries Scientifiques de la Socit'-tf Xo. Paris. [Third Series.] 1, 1884—17, 1900. .Journal de 1'Ecole Polytechnique public par le Couseil d'Instruction de cet Etablissement. 4to. Paris. 54, 1884—64, 1894.. [Second Series.] 1, 1895—5, 1900. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, publiee sous les auspices du Ministers de Flnstruction Publique. Section des Sciences Naturelles. 8vo. Paris. 27, 1884—37, 1890. Memoires et Conipte Rendu des Travaux de la Societe des Inge- nieurs Civils [de France]. 8vo. Paris. 1884—1900. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. Laboratoire d'Histologie du College de France. Travaux 8vo. Paris. 1884 — 1898-99. Memoires presentes par divers Savants a 1' Academie des Sciences de I'lnstitut de France. 4to. Paris. 28, 1884 — 31, 1894. Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1895 — G, 1900. Centenaire de la Fondation du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, 10 juin 1793—10 juin 1893. 4to. Paris. 1893. Nouvelles Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. 4to. Paris. [Second Series.] 7, 1884—10, 1887-88. [Third Series.] 1, 1889—10, 1898. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Annales de 1'Observatoire de Paris. Memoires. 4to. Paris. 18, 1885—22, 1896. Observations. 4to. Paris. 1881—1891 ; 1897—1900. [1892— 1896 inclusive not published.] [Ville de Paris.] Annuaire de 1'Observatoire [municipal de Paris, dit Observatoire] de Montsouris 12mu. Paris. 1884 — 1900. Comite International des Poids et Mesurest Proces-Verbaux des Seances. 8vo. Paris. 1875-76—1900. Travaux et Memoires du Bureau International des Poids et Mcsures. 4to. Paris. 1, 1881—11, 1895. Bulletins de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. 8v<>. Paris. [Third Series.] 7, 1884—12, 1889. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1890— 10, 1899. Continued in : Bulletins et Memoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1900. Memoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. 8vo. Paris. [Second Series.] 3, 1888 & 4, 1893. [Third Series.] 1, 1895 & 2, 1896-1902 (Fnsc. 1 & 2). Comptes Rendus [hebdomadaires] des Seances et Memoires de la Societe de Biologie. 8vo. Paris. 34, 1882—52, 1900 & Volume Jubilaire 1899. Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de Paris. 8vo. Paris. [New Series.] 41, 1884—50, 1888. [Third Series.] 1, 1889—24, 1900. Bulletins et Memoires de la Societe de Chirurgie de Paris. 8vo. Paris. 10, 1884—26, 1900. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. 8vo. Paris. [Sixth Series.] 4,1884—10,1890. [Whole Series.] 60,1891— 69, 1900. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France. Svo. Paris. 1896—1900. [Included in Annales up to 1896.] Ixxii Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. ... Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem., Paleont. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull Paris, Soc. Math. Bull. ... Paris Soc. Philom. Bull. Paris, Soc. Philom. Mem. Cent. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances Paris, Soc. Speleol. Mem. Paris Tow. Nauk Scisl. Pam. Passau Nat. Ver. Ber. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti Pavia Lab. Crittog. Arch. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Ann. Rep. Pennsylvania Geol. Surr. Rep. Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Astr.) (Contrib. Bot. Lab.) (Contrib. Lab. Hyg.) (Contrib. Zool. Lab.) (Math.) Penzance Soc. Trans Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Proc. Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. & Proc. Petermann, Mitth. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic redige par les Secretaires de la Commission Centrale. 8\o. Paris. [Seventh Series.] 5, 1884 — 20, 1899. For continuation see: Geogr. (Paris). Compte Rendu des Stances de la Societe de Geographic et de la Commission Centrale. 8vo. Paris. 1882 — 1899. For con- tinuation see: Geogr. (Paris). Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France. 8vo. Paris. [Third Series.] 12, 1884—28, 1900. Memoires de la Societe Geologique de France. 4to. Paris. [Third Series.] 3, 1884-85—5, 1888-91. Continued as: Memoires de la Societe Geologique de France. Paleontologie. 4 1<>. Paris. 1, 1890— 8, 1902. Bulletin niensuel de la Societe Linneenne de Paris. 8vo. ? Paris. 1, 1889 [in part]; [2, 1897]. [New Series.] [1, 1899]. Bulletin de la Societe Mathetnatique de France. 8vo. Paris. 12. 1884—28, 1900. Bulletin de la Societe Philomatbique de Paris. 8vo. Paris. [Seventh Series.] S, 1884—12, 1888. [Eighth Series.] 1, 1889—10, 1898. [Ninth Series.] 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Memoires publies par la Societe Philomathique a 1'occasion du Centenaire de sa Fondation, 17*8—1888. 4to. Paris. 1888. Seances de la Societe Fram-aise de Physique. 8vo. Paris. 1884 — 1900. Memoires de la Societe de Speleologie. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1896-97 — 4, [1902] [to p. 63]. Pamietnik Towarzystwa Nauk Scistych w Paryzu. 4to. Paris. 1, 1871—12. 1882. Bericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins in Passau fur *vo. Passau. 13, 1885 [from p. 50]— 17, 1898. Atti dell' Istituto Botanico dell' Universita di Pavia. Seguito dell' Archivio Triennale del Laboratorio di Botanica Crittn- gainica. 8vo. Milano. [Second Series.] 1, 1888—6. 1900. Archivio del Laboratorio di Botanica Crittogamica presso la R. Universita di Pavia. 8vo. Milano. •">, 1888. Continued in,: Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, q.v. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Harrisburg. 1885—1887. Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. [Reports of Progress.] 8vo. Harrisburg. A, 1876— Z, 1884. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Astronomical Series. 4to. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 (Pt. 2), 1899. [1 (Pt. 1) not published till after 1900.] Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1, 1897 & 2, 1904 [in part]. Contributions from the Laboratory of Hygiene. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1 & 2, 1898. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory [of the University of Pennsylvania]. 8vo. 'Philadelphia. 1 (,V». 1), 1893 A: 1900. [1 (ATo. -2) after 1900: 2 & 3 inaccessible.] Mathematics. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1, 1897. Transactions of the Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society. 8vo. Plymouth. 1 (1880-84) [in part]— 1892-94. Proceedings of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science. ?4to. Perth. 1881-86 [from p. 139]. L'>i,,ti,,n,-,l m: Transactions and Proceedings of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Svo. Perth. 1, 1893 — 3, 1903 [to p. 96]. Dr. A. PUTKKMANNS M it i hei hum-en ans Justus PERTHES' Geograph- iseher Anstalt. It,.. Gotha. 30, 1884—40, 1900. 1 \ \ i i i Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol. Pharm. Jl. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Jl. ... Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc. Philadelphia Philad., Ent. News Phil. Mag. Phil. Stud. Phil. Trans. (A) (B) Photogr. Jl. Photogr. Soc. Trans. Physiologiste Russe Physiol. Soc. Proc. Phys. Rev Phys. Ztschr Pisa Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.) Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.) Plon Biol. Stat. Forsch- ungsber. Plymouth Inst. Trans. Polsk. Tow. Kopernika R. S. A. C. Przyrod. Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologic des Menschen und der Tliiere. Herausgegeben von Dr. E. F. \V. PFLUGER. 8vo. Bonn. 33, 1884—83, 1901. The Pharmaceutical Journal [and Transactions]. 4to. London. [Third Series.] 14, 1884—25, 1895. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1895—11, 1900. Pharmaceutische Zeitschrift fiir Russland. 8vo. St. Petersburg. 23, 1884—36, 1897. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 4to. Philadelphia. 9, 1884-95—11, 1897-1901 [to p. 418]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1884—1900. Publishing place of Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., q.v. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., q.v. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans., q.v. Franklin Inst. Jl., q.v. Entomological News [and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia]. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1, 1890—11, 1900. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. 8vo. London. 17, 1884 — 50, 1900. Philosophische Studien. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1883 — 16, 1900. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 4to. London. 174, 1884 [in part]— 177, 1887. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. [Series] A [containing papers of a mathematical or physical character]. 4 to. London. 178, 1888—196, 1901 [in part]; 197, 1901 [in part]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. [Series] B [containing papers of a biological character]. 4to. London. 178, 1888—194, 1901 [in part]. The Photographic Journal, including the Transactions of the Photographic Society of Great Britain. 8vo. London. [New Series.] 8, 1884—25, 1902 [to p. 152]. See preceding entry. Le Physiologiste Russe. 8vo. Moscou. 1 (1898-99) A- 2 (1900- 02) [to p. 170]. See Jl. Physiol. The Physical Review. A Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 8vo. New York. London. Berlin. 1, 1894 — 11, 1900. Physikalische Zeitschrift. 4to. Leipzig. 1, 1900 &• 2, 1901 [to p. 204]. Publishing place of Bull. Malacol. Ital., q.v. Atti della Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali residente in Pisa. Memorie. 8vo. Pisa. 6, [1892]— 17, 1900. Atti della Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali residente in Pisa. Processi Verbali. 8vo. Pisa. 4, 1883-85 [from p. 32] — 12, 1899-1901 [to p. 155]. Forschungsberichte aus der Biologischen Station zu Plb'n. 8vo. Berlin. Stuttgart. 1, 1893—7, 1899. Annual Reports and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. 8vo. Plymouth. 9, 1887—13, 1903 [Parts i-in]. .SVe Kosmos (Lwow). Ixxiv Pontif. Univ. Gregor. Popular Astr. Portugal Comm. (Mem. | Geol. Portugal Comm. Trab. Geol. Commun. Portugal Comm. Trab. Geol. IMem.1 Portugal Dir. Serv. Geol. Commun. Portugal Dir. Serv. Geol. [Mem.] Portugal Dir. Trab. Geol. Commun. Portugal Dir. Trab. Geol. [Mem.] Portugal 8609. Trab. Geol. [Mem.] Potsdam Astrophys. Obs. Publ. Prace Mat.-Fiz. Practitioner Prag, Abh Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Pam. Poiitificia Universita Gregoriana. Continuazione del Bullettino Meteorologico dell' Osservatorio del Cullegio Romano Fondato dal P. Angelo SECCHI, d. C. d. G. 4 to. Roma. IS, 1879— 2S, 1889, No. 1. Continuation of: Roma, Bull. Meteorol., y.r. Popular Astronomy. 8vo. Northfield, Minuesota. 1, 1894 — 9, 1901 [in part]. Commissao Geologico cle Portugal. 4to. Lisboa. 1865 — 1867. [Portuguese and French in parallel columns.] Continued na : Portugal Secc. Trab. Geol. [Mem.], ^.r. Communicacoes da Commissao dos Trabalhos Geologicos de Portugal. 8vo. Lisboa. 1, 1883-87 * 2, 1888-92. Contiunn/ as: Portugal Dir. Trab. Geol. Commun., . M. Francis Jusepli I. Published by the Bohemian Imperial Francis Joseph Academy of Science, Litera- ture and Art.] 4 to. PrM/r. [Prague. | 1898. ixxv Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (TrirJii. 2) Prag, Fr. Jos. Ac. Sci. Bull. (Math. Xat.) (Med.) Prag, Lotos Abh. Prag Sber. Prag, Sber. Prag Sternw. Astr. Beob. Prag Sternw. Magn. Meteorol. Beob. Preuss. Bot. Ver. Sber. ... Preuss. Geod. Inst. Publ. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Verbff. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch. Preuss. Landes-Oekon.-Kol- leg. Arch. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Abh. Preuss. Thuring. Karte Erlaut. Geol. Pfibram Bergakademie Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot. Hozpravy Ceske Akademie Cisare Frantiska Josefa pro Vedy. Slovesnost a Umeni v Praze. (Tfida n.) [Transactions of the Bohemian Imperial Francis Joseph Academy of Science, Litera- ture and Art in Prague. Class n.] 8vo. Praze. [Prague.] 1, 1892—9, 1900. Academic des Sciences de 1'Empereur Francois Joseph I. (Ceska Akademie Cisare Frantiska Josefa I.) Bulletin International. Resumes des Travaux presentes. 8vo. Prague. (Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles.) 4, 1897 — 6, 1901 [in part]. [1-3 inaccessible.] (Medecine.) 5, 1898 £ <>, 1901 [in part]. [1-4 in- accessible.] Abliandlungen des Deutschen Naturwissenschaftlich-Medicinischen Vereines fiir Bohmen " Lotos." 4to. Prag. 1, 1898. Zpravy o Zasedani Kralovske Ceske Spolecnosti Nauk v Praze. Sitzungsberichte der Konigl. Bohm. Gesellschaft der Wissen- schafteu in Prag. 8vo. V Praze. Prag. 1884. Conti/nued na .• Zpravy o Zasedani [Vestnik] Kralovske Ceske Spolecnosti Nauk. Tfida Mathematicko-Pfirodovedecka. Sitzungsberichte der Konigl. Bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Mathe- niatiseh-Natunvissenschaftliche Classe. 8vo. V Praze. Prag. 1885-1900. Astronomische Beobachtungen an der K. K. Sternwarte zu Prag. 4to. Prag. 1884—1888-91 & Appendix. Magnetische und Meteorologische Beobachtungen an der K. K. Sternwarte zu Prag. 4to. Prag. 1884—1900. Sef Konigsberg Schr. Publication des Konigl. Preuss. Geodtitischen Instituts. 4to. Kiel. Berlin. 1884—1886. Continued us : Veroffentlichung des Konigl. Preussischen Geodatischen Instituts. 4to. 8vo. Berlin. 1886— 1898 ; 1, 1900— 3, 1900. Abhancllungen der Koniglich Preussischen Geologischen Landes- anstalt. " 8vo. Berlin." [New Series.] 1, 1889—3, 1891 ; 5, 1892—17, 1895; 19, 1895—23, 1896; 25, 1898—33, 1900. [4, 18 & 24 published after 1900.] Continuation of: Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Abh., q.v. Jahrbuch der Koniglich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin. 8vo. Berlin. [5], 1885 — 20, 1900. .See Landw. Jbiich. Abhandlungen zur Geologischen Specialkarte von Preussen und den Thiiringischen Staaten. Berlin. 4to. 4 (Heft 4), 1884. 8vo. 5 (Heft 3) 1884—10 (Heft 7), 1894. [5 (Heft 1) & 5 (Hrft 2) already indexed.] Continued as: Preuss. Geol. Landes- anst. Abh., ij.v. Erlauterungen zur Geologischen Specialkarte von Preussen und den Thiiringischen Staaten. 8vo. Berlin. 1870 ; Lfg. 1, 1870— Lfg. 51, 1892; Lfg. 53, 1894— Lfy. 63, 1898; Lfg. 65, 1895— Lfg. 69, 1900; Lfg. 71, 1895— Lfg. 77, 1899; Lfg, 80, 1900 ; Lfg. 82, 1897 & Lfg. 83, 1897 ; Lfg. 85, 1898 & Lfg. 86; 1900; Lfy. 88, 1898—^. 91, 1900. [Lieferungen 52, 64, 70, 78, 79, 81, 84 & 87 not published till after 1900.] See Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch. Jahrbiicher fur Wissenachaftliche Botanik. Herausgegeben [Be- griindet] von [Prof.] Dr N. PRI>J(;SHEIM. Svo. Berlin. Leipzig. 14, 1884—35, 1900. l.xxvi Progres Med. Psyche Pulkowa Obsns Pulkowa, Obs. Publ. Le Progres Medical. Journal de Medecine, de Chirurgie et de Pharmacie. 4to. Paris. [Second Series.] 1, 1885—20, 1894. [Third Series.] 1, 1895— 1 -2, 1900. Psyche, a Journal of Entomology. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 4, 1890 [from p. 123]— 9, 1902 [to p. 144]. Observations de Poulkova. 4to. St. Petersbourg. 1, 1869 — 14, 1888 & Supplements. Publications de 1'Observatoire Central Nicolas. 4to. St. Peters- bourg. [Second Series.] 1, 1893; 2,1896; 5, 1898; 6, 1900; 11, 1898. [All other volumes after 1900.] Quart. Jl. Math. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci Queensland, Ann. Rep. Brit. N. Guinea Queensland Mus. Ann Queensland Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc. Quekett Micr. Club Jl. ... Q. The quarterly Journal of pure and applied Mathematics. 8vo. London. 20, 1885—31, 1900. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. 8vo. London. 24, 1884—44, 1901 [to p. 160] & Supplement. Annual Report on British New Guinea. 4to. Brisbane. 1888- 89—1898-99. Annals of the Queensland Museum. 8vo. Brisbane. 1, 1891 — 5, 1900. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Queensland. 8vo. Brisbane. 1, 1895. The Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland. 8vo. Bris- bane. 1, 1885—16, 1901. The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. 8vo. London. [Second Series.] 1, [1884] [in part]— 7, [1900]. Railroad & Engin. Jl Rassegna Sci. Geol. Ital. Rec. Math. (Moscou) Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas Rec. Zool. Suisse Regensburg Bot. Ges Regensburg Bot. Ges. Denkschr. R. The Railroad and Engineering Journal. The American Railroad Journal and Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine have been consolidated in this publication. Folio. New York. 61,1887 — 66, 1892. Continued as: Amer. Engineer & Railroad JL, (j.v. Rassegna clelle Scienze Geologk-he in Italia. 8vo. Roma. 1, 1892 & 2, 1892. MaieMaTniecKiii C6opHinn>, iiGAaBai'Muii MOCKOBCKIIMI, Maic- MaTii'iecKiiMi OBinecTB05n>. Recueil Mathematique. Publie par la Societe Mathematique de Moscou. 8vo. MocKBa. Moscou. 11, [1883-84] [in part]— 21, [19011 Recueil des Travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas [et de la Belgique]. 8vo. Leide. 3, 1884—19, 1900. Recueil Zoologique Suisse, comprenant 1'Embryologie, 1'Anatomie et 1'Histologie coniparees, la Physiologic, 1'Ethologie, la Classifi cation des Animaux vivants et fossiles. 8vo. Geneve. Bale. 1, 1884— r>, 1892. Continued as: Rev. Suisse Zool., q.v. See Flora. Denkschriften der Koniglich [-Bayerischen] Botanischen Gesell- schaft zu Regensburg. Regensburg. 4to. 5, 1864 A- 6, 1890. 8vo. 7, 1898. Ixxvii Repertm. Anal. Chem. Repertm. f. Meteorol. Rev. Biol. N. France Rev. Bot. Rev. Bryol Rev. d'Anthrop. Rev. Ent. Rev. Gen. Bot. Rev. Maritime et Colon. Rev. Math. Rev. Mycol Rev. Quest. Sci. Rev. Sci. Rev. Sci. Nat. Rev. Suisse Zool. Rev. Trim. Microgr. Rev. Univ. Mines Rheinpfalz Pollichia Fest- schr. Rheinpfalz Pollichia Jber. Rheinpfalz Pollichia Mitth. Rheinpfalz Pollichia Sep.- Ausg. Repertorium , 1895. For 6 see: Rev. Math. Rivista di Mineralogia e Cristallografia Ttaliana. Svo. Padova. 1, 1887—25, 1900. Rivista di Patologia Vegetale. Svo. Padova. Avellino. Firenze. 1, [1893]— 7, 1899.' Rivista Scientifico-Industriale delle principali Scoperte eel Inven/ioni fatte nelle Scienze e nelle Industrie. Svo. Firenze. 16,1884 — 28, 1896; 31, 1899 * 32, 1900. For 29 A- 30 ,w /<>!!< m:int/ entries. Ilivista Kcientifica e Industriale. Svo. Firenze. 29, 1897. Rivista Scientifit-a. 8vo. Firenze. 30, 1898. [Archivio Italiano per le Malattie Nervose e Mentali.] Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria e di Medicina legale [Organo della Societa Freniatrira Italiana.] Svo. Reggio-Emilia. 10, 1884—26, 1900. Rivista di Viticoltura ed Enulogia Italiana Svo. Conegliano. 8, 1884—10, 1886. Journal de 1'Anatoiuie et de la Physiologic Normales et Patho- logiques de 1'Homme et des Animaux. Svo. Paris. 20, 1884 — 36, 1900. See under Charente-Inf. Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science. Svo. Rochester, N. Y." 1, 1891—3, 1906 [to p. 291 |. See Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894. Bnllettino Meteorologico dell' Osservatorio del Collegio Roinano compilato dal P. Angelo SECCHI, d. C. d. ] ; 10, 1900-01 [Fns<: 1 i 2], [S not published till after 1900.] Ixxix Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric. Roma, N. Lincei Atti Roma, N. Lincei Mem. ... Roma, Oss. Coll. Rom. Mem. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem. Rend. Trans. (Roma), Soc. Ital. Mem. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann. Rotterdam Nieuwe Verb. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull Roumanie Inst. Meteorol. Ann. Roy. Inst. Proc. Roy. Soc. Meteorol. Comm. Roy. Soc. Proc. Russ. G-eol. Min. Annu. . Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl. Ricerche fatte nel Laboratorio di Anatomia Normale della R, Universita di Roma. Svo. Roma. [1], 1873 — 7,1899-1900. Atti dell" Accademia Pontiticia de' Nuovi Lincei. I to. Roma. 37, 1884—54, 1901. .Memorie della Pontiticia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei. 4to. Roma, I, 1887—17, 1900. Memorie del R. Osservatorio del Collegio Romano. 4to. Modena. [Third Series.] '2, 1899. [1 not published till after 1900.] Atti della R, Accademia dei Lincei. Memorie della Classc di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. 4to. Roma, [Third Series.] 19, 1884. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1885—7, 1891. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1894—3, 1899. Rendiconti. 4to. Roma. [Fourth Series.] 1. 1885—7, 1891. [Fifth Series.] (Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali.) 1, 1892—9, 1900. Successor to: Transunti. 4to. Roma. [Third Series.] 8, 1884. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica della Societa Italiana delle Scienze. 4to. Napoli. Roma, [Third Series.] 0, 1887— II, 1898. Bollettino della Societa Romana per gli Studi Zoologici. STO. Roma. 1, 1892— S, 1899. Continued us: [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., q.v. Pubblicazioni della Specola Vaticana. Svo. Roma, Torino. 1, 1891—5, 1898. Annali dell' Ufficio Centrale di Meteorologia Italiana. 4to. Roma. [Second Series.] 1, 1880-5, 1885. Annali dell' Ufficio Centrale Meteorologico [e Geodinamico] Itali- ano. 4to. Roma. [Second Series.] 6 (Ft. 1), 1886—18 (Pt. 2), 1898. Nieuwe Verliandelingen van het Bataafsch Genoutschap der Proe- fondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam. 4to. Rotterdam. 3, 1890 [St. 2 & 3] & 4, 1897. Bulletin de la Societe des Amis des (Sciences Naturelles de Rouen. Svo. Rouen. 1884—1900. Annales de 1'Institut Meteorologique de Roumanie. Analele Insti- tutului Meteorologio al Romaniei. 4to. Bucarest. Bucuresci. Paris. 1, 1886—14, 1900. Notices of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, with Abstracts of the Discourses delivered at the Evening Meetings. Svo. London. 10, 1884 [in part]— 10, 1902 [in part]. See Meteorol. Off., Met. Comm. Rep. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Svo. London. 36, 1884 [from p. 186]— 07, 1901; 75, 1905 [in part]. E/KerojHiiK'F) no reo.iorin 11 Mimepajioriii Pocciir. Annuaire Geologique e Mineralogique de la Russie. 4to. BapmaBa. Varsovie. HoBaH-AjieKcaHjpiH. Novo- Alexandria. 1, 1896- 97—4, 1900-01. iKypna,i'B PyccKaro $H3HKO-XnMH'iecKaro OomeciBa npii Hiunepa- •ropCKOMT, C.-IIeTep6yprcKOMi> yHiiBepfiiTerb. [Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society of the Imperial University of St. Petersburg.] Svo. C.-IIeTep6ypri>. [St. Petersburg.] 16, 1884 [in part] — 32. 1900. There are two series of this publica- tion, one for the Physical and one for the Chemical Section of the Society ; they have the same vol. numbers and dates. 1 X \ X Sachs. Geol. Karte Erlaut. Sachs. Thiiring. Naturwiss. Ver. Sachs. Ingen.- u. Architekt.- Ver. Sachs. Meteorol. Inst. Abh. S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Jl. S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc. S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans. S. African Mus. Ann S. African Phil. Soc. Trans. Salem, Mass. Salzburg San Fernando Obs. Marina An. (tfect-. 1) (tincc. -2) San Francisco Santiago Santiago de Chile, Univ. An. Saone-et- Loire Soc. Sci. Bull. Saone-et -Loire Soc. Sci. Mem. Sao Paulo Comm. Geogr. Geol. Bol. S. Erlauterungeii zur Geologischen Specialkarte des Konigivichs Sachsen. 8vo. Leipzig. 4, 1883 ; 7, 1888 ; .S, 1888 ; 10, 1883— 39, 1893; 41, 1885—57, 1885; 59, 1878—73, 1896; 75, 1880- 89, 1896; 93, 1882—104, 1895; 107, 1897; 111, 1877—119, 1890; 124,1885—130,1889; 134,1886—140,1887; 142,1887— 1 18, 1882 ; 150, 1898—156, 1885. [2, 120 &, 133 not published until after 1900 ; the other numbers absent from the above list are inaccessible.] See Ztschr. Naturwiss. See Civilingenieur. .sv< Hannover Architekt.-Ver. Ztschr. Abhandlungen des Kb'nigl. Sachs. Meteorologischen Institutes. 4to. Leipzig. 1, 1896—4, 1899. The Journal of the Chemical and Metallurgical tSociety of South Africa. 8vo. Johannesburg. 1, 1898 & 2, 1899. The Proceedings of the Chemical ami Metallurgical Society of South Africa. 1 8vo. Johannesburg. Edinburgh. New York. 1 (1894-97) it 2 (1897-99). Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa. 8vo. Johannesburg. 1, 1896—5, 1899. Annals of the South African Museum. 8vo. London. 1, 1899 it •2, 1902 [top. 116]. The Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. 8vo. Cape Town. 3 (Pt. 2), 1885 [from pp. lix & 64]— 11, 1902 [to pp. xlvii & 235]. / place oj Essex Inst. Bull., q.v. Piililishimj place o/" Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., q.v. Anales del Institute y Observatorio de Marina de San Fernando, publicados por Orden de la Superioridad. Seccion 1". Observaciones Astron6micas. 4to. San Fernando. 1892 & 1893. Seccion 2a. Observacioues Meteorologicas [Magneticas y Seismi- cas]. 4to. San Fernando. 1883—1899. Publishing place o/' Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., q.v. Publishiny place q/" Chili Soc. Sci. Act., q.v. [Repiiblica e Pisa Soc. Tosc. See Padova Soc. Sci. See Rev. Suisse Zool. See Annot. Zool. Jap. Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society's Pro- ceedings. 4 to. Taunton. 30, 1885—46, 1900. Spelunca. Bulletin de la Societe de Speleologie. Svo. Paris. 1895-1900. Lo Sperimentale. Giornale Italiano di Scienze Mecliche. 8vo. Firenze. 53, -1884— 66, 1890. Lo Sperimentale. Giornale Medico. Svo. Firenze. Siena. 1891—1895. Memorie della Societa degli Spettroscopisti Italian!. 4to. Roma. 11, 1883 [in part]; 13, 1885—29, 1901. Stavanger Museums Aarsberetning. Svo. Stavanger. 1890 — 1900. Le Stazioni Sperimentali Agrarie Italiane. Organo delle Stazioni Agrarie e dei Laboratori di Chimica Agraria del Regno ...... 8vo. Roma. Asti. Modena. 14, 1888—33, 1900. [Parts of 30, 31 & 33 inaccessible.] Mittheilungen des Naturwisseiischat'tlichen Vereines fiir Steiermark. Svo. Graz. 1884 -1899. Bulletin de la Societe de 1'Industrie Minerals. 8vo. Saint Etienne. [Second Series.] 13, 1884—1."), 1886. [Third Series.] 1, 1887—14, 1900. Entomologische Zeitung. Herausgegebeu voii dem Entomologi- schen Vereine zu Stettin. Svo. Stettin. 45, 1884 — 61, 1900. Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit der St. Gallischeu Naturwissenschaft- lichen GeseUschaft. Svo. St. Gallen. 1883-84—1898-99. Stirling Field Club ...... Transactions. Svo. Stirling. 1878-79. Continued as : Ixxxiv Stirling Soc. Trans. St. John, N.B. St. Louis Ac. Trans St. Louis, Hot. Gard. Rep. Stockh., Ak. Handl Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang Stockh., Ak. Lefnadsteckn. Stockh. Bot. Sallsk. Stockh. Ent. For Stockh. Geol. For. Fbrh. Stockh., Horti Bergiani Acta Stockh. Obs. Astr. laktt. Stockh., Ofvers. Stockh., Sver. Geol. Unders. (Ser. Aa) (Ser. Ah) (Ser. Ac) (Her. Ba) (Ser. Bb) (Ser. C) Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society. Transactions. Svo. Stirling. 1883 84 A: 1884 85 ; 1887-88— 1899 1900. Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society. Svo. Stirling. 1885-86 & 1886-87. Publishing jihio <;/ N. Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., q.r. The Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. SM>. St. Louis. 4, 1886 [in part]— 10 (1900). Missouri Botanical Garden. Svo. St. Louis, Mo. 1891—1900. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps -Akademiens Handlingar. 4to. Stockholm. 20, 1881-84 (from No. 2]— 33, 1900. Bihang till Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Svo. Stockholm. 8, 1883-84-25, 1900. See Stockh., Vet. Ak. Leftiadsteckn. See. Bot. Centrbl. See Bot. Notiser. See Ent. Tidskr. Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar. Svo. Stock- holm. 7, 1884 & 85—22, 1900. Acta Horti Bergiani. Meddelanden fran Kongl. Svenska Veten- skaps-Akademiens Trad ga rd Bergielund utgifna af Bergianska Stiftelser. 4 to. Stockholm. 1, 1891—3 (Afd. 1), 1897-1903 [Xos. 1 A & 1 B]. Astronomiska lakttagelser och Uiidersokningar anstalda pii Stock- holms Observatorium. 4to. Stockholm. 1, 1880 --(>, 1904 .. [Haft. 2-4]. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar. Svo. Stockholm. 1884—1900. Sveriges Geologiska Undersukning. Ser. Aa. Svo. Stockholm, 'l, 1862—114, 1898. Ser. Ab. Svo. Stockholm. 1, 1877—15, 1893. Ser. Ac. Svo. Stockholm. 1898. (Her. Ca). Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lefnad- steckn. Stockh., Ymer St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull. Ser. Ba. Svo. Stockholm. Ser. Bb. Stockholm. Svo. 4to. 3, 1883 i- 4, 1889. Ser. C. Svo. 4to. Stockholm. 1, 18?? —5, 1898. 1 & 2, 1881; 5, 1887—0, 1900. 1, 1868— [183], 1900. 1, 1863; 2, 1868; (i, 1872; 17, 1877; 25, 1878 32, 1879; 34, 1879; 35, 1879; 51, 1882; 60, 1883 1876; 81, 113, 146, L62, St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. 1886; 83, 1886; DO, 1887; 109, 1890—111, 1890: 1890; 123, 1892; 125, 1892—127, 1892; 130, 1893; 1895; 149, 1895; 151, 1895; 15G, 1895; 158, 1896; 1896; 180, 1899 — [183], 1900 are Svo, the others 4to. Ser. Ca. 4to. Stockholm. 1, 1900. Lefnadsteckningar ofver Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens efter £r 1S54 aflidna Ledamoter. Svo. Stockholm. 3, 1886- 94_4 (fjft. 3), 1903. Ymer. Tidskrift utgifven af Svenska Sallskapet for Antropologi och Geografi. Svo. Stockholm. 4, 1885—20, 1901. Bulletin Scientifique public par 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de Saint Petersbourg. 4to. St. Petersbourg. Leipzig. 7, 1840—10, 1842. Bulletin de 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. 4to. St. Petersbourg. 29, 1884—36, [1894]. H:iBt.iTifl HMiiepaTO]ici;on Ai;a;iejiin Ilayin,. Bulletin del'Acadcinic Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg. 4to. lleicpGj pn>. St. Petersbourg. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1894—13, 1900. Memoires de 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de Saint- Petersbourg. 4to. Saint-Petersbourg. [Seventh Series.] 32, 1885—42, 1897. Ixxxv St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Bitsa.) St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol. St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull. St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Mem. St. Petersb. Inst. Med. Exper. St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu. St. Petersbourg St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull. St. Petersb., Sect. Geol. Cab. S. M. Trav. St. Petersb., Soc. Russe Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.) Strassb. Sternw. Ann ui HiiiiepaTOpcKofi Ana,ne»iiii Hayin, no <£n3iiKO-MaTe- MaTiiHPCKOMy OTjrtJieniio. Memoires de 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. -Petersbourg. Classe des Sciences physiques et mathematiques. 4to. C.-TIeTepdypn,. St. Petersbourg. [Eighth Series.] 1, 1895—10, 1900. lianncKir HiinepaTOpCKofi Altaian Haym.. [Memoirs of the Imperial Academy of Science.] Svo. CaHKineTepdypn,. [St. Petersburg.] 1, 1862 — 76, 1894. For continuation see preceding entry. [ApxiiB'L BiojioriiHPCKiixt HayKi usAaBaejiuii HunepaTOpCKHM-h HHCTHTyTOMi/JKcnepiiMeHTajibHoii Medium HH BT, C.-IIeTep6yprt..] Archives des Sciences Biologiques publiees par 1 Institut Imperial de Meclecine Experimental a St.-Petersbourg. 4to. C.-IIeTepf>yprT,. St. Petersbourg. 1, 1892—7, 1899. HaB'hcTifl reojioniiecitaro KoMHTe-ra. Bulletins du Comite Geo- logique. 8vo. C.-IIeTepoyprT,. St.-Petersbourg. 1, 1883 — 19, 1900 it Supplements. TpyAH Feo.iorn'iecKaro KomiTeTa. Memoires du Comite Geo- logique. 4to. C.-IIeTep6ypn,. St -Petersbourg. 1, 1883-84 [from No. 2]— 16, 1898-1902 [No. I]. [12 (No. 1) ; 13 (No. 4) it 15 (Nun. I & 4) not indexed because not published until after 1900.] fief St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol. MaTepiajiH MH Teo-ioriii Pocciii. Hitjianie Hjinepa-ropcKaro C.- IleTepOyprcKaro MiinepaJiorii'iecKaro OdneciBa. Materialien zur Geologie Russlands. Herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Mineralogischen Cesellschaft. 8vo. GaiiKTiieTCpdypn.. St. Petersburg. 12, 1885—20, 1900. St. Peter.sburger Medicinische Wochenschrift. 4to. St. Peters- burg. 9, 1884—25, 1900. SanHCKH HMirepaTopcKaro C.-IIeTep6yprcKaro Miiiiepa.ioniHecKaro Oomet'TBa. Verhandlungen der Russisch-Kaiserlichen Minera- logischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. 8vo. CaHKinetep- 6ypn,. St. Petersburg. [Second Series.] 1, 1866—38, 1900. ExeroAHiiKi, iioojioniqecKaro Myaea KMneparopcitoil Ao,neMiii HayKT.. Annuaire du Musee Zoologique de 1' Academic Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg. 8vo. CaHKTneTep6ypr6. St. Petersbourg. 1, 1896—5, 1900. See Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1897. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884. HiiB-fccTia HmnepaTOpcKaro PyccKaro Feorpa^iii'iecKaro OomeciBa. Bulletins of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Svo. G.-neTepCypn,. St. Petersburg. 19, 1884—36, 1900. Travaux de la Section Geologique du Cabinet de Sa Majeste. (Ministere de la Maison de 1'Empereur.) TpyAH reojionr- qecKoR HacTii KaGnneTa Ero HMnepaxopcKaro BemnecTBa. Svo. G.-IIeTep6ypn,. St. Petersbourg. 1, 1896—3, 1901 [to p. 121]. :>anircKH HMiiepaxopcicaro PyccKaro Teorpaitiii'iecKaro OSmeciBa, Ho o6ui,ei1 Feorpa^iii. Memoires de la Societe Imperiale Russe de Geographic. Section de Geographic generale. Svo. C -neTep6ypri.. St. Petersbourg. [Third Series.] 1,1867 — 34 (No. 1), 1900. [30 (Nos. 3 & 4); 31 (No. 2) & 32 (No. 4) not indexed because not published until after 1900.] Annalen der Kaiserlichen Universitiits-Sternwarte in Strassburg. 4to. Karlsruhe. 1, 1896 ife 2, 1899. 1. \x.\vi Stray Feathers Stuttgart Sudwestdeutsche Neuro- logen & Irrenarzte Suisse Soc. Zool. Ann Svenska Sallsk. Antrop. & Geogr. Sydney Aust. Mus. Mem. Sydney, Aust. Mus. Records Symons, Meteorol. Mag. Stray Feathers. A Journal of Ornithology for India and its Dependencies. 4to. Calcutta. 10, 1887 [from p. 435] — 11, 1888-99. Publishing ptuci' of Oberrhein. G-eol. Ver. Her., e Stockh., Ymer. The Australian Museum, Sydney. Memoirs. Svo. Sydney. [1], 1887—4 (Ft. 2, 1900).' Records of the Australian Museum. Svo. Sydney. 1, 1890-91 — 3, 1897-1900. Symons's monthly Meteorological Magazine, tfvo. London. 19, 1884—35, 1901. Tablettes Zool. Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol. Taprobanian TaSkent Obs. Astr. Publ. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc. Telegr. Engin. Jl Telegr. Jl. Termr. Fiiz. Termt. Kozlon. Terrestrial Magn. Texas Ac. Sci. Trans Texas Geol. Surv. Ann. Rep. Throndhjem, Skr Thiiring. -Sachs. Gesamtver. Erdk. T. Tablettes Zoologiques publiees sous la direction de Aime SCHNEIDER, Professeur a la Faculte des Sciences de Poitiers. Svo. Poitiers. 1, 1886—3, 1892. Boletin del Observatorio Astronomico Nacional de Tacubava. 4to. Mexico. 1, 1890 & 2, 1897 [to p. 262]. The Taprobanian, a Dravidian Journal of Oriental Studies in and around Ceylon, in Natural History, Archaeology, Philology, History, etc. 4to. Bombay. 1, 1887—3, 1888. ' Publications de PObservatoire Astronomique et Physique de Taeh- kent. Svo. Tachkent. 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. Svo. Tasmania. 1884—1900-01 [in part]. Journal of the Society of Telegraph-Engineers and Electricians. Svo. London. New York. 13, 1884-17, 1889. For con- tinuation see Addenda. The Telegraphic Journal [and Electrical Review]. 4to. London. I, 1864 £ •_', 1864; 14, 1884— 29, 1891. C<>,,fiiin. ,>, 1900. Transactions of the Texas Academy of Srii-nce. Svo. Austin. 1 (No. 1), 1892—3, 1900. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Texas. S\o. Austin. 1889—1892. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skriftcr. S\o. Throndhjem. 1884—1900. .SW Halle Ver. Erdk. Mitth. Ixxxvii Tidsskr. Math. Tidsskr. Phys. Chem. Tijdschr. Ent. Timehri Tokio Univ. Mem. Tokyo Tokyo Bot. Soc Tokyo, Coll. Sci. Jl. Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl. Tokyo Geogr. Soc., Jl. G-eogr. Tokyo Geol. Soc., Geol. Mag. Tokyo Geol. Soc. Jl Torino Torino Ace. Sci. Atti Torino Ace. Sci. Mem. Torino Mus. Boll Torrey Bot. Club Bull. Torrey Bot. Club Mem. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Bull. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann. Toulouse Obs. Ann Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull. Toulouse Soc. Sci. Bull. Tiilsskrift for Mathematik. Svo. Kj<»benha\ n. [Fifth Scries.] •2, 1884—6, 1889. Continued as : Nyt Tidsskr. Math., /' | Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., q.v. Atti della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Svo. Torino. 19, 1883 [from p. 259]— 35, 1900. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. [Classe cli Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali.] 4to. Torino. 35, 1884—49, 1900. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. Universita di Torino. 8vo. Torino. 1, 1886—15, 1900. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. Svo. New York. 11, 1884—27, 1900. Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club. Svo. New York. 1, 1889-90—7, 1899; 9, 1900. [8 after 1900.] Bulletin de 1' Academic des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. Svo. Toulouse. 1, 1898 & 2, 1899. Memoires de 1'Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. Svo. Toulouse. [Eighth Series.] 6, 1884—10, 1888. [Ninth Series.] 1, 1889—9, 1897. [Tenth Series.] 1, 1901 [to p. 59]. Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse, pour les Sciences Mathematiques et les Sciences Physiques. 4 to. Paris. 1, 1887—12, 1898. [Second Series.] 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Annales de 1'Observatoire Astronoinique, Magnetique et Meteoro- logique de Toulouse. 4to. Paris. 1, 1880—3, 1899. Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse. Bulletin. Svo. Toulouse. 1884—1900. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Toulouse. Svo. Toulouse. Paris. 6 (1883-84) [in part] — 8, 1889. Ixxxviii Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ. Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl. Trieste Boll Trieste Mus. Civ. Atti Triest Zool. Stat. Arb Trinidad Field Nat. Club Jl. Troms0 Mus. Aarsh Tuberculosis Tubingen Bot. Inst. Unters. Tyneside Naturalists Field Club Recueil des Travaux du Coruite consultatif d'Hygiene Publique de France et des Actes Officiels de rAdministration Sanitaire. 8vo. Paris. Melun. 13, 1884—29, 1900. Journal of the Trenton Natural History Society. 8vo. Trenton, N. J. 1, 1886-88 & 2, 1889-91. Bollettino della Societa Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste. Svo. Trieste. 9, [(Pt. 1 )], 1885—20, 1900. Atti del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Trieste. •>> Foldt. Kozlon. Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche der Kgl. Ungarischen Geologischen Anstalt. Svo. Budapest. 7, 1884-87—13, 1899-1902 [to p. 198]. This is a German edition of Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., q.v. See Foldt. Kozlon. Ixxxix Ung. Reichsanst. Meteorol. Erdmagnet. Publ. United Serv. Inst. Jl Untersuch. Nat Upsala Arsskr Upsala Bot. For Upsala Geol. Inst. Bull. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh. Upsala Naturvet. Student- sallsk. Upsala. Soc. Sci. Nova Acta U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Bull. U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Rep. [U. S.] Bur. Anim. Ind. Rep. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep. U. S. Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep. U. S. Coast G-eod. Surv. Bull. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb. ... U. S. Div. Biol. Surv. Bull. [U. S.] Div. Chem. Bull. ... U. S. Div. Chem. Bull. ... U. S. Div. Ent. Bull. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life U. U. S. Div. Ent. Techn. Ser. U. Meteorologiai es Foldmagnessegi Orszagos Intozet Hivatalos Kiad- vanyai. Publicationen der Kun. Ung. Reichsanstalt fur Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus. 4to. Budapest. 1, 1898 — 3, 1900. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall. 8vo. London. 27, 1884—44, 1900. Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thierc. Svo. Giessen. 13, 1888 [in part]— 17, [1901]. Upsala Universitets Arsskrift. Svo. Upsala. 1884 — 1900. fiee Bot. Notiser. Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. Svo. Upsala. 1,1894—4,1900. Upsala Lakareforenings Forhandlingar. Svo. Upsala. 1 9, 1884 [in part]— 30, 1895. [New Series.] 1, 1896—5, 1900. See Bot. Centrbl. Nova Acta Regue Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. 4to. Upsala. [Third Series.] 12, 1885—20, 1904 [in part]. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin. Svo. Washington. 1, 1893—20, 1900. U. S. Department of Agriculture Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Svo. Washington. 1, 1885; 3, 1887; 4 & 5, 1888; 14, 1898—16, 1900. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Reports Svo. Washington. 6 & 7, 1891— 12 & 13, 1897. Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Svo. Washington. 2, 1886. Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer [of the Army] to the Secretary of War. Svo. Washington. 1871—1881- 1883— 1890. Report of the Secretary of War; In five Volumes. Volume iv. [Report of Chief Signal Officer.] Svo. Washington. [1891.] t'untiniied as: U. S. Weath. Bur. Rep., q.v. Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer, United States Army, to the Secretary of War. Svo. Washington. 1882. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Bulletin. Washington. 4to. 1, [1888]— 24, [1891]; 3G, 1897—40, 1899. Svo. 26, 1893—35, 1896. [25 inaccessible.] Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture. Svo. Washington. 1884-1888. Continued as: [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Rep., "q.v. Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture. Svo. Washington. 1894—1900. Continuation of: [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Rep., q.r. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Biological Survey. Bulletin. Svo. Washington. 9, 1898—14, 1900. Continuation of: U. S. Div. Ornith. Mamm. Bull., q.v. Department of Agriculture. Chemical Division. [Division of Chemistry.] Bulletin. Svo. Washington. 1, 1883—12, 1886. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Chemistry. Bulletin. Svo. Washington. 13 (Ft. 1), 1887—59, 1900. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology. Bulletin. Svo. Washington.' 4, 1884—32, 1894. [New Series.] 1, 1895— 26, 1900. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology. [Periodical Bulletin.] Insect Life. Svo. Washington. 1, 1888-89—7, 1895. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology. Technical Series. Svo. Washington. 1, 1895 — S, 1900. R. s. A. c. xc U. S. Div. Ornith. Ma mm. Bull. U. S. Div. Ornith. [Mamm.] Bull. U. S. Div. Soils Bull. U. S. Ent. Comm. Rep. ... U. S. Fish Comm. Bull. ... U. S. Fish Comm. Rep. ... U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. ... U. S. Geol. Surv. Monogr. U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev. U. S. Mus. Bull. U. S. Mus. Proc. U. S. Mus. Rep U. S. Mus. Spec. Bull. U. S. N. Amer. Fauna. U. S. Naval Obs. Obsns. . U. S. Naval Obs. Publ. [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Rep U. S. Signal Serv. Notes U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Economic Ornithology and Mammalogy. Bulletin. Svo. Washington. 1, 1889 ; 3, 1893— S, 1896. Cont'unin! as; U. S. Div. Biol. Surv. Bull., q.v. U. >S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Economic Ornithology. Bulletin. Svo. Washington. 2, 1888. LT. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of [Agricultural] Soils. Bulletin. Svo. Washington. 1, 1895 — 1(1, 1899. U. S. Department of Agriculture Report of the United States Entomological Commission. Svo. Washington. 4, 1885 \- 5, 1890. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission. Svo. Washington. 4, 1884— IS, 1899. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Report of the Commissioner Svo. Washington. 9, 1884 — 25, 1900. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey. Svo. Washington. 1, 1883—176, 1900. Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. Svo. Washington. 1, 1890; 7, 1884—31, 1898; 32 (J't. 2), 1899— 40, 1900. [2-6 already indexed; 32 (Pt. 1) not published till after 1900.] Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior. Svo. Washington" 1882-83—1899- 1900 [J'ts. 1, 2 & 5]. [United States] Monthly Weather Review. Dec. 1873 — Jan. 1879. Monthly Weather Review. (General Weather Service of the United States.) Washington. Feb. 1879— Dec. 1882. United States of America : War Department. Monthly Weather Review. (General Weather Service of the United States.) 4to. Washington. 11 (1883)— 19 (1891). United States of America : Department of Agriculture. Monthly Weather Review and Annual Summary. 4to. Washington, D. C. 20 (1892)— 28 (1900). Bulletin of the United States National Museum. Svo. Washington. 23, 1885; 25, 1884; 27, 1884—47, 1896. [24 & 26 already indexed.] Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Svo. Washington. 6, 1884 [from p. 353]— 22, 1900. See Smithsonian Rep. Smithsonian Institution. United States National Museum. Special Bulletin. 4to. Washington. 1, 1892— 4 (Pt, 1), 1900. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy. North American Fauna. Svo. Washington. 1, 1889—5, 1891; 7, 1893; S, 1895; 10, 1895—12, 1896. [(i ct 9 never published.] U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Biological Survey. North American Fauna. Svo. Washington. 13,1897 — 19,1900. [Astronomical, Magnetic and Meteorological] Observations made during the year at the United States Naval Observatory. 4to. Washington. 1884—1892. Continued as: Publications of the United States Naval Observatory. 4to. Washington. [Second Series.] 1, 1900. Report of the Secretary of Agriculture. Svo. Washington. 1889 — 1893. Continuatio-n of: [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep., q.v. Continiifil as: U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., q.v. United States of America : War Department. Signal Service Notes. Svo. Washington. 1, 1882—4, 1883; 0, 1883—20, 1885; 22, 1885 & 23, 1885. [5 inaccessible, 21 not published till after 1900.] XC1 U. S. Signal Serv. Pap. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull. U. S. Weath. Bur. Rep. Utrecht Utrecht, Onderzoek. Utrecht Prov. Genootsch. Aanteek. United States of America : War Department. Professional Papers of the Signal Service. 4to. Washington. 13,1884 — 16,1885; 18, 1885. [Publication of 17 indefinitely postponed.] U. S. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Bulletin. 8vo. Washington, D. C. 1, 1892—29, 1900. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau. Bulletin. Washington, D. C. in-plano. A, 1893 & B, 1894. 4to. C, 1894— H, 1900. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Report of the Chief of tlie Weather Bureau. 4to. Washington. 1891- 92—1899-1900. Publishing place of Donders, Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd. Versl., q.v. Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd. Versl., q.v. Onderzoekingen, gedaan in het Physiologisch Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. 8vo. Utrecht. [Third Series.] 9,1884—11,1889. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1891— 5, [1897]. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1899. Aanteekeningen van het Verhandelde in de Sectie-Vergaderingen van het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (Sectie van Natuur- en Geneeskundige Wetenschappen.) 8vo. Utrecht, 1884—1900. Valais Soc. Murith Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag. Varese Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (Biol.) (Phys. Chim.) Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (C. S., Biol.) (C. K., I'hys. Chim.) Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (Mem.) Vaucluse Ac. Mem Venezia, Ateneo V. See Bull. Murith. Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine. 8vo. New York. 30, 1884— 33, 1885. For continuation see: Railroad & Engin. Jl. Publishiuy place of [Italia], Soc. Crittog. Atti, q.v. IIpOTOKOiH ;3aci;,naHifi H Tpy^u OomecxBa Ejienie Bio.torin. Section Biologique. 8vo. BapuiaBa. Varsovie. 1897—1900. Or.H'BJieHiH ii3iiKH ii Xiillill. Sections de Physique et de Chimie. 8vo. BapinaBa. Varsovie. 1897; 1898. Con- tinuations of: BapmascEaro 06m,ecTBa EcTecTBOiicin.rraTe.ieii. Travaux de la Societe des Naturalistes de Varsovie. KOJiH O'lu-kjiemn Bio.ioriii. Bapmasa. Comptes Rendus de la Section Biologique. Varsovie. 8vo. BapuiaBa. Varsovie. 1889-90—1895-96. IIpOTOKO.iH OrjrEjieiiifl 'I'lisiiKH U XiiMiii. Bapuiasa. Comptes Rendus de la Section de Physique et de Chimie. Varsovie. 8vo. BapuiaBa. Varsovie. 1889-90—1895-96 ; 1900. Tpy.iu OdiuccTBa EciecTBOHcnHiaTejiefi npii UMiiepa-ropcKOjn, BapiiiaBouoHi. yiniBcpcnrcTl;. Travaux • de la Societe des Naturalistes de 1'Universite Iniperiale de Varsovie. 8vo. BapuiaBa. Varsovie. 1, 1891—3, 1896. Memoires de 1' Academic de Vaucluse. Svo. Avignon. 3, 1884 — 19, 1900. L" Ateneo Veneto. Rivista cli Science, Lettere ed Arti. Svo. Venezia. 1, 1886—2, 1899. [1 & 2, 1884; 1 & 2, 1885; part of 2, 1889 & of 1, 1890; 2, 1897 and 1 & 2, 1900 inaccessible.] vr). "7 XC11 Venezia, 1st. Atti Venezia, 1st. Mem. Ver. Anal. Chem Verband Deutsch. Elektro- techniker Ver. Deutsch. Chemiker ... Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind. Ver. Rubenzuckerind. Deutsch. Reichs Victoria Dept. Mines Spec. Rep. Victoria Field Naturalists' Club VictoriaGeol. Surv. Monthly Rep. Victoria Inst. Jl. Victorian Natlist. Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc.... Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans. Virchow, Arch. Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann. Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Letters ed Arti. Svo. Venezia. 1883^84—1899-1900. Memorie del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. 4to. Venezia. 23, 1887—26, 1897-1902 [in part]. See Repertm. Anal. Chem. See Elektrotechn. Ztschr. Sff Ztschr. Angew. Chem. Se> Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind. See Ztschr. Ver. Rubenzuckerind. Victoria. Department of Mines. Special Reports. 4to. Melbourne. 1892—1898. (Coal Fields.) [1], 1892—7, 1900. See Victorian Natlist. Victoria. Department of Mines. Geological Survey of Victoria. New Series. Monthly Progress Report. Svo. Melbourne. 1, 1899—12, 1900. Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, or Philo- sophical Society of Great Britain. Svo. London. 17, 1884 — 33, 1901 [in part]. The Victorian Naturalist. Naturalists' Club of Victoria. 1885—17, 1901 [to p. 152]. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 8vo. 1, 1889—13, [1901]. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Svo. Melbourne. 21, 1885—24, [1888]. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria. 4to. Melbourne. 1 (Ft. 1), 1888—4, 1895. Archiv fin- Pathologische Anatomic und Physiologic und fur Klinische Medicin. Herausgegeben von Rudolf VIRCHOW. Svo. Berlin. 95, 1884—162, 1900. Annales de la Societe d'Emulation du Departement des Vosges. Svo. Epinal. Paris. 1884—1900. The Journal and Magazine of the Field Svo. South Melbourne. 1, Melbourne. w. Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans. Warwick. Field Club Proc. Washburn Obs. Publ Washington Washington Ac. Sci. Proc. Washington, Astr. Pap. for Ephem. & Naut. Aim. Institute of Science of Phila- 1, 1887—3, [1890-1903] [to University of 4 to. (i (Pts. Transactions of the Wagner Free delphia. Svo. Philadelphia. p. 121.x]; 4, 1896— (i, 1899. Proceedings of the Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archaeologists' Field Club. Svo. Warwick. 1884—1900. Publications of the Washburn Observatory of the Wisconsin. Madison. Svo. 1, 1882—5, 1887. 1 A- 2), 1890—10 (I'l. 1), 1896. See Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1891. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887. Publishing place uf U. S. Departmental and Official Publications. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Washington. 1, 1899-1900 & 2, 1900. Astronomical Papers prepared for the use of the American Ephe- meris and Nautical Almanac. 4to. Washington. 1, 1882 — S, 1898 [to p. 403]. Svo. XC111 Washington Biol. Soc. Proc. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem. Washington Phil. Soc. Bull. Wernigerode Naturw. Ver. Schr. Westfal. Ver. Jber. West Indies Geol. Surv. Mem. Wetter Wetterau. Ges. Nat. Ber. Wiad. Mat Wien Wien, Ak. Denkschr Wien, Ak. Sber. Wien, Almanach Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth. Wien, Anz Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch. Wien Embryol. Inst. Mitth. Wien. Ent. Ver. Jber. Wien. Ent. Ztg. Wien Geogr. Ges. Abh. ... Wien Geogr. Ges. Festschr. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth. Wien, Geol. Abh. Wien, Geol. Jbuch Wien, Geol. Verh Wien, Gradmessungs-Bur. Astr. Arb. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 8vo. Washington. 2, 1885 [in part]— 13, 1901. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, 4to. Washington. 2, 1884— s, [1902]. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington. Svo. Washington. 6, 1884—14, 1906 [in part]. Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins des Harzes in Wernigerode. 8vo. Wernigerode. 1, 1886—10, 1895. Jahresbericht des Westfalischen Provinzial- Vereins fiir Wissen- schaft und Kunst fiir 8vo. Miinster. 1883 [in part]- 1899-1900. Memoirs of the Geological Survey. [West Indian Survey.] 8vo. London. Part 2, 1869. Das Wetter. Meteorologische Monatsschrift fiir Gebilclete aller Stande. 8vo. Magdeburg. Braunschweig. Berlin. 1, 1885 — 17, 1900. Bericht der Wetterauischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammte Natur- kunde zu Hanau. 8vo. Hanau. 1883-85 [in part]— 1895-99. Wiadomosci Matematyczne. Svo. Warsaw. 1, 1897 — 4, 1900. .See Int. Congr. Hyg. Arb., 1887. Denkschrifteii der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschafteu. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliehe Classe. 4to. Wien. 48, 1884—70, 1901. Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlic'he Classe. 8vo. Wien. 89, 1884—109, 1900. Almanach der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Svo. Wien. 34, 1884—50, 1900. Mittheilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wieii. 4 to. Wien. 14, 1884—30, 1900i Anzeiger der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathe- matisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. 8vo. Wien. 21, 1884 — 37, 1900. Berg- und Hiittenmannisches Jahrbuch der k. k. Bergakademien zu Leoben und Pfibrarn und der koniglich Ungarischen Bergakademie zu Scheumitz. Svo. Wien. 32, 1884 — 48, 1900. Mittheilungen aus dem Embryologischen Institute der k. k. Universitat in Wien. 8vo. Wien. Leipzig. [New Series.] 1, 1885—-), 1892. Jahresbericht des Wiener Eiitoinologischen Vereins. 8vo. Wien. [1], 1891—10, 1900. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Svo. Wien. 3, 1884 — 19, 1900. Abhandlungen der k. k. Geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Svo. Wien. 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Festschrift der k. k. Geographischen Gesellschaft 1884-1898. Svo. Wien. 1898. Mittheilungen der kais. konigl. Geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Svo. Wien. 27, 1884—43, 1900. Abhandlungen der kaiserlich-koniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt. Folio. Wien. 11 (Abth. 1), 1885—18, 1895-1907 [Hrft 1]. J;thrlmch der kaiserlich-koniglicheu Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 4 to. Wien. 34, 1884—49, 1900. Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-koniglichen Geologischen Reichsan- stalt. 4to. Wien. 1884—1900. Publicationen fur die Internationale Erdmessung. Astronomische Arbeiten des k. k. Gradmessungs-Bureau 4to. Wien. Prag. Leipzig. 1, 1889—12, 1900. XC1V Wien Kuffner. Sternw.Publ. Wien. Med. Wschr. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth. Wien, Photogr. Correspond. Wien, Sonnblick-Ver. Jber. Wien Univ. Sternw. Ann. Wien Zool.-Bot. Ges. (Ornith. Sect.) Wien Zool. Bot. Verb. Wien Zool. Inst. Arb. . Wiesbaden Wilts. Archaeol. Mag Wimereux Lab. [Stat.] Zool. Wisconsin Ac. Trans Wisconsin Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc. Occ. Pap. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. Wisconsin Univ. Bull. (Sei.) Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Wombat Woods Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull. Publicationen tier v. Kufther'schen Sternwarte in Wien. 4 to. Wien. 1, 1889—5, 1900. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift. 4to. Wien. 34, 1884 50, 1900. Zeitschrift cler Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fur Meteuroloyie. Redigirt von Dr. J. HANN. 8vo. Wien. 19, 1884 & 20, 1885. Continued «*.• Meteorol. Ztschr., q.v. Annalen des k. k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Svo. Wien. 1, 1886—15, 1900. Mittheilungen des Omithologischen Ve reins in Wien. [Die Schwalbe.] Wien. 4 to. X 1884 [in part]— 12, 1888; 14, 1890—21, 1897 & Beiblatter, 1, 1884 & 2, 1885. 8vo. 13, 1889. Photographische Correspondenz. Organ der photographischen Gesellschaft in Wien, [und] des Vereines zur Pflege der Photo- graphie in Frankfurt a. M., [und des Schweizerisehen Photographen-Vereins, der Photographischen Gesellschaft in Miinchen und des Photo-Club in Wien]. 8vo. Wien. Leipzig. 21, 1884—37, 1900. Jahres-Berioht des Sonnblick- Vereines. 4 to. Wien. 1892—1900. Annalen der k. k. Universitats-Sternwarte in Wien (Wahring). 4to. Wien. 2,1884 — 14,1900. [1 apparently never published.] See Schwalbe. Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-kbniglichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 8vo. Wien. 33, 1884—50, 1900. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute der Universitat Wien und der Zoologischen Station in Triest. Svo. Wien. 5, 1884 — 13, 1902 [to p. 80]. Publishing place of Nassauisch. Ver. Jbuch., q.v. The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, published under the Direction of the Society formed in that County, A.D. 1853. 8vo. Devizes. 22,1885—30,1899. See Lille Inst. Zool. Trav. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. 8vo. Madison. 6, 1885—12, 1900. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. Svo. Madison, Wis. 1, 1898— G, 1900. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society. 8vo. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1, 1900 Occasional Papers of the Natural History Society of Wisconsin. 8vo. Milwaukee. 1, 1889-90—3, 1896. Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Wisconsin. 8vo. [Milwaukee.] 1885-89 [pp. 45—231]. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Science Series. Svo. Madison, Wis. 1, 1896 & 2, 1901 [to p. 296]. Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen herausgegeben von der Commission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der deutschen Meere in Kiel und der biologischen Anstalt auf Helgoland. 4to. Kiel. Leipzig. [New Series.] 1 , 1896 & 2, 1897. Kiel Series. 3, 1898— 5," 1901 [11 "ft . 1]. Helgoland Series. 3,1900 & 4, 1900. Continuation of: Deutsch. Meere Ber., q.v. The Wombat. The Journal of the Geelong Field Naturalists' Club, and the Gordon College Amateur Photographic Association. Svo. Geelong. 1, [1896]— 4, [1899]. Biological Bulletin. Edited by the Director and Members of the Stall' of the .Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl, Mass. Boston, U. S. A. 1, 1900 & 2, 1901 [to p. I 13J. xcv Wood's Roll Mar. Biol. Lab. Lect. Woolhope Field Club Trans. Worcester Wiirttemb. Jhefte Wiirzb. Bot. Inst. Arb Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Festschr. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verh. Wiirzb. Zool. Inst. Arb. ... W. Virginia Geol. Surv. ... the Marine Biological ?8vo. Boston, U.S. A. Naturalists' [to p. 99]. Field Club. Svo. Biological Lectures delivered at [from Laboratory [of] Wood's Holl, [Mass.]. 1890—1899. Transactions of the Woolhope Hereford. 1874-76—1900-02 Publishing ji/nce of Brit. Mycol. Soc. Trans., q.v. Jahreshefte ties Vereins fur vaterlandische Naturkuiide in Wiirttem- berg. Svo. Stuttgart. 40, 1884 — 56, 1900. Arbeiten des Botanischen Instituts in Wiirzburg. 8vo. Leipzig. 3, 1888. Festschrift zur Feier ihres fiinfzigjahrigen Bestehens herausgegeben von der Physikalisch-Medizinischen Gesellschaft zu Wiirzburg. 4to. Wiirzburg. 1899. Sitzungsberichte der Physikalisch-Medizinischen Wiirzburg. 1884—1900. Physikalisch-Medicinisehen Wiirzburg. 8vo. Verhandlungen der Wiirzburg. 8vo. Gesellscliaft zu Gesellschaft zu Wurzburg. 18, 1884—33, 1900. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologisch-Zootomischen Institut in Wiirzburg. 8vo. Wiesbaden. 7, 1885—10, 1895. West Virginia Geological Survey. 8vo. Morgantown. 1, 1899. Yale Univ. Obs. Trans. Yn Lioar Manninagh Yokohama Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc. Yorks. Nat. Union Trans. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Rep. Y. Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory of Yale University. 4to. New Haven. 1, 1887-1904 [to p. 330]. Yn Lioar Manninagh. The Journal of the Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society. 8vo. Douglas. 1 [1894] — 3, [1902]. Publishing place of Deutsch. Ores. Ostasien. Mitth., q.v. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnic Society. 8vo. Leeds. 8 (1882-84) [from p. 255]— 13, 1899. The Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union. 8vo. London. Leeds. 7, 1884 — 27, 1901. Annual Report of the Council of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. Svo. York. 1884—1900. Zool. Anz. Zool. Beitr. Zool. Bull. . z. Zoologischer Anzeiger herausgegeben von Prof. J. Victor CARUS in Leipzig. [Zugleich Organ der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft.] 8vo. Leipzig. 7, 1884 — 23, 1900. Zoologische Beitrage. Svo. Breslau. 1, 1885 — 3, 1892. Zoological Bulletin. Edited by C. O. WHITMAN and W. M. WHEELER. The University of Chicago. ? Svo. Boston, U. S. A. 1, 1898 & 2, 1899. For successor see: Woods Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull. XCV1 Zool. Jbuch. (Ann/.) (Syst.) Zoologica Zoological Congresses Zoologist Zool. Soc. Proc. Zool. Soc. Trans. Zool. Vortr Ztschr. Angew. Chem Ztschr. Angew. Mikr Ztschr. Anorg. Chem Ztschr. Bauwesen . Ztschr. Berg-, Hutten- u. Salinenw. Ztschr. Biol. Ztschr. Chem. Ind. Ztschr. Elektroch. Ztschr. Elektrotechn. Elek- troch. Ztschr. Ent. (Breslau) Ztschr. Ethnol. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak. Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Zeitschrift fur Systematik, Geographic und Biologie der Thiere. Svo. Jena. 1, 1886 A- 2, 1887 A- Supplements 1, 1886—5, 1902 [to p. 250]. Abtheilung fur Anatomic und Ontogenie der Thiere. 8vo. Jena. 3, 1889—14, 1901 [to p. 368]. Abtheilung fur Systematik, Geographic und Biologie der Thiere. Svo. Jena. 3, 1888—14, 1901 [to p. 290]. Zoologica. Original-Abhandlungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Zoologie. 4to. Stuttgart. 9, 1897-1900 -12, 1900. Continnn- tinn i>/': Bibl. Zool., q.r. See Congr. Int. Zool. C. R. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc. Tin- Zoologist: a monthly .journal of Natural History. Svo. London. [Third Series.] 8, 1884—2(1, 1896. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1897—4, 1900. Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings [General Meetings for Scientific Business] of the Zoological Society of London. Svo. London. 1884—1900. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. 4to. London. 12, 1890—15, 1901. Zoologische Vortrage. Svo. Leipzig. 1, 1889 — 11, 1892. Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Cheniie. Organ der deutschen Gesell- schaft fiir angewandte Chemie. 4to. Berlin. 1888 — 1895. Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Chemie. Organ des Vereins deutscher Chemiker. 4to. Berlin. 1896 — 1900. Continuation. <•/': Ztschr. Chem. Ind., q.v. Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Mikroskopie rnit besonderer Riicksicht auf die mikroskopischen Untersuchungen von Nahrungs- und Genussmitteln, technischen Produkten, Krankheitsstoffen, etc., etc. Svo. Berlin. Leipzig. Weimar. 1, 1896—-"), 1900. Zeitschrift fiir anorganische Chemie. Svo. Hamburg. Leipzig. 1, 1892—25, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Bauwesen. Herausgegeben ini Ministerium der offentlichen Arbeiten. 4to. Berlin. 31, 1881—50, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir das Berg-, Hutten- und Salinen-WeseU im Preussi- schen Staate. 4to. Berlin. 32, 1884— 48, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Biologie. 8vo. Mimchen. Leipzig. 20, 1884 — 40, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir die Chemische Industrie mit besonderer Bertick- sichtigung der chemisch-technischen Untersuchungsverfahren. 4to. Berlin. 1, 1887 & 2, 1887. Continuation of: Repertm. Anal. Chem., q.r. CmitinuKd as: Ztschr. Angew. Chem., q.v. Zeitschrift fiir Elektrocliemie. Organ der Deutschen Elektro- chemischen Gesellschaft. 4to. Halle u. S. 1895-96—1900-01. Continuation of: Zeitschrift fur Elect roteclmik und Elektrocliemie. tto. Halle a. S. 1894-95. Zeitschrift fiir Eiitomologie. Herausgegeben vom Verein fiir Schlesische Insektenkunde zu Breslau. Svo. Breslau. 9, 1884 [in part]— 25, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologic- und Urgeschichte. Svo. Berlin. 16, 1884 32, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gynakologie. Unter Mitwirkung der Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gj'mikologie [in Berlin]. Svo. Stuttgart, 10, 1884—44, 1901 [to p. 172]. XCV11 Ztschr. Gesam. Ornith. Ztschr. Heilk. Ztschr. Hyg Ztschr. Instrumentenk. Ztschr. Kryst Ztschr. Math. Phys. Ztschr. Morphol. u. Anthrop. Ztschr. Naturwiss. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk Ztschr. Physikal. Chem. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol Ztschr. Psychol Ztschr. Thiermed. Ztschr. Tuberkulose Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind. Ztschr. Ver. Riiben- zuckerind. Ztschr. Wiss. Geogr. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bbhm. Zurich, Natf. Ores. Neu- jahrsbl. Zeitschrift t'iir die gesammte Ornithologie. 8vo. Budapest. 1, 1884—4, 1888. Zeitschrift t'iir Heilkunde, als Fortsetzung der Prager Vierteljahrs- schrift fiir praktische Heilkunde. 8vo. Prag. Leipzig. Wien. Berlin. 1, 1880—21, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene [und Infectionskrankheiten]. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1886—35, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenkunde. Organ fiir Mittheilungen aus deni gesarnmten Gebiete der wissenschaftlichen Technik. 4to. Berlin. 4, 1884—20, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und Mineralogie. 8vo. Leipzig. 8, 1884—33, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik und Physik herausgegeben unter der verantwortlichen Redaction von Dr. O. SCHLOMILCH, Dr. E. KAIIL und Dr. M. CANTOR. 8vo. Leipzig. 29, 1884 — 45, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Morphologic und Anthropologie. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaften im Auftrage [Organ] des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen. 8vo. Halle. Leipzig. Stuttgart. 57, 1884—73, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Ohrenheilkunde in deutscher und englischer Sprache. 8vo. Wiesbaden. 13, 1884—38, 1901 [to p. 187]. [For English edition see Arch. Otol. Zeitschrift fiir Physikalische Cheinie, Stochiometrie und Ver- wandtschaftslehre. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1887 — 35. 1900. [HOPPE SEYLEE'S] Zeitschrift fiir Physiologische Chemie. Svo. Stuttgart. 8, 1883-84 [in part]— 31, 1900-01 [to p. 410} Zeitschrift fiir Praktische Geologic init besonderer Beriicksiehti- gung der Lagerstattenkunde. 4to. Berlin. 1893 — 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Psychologie und Physiologic der Sinnesorgane. Svo. Hamburg. Leipzig. 1, 1890—24, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Thierinedicin. Neue Folge der Deutschen Zeit- sohrift fiir Thierinedicin und der Oesterreichischen Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Veterinarkunde. 8vo. Jena. 1, 1897 — 4, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Tuberkulose und Heilstatteuwesen. Svo. Leipzig. 1, 1900. Zeitschrift des Vereins der deutschen Zucker-Industrie. Svo. Berlin. 48, 1898 — 50, 1900. Continuation of: Zeitschrift des Vereins fiir die Rubenzucker-Industrie des deut- schen Reichs. 4 to. Berlin. 34, 1884—47, 1897. Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Geographie. Svo. Wien. Weimar. 5, 1885 — 8, 1891. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und t'iir mikrosko- pische Technik. Svo. Braunschweig. Leipzig. 1, 1884 — 17, 1900. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Svo. Leipzig. 40, 1884—68, 1900. Zeitschrift fiir Zuckerindustrie in Bohmen. Svo. Prag. 9. 1884-85—25, 1900-01 [to p. 194]. Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben von der Naturforsehenden Gesell- schaft. 4to. Zurich. 1884—1895; 1897—1900. Neujahrsblatt der Ziircherischen Naturforsehenden Gesellschaft. 4to. Zurich. 1896. R. S. A. C. XCV11I Zurich Phys. Ges. Jber. Zurich Polyt. Sternw. Publ. Zurich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkschr. Zurich, Soc. Ent. Zurich Vrtljschr. Zwickau Ver. Nat. Jber. Jahresbericlit der physikalischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. 8vo. Uster-Zilrich. 1887—1899 A- 1900. Publikationen cler Sternwarte des Eld". Polytechnikums zu Zurich. 4to. Zurich. 1, 1897 «fc 2, 1899. Neue Denkschriften der allgeineinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles. 4to. Zurich. 29, 1885—37, 1900. Societas Entomologies, Organ fiir den internationalen Entomo logenverein. 4to. Zurich. 1, [1887]— 15, [1901] [to p. 146]. Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. 8vo. Zurich. 29, 1884—45, 1900. Jahresbericlit des Vereins fiir NaturkumU» zu Zwickau in Sachsen. 8vo. Zwickau. 1884—1900. Arch, de Physiol. Centrbl. Physiol Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl. Archives de Physiologic Normale et Pathologique. 8^'o. Paris. [Third Series.] 3, 1884—10, 1887. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1888 vt 2, 1888. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1889—10. 1898. Centralblatt t'iir Physiologie. 8vo. Leipzig. Wien. 1, 1888 — 14, 1901 [to p. 51i'']. Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, late the Society of Telegraph-Engineers and Electricians. 8vo. London. New York. ' IS, 1890—29, 1900. L'oiitinuntion of: Telegr. Engin. Jl., . Diarrhoea and bacteria. N. Y. Med. Jl., 65, 1897, 625-628. Aaron, Eugene Murray. A vulnerable "new species." Entomologies. Amer., 5, 1889, 221-220. 2. North American Hesperida;. Philad., Ent. News, 1, 1890, 23-26. 3. Notes on North American Hesperida'. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 119-120. 4. [Scorpions, centipedes and tarantulas.] [1894. J U.S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 7, 1896, 262-263. Aaron, Eugene Murray, & Aaron, S. Frank. List uf a collection of diurnal Lepidoptera from southern Texas. Papilio, 4, 1884, 172-182. R. S. A. C. Aaron, Kmjene Murray, & Skinner, Henry. Sec Skinner A Aaron. Aaron, ,S'. Frank. 'Description of new Psocidee in the collection of the American Entomological Society. [1883.] Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 11, 1884, 37-40. 2. The North American Chrysididffl. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 12, 1885, 209-248. 3. Ovipositiou in Agrion. [1885.] Entomologica Amer., 1, 1885-86, 16. 4. On some new Psocidee. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc. , 1886, 13-18. 5. The bold robber fly. Philad., Eut. News, 5, 1894, 110-112. Aaron, .S'. Frank, & Aaron. Kugenf Murray. Sen above. Aars, Kr[istian] Birch-Reichenwald. Untersuohungen liber Farbenindnktion. Christiania Skr. (Ulath.-Nat. Kl. ), 1895, No. 3, 15 pp. 2. Untersuchungen zur Farbenmischuug im Auge. Christiania Skr. (Math.-Nat. A'l.), 1897, No. 8, 34pp. 3. Ueber die Beziehung zwischen apriorischem Causalgesetz und der Thatsache der Reizhohe. Ztschr. Psychol., 19, 1899, 241-250. 4. Zur Biogenese der spontan erregten Empfindungen. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 22, 1900, No. 4, 17 pp. 5. Die Erwartung. Ztschr. Psychol., 22, 1900, 401- 414. Abadie, [Jcun Marie] Charles. 14. Traitement de la keratite interstitielle grave par les injections sous-cutanees de bichlorure de mercure. Ann. d'Oculiat., 91, 1884, 145-149. 15. Microbes et diatheses. Progres Med., 2, 1886, 497-499. 16. Traitement des formes graves de la conjonctivite granuleuse. Ann. d'Oculist., 98, 1887, 178-183. 17. [Des diverses formes cliniques de 1'ophtalmie sympathique. ] [1889.] Arch. Augenheilk., 21, 1890, 243-244. 18. Valeur therapeutique des injections medicamen- teuses intra-oculaires et sous-coujonctivales. Ann. d'Oculist., 105, 1891, 243. 19. De 1'ophtalmie purulente; etiologie; prophylaxie; traitement. [With discussion.] Ann. d'Oculist., Ill, 1894, 440-443. 1 Abadie] ( Abbadie 20. Etiologie et traitement des uleeres infecti.'ux du la cornee. Ann. d'Oculist.. 114, 1895, 88-95. 21. De 1'ophtalmie purulente des nouveau-ues; com- plications provoquees par des traitements intempestifs; prophylaxie. [With discussion.] Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, "353-358. 22. Nature du glaucome; explication de 1'action curative de riridectomie. Ann. d'Oculist., 117, 1897, 358-359. 23. Glaucome malin a forme heinorrhagique euraye par 1'ablatiou du ganglion cervical supe'rieur. [If'if/i discussion.] Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 37-40. 24. De la section du sympathique cervical. Indica- tions therapeutiques. Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 386. 25. Nature et traitement du zona. Ann. d'Oculist., 121, 1899, 397-400. Abadie, [Jean Marie] Charles (et alii). Des injections sous-cutanees de bichlorure de mercure en therapeutique oculaire. Ann. d'Oculist., 95, 1886, 212-213. 2. Des injections sous-conjonctivales en therapeutique oculaire. (Resultats d'une enquete faite anpres d'un certain nombre d'ophtalmologistes de tons les pays.) [Correspondance.] Ann. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 145-15'J. Abadie-Dutemps, E. Notice sur 1'hypsonome, instrument donnant sans calculs, par simple lecture, les hauteurs des points sur les plans cotes. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 5, 1893, 622-637. 2. Note sur un uouveau genre d'appareils d'optique douuant des images anim^es. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 8, 1896, 555-580. Abafi. ,S'« Aigner -Abafi | Abakanowicz. ... Abdank-Abakanowicz. Abati, Gino. Sul potere rifrangente e dispersive del silicic nei suoi composti. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Ft. 2), 437-455. Abba, Francesco. Eiconoscimento dell' arseuico in una farina per mezzo del Penicillum brevicaule. Ann. di Chim., 19, 1894, 226-228. 2. Ueber ein Verfahren, deu Bacillus coli communis schnell und sicher aus dem Wasser zu isolieren. [1895.] Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 19, 1896, 13-15. 3. Ueber einen Autoklaveu-Ofen fur bakteriologische Laboratories Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 462- 465. 4. Ueber die Dauer des toxiseheu und antitoxischen Vermogens beim Diphtherietoxin und -Antitoxin. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 934-938. 5. Ueber die Feinlieit der biologischen Methods beim Nachweis des Arseniks. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 806-808. 6. Ueber dieNothwendigkeit, die Technik der bakterio- logischen Wasseruntersuchung gleichformiger zu ge- stalten. Experimente und Vorschliige. Ztschr. Hyg. , 33, 1900, 372-386. Abba, Francesco, & Bordoni-Ufireduzzi, Guido. See Bordoni-Ufireduzzi A Abba. Abba, Francesco, & Rondclli, Alipia. Das Formaldehyd und die offentlichen Desinfectionen. Experimeutelle Studie. Ztschr. Hyg., 27, 1898, 49-72. 2. Weitere behufs Desiufektion von Wohnraumen mit dem Fliigge'schen und dem Schering'sehen (kombi- nierten Aeskulap-Apparat) formogenen Apparat ausge- fiihrte Versuche. [1899.] Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 377-384. Abba, Francesco, Orlandi, Edmondo, & Rondelli, Alipio. Ueber die Filtrationskraft des Bodens und die Fort- schwemmung von Bakterien dnrch das Grundvvasser. Versuche. Ztschr. Hyg., 31, 1899, 66-84. Abbadie, Antoine Thompson d'. No. 33 (Vol. 1) is not by this author. No. 12 (Vol. 9) is a duplicate of No. 10 (Vol. 7). For biography and works see Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 213-216; Geogr. Jl., 9, 1897, 569-570; Nature, 55 (1896-97), 511; Rev. Quest. Sci., 41, 1897, 598-607; Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 40, 1897, 285; Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 58, 1898, 128-130; Geogr. Jbuch., 20, 1898, 463 ; Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 24, 1898, 96-97 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 60-61, 173-181 ; Riv. Geogr. Ital., 4, 1898, 418. To reference in No. 26 (Vol. 1) ndil France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 3, 1855, Ft. 1, 182-183, 2l".i. 63. *Sur 1'etat de 1 'atmosphere en Abyssinie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 21, 1845, 962-963. 64. *Sur les tremblements de terre et sur les raouve- ments du sol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 34, 1852, 712-714. 65. *Idees pour 1'observation des tremblements de terre. France Soc. Me'te'orol. Anuu., 2, 1854, Ft. 1, 180-187. 66. "[Observations pluviometriques faites a Bayunne et dans les Pyrenees.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 3, 1855, Ft. 1, 183-185; 4, 1856, Ft. 2, 63-64; 5, 1857, Ft. 2, 9-10. 67. '[Observations a Audaux sur le tonnerre et les eclairs.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1866, Ft. '2, 64; 5, 1857, Ft. 2, 10. 68. *[Un nouveau pluviometre compteur de M. POEEO.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 5, 1857, Ft. 2, 57-58. 69. *[Resultats d'observations faites dans les environs de Bayonne.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Ft. 2, 35-37. 70. *[Sur les experiences faites par M. HERVE- MANGON avec 1'ombrometre a bascule, systeme Homer, construit par J/. BREOUET.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 9, 1861, Ft. 2, 111-112. 71. '[Observations a propos de la communication de M. PERROT: Sur deux appareils destines a rendre sensibles et mesurables de faibles variations dans la pesanteur.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 10, 1862, Ft. 2, 60-62. 72. *Pluie tombee a Aragori (Basses-Pyrenees). France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 10, 1862, Ft. 2, 65; 11, 1863, Ft. 2, 57; 12, 1864, Ft. 2, 161; 13, 1865, Ft. 2, 75; 14, 1866, Bull, 64; 15, 1867, Hull., 195; 20, 1872, Bull., 152; 27, 1879, Hull., 144. 73. 'Notice sur 1'aba, sorte de theodolite perfectionne. [Cf. No. 34 (Vol. 1).] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 11, 1863, Ft. 2, 140-143. 74. *[Remarques sur les temperatures les plus elevees en Afrique.J France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 12, 1864, Ft. 2, 234-235. 75. "Hauteur d'eau tombee a Lichaus pres Tardets (Basses-Pyrenees) 1864. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865. Ft. 2, 75. 76. ^Observations ornbrometriques faites a Ustaritz pendant 1'annee 1864. France Soc. Me'teorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Ft. 2, 76. 77. 'Bulletin de la temperature de Massoua, depuis le ler fevrier jusqu'au 30 septembre 1864. France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 13, 1865, Ft. 2, 77-78. 78. "[Observations udometriques faites en 1867, 1869 et 1872 dans le jardin d'Aragori pres Hendaye (Basses- Pyrenees).] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Me'teorol., 1, 1868, 63; 3, 1870, 115; 6, 1873, Ft. 1, 53. 79. "On changes in the plumb-line. [1878.] Obser- vatory, London, 2, 1879, 52-54. 80. *Sur les seismes ou tremblements de terre. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 29, 1881, 165-170. 81. *[Sur la transparence de ['atmosphere.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 30, 1882, 8-9. 82. *Sur les mouvements du sol. France Soc. Mete- orol. Annu., 30, 1882, 50-60. 83. *Sur la carte du Tana, et sur 1'hygiene en Afrique. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1882, 179-181. 84. *Quelques reuseignements sur le pays de Kaffa. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1883, 409-412. Abbadie] [Abbe 85. *The division of the circle. [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 28-29. 86. [Sur la rnethodc de P. HORREBOW pour la deter- mination de la latitude.] Bull. Astr. (Paris), 1, 1884, 327-328. 87. [Animal intelligence.] Nature, 30, 1884, 126. 88. Sur les petits tremblements de terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 98, 1884, 322-323. 89. Sur les mesures en astronomic. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 99, 1884, 359-361. 90. L'orthographe des norns geographiques. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1884, 342-345. 91. Sur les seismes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 629-631. 92. L'aba, instrument de geodesie expeditive. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1886, 210-212. 93. [Ett'ets de 1'attraction terrestre. ] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1886, 318-320. 94. Sismografo registratore di BREGUET. Bull. Vulc. Ital., 14, 1887, 38-39. 96. Sur le magnetisme terrestre et la geodesie exp^- ditive. Inst. Egypt. Bull., 7, 1887, 3-30. 96. Lightning-flashes. Nature, 35, 1887, 342. 97. Sur la maniere la plus commode de trouver 1'heure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1214- 1215. 98. Recit d'un voyage magnetique en Orient. Paris, Bur. Long. Annu., 1888, 755-769. 99. Le mont Woso ou Wocho, en Ethiopie. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1888, 211-213. 100. Alpine haze. [1888.] Nature, 39, 1889, 79, 247-248. 101. Sur le qobar. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1889 (/'(. 2), 328-330. 102. [Le cours probable de 1'Omo.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1889, 64-65. 103. Composition de 1'atmosphere. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 38, 1890, 189-190. 104. Reconnaissances magn£tiques. Paris, Bur. Long. Ann., 4, 1890, B'. 62 pp. 105. La fluctuation des latitudes terrestres. Bull. Astr. (Paris), 9, 1892, 89-102. 106. Sur les variations dans I'lntensite de la gravite terrestre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 218. 107. Mount Wosho. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 249. 108. Sur le precede employe pour eonferer 1'im- munite centre le venin des serpents, d'apres des docu- ments t'ournis par M. DE SEEPA PINTO. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896,441. Abbadie, Antoine Thompson d' (et alii). *L'atmosphere de Venus. Astronomic, 1883, 368-373. Abbado, Michele. Divisioue della nervatura e della lamina in alcune foglie di Buxus sempervirens, L. Ital. Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 179-181. 2. Mostruosita in tiori di PaBonia Moutan, Sims. Ital. Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 125-128. 3. L'ibridismo nei vegetali. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 5, 1898, 76-105, 265-303. 4. Contribute alia flora Carbonifera della Cina. Palaeontographia Ital., 5, 1900, 125-144. Abbans. .'» .• Joufiroy d'Abbans. Abbate Pasha, 0. *Asyrnetrie cardiaque dans la race indigene. [1882.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 3, 1883, 3-7. 2. *Nuuvelles observations physiologiques de subjec- tivite chez certains aveugles. [1882.] Inst. Egj'pt. Bull., 3, 1883, 22-30. 3. "L'equilibre statique ehez la femme egyptienne. [1883.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 4, 1884, 181-186. 4. *Note sur le haschich. [1883.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 4, 1884, 203-210. 5. Febris nilotica autnmnalis. [1K87.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 8. 1888, 283-293. 6. Questions anthropologiques sur 1'orbite et le cer- veau des negres. [1888.] lust. Egypt. Bull., 9, 1889, 156-173. 7. Encore quelques mots sur 1'inaptitude si la ra^e dans IPS races des chieus indigenes en Egypte. [1889.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 10, 1890 (Pt. 1), 317-326. 8. Anesthesie et aualgfeie cocainiques. [1889.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 10, 1890 (Pt. 1), 338-348. 9. Sur 1'irirluenza en Egypte. [1890.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 1, 1891, 54-60. 10. [L'usage des similia deeouvert dans le Thalinoud et ses commentateurs a propos de la rage.] [1890-91.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 1, 1891, 20S-212 ; 2, 1891, 179-182. 11. Preeminence des facultes mecaniques dans la race egyptienne. Inst. Egypt. Bull., 2, 1891, 205-216. 12. Le Mylabris fulgurita comine specitique centre la rage. [1894.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 5, 1895, 39-40. 13. Note physiologique sur la loi de contraste dans la vision abstraite et dans la vision rfelle. [1898.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 9, 1899, 29-33. 14. La production volontaire des sexes. [1898.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 9, 1899, 47-54. Abbate, J'incemo, & Fasce, Luifii. See Fasce & Abbate. Abbay, (Rev.) Richard. Assign to this author title ( Vol. 7) under Abbay, R. 11. The shadow of Adam's Peak. Nature, 36,1887, 152. Abbe, Cleveland. 2O. *[Report on the Nova Scotia cyclone of August 24-25, 1873.] [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1873, 1025-1034. 21. *[The aurora of April 7, 1874.] [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1874, 383-385; 1876, 301-335. 22. 'Reports and observations upou the total eclipse of the Sun, July 29, 1878, as filed in the office of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army. [Cf. No. 19 ( Vol. 12).] [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1880, 809-982. 23. *Hygrometric tables. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Hep., 1881, 1138-1177. 24. '[Barometric reductions to sea-level.] [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1881, 1185-1189. 25. 'Lectures on instruments and methods. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1882 (Pt. I), 97-103. 26. 'Determining the temperature of the air. [1883.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 6, 1884 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 1), 24-26. 27. [Scientific record for 1884.] Meteorology. Smithsonian Rep., 1884, 257-395, 414-432. 28. A neglected correction in the use of refraction tables. Ainer. Ass. Proc., 1886, 83. 29. The effect of wind and exposure upon barometric readings. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1886, 120; U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 14 (1886), 332-833. 30. Popular errors in meteorology. [1886.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 123, 1887, 115-128. 31. Influeneeof wind on barometric readings. [1886.] Nature, 35, 1887, 29-30. 32. A correction for gravity in the use of refraction tables. Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 15-16. 33. The general bibliography of meteorology and terrestrial magnetism, compiled by the Signal Office at Washington. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 593-594; Ass. Franc. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 414-416. 34. Treatise on meteorological apparatus and methods. [Prepared under the direction of Brigadier- General A. W. GREELY.] [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1887 (Pt. 2), 392 pp. 35. The Signal Service bibliography of meteorology. [1887.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 10, 1888, 20-23 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 4, 20 (fcisj- 23 (bis)). 36. Recent progress in dynamic meteorology. Smith- sonian Rep. , 1888, 355-424. 37. The red sunset skies of 1884-1885. [1889.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 5 (1888-89), 529-544. 1—2 AbbeJ [Abbot 38. The determination of the amount of rainfall. [1889.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 6 (1889-90), 241-248. 39. The meteoritio theory. Nature, 40, 1889, 53. 40. Observations of twilight and zodiacal light during the total eclipse of the Sun, December 21, 1889. Nature, 40, 1889, 519-521. 41. Preparatory studies for deductive methods in storm and weather predictions. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Hep., 1889 (Pt. 2), 165 pp. 42. The "rollers" of Ascension and St. Helena. Nature, 41, 1890, 585. 43. Water spouts. [1«91.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 173-177. 44. Cloud observations at sea. [1891.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 250-264, 382. 45. KEHKEL'S influence in the Signal Office. [1891.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 342-348. 46. Additional results of the United States Scientific Expedition to West Africa. Nature, 43, 1891, 563-565 ; 44, 1891, 398. 47. [Some mechanical conditions of the Earth's mass. Remarks on Mr R. S. WOODWARD'S paper.] [1889.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 11, 1892, 533-536. 48. The modern weather bureau. [1890.] S.African Phil. Soc. Trans., 6, 1892, 17-30. 49. Atmospheric radiation of heat and its importance in meteorology. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 364-377 ; Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 537-552. 50. Kecent contributions to meteorology. [1892.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. [11 (1891-92)], 106-108. 51. Instrumental corrections; methods of reduction; resulting accuracy. [1893-94.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Rep., 1891-92, 37-48; 1893, 20. 52. Atmospheric electricity, earth currents, and ter- restrial magnetism. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., II 11892-93), 333-340. 53. On the production of rain. [1892.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 27, 1893, 129-137, 154-155. 54. The paper mills and the fisheries; practical kouiology. [1893.] Arner. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 449-451. 55. Ice-columns in gravelly soil. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 523-525. 56. Cloudiness during solar eclipses. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 562. 57. Charts of storm frequency. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 10-12. 58. A comparison of prevailing and resultant winds. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 21 (1893), 365-367, 389. 59. Meteorology and geodesy. [1894.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 11 (1894-96), 1-6. 60. Meteorological problems for mathematical stu- dents. [1894.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 11 (1894-96), 15-17. 61. The reliability of the rain gauge. U. S. Monthly Weath. Kev. , 22, 1894, 25-26. 62. The total quantity of aqueous vapor in the atmosphere. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 22 (18941, 539-540. 63. The marine nephoscope and its usefulness to the navigator. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 161- 167. 64. The meteorological work of the U. S. Signal Service, 1870 to 1891. [1895.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 232-285. 65. Meteorological problems for physical laboratories. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 12 (1895-96), 7-11. 66. The annual snowfall [for each winter, 1884- 95]. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 23 (1895), 491-492, 500-501. 67. The altitude of the aurora above the earth's surface. [1893-98.] Terrestrial Magn.. 3, 1898, 5-12, ",:-j-76, 149-178; Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., 37, 1898, 4-7 [I'art only]. 68. ESCHENHAGEN'S elementary magnetic waves. Terrestrial Magn., 3, 1898, 135-136. 69. The relations of physics and astronomy to the development of the mechanic arts. Franklin Inst. Jl. , 148, 1899, 81-111. See also Curtis, George E[dward] (et tilii). .S, , nix, i V. S. Signal Service. See also TJ. S. Weather Bureau. Abbe, Cleveland, & De Riemer (.!//.«•) Alicia. See De Riemer A Abbe. Abbe, Clei-clu>iil, & Richards, George W. See Richards & Abbe. Abbe, Clfi-cland, Story, .1 . P., Craig, Robert, & Powell, Joseph S. See Story, Craig, Abbe, it Powell. Abbe, Cleveland (ft alii). [Climatology of the month.] U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 22 (1894), 1-21, 47-71, 99-122, 149-169, 193-215, 235-253, 273-291, 311-327, 351-371, 393-416, 441-462, 487-505, 535-538, iv; 23 (1895), 1-7, 47-52, 81-87, 117-127, 157-164, 199-204, 241-247, 283-289, 325-332, 305-371, 409-415, 449-454, 489-491, iv ; 24 (1896), 1-7, 39-44, 09-74, 105-110, 145- 151, 191-196, 229-235, 281-286, 315-320, 359-363, 397- 403, 443-448, 487-490, IV ; 25 (1897), 1-6, 43-48, 85-91, 123-127, 189-194, 235-240, 285-290, 339-343, 381-387, 428-432, 474-477, 523-527, 569-572, iv. Abbe, Cleveland (Jan.). Remarks on the cuspate capes of the Carolina coast. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc., 26, 1895, 489-497. 2. An episode during the terrace cutting of the Potomac. [1898.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [18 (1898-99)], 16-17. Abbe, [Karl] Ernst. 25. *0n the mode of vision with objectives of wide aperture. [1882.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 20-26. 26. Note on the proper definition of the amplifying power of sx lens or lens-system. Micr. Soc. JL, 4, 1884, 348-351. 27. Eye-piece amplification. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 804. 28. Ueber ueue Mikroskope. Jena. Sber., 1886, 107- 128. 29. On the effect of illumination by means of wide- augled cones of light. Micr. Soc. Jl. , 1889, 721- 724. 30. Messapparate fiir Physiker. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1890 (Til. 2), 88-90. 31. Ueber die Verwendung des Fluorits fur optische Zuccke. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 10, 1890, 1-6. 32. Metliode zur Errnittelung zeitlicher Variationen der Lothliuie. Astr. Nachr. , 127, 1891, 89-90. Abbe, Hubert. 2. The surgery of the hand. [1893.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 59, 1894, 33^0. Abbes, Heinrich. Ueber Jodterephtalsa'ure und Jodosote- rephtals'iure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 26, 1893, 2951- 2956. Abbey, Georgt. On the destruction of an elm-tree by fungi at St Albans. [1896.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 9, 1898, 129-132. Abblart, [Jules Martin Cyprien], Contributions a 1'etude des ulceres des pays chauds. Arch. Med. Navale, 42, 1884, 374-382. Abbona, I'., & Fileti, Michele. See Fileti & Abbona. Abbot, Charles G[reeley]. Recent holographic results from the Astrophysical Observatory at Washington. Astrophys. Jl., M, 1898, 250-252. 2. A preliminary statement of the results of the Smithsonian Observatory Eclipse Expedition. Astro- phys. Jl., 12, 1900, 69-76. Abbot, Charles G[reeIei/\, & Fowle, Frederick E. The longitudinal aberration of prisms. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896. 2.y>-2")7. 2. A prism of uniform dispersion. Astrophys. Jl., 11, 1900, l.V. 139. Abbot] [Abbott Abbot, Charles G[ree/ey], & Noyes, Artlnir A[moi\. See Noyes .\ Abbot. Abbot, (tfi-n.) Henri/ L[arcom\. 5. Climatology of the Isthmus of Panama, including the temperature, winds, barometric pressure, and precipitation. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 198-203. 802-303, 463, vi. 6. Ratio of the discharges of the Chagres Kiver at Gamboa and Bohio to the rainfall in the watershed above these places. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 541-543, vi. 7. Contributions to the meteorology of Panama. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 7-8. 8. Rainfall and drainage in the Upper Chagres River. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 243-244, 268. Abbot, John. For biographical notice see Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 150-154, 230-232. Abbott, A[lt'.rnnder] C\rever\. Infection and immunity: a review. Practitioner, 47, 1891, 415-429. 2. The results of inoculations of milch cows with cultures of the Bacillus diphtheria:. [1893.] Jl. Path. Bact., 2, 1894, 35-51. 3. The significance of pathogenic spirilla in American surface waters, with a description of one isolated from the Schuylkill river at Philadelphia. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 419-446. 4. The influence of acute alcoholism on the normal vital resistance of rabbits to infection. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 447-481. Abbott, Alexander] C[rever], & Sergey, David Hendricks, Further studies upon the pathogenic spirilla of the Schuylkill river at Philadelphia. Jl. Exper. Med., 2, 1897, 535-542. Abbott, Arthur V[aug)uui]. Improvements in methods for physical tests. Arner. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 12, 1884, 607-627. 2. Improvements in testing-machines. Science, 3, 1884, 312-320, 814. 3. Testing-machines, their history, construction and use. Van Nostrand's Engiu. Mag., 30, 1884, 204-214, 325-344, 382-397, 477-490. Abbott, diaries C[onrad]. Assign Nos. 7 & 12 (}'ul. 1) to Abbott, (Capt.) C[harles] C[ompton]. 42. * The intelligence of fish. Science, 1, 1883, 327-328. 43. * Intelligence of the crow. Science, 1, 1883, 576. 44. * Occurrence of amber near Trenton, N.J. Science, 1, 1883, 594. 45. * Kalruias and rhododendrons. Science, 2, 1883, 201. 46. * Occurrence of the swallow-tailed hawk in New Jersey. Science, 2, 1883, 222. 47. * The intelligence of birds. Science, 2, 1883, 301-303. 48. The Carolina wren; a year of its life. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 21-25. 49. Recent studies of the spade-foot toad. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 1075-1080. 50. Are the "chimneys" of burrowing crayfish designed? Arner. Natlist., 18, 1884, 1157-1158. 51. The ancestor of the dipper (Cinclus). Nature, 30, 1884, 30. 52. The intelligence of batrachians. Science, 3, 1884, 66-67, 814. 53. The intelligence of snakes. Science, 3, 1884, 253-256. 54. Notes on hibernating mammals. Science, 3, 1884, 538-541, 673. 55. Hibernation of the lower vertebrates. Science, 4, 1884, 36-39. 56. The color-sense in fishes. Science, 4, 1884, 336-339. 57. /Estivation of mammals, what is it? Science, 6, 1885. 102-404. 58. On the antiquity of man in the valley of the Delaware. [1887.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc., 23, 1888, 424-426. 59. Address [to the Anthrop. Sect., Aug. 1888]. Evidences of the antiquity of man in eastern North America. Arner. Ass. Proc., 1888, 293-313. 60. Note on breeding-habits of the bill-fish (Tj'lo- surus longirostris). Science, 12, 1888, 72. 61. Evidences of the successor of palaeolithic man in the Delaware river valley. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1889, 340. 62. Palaeolithic man in North America. Science, 20, 1892, 270-271. 63. Paleolithic man: a last word. Science, 20, 1892, 344-345. Abbott, (Miss) E[lizabeth] C[arolinc June], & Gadow, Hans [Friedrich]. ,SVc Gadow & Abbott. Abbott, F[rancis]. 4. Notes on a recent case of poison- ing caused by the exhalation of Rhus radicans (Toxi- codendron) at the Botanical Gardens, Hobart. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc., 1886, 182-185. 5. Smut in wheat. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc., 1889, 95-97. Abbott, F[rancis] C[harles], [Specimens (a) of right aortic arch, (b) of left aortic arch, (c) of pulmonary valve with four segments.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 26, 1892, xiii-xv. 2. Hereditary congenital dislocations of the radius. London Path. Soc. Trans., 43, 1892, 129-139. Abbott, Frank. Pericementitis. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 891-893, 954-958. 2. Minute anatomy of the human tooth. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884,' 995-1000. 3. Microscopical studies upon the absorption of the roots of temporary teeth. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 1034-1038. 4. A condensed historv of histological observations. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 28/1885, 122-127, 154-158, 208- 212. 5. Studies of the pathology of human teeth, with special reference to the etiology of caries. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 585-590, 628-633. Abbott, George. Was the deposit of flint and chalk contemporaneous? Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 275-277. 2. The relative age of flints. Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 477-478. 3. Potstones found near Seaford. Nature, 48 (1893), 315-316. 4. Excursion to Tuubridge Wells. [1897.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 15, 1899, 105-106. 5. Water-zones ; their influence on the situation and growth of concretions. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 741. 6. Tubular and concentric concretions. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 741-742. 7. The concretionary types in the cellular magnesian limestone of Durham. Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1900, 737-738. Abbott, (Miss) Helen C. I)e 8. (Mrs Michael). Pre- liminary analysis of the bark of Fonfmieria splendens. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1884, 190-198. 2. Certain chemical constituents of plants considered in relation to their morphology and evolution. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 270-272. 3. On ha^matoxylin in the bark of Saraca iudica. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1886, 352-354. 4. Comparative chemistry of higher and lower plants. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 719-730, 800-810. 5. Plant analysis as an applied science. Franklin Inst. Jl., 124, 1887, 1-33. 6. The chemical basis of plant forms. Franklin Inst. Jl., 124, 1887, 161-185. 7. A chemical study of Yucca angustifolia. [1885.] Amer'. Phil. Soc. Trans., 16, 1890, 254-284. 8. [Untersuchungen iiber Alloisomerie. u.] Zur Kenntniss der Addition von Brom uud Chlor zu fester CrotnnsSure. Jl. Prakt. Chern., 4(i, 1892, 273-285. Abbott] [Abe 9. Zur Constitution des Phloretins. Berlin Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2686-2689. 10. A review of recent synthetic work in the class of carbohydrates. [1895.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 142, 1896, 217-240. Abbott, (Miss) Helen 0. De ,S'. (Mrs Michael), & Jeanpretre, John. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise von arumatischen Nitrilen. Berlin, Chein. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1615-1619. 2. Zur Kenntniss der Mandelsiiure und ihres Nitrils. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1678-1684. Abbott, (Miss) Helen C.De S.(Mrs Michael). & Trimble, Henry. On the occurrence of solid hydrocarbons in plants. Arner. Jl. Pharm., 60, 1888, 321-324; Amer. Chem. Jl., 10 (1888), 439-440; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2598-2599. Abbott, fames Francis. The marine tishes of Peru. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1899, 324-364. 2. Notes on Chilean fishes, with description of a new species of Sebastodes. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1899, 475-477. Abbott, Mn itilf K. On the bacteriology of a case of pro- gressive portal cirrhosis. Jl. Path. Bact., 6, 1900, 315- 326. 2. Pigmentation cirrhosis of the liver in a case of hfemochromatosis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 51, 1900, 66-86; Jl. Path. Bact., 7, 1901, 55-70. Abbott, Maude E., Adaml, J[ohn] Geonje, & Nicholson, I-'. -I. Sec Adami, Abbott i- Nicholson. Abbott, F. W. On the genus Hadena. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 205-206. 2. A few notes on Acidalia humiliata, JJiu'ii. Ento- mologist, 31, 1898, 274-276. Abbott, liobert. The maintenance of energy. [1888.] Victoria Boy. Soc. Proc., 1, 1889, 12-20. Abbott, Bosa G. Electrical attraction of trees. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 297. 2. Electricity in vegetation. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 337. Abbott, Samuel H"[«ymj]. 2. The relation of illuminating gas to public health. Massachusetts Brd. of Health Rep., 6, 1885 (.s'»/^i.), 247-274. Abbott, (Rev.) T[homas] K[ingsmill]. 1. To what order of lever does the oar belong? Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 58-61. Abbott, II '. K. 3. Water supply in the interior of New South Wales. [1884.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 18, 1885, 85-111. 4. Forest destruction in New South Wales and its effects on the flow of water in water-courses and on the rainfall. [1888.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 22, 1889, 59-66. 6. Outburst of springs in time of drought. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 31, 1897, 201-206. Abbott, II". J. Lewis. The formation of agates. [1887.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 10, 1889, 80-93. 2. Notes on some Pleistocene sections in and near London. [1890.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 11, 1891, 473-480, XII. 3. The section exposed in the foundations of the new Admiralty Offices. Geol. Ass. Proc., 12, 1892, 346-356. 4. On the occurrence of walrus in the Thames valley. Geol. Ass. Proc., 12, 1892, 357. 5. The ossiferous fissures in the valley of the Shode, near Ightham, Kent. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 50, 1894, 171-187. 6. A new reading of the Highgate Archway section. [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 13, 1895, 84-89. 7. Excursion to Basted and Ightham. [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 13, 1895, 157-162. 8. An ancient kitchen midden at Hastings, and a barrow at the Wildernesse. Report of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 500-502. 9. The Hastings kitchen middens. [1895.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 25, 1896, 122 130. 10. Excursion to the Kentish plateau. [1895.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 14, 1896, 196-198. 11. Excursion to Sevenoaks. [1895.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 14, 1896, 207-208. Abbott, Jl'. L. Notes on the natural history of Aldabra, Assumption and Glorioso islands, Indian Ocean. U. S. Mus. Proc., 16, 1894, 759-764. Abdank-Abakanowicz, llrunu. Assign to this author Nos. 1-3 (JW. 12) under Abakanowicz. 7. *La lampe differentielle de MM. PIETTE et KRIZIK. Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 237-238. 8. Nowy sposob budowy zwoj6w do machin dynamo- elektrycznych. [New method of construction for the coils in dynamo-electric machines.] Krakdw, Ak. (Mat.- I'r: i/i-wl. I'Rozpr., 12, 1884, 332-336. 9. Le galvanometre a mercure de Jl/. G. LIPPMANN. Lum. Elect., 12, 1884, 401-403. 10. Sur un nouveau mode d'enroulemeut des arma- tures dans les machines dyuamo-eleetriques. Lum. Elect., 13, 1884, 41-44. 11. Exposition d'Electricite de Philadelphie. Tele- graphie. [Telephonie.] Lum. Elect., 16, 1885, 58-64, 126-132, 162-171, 227-230, 275-278. 12. Les intt5graphes. Lum. Elect., 18, 1886, 49-55, 110-117, 161-167, 249-255, 306-313, 393-399, 535-544, 589-595. 13. Nouvelles etudes sur les integraphes. [Avec un rapport de M. LOBEER sur, le fonctionnemeut d'un de ces instruments.] Lum. Elect., 24, 1887, 3-9, 54-56, 161-168; 27, 1888, 23-25. 14. The new Elihu Thomson electric meter. Elec- trician, 26, 1891, 332-333. 15. Compensation for hysteresis. [1893.] Elec- trician, 32, 1894, 93-94. Abdank-Abakanowicz, ISriuw, & Napoli, David. See Napoli A Abdank-Abakanowicz. Abderhalden, Kmil. Zur quantitative!! Analyse des Blutes. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 23, 1897, 521-531. 2. Die Bestimmung des Hiimoglobins im Katzenblute. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 24, 1898, 545-547. 3. Zur quautitativeu vergleicheudeu Analyse des Blutes. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 65-115. 4. Die Beziehungen der Wachsthutnsgeschwindigkeit des Sauglings zur Zusammensetzung der Milch beim Kaniuchen, bei der Katze und beirn Hunde. [1899.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 26, 1898-99, 487-497. 5. Die Beziehungeu der Zusammensetzung der Asche des Sauglings zu derjenigen der Asche der Milch. [1899.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 26, 1898-99, 4118-500. 6. Die Beziehungen der Zusammensetzung der Asche des Saugliugs zu derjenigen der Asche der Milch beim Meerschweinchen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 27, 1899, 356- 367. 7. Die Beziehungen der Wachsthumsgeschwindigkeit des Sauglings zur Zusammensetzung der Milch beim Hunde, beim Schwein, beim Schaf, bei der Ziege und beim Meerschweinchen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 27, 1899, 408-462, 594. 8. Die Resorption des Eisens, sein Verhalten im Organisruus und seine Ausscheidung. Ztschr. Biol., 39, 1900, 113-152. 9. Assimilation des Eisens. Ztschr. Biol., 39, 1900, 193-270. 10. Die Beziehungen des Eisens zur Blutbildung. Ztschr. Biol., 39, 1900, 483-523. Abdullah Hey [Hammerschmidt, Carl Kduard (q. v. Vol. 1), lion Hammerschmied]. 29. * Bemerkungen liber die Petrefacten der Devonischen Formation des Bosporus von Constantinopel. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 67. Abe, K. Exploration of the Arctic region of Alaska. [Jill,.] [1891.1 TGkyf. Geogr. Soc. Jl.. 16. 1894 95, No. 3, 67-95. Abee| [Abeille de Perrin Abee, Ciiiiniil. Drei Fiille von todtlieh verlaufener Actinomycose. Beitr. Path. Anat., '22, 1897, 132-171. 2. Ueber multilocularen Echiuococcus der Leber und einen Fall von Echinococcus des Beckens und des Oberschenkels. Virchow, Arch., 157, 1899, 519-549. Abegg, [Gcory FrirdricK] Heinrich. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 9) under Abegg, (Dr). For biographical notice see Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 168- 169. Abegg, Kieliurd [Willielm llfinrirh]. Ueber Amidochrysen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 792-793. 2. Ueber einige neue Chrysenderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 949-958. 3. Untersuchungen fiber Diffusion in wassrigen Salzlosungen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 517-538. 4. Studien iiber Gefrierpunkte konzentrierter L6- sungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 209-201. 5. Gefrierpunktserniedrigungen sehr verdiiunter L6- sungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 20, 1896, 207-233. 6. Dielectricitatseonstanten bei tiefen Temperaturen. Ann. Phys. Chem. , 60, 1897, 54-60. 7. Ueber die Depolarisationsgescbwindigkeit von Electroden und iiber Dielectricitatsconstanten bei tiefen Temperatureu. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 249-258. 8. Ueber die Natur der durch Kathodeustrahlung veranderten Salze. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 425- 434. 9. Ueber die Veriinderuug von Salzen durch Kathoden- strahlen. [1897.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1897-98, 118-120. 10. Ueber die an verdiinnteu Losungen ausgefiihrten Gefrierpunktsbestimmuugen und ihre Beziehungen zu den Theorien der Losungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 486-506. 11. Ueber das dielectrische Verhalten von Eis. Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 229-236, 923-925. 12. Ein einfacher Versuch zur Demonstration des Ludwigsclien Phiinomens. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 26, 1898, 161-164. 13. Ueber Siiure- und Alkali-Stabilitat stereo- isomerer Oxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 291-2117. 14. Ueber das elektrolytische Leitvermogen reiner Substanzen. [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 353- 355. 15. Ueber komplexe Salze. [With discunxiiin.\ [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1899-1900, 92-98. 16. Bemerkung iiber die Dissociationswarme der Violursaure und die des Wassers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 393-394, 626. 17. Ueber die Bedeutung hohev Dissociationswarmen. Phys. Ztschr., 1. 1900, 212-213, 260. 18. Ueber das Ammoniak und seine Complexe. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 1052-1053. 19. Ueber die Ursachen der photocbemischeu Induk- tion bei Halogensilberemulsionen. [1900.] Phys. Ztschr., 2, 1901, 24. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich], & Bodlander, Guido. Die Elektroaffinitat, ein neues Prinzip der chemischen Systematik. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 20, 1899, 453- 499. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich], & Bose, Emit [Her- mann]. Ueber den Einfluss gleichioniger Zusatze auf die elektromotorische Kraft von Conceutrationsketten und auf die Diffusionsgeschwindigkeit ; Neutralsalz- wirkungen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1899 (Abth. 2o), 35-44. 2. Ueber die Beeinflussung der Diffusionsgeschwin- digkeit von Elektrolyten durch gleichionige Zusatze. [1899.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 17-18. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich], & Herz, Walter [Georg], Die analytische Trennung und Erkeunung der Siiuren. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 23, 1900, 236-239; 25, 1900, 405-406. Abegg, Kicltard | Wilhelm Ileinrieh], & Immcrwahr. Cl[ara Helene']. Ueber den Einfluss des Bindemittels auf den photochemisuhen Effect in Bromsilberemul- sionen und die photochemische Induction. [1900.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 2o), 974-980; Mhefte. Chetu., 1901, 88-94. 2. Notiz iiber das elektrochemische Verhalten des Fluorsilbers uud des Fluors. Ztscbr. Physikal. Chem., 32, 1900, 142-144. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich], & Ncrnat, Walthei: See Nernst & Abegg. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinricli]. & Seitz, Wilhelm. Dielektrizitatskoustanten und Aggregatzustandsiinder- nngen von Alkoholen bis zu tiefsten Temperaturen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 29, 1899, 242-248. 2. Das dielektrische Verhalten einer krystallinischen Fliissigkeit. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 29, 1899, 491- 493. Abeille de Perrin, Elzear. 45. Catalogue Malachii- darum Europse et circa. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 29, 1885, 257-263. 46. [Collops abrinoides, «. up.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, cxvi. 47. [Description d'une nouvelle espece de Cole- opteres.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, cxl. 48. Nouveaux documents pour servir a 1'histoire des Malachides. Bev. Ent., 4, 1885, 4-28. 49. Malachides nouveaux. Bev. Ent., 4, 1885, 139- 153. 50. Colcopteres rares ou nouveaux de France. Kev. Ent., 4, 1885, 153-161. 51. Priorite absolue ou prescription? Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, 273-282. 52. Etude sur les Treohus aveugles du Daupliim;. Bev. Ent., 5, 1886, 138-140. 53. Descriptions de deux nouvelles especes de Mala- chides. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 29, 1889-90, 89-90. 54. Malachides d'Europe et pays voisins. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, 181-260, '331-420, 567-680; 60, 1891, ,115-230, 405-446. 55. Etudes sur les Malachides. Rev. Ent., 9, 1890, 35-55. 56. Contributions aux Buprestides palearctiques. Bev. But., 10, 1891, 257-288. 57. [Deux nouvelles especes de derides mediterra- neens.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, ccxxxvi- ccxxxvii. 58. Notices eutomologiques. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892. 62-67. 59. Descriptions de deux Choragu.s nouveaux d'Al- gerie. Echange, 9, 1893, 73. 60. [Descriptions de qnatre nouvelles especes de Malachiidse.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, clxii- clxv. 61. [Description d'un nouveau Malachide de Tunisie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, clxxvi-clxxvii. 62. [Observations sur divers Buprestides, et descrip- tion de plusieurs especes nouvelles.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, eccli-ceclv. 63. Nouveau supplement aux Buprestides d'Europe et circa. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 127-141. 64. Diagnoses de Coleopteres reputes nouveaux. Echange, 10, 1894, 91-94. 65. Notes pour servir a 1'histoire des Malachides. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894, 89-92. 66. [Genre nouveau et quatre especes nouvelles de Coleopteres francais.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, xxv-xxviii. 67. [Observations sur divers Buprestides et descrip- tion de deux especes nouvelles d'Algerie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, Ixiii-lxv. 68. [Description d'un Coleoptere saharien nouveau.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, cxxxii-cxxxiii. Abeille de Perrinl I Abel 69. [Description de deux genres et cl'iine e \«-<-> I'ranraise de Coleopteres. J Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, cclxxi-cclxxii. 70. [Description d'un Buprestide nouveau d'Algerie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1896, x. 71. [Deux nouvelles especes de Coleopteres.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, xxiii-xxv. 72. Buprestides palearctiques reputes nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, exvi-exxvi. 73. Descriptions de deux Coleopteres subeuropeeus. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cexxix-ccxxx. 74. Description de deux Coleopteres du ruidi de la France et observation synonymique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, ccxlvi-ccxlviii. 75. Note sur le genre Cerconiorplius, Perris. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., l>4, 1895, cccxxv-cccxxvi. 76. Deux Malachides palearctiques nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cccliii-cccliv. 77. Cinq nouvelles Altises du nord de 1'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cdi-cdiv. 78. Notes sur quelques Chrysomelines de Syrie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cdiv-edvi. 79. Etude sur les especes syriennes du genre Dinusa, .S,;H/CI/. Misc. Ent., 4, 1896. 129-131. 80. Notes sur certains Longitarsus, suivies de la 'Inscription de deux especes nouvelles d'Halticides. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 52-54. 81. Description de deux Malthiniens nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 155-156. 82. Descriptions de deux Julodis nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 262-263. 83. Description d'un Serropalpide et de trois CEde- me'rides nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull, 1896, 283-285. 84. Descriptions de deux nouveaux Malachides d'Algerie et revision partielle des Axinotarsus. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 391-393. 85. Notes sur les Buprestides palearctiques. Rev. Ent., 15, 1896, 269-283; 16, 1897, 1-37. 86. Descriptions de deux Buprestides nouveaux du nord de 1'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 28-30. 87. Description de deux Entomoscelis palearctiques. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 42-44. 88. Diagnoses de deux Ptinus [Bruchus] francais nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 131-132. 89. Malthinus Devillei, H. sp. [1898.] Abeille, 29, 1896-1900, 92. 90. Description d'un uouveau genre d'Eucnemide de France. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 35-36. 91. Descriptions de Coleopteres du nord de 1'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 254-258. 92. Malacbides de Madagascar recueillis par M. Cli. ALLU\UD. Paris, Soc. But. Bull., 1899, 194-195. 93. Description d'une espeee nouvelle de Colydien des Alpes-Maritimes. Paris, Soc. Eut. Bull., 1899, 408-409. 94. Description de deux Staphylinides nouveaux circaraediterraneens. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 203-205. 95. Malachides recueillis par M. Eugene SIMON au Cap de Bonne-Esperance. Rev. Eut., 10, 1900, 163-177. 96. Voyage de M. E. SIMON a 1'ile de Ceylan. Rev. Ent., 19, 1900, 178-180. Abeille de Ferrin, Pllzear, & Grouvelle, Antoine. De- scriptions de deux Elmides uouveaux de France. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 137. Abel, Clmrli's. For biography and list of works see Metz Ac. Mem., 77, 1897, 67-119. Un ehapitre a ajouter a 1'histoire de la Ruticilla phoanicura (roasignol des niurailles). Metz Soe. Hist. Nat. Bull., 16, 1884, 1-4. 2. Un mammouth pres de Thionville. [18H4.| Metz Ac. Mem., 65, 1887, 249-250. 3. L'erynose devaut 1'Acadeuiie de Metz. [1888.] Met/ Ac. Mem., 159, 1892, 223-228. Abel, (Sir) Frederick Augusta*. 54. Research committee on the hardening, etc., of steel. Final report on experi- ments bearing upon the question of the condition in which carbon exists in steel. Inst. Median. Engin. Proc. , 1885, 30-48. 55. Explosions in coal mines. [1885.] Nature, 33, 1886, 108-112, 138-142. 56. Coal-dust and explosions. Nature, 33, 1886, 417. 57. Accidental explosions produced by non-explosive liquids. [1885.] Roy. Inst. Proc., 11, 1887, 218-242. 58. Accidents in mines. [1887.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 90, 1887, 160-200 ; 91, 1888, 36-83. 59. [Presidential address. Historical chemistry.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 3-51. 60. Presidential address. [On iron and steel for guns.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1891 (No. 1), 18-56. 61. Presidential address. [Armour plates, etc.] Iron & Steel lust. Jl., 1892 (Nn. 1), 13-28. 62. President's address. [Electrical resistance of metals.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1892 (No. 2), 4-10. 63. Smokeless explosives. [1890.] Roy. lust. Proc., 13, 1893, 7-23. 64. The history of the Royal College of Chemistry, and reminiscences of HOFM ANN'S professorship. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 69, 1896, 580-596. Abel, (Sic) Frederick Augustus, & Blaitland, (Col.) Eardlci/. On the erosion of gun-barrels by powder-products. [With discussion.'] Iron & Steel Inst! Jl., 1886, 465-496. Abel, (Sir) Frederick Augustus, & Redwood, Boverton. Note on the employment of the Abel petroleum testing apparatus in tropical climates. Chem. News, 49, 1884, 196-197. Abel, J[ulius Christian Martin], Ueber Condensation zwischen Forrnaldehyd und Naphtolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3477-3484. 2. Ueber a-Naphtylpiperidin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 3106-3111. Abel, J[ulius Christian Martin], & Ladenburg, Alhcrt. See Ladenburg & Abel. Abel, John J[acnb]. Bemerkungen iiber die thierischen Melanine und das Hamosideriu. Virchow, Arch., 120, 1890, 204-217. 2. Bestimnmng des Moleculargewiehtes der Cholal- saure, des Cholesterins nud des Hydrobilirubins nach der Raoult'schen Methode. [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., !)0, 1891 (Abth. 26), 77-86; Mhefte. Chem., 1890, 61-70. 3. On benzylidenebiuret and chlorben/.ylidenethio- biuret. Amer. Chem. Jl., 13 (1891), 114-119. 4. On the occurrence of diffithyl sulphide in the urine of the dog, with a demonstration of reaction for the detection of alkylsulphides of the series (C,lH,n+1),S. [1894.] Science, 1, 1895, 113. 5. Ueber das Vorkommen von Aetuylsulrid im Hnn- dt'harn, iiber das Verhalten seiner Losung in coucen- trirter Schwefelsiiure gegen Oxydationsmittel und iiber einige Reactionen zur Auffindung der Alkylsullide. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 20, 1895, 253-2711. 6. On epinephrin, the active constituent of the supra- renal capsule and its compounds. [1898.] Amer. Jl. Physiol., 2, 1899, iii-iv. 7. On the formation and composition of highly active salts of epinephrin. [1.89s.] Amer. Jl. Physiol., 2, 1899, iv-v. 8. Ueber den blutdruckerregeudeu Bestandtheil der Nebenniere, das Epiuephrin. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem. , 28, 1899, 318-362. 9. On the phenylcarbamic esters of epinephrin. [1899.] Amer. Jl. Physiol., 3, 1900, xvii-xviii. Abel, John J\nrob], & Davis, Wnlt,-r ,S'. A preliminary account of the chemical properties of the pigment of the negro's skin. [Isy.VJ Science. 3, 1896, 110-111. Abel] 2. On the pigment of the negro's skin and hair. •Jl. Exper. Mecl., 1, 1896, 361-400. Abel, John J[acob], & Drechsel, [IL'inricli Fcrdni,iinl\ Edmund. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Stoffwechsels. 1. Ueber ein ueues Vorkommen von Carbaminsaure. Arch Anat. Physiol. (Phi/xiol. Abtli.), 1891, 236-243. Abel, John J[,icob], A Muirhead, An-liib,ilil. Ueber das Vorkommen der Carbaminsaure im Menschen- und Hundeharn nach reiehlichem Genuss von Kalkhydrat [1892-93.] Arch. Exper. Path., 31, 1893, 15-29; 32' 1893, 467-468. Abel, Karl. Ein nener Thermostat und Thermoregulator zum sofortigen Einstellen und absoluten Konstanthalten jeder beliebigen Temperatur uach LUTTENSCHLAGER Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 707-710. Abel, Othenio. Neue Aufschliisse bei Eggenburg in Niederosterreich in den Loibersdori'er und Gauderu- dorfer Schichten. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1897, 255-258. 2. Die Tithonschichten von Niederfellabrunn in Niederosterreich und deren Beziehungen zur unteren Wolgastufe. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1897, 343-362. 3. Einige neue Monstrositaten bei Orcliideenbliithen. (Opbrys aranifera, Hitds., nnd Orchis coriophora, L ) Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 47, 1897, 415-120. 4. Zwei fiir Niederosterreich neue hybride Orchi- deen. (Gymnadenia wettsteiniana, m., und Gyuinadeuia Strampfii, Aachers.) Wien Zool. Bot. Verh.', 47, 1897, 609-615. 5. Studien in den Tertiiirbildungen von Eggenburg. Beitr. Palaont. Oesterr.-Ung., 11, 1898, 211-2211. 6. Ueber einige artesische Brunuenbohrungen in Ottakring und deren geologische und palaeontologische Eesultate. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 47, 1898, 479-504. 7. Der Wasserleitungsstollen der Stadt Eggeuburg. Em Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gauderndorfer Schichten. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1898, 301-312. 8. Ueber einige Ophrydeeu. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh 48, 1898, 306-311. 9. Beobachtungen an Orchideen der b'sterreichischen Flora. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 409-410. 10. Fortschritts- nnd Ruckschlags-Erscheinungen in der Orchideenbliithe. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 410-412. 11. Studien im Klippeugebiete zwischen Douau und Thaya. 1. Pollau-Schweiubarth. Wien, Geol. Verh 1899, 284-287. 12. Einige Worte iiber die Entstehung der Hochmuro des Ferschbachthales im Ober-Pinzgau. Wien Geol Verh., 1899, 296-297. 13. Die Beziehuugen des Klippengebietes zwischen Donau und Thaya zum alpin-karpathisohen Gebirgs- systeme. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1899, 374-381. 14. Untersuchungen iiber die fossileu Platanistiden des Wiener Beckens. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 68, 1900, 839-874. 15. Die Fauna der iniociinen Schotter von Nieder- schleinz bei Limberg-Meissau in Niederosterreich. Wien Geol. Verh., 1900, 387-394. 16. Mittbeilung iiber Studien an Orchis angustifolia, Rchbch. (0. Traunsteineri, Saut.) von Zall am See in . . , . a am ee n Salzburg und iiber einige andere Orchideen aus dem Pmzgau. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 50, 1900, 57-58. Abel, Rudolf [Valentin Ludwig]. Ein Kail von Pseudo- hermaphroditismus masculinus mit sarcomatoser Crypt- orchis sinistra. Virchow, Arch., 126, 1891, 420-437. 2. Zur Aetiologie der Rhinitis ribriuosa. Centrbl Bakt., 12, 1892, 841 -845. 3. Bakteriologische Studien iiber Ozajna simplex Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 161-173. 4. Ueber die antiseptische Kraft des Ichthyols Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 413-422. 5. Beitrag zur Frage von der Lebensdauer der Diphtheriebacillen. Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 756-761. B. S. A. C. (Abella y Casariego 6. Ueber das Vorkommen feiner Spirillen in Dejek- tionen Cholerakranker. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 213- 7. Ueber die Brauchbarkeit der von SCHILD angege- benen Formalinprobe zur Differential-Diagnose des Typhusbacillus. Centrbl. Bakt , 16, 1894, 1041-1046. 8. Beobaehtungen gelegentlich einer Milzbrand- epidemic. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 17, 1895, 171-177. 9. Versuche iiber das Verhalten der Diphtheric- bacillen gegen die Einwirkung der Winterkalte. Centrbl Bakt. (Abt. 1), 17, 1895, 545-550. 10. Zur bakteriologischen Technik. Centrbl Bakt (Abt. 1), 18, 1895, 673-674. 11. Ein Halter fiir Objekttrager und Deckglaschen Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 18, 1895, 782-783. 12. Zur Fiirbung des Coccidium oviforme. Ci-ntrbl Bakt. (Abt. I), 20, 1896, 904-905. 13. Die Aetiologie der Ozsena. Ztschr. Hvs 21 1896, 89-155. 14. Zur Kenntnis des Pestbacillus. Centrbl Bakt (.Ibt. 1). 21, 1897, 497-517. 15. Zur Bakteriologie der Stomatitis und An»ina ulcerosa. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. I), 24, 1898, 1-7. 16. Ueber Kuchapparate fiir bedingt gesundheits- schadhches Fleisch und Versuche mit dem Hartmann'- schen Fleischsterilisator. Ztschr. Hyg., 30, 1899, 375-447. Abel, Rudolf [Valentin Ludwig], & Buttenberg, Paul. Ueber die Einwirkung von Schimmelpilzen auf Arsen und seme Verbindungen. Der Nachweis von Arsen auf biologischem Wege. Ztschr. Hyg., 32, 1899, 449-490 Abel, Rudolf [Valentin Ludwig], & Claussen, Richard Untersuehungen iiber die Lebensdauer der Choleravi- brionen in Fiikalien. Centrbl. Bakt (Abt Vi 17 isqs 77-81, 118-130. Abel, Rudolf [Valentin Ludwig], & Draer, Arthur. Das Huhnerei als Culturmedium fiir Choleravibrioneu Ztschr. Hyg., 19, 1895, 61-74. Abel, Rudolf [Valentin Ludwig], & loeffler, Friedrich [August Johannes], ,SVc Loeffler & Abel. Abel, I!'. J. The ear and hearing. Midland Natlist 8 1885, 119-123, 167-169, 199-201, 213-217, 281-285, 344—347. Abele, Rudolf. [? Ludwig.] Zur Methode der Flammen- Taonographie. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1892, tils— «33. Abeles, Hans. Zur Frage der alkoholischen Galming ohne Helezellen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. 31, 1898 2261-2267. Abeles, 3I[arkus]. 9. Glykogengehalt verschiedener Organs nn Coma diabeticum. Centrbl Med Wis Casariee°. Enrique. To reference in No 6 [Vol. 12) add Espana Com. Geol. Bol. . 11, 1884, 405- Abella y Casariegol 10 [Abelous 7. La isla de Biliran y sus azufrales. Espana Corn. Geol. Bol., 11, 1884, 359-369. 8. El Monte Maquilin (Filipinas) y sus actuales emanaciones volcanicas. Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 11, 1884, 371-394. 9. Emanaciones volcanicas subordinadas al Malinao (Filipinas). Espafm Com. Geol. Bol., 11, 1884, 395-404. 10. Rapida descripcion fisica, geologica y minera de la isla de Cebii (Archipielago filipino). Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 13, 1886, 1-189. Abelli, Vittorio. Una polmonite sviluppatasi e guarita sulla vetta del Monte Rosa (altezza 4560 metri). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 18-25. Abelmann, K[lias]. Beitrag zur Bewegungstheorie der Leoniden. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 203-206. 2. Bemerkuug iiber die Bieliden. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 205-206,. Abelous, J. E[mile]. Recberches sur les microbes de 1'estomac a 1'etat normal et leur action sur les substances alimentaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 108, 1889, 310- 312; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 86-89. 2. Action des antiseptiques sur le ferment saccbari- fiant du pancreas. Doses antiseptiques et antizvmotiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 215-217. 3. Essais de greffe de capsules surrenales sur la grenouille. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.}, 864-866. 4. Contribution a 1'etude de la fatigue. Arch, de Physiol. , 5, 1893, 437-446; Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (To/. 2, Fisiol.), 169-170. 5. Des rapports de la fatigue avec les fonctions des capsules surrenales. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 720- 728; Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Fisiol.), 20-21. 6. Contribution a 1'etude de 1'action de la propeptone et de la peptone sur la circulation. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 53-63. 7. Toxieite' du sang et des muscles des animaux fatigues. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 433-439; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 198-199. 8. Sur 1'action paralysante de Turine humaine in- jecte'e a la grenouille. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1895, 508-514. 0. Sur 1'action antitoxique des organes. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1895, 654-662. 10. Sur 1'actiou antitoxique des capsules surrenales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C.R.), 458-459. 11. Dosage des matieres extractives reductrices dans les muscles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 578-580. 12. Dosage des matieres extractives reductrices dans les organes. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 1-6. 13. Sur le pouvoir antitoxique des organes vis-a-vis de la strychnine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 398-399. 14. Sur la presence dans 1'organisme animal d'un ferment soluble de"composant 1'eau oxygenee. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 328-330. 15. Sur 1'existence dans 1'urine des chiens d'un ferment soluble decomposant 1'eau oxygenee. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. JR.), ,330-331. Abeloua, J. E[mile], & Hardier, K[mile], Sur quelques symptomes consecutifs a une nephrite experimentale. Paris, Soc. B,iol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 93-94. Abelous, J. K[mile], * Blames, Bonpoey, saida HIITII ynoTpe6jiHTi> BT, ;i,ByHiiTHtixt iianiiiToiieTpaxi, aejiKOBUH ii.ni Me'iajHieCKia? [Beitrag zur Frage, ob in Bih'lar- Maguetornetern Seiden- oder Metallfaden zu benutzen sind.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Runs.), 63, 1890, 173- 187; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 13,1890 (Kl. Mittli.), 8-17. 5. IleiiioxiiiecKia flBJiCHia npiipojibi. Bc- i.'pi.rrie H aaiiepsanie pi.iui 06n 6jni3t Cauaposa H y OQxopcKa n iipnxojvi. pi-iou BT> nocjii^HeMii IiyHK'I"fi. Phenomenes periodiques de la nature. VI. Degel et regel du fleuve de 1'Obi pres de Samarovo et d'Obdorsk et montee du poisson en ce dernier lieu, lekaterinenb., Soc. Oural. Bull., 12 (No. 2), 1890-91, 77-78. 6. [FoflOBOft BIJBOJI,'B OCajI.KOB'L B'I> IlepMCKOfr ry6epHilI 3a 1891-94 H 1896-97 rr. Quantit(5 d'eau tombee dans le gouvernement de Perm en 1891-94 et 1896-97.] lekaterinenb., Soc. Oural. Bull., 13 (No. I), 1891-92, i-ii, (No. 2), 1891-94, iii-vi ; 15 (No. 1), 1895, 90-102, (No. 2), 1895, 189-195; 21, 1899, 143-176. 7. H:iM'tpenifl II.TOTIIOCTII CH'hra BT, EKarrepu- Illjyprt, IIIIMOIO 1890-91 rr. [Messungen der Dich- tigkeit des Schuees im Winter 1890-91 in Katharinen- burg.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Ruts.), 69, 1892 (Append. No. 2), 24 pp. ; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 15, 1892, No. 2, 20 pp. a. DapoMCTpii'iecKin iciMtpenifl BHCOTU ropri> na BOjtopasA'kif. neatly EBponoft H Asicil B'I, OKpeCTHOCTHX't EKaxepIIHOypra. [Barometric mea- surements of heights of mountains on the watershed between Europe and Asia in the neighbourhood of Ekaterinburg.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 28, 1892, 289-299. 9. CyroHHKiii xojvi, TeiunepaTypu cntra 11 011- pej;f>jieHie saBiiciiMOCTir Neatly TenjonpOBOAHO- CTBRI cutra ii ero IIJIOTHOCTBIO. [Beobachtungen der taglichen Periode der Temperatur im Schnee und Bestimmung des Wiirmeleitungsvermogens des Schnees als Function seiner Dichtigkeit.] [1892.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 72, 1893 (Append. No. 12), 65pp.; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 16, 1893, No. 1, 53 pp. 10. 0 IIJIOTHOCTU cntra B'B EKaTepiinfiyprfe. [Sur la density de la neige a Ekaterinbourg.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Me"m., 3, 1896, No. 9, 24 pp. 11. 0 BUCOT'Ii AjieKcanxpoBCKoft conKii n TaranaH. [On the altitudes of the Aleksandrovsky volcano and of Taganai.] [1897.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 33, 1897-98, 366-368. 12. Erdmagnetische Beobachtungen in Obdorsk und Ssamarowo. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 11, 1900, 9-27. Abelsdorff, Georti. Zur klinischen Bedeutung bitempo- raler Gesichtsfelddefecte. Arch. Augenheilk., 31, 1895, 150-157; Arch. Ophthalm., 26, 1897, 510-516. 2. Ueber die Erkennbarkeit des Sehpurpurs von Abramis brama mit Hiilfe des Augenspiegels. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1895, 325-329. 3. Ueber Sehpurpur und Augenhintergnmd bei den Fischen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1896, 345-347. 4. Die ophthalmoskopische Erkennbarkeit des Seh- purpurs. Ztschr. Psychol., 14, 1897, 77-90. 5. Physiologische Beobachtungen am Auge der Kro- kodile. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1898, 155-167. 6. Eiu unbeachtet gebliebenes Augensymptom bei der Kaltestarre der Frosche. [1899.] Centrbl. Physiol., 13, 1900, 81-82. 7. Ueber die Moglichkeit eiues objectiven Nachweises der Farbenblindheit. Arch. Augenheilk., 41, 1900, 155- 162. 8. Die Aenderungen der Pupillenweite durch ver- schiedenfarbige Belichtung. Ztschr. Psychol., 22, 1900, 81-95, 451-453. 9. Zur Anatomie der Ganglienzellen der Retina. [1900.] Arch. Augenheilk., 42/1901, 188-198. Abelsdorff, Geonj, & Kottgen, (Frl.) Klse. See Kottgen & Abelsdorff. Abelsdorff, tleorg, & Neumann, G. Ueber postoperative Conjunctivitis mit bakteriologiscbem Befuude. [1900.] Arch. Augenheilk., 42, 1901, 68-77. Abend, L., A Geigel, Richurd. See Geigel & Abend. Abenius, P[er] Wilhelm. Ueber einige aromatische halo- gensubstituirte Acetamidoderivate uud daraus erhaltene Verbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1665-1668. 2. Ueber eine neue Klasse aus den Glycinen derivi- render Lactone. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1668-1669. 3. Ueber einige Piaziuabkommlinge. [1889.] Jl. Prakt. Chem., 40, 1889, 425-444; 41, 1890, 79-86. 4. Ueber einige aus den Glycinen derivirende Lactoue. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 40, 1889, 498-504. 5. Zur Kenntuiss der Piazinabkummlinge. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 47, 1893, 183-190. •2—2 Abenius] 12 [Abersou 6. Zur Kenntniss der Formo'ine. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 70(5-719. 7. Om formoinernas reaktionsforlmllanden. [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (Afil. 2), 1895. S». 2, 33 pp. Abenius, l'[i'i'\ WUIti'lni, & Lunge, G'con/. .S'cc Lunge A Abenius. Abenius, P[er] WiHtelm, & Soderbaum, //[cun'A-] G[«»/«i']. Ueber das Diphenyltetraketon. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., '24, 1891, 3033-3034. 2. Ueber einige aromatische Tetraketone. Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3468-3476. 3. Om imgra aromatiska tetraketoner. Stockh.. Ofvers., 1893, 27-44. Abenius, P[er] Wilhelm, & Widman, Otsknr. Ueber das Bromacetorthotoluid und einige daraus erhaltene Ver- bindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1662- 1664. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung des Broms auf Orthoacet- toluid bei holier Temperatur. 3\. Prakt. Chem., 38, 1888, 285-295. 3. Ueber einige aromatische, halogensubatituirte Acetamidoderivate und daraus erhaltene Abkommlinge des Piazins. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 38, 1888, 296-312. ,s'ec a /.MI Widman & Abenius. Abercrombie, A[le.raiultr], The common marine shells of the Bombay shore. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. .11., 8, 1893-94, 212-222, 335-345. Abercrombie, A[lexander~], & rvielvill, James Cosmo. See Melvill .'. Abercrombie. Abercrombie, John. On some affections of the nervous system met with in association with an attack of enteric fever. Med.-Chir. Trans., 80, 1897; 159-169. Abercromby, (Hon.) Ralph. For biography and list of works see Meteorol. Ztschr., 14 (1897), 271, 463-404 ; Nature, 57 (1897-98), 55; Meteorol. Soe. Quart. .71., 24, 1898, 97-99; Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 32, 1898, 117. 15. *0n the explanation of certain weather prognos- tics. [1883.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 10, 1884, 26-44. 16. On the origin and course of the squall which capsized H.M.S. Kurydice, March 24th, 1878. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 10, 1884, 172-180. 17. On the physical significance of concave and convex barographic or thermographic traces. Meteorol. Soe. Quart. Jl., 10, 1884, 241-249. 18. [White frost followed by gales.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 19, 1884, 42-43. 19. Upper wind currents over the equator. Nature, 32, 1886, 624-625. 20. The peculiar sunrise shadows of Adam's Peak in Ceylon. [1886.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 528; London Phys. Soc. Proc., 8, 1887, 101-108; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 29-35. 21. Clouds aud upper wind currents over the Atlantic doldrums. Nature, 33, 1886, 294. 22. The upper wind currents in the South Indian Ocean aud over the N.W. monsoon. Nature, 33, 1886, 460-461. 23. The sunrise shadow of Adam's Peak, Ceylon. Nature, 33, 1886, 532-533. 24. Upper wind currents over the Bay of Bengal in March, and Malaysia in April and May. Nature, 34, 1886, 288-289. 25. An arched squall. [1887.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 3 (1886-87), 535-536. 26. On the different kinds of thunderstorms, and on a scheme for their systematic observation. Brit. Ass. Hop., 1887, 597-598. 27. On the identity of cloud forms all over the world ; and on the general principles by which their indications must be read. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 13, 1887, 140-140. 28. I In tin? cloud to which the name cif •• roll cumulus" has been applied. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 13, 1887, 147. 29. Suggestions for an international nomenclature of clouds. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 13, 1887, 154-162. 30. An equatorial zone of almost perpetual electrical discharge. Nature, 35, 1887, 487-488. 31. Upper wind currents near the equator, and the diffusion of Krakatao dust. Nature, 36. 1887, 85-87. 32. The shadow of Adam's Peak. Nature, 36, 1887, 197. 33. Upper cloud movements in the equatorial regions of the Atlantic. Nature, 36, 1887, 222. 34. The " Meteorologiske Institut" p,t Upsala, and cloud measurements. Nature, 36, 1887, 319-321. 35. The electrical condition of the Peak of Teneriffe. [1887.] Nature, 37, 1888, 31. 36. The forms of clouds. [1887.] Nature, 37, 1888, 129-132. 37. On the relation between tropical and extra- tropical cyclones. [1*87.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 43, 1888, 1-30. 38. Modern views about hurricanes, as compared with the older theories. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 586-587. 39. Observations on the height, length, and velocity of ocean waves. London Phys. Soc. Proc , 9, 1888, 150- 156; Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 263-269. 40. Electrical and meteorological observations on the Peak of Teneriffe. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 14, 1888, 101-106. 41. First report of the Thunderstorm Committee. On the photographs of lightning flashes received by the Royal Meteorological Society. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 14, 1888, 226-231. 42. Observations on cloud movements near the equator ; and on the general character of the weather in the doldrums. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 14, 1888, 281-292. 43. On MEI.DRUM'S rules for handling ships in the southern Indian Ocean. Roy. Soc. Proc., 44, 1888, 314- 317. 44. Modi'ni developments of cloud knowledge. [1887.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 8, 1889, 3-18. 45. Death from cold in blizzards. [1888.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 5 (1888-89), 114. 46. Upper wind currents over the North Atlantic doldrums. Nature, 39, 1889, 437. 47. Raiu clouds on Lake Titicaca. Nature, 40, 1889, 12-13. 48. Upper wind currents over the equator in the Atlantic Ocean. Nature, 40, 1889, 101-102. 49. Nitrate of soda, and-t he nitrate country. Nature, 40, 1889, 186-188, 308-310. 50. The circulation of the atmosphere over the equator. Nature, 40, 1889, 297. 51. On MELDHUM'S rules for handling ships in the hurricanes of the southern Indian Ocean ; with researches on the nature of hurricanes generally. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 8, 1889, 299-332. 52. Observations on the motion of dust, as illus- trative of the circulation of the atmosphere, and of the development of certain cloud forms. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 16, 1890, 119-125. Aberdare, Henri/ Austin Bruce (Lord). For biographical o notice sec Geogr. Jl., 5, 1895, 386-390. Aberg, Ernst. Gula feberns spridiiingssittt. Skand. Natf. Foih., 1892, 543-556; Nature, 51 (1894-95), 300. 2. Om unvamlamlet af " traitement force" vid skolios. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 506-580. Abernetny, .1 ami's. Kor biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Kugin. Proc., 124, 1896, 402-407; Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc., 1896, 90-91. Aberson, .l\i>lmiini.'s\ H\endrikus\. Die Aepfelsaure der Crassulaceen. Berlin, ('hem. (los. Ber., 31, 1898, 1432- I I 19. Abersonj 13 [Abetti 2. De isomerie van't appelzuur. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verb. (Sect. 1), 6, 1899, No. 4, 42 pp.; Bee. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 17, 1898, 300-310. 3. Ueber die Aktivitat der Oxybrenztraubensaure. Ztsehr. Physikal. Chera., 31, 1899, 17-21. Aberson, J[ohnmies] H[endrikus], \ Dam, II'. van. ,SVc Dam A Aberson. Aberson, >7[u7i's] H[emlrikin<~\, A Giltay, Kduard. See Giltay A- Aberson. Abert, (Col.) James 1C. On color. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 7, 1884, 167-173. 2. On palm trees. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 7, 1884, 174-180. 3. The Aztec calendar stone. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 7, 1884, 181-193. 4. Big guns. [1888.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 11, [1889], 127-135. Abetti, Antonio. 13. *[Aurore boreali dei mesi di set- tembre ed ottobre, 1870.] Padova. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 5, 1870, 101. 14. Osservazioni della Cometa Pons-Brooks fatte col 1' equatoriale Dembowski a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 107, 1884, 2-23-228; 108, 1884, 27-30, 107-110. 15. Osservazioni della Cometa 1883 I t'atte coll' equa- torial* Dembowski a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 107, 1884, 259-200. 16. Osservazioue della pianeta (230) Honoria 1'atta nel 1' Osservatorio di Padova. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 407- 408. 17. Osservazioni della pianeta (131) Vala, fatte nel 1' Osservatorio di Padova. Astr. Nachr., 108,1884,439-440. 18. Osservazioni di pianetini fatte all' Osservatorio di Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. [1884.] Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 114-120; Veuezia, 1st. Atti, 1883-84, 1137-1147. 19. Osservazioni astronomiche fatte all' Osservatorio di Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. [1884-87.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1883-84, 837-858; 1884-85, 1427- 1438, 1849-1850; 1886-87, 41-51, 209-220. 20. [Beobachtungeu des Cometen 1884 Wolf.] Am Aequatoreal Dembowski der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 107-108. 21. [Beobachtungen des ueuen Planeten (248) Lameia auf der Sternwarte in Padova.] Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 47-4H. 22. Osservazioni fatte a Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 305-31(1; 11(5, 1887, 107-112, 215-218; 118, 1888, 233-238; 119, 1888, 167-168; 120, 1889, 285-288; 121, 1889, 269-272, 299- 300; 122,1889,233-236; 123,1890,361-364; 124, 1890, 111-112; 127, 1891, 299-302; 132, 1893, 325-330, 329- 334, 345-350, 393-400 ; 133, 1893, 31-36, 359-304, 399- 400; 136, 1894, 145-152. 23. Observations de la Comete Fabry, faites a Padoue. Bull. Astr. (Paris), 2, 1885, 565 ; 3, 1886, 27. 24. Osservazioni astronomiche delle Comete Fabry e Barnard fatte a Padova, coll' equatoriale Dembowski, nel dicembre 1885 subito dopo la loro scoperta. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86, 191-194. 25. [Osservazioni delle Comete 1886...(Fabry) e 1886 ...(Barnard) fatte a Padova.] Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 265-266, 349-350. 26. Osservazioni della Cometa 1885... (Brooks 2) fatte a Padova coll" equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 397-398. 27. Esperimento per le deteriainazioni di latitudine, fatto collo strumento dei passaggi di BAMBERO all' Osser- vatorio di Padova, nell' ottobre 1885. Koma, R. Ace. Lineei Rend. , 2, 1886 (Sem. 1), 10-15. 28. Osservazioui astronomiche della nuova Cometa Brooks 2 e delle Comete Fabry e Barnard fatte a Padova, coll' equatoriale Dembowski, nel gennaio 1886. [1886.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86, 267-273. 29. Tavole per ridurre il nascere ed il tramontare della luna dalle eft'emeridi di Berlino agli orizzonti di latitudini fra 36° e 48°. [1880.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86, 1281-1292. 30. Osservazioni delle nuove comete fatte a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 171-172. 31. [Beobachtungen, etc. des Cometen 1887. ..(Bar- nard Mai 12).] Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 43-44, 101-104. 32. Beobachtungen derSonnentinsteruiss 1887 August 18-19. Astr. Nacbr., 117, 1887, 279. 33. Osservazioni della Cometa Olbers 1887. ..fatte a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 389-390; 118, 1888, 379-380; 119, 1888, 41-42. 34. Beobachtungen des neuen Planeten (269). Al 1' Osservatorio di Padova. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 389- 3!)0. 35. Nozioni sul calendario dei Cofti e degli Abissini cristiani. Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Rend., 3, 1887 (Nem. 1), 396-404. 36. Osservazioni astrouomiche fatte a Padova [negli anni 1887-90]. Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1887-88, 157-109; 1888-89, 807-*22; 1889-90, 505-522; 1890-91, 425-445. 37. Sulle maree e sulla loro predizione. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 4, 1888, 133-153. 38. Beobachtung des Cometen 1889.. (Brooks Juli 6) angestellt am Aequatoreal Dembowski der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 171-172. 39. Beobachtungen des Cometen Swift 1889 Nov. 16. Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 125-126. 40. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1890...(Borrelly 1889 Dec. 12). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 239-240, 283-284; Bull. Astr. (Paris), 7, 1890, 17. 41. Beobachtungen des Planeten (288) (R. Luther Febr. 20). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 87-88. 42. Beobachtungen des Planeten (288) Glauke. Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 171- 172. 43. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1890. ..(Brooks Ma'rz 19). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 171-172. 44. Beobachtungen des Cometeu 1890...(Coggia Juli 18). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 91-92. 45. Cometad'Arrestl890.... Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 79-80. 46. Cometa 1890. ..(Zona Nov. 15). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 109-110; 127, 1891, 105-108. 47. Sull' orbita della Cometa 1887 IV. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 177-214. 48. Osservazioni dei nuovi pianeti fatte a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 43-46. 49. [Beobachtungeu des Cometeu 1891... (Barnard- Denning).] Auf der Stermvarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 77-78. 50. Osservazioni astronomiche su Marte fatte a Padova nell' opposizione 1892. [1893.] Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Mem., 7, 1891, 343-363; Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 25-32. 51. Beobachtungeu des Cometen 1892. ..(Denning Marz 18). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 311-312. 52. Sull' orbita della Cometa 1887 IV (Barnard 12 maggio). Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 20, 1892, 12-14. 53. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1892. ..(Holmes Nov. 6).] Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 145-146, 163-164, 195-196, 305-306. 54. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1893... (Brooks 1892 Nov. 19).] Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893/245-240. Abetti] 14 55. [Beobachtungen des Planeten 1892 T (Charlois Dec. 9).] Auf der Steruwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 311-312, 407-408; 132, 1893, 79-80. 56. [Beobachtungeu der Sonnentinsterniss 1893 April 16.] Auf der kgl. Stermvarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 302. 57. Osservazioni della Cometa 1893...(Rordauie- Quenisset) fatte a Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 377-380. 58. Pianeta 1893 A. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 399- 400. 59. Observations de la planete Charlois (1893 A), faites a 1'Observatoire de Padoue (equatorial Dembowski de 0"',137 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr. (Paris), 10, 1893, 180-181. 60. Sul nuovo micrometre a lamine applicato al 1' equatoriale Dembowski. [1893.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892-93, 623-641. 61. Formole e tavole per calcolare la rifrazione differenziale nelle osservazioni micrometriche. [1893.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892-93, 043-659. 62. Osservazioni di comete e di pianetiui fatte col 1' equatoriale Dembowski a Padova dal febbraio 1891 al [dicembre 1893]. [1893-94.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892- 93, 847-874 ; 1893-94, 1365-1389. 63. Element! dell' orbita ed effeineride del pianeta 1893 A e confrouto colle osservazioni. [1893-94.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892-93, 1547-1555; 1893-94, 1390- 1397. 64. Osservazioni dei satelliti di Giove fatte al R. Osservatorio di Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 153-158. 65. Congiunzione di Marte con v Tauri e di Saturno con 7 Virginia. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 22, 1894, 98-100. 66. Elemente mid Ephemeriden des Cometen 1896... (Perrine-Lamp). Aatr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 30. 67. Osservazioni di asteroidi fatte ad Arcetri [negli anni 1895-1900]. Astr. Nadir., 140, 1896, 209-214, 213-222, 307-312; 141, 1896, 125-134; 143, 1897, 129- 140; 1413, 1898, 49-118, 81-92; 147, 1898, 141-142, 331- 332; 148, 1899, 217-218; 149, 1899, 257-270, 273-278; 150, 1899, 239-240; 152, 1900, 81-84, 245-262, 293-302; 153, 1900, 89-92. 68. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896... (Swift April 13). Auf der Steruwarte ill Arcetri. Astr. Naehr. 140, 1896, 269-270. 69. Osservazioni di comete all' equatoriale di Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 311-316; 142, 1897, 269-270; 149, 1899, 17-24. 70. Osservazioni dei satelliti di Giove fatte al 1' equatoriale di Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 133-136. 71. [Beobachtuugeu des Cometen 1896...(Giacobini).] Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 311-312. 72. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896...(Sperra Aug. 31).] Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 313-314. 73. L' equatoriale di Arcetri. Firenze K. 1st. 1'ubbl., 22 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc.' I), 1896, 23 pp. 74. II micrometre doppio dell' equatoriale. Firenze K. 1st. Pubbl., 23 (Arcetri Oss., Fuse. 2|, 1896, 20 pp. 75. Osservazioni di asteroidi fatte ad Arcetri nel 1895. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 24 (Arcetri Oss., Fuse. 3), 1896, 25 pp. 76. Cometa I 1896 (Perrine-Lamp). Spettrosc. Ital. Mrin., 25, 1896, 33-37. 77. Element! ed effemeride del pianeta (345) Ter- eidina. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 45-46, 111-112, 341- 342. 78. Beobachtung des Cometen 1897...(Perrine 1890 Nov. 2). Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 61-62. [Abetti 79. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896...(Perrine Dec. 8).] Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr.. 142, 1897, 339-340. 80. [L1 asteroide (345) Tercidino.] Nota. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 26 (Arcetri Oss., Fuse. 5), 1897, 15-16. 81. Osservazioni astronomiche fatte all' equatoriale di Arcetri [negli anni 1896-99]. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 27 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 6), 1897, 47 pp. ; 32 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 9), 1898, 40 pp.; 34 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 10), 1899, 66 pp. ; 36 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 12), 1900, 76 pp. 82. Cometa 1897...(Perrine ottobre 16) osservatu al- 1' equatoriale di Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 45-46. 83. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1898...(Perrine Marz 19).] Auf der Steruwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 93-94, 125-126; 148, 1899, 121-126. 84. Beobachtungen [des Cometen Coddington-Pauly]. Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 357-358. 85. Cometa Wolf 1898... e Marte. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 191-192. 86. [Osservazioni dell' asteroide (433) (1898 DQ) ad Arcetri.] Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 223-224, 279-282; 148, 1899, 157-158. 87. [II piccolo meridiano di Arcetri.] Osservazioni delle stelle di Mnemosine. Posizione media delle stelle... Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 30 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 7), 1898, 58-59. 88. Cometa 1898. ..(Brooks ottobre 20) osservata ad Arcetri coll' equatoriale di AMICI. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 93-94. 89. Beobachtungen des Planeten 1898 ED. [Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri.] Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 95-96. 90. Osservazioni di comete ed asteroidi ad Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 215-218. 91. Beobachtungen des Cometeu 1898 VIII (Chase). Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 239-240. 92. Planet 1899 EJ. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 15-16. 93 [Cometa 1899 I osservata ad Arcetri.] Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 27-28, 61-62; 150, 1899, 235-238; 151, 1900, 283-284. 94. Stelle osservate al piccolo meridiano di Arcetri nel 1898. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 201-206. 95. Osservazioui ad Arcetri coll' equatoriale di AMICI. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 205-206. 96. Osservazioni del pianeta (85) Io = [1899 EN] Q™ 6. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 237-238. 97. Cerere e Pallade osservati nell' opposizioue 1899 all' equatoriale di AMICI. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 333- 336. 98. Osservazioni degli asteroidi 1899 ER e 1899 ES. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 77-78. 99. Cometa 1899 V (Giacobini). Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 285-286. 100. Cometa Tempel 1899 IV. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 285-290. 101. Osservazioni di (7) Iris e (4) Vesta uell' oppo- sizione 1899 all' equatoriale di AMICI in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 83-88. 102. Pianeta 1900 FG. Astr. Nachr. , 153, 1900, 103- 104. 103. Cometa 1900 I (1900 a). Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 103-106. 104. Eclisse di Sole del 28 maggio 1900 ad Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 297-298. 105. Observations de la planete Gyptis, faites :\ 1'Observatoire d'Arcetri (equatorial Amici de 0"',2*4 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr. (Paris), 17, 1900, 449. 106. Asteroide (456) [1900 FH]. [1900.] Astr. Nachr., 154, 1901, 9-10. 107. Cometa 1900 II (1900 b). [1900.] Astr. Nachr., 15J, 1901, 61-64. 108. Pianeta (1) Cerere osservato nell' op Abettil 1900 in Arcetri all' equatoriale di AMICI. [1900 1 Astr Nachr., 154, 1901, 157-160. , *09- U a'imero assoluto dell' era volgare nel periodo £ I* % [1!)0°-] SPettrosc. Ital. Mem., 29, 1901 !-15; Observatory, London, 23, 1900 315-317 Abich, [Otto WinCim] Ilcrnnum con. Assign ' to this author entries (Vol. 1) under Abich G •>4fi0rFbM°fgr^h? a"d W01'ks "ee Amer" J1' Sci'. 32« «86, 246; Foldt. Kozlon., 16, 1886, 338; Leopoldina 22, 1886 inf 5™nrfj 3,t' 1o86' 245' 290; Pa™. Ac- Soi- C. K.; 15 o . - - . . 53 l«8 s St- Peter.*.. Ac. Sci. Mem. (/,•,,,,, 53 1886, 5-8; St. Petersb., Com. GOol. Bull., 5, 1886 8 pp.; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886 (N,,t ) 15-16 ; Geol. Soc Quart. .71., 43, 1887 (Proc.), 49; STioSSS'V19' 18rf' ;r'00; Wien' AteuuMcfi, 37 92-194 ; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 350. i-8,5,' *^tthe"J_nn« "her die Brunnenbohrung von Kndako. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872 134-135 i«™6'io=Ueber den Ararat- Deutsoh. Natf. Tagebl., J.H7 J, loo. „ 8?' X?ur Or°graPl»'e Kaukasiens. f7V.l [1870 1 Ztsohr. Wiss. Geogr., 1, 1880, 68-75 Aimer, (Copt. Sir) William dc W[ireleslic]. 4O * Photo graphic spectra showing the Sim's rotation. [18771 Observatory, London, 1, 1878, 134-135 iwV' *A.s.£er,taining «ie height of clouds. [18801 Meteorol. Off. Met. Council Rep., 1878-79 25-26 nsto'n *,F?limi,Ua7 ,reP°rt on the Photo'-nephograph. [1882.] Meteorol. Off. Met. Council Sep., [1880-81], i»i*f ' TThie offect of shearing stress on a sensitive salt Photogr. Jl., 8, 1884, 80-81. 44. Illumination of the dark room, and some optical l- 8,1884, n,*S,' ,-The Siemens unit lamp for photographers [JM/i discussion! [1884.] Photogr. Jl., 9, 1886, 26-28' Photogr. jf ' 48. The production of monochromatic light, or a mixture of colours on the screen. [1885.] London 1886' 181"185; Phu- W, 20, 49. Different kinds of water iu the developer. [1885.1 Photogr. Jl., 10, 1886, 59-60. 50. On the measurement of the coloured light for H4 12^138 JI-™ *SC"SS/°"-J Phot°Kr- J1- 10, 1886, 51. Comparative effects of different parts of the .Pectrum on silver salts. Eoy. Soc. Proc., 40 1886, riffftti P?-,S^lar 8Pe?trum- ft'om ^7150 to X 10,000. Phil. Trans., 177, 1887, 457-4C,!) 53. On the atmospheric transmission of visual and • actlve light' Astr' Soc- Mouth- No"- 54. 55. On measuring densities of photographic deposit omete Transmission of sunlight through the Earth's " phot°- Roy. Inst. Proc., 12, n &'u,nllght colours- DJ.— H., 59. On the measurement of the sensitiveness of silver salts to the spectrum. [ With discussion. ] [18H8 ] Photogr. Jl., 13, 1889, 2-17, 26-29 [Abney 61 , address to the Math, and Phy . 62. On the quantity of deposit of silver produced bv ntee±yoPfZht0ttn4 ^°^^ plate in SSrfig ' ght actln8' Bnt- A»s. Hep., 1889 493 »?Upse °f the Sun "Served at Caroline '-, Onrthe measurement of the luminosity and S y 'btreflected fom coloured suHacet Proc" i 66. Note on the scaling of Dr. SPUTA'S wedge by 85rii graphy- Astr- s°c- M°nth- *«?Z 67. On the accuracy of the grease-spot photometer (or measuring the density of photographic plates and Jl, 9 1890, 722-725°.'' pl'Ot°meter- Soc- Ch^m. Ind. 150^154 Col°ul'-Photomet'T- Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 69. On an undiscussed point in the illumination of C Discussion.] Photogr. Jl. 15, 70. The numerical registration of colour pre hminary note Roy. Soc. Proc., 49, 1891, 227-233 71. On the examination for colour of cases' of s^^sriiSKS coiour biindness- 72. On the limit of visibility of the different rays of 74. On the estimation of star magnitude 1 wedge' Astr- Soc- r°D the "f °Tf, rapidly movin« sensitive surfaces discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 17, 1893 235-24'' that may arise in estimating ' 1894 C^mtlcala^i°n and exposure. [With discussion 1 Photogr. Jl., 18, 1894, 56-71 li 7f' ?" Ulf, C?lo.Urs of sky Ksto' Sllu light, cloud hglH a^d candle light. [1893.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 54 80. On failure of the law in photography that when the products of the intensity of the light acting and of the time of exposure are equal, equal amounts of 84. Orthochromatics. Colour sensitometry nfitl, discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 19, 1895 328-342 389 (isle)', 12gCgnEREL's colour Photographs. 'Nature, 54 32eritiveness °f Abney] 16 I Abraham 88. The photographic values of moonlight and starlight compared with the light of a standard candle. Boy. Soo. Proc., 59, 1896, 314-325. 89. Note on photographing sources of light with monochromatic rays. [1896.] Boy. Soe. Proc., 60, 1897, 13-15. 90. [Photography in colours.] [1897.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 318-319. 91. The scientific requirements of colour photo- graphy. Nature, 5(5 (1897), 186. 92. The sensitiveness of the retina to light and colour. [1897.] Phil. Trans. (A), 190, 1898, 155-195. 93. About photographic films. [With iJi.teiis.sinn. \ I'hotogr. .11., 22, 1898, 336-340. 94. The theory of colour vision applied to modern colour photography. [1898.] Roy. Inst. Proc., 15, 1899, 802-809. 95. Colours for tri-chromatic photographic printing. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 23, 1899, 192-198, 288. 96. The colour sensations in terms of luminosity. [1899.] Phil. Trans. (A), 193, 1900, 259-287. 97. Screens for three-colour work. [With discussion.] [1899.] Photogr. Jl., 24, 1900, 121-131. 98. A case of monochromatic vision. Roy. Soc. Proc., 66, 1900, 179-180. 99. On the estimation of the luminosity of coloured surfaces used for colour discs. [1900.] Boy. Soc. Proc. , 117, 1901, 118-122. Abney, (( 'c?<,'sf(V], & Edwards, G[corge] S[elwyn]. On the effect of the spectrum on the haloid salts of silver. [1889.] Boy. Soc. Proc., 47, 1890, 249-275. Abney, (dipt. Sir) Willinin de W[iveleslie], it Festing, (Muj.-Gen.) E[dward] B[obert]. 7. The relation be- tween electric energy and radiation in the spectrum of incandescence lamps. Boy. Soc. Proc. , 37, 1884, 157-173. 8. Absorption-spectra thermograms. Boy. Soc. Proc., 38, 1885, 77-83. 9. Intensity of radiation through turbid media. Boy. Soc. Proc., 40', 1886, 378-380. 10. The Bakerian lecture. Colour photometry. [1886.] Phil. Trans., 177, 1887, 423-456. 11. On photometry of the glow-lamp. [1887.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 43, 1888, 247-263 ; Ann. Telegraph., 15, 1888, 168-181. 12. Colour photometry. Part[a II and III], [1888-92.] Phil. Trans. (A), 179, 1889, 547-570; 183, 1893, 531-565. Abney, (dipt. Sir) William di1 W[ivelcslie], & Schuster, Arthur. To reference in No. 1 (I'ol. 9) add Phil. Trans., 175, 1885, 253-271. Abney, (Capt. Sir) William tie. W[ivele»lie], & Thorpe, Thomas Edward. On the determination of the photo- metric intensity of the coronal light during the solar eclipse of August 28-29, 1886. Preliminary notice. Roy. Soc. Proc., 44, 1888, 392-394. 2. On the determination of the photometric intensity of the coronal light during the solar eclipse of August 28-29,1886. [1889.] Phil. Trans. (A), 180, 1890, 363-384. 3. On the determination of the photometric intensity of the coronal light during the solar eclipse of April 16th, 1893. [1896.] Phil. Trans. (A), 187, 1897, 433-442. Abrahall. '•. . Hoskyiis Ahruh.ill. Abraham, . Die Durchschneidung des Nervus man- dibularis. (Eiu Beitrag zum Kapitel uber trophische Nervenfasern.), Arch. Mikr. Anat., 54, 1899, 224-253. Abraham, .1. Etude sur certains aciers speciaux. Ann. Mines, 14, 1898, 225-347. Abraham, Anton. [Ueber (iarnilus glandarius.] Wieu Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 16, 1892, 107-108. 2. Der graue Fliegenfanger (Muscirapa grisola). Wien Ornith. Vcr. Mitth., 16, 1892, 232-2.'! 1. 3. WcspcnbusKiird (1'ernis apivorus, /..). Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 21, 1897, 95. Abraham, t'riedrich. Die Hohlen bei Ober-Comana. Eiu Beitrag zur Hiihlenkunde Siebenburgens. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbncb., 7, 1887, 50-53. 2. Bad Lobogo bei Karlshiitte. Szent-Keresztbanya. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 14, 1894, 70-76. Abraham, Henri [A:uriuh]. Sur la the'orie des dimen- sions. Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 516-526. 2. Sur un condensateur etalon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 654-657. 3. Sur une nouvelle determination du rapport v entre les unites C. G. S. electromagnetiques et eleetro- statiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1355-1356; Ann. Chim., 27, 1893, 433-525; 28, 1893, 432. 4. Sur le debit d'une machine electrostatique a influence. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, 278-284. 5. Sur les dimensions de la temperature absolue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 116, 1893, 1123-1124; Lum. Elect., 51, 1894, 66-68. 6. Sur la mesure des coefficients d'induction. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 624-626; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1893, 265-279. 7. Sur les courants alternatifs et le pont de WHEAT- STONE. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 1251-1253; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1894, 213-219. 8. Mesure et comparaison de coefficients d'induction propre par les courants alternatifs de grande frequence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 1326-1329. 9. Sur la reciprocity des coefficients d'induction mutuelle. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1894, 52-53. 10. Sur la compensation des forces directrices et la sensibilite du galvanometre a cadre mobile. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 882-883. 11. Sur 1'oscillographe a induction Abraham-Car- pentier. Eclairage Elect., 11 (1897), 145-150. 12. Oscillographe a induction. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R, 124, 1897, 758-761. 13. Sur le rhdographe a induction Abraham-Car- pentier. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1897, 45-55. 14. Sur la decomposition d'un courant a haul potentiel en une succession de decharges disruptives. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 991-994; Paris, Soc. Phys. S6ances, 1899, 70-77. Abraham, Henri (^t;nrinli]. iV Buisson, Henri. Nouvelle methode optique d'etude des courants alternatifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 92-94. Abraham, Henri [Azarinh], & Chassagny, [Michel]. Sec Chassagny & Abraham. Abraham, Henri [Azariah], & Lemomc, Jules. Electro- metre absolu pour les hauts potentiels ; modele etalon ; modele simplified Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 726-728; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1895, 97-102; Ecluirage Elect., 3 (1895), 433-436. 2. Disparition kistantanee du phenomene de KERR. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 129, 1899, 206-208. 3. Nouvelle methode de mesure des durees infini- tesimales. Application a la disparition de la birefringence electro-optique et de la polarisation rotatoire magnetique. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1899, 155-161. 4. Sur le phenomene de KEKR. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1899, 62*-64*. 5. Nouvelle methode de mesure des durees intini- tesimales. Analyse de la disparition des phe'nomenes electro-optiques. Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 264-287. 6. Periode d'etablissement de 1'etincelle electrique. Sa durce totale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 245- 248. 7. Disparition instantanee de la polarisation rotatoire magiuHique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 499-501. Abraham, Henri [A;nriuh], A Marmier, L/mis A. Sterili- sation industriellr des eaux potables par 1'ozone. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 42, 1899, 102. Abraham, Kurl, & Keibel, l<'run:. See Keibel it Abraham. Abraham, .l/«.r. Ban und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Abraham] [Abromeit Wandverdickungeu in den Samenoberhautzellen uimgiT Cruciferen. Pringsheira, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., l(i, 1885 599-637. 2. [Botanische Beobachtungen.] [1899.] Konigsb. Schr., 41, 1900, 48-50. Abraham, .l/«.r. Die elektrischen Schwingungen urn einen stabformigen Leiter, behandelt nach der Max- well'schen Theorie. Ann. Phys. Chern., 66, 1898, 435-472. 2. Ueber die Phase Hertz'scher Schwingungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 67, 1899, 834-841. 3. Ueber einige, bei Bohwingungsproblemen auftre- tende, Differentialgleichungen. Math. Ann., 52 1899 81-112. 4. Elektrische Schwingungen in einera frei endigenden Draht. Ann. Phys., 2, 1900, 32-61. Abraham, (Bev.) Nendick. On the habits of the tree trapdoor spider of Graham's Town. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1887, 40-43. Abraham, Otto. Ueber das Abklingen von Tonempfin- dungen. Ztschr. Psychol., 20, 1899, 417-424. Abraham, Otto, A Briihl, Ludicig J[ul.]. Wahrnehniung kurzeeter Tone und Gerausche. Ztschr. Psychol., 18, 1898, 177-217. Abraham, Otto. & Schaefer, Karl L. Ueber die maximale Gesohwindigkeit von Tonfolgen. Ztschr. Psychol., 20, 1899, 408-416. See also Schaefer *fr Abraham. Abraham, Phineax S[imon]. 8. Self-mutilation in a lioness. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 79, 1885, 193-197. 9. Observations on four crania, from Kimberley, West Australia (Mr. HARDMAN'S collection). Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 836-837. 10. Leprosy ; a review of some facts and figures. Epid. Soc. Trans., 8, 1889, 118-151. 11. The etiology of leprosy: a criticism of some current views. Practitioner, 43, 1889, 153-160. 12. Analysis of 118 cases of leprosy in the Tarutaran Asylum (Punjab). [1890.] Epid. Soc. Trans., 9, 1891, 52-69. 13. On the alleged connexion of vaccination with leprosy. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans., (1891, 1), 384-393. 14. On a supposed case of indigenous leprosy [really carcinoma]. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 309-312. 15. A note on vaccination and leprosy. [1893.] Jl. State Med., 1, 1892-93, 184-187. 16. The latency of leprosy. [1895.] Med. Chir. Soc. Proc., 8, 1896, 64-70. Abraham, Phineaa Sfimon], & Bidwell, Leonard A. Sec Bidwell A Abraham. Abraham, Wilhelm. Bine Hochgebirgsfahrt zum Bucsecs. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 7, 1887, 87-107. Abrahams, Joseph. Giiste aus der Feme. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885, 240-241, 253, 265-266; 14, 1890, 2-3. 2. Ueber die Fruchtbarkeit der Bastards. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885, 289, 300-301. Abram, John Hill. Acetonuria and general anaesthesia. Jl. Path. Bact., 3, 1896, 430-433. 2. A new micrococcus, with a note on the bacteriology of lymphadenoma. Jl. Path. Bact., 5, 1898, 262-264. 3. Mouse favus. Jl. Path. Bact., 5, 1898, 265-266. 4. Two cases of lympho-sarcoma with remarks upon the differential diagnosis of some general glandular enlargements. [1899.] Liverpool, Thompson Yates Lab. Rep., 2, 1900, 73-77. 5. Carcinoma of tbe kidney arising in the glomeruli. Jl. Path. Bact., 6, 1900, 384-386. Abram, John Hill, & Marsden, Prosper H. The detection of lead in organic fluids. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 990-991. Abramczyk, Max. Die Entstehung der elektrischen Trockenelemente. Centrztg. Optik, 15, 1894, 74-76. 2. Ueber die Warmeemission des Steinsalzes. Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 625-654. E. S. A. CJ. Abramov, Nikoluj A. Assign to this author title (Vol. f>) under Abramof, N., and No. 1 (Vol. 7) under Abramof, (Mq/.-(!en.) A. 3- *AjiMaTU HAH yKptiiJienie BipHoe, ct ero OKpecTHOCTJIMII. [Almaty or Fort Bernoe and neigh- bourhood.] St. Petersb., Soc. Russe Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 1, 1867, 255-268. •*• *PtKa Kapataji'i,, Konajn> cfh ero OKpyroirb, BI, 1862 r. [The town of Kopal with its district in 1862.] St. Petersb., Soc. Russe Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 1, 1867, 279-320. s. *Crrani[u,a BepxjieiicimcKaH c'b oicpecTHO- CTflMII, BT> 1864 TOiy. [Verchlepsinsk and neigh- bourhood in 1864.] St. Petersb., Soc. Ruese Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.), I, 1867, 321-327. Abramow, .S'. Ueber die pathologisch-auatonrischen Veranderungen der serb'sen Haute bei den experimen- tellen acuten tibrinosen Entzundungen. Beitr. Path. Anat., 23, 1898, 1-19. 2. Ueber die Veranderungen der Blutgefasse bei der Syphilis. Beitr. Path. Anat., 26, 1899, 202-229. Abrams, Albert. A contribution to the study of heretofore undescribed neuroses of the lungs. N. Y. Med. Jl., 63, 1896, 767-768. 2. Note of a case of facial hemiatrophy. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 582-583. 3. The value of the Routgen rays in cardiac diagnosis. N. Y. Med. JL, 65, 1897, 785-786. 4. The lung reflex. N. Y. Med. Jl., 71, 1900, 57-58. Abrams, Le Roy. The structure and development of Cryptomitriuin tenerum. Bot. Gaz., 28, 1899, 110-121. Abranckes de Moura, (capit.) Jose Kduardo. [L'eclipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril.] Astronomie, 1893, 230-231. Abreu Iiacerda, Augusta de. Organisacao e trabalhos da Commissao Geographica e Geologica do Estado de Minas Geraes. Minas Geraes Comm. Geogr. Geol. Bol., 1, 1894, 69 pp. 2. Subsidies para o estudo do clima do estado de Minas Geraes. Minas Geraes Comm. Geogr. Geol. Bol., 2, 1895, 59 pp. 3. A bacia do Rio das Mortes. Minas Geraes Comm. Geogr. Geol. Bol., 3, 1895, 1-84. Abria, Jeremie Joseph Benoit. Assign to this author entries (Vols. 7 and 9) under Abria, 0. For biography and list of works see Bordeaux Ac. Actes, 55, 1893, 203-236; Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1893, 301-330. 41. * Bordeaux (Gironde). Observations meteoro- logiques faites pendant [les aunees 1852-56]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1854, Ft. 2, 125-140 ; 9, 1861, Ft. 1, 5-36. Abromeit, J[ohannei]. 2. Ueber die Anatomie des Eichenholzes. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 15, 1884, 209-281. 3. *Bericht iiber Exiursionen im Kreise Neustadt. [1883.] Konigsb. Schr., 25, 1885 (Abh.), 60-69. 4. Berichtigung des Sauio'scheu Aufsatzes iiber die Zahlenverhaltnisse der Flora Preussens. Kouigsb. Schr 25, 1885 (/16ft.), 135-159. 5. Berieht iiber die botanische Uutersuchung des Kreises Ortelsburg. [1886.] Konigsb. Schr., 28, 1888 (Abh.), 49-57. 6. [Verzeichnis der bemerkenswerteren, von den Mitgliedern des preussischen botanischen Vereins ge- sammelten Pflanzen.] [1888-94.] Kouigsb. Schr., 30, 1890 (Abh.), 58-72; 31, 1891 (Abh.), 17-32; 32, 1891 (Abh.), 75-96; 33, 1892, 94-116; 34, 1893, 35-46; 35, 1895, 54-62; 36, 1895, 34-50. Abromeit] 18 [Abt 7. [Neue Funde der Flora Preussens 1891.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xxxv-xxxvii. 8. [Botanische Untersuclnmgen in der Umgegend von Konigsberg.] [1891.] Konigsb. Schr., 33, 1892, 78-81. 9. Lentinus suffruteseens. [1891.] Konigsb. Schr., 33, 1892, 120-121. 10. Gentiana germauica, Willd. Konigsb. Schr., 33, 1892, 136-137. 11. [Die Verbreitungsgrenzen einiger Prlanzen in Preussen.] Konigsb. Schr., 33, 1892, 137-139. 12. Ueber Veranderungen in der preussischen Flora. [1892.] Konigsb. Schr., 34, 1893, 4-14. 13. Ueber die Vegetationsverhaltuisse des Pregel- gebiets. Konigsb. Schr., 34, 1893, 51-52. 14. Ueber die in Preussen bis jetzt beobachteten wildeu Rosen. Konigsb. Schr., 34, 1893, 52-53. 15. Ueber die Anzahl der Pflanzenspeeies unserer Erde. Konigsb. Schr., 34, 1893, [15]-[16]. 16. Ueber neue Pflanzen in Ostpreussen. Konigsb. Schr., 34, 1893, [17]. 17. Ueber botauische Exkursiouen. [1893.] Konigsb. Schr., 35,1896, 36-37. 18. [Ueber das Leben des ersten preussischen Flo- risten Johaun WIGAND, und iiber den botanisehen Theil seines Werkes.] [1894.] Konigsb. Schr., 35, 1895, 48-50. 19. [Sparganium negleetum und S. ramosum.] [1894.] Konigsb. Schr., 36, 1895, 23-24. 20. Botanisches aus Nordostdeutschlaud. Allg. Bot. Ztsehr., 1895, 31-32, 62-64. 21. [Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Trapa natans.] [1895.] Konigsb. Schr., 37, 1896, 148-151. 22. [Trapa natans.] Konigsb. Schr., 37, 1896. 167-168. 23. Ueber Vegetationsforraatiouen. [1896.] Konigsb. Schr., 38, 1897, 40-41. 24. Ueber zwei neue Phanerogamenfuude des nord- lichen Westgroulands. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 46-48. 25. [Ueber einige bemerkenswerte Prlanzen, die in Preussen die Grenze ihrer Verbreitung erreichen.] [1897.] Konigsb. Schr., 39, 1898, 39-41. 26. [Botauische Ergebnisse der von der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin unter Leitung Dr. VON DRYGALSKI'S ausgesandten Grijnlandexpedition uach Dr. VANHOFFEN'S Sammlungen bearbeitet. A. Kryptogamen.] X. Gefass- biindel-Kryptogamen (Cryptogams vasculares [Pterido- phyta]). [1897.] Bibl. Bot., 8, 1899, Heft. 42, 69-75. 27. Ueber einige Bestandteile der Dunenflora. [1898.] Konigsb. Schr., 40, 1899, 70-71. 28. Botanische Ergebnisse der von der Gesellscbaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin unter Leitung Dr. VON DRYGALSKI'S ausgesandten Gronlandexpedition nach Dr. VANHOFFKN'S Sammlungen bearbeitet. B. Sameupflanzen (Plianrro- gamen) aus dem Umanaks- und Ritenbeuks-Distrikt. Bibl. Bot., 8, 1899, Heft 422, 105 pp. 29. [Zwei fur Nordostdeutschland neu entdeckte Pflanzen, Carex capillaris, L., Salix Lapponum, L. ] Konigsb. Schr., 40, 1899, [21]-[22]. Absolon, Ph. C. Karl. Ueber die Fauna der Hohlen des mahrischen Devonkalkes. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 315-317, 321-325. 2. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Gattung Dicyrtoma und Heteromurus hirsutus, n. sp., aus den mahrischen Hohlen. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 493-4'.Ml. 3. Einige Bemerkungen iiber [die] mahrische Hohleu- fauna. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 1-6, 57-60, 189-195. 4. Vorliiufige Mittheilung iiber einige neue Collem- bolen aus den Hohlen des mahrischen Karstes. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 265-269. 5. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Aphorurideu aus den Hohlen des mahrischen Karstes. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 406-414. 6. Ueber zwei neue Collembolen aiis den Hohlen des osterreichischen Occupationsgebietes. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 427-431. 7. Ueber massenhafte Erscheinungen von Tetro- dontophora gigas, Renter, in Mahren. [1900.] Briinn Verh., 39, 1901 (Abli.), 3-5. 8. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der mahrischen Hohleu- fauna. [1900.] Briinn Verh., 39, 1901 (Abli.), 6-14. Abt, Alfred. Precede de fabrication de nouvelles matieres colorantes rouges et rouge-violet par la combiuaison des derives nitroses des amines tertiaires avee la fluoresceine et ses produits de substitution. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 69, 1899. 319-320. Abt, Alfred, & Noelting, Emilia [Domingo]. See Noelting & Abt. Abt, Antul [A iitnii]. 27. A hang visszaverodese lapszerii feliileten. [Reflexion des Schalles an ebenen Fliicheu.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1885, 147-148 ; Exner, Repertm., 21, 1885, 503-505. 28. A Richard Freres-fele regisztrnlo aneroid ismerte- teee. [Criticism of the registering aneroid of RICHARD Freres.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1886, 55-60. 29. Beitrage zur Thermoelektricitat der Metalle. Centrztg. Optik, 8, 1887, 182-186. 30. Egy Jamin-fcle aczelmagnes es egy termeszetes magnesko bemutatasa es erejiiknek osszehasonlitasa mas maguesekkel. [Ueber einen Jamin'schen Blatterniagnet und einen Magneteisenstein.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. S:ak), 1889, 1-10, 87-93. 31. Meriihid igtn kis vezetesi ellenallas pontos meghatarozasara. [Wheatstone bridge for the exact determination of very slight resistance.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1889, 106-107. 32. (a) Egy regisztralb homero bemutatasa (RICHARD Testverektol Parisbau). (6) Ezzel kapcsolatban a ho- merseklet valtozasa Kolozsvart 1889-ben aprilis 1-jetol szepteniber 30-ig. [Vergleichuug der Angaben eines Richard'schen Thermographen mit den Augaben eines Minimuui- und Maximum-Thermometers.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. ,S'; «/.•), 1889, 255-259, 298-301. 33. A nikkel es az aczel permanens magnessegerol. [Ueber den permanenten Magnetismus des Nickels uud des Stahls.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1890, 181-191, 243-252. 34. A Moraviczai magnetit es az aczel magneses tulajdonsagai. [Ueber das rnagnetische Verhalten des Moraviczaer Magnetits im Vergleich zu Stahl.] Orvos- Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1891, 209-222, 339-351. 35. A Moraviczai magnetitnek 6s iivegkemenysegu aczelnak magneses viselkedese nagy magnesezo erciknel es magneses momentumaik absolut m^rtekben. [Magnet- isches Verhalten des Moraviczaer Magnetits und des Stabls bei starken magnetisirenden Kriiften, und deren magnetische Momente im absoluten Maasse.] Orvos- Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1893, 133-140, 173-180. 36. Az Auer-fele izzo lampa fenyenek szines osszet- etele, vilagitasa es hohatasa, osszehasonlitva az Argand- lampa es az elektromos izzo lampa fenyevel. [Beitrage zur Kenntniss der physikalischen Eigenschafteu des Auer'schen Gasgliihlichtes im Vergleiche mit dem Lichte eines ruuden Gasbrennerrs und dem elektrischen Gliih- lichte.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1894, 294- 303, 347-352. 37. A szabad magnesseg eloszlasanak egy egyszeru megvizsgalasi modszere. [Eine einfache Methode zur Untersuchung der Vertheilung des freien Magnetismus.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1894, 304-306, 353- 354. 38. A pyrrhotit magneses tulajdonsagair61. [Magnet- isches Verbalten des Pyrrhotits.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1896, 20-30, 89-100. 39. A szakitiisi aczelprobak remanens magnessegerol. [Ueber den remanenten Magnetismus der Zerreissungs- Abt] 19 LAchalme probeu aus Stahl.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1895, 105-108, 233-236. 40. A Kesitzai vasgyarban eloallitott Bessemer-aczeU, puddling-acz41 £s Martin-acze"! magness4ge'r51. [Ver- gleichuug des remanenteu Magnetismus einiger Stahl- gattungen aus der Reschitzaer Eisen- und Stahlfabrik.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1896, 319-322,353- 355. 41. A Moraviczai vasercztelepben elot'ordul6 terme- szetes magnesekrul. [Ueber die Magneteisensteiue oder natiirlichen Ma.gnete irn Eisenerz-Lager bei Moravitza.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 14, 1896, 33-41; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 75-84. 42. A lagy aczel magneses viselkede'se tartds arainzarasna'l a lagy vashoz kepest. [Ueber das inag- netische Verhalten des weichen Stahls bei andauerndem Stromschluss im Vergleich zu weichem Eisen.] Orvos- Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1896, 52-57, (Rev.) 17-22. 43. Nehany vasoxyd e's vassulrid villamvezet^si ellenallasarol 6s fajhSjirfil. [Leitungswiderstand und specitische Warme einiger Eisenoxyde und Eisensulfide.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1896, 210-216, (Rev.) 42-48. 44. Nehany aczelfajta osszehasonlitasa egymassal, a nikkellel es a Moraviczai magnetittel reruaneus mag- nrssi'gukre nezve. [Vergleichung einiger Stahlsorten untereinander, mil dem Nickel und dem Moraviczaer Maguetit beziiglich ihres remanenten Magnetismus.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1897, 229-233, (Rev.) 199-203. 45. A haematit magneses tulajdonsagai. [Ueber die magnetischen Eigenscbat'ten des Haematits.] [1899.] Orvos-Teruit. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1898, 152-166, (Rev.) 80-95. 46. Egy Wehnelt-fele aramszaggatonak bemutatasa, tekintettel a megszakitasok szamara. [Aenderung der Unterbrechuugszahl bei einern Welmelt'seben Strom- nnterbrecher mit der Temperatur des Elektrolyten.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1899, 73-77, (Rev.) 12-13. 47. Nehany fe'moxyd es fe'msultid thermoelektro- motorius ereje 100° hornersek kiilonbs^gnel. [Thermo- ek'ctromotorische Kraft einiger Metalloxyde und Sulphide in Verbindung mit eiuander und rnit einfacheu Metallen bei 100° Temperaturunterschied der Beriihrungsstelleu.] [1899.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 18, 1900, 23-13 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 17, 1901, 293-312. 48. Ein einfaches Verfahren zur Bestiminung des neutraltn Punktes von Thermoelementen. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 320-327. 49. Nehany ercz magneses allapotanak kimutatasa ^s meghatarozasa. [Nacbweis und Bestiminung des magnetischeu Zustandes einiger Erze.] [1901.] Orvos- Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1900, 58-62, (Rev.) 7-11. Abt, H'ilhelm. Ueber Benzoylenharnstoff und einige Derivate desselben. .11. Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889, 140-155 ; 40, 1889, 584. Abundo, Giuseppe d'. Eicerche batteriologiohe. Sulla colorazione dei terreni di cultura dei microorganism! e sui nuovi caratteri biologici che possono rilevarvisi. [1887-88.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, 15-19, 50-51. 2. Su d' un nuovo metodo nello studio del sistema nervoso centrale. [1888.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Prof. Verb.), fi, 1887-89, 48-50. 3. Un nuovo miografo. [1888.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (.I/cm.), 10, 1889, 101-103. 4. Spasrno ritmico localizzato e access! coreit'ormi determinatisi in seguito a lesione sperimentale della corteccia cerebrale. [1889.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 7-8. 5. Contribute allo studio delle vie linfatiche del cervello. Ricerche sperimeutali ed anatomo-patologiche. [1889.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91 9-10. 6. Su di alcune particolarita della scrittura dei mancmi. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 11, 1891, 123- 136. 7. Snll' azione tossica e battericida del siero di sangue dei pazzi. Nota preventiva. Riv. Sper. di Freuiatria, 17, 1891, 529-531. 8. Sull' azione battericida e tossica del sangue degli alienati. Kicerche cliuiche, batteriologiche, sperimeutali. [1891.] Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 292-329. 9. Ulterior! ricerche sulle vie linfatiche del sistema nervoso centrale. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 20, 1894, 575-577. 10. Contribute allo studio della mielinizzazione nelle vie di proiezione del sistema nervoso centrale. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 49, 1897, 9-13. 11. Sulle distrofie muscolari progressive. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 11, 1898, Mem. 1, 61 pp. Abundo, Giuseppe d', & Agostini, Uesare. Le intossica- zioni e le infezioni nella patogenesi delle malattie mentali e delle nevropatie anche nei riguardi terapeutici. [With ilixcussion.] [1899.] Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 919-957. Abundo, Giuseppe d', & Bianchi, Leonardo. See Bianchi & Abundo. Abundo, Giuseppe d\ & Valenti, Giulio. See Valenti & Abundo. Aburrow, Charles. Rainfall at Johannesburg. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 24, 1898, 215. Aby, Frank S. Karyokinesis in embryos of the domestic cat. Amer. Micr. Jl., 14, 1893, 312-315 ; Science, 22, 1893, 300-301. 2. Observations on the development of the hypo- physis cerebri and processus ini'undibuli in the domestic cat. [1893.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 2, 1891-93, 295-310. 3. Report 011 the microscopic examination of blood from a patient suffering from splenic myelogenous leukffirnia. [1893.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 2, 1891-93, 311-321. Abzac de la Douze, Jean Joseph Ulric (marquis) d'. For biographical notice and works sec France Soc. Bot. Bull., 42, 1895, 546. [Lettres sur des plantes du Perigord.] France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1886, 332-336; 34. 1887, 205-206, 462- 463; 37, 1890, 227-229. Acampora, Adele. [Bolide del 10 ottobre 1885, Napoli.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 1H7. Accard, A. Plans inclines appliques a la navigation. Ann. Conduct. Fonts et Cbauss., 40, 1896, 348-364. Acconci, Luigi. Beitrag zur Histologie und Histogenese der papillenfuhrenden Kystome des Ovariums. Centrbl. Path., 1, 1890, 738-740. 2. Sur la contraction et sur 1'inertie de 1'uttSrus. Arch. Ital. Biol. , 16, 1891, 208-215. 3. Ueber tubereulose Ovaritis. (Vorlaufige Mitthei- lung.) Centrbl. Path., 5, 1894, 629-630. Ach, Friedrich. Ueber das Anhydrid der Phenylhydrazon- lavulinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 253, 1889, 44-57. Ach, Friedrich, & Fischer, Emil. See Fischer & Ach. Ach, Lorenz, & Fischer, Emil. See Fischer & Ach. Ach, Narziss. Apparat zur photographischen Eegistrirung senkrechter Schiffsbewegungen. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 19, 1899, 309-312. 2. Ueber die diuretische Wirkung einiger Purinderivate. Arch. Exper. Path., 44, 1900, 319-348. Achalme, Pierre [Jean]. Examen bact<5riologique d'un cas de rhumatisme articulaire aigu mort de rhumatisme cerebral. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. ,43, 1891 (C.B.), 651-656. 2. Recherches bact<5riologiiiues sur le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Premier memoire. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 11 (1897), 845-859. 3—2 Achahne] 20 [Achiardi 3. Pathogenic du rhumatisme articulaire aigu ; examen bacteriologique d'un cas termini par la inort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C.R.), 276-27*. 4. Becherches sur 1'anatomie patbologique de lYiicl<>- cardite rhumatismale. Arch. Med. Exper., 10, 1898. 370-388. 5. Recherches sur la presence de ferments solubles dans le pus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (G.R.), 568-570. 6. L'origine microbienne du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 3, Bact.), 63-68. Achalme, Pierre [Jean], & Theohari, A. Contribution a 1'etude de la degenereFceuce descendante des cordons posterieurs dans un cas de myelite transverse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. '#.),, 1161-1163. Achalme, Pierre [Jean], & Troisier, K[inile]. See Troisier & Achalme. Aclianl, [Jean Victor] A[rthur]. 15. Des nouveaux galviiiiometres a mercure de 31. LIPFHANN. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 14, 1885, 71-77. 16. Considerations theoriques sur les shunt-dynamos. Linn. Elect., 22, 1886. 3-12. Achard, Cli[arles\. Sur 1'emploi de la teinture d'orcanette dans la technique histologique. Arch, de Physiol. , 9, 1887, 164-167. 2. De 1'intoxication hydatique. Arch. Gen. Med., 162, 1888, 410-432, 572-591. 3. Dupliciti partielle du canal central de la moelle. [1888.] Arch. Gen. Med., 163, 1889, 116-117. 4. Note sur les lesions des nerfs dans le te'tanos. Arcb. MM. Exper., 4, 1892, 836-840. 5. [Contribution a 1'etude des complications in- fectieuses du cancer gastriqne.] [1895.] Arch. Gen. Med., 177, 1896, 108. 6. Sur le passage de la propriety agglutinante a travers le placenta. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C.R.), 255-257. 7. L'exploration clinique des fouetions renales et la glycosurie pbloridzique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 12s, 1899, 322-324. Achard, Cli[arles], & Bensaude, R[aotil]. Sur la presence de la propriete agglutinante dans le plasma sanguin et divers liquides de 1'organisme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 503-505 ; Arch. Med. Exper., 8, 1896, 739-760. 3. Sur 1'agglutination des divers echantillons du bacille d'EBERTH et des bacilles paratyphiques. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 ((.'. K.), 940-942. Acbard, Cli\iirles], & Castaigne, j. Sur la decoloration du bleu de methylene par les elements vivants. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 1091-1093. 2. L'epreuve de la glycosurie alimentaire et ses causes d'erreur. Arch. Gen. Med., 181, 1898, 27-59. 3. Hur les rapports de la reaction de 1'urine avec I'e'liminiitum du bleu de mtthyleue. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. I!.), 450-451. Achard, Ch[arles], & Clerc, A. Sur la lipase a 1'etat pathologique. Paris, Ac. Sci C. B., 129, 1899, 781-783. 2. Sur le pouvoir lipasique du serum s\ 1'etat patho- logique. Arch. Med. Exper., 12, 1900, 1-27. 3. Sur le pouvoir antipresurant du serum a 1'etat pathulogique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1727-1729. Achard, ('//[« /-/ex], A Delamare, I'. La glycosurie phlorid- /.iquc et ['exploration des fonctions n'nalt's. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. If.), 48-50. Achard, Ch[arles], & Gaillard, L[nnis Iti-nr Lroii]. Con- tribution a 1'etude biochimique des genres tetragene et s(M|.|ivlocoque. Arch. Med. Exper., 11, 1899, 96-108. Achard, Ch[arles], & Guinon, Lome. Sur un cas de iu\i-liti- aigtiti diffuse avec double nevrite optique. Arch. Mi-. I. K\], rr., 1, 1889, 690-710. Achard, <'li[firles], A- Joffiroy, A\li.r\. See Jeffrey \- Achard. Achard, Cli[an. Over waargeuomen kringen en bijzonnen om de zon. [1886.] Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 46, 1887, 31N. Ackeren, Frifili-i.-li ntn. Beitriige zur Entwicklungsge- schichte der weiblichen Sexualorgaue des Menschen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 48, 1889, 1-46. Ackermann, Eilti-in. Ueber Salze und Aether des Aurins und der Rosolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 17, 1884, 1624-1627. 2. [Analyse du lait.] [1898.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 7, 1899, 87-88. Ackermann, Kunene. Etude des variations quotidiennes de la ereatinine dans le cas d'une alimentation mixte et d'un travail manuel regulier. Paris, Soc. Biol. Meiu., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 659-660. 2. Donuees sur la nutrition et la desassimilation de lapins. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 16, 1894 (C. P..), 817-819. 3. La molecule de la quinine renferme un groupe- ment developpateur. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 915-917. 4. Bestimmungen des Widerstandes der Cemente gegen Stoss und Zerspringen. Cbem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 1034. 5. Das Wasser von Belem do Para (Brasilien). Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 496-497. 6. Zur quantitative!! Bestimmung des Ozons der Ozoniseure grosser Dimensionen. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 235-236. 7. The climate and diseases of northern Brazil. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 26, 1900, 288-291. 8. Les variations de la pression barometrique sous 1'equateur. Rev. Sci., 13, 1900, 725-726. Ackermann, Karl. 6. Bestimmung der erdmagnetischen Inklination von Kassel. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 31, 1884, 1 (bis)-l'2 (bis). 1. Bibliothecahassiaca. Repertorium der landeskund- lichen Litteraturfiirden K. Preussischen Regierungsbezirk Kassel. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 31, 1884, 31 (6/s)-175; 34 & 35, 1889, 1-30; 36 & 37, 1891, 81-96; 38, 1892, 53-64 ; 39, 1894, 1 (bis) -18 (bis) ; Kassel Ver. Nat. Abh. u. Ber., 40, 1895, 39 pp.; 41, 1896, 9 pp. ; 42, 1897, 1-37. 8. [Ueber sperlingslose Orte.] [1884.] Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 32 & 33, 1886. 25-26. 9. Thierbastarde. Zusammenstellung der bisherigen Beobachtuugen iiber Bastardirung im Thierreich nebst Litteraturnachweisen. Kassel Ver. Nat. Abh. u. Ber., 42, 1897, 103-121 ; 43, 1898, 80 pp. Ackermann, [Hans Konrad Karl] Theodor. For bio- graphical notice and works see Leopoldina, 32, 1896, 189-190. 8. * Ueber Warmeregulirung. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1871, 58-59. 9. * Ueber Digitalinwirkungen. Deutseh. Natf. Tagebl., 1871, 143. 10. Der weisse Infaret der Placenta. Virchow, Arch., 96, 1884, 439-452. 11. Die Pseudoligameute der Pleura, ihre Entwieke- lung und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Circulation. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 343-345. 12. Die Blutgefiisse in den Pseudoligamenteu der Pleura und ihre Bedeutung fiir den Lungenkreislauf. Fortschr. Med., 7 (1889), 261-264. 13. Die Histogenese uud Histologie der Lebercirrhose. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der pathologischen Anpassung. Virchow, Arch., 115, 1889, 216-242. 14. Zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomie der menschlichen Placenta. [1890.] Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1888-90, 26-30. 15. Edward JENNER und die Frage der Immunitat. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1891 (Th. 1), 75-95. Ackermann, Wilhelm. Ueber eiue neue Methode, Sal- petersaure zu bestimmen. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 690-691. Ackland, Thomas G. *0n the graduation of mortality tables. Inst. Act. Jl., 23, 1882, 352-359. 2. On the true measure of the probabilities of sur- vivorship between two lives. [1888.] Inst. Act. Jl., 27, 1889, 157-159. Acklaud] 22 [Actou 3. On some practical applications of simple inter- polation formula. Inst. Act. Jl., 32, 1896, 286-2110. 4. (I) An investigation of some of the methods for deducing the rates of mortality, and of withdrawal, in years of duration; with (II) the application of such methods to the computation of the rates experienced, and the special benefits granted, by clerks' associations. [1896.] lust. Act. Jl., 33, 1898, 08-96, 131-197. Ackroyd, tt'illiain. 8. Cohesion and cohesion figures. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 38-59. 9. On the origin of colour. (I) Relation of molecular and atomic volume to colour. [(II) The colour scale. Thermo-relations. The law of colour. (Ill) Iodine and iodine solutions. (IV) Vibrations. "Break-ethers." Oxygen.] Chem. News, 67, 1893, 27, 64-65, 111-112, 147-148. 10. The science of colour. Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 11, 1896, 166-174. 11. A rapid determination of the equivalent of sul- phuric acid and its place in the teaching of chemistry. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 25. 12. Researches on moorland waters. I. Acidity. Chem. Soc. JL, 75, 1899 (Pi. I), 196-200. 13. On the distribution of chlorine in West Yorkshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 694-695. 14. On a limiting standard of acidity for moorland waters. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 695-696. Ackroyd, tt'illiam, & Emmott, Walter. See Emmott & Ackroyd. Ackroyd, tt'illiam, & Knowles, //. It. On opacity to the Rcintgen rays. Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 12, 1896, 65-66. Acland, Henry Dyke. Volcanic series in the Malvern Hills. Geol! Mag., 1, 1894, 48. 2. On a volcanic series in the Malvern Hills, near the Herefordshire Beacon. Geol. Soc. Quart. .11., 54, 1898, 556-562. Acland, (Sir) Henri/ tt'enticortli Dyke. For biographical notice see Leopoldma, 36, 1900, 169; Nature, 62 (1900), 627; Roy. Soc. Proc., 75, 1905, 169-174. Acland, Theodore D[yke]. Changes in the thymus gland in a case of haemophilia and in one of purpura. [1884.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 36, 1885, 491-494. 2. Actinomycosis homiuis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 37, 1886, 546-549. Acloque, A. Influence du milieu aquatique sur les formes des veg^taux. Naturaliste, 16, 1894, 243-245. 2. La notion de 1'espece chez les Muscinees. Rev. Sci., 2, ,1894, 338-342. 3. Evolution morphologique des Basidiomycetes. Rev. Sci., 2, 1894, 593-596. 4. Les degres de la tendance necrophile chez les Coleopteres. Naturaliste, 17, 1895, 69-71. 5. Points de contact des insects avec les autres Arthropodes. Naturaliste, 17, 1895, 263-265 ; 18, 1896, 58-60; 19, 1897, 132-134. 6. Essai d'une synthese ideale de 1'individu museique. Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 682-685. 7. La notion de 1'espece et la nomenclature. Rev. Sci., 5, 1896, 496-499. 8. Theorie de la fleur. Rev. Sci., 6, 1896, 82-85. 9. La multiplication agame des Muscinees. Rev. Sci., 6, 1896, 721-723. 10. La double origine des Agaricines. Rev. Sci., s. 1897, 379-380. Acolet, (sergt.) . *[Notes raeteorologiques faites a] Laghouat (prov. d'Alger). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 93-94, 103-104, 112, 121 ; s, 1875, Pt. 2, 21, 43-44. Acosta, K[nri(jue], & Davalos, Juan N. Consiclriarmn. sobre el muermo. Experieuciascon la nmleina. llahana Ac. An., 30, 1893, 384-399. Set; also Davalos A Acosta. Acosta, E[nriqtte], & Grande Rossi, F. Deseripci6n de un nuevo Cladothrix, C. invulnerabilis. [IV.] Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 14-16. Acosta, Leon P. Observatorio Astronomico Meteorologico de Mazatlan. Resumen de las observaciones meteorolo- gicas practicadas en la direccion del Observatorio, durante el ano civil de 1888 a la altura de 4 rnetros sobre el nivel del mar. Hex. Obs. Bol., 1, 1888, 280. Acqua, Aurelio dull'. Ricerehe sulle congruenze di curve iu una varieta qualunque a tre diuiensioni. [1899.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1899-1900 (Pt. 2), 245-252. Acqua, Camilla. Sulla distribuzione dei fasci fibrovus- colari nel loro passaggio dal fusto alia foglia. [1887.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 277-282; Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 43-75. 2. Contribuzione allo studio dei cristalli di ossalato di calcio nelle piante. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 109-121. 3. Nuova coutribuzione allo studio dei cristalli di ossalato di calcio nelle piante. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 17-43. 4. Alcune osservazioni sul luogo di origine del P ossalato calcico nelle piaute. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 160- 166. 5. Contribuzione alia conoscenza della cellula vegetale. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend.. 6, 1890 (.S'cm. 1), 577-579; Malpighia, 5, 1891, 3-39. 6. La quistione dei " tonoplasti " e del loro valore. (Rassegna sintetica dei principal! lavori sull' argomento.) Malpighia, 5, 1891, 106-115. 7. Rieerche sul polliiie germogliante della Vinca major. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 373-378. 8. Sulla formazione dei granuli d' amido nel Pelar- gonium zonale. Nota preventiva. Malpighia, 7, 1893, 393-396. 9. La formazione della parete cellulare nei pel! aerei della Lavatera cretica, L. [1893.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (,SYm. 1), 154-158; Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 85-88. 10. Sulla formazione dei grauuli di amido. [1895.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 6, 1897, 1-30. Acqua, Felice ilell'. II vajuolo e la varicella. Contribute alia diagnosi differenziaie. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 346-352. 2. La morte vera e la morte apparente. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 386-391. 3. IV alimentazione carnea. Note d' igiene e di statistica. Milano, 1st. Loinb. Rend., 32, 1899, 924-946. Acquisto, J'inceitzo. Contribute alia tecnica ed alia istogeuesi del sangue. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Anat.), 37-38; Untersuch. Nat., 15, 1895, 241- 254. 2. A proposito dell' avvelenamento per acido piro- gallico. Contributo sperimentale e considerazioui sul valore delle piastrine nella coagulazioue del sangue. Arch. Sci. Med., 19, 1895, 209-217. 3. Ricerehe sulla tecnica e sulla istogenesi del sangue. Palermo, Giorn. Sci. Nat., 21, 1896, 64-72. Acquisto, J'inceii.n. & Mondino, Casimiro. See Mondino & Acquisto. Acree, S[olomon] F{arliiii], A" Bailey, J[niiics] R. See Bailey A Acree. Acres, liirt. The polarisation of light practically applied to photography. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 18, 1894, 203-210." 2. Seme hints on photographing clouds. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 21, 1895, 160-165. Acres, liirt (et alii). [Discussion on orthoehromatie photography.] Photogr. Jl., 15, 1891, 178-186. Acton, i'.iliranl Hamilton. For biographical notice and works see Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 127-128. 2. On the formation of sugars in the septal glauds of Narcissus. [1888.] Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 53-63. 3. The assimilation of carbon by green plants from Acton] 23 [Adam certain organic compounds. [1889.] Roy. Soc. Proo. , 47, 1890, 150-175. 4. Changes in the reserve materials of wheat on keeping. Ann. Bot., 7, 1893, 383-387. Acton, T. Varieties of Noctuides at Warrington. [1895.] Ent. Record, 7, 1895-96, 78-81. Acworth, H. A. Leprosy in India. [With discussion.] [1899.] Jl. Trop. Med., 1, 1898-99, 229-238, 270-277, 298-303. Acworth, J[o*eph] J[ohti]. 2. Beziehung zwischen Ab- sorption und Emptindlichkeit sensibilisirter Flatten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 42, 1891, 371-406. 3. Orthochromatic photography. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 16, 1892, 259-268. Acworth, J[oseph] 'J[ohn], & Acworth, (Mrs.) Marion II". Notes on the Hurter and Driffield system of speed testing. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 1U, 1895, 208-221. 2. Exposure and development. A rejoinder to Mr. STKRHY'S communication. Photogr. Jl lil, 1895, 361-366. 3. Exposure and development relatively considered. [1895.] Photogr. Jl., 20, 1896, 48-49. Acworth, (Mrs.) Miiriun II".. & Acworth, J[nseiili] J[ol>n]. See above. Acy, Ernest it. 3. Silex prehistoriques de la station de Chelles. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1884, 189-202. 4. Le mammouth dans le Forest-bed de Cromer. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1884, 452-461. 5. Defense de mammouth trouvee dans la vallee de la Drance. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1884, 740-743. 6. De la pseudo-taille des silex de Thenay. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8, 1885, 173-184. 7. [Chiens sans queue.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 9, 1886, 123-124. 8. Sur les questions aryenues. Eev. d'Anthrop., 4, 1889, 469-471. 9. Les silex mesvinieus et les silex prequaternaires des environs de Mons. Rev. Quest. Sci., 30, [1891], 117-140. 10. Des silex tailles du Union des plateaux de la Picardie et de la Normandie. [ With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 5, 1894, 184-215. 11. De 1'age des sepultures des grottes des Baousse- Rousse. Rev. Quest. Sci., 36, 1894, 537-574. 12. Quelques observations relativement au gisement interglaciaire de Villet'ranche. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 6, 1895, NO-87. Aczel, Karl. Gallertkrebs der Leber nach primiirer Geschwulst der Gallenblase. Virchow. Arch., 144, 1896, 86-93. Adachi, Bmttart'i. Anatoniische Untersuchungen an Ja- panern. Ztschr. Morphol. u. Anthrop., 2, 1900, 198-222. 2. Ueber die Seitenfontanelleu. Ztschr. Morphol. u. Anthrop., 2, 1900, 223-246. Adachi, C. Journeys in China. [Jap.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. JL, 15, 1893-94, 161-183, 371-397. AAa.ir,John Frederick, & Threlfall, Richard. Sci' Threlfall & Adair. Adair, Peter. On the former abundance of the quail (Coturnix eomrnunis, Bomtaterre) in Wigtownshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 168-171. 2. The short-eared owl (Asio accipitrinus, Pallas) and the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus, Linrueus) in the vole plague districts. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. ,1892, 219-231. 3. Goldfinch (Carduelis elegans) near Edinburgh. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 43. 4. Quail in Mid-Lothian (Coturnix eommunis). Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 183. 5. Notes on the disappearance of the short-tailed field vole (Arvicola agrestisj, and on some of the effects of the visitation. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 193- 202. 6. The wigeon (Mareca Penelope) breeding in Selkirk- shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 231-233. 7. Short-eared owl (Asio accipitrinus) as a breeding species in the south of Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. , 1895, 252. 8. Notes on the birds of Ettrick. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 21-27. Adam, A. Note sur les surfaces de revolution applicables sin uue surface de revolution donnee, et plus generale- ment sur les surfaces dont les lignes de courbnre d'une famille sont situees dans des plans paralleles et qui sont applicables sur une surface de meme nature. Nouv. Ann. Math., 10, 1891, 18-23. Adam, Achille. *[Notes rneteorologiques faites a] Cap Griz-Nez [Pas de Calais]. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Mrtrorol., 1, 1868, 260, 289 ; 4, 1871, 181 ; 5, 1872, 45. Adam, Clnvix. *On the anatomy and physiology of the smnll muscles of the hand. Arch. Med., 9, 1883, 59-83, 260-276. Adam, (j[eorye], iV I>adenburg, Albert. See Ladenburg A Adam. Adam, Henri. " Caleul de Mnns. DES CARTES" ou "In- troduction a sa Geometric," 1638. Bull. Sci. Math., 20, 1896, 221-248. Adam, (eapit.) L. P. 2. Conference sur le perigraphe instantane du Colonel MANGIN et sur les signaux optiques faite a la Societe Royale des Arts et des Sciences de Maurice (seance du 20 mai 1886). [1886.] Mauritius Hoy. Soc. Trans., 19, 1887, i-xviii. Adam, Paul [Gabriel]. Sur le xylenol brome. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 288-289. 2. Action de quelques chlorures organiques sur le diphenyle en presence du chlorure d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 207-208. 3. Recherches synthetiques sur quelques derives du diphenyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 691-693; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 686-689 ; 49, 1888, 97-102. 4. [Action de divers chlorures organiques sur le diphenyle, en presence de APCl6.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 738 ; Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 224-262. 5. [Preparation de 1'acidedichloropropionique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 103. 6. Sur les emetiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 118, 1894, 1273-1275 ; Jl. Pharm., 30, 1894, 148-151 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 597-602. 7. Sur le borosalicylate de sodium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 204-206. 8. Sur 1'huile de cade. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 580-583. Adam, Paul [Entile]. Demonstration analytique d'un theorems relatif aux surfaces orthogonales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 996-998. 2. Sur le lieu des centres de courbure d'une courbe gauche et sur les courbes gauches a courbure constante. Nouv. Ann. Math., 10, 1891, 142-152. 3. Snr les surfaces isothermiques a ligiies de courbure planes dans un systeme ou dans les deux systemes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., llli, 1893, 1036-1039; Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 10, 1893, 319-358. 4. Sur les surfaces admettant pour lignes de courbure deux series de cercles geodesiques orthogonaux. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 110-115. 5. Sur 1'equation d'EuLER et sur les lignes de cour- luire de 1'ellipsoide. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894. 205-208. 6. Sur la deformation des surfaces. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 551-553; Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23, 1895, 219-240. 7. Sur les systemes orthogonaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 812-815. Adam] 24 I Adamkiewicz 8. Sin1 la deformation des surfaces. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23. 1895, 106-111. 9. Theoreme sur lit deformation des surfaces de translation. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23, 1895, 204-200. 10. Sur un probleme de deformation. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 24, 1896, 28-35. Adam, Peter. Rudimentare Organe bei den Einhufern. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber., 1894, 41-57. Adam, [Johann] Tlieodar. For biographical notice see Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 22, 1896, 4S1-482; Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 22, 1897, 430-432. Adame, - — . Nota sobre el " Hystrix cristata," L. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 (A<-t.), 118-121. Adametz, Leopold. Untersuchungen tiber den Bau und die Zusammensetzung der Muskeln bei verschiedeneu Binderrassen. Landw. Jbiich., 17, 1888, 577-606. 2. Saccharomyces lactis, eiiie neue Milchzucker vergahrende Hefeart. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, llli-120. 3. Bakteriologische Untersuchungen iiber den Reif- ungsprozess der Kase. Laudw. Jbiich., 18, 1889,227-270. 4. Untersuchungen iiber Bacillus lactis viscosus, einen weitverbreiteten milchwirthschaftlicheu Schadling. Landw. Jbiich., 20, 1891, 185-207. 5. 0 pochodzeniu bydta krajowego i jego pokrewi- eristwie z dzisiejsza rasa, iliryjska. (Untersuchungen iiber Bos taurus brachyceros polouicus nebst Bemer- kungen iiber desseu Verwandischaft mil Bos taurus brachyceros illyricus.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1893, 47-66. 6. Untersuchungen iiber das Rind der Wahirna- (Watussi-) Starnme. (Bos zebu africanus Watussi.) Jl. Landw., 42, 1894, 137-155. 7. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Streptokokken der gelben Gait. Jl. Laudw., 42, 1894, 231-241. 8. Ueber Micrococcus Sornthalii. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 1, 1895, 465-473. 9. Studien zur Monographie des illyrischen Rindes. Jl. Landw., 43, 1895, 217-284 ; 44, 1896, 105-136. 10. Untersuchungen iiber den Korperbau der moute- negrinischen Schliige des illyrischen Rindes. Jl. Landw., 44, 1896, 137-157. 11. BELOWS Artenbildung durch Zonenwechsel irn Lichte tierziichterischer Erfahrungen. Jl. Landw., 44, 1896, 159-170. 12. Studien iiber Bos (brachyceros) europjeus, die wilde Starnmform der Brachyceros-Rassen des europai- schen Hausrindes. Jl. Landw., 46, 1898, 269-320. 13. Nowy gatunek dyluwialnego rogatego bydta. [Bos (brachyceros) europteus, ;/..«/>.] [1898.] Krakow, Ak. (Uat.-Przyrud.) Rozpr., 15, 1899, 174-187; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 88-103. Adametz, Leopold, &L Wilckens, Martin. Milehwirth- schaftliche Untersuchungen des thierphyeiologisehen Instituts der k.k. Hochschule fiir Bodencultur in Wieu. Landw. Jbiich., 21, 1892, 131-148. Adami, [Franz]. Das Sonnensystern und der Fixstern- himmel, dargestellt mittels des Projectionsglobus. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1893 (Th. 2, Hiilfle 1), 216-217. 2. Kin Vorschlag zur Wolkenbeobachtuug. Wetter, 17, 1900, 86-88. Adami, [Fran:], & Halbotto, [Franz HV//ic/»i]. Galva- nometer-Versuche. Deutsch. Natf. Vurli., 1899 (Tli. 2, Wilfte 1), 276-279. Adami, (lioi-niiiii Ilattistii. For biography and list uf works sec Bull. Malacol. Ital., 13, 1888, 7-8; Padova, Soc. Sci. Bull., 4, [1887-90J, 166-167. 8. Novita malaeologiche recenti. [1885-86.] Bull. Malacol. Ital., 11, 1885, 204-261. 9. Elenco dei Molluschi terrestri e Huviatili viveuti nella valle dell' Oglio ossia nelle valli Camonica, di Scalve e Borlezza spettanti alle provincie di Bergamo e Brescia. [1886.] Padova, Soc. Sci. Bull., 3, [1884-86], 168-185. Adami, .l[nlm] Heunie. On the nature of pilomerular activity in the kidney. Jl. Physiol., 6, [1885], 382-436. 2. Une epidemic de rage sur uu troupeau de daims. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 3, 1889, 658-663. 3. On the functions of the glomeruli of the kidney; a contribution to the study of albuminuria. Practitioner, 42, 1889, 241-259. 4. On the action of the papillary muscles of the heart. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7, 1892, 78-83. 5. On the disturbances of the body temperature of the fowl which follow total extirpation of the fore-brain. [1891.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7, 1892, 156-159. 6. Syphilis and the liver. N. Y. Med. Jl., 69, 1899, 549-553. 7. On the etiology and symptomatology of goitre. [18!)!l.] Practitioner, 64, 1900, 56-74. Adami, J[uhn] George, & Roy, Charles S[mnrl\. See Roy A- Adami. Adami, .l[iilni] (',eurae, Abbott, Maude E., A Nicholson, F. J. On the diplococcoid form of the colon bacillus. Jl. Exper. Med., 4, 1899, 349-372. Adamjuk, F.milian Valentierie. To reference in No. 4 (Vol. 7) add Ann. d'Oculist., 3, 1870, 108-113. 11. *De 1'etiologie du glaucome. Ann. d'Oculist., 58, 1867, 5-13. 12. Zur Pathologic der Tabes dorsalis. Arch. Augen- heilk., 20. 1889, 307-313. 13. Drei Falle von knochernen Orbitaltumoren. Arch. Augenheilk., 21, 1890, 337-344 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 19, 1890, 234-238. 14. Zur Casuistik der Amaurosis transitoria. [1890.] Arch. Augenheilk., 22, 1891, 10-17. 15. Zur Frage iiber den Einfluss der Chorioidea auf die Ernahrung der Netzhaut. Arch. Augenheilk., 27, 1893, 250-267. 16. Etwas zur Pathologic der Nervi optici. Arch. Augenheilk., 29, 1894, 111-126; Arch. Ophthalm., 26, 1897, 257-258. 17. Zwei Falle von Glaucoma malignum. Arch. Augenheilk., 30, 1895, 242-255; Arch. Ophthalm., 26, 1897, 582-583. 18. Bo.ifaim fBi/rooinymaiomaro annainna r.ia:ta. [Diseases of the apparatus for light perception in the eye.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1895 (Append.) ; 1896 (Append.) ; 1897 (Append.) x + 404 + 580 pp. 19. Ueber traumatischeNetzhautdegeneration. [1897.] Arch. Aiigenheilk., 36, 1898, 114-128. Adamkiewicz, Albert. 32. *Ueber das Newton'sche Gesetz bei der Warmeabgabe der Thiere. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 218. 33. Die anatomischen Veranderungen bei Tabes. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R., 1884 (T. 3, Pxychiatr.), 9. 34. Ueber Gehirncompression. Med. Jbiich., 1884 (.4 HZ.). 123-125. 35. Neue Riickenmarkstinctionen. I. ErgebiiiBse am normalen Gewebe. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 (Abth. 3), 245-265. 36. Neue Riickenmarkstinctionen. II. Ergebnisse der Safraniufarbung am krankeu Ruckenmarksgewebe. Wien, Anzeiger, 21, 1884, 77-79. 37. Die anatomischen Processe der Tabes dorsalis. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 (Abth. 3), 258-282. 38. Ht'rr Professor SCHCLTZK und seine Kritik. Neurol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 391-394. 39. La circulation dans les cellules ganglionnaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 826-829; 102, 1886, 60-61. 40. Les corpuscules nerveux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 621-623. 41. Die Nervenkorperchen. Ein neuer, bisher unbe- kaniitei morphologisobei Bestaudtheil der peripherischen Nerven. Wien, Ak. Sber., 91, 1885 (Abth. 3), 274-284. Adamkiewicz] 25 [Adams 42. Die Ernahrung der Ganglienzelle. Wien, An- zeiger, 22, 1885, 153-154. 43. Die Diffusionselektrode. Neurol. Centrbl., 5, 1886, 219-222, 497-500. 44. Ueber Nervenkorperchen. Wien, Anzeiger, 24, 1887, 266-268. 45. ZurMonoplegiaantesthetiea. Wien. Med. Wschr., 38, 1888, 457-459. 46. Ueber die Nervenkorperchen des Menschen. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 3), 24-43. 47. Ueber Knocheutransplantation. [1888-89.] Wien, Anzeiger, 25, 1889, 250-251; 2ti, 1890, 123-125. 48. Ueber das Verbal ten der Nervenkorperchen in krankeu Nerven. Arcb. Psychintr., 21, 1890, 628-635. 49. Ueber die Steigerung des intracraniellen Druckes und deren Pbiinomene. Int. Med. Congr. Verh. , 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 5), 32-36. 50. Die Arterien des verlangerten Markes vom Uebergang bis zur Briicke. Wien, Ak. Denkscbr., 57, 1890, 481-496; Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 2), 1-2. 51. Ueber das Wesen des vermeintlichen "Hirn- drucks" und die Principien der Behandlung der soge- nannten "Hirudrucksymptome." [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (Abth. 3), 450-485. 52. Ueber die Giftigkeit der bosartigen Geschwiilste (Krebse). [1890.] Wien, Anzeiger, 27, 1891, 121-124. 53. Ueber den apoplectischen Anfall. Wien, Ak. Sber., 100, 1891 (Abth. 3), 229-248. 54. Ueber das Gift und die Zellen der bosartigen Gescbwiilste (Krebse). Wien, Anzeiger, 28, 1891, 34-36. 55. Die Principien einer rationellen Behandlung der bosartigen Geschwiilste (Krebse) tmil die Reactionsfahig- keit derselben. Wien, Anzeiger, 28, 1891, 51-55. 56. Ueber die Keactionen der Carciuome und dereu Heilwertb. Wien, Anzeiger, 28, 1891, 163-167. 57. Untersuchungen u'ber den Krebs. Wien, Au- zeiger, 29, 1892, 14-15. 58. Ueber die Stauungspapille. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 802-803. 59. Ueber den Krebs. Wien. Med. Wscbr., 43, 1893, 964-965. 60. ZurReaktionderCarcinome. Wien. Med. Wscbr., 43, 1893, 1291-1293. 61. Zu Herrn Prof. FLECHSIG'S Mittbeiluug : Ueber ein neues Eiutheilungsprincip der Grosshirnobertiache. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 807-809; 14, 1895, 70-77, 192. 62. Die heilbare und die stationare Form der syphi- litischen Ruckenmarkschwindsucht und die Beziebungen beider zu den Gefassen. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Myelitis capillaris und zum cbronischen Infarkt des Riickenmarkes. Wieu. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 2073- 2079, 2128-2133, 2183-2186. 63. Ueber den sogen. "Hirndruck," die Bewegung der Cerebrospinalfliissigkeit iui Schiidel und den " Druck im Gehirn." Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 434-438. 64. h-a.ndavoti.la. Gedachtnissstiitzigkeit. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 753-756, 805-810. 65. "Hirndruck" und Druck im Gehirn. Eiu Beitrag zur Lehre von der Stromung der physiologischen und der Stase der pathologisehen Fliissigkeiten im Schadel. Wien. Med. Wscbr., 47, 1897, 1329-1333, 13111-1394, 1432-1435. 66. Vom Zittern. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 2081-2084. 67. Die Phanomene der Gehirukompression. Wieu. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 2225-2228, 2278-2282, 2353- 2356, 2391-2394. 68. Der Blutschutz des verlangerten Markes. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 295-300. 69. Ueber die Wiederkehr des verschwundeuen Knie- phanomens. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 338-343. R. 8. A. C. 70. Zur klinischen Differenzialdiagnose zwiscben Carcinomen und Sarkomen. Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. Jubil.), 1899, 199-201 ; Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 37, 1899, 705-707. 71. Zum Blutgefiissapparat der Ganglienzelle. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 44-48. 72. Stehen alle Ganglienzellerj mit den Blutgefiissen in directer Verbindung? Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 2-6. 73. Das Regenbogensehen. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 642-645. 74. Ueber Gefiihlsinterferenzen. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 882. Adamoli, Giulio. Assign to this author title (Vol. 7) under Adamoli, Jules. 2. *Kicordi d' un viaggio nelle steppe dei Kirghisi e nel Turkestan. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll. , 7, 1872, 95-107. 3. *Viaggio al Marocco. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 13, 1876, 630-646. Adamovic, Alois. Nachtragliches zur "Flora von Siid- bosuien und der angrenzenden Herzegowina " des Dr Giinther Bitter VON BECK. Deutsche Bot. Mschr. , 7, 1889, 113-118. Adamovic, Liijo. Beitrage zur Flora von Siidostserbien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 42, 1892, 404-409; 43, 1893, 171-173. 2. Neue Beitrage zur Flora von Serbien. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 57-59, 79-81, 95-96, 116-120. 3. Die Vegetationsformationen Ostserbiens. [1898.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 26, 1899, 124-218. 4. Kritische floristische Bemerkungen zur Flora von Serbien. Allg. Bot, Ztschr., 1899, 37-39, 54-55, 73-74, 113-114 ; 1900, 37-^40. 5. Zu Delphinium midxurense, Formott. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 89-90. 6. Neue Beitrage zur Flora von Serbien. Bot. Centrbl., 78, 1899, 289-297. 7. Die mediterranen Elemente der serbischen Flora. [1899.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 27, 1900, 351-389. Adams, A. C., & Kendall, William C. Report upon an investigation of the tishing grounds off the west coast of Florida. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 9, 1891, 289-312. Adams, Alexander J. S. S. Lightning photography. Electrician, 23, 1889, 304-305. 6. The contour of some cosmical variations and their apparent teaching. Electrician, 27, 1891, 413—416. Adams, Andrew Leith. For biographical notice and works see Scott. Natlist., 7, 1883-84, 41-43. 35. *0n the dentition and osteology of the Maltese fossil elephants, being a description of remains dis- covered by the author in Malta between the years 1860 and 1866. [1873.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 9, 1877, 1-124. 36. 'Monograph on the British fossil elephants. Palseont. Soc. Monogr., 31, 1877; 33, 1879; 35, 1881, 265 pp. (in all). Adams, Arthur L. Stave pipe, its economic design and the economy of its use. [With discussion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 41, 1899, 27-84. Adams, Benjamin F., & Van Niiys, Tlioninx C[harlton]. See Van Niiys & Adams. Adams, C. F. An apparatus for the determination of the coefficient of expansion of air at constant pressure. Phys. Rev., 10, 1900, 178-179. Adams, G. IF. 3. On the construction of hypsometrical tables. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 503. Adams, Charles Baker. To biographical reference (Vol. 7) add Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 4, 1888, 123-126. Adams, Charles C[hristopher], Variation in lo. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1900, 208-225. 2. Odonata from Arkansas. Philad., Ent. News., 11, 1900, 621-622. 3. Geographical distribution of variations in lo. [1900.] Science, 13, 1901, 113. 4. Base-leveling and its faunal significance, with 4 Adams] 26 [Adams illustrations from south -eastern United States. [1900.] Science, 13, 1901, 373. Adams, F . L., Curl, A. 11., & Smith, E. F. Observations of sunspots, made at Boston University Observatory. ll'.iOO.] Astr. Jl., 21, 1901, 31-32. Adams, Frank Dawson. 4. On the occurrence of the Norwegian " apatitbringer " in Canada, with a few notes on the microscopic characters of some Laurtntian am- phibolites. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 717. 5. On the presence of zones of certain silicates about the olivine occurring in anorthosite rocks from the river Saguenay. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1886, 1087-1090. 6. On the coal-bearing rocks of Canada. Brit. Ass. Eep. , 1886, 639-641. 7. The anorthosite rocks of Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 666-667. 8. Notes on the lithological character of some of the rocks collected in the Yukon district and adjacent northern portion of British Columbia. [1888.] Canada Geol. Snrv. Rep., 3, 1889, B235-B240. 9. On the microscopical character of the ore of the Treadwell mine, Alaska. Amer. Geologist, 4, 1889, 88-93. 10. On some granites from British Columbia and the adjacent parts of Alaska and the Yukon district. Canad. Rec. Sci., 4, 1891, 344-358. 11. Notes to accompany a tabulation of the igneous rocks based on the system of Prof. H. ROSENBUSCH. Canad. Rec. Sci., 4, 1891, 463-469. 12. On the geology of the St. Clair tunnel. [1891.] Canada Hoy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1892 (.Sir/. 4), 67-75. 13. On a melilite-bearing rock (aluoite) from Ste. Anne de Bellevue near Montreal, Canada. Amer. .11. Sci., 43, 1892, 269-279. 14. On the typical Laurentian area of Canada. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 1, 1893, 325-340. 15. Ueber das Norian oder Ober-Laurentian von Canada. Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 8, 1893, 419-498. 16. On the occurrence of a large area of nepheline syenite in the township of Dungaunon, Ontario. Amer. .71. Sci., 48, 1894, 10-16. 17. Preliminary report on the geology of a portion of Central Ontario situated in the counties of Victoria, Peterborough and Hastings, together with the results of an examination of certain ore deposits occurring in the region. [1894.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 6, 1895, J1-J15. 18. A further contribution to our knowledge of the Laurentian. Amer. Jl. Sci., 50, 1895, 58-69. 19. The gold deposits of Mount Morgan, Queensland. [1895.] Canad. Rec. Sci., (i, 1896, 329-341. 20. Laurentian area [north of the St. Lawrence river]. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 7, 1896, J93-J112. 21. The embankments of the river Po. Science, 3, 1896, 759-761. 22. Report on the geology of a portion of the Laurentian area lying to the north of the island of Montreal. [1896.]' Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 8, 1897, J1-J184. 23. On the structure and origin of certain rocks of the Laurentian system. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 665-666. 24. Notes on the geology of the Admiralty group of the Thousand Islands, Ontario. Canad. Rec. Sci., 7, 1897, 267 (6is)-272 (i/s). 25. Nodular granite from Pine Lake, Ontario. [1897.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 9, 1898, 163-172. 26. Notes on the geology of Montreal and vicinity. [1897.] Science, 7, 1898, 51-52. 27. On the probable occurrence of a large area of nepheline-bearing rocks on the north-east coast of Lake Superior. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 8, 1900, 322-325. 28. Studies in the geology of the vicinity of Montreal which might be undertaken by members of the Natural History Society. [1899.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 8, 1902, 65-70. Adams, Frank Dawson, & Barlow, Alfred Ernest. On the origin and relations of the Grenville and Hastings series in the Canadian Laurentian. [1896.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 173-179. Adams, Frank Tiinrxon, 5. 2. Rare Diptera taken in the New Forest in 1896. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 233. 3. A new British Dipteron : Ceroplatus sesioides, WahUt. 1 Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 276. 4. List of Diptera taken in the New Forest, with some remarks on the season 1898. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 95. Adams, George. The design of transformers. Elect. Rev., 37, 1895, 86-87, 95, 124-125, 698-700. 2. The geometrical form of transformer plates. Elect. Rev., 37, 1895, 7*7-788. 3. Hysteresis, frictional and eddy-current losses in continuous-current dynamos. Electrician, 35, 1895, 319-320. Adams, (iearue I. Two new species of Dinictis from the \Vhite river beds. Anii-r. Natlist., 29, 1895, 573-578. 2. The extinct Felid* of North America. Amer. Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 419-444. 3. On the species of Hoplophoneus. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 46-52. 4. A geologic section from Galena to Wellington. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 1, 1896, 16-30. 5. A section from Manhattan to Abilene. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 1, 1896, 124-128. 6. On the extinct Felida=. Amer. Jl. Sci., 4, 1897, 145-148. 7. The Upper Cretaceous of Kansas : a historical review. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 4, 1898, 13-27. 8. A geological map of Logan and Gove counties. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 19-20. 9. A geological reconnoissauce in Grant, Garfield and Woods counties, Oklahoma. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 121-124 10. Geology and paleontology. Physiography of south-eastern Kansas. [1897.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 10, 1899, 53-63; Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 87-102. 11. Physiography of the Arkansas valley region. Science, 11, 1900, 508. Adams, <;.<>n/,- /. , & Taff, Jmseph A. /vv Taff it Adams. Adams, .faints. For biographical notice and works tee Glasgow Med. Jl., 53, 1900, 46-47. Adams, Jaws. 2. On the botany of Te Aroha mountain. [1884.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 17, 1885, 275-287. 3. The land Mollusca of the Thames goldfields. [1886.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., Ill, 1887, 177-181. 4. On the botany of Te Moehau mountain, Cape Colville. [1888.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 21, 1889, 32-41, [v]. 5. On the botany of Hikunuigi mountain. [1«97. | N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 30, 1898, 414-433. Adams] 27 [Adams lams, James. [Presidential address, Nov. 23rd, 1900.] With a description of " raised beaches." Eastbourne Ada With a descripti( Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 3 (1894-1902), 287-292. Adams, John. Hordeum sylvaticum in Ireland. With notes on other Co. Antrim plants. Irish Natlist., 8, 1899, 58-59. Adams, John Couch. For biography and works see Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 248; Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 112; Educ. Times, 45, 1892, 70-71 ; Engineers Soc. Trans., 1892, 251-251) ; Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljschr., 27, 1892, 168- 171, 314; Leopoldiua, 28, 1892, 56; London Phys. Soc. I'l".-., 11, 1892 (Ann. Meet., 1892), 11-13; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 5, 1892, 186-187 ; Nature, 45, 1892, H01-302; Observatory, London, 15, 1892, 173- 189; Amer. Ac. Proc., 27, 1893, 444-446; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893, 184-209, [348]; Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 630 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 20, 1895, i-v. 44. *Reuiarks on Mr. STONE'S explanation of the large and increasing errors of HANSEN'S lunar tables by means of a supposed change in the unit of mean solar time. [1883.] Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 44, 1884, 43-47. 45. On the general values of the obliquity of the ecliptic, and of the precession and inclination of the equator to the invariable plane, taking into account terms of the second order. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1884, 07-71. 46. Remarks on Major-General TENNANT'S paper "On the change in the adopted unit of time." Astr. Soc. Month. Not.. 44, 1884, 82-84. 47. On the definition of mean solar time. Observa- tory, London, 7, 1884, 42-44. 48. Note on Sir William THOMSON'S correction of the ordinary equilibrium theory of the tides. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 541. 49. HILL on the lunar inequalities due to the ellipticity of the Earth. Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 118-120. 50. Observations of the planet Sappho made at the Cambridge Observatory with the Northumberland equatorial and square bar-micrometer. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 47,1887, 553-554. 51. Supplementary note on the values of the Napierian logarithms of 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10, and of the modulus of common logarithms. Roy. Soc. Proc., 42, 1887, 22-25. 52. Remarks on Sir George AIBV'S "Numerical lunar theory." Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 319-322. 53. Observations of Sappho, made at the Cambridge Observatory by Mr. A. GKAHAJI with the Northumberland equatorial and square bar-micrometer. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 337-338. 54. Observations of the planets Victoria and Sappho, made with the Cambridge transit circle in the year 1889. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 50, 1890, 404-407. 55. Comparison of the places of the moon deduced from BCKCKHARDT'S and HANSEN'S tables for every Greenwich mean midnight during the years 1847-62, together with a corrected comparison of HANSEN'S tables with the Greenwich observations during the years 1847-61. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 50, 1890, [3]-[39]. 56. On certain approximate formulas for calculating the trajectories of shot. Nature, 41, 1890, 258-262. 57. Mean right ascensions and north polar distances for January 1, 1889, of comparison stars for the planets Victoria and Sappho. Observed with the Cambridge transit circle. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 344-355. Adams, Lionel E[rnext]. Derbyshire from a couchological point of view. [1890.] Jl. Conch., U, 1889-91, 247-249. 2. List of Manks land and fresh- water shells. [1888.] Yn Lioar Manninagh, 1, [1894], Ft. 2, 9-10. 3. A theory as to the possible introduction of Hydrobia (Paludestrina) Jenkinsi [into England]. [1892.] Jl'. Conch., 7, 1892-94, 148-150. 4. Conchology as a popular science. [1893.] North- ampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 204-212. 5. Craniology : the study of skulls. [1893.] North- ampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 283-288. 6. Hydrobia ( Paludestrina) Jenkinsi at Lewes. [1894.] Jl. Couch. , 7, 1892-94, 390. 7. The Mollusca of Northamptonshire. [1895.] Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1894-95, 255-267. 8. Interesting Kentish forms. [1895.] Jl. Conch., 8, 1895-97, 316-320. 9. The mammalian fauna of Northamptonshire. [1896.] Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 9, 1896-97, 117-130. 10. Land and freshwater Mollusca of the Ballycastle district. Irish Natlist., C, 1897, 179-183. 11. Paludestrina [Hydrobia] Jenkinsi, Smith, a new Irish shell. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 234-236. 12. Observations on the pairing of Limax maxunus, L. [1897.] Jl. Conch., 9, 1898-1900, 92-95. 13. Hyalinia Draparnaudi, Beck, in North Ireland? Irish Natlist., 7, 1898, 82-83. 14. Paludestrina Jenkiusi, Smith, var. minor, nov. in South Ireland. Irish Natlist., 7, 1898, 199. 15. A plea for owls and kestrels. [1898.] North- ampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 10 (1898-1900), 45-55. 16. Observations on some British land and fresh- water shells. [1899.] Jl. Couch., 9, 1898-1900, 297-302. 17. Halichserus gryphus in the Isle of Man. [1899.] Yn Lioar Manninagh, 3, [1902], 451. Adams, Lionel E[rntst], & Stubbs, Arthur G. See Stubbs A- Adams. Adams, Lionel E[rnest], & Wright, , Ref.), 81. 11. Rocas eruptivas de la provincia de Barcelona. [1898.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 2, 1892-1900, 359-369 ; Paris, Soe. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 831-839. Adanson, [Paul Napoleon] Doumet-. Sen Doftmet- Adanson. Adanson, II. ill' Rocquigny-. See Rocquigny- Adanson. Adcock, G. H. On the flora of Australia. Hortic. Soc. .11., 22 (1898-99), 83-94. Adda, Kiilmdn. Geologische Verhaltnisse von Koruia, Mehadika und Pervova im Krassb-Szorenyer Comitatt. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1894, 105-128. 2. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse der sudwestlichen Gegend von Teregova und der Umgebung von Temes- Kovesd. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1895, 85-100. 3. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse von Lukarecz und Umgebung. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1896, 129-155 ; 1897, 165. 4. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse des Gebietes zwi- sclien dem Thale der Beregsz6 und dem Begarlusse im Comitate Temes. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1897, 157- 165. 5. Zemplen varuiegye eszaki reszenek foldtani es petroleum elofordulasi viszonyai. [Geologische Auf- nameu im Interesse von Petroleum. Schiirfungeu im nordlichen Teile des Comitates Zemplen in Ungarn.] [1898.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 12, 1895-98, 231-278 ; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 12. 1900-01, 263-319. 6. Die geologischeu Verhaltnisse des ncirdlichen Teiles des Comitates Ternes und des nordwestlichen Teiles des Comitates Krasso-Szureny, der Gegeud des Kizdia- und Minis-Thales, siidlich bis zur Bega. Ung. Geol. Aust. Jber., 1898, 156-177. 7. Az ujvideki varosi artezi kiitrul. [Der artesische Brunnen von Ujvidek.] [1898.] Foldt. Kozlon., 29, 1899, 13-15, 107-109. 8. Petroleum kutatasok erdekeben Zemplen es Saros varmegyekben megtett fuldtani felvetelekrol. [Geolo- gische Aufnamenim Interesse vonPetroleum-Schuri'uugeu in den Comitaten Zemplen und Saros.] [1900.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 13, 1899-1902, 119-165 ; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 13, 1899-1902, 145-198. Adda, Lorenzo if. La production du petrole et les » necessites de la navigation a venir. [Tr.] [1896.] Rev. Maritime et Colon., 133, 1897, 140-150. Addario, Cfurme/o]. Versuche iiber das Eindringen geliister Substauzen durt-h Diffusion in die vordere Augenkanimer, nach Injection unter die Biudehaut. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 48, 1899, 362-374. 2. Ueber den Nachweis von Quecksilberchlorid im Humor aquens uach Injection unter die Bindehaut. Experimentelle Untersuchuugeu. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 48, 1899, 375-383. 3. Anatomische und bacteriulogische Uutersuchungen iiber das Trachom. Arch. Augenheilk., 41, 1900, 20-37. Addario, C[arnu'lu], & Leber, Tli[endor]. See Letter & Addario. Addenbrooke, G. L. The standard stops. Photogr. .11., 8, 1884, 52-54. 2. A lens tube with iris diaphragm and adjustable exposer and a combination set of lenses for use in such a tube. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 12, 1888, 122- 125. 3. The action of alternating currents on dielectrics. Elect. Rev., 35, 1894, 315, 376, 400-401. 4. High-voltage lamps, and their influence on central station practice. [With discussion.] [1896.] Inst. Elect. Eugin. JL, 25, 1897, 195-223, 268-298. Addiego, G. d'. I ferrnenti selezionati nella fabbrieazione del burro. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Euol. Riv., 4, 1898, 457-460, 497-499, 513-518, 536-539, 556-559; 5, 1899, 9-11, 32-35. Addison, Christopher. On the topographical anatomy of the abdominal viscera, especially the gastro-intestinal canal in man. [1898.] Roy. Soc. Proe., 64, 1899, 156- 162; Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 565-586; 34, 1900, 427-450. Addison, William L. T. On atom forms, as deduced from the crystalline modifications of the elements. [1897.] Chem. News, 77, 1898, 251-254. Addor, Georges. [La justice des corneilles.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 29, 1893, xxvii-xxviii. Addyman, Frank T[hornton]. Action of sulphuric acid on the bromides of potassium, sodium, and hydrogen. Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 94-102. Adelmann, Georg Franz Blasius von. For biographical notice and works see Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 114-115 ; St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 13, 1888, 224. 2. Der jetzige Stand und Ausdehnung der chirur- gischen Plastik. Wien. Med. Wschr., 34, 1884, 440-443, 468-472, 508-512, 540-544, 573-576. Adelphe, (le frere), & Gonnard, h'l'nliiiuntl. .sVv Gonnard ,\ Adelphe. Adelung] 30 Adelung, Xicolai ran. Beitrage zur Eenntnis des tibialen Gehorapparates der Locustiden. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 54. 1892. 316-349. Adeney, H'[aZ(er] Earnest']. On an apparatus applicable for gas analysis and other purposes. [1890.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc.. 6. 1888-90, 542-555. 2. On the formation of peaty colouring matters in sewage by the action of micro-organisms. Brit. A--. Rep.. 1891. 612. 3. The chemical bacteriology of sewage : its hygienic aspect. [1892.] Jl. State Med.. 1. 1892-93, 78-89. 4. Note on the present condition of the water in the reservoir at Roundwood. [1894.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 8. 1893-98. 208-214. 5. On the reduction of manganese peroxide in sewage. [1894.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 8, 1893-98, 247-2-51. 6. On the chemical examination of organic matters in river waters. [1895.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 8, 1893-98. 337-343. 7. The course and nature of fermentative changes in natural and polluted waters, and in artificial solutions, as indicated bv the composition of the dissolved gn [1895-97.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 5, 1893-96, 539-620; 6, 1898, 2D9-2S1. 8. Studies in the chemical analysis of fresh and salt waters. Part I. Applications of the aeration method of analysis t» the studv of river waters. [1900.] Dublin Soc." Sci. Proc.. 9. 1899-1902. 346-361. Adeney, n~[aZttr] E[rnesf], & Carson, -James. On the mounting of the large Rowland spectrometer in the Royal University of Ireland. [1898.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 8, 1893-98. 711-716. Adeney. W[atter~\ E[rnfs(\, & Hartley, Walter Noel. See Hartley tv Adeney. Adeney, W\atieT~]E[rnrsi\,&&tiegQS,1\hamas\A\lexandeT]. On a combination of wet and dry methods in chemical analysis. Part I. [1891.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 7, 1891-92, 99-111. Adenot, K. Rechercb.es bacteriologiques sur nn cas de in. n ngite microbienne. Arch. Med. Exper., 1. 1889, 656-672. 2. L'appendiciteet le bacterium coli commune. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (f. /;.), 740-742. 3. Monstre humain double. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem.. 31. 1892 |C. A'.), 164-165. 4. Retention des regies par imperf oration de 1'hymen. 1- '•_>.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 32, 1893 (C. R.), 34-35. 5. Nouvelle note a propos de 1'origine ossense de certfiiues ulcerations tuberculeuses en apparence ex- clusivement eutanees. Ann. de Dermatol., 6. 1895. 617-630. Adenot, E., i Goullioud, [Pauf]. See Goulliond & Adenot. Adenot, £., & Vialleton, L[i,nix]. Kee ViaUeton A- Adenot. Adensamer, Tlieoilor. For biographical notice and works see Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 50, 1900, 579-580. Zur Kenntnis der Anatomie und Histologie von Scutigera coleoptrata. [1893.] Wien, Zool. Bot. Verb.., 43, 1894 (Alh.), 573-578. 2. Ueber das Auge von Scutigera coleoptrata. [1893.] Wien, Zool. Bot. Verh., 43, 1894 (Sber.), 8-9. 3. Die Coxaldriise von Telyphonus caudatns. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 424-425. 4. Ueber Ascodipteron phyllorhinas (n. g. el n. .-;».), eine eigenthiimliche Pupiparenform. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 1), 400-416. 5. Revision der Pinnotheriden in der Sammlung des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums in Wien. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 12, 1897, 105-110. 6. Berichte der Commission fur Erforschnn^ <\r* • •-t lichen Mittelmeeres. Zoologische Ergebnisse. XI. [Adie Decapoden. Gesammelt anf S. M. Schiff Pola in den Jahren 1890-94. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 6-5, 1898, 597- 628. Ader, [Clement]. 7. Le phono-signal pour la telegraphic sous-marine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 837-839. 8. Snr un noavel appareil enregistreur pour cables sous-marins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1440-1442. 9. Sur des appareils d'aviatiou. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126. 1898, 1553-1555. Aderhold, Rudolf. Beitrag zur Kenutuis richtender Krafte bei der Bewegung niederer Organismeu. Jena. Ztschr.. 22, 1888. 310-342. 2. Studien iiber eine gegenwartig in Mornbach b. Mainz herrschende Krankheit der Aprikosenbaume und fiber die Erscheinungen der Blattranddiirre. Landw. Jbiich., 22, 1893, 435-467. 3. Die Perithecienform von Fusicladium dendriticum, ir. Adie. Adie, Ilii-hnrii Haliburton, & Wuir, M[atthor] 3f[oncrieff] Pattison. See Dloir it Adie. Adie, Hii-hnril Haliburton, i Wood, Thomas Barlotc. A new method of estimating potassium. Chem. Soc. Jl., 77. 1900 (Pt. -2), 1076-1080. Adil Bey, , & Nicolle, 31. See Nicolle & Adil Bey. Adkin, Robert. Notes on collecting at Eastbourne. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1887. 82-86. 2. [The distribution of Spilosoma mendica in Ireland.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc.. 1887, 90-91. 3. The influence of meteorological conditions upon insect life. Entomologist, 22, 1889, 7-9. 4. [Notes on P>etinea resinella, £..] [1889.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1888-89. 160-163 ; Entomo- logist, 23, 1890, 76-77. 5. On the occasional abundance of certain species of Lepidoptera in the British Islands. [1890.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1890-91, 62-79, (Discussion 28-29). 6. On the occasional abundance of certain species of Lepidoptera. Entomologist, 24, 1891, 60-62. 7. Notes on the genus Triphtena, Orh. [1891.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1890-91, 150-157. 8. The past wet summer and its probable effect upon the development of Lepidoptera. Entomologist, 25. 1892, 25-26. 9. Ephestia kuhniella. Entomologist, 25, 1892. 53-54. 10. On some Macro-Lepidoptera collected at Kannoch in 1891. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 105-110. 11. Colour- variation in the ova of Biston hirtaria. Entomologist. 25, 1892, 129-130. 12. On the recent abundance of Plusia gamma and Vanessa cardui. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 159-162. 13. Notes on the cocoons of Eriogaster lanestris, L. [1892.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1892-93, 67-69. 14. On a collection of Lepidoptera from the Scilly Isles. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 9-12. 15. A curious aberration of Erebia -Ethiops. Ento- mologist, 27, 1894, 301. 16. Carpocapsa pornonella a nut-feeder. Entomo- logist, 29, 1896, 2-3. 17. Further notes on Triphsena comes, Hb. (orbona, Fub.). S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1896, 93-99, (Discussion 38-39). 18. What is the cause of melanism in the Scotch specimens of Triphaena comes, Hb. (orbona, Fb.)? S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1896, 102-105. 19. Notes on Acidalia marginepunctata. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1896, 108-110. 20. Notes on the earlier stages of the second brood of Cyaniris (Lvcsna) argiolus. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist.' Soc. Proc., 1896, 110-116. 21. Yarietiesof Abraxas grossulariata. Entomologist, 30, 1897, 25. 22. Spilosoma mendica and its far. rustica interbred. Entomologist, 30, 1897. 205-206. 23. [Note on Eugonia quercinaria.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1898. 94-96. 24. On the pupation of Cossus ligniperda. S.London Ent. Nat. Hi.-t. Soc. Proc., 1900, 1—5. 25. [Note on the pupation of Sesia.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc.. 1900, 79. Adkins, Henry. Relations between the atomic weights. Chem. News, 65. 1892, 123-124. Adlam, R. IT. A trip to the Polela. Gard. Chron., 25, 1886. 425-426. 2. Natal to the Transvaal. Gard. Chron., 1, 1887. 610, 766-767. 3. A visit to the Durban Botanic Gardens. Gard. Chron., 3, 1888, 299-300. 4. Natal notes. il;/]. 2. Ueber das Wandern der Extremitiitenplexus und des Sacrum bei Triton tieniatus. Morphol. Jbuch., 25, 1898, 544-554. 3. Ueber das Verhalten des zweiteu Brustnerven zuui Plexus branchialis beim Menschen. [1898.] Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 98-104. 4. Ueber die Wirbelsaule und den Brustkorb zweier Hunde. Morphol. Jbuch., 27, 1899, 299-308. Adolphi, If'ilhelm. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chehn- linsiiure. Arch. Pharm., 230, 1892, 684-705. 2. Zur Kenntniss des Espen-Theeres. Arch. Pharm., 232, 1894, 321-328; St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 3, 1896, 33-39. Adriaenaen, J., & Haeck, P. Lijst van meer of minder zeldzame plnnten uit de omstreken van Turnhout. Eene bijdrage tot de kruidkundige kaart van Belgie. Bot. Jaarb., 4, 1892, 240-250. Adrian, [llitiin]. Die verschiedenen gebrauchlichen An- asthetica, ihre Wirkungsweise und die Gefahren bei ibrer Anwendung. Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 377- 380, 420-423, 465-467, 502-504, 543-544, 584-586, 625- 628, 668-670, 704-707, 744-746, 800-803. Adrian] 33 [Aducco Adrian, Carl. Ueber den Einfluss taglich einmaliger oder fractionirter Nahrungsaufnahme auf den Stoffwechsel des Hundes. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 17, 1893 616-633- 19, 1894, 123-136. Adrian, L[oitis] A[lphonse]. Assign to this author titles (Tills. 1 * 9) under Adrian, . 3. Sur la piligauine, alcalo'ide d'une Lycopodiaci'-e originaire du Bresil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 102, 1886 1322-1323. 4. Nouvelle falsification du safrau. .11. Pharm., 19 1889, 98-103. 5. [Methode pour distinguer le tannin a 1'eau dn tannin a 1'alcool.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 5!)5. 6. Note sur la variabilite de la teneur en morphine et nareotiue des differeuts opiums. Jl. Pharm., 24, 1891, 526-528. 7. Gaiacol et creosotes ; methode rapide et facile d'analyse. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 174-176. 8. Du dosage du gaiacol par la demethylation. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 286-289. 9. Note sur le salicylate de methyle. Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 422-424. Adrian, L[oiiis] A[lplwnse], & Bougarel, [Charles]. Sur un uouveau procede industrial permettant de separer directernent la baryte d'un sel de strontium iiuelconque. .11. Pharm., 25, 1892, 345-348. Adrian, L[on/s] A[lphonse], & Gallois, E. Note sur les essais d'opium. Jl. Pharm., 15, 1887, 193-197. Adrian, L[ouis] A[lplionse], & Trillat, [,/.] A[ugmtt]. Sur le phosphoglycerate de chaux. Jl. Pharm., 0, 1897, 433-438, 481^85. 2. Dosage des glycerophosphates aeides. Ann. Chim. Anal., 3, 1898, 192-193. 3. Sur les phosphoglycerates acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1215-1218; Jl. Pharm., 7. 1898, 527- 532; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 455-459. 4. Sur un nouveau priucipe cristallise, retire de la grande absinthe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 127, 1898, 874- 876; Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 531-533; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 1014-1016. 5. Sur le phosphoglycerate de chaux et sur le dosage des phosphoglycerates ueutres. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 263-266; Jl. Pharm., 7,1898, 163-165,225-226 [Part only]. 6. Contribution a 1'etude de la reaction de 1'acide phosphorique sur la glycerine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 266-270; Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 226-230. 7. Sur les phosphoglyce'rates organiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 684-688; Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 158-163; 8. Sur 1'auabsinthine, substance nouvelle retiree de 1'absinthe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 12M, 1899, 115-117; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, '.17-99; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 234-239. 9. Sur la matiere colorante de la digitate. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 889-890; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 91-93. Adriani, J[o!iannes] H[crmanus]. Sur la nature du sorbose inactif. Bee. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 183-185. 2. Erstarrungs- und Umwandlungserscheinungeu optischer Antipoden. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 33, 1900, 453-476. 3. Eutectische lijuen bij stelsels van drie stoffen, waarvan twee optische antipodeu zijn. Eutectic curves in systems of three substances of which two are optical antipodes. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 438-442; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 3, 1901, 463-467. Adrianov, A. V. [1] (Vvt. 12). JoiICTOplI'ieCKia MorH.m BT> oKpecTHOCTHxi MiiHyciiHCKa. St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 19, 1884 (Pt. 2), 246-251. 2. nyreUieCTBie B1> 1883 r. [Journey in B. 8. A. C. East Siberia in 1883.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 19, 1884 (Pt. 2), 349-355. 3. *06l, 3KcnefllIIUn Ha AlTaft. [On the expedi- tion to the Altai.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 4), 1887, 289-290. 4. IlyTeiiiecTBic iia A.rrail 11 aa CaaHLi, I'OBepmeHHOe Wb 1881 rojiy [Journey in the Altai and beyond the Sayan made in 1881.] St. Petersb., Soc. Busse Geogr. M«5m. (Geogr.), 11, 1888, 147-422. Aducco, Vittorio. Contributo alia tisiologia del tetano dei muscoli striati. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1885, 1081-1094. 2. La reaction de 1'urine et ses rapports avec le travail muscnlaire. Arch. Ital. Biol., 8, 1887, 238-251. 3. Esperienze sopra 1" azione fisiologica delle basi tossiche dell' orina normale. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 521-541. 4. Espirazione attiva ed inspirazione passiva. [1*87.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 22, 1886-87, 516-538; Arch. Ital. Biol., 8, 1887, 194-217. 5. Sur 1'existence de bases toxiques dans les urines physiologiques. [1887.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 9, 1888, 203-213. 6. La sostanza colorante rossa dell' Eustrongylus gigas. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 2), 187-194, 213-220. 7. Sur 1'excitabilite de la substance grise dans la zone motrice de 1'ecorce cerebrale. [1888.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 11, 1889, 192-194. 8. Azione della luce sopra la durata della vita, la perdita in peso, la temperature, e la quantita di glico- geuo epatico e rnuscolare nei colombi sottoposti al digiuno. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Scm. 1), 684-689. 9. Centre espiratorio ed espirazione forzata. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 24, 1889, 446-465. 10. Sur 1'existence et sur la nature du centre respiratoire bulbaire. [1889.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 13 1890, 89-123. 11. Action de 1'anemie sur 1'excitabilite des centres nerveux. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bil. 2, Abth. 2) 70-72. 12. Sur un cas d'inhibition respiratoire. [1890.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 14, 1891, 333-343. 13. Action du carbonate de sodium injecte vers les centres nerveux. [1890.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 14, 1891 344-373. 14. Reeherches sur la fonction vaso-inotrice de la moelle ^piniere. [1890.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 14 1891 373-383. 15. Modifications de 1'excitabilite des centres nerveux daus les premiers jours de la vie. Arch. Ital. Biol., 18, 1893, 1-18. 16. Sur uu pigment de la bile du crapaud. Arch. Ital. Biol., 19, 1893, 98-104. 17. Influence du jeune sur 1'intensite d'action de quelques substances toxiques. Arch. Ital. Biol 19, 1893, 441-447. 18. Action plus intense de la cocaine quand on en repete 1'admiuistration a court intervalle. Arch. Ital Biol., 20, 1894, 32-43. 19. Le pheuoniene de la rarefaction expiratoire du battement cardiaque chez les chiens a jeun. Arch. Ital Biol., 21, 1894, 412-415. 20. Action inuibitrice du chlorure de sodium sur les mouvements respiratoires et sur les mouvements cardi- aques des chiens a jeun. Arch. Ital. Biol., 21, 1894, 418-422. 21. Differenze del modo di reagire di alcuni verte- brati sottoposti all' azione della cocaina. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Fisiol.), 160. Aducco, Vittorio, & iWosso, Uyolinu. Esperieuze fisiu- 5 Aducco] 34 [Agafonov logiche intorno all' azione della sulfinide benzoica o saeearina di FAHLBERG. Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886. 407- 422; Arch. Ital. Biol., 7, 1886, 158-171. 2. Applications therapeutiques de la sulfinide benxoique ou saccharine de FAHLBEBO. Arch. Ital. Biol., 8, 1887, 22-36. Ady, Julin Ernest. The evolution of modern petrography. N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1884, 71-76. 2. Observations on the preparation of mineral and rock sections for the microscope. [1884.] Min. Mag., 6, 1886, 127-133. Aebi, H'ulther, & Kelirmnnn, Frieilrieh. See Kehrmann & Aebi. Aeby, t'hristupli Theodor. For biography and works see Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1884-85, 111-127; Fortschr. Med., 3 (1885, Beil.), 113 ; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 211-212; Wien. Med. Wschr., 35, 1885, 900; Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 12, 1886, 134. 39. *Ueber Knochenwachsthum. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 126. 40. *Ueber das histologische Verhalten fossilen Knochen- und Zahngewebes. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 225. 41. *Ueber Formenverschiedenheit der kindlichen und erwachsecen Wirbelsaule. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 56. 42. *Ueber das Verhaltniss der Mikrocephalie zum Atavismus. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 112-120. 43. "Die Architectur des Bronchialbaumes der Saugethierluuge. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 258. 44. Die Herkunft des Pignaentes im Epithel. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 273-275. Aeby, ./[M/IUX] H. Beitrag zur Frage der Stickstoffernah- rung der Pflanzen. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 409-439. Aeby, J[ulius] H., Wagner, Paul, Dorsch, R., A IVIatz, Fr. See Wagner, Aeby, Dorsch A Matz. Ahrling, Julian Erik Eicalil. For biography and list of works see Bot. Notiser, 1888, 150-151; Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 392; Kj.ihenh. Bot. For. Medd., 2, 1887-91, 188. Det exemplar af Caspari BAUHINI, Pinax Theatri Botanici, ed. 1, Basiliffi 1623, hvilket eu gnng tillkort 0. RUDBECK, fader och son. Bot. Notiser, 1884, 64-66; Bot. Centrbl., 18, 1884, 222-223. Aeppli, Aug. Erosionsterrasseu und Glazialschotter in ihrer Beziehung zur Eutstelmng des Ziirichsees. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz, 34, 1894, 121 pp. Aereboe, F[riedrirli], Untersuchungen iiber den direkteu und indirekten Einfluss des Lichtes auf die Athmung der (Jewachse. Forsch. Agr.-Phys., 16, 1893, 429-463. Arnbacfc-Christie-I.inde, Augusta. Zur Anatomie des Gehirnes niederer Saugetiere. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 8-16. Afanasjev, A. 0 JVBHCTBill Ha (j)OTorpa(|)II'iecKyK> HJiacTiiHKy MHiiepajiOBi,, cojiepatamnxT) Mexa.i.iu ypaHT, II TOpift. [On the action on a photographic plate of minerals containing the metals uranium and thorium.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Phijs.), 1900, 103-106; Chem. Soc. Jl., 78, 1900 (Abu., Pt. 2), 702, [1080]. Afanasjev, M[ichajl'] I[vanovic], 3. *Of>T> OKOH'iailill nepBOBi> Bi, opranaxi) ocasamH y pud,. [On the nerve endings in the tactile organs of fishes.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Kuss.), 25, 1875 (Append. No. 8), 24 pp. 4. Ueber die pathologiseh-anatomisuhen Verander- ungen in den Nieren und in der Leber bei einigen mit Hamoglobinurie oder Icterus verbundenen Vergiftungen. [1883-84.] Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 460-500. 6. Ueber den dritten Formbestandtheil des Blutes im normalen und pathologischen Zustande und iiber die Beziehung desselben zur Regeneration des Blutes. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 35, 1884, 217-253. 6. Sur une methode nouvelle de transfusion tin sang (sang soumis prealablement a Faction de la peptone). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1349-1352 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884, 61-6*. 7. Note sur les Microcoeci de la pneumonie tranche. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 356-363. 8. Aetiologie und klinische Bakteriologie des Keuch- hnstens. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 12, 1887, 323-327, 331-333, 339-341, 347-350. 9. Ueber die klinische Mikroskopie uud Baeteriologie der Actinomycosis. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 13, 1888, 76-78, 83-86. Afanasjev, .M[ic!mjl] I[ranovic], & Schulz, (Frau) — Ueber die Aetiologie der Actinomycosis. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 683-6*4. Afanasjev, Nikolaj. Ueber die Bedeutung des Granula- tionsgewebes bei der Infection mit pathogenen Mikro- organismeu. Experimeutelle Untersuchung. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Centrbl. Path., 7, 1896, 456-462. 2. Ueber die Bedeutung des Granulationsgewebes bei der Infection von Wunden mit pathogenen Mikroorgau- ismen. Experimentelle Untersuchung. Beitr. Path. Anat., 22, 1897, 11-87. Afanasjev, N[iknlnj] P[nrl«rif]. OcajlKII II CHfcKHUM nOKpOB'L Bt MoCKBf,. [Atmospheric precipitation and fallen snow at Moscow.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 87 (iVo. 1), 1894, 131-143. Afanasjev, S[piriilmi] M[nti i'jeric]. Action physiologique de la Lobelia inflata sur le coeur et la circulation. (Communication prealable.) Arch. Slaves Biol., 2, 1886, 41-47. 2. I'l-ber einen aus dem Korper eines Rekurrens- kranken erhaltenen Bacillus. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 25, 1899, 405-415. Afanasjev, I". A. Zur Pathologic des acuten und chron- ischen Alcoholismus. Experimentelle Untersuchnng. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 443-460. AJfolter, 7-V. H. 9. Ueber Gruppen gerader Linien auf Fliichen hiiberer Ordnung. Math. Ann., 27, 1886, 277- 295 ; 29, 1887, 1-26. Agababov, A[lek8andr Grigorjeinc], Die Innervation des Ciliarkorpers. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 555-561. 2. Untersuchungen iiber die Natur der Zonula ciliaris. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 50, 1897, 563-588. 3. Ueber die Nervenendigungen im Corpus ciliare bei den Siiugetieren und Menschen. Int. Jl. Anat., 14, 1897, 53-70. Agafonov, A. [0 IIOHIIJKeHill TO'IKII 3aiiep3aHi« BI, BOJI,HIJXI> pacTBopaxi 'leTHpexxjopitcTaro ojiona. Ueber die Depression des Gefrierpunktes in wasserigen Losungen von Zinntetrachlorid.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chrm.), 1898, 127-129; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 310. Agafonov, Valerian] K[omtantinovif]. [0 pe3VJIBTaTax'l, ii'iecKiixTb HSHCKaHitt Hail) KpncTa.i- juoniasa (ainiipiiTa) nat A.iTUH'h-TioGe BI, KlIprilSCKOlI Ctenil. Ueber die Resultate der gonio- rnetrischen Messungen der Dioptaskrystalle von "Altyn- Tuebe," Kirgisen-Steppen.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 28, 1891, 499-500; Ztschr. Kryst., 23, 1894, 274-275. 2. Sur 1'absorption du spectre ultra-violet par les corps cristallises. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 490-492. 3. 0 nor.iomeHiii yjthTpacJriojieTOBHX'b Jiyieil upiicTajjiaMii Ji o " nojuixpoiisMii" BT. yjiBTpaijiio- JCTOBOii MacTU CneKIpa. [Absorption des rayons ultra-violets par les cristaux et polychroisrne dans la partie ultra-violette du spectre.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Phi/*.), 1896, 200-215; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 34H-364. Agafonovl 35 [Agapoff 4. Comparaison de 1'absorption par les milieux cristallises dee rayous luinineux et des rayous Rontgeu. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 855-857. 5. Sur 1'absorption de la lumiere par les cristaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 87-90. Agamennone, Gioranni. Sul grado di precisione nella determinazione della densita dei gas. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Reud., 1, 1885, 105-110. 2. Determiuazione della densita dell' aria. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 111-117. 3. Sopra un vortice di sabbia osservato nel territorio di Collelungo in Sabiua. Ronia, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem, I), 493^195. 4. II terremoto uel vallo Cosentino del 3 dicembre 1887. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 1), 532-534; Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 8 (Pt. 4), 1888, 269-329. 5. Influenza della deformazione del pallone di vt-tro nella misura della densita dei gas. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 30-32. 6. Registratore di terremoti a doppia velocita. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 788-795; 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 247-252. 7. Sopra la correlazione dei terremoti con le per- turbazioni magnetiche. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. I), 21-26. 8. Sulla ripartizione oraria diurno-notturua del- le scosse registrate in Italia nel 1889. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 351-358. 9. Sopra alcuni recenti terremoti avvenuti in Roma. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 2), 15-17. 10. II terremoto a Roma del 23 febbraio 1890 ed il sisrnonietrografo Brassart. Boma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 10 (Pt. 4), 1891, 45-59. 11. Sopra un nuovo pendolo sismogratico. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Xem. 2), 303-308; Roma, Uff. Ceutr. Meteorol. Ann., 11 (Pt. 3), 1892, 347-367. 12. II tromometro a registrazioue t'otogratica. Roma, B. Ace. Liucei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 28-30. 13. I terremoti e le perturbazioni magnetiche. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 479-483. 14. Velocita di propagazione delle principal! scosse di terremoto di Zante nel recente periodo sismico del 1893. Boma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sew. 2), 393-401; 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 383-389; Ronia, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 15 (Pt. I), 1894, 227-250. 15. II terremoto a Roma del 2'2 gennaio 1892 e gli strumenti sismici del Collegio Romano. Ronia, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 12 (Pt. I), 1893, 151-103. 16. I terremoti segnalati a Roma nel bieunio 1891-92 ed il sismometrografo a registrazione continua. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 12 (Pt. 1), 1893, 175-200. 17. Velocita di propagazione superticiale dei due terremoti della Grecia del 19 e 20 settembre 1867. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 443-450. 18. I terremoti di lontana proveuieuza registrati al Collegio Romano. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 543-550. 19. Alcune considerazioni sui different! metodi tino ad oggi adoperati nel calcolare la velocita di propagazione del terremoto andaluso del 25 dicembre 1884. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 303-310. 20. Velocita superticiale di propagazione delle oude sismicbe, in occasione della grande scossa di terremoto dell' Andalusia del 25 dicembre 1884. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 317-325. 21. Sulla variazione della velocita di propagazione dei terremoti, attribuita alle oude trasversali e longi- tudinali. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 3, 1894 (.sVm. '-'I. 401-408. 22. Cronistoria sismica di Zante. Boma, UB. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 15 (Pt. 1), 1894, 92-155, 259-262. 23. Alcune considerazioni general! sopra i terremoti di Zante. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 15 (Pt. 1), 1894, 156-182. 24. Correlazione tra i recenti parossismi sismici di Zante ed i contemporanei fenomeni geodinamici d' Italia. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 15 (Pt. 1), 1894, 183- 202. 25. II sismometrografo fotografico. Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Bend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 254-260. 26. Tremblement de terre d'A'idin (Asie M. ) du 19 aout 1895. Beitr. Geophys., 3, 1898, 337-349. 27. Sulla velocita di propagazione del terremoto d' A'idin (Asia M.) del 19 agosto 1895. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 67-73; Beitr. Geopbys., 3, 1898, 541-549. 28. Velocita di propagazione del terremoto di Pergamo (Asia M.) della notte 13-14 novembre 1895. Roma, B. Ace. Lineei Bend., 7, 1898 (Sem. I). 162-166. 29. II terremoto dell' India del 12 giugno 1897 registrato in Europa. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (8,'m. 1), 265-271. 30. I terremoti uel corso inferiore del fiume Veliuo (Umbria-Abruzzi). Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (.SVm. 2), 90-97. 31. I teiTemoti nell' isola di Labuan (Borneo) del 21 settembre 1897. Roma, B. Aec. Lincei Bend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 155-162. 32. II terremoto nell' isola di Haiti (Antille) del 29 dicembre 1897. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 316-318. 33. Sopra uu nuovo tipo di sisrnoscopio. Borna, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 41-46. 34. Sopra un sistema di doppia registrazione uegli strumenti sismici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. I), 202-209, 618. 35. II terremoto emiliano della notte dal 4 al 5 marzo 1898. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 321-326. 36. II terremoto di Balikesri (Asia M.) del 14 settembre 1896. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 365-367. 37. Liste des tremblernents de terre observes en Orient et en particulier dans 1'Empire Ottoman pendant 1'annee 1896. Beitr. Geophys., 4, 1900, 118-199. 38. II peudolo orizzontale nella sismometria. Rouia, B. Aec. Liucei Bend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 107-114. 39. Sismoscopio elettrico a doppio effetto per le scosse sussultorie. Boma, B. Ace. Liucei Bend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 204-210. 40. Nuovo tipo di sisraonietrografo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 31-39. 41. Gli strumenti sismici e le perturbazioni atrno- sferiche. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 308-313. Agamennone, Giovanni, & Bonetti, Fi/ippo. Sulla deformazione prodotta in vasi di vetro da pressioni interne. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 1, 1885, 665-670, 699-701. 2. Sopra un nuovo modello di barometro normale. Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 2), 69-75, 127-132, 257-264. 3. Sopra un nuovo tipo d' igrometro. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 216-222. 4. Ulterior! esperienze sopra un nuovo tipo d' igro- metro. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Reud., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 23-30. See also Bonetti & Agamennone. Agamennone, Giovanni, & Cancani, Adolf o. Contribute alia storia ed allo studio dell' igrometria. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 7 (Pt. 1), 1887, 1-35. Agamennone, Giovanni, & Issel, Arturo. See Issel .v Agamennone. Agapoff, A. Ueber einige be! der Untersuchung nach der Golgi'schen Methode zu Tage treteude Veranderungen 5—2 Ag-apoff] 36 [Agassiz der Nervenzellen dev Hirnrinde bei progressive!' Paralyse. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 299-301. Agar, (Her.) W. Spiders. [1889.] Leicester Soc. Trans., •2 (1889-92), 114-122. Agardh, J[, 1897, '285-28!); Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898 147- 196. 164. Cartas ineditas...relativas a viagem...realisada na Amazonia (de 11 de Agosto 1865 at<5 20 de Marco 1866). (Thayer-Expedition.) [Poxth.] Para, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bol., 1, 1896, 144-156. Ager, Louis C[urtis~\. A peculiar ohromatogenic bacillus. N. Y. Med. Jl., 59, 1894, 265. Agefsborg, G. S. The birds of southeastern Dakota. Auk, 2, 1885, 276-289. , Aglot, E. Sur un appareil de dosage des precipit^s par une methode optique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893 200-202. 2. [Utilisation de 1'opaoii^ produite par certains precipite.s au dosage des corps qui les fournissent.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 99. 3. Dosage optique de 1'aeide sulfurique. Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 855-862. 4. Dosage de I'hemateine. [1896.] Mulliouse Soc. I ml. Bull., 67, 1897, 251-258; Ztschr. Angew. Cliem., 1898, 186-187. 5. Studie iiber die Bestimmung des Tannins. [1M%.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 181-183. Agnello, Giacinto. Beobachtungen des Couieten 18^4 Wolf. All' equatoriale di MERZ in Palermo. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 141-142; 112, 1885, 289-290. 2. Beobaehtungen des Cometen 1885... (Barnaul) all' equatoriale di MERZ dell' Osservatorio R. di Palermo. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 187-188, 291-292. 3. Osservazioni di pianetini e comete t'atte all' equa- toriale di MERZ in Palermo. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886 321-322. 4. Osservazioni di comete fatte all' equatoriale di MERZ in Palermo. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 31-32. 5. Beobaehtungen des Cometen 1890... (Denning Juli 23). All' Osservatorio di Palermo (equatoriale di MEKZ). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 175-176. Agnew, C[orneliit>] Ii[eu], For biography see Amer. Uphthalm. Soc. Trans., 1888, 14-15; Arch. Ophtlialm., 17, 1888, 129-131); Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 112- N. Y. Med Jl., 47, 1888, 438-439. Agnola, C[arlo\ A[lberto] dell'. Estensioue di un teorema di HADAMABD. [1899.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1898-99 tPt. 2), 525-539, 069-677. Agouti, Massimilia.no. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1887, 1888, 1890.] Recoaro. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 145-146; 8, 1888, 131; 10, 1890, 175. 2. Bolide del 4 agosto [1888, Kecoaro]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 133. Agostinelli, R., & Guarnieri, Giuseppe. See Guarnieri & Agostinelli. Agostinetti, Francesco. Bolide del 22 ottobre [1889, Varallo Pombia (Novara)]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 190. Agostini, Bettinu. Influenza delle onde elettromagnetiche sulla conducibilita elettrica del selenio cristallino. Nuovo Cirnento, 8, 1898, 81-89. Agostini, Cesare. Nuovo reattivo per la ricerca del glucosio. Ann. di Chim., 3, 1886, 228. 2. Sulla influenza del bromuro di potassio nella eliminazione dell' urea. Sperimentale, 61, 1888, 467-480. 3. Sulle variazioui della seusibilita generale, sensoriale e reflessa negli epilettici nel periodo interparossistico e dopo la convulsione. [1889.] Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, Hi, 1890, 36-81. 4. Contribute] all' azione del bromuro di potassio nella cura dell' epilessia. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 17, 1891, 125-134. 5. Sulla isotonia del saugue degli alieuati. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 483-497. 6. Contribute allo studio del chimismo gastrico nei pellagrosi. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 19, 1893, 67-81. [Ag-uerre 7. I riflessi superficial! e profondi quale mezzo d' aiuto diagnostico nelle malattie mentali. Riv. Sper. di Freui- atria, 20, 1894, 481-500. 8. Descrizione di un cranio e cervello scafocefalo. Arch. Antropologia, 26, 1896, 91-104. 9. Sul chimismo gastrico e sul ricambio materiale degli epilettici in rapporto al valore delle auto-intossica- zioni nella geuesi dell' accesso convulsivo. Riv. Spev. di Freuiatria, 22, 1896, 267-296, 435-461. 10. Sui disturb! psichici e sulle alterazioni del sistema nervoso centrale per insonnia assoluta. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 24, 1898, 113-125. 11. II peso specifico della sostanza bianca e della grigia nelle varie regioni del cervello degli alieuati. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 25, 1899, 257-282. 12. Sui disturb! psichici e sulle alterazioni degli element! della corteccia cerebrale nell' avvelenamento acuto per ossido di carbonic. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 913-914. Agostini, Cesare, & Abundo, Giuseppe d'. See Abundo A Agostini. Agostini, Cesar/', & Rossi, Umlierto. See Rossi it Agostini. Agostini, Gian Jacopo. To reference in No. 1 (Vol. 12) add [Italia] Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 1. 1878, 343-345. 5. "Grandine salata. [1878.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 13, 1879, 131. 6. *Sulla gragnuola di sal marino a Mautova. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1, 1880 {Ft. 1), 3-8. Agostini, Giare Jacnpo (et alii). Terremoto del 6 marzo in Calabria. Cosenza. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 64-65. Agostini, Giovanni de. Scandagli e ricerche fisiche sui laghi dell' anriteatro morenico d' Ivrea. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 29, 1894, 020-634. 2. Sulla teiuperatura, colorazione e traspareuza di alcuni laghi piemontesi (Orta, Viverone, Mergozzo, Caudia, Avigliaua, Trana e Sirio). Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 285-300. 3. Rioerche batometriche e fiaiche sul lago d' Orta. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 40. 1896, 337-352. 4. Eaplorazioni idrografiche nei laghi vulcauici della provincia di Roma. (L. di Bolsena, Mezzano, Vico, Monterosi, Bracciano, Martiguauo, Albano o di Castel Gondolfo e Nemi.) [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 09-84. 5. II lago di Cautemo (Sub-Appenuiuo romano). [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 466-470. 6. II lago del Matese (provincia di Caserta). [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 36, 1899, 103-108. Agostini, Giovanni de, & Marinelli, ulinto. Studii idrogratici nella valle superiore della Turrite Secca nelle Alpi Apuane. Riv. Geogr. Ital., 1, 1894, 310-322. 2. La coniunicazione sotterranea iia il canale d' Arni e la Pollaccia nelle Alpi Apuane, dimostrata niediante P uranina. Roma, R. Ace. LineeiRend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 354-356. Agree tini, Angela. 2. Dell' acqua solfurea e del fango della valle del Gallo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Ft. 2). 287-298. 3. II latte delle vacche del territorio urbiuate. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 153-180. Agricola (Pseud.). Les holes de mon talus : mceurs des hyme'nopteres nidifiants et t'ouisseurs. Rev. Quest. Sci., 34, 1893, 84-102 ; 36, 1894, 149-177. Agro, Eugene. Des rapports pathogenes entre le baeille typhique et le Bacterium coli commune. Ann. Microgr., 6 (1894), 1-22. Aguayo, Patricia, & Senoret, Manuel. See Senoret it Aguayo. Agudio, Tomasn. For biographical notice see Riv. Sci.- Ind., 25, 1893, 32. Aguerre, Jose A. Untersuchungen iiber die menschliche Neuroglia. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 56, 1900, 509-525. Agnerrej 38 [Ahlborn A guerre, Jose A., & Krause, Rudolf. See Krause A Aguerre. Aguiar, A[ntniiii>] .-/[wflHx/o] de. For biographical notice see Portugal Comm.Trab. Geol. Commun., 1,1883-87, vii-%'iii. Aguiar, Alln'rtu d\ & Perreira da Silva, A[ntoniu] J[ouquim]. Set Ferreira da Silva & Aguiar. Aguiar, Alberto it', & Silva, IIYmvx/riuim Luis]. Apuntes para el estudio del Mioceno bilbilitano. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899 (Act.), 127-128. Aguilar, Antonio. To references in Nos. 1, 2 & 3 (Vol. 7) add France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868. 319-320, 320-321. 9. '[Notes meteorologiques faites a] Madrid. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 240, 260, 289 ; 2, 1869, 177. Aguilar Samuda, Joseph d'. For biographical notice see lust. Mechan. Engin. Proc., 1885, 302. Aguilar y Santillan, Rafael. Memoria acerca de la naturaleza, propriedades, produccibn y usos del ozono. [1885.] Mex., Soe. " Alzate " Mem., 1, 1887, 13-26; Fortsehr. Phys., 1887 (Abth. 3), 220. 2. Apuntes para el estudio de las lluvias en Mexico. Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 2, 1888, 97-122. 3. Apuntes relatives a algunos observatories 6 insti- tutes meteorologiooa de Europa. Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 3, 1889, 5-40. 4. El Observatorio Meteorol6gico de Leon. M£x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem.. 3, 1889 (Rev.), 119-121. 5. Bibliografia meteorologica mexicana que com- prende las publicaciones de meteorologia, fisica del globo y climatologia, heehas hasta tines de 1889. [1890-96.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 4, 1890, 5-47, 265-276; 6, 1892, 97-107 ; 7, 1893, 5-16 ; », 1894, 5-9 ; 9, 1895, 5-10, 309-322. 6. Brief sketch of the development of meteorology in Mexico. [1895.] U.S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894,335-338. 7. Observaciones ineteorol6;,'icas. Resiimen general de las practicadas en varias localidades de la Republica Mexicana, durante el aiio de 1H94. M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 10, 1896 (Rei:). 72, 80. 8. Bibliografia geo!6gica y minera de la Republica Mexicana. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 10, 1898, 158 pp. Aguilar y Santillan, Rafael, & Puga, Hnillermi'i B. y. See Puga A Aguilar y Santillan. Aguilar y Santillan, Jltifael, Puga, lluilli-rinn B. y, A: Orozco y Berr.i. .Intnl. < Fuga, Orozco y Berra, & Aguilar. Aguilera, Castor. Des courants bifurques. .11. Telegr. , 9, 1885, 81-84, 102-106. Aguilera, Jose G. Itineraries geologicos. Me"x. Inst. Geol. Bel., 4, 5 & 6, 1896, 78-185. 2. Sinopsis de geologia mexicana. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 4, 5 & 6, 1896, 187-250 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 426-429. 3. [El mineral de Pachuca.] Pr61ogo. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 7, 8 & 9, 1897, 3-5. 4. Catalogo sistematico y geoHrafico de las especies mineralogicas de la Republica Mexicana. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bel., 11. 1898, 157 pp. 5. Essai d'une Evolution continentals du Mexique. [Tr.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 512-516. Aguilera, ./use' (',.. .t Castillo, Antonio del. See Castillo .'. Aguilera. Aguilera, ./nsr" <;., & Ordonez, Kzeyuiel. Las fumarolas del Popocatepetl. [1897.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 10, 1896, 185-188. 2. Breve explicacibn del bosquejo geologico de la Re- publica Mexicana. [1894.] Xaturaleza, 2, 1897, 385-389. 3. [El mineral de Pachuca.] II. Fisiografia de la Sierra de Pachuca. [III. Geologia general de la Sierra de Pachuca. IV. Las vetas.] Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 7, 8 & 9, 1897, 19-26,, 27-50, 51-80. Aguilhon de Sarran, Elie. 3. Note sur la pathogenic des kystes des machoires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 184-187. Aguillar, Flurestan. Un nuovo parassita nel cavo orale. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 5, Odontol.), 87-88. Aguillon, L[uuis]. 2. L'Ecole des Mines de Paris. Notice historique. Ann. Mines, 15, 1889, 433-686. Her a I an Aguitton. Aguirre, Cesiireo. "Observaeiones meteorolojicas heehas en Copiapd. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 25, 1864, 739-771. Aguirre, Kilnardn. 4. Pozos artesianos y provisi6n de agua en el puerto de Bahia Blanca. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 31, 1891, 177-188; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bil. 1, Ret'.), 532. 5. La Sierra de la Veutana. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 32, 1891, 20-33 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 294. 6. La Kruta de Aguas Doradas. [1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 303-307. 7. Notas geologicas sobre la Sierra de la Tinta. [1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 333- 347 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 100. Aguirre, Frnin-is/'n. Larvas de la Calliphora limensis en las fosas nasales. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 67, 1885, 187-198. Aguitton, — ['.' Aguillon, Louis]. Chaleur de combustion du gaz de houille et sa relation avec le pouvoir fclairant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 56-58. Ahlborn, [Cliristifin (.Vorr;] Fr[iedrich]. 3. Ueber di-n Ursprung und Anstrilt ilur Hirnuerven von Petromyzon. Ztsclir. Wiss. Zool., 40, 1884, 286-308. 4. l.'elier die Segmentation des Wirbelthierkorpers. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 40, 1884, 309-330. 5. Ueber die Bedeutung der Zirbeldriise. (Glandula pinealis ; Conarium ; Epiphysis cerebri.) Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 40, 1884, 331-337. 6. Ein verzweigter Bandwurm (Taenia saginata). Hamb. Nat. Ver. Verh., 1, 1894, 37^3. 7. Ueber die Wasserbliite, Byssus flos aquie und ihr Verhalten gegen Druck. [1893.] Hamb. Nat. Ver. Verh., 2, 1895, 25-36. 8. Demonstration eines neuen Apparats zur Bestirn- mung des Luftwiderstandes gegen verschieden gestaltete schrage Flachen. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1895 (Th. 2, lliilfte I), 48-49. 9. Ueber die Bedeutuug der Heterocerkie und almlicher unsyrametrischer Schwanzformen schwim- mender Wirbolthiere t'iir die Ortsbewegung. [1895.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 1, 1896, 1-15. 10. Zur Mechanik des Vogelfluges. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abb., 14, 1896, 134 pp. 11. Der Flug der Fische. [1895.] Zool. Jbuch. (N;/*'.), 9, 1897, 329-338. 12. Der Schwebflug und die Fallbewegung ebener Tafi'lu in der Luft. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 15, 1897, JVo. 2a, 31 pp. 13. Ueber die Stabilitat der Flugapparate. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 15, 1897, No. 2b, 51 pp. Ahlborn, [F.] H[ermann H.]. 2. *[Ueber Connexe.] [1SS2.] Hamb. Math. Oes. Mitth., 1. 1889, 41-42. Ahlborn] 39 lAhrens 3. *Ueber die Beziehung der elliptischen Functionen zur Geometrie. [1883.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 63. 4. [Ueber die Bedeutung der Zahl p in den Abel'schen Functionen und ihre Beziphmig zur Geometrie.] [1884.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 80-81. 5. Zum Pentagramma mirificum. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 (Festsckr., T. 2), 69-74. Ahlenius, Karl. [Bericht iiber die Landerkunde der skandinavischen Halbiusel.] Geogr. Jbueh., 19 1897 200-209 ; 21, 1899, 109-122. 0 2. Oin klassifikationen af manniskoraserna. Upsala Arsskr., 1897 (Nprakvtt. Stilish. FMi.), 44-69. Aiilicld, [Joli.] F[riedricK], In wie weit ist das Frucht- wasser ein Nahruugsmittel fiir die Frucht? Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 14, 1888, 405-412. 2. Die Verhiitung der iufectiosen Augenerkraukuugeu in der ersten Lebeuswoche. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 14, 1888, 435-442. 3. Die Ursacheu der Plaeentarretention n:irli Geburten reifer uder nahezu reifer Friichte. Ztscln. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 16, 1889, 302-317. 4. Ueber Geburten bei uahezu verschlossenen und resistenten Hymen. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 21, 1891, 160-166. 5. Die Entstehung der Placenta prsvia. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 21, 1891, 297-336. 6. Ueber Exantheme im Wochenbette, besonders iiber den sogenanuten Wochenbettscharlach. [1892.] Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyuak., 25, 1893, 31-44. 7. Beitrage zur Lehre vom Resorptionsfieber in der Geburt uud im Wochenbette und von der Selbstinfec- tion. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 27, 1893, 466-518. 8. Ueber die ersten Vorgange bei der physiologischen Losung der Placenta. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., :)3, 1895, 419-442. 9. Zur Diagnose der Zwillingsschwangersohaft. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 35, 1896, 180-183. 10. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die physiologischen Vorgiinge in der Nachgeburtsperiode. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyuak., 36, 1897, 443-166. 11. Klinische Beitrage zur Frage von der Eutstehung der fieberhaften Wochenbettserkrankungen. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 40, 1899, 390-417 ; 41, 1899, 1-21; 43, 1900, 191-227. Ahlfvengren, Fr[ederik] £[//«*•]. Vaxtgeogratiska bidrag till Gotlands flora. Bot. Notiser, 1888i 113-116. 2. Tvenne for Skandinavien nya vaxthybrider funna pa Gotland. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 162-165 ; Bot. Centrbl., 59, 1894, 227-229. 3. Om induktiouselektricitets inverkan pa frons groningsenergi och groningsfbrmaga. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 533-554; Bot. Centrbl., 79, 1899, 53-54. AhlKtrom, (Inntar. Sur la perception lumineuse a la peripherie du champ visuel. Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 200-215. 2. Beobachtungen iiber das Sehenlernen eines mit gutem Eesultate operirten neunjahrigen Blindgeboreuen. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 1897, 113-122. Ahr, J. Untersuchungen iiber die Warrneemission seitens der Bodenarten. Forsch. Agr.-Phys., 17, 1894, 397- 446. Ahrendt, A. Experimented Untersuchungen iiber das Thomson'sche Gesetz der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit von Fliissigkeitswellen. Exner, Repertm., 24, 1888, 318-323. 2. Ueber die Rectification der Kriirmmmgslinieu auf Rohrenflachen. Arch. Math. Phys., 8, 1890, 442-446. 3. Untersuchuugen zur Theorie der Charaktere der Kriinimungslinien auf Rohrenflachen. Arch. Math. Phys., 9, 1890, 31-42. 4. Analytische Untersuchungen iiber die Constitution der in krummen Flachen gebrochenen a priori astigma- tischen Strahlenbiindel mil Anwendungeu der neuereu Geometrie. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 36, 1891, 99-115. Alirens, C. I>. 2. On a new form of polarizing prism. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 533-534. 3. Improved form of STEPHENSON'S binocular prisms. Micr. Soc. Jl., 5, 1885, 959. 4. New polarizing prism. Micr. Soc. JL, 6, 1886, 397-398, 859. 5. New erecting microscope. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1888, 1020. 6. Large nicol prisms. [1*99.] Nature, 61 (1899- 1900), 31-32. Ahrens, Caesar. Ueber einige Derivate des Meta-Xylols. Liebig's Ann., 271, 1892, 15-20. Alirens, Caesar, & Dennstedt, il/«.r [Eugen Hermann]. .S'i'c Dennstedt A Alirens. Ahrcns, F. Ueber Derivate der Terephtalsiiure. Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1634-1639. 2. Ueber die Amvendbarkeit der Saudmeyer'schen Reaction zur Ersetzung der Amidgruppe durch Cyan. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2952-2958, 3165. Abrens, Felix B[enjami>i]. Beitrage zur Keuntniss des Octylbenzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2717- 2725. 2. Zur Keuntuiss des Sparteins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2218-2222; 21, 1888, 825-832; 24, 1891, 1095-1097 ; 25, 1892, 3607-3612 ; 26, 1893, 3035-3042 ; 30, 1897, 195-200. 3. Ueber Dipiperidyl und Dipicolyl. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2929-2932. 4. Ueber Syuthesen in der Pyridinreihe. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1888, 61-62. 5. Ueber die Alkalo'ide der Mandragora. [Vorliiunger Bericht.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1888, 162-164. 6. Ueber das Mandragoriu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2159-2161. 7. Resultate der chemischen Untersuchung der Wurzel der Mandragura officinalis, Slill. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1889, 113-114. 8. Die Alkaloide der Mandragora. Liebig's Ann., 251, 1889, 312-316. 9. Ueber krystallisirtes Veratrin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2700-2707, 3120. 10. Rhornbischer Schwefel aus Schwefelwasserstoff. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2708. 11. On veratrin, and on the existence of two isomeric /3-picolines. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 783-784. 12. Ueber -y-Dipyridyl uud das zugehorige Dipi- peridyl. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1478-1480. 13. Ueber die Eimvirkung von Piperidin auf Acetes- sigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2088-2089. 14. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chloroform und Aetzkali auf Piperidin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2090-2091. 15. Ueber Steinkohlentheerbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 795-798; 29, 1896, 2996-2999. 16. Die Sultitlaugen der Cellulosefabriken. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 41-44. 17. Elektrosynthesen in der Pyridin- und Chino- linreihe. [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, 577-581. 18. Ueberfuhrung von Nitrilen in Amine durch Elektrolyse. [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 99-100. 19. Synthesen in der Piperidinreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 533-537; 31, 1898, 2272-2276,2278- 2280. 20. Staphisagroin, ein neues Alkaloid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1581-1584. 21. Ueber Staphisagroin und Staphisagroidin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1669-1670. 22. Ueber alkoholische Gahrung ohne Hefezellen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1899 (Abth. 2a), 6-7. 23. Reinigung des Acetylens. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 660-661. Ahrens) 40 [Aigner 24. Die Ursaclie der Erhitzung und Chlorentwiek- lung von Acetylen-Chlorkalk-Reinigungsmasse. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 777-779. 25. Ueber Verunreinigungeu des kauflichen Calcium- carbids. Breslau, Sehles. Ges. Jber., 1900 (Abt/i. 2). 26. Ueber zufallige Verunreinigungen von Calcium- karbid. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 439-440. 27. Em Beitrag zur zellenfreien Giihrung. Ztsrln. Angew. Chem., 1900, 483-486. 28. Ueber Magnalium. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 657-058. 29. Dif Kli'ktrochemie am Anfange und Eude des 19. Jiihrhnnderts. [With dim-nsxinii.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 1090-1094. Ahrens, Felix lt[ciijniiiiii\, it Meiasner, lii-urg. Ueber Dimethylpyrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 532-533. Ahrens, W[illielni Ernst M/trtin Georg]. Zur Theorie der adjungirten Gruppe. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 49, 1897, 358-368. 2. Ueber eine besondere Klasse von Substitutionen- gruppen. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 49, 1897, 616-020. 3. Ueber das Gleichungssystem einer Kirchhoff'schen galvanischen Stromverzweigung. Math. Ann., 49, 1897, 311-324. 4. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen den Determinanten einer Matrix. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 42, 1897, 65-80. 5. Ueber discrete Schaareu von continuirlicheu Transformationen. Math. Ann., 50, 1898, 518-524. Abting, Karl. Ueber die Entwicklung des Bojanus'schen Organs und des Herzens von Mytilus edulis, Linn. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 529-532. Aibara, Ominin. [On the temperature of the earth's crust.] [Jap.] Tokyo Geol. Soc., Geol. Mag., 1, [1894], [344H348]. 2. Antimony mine of Ichinokawa, lyo. [Jup.] Tokyo Geol. Soc., Geol. Mag., 2, [1896], 418-421. 3. [Geology of Miyojima and its vicinity.] [Jup.] Tokyo Geol. Soc., Geol. Mag., 3, [1896], [146]-[148]. Aichcl, Otto. Zur Kenntniss des embryonalen Riicken- markes der Teleostier. [1895.] Miincheu Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 11, 1897, 25-40. 2. Kurze Mitteilung iiber den histologischen Bau der Kiechschleimhaut embryonaler Teleostier. [1895.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 11, 1897, 73-78. 3. Vorlaufige Mitteilung liber die Nebennierenent- wickelung der Sauger und die Entstehung der "acces- sorischen Nebennieren " des Men^chen. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 30-31. 4. Eine Antwort auf die Angriffe des Herrn Professor Swale VINCENT in London : [" The carotid gland of Mammalia and its relation to the suprarenal capsule," Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 69-70J. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 509-511. 5. Vergleichende Entwickelungsgeschichte und Stam- mesgeschichte der Nebennieren. Uebereiu neues normales Organ des Menschen und der Siiugethiere. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 56, 1900, 1-80. Aichhorn, Siflmund [Johann Nfpnmuk']. For biography and works set: Steiermark Mitth., 1892, 246-261 ; Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 39, 1894, 0-7. Aichino, (i.. ,t Mattirolo, Kttore. .S'.r Mattirolo A Aicbino. Aida, T. Chffitognaths of Misaki harbour. Annot. Zool. Jap., 1, 1897, 13-21. 2. On the growth of the ovarian ovum in chieto- guaths. Annot. Zool. Jap., 1, 1897, 77-H1. Aievoli, Eriberto. Ricerche sui Blastomiceti nei neoplasm!. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 20, 1896, 745-749. Algnan, A. Sur une falsification de I'esseuce de tereben- thine francaise ; essai qualitatif et quantitatif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 944-946. 2. Sur uue falsification de 1'huile de lin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1273-1275. 3. Sur la constitution des dissolutions aqueuses d'acide tartrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 951-953. 4. Discussion des experiences de BIOT relatives aux dissolutions dans 1'eau de 1'acide tartrique en presence de la potasse ou de la soude. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1009-1011. 5. Surle pouvoir rotatoire specifique des corps actifs dissous. [1892.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1893, 331- 451. 6. Action de la temperature sur le pouvoir rotatoire des liquides. [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, xxvii-xxxii. 7. Sur le pouvoir rotatoire specifique des corps actifs dissous. Ann. Chini., 1, 1894, 433-463. 8. [Sur la deviation moleculaire ou le pouvoir rotatoire moleculaire des substances actives.] [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, xxxii-xxxv. 9. Sur le coefficient de depense d'un ajutage cylimlriqtie. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1895-96, 1-3. 10. Sur la " deviation moleculaire" ou le "pouvoir rotatoire moleculaire " des substances actives. Paris, Ac. Sci.,C. R., 120, 1895, 723-725. 11. Ecoulement de 1'eau dans tin tuyau cylindrique. Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 27-28. 12. Sur la solubilite des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1013-1010. 13. Determination de 1'huile de resine dans 1'essence de tercbenthine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1307- 1368. 14. Sur la theorie des tuyaux a anche. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 268-270. Aignan, .1-, & Chabot, P. Etude experimental sur les bees de gaz a flamme plate. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, xxiv-xxvi. 2. [Sur la regularisation du rendement lumineux d'un bee de gaz a double courant d'air.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1893, iv-vi. 3. [Sur la distillation des dissolutions d'acide acetique et d'eau et sur la variation du titre de ces liqueurs au cours de la rectification.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, xv-xviii. 4. [Sur la mesure de la vitesse du son dans I'air a 1'aide des tuyaux a anche.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, vii-x. 5. [Experiences pour la determination de la position de 1'anche d'un tuyau soiiore par rapport aux venires et aux noeuds de la colonne d'air vibrante.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, xi-xiii. 6. Mesure de la vitesse du son. Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 321-323. Aignan, .1., & Dugas, /•:. Sur la solubilite des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 498-500. 2. Sur la determination du coefficient de solubilite des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. U. R., 129, 1899, 643-645. Aigner, Albert. Ueber Trugbilder von Poren in den Wanden normaler Lungenalveolen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 3), 395-405. 2. Ueber das Epithel im Nebenhoden einiger Siiugethiere und seine secretorische Thiitigkeit. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 3), 555-581. Aigner, .1 ui/nst. 5. Die Existenzdauer des alpinen Salz- berges. Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 36, 1888, 137-15M. 6. Die bayerischen Salinen. Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 36, 1888, 325-339. 7. Has Salinenwesen vom Standpunkte der Litteratur uud Praxis. Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 37, 1889, 269-368. 8. Der Sal/.lirrgbau in den osterreiehischen Alprn. Wieu, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 40, 1892, 203-380. AignerJ 41 Aigner, F[nmz]. Zur Kenntnis der Monoalkylather des Phloroglucins. Wien, Anz., 37, 1900, 109. Aigner, F[mnz], & Herzig, J[osef]. See Kerzig & Aigner. Aigner[-Abafi], Lajos. Lepidopterologiai megtigyeli-sck. (Observationes lepidopterologicte.) Termr. Fuz., 18 (1895), 58-61. 2. A Saturnia hybrida major <5s minor-rol. (De Saturnia hybrida major et minor.) Termr. Fiiz., 18 (1895), 210-213, 289-293. 3. Lepkfezeti megfigyeles. [Lepidopterologische Beo- bachtungeu.] Termt. Kozlou. , 27, 1895, 329; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungaru, 14, 1898, 334. 4. Acberontia atropos, L. 111. Zt*chr. Eut., 3, 1898, 337-339 ; 4, 1899, 4-7, 177-180, 211-214, 289-290, 337- 338, 355-356; 5, 1900, 36-38. 5. Die Lepidopteren-Faurja Ungarns. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 4, 1899, 187, 219-220, 234. 6. Sohmetterlings-Zwitter. 111. Ztscbr. Ent., 4, 1899, 268, 298, 313-314, 329-330. 7. Zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Rumaniens. Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 9, 1900, 513-561. 8. Missbilduugen bei Scbmetterlingen. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 5, 1900, 99-100. Aigre, D[uuqlas], Histoire d'une ipidemie de fievre typhoide. "Ann. Hyg. Publ., 23, 1890, 441-445. 2. Marche de la rievre typho'ide a Boulogne-sur-Mer de 1873 a 1893. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 32, 1894, 141-147. 3. Sangsue dans le pharynx. Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 141-142. Aigret, Ch. 2. Compte-rendu de la xxx" herborisation de la Society Royale de Botanique de Belgique (1892). Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1892 (C. 11.), 200-214. 3. Liste des lichens observes pendant 1'herborisation [aux environs de Boehefort]. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1892 (C. 1C.), 21(5-218. Aigret, Cl., & Francois, Ch. Herborisations dans la vallee du Viroin. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 24, 1885 (C. 1C.), 56-70. Aiken, Charles E. 3. Seven new birds for Colorado. Auk, 17, 1900, 298. Aikins, Herbert Austin, & Hodge, C. F. See Hodge & Aikins. Aikman, C. AT. Agricultural education in this country and abroad, with special reference to German}'. Glasgow Pbil. Soc. Proc., 20, 1889, 133-154. 2. Nitrogen : its uses and sources in agriculture. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 9, 1890, 631-633. 3. Manurial experiments with turnips. Highland Soc. Trans., 3, 1891, 123-138. 4. Gerin-life in relation to agriculture. Highland Soc. Trans., 9, 1897, 21-40. 5. Some minute workers in the economy of nature. [1897.] Stirling Soc. Trans., 1896-97, 51-55. Aikman, R., & Loiicy, Peter. See Loncy A Aikman. Ailio, Juliibs. Ueber Strandbildungen des Litorinameeres auf der Insel Mantsinsaari. [1898.] Finlaude Comm. G(5ol. Bull., 1, 1895-98, No. 7, 43 pp. ; Fennia, 14, 1897-99, No. 2, 43 pp. Ailly, Adolf a". Contributions a la connaissanee des mollusques terrestres et d'eau douce de Kameroun. [1896.] Stockh., Ak. Haudl. Bibang, 22 (Afct. 4), 1897, No. 2, 137 pp. Aime, Emmanuel. Surface et volume du ballon allonge1 syme'trique (forme Henry Giffard). Aeronaute, 1889, 54-58. 2. Instabilite verticale des ballons a gaz. Influence de la depression atmospherique et de la radiation solaire sur la rapidity de leur de'gonflement. [1894.] Genie Civil, 26, 1894-95, 107-109. Aime, Georges. 22. *De 1'influence de la pression sur les actions chiniiques. [1837.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M(5m., 5, 1901, 85-96. [Airy Aimo, F. A. Observations sur les erreurs causees par les variations de temperature dans les instruments geodesiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1323-1326. Aimonetti, Ccsare. Determinazione relativa della gravita terrestre a Torino fatta nel 1896 mediante 1' apparato pendolare di STERNECK. [1897.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 473-499 or 715-741. 2. Determinazione della gravita relativa nel Piemonte. [1899.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 34, 1898, 550-561 or 714-725. 3. Determiuazioni di gravita relativa ad Aosta, Gran S. Bernardo, Courmayeur e Piccolo S. Bernardo. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 451-454 or 675-678. Ainmiller, Heinrich. Freie Heramuug mit constanter Kraft fiir Pendeluhren. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 260, 1886, 212-213. Ainsworth, William Francis. For biography and works see Geogr. Jl., 9, 1897, 98-99; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 13, 1897, 28; Geogr. Jbucb., 20, 1898, 463-464. 13. The identification of the Pinarus with the river Piyas. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 6, 1884, 468-471. 14. The sources of the Euphrates. Geogr. Jl., 6, 1895, 173-177. 15. La fontaine-cratere du Nernroud Dagb. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1895, 203-204. Ainsworth-Davis, J[ames] B[ichard]. The habits of the limpet. Nature, 31, 1885, 200-201. 2. Note on the rudimentary gills, etc., of the common limpet (Patella vulgata). Nature, 34, 1886, 185. 3. The habits of limpets. [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 511-512. Airaghi, (col. ) C. [Escursione nel Dembelas.] [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 27, 1890, 773-783. Airaghi, Ctirln. II Giura tra il Brembo e il Serio. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 37, 1897, 46-66. 2. Echinidi del Pliocene lombardo. [1898.] Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 37, 1897, 357-377. 3. Sulla temperatura dell' acqua di aleuni fontanili della pianura milanese. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 31, 1898, 925-929. 4. Echinidi del bacino della Bormida. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 18, 1899, 140-178. 5. Echinidi di Carcare, Dego, Cassinelle e dintorni. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 38, 1899, 245-251. 6. Dell' EchinolarnpasLaurillardi, Agas. e Des. Biv. Ital. Paleont., 5, 1899, 109-111. 7. Di alcuui Conoclipeidi. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 19, 1900, 173-178. 8. Echinidi Postplioceuici di Monteleone Calabro. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 39, 1900, 65-74. Airaghi, Zin/i Iieardi. See Leardi Airaghi. Aird, C. K. Ueber den Begriff eines hydraulischen Momentes der Kanalquerschnitte. Hannover Architekt.- Ver. Ztschr., 46, 1900, 401-416. Airoldi, — , & Perroncito, Edoardo. See Perroncito ct Airoldi. Airy, (Sir) George Biddell. For biography and works see Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 248; Ann. Phys. Chem. (Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh., 1892), 45, 1892, 601-604 ; Astr. JL, 11, 1892, 96, 168; Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 33-38; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 212-229; Electrician, 2s, 1892, 249-250; Engineers Soc. Trans., 1892, 244-251 ; Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 31, 1890-93, czxxvi-cxxxix ; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 108, 1892, 391-394 ; Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 54 ; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proe., 5, 1892, 185-186 ; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 29 ; Nature, 45, 1892, 232-233; N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 26 (1892), 2-5 ; Observatory, London, 15, 1892, 74-94 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 114, 1892, 91-93; 115, 1892, 1117-1118; Roy. Soc. Proc., 51,1892, i-xxi; Science, 19, 1892, 64-65; Amer. Ac. Proc., 27, 1893, 446-448 ; Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc., 19, 1893, i-viii ; Geogr. Jbuch., 16, 1893, 469-470; Kazan Soc. Phys. -Math. Bull., 2, 1893 (Prot.), 24-31; 6 Airy] 42 [Aitken Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 19, 1893, 97 ; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 202-203; Termt. K.izlon., 25. 1893. 630-631. To reference in No. 233 (Vol. 9) add Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 419-420, 451 [Part only]. 243. 'Remarks on Professor CHALLIS'S investigation of the motion of a small sphere vibrating in a resisting medium. Phil. Mag., 17, 1840, 481-482; 18, 1841, 321- 328. 244. *Spurious disks of stars. [1877.] Observatory, London, 1, 1878. 212-213. 245. 'Distortion of the photoheliograph. [1878.] Observatory, London, 2, 1879, 122-123. 246. *Method of least squares. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 57-59. 247. *0n the present proximity of Jupiter to the Earth, and on the intervals of recurrence of the same phenomena. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 504—565. 248. "The apparent inequality in the mean motion of the moon. Observatory, London, 6, 1883, 184-185. 249. *On Chepstow railway bridge, with general remarks suggested by that structure. [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 75-76. 250. On the comparison of reversible and non- reversible transit-instruments. Observatory, London, 7, 1884, 132-134. 251. Continuation of observations on the state of an eye affected with astigmatism. [1884.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 5, 1886, 132-133. 252. liesults deduced from the measures of terres- trial magnetic force in the horizontal plane, at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1841 to 1876. [1885.] Phil. Trans., 176. 1886, 679-689; Greenwich Obsns., 1884 (Append.), 11 pp. 253. Integer uumbersof the first centenary, satisfying the equation .1---L'2 + C2. Nature, 33, 1886/532. 254. The numerical lunar theory. [1887.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 77. 255. On a special algebraic function and its appli- cation to the solution of some equations. [1887.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889, 104-107. Airy, Hubert. 11. *[The remarkable sunsets.] [1883.] Nature, 2 '.I, 1884, 103. Airy, Wilfrid. 3. On the probable errors of surveying by vertical angles. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 101, 1890, 222-230. 4. The pressure of grain. Inst. Civ. Engiu. Proc., 131, 1898, 347-358; 136, 1899, 336-337. Aisinman, Semjon. Ueber die Hypothesen der Erdolbil- dimg. [1893.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 738-743; 1894, 122-126. 2. Ueber die Verharzungsfiihigkeit und den sog. Harzgehalt der Miueralole. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 294, 1894, 65-68. 3. Ueber die Flammpunktsbestimmung der Mineral- schmierole. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 294, 1894, 68-70. 4. Loslichkeit der Mineralole in Alkohol. Dinglers Polytechu. JL, 297, 1896, 44-47, 9(5. 5. Einwirkung der Mineialschmierole auf Metalle. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 313-315. Aieinman, Semjon, &• Wildermann, Mejer. See Wildermann & Aisinman. Aitchison, (Brigade-Surg.) •fumes Kdicurd 2'ierney. For biography and works see Gard. Chron., 24, 1898. 274 ; Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 4(13; KKW Bull., 1898, 310-311; Nature, 58 (1898), 578; Roy. Soc. Proc., 64, 1899, xi-xiii ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 15, 1899, 32-33 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc., 21, 1900, 224-229. 6. The Afghan Delimitation Commission. Nature, 32, 1885, 22C-227. 7. The botany of the Afghan Delimitation Com- mission. [1887.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 3, 1888-94, 1-150. 8. The zoology of the Afghan Delimitation Com- mission. [1887.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Zool.}, 5,1888-94, 53-142. 9. The source of badsha, or royal salep. [1888.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 434-440; Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 149-156. 10. A summary of the botanical features of the country traversed by the Afghan Delimitation Com- mission during 1884-85. Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 421-434. 11. Notes to assist in a further knowledge of the products of western Afghanistan and of north-eastern Persia. [1890.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 18, 1891, 1-228. 12. [On the habits of Dendrocopus himalayensis.] [1895.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 5, 1896, xiv. Aitchison, John. 2. Arrival and departure of migratory birds in the Belford district, during the [years 1883 and 1884]. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [10], 1885. 579-581. 3. On the occurrence and migration of birds in the Belford district, for 1885. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [11], 1887, 246-247. Aitchison, R[obert] S[wan~\, Paton, D[iarmid] Xoel, & Dunlop, Jinnes Cranfnrd. See Paton, Dunlop & Aitchison. Aitken, Al,:rantier. Hydraulics. N. Zealand Pap. & Rep. (Min.), 1897, C 3, 162-170. Aitken, Andrew P. 8. 'Experimental stations. Report for 1880. Highland Soc. Trans., 13, 1881, 348-376. 9. Experimental stations. Turnip crop 1882. High- land Soc. Trans., 16, 1884, 358-387. 10. Experimental stations. Barley crop. Highland Soc. Trans., 16, 1884, 388-395 ; 20, 1888, 213-233. 11. Ensilage. Highland Soc. Trans., 16, 1884, 404- 414 ; 17, 1885, 397-403. 12. Practical method of testing soils. Highland Soc. Trans., 16, 1884, 414-419. 13. Bean crop, 1884. Highland Soc. Trans., 17, 1885, 403-412. 14. Analysis of barley crop, 1883. Highland Soc. Trans., 17, i885, 412-424. 15. Summary of results obtained and observations made at the experimental stations. Highland Soc. Trans., 18, 1886, 348-376. 16. Oat crops (Harelaw), 1884-85. Highland Soc. Trans., is, 1886, 376-383. 17. Oat crop (Pumpherston), 1885. Highland Soc. Trans., 18, 1886, 383-386. 18. Analysis of bean crop of 1884. Highland Soc. Trans., 18, 1886. 386-393. 19. Silos and silage in Scotland. Highland Soc. Trans., 18, 1886, 393-492. 20. Potato crop, Harelaw, 1886. Manurial experi- ment with potatoes at Harelaw. Highland Soc. Trans. 19, 1887, 215-237. 21. Turnip crop, Pumpherston, 1886. Highland Soc. Trans., 19, 1887, 237-245. 22. Basic cinder and the manurial value of phos- phates of different degrees of fineness. Highland Soc. Trans., 19, 1887, 245-253 ; 20, 1888, 234-240. 23. Ground felspar as a potash manure. Highland Soc. Trans., 19, 1887, 253-255 ; 1, 1889, 246-251. 24. Silage made in pits and stacks, and sweet and sour silage. Highland Soc. Trans., 19, 1887, 333-336. 25. Fish fodder for cattle. Highland Soc. Trans., 20, 1888, 106-112. 26. Composition of feeding stuffs analysed in 1887. Highland Soc. Trans., 20, 1888, 206-209. 27. Stack silage made from brackens. Highland Soc. Trans., 20, 1888, 209-213. 28. Agricultural experiments in various parts of Scotland. Highland Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 202-227. 29. Pumpherston Experimental Station. (Reports Aitken] 43 [Aitken on grass experiments.] Highland Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 227-246 ; 2, 1890, 359-377 • 3, 1891, 187-202 ; 4, 1892, 224-239 ; 5, 1893, 267-285 ; 6, 1894, 385-409. 30. Analyses of turnips differently manured. High- land Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 251-253. 31. Analysis of fodders. Good and bad feeding turnips. Highland Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 253-261. 32. Composition of oat-straw of different kinds. Highland Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 261-264. 33. Analyses of silage and hay. Highland Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 265-267. 34. Feeding experiments in 1888-89. Highland Soc. Trans., 2, 1890, 289-332. 35. Agricultural experiments by local societies. Manurial experiments. Highland Soc. Trans., 2, 1890, 332-358. 36. Feeding experiments in 1889-90. The digesti- bility of the turnip. Highland Soc. Trans., 3, 1891, 203-230. 37. Digestibility of ensilage. Highland Soc. Trans., 3, 1891, 231-234. 38. The most efficient and inexpensive turnip manure. Highland Soc. Traus., 3, 1891, 235-261; 4, 1892. 255-286 ; 5, 1893, 286-306 ; 6, 1894, 435-447 ; 7, 1895, 436^42. 39. Feeding experiment to determine the relative value as fodder of ryegrass eaten green and after being made into hay. Highland Soc. Trans., 4, 1892,240-254. 40. Experiments with Bordeaux spray to prevent potato disease. Highland Soc. Trans., 4, 1892, 2'.l2--_".is. 41. The roots of grasses in relation to their upper growth. [IS'.ll.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc., 19, 1893, 219-226. 42. The manuring of turnips with nitrogenous manures, as shown by field experiments throughout Scotland in 1892. Highland Soc. Trans., 5, 1893, 307-319. 43. Thinning of turnips. Highland Soc. Trans., 5, 1893, 320-327; 6, 1894, 426-435. 44. The estimation of oil in linseed cakes. High- land Soc. Trans., 5, 1893, 328-338. 45. A rapid and accurate method of determining the moisture and oil in linseed cakes and other feeding stuffs. [1893.] Arner. Chem. Soc. -II., 16, 1894, 114-122. 46. Does chemical analysis afford a reliable indica- tion of the feeding quality of a pasture? Highland Soc. Trans., 6, 1894, 410-425. 47. The determination of fiber in Scotland. Official samples. U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., ATo. 43, 1894, 172. 48. The determination of woody fibre in fodders. [1894.] Analyst, 20, 1895, 35-37. 49. The nitrogen of the air in relation to plant life. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1895, 355-373. 50. Pumpherston Experimental Station. The per- manent effects of manures upon meadowland, as shown by the relative abundance of grass and clover in the pasture, and the manner in which it is eaten by stock. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1895, 423-432. 51. Feeding experiment to determine the relative value of linseed cake and dried distillery grains as a by-fodder for sheep. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1895, 433-435. 52. Manuring of beans. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1895, 442-444. 53. Manuring of lea oats. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1895, 445-451. 54. Finely ground phosphates as a turnip manure. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1895, 452-457. 55. Feeding experiment to compare the feeding value of dried grains and other home-made fodders with that of linseed cake. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1895, 459-469. 56. Bordeaux spray as a preventive of potato disease. Highland Soc. Trans., 8, 1896, 252-258. 57. Feeding experiments conducted at Mains of Laithers. Highland Soc. Trans., 9, 1897, 156-180 ; 10, 1898, 259-280. 58. Feeding experiments with sheep conducted at Ferney Castle and at Whitelaw. Highland Soc. Trans., 9, 1897, 181-188 ; 10, 1898, 281-292. 59. Nitragin. Highland Soc. Trans., 9, 1897, 188-195. 60. Analyses of swedes grown by members of the Carse of Gowrie and Dundee District Farmers' Club. Highland Soc. Trans., 9, 1897, 291-296. 61. Currant-bushes failing to bear fruit. Investi- gation into the cause. Analyses of soil. Highland Soc. Trans., 10, 1898, 293-299. 62. Experiments with nitragin. Highland Soc. Trans., 10, 1898, 299-305. 63. Lime and its uses in agriculture. Highland Soc. Trans., 11, 1899, 220-245. 64. The nitrogenous food of plants. [Presidential address, Nov. 12th, 1896.] Ediub. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proe., 21, 1900, 1-20. 65. [Symbiosis. Presidential address, Nov. llth, 1897.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc., 21, 1900, 65-87. 66. The relation between the colour of daffodils and the composition of the soils in which they are grown. [1898.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc., 21, 1900, 113-116. 67. Sheep-feeding experiment at Challoch, Leswalt. Highland Soc. Trans., 12, 1900, 23-46. Aitken, Andrew P., & Milne, John. Feeding experiment to determine the kind of ' by-fodder most suitable for cattle feeding on a mixture of green tares and oats. Highland Soc. Trans., 5, 1893, 339-352. See also Milne & Aitken. Aitken, Andrew P., Woodhead, 0. Sims, M'Fadyean, J., & Campbell, Thomus. See Woodhead, Aitken, M'Fadyean & Campbell. Aitken, E[dward] H[aiiiilton]. On the mimicry shown by Phyllornis Jerdoni. [1885.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.. Jl., 1, 1886, 30. 2. A list of the Bombay butterflies in the Society's collection, with notes. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 1, 1886, 126-135, 215-218; 2, 1887, 35-44. 3. White ants. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 1, 1886, 144. 4. Pteropus Edwardsii. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 1, 1886, 144. 5. Note on the conduct of a tame pigeon. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 1, 1886, 220. 6. Nest and eggs of Cinuyris lotenia. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 2, 1887, 52. 7. Mergus merganser. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 2, 1887, 56. 8. The red ant. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 4, 1889, 151-153. 9. Parasitic flies. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 5, 1890, 420-421. 10. Dissemination of larvaa. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 5, 1890, 421. 11. Red ants' nests. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 5, 1890, 422. 12. The migration of birds. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 6, 1891, 268-270. 13. Protection of larvae. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 6, 1891, 489. 14. Moths attracted by tobacco smoke. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 8, 1893-94, 326. 15. The habits of the coppersmith. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 8, 1893-94, 326-327. 16. The larva and pupa of Spalgis epius, IFestwood . [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 8, 1893-94, 485-487. 17. The edible-nest swift. [1895.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 9, 1894-95, 495-497. 6—2 Aitkenl 44 [Aitken 18. Food of the bull-frog. [1895.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 9, 1894-95, 500. 19. On the distribution of Halcyon pileata (the black-capped kingfisher). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 11)4. 20. Savagery of the Indian sloth-bear. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 164-165. 21. The migration of butterflies. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 336-337. 22. Our annual caterpillar pest and its remedy. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 337-338. 23. The breeding of the comb duck. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 550. 24. Migration of Euplcea core. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 229-230. 25. Bombay rats. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 416-418. 26. A wasp and a fly. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 418-419. 27. Note on a whooper swan (Cygnus musicus) shot on the river Beas, Punjab. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 13, 1900-01, 362. Aitken, Edward] H[amilton], & Davidson, J[nmcs\. See Davidson & Aitken. Aitken, K[dmird] H[amiltori], & Sterndale, rt. A. See Sterndale & Aitken. Aitken, E[dward] H[amUton], Davidson, J[uinex], & Bell, T. I: See Davidson, Bell & Aitken. Aitken, Henry. 2. The Hilderston silver-mine, near Linlithgow. [1893.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 6, 1894, 193-198. 3. The formation of the earth's crust and its destruction. [With discussion.] [1893.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 6, 1894, 210-215, 523-525. Aitken, J. Ellington, & Menzies, R. C. See Menzies & Aitken. Aitken, John. Assign Nos. 13 & 14 (Vol. 7) to Aitken, Joint (of Darroch). For biographical notice and works see Nature, 30, 1884, 371. Aitken, John (of Ardenlea, formerly of Darroch}. Assign to this author Nos. 13 & 14 (Vol. 7, under Aitken, John). 18. The remarkable sunsets. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 12, 1884, 448-450, 647-660. 19. Thermometer screens. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 12, 1884, 661-696; 13, 1886, 632-642; 14, 1888, 53-84, 428-432. 20. Chromomictors. [1885.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 122-130. 21. On dew. Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 206-212, 363-368. 22. On the formation of small clear spaces in dusty air. [1884.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 32, 1887, 239-272. 23. On dew. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 33, 1888, 9-64. 24. Note on solar radiation. [1887.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 14, 1888, 118-121. 25. Note on hoar frost. [1887.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Proc., 14, 1888, 121-125. 26. On a monochromatic rainbow. [1888.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 15, 1889, 135-137. 27. On the number of dust particles in the atmo- sphere. [1888.] Edinb. Roy. Soo. Trans., 35, 1890, 1-19. 28. On improvements in the apparatus for counting the dust particles in the atmosphere. [1889.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 16, 1890, 135-172. 29. On the number of dust particles in the atmo- sphere of certain places in Great Britain and on the continent, with remarks on the relation between the amount of dust and meteorological phenomena. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 17, 1891, 193-254. 30. On a simple pocket dust-counter. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 18, 1892, 39-52. 31. On a method of observing and counting the number of wattr particles in a fog. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 18, 1892, 259-262. 32. On the solid and liquid particles in clouds. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 36, 1892, 313-319. 33. On some phenomena connected with cloudy condensation. Roy. Soc. Proc., 51, 1892, 408-439. 34. On the particles in fogs and clouds. [1893.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 19, 1893, 260-263 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 37, 1895, 413-425. 35. The origin of lake basins. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 315. 36. The cloudy condensation of steam. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 340-341. 37. Observations of atmospheric dust. [1896.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., li, 1894, 734-754. 38. On the number of dust particles in the atmo- sphere of certain places in Great Britain and on the continent, with remarks on the relation between the amount of dust and meteorological phenomena. [1892- 94.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 37, 1895, 17-49, 621- 693. 39. On some observations made without a dust- counter on the hazing effect of atmospheric dust. [1893.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 20, 1895, 76-93. 40. Breath figures. [1893.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 20, 1895, 94-97. 41. Notes on clouds. [1896.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 21, 1897, 93-95. 42. The colour of sea water. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 509-510. 43. On some nuclei of cloudy condensation. [1897.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 15-25. 44. Atmospheric electricity. [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 514-515; 62 (1900), 366-368. 45. Notes on the dynamics of cyclones and anti- cyclones. [1900.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Trans., 40, 1905, 131-156. Aitken, Robert it]. Observations of the transit of Mercury, November 10, 1894, at College Park, University of the Pacific. Astr. Soc. Pacific PubL, 6, 1894, 272. 2. Total eclipse of the moon, September 3, 1895. Astr. Soc. Pacific PubL, 7, 1895, 291-292. 3. Double star measures. Astr. Soc. Pacific PubL, 7, 1895, 3U5-310. 4. Observations of Comet d 1895 (Brooks), made at the Lick Observatory with the 12-inch equatorial. Astr. JL, 16, 1896, 54. 5. Elements and ephemeris of Comet c 1895 (Perrine). Astr. JL, 16, 1896, 111; Astr. Soc. Pacific PubL, 8, 1896, 99 [Part only]. 6. Observations of Comet b 1896 (Swift), made at the Lick Observatory. Astr. JL, 16, 1896, 120, 177. 7. Orbit and ephemeris of Comet b 1896 (Swift). Astr. JL, 16, 1896, 136. 8. A bright meteor seen September 6, 1896. Astr. Soc. Pacific PubL, 8, 1896, 267. 9. Measures of Sirius. Made with the thirty-six- inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1896.] Astr. Soc. Pacific PubL, 8, 1896, 314; Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 27; Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 77-78. 10. The position of the companion of Sirius. Science, 4, 1896, 877. 11. Measures of Procyon, made with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 76. 12. Double star measures made at the Lick Observa- tory. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 161-182 ; 145, 1898, 129-152. 13. The great sun-spot of January, 1897. Astr. Soc. Pacific PubL, 9, 1897, 43. 14. The Bruce photometers of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Soc. Pacific PubL, 9, 1897, 184-186. Aitken] 45 [Akerblom 15. Observation of the partial solar eclipse, July 29, 1897. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 9, 1897, 195. 16. Measures of the companion of Sirius, and of /3 883. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 9, 1897, 238-239. 17. Observations of D'ARREST'S Comet ( = a 1897), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observa- tory. [1897.] Astr. .11., 18, 1898, 24. 18. Measures of /3 883, /3 552 and Sirius, made with the 36-inch telescope of the Lick Observatory. [1x97.] Astr. JI., 18, 1898, 56. 19. Observations of Comet b 1897 (Perrine), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1897.] Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 80. 20. Measures of Sirius, Procyon, and /3 395. Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 128. 21. Double-star measures. Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 161- 165, 180. 22. Spectroscopic binary stars. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 10, 1898, 26-34; 11,' 1899, 254-257. 23. Some interesting double stars. Astr. Soe. Pacific Publ., 10, 1898, 38. 24. Errata in star catalogues. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 10, 1898, 39-40. 25. The Leonid shower in 1898. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 10, 1898, 241-242. 26. The companion to (3 Orionis ( = /i 555). Popular Astr., 6, 1898, 585-586. 27. Measures of the fifth satellite of Jupiter. [1898.] Astr. Jl., 19, 1899, 29. 28. Observations of the satellites of Uranus. [1898.] Astr. Jl., 19, 1899, 76-77. 29. Observation of Comet j 1898, made with the 36-inch refractor of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Jl., 19, 1899, 172. 30. Definitive determination of the orbit of Comet 1896 III. Astr. Nachr., 14S, 1899, 337-374. 31. Measures of the satellite of Neptune. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 373-376. 32. Measures of double stars in 1898. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 113-170. 33. Double star notes. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 11, 1899, 45-47. 34. Three new double stars. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 11, 1899, 128. 35. New double stars. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 11, 1899, 161-162 ; 12, 1900, 127-128. 36. Observations of TEMPEL'S second Comet = c 1899. Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 147-148. 37. Observations of HOLMES'S Comet 1899 II made with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 29-30. 38. Measures of the satellites of Uranus in 1899. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 105-108. 39. A list of 47 new double stars. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 161-170. 40. Measures of 204 double stars. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 209-242. 41. Second list of new double stars. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 369-380. 42. The orbit of T Cygni. (A.G.C. 13.) Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 103-109. 43. Venus by daylight. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 198-199. 44. A new planetary nebula. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 203; Astr. Nachr., 15:!, 1900, 367- 368. 45. The orbit of 99 Herculis = A. C. 15. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 240-242. 46. Observations of the binary stars 5 Equulei ( = OS535), and a Pegasi ( = /3 989), in 1900. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 255-257. 47. Observations of Comet a 1900 (Giacobini). [1900.] Astr. Jl., 21, 1901, 30. Aitken, Rolifrt G[riinf\, & Hussey, William ./[osc^i/i]. S,-e Hussey & Aitken. Aitken, Robert G[rant], & Perrine, Charles D[illon]. Observations of Comet c 1895 (Perrine), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. JL, lf>, 1896, 53. Sfe II/.TO Perrine & Aitken. Aitken, Robert G[rant], & Schaeberle, J[nhn] J/[arfin]. See Schaeberle A Aitken. Aitken, (Kir) William. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 157-158; Roy. Soc. Proc., 55, 1894, xiv-xvi. 2. DARWIN'S doctrine of evolution in explanation of the coming into being of some diseases. Glasgow Med. JL, 24, 1885, 98-107, 101-172, 241-253, 354-368, 431- 446; 25, 1886, 1-20, 89-113. Ai'toff, D. Note sur un instrument pour tracer les arcs de cercle de grands rayons. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. B., 1884, 413-415. Ajello, Carmine. Sul numero dei numeri prirni inferior! ad un dato limite. Giorn. Mat., 34, 1896, 14-20. Ajello, Giuseppe, & Parascandolo, Carlo. Contribute sperimentale alia patogenesi dell' uremia. Sperimentale, 1895 (,SV.-. Iliol.), 540-567. Ajello, Salvatore. Bicerche sperimentali sulla istologia patologica del nucleo uegli avvelenamenti. Arch. Sci. Med., 16, 1892, 435-438. Ajutolo, Giovanni d'. Intorno ad un esetnplare di capsula soprarenale accessoria sul corpo pampiuiforme di un feto. [1884.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 19, 1883, 899-904; Arch. Sci. Med., 8, 1884, 283-306. 2. Su di una trachea umana con tre bronchi. [1885.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 449-456. 3. Su di un osso odontoideo in un uomo di trentatre anni. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1886, 633-654. 4. Contribuzione all' anatomia patologica della leucemia. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 537-546. 5. Della ureterite cronica cistica. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 10, 1889, 209-215. 6. Delle strume tiroidee accessorie ed in particolare di una mediastinica e di due cervicali nello stesso individuo. [1890.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 10, 1889, 773-782. 7. Su di alcune articolazioni anomale del primo pajo di coste dell' uomo. [1891.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 1, 1890, 785-798. 8. Su di alcune anomalie della prostata e della vescica orinaria nell' uomo. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, 27-32. 9. Quinta dentizione in un fanciullo di dodici anni. [1893.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, 629-638. 10. Di una enorme ipertrofia del lobo dello spigelio. Bolngna Aec. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, 671-684. 11. Della grafo- e specialmente della ipografo-fobia. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895-96, 549-554. 12. Su di una fanciulla brachicefala. [1896.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1896-97, 311-319. 13. Delia cifosi e della lordosi sternale. Bologna AGO. Sci. Mem., 7, 1897, 223-228. 14. Dell' "Argas reflexus," Latreilli', parasita del- F uomo. [1898.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem. , 8, 1899-1900, 9-16. 15. Dell' aumento numerico dei denti ed in particolare di una donna con 36 e di un uomo con 38 denti. [1900.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 751-763. Ajutolo, Giovanni d', & Coen, Edmoiido. See Coen & Ajutolo. Akel, Friedrich. Ueber eine titrimetrische Methode der Harnoglobmbestimmung. [1897.] Dorpat Sber., 11, o 1896, 201-214. Akerblom, Filip. Ueber die Auwenduug der Photogram- meter zur Messung von Wolkeuhoheu. [Tr.] Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), 219-224. Akerbloml [Albanese 2. Sur l.i distribution, a Vienne et it, Thorshavn, des elements me'te'orologiques autour des minima et des maxima barome'triques. [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (Afd. 1|, 1895, .Vo. 3, 36pp. 3. Antwort auf die Bemerkungen des Herrn EKHOI.M iiber Wolkenmessungen mit dem Photogramiueter. M.t.i.rol. Ztschr., 12 (1895), 117-119. 4. Positions geographiques determinees par des observations astronomiques faites pendant 1'expe'dition suedoise au Grcinland en 1899. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 763-787. Akcrhlom, A". A. Metod att qvantitativt bestarmna koppar i malmer, slagger m. m. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 39, 1884. 24-29; Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 43, 1884, 380-381. Akerlund, J. I!. Satser om ikosaedrar och dodekaedrar. Nyt Tidsskr. Matb., 8 (A), 1897, 17-20. 2. Satser om de reguliera polyedrarue. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 9 (A), 1898, 1-5. Akerlund, Sven. Das phosphorsaure Natron als Reizmittel fur Muskel und Nerv. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1891, 279-292. Akerman, Jiili-a Il\i'riliert]. Om sectio mediana for mankiinets urinblusestenar. [1889.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 25, 1888-89 (ileil.), 100 pp. 2. Om operatiouer pa gallblusan och gallvagarne siirskildt vid cholelithiasis. [1890.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 26, 1889-90 (.So.;. 1'liij.iwi/r., -Vn. II, 62pp.). 3. Lesions osteomyelitiques experimentales pro- voquees par le Bacterium coli commune. Arch. Med. Exper., 7, 1895, 329-360. 4. Experimented Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Pylo- russecretes beim Huude. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 5, o 1895, 134-149. Akerman, liiclmnl. Assign to this author, and combine with No. 6 (Vol. 9), No. 2 (Vul. 9) under Ackermann, Richard. 26. Meddelande om HADFIELDS nya jern-mangan- metall. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 43, 1888, 351-361. 27. Betingelser tor andaniiilsenlig framstalluing af tackjernsgjutgods, samt uya anviinilningar af kiseljeru. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 44, 1889, :is-140;~ Wieri, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 37, 1889, 121-184. 28. Om en af hr. P. GREUT verkstalld undersokning rurande bildnings-temperaturer for masugnsslagger. Jeru-Kontorets Ann., 44, 1889, 315-328. 29. Bidrag till utredning af frngan om generering utaf briinslegas. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 46, 1891, 321- 462; Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 40, 1892, 81-202. 30. The Bessemer process as conducted in Sweden. [With discussion.] [1893.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 22, 1894, 265-289, 661-675. Akcrs, William A., & Goodale, Charles II'. Sec Coodale & Akcrs. Akm, Kiiroli/ [C. K. in l'ol.i. 1, 7 & '.)]. For biographical notice see Leopoldina, 29, 1893, 207. Akinfiev, /!•. Jui;. OiC'pKT, (|uopi,i r. F, uaTepiiHocjiaBii. [Abriss der Flora der Umgegeud von Jekateriuoslaw.] New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 10 (\o. 1), 1885, 114pp.; Bot. Central., 25, 1886, 11-12. 2. CniicoKT,n.B-fcTKOBHx'L pacTeHift r. EcurpaAa. [Verzeichniss der Bliitenpnanzen der TJmgegend von Bolgrad.] New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 10 (Xo. I), 1885, 44 pp. ; Bot. Centrbl., 25, 1886, 11. Akins, L. E. On the determination of the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic force. Denison Univ. Sci. Lab. Bull., 2, 1887, 111-114. Akitt, Thomas, & Mills, Edmund J[ames]. See Mills & Akitt. Akopcnko, A. F. Ueber den Einfluss der Thyroidektomie auf den Wuchs und die Entwicklung des Kuochen- uud \ii\i-nsystems junger Thiere. [Tr.] [1898.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 57, 1900, 104*-107*. Aksenov, , & Osipov, Ivan Parloi'ic. See Osipov A- Akscnov. Akunov, Ivan. Zur Thermodynamik der Chlor-Knall- gaskette. [1900.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1900-01, 354-356. Akunov, Iran, & Xiunge, Georg. See Lunge it Akunov. Alacan y Berriel, ,J imt' P. Las fermentaciones producidas por organismos celulares. Habana Ac. An., 31, 1894, 233-254. Aladern, R. d'. Chaleur de formation de quelques derives de 1'indigo. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1457-1459. Aiadov, N. S. 0 pacnpejt.teniir KBajpaTiriHHX'i. it HeKBa,T,paTii'inuxi> BmieTOBt npociaro 'iiic.ia P BT> pfl^iy 1, 2, ..., P-l. [Sur la distribution des r&idus quadratiques et non-quadratiques d'un uombre premier P dans la suite 1, 2. ..., P-l.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896. 61-75; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 146. Alaejos, [Luis]. Un polinoino de Santauder. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 29, 1900 (Act.), 135-136. Alagna, Hnsurio. Condizioni perche una forma del- F ottavo ordine abbia quattro punti doppii. [1889.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 4, 1890, 25-29. 2. lutorno ad alcuni casi di multiplicity delle radici dell' equazione d' ottavo ordine. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 4, 1890, 287-298. 3. Condizioni perche due forme biquadratiche siano in involuzione. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 5, 1891, 301-307. 4. Le relazioni fra gl' invariant! d' una forma qua- lunque d' ottavo ordine. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 6, 1892, 77-99. 5. Le relazioni irreduttibili fra gl' invariant! d' una forma qualunque d' ottavo ordine. [1895.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 10, 1896, 41-74. 6. Delle congnienze binomie rispetto ad un modulo primo p o ad una potenza di esso, nel caso in cui sia un numero prirno, ovvero il doppio d' un numero primo. [1897-98.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 13, 1899, 99-129. Alander, I'.r. Umanderung des Soxhlet-Sickel'scheu Ex- tractions-Apparates zu einem contiuuirlich wirkenden. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 894. Alapy, H[tnrik]. Ueber das Verhalteu der Wuudinfek- tionserreger ira Darme. Wien. Med. Wschr., 39. 1889, 6-S, 59-61, 98-100. Albahary, Juri/iti's M. Synthese des 3-Propylisochiuolius. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber", 29, 1896, 2391-2398. 2. Sur un produit de dedoublement de 1'albumine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 121-124. Albanello, Cesare. Sopra la determinazione quantitativa dell' acido fenico uei saponi fenicati. [1899.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1898-99 (Pt. 2), 767-776. 2. Contribute sperimentale intorno alia eliminazione del ferro (ferratiua) iniettato sotto la cute. Ann. di Farm. e Chim., [1900], 133-139. Albanese, /.»/;;/. Rapporto di un feuomeno di miraggio lunare [20 novembre 1895 Gozo (Malta)]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 16, 1896, 133. Albanese, Mtini'rci/i. La circolazione sauguigna del reue sotto 1' influenza di alcuni farmaci. Ann. di Chim., 13, 1891, 89-97. 2. La fatica negli animali privi di capsule soprarrenali. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 127-133. 3. Ricerche sulla t'nnzione delle capsule surrenali. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (S'>. 1896, 195-198. Albanese 47 [Albeggiani 6. Ueber das Verhalten des Caft'e'ins und des Theo- bromius ini Organismus. Arch. Exper. Path., 35, 1895, 449-466. 7. Sul contegno della caffeina e della teobromina nell' organismo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 2), 298-321. 8. Sur 1'action pharmacologiqne de la monomethyl- xanthine. [Tr.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 32, 1899, 309-325. 9. Sulla trasformazione della cafl'eina in 3-metilxan- tina nell' organismo animale. Gazz. Chirn. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt, 2), 304-310 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2280-2282. 10. UeberdieWirkungendes7-und3-Methylxanthinb. Arch. Exper. Path., 43, 1900, 305-310. 11. Sur la caracterisation ruedico-legale de 1'atropine et de 1'aconitine au moyen de leurs reactions physio- logiques. Arch. Ital. Biol., 33, 1900, 445-459. 12. L' influenza del fegato sull' azione del curare assorbito per la rnueosa gastro-intestinale. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Eend., 33, 1900, 938-940. Albanese, Manfredi, it Barabini, Emmanuele. Piicerche farmacologiche sui chetoni. [1891-92. J Ann. di Chim., 15, 1892, 124-129, 225-238; Arch. Ital. Biol., 17, 1892, 231-238. Albani, Giuseppe. Nota entomologica. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 18, 1898 (Boll.), 74. 2. Sul mimetismo nei Coleotteri. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 18, 1898 (Bull.), 99-101. 3. Odonati del dintorni di Mouza. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 18, 1898 (BoH.), 113-114. 4. Appuuti sui Lepidotteri della tirigna. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 19, 1899, 108-110; 20, 1900, 32-33. Albanus, Geory. Zur Widal'schen Eeactiou. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 24, 1899, 405-407. Albarda, J. Herman. For biographical notice and works see Tijdschr. Ent., 42, 1900 (Versl.), 38-39. 3. Ornithologie van Nederland, waaruemingen in 1885[-98]. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 1, 1885-87, 57-68; 2, 1889, 10-18, 145-157; 3, 1890-92, 12-34, 93- 107, 191-205; 4,1893-94, 20-34, 289-295; 5, 1898, 1-9, 35-46, 47-56; 6, 1900, 109-118. 4. Erster ornithologischer Jahresbericht (1885) aus Holland (Friesland und Zuid-Hollaud). Ornis, 1, 1885, 589-631. 5. Notes sur les Perlides d^crites par le Dr. EAMEUR. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, 37-49. 6. Note sur la Tamiopteryx nebulosa, L., et la T. pnetexta, Bitrmeister. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, 51-65. 7. Notes on Psocus obscurus, Rambur. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 210. 8. Catalogue raisoune' et synonymique des Nevropteres observes dans les Pays-Bas, et dans les pays limitrophes. Tijdschr. Ent., 32, 1889, 211-376. 9. Bevision des Eaphidides. Tijdschr. Ent., 34, 1891, 65-184. 10. Ueber das Vorkommen seltener Vogel in den Niederlanden. Jl. f. Ornith., 40, 1892, 417-431. 11. Ueber pomarinus als Artnanie. Jl. £. Ornith., 45, 1897, 170-171. Albarede, A. Notice geologique sur la ville du Vigan et ses environs. [1890.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 13, 1891, 46-52. Albaret, [Auguste Bernard]. For biographical notice see Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc., 1891, 605-606. Albarracin, Carlos 31. Proyecto de puente continue articulado (sistema Gerber) para t'errocarril. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 39, 1895, 193-236. Albarracin Leon, Tamos Luis, Estudio sobre el mareo, sus causas, su tratamiento, etc. [1886.] Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 73, 1888, 177-191. 2. Mikrophotographien einiger fiir dieLehre von den Tonempfindungen wichtiger Theile des Ohres. [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (Alth. 3), 127-129. Albarran, J[oaquiit], Kyste ganglionnaire du cou. Paris, Lab. Histol. Trav., 1885, 132-142. 2. Du developpement des dents de seconde dentition. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 492-496. 3. Note sur 1'epithelioma aclarnantiu du siuus maxil- laire. [With dmfiissiun.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 618-621, 067-671, 687-694. 4. Sur des tumeurs epitheliales contenant des psoro- spermies. Pahs, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 265-268. 5. Tuberculose renale asceudante et descendante experimentale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 380-382. Albarran, J[paquin], & Bernard, Leon. Sur un cas de tumeur epitheliale due a la Bilharzia haamatobia. Con- tribution a 1'etude de la pathogenic du cancer. Arch. Med. Exper., 9, 1897, 1096-1123"; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 645-647. Albarran, J[oaquin], & Caussade, G[eorges Gabriel], Etude experimentale sur les obstructions intestinales aigue's. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 2), 583-588. Albarran, J[oaquin], & Contremoullns, of. Eadiographie des calculs du rein. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 175-177. Albarran, J[ouquin], & Cottet, Jules. Des infections urinaires anaerobies. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 11), 281-300. Albarran, J[paquiit], & Guyon, Felix. See Guyon & Albarran. Albarran, J[oaquii<], & Halle, Noel. Note sur une bacterie pyogeue et sur son role dans 1'infection urinaire. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 20, 1888, 310-324. 2. Hypertrophie et neoplasies epitheliales de la prostate. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 722-725. Albarran, J[oaquin], & Xiluria, Enrique. Catheterisme IKimanent des ureteres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 ((.'. R.), 543-547, 587-589. Albarran, J[oiiquiu], it Mosny, Ernest. Eecherches sur la serotherapie de 1'infection urinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 1022-1024. Albarran, J[oa speleologiques sur le Causse de Grarnat (Lot). Spelunca, Paris, 1897, 164-178. Albeca, Alcxandre L. d'. Etablissernents frauoais du golfe de Benin : la riviere Mono et la region du Tado. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. E., 1890, 543-548. 2. Le Dahomey en 1894. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 16, 1895, 183-210. Albeggiani, 3I[ichele] L[uigi]. 4. Sopra le parentesi di Puissox. [1884.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Eend., 1, 1887, 6-7, 9-11, 12-13. 5. [Sopra un teorema di HEEMITE. ] [1886.] Palermo Cire. Mat. Eend., 1, 1887, 59-63, 398. 6. Generalizzazioue di due teoremi riguardanti le parentesi d' ordine «. [1886.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Kend., 1, 1887, 314-326. 7. Intomo ad alcune formole nella teorica delle fuu- zioni ellittiche. Palermo Circ. Mat. Eend., 1, 1887, 350-378, 398. 8. Linee geodetiche tracciate sopra talune superficie. Palermo Circ. Mat. Eend., 3, 1889, 80-119. 9. Osservazioni sulla nota [del prof. F. CALDAEERA: Albeggiani] 48 1 Albert I de Monaco Sistema di circoli tangent! a tre cerchi dati, in coordinate trilineari.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 4, 1890, 50-53. Alber, August. Ein Apparat zur Auslosung optischer Eeize. Arch. Psychiatr., 30, 1898, 641-645. Albercia van Ekenstein, H'[i//inm]. Sur le second rue- thylglucoside. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, la, 1894, 183-186. 2. Sur la d-mannose cristallisee. Hec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 14, 1895, 329; 15, 1896, 221-224. 3. Sur la caroubinose et sur la d-mannose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1897, 719. Alberda van Ekenstein, H"[i//(ci/l;] Tlt[eudorus]. Die Rotationsanderung beim Uebergang von Laktonen in die korrespondierenden Siiuren. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 383-384. Albergo, (bar.) C. d'. Bolide del 19 novernbre [1889. Noto (Siracusa)]. Monoalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 8. 2. Bolide del 29 ruaggio [1890. Siracusa]. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 112. 3. Bolide del 2 lugho [1890. Noto]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890. 14:!. 4. Bolide del 29 lugho [1890. Noto]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 144. 5. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo d' agosto 1890.] Noto. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 86. 6. Bolidi del 9 ed 11 luglio 1891. Noto. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 121. 7. Meteora elettrica. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 171-172. 8. Bolide. [Noto. 3 novernbre 1891.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 183. 9. Bolide del 18 marzo [1892. Noto]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 64. 10. Corona lunare. [Noto. 14 marzo 1892.] Mmi- calieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 64-65. 11. Bolide del 22 settembre 1892. [Noto.] Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 161. 12. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo uovembre 1891.] Noto. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 188. 13. Bolide del 20 novembre 1892. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 197. 14. Nuvola luminosa. Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 12, 1892, 197. 15. Temporale a Noto (Siracusa). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 58. 16. Bolide del 22 luglio [1893. Noto]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 124-125. 17. Bolide del 26 luglio [1893. Noto]. Mouculieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 125. 18. Bolide del 23 agosto [1894. Noto]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 155. 19. Bolide dul 29 agosto [1894. Noto]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 155. 2O. Bolide del 5 settembre [1894. Noto]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 150. Albers, G. *Beitrage zur Kenntniss exotischer Lucauiden. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 27, 1883, 221-230, 400. 2. Nigidius dentifer, Allnr*. eiu ueuer Lucanide aus Central-Afrika. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 28, 1884, 16. 3. Ueber Eurytrachelus purpurascens, t>. Vollenh., rur. capito, uud Eu. Gbiliauii, Gestro. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 28, 1884, 173-175, 304. 4. Ueber Lucanus parvulus, Hope. Deutsche Eut. Ztschr., 28, 1884, 301-303. 5. Ueber Lucanus laticollis, Thunberg, und einiges Andere. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 28, 1884, 303-304. 6. Ueber den Figulus authraeinus, King, uud seine afrikanischen Verwandteii. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 45, 1884, 173-176. 7. Ueber Gnapbaloryx aper, Gestro, und curtus, Kirxcli. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr.. 29, 1885. 232-236. 8. Zur Berichtigung [des Aufsatzes: "Ueber Figulus autbracinus, King, und seine afrikanischen Verwandten"]. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 29, 1885, 248. 9. Ein neuer Lucanide, Eurytrachelus consentaneus, von Peking und Odontolabisina?qualis, A'oiy). ? . Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 30, 1886, 27-28. 10. Ueber Eurytrachelus Alcides, v. Vollenh., und Eu. eurycephalus, liurm. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 30, 1886, 83-84. 11. Odontolabis celebensis, Leuthncr S . Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 30, 1886, 243-244. 12. Beitrag zur Keuntniss der Lucaniden-Fauna von Sumatra. Deutsche Eut. Ztschr., 1889, 232-240. 13. Lucanus gracilis, eine neue Art von Sikkirn. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1889, 319-320. 14. Ein neuer Lucanide aus der Gruppe der Clado- gnathiden von Java. Deutsche Eut. Ztschr., 1891, 76-77. 15. Ueber Sclerostomus fasciatus, Germain. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1891, 78-80. 16. Ein neuer Lucanide von den Philippinen. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1891, 367. 17. Insectes du Bengale. Lucaniden. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 37, 1893, 69-71. 18. Verzeichniss der von Herrn Jean VON VOLXEM in Japon und bei Manilla geaammelten und in Musee Royal d'HistoireNaturelledeBelgiqueaufbewarteten Lucaniden. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 37, 1893, 71-73. 19. Beitrage zur Keuntniss der Lucaniden. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1894, 161-167. Albers- Schonberg, [H. E.~\. Beitrag zur therapeutischen Verwendung der Runtgenstrahlen in der Behandluug des Lupus. [1898.] Fortschr. Runtgenstr., 1, 1897-98, 72-75. 2. Ueber die Behandlung des Lupus uud des chroui- schen Ekzerns mit Rontgenstrahlen. [1898.] Fortschr. Riintgenstr., 2, 1898-99, 20-29. 3. Bemerkungen zur Technik der therapeutischen Anwendung der Rontgenstrahlen. [1899.] Fortschr. Rontgenstr., 2, 1898-99, 140-141. 4. Zur Technik. Fortschr. Rontgeustr., 3, 1899-1900, 30-34, 122. 5. [Welcher Unterbrecher ist der beste?] [1900.] Fortschr. Hontgenstr., 3. 1899-1900, 116-118. 6. Die Rontgographie mit dem elektrolytischeu Unterbrecher (Wehnelt). [1900.] Fortschr. Rontgenstr., 3. 1899-1900, 110-147. 7. Zur Technik der Nierensteinaufnahmen. [1900.] Fortschr. Riintgenstr., 3, 1899-1900, 210-211. Albert I de Monaco. Sur une experieuce entreprise pour determiner la direction des courants de 1'Atlautique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 101, 1885, 1029-1031 ; 103, 1886, 12H5-1287; 104, 1887, 130-133. 2. La deuxii'ine campagnr scicntiriquf de VHirondelle. Dragages dans le golfe de Gascoigue. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1886 (1't. 2), 597-598. Albert I de Monaco] 49 [Albert 3. Sur les resultats partiels des deux premieres experiences pour determiner la direction des courants de 1'Atlantique Nord. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 104, 1887, 130-133. 4. Sur les recherches zoologiques poursuivies durant la seconde campagne scientifique de I'Hirondelle, 1886. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 104, 1887, 452-454. 5. Sur la troisieme carnpagne scieutifique de I'Hiron- delle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 730-733. 6. Sur les filets fins de profondeui employes a bord de I'Hirondelle. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 661-664. 7. Deuxieme carupagne scientifique de VHirondeile dans 1'Atlantique Nord. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 8, 1887, 530-540; Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1887, 260. 8. Sur des courbes barometriques enregistre.es pendant la troisierae campagne seientifique de VHirondeile. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 177-181. 9. Sur 1'emploi de nasses pour des recherchea zoologiques en eau profonde. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 126-129; Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 609-611. 10. Sur la quatrienie campagne scientifique de VHirondeile. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 856-858. 11. Sur un cachalot des Acores. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 923-926. 12. Sur ['alimentation des naufrages en pleine mer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 107, 1888, 980-982. 13. Recherche des animaux marins. Progres realises sur VHirondeile dans 1'outillage special. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1889, 133-159. 14. Poissons lune (Orthagoriscus mola) captures pendant deux campagnes de I'Hirondelle. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 16-18. 15. Sur les courants superficiels de 1'Atlantique Nord. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 108, 1889, 1151-1154. 16. Sur im appareil nouveau pour les recherches zoologiques et biologiques dans des profondeurs deter- mine'es de la mer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 109, 1889, 17-20. 17. Sur uu appareil nouveau pour la recherche des organismes pelagiques a des profondeurs d6terminees. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 459-464. 18. Le dynamometre a ressorts emboites de I'Hiron- delle. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1889, 98-99. 19. Le sondeur a clef de I'Hirondelle. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1889, 100-103. 20. Sur la faune des eaux profondes de la Mediter- ranee, au large de Monaco. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1179-1181. 21. A new ship for the study of the sea. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 18, 1892, 295-302. 22. On meteorological observations in the Atlantic Ocean. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 812; Geogr. Soc. Proc., 14, 1892, 622-624. 23. A new chart of the currents of the North Atlantic. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 14, 1892, 619-G22; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 8, 1892, 528-531. 24. Sur une nouvelle carte des courants de 1'Atlan- tique Nord. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 264-268. 25. Projet d'observatoires meteorologiques sur 1'ocean Atlantique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 160-161. 26. The creation of meteorological observatories on islands connected by cable with a continent. [1893.] U.S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 158-160. 27. Sur les premieres campagnes scientifiques de la Princesse- Alice. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 20-24. 28. Sur la deuxieme campagne scientifique de la Princesse- Alice. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 1109- 1113. 29. Notes sur un cachalot. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 305-310. B. S. A. C. 30. Sur la troisieme campague scientifique de la Princesse-Allce. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1043- 1046. 31. On magnetic observations in the Azores. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 749-750. 32. Oceanography of the North Atlantic. Geogr. .11., 12, 1898, 445-469. 33. Some results of [the author's] researches on oceanography. Nature, 58 (1898), 200-204. 34. Sur la quatrieme campagne de la Princesse-Alice. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 311-314. 35. Sur les observatoires meteorologiques de 1'oceau Atlautique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 373-374. 36. Sur le de'veloppement des tortues (T[halasso- chalys] caretta). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 10-11. 37. On the meteorological Observatories of the Azores. [ZY.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 63, 1898, 206-208. 38. Premiere campagne de la Princesse-Alice II". Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 212-214. 39. Exploration oceanographique aux regions polaires. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 6-14. 40. Sur la distribution bathymetrique de certaines especes d'auimaux marius. Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. Jubil.), 1899, 55-56. 41. Sur la deuxieme campagne de ie. Princesse- Alice, IP. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 304-306. 42. Deuxieme voyage au Spitsberg. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 7-13. Albert, August. Ueber Lichtdruck. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 24, 1887, 5'J— 65. Albert, [JIarie Leonard] E[rnest], Conjonctivite pseudo- membraneuse non diphteritique ; examen bacteriologique. Ann. d'Oculist., Ill, 1894, 296-297. 2. Sur uue variete de stomatite epidemiqne. Relation de trois epidemies. Arch. Med. Phann. Militaires, 31, 1898, 811-117. Albert, Eduard. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 151-152 ; Wien. Med. Wschr. , 50, 1900, 1873- 1874, 1995-1998. 16. Architektura kosti stehenni cloveka V3'rostleho. [Die Architektur des erwachsenen menschlichen Femur.] Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (Trida 2), 9, 1900, No. 5, 17 pp.; Prag, Fr. Jos. Ac. Sci. Bull. (J/ed.), 6, 1901, 12-19. 17. Die Architektur der Tibia. Wien. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 161-164, 219-224, 265-273. Albert, Eugen. For biographical notice see Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 26, 1889, 554. 2. Beitrage zur Theorie und Praxis isochromatischer Verfahren. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 21, 1884, 132- 139, 208. 3. [Ueber die Aufnahme von Bildern bei elektrischem Licht.] Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 21, 1884, 184. 4. Ueber eine isochromatische Collodion-Emulsion von gleicher Emptindlichkeit wie Gelatine-Emulsion. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 25, 1888, 251-256. Albert, Federico. Contribuciones al estudio de aves chilenas. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 100, 1898, 301-325, 593-627, 863-895; 101, 1898, 23-54, 229-264, 497-520, 655-679, 909-941; 103, 1899, 209-255,445-461, 579-591, 677-690, 829-847; 104, 1899, 95-134, 267-283, 987-1008; 106, 1900, 579-591. 2. Las dunas del centre de Chile. Trabajo pro- visional. Chili Soc. Sei. Act., 10, 1900, 135-317. 3. Las dunas o seau las arenas volantes, voladeros, arenas muertas, invasion de las arenas, playas i medanos del centro de Chile, comprendiendo el litoral desde el limite norte de la provincia de Aconcagua hasta el limite sur de la de Arauco. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 107, 1900, 441-614, 643-692. 4. La Chinchilla. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 107, 1900, 913-934. Albert] 50 [Albertoni Albert, Fricdricli. 2. Ueber die Fortpflanzung von Haplosyllis aurantiaca, Eisig. Deutsch. N'atf. Tagebl. , 1884, 323-324. 3. Ueber die Fortpflanzung von Haplosyllis spougi- cola, Gr. [1886.] Neapel Zooh Stat. Mitth.", 7, 1886-87, 1-26. 4. Viebhaltung und Fiitterungsversuche auf der Versuehswirtschaft Lauehstadt im Berichtsjahre 1896- 97. Landw. Jbiich., 27, 1898, 174-214. Albert, H[enry] L. 2. [A case of asymmetry of the jaws.] [ir/rft discussion.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 35, 1892, 216- 220. 3. The sulpho-cyanide of potassium in saliva. [IP/t/i discussion.] Odontol. Soc. Trans., 30, 1898, 50-71; Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 41, 1898, 241-251, 277-280. Albert, Robert. Phenolphtale'iuanilid und Orcinphtale'in- auilid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 3077-3079. 2. Ueber Phenolphtale'inanlyydridanilid und Galle'in- anilid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2793-2794. 3. Ueber kiinstliche Anreieherung der Hefe an Zymase. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2372-2374. 4. Einfacher Versuch zur Veranschaulichung der Zyrnase-Wirkung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3775-3778. 6. NeuereVersuehemitzellenfreierGahrung. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1900 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 94-98. Albert, Robert, & Bucbner, Eduard. Hefepresssaft und Fallnngsmittel. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 266-271, 971-975. Albert, Robert, & Fischer, Otto. S?e Fischer & Albert. Albert levy. See Levy, Albert. Albert-Weill, [Ernest], La theorie du transport des ions et le choix de 1'electrode galvanique iutra-uterine. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1900 (Ft. 1), 305-306. Albert!, [Jul. Guir.]. Ausgedehnte Gangriin der Hals- musculatur und Liihmung des rechten Beins infolge vou Neuritis ischiadica nach Kohlenoxydgasvergiftung. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 20, 1884, 476-483. Alberti, [A'«do//],&Hempel, [C«H]. Quantitative Bestim- mung des Salpeterstickstoffs. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 398-400. 2. Die Bestimmung der anorganischen Bestandtheile in Rohzucker-Producten. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 486-492. 3. Die Bestimmung des specifischen Gewichts und der Grade Brix in Melassen unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Vorschriften zu den Austuhrungsbestim- muugen des Gesetzes vom 9. Juli 1887. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 573-577. 4. Die quantitative Bestimmung des Stiekstoffs im Natronsalpeter. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 101-104. Alberti, Alberto. Dal Garda agli Euganei. Saggio di meccanica stratigrafica. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 3, 1884, 41-65. 2. Sul fondo del mare. [1889.] Acireale Ace. Atti, 1, 1890, 23-44. 3. L' ossalato di calcio uelle foglie. [1889.] Acireale, Soc. Ital. Micr. Boll., 1, [1891], 30-44. 4. L' amido nelle foglie delle piante sernpre verdi. Acireale, Soc. Ital. Micr. Boll., 1, [1891], 144-147. Alberti, Stanislaw. 0 dziataniu bezwodnika kwasu ftalo- \vego na hydrazobenzol. [Ueber die Einwirkung des Phtalsaureanhydrids auf Hydrazobenzol.] Krakow, Ak. (Uat.-Prztjrod.) Rozpr., 19,' 1889, 315-322; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1889, No. 5, xxxii-xxxiii. Alberti, I'ittorio. Riassunti decadici e rnensuali delle osservazioni meteoriche fatte nel R. Osservatorio di Capodimonte [negli anni 1894-99]. Napoli, Rend., 34, 1896, 289-297; 35, 1896, 272-279; 36, 1897, 64-72; 37, 1898, 76-84; 38, 1899, 48-56; 39, 1900, 54-62. 2. Su la funzione vettoriale di 1° grado 0p. Giorn. Mat., 37, 1899, 375-380. 3. Su le differeuze di 0. Giorn. Mat. ,38, 1900, 117-127. Albertini, Lin's. Primera espedici6n [de la] secciou de minas del departamento de ingeuieros uacionales. Es- tudios para la provisidn de aguas en el sud y sudeste de la proviucia de La Rioja. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 20, 1885, 17-45. Albertis, Enrico d\ 2. *La crociera del Violante nel 1*71',. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 15, 1878, 178-182, 210-215, 270-297. Albertis, Luigi Maria d'. 8. *La Nuova Guinea. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 11, 1874, 311-318; 15, 1878, 105-108. 9. *[Letteredalla Nuova Guinea.] [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 12, 1876, 488-499. 10. *Brieniche Mittheilungen fiber Neu-Guinea. [Tr.] [1875.] Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 2, 1876, 64-94. 11. *Sulle sue esplorazioni nella Nuova Guinea. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 16, 1879, 11-26. Albertoni, Pietro. IS. Die Wirkung und die Verwand- lungen einiger Stoffe im Organismus in Beziehung zur Pathogenese der Aeetominiie und des Diabetes. Kritisch- experiruentelle Untersuchungen. Arch. Exper. Path., 18, 1884, 218-241. 16. Ueber die Wirkung des Traubenzuckers auf den Blutdruck und auf die Harnabsonderung. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 117-118. 17. Arbutina. Ann. di Chim., 4, 1886, 178-182. 18. Sull' Adonis aestivalis. [1886.] Ann. di Chim., 5, 1887, 198-204. 19. Sulla formazione e sul contegno dell' alcool e dell' aldeide nell' organismo. Ricerche. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 283-289; Ann. di Chim., 6, 1887, 250-258. 20. Experiences sur les centres nerveux inhibiteurs du crapaud. [1887.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 9, 1888, 19-20; Centrbl. Physiol., 1, 1888, 733-734. 21. Sul contegno e sull' azione degli zuccari nel- 1' organismo. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 111-129: 1, 1890, 383-394; 2, 1891, 383-399; 7, 1897, 359-37U; 8, 1899-1900, 765-777; Ann. di Chim., 9, 1889, 65-88 [First part only]; Arch. Ital. Biol., 15, 1891, 321-343; 18, 1893, 266-276; 30, 1898, 463-483; 35, 1901, 142-150. 22. Orina tilante. [1889.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 691-694. 23. Azione della cocaina sulla contrattilita del protoplasma. [1890.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 10, 1889, 607-616; Pfltiger, Arch. Physiol., 48, 1891, 307- 319. 24. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen Farben und Tonen. [1889.] Centrbl. Physiol., 3, 1890, 345-347. 25. Ueber Blutbildungsprozesse unter dem Einflusse von Pyrodin. Nach Versuchen von Dr. G. MAZZONI. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 50, 1891, 587—599. 26. La physiologic et la question sociale. Rev. Sci., 47, 1891, 225-232. 27. 'Untersuchungen iiber die Vorgange der Ver- cluuung und Stoffumsetzung im Diekdarm. [1873.] [Cf. No. 1 (Vol. 9).] Untersuch. Nat,, 14, 1892, 359-381. 28. La terapia del tetano. Ann. di Chim., 16, 1892, 137-140. 29. Ricerche sulla secrezione biliare fatte nell' Istituto Fisiologico di Bologna. Influenza delle iuiezioni sotto- cutanee di soluzioni di cloruro sodico nella secrezione biliare. [La secrezione biliare nell' inanizione. Ricerche sperimentali.] [1893.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892. 45U-464, 465-469; Ann. di Chim., 20, 1894, 328-336, 321-327. 30. Sur les processus synthe tiques dans les maladies. [1S92.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 18, 1893, 290-293. 31. Contribute alia conoscenzadello scorbuto. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895-96, 127-161. 32. Sulla potabilita dell' acqua di Millefonti e delle sue mescolauze con quelle di Val Saugone. Ann. di Chim., 23 & 24, [1896], 145-153. 33. Le diete negli spedali d' Italia. Bologna Ace. Albertoni] 51 [Albini Sci. Mem., 7, 1897, 35-58; Arch. Hyg., 34 1899 244- 260. 34. Influenza di alcune sostanze sull' ossigeno mobile del sangue. [1899.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem.. 8, 1899-1900, 91-98. Albertoni, Pietro, & Ca.ea.li, 0[svcddo]. Avvelenamento per colchicina, perizia medico-forense. Ann. di Chim. 11, 1890, 169-177. Albertoni, Pietro, & Coronedi, Giuxto. L' acqua di Monsummano (proprieta parlanti). Prime ricerehe sperimentali e cliniche. Ann. di Farm. Chim., f!8991 214-235. Albertoni, Pietro, & Guareschi, Icilio. La cocaina. Ann. di Chim., 1, 1885, 124-136. Albertoni, Pietro, & Novi, Ivo. Sui bilancio nutritive del contudhio italiano. [1893.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, 779-825; Arch. Ital. Biol., 21, 1894 349-386. 2. Sul bilancio nutritive di una famiglia borghese italiana. [1896.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., (J, 1896-97 409-504. Albertoni, Pietro, & Fisenti, Gustavo. Das Aceton in Bezug auf die Nierenveranderungen beim Diabetes. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 561-563. 2. Azione dell' acetone e dell' acido acetacetico sui reni. Contribute alia patogenesi dell' albuminnria e della nefrite. Arch. Sci. Med., 11, 1887, 129-152; Arch. Exper. Path.. 23, 1887, 393-413. 3. Ueber die Wirkung des Aldehydes auf den tierischen Organiemus. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 2fi, 1888, 401-402. Albertoni, Pietro, & Quargnali, Giuseppe. See Quargnali & Albertoni. Albertoni, Pietro, & Tizzoni, Guido. Ueber die Folgen der Exstirpation der Schilddriise. Vorliiufige Mitteilung. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 419-420. 2. Sugli effetti dell' estirpazione della tiroide. Arch. Sci. Med., 10, 1886, 45-91. Albertoni, Pietro, Lussana, Felice, & Rota, Matteo. Acqua solforosa-saline-iodurata di Trescore Balneario. Ann. di Chim., 8, 1888, 69-80. Albertotti, Giuseppe. 4. Autoperimetre enregistreur. Aun. d'Oculist., 92, 1884, 198-207; Arch. Ital. Biol., 6, 1884, 67-76. 5. Esperienze di ottica fisiologica interne alle varia- zioni delP angolo visuale rispondenti alia luce decrescente. Modena, Ace. Sci. Mem., 10, 1894, 353-414. 6. Note riguardanti 1' effetto di optotypi costanti o variabili sopra fondo variabile o costante. Modena, Ace. Sci. Mem., 10, 1894, 449-456. Alberts, C. Geologische und bergbauliche Skizzen aus Eumanieu. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 47, 1888, 131-132. Alberts, (Kapt.) R. *Ueber das Auftreten des Treibeises im Nordatlantischen Ocean im Friihling 1883. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883), 468-471. Albickij, Aleksej A[ndreeril], To reference in No. 1 (Vol. 12) under Al'bitskii add Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 209-212. 3. Ueber das Brechungsvermogen des aus Allyldi- methylcarbinol sicb bildenden Kohleuwasserstoffs CjoH,,,. [Cf. No. 2 (Vol. 12).] Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 213- 214. 4. 0 HtKOTOpHXT> CBoftcTBaxT> u npeBpame- niflxt ^n>ieTnjia.iieHa (Ba-iepiuieHaPEBy-ifl). [On some properties and transformations of dimethylallene (EEBODL'S valerylene).] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (Chem.), 1887, 364-368; Chem. Soc. Jl., 54, 1888 (Ala.), 797-798. 5. Kt Bonpocy o6t iisosiepiu Meatjy o.ieiiHOBoii ii tuaiijuiHOBoii, apyitOBoii u OpacciijuiHOBoft KIICJIOTaMn. [Beitrag zur Keuntniss von den Isoruerie- verhaltnissen der Oel-, Elaidin-, Eruca- und Brassidin- siiure.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. .11., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 76-100; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 61, 1900, 65-94. 6. 0 XJOpOCTeapIIHOBoft KUCJIOrt. [Ueber Chlorsteariniaure. ] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl. , 31 (Chem.), 1899, 100-103; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 61, 1900, 94-98. 7. ,3,'feriCTBie yiccycmiro aHrn^piij,a Ha H'feKO- TOptJH KnpHHfl KIICjlOTBI. [Einwirkung von Essig- saureanhydrid auf einige Fettsauren.] Russ. Phys.- Cbem. Soe. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 103-100; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 61, 1900, 98-101. 8. 06l OKIICJK'HUI H'liKOTOpEIX'L BHCmilXt Henpej'felBHHX'B KIIC.IOT'LCM'tCblO ctpHOU KIIC.10TH C'b HajtC/bpHOKIICJUJMt aMMOHieMT,. [Ueber die Oxy- dation emiger hoherer, ungesattigter Fettsaureu durch Schwefelsiiure und Ammoniumpersulfat.] Euss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Client.), 1900, 640-641 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 33, 1900, 2909-2910. Albickij, Alfkst'j A[ndreei'i£], . 3, 11 pp. 51. Parallelo fra le perdite invisibili di peso, notturne e diurne, del Parus major e del Parus (Pcecile) palustris. Napoli. Rend, 34, 1895, 31-38. 52. Considerazioni sul valore nutritive del pane integrate. Napoli, Rend., 37, 1898, 117-120. 53. Aumenti in peso e perdite invisibili degli animali in via di sviluppo. [1897.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 9, 1899, A'u. 1, 10 pp. 54. La tisoiiomia delle perdite invisibili dell' uomo e degli animali. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 29, 1899, iVo. 12, 13 pp. 55. Su una nuova tunica muscolare dell' intestine tenue del cane e di alcuni altri animali. [1900.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 10, 1901, ATo. 3, 2 pp. Albini, Giuseppe, & Malerba, Pasquale. 3. Sugli albuminoidi della Castanea vesca e su d' una sostanza gommosa rinora non scoperta in questo frutto. Napoli, Bend., 23, 1884, 78-80. Albini, Giuseppe, & Sanna-Salaris, Giuseppe. Sulla strieniria. Napoli, Kend., 27, 1888, 410-412. Al'bitskii. See Albickij. Alt>o,G[iacomo]. Sulla funzionefisiologica della "solanina." [1899.] Contrib. Biol. Veg., 2, 1897-99, 191-209. Albov, jV[i/iaruse leideuden Kiihen. Miincheu Thierarztl. Hochschule Jber., 1894-95, 80-84. 7. Eiweissausscheidung im Harne bei triiuhtigen Rinderu. Miuichen Thieriirztl. Hochschule Jber., 1894- 95, 84. Albrecht I 53 [Albrecht Albrecht, [Knrl Martin] Paul. For biographical notice see Leopoldina, 30, 1894, 163-164; Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (420). 21. *[Sur les os intermaxillaires.] [1882.] Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 1, 1883, 73-95. 22. *Sur le crane d'une idiote de 21 ans. Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 1, 1883, 135-188. 23. *Ueber die seitliche Kieferspalte. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1883, 137-138. 24. *Ueber den morphologischen Werth der Gehor- kmichelchen, des Unterkiefergelenkes und die Derivate der Visceralbogen. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1883, 143-144. 25. *Sur la fossette veruiienue du crane des mara- miferes. [1883.] Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 2, 1884, 138-158. 26. On the morphological bearings of fissures iu the jaws, lips and face. [With discussion.] [2V.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 749-751, 790-793. 27. Diastenie dentaire chez 1'homme. Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 3, 1884, 183-184. 28. Os trigone du pied chez Thonime. [With dis- cussion.] Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 3, 1884, 188-191, 384. 29. Ueber die Wirbelkiirperepiphysen und Wirbel- kcirpergelenke zwischen detn Epistropheus, Atlas uud Occipitale der Siiugethiere. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R., 1884 (2'. 1, Anat.), 54-63. 30. Die vier Zwischenkiefer. das Quadratum, das Quadrato-jugale, das Jugale, die Postfrontalia, das Basioticum, die epipituitaren Wirbelzentren, der Pro- atlas uud die Costoide der Siiugethiere. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. K., 1884 (T. 1, Anat.), 63-67. 31. Ueber die grossere Liiuge der zweiten Zehe bei den alien Griechen. Deutsch. Ges. Authrop. Corresp. - Bl., 1884, 99. 32. Ueber die grossere Bestialitat des weiblichen Men- schengeschlechtes in auatomischer Hinsicht. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp. -Bl., 1884, 99-100. 33. Ueber die Unterschiede des menschlichen Beckena von den ubrigen Afl'enbecken. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp. -Bl., 1884, 100-101. 34. Epiphysen zwisehen Hinterhauptsbein uud Keil- bein beim Menechen. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp. - Bl., 1884, 183-184; Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 3, 1884, 186-187. 35. Ueber die epipituitaren Wirbelzentren der Sa'uge- thiere. Deutsch. Ues. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1884, 184- 185. 36. Ueber die extracranialen Raume in der Schadel- huhle der Saugethiere. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Cor- resp.-Bl., 1884, 185-187. 37. Sur les spondylocentres e'pipituitaires du crane, la non-existence de la poche de BATHKE et la presence de la chorde dorsale et de spoudylocentres dans le cartilage de la cloison du nez des vertebres. [1884.] Biol. Ceutrbl., 4, 1885, 629-632. 38. [Sur la valeur morphologique de la trompe d'EusTACHE et les derives de 1'arc palatin, de 1'arc mandibulaire et de Tare hyoidien des vert^breX suivi de la preuve que le symplectico-hyomaudibulaire est morphologiqueuient independant de 1'arc hyoidien.] [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 629, 632-634. 39. Ervviderung auf Herrn Professor Dr. Hermann VON MEYER'S Aufsatz : "Der Zwischenkieferknochen und seine Beziehungen zur Hasenseharte uud zur schriigen Gesichtsspalte." [1884.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 21, 1886, 201-212. 40. Ueber die im Laufe der phylogenetischen Ent- wickelung eutstandeue, augeborene Spalte des Brustbein- handgriffes der Briillaffen. Berliu Ak. Sber., 1885, 337- 353. 41. Ueber Existenz oder Nichtexistenz der Eath- ke'schen Tasche. Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 724-726. 42. Ueber die Chorda dorsalis und sieben knocherne Wirbelzentren im kuorpligen Nasenseptum eines erwach- senen Rindes. [1885.] Biol. Centrbl., 5, [1886], 144-159, 187-189. 43. Ueber eine in zwei Zipfel auslaufende, rechts- seitige Vorderflosse bei einem Exemplare von Protopterus annectens, Ow. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 545-546. 44. Ueber die cetoide Natur der Proniammalia. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1886, 141-146. 45. "Herr Paul ALBHECHT zum letzten Male. [I. Die Chorda in der Nasenseheidewand der Ochsen. II. Der Zwischenkiefer/'] Antwort auf den gleichnamigen Aufsatz des Herrn Geheimrathes Dr. VON KOLLIKER vom 12. August 1885. Wu'rzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1886, 84-91. 46. Ueber den morphologischen Sitz der Hasen- schartenkieferspalte. [1886.] Biol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 79-82, 121-123. 47. Ueber die morphologische Bedeutuug der Peni- schisis, Epi- und Hypospadie des Menschen. [1886.] Biol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 204-212. 48. Wahre Wirbelzentrenepipbyseu zwischen Hinter- hauptsbein und Keilbem des Menschen. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 404. 49. Die zwischen Gehirn und Hypophysis liegendeu Wirbelzentrenkomplexe. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 405-406. 50. Verlauft der Nervenstrom iu nicht geschlossener, oder geschlossener Strombahn, uud wie gelangt er, wenn letzteres der Fall ist, zum Sitze der elektromotorischeu Kraft zuriick? Biol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 720-726. Albrecbt, Paul Arnold. Ueber arterio-mesenterialen Darmverscbluss an der Duodeno-Jejuualgrenze und seine ursachliche Bezielmng zur Magenerweiterung. Virchow, Arch., 156, 1899, 285-328. Albrecht, Rudolph. For biographical notice and works see St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 9, 1884, 428. Albrecht, [Carl] Th[rodnr]. 8. Astronomisch-geodatische Arbeiten in den Jahreu 1883 und 1884. Bestimmuug der Langendifferenzeu Berlin-Swineruiinde, Kiel-Swine- miinde, Swiuemiiude-Koui^sberg, Kb'nigsberg-Warsehau uud Berlin-Warschau. Bestimmuug der Polhohe des Zeitballes in Swinemiinde. Preuss. Geod. lust. Publ., 1885, 202 pp. 9. Ueber eine durch Erdbeben veranlasste Niveau- stiirung. Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 1211-134. 10. Beobachtungen der Sonneutiusterniss 1887 August 18-19. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 280. 11. Astronomisch-geodatische Arbeiten I. Ordnung. Telegraphische Langenbestimmungen in den Jahren 1885[-93]. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Veriiff., 1887, 216 pp.; 1889, 268pp.; 1890, 273pp.; 1895, 241pp. 12. Die Witterungszustande auf der Schneekoppe. Wetter, 6, 1889, 32-40. 13. Provisorische Resultate der Beobachtungsreiheu in Berlin, Potsdam und Prag betreffeud die Verander- lichkeit der Polhohe. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 145-158. 14. Resultate der fortgesetzten Beobaehtuugsreihen in Berlin und Prag betreffend die Veranderlichkeit der Polhohe. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 129-136. 15. Resultate der Beobachtungsreihen in Berlin, Prag, Strassburg und Honolulu betreffend die Verander- lichkeit der Polhohe. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 169-172. 16. Ableitung der Bewegung des Nordpols in den Jahren 1890-95. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 321-328. 17. Bericht iiber den Stand der Erforschung der Breitenvariation.... [18U8-1900.] Int.Erdm.Centralbur. Ber., 1897, 36 pp.; 1898, 22 pp. ; 1899, 26 pp. 18. Balm des Nordpoles der Erdaxe in der Zeit 1890.0-1897.5. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 129-136. 19. Bahn des Nordpoles der Erdaxe von 1895.0- 1898.7. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 247-252. 20. Bahn des Nordpoles der Erdaxe von 1895.1- 1899.8. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 129-134. Albrecht] 54 LAlcock 21. Astronomisch-geodatische Arbeiten I. Ordnuug. Bestimmung der Langendifferenzen Knivsberg-Kopen- hagen und Knivsberg-Kiel im Jabre 1898. Bestirnmung der Polhohe und des Azimutes auf den Statiouen Die- trichsbagen, Wilhelmsbaven und Kuivsberg in deu Jahren 1H95. 1896 und 1898. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Verdff., :'>, 1900, 216 pp. Albro, (.!//.«.<) Alii-,' ll[t. 2). 1893, 151-153. 20. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey steamer Investigator. ...Series II, No. 9. An account of the deep-sea collection made during the season 1892-93. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 62 (Pt. 2), 1893, 169-184. 21. Deep sea life in tbe Bay of Bengal. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 545-550. 22. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey steamer Investigator. ... Series n, No. 1. On the results of deep-sea dredging during tbe season of 1890- 91. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1894, 225-245, 321-334, 400-411. 23. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey steamer Inrestigator Series n, No. 11. An account of a recent collection of bathybial fishes from the Bay of Bengal and from tbe Laccadive Sea. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 63 (Pt. 2), 1894, 115-137. 24. Natural history notes from the Royal Indian Marine Survey steamer Investigator. ...Series u, No. 13. A new bracbiopod. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 63 (Pt. 2), 1894. 1311-140. 25. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Alcock] 55 [Alderton Survey steamer Investigator. ...Series n, No. 15. On some new and rare corals from the deep waters of India. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 63 (Pt. 2), 1894, 186-188. 26. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey steamer Investigator.... Series n, No. 18. On a new species of viviparous fish of the family Ophidiiilae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 144-146. 27. On a new species of flying lizard from Assam. [1895.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 64 (Pt. 2), 1896, 14-15. 28. Materials for a carcinological fauna of India. [Nos. 1 — 6. The Brachyura Oxyrhyncha, Oxystoma, Cyclometopa, Primigenia or Droruiacea and Catometopa or Grapsoidea.] [1895-1900.1 Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 64 (Pt. 2), 1896, 157-291; 65 (Pt. 2), 1897, 134-296; 67 (Pt. 2), 1898, 67-233; 68 (Pt. 2), 1900, 1-104, 123- IIVJ ; 69 (Pt. 2), 1901, 279-486. 29. Description of a new species of oxyrhynch crab of the genus Parthenope. [1895.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 04 (Pt. 2), 1896, 296-298. 30. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey steamer Investigator — Series n, No. 23. A supplementary list of the marine fishes of India, with descriptions of two new genera and eight new species. [1896.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 65 (Pt. 2), 1897, 301-338. 31. Description of a new species of Brancliipus from Calcutta. [1S96.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 65 (Pt. 2), 1897, 538-539. 32. An instance of the natural repellent effect of "warning colours." [1896.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 65 (Pt. 2), 1897, 539-540. 33. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey ship Investigator — Series n, No. 25. A note on the deep-sea fishes, with descriptions of some new genera and species, including another probably viviparous ophi- dioid. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 136-156. 34. Some remaikable deep-sea animals. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc., 1898, 2-4. 35. A summary of the deep-sea zoological work of the Royal Indian Marine Survey ship Investigator from 1884 to 1897. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 11, 1898, 45-93. 36. An interesting instance of commensalism between a fish and a zoophyte. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc., 1899, 37-38. 37. New species of fish. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc., 1899, 78. 38. Natural history notes from the Royal Indian Marine Survey ship Investigator — Series in, No. 3. On some notable new and rare species of Crustacea. [1899.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 68 (Pt. 2), 1900, 111-119. 39. Remarks on some insects that possess special means of searing their enemies. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc., 1900, 3-5. Alcock, (Surfi.-31nj.) Alfred fl'[illiam],& Anderson,(,S'»n/.- Capt.) A[ilam] R[ivers] S[teele]. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey steamer Investigator.... Series n, No. 14. An account of a recent collection of deep-sea Crustacea from the Bay of Bengal and [the] Laccadive Sea. Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 63 (Pt. 2), 1894, 141-185. 2. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey steamer Investigator.... Series n, No. 17. List of the shore and shallow-water Brachyura collected during the season 1893-94. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 63 (Pt. 2), 1894, 197-209. 3. Natural history notes from H.M. Royal Indian Marine Survey ship Investigator... .Series in, No. 2. An account of the deep-sea Crustacea dredged during the surveying season of 1897-98. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 1-27, 278-292. Alcock, (Surg.-Maj.) Alfred W[illiam], & Finn, Frank. An account of the Reptilia collected by Dr F. P. MAYNARD, Captain A. H. MCMAHON, C.I.E., and the members of the Afghan-Baluch Boundary Commission of 1896. [With notes by Dr F. P. MAYNARD.] [1896.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 65 (Pt. 2), 1897, 55U-566. Alcock, (Surg.-Maj.) Alfred W[illiain], & Wood-Mason, James. See Wood-Mason & Alcock. Alcock, F. Harris. Turpentine. Pharm. JL, 14, 1884, 657. 2. Notes on trade samples of citrate of iron and quinine. [With discussion.'] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1886, 473-479. 3. The assay of jalap. [1892.] Pharm. JL, 23, 1893, 107. 4. The assay of extractum ipecacuanha? liquidurn. Pharm. JL, 9, 1899, 494. 5. The assay of extraction belladonna; liquidum. Pharm. JL, 9, i899, 550-551. 6. Assay of the official nux vomica preparations. Pharm. JL, 10, 1900, 174-175. 7. The assay of official antimony compounds. Pharm. JL, 10, 1900, 362. 8. Potassium ferrate. Pharm. JL, 10, 1900, 464. Alcock, Nathaniel H[enri/]. Why tropical man is black. Nature, 30, 1884, 401-403. 2. Life energy, or the dynamics of health and disease. Nature, 35, 1887, 36C-369. 3. DAUBENTOX'S bat (Vespertilio Daubentonii, Leisler) in Co. Wicklow. Irish Natlist., 7, 1898, 256. 4. The whiskered bat in Co. Dublin. Irish Natlist., 7, 1898, 272. 5. On the vascular system of the Chiroptera. [Part I. Thoracic vessels of Pteropus medius ; with a summary of the literature of the Chiroptera.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 58-79. 6. The natural history of Irish bats. Irish Natlist., 8, 1899, 29-36, 53-57, 169-174. Alcock, (Miss) E[achel]. The digestive processes of Am- mocffites. [1891.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7, 1892, 252-255. 2. The peripheral distribution of the cranial nerves of Arnmocuetes. [1898.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 131-153. 3. On proteid digestion in Ammoccetes. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 612-637. Alcock, (Sir) Rutherford. For biographical notice and works see Geogr. JL, 10, 1897, 642-645; Med.-Chir. Trans., 81, 1898, cxi^cxiii ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 14, 1898, 90-91. Alcock, Thomas. 9. [On the growth of everlasting flowers in the neighbourhood of Manchester.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 24, 1885, 52-53. 1O. On Lageua crenata. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 24, 1885, 55-57. Alcott [uon Allcott], (Rev.) William P. 2. Botanical notes. [1895.] Essex Inst. Bull., 27, 1897, 92-94. 3. Some resources for protection among reptiles. [1896.] Essex Inst. Bull., 28, 1898, 71-76. 4. Battles of the black ants. [1897.] Essex Inst. Bull., 29, 1898, 64-70. Aldehoff, Gustav [Heiurich]. Ueber den Einfluss der Carenz auf den Glykogenbestand von Muskel und Leber. Ztschr. BioL, 25, 1889, 137-162. 2. Tritt auch bei Kaltbliiteru nach Pankreasexstir- pation Diabetes rnellitus auf? Ztschr. BioL, 28, 1891, 293-304. Aldehoff, Giistin- [Heinricli], i Mering, J[oseph~] von. See Mering & Aldehoff. Alderson, Hope. Probable parthenogenesis in Dicranura viuula and Notodonta dictfeoides. [1890.] Ent. Record, 1, 1890-91, 95-96. 2. [The differentiation of Cidaria russata (truncata) and immanata.] [1891.] Ent. Record. 1, 1890-91, 275- 27C. Alderton, Henry A. Investigations with tuning forks of Aldertonl 56 [Aldrich middle register in over six hundred cases. Arch. Otol., 23, 1894, 171-197; Ztschr. OLrenheilk., 26, 1895, 298- 321. 2. The upper-tone limit in the normal and diseased ear, as determined by the Gallon whistle. [1895.] Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 43-48. Alilmio, Patquale. Sul Tomistoma (Gavialosuchus) lyce- ensis del Calcare Mioceuico di Lecce. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 9, 1896, Mem. 15, 14 pp. Aldis, //. L. Astigmatism and a new "stigrnatie" lens. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 20, 1896, 117-123. 2. On the construction of photographic objectives. [With diseuwion.] Photogr. Jl., 24, 1900, 291-299. Aldis, W[illiam] Steadman. Assign to this author title (Vol. 7) under Aldis, HT. S. 7. On the mechanical description of a straight line by means of link-work. [1888.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 21, 1889, 441-446. 8. Spherical eggs. Nature, 30, 1889, 581-582. 9. On the calculation of the true anomaly and radius vector in terms of the time in an elliptic orbit of any eccentricity. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 7, 1895, 211—212 10. Mira Ceti. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 8, 1896, 241-242. 11. Tables for the solution of the equation *y 1 dn /, n"\ 4 + -. , - l + -> )y=°- xz x d.r \ XV [1898.] Boy. Soc. Proc., 64, 1899, 203-223. 12. On the numerical computation of the functions G0 (a:), G, (i), and Jn(W7). [1899.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 06, 1900, 32-43. Aldous, Tltvmas D[uncan]. The early history of the microscope. [1892.] Croydon Micr. Club Proc. & Trans., 4, 1900, 1-9. Aldrich, diaries. Notes on the red-wing blackbird. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 309-310. 2. A horse's memory. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 101. 3. How far does the jerboa jump? Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 514-515. 4. The vision of birds. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 670-671. 5. An instance of individual variation. Amer. Nat- list., 20, 1886, 807. 6. Snakes in high places. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 781-782. Aldnch, ,7[(i/in] 3I[erton]. New species of Phora. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 142-146. 2. The systematic position of the Diptera, Science, 19, 1892, 244-245. 3. Is there a sense of direction? Science, 20, 1892, 262-263. 4. A new genus and species of Tabanida?. [1892.] Psyche, 6, 1893, 236-237. 5. The dolichopodid genus Liancalus, Loew. Psyche, 6, 1893, 5G9-571. 6. Revision of the genera Dolichopus and Hygroce- leuthus. [1893-94.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 2, 1894, 1- 26, 154-157. 7. New genera and species of Psilopinoe. [1893.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, '2, 1894. 47-50. 8. Courtship among the flies. Amer. Natlist. , 2S, 1894, 35-37. 9. New genera and species of Dolichopodidic. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 2, 1894, 151-154. 10. Notes on the insects of North Idaho. [1894.] U.S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 7, 1895, 201-202. 11. The tipulid genera Bittacomorpha and Pedicia. [1895.] Psyche, 7, 1896, 200-202. 12. The dipterous genera Tachytrerhus and Macel- ocerus. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 23, 1896, 81-84. 13. On a collection of Diptera from Indiana eaves. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Hep., 21, 1897, 186-190. 14. Goniops and other synonyms. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 531-533. Aldrich, J[ohn] M[erton], & Turley, L. A. A balloon- making fly. Amer. Natlist., 33, 1899, 809-812. Aldrich, N. II. Storage-batteries. Science, 15, 1890, 209. Aldrich, (Capt.) Pelliam. [Christmas Island.] [1887.] Nature, 37, 1888, 204. 2. Barometric oscillations. [1888.] Nature, 39, 1889, 38. Aldrich, Thomas B[ell]. On the chemical and physio- logical properties of the fluid secreted by the anal glands of Mephitis mephitica. [1895.] Science, 3, 1896, 111. 2. A chemical study of the secretion of the anal glands of Mephitis mephitica (common skunk), with remarks on the physiological properties of this secretion. Jl. Exper. lied., 1, 1896, 323-340. Aldrich, Thomas B[ell], & Houghton, E[lijah] 3I[ark]. A further contribution to the pharmacology of chlore- tone. [18M9-] Amer. Jl. Physiol., 3, 1900, xxvi-xxvii. Aldrich, Thomas B[ell], & Jones, Walter. a-Methyl- quinoline as a constituent of the secretion of the anal glands of Mephitis mephitica. Jl. Exper. Med. , 2, 1897, 439-452; Science, .5, 1897, 911. Aldrich, Truman H[eminway]. Observations upon the Tertiary of Alabama. Amer. Jl. Sci., 30, 1885, 300- 308. 2. Notes on the Tertiary of Alabama and Mississippi, with descriptions of new species. [1885.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 8, 1886, 145-153. 3. Notes on the distribution of Tertiary fossils in Alabama and Mississippi. [1885.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 8, 1886, 256-257. 4. Preliminary report upon the Tertiary fossils of Alabama and Mississippi. Alabama Geol. Surv. Bull., 1, 1886, 15-60. 5. Notes on Tertiary fossils, rare or little known. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 8, 1886, 153-156. 6. Notes on Tertiary fossils, with descriptions of new species. [1887.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 10, [1888], 78-83. 7. Notes upon a collection of shells from Borneo, with descriptions of new species. [1889.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 12, [1890], 23-26. 8. A new Eocene fossil from Texas. [1890.] Nautilus, 4, 1890-91, 25. 9. A new land shell from Sumatra. [1892.] Nautilus, 6, 1892-93, 90. 10. New Tertiary fossils from Red Bluff, Mississippi. [1894.] Nautilus. 7, 1893-94, 97-99. 11. New or little known Tertiary Mollusca from Alabama and Texas. [1895.] Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Bull. Amer. Paleont., 1 (1895-96), 55-82. 12. Descriptions of two new Eocene Solariidaa from Alabama. [1895.] Nautilus, 9, 1895-96, 1-2. 13. Notes on Eocene Mollusca, with descriptions of some new species. [1897.] Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Bull. Amer. Paleont., 2 (1896-98), 167-192. 14. A new Cancellaria from the Alabama Eocene. [1897.] Nautilus, 11, 1897-98, 27-28. 15. Some new Eocene fossils from Alabama. [1898.] Nautilus, 11. 1897-98, 97-98. 16. Notes on some land and freshwater shells from Sumatra, with descriptions of new species. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99, 1-4. Aldrich, Truman H[cminway], & Meyer, Otto. See Meyer & Aldrich. Aldrich, William fl[leeper]. Notes on electro-magnetic machinery. [1891-92.] Franklin lust. Jl., 133, 1892, 130-145, 214-234. Aldrich] 57 [Alekseev 2. On the variable action of two-coil solenoids. Franklin Inst. JL, 133, 1892, 317-328. Aldringen, Friedrich. Ueber Thiocumarine und Abkornm- linge derselben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. 24, 1891, 3459-3466. Alechin, A[leksej Vasiljevic]. 2. 06l> aHril^pIIJiax'b MaHHirra. [Sur les anhydrides de la mannite.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 16 (Client.), 1884, 382-384; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 328-329. 3. 0 MeJiesiITOSf,. [Sur le melezitose.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 21 (Chem.), 1889, 407-421; Ann. Chim., is, 1889, 532-551. Aleclisictt, Nieolinis. Reactionszeiten bei Durchgangs- beobachtungen. Phil. Stud., 16, 1900, 1-60. Alefeld, Friedricli, & Vaubel, Wilhelm. Ueber die Dar- stellung von Farbstoffen aus Hydroxylderivaten der aromatischen Reihe init Hiilfe des elektrischen Stromes. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 297. Aleksandrov, 31. FeOJIOrHieCEifi O'ICpKI. dcjicrOBt p. JtoHa iiejKjiy CTamriiaMii EpeiiencKoil n HJIOB- JIiniCKOil. Geologische Untersuchungeu am Flusse Don zwischen Kremenskaja und Ilowlinskaja. Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 17, 1887 (No. 6), 17 pp.; St. Petersb. Com. Geol. Bull., 7, 1889 (Suppl.), 1. Aleksandrov, N. A. Maiepia.lH KT> BOIIpOl'V 0 MOJieKy.iflpHOM'b Btct, aii'iHaro a.ii>6yMiina. [Ma- terials towards a solution of the question of the molecular weight of egg albumin.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 4, 1891 555-613. Aleksandrov, N. A., & Sabaneev, A[leksandr'] P[avlovic]. See Sabaneev & Aleksandrov. Aleksandrov, Petr, & Zajcev, \ikolaj. 00'b II303py- KOB01I K1ICJIOT*. [Ueber Isoerucasaure.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soe. JL, 24 (Chem.), 1892, 486-491; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 58-63. Alcka.it, P. A". 0 KpIICTajUIII'ieCKOfi (JtOpJlt MJ'paB- hllHOKUCJiaro CTpOHD,ifl. [Ueber die Krystallform des Strontiumf'ormiates.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 11, 1898, 446-468 (Re's. 466-468). Alekseev, Nicolaj, & Weyer, Leon. See Weyer it Alekseev. Alekseev, Nikolaj Nikolaevic. 12. *0 XpoSjixi,, no.iyiaeMHXTb iipn ii3BJieHeiiiii naro Kopna list ijtiaro MHoroH.ieHa KaKoii .11160 CTeneHII. [On approximate fractions obtained in the extraction of the square root of an integral polynomial of any degree.] [1880.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 37, 1881, 107-123. Alekseev, P[etr~] P[etrovic]. Assign to this author entry (Vol. 7) under Alexejeff, S. For biography and works see Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. , 1890-91 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 9, 1-3; Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 11 (Append.), 1892, 48 pp.; Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 24 (Chem.), 1892, 205-235. To reference in No. 20 (Vol. 12) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 172-173. To reference in No. 21 (Vol. 12) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 171-172. 22. Action de la lumiere sur Facide nitrocuminique. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1885 (Pt. 1), 113; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 17 (Chem.), 1885, 112-114; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 178-179. ;iuiji,KOCTeii n o Bjiiflnin oxiaHueiiia na xojtt pe- aKUHI. [On the temperature of solidification of some liquids and on the influence of cooling on the rate of reaction.] [1885.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 8 (1), 1886, li-lii. R. s. A. c. 24. Sur la forme cristalline de quelques azoeom- binaisons Ass. Franc. C. R., 1886 (Pt. 2), 274-275. 25. 0 cxpoeHiu HiiTpocoe;uiHeHiir aciipHaro pfl^a. [Sur la constitution des nitroeombinaisons de la s^rie grasse.] RUBS. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl. , 18 (Chem. ), 1886, 385-386; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 46, 1886, 266- 268. 26. Et HCTOpill aSOCOejUIHCHiil. [Contribution to the history of the azo-compounds.] [1887.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 9, 1888, xxxiv-xxxv. 27. Sur le chlorure d'azocuminyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 206-207. Alekseev, P[. On solutions.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Chem.), 1884, 92-93; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 548. 11. 0 TenjiorE pacTBOpenifl cajuiuiuoBoH KJICJIOTH Bt BOJVk. [Sur la chaleur de dissolution de 1'acide salicylique dans 1'eau.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 16 (Chem.), 1884, 180; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 317. 12. [0 B3aiIMHOl1 paCTBOpIIMOCTII JKIIJI,KOCTeil. Sur la solubilite reciproque des liquides.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 16 (Chem.), 1884, 377-378; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 3'29-330. is. 06i. yc.TOBiax'B, onpej-fe.iHiomux'i, iipo'mocrb COejtUHeHiH. [On the conditions determining the stability of compounds.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 16 (Chem.), 1884, 641-642; Chem. Soc. Jl., 48, 1885 (Abs.), 114. 14. Ueber erne Fehlerquelle bei den Dampfdichte- bestimmungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885 2898-2900. Alekseev] [Alessandri 15. Oui, li:!(>Mi'pilI paeTBOpOBT,. [Ueber die Isomerie der Lb'sungen.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 ICJinii.), 1885, 46-51; Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885 (Ref.), 599. 16. O pnriBnpax'i, 'iiMiAKOCTeii m, ntiiji,KocTflX'i>. [Ueber Losungen von Fliissigkeiten iu Fliissigkeiten. ] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Cliem.), 1885, 99-10'.); Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885 (Kef.), 398-400. 17. [O B.iaiiMiioii pacTBOpiiMOCTii BTOpii'inaro n\ I 'ii.ioitai'ci rilll]iTa II BO^tl. Ueber die gegenseitige Lnslichkeit des seeundaren Butylalkohols und des Wassers.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1885, 281 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885 (Ref.), 599-600. 18. Ueber Losungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., '28, 1886, 305-338. 19. Ueber die katalytische Wirkung des Glases. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 812. 20. Eine neue Einrichtung zur Bestimmung des Warmewertb.es der Steinkohlen im Calorimeter. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1557-1561. 21. 0 KaTajiiiTiciecKiix'i, CBOftcTBaxt c'reKJia. [On the catalytic properties of glass.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Sue. Jl., 18 (Chem.), 1886, 57-60. 22. [0 HOBOfi pamiocTii ropnaro Bociia II:)T, KajiyJKCKOil ryftepllill. Ueber eine neue Bergwaehs- varietat aus dem Kaluga'scheu Gouverneinent.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 29, 1892, 201-203; Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1895, 504. 23. [0 Me'reopiirfe ii3i> .nepeBnu ABryciiiHOBKii EKaxepllHOCJiaBCKOJl ry6. Ueber den Meteorit aus demDorfeAwgustinowka.GouvernementJekaterinoslaw.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 30, 1893, 475. 24. [0 dvpuxi yr.!flXT> ncuMOcicoBiiaro 6ac- ceillia. Ueber die Braunkohlen des Moskauer Beckens.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 30, 1893, 476. 25. [0 co.iii n:n, 6acceiiHa p. MaiiM. Ueber ein Salz aus dem Flusssystem der Mana.] St. Petersb. Miu. Ges. Verb., 31, 1894* 350-351 ; Ztschr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 336. 26. [O IIOBOMI Tinrl; onicyiiopiiux'i, r.iiurb. Ueber einen neuen Typus feuerfester Thone.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 34, 1896 (Prot.), 17. 27. [0 rjiiiiit, CT> Kocoro Bpo.ua, no p. MycoBoil. Ueber den Thon von Kossoi Brod an der Tschubsowaja.] [1897.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 35, 1898 (Prut.), 63; Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 509. 28. [06i> yr.it, n:ii> noBtiHeuiiaro yta^a CXio- IIOUKOII ryficpuill. Ueber die Steinkohle aus dem Kreise Powenetz im Gouvernement Olonetz.] [1897.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., H5, 1898 (Trot.), 75. Alekseevskij, t'[ladimir] P[etrori<~]. To reference in title (Td/. 12) add Fortsohr. Math., 1884, 288. 2. Ofi'i, iiiiTerpiipiiitaiiiii ypaBiieiiifl [Ueber-die Integration der Gleichung] dui/ a. menin ypaBiieiuH PIIKATTH. [Notiz iiber die Verallyemeinerung der Riccati'scheu Gleichung.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 1884, 80- 82 ; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 290. 4. ()(')•!, HHierpHpOBEHiH ojuioro jniiii-ihiaro lniii|iilic'pc'iiii.iajii.naro ypaBiienia n-TO iiopaji,Ka. [Ueber die Integration einer linearen Differential- gleichung nt(l Ordnung.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 1884, 222-232; Fortschr. Math., 1885, 328. 5. () (|iyHKii,iHX'i, iioAodiiux'i. i])yuKiuii rajnia. Sur les fonctions analogues a la fonction gamma. Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 1, 1889, 169-238; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 439-441. 6. Ueber eine Classe von Functionen, die der Gamma- function analog sind. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 46, 1894, 268-275. 7. OOT> aBTOJiopHofi i|pyin;niii, aiia.ioni'iuon 8KCnOHeHTHOfi. [Ueber eine automorpbe Function, die der Exponentiellen analog ist. ] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 4, 1895, 253-262; Fortschr. Matli., 1895, 466. 8. Ueber die Definition der Langu iu der nichteukli- discben Geomctrie. (Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 6, 139-153.) Fortschr. Math.. 1898, 411. Alelekov, [Alekxuntlr Nikolaevic], Beitrag zur Sympto- matologie und Pathologie der syplulitischen Erkran- kungen der Arterien uud des Gebirngewebes. Neurol. Centrbl.. 15, 1896, 253-267. Aleman, Jesus. Apuntes acerca de la mariposa del madrono. Eucbeira socialis, de Westorroel. [1885.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 152-155. 2. Frey-Suila Dugesh. [1887.] Naturaleza, 1, 1891, 21-26, 39. 3. Un punto de duda respecto del aparato veneuoso del letalurus Dugesii. Naturaleza, 1, 1891, 498-499. Alen, J[nli/iii] E[dvnrd]. To reference in No. 6 (Vol. 9) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 435- 436. To reference in No. 7 (Vol. 9) ], A Andreocci, America. See Andreocci & Alessandrello. Alessandri, (liitliit de. Contribuzione allo studio dei Cirripedi fossili d' Italia. [1895.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 13, 1894, 234-314. 2. Ricerche sui pesci fossili di Parana (Repubklicu Argentina). [1896.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 451-466 or 715-730. 3. Avan/.i di Oxyrhiua hastalis nel Miocene di Alba. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 263-269. 4. Contribuzione allo studio dei pesci Terziarii drl Piemonte e della Liguria. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 45, 1896, 262-294. 5. La pietra da Cantoni di Rosignano e di Vignale (Basso Monferrato). Studi stratigrafici e paleontologici. Milano, Soc. Ital. Mem., 6 (Fuse. 1), 1897, 98pp. 6. Osservazioni geologiche sulla Creta e sull' Eocene della Lombardia. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 38, 1899. 253-320, 472. Alessandri] 59 [Alexander 7. Fossili Cretacei delta Loiubardia. Palieontographia Ital., 4. 1899, 169-202. 8. Sopra alcuni fossili Aquitaniani del dintorni di Acqui. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 19, 1900, 549-554. 9. Appunti di geologia e di paleontologia sui dintorni di Acqui. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 39, 1900, 173-348. Alessandri, P[aoli>] E[milio\. 4. Recherche de la saccharine. [TV.] Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 44, 1888, 246-248. 5. Sui processo Pagnoul per riconoscere la presenza di sostanze coloranti nocive uel vino. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 5, 1891, 244-246. 6. Processo volumetrico per la valutazione del- 1' anidride carbonica libera, semicombinata e combinata, nelle acque potabili. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 25, 1893, 168-175. Alessandri, Roberto. Effetti del cloroformio sull' or- ganismo e sui reui. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 ( IW t, Cliir.), 573-577. 2. Ueber die Wirkung des Colitoxins, hervorgebracht in einem Falle von Dyeenterie und todlicher Septikiimie, mit ortlicher Gangran der Operationswunde durch Bac- terium coli. Centrbl. Bakt. (Alit. 1), 23, 1898, 6S5-689. Alcssandrini, niuliu. Quale sia le specie di Tseuia pre- doininante in Roma e sua provincia. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 2. 1893, 83-86. 2. Prime uotizie auatomiche di un Tragulus morto in Roma. Roina, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 2, 1893, 141-149. 3. Notizie anatomiehe...del Tragulus merainna, Er.rl. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 2, 1893, 260-271 ; 3, 1894, 175-190. 4. Dermoide centrale della cornea in una Cavia cobaya, Schreb. Roma, Soe. Studi Zool. Boll., 4, 1895, 41-55. 5. Raro caso di parassitismo nell' uorao dovuto alia larva di una mosca (Sarcopbaga affmis, Meifl.). Roina, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 4, 1895, 278-288. 6. Uu caso di rnyiasis per larve della Sareophaga carnaria, Meirj. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 5, 1896, 194-197. 7. Sui Coleotteri della provincia di Roma. Fam. Carabida;. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 6, 1897, 36-50, 128-139, 213-226 ; 7, 1898, 18-33 ; 8, 1899, 156-162. 8. Sovra due casi di anormale espulsione di Ascaris lumbricoides, Lin. Roma, Soe. Studi Zool. Boll., 8, 1899, 83-84. 9. Contribute allo studio dei Forficulidi romani. [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 98-99. 10. Sulla cattura della " Pyrrosia aurea," Fallen., in Roma. [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 269-270. Alessandro, Amrrio. Sulla reazione dovuta all' inerzia. Riv. Sci.-Iud., 31, 1899, 120, 153-155. Alessandro, Arturo d'. Sui gruppi Hamiltoniani. Giorn. Mat., 37, 1899, 138-147. Alessi, Alessio. Sull' acido bibromoparaossibenzoico. Gazz. Chini. Ital., 15, 1885, 242-244. 2. Vorlesungsversuche. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 485-486. Alessi, Giuseppe. Sulla trasmissibilita dei germi infettivi mediante le deiezioni delle mosche. Arch. Sci. Med., 12, 1888, 279-292. 2. Ueber Fauluisgase als priidisponierende Ursache zur Typbusinfektion. Ceutrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 228-229. Alessi, Giuseppe, & Russo-Giliber'i, A[ntoiiio]. See Russo-Giliberti & Alessi. Alessi, Giuseppe, & Sirena, Sauti. See Sirena *v Alessi. Alessi, .S'fi/nis/as. Briefliches aus Tunesien. Jl. f. Ornitb., 40, 1892, 314-317. Alessi. See also Fennisi Alessi. Alexander, [Conrad]. Ueber das Antipyrin und seine Wirkung bei fieberhaften Krankheiten. Breslau, Scbles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 89-104. Alexander, .-I . Ueber die Lymphcapillaren der Oborioidea. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abtli.), 1889, 117-122. Alexander, A. B., Tanner, (Lt.) Z[era] L[uther], & Townsend, Charles H[askiw]. .Sec Tanner, Towns- end iV Alexander. Alexander, Arthur C. The rotary properties of some yegetable proteids. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 304-322. Alexander, (Copt.) Boyd. On a new British petrel. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 167-168. 2. Ornithological notes from Romney Marsh and its neighbourhood. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 246-253; Ornith- ologist, 1, 1897, 105-111. 3. Notes on birds iu Kent. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 344-349. 4. Ornithological notes from Rye. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 408-416. 5. Breeding habits of the sparrow-hawk. [1896.] Ornithologist, 1, 1897, 115. 6. An ornithological expedition to the Cape Verde Islands. Ibis, 4, 1898, 74-118, 277-285. 7. [On birds from the Zambesi and Kafni rivers.] [1899.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 8, 1899, xlviii-xlix, liv-lv ; 10, 1900, xvii. 8. An ornithological expedition to the Zambesi river. Ibis, 5, 1899, 549-583; 6, 1900, 70-109, 424-458. Alexander, Carl. Untersuclmugen iiber die Nebennieren und ihre Beziehungen zum Nervensystein. Beitr. Path. Anat., 11, 1892, 145-197. 2. Die Photograph ie des Blasen-Iunern.... Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1895 (Abth. In), 73-74. Alexander, (.1/i'ss) Catherine. Observations on the gland* in the leaf and stem of Myoporum ketum, Fonter. [1886.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 19, 1887, 314-316. Alexander, E. J. The relative ages of the older gold- bearing "leads" or ancient river beds of Ballarat, Creswick, Ararat, etc., and the marine Tertiary forma- tions of Victoria and South Australia. [1887.] Aust. Geol. Soc. Trans., 1, 1886-92, 91-97. Alexander, (Gen.) E[dward] P[orter]. [Notes on the hurricane of October, 1893.] [1894.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 475-476. 2. Notes on the hurricane of Sept. 25-27, 1894. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 11 (1894-95), 341-342. 3. The destructive forces of hurricanes and the conditions of safety and danger. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 24 (1896), 153-156. 4. The storm waves of South Carolina and Texas. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 381. Alexander, Franz. Zur Kenntniss des Caseins und seiner peptischen Spaltungsprodukte. Ztscbr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 411-429. Alexander, Guttav. Beitrag zur ruakroskopischen Prae- paration des hautigen Labyrinthes des Menschen. Eine anatotnische Studie. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1895, 115-188. 2. Zur Technik der Wachsplattenrecoustruction. Ueber Richtungsebenen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr. , 14, 1897, 334-348. 3. Zu "Zur Herstellung von Richtebenen und Richt- linien" von G. BORN und K. PETER. [1899.] Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 15, 1898, 446-448. 4. Zur Anatomie der janusartigen Doppelmissbil- dungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtiguug der Synotie. Arch. EntwMech., 8, 1899, 642-688. 5. Zur Anatomie des Ganglion vestibulare der Saugethiere. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 3), 449-469 ; Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Halfte 2), 453-454. 6. Zur vergleichenden, pathologischen Anatomie des Gehororganes. I. Gehororgan und Gehirn einer unvoll- kommenalbinotischen,weissen Katze. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 50, 1900, 159-181. 7. Ueber Entwicklung und Ban der Pars inferior Labyrinthi der hoheren Saugethiere. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie des Ohrlabyrinthes. [1900.] Wien, Ak. Deukschr., 70, 1901, 429-482. 8—2 Alexander] 60 [Alezais Alexander, Guslar, & Kreidl, Alois. Zur Physiologic des Labyrinthes der Tanzrnaus. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 82, 1900, 541-552. Alexander, Gnxtuc, it Moszkowicz, L. Ueber eine seltene Missbildung der Obrmuschel. Arch. Ohren- heilk., 50, 1900, 97-101. Alexander, H. Dosage volumetrique du plomb. [Tr.] [1893.] Moniteur Sci., 8, 1894, 204. Alexander, Hans. Versuche einer Synthese des Conydrins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23. 1890, 2714-2715. 2. Ueber Phenylapfelsauren. Liebig's Ann., 258, 1890, 67-86. 3. Einwirkung von Formaldehyd auf Orthodimethyl- toluidin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2408. 4. Reduction des Ciunarons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2409-2411. 5. Ueber die angebliche Zerlegung des Schwefels. [1898.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 93-95. 6. Ueber die Einwirkung des Acetylens auf Kupfer. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2381-2384. Alexander, Heinrich. Ueber hydroxylarninbaltige Platin- basen. [1887.] Liebig's Ann., 246, 1888, 239-264. Alexander, (Rei\) J. M. The craters of Mokuaweoweo, on Mauna Loa. [1885.] Nature, 34, 1886, 232-234. 2. On the summit crater [of Mauna Loa] in October, 1885, and its survey. Arner. Jl. Sci., 36, 1888, 35-39. Alexander, J. Owen, flee Gilzean, A. R. Alexander, (Gen. Sir) James Edicard. For biography and works see Geogr. Soc. Proc., 7, 1885, 343-344; Leopoldiua, 21, 1885, 160, 210-211 ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 2, 1886, 34 ; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 350-351. Alexander, John, & Carnelley, Thomas. See Carnelley & Alexander. Alexander, Peter. Failing cases of FOURIER'S double- integral theorem. [1884.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 3, 1885, 12-18. 2. BOOLE'S and other proofs of FOURIER'S double- integral theorem. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 3, 1885, 45-58. 3. A theory of storm travel. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 16, 1885, 194-202. 4. Approximate formulae for the motion of projectiles. [1886.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 18, 1887, 237-241. 5. How to use the polari^cope in the practical determination of internal stress and strain. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 18, 1887, 242-248. 6. A proof of FOURIER'S series for periodic functions. Messenger of Math., 16, 1887. 23-26. 7. Extensions of FOURIER'S trigonometric series theorems. Messenger of Math., 16, 1887, 42-61. 8. Expansion of functions in terms of linear, cylindric, spherical, and allied functions. [1886.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 33, 1888, 313-320. Alexander, S. The thermal belts and cold island of southeastern Michigan. [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl. , 1 (1884-85), 467-471. 2. Freaks of the frost. [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 2 (1885-86), 28-29. 3. Remarkable optical phenomenon. [1887.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 3 (1886-87), 486. 4. Heavy rainfall and its consequences. [1889.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 5 (1888-89), 510. Alexander, Stephen. For biography and works see Amer. Ac. Proc., 19, 1884, 504-511. Alexander, Thomas. 3. Equilibrium of a cylindrical shell. [1897.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 366. 4. Attraction in a spherical hollow. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 270-271. Alexander, Thulium, & Bl.ikiston, (Capt. ) Thomas Wright. See Blakiston A Alexander. Alexander, Thomas, & Thomson, Arthur W. On two- nosed catenaries and their application to the design of segmental arches. [1888.] Irish Ac. Trans., 29, 1887-92, 43-99. 2. The Alexander-Thomson moment delineator, and its application to maximum bending moments due to moving loads. [With discussion.] [1889.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 33, 1890, 55-74. 3. On elliptographs, and on a mechanical rocker for detecting oscillations. [1891.] Irish Ac. Trans., 29, 1887-92, 673-708. Alexander, W. S. An ideal germicide, deodorant, and antizymotie, possessing the same germicidal power as corrosive sublimate without its toxieity. N. Y. Med. Jl., 05, 1897, 53-55. Alexander, Walter. Ueber die Phtalylverbiudungen des Aminoacetals. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3102- 3105. Alexander, William. Assign to this author No. 2 (Vol. 1). For biographical notice and works see Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc., 10, 1889, 251-253. Alexander, William //[rnr;/]. The flood of January, 1880, at Basseterre, St. Kitts, W. I. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 196. 2. [Observations of the St. Kitts, W. I., hurricane.] U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 396, 409-410. 3. Climatology of St. Kitts. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 583-587 ; 28 (1900), 66-67, 330-333, v. 4. Thunderstorms at Antigua, W. I. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 380-381. 5. Rainfall on the island of St. Kitts, W. I. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 487-488. Alexandra, Andre Pierre. For biographical notice see N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1883-89, 262-263. Alexandra, Paul. Recherches experimentales sur les mortiers hydrauliques. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 20 (1890), 277-428. Alexi, A. P. Die St.-Georger Sauerlinge im Nordosten Siebenbiirgens und die Flora auf dem Gebiete derselben. Siebeub. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 12, 1892, 12-31. Alexis, (If fri-re) [secular name Gochet, J/.]. L'heure universelle et le meridien initial cosmopolite. Rev. Quest. Sci., 15, 1884, 159-170; 26, 1889, 353-370. 2. Note relative a 1'unitication des heures. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1890, 89-93. 3. Les 24 fnseaux horaires pour la reglementation Internationale des heures. Rev. Quest. Sci., 27, 1890, 512-517. Aley, Robert Jndson. Contributions to the geometry of the triangle. Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Math.), 1. 1897, 3-32. Alezais, II[enri], De la bourse sereuse de FLEISCHMAX ou bourse sublinguale. Robin, Jl. Anat., 20, 1884, 441-454. 2. La main des ouvriers bouchonuiers et de quelques ouvriers d'une manufacture de pianos. Ass. Franc,1. C. R. , 1889 (Pt. 2), 1124-1127. 3. Aire chirurgicale des sinus frontaux. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 708-712. 4. Monstre peracephale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 437-440. 5. Note sur le mode de communication du sinus frontal avec le meat rnoyen. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C'. R.), 702-705. 6. Note sur 1'urine normale du cobaye. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 213-214. 7. De 1'urme du cobaye. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897. 576-589; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C.R.), 413^14. 8. Les muscles scalenes du cobaye. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 896-898. 9. Note sur les muscles masticateurs du cobaye. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 49, 1897 (C. R.), 1068-1070. 10. Contribution a 1'etude de la capsule surr^nale du cobaye. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 444-454. 11. Le poids des reins chez le cobaye. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), ISis-lS'.p. Alezais] 12. Note sur revolution de quelques glandes. Puris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R ), 425-427. 13. De la vertebre diaphragmatique cle GIEBEL. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 686-687. 14. Contribution a 1'etude de la plevre et du pe'ritoine chez le cobaye. Robin, Jl. Anat., 34, 1898, 487-495. 15. Etude anatomique du cobaye (Cavia cobaya). Robin, Jl. Anat., 34, 1898, 735-7.56 ; 35, 1899, 333-381 ; 36, 1900, 635-648. 16. Le Teenia semi-cireularis. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 266. 17. L'innervation du grand adducteur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 563-564. 18. La torsion du tendon d'Achille chez 1'bomme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C1. R.), 728-729. 19. L'articulation du coude et la prono-supination de 1'avant-bras. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 508-510. 20. Le quadriceps femoral des sauteurs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 510-511. 21. Quelques adaptations fonctionnelles du grand pectoral et du grand dorsal. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m. , 52, 1900 (C. R.), 701-703. 22. Note sur quelques adaptations fonctionnelles des muscles des membres. Paris, Soc. Bio!. Me'm., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 998-999. Alezais, H[enn\, & Arnaud, Francois (D.M.). Re- cherches experimentales sur la toxicit<5 de la substance des capsules surrenales. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 703-707. 2. Sur les caracteres du sang efferent des capsules surrenales. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 808-810. 3. Sur la repartition des £le"iuents uerveux dans les capsules surreuales. Ass. Franc. C. R. , 1891 (Pt. 1), 325. Alezais, H[enri], & Astros, Leon d'. Les arteres nourricieres des noyaux du moteur oculaire commun et du pathetique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 492-493. 2. La circulation arterielle du pedoncule cerebral. Robin, Jl. Anat., 28, 1892, 519-528; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 273-274. Alezais, H[cnri], & Pallet, A[rthur]. See Fallot & Alezais. Alezais, H[enri], & Francois, L. La tension arterielle dans la fjevre typho'ide a forme muqueuse. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 2), 807-811. Alezais, I![enri], & tivon, Charles. See Iiivon & Alezais. Alezais, II[enri], & Qucirel, [Angiixte]. See Queirel & Alezais. Alfa, J[ohann], & Weinland, R[udolf] Ffriedrich]. See Weinland &• Alfa. Alfani, Guide. Primo studio sulle vibrazioui telluriehe in relazione agli urti marini. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, 1-2. Alferaki, Seryej [Nikolaevic]. 4. Berichtigung zu meinem Artikel fiber Colias im Jahrg. 1883 S. 488. Stettin, But. Ztg., 45, 1884, 476. 5. Diagnoses de quelques Lepidopteres inedits du Thibet. [C/. No. 8.] Mern. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 3, 1887, 403-406. 6. Diagnosen einiger neuer centralasiatischer Lepi- doptereu. [C/. No. 10.] Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 48, 1887, 167-171. 7. Neue Lepidopteren. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 49, 1888, 66-69. 8. Lepidopteres rapportes du Thibet par le General N. Jl. PRZEWALSKY de son voyage de 1884-85. Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 5, 1889^ 59-89. 9. Lepidopteres rapportes de la Chine et de la Mongolie par G. N. POTAJJINE. M4m. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 5, 1889, 90-123; 6, 1892, 1-81. 01 [Alfken 10. Le Pamir et sa faune lepidopterologiqne. Seconde partie (speciale). iv. Noctuelites. Mem. Le'pidopt., St. Petersb., 5, 1889, 124-191. 11. Zur Lepidopteren-Fauua von Teneriffa. [Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. G. SIEVEUS.] Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 5, 1889, 203-232. 12. Sur quelques Lepidopteres de la Russie m^ridio- nale. Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 5, 1889, 233-240. 13. De 1'olfaction chez les Lepidopteres. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, xcvii-c. 14. On some cases of dimorphism and polymorphism among pala-arctic Lepidoptera. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1891, 497-502. is. Kyjitjima H TaiiL-lIIaiib. IIyTeBi,i« uaii- t.TKII. [Kuldja and Tian-Shan. Travel notes.] St. Petersb., Soc. Russe Geogr. Mem. (Geoyr.), 23 (No. 2), 1891, 192 pp. 16. Lepidoptera nova a Gr. GRCM-GRSHIMAILO in Asia Centrali novissime lecta. Soc. Ent. Ross. Horse, 26, 1892, 444-459. 17. Lepidoptera nova Asiie Centralis. Iris, 6 (1893), 346-347. 18. Notes tepidopterologiques. Iris, 7 (1894), SOS- SIS ; 8 (1895), 171-180. 19. Lepidopteres nouveaux. Iris, 8 (1895), 180-202. 20. Lepidopteres rapporte's par SI. Gr. GROUM- GRSHIHAILO de 1'Asie Centrale en 1889-90. Mem. Lepi- dopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 1-81. 21. Lepidopteres des provinces chinoises Se-Tchouen et Kharn recueillis, en 1893, par G. N. POTANINE. Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 83-149. 22. Lepidopteres de 1'Amour et de la Cor^e. Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 151-184. 23. Memoire sur dift'erents Lepidopteres tant nou- veaux que peu eonuus, de la faune palearctique. Mem. Le'pidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 185-227. 24. Sur quelques Lepidopteres rapportes de 1'Asie, en 1893-95, par 1'expeditiou de MM. ROBOROWSKY et KOZLOV. Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 229- 237. 25. Lepidopteren aus Kamtschatka gesammelt von O. HEEZ. Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 301- 347. Alferov, Sfrgtj. 2. Nouvel appareil servant a compter exacternent les globules sanguins. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1884, 269-286. Alfters, flranz], & Jannasch, Paul. See Jannascli & Alffers. Alfken, J. Diedrich. Systematisches Verzeichnis der bisher in der Umgegend von Bremen aufgefuudenen Faltenwespen. [1886.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 282-284. 2. Hymenopterologische Beobachtungen. Zwei neue Farbenvarietaten von Bombus soroensis, Fair. Bremen Abh., 10, 1889, 553-555. 3. Beitrage zur Insekten-Fauna der Nord-See-Insel Juist. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 (Th. 2), 136-142. 4. Mittheilungen iiber das Leben einiger Apiden : Bombus, Andrena, Nomada und Osmia. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 (Th. 2), 160-162. 5. Biologiscbe Beobachtungen an Hymenopteren. Ent. Nachr., 18, 1892, 209-211. 6. Erster Beitrag zur Insekten-Fauua der Nord- See-Insel Juist. [1«91.] Bremen Abh., 12, 1893, 97- 130. 7. Verzeichnis der Blattwespen von Juist. [1895.] Bremen Abh., 13, 1896, 348-349. 8. Ueber einige wenig bekanute Halictus-Arten. Ent. Nachr., 23, 1897, 101-108. 9. Eine neue Megachile-Art : M. Kiiunemanni, n. sp. Ent. Nachr., 23, 1897, 161-162. 10. Zwei neue Farbungen von Bombus pratorum, L. Ent. Nachr., 24, 1898, 158. Alfken] 62 [Allain-Le Canu 11. Nomaila flavoguttata, A'., far. Hoppneri. Ent. Nadir., 24, 1898, 158-159. 12. Ueber Halictus punctatissinius, Schenck. Ent. Nachr., 24, 1898. 305. 13. Ueber Halictus cephalicus, 3Ior. But. Nachr., 24, 1898, 303-306. 14. Megachile Schauinslandi, 71. s/j. Eine neue Megachile-Art aus Honolulu. Ent. Nachr., 24, 1898, 340-341. 15. Ein Beitrag zur Bienen-Fauna von Giessen. 111. Ztsclir. Ent., 3, 1898, 292-294, 342-344. 16. Anthrena al'zeliella, Kirhi/, und Verwandte. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 102-106, viii. 17. Ueber das Leben von Cerceris arenaria, L., un Algeri. Algeri, Giovanni, & Tambroni, Rua/jero. See Tambroni A Algeri. AlRiic, (padre) Jose. Observatory at Manila, Philippine Islands. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 85-87. 2. Les cyclones aux Philippines et dans les iners de Chine. Etude theorique et pratique. [TV.] [1897.] Ann. Hydrogr., 21, 1900, 61-198; 22, 1900, 47-161; Rev. Maritime et Colon., 144, 1900, 96-149, 524-564. All Bilgrami. ,S',r Syed All Bilgrami. Ali Coiicn, C'/i. H. Zur Bedeutung des sogenauntcn Cholerarothes. Fortschr. Med., 5 (1887), 537-540. 2. Zur Frage von der Cholerareaction. Fortschr. Med., 6 (1888), 209-211. 3. Eigenbewegung bei Mikrokokken. Centrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 33-36. 4. Die Chemotaxis als Hiilfsmittel der bakterio- logischen Forschung. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 161-167. Aliamet, . Note sur un nouveau reactif des sels de cuivre. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull, 47, 1887, 754-755. Alibegoff, Georg. Ueber Uranverbindungen. Liebig's Ann., 233, 1886, 117-143. 2. Trenuung des Urans von den alkalischen Erden uud Alkalien und Bestimmung desselbeu. Liebig's Ann., 233, 1886, 143-153. Alibert, (liarun) [Jean Louis], For biographical notice see Ann. de Dermatol , 6, 1885, 630-633. Alibrandi, Pietro. Sulla elasticity, dei solidi cornplicata da variazioni di temperatura. Giorn. Mat., 38, 1900, 77-91. Alino, /.'. (liner. The disease affecting the elm trees on the estates of the conde DKL RKTAMOSO, near Taraueon, Spain. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 23 (1899-1900), 343-345. Alison, [J. .I/.] A. 7. Apercu sur les pnncipales causes de la phthisie pulmonaire. Arch. Gen. Med., 156, 1885, 282-318. 8. Contribution a 1'etude Je ['influence de 1'alcoolisme sur le developperaent de la tuberculose pulmonaire et de la cirrhose atrophique. Arch. Gen. M<5d., 162, 1888. 280-299. 9. l)u tannin dans le traitement de la grippe. Arch. Gen. Med., 164, 1889, 159-186. Alison, John. The so-called Simson line. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 3, 1885, 77-93. 2. Statical proofs of some geometrical theorems. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proe., 4, 1886, 58-60. 3. Maximum and minimum. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 15, 1897, 83-85. Alison, M. .S'. On the origin and formation of pans. [1898.] S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 4, 1899, 159-161. Alix, [t'luirlfs] E[nii!e]. Assign to this author titles (IV. it) under Alix, , and Alix, (Dr.). 3. [^'intelligence des animaux.] Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 798-799. 4. [Le suicide des scorpions.] Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 92. 5. De I'hypuotisrue. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 9, 1887, 142-178. 6. A propos des instincts et de 1'intelligeuce. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 10, 1888, 130-160. 7. Etude du reve. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 1, 1889, 283-326 ; 5, 1893, 604-621. 8. Le pretendu sens de direction chez les animaux. Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 532-534. 9. Exposition retrospective de documents anciens. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 4, 1892, 292-334. Alix, [Pierre Henri] Edmund. 4O. "Sur la presence du muscle epimeral chez 1'Ursus labiatus. Paris Soc. 1'hilom. Bull., 1, 1877, 48-49. 41. *Sur le role des muscles intercostaux. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1877, 49-50. 42. Sur la classification musculaire des vertebras. Paris Soc. Philom. Mem. Cent., 1888, 47*-62*. Alix, l'[ierre Marias]. Contribution a la geographic medicale. Les lies Glorieuses. Arch. Med. Navale, 59, 1893, 349-351. 2. Contribution a la geographic medicale. Djeddah. Pi-lerinages. Cholera. Arch. M«5d. Navale, 62, 1894, 321-344. Alkcm.idc. See Rijn van Alkemade. Alker, /•'. Dreifacher liegHiihogi'n. Wetter, o, 1888. 142. Alia, L[ucicn], iv Aubin, Smile. See Aubin * Alia. Allain, L[vainlre Emile]. Sur un moyen simple d'obvier ii la decomposition du ehloroforrne a 1'aide du soufre. Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895, 252-2.V.. Allain, Hene. [Le Transsaharien.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. K., 1890, 330-332. AHain-Iie Canu, [Jacques Fmn<;ois Lnuis] Jules. Sur une combinaisou d'ether acetique et de chlorure de calcium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 100, 1885, 110-112. Allain-Le Canu] G3 [Allardice 2. Sur une corabiuaison d'ether acetique et de chlorure de magnesium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 3K3-365. 3. Etude ehimique et thermique des acides phenol - sulfuriques. Acide paraphenolsulfurique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R, , 103, 1886, 385-388; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887,, 879-882. 4. Etude chimique et thermique des acides plienol- sulfuriqiiea. Acide orthophenolsulfurique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 225-22*, 306-308. 5. Sur 1'acide phenoklisulfonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 442-444. 6. Action du brome sur le paraxyleue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 534-535. 7. Action de la pheuylhydrazine sur les bromures, chlorures et iodures alcooliques. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 129, 1899, 105-106. 8. Action de la phenylbydrazine sur les iodures alcooliques. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 1), 157-158. Allaire, "H. Eecherches sur les boracites iodees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 555-557. Allaire, II., & Rousseau, [Henri'] Gustave. Sec Rousseau A Allaire. Allaire, Pierre, & Richardson, George M[ann], See Richardson A Allaire. Allan, /''[ miii'ix] I:[] Clifford. 5. Music, rhythm, and muscle. [18!I4.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 340. 6. Theory and practice. Nature, 56 (1897), 332-333. 7. Historical aspects of the discovery of the circulation of the blood. Nature, 62 (1900), 630-632. Allchin, TC[///mm] ]I[<-nri/], & Hebb, K[icli(ird] G[niinger']. Lymphangieetasis iutestini. London Path. Soc. Trans., 46, 1896, 221-223. Alldridge, y'[/irt»ms] J[imliua]. Wanderings in the Hinter- land of Sierra Leone. Geogr. Jl., 4, 1894, 123-140. Alleger, Walter W. Formalin. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc., 15 (1893), 192-197, 219-220. 2. Surgical cleanliness. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc., 15 (1893), 222-223. 3. Formalin in bacteriology, with more especial reference to its action on the bacillus of diphtheria. Amer. Micr. Jl., 15, 1894, 104-112. 4. Some remarks on the limitation of tuberculosis, illustrating the value of the microscope in preventive medicine. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc., 16 (1894), 101-111. 5. Agar-agar. Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans., 20, 1899, 91-95. Allegret, [Alexaiulre]. 29. Recherches chronologiques sur les fastes de la Republique liomaine et 1'ancien calendrier de Numa Pompilius. Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 28, 1886, 1-188. Allein, , & Gaud, Fermind. Sur certains produits de decomposition du glucose. Jl. Pharni., 30, 1894, 300- 305. 2. Sur un nonveau mode de dosage du glucose par liqueur cuproalcaline. Jl. Pharrn., 30, 1894, 305-307. Alleman, L. A. 1C. The papillitis of sunstroke. N. Y. Med. Jl., 47. 1888, 489-491. Allen, A[nsuri] H'[urren], & Norton, Lewis Mills. See Norton .1 Allen. Allen, Alfred H[enry]. 4O. Notes on the estimation of lead in aerated waters. Analyst, 9, 1884, 194-195. 41. Note on the stability of hypobromite solution, and its use for the titration of oils, etc. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 3, 1884, 65-67. 42. Note on the optical estimation of milk-sugar. Analyst, 10, 1885, 72. 43. On REICHERT'S method of examining butter-fat. Analyst, 10, 1885, 103-105. 44. The determination of ethyl nitrite and the change undergone by the spirit of nitrous ether on keeping. Brit. Pharrn. Confer. Trans., 1885, 463-4(59; Pharm. Jl., 16, 1886, 440-442. 45. The assay of amyl nitrite. Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1885, 469-472; Pharm. Jl., 16, 1886, 442-443. 46. The determination of ethyl nitrite in the spirit of nitrous ether and kindred preparations. Pharm. Jl., 15, 1885, 673-675. 47. New and little-known applications of the nitro- meter. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 4, 1885, 178-182. 48. On the determination of the glycerin produced by the saponitication of fattv oils. Analyst, 11, 1886, 52-54. 49. Commercial shark oil. Analyst, 11, 1886, 122- 126. 50. On the saponification-equivalents of fixed oils. Analyst, 11, 1886, 145-147. 51. Note on the fat of porpoise milk. Analyst, 11, 1886, 190. 52. On the specific gravity and some other characters of waxes and allied bodies. Analyst, 11, 1886, 223-228. 53. Further notes on the methods of examining and chemistry of fixed oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 65-71, 282-283. 54. Note on REICHERT'S distillation process. [1886.] Analyst, 12, 1887, 11-13. 55. An improved method of detecting quassia and certain other hop-substitutes in beer. Analyst, 12, 1887, 107-112. 56. Laboratory notes. [1. Alumina in wheat. 2. Precipitation of hop-bitter by lead acetate. 3. Note on the determination of sulphur in oils.] Analyst, 13, 1888, 41-45. 57. The detection of saccharine in beer. Analyst, 13, 1888, 105-106. 58. On the detection of cotton-seed oil in lard. Analyst, 13, 1888, 161-165. 59. The use of the term "normal" in volumetric analysis. Analyst, 13, 1888, 181-183. 60. Adulteration of lard with cocoa-nut oil. Analyst, 13, 1888. Ifl'.l-l'JO. 61. On the precipitation of hop-bitter by lead acetate. Chem. News, 57, 1888, 53-54. 62. The analytical examination of water for technical purposes. Soc. Chem. lud. Jl., 7, 1888, 795-802. 63. On the assay of commercial picric acid. [ ll'itli disfiifsiim.] Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 4, 1888, 84-88. 64. On some abnormal samples of butter. [1888.] Analyst. 14, 1889, 5-14. 65. Methyl-orange and other indicators. Pharm. Jl., 19, 1889,' 902-905. Allen] 65 [Allen 66. On some of the constituents of natural waters, with observations on lead-corrosion. Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 5, 1889, 54-58. 67. Notes on commercial cresylic acid and allied products. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 9, 1890, 141-143. 68. On the constitution of butter-fat. Analyst, 16, 1891, 161-167. 69. Suggestions for the assay of aconite and its preparations. [With dim-nssion.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1891, 451-465; Pharm. Jl., 22, 1892, 230-233. 70. On the reaction of glycerides with alcoholic alkalies. Chern. News. 64, 1891, 179-182. 71. Studies on saponitieation. Chem. News 64, 1891, 263-265. 72. The chemistry of whisky and allied products. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 10, 1891, 305-312, 519-521. 73. Notes on TABARIE'S method of determining alcohol. [1891.] Analyst, 17, 1892, 5. 74. Experiments on the alkaloid of tea. [With discussion.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1892, 415- 437; Pharm. JL, 23, 1893, 213-220. 75. The volumetric determination of the alkaloids. Chem. News, 66, 1892, 259. 76. Note on (j. S. Cox's paper on cider-vinegar. Analyst, 111, 1894, 91-92. 77~. The examination of urine for small quantities of sugar. Analyst, 19, 1894, 178-184. 78. On extraneous mineral matter contained in commercial ginger. Analyst, 19, 1894, 217-220. 79. Notes on commercial condensed milks. Analyst, 20, 1895, 274-275. 80. Note on the titration of quinine. Analyst, 21, 1896, 85-87. 81. Note on the preparation of pure hydrofluoric acid. Analyst, 21, 1896. 87. 82. On the composition and analysis of commercial cream of tartar. Analyst, 21, 1896, 174-180. 83. Note on the analysis of cream of tartar. Analyst, 21, 1896, 209. 84. Note on the concentration of condensed milk. Analyst, 21, 1896, 281-282. 85. On white-wine vinegar. [With discussion.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1896, 321-326; Pharm. Jl., 3, 1896, 104-105. 86. Condensed milk. [With discussion.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1896, 326-331. 87. An improved method of determining urea by the hypobromite process. [189IJ.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 12, 1897/31-33. 88. The chemistry of whisky. [1896.] London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 3, 1897, 24-46, 560. 89. Note on the assay of electro-plating and gilding solutions. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 199. 90. A proposed new method of examining pepsin. Pharm. Jl., 5, 1897, 561-562. 91. On the synthesis of albumin. Pharm. Jl., 7, 1898, 242-243. 92. The detection of arsenic. Chem. News, 82, 1900, 305. See also Thorpe, Thomas Edward (et alii). Allen, Alfred H[cnry], & Chattaway, William. Note on the composition of some preparations sold as hop substitutes. Analyst, 12, 1887, 112-114. 2. Note on the detection of hop substitutes in beer. Analyst, 15, 1890, 181-183. 3. On the examination of spirituous liquids for secondary constituents. Analyst, 16, 1891, 102-115. Allen, Alfred Il[?nry], & Cox, F. Hudson. Note on the presence of heavy metals in cheese. Analyst, 22, 1897, 187-188. Allen, Alfred H[enry], & Homtray, D[avid]. Note on the reaction of acetiu with alcoholic potash. Analyst, 16, 1891, 167-169. R. s. A. e. 2. Further notes on acetin. Analyst, 16, 1891, 201- 202. Allen, Alfred H[enrii], & Moor, C[resacre] G[eorge]. Vinegar. Analyst, IK, 1893, 240-246. 2. On the detection of exhausted ginger. Analyst, 19, 1894, 124-127. 3. On the change in the composition of butter by long keeping. Analyst, 19, 1894, 128-131. Allen, Alfred H[fnri/], & Searle, Alfred B. An improved method of determining proteid and gelatiuoid substances. Analyst, 22. 1897, '258-263. Allen, Carrie M. A contribution to the development of Parypha crocea. Woods Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull., 1, 1900, 291-315. Allen, Charles. 2. 'Two hundred tables of elevation above tide-level of the railroad stations, summits and tunnels; canal locks and dams, river riffles, etc., in and around Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Rep., X, 1878, 279 pp. Allen, Charles R., & Jones, Harry t![lary]. See Jones i]. Parasitic haematuria, or bloody urine. Practitioner, 40, 1888, 310-320. Allen, Joel Asaph. 66. "Intelligence of the crow. Science, 1, 1883, 513. 67. "Capture of the crested seal on the coast of Massachusetts. Science, 1, 1883, 542-543, 633. 68. Are trinomials necessary? Auk, 1, 1884, 102- 104, 200-202. 69. Can we not have a simpler system of nomen- clature? Auk, 1, 1884, 298-300. 70. A lay view of "ornithophilologicalities." Auk, 1, 1884, 302-304, 419. 9—2 Allen 1 68 [Allen 71. Zoological nomenclature. Auk, 1. 1884, 338-353. 72. Sexual selection and the nesting of birds. Auk, 2, 1885, 129-139. 73. Capture of escaped cage-birds. Auk, 2, 1885, 314-315. 74. A crested auk on the Massachusetts coast. Auk, 2, 1885, 388. 75. On an extinct type of dog from Ely cave, Lee county, Virginia. [1885.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Mem., 10, 1883-85, A"«. 2, 13pp. 76. A revised list of the birds of Massachusetts. [188(5.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 1 (1881-86), 221-271. 77. The masked bob-white (Colinus Ridgwayi) of Arizona, and its allies. [1886.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 1 (1881-86), 273-290. 78. Capture of a pair of wild hybrid ducks (mallard x Muscovy) on Long Island. Auk, 3, 1886, 274-275. 79. " Aptoso-chromatism." Auk, 3, 1886, 413-414 ; 17, 1900, 327-336. 80. .Kgialitis meloda eircumcincta on the Atlantic coast. Auk, 3, 1886, 482-483. 81. Three interesting birds in the American Museum of Natural History: Ammodramus Leconteii, Helinaia Swaiusonii, and Saxicola (Enanthe. Auk, 3, 1886, 489- 490. 82. A further note on Colinus Ridgwayi. Auk, 4, 1887, 74-75. 83. Unusual nesting-site of the song sparrow. Auk, 4, 1887, 260-261. 84. The pine finch (Spinus pinus) breeding at Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y. Auk, 4, 1887, 284-286. 85. The West Indian seal. Science, 9, 1887. 35, 59. 86. Descriptions of two new sub-species of the sea- side sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus). Auk, 5, 1888, 284-287. 87. Description of a new species of the genus Tityra from Ecuador. Auk, 5 1888, 287-288. 88. Notes on Louisiana birds. Auk, 5, 1888, 324- 325. 89. Note on the correct name of Symphemia serni- palmata iuornata, Brewst. Auk, 5, 1888, 423-424. 90. Further notes on seaside sparrows. Auk, 5, 1888, 426. 91. On the structure of birds in relation to flight, with special reference to recent alleged discoveries in the mechanism of the wing. [With discussion.] [1888.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 89-100. 92. Note on the first plumage of Colinus Ridgwayi. Auk, 6, 1889, 189. 93. The Florida galliuule breeding in Vermont. Auk, 6, 1889, 273-274. 94. The West Indian seal (Monachus tropicalis, Gray). [1887.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 1-34. 95. Note on squalodont remains from Charleston, 5. C. [1887.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 35-39. 96. Notes on a collection of birds from Quito, Ecuador. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 09-76. 97. List of the birds collected in Bolivia by Dr. H. H. RUSBY, with field notes by the collector, [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 77-112. 98. On Cyclorhis viridis, (I'ieil/.), and its near allies, with remarks on other species of the genus Cyclorhis. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 123-135. 99. Descriptions of new species of South American birds, with remarks on various other little known species. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 137-151. 100. Notes on a collection of mammals from southern Mexico, with descriptions of new species of the genera Sciurus, Tamias, and Sigtnodon. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Hull., 2, 1890, 16.1 isl. 101. Remarks on individual and seasonal variation in a large series of Elainea from Chapada, Matto Orosso, zil-, with n revision of the species of the restricted genus Elainea. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull.. 2, 1890. 183-208. 102. On the Maximilian types of South American birds in the American Museum of Natural History. [1889-91.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 209-276; 3, 1891. 199-202. 103. To what extent is it profitable to recognize geographical forms among North American birds? [IMS'.).] Auk, 7, 1890. l-!l. 104. Description of a new species of Icterus from Andros Island. Bahamas. Auk, 7, 1890, 343-346. 105. On seasonal variations in colour in Sciurus hudsonius. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 41-44. 106. A review of some of the North American ground squirrels of the genus Tamias. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 45-116. 107. Descriptions of a new species and a new sub- species of the genus Lepus. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891. 159-160. 108. List of mammals collected by Mr. Clark P. STREATOK in British Columbia, with descriptions of two new sub-species of Sciurus. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 161-168. 109. Notes on a small collection of West Indian bats, with description of an apparently new species. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 169-173. 1 1O. Notes on collections of mammals made in central and southern Mexico by Dr. Audley C. BULT.KK, with descriptions of new species of the genera Vespertilio, Sciurus, and Lepus. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 175-194. 111. Description of a new species of big-eared bat, of the genus Histiotus, from southern California. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 195-198. 112. Notes on a collection of mammals from Costa Rica. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 203-218. 113. On a collection of mammals from southern Texas and north eastern Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 219-228. 114. Notes ou new or little known North American mammals, based on recent additions to the collection of mammals in the American Museum of Natural History. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891. 263-310. 115. Description of a new species of Capromys, from the Plana Keys, Bahamas. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 329-336. 116. On a collection of birds from Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil, made by Mr. Herbert H. SMITH. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 337-380; 4. 1892, 331-350; 5, 1893, 107-158. 117. Description of a new species of Mimocicnla from the island of Dominica, West Indies. Auk, 8, 1891, 217- 218, 317. 118. Capture of Geothlypis poliocephala palpebralis in Cameron county, Texas. Auk, 8, 1891, 316. 119. Recent work in North American mammology. [1891.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 10 (1890-91), 71-85. 120. Descriptions of two supposed new species of mice from Costa Rica and Mexico, with remarks on Hesperomys melanophrys of COOES. [1891.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 14, 1892, 193-196. 121. The North American species of the genus Col- aptes, considered with special reference to the relation- ships of C. auratus and C. cafer. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 21-44. 122. Description of a new species of Perognathus from south eastern Texas. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892. 45-46. 123. On a small collection of mammals from the Galapagos Islands, collected by Dr. G. BACK. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 47-50. 124. Notice on some Venezuelan birds collected by Mi-. II. 11. SMITH. Aiun. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 51-56. Allen] [Allen 125. Description of a new gallinule, from Gough Island. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 57-58. 126. The geographical distribution of North American mammals. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 199-243. 127. The geographical origin and distribution of North American birds, considered in relation to t'aunal areas of North America. [1892.] Auk, 10, 1893, 97-150, 306-307, 407. 128. List of mammals and birds collected in north eastern Sonora and north western Chihuahua, Mexico, on the Lumholtz Archaeological Expedition, 1890-92. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 27-42. 129. Descriptions of four new species of Thomomys, with remarks on other species of the genus. Amer. Mus. Bull., r,, 1893, 47-68. 130. List of mammals collected by Mr. Charles P. Rnwi.KY in the San Juan region of Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 69-84. 131. On a collection of mammals from the San Pedro Martir region of Lower California, with notes on other species, particularly of the genus Sitomys. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 181-202. 132. Description of a new species of opossum from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 235-236. 133. Further notes on Costa Rica mammals, with description of a new species of Oryzomys. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 237-240. 134. Description of a new mouse from Lake county, California. Arner. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 335-336. 135. Description of a new species of Geornys from Costa Rica. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 337-338. 136. Ccereba versus Certhiola. Auk, 10, 1893, 369- 370. 137. Notes on mammals from New Brunswick, with description of a new species of Evotomys. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 99-106. 138. On the seasonal change of colour in the varying hare (Lepus auiericanus, Krxl.). Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 107-128. 139. On the mammals of Aransas county, Texas, with descriptions of new forms of Lepus and Oryzomys. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 165-198. 140. Cranial variations in Neotoma micropus due to growth and individual differentiation. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 233-246. 141. Remarks on specimens of Chilonycteris rubigi- nosus from western Mexico, and on the colour phases of Pteronotus Davyi, Gnu/. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 247-248. 142. Descriptions of ten new North American mammals, and remarks on others. Amer. Mua. Bull., 0, 1894, 317-332. 143. Descriptions of five new North American mammals. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 347-350. 144. Remarks on a second collection of mammals from New Brunswick, and on the rediscovery of the genus Neotoma in New York State. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 359-364. 145. First plumages. Auk, 11, 1894, 91-93. 146. On the species of the genus lleithrodontomys. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1895, 107-143. 147. On the names of mammals given by KERR in his "Animal Kingdom," published in 1792. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1895, 179-192. 148. On a collection of mammals from Arizona and Mexico, made by Mr. W. W. PEICE, with field notes by the collector. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1895, 193-258. 149. List of mammals collected in the Black Hills region of south Dakota, and in western Kansas, by Mr. W. W. GRANGER, with field notes by the collector. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1895, 259-274. 150. Descriptions of new American mammals. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1895, 327-340. 151. [Antarctic regions.] Vertebrata of the land ; birds and mammals. [1895.] Science, 3, 1896, 317- 319. 152. Alleged changes of colour in the feathers of birds without moulting. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 13-44. 153. Note on Macrogeomys Cherriei, (Allen). Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 45-46. 154. On mammals collected in Bexar county and vicinity, Texas, by Mr. H. P. ATTWATER, with field notes by the collector. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 47-80. 155. Descriptions of new North American mammals. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 233-240. 156. List of mammals collected by Mr. Walter W. GRANGER, in New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming and Nebraska, 1895-96, with field notes by the collector. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 241-258. 157. On mammals from the Santa Cruz mountains, California. Amer. Mus. Bull. , 8, 1896, 263-270. 158. [Note on LUCAS'S paper on the taxonomic value of the tongue.] Auk, 13, 1896, 114-115. 159. [Some questions of nomenclature.] Auk, 13, 1896, 187-190, 191-192. 160. Progress in American ornithology, 1886-95. Science, 3, 1896, 777-779, 842-843. 161. Additional notes on Costa Ricau mammals, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 31-44. 162. Further notes on mammals collected in Mexico by Dr. Audley C. BULLER, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 47-58. 163. Preliminary description of a new mountain sheep from the British North West Territory. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 111-114. 164. On a small collection of mammals from Peru, with descriptions of new species. Arner. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 115-119. 165. Description of a new species of Sigmodon from Bogota, Colombia. Arner. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 121-122. 166. Description of a new vespertilionine bat from Yucatan. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 231-232. 167. The proper generic name of the loons. Auk, 14, 1897, 312. 168. The discrimination of species and sub-species. Science, 5, 1897, 877-879. 169. Descriptions of new mammals from western Mexico and Lower California. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 143-158. 170. Revision of the chickarees, or North American red squirrels (subgenus Tamiasciurus). Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 249-298. 171. Nomeuclatorial notes on certain North American mammals. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 449-461. 172. A pocket mouse in confinement. Amer. Nat- list., 32, 1898, 583-584. 173. A defense of canon XL of the A. 0. U. code. Auk, 15, 1898, 298-303; 16, 1899, 46-51. 174. A precise criterion of species. Science, 7, 1898. 801-802. 175. The North American arboreal squirrels. Amer. Natlist., 33, 1899, 635-642. 176. On mammals from the North West Territory collected by Mr. A. J. STONE. [1899.] Amer. Mus. Bull.', 12, 1900, 1-9. 177. Descriptions of five new American rodents. [1899.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 11-17. 178. New rodents from Colombia and Venezuela. [1899.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 195-218. 179. The generic names Echimys and Loncheres. [1899.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 257-264. Allen I 70 [Allescher 180. The mountain caribou of northern British Columbia. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 1-18. 181. Note on the wood bison. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 63-157. 182. List of bats collected by Mr. H. H. SMITH in the Santa Marta region of Colombia, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 87-94. 183. List of birds collected in the district of Santa Marta, Colombia. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 117- 184. 184. Note on the generic names Didelphis and Philander. Amer. Mus. Bull., Hi, 1900, 185-190. 185. Descriptions of new American marsupials. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 191-199. 186. On mammals collected in south-eastern Peru by Mr. H. H. KsiYS, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 219-227. 187. The North American jumping mice. Amer. Natlist., 34, 1900, 199-202. 188. The little black rail. Auk, 17. 1900, 1-8. 189. North American birds collected at Santa Marta, Colombia. Auk, 17, 1900, 363-367. 190. The systematic name of the Cuban red bat. [1900.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 13, 1901, 165. 191. The proper name of the viscacha. [1900.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 13, 1901, 183. Allen, Joel Asaph, & Chapman, Frank M. On a col- lection of mammals from the island of Trinidad, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 203-234. 2. On mammals from Yucatan, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 1-12. 3. On a second collection of mammals from the island of Trinidad, with descriptions of new species, and a note on some mammals from the island of Dominica, W. I. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 13-30. 4. On a collection of mammals from Jalapa and Las Vigas, state of Vera Cruz, Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 197-208. Allen, Joel Asaph, & Faxon, Walter. See Faxon & Allen. Allen, L[ouis] S. Ueber Jodoso- und Jodoverbindungen der m-Nitro-y-Jodbenzoe'saure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1739-1744. Allen, Hirliiini William. The maximum pressure of naphthalene vapour. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 (Pt. 1), 400-412; Chem. Soc. Proc., 15, 1900, 122-123. 2. The maximum pressure of camphor vapour. |ls'.)9.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 (Pt. 1), 413-416; Chem. Soc. Proc., 15, 1900, 135. 3. Naphthalene vapour in coal gas. Soc. Chern. Ind. Jl., 19, 1900, 209-211. Allen, Hubert. Die longitudinale Attraction wiihrend der isntonischen Muskelzuckung. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (I'hiixiol. Abth.), 1896, 204-301. Allen, S. E., & Chittenden, ]l[uxxell] H[enri/]. See Chittcmlcn & Allen. Allen, T\ iinatlin] F[ieltl\. 11. Some notes on CharaceiE. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 211-215. 12. Nitella (not Tolypella) Macounii. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 11. • 13. Note on some CharaceiE. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 19, 1892, 230; 20, 1893. 258. 14. Notes on new Characece. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 119-120. 15. llemarks on Chara gymnopus, A. Ilr., with descriptions of new species of Chara and Nitella. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 162-167. 16. Japanese CharaceEB. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 523-526; 22, 1896, 68-73; 25, 1898, 73-82. 17. Note on Chara sejuncta, A. Ilr. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 526. 18. Nitella subspicata, H. up. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 6-7. 19. A new species of Nitella, belonging to the N. rlexilis series, with a review of the allied species. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 533. 20. New species of Nitella belonging to the monoa- cious Acurninatse group, with a review of the allied species. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 534-536. 21. Three new charas from California. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 299-304. Allen, W. Notes on mercurous iodide. Pharm. Jl., 19, 1889, 680-681. Allen, (Rev.) W[iUiam\. Rotuma. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1895, 569-579. Allen, W. C., & Brewis, E. T. Almond oil and its substitutes. [With I/ISTMSSIOB.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1900, 359-365. Allen, W[illiam] l>[uni,'l]. For biographical notice see Iron & Steel lust. JL, 1896 (A'o. 2), 255-257. 2. The forging press. Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1891 (No. 2), 62-66. Allen, William, * Xolliker, A Ifn-d. Ueber einige Derivate des Triphenylcarbinbromiirs. Liebig's Ann., 227, 1885, 107-119. Allen, (Lt.) William H. Elements of Cornet 1886 f (Barnard). [1887.] Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 55. Allen, William N. Artificially produced gold crystals. [1884.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 4, 1885, 509. Allende Fadin, Ramon. "Observaeiones sobre el tifo, conocido en Chile vulgarmente con el nombre de chava- longo. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 27, 1865,503-525. 2. *Del tratamiento de la diabetes. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 45, 1874, 404-413. Allende Pradel, Xieaimr. *De la hipertrofia compensatriz en las afecciones valvulares del corazon y de la ruptura de la compeusacion. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 47, 1875, 170-183. Allendorff, H[ugo], & Auwers, Karl [Frieilrich]. See Auwers A Allendorff. Allendorff, 0[tto]. Zur Kenntuiss der Phtalaldehydsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2346-2354. 2. Ueber die Oxime der Opian- und der Phtalalde- hydsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3264- 3266. Allendorff, Paul, tv Klages, [ Willieliit] Atii/nst [Hermann \. Set' Klages A Allendorff. Alleon, (comte) A[mi'di'i], 4. Memoire sur les oiseaux observes [dans la Dobrodja et la Bulgaria], Ornis, 2, 1886, 397-428. Aller, C. van. Enkele opmerkingen omtrent het onderzoek naar de convergence of divergeiitie van oneindig voort- loopende reeksen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 12, 1886, 204-215. 2. De herleiding van een kegelsnee op de asseu als hare vergelijkiug op een suheefhoekig coordiuatenstelsel gegeven is. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 4, [1899], 278-283; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 577. Allerband, J. Eine neue Methode zur Farbung des Centralnervensystems. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 727- 733. Alleri. .Sr Monterosato. Allescber, Ami mis. Verzeichnis in Siid-Bayern beo- bachteter Pilze. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der bayer- iscben Pilzflora. Landshut Bot. Ver. Ber., 9, 1886, 1-140; 10, 1887, 141-240; 11, 1889, 1-66; 12, 1892, 1-136; 15, 1898, 1-138. 2. Ueber einige aus Siid-Hayern higher nicht bekannte Pilze. Bot. Ceutrbl., 36, ISSS, 287, 311-315, 346-349. 3. Verzeichnis der biaher in Sud-Bayeru beobachteten Peronosporaceen. Laudshut Bot. Ver. Ber., 11, 1889, 67-83. 4. Ueber einige aus dem siidlichen Deutschlaud weniger bekannte Sphaeropsideen uud Melanconieen. Bot. Centrbl., 42, 1890, 42-45, 74-77. 103-107. Allescher] 71 (Allport 5. Einige fur das siidliche Bayern neue Sphaerop- sideen, Melanconieen und Hyphoruyceten. Hedwigia, 33, 1894, 70-75. 6. Beitrag zur Flora von Halle a. S. Hedwigia, 33, 1894, 123-126. 7. Diagnosen der in der IV. Centurie der Fungi bavarici exsiccati ausgegebenen neuen Arten. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1895, 25-26, 57-59, 73-75. 8. Einige weuiger bekaunte Pilze aus den Gewachs- hausern des Kgl. Botanischen Gartens in Muneheu. Hedwigia, 34, 1895, 215-221. 9. Mykologische Mittheilungen aus Siid-Bayern. Hedwigia, 34, 1896, 256-290. 10. Eine Bemerkung zu Diaportbe tessella, (Pers.) lii'lint, in ALLESCBER et SCHNAUL, Fungi bavarici exs. V. Cent. Nr. 447. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 20-21. Allescher, Aiulreas, & Hennings, l'[anl]. [Botanische Ergebnisse der von der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkuude zu Berlin unter Leitung Dr. VON DKYGALSKI'S ausgesandten GriJnlandexpeditionnach Dr. VANHOEFFEN'S Sammlungeu bearbeitet.] V. Pilze aus dem Umanakdistrikt. [1897.] Bibl. Bot., 8, 1899, Heft 42, 40-54. Allest, ,l[iih's] «/'. De la combustion des liuiles minerales et de leurs residus. [1885.] Genie Civil, 8, 1885-86, 7-10, 19-22, 36-42. Allgemeine Deutsche Ornithologische Gesellschaft. Rrgi'ln fiir die zoologiscbe Nomenclatur. Jl. f. Oruitb., 39, 1891, 315-329. Allhausse, M. [? Althausse, Max.] Indigo-Analyse. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 288 290. Allhusen, F[rank] E[rnest]. [Peculiar bailstones, Harrow- on-the-Hill, June 24, 1897.] Nature, 56 (1897), 204. Allhusen, F[ran!<] E[rnc«t], & Kuhemann, S[iegfrietl]. See Ruhemann A Allhusen. Allihn, t\eli.r]. 4. Gaswaschflasuhe ruit doppelt \\ir- kender Vorricbtung. Diuglers Polytechu. Jl., 254, 1884, 118. 5. Ruckflusskiihler fur analytische Extractions- Apparate. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 52. 6. Burettenstativ mit Spiralt'eder-Klemme. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 647. 7. Bernerknng zu HERZFELD'S " Untersuchungen iiber Invertzucker. " Ztsehr. Ver. Kiibenzuckerind., 36, 1886, 203-204. 8. Ueber das Ansteigen des Eispunktes bei Quecksil- berthermometern aus Jeuaischem Normalglas. Freseuius, Ztschr. , 28, 1889, 435-438 ; 29, 1890, 381-388. 9. Gasbrenner mit verstellbarem Brennerrohr zur Erzeugnng einer in alien Theilen gleich heissen Flamme. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 426-427. 10. Ein vereinfachter Bunseubrenner. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 996-997. Allin, Arthur. The "recognition-theory" of perception. [1896.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 7, 1895, 237-248. 2. Recognition. [1896.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 7, 1895, 249-273. Allin, Arthur, & Hall, G[ranville] Stanley. Sec Hall & Allin. Allin, Norm, & MacBride, Thomas H[uston]. tire Mac- Bride A Allin. Ailing, A[rthur] N[athaniel]. On the topaz from the Thomas Range, Utah. Amer. Jl. Sci., 33, 1887, 146-147. 2. Diplopia occurring at the periphery of the field of fixation. Arch. Ophthalm., 24, 1895, 365-374; Arch. Augenheilk., 32, 1896, 136-137. 3. Report of a case of retraction of the eyeball. Arch. Ophthalm., 29, 1900, 310. Allis, Edward P helps. The anatomy and development of the lateral line system in Amia calva. Jl. Morphol., 2, 1889, 463-566. 2. The cranial muscles and cranial and first spinal nerves in Amia calva. Jl. Morphol., 11, 1895, 485-491; 12, 1897, 487-808. 3. The morphology of the petrosal bone and of the sphenoidal region of the skull of Amia calva. [1897.] Zool. Bull., 1, 1898, 1-26. 4. On the morphology of certain of the bones of the cheek and snout of Amia calva. Jl. Morphol., 14, 1898, 425-466. 5. A reply to certain of COLE'S criticisms of [the author's] work on Amia calva. Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 364-379. 6. On certain homologies of the squamosal, inter- calar, exoccipital, and extrascapular bones of Amia calva. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 49-72. 7. An abnormal musculus obliquus superior in Carcharias. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, C.05-li07. 8. The homologies of the occipital and first spinal nerves of Amia and teleosts. Zool. Bull., 2, 1899, 83-97. 9. The lateral sensory canals of Polvpterus bicbir. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 433-451. 10. The premaxillary and maxillary bones, and the maxillary and mandibular breathing valves of Polypterus bichir. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 257-289. 11. The pseudobranchial circulation in Arnia calva. [1900.] Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 14, 1901, 107-134. Allison, Andrew. SPRAGUE'S pipit near New Orleans, La. Auk, 16, 1899, 82. 2. The sparrows of Mississippi. Auk, 16, 1899, 266- 270. 3. The cinnamon teal in Louisiana. Auk, 17, 1900, 170. 4. Louisiana and Mississippi bird notes. Auk, 17, 1900, 297. Allison, F. B. On crystalline form and methods of recognizing the mineral components of rocks. [1887.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2 (1886-94), 41-48. 2. Some chapters in the life history of Mont Blanc. [1889.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soe. Trans., 2 (1886-94), 97-109. 3. Eambles on the surface of the moon. [1892.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2 (1886-94), 242-253. Allison, J[ohn] K\ni/iiioiid], & Perkin, Arthur George. See Perkin & Allison. Allison, R{obert\ A[inlreii~]. Weather statistics in the neighbourhood of Carlisle. Cumberland Ass. Trans., 14, 1889, 95-105. Allman, George J[ohnstori\. 4. On the name of the so-called " theorem of the gnomon." Bibl. Math. , 1887, 22. 5. Euclid I. 32 corr. [1900.] Nature, 63 (1900-01), 106-107. Allman, George James. Assign No. 1 (Vol. 1) to Allman, William. No. 71 (Vol. 1) is cancelled by No. 4 (Vol. 7). No. 124 (Vol. 9) is a duplicate of No. 28 \Vol. 7). For biography and works see Leopoldina, 34, 1898, 169; Nature, 59 (1898-99), 202-204, 233, 2H9-270 ; Science, 8, 1898, 867; Yorks. Phil. Soc. Rep. (1898), ix-x; Zoologist, 2, 1898, 519-520; Irish Natlist., 8, 1899, 104 ; Victorian Natlist., 15, 1899, 132 ; Roy. Soc. Proc., 75, 1905, 25-27. 139. "'[Presidential address, Nov. 8th, I860.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans., 8, 1863, 3-5. 140. Description of Australian, Cape, and other Hydroida, mostly new, from the collection of Miss H. GATTY. [1885.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 19, 1886, 132- 161. 141. Note on the formation of the epiphragm of Helix aspersa. Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 25, 1896, 517-520. Allport, Samuel. For biography and works see Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 430-431; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, Ix-lxii. Allport, Samuel, & Bonney, (Rev.) Thomas George. Repoit on the effects of contact metamorphism exhibited by the Silurian rocks near the town of New Galloway, in the southern uplands of Scotland. [1889.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 46, 1890, 193-204. Alluard] 72 [Almeida Lima Alluard, [Emit?]. 12. "[Installation de 1'Observatoire du Puy-de-Dome.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 6, 1873, Ft. 1, 60. 13. *[Sur 1'observatoire meteorologique du Puy-de- I'Minr.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, ft. I, T24. 14. *[Notes meteorologiques faites a] Clermont- Ferrand (Puy-de-D6me). Station de la plaine. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1876, Pt. 2, 140, 164, 192, 218, 280, 307 ; 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 11, (58, 135-136, 164- 165. 15. *L'hiver de 1879-80 a Clermont et au Puy-de- Dome. [Cf. No. 7 (Vol. 9).] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 28, 1880, 46-52. 16. Lueurs crepusculaires du 27 de'cembre, observees au sommet du Puy-de-Dome. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, ltil-163. 17. Du role des vents dans ['agriculture. Fertility de la Limagne d'Auvergne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1080-1084. 18. Secousses de tremblement de terre resseuties a Clermont-Ferrand, le 23 fevrier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 666. AUuaud, Charles. Relation d'un voyage entomologique dans le territoire d'Assinie, possession francaise de la cote occidentale d'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, 363-368. 2. Note sur la zoologie de la Cote d'Or (Afrique tropicale occidentale). [1887.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 17. 1886-87, 157-159. 3. Remarques sur les faunes insulaires ; en partioulier sur celle des iles Canaries. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1890 (Pi. 1), 209. 4. Coleopteres recueillis aux Acores par M. J. DE GUERNE pendant les campagnes du yacht I'Hiroticlelle. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 4, 1891, 197-207. 5. Voyage... aux iles Canaries (novembre 1889 — juin 189U). Notes sur les Cannes iusulaires, specialement sur celles des Canaries. Renseignements divers. Liste des stations et carte du voyage. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 4, 1891, 580-595. 6. [Deux nonvelles especes de Coleopteres de la famille des Tenebrionidse.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, ccxxxviii-ccxxxix. 7. Contributions a la faune entomologique de la region malgache. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, *s HO; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 19-21. 8. Contributions a la fauue entomologique de la region malgache. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, clxxix-clxxxi, ccclvi-ccclix. 9. Liste des Coleopteres recueillis sur 1'ilot d'Alboran par M3I. H. NEUVILLE et J. RICHARD. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 21, 1896, 219-220. 10. Coleopteres recueillis ii Majunga (Madagascar) par M. BASTARD. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 371-376. 11. Contributions a la faune entomologique de la nrion malgache. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 33-36; 1897, 150-152; 1899, 341-344, 378-382 ; 1900, 18-21. 12. Descriptions de Carabiques nouveaux de Mada- gascar. .Paris, Soc. Knt. Ann., Ii6, 1897, 165-1K1. 13. Enumeration des Dytiscidns et Gyrinida? des iles Maseareignes et Sechelles. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 210-214. 14. Les Lamellicornes coprophages des iles Mas- 'inrignes et Sechelles. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 'J3, 1898, 63-67. 15. Les Malacodermes des iles Mascareignes ft Sechelles. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 99-104. 16. Deux Coleopteres nouveaux du sud-est de Mada- gascar. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 36(1 -367. 17. Description d'un Coleoptere uouveau du genre Epactius (Omophron) pris par HI. Guillaumu GKAXDIDIER dans le sud de Madagascar. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 409-410. 18. Sur quelques Colfopteres de Madagascar de la famille des Carabiques, recueillis par M. MOCQUERYS et aequis par le Museum. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 410-413. 19. Trois Coleopteres nouveaux pour la faune malgache. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 17-18. Allyn, G[eorge~\ II'. A case of bilateral homonymous hemianopsia. Arch. Ophthalm., 25, 1896, 206-212 ; Arch. Augenheilk., 34, ,1897, 250-251. Almand, (<•»/>//.) ]'[iftnr Edmiard], [Nouvelles du Sahara.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1894, 38-41. 2. Extreme-Sud algerien. La region du fort Mac- Mahon. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1894, 166-168. 3. Madagascar. Observations meteorologiques sur la cote orientale de Tile. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R. , 1899, 266-267. 4. Note sur Tamatave. Paris, Soc. Ge'ogr. C. R., 1899, 267-270. Almansi, Emilia. Sull' integr,azioue dell' equazione differenziale A2A: = 0. [189IJ-98.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 527-534 or 881-888; 34, 1898, 68-86 or 92-110. 2. Sulla deformazione di una sfera elastica soggetta al calore. [1897.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 701-707 or 963-969. 3. Sulla deformazione della sfera elastica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., Ii. 1897 (Nciii. 1). (11-64; Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 47, 1897, 103-125. 4. Sull' integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A-" = 0. Ann. Mat., 2, 1899, 1-51. 5. Influenza delle deformazioni elastiche sul movi- mento di un pendolo a reversione. Nuovo Cimento, 9, 1899, 260-278; 10, 1899, 85-111, 305-323. 6. Sulla ricerca delle funzioni poli-armoniche in un' area piana semplicemente counessa per date con- dizioni al contorno. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 13, 1899, 225-262. 7. Sull' integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A'-A'- = 0. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 104-107, 618. 8. Sulla torsione dei cilindri cavi a spessore piceolis- simo. [1899.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 39-53. 9. Integrazione della doppia equazione di LAPLACE. Roma, R, Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 298-304. Almnsy, Gyiiriiy. Nehany adat Magyarorszag omisahoz. Eiuige Addenda zur Oruis Ungarns. Aquila, 3, 1896. 209-216. 2. Madartani betekintes a roman Dobrudsaba. Ornithologische Recognoscirung der rumanischen Do- brudscha. Aquila, 5, 1898, 1-206. 3. Addenda zur Ornis Ungarns. Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, 83-112. Alme, //. //. Dm Spitsbergen og den Wellmanske Polar- ekspedition. [1894.] Kristiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb., (i, 1895, l-3(i. Almeida. '•• Camena d'Almeida. Almeida. .SO Cantidiano de Almeida. Almeida. Ncc Santos Almeida. Almeida Arez, (trncntc) Joan Haplistn d'. Sobre lima formula de WAKING. [1901.] Gomes Teixeira .lorn. Sci., 14, 1900, 117-120; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 162. Almeida LIIII.I, (cnjiit.) ,I ilaria ti>rendu de ['excursion.. .aux environs de Vilanova et de Vilafranca. Paris, Soe. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 812-822. 20. Compte-rendu de l'excursion...a Castellvi de la Marca, au vallon de San-Pau d'Ordal et a San-Sadurui de Noya. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 840-851. 21. Sobre las especies Acerotherium lemanense, Mastodon longirostris y un Elephas deseubiertos eu esta provincia de Barcelona. [1899.] Barcelona Ac. Bui., 1, 1892-1900, 535-537. 22. Sobre el descubrimieuto de la fauna de Saint- Cassien en el Trias de nuestra provincia. [1899.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 538-541. R. S. A. C. 23. [Analogic du Miocene de 1'Hcranlt et de celui du I'anades dans son bord nord-ouest.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 778. Almera, (can.) Jaime, & Bofill y Poch, Arturo. Moluscos fosiles de los terrenos Terciarios Superiores de Cataluna. [Mollusca fossilia stratuum Tertiariorum Superiorum Catalunire.] Espaua Com. Geol. Bol., 11, 1884, 81-157; 13, 1886, 393-440; 19, 1893, 113-244; Barcelona Ac. Mem., 2, [1885], 18-45. 2. Monograt'ia de las especies del genero Pecten del Burdigalense Superior y de una Lucina del Helveciense de las provincias de Barcelona y Tarragona. [1896.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 1, 1892-1900, 395-408. 3. Fauna salobre Tortouense de Villanueva y Geltni (Barcelona). [1897.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 3, ['? 1892- 1900], No. 1, l(i pp. 4. Moluscos fosiles recogidos en los terrenos Pliocenos de Cataluna. Descripciones y riguras de las formas nuevas y enumeracion de todas las encontradas en dichos yacimientos. Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 24, 1898, 1-223. Alrnkvist, Herman. Nordostafrika och dess folk i vura dagar. Stockh., Ymer, 5, 1886, 15-37, 57-70. Almonte, Enrique ile. Bemerkungen zu BLUMENTRITT'S Karte der Insel Mindanao. [7V.] Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 20, 1885, 387-388. Almquist, Ernst [I}ernhurd~\. 5. Wie entstehen unsere Masernepidemien ? Warum horen sie auf? Gb'teborg Handl., 20, 1885, 80 pp. 6. Luzula albida, DC., funnen vid Goteborg. Bot. Notiser, 1886, 149. 7. Om epidemiologiens methoder. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1886, 155-158. 8. Das Verhalten von Typhoidfieber, Diphtheric und Cholera irn selben Hause wiihrend einer liingeren Zeitperiode. Ztschr. Hyg., 2, 1887, 1-14. 9. Eiuige Bemerkungen iiber die Methoden der Choleraforschung. Ztschr. Hyg., 3, 1888, 281-286. 10. Ueber Einrluss von Jahreszeit und Witterung auf das Auftreten von Infectiouskrankheiten mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der localen Epidemieen. Ztschr. Hyg., 5, 1889. 1-66. 11. Ueber das vermehrte Auftreten des Darmtyphus au einer Auzahl von ruehr oder minder typhusfreien Orten nach jahrelangeu Zwisohenraumen. Wien. Med. Wsrhr., 40, 1890, 1652-1655, 1699-1701. 12. Untersuchungen iiber einige Bacteriengattungen mit Mycelien. Ztschr. Hyg., 8, 1890, 189-197. 13. Ein Detail, die Aetiologie des Abdominaltyphus betreffend. Ztschr. Hyg., 10, 1891, 163-166. 14. Pemphigus neonatoruui, bacteriologisch und epidemiologisch beleuchtet. Ztschr. Hyg., 10, 1891, 253-266. 15. Zur Vegetation Japans, mit besonderer Beriick- tiiehtigung der Lichenen. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 14, 1892, 221-229. 16. Zur Biologie der Typhusbakterie und der Esche- rich'schen Bakterie. Ztschr. Hyg., 15, 1893, 283-290. 17. Ueber eiue Methode, das specifische Gewicht von Bakterien und anderen Korperchen zu bestimmen. Ztschr. Hyg., 28, 1898, 321-330; Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 348-350. 18. Biologiska studier ofver Geranium bohemicum, L. Bot. Notiser, 1899, 81-85; Bot. Centrbl., 80, 1899, 78. 19. Zur Phagocytose. Ztschr. Hyg.. 31, 1899, 507- 512. Almquist, P\er~\ W[ilhelm}. 7. Ueber die graphische Bestimmung der Maximalmoruente bei indirecter Be- lastung. Civilingeuieur, 30, 1884, 337-348. 8. Zur altereii Theorie des Erddruckes. Civiliu- genieur, 31, 1885, 69-78. Almquist, S. 9. Om Carex-slagtets phylogenesis. Bot. Notiser, 1884, 118-120; Bot. Centrbl., 19, 1884, 221-223. to Almquist] [Alsberg 10. Om blomdiagrammet hos Montia. Bot. Notiser, 1884, 156-161; Bot. Centrbl., 21, 1885, 91-95. 11. Botaniska iakttagelser fran sommaren 1885. [1886.] Bot. Notiser, 1887, 44-45. 12. Nagra Carex riparia liknande former. [1886.] Bot. Notiser, 1887, 91-02 ; Bot. Centrbl., 29, 1887, 157- 158. 13. Om gruppindelning inom fam. Rosaceae. [1886.] Bot. Notiser, 1887, 221-222; Bot. Centrbl., 32, 1887, 250-251. 14. Om gruppen Ligulatfe,7'V., af slagtet Potarnogeton. [1887.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 62; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 439-440. 15. Om gruppindelning och hybrider inom sliigtet Potamogeton. [1888.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 63-66 ; Bot. Ceutrbl., 38, 1889, 619-620, 661-662. 16. Om honingsj-'ropens s. k. fjall hos Ranunculus oeh om houingsalstringen hos Convallaria polygonatum och multiflora. [1888.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 66-67 ; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 662-663. 17. Om Euphrasia salisburgensis vaxtplats. [1888.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 68; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 696. 18. Om en egendomlig form af Potamogeton fili- formis. [1888.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 70-71 ; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 662. 19. Om formerna af Carex salina, Wij. Bot. Notiser, 1891, 125-128; Bot. Centrbl., 47, 1891, 267-269, 295- 296. 20. Om Potamogeton sparganifolia, L[nritl], & Kostanecki, St[anislaus~\ von. Ueber das 2'-Aethoxy-a-Naphtoflavon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1037-1039, 4082. Alpers, F. 2. Zur Flora des Regierungsbezirkes Stade. [1886.] Bremen Abb.., 9, 1887, 289-292. 3. Beitrage zur Flora von Sylt. [1894.] Bremen Abb.., 13, 1896, 137-140. 4. Fremdldndische Pflanzen bei Hannover. Liineb. Nat. Ver. Jheft., 14, 1898, 63-70. Alpers, William C. The oil and terpenes of Aralia nudicaulis. Anier. Jl. Pharm., 71, 1899, 370-378. Alpers, William C., & Murray, Ilenjumin L[indlei/]. Aralia nudicaulis. Arner. Jl. Pharm., 69, 1897, 534-543. Alpbandery, G[evrflc]. Contribution a 1'etude de la mecanique psycho-physiologique. D'apres les experiences de M. Ch. FK'KE. Arch. G(§n. Med., 156, 1885, 334-346. Alphant, . La grotte des Anges au Mont Ventoux (Vaucluse). Spelunca, Paris, 1895, 143-144. Alpberaky. • Alferaki. Alpberts, CJ. £'. //. F. , & Verbrugh, J. E. Over het gebruik van vloei-ijzer in bouwconstructies. [1892-93.] 's Gravenhage Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1891-92 (Verb.), 276-340; 1892-93 (Verh.), 229-279. Alquier, [L.], A Balzer, t\elix\. Sec Balzer & Alquier. Alrutz, Sydney [Uiistaf Louis Keinlwld]. Studien auf dem Gebiete der Temperatursinne. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 1897, 321-340; 10, 1900, 340-352. 2. Bidrag till kannedomen om hudens kail- och varm-puukter. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 2, 1897, 246- 263; Fortschr. Med., 15 (1897), 041-642. 3. Om fornimmelseu " hett." Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 2, 1897, 340-359 ; Fortschr. Med., 15 (1897), 582- 583. 4. Om sammansatta hudfornimmelser. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 310-311. 5. Om de s. k. perversa temperaturforninimelserua. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 3, 1898, 106-117; Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 412. Alsberg, C[ui-;] /,[«(•«« |, . L, v.-iu- /'//», 'Inix . I [uron l>n>ilnr\. .s't'i' Levene A Alsberg. Alsberg] 75 [Althans Alsberg, Meinhard. For biographical notice see Arner. Chera. Soc. Jl., 19, 1897, 954-956. Alsberg, Moritz. 4. Ueber den atmospharischen Staub. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 31, 1884, 13-17. 5. Fortschritte in den Naturwissensehaften. Anthro- pologie. Humboldt, 4, 1885, 154-157, 363-365; 5, 1886, 97-100, 377-382 ; 6, 1887, 226-230, 461-465 ; 7, 1888, 274-278; 8, 1889, 24-28, 2(i3-2fi8, 469-475; 9 1890 201-207, 421-427. 6. Ein milcbgebender Ziegenbock. Humboldt, 7 1888, 158. 7. Die Skelette von Spy. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 299-300. Alsop, William A"., ct Yocnin, John H. Composition of the ashes of some raw tanning materials. Amer. Cheru. Soc. Jl., 20, 1898, 338-340. Alston, Garwood. Comparison of evaporation results in New South Wales and South Africa. [1895.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 9, 1898, 8-19. 2. [Notes on some Euphorbia:.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 10, 1898, vii-viii. Alt, Adolf [nou Adolphus]. 4. Original contributions concerning the glandular structures appertaining to the human eye and its appendages. St. Louis Ac. Trans., 10 (1900), 185-207. Alt, Ferdinand. Ueber apoplectiforme Labyrintherkran- kungen bei Caissonarbeitern. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 1730-1731; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 406-407. Alt, Hermann. Ueber Bromirung der u-Aeetylamidoben- zoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1643-1647. 2. Gewichtsanalytische Bestimmnng von Sulfocya- naten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 3258-3259. 3. Zur Fallung von Mangan als Hyperoxyd. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 1339. 4. Zur Kenntniss des Chiuolins. Liebig's Ann., 252, 1889, 318-330. Alt, Hermann, & Lcllm.inn, Eugen [Curl]. See Lollni.uin it Alt. Alt, Hermann, & Schulze, Julius. Trennung des Zinks vom Nickel. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 3259- 3262. Alt, Konrad. Das Symptom der Personenverwechslung bei Geisteskranken. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr. , 44, 1888, 50- 77. 2. Ueber das Entstehen von Neurosen und Psychosen auf dem Boden von chronisehen Mageukrankheiten. Arch. Psychiatr., 24, 1892, 403-151. 3. Ueber die Ausscbeidung des Schlangengiftes durch den Magen. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, 116-118. 4. Toxalbumine in dem Erbrocbenen von Cholera- kranken. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, 119-121. Alt, Konrad, & Schmidt, Karl E[duard] Franz. Unter- suchungen iiber den elektrischen Leitungswiderstand der thierischen Gewebe. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 53, 1893, 575-584. Alt, J/., & 'Weiss, Julius. Anferaia iufantilis pseudo- leucaemica. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 30, 1892, 433-435, 450-452. Altamirano, Fernando. 4. Ligeros apuntes de la flora del camino entre Mexico, Tulancingo y Huauchinango. [1891.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 4,' 1890, 129-131). 5. Noticias sobre la flora de Cacahuamilpa. [1892.] M(5x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 5, 1891, 213-218. 6. Necesidad de la repoblacion de los bosyues. [1895.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897 (Apfnd.), 11-22. 7. Algunas observaciones fisiologicas sobre los efectos de la ponzona del alacnin de Jojutla. [1900.] M(5x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 14, 1899, 327-330. Altar, Sigmund. Ueber die Oxydation symmetrischer Trialkylpyridiue. Liebig's Ann., 237, 1887, 182-201. Altehoefer, [August Heinrich]. Ueber die Desinfektions- kraft von Wasserstoffsuperoxyd auf Wasser. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 129-137. Altemaire, L\inds Kugi'iie], iV' Bovis, l^em'] de. Etudes auatomiques et cliniques sur les phlegmons profonds lymphangitiques de la main et de 1'avant-bras. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 28, 1896, 227-249. Alien, H.. & Jannicke, Wilhelm. Eine Schiidigung von Rosenblattern durch Asphaltdiimpfe. Bot. Ztg., 49, 1891, 195-199, 649-650. Altenburger, Julius. On the grouping of endowment assurances for valuation. [1898-1900.] Inst. Act. JL, 34, 1899, 150-153; 35, 1901, 332-336. Altenkirch, Gux/,n\ Studien iiber die Verdunstungs- scbutzeinrichtungen in der troekenen Geriillflora Sach- sens. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 18, 1894, 354-393. Altii, Atojzy. For biographical notice see Wien, Geol. Verh., 1886, 342-343. To reference in No. 26 (Vol. 12) add Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 217. 27. *Die .luraformation von Nizuiow. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [66]-[67]. 28. Sprawozdanie z podr6zy w r. 1883 odbyt^j po wschodnie'j Galicyi. [Report on an excursion to eastern Galicia in 1883.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw. , 18, 1884 (Cz. 2), (239)-(264). 29. Opis geognostyczny Szczawnicy i Pieuin. [Geo- gnostic description of Szczawnica and Pieniny.] Krakbw, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 13, 1886, 1-98 ; Wien, Geol. Verb., 1885, 170-171. 30. Przyczynek do geologii wschodnieh Karpat. [Contribution to the geology of the eastern Carpathians.] Krakdw. Ak. (Jlat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 14, 1886, 289-348; 16, 1887, 1-48. 31. Ueber die Zusarnmengehorigkeit der deu Fisch- gattungen Pteraspis, Cyathaspis und Scaphaspis zu- geschriebenen Scbilder. [1886.] Beitr. Palaont. Oesterr.- Ung., 5, 1887, 61-73. 32. Uwagi tyczace si^ wszystkich map tego zeszytu, a w ogole caiego Podola. [Notes on the general map of the first issue and on Podolia in general.] Galicyi Atlas Geol. Tekst, 1, 1887, 1-15. 33. Objasnienia szczegbtowe do map Zaleszczyk i Jagielnicy-Czernelicy. [Detailed explanation to the map of Zaleszczy and Jagielniec-Czerneliec.] Galicyi Atlas Geol. Tekst, 1, 1887, 16-40. Alth, Guido von. Ueber die Reduction einer Gruppe Abel'scher Integrate auf elliptische Integrale. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Alth. 2), 702-713. Althans, Ernst [Friedrich], Assign to this author titles (I'ol. 1) under Althans, , and Althans, E. For biographical notice see Ztschr. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 47, 1899 (Beil), 2pp. 9. Anwendung der bekannten Gesetze der Wetter- bewegung auf Veutilator-Untersuchungen, insbesondere die friiheren, im Auftrage der preussischeu Wetter- Commission ausgefiihrten Arbeiteu, im Anschlusse an Daniel MURGDE. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 32, 1S84 (Abh.), 174-236. 10. Ueber Glacial-Erscheinungen in der Gegend siidlich von Strehlen und siidwestlich vom Rummelsberg. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1887, 230-231. 11. Ueber Gletschersehrarninen und andere Gletscher- gebilde. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1888, 116-117. 12. Ueber die geographische Gestaltung der uord- lichen Theile von Europa und Amerika durch die Eiszeit. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1888, 209-222. 13. Ueber Sandstein in Form von Miniatur-Basalt- saulen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1891 (Abth. 2), 58. 14. Ueber die nordische Eiszeit. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 (Abth. 2), 11. 15. Ueber die Beziehungen der Basalte in den Vor- bergeu des Isergebirges zur Eiszeit. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 (Abth. 2), 19. 16. Ueber einen Quarzkantner aus dem Katzengebirge. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 (Abth. 2), 29-30. 10—2 Althans | 7fi [Altschul 17. Ueber ueue geologische Schriften und Karten- werke. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1893 (Abth. 2«), 1-3. 18. Ueber Bildung von Mondkratern. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 (Abth. 2a), 27-52. 19. Gletscherschrammen am Eummelsberg, Kieis Strehlen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbucli., 14. 1894. 54 (bis)-59 (Us). 20. Mineralogische Mittheilungen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1895 (Abth. 'la), 2. 21. Ueber muthmaassliche Endmoranen eines Glet- schers vom Kehorn-Gebirge und Kolbenkarnrae bei Liebau i. Schl. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 401-406. 22. Bestatigung der Aiehungsmangel von Anemo- rnetern der preussischen Sehlagwetter-Cornmissiou seitens der Deutschen Seewarte uuter Widerlegung von Aeusse- rungen gegen Beobachtungen der Windgeschwindigkeit auf rueteorologischen Anstalten. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 47, 1899 (Abh.), 235-238. Althans, R. Riegelbildungen im Waldenburger Stein- kohlengebirge. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12, 1893, 18 (/»s)-36 (bis). 2. DieErzformationdesMusehelkalksinOberschlesien. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12, 1893, 37 (bis)- 98 (bin). Altliaus, [Paul] Julius. Assign to this author Nos. 2 & 3 (Vol 1) and Nos. 1 & 2 (Vol. 7) under Althaus, Julius ; Nos. 7-9 (Vol. 9) under Althaus, (Dr.) Julius and No. 10 (Vol. 12) under Althaus, Paul Julius. 9. *Case of syphilitic (?) tumours of the cerebral membranes. [1883.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 17, 1884, 25-31. 10. Case of hemianassthesia from congenital brain disease. Clin. Soc. Trans., 18, 1885, 151-154. 11. Some phases of cerebral syphilis, [ll'itli e. Syndrome typho-rnalarien. [2V.] [1897.] Arch. Med. Navale, 71, 1899, 217-224. Alverny, A[ndre] d'. Note sur la flore estivale des Hohe Tauern (Autriche). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 673-681. Alves de Camargo Caixeiro, Antonio. Commissao geo- graphica e geologica do estado de S. Paulo. Quadro climatologico do anno de 1888. Estacao de Tatuhy. Rio de Janeiro Obs. Rev., 1890, 31. Alves Pereira da Fonseca, A. A. M. V. Estudo com- parative da estructura do peciolo de algumas especies de Quercus. Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 13, 1896, 48-59. Alvisi, Ugo. Ricerche sul gruppo della caufora. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 364-371 ; 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 444-451; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 1), 265-274 ; 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 332-341. 2. Sulla formazione di derivati pirazolici dalle di- cloridrine e dalla tribromidrina della glicerina ordinaria. Rnma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sent. 2), 450-457 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 1), 158-168. 3. Delle relazioni tra il periodo di Lothar MEYER ed il periodo del MENDELEEFF. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 137-143 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 509-517. 4. Della disposizione de' pesi specirici de' corpi seniplici nel sistema periodico degli elernenti chimici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 191-196; Gazz. Chirn. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 518-523. 5. Dell' azione della fenilidrazina sulT etilencloridrina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 219-223 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 529-535. 6. Ricerche sugli acidi inorgauici complessi. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 494-498; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 523-528. 7. Osservazioni sulle relazioni tra il peso molecolare e la densita ne' corpi solidi e liquidi. Sali alogenati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 376-382; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 1), 31-41. 8. Sul nietalluminato di trietilsolfi.ua. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 407-413; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 14, 1897, 302-308. 9. Ancora delle relazioni tra il peso molecolare e la densita ne' corpi solidi e liquidi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 77-85. 10. Nuove ricerche sulla formazione del solfuro rosso di mercurio per via urnida. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 97-98. 11. Ricerche sperimentali su nuovi material! esplosivi e detonauti. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 121- 143, 399-405, (Pt. 2), 64-81, 478-490. Alvisi, I'uo, & Giorgis, Giovanni. See Griorgis & Alvisi. Alvisi, Ugo, & Miolati, A[rturo]. See Miolati & Alvisi. Alvisi, Ugo, & P.iterno, Einanuele. See Paterno & Alvisi. Alvordl 78 [Amagat Alvord, (Ct'ii.) lii'njamin. Assign to this author title (Vol. 1) uiuler Alvord, Benjamin. For biographical notice and list of works see Washington Phil. Soc. Bull. , 7, 1886 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 2), 127-129. 8. *A special case in maxima and minima. [1883.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 6, 1884 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 1), 149. Alvord, (.!/«/.) Henry E[lijah]. Telemetric aid to mete- orological records. Amer. Ass. Proc. , 1885, 81-83; [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1885, 11-13. 2. Relative values of human foods. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1885, 504-507. 3. Observations on the formation of dew. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1886, 113-116; [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1886, 12-16. 4. Relative values of different kinds of milk and milk products. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1887, 336-338. 5. Influence of topography upon rainfall, from observations during the summer of 1884, at Houghton Farm, Mountainville, Orange county, New York. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1887, 11-16. 6. The dairy herd : its formation and management. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1894, 295-316. 7. Report upon experimental exports of butter, 1897. U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Rep., 15, 1899, 83-136. 8. Breeds of dairy cattle. U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Rep., 15, 1899, 137-200. Alwood, William B. Notes on the life history of Protoparce Carolina. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 369. 2. The life history of Schizoneura lanigera, Haiisni. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 369-370; U. S. Div. But. Bull., 17, 1898, 70-72. 3. The leaf-spot disease of apple, Phyllosticta pinna, Sacr.., and several unrelated forms occurring therewith. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 413. 4. On the occurrence of a yeast form in the life cycle of the black rot of apple, Sphfflropsis malorum, Peck. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 422. Alzate y Ramirez, Jose Antonio. 8. *Abejas y araiias. [1788.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 (Ap'ml), 15-17. 9. "Noticia de alguuas plautas. [1791.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 (Apend.), 4-6. 10. *Del chayote. [1792.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 (Apend.), 7-11. 11. *Memoria acerca de la yerba del polio. [1792.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 (Aiu'inL), 11-15. 12. Proyecto para desaguar la Laguna de Texcoco y las de Chalco y San Crist6bal. [Posth.] lie's., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 3, 1889, 185-201. 13. *Datos para la historia de la meteorologia Mexicana. Notas y observaciones relativas a meteoro- logia tisica del globo y astronomia. [1789-91.] M£x. Obs. Bol., 3, 1890, 178-186, 237-257. Alzheimer, Alois. UeberdieOhrenschmalzdriisen. Wurzb. Phys. Med. Verh., 22, 1889, (221)-(240). 2. Ueber einen Fall von spinaler progressiver Mus- kelatrophie mil hinzutretender Erkrankung bulbiirer Kerne und der Rinde. Arch. Psychiatr., 33, 1892, 459- 485. 3. Die arteriosklerotische Atrophie des Gehirns. [With discussion.] [1894.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 51, 1895, 809-812. 4. Die Fruhform der allgemeinen progressiven Paralyse. [1895.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 52, 1896, 533-594. 5. Ein "geborener Verbrecher." Arch. Psychiatr., 28, 1896, 327-353. 6. Ueber riickschreitende Amnesie bei der Epilepsie. [1896.] Allg. Ztscbr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 483-499. 7. Ueber perivasculare Gliose. [1896.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 863-865. 8. Das Delirium acutum. Arch. Psychiatr., 29, 1897, 1019-1020. 9. Die Colloidentartung des Gehirns. [1897.] Arch. Psychiatr., 30, 1898, 18-53. 10. Einiges zur pathologischen Anatomie der chro- nischen Geistesstorungen. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 57, 1900, 597-599. Alzona, Carlo. Anophthalnius Fiorii. n. sp. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 19, 1899 (Boll.), 94-95. 2. Fauna della provincia di Bologna. Primo con- tribute. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 20. 1900 (Ball.), 125-131, 137-140. Amabile, Luini. For biography and works see Napoli, Ace. Pontan.' Atti, 24, 1894 (Necrol. No. 4), 11 pp. Amadei, Giuseppe. 9. Sopra un crauio di ladro. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 11, 1885 (Med. Legate), 208-213. 10. Sulla morfologia del padiglione dell' orecchio. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 15, 1889 (Mfd. Legate), 46-58. 11. Un omicida-suicida. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 19, 1893, 286-307. 12. Ueber spindelfbrmige Eiweisskorper in der Familie der Balsamineen. Bot. Centrbl., 73, 1898, 1-9, 33^1. Amadeo, Antonio Jose. The dispersion of seeds and plants. Nature, 37, 1888, 535. 2. The botany and vegetable materia medica of the island of Porto Rico. Pharm. Jl., 18, 1888, 761-762, 881-882, 906-907. Amadio, Aeliille. Determinazione volumetrica dei solfati nel vino e nell' aceto. Riv. Vit. Ital., 9, 1885, 61-63. Amaduzzi, Laroro. Ancora dell' interruttore elettrolitico del Dott. WEHNKLT. Hiv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 121-123. 2. Per la terminologia elettrica. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 233-235. 3. Sulla differenza fra forza elettromotrice e diffe- renza di potenziale. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 32, 1900, 9-10. Amaduzzi, Laeuru, & Leone, L. II fenomeno di HALL in uu liquido non elettrolita. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sfiii. I), 252-255. Amagat, E[milr] N[iltiire]. Assign to this author title (Vol. 9) under Amagat, . 28. Sur la valeur du coefficient de POISSON relative au caoutchouc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 130-133. 29. Methode pour doser 1'extrait sec des vins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 99, 1884, 195-197. 30. Resultats pour servir aux calculs des mano- metrea a gaz comprimes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 1017-1019, 1153-1154. 31. Sur la determination du rapport — . Jl. Phys., 4, 1886, 174-177. 32. Sur la densite limite et le volume atomique des gaz, et en particulier de 1'oxygene et de 1'hydrogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 633-635. 33. Sur uu instrument analogue au sextant, per- mettant de prendre directement les angles projetes sur 1'horizon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 1120-1121. 34. Sur le volume atomique de 1'oxygene. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 102, 1886, 1100. 35. Sur la mesure des tres fortes pressions et la compressibilite des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886,429-432; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 16, 1886, 181-186. 36. Dilatation et compressibility de 1'eau et deplace- ment du maximum de densit£ par la pression. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1159-1161. 37. Solidification des liquides par la pression. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 165-167. 38. Sur la dilatation des liquides comprime's, et en particulier sur la dilatation de 1'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1120-1122. 39. Sur la verification experimentale des formules de LAME et la valeur du coefficient de POISSON. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 479-482. 40. Compressibilite des gaz : oxyg^ne, hydrogene, azote et air jusqu'a 3000«tm . Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 522-524. Amagat] 79 [Amalickij 41. Becherches sur 1'elasticite du cristal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 618-620. 42. Recherches sur 1'elasticite des solides et la com- pressibilite du mercure. Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 197-204, 359-368. 43. Compressibility du mercure et elasticite du verre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 228-231. 44. Determination directe (e'est-a-dire sans faire usage d'aucune formule) de la compressibilite du verre, du cristal et des metaux, jusqu'a 2000"""-. Paris Ac Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 727-730. 45. Recherches sur 1'elasticite des solides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1199-1202. 46. Variation de 1'elasticite' du verre et du cristal avec la temperature. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1246-1249. 47. Nouvelle methode pour Fetude de la com- pressibilit^ et de la dilatation des liquides et des gaz. Resultats pour les gaz : oxygene, hydrogene, azote et air. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 871-875. 48. Recherches sur 1'elasticite des solides et la com- pressibilite du mercure. Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 95-140; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 102-114. 49. Nouveau rfeeau d'isotherrnes de 1'acide car- bouique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 446-451. 50. Sur la determination de la densite des gaz liquefies et de leurs vapeurs saturees. Elements du point critique de 1'acide carbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1093-1098; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, 230-2311, 242. 51. Sur la densite des gaz liquefies et de leurs vapeurs saturees et sur les constantes du point critique de 1'acide carbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114 1892 1322-1326. 52. Sur les lois de compressibilite des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 638-642. 53. Sur les lois de dilatation des gaz sous pression coustante. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 771-775. 54. Sur les lois de dilatation des liquides, leur corn- paraison avec les lois relatives aux gaz et la forme des isothermes des liquides et des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C H., 115, 1892, 919-923. 55. Sur les lois de dilatation a volume constant des fluides. Coefficients de pression. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. 115, 1892, 1041-1045, 1238-1242. 56. Menioires sur 1'elasticite et la dilatabilite des rluides jusqu'aux tres hautes pressious. Ann. Chim. 29, 1893, 68-136, 505-574. 57. Dilatation et compressibilite de 1'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 41^14. 58. Dilatation de 1'eau sous pressiou constante et sous volume constant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. 116, 1893 779-782. 59. Sur le deplacement de la temperature du maximum de densite de 1'eau par la pression, et le retour aux lois ordinaires sous 1'influence de la pressiou et de la tem- perature. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 946-952. 60. Sur la relation qui existe entre les coefficients des forrnules de CODLOMB (magnetisme), de LAPLACE et d'AniPERE. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 86-90, 150- 154. 61. Sur la cristallisation de 1'eau par decompression au-dessous de zero. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H. , 117, 1893, 507-509. 62. Sur le maximum de densite et les lois relatives a la compressibilite et a la dilatation de 1'eau. [Cf. Nos. 57, 58 & 59.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1893, 145-155. 63. Sur la pression interieure dans les [fluides et la forme de la fonction aucitypciii BT> cliBepOBoo TOHHyK ^acrb HoBropCW'KOfi ryCepinil. [Com- munication sur 1'excursion au nord-est du gouvernement de Novgorod.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891- 92 (C. R., Plnje. Chim.), No. 1, 2-6; [St. Petersb., Corn. Geol. Bull., 11, 1893 (Suppl.)], 1. 4. Ueber die Anthracosien der Permformation Russ- lands. Pateontographica, 39, 1892, 125-213. 80 Amalickij] s. MaTppiajiM Ki) nosnaiiiio qVynu IlepMCKoii CIICTOMI,! I'occiii. I. MeprcMiieTO-necqani.nl nopojiM OKCKO-Bojiacctcaro Gaccefma. [Materiaux pour la conuaissanee du systeme Permien de la Russie. I.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. A'., lliol.), No. 8, 15-18. 6. 0 .lejHHKOBHX'B OT,10HteiliHXT> OKpCCTHO- i I I'll BapmaBU. [Sur les couches diluviennes des environs de Varsovie.] [1893.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892-93 (C. R. , Phys. Cliim.), No. 5, 10-14; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 13, 1895 (Suppl.), 1. 7. 0 npf.cHOBOji.Hiiix'B ii3T, Ka.MCHHoyro.iibHHx'b oT.ioHieiiifi Sacceiina. [Des Lamellibraucbiata d'eau douce des couches Carboniferes du bassin du Donetz.] [1893.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1893-94 (C. R., BioL), No. 1. 4-8; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 14, 1896 (Suppl), 34. 8. A comparison of the Permian freshwater Lamelli- branchiata from Russia with those from the Karoo system of South Africa. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1895, 337- 349. 9. HtcKoibKO sairfeiaHiii o BepxHe-TIepiicKiix i. i;oHTiiHeHTa.ii,Hbixi> OTJiojKeHiHXT, Pocciii ii HJ. A(|ipilKll. (Quelques rernarques sur les couches Per- miennes de la Russie et de 1'Afrique rneridiouale.) [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 (C. R.), 117- 126; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 15, 1897 (Suppl.), 38-39. 10. HicKOitKO aaMtnaHiil o IIocTiuiioueno- BMX'f, OTJlOJKCHiflXT, BapmaBU. [Einige Bemer- kungen iiber Post-Pliocane Ablagerungen Warschau's.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., lliol.). No. 2, 19 pp. ; Russ. Geol. Mia. Aunu., 2, 1897-98 (Sect. 4), 1-2. 11. reojioniiecKan SKCKypcia na ctBcpi Pocciii. [Excursion geologique au uord de la Russie.] [1896-98.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., BinL), No. 3, 15 pp., No. 5, 14-24 ; 1897 (BioL), No. 1, 7 pp. ; 1898 (BioL), 5 pp.; [St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 17, 1898 (Snppl.)], 1-2. Amann, Josef A[lberf\. Zur Darstellung von Lymph- bahnen im Uterus. [1891.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. n. Physiol. Sber., 7, [1892], 74-76. 2. Ueber Bildungvon Ureiern und primarfollikelahn- lichen Gebilden im senilen Ovarium. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 2), 235-236. Amann, Jules. Essai d'un catalogue des mousses du S.-O. de la Suisse avec indication des localites. [1885- 86.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 20, 1885, 241-286; 22, 1887, 145-156. 2. Sur 1'emploi du baume de Tolu pour les prepara- tions de Diatomees. [1885.] Brux. , Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 1,1, [1886], 127. 3. Etude des proprietes optiques du peristome chez les mousses. [1886.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 22, 1887, 157-161. 4. Methodes de preparations microscopiques pour 1'etude des Muscinees. Rev. Bryol., 15, 1888, 81-83. 5. Causerie bryologique. Rev. Bryol., 15, 1888, 83- 86. 6. Bryologische Bummeleien im Davoser Gebiete. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 23, 1888, 531-540. 7. Leptntrichum glaucescens, Hampe. Bot. Centrbl., 37, 1889, 71-72. 8. Hypnum Sauteri et Hypnuin fastigiatum. Kev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 11-13. 9. Notice sur une mycose du sporange des mousses. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 13. [Amann 10. Note sur le Bryum cornense, Schimper. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 52-53. 11. Note sur le Campylopus alpinus, Scliimper. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 53-54. 12. Musci novi rhffitici. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 54- 55. 13. Note sur le Brachythecium trachypodium, Bridel. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 55-56. 14. Etudes brj-ologiques faites en commun avec M. PHILIBEBT, en aoat 1888. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 56-57. 15. Neut' mousses nouvelles pour la flore suisse. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 57. 16. Especes et varietes nouvelles. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 87-91. 17. Euryucbiumdiversifolinm, Br. Eur. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 91-92. 18. [Mousses interessantes des environs de Davos.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 24, 1890, 501-502. 19. Sur 1'emploi de la lumiere polarisee pour 1'etude des Muscinees. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 24, 1890, 502-508. 20. Muium subglobosum, Br. Kur. Rev. Bryol., 17, 1890, 53-56. 21. Der Eiufluss der Koch'scheu Impfungen auf die Tuberkelbacillen im Sputum. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 1-3. 22. Charakterbilder aus der Moosflora des Davoser Gebietes., Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 26, 1891, 70-75. 23. Etudes sur le genre Bryum. Rev. Bryol., 19, 1892, 53-57 ; 20, 1893, 39-45. 24. 4000 Sputumuntersuchungen statistischverwertet. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 365-368. 25. Pleocbroismus gefarbter Bakterienzellen. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Bakterienfarbung. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 775-780. 26. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pilz-Flora Graubiin- deus. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 36, 1893, 88-94. 27. Methode expeditive de preparations microsco- piques pour les mousses. Rev. Bryol., 20, 1893, 74-75. 28. Notice sur le Bryum Philiberti, Amann. Rev. Bryol., 20, 1893, 84-85. 29. Contributions a la flore bryologique de la Suisse. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1893, 49-76. 30. Ueber eiuen neueu Moosbastard zwischen ver- schiedeneu Gattungen (Phyeoomitrium und Physcomi- trella). Ziirich Vrtljschr., 38, 1893, 392-393. 31. Notiz iiber einen Plasmodieubefund in einem atypischen Falle von Malaria. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 37, 1894, 210-21.3. 32. Woher stammen die Laubmoose der erratischen Blocke der schweizerischen Hochebene und des Jura? Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1894, 19-30. 33. Das objectiv y^" Semiapochrornat homogene Immersion der Kirrna F. KORISTKA in Mailand. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 11, 1894, 145-148. 34. Le birefractometre on oculaire-comparateur. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 11, 1894, 440-454. 35. l>u role des pbeuomeues de diffraction dans la formation de 1'image microscopique. [1894-95.] Lau- sanne, Soe. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, 34-56. 36. La flore des mousses suisses. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 384-385. 37. Der Naclnveis des Tuberkelbacillus im Sputum. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. I), 17, 1895, 513-522. 38. Sur la recherche du bacille de la tuberculose. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, xxi-xxiii. 39. Sur le bacille de la diphterie. [1895.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, v. 40. Nouvelles inethodes de preparation des eryptn- games cellulaires vertes. Jl. Bot., Paris, 10, 1896, 187- 190. 41. Sur les lois de la variation chez les etres organises. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, xxi- xxiii. Amann] 81 [Amato 42. La recherche des phenols dans 1'urine comme moyen de diagnostic des auto-intoxications d'origine digestive. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, xlvi- xlvii ; 33, 1897, xv-xvi. 43. Une methode geometrique de representation de la forme des feuilles chez les Muscinees. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, 259-270. 44. Conservirungsfliissigkeiten und Einschlussmedien fiir Moose, Chloro- und Cyanophyceen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 13, 1896, 18-21. 45. Un nouveau microscope grand modele pour la mineralogie et la petrographie. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, 228-230. 46. [Une nouvelle methode de dosage de 1'acide urique.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, li-lii. 47. Un uouvel azotornetre. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, Hi. 48. Application de la l,oi des grands uombres a 1'etude d'uu type vegetal. Etude de philosophic Imta- nique. Jl. Bot., Paris, 13, 1899, 175-193, 220-22* 22!»- 233. 49. Sur le pouvoir optique de 1'objeetif photogra- phique. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 35, 1899, xix-xx. 50. NeueBeobachtungsmedien. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 16, 1899, 38-44. 51. Etude de la flore bryologique du Valais. Bull. Murith., 27 & 28, 1900, 73-116. 52. Deux cas de symbiose chez les mousses. Bull. Murith., 27 & 28, 1900~, 122-124. Amann, Jules, & Jaccard, Paul. See Jaccard & Amann. Amann, Jul.es, & Meylan, Charles. Flore des mousses suisses. Etude de la flore bryologique du Haut-Jura moyen. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1896, 6-38. Amann, Jules, Jaccard, Henri, & Favrat, L[o«/s]. See Jaccard, Amann A Favrat. Amans, l'[aul] C. 3. *Essai sur le vol des insectes. [1883.] Rev. Sci. Nat., 3, 1883-84, 121-139. 4. Etude de 1'organe du vol chez les Hymenopteres. [1884.] Bev. Sci. Nat., 3, 1883-84, 485-522. 5. Comparaisons des organes du vol dans la serie animale. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 19, 1885, Art. 2, 222 pp. 6. Sur les contours apparents des machines animates. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1886 (Ft. 2), 568-572. 7. Ge'neralite's sur les organes de locomotion aqim- tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 105, 1887, 1035-1037. 8. Bapport sur 1'Expositiou Aerouautique de Vienne en 1888. Aeronaute, 1888, 183-190, 209-214, 231-239 ; 1889, 8-17, 25-36. 9. Comparaisons des organes de la locomotion aqua- tique. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 6, 1888, 1-164. 10. Sur les rapports de 1'hyponautique et de la mecanique animale. Ass. Franc. C. K., 1888 (Pt. 2), 336-339. 11. Sur un appareil destine a mesurer la force pro- pulsive de diverses palettes. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1889, 308-312; Aeronaute, 1890, 139-144. 12. Perfectionnement des helices ae'rieunes. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 574-583; Aeronaute, 1892, 219-231. 13. La physiologic du vol, d'apres Leonard DE VINCI. Rev. Sci., 49, 1892, 687-693. 14. Reponse aux observations du lieutenant-colonel ToncHE sur 1'article : "Perfectionnement des helices aeriennes." Ae'ronaute, 1893, 58-60. 15. Sur les helices aeriennes. Ae'ronaute, 1895, 101- 108. 16. [Sobre un nuevo fon6grafo.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 6, 1896, xcviii-xcix. 17. Construction de phonographes a long bane. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 2), 268-270. 18. Quelle est la meilleure forme de burin phono- R. S. A. C. graphique? Sur un nouveau type de raboteuse et d'outil a cylindrer. Ass. Franc. 'C. R., 1899 (Pt. 2), 271-274. 19. Sur un nouveau dispositif de volet de tension. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 2), 432-434. 20. Fabrication de pates phonographiques. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 2), 434-439. 21. Phonographe pour bobiues de 40 centimetres de longueur. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 2), 439-440. Amanzio, Domenirn. 7. Intorno ad una funzione iso- barica. [1886.] Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 17, 1887, 85-107. 8. Sopra alcuni speciali polinomii. Napoli, Ace. Atti, 7, 1895, No. 10, 35 pp. Am.ir.il, A[belardo] P. do, & Guye, Philippe A[uguite], See Guyc & Amaral. Amaral. See also Duarte do Amaral. Am.it, [Louts] Charles. Anthropologie des M'zabites. Paris Soe. Anthrop. Bull. , 7, 1884, 587-600. 2. L'esclavage au M'zab, etude anthropologique des negres. Paris Soe. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1884, 689-698. 3. Les Beui-M'zab. Rev. d'Anthrop., 7, 1884, 617- 639. 4. (Euf de poule complet inclus dans un autre. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 256-257. 5. Les negres du M'zab. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 33-38. 6. La geologie du M'zab. Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 52-54. 7. La flore du M'zab. Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 144-148. 8. De 1'emploi comme greffe du feuillet interne de la membrane coquilliere de 1'ceuf de poule. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 25, 1895, 213-218. Am.it, Henri. Construction des cadrans solaires. Astro- nomie, 1885, 50-55. Amat, L. Pipette a deusite. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 482-484. 2. Sur les phosphites d'ammouiaque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 809-811. 3. [Sur la preparation des phosphites acides.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1888, xxxvi. 4. Sur les phosphites acides des metaux alcalins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1351-1354. 5. Sur 1'existence d'un acidepyrophosphoreux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1400-1402. 6. Sur le sel de soude que 1'ou obtient en satnrant 1'acide phosphoreux par un exces d'alcali. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 403-405, 638. 7. Sur 1'acide phosphoreux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1056-1058. 8. Etude calorimetrique des phosphites et du pyro- phosphite de soude. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 191-194. 9. Sur les phosphites et le pyrophosphite de plornb. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890. !I01-904. 10. Sur 1'aualyse des aeides hypophosphoreux, phos- phoreux et hypophosphorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., Ill, 1890, 676-679. 11. Sur les phosphites et les pyrophosphites. Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 289-373. 12. Sur la transformation du pyrophosphite de soude en phosphite acide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 527-530. 13. Transformation du pyrophosphite de soude en phosphite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 614-616. Amat, L., & Farmentier, F[reileric]. See Parmentier & Amat. Amato, C. Sintesi dell' acido benzilparanitrocinnamico. Napoli, Rend., 35, 1896, 333-335. Amato, Vomenico. For biographical notice and list of works see Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 50, 1898, 13-16. 16. *[L' atrofia delle ossa da paralisi;] deterniina- zione chimiche. Nuovo Cimento, 26, 1867, 383-385. 17. Esperienze di corso del prof. V. MEYER di Zurigo ed esperienze di corso ed original! del [autore sul modo 11 Amato] 82 [Ambronn di comportarsi della luce nelle azioni chimiche.] [1884.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, IK, 1886, 65-74. 18. La luce nelle azioni chimiche. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1886, 57-72. 19. Studii sperimentali e considerazioni teoriche sopra un nuovo indirizzo da darsi alia cbimiea. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 20, 1888, 153-187. 20. "I problemi chiinici dell' epoca presente" del prof. V. METER ed "II nuovo indirizzo da darsi alia chimica" del [autore]. Kaffronti e ragguagli. [1890.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 3, 1891, 7-29. Amato, Luigi rf'. Sur 1'importanee du glycogene hepa- tique dans Faction protectrice du foie eontre 1'infection charbonneuse. Recherches experimentales. Arch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 341-344. Amato, Vinren:o. Sulla pedale della spirale logaritmica. Giorn. Mat., 38, 1900, 14'.)-152. Amaturi, Nicola . [Sualcuneimpronte del Trias.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 126-127. Amaudrut, Alexandre. Sur le systeme nerveus de la Dolabella Rumphii. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 68-74. 2. La structure et la circulation dans 1'organe de BOJANUS de quelques Mollusques pulrnones. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 88-92. 3. Le systeme nerveux de quelques Mollusques pul- mone's (Achatine, Bulime, IMix, Nanina, Vaginule). Paris Spc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 107-119. 4. Etude comparative de la masse buccale chez les Gaste>opodes et particulierement chez les Prosobranches diotocardes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 121, 1895, 1170- 1172. 5. Sur 1'appareil salivaire des Ancillaires. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 21, 1896, 123-124. 6. Sur les poches buccales et les poches oesopha- giennes des Prosobranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1218-1221. 7. Contribution a 1'etude de la region anterieure de 1'appareil digestif chez les Stenoglosses supe'rieurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1424-1427. 8. Structure et meeanisme du bulbe chez les Mol- lusques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 243-245. 9. La partie anterieure du tube digestif et la torsion chez les Mollusques gast6ropodes. Aun. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 7, 1898, 1-291. 10. Sur les allongements de la partie anterieure du corps des Prosobranehes et leur influence sur la region correspondante du tube digestif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 259-262. Amaya, Scumatsu. Ueber die negative Schwankung bei isotonischer und isometrischer Zuckung. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 70, 1898, 101-121. Ambcrg, otto. Die von ScHROTER-AMBERG modifizierte Sedgwick-Rafter'sche Methode der Planktonzahlung. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, 283-288. 2. Beitrage zur Biologie des Katzensees. Zurich Vrtljschr., 45, 1900, 59-136. Ambialet, J[ean~\. L'encephale dans les cranes deformes du Toulousain. Anthrop. (Paris), 4, 1893, 11-27. Ambler, Cliase P. Perichondritis of the laryngeal carti- lages. N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 555-559. Ambronn, H[ermann], B. Ueber heliotropische und geotropische Torsionen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber. , 2, 1884, 183-190. 6. Liste der von der deutschen Nordpolar-Expedition am Kingawa-Fjord des Cumberland-Suudes gesaminelten Phanerogamen und Gefiisskryptogamen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, Ixv-lxvii. 7. Zur Mechanik des Windens. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 36, 1884, 136-184; 37, 1885, 132-180. 8. Ueber Poren in den Aussenwanden von Epider- miszellen. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 14, 1884, 82-110. 9. Einige Bemerkungen zu den Abhandlungen des Herrn WORTMANN : "Theorie des Windens" [Bot. Ztg., 44, 1886, 617-625, etc.] und "Ueber die Natur der roti- renden Nutation der Schlingpflanzen " [Bot. Ztg., 44, 1886, 273-283, etc.]. Deutseh. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1886. 369-375. 10. Zur " Erwiderung " des Herrn WORTMANN [>' Theorie des Windens," und "Ueber die Natur der rotirenden Nutation der Schlingpflanzen," Deutseh. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1886, 414-421]. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 5, 1887, 103-108. 11. Pleochroismus gefarbter Zellmembranen. (Vor- laufige Mittheilung.) Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, 85-94. 12. Ueber den Pleochroismus pflanzlicher Zellmem- branen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 340-347. 13. Ueber das optische Verhalten der Cuticula und der verkorkten Membranen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, 226-230. 14. Notiz uber die Doppelbrechung in zahflussigern Gummi. Ann. Phys. Chem., 38, 1889, 159-160. 15. Das optische Verhalten und die Structur des Kirschgummis. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 103- 114. 1C. Pleochroismus gefarbter anisotroper Substanzen des Thierkorpers. Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 44, 1889, 301-305. 17. Das optische Verhalten markhaltiger und mark- loser Nervenfasern. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 42, 1890, 419-429. 18. Cellulose-Reaction bei Arthropoden und Mollus- ken. [1890.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 9, 1889-91, 475-478. 19. Ueber den Glanz der Sapphirinen. [1890.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 9, 1889-91, 479-482. 20. Einige Beobachtungen fiber das Gefrieren der Colloide. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 43, 1891, 28-31. 21. Ueber das Verhalten doppelbrechender Gelatine- platten gegen Magnetismus und Electricitiit. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 43, 1891, 394-398. 22. Ueber die optisehen Eigenschaften sehr enger Spalten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 4s, 1893, 717-722. 23. Ueber eiue neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Brechungsexponenten auisotroper mikroskopischer Ob- jeete. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 45, 1893, 316-318. 24. Farbenerscheinungen an den Grenzen farbloser Objecte im Mikroskop. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 48, 1896, 134-140. 25. Ueber Pleochroismus pflanzlicher und thierischer Fas-em, die mit Silber- und Goldsalzen gefiirbt sind. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 48, 1896, 613-628. 26. Ueber Anomalieen bei der aceidentellen Doppel- brechung. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 50, 1898 (Xiitnnr.), 1-31. Ambronn, H[rrm/ < ', in, •)//„• and the Compression of American Society of Civil Engineers] 85 Mortars and Settlement of Masonry. Reports of progress. Araer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 15, 1886, 717-732; 17, 1887, 213-217; 18, 1888, 264-280. American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on the Proper Relation to each other of the Sections of Railway Wheels ami Pails. Reports. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 19, 1888, 1-54; 21, 1889, 223-302. American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on Standard Rail Sections. Final report. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 28, 1893, 425-444. American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on a Uniform Si/stem for Tests of Cement. Report. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 14,' 1885, 475-485. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Committee on a Standard Method of Steam-boiler Trials. Report. Van Nostraud's Engin. Mag., 32, 1885, 211-222, 308-328. Amerio, A\lessandro\. Sulla resistenza delle soluzioni saline in movimento. Nuovo Cimento, 10, 1899, 276- 278. 2. Se i raggi del RONTGEN favoriscano il raffredda- inento di un corpo. Nuovo Cimento, 10, 1899, 306-372. Amerlinck, . [Le climat du Katanga.] [1893.] Ciel et Terre, 14 (1893-94), 165-167. Amerling, Carl. 27. *Physiokratische Bemerkungen iiber Excursionen um Prag im Jahre 1868. Lotos, 19, 1869, 10-13, 75-79, 107-109. Amerman, George L[oveless\, & Chittenden, R[ussell] H[enry]. See Chittenden A- Amerman. Amery, C. F. The function of nitrogen in manures. Science, 10, 1887, 34-35. 2. Instinct. Science, 20, 1892, 300-302. 3. Professor LANGLEY on the internal work of the wind. Science, 23, 1894, 46-47. Amery,P.F.S. 3. Third[ — sixth, and eleventh — sixteenth reports] (second series) of the committee to collect and tabulate observations on the climate of Devon... Devon Ass. Trans., 16, 1884, 183-188, [842]; 17, 1885, 187- 192 ; 18, 1886, 142-146 ; 19, 1887, 102-106 ; 25, 1893, 212-217; 26, 1894, 73-78; 27, 1895, 75-80. Ames, C'. H. A brilliant meteor. Science, 8, 1886, 168. 2. Sharks in fresh water. Science, 22, 1893, 111. 3. A brilliant meteor. Science, 23, 1894, 52. Ames, Joseph Sweetman. The concave grating in theory and practice. [1889.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., 8 (1888-89), 69-73; Phil. Mag., 27, 1889, 369-384; Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 28-42. 2. On relations between the lines of various spectra, with special reference to those of cadmium and zinc, and a redeterniination of their wave-lengths. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 33-48. 3. On some gaseous spectra: hydrogen, nitrogen. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 48-58. 4. On homologous spectra. Phil. Mag., 32, 1891, 319-320. 5. On the probable spectrum of sulphur. Astr. , 1896, 316-333. 19. Spazio normale e genere massimo delle curve di ordine m, ft-gonali, di specie s. Napoli, Rend., 37, 1898, 433-138. 20. Curve ft-gonali di s0""" specie. [1898.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 9, 1899, ATo. 4, 21 pp. 21. Curve di gonalita k con punti fissi nella (k - l)"»im» serie canonica e rappresentazioni normali plane delle curve trigonali. Napoli, Rend., 39, 1900, 174-191. Amodeo] 89 [Amstein 22. Contributo alia determinazione delle sovrab- bondanze dei sistemi di curve aggiunte alle curve algebriche. Napoli, Rend., 39, 1900, 224-232. 23. Courbes normales trigonales du plan. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 1HO, 1900, 1744-1745; 131, 1900, 400. Amoore, John S. 3. *[0u the forms of teeth and dental apparatus of the Mollusca.] [1883.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884. 41-43, 89-94. Amoro, L\niiji] d'. Sull' azione bioloaica dell' apocinina. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 3, Fiirmaco!.), 64-71. 2. Grindelia robusta. Congr. Med. Int. Atti 1894 (Vol. 3, Fariixicol.), 108-114. Amore, /,[»/;;'] (/', A- Falcone, Cesnre. Moditieazioni del sangue e delle urine e lesioni anatomiche determinate dallo avvelenamento cronico da fosforo. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (I'ol. 3, Fnrmacol.), 124-128. Amore, Ij[itifli] if, & Semmola, Mariano. ,S'iv Semmola it Amore. Amore, L[ni;/i~\ rf', Falcone, Cesare, & Giofiredi, Carlo. Nuove oonoscenze sopra gli effetti della tiroidectomia nel cane. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 3, FarmacoL), 44-47. Amore, L[nini] d', Falcone, Centre, & Maramaldi, I,[iiiyi]. Action toxique et alterations anatomiques produites par 1'ingestion de 1'oxyde de zinc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892, 335-340. Amore-Bonelli, Giuseppe. Contributo alia conoscenza del tremore essenziale ereditario. Riv. Sper. di Freni- atria, 23, 1897, 58-88. 2. Delle oscillazioui nelle varie forme di tremore muscolare. Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 56, 1899, 22-23. Amore-Bonelli, Giuseppe, £WBbetti,G[iaratini \ll\attista]. Kef Uc.lictti & Amore-Bonelli. Amoretti, I'., & Fileti, Michele. See Fileti & Amoretti. Amoroso, Nicola . 2. Sul diagramma dei niassimi momenti inttettenti nel caso d' una trave situata su due appoggi e percorsa da un sistema di carichi raobili. Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 4, 1891, No. I, 26 pp. Amort, E[mil], & Fartheil, Alfred. See Fartbeil & Amort. Amort, E[mil], Partheil, Alfred, & Gronover, A[lhert]. See Fartheil, Amort A- Gronover. Amory, Andrem. Alnruouth list of marine Alg.T. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [10], 1885, 539; [11], 1887, 267-268; [12], 1890, 113-114. 2. Diamond-backed moths and ichneumon flies. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 385. Amos, II". .S'., & Sayre, L[ucius] E[lmcr], Examination of Solarium rostraturn. [1891.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 13, 1893, '21-23. Ampere, Andre Marie. To biographical references (Vols. 7 & 12) add Ann. Telegr., 16, 1889, 84-92. 65. Lettres a DAVY sur le fluor. [Posth.] Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 5-13. Ampferer, Otto, & Hammer, tt'ilhelm. Geologische Beschreibung des siidlichen Theiles des Karwendelge- birges. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 48, 1899, 289-374. Ampblett, E[dward] G[recuhill], it Armstrong, Henry E[dward~]. Isomeric change in the naphthalene series. No. 2. ^-Ethoxynaphthalenesulphonic acids. Chem. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 144. Ampola, G\aapare]. Sopra un composto dell' acido picrico con 1'anetol. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Hem. 1), 338-339; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 432-433. Ampola, G[aspare], & Carlinfanti, E[milio]. Ricerche sul comportamento della nitrobenzina eome solvente nelle ricerche crioscopiche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 (Sem. 2), 289-294; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 76-91. Ampola, G[aspnre], & Garino, E[lio\. Sulla denitrifica- zione. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 346-351, 373-375; 6, 1897 (Hem. 1), 120-122; Centrbl. R. S. A. C. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 2, 1896, 670-676; 3, 1897, 309-310; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Pt. 2), 197-206. Ampola, G[aspare], it WanueUi, C[amil!o]. II bromo- formio in crioscopia. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. I), 382-387; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 2), 91-101. Ampola, G[a.ipare], & Oddo, d[iitseppe]. See Oddo & Ampola. Ampola, G[aspnre], & Paterno, Emaniiele. See Patern6 it Ampola. Ampola, G[a*parc], & Recchi, V[incenzo], Azione delle ammine e delle amniidi sull' acenaftenchinone. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (.Sem. 1), 209-218. Ampola, G[aspare], & Rimatori, Carlo. La dimetilanilina in crioscopia. Roma, R. Acn. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sent. 1), 2114-269 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Pt. I), 51-68. 2. L' ossalato di rnetile in crioscopia. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Hem. 2), 404-407. 3. L' anilina in crioscopia. [1896.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Pt. 1), 35-51. 4. Sul comportamento orioseopioo dell' ortonitrofenol. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 {Sem. 2), 31-33. Ampola, G[asparc], & Ulpiani, C[e/so]. Sulla denitrifica- zione. [1898.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 2, 1895, 474-494 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Pt. 1), 410-438. 2. Sull1 azione riduttrice dei batteri denitrificanti. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 49-72. Amrusch, Emil. Ueber eiue Zoogloea-Form der Tuberkel- Organismen. Med. Jbiich., 1, 1886, 291-298. Amsel, Hui/o [Felix Vincent]. Zur Untersuchung von Leinol uud Leinolfirnissen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 73-78, 262-264. 2. Zur Kenntniss barzsaurer Metalloxyde. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 429-433. 3. Zur Untersuchung von Chromgelb und Chromroth. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 613-618. 4. Ueber ungekochte Leinolfirnisse. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 690-693, 870. 5. Ueber feste und fliissige Siccative. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 303-306, 344-347. 6. Zur Untersuchung von Leinol. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 369-370. Amsel, Hugo [Felix Vincent], & Hofmann, A[ugust] W[ilhelm] von. Ueber ein amidirtes Beuzylamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1284-1290. Amsler, . La flore interglaciaire de Pianico. [Materiel recolte par M. J. FBIEDLAENDER fils, de Berlin.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 10, 1900, 587-589. Amsler, Alfred. 2. On the uses of J. AJISLEK-LAFFON'S integrator in naval architecture. Naval Architects Trans., 25, 1884, 189-205. 3. Instrument pour mesurer la vitesse de rotation. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 32, 1894, 291-295. 4. The utilisation of the Schaffhausen water power. [With discussion.] Inst. Elect. Bngin.Jl., 29, 1900, 175-191. Amsler -L.iflon, J[acob]. 11. Neuere Planimeter-Con- structionen. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 4, 1884, 11-24. 12. [L'emploi de discjues tournauts a des mesures de precision.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 362-363. 13. Un niveau 4 pression d'air. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 345-348. 14. La coloration des Alpes au coucher du soleil. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 32, 1894, 278-280. 15. Ueber das Alpengliihen. Zurich Vrtljschr., 39, 1894, 221-237; 40, 1895, 386-400. 16. Besprechuug einiger hydrologiseher Fragen. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1896, 198-202. 17. Om bojningsforsok. [Tr.] Jern-Kontorets Ann., 52, 1898, 1-16. Amstein, [Heinrieh] H[ermann]. 6. Note sur la resolu- tion nnmerique des eipjations. [1884.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 20, 1885, 201-212. 12 Amstein] 90 [Ancey 7. Notice sur un theoreme relatif anx podaires d'un certain systeme de cnniques. [1886.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 22, 1887, 87-95. 8. Fonetions abeliennes du genre 3. [1888-00.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 24, 1889, 09-172; 2">, 1890, 133-165. 9. Note sur les epicyclo'ides et les hypocycloi'des, envisages .an point de vue de la representation conforme. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 28, 1892, 67-84. 10. Sur le logarithme-integral. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, 203-226; 36, 1900, 1-15. 11. Note sur les solutions singulieres d'une equation diffrrentielle ordinaire dn premier ordre. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, 22-29. Am Stein, Jolmnn Geary. Set1 Stein. Amtlior, Carl. 7. Ueber die Phosphorsiiure im Wein. Bepertm. Anal. Chem., 4, 1884, 87-88. 8. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der forensischen Ocnochemie. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 4, 1884, 114-116. 9. Aualysen 1883er Elsass-Lothringscher Naturweine. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 4, 1884, 296. 10. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Honigs. Bepertm. Anal. Chem., 4, 1884, 361-362. 11. Nouveau procede' pour constater la presence du caramel dans un liquide. Jl. Pharm., 11. 1885. 560—162. 12. Einiges fiber die Zusamraenset/.ung der Weine vor und naeh dem Entsauren. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1885, 19. 13. Ueber rechtsdrehemlen Naturhonig. Beitrag zur Kenutnis des Honigs. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1885, 163-166. 14. Ueber das Nucle'in der Weinkerne. Reifestudien anWeinkernen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9,1885, 138-144. 15. Zur Glycerinbestimmung im Wein. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 155-156. 16. Studien fiber reine Hefen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 12, 1888, 64-71. 17. Ueber den Saccharomyces apiculatus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 12, 1888, 558-564. 18. Ueber Weinhefen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 5-6. 19. Ueber Hefeweine und den Ammoniak-Gehalt in Most und Wein. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 27-29. 20. Ueber den Saccharomyces apiculatus. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 670-671. 21. Ueber Pferdefett. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 443. 22. Ueber die Ursachen der Ranzigkeit der Butter. Fresenius, Ztschr., 38, 1899, 10-20. Amthor, Carl, & Mnncr, Oustav. Ueber Terpenylsaure und deren trockne Destination. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 42, 1890, 385-399. Amthor, Carl, & Stern, Jacob. Analysen zweier rechts- drehender Naturhonige. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 575-576. Amthor, Carl, & Zink, Julius. Beitrag zur Chemie der Thierfette. Fresenius, Ztschr., 36, 1897, 1-17. Amundsen, Kdward. A journey through south-west Sechuan. Geogr. Jl., 15, 1900, 620-625; 16, 1900, 531- 537. Amwandter, Ciirlns. *Estacion de Valdivia. Obscrva- ciones meteoroldjicas. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 33, 1869, 61-69. Amyot, Thomas Edward. For biographical notice s««(•(•«•<> (lull-mil' di Mangalavite). For biography and works sec Nat. Sicil., 6, 1887, 01 102. Ancarani. .S', 1892, 708-722; (i, 1893, 321-330. 67. On some shells from eastern Bolivia and western Brazil. [1892.] Jl. Conch., 7, 1892-94, 90-97. 68. Descriptions de Mollusques nouveaux. Natural- iste, 14, 1892, 178; 19, 1897, 178, 222. 69. Remarques sur quelques especes du genre Buliruinus, avec les descriptions de plusieurs especes nouvelles de ce genre. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 18, 1893, 35-40. 70. Fauues rnalaeologiques de ['Afghanistan et du Bekmtchistau. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 18, 1893, 40-47. 71. Description d'une nouvelle Helice de Kabylie. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 18, 1893, 136-138. 72. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Pupa pro- venant de 1'Algerie. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 18, 1893, 138. 73. Note sur 1'habitat des especes du groupe de 1'Helix Raymond!, Moq. Naturaliste, 15, 1893, 91. 74. Sur quelques especes de Mollusques et sur un genre nouveau du lac Tanganika. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 19, 1894, 28-29. 75. Resultat des recherches malacologiques de Myr. LECHAPTOIS sur les bords du lac Nyassa et de la riviere Shiiv. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 7, 1894, 217-234. 76. Considerations sur la faune du Nyanza-Oukere'we' et des autres lacs de 1'Afrique Centrale. Naturaliste, 16, 1894, 22-23. 77. Remarques sur le genre Bellardiella. Naturaliste, 16, 1894, 25U. 78. Sur quelques coquilles du Kilimandjaro. Natural- iste, 16, 1894, 283. 79. Description d'uu Mollusque nouveau de 1'Equateur. Naturaliste, 17, 1895, 25. 80. Description d'une nouvelle Helix d'Algerie. Naturaliste, 17, 1895, 44-45. 81. On some new or hitherto little known land shells from New Guinea or adjacent islands. [1895.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 10, 1896, 374-381. 82. Descriptions of sunn1 new shells from the New Hebrides Archipelago. [1896.] Nautilus, 10, 1896-97, 90-91. 83. On some ainistral land shells. [1897.] Nautilus, 10, 1896-97, 104-105. 84. Descriptions of three new Enlotie (Helices) from Central Asia. [1897.] Nautilus, 11, 1897-98, 16-17. 85. On two so-called " Bulimi " from the New Hebrides. [1897.] Nautilus, 11, 1897-98, 26-27. 86. On two new species of Ampliidromus. [1897.] Nautilus, 11, 1897-98, 62-63. 87. Note on two species of Helicina. [1897.] Nautilus, 11, 1897-98, 87. 88. Viaggio del Dott. Alfredo BOKELLI uel Chaco boliviano e nella Repubblica Argentina. Resultats malacologiques accompagne's d'une notice sur les especes pre'cedemment recueillies par ce voyageur. Torino Mus. Boll., 12, 1897, No. 309, 22 pp. 89. Observations on Papuan land and freshwater shells, with descriptions of new species from New Guinea and Western Australia. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 22, 1898, 771-778. 90. Notes malacologiques. Marseille Mus. Ann. (Bull.), 1 (F.isc. 1), 1898, 125-150. 91. Description of a new Helix. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99, 21-22. 92. List of marine shells collected at Port Gueydon, Kabylia, with description of a new Cyclostrema. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99, 52-57. 93. Note on the generic names of two groups of Achatinidfe. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99, 92. 94. Note sur le genre Adelopoma, Doerinii, et sur lea Diplommatinaamericains. Jl.de Conch., 47, 1899, 194-197. 95. Description d'nn Mollusque terrestre nouveau de la Grande Kabylie. Jl. de Conch., 47, 1899, 412-415. 96. Some notes on the non-marine molluscan fauna of the Hawaiian Islands, with diagnoses of new species. London Malacol. Soc. Proc., 3, 1899, 268-274. 97. Descriptions of new land shells from South America. [1899.] Nautilus, 13, 1899-1900, 17-19. 98. Description d'nn nouveau Clavator du sud de Madagascar. Jl. de Couch., 48, 1900, 12-13. 99. Mollusques de 1'archipel de Bonin. Jl.de Couch., 48, 1900, 423-428. 100. Description of a land shell from South America. [1900.] Nautilus, 14, 1900-01, 42. 101. Descriptions of new Asiatic species. [190U.] Nautilus, 14, 1900-01, 42-43. 102. Description of new species of Asiatic shells. [1900.] Nautilus, 14, 1900-01, 83-84. Anchiet.i, Jose [Alberto] d'. For biography and list of works see Annaes Sci. Nat., 4, 1897, 233-235 ; Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 14, 1897, 215-217; Ibis, 4, 1898, 464; Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 126-132 ; Ornith. Mber., 6, 1898, 51-52. 2. Tracos geologicos da Africa occidental portugueza. Lisboa Soc. Geogr. Bol., 9, 1885, 525-529. Aucira. ,SVc Martinez Ancira. Ancona, Cenare d'. 2. *i\lalacologia Pliocenica italiana descritta ed illustrata. Italia Carta Geol. Descriz. Mem., 1, 1871, 305-359 ; 2 (Pt. 1), 1873, 171-261. 3. Gli anteuati della vite viuifera. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 13, 1890, 263-282. 4. Storia genealogica del cavallo. Fireuze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 17, 1894, 94-115. Ancona, Giuseppe d'. Della chimica composizione degli scisti galestriui e di iiua prova di di'bbio in essi eseguita. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (J/cm.), 16, 1898, 37-58. 2. La Trigonella phoanum griecum. [1898.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 11, 1897-98, 59-69; Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 51, 1899, 387-396. 12—2 Ancona] 92 [Anderlini 3. II Lotus corniculatus o ginestrino. [1899.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mi'in.), 17, 1900, 79-iiH- CKarO yfesjja. (Sur quelques affleurements daus le district de Chadrinsk.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 8, 1890, 215-217. Andeer, J. J. Sur un nouvel appareil anntoraique observe daus le peritoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 124, 1897, 577- 580. 2. Recherches sur les ostioles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1320-1323; 125, 1897, 009-071. 3. Recherches sur les ostioles des muqueuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1545-1548. 4. Sur 1'appareil generateur des leucocytes daus le peritoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1051-1053, 1194-1195. 6. Ramollissement des ospar la phloroglueine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1898, 1295-1296. 6. Recherches sur les ostioles du systenie eerebro- spinal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1598-1(100. Andeer, Justus. 6. Das Resorcin bei Kehlkopfleiden. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 116-117. 7. Das Resorcinderivat : Phloroglucin. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 193-195, 579-580. 8. Ueber Resorcingelb. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 737-738. 9. Der Hauptsitz der aromntischen Verbiudungen, speciell des Resorcins, im Saugetierkorper. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 913-914 ; 23, 1886, 1-2. 10. Das Resorcinderivat: Phloroglucin. Int. Jl. Anat., 1, 1884, 350-353. 11. Resorein bei der Seekrankheit. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 25, 1887, 930-931. 12. Resorcin bei Keloi'den. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 20, 1888, 785-78(1. 13. Zur Wirkung des Resorciu auf Hiihuereiweiss. Vircliow, Arch., 119, 1890, 191-192. 14. Das Resorciu gegen Leichengift. Virchow, An-h., 122, 1890, 376-377. Anderegg, Ernst. Generatiouswechsel bei Insekten. Bern, Mitth., 1892, 1-69. Anderlik. ,SVc Andrlik. Anderlind. > > Leo Anderlind. Anderlini, Francesco. Apparat zur Harnstoffbeatimmung. Cheiii. Ztg., 9, 1885, 906. 2. Ricerche chimiche sulla seta. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 311-323, 1283-1289. 3. II glicogeno negli animali inferior! e note pre- liminari sulle sue combinazioni coll' acido solforico. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 1291-1294. 4. Supra alcuni derivati della pirroleuftalide. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (.SYm. 1), 560-563; Gazz. Chini. Ital., 18, 1888, 149-153; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2869-2870. 5. Ueber Nitro-a-carbopyrrolsiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2503-2506. 6. Ueber die Einwirkimg von Jodmethyl auf das Tetramethyldihydropyridin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2506-2511. 7. ITelier das Pyrrolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2512-2515. 8. Supra alcuni derivati nitiiei dell' etere rnetilico dell' acido a-carbopirrolico. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sent. 1), 40-43 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 93-97. 9. Sull' aeido piroglutamico. Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Rend , 5, 1889 (.SYm. 1), 44-46; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 99-102. 10. Sopra alcuni derivati dell' acido a-carbopirrolico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (.SYm. 1), 663-667; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 350-355. 11. Sull' azione del joduro di metile sulla tetra- metildiidropiridina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (.SVm. 2), 49-54, 377 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 55-59. 12. Sull' azione del joduro di metile sulla penta- metildiidropiridina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (.SYm. 2), 54-58; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 61-64. 13. Sopra alcnni derivati della pirrolina. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Reud., 5, 1889 (SYm. 2), 84-88; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 69-73. 14. Sopra alcuni derivati della cantaridina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (.SYm. 1), 215-221 ; 1, 1892 (.SYm. 2), 127-132; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Ft. 1), 454-460, 460-470; 23, 1893 (I't. 1), 121-128; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 485-480; 24, 1891, 1993-2000. 15. Sull' azioue delle diammine sulla cautaridina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (,SYm. 2), 223-230; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. I), 128-139. 16. Sopra 1' azione delle ortodiammine arornatiche su alcune anidridi di acidi bibasici. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (.SYm. 1), 425-433; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 140-150. 17. Sopra alcuui apparati di laboratorio. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 150-156. 18. Apparato per la distillazioue nel vuoto. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 190-191. 19. Azione dell' etilendiammina sulle anidridi di acidi bibasici. Roma, It. Ace. Liucei Rend., 3, 1894 (.SYm. 1), 257-261; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21 (1894, Pt. 1), 401-407. 20. Azioue dell' etilendiammina sopra alcuni acidi bicarbossilici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (.SYm. 1), 293-296; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21 (1894, /'(. 1), 397-401. 21. Sulle anidridi suberica, azaleica e sebacica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (,S'im. 1), 393-396; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894. Pt. 1), 474-477. 22. Sul dipropionato di dietilaoetilenglicole ed osser- vazioni sui suoi omologhi superiori. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 2), 46-57. 23. Sopra alcune question! relative alia rifrazione atomiea dell' ossigeno. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895 Pt. 2), 127-162, 165-172. Anderlini, /Vm/ccsi-o, A1 Borisi, F.dotmlu. Sulla conden- sazione degli eteri formic" e succinico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (.SVm. 2), 253-255; Gazz. Chim. Hal., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 439-442. Auderlini] 93 [Anderson Anderlini, Francesco, & Ciamician, Giaconto Luigi. See Ciamician A Anderlini. Anderlini, Francesm, & Ghira, .1. Sopra un nuovo uictodo ili preparazione dell' acido cantarico e sopra uu nuovo isomero della cautaridina. Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 52-62. Anderlini, Francesco, & Xfasini, Kuffaella. See Nasini A Anderlini. Anderlini, Francesco, & Salvador!, Koberlo[0reste Maria]. Ricerche cnmparate sopra i metodi di distillazione fra- zionata. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 1), 1-31. Anderlini, Francesco, Nasini, Rajfaello, & Salvador!, Roberta [Oreste Maria]. See Nasini, Anderlini IB Salvador!. Anders, Ernst. For biographical notice and list of works nee St. Petersb. Med. Wscbr., 25, 1900, 255-256. Anders, J [antes] M[eschter]. 4. The exhalation of ozone by flowering plants. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 337-344, 470-477. 5. The value of the tuberculin teat in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 71, 1900, 994-998. Anders, J[ames] M[esciiter], & Miller, (1. Ji. M. The exhalation of ozone by odorous plants. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1886, 858-805. Anders, Th. Ein Vortrag iiber Plateauscbe Gleichge- wichtsfiguren. [1889.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 33, 1890, 7-10. 2. Experimentalvortrag fiber die Inflnenzmaschine. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 37, 1894, 85-86. 3. [Ueber die Rontgenschen X-Strahlen.] [1896.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 39, 1896, 81 ; 40, 1898, 85. Anders, 'I'll., & Pohrt, N. See Ponrt & Anders. Andersch, //. Ueber 0. GUTTMANN'S Verbesserungen in der Salpetersaurefabrikation. Ztschr. Augew. Cliem., 1890, 019-620. Andersen, Astriii. En sommerrejee i Diskobugten og Umanaksfjoiden. Stockh., Yiner, 17, 1897, 21-39. Andersen, F. I'., & Sankey, (Capt.) Henri/ Hiall. ,S'.r Sankey A Andersen. Andersen, Knutl. Ligurinus sinieus i Dannmrk. Kjubriili. Vid. Medd., 1893, 1(56-172; Ornith. Mber., 2, 1894, 74- 75, 93. 2. Zur Verbreituug des Girlitz. Ornith. Mber., 1, 1893, 100-101. 3. IHomedea melanophrys, boende paa Fieruerne. Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1894, 241-264 ; Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 13, 1897, 91-114. 4. Meddelelser om Fseroernes fugle med soerligt hcnsyu til Nolso. Efter skriftlige oplysninger fra P. F. PETERSEN, Nolso. Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1898, 315-421) ; 1899, 239-261; 1900,113-132; Ornith. Mber., (i, 1898, 183-188. Andersen, L. Einige Beobachtuugen fiber das Verhaltniss zwischen Kalbeneber und dem Luftdrucke. Deutsche Ztscbr. Thiermed., 20, 1894, 327-352. Anderson, (Surg.-Capt.) A[dn,(Surg.-Capt.)A[dam]R[ivers]S[teele],&Alcotik., (Snrg.-Maj.) Alfred W[illiam]. See Alcock it Anderson. Anderson, Adam. 2. List of some of the rarer plants found chiefly in Berwickshire. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 1 14], 1894, 405-408. Anderson, Alexander. On coefficients of induction. Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 329-337. 2. The focometry of diverging lens-combinations. Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 511-513. 3. Note on the equilibrium of a closed surface under the action of normal forces. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 42-43. 4. On centres of pressure. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 69-76. 5. Note on the resistance and self-induction of branched circuits. Phil. Mag., 33, 1892, 352-355. 6. The motion of an iron or steel ball in a magnetic field. Nature, 56 (1897), 31. 7. On the maximum deviation of a ray of light by a prism. [1896.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 9, 1898, 195-197. 8. On the apparent electrification in an electric field at the bounding surface of two dielectrics. [1897.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 9, 1898, 292-294. Anderson, Alexander MticGlaslian. For biographical notice see Glasgow Med. Jl., 45, 1896, 372-373. Anderson, Alexander MacGlashan, Carnelley, Thomas, it Haldane, John H[cntt]. See Carnelley, Haldane it Anderson. Anderson, Alexander P[ierce], On a new registering balance. [1894.] Minn. Bot. Stud., 1, 1894-98, 177- 180. 2. The grand period of growth in a fruit of Cueurbita pepo determined by weight. [1895.] Minn. Bot. Stud., 1, 1894-98, 238-279. 3. On the formation and distribution of abnormal resin ducts in conifers. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 235; Science, 4, 1896, 431-432. 4. Stornata on the bud scales of Abies peetinata. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 294-295. 5. Comparative anatomy of the normal and diseased organs of Abies balsamea affected with .'Ecidium elatinum. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 309-344. 6. A new Tilletia parasitic on Oryza sativa, L. Bot. Gaz., 27, 1899, 467-472. Anderson, Andreir Arthur. 2. Notes on the geography of south central Africa, in explanation of a new map of the region. Geogr. Soc. Proc., (1, 1884, 19-36. Anderson, C. L. 2. California Christmas Mora. Garden Jt Forest, 1, 1888, 28. 3. On a sand ridge in California. Garden & Forest, 1, 1888, 374-375. Anderson, Ernest. 2. Notes on some Victorian Lepi- doptera. [1892.] Victorian Natlist., 9, 1893, 80-93. 3. Cocoon makers and cocoon breakers. [1894.] Victorian Natlist., 11, 1895, 65-71. Anderson, Ernest, & Spry, F[raiik] P. A new butterfly, Lycseuia Cyrilus, n. sp. [1897.] Victorian Natlist., 14, 1898. 5-7. See also Spry & Anderson. Anderson, F[rnnk] M. Some Cretaceous beds of Rogue river valley, Oregon. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 3, 1895, 455- 468. 2. The geology of Point Reyes peninsula. [1899.] California Univ. Dept. Geol. Bull., 2, 1896-1902, 119- 153. Anderson, Frederick] II". For biographical notice see Hot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 78-81. "Indicative" Eriogonums. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 250- 252. 2. Exploding fruits. Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888, 271. 3. (Enothera albicaulis. Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888, 300- 301. 4. The pastoral resources of Montana. [U.S.]Comm. Agr. Rep., 1888, 311-324. Anderson] 94 [Anderson 5. The fruit of Ribes auruum, Pursh. Bot. flax., 14, 1889, 289-290. 6. Brief notes on a few common Fungi of Montana. Jl. Mycol., 5, 1889, 30-32. 7. A preliminary list of the Erysiphea? of Montana. Jl. Mycol., 5, 1889, 183-194. 8. Apliyllon fasciculatum in Montana. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 215-217. 9. A uew Femes from northern Montana. Tomes Ellisianus, Anders., n.sv. Bot. Gaz., 16, 1891, 113- 114. 10. Notes on certain Uredineoe and Ustilagineoe. Jl. Mycol., 6, 1891, 121-127. Anderson, F[rederit-k] II'., & Ellis, J[ob] B[ii-lmall]. Sc,- Ellis & Anderson. Anderson, F[i;>tl<'ri<-k] W., & Kclsoy, F[rancis] D. Ery- siphese upon 1'hytoptus distortions. Jl. Mycol., 5, 1889, 209-210. 2. Common and conspicuous Algas of Montana. Torrey Bot. Cluh Bull., 18, 1891, 137-146. Anderson, (l[eorr/e] G. Large irrigation canals. Railroad & Engiu. Jl., 64, 1890, 3071309. Anderson, (Lt.) G[eorge~] L[ucius], The copper volta- meter. Telegr. Jl., 23, 1888, 432-434. Anderson, George. On the recently announced companion ofaLyrse. [1897.] Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 30. Anderson, Gton;t,Fri8by, Kilijur, Brown, Stimson J[nscph], & Hill, George A[ndrews]. See Frisby, Brown, Hill iV Anderson. Anderson, II[uy Colonel YEIUIDHV at Aden and its neighbourhood. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 635-063. 49. [Remarks on Mustela subpalmata.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 000-601. 50. The lishes of the Nile. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 399-102. 51. On the presence of Echis coloratus, tjiintln'r, in Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 0, 1900, 419-425. Anderson, John. 5. New localities for some rare Border plants. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 380. Anderson, John. Burographic records in the vicinity of a tornado. |ln'.M>. | Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 18, 1892, 02. Anderson, Sii'holai. Notes on the precipitation of the precious metals from cyanide solutions by means of zinc. No. 1. The iion -existence of cyanide of zinc in alkaline solutions. |1*9.">.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc., 5 (1894- 96), llll 1 13 Anderson, (/.Yr.) /'. /). L'histoire de (( Eridaui. [Tr.] | is'.i:;. | Ciel et Terre, 14 (1893-94), 228-233. Anderson] 95 [Anderson Anderson, P. H. Mosquitoes. [1886.] Victorian Natlist., 'A, 1887, 103-106, 154-157. Anderson, Peter. On birds observed in the island of Tiree. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 153-161. Anderson, R. K. The phi no triangle A DC : intimoscribed nirl.'s, etc. Ediub. Matb. Soc. Proc., 10, 1892, 70-82. 2. Extension of the "medial section" problem (Euclid n: 11, vi: 30, etc.) and derivation of a hyper- bolic graph. [18%.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 15, 1897, 65-69. Anderson, /?. //./;/. The climate of Mexico City. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 15, 1899, 209-210. 2. Climate of Mexico. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 16, 1900, 181. Anderson, Rirhani .I[ulin]. 16. The transverse measure- ments of human ribs. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 18, 1884, 171- 173. 17. Note on supraclavicular muscles. Int. Jl. Anat., 2, 1886, 146-149. 18. Note on the peritoneum of the seal. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 19, 1885, 228-229. 19. A case of exostosis of the ulna. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 19, 1885, 309-310. 20. On tbe so-called pelvisternum of certain verte- brates. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1886, 163-165. 21. Report on the occupation of the table [at the Zoological Station at Naples]. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1888, 157-159. 22. Notes on two scapula?. Int. Jl. Anat., 5, 1888, 249-251. 23. Eight true ribs in man. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 95-96. 24. Some remarks on tbe functional equivalency of certain parts of limbs. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1889, 642-645. 25. Measurements of ribs in mammals. Int. Jl. Anat., 6, 1889, 41-64. . 26. A panoramic arrangement for the microscope. Int. Jl. Anat., 6, 1889, 289-290. 27. An apparatus illustrating crystal forms. [1889.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 10, 1890, 163-169; Phil. Mag., 28, 1889, 127-132. 28. An apparatus for determining the rotatory move- ment of the forearm. Auat. Anz., 7, 1892, 80-82. 29. The lens in au albino rat. Int. Jl. Anat., 10, 1893, 65-67. 30. Note on a diastema between molars and pre- molars in an ox. lut. Jl. Anat., 15, 1898, 206-207. 31. Some notes on the maims of the dugong. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 765-767. 32. The pelvic symphysial bone of the Indian elephant. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1899, 781-782. 33. A discussion on the significance of muscular anomalies. Int. Jl. Anat., 16, 1899, 55-62. 34. The dentition of the seal. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1900, 790-792. 35. On dentition. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 1, Anat.), 116-117. 36. A note on the respiratory murmur. Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1900 (Vol. 1, Physiol.), 173-175. 37. Note on the comparative thickness of the skull as an index of brain recession. A suggestion. Int. Jl. Anat., 17, 1900, 357-360. 38. A discussion on the iuterchange of gases in the lungs. Int. Jl. Anat., 17, 1900, 361-366. 39. The crookedness in the sterna of certain breeds of domestic fowls. Irish Natlist., 9, 1900, 150-152. Anderson, Rudolph 31. The marsh hawk. Ornith. Ool., 18, 1893, 140. Anderson, 7"[/i»mas] M'Call. 5. Some observations on the tuberculin treatment. Glasgow Med. Jl., 51, 1899, 321-327. Anderson, Tempest. 5. The volcanoes of Auvergne. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1885, 1017. 6. On a varying cylindrical lens. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1886, 520-521. 7. The volcanoes of the two Sicilies. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 663-664. 8. On the correction of optical instruments for in- dividual eyes. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 586. 9. On certain volcanic subsidences in the north of Iceland. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1894, 650-651. 10. The volcanoes of Iceland. [1892.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc., 12, 1895, 162-169. 11. The Altels avalanche. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1896, 851-853. 12. The eruption of Vesuvius of 181)8. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 749. Anderson, Tempest, & Johnston-Lavis, Henri/ James. Notes on the late eruption in the island of Vulcano. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1888, 664-666. 2. The supposed volcanic eruption of Cape Reyk- janaes. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 810. Anderson, Thomas D[avitl]. The new star in Auriga. Nature, 45, 1892, 365. 2. New variable star in Andromeda. [1893.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 101. 3. Mittheilungen iiber [neue veranderliche Sterne] in Cassiopeja. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 211-212; 148, 1899, 79-80; 152, 1900, 157-158. 4. New variable starfs] in Lyra. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 235-236; 139, 1896, 269-270. 5. New variable star in Delphinus. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 27-28. 6. New variable star[s] in Andromeda. [1896-1900.] Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 117-118; 142,1897,159-160; 148, 1899, 175-176; 152, 1900, 125-126; 154, 1901, 147-148. 7. New variable star[s] in Pegasus. [1896-1900.] Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 117-118; 147, 1898, 287-288; 153, 1900, 409-410; 154, 1901, 15-16. 8. New variable star[s] in Hercules. Astr. Nachr., 13!», 1896, 119-120; 141, 1896, 103-104, 419-420; 144, 1897, 127-128; 150, 1899, 325-326. 9. New variable star in Coma Berenices. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 15-16. 10. New variable starfs] in Aquila. [1898-1900.] Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 79-80; 147, 1898, 269-270; 154, 1901, 13-14. 11. New variable starfs] in Draco. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 111-112; 151, 1900, 307-308. 12. New variable star in Gemini. Astr. Nachr. , 145, 1898, 111-112. 13. New variable star in Lynx. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 173-174. 14. New variable star in Cygnus. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 325-326. 15. New variable star in Taurus. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 155-158. 16. New variable star in Auriga. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 289-290. Anderson, W[illinm] Cnrrick. A method of obtaining the specific gravity and porosity of coke. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 20-21. 2. A contribution to the chemistry of coal, with special reference to the coals of the Clyde basin. [1897.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 29, 1898, 72-96. 3. A new form of potash bulb. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 18, 1899, 119. Anderson, H'fi/J/c/m] Carrick, & Lean, George. The oxidation of ammonia by iron ore. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 19, 1900, 28. Anderson, Il'[i7/in»i] Carrick, & Roberts, James. Some chemical properties of Scotch coal. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 1013-1020. 2. The recovery of nitrogen in coal distillation. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 18, 1899, 1099-1104. Anderson, W[Hliam] Carrick, & Smith, Andrew. The Anderson] 96 [Anderson estimation of iodine by thiosulphatc of soda in presence of cyanides. Soc. Cbera. Ind. .11., 18, 1899, 118-111). Anderson, If'[i7{|'ani] S[iiiellif]. On the solubility of carbonate of lime in fresh and sea water. [1889.] llrit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 687; Edinb. Hoy. Soc. Proc., 16, 1890, 319-324. 2. On the determination of sea-water densities by hydrometers and Sprengel tubes. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 10, 1894, 574-590, 640. Anderson, W[illiam] S[mellie], entes altitudes. Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 31, 1892, i-1. 57. Oscillations diurnes du magnetisme terrestre observers a Lyon et deduites du rnague'tornetre Mascart. Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 31, 1892, 31-37. 58. Relations des pn^nomenes rnete'orologiques de- duites de leurs variations diurnes et annuelles. Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 31, 1892, 191-356. 59. Sur 1'apparition de 1'e'lectricite' negative, par beau temps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 659-661. 60. Sur 1'eiectricite negative par ciel serein. Repouse a M. L. PALMIKRI. Lyon Ac. Mem., 1, 1893, 345-348. 61. Observation de 1'eclipse de Soleil du 16 avril 1893, a 1'Observatoire de Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 862-863. 62. Sur les variations de lY-tat electrique des hautes regions atmoephe'riques, par beau temps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 729-732. 63. Sur la temperature aux limites de I'atmosphere. [1894.] Lyon Ac. Mem., 3, 1895, 157-164. 64. Etude sur 1'hiver de 1894-95. Lyon Ac. Me'm., 3, 1895, 421-444. 65. Note sur les relations des taches solaires et de la temperature de 1'air. Lyon Ac. Mem., 4, 1896, 351-353. 66. Occultation des Pleiades, du 23 octobre 1896 Andre] 101 [Andre (Observatoire cle Lyon). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 731 ; Astr. Nachr. , 142, 1897, 269-270. 67. Utilisation de la Vitesse radiate pour la determi- nation des dimensions absolues des systemes binaires. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1897 (Pt. 2), 202-205. 68. Occultation des Pleiades par la lune du 17 de- cembre 1896. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 143-144. 69. Occultation du groupe des Pleiades par la lune, le 23 juillet 1897, a Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 289-290. 70. Occultation du groupe des Pleiades par la lune, le 13 octobre 1897, a Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 635-636. 71. Schreiben betr. Beobachtungen von Verfinster- ungen der Jupitersmonde. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 203- 204. 72. Occultation du groupe des Pleiades, le 3 Janvier 1898, a Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 197- 198. 73. Observations des Leonides, faites le 14 novembre 1898 a 1'Observatoire de Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 807-809. 74. Observation de 1'Eelipse totale de lune du 27 decembre 1898 faite it 1'Observatoire de Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 37-38. 75. Sur la pluie d'Etoiles filantes des Perseides, a Lyon, et sur un bolide remarquable. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 383. 76. Sur la cause des trainees lumineuses persistantes qui accompagnent certainea etoiles filantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 404. 77. Sur la comparaison des heures obtenues, pour les contacts d'eclipses partielles de Soleil, par ['observation directe et les mesures de longueurs de corde commune. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 496-497. 78. Sur l'Eclipse de luu« du 16 dEcembre 1899, a 1'Observatoire de Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 26. 79. L'Eclipse partielle de Soleil du 28 mai 1900 a 1'Observatoire de Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 1527-1529. Andre, (I'abbe) Gh[arles], & Oonnessiat, F[ranrois"\. 2. Etude experimental de 1'equatiou decimale dans les observations de passages, faite a 1'Observatoire de Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. B., 114, 1892, 157-158. 3. Etude expErimentale de 1'^quatioii dEciniale dans les observations du Soleil et des planetes, faite a 1'Obser- vatoire de Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 893- 895. Andre, (I'abbe) dearies'], & Lagrula, Pti[ilippe]. Demi- diametre apparent du Soleil et position relative de la lime deduits de 1'eclipse du 28 mai 1900. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 131, 1900, 466-468. Andre, (I'abbe) Cli[arles], & Le Cadet, Georges. Obser- vations de la Comete Sawertbal faites a 1'Observatoire de Lyon (Equatorial coud(5 de Om,38). Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 294-296. Andre, (I'abbe) th[arles~\, & Raulin, J[ules]. Influence de la nature du terrain sur la temperature du sol. [1891.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 256-258; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 3, 1891, 2(55-280; Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 31, 1892, 149-165. Andre, Ch. *Les compteurs d'eau. [1883.] Genie Civil, 3, 1882-83, 229-231, 244-250, 275-278. Andre, [Antoine] Desire. 47. Abaissement des limites fournies par la regie des signes de DESCARTES. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 98, 1884, 212-214. 48. Nombre exact des variations gagnees dans la multiplication par x - a. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 98, 1884, 292-293. 49. Sur une Equation du degrE m qui n'a jamais plus de deux racines rEelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 417-419. 50. ThEoreme permettant de constater que certaines Equations algebriques n'ont aucune racine positive. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 561-562. 51. Nombre exact des variations gagnEes ou perdues dans la multiplication du polynome f(ic) par le binome .r'-ia. .Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 99, 1884, 182-184. 52. Etude sur les maxima, minima et sequences deg permutations. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 1, 1884, 121- 134. 53. Sur le notnbre des variations d'un polynome entier en x, dont les coefficients dependent d'un para- metre a. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 2, 1885, 75-92. 54. Solution directe du probleme [des deux candi- dats] rEsolu par M. BERTKAND. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 105, 1887, 436-437. 55. Theoreme sur les formes quadratiques. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 15, 1887, 188-192. 56. Etude sur les permutations de deux especes de lettres. Paris Soc. Philorn. Mem. Cent., 1888, 35-42. 57. Sur les produits de facteurs variables. Paris Soc. Philorn. Bull., 2, 1890, 151-153. 58. Demonstration nouvelle d'un thEoreme sur les permutations. Paris Soc. Philorn. Bull., 3, 1891, 153-155. 59. Sur le partage en quatre groupes des permuta- tions des it premiers nombres. [1892.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 115, 1892, 872-874; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893, 33-56. 60. Sur 1'extension aux permutations circulaires des notions de maxima, minima et sEqueuces. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893 (G. R., No. 11), 2-3. 61. Sur le triangle des sEquences. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 575-578, 726. 62. Sur les permutations quasi alternEes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 119, 1894, 947-949. 63. MEmoire sur les permutations quasi alternEes. Liouville, Jl. Math., 1, 1896, 315-350. 64. Sur les sEquences des permutations circulaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 714-717. 65. MEmoire sur les sequences des permutations cir- culaires. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23, 1895, 122-184. 66. ThEoreme nouveau de reversibilitE algEbrique. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 24, 1896, 136-139. 67. Demonstration directe de la relation qui existe entre le uombre des permutations alternEes et celui des permutations quasi alternEes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull.. 8, 1896, 5-9. 68. Sur les fonctions homogenes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1899, 124. 69. De la comptabilitE [et de 1'organisation] des assauts complete. [1899-1901.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1899, 139-153; 2, 1900, 45-73, 77-83. Andre, E[rne»t] L[uuis], Belation d'une Epidemic de diphtErie. (DEcembre 1887 a septembre 1888.) Arch. MEd. Pharm. Militaires, 14, 1889, 25-42. 2. Le sErurn de MARMOREK dans les Erysipeles de la face. Arch. MEd. Pharm. Militaires, 32, 1898, 340-350. 3. La gastrite phlegmoneuse. Arch. MEd. Pharm. Militaires, 34, 1899, 329-363. Andre, Ed[ouard]. 7. Italian Cannas. [Tr.] Gard. Chrou., 18, 1895, 703-704. Andre, [Jacques Ernest] Edmond. For biography see Nat. Canad., 20, 1890, 172-173; But. Month. Mag., 27, 1891, 80; Nat. Sicil., 10, 1891, 91-92; U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 428. 7. [Description de deux guepes sociales nouvelles de la Siberie orientale.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, lix-lxii. 8. Le nid de la Megaehile Dufourii, Leu. Echange 1, 1885, No. 7, 1-2. 9. Le nid du Lasius fuliginosus (fourmi fuligineuse). Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 33-36. 10. Les mEtamorphoses de 1'Otiorhynchus picipes (ColEoptere curculionide). Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 65-66. Andre] 102 [Andre 1 1. Les metamorphoses de 1'EunioIpus vitis. Natura- liste, 9, 1887, 96-98. 12. La mouche a.scie dugroseiller. Nematus Bibesii. Naturalists, 9, 1887, 133-134. 13. Les nids des Megachiles. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 165-167. 14. Le Triodon bursarius. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 204-265. Andri, Kmile. Sur un oas de t^ratologie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 674. 2. Contribution a 1'anatomie et a la physiologic des Ancylus lacustris et fluviatilis. Eev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 427-461. 3. Sur les teguments du Zonites cellarius. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 39-40. 4. Recherches sur la glande pe'dieuse des Pulmon£s. Rev. Suisse Zool., 2, 1894, 291-348. 5. Le pigment me"lanique des Lirnnees. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 429-431. 6. Mollusques d'Amboine. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zoo]., 4, 1896-97, 395-405. 7. Note sur les Rhizopodes testacfe du bassin de la Plessur. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 41, 1898, 57-59. 8. La fossette triangulaire caudale des Orions. [1898.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 5, 1897-98, 179-182. 9. Organes de defense t£gumentaires chez le Zonites (Hyalinia) cellarius, Gray. Zool. Auz., 21, 1898, 430- 438. 10. Anomalie de 1'appareil ge'nital male chez la sangsue. Rev. Suisse Zool., 6, 1899, 427-428. 11. Organes de defense tegurnentaires des Hyalinia. Rev. Suisse Zool., 8, 1900, 425-133. Andre, Ernest. 3. Description de quelques fourmis nou- velles ou imparfaitement connues. Rev. Ent., 6, 1887, 280-298. 4. Hyme'nopteres nouveaux appartenant au groupe des Formicides. Rev. Ent., 8, 1889, 217-231. 5. Materiaux pour servir a la fauue myrmecologique de Sierra Leone. Rev. Ent., 9, 1890, 311-327. 6. Voyage de M. CHAFER a Borneo. Catalogue des fourmis et description des especes uouvelles. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 5, 1892, 46-55. 7. Materiaux myrme'cologiques. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 45-56. 8. Notes pour servir a la connaissance des Mutilles patearctiques et description de quelques especes nouvelles. •"France Soc. Zool. Mem., 6, 1893, 286-296; 9, 1896, 261- ""277. 9. [Description d'une nouvelle espece de fourmi de Tunisie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, cxei-cxcii. 10. Description de quatre especes nouvelles de fourmis d'Amerique. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 148-152. 11. Notice sur une collection de Mutilles del'Abyssinie meridionale. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 217-222. 12. Especes nouvelles de Mutilles africaiues. [1893.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, 669-682. 13. Contribution a la connaissance des Mutilles de I'lnde. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, • 462^84. 14. [Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Ampulex.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., (S3, 1894, cclvii-cclviii. 15. Notice sur les fourmis fossiles de 1'ambre de la Baltique et description de deux especes nouvelles. France Soc. Zool. Bull. , 20, 1895, 80-84. 16. Mutillides d'Australie nouvelles ou imparfaitement connues. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 8, 1895, 475-517. 17. Diagnoses de quelques especes nouvelles de Mutilles du Br<5sil. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 04, 1895, cccxx-cccxxii. 18. Formicides de I'Ogooue' (Congo frunrais). Rev. Ent., 14. 1896, 1-5. 19. Sur quelques Vespides africains nouveaux ou pen connus. Rev. Ent., 14. 1895, 352-356. 20. Recherches zoologiques dans les serres du Museum de Paris. Formicides. [1896.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 26, 1895-96, 90-92. 21. Hyme'nopteres recueillis pendant les campagnes scientifiques de S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 21, 1896, 210-211. 22. Fourmis recueillies dans les serres du Museum. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 24. 23. Liste des Hymenopteres appartenant aux families des Formicides et des Mutillides recueillis au Siam et au Cambodge et offerts au Museum par M. PAVIE. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 261-262. 24. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Sylaon. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 10-11. 25. Description d'une nouvelle fournii de France. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 367-368. 26. Fourmis nouvelles d'Asie et d'Australie. Rev. Ent., 15, 1896, 251-265. 27. Mutillides nouveaux ou imparfaitement connus faisant partie des collections du Musee National de Hongrie. Termr. Fiiz., 19 (1896), 9-25. 28. Description de trois nouvelles especes de Mutilles de 1'Afrique orientale appartenant au Musee Royal de Belgique., France Soc. Zool. Bull., 22, 1897, 17-22. 29. Etude sur les Mutillides existant dans les col- lections du Musee Civique de Genes. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 37, 1896-97, 66-104. 30. Liste des Mutillides recueillis au pays des Somalis par .17. le Cap. V. BOTTEGO et description de deux espeees nouvelles. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 37, 1896- 97, 281-284. 31. Synopsis des Mutillides de France. [1898.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 28, 1897-98, 38-40, 60-63, 81- 85, 106-109. 32. Contribution a la connaissance des Mutillides de 1'Australie. France Soc. Zool. M<5m., 11, 1898, 256- 308. 33. Etude sur les Mutillides du Muse'um de Paris. Paris, Soc. Eut. Ann., 67, 1898, 1-79. 34. Description d'un genre nouveau et d'une espece nouvelle de Mutillide d'Alge'rie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 143-145. 35. Description de deux nouvelles fourmis du Mexi- que. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 244-247. 36. Description du male de 1'Apterogvna dorsostriata, Andre. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 347-34*. 37. Tableaux analytiques illustrtis pour la de'termina- tion des Lt5pidopteres de France, de Suisse et de Belgique. Misc. Eut., 7, 1899, 74-75, 117-119, 130-131, 182-1S4; 8, 1900, 9-11, 20-23, 41-48, 63-70, 77-84, 108-116, 145- 159. 38. Mutilles nouvelles de Madagascar. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 34-37. 39. Les types des Mutillides de la collection 0. Radoszkowski. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 68, 1899, 1-43. 40. [Diagnoses d'iusectes recueillis par 1'Expe'dition Antarctique Beige.] Thynnida?. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 44, 1900, 105. 41. Sur la femelle probable de 1'Anomma nigricaus, III. (Hym.'noptere). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 0, 1900, 864-368. Andre, <;| ri'ijdire']. Sur la pathogenic de la chlorose. Ass. Franc! C. H., 1887 (Pt. 1), 335. 2. Un cas de chroniydrose rose. Ass. Franc. C. R. , 1887 (Pt. -2), 7.">c], Berthelot, Mar[celin Pierre Eugene], & Matignon, Gamille. Sec Berthelot, Andre & Matignon. Andre, H. Tableau-commutateur multiple a batterie centrale de la Western Electric Co. Jl. Telegr., 24, 1900, 239-240. Andre, J. B. *L'invention de la machine a vapeur. Bev. Quest. Sci., 10, 1881, 186-223, 439-473. 2. Les boissous spiritueuses au point de vue de 1'hygiene. Eev. Quest. Sci., 46, 1899, 414-447. Andre, J[ean] Joules]. For biographical notice see Jl. Pharrn., 21, 1890, 334-335. Andre, Jutes. 3. "De repithe'liomatisme. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. B.), 234-238. Andrea. Sec Oliveira Scares de Andrea. Andreae, [Tolhnar]. For biographical notice sec Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1900, i-iii. Andreae, A[chilles]. 3. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Elsasser Tertiars. Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abb.., 2, 1884, Heft 3, 331 pp. 4. Ueber das elsiissische Tertiar und seine Petroleum- lager. (Nebst einigenneuenBemerkungen und Beobacb- tungen iiber das Tertiar in der Oberrheinebene.) Seuck- enb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1887 (Th. 2), 23-35, [192]. 5. Ein neues Baubtier aus dem mitteloligocanen Meeressand des Mainzer-Beckens. Dasyurodon flon- heimensis, n. g. et n. sp. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1887 (Th. 2), 125-133. 6. Der Diluvialsand von Hangenbieten im Unter- Elsass, seine geologischen und palaeontologischen Ver- hiiltnisse und Vergleich seiner Fauna mit der recenten Fauna des Elsass. [1884.] Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abh., 4, 1888, Heft 2, 90 pp. 7. Die Glossophoren des "terrain a chailles" der Pfirt. [1887.] Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abh., 4, 1888, Heft 3, 45 pp. 8. Eine tbeoretische Bettexion iiber die Bichtung der Bheinthalspalte und Versuch einer Erklarung, warurn Andreae] 104 [Andree die Rheinthalebene als schmaler Graben in der Mitte des Schwarzwald-Vogesenhorstes einbrach. [1887.] Hei- delb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 16-24. 9. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Rheiuthalspalten- systemes. [1887.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 47-55. 10. Ueber Glimmertinguait, einen neuen Gesteins- typus. [1890.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb. ,4, 1892, 475-476. 11. Ueber Hornblendekersantit und den Quarzmela- phyr von Albersweiler R.-Pf. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 824-826, 870. 12. Ueber den Yellowstone National Park und seine heissen Springquellen. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 568-573. 13. Normalprofil des Buntsandsteins bei Heidelberg, nach den Aufnahmen auf Sektion Heidelberg und Neck- argemiind. [1892.] Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 2, 1893, 347-357. 14. Das Kotliegende der Umgegend von Heidelberg. [1892.] Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 2, 1893, 357- 365. 15. Ueber eiuen neuen Listriodon-Fundpunkt. [1892.] Heidelb., Geol. Landesaust. Mitt., 2, 1893, 389-392. 16. Ueber die kiinstliche Nachahmung des Geysir- phanomens. Neues Jbuch. Miu., 1893 (Bd. 2), 1-18. 17. Intermittirende Springquellen ohne Dampf oder Gasgeysire. Neues Jbucb. Min., 1893 (Bd. 2), 19-25. 18. Aerosaurus Frischrnanni, H. i>. Mey. Ein dem Wasserleben angepasster Rhynchocephale von Solen- hofen. Senekenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1893, 21-34. 19. Ueber Foraminiferen. Senokenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1894, cii-civ. 20. Die Foraminiferen-Fauna im Septarienthon von Frankfurt-a.-M., und ihre vertikale Verteiluug. Senek- enb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1894, 43-51. 21. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische des Mainzer Beckens. [1894.] Senekenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 18, 1895, 351-364. 22. Ein neuer Actiuocamax aus der Quadratenkreide von Braunschweig. Hildesheim Roerner-Mus. Mitth., No. 2, 1896, 4 pp. ; No. 5, 1896, 1. 23. Kurze Mittheilung fiber Diallag-Aplite, sowie fiber Wollastonitgesteine im Gabbro von Radautbal bei Harzburg. Hildesbeim Roemer-Mus. Mitth., No. 5, 1896, 1-4. 24. Vorlaufige Mittbeilung fiber die Ganoiden (Lepi- dosteus und Aruia) des Mainzer Beckeus. [1892.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 7-15. 25. Ueber die Nachahmung versebiedener Geysir- typen und fiber Gasgeysire. [1893.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 83-88. 26. Das fossile Vorkommen der Foraminiferengattung Bathysiphon, HI. Sars. [1893.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 141-144. 27. Das Vorkommen von Ophiuren in der Trias der Umgebung von Heidelberg. [1894.] Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 3, 1899, 1-10. 28. Die Bracbiopoden des Rhitt von Malsch. [1894.] Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 3, 1899, 11-17. 29. Rekonstruktionen fossiler, sog. " vorweltlicher," Tiere. Senekenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1899, cxii-cxiv. 30. Landschnecken aus Central- und Ostasien. [I. Gliederung der Gattung Cathaica. II. Convergenz- erscheinungen asiatischer Eulotiden und europaischer Heliciden verschiedener Genera. III. Werdende Arten im Formenkreise der Campylocathaica Przewalskii (». Mart.). Anhang: Die Variationsreihe der Campylffla frigida, Jan. IV. Kurzer Vergleieh der chinesischen und der europaisehen Landschneckenfaima des Loss.] IlildeslH'iin Roemer-Mus. Mitth., No. 12, 1900, 14 pp. 31. Hiotitaplite im Granitit von Baveno. Hildesbeim Roemer-Mus. Mitth., No. 13, 1900, 3 pp. Andreae, A\chilles], & Konig, Walter. Der Magnetstein vom Frankenstein an der Bergstrasse. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss polarmagnetischer Gesteine. [1888.] Senek- enb. Natf. Ges. Abb., 15, 1890 (Heft 2), 59-79. Andreae, A[chilles]t & Osann, A[lfred]. Die Porphyrbreccie von Dossenheim. Ein Beitrag zur Bildungsgeschicbte von Reibungsbreccien. [1892.] Heidelb., Geol. Landes- anst. Mitt., 2, 1893, 365-372. 2. Loss und Losslehm bei Heidelberg, ihre Hohenlage und die darin vorkomtuenden Mineralien. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 2, 1893, 733-742. 3. Blatt Heidelberg. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Geol. Karte Erliiut., 23, 1896, 60 pp. 4. Tiefencontacte an dem intrusiven Diabasen von New-Jersey. [18112.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 16-27. Andreae, A[cliilles], Beneeke, E[rnst] W[ilhelm], Schu- macher, E[ugeri\, & Werveke, Leopold run. Erlaute- rungeu zu Blatt Weissenburg. [With analysis of mineral spring by R. SEKDA.] Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Erlaut., 1892, 85 pp. Andreae, J. Beiickcr. Communication relating to the results of experiments with four- and two-bladed screw propellers. Naval Architects Trans., 29, 1888, 346-349. Andreae, J[ohannes] L[eonardus]. 2. Die Loslichkeit fester Korper in Wasser bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 29, 1884, 456^77. 3. Die Dichte gesiittigter Losungen fester Korper in Wasser bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 305-312. 4. Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Dichte in Wasser loslicher fester Korper. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 312-315. 5. Dissoeiatie-spanning en ontledingstoestand der stof. Rotterdam Nieuwe Verb., 3, 1&90' (St. 3), No. 2, 45 pp.; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 7, 1891, 241-273. Andreas, Ernst. Elektricitiitserregung auf chemischem Wege. [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 188-189. 2. Ueber den specifischen Grenzmagnetismus perma- nenter Stahlmagnete. Elektrotechn. Ztschr. , 18, 1897, 485-487, 497-502. Andreas, J. Ueber den Bau der Wand und die Oeffuungs- weise des Lebermoossporogons. Flora, 86, 1899, 161- 213. Andreasch, Rudolf. 14. Zur Kenntniss des Allylharn- stofts. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 (Abth. 2), 23-36; Mhefte. Chem., 1884, 33-46. 15. Beitrage zur Kenutniss der Sulfhydantoi'ne [Thiohydantome]. [1885-97.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 1(2, 1886 (Abth. 2), 967-989; 96, 1888 (Abth. 2), 497-514; 104, 1895 (Abth. 26), 664-672; 106, 1897 (Abth. 26), 64-102; Mhefte. Chem., 1885, 821-843; 1887, 407-424; 1895, 789-797; 1897, 56-94. 16. Ueber die Chloressigsulfonsiiure uud einige andere balogensubstituirte Sulfousiiuren. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abth. 2), 680-697; Mhefte. Chem., 1886, 158- 175. 17. Zur Kenntniss der sogenannten Senfolessigsiiure und der Rhodaninsaure. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 2ft), 56-64; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 73-81. 18. Uebtr Dimethylviolursaure uud Dimethyldilitur- saure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 26), 25-41, 648-663; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 17-33, 773-788. 19. Ueber einige Thioharnstoffderivate. Vorlaufige Mittheiluiif,'. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 137-139. 20. Ueber Methylviolursiiure und Methyldilitursaure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 26), 166-185; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 281-300. Andreasi, Armildo. Studio analitico delle tre cubiche eiclicbe. Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 241-286. Andree, Adolf. 8. Trifolium elegans, Savi, eine Stand- ortsvarietiit von Trifolium hybridum, L. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 97. Andree] 105 [Andreev 9. Priifung des Perubalsams. Arch. Pharm., 223, 1885, 561-576. 10. Salzabscheidungen durch die Blatter. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1886, 313-316. 11. Vaccinium macrocarpum, Ait. (cranberry), am Steinhuder Meere und die Flora des Winzlarer Moores. [1885.] Hannover Jber., 1883-87, 56-60. 12. Pflanzeuansiedelungen auf Neubrucb. [1885.] Hannover Jber., 1883-87, 61-66. Andree, Richard. 9. *Aufange der Kartographie. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Reil.), 79-80. IO. Die Verbreitung des Albinisnius. Deutseb. Ges. Authrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1887, 35. Andree, S[alomon] J[«<7iucf]. To reference in No. 4 (Vol. 9) add Fortschr. Phys., 1884 (Abth. 3), 635. 5. Hydropyrometer for metallurgist bruk. Jern- Kontoret's Ann., 39, 1884, 173-182; Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 43, 1884, 506-509. 6. Sur le chasse-neige dans les regions arctiques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 15, 1886, 523-533. 7. lakttagelser dfver luftelektriciteten under solfo'r- miirkelaen den 19 Augusti 1887. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887 529-531. 8. lakttagelser vid kondensation af vattenangan i en fuktig, elektrisk atmosfer. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 (Afd. 1), 1889, No. 8, 11 pp.; Fortschr. Phys., 1888 (Abth. 2), 441. 9. Undersokningar angaende varmets ledning i po- rosa, fuktiga kroppar. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 (Afd. I), 1891, Wo. 7, 7 pp. ; Fortschr. Phys., 1890 (Abth. 2), 381. 10. Voyage ae>ien a travers la Baltique au moyen du guide-rope. Aeronaute, 1893, 275-281. 11. lakttagelser under en ballongfard den 15 Juli 1893, [1893.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihaug, 19 (Afd. 2), 1894, No. 3, 20 pp. ; Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), (70). 12. Ueber die Kohlensaure der Atinosphare. Stockh., Ofvers., 1894, 355-371. 13. lakttagelser under en ballongfard den 9 Augusti 1893. [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihaug, 20 (Afd. 2), 1895, No. 1, 36 pp.; Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1895), (34)- (35). 14. lakttagelser under en ballongfard den 19 Oktober 1893. [1894.] Stockb., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (Afd. 2), 1895, No. 3, 39 pp.; Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (18951, (34)- (35). 15. lakttagelser under en ballongfard den 26 Februari 1894. [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (Afd. 2), 1895. No. 4, 16 pp.; Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1895), (34), (35)-(36). 16. lakttagelser under en ballongfard den 7 April 1894 sanit under uppstiguingar med fangslad ballong d. 15 Febr. samt d. 7 och 30 April 1894. [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (Afd. 2), 1895, No. 5, 18 pp. ; Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1895), (67)-(68). 17. lakttagelser under en ballongfard den 14 Juli 1894, [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (Afd. 2), 1895, No. 6, 25 pp. ; Aerouaute, 1895, 125-134. 18. Projet d 'expedition en ballon aux regions arc- tiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 892-895. 19. lakttagelser under en ballongfard den 4 Augusti 1894. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 (Afd. 2), 1896, No. 3, 13 pp.; Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), (3)-{4)- 20. lakttagelser under en ballongfard den 29 November 1894. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 (Afd. 2), 1896, No. 5, 20 pp.; Fortschr. Phys., 1896 (Abth. 3), 190. 21. lakttagelser under en ballongfard den 17 Mars 1895. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 (Afd. 2), 1896. No. 8, 20 pp.; Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), (32). 22. Forslag till polarfard med luftballoug. [1895.] Stockh., Ymer, 15, 1896, 55-70. B. S. A. C. 23. Rapport angaende 1896 ars Svenska Polarexpe- dition. Stockh., Ymer, 16, 1896, 181-192. An.lrcc, 7Vi[om«.«]. 4. Ein ^ieitrag zur Geologic des Ostrau-Karwiner Steinkohlenreviers. Wien, Geol. Verb.., 1896, 288-290. Andree, [Ludwig"\ Th[rodor~\. Om fuktighets inverkan I'ii ritpapper och deraf t'ororsakade fel a grufkartor. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 47, 1892, 1-lfi. Andreev,.!. [1] (!rol. 1) under Andreyeff. jTaflOJECKOe oscpo u rii;i,porpaic]. IO. 0 MHOrOV- ro.lBHUKaxi> ITOHCEJIE. [Ueber die Polygone von PONCELET.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 1884, 123- 142; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 556. 11. 0 pasjiomeniii BT, pait (fiyiiKnin no YHK- UiflMl, nOAo6HbIlIT> Boupocy o KOHtjuirypaniiixi). [Sur le probleme des configurations. ] [1889-90.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 2, 1891,95-107; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 564. is. FoMOiuiKJiitiecKoe naofipaatenie cijiepn na nJIOCKOCTT). [Representation homocyclique de la sphere sur le plan.] [1891.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 3, 1893, 35-41; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 894. is. 0 pasHCKauin pan.ioHajibHHX'B liaCTHtixt iiHTerpa.iOBt jiiiHertHtix't ;iii(j)ij)epeHuia.iibHBix't ypaBHeHift npii noiiomii imTerpiipyiomaro MHO- mirre.ilfl. [Sur la recherche des integrates particulieres rationnelles des equations differentielles lineaires au moyen d'un multiplicateur.] [1893.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Common., 4, 1895, 177-205; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94 534, 535-536. 17. EoMiieHxapiil KT> CTaTbt aKaxeMHKa B. I. H.MiiiEHEn.Karo o pasucKaHin panioHa.ibHHX'b ptiiiiCHiii He.iiiHeiiuHxt 3,ii(l)(|)epCHiiiajibHHxi, ypaBHenin. [Commeutaire sur 1'article de 1'acade- micien B. nepioj,!) CT> 1889 110 1893 TORT). Ocean arctique. Materiaux oceano- 14 Andreev] 106 [Andreocci graphiques rassembles pendant les annees 18811-93. St. Petersb., Soc. Eusse Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 34 (No. I), 1900, 136 pp. Andreev, A". I'. Rasche Farbung von tuberkulosen Sputis. Einzeitiges Entfarben uud komplementares Nachfarbeu des Grundes bei der Ziehl-Neelsen'schen Methodc. CeutrbL.Bakt. (Abt. 1), 22, 1897, 593-597, 826. Amircim. Alfredo. Caso di echinococco del cuore umano. Eoma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 6, 1897, 227-233. 2. Beitrag zum Stndium der basischen Produkte des Diplococcus pneumonise. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 678-684, 736-744, 1021. Andreini, Anfliulu. Sopra una proprieta singolare di alcnni nnmeri dipeudeute dal sistema particolare di numerazione nel quale souo scritti. Giorn. Mat., 26, 1888, 315-326; 28, 1890, 43. Andreini, B. Bull' azione biologica e tossica dell' urea e di alcune carbammidi alchilate. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899], 394-416. Andreis, Anijelu de. 3. *Fenomeno elettrico visto a Civitavecchia 1' 11 setternbre 1880. [1880.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 15, 1881, 104. 4. Nuove esperienze di elettrostatica induzione. Eoma, N. Lincei Atti, 37, 1884, 150-151. 5. Osservazioni sulla malaria. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 94. 6. Studi di geodiuarnica. Roma, Specula Vaticana Pubbl., 1, 1891, 89-93. Andreocci, America. For biography see Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2545 ; Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 62, 1900, 27-31. Action du pentachlorure de phosphore sur 1'ether succinylsuccinique. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 18, 1887, 562-563. 2. Azione della fenilidrazina sull' acetiluretano. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 2), 115-119; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 448- 452. 3. Azioue della fenilidrazina sull' acetiluretano. (l)Fenil(3)metil(5)piro-diazolone e suoi derivati. Roma, R. Ace. Lim-ei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 2), 209-213. 4. Azione del pentasolfuro di fosforo sul (l)fenil- (3)metil(5)pirazolone e sull' antipirina. Nota prelimi- nare. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 1), 269-271. 5. Azione del calore sul cloroplatinato dell' (l)fenil- (S)metil-pirazolo e sui cloroplatinati pirrodiazolonici e pirrodiazolici. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 157-166. 6. Sintesi dell' acido (l)fenil(3)carbo-pirrodiazolico, del (3) metil-pirrodiazolo, dell' acido (3) carbo-pirrodia- zolico e del pirrodiazolo libero. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 458-4K3; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 1), 109-117; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 225-230. 7. Sopra il pirrodiazolo. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 16-18. 8. Sopra alcuni derivati dell' uretano. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 257-264. 9. Kopra due nuovi isomeri della santonina e due nuovi isomeri dell' acido santouoso. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 468-493. 10. Sulla santonina. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 551-552; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2985-2986. 11. Sopra un isomero della santonina. Nota pre- liminare. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Se?H. 1), 328-329. 12. Sulla riduzione della santonina. Nota pre- liminare. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (5cm. 1), 376. 13. Sopra u n isomero della santonina ed un nuovo isomero dell' acido santonoso. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 2, 1893 (,Sem. 1), 494-497; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1373-1376. 14. Sull' acido disantonoso. Nota preliminare. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (,SYm. 1), 538-539. 15. Sopra un' altro nuovo isomero della sautonina e sopra un' altro nuovo isomero dell' acido santonoso. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 175- 183. 16. Sopra alcuni derivati metilati dell' acido des- motropo-santonoso. Roma, R. Ace. Liueei Eend., 2, 1893 (Sem. •>), 200-202. 17. Sulla costituzione della dician-fenilidrazina e dei composti triazolici di J. A. BLADIN. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 302-310. 18. Sui quattro acidi santonosi e sopra due nuove santonine. Eoma, E. Ace. Lineei Mem., 2, 1895, 4-89; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1896, Pt. 1), 452-568. 19. Sulla struttura degli acidi santonosi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 68-76. 20. Su^li acidi di-sautonosi. Nota preliminare. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (,SV»i. 1), 164-165. 21. Sulla trasformazione dell' acido desmotropo- santonoso nell' acido levo-santonoso. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 259-265. 22. Sulla octoidro-parn-dimetil-etil-naftalina. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 431-435. 23. Sul solfuro d azoto. Nota preliminare. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 254-258. 24. Sopra un prodotto di addizione della santonina coll' acido nitrico. Azione dell' acido nitrico sulla desmotroposantonina. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 5, 1896 (.S'cm. 2), 309-313. 25. Azione dei cloruri [ed ossieloruri] di fosforo... sopra alcuni derivati ossigenati del pirrodiazolo (2.4). Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 114-120, 217-225. 26. Jodio-etilato e bromo-etilato di fenil(l)metil(3)- pirrodiazolo (2.4). Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (.SVm. 1), 293-295. 27. Costituzione dei pirrodiazoloni. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 378-386. 28. Ueber den Schwefelstickstoff. Ztschr. Auorg. Chem., 14, 1897, 246-250. 29. II pirrodiazolo 2.4 ed i suoi derivati. (Eorua), Soc. Ital. Mem., 11, 1898, 3-116. 30. Sopra un racemo parziale. Sopra alcune rela- zioni riscontrate nel gruppo della santonina fra I'isomeria otticaela triboluminesceuza. Nota preliminare. [1898.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 56, 1899, 13-19; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 2'.l (1899, Pt. 1), 513-516, 516-.-|19. 31. Stereoisomeria delle desmotroposantoniue e degli acidi santonosi. Nota preliminare. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem 1), SO-*6. Andreocci, America, A Alessandrello, /'[/ •Ili'iiriini], Sulla scissione dell' acido isosantonoso inattivo nci suoi com- ponent! destro e levo, mediante la cinconina. Catania Aec. Gioen. Atti, 12, 1899, jUem. 15, 5 pp. ; Gazz. (.'him. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. I), 479-483. 2. Sulla scissione dell' acido isosantonoso inattivo nei suoi antipodi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 8, 1899 (Nem. 1), 503-505. Andreocci, America, & Bertolo, l'[iipa Ha oeHsoiiHHfi a.iAenrAT>. (CiiHTesi, a-arniJi-/?-(:t)eHii.:i3TH.ieHMO.TOinou KIIC.IOTH.) [Ac- tion of a mixture of zinc and ethyl a-bromobutyrate on benzaldehyde. (Synthesis of o-ethyl-/3-phenylethylene- lactic acid.)] [1895.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Clii-m.), 1896, 283-293; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16, 1896, 1143-1144. Andresen, (Kapt.) H. Aussergewolmliehe Witterung auf der Rhede von Akyab. Ann. der Hydrogr., 17 (1889), 458. 2. Die Witterung in Olehleh (Nord-Sumatra) im Januar und Februar 1891. Ann. der Hydrogr., 21 (1893), 44-2-443. Andresen, Joh. C. En nyfuuden flek af primordial i Heuuuugbygden, Grans prestegjeld. Norges Geol. Unders. Aarb., [1], 1891, 19-21, (Rfy. 94). Andresen, IU[omme]. 3. Safraniu und Methylenblau. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2212-2217. 4. On the constitution of organic photographic developers. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 10, 1891, 982-984; 11, 1892, 3. 5. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des kauflichen Na- triumsulfits. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 31, 1894, 211-214. 6. Die Isomeren des Amidols. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 31, 1894, 505-511. 7. Ein neuer Diazotypprocess. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 32, 1895, 284-288, 372. 8. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Diamidooxydiphenyls als Entwickler. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 34, 1897, 587-591; 36, 1899, 206-215. 9. Charakteristische Reactionen der hekaunteren Entwicklersubstanzen. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 35, 1898, 12-22. 10. Zur Theorie der Entwicklung des latenten Licht- bildes. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 35, 1898, 445—452. 11. Zur Aktinometrie des Sonnenlichtes. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 35, 1898, 502-524. 12. Das Wasserstoffsuperoxyd im Dienste der Photo- graphic. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 30, 1899, 260- 266. 13. Bromhydiochiuou als Entwickler. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 36, 1899, 396-398. 14. Zur Charakterisiruug der Entwicklt-rsubstanzen. Wieu, Photogr. Correspond., 36, 1899, 635-643. 15. Influence de lapression liarometrique sur 1'action chimique de la lumiere ilirecte du soleil. Mont Blanc Ob-. Auu., 4, 1900, 1-17. 14—2 Andresen] 10s [Andrews 16. Zur Chemie der organisehen Entwickler. Wien, Photogr. Correspoud., 37, 1900, 185-199. Andrew, //. M. 2. The red sunsets. [1884.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans., 21, 1885, 158-159. 3. An unusual rainbow. Nature, 37, 1888, 464-465. Andrew, J[ames] Grant. Specimens of lobulated adult human kidneys. Glasgow Med. Jl., 38, 1892, 427-429. 2. Cast and teeth from a case of dentigerous cyst. [1898.] Glasgow Path. Clin. Soc. Trans., 7, 1899, 171- 175; Glasgow Med. Jl., 50, 1898, 127-131. Andrew, James. For biographical notice and works sec Med.-Chir. Trans., 81, 1898, cii-cvi. 2. A ease of hamorrhagic varicella and a case of gangrenous varicella. Clin. Soc. Trans., 23, 1890, 79- 83. Andrew, (Rev.) John. The British bees. [1886.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 2, 1888, 449-451. 2. Melicerta ringens. Irish Natlist., 3, 1894, 43-44. 3. The primeval basis and progressive build of the inorganic world. [1896.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 4, 1901, 362-379. Andrew, Thomas. 2. Some notes on the well at the Exeter City Asylum. Devon. Ass. Trans., 20, 1888, 123- 128. 3. Some notes on a natural pipe from a sand-pit in the Breccia series, in the parish of Heavitree. Devon. Ass. Trans., 20, 1888, 378-382. Andrewes, Frederick William. Observations on pyogenie organisms. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med. Of.), 20, 1891, 273-280. 2. Preliminary report on the growth of bacteria in pus. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med. Off.), 21, 1893, 209-212. 3. Observations on blood-infection. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med. Off.), 22, 1894, 419-426. 4. Report on spore-bearing anaerobic bacilli in the contents of the human intestine, with special reference to their concern with acute diarrhoea. LOG. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med. Off.),' 26, 1897, 255-262. Andrews, A. J. Discovery of fossil beds at the Witkopje Pan. S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 3, 1898, 146. Andrews, A. Le Koy. On some variations of Spiranthes cernua. Rhodora, 1, 1899, 110. 2. The Orohidaceffl of a series of swamps in southern Vermont. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 114-115. 3. Orchids of Mt. Grevlock, Massachusetts. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 179-180. 4. Ferns of a deep ravine in Thetford, Vermont. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 22!l-230. Andrews, C. Irvintj. The volcanic rock of Alum Hill, Boulder county, Colorado. [1895.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc., 5 (1894-96), 148-155. Andrews, Cecil R. P. Draba muralis, L., in Kent. Jl. But., 37, 1899, 275. 2. Two grasses new to the Channel Islands. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 33-37. 3. Notes on Channel Island plants. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 483-484. Andrews, Charles ]\'[illiam]. Note on a new species of Jipyornis (M. Titan). Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 18-20. 2. On some remains of JEpyornis in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.). Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1894, 108-123. 3. On the development of the shoulder-girdle of a plesiosaur (Cryptoclidus oxoniensis, I'hilllps, sp.) from the Oxford Clay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 333- 346. 4. On the structure of the skull in Peloneustes philarchus, a pliosaur from the Oxford Clay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 242-256. 5. The pectoral and pelvic girdles of Muramosaurus plicatus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 429-434. 6. Some remarks on the Stereornithes, a group of extinct birds from South America. [1895.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 714-715; Ibis, 2, 1896, 1-12. 7. Note on a specimen of Keraterpetum Galvani, Uu-rley, from Staffordshire. Geol. Mag., 2, 1895, 81-84. 8. Note on a skeleton of a young plesiosaur from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough. Geol. Mag., 2,1895,241-243. 9. On some remains of .Epyornis in the Hon. Walter ROTHSCHILD'S Museum at Tring. Novitates Zool., 2, 1895, 23-25. 10. Note on the pelvis of Cryptoclidus oxoniensis (Phillips). Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 145-148. 11. Note on a nearly complete skeleton of Aptornis defossor (Owen). Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 241-242. 12. Note on the skeleton of Diaphorapteryx Hawkins!, Forbes, a large extinct rail from the Chatham Islands. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 337-338. 13. On the structure of the plesiosaurian skull. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 52, 1896, 246-252. 14. On the skull, sternum, and shoulder-girdle of Epyornis. Ibis, 2, 1896, 376-389. 15. On the extinct birds of the Chatham Islands. Part I. The osteology of Diaphorapteryx Hawkinsi. [Part II. The osteology of Palseolimnas chatlmrnensis and Nesolimnas (gen. nor.) Dieffenbachii.] Novitates Zool., 3, 1896, 73-84, 260-271. 16. On a skull of Orycteropus Gaudryi, Forsyth- Majnr, from Samos. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 296-299. 17. Note on a cast of the brain-cavity of Iguauodou. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 585-591. 18. Note on a nearly complete skeleton of ^Epyomis from Madagascar. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 241-250. 19. On the structure of the skull of a pliosaur. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 53, 1897, 177-185. 20. On some fossil remains of carinate birds from central Madagascar. Ibis, 3, 1897, 343-359. 21. On a complete skeleton of Megalapteryx tenuipes, Lydekker, in the Tring Museum. Novitates Zool., 4, 1897, 188-194. 22. A description of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). [1898.] Geogr. Jl., 13, 1899, 17-35. 23. The relations of Christmas Island to the neigh- bouring lauds. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 815. 24. Note on a nearly complete skeleton of Dinornis maximus. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 395-397. 25. Fossil Mammalia from Egypt. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 481-4K4; 7, 1900, 401-403. 26. On some remains of birds from the lake-dwellings of Glastonbury, Somersetshire. Ibis, 5, 1899, 351-358. 27. On the remains of a new bird from the London Clay of Sheppey. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 776-785. 28. On a new species of chelonian (Podocnemis a?gyptiaca) from the Lower Miocene of Egypt. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 1-2. 29. [On a cast of a portion of the jaw of an Ichthyo- saurus.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 660. 30. On the extinct birds of Patagonia. I. The skull and skeleton of Phororhacos intiatus, Ameghino. [1899.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 15, 1901, 55-86. Andrews, Charles ir[i7/inm] (et alii). On the marine fauna of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). I. Intro- ductory note. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 115-117. Andrews, < 'lenient \V[alker], Influence de la temperature sur la rotation specirique du sucre de canne. [2Y.] Mcmiteur Sci., 3, 1889, 1366-1369. Andrews, Clement W[ulker], & Norton, L[?wis] M[ills]. See Norton .v. Andrews. Andrews, E. It. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 1) under Andrews, E. B., and No. 4 (Vol. 7) under Andrews, K. 14. "Report on Gallia county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 (Pt. 1), 225-246. 15. "Report on Meigs county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 (Pt. 1), 247-260. 16. "Report on Athens county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 (Pt. 1), 261-293. Andrews] 109 [Andrews 17. 'Report on Morgan county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 (Pt. I), 294-313. 18. 'Report on Muskinguru county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 (Pt. 1), 314-364. 19. "Surface geology [of south-eastern Ohio]. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 441-452. 20. 'Report on the geology of Washington county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 453-508. 21. *Report on the geology of Noble county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 509-528. 22. "Report on the geology of Guernsey county (south halt). Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt.' I), 1874, 529-542. 23. "Report on the geology of Belmont county (south half). Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep'., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 543-569. 24. "Report on the geology of Monroe county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. I), 1874, 570-587. 25. "Report on the geology of Pickaway county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 588-592. 26. "Geology of Fairfield county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. I), 1874, 592-594. 27. "Descriptions of fossil plants from the Coal Measures of Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 2), 1875, 413-426. 28. "Supplemental report on Perry county, and portions of Hockiug aud Athens counties. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 3, 1878, 815-882. Andrews, E. C. Notes on the limestones and general geology of the Fiji Islands, with special reference to the Lau group. Based upon surveys made for Alexander AGASSIZ. [1900.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 38, 1900-03, 1-50. Andrews, Edmund. Assign to this author Nos. 1-3 (Vol. 7) under Andrews, / To reference in No. 6 (Vol. 9) add Chicago Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, [1883-86], 1-9. Andrews, Ernest E[obert], & Meldola, Raphael. See Meldola & Andrews. Andrews, Ethan Allen. "On the anatomy of Libinia emarginata, Leach, the spider crab. [1883.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 6, 1882-85, 99-121. 2. Affinities of annelids to vertebrates. Arner. Natlist., 19, 1885, 767-774. 3. Reproductive organ of Phascolosoma Gouldii. Zool. An?.., 12, 1889, 140-142. 4. Autotomy in the crab. Arner. Natlist., 24, 1890, 138-142. 5. On a new American species of the remarkable animal Phorouis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1890, 445- 449. 6. Notes on the anatomy of Sipunculus Gouldii, Pom-titles. [1890.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 4, 1887-90, 389-430. 7. Notes on the body-cavity liquid of Sipuneulus Gouldii, Pourtales. [1890.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Giro., [9 (1889-90),] 65. 8. A commensal annelid. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 25-35. 9. Reproductive organs of Diopatra. Jl. Morphol., 5, 1891, 113-124. 10. Compound eyes of annelids. Jl. Morphol., 5, 1891, 271-299. 11. The distribution of Magelona. [1891.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [10 (1890-91),] 96. 12. On the eyes of Polycheeta. A preliminary com- munication. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 285-286. 13. Report upon the Annelida Polycheeta of Beaufort, North Carolina. [1891.] U.S. Mus. Proc., 14, 1892, 277-302. 14. Experimental embryology. Amer. Natlist., 26, 1892, 367-382, 580-592. 15. Bifurcated annelids. Amer. Natlist., 26, 1892, 725-733. 16. Ou the eyes of polychaitous annelids. Jl. Morphol., 7, 1892, 169-222. 17. Notes on the fauna of Jamaica. [1892.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [11 (1891-92),] 72-77. 18. An undeseribed acraniate : Asymmetron lucaya- num. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 5, 1893, 213-247. 19. The Bahama Ampuioxus. [1893.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [12 (1892-93),] 104. 20. Some abnormal annelids. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 30, 1894, 435-460. 21. Conjugation in an American crayfish. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 867-873. 22. Conjugation of the brandling. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 1021-1027, 1121-1127. 23. The breeding habits of the crayfish. [1895.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [14 (1894-95),] 74. 24. The breeding-habits of the earthworms. [1895.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [14 (1894-95),] 74. 25. An Amphioxus from Japan. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 57-60. 26. On the conjugation of Cambarus. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 284-285. 27. Breeding habits of the spotted salamander. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 635-637. 28. Spinning in Serpula eggs. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 818-820. 29. HAMMAK'S ectoplasrnic layer. Avner. Natlist., 31, 1897, 1027-1032. 30. Some activities of polar bodies. [1897.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [17 (1897-98),] 14-16. 31. Some activities of the polar bodies in Cerebra- tulus. [1897-98.] Science, 7, 1898, 221-222; Arch. EntwMech., 6, 1898, 228-248. 32. Some ectosarcal phenomena in the eggs of Hydra. [1898.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [18 (1898-99),] 1-3. 33. Pilose activity in metazoau eggs. [1898.] Zool. Bull., 2, 1899, 1-13. Andrews, Florence M. Notes on a species of Cyathus common in lawns at Middlebury, Vermont. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 99-101. Andrews, Frank M. Development of the embryo-sac of Jeffersonia diphylla. Bot. Gaz., 20, 1895, 423-424. Andrews, George Frederick. Notes on aluminum. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 485-487. Andrews, Grace A. Studies of the dream consciousness. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 12, 1900-01, 131-134. Andrews, Gwendolen F[oulke]. Some spinning activities of protoplasm in starfish and sea-urchin eggs. Jl. Mor- phol., 12, 1897, 367-389. 2. On a method found useful in preservation of protoplasmic spinnings. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 447-452. Andrews, Horace. Solution of trigonometrical problems by continued approximations. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 31, 1884, 54-57. Andrews, J. D. F. 2. Electrical distribution by means of condensers. Electrician, 23, 1889, 330-331. 3. An experiment with the electric arc. Electrician, 26, 1891, 681. Andrews, Jolm Joseph Frederick. On ship caissons for dock basins and dry docks. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1890, 189-200. Andrews, Joseph A[lfred]. 3. Trachoma and the etiology of jequirity ophthalmia. Arch. Med., 11, 1884, 221-261. 4. Contagious conjunctivitis ; its causes, prevention, and treatment. N. Y. Med. Jl., 42, 1885, 449-452, 480- 483. 5. The electric light as au illuminator. The effect of strong light on the eye. [With discussion.] Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1886, 228-241. 6. Contagious eye-disease. N. Y. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, 347-352. 7. Purulent ophthalmia: observations on the astiology Andrews] 110 [Andrews and treatment of the disease. N. Y. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 681-685. 8. Functional headache from eye-strain in children. N.Y. Med. Jl.. 54, 1891,41-46. 9. Tubercle of the iris. Being a report of a case of tubercle of the iris, with remarks addressed to the inquiry: Does tubercle ever occur primarily in the iris ? Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1896, 561-577. Andrews, L. Soil-preferences of some less usual vascular plants in central Connecticut. Rhodora, 1, 1899, 103- 104. 2. Aster concinnus in New England. Rhodora, '2, 1900, 166-167. Andrews, Launcelot W[ini'ln'xtfr]. 5. On a volumetric method of general applicability for the determination of combined sulphuric acid. Amer. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 567-571. 6. The detection of coniine in a case of poisoning. Amer. Chem. JL, 13 (1891), 123-128. 7. On a new astatic galvanometer with a single spiral needle. [1887.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 1 (Pt. 2), 1892, 75. 8. An unusual form of calcium glycerate. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1893, 107. 9. On the assumption of a special " nascent state." [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 1 (Pt. 4), 1894, 9-12 ; Chem. News, 70, 1894, 152-153. 10. Some peculiarities of solutions of ferric sulpho- cyanate. [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 1 (Pt. 4), 1894, 12-15; Chem. News, 70, 1894, 165-166. 11. Recent advances in the theory of solutions. [Presidential address, Dec. 1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 2, 1895, 13-19. 12. On the analysis of alloys of lead, tin, antimony and arsenic. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 869-873. 13. The nascent state. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 80-81. 14. The reduction of sulphuric acid by copper as a function of the temperature. Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 3, 1896. 37-40; Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 251-254. 15. A new volumetric method for the determination of silver. Amer. Chem. Jl., 24 (1900), 250-266. Andrews, Launcelot ]t"[inc/icxti'r]. A Ende, i.'url. A study of the physical properties of solutions of lithium chloride in amyl alcohol. [1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 2, 1895, 95-103; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 17, 1895, 136-144. Andrews, Leonard. The prevention of interruptions to electricity supply. [Willi tlis<-u.*.*ii>n.} [ls(»s.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 27, 1899, 487-522. Andrews, (.l/i.«) Munj K. Denudation at Cultra, County Down. [1892.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 3, 1893, 529- 532. 2. Dykes in Antrim and Down. Irish Natlist., 3, 1894, 93-96. 3. Notes on Moel Tryfaen. [1894.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 4, 1901, 205-210. Andrews, R. I!. 2. The origin of the dental fibril. [H";V/i ilisi-itssion.] Int. Med. Cougr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 5), 503-511. 3. The development of the teeth, with demonstrations of the formation of dentine from the odontoblasts and fibril-cells. Brit. Jl. Dental Sei., 31, 1888, 808-814. 4. Pits and fissures of the enamel. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 32, 1889, 996-1005. 5. On the formation and calcification of the enamel. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (lid. 5, Abtli. 14), 44-51. 6. A contribution to the study of the development of the enamel. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 43, 1900, 1009-1022. Andrews, Thomas. For biography and works see Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 342-344; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 165- 166; London Phys. Soc. Proc., 7, 1886 (Ann. .1/ivr., 1886), 8-9; Nature, 33, 1886, 157-159; Termt. Kdzlon., 18, 1886, 513; Roy. Soc. Proc., 41, 1887, xi-\v. 51. On the properties of matter in the gaseous and liquid states under various conditions nf temperature and pressure. [1886.] [Postli.] Phil. Trans. (A), 178, 1888, 45-56. Andrews, Thiiiitux ((.'. K.). 2. On galvanic action between wrought-iron, cast metals, and various steels during long exposure in sea-water. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 77, 1884, 323-336. 3. Experimental research on the electromotive force from difference of potential during diffusion in tidal streams. Roy. Soc. Proc., 37, 1884, 28-35. 4. Corrosion of metals during long exposure in sea- water. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 82, 1885, 281-300. 5. Observations on variations of the electromotive force between metals at high temperatures in fused salts. Roy. Soc. Proc., 38, 1885, 216-218. 6. The action of tidal streams on metals during diffusion of salt and fresh water. Experimental research. Part II (Gravimetric). Roy. Soc. Proc., 38, 1885, 372- 378. 7. Apparent lines of force on passing a current through water. [1884.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 18-21. 8. The resistance during recrystallisation of fused salts of the halogens compared with some others and glass. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 275- 279. 9. Electrochemical reactions between metals in fused salts. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 1)47-950. 10. Effect of temperature on the strength of railway axles. Inst. Civ. Eugin. Proc., 87, 1886, 340-370; 94, 1888, 180-209 ; 105, 1891, 161-176. 11. Observations on pure ice and snow. [1886-90.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 40, 1886, 544-549; 48, 1891, 106-116. 12. *0n the relative electro-chemical positions of wrought iron, steels, cast metal, etc., in sea-water and other solutions. [1883.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 32, 1887, 205-218. 13. Electrochemical effects on magnetising iron. [1887-92.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 42, 1887, 459-469 ; 44, 1888. 152-168; 46, i890, 176-193; 52, 1893, 114-117. 14. Heat dilatation of metals from low temperatures. [1887.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 43, 1888, 299-304. 15. The passive state of iron and steel. [1890-91.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 48, 1891, 116-126; 49, 1891, 120-126, 48l'-488. 16. The effect of chilling on the impact resistance of metals. Inst. Civ. Engiu. Proc., 103, 1891, 231-249. 17. The action of tidal streams on metals. [With tlixi-usitinn.] [1890.] Fed. lust. Miu. Engin. Trans., 1, 1892, 191-208; 2, 1892, 110-111. 18. The effect of strain on railway axles, and the minimum flexion resistance-point in axles. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1895, 181-223. 19. Micro-metallography of iron. Part 1. Roy. Soc. Proc., 58, 1895, 59-64. 20. Thermo-elektrische Vorgange und Strome zwi- schen Metallen in geschmolzenen Salzen. [ZV.] [1896.] Ztsehr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 117-121. Andrews, W[illiam~\ H[nlmes], & Campbell, Edward D[e Mi/te]. See Campbell tv Andrews. Andrews, II'. W. A cheap form of self-regulating gas generator. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 304-306. 2. The position of argon in the periodic system. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 235. 3. Some extensions of the plaster of Paris method ia blowpipe analysis. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 849- 869. 4. Reform in the teaching of chemistry. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 601-608. Andrews, ]l'illiam. 3. On recent observations on the Trias in central Warwickshire. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1884, 18-21. 4. The great ehalkv boulder clay in central Warwick- shire. Warwick. Field Club Proc.,' 1884, 32-33. Andrews! Ill [Andrlik 5. The older Paleozoic rocks in north-east Warwick- shire. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 58-59. 6. On a new discovery of Cambrian rocks between Chilvers Cotou and Burton Hastings. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1886, 31-32. 7. On the north Warwickshire Cambrian shales. Midland Natlist., 12, 1889, 244. 8. On the bore-holes at Coventry. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1889, 27-33. 9. On a discovery of blue slate in north Warwick- shire. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1890, 9-10. 10. On the new water supply at Kemlworth. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1895, 54-57. 11. On recent bore-holes in Warwickshire. Warwick. Field Club Proc.. 1897, 31-34. 12. The Leonids in 1868. [1898.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 55. 13. The migration of swifts. Nature, 62 (1900), 436. Andrews, William 31. Apical growth in roots of Marsilia quadrifolia and Equisetum arvense. Bot. Gaz., 15, 1890, 174-177. Andrews, (Rev.) William Ryton. 3. The origin and mode of formation of the vale of Wardour. [1891.] Wilts. Archjeol. Mag., 26, 1892, 258-269. 4. The making of the South Downs. [1894.] East- bourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2 (1886-94), 420-432. Andrews, (Rev.) William By ton, & Jukes-Browne, A[lfred] J[ohn], The Pnrbeck beds of the vale of Wardour. [1«93.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 50, 1894, 44-69. See also Jukes-Browne ,\ Andrews. Andrl, Alf. L'ernploi de 1'aeier dans le materiel des chemins de fer. Revue Univ. Mines, 26, 1894, 117-172, 256-276. Andrian, Ferdinand (Frhr.) von. 27. Ueber einige Resultate der modernen Ethnologic. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1894, 57-73. 28. Elementar- und Volkergedanke, ein Beitrag zur Entwiekelungsgeschichte der Ethnologic. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl. , 1898, 166-179. Andrien, G. Sur le point de FAGNANO. Mathesis, 20, 1900, 105-109. Andrles, P. 6. Resultate aus funfjahrigen meteoro- logischen Beobachtungen in Wilhelmshaven. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883), 133-145; 16 (1888), 373-383. 7. Ueber Gewitter- und Hagelbildung. Ann. der Hydrogr., 12 (1884), 1-17, 65-72; 13 (1886), 125-134, 187-195. 8. Der Mascaret. Ztschr. Wiss. Geogr., 5, 1885, 265-269. 9. Ueber die Ursache der zunehmenden Zahl der BlitzschlSge. Petermann, Mitth., 32, 1886, 55-58. 10. Ueber Erdmaguetismus. Ann. der Hydrogr., 15 (1887), 467-480. 11. Das Quecksilberthermometer. Wetter, 4, 1887, 25-34. 12. Ueber die Kolle der Elektricitjit bei meteoro- logischen Erscheinuugen. Wetter, 4, 1887, 217-232. 13. Der Einfluss der Sonne und des Mondes auf den Erdmagnetismus, den Luftdruck und die Luftelektricitat. Ann. der Hydrogr., 16 (1888), 203-215. 14. Die Kalteriickfalle im Mai. Wetter, 6, 1889, 121-129. 15. Eine neue Methode des italienischen Physikers Govi, urn den Ort, die Lage und Grosse der Bilder von Linsen oder Linsensystemen zu konstruiren und zu berechnen. Centrztg. Optik, 11, 1890, 97-98. 16. Das Verhalten der Thiere bei Erdbebeu. Wetter, 7, 1890, 67-69. 17. Der Chinook und der Blizzard. Wetter, 7, 1890, 201-206. 18. Ueber Scintillation. Wetter, 8, 1891, 31-39. 19. Ueber die Entstehnng der Trombeu. Wetter, 8, 1891, 109-174. Andriessen, Hugo. Eine neue Methode zur Messung von Incluktionskoemcienten. Elektrotechu. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 170-171, 182-185, 435. 2. Die Kapacitatsverhiiltnisse in Kabeln. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 18, 1897, 792-794. Andrlessen, 1C. F. Greenland. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 9, 1892, 524-548. Andrieu, Kilmond. De la dent de six ans. [With discus- sion.] Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 5), 605-622. Andrieu (de 1'Etang , L. Sur uu chromatometre, destine a mesurer la couleur des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 103, 1886, 281-284. Andriezen, l]'[illiam] Lloyd. On a system of fibre-cells surrounding the blood-vessels of the brain of man and mammals, and its physiological significance. Int. Jl. Anat., 10, 1893, 532-540. 2. On some of the newer aspects of the pathology of insanity. Brain, 17, 1894, 548-692. Andrlik, Karel. Ueber die Lauterung des Diffusionssaftes mittels Magnesia. [1893.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohrn., 18, 1893-94, 106-108. 2. Beitrage zu dem sog. Schleimigwerden der Diffu- sions- und Rubensafte. [18'.I4.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 18, 1893-94, 190-195. 3. Eiuige Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen iiber Rubenpektin. [TV.] [1895.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 19, 1894-95, 101-113. 4. Ein Beitrag zur Riiben-Analyse. [TV.] [1895.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 19, 1894-95, 258-262. 5. Darstellung des Pektins auf kaltem "Wege. [TV.] [1895.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 19, 1894-95, 323- 329. 6. Von dem bei der Osmose sich ausscheidenden Schleim und den aus demselben entstehenden Dex- transtoffen. [TV.] [1895.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 20, 1895-96, 84-97. 7. Ueber saure Briidenwasser beiru Einkochen von Osmosewasser. [1807.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 21, 1896-97, 287-292. 8. Analysen einiger Ablagerungen [aus Zuckerfabri- ken]. [1897.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 21, 1896-97, 477-481. 9. Quantitative Bestimmung des Invertzuckers uach PESKA'S Methode und die Verwendbarkeit derselbeu in der Zuckerfabrikspraxis. [1897.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 21, 1896-97, 569-583. 10. Ueber Syrup-Filtration. [1897.] Ztschr. Zuck- erind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 212-215. 11. Ueber die Bestimmung des Zuckergehaltes der Rube mittelst des Apparates von Arm. LE DOCTE. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 295-304. 12. Bericht iiber das Verhalten der Ramnose bei der Vergahrung von Melasse. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 1-25. 13. Ueber die RubenharzsJiure in der Zuckerfabrika- tion. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 25-37. 14. Ueber die Riickfuhrung der Syrupe in dem Betrieb nach der Methode Dr. Zscheye. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 65-75. 15. Ueber Saturationsschlamm und seine Zusam- mensetzung. [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 163-170. 16. Ueber den Einfluss der Saccharose auf die Bestimmung der Pentosaue mittelst der Phloroglucin- raethode, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Zticker- t'abnkprodukte. [18119.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 314-323. 17. Ueber das Reinigen der Dicksafte mittels Ozon nach dem Verley'scheu Verfahren. [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 341-350. 18. Kleinere Mittheilungen. [a. Ueber die Loslich- keit des Eisenoxyds, der Thonerde und der Kieselsaure Andrlik] 112 [Andrusov lici der Eimvirkung von Zuckerlosungeu auf den gewohn- lichen, unreinen Aetzkalk. b. Ueber die Loslichkeit der iui gebrannten Kalke enthaltenen Kalksilikate in Zuckerlosungen. c. Furfnrol aus der Rube und Melasse. d. Analyse einiger alien Syrupe. e. Einijje Ablage- imigeu aus Z ticker fabriken.] [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm. , 23, 1898-99. 551-559. 19. Ueber Citronensiiure im Saturatioussehlamm. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. BShm., 24, 1899-1900, 645- 648. 20. Ueber die Oxalsaure im Saturationsschlamm. [11(00.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 25, 1900-01, 139- 142. 21. Studien iiber das Schwinden der Alkalitat der Safte wahrend der Abdampfung und Verkoehuug. [1900.] Ztschr. Znekerind. Bohm., 25, 1900-01, 143-148. 22. Der Einfluss der Alkalitat bei der zweiteu Saturation auf die Loslichkeit der Magnesia im Safte. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 25, 1900-01, 148-152. Andrlik, Karel, & Hranicka, H. Reduktiou des Kupfer- oxyds mittelst Methylalkohol bei der Invertzuckerbestim- mung. [1897.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 216-221. Andrlik, Karel, & Panek, J. Ueber die Farbung des Zuckers durch an Kali gebuudene Melasse- und Ulmin- Siiure. [Tr.] [1895.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 19, 1894-95, 502-505. Andrlik, Karel, & Stanek, Tladimir. Ueber die Bestim- mung der Oxalsaure im Diffusions-Safte und die Bedeu- tung derselbeu fiir den Zuckerfabriksbetrieb. [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 52 (bis)-6Q. Andrlik, Karel, & Urban, Karl. Aualysen von Ruben aus dern Jahre 1898 mit Riicksicht auf die stickstoff- haltigen Substanzen. [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 629-646. 2. Einige Diinnsafte aus der Carnpagne 1898-99 uud ihr Verhalten bei der Abdampfung mit Riicksicht auf den Alkalitiitsverlust. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 212-222. Andrlik, Karel, & Votocck, Emil. O pryskyriJne kyseline fepy cukrove. [Ueber eine Riibenharzsaure.] [1897-98.] Prag, Sber., 1897 (Math.-Nut.), A'o. 54, 14 pp.; Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 248-264. Andrlik, Karel, Berounsky, .S7., & Hranicka, //. Ver- suche ztir Bestimmung der Polarisationsverluste beim Verdampfen und Verkochen von Kabrikssafteu und Zuckerlosungen. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 525-541. Andrlik, Kurd, Urban, Knrl, & Stanek, Vladimir. Die Zusammensetzung von Diffusionssaften aus der Cam- pagne 1898-99. [1900. J Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 21. 1899-1900, 205-211. 2. Die Fulhnassen aus der Campagne 1898-99. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 257- 273. 3. Ueber die aus Diffusionssaften und Fiillmassen mit Aether auslaugbaren organischen Siiuren und deren Bedeutung im Zuckerfabriksbetriebe. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckeriud. Bohm., 25, 1900-01, 83-89. Andronico, Carmelo. La t'ebbre sifilitica. Sperimentale, 57, 1886, 628-631. Andros, Churl?.* II. The blue yellow-backed warbler. Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 117-148. 2. The Maryland yellow throat (Gcothlypis trichas). Ornith. Ool., 10, 1886, 60-61. 3. Fall migration in Bristol county, Mass., 1885. Ornith. Ool, 11, 1886, 1-2. 4. Notes on some birds of Grand Manan. Oruith. Ool., 12, 1887, 151-152, 172-173, 179-180. 5. The black and yellow warbler at Grand Mauan. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 182-183. 6. Golden crested kinglet at Grand Manan. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 203-204. Andros, Frederic It'. A day among the ospreys. Ornith. Ool., 11, 1886, 133-135. 2. A list of the birds of Bristol county, Mass. Oruith. Ool., 12, 1887, 137-141. Andrusov, Nikolaj I[i OKpeCTHOCTflXl T. KepHII. [Note on geological investigations in the neighbourhood of Kertch.] New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., '.! (A'o. 1|, 1884, 15 pp. 2. Ueber das Auftreten der marin-mediterranen Schichten in der Kriui. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1884, 190- 194. 3. TeojioriiuecKia nsc.i-fe^oBaniK Ha Kep-ieii- CKOlfB no.iyocTpOBf. [Geological investigations in the Kertch peninsula.] New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 9 (No. 2), 1885, 1-199; 11 (No. 2), 1887, 69-147; 14 (No. 2), 1889, 59-129; Nature, 32, 1885, 580 [Part I]; Neues Jbuch. Mm., 1887 (Hd. 2, Ref.), 132-133 [Part II]; Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1890 (Proc.-Verb.), 82-83 [Part III]. 4. Ueber das Alter der unteren dunklen Schieferthone auf der Halbinsel Kertsch. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1885, 213-216. 5. Ueber zwei neue Isopodenformen aus neogenen Ablagerungen. Neues Jbucb. Min., 1886 (lid. 2), 155- 174. 6. Die Schichten von Kamyschburun und der Kalk- stein von Kertsch in der Krim. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 36, 1886, 127-140. 7. Eine fossile Acetabularia als gesteiubildender Organisnius. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887, 77-80. 8. Mediterranschichten in der Krim und am Kau- kasus. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887 (Not.), 76-78. 9. 0'iepKi iicTopin pasBHiia KacnificKaro MOpfl II CFO OullTaTC.ieil. [Skizze der Geschichte des Kaspischen Meeres und seiner Fauna.] [1888.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 24, 1889, 91-114; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1890 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 116-119. 10. Bin kurzer Bericht fiber die im Jahre 1887 im transkaspischen Gebiet ausgeluhrten geologischen Unter- suchuugen. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 38, 1889, 265-280. 11. Kep'iencKiii iiaBecTHHK'b i[ ero ({iayua. [Der Kalkstein aus Kertscb und seine Fauna.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 26, 1890, 193-344; Neues Jbuch. Mm., 1890 (Bd. 2, Kef.), 120-121. 12. 0 HCOSXOJIIIHOCTII rjiy6oKOBOJI,HMXT> li:u-- JltjipBaHin Bl. TIcplIOM1> MOpt. [Ueber die Nothwen- digkeit der Tiefseeuntersuchuugen im Schwarzen Mccn-.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 26, 1890, 171-185; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 52. 13. npej;BapnTC.ibHuri OT'IOTT. o6'i. yiacTiii B'h HcpHoiiopcKoii rjiyooM'hpHoil 3Kcne;umin 1890 r. [Vorliiunger Bericbt itber die naturwissen- schaftlicben Ergebnisse der Tiefseeuutersuchungen im Sohwarzen Meere.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Sue. Bull., 26, 1890, 398-409; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 52-53. 14. Die Schichten von Cap Tschauda. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 5, 1890, 66-76. is. BiorPorpa BOiipory » iiponcxoHtjieniii ct.po- BI, BO^ax'i, Mcpnaro MOpfl. [Quelques Andrusov] 11.3 [Anfrie resultats de 1'expedition de la Tchernomortza. Contri- bution a la question de 1'origine de 1'hydrogene sulfure des eaux de la mer Noire.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 28, 1892, 370-397; Montpellier, Soc. Lan- gued. Geogr. Bull., 16, 1893, 433-134. 17. Physical exploration of the Black Sea. [1892.] Geogr. Jl., 1, 1893, 49-51. 18. SaMiiaHm 0 CeMeftcTBt [Notes sur la famille de] Dreissensidae. New RUKS. Soc. Nat. Mem., 18 (No. 1), 1893, 69-94 ; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 13, 1895 (Suppl.), 33-34. 19. IIpo6.ieMH Jtaibntninaro nsyneHiH rlep- Haro Mopn it CTpant ero OKpyataromiixi. I. MpaMOpHOe Mope. [Problems of the further study of the Black Sea and the surrounding regions. I. Sea of Marmora.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 72, 1893 (Append. No. 3), 11 pp. 20. FeoTeKTOHiiKa EepiencKaro nojiyoc/rpoBa. [Die Geotektonik der Halbiusel Kertsch.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl., 16, 1893, 63-336; Neues Jbuch. Mm., 1896 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 435-437. 21. 06i> OJIHOMI MeTOfli onpej,f>.ieHifl CKO- pocTii OTJioHtenia ocaflKOB'L Ha ^nt, iiopeii. [A method of determining the rate of deposition of sediment at the bottom of seas.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 29, 1893, 437-440. 22. Eiuige Resultate der Tiefseeuntersuchungen im Schwarzen Meere. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 36, 1893, 373-393. 23. Sur I'e'tat du bassin de la mer Noire pendant 1'epoque Pliocene. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 437-448. 24. HpoOjiesm jjajibHtiiinaro nsyieHia Tepnaro Mopn ii CTpant ero OKpyacaromiixi.. II. 0 CtpOBO.HOpO.HHOM'b 6p03K6Hin Bt lIepHOM'b MOp'Ii. [Les problemes des e'tudes ulterieures de la mer Noire et des pays d'alentour. II. Sur la fermentation hydro- sult'ureuse dans les eaux de la mer Noire.] [1894.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 1, 1895, No. 1, 10 pp. ; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 14, 1896 (Suppl.), 51-52. 25. IIpejiBapiiTejibHbiii OTieTi o retuonniecKoii nofe.UK'B Bl PySIblHilO JliTOMl, 1893 r. [Rapport prealable sur une tournee geologique entreprise en Roumanie pendant I'e'te de 18'J3.] [1894.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 1, 1895, No. 4, 18 pp.; St. Petersb., Com. G£ol. Bull., 14, 1896 (Suppl), 1-2. 26. [0 pesyjibTaTaxi cBoeft note^Kii B-t Kapa6yrascKOMy sajiiiBy .liTOMi 1894 r. Ueber die Ergebnisse der Reise zum Karabugas im Sommer 1894.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 31, 1895, 220-221 ; Russ. Geol. Min. Aniiu., 1, 1896-97 (.SVc(. 2), 31. 27. Kurze Bemerkungen fiber einige Neogenablage- rungen Rumiiniens. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1895, 189-197. 28. Die siidrussischen Neogenablagerungen. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 34, 1896, 195-242; 30, 1899, 101-170. 29. Der Adschi-darja- oder Karabugas-Busen. Peter- mann, Mitth., 43. 1897, 25-34. 30. Eine Bemerkung fiber die stratigraphische Stel- lung der Helixschichten von Kertsch. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1897, 229. 31. 9Kcnejnu.i}i "CE.MHIIKA" Ha Mpaiiopuoe nope. [Expedition of SS. Seljanik to the Sea of Marmora.] [1896.] St. Petersb., Soc. Russe Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.}, 33, 1898 (No. 2), 153-171. 32. 3aMliiaHifl o Mioueni npiiKacniiicKiixi (Bemerkungen fiber das Miocan der kaspi- E. S. A. C. sohen Lander.) [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 18, 1900, 339-369 (Res. 362-369). 33. Ueber Ephipiellura symmetricum, Jar. Lorn- nicki. [1899.] Dorpat Sber., 'l2, 1901, 248-249. 34. Kritische Bemerkuugen fiber die Entstehuugs- hypothesen des Bosporus uud der Dardanelles [1900.] Dorpat Sber., 12, 1901. 378-400. 35. 0 .upeBHiixi. oeperoBMxt juniaxt Kacni- IICKaro MOpfl. Ueber die ehemaligen Uferlinien des Kaspischeu Meeres. [1900.] Russ. Geol. Min. Annu., 4, 1900-01 (Sect. I), 3-10. Andson, (Rep.) William. Meteorological [observations taken at Dumfries, 1886-98.] [1887-99.] Dumfr. Callow. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 14-18 ; 6, 1890, 28-32, 107-110, 203-207; 7, 1891, 51-54; 8, 1893, 41-46; 9, 1894, 32-36; 10, 1895, 39-45; 11, 1896, 84-89; 12,1897, 31-37; 13, 1898, 33-39; 14, 1898, 39-47; 15,1900, 45-51. 2. Observations of the temperature of the Nith and its estuary for the year ending 15th April, 1890. Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 6, 1890, 248-252. 3. Observations on the temperature of the River Dee and its estuary during the year [1889-90]. [1890.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 7, 1891, 6-8. 4. Mr. AITKEN'S theory of dew. [1891.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 8, 1893, 5-7. 5. Meteorological observations taken by Mr. ELLIOT at Warrnanbie. [1890.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 12, 1897, 130-132. Anelli, del pirrolo e dell' indolo. [1892.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 455-484 or 163-192 ; Gazz. Chirn. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 1-31. 16. Sull' azione degli acidi nitrico e nitroso sopra alcune sostanze organiche. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 325-340. 17. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra 1' isosafrolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 445-492. 18. Sulla conducibilita elettrica di alcuni acidi pirrolcarbonici ed iudolcarbonici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (,SV»i. 1), 160-169. 19. Azione dell' acido uitroso sopra i composti non saturi. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 25-31. 20. Sopra un nuovo passaggio dalla caufora all' acido canforico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 441-444 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 140-143 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 58-59. 21. liicerche sopra le sostanze che contengono il gruppo C2N,02. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Stm. l),~38"-4~4 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 417-425 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 527-530. 22. Nuovi studi sopra le sostanze che contengono il gruppo C..N..O.,. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 21-37. 23. Notizie diverse. [1. Sopra la trasformazione dei composti allilici nei propenilici. 2. Una nuova reazione dell' idrossilammina. 3. Reazione degli induli. 4. Azione del ciauogeno sopra 1" idrazina. 5. Distilla- zione nel vuoto di piccole quantita di liquid!.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 101-104. 24. Sopra 1' addizione dell' acido nitroso ai composti non saturi e sulla costituzione dei nitrositi. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 124-135. 25. Azione dell' acido jodico sull' acido malonico. L' acido trijodoacetico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 228-230; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 430-433; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 595-597. 26. Sopra i prodotti di ossidazione di alcune sostanze che contengono il gruppo C0N.,0.>. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 266-270 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pf. 1), 436-141 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 593-595. 27. Sopra qualche reazione dei composti a lacune. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 319-324. 28. Sulla costituzione dei nitrositi. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (.SVm. 1), 539-545. 29. Sopra uu modo di foruiazione del sale argentico Angeli] 115 [Angelini dell' acido azotidrieo. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sent. 1), 569-571 ; Gazz. Chiin. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 292-294. 30. Azioue dell' acido uitroso sopra le chetoammine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 23-30; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 345-354 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Her., 26, 1893, 1715-1719. 31. Ueber Diazoverbindungen. Deutsch.Natf. Verb.., 1894 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 103. 32. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra 1' amminocaufora. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 41-52, 317-325; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 453-459 [First inirt only]. 33. Sopra un nuovo rniscuglio esplosivo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 510-514; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 52-58. 34. Sopra le sostanze che eontengono gli anelli CnN20». Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (.sV/». 1), 590-596; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 59-67. 35. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra 1' amminouracile e sopra 1' amminoacetone. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 72-76. 36. Ueber die Verwandlung des Camphers in eiue isomere ungesattigte Verbindung. Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1127. 37. SulT azione dell' acido nitroso sopra la can- forossima. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 2), 255-259 ; 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 26-30. 38. Ueber die Eimvirkung des Hydroxylamins auf Nitrobenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1884- 1885. 39. Ueber das Nitrohydroxylamin. [Cf. No. 40.] Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 176. 40. Sopra la nitroidrossilammina. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 17-25. 41. Sopra la legge dell' eterificazioue di V. MEYER. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 1), 84-88. 42. Sull' azione del nitrato di etile sopra 1' idrossi- lammina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 1), 120-122. 43. Sopra 1' aeido nitroidrossilamminico. Bologna Rend., 1, 1897, 195-207; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Pt. 2), 357-367. 44. Sopra alcuni nitrocomposti uon saturi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 398-400; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 275-277. 45. Sopra i nitrochetoui e gli ortouitroderivati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 41-47; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 261-267. 46. Sopra i tetrazoni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Stm. 2), 180-183. Angeli, Angela, & Angelico, Francesco. Sopra alcuni nitroderivati aromatic!. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 28-32. 2. Sopra F acido nitroidrossilamminieo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 1), 593-595. 3. Sopra i /3-nitroindoli. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 268-283. 4. Sopra una reazione dei nitrosoderivati. Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 44-46. Angeli, Angela, & Bartolotti, Pietro. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra 1' isapiolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 493-509. Angeli, Angela, & Boeris, Gioranni. Intoruo all' influenza della dissociazione elettrolitiea sulla scornposizione del nitrito ammouico in soluzione acquosa. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 70-71; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 349-351. Angeli, Angela, ifc Chiussi, A. Azione dell' acido jodico Bull' acido levulinico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 277-2S7 ; Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2205-2208. Angeli, Angela, & Ciamician, Giacomo Luigi. Ueber die Oxydationsproducte gebrornterThiophene. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 74-7H. See also Ciamician & Angeli. Angeli, Angela, & Levi, Ernesto. Azione dell' acido jodico sopra 1' acido aeetondicarbonico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 366-369; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 97-100. Angeli, Angela. & Magnani, Francesco. Azione dei cloruri di zolfo sopra 1' aeetilacetone. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 342-364. Angeli, Angela, & Magnanini, Gaetano. See Magnanini & Angeli. Angeli, Angela, & Malagnini, Giovanni. Sopra la con- figurazione di alcune gliossime. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 37-43; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt.2), 131-145. Angeli, Angela, & Mole, P. Sopra il diisosafrolo e la cubebina.' Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 127-130. Angeli, Angela, & Rimini, Enrico. Azione dell' acido uitroso sopra alcuue ossime della serie della canfora. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 1), 406-410; 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 228-230; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1077-1078 [First part only] ; Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 1), 394-395 [Second part only]. 2. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra il safrolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 2), 188-213. 3. Sopra 1' esodiazoacetofeuoue. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 2), 494-497. 4. Sopra alcuni bromoderivati della serie della canfora. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 390-391 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 2), 162-164 ; Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 819-820. 5. Sopra il nitrosito dell' isosafrolo. [1895.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 1), 7-12. 6. Sull' azione dell' acido nitroso sopra la canforos- sima. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 34-45, 45-54, 517-521. Angeli, Angela, & Spica, Matteo. Sopra alcuni nitrosoin- doli. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. I), 218-220; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 500-503." Angelico, Francesco. Sopra le diossime della canfora. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 47-51. Angelico, Francesco, & Angeli, Angela. See Angeli & Angelico. Angelico, Francesco, & Montalbano, G[iuseppe]. Sopra le diossime della canfora. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 283-300. Angelico, Francesco, & Spica, Matteo. See Spica & Angelico. Angelillo, Michele. Tossine e fenomeni nervosi. Autoin- tossicazione da Bacterium coli con sintomi epilettiformi. [1895.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 10, 1897, 1-19. 2. Patogenesi dei fenomeni nervosi da autointossi- cazione. [1899.] Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 959-961. Angelini, Giovanni. 2. Nuova cattura in Toscana del- 1' Hirundo rufula, Temm. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 80-81. 3. Osservazioni sopra alcuni uccelli appartenenti alia sottofamiglia degli Emberizini. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 6, [1892], 37-69. 4. Avifauna sicula. Nota sulla quaglia tridattila (Turnix sylvatica). Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 1, 1892, 95-99. 5. Sulla permauenza invernale di alcune specie di uccelli in Sicilia. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 2, 1893, 15-18. 6. Alcune note sull' avifauna marchigiana. Roma, Soe. Studi Zool. Boll., 4, 1895, 75-78. 7. Contribute allo studio delle migrazioni ornitiche con osservazioni fatte specialmente attoruo allo Stretto di Messina. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 5, 1896, 21-29, 130-146, 177-193. 15—2 Angelini] 110 8. II Dendrocopus medius in provincia di Eoma. Eoma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 5, 1896, 100-101. 9. Osservazioni intorno alia Saxicola melanoleuca (Guld.), ed alia S. occidentalis, Salvad. Bourn, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 7, 1898, 50-51. 10. Notizie ed osservazioni intorno alia naturalizza- zione della Testudo nemoralis, Aldrov., in Sardegna. Eoma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 8, 1899, 50-52. 11. Anomalia di colorito in un' Anas boschas, Linn. Eoma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 8, 1899, 67-69. 12. Baritaornitiche catturate presso Eoma (Porphyrio etBruleus(I'uiid<'//i),Fuligulamarila(LiHH.), Anas boschas (Linn.)), [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 245-246. 13. Nidilicazione del falco grillaio (Cercbneis Nau- manni, Fleiscli., nel Eomano. [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 265-266. Angelini, Giovanni, & Carpegna, Guido Orazio Falconieri (conte) di. La Limicola platyrbyncha avvertita per la prima volta in provincia di Eoma. Eoma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 5, 1896, 97-99. 2. Seconda cattura di un piviere orientale (Charadrius fulvus) nei dintorm di Eoma. Eoma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 6, 1897, 125-127. Angelini, Sebastiano Luigi. Sulle variazioni di resistenza elettrica di flli di argeutana soggetti a trazione. Eiv. Sci.-Ind., 16, 1884, 241-250. 2. Della temperatnra dell' acqua della laguna con- frontata con quella dell' aria a Nord secondo le osserva- zioni fatte nel quadrienuio 1880-81-82-83 in Venezia. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, 2117-2145. 3. Sulla trasparenza e sul colore dell' acqua marina. Osservazioni fatte nella laguna di Veuezia e nel Golfo di Gaeta. [1895.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1895-96, «9-96. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioacchino de. Sopra uu giacimento di roccie vulcauiche nel territorio di Bocca S. Stefano (provincia di Eoma). Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 81-84. 2. Introduzione allo studio degli Antozoi fossili. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 129-132, 141-142; ' 13, 1893, 6-9, 25-28, 34-38, 60-64, 77-82. 3. I Zoantari fossili dei dintorni di Eoma. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 1-25. 4. II Ceratotrochus multispinosus, Michelotti, nei dintorni di Eoma. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 504-507. 5. Giacimenti elevati di Pliocene nella valle del- 1' Aniene. Borna, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 350-353. 6. I Corallari dei terreni Terziari dell' Italia setten- trionale. Collezione Micbelotti. Museo Geologico della E. Universita di Boma. [1893.] Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Mem., 1, 1894, 164-280. 7. II pozzo artesiano di Marigliano (1882). Studio geo-paleontologico. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 7, 1894, Mem. 7, 50 pp. 8. Sopra il primo fossile vegetale trovato negli schisti Carboniosi, Paleozoici dell' Elba orientale. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 13, 1894, 176-178. 9. Contribucion a la fauna Paleozoica de Cataluna. [Tr.] [1895.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 2, 1892-1900, [244]-[250]. 10. Antozoos y Briozoos de los depositos Pliocenicos de Cataluna y contribuei<5n 4 la fauna Paleoz6ica de dicha region. [ZV.] [1895.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 3, [? 1892-1900], No. 3, xlvii pp. 11. L' Elephas antiquus, Falc., nei dintorni di Laino-Borgo (provincia di Cosenza). Catania Ace. Gioeu. Bull., 39, 1895, 24-25. 12. I Corallari fossili del Carbonifero e del Devoniano della Caruia. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 14, 1895, 88-90. 13. Addizioni alia ittiofauna fossile del Mmiti- Titano. Eiv. Ital. Paleout., 1, 1895, 250-257. 14. Studio paleozoulogico. I CoralUuii fussili dei [Angelitti terreni Terziarii, collezione del Gabinetto di StoriaNat., B. Institute Tecnico di Udine. Appendice. Intorno ad una Hydrocorallina fossile. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 15, 1895, 20-22, 33-35, 43-46, 57-62, 81-86. 15. Contribuzione allo studio della fauna fossile Paleozoica delle Alpi Carniche. [1896-99.] Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Mem., 2, 1895, 242-274; 3, 1899, 4-32. 16. II Bhinoceros (Ccelodonta) etruscus, Falc., nella provincia romana. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 9, 1896, Mem. 2, 9 pp. 17. Appunti preliminari sulla geologia della valle dell' Aniene. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 423-426. 18. Sopra alcuni mammiferi fossili della valle del Po. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 29, 1896, 377-391. 19. II Trigonodon Oweui, E. Sism., e 1' Umbrina Pecchiolii ?, Lawl., nel Miocene di Sardegna. Biv. Ital. Paleont., 2, 1896, 100-101. 20. Breve relazione di una escursione a Monte S. Pietro (Iglesiente). [1897.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 566-570. 21. Geologia, paleontologia ed evoluzione. Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 17, 1897, 65-69, 95-99, 118-124. 22. I dintorni di Bapolano (Siena). Eoma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 113-121. 23. L" alta valle dell' Auieue. Studio geologico- geografico. [1898.] [Italia] Soe. Geogr. Mem., 7, 1897, 191-266. 24. Contribuzione allo stiidio paleontologico del- 1' alta valle dell' Aniene. [1898.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 16, 1897, 280-318. 25. Sulla probabile mancanza in Italia dell' Elephas primigenius, Slum. [1898.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 16, 1897, 324-330. 26. Nnovi fatti geologici nella provincia rornana. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 17, 1898, 199-200. 27. L' origine delle montagne. Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 18, 1898, 61-68, 93-100. 28. Los primeros Antozoos y Briozoos Mioceuieos recogidos en Cataluna. [Tr.] [1899.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 3, [71892-1900], No. 4, 31 pp. 29. II gen. Heliolites nel Devoniano delle Alpi Carniche italiane. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 18, 1899, 33-40. 30. Biunioue straordinaria della Societa Geologica Italiana tenuta alle Isole Eolie ed a Palermo 7-17 Aprile 1900. [Italia] Soe. Geol. Boll., 19, 1900, xli-lxxii. 31. I ciottoli esotici nel Miocene del Monte Deruta (Umbria). Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend. , 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 384-391. 32. L' origine dei ciottoli esotici nel Miocene del Monte Deruta (Umbria). Boma, E. Ace. Lincei Bend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 40-44. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioacchinn de, & Bonetti, Filippo. Mammiferi fossili dell' antico lago del Mercure (Calabria). Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 10, 1897, J/cm. 15, 42 pp. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioacchino de, & Cerulli-IreUi, Serajino. See Cerulli-Irelli A Angelis d' Ossat. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioacchino de, & Luzj, G. F. I fossili dello Sehlier di San Severino (Marche). [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 16, 1897, 01-68; 18, 1899, 63-64. Angelis d' Ossat, Giunccliinii de, & Neviani, Antonio. Corallarii e Briozoi Neogeuici di Sardegna. [1897.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 571-598. Angelis d' Ossat, Giunccliino de, & Verri, Antonio. See Vcrri A Angelis d' Ossat. Angelitti, Filippo, 6. Distanze zenitali circummeridiaue di alcune strlle principal! osservate nell' anno 1821 dal- 1' astionomo Carlo BitioscHi. Napoli, Ace. Poutan. Atti, 19, 1889 (I't. 2), 1-128. 6. Determinazioni assolute della declinazione mag- netica nrl K. Oss. rvulmio di Capodimonte eseguite |inrli anni 1888-911]. Napoli, Bend., 28, 1889, 198-204; Ang-elitti] 117 [Anglas 29, 1890, 135-139 ; 30, 1891, 177-181 ; 32, 1893, 218-220; 33, 1894, 224-226 ; 35, 1896, 344-346. 7. Sopra una modificazioiie al metodo detto di TALCOTT per determinare la latitudine geografica. Napoli, Kend., 29, 1890, 50-56. 8. Variazioui della decliuazioue inagnetica osservate nella R. Specola di Capodimonte [negli anni 1888-92]. Napoli, Rend., 29, 1890, 57-64, 217-226; 32, 1893, 49-56 ; 33, 1894, 24-31 ; 34, 1896, 304-311. 9. Nuova determiiiazione della latitudine del E. Osservatorio di Capodimonte mediante i passaggi di alcune stelle al priino verticale, osservati nell' anno 1889. [1892.] Astr. Naehr., 130, 1892, 429-434 ; Napoli Ace. Atti, 5, 1893, No. 7, 126 pp. 10. Deterniinazioni assolute della inclinazione inag- netica nel R. Osservatorio di Capodimonte, eseguite negli anni 1889, 1890 e 1891. Napoli, Rend., 31 1892 17-22. 11. Riassunti decadici e mensuali delle osservazioni meteoriche i'atte nel R. Osservatorio di Capodimonte, nell' anno 1891. Napoli, Rend., 31, 1892, 113-118. 12. Sulla connessione tra 1' eseursione diurna tlella declinazione magnetiua a Capodimonte e la frequenza delle macchie solari. Napoli, Rend., 32, 1893, 85-88. 13. Distauze zenitali circummeridiane del Sole osser- vate nell' anno 1821 dall' astronomo Carlo BRIOSCHI, alloro Direttore dell' Osservatorio di Capodimonte. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 24, 1894, i\*o. 13, 68 pp. 14. Sui triangoli sferici considerati nella loro massinm generalita. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 25 1895 Ac. 9, 24 pp. 15. Sulla data del viaggio dantesco desunta dai dati eronologici e confermata dalle osservazioui astronomiche riportate nella Commedia. Napoli, Ace. Poutan. Atti, 27, 1897, No. 7, 100 pp. ; 28, 1898, No. 17, 39 pp. 16. Formole e teoremi relativi all' ellissoide terrestre e calcolo nell' ellissoide di BESSEL di aleuui element! per la latitudine di Capodimonte. Napoli, Ace. Pontau. Atti, 28, 1898, Wo. 2, 124 pp. 17. Rettin'cazione di un arco di meridiano nel- F ellissoide terrestre. Napoli, Rend. , 37, 1898, 320-330, 338-343 ; 38, 1899, 107-121, 121-130, 177-187, 207-2:24. 18. Sulle principal! apparenze del pianeta Venere duraute dodici sue rivoluzioni siuodiche dal 1290 al 1309 e sugli accenni ad esse nelle opere di DANTE. [1900.] Palermo Ace. Atti, 6, 1902 (Set. Nat.), 24 pp. Angelitti, Filippo, A Rajna, Michnle. Determiuazione della differenza di longitudine tra Napoli e Milano mediante osservazioni fatte nel 1888 dal Professore Emanuele FEUOOLA e dal Dr. Michele RAJNA. Milano Oss. Brera Pubbl., 39, 1900, 138 pp. Angell, Frank. Untersuchungeu iiber die Sehatzung von Schallintensitaten nach der Methode der mittleren Abstufungen. Phil. Stud., 7, 1892, 414-468. 2. Discrimination of clangs for different intervals of time. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Psycho!., 12, 1900-01, 58-79. Angell, Frank, & Karwood, Henry. Experiments on discrimination of clangs for different intervals of time. [1899.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 11, 1899-1900, 67-79. Angell, G[?orale). [2Y.] Congr. Int. Med. C.R., 1900 (Vol. 12), 222-228. Angelvy, G. Voyage dans le bassin de la Rouvouma. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C.R., 1885, 373-376. Angerer, Carl. Die Fortsehritte der photographischen Reproductionstechmk. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 22, 1885, 448-455. Angerer, Leonh. Beitrag zur Laubmoosflora von Oberos- tfrreich. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 40, 1890, 297-300. Angermann, Klaudyusz. Kilka uwag o tworzeniu si§ gor. [Notes on the origin of mountains.] Kosmos (Lwow), 11, 1886, 194-208; 13, 1888, 1-16. 2. Studya geologicztie w okolicy Syuowodzka. [Geo- logical studies in the neighbourhood of Synowodzk.] Kosmos (Lwow), 11, 1886, 575-582. 3. Die Naphtafelder in Wietrzno. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., _ 39, 1889, 281-288. 4. Zr6dla naftowe w zak-tadzie kapielowym w Iwoniczu. [Petroleum wells at the baths of Iwonicz.] Kosmos (Lwow), 18, 1893, 284-289. 5. Naftowy pas B6brzecki ze stanowiska geologiczno- tektonicznego. [The petroleum zone of Bobrka from a geologico-tectonic point of view.] Kosmos (Lwow) 20, 1895, 201-211. 6. Pas naftowy w Potoku. [Petroleum zone at Potok.] Kosmos (Lwow), 23, 1899, 111-115. Angersbach, A. L. Der Felssturz im Konigenthale bei Rambach. Kassel Ver. Nat. Abh. u. Ber., 41, 1896, 40^48. Angersbach, Adam. Tertiarversteinerungen auf sekund- arer Lagerstiitte bei Rothenditmold. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 3ti & 37, 1891, 115-119. Angerstein, C. Der " sphygmographe a transmission" uud die normale Pulscurve. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thier- heilk., 15, 1889, 441-464. Angerstein, J. Acherontia Atropos. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1898, 101-103. Angbelescu, [Cunstaiitiii]. Etude de la temperature pendant 1'etherisation. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C.R.), 786-788. Anghelescu, [Comtantin], Chaput, [Hatry], & Lenoble, E. St'e Chaput, Angbelescu COCTaBf. COJI6H cojiflHbix'b osept Kacniilcitaro fiaccciina. Ueber Schwankungen im Bestande der Salze der Salzseen des Kaspi-Bassins. [1898.] Buss. Ge'ol. Min. Aunu., 3, 1898-99 (Sect. 1), 31-45 (Res. 43-45). Anisimov, I. ,yKca. [Bemerkung iiber den Fuchs'schen Grenzkreis.] [1H92.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 234-235; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 387. 5. Die elementare Ableitung des Additionstheorerns fiir die Weierstrass'sche Function (j)(w). (Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1893, 2.) Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 767. 6. Kt TBOpill KpIIBHX-b ABOiiHOH KpIIBIISHBI. [Zur Theorie der Curven doppelter Kriimmung.] [1894.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1895], 447-460. 7. KpaTKOH aaii-fcTKa 061, iiHTerpupyioineMt MHOJEiiTeii jiiij)4)epeHU,ia,iibHHxfi> ypaBHemB. [Sur le facteur integrant des equations differentielles.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Phys. Vhim.), No. 2, 2-3. 8. K-L Tcophi cncTeiiT, COBM'BCTHHX'B o6uKHO- BenHbixi, jiiepeHii,ia;ibHbix'i> ypaBiieHiil. [Sur la theorie des Equations differentielles ordinaires simul- tauees.] [1895.1 Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. K., Phys. Chim.), No. 3, 2-3. K. 8. A. C. 9. VpaBHiMiie PHKKATII ofimaro Birj,a. [Bic- CATI'S Gleichnng allgemeiuer Form.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (Mem.), 3, 1896, 33 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 256. 10. $oM [Ueber die Form der Integrale der Differentialgleichungen 111 it period ischen Coefficienten.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (Mini.), 3, 1896, 23 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 258. 11. Zur Theorie der unendlichen Producte. (Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 34 pp.) Fortschr. Math., 1897, 221. 12. 0 ciiocooaxi. iiHTerpiipoBaHiji ofiuKHOBen- ,i,]ii|K|>epenuiajibni.ixrb ypaBHeniu ir Hf>KOTO- npn.iOjKeniH cnocooa ,nii(l)4iepeHunpOBaHifl. [Sur les m^thodes d'integration des equations diff^ren- tielles ordinaires et quelques applications de la m^thode de differentiation.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 (Phys. Chim.), Fasc. 1, Mem. 1, 35 pp.; Math. Ann., 51, 1899, 181-195. is. 0 ihopMt. HHTerpajioBt ji.iiifi^epcHui ypaBHemfi CT, nepioxiiiecKniviii KCodf [Sur la forme des integrales des equations differentielles aux coefficients perioiliques.] [1896-97.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 (Plu/s. Chim.), Fasc. 2, Mem. 6. 14. 06i> OJ.HOII t]iopMy.T};, OTnocameBcH KI, onpe^'BJiHTCJiaMt, ii 061, ea iipiiiosKeHin KT> ieo- pin jiunefiHuxi jim^iepeHiiiajibHUXT, ypaBHeidri. [Sur une formule, relative aux determinants, et son application a la theorie des equations difi'erentielles Un^aires.] Varsovie Soe. Nat. Trav., 1897 (Phys. Chim.), Fasc. 3, Mem. 2, 16 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 263. 15. Zur Theorie der Curven doppelter Kriimmung. (Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 25 pp.) Fortschr. Math., 1898, 517. 16. 0 BBicoiaxt naiiCojibinaro ocBtmeniH jaii- IIMXTi II.IOin,ajI,eil. [Sur les hauteurs du maximum de 1'eclairement des aires donu^es.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (Phys. Chim.), 24 pp.; Bull. Sci. Math., 23, 1899, 261-276. 17. K/bTeopin ji.iHM^pMHiMbHbix'bypaBHeHifi. [Sur la theorie des equations differentielles.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (Phys. Chim., C. R.), No. 6, 2-3. IB. KT> Teopin jiiiHeiiHHX'b ,n;ii<|i(|)epenn,iajib- HblXli ypaBHeniil. [Sur la theorie des equations differentielles liueaires.] [1898.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 316-336. 19. Ki Bonpocy o (jiopMt iiHTerpaioB'b JUKJI- ijiepeHuia.ibHux'!) ypaBneiiift CT, nepioAnqecKnsin I(03(|)(j}imieiITaMII. [Zur Frage nach der Form der Integrale der Differentialgleichungen mit periodischen Coefficienten.] [1898.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 411-430; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 286-287. 20. Sur une formule uouvelle relative aux deter- minants et son application a la theorie des equations differentielles lineaires. Math. Ann., 51, 1899, 388-400. 21. 0 4>OpMt> IIHTerpajtOB-b OOHKHOBeHHBIX'b jUHlnfiepeHiiiajibHbix'b ypaBHemfi ci, nepioji,inec- KlIMII K08(j)())Kn;ieHTaMH. [Sur la forme des in- tegrales des equations differentielles ordinaires a co- efficients periodiques.] [1900.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 62-66. Anisits, Juan Daniel. Ujabb adatok a szerbtovis deia- merikai elfifordulasahoz. Weitere Beitrage zur Kennt- niss des Vorkommens von .Xantliium spinosum in Siid-Amerika. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1898, 145-151, (Rev.) 105. Anizan, J. Lignes artificielles de MM. DE BRANVILLE et ANIZAN. Lum. Elect., 40, 1891, 451-456. 16 Anizan] 122 [Anschiitz 2. Sur la mesure de la capacite des circuits tele- phouiques. Lum. Elect., 43, 1892, 601-604. 3. Le microphone Mercadier et Anizan. Eclairage Elect., 1, 1894, 677-680. •4. La telephonic a grande distance. Lum. Elect., 52, 1894, 424-427. 5. Tableaux-commutateurs telephoniques. Jl. Telegr., 24, 1900, 97-102. 6. Tableau-commutateur multiple de la Society des Etablissements Postel-Viuay. Jl. Telegr., 24, 1900, 169- 173. 7. Tableau-commutateur multiple a batterie ceutrale rle la Western Electric Co. Jl. Telegr., 24, 1900, 198- 202. Anjel, . 3. Experimentelles zur Pathologic und Therapie der cerebralen Neurasthenic. Arch. Psychiatr., 15, 1884, 618-632. Ankcrsmit, H[cndrik] J[an], & Pictet, Ame. 8r.e Pictet & Ankcrsmit. Anna, Enrico d\ Sulla spermatolisi nei Vertebrati. Eoma Lab. Anat. Norm. Eic., 3, 1893, 127-171. Amiable, Henry, & Young, George. Nee Young & Annable. Annacker, J. H. Butterrefractometer. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem. , 1893, 252. Annaheim, J[oseph]. 11. Ueber substituirte Naphty- lendiamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1371- 1374. Annan, ,T[ohn] G[rieg], Apparatus for the saponification of fats, oils, etc. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 51. Annandale, [Thomas'] Nelson. Notes on Orthoptera in the Siamese Malay states. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 75-77, 95-97. 2. The Siamese Malay states. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 16, 1900, 505-523. 3. Observations ou the habits and natural sur- roundings of insects made during the " Skeat Expedi- tion" to the Malay Peninsula, 1899-1900. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 837-869. 4. Note on the habits of Malayan Phasmidie, and of a flower-like beetle larva. [1900.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 14, 1902, 439-444. Annecssens, C'. 3. De 1'aseptol. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., Ill, 1885, 173-177. Armenkov, (It.-gen.) Jl/. N. Le chemin de fer transcaspien et les pays qu'il traverse. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1886, 127-135. 2. Cpe,T,n;ifl Asia H en iipnroAiiocTi. JIJIR BO^T,- Bopenifl Bi> nett pyccKoft Ko.iomisauiii. [Central Asia and its physical conditions in relation to Russian colonisation.] St. Petersb., HUBS. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 277-293; Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 11, 1890, 237- 254. Annequin, [Francois Blaise], Contribution a 1'c-tude des myopathies pseudo-hypertrophiques des membres in- ferieurs d'origine infectieuse, neurotique ou vasculaire, independantes des dystrophies congenitales. Arch. Med. Pharm.,Militiiires, 19, 1892, 99-112, 249-274. 2. Etude sur Fanevrysme arterio-veineux de 1'artere tibiale posterieure. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 21, 1893, 259-283. 3. Occlusion intestinale determined par le diverticule de MECKEL. Mort subite pendant le lavage de 1'estomac. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 28, 1896, 324-326. Annesley, [Francois Henry] A[rtliur]. Paraplegic suite de rougeole. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 8, 1886, 386- 388. Annett, II[enry] E[dward]. Boric acid and formalin as milk preservatives. [1899.] Liverpool, Thompson Yates Lab. Rep., 2, 1900, 57-67. 2. Tubercle bacilli in milk, butter, and margarine. Liverpool, Thompson Yates Lab. Rep., 2, 1900, 29-35. Annett, //[. nri/] E[dwurd], Ross, (Suririch\. Ein Bditrag zur Krnntniss der Wirkung drs Aliiininiuiii- cblorids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2SIIi-2817. 2. Uebertragnng der Seitenketten bei mit dem Benzol homologeu Kohlenwasserstoffen mittelst Alumiuiumchlo- rid. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber.. 18. 1885, 657-662. Anschutz, Richard, & Kekulc von Stradonitz, [Friedricli] Ananst. 3. Vrh< r einige zweckmiissige Apparate. Lie- big'a Ann., 228, 1886, 301-308. Anschutz, Richard, & Klein, Joseph. Ueber Tetraphenyl- athan verschiedener Herkunft. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1039-1041. Anschutz, Richard, & Blingemann, Felix. Ueber die Darstellung der Aconitsiiure aus Citronensaure. Berlin, Chun. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1953-1955. Anschutz, Richard, & Leather, John Walter. Ueber einige Derivate der Pipitzahoiusiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 715-717. 2. Pipitzahoic acid. Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 709- 735, [877]; Liebig's Ann., 237, 1887, 90-128. Anschutz, Richard, & Meyer, Peter. Ueber Amido- und Oxyphenanthrenchinon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1942-1944. Anschutz, Richard, & Meyerfeld, Julius. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Citraconanil. Liebig's Ann., 295, 1897, 56-66. Anschutz, Richard, & Blontfort, W. F. Ueber die Bildung der Phoronsaure aus Phoron. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 827-828, 1173. 2. Ueber die Synthese der u-Pheny]-/3-benzoylpro- pionsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 63-64. 3. Ueber die Umwandlung von Benzalacetophenon in a-Phenyl-/3-benzoylpropionsaure. Liebig's Ann., 284, 1895, 1-7. Anschutz, Richard, & Moore, George Dunning. Ueber die Einwirkung von Pbosphorpentaclilorid auf Salicyl- saure. Zweite Abhaudlung. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 314-333. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf m-Oxvbenzoe'sa'ure und p-Oxybenzoe'saure. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 333-349. Anschutz, Richard, & Farlato, Kmilio. Ueber den Dioxo- bernsteinsiiureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1975-1980. 2. Ueber den Oxomalonsiiureathylester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3014-3617. Anschutz, Richard, & Pauly, Hermann. Ueber den Abbau des Dioxobernsteinsaureesters zu Oxomalonsaureester und Oxalester durch Abspaltuug von Kohlenoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1304-1306. 2. Ueber isumere Osazone des Dioxobernsteinsaure- athylesters. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 64- 69. Anschutz, Richard, & Posth, W[ilhelm]. Ueber zwei cyclische Ester des Brenzcatechins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2751-2753. Anschutz, Richard, & Reitter, //[«».<]. Ueber das Dre- hungsvermogen der Links-Aepfelsiiureester. Ztschr. Pliysikal. Chem., 16, 1896, 493-496. Anschutz, Richard, it Keuter, Ferdinand. Ueber die Gottlieb-Michael'sche Itaconanilsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 958-959. 2. Ueber dii- Einwirkung von Anilin auf Citracon- siiure und auf Itaconsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 254, 1889, 129-149. Anschutz, Richard, & Romig, E[uiie»]. Ueber die Pro- dukte der Einwirkung von Alimiiniiimehlnrid auf Ae- thylidencblorid und Benzol, oiler Toluol, oder ro-Xylol. Berlin, Chem. ties. Ber., IK, 1886, 662-666. 2. Ueber die Nitrirungsprodukte des Diphenyliithans. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 935-936. 3. Ueber die Einwirkung von Salpetersaure auf das unsymmetrische Diphenyliithan. Liebig's Ann., 233, 1886, 327-351. Anschutz, Richard, it Schonfeld, F[ritz\. Ueber Alkyl- iixalt-iiurcn uinl die' Kinwirkung von Phosphorpenta- Anschiitz] 125 [Antaev cblorid auf Alkyloxalather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., Ill, 1886, 1442-1445. Anschiitz, Richard, & Schroder, [Emil Bruno Victor] Georg. Ueber die Molekulargrosse von Salicyliil und Homosalicylid. Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 97-101. 2. Ueber die Eiuwirkuug von Phosphorpentachlorid auf [rts-]-Dimethylsuccinanil, Dichlormaleinimid und Succinimid. Liebig's Ann., 295, 1897, 67-93. Anschiitz, Richard, & Sclmltz, Gustnv [Theodor August Uttu], 1. Ueber das Verbalten einiger prirnarer, aro- matischer Amine gegen Schwefel. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 22, 1889, 580-586. Anschiitz, Richard, & Schwickcratli, Karl. [Ueber aro- matische Glyoxalinverbindungen.] Ueber die Constitu- tion der Einwirkungsproducte von Thioharnstoft oder Rhodanaminonium und von Havnstoff auf Benzoin. Liebig's Ann., 284, 1895, 9-25. Anschiitz, Richard, & Selden, diaries C. Contributions to our knowledge of GLASER'S two monobrouicinnamic acids. Amer. Chem. Jl., 9 (1887), 379-385 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1382-1388. Anschiitz, Richard, & Stiepel, Julius. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Animoniak und Ammoniakbasen auf Di- chloroxalsauremethylester und Halborthooxalsaureme- thylester : Die " Diamidoester." Liebig's Ann., 306, 1899, 5-27. Anschiitz, Richard, & Stiepel, Kurl. Ueber Diamido- iither. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 00-62. Anschiitz, Richard, & Weyer, Heinricli. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Aniliu auf Arsenchloriir unil Arsenbromiir. Liebig's Ann., 261, 1891, 279-297. Anschiitz, Richard, & Wirtz, Quirin. Ueber die Zer- setzuug aromatischer Fumarsaureather dureh Hitze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1947-1949 ; Chem. Sac. Jl., 47, 1886, 899-901. 2. On the anilides of fumaric and maleic acids and on pheuylaspartic acid. Amer. Chem. Jl., 9 (1887), 235-252 ; Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 137-160 ; 240, 1887, 348. Anschiitz, Richard, Bendix, Paul, & Kerp, Wilhelm. Beitrage zur Keuntniss des Mesitenlaetons und der Iso- dehydracetsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 148-186. Anschiitz, Willy. Ueber den Diabetes mit Bronzefarbung der Haul, zugleich em Beitrag zur Lehre von der allge- meinen Hamoehrornatose uud der Pancreasschrumpfung. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 62, 1899, 411-485. Ansdell, Gerrard, & Dewar, James. On the gaseous constituents of meteorites. Roy. Soc. Proc., 40, 1886, 549-559. Ansel, Oito, & Pechmann, H[ans] von. See Fechmann A Ansel. Ansell, Harold W., & Young, Julian E. On the localisa- tion of a partial-earth fault in a submarine cable by fall of the fault's natural potential. Electrician, 22, 1889, 530-531. 2. Capacity measurements of cables. Electrician, 26, 1891, 652-653. Anselm, B. Ueber den Eisengehalt in der Milch. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 28, 1895, (123)-(127). Anselm, F\ritz\. Ueber Hydrouaphtalsiiiire. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 859-860. Anselm, F[ritz], & Zuckmayer, F[ritz], Ueber einige Derivate der Naphtalsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3283-3296, 4085. Anselm, Rudolph. Ueber die Eiseuausscheidung durch die Galle. Dorpat Pharm. Inst. Arb., 8, 1892, 51-107. Anselmi, Emanuele. Intorno alle sorgente tenuo-solfurea di Sermioue. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1890, 225-245. 2. Otto casi di pellagra, veriticatisi in una famiglia per 1' uso del mais guasto. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1892, 168-174. Anselmino, U[tto], & Auwers, Karl \Friedrich]. See Auwers A- Anselmino. Ansiaux, Georges. La moil pur le refroidissemeut. Con- tribution a 1'etude de la respiration et de la circulation. Brux., Ac. Bull., 17, 1889, 555-602 ; Arch, de Biol., 10, 1890, 151-186. 2. De 1'influence de la temperature extdrieure sur la production de ehaleur chez les animaux a sang chaud. Recherches de ealorimiHrie. Brux., Ac. Bull., 20, 1890, 594-614; Arch, de Biol., 11, 1891, 1-17. 3. Recherches critiques et experimentales sur le sphygmoscope de CHAUVEAO-MARKY et les manometres elastiques. Brux., Ac. Bull., 23, 1892, 377-405 ; Arch, de Biol., 12, 1892, 611-637. 4. Pseudo-diphterie a streptocoques ; broncho-pneu- monie ; mort. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 9, 1895, 82-87. Ansiaux, Georges, & Corin, Gabriel. See Corin & Ansiaux. Ansiaux, Georges, & Corin, Joseph. See Corin & Ansiaux. Anspach, Lui-ien. Note sur les transmissions par cables telodynamiques. Revue Univ. Mines, 15, 1884, 436-461, 634-647 ; 16, 1884, 72-166. 2. De la resistance des disques a rotation rapide. Revue Univ. Mines, 10, 1890, 264-301. 3. Le role de 1'eau dans les cylindrea a vapeur. [1891.] Revue Univ. Mines, 17, 1892, 1-83; 18, 1892, 229-265. 4. Detente Delville. Distribution par levier d'avance a bras variable. Revue Univ. Mines, 25, 1894, 347-352. 5. Theorio des pompes a vapeur. Revue Univ. Mines, 27, 1894, 221-284. 6. Etude de 1'effet des obliquites dans la de'tente Delville. Revue Univ. Mines, 30, 1895, 109-127. 7. Resolution graphique des problemes de flexion. Revue Univ. Mines, 32, 1895, 29-52. 8. Note sur la detente Delville. Revue Univ. Mines, 40, 189,7, 274-284. 9. Etude sur la stabilite des poutreseu treillis. Revue Univ. Mines, 50, 1900, 1-31. Antaev, S. N. Oot ypaBHeniaxt njiToR cxeneHii, paspimaeimx'B BT> paAiiKa.iax'h n o paMarae- TJ (P ~ 1) o MOCTH ypaBHenifl -^ — - -on cTeiiemi (npn p npocTOMt) OTT> ciiMMe'rpii'iecKoil ((tyHKuin AByxt Kopneii flaimaro ypaBiieiiin. [Ueber die durch Radi- cale auflosbaren Gleichungen fiinften Grades und iiber die Zerlegbarkeit der Gleicbung des Grades ^p (p - 1) (p gleich einer Primzahl), deren Wurzeln symmetrische Functionen zweier Wurzeln der gegebeueu Gleichuug sind.] [1894.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1895], 544- 574 ; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 156-157. 2. HsJiojKeme OCHOBHUXI, CBOHCTBT. ypaBHenia »-oli CTenenn Bt saBiiciiMOCTii on. cucTeMH n ypaBHeHift OTT. KopHeii ^aimaro ypaBneniH. [Ex- position des proprieties fondamentales de 1'equation du ?s-ieme degr4 dans leur rapport avec le systeme de n equations entre les racines de 1'equation donnee.] [1897- 1900.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 33-91 ; 21, [1901], 1-53; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 92; 1900, 94. 3. BajitTKa 061. iiHTerpiipoBaiiin ypaBHeniB c'i> 'lacTHtiMii npoii3BOji;uuMu nepBaro nopa^Ka. [Note sur 1'integration des equations aux d^riv^es par- tielles du premier ordre.] [1898.] Kec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 443^50 ; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 305. 4. IBaiiiTKa oTHOcinejibHO Teopemu : " ECJIII rjiynna 4>yHKn.iii ^ KopneR ypaBiienifl co^epaciiTT, Bt cent rpynny ^yuKuin , TO f MO/KCTT. CBITI. BHpa/Kena pauioHajibuoil $yHBii;ieB OTT. ." [Note sur le theoreme : "Si le groupe d'une fonction \f/ des Antaev] 126 [Anthony raeines d'une equation contient le groupe d'une fonction 0, la fonction \j/ peut etre represented comme fonction rationnelle de (/>."] [1898.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 472^184; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 70. Aiit.il Etigen. Ueber das Westphal-Piltz'sche sog. para- doxe Pupillenphanomen. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 149-155. Antal, Gfza. For biography see Termt. Kozlon., 22, 1890, 635; 31, 1899 (Suppl.), 104-110. A h.Myag kulonbozo bantalmainak cystoskopikus k£pei. [Cystoscopische Bilder der verschiedenen ASectionen der Harnblase.] [1887.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 6, 1888, 1-2. 2. Electro-aero-urethroskop. .[Electro-Aero-Urethro- skop.] [1887.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 6, 1888, 68-70; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 6, 1889, 10-13. Antelminclli. See Castracane degli Antelminelli. Antcqueda, Carlos. Instruccion para el conocimiento y uso del trigonotel&netro. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 45, 1898, 390-403 ; 46, 1898, 5-22. Antessanty, (I'ubbf) G[ubriel] d'. 2. Diagnose d'un Lygeide nouveau de Bretagne. Rev. But., 4, 1885, 112-113. 3. Quelques Hemipteres du Calvados. Eev. Ent., 5, 1886, 102-105. 4. Description d'un Lygeide nouveau de la Loire- Inferieure. Eev. Ent., 7, "l888, 383. Antheaume, A[ndrf], & Blouneyrat, A[ntoine]. Sur quelques localisations de la morphine dans 1'organisme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1475-1476. Anthoine, [Henri]. 2. Des proprie'te's chimiques et phy- siologiques d'un biohlorhydrate cristalline, derive^ de 1'essence d'Eucalyptus. Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 391-394. Anthony (le frere). *Aurore boreale du 27 mai, observee a Quebec. France Soc. Me'ttorol. Nouv. Me"teorol., 3, 1870, 209. Anthony, Alfred W. The Oregon jay. (Perisoreus ob- scurus.) Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 69. 2. Breeding habits of the rufous humming bird (Se- lasphorus rufus). Oruith. Ool., 9, 1884, 91-93. 3. The Oregon snowbird. (Junco oregouus.) Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 133. 4. Field notes on the birds of Washington county, Oregon. Auk, 3, 1886, 161-172. 5. Winter plumage of Leucosticte australis. Auk, 4, 1887, 257-258. 6. New birds from Lower California, Mexico. [1889.] California Ac. Proc., 2, 1890, 73-S2. 7. Nesting habits of the California brown pelican. (Pelecanus californicus.) [1889.] California Ac. Proc., 2, 1890, 83-85. 8. Occurrence of Phaethon ffithereus and capture of Scolecophagus carolinus in Lower California. California Ac. Proc., 2, 1890, 86. 9. Birds of south-western New Mexico. Auk, 9, 1892, 357-369. 10. Salpinctes obsoletus in Washington and Oregon. Auk, 10, 1893, 87. 11. Notes on the fauna of the dry regions. Science, 21, 1893, 105-106. 12. Notes on the genus Heleodytes, with a description of a new subspecies. Auk, 11, 1894, 210-214 ; 12, 1895, 280. 13. Oceanodroina Townsendi off San Diego, Cali- fornia. Auk, 11, 1894, 321-322. 14. Icterus parisorum in western San Diego county, California. Auk, 11, 1894, 327-328. 15. Owl notes. Science, 23, 1894, 64. 16. A new species of Thryothorus from the Pacific coast. Auk, 12, 1895, 51-52. 17. A new subspecies of Harporhynchus from Lower California. Auk, 12, 1895, 52-53, 418. 18. The fulmars of southern California. Auk, 12, 1895, 100-109. 19. Description of a new pipilo from southern and Lower California. Auk, 12, 1895, 109-112. 20. Birds of San Fernando, Lower California. Auk, 12, 1895, 134-143. 21. The Pacific kittiwake at San Diego, California. Auk, 12, 1895, 177. 22. An albino ruby-crowned kinglet. Auk, 12, 1895, 181. 23. Junco hyemalis Shufeldti in Lower California. Auk, 12, 1895, 183. 24. Probable occurrence of Creagrus furcatus off San Diego, California. Auk, 12, 1895, 291, 418. 25. New races of Colaptes and Passerella from the Pacific coast. Auk, 12, 1895, 347-349. 26. Oceanodroma socorroensis off San Diego, Cali- fornia. Auk, 12, 1895, 387. 27. The scaled partridge (Callipepla squamata) in Colorado. Auk, 12, 1895, 388. 28. The St. Lucas flycatcher in California. Auk, 12, 1895, 390. 29. A new subspecies of the genus Dryobates. Auk, 13, 1896, 31-34 ; 15, 1898, 54. 30. Puffinus tenuirostris, off San Diego, California. Auk, 13, 1896, 171-172. 31. Clangula hyemalis at San Diego, California. Auk, 13, 1896, 172. 32. The black-vented shearwater (Puffinus opistho- melas). Auk, 13, 1896, 223-228. 33. The roadrunner as a rat-killer. Auk, 13, 1896, 257-258. 34. New birds from the islands and peninsula of Lower California. Auk, 14, 1897, 164-168. 35. The nostrils of young cormorants. Auk, 14, 1897, 205. 36. The roadrunrier as a destroyer of caterpillars. Auk, 14, 1897, 217. 37. Two new birds from the Pacific coast of America. Auk, 15, 1898, 36-38. 38. Four sea-birds new to the fauna of North America. Auk, 15, 1898, 38-39. 39. Petrels of southern California. Auk, 15, 1898, 140-144. 40. The Pacific kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla pollicaris) in Lower California. Auk, 15, 1898, 267. 41. Avifauna of the Revilla Gigedo Islands. Auk, 15, 1898, 311-318. 42. Hybrid grouse. Auk, 16, 1899, 180-181. 43. Notes on the genus Micruria. Auk, 17, 1900, 168-169. 44. Nesting habits of the Pacific coast species of the genus Puffinus. Auk, 17, 1900, 247-252. Anthony, H. M., & Munro, ./. A. R. See Munro & Anthony. Anthony, John. 8. On drawing prisms. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 697-703. 9. Observation of opaque or quasi-opaque objects in the microscope. Micr. Soc. Jl., 6, 1886, 857-858. Anthony, John Gould. For biographical notice see Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 4, 1888, 111-112. Anthony, R[aoul Louis Ferdinand], Me'moire sur lea organes viseeraux d'un jeuue oraug-outan femelle. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 9, 1898, 246-270. 2. Considerations auatomiques sur la region sacro- caudale d'une chatte apparteuaut a la race dite "anoure" de 1'ile de Man. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1899, 303-310,. 3. Etude sur la polydactylie chez les Gallinaces (poulet domestique). Robin, Jl. Anat., 35, 1899, 711- 750. 4. A propos de la te'legonie. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull. & Mem., 1, 1900, 18-35. 5. Le muscle presternal: ses formes fibreuses rudi- mentaires, leur frequence chez 1'homme et leur presence chez certains animaux. Paris Soc. Authrop. Bull, ct Mem., 1, 1900, IHi;-.-)l I. Anthony] 127 [Antoine 6. Sur une chatte anoure de File de Man. [With discussion.] [1899.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901 41-50, xlix-lii. Anthony, B[aoul Louis Ferdinand], & Henriot, S. J. See Ilciiriot ,\ Anthony. Anthony, E[aniil Louis Ferdinand], A Salmon, J. Sur un cas de schistomelie cbez un jeune poulet (monstre double lambdoide). Robin, Jl. Anat., 36, 1900, 121-131. Anthony, William A. 4. Upon a generator in use at Cornell University for producing oxygen and hydrogen gas by means of the dynamo machine. Arner. Ass. Proc., 1884, 115-116. 5. Upon the increase of torsional elasticity of metallic wires. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1886, 117-118. 6. On a method of registering small variations of speed, and determining the absolute number of revolu- tions of an engine or other running machinery. Arner. Ass. Proc., 1886, 118-120. 7. Electrical measurements, especially as applied to commercial work. [1887.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 125, 1888, 56-72. 8. On economy in conductors and the limitations in the applicability of KELVIN'S law. Elect. Rev., 35, 1894, 611-613. 9. Polarization in the Zn -HoSOj cell. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 13«-140. Anthouard, A. F. S. d'. Madagascar. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1891, 273-278. Anthula, Dim. J. Neue Forschungen in den kaukasischen Landern. 1. Abtheilung. Ueber die Kreidefossilien des Kaukasus mil einern allgemeinen Ueberblick u'ber die Entwicklung der Sedinientiirbildungen des Kaukasus. [1899.] Beitr. Palaont. Oesterr.-Ung., 12, 1900, 53-159. Antinori, (marcheie) Orazio. For biography see [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 20, 1883, 488-507. 8. 'Viaggi [dell' autore e di] C. PIAGGIA nelP Africa Centrale. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 1, 1868, 91-165. 9. Viaggio uei Bogos. [Ponth.] [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll. ,24, 1887, 468-481,511-550, 614-640, 668-694, 765- 808. Antinori, (marchese) Orazio, Beccari, Odoardo, & Issel, Arturo. *Relazione sommavia del viaggio nel Mar Rosso. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 5, 1870 (Pt. 2), 43-60. Antinori, (marchese) Orazio (et alii). *Spedizione italiana nell' Africa equatoriale. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 13, 1876, 452-463, 575-602 ; 14, 1877, 293-298, 358-362 ; 15, 1878, 7-8, 65-71, 129-133, 328-333; 111, 1879, 109- 116, 347-431, 445-462, 517-518, 543-550, 603-605, 655- 663, 720-733; 17, 1880, 54-59, 118-122, 296-300, 400-403, 448-463; 18, 1881, 39-48, 100-102, 156-170, 282-328, 585-597, 690-726; 19, 1882, 174-182, 386-433, 523-531; [Italia] Soc. Geoyr. Mem., 1, 1878, 135-236. Antipa, Gr. Ueber die Beziehungen der Thymus zu den sog. Kiemenspaltorganen bei Selachiern. Auat. Anz., 7, 1892, 690-692. 2. Eine neue Art vou Drymonema. Jena. Ztsehr., 27, 1892, 337-343. 3. Die Lucernariden der Bremer Expedition nach Ostspitzbergen im Jahre 1889. Nebst Anhang iiber rudi- mentare Tentakel bei Lucernariden. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 6, 1892, 377-396. 4. Eine neue Staurorneduse (Capria Sturdzii, n. g. et n. sp.). [1893.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 10, 1891-93, 618-632. Antipov, I[van] A[leksandrovic], [0 Mai'HC3IITt, I! Byji(tteHiirb BI cepeopo-CBiiHiioBHxi u KaMeH- HoyrojibHtixi MicTopojK.a.eHiax'b j^EPBiisa n Pa.3AHU.EBa BT, CeMHITajiaTHHCKOfl OO.iaCTII. Ueber den Magnesit und Wulfeuit der Blei-, Silber- und KohleulagerstJitten von DEKWIS und RJASANZEV, Prov. Sernipalatiusk.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb.., 27, 1891, 447-448; Ztschr. Kryst., 22, 1894, 75. 2. [0 iipoojiemaTHiecKOMT, .noiucpnrB nst ropo.ua KapKapaJIH. Ueber den problematischen Dopplerit von Karkarala.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb.., 28, 1891, 503-504; Ztschr. Kryst., 23, 1894, 275. s. [0 ByjKJjeHHTij, peaaBrapi, ^HteMcoHiiTf,, iLiyjiooKynpiiT'li n 3JHIT1; JIST, cepe6po-cBiiHuo- BLIX'b STBCTOpOJKjeHil F. •I'OHT, ^EPBIISa II K". BT, CeMIinaJiaTHHCKOil OUJiaCTII. Ueber Wulfenit, Realgar, Jamesonit, Plumbocuprit und Ehlit der Blei- und Silbergrube des Herrn VON DEEWIS, Prov. Semi- palatinsk.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb.., 28, 1891, 527-528 ; Ztschr. Kryst., 23, 1894, 275-276. 4. 0 cojepjEamH -nujim BT, KOJi'ie,nant raji- MeilntixT, pyjuniKOBT, I],apeTBa Ilo.ibfiiaro. [On the thallium content in the pyrites of the calamine mines of Poland.] Russ. Pliys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Cliem.), 1896, 384-387; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16, 1896, 1756-1757. 5. [0 JIOHXIIJtirrfe H3T, OjIbKyuia. Ueber Lon- chidit von Olkusch.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 34, 1896 (Prot.), 24; Ztschr. Kryst., 30, 1899, 388; 31, 1899, 650. 6. AnajiiiTHHecKoe nscjitjioBaHie cocTasa jtByxi MeTCOpIITOBl. [Recherches chimiques sur deux me- teorites.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, 91-103; Ztschr. Kryst., 32, 1900, 426-427. 7. [0 6yKjianji,iiTii list AxiiaTOBCKofi Konii. Ueber den Bucklandit von Achmatowsk.] St. Petei'sb. Min. Ges. Verh., 37, 1899 (Prot.), 45-48; Ztschr. Kryst., 34, 1901, 699. 8. [0 HOBOJII, M-fcciopomji,eHiii ypaHOBoii C.IKJI.H BT, Pocciii ii ooi> ecTecTBenHoii OKIICII n,iiHKa BI O.IbKyniCKIIXT. pyjUIIKaxi. Ueber eine neue Lager- stiitte des Urauglimmers und iiber natiirliches Ziukoxyd aus den Gruben von Olkusch.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 38, 1900 (Prut.), 38-42 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1902 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 365-366. Antisell, Thomas. For biographical notice and works see Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 13, 1900, 367-370. 6. *The currents of the Pacific Ocean. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 15 (1883), 101-132. Antoine, [Louis] Charles. 13. De la densite et de la cornpressibilite des gaz et des vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 863-864. 14. Volume, chaleur totale, chaleur specitique des vapeurs saturees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1242- 1243. 15. Variation de temperature d'un gaz ou d'une vapeur qui se comprime ou se dilate, en conservant la nieme quantite de chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1242-1244. 16. Sur les variations de temperature des gaz et des vapeurs qui conservent la nieme quautite de chaleur, sous des tensions differentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 57-60. 17. Variation de temperature d'une vapeur com- primee ou dilatee, en conservant la meme chaleur totale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 116-117. 18. Tensions des vapeurs : nouvelle relation entre les tensions et les temperatures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 107, 1888, 681-684. 19. Calcul des tensions de diverses vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 778-780. 20. Tensions de diverses vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 836-837. 21. Volumes des vapeurs saturees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 1143-1145. 22. Dilatation et compression de 1'air atmospherique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 141-143. Antoinel [Anton 23. Dilatation et compression de 1'acide carbonique. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 108, 1889, 896-898. 24. Clialeur specifique de la vapeur d'eau sous volume constant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 3116- 369. 25. Calcul de la compressibilite de 1'azote jusqu'a 3000'"™. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1890, 131-133. 26. Caleul de la compressibilite' de l'air jusqu'a 3000utm. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 335-336. 27. Relation entre le volume, la pression et la tem- perature de diverses vapours. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 110, 1890, 632-635. 28. Sur 1'equation caracteristique de 1'azote. Paris, Ac. Sci. ,C. E., 110, 1890, 1122-1125. 29. Equation caracteristique de 1'hydrogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1890, 1253-1255. 30. Tensions des vapeurs. Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 281-288. 31. Note compiernentaire sur 1'equation caracteris- tique des gaz et des vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 284-286. 32. Sur la tension de la vapeur d'eau jusqu'a 200 atmospheres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 328-331. 33. Chaleur totale des vapeurs. Ann. Ghiin. , 26, 1892, 426-432. 34. Sur 1'equation earacteristique de la vapeur d'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 162-163. 35. Sur 1'equation caracteristique de diverses vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1177-1180. 36. Sur la tension de la vapeur d'eau sature'e. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 870-872. Antoine, Ernest. [Des considerations sur les differences de marche des ehronometres en rner.] Congr. Int. Chronom., 1889, 10-11. 2. Rapport sur la question : construction des pieces chronometriques. Regulateurs astronomiques, chrono- metres de marine, chronometres de poche et instruments chronometriques divers. Horlogerie civile et rnonu- mentale. Precedes mecaniques de construction. Con- ditions economiques et industrielles de la fabrication. Cougr. Int. Chronom., 1889, 43-58. 3. Vitesse angulaire du balancier, enprenages a bas- cule, rayon de giration d'un balaueier circulaire, variations de marche de chronometres. Cougr. Int. Chronom., 1900, 208-211. Antoine, Franz. For biography and works see Gard. Chron., 25, 1886, 406 ; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 112 ; Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 23, 1886, 249. Antokonenko, G. L. 06t 11311'tneHilI M0p0jloniliec- Karn eocxaBa KpOBii 11 KOC'raaro MoaraTpyfiMaTuxi) Kocreft noj.i> BJiiaHiejn, 60.1 tin IIXT> KpoBony- CKaHift. Sur les alterations anatomiques du sang et de la moelle des os longs sons 1'influence des fortes saiguees. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 2, 1893, 516-577. Antolik, Kiiroly. 8. Les figures electriques. Lum. Elect., 11, 1884, 310-315. 9. A gyuriicsoves higany-h$gszivattyu. [Ueber eine ringformige Quecksilber-Luftpumpe.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 3, 1885, 135-139; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 3 (1884-86), 40-43. 10. A hangattetellel eloidezett haugidomokrdl kifesz- Stett rezgo hartyakon es iiveglemezeken. [Ueber Klangfiguren, die auf gespannten Membranen und auf Glasplatten mittels Tonvibertragung, hervorgerufen wer- den.] [1890.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Termt.), 20, 1891, No. 4, 31 pp. ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 8, 1891, 285-325. Antomari, X[nvier]. 4. Sur le produit de deux sonimes de huit carres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 566-567. S. Sur une propri^te caracteristique des lignes gro- desiques d'un cone. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 17, 1889, 118-124. 6. Kemarques sur 1'integration des equations aux derivees partielles. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 19, 1891, 154-158. 7. Sur les surfaces reglees applicables avec paralieiisme des generatrices. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 58- 63. 8. Sur les conditions qui expriment qu'une equation algebrique de degre HI n'a que p racines distinctes (/>C'TIIO CT) K11PMIICBHMII 0]iy,1,iHM II (cTOflllKa IiaJieo.lIITIIieCKaro BlieilCHIl). [Ueber den Fund von Mammuth - Knochen zusatumen mit Flintstein- Werkzeugen in Kiew (Haltestelle der palffiolithischen Zeit).] [1893.] Kiev Soe. Nat. Mem., 14 (1), 1895, viii-ix ; Russ. Geol. Min. Annu., 1, 1896-97 (Sect. 2), 157-158. Antony, A. Sulla struttura e sulla funzione degli stomi nelle appendici del perianzio e nelle antere. [Italia] Soo. Bot. Bull., 1898, 170-178. Antony, F[rederic] J[aci/i«'s]. 3. Relation d'une epidemic de scarlatine a rechutes. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 3, 1884,^59-73. 4. Etude pratique de 1'alinientatiou dans les corps de troupe. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 4, 1884, 349- 369. 5. De 1'antipyrine dans les form UK continues de 1'intoxication rnalarienne. Arch. M«] Ubnldo, & Sestini, Qitirino. Solfuro inei- curosn Hg2S. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 193-198. Antony, [Pio] Ubaldo, & Tun, Gino. Azione del cloruro mercuroso sul cloruro argentico, in presenza di am- moniaca. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 231-237. Antraigues, E. Memoire sur la construction du pout de Saint-Pierre. Ann. Conduct. Fonts et Chauss., 32, 1888, 481-41)2, 508-517, 536-547, 565-573. Antrick, Otto. Ueber Benzylindol. Liebig's Ann., 227, 1885, 360-365. 2. Ueber einige Verbindungen des Diacetoniuiiins mit Aldehyden. Liebig's Ann., 227, 1885, 365-383. 3. Das optische Verhalten des Coca'ins und eine Methode zur Priifung seines salzsauren Salzes auf Reiuheit. Berlin, Cheru. Ges. Her., 20, 1887, 310-322. 4. /ur Priifung des Cocai'iichlorhydrats auf Reinlieit. Ztschr. Chem. Ind., 1, 1887, 611-70. Antrick, Otto, A Knorr, Liidiriii. ,S'cc Knorr A Antrick. AntrobuB, .'. <'inio-.ne4>opMiipo- BaHHHXi, 'tepenaxt, Hai1;i.eHHHX'i> BI> npealuaxi Poccill. [On ancient artificially deformed skulls found within the boundaries of Russia.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (A'o. 4), 1887, 367-414; Rev. d'Anthrop., 3, 1888, 375-376. 8. Ueher die Reste des Hohlen-Baren [und des Menschen] aus Transkaukasien. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 216-221, 374-377; Mater. Hist. Homme, 21, 1887, 215-220 [First part only] 9. HcuoiiaeHui! oBuenuKi.. TTo iioBO^y 'lepena IICKOnaCMarO OBUCftuKa (Ovibos fossilis, Rill.) C'l, OeperoBt .Icnn, mixojunnaroi'H BI, Hoojionpiec- KOMI Myse'J; MocEOBcaaro yHHBepcHTeia. [Ovi- hos fossilis. With reference to a skull of the same from the banks of the Lena in the Zoological Museum of Moscow University.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 67 (No. 3), 1890, 40-49. 10. Sur les restes de 1'Ursus spelfeus et de 1'Ovibos fossilis trouves en Russie. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892 (1), 241-248. 11. Sur les cranes anciens, artificiellement deformed, trouves en Russie. Cougr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892 (1), 263-268. 12. Quelques donnees pour la craniologie de la popu- lation actuelle du gouvernement de Moscou. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R. , 1892 (2), 279-286. 13. [Uebersicht iiber die wissenschaftliche Littcratnr zur Lsinderkunde des europiiischen Russlands.] Geogr. Jbuch., 17, 1894, 238-260, 299-308. 14. [Geographische Erforschuugen in] Russisch- Asien. Geogr. Jbuch., 18, 1895, 316-332; 20, 1898, 409-424. 15. 0 H'EKOTOpHX'L HBJieHijtX'I, HOBt.illUeil aHTponOJIOriI4eCKOit .THiepaiypM. [On some pub- lications of recent anthropological literature.] [1894.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 90, 1897, 475-477. 16. ^ejtoBf.KoiioflofiHtjfi lepem, ci> ocipoBa }!BH (Pithecanthropus erectus). [Skull of an anthro- poid ape from Java.] [1896.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 90, 1897, 497-498. Anwandter, C. *Klima und Witterungsverhiiltnisse von Valdivia in Chili. Ann. der Hydrogr., 4 (1876), 341- 345. Anz, Walter. Tschifu undUnigehung. Petermann, Mitth., 46, 1900, 191-192. 2. Dureh die Halbinsel Schantung von Tschifu nach Tsingtau, 1. bis 6. Marz 1899. Petermann, Mitth., id, 1900, 273-277. [Apathy Anzi, Martina. For biographical notice see Notarisia, 7, 1892. 1450-1456. Anzinger, Franz. Die Gartengrasmiicke als Stubenvogel und ihre Behandlung. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 75, 88-89. 2. Das Rothkehlchen in seiner Bedeutung als Sing- vogel. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 121-122. 3. Geht der Gesang der schwarzkopfigen Grasmiicke (Sylvia atricapilla) im Allgemeinen zuriick oder darf die Verschlechternng ihres Gesanges nur eine statiouare genannt werden? Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 167-168. 4. Singt oder schliist unsere Singdrossel (Tnrdus musicus)? Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893. 186-187. 5. (ieschmacksrichtungen in der Vogelgesangskunde. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 19, 1895, 11-14. 6. Unsere Raubvogel und ihre Erkennungszeichen. Wien Oruith. Ver. Mitth., 19, 1895, 145-151. 7. Die Blaudrossel (Montieola cyana, L.) als Stuben- vogel. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 20, 1896, 29-31. 8. Variatiouen in der Irisfarbung bei Parus cristatus, L. Ornith. Jbuch., 8, 1897, 145-147. 9. (iesangliche Leistungeu verschiedener Vogelai'ten in Tirol. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 21, 1897, 87-93. Anzinger, Fran:, A Dalla Torre, K[arl] W[illielm] I'on. See Dalla Torre & Anzinger. Aoyama, Chi'ibei. On the amber in North Germany. [Jap.] Tokyo Geol. Soc., Geol. Mag., 3, [1896], 231 (M«)-235. Aoyama, Clu'bei, A Ishihara, HatfUta.ro. See Ishihara & Aoyama. Aoyama, T[anemie!ii]. Pathologische Mittheilungen. [I. Indirecte Kerntheilungin verschiedeneu Neubildungen. II. Vorkomracn von den Corpora amylacea iihnlichen Substanzeu in einem Brustkrehs.] Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886, 5118-578. 2. Die Pest. [1899.] Deutsch. Ges. Ostasien. Mitth., 8, 1899-1902, 211-220. Apathy, Istvtin = Stefan. Tamilmany a najadeak szovet- tanardl. [Studien zur Histologie der Najaden.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Termt.), 14, 1885, No. 8, 121 pp. ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 3 (1884-85), 109-110. 2. A sima izomzat gyarapodasa es p6tI6dasa. [Die Vermehrung und Wiederersetzung der glatten Muskula- tur.] [1885.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Termt.), 15, 1886, No. 15, 1-24; 'Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 3 (1884- 86), 68. 3. Methode zur Verfertigung langerer Schnittserien mit Celloidin. [1887.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 7, 1886-87, 742-748. 4. Studien iiber die Histologie der Najaden. [1887.] Biol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, 621-630. 5. Systeniatische Streiflichter. [I. Marine Hirudi- neen.] Arch. Naturg., 54, 1888 (Bel. 1), 43-61. 6. Analyse der ausseren Korperform der Hirudineen. [1888-89.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 8, 1888, 153-232 ; Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Termt.), 19, 1890, No. 3, 87pp. 7. Siisswasser-Hirudineen. Ein systematischer Essay. [1888-89.] Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 3, 1888, 725-794 ; Math. Termt. Kozlem., 23, 1890, 303-373. 8. Nachtrage zur Celloidiutechuik. Ztschr. Wiss. Miki-., 5, 1888, 45-19. 9. A pi6czak fejliidestanara vonatkozd vizsgalataim- rol. [Embryologische Untersuchungen in Bezug aiif die Hirudineen.] [1888.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 7,1889, G5-76. 10. A magyaror.szagi h<5vvizek pioczairol. [Ueber die Hirudineen der ungarliindischen Thermen.] [1888-91.] Termt. Kiizlon., 21, 1889, 34; 23. 1891 (Suppl.), 121-128; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungnrn, 7, 1890, 472 [First part only]. 11. Notiz iiber die Riugelung von Piscicola. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 649-652. 12. Ueber das Kriechen von Hirudo und Aulastoma. Zool. Jliiifh. (.syt.). 4, 1889, 267-26^. 17—2 Apathy] is-: [Apgar 13. Mikrotechnische Mittheilungen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 6, 1889, 164-172. 14. Bemerkungeu iiber die Celloidin-Einbettuugs- methode von Arwid FLOHMAN. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 6, 1889, 301-303. 15. Nach welcber liichtung bin soil die Nervenlehre reformiertwerden? (HistologischesundHistogenetisches.) [1889.] Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 527-538, 600-608, 625- 648. 16. Pseudobranchellion ruargoi (nova familia Hiru- dinearum). Orvos-Terrnt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1890, 110-113, 122-127. 17. Az izom- 6s idegrostok primitiv fibrillumair61 s a protoplasma-szerkezetrol atalaban. [Ueber die "Langs- librillarwabige Structur" uud iiber Protoplasma-Struc- turen im Allgemeineu.] Orvos-Terint. Ertes. (Ttrmt. Szak), 1890, 305-310, 353-356. 18. A szovettani modszerekrol. [On histological methods.] Termt. Kiizlon., 22, 1890 (Suppl.), 19-32". 19. Die Lang'schen leeren Einge, besonders bei Hirudo medicinalis. Zool. Anz.. 13, 1890, 320-322, 351. 20. Ueber die " Schaumatruktur " hauptsa chlicb bti Muskel- und Nervent'aseru. Biol. Centrbl., 11, 1891, 78-87, 127-128. 21. Az eg}sejtii allatok a tobbsejtuek szempontjabol. Die einzelligen Lebewesen als Bildner der Metazoen. Zoologische Vorlesungen. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1891, 13-40, 84, 93-114, 223-254; 1892, 1-46. 22. Keimstreit'en und Mesoblaststreifen bei Hirudi- ueeu. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 388-393, 436. 23. Pleurosigma angulatum und das Lendl'sche Mikroskop. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 8, 1891, 433-450. 24. Kritisebe Bemerkuugen iiber das Frenzel'sche Mesozoon Salinella. Eine biologiscbe Skizze. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 108-123. 25. Contractile und leitende Primitivtibrillen. [1892.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 10, 1891-93, 355-375. 26. Erfahrungen in der Behandluug des Nerveu- systems fiir histologische Zwecke. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 9, 1892, 15-37, 466-467. 27. Ueber die Muskelfasern von Ascaris, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die von Lumbricus und Hirudo. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 10, 1893, 36-73, 319-361. 28. Das leitende Element in den Muskelfasern von Ascaris. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 43, 1894, 886-911. 29. Ueber das leitende Element des Nervensystems und seine Lagebeziehungen zu den Zelleu bei Wirbel- thieren und Wirbellosen. Gongr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1896, 132-136. 30. Das leiteude Element des Nervensystems und seine topographischen Beziebungeu zu den Zellen. Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 12, 1897, 495-748. 31. Az orvosi pi6cza nyakmirigyenek alkotasa es miikodese. (Tekintettel a mirigyvaladek klinikai hasz- milatara. ) Beschaffenheit und Function der Halsdriisen von Hirudo medicinalis, L. (Mit Kucksicht auf die klinische Verwertbung ihres Extractes.) Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (On: Szak), 1897, 206-220, (Her.) 37-77; Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 218-229. 32. A kestartb szereperol a mikrotomiabau, kapcsolat- ban egy lij fajtanak leirasaval. Ueber die Bedeutung des Messerhalters in der Mikrotomie. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1897, 32-53, 244, (Rev.) 11-48, 208-209; Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 157-174, 332-333. 33. [A centrosomak szereperol. Ueber die Bedeutung der Centrosoraen.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Tcnut. Szak), 1897, 81, (Rev.) 61-62. 34. [branchellion es Brancbiobdella petefeszki petei. Ovarialeier yon Branchellion und Branchiobdella.] Or- vos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. ,S'cuA-), 1897, 81, (Rev.) 62. 35. Bemerkungen zu GARHOWSKI'S Darstcllung [der Lehre des Autoren| von den leitendcn Nerveneletuenten. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 704-713. 36. Ueber Neufibrillen uud iiber ihre nervos leitende Natur. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc., 1898, 125-141. 37. Him partheniogenesisrfil. rUeber die mannliche Partheniogenese. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Sziik), 1899, H7, (Rep.) 17-18. 38. [Mikroskopische Praparate iiber postembryonale Vermebrung und Wachstuni der Neurofibrillen.] Anat. Anz., 18, 1900 (Anat. Grx. I'tr/i.), 211-213. Apel, [Ilcrthuld], & Tietjens, [Louis]. See Tietjens & Apel. Apel, M[a.r], & Tollens, Ii[rrnhriril Christian Gottfried]. Ueber mittels Formaldehyd aus Aldehyden und Ketonen Kynthetiseh gewonneue mehrwerthige Alkohole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1087-1090. 2. Ueber das Pentaglycol, einen aus Formaldehyd und Isobutyraldehyd syntbetisch hergestellten zweiwerthigen Alkohol. [1895.]' Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 36-46. 3. Ueber den Anhydro-ennea-heptit aus Formaldehyd und Aceton. [1895.] Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 46-51. 4. Ueber das Pentaerythrit-di-benzal. Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 34-35. Apel, M[,t.c], A Witt, Otto N[iko!iius]. Ueber die Con- densation von Formaldehyd mit Anhydro-ennea-heptit. Liebig's Ann., 290, 1896, 153-l.Vi. Apel, [Otto Tlii'inliir] 1l'[ithflm]. Beitrag zur Anatomie und Histologie des Priapulus caudatus (Lam.), und des Halicrvptus spinulosus (r. Sieb.). Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 42, 1885, 459-529. Apert, K[ugene]. Taches pigmentaires iutestinales con- stituees par de la rubigine (purpura intestinal en trans- formation pigmentaire). Palis, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 864-865. 2. Etude auatorno-pathologique d'un cas de tubercu- lose p«5ritoneo-pleurale subaigue. Arch. Med. Exp^r., 10, 1898, 476-482. 3. Le tetragene dans les angines. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 137-139. Apert, ]-:[uiieiu>], & Charrier, l'[,nil R,ih,-rt]. S,-e Chanier & Apert. Apert, E[niiriif], it Gandy, Cli[arles]. Epilepsie jackson- uienue ; tumeur eerebrale de diagnostic dillicile, probable- men t parasitaire. Arch. Gen. Mod., 185, 1900, 581-595. Apery, 7J[iVnv]. 2. [Nouveau reactif de 1'aloes, le per- chlorure de t'er.] Paris Soc. Chirn. Bull., 15, 1896, 979- 980. Apetz, Ileiiirifli, it Hell, Curl [Mutants]. Einwirkung der Salpetersaiire auf Aldehyde uud Ketoue, insbesondere auf Dimethylketon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 933-946. Apetz, Rfinliohl. Ueber die pathologische Bedeutung des NonneugeriiuKch.es fiir aniimische Zustaude. Virchow, Arch., 107, 1887, 419-433. Apfelbeck, Victor. Ein neuer Geotrupes aus Bosnien. Zurich Soc. Ent., 4, [1890], 167. 2. Changements de forme chez les Coleopteres des regie ins alpines. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, 79-80. 3. Sur la faime coleopterologique des caverues de la Bosuie-Herz^goviue. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cxevi-cxcix. 4. Sur la faune des cavernes de Bosnie et d'Herzego- vine. Spelunca, Paris, 1895, 23-24. 5. Zur Kenntuiss der Verwandtschaftsgruppe des Otiorrhynchus signatipennis, Nflil'mh. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 371-373. 6. Ein neuer augniloscr Tapinopterus (Coleopt. ) aus der Herzegowina. Enl. Nachr., 25, 1899, 147-148. 7. Neuij l'olc-n]iti'ii'ii vein der Balkan-Halbinsel. Ent. Nnclir., 25, 1899, 28!)- 2!)'.'. Apgar, Austin ('[en/;/]. Binocular vision of lateral-eyed fishes. |1HM6.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 1, 1886-88, 6-8. 2. A new variety ifiant 1 'equation du potentiel AF=0. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1439-1442; Liouville, Jl. Math., 3, 1887, 5-52. 77. Sur le mouvement d'un fil dans un plan fixe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 991-993. 78. Sur les fonctions abeliennes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1246-1248. 79. Quelques remarques sur la theorie des potentiels multiformes. Math. Ann., 30, 1887, 155-150. 80. Sur les polynumes qui expriment !a somme des puissances j>"«™es ,jes „ premiers nombreseu tiers. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 312-321. 81. Sur les valeurs approche.es des polynumes de BERNOULLI. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 547-554. 82. Sur les equations differeutielles algebriques et homogeues par rapport a la fonction inconnue et a sea derivees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1770-1779. 83. Sur les invariants des equations differentielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ida, 1887, 55-58. 84. M^moire sur les deblais et les remblais des sys- temes continus ou discontiuus. Paris, Mem. Savants Etrang., 29, 1887, No. 3, 208 pp. 85. Sur 1'equilibre d'un til flexible et inextensible. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ami., 1, 1887, B, 5 pp. 86. Surfaces telles que 1'origine se projette sur chaque normale au milieu des centres de courbure principaux. Amer. Jl. Math., 10, 1888, 175-18H. 87. Sur une classe d'equatious differentielles reduc- tibles aux equations lineaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 776-778. 88. Sur des equations liueaires integrables a 1'aide de la fonction Xm(x< '!/)• Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 5, 1888, 211-218. 89. Sur le mouvement d'un til dans un plan fixe. Acta Math., 12, 1889, 1-50. 90. Sur les invariants de quelques equations differen- tielles. Liouville, Jl. Math., 5, 1889, 361-423. 91. Sur les points d'intersectiou d'une conique fixe avec une couique mobile passant par deux points tixrs. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 48-56. 92. l>e 1'homographie en mecauique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 224-226; Amer. Jl. Math., 12, 1890, 103-114. 93. Sur certaiues expressions quadruplement perio- diques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108. 1889, 607-609. 94. Sur les equations differentielles homogenes du second ordre a coellicients constants. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 3, 1889, K, 12 pp. 95. Sur les integrales de fonctions a multiplicateurs et leur application au developpement des fonctions abelieunes en series trigonometriques. [1889.] Acta Math.. 13, 1890, 174 p|i. 96. Sur les fonctions elliptiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 32-34. 97. Sur les fonctions de deux variables a plusieurs paires de periodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 181-183. 98. Sur la theorie de la cbaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 110, 1890, 1061-1063. 99. Sur les fonctions periodiquea de deux variables. Appelll 135 [Appellof Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., Ill, 1890, 636-638; Liouville, Jl. Math., 7, 1891, 157-219. 100. Sur les fonctions de deux variables quadruple- ment periodiques de troisieme espece. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 7, 1890, 143-154. 101. Snr une classe de polyndmes a deux variables et le calcul approche des integrales doubles. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 4. 1890, H, 20 pp. 102. Sur les lois de forces centrales faisant decrire a leur point d'application line conique quelles que soient les conditions initiates. Amer. Jl. Math., 13, 1891, 153-158. 103. Sur des equations differentielles lineaires trans- fonnables en elles-memes parun changement de fonction et de variable. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 112, 1891, 34-37; Acta Math., 15, 1891, 281-315. 104. Sur une fonction analogue a la fonction 6. [1891.] Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann., 1, [1892], 47-52. 105. Sur une expression nouvelle des fonctions elliptiques par le quotient de deux series. Amer. Jl. Math., 14, 1892, 9-14. 106. Sur des transformations de mouvements. Crelle, Jl. Math., 110, 1892, 37-41. 107. Sur 1'equation ^- = ^— = 0 et la theorie de la dx~ 8y chaleur. Liouville, Jl. Math., 8, 1892, 187-216. 108. Sur des potentiels coujugue's. Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann., 2, [1892], 53-58. 109. Sur les courbes dont les tangentes appartiennent a un complexe liueaire. Nouv. Aun. Math., 11, 1892, 115-119. 110. Extension des equations de LAGRANGE au cas du frotternent de glissement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 114, 1892, 331-334. 111. Du tautochronisme dans un systeme materiel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 114, 1892, 996-998. 112. Sur certaines proprie tes d'une position d'equilibre d'un systeme. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 6, 1892, C, 6 pp. 113. Sur 1'emploi des equations de LAGRANGE dans la theorie du choc et des percussions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., lid, 1893, 1483-1487; Liouville, Jl. Math., 2, 1896,5-20. 114. Formes des integrales abeliennes des diverges esptees. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 7, 1893, A, 4 pp. 115. Courbes autopolaires. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 206-210. 116. Sur le tbeoreme des aires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 119, 1894, 770-771 ; Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 190-195. 117. Sur une transformation de mouvements. Amer. Jl. Math., 17, 1895, 1-5. 118. Sur la theorie du frottement de roulernent. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23, 1895, 98-100. 119. Quelt]ues exemples de se'ries doublement periodiques. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 126-129. 120. Exercice sur les courbes de direction. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 491-495. 121. Exemples d'inversion d'iutegrales doubles. Amer. Jl. Math., 19, 1897, 377-380, 382. 122. Sur les Equations de I'hydrodynamique et la theorie des tourbillons. Liouville, Jl. Math., 3, 1897, 5-16. 123. De'veloppement en se'ries trigonom6triques des polynomes de M. LEAOTE. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 265-268. 124. Sur un mode d'inversion des integrales multiples. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 213-214. 125. Bemarques sur la communication precedente de M. LEVI-CIVITA. [" Sur les integrales quadratiques des equations de la mecanique."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 395. 126. Observations sur la communication precedente. [" Sur certaines equations analogues aux Equations dif- ferentielles."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 1433- 1434. 127. Interpretation de la periode imaginaire dans un mouvement a la POINSOT. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 26, 1898, 98-102. 128. Sur les equations de LAGRANGE et le principe d'HAMiLTON. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 26, 1898, 265-267. 129. Lignes correspondantes dans la deformation d'un milieu; extension des theoremee sur les tourbillons. Liouville, Jl. Math., 5, 1899, 137-153. 130. Sur les mouvements de roulement; equations du mouvement analogues a celles de LAGRANOE. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 317-320. 131. Sur une forme gene'rale des Equations de la dynamique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 423-427; Crelle, Jl. Math., 121, 1900, 310-319. 132. Sur une forme nouvelle des equations de la dynamique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 12!), 1899, 459-460. 133. Sur les positions d'equilibre d'un navire avec un chargement liquide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 129, 1899, 567-569, 636-637, 880. 134. Sur 1'integration des Equations du mouvement d'un corps pesant de revolution roulant par une arete circulaire sur un plan horizontal ; cas particulier du cerceau. [1899.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 14, 1900, 1-6. 135. Sur une forme generale des equations de la dynamique et sur le principe de GAUSS. Crelle, Jl. Math., 122, 1900, 205-208. 136. Notion de 1'infini en geometric e'lementaire a propos d'un article de M. KIPERT. Enseiga. Math., 2 (1900), 205-206. 137. Developpements sur une forme nouvelle des equations de la dyuarnique. Liouville, Jl. Math., 6, 1900, 5-40. 138. Sur 1'equilibre d'un flotteuravec un chargement liquide. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 5, 1900, 101-117. 139. Proprie'tc caracteristique du cylindroi'de. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 28, 1900, 261-265. Appell, Paul [Emile], & Chervet, Alfred. Sur la distri- bution du potentiel dans une masse liquide ayant la forme d'un prisme rectangulaire inde'n'ni. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 98, 1884, 358-360. Appellof, [Jakob Johan] Ad[o/f]. Japanska cephalopoder. [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Hand!., 21, 1884-87, No. 13, 40 pp. 2. Om skalets bildning hos Sepia officinalis, L. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 495-502. 3. Teuthologische Beitriige. I. Chtenopteryx n.g., Veranya sicula, Krolut, Calliteuthis, Verrill. [II. Chaunoteuthis, 71.17. CEgopsidarum.] [1890-91.] Bergens Mns. Aarsber., 1889, No. 3, 34 pp. ; 1890, No. 1, 29 pp. 4. Om BergeiiKfjordenes fannistiske prasg. [1892.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1891, A'o. 2, 14 pp. 5. Znr Keuntniss der Edwardsien. [1892.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1891, ATo. 4, 31 pp. 6. Teuthologische Beitriige. [III. Bemerkungen iiber die auf der norwegischen Nordmeer-Expeditiou (1876-78) gesammelten Cephalopoden. IV. Ueber eiueu Fall von doppeltseitiger Hektokotylisation bei Eledone cirrhosa (Lam.), D'Orb.] [1893.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1892, No. 1, 15 pp. 7. Die Schalen von Sepia, Spirilla, und Nautilus. Studien iiber den Ban und das Wachsthum. [1893.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 25, 1893-94, A'o. 7, 106 pp. 8. Ptychodactis patula, 71.17. et n. sp., der Beprasen- tant einer neuen Hexactinien-Faiuilie. [1894.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1893, No. 4, 22 pp. 9. Ueber einige Besultate der Kreuzbefruchtung bei Knochenfisehen. [1896.] Bergeus Mus. Aarb., 1894-95, A'o. 1, 17 pp. 10. Fannistiske undersngelser i Herlnfjordeu. [1896.] . Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1894-95, A'o. 11, 11 pp. 11. Die Actiniengattuugen Fenja, Aegir, und Halcam- poides, Dan. [1897.] Bergeus Mus. Aarb., 1896, A'o. 11, 16 pp. 12. Faunistiske undersngelser i Osterfjorden. [1897.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1896, A'o. 13, 13 pp. Appellof] 136 [Appleyard 13. [Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckb. Nf. (!s. ausgefiibrt von Dr. Willy KUKENTHAL.] Cephalo- poden von Ternate. I. Verzeichniss der von Professor KUKENTHAL pesamuielteu Arten. II. Untersuchnngen iibt;r Idiosepius, Sepiadarium und verwaudte Forinen, ein Beitrag zur Beleuchtung der Hektokotylisation uud ihrer systematischen Bedeutung. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 24, 1898, 561-637. 14. Ueber das Vorkommen innerer Schalen bei den achtarmigen Cephalopoden (Octopoda). [1899.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1898, No. 12, 15 pp. 15. Studien iiber Actiuien-Entwicklung. [1901.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1900, No. 1, 99 pp. Appelrot, German Germanovic. P'hiueilie OJtHOli sa^a'I II 0 HarpiBaidll Ttjll. [Solution d'uu probleme sur 1'echauffement d'un corps condueteur.] Russ. Phys. - Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 (Phys.), 1889, 31-35; Jl. Pbys., 9, 1890, 62. 2. HlKOiopHH TeopcMH o noTenuiajit. [Quel- ques thferemes sur le potentiel.] [1888.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 329-336; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 1018. 3. Hf,KOTOpUfl lIpIIJIOJKCIlifl TCOpCMH, ii oft reopeMt FriiHA, iw> vpaBiieHiflin, yupyraro IISOTpOlIIiarO rlua. [Einige Anwenclungen einesdem Green 'schen ahnlichen Satzes auf dieGleichung des Gleichgewichts eines isotropen elastischen Korners.] [1889.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 65 (No. 2), 1890, 14-17 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1890 (Alith. 1), 391-392. 4. Pt.ineHie OAHoii :ia;ui'iii o uarpt>Baiiiu o,i,Hopo;;iiaro npflMoyro.ii>naro napa.iJiejieni[nej,a, [Eine Aufgabe iiber die Envarmung eines homogeuen rechtwinkligen Parallelepipedons.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 73 (No. 1), 1891, 5-8; Fortschr. Phys., 1891 (Abth. 2), 383. 5. irfcKOTOpUfl flOHOJineilifl K'li fO'llIHOItilO H. B. JI.EJIOHE : "AjireGpaii'ieciiie inrrcrpa.iH ^BIIJKC- Fiifl Tflacejiaro TBCpji,aro rlua OKO.IO neiioji.BiiiK.HOM ro'iKll." [Einige Erganzungen zu dem Werke von N. DELAUNAY: " Algebraisohe Integrate der Bewegung eines starren Korpers uni einen festen Punkt."] [1892.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., S3 (A'u. 1), 1893, 1-10; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1437. 6. Flo iiOBOjiy §1 MCJiyapa C. B. KOBAJIEBCKOH : " Sur le problems de la rotation d'un corps solide autour d'un point fixe." (Acta Mathematica, 12. 2.) [Ueber den ersten Paragraphen der Abhandlung von S. KOWALEVSKI : " Sur le probleme de la rotation d'uu corps solide autour d'un point fixe."] [1892.] Kec. Math. (Moscou), 10, [1893], 483-507, 592-596 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1892 (Alith. 1), 258. 7. iJaflaia o jiBiuKeidn 'raatejiaro TBepjaro if.jia OKOJO HeilOJlBII/KIIOli TO'IKII. [Problem of the motion of a heavy solid round an immovable point.] Moscow Univ. Mem. (Phys.-Math.l, 11, 1894, xi + 112 pp. 8. HtKOTOpua jioiio.nieiii}! K'h co'iniioiiini: " :$aAaia o ABiixoniii Tir,i;p.iaro TBepxaro rtjia OKO.IO Heno.lBinKHofi TOMKH". [Einige Erganzungen zu seinem Werke : " Problem der Bewegung eines starreu festen Korpers um einen festen Punkt."] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 91 (No. 1), 1894, 1-4; Fortschr. Math., 1893- 94, 1438-1439. 9. .!aMt>'ianni no noBO^y ooofunciiiii npo(|i. A. M. .IflnvnoBa BT> sacijaHiH XapLKOBcitaro MaTcsiaTH'iccKaro 06iHL-cTBa 10 jiaa 1893 ro^a. [Observations a propos de la communication faite par M. le Prof. A. M. LIAPOUNOV a la scauce de la Soc. Math. de Kharkov le 10 rnai 1893.] [1895.] Kec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 723-727. Appelt, Vilrm. Studie o nervove soustave Phalangiinu. [Studien iiber das Nervensystem der Pbalangiinen.] Prag, Sber., 1900 (Math. -Nat.), Nu. 25, 38 pp. Apperly, Herbert. Some curious symptoms following inhalation of nitrous oxide. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 28, 1885, 543-544. Appert, Leon. 3. Moulage methodique du verre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 1073-1075. 4. Sur le role de 1'alumine dans la composition des verres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 672-673; Jl. Pharrn., 3, 1896, 510-511. A]. pert, Leon, & Henrivaux, Jules. Sur les devitrifica- tions des verres ordiuaires du commerce. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 109, 1889, 827-829. Appia, , & Jousse, . *Quelques mots sur le Lessouto. Paris, Soc. G<5ogr. C. B., 1883, 199-203. Appiani, Giuseppe. Sopra un apparecchio di levigazione per 1" analisi dei terreni e tlelle argille. [1894.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 25, 1893, 246-256. 2. Intorno all' analisi dei perfosfati : determinazione dell' acido fosforico solubile nel citrato. [1896.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1895, 817-832. 3. Sulla determiuazioue dello zucchero di latte uel latte e nei suoi derivati. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 449-466. Appiani, Giuseppe, & Menozzi, Angela. Sec Menozzi & Appiani. Applegarth, E. Carey. The latent time of the knee-jerk. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 5, 1893, 99-113. Applegarth, E. Carey, & Martin, II[enry] NewelJ. See Martin & Applegarth. Appleton, II '. C. The sea-breeze at Cohasset, Mass. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 134-138. Appleyard, G., & Cohen, Julius Berend. iSVt1 Cohen & Appleyard. Appleyard, Jie*R[.] [iss.-,.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl., 7, 1885-86, No. 1, [17]-[32]. 2. The total eclipse of the Sun, 1887 August 19. Astr. Soc. Mern., 49, 1890, 271-272. Araki, Trasaburo. Ueber den Blutfarbstoff und seine naheren Urnwandlungsproducte. Ztscbr. Physiol. Chem., 14, 1890. 405-415. 2. Ueber die Bildung von Milchsaure und Glycose im Organismus bei Sauerstoffmangel. Ztschr. Pbysiol. Chem., 15, 1891, 335-370, 546-561; 16, 1892, 453-459. 3. Ueber Bildung von Glycose und Milchsaure bei Sauerstoffmangel. Entgegnung [an Herrn DASTRE]. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 16, 1892, 201-204. 4. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Einwirkung von Phosphor und von arseniger Saure auf den thierischen Organismus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 17, 1893, 311-339. 5. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der jS-Oxybuttersiiure und ihres Verhaltens im Orgauismus. Ztschr. Plvysiol. Chem., 18, 1894, 1-12. 6. Ueber die chemischen Aenderungeu der Lebens- processe in Folge von Sauerstoffmangel. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 422-475. 7. Ueber die aus Formaldehyd dargestellten Gemenge von Kohlehydrateu. Pfliigcr, Arch. Physiol., 00, 1895, 261-262. 8. Ueber das Chitosan. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 20, 1895, 498-510. Araki, Trasaburo, & Hoppe-Seyler, [Ernst] Felix [Ini- •nianitcl]. Sec Hoppe-Seyler & Araki. Arana. Sec Barros Arana. Aranda, Ilajuel, Doynel, Carlos, & Girardet, Endlio. Obras de liiego tie los Altos lie Cordoba. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 36, 1893, 104-139, 145-190, 193-237, 241-256. Arandarenko, . Le Dervaz et le Karateguine. [Tr.] Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1891, 53-82. Arango, .Jn*e Fnincixco. La teoria parasitaria y las enfer- metladesicfecciosas. Habaua Ac. An., 23, 1886, 395-417. 2. Contestacion al informe del Dr. Luis Maria COWLEY, sobre extraccidn de un enfermo del hospital de San Lazaro. Habana Ac. An., 24, 1887, 47-74, 89-96. 3. El contagio de la lepra. Habana Ac. An., 24, 1887, 142-152. Arango. Sec ii/xu Posada- Arango. Arango y Lamar, Francisco. "Descripcion de un feto ectromclico. Habana Ac. An., 12, 1875, 107-112. Arango y Molina, linfacl. For biographical notice and list of works see Jl. de Conch., 46, 1898, 46-47. 4. "Descripciones de especies nuevas de moluscos terrestres de la isla de Cuba. Habana Ac. An., 12, 1875, 279-285. 5. *Radiados de la isla de Cuba. Habana Ac. An., 14, 1877, 272-284, 312-318. 6. Description of new species of terrestrial Mollusca of Cuba. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1884, 211-212. Axa.nta.-ve, Enrique de. *Inforrne sobre el establecimiento de un servicio municipal de pararayos en la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba. [1881.] Habana Ac. An., 17, 1880, 405-416. Aranyi, Lnjos. For biography and works see Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1888, 464; Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes., 3, 1892, 117-132 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 301-302. Aranzadi y Un.imuno, Telesforo de. Observaciones antropornetricas en los Cacerenos. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 (Act.), 2-5; Anthrop. (Paris), 5, 1894, 612. 2. Le. peuplc basque. Etude d'anthropologie. I'.-iris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 5, 1894, -510-519. Aranzadi y Unamuno, Telesfuro de, & Hoyos y Sainz, Luis de. Un avauce a la antropologia de Espaiia. Muilrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 21, 1892, 31-101. Arapides, L[eo>iiilns A.]. [Untersuchungen iiber Azole.] 2) Umlagerung von Rhodanki-tonen in Oxythiazole und Reduction der letzteren zu Thiazolen. [3) Zur Kenntniss der sog. " Senfolessigsaure."! Liebig's Ann., 249, 1888, 7-26, 27-31. Arapides, L[eonidus A.], & Hantzsch, Arthur [Rudolf]. See Hantzsch & Arapides. Arata, Pedro N[aniso]. 13. Metodopara la investigacion de algunos derivados del alquitran en los vinos, etc., etc. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1885, 140-144; Conegliauo Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegca, 1, 1887, 201-204. 14. Contribuciones al conocimiento higienico de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. (Trabajosde la oficina quimica municipal.) Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 22, 1886, 5-15. 15. Composici6n quimica de las aguas del consume. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 24, 1887, 5-54. 16. Las variaciones de nivel de las aguas subterraneas en sus relaciones con la presibn atrnosferica, lluvias y enfermedadea infecciosas. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 24, 1887, 101-119. 17. Estudio de la corteza de WINTER verdadera, Drymis Winter!, Forster. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 26, 1888, 104-117. 18. Sobre la goma de la llareta (yareta), Azorella madreporica, CI. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 26, 1888, 281-286. 19. El gas de agua y el gas de agua purificado. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 29, 1890, 148-156. 20. Observaciones heliometricas durante los afios 1888[-97]. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 30, 1890, 209-214; 43, 1897, 97-110. 21. El pillijau y la pillijauina. La Plata Mus. Kev., 2, 1891, 225-240. 22. Analisis [del carbon fosil de San Rafael]. La Plata Mns. Rev., 4, 1892, 135. 23. La sacarina Fahlberg cousiderada bajo el punto Je vista higienico. La Plata Mus. Rev., 4, 1892, 137-149. 24. Desnaturalizacion de alcoholes para usos in- dustriales. [Alcohol para la desuaturalizacion.] Argen- tina Soc. Ci. An., 48, 1899, 356-367. Arata, Pedro N[arciso], & Canzoneri, Francesco. Sulla corteccia di china morada. (Pogonopus febrifugus, Ilentli.-IIiiuk.) Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 18, 1888, 409-421. 2. Studio sulla vera corteccia di WINTER (Drymis Winter!, Forster). Gazz. Cliirn. Ital., is, 1888, 527-539. 3. Contribute! allo studio del pillijan (Licopodium Saururus, Lain.). Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 1), 146-157. Arata, Pedro N[urcixu], & Gelzer, Carl. Ueber das Monenin und das Morrenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1849-1853. Araujo, <>:ii-iir tl'. Le clirnat du Bresil. Rev. Sci., 52, 1893, 425-130. Araujo. ,SY eH]IJIKap6lIHOjrI;. [Ueber das Allylmethyl- phenylcarbinol.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Cliem.), 1900, 753-754; Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 1117. Arcais, Franrescn ii'. 5. *Sul grado e sopra i discrimi- nant; di una equazione algebrica differenziale del primo online I'ra (juattro variabili e della sua primitiva corupleta algebrica. [1883.] Ann. Mat., 12 (1883-84), 1-10. 6. Sulle espressioni analitiche rappresentanti poiv.ioni di funzioni analitiche diverse, liiv. Mat., 5, 1895, 186-189. 7. Sulle funzioni di una variabile coiuplessa. [1898.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1897-98, 1048-1050. 8. La seconda funzione di GKEEN pel campo piano limitato da due circouferenze concentriohe. [1898.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1897-98, 1064-1676. 9. Un problema sulle funzioni biarmoniche e sua risoluzione per un campo circolare. [1899.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1898-99 (Ft. 2), 479-486. 10. Un problema di ealcolo di probability. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 10, 1900, 219-225. Arcangeli, Giovanni. 31. Quelques experiences sur 1'assimilation. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 199-206. 32. Elenco delle protallogamee italiane. [Italia] Soc. Crittog. Atti, 3 (Disp. 3), 1884, 130-152. 33. Sopra la fioritura del Dracunculns crinitus, Schott. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4 1883-85, 46-48. 34. Ulteriori osservazioni sopra la Canna iridiflora hybrida. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.) 4, 1883-85, 63-64. 35. Sopra alcuni ibridi combinati ottenuti dalla Canna Elimannii. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 114. 36. Sopra i aerbatoi idrofori dei Dipsacus e sopra i peli che in essi si osservano. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 178-181. 37. Osservazioni sopra alcune viti esotiche e sopra una nuova forma di Peronospora. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 181-183. 38. Sopra alcune dissoluzioni carminiche destinate alia coloritura degli element; istologici. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verli.), 4, 1883-85, 233-237. 39. Sopra 1' azione dell' acido borico sul germoglia- mento dei semi. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 25-29. 40. Sopra alcuue alterazioni osservate in uua pianta Eeballium elaterium, Rich. [1886.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 136. 41. Alcune notizie riguardauti la flora italiana. [1886.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 137-139. 42. Sulla fioritura dell' Euryale ferox, Sal. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (.I/em.), 8, 1887, '281-300. 43. Sopra una particolarita di conformazione nelle foglie di alcuni muschi. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 241-243. 44. Sopra alcune crittogame raccolte nel Piceno e nello Abruzzo. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 243-246. 45. Ulterior! osservazioni smT Euryale ferox, Sal. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Uleni.), 9, 1888, 369-383. 18—2 ArcangeliJ 140 [Arcangeli 46. Sul Saecharomyces minor, Engel. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. , -20, 1888, 303-306. 47. Sull' influenza della luce nelP accrescimento delle foglie. [H'/fA discussion.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 331-341. 48. Sul kefir. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 381-387. 49. Sul germogliamento della Euryale ferox, Sal. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 467-473. 50. Sulla fermentazione panaria. Pisa Soc. Toso. Atti (3Iem.), 9, 1888, 190-211. 51. La 1'osforesceuza del Pleurotus olearius, DC. Nota preliminare. Roina, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (.SV»i. 2), 365-369. 52. Supra alcune piante raccolte nel Monte Amiata. [1888.] Nuovo Gioru. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 119-121. 53. Sulla struttura dei semi" della Nymphipa alba. [Isss.] Nuovo Gioru. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 122-125. 54. Sulla struttura del seme del Nupbar luteum, SSI. [1888.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 138-140. 55. Sulla fnnzione trofilegica delle foglie. [1888.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 272-276. 56. Esperimenti snlla moltiplicazioue di alcune viti americane. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 12, 1889, 191-198. 57. Sopra 1' esperimeuto di KRAES. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 3-14. 58. Sopra alcune mostruosita osservate nei fiori del Narcissus Tazzetta, Linn. Nuovo Gioru. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 5-8. 59. Sulla struttura dei semi della Victoria regia, I.nidl. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 286-289. 60. Sullo sviluppo di calore dovuto alia respirazione nei ricettacoli dei funghi. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 405-412. 61. Sopra due funghi raecolti nel Pisauo. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 434-436. 62. Sopra un caso di einanzia osservato nella Saxifraga (Bergeria) erassifolia, L. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 455-456. 63. Elenco delle Muscinee fino ad ora raccolte al Monte Amiata. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 465-475. 64. Sopra alcune Epatiche raceolte in Calabria. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 535-537. 65. Ancora alcune osservazioni sull' Euryale ferox. | ixs'.l.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb,), 6, 1887-89, 270-273. 66. Ricercbe sulla fosforescenza del Pleurotus olearius, DC. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 6, 1889, 197-214. 67. Sull' impollinazione del Dracunculus vulgaris, (L.) Schott, in risposta al Prof. F. DELPINO. [1890.] Malpighia, 3, 1889, 492-507. 68. Sui pronubi del Dracuuculus vulgaris, Sflmtt. [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 52-57. 69. Sull' allungameuto dei picciuli nelle foglie di Euryale ferox, Sal. [ed in altre piante acquatiche]. [1889-90.] Nuovo Gioru. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 121-129, 299-303. 70. Sulle emergenze e spine dell' Euryale e sulle cladosclereidi delle Ninfeacee. [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 266-271. 71. Altre osservazioni sul Dracunculus vulgaris, (7^.) fir.hott, e sul suo processo d' impollinazioue. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 254-261. 72. Sulla struttura del frutto della Cyphomandra betacea, Hemltn. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 275-279. 73. Sulla struttura delle foglie dell' Atriplex num- mularia, Lind., in relazione alia assimilazione. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 426-430. 74. Sulle foglie delle piante acquatiche e specialmonte sopra quelle della Nymphs'a e del Nuphar. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 441-446. 75. Sull' Helicodiceros mnscivorns, (L. fil.) Eiuiler. Nuovo Giorn. But. Ital., 22, 1890, 467-472. 76. Altre notizie sul Dracunculus vulgaris, Schott. Nuovo Gioru. Bot. Ital., 22. 1890, 558-561. 77. Sopra alcuni frutti e semi proveuienti dalla Repubblica Argentina. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 120-122. 78. La Larninaria digitata, L., nel Mediterraneo. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 178-180. 79. Poche parole sui frutti e sull' esalazione fetida del Dracunculus vulgaris, Scliott. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 181-182. 80. Alcune notizie sulle piaute-bussola. [1890.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 145-149. 81. Nettarii fiorali, mostruosita e processo d' im- pollinazione nel Sechium edule. [1890.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 338-342. 82. Cumparsa di uu Tetranychus sulle viti nel Pisano. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Eassegua, 5, 1891, 328-331. 83. Sull' ossalato calcico criptocristalliuo. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 367-372. 84. Osservazioni sulla classifieazione degli Hellebores italiani. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 380-383. 85. Sulla polvere eristallina e sulle druse d' ossalato calcico. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 489-493. 86. Sull' Arisarum proboscideum, Savi. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 545-549. 87. I pronubi dell' Helicodiceros muscivorus, (L. fil.) Engler. Nuovu Giurn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 588-595. 88. Tentativi d' incrocianiento e fruttificazione nel Dracunculus vulgaris. [1891.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 332-334. 89. Sopra i tubercoli radical! delle Leguminose. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sew. 1), 223-227. 90. I pronubi del Dracuneulus vulgaris e le lumache. Roma, E. Ace. Liucei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 1), 608- 611. 91. Sulle foglie e sulla fruttificazione dell' Helicodi- ceros muscivorus. [1891.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 83-87. 92. Sul Dracunculus canariensis, Kuntli. [1891.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 87-111. 93. Sopra una varieta dell' Hibiscus cannabinus, L. [1891.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 106-108. 94. Sopra alcune Agaricidee. [18111-92.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 158-162, 172-176. 95. Sopra varie mostruosita osservate uella Cyclan- thera pedata e sui viticci delle Cucurbitacee. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti. 1892, 17-20. 96. Sull' impollinazione in varie Cucurbitacee e sui loro uettarii. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 441-454. 97. Muscinee raccolte di recente nell' Italia ineri- dionale. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 213-220. 98. Sopra al castagno d' India gia esistente all' ingresso dell' Orto Pisano. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 283-286. 99. Sopra alcune piaute raccolte presso Ripafratta nel Monte Pisano. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 419-421. 100. Sul Narcissus Puccinellii, ParZ. [1892.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 8, 1891-93, 116-119. 101. Sulla Larrea euueifolia e sulle piante-bussola. [1892.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893. 46-48. 102. Alcune esperienze sulle foglie di Nuphar. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 191-194. 103. Sopra varie mostruosita dell' Ajax odorus, Car., e della sua probabile origiue. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 290-294. 104. Supra alcuni Narcissus. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 480-483; 1894, 91-94; 1897, 144-1 111. 105. Sopra 1' intioivsceuza di una pianta di Nepenthes. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 511-512. Arcangeli] 141 [Arcelin 106. Sopra alcune piante della Repubblica Argentina. [1893.] [Italia) Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 3!)-40. 107. Sulla Tulipa saxatilis, Sieb. [Italia] Soe. Bot. Bull., 1894, 140-142. 108. Sul Narcissus Pucciuellii, Par/., e sul N. bidorus, Curt. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 191-19C, 250-253. 109. Sopra alcune piante raccolte recentemente. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 273-274. 110. Sopra alcuni casi teratologici osservati di recente. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 303-308. 111. Sopra alcuni casi di clorosi. [1804.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 16-18. 112. Sopra due casi teratologici osservati nel R. Orto Botanico di Pisa. [1894.] Pisa Soe. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 9, 1894-96, 124-125. 113. Sul granite dell' isola del Giglio. [1894.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 9, 1894-96, 180-188. 114. Sopra varii n'ori mostruosi di Narcissus e sul N. radiflorus. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 157-159. 115. Sull' Hermodactylus tuberosus. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 182-184. 116. Sul Narcissus italicus, Sims., e sopra alcuni altri Narcissus. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 210- 215. 117. La collezione del Cav. S. HE BOSNIASKI e le filliti di S. Lorenzo nel M. Pisano. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 237-246. 118. Sopra una mostruosita del Lentinus tigrinus. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 2, 1895, 57-62. 119. Sulle affinita delle Sfenofillaeee. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital.. 2, 1895, 261-272. 120. Le stranezze meteorologiche dell' anno 1895. [1895.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 43-48. 121. Sopra clue t'ossili d' Jano. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 65-69. 122. Sul Narcissus papyrnceus, sul N. Barlffi e sul N. allmlus. [1896.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull, 1896, 78-80; 1897, 49. 123. Sull' allungamento degli organi nelle piante acquatiche. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 116-1191. 124. Sopra varii fuugbi eil nn' alga raccolti ilal P. GIBALDI nella Cina. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 183-189. 125. Sul rossore della vite. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 240-245. 126. Sulla struttura e sulla disseminazione del seini tlel Pancratium maritimum, L. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 278-280. 127. Sull' Arum italicum, Mill. [18911.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 321-324; 1897, 46-48. 128. Sopra alcune mostruosita. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 176-178. 129. Sull' Arum italicum e sopra le piante a foglie maechiate. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 198-202. 130. Sul germogliamento deigrani pollinici. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 262-266. 131. Altre osservazioni sulla fioritura dell' Arum picture, L. _fil. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 293-300. 132. Sopra alcune piante osservate a San Giuliauo e sulla fioritura precoce in alcune forme di Narcissus. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 310-312. 133. Sui fossili di origine dubbia. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 313-315. 134. Sngli awelenamenti causati clai fungbi e sui mezzi piu efficaci per prevenirli. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 21, 1898, 65-87. 135. Brevi uotizie sopra alcune piante. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 178-lNl. 136. Sul Compsopopon Corinaldi e sopra alcune altre piante. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 223-225. 137. Sopra tre casi di avvelenamento per funglii, sull' Amanita verna e sui provvedimenti da premiers! contro i funghi tossici. [1898.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 11, 1897-98, 92-101. 138. Sulla tossicita del Boletus luridus. [1899.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 11, 1897-98, 139-142. 139. Sopra varii funglii raccolti nell' anno 1898. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 16-22. 140. Sull' Araucaria imbricata, Par., del E. Orto Botanico di Pisa. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 76-79, 280-285. 141. Sopra alcune piante di Araucaria coltivate nel- 1' Orto Botanico Pisano. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 90-93. 142. Altre osservazioni sopra alcune Cucurbitacee e sui loro nettarii. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 198-204. 143. Alcune osservazioni sull' (Enothera stricta, Led. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 204-207. 144. Alcune osservaziuui sull' Arauja albens, G. Don. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 251-256. 145. Sopra alcuni esemplari di Araucaria Bidwillii, Honk. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 262-268. 146. Una rapitla escursione a Moncioni ed a Brolio. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 6, 1899, 38-50. 147. Sulla tossicita del Pleurotus olearius. [1899.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 12, 1899-1901, 22-28. 148. Sopra alcune piautu di Araucaria brasiliensis, A. Rii-Ji. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 108-112. 149. Sul Ranunculus cassubicus, L., e sul R. polyan- thernus, L. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 142-148. 150. Brevi notizie sull' Orto Botanico Pisano. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 170-175. 151. Altre osservazioni sull' Araucaria imbricata, Pav., e sull' A. brasiliensis, .-I. Rich. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 314-317. 152. L' Oidium leueoconium ed un Cicinnobolus sulle foglie dell' Evonyinus japonicus. [1900.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 12, 1899-1901, 108-110. 153. Sopra la Clitocybe iiludens, Scliweinits, e sopra alcuni altri fungbi. [1900.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 12, 1899-1901, 145-147. 154. Sul Pinus pinea, L., var. fragilis. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sent. 2), 346-352. Arcangelis, Kiloardo de. Sul passaggio dell' arsenico dalla madre al feto. Ricercue sperimentali. Riv. Sper. di Freuiatria, 17, 1891 (Mcd. Legale), 121-155. 2. Le stimmate epilettoidi nei criminali alienati. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 23, 1897, 384-406, 567-584. Areas. Nee P6rez Areas. Axcelin, Adrien. 23. *La classification preliistorique des ages de la pierre, du bronze et du fer. Rev. Quest. Sci., 1, 1877, 399-425. 24. *La famille et I'be'redite naturelle. Rev. Quest. Sci., 2, 1877, 392-459. 25. *Les sepultures de 1'a.ge du renne de Solutre. Rev. Quest. Sci., 3, 1878, 349-399. 26. "L'authropologie. Rev. Quest. Sci., 6, 1879, 412-453. 27. L'antbropologie et la science aociale. Rev. Quest. Sci., 12, 1882, 5-65, 441-477; 13, 1883, 393-444; 15, 1884, 38-113. 28. Sur les silex soi-disant tallies de 1'epoque tertiaire. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1885 (Pt. 2), 503-504. 29. L'homme tertiaire. [1887.] Macon Ac. Ann., 7, 1890, 197-236; Itev. Quest. Sci., 25, 1889, 5-41. 30. Les nouvelles t'ouilles de Solutre (pres Macou, Saune-et-Loire). Anthrop. (Paris), 1, 1890, 295-313. 31. Les glaciers a 1'epoque quatemaire. Rev. Quest. Sci., 28, 1890, 353-400; 29, [1891], 5-51, 353-390. 32. Quelques problemes relatifs a 1'antiquite1 pr£bis- torique. Rev. Quest. Sci., 37, 1895, 5-30. 33. L'origine et 1'anciennete de 1'homme. Saone-et- Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896. 39-56, 62-78. 34. Excursion a Solutre. Saone-et-Loire Soc Sci. Bull., 1896, 198-203. Arcelin] 142 [Archer 35. L'hoiiiuje prehistorique. Saone-et-Loire Soe. Sci. Bull., 1897, 170-180, 184-203. 36. La dissociutiou psychologique. Rev. Quest. Sci., 47, 1900,,511-547; 48, 1900, 141-191, 488-542. Arcelin, Kilmitinl. Le Bajocien Superieur en Maconuais. Siiuiie-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 5, 1899, 132-133. Arcetri Observatory- 's" Abetti, Antonio. Archambault, Paul. Note sur un cas de cheveux monili- formes. Ann. de DermatoL, 1, 1890, 392-396. Archangelskij, - - . Ooii OKIIC.R'Ilill .IHMOIieHa. [Sur 1'oxydation du limonene. ] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem., Pi. '2). 1894, 7-8 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 1387-1388. Archarov, /. Contribution a la fonction des vasomotenrs chez la grenouille. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 570-574; 2, 1886, 321. 2. Ueber die pkysiologischen Wirkungen des chlor- wasserstoffsauren uud bromwaaserstoffsauren Coniin auf den tierischen Orgauismus. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 3G9-371. 3. 0 BCaCUBilllill Il:l'L lIOAKOJKIIHX'b JIHHl|iaTII- HeCKIIX'L M'BIItKOB'b y JUiryiIICK'1,. [Re 1'absorptiun par les sacs lymphatiques sous-cutanes chez les gre- nouilles.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 18 (No. 2), 1887, 18pp.; Arch. Slaves Biol., 4, 1887, 205-219; Arch. Anat. Physiol. (P/ujsiul. Ahtii.), 1887, 377-3**. 4. Ueber die Bestimmnng der organischen Stoffe tier Luft vermittelst Kaliumpermanganat. Arch. Hyg., 13, 1891, 229-240. 5. Beoherehea sur la guerison de 1'infection pneu- monique chez les lapins au moyeu du serum des lapins vaccines. Arch. Med. Exper., 4, 1892, 498-544. Archiiol.i, Ueurae. 2. The albaminuids of maize. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 14, 1892, 313-317. Archbutt, Lrnnard. Determination of free acid in oils. Analyst, 9, 1884, 170-171. 2. On the proportion of free fatty acid in certain oils of commerce. Analyst, 9, 1884, 171-172. 3. On some points in the analysis of oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 304-312. 4. Analysis of grease. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 7, 1888, 494-495. 5. On some results of analyses of olive oil from different sources. Soe. Chom. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, 685-680. 6. The determination of sulphur in iron and steel. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 9, 1890, 25-26. 7. The estimation of silica in clay. Soc. Chem. lud. Jl., 11, 1892, 215-217. 8. The analysis of sodium peroxide. [1894.] Analyst, 20, 1896, 3-5. 9. Note on GLADMNO'S process for the determination of resin in soap. [1894.] Analyst, 20, 1895, 6-7. 10. Note on the ignition of sawdust by nitric acid. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 84-85. 11. Note on an experiment made to determine the pressure of ether and some other volatile liquids in closed vessels. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 85-86. 12. An evaporation test for mineral lubricating oil. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 320-328. 13. On HEUNKH'S bromine thermal test for oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 10, 1897, 309-311. 14. On arachidic acid in rape and mustard oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 1009. 15. The constants of curcas oil. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 1009-1010. 16. Notes on the arachidic and liguoceric acids of earthnnt oil, and their estimation. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl.," 17, 1898, 1124-1126. 17. Note on uiai/.e oil (corn oil). Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 18, 1899, 340-347. 18. The determination of oxygen in copper by ignition in hydrogen. Analyst, 25, 1900, 253-202. Archbutt, I.niiiiinl. cV Deeley, li[icliurd'\ Mountforj. The treatment of hard water. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 10, 1891, 511-517. Archdeacon, William H[enry], & Cohen, Julius Berend. A method for preparing cyauuric acid. [1895.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 11, 1896, 148-149. See ' ' Cohen \ Archdeacon. Arche, Altu. 2. Einfluss der mechanischen Bearbeitung des Aluminiums auf seine Augreifbarkeit dureu chemise-he Agentien. Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 284, 1892, 255-256, 310. Arche, Altu, & Hassack, Curl. Analyse eines Gruhen- wassers. Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 251, 1884, 132-135. 2. Analyse einiger indischer Bronzen und deren Patina. Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 253, 1884, 514-.">r.». Arche, Altu, & Kornauth, Karl. See Kornauth A- Arche. Archenegg. See Woe von Archenegg. Archenhold, ]<'[riedrich] .S'. Ueber einen Sonnendecken in grosser Breite am 4. Mjirz 1890. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 16'.)-170. 2. Ueber das Auftreten von schwarzen Flecken auf der Jupiterscheibe. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 77-78. 3. Ueber die Bewolkungsgrosse des Nachthimmels und ihre Registrirung. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1890 (Th. 2), 50-51. 4. [Ueber den neuen Stern in Auriga.] Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 77. 5. Bin ausgedehnter Nebel bei £ Persei. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 153-158. 6. Ephemeriile des Cometen 1892 I. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 219-222. 7. Beobachtungen des veriinderlichen Sterns R Trian- guli (BD. +33-.470). Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 259-200. 8. [Beobachtung des Coineten 1893 ... (Rordame- Quenisset).] Auf der Stermvarte Grunewald bei Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 101-102, 117-118. 9. Beobachtuug des Cometen 1897...(Perriue Oct. 16). Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 381-382. Archer, Fnuicis. For biography see Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 112; Entomologist, 25, 1892, 100; Liverpool Bidl. Soe. Proc. & Trans., 7, 1893, ix-xi. 2. *Notes on the worked flints of the raised beaches of the N.E. coast of Ireland. [1880.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 4, 1885, 209-216. 3. Supplementary report upon the testaceous Mollusca of the Liverpool Marine Biological Committee district. [Posf/i.] Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 0, 1892, 105-121. Archer, Thomas Cruxen. For biography and works see Pharm. JL, 15. 1885, 709; Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 10, 1886, 272-270; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 14, 1888, 110 (&w)-114 (6i«). Archer, W\illiam] David. On the stability of yachts. [With ilixruxfiini.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 31, 1888, 147-164. 2. On the strength of ships' beams. [With discussion.} Glasgow, Inst. Eugin. Trans.. 3*, 1895, 213-223. Archer, ll'|liert] .S. See below. Archinard, f[n nl] K., Woodson, l\[obtrt] N., & Archinard, John. Bacteriological study in the aetiology of yellow fever. [1898.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 6'J, 1899, 109-114. Arcidiacono, Sulvatore. Lo Stromboli dopo 1' esplosione del 31 agosto 1891. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 11 (Pt. 3), 1892, 216-221. 2. Fenomeni geodinamici che precedettero, accorn- pagnarono e seguirono 1' eruzioneetnea del maggio-giugno 1886. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 6, 1893, Mem. 21, 49 pp.; Nature, 49 (1893-94), 107-108. 3. Sul terrernoto del 13 aprile 1895 avvenuto in pro- vincia di Siracusa. Koma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 16 (Pt. 1), 1896, 169-175. 4. Sui terremoti del 3 maggio 1899. Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 60, 1899, 28-33. 5. Sul periodo eruttivo dell' Etna dal 19 luglio al 5 agosto 1899. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 13, 1900. 3Ieiii. 17, 42 pp. Arcidiacono, Salvatore, & Ricco, Annibali: See Ricco 6 Arcidiacono. Arcimis, Augiistu T. To references in No. 2 (Vul. 9) add Roma, Bull. Meteorol., 14, 1875, 37-39. 7. *Coujunction of Mars and Saturn, 1879, June 30, observed at Cadiz. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 107-108. 8. *Eclipse of the Sun, 1879, July IS. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 126. 9. *The occultation of Au tares, 1879, July 28. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 14«. 10. Afterglows in Spain. Nature, 48 (1893), 29. 11. The great Madrid meteor. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 395, 423. 12. Probable weather conditions in Spain during the total solar eclipse of May 28, 1900. [1899.J Nature, 59 (1898-99), 439. Arcinetti, 1'ittore. *[Descrizione degli osservatori che sono in corrispondenza meteorologica coll1 Osservatorio di Moncalieri.] II. Osservatorio Meteorologico di Pine- rolo. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 1, 1866, 48-49. Arcis, Arthur , 1894, 260-267, 392-410. 3. Note sur un nouveau mode de reproduction arti- ticielle de 1'oligiste. Brux., Ac. Bull., 27, 1894, 933-936; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 6, 1894, 377-379. Arctowski] 144 [Arduini 4. Untereuchnngen iiber die Fliichtigkeit des Queck- silberchlorides. Ztschr. Anorg. Clicm., 7, 1894, 167-175. 5. Essai sur les reactions de double decomposition entre vapeurs. Brux., Ac. Bull., 29, 1896, 59-72. 6. De 1'action de la chaleur sur le sulfure de carbone. Brux., Ac. Bull., 23, 1895, 286-291; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 8, 1895, 314-317. 7. Recherches preliminaires sur 1'hydrolyse des dis- solutions aqueuses du chlorure mercurique. Brux., Ac. Bull., 29, 1895, 622-638; Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 51, 1895, 241-246, 283-290; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 'J, 1895, 178-189. 8. Quelques remarques sur I'interet qu'offre pour la geologie 1'exploration des regions antarotiquea. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1895 (Proc.-Verb.), 175-177; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, 589-591; Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 23, 1895-96, Ixi-lxvii. 9. Determinations de la solubilite, a des temperatures tres basses, de quelques composes organiques dans le sulfure de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 123-125.. 10. Etude de 1'erosion dans le plateau ardennais. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, 3-9. 11. Ueber die doppelte Umsetzung bei gasformigen Korpern. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 8, 1895, 213-223. 12. Ueber die Fliichtigkeit des Chromsaurean- hydrides. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 9, 1895, 29-30. 13. Notiz iiber die Krystallisation des Broms. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1895, 25-26. 14. Zur Krvstallographie des Quecksilbcrchlorids. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1895, 27-30. 15. Untersuchungen iiber dieLosliehkeit beimErstar- rungspunkte der Losungsmittel. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 11, 1896, 272-277. 16. Versuche iiber die Fliichtigkeit des roteu Phos- phors. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 12, 1896, 225-228. 17. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Ldsbarkeit fester Km-per in Gasen. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 12, 1896, 413-416. 18. Untersuchungen iiber die Verdampfungsge- schwindigkcit der Quecksilberhaloidsalze : ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Liislichkeit fester Korper in Gasen. Ztschr. Anorg. Cheni., 12, 1896, 417-4211. 19. Untersuchungen iiber die Stiblimationsspau- nungen des Jods. Ztsehr. Anorg. Chem., 12, 1896, 427-430. 20. Quelques mots relatifs a 1'etude du relief de 1'Ardeune et des directions que suivent les rivieres dans cette contree. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1897 (Proc.-Verb.), 118-127. 21. The problem of antarctic exploration. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 803-804. 22. Expedition Autarctique Beige. Rapport prc- liminaire sur les sondages de la Belijica. Brux., Ac. Bull., 1899, 479-484. 23. Rapport preliminaire sur les recherches oceano- graphiques de 1'Expcdition Autarctique Beige. Brux. , Ac. Buh1., 1899, 642-64'.). 24. Rcsultats pivliminniresdes observations rueteoro- logiques faites pendant 1'hivernage de la Belgica. [1899.] Ciel et Terre, 20 (1899-1900), 245-248, 269- 275, 352, 353-364, 402, 626. 25. The bathymetrical conditions of the antarctic regions. Geogr. Jl., 14, 1899, 77-82. 26. The antarctic climate. Geogr. Jl., 14, 1899, 413-420. 27. Quelques rfeultats des observations me'teoro- logiqnes faites a Punta-Arenas (Ainerique du Sud) par le Rov. P. MARABINI. [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 179-182. 28. Notes sur une nnrore australe observed a 1'ile des Etata. [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 376-378. 29 Sur les conditions mcteorologiques des regions antarctiques. [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 379-384. 30. Resultats d'observations meteorologiques faites a 1'ile des Etats. [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 453-461. 31. Sur les glaciers et la geologie des terres decouvertes par ['Expedition Autarctique Beige et sur les glaces du pole sud. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1900, 380. 32. Notice sur les aurores australes observers pendant 1'hivernage de 1'Expedition Antarctique Beige. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1276-1279; Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 127-131; Geogr. JL, 16, 1900, 92-94. 33. Sur 1'ancienne extension des glaciers dans la region des terres decouvertes par 1'Expedition Antarctique Beige. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 479-481. 34. Les calottes glaciaires des regions antarctiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 1260-1262. Arctowski, Henryk, & Renard, A[lphonsc] F. Notice preTiminaire sur les sediments marins recueillis par 1'Expedition de la Btlijicii. Brux., Mem. Couroun. (8° Ed.), 61, 1901-02, No. 2, 30 pp. Arcybasev, 7,[r;/, 1898, 241-246, 265-274; 16, 1899, 20-22. 10. Ueber die Zunahme der Blitzgefahr. Wetter, 16, 1899, 1-8, 32-42. Arens, Carl [Fran: Johann]. Ein einfacher Nachweis von Tuberkelbacillen durch Farbung nebst einer Augabe zur Farbung von Bakterien in fettreichen Substraten. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 9-10. 2. Ueber den Nachweis sparlich vorhandeuer Cholera- bacillen. [1892.] Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 5-7. 3. Demonstration eines neuen Luftreinigungsap- parates. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 31-32. 4. Quantitative Staubbestimmungen in der Luft nebst Beschreibung eines neuen Staubfangers. Arch. Hyg., •21, 1894, 325-358. 5. Eine Methode zur Platteukultur der Anaeroben. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 15-17. Ares, A. Pourquoi Mars est-il rouge? [1884.] Ciel et Terre, 5, 1885, 35-36, 88-89. Areschoug, F[redrik] ir[ilhelm] C[hristian]. 29. Some observations on the genus Kubus. Lund. Univ. Acta, R. S. A. C. 21, 1885-86 (Math.), No. ix, 1-126; 22, 1886-87 (J .\o. v, 127-182. 30. Ueber Reproduction von Pflanzentheilen. Bot. Centrbl., 31, 1887, 186-188, 220-223. 31. Om spiralnberceller i bladen af Sansevieria-arter. Bot. Notiser, 1887, 146-148; Bot. Ceutrbl., 31, 1887, 258-261. 32. Om Rubus affinis, H'fte., och R. relatus, F. Arfsch. [1887.] Bot. Notiser, 1888, 1-4 ; Bot. Centrbl., 34, 1888, 348-350. 33. Om Trapa natans, L., var. conocarpa, F. Aresch., och dess harstamniug fran denna arts typiska form. [1SH7.] Bot. Notiser, 1888, 16-23; Bot. Centrbl., 35, 1888, 253-256, 285-287. 34. Betrachtungen iiber die Organisation und die biologischen Verhiiltnisse der nordischen Biiume. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 9, 1888, 70-85. 35. Ueber Rubus obovatus, G. Br., und R. ciliatus, G. -/. Lindeb. [1888.] Bot. Ceutrbl., 37, 1889, 268-270, 298-300. 36. Om forekomsten af Artemisia stelleriana, Bess., Jin vestra Sknnes hafsstriinder. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 111- 120; Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 70-75. 37. Det fanerogama embryots nutrition. [1894.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 30, 1893-94 {Soc. Phijsioqr., No. IX, 1-21). 38. Beitrage zur Biologie der geophilen Pflanzen. Lund. Univ. Acta, 31, 1896 (Soc. Physiogr., No. iv, 60pp.). 39. Ueber die physiologischen Leistungen uud die Entwickeluug des Grundgewebes des Blattes. Lund. Univ. Acta, 33, 1897 (Soc. Physiogr., No. x, 46 pp.). 40. Till synonymien inorn sliigtet Rumex. Bot. Notiser, 1899/86-88. Areschoug, Johnti Erhanl. For biography and list of works see Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 381-382; 'Bot. Centrbl., 30, 1887, 335; Bot. Notiser, 1887, 150-151; Science, 9, 1887, 583; Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lefnadsteckn., 4 (Heft 1), 1899, 35-62. 29. Observationes phycologicas. [Partic. 4 et 5. De Laminariaceis nonnullis. ] [1883-84.] Upsala Soc. Sci. N. Acta, 12, 1885, A'o. 8, 23 pp., No. 11, 16 pp. Areskog, Curl. Nagra for Olands flora nya eller mindre kanda Viola-former. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 161-162. Aresu, P., & Brigidi, Tiitcenzo. Sec Brigidi i Aresu. Aretta, (.'. Aggiunte alia flora parmense. Malpighia, 8, 1894, 302. Arevalo y Baca, Jose'. For biographical notice see Ibis, 2, 1890, 271. 3. Nota sobre el estado actual de la botanica y la horticultura en Valencia y Audalucia. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 91-101. 4. Aves de Espana. Madrid Ac. Ci. Mem., 11, [1887], 471 pp. Arey, Albert L. Preliminary notice of the discovery of strata of the Guelph formation in Rochester, N.Y. [1892.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc., 2, 1895, 104-107. Arez, Joao. Sobre uma formula de analyse. [1894.] Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 11, 1892, 187-188; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 463. 2. Sobre uma formula de analyse. Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sei., 12, 1895, 110-113; Fortschr. Math., 1895, 307-308. Arez. See ulso Almeida Arez. Argall, Philip [II.]. 3. Nickel : the occurrence, geological distribution and genesis of its ore deposits. [1893.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc., 4, 1891-93, 395-420. Argelander, Frieilricli Williclm Aiiflnst. 128. *Durch- musteruug des nordhehen Himmels zwischeu 45 und 80 Grad der Declination auf der Interims-Sternwarte der Koniglichen Rheinischen Frieilrich-Wilhelms-Uuiversitat zu Bonn in den Jahren 1841 bis 1844 ausgefuhrt und mit Hulfstafeln zur Reduction der scheinbaren Oerter der 19 Argelander] 146 [Arieti Sterne auf die mittlern zu Anfange des Jahres 1842 versehen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 1, 1846, xxxii + 499 pp. ; 5, 1862, i-xxxiii ; 6, 1867, [7]. 129. *Durchmusterung der Himmelszone zwiscben 15 und 31 Grad siidlicher Declination auf der Stermvarte der Koniglichen Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn in den Jaliren 1849-52 ausgefiihrt und mit Hiilfstafeln zur Reduction der seheinbaren Oerter der Sterne auf die mittlern zu Anfauge des Jahres 1850 versehen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 2, 1852, Ivi + 427 pp.; 6, 1867, [8]-[16] ; 7, 1869, 519. 130. *Bouner Sternverzeichniss. Erste Section ent- haltend die geniiuerten mittleren Oerter von 110984 Sternen zwischen 2 Grad siidlicher und 20 Grad nijrd- licher Declination fur den Anfang des Jahres 1855. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Prof. Dr. E. SCHOENFELD und Dr. A. KBUEGEB auf der Stermvarte der Koniglichen Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn beobachtet und berechnet. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 3,1859, xxvi + 378 pp.; 4,1861, xlviii ; 5,1862, xxxiv- xxxv ; 6, 1867, 376-377; 7, 1869, 519. 131. *Bonner Sternverzeichniss. Zweite Section enthaltend die genaherten mittleren Oerter von 105075 Sternen zwischen 20 und 41 Grad niirdlicher Declination fur den Anfang des Jahres 1855. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Prof. Dr. E. SCHOENFELD und Dr. A. KRUEGER auf der Sternwarte der Koniglichen Eheinischen Friedrich- Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn beobachtet uud berechnet. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 4, 1861, [10] + xlviii + 361 pp.; 5, 1862, xxxv ; 6, 1867, 377-379 ; 7, 1869, 519. 132. *Bonner Sternverzeichniss. Dritte Section ent- haltend die geuaherten mittleren Oerter von 108129 Sternen zwischen 41 untl 90 Grad nordlicher Declination fiir den Anfang des Jahres 1855. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Prof. Dr. E. SCHOENFELD uud Prof. Dr. A. KRUEGER auf der Sternwarte der Kouiglichen Rheiu- ischeu Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn beo- bachtet und berechnet. Bonn Steruw. Astr. Beob., 5, 1862, [22] + xxxv + 380 pp.; 6, 1867, 379-380; 7, 1869, 519-520. 133. *Verbesserungen und Bemerkungen zu ver- achiedenen Sternverzeichnissen uud Beobachtungs- sammlungen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 6, 1867, [39] pp.; 7, 1869, 167-246. 134. *Mittlere Oerter von 33811 Sternen abgeleitet aus den am Meridiankreise der Bonner Sternwarte in den Jahren 1845-67 angestellten Beobachtungen und in drei Verzeichnisseu zusammengestellt. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 6, 1867, xx + [39] + 381 pp.; 7, 1869, 520-523. 135. *Untersuchungen iiber die Eigeubewegungen von 250 Sternen nach altern und den auf der Bouner Sternwarte angestellten Beobachtungen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 7, 1869, 1-143, 523. 136. *Mittlere Positionen von 160 Sternen fiir das Jahr 1875 abgeleitet aus alteru und neuern Beobacht- ungeu. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 7, 1869, 247-314, 524. 137. 'Beobachtungen und Rechnungen iiber ver- anderliche Sterne. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 7, 1869, 315-518, 524. Argence, Louis. La geographic des palmiers. [1889.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 12, 1890, 18-26. 2. De la frcondation naturelle et artificielle des ve'getaux. [1890.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 13, 1891, 18-24. Argenson, G. Sur le dosage de 1'acetone dans les urines. Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1055-1058. Argod-Vallon, Andre Albert. [Description d'une nouvelle espece aveugle de Coleopteres de la division des Silphales.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, elxiii-clxiv. 2. [Description d'une nouvelle espece franraise de Carabique.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, clxix-clxx. 3. [Description d'un Curculionide nouveau.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1896, xxviii. 4. Description d'un Cerambycide nouveau de 1'Afrique orientale. Paris, Soc. But. Bull., 1899, 208. Argus [Pseud.}. The ghost of the season. Jl. Sci., 21, 1884, 256-265. Argutinskij Dolgorukov, (Prince) P[etr Michaildvic]. Muskelarbeit und Stickstoffumsatz. Pfliiger, Arch. Phy- siol., 46, 1890, 552-580. 2. Ueber die Kjeldahl-Wilfarth'sche Methode der Stickstoffbestimmung unter Beriicksichtigung ihrer An- wendung zu Stoffwechselversuchen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 581-593. 3. Versuche iiber die Stickstoff ausscheidung durch den Schweiss bei gesteigerter Schweissabsonderung. Pfliiger, Arch. Phyeiol., 46, 1890, 594-600. 4. Ueber die elementare Zusammensetzung des Och- senfleisches. [1893.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 55, 1894, 345-365. 5. Ueber eine regelmiissige Gliederung in der grauen Substanz des Riickenmarks beim Neugeborenen und iiber die Mittelzellen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 48, 1897, 496-523. 6. Ueber die Gestalt und die Entstehungsweise des Ventriculus termiualis und iiber das Filum terminale des Riickenmarkes bei Neugeboreuen. Arch. Mikr. Auat., 52, 1898, 501-534. 7. Eine einfache und zuverlassige Methode Celloidin- serien mit Wasser und Eiweiss aufzukleben. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 55,1900, 415-419; PhysiologisteRusse, 2 (1900-02), 15-18. Argyle, . Phenomenal weather in Victoria. [1897.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 32, 1898, 27. Argyll, Gcorfje Douglas Campbell (Duke of). For bio- graphy and works ' see Nature, 62 (1900), 13-14; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 16, 1900, 709-711; Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 8, 1905, 176-181. 20. The diffusion of species. Nature, 30, 1884, 462. 21. lona. Nature, 32, 1885, 413. 22. "Continuity and catastrophes in geology. [1883.] Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 1-27. 23. Presidential address to the Scottish Cryptogamic Society. [1888.] Scott. Natlist., 10, 1889-90, 16-22. 24. Supposed fossils from the southern Highlands. Nature, 39, 1889, 317-318. 25. An unusual geological sequence. Nature, 40, 1889, 642. 26. On certain bodies, apparently of organic origin, from a quartzite bed near luveraray. [1889.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 16, 1890, 39-64. 27. Acquired characters and congenital variation. Nature, 41, 1890, 173-174, 210, 294-295, 366-367. 28. Border-lands between geolog}- and geography. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 6, 1890, 169-181 ." 29. Araucaria cones. [1890.] Nature. 43, 1891, 8. 30. Snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca, L.) in Argyllshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 71. 31. Glacier action. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 389. 32. Origin of lake basins. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 485-486. 33. Two glens and the agency of glaciation. [1895.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 38, 1897, 193-202. 34. SAIIINE'S gull in Kilbrennan sound. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 46. 35. The great submergence. Nature, 56 (1897), 173. Argyropoulos, T[iiiinl,-un]. Vibrations d'un til de platine maintenu incandescent par un courant electrique, sous 1'influence des interruptions successives de ce courant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 525. 2. Observations sur les rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1119. Arheidt, Richard. Ueber Diphenylendihydrazin. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 206-215. Arias. See Rodriguez Arias. Arieti, e. I trattamenti preventivi dei cereali Arietil 147 [Arloing contro la carie ed il carbone. Rassegna storica e nnove esperienze. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 33, 1900, 405-429. Ariff, Mi'liuii'il. Ueber a-/3-Dibromisovaleriansaure. Lie- big's Ann., 280, 1894, 259-262. Arifon, . Double image dans 1'atmosphere. Astro- nomie, 1892, 78. Arin, [Emmanuel Auguste], Ferochautl. [Joseph Valentin], & iviir.illie, Charles. See Perochaud, Mir.uiic & Arin. Ariola, I'incenzo. Due nuove specie diBotriocefali. Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 6, 1895, 247-254. 2. Sulla " Bothriotsenia plicata (Ruil.)," e sul suo sviluppo. Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 7, 1896, 117-126. 3. Sopra alcuui Dibotrii nuovi o poco noti e sulla classificazione del genere Bothriocephalus. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 7, 1896, 261-282. 4. Note intorno agli Elminti del Museo Zoologico di Torino. Di alcuni Botriocefali. Torino Mus. Boll., 11, 1896, No. 259, 7 pp. 5. Osservazioni sopra alcuni Dibotrii dei pesci. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 60-70. 6. Di alcuni Trematodi di pesei marini. Geuova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 129-138. 7. II genere Scyphocephalus, fii >-">. | Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 100, 1885, 37S-381 ; Lyon Soc. Sri. Med. Mem., 23, 1886 (C. A'.), 126-130. 37. Influence du soleil sur la vegetabilite des spores du Bacillus authracis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 101. 1885, 511-513. 38. Influence du soleil sur la vegetation, la vegetabilite et la virulence des cultures du Bacillus authracis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 101, 1885, 535-537. 39. Marche des lesions conseeutives a I'iuecuiatiou de la tuberculose de 1'homme chez le lapiu et le cobaye. Application a 1'etude de 1'inoculation et de la reinocula- tion de la tubereulose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 101, 1885. 671-673. 40. Proprietes zyinotiques de certains virus. [Fer- mentation des inatieres azotees sous 1'induence de virus auaerobies.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 101, 1885, S19-821, 1013; 103, 1886, l-.»ti-<-1270. 41. De la chaleur comme adjuvant des antiseptiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (G. R.), 27-5. 42. Inflaenee de la lumiere blanche et de ses rayons constituants sur le developpement et les proprietes du Bacillus anthracis. [Iss.v] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 8, 1886, 347-377, cxxvii-cxxviii ; Arch, de Physiol., 7. 1886, 209-235. 43. Influence de Porganisme du rohaye sur la virulence de la tuberculose et de la scrofuk. Paris, Ac. Sci. ( . K., 103, 1886, 559-560. 44. De 1'exhalation de 1'acide carbonique dans les maladies infectieuses determinees par des microbes aerobies et des microbes anaerobies. I'.ni.-. Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, t; in -613. 45. I1 ) iation et centre trophique des nerfs. Examen critique des opinions emises sur leur nature: applications. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 38. 1886 ((.'. /,'.). 553-556. 46. [Communications sur les analogies eutie les virus et les ferments.] [1886.] Lyou Soc. Agr. Ann., 9, 1887. xxix-xxxi. 47. [L'iuoculatiou du microbe aerobic du Bacillus authracis et du vibrion septique on microbe ana de la septicemie gangreneuse.] [1886.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 9, 1887, Ixxiv-lxxvi. 48. [Recherches sur les germes contenus dans les eaux du Rhone.] [1886.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 9, 1887, cxxxi-cxxxii. 49. [Sur le mecanisrne de la destruction des microbes par la lumiere.] Ann. Inst. Pasteur. 1 (1887), 594—596. 50. Analyseur bacteriologique pour 1'etude des germes de 1'eau. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1887, 273-285; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C'- R-), 539-540. 51. Les spores du Bacillus anthracis sont reellement tui vs par la lumii-re solaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 104, 1887, 701-703. 52. Uu nouveau microbe gazeifere parasite de 1'homrne. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 720-722. 53. [Experiences relatives a 1'action destructive des rayons solaires sur les spores du Bacillus authracis.] [1887.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 10, 1888, Ixxi-lxxiii. 54. [Sur 1'inoculation tubercnleuse du lapin et du cobaye et la grande superiorite de ce dernier.] Arch. (Ten. M. neiimonie coutagieuse du 1m uf. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109. 1889, 428-430. 66. Determination du microbe producteur de la peripneumonie contagieuse du bceuf. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 459-462. 67. Experiences demoutrant 1'existence de fibres freuosenvtoiii's dans le cordon cervical du nerf grand sympathique. Paris. Ao. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 785- 788; (.'entibl. Physiol., 3. 1890, ::10. 68. Remarques sur les diastases secrete'es par le Bacillus heminecrobiophilus dans les milieux de culture. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., In;), 1889. 842-844. 69. l~n mot sur I'iuimuniti- naturelle. Arch. Mei- pherique des nerfs apres la section. Application a 1'analyse de la portion cervicale du nerf pneurno- gastrique. [1895.] Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 75-90 ; Centrbl. Physiol., 9, 1896, 472. 97. Influence de 1'exantheme vaccinal sur les locali- sations microbiennes (infection concomitante et infection secondaire). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 583-585. 98. Observations et remarques sur le pouvoir bac- te>icide et la substance bactericide du serum sanguin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1388-1391. 99. Sur une forme atypique de 1'exantheme vaccinal generalise experimental sur le poulain. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 25-27. 100. La toxieite de la sueur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 1107-1110. 101. De 1'intoxication par la sueur de l'homme sain. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 218-221, 283-286. 102. Distribution de la matiere agglutinante des microbes dans le sang et quelques autres humeurs de 1'organisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 104-105. 103. La toxieite de la sueur de I'hornrne ; ses variations ; ses rapports avec la toxieite urinaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 49, 1897 (C. R.), 533-535. 104. Toxieite de la sueur. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 37, 1898 (C. R.), 33-34. 105. Influence de la*voie et du mode d'introduction sur le developpement des effets immunisauts du serum antidiphterique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1179- 1182. 106. Sur 1'obtention de cultures et d'emulsions hoinogenes du bacille de la tuberculose humaine en milieu liquide et "sur une varie'te mobile de ce bacille." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1319-1321. 107. Agglutination du bacille de la tuberculose vraie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1398-1400. 108. Apparition dans le se'rum sanguin, SOUB 1'in- flueuce de produits chimiques, d'uue matiere capable d'agglutiner le bacille de la tuberculose vraie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C.,R., 12li, 1898, 1550-1553. 109. Etude sur la toxieite de la sueur de l'homme en bonne saute. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899, 249-258. 110. Etude experimentale de 1'intoxication par la sueur. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899, 268-280. 111. Influence de la voie d'introduction sur le developpemeut des effets therapeutiques du serum anti- diphterique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1498- 1501. 112. Sur le mecanisme de 1'agglutination des microbes par des serums normaux ou immunises. Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. Jiibil.), 1899, 407-418. 113. Remarques sur 1'application des serums a la therapeutique et a la prophvlaxie. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (I'ul. 2), 57-60. 114. Demonstration experimentale de la predisposi- tion creee par la tuberculose septicemique ou infectieuse Arloing-] 150 [Armaignac vis-a-vis d'elle-me'me. Congr. Int. M^d. C. E.. 1900 (Vol. 2), 384-387. 115. Tuberculisation et tuberculination de Fane. Jl. Physio}. Path. Gen., 2, 1900, 001-614. 116. Etude sur la serotherapie du charbon sympto- matique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 548-550. 117. De Fimmunite centre le charbon symptomatique apres 1'injection du se>um pre'ventif et du virus natnrel {sole's ou melanges. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 991-994. 118. Nouveaux precedes de vaccination centre le charbon symptomatique du breuf, par 1'association de se>um immunisant et de vaccins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 131, 1900, 319-323. Arloing, Saturnin, & Cazeneuve, Paul. Sur les effets physiologiques de deux colorants rouges azoi'ques tres employes pour colorer les substances alimentaires. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1887, 35(5-393; Jl. Pharm., 15, 1887, 609- 611 ; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 17, 1887, 434-436. , Arloing, Saturnin, & Chantre, Kdnnard. Etude sur Forigiue microbienne de I'mfection purulente ohirurgicale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 117, 1893, 324-327 ; Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 33, 1894 (C. K.), 124-125. 2. Agent de i'infection purulente chirurgicale ; ses variations morphologiques et pathogeniques. [With dixciixsion.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (}'ol. 2, Palo!.), 136-142. 3. Sur les variations morphologiques et pathogeniques de Fagent de I'infection puruleute chirurgicale. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1895, 610-618. 4. Recherchea physiologiques sur le muscle sphincter ani ; particularity offerte par son innervation et sa contraction reflexes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1206-1210. 5. Eecherches physiologiques sur la contraction du sphincter ani. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 536- 539. 6. Particularities relatives a Finnervatiou et aux pro- prietes physiologiques generates des nerfs du sphincter ani. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 651-654. 7. Effets de la section des nerfs du sphincter ani sur le role, les proprieties physiologiques et anatomiques de ce muscle et sur Forganisme en ge'ne'ral. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 700-703. Arloing, Saturnin, & Chauveau, [Jean Kaptiste] A[it[iuste]. See Chauveau it Arloing. Arloing, Satuniiu, it Coroevin, Cli[arli'i Ernest]. Sur un precede d'augmentation de la virulence normale du microbe du charbon symptomatique et de restitution de Factivite1 primitive apres attenuation. [1886.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 1078-1081 ; Lyou Soc. Agr. Ann., 9, 1887, cxx-cxxii. Arloing, Sutiirnin, it Courmont, Jules. Sur le traitement des tumeurs malignes de Fhomme par les injections de se'rum d'ane normal ou prealablement inoeule avec du sue d'epitheliome. Paris, Ac. M<;d. Bull., 35, 1896, 517-538. Arloing, Saturnin, A Courmont, I'aul. De Fobtentiou des cultures du bacille de Kucn les plus propices a Fetude du phenom&ne de 1'agglutination par le se'rum sanguin des tuberculeux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 312- 315. 2. Sur la recherche et la valeur clinique de Faggluti- nation du bacille de KOCH par le serum sanguin de Fhomme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 425-428. 3. Transformation du baeille de KOCH d'origine humaine en une varii'-te possedant la plupart des at- tributs du bacille dc la tuberculose aviaire. Congr. Int. Med. C. 11., 1900 (Vol. 3, l!,i,-t.), 175-178. 4. Diagnostic precoce de la tuberculose par la sero- agglutiuation. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Me'd. C. E., 1900 (To/. 4), 748-758. 5. Des causes qui modilient le dciveloppement du pouvoir agglutinant dans le sang des sujets rendus experimentalement tuberculeux. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 2, 1900, 82-94. 6. Etude de Finfluence chez le chien d'une inocu- lation de bacilles de KOCH tres virulents sur le pouvoir agglutinant determine par une premiere inoculation de bacilles attends. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. A'.), 1025-1026. 7. De 1'agglutination du bacille de KOCH ; application an sere-diagnostic de la tuberculose. Ztschr. Tuberkulose, 1, 1900, 11-16, 116-123. Arloing, Satitnun, it Dumarest, F[redfri<:]. Essai ex- pe'rimeutal sur un antagouisme signale par quelques pathologistes entre la rievre typho'ide et la tuberculose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 837-839. Arloing, Saturnin, it Duprez, . Des qualites pre- ventives du se'rum sanguin d'uue genisse immunisee contre la pe>ipneumonie contagieuse des bovides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 573-576. Arloing, Nitturnin, it Guinard, Louin. Eecherches sur Fubtention d'un serum antituberculineux. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 3, Bact.), 178-181. Arloing, Sutiirnin, & Laulamc, [Itertnuid Prosper] /•'[<• nlinand]. Introduction a Fetude des troubles de la temperature, des combustions respiratoires et de la thermoge'nese sous Finfluence des toxines bacteriennes. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1895, 675-686; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. K.), 433-435. Arloing, Saturnin, it Lcsbre, F[ranrois] X. Projet de reforme de la nomenclature myologique viHerinaire. Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 5, 1898, 135-173. Arloing, Saturnin, Cornevin, Cli[arles Ernest], & Thomas, {>. To reference in No. 12 (Vnl. 9) add Paris, Soc. Biol. Mum., 35, 1884 (C. It.), 121-128. Arloing, tiiiturnin, Rodet, A., it Courmont, Jutfs. Etude experimentale sur les proprietes attribuees a la tuberculiue de KOCH. Arch. Gen. Med., 168, 1891, 362-363; Lyon Univ. Ann., 6 (Faac. I), 1892, 99 pp. Arloing, Sutiirnin, Rollct, Etienne, & Mor.it, J[t'un] P[itrre]. .S'tr Rollet, Arloing it Mor.it. Arlt, [Karl Ferdinand] (Ritter) von. For biography and list of works sec Ann. d'Oculist., 98, 1887, 5-24 ; Arch. Augeulieilk., 17, 1887, 479^482; Arch. Ophthalm., 16, 1887, 370-373; Arch. f. Ophthalm., 33, 1887 (Abth. 1), v-vi ; Leopoldina, 23, 1887, 58 ; Wien. Med. Wschr., 37, 1887, 321-322, 341-344 ; Termt. Kiizliin., 20, 1888, 464- 465. 8. Winke zur Staaroperation. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 31, 1885 (Altli. 3), 1-38. 9. [Die Eutwicklung des Mikrophthalmus und Anophthalmus congenitus.] Med. Jbiich., 1885 (An;.), 100-106. Arlt, F[i'rdiniinil] von. Ueber Pseudocinchonin und das Verhalten von Hydrochlorcinchooin. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 26), 159-183; Mhefte. Chem., 1899, 425-449. Armagnat, //. Notions ^lementaires sur les systemes oscillants. Eclairage Elect., 7 (1896), 395-407, 446-450. 2. Observation des appareils de mesures electriques. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 153-162. 3. Galvauometres. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 454- 462, 506-516, 546-565. 4. Electrometres. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 591-602. 5. Sur la theorie des bobines d'inductiou. Eclairage Elect., 15 (1898), 52-62; 22 (1900), 121-125. 6. Les progres de la bobine d induction. Eclairage Elect., 19 (1899), 41-46, 134-139, 157-158. 7. Contribution a Fetude de Finterrupteur Wehnelt. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 988-990. Armaignac, U[ 1882 [n 1883 rr. Pre- liminary reports on geological investigations in the government of Poltava in 1882 and 1883]. [1883-85.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 2, 1883, 137-147 ; 4, 1886, 73-81. 9. K;i> Bnnpouy 0 ryjloeoBOM'i, .'lecct. [Con- tribution to the question of the Kiev Loess containing humus.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 7, [1884], ci-ciii. 10. npe^BapiiTe-imuit OTien. o reo.ionciec- KIIXT, inscjiijoBaHiflxi BT> ry6epniflXT, KypcKoft n XapblCOBCKoil BT. 1885 ro^,y. Compte rendu pre- liminaire sur les recherches geologiques faites en 1885 dans les gouvernements de Koursk et de Charkoff. St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 5, 1886, 353-362 (fles. 362). 11. 0 pacirpoCTpaneHiH jipeBinrxT, pt'inuxi. o6pa30Blanin BT, irfeKO'ropHxt MtcTHOcTflxrr> 6ac- ccilna ;I,Ht>npa. [Sur la repartition des formations anciennes, fltiviatiles dans qnelques endroits du bassin du Dniepr.] [1886.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 8 (2), 1887, xix-xx; St. Petersb., Com. Ge'ol. Bull. ,7, 1889 (S«ppl.),3. 12. FesyjihTaTH iciMt.penitt KpncTajjioBT, Ha- •rpiriHoil CO.IH asoKyMiiHOBoii KIIMOTM. [Results of the measurement of crystals of the sodium salt of azocuminic acid (Cr,H..(C,H7) NCO,Na).,.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, xiii-xiv. is. H'fcKOTOpue jtannuK jus cpaBHenifl Jlecca aaiiajlHOli EBpOIIH II Poccill. [Quelques dounees pour la comparaison du Loess de 1'Europe occidentale et celui de la Russie.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 1(1, 1889, xl-xli; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 9, 1890 (Suppl.), 1-2. 14. 0 reojioni'iecKOMi CTpoeHiii c. HeaieKi, lIOJITaBCKOll I'y6. [Sur la structure geologique du village Issatschky, gouvernement de Poltawa. ] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, xlviii-xlix; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 9, 1890 (Suppl.), 89. 15. 0 Haxoaytenill Paludina diluviana Bli IIoc- .irliTpeTii'iHiJX'f, odpa:iOBani!ixi> mKHoii Pocciii. [Die Auffindung der Paludina ililuviana in den Postter- tiiiren Bildungen Sud-Russlands.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, Iv-lvii; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1891 (Bd. 1, Rff.), 315-310. 16. Ki> reojiorin OBpyicKaro yfe,i,a. [Con- tribution to the geology of Ovrutch (Volhynia). ] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, Ixxv-lxxvi. 17. KpncTa.'iJiorpai|iii'iecKiji nujiipeHiH x.io- paiiniApiija asoKyjiiiHOBofi KIICJIOTH. [Crystallo- graphic measurement of azocuminic chloride.] [1889.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 11 (1), 1890, Ixxxii-lxxxiii. IB. PcsyjibTaTH ana.insa ryiiycoBaro .lecca. [Results of the analysis of Loess coutaining humus.] [1891.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 12 (2), 1892, xxii-xxiii. 19. ripejiBap]iTe.ibHui1 OTlieri"i> o reo.ioni- lieuKiixT> ii3CJi1;ji,oBaHiflxi> BI> MonueBCKOil ry- 6epnill B'b 1891 r. Compte rendu preliminaire sur les recherches geologiques dans le gouvernement de Mohilew. [1892.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 11, 1893, 163-167 (Res. 167). 20. 0 IloeJit/rpeTiniHBix'b oSpasoBaHiflxt c. TpOIIU,Karo B'l, OKp. MOCKBKI. [On the Post-tertiary deposits of the village of Troitzk near Moscow.] [1892.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 13, 1894, xxv-xxvi. 21. ITpejiBapiiTejiBHHil oTiert o reojiorii- 'lecKiixi. nscjitiOBaHiflxi BT, ry6epHiaxji, Morn- .leBCKOH II CMOJieHCKOfi BT, 1892 rojjy. (Compte rendu preliminaire sur les recherches geologiques dans les gouvernements de Mohilew et de Smolensk.) [1893.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 12, 1894, 245-251 (Res. 250-251). 22. 0 HTSKOTOpHXT, OypOBHXT, CKBajKIIHaXT, BT, OKp. Kiesa. [Sur quelques Bondages des environs de Armasevskij 1 152 [Armstrong la ville de Kiev.] [1894.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 15 (1), 1896, xlv-li; St. Petersb., Coin. Geol. Bull., Hi, 1897 (Suppl.), 169. 23. 0 OypOBHXT, CKBrtlKIIliaxT, BI, OKp. CC. .103HOBT. II 1IepHOJIlIH1L HojO.TbCKOft ryncpllill. [On borings in the neighbourhood of the villages of Lozny and Tchernuminy. Podolia govt.] [1894.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 15 (1), 1896, Ixix. 24. IIpejiBapiiTp.TbHMil OT'it'i'i, o reojnni- 'lecKiixi) nscjifi^OBaHijixi. BT> MoniJieBCK. r. BT. 1893 r. (C'ompte rendu preliminaire sur les recherches jteologiques dans le gouvernement de Mohilew.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 14, 1896, 229-234 (Ken. 234). 25. 0 reo.ioni4ecKOMT> cTpoeiiiii oicpecTHOCTefi M. KopCVHfl. [On the geological structure of the neighbourhood of Korsun.] [1897.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., Hi (2), 1900, Ixxxvii-lxxxviii. 26. li'i. reo.ioritr Kiesa. [Contribution to the geology of Kiev.] [1897.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 16 (2), 1900, clii-clvi. 27. KT, Bonpocy o IIor.rl.rpcTiniHMX'i, oopaao- Bani)IX7) KieBa. [Contribution to the question of the Post-tertiary deposits of Kiev.] [1898.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 17 (1), 1901. xlvii-1. Armasevskij, P[etr] .Ta[krirlerii~], & Antonovic, I'. B. Sec Antonovic A Armasevskij. Armelin, Huston. La reforme du calendrier. Paris, Hoc. Geogr. C. R., 1888. 355-303 ; Astronomie. 1888, 317-349. Armendaris, Eduardo. Estu'dio de los alcaloides vege- tales. Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 8, 1894, II-1-".). 2. Apuntes para la dosificaciou del taniuo en los vegetales. Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 8, 1894, 117-132. 3. Alcaloides de origen animal. [1895.] Mix., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 8, 1894, 217-254. 4. Notes sur les proprietes physiologiques de quelques preparations pharmaceutiques du Helcnium mexicanum (cbapuz, hierba de las animas, rosilla de Puebla, cabe- zona de Guanajuato). [Ix'.iO. ] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 9, 1895, 253-259. 5. Apuntes acerca de una coutrahierba de Mexico. [1894.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 380-382. 6. Dositicacion aproximada de la clorofila. [1*!I4.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 382-383. 7. Un nuevo reactivo para la investigacion de los alealis. [1894.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 424-420. 8. Xota relatira al Amanita muscaria que se cria en los hordes de algunas acequias del distrito federal. [1898.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 11, 1897, 71-74. 9. Un caso de triquinosis intestinal. [1899.] Jlex., Soe. "Alzate" Mem., 12, 1898, 397-402. 10. Algunas observaciones sobre la valorizacion del azucar por el licor de FEELING. [1'JOl.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 15, 1900, 361-366. Armendaris, Kdimrdn, & Villada, Manuel M. See Vill.nl. i & Armendaris. Armieux, /.on is I. ran O/n"1'- For biography and works set Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 8, 1886, 179-494, 528-531. Armistead, J. J. Atmospheric and other influences on the migration of fishes. Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 30-37. 2. The balance of nature in regard to our fisheries. Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 6, 1890, 216-218. 3. Atmospheric and other influences un the migration of fishes. U. S. Fish. Cornm. Bull., 13, 1894, 93-99. 4. Fish culture. [18U6.] Roy. Inst. Proc.. 15, 1899, 39-52. Armistead, S[timuel] TT'., Converse, idrii-tts] i-nn't. See Hoft & Armstrong. Armstrong, E. J. A new shaft governor. Elect. Rev., 37, 1895, 72-73. Armstrong, Geanje Frcilcrifl;. For biographical notice see Inst. Mech. Engin. Proc., 1900, 621-622; Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1900 (A'o. 2), 387-388. 3. [Presidential address, Nov. 9th, 1896. Retrospect of the year 1896.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 14, 1898, 185-208. Armstrong, Henry E[dicard]. 25. 'Note on the forma- tion and on the constitution of the fulminates. [1883.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 45, 1884, 25-27, 721. 26. On the teaching of natural science as a part of the ordinary school course and on the method of teaching chemistry in the introductory course in science classes, schools, and colleges. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 239-242. 27. On the manufacture of gas from oil. No. 1. Pre- liminary note on certain bye-products of the manufacture of gas from oil by the Pintsch process in relation to the question of the conditions under which beuzenoid hydro- carbons are formed. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 3, 1884, 462- 408. 28. [Presidential address to the Chem. Sci. Sect., Aberdeen, Sept. 10.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 945-964. 29. Note with reference to the methods proposed for Armstrong] 153 [Armstrong coking coal and recovering volatile matters. Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1885, 120-125. 30. The theory of the interaction of carbon monoxide, water and oxygen gases : a note on Mr. H. B. DIXON'S paper on the action of carbonic oxide on steam. Cliem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 112-114. 31. The use of the electric light to influence chemical change. Chem. Soc. Proc., 2, 1886, 182-183. 32. The action of metals on acids. Chem. Soc. Proc., 2, 1886, 189-192. 33. Electrolytic conduction in relation to molecular composition, valency and the nature of chemical change : being an attempt to apply a theory of "residual affinity." Boy. Soc. Proc., 40, 1886, 268-21)1. 34. Valency and residual affinity. [1886-87.] Nature, 35, 1887, 570-572, 596-598. 35 Reportfs] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating isomeric naphthalene derivatives. [See also under Tilden & Armstrong.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 231-234; 1888, 96-99; 1889, 172- 175; 1891, 265-272; 1892, 191-192 ; 1893, 381-386; 1894, 268-270; 1896, 272; 1896, 265-208; 1900, 297-299. 36. " Comparison between the views of Dr. ARBHENIUS and Professor ARMSTRONG on electrolysis." Reply to Professor LODGE'S criticisms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 354- 358. 37. Isomeric naphthalene derivatives. Chem. News, 56, 1887, 253. 38. An explanation of the laws which govern sub- stitution in the case of benzenoid compounds. Chem. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 258-268, 583-590. 39. Note on the influence of liquid water in pro- moting the interaction of hydrogen chloride and oxygen on exposure to light. Chem. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 806-807. •4O. Addendum to paper entitled "An explanation of the laws which govern substitution in the case of benzenoid compounds." Chem. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 44. 41. Isomeric change in the naphthalene series. No. 1. Chem. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 143-144. 42. The determination of the constitution of carbon compounds from thermochemical data. Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 73-109. 43. The alkaloids, the present state of knowledge concerning them, and the methods employed in their investigation. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 6, 1887, 482-490. 44. Note on electrolytic conduction and on evidence of a change in the constitution of water ; an addendum to the ... paper [by Holland CROMPTON : "An extension of MENDELEEP'S theory of solution to the discussion of the electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions"]. [1887.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 53, 1888, 125-133. 45. Note on reply [by Svante ARRHENIDS to author's criticisms regarding the dissociation theory of electro- lysis]. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 355-360. 46. The origin of colour and the constitution of colouring matters. [n. The constitution of coloured nitro-compounds. in. Colour as an evidence of iso- dynamic change : the existence of isodynamic acids, v. Coloured hydrocarbons and fluorescence : a reply to Professor HARTLEY'S observations on the origin of colour and of fluorescence, vr. Azobenzeue. vn. The phtha- leins and fluoresceins. vm. The limitation of colour to truly quinonoid compounds. Change of colour as indicative of change of structure as in the case of alizarin. ix. Note on the appearance of colour in quinoline derivatives and of fluorescence in quinine. x. Coloured hydrocarbons. xi. The yellow colour of 2 : 3-hydroxynaphthoic acid.] [1888-96.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 4, 1888, 27-31; 8, 1894, 101-103, 103-104, 189- 194, 194-195; 9, 1895, 52-55, 55-57, 63-64, 206, 206- 207 ; 12, 1897, 42-43. 47. The criteria of plane and axial symmetry. Chem. Soc. Proc., 4, 1888, 93-95. R. S. A. C. 48. A note on valency, especially as defined by HELMHOLTZ. Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 21-30. 49. Remarks [on the subject of electrolysis in its physical and chemical bearings]. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 223-225. 50. Suggestions for a course of elementary instruc- tion in physical science. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 229-250. 51. The constitution of betanaplithol-a-sulphonic acid (BAYER'S acid). Chem. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 8-10. 52. The sulphonation of naphthalene-/3-sulphonic acid. Chem. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 10. 53. Note on the interaction of metals and acids. Chem. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 66. 54. Note on the determination of the molecular weight of substances in solution especially colloids. Chem. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 109-113. 55. Note on the hydration of cyanides. Chem. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 122. 56. Exercises illustrative of an elementary course of instruction in experimental science. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 299-309. 57. The terminology of hydrolysis, especially as effected by "ferments." Chem. Soc. Jl., 57, 1890, 528-531 ; Nature, 42, 1890, 406-407. 58. The oxidation of turpentine in sunlight. [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 6, 1891, 99-101. 59. The structure of cycloid hydrocarbons. [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 6, 1891,' 101-103. 60. Studies of the terpenes and allied compounds. The nature of turpentine oils, including that obtained from Pinus khasyana. Chem. Soc. Jl., 59, 1891, 311- 315. 61. The function of chlorine in acid chlorides as exemplified by sulphuryl chloride. Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 60-61. 62. The formation of salts, a contribution to the theory of electrolysis, and of the nature of chemical change in the case of non-electrolytes. Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 118-119. 63. The chemical changes attending photographic operations. I. The theory of development in relation to the essentially electrolytic character of the phenomena and the nature of the photographic image. Chem. News, 65, 1892, 181-184. 64. The origin of colour. [IV.] Note on the appearance of colour in quinoline derivatives and of fluorescence in quinine salts. Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 789-790. 65. The International Conference on Chemical Nomenclature. Nature, 46, 1892, 56-58. 66. Note on anhydrides of sulphonic acids. [1M92.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 8, 1894, 41-42. 67. Contributions to an international system of nomenclature. The nomenclature of cycloids. [1892.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 8, 1894, 127-130. 68. Flame. [1893.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 100-101, 172. 69. Note on optical properties as indicative of structure. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 57-63. 70. The conditions determinative of chemical change. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 145-148. 71. The nature of depolarisers. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 148-151, 188-191. 72. The nature of chemical change and the conditions which determine it. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1895, 1122-1172. 73. Notes on HOFMANN'S scientific work. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 69, 1896, 637-732, [1756]. 74. Studies of the terpenes and allied compounds. Note on ketopinic acid, a product of the oxidation of the solid hydrochloride (cblorocarnphydrene) prepared from pinene. Chem. Soc. Jl., 69, 1896, 1397-1402. 75. Osmotic pressure and ionic dissociation. [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 78-79. 20 Armstrong] 154 [Armstrong 76. Preliminary report on two Burmese turpentines. Pharm. .11., 2, 1896, 370. 77. Note on etherification. [1896.] Chern. Soo. Proe., 12, 1897, 43-44. 78. The relation of pinene to citrene. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 12, 1897, 44-45. 79. The conditions involved in the occurrence of inversion in the case of asymmetric (optically active) compounds. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 12, 1897, 45-47, xviii. 80. Notes on nitration. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 12, 1897, 230. 81. The direct synthesis of optically active proteid- like substances. [1897.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 341. 82. A discussion on the laws of substitution, especially in benzeuoid compounds. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 683-687. 83. The relative orienting effect of chlorine and bromine. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 687. 84. Isomorphism in benzenesulphonic derivatives. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 687-688. 85. Symbiotic fermentation; its chemical aspects. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1899, 699-701. 86. An explanation of the laws which govern sub- stitution in the case of benzenoid compounds. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 15, 1900, 176-178. 87. Azo- and hydrazone compounds differentiated by bromine. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 15, 1900, 243-244. 88. Isomorphous derivatives of benzene. Report of the Committee consisting of Prof. H. A. MIERS, Dr. W. P. WYNNE and Dr. H. E. ARMSTRONG. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 167-170. 89. Phenylacetylchloramine and its analogues. Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 (Ft. 2), 1047-1053. 90. Note on BACH'S hydrogen tetroxide. [1900.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 16, 1901, 134. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & Amphlett, E[dward] G[reenhill]. See Amphlett & Armstrong. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & Berry, W[illiam]. Meta- sulphonation of aniline. [1900.] Chem. Soc. Proc. , 1C, 1901, 159. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & Briggs, J[ah»] Frederick']. The relative orienting effect of chlorine and bromine. (I.) The constitution of parabrom- and parachlor- anilinesulphomc acids. [1892.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 8, 1894, 40-41. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & Davis, William A[lfred]. 3' Bromo-0-naphthol. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 12, 1897, 230-231. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & Isherwood, Percy C'[/ai«/<>] C[ameron]. Bromination of oxyazo. compounds. [1900.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 16, 1901, 158-159. Armstrong, Henri/ F.[dward], & Kipping, Frederic Stanley. Camphorone, a product of the action of de- hydrating agents on camphor. Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 188-189. 2. Studies of the terpenes and allied compounds. The formation of ketones by the interaction of camphor and agents such as sulphuric acid and zinc chloride. Chem. Soc. Jl., 63, 1893, 75-99. 3. The production of the ketone 1:2: 4-acetylortho- xylene from camphor by the action of sulphuric acid and zinc chloride. [1892.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 8, 1894, 54. 4. The products of the interaction of zinc chloride or sulphuric acid and camphor. [1892.] Chem. Soe. Proc., 8, 1894, 198-199. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & tapworth, Arthur. The interaction of acid chlorides and nitrates. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 255-256. Armstrong, Henry E[du'ard], & Lewis, Ediciinl \\'[ntkin~\. Inhibiting effect of etherification on substitution in phenols. [1900.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 16, 1901, 157- 158. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & Miller, Alexander K[cnneth], 3. Studies on sulphonic acids. No. I. On the hydrolysis of sulphonic acids and on the recovery of the benzenes from their sulphonic acids. Chem. Soc. Jl., 45, 1884, 148-153. 4. The decomposition and genesis of hydrocarbons at high temperatures. I. The products of the manufacture of gas from petroleum. Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 74- 93. Armstrong, Henry F,[dn-aril], & Napper, S[idney] S[crirtner]. Benzenorthodisulphonic acid. [1900.] Chem. Soc. Proc., Hi, 1901, 16U-K51. Armstrong, Henry E[dicanl], & Pope, William Jackson. Studies of the terpenes and allied compounds. Sobrerol, a product of the oxidation of terebenthene (oil of turpentine) in sunlight. Chem. Soc. JL, 59, 1891, 315- 320, 1118. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & Robertson, George] H[enry]. A study of the Plante lead-sulphuric acid-lead peroxide cell from a chemical stand-point. Part II. A discussion of the chemical changes occurring in the cell. [1891.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 50, 1892, 108. Armstrong, Henry E[dicard], & Rossiter, F,[dmund] C[harles]. The action of halogens on betanaphthol. Chern. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 71-73. 2. Chloro- and bromo-derivatives of naphthol and naphthylaniine. Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 32-34. 3. Bromo-derivatives of betanaphthol. Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 87-89. 4. The action of nitric acid on naphthol derivatives as indicative of the manner in which nitration is effected in the case of benzenoid compounds generally. The formation of nitro-keto-compounds. Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 89-91. 5. A new method of preparing nitro-derivatives and the use of nitrogen dioxide as a nitrating agent. Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 91-92. 6. The sulphochlorides of the isorneric dibromonaph- thalenes. (I.) Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 182-183. 7. The action of alcohols on sulphonic chlorides as a means of producing ethereal salts of sulphouic acids. Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 184. 8. The action of bromine on a- and /3-bromonaphtha- lene. Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 184-186. 9. The action of bromine on a mixture of ortho- and paranitro-a-acenaphthalide. Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 18IJ-188. Armstrong, Henri/ E[dwanl], A Stokes, {Sir) G[eorge] Gabriel. See Stokes & Armstrong. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & Streatfeild, Frederick William. The action of bromine on (SCHAEFER'S) beta- napbtholsulphouic acid. Chem. Soc. Proc., 2, 1886, 232. Armstrong, Henry F.[dwanl], & Tilden, William A[ugustus], See Tilden & Armstrong. Armstrong, Henry K[dward], & Williamson, Sidney. a-Nitro-, a-bromo-, and a-chloronaphthaleuesulphonic acids. Chern. Soc. Proc., 2, 1886, 233-234. 2. ci-Cyanonaphthalenesulphonie acid. Chem. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 43. 3. Isorneric change in the naphthalene series. No. 4. a-Haloidnaphtbalenesulphouic acids. Chem. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 145-146. Armstrong, Henry E[dicard], & Wilson, L[eonard] P[liilip]. l:2:4-Metaxylidine-f!-sulphonic acid. [1900.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 16, 1901, 229-230. Armstrong, Henry E[dward],& Wynne, William Palmer. The action of chlorosulphonic acid on naphthalene-a- and /3-sulphouic acids. Chem. Soe. Proc., 2, 1886, 230- 232. 2. The action of bromine on the naphtlmlenesul- phonic acids. Chem. Soc. Proc., 2, 1886, 233. 3. Sulphonic acids derived from the j3-monohaloid Armstrong] 155 [Arnaud derivatives of naphthalene. Chem. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 22-23. 4. The formation of •y-naphthalenesulphonic acid by means of sulphuric anhydride, and on -y-dihydroxyuaph- thalene. Chem. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 42-43. 5. Isomerie change in the naphthalene series. No. 3. j3-Chlorouaphthalenesulphonic acids. [No. 5. ,3-Iodo- rjaphthalenesulphonic acids. No. 6. The influence of position in determining the nature of the isomeric change in the case of the chloronaphthalenesulphonic acids.] [1887-90.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 145; 5, 1889, 119-121; 6, 1891, 86-88. 6. The sulphonatiou of naphthalene. Chem. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 146. 7. The constitution of the dichloronaphthalenes, especially the a/S-cornpouuds. Chem. Soc. Proo., 4, 1888, 104-107. 8. Note on the 1 : 3 homo- and the isomeric hetero- ajS-dichloronaphthalenes melting at nearly the same temperature. Chem. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 5-8. 9. The nitration of naphthalene-/3-sulphonic acid. Chem. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 17-19. 10. The determination of the constitution of the heteronucleal a/3- and /J/3-di-derivatives of naphthalene. Chem. Soc. Proe., 5, 1889, 34-37, 48-54. 11. Nitro-/3-chloronaphthalene. Chem. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 71. 12. Studies on the constitution of the tri-derivatives of naphthalene. No. 1. The constitution of betanaph- thol- and betanaphthyl-aminedisulphouic acids R and G. Naphthalenemetadisulphonic acid. [No. 2. a-Amido- 1 : 3'-naphthalenedisulphonic acid. No. 3. Alpha- naphthylaminedisulphonic acid Dahl No. III. The constitution of naphthol-yellow S. No. 4. The con- stitution of a-naphthylaminedisulphonic acid Dahl No. II. Naphthalene-1 : 2'-disulphonic acid. No. 5. The constitution of the Sehollkopf a-naphthylaminedi- sulphonic acid. No. 6. The constitution of CAKSKLI.A'S j3-naphthylamine-5-disulphonie acid. No. 7. The di- sulphonic acids obtained by sulphonating the isomeric heteronucleal /3-naphthylaminesulphonic acids. No. 8. /3-Chloronaphthalenedisulphonic acids. No. 9. ANDRE- SEN'S p-naphthylamiuedisulphonic acid. No. 10. The dichloro-a-naphthols and trichlorouaphthaleues from 3 : 4-dichloro-phenyl-l-isocrotonic acid. No. 11. The trichloronaphthalene derivable from CLEVE'S 1:2: 2'-a- nitroChloronaphthalenesulphonic chloride. No. 12. The trichloronaphthalene derivable from ALEN'S a-uitro- uaphthalene-2 : 2'-disulphonic chloride. No. 13. The a-uaphthylamine-2 : 2'-disulphonic acid of FREUND'S German patent 27346. No. 14. The fourteen isomeric trichloronaphthalenes. No. 15. The disulphonic acids obtained by sulphonating 1 : 3-a-naphthylamine- and 1 : 3-a-chloronaphthalene sulphonic acids. No. 16. Conversion of chloronaphthalenedisulphonic acids into Jichloronaphthalenesulphonic acids.] [1890-97.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 6, 1891, 11-15, 15-16, 16-18, 125-126, 126-127, 127-128, 128-131, 131-133; 7, 1891, 27-28; 11, 1896, 78-79, 79-81, 81-82, 82-83, 84-86, 240-241, xxvii; 13, 1898, 152-154. 13. The homonucleal trichloronaphthalenes. [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 6, 1891, 76-77. 14. The ten isomeric dichloronaphthalenes and the sulphonic acids and trichloronaphthalenes derived there- from. [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 6, 1891, 77-84. 15. The chlorides of naphthalene and its derivatives, and the manner in which they are decomposed by alkalis. [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 6, 1891, 85-86. 16. The comparative influence exercised by the radicles Cl, OH and NH., in naphthalene-derivatives on the formation of disulphouic acids. [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 6, 1891, 133-136. 17. Note on the action of potash on naphtha- lene-1 : 3-disulphonic acid. [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 6, 1891, 136. 18. The Griess-Sandmeyer interactions and GATTER- MANN'S modification thereof. [1892.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 8, 1894, 199-200. 19. Ortho-, para- and peri-disulphouic derivatives of naphthalene. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 166- 169. 20. The non-existence of a trichloronaphthalene melting at 75-5°. The formation of chloro-derivatives from sulphonic chlorides. [1895.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 11, 1896, 83-84, xxvii. 21. 2 : l-/j-Naphthylarninesulphonic acid and the corresponding chloronaphthalenesulphonic acid. [1895.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 11, 1896, 238. 22. 1 : 3-a-Naphthylaminesulphonic acid and the corresponding chloronaphthalenesulphonic acid. [1895.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 11, 1896, 238-240. 23. Conversion of 1 : 1'- into 1 : 4'-dichloronaphtbaleue by hydrogen chloride. The products of hydrolysis of 1 : 1'- dichiorouaphthalene-3-sulphonic acid. [1897.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 13, 1898, 154-156. Armstrong, J. IS. 1O. Ranunculus Lyalli. Gard.Chron., 23, 1885, 370. 11. The New Zealand Cordylines. Gard. Chron., 23, 1885, 788-789. Armstrong, James. For biographical notice and works see (ieol. Mag., 10, 1893, 94. Armstrong, Samuel Treat. Cholera at New York, and the New York quarantine. N. Y. Med. Jl., 56, 1892, 266-269. 2. Quarantine, and the present status of quarantine laws. N. Y. Med. JL, 56. 1892, 354-357. 3. The intrinsic toxieity of blood serum. N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 567. Armstrong, Samuel Treat, & Kinyoun, J[osepli] J. Observations on the cholera bacillus as a means of positive diagnosis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 546- 547. Armstrong, Samuel Treat, & Sachs, B[ernhard]. See Sachs & Armstrong. Armstrong, T[lioinas] H[enry]. The rocket oil-engine. [Wit It discussion.] [1895.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 10, 1896, 473-478; 11, 1896, 170-171. Armstrong, W[illiani] (Jim.), & Bird, W. J. The econo- mical working of steam boilers at collieries. [With diicussion.] [1890.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Eugin. Trans., 39, 1892, 60-79. Armstrong, William. For biographical notice see Fed. Inst. Miu. Engin. Trans., 14, 1898, 171-172. Armstrong, William George Armstrong (Lord). For biography see Engineers Soc. Trans., 1900, 2(511-270; Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 44, 1901, 337-338; Roy. Soc. Proc., 75, 1905, 217-227. 19. On a multiple induction machine for producing high tension electricity, and on some remarkable results obtained with it. [1892.] Eoy. Soc. Proc., 52, 1893, 170-191. Armstrong, William George Armstrong (Lord), & Vavasseur, Josiah. The application of hydraulic power to naval gunnery. [1887.] Naval Architects Trans., 29, 1888, 8-22. Arnaldi, Alifhele. Sui determinant! orlati e sullo sviluppo di un determinaute per determinant! orlati. Giorn. Mat., 34, 1896, 209-214. Arnao, Federico. *Eusayo sobre el estudio de quisles hematicos. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 49, 1877, 216-253. Arnaud Ety, [J. D.]. Assign to this author title (Vol. 1) under Arnaud, (1). For biography see Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1884, 384-386; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 56; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 351. 20—2 Arnaudl 156 [Arnaud 2. *Des crues annuelles du Nil observees au Barrage, depuis 1846 jusqu'en 1862, compares avec celles in- diquees par le Meqhyas. Inst. Egypt. Mem., 1, 1862, 115-120. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon]. Assign to this author entries (Tul. 9) under Arnaud, . 4. Sur la recherche de 1'acide azotique au moyen d'un sel de cinchonamine. France Soc. Agr. Bull., 44, 1884, 453-454. 5. Dosage de 1'acide nitrique, par precipitation a 1'elal de nitrate de cinchonamine. Application de ce proced^ au dosage des nitrates coutenus dans les eaux naturelles et dans les plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 190-193. 6. Kecherches sur les matieres colorantes des feuilles ; identity de la matiere rouge orange avec la Caroline, cisHi>o. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 751-753. 7. Recherches sur la composition de la earotine, sa fonction chimique et sa formule. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1119-1122. 8. Sur la presence de la cholesterine dans la carotte ; recherches sur ce principe immediat. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1319-1322. 9. Dosage de la Caroline contenue dans les feuilles des vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1293-1296. 10. Sur la Caroline. Paris Soc. Chirn. Bull., 48, 1887, 64-69. 11. Sur la matiere crislaUise'e active des fleches empoisonnees des Coinalis, exlraile du bois d'ouaba'io. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1011-1014; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 451-452. 12. Sur la composition elemenlaire de la slrophanline crislallisee, extraite du Strophantus kombe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 179-182. 13. Sur la matiere crislallisee active, extraite des semences du Strophaulus glabre du Gabon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 1162-1164. 14. Idenlile du principe aclif du Strophanlus glabre du Gabon avec 1'ouabame. [1888.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 10-11. 15. Sur la tanghinine crislallisee extraite du Tanghinia venenifera de Madagascar. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1255-1257. 16. Recherches sur la digitaline cristallisee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1U9, 1889, 079-681. 17. Recherches sur la digitaline et sur la tanghinine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 701-703. 18. Recherches sur la earotine; son role physio- logique probable dans la i'euille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 911-914. 19. Recherches sur la cinchonamine, nouvel alcaloide des quinquinas. Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 93-131. 20. Sur un nouvel acide gras non sature de la serie C"H2"-402. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 79-81. 21. Transformation de 1'acide taririque et de 1'acide sli'iuoleique en acide slearique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1000-1002; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 82-84. 22. Recherches sur 1'ouaba'ine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. II., 126, 1898, 346-349, 451. 23. Sur les produits de dedoublement de 1'ouaba'ine par hydrolyse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1208- 1211. 24. Action des alcalis sur 1'ouabaine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1280-1282. 25. Sur une heptacetine cristallisee, dErivee de 1'ouabaine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1654--16.>J. 26. Sur les derives nitres resultant de 1'action de 1'acide nilrique sur 1'ouaba'ine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1873-1H76. Arnaud, A[lbtrt Leon], & Brongniart, Charles [Jiilr* Edme]. Sur une cigale vesicanle de la Chine et du Tonkin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 607-609. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon\, & Charrin, Albert. Recherches chimiques sur les secretions microbiennes. Transforma- tion et Elimination de la matiere organique azolee par le bacille pyocyanique dans un milieu de culture de"terrnin6e. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 112, 1891, 755-758. 2. Recherches chimiques et physiologiques sur les secretions microbieunes. Transformation et Elimination de la matiere orgauique par le bacille pyocyanique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1157-1160. 3. Secretions microbieunes. Leur formation. Apropos de la note de M. GCINOCHET. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 495-499. 4. Sulfale de cinchonamine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. J!.), 671-672. 5. A propos de la cinchonamine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 744. Arnaud, A[Ibert Leon], & Grimaux, Edouard. See Grimaux & Arnaud. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon], & Fad6, L[eon]. Recherche chimique de 1'acide nilrique, des nitrates dans les tissus vEgetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1488-1490. Arnaud, .{[Ibcrt Leon], & Verneuil, Augtiste [Victor Louis]. Sur un nouveau precede d'exlraction du caout- chouc conlenu dans les ecorces de diverses planles el notamment des Landolfia. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900. 259-261. Arnaud, Charles. Assign to this author title (Vol. 12) under Arnaud, . For biographical notice see France Soc. Bol. Bull., 43, 1896, 355-356. 2. Lellre [sur la decouverte du Ceterach officinarum, li'iilil., var. crenatum, 3Iilde, dans le Lot-el-Garonne]. France Soc. Bol. Bull., 36, 1889, 431-432. 3. Lellre [sur le Ceterach officinarum, var. crenatum et sublobatuin]. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 208-210. Arnaud, Fr[unrais] (notaire). Note sur 1'altitude primitive des Alpes dauphinoises. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 389-396. 2. Observations a propos de la discussion sur 1'allilude primitive des Alpes dauphinoises. Paris, Soc. GEol. Bull., 26, 1898, 544. Arnaud, t'raimiix (M.D.). Diagnostic de la syringornyElie. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 776-784. 2. Frequence des abces du foie a Marseille. Di- agnoslic de 1'hepatite suppuree aigue de nos climals a foyers multiples. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 310. 3. Recherches sur 1'urologie du phosphorisme chro- nique chez les ouvriers des manufactures d'allumetles chimiques. Auu. Hyg. Publ., 35, 1896, 193-223. 4. Les hemorragies des capsules surrenales. Arch. Gen. MEd., 186, 1900, 5-65. Arnaud, Fruiirois (M.D.), & Alezais, H[rnri]. See Alezais A Arnaud. Arnaud, Fru*t]. Znr Kenntniss der Ketonhydrazone aromatischer Hydrazine. Berlin, Chem Ges. Ber 30 1897, 1015-1017. Arnold, A[brnliam] B. Circumcision. N. Y. Med Jl 43, 1886, 173-179. 2. Clinical observations on dilatation and degeneration of the heart, with sphygmographic illustrations. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (IV. 1), 231-237. Arnold, l![ernhard], & Lcllmann, Etigen [Carl]. See Lcllm.inn & Arnold. Arnold, C. II., & Patterson, A[ndrew] H[enry]. See Patterson & Arnold. Arnold, (.'nrl. 19. Die Bestimmung des Stickstoffs im Harn nach KJELDAHL. Repertm. Anal. Chem , 4 1884 97-99. 20. Die Kjeldahl'sche Methode der Stickstoffbestim- mung. Arch. Pharm., 223, 1885, 177-185. 21. Grundlagen zu einer neuen Stickstoffbestim- mungs-methode von allgemeiner Anwendbarkeit. Berlin Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 806-812. 22. Kurze Methode zur Bestimmung der Chloride im normalen und pathologischen Harne der Saugethiere und Menschen, in der Milch und in seriisen Fliissig- keiten. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 35, 1885, 541-557. 23. Zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffs in Nitraten und Nitroverbindungen. (Vorlaufige Mitteilung.) Repertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1885, 41-42. 24. Eine Modiflkation des Will-Varrentrappschen Kugelapparates. Reperttn. Aual. Chem., 5, 1885, 57. 25. Die allgemeinere Anwendbarkeit der Kjeldahl'- schen Stickstoffbestirnmungsmethode. Arch. Pharm., 224, 1886, 785-794 ; Ztschr. Chem. Ind., 1, 1887, 4-6. ' Arnold, Carl, & Wedemeyer, Konrad. Eine leicht ausfubrbare Methode der Stickstoffbestimmung in Nitraten. Fresenius, Ztschr., 31, 1892, 389-392. 2. Beitrage zur Stickstoffbestimmung nach KJELDAHL. Fresenius, Ztschr., 31, 1892, 525-533. 3. Zur Bestimmung des Harustickstoffs nach SCHNEIDEB-SEEOEN und nach KJELDAHL. Ptiuger Arch Physiol., 52, 1892, 590-591. 4. Zur Phosphorsaurebestirnmung nach SPICA. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 603-604. Arnold, Efngelberi}. Non-synchronous motor for ordinary alternate currents. Electrician, 30, 1893, 444. 2. Ein Beitrag zur Berechuung der Wechselstrom- motoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 42—13. 3. Asynchroue Motoren fiir gewohulicben Wechsel- strom. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 256-258. 4. Phasenregelung bei Wechselstrorumotoren. Elek- troteehn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 579-580. 5. Ueber die nnipolare Indnktion uud Wechselstrom- maschinen mit ruhenden Wickelungen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 136-140. 6. Zur Theorie der Wecb>elstromnaotoreu. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 662. 7. Mittheiluugeu iiber die Ankerwickelungen der Gleichstrommaschinen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr. 17 1896 62-63, 83-86, 104-105. 8. Ueber die Berechnung uud Beurtheilung von Dynamomaschinen fiir Ein- und Mehrphasenstrom und Gleichstrom. Elektroteehn. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 730-733, 774-778. 9. Spannungsabfall bei Wechselstromgeneratoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 893-894. 10. Das magnetische Drehfeld. [1899.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb.., 13, 1900 (Slier.), 172-173. Arnold, Eduard. Ueber Methyl- und Aethyloxalessigester. Liebig's Ann., 246, 1888, 329-338. Arnold, Kdiiard, & Wislicenus, Wilhelm. See Wislicenus & Arnold. Arnold, F[erdinand Christina Gustav]. 14. DieLiehenen des frankischen Jura. Flora, 137, 1884. 65-96, 145-173, 227-258, 307-338, 403-434, 549-596, 645-664 ; 68, 1885 49-80, 143-176, 211-246, 261. 15. Lichenologische Ausfliige in Tirol. [1886-98.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 36, 1886 (Abli.), 61-88; 37, 1887 (Abh.), 81-150 ; 39, 1889 (Abh.), 249-266; 43, 1894 (Abh.), 360-407 ; 46, 1896, 101-143 ; 47, 1897, 210-224, 353-395, 671-677. 16. Lichenologische Fragmente. Flora 70 1887 145-164; 71, 1888, 81-95, 107-112. 17. Lichens de 1'ile Miquelon (Amerique septen- trionale) recueillis par .17. le Dr. DELAMAKE. Rev Mycol., 9, 1887, 141-144. 18. Muellerella thallophila, Arn. (n. sp.). Flora, 71 1888, 14. 19. Die Lichenen des frankischen Jura. Regensburg Bot. Ges. Denkschr., 6, 1890, 61 pp. 20. LicheuologischeFragmente. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 41, 1891, 189-194, 228-231, 272-274; 42, 1892 117-119 170-171, 189-192 ; 43, 1893, 95-99, 137-138 ; 44, 1894 81-87, 139-144, 181-184, 221-224, 249-252; 45 1895 60-63, 106-109, 146-147; 46, 1896, 128-131, 176-182 213-220, 245-251, 286-292, 326-332, 359-363 ; 49, 1899, 56-60, 99-102, 146-149, 175-179, 226-229, 270-275. Arnold, F[rederick] H[enry]. Hampshire plants. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 345. 2. Lepidium latifolium in Sussex. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 215. 3. Lathyrus tuberosus, L., in Sussex. Essex Natlist., 2, 1888, 170. Arnold, Friedrich. For biography and works see Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 397-405 ; Fortschr. Med., 8 (1890), 615- 616 ; Leopoldina, 26, 1890, 165-167. Arnold, G. A. The anterior cranial nerves of Pipa americana. Essex Inst. Bull., 25, 1894, 126-134. Arnold, Horace D. Weight of the "normal" heart in adults. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 3 1899, 174- 184. Arnold, Isabel S. Notes on the flora of the Upper Chemung valley. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888 131-133. Arnold, J[ulm] W[illiam] S[chmi iraitHeidii MVKH npii pasBHTiii HI Heft n.ltcHeBHXt (j)OpMT> rpirfiOBl. [On the hygroseo- picity of some substances and on a change which takes place in flour during the development in it of some fungus forms.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1898 (Pi. 10), 115- 144, (Pt. 11), 65-96, (Pt. 12), 1-32 ; 1899 (Pt. 1), 127- 144, (Pt. 4), 21-36, (Pts. 5 & 6), 1-20. Arnone, Luigi, & Colucci, Vincenzo L. See Colucci & Arnone. Arnot, F. S. Journey from Natal to Bihe and Benguella, and thence across the central plateau of Africa to the sources of the Zambesi and Congo. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 11, 1889, 65-78. Arnot, William. Meters and systems of charging for electric energy. [With discussion.] [1898.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 42, 1899, 146-175. Araott, Juiiit's MoTicrieff. For biographical notice sec Med.- Chir. Trans., 69, 1886, 4-8. Arnould, (le frere) C. F. '[Notes tneteorologiques faites a] Reims (Marue). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 113-114; 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 3, 27-28, 53-54, 76, 106-107, 134, 157-158, 185, 214, 242-243, 274, 303 ; '.i, 1876, Pt. 2, 5, 33-34, 63, 93, 129, 159, 193, 223, 251, 279, 303. , Arnould, E[mile Octave Jean]. Pathogenic du tremble- ment. Arch. Gen. Med., 174, 1894, 451-466. Arnould, E[mile Octave Jean], & Surmont, H. See Surmont & Amould. Arnould, Jules [Hippolyte]. For biographical notice and works see Ann. Hyg. Publ., 31, 1894, 477-478. 6. La fabrication du bleu d'outremer. Hygiene in- dustrielle et hygiene administrative. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 12, 1884, 404-423. 7. Les microorganismes du sol. Ann. Hyg. Publ. 14, 1885, 401-427. 8. De la fievre typhoide sporadique, son importance en c4iologie et en hygiene. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1886 (Pt. 2), 1004-1009. 9. La grippe dans le 1™ corps d'armee (1889-90). Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 15, 1890, 409-431. 10. Epidemic de fievre typhoide en 1891, sur les troupes de Landrecies, Maubeuge, et Avesnes. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 27, 1892, 21-38. Arnould, Pierre. Cadrans solaires. Genie Civil, 23, 1893, 337-338. Arnous de Riviere, (laron) H. Explorations in the Beni Province. Arner. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 24, 1892, 204- 214. 2. Explorations in the rubber districts of Bolivia. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 32 (1900), 432-440. Arnoux, Elie. Examen de la pature de quelques poissons comestibles du Golfe de Marseille. Marseille Mus. Ann., 3, 1889 (Trav. Zool. AppL), 87-95. 2. Examen de 1'etat de maturity sexuelle de quelques poissons comestibles du Golfe de Marseille. Marseille Mus. Ann., 3, 1889 (Trav. Zool. AppL), 95-100. Arnoux, Gabriel. Solution des Carres de magie diverse de tons les nombres entiers sans exception. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1885 (Pt. 1), 94. 2. Essais de psychologic et de me^aphysique positives. La methode graphique en mathe'matiques. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 241-259. 3. Technologic graphique ; appareil pour la decom- position d'un polynome en facteurs. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 21, 1893, 87-92. 4. Essais de psychologie et de metaphysique positives. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 45-57. Arnoux, Gabriel, & Laisant, C[hurles] A[nge]. Applica- tions des principes de 1'arithmetique graphique, con- 21 Arnoux] 162 [Aron gruences; proprie'tes diverses. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 2), 36-59. Arnoux, Rene, Sur la periode variable du courant dans un systeme eleetromagnetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 'l887, 425-428. 2. Sur une me'thode de determination du flux ({'induction qui traverse un systeme electromagut'tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 498-500, <>14. 3. Sur la valeur industrielle et ,economique des machines dynamo-electriques. Lum. Elect., 31, 1889, 501-519. 4. [Sur 1'equilibre dynamique des systenies statique- ment equilibre's.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1889, 90-92, 118-121. 5. A propos du stereocollimateur a lecture directe de M. DK PLACE. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 508. 6. Theorie de 1'equilibre des r^gulateurs industriels. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1894 (Pt. I), 111-112. 7. Nouveaux appareils poitatifs pour mesures elec- triques. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 1), 123-124. 8. Nouveaux voltmetres et amperemetres aperiodiques. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1895, 155-160. 9. Sur le coefficient de ruerite d'un automobile. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 (Pt. I), 134. 10. Le principe du calcul differentiel et integral de LEIBNITZ et son enseignement. Ass. Franc. C. R. , 1900 (Pt. 2), 1089-1091. Arnozan, X[avii'r]. 2. Ainnesie retrograde a la suite demotion morale. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Me'rn., 1887, 588-592. 3. Un cas de xeroderma pigmentosurn. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1888, 365-374. 4. Le pouls et le cceur des blennorragiques. [En collaboration avec 31. CHEMINADE.] [With discussion.] Bordeaux Soc. He'd. Mem., 1889, 342-351. 5. Une epidemic de rubeole. [With discussion.'] Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1889, 518-529, 529-535. 6. De la repartition des secretions grasses nortnales a la surface de la peau. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 1-9. 7. Contribution a 1'etude du nevrome plexil'orme. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 2), 738-741. 8. Comment determiner et fixer le type de la nutri- tion norinale? Comment differeneier la nutrition normale de la nutrition on des nutritions pathologiques? Ass. Franc. C. R., 1895 (Pt. 1), 325-332. Arnozan, A'[ Bonpoey o6'b OKOHtianiflxt HCPBOBT> BT> porOBHU'h. [Contribution to the question of the nerve- endings in the cornea.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 20, 1889, 15-34. 12. Die Emlapparate der Geschmacksnerven. [1892.] Biol. Centrbl., 13, 1893, 444-445. 13. Die Nervenendigungen in den Schmeckbechern der Sauger. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 41, 1893, 195-218. 14. Zur Morphologic der sekretorischen Nervenend- apparate. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 410-419. 15. MopqSo.loria II Me^inuiHa. [Morphology and medicine.] [1895.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1897 (Pt. 1), 23 pp. 16. Ueber secretorische uud sensible Nervendapparate ira Epithel. Congr. Int. Mc5d. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 1), 18-22, (Vol. 7), xliv. Arnstein, Robert. Ueber die Bestimmung der Xanthin- baseu im Earn. Ztschr. Physiol. Chern., 23, 1897, 417- 430. 2. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung der Xanthin- basen im Harn. (Yorlaufige Mitteilung.) Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 36, 1898, 257-258. Arntz, £[?ii(7], Bredt, [Conrad] J[ulius], & Helle, A[lfred]. See Bredt, Arntz it Hello. Arny, H[enr>i] V[inecome]. Parthenium hysterophorus. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 69, 1897, 169-180. Arny, H[cni-i/] V[iiiecotnc], & Hatcher, B[ober(] A. See Hatcher A Arny. Arny, H[enry] V[iiiecomc], & Wallach, Otto. See Wallach & Arny. Aro, J. E. Ueber Hadeua Maillardi, var. kuusanioensis, Stand. [1900.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Feun. Medd. 27, 1901, 46-.-.U. Aron, [77n'0(/or]. 2. [Versuche mit Cocai'n als locales Anastheticum.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 376-378. Aron, E[mif\. Ueber einen Versuch, den intrapleuralen Druck am lebenden Menschen zu ruessen. Virchow, Arch., 126, 1891, 517-533. 2. Urlirr einrn Versuch, die Spanuung der Luft in der Trachea des lebenden Menscheu zu messen. Virchow, Arch., 129, 1892, 426-435. 3. Ueber die Eimvirkung verdichteter und verdiinnter Luft auf den intratrachealeu Druck beim Meuschen. Virchow, Ai-ch., 130, 1892, 297-306. 4. Zur Casuistik der Halsrippen. [1892.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 23, 1893 (Tit. 2), 166-173. 5. Ueber den intrapleuralen Druck beim Ventil- Pneumothorax. Virchow, Arch., 131, 1893, 370-374. 6. Plethysmographische Untersuchnngen der Athem- bewegungen des Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 132, 1893, 408-427. 7. Graphische Darstellung einiger Athmungstypeu des Menscheu. Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894, 178-190. 8. Ueber die Einwirkung barometrisch verschiedener Luftarten auf den intrapleuralen und den Blut-Druck bei Kaninchcu. Virchow, Arch., 143, 1896, 3!IIM12. 9. Experimentelle Htudicn iibt-r den Pneumothorax. Virchow, Arch., 145, 1896, 562-581. 10. Knt^i •J.MIUIIK auf einige Bemerkungen des Herrn Dr. SACKUR : Weiteres zur Lehre vom Pneumothorax. Virchow. Arch., 150. 1897. 583-586. 11. Die Lungen-Ventilation bei Aenderung des Ath- mosphareu-Druckes. Virchow, Arch., 157, 1899, 550- 557. Aron] 163 [Aronstein 12. Der iutrapleurale Drnck beim lebenden, gesunden Menschen. Virehow, Arch., 160, 1900, 22(5-234. 13. Die Meehauik des geschlossenen Pneumothorax beim Menscheu. Virehow, Arch., llil, 1900, 569-577. Aron, H[ermann], 12. Ueber eineu neuen Elektrizi- tatszahler. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 480-489. 13. Ueber eine neue elektrische Uhrenregulirung. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 7, 1886, 353-300. 14. Drehstromzahler. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 13, 1892, 193. 15. Vervollkommneter Uhrenzahler. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 18, 1897, 372-375. 16. Elektricitatszahler fur Akkumulatorenbetrieb. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 559-561. Arone, Giovanni D. d'. Intorno ad un teorema di TCHE- BYCHEW. Giorn. Mat., 26, 1888, 61-64. 2. Un theorerne sur les fonctions harmoniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 114, 1892, 1055-1057. 3. Sur un th^oreme relatit' aux fonctions harmoniquea de plusieurs variables reelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 118, 1894, 342-345. Aronhcuii, B. 14. *Ueber das Zinnphenylchlorid und seine Derivate. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877/138-139. /irons, Leo [Martin}. Bestiuiruung der Verdet'schen Con- stante in absolutem Maass. Ann. Phys. Chern., 24, 1885, 161-182. 2. Interfereuzstreifen im Spectrum. Ann. Phys. Chem., 24, 1885, 669-670. 3. Verdfinnungswarine uud Warmecapacitat von Salzlosuugen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 25, 1885, 408-416. 4. Methode zur Messung der electromotorischen Gegenkraft im electrischen Lichtbogen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 30, 1887, 95-99. 5. Ueber den electrischen Buckstand. Ann. Phys. Chem., 35, 1888, 291-311. 6. Beobachtungen an electrisch polarisirteu Platiu- spiegelu. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 969-973; Ann. Phys. Chem., 41, 1890, 473-483. 7. Ein eleetrolytischer Versuch. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb.., 1891, 67-68; Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 383-384. 8. Ein Demonstrationsversuch mit electrischeu Sehwingungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 553-559. 9. Versuche fiber electrolytische Polarisation. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh., 1892), 40, 1892, 169-171. 10. Ueber einen Quecksilberlichtbogen. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Berlin Pliys. Ges. Verh., 1892), 47, 1892, 767-771. 11. Ueber Dielectricitatsconstauten fester, und op- tisehe Brechungsexponenten, geschmolzener Salze. Ann. Phys. Chem., 53, 1894, 95-108. 12. Ueber den electrischen Lichtbogen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 185-200. 13. Ueber die Polarisationserscheinungen an diinnen Metallmembranen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 201- 208. 14. Ueber den Lichtbogen zwischen Quecksilber- electrodeu, Amalgamen und Legirungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 73-95. 15. Ueber die Deutung der Polarisationserscheinungen an diinnen Metallmembranen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 080-690. 16. Bemerkung fiber die Ternperaturverhaltuisse an den Electroden von Quecksilberbogenlampen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 569-570. 17. Ueber den Extrastrom beim Unterbrechen eines electrischen Stromkreises. Ann. Phys. Chem., 63, 1897, 177-182. 18. Mikroskopische Beobachtuug von Wechselcon- tacten (Coharer). Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 567-571. 19. Einfache analytische Behandlung eines sche- matischen Falles electromagnetischer Schirmwirkung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 590-594. 20. Eiu neuer electromagnetischer Saitenunterbre- chcr. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898, 1177-1179; 67, 1899, 682. 21. Ueber den Lichtbogen zwischen MetalleleMrodeu. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 61-62. 22. Ueber den elektrischen Lichtbogen zwischen M. tallelektroden in Stickstoff und Wasserstoff. Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 700-718. Arons, Leo [Martin], & Colin, Emit. See Conn & Arons. Arons, Leo [Martin], & Rubens, Htinricli. Ueber die Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit electrischer Wellen in isolireuden Flfissigkeiten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 42, 1891, 581-592. 2. Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit electrischer Wellen in einigen festeu Isolatoren. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 206-213. 3. Bemerkung zur Abhamlliing des Hrn. WAITZ fiber die Messung der Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit elec- trischer Wellen in verschiedeneu Dielectricis. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 381-383. Aronsohn, Ed[uard Hermann]. *Beitrage zur Physiologie des Geruchs. [1883.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abtli.), 1884, 163-167. 2. Ueber elektrische Geruchsemptiudung. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physio!. Abtli.}, 1884, 460-465. 3. Experimentelle Uutersuchungen zur Physiologie des Geruchs. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. .ibth.), 1886, 321-357. 4. Die elektrische Geruchsempfindung. Neue Beweise. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 26, 1888, 370-373. Aronsohn, Eil[nard Hermann], & Sachs, J[ulius]. Eiu Warmecentrurn im Grosshirn. [1884.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abtli.), 1885, 166. 2. Zur Geschichte des sogenannten Warmecentrums im Grosshirn. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 882. 3. Die Beziehungen des Gehirns zur Korperwarrae und zum Fieber. Experimentelle Untersuchungen. Pfltiger, Arch. Physiol., 37, 1885, 232-301, 625-626. Aronson, Hans. Ueber Apnoe bei Kaltblfitern und neuge- borenen Saugethieren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abtli.), 1885, 267-274. 2. Ueber die Anwendung des Gallein zur Farbung des Centralnervensystems. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 28, 1890, 577-579, 593-595. 3. Ueber die antiseptischen Eigenschaften des Form- aldehyds. [1892.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 23, 1893 (Tli. 2), 143-151. 4. Experimeutelle Untersuchungen fiber Diphtheric und die immunisirende Substanz des Blutserums. [1893.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 24, 1894 (TA. 2), 88-109. 5. Ueber die antiseptischen Eigenschaften des poly- merisirten Forrnaldehyds uud die innerliche Anwendung desselben. Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 1397. 6. Immunisirungs- und Heilversuche bei der Diph- therie mittelst Antitoxin. Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 1953-1955, 2001-2003, 2046-2049. 7. Ueber eine neue Methode zur Desinfection von griisseren Bauruen mittels Formalin. Ztschr. Hyg., 25, 1897, 168-178. 8. ZurBiologiederTuberkelbacillen. [1898.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 29, 1899 (Th. 2), 217-222. Aronstein, L[ouis], & Holleman, A[rnold] F[rederik]. Ueber das Stilben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2831-2834. 2. Ueber die directe Ueberfuhrung von Derivaten des Acetylens in die des Aethylens durch Addition von Wasserstoff. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1181- 1184. Aronstein, L[ouis], & Mcihuizcn, Xijt:e Hero. Onder- zoekingen over het moleculairgewicht van de zwavel volgens de kookpuntsmethode. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verh. (Sect. 1), 6, 1899, No. 3, 50 pp.; Arch. Neer- laud., 3, 1900, 89-130. 21—2 Arosemena] 164 [Arrhenius Arosemena, C. C., & Mason, William P[itf\. See Mason .V Arosemena. Arozarena, Domingo G. de. *Investigaciones relativas al agua de la Zanja. Habana Ac. An., 11, 1874, 110-114. Arozarena, Rafael M. de. The Guadalajara electric-light installation, utilizing the famous Juanacatlau water- falls, 28 A-m. distant from Guadalajara. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 29, 1893, 689-694. Arpin, H. Slarcel. Die Analyse des Mehles. [1896.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 113-114. Arppe, Adolf Edvard. For biography and list of works see Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 594 ; Leopoldina, 30, 1894, 154 ; Helsingfors, Acta, 20, 1896, No. 12, 24 pp. Arquistade, (capit.) - - d'. Exploration de la baie Saint- Francois dans 1'archipel du Cap Horn, au rnois d'avril 1715. [Note redigee par M. E. DE CARFORT, lieutenant de vaisseau.] [Posth.] Ann. Hydrogr., 6, 1885, 226-232. Arraez y Carrias, [Jose Joaquin]. Piel y sistema piloso de los delincuentes andaluces. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 25, 1896 (Act.), 77-79. 2. Datos para el estudio antropoldgico del delinouente espaflol. La oreja en los delincuentes andaluces. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 (Act.), 79-80. Arragon, H[enri]. 2. Contribution a Fetude corume topique sedatif de la decoction de valeriaue. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 605-606. Arrault, Paulin. Soudage au lieu dit le Petit-Chateau pres de I'Etablissement des Boues a Saiut-Amand. Nord Soc. Gtol. Ann., 13, 1886, 329. Arreola, Jose Maria. Observatorio meteoroldgico del Seminario de Zapotlan (Ciudad Guzman), Jal. Datos de los temblores, erupciones, lluvias y otros fenomenos notables observados en Zapotlan Mex. Obs. Bol., 3, 1890, 307-308. 2. Observaciones del volcan de Colima, 1896 [y 1897]. Mex. Obs. Bol., 1896, 4, 19-20, 36-37, 47-48, 63, 80-81, 95, 110-111, 137, 143, 164-166; 1897, 9, 14, 24, 29, 34, 51, 67, 82, 123. 3. El volcan de Colima. Mex. Obs. Bol., 1896, 10. 4. Observatorio meteorol&gico y vulcanologico del Seminario Conciliar de Colima. Mex. Obs. Bol., 1896, 10-11. Arrer, Ma.ciiniliini. Ueber die Bedeutung der Couvergenz- und Accommodations-Bewegungen fur die Tiefemvahr- nehmung. Phil. Stud., 13, 1898, 116-161, 222-304. Arrhenius, . I. re/. [Nagra trim Finland hittills icke kiinda Viola-hybrider. Einige fiir die Flora Finnlands neue Viola-Bastarde.] [1887.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Med.] Brit. Ass. Eep., 1886, 310-312. 8. [Eeclierches sur la conductibilite galvauique des electrolytes. Reply to critical analysis by Oliver LODGE.] Brit. Ass. Eep., 1886, 384-387. 9. Viscosity anu conductivity. [Tr.] Brit. Ass. Eep., 1886, 387-388. 10. Undersokningar angaende blandningars elektriska ledniugsformaga. [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 12 (Afd. I), 1887, No. 5, 32 pp. 11. Ueber das Leitungsvermogen von Mischungen aus wasserigen Saurelosungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 30, 1887, 51-76. 12. Forsok att berakna dissociationen (aktivitetsko- efficienten) hos i vatten losta kroppar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 405-414; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 631- 648. 13. Ueber additive Eigensehaften der verdiinnteu Salzlosungen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 561-575. 14. Ueber die innere Reibuug verdiinnter wiisseriger Losungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 285-298. 15. Ueber das Leitungsvermogen der phosphoresei- reuden Luft. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 1), 1888, No. 7, 29 pp. 16. Einfluss der Neutralsalze auf die Eeactions- geschwindigkeit der Verseifung von Aethylacetat. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 2), 1888, No. 2, 30pp.; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1,1887, 110-133. 17. Ueber die Eimvirkung des Lichtes auf das elektrische Leitungsvermogen der Halo'idsalze des Silbers. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 2), 831-837. 18. Reply to Prof. ARMSTRONG'S criticisms regarding the dissociation theory of electrolysis. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 352-355. 19. Elektrolytische dissociatie. Maandbl. Nat., 1888, 61-69. 20. Ueber den Einfluss der Sonnenstrahlung auf die elektriscben Erscheiuungeu in der Erdatmosphare. Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888), 297-304, 348-360. 21. Ueber das Leitungsvermogen der beleuchteteu Luft. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 31-37. 22. Theorie der isohydrischen Losuugen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 233-247; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888. 284-295. 23. Ueber den Gefrierpunkt verdiinnter wiisseriger Lusungen. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 (Afd. 1), 1889, iV». 9, 23 pp. 24. La thtorie moderne de la constitution des solu- tions electrolytiques. Lum. Elect., 33, 1889, 401-407, 458-465, 513-519, 563-567. 25. Electrolytic dissociation versus hydration. Phil. Mag., 28, 1889, 30-38. 26. Ueber die Gleichgewichtsverhaltnisse zwischen Elektrolyteu. Stockh., Ofvers., 1889, 619-645. 27. Einfache Ableitung der Beziehung zwischen Arrhenius] 165 [Arrigoni deg-li Oddi osmotischern Druck und Erniedrigung der Dainpf- spannuug. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 3, 1889, 115-119. 28. Ueber die Dissociationswarme uud den Einfluss der Temperatur auf deu Dissociationsgrad der Elektrolyte. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 4, 1889, 96-116; 9, 1892, 339- 342. 29. Ueber die Reaktiousgesohwiudigkeit bei der Inversion von Rohrzucker durch Sauren. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 4, 1889, 226-248. 30. Sur le transport des ions. Lum. Elect., 35, 1890, 501-509. 31. Ueber das elektrische Leitungsvermogen von Salzdiirnpfen in der Bunsenflamme. Vorlaurige Mil- theilung. [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (Abth. 2u), 734-741. 32. Ueber die Leitung vou Elektricitat durch heisse Salzdampfe. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 (Afd. 1), 1891, No. 9, 58 pp. 33. Erwidtrung auf eine Bemerkung des Hrn. H. EBERT : [Einfluss der Helligkeitsvertheilung in den Speetrallinien auf die Interferenzerscheinungen.] Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 383-384. 34. Bemerkungen zu Hru. J. TEAUEE'S Kritik der Hypothese der elektrolytischen Dissociation. Berliu, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 224-231. 35. Bemerkungen fiber einige, gegeu die Hypothese der elektrolytischen Dissociation erhobene Einwiinde. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2255-2264. 36. La conductibilit£ des sels vaporises dans la flamme d'un bee Bunseu. Lum. Elect., 39, 1891, 501- 509. 37. Note on the electric conductivity of hot gases. Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 415-418. 38. Bemerkungen zu Herrn E. WIEDEMANNS Aufsatz "Ueber Neutralisationswarinen." Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 419-424. 39. Ueber die Bestimmung der elektrolytischen Dissociation von Salzen inittelst Loslichkeitsversuchen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 481-494. 40. Ueber die Giiltigkeit des Beweises von Herrn PLANCK 1'iir das van 't Hoffsche Gesetz. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., /., A Hedon, [Charles Edottard Eutrope] K[m»iumiel]. See Hedon & Arrous. Arrow, (iillit-rt J[uhn~\. On the rutelid beetles of the Transvaal ; an enumeration of a collection made by Mr. W. L. DISTANT. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 118-122. 2. Notes on the classification of the coleopterous family Rutelida;. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 363-370. 3. On sexual dimorphism in beetles of the family RutelidiE. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1899, 255-269. 4. Notes on the rutelid genera Anomala, Mimela, Popillia, and Strigoderma. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1899. 271-271;. 5. On sexual dimorphism in the rutelid genus Parastasia, with descriptions of new species. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1899, 479-499. 6. On pleurostict lamellicorns from Grenada and St. Vincent (West Indies). Ent. Soc. Trans., 1900, 175-182. Arrow, Gilbert J[uhn], & Gahan, Charles Joseph. See Gahan A Arrow. Arruda Furtado, t'rnnfisco. 3. Instinct of orientation in Helix aspersa. [Tr.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 519-520. 4. Coquilles terrestres et fluviatiles de 1'exploration africaine de MM. CAPELLO et IVENS (1884-85). Jl. de Conch., 34, 1886, 138-152. 5. Sur la denomination de 1'" Helix torrefacta," Later, des Canaries. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 86-87. 6. Sobre o logar que devem occupar nas respectivas Camillas os molluscos nus. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, S8-1I4. 7. Catalogo geral das colleccoes de molluscos e conchas da secoao zoologica do Museu de Lisboa. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 105-150. 8. Sur uue nouvelle espece de Cephalopode apparte- Arruda Furtado] 1G7 [Arsonval nant an genre Ommatostrephes. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 6 (Pt. 2), 1887, No. 4, 10 pp. 9. Sur le Bulimus exaratus, Milller. [Poxtli.] Jl. de Conch., 36, 1888, 5-10. Arstne Effeiidi, . Sur I'e'pidemie de cholera qui a se>i en Perse (Tauris) en 1892. Progres Med., 18, 1893, 249-252. Arslan, [Yenrant], & Lussana, F[elice]. See Lussana A Arslan. Arsonval, Arsene 71. 71. Relations entre la forme de 1'excitation elecli i'l'"1 et la reaction nevro-musculaire. Linn. Elect., 30, 1888, 563-565; Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 246-252. 72. Sur la methode calorimetrique a temperature constaute. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., HMi, 1888, 1225-1226. 73. Eelation entre 1'electricite animale et la tension superficielle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 106, 1888, 1740-1743. 74. Ktuve auto-regulatrice entierement metallique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 107, 1888, 194-197; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 530-533. 75. Action thermo-isolatrice du vide sec. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. JR.), 136-137. 76. Rernarques a propos de la production d'electrieiti} chez 1'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 142-144. 77. Nouvelle lumiere par incandescence au gaz d'e'clairage. Applications a 1'examen inicroscopique, a 1'analyse spectrale et a la photographic. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. 7?.), 170-171. 78. Sur un speetrophotoinetre nouveau. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 800-803. 79. [Galvanometre universe! aperiodique. ] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1888, 372-374; Ann. Telegr., 16, 1889. 5-11; Luni. Elect., 31, 1889, 13-16. 80. Nouveaux appareils destines aux recherches d'electro-physiologie. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 423- 437. 81. Recherchesd'electro-physiologie. Relations entre la tension superficielle et certains phenomenes electriqnes d'origine animale. Arch, de Physinl., 1, 1889, 460-472. 82. L'electro-physiologie. [1889.] Lum. Elect., 33, 1889, 439-444; Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 156-167. 83. Sur un spectro-photouietre differential a lumiere ordinaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (G. R.), 351-352. 84. Nouvelles methodes spectro-photometriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 352-353. 85. [Galvanometres a circuit mobile.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1889, 82-83. 86. [Un enregistreur tres simple.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1889, 83. 87. Appareils a temperature fixe pour embryologie et cultures microbiennes. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 83-88. 88. Sur un spectrophotometre differentiel sans polarisation. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 111-117. 89. Photographic des spectres d'absorption de I'he'mo- globine et de son emploi en physiologie et en me'deeine legale. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 340-346. 90. Recherches de calorimetrie auiniale. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 610-621, 781-789. 91. Duree comparative de la survie chez les gre- nouilles plong^es dans diff(5reuts gaz et dans le vide. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 638-640. 92. [Transformation du saccharimetre ordinaire en ampere-metre.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1890, 108- 109. 93. [Spectrocolorimetre.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1890, 109. 94. Uu spectrophotometre. Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1890, 109-110. 95. Preparation des gaz hydrogene et oxygene purs par electrolyse. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 201-204. 96. R(;gulateurs electriques de vitesse. Process pour obtpnir un moteur :'i vitesse rigoureusemeut constaute, reglable pendant la marche meme de 1'appareil et quel que soit 1'effort a vaincre. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 334-340. 97. Precede pratique pour doser les courants d'in- duction et changer la forme de 1'excitation electrique de maniere a agir plus specialement soit sur le nerf soit sur le muscle. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 585-592. 98. Observations sur leseffets des injections de liquide testiculaire. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 816-817. 99. Methode pour enregistrer simultnuement 1'onde electrique d'excitation et la contraction musculaire resultante. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 625-627. 100. Emploi de 1'acide carbonique liquefie pour la nitration et la sterilisation rapides des liquidesorganiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 667-669 ; Arch, de Physiol. , 3, 1891, 382-390; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 90-92 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 161-162. 101. Sur un precede pour obtenir des seringues sterilisables de grande capacite. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. 7?.), 92-93. 102. Action physiologique des courants alternatifs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 283-286. 103. Influence des variations de la force electro- rnotrice sur les effets physiologiques du courant coutiuu. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 286-287. 104. La fibre musculaire est directeinent excitable par la lumiere. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 318-320. 105. Nouvelles fonctions chimiques de 1'acide car- bonique a haute pression. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 320-321. 106. Relations entre les qualitfe physiques de 1'ex- citant electrique et la reaction nevro-musculaire. Precede pratique pour doser les courants d'iuduction et changer la forme de la decharge de maniere a agir plus speciale- ment soit sur le nerf, soit sur le muscle. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 392-395. 107. Galvanographe et machine produisant des courants sinusoi'daux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (G. R.), 530-534. 108. Parallels entre 1'excitation electrique et 1'ex- citation mecanique des nerfs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. 43, 1891 (C. R.), 558-560. 109. [Determination de Fequivalent me'canique de la chaleur.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 51-54 ; Electrician, 27, 1891, 588-590. 110. La production d'electricite par les e-tres vivants. [1891.] Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 1-14; Lum. Elect., 44, 1892, 160-165, 207-210. 111. Recherches d'electroth^rapie. La voltai'sation sinusoi'dale. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 69-80. 112. Sterilisation a froid des liquides organiques par 1'acide carbonique liquefie. Nouveaux perfectionnements apportes aux appareils sterilisateurs et a la preparation des extraits liquides destines aux injections sous-cutan^es the>apeutiques. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 374-378. 113. De Pinjeetion des extraits liquides provenant des differents tissus de 1'organisme, comme methode thera- peutique ; technique de la preparation de ces extraits. [With discussion.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 27, 1892, 250-262. 1 14. Sur les effets physiologiques compare's des divers precedes d'eiectrisation. Nouveaux modes d'application de 1'energie electrique; la voltai'sation sinusoidale; les grandes frequences et les hauts potentiels. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 27, 1892, 424-433. 115. Historique de la methode thi-rapeutique basee sur 1'injection des extraits organiqurs. 1'aris, Ac. Med. Bull., 27, 1892, 858-861. 116. Sur les effets physiologiques des courants alternatifs a variation sinusoi'dale. Precede pour les doser en eiectrotherapie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1534-1536. 117. Action physiologique des tres basses tempera- Arsonval] 169 [Arsonval tures. Paris, Soo. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 808- 809. 118. Sur les effets physiologiques de 1'etat variable en general et des courants alternatifs en particulier. Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1892, 183-203. 119. Note sur la preparation de 1'extrait testiculaire concentre. Arch, de PhysioL, 5, 1893, 180-183 ; 6, 1894, 172-175. 120. Effets physiologiques de la voltai'sation sinus- oidale. Arcb. de PhysioL, 5, 1893, 387-391. 121. Action physiologique des courants alternatifs a grande frequence. Arch, de Physiol. , 5, 1893, 401-408 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1893, 72-80. 122. [Proprietes physiologiques des courants £lec- triques a haute frequence.] Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 789-790. 123. Influence de la frequence sur les effets physio- logiques des courants alternatifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 630-633. 124. La duree de 1'excitabilite des nerfs et des muscles apres la mort est bien plus grande qu'on ne le croit gene'ralement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1530-1531. 125. L'autoconduction ou nouvelle methode d'electri- sation des etres vivants ; mesure des champs magnetiques de grande frequence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 117, 1893, 34-36. 126. Seringue sterilisable de J/. le professeur DEBOVE. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 11-12. 127. Production des courants de haute frequence et de grande intensity ; leurs effets physiologiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 122-124. 128. Dosage de 1'excitation electrique des tissus vivants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mum., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 338-339. 129. Sur la mesure rapide des champs magnetiques it haute frequence. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 466-467. 130. L'anemo-calorimetre ou nouvelle methode de ealorime'trie humaine, normale et pathologique. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 360-370; Paris, Soc/ Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 77-78. 131. Mort apparente produite par les eourants alternatifs. Rappel a la vie par la respiration artificielle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1139-1140. 132. Recherches ealorimetriques sur I'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 138-140. 133. Perfectionnements nouveaux apportes a la calorimetrie animale. Thermometre differentiel enregi- streur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 155-157. 134. [Seringue a injections hypodermiques. ] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 194-195. 135. Recherches sur la deeharge electrique de la torpille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 145-150; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1895, 225-230. 136. [Observations a propos d'une note de M. IMBERT: " Sur le mecanisme de la contraction musculaire."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 906-907. 137. La force centrifuge comme agent d'analyse et de dissociation. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 432-433. 138. Sur la production de Fozone concentre et sur ses effets bacte>icides. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 500-502. 139. Appareil universel pour la mesure des courants a basse et a haute frequence. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 502-504. 140. Sur la mesure du travail en thermo-dynamique animale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 529-531. 141. Observations an sujet de la photographic a travers les corps opaques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 500-501. R. S. A. C. 142. [Observations relatives a une communication de SIM. IJIBERT et BEBTIN-SANS: "Sur la technique de la photographic par les rayons X."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 607. 143. Action physiologique des courants a haute frequence ; moyens pratiques pour les produire d'une facon continue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 18-22. 144. Effets the>apeutiques des courants a haute frequence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 123, 1896, 23-29 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 766-768. 145. Dispositifs pour la mesure des courants alter- natifs de toutes frequences. Paris, Soc. Biol. M4m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 450-451. 146. A propos de 1'attenuation des toxines par la haute frequence. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 764-766. 147. Sur lea effets physiologiques de l'electricite\ Ann. Telegr., 24, 1898, 191-260. 148. L'air liquide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898. 1683-1689. 149. Chauffage et regulation electriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 246-248. 150. Calorimetrie clinique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 248-249. 151. Calorimetrie et courants d'air. Reponse a M. LEFEVRE. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 444-446. 152. Influence de la dessiccation sur 1'action de Fair liquide sur les bactiiries. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 877-878. 153. La vie en milieu confine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 341-344. 154. Interrupteur e^ectrolytique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 529-532. 155. Action de quelques gaz sur le caoutchouc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1545-1546. 156. Exploseur rotatif et dispositifs divers pour la production de puissants courants a haute frequence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1049-1054. Arsonval, Arsene d\ & Brown-S6quard, C[harles~\ E[douard]. See Brown-S6quard A Arsonval. Arsonval, Arsene d\ & Ch.irriii, Albert. Influence de 1'electricite sur la cellule microhienne. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 664-669. 2. Action des microbes pathogenes sur la cellule vegetale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 37. 3. Concurrence vitale entre le bacille pyocyanique et la levure de biere. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. , 45, 1893 (C.R.), 70-71. 4. Bacille pyocyanique et levure de biere. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 121-122. 5. Relations entre les fonctions chromogene, patho- gene, antifermentative du bacille pyocyanique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 237. 6. Conditions de 1'actiou du bacille pyocyanique sur la levure de biere. Paris, Soc. Biol. M£m., 45, 1893 (C. B.),,337. 7. Electricite et microbes. Action des courants induits de haute frequence sur le bacille pyocyanique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<5m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 467-469. 8. Pression et microbes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 532-534. 9. Electricity et microbes. Conditions experirnen- tales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 764-765. 10. Action de divers agents (pression, ozone) sur les bacteries. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (G. R ), 1028-1030. 11. Influence des agents cosmiques (electricite, pres- sion, lumiere, froid, ozone, etc.) sur 1'evolution de la cellule bacterienne. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 335-342. 12. Variations de la thermogenese sous 1'influence des secretions cellulaires. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 683-686. 22 Arsonvall 170 iArth 13. Influence des agents atmosphe'riques, en particnlier de la lumiere, du froid, sur le bacille pyocyanogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 118, 1894, 151-153; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 220-223. 14. Variations de la thermogenese aniraale dans les maladies microbiennes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 157-159. 15. Influences des se'cr^tions cellulaires sur la ther- mogenese. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mein., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 217-219. 16. Action des courants a haute frequence sur les toxines bacteriennes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 280-283; Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 317-320. 17. Action des diverses modalite's flectriques sur les toxines baete'riennes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48. 1896 (C. R.), 96-99. 18. Action de 1'e'lectricite sur les toxines bacte>i- ennes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M£m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 121-123. 19. Action de 1'electricite sur les toxines et les virus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 153-154. 20. Topographic caloritique chez les animaux fe'bri- citants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C.R.), 277-279. 21. Les courants a haute frequence. Leurs actions sur 1'organisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me'm., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 719-720. 22. La thermogenese dans le tetanos. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 213-214; Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 740-741. Arsonval, Aivrne [orlard]. Plants collected between Lake Superior and the international boundary, July 1886. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 10-43. Arthur, J[oseph] C[harles] (et alii). Report on botanical work in Minnesota for the year 1886. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 56 pp. Arthur, II'. 1O. Notes on the New Zealand frost-fish. [1884.] N. Zealand Jl. Sci., 2, 1884-85, 157-158. 11. Notes on New Zealand fishes. [1884.] N.Zea- land Inst. Trans., 17, 1885, 160-172. Arthus, Maurice. Glycolyse dans le sang et ferment glycolytique. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 425-439; 4, 1892, 337-352. 2. Action du froid sur les etres vivants. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 38, 1891 (Sem. 1), 246-257, 321-333. 3. Kecherches sur la coagulation du sang. Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 472-474. 4. Sur le ferment glycolytique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891, 65-70. 5. Sue gastrique. Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 359-365, 408-411, 466-472, 510-518. 6. Glycolyse dans le sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 605-608. 7. Sur la tibrine. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 392- 400 ; 6, 1894, 552-566. 8. Substances albuminoides du lait. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 673-G77. 9. Sur les caseines et les fibrines. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. E.), 327-329; Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 467-469. 10. Parallele de la coagulation du sang et de la caseiti- catiou du lait. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 435-437. 11. Sur la labogenie. Remarques sur le labferment. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 257-268. 12. Le labferment est un element constant de la secretion gastrique iles mammiferes adultes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 178-180. 13. Fibrinogene et fibrine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 306-309. 14. Sur un proced^ permettant de reconnaitre la trypsine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 394- 395. 15. Precede permettant d'obtenir facilement et rapide- ment des cristaux d'oxyhemoglobine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 686. 16. [Ueber die Rolle der Kalksalze bei der Blutgerin- nung.] [1895.] Centrbl. Physiol., 9, 1896, 472. 17. La coagulation du sang et les sels de chaux. (Refutation experinientale des objections d'Alexander SCHMIDT.) Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 47-61. 18. Applications de la dialyse a la solution de quelques questions de chimie physiologique. Ztschr. Biol., 34, 1896, 432-446. Arthus, Maurice, A Dastre, A[lbert Jules Frank]. See Dastre ,\ Arthus. Arthus, Maurice, & Huber, Adalphe. Ferments solubles et ferments figures. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 651-663. 2. Fermentations vitales et fermentations chimiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 839-841. 3. Sur les solutions de fibrine dans les produits de digestion gastrique et pancreatique. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 447-454. 4. Procede permettant d'obtenir des cristaux d'oxy- hemoglobine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 970-971. 5. Recherches sur la trypsine. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 622-630. 6. Action des injections intraveineuses de produits de digestions peptique et tryptique de la gelatine et du caseurn sur la coagulation du sang chez le chien. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 857-865. Arthus, Maurice, A Pages, Calixtt. Recherches sur 1'action du lab et la coagulation du lait dans 1'estomac et ailleurs. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 331-339. 2. Sur le labferment de la digestion du lait. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 540-545. 3. Nouvelle theorie chimique de la coagulation du sang. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 739-746. 4. Recherches sur la digestion gastrique du lait. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890, 131-176. 5. Theorie chimique de la coagulation du sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 241-244. Arthus, Maurici', A RoucUy, Charles. Sur un proced^ simple d'obtentkm de cristaux d'hemoglobine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 715-718. Artigalas, C[asimir]. Contribution a 1'etude semeio- logique des hemorrhagies du fond de 1'oeil. Des hemor- rhagies retiniennes dans 1'arterioselerose geueralisee. Ann. d'Oculist., '.II, 1884, 237-248. Artigas, Gustavo R. Estudio sobre la flor de Noche Bueua. [1884.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 22-29. Artimini, Filippo. Ricercbe speriinentali sull' azione del- 1' acido borico uella ecouomia animale e in rapporto alle epidemic ed ai contagi. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 17, 1885, 90- 101. 2. Metodo per misurare la dilatazione termica dei corpi solidi. Riv. Sci.-lud., 18, 1886, 113-124. 3. Xuuvi strumenti termici registratori. Riv. Sci.- Ind., 18, 1886, 201-208. Artin, Yacoub. Notes sur le Nil Bleu (Bahr, Azrak), son nom originaire et veritable. [1895.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 6, 1896, 263-267. 2. Le premier puits artesien dans la vallee du Nil. [1896.] Inst. Egypt. Bull. 7, 1897, 29-33. Artini, Ettore. Natrolite della regione veneta. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Mem., 4, 1887, 76-88. 2. Contribuzioni alia miueralogia del Vicentiuo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 90-99. 3. Epidoto dell' Elba. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 380-404. 4. Sopra alc'uni nuovi cristalli interessanti di natrolite del Monte BaUlo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sem. 2), 245-24(5. 5. Qiuir/.o di Ytil Maleuco. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 4-13. Artini] 173 [Arx 6. Studio cristallografico della cerussite di Sardegua. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, (505-621. 7. Sulla cosi detta savite di Montecatiui. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sent. 1), 51-53. 8. Alcune uuove osservazioni sulle zeoliti di Moutec- chio Maggiore. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Stm. I), 536-541. 9. Coutribuzioui alia mineralogia dei vulcani Cimini. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem. , 6, 1889, 88-93. 10. Sulla natrolite di Bombiana uel Bolognese. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. I), 37-39. 11. Sulla leadhillite di Sardegna. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 1-29. 12. Studii petrografici su alcune rocce del Veneto. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 139-158. 13. Della forma cristallina di alcuni nuovi composti organici. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 212-223; 2, 1891, 35-47, 259-261; 3, 1892, 238-242. 14. Intorno alia composizione mineialogica delle sabbie del Ticino. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 177-195. 15. Risposta ad alcune osservazioni fatte dal Prof. A. CATHREIN alia [sua] memoria "Quarzo ili Val Maleneo." Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 220-222. 16. Contribuzioni alia conoscenza delle forme cristal- line della stefanite del Sarrabus. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 241-258. 17. Alcune ulterior! osservazioni sulle zeoliti di Monteechio Maggiore. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 262-269. 18. Della forma cristalliua e dei caratteri ottici della letilacetanilide C6H5.1 Petr., 3, 1892, 159-161. 19. Sopra alcune rocce dei dintorni del Lago d' Orta. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 25, 1892, 972-978; Gioru. Min. Crist. Petr., 3, 1892, 243-249. 20. Appunti petrografici sopra aleune rocce italiane. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 25, 1892, 1140-1147; Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 4, 1893, 7-15. 21. Coutribuzioni di mineralogia italiana. Celestina di Romagna. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1893, 323- 329. 22. Appuuti di mineralogia italiana. Antimonite di Celine. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Bend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 416-419; Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 75-80. 23. Su alcuni mineral! di Gorno. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 35, 1895, 219-231; Riv. Min. Crist., 16, 1896, 19- 28. 24. Baritina di Vassera. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 35, 1895, 233-238; Riv. Min. Crist., 16, 1896, 10-14. 25. Apatite dell' Elba. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 4, 1895 (Stm. 2), 259-262; Riv. Min. Crist., 16, 1896, 15-18. 26. Appunti petrografici sopra alcune rocce del Veneto. I basalti del Veronese. [1895.] Veneziu, 1st. Atti, 1894-95, 252-276; Riv. Min. Crist., 15, 1895, 33-52. 27. Intorno alia composizione mineralogica di due sabbie del litorale adriatico. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 800-804; Riv. Min. Crist., 16, 1896, 90-93. 28. Su alcuni minerali di Bovegno. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 1525-1534. 29. Intorno alia composizione miueralogica delle sabbie di aleuni fiumi del Veneto, con applicazioni della rieerca microscopica allo studio dei terreui di trasporto. Riv. Min. Crist., 19, 1898, 33-94. 30. Ancora sulla leadhillite di Sardegna. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 1048-1050; Riv. Min. Crist., 23, 1899, 33-35. 31. Intorno ad aleuni minerali di Laorca e Ballabio. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 33, 1900, 1177-1183. Artini, Etlore, & Mariani, Ernesto. Appunti geologic! e petrografici sull' alta Val Trompia. [1898.] Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 37, 1897, 244-259. Artini, Ettorf, & Melzi, Gilberto. Sulla Iherzolite di Balmuecia in Val Sesia. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sent. 2), 87-92. 2. Intorno a un meteorite caduto ad Ergheo presso Brava (penisola dei Somali). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 31, 1898, 983-994. 3. Ricerche petrografiche e geologiche sulla Val Sesia. [1900.] Milano, 1st. Lomb. Mem., 18, 1896-1900, 219- 392. Artini, Etlore, & Verri, Antonio. See Verri & Artini. Artmann, K[arl], & Troeger, [Karl] Julius [Ludwig]. Hte Troeger & Artmann. Artom, Alessantiro. Rotazioni elettrostatiche dei dielet- trici liquid!. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 496-499 or 722-725. Artzt, Anton. 5. Zusammenstellung der Phanerogamen- Flora des sacbsiscben Vogtlandes. Dresden Isis Sber., 1884 (Abh.), 113-140; 1896 (Abli.), 3-16. 6. Achillea uobilis, L., neu fur das KOnigreich Sachsen, uud Anthemis tinctoria, L. x Chrysanthemum inodorum, L. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1885, 299- 300. 7. Zur Flora von Schluderbach in Siidtirol. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 5, 1887, 98-103; 6, 1888, 60-68, 96-99. 8. Botaniscbe Reise -Erinuerungen aus Tirol. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 10, 1892, 140-144; 11, 1893, 161- 165. Aruch, E[ugenio], & Fermi, Claudia. See Fermi & Aruch. Arustamov, M[arkar] J[oannesovic]. Zur Frage fiber die Eutstehung der typhosen Pneumonie. Ceutrbl. Bakt. , 6, 1889, 75-78, 105-108 ; 7, 1890, 119-123. 2. Ueber die Natur des Fischgiftes. Centrbl. Bakt. , 10, 1891, 113-119. Arutinov, A. A. tit aHTponojioriii KaBKascicaro H.K'JieHII yjUIHl,. [Contribution to the anthropology of the Caucasian tribe of the Udines.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull. ,-90, 1897, 521-527. Arvay, IT. Wyznaczenie paru granic w teoryi powierz- chni. [Determination de quelques limites dans la thferie des surfaces.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 9, 1898, 164- 169. Arvay, 1C, & Komperda, H. O pewnych cechach charak- terystycznych grupy ruchow euklidesowych. [Sur quel- ques caracteres du groupe des mouvements euclidiens.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 10, 1899-1900, 113-128 ; Fortschr. Math., 1899, 540. Arvet-Touvet, (."[usimir]. 2. Commentaire sur le genre Hieracium. Ass. Frauc. C. R., 1885 (Pt. 2), 426-436. 3. Les Hieracium des Alpes franchises ou occidentales de 1'Europe. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann.. 34, 1888, 1-131. 4. Revision des e'pervieres de 1'herbierde HALLEB fils. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 1, 1897, 68-89. 5. Elenchus Hieraciorum uovorum vel minus cogni- torum pnesertim in Herbario Delessertiano asserva- torum. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 1, 1897, 90-104. 6. Sur un nouveau genre de Chicorace'es. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Aunu., 1, 1897, 105-106. 7. Description de deux especes nouvelles du genre Hieracium. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 3, 1899, 27-28. Arvet-Touvet, C[], & Gautier, G[astoii]. Hieracium nouveaus pour la France ou pour 1'Espagne. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, 328-371. Arwidsson, Ivar. Zur Kenntniss der Gattungen Glycera und Gouiada. [1897.] Stoekh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 23 (Afd. 4), 1898, No. 6, 30 pp. 2. Studien fiber die Familieu Glyceridaa und Gonia- didae. [1899.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1898, Aro. 11, 69 pp. Arx, Max von. Geometric und Statik der weiblichen Beckenorgaue. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1896, 324-346. Arz] 174 [Asayama Arz, Gustav. Eine Bergfahrt in die Eodnaer Alpen. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 14, 1894, 1-38. 2. Ein geologischer Streifzug von Deutsch-Budak auf den Heuyul. Siebenb. Karpatb.-Ver. Jbuch., 17, 1897, 49-71. 3. Geologische und andere Beobachtungen langs der Strasse von Bistritz nach Romuli. Siebenb. Karpatb.- Ver. Jbuch., 18, 1898, 1-39. Arzani, G. Eiassunto dell' anno 1899 della stazione di Moucalvo. Riepilogo decennale dal 1889 al 1899. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 20, 1900, 10. Arzberger, H[ans], & Zinckc, [Ernst Karl] Th[eodor], Set Zincke & Arzberger. Arze, Jeriinimo. Curacion autiseptica con el bicloruro de ini-reurio. Santiago de Cbile, Univ. An., 69, 1886, 649- 688. Arzel.i, Annibale. Contribnto allo studio sul solfato di berberiua contro il tumore splenico e le febbri da in- fezioue inalarica. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 24-35. Arzcl.i, Cesare. 9. Intorno alia contiuuita della somma di infinite funzioni continue. [1884.] Bologna Rend., 1883-84, 79-83. 10. Un teorerna intorno alle serie di funzioni. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 1, 1886, 262-267. 11. Sulla integrabilitadi una serie di funzioni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 321-326. 12. Sulla integrazione per serie. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 532-537, 566-569 ; 6, 1897 (Sent. 2), 290-292. 13. Sopra una certa estensione di un teorema relative alle serie trigonometriche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 637-640. 14. Sui prodotti infiniti. [1886.] Bologna Rend., 1885-86, 92-100. 15. Sulla teoria delle funzioni analiticbe. [1887.] Bologna Rend., 1887-88, 25-37. 16. Sugli integral! di funzioni cbe, oltre alia variabile d' integrazione, contengono altre variabili. [1888.] Bologna Rend., 1888-89, 16-22. 17. Funzioni di linee. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. I), 342-348. 18. Sugli integral! doppi. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 133-147. 19. Sulle serie doppie trigonometriche. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, 373-382. 20. Sulle funzioni di linee. [1894.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895-96, 225-241. 21. SulP integrabilita delle equazioui differenziali ordinarie. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895-96, 257-270. 22. Sull' esistenza degli integral! nelle equazioni differenziali ordinarie. [1896.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1896-97, 131-140. 23. Sul principle di DIRICHLET. Bologna Rend., 1, 1897, 71-84. 24. Sulla rappresentazione approssimata delle funzi- oni analitiche. Bologna Rend., 2, 1898. 139-148. 25. Sulle serie di funzioni. Bologna Ac. Sci. Mem., H, 1899-1900, 131-186, 701-744. 26. Sull' integrazioue per sostituzione. Bologna Rend., 4, 1900, 82-90. 27. Estensione di un criterio di convergenza dato da RIEMANN. [1900.] Bologna Rend., 5, 1901, 25-31. Arzruni, Andreas. For biography and list of works see Leopoldina, 34, 1898, 140-141 ; Riv. Min. Crist., 21, 1898, 87-97; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, xlii- xliv ; Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 34, 1898, 2-3 ; Ztschr. Ethnol., 30, 1898, (4H5)-(4t)8) ; Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1898, 446-448; St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 36, 1899, 477-488, (Prot.), 30-32; Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 9, 1900, 519-520; Geogr. Jbuch., 22, 1900, 434; Min. Mag., 12, 1900, 129. 36. Eine Anzahl schlesische und arnerikanische Mineralien. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 220- 223. 37. [Ueber eine Suite von Mineralien aus den Vereiuigten Staaten.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 228-234. 38. Note sur un nouveau mineral trouve^ dans la province de Utah (Etata-Unis). France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 126-127. 39. Einige Mineralien aus einer uralischeu Chromit- lagerstatte. Ztschr. Kryst., 8, 1884, 330-337. 40. Schwefel von Zielenzig. Ztschr. Kryst., 8, 1884, 338-342, 668. 41. Groddeckit: ein neuer Zeolith von St. Andreas- berg am Harz. Ztschr. Kryst. , 8, 1884, 343-350. 42. Ueber einige Mineralien aus Bolivia. Ztschr. Kryst., 9, 1884, 73-77. 43. Utahit: ein neues Mineral. Ztschr. Kryst., 9, 1884, 558-561. 44. Ueber einen Paragouit-Schiefer vom Ural. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 680-693, 1055; Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1885, 983-996. 45. Untersuchuug einiger granitischer Gesteine des Urals. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 865-896, 1055. 46. Ueber einen Colemanitkrystall. Ztschr. Kryst., 10, 1885, 272-276, 663. 47. Miiieralogiscb.es aus dem Sanarka-Gebiet, im Siid- Ural. Vorlautiger Bericht iiber eine im Sommer 1886 ausgefiihrte Reise. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 1211-1215. 48. Ein neues Zwillingsgesetz im regularen System. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 23, 1887, 126-132. 49. Manganotantalit, eine neue uralische Mineral- vanetat. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 23, 1887, 181-192. 50. Vergleiehende Beobachtungen an kiinstlicheu und natiirlichen Mineralen. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 44-63. 51. Nephrit von Schahidulla-Chodja im Kuen-Liin- Gebirge. Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, 19-33. 52. Vergleiehende Untersuchung der Bmaiagde von Alexandrien, vom Gebel Sahara und vom Ural. Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, 91-100. 53. Ein Beryllkry stall mit rhomboedrischer Ausbil- dung. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 31, 1894, 155-160. 64. Reise narh Siid-Kaukasien. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 22, 1895, 602-611. 65. Kunstlicher Kassiterit. Ztschr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 467-470. 56. Forsterit vom Monte Somma. Ztschr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 471-476. Arzruni, Andreas, & Frenzel, A[ngust]. Ueber den Ferronatrit. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 595-598. Arzruni, Andreas, & Schutz, ]•'.. Krystallisirte Verbin- .luiigen, gebildet beim Deacon-Process. Ztschr. Kryst., 23, 1894, 529-535. Arzruni, Andreas, & Thaddeev, Konstantin. Colestiu von Giershagen bei Stadtberge (Westfalen). Ztschr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 38-72, 655. Arzruni, Andreas. cM' Traube, Hermann. Etude cristallo- graphique de quelques derives de la quinoleine et de la lepidine. Rec. Truv. Chirn. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 61-64. Arzruni, Andreas, Thaddeev, Konstantin, iV Dannenberg, A\rthur\. Neue Miuerale aus Chile, ein neues Vor- kommen von Utahit uud eiu neues Wismuthcarbonat von Schneeberg. Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 229-247; 32, 1900, 674. Asada, G. List of ferns collected in Kyoto. [Jap.] Bot. Mag. TOkyO, 9, 1895, 178-182, 294. Asakawa, N. Die Basis der natiirlichen I mm urn tat des Huhns gegen Tetanus. Vorlautiger Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt 1|, 24, 1898, 166-174, 234-250. Aaayama, Jkujirfi. Ueber die Resorption des Kammer- wassers von der vorderen Flache der Iris. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 51, 1900, 98-114. Asbeck] 175 [Aschan Asbeck, (baron) van. Ouragan du 17 aoiit 1886 dans la partie sud de la mer des Antilles. [IV.] [1886.] Ann. Hydrogr., 9, 1887, 90-102. Asbeck, ./. Extraction silberhaltiger Aufbereitungsab- gange mittels des Russellprocesses zu Sala in Schweden. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 53, 1894, 13-15. 2. Gas-Apparat fur Laboratories Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 21-22. Asboth, Sandor = Alexander. A Kjeldahl-fele It'genyrueg- hatarozasi mddszer tiigabb-korii alkalnmzasa. [Ueber eine allgemeinere Anwendung der Kjeldahl'schen Methods d,er Stickstoff -Bestimmung.] [1885.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 4, 1886, 13-18; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 4 (1885-86), 11-17. 2. Uj rnodszer a kemenyitii quantitativ meghataroza- sara. [Neue Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Starke.] [1886-87.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 5, 1887, 83-87, 203-210; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 5 (1886-87), 50-61; Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 785-786; Repertm. Anal. Chem. , 7, 1887, 297-308. 3. Van-e a gabonaneruuekben czukor ? [Enthalten die Getreidearten Zucker?] [1887.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 6, 1888, 125-129 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 6, 1889, 78-82; Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 25-26, 53. 4. Ueber die Starkebestimmungs-Methode. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 693-694 ; 13, 1889, 591, 611 ; Analyst, 13, 1888, 128-130 ; 14, 1889, 138-139, 156-157. 5. Az amylalkoholok pyridin tartalmarol. [Ueber das Vorkommen von Pyridin in manchen Amylalkoholen.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 7, 1889, 345-348 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 7, 1890, 201-204 ; Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 871-872. 6. A diszuozsir hamisitasanak felismerese. [Die Ver- falschung des Schweinefettes mit Baumwollsamenol uud dessen Erkennen.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 7, 1889, 349- 353 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 7, 1890, 205-211 ; Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 93-94. 7. A mesters^ges kryolith es a fluoralumiuiurn dis- sociatioja. [Der kiinstliche Kryolith und die Dissociation des Fluoraluminiums.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 8, 1890, 214-217 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 8, 1891, 79-82 ; Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 868-869. 8. A kemenyito oxydatio-termenyei. [Die Oxyda- tions-Produkte der Starke.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 9, 1891, 207-209; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungaru, 9, 1892, 188- 191. 9. Maassanalytische Bestimmung der Schwefelsaure in schwefelsauren Salzen. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 922. 10. Wirkung des Wasserstoffsuperoxydes auf die Starke. [1892.] Chem. Ztg.. 16, 1892, 1517-1518, 1560- 1561; Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 158; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 426. 11. Methode zur vollstaudigen Analyse der Knollen- Gewachse und die Zusamrnensetzung der Cetewayo- Kartoffel. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 725-726. 12. Die Analyse der Sameuarten. Chera. Ztg., 18, 1894, 32-33. 13. Ueber die Schwefelbestimmungsmethoden in Schwefelkiesen. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 598-599; Termt. Kozlou., 27, 1895, 273; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 361. 14. Neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Schwefels in organischen Verbindungen. [1895.] Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 2040 ; Termt. Kozlon., 28, 1896, 46 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 364. 15. Die kritische Temperatur der Fliissigkeiten und eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Identitiit der Fette, Oele, etc. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 685-686. 16. Die Unterscheidung der Kuhbutter von der Mar- garine-butter und eine neue Methode zur Unterscheidung der verschiedenen Fettarten von einander. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 312-314. Asbrand, Ernst, & Freund, Martin. See Freund & Asbrand. Ascarelli, Angela. Haematologische Untersuchungen iiber den Huhnerembryo. Untersuch. Nat., 15, 1895, 255-276. Asch, Ernst, & Neisser, Alfred. Untersuchungen u'ber die electrische Erregbarkeit der verschiedenen Schichten der Grosshirnrinde. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 40, 1887, 191-206. Ascb, P[aiil], & rosner, Carl. See Posner & Ascli. Ascb, Robert. [Falle von Osteomalacie.] [With dis- cussion.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1898 (Abth. la), 95-99. Ascbaffenburg, Guslar. Ueber die psychisehen Erschei- uuugen der Erschopfuug. Arch. Psychiatr., 25, 1893, 594-597. 2. Ueber Initialdelirien bei Typhus. [1895.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 52, 1896, 75-133. 3. Psychophysische Demonstrationen. [With discus- sion.] [1896.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 848- 855. 4. Die Katatoniefrage. [1897.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 54, 1898. 1004-1026. Aschan, K[arl] A[llan], Ueber das Verhalten des Phos- phorwasserstoffgases gegen einige Quecksilberverbin- dungen. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 82, 102-103. Aschan, [Adolf] Ossiun. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Senfolen auf Amidosauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 420-431. 3. Ueber p- und o-Nitroxanilsaure und die Reduction dcrselben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 2936- 2940. 4. Ueber die Einwirkung von Rhodanamtnonium und Rhodankalium auf o-Phtalsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1398-1401. 5. Ueber freie Phtalaminsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1401-1404. 6. Nagra iakttagelserom lika sammansatta organiska syre- och svafvelforeningars kokpuukter. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 28, 1886, 24-27. 7. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chloracetylchlorid auf o-Amidophenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1523-1524. 8. Om.(o)-nitroftalanil och (o)-nitroftalanilsyra. Hel- singfors, Ofvers., 29, 1887, 149-153. 9. Zur Darstellung des a-Dibromhydrins. Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2890-2892. 10. Bidrag till kannedom om ftalimid och ftalamin- syra. Helsingfors, Acta, 16, 1888, 345-354. 11. Studier inom anhydrobasernas klass. Helsing- fors, Acta, 16, 1888, 355-367. 12. Om sura estrar af ftalsyra. Helsingfors, Ofvers , 30, 1888. 39-49. 13. Bidrag till kiinnedom af oxanilsyra. Helsing- fors, Ofvers., 30, 1888, 50-53 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888 (Re/.), 288-2S9. 14. Om (jo)-tolylimid af brandvinsyra. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 30, 1888/53-54; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21 1888 (Ri-f.), 289. 15. Ueber die in dem Erdol aus Baku vorkommeuden Sauren von niedrigerem Kohlenstoffgehalt. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 867-875 ; 24, 1891, 2710-2724 ; 25, 1892, 3661-3670; 26, 1893, 274. 16. Zur Kenntniss der Oxanilsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1820-1825. 17. Ueber die Constitution des a-Dibromhydrins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1826-1831. 18. Zur Geschichte der Urnlagerungen in der Allylreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1831-1839; Helsing- fors, Acta, 18, 1891, 505-520. 19. Ueber Laurolen, einen Kohlenwasserstoff der Kamphergruppe. Liebig's Ann., 290, 1890, 185-194; Helsingfors, Ofvers., 38, 1896, 45-56. 20. Ueber die Hydriruug der Benzoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1864-1869, 2617-2622. Aschanl 176 [Ascherson 21. Bidrag till kannedom af a-dibromhydrin. Hel- singfors, Acta. 17, 1891, 359-373. 22. Om klorul af oxanilsyra. Helsingfors, Acta, 17, 1891, 377-387. 23. Zur Geschichte der Hydrobenzoesauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 886-888. 24. Zur Kenntniss der Hexahydrobenzoesaure. Berliu, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3658-3661. 25. Ueber Hydrobenzoesauren. Liebig's Ann., 271, 1892, 231-284. 26. Zur Kenntniss des Brorncamphersaureanhydrids und der Camphersaure. Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1639-1645, 2301. 27. Studier inom naftengruppen. Helsingfors, Acta, 19, 1893, No. 8, 24 pp. 28. Ueber die Campherformel von BREDT. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1439-1446. 29. Ueber die Bilduug des Campherchinons bei der Oxydation der Camphocarbonsaure mit Kaliumperman- ganat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1446- 1449. 30. Ueber die isomeren Camphersanren. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2001-2012. 31. Ueber eine neue Spaltungsreaction des Brom- campbersaureanhydrids. Berliu, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2112-2116. 32. Ueber die Darstellung des Bromcamphersaurean- hydrids und der Laurouolsiiure. Berliu, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3504-3508. 33. Zur Kenntniss der Camphoronsaure und ihrer optischen Isomeren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 16-21, 224. 34. Ueber Camphersauredianilid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 530-531. 35. Structur- und stereochemisehe Studien in der Camphergruppe. Helsingfors, Aota, 21, 1896, No. 5, 227 pp. 36. Kolvatena i rysk petroleumeter. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 38, 1896, 140-155; Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 242, 287-288. 37. Zinkstaub als oxydiremles Agens in Gegemvnrt von Eisessig. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 657- 658. 38. Ueber das Vorkommen von Methylpentamethylen in kaukasisehem Petroleumather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1803-1806. 39. Diisopropyl, en bestandsdel i petroleumeter frau Baku. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 40, 1898, 194-198; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1801-1803, 2544. 40. Nagra synpunkter, belysande naftenkolvatenas bildning i naturen. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 40, 1898, 199-211; Skand. Natf. F6rh.," 1898, 206-207. 41. Neue Beobachtungen iibor Camphoronsaure. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 51-76. 42. Forfaringssiitt for fr:im-tMllning af organiska syrors amider. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 209-210; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2344-2350. 43. Zur Stereochemie des fiinfwerthigeu Stickstoffs, sowie einige Bemerkungen uber das vierwerthige Schwe- felatom. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 988-994. 44. Ueber die Bildung der Adipinsiiure aus der um 80" sioilenden Naphtenfraction d> s russischen Petroleum- iithers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1769-1772. 45. Ueber Camphan. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1U06-10UI. Ascban, [Adulf] Ossian, A Dmiu, J\nliin<\ ir[i7/ic/m]. Tautomerisation von Oxymethylenverbiudungen. [Vor- laufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2398-2404. Ascban, [Adulf] Ossian, & Unit. Edv[ard Immanitel]. Ueber finliindisches TVrpeutim'il. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 1566-1567. 2. Undersbkning af finskt terpentin. Helsingfors, Bidrag, 54, 1894, 459-488. See also tljclt ,t Ascban. Aschan, [Adolf] Ossian, & Zilliacus, A. Om difenylsulf- hydantoin. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 29, 1887, 165-169. Ascban, [Carl] Walter. Ueber eiuige Derivate der Homo- piperidinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3692-3701 ; 24, 1891, 2443-2450. Ascban, [Carl] Walter, & Gabriel, S[iegmund], See Gabriel ,v Ascban. Ascbenbrandt, Tli[eodor]. 2. Das Ganglion nasopala- tinum 8. incisivum der Nagetiere. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verh., 20, 1887, (9)-(24). Ascbenbrenner, Ilrrmmi .IMc/ior. For biographical notice tee Habana Ac. An., 14, 1877, 358-359. *De la celula y del tejido organico en su valor y relacioues con la patolopia y la terapeutica. Habana Ac. An., 2, 1865, 218-222, 356-364, 405-424, 464-477; 3, 1866, 54-63, 133-140, 179-182, 337-346, 407-418. Ascber, Bernhard. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Verlaufs und der Aetiologie der allgemeinen Paralyse. [1889.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 46, 1890, 1-2!). 2. Ueber Aphasie bei allgemeiner Paralyse. [1891.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 49, 1893, 256-277. 3. Geschwister mit Anomalien der Ohren, der Ziihne und der Haut. Ztschr. Ethnol., 30, 1898, (114)-(116). Ascher, /.[nii/s]. Untersuohungen von Butter und Milch auf Tuberkelbacillen. Ztschr. Hyg., 32, 1899, 329-344. 2. Ueber Hhoilomyces erubescens nebst einem Beitrag zur Lehre von der Disposition. Ztschr. Hyg. , 34, 1900. 475-481. Ascber, L[o«i»], & Hirsemann, E. Beitrage zur Schweineseuche und ihrer Beziehung zur Tuberculose. Ztschr. Hyg., 2li, 1897. 143-156. Ascber, Z,[OHI'S], A- Symanski, [Walter]. Bakteriologische Erfahruugen iiber die Konigsberger Thierlymphe. Ztschr. Hyg., 2.S, 1898, 335-347. Ascber, Nf-'mmi]. & Lier, H. See Lier .v Ascher. Ascbermann, II. Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Chrom. [1896.] Ztschr. Elnktroch., 1897-98, 214-215. Ascberson, Fnul [l-'ri,'iln,-li Aitiin*t]. 168. *[Ueber die deutschen Atriplex-Arten.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873, 133-134. 169. *Beitrage zur Kenutuiss der geographischen Verbreitung der Seegraser. Ann. der Hydrogr., 4 (1876), 119-120. 170. *Subflorale Axen als Flugapparate. Berlin Bot. Gartens Jbueh., 1, 1881, 318-336. 171. *Beitrag zur Flora des nordwestlichen Kleina- siens. Berlin Bot. Gartens Jbuch., 2, 1883, 339-365. 172. Amphikarpie bei der einheimischen Vicia angusti- foiia. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884. 235-245. 173. FOKKKAI. ubor die Metamorphose der Pflanze. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 293-297. 174. [Vicia angustifolia. All., mit kleistogamischeu Bliiten.] [1884.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 26, 1885, xiii. 175. [Neue Zugiinge zur Flora der Provinz Branden- burg.] [1884.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 26, 1885, xxiii-xxiv. 176. Bemerkungen zur Karte [s]einer Reise nach der Kleincn Oase in der Lihyschen Wiiste. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 20, 1885, 110-160. 177. Kini^r Bi'obachtungen in der Flora der Schweiz. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1885, 316-319. 178. Zur Flora Sardiniens und der adriatischen Kustvnlniuler. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 35, 1885, 30s ill'J, 350-355. 179. [Ueber Linaria spuria (L.) Mill., mit unterir- dischen Bliiten und Frvichten.] [1885.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 27, 1886, xxi. 180. [Interessante Prlanzen der Provinz Branden- burg.] [1885-86.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 27, 1886, xxi ; 28, 1887, iii-iv. Ascherson] 177 [Ascherson 181. [Amarantus spinosus, L., aus der Schweiz.] [1885.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, xxi-xxii. 182. Eine verkannte Utricularia-Art der deutschen und markischen Flora. Brandeub. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, 183-190. 183. Utricularia exoleta, R. lir., im westlichen Mittel- rneergebiet. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1886, 404-409. 184. [Ueber Utrieularia ocbroleuca. Hart in., aus der Provinz Brandenburg, und iiber die beiden, in Aegypten vorkomrnenden Formen von Cartharuus tinctorius, L.] [1886.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 28, 1887, xxii-xxiii. 185. Die nordliohe Isthmus- WusteAegyptenB. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 14, 1887, 313-322. 186. [Benierkungen fiber die Pflanzengeographie Madagaskars.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1887, 178- 179. 187. Ueber eine Brernse aus der Oase Qatieb. Berlin Natf. Frennde Sber., 1887, 181-183. 188. Reisebriefe aus Aegypten. [1887.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 29, 1888, vii-xv. 189. Le lac Sirbon et le mont Casius. [1887.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 8, 1888, 175-187. 190. [Eiue Drogue, die aus den Anthereu der Mesua ferrea, L., bestebt.] Berlin Natf. Freuude Sber., 1888, 34-38. 191. Ueber KNUTHS Flora von Schleswig-Holsteiu. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 29, 1888, 132-166. 192. Eiu neues Vorkomrnen von Carex aristata, R. lir., in Deutschland. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, 283-293. 193. Ueber angeboreuen Mangel der Vorbaut bei beschuittenen Viilkern. Ztschr. Ethuol., 20, 1888, 194. Einige biologische Eigentiimlichkeiten der Pedaliaceen. [1888.] Braudenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1889, ii-iv. 195. [Adveutivpflanzen der Oelfabrik in Mannbeini (Fr. LCFTZ), namentlich Spergula naccida (Ro.rb.) Aschert. (Spergularia fallax, Lou-e).] [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1889, xxxi-xliv. 196. [Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora von Deutsch - Siidwest-Afrika imd der angreuzenden Gebiete.] Pe- daliacefe. [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1889, 181-186, 239. 197. Lasiospermuni brachyglossurn, DC. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1889, 151-155; 1890, 57-58. 198. Springende Bohnen (brincadores, jumping seeds). Berlin Natf. Freuude Sber., 1889, 187-188; 1892, 19-20. 199. Nachschrift [zum Artikel von W. BEHRKNDSEN: Ein Vorkommen von Adventivpflanzen zu Rudersdorf bei Berlin]. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1889, 285-287. 200. Zur Syuonymie der Eurotia eeratoides (L.) C. A. Mey, und einiger aegyptischer Paronycbieen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztscbr., 39, 1889, 99-101, 125-128, 252-256, 297- 301, 324-327. 201. [Ueber das Vorkommen eines Rudiments des hinteren unpaaren Staubblattes bei Gratiola officinalis, L.] [1889.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 31, 1890, xvi- xix. 202. Das Vorkommen der Soopolia carniolica, Jacq., in Ostpreussen. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1890, 59-78, 81-82. 203. Carex refracta, Willd. (1805), C. tenax, Renter (1856). Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 40, 1890, 259-261. 204. [Das Auftreten von Juucus tenuis, ll'illd., und andereu Adventivpflanzen in der Berliner Flora.] [18'JO.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, xxxviii-xliv. 205. [Helosciadium inundatum, Koch, bei Kubland.] [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, xliv-xlv. 206. [Achillea cartilaginea, Ledeb., iin Odertbale oberhalb Frankfurt.] [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, xlv-li. R. S. A. C. 207. [Myrica Gale in der Altmark.] [1890.] Bran- denb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, li-lv. 208. [Verbreitung von Myrica und Ledum.] [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, Iv-lxiv. 209. Herbstliliite von Ledum und anderen Bycornes. [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, Ixiv-lxvii. 210. Bemerkungen iiber einige Potentillen und andere Pfiauzen Ost- und Westpreussens im Anschluss an den Aufsatz [von C. SANIO : Zahlenverhaltnisse der Flora Preussens. II.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, 129-172. 211. [Ueber ein Exemplar von Veronica Chanuedrys, L., mit tiefgeteilten Laubbliittern.] [1891.] Brandeub. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xvii. 212. [Nachtragliehes iiber Anemone uemorosa, L., var. civrula, DC., und andere Formen der Friihliugs- Anemonen, besonders A. ranunculoides, L., var. sub- integra, 11'iesli.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xviii-xxii. 213. [Primula cortusoides, L., bei Straussberg.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xxii. 214. [Leucoium ffistivum, L., und Thlaspi alpestre, L. , bei Elstenverda.] [1891.] Brandeub. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xxii-xxiii. 215. [Brunella laciniata, L., var. B. alba, Pall., von STEINBRECHT bei Walbeck gefunden.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xlvii-xlviii. 216. [Silene cblorantha, Ehrli., mit klebrigem Stengel.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xlviii. 217. [Ueber den Fang des Butarcha-Fiscbes.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1892, 145-148. 218. Ueber das Auftreteu des sogenannteu ruetall- glauzenden Weinsteins an den Zahnen der Wiederkauer, uamentlicb in Siideuropa und dem Orient, und die sieh darau kniipfende Sage vom Goldkraut. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1892, 190-195 ; 1893, 79-84 ; 1900, 235-236. 219. Lepidium apetalum, Willd. (L. micrauthurn, Ledeb.), und L. virginicurn, L., uud ihr Vorkommen als Adventivpflanzen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb. , 33, 1892, 108-129, 141-142. 220. Rapport sur la question de la nomenclature. [With discussion.] Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 85-121. 221. Hygrocbasie und zwci neue Fiille dieser Erschei- nung. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 94-114. 222. Die Bestaubung von Cyclamiuus persica, Mill. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 226-235, 314-318, (233). 223. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die von Berliner Botani- kern unternommenen Schritte zur Erganzung der " Lois de la nomenclature botanique." Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 327-359. 224. Zur Gescbicbte der Einwanderung von Galin- soga parviflora, Cay. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 42, 1892, 397-400. 225. Die springenden Tarnarisken-Fruchte und Eichen-Galleu. [1891.] Bremen Abb., 12, 1893, 53-58. 226. Taxus baccata, L., in der Prignitz? [1892-94.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 34, 1893, xl ; 35, 1894, Ixi. 227. Eine bemerkenswerthe Abandoning der Sherardia arvensis, L. Dentsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 11, 1893, 29-42. 228. Die Nomenclaturbewegung von 1892. Engler, Bot. Jbiicb., 15, 1893 (Beibl., No. 38, 20-28). 229. Sparganiurn neglectum, Becby, und seiu Vorkom- men in Oesterreich-Ungarn. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 43, 1893, 11-14, 44-47. 230. Veronica campestris, Schmalh., und ibre Ver- breitung in Mitteleuropa. Oesterr. Bot. Ztscbr., 43, 1893, 123-126. 231. [Polygonatum vertioillatum (L.) All., von GOTTFHIED im Hakel aufgefunden.] [1893.] Braudenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xv. 23 Aschersonl 178 [Aschieri 232. Eine fiir das Vereinsgebiet neti entdeckte Pflanzenart : Spergularia eehiuosperina. [1893.] Bran- denb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xliii. 233. Eine neu in Europa aufgetretene Wander- pflanze : Solanum rostratnm, Dim. [1893.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xliii-xlv. 234. Botaniscbe Reiseeindrficke aus Hinterpomraern, West- und Ostpreussen im Spiitsommer 18'J3. [1893.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xlv-lix. 235. Bemerkungeu fiber die VerwandtsohaftB-Ver- hiiltnisse der mitteleiiropaischen Cariees raonostacbyse (c Psyllophora?, Loisl.). Berlin Natf. Freuude Sher., 1894, 126-134. 236. Bemerknngen und Zusatze zu dem Aufsatze [von C. WABNSTOBF : Beobaehtungen in der Uuppiner Flora im Jahre 1893]. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35,1894, 134-147. 237. [Ueber die Verbreitung der Convallaria majalis, /.., var. rosea, und des Anthoxanthum Puelii in Nord- deutscbland.] [1894.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 36, 1895, xxv-xxvi. 238. [Ueber die Beneunungdes Cirsium silvaticum.] [1894.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 36, 1895, Ixv. 239. Isoetes echinospora, Dur., in Pommern. Allg. Bot. Ztscbr., 1895, 95-97. 240. Zur Geschichte und geographiRcheii Verbreitung der Viola uliginosa. [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, x-xix. 241. [Cerastium anomalum, neu i'iir die Provinz bei Frankfurt a. 0. von Lex und GRTNKMANN gefunden.] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, xxix-xxx. 242. [Fragaria vesca, var. toeea,,Bostrup, fttrDeutsch- land neu von Frl. E. LIETZMANN bei Danzig gefunden.] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, xxx. 243. [Scolopendrium hybridum, Asplenum tricho- manes x Euta muraria (in Steierinark von E. PREISSMANN, in Nieder-Oesterreich von Frl. M. BEICHKL. in Tirol von Dr. W. HAUCHECORNE aufgefunden), Iberis pinuata (Pots- dam, A. BRAND) und Gymnadenia odoratissirna (neu fiir das Gebiet bei Kl.-Schwechten in der Altmark von M. WILCKE entdeekt).] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, xlvi-xlix. 244. LChenopodiutn carinatura, mit Wolle aus Australien in Mitteleuropa eingescbleppt.] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, liv-lv. 245. Zusatz [zum Aufsatze von Otto VON SEEMEN : Zwei Rosen und andere Pflanzen von den Rfidersdorfer Kalkbergen]. Brandeub. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, 161-162. 246. [Neottia eordata bei Forst N.L. von Lebrer P. DECKER gefundeu.] Braudenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 38, 1896, lii-liii. 247. [Weitere Beobaehtungen fiber die Verbreitung von Bidens connatus und den fur Deutschland 1896 neu aufgefuudenen B. frondosus in Nord-Deutsobland.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 38, 1896, liii-lx. 248. Rechtfertigting des Naraens Botrychium ra- mosum. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 38, 1896, 64-75. 249. Eine bemerkenswerte Spielart der Populus tremula. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 14, 1896, 73-75. 250. Equisetum heleocharis, E. maximum und Athvnum alpestre. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 46, 1896, 3-10, 44-49, 201-204, 251-254. 251. Mitteilungen fiber einige neue, interessantu Pflanzenfunde in der Provinz Brandenburg. Braudenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 39, 1897, xxxiv-xliii. 252. [Ueber die Verbreitung der beiden nordamcii kanischen Bidens-Arteu.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 39, 1897, Ixxxix-xoi. 253. Uebersicht neuer bez. neu veriiffentlichter wicbtiger Funde von Gefiisspflanzeu (Farn- nnd Illiitcn- pflanzen) des Vereinsgebiets nus [den Jnbren 1897, 1898 und 18119]. Braudenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, 53-lJl ; 41, 1900, -219-236; 42, 1901, 284-291. 254. Bidens counatus in Mecklenburg. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1898, 87-!!:",. 255. [Varietaten der Friichte von Sambucus nigra.] [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 41, 1900, Ixii. 256. Carex aristata, var. Kirscbsteiniana, eine neue markische Art. [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 41, 1900. Ixii-lxvii. 257. Zur Chronik der markischen Flora. (Taxus baccata, Pirus torminalis, Ompbalodes scorpioides.) [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 41, 1900, 111-117. 258. Uebersicht der Pteridophyten und Siphonoga- men Helgoland?. Wiss.Meeresuntersuch.,4 (Helgoland), 1900, 91-140. Aschcrson. Paul [Fricdrich August], & Boilc, Carl. See Bolle & Asclicrson. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich Aii'iust], & Engler, [Heinrich Guslar] Ailolf. 2. ErkHirung der Geschaftsleitung der vom internationalen Congress zu Genua (1892) ein- gesetzten Nomenclatur-Commission. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Wilftc 1), 153-159. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich Aunust], & Graebner, P. BeitriigezurKenntniss der norddeutsehen Flora. Deutsch. Bot. (Jes. Ber., 11, 1893, 51(1-530. See (i /so Graebner A Ascherson. Ascherson, Puul [Friedrich Auuiist], & Luerssen, Chr[is- tinn]. See tuerssen A; Ascherson. Ascherson, Paid [Friedrich August], & Magnus, Paul [Wilhelm], 3. Die weisse Heidelbeere (Vaccinium mvrtillus, L., var. lencocarpum, Haiism.) nieht identisch mit der dutch Sclerotinia bacearum (Scliroet.) Kehm, verursachten Sclerotienkrankheit. [1890.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 387-400, (188). 4. Die Verbreitung der hellfruchtigen Spielarten der europaischen Vaccinien, sowie der Vaccinium bewoh- uenden Selerotinia-Arten. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 41, 1891 (Ablt.), 677-700. Ascherson, Paul [l-'riedrick August], & Matz, A[lbcrt], Sec ivi.itz & Ascherson. Ascherson, Puul [Fricdrirh August], & Potoni6, Henry. Floristische Beobaehtungen aus der Ptiegnitz (II). Von BARS, H. BUCHHOLTZ, A. HASENOW, R. LAUCHE, F. MEYERHOLZ, NATHEB, li. RIETZ. [1885.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 27, 1886, 95-105. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & Frahl, P[eter], Aut'inone nemorosa, var. crerulea, DC. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb , 32. 1891, 232-235. Ascherson, I'.nil [Friedrieh August], & Schweinfurth, Geoni ,[A.ugust~\. Illustration de la flore d'Egypte. Inat. Egypt. Mom., 2, 1889, 25-260, 745-820. Ascherson, Paul [Frii-tlrich Aitinist], & Spribille, F[ranz\. Zwei Neuigkeiten fiir die Flora der Provinz Posen. [1889-90.] Brandeub. Bot. Ver. Verb., 31, 1890, 251- 252. Ascherson, Pa u I [Friedrich August], & Vechtritz, R[ndolf Karl Friedrich] von. See. Wechtritz it Ascherson. Ascherson, Puul [Fririlrifli Aui/ust], A VTarnstorf, C[arl P'r. /-.'.]. See Warnstorf it Ascherson. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August] (et alii). Nachtrag zu L. SCHNEIDER'S Flora von Magdeburg. Dem Natur- wisseuschaftlichen Verein in Magdeburg zur Feier seines funfundzwanzigjahrigen Stiftungsfestes mit herzlichsten Glfickwfinschen dargeboten vom Aller-Verein. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Festschr., 1894 (Tli. 1), 47-216. Aschieri, Ferdinando. 28. Sulla geometria della retta. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 75(1-758. 29. *Fondamenti per una geometria dello spazio composto di rette. [1883.] Milano, 1st. Lomb. Mem., 15, 1885, 75-90. 30. Introduzioue alia geometria dello spazio rigato. [1SH4.] Milano, 1st. Lomb. Mem.. 15, 1885, 263-290. 31. Sopra un mutoilo di rappresentazione piana PIT la geometria descrittiva drllo >-iiii/iu ordinario. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., IN, 1885, 494-505. Aschieri] 179 [Ascione 32. II sistema (Idle coordinate otnogenee projettive pegli element! ilello spazio ordinario (X, £). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 569-584. 33. Sulla trasformazione oinografica generate di uuo spazio lineare di specie qualunque. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1886, 989-999. 34. Delle oorrispondenze lineari reciproche in uno spazio lineare di specie qualnnque. Milauo, 1st. Louib. Rend., 19, 1886, 167-173. 35. Sullo spazio delle sfere euclidee. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 355-361, 416-424, 449-458. 36. Sopra gli spazj composti di spazj liueari di uno spazio lineare di quarta specie. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 614-619, 698-703. 37. Sulla curva normale di uuo spazio a quattro dimension!. lioma, H. Ace. Liucei Mem., 4, 1887, 172-180. 38. Del legame fra la teoria dei complessi di rette e quella delle corrispondenze univoche e multiple dello spuzio. Milano, 1st. Lonib. Rend., 21, 1888, 216-220, 285-293, 446-449. 39. Delle omografie sopra uua coniea e dei loro sistemi lineari. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 414-428, 484-496, 558-565, 624-646. 40. Sulle omografie di 2" specie. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Reud., 23, 1890, 312-319. 41. Sulle omografie binarie e ternarie. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 24, 1891, 278-292. 42. Sulle omografie binarie e i loro prodotti. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 24, 1891, 964-975. 43. Sopra un metodo per stabilire le coordinate omogenee projettive del piano e dello spazio. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Reud., 25, 1892, 381-397. 44. Foudamenti di geometria analitica. Modena, Ace. Sci. Mem., 11, 1895, 301-338. Aschieri, Tomaso. [Beobachtungen der Bedeckung von Jupiter durch den Moud 1889 Aug. 7.] All' equatoriale di MERZ del R. Osservatorio di Torino. Astr. Naeln1., 122, 1889, 423-424. 2. Effemeridi del Sole e della luna per F orizzoute di Torino e per [gli anni 1890-93]. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 25, 1890, 44-57; 26, 1891, 5-19; 27, 1892, 107-120; 28, 1893, 7-19. 3. Ossorvazioni lunari al circolo rneridiano dell' Os- servatorio Astrunouiico di Torino. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 213-216. Aschkinass, E[mil]. Ueber den Einfluss eleetrischer Wellen auf den galvanischen Widerstand inetallischer Leiter. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1894, 103-112. 2. Ueber das Absorptionsspectrurn des fliissigen Wassers und iiber die Durchlassigkeit der Augenmedien fur rothe und ultrarothe Strahlen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 55, 1895, 401-431. 3. Zur Widerstaudsiinderung durch electrische Be- strahlung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 408-411. 4. Spektrobolometrische Untersuchungen iiber die Durchlassigkeit der Augeumedien fur rote und ultrarote Strablen. Ztschr. Psychol., 11, 1896, 44-52. 5. Theoretisches und Experimentelles iiber den Coharer. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898, 284-307. 6. Ueber die Emission des Qnarzes in dem Spectral- bereiche seiner metalliscben Absorption. Berlin Phys. Gee. Verb,., 1898, 101-105. 7. Ueber die Wirkung elektrischer Schwingungen auf benetzte Contacte metallischer Leiter. Ann. Phys. Chem., 67, 1899, 842-845. 8. Ueber anomale Dispersion im ultraroten Spektral- gebiete. [1899-1900.] Phys. Ztschr., 1,1900, 53-54; Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 42-68. Aschkin.iss, E[mil], A Garbasso, Antonio [Giorgio]. See Garbasso A Aschkinass. Aschkinass, E[inil], \- Kaufmann, H'[nlter]. fife Kauf- mann A AschkinasB. Ascbkinass, E\mil~\, & Rubens, II[finricli\. fife Rubens A Aschkinass. Aschman, t'[HHii7/c]. 6. Butter-Unter.suchung. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 723-724. 7. Wasserstoff-Entwickeluugsapparat. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 1049. 8. Zur Bestimmuug der Jodzahl. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 59, 71-72. 9. Un germoir pratique. Brux. Soc. Linn. Bull., [24, 1899] (.Y.w. 3 A- 4), 9-10. 10. Bestimmung der Gesammtphosphorsaure in den Thomasschlacken. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 435-430. Aschman, C[amitle], & Faber, Harald. Zur Bestimmung der Humussubstanz in der Ackererde. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 61. Aschman, F. T. 'Stimulants and narcotics. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 1, 1880, 74-80. Aschmann, (Gapr.-Lt.) — . *Aus den Reiseberichten S. M. S. Victoria, Corv.-Capt. DONNER. Ueber das Antreffen des Nordost-Passates auf der Reise von Madeira nach St. Thomas. Ann. der Hydrogr., 4 (1876), 60-61. Asclmcr. Arthur. Beitriige zum Icterus syphiliticus pras- cox. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 1411-1415. Aschoff, Albreclit. Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Arterien beim menschlichen Embryo. [1892.] Mor- phol. Arb., 2, 1893, 1-35. Asclioft, Carl. Ueber die Bedeutung des Chlors in der Ptianze. Landw. Jbiich., 19, 1890, 113-141. Aschoff, K[url], & Jannasch, Paul [Ehrhurdt]. See Jannasch & Aschoff. Aschoff, K[nrl], & Mai, J[uliua]. See Mai * Aschoff. Aschoff, Ltulwig. Ueber den Aufbau der menschlichen Tbromben und das Vorkommen von Pliittchen in den blutbildendeu Organen. Virchow, Arch., 130, 1892, 93- 145. 2. Ein Fall von Distomum lanceolatum in der mensch- lichen Leber. Virchow, Arch., 130, 1892, 493-496. 3. Ueber capillare Embolie von riesenkernhaltigen Zellen. Virchow, Arch., 134, 1893, 11-25. 4. Zur Frage der atypischen Epithelwucherung und der Entstehung pathologischer Driisenbildungen. Gottin- gen Nachr., 1894, 250-200. 5. Ein Beitrag zur normalen und pathologischen Ana- tomie der Sclileimliaut der Harmvege und ihrer driisigen Anhange. Virchow, Arch., 138, 1894, 119-161, 195-220. 6. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Leher und des Zwerchfells zu den Nabelschnur- und Bauchbriichen. Virchow, Arch., 144, 1896, 511-547. 7. Ueber den Fettgehalt fcitaler Gewebe. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 2), 17-18. 8. Die Otitis media neonatorum. Ein Beitrag zur Ent- wickelungsgesehichte der Paukenhohle. Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 31, 1897, 295-346; Arch. Otol., 28, 1899, 235-249. 9. Beitragezur Anatomieder Schwangersehaft. Beitr. Path. Anat., 25, 1899, 273-308. Ascione, Enrico. Alcune considerazioni sul pentaedro complete. Napoli, Rend., 31, 1892, 147-152. 2. Studio di una trasformazione (3, 3). Gioru. Mat., 31, 1893, 55-94. 3. Sulla hessiana di una varieta nello spazio a 4 di- mensioni. Giorn. Mat., 31, 1893. 210-217. 4. Sulle superficie del 3" ordine. Napoli, Rend., 32, 1893, 39-44. 5. Su di un teorema di geometria proiettiva. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 9, 1895, 208. 6. Sopra alcune involuzioni dello spazio. Napoli, Rend., 35, 1896, 13-29. 7. Sul cornplesso di 1" ordine delle trisecanti di una superficie immersa in un 84. lioma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 0, 1897 (Sem. 1), 102-109. 8. Sulle superficie immerse in un Sj, le cui trisecanti costituiscono complessi di 1" ordine. Ruma, R. Ace. Lincei llfnd., 0, 1897 |.sVw. 1), 240-247. 23—2 Ascione] 180 I. Ascoli 9. Proiezione ombelicale relativa alle quadriche a punti ellittici. [1900.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 10, 1901, No. 2, 33 pp. Ascoli, Alberto. Sull' acido plasminico. Ann. di Farm, e Chirn., [1899,] 485-489 ; Arch. Sci. Med., '23, 1899, 401-413; Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 28, 1899, 426-43H. 2. Ueber deu Phosphor der Nucleinstoffe. [1900.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 31, 1900-01, 156-160. 3. Ueber ein neues Spaltungsprodukt des Hefe- nucleins. [1900.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 31, 1900-01, 161-164. Ascoli, Curio, Ueber die histologische Entwickelung der menschlichen Magenechleimhaut. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900 (Aunt. 6V*. re;-7i.)~ 149-150. Ascoli, G\iuUu]. Sur le mode de se comporter des corps alloxuriques dans les nephrites. Arch. Ital. Biol., 30, 1898, 484-496. 2. Ueber die Stellung der Leber im Nucle'instoff- wechsel. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 340-351. Ascoli, Giulio. 19. II concetto di lunghezza di linea non e soltanto indipendente dal concetto di derivata ma auehe da quello di contiuuita. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Itend., 17, 1884, 564-572. 20. Integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A-« = 0 nell' area di un cerchio. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 627-635. 21. Integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A2H = 0 in alcune aree piane assai semplici. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. Kend., 18, 1885, 252-258. 22. Dei rarni algebrici di curva. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 18, 1885, 279-284. 23. Intorno ad alcune rappresentazioni confonni. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 349-356, 390-395, 440-450. 24. Intorno alle funzioni che soiUlisfano alia equazioue differenziale A'2H = 0. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 474-480, 546-551, 599-610, 617-629. 25. Integrazione dell' equazioue differenziale A'2«=0 in un area Riemanniana qualsivoglia. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 718-732. 26. Si pone iu chiaro il par. 3 della memoria di RIEMANN : La teorica delle funzioui Abeliane. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 783-798, 806-816. 27. Un teorema sulle funzioni di cui ciascun terrnine e una fuuzione di z ( = \j/ + ii/). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 173-175. 28. Aleune osservazioni alle sue note relative alia integrazione della equazioue differeuziale A'-'« = 0. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 285-287. 29. Integration der Differentialgleichung A'-'» = 0 in einerbeliebigen Riemann'sehen Flache. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Hand). Bihang, 13 (Afil. 1), 1888, Xo. 2, 83 pp. 30. Riassunto della [sua] memoria: "Le curve limite di una varieta data di curve" ed osservazioni critiche alia medesima. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Reud., 21, 1888, 226- 239, 257-26.5, 294-300, 365-371. 31. Sulle funzioni a due variabili reali, le quali crescono o decrescono nel verso positive ili dascuno degli assi iu un pezzo di piano a distanza nnita. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 317-335, 438-448, 686-726, 804- 816. 32. Ricerca delle condizioni cui deve soddisfare la funzione f(x) del punti del contorno C.j di un' area connessa qualsivoglia posta a distanza rinita, perche si possa costruire in quest' ultima una funzioue / (a;, y), la quale, essendo ovunque continua, cresca ognora nel verso positive di ciascuno degli assi e raggiunga i va- lori /(*) lungo Ca. [1890.] Milano, 1st. Lomb. Mem., 16, 1891, 197-235. 33. Delle funzioni regolari in un' area conm ,i qualsivoglia a distanza finita. Ann. Mat., 20 (1892-93), 243-255. 34. Sulle derivate apparent!. Riv. Mat. ,4, 1894, 22-24. 35. Sulla definizione di integrale. Ann. Mat., 23 (1895), 67-71. 36. I fondamenti dell' algebra. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 1060-1071. Ascoli, i.lri]. The freezing-point of sea-water. Science, 9, 1887, 592. 2. The corresponding volumes, etc., of ice and sea- water. Science, 10, 1887, 24. 3. The freezing-point of sea-water, and the melting- point of sea-water ice. Science, 10, 1887, 36. 4. Mean heights and body temperatures of the Eskimo in Hudson Strait. Science, 10, 1887, 57-58. 5. The formation and dissipation of sea-water ice. Science, 10, 1887, 95-96. 6. Evidence of a glacier-like movement amongst snow particles. Science, 10, 1887, 180. 7. The aurora. Science, 21, 1893, 186-187, 276-277; 22, 1893, 9. ABho, William Willard. The forests, forest lands, and forest products of eastern North Carolina. N. Carolina Geol. Surv. Bull., 5, 1894, 128 pp. 2. Notes on the sumacs. Khus caroliniana, up. nov. Bot. Gaz., 20, 1896, 548-549. 3. Forest fires : their destructive work, causes and prevention. N. Carolina Geol. Surv. Bull., 7, 1895, 66 pp. 4. Notes on the woody plants of the south Atlantic states. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 373-377. 5. A new hickory. Hicoria pallida. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 304-306. ' 6. Contributions from [his] herbarium. Bot. Gaz., 28, 1899, 270-272. Ashe, William Willard, & Pinchot, Gifford. See Finchot A- Ashe. Asher, Leon. Ein Beitrag zur Resorption durch die Blutgefasse. Ztschr. Biol., 29, 1892, 247-255. 2. Ueber die Latenz der Muskelzuckung. Ztschr. Biol., 31, 1895, 203-211. 3. Beitrage zur Physiologic der motorischen End- organe. Ztschr. Biol., 32, 1895, 473-510. 4. Bin Beitrag zur Mechanik der Muskelzuckung bei directer Keizuug des Sartorius. Ztschr. Biol., 34, 1896, 447-465. 6. Ueber das Grenzgebiet des Licht- und Raumsinnes. Ztschr. Biol., 35, 1897, 394-418. 6. Ueber die Eigenschaften und die Entstehung der Lymphe. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Tli. 2, Uiilfte 2), 359-360. 7. Die anatomischen und physiologischen Grundlagen der Sehseharfe. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1898, 119-120. 8. Ueber die Theorie der Lymphe. [With discussion.'] [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 486-487; Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [14]. 9. Monoculares und binoculares Blickfcld eines Emmetropen. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 48, 1899, 427-431. 10. Untersuchuugen iiber die Eigenschaften und dii- Entstehung der Lymphe. Zweite Mittheiluug. Ztschr. Biol., 37, 1899, 261-306. ABhcr, Lean, & Arnold, Jnhn P. Fortgesetzte Unter- Buchnngen iiber die Innervatiou der Athmung und des Kreislaufes nach unblutiger Ausschaltung centraler Theile. Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 271-287. Asher, 1,,'im, A Barbera, A[initino] G. Ueber die Resorp- tion des Nahrungseiweisses durch die Lj-mphwege. [1897.] Centrhl. Physiol., 11, 1898, 403-407. 2. Untersuchuugen iiber die Eigenschaften und die Entstehung der Lymphe. [Erste Mittheilung.J Ztschr. Biol., 36, 1898, 154-238. Aaher, Leon, & Busch, Fn-ili-ric II". Untersuchungen iiber die Eigenschaften und die Entstehung der Lj-mphe. Vierte Mittheiluug. Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 333-373. Asher, I.cun, & Cutter, William D. Beitrage zur Physiologic der Driisen. Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 535- 559. Asher, Lean, ct Dies, William J[nhn]. Untersuchuugen fiber die Eigenschaften und die Entstehung der Lymphe. [Dritte Mittheilung.] Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 180-216. See a ho Gies tV Asher. Asher, Leon, * Luscher, Fritz. Ueber die elektrischen Vorgange im Oesophagus wahrend des Schluckactes. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Aht/i.), 1896, 353-356. 2. Uutersuchungen iiber die lunervation der Athmung und des Kreislaufes nach uublutiger Ausschaltung centraler Theile. Ztschr. Biol., 38, 1899, 499-535. Asher, Leon, & Wood. Horatio C. (jun.). Ueber den Einfluss des Cholins auf den Kreislauf. Ztschr. Biol., 37, 1899, 307-319. Asher, Th[eodor]. Ueber einige Derivate des 1-Phenyl- 3 . 5-pyrazolidons und iiber das l-p-Tolyl-3 . 5-pyrazolidou. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30. 1897, 1018-1024. Asher, Willie. Monoculares und binoculares Blickfeld eines Myopischen. [1898.] Arch. f. Ophthalm., 47, 1899, 318-338. Ashford, Charles. For biographical notice and list of works see Jl. Conch., 7, 1892-94, 405-407. 18. Note on the anatomy of Helix sericea, Slilll. [1885.] Jl. Conch., 4, 1883-85, 259. 19. Land and fresh-water Mollusca round Christ- church, South Hants. [1887.] Jl. Conch., 5, 1886-88, 153-163; Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc., 1, 1890, ATo. 1, 40-41. Ashley, Alexander. The official record of Prof. William FERREL in the Signal Office. [1891.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 363-369. Ashley, George Hall. An illustration of the flexure of rock. California Ac. Proc., 3, 1893, 319-324. 2. Studies in the Neocene of California. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 3, 1895, 434-454. 3. The Neocene stratigraphy of the Santa Cruz mountains of California. [1895.] California Ac. Proc., 5, 1896, 273-367. 4. Geology of the Paleozoic area of Arkansas south of the novaculite region. [With an introduction by John C. BKANNER.] Arner. Phil. Soc. Proc., 36, 1897, 217- 318. 5. Note on an area of compressed structure in western Indiana. [1897.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 9, 1898, 429- 431. 6. The coal deposits of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Hep., 23, 1899, 1-1573. 7. Geological results of the Indiana coal survey. [1899.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 11, 1900, 8-10. Ashley, George Hull, & Blatcbley, Willis S[tanley]. See Blatchley v Ashley. Ashley, Mary. *Tue eclipse of the moon [1877, Aug. 23]. Observatory, London, 1, 1878, 177. Ashmead, Albert S. On the absence of cow's milk from Japan : its beneficial consequences. Science, 20, 1892, 211-212. 2. Contribution to the etiology of beri-beri. Science, 20, 1892, 281-282. 3. Immunity from leprosy of the fifth generation. Science, 20, 1892, 309-310. 4. Three ships with beri-beri outbreaks shown to have had extensive formation of carbonic oxides during the voyage. Analysis of beri-beri blood. Conclusion that beri-beri is nothing but carbonic poisoning of the blood. Science, 22, 1893, 48-19. 5. Notes on Japanese meteorology. Science, 22, 1893, 53. 6. Altitude in spite of humidity as a cure of beri-beri. Science, 22, 1893, 119-121. 7. Beri-beri in Dublin. N. Y. Med. Jl., 60, 1894, 660. 8. A syphilitic lesion observed in a pre-Columbian skull. N/Y. Mrd. Jl., til, 1895, 418. 9. Mai de San Antonio (spotless leprosy). N. Y. Med. .11., 62, 1895, 370. 10. Ueber das Vorkommeu von Aussatz in priicolum- Ashmead j 18.3 | Ashmead bischer Zeit in America. Ztscbr. Ethnol., 27, 1895, (305|-(306). 11. On venomous ophidians of Colombia, .South America. [1896.] Indian Med. Gaz., 31, 1897, 126-127. 12. The a>tiology of beri-beri. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899. 788-789. Ashmead, William //[urn's]. 1O. A bibliographical and synonymical catalogue of the North American Cynipida?, with description of new species. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 12, 1885, 291-304. 11. On the cyuipidous galls of Florida with de- scriptions of new species. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 12, 1885, v-ix. 12. Studies on North American Chaleidida-, with descriptions of new species from Florida. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 12, 1885, x-xix ; 13, 1886, 125-135; 14, 1887, 183-203. 13. On the discovery of Thoracantha, a tropical genus of chalcid rlies, in Florida. [1885.] Entomologica Amer., 1, 1885-86, 95-96. 14. Synopsis of the North American sub-families and genera of Cynipida?. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 13, 1886, 59-64. 15. On two new Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Canad. Ent., 18, 1886, 18-20. 16. Description of a new chalcid parasitic on Mantis Carolina, Say. Canad. Ent., 18, 1886, 57-58. 17. A new chalcid parasite on the common basket worm (Thyridopteryxephemerajformis, Haworth). Canad. Ent.. 18/1886, 97-98. 18. On the cynipidous galls of Florida, with descrip- tions of new species and synopses of the described species of North America. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 14, 1887, 125-158. 19. Studies on the North- American Proetotrupidoe, with descriptions of new species from Florida. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 73-70, 97-100, 117-119. 20. Studies of the North American Proctotrupidffl, with descriptions of new species from Florida. Canad. Ent., 19, 1887, 125-132, 192-198. 21. Description of a new .proctotrupid. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 128. 22. Hemipterological contributions. [1887.] Ento- mologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 155-156. 23. Report on insects injurious to garden crops in Florida. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 14, 1887, 9-29. 24. Descriptions of some new genera and species of Canadian Proctotrupidae. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 48-55. 25. An interesting new chalcid from Canada. Cauad. Ent., 20, 1888, 55. 26. Descriptions of some new North American Chak-ididae. Canad. But., 20, 1888, 101-107. 27. Ou the chalcideous tribe Chiropachides. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 172-176. 28. Description of a new species of Orthesia from California. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 202-204. 29. The chalcid genus Bileya. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 229-230; 21, 1889, 37-38. 30. Descriptions of three new eucharids from Florida, with a generic table of the Encharinae. [1888.] Entomo- logica Amer. 3, 1887-88. 186-188. 31. Descriptions of new Florida chalcids, belonging to the sub-family Encyrtiuaj. Eutomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 15-17. 32. A revised generic table of the Eurytominse, with descriptions of new species. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 41-43. 33. A proposed classification of the Hemiptera. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 65-69. 34. A revised generic table of the Chalcidinn1. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 87-88. 35. A generic synopsis of the Cicadida;. Entomo- logica Amer., 4, 1888, 140-141. 36. A generic synopsis of the Fulgoridte. Entomo- logica Amer., 5, 1889, 1-6, 21-28. 37. AgemTicsynopsisof theBythoscopidte. Entomo- logica Amer., 5, 1889, 125-126. 38. A generic synopsis of the Aphididie. Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 185-189. 39. Note on parasites of Atherix ibis, Fair. Entomo- logist, 22, 1889, 290. 40. Descriptions of new Braconida; in the collection of the U. S. National Museum. U. S. Mus. Proc., 11, 1889, 611-671. 41. Descriptions of new Ichneumonidae in the col- lection of the U. S. National Museum. U. S. Mus. Proc., 12, 1890, 387-451. 42. The corn delphacid, Dclphax maidis. [1890.] Psyche, 5, 1891, 321-324. 43. Report on an outbreak of the army worm, and on some other insects affecting grain, in Maryland. [IS'.lO.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 53-57, 518. 44. A generic synopsis of the Coccidas. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 18, 1891, 92-102. 45. Descriptions of some new Canadian Braconidas. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 1-7. 46. An encyrtid with six-branched antennas. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 455-457. 47. Discovery of the genus Crataepus, Fiirster, in America, and the description of a new species. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 309-310. 48. Two new and remarkable ophionids. Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 105-108. 49. Three new pambolids from the United States. [1892.] Psyche, 6, 1893, 289-290. 50. Synopsis of the Hormiina? of North America. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 20, 1893, 39-44. 51. Descriptions of new braconids bred by Prof. A. D. Hoi'KiNS. Canad. Ent., 25, 1893, 67-71). 52. A new species of Torymus. Philad., Ent. News, 4, 1893, 278-279. 53. On the species of the genus Mirax found in North America. Psyche, 6, 1893, 377-379. 54. [The strawberry weevil, Anthonomus signatus, Siii/.] Descriptions of the parasites mentioned. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 5, 1893, 185-186. 55. A monograph of the North American Proctotry- pidiB. U. S. Mus. Bull., 45, 1893, 472 pp. 56. Descriptions of new parasitic Hyrnenoptera. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 21, 1894, 318-344; 23, 1896, 179-234. 57. Descriptions of two new hymenopterous parasites from water beetles. Canad. Ent., 26, 1894, 24-26. 58. Descriptions of thirteen new parasitic Hymeno- ptera, bred by Prof. F. M. WEBSTER. [1894.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. JL, 17, 1894-95, 45-55. 59. A new genus and species of Proctotrypidse, and a new species of Brachysticha, bred by Prof. F. M. WEBSTER. [1894.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 17, 1894- 95, 170-172. 60. A new spider parasite. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Lite, 6, 1894, 259-260. 61. Some parasitic Hymenoptera from Lower Cali- fornia. [1894.] California Ac. Proc., 4, 1895, 122-129. 62. Notes on cotton insects found in Mississippi. [1894-95.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 7, 1895, 25-29, 240-247, 320-326. 63. [The discovery of Elasmosoma, But lie, in America.] Science, 1, 1895, 726. 64. Description of a new species of Telenomus bred by Mr. F. W. UEICH, from a coccid. [1895.] Trinidad Field Nat. Club Jl., 2, [1894-96,] 220-221. 65. Description of a new genus and new species of proctotrypid bred by Mr. F. W. UKICII from an embiid. [1895.] 'Trinidad Field Nat. Club JL, 2, [1894-96,] 264- 266. Ashmeadl 184 [Ash worth 66. Keport on the parasitic Hymenoptera of the island of Grenada, comprising the families Cynipidse, Ichneu- monidse, Braconidse, and Proctotrypidoe. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 742-S12. 67. The habits of the aculeate Hymenoptera. [18114.] Psyche, 7, 1896, 19-26, 39-46, 59-66, 75-79. 68. Some parasitic Hymenoptera from Baja Cali- fornia and Tepic, Mexico. [1895.] California Ac. Proc., 5, 1896, 539-555. 69. [Anthidium consimile, 71. sp.] Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 25-26. 70. [Torymus anthidii, 71. «/).] Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 26.- 71. [Stelis 6-maculata, n. xp.] Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 218. 72. [Hemiteles Davidsonii, n. sp.] Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 320. 73. Descriptions of new cynipklous galls and gall- wasps in the United States National Museum. [1896.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 19, 1897, 113-136. 74. Descriptions of some new genera and species of Canadian Proctotrypidse. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 53- 56. 75. A new water-bug from Canada. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 56. 76. Two new parasites from Eupoeya Slossonise. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 113-114. 77. Descriptions of five new genera in the family Cynipidie. Canad. Ent., 211, 1897, 260-263. 78. Nitelopterus, a new larrid genus. Philad., Ent. News, 8, 1897, 22-23. 79. Descriptions of three new parasitic Hymenoptera from the Illinois river. [1895.] 111. Lab. 'Nat. Hist. Bull., 4, 1898, 274-284. 80. Notes on the Hymenoptera, collected by the Bahama expedition from the State University of Iowa. [1896.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 4, [1898,] 28-32. 81. Classification of the horn tails and sawflies, or the sub-order Phytophaga. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 141-145, 177-183, 205-213, 225-232, 2411-257, 281-287, 305-316. 82. An egg parasite of Smerinthus astylus, Drnri/. Philad., Ent. News, 9, 1898, 24. 83. Two new genera of sand wasps. Philad., Eut. News, 9, 1898, 187-189. 84. Description of some new genera in the family Cynipidie. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 67-69. 85. Descriptions of two new fossorial wasps. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 129-130. 86. Notes on some European hymenopterous parasites of the Hessian fly, Cecidomyia destructor, Siiy, and other insects ; bred by Dr. Paul MAKCHAL, the French govern- ment entomologist. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 135-138. 87. Thynnidce in the United States. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 251. 88. Some new genera of bees. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 282-285. 89. Classification of the bees, or the super-family Apoidea. [1899.] Amer. Ent. Soe. Trans., 26, 1899- 1900, 49-100. 90. Classification of the entomophilous wasps, or the super-family Sphegoidea. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 145-155, 161-174, 212-225, 238-251, 291-300, 322-330, 345-357. 91. Super-families in the Hymenoptera and generic synopses of the families Thynnidffi, Myrmosidffi and Mutfflidas. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 7, 1899,' 45-60. 92. Four new entomophilous wasps. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 9-10. 93. Three new species in the genus Diploplectron, Fox. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 55 f>i;. 94. The largest oak-gall in the world and its parasites. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 11)3-19(5. 95. Four new species belonging to the genus Pleno- culus, Foi. Psyche, 8, 1899, 337-339. 96. A generic table of the family Panurgidse : a reply to Mr. COCKEUELL'S critique on the segregation of Perdita, Guckerell. Psyche, 8, 1899, 372-376. 97. Description of the type of Polydontoscelis, Ashm. Psyche, 8, 1899, 387-388. 98. Classification of the fossorial, predaceous and parasitic wasps, or the super-family Vespoidea. Canad. Eut., 32, 1900, 145-155, 185-18M, 295-296. 99. Description of a new genus in the Aphelininte. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 349. 100. Some changes in generic names in the Hymen- optera. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 368. 101. Report upon the aculeate Hymenoptera of the islands of St. Vincent and Grenada, with additions to the parasitic Hymenoptera and a list of the described Hymenoptera of the West Indies. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1900, 207-367. 102. Some hymenopterous parasites from dragon-fly eggs. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 615-617. 103. Some new exotic parasitic Hymenoptera. Philad., Eut. News, 11, 1900, 623-630. 104. On the genera of the chalcid flies belonging to the sub-family Encyrtinae. U. S. Mus. Proc., 22, 1900, 323-412. 105. Notes on some New Zealand and Australian parasitic Hymenoptera, with descriptions of new genera and new species. [1900.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 25, 1901, 327-360. Ashmead, li'illiam H[tirrit], & Howard, L[e.land] O[ssiiui]. '•• • Howard & Ashmead. Ashmead, iriUinni H[urris~\, Riley, Charles Talfntine, & Howard, L[eland] O[SSUIH,]. See Riley, Ashmead & Howard. Ashton, A[rtliur~\ ir[i//i'am], Fleming, J[o/m] A[mbrose], & Tomlinson, H. J. Set' Fleming, Ashton ., with some observations on Heteroxenia Elizabeths, Kiillikfr. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 42, 1899, 215-304. Ashworth, J[ames] II[urtlei/], & Gamble, F[redericK] \]'[illiiim]. ,S5). 16. Ueber einige australischeMeeresalgen. Flora, 78, 1894, 1-1,8. 17. Enumeration des algues des iles du Cap Vert. Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 13, 1896, 150-175. 18. Ueber das Saftsteigen. [1894-96.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 325-345, 429-448. Askenasy, Paul. Die Reinigung konzentrierter Schwefel- saure. [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 14-15. Askenasy, Paul, & Meyer, Victor. Ueber das Nitro- propylen (Nitroallyl). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892! 1701-1708. 2. Untersuehungen iiber rlie langsame Verbrenuung von Gasgemischen. Liebig's Ann., 269, 1892, 49-72. 3. Photochemische Notizen. Liebig's Ann., 269, 1892, 72-73. 4. Ueber die Jodosoverbinduugen. Berlin, Chetn. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1354-1370. Askwitb, (Rev.) E[dirard] H[urrison]. On possible groups of substitutions that can be formed with three, four, rive, six, and seven letters respectively. Quart. Jl. Math., 24, 1890, 111-167. 2. On groups of substitutions that can be formed with ' eight letters. Quart. Jl. Math., 24, 1890, 263-331. 3. On groups of substitutions that can be formed with nine letters. Quart. Jl. Math., 26, 1893, 79-128. Aslanian, - — , * Perrin, Leon. See Ferrin & Aslanian. Aslanoglou, P. L. Electrolysis of different substances. Chem. News, 62, 1890, 42-43. 2. Ammonia formed by burning metallic magnesium in contact with atmospheric air. Chem. News, 62, 1890, 99. 3. The supposed copper nitride. Chem. News, 64, 1891, 313. 4. Sea water as a chemical and mechanical de- polarising agent for primary batteries. Chem. News, 6!), 1894, 210-211. 5. Estimation of carbonates and caustic alkalis in mixtures. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 166-167. 6. The acid constituents of wines. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 176-178. 7. The significance of nitrites in potable waters. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 236-238. 8. Combination of atmospheric and chemical nitrogen with metals. Chem. News, 73, 1896, 115-116. Asmus, Kduard. Ueber Syringomyelie. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 {Abth. 1), 18-20. 2. Ein neuer Fall von Acromegalie mit temporaler Hemianopsie. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 39, 1893 (Abth. 2), 229-253. 3. Das Sideroskop. Ein Apparat zum Nachweis der Eisen- und Stahlsplitter im Innern des Auges. Arch, f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abth. 1), 280-325. 4. Ueber die genaue Localisation grosser eiserner und stahlerner Fremdkorper im Auge mit dem Sideroskop. Arch. Augenheilk., 31. 1895, 49-54. 5. Ueber weitere mit dem Sideroskop gemachte Erfah- rungen. Arch. Augenheilk., 31, 1895 (Festichr,), 1-27. 24 Asmus] ISO [Assmann 6. Uelier Experiments miteinem grossen Augenmag- neten neuer Form. [1898.] Wien. Med. Wscbr., 40, 1899, 201-206. Asinus, J. *Graphische Darstellungen der Deviation. Ann. der Hydrogr., 6 (1878), 285-288, 333-334. 2. *Darstellung eines grossten Kreises in Merkator- Projektion. Ann. der Hydrogr., 7 (1879), 151-154. 3. Der selbstregistrirende Fluthmesser von R. FUESS. Ztschr. Instrumenteuk., 7, 1887, 243-246. 4. Java, Nordkiiste. Ann. der Hydrogr., 27 (1899), 581-587. Asinus, It. Die Schadelform der altwendischen Bevolke- ruug Mecklenburgs. [1900.] Arch. f. Anthrop., 27, 1902, 1-36. Asmusscn, 3. Der Weg zum Nordpol. Petermann •Mitth., 36, 1890, 107-109. Asmussen, P. Eudolf FALB und das Wetter. Wetter, 10, 1893, 49-55. ASO, K[eijiro]. A physiological function of oxydase in kaki-fruit. Bot. Mag., TSkyO, 14, 1900, 179-180, (285)- (289). Asp, G[eor;t Aur/uat]. 4. Zur Lehre iiber die Bildung derNervenendigungen. Wien Embryol. Inst. Mitth., 1, 1885, 1-16. Asp, 0. [Sur ['explication geometrique des phenomenes de brisure des plaques de verre.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 23, 1890, 359-362. Asper, G[nttlieb]. For biographical notice see Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1888-89, 113-116. 5. Sur line methode perfectionnee pour etudier la repartition de la faune pelagique dans les differentes profondeurs de 1'eau. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat.. 12, 1884, 441-442. 6. Sur les organismes microscopiques des eaux douces. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 16, 1886, 366-367. Asper, G[ottlieV], & Heuscher, J. Eine neue Zusammen- setzungder "pelagischen" Organismenwelt. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 448-450. 2. Zur Naturgeschiehte der Alpenseen. [1887-91.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1885-86, 145-187; 1887-88, 246-267; 1888-89, 371-391. Asperen, A". Ueber Elektricitatsiiberfuhrung zwischen Flammen und Spitzen. Stockb., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (AJ'»;/HI,I y pas.ui'iiiHX'i, JKIIBOTIIMXT,. IIpejBapiiTejibiioe COoGmeilie. [1877.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc., 1876-77, Append. No. 29, 6 pp. Asted, . Nogle ssetninger som en indledning til den projektive geometri. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 6 (A), 1895, 1-16. Astie, H[ennaiin]. Dihydrophtalsaure. [1888.] Liebig's Ann., 258, 1890, 187-219. Astis, Eilifijin ile. Sulla derivabilita di un sistema di forme binurie da uu' unica forma con applicazione al sistema di due cubicbe biuarie. Giorn. Mat., 36, 1898, 161-171. 2. Sul sistema di tre forme quadratiche binarie. Giorn. Mat., 37, 1899, 148-159. Astis, G. de. Nuove esperienze sull' azione del solfito di calcio sulla fermentazione alcoolica. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 26, 1894, 232-245. 2. Analisi di uve, mosti e vim di alcuni ibridi ameri- cani coltivati nel campo sperimentale di Siracusa. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 29, 1896, 553-563. Astley, Wriijhl. How to produce and preserve saccharine crystals. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1888, 15-17. Astolfi, , & Dumas, C'. See Dumas iV Astolfi. Astolfoni, G., anglois, J[ean] P[aul~]. Action comparee des sels de cadmium et de zinc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 ((,'. R.), 391-392, 496-497; Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 251-263. 2. Action des sels de cadmium et de zinc sur le sang. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C'. R.), 719-722. 3. Du role du foie dans la destruction de la sub- stance active des capsules surrenales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 575-576. Athanasiu, J. [Jon], Carvallo, ,T[ouchim Leon], & Charrin, Albert. Sur 1'action lymphagogue des toxines pyocya- uiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C'. R.), 860-862. Athanasiu] 190 [Atkinson Athanasiu, [C.] Sava. Studii geologice in districtul Suceava. [Bucareat Hoc. Sci. Bull., 7, 1898], 61-84, 290-318. 2. Ueber die Kreideablagerungen bei Glodu in den uordmoldauischen Karpathen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 81-85. 3. Morphologische Skizzeder nordmoldauischen Kar- patbeu. Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bull., 8, 1899, 233-277. 4. Geologiscbe Beobachtungen in den nordmoldaui- schen Ostkarpatben. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1899, 127-147. 5. Ueber eine Eocanfauna aus der nordmoldaui- schen Flyschzone. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1899, 256-267. 6. Geologiscbe Studien in den norduioldauiscben Karpathen. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 49, 1900, 429-492. Ath.inasow, P[ierrt]. Atrophie de la prostate cbez les animaux mnu- a la castration, a la vasectomie et a 1'injection sclerogene. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 270; Robin, Jl. Anat., 34, 1898, 137-186. Athanassiu, [Alexandre]. Les obsessions mentales. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1897 (Vol. 4, Pt. i), 100-104. Athens Observatory. Observations m4teorologiques [faites a Athenes en 1895 et 1896]. Athenes Obs. Nat. Ann., 1, 1896. 251-377 ; 2, 1899, 43-188. 2. Tremblements de terre observes en Grece duraut les annees 1893-98. Athenes Obs. Nat. Ann., 2, 1899, 189-346. Athenstadt, //. Zur Priifung der Citronensaure auf Weinsaure. Arch. Pharm., 222, 1884, 230-231. Athenstadt, H'illitlm. Aschenanalysevon Ledura palustre. Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1885, 57. Athenstadt, Wilhelm, Iluhncr, II[itns Julius Anton Edward], & Tolle, Alfred. See Hulmer, Tolle & Athenstadt. Atherstone, William Guybon [non Guy ton]. For bio- graphy see Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 55, 1899, Iviii ; S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 4, 1899, 61-65. 3. Kimberley and its diamonds. [With discussion.] [1895.] S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 1, 1896, 76-89. Atherton, T. W. T. Occurrence of a natural sulphide of gold. Cbem. News, 64, 1891, 278. Athcston, Lewi's. The epidermis of Tubifex rivulorum, Lamarck, with especial reference to its nervous struc- tures. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 497-509. Athias, 3J[urck]. Cellules nerveuses encore epitheliales dans la moelle du tetard de grenouille. Mode de developpernent du neurone. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<5rn., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 540-542. 2. Cellules nerveuses en developpement dans la moelle ipiniere du tetard de la grenouille. Robin, Jl. Anat., 31, 1895, 610-615. 3. Sur 1'origine et Involution des petites cellules e^oileea de la couche moleculaire du cervelet chez le chat et le lapin. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mum., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 585-586. 4. Structure histologique de la moelle epiniere ilu tetard de la grenouille (Raua temporaria). Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 58-89. 5. Recherches sur 1'histogenese de 1'ecorce du cer- velet. Robin, Jl. Anat., 33, 1897, 372-404. Athias, M[arck], & Franca, Carlos. See Franca it Athias. Atkins, Charles G. 2. Memoranda on landlocked sal- mon. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 4, 1884, 341-344. 3. Report on the propagation of Penobscot salmon in l881[-87]. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., '.I, 1884, 1085-1089 ; 10, 1884, 857-862; 11, 1885, 1007-1009; 12, 1886, 177- 179 ; 13, 1887, 141-144 ; 14, 1889, 747-749. 4. Report on the propagation of Scboodic salmon in 18Kl[-86]. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 9, 1884, 1091-1105 ; 10, 1884, 863-871 ; 11, 1885, 1011-1015 ; 12, 1886, 181- 1«7 ; 13, 1887, 145-156. 5. Report on the propagation of Scboodic salmon at Grand Lake stream, Maine, in 1886-87. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 14, 1889, 7.11-759. 6. Report on the artificial propagation of codfish at Wood's Holl, Mass., for the season of 1886-87. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep , 14, 1889, 783-791. 7. Methods employed at Craig Brook station in rearing young salmonoid fishes. U. S. Fish Conim. Bull., 13, 1894, 221-228. Atkins, Cliarlei G. (et alii). A manual of fish-culture, based on the methods of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. U. S. Fish Couim. Rep., 23, 1898, 340 pp. Atkins, H. A. For biographical notice see Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 120. Sandhill crane, Grus canadensis. Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 6-7. 2. Winter birds of Locke, Michigan. Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 31-32. 3. Summer birds of Locke, Michigan. Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 43-45; 10, 1885, 3. 4. Five additions to the avifauna of Michigan. Or- nith. Ool., 9, 1884, 81, 103. Atkins, John U'. Colurnba corensis at Key West, Florida. Auk, 16, 1899, 272. Atkins, M[artin] D., it]. 14. Notes on the volu- metric estimation of iron. Chem. News, 49, 1884, 117-119, 217-218. 15. A volumetric method for the determination of alumina. Chem. News, 52, 1885, 311. 16. On Japanese lacquer. [1885.] Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans., 17, 1886, 49-62. 17. On the Japanese method of making white lead. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 312-313. 18. Estimation of manganese. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 365-367. 19. Note on the volumetric tennett]. A new form of respiration calorimeter and its use for veri- fying the law of the conservation of energy in the human body. Amer. Ass. Prnc., 1897, 127-128; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 583; Phys. Rev., 9, 1899, 129-163, 214-251. Nee a /so Rosa & Atwater. Atwater, W[ilbur] O[lin], & Woods, C[/i«r/cs] D[ayton\. Notes on the soda-lime method for determining nitrogen. Amer. Chem. JL, (I (1887). 311-324. 25 Atwater] 194 [Aubel 2. Notes on burettes and pipettes. Jl. Anal. Chem., 1, 1887, 373-380. 3. The acquisition of atmospheric nitrogen by plants. [1889.] Amer. Chem. JL, 12 (1890), 520-547; 13 (1891), 42-63. Atweli. C[harles] li[each\. A phase of conjugation in Spirogyra. Bot. Gaz., 14, 1889, 154. 2. Abnormal roses. Bot. Gaz., 14, 1889, 227. 3. A deep-water nostoc. Bot. Gaz., 14, 1889, 291-292. 4. Chlorophyll in the embryo. Bot. Gaz., 15, 1890,40. Atwood, E. II. The movement of ice on Minnesota lakes. Amer. Geologist, 7, 1891, 252-254. Atwood, 11. F. 2. A new apparatus for photo-micro- graphy. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc., 1884, 176-177. Atwood, (Cujit.) Xathaiiiel Ellis. For biography see Amer. Ac. Proc., 22, 1887, 522-523 ; Essex lust. Bull., 19, 1888, 68-71. Atwood, Wallace Walter, & Salisbury, Bollin D. See Salisbury A Atwood. Aub, Jose jilt. For biography see Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1888, 21 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 264. Aubcau, A. Auesthesie obtenue a 1'aide d'un melange litre de chloroforms et d'air (methode de M. P. BERT). Statistique des cent quinze premieres observations re- cueillies dans le service de 31. PEAK, a 1'hopital Saint- Louis. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884, 117-132, (C. R.) 396-400. 2. Anesthesie prolongee obtenue avec le protoxyde d'azote a la pression normale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. I;.), 103-109. Aubel, Edmund [Marie Lambert] van. Recherches ex- periujentales sur 1'influence du magnetisme sur la po- larisation daus les dielectriques. Brux., Ac. Bull., 10, 1885, 609-623, [984]; 12, 1886, 280-286. 2. Note sur la transparence du platine. Brux., Ac. Bull., 11, 1886, 408-414. 3. Quelques mots sur la transparence du platine et des miroirs de fer, nickel, cobalt, obtenus par electrolyse. Brux., Ac. Bull., 12, 1886, 6G5-671. 4. Etude experimental sur 1'iufluence du mag- netism e et de la temperature sur la resistance electrique du bismuth et de ses nlliages avec le plornb et Fetain. Communication prelirninaire. [1887.] Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 198-216. 5. Recherehes sur la resistance electrique du bis- muth. [1889.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889. 1102- 11M4; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 433-458; London Phys. Soc. Proc., 10, 1890, 211-229; Phil. Mag., 28, 1889, 332-349. 6. Influence de 1'aimantation sur la longueur d'un barreau de bismuth. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, 366-371. 7. Sur la resistance electrique du bismuth com- prime. Jl. Phys., 2, 1893, 407^14. 8. Modification de 1'areometre de W. LASKA. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1893, 235-238. 9. Calibrage d'un til. Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1893, 251-253. 10. Aluminium mil anderen Metallen zu bedecken. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1894, 4. 11. Sur la resistance electrique de quelques alliages nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1894, 197-200. 12. Sur le pbenomeue de HALL et la mesure des champs magnetiques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 33, 1895, 222-241. 13. Sur les densites et les indices de refraction des melanges de 1'aldehyde ou de 1'acetone avec 1'eau. Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 478-482. 14. Remarques sur les relations entre la chaleur latente de vaporisation et d'autres grandeurs physiques. Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 70-72. 15. Sur la formule de M. H. BF.CQUEREL relative a la polarisation rotatoire maguetique. Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 509-511. 16. Sur la transparence des corps aux rayons X. Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 511-514. 17. Sur la variation de la densite des liquides avec la temperature. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 201-202. 18. Sur quelques travaux recents relatifs a la re- sistance electrique du bismuth. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 329-343. 19. Sur la transparence des vapeurs aux rayons X. Jl. Phys., fj, 1897, 528-529. 20. Relations entre la coinposilion chimique et quelques proprietes physiques des liquides. Jl. Phys., 6, 1897, 531-535. 21. Sur la resistance electrique du reostene. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1897, 133-135. 22. Influence du maguetisme sur la polarisation des dielectriques et 1'indice de refraction. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat.. 5, 1898, 142-144. 23. Sur la mesure des temperatures au moyen du couple thermoelectrique fer-constantan. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 6, 1898, 169-171. 24. Sur le point de fusion de 1'alliage d'alumiuium et d'antimoine repoudant a la formule AlSb. Jl. Phys., 7, 1898, 223-224. 25. Action du magnetisme sur les spectres des gaz. Jl. Phys., 7, 1898, 408-409. 26. Ueber die Warmeleitung von Fliissigkeiten. Ztschr. Phypikal. Chem., 28, 1899, 336-341. 27. Sur la variation de la conductibilite calorifique lors de la fusion. [1899.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1900 (Pt. 1), 63-64; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 30, 1899, 563-564. 28. Sur les indices de refraction des metaux. [1899.] Brux. Soc. Sui. Ann., 24, 1900 (Pt. 1), 64-66; Zlschr. Physikal. Chem., 3n, 1899, 5115-566. 29. Sur les resistances eiectriques des metaux purs. Arch. Neerland., 5, 1900, 49-55. 30. Sur les proprietes physiques du cobalt et du nickel d'apres de recents travaux. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 10, 1900, 144-148; Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 474-176. 31. Sur les conductibilites eiectriques et thermiques des metaux. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verb., 1900, 3—4. 32. Reponse aux observations de MM. W. JAEGER et H. DIESSELHOKST ["Ueber Wiirmeleitung," D. Ps. Gs. Vh., 1900, 39-40]. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verb., 1900, 77-78. 33. Sur les chaleurs specitiques des alliages. Jl. Phys., 9, 1900, 493-497. 34. Bc'inerkung zu der Mitteiluug des Herrn W. Franuis MAGIE : "Ueber die spezitische Warrne von Losungen, die keine Elektrolyte sind." [Tr.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 282-283. Aubel, Edmund [Marie Lambert] van, & Fievez, Charles [Jean liaptiste], See Fievez iV Aubel. Aubel, Edmund [Marie Lambert] ran. A: Faillot, Rene. Sur la mesure des temperatures par les couples thermo- eiectriques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 33. 1895, 148-160. 2. Relation entre les conductibilites eiectriques et thermiques des alliages. Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 522-528. Aubel, Edmowl [Marie Lambert] ran, & Spring, ]l'[althere]. See Spring iV Aubel. Aubel, //. can. 2. Quelques notes sur le probleme de PELL. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1886 (I't. 2), 135-151. 3. Theoremes sur les triangles trihomologiques. Mathesis, 17, 1897, 53-59. Aubel, J. C. ran. Sur un nouveau mode d'emploi de la digitoxine et de la strophanthine dans les cas graves de faiblesse cardiaque. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 8, 1894, 642-652. 2. Contribution a Petude de la toxicite de la fougere nude. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 9. 1896, 840-864. 3. Sur le traitement des hyilropisies chez les car- .l];n|iies par les diuretiquea. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., In, 1896. 284-298. Auber] Auhcr, Pedro Alejandro. *Ensayo sobre los caracteres termometricos de la fiebre amarilla. [1870.1 Habana Ac. An., 8, 1871, 61-73. Auhcrt, . '[Notes meteorologiques faites a] Fort- 1'Empereur (environs d'Alger). France Soc. MiHe'orol. Nouv. Meteorol., 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 331. Aubert, , & Duhois, Raphael. Sur les proprietes de la lumiere des Pyrophores. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R 99 1884, 477-479. See also Dubois & Aubert. Aubert, [Henry]. Probleme demecanique. Ann. Conduct. Fonts et Chauss., 31, 1887 (Pt. I), 150-152. 2. Courbe integrate et les integraphes. Ann. Con- duct. Fonts et Chauss., 31, 1887 (Pt. 1), 165-174. 3. Des cables funiculaires. Ann. Conduct. Fonts et Chauss., 32, 1888, 88-97. Aubert, [Mitrie Louis Leo]. Notes sur le departement de 1'Ain (Dombes, Bresse et Bugey). Rev. d'Anthrop., 3 1888, 456-468. 2. Relation d'une epidemic de fievre typho'ide qui a sSvi sur le 23" regiment d'infanterie et sur la population de la ville de Bourg, en decembre et en Janvier 1888-89. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 15, 1890, 81-95. Aubert, [Francis], Sur quelques points de la geologic de la Tunisie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 334-337. 2. Note sur la geologic de I'extrerne sud de la Tunisie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 408-413. 3. Note sur 1'Eocene tunisien. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 483-498. Aubert, [Louis], De I'lmperineabilisation du sol des habitations collectives des malades et essai de paraffinage a 1'hopital Villernanzy. Ann. Hvg. Publ , 42, 1899, 362- 377. Aubert, A[inif]. 4. Sur la contagion de la tuberculose. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 706-707. Aubert, Alfred B[ellamy]. The gum of Liquidambar styraciflua or American storax as a mounting medium. Amer. Micr. JL, 6, 1885, 86-87. 2. Results of experiments upon the adhesiveness of some microscopical cements. Amer. Micr. Jl., 6, 1885, 227-229. 3. Index of refraction. Amer. Micr. Jl., 13, 1892, 225-229. 4. Diatoms found in a fresh-water deposit from Jonesport, Maine. Amer. Micr. Jl., 17, 1896, 165-166. Aubert, Alfred Bellamy], & Colby, D. W. Notes upon the composition and some peculiarities of mule's milk. Jl. Anal. Chem., 7, 1893, 314-316. Aubert, Alfred Bellamy], & Patrick, Geo. E. See Patrick & Aubert. Aubert, Ephrem. Note sur les acides organiques chez les plantes grasses. France Soc. Bot. Bull. , 37, 1890, 135- 137. 2. Sur la repartition des acides organiques chez les plantes grasses. Rev. Gen. Bot., 2, 1890, 369-384. 3. Respiration comparee des plantes grasses et des plantes ordinaires. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 492-503. 4. Note sur le de'gagement simultane d'oxygene et d'acide carbonique chez les Cactees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 674-676. 5. Note sur un phenomeue physiologique qu'on observe dans les eehanges gazeux chez certaines plantes grasses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891, 51-57. 6. Nouvel appareil de JIM. G. BONNIER et L. MANOIN pour 1'analyse des gaz. Rev. Gen. Bot., 3, 1891, 97-104. 7. Eecherches sur la turgescence et la transpiration des plantes grasses. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bof.), 16, 1892, 1-90. 8. Recherches sur la respiration et Passimilation des plantes grasses. Eev. Gen. Bot., 4, 1892, 203-219, 273-282, 321-331, 337-353, 373-391, 421-441, 497-502, 558-568. 195 [Aubert 9. Recherches physiologiques sur les plantes grasses. Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 243-244. Aubert, Hermann. For biography see Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 58; Ztschr. Psycho!., 3, 1892, 256. 29. *[Untersuchungeniiberden Einfluss der Athmung auf die Pulsfrequenz und den Blut Jruck.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 207. 30. Na'hert sieh die Hornhautkrummungam meisten der Ellipse? Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 35, 1885, 597-621. 31. [Die Sehnellphotographiealseine Methodemittels deren es moglich ist, physiologisehe Vorgange zu er- forschen.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1886, i-ii. 32. Ueber die Orientirung im Raume bei ruhendem und bewegtem Korper und iiber den Schwindel. Meck- lenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1886, xv-xvii; 1888, i-iii. 33. Die Bewegungsemptindung. Pfliiger, Arch. Phy- siol., 39, 1886, 347-370 ; 40, 1887, 459-480, 623-624. 34. [Darstellung der neuen Sehoen'schen Theorie iiber den Mechanismus bei der Accommodation des menschlichen Auges.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1888, xvi-xvii. 35. Physiologisches Practicum. Pfliiger, Arch. Phy- siol., 45, 1889, 195-198. 36. Ueber die Westienschen Linsen und ihre Be- nutzung zur Anfertigung binocnlarer Lupen, Mikro- skope uud Teleskope. Meeklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1890, xiv-xvi. 37. Das binoculare Perimikroskop. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 47, 1890, 341-346. 38. Die iunerUche Sprache und ihr Verhaltenzu den Sinneswahrnehmungen und Bewegungen. Ztschr. Psy- chol., 1, 1890, 52-59. 39. DieGenauigkeitderOphthalmometer-Messungen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 49, 1891, 626-638. Aubert, Louis, & Criraud, Victor. Verfahren der Um- waudlung von Starke und Cellulose in Rohrzucker (Saccharose) unter Anwendung von Electricitiit. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckeriud., 35, 1885, 928-930. Aubert, P[ierre], 13. *Des conditions du calme dans 1'anesthesie ehirurgicale. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 282-287. 14. *Anesthesies rnixtes par la morphine, 1'atropine et le chloroforme. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 626-632. 15. Action locale des alcaloides des aconits sur la secretion sudorale. [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 33, 1894, 117-124. 16. Autagonisme et antidotisme. Recherches de physiologic generate basees sur les reactions des glandes sudoripares. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 953-956. Aubert, P[ierre], & Lepine, R[aphael], See Lepine & Aubert. Aubert, P[iVnv], Lepine, R[aphael], & Eymonnet, . See Lopine, Eymonnet, A Aubert. Aubert, Paul. Question proposee au concours general pour la classe de matheinatiques speciales, juin, 1886. Solution analytique. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 4, 1886 91-96. 2. Composition de mathematiques elementaires pro- posee au concours d'agr^gation de 1886. Solution. [1886.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 5, 1887, 23-28. 3. Sur un systeme de cercles tangents a une circon- ference et orthogonaux a une autre circouference. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 6, 1888, 33-38. 4. Sur une propriete projective des sections coniques. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 7, 1889, 61-66. 5. Sur une generalisation du theoreme de PASCAL donnant neuf points en ligne droite. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 529-535. 6. Coordonn^es tangentielles. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 12, 1894, 55-68. Aubert, Samuel. [Quelques anomalies des fleurs de saule.] [1893.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 30, 1894, xi. 25—2 Aubert] 196 [ Auche 2. |Ln flore de la vallee de Joux.] Lausanne, Soc. Vmi.l. Bull., 30, 1894, xxx-xxxi; 36, 1900, 16-22. 3. Les pommiers de la valise de Joux. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, 290-291. 4. Notes sur ijuelques plantes rares ou non signalees de la vallee de Joux. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, 196-202. 5. La flore de la vallee de Joux. Etude monogra- phique. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 3d, 1900, 327-741. Aubert, Samuel, & Forel, F[ram;ois] A[lpliimsf]. See Forel & Aubert. Aubeux, [Alexandre Jules Marie], For biographical notice see Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 292. Aubin, C'//[nrtes], & Graebe, C[harles\. See Graebe & Aubin. Aubin, Kmile. Sur les precedes suivis pour la determina- tion de 1'acide phosphorique dans les superphosphates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1591-1594. 2. Sur le dosage de 1'acide phosphorique dans les phosphates livr^s a 1'agriculture. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 1595-1596. 3. Sur la separation et le dosage du plomb, de 1'argent et du zinc dans les minerals composes de galene et de blende. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 134-135. 4. Nouveaux fourneaux a moufles. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 596-597. 5. Les scories de dephoephoration. France Soe. Agr. Bull., 55, 1895, 175-177. Aubin, Emile, & Alia, L[ucien], Sur le dosage de 1'azote organique par la ruethode de SI. KJELDAHL. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 246-248, 960-961. Aubin, Einile, & Muntz, A[chille}. See miintz & Aubin. Aubin, Kmile, & Quenot, J[nli's], Sur la determination de 1'azote total dans les engrais. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 322-326. Aubin, l'i ivy A. The limpet's power of adhesion. Nature, 45, 1892, 464-465. Aubineau, E. De la serotherapie antidiphterique en ocu- listique. Progres Med., 3, 1896, 353-355. 2. Trois cas de molluscum contagiosum Ann. d'Oculist, 123, 1900, 463. Aublez, Ant. Sur un passage de STIUBOS relatif a un traitement de la vigne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1301-1302. Aubouy, A. Florule de Palavas ou catalogue des plautes vasculaires observees aux environs de cette lucalite. [1884.] Rev. Bot., 3, 1884-86, 171-206. 2. Sur une Statice des environs de Palavas. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 1), 300. 3. Contributions a la flore de Montpellier. Plantes interessantes observees aux environs d'Auiaue (Herault). Rev. Bot., 8, 1890, 291-301. Aubouy, F. L'Isoetes de la mare de Grammont, pres Montpellier [Isoetes setacea, Delile]. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 (Mem.), 29-33, (C. R.) 17. ' 2. Contribution a 1'histoire de la botanique a Mont- pellier. Note sur uu catalogue de plantes du naturaliste Auguste BROUSSONNET. Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 20, 1898, 5-19. Aubry, (/(.) [Etienne Jean Iridor]. Note sur la latitude de Curapao et sur les longitudes de La Guayra, Puerto- Cabello, Curacao (Rif-Fort) et Sainte-Marthe. Ann. Hydrogr., 9, 1887, 45-52. 2. Note sur les observations rnague'tiques faites a bord de la Mi nerve (188G-88). Ann. Hydrogr., 10 1888 290-303. Aubry, A. Solution d'une question d'algebre : [Etant donnee lY-quation x3 + ax* + bx + c = 0, trouver les substi- tutions rationnelles qui reproduisent 1'equation], Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 175-190. Aubry, Alpliinwc. 2. Kapport sur le Choa et les pays Gallas. Arch. Miss. Sci., 12, 1886, 407-411. 3. Observations ^eologiques sur le royaume du Choa et les pays Gallas. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1182- 1184. 4. Observations geologiques sur les pays Danakils, Somulis, le royaume du Choa et les pays Gallas. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 201-222. 5. Une mission au Choa et dans les pays Gallas. [1886.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1886, 320-324; Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 8, 1887, 439-485; Arch. Miss. Sci., 14, 1888, 457-511. Aubry, (.'[nmille], Rutot, A[iine], & Broeck, E[rncst] van den. ,SVc Rutot, Broeck iV Aubry. Aubry, L[tiuis]. 3. Einiges fiber Malzuntersuchung. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 159-163. Aubry, I'aul. Projet de generalisation du service d'identi- tication par 1'anthropometrie. Aun. Hyg. Publ., 32, 1894, 29-36. 2. A propos de la lutte contre la syphilis en Russie. Ann. Hyg. Pub!., 3s, 1897, 400. Aubuisson, Aiii/uatr il' . 3. Supplement a joindre au "Catalogue des Lepidopteres de la Haute-Garonne." Public dans le Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Natu- relle de Toulouse (B. M. 4 rnai 1868). Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1885, 205-216. 4. Mi'Htea Deione, Hb., dans le de'parternent du Lot. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 71-72. 5. Chelonia 1'asciata, Budd. (Lepid.), dans le departe- meut du Lot. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 115-116. Auburtin, Gaston. Das Vorkommen von Kolbenhaaren und die Veranderuugen derselben beim Haarwiederer- satz. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 47, 1896, 472-500. 2. Beitrag zur Technik des Aufklebens von Celloidin- schnitten. Anat. Auz., 13, 1897, 90-U3. Aubusson. Sff JMagaud d'Aubusson. Audio, A[uiiuste]. Sur le cocco-bacille rouge de la sardine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (G. R.), 18-21. 2. La lepre en Nouvelle-Caledonie. Arch. Med. Na- vale, 71, 1899, 5-36, 81-133, 101-193, 241-255, 321-343, 401-125. Auche, .1 [ugiistf], & Du Bois-Saint-Sevrin, [Louis Marie]. Set Du Bois-Saint-Sevrin & Aucbe. Auche, l![i'rnurd]. Des alterations des nerfs peripheriques chez les diabetiques. Arch. M^d. Exp^r., 2, 1890, 635- 676. 2. De la choree hysterique arythmique. Progres Med., 14, 1891, 435-437. 3. Passage des microbes a travel's le placenta des femmes enceintes atteintes de variole. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 922-924. 4. Complications peritoneales de la variole. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. It.), 83-87. 5. Recherche* experiraentales sur 1'etranglernent in- testinal. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 2), 588-590. Auche, H[rniiii-,l], A- Carriere, iV[c<» •;/.•.<]. Toxicite uri- uaire dans Tadeiiie tnberculeuse et dans la lympbadenie lemvinique spli''iiii|ue et gaughonnaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 4s, 1896 (C. />'.), 670-672. Auche, ];[erniinl], iV: Chambrelent, [.Inlfn J. B.]. De la transmission a travers le placenta du bacille de la tuberculose. Arch. MeJ. Expcr., 11, 1899, 521-545. Auche, Ii[ernard], & Chavannaz, KpiieTa.i.iaMii ronaaa IIOA'b MHKpOCKOHOMT,. [Beobachtungeu der Topas- krystalle unter dem Mikroskope.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 5, 1870, 162-168. Auerbach, Alerninler. 3. Ueber die Saurewirkung der Fleischnahrung. Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 512-526. Auerbach, />'. Les resultats de la derniere expedition d'Ejiix-Pacha. Relief, geologie, hydrographie. Ann. Geogr, 4, 1895, 76-85. Auerbach, .F[i>/i.r]. 14. * Ueber den Einfluss der inneren Reihuug auf die Resonanz. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 40-41-'. Auerbach] 199 [Auerbach 15. "Ueber den Temperaturcoefficienten des galvan- ischen Wideratandes der festen, einfachen Metalle. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 181. 16. Ueber die Electrioitatsleitung von Metallpulveru. Ann. Phys. Chem., 28, 1886, 604-613. 17. Zur Klarstellung des Elasticitatsbegriffes. Bres- lau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1887, 132-138. 18. Dynamoelektrische Versuche. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1887, 183-190. 19. Ueber die Schaltung von Batterie-Elementen. Elektroteohu. Ztschr., 8, 1887, 66-69. 20. Ueber die Erregung des dynaraoelectrischen Stroraes. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 172-179. 21. Dynamoelektrische Untersuchuugen. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 9, 1888, 201-208. 22. Wetterwarten im Hochgebirge. Deutsch. Al- penver. Ztschr., 20, 1889, 57-70. 23. Ueber die von Eolbenluftpumpen erzeugte Lmft- verdiiuuung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 41, 1890, 364-368. 24. Absolute Hartemessung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 43, 1891, 61-100. 25. Harte, Sprodigkeit und Plasticitat. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1891 (Th. 2), 46-49. 26. Ueber Hartemessung, insbesondere an plastischen Korpern. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 262-276. 27. Plasticitat und Sprodigkeit. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 277-291. 28. Ueber die Harte- und Elasticitatsverhaltnisse des Glases. Ann. Phys. Chem., 53, 1894, 1000- 1038. 29. Die Mondphasen und das Wetter. Leopoldina, 30, 1894, 140-144. 30. Erklarung der Brentanoschen optischen Tau- schung. Ztschr. Psychol., 7, 1894, 152-160. 31. Die Harteseala in absoluteni Maasse. Ann. Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 357-380. 32. Bestimmung einiger holier Elasticitatsmoduhi, nebst Bemerkungen uber die Ermittelung von Modnln niit eineru Minimum von Material. Ann. Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 381-390. 33. Ueber Widerstaudsverminderung dnrch elec- trische uud durch akustische Schwiugungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 611-617. 34. Benierkungeu iiber die absolute Temperatur. Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 754-758. 35. Mittheilung iiber Versuche des Hrn. Ad. MEYER (Stockholm) iiber den eleetrischen Widerstand zwischen Stahlkugeln. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898, 760-766. 36. Ueber die Harte der Metalle. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 108-115. 37. Ueber die Elasticitat und die Harte von krystal- lisirter, amorpher und wasserhaltiger Kieselsaure. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 116-119. Aucrbacli, F[elix], & Meyer, Oskar Einil. See Meyer & Aucrbacli. Auerbach, Jr'riedrich. Ueber ein neues Collidin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3485-3490. 2. Ueber eine Pipecolincarbousaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3490-3493. Auerbach, I[van] B[ogdanovi£] (Johann Alexander). 8. *Ueber den sogenanuten Achtaryndit. [Posth.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 3, 1868, 113-115. 9. *Topa BOTAO. [Ci> npejuicJioBieM'i, F. TpAyTIHOJH>,H,a. The Bogdo Mts. With an introduc- tion by H. TBAUTSCHOLD.] [Posth.] St. Petersb., Soc. Kusse G<5ogr. M<5m. (Geogr.), 4, 1871, 1-81. Auerbach, Leopold. For biography and list of works see Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1897 (A'efc.), 3-9; Leopoldiua, 33, 1897, 158; Anal. Anz., 14, 1898, 257-267. 17. *Zur allgemeinen Muskel-Physiologie. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 106. 18. *Ueber die streitige 8pindelfigur bei tier Ver- melirting, reap. Theilung der Zellkernc-. Di/utseh. Natf. Ber., 1877, 231. 19. [Theorie des Saugens.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 201, 443. 20. Zur Mechanik des Saugens und der Inspiration. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Pliysinl. Abth.), 1888, 59-12*. 21. Zur Frage der wirkliehen oder scheinbaren Muskelhypertrophie. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 27, 1889, 802-803. 22. Ueber die Blutkorperchen der Batraohier. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 570-578; Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 1), 72-76. 23. Zur Kenntniss der thierischen Zellen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 735-749. 24. Ueber einen sexuellen Gegensatz in der Chro- matophilie der Keimsubstanzen, nebst Bemerkungen zum Bait der Eier und Ovarien niederer Wirbelthiere. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1891, 713-750. 25. Ueber einen sexuellen Gegensatz in der Chro- matophilie der maunlichen und weiblichen Geschleehts- producte. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1891, 533-535. 26. Zur Charakteristik von Ei und Sanien. [1891.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 22, 1892 (Th. 2), 179-181. 27. Ueber den Gang und die Kesultate seiner auf die Ermittelung tinctioneller Differenzeu in den Zellkeruen hoherer Thiere gerichteten Untersuchungen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 (Abth. 2), 49-50. 28. Ueber merkwiirdige Vorgange am Sperma von Dytiscus marginalis. Berlin Ak. Slier., 1893, 185-203. 29. Zn den Bemerkungen des Herrn Dr. BALLOWITZ betreffend das Sperma von Dytiscus marginalis. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 627-630. 30. Spermatologische Mittheilungen. [1. Die Sa- menelemente von Paludina vivipara. 2. Ueber die Samenkorperchenvon Astacusfluviatilis. 3. Die Samen- elemeute von Ascaris megalocephala.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 (Abth. 26), 11-39. 31. Zur Entstehungs^eschichte der zweierlei Samen- faden von Paludina vivipara. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1896 (Abth. 2&), 26-34. 32. Untersuchungen ilber die Spermatogenese von Paludina vivipara. Jena. Ztschr., 30, 1896, 405-554. Auerbach, Leopold. Ueber das Verhaltnisa des Diabetes mellitus zu Affectionen des Nervensystems. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 41, 1887, 484-508. 2. Ueber die Lobi optici der Knocheufische. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1887, 319. 3. Die Lobi optici der Teleostier und die Vierhiigel der hdher organisirten Gehirne. Morphol. Jbuch , 14, 1888, 373-393. 4. Bemerkungen in Bezug auf " die Fortsetzung der hinterenRuckenmarkswurzelnzumGehirn" (L.EDINGER). Auat. Anz., 4, 1889, 407-411, 481-482. 5. Zur Anatomie der aufsteigend degenerierendeu Systerne des Riickenmarks. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 214-216. 6. Zur Anatomie der Vorderseitenstrangreste. Vir- ohow, Arch., 121, 1890, 199-209. 7. Beitrag zur Kenutniss der ascendirenden Degene- ration des Riickenmarks und zur Anatomie der Klein- hirnseitenstrangbahn. Virchow, Arch., 124, 1891, 149- 174. 8. Zur Anatomie und Physiologic der Nervenfasern. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1896 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 2), 310-314. 9. Farbung fur Axencylinder uud ihre Endbaumchen. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 439-411. 10. Nervenendigung in den Centralorganen. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 445-454, 734-736. Auerbach, J/., & Wolfteiistem, Hiclnird. Ueber die Einwirkung von Wasserstoffsuperoxyd auf tertiare Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2507-2620. Auerbach, J/[u.r]. Die Unterkieferdriisen von Myoxus Auerbach] 200 LAugust muscardinus, Schrelirr. Rev. Suisse Zool., 8, 1900, 45-53. Auerbach, Siei/minul. Die in Folge von Nierenkrank- heiten entstehend.'ii psychisehen Storungen. [1895.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 52, 1896, 337-372. Auerbach, tt'illielnt. Ueber die Ursache der Hemmung der Gelatine- VerfluBBigung durch Bacterien durnh Zucker- zusatz. Arch. Hyg., 31, 1897, 311-318. Auersperg, (Graf) Alexander. 'Beobachtungen iiber dun Zug der Viigel in der Umgebung Laibachs vom Juli 1863 bis 'April 1864. Laibarh, MusVer. Krain Mitth., 1, 1866, 210-213. Auffi-ay, Lionel. La darutyue. Re'sume' des recherchea faites sur 1'herbe de FLACQ, ou herbe grasse, ou herbe divine ou guerit vite (Siegesbechia orieutalis). [1885.] Mauritius Roy. Soc. Trans., 19, 1887, 62-65. Aufrecht, E[manuel], 19. Die experimented Erzeugung der Endometritis diphtheritica puerperalis nebst einigen Schlussfolgerungeu fur das menschliche Puerperal fieber. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 204-208. 20. Robert KOCH'S Tubereulosenbehandlung. [1891.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 41), 1892, 1-25. 21. Ueber den Eiufluss stark salzhaltigen Elbwas- sers auf die Entwickelung von Cbolerabacillen. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 353-356. 22. Zur Herstellung und Farbung mikroskopischer Objecte. Centrbl. Path., 4, 1893, 636-638. 23. Ueber den Befund feiner Spirillen in den De- jektionen einer unter Cholerasymptomen gestorbeneu Frau. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 405-407. 24. Die alkoholische Myocarditis mit nachfolgender Lebererkrankung und zeitweiliger Albuminurie. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 54, 1895, 615-636. 25. Experirnentelle Lebercirrhose nach Phosphor. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 58, 1897, 302-310. 26. Pneumonie mit Ernpyem und Hirnabscess; nach zweimonatlichem WohlberJuden todtliche eitrige Menin- gitis. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 59, 1897, 627-632. 27. Die Verschiedenheiten des Lungenschalles beirn In- und Exspiriurn und ihre Verwerthung bei patho- logischen Zustanden. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 65, 1900, 622-625. 28. Ueber plotzlicheAlkohol-Entziehung bei Kranken und Gesunden. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 65, 1900, 625-628. 29. Atypische Pneumonie bei puerperaler Endome- tritis. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 65, 1900, 633-636. 30. Bronchialmuskulatur und Asthma. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 67, 1900, 586-591. Aufschlager, llrinrich. Ueber die Bildung von Cyauid beirn Ertiitzen stickstoffhaltiger organischer Korper mit Zinkstaub. Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Abtk. 26), 278- 285; Mhefte. Chem., 1892, 268-275. Auisclm. liter, Ottit von. Die Muskelhaut des mensch- lichen Magens. Wien, Ak. Sber., 103, 1894 (Abth. 3), 75-96. Augagneur, Victor. 2. Lea injections hypodermiques de substances mereurielles dans le traitement de la syphilis. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 927-1133. 3. Malformation congenitale des pieds et des mains. [1894.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 34, 1895 (C. R.), 137. 4. Un cas de dermographisme. [1895.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 35, 1896 (C1. R.), 3-4. 5. Emploi des injections de serum artificiel de HATEM dans les syphilis malignes. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 433-437. Aug6, Kugene. Note sur la bauxite, son origine, son age et son importance geologique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., Ill, 1888, 345-350 2. Sur 1'alnn de soude. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 11311-1140; Ass. Franc,-. C. R., 1890 (/'/. 2), 281- 283. Auger, Victor. [Action de 1'cenanthol et du chloruro d'cenanthyle sur la dimethylaniline en presence de ZnCl'-. ] [1886.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 862; 47, 1887, 42-51. 2. [Action de la benzine sur le chlorure de succinyle en presence de chlorure d'aluminiuru.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 658. 3. Contribution a 1'etude des chlorures d'acides bibasiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 345-352. 4. Sur les chlorures d'acides bibasiques. Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 289-368. 5. Regnlateur de vide pour distillations sous pression reduite. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 731-733. 6. [Preparation des nitroparaffines grasses primaires.] [1898-99.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 34, 706. 7. Nouvelle methode de preparation du glycocolle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 5-7. 8. [Sur les resines-beuzylenes.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 562. 9. Sur un nouveau mode de preparation des nitro- rnethanes. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 333-336. 10. Sur 1'oxyde du dipheuylmethanol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 336-338. 11. [Action des ars^nites et snlfo-arse'nites sur 1'iodoforme et 1'iodure de m^thyle.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 577-578. Auger, rictor, & Belial. A[itguste]. Sur une nouvelle methods de preparation du chlorure d'acetyle et de 1'acide monochloracetique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 144-145. 2. [Action du chlorure de malonyle sur le zinc- methyle.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 'l889, 641. Si v n/so Behal it Auger. Auger, I'ictor, & Boissieu, I'ierre de. [Preparation de la vanilline a partir du rnethylene-euge'nol.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 519. Aughey, Samuel. 6. Curious companionship of the coyote and badger. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 644- 645. Augleras, . Examen microscopique des secretions conjonctivales au point de vue clinique. Ann. d'Oculiet.. 117, 1897, 361. 2. Fusion ste'reoscopique des couleurs au point de vue clinique. Ann. d'Oculist., 117, 1897, 372-374. Augouard, (Mflr.) [Philippe Prosper^]. Eine Kongofahrt von Brazzaville bis zur Aequatorstation. [Tr.] [1886.] Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 5, 1887, 21-30, 71-89. Augsburg, Franz. Zum Geruchssinn der Vogel. [1899.] Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1898-99, 44-45. Augstein, [t'n)7]. Ueber Stiirung des Farbensinues bei Neuritis. Arch. Augenheilk., 14, 1885, 347-359; Arch. Ophthalm., 14, 1885, 435-446. Augstein, Otto. Strongvlus tilaria, R. Arch. Naturg., 60, 1894 (Bd. 1), 255-304. August, F[riedricli Willielm Oscar], Assign to this author title (Vol. 1) under August, F. For biographical notice and works see Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 40-47. 9. Gleichgewicht eines iiber eine Fliiche gespannten I'.'iilcns mit Beriicksichtigung der Reibung. Arch. Math. Phys., 70, 1884, 225-23S. 10. Ueber Kcirperketten. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 31, 1886, 348-361. 11. Die Sonnenkompassuhr. Humboldt, 6, 1887, 51-53. 12. Ueber dii- Rotationsfliiche kleinsten Widerstandes und libc'r die giinstigste Form der Geschossspitzen nach der Newtonschun Theorie. Crelle, Jl. Math., 103, 1888, 1-24. 13. Ueber Rotationsflachen mit loxodromischer Ver- wandtschaft. Ztschr. Math. Phys., :i:i, 1888, 154-166. 14. Uebt't tlic Bewegung vou Ketten in Curven. Ztschr. Math. I'bys., 3:i. 1888, 321-:i;6. August] 201 [Auquier 15. Ueber die Bewegung freier Ketten in rotirenden Linien. Ztscbr. Math. Phya., 35, 1890, 07-120. 16. Ueber Tetraeder, dereu Seitenflachen teilweise oder siimtlich gleich sind, und iiber das Hyperboloid iler Htihen beim gleicbseitigen Tetraeder. Arch Math. Phys., 17, 1900, 65-72. Augustm, Fr[<(»c]. 7. Ueber die jahrliche Periode der Richtung des Windes. Prag, Sber. , 1886 (Math.-Nat ), 208-227; 1887 (Math.-Nat.), 486-527. 8. Ueber die jahrliche Periode der Riehtung des Windes in Mittel- uud West-Europa. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 399-404. 9. Ueber den jahrlichen Gang der meteorologischeu Elemente zu Prag. Prag, Abh., 2, 1888, A7o. 7, 16") pp. 10. Untersuchunyen iiber die Temperatur von Pra". Prag, Sber., 1889, 2 (Math.-Nat.), 357-384. 11. Ueber die Schwanknngeu des Wasserstandes der Moldau. Prag, Sber., 1891 (Math. -Nat.), 50-82. 12. Hegen und Ueberschwemmungen im September 1890 nordlich der Alpen. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892) 128-135. 13. Die Resnltate der meteorologischen Beobach- tungen auf der "Petfimvarte" in Prag. Prag, Sber., 1894 (Math.-Nat.), No. 41, 31 pp. 14. Autograficke zaznamy tlaku, teploty, smeru a rychlosti vetru na rozbledne na Petfine v Praze [rokach 1895a 1896. Autographic records of pressure, temperature, direction and velocity of wind at the Petfina belvedere in Prague, 1893-96]'. Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (Tilda 2), 5, 1896, No. 16, 85pp.; 6, 1897, No. 22, 86pp. 15. Die Temperaturverhaltnisse der Sudetenlander. Prag, Sber., 1899 (Math. -Nat.), No. 1, 86 pp. ; 1900 (Math.- Nat.), No. 32, 100 pp. Auinger, Miithins. For biography see Wien, Geol. Verh., 1890, 257-258; Wien, Nat. Hist! Hofmus. Ann. 5 1890 (AW.), 103-106. Aujeszky, Aladdr. Az arzennel valo mergezesrol. [Arsenical poisoning.] Termt. Kozlon. , 29, 1897, 358- 364. 2. Eine einfache Sporenfiirbungsmethode. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 329-331. 3. Zur Sporenfiirbung ties Bacillus gangrsnre pulp*. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 24, 1898, 324-325. 4. Adatok a lepfene ellen valo irnmunizalas kerdesehez. [Beitrage zur Frage der Authraximmunitat.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16,1898, 306-310; Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 24, 1898, 325-327. 5. Ueber Immunisierung gegen Wut mit uormaler Nervensubstanz. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 27, 1900, 5-10. 6. Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen des Herrn Prof. BABES iiber die Beeinflussung der Wut durch normale Nervensubstauz. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 177- 178. Aulard, A. Bemerkungen zu vorstehender Beschreibung des Fluorscheideverfahrens. [IV.] Ztsehr. Ver. Riiben- zuckerind., 40, 1890, 913-917. 2. Ueber die Ursache der nadelformigen Krystallisa- tion des Zuckers. [7V.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckeriud., 41, 1891. 829-838. 3. Ueber die Raffinose und ihr Verhalten in den Producten der Zuckerfabrikation u. s. w. [2V.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind. , 42, 1892, 752-762. Axiia, Alexander] G[iuin]. On the pathology of acute and chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Glasgow Med. Jl., 33, 1890, 90-101, 250-265, 354-371 ; 34, 1890, 99-112. 2. Further observations on chronic inflammatory lesions of the bronchi and on brouchiectasis. Glasgow Med. Jl., 35, 1891, 255-271. 3. Some results of experiments with the toxins of the pneumococcus. London Path. Soc. Trans., 51, 1900, 86-90. Auld, Alexander] G[«nn], & Coats, Joseph. See Coats & Auld. R. S. A. C. Auld, Helen P., & Harvey-Gibson, R[obe>t] J[ohn]. See Gibson & Auld. Auld, Henry A. 2. A hunt for Phorodesma smaragdaria. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 57-59, 119. 3. The larva of Phorodesma pustulata (Bajularia). Entomologist, 30, 1897, 301-302. Auld, Robert C. Hornless ruminants. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 730-746, 885-902, 1076-1098. 2. The wild cattle of Great Britain. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 498-509, 784-802. 3. Some cases of solid-hoofed hogs and two-toed horses. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 447-449. 4. The segregations of polled races in America. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 677-686. 5. A means of preserving the purity and establishing a career for the American bison of the future. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 787-796. 6. As to the "extinction" of the American horse. Science, 20, 1892, 135. Aulde, .John. The clinical applications of drugs. N. Y. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 393-396, 421-425. 2. A clinical estimate of the position of cascara sagrada as a remedy for habitual constipation and kindred disorders. N. Y. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 703- 708. 3. Studies in therapeutics. Assayed galenical pre- parations. [The pharmacology of ergot. Aconite.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 52, 1890, 227-229, 347-350; 53, 1891, 37-41. 4. Crude drugs compared with chemical products. N. Y. Med. Jl., 52, 1890, 463-465. 5. Hydrogen dioxide ; a resume. N. Y. Med. Jl., 52, 1890, 711-714. 6. A study of the pharmacology and therapeutics of arsenic. [1890.] N. Y. Med. .11., 53, 1891, 390-397. 7. The pharmacology and therapeutics of Euphorbia pilulifera. N. Y. Med. Jl., 54, 1891, 71-74. 8. A note on the employment of nuclem solutions. N. Y. Med. Jl., 59, 1894, 366-367. 9. Nucleins. A clinical study. N. Y. Med. Jl., 60, 1894, 392-396. 10. The physiological role of antitoxine and nuclein. N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 84-86. 11. The abortive treatment of typhoid fever. N. Y'. Med. Jl., 62, 1895, 347-349. 12. Hydrozone in gastric and intestinal disorders. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 224-225. 13. Copper arsenite and nuclein solution for typhoid fever. N. Y. Med. Jl., 69, 1899, 187-192. Aulicb, P[aul]. Ueber eine Beziehung zwischen den Ath'nitats- und den Teilungskoemzienten in nicht misch- baren Losungsmitteln. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 105-109. Aulich, P[anl], & Graebe, Charles. .SVv Graebe & Aulich. Aulinger, Eduard [Franz Karl]. Ueber das Verhaltuiss der Weber'schen Theorie der Elektrodynamik zu dem von HERTZ aufgestellten Princip der Einheit der elektrischen Krafte. Wien, Ak. Sber., 91, 1885 (Abth. 2), 880-893. 2. Ueber Meuibranen, dereu beide Hauptspannungen durchaus gleich sind. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 170-179. Aulinger, Eduard [Fran: Karl], & Streintz, Franz. See Streintz <. Aulinger. Ault-Dumesnil, G[eqffroy] d'. 2. Nouvelles fouilles faites a Theuay en septeinbre 1884. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1885 (Ft. 2), 463-466; Mater. Hist. Homme, 19, 1885, 241-251. Ault-Dumesnil, G[eojfroy] d\ & Capitan, [Louis]. See Capitan A Ault-Dumesnil. Aulton, A. D. Excavations at Walsall. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 322-323. Auquier, [Eugene], De 1'adhesion mole'culaire iutra- pleurale consideree cornme la seule cause du contact des 26 Auquier] [Aurivillius deux feuillets pleuraux. Nimes Soc. Sei. Bull., 1885, Ixix-lxx. Aurelianu, P. S. Respunsulu. [Reply to PORCIUS on the flora of Naszod.] [1885.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 7 (Sect. 2), 1886, 135-140. Aur£n, T. Ericson. Ueber Polarisationserscheinungeu in Flammengaseu. Stockh., Ofvers., 1899, 583-608. Anria, Luiiii l. Bull., 27, 1899, 230-234. 3. Sur le Toarcien du departement des Yosges. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 (Ft. 1), 169. Autissier, Alexaiidre. Notice sur les ardoisieres de Roche- fort-en-Terre (Morbihan). St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 5, 1891, 295-309. Autonne, Lain. 4. Sur les groupes d'ordre fini, contenus dans le groupe des substitutions quadratiquea Cremona. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 98, 1884, 565-567; Liouville, .11. Math., 1, 1886, 431-454. 5. Recherches sur les integrales algEbriques des Equa- tions diflerentielles lineaires a coefficients rationnels. (Second m^moire.) Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 54, 1884, 1-29. 6. Recherches sur les groupes d'ordre fini conteuus dans le groupe cubique Cremona. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 53-55; Liouville, Jl. Math., 2, 1886, 49-103. 7. Recherches sur les groupes d'ordre fiui, contenus dans le groupe des substitutions line'aires de contact. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 313-315 ; Liouville, Jl. Math., 3, 1887, 63-85. 8. Sur les groupes irreductibles d'ordre fiui contenus dans le groupe quadratique cremonien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1176-1178. 9. Sur les substitutions cre'moniennes quadratiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 767-770. 10. Sur les groupes quadratiques cre'moniens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1422-1425. 11. Sur les groupes cubiques Cremona d'ordre fini. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 267-270. 12. Sur une representation geometrique dans 1'espace des integrates de 1'equation / ($, 77, -^\ =0. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 850-854. 13. Sur 1'application des substitutions quadratiqnes crEmoniennes a 1'integration de liquation differentielle du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 929- 932; 106, 1888, 262-265. 14. Recberches sur les groupes d'ordre fini contenus dans le groupe quadratique cre'monien. Premier memoire. Etude d'une substitution cre'rnonienne isolEe. Second mEmoire. Multiplication des cremoniennes, groupes qua- dratiques ; groupe directeur. Liouville, Jl. Math., 4, 1888, 177-247, 407-464. 15. Sur une application des groupes de M. LIE. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 570-573. 16. Sur les integrales algebriques de 1'equation difte- rentielle du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 632-635; 114, 1892, 407-409; 115, 1892, 587-589. 17. Sur la theorie des Equations differentielles du premier ordre et du premier degre. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 61, 1891, 35-122; 62, 1892, 47-180; Lyon Un'iv. Ann., 3 (Fuse. 1), 1892, 120 pp. 18. Sur la limitation du degri5 pour 1'intEgrale gEne- rale algEbrique de liquation differentielle du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 132-134, 1045- 1047; 118, 1894, 1184-1187; Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 63, 1893, 79-183; 64, 1894, 1-53. 19. Sur la representation des courbes gaucbes alge1- briques et sur une formule d'HALpHEN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 845-848. 20. Sur les variEtes unicursales a deux dimensions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 673-676. 21. Sur les variEtes unicursales a trois dimensions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 881-883, 1129-1130. 22. Sur la representation des courbes gauches alge- briques et sur le nombre des conditions qui expriment qu'uue courbe algEbrique est situee sur une surface algEbrique. Lyon Univ. Ann., [20], 1896, 37 pp. 23. Sur une differeutielle exacte. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 232-236. 24. Sur les poles des fonctions uniformes a deux variables indEpendautes. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 10, 1896, 196-228. 25. Sur les substitutions rEguliures non lineaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1043-1045. 26. Sur les symboles g a plusieurs variables inde- pendantes. Nouv. Ann. Math., Hi, 1897, 420-426. 27. Sur les poles des fonctions uniformes a plusieurs variables indEpendantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 139-142; Acta Math., 21, 1897, 249-263. 28. Sur Tequation diffth'entielle du premier ordre et sur les singularities de ses integrales algEbriques. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 2, 1897, 51-169 ; 3, 1897, 1-74. 29. Sur le rapport anharmonique. Nouv. Ann. Math., 18, 1899, 341-346. 30. Sur les integrates algobriques de 1'equation de BICCATI. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 410-412. Autonne] 207 [Auwers 31. Sur les varietes unicursales a plusieurs dimen- sions. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 27, 1899, 263-282. 32. Sur les Equations algebriques dout toutes les racines sont des integrates d'nne meme Equation de RICCATI. Liouville, Jl. Math., 6, 1900, 157-214. 33. Snr les Equations algebriques anharmoniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 313-316, 390-393. 34. Sur certaines equations des quatrieme et cin- quieme degr<5s. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 28, 1900, 90- 107. 35. Sur les formes quaternaires a deux series de variables. Applications a la ge'ome'trie et an calcul integral. [1899.] Brux., Mem. Couronn. (4° Ed.), 59, [1901] (Pt. 2), 254 pp. .Outran, E[ugene], & Reuter, Odo Morannal. Hemiptera Amurensia. Rev. Ent., 7, 1888, 199-202. Autnc [Jean Baj)tiste Pierre Marine]. Note [sur les observations de la scintillation des etoiles faites en 1894- 95 a bord de la Durance]. Ann. Hydrogr.. 17, 1895, 107-108. Auwers, [Georg Friedrich Julius] Arthur. 63. *Ver- gleichuug des Fundamental-Catalogs des Berliner Jahr- buchs mit denjenigen des Nautical Almanac, der Con- naissance des Temps und der American Ephemeris. [1882.] Berlin. Astr. Jbuch., 1884, 93 pp.; 1887, (36). 64. Neue Berechnung der von FLECHIAIS im Anftrage des Bureau des Longitudes in den Jahren 1867-70 aus- gefiihrten Langen-Bestimmungen. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 313-360. 65. Some remarks on the chain of meridian distances, measured around the earth by H.M.S. Beagle between the years 1831 and 1836. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 44, 1884, 303-346. 66. Bestimmung eines fundameutalen Meridians fur Australien durch absolute Methodeu. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 289-346. 67. Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss vom 16. Mai 1882 in Berlin, Potsdam und Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 65-94. 68. Geographische Lange und Breite von 175 Stern- warten. Geogr. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 675-681. 69. Einige Bernerkungen iiber die gegenwartige Ver- lasslichkeit des Fundamental-Catalogs fiir die Zonen- Beobachtungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft und die Genauigkeit seiner Grundlageu. Astr. Nachr., 114 1886, 1-20. 70. Ueber die Declination von 74 Cygni (A. G. C. Nr. 514). Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 65-70. 71. Neue Untersuchungen tiber den Durchmesser der Sonne. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 1055-1126; 1887 449- 486 ; 1889, 883-942. 72. A catalogue of 480 stars to be used as funda- mental stars for observations of zones between 20rj and 80° south declination. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 47 1887 455-473. 73. Geographische Lange und Breite von 192 Steru- warten. Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 475-480. 74. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1889... (Barnard 1888 Sept. 2). Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 97-102. 75. Vorlaufiger Fuudamental-Catalog fiir die siid- lichen Zoneu der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 145-172. 76. Versuche tiber den Einfluss der Farbe der Blend- gliiser bei Messuugeu des Sonnendurchmessers. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 97-104. 77. Beobachtung des Mercurdurchgangs 1891 Mai 9 und der Sonnenn'nsteruiss 1891 Juni 6. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 123-124. 78. Die Sonnenparallaxe nach den Heliometer-Beo- bachtungen der deutschen Venus-Expeditionen von 1874 und 1882. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 329-338 • 134 1894 359-362. 79. Der Sonnendurchmesser und der Veuusdureh- messer nach den Beobachtungen an den Heliometern der deutschen Venus-Expedition. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 361-376; 134, 1894, 359-362. BO. Geographische Lange und Breite von 216 Stern- warten. Geogr. Jbuch., 14, 1891, 485-490. 81. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Sirius-Systenis. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 185-232. 82. Die Lange von Aden. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 189-194. 83. Tafeln zur Reduction von Sternortern auf das System des Fundamental-Catalogs fiir die Zonenbeo- bachtungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft (A. G. Publ. XIV und XVII). Astr. Nachr.. 134, 1894, 33-58; 145, 1898, 101-106. 84. ErgebnisFe einer Untersuchung der Bradley'schen Sectorbeobachtungen hinsichtlich der Wahrnehmbarkeit von Polhohenschwankungen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1895, 445-448. 85. A determination of the solar parallax and mass of the moon, from heliometer observations of the minor planets Iris, Victoria and Sappho made in the years 1888 and 1889 at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in co-operation with the observatories of Yale College (Newhaven), Leipzig, Gottiugen, Bamberg and Oxford (Radcliffe), and from meridian observations made at all the principal observatories. Discussion of the places of the comparison stars for Iris, Victoria, and Sappho, from meridian observations made at twenty-two ob- servatories. [Derivation of the solar parallax from the meridian observations.] Cape Obs. Ann., 7, 1896, 405- 716; 6, 1897 (Pt. 5), [95] pp. 86. Tafeln zur Reduction von siidlichen Sterncata- logen auf ein vorlaufiges Mittelsystem und weitere Tafeln zur Reduction von Sterncatalogen auf das System des Fundamental-Catalogs fiir die Zonenbeobachtungen der A. G. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 65-90 ; 145, 1898, 101- 106. 87. Fundamental-Catalog fiir Zonenbeobachtungen am Siidhimmel uud siidlicher Polar-Catalog fiir die Epoche 1900. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 361-412. 88. Aufforderung zur Beobachtung von Polsternen. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 113-122. 89. [Geographische Coordiuaten] von 237 Stern- warten. Geogr. Jbuch., 19, 1897, 431-437. 90. Vorlaufige Verbesserung des Fundamental-Cata- logs fiir die Zonenbeobachtungen der Astronomiscben Gesellschaft und seiner biidlichen Fortsetzung. (Publ. XIV und XVII der Astr. Ges.) Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 49-84. 91. Verbesserungen der Oerter des vorlautigen Fun- damental-Catalogs fiir die siidlicheu Zonen der Astro- nomischeu Gesellschaft. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 105- 122. 92. Gewichtstafeln fiir Sterncataloge. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 225-276. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich]. Zur Kenutniss des Pseudo- eumenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2976- 2983. 2. Zur Kenntniss des Pseudocumenols und des Pseudo- cumidins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 2655-2663. 3. Ueber die Anwendbarkeit der Raoult'schen Methode der Moleculargewichts-Bestimmung im chemischen La- boratorium. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 701-719. 4. Zur Darstellung der Oxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges Ber., 22, 1889, 604-607. 5. Ueber das Oxim des />-Tolylphenylketons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 399-403. 6. Ueber Syntheseu alkylirter Tricarballylsauren und anderer mehrbasischer Fettsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 307-314. 7. Zur Kenntniss der Hydrobenzoine und ihrer An- hydride. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1776-1783. 8. Ueber Butantetracarbonsaure und seine neue Bil- Auwers] 208 [Auwers dungsweise von Pentarnethylenderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 364-378. 9. Ueber kryoskopische Molekulargewichtsbestitn- mungen in Benzol. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 689-722. 10. Zur Frage der Konatitutionebestimmung auf kryoskopischem Wege. Ztscbr. Phyeikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 33-55. 11. Ueber Trimethylbernateinsaura untl aymmetrische aa-Dimethylglutarsaureu. Berlin, Cheni. (ies. Ber., 28, 1896, 263-270, 969. 12. Bemerkungeu zu der Mittheilung von A. MEYEN- BEBO : Ueber die Condensation von Malonester rnit Ace- ton. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1130-1133. 13. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen dem kryoskopischen Verhalten der Phenole und ihrer Constitution. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2H, 1895, 2878-2882, 31)59. 14. Ueber eiu abnormes Tribromderivat des Pseudo- cumenols. I. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2888- 2902. 15. Studien in der Bernsteinsaure- und Glutarsaure- Gruppe. Liebig's Ann., 285, 1895, 212-229, 241-282 ; 292, 1896, 132-243. 16. Ueber ilas kryoskopische Verhalten substituierter Phenole in Naphtalin. Nach Versuchen von W. B. INNES. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 595-624. 17. Ueber Dibrompseudocumenolbromi'l und analoge Verbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1095- 1110. 18. Ueber Indazolderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1255-1271. 19. Ueber die Constitution der Oxyazokb'rper. Berlin, Cbem. Gea. Ber., 29, 1896, 2361-2362 ; 3H, 1900, 1302- 1315; Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 130 [First part only]. 20. Kryoskopische Untersuchungen. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 337-377. 21. Weiteres viber die Constitution des Dibrompseu- documenolbromids mul ahnlicher Verbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 744-752. 22. Ueber die Einwirkung von Broin auf Phenol- alkohole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 753-755. 23. Ueber eiue Klasse eigeuthiimlicher Nitrirungs- producte von Phenolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 755-759. 24. Notiz iiber einige Derivate der p-Oxybenzoesiiure und Anissaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1473- 1478. 25. Untersuchungen iiber substituirte Bernstein- sauren. Liebig's Ann., 298, 1897, 147-181. 26. Kryoskopische Untersuchungen iiber Saurearnide. Nach Versuchen von. I. PIL/.EH. Ztachr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 449-40H. 27. Notiz iiber die Anhydridbildung aliphatischer Dicarbonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2112-2113. 28. Ueber Derivate aromatischer /3- und 5-Oxyde. Liebig's Ann., 301, 1898, 2(13-206. 29. Ueber isomere Tribromderivate des Pseudo- cnmenola. Bericbtigung und vorliiutige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 17-26. 30. Notiz iiber a-Methyl-a-oxy-J-hexylessigsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 'l899, 2573-2575. 31. Weitere Unterauchungen iiber die alkalicmlus- lichen Phenolbrornide. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2978-2987. 32. Ueber Phenolbrouiide ails li]. Ueber die Carbonsauren der Benzilhydrazone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1133-1140. Auwers, Knrl \Friedricli], & Czeriiy, Hans. Zur Kennt- niss der Beckmann'schen Umlagerung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2092-2698. Auwers, Knrl [Friedricli], & Daecke, N[,7»nirl. Ueber die Einxviikung von Brom auf Oxybenzylalkohol. Berlin, t'linii. (ies. M.-I-.. 32, 1899, 3373-3381. Auwers, Knrl (Friedrich], & Dittrich, ,1/a.r. Ueber die Auwersl [Auwers Structur der Oximidogruppe in den isomeren Benzilmon- oximen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 109li-2011. Auwers, Knrl [Friedrich], & Ebner, A[lbert], Ueber das Oxydationsproduct desPseudocumenoltribrornids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3454-3405, 4085. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], &, Ercklcntz, H[einrich], Ueber y-Oxypseudocumylalkohol und seine Bromimngsproducte. Liebig's Ann., 302. 1898. 107-130. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich}, & Erggelet, R[udulf] (Frhr.) von. Ueber das Pentabromderivat des as-o-Xylenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3016-3033, 3502, 4085. Auwers, Karl [Friedricli], & Fritzweiler, R[ichard], [Ueber substituirte Berusteiusauren.] I. Ueber sym- metrische Methylathylbernsteinsauren. [II. Ueber a- symmetrische Methylathylbernsteinsaure.] Liebig's Ann., 298, 1897, 154-166,' 166-177. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Gardner, John Addyinan. Zur Kenntniss der Tetramethylbernsteinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3622-3625. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Hampc, W[ilheltri\. Ueber das Pentabromid des as-m-Xylenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3005-3016. Auwers, Karl [Fi iedrich], & Harger, J[O!IH]. Ueber substituirte Anile und Anilsauren der Bernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 187-194. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Haymann, K[arl], Ueber das Verhalten der Natriumsalze von Phenolen gegen Mono- und Dichloressigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2795-2806. Auwers, Karl [Fried-rich], & Hof, L[itdicig Edoitard]. Ueber Dibrompseudocumenolbromid, -chlurid und -jodid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2!l, 1896, 1110-1120. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Imhauser, A[uiinist]. Ueber die Bromirung von Bernsteinsaure und deren Alkylderi- vaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2238-2240. Auwers, Karl [Friedricli], & Jackson, Lintis L. Ueber Structurbestimmung aliphatischer Sauren und die soge- nannte "dynainische Isomerie." (I. Mittheilung.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1599-1617. Auwers, Knrl [Friedrich], & Jacob, A[dolf], Ueber » stereoisomere Butantetracarbonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1114-1132. Auwers, 7ui/7 [Friedrich], & Kauffmann, Hugo. Ueber stereoisomere Derivate der symmetrischeu Dimethyl- glutarsanren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3221- 3247. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Kobner, E[duard]. Ueber symmetrische Dimethylglutarsauren und Triiuethylbern- steiusiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bur., 24, 1891, 11)23-1937. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Maas, Th[eodnr]. Ueber das Dibrom-w-oxypseudocumylbromid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3466-3475. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Marwedel, J[uh. Ed.]. Ueber ein abnormes Tribromderivnt des Pseudocumen- ols. II. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 2902-2910. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Mayer, F[ritz]. [Ueber substituirte Bernsteinsiiuren.] 111. Isopropylbernstein- siiure aus Amyleu. Liebig's Ann., 298, 1897, 177-179. 2. Derivate der Bernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 326-327. 3. Derivate der Methylberusteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 327-328. 4. Derivate der Isopropylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 3U9, 1899, 328-330. 5. Derivate der fum. und mal. SI/IH. Methyla'thylbern- steins-iiure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 335-338. Auwers, Karl [Friedricli], & Meyenburg, F[riedrich] von. Ueber eiue neue Synthese von Derivaten des Isindazols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 24, 1891, 2370-2388. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Meyer, Victor. Ueber die Raoult'sche Methode der Moleculargewichtsbestimmuug und das Acetoxim. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1068-1070. E. S. A. C. 2. Ueber Einwirkung der Wa'rrae auf Benzil-Dihy- drazou. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2806-2807'. 3. Untersuohungen iiber die zweite Van't Hoff'sche Hypothese. Gottingen Nachr., 1888, 87-123. 4. Ueber zwei isomere Benzilmonoxime. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 537-551; Gottingen Nachr., 1889, 109-124. 5. Bemerkung zu der Abrmudlnng E. BECKMANN'S: " Zur Isomerie der Oximidoverbindungen. Isomere monosubstituirte Hydroxylamine." Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 564-567. 6. Ueber das dritte Benzildioxim. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 705-720; Gottingen Nachr., 1889, 269-285. 7. Ueber Tetraphenylbernsteinsiiurenitril. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1227-1229. 8. Ueber Tetramethylbernsteinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2011-2015. 9. Notiz iiber Diearbonsauren von der Formel C8Hjj04. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 3005. 10. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Isomerie der Benzildioxime. Gottingen Nachr., 1889, 1-22. 11. Ueber die Oxime des Phenanthrenchinons. Gottingen Nachr., 1889, 459-470. 12. Ueber die Anhydridbilflung bei den Sauren der Bernsteinsaurereihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 101-103. 13. Ueber Tetramethylbernsteinsaure und Trimethyl- glutarsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 293- 311. 14. Ueber Oxime halogenirter Benzophenone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2062-2064. 15. Zur Stereochemie der Aethanderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2079-2083. 16. Ueber die isomeren Oxime unsymmetrischer Ketone und die Configuration des Hydroxylamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2403-2409. 17. Ueber die Claus'sche Theorie der Benziloxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3267-3271. 18. Bemerkungen zu der Abhaudlung von A. HANTZSCH und Friedrich KRAFT: "Ueber ilas Auftreten von Stereo- isomerie bei nicht oximartigen Stickstoffverbindungen." Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 4225-4230. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Oswald, A[lbfrt]. [Studien in der Bernsteinsaure- und Glutarsiiure-Gruppe.] Ueber Trimethylbernsteinsauren verschiedener Herkunft. Lie- big's Ann., 285, 1895, 283-309. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Rapp, Ferdinand]. Ueber alkaliunlosliche Nitrirungs- und Oxydationsproduote vou Phenolen. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 153-171. Auwers, Karl [Friedricli], & Beis, J[ulian]. Ueber einige neue Derivate des p-Oxybenzaldehyds, des p-Cyanphenols und der p-Oxybenzoe'siiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2355-2360. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Richter, ]l'[oldemar]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Brom auf m-Oxybenzylalkohol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 32, 1899, 3381-3384. ' Auwers, Karl [Friedricli], & Rohrig, H[aim]. Ueber einige neue Oxyazokorper und Triphendioxazimlerivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 988-998, 1544. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Rovaart, H[endrik] van dc. Ueber Derivate des Auhydro-p-oxy-o-xylylalkohols und des Anhydro-o-oxypseudocumylalkohols. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 99-107. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Scniffer, Tii[i'ndor]. Versuch znr Syuthese einer der Collie'schen Kamphersaureformel entsprechenden Siiure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 236- 243. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Scnleicher, ^'[ranz]. Derivate der as-Dimethylbernstemsaure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 330-331. 2. Derivate der fum. und mal. sym. Dimethylbern- steinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 331-335. 27 Auwers] [Avebury 3. Derivate der fain, und mill, stjni. Diiithylbernstein- saure. Liebig's Ann., 30'J, 1899. 338-341. 4. Derivate der li-Camphersaure und I-Isooampher- saure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 341-347. Auwers, Karl [Frie.ilrich], & Schlosser, F[riedric.h]. Ueher die Fliichtigkeit von Bernsteinsauix-n und Glutar- sauren im Wasserdarupfstrome. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 159-162. 2. Ueber substituirte Bernsteiusiiuren. 1. Ueber svmmetrisehe Diisopropylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 162-175. 3. Ueber asymmetrische Methylathylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 182-184. 4. Ueber asymmetrische Dimethylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, Is 1-187. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Schncll, II [ails], Zur Kennt- niss der Camphersiiure. Berlin, Chern. Lies. Ber., 26, 1893, 1-517-1532. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Senter, H[erbtrt] A[lmon], Ueber die Umsetzungsproduete des Dibrompseudocu- menolbromida mit aromatischen Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1120-1128. Auwers, Karl [FriedricK], & Sheldon, K[orman] L[indsay]. Ueber neue Umwandlungsproducte des Dibromanhydro- p-oxypseudocumylalkohols. Liebig's Ann., 301, 1898, 266-282. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Siegfeld, 3I[nritz"\. Zur Kenntniss der Benziloxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2597-2599; 26, 1893, 788-797. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Singhof, ir[ilhelm]. Ueber symmetrische aa,-Dimethylglutarsauren. Liebig's Ann., 2112, 1896, 199-204. 2. Ueber symmetrische aa,-Diathylglutarsauren. Lie- big's Ann., 292, 1896, 204-209. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Thorpe, Jocelyn Field. [Studien in der Bernsteinsaure- und Glutarsaure-Gruppe.] Ueber symmetrische aa-Dimethylglutarsiiuren. Liebig's Ann., 285, 1895, 310-339. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Titherley, Arthur n'[alsh]. Ueber a-Metbylglutarsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 209-213. 2. Ueber a-Aethylglutarsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 213-216. 3. Ueber a-Isopropylglutarsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 217-220. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Traun, F[ricdrich] A[dolf]. Ueber Dibrom-p-oxymesitylalkohol. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3309-3317. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Walker, .4[w<7iv«'] J[amieson]. Ueber Constitution und kryoskopisches Verhalten von o-Cyanphenolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 3037-3045. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Ziegler, K[n»it]. Ueber Ketobromide aus «.s'-m-Xylenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 29, 1896, 2348-2355. 2. Ueber aaa,-Trimethylglutarsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 220-224. Auwers, Kallemant, Hubert [Christian lirrthnld]. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 3) under Iiallemant, Robert. For biography see Leopoldina, 20, 1884, 222; Nature, 31, 1885, 229; Geogr. Jbucli.. 12, 1888, 351-352. 4. * Ueber das Thierleben am Amazonenstrom. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 78-83. Avebury, Julin Lubbock I I.urd}. 84. Teacliiug animals to converse. Nature, 29, 1884, 216, 547-548. 85. Note on the intelligence of the dog. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1885, 1089-1091. 86. The forms of leaves. [1X85.] Nature, 31, 1885, 398-399; Roy. Inst. Proc., 11, 1887, 197-201. 87. The forms of leaves. Nature, 31, 1885, 479. 88. Longevity of ants. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886 170-171. 89. Phytobiological observations ; on the forms of seedlings and the causes to which they are dur. [lssi',-87.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 22, 1887, 341-401 ; 24, 1888, 62-87; Roy. lust. Proc., 11, 1887, 517-519. 90. The nationalities of the United Kingdom. An- throp. Inst. Jl., 16, 1887, 418-422. 91. On the shape of the oak-leaf. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 626-627; Nature, 40, 1889, 611. 92. rThe leaves of the guelder roses.] Nature, 40, 1889, 611. Avebury] 211 [Avery 93. Observations ou auts, bees, and wasps. Pt. XI [1887.] Linn. Soc. .11. (Zool.), 20, 1890, 118-136. 94. On stipules, their form and function. [Parts 1 & 2.] [1890-94.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Rot.), 28 1891 217- 243 ; 30, 1895, 463-532. 95. On the form of the leaf of Viburnum Opulus and V. Lantan.i. [1S90.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 28, 1891, 96. On the fruit and seed of the Juglanderp. [1890.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 28, 1891, 247-254. 97. The shapes of leaves and cotyledons. [1890 ] Roy. Inst. Proc., 13, 1893, 102-111. 98. On the general configuration of the Earth's surface. Geogr. Jl. , 6, 1895. 545-547, ' 99. Eocene fossils at Mu'rreu. [1895 ] Nature 51 (1894-95), 223. 100. On buds and stipules. Parts 3 & 4. [1897.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 33, 1897-98, 202-269. 101. On the attraction of flowers for insects. [1897.] Lino. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 33, 1897-98, 270-278. 102. On some Spitzbergen Collembola. Linn. Soc Jl. (Zool.), 26, 1898, 616-619. 103. [Presidential address, International Congress of Zoologists, Cambridge, Aug. 23, 1898.] Nature 58 (1898), 391-392. 104. Buds and stipules. [1898.] Roy. Inst. Proc 15, 1899, 565-566. 105. On some Australasian Collembola. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 27, 1899-1900, 334-338. 106. On the configuration of the Earth's surface, with special reference to the British Islands. Geogr. Jl., 15, 1900, 46-50. 107. HUXLEY'S life and works. [1900.] Nature, 63 (1900-01), 92-96, 116-119. Aveleyra, Ramon N. Sustituciones de algunas drogas indigenes. [1885.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887. 169-177. Aveline, William Tallmt. 8. 'Explanation of quarter- sheet 91 N.W., illustrating the geology of the southern part of the Furness district in North Lancashire. Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 91 N. W.), 1873, 13 pp. 9. "The geology of parts of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Explanation of quarter-sheet No. 82 S.E. of the Geological Survey of England and Wales. [Second edition.] Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 82 S. E.), 1879, 22 pp. 10. 'The geology of the country around Nottingham. Quarter-sheet 71 N.E., with small portions of 71 S.E. and S.W. [Second edition.] Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 71 N.E., S.E., & S.W.), 1880, 51 pp. 11. *The geology of parts of Nottinghamshire, York- shire, and Derbyshire. [Second edition.] Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 82 N.E.), 1880, 30 pp. 12. The St. Bees sandstone. Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 87. 13. The geology of the country around Carlisle. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 335-336. Aveline, William Talliot, & Hughes, T[homas] ZIcKenni/. *Explauation of quarter-sheet 98 N.E. The geology of the country around Kendal, Sedbergh, Bowness and Tebay. Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 98 N.E.), 1872, 20 pp. 2. The geology of the country around Kendal, Sedbergh, Bowness, and Tebay. [Second edition. Revised and enlarged by A. STKAHAN. (Parts by J. R. DAKYNS and R. H. TIDDEMAN.)] Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 98 N.E., n. s. 39), 1888, 94pp. Aveline, William Talhot, & Trench, Richard. "The geology of part of Northamptonshire. [List of fossils by H. ETHERIDGE.] Great Britain Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 53 S.E.), 1860, 19 pp. Aveline, William Tallmt, Hughes, T[homas] McKenny, & Tiddeman, 7V[/V//cm/] Il[il/\. "Explanation of quarter- sheet 98 S.E., illustrating the geology of the neighbour- hood of Kirkby Lonsdale and Kendal. Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 98 S.E.), 1872, 44 pp. Aveline, William Talbot (et alii). 'Explanation of quarter-sheet 93 S.W. of the one-inch Geological Survey map of England ; illustrating the geology of the Carboni- ferous rocks north and east of Leeds, and the Permian and Triassic rocks about Tadcaster. Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 93 S.W.), 1870, 14 pp. Avenarius, C'[nrt]. Umlagerung von Alkylthiosinaminen und Alkylallylsulfosemicarbazideu in isomere Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 200-271. Avenarius, J/[ic/i«/'/] P[etrovic]. For biography and list of works see Buss. Phys. -Chem. Soc. Jl., 27 (Phi/s.), 1895, 221-238 ; St Peiersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1895, xlv-xlvi. is. Got ofimein, saKoiif. iiaciinrpeiiiji JRIU- KOCTeft. [Snr la loi generate de la dilatation des liquides.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Phi/s.), 1884, 242-247; Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, 587-588. 16. llo Bonpocy o paciiiiipeniii JKIWCOCTII. [On the question of the expansion of a liquid.] Rusa. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (P/iys.), 1884, 400-406; Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, 587-588. 17. Pa36opi> pa6oTH KpAEBii'ia o citopocTii pacnpOCTpaEieniH SByKa. [Review of the work of KBAEVIC on the velocity of propagation of sound.] [188G.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 8 (2), 1887, v-vi. Aveneau de la Granciere, (cnmte) Ptnrl. Quelques obser- vations sur 1'age du bronze en Bretagne-Armorique. Les monuments et les depots de bronze. Ass. Frano. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 2), 602-631. Averlll, Charles A". Feeding habits of Sitta canadensis. Auk, 5, 1888, 118. 2. Loggerhead shrike at Bridgeport, Connecticut. Auk, 6, 1889, 74, 192. 3. The evening grosbeak in Connecticut. Auk, 7, 1890, 211. 4. BKUNNICH'S rnurre in Connecticut. Auk, 8, 1891, 307-308. 5. Stations for some of the rarer plants of Connecticut. Rhodora, 1, 1899, 39-40. 6. The distribution of certain trees and shrubs in western Connecticut. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 34-38. Avery, 1). The preparation of hyponitrites from ethyl nitrite in alcoholic solutions. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1893 320-322. Avery, S[amuel], & Auwers, Karl [Friedrich]. See Auwers it Avery. Avery, S[utiiuel], & Bouton, (Miss) Rosa. On phenylglu- taric acid and its derivatives. Amer. Chem. Jl.,' 20 (1898), 509-515. Avery, S[amuel], & Dales, Benton. The electrolytic deter- mination of cadmium. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 19, 1897, 379-382, 513. 2. Die Fehler-Quellen bei der elektrolytischen Be- stimmung des Eisens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 64-68. 3. Der Kohlenstoffgehalt des elektrolytisch ausge- schiedenen Eisens. Bemerkungen zu einem Aufsatz der HHrn. Hans VKRWEB und Friedrich GROLL. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2233-2238. Avery, S[amuel], & Fossler, Mary L[oxise]. On a-inethyl- /3-phenylglutaric acid. Amer. Chem. JL, 20 (1898), 516- 518. Avery, S[amuel~\, & Nicholson, II[enry] H[udson], See Nicholson ,v Avery. Avery, William C[ushnian]. For biographical notice see Auk, 11, 1894, 263-264. Wilts of the peregrine falcon. Ornith. OoL, 12, 1887 74-75. 27—2 Avery] 212 Tllillll. 2. King rail in Louisiana. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 80. 3. Observations on the grasshopper sparrow in Hale county, Alabama. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 122. 4. Number of eggs in a set of the cardinal. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 185. Avetta, Cdi-ln. Ricerche anatomiche ed istogemche sugli organi vt-t-tutivi della "Pueraria Thnmbergiana," LY/if/i. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu.. 1, [1885], 201-222. 2. Contribuzione allo studio delle auomalie di strut- tura nelle radici delle Dicotiledoni. [1887.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 91-107. 3. Hicerche anatomo-istologiche sul fusto e sulla radice dell' Atraphaxis spinosa, L. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 141-147. 4. Contribuzione all' anatomia ed istologia della radice e del fusto dell' Antigonon leptopus, Hook. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 148-156. 5. [Contribuzioni] alia flora dello Scioa. [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 303-311, 332-339, 344-352; 22, 1890, 234-239, 242-247. 6. Sui cistoliti delle foglie di alcune Coccinia. [1893-94.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 181-185. 7. Contribuzioni alia conoscenza della flora del- 1' Africa orientate, iv. Material! per la flora dello Scioa. [1895.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., l>, 1897, 44-GO. 8. Flora crittogamica della provincia di Parma. Malpighia, 11, 1897, 181-197; 12, 1898, 3-19. 9. Osservazioni sulla Pucciuia Lojkajana, Malpighia, 11, 1897, 230-240. 10. Anuotazioni alia flora parrnense. Malpighia, 12, 1898, 164. 11. Nuova specie di Chara. (Chara Pelosiana, mint.) Malpighia, 12, 1898, 229-235. Avetta, C'(i/-/(i, ct Baccarini, Pasqutih-, See Baccarini A- Avetta. Avetta, t'arln, & Casoni, I'. Aggiunte alia flora parmense. Malpighia. 11, 1897, 2H9-224. Avgustinovic, E. *H3CJI>fc,HOBaHie npOBOKHMOCTII jKIIXKHX-b TI pacnjiaBJienUHXT, llSOJIflTOpOB-B. [In- vestigation of the conductivity of liquid and fused insulators.] New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem. (Mutli. Sect.), 2, 1879. Avice, [Loins C/tiude Tlieod.}. 2. Note sur uu bois d'ar- bousiers dans les Cdtes-du-Nord. France Soc. Bot. Bull. , 43, 1896, 123. 3. Note sur une varie'te' maritime du Solatium dulcamara, L. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 415-41(1. 4. Lfttre [sur le Solanum dulcamara, rar. maritima]. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1899, 41-42. AvUa, (conilf) d'. Escolha do horisonte fundamental para as altitudes da Europa. Lisboa Soc. Geogr. Bol., 5, 1892, 351-369. 2. Dos nivelamentos de precisao e da sua superticie de referenda. Lisboa Soc. Geogr. Bol., 3, 1895, 195- 281. Avillez, Jorge Fredcrico tic (risconde '] . 2. Beitrag zur Keuntuis der wirksameu Bestandteile von cort. franguhc, rhiz. rhei und i'ol. senufe. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh.. 1898, 143-141. Axe, .7. \\'urth'ij. Water in relation to health and disease. Agr. Soc. Jl.', 4. 1893, 72C.-750. 2. The mare and foal. Agr. Soc. Jl., 9, 1898, 213-270. Axell, [.Juliiin] Sri't'riii. For biographical notice sec Bot. Notiser, 1892, 46-47. Axelrod, ,S[«i(omi)ii], & Marckwald, !!'[(/;;/]. Siv Marek- wald A Axelrod. Axelson, Il'ii/fc;- 31. Vorlaufige Mittheilung fiber einige neue Colleml olen-Formen aus Finnlaud. Helsingfurs, Fauna Flora Fenu. Medd., 26, 1900, 105-123. Axenfeld, Ihichte. 2. Sur les cristaux d'hemine. Arch. Ital. Biol., (I, 1884, 34-51. 3. Un saggio sull' albumina. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 178-182. 4. Ciiiitiibuzione alia fisiologia della corteccia del cervello. Sperimeutale, 54, 1884, 616-622. 5. Ueber das Fussphanoruen. Arch. Psychiatr., 16, 1885, 824-825. 6. Ueber eiue neue Eiweissreaction. Ceutrbl. M<>l. Wiss., 23, 1885, 209-211. 7. Die Wirkvmg der Halogene auf das Hocmin. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 833-835. 8. Sull1 emina. [Seconda e terza comunicazione.] Ann. di Chim., 3, 1886, 72-79; 6, 1887, 98-100. 9. L'acido pirogallico come reageute sul propeptone. Ann. di Chim., 5, 1887, 193-195. 10. Sugli enzimi o fennenti solubili. Sperimeutale, 59, 1887, 225-242, 337-356. 11. Physiologische Experimente nndBeobachtungen. [1885.] Untersueh. Nat., 13, 1888, 335-353. 12. Intorno alia trasformazione dei sali di ammonio in urea nell' organismo. Ann. di Chim., 8, 1888, 17'J I s I. 13. Sur In vision des couleurs de contrasts. [1888.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 11, 1889, 81-90. 14. Etude physiologique sur le ctrveau des Gallinaces Pt. il.-s Colombidfo. [1885.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, 13-19. Axenfeld] 213 [Ayme 15. Sur I'hemine. [Prima comunicazione.] [1885- 86.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, 19-21, 21-23. 16. Note sur le curare. [1886-87.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, 23-26. 17. Contribution a la physiologic des organes de sens. [1888.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, 29-33. 18. Vibrationen der Stimmgabel als Nervenreiz. [1892.] Centrbl. Physiol., 6, 1893, 299-300. 19. Influence de certaines substances chimiques sur 1'excitabilite du cerveau. [1894.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Fisiol.), 171; Arch. Ital. Biol., 22, 1895, 00-78. 20. Eine einfache Methode Hemianopsie zu con- statiren. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 437-438. 21. Die Routgen'schen Strahlen dem Arthropodenauge sichtbar. [1896.] Centrbl. Physiol., 10, 1897, 147. 22. Die Rontgen'schen Strahleu dem Insectenauge sichtbar. [18%.] Centrbl. Physiol., 10, 1897, 436-437. 23. Contribution a 1'optique pliysiologique. Arch. Ital. Biol., 27, 1897, 103-110. 24. UebereineEigenthurnlichkeitderKnochenleitunK des Schalles im menschlicheu XJnterkiefer. [1897.] Centrbl. Physiol., 11, 1898, 1-2. 25. Schachbrettfigur durch Gitter hervovgebracht, abhangig vorn Astigmatismus des Auges. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 389-390. 26. Quelques observations sur la vue des Arthropodes. Arch. Ital. Biol., 31, 1899, 370-376. ' 27. Ueber die Trvibung der Augenlinse. [1899.] Ceutrbl. Physiol., 13, 1900, 322-325. Axenfeld, Theiidur. Zur Lymphombildung in der Orbita. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 37, 1891 {Ablli. 4), 102-124. 2. Ueber die eitrige rnetastatische Ophthalraie, besonders ihre Aetiologie und proguostische Bedeutung. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abtli. 3), 1-129, (Altth. 4), 103-197. 3. Eine weitere Beobachtuug von dem Keratoconus entgegengesetzter Horuhautknimmung (corrigirbare peri- phere Myopie und corrigirbare ceutrale Hyperopie in eiu und demselben Auge). Arch. Augenheilk., 31, 1895, 86- 99; Arch. Ophthalm., 26, 1897, 559-569. 4. Ueber die Aetiologie der infectiosen Bindehautent- zundungen, besouders der epidemischen. [With dis- cussion.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1897 (Abth. la), 111-120. 5. Ueber die chronische Diplobacillenconjunctivitis. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 21, 1897, 1-9. 6. Ueber den Brechungswert der Hornhaut und der Linse beim Neugeborenen nebst Bemerkungen iiber Ophthalmometrie an Leichenaugen. Ztschr. Psychol. , 15, 1897, 71-81. 7. De la blennorrhee non-gonococcique de la con- jonctive. Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 382-384. 8. Demonstrations anatomo-pathologiques. Ann. d'Oculist., 122, 1899, 222-223. 9. Retablissement du sac conjonctival par trans- plantation cutanee. [1900.] Ann. d'Oculist., 125, 1901, 365. Axenfeld, Theodor, & Schurenberg, . Troubles congenitaux des muscles oculaires et spasme unilateral de 1'accommodation. [1900.] Ann. d'Oculist., 125, 1901, 365. Axenfeld, Theodor, & Uhthoff, W[ilhclm]. See Uhthoff A Axenfeld. Axmann, [Friedrich] C[arl]. Ueben den Missbrauch der inuereu Desinf'ection in der Geburtshulfe. Erfurt Ak. Jbiich., 10, 1890, 73-89. 2. Ueber vorbeugende Hygiene. Erfurt Ak. Jbiich., 19, 1893, 135-160. 3. Giebt es specifisch trophische Nerveu? Erfurt Ak. Jbiich., 20, 1894, 199-228. Axtell, Eilirin li. For biographical notice see N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, !I72. The removal of the spinal cord. N. Y. Med. JL, 47, 1888, 493. 2. Sulphate of atropine : two-fifths of a grain hypo- dermically. N. Y. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 146-147. 3. Toxic paraplegia. N. Y. Med. JL, 62, 1895, 101- 104. Ayers, llou-ard. 2. On the structure and development of the nasal rays in Condylura cristata. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 35G-3GO. 3. Beitriige zur Anatomic und Physiologie der Dipnoer. Jena. Ztschr., 18, 1885, 479-527. 4. Untersuchungen iiber Pori abdominales. Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 344-350. 5. On the carapax and sternum of decapod Crustacea. [1885.] Essex Inst. Bull., 17, 1886, 49-59. 6. On the structure and function of the sphajridia of the Echinoidea. [1885.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 26, 1886, 39-52. 7. The morphology of the carotids, based on a study of the blood-vessels of Chlamydoselachus anguineus, Gorman. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 17, 1888-89. 191-223. 8. The ear of man : its past, present and future. Wood's Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Lect., 1890, 188-230. 9. Contribution to the morphology of the vertebrate head. Zool. Auz., 13, 1890, 504-506. 10. Concerning vertebrate cephalogenesis. [1890.] Jl. Morphol., 4, 1891, 221-245. 11. Die Membraua tectoria : was sie ist, und die Membraua basilaris : was sie verrichtet. Anat. Auz., 6, 1891, 219-220. 12. Vertebrate cephalogenesis. II. A contribution to the morphology of the vertebrate ear, with a recon- sideration of its functions. Jl. Morphol., 6, 1892, 1-360. 13. On the genera of the Dipnoi Dipneumones. Amer. Natlist., 27, 1893, 919-932. 14. The macula neglecta again. Auat. Anz., 8, 1893, 238-240. 15. Ueber das peripherischeVerhalten der Gehornerven und den Wert der Haarzellen des Gehororganes. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 435-440. 16. Some nerve-muscle experiments on the frog (Rana catesbiana). Jl. Morphol., 8, 1893, 379-392. 17. The auditory or hair-cells of the ear and their relations to the auditory nerve. Jl. Morphol., 8, 1893, 445-466. 18. Anatomical nomenclature. Science, 21, 1893, 190-191. 19. Myology of the cat: or the m. flexor accessorius of the human and feline foot. Science, 22, 1893, 135- 136. 20. Bdellostoma Dombeyi, Lac. Wood's Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Lect., 1893, 125-161. 21. On the membrana basilaris, the membrana tectoria, and the nerve endings in the human ear. [1897.] Zool. Bull., 1, 1898, 275-278. 22. On the pithecoid type of ear in man. Zool. Bull., 2, 1899, 247-250. Aykroyd,H[c»r;/]£., & Richardson, F[rederic] W[illiam]. See Richardson A Aykroyd. Aylmer, O'ft'raW] Perci/ F[iciun]. [A recent journey in northern Somalilaud.'j Geogr. JL, 11, 1898, 34-48. Aylmer, Joint. 2. Appareils industriels de mesure elec- trique de Lord KELVIN. Ann. Telegr., 22, 1895, 5-18. Aylward, (Col.) Alfred. *Dutch South Africa. Its hydro- graphy, mineral wealth and mercantile possibilities. Amer. Geogr. Soc. JL, 15 (1883), 1-44. Aymard, - — . Moaurs d'hirondelles. Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 59. Ayme, V. Les flammes chantantes. Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 599. 2. Le sulfate de soude dans le Sud-Oranais. Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 346. Aymericl 214 [Ayrton Aymeric. See Marcailhou d'Aym6ric. Aymonier, (rn/tit.1 Kiienne. 2. 'Exploration au Cam- bodge. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1883, 480-490. 3. Une mission en Inclo-Chine (relation sommaire). Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 13, 1892, 216-249, 339-374. Aymonnet, J. !•'. 1O. Analyse d'eau dugout de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., Ids, 1889, 679-681. 11. Relation entre 1'indice de refraction d'un corps, sa densitfi, son poids moleculaire et son pouvoir dia- thermane. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 418-421. 12. Des maxima calorifiques periodiques observes dans les spectres du flint, du crown et du sel gemme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 582-585. 13. Sur Its maxima periodiques des spectres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 304-306, 402-405; 123, 1896, 645-647. 14. Sur les radiations calorifiques comprises dans la partie lumineuse du spectre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 50-52, 151-154. 15. Sur le deplaeement spectral du maximum calorifique solaire. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 121, 1895, 1139-1141. Aynsley. See Murray- Aynsley. Ayraud, P. N. Considerations sur le systeme de culture du domaine du Lys (Vendee). France Soc. Agr. Mem., 129, 1884, 405-513 ; 132, 1888, 307-319. 2. Effets des phosphates de chaux sur les prairies humides des terrains schisteux. France Soe. Agr. Bull., 45, 1885, 643-650. Ayres, C. //., & Hall, Edit in H. See Hall * Ayres. Ayres, Edward F. Mineralogical notes. [Thenardite. Pyrite.] Arner. Jl. Sci., 37, 1889, 235-236. 2. Notes on the crystallization of trona (urao). Amer. Jl. Sci., 38, 1889, 65-66. Ayres, Edward F., & Yeates, William S. See Yeates & Ayres. Ayres, //. B. Dimensions of Minnesota pine. Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, 148. 2. The muskeag spruce. Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, 504-505. 3. Washington forest reserve. [1899.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1897-98 (Ft. 5), 283-313. 4. The Flathead forest reserve. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1898-99 (Pt. 5), 245-316. 5. Lewis and Clarke forest reserve, Montana. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1899-1900 (Pt. 5), 27-80. 6. Timber conditions of the pine regions of Minnesota. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1899-1900 (Pt. 5), 673- 689. Ayres, H. Messenger. Cirrhosis of the lung. [1884.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 41, 1885, 227. Ayres, I'll. ]'.. ('., A' Lowson, Junifs A. Report on the outbreak of bubonic plague in Hongkong, 1894. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. H. (1894, 2), 652-676. Ayres, Thomas. 5. Additional notes on the ornithology of Transvaal. [With notes by John Henry GDIINEY.] Ibis, 2, 1884, 217-233 ; 3, 1885, 341-351 ; 4, 1886, 282-298. Ayres, II". ,S'. * Deflection of girders. [1876.] Amer. Inst. Min. Eugin. Trans., 5 (1876-77), 53-55. Ayres, Wnltcy. A list of birds collected ..in Transvaal and in Umzeilla's country lying to the north-east of Transvaal, between the 23rd and 24th degrees of south latitude and the 32nd and 33rd of east longitude. [Communicated by John Henry GUHNEY.] Ibis, 5, 1887, 47-64. Ayres, William C. To reference in No. 9 (Vol. 9) mlil Arch. Augenheilk., 13, 1884, 29-33. 11. Granulations of the conjunctiva produced bv long-continued instillations of cocaine. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 265-267. Ayres, William O. 86. Carnivorous prairie dogs. Cai- nivorous orioles. Science, 8, 1886, li;">. Ayrton, (Mrs.) Ilertlia. See Marks, (Miss) Sarah. Ayrton, ll'\illi:;ii. 7. Galvanometers. Phil. Mag., 42. 1896. 142-446. 8. Galvanometers. Third paper, [l.s'.is.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 16, 1899, 169-201; Phil. Mag., 46, 1898. 349-379. Ayr ton] [ Azam 9. Some developments in the use of PRICE'S guard- wire in insulation tests. [1900.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 17, 1901, 99-103 ; Phil. Mag , 49, 1900, 343-347. Ayrton, )l'[illi<•]. Les alterations des cellules de I'e'eoree cerebrale dans la paralysie generale, ettidiees par la methode de GOLGI. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40. 1894 (G. if.), 405-407. Azoulay, Li'ini, & Lajard, J[n.ieph]. Quelques considera- tions sur la deuxieme de'cimale dans les indices craniens et faciaux. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 2, 1891, 550- 553. Azoulay, I.eon, & Marie, Pierre. Sec Marie & Azoulay. Azoulay, Leon, & Nageotte, Jean. Oculaire de micro- scope a index fixe de M. BOORGUET de Moutpellier et oculaire a index mobile. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me'm., 49, 1897 (G. i?.), 641-642. Azoulay, Lean, & Regnault, Felix. De 1'automatisme chez le paralytique general. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (G. if.), 732-735. 2. Des diverses formes des dents incisives superieures. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 4. 1893, 2116-269. 3. Sur un moveu pratique d'exage'rer le tremhlement. Ass. Franv. C. R.) 1894 (Pt. 2), 874-878. Azua, -/(inn de, & Mendoza, Antonio. De la production de 1'ecze'ma banal par le Staphylococcus aureus. Cougr. Int. Med. C. li., 1900 (I of. 9), 71-77. Azzarelli, Mania. For biography and list of works see Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 51, 1897, 49-55. 41. Equazioni delle superficie di 2° ordine dedotte dalle loro genesi. Roma, N. Liucei Atti, 37, 1884, 205- 218. 42. Trasformazione del binomio \i( + N'/;. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 38, 1885, 227-242. 43. Esercizio geometrico. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 39, 1886, 95-131. 44. Nota sul caso irreducibile dell' equazione del 3° grado. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 40, 1887, 67-83. 45. Alcuni teoremi e problem! sopra i triangoli annessi. Rorna, N. Lincei Atti, 40, 1887, 135-150. 46. Integrazione di alcune funzioni differenziali. Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 1, 1887, 247-264. 47. Trattato elernentare del cinque poliedri regolari. Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 4, 1888, 123-1S3. 48. Generalizzazione del problema delle mediane di un triangolo rettilineo. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 42, 1889. 59-70. 49. Proprieta di alcune note curve dimostrate per mezzo della teorica dei limiti. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 42, 1889, 160-194. 50. Alcune proprieta che risultauo in un triaugolo rettilineo dalla esistenza di una retta simmetrica alia mediana rispetto la bisettrice. Roma, N. Lineei Atti, 42, 1889, 255-266. 51. Derivazione delle couiche da una conica qualunque. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 43, 1890, 103-112. 52. Alcuni teoremi sul triangolo rettilineo. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 44, 1891, 49-88. 53. Generalizzazione di alcune formole numeriche. Roma, N. Liucei Atti, 45, 1892, 72-77. 54. Costruzione per punti e proprieta di alcune curve di grado superiore al secondo. Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 8, 1892, 7-36. 55. Alcuni luoghi geometric!. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 46, 1893, lsO-224. 56. Costruzioue grafica dei raggi di curvatura delle linee del secondo ordine. Roma, N. Liucei Mem., 11, 1895, 87-103. 57. Dei poligoni regolari convessi iscritti e circo- scritti ad una circonferenza. Roma, N. Liucei Atti, 50, 1897, 651-102. B] 217 [Babbitt B B., A. Exposition Universelle de 1889. Le phonopore. Ann. Telegr., 16, 1889, 506-508. B., A. Nouvelle pompe a debit constant. Genie Civil, 31, 1897, 105-107. B., A. MABAT physicieu. Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 719-720. B., A. G. Weather report for 1887[-89]. Observations made at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. Agr. Stud. Gaz.,'4, 1888-90, 17, 104, 212. B., C. W. Nesting of the Blackburnian warbler. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 157. B., E. J. Remarques pour la determination du regime des dynamos shunt d'apres les caracteristiques. Eclairage Elect., 2 (1895), 582-583. B., F. Vapour, or meteoritic particle. Nature, 39, 1889 537. B., F. Wirkungen eines Tornado in der Rheinprovinz. Berg- u. Huttenm. Ztg., 57, 1898, 403-404; Rev. Univ. Mines, 43, 1898, 313-314. B., //. *Nota sobre um problema de mecanica racional. Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 5, 1883, 9-16. B., H. H. SWAINSON'S warbler in North Carolina. Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 89-90. B., H. W. Nesting of the great horned owl. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 57. B., ./. Sur la pile-e'talon au cadmium. Eelairage Elect., 20 (1899), 98-102. B., L. B. Der westliche Theil des illyrischen Gebirgslandes. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 32, 1889, 416-430. B., P. Observations d'hallucinations individuelles et collectives. Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 303-307. B., R. Estudio acerca de "el ahuacate." [1885-86.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 214-228. B., B. Das Eindringen des Frostes in den Erdboden und die Dicke des Eises auf der Diina bei Riga in den Jahren 1883, 1884, 1885 und 1886 im Februar- und Marz-Monat, wann der Frost aufhorte. Riga Corresp.-BL, 30, 1887, 30. B., W. F. *0n certain advantages afforded by Mr. CHISHOLM'S tables recently published. [1859.1 Assur. Mag., 8, 1860 110-111. Baader, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm. For biographical notice see Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1897, vi. Baagoe, J. Potamogeton undulatus, Wolfgang (P. crispus, L. x P. prselongus, Wulf). [In Eng.] [1897.] Bot. Tidsskr., 21, 1897-98, 221-232, 233-236 ; .11. Bot., Paris, 11, 1897, 355-365. Baagoe, J. , & Bavn, F. Kflpin. Exkursionen til jydske seer og vandkib i somrneren 1895. [1896.] Bot. Tidsskr., 20, 1895-96, 288-326; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1897-98 453. Baas, Hermann Karl Ludwig. Ueber das Verhalten des Tyrosins zur Hippursaurebildung. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 11, 1887, 485-491. — Beitrage zur Spaltung der Saure-Ester im Darm. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 14, 1890, 416-436. Zur Anatomie und Pathogeuese der Myopie. [1892.] Arch. Augenheilk., 26, 1893, 33-55. — Experimentell-anatomische Untersuchungen fiber den Einfluss des Tuberculocidius und Tuberculins auf die Irnpftuberculose des Kaninchen-Auges. Arch. f. Ophthalrn., 39, 1893 (Abth. 4), 178-201. — Tuberkulose der Thranendrtise. Arch. Augenheilk., 28, 1894, 141-151 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 24, 1895, 76-80. — Ueber eine Ophthalmia hepatitica. Nebst Beitragen zur Kenutniss der Xerosis conjunctivas und zur Pathologic der Augenmuskelerkrankungen. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abth. 5), 212-246. R. S. A. C. — Der heutige Stand unserer Kenntnisse fiber die patho- logische Anatomie und Pathogenese des Schichtstaars und verwandter Staarformen. Nebst einem anatomischen Beitrag und Bemerkuugen fiber die Genese der senilen Katarakt. Centrbl. Path., 6, 1895, 56-69. — Ueber die anatomische Gruudlage des Ringskotoms. Arch, f. Ophthalm., 44, 1897, 642-656. — Ueber eigenartige Krystalldriiseu in der cataractosen Linse. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 44, 1897, 657-660. — Das Hornhauthorn. Centrbl. Path., 8, 1897, 295-301. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der durch Syphilis am Auge hervorgerufenen Veranderungen. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 45, 1898, 641-699. Baas, J[ohann] Hermann. *Eine praktische Modification der Salpetersaureprobe auf Eiweiss. [1883.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 34, 1884, 229. — Der Augenspiegel. Humboldt, 4, 1885, 180-185. Baba, N. Shipwrecks and stormwarnings. [Jap.] [1891.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl., 13, [1891-92], No. 3, 43-51, Nos. 4 & 5, 61-70. Babak, Edvard. Respirometrie a kaloriinetrie 2ivo(5isna. [Recherches experimentales de respirometrie et calori- metrie chez les animaux.] Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (Tnda 2), 8, 1899, No. 11, 25 pp.; Prag, Fr. Jos. Ac. Sci. Bull. (Med.), 6, 1901, 19-45, 62-79. Babak, Edvard (et alii). Parnatnik na oslavu padesatileteho panovnickeho jubilea jeho velicenstva cisafe a krale Frantiska Josefa I. Vedecky a umelecky rozvoj v narode Ceskem 1848-98 Vedy Lekafske. [Memoirs in celebra- tion of the jubilee of his Imperial and Royal Majesty Franz Josef I. Scientific and artistic development in the Bohemian nation 1848-98. ..Medical sciences.] Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Pam., 1898 (lie), 119 pp. Babanek, Franz. Ueber die Erzfuhrung der Joachimsthaler Gauge. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 32, 1884, 1-5, 21-24, 61-62. — Ueber das Pfibramer Fahlerz. Min. Petr. Mitth., 6, 1885, 82-86. - Die uranhaltigen Skapolith-Glimmerschiefer von Joachimsthal. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 37, 1889, 343-345. Babb, Cyrus C[ates]. The hydrography of the Potomac basin. [With discussion.'] Arner. Soc. Civ. Engiu. Trans., 27, 1892, 21-38. — Rainfall and river-flow, [frith discussion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 28, 1893, 323-347. — The sediment of the Potomac river. Science, 21, 1893, 342-343. Babbage, (Maj.-Gen.) H[enry] P[revost]. On the mechanical arrangements of the analytical engine of the late Charles BABBAUE, F.R.S. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 616-617. Babbitt, Arthur B. Der Durchmesser der Kugelkreise bei Kugellagerung. [Tr.] [1896.] Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 305, 1897, 158. Babbitt, (Miss) Franc E. Exhibition and description of some palaeolithic quartz implements from central Minnesota. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1884, 593-599. — Vestiges of glacial man in Minnesota. [C/. No. 1 (Vol. 9).] Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 594-605, 697-708. — Illustrative notes concerning the Minnesota Odjibwas. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1887, 303-307. — Points concerning the Little Fall quartzes. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1889, 333-339. Babbitt, H. G. Manganese in steel and iron. Amer. Chem. Jl., 9 (1887), 58-60. — WIBOBGH'S colorimetric sulfur determination. Jl. Anal. Chem., 6, 1892, 301-303. 28 Babbitt] [Babes The precipitation of phospho-molybdate of ammonia in the presence of arsenic. .11. Anal. Chem. , 6, 1892, 381. — Notes on EMMEBTON'S method for the determination of phosphorus. Arner. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 21, 1893, 794-797. Babcock, Allen H. Lunar eclipse, August 22, 1896. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 8, 1896, 255. — Bright meteor seen at Oakland, August 18, 1896. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 8, 1896, 259. — Earthquake at Oakland, January 17, 1897. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 9, 1897, 45-46. Earthquake of June 20, 1897 (Oakland). Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 9, 1897, 135. Babcock, Henri/ Homes. For biographical notice see Chicago Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, [1891-1901], vi-viii. Babcock, S[tephen] C[ont], & Campbell, Edirurd D[e Mille]. See Campbell A- Babcock. Babcock, S[tephen] SI[oulton]. A new viscometer. [1886.] Jl. Anal. Chem., 1, 1887, 151-158. — Variation in the composition of American butters. [Arner.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1887, 16-22. — Concerning the presence of fibrin in milk. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1888, 13-17. — Report on dairy products, [With discussion.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., A'o. 35, 1892, 7-23. Babcock, S[tephen] 3I[«utton], & Russell, H[arry] L[timari], Unorganized ferments of milk : a new factor in the ripening of cheese. Ceutrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 615-620. — On the properties of galactase : a proteolytic ferment of milk. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 232. — The biology of cheese ripening. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 420-421. • — Galaktose, das der Milch eigentiimliche proteolytische Ferment, seine Eigenschaften und seine Wirkung auf die Proteide der Milch. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 17-21, 45-50, 79-88. — Relation of the enzymes of rennet to ripening of Cheddar cheese. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 817- 825. See also Russell A Babcock. Babcock, (Lt. ) William C. Report of shad operations conducted at Fort Washington, Maryland, in the spring of 1883. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 11, 1885, 1035-1042. — Report of operations at Fort Washington, Maryland, for the purpose of collecting shad eggs during the season of 1884. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 12, 1886, 189-197. Babe, Juan Manuel. *Las aguas corrientes y el eolera. [With disciisxion.] Habana Ac. An., 10, 1873, 239-246, 246-260, 312-319. — "Etiologia de la fiebre traumatica. Habana Ac. An., 13, 1876, 393-399. Babeau, ,T[oseph], Des differents modes d'^limination de la chaux chez les rachitiques et des diverses periodes du rachitisme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 846-848. Babel, A[le.ri»]. [Toxicologie compared des amines aro- matiques.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 7, 1899, 592-595. Babel, A[lejcis], & Ouye, Philippe A[uguste]. See Guye & Babel. Baber, Edward Colborne. For biography and works see China Roy. Asiat. Soc. JL, 24, 1890, 221-223 ; Geogr. Soc. Proc., 12, 1890, 468-471. 'Travels and researches in the interior of China. [With discussion.] [1878-81.] Geogr. Soc. Suppl. Pap., 1, 1886, i-viii, 1-201. Baber, •/. On the growth of transplanted trees. [1885-87.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 18, 1886, 311-314; 20, 1888, 186-187. — The medicinal properties of some New Zealand plants. [1886.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 19, 1887, 319-322. Babes, A[urel]. Note sur quelques matieres colorantes et aromatiques produites par le bacille r.yocyauique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 438-440. — Note sur une substance isolee des cultures du bacille de la morve. Arch. M^d. Exper., 4, 1892, 450-457. Action de 1'extrait de sang de bceuf sur les animaux atteints de morve. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1106-1109. Babes, A[urel], it Babes, Victor. La sterilisation de 1'eau. Rev. Sci., 50, 1892, 124. See also below. Babes, Victor. "Respunsulu. [Reply to TECLU on the relations between organic and inorganic chemistry.] [1880.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 2 (Sect. 2), 1881, 287-301. - *Note sur le rapport des bacilles de la tuberculose et de la lepre avec les surfaces tegumenteuses. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 265-268. — Observations sur quelques lesions infectieuses des mnqueuses et de la peau (diphtheric, charbon, mycose intestinale, morve, fievre typhoide, cholera, gangrene, sueur rouge, verrues). Robin, Jl. Anat., 20, 1884, 39-70. Ueber jene Nierenerkrankungen, die zur Gegenwart von Mikroorganismen in Beziehung stehen. Wien. Med. Wschr., 34, 1884, 134-135. — Untersuchungen iiber KOCH'S Komniabacillus. Virchow, Arch., 99, 1885, 148-163. Les spores des bacilles de la diphtheVie humaine. Nouvelle coloration des tissus norrnaux et pathologiques. Progres M<5d., 3, 1886, 154-155. — A veszettse'g beoltasarol. [Ueber die Schutzimpfung gegen die Tollwut.] Terrnt. Kfizlon., 18, 1886, 136; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 4 (1885-86), 252. — Ueber einige pathologisch-histologische Methoden und die durch dieselben erzielten Resultate. Virchow, Arch., 105, 1886, 511-521. — Untersuchungen iiber Hundswut. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 25, 1887, 673-676; 26, 1888, 353-355. — Erfahrungeu iiber Aetiologie und Prophylaxis der Cholera-Epidemie der letzten vier Jahre, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf deren Verbreitung in Ungarn. Int. Congr. Hyg. Arb. (1887, 18), 77-122. Studien iiber die Wuthkrankheit. Virchow, Arch., 110, 1887, 562-601. - Ueber Safraninliisung mit Anilinol. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 4, 1887, 470-471. — Sur une elevation de temperature dans la periode d'incubation de la rage. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 2, 1888, 374-376. — Ueber einige Apparate zur Bakterienuntersuchiing. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 19-27. — Sur rhemoglobinurie bactoienne du boeuf. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 692-694; Jl. Microgr., 12, 1888, 448-449. Die Wauderungen des Pentastomum denticulatum beim Rinde. Ceutrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 1-5. — Einige erkla'rende Bemerkungen zu bakteriologischeu Mittheilungen. Centrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 11-13. — Bemerkungen, die Leitung des Wuthgiftes durch die Nerven betreffend. Fortschr. Med., 7 (1889), 485-486. — Die Aetiologie der seuchenhaften Hamoglobinurie des Rimles. Virchow, Arch., 115, 1889, 81-108. — Ueber isolirt fiirbbare Antheile von Bacterien. Ztschr. Hyg., 5, 1889, 173-190. — Vorliiufige Mittheilungen iiber einige bei Influenza gefundene Bakterien. Centrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890, 233-241, 460-464, 496-502, 533-538, 561-568, 598-606. — Die Gewebsveriinderungen bei experimeuteller Diph- theric. Int. Med. Congr. Verb.., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 3), 44-51. — Bemerkungen iiber die seuchenhafte Hamoglobinurie des Rindes. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 3), 104-108. — Sur les microbes de I'he'moglobinurie du boeuf. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 800-802. — Experiences relatives a la trausrnissibilite de Fh^mo- Babes] 219 [Babes globinurie aux animaux. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. B. , 110, 1890, 975-977. — Untersuchungen fiber den Diphtheriebacillus und die experimentelle Diphtherie. Vircbow, Arch., 119, 1890, 460-488. — Ueber Variabilitat und Varietiiten des Typhusbacillus. Ztschr. Hyg., 9, 1890, 323-359. — Tuberculines d'origine aviaire. Arch. Gen. M£d., 168, 1891, 371-372. — Observations sur la morve. Diagnostic de la morve. Passage de son bacille par la peau et les muqueuses intactes. Bacilles pseudornorveux. Cinq cas de morve chez I'homnie. Les associations baeteriennes de la morve. Substances cbimiques pioduitea par le bacille de la morve. Arch. Med. Exper., 3, 1891, 019-645. — Ueber Bacillen der hiimorrhagischen Infektion des Menschen. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 719-722, 752-756. — ErklareudeBemerkungen fiber "uatiirliche Varietiiten " des Typhusbacillus. Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 281-283. Ueber die Wirkuug gewisser von den Tuberkelbacilleu erzeugter chemischer Substanzen. Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 443. Ueber BakterienassociatiouenbeiTuberculose. Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 585-586. — L'infection hernorrhagique bacterienne chez 1'homme. Int., Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 2), 98-105. — Etudes sur la rage et sur la vaccination antirabique. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 3), 22-30. [Sur la guerison de la tuberculose.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 26, 1891, 132-134. — Ueber die pathologische Bedeutung der Anweseuheit von nur zwei Aorteuklappen. Virchow, Arch., 124, 1891, 562-578; 125, 1891, 206. — Sur certains caracteres des lesions histologiques de la rage. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 6, 1892, 209-223. — L'etiologie d'une enzootie des moutons, denommee carceag en Boumanie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 115, 1892, 359-361. — Sur 1'etiologie de certaiues formes d' infection hernorrhagique. Bronchites hemorrbagiques. Duo- denite hemorrhagiqne. Arch. Med. Exper., 5, 1893, 490-519. — Sur un bacille produisant la gingivite et les he- morrhagies dans le scorbut. Arch. Med. Exper., 5, 1893, 607-619. — Note sur la defense de la Boumauie contre le cholera en 1892. [With discussion.'] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 30, 1893, 188-194, 257-260, 366-368. Nota asupra causeloru unoru enzootii de vite in Bomania. [Note on the cause of an enzooty of the vine in Boumania.] [1893.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 10 (Pt. Admin.), 1894, 57-62. — Despre entero-hepatitasupurata. [SuiTentero-hepatite suppuree.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 16 (Pt. Admin.), 1894, 144-149; Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Patol.), 34-43. — DieStellungdesStaateszurmodernenbacteriolugischen Forschung. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 1), 207-245. — Ueber die durch Streptokokken bedingte acute Leber- entartung. Virchow, Arch., 136, 1894, 1-20. — Asupra morvel sail rapciugei larvate si latente. [On masked and latent glanders.] [1894.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 17 (Pt. Admin.), 1895, 559-569. Asupra influence!, bronsitelor, infec^iunii hemoragice si Streptococilor. [On influenza, bronchitis, hemorrhagic infection and Streptococcus.] [1894.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 17 (Pt. Admin.), 1895, 570-576. — Sur la vaccination par des toxines latentes (contre- balancees par des antitoxines sanguines). Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 34, 1895, 206-214. Sur le bothriocephale et I'aneinie bothrioeephalique en Boumanie. [1895.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull , 34, 1895, 214-219; Virchow, Arch., 141, 1895, 204-208; Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 18 (Pt. Admin.), 1896, 80-85. Bemerkungen fiber den Parasiteu des " C;trceag " der Schafe und die parasitare Ictero-Harnaturie der Schafe. Virchow, Arch., 139, 1895, 382-384. — Beobaehtuugen fiber die metacbromatischen Kor- perchen, Sporenbildung, Verzweigung, Kolben- und Kapselbildung pathogener Bakterien. Ztschr. Hyg., 20, 1895, 412-137. — Despre b61ele de ficat in Romania, despre noma, despre tetanos, despre structure microbilor, despre jigodie si despre epizootia porcilor din Bomania. [On liver disease in Boumania, on noma, on tetanus, on the structure of microbes, on "jigodie" and on the epizooty of pigs in Boumania.] [1895.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 18 (Pt. Admin.), 1896, 86-91. — Despre microbil mueosi si septicemia mucosa. [On mucous microbes and septicaemia mucosa.] [1896.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 19 (Pt. Admin.), 1897, 49-56; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 37, 1897, 174-180. • Despre metoda Bornaml in tractamentul turbilrii. [On the Boumanian method in the treatment of rabies.] [1896.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 19 (Pt. Admin.), 1897, 57-65. Baport despre lucrfirile facute la Institutul de Patologie si de Bacteriologie de d-nii Dr. C. STAKCOVICI, Dr. G. PROCA si Dr. V. BABES asupra etiologiei febrei aftose epizootice. [Beport on the work done at the Institute of Pathology and Bacteriology by Drs. C. STARCOVICI, G. PROCA and V. BABES on the aetiology of epizootic aphthous fever.] Bucarest, Ac. Born. An., 19 (Pt. Admin.), 1897, 84-110. — Sur les streptocoques et sur les epidemics de complica- tions des maladies. [1895.] Ceutrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 1), 23, 1898, 945-947. Sur le traitement de la rage par 1'injeetion de substance nerveuse normale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 986-989. — Sur les lesions precoces des centres nerveux dans la rage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 127, 1898, 776-778. — Sediul bacililor leprei diu puuctul de vedere al in- vasiunii, al eliminarilor si al combated! leprei. [Seat of bacilli of leprosy from the point of view of the invasion, elimination and combatiug of leprosy.] [1898.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 20 (Mem. Sect. Sci.), 1899, 1-38. — Ueber die Kultur der von [ihm] bei Lepra gefundenen Diphtheridee. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. I), 25, 1899, 125-129. — Bemerkungen uber demonstrative Vortrage und fiber Projectionstecbnik. Ceutrbl. Path., 10, 1899, 233-235. — Les maladies infectieuses en medecme legale. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 41, 1899, 14-32. — Lesiuuile sistemului nervos in pelagrii. [Lesions of the nervous system in pellagra.] [1899.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 22 (Pt. Admin.). 1900, 91-97. — Cercetari none asupra acfiunii substaufei nervose in afecfiunile sistemului nervos. [New researches on the action of nervous substance in affections of the nervous system.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 22 (Pt. Admin.), 1900, 114-125. — Causele cancerului. [Cause of cancer.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 23 (Pt. .Admin.), 1900, 21-25. - Tratamentul pelagrel. [Treatment of pellagra.] Bucarest, Ac, Bom. An., 23 (Pt. Admin.), 1900, 35-40. — Bemerkungen fiber die Beeinflussung der Hundswut durch Injektion von normaler Nerveusubstanz und fiber Wuttoxine. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 27, 1900, 564-568. — L'action de la substance nerveuse dans certaines affections infectieuses et toxiques du systeme nerveux. Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1900 (Vol. 2), 109-119. — Histogenesedel'epithelioma. [ll'ith discussion.] Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1900 (Vol. 3, Anat. Path.), 15-34. — Bole dela nevroglie dans 1'evolution des inflammations et des tumeurs. [}\'itli discussion.] Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1900 (Vol. 3, Anat. Path.), 150-198. 28—2 Babes] 220 [Babington — Sur les toxines de la lepre. Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1900 (Vol. 3, liact.), 195-199. - Le diagnostic rapide de la rage par I'examen micro- scopique du bulbe du chien mordeur. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 43. 1900, 459-465. — La pathogenic de la pellagre. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 44, 1900, 170-178. Die Tuberkulose in Rurnanien und die Mittel zur Bekarnpfung derselben. Ztschr. Tuberkulose, 1, 1900, 371-383. — Desvoltarea cunoscin^elor n6stre asupra turbarii. [Development of our knowledge of rabies.] [1900.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 23 (Mem. Sect. Sci.), 1901, 79-97. Babes, Victor, & Babes, A[urel]. Ueber ein Verfahren, keimfreies Wasser zu gewinnen. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 132-138. See also above. Babes, Victor, & Bacoucea, . Sur la prevention et la guerison de 1'epilepsie toxique, par 1'injection de sub- stance nerveuse normale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 161-164. Babes, Victur, & Cerchez, Tli. Experiences sur 1'attenua- tion du virus fixe rabique. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 5, 1891, 625-632. Babes, Victor, & Cornil, A[ndre] V[ictor]. See Cornil A Babes. Babes, Victor, & Gheorghiu, D. Etude sur les differentes formes du parasite de la malaria en rapport avec les differentes manifestations cliniques de la maladie et sur les modifications des elements figures du sang dans cette maladie. Arch. Med. Exper., 5, 1893, 186-226. Babes, Victor, & Kalinderu, [Nicolae]. Note sur la dis- tribution du bacille de la lepre dans 1'organisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 629-631. Babes, Victor, & Lepp, . Keeherches sur la vaccina- tion antirabique. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 3, 1889, 384-390. Babes, Victor, & Levaditi, C. Sur la forme actinoruy- cosique du bacille de la tuberculose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 791-793; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 37, 1897, 461-465; Arch. Med. Exper., 9, 1897, 1041- 1048. — Ueber einige durch den Pestbacilhis verursachte histologische Veranderungen. Virchow, Arch., 150, 1897, 343-371. Babes, Victor, & Manicatide, E. Sur certaines substances specifiques dans la pellagre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 201-203. Babes, Victor, & Marinescu, George. Sur la pathologic des terminaisons nerveuses des muscles des animaux et de 1'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 575-577. Babes, Victor, & Moscuna, fiion. Observations sur la lepre pulmonaire. Arch. Med. Expe>., 11, 1899, 220- 237. Babes, Victor, * Oprescu, I". Sur uu bacille trouve" dans un cas de septicemie hemorrhagique presentaut certains caracteresdu typhus exanthematique. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 5, 1891, 273-286. Babes, Vic.tor, it Petrini, P[aul]. See Petrini & Babes. Babes, 1'ictnr, & Proca, G[heorg)ie]. Nota asupra sero- tenipiei tuberculosei. [Note on the serotherapy of tuber- culosis.] [1895.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 18 (Ft. Admin.), 1896, '.12-911. — Sur la serothcrapie de la tuberculose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 37-40. — Untersuchungen fiber die WirkungderTuberkelbacillen und iiber gegenwirkeude Substanzen. Ztschr. Hyg., 23, 1896, 331-379. — Beobachtungen iiber die Aetiologie der Maul- und Klauenseuche. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 21, 1897, 835- 849. Babes, Victor, it Puseariu, K. Versuche iiber Tetanus. Centrlil. Bakt., 8, 1890, 73-76. — Untersnehungen iiber die Diphtheric der Tanben. Ztschr. Hyg., 8, 1890, 376-403. Babes, Victor, & Stoicescu, G[eorge], Sur le diagnostic du cancer des organes internes par I'examen microscopique des petites tumeurs metastatiques sous-cutanees. Progres Med., 1, 1896, 113-115. Sie also Stoicescu & Babes. Babes, Victor, & Talasescu, Al. Etudes sur la rage. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 8 (1894),, 435-445. Babes, Victor, & Zigura, V. Etude sur l'ente>o-hepatite suppuree endemique. Arch. Me'd. Exper., 6, 1894, 862- 882. Babikov, 7. To reference in title (Vol. 9) under Babikof, - add St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Rusi.), 31, 1878, 225-237. Babinet, ,T[IIHeCKHXTi ii:fr.rI;^OBaHift oaepa Baaxama n ero npiifipeHtiii. [On the course of the topographical investigations of Lake Balkash and its shores.] St. Petersb., Soc. Kusse Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 1, 1867, 329-347. D.I hiicli, Hermann, & Kostanecki, Stan[is-tiuo]. Ueber Ovybenzalacetophenone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 233-236. Bablich, Hermann, & Perkin, Arthur George. Morin. Part I. Chem. Soc. Jl., 69, 1896, 792-799. Bablot, Laurence. *Ensayo sobre una nueva teoria quimico- fisiologica de la fiebre amarilla endemica de las Antillas. Habana Ac. An., 6, 1869, 241-246, 283-287, 308-313, 360-367. Babo, Agnes von. Ein Fall von kleineystischer Entartung beider'Ovarien. Virchow, Arch., 161, 1900, 311-328. Babo, Lambert [Heinrich Clemens Anton] von. For biography and works see Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1163-1164; Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 355 ; Leopoldina, 35, 1899, 134. Babon, J. L'etat gastrique des syphilitiques traites. Gastropathie medicamenteuse syphilitique. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 703-711. Babor, Josef Fl[orian]. Ueber den Cyclus der Geschlechts- entwickelung der Stylommatophoren. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh., 1894, 55-61. — Note on Arion citrinus, Westerlund. Jl. Malacol., 3, 1894, 45-47. — Dopluky k zuamostem o ceskych slimacich. [Beitrage zur Kenutniss der bohmischen Schnecken. ] I. Limaeidse. [II. Arionidaj.] Prag, Sber., 1894 (Matli.-Nat.), No. 45, 22 pp. (Res. 16-22) ; 1896 (Math.-Nat.), No. 30, 26 pp. — Ueber die wahre Bedeutung des sog. Semper'schen Organes der Stylommatophoren. Prag, Sber., 1895 (Math.-Nat.), No. 34, 20 pp. - Ueber das Ceutralnervensystem von Dreisseusia [Dreissena] polymorpha, Pall. Prag, Sber., 1895 (Matli.- Nat.), No. 48, 7 pp. — Beitrage zur Kenntnissder tertiiiren Binuencouchylien- Fauna Bohmens. I. Prag, Sber., 1897 (Math.-Nat.), No. 63, 18 pp. — Ueber Aspidoporus limax, Fitz. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofnms. Ann., 13, 1898, 33-39. — Ueber die von Herrn Dr. H. REBEL im Jahre 1896 in Ostrumelieu gesammelten Nacktschnecken. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 13, 1898, 40-44. — EinBeitragzurGeschlechtsrnetamorphose. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 150-153. — Note on Ariunculus austriacus, n. sp., from the Alps in Austria. [1898.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc., 3, 1899, 156-158. — Ueber die Nacktschnecken der Grazer Uingegend. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh., 1900, 148-150. — Mittheilungen u'ber Nacktschnecken in der Sammlung des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. [1. Ueber eine neue Arioiiidenform aus Nordarnerika (Ariolimax Steindachneri, n. sp.). 2. Erste vorlaufige Mittheilung zu einer Monographie der Gattung Atopos, Simroth.] Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 15, 1900, 95-102. Babor, Josef Fl[orian], & Kost'al, J[aroslav]. Note sur une espece nouvelle d'Ariou. Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math.- Nat.), No. 3, 4 pp. — Pfispevky ku poznani pomeru pohlavuich u nekterj'ch limacidu. [Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Geschlechts- verhiiltnisse einiger Limaciden.] Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math. -Nat.), No. 51, 7 pp. — O novi Ceske' Campytei. [Ueber eine neue bohmische Campylsea.] Prag, Sber., 1894 (Mutli.-Nat.), No. 35, 10 pp. (Re's. 8-10). BaborJ 222 [Bach Babor, Josef Fl[orian], APisarovic, K[arl]. See Pisafovic & Babor.' Babu, L[eapold], Note sur le Rarnmelsberg (Bas-Harz). Ann. Mines, 12, 1887, 335-343. • Note sur 1'etude geometrique des croisements de filons. Ann. Mines, 12, 1887, 352-360. Note sur 1'ozokerite de Boryslaw et les petroles de Sloboda (Galicie). Ann. Mines, 14, 1888, 162-196. Calcul des cables porteura de plans aeriens. Ann. Mines, 8, 1895, 621-650. Les mines d'or de 1'Australie (province de Victoria) et le gite d'argent de Broken Hill (Nouvelle-Galles du Sud). Ann. Mines, 9, 1896, 315-395. — [Bulletin des travaux de chimie executes en 1895 par • les ingenieurs des mines dans les laboratoires departe- mentaux.] Laboratoire de 1'Ecole des Mines de Saint- Etienne. Ann. Mines, 12, 1897, 92-93; 14, 1898, 574; 16, 1899, 196-201 ; 18, 1900, 496-502. — La fabrication et le travail des aciers speciaux. St. Etienne Bull. Soc. Ind. Miu., 14, 1900 (Congr. Int. Mines), 1533-1635. Bahuchm, Aleksandr Ivanovic. For biography sec Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Biol.), iVos. 4 & 5, 3-7. Babueke, E. Ein Apparat zur Blutentnahme bei Typhus- kranken zwecks Anstellung der Widal'schen Reaktion. Centrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 1), 23, 1898, 1092-1094. — Ueber die Kohlensiiureverunreinigung der Luft in Zimmern durch Petroleumiifen. Ztschr. Hyg., 32, 1899, 33-41. — Ueber die Desinfektion mit Typhusbacillen infizierter Badewasser. Centrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 1), 27, 1900, 800-803. Bacaloglu, C. Pericardite, rnyocardite et pleuresie typho'idiques experimentales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 831-833. Bacaloglu, Emanoil. For biography and works see [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 2, 1893], 101-112; [3, 1894 (Supl.)l 51-96; 4, 1895 (Supl.), 97-229. - *Despre calendariu. [On the calendar.] [1880.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 2 (Sect. 2), 1881, 1-16. — *Desvoltarea progresivil a luminatului electricu. [Pro- gressive development of electric lighting.] [1881.] Buearest, Ac. Rom. An., 3 (Sect. 2), 1882, 57-71. — Aperatorulu de triisnetu (paratonnerre). Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 9 (Mem. Sect. Sci.), 1887, 85-93. Baccarini, Alfredo. For biographical notice see Venezia, Ateneo, 1890, 806-810. Baccarini, Pasquale. Osservazioni anatomiche sopra alcuni ricettacoli tiorali. [1884.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 1, [1885], 66-88. — Intorno ad una probabile funzione meccanica dei cristalli di ossalato calcico. Nota preliminare. [1884.] Roma 1st. Bot. Anuu., 1, [1885], 154-159. Contribuzioneallo studio dei colori nei vegetali. [1885.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 2, 1886, 1-21. — La Peronospora viticola nel settentrione d' Italia. [1886.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 56-60. — Patologia vegetale. Coniothyrium diplodiella, Sacc. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 1, 1887, 713- 715. — Appunti intorno ad alcuui sferocristalli. Malpighia, 2, [1888], 1-18. — Appunti per la biologia del Coniothyrium diplodiella (Speg.) Sacc. Malpighia, 2, [1888], 325-337. — Intorno ad una malattia dei grappoli dell' uva. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 1, 1888, 181-188. — Intorno agli elementi special! della Glyeine sinensis. [1890.] Malpighia, 3, 1889, 451-467. — Note patologiche. [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 22, 1890, 64-70. — Sullo sviluppo dei picnidii. [With discussion.] [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 150-152. — Biologia della Peronospora. Quali sono le conoscenze attuuli e quali norme se ne possono dedurre per com- battere la malattia. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 4, 1890, 301-309. — Sul sisterna secretore delle Papilionacee. Nota pre- liminare. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 431-435; Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 297-301. Primo catalogo di funghi dell' Avellinese. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 347-375. Intoruo ai caratteri proprii di alcune malattie della vite. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 5, 1891, 729-741. — [Sul sisterna secretore delle Papilionacee.] Poche parole di risposta al signer Paul VCILLEMIN. Malpighia, 5, 1891, 219-220. — Material! per la flora irpina. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 47-68. Intorno ad una particolarita dei vasi cribrosi uelle Papilionacee. Malpighia, 6, 1892, 53-57. Sul rnal nero delle viti in Sicilia. Nota preliminare. Malpighia, 6, 1892, 229-234. — Contribute alia conoscenza dell' apparecchio albumi- noso taunico delle Leguminose. [1892-93.] Malpighia, 6, 1892, 255-292, 325-356, 537-563. Sopra un curioso Cecidio della Capparis spinosa, L. Malpighia, 7, 1893, 405-414. — II mal nero della vite (Bacillus vitivorus). [1894.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 25, 1893, 444-517; [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 228-237. — Sulla petecchia o vaiolo degli agrumi. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 224-228. Sui cristalloidi fiorali di alcune Leguminose. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 139-144. — — Intorno ad una malattia della palrna da datteri. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 196-203. Sulla Genista aatneusis e le Genista junciformi della flora mediterranea. Malpighia, 11, 1897, 3-73, 125-180. Sopra alcuni microorganism! del disodile di Melilli. (Nota preliminare.) Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 64, 1900, 3-7. Baccarini, Pasijunle, & Avetta, Carlo. Contribuzione allo studio della micologia rornana. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 1, [1885], 161-181. Baccarini, Pnxyiinle, A Buscemi, G. Sui nettarii foliar! della Olraediella cesatiana, Built. [1898.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 56, 1899, 10-13. Baccarini, Pasqitale, & Cannarella, P. Sulla struttura e la biologia del Cynomorium coccineurn, L. Nota pre- ventiva. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 317-320. — Primo contribute alia struttura ed alia biologia del Cynomorium coecineum. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 12, 1899, Mem. 18, 60 pp. Baccarini, Pasquale, & Scalia, G. Appunti per la conoscenza di due Acarocecidii. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 3, 1896, 68-80. Baccarini, Pasi]u cmipaib. [Magnetismus eiserner Driihte, die nicht ihrer ganzen Liinge nach von der magnetisi- renden Spule umgeben sind.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Phys.), 1884, 213-221; Fortschr. Phys., 1884 (Abth. 2), 851-852. — TeiuoTa HanarHiiinBaHia EOJH>n.eo6pa3Haro 9JieKTpOMarHIITa. [Maguetisirungswarme eines ring- forrnigen Electromagneten.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Phys.), 1884, 257-262; Fortschr. Phys., 1884 (Abth. 2), 837. - B.iiame cataiia acejrBsa n cTajiit na IIXT> HaiiarHimnBaHie. [Effect of the compression of iron and steel on their magnetization.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Phys.), 1884, 374-376; Fortsehr. Phys., 1884 (Abth. 2), 838-840. - B.iianie JumeiiHaro emails na MarniiTHOCTb Hte.TESHHX'b, CTajibHHXT) H HiiKKeieBbix'b cTepat- Heft. [Wirkung des linearen Druckes auf den Magnetis- mus von Eisen-, Stahl- und Nickel-Staben.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Phys.), 1884, 427-451 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1884 (Abth. 2), 838-840. _ :}aBiicn3iocTb neatly ^iaiiarHniHOCTiio n TG- n.lOTOU" n.iaBJieHia rfcjl'b. [Zusammenhang zwischen Diamagnetismus und Schmelzwarme.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Phys.), 1884, 519-523; Fortschr. Phys., 1884 (Abth. 2), 837-838. _ npiiiiiHa TOHa, nsiaBaeiiaro CTepatHamn list ManuiTHtix-b MeiajuioBT, no.n'b BJiiaHieM'b npepuB- qaTarO HaMarHIIIIIBaHia. [Ueber die Ursache des von magnetischen Metallstaben hervorgebrachteu Tones bei unterbrochenem Magnetisiren.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 17 (Phys.), 1886, 65-76; Exner, Repertm., 26, 1890, 137-145. - KT> Teopiii B.iiania MexaHiiiecKaro u Tepjm- lecKaro iisjitHenia pasMipoB-b T$jia na ero jiarHIITHOCTb. [Zur Theorie des Einflusses me- chanischer und thermischer Aenderungen der Korper- dimensionen auf deu Magnetismus derselben.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 18 (Phys.), 1886, 31-46; Fortschr. Phys., 1886 (Abth. 2), 677. K. 8. A. C. - Tepsio3JieKTpniiecida iiacjiijtOBaHin. [Thermo- electrische Beobachtungen. Vorlaufige Mittheiluug. ] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 18 (Phys.), 1886, 47-50; Fortschr. Phys., 1886 (Abth. 2), 646-647. — 3aBnc«5iocTb napauarHHTHof n juaMarHiiTHoil cnocooHOCTir rf.Tb on aTOMiiaro B-feca. [Relation eutre les pouvoirs magne'tiques et diamagnetiques des corps simples et leurs poids atomiques.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 21 (Phys.), 1889, 39-43; Jl. Phys., 9, 1890, 62-63. — Bjiianie a.ieKTpiniecKiix'b itciqrb na paspaxtenie BT> rasaxi). [Ueber den Einfluss der electrischen Funken auf die Entladung in Gaseu.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 21 (Phys.), 1889, 207-215; Exner, 'Repertm., 26, 1890, 604-612. - TepmoaJieKTpniecKia nscntjiOBania. [Thermo- elektrische Untersuchungen.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 21 (Phys.), 1889, 264-287; Exner,' Repertm., 26, 1890, 705-732. — Ueber die Abhangigkeit der magnetischen und dia- magnetischen Eigenschaften der Elemente von ihrem Atomgewichte. Exner, Repertm., 26, 1890, 557-564. — Einige Erscheinungeu des remanenten Maguetismus. [C/. No. 3 (Vol. 12).] Exner, Repertm., 27, 1891, 147-175. — Ueber den Einfluss des liuearen Spannens der Drahte auf die thermoelektrischen Eigenschaften derselben. Exner, Repertm., 27, 1891, 442-447. - Magneto-thermoelektrische Uutersuchungeu. Exner, Repertm., 27, 1891, 607-624. - OTB-ETI> r-Hy iniiA'iiiHCKOMy no noBojiy M. SPATSCHINSKY, a propos des recherches thermo- ^lectriques de 1'auteur.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 23 (Phys.), 1891, 220-227; JL Phys., 1, 1892, 260. - LTpiniima BjiiaHia HanarHinniBaHia na Tepiio- 9JieKTpiiHecKia cBortcTBa atejifca n HiiKKe.ua. [Ursache des Einflusses der Magnetisirung auf die thermoelektrischen Eigenschaften von Eisen und Nickel.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 23 (Phy*.), 1891, 301-323; Ann. Phys. Chem., 43, 1891, 723-737. - Tepiioa.ieKTpHiecKia CBoilcxBa aMa.ibraMi. [Proprietes thermo-electriques des divers amalgarnes.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 23 (Phys.), 1891, 370-400; Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 402-403. - Bjiianie jniHeiinaro cataiia IIPOBO.IOKTI Ha nxi TepMCOJeKTpIIHeCKia CBOfiCTBa. [Der Einfluss von linearer Pressung von Drahten auf ihre thermoelec- trischen Eigenschaften.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 23 (Phys.), 1891, 430-435; Exner, Repertm., 27, 1891, 625-630. — Magnetismus und Atomgewicht. (Autwort an Herrn L. ERREEA.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 566-569. — "MarHHTHaa" Ten.iOTa paciaHyTbix'b atejits- HHXl II HHKKeJieBHX'h npOBOJOKT,. [Chaleur mag- netique des fils de fer et de nickel soumis a une tension longitudinale.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 24 (Phys.), 1892, 1-8; Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 438. Bic'b BiiciiyroBEixi, n MarnieBLixi, [Poids specifiques des amalgames de bis- muth et de magnesium.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl. , 25 (Phys.), 1893, 219-224; Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 569. - TepsioajieKTpn'iecKia cBoilciBa najuia,T,ia. [Pro- prietes thermo-electriques du palladium.] liuss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 25 (Phys.), 1893, 256-263; JL Phys., 3, 1894, 570-571. (JmsuiecKia cBoiicTBa 29 Bachmetjevl 226 [Baciocchi Kynopoca. [Einige physikalische Eigenschaften von Kupfervitriol.] Russ. Phys.-Chera. Soc. JL, 25 (Phys.), 1893, 265-294; Fortschr. Phys., 1893 (Abth. 1), 130-131. — Hauptresultate der Untersuchungen iiber die elek- trischen Erdstrome in Bulgarien. Gottingen Nachr., 1894, 324-327. licMHtie 3JieKTpiniecKie TOKII. (9Kcnepn- MeHTajibHoe iisc-itaoBaHie.) [Sur les courants telluriques. Recherche experimentale.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 26 (Phys.), 1894, 31-76, 159-199; Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 579-580. . [The electric currents produced by heating homogeneous metal- lic wires.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 27 (Phys.), 1895, 1-24 ; Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 467. - 3.ieKTpinccKie TOEH, nojiymesme BCJit^cTsie oxjiaiKjienin pacn.iaBJieHHHXt MeTa.i.ioBi>. [Cou- rants electriques produits par le refroidissement des metaux fondus.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 27 (Phys.), 1895, 65-102; Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 469-470. Bachmetjev, Porfirij [Ivanni'ic], & Vaskov, P. OKpysKaiomen cpe^H na ynpyroe JieTaJIJIII'iecKIIXT) IIpOBO.IOK1>. [Influence of the sur- rounding medium on the elastic effect of a metallic wire.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 28 (Phys.), 1896, 217-220; JL Phys., 6, 1897, 610. Bachmetjev, Porfirij [Ivanoi'ic], & Vzarov, Ja. yjrjbjlb- nafl TeillOTa asia.ltraMt. [Sur les chaleurs specifiques des amalgames.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 25 (Phys.), 1893, 115-137; Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 238-239. ii3c.ifaoBanifl [Etudes thermometriques sur les amalgames.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 25 (Phys.), 1893, 237-255; Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 570. Bachmetjev, Porfirij [Ivanovic], Christodulos, Ch., & Georgiev, c'/i. li.iiHHie TejinepaTypti OKpyaaiomeS cpc;U'i iia H.'R'KTpiiiecKie TOKII ox.iajKjenifl. [Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur des umgebenden Mediums auf die elektrischen Abkuhlungsstrome.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 29 (Phys.), 1897, 14-21 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1897 (Abth. 2), 700. Bachmetjev, J'[ns//y] E[gorooic\. Meteorologische Beo- bachtungen ausgefiihrt am Meteorologischen Observa- torium der Landwirthschnftlichen Akademie bei Moskau (Petrowsko-Kazoumowskoje). Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 58, 1883, Beiluiit; 59, 1884, Beilaije; 60, 1884, Beilnge; 61, 1886, Ullage. _ L' inverno 1882-83 a Mosca. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 76. Bachmeyer, H'[ilhelm]. Zur Untersucbung von Tnnk- wasser. Fresenius, Ztsehr., 23, 1884, 353-357. Bachofen, F[riedrich]. Ascheuanalyse einer Cocosnuss. Chcm. Ztg., '24, 1900, 16. Bachofen, F[riedrich], & Henmann, Karl. Sec Heumann A Bachofen. Bachofen, l-'[nedrich], & Lunge, Georg. Set Lunge & Bachofen. Bachrach, Gretjnr, & Freund, Martin. See Freund A' Bachrach. Bachy, - , & Fracnell, -- . See Fraenell * Bachy. Bacinskij, Aleksej Josifovic. 0 saBIICIIMOCTII BHJ'TpeH- miro Tpeiiia jKii^KOCTeii OTT> IIXT> xiiMiiqecKon npllpn^u. [Ueber die Beziehung zwischen der Viscosi- tat mid der chemischen Constitution der Fliissigkeiten.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 14, 1900 (Pro*.), 56-59 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1900 (Abth. 1), 213. _ Ei KHHaMEreecEoi Teopin sureEipireecTBa. [Zur dyuamischen Theorie der Electricitat.] [1900.] Moscow, sin-. Sri. Hull.. 96 t.Vo. 2), 1901, 12-16; Fortschr. Phys., 1900 (AMi. 2), 369. Baciocchi, ". Di un caso di setticemia acuta dovuta al j>iieniii'»-"«-i> di'l Fii.\N(r)KKL. Sperimentale, 1893 (Comun. c Hit:), 378-384, Backe] 227 [Backhouse Backe, A\rnold], & Weigmann, H[ermami\. See Weig- m inn & Backe. Backelandt [i.e. Baekeland, J.D.], Leo [Hendrik]. Sur une nouvelle methode de separation et de dosage du cad- mium et du cuivre. Brux., Ac. Bull., 10, 1885, 7-56-759. — Sur 1'oxydation de 1'acide chlorhydrique sous 1'intlu- ence de la luruiere. Brux., Ac. Bull., 11, 1886, 194 (bis)- 199 (bis). Backer, Felix de. Therapeutique par les ferments figures. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1894 (Ft. 1), 257. — Des ferments figures (reine Ferrnente) antagonistes dans les affections microbiennes. Cougr. Int. Hyg. C. B. (1894, 2), 204-265. — Du traitement de certaines maladies microbiennes par 1'iujection des ferments figure's, a 1'etat vivaut. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 3, 3Ied.), 77-78. Backer, Felix de, & Bruhat, J. Nouvelle me'thode de traitement des maladies iufectieuses de nature micro- bienne, au moyeu de ferments figures. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (G. R.), 241. Backhaus, [Alexander}. Ueber Methoden, die Kuhmilch der Frauenmilch ahnlicher zu gestalten. Jl. Landw., 44, 1896, 279-298, 299-309. — Zusammensetzuug der Frauenmilch und deren Surro- gate. Kimigsb. Schr., 38, 1897, [33]-[36]. Backhaus, [Alexander], & Cronlieini, W. Ueber Keini- gung der Milch. Jl. Landw., 45, 1897, 207-236. Backhaus, Franz. Ueber Mesarteriitis syphilitica uud dereu Beziehung zur Aneurysmeubildung der Aorta. Beitr. Path. Anat., 22, 1897, 417^142. Backhouse, James. For biographical notice and works see Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 353-356. — Bos primigenius. Nature, 31, 1885, 482. — The names "Abies" and "Picea." Gard. Ghron., 26, 1886, 682-683. On a mandible of Machserodus from the forest-bed. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 42, 1886, 309. Backhouse, Ja mes (jun.). Physical geography, flora, and fauna of Iceland. [1884.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc., 1884-85, 25-26. — Ornithological notes from the French Pyrenees. Zoolo- gist, 8, 1884, 20-27. — Observations in the eastern Pyrenees. Ibis, 5, 1887, 66-74. — Winter notes from Corsica. Zoologist, 15, 1891, 371-376. — Occurrence of NATTERER'S bat in North Wales. Zoolo- gist, 2, 1898, 493-494. Backhouse, James (jun.), & Clarke, William Eagle. See Clarke ,v Backhouse. Backhouse, Thomas Willinm. *November meteors, 1877. Observatory, London, 1, 1878, 369-370. — "The red spot on Jupiter. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 250-251. - *The red patch on Jupiter. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 320-321. 'Variable stars of short period. Observatory, London, 5, 1882, 56-58. — "The dark spot on Jupiter in 1872. Observatory, London, 5, 1882, 86. [The remarkable sunsets, 1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 251-252. The supposed volcanic dust phenomena. [1884.] Nature, 30, 1884, 54-55, 359-360, 633-634 ; 31, 1885, 28. — The sky-glows. Nature, 30, 1884, 511. The thunderstorms of 1884. [1885.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 19, 1884, 186. Iridescent clouds. [1885.] Nature, 31, 1885, 192-193, 360-361 ; 33, 1886, 199. The luminous cirrus cloud of June and July. Svmons, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1885, 133. Proposed maps for tracing meteor-paths. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 19-22; Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 98-100. — The great shower of Audromedes, 1885. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 46, 1886, 309-313, 508. — FAERY'S Comet. Nature, 33, 1886, 366. — The iridescent clouds and their height. Nature, 33, 1886, 486. — FABBY'S Comet and BARNARD'S Cornet. Nature, 34, 1886, 29. — Luminous clouds. Nature, 34, 1886, 239 ; 41, 1890, 297-298. - The bright clouds. Nature, 34, 1886, 312. — The bright clouds and the aurora. Nature, 34, 1886, 386-387. — Land and sea breezes. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 121-122, 156. — BARNARD'S Comet. [1886-87.] Nature, 35, 1887, 54, 224. — BISHOP'S ring. Nature, 36, 1887, 102-103; 39, 1889, 412, 462 ; 48 (1893), 509. - The sky-coloured clouds. Nature, 36, 1887, 269, 556; 38, 1888, 196-197, 270. — BISHOP'S ring. The sky-coloured clouds. Nature, 36, 1887, 365. - The law of error. Nature, 36, 1887, 531. — 28 Andromedie. Observatory, London, 10, 1887, 274-275. — Day and night breezes. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 22, 1887, 6-7, 39. — Nebula in Andromeda and Nova, 1885. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 108-110. — The total eclipse of the moon, 1888 January 28. Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 48, 1888, 300-301. — Comet a 1888 (Sawerthal). Nature, 37, 1888, 536. — The zodiacal light and meteors. Nature, 38, 1888, 434. — White fog bows. [1888.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 23, 1889, 26. - The formation of ice. Nature, 39, 1889, 437. — BISHOP'S ring and allied phenomena. Nature, 40, 1889, 519. — The shining night-clouds. An appeal for observations. Nature, 40, 1889, 594. — The structure of the sidereal universe. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 50, 1890, 374-375 ; Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 337-342. - The "night-shining clouds." Nature, 42, 1890, 246. — Comet of 1889 (Borelly). Observatory, London, 13, 1890, 90. — The distribution of the naked-eye stars. Observatory, London, 13, 1890, 115-116. BARNARD'S ring nebula in Monoceros. Observatory, London, 13, 1890, 179-180. — The problem of probable error as applied to meteoro- logy. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 87-91. — Eainbows on scum. Nature, 43, 1891, 416. - The heights of auroras. Nature, 44, 1891, 541-542. — Apparent size of objects near the horizon. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 7-8. — The theory of halos and parhelia. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 26, 1892, 86. — Nacreous clouds. Nature, 45, 1892, 365. - The present comets. Nature, 46, 1892, 561. — The height and spectrum of auroras. [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 151. — Is the Sun a variable star? Observatory, London, 15 1892, 320-321. — . — Town fogs. [1892.] Symous, Meteorol. Mag., 27, 1893, 56. - The heights of auroras. [1892.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 27, 1893, 121. — The afterglows and BISHOP'S ring. [1893.] Nature 47 (1892-93), 582. 29—2 Backhouse] 228 [Backlund — The relative brightness of comets. Observatory, London, 16, 1893, 71-74, 204-205. — The aurora of February 28th. [1894.] Syiuons, Meteorol. Mag., 29, 1895, 40. — Variable orange stars. Observatory, London, 18, 1895, 94. - Barometric oscillations in calm weather. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 29, 1896, 179. - New variable orange stars. Observatory, London, 19, 1896, 160-161. - The aurora of 1896 March 4. Mouth. Not., 57, 1897, 73-74. Confirmed or new variable stars. Observatory, London, [1896.] Astr. Soc. 20, 1897, 278-279 ; 22, 1899, 97-98, 275-276. Watch for meteors of the quadrantid shower. [1898.1 Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 7, 1899, 2-3. Observations of the brightness of a Orionis, 1895-98. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 194-199. — [Remarkable lightning flashes.] Nature, 60 (1899), 520. - The Gegenschein. Observatory, London, 22, 1899, 364-365. Bacfclund, [Jolian] Ofscar]. To reference in No. 8 ( Vol. 9) add Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 217-218, 246, 278- 279,, 310. Elements et <5phem<5ride de la Comete d'EucKE. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 536-538, 600-602; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 29, 1884, 498-504. Ueber die Anwendung einer von P. TSCHEBYSCHEW vor^eschlagenen Interpolationsmethode. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 29, 1884, 477-498. . *Untersuchungen iiber die Bewegung des Encke'schen Cometen 1871-81. [1883.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 32, 1885, A'o. 3, 50 pp. Zur Entwickeluug der Storungsfunctiou. [1884.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 32, 1885, A'o. 4, 32 pp. Schreiben [betreffend den Encke'schen Cometen.] Astr. Nacbr., 114, 1886, 225-230. — Sur la masse de la planete Mercure. Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 473-475. — Comet Encke. Bearbeitung der Erschemung 1885 und die Verbindung derselben mit den vier vorherge- benden Erscheinungen. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 449-470. - Comet Encke 1865-85. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 34, 1886, No. 8, 43 pp. Dr. HA'RZEB'S Untemichungen iiber einen speciellen Fall des Problems der drei Korper. [1886.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 31, 1887, 125-138. — Sur la th^orie des satellites de Jupiter. Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 321-339. - Studien iiber den Sterncatalog "Positions moyennes de 3542 (Hoiles, determiners a 1'aide du cercle meridien il<> 1'oulkova dans les annfies 1840-69 et reduites a 1'epoque 1855,0." [1887.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 32, 1888, 53-77, 182-185. Schreiben betr. die Pulkowaer Declinationsbestim- mungen. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 155-158. Bemerkung iiber das Auftreten von hyperelementaren Gliedern in der " StiJrungstheorie." St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 32, 1888, 629-648. — Ueber die Herleitung der im achten Bande der "Ob- servations de Poulkova" enthaltenen Stern-Cataloge nebst einigen Untersuchungeu iiber den Pulkowaer Meridiankreis. [1888.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 36, 1889, A'o. 7, 100 pp. — Ueber die kleinen Divisoren bei den elementiiren (iliedern in der Theorie der Planetenbewegungen. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 273-302. Ueber einige von WINNECKE am Pulkowaer Meridian- kreise in den Jahren 1861-63 angestellte Beobachtungen. [1889.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 473-486. - Ilpej,BapiiTe,ibHuii OTMPTI, OUT, acTponoMii- iecKiixipa6oTax-bTiiMaHCKof[9Kcneji;nniiiJi'fe' 1889 rojja. Communication pi-ealable des points astrono- miques determines pendant 1'expedition aux monts Timane en 1889. St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 8, 1890, 233-250. — Elements et ephemeride de la Comete d'EucKE. [1891.] Bull. Astr., 8, 1891, 354-357; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 401-405. Anteckuingar friin tvenne resor i norra Ryssland, verkstalda aren 1889 och 1890 for astronomiska ortsbe- stamningar. [1891.] Feunia, 5, 1892, A'o. 6, 34 pp. (Res. 34). - Astronomische Ortsbestimmungen im nordliehen Russland. [1891.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 367-380. — Calculs et recherches sur la Comete d'Ex-cKE. [I. Tables pour le calcul de 1'anomalie excentrique et du logarithme du rayon vecteur. II. Perturbations par les planetes Venus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter et Saturne de 1871 jusqu'a 1891. III. Perturbations par les planetes Venus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter et Satnrne pendant la periode 1848-71. IV. Perturbations par les planetes Venus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter et Saturne de 1819 jusqu'a 1848. V. Perturbations par Mercure de 1819 jusqu'a 1891. VI. Perturbations produites par la Terre, Venus et Mercure dans la partie superieure de 1'orbite de la Comete.] [1891-98.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 38, 1892, A'o. 8, hi + 60 pp. ; 41, 1893, A'o. 3, xvi + 174pp., A'o. 7, vii + 153 pp.; 42, 1897, A'o. 7, 261 pp., A'o. 8, 66 pp.; 6, 1898, A'o. 13, xx + 37 pp. Ueber die Bewegung einer gewissen Gruppe der kleinen Planeten. [1891.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 38, 1892, A'o. 11, 54 pp. Ueber die Anwendung einer Formel von TCHEBYCHEW zur Entwickelung der Stbrungsfunction. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 121-128. Ephemeride des Eucke'schen Cometen [1894 Oct. 28.0-1895 Mars 29.0], Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 335-336, 379-384; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894, 261-265. Sur la masse de la plauiHe Mercure et sur 1'acceieration du mouvement moyen de la Comete d'EncKE. Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 473-485. Ueber die Storungen des Enckeschen Kometen. Deutsch. Natf. Verh.," 1894 (Th. 2, IliilJ'tc I), 27. 0 CBOIIX1, pafioTaXT.. [Notes. EXCKE'S comet. Mass of Mercury, Venus and the Earth.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894 (Prof.), 31-33. Sur Pintegration de 1'equation differentielle du rayon vecteur d'un certain groupe des petites planetes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1103-1107 ; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 6, 1897, 311-319. Sur les observations de 1'eclipse de Soleil du 9 aout dernier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 440-441. Beobachtungen der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss auf Nowaja Zemlja am 8. August 1896. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 17-20; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 6, 1897, 1-7. Sur la determination des termes a longues penodes dans 1'expression de la longitude des petites planetes du type de Hecube. Bull. Astr., 14, 1897, 321-325; 15, 1898, 5-9. Formeln zur Btrechnung augenaherter Bahneu der kleinen Planeten vom Hecuba-Typus nebst ihrer Anwen- dung auf den Planeten (184) Dejopeja. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 241-248. 2ur Frage von der Libration in den Bewegungen der Saturussatelliten. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1898, 313-324. [0 njanert IlpororeHeRfl. La planete Proto- geneia.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, 1. '- [OGi, oTiqiUToii r. BIITTOMT, HOBOfi Backlund] 229 LBacot La planete nouvelle, decouverte par 31. WITT.] St. P(5 tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, li. Ueber die Bewegung kleiner Planeten des Hecuba- Typus. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Me"m., 6, 1898, A'o. 10, 54 pp. — Verzeichniss von 103 Sternen welche wiihrend der lotaleu Mondfinsterniss 1898 Dec. 27 bedeckt werdeu konuen. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 73-76. — Sur la question des lacunes des petites plauetes. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 81-84. — Mesure d'un arc de meridien du Spitzberg. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 85-87. — Zur Theorie der Praeession und Nutation. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, 387-409. SV( also Dorpat University Observatory. Backlund, [Joliun] 0[scar], & Donner, Anders [Severin]. See Donner & Backlund. Backlund, [Johun] 0[scar], & Serafimov, V[asilij Vns.]. Angeniiherte Elemeute und Ephemeride des Encke'schen Conieten fiir das Jahr 1888. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 32, 1888, 467-472. Backlund, [Johan] Ofscar], & Wild, Ileinricli. See Wild it Backlund. Backman, H. Anteckuingar orn foglarue uti Salmis harad. [1886.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 15, 1888-89, 44-50. Bade, L[ouis Lucieri], Expose1 de la theorie cellulaire des proprietes de 1'acier. Genie Civil, 21, 1892, 71-73, 198-202. — La metallograpbie microscopique des alliages de cuivre d'apres M. GOILLEMIN. [1894.] Genie Civil, 24, 1893-94, 343-346. — Nouveaux essais cornparatifs pratiques sur les plaques en acier cemeute. Genie Civil, 25, 1894, 220-231. L'attaque des plaques cernente'es par les projectiles munis de coiffe. [1895.] Genie Civil, 28, 1895-96, 25-28. — Expose de la the'orie cellulaire des proprietes de 1'acier. Rev. Univ. Mines, 31, 1895, 18-39; 35, 1896, 121-143; 39, 1897, 25-36. — Chronographs a lumiere polarisee de MM. Albert Gushing CREHOEE et George Owen SQUIER. Genie Civil, 29, 1896, 247-250. — Experiences effectives avec le photochronographe Crehore et Squier pour determiner la vitesse du pro- jectile dans 1'interieur de 1'ame du canon. Genie Civil, 29, 1896, 2G7-270. — Essais comparatifs effectues en Autriche sur des plaques de blindage en acier cemente ou non. Genie Civil, 31, 1897, 100-102. — Disposition nouvelle du photochronographe de MM. CREHOKE et SQDIER. Genie Civil, 31, 1897, 136-138. — Nouveau telenietre pour batteries de cote de 31 31. Cushiug CREHORE et G. Owen SQUIER. [1897.] G6nie Civil, 32, 1897-98, 117-119. — Causes d'explosion de certaines chaudieres tenant aux avaries dans la region des rivures. Genie Civil, 33, 1898, 155-158, 169-171, 269-270; 34, 1898-99, 153-154. Bade, L[auis Lucien], & Fremont, Ch. Sur 1'emploi du poinconnage et du cisaillemeut cornme methodes d'essai des metaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 121, 1895, 713-716. Bacon, Alice E. Some orchids of eastern Vermont. Hhodora, 2, 1900, 171-172. Bacon, diaries A. Barometer exposure. Science, 8, 1886, 370. — Smith Observatory observations. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 137, 182, 230-231, 417, 467; 10, 1891, 36, 103. Bacon, Uorhani. Diseases of tbe rnastoid process, with a report of cases. Arch. Otol., 18, 1889, 280-307; Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1892, 47-66. — Malformation of the auricle. Plastic operation for tbe cure of the deformity. Arch. Otol., 19, 1890, 17-19. — Middle-ear operations. N. Y. Med. Jl. , 59, 1894, 460-462. A case of sarcoma of the neck involving the tonsil and causing deafness in a boy seven years of age. N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1895, 269-270. Bacon, (Rev.) John 3I[ackenzie]. On the actinic qualities of light as affected by different conditions of atmosphere. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 426-428. — Scientific ballooning. Smithsonian Rep., 1898, 307- 319. — On the value of possible observations from free bal- loons. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 176-177. — [On the audibility of sound in air.] Nature, 60 (1899), 484. — Cloud photography from balloons. Aeronaut. Jl., 4, 1900, 146-148. Bacon, Samuel E. Old squaw (Clangula hiemalis). Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 45. Bacot, .4. Variation of the larvaa of Saturnia Carpini. Ent. Record, 4, 1893, 199-200. — Notes on the ova of Selenia tetralunaria. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 207, 231-232. - The genus Smerinthus. Ent. Record, 6, 1895, 173- 181; 8, 1896, 151-152. — The relationship of Endromis versicolor to the Sphingides. [1896.] But. Record, 7, 1895-96, 227- 230, 246-248. — Notes on the breeding of Psilura mouacha. [1896.] Ent. Record, 7, 1895-96, 261-262. — [Notes on a series of Lophopteryx carmelita.] Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 150. — Notes on the life-history of Papilio machaon. Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 240-241. • [On the early stages of Psilura mouacha and its allies.] Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 248-249. — Notes on the early stages of Enodia hyperauthus. Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 307-308. — Notes on the early stages of Epinephele lanira. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 37-38. — Notes on the cocoon and pupa of Saturnia pyri. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 144-146. — On the trapezoidal tubercules of Saturnia. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 148. — Note on the newly emerged larva of Polygouia egea. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 178. — On the development and probable origin of certain ocellated spots in the larvae of Lasiocampa quercus and Odonestis potatoria. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 287-288. On the caudal horn of Agdistis. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 292-293. Notes on hybrid Smerinthus populi-ocellatus. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 299-302 ; 10, 1898, 7-8, 188-190. — The larvse of certain Geometrides. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 16-17. — The British liparid moths. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 29-31, 73-75, 91-93, 123-125, 140-143, 163-164. The origin of the stemapoda of Cerura. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 129-130. Notes on the larvie of Tephrosia bistortata and T. crepuscularia. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 177-179. — Notes on hybrids obtained by crossing Tephrosia bistortata with T. crepuscularia. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 192-194, 217-219, 297-299. Contribution to the life-history of Tinea vinculella, var. leopoldella. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 148-149. — On the relationship of the lepidopterous pupa to its larva. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 172-173. — Contribution to the life-history of Psyche zermattensis. Eut. Record, 11, 1899, 180-181.' — Vitality of Smerinthus ocellatus bred in confinement. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 108. — Newly-hatched larva of Erebia ceto. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 108-109, 140. — Eggs of Lepidoptera. Eut. Record, 12, 1900, 131- 132. Bacot] 230 [Badoux — Notes on the early stages of Laria v-nigra, Fair. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 132-133. Bacoucea, - — , .•. Babes, Victor. See Babes & Bacoucea. Baculo, B[artolomeo]. Dell' influenza del sistema nervoso sui fenonieni d' assorbimento; esperienze eseguite nel Laboratorio di Patologia Generale. Napoli, Rend., 26, 1887, 181-186. — Saggi sperimentali su' ceutri termici in alcuni peeilo- termi. Napoli, Rend., 33, 1894, 114-120; Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, FisioL), 179-181. Baculo, B[artolomeo], & Martini, A[ntonio\ de. See Martini & Baculo. Baczewski, 3/o.r. Chemische Untersuchung tier Samen von Nepheliurn lappaceum und des darin enthaltenen Fettes. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 26), 715-729; Mhefte. Chem., 1895, 866-880. — Zur Kenntniss der Arachinsaure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 26), 514-532; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 528-546. Badanelli, Dante. I diamanti di Pistoia. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, '.I, 1889, 45-48. La lignite del Termine nel cornune di Chianni (Pisa). Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 257-2.39. Badano, Faitxtn, & Fano, Giulio. See Fano & Badano. Badcock, J[nlin] Harry. Cleft palate and its treatment. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 30, 1887, 823-829, 855-858, 914-917. Badcock, John. On certain filaments observed in Suri- rella bifrous. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 352-353. — On Melieerta ringens : a chapter from the great book of nature as revealed by the microscope. [1885.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, 33-38. Bade, Pater. Die Ossifikation des menschlichen Fuss- Skeletts nach Rontgogrammeu. [1899.] Fortschr. Rontgenstr., 3, 1899-1900, 134-140. — Die Entwickluug des rneuschlicheu Skelets bis zur Geburt. Eine riintgographische Studie. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 55, 1900, 245-290. Badel, £[/<<•], & Imbert, Htnri. See Imbert & Badel. Baden, Andrew. *On the equitable apportionment of a fund between the life tenant and the reversioner. [1871.] Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, '269-276. *0n the formula for the market value of a complete annuity. Inst. Act. Jl., 17, 1873, 447^149. Baden-Powell, (Muj.) Jj[ud,-ii\ F[leteher] S[myth]. *Mili- tary ballooning. [With discussion.] [1883.] United Serv. Inst. Jl., 27, 1884, 735-756. A new principle of aerial navigation. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 814-815. Kites: their uses in war. [With discussion.'] United Serv. Inst. Jl., 39, 1895, 887-902. — Kites. [1897.] Aeronaut. JL, 2, 1898, 5. — Gliding machine. [1897.] Aeronaut. Jl., 2, 1898, 7. — Kites: their theory and practice. Aeronaut. Jl., 2, 1898, 33-41. - Kites. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 24, 1898, 262-265. - The secretary bird and his flight. Aeronaut. Jl., 4, 1900, 134. Baden-Powell, (Sir) George [Smyth]. For biographical notice and works set: Geogr. Jl., 13, 1899, 77-78 ; Nature, 59 (1898-99), 79. - Total eclipse of the Suu, 1896. The Novaya-Zemlya observations. [1896.] Phil. Trans. (A), 190, 1898, 197-204. Bailer, K[dauard], & Levy, S[iegmund], See Levy & Bader. Bader, Kieliard. Ueber die Affinitatsgrosseu organischer Siiuren und ihre Beziehung zur Zusammensetzung und Konstitution derselben. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 6, 1890, 289-318. — Ueber symuietrische Benzoltriderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1653-1655. — Ueber eine Methode zur alkalimetrischen Bestimmung von Phenol. Fresenius, Ztschr., 31, 1892, 58-60. — Ueber esterartige Verbinduugen des Holzgummis und der Xylose. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 55-56, 78-79. — Ueber den Cellulosegehalt des Fichteuholzes zu ver- schiedenen Jabreszeiten. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 856. — Ueber die Einwirkung raucbender Salpetersaure auf Xylose und Arabinose. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 1851. - Ueber Desoxyfuro'iu. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 1939. Badertscher, G[ustav] A[dolf]. Ueber den Eintiuas der Teinperatur auf Phosphorescenzerseheinungen. [1888.] Bern Mitth., 1889, 75-108. Badger, A[lfred] Bernard. A three-eyed reptile. Midland Natlist. , 9, 1886, 257-201. — Dragons of the prime. [1891.] Midland Natlist., 14, 1891, 217-223; 15, 1892, 1-9. Badger, A[lfred] Bernard, & Greenly, Edward. See Greenly & Badger. Badger, E[dward] W[iUiam\, & Harrison, W. Jerome. Geological map of Nottingham. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 135-137. Badger, George S. C. Some observations on the urine and blood in diabetes. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 2, 1898, lls-124. Badgley, (Co?.) lt'[illiain] F[rancis]. Some remarks on dew. Being notes on observations which were made to discover whether dew is all deposited from the air, or if some also comes from the earth and plants, and also what quantity is formed during the year. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 80-86. Badia, Gerardo. Sur le traitement electronietallurgique des mattes de cuivre pour 1'extraction du cuivre. [1884.] Lum. Elect., 14, 1884, 3-11, 46-51, 92-98; Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 6, 1885, 109-112, 166-170. Badik, Jahann. Eiutheilung der Verbrecher in vier Typen. Virchow, Arch., 97, 1884, 254-259. Badl, Victor, & Goldschmidt, Heinrich. See Goldschmidt * Badl. Badoureau, A. Sur les nuages lagers des regions superieures de 1'atmosphere terrestre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 663-664. — La constitution des regions superieures de 1'atmo- sphere. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 590-592. — Theorie des appareils employe's au lavage des matieres mine'rales. Ann. Mines, 7, 1885, 521-534. — Le charbon de terre : sa formation, son extraction, ses usages. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 589-596. — L'e'nergie : ses sources et ses transformations. Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 169-174. - Theorie du whist. Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 587-595. - Theorie du piquet. Rev. Sci. , 37, 1886, 299-302. — Coup d'oeil sur les sciences. Leurs moyens d'investi- gation, leur histoire, leur objet, leur utilite. Rev. Sci., 42, 1888, 34-41. IVn]. Ueher Condensations- producte des Isatins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 2637-2643. Baeyer, [Jolninn Friedrich Wilhelm} Adolf (Ritter) von, & Liebig, Hans vnn. Ueber den Doppelaldehyd der Adipinsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2106- 2110. Baeyer, [Jahann Frieilrich Wilhelm} Adolf (Ritter) vnn, & Loiir, Ilichnrd. Ueber das Paraamidotriphenyl- carbinol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1621-1628. Baeyer, [Jnliann Friedrich Wilhcliii} Adolf (Ritter) ran, & IHanasse, »[tto]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Nitroso- ohlorid auf Menthon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1912-1915. Baeyer, [Johanii Friedrich ll'ilhelm] Adolf (Ritter) von, & Noyes, William A[lbe.rt], Ueber die Succinylobern- steinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2168- 2178; Amer. Ass. Proc., 1889, 178-179. Baeyer, [Joliann Friedrich Wilhelm} Adolf (Ritter) von, * Fape, darl. Ueber Derivate des Orthoxylols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 447-448. Baeyer, [Joltann Friedrieh ll'i/helm] Adolf (Rittcr) von, & Perkin, William Henry (jun.). Ueber Benzoylessig- saure. (Zweite Mittheilung.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, .59-66. — Ueber Derivate des Hydrindonapbtens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 122-125. Neue Svnthesen von Napbtalinderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 448-453. Baeyer, [Jahann Friedrich Wilhelm} Adolf (Ritter) run, & Prentice, lifrtmm. [Ortsbestimmungen in der Ter- penreihe.] Beitriige zur Geschichte des Pulegons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1078-1084. Baeyer, [Jolmnn Friedrich Wilhelm} Adolf (Ritter) row, & Tutein, Friedrieh. Ueber die Reductionsproducte der Oxyterephtalsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2178-2189. Baeyer, [.Jnliann Friedrich Wilhelm} Adolf (Ritter) von, & Villiger, Victor. Ueber das /3-Lacton der asym- metrischen Ditnetbylapfelsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1954-1958. Ueber da- und trans -Isomene bei Lactonen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1958-1962. — [Ortsbestimmungen in der Terpenreihe.] Ueberfiihrung der monocyclischen Terpene in die zugehorigen Benzol- derivate. [Ueber die erschopfende Bromirung von Iso- geraniolen und Jonen.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1401-1405, 2067-2079, 3679 ; 32, 1899, 2429- 2447. — Einwirkung des Caro'schen Reagens auf Ketone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3625-3633; 33, 1900, 124-126, 858-864. Benzoyhvasserstoffsuperoxyd und die Oxydation des Benzaldehyds an der Luft. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1569-1585. — Ueber die, Nomenclatur der Superoxyde und die Super- oxyde der Aldehyde. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2479-2487. — Ueber die Einwirkung des Permanganats auf Wasser- stoffsuperoxyd und auf die Caro'sche Saure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2488-2497. — Ueber Diiithylperoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3387-3393. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelm} Adolf (Ritter) von, & Wirtt, Ernst. Ueber m-Dichlor- und Dibrom-Indigo. Lieljig's Ann., 294, 1895, 154-157. Baeyer, \Juhiniii Friedrich Wilhelm} Adolf (Ritter) run, Jay, R[iidi>lf}, & Jackson, L. Die Phenylhydrazin- verbinduugen des Succinylobernsteinsaureathers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2690-2692. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelm} Adolf (Ritter) von, Fettenkofer, Max Josef von, & Zimmermann, Clemens. See Fettenkofer, Baeyer it Zimmermann. Baeyer, Hans run, & Hofmann, Karl A[nd,Tea»}. Acetodi- phusphorige Siinre. Berlin, Cheru. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1973-1978. Baeyer, (den. Lt.) Johanii [uon Josef} Jakob. For bio- graphy and works see Astr. Nachr.,'ll2, 1885, 377-382; Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1885, 443-444; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 103 ; Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljschr., 21, 1886, 2-13 ; \Vien, Almanach, 36, 1886, 182-183 ; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 16, 1887, 6-9; Ciel et Terre, 8 (1887-88), 523- 527; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 352-353. — *Sur les travaux metrologiques executes par 1'Associa- tiou Gt'oilesique. Ann. Conserv. Arts et Met., 10, 1873, 159-161. Baflrcy, Liniis. Ueber einen neuen Sohaohtmuffelofen zur ununterbrochenen Zinkdestillation. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 539-541. Bagard, Henri [Louis}. Sur un etalon theruio-electrique de force electromotrice. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 849-851. — Sur les pheuomenes thermo-electriques au contact de deux electrolytes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 980- 982. Sur les pheuomenes thermo-electriques entre deux electrolytes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 27-29. Sur 1'inversion du phenomene de PELTIER entre deux I'li'ctrolytes au dehl du point neutre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1126-1128. Bagard] 2.35 — Sur le transport electrique de la chaleur dans les Electrolytes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 97-100. — Sur les forces <51ectrouiotrices thermo-electriques entre deux electrolytes et le transport electrique de la chaleur dans les electrolytes. Ann. Chim., 3, 1894, 83-138. — Sulla reale esistenza del fenomeno di HAI.L nei liquidi. Nuovo Cimento, 4, 1896, 383-388. — Sur le phenomene de HALL dans les liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 77-79; 123, 1896, 1270-1273 • 124, 1897, 56; .11. Phys., 5, 1896, 499-508. — — Sur la realite du phenomene de HALL daus les liquides. Eclairage Elect., 15 (1898), 98-102. — Sur les variations de resistance d'uu conducteur eUec- trolytique dans un champ magnetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 91-93. Bagg, Egbert. The turkey buzzard in central New York. Auk, 2, 1885, 109. — Nesting of the saw whet owl. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 56-57. — Nesting of the black-throated blue warbler. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 90-91. — Additions to the list of birds of Oneida county, New York. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 58-59. — Runt eggs. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 59. — A series of Florida eggs of the bald eagle. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 73-74. — Birds of Oueida county, New York. Auk, 11, 1894, 162-164. — Some new records from central New York. Auk, 14, 1897, 226-227. — Bird news from central New York. Auk, 17, 1900 177-178. Bagg, Egbert, & Ralph, W\illlam\ L. See Ralph & Bagg. Bagg, Rufus Mather. The Cretaceous Foramimfcra of New Jersey. [1895.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [15 (1895-96),] 10-12. — The occurrence of Cretaceous fossils in the Eocene of Maryland. Amer. Geologist, 22, 1898, 370-375. - The Tertiary and Pleistocene Foraminifera of the middle Atlantic slope. [1898.] Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Bull. Amer. Paleont., 2 (1896-98), 295-348. - The Cretaceous Foramiuifera of New Jersey. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 88, 1898, S9 pp. Bagg, Rufus Mather, Clark, William BullocTc, & Shattuck, George Tlurliank. See Clark, Bagg & Shattuck. Baggi, Vittorio. Sulla flessione dei cannocchiali nella misura delle distanze zenitali. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 307-319; Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 353-358. — Sulla forma piu eonveniente da dare ai sostegni del cannocchiale nei teodoliti e nei livelli. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 39-48. — Esame del compenso fra lo scavo ed il riporto nei progetti stradali. [1898.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 471-41)8 or 701-728. Baginsky, Adolf. *[Vorlaufige Mittheilung fiber toxisehe Substanzen im diphtherischen Harn.] [1883.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1884, 176-177. — Ueber das Verhalten von Xanthin, Hypoxauthin und Guanin. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phi/siol. Abth.), 1884 456. — Ueber das Vorkommen von Xanthiu, Guanin und Hypoxanthin. [1884.] Ztschr. Physiol. Cheui., 8, 1883-84, 395-103. — Ueber Acetonurie bei Eindern. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1887, 349-350; Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 3), 596-597. — Demonstration zur reducirenden Wirkung der Bak- terien. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Pln/siol. Abth.), 1887, 583-584. — ZurBiologiedernornmlenMilchkothbacterien. Ztschr. Physiol. Chern., 12, 1888, 434-462; 13, 1889, 352-364. — ZweiFallevonPyamiebeijungenSauglingeu. Virchow, Arch., 115, 1889, 4(50-482. [Baglietto — Ueber Cholera infantum. [1889.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., -2IJ, 1890 (Th. 2), 133-153. — Ueber die Cocoidienkrankheit der Kaniucheu. [1892.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1893, 192-193. — Zur Aetiolog'ie der Diphtheric. [1892.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 23, 1893 (Th. 2), 1-8. — Albuminurie und Nephritis bei Diphtherie. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 3, Pediatr.}, 13. — Die Anwenduug des Antistreptokokken-Serum (MAR- MOREK'S) gegen Scharlach. [1896.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 27, 1897 (Th. 2), 116-127. — Ueber Verandetungen des Blutes in Krankheitszu- stiinden des kindlicheu Alters. Congr. Int. Med. C. R. , 1897 (Vol. 3, Sect. 6), 21-34. — Zur Pathologie der Durehfallkrankheiteu der Kinder. [1896.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 28, 1898 (Th. 2), 1-16. — Ueber allgemeine und ortlicbe Blutentziehungen iu der Kinderheilkuude. [1898.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 29, 1899 (Th. 2), 204-216. — Ueber Pericarditis im Kindesalter. [1898.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 29, 1899 (Th. 2), 391-412. Baginsky, Adolf, & Lehmann, Curt. Zur Function des Corpus striatum. (Nucleus caudatus.) Experimentelle Studie. Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886, 258-281. Baginsky, Adolf, & Sommerfeld, Paul. Zur Cbemie der kindlichen Galle. Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1895, 562. — Ueber Ausscheidung von Xanthinkiirpern bei Nephritis. Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1895, 562-563. — Zur Kenntniss der Ausscheidung von Alloxurkorpern bei Erkraukungen des kindlichen Alters. Ztschr. Pbysiol. Chern., 21, 1895-96, 412-421. — Ueber einen coustanten Bacterienbefund bei Scharlach. [1900.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 31, 1901 (Th. 2), 174- 197. Baginsky, Benno. Die Beziehungeu des Baus des Laby- rinths zurFimktiou desselben. [With discussion,] Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R., 1884 (T. 1, Physiol.), 33-40. — Zur Physiologic der Bogengiinge. Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1885, 253-266. — Bemerkungen zu dern " Bericht fiber die vom 1. April 1881 bis 1. April 1884 in der otiatrischeu Universitats- kliuik zu Berlin behandelten Ohrenkrauken von Dr. L. JACOBSON, Assistenzarzt." Arch. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1885, 143-145. — Zur Eutwicklung der Gehorschnecke. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 28, 1886, 14-37. — Ueber den Ursprung und deu ceutralen Verlauf des Nervus acusticus des Kanincheus. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 255-258; Virchow, Arch., 105, 1886, 28-46. — Ueber deu Ursprung imd den centraleu Verlauf des Nervus acusticus des Kaninchens und der Katze. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1889, 635-639; Virchow, Arch., 119, 1890 81-93. — Horsphare und Ohrbewegungen. [Vorlaufige Mitthei- lung.] Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 458. — Horsphare und Ohrbewegungeu. Arch. Auat. Physiol (Physiol. Abth.), 1891, 227-235. — Ueber das Verhalten von Nervenendorganen nach Durchschneidung der zugehorigen Nerven. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1893, 559-560; Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894, 389-404. Bagley, Krnest, & Brearley, Harry. SCHOFFEL'S process for estimating tungsten in steel. Chem. News 82 1900 270-271. Bagley, William Chandler. The apperception of the spoken sentence : a study in the psychology of language. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 12, 1900-01, 80-130. Baglietto, F[rancesco], Primo censimento dei Funghi della Liguria. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 18 1886 230- 285. - Lichenes Abyssinici a cl. Prof. O. PENZIG collect!. Malpighia, 6, 1892, 206-213. 30—2 Bag-lioniJ 236 Baglioni, Silvestro. Der Athmungsmechanismus des Frosches. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900 (Su/.pl.), 33-511. — Physiologische Differenzirung verschiedener Mechanis- men des Riickenmarkes. (Physiologische Wirkung des Strychnins und der Carbolsaure.) Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900 (Suppl.), 193-242. Chemische Reizung des Grosshirns beim Frosche. [1900.] Centrbl. Physiol., 14, 1901, 97-99. Bagnalli Ernest Harold. Methanetrisulphouic acid. [1898.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 14, 1899, 182; Chem. Soc. Jl., 75, 1899 (Ft. I), 278-286. Bagnall, Gerald. Long-distance levelling. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 121, 1895, 152-169. Bagnall, James E[u*tuce]. The flora of Warwickshire. An account of the flowering plants and ferns of the county of Warwick. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 12-15, 45-48, 75-80, 112-116, 154-157, 198-201, 221-225, 261- 267, 288-293, 324-327; 8, 1885, 18-23, 48-54, 78-83, 234-235, 266-268, 291-295, 348-352; 15, 1892, 154-157, 211-214; 16, 1893, 22-23, 43-47, 69-70, 116-119, 141- 143, 161-164, 206-212, 229-234, 251-260, 260-262. A fungus foray in the Middleton district. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 339-341. - Anker flora. Midland Natlist., 8, 1885, 28. Additions to the flora of Sutton Park. Midland [Baiardi Natlist., 8, 1885, 56. — Abnormal inflorescence of the hazel. Midland Natlist., 8, 1885, 84. — Lycopodium clavaturn. Midland Natlist., 8, 1885, 85-86. — Notes on the Anker valley and its flora. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 54-58, 69-73, 89-92. • A half-day's ramble in the Arrow district. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 117-119. — Nitella glomerata, Cher., in Warwickshire. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 182. - New British moss. Midland Natlist., 10, 1887, 182-183. — Notes on the Warwickshire Stour valley and its flora. Midland Natlist., 11, 1888, 25-28, 67-71, 98-103. - A new bramble. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 372-373. — New localities for rare Warwickshire plants. Midland Natlist., 16, 1893, 204-206. — Rubus mercicus b. bracteatus, n. rar. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 187. - New Staffordshire plants. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 283. — The mosses and hepatics of Staffordshire. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 72-77, 108-114. — Mosses of the Wnion valley, Merionethshire. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 217-220. - Merionethshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 175-179. — Buxbaumia aphylla in Worcestershire. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 226. - Staffordshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 440. Bagnall, James E[u«tace], * Grove, W[illiam] B[ywater]. Set' Grove & Bagnall. Bagnall, L. J. Notes on the occurrence of kauri-gum in the kahikatea forest at Turua. [1896.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 29, 1897, 412-413. Bagnera, G[iuseppe]. Sopra i determinant! che si possono formare cogli stessi n2 element!. Giorn. Mat., 25, 1887, 228-231. — Sul luogo del contatti tripuuti delle curve di un fascio con le curve di una rete. [1895.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 10, 1896, 81-106. — Sopra la costruzione del gruppo dell' icosaedro. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 11, 1897, 87-89. — La composizione dei gruppi h'niti il cui grado e la quinta potenza di un uumero primo. Ann. Mat., 1, 1898, 137-228. — Sopra i divisori normali d' indice primo di un gruppo linito. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 63-67. Un teorema relative agli invariant! delle substituzioni di un gruppo Kleiniano. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. I), 340-346. — Sopra i gruppi astratti di grado 32. Ann. Mat., 2, 1899, 2113-275. Sul teorema dell' esistenza delle funzioni Fuchsiane. Rev. Math., 11, 1896-99, 31-34. Bagneris, F.[mii m- ]. Coloborua lie la choro'ide et du nerf optique. Ann. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 98-100. — Mesure rapide du pouvoir dioptrique des lentilles. Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 273-275. Bagnol, Eugene. Acclimatation en Tunisie. France Soc. Acclim. Bi'ill., 41, 1894 (Sem. 2), 285-287. • Le jujubier lotus et le jujubier epine du Christ en Algerie et en Tunisie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 44, 1897, 153-157. Bagnold, (.!/(//.) [Arthur Henri/], * Cardew, (M.), :(2-36. Contributo allo studio dei tumori rari della mammella. S)K riuientale, 1892 (Mem.), 250-259. — Contribuzione alia statistica ed alia terapia della tubiTColosi articolare nei bambini. Sperimentale, 1893 (Mem.), 112-115. Ernie dell' appeudice vermiforme del cieco. Speri- mentiile. 1895 (Comun. e Kir.), 323-335, 346-360. Baiardi, P[ietro]. De la vision chez les astigmatiques. [lsss.| Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, HI. Baiardi] 237 [Bailey — Une modification a I'ophtalmometre pour mesurer en m£me temps les deux meridiens principaux de la eornee. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 415. • Contribution a 1'histologie cornparee de 1'iris. Arch. Ital. Biol., 19, 1893, 210-213. Baichere, (I' abbe) Ed. Note sur la vegetation des environs de Carcassonne. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888, xxviii- xxxv. — Herborisations dans le Cabardes et le Minervois (versant meridional de la Montague Noire) (Aude). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888, 1-lx. — Sur le passage du calcaire de Ventenac a la formation a lignite du Languedoc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 79(5-797. — Nayades de 1'Aude. 1890, 117-132. Faunule malacologique France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 7, [1892.] de Carcassonne. Feuille Jeunes Natural.," 22, 1891-92, 63-158. Baichere, (TuMe") Ed. , & Gautier, H[aston]. See Gautier & Baichere. Baler, Anton. Teratologisches. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 35, 1885, 117-119. — Zur Flora der Umgebung von Bielitz und Biala. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 88-92, 130-131. Baier, Eduard. Ueber Buttersauregiirung. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), .1, 1895, 17-22, 84-87, 118-120. — Die Pilztiora der Milch und ihre Beziehungen zuin Kasereifungsprozess. Centrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 2), 3, 1897, 530-534. Baier, Julius. Low pressure in St. Louis tornado. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 24 (1896), 332. Wind pressures in the St. Louis tornado, with special reference to the necessity of wind bracing for high buildings. [With discussion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 37, 1897, 221-307. Baigneres, H[itstin-e], & Dumoiit, Georges. See Duiuoiit A Baigneres. Baigneres, G[ustave], Dumont, Georges, & Lencauchez, [Jacques] A[lexnndre]. See Dumont, Baigneres A: Lencancnez. Bail, Onkar. Ueber leukocide Substanzen in den Stoff- wechselproducten des Staphylocoecus pyogenes aureus. Arch. Hyg., 30, 1897, 348-371; 32, 1898, 133-171. Ueber das Freiwerden der baktericiJen Leukocyteu- stoffe. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 2), 2(50-264. Untersuchungeu fiber die Beeinflussing der Serum- alexine durch Bacterien. Arch. Hyg., 35, 1899, 284- 354. — Vergleichende Untersuchungen fiber rnilzbrandfeind- liche Eigenschaften im Organismus des Hundes und Kaninchens. Centrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 1), 27, 1900, 10-21. Weitere Untersuchuugen fiber milzbrandfeindliche Eigenschaften des Hundeorganismus. Ceutrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 1), 27, 1900, 517-525. Bail, [Carl Adolph Emmo] Th[eodor]. *Ueber Pilzkrank- heiten der Insecten. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 132, 184. — *Ueber unterirdische Pilze. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1880, 80-81. — Erganzung und Beriehtigung zu BREFELD'S Behand- lung der Uahmugsfrage. Bot. Ztg., 42, 1884, 326-327. — Botauische Notizeu. [1886.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884- 87 (Heft 3), 14. [Botauisehe Mittheilungen.] [1889-91.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 2), 170-171, (Heft 4), 22-25; 8, 1892-94 (Heft 1), 3-4. — [Botanische und naturwissenschaftliche Beobach- tungeu.] [1889.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 3), 2-6. - Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen. [1893.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892-94 (Hefte 3 & 4), 242-243. — [Durchwaehsungen von Pflanzen und Ptiauzentheilen.] [1895.] Danzig Schr., 9, 1895-98 (Heft 2), xxviii-xxix. Biologische Mittheilungen fiber Pilze. [1898.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 (Heft 1), xi-xii. — Die Thierklasse der Kopffiisser oder Tiutenschnecken. [1899.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 (Hefte 2 & 3), vii-xi. Skizzen aus der Klasse der Algen. [1899.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 (Hefte 2 & 3), 9-11. Bailey, Arthur Hutcheson. *An approximate expression for the value of an assurance, life against life. Assur. Mag., 9, 1861, 299. - *Mr. FINLAISON'S report and the English life table. Assur. Mag., 9, 1861, 357-360. *Estimates of the liabilities of life assurance com- panies. [1863.] Assur. Mag., 11, 1864, 111-112. *0u the rate of mortality at the period of early man- hood. [1868.] Inst. Act. Jl., 14, 1869, 247. — *0n insolvency in life assurance companies. [1871.] Inst. Act. JL, 16, 1872, 389-498. *The pure premium method of valuation. [1878.] Inst. Act. Jl., 21, 1879, 115-126. Bailey, Arthur Hutcheson, & Day, Archibald. *0n the rate of mortality prevailing amongst the families of the peerage during the 19th century. Assur. Mag., 9, 1861, 305-326. Bailey, Charles. Notes on the structure, the occurrence in Lancashire, and the source of origin, of Naias graminea, Delile, var. Delilei, Magnus. [1884.] Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 305-333 ; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem., 10, 1887, 29-75. On the Caernarvonshire station of Rosa Wilsoni, liorrer. [1884.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 24, 1885, 20-22. — New Anglesey station for Chamagrostis minima. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 220. — Ranunculus flammula, Linn., and R. reptans, Linn.; and their connecting links. [1886.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 26, 1887, 47-51. — Forms and allies of Ranunculus nammula, Linn. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 135-138. — Arenaria gothica (E. Fries), as a plant new to Britain. [1889.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 3, 1890, 8-12. — [Boussingaultia baselloides, Humb. et Kunth.] [1890.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 4, 1891, 13-15. — [European and extra-European species of the genus Pedicularis.] [1890.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 4, 1891, 28-29. — [Remarks on the anatomy of the Iris sibirica, Linn.] [1894.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 9, 1895, 11-12. — Maize. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans. , 1898, 48-57. — [Note on the structure of the peculiar permanent sheath which encloses the extremity of each root and rootlet of Pontederia (Eichhornia) crassipes.] [18U9.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 43, 1900, x. Bailey, E[dgar] H[enry] S[ummerfield]. A preliminary report on the composition of the coals of Kansas. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1884, 171. — Report of the commission on chemistry upon the year's progress. I. Organic and physiological chemistry. [1884.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 9, 1885, 87-88. — On the occurrence of bromides and iodides in the water of an artesian well at Independence, Kas. [1885.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 10, 1887, 22-23. — Miscellaneous chemical notes. [I. On the presence of barium, strontium and lithium in the mineral waters of Kansas. II. Mineral oil from Fort Scott. III. Ells- worth county mineral waters.] [1886.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 10, 1887, 62-63. — On the newly discovered salt beds in Ellsworth county, Kansas. [1887.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 8-10. — Some experiments on the relation between the taste and the acidity of certain acids. [1887.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 10. Bailey] 238 [Bailey The composition of Kansas coals. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 411-49. — On the economic value of corn-cobs. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 49-50. — Some Kansas mineral waters. [1889.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 25-29. — On the minerals constituting a meteorite found in Kiowa county, Kan. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1890, 172; Science, 16, 1890, 206. — " Feather alum " from Colorado. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 101. - The Tonganoxie meteorite. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891. 385-387. - The Great Spirit spring mound. [1892.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 1, 1893, 85-87. — Observations on a cyclone near Williamstown, Kansas. Science, 22, 1893, 3. On the delicacy of the sense of taste among Indians. [1893.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 2, 1894, 95-98. — Natural gas and coal oil in Kansas. [1895.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 4, 1896, 1-14. — On the composition of the Louisville mineral water. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 117-119. — The chemical composition of cement plaster. [1897.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 38-40. — On the occurrence of nitrates in well-waters. [1898.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 40-42. — On the chemistry of gypsum, plaster of Paris, and cement plaster. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 5, 1899, 134-170. — The new chemical laboratory of the University of Kansas. Science, 12, 1900, 997-1001. Bailey, E\diri/\ H\iiniiiiiriii'ld\, it Slosson, Edit-in E\mi'ry]. On barite and associated minerals in the concretionary rocks nf rastern Kansas. [1889.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 45 - -ir,. Bailey, E[d[ si-partition and estimation of zirconium. Chem. Soc. .11., -Ill, 1886, 149-152, 481-485; Liebig's Ann., 232, 1886, 3.J2-357. Bailey] 239 [Bailey Notes on an analysis of koppite. Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 153-154 ; Liebig's Ann., 232, 1886, 357-359. — An apparatus for the determination of the temperature of decomposition of salts. Chem. Soc. Proc., 2, 1886, 205-206. — Die Compouenteu der Absorptionsspectra erzeugenden seltenen Erden. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2769-2770, 3325-3327; 21, 1888, 453, 1520-1522. — The atomic weight of zirconium. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 636. — The absorption spectra of rare earths. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 654. The absorption spectra of the haloid salts of diilymium. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 654-655. — Silver suboxide. Chem. News, 55, 1887, 263. — The determination of atomic weights by means of the normal sulphate. Chem. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 676-683. On the influence of mass on the course of chemical decomposition, with especial reference to technical processes. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 6, 1887, 91-93. — A double sulphate of lead and alumina. Sue. Chem. Ind. JL, 6, 1887, 415. — On the vitrified cement from an ancient fort. Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 2, 1889, 185-188. — Estimation and occurrence of sulphur in coal. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, 360-364. — Zirconium and its atomic weight. [1889.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 46, 1890, 74-87. The spectra of the haloid salts of didymium. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 773. — Fermentation, putrefaction, aud decay: a chemico- microscopical study. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1891, xxv-xxxviii. — Conditions affecting plant life in a town atmosphere. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1892, 781. — Some aspects of town air as contrasted with that of the country. [1893.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 8, 1894, 11-17. — Stability of the oxides considered in relation to the periodic law. Chem. Soc. JL, 65, 1894, 315-320. — Volatilisation of salts during evaporation. (Preliminary paper.) Chem. Soc. JL, 65, 1894, 445^50. The volatilisation of salts during evaporation. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 14, 1895, 1020-1021. Bailey, Geurge H[erl/ert\, & Cain, John Cannell. A method of quantitative analysis. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 772-773. — A simple aud rapid method of gravimetric analysis. Soc. Chem. lud. JL, 10, 1891, 329-330. Bailey, George Herbert], A Ewan, Thomas. The micro- organisms and other impurities in the air of towns. Jl. State Med., 2, 1894, 13-19. Bailey, George H[crbert], & Fowler, Gilbert John. Sub- oxide of silver, Ag4O. Chem. Soc. JL, 51, 1887, 416- 419. — Some reactions of the halogen acids. Chem. Soc. JL, 53, 1888, 755-761. Bailey, George Herbert], & Hopkins, Jr[i7/iam] B[eechey]. Behaviour of the more stable oxides at high temperatures. (Part I.) Cupric oxide. Chem. Soc. Jl., 57, 1890, 269- 272. Bailey, George Herbert], & Johnston, J\ohii\ H[aslam]. On some points in the analysis of water. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 18, 1899, 455-457. Bailey, George H[erbert], & Lamb, Thornton [diaries]. The atomic weight of palladium. Chem. Soc. JL, 61, 1892, 745-753. Bailey, George H[erbert], & Read, A[rthur] A[very]. The behaviour of the more stable oxides at high temperatures. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 773. Bailey, H. B. Breeding habits of the Everglade kite. Auk, 1, 1884, SIS. The cardinal grosbeak and tufted titmouse breeding in Essex county, New Jersey. Auk, 3, 1886, 410. — Singular nesting site of WILSON'S thrush. Auk, 3, 1886, 489. — The brown thrush laying in the nest of the wood thrush. Auk, 4, 1887, 78. Bailey, Henry. An alloy of tin and sodium with a definite composition. Chem. News, 65, 1892, 18. - The analysis of tin slag. Chem. News, 73, 1896, 88. — The determination of unsaponifiable oil in greases with a lime base. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 174. Bailey, J. F. Plants of the rabbit-infested country, Bulloo river, S. Q. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 448-454. Bailey, J. Harold. Coleoptera in the Manchester district during 1897. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 30-33. Bailey, J[ames] K., & Acres, S[ulomon] F[arley~\. Ueber 3-Oxy-5-alkyl-triazol-l-propionsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1520-1537, 41'.I2. Bailey, Jacob Whitman. For biographical notice and list of works see Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888, 118-124. Bailey, James, & Thiele, Johannes. See Thiele & Bailey. Bailey, James Spencer. To biographical references (Vol. 12) add Brooklyn Ent. Soc. Bull., li, 1883-84, 48 ; Leopoldina, 20, 1884, 57. Bailey, Jo hnE. An apparatus for determining the amount of sugar in diabetic urine. N. Y. Med. JL, 41, 1885, 313-314. Bailey, L[iberty] H[yde]. Notes on Carex. Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 117-122, 137-141, 203-208, 293-296, 317-319, 379-382; 11, 1886, 328-330; 13, 1888, 82-89; 17, 1892, 148-153; 21, 1896, 1-8; 25, 1898, 270-272. — Flowers of the wild strawberry. [1885.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 309. — A preliminary synopsis of North American Carices, including those of Mexico, Central America and Green- laud, with the American bibliography of the genus. Amer. Ac. Proc., 22, 1887, 59-157. — The origin of the tomato from a morphological stand- point. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 573-576. — Bud on a pear stem. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 270. Sketch of the flora of Vermilion Lake and vicinity. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 7-10. — Plants collected or observed on the bluff at Duluth, July 17, 1886. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 44-45. — Plants collected or observed on Hunters' Island, British America, July 26 aud 27, 1886. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 55-56. - The black maple. Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888, 213-214. — Tubular cabbage leaves. Garden & Forest, 1, 1888, 392. — Carex notes from the British Museum. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 321-323. — ...Notes on Carex. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 218-220; 17, 1890, 61-64; 20, 1893, 417-426. Studies of the types of various species of the germs Carex. Notes on Carex. [1889.] Torrey Bot. Club Mem., 1, 1889-90, 1-85. — An analysis of grafting. Garden & Forest, 3, 1890, 100-102. — Carex rigida, Gooden., and its varieties. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 171-173. Do varieties run out ? Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 58- if - On the supposed correlations of quality in fruits: a study in evolution. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1892, 211; Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 495-497. — Pyrus ioensis. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 60. — Crosses and crossing of plants. Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 2-4. — Is grafting a devitalizing process ? Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 39-40, 50-51. — Primus hortulana. Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 90. - The apple scab again. Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 490. — Are American varieties of fruits best adapted to 59. Bailey] 240 [Bailey American conditions? Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 518- 520. — New Califoruian Carices. [1891.] California Ac. Proc., 3, 1893, 104-106. — Relation of age of type to variability. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1894, 255; Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 380-3*1. — Whence came the cultivated strawberry ? Amer. Nat- list. , 28, 1894, 293-306. — Sketch of the relationship between American and eastern Asian fruits. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1894, 437-442. — Some interrelations of climatology ami horticulture. [1895.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 431-435. — Experimental evolution amongst plants. Amer. Nat- list. , 29, 1895, 318-325. - Plant breeding. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 318-319. - Variation after birth. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 17- 24. The factors of organic evolution from a botanical standpoint. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., 35, 1896, 88-111, 113-114. • Morphology of the Canna flower. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 222-223; Science, 4, 1896, 440-441. • The philosophy of species- making. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 454-462." — On the untechnical terminology of the sex-relation in plants. Science, 3, 1896, 825-827. Instructions for taking phenological observations. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 24 (1896), 328-331. Notes on the cultivated Brassicas. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 321-322. Hybridisation in the United States. [1899.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 24 (1900), 209-213. Bailey, L[ibfrly] H[i/de], Arthur, J[oseph] Charles], & Hoiwny, E[dward] ir[ille(] D[orlard]. See Arthur, Bailey A Holway. Bailey, Lorimj W\part~\. On the Acadian basin in American geology. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 717. — Report of explorations and surveys in portions of York and Carleton counties, New Brunswick, 1884. [1884.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 1882-84, G1-G31, xix. — On geological contacts and ancient erosion in southern and central New Brunswick. [1884.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1885 (Sect. 4), 91-97. — Report of explorations and surveys in portions of the counties of Carleton, Victoria, York and Northumber- land, New Brunswick, 1885. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1886, G1-G30. — The deepest fresh-water lake in America. Science, 8, 1886, 412-413. — On the Silurian system of northern Maine, New Brunswick and Quebec. [1886.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1887 (Sect. 4), 35-41. — Geology and geologists in New Brunswick. [1886.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 2, 1887, 93-96. On the relics of the stone age in New Brunswick. N. Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., 6, 1887, 3-16. — Notes on the physiography and geology of Aroostook county, Maine. [1887.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1888 (Sect. 4), 39-44. — On the Acadian and St. Lawrence water-shed. Canad. Rec. Sci., 3, 1889, 398-413. — On some relations between the geology of eastern Maine and New Brunswick. [1888.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 7, 1890 (Sect. 4), 57-68. — Presidential address : On the progress of geological investigations in New Brunswick. [1889.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 7, 1890 (Sect. 4), 3-17. — The gold-bearing rocks of New Brunswick, and the possible discovery of remunerative gold deposits in that province. [1891.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1892 (Sect. 4), 21-27. — The mountain systems of America. A comparative study. [1895.] N. Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., 12, ' 1894, .\ii[iend. C. — Notes on the surface geology of south-western Nova Scotia. [1890.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 8, 1895, 1-8. — Preliminary report on geological investigations in south-western Nova Scotia. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 6, 1895, Q1-Q21. — Some typical sections in south-western Nova Scotia. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 640. — The Bay of Fundy trough in American geological history. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 3, 1897 (Sect. 4), 107-116. Notes on the geology and botany of Digby Neck. [1894.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 68-82. — Some Nova Scotian illustrations of dynamical geology. [1896.] N. Scotia lust. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 180-194. Report on the geology of south-west Nova Scotia, embracing the counties of Queen's, Shelburne, Yarmouth, Digby and part of Annapolis. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 9, 1898, M1-M154. - Triassic (?) rocks of Digby basin. N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 356-360. - The mineral resources of the province of New Bruns- wick. [1898.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 10, 1899, Ml- M129. Bailey, Lor ing W[oart], & Mclnncs, jriV/inm. Report on explorations in portions of the counties of Victoria, Northumberland and Restigouche, New Brunswick. To accompany quarter sheet map 2. N.W. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 2, 1887, N1-N19. — Report on explorations and surveys in portions of northern New Brunswick, and adjacent areas in Quebec, and in Maine, U. S. [1888.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 3, 1889, M1-M52, xiv. — Report on portions of the province of Quebec and adjoining areas in New Brunswick and Maine relating more especially to the counties of Temiscouata and Rimouski, P.Q. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 5, 1893, M1-M28. Bailey, Loring W \part~], & Matthew, George Frederick]. See Matthew A Bailey. Bailey, 1'mrc?. Three cases of Brown-Sequard paralysis, with remarks on the sensory tract in the human spinal cord. N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 294-298. Bailey, Pearce, & Ewing, James. A contribution to the study of acute ascending (LANDEY'S) paralysis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 1-10, 41-43. Bailey, .S'. C. H. A new meteoric iron from West Virginia. Science, 6, 1885, 563. — On an aerolite from Rensselaer county, New York. Amer. Jl. Sci., 34, 1887, 60-62. Bailey, Solon I[rving]. Triple rainbow. Science, 15, 1890, 363. — The new meteorological station on the Misti. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 433-434. — w Centauri. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 689-692. — On the forms of the disks of Jupiter's satellites. Astrophys. Jl., 2, 1895, 97-99. The diurnal oscillation of atmospheric pressure at the Peruvian stations of Harvard College Observatory. [1896.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 12 (1895-96), 331-335. — Variable stars in clusters. Astrophys. Jl., 8, 1898, 233-234; Science, 8, 1898, 452-453. — The periods of the variable stars in the cluster Messier 5. Astrophys. Jl., 10, 1899, 255-260; Science, 10, 1899, 846-H47. — Note on the relation between the visual and photo- graphic light curves of variable stars of short period. Astrophys. Jl., 10, 1899, 261-265. Peruvian meteorology 1888-90. Compiled and pre- Bailey! 241 [Baillaud pared for publication [under the direction of Edward C. PICKERING]. Harvard Astr. Obs. Ann., 39 (Ft. 1), 1899, 1-153. - The rate of increase in brightness of three variable stars in the cluster Messier 3. Science, 12, 1900, 122- 123. Bailey, '/'[/jom.is] L[ficis]. & Jones, P[hilipT, H[enri/]. The pink coloration of calcium chlorate liquor. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 12, 1893, 232-233. Bailey, IVrnnii [Orlnndn], Report on some of the results of a trip through parts of Minnesota and Dakota. [U. S.] Comin. Agr. Rep., 1887, 426-454. — Notes ou some of the spermophiles and pocket gophers of the Mississippi valley. [U. S.] Soc. Agr. Rep., 1892, 185-193. — The prairie ground squirrels or spermophiles of the Mississippi valley. Prepared under the direction of Dr. C. Hart MERBIAM, Chief of Division. U. S. Div. Ornith. Mamm. Bull., 4, 1893, 69 pp. — The pocket gophers of the United States. Prepared under the direction of Dr. C. Hart MEKRIAM, Chief of Division. U. S. Div. Oruith. Mamm. Bull., 5, 1895, 47 pp. — Occurrence of the native wood rat at Washington, D. C. Science, 3, 1896, 02s. — List of mammals of the district of Columbia. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 10, 1896, 93-101. — Revision of the American voles of the genus Evotomys. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 11, 1897, 113-138. A new name for Microtus insularis, Bailey. Science, 8, 1898, 782-783. — A new species of Evotomys from British Columbia. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 12, 1898, 21-22. — Descriptions of eleven new species and subspecies of voles. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 12, 1898, 85-90. Revision of American voles of the genus Microtus. U. S. N. Amer. Fauna, Aro. 17, 1900, 88 pp. Bailey, W. S. The classification and naming of igneous rocks. Science, 21, 1893, 87-89. Bailey, William O. *Report on the Michigan forest tins of 1881. U. S. Signal Serv. Notes, No. 1, 1882, 1C. pp. Bailey, William Whitman. Notes on Mahernia. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 10-11. - Teratology. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 176- 177. Stipules in Onagraees. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 9. Concerning Abutilon. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 19-20. Synspermy in the horsechestnut. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 119. Some notes on the flora of Rhode Island. [1885.] Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 4, 1886, 3-12. Notes on the flora of the Hudson highlands. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 60-61. . Proterandry in Veltheimia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 62. Note on Abutilon striatum. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 96. Changed environment. Nature, 40, 1889, 297. Notes from New Hampshire. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 329-330. Hemlock and parsley. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 781- 786. An extraordinary case of fasciation in Rudbeckia hirta. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 18, 1891, 374-375. Notes on the flora of Block Island. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 227-239. Vernation of Carya. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 292-293. The old-time flora of Providence. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 213-220. Bailey, William Whitman, & Rives, William C. See Rives A Bailey. R. S. A. C. Bailhaclie, G. Dosage de I'azote nitrique par le proto- sulfate de fer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1122- 1123 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 9-13. Bailhaclie, G., & Commelin, Ed. Appareil pour prendre la densite des fruits, pommes de terre, topinambours et autres tubercules et racines. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 196-198. Bailbacbe, G., & Riviere, Giistave. See Riviere A- Bailhache. Bailie, ./HO. D. The steam-turbine engine and its appli- cations to mining industry. [With discussion.] [1897.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engiu. trans., 13, 1898, 621-636; 14, 1898, 214-217; 15,1898, 178-179, 275-276. Baillairge, Charles. Assign to this author title (Vol. 7) under Baillarge. — A particular case of hydraulic ram or water-hammer. [1884.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1885 (Sect. 3), 81-86. — La question des "baby crystals." Nat. Canad., 24, 1897, 81-84. Baillarger, Jules Gabriel Fraiu'ni*. For biography tee Paris, Ac. lied. Bull., 25, 1891, 13-16; Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 17, 1891 (J/e<7. Le'i/a/f), 102. Baillaud, [Kdnunnl] B[enjamin]. Sur les observations de Mimas. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 161-169. — Sur le mouvement du premier satellite de Saturne (Mimas). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 205-207. Sur les oscillations barometriques produites par 1'eruption du volcan de Krakatoa, et enregistrees au barometre Redier de 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 349. — Occultations d'etoiles par la lune, observees a Toulouse pendant 1'eclipse totale du 4 octobre 1884. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 638-639. — [Observations du premier satellite de Saturne, faites depuis 1876.] Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884 (Sent. 1), 287-288. — Determination des elements des orbites des cinq satellites interieurs de Saturne. [1884-86.] Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 7, 1885 (Sem. 1), 147-175; Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 118-122; Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, B. 81- B. 120. — Resultats principaux de la discussion des observations des satellites de Saturne, faites a Toulouse de 1876 a 1883. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100. 1885, 225-227. Sur le nombre des termes d'un certain developpement de la fonctiou perturbatrice. [1885-87.] Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 8, 1886, 73-85; 9, 1887, 377-382. Sur le calcul uurnerique des integrates deimies. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, B. 1-B. 36. Memoire sur le developpement de la fouction perturba- trice. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, B. 37-B. 79. Sur le calcul dee fonctions if • de 31. TISSEBAND. Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 98-99. Observations de la Cornete Brooks, faites a 1'Observa- toire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 487. Recherches cornplementaires sur le developpement de la fonction perturbatrice. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 2, 1888, E, 21 pp. — Observations de la nouvelle Comete Swift, faites a 1'equatorial Brunner de 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 850. Sur une prenve photographique obtenue apres neuf heures de pose, a 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 519-521. Observations de la planete Charlois (11 fevrier 1891) faites a 1'equatorial Brunner de 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 112, 1891, 416. Observations de la Comete Swift faites a 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 726. Notice sur 1'etat de 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 4, 1892, 270-288. 31 Baillaudl 242 [Baillet - - ( llj.-c nations de la plaiu'le Charlois T (du 11 decembre 1892), faites a I'dli.-n \aiuire de Toulouse (grand tcles- cope). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 116, 1893, 125-126. — Observations de petites planetes, faites a 1'Observatoire de Toulouse (grand telescope). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 679 -680. Observations de la planete (BC) (Bigourdan), faites au grand telescope de 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Bull. Astr., 11, 1894. 354. Sur ['organisation du service magnetique a 1'Observa- toire de Toulouse. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 7, 1895, 597-621. — Sur 1'influence de la refraction sur les observations micrometriques. Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 41-42, 536. — Sur les quadratures meeaniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 737-739. — Discussion d'observations d'etoiles doubles faites a I'Obsrrvatnire de Toulouse. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1898, 160-167. — Observations faites a 1'Observatoire de Toulouse pendant ['eclipse du 27 decembre par 31 31. BAILLAUD, BOCKGET, MONTANGERAND, KoSSARD et BESSON. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 38-40. — Observation des Leonides, a 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 806-807. — Etude sur les formules de quadratures mecaniques. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 3, 1899, 1). 1-D. 36. — Memoire sur les quadratures mecaniques de rnngs quelconques. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 3, 1899, E. 1-E. 38. — De 1'influence de la refraction sur les mesures micro- mtjtriques. [1900.] Paris, Com. Int. Carte Ciel Bull., 3, 1902, 19-53. Baillaud, [Edouard] Il[enjnnii>i], & Bourget, Henri. Sur une photographic de la nebuleuse de la Baleine, obtenue a 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C.B., 127, 1898, 1191-1192. Baillaud, [Kilnunril] B\enjamiri], & Cosserat, Eiiiirne. Observations de la planete Millosevich (1891, mars 1), faites a 1'Observatoire de Toulouse (equatorial Brunner). Paris, Ac.,Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 510-511. Baillaud, [Kdnu.iril] I![ciijuinin], & Bossard, F. Observa- tions de la plauete BU (Charlois), faites au grand teles- cope de 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. I!., 120, 1895. 670, 796. Baillaud, \Kdoiinrd] l![f>ijamiri}, & S.iint Elancat, [!>.]. Observations de pliinrtes, faites a 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. .Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 520. Baillaud, \_Kdounrd] I:[iiii/iiiiiin], Bourget, Henri, & Dffontangerand, [/..|. See Bourget, Montangerand A Baillaud. Baillaud, [Kdtiunrd] l![eiijiiniiii], Jean, Ed., Fabre, l.'linrles, i\: Saint-Blancat, [7).]. See Jean, Fabre, Saint-Blancat [enjamin], Saint-Blancat, [/>.], Fabre, Charles, & Montangerand, [L.]. Observations des satellites de Jupiter pendant 1'opposition de 1883- 1884, faites a 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 538-544. Baillaud, Emile. Les territoires francais du Niger. Leur valeur economique. Geogr. (Paris), 2, 1900, 9-24. — Note sur la repartition des animaux domestiques dans le Soudan fraucais. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 331-333. Bailie, J[?im] l:\njitisle .llr.ritndre]. Determination de 1'ohm. Etude de la methode de 1'amortissement des aimants. Ann. Telegr., 11, 1884, 89-129, 224-264. — Influence de la temperature sur la valeur du couple de torsion des tils. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1884 (Pt. 1), 158. — Mesure de la composaute horizontale du magnetisme terrestre, par la methode de 1'amortissement. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. B., 99, 1884, 704-706; Telegr. Jl., 15, 1884, 514. — Determination des moments rnagnetiques par 1'amor- tissement des aimauts oscillants. Ann. Chim., 5, 1885, 289-316. Propagation d'un ebranlement dans uu cylindre. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1885 (Pt. 1), 104-105. — [La methode de 1'amortissement des aimants mobiles. | [ff'itlt discussion.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1885, 12-14. — Sur les desincrustants des chaudieres. Ass. Franc,-. C. B., 1887 (Pt. 1), 195. — Etude de la vitesse du son dans les tuyaux de petit diametre. Jl. Phys., 6, 1887, 493-506. — Sur un moyen d'etudier les petites deformations des surfaces liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 107, 1888, 731T733. — Ecoulement des gaz, par nn long tuyau. Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 29-41. Bailie, J[ean] J3[nptiste Ale.randre], & Fery, Ch[arles], Etude de 1'amalgame d'aluminium ; son emploi en thermochimie. Ann. Chim., 17, 1889, 246-256. — Balance optique a anneaux colores pour la mesure des petites forces. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1889 (I'l. 1), 253. — Action des sources lumineuses intenses sur les plaques pbotographicmes. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1890 (Pt. 1), 167- 168,; Lurn. Elect., 36, 1890, 501-505. - Etude d'un etalon pratique de force eleetromotrice. Jl. Phys., 9, 1890, 234-23S. — Mesure de 1'eclat de 1'arc electrique et de quelques autres sources lumineuses. Lum. Elect., 41, 1891, 153-155. — Methode nouvelle pour determiner ['equivalent me- canique de la chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 1494-1496. Baillenacne, (comte) E[ugene] de. Application des avertisseurs electriques pour la protection des bifurca- tions de la Cornpagnie d'Orleans. Application de ces memes avertisseurs pour la protection des passages a niveau de la Compagnie Paris-Lyou-Mediterranee, montage Chaperon et de Baillehache. Postes de secours. Controle de la vitesse des trains. Enclenchements electriques. Ass. Frani;. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 269-276. Baillet, (,'. For biographical notice see Paris, Ac. Mikl. Bull., 44, 1900, 297-298. - Experiences sur les inoculations preveutives du charbon. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884 (Sem. 1), 173-189; 7, 1885 (Sew. 1), 238-254. — De 1'emploi des etalons de pur sang et de leurs derives a la procreation des clievanx de service du type Icger. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 9, 1887, 187-207. Sur la puissance que Thomme possede de modifier 1'organisation des animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mrm., II, 1887, 605-619. — De I'atavisuat1 et de 1'origine des reproducteurs chez les principales i speces d'animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mrm.. 10, 1888, 314-341. — De riuipmtance des etudes zootechniques et des ra])pni(,s ipf) •!!)•>. ont avec les sciences naturelles. T)nilousi- Ac. Sci. Mrm., 10, 1888, 459-474. De la selection et de la consanguinite en zootechnie. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 2, 1890, 268-292. — Note sur les caracter.es qui distinguent les races dans Irs iinimaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 4, 1892. 102-121. — Quelques mots sur les croisements dits au premier sang chez les anirnanx domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 5, 1893, 128-143. — Du croisemcnt cnntiuu dans les races d'aniniaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 7, 1895, 141- 160. — Sur le metissage dans les races d'animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 8, 1896, 62-79. — Sur les hybridations considerees dans leurs rapports avec la zootechnie. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem.. 9, 1897, 45-85. Baillet] 243 [Baillon — Maladies coutagieuaes des aniraaux a 1'homme. Bordeaux Ac. Act., 62, 1900, 243-275. Baillie, Edmund J[ohn]. For biographical notice se? Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 41)4. — Willows and their cultivation. Classification of the willows. Agr. Soc. Jl., 5, 1894, 234-250. Baillie, (Lady) Mary. [Remarkable sunrises on December 8th anil llth, 1884.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 25. Baillie, Matthew. For biography sec Practitioner, A67, 1896, 51-65. Baillie, T. C. The absolute thermal conductivity of nickel [1898.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 361-382. Baillie, Thomas B[ryson], Jt Tafel, Julius. Reduction von Acylaminen zu Alkylaminen. Berlin, Chetn. lies. Ber., 32, 1899, 68-77. — Ueber Desoxycaffein. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 32(16-3220. Baillie-Gronman, William. The Kootenay country. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 1, 1885, 455-459. Baillon, Alexandra Paul. Des ptomaines, leur histoire chirnique, leur preparation, leurs reactions, leur role physiologique et pathologique. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 6, 1885, 174-185. — Methode pour recueillir les echantillons d'eau pour 1'analyse mierobiologique. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1888 (Ft. 2), 223-225. Baillon, H[c»ri Ernest]. For biographical notice and works see Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 340 ; Nature, 52 (1895), 301, 371; Roy. Soc. Proc., 59, 1896, Ixvii-lxix; Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1209-1211; Rev. Sci., I), 1898, 613-622. — Recherches sur les ovaires acropylea. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 59-67. — Etude botanique de 1'hazigne (Symphonia fasciculata). Jl. Pharm., 9, 1884, 456-461. - *Sur les cotes receptaculaires du fruit des Bertolonia. [1877.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 130-132. - *Sur la symetrie Morale du Lagu-cia. [1877.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 135-136. - *Sur les Platycarpum. [1879.] Paris Soe. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 217. - * Sur les genres australiens de la famille des Rubiaeees. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 217-218. - *Sur le Cephffilis ixorojfolia des jardins. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 218-219. - *Sur les lirnites du genre Amaioua. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 219-221. - *Sur 1' organisation florale du Menyanthes. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 221. - *Sur une poire monstrueuse. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 221-222. - *Sur le retour a 1'etat complet des etamines dans des fieurs anormales de Berberis. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 222-223. - *Sur 1'Anemouopsis. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 223-224. - *Sur 1'Akania. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 224. - *Sur le Didierea. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 258-259. — *Sur 1'Hochstettera, DC. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 259-260. — *Sur les stipules des Onagrariees. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 260-261. - *Sur les gynecees monstrueux d'un Kaluiia latifolia. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., 1, 1889, 261. - *Sur les pritendues corolles regulieres des Carduees et sur la corolle hemiligulee. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 261-263. - *Sur quelques Loganiacees neo-caledonieuues. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 263-264. — Emendanda. [1881-92.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889. 279-280, 287-288, 310-317, 407-408, 427-428, 528, 703-704; [2, 1897.] 989. — Les ovules des Kuiphoria. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 405. — Les fleurs solitaires scorpioi'dales. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 405-406. — LINNK transformiste. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 409. — Sur quelques anemones monstrueuses. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., 1, 1889, 409-110. — Les Xylolama et la valeur de la famille des Cblenacees. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 410-414. — Les ovules des Dieffenbachia. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., 1, 1889, 417-11*. — Sur quelques cas d'effets inverses de la force verticale. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 418-419. — Sur un saule a placentas uuiovules. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 419-420. — Un nouveau type aberrant, de Madagascar. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 420. — La fleur f'emelle de 1'Acauthosicyos. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 422-423. — Les veroniques a ovules definis. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 423. — Sur un nouveau genre Cogniauxia. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 423-424. — Un nouvean type de CiEsalpiniees monopetales. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 428-429. — Sur uu nouveau genre Bernieria. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., 1, 1889, 434-435. — Modifications de la caracteristique des museadiers. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 435-436. — Une nouvelle Cucurbitacee anormale. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 441-442. — L'inflorescence des Brunonia. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 442. — Les problemes de 1'orgauisation des Cucurbitacees. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 451-453. — Les ovules des Echinocystis. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 457. — La fleur i'emelle de 1'Alsomitra brasiliensis. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 457-458. — Sur le genre Tribeles. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 465. La syrnetrie florale et 1'audrocee des Telfairia. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 473. — Sur les nouveaux arbres a caoutchouc colombiens. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 473-474. — Constitution du genre Dombeya. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 481-483. — Organogenic florale d'un Dichorisandra. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 489. — Sur des fleurs fernelles d'Orcliidee. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., 1, 1889, 489-490. — L' " appendice de I'aclmiue" du Carex fraseriana. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., 1, 1889, 490-491. — L'apparente anomalie ovulaive du Mentzelia ornata. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 513. — Les nouveaux cafeiers des Comores. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 513-514. — L'orieutation de la fleur des Passiflores et la significa- tion morphologique de leur vrille. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 521-522. — Le support des fleurs femelles des Cycadacees. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 522-523. — Sur le genre de Passitioracees Tetrastylis. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 523. — Les ovules des Melampyres. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 531. — Les organes sexuels du Limodorum abortivum. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 534-535. — La placeutation des Rehmannia. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 535. 31—2 Baillon] 244 [Baillon [1885.] Paris Soc. [1885.] Paris Soc. — Les ovules des Anigozantbos. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 535-536. — Sur le reine-ala et ses usages. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 539-540. — Une Anonace'e nouvelle de Madagascar. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 540. — Sur I'organiaation des Hydnora. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 545-547. — Sur les Apania. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 547. — Sur quelques points de ['organisation des Nepenthes. [Issr,.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 553-554. — Types nouveaux de la flore malgache. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 554-555. — Sur 1'orgauisation Morale des Tuylacospermmn et Colo- banthus. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 555-556. — Les primet'euilles des noyers. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 561. — De Asteropeiie struetura et positione. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 561-562. — Un nouveau type reduit de Portulacees. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 569. — Nouvelles observations sur les Cblenacees. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 570-572. — La place du Minquurtia d'AunLET. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 5H5-586. — Le genre Humblotia. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 593-594. — Sur In symetrie des androeees m^iostemon<''es et du disque des Caryopbyllacees. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 601-603. — Organisation tiorale du Githago. [1886.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull., 1, 1889. 6U3-604. — Quelques nouveaux types de la flore du Congo. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 609-612. — Experiences sur la nutation des pavots. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 617-618. — Sur le genre Makukua. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 6111-620. — L'antliere des Polycnemum. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 620. — Sur 1'organogenie florale des Salicornes. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 620-622. — Sur les Fsilostachys de Zanzibar. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 622-623. - Le genre nouveau Marcellia. [18^6.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 02.'.-tjL'6. — Les allinites multiples des Guillerninea. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 636-637. — Le meilleur renic'-de du mildew. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 641-643. — Les Hems femolles et les fruits des arroches. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 643-644. — Rernarques sur 1'organisation et les aftinites des Podostemonace'es. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 644-648. — Developpement de la fleur femelle du Sarcobatus. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 649. — Sur line Bixacc'e a ovaire uniloeulaire et uniovule. [1887.] Pans Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 650. — Un nouveau genre gamopetale de Loasacees. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 650-651. — Sur les Asimina. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 651-652. — Les ovules des peupliers. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 659-660. — Sur quelques types du groupe intermikliaire aux Solanace'es et aux Scrofulariaeees. |lss7.] Paris Soe. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 660-663. — Les ovules des plantains. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 663-664. — Un nouveau mode de moncrcie dn palaver. |1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 665. — Notes sur les Pedalin(-es. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 665-671, 677-678. — Notes sur les Crescentiees. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 678-680, 683-688, 690-695. Sur un Celosia monstrueux. [1887.] Paris Soc. Liun. [1887.] Paris Soc. [1S87.] Paris Bull., 1, 1889, 681. — Un nouveau type aperianthe. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 681-683. — Le gynecee du Collinsia parviflora. Soc. Liim. Bull., 1, 1889, 6!)6. — Organogenic florale du Pentstemon campanulatus. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 691). — Le genre Rainisia. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 697-698. Sur les norns de quelques genres de Scrofulariaeees. [1887.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull., 1, 1889, 69s-6'.l!l. — Les Graminees a ovules exceptionnels. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 6!iy-701. — Notes organogeuiques sur les Salpiglossis. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 701-702. — Sur 1'organisation ttorale de quelques Gentianaee'es. [1887-88.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 702-703, 755-756. — Experiences physiologiques sur 1'enroulement des vrilles d'une Ampelidee. [1887.] Paris Soe. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 705-707. — Les appendices stipulates des Leycesteria. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 707. — Le nouveau genre Sipbocolea. [1887. ] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 707-709. - L'organisation Morale des Seemannia. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 709-710. — RemarquessurlesTernstrcemiacees. [1887-91.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 710-712, 728; [2, 1897,] 873- 874, 951-952, 965-966. L'ovule des Pediculaires et des Scutellaires. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 713-714. — Le Tripiuna de LOUEEIRO. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 714. — Le Digitalis dracocepbaloides du Flora Fluminensis. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 714-715. — Observations sur les Gesneriacees. [1887-88.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 717-720, 722-725, 731-736. Le genre Newtouia. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889. 721-722. — Une question de nomenclature, a propos des Bignonia. [isss.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 725-726. — Le genre Amblyoealyx. [18*8.] Paris Soc. Linn. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. [1888.] Paris Soc. [1888.] Paris Bull., 1, 1889, 727. — L'ovule des Acokantheia. Bull., 1, 1889, 727. — Observations sur le Veratrilla. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 729-730. — Les feuilles anorinales des Codiieuni. Soe. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 730-731. — Les Anacamptis et Gymnadenia ; 1'origine de leur retinacle. [18«s.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 737- 738. — Sur le traitement de 1'antbracnose et du black-rot. [1888.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull., 1, 1889, 738-742. — Sur le Plectaneia. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 742-743. — Les fleurs hermaphrodites des Lilam. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 743. — Le nouveau genre Lourva. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn Bull., 1, 1889, 743-744. — Les inflorescences localisees. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 745-747. - Tvpcs nouvraiix d'Apncynacees. [lsss-s;i.] Paris Soc. 'Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 747-752, 757-7110, 772- 775. — Sur des Schizophytes des urines aoides, puis alcalines. | isss. | Paris Sur. l.inn. Hull., 1, 1889, 753-754. Baillon] 245 [Baillon — Organogenie ovulaire des Acokanthera. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 755. Sur mi mode particulier de propagation du mildew. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 761-702. — Eemarques stir le genre Thenardia. [1888.] Paris Soo. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 703-768. — Sur le Dissolieim verticillata, Lour. [1888.] Paris Soc. Lion. Bull., 1, 1889, 768. — Les stipules et les bractees des Cireees. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 772. — Stir quelques Gynopogon ne'o-caledoniens. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 775-770, 781-782. Sur les antheres de quelques Apocynace'es. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 777-779. — Sur 1'inflorescence des Tryphostemmn. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 779-780. — Sur un nouveau Plocosperma. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 780-781. — Sur I'oboue'te du Gabon. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 782-783. — Etude des Prestonia. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 783-784, 789-792. — Sur quelques Melodinus n^o-cale'doniens. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 785-787. — Les fleurs males ilu Podoon. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 71)3 ; [2, 1897,] 815-816. — Les Didierea de Madagascar. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 22-24. — Sur une Asclepiudacee comestible du Laos. [1881*.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 8[0]1-8[0]5. — Sur le Craspidospermum. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 8[0]5. — Sur le groupe des Tacazze'e'es. [1889.] Paris Soc. Lion. Bull., [2, 1897,] 8[0]5-8[0]8. — Sur trois Stephanotis neo-caledonieus. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 811-812. — Le Fentanura du Yunnan. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 812. — L'organisation de la fleur et du fruit de I'Harp'agonella. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 812-81 1. — Sur 1'organisation des Hnmbertia. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 814-815. — Le Bonamia de DOPETIT-THODARS. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. [2, 1897,] 817. — Sur 1'Ellisiopuyllum. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 817-818. — Les fleurs du Sacellium lanceolatum, H.I1.K. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 818-819. — Sur un nouveau Thenardia du Mexique. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 819-820. La prefloraison de la corolle des Dichondre'es. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 820. — Sur plusieurs Aeanthacees a fleurs involucres. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 820-823, 826-827. — Sur le pambotano. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 824. — Les quatre divisions stylaires du Cleonia. [18110.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 824. — Sur le tangbin de Meuabe. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 825-826. — Le Garcinia Balanste, nouvel arbre a graines oWa- gineuses. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull"., [2, 1897,] 827-828. — Reconstitution de la famille des Boraginacees. Orga- nisation de ses ovules. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 828-831, 857-859. — Sur les caracteres des Otacanthus. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 831-832. - Le nouveau genre Periestes. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 833-834. — Les rapports du Podoon et du Dobinea. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 834-835. — Sur quelques types anomaux d'Acanthace'es. [18110.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 835-838. — Sur un genre de Boraginacees a feuilles opposues. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 839. Sur le Dianthera clavata, Forst. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 839-840. — Sui' la vigne d'Altissach. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] S41-842. Le santal de Madagascar. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 842-844. Sur les baobabs de Madagascar. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 844-846. — Sur le Neoliudi-nia. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] sol, MG7-808. — Sur plusieurs Ruellie'esexeeptionnelles. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 852-853. — Le fruit du Santalina. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 853. — La fleur et la graine de 1'Hottonia palustris. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 854. — Sur les caracteres des Hansteinia et Stenostephanus. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 855. — Sur le Strophanthus hispidus. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 855-850. — Observations sur quelques nouveaux types du Congo. [1890-91.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 868-872, 876-879, 953-954. - Les ath'nites des Verbe'nacees. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 874-875. Les fleurs de rAnisacautlius virgularis, Nees. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 875-876. — Sur un Lysinema inonstim-ux. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 879. — Sur un nouveau Baillonia. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 880. — Observations sur les Sapotact'es de la Nouvelle- Caledonie. [1890-91.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 881-888, 889-896, 897-904, 905-912, 915-920, 922-926, 935-936, 941-944, 945-949, 903-965. — Sur le Monotbeca et son organisation florale. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 913-915. — Sur le nouveau genre Oncotheca. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 931-932. — Kemarqties sur les Galactes. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 933-935. — Les Pheliine de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. [1891. J Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 937-939. — Note sur 1'organisation Morale du Greyia Sutherland!. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,'] 950-951. — Sur 1'organogenie florale des Utriculaires. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 969-970. — Notes sur les Plombaginees. [1891-92.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 981-984, 999-1000. — Deux nouveaux types de Loranthacees. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 985-986. — La pr^tendue adherence du nucelle des Coniferes. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 980-988. — Sur une notivelle Mappiee du Congo. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 988-989. — Sur quelques attinites des Erythropalum et des Pam- philia. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 990-999. — Sur le genre Hackelochloa. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1006-1008. — L'inflorescence du Sesleria ca?rulea. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1011-1012. — Sur le fruit du BMzocephalus crucianelloides, lioiss. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1012. — Les glumellules du Guaduella. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1013. — L'axe d'inflorescence du Tliuarea. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1015- 10111. — L'organisation et les allinitt's du Kcrinozoma. [1892.] Paris Soe. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.] 1018-1019. Paris Paris Paris Baillon] — Observations sur la flcur du Boissiera. FIST' 1 Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.] 101'.I-K)L'I ——Sur lea fleurs du (laiinanlia pallida. [1892.1 Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1021-1M23 -— Sur les caracteres des Aruudinelia. [1892.] Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.] 1023-1024 Sur 1'organisation du genre Cathesteclmni [lM'|-> 1 Pans Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897il 1028-1080. •Les fleurs du Prosartes ll,,,,kr,i. [1892.1 Paris Soc Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.] 1031-1032. — - Sur Irs rj,,,,rs ,le TAnoniocbloa uiarantoidea. [1S92 1 Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1033-Knj 'Paris So. [1892.] Par8 Soc. Linn. Bull., - Notes organogeniques sur la fleur des Triuris [189'> 1 Pans Bpc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.] 1049-1050 [1892-] Paris L Baillon Pa™ Soc. Linn. Bull., Pads Soc' Linn- - L'lnflorescence des Dianella. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., |2, 1897,] 1096ff. - Sur quelques caracteres' des Couanthera. [1893 ] Pans Soc. Linn. Bull., [o, 1897 ] loyij ;, [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. - Sur les pericarpes libres des G.aminees. [1892.] Paris Soc. Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1030-1037 - L 'inflorescence et le gynecee des Stellaster ans boc. Lmu. Bull., [a, 1897,] 1037. • '[1892.] Paris So Carn«lp ipqueS sur les Oarex. 393.] Paris Soc. Linn. BiiU., [2, 1897,] 1097- T8go"j U sie.nific»tion des soies de certain,s Cyperacees. 393.] Pans Soc. Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1103-1104 Sur les caracteres des RhipoRonnm. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1105 sv^p"^"."1 er les affiuit^ des Carnpynemees. [1893.] Pans Soc. Lmn. Bull., |2, 1897,] 1105-1109 [1893-] -] Paris Soc' Linn" . [1893° Paris s°c- - Les plantes allu-es aux Tupistra. [1893.] Paris Soc. Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1111-1112, 1113-1117 l892-] [1892-] Paria s [1892-] Paris s [IH!)2-] ** [1892'] Paris •s [1893 1 Paris — Sur le Phamosperma Rlohosum. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 10(36-10(57. — - Les i rapports des Lepidopironia et des Chloris. [1893 1 Pans Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 10(5'l-107-> " olution de 1'inflorescence dans les Graminees. s Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1123-1128 Etude d'un nouvel Aspidistra. [1894.] Paris Soc. Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1129-1132. — Un Imhotia ..rnemental du Kalahari. [1894.] Paris Soc. Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1132. [1894.] Paris Pa"s Soc- LinD- [1894.] Paris Paris Sue. Paris Ts.n", U' ''^'''''ITt'iiK'Ht des Heurs du Nardus stricta L [1893.] Paris Soc. Lmn. Bull., [2. 1897.] 1077-lOTs ' : Le uouveau genre Anisocyela. [Is-jai Paris Soe Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1078-1079 -—Suppression des TristegiiuSes eomme ti-ilm. [181)3.] "" [2' 1897'] 1(I81-10H7, 1093- [1893-] — Sur les Ijmites du genre Barbacenia. Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1137-1139. T Sur la fleur d'un Hipp,,istru,n. [1894.] Paris Soc Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897.] 1140-1141. - Observations sur les Liriope. [1894.] Paris Soc. Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1141-1144, 115-M155 - L'organisation rlorale des Portea. [1894 ] Paris Soc Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1145-1146. U place des Counaracees dans la classification. Pans Soc. Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897.] HKi-1147. - Sur deux Cyrtandrees ornementales. [1894 1 Paris Sue. Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1147-1148 - La oollerette d'un Caliiphruria. [1894.] Lmn. Bull., [2. 1897,] 1149. - I'n.' Irular,,. sans ]n;,th iv verte. Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897.] 11 19 ll.-,n. -Lea Iridactes a ovules definis. Lmn. Bull., [2. 1897,] 1153. Paris Soc. [1894.] Paris Soc [1891.] Paris Soc. tl894-] paris s°c- 7Rpiii,n,ju,.s sur un Hi-it.aria cultive. [18931 IHris Soc. Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897,] Kisy-lO'lO LPS pah.iirrs iiialgaclics a petites tieui-R [1894-95 1 £««• Lmn- Bul1" f2' 1897'] H'il-1168, 1171-1176 o— i ton. - Les caracteres et les limit.es du genro Ruscus. flN'll ] Paris Soc. Lmn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1169-1171 - List,- des plantes de Madagascar. (Suite.) [1895 ] Pans . Lmn. Bull., |-j, 1897,| ,,s(l ,]sl ]1(:|(.J Baillon 247 [Baily — Organogenie Morale des Antliuriiini. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1181-1182. — Sur un nouvean Didierea. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1182-1184. — Organoge'nie florale d'uii Cedrela. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1186-1187. - Sur les Triuridacees de 1'herbier L.-C. Richard. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1187-1189. — Les organes sexuels des Prescottia. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1189-1190. — Observations sur le Tapiscia. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1190-1192. — Une Musacee-Zingiberee a fruit siliquit'orme. [1*95. | Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1193-1194. — Sur le Myrosnia cauufefolium, L. til. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1194-1195. — Sur quelques Hemiorchis. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn Bull., [2, 1897,] 1195-1196. — Une question de nomenclature au point de vue pratique. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2 1897,] 1199-1200. — Sur la nature axile des ovaires inferes. [1*95.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1205-1208. Baills, [Jeiin Ktienne]. Assign to this author No. 4 (Vol. 9) under Baills, . For biography and worlis sec Ann. Mines, 1C, 1889, 517-521. Baills, (i-npit.) J[ean Joseph Bomtvenlun-]. Assign to this author Nos. 1-3 (Vol. 9) under Baills, . — [Communications relatives anx etoiles filantes du 27 novembre.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1200-1207. — Thcorie mecanique de la marche et de la course. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 118, 1893, 81-97. — Mecanique celeste. Note sur le plan invariable du systeme solaire. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 118, 1893, 293-310. — Geometric des diagrammes. Questions economiques sur les courhes d'indicateur. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 119, 1893, 5-65; 121, 1894, 449-4911; 122, 1894, 508-551; 124, 1895, 357-384 ; 125, 1895, 79-112, 21(5-243 ; 128, 1896, 15-54; 132, 1897, 5-44; 135, 1897, 5-23, 257-27(5; 13*, 1898, 433-471; 143, 1899, 273-30(5, 513-540. Baills, l^icrre] J[eontological remarks [on parts of Co. Down]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 37, 38 & 29), 1871, 16-19. Bailyl 248 [Bain — "Pala-iiiitnlMgii'al mile, |"ii purls i.f the coimti.s ..I' LouUi M.nih and Monaghan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. |.S7,,,7, s] ,\ 82), 1871, 11-14. - 'Palseontological remarks [on parti; of Mayo, Oalway, Boscommon and Longford]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 86, 87, 88 & 85), 1871, 12-14. *Pala'ontological notes [on parts of Meath, Louth and Dublin]. Ireland Cieol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 91 & 92), 1871, 13-23. — 'Palffiontological notes [on part of the county of Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Slieet 75), 1872, 14-17. — *Palffiontological notes [on parts of Longford, West- meath and Meath]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 89 & 90), 1872, 12-16. - * Palffiontological remarks [on the country around Armagh], Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Slurt 47), 1873, 16-22. — *Pala;ontological notes [on parts of the counties lius- common, Leitrim, Longford, Cavan and Meath]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sh,;-ls 7*, 7:1 A SO), 1873, 12-17. - *Palffiontologioal notes [on Boscommon and parts of Mayo and Sligo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 76 & 77), 1874, 11-15. 'Palffiontological notes [on the country around Antrim, Lurne and Carrickfergus]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 21, 28 & 29), 1876, 37-44. *Paheontological notes [on parts of Gal way and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet* 73, 74, 83 & 84), 1876, 27-33. - *PaliEontological notes [on the Tyrone coalfield and surrounding districts]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 35), 1877, 14-22. *Palfeontological notes [on the country around Dundalk and Carrickmacross]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 70), 1877, 15-18. 'Palffiontological notes [on parts of Co. Tyrone]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 34), 1878, 24-29. 'Palffiontological notes [on parts of the counties of Sligo, Leitrim, Itnscommon and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 66 A: 67), 1878, 17-26. 'Palffiontologieal notes [on parts of Cavau, Leitrim and Monaghan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 68 & 69), 1878, 16-21. - 'Palffiontologieal notes [on parts of the county of Gahvay]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 93 & 94), 1878, 4H-53. - 'Palffiontological notes [on parts of Co. Mayo and Co. Sligo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 41, 53 & 64), 1879, 30-36. - *Paheontological notes [on the county of Wexford]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 169, 170, 180 & 181), 1879, 55-60. "Paheontological notes [on parts of the counties of Sligo and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 54 & 42), 1880, 1H-22. 'Palffiontological notes [on parts of the counties of Kildare, Wicklow and Dublin]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 120), 1880, 17. - 'Palfflontologieal notes [on parts of Londonderry, Antrim and Tyrone], Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 27), 1881, 44-4~6. - *Paheontolofiical notes [on parts of Fermanagh, Monaghan and ('.avail]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 57), 1881, 19-21. - 'Palffiontological notes [on parts of Sligo and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Hem. (Sheet 65), 1881, 17-20. — *ltevised paUeontological notes of the Leinster or CastlecomiT coal Held. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 127 etc.), 1881, I'.i 211. — 'Palffiontological notes |on the country around Ennis- killen, Fivemiletown, Trillick, Lishellaw and Maguires- bridge]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 45), 1882, 21-23. l'a];t Miiti ilujjir.il notes, slirtjt 15*. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 158 & 159), 1882, 38-40. — Palffiontological notes [on parts of Londonderry and Tyrone]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (She,et I«),'i884, 27-29. — Palceontological notes [on portions of the counties of Tyrone and Londonderry]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 2fi), 1884, 26-28. — On trilobites and other fossils, from Lower or Cambro- Silurian strata, in the county of Clare. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 4, 1885, 373; Ireland Geol. Soc. Jl., 7, [1887], 29. Palieontological notes [on parts of the counties of Sligo and Leitrim.] Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 42 & 43), 1885, 32-34. — Pala-ontological notes [on portions of the counties of Sligo and Leitrim.] Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 55), 1885, 33-35. — Palffiontologieal notes [on parts of the counties of Armagh, Fermanagh and Monaghan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 58), 1885, 12-13. — On a new species of Orophocrinus (Peutremites), in Carboniferous limestone, County Dublin. Also remarks upon Codaster trilobatus (M'Coy), from Carboniferous limestone, County Kilkenny. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 5, 1886-87, 31-32 ; Ireland Geol. Soc. Jl., 7, [1887], 71-73. — Palopontological notes [on Co. Antrim]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 14), 1886, 32-34. — Palreontological notes [on the country around Bally- mena, Glenarm, Connor, and the mountainous district west of Larne]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 20), 1886, 23-28. — Palffiontological notes [on the district round Oruagh, Fiutona and Irvinestown]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 33), 1886, 24-28. — Palffiontological notes [on portions of the counties of Fermanagh, Leitrim and Cavan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Slieet 44), 1886, 17-20. — Palgeontological notes [on parts of Fermanagh, Cavan and Leitrim]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mern. (Sheet 56), 1886, 16-19. - Palceontological notes [on Tyrone and part of Donegal], Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 25), 1887, 21-23. — Palffiontological notes [on parts of Tyrone, Monaghan, Fermanagh and Armagh]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 46), 1887, 15-18. — Palffiontological notes [on parts of Wexford, Carlow and WicklowJ. Ireland Cieol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 148 & 149), 1887, 20-24. — [Coast of Antrim and Derry, including the Giant's Causeway.] Palffiontological notes. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 1 A 8), 1888, 41-49. Palffiontological notes [on portions of the counties of Donegal and Tyrone]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 24), 1888, 46-48. — Palffiontological notes [on Donegal and Fermanagh). [Posth.] Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 31 & 32), 1891, 26-39. Baily, William L. Western sandpiper (Ereunetes occi- dentalis) more abundant than the semipalmated (K. pusillus). Auk, 13, 1896, 174. — Summer birds of northern Elk county, Pa. Auk, 13, 1896, 289-2117. — Disgorgement of cherry stones again noted. Auk, 1 1, 1897, 412-413. — The dovekie (Alle alle) on the coast of Virginia. Auk, 17, 1900, 293. Bain, .lle.rantler. The scope of anthropology, and its relation to the science of mind. [1885.] Brit. Ass. Kep., 1885, 1204; Authrop. Inst. Jl., 15, 1886, 380- 388. BainJ 249 [Baird Bain, Alexander, Fouillcc, Alfred, & Hodgson, Skad- wortli H. Remarks on Mr. SDLI.Y'S paper on the psycho- physical process in attention. Brain, 1)3, 1890, 348-355. Bain, Andrew Geddes. 'Reminiscences and anecdotes connected with the history of geology in South Africa, or the pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. [1856.] [Post7i.] S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 2, 1897, 50-75. Bain, Francis. The migration of the swallows. Auk, 2, 1885, 216. — Winter birds of Prince Edward Island. Auk, 2, 1885, 208-207. — The wild swan in Prince Edward Island. Auk, 3, 1886, 131. — On a Permian moraine in Prince Edward Island. Canad. Rec. Sci., 2, 1887, 341-343. - The Permian in Prince Edward Island. Science, 21, 1893, 132-133. — [Glacial moraine in Prince Edward Island.] A cor- rection. Science, 21, 1893, 360. Bain, Francis, & Dawson, (Sir) /[oAn] William. Notes on the geology and fossil flora of Prince Edward Island. Canad. Eec. Sci., 1, 1885, 154-161. Bain, Harry Foster. Distribution and relations of the Saint Louis limestone in Mahaska county, Iowa. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Kep.], 1, 1893, 171-179. — Structure of the Mystic coal basin. [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 1 (Pt. 4), 1894, 33-36. — Sigourney deep well. [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 1 (Pt. 4), 1894, 36-38. — Peculiarities of the Mystic coal seam. Anier. Geolo- gist, 13, 1894, 407-411. — Preglacial elevation of Iowa. [1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 2, 1895, 23-26. - Central Iowa section of the Mississippian series. Amer. Geologist, 15, 1895, 317-325. — Cretaceous deposits of the Sioux valley. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 3, 1895, 99-114. — Geology of Keokuk county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 4, 1895, 255-311. — Geology of Mahaska county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 4, 1895, 313-380. — Origin of certain features of coal basins. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 3, 1895, 040-654. — Notes on Iowa building stones. [1895.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1894-95 (Pt. 4), 500-510. — Geology of Washington county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 5, 1896, 113-173. — Geology of Woodbury county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 5", 1896, 241-299. — Geology of Appauoose county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 5,' 1896, 361-438. — Relations of the Wisconsin and Kansan drift sheets in central Iowa, and related phenomena. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 6, 1897, 429-476. — Geology of Polk county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 7, 1897, 263-412. — Geology of Guthrie county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 7, 1897, 413-487. A sketch of the geology of Mexico. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 5, 1897, 384-390. The Aftoniau and pre-Kansan deposits in south- western Iowa. [1897.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 5, 1898, 86-101. The Bethany limestone at Bethany, Missouri. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 433-439. Geology of Decatur county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 8, 1898, 255-309. Geology of Plymouth county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 8, 1898, 315-366. Properties and tests of Iowa building stones. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 8, 1898, 367-416. — Notes on the drift of northwestern Iowa. Ainer. Geologist, 23, 1899, 108-176. R. S. A. C. — Geology of Carroll county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 9, 1899, 49-107. — The western interior coal-field of America. [1898.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engiu. Trans., 48. 1900, 55-80. — Geology of the Wichita mountains. [With report on the fossils by Stuart WELLER.] [1899.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 11, 1900, 127-144. Bain, Harry Foster, & Calvin, Samuel. See Calvin & Bain. Bain, Harry Foster, & Leonard, A[rthur] ({[ray]. The Middle Coal Measures of the western interior coal field. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 6, 1898, 577-588. Bain, Harry Foster, & Tilton, J. L. See Tilton ,t Bain. Bain, Harry Foster, & Todd, James Edward. See Todd & Bain. Bain, J. Watmm. The occurrence of gold in some rocks in western Ontario. [1899.] Canad. Inst. Proc., 2, 1904, 39-40. — A convenient resistance for electrolytic analysis. [1900.] Canad. Inst. Proc., 2, 1904, 91-92. Bain, William. The action of certain drugs and mineral waters on the secretion and composition of human bile : an experimental investigation. [1898.] Jl. Auat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 91-130. — An experimental contribution to the study of the mechanism of bile secretion. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 69-74. — Observations on the excretion of nitrogen in rheuma- toid arthritis. London Path. Soo. Trans., 51, 1900, 124-127. Bain, William, & Edgecombe, Wilfred. The physiological action of certain mineral waters and baths on the blood, and on the excretion of urea and uric acid ; with a note on the quantitative relationship between uric acid and leucocytes. [1899.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, 499-511. — See also Edgecombe it Bain. Bainbridge, Emerson. An electric pump for underground use. [With discussion.] [1900.] Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 19, 1901, 346-351. Bainbridge, F. Climate in its relation to life. [1888.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1886-89, 254-250. Bainbridge, Ffrancis] A[rthur]. The lymph flow from the submaxillary gland. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899- 1900, xvi ; 26, 1900-01, 79-91. Bainbridge, (Surg.-Maj.) G[eonje]. On an instance of fructification in a starnimferous plant, Carica papaya. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 1, 1886, 72-73. Bainbridge, J. Examination of specimens of South African aloes. Pharm. Jl., 21, 1891, 899. Baines, A. C. On the sufficiency of terrestrial rotation for the deflection of streams. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 434-436. — The sailing flight of the albatross. Nature, 40, 1889, 9-10. - The soaring of birds. Nature, 44, 1891, 520-521. Baines, A. E. Submarine cables : earth currents. [1885.] Electrician, 16, 1886, 111-113. — Submarine cables : the copper resistance test. Elec- trician, 16, 1886, 188-189. Baines, F. E. Rooks at nesting time. Nature, 54 (1896), 9. Bainier, Georges. Nouvelles observations sur les zygo- spores des Mucoriuees. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 19, 1884, 200-216. — Sur 1'Absidia eajrulea. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, 184-186. Baird, (Maj.) A[ndrew] W[ilsori\. Report on the tidal disturbances caused by the volcanic eruptions at Java, August 27 and 28, 1883, and the propagations of the "supertidal" waves. Roy. Soc. Proc., 36, 1884, 248- 253. — Spirit-levelling operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Geogr. Soc. Suppl. Pap., 1, 1886, 619- 631. 32 Bairdl •250 | Baker Batrd, (Ma/.) A[iidrew] H'[(7«m]. cV Darwin, Gii«rii, H[oward]. Results of tlic harmonic analysis of tidal observations. Hoy. Soc. Proc., 39, 1886, 135-207. Baird, Dut/a/d. Purnping-engine velocity diagrams. Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 9, 1895, 138-141. — The duty of pumping-engines. [With discussion.] [1896.] Fed. Inst. Min. Kngiu. Trans., 11, 1896, 94- 102, 235-239; 12, 1897, 55-58. Baird, G. W. *The electric light on the U. S. Fish- Commission steamer Albatross. Science, 2, 1883, 642- 645, 071-675, 705-707. - The flight of the flying-fish. Science, 8, 1886, 10-12. Baird, If. A. Analysis of a " tire extinguisher." Arner. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 38-39. Baird, Spencer Fullerton. For biography and works see Amer. Jl. Sci., 34, 1887, 319-322; Auk, 4, 1887, 358- 359 ; 5, 1888, 1-14 ; Conchologists' Exchange, 2, 1887-88, 26; Humboldt, 6, 1887, 443; Ibis, 5, 1887, 480; Mater. Hist. Homme, 21, 1887, 518; Nature, 36, 1887, 397-398; Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 156; Railroad & Engin. JL, 61, 1887, 398-399; Amer. Ac. Proc., 23, 1888, 347-348; Amer. Mier. Jl., 9, 1888, 1-3 ; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc., 23, 1888, 558-565 ; Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1888, 21 ; Smithsonian Rep., 1888, 703-744 ; Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1888, 405; Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 10, 1888 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 4), 41-77; California Ac. Proc., 1, 1889, 286-287; Essex Inst. Bull., 20, 1889, 145. — Occurrence of Conv's shearwater (Puffinus borealis) and several species of jaegers in large numbers in the vicinity of Gayhead, Mass., during the autumn of I.~.s6. Auk, 4, 1887, 71-72. Baird, Spencfr Fu/lcrtoii, Brewer, T[7ioi««s] iV[«;/o], & Ridgway, Robert. The water birds of North America. Harvard Mus. Zool. Mem., 12, 1884, xi + 537 pp.; 13, 1884, 552 pp. Baird, W\illiam\H[enry\, & Stone, W[inthrop\E\lsu:orth]. See Stone & Baird. Baire, Ileiic. Sur la theorie generate des fonctions de variables reelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 691- 694. • Sur les fonctions discontinues developpables en series de fonctions continues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 884-887. • Sur les fonctions discontinues qui se rattachent aux fonctions continues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1621-1623. Sur le problcnre de 1'integration au point de vue des variables reelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 1700- 1703. Sur les fonctions de variables reelles. Ann. Mat., 3, 1899, 1-123. — Sur la theorie des ensembles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 946-1149. • Sur la theorie des fonctions discontinues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 1010-1013. - Nouvelle demonstration d'uu theorems sur les fonctions discontinues. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 28, 1900, 173-179. Baiscn, Karl. Ueber die Natur der Kohlt'hydratc des normalcu Harns. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 18, 1894, 193-206; 19, 1894, 339-368; 20, 1895, 249-252. Baistroccni, Ktlure. Sul peso specifico dell' encefalo umano, sue parti e del midollo spinale e sulla deter- miuazione cmantitativa della sostauza bianca e della grigia. Bicerche sperimeutali. Biv. Spcr. di Freuiatria, 10, 1884, 193-226. — Sulla piega aortica del CONCATO studiata nell' uomo e negli animali e sopra un ganglio linfatico del cuore. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 251-257. Baither, Otto. Ueber Tetramethyldiamido-Thiobenzo- phenon. Berlin, Chem. lies. Ber., 20, 1887, 1731-1739, 3289-3298. Bajardi. •- , Baiardi. Bajenoff, N. Etudes cephalometriques sur des busies d'assassins supplicies et de personnages distingues. [With iliisfus*inii.\ Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1884, 502-514. Bajii, .I/., & Zega, A\lrjT(indfr]. .SYc Zega & Bajic. Bajkov, A[lel;sinidr] A[IeI;sandroric]. Alia.lli:iH IlllKO- ropuvi, i;;iMc'iiiii,ixpi. yr.ieii Kysneuuaro fiaccefiHa. (Analyses chimiques de quelques specimens de la houille du bassin de Kousnetzk.) [1895.] St. Petersb., Sect. Geol. Cab. S. M. Trav., 1, 1896, 88-94. - [0 ClIJiaBax-b KajI,Mia II Mian. Ueber Cadnihun- und Kupferlegirungen.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 677-678; Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 1131. - [0 cTpoenin ir MexaHiiaM-fe :iaTBCpj,t.i!aniii ni.iaBOB'r,, OTB-fc'iaiOIUHXT, 9BTeKTH?eCE08 TO'IK'Ii. Ueber die Structur und den Mechanismus der Erstarrung von eutektischen Legirungen.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Chem.), 1900, 2(39-270; Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 411. - 0 HBJienuix's aaKajiKii, Ha6.iion,acMiJxi, BT, ril.ur.ax'l. Ml.;ur II cypbSIEI. [Ueber Hartungser- scheinungen bei Legirungen von Kupfer undAntimon.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Chem.), 1900, 630-633; Chem. Ztg.. 24, 1900, 920. Bajkov, A[lelisainlr] A[leksandrovic], & Liamin, X[ikiilaj] .Y[//.ii/iiiT/r]. See Liamin & Bajkov. Bajla, F.inji'iiio. Sull' azioue dello strofauto e della con- vallaria confrontata con quella della digitale. Anu. di Farm, e Chirn., [1899], 108-136. Baker, .1 . 11. Mammals of western Kansas. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 56-58. — The nine-banded armadillo. Science, 4, 1896, 52. Baker, A\lbcrt] R[ufus]. A case of objective noises in both ears. Arch. Otol., 13, 1884, 293-295. — Betinoscopy. Int. Mud. Congr. Trans., 1887 (I'ol. 3), 774-779. Baker, Alfred. Some experiments in connection with the doctrine of probabilities. [1887.] Canad. Inst. Proc., 5, 1888, 1114-197. Baker, (jl/i'ss) Annie (et alii). Phenologicul records for 1890[-93]. Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 6, 1891, 278-286; 7, 1894, 4-12, C.4-70, 145-152. Baker, Arthur Latham. Note on the classification of surds and irrationals. [1893.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc., 2, 1895, 202-203. — Circular inversion and its bearing on the Peaucellier cell and the straight line. [1894.] Rochester (X. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc., 2. 1895, 256-260. — Algebraic symbols. Amer. Jl. Math., 18, 1896, 62-73. Graphic imagiuaries. [1894.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc., 3, [1900], 151-155. — Directol magnitudes. Fundamental operations in mathematics. |1895.] Rochester (N. Y. ) Ac. Sci. I'mc.. 3, [19001, 1112-170. Baker, Arthur ll'{ iindowe] W[illerC]. Notes on the patho- logy of a dentigerous cyst. Int. Mill. Cdiigr. Vnli., 1890 (lid. :>, -tlitli. 14), 103-105; Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 92, 1891, 272-275. - A report on the present aspect of dental caries. Dublin .11. M.'d. Sci., 94, 1892, 200-206. Baker, (Hir) Ili-njamin. [Presidential address to the Median. Sci. Sect. Aberdeen, Sept. 10th. The existing practical rules respecting the strength of metallic bridges.] Brit. Ass. Hep., 1885. 1182-1192. Baker, C\lmrles] F[rederic], [Umlagernugen bei den iiiigrs'ittigten S.iuren.] VII. Umlagerung der /3-y-Hexen siiure (HydroBorbinsanre). Liebig's Ann., 283, 1894, 117 r-'x. ' Baker, ( '. ]l'i-utlnrall. A magnificent meteor. Nature. 38, 1888, 2li:i. Baker] 251 [Baker Baker, Carl F[uller]. Michigan Aranea;. Philad., Ent. News, 5, 1894, 103-164. — Preliminary studies in Siphonaptera. Canad. Ent., 27, 1895, 19-22, 0:5-07, 108-112, 130-132, 162-164, 186- 191, 221-222. — Notes on Aphilanthops. Canad. Ent., 27, 1895, 335- 336. — Blooming period of Argemone platyeeras. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 316. — Biological notes on some Colorado Coleoptera. Philad., Eut. News, 6, 1895, 27-29. — Biological notes on some Colorado Diptera. Philad., Ent. News, 6, 1895, 173-174. — Two new Apanteles. Philad., Ent. News, 6, 1895, 201-203. - The North American species of Gnathodus. Canad. Ent., 28, 1896, 35-42. — A new Typhlopsylla from Mexico. Canad. Ent., 28, 1896, 85-86. — New American parasitic Cynipid;v (Allotriiriie). Canad. Ent., 28, 1896, 131-135. — A new Pulex from Queen Charlotte islands. Canad. Eut., 28, 1896, 234. — Notes on Oxybelus, with descriptions of new sprcic's. Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 59-62, 156-160. — New Homoptera received from the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station. Psyche, 7, 1896, Suppl. 1, 12-14, 24-26. On Ledra perdita, A. & S. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 38-39. — Notes on Philrenus. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 111-112. — Some new and little-known Dorydini (Jassina?). Cauad. Ent., 29, 1897, 157-159. — A remarkable new acocephalid from S. America. Philad., Ent. News, 8, 1897, 153-154. — Four new species of Phlepsius. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 30-32. — Notes on Chlorotettix, with some new species. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 219-220. Notes on Jassini, with some new species. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 289-292. — Notes on Siphonaptera, with descriptions of four nrw species. N. Y. Ent. Soc. JL, 6, 1898, 53-56. — Five new species of Phlepsius. Philad., Ent. News, 9, 1898, 65-67. — A new sub-family in the Jassidse. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 76-77. — Notes on the genus Deltocephalus. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 114-119. — Athysanella, a new genus of jnssids. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 185-189. — Some new Bythoscopino! with notes on others. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 197-201. ; On some new and anomalous Tettigoniua?. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 260-262. — New Tettigonina;, with notes on others. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 285-286. — On two new and one previously known flea. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 37-38. — Remarks on Empoasca (Hemiptera). Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 90-94. On Alebra and related genera. Psyche, 8, 1899, 401- 405. — Four new species of Platymetopius. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 49-50. — Notes on Idiocerus (Jassidre). Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 207-208. - Notes on Clastoptera (Cercopida?). Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 463-464. — On some American species of Macropsis (Jassidre). [1900.] Psyche, it, 1902, 55-59. Baker, Curl f]uller], & Cockerell, Theodore D[ru] A[lison\. See Cockerell A Baker. Baker, Charles Henry. A gigantic annual. Kew Bull., 1899, 135-137. Baker, diaries J[o7m]. Absorption of gases by carbon. Chern. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 249-258. Baker, K. C. Stnnrt. The genus Chloropsis. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 6, 1891, 59-03. — The bnlbuls of North Cachar. [1892-93.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 1-12, 125-131, 263-268, 413-424 ; 8, 1893-94, 1-16. — Notes on a new species of wren found in North Cachar, Assam. [1892.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 319-322. — Description of a new species of wren from north-east India, together with an account of its nest and eggs. Ibis, 4, 1892, 62-64. - The birds of North Cachar. [1893-99.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8. 1893-94, 162-211; 9, 1894-95, 1-24, 111-146; 10, 1895-97, 1-12, 161-108, 339-371, 539-507; 11, 1897-98, 222-233, 390-405; 12, 1898-1900, 480-510. - The identification of birds. [1895.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 10, 1895-97, 151-152. — Notes on the nidification of some Indian birds not mentioned in HUME'S "Nests and eggs." Ibis, 1, 1895, 41-64, 217-236 ; 2, 1896, 318-357. — Description of a new Cyanops from North Cachar. Novitates Zool., 3, 1896, 257-258. — Indian ducks and their allies. [1896-1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 1-21, 171-198, 347-367, 555-584; 12, 1898-1900, 1-31, 235-261, 437-464, 593- 620; 13, 1900-01, 1-24, 199-222. — Note on Pericrocotus speciosus rel p[fr]aterculus. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 10, 1895-97, 631- 632, xxix. - The blue rock thrush (Petrophila solitaria). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 336. — Probable hybrid between the scarlet-backed flower- pecker (Dicaeum cruentatum) and the fire-breasted flower- pecker (D. ignipectus). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 467. Baker, K. L. Tierra del Fuego. [1887.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 4 (1887-88), 325-336, 378-384, 417-431. Baker, (Ki'v.) K. P. Notes on Mount Loa. Amer. JL Sci., 37, 1889, 52-53. — Note on the recent eruption of Kilauea, Hawaii. Amer. JL Sci., 41, 1891, 443. — Volcano of Kilauea. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 77. Baker, Kilmund G[illn'rt]. On a new species of Cytinus from Madagascar, constituting a new section of that genus. Linn. Soe. Jl. (Bot.), 24, 1888, 465-469. — Synopsis of genera and species of Malvete. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 15-18, 140-145, 207-213, 239-243, 339-343, 367-371; 29, 1891, 49-53, 104-172, 362-366; 30, 1892, 71-78, 136-142, 235-240, 290-296, 324-332; 31, 1893, 68-76, 212-217, 267-273, 334-338, 361-368; 32, 1894, 35-38. - New plants from the Andes. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 161-162. - The Madrid Herbarium. Jl. Bot., 31), 1892, 54-55. — On a new form of Rosa tomentosa, Woods. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 341-342. — African species of Lobelia § rhynchopetalum. JL Bot., 32, 1894, 05-70. — A new tree Senecio from tropical Africa. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 140-142. — Malvastrum v. Malveopsis. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 180. - Notes on Guttiferas. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 360-364. — Revision of the African species of Eriosema. JL Bot., 33, 1895, 97-100, 141-148, 227-237. — Molinia cferulea, var. obtusa. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895 345-346. — On a new Dorsetshire variety of Plantago coronopus, Linn. Dorset Field Club Proc., 17, 1896, 87-95. 32—2 Baker] 252 [Baker — [New African plants.] Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 50-54. - Note on Pavonia. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 134. Polygala ciliata, Lebel, forma. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 399-400. — Notes on Thespesia. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 50-54. — New Somaliland Polypetaln?. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 2-6. Two old American types. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 129-132. Tilia corclata, Miller, Diet. no. 1 (1768). Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 318-319. — Arenaria serpyllifolia. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 351-352. - [New Somaliland plants.] Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 60, 62-63, 64-65. — Notes on Malvaviscus. .11. Bot., 37, 1899, 344-348. - Rhodesian Polypetalfe. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 422-438. — Note on Hibiscus clypeatus, L. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 52-53. See also Britten (et alii). Baker, Edmund H\iUn'rt\, & Baker, John Gilbert. See below. Baker, Edmund G[illiert], iV Britten, James. See Britten & Baker. Baker, Edmund G[ilbert], & Rose, Joseph N[elson~\. See Rose A Baker. Baker, Ernest. [Meteorological observations for the y'ear 1890.] [1891.] Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc., 7, 1893, 172-174. Baker, F. Suffolk aliens. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900. 24. Baker, p'raiil;. Address [to the Anthrop. Sect., Aug. 1890]. The ascent of man. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1890, 351-373. — Recent discoveries in the nervous system. N. Y. lied. Jl., 57, 1893, 057-663, 685-692. — The nomenclature of nerve cells. [1895.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 63, 1896, 373-374. Baker, Frutik Collins. Notes on Floridan shells. [1889.] Nautilus, 3, 1889-90, 53-54. — Description of a new species of Ocinebra. [1889.] Nautilus. 3, 1889-90, 80-81. — Contents of the stomachs of certain birds collected in Brevard Co., Florida, between Jan. 4, and April 15, 1889. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 139-140. — Notes on the food of birds. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1889, 206-270. — Remarks upon the round-tailed muskrat, Neofiber Alleni, True. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1889, 271- 273. — Remarks on Urosalpinx perrugatus, Conrad. [1890.] Nautilus, 4, 1890-91, 29-30; Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1890, 46-47. — A catalogue of conchologieal abbreviations. Nautilus, 4, 1890-91, 89-91, 115-117. — On the modifications of the apex in Murex. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1890, 60-72. — Notes on a collection of shells from southern Mexico. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sei. Proc., 1891, 45-55. — Remarks on the Muricidie, with descriptions of new species of shells. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1891. 56-61. — Descriptions of new species of Muricidce, with remarks on the apices of certain forms. Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc., 1, 1891, 129-137. — Catalogue and synonymy of the recent species of the family Muricida?. Rochester (N. Y'.) Ac. Sci. Proc., 1, 1891, 153-172. - Further notes on the embryonic whorls of the Muricidaj. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1894, 223-224. — The caves of Yucatan. [1891.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc., 2, 1895, 2. — Notes on a collection of shells from the Mauritius ; with a consideration of the genus Magilus of MONTFORT. [18'Jl.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc., 2, 1896, 19-40. — Preliminary outline of a new classification of the family Muricida-. [1895.] Chicago Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1 1891-1901. | 169-189. The geographical distribution of the Mollusca. Science, 2, 1895, 179-183. On the effect of music on caged animals. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897. 460-463. On a collection of mollusks from Grand Town-, Illinois. [1897.] Nautilus, 11, 1897-98, 28-30. On the modification of the apex in gastropod mollusks. [1897.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 9, 1896-97, 685-704. Critical notes on the Muricida?. [1897.] St. Louis Ac. Trans., 7 (1894-97), 371-391. The Mollusca of the Chicago area. The Pelecypoda. Chicago Ac. Sci. Nat, Hist. Surv. Bull., 3 (Ft. 1). 1898, 130 pp. Note on mollusks from Arcadia, Missouri. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99, 36. - A day on the Chicago drainage canal. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99, 63-65. AnewSphim-ium. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99. 65-66. The molluscan fauna of western New York. St. Louis Ac. Trans., 8 (1898), 71-94. Notes on the mollusks of Lilycash Creek. [1899.] Nautilus, 13, 1899-1900, 30-31. Notes on the Mollusca of Owasco Lake, N. Y". [1899.] Nautilus. 13. 1899-1900, 57-59. — The gross anatomy of Limnsea emarginata, nu: Mighelsi, Binney. [1900.] Chicago Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, [1891-1901,] 191-211. On a collection of freshwater shells from Rhode Island. [1900.] Nautilus, 13, 1899-1900. 112-113. A revision of the Physa? of north-eastern Illinois. [1900.] Nautilus, 14, 1900-01, 16-24. Shell collecting near Rochester, N. Y. [1900.] Nautilus, 14. 1900-01, 69-71. • On the correct position of the aperture in Planorbis. [1890.] Ciucin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 19, [1901,] 45-48. On the pulsations of the molluscan heart. [1897.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 19, [1901,] 73-78. Notes on radulse [of N. American laud and freshwater Mollusca]. [1897.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 19, [1901,] 81-92. - Notes on a collection of Pleistocene shells from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. [1900.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 19, [1901,] 175-177. Baker, Frank Collins, & Woodruff, Fr/inJi 31. Note on Natrix Grahamii, K. & G. Science, 5, 1897, 147. Baker, thr binary quartic and ternary cubic. Quart. Jl. Math., 21, 1890/1-30. On the centre of an algebraic curve. Quart. Jl. Math., 24, 1890, H3M-339. Baker] 253 [Baker On EULER'S 0-function. Proc., 21, 1891, 30-32. — On NOETHER'S fundamental theorem. 42, 1893, 601-604. - On a geometrical proof of JACOEI'S ('-formula. [1889.] London Math. Soc. Math. Ann., Math. Ann., 43, 1893, 593-597. — On the full system of concomitants of three ternary quadrics. [1891.'] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 15, 1894, 02-106. — Examples of the application of NEWTON'S polygon to the theory of singular points of algebraic functions. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 15, 1894, 403-450. • On the theory of BIEMANN'S integrals. Math. Ann., 45, 1894, 118-132. - The practical determination of the deficiency (Ge- schlecht) and adjoint 0-curves for a Biemarm surface. Math. Ann., 45. 1894, 133-139. On a, certain automorphic function. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 8, 1895, 322-327. — On fundamental systems for algebraic functions. London Math. Soc. Proc., 26, 1895, 107-119, 559. — Note on the gamma function. Messenger Math., 25, 1896, 125-128. — On the hyperelliptic sigma functions. Amer. Jl. Math., 20. 1898, 301-384. — Abelian functions in connexion with two-dimensional fluid motions. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 9, 1898, 381-392. — On a certain system of differential equations defining periodic functions. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 9,1898, 513-521. — Note on a property of Pfaffians. London Math. Soc. Proc., 2'.), 1898, 141-142. — FOUKIF.R'S series. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 319- 320. — On the theory of functions of several complex variables. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 18, 1900, 408-443. Baker, Harry. The ortho-vanadates of sodium and their analogues. Chem. Soc. JL. 47, 1885, 353-H61 ; Liebig's Ann., 229, 1885, 286-294. Baker, Henry fi[roofrs]. Climate and health in Michigan. [1884.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 1 (1884-85), 419-427. - The cholera germ. Nature, 30, 1884, 407. — Causation of pneumonia. [1886.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 3 (1886-87), 430-436; Science, 8, 1886, 189-190; U. S. Monthly Weath. Bev., 14 (1886), 334; N. Y. Med. Jl. , 46, 1887, 423-427. — Belations of certain meteorological conditions to diseases of the lungs and air passages, as shown by statistical and other evidence. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 5), 52-78. - Meteorology and disease. [1889.] Atner. Meteorol. Jl., 5 (1888-89), 422-423. - Malaria and the causation of intermittent fever. [1890.] Science, 17, 1891, 197-198. Baker, I[ra] 0[sborn]. Note on optical theory of the stadia. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 31, 1884,' 15-16. - Natural gas in Illinois. Science, 6, 1885, 520. Baker, J[eremiak] \E. Malarial fever on Long Island ; its prevalence. Being the report of the Committee on hygiene of the Medical Society of the county of Kings. [1884.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 41, 1885, 267-273. - Report on cholera. N. Y. Med. Jl., 41, 1885, 629-634. Baker, J. H. On Mount Cook glacier-motion. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 153-161. Baker, John G. An improved micro-stereoscopic camera. Franklin Inst. Jl., 148, 1899, 145-147. Baker, John Gilbert. *Symbolse ad floram Brasilia; centralis coguoscendam, edit. Eug. WARMING. Particula tertia. Filices. [1869.] Kjiibenh. Vid. Medd., 1, 1870, 79-98. — [New garden plants.] Gard. Chron., 21, 1884, 11, 577, 700; 22, 1884, 102, 198, 328, 488, 616-617, 649; 24, 1885. 230-231; 25, 1886, 9, 104, 136, G48, 681, 814; 26, 1886, 8, 38; 1, 1887, 8, 140, 313, 414, 543, 576, 702, 732- 733, 799-800; 2, 1887, 126, 712; 3, 1888, 10, 392; 4, 1888, 178, 660, 750; 5, 1889, 233, 330, 458, 648; 6, 1889, 38, 94-95, 154, 436, 523, 558, 715, 750; 7, 1890, 192, 288, 6HI; *, 1890, 94, 122, 183-184, 524; 9, 1891, 104, 298, 330, 521, 668; 10, 1891, 94-95, 452, 576; 11, 1892, 780; 12. 1892, 150, 300, 488, 582; 13, 1893, 68, 226, 258, 354- 355, 384-385, 506-507, 538-539, 568, 596, 624-625, 682, 710; 14, 1893, 8, 150, 424, 456, 552, 584, 616; 15, 1894, •jss, (152, 716; 16, 1894, 34, 212. 336, 467, 562; 18, 1895, 516; 21,1897,214,321; 22,1897,425; 23,1898,321-322. - Hybrid Cape Gladioli. Gard. Chron., 21, 1884, 476. — New Lachenalias. Gard. Cliron., 21, 1884, 668. Pasonies. Gard. Chrou., 21, 1884, 732, 779-780, 828- 830 ; 22, 1884, 9-10. — Notes on the cultivated asters. Gard. Chron., 22, 1884, 523-524, 554, 618, 680-681, 744; 23, 1885, 13. 47-48, 142, 208-209, 306-307, 501-502, 534-535. — On the upland botany of Derbyshire. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 6-15. — A synopsis of the genus Selaginella. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 23-26, 80-90, 110-113, 243-247, 275-278, 295-300, 373-377; 23, 1885, 19-25, 45-48, 116-122, 154-157, 176- 180, 248-252, 292-302. — New plants from the Zambesi country. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 52-53. — Ferns collected in Madagascar by 31. HUMBLOT. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 139-144. — On the British daffodils. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 193-195. — Ferns collected in Costa Bica by Mr. R. G. HARRISON. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 302-364. — The fathers of Yorkshire botany. [Presidential address, Barnsley, March 4, 1884.] Yorks. Nat. Union Trans., 8, 1885, E, 185-200; 9, 1886, E, 201. — Plantas eolhidas por F. NEWTON na Africa occidental. Filices. Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 3, 1885, 226-229. — On the origin of the garden Auricula. Gard. Chron., 23, 1885, 757-758. A classification of garden roses. Gard. Chron., 24, 1885, 199. — A synopsis of the species and hybrids of Nerine. Gard. Chron., 24, 1885, 779, 810. — On Seuecio spathuhefolius, DC. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 8-9. — Ferns collected in north Formosa by Mr. William HANCOCK. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 102-107. — A new Selaginella from New Guinea. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885. 122. — New ferns from Brazil collected by Dr. GLAZIOU. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 217-218. — A monograph of the genus Gethyllis. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 225-228. — A synopsis of the Cape species of Knipliolia. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 275-2x1. Further contributions to the flora of... Madagascar. [1884-88.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 21, 1886, 317-353, 407-455; 22. 1887, 441-537; 25, 1890, 294-350. — Notice sur les Rubus des environs de Spa. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 25, 1886 (C. R.), 51-53. — [Filiees ins. St. Thomse.] Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 4, 1886, 149-158. Kew and its work. Gard. Chron., 25, 1886, 167-168, 206, 267, 363, 458^459. — On the Narcissi of the Linnean herbarium. Gard. Chron., 25, 1886, 489. — On the wild forms of tuberous Solatium. Gard. Chron., 26, 1886, 746. — A synopsis of the European species of Primula, with their distribution. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 7, 1886, 234-236. — On the relation of the British forms of Rubi to the continental types. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 4-7, 43-47, 71-77. Baker] L-:. I [Baker - European primulas. ,11. Bot., 24, 1886, 25-26. — A synopsis of the Rhizocarpe*. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 97-101', 274-2s:;, :;SI-HS-_<. — Ni-w fi-rns collected by J. B. TurRsmx, Esq., iu Fiji. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886. 182-183. — A new tree fern from , 1887. 52-55, 115-118, 171-177. 211 21-), 2:1-1-246, 277-2*1, 8(13-306, 344-347; 26, 1888, 12-17, 3'.l-.JO, 79-82, 104-111, 137- 144, 167-172. — On a collection of ferns made in west central China by Dr. A. HENRY. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 170-171. — A new Lycopodium from Ecuador. Jl. Bot.. 25. 1887, 374. — On Kew Gardens and some of the botanical statistic"; of the British possessions. [1886.] Midland Natlist., 11, 1888, 165-170, 211-214, 230-235, 252-255, 275-277. On a collection of ferns made by Baron EGGERS in St. Domingo. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 33-35. — On two recent collections of ferns from western China. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 22.5-231. — Note on Buckinghamshire Rubi. Jl. Bot., 2G, 1888, 248-24'J. — On a third collection of ferns made in West Borneo by the Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 323-326. — On a new Acrostiehum from Trinidad. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888. 371. North Yorkshire : studies of its botany, geology, climate, and physical geography. York?. Xat. Union Trans., 11, 1888, "E, l-ls; ]•_'. 1889. E, 111-144 ; 13, 1889, E, 145-272; 15, 1890, E, 273-336; 17, 1892. E, 337-400. Liste des fongri-fs di-.< Comores, rapportees par 31. HI-.MBI.OT. [18*5.] I'aris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 532-534. — Enumeration of the species of Kniphofia. Gar.!. Chron., 6, 1889, 588. — Notes on saxifrages. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 11, 1889, 27-36. [Historical notes on hyacinths.] Hortic. Soc. Jl. , 11, 1889. 54. — The botany of the rose. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 11, 1889, 205-209. — New petaloid monocotyledons from Cape Colony. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 1-4, 42^45. — New ferns from western China. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 176-178. — On a new species of Polypodium from Jamaica. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 270. — Papaver pilosum and Heldreichii. Gard. Chron., 8, 1890. 211. Vascular Cryptogamia of New Guinea, collected by Sir W. MACGREOOR. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 103-110. - Tonquin ferns. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890. 262-268. - New Guatemalan BromeliacefB. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 305-306. — On the vascular Cryptogamia of the island of St. Vincent. [1*91.] Ann. Bot., 5, 1890-91, 163- 172. — A ^ummary of the new ferns which have been discovered or described since 1874. [1891.] Ann. Bot., 5, 1890-91, 1*1-222, 301-332, 455-500. — The forms of Lilium longiflorum and Browni. (ianl. Chron., In, 1891. 225. — Ferns of north-west Madagascar. .11. Bot., 29, 1891. 3-6. — On the Rubi of Capel Curig. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 47-18. — A new Strongylodon from Madagascar. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 74-75. — New ferns from West Borneo. Jl. Bot., 29. 1891, 107-108. — On the vascular Cryptogamia of the island of Grenada. Ann. Bot., 6, 1892, 95-102. - The new lilip-s of we-Jt China and Tibet. Gard. Chron., 12, 1892. IU3. Agaves and arborescent Liliacex on the Riviera. Kew Bull., 1892, 1-10. — False sisal of Florida. (Agave decipiens, /;.//,. i also Kew, Royal Gardens. See K/.-PP Oliver (et idii). Baker, John Gilbert, & Baker, Edmund G[ilbert]. The botany of High-Cup Nick, Westmoreland. Jl. Bot., 32. 1894, 299-307, 345. Baker, John Gilbert, & Clarke, C[harles'\ B[aron], See Clarke X Baker. Baker, John Gilbert, & Engler, Adolf. [Beitrage zur Flora von Afrika. in.] Liliacese Africans. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 15, 1893, 467-479. Baker, J'llin Gilbert, A Mueller, (Huron) Ferdinand [Jacob II: inrieli\ ran. N»v Mueller A- Baker. Baker, John Gilbert, A Newbould, |/,Yr.) ir[illiam] tt'[illiams<>H]. Notes on the flora of Matlock. .11. Bot., 22. 1884. 334-344. Baker I •255 [Baker Baker, Julm . , ••, ISSli, 1'equilibre chimique Pays-Bas, (',, 1887, 393-413. — Sur les differentes formrs d<> heterogene. Rec. Trav. Chim. 262-303. — Sur les points triples et multiples, envisages commo points de transition. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 304-332. — Sur 1'astrakanite et les sels doubles hydrates en general. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 333-355. Sur la formation des hydrates de gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1292-1293. — Stndien iiber chemisches Gleichgewicht. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 449-481. Die Umwandlungstemperatur bei wasserhaltigeu Dop- pelsalzen uud ihre Loslichkeit. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 513-522. — [Het gedraK van zouten tegenover water.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded. , 6, 1889, 362-3iii;. — Etude experimentale et theorique sur les conditions de 1'equilibre entre les cornbiuaisons solides et liquides de 1'eau avec des sels, particulierement avec le chlorure de calcium. Arch. Xeerland., 23, 1889, 199-354; Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 8, 1889, 1-146; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 4, 1889, 31-65. Sur les brusques changemente dans la solubilite des sels, occasionnes par la formation de deux couches liquides. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 8, 1889, 257-272. — Sur la solubilite des sels. [Repouses a 31. LE CHATELIER.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 108, 1889, 741-747, 1013-1015. — Sur les combinaisons des metaux alcalins avec 1'ammoniaque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 134- 137. — Die Beziehungen zwischen dem wasserfreien Thorium- sulfat und seinen Hydraten, und die Verzogerungser- scheinuugeu bei der Hydratieruug nud Dehydratierung dieses Salzes. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 5/1890, 198- 216; Arch. Xeerland., 24, 1891, 233-257. — Ueher die Loslichkeit von Mischkrystallen, speziell zweier isouiorpher Korper. Ztschr. 1'hvsikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 504-530; Arch. Xeerland., 2li, 1893, 137-170. — Die Loslichkeit der Mischkrystalle von KC10;I und T1C10.,. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 531-535; Arch. Xeerlaud., 26, 1893, 171-178. • Over de oplosbaarheid van isomorfe mengsels. [1891.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 50-52. [Over de samenstelling van het zeewater nabij de Hollandsche kust.] [18111.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 81-83; Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 10, 1891, 91-99. — [Over den invloed der isomorphie op het gedrag van dubbelzouten tegenover de waterige oplossins hunuer componenten.] [1891.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892. 259-261; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 10, 1892, 145-164; Arch. Neerland., 27/1894, 1-27. — Over de hydraten van ijzerchloried en hnnue oplo.-,- baarheid. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 417-418; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 10, 1892, 477-503; Arch. Xeerland., 27, 1894, 28-64. — Over de oplosbaarheidslijuen voor stelsels van l«r, stoffen. [1892.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, 93-96; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 359-389; Arch. Xeer- land., 28, 1895, 78-120. — Over evenwichten tusschen vloeibare en vaste phaseu in het stelsel : water, zoutzuur en ijzerchloried. [Is'.ll.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 11-15. — Over de graphische voorstelling van heterogene even- wichten in stelsels van een tot vier stoffen. |1>'.U.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 45-48 : Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 145-158; Arch. Xeerland., 29,' 1896, 69-86. — Over den invloed van uitwendigen druk op de omzet- ting van zwart in rood zwavelkwik. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 162-164; Fortschr. Phys., 1895 (Ablh. 1), 164-165. Palladiumwaterstof. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 267-270. — Smeltlijnen bij stelsels van twee en drie organische stoffeu. [1897.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 6, 1898, 62-64 — Stol- en overgangspunten bij mengkristalleu van twee stoffen. Congealing points and points of transition in Bakhuis Roozeboom] 257 [Bakunin mixed crystals of two substances. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 134-136; Amsterdam, Ak. Prac., 1, 1899, 101-103; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 30, 1899, 385- 429; Arch. Neerland., 3, 1900, 414-463. Over stol- en smeltverschijuselen bij stoffeu, \velke tautomerie vertoonen. On congealing- and melting- phenomena in substances showing tautomerism. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 235-238; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 1, 1899, 176-179. — Oplosbaarheid en smeltpunt als kriteria voor de onderscheiding van racernische verbindingeu, pseudo- racemische mengkristallen en inaktieve konglomeraten. On solubility and melting point as criteria for distin- guishing racemic combinations, pseudoracemic mixed crystals and inactive conglomerates. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 376-379; Amsterdam, Ak. Proe., 1, 1899, 310-313; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 537-541; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 28, 1899, 494-517; Arch. Neerlaud., 3, 1900, 201-227. — Smeltpunten bij stelsels van optische isomeren. On melting points in systems of optic isomers. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 533-535; Amsterdam. Ak. Proc., 1, 1899, 466-468. — Erkenuung von Eacemkorpern in festem und fliis- sigem Zustande. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2172-2177. Een voorbeeld van omzetting van mengkristallen in verbinding. An example of the conversion of mixed crystals into a compound. [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 33-36; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 2, 1900, 74-77. — De natuur van het inaetieve carvoxim. The nature of inactive carvoxime. [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 215-217; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 2, 1900, 160-162. Sur la solidification de melanges liquides de substances tautomeres. Arch. Neerland., 3, 1900, 187-200. — Sur 1'equilibre de cristaux mixtes avec la phase vapeur. Arch. Neerlaud. , 5, 1900, 360-365. — Ueber die Bedeutung der Phaseulehre. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1900 (Th. 1), 169-171. — Iron and steel from the point of view of the " phase- doctrine." Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1900 (No. 2), 311-316; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 34, 1900, 437-487. — Het gedrag der mengsels van kwikiudide en zilver- iodide. The behaviour of mixtures of mercuric iodide and silver iodide. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 6-8; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 3, 1901, 84-86. Bakhuis Roozeboom, H[endrik] W[illem], & Schreine- makers, F[rans~\ A[ntoon] H\yJ>ert\. Gleichgewiehte zwischen fliissigen und festen Phasen im System : Wasser, Chlorwasserstoff, Eisenchlorid. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 588-637; Arch. Neerland., 29, 1896, 95-161. Bakhuyzen. See Sande Bakhuyzen. Bakker, Gerrit. Ueber eine Eigenschaft der Verdam- pfungswarme. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 10, 1892, 558- 562. — Bemerkung iiber den Molekulardruck. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 280-286. — Zur Theorie der Fliissigkeiten und Gase. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 670-678; 14, 1894, 446-455. — Thermodyuarnische Betrachtungen iiber Molekular- druck. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 13, 1894, 145-154. — Thermodynarnische Able-Hung der Zustaudsgleichung von VAN HER WAALS fur Fliissigkeiten und Gase. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 14, 1894, 456-466. — Bemerkung iiber die Fnnktion a in der Zustands- gleichung von VAN DER WAALS. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 14, 1894, 604-670. — Zusammenhang zwischen den Gesetzen von MARIOTTE, GA-V-LUSSAC und JOULE. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem. , 14, 1894, 671-672 ; 17, 1896, 171-172. R. S. A. C. — The pressure of a saturated vapour as an explicit function of the temperature. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 79. — Zur Theorie der Gase uud Fliissigkeiten. Ztsehr. Physikal. Chem., 17, 1895, 678-688; 20, 1896, 461-162; 22,' 1897, 543-544. — Ueber die innere Verdampfungswarme. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 519-520. - Die Dampfdruckformel und das Wesetz des geraden Durehmessers. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 645-657. - Zur Theorie der iibereinstimmendenZustaude. Ztschr. Physikal. Chern., 21, 1896, 127-133, 507-508. — Ueber die potentielle Euergie und das Virial der Molekularkrafte u. s. w. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 497-506. - Une proprie'te1 de la chaleur de vaporisation des gaz liquefies. Jl. Phys., 6, 1897, 131-133. — Theorie des liquides a molecules simples. Jl. Pbys., 6, 1897, 577-588; 7, 1898, 511-515. - Ueber den Molekulardruck. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 22, 1897, 277-278. — Kelation entre les lois caracteristiques des gaz parfaits. Jl. Phys., 7, 1898, 152-154; 8, 1899, 214-215. — Theorie dynamique de la capillarite. Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 545-552; 9, 1900, 394-404. — Bemerkung zur "Thermodynamischen Theorie der Kapillaritat" von VAN DER WAALS. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 28, 1899, 708-718; 34, 1900, 168-178. — Opmerking over de molekulaire potentiaalfunctie van VAN DEE WAALS. A remark on the molecular potential function of Prof. VAN DER WAALS. [189!».] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 223-238; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 2, 1900, 163-178. — De potentiaalfuncties Asm(qr + a) en de potentiaalfunctie van VAN DER WAALS. The potential function Af-v + Be"r Asm(qr + a) (r) = --- and

[mitriei-na]. 0 BJliflHill BHt>inueu cpc,T.H ii iipeiiJiyinecTBC-Hiio o6besia Boinaro fiacceiiHa na nf-KOTOpuxt mi, CJIISHHKOBI. (De ['influence du milieu exterieur et principalement celle des dimensions du bassin d'eau sur quelques Mollusques.) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 12 (Xo. 1), 1887, 21-28. - 0 B.iiiniiii BirluuHefi cpejuj 11 upeniiymecT- BeHIIO Tt'MIH'paTypU BO,HM II B03iyxa Ha Plauorbis Vertia. (De I'influence du milieu exterieur et principale- ment celle de la temperature de 1'eau et de 1'air sur les Plauorbis Vertia.) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 13 (No. 1), 1888, 1C.1-184. — 0 BJiumin Hii'hitiiieii cpe,n&i Boo6m,e 11 usfrroBi) B'i, OCOCCHHOCTII Ha C.1 II3IIflKOB't, n p II HUM 6- ;i;aiIUIXl) Kl> pOAaM'l, Limiiitus II Planorbis. [On the influence of the external environment in general and plants in particular on Mollusca belonging to the genera Lirnnseus and Planorbis.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 67 (No. 6), 1891, 15-18. — 0 BJiiiiniii Tiirliiiiiicii rpeflu Boofiiue n uBt.TOBi, BI> oenfirmiorni ua irl.i.-oTopijx'i, MCU.IIOCKOBI. IiailHIX'b B0;u>. [On the influence of the external environment in general and plants in particular on some molluscs of Russian waters.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 86, 1894, 19-21. Balat, G. Facule remarquable. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 1, 1896, 107. — La meteorite de Lesves. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 1, 1896, 128-129. Balazs, jl/nr. Uj szerkezetii higauy-kornpenzaczio-inga. [New mercury compensation pendulum.] Termt. Kbzlon., 25, 1893 (, S uppl.), 47-48. Balbi, Aili-inini. For biography and works see [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 18, 1881, 528-532. Balbi, (conte) Emilia. Deserizione di una nuova specie liguredelgenereBathyscia, Schi^iite. Bathyscia Murialdii, n. sp. Boll. Natlista.", Siena, 8, 1888, 154. — Diagnosi e descrizioni di due uuuve specie dei generi Leptura (Linneo) e Timarcha (Latreillc). Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 49-50. — Descrizioue d' una nuova specie italiana del genere Hi?pa (Linneo). Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 1, 1892, 195-196. — Deserizione d' una nuova specie italiana del genere Microtyphlus (Lind.). Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 1, 1892, 197-198. — Note sull' habitat dell' Anophthalmus Carantii, fiella. Nat. Sicil., 2, 1897, 72-75. — Diagnosi e descrizione d' una nuova specie italiana del genere Meloe, Linneo. Nat. Sicil., 2, 1897, 93-97. Note sul genere Scotodipnus, Schaum, ed osservazioui comparative sugli Scotodipnus Doderoi, Balbi, e Scoto- dipnus strictus, Baadi. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Sieria, 17, 1897, 50-52, 1UO-103. — Difformitates et monstrositates Coleopterorura in collectione BALBH. [1898.] Nat. Sicil., 2, 1897, 150-156. Balbi, Vittorio. Effemeridi del Sole e della luna per 1' orizzonte di Torino e per [gli anni 1895-99]. [1894-98.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30. 1895. 4-19, 869-883; 31, 1896, 646-660 or 1046-1060; 32, 1896, 772-788 or 1034-10.JO; 33, 1897, 598-614 or 832-S48. Balbiani, L'[/iuwird} G[fnird}. For biography and list of works sec Bibliogr. Anat., 7, 1899, 151-152; Nature, 60 (1899), 399; Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 265-266; Arch. Anat. Micr. , 3, 1900, i-xxxvi. — M. MAOPAS et les Infusoires cilies. Arch. Zool. Exper., 2,1884, ii-iii. Les organismes unicellulaires. Les Protozoaires. Jl. Microgr., 8, 1884, 9-13, 66-75, 134-142, 249-257, 367- 375. Sur les effets des badigeonuages goudronneux sur les vignes phylloxeras. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 634-637. — Sur 1'utilitE de la destruction de 1'oeuf d'hiver du Phylloxera. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 159-161. Sur un Infusoire cilie parasite du sang de Paselle aquatique (Anoplophrya circulans). Rec. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1885, 277-303. — Contribution a 1'etude de la formation des organes sexuels chez les insectes. Hec. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1885, 527-588. - Evolution des micro-organismes auinmux et vegetaux. Jl. Microgr., 10. 1886, 535-544; 11, 1887, 54-62, 134-142, 170-177, 196-205, 233-240, 365-373, 393-406, 434-446, 463-476, 4911-511, 534-544; 12, 1888, 11-19. 41-49, 134-142, 173-182, 205-212, 235-243, 266-273, 303-308, 394^00, 421-429, 453-458, 517-523; 13, [1889,] 5-9, 262., — Etudes bacteriologiques sur les Arthropodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 952-954. — Les poissmis vivipares. Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 732. — Observations relatives a une note recente de M. MACPAS, sur la multiplication de la Leucophrys patula. Paris, Ac. Sci. C.R., 104, 1887, 80-83. — Observations au sujet d'une note recente de 31. DONNA- MF.o sur les pontes hivernales du Phylloxera. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 667-669. Balbiani] 259 [Baldacci — Sur trois Entophytes nouveaux du tube digestif dt'S Myriapodes. Robin, Jl. Anat., 25. 1889, 5^45. — Etude sur le Loxode. [1890.] Ann. Mierogr., '2, 1889-90, 401-431. — Etudes anatomiques et histologiques sur le tube digestif des Cryptops. Arch. Zool. Exper., 8, 1890, 1-82. Sur la structure intime du noyau du Loxophyllum meleagris. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 110-115, 132-136. — Sur la formation des monstres doubles chez les Infusoires. Robin, Jl. Anat., 27, 1891, 169-196. — Sur les regenerations successives du peristorne comme caractere d'age cliez les Stentors et sur le role du noyau dans ce phe"nomene. Zool. Ariz., 14, 1891, 312-316, 323-327. — Recherches expe>hnentales sur la me'rotornie des Infusoires eilife. Contribution a l'(Hude du role physio- logique du noyau cellulaire. [1888.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 5, 1892, 1-72. — Nouvelles reeherches experimentales sur la rnerotomie des Infusoires cilies. Ann. Microgr., 4 (1891-92), 3(19- 407, 449-489; 5 (1893), 1-25, 49-84, 113-137. — Centrosome et "Dotterkern." Robin, Jl. Auat., 29, 1893, 145-179. — Sur la structure et la division du noyau chez le Spirochona gerumipara. Ann. Microgi., 7 (1895), 241- 260, 289-312. — Contribution a 1'^tude des secretions i5pitheliales dans 1'appareil femelle des Arachuides. Arch. Anat. Micr., 1, 1897, 1-68. — Etudes sur 1'action des sels sur les Infusoires. Arch. Anat. Micr., 2, 1898, 518-600. Balbiani, K[douard] G[erard], & Henneguy, I.[oitis] Felix. Sur la signification physiologique de la division cellulaire directe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123. 1896, 269-270. Balbiano, Luigi. Costituzione dell' acido bibromoauisico. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 9-12. — Sopra alcuni compost! fluorati del rame ed uu ossi- fluoruro cupramnionico. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1886, 74-84. — Costituzione dell' acido monobroinanisico e sopra un nuovo acido nitrobromauisico ed amidoanisico. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 234-251. — Sulla canfofenilidrazina. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 246-248. — Ricerche sul gruppo della canfora. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 1), 101-107, 632-635; 3, 1887 (Sent. 1), 140-148, 509-513; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 16, 1886, 132-13(,l ; 17, 1887, 95-99, 155-164, 240-245. — Sopra alcuni derivati del pirazolo. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sem. 1), 339-343; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 17, 1887, 176-182. — [Ricerche sul gruppo del pirazolo.] I. Sopra alcuni derivati monosostituiti del pirazolo e sui composti idrogenati che ne derivano. [II. Sopra due acidi pirazolbeuzoici. III. Derivati bromurati del 1-fenil- pirazolo. IV. Azione dei cloruri acidi sul 1-fenilpirazolo. V. Sopra alcuni derivati della trimetilenfenildiamina. VI. Sintesi del pirazolo. VII. Sopra alcuni derivati dell' 1-fenilpirazolo.] [1888-90.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 18, 1888, 354-379, 577; 19, 1889, 119-128, 128-134, 134-141, 688-692 ; 20, 1891, 459^65, 466-475 ; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 16-34 [Part i]; Ann. di Chirn., 9, 1889, 3-12, 89-95, 161-169 [Parts n-iv] ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1103-1108, 1448-1453 [Parts vi & vn]. — Contribuzione allo studio del cromato basico di rame. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 1), 597-600; Gazz. Chirn. Ital., 18, 1888, 195-198. Sulla trimetilenfeuilimina. Roina, R. Ace. Lincei — Sulle relazioni fra pirrazolo, pirrolo e piridina. [1894.] Roma, R. Ace. Linct-i Mem., 7, 1891, 411-548. Sull' ossidazione dell' acido canforico. Horna, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (.SVm, 1), 278-284; 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 240-244; 3, 1894 (.SVm. 2), 282-286; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2133-21:57 [1'urt unly]. Sopra i composti plato-pirrazolici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 366-371!; 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 197-201; Gazz. Chim. Hal., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 524-529 [Part only]. — Sul fenil-etil-dimetil-pirrazolo. Koma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 410-417; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 323-332. — Sopra un composto platinico della gliossalina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 433-436; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 101-104. Ueber die Oxydationsproducte der Camphersaure. Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 2), 44-46. — Sopra uua iiuova serie di composti del platino derivanti dai pirazoli. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (,SVwi. 2), 26-34. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1506-1508. — Brevi osservazioni sulla nota dei signori Fr. MAHLA e Ferd. TIEMANN : Zum Abbau der Camphersaure. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 1), 52-61. — Sui prodotti di ossidazione dell' acido canforico. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 6, 1897 (,sVm. 1), 101-107, 236-239; 8, 1899 (.SVm. 1), 422-427; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 289-294 [Part unly]. — Sulla costituzioue dell' acido canforico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 0, 1897 (Sem. 2), 3-12 ; 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 232-239; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30. 1897, 1901-1909; 32, 1899, 1017-1023. — Sugli acidi pirrazolcarbouici. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 11898, Pt. 1), 382-390. — Ricerche analitiche suh" acido cauforico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 2), 490-592. — Sul bromofencone. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 382-388. Balbiano, Luigi, & Marchetti, G[ueiriero]. Sintesi di omologhi dell' 1-fenilpirrazolo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 114-119 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 485-492. — Aleuue esperieuze su composti pirrazolici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Kend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 398-403 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 8-14. Balbiano, Luigi, & Severini, Ostilio. Sopra alcuni acidi della serie pirrazolica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend. , 1, 1892 (Sent. 2), 195-2(13; 2, 1893 (.SVm. 1), 3-8; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 309-319, 354-:i60. Balbiano, Luigi, & Tartuferi, Ferruccio. Sul cloromer- curato di cocaina ed alcune esperienze sul suo potere antisettico. Ann. di Chim., 6, 1887, 157-171. Balbiano, Luigi, & Trasciatti, D[ecio]. Ueber ein neues Derivat des Glykocolls. Vorliiutige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2323-2326. Balbin, Valentin. Geometrografia. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 44, 1897, 110-123; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 439. Balcb, Alfred II'. A possible cause of azoturia. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., [4, 1900,] 234-23S. Balcb, Alfred II'., & PfafF, Franz. See Pfaff & Balch. Balch, Edwin Swift. Ice caves and the causes of sub- terranean ice. Franklin Inst. JL, 143, 1897, 161-178. — Subterranean ice deposits in America. Franklin Inst. JL, 147, 1899, 286-297. Balcb, S[aiuitel] II". The mechanics of the friction clutch. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 6, 1885, 118-130. — Chronology and ancient eclipses. [18'.I5.] N. Y. Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 2, 1896, 8, 10-11. Balcke, J/. Spannungsniesser fur Briicken, Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 293, 1894, 175-180. Balcom, (Miss) L[illian] L[ynn], & Orndorff, H'[iH(am] R[idiiely\. See Orndorff iV Balcom. Baldacci, Antonio. Sguardo sulla flora di Corfu. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 135-136. — Nel Montenegro. Cenni cd appunti interim alia flora di questo paesp. [II. II [suo] viaggio botanico del 1890.] 33—2 Baldacci] 260 [Baldi [1890-91.] Malpigliin, 4, 1890, 331-339, 378-403, 449- 471. — Nel Montenegro. Una parte delle [sue] raccolte. Malpigbia, 5, 1891, 02-82. - Altre notizie intorno alia flora del Montenegro. Malpighia, tj. 1892, 58-89, 149-178; 7, 1893, 59-78, 163-191, 279-2S.S. Eseursione botanica allo scoglio di Saseuo. [Italia], Soc. Hot. Bull., 1893, 80-84. — Bicordi di un viaggio botanico fra Prevesa e Jauina. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 84-88. - Osservazioni sulla ramificazione del Syrnphytum orientule, L., applicate al geuere Symphytum, L. [Italia], Soe. Bot. Bull., 1893, 337-341. Osservazioni sulla natura simpodiale di alcune iu- fiorescenze di Borraginee. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 393-397. — Sulla ramiticazione delle Apocinee (latiori sensu di Ant. Lor. DE JUSSIEU). [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 397-101. Osservazioui sulle Eotatje e partieolarmente sul genere Vaillantia, DC. Malpighia, 7, 1893, 203-208. La stazione delle "doline." Studi di geografia botanica sul Montenegro e su gli altri paesi ad esso finitimi. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 25, 1893, 137-151. Affinita delle Aristoloehiacee e del generi aristolo- chiacei. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 49-54. — Bivista critica della collezione botanica fatta uel 1892 in Albania. Malpighia, 8, 1894, 69-87, 159-192, 278-301. — Contribute alia conoscenza della flora dalmata, montenegrina, albanese, epirota e greca. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. ItaL, 1, 1894, '.10-103. Monografia della sezione " Aizopsis, DC." del genere Draba, L. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 1, 1894, 103-121. Bisultati botanici del viaggio compiuto in Creta nel 1893. Malpighia, 9, 1896, 31-70, 251-279, 329-355. Prodotti vegetali (mdigeni o no) che si usauo uel- 1' Albania e nell' Epirus (vilm/et di Jauina). Firenze Ace. Georgorili Atti, 19, 1896, 58-82. — Itinerari albanesi. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 6, 1896, 45-79, 378-409; 7, 1897, 15-44. Die westliche akrokerauniscbe Gebirgskette. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 39, 1896, 787-814. Kivista della collezioue botauica fatta nel 1895 [e nel 1890] in Albania. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 386- 419; 5, 1898, 5-44; 0, 1899, 5-37, 149-187, 333-356. — Die ptianzeugeographische Karte von Mittel-Albanieu und Epirus. [Tr.] Petermann, Mitth., 43, 1897, 163- 170, 179-183. — Vromonero e le sue acque solfuree. [Italia], Soc. Gengr. Boll., 35, 1898, 23-27. — Gli Albancsi nel Montenegro. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 346-352. — Considerazioni prelimiuari sulla fitogeografia del- 1' Albania settentriouale. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 569-575. Bicerche sulla struttura della foglia e del canle della Forsythia europa'a, Deuen ft Baldacci. [1899.] Bologmi Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 481-490 or 155-164. Osservazioni sulla struttura anatomica dell' asse sirnpodioi'oro e principalmente del cono vegetative arrestato del Symphytum orientale, L. Bologna Kend., 4, 1900, 74-78. — Dal Montenegro al golfo di Ambracia. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 37, 1900, 208-223. Baldacci, Anttiniu, & Saccardo, 1'ier' Andrea. Onorio BELLI e Prospero ALPINO e la flora dell' isola di Creta. Malpighia, 14, 1900, 140-163. Baldacci, L[uiyi], Descrizione geologica dell" isola di Sicilia. Italia Carta Geol. Mem. Descritt., 1, 1886, xxxii + 403 pp. — Osservazioni fatte nella colonia Eritrea. Italia Carta Geol. Mem. Descritt., 0, 1891, 110 pp. — La VII sessione del Congresso Geologicolnternazionale a Pietroburgo e la escursione agli Urali. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 28, 1897, 248-276. Baldacci, /.[»/it]. Descriptions of new species of Achatinellidii! from the Hawaiian Islands. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. 1'roc., 1895, 214-236. — Description of two new species of Achatinellidse from the Hawaiian Islands. [1896.] Nautilus, 10, 1896-97, 31-32. — Hawaiian Cyprfflidec. [1898.] Nautilus, 11, 1897-98, 123. Baldwin, De Purest, & Gooch. f [rail A'] A[vstin]. See Gooch A Baldwin. Baldwin, E. T. Wild cat (Felis cattus, L.) in Sutherland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 132. Baldwin, Edward R. The effect of peppermint inhalation on experimental tuberculosis. N. Y. Med. Jl. , 61, 1896, 623-624. Baldwin, Ecelyn B. Meteorological observations of the second Wellman expedition. [Outline of the scope and character of the meteorological work in Franz-Josef Land, 1*98-99.] [1901.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Kep., 1899-1900, 349-436. Baldwin, (Capt.) H. *Cyclone du Pacifique des 17 et 18 novembre 1867. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 96-97. Baldwin, Harry L. *Vis>ibility of Venus in the daytime. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 573-574. Baldwin, Helen. An experimental study of oxaluria, with special reference to its fermentative origin. [1900.] Jl. E.xper. Med., 5, 1900-01, 27-46. Baldwin, Henry. Abnormal form of Trillium grandiflorum. Science, 4, 1884, 352. Baldwin, Herbert B. The toxic action of sodium fluoride. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 21, 1899, 517-521, 942. Baldwin, J[ames] Marl;. Dream excitation. Science, 12, 1888, 216. — Origin of right or left handedness. Science, 16, 1890, 247-248. — Right-handedness and effort. Science, 16, 1890, 302- 303. — Suggestion in infancy. Science, 17, 1891, 113-117. Infants' movements. Science, 19, 1892, 15-16. — Tracery imitation. [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 149-150. — A new method of child study. Science, 21, 1893, 213-214. Distance and color perception by infants. Science, 21, 1893, 231-232; 22, 1893, 10. — Consciousness and evolution. Science, 2, 1895, 219- 223. — Physical and social heredity. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 422-428. A new factor in evolution. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 441-451, 536-553, 856. Heredity and instinct. Science, 3, 1896, 438-441, 558-561. — An optical illusion. Science, 4, 1896, 794-796. — Color perception of children. [1897.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 9, 1897-98, 61-62. — Organic selection. Science, 5, 1897, 634-636. — Determinate variation and organic selection. Science, 6, 1897, 770-773. — [isolation and selection.] Science, 7, 1898, 638-640. — Hemianopsia in migraine. Science, 11,1900, 713-714. Baldwin, S. Prentiss. Recent changes in the Muir glacier. Amer. Geologist, 11, 1893, 366-375. — Pleistocene history of the Champlain valley. Amer. Geologist, 13, 1894, 170-184. Baldwin] 2G2 [Balitrand Baldwin, Ward. Stresses in railway bridges on curves. [With discussion.'] Araer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 25, 1891. 4511-500. Baldwin, WiUinm J. Tests of condensation in cast-iron radiators. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., S2, 1894, 34-37. Baldy, F. Essai de I'aluminium et du zinc a 1'aide de I'acide cblorique. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 201- 205. Baldy, ] H[rayton], *A contribution to the study of aphasia, with special reference to " word-deafness " and " word-blindness." Arch. Med., 5, 1881, 130-161. Ball, Ili'iijamin. For biography sec Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 30, 1893, 703-704; Riv. Sper. di 1'reniatria, 19, 1893, 196. - Le dualisme cerebral. Rev. Sci., 33, 1884, 33-37. La morphiuonianie. Rev. Sci., 33, 1884, 449-454, 705-708; 34, 1884, 1-5. - L'intelligence des animaux. Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 605. — Du traitenient de la putisie pulmonaire par les injec- tions hypodermiques d'eucalyptol. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 17, 1887, 341-343. — Des lesions de la morphinomanie et de la presence de la morphine dans les visceres. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 18, 1887, .J25-530. Ball, Jlt'iijnmin, & Jennings, [William] 0[scar]. Con- siderations sur le traitemeut de la morphinomanie. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 17, 1887, 373-377. — Sur certains caracteres du pouls ehez les rnorphino- manes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 864-86.5. Ball, Carleton R[oy]. An anatomical study of the leaves of Eragrostis. [1896.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 4, 1897, 138-146. — Notes on some western willows. St. Louis Ac. Trans., [181)9.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Follard, Charles Louis. See 6. — Lion-tiger and tiger-lion hybrids. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 390-392, 607-608. — Records of the export of Irish wolf-dogs to the East in the 17th century. Irish Xatlist., 3, 1894, 101-102. — On the gold nuggets hitherto found in the County Wicklow. [1895.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 8, 1893-98, 311-324. — Reputed traces of negrito pygmies in India. Nature, 52 (1896), 80-81. Ball, W[nlti'r] W\illiam\S,mise. On NEWTON'S classification of cubic curves. [Ls90.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891, 104-143; Bibl. Math., 1891, 35-40. — A Newtonian fragment relating to centripetal forces. London Math. SOP. Proc., 23, 1892, 226-231. — A hypothesis relating to the nature of the ether and gravity. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 20-24. — MEBSENNE'S numbers. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 34-40, 121. • On the use of a single symbol to denote the incom- mensurable number 3-14159.... Bibl. Math., 1894, 106. — Even magic squares. Messenger Math., 23, 1894, 65-69. Batlaban, Tlieodor. Thrombose der Vena centralis retinae in Folge von Chlorose. Arch. Augenheilk., 41, 1900, 280-285. — Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Erkrankungen des Glas- kiirpers. Wien. Med. Wsehr., 50, 1900, 1977-1982, 2018-2022, 2070-2074. Ballagi, Janos. Remarks regarding the treatment of malarial disease. N. Y. Med. Jl., 66, 1897, 601-602. Ballance, Charles A[lfred]. The genesis of scar tissue. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (lid. 2, Alth. 3), 196- 200. Ballance, Charles A[lfred], & Colman, Walter S[tacy]. N' • Colman & Ballance. Ballance, f.'lmrles ,l[//';v./], & Edmunds, Walter. The ligation of the larger arteries in their continuity. An experimental inquiry. Med.-Chir. Trans., 69, 1886, 443- 472. — Contributions to the physiology of the intestines. Jl. Physiol., 20, 1896, ii-iii. See alxo Edmunds it Ballance. Ballance, i.'lmrh « A[lfn'd], & Haddcn, W[nlti'r] B[iiugk]. • • Hadden A Ballance. Ballance, Charles A[lfred], & Shattock, Kamitcl G[eorge]. Cultivation-experiments with new growths and normal tissues, together with remarks on the parasitic theory of cancer. London Path. Soc. Trans., 38, 1887, 412-438. — A note on an experimental investigation into the pathology of cancer. [1890.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 48, 1891, 392-403. .S'i •!• 1 1 /so Shattock A Ballance. Ballance, Charles A[lfrfil], & Sherrington, Charles Kc.ott. See Sherrington A Ballance. Balland, [Joseph] A[ntoine Felix]. vent les farines en vieillissant. 533-557. — Note sur les bWs des Indes. 24-25. — Falsification de farines. Jl. I'harm., 9, 1884, 469- 470. Alterations qu'cprou- Ann. Chim., 1, 1884, Jl. Pharm., 9, 1884, — Repartition des matieres salines dans les divers produits des montures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1548-1550. — Deuxieme memoire sur les farines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 71-72 ; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1884, 266-271, 342-350; 11, 1885, 74-80, 218-222. — Recherches sur les farines. Repartition de 1'acidite et du sucre dans les divers produits des moutures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 178. — Sur la panification. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1885, 103-105, 158-163, 202-209, 255-2(50, 299-301. - Note sur 1'Ephestia kuenhiella. Jl. Pharm., 13, 1886, 601-602. - PARHENTIER. Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 197-200. — Itapport sur les eaux consommees par les troupes flu IIe corps d'armee. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 11, 1888, 233-239. — Sur le dosage du ligneux dans les farines. Jl. Pharm., 17, 1888, 600-603. — Sur la presence des graines de Cephalaria syriaca dans les bles. Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 156-157. — Sur le developpement du grain de ble. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1610-1612 ; Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 212-235. — Sur la reparation des vieilles farines. Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 347-349. — Observations sur les extraits de viande. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 895. — Pierre BAYEN, LAVOISIER et la decouverte de 1'oxygene. Rev. Sci., 45, 1890, 811-812. — Les travaux de BAYEN sur 1'etain. Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 486-496. Sur Thydratation des bles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 112, 1891, 969-971. Sur raluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1536-1538 ; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 49-54. — Experiences sur le pain et le biscuit. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 665-667 ; Jl. Pharm., 27, 1893, 16-19. — Analyse chimique des farines. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 29, 1893, 487-492. — Precedes employes au laboratoire central de 1' Adminis- tration de la Guerre pour 1'analyse chimique des farines. Jl. Pharm., 28, 1893, 159-165. — Sur la preexistence du gluten dans le ble. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 116, 1893, 202-204; Jl. Pharm., 27, 1893. 258-260. — Sur la temperature interieure du pain sortant du four. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 519-521. — Note sur 1'emploi de recipients en aluminium pour la conservation de 1'acide phenique. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 164 ; 24, 1894, 43. — Observations sur les farines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 119, 1894, 565-567. — Sur la composition de quelques avoines francaises et etrangeres, [des re'coltes de 1893 et de 1894]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 502-504, 656, 845-846 ; Jl. Pharm., 1, 1895, 478-481. - Sur la de'cortication des bles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. 120, 1895, 63S-640. — Sur la conservation des bles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. !{., 120, 1895, 1429-1431. — Sur les ustensiles en aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895. 381-383. — Sur la composition des riz importe's en France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 561-564 ; Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 292-295. — Sur la repartition des matieres azote'es et des matieres inincvales dans le pain. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 786-788. — Sur le rendement des bles en farines et sur le pain de farine entiere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 46-49. — Sur un riz conserve depuis plus d'un siecle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 817-818. Ballandl 267 [Ballatore — Sur le tnais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 1004- 1000; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 56-58. — Sur la valeur nutritive des farines et sur les con- s^quences e'conorniques d'un blutage exag^re\ Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 1496-14118. — Sur le dosage du gluten dans les farines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 13(3-137 ; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 250- 251. — Sur les fleurages. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 325-327; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 301-303. — Sur les teves. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 551- 554 ; Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 81-83. — Sur le uouveau pain de guerre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 123, 1896, 1007-1009 ; Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 98-100. — Observations generates sur les bl(5s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 1303-1305. — Marrous et chataignes. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 525-527. — Le pain des hopitaux de Paris. Jl. Pharm., 6, 1897, 385-387. Sur les principaux bits consommes en France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 40^2. — Sur la diminution de la inatiere azote'e dans les bles du d^partement du Nord. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 158-159. - Sur le seigle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 709. Sur 1'orge. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1049- 1050. — Essai des ustensiles en aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1313-1315. — Composition des haricots, des lentilles et des pois. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 119-121 ; Jl. Pharm., 6, 1897, 196-197. — Composition des pornmes de terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 429-431; Jl. Pharm., 6, 1897, 298- 300. — Observations generates sur les avoines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 579-581. — Composition du sarrasin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 797-799. — Composition des pailles d'avoine, de bte et de seigle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 1120-1122. — Sur les essais de 1'aluminium. Ann. Chim. Anal., 3, 1898, 109-110. — Composition et valeur aliruentaire des poissons, des crustacijs et des mollusques. Ann. Hyp;. Publ., 40, 1898, 97-114. — Analyses de pains de froment, de seigle et de mais. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 538-540. — Semoules et pates alimentaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1898, 005-606; Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 328-330. — Sur les avoines chocolates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 1289-1291. — Sur la composition des poissons, des crustace's et des mollusques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 1728- 1731. — Sur la composition et la valeur alimentaire du millet. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 239-240. — Sur la composition et la valeur alimentaire des haricots indigenes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 532-534 ; Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 495-497. — Composition et valeur alimentaire des fromages. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 127, 1898, H79-881 ; Ann. Hyg. Publ., 41, 1899, 289-300; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 14-16. — Le centenaire de la mort de BAYEN. Eev. Sci., 9, 1898, 257-264. — Sur la falsification des farines avec le seigle, le sarrasin, le riz, 1'orge, le mai's, les feves et la fecule de pomme de terre. Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 239-243, 286- 290. — Sur le gluten coagul£ et les matieres azote>s des farines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 312-314; Jl. PliHi-m., 10, 1899, 293-296. Sur la composition et la valeur alimentaire des priucipaux fruits. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 622; Ann. Hyg. Publ., 44, 1900, 104-122. . Composition et valeur alimentaire des principaux legumes. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 43, 1900, 518-553. Sur la composition et la valeur alimentaire des mararmferes, des oiseaux et des reptiles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 531-533. — Sur les farines ameliorantes de Eussie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 131, 1900, 545-546. Balland, [Joseph] A[ntoine Feli.c], & Maljean, [Joseph Lfon], Sur les cuirs acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 913-915. Balland, [Joseph] A[ntoine Feli.c], & Masson, [Nicolas] V[ietor]. Sur la sterilisation du pain de munition et du biscuit. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 22, 1893, 535- 542; Ann. Hyg. Publ., 31, 1894, 115-124. Sur la sterilisation du pain et du biscuit sortant du four. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 797-799. Ballantyne, Bertha L., & Hough, Theodore. See Hough it Ballantyne. Ballantyne, H[oratio]. The effect of exposure under certain conditions upon some constants of oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 10, 1891, 29-33. Ballantyne, H[irratin], & Thomson, Robert T. See Thomson & Ballantyne. Ballantyne, J[aiiiex]. Our squirrels. Ottawa Natlist., 2, 1888, 33-44. — The English sparrow. Ottawa Natlist., 4, 1890, 149- 154. Ballantyne, J[ames], & Lett, William 1'ittman. Report of the zoological branch of the Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club for the year ending 18th March, 1890. [1890-91.] Ottawa Natlist., 4, 1890, 92-93, 198-199. Ballantyne, /[antes]. Occurrence of Cladium germani- cum, Schrad., in Bute. [1894.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1897, 1U7-168. — Occurrence of Sirex gigas, Linn., in Bute and Arran. [1897.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1900, 187-189. Ballantyne, J[ohn] jr[/Mi'«iM.]. The sectional anatomy of an anencephalie fcetus. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 26, 1892, 516-529. — The pathology of ante-natal life. Glasgow Med. Jl., 49, 1898, 241-258. Ballantyne, N. F., Bedell, Frederick, & Williamson, Robert B. See Bedell, Ballantyne it Williamson. Ballard, Edward. For biography and works see Med.- Chir. Trans., 80, 1897, cxxxviii-cxxxix ; Boy. Soc. Prou., 62, 1898, iii-v. — On the prevalence and fatality of scarlatina as influenced by sex, age, and season. [1888.] Epid. Soc. Trans., 7, 1889, 183-192. — On meat infectious ; food poisoning. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 3), 102-117. Ballard, Edward Geortje. A new actinometer. Soc. Cbem. Ind. Jl., 9, 1890, 469-471. — The volumetric estimation of zinc. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 16, 1897, 399-400. Ballard, (Rev.) F. Cave deposits considered in relation to estimates of time. Liverpool Geol. Ass. [Trans.], [8, 1888,] 33-36. Ballard, H[cnry] H[arold], & Noyes, William A[lbert]. See Noyes & Ballard. Ballario, F., & Musso, Giovanni. See Musso it Ballario. Ballario, F., & Revelli, C. A. Sui metodi proposti per determiuare rapidauiente i principal! component! del latte di vacca. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 18, 1890, 113- 155. Ballatore, G. *[Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto e di novembre 1879.] Fossauo. [1879-80.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 14, 1880, 130; 15, 1881, 33. 34—2 Ballatorel 268 [Ballo — *Fenomeno ottico. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 1, 1881, 151-152. • [Bolide tle\ 19 noverabre 1884.] Fossano. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 195. Terremoto del 28 novembre 1885. Fossano. Jlon- calieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 8. — Osservatorio Meteorologico di Fossano (Cuneo). Riassunto annuale dell' anno 1891. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 97. Ballay, [Xcw>7 Eugene}. De I'Ogooue' au Congo. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. E., 1885, 279-289. Balle, Entile. Apercn de la faune malacologique des environs de Vire (Calvados). [1886.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87),] 382-3X3. — Note sur une coquille de 1'Helix lapicida (Linne), presentant la monstruosite subscalaire. Naturaliste, y, 1887, 108. — De diverses formes du polypode vulgaire observees aux environs de Vire (Calvados). Eev. Bot., 7, 1888-89, 155-156. — Note sur une coquille (Helix nemoralis, L.) a peri- storae anomal. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 17-18. — Sur une coquille scalaroide de 1'Helix nemoralis. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 33-34. — Note sur la limace cendree noiratre (Limax cinereo- niger, Wolf). Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 390-3!U. — Note sur une forme anomale de I'Aspidium tilix-mas. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 402-403. — Catalogue descriptif des galles observees aux environs de Vire (Calvados). Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 415- 438. — Note sur une production vermiforme se rencontrant sur les folioles de divers Rubus. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1890, 120-121. — Note sur la dipterocecidie du Diplosis tiliarum, Kieffer. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1890, 143-144. — Note sur un cadre indicateur servant a retrouver les objets epars dans les preparations micrographiques. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894, 216-217. — Note sur deux Primula acaulis auomales. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894. 227. — Liste des Unionides recoltesdans la mare de Bouillon, pres Granville (Manche). Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 11. — Premiere liste des Ustilaginees et des Uredinees observees aux environs de Vire (Calvados). Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 26-27. — Note sur cinq photomicrographies coucernant la structure du bois de quelques Couiferes. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 08-70. Du bois secondaire des Angiospermes dicotyledonees indigenes. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1898, 4;i-53. — — Note sur \v bois secondaire du tulipier de Virginie. Naturaliste, 22, 1900, 80. Ballet, (HWrrt. [Sur les mouvements et spasmes reflexes d'origine gastro-intestinale.] Arch. Gen. Med., 164, 1889, 250. — Sur un cas d'hypermnesie avec accroissement patho- logique de la faculte' de representation mentale. Progres Med., Ill, 1889, 17-19, 44-45. — Le sommeil provoqu^ par 1'occlusion des oreilles et des yeux chez les individns affectes d'anesthesie hys- terique generalisee. Progres Med., 15, 1892, 497-501. — La pathologie mentale. Sou domaine, sa methode et ses visees. Rev. Sci., 50, 1892, 833-838. — L'ecriture en miroir. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 7), r.O. Ballet, Gilbert, & Dutil, A. Sur quelques lesions expe>i- inentales de la cellule nerveuse. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Med. C. H., 1897 (Vol. 4, lrc Ft.), 260-264. Ballet, Gilbert, & Faure, Maurice. Attaques epilepti- forrnes produites par 1'intoxication tabagique experi- mentale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me'm., 51, 1899 (('. /,'.), 116-118. BaUet, Gilbert, iV Proust, [Ai-liille] Adrien. See Proust A Ballet. Balli, B. Zur Anfbewabrung der Lackmuslosung mittelst Salicylbaure. Uhem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 1766. Balli, '(!., A Gaucher, [Philippe Charles] E[rnest]. See Gauchor '. Balli. Ballif, [I'hilipp]. Die Hydrographie Bosniens und der Hercegovina. Deutsch. 'Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 246-249. Balling, Carl A[lliert] M[ax], For biography and works see Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 337; Oesterr. Ztschr. Berg- wesen., 44, 1896 (llfi!.), 59-60; Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, 652. — Zur Bestimmung des Kohlenstoffs im Eisen durch Verbreuneu im Sauewtoffgase. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 821. — Die neuen Methoden der Schwefelgewinnung. Hum- boldt, ~>, 1886, 217-220. Ballion, E[rnest E.]. Vorlaufiges Verzeichniss der Scbmetterlinge aus der Umgegend von Noworossusk am Schwarzen Meere im Caucasus. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 62 (Ft. 1), 1886, 241-290. Otiorhynehus turca, Stev., ein Beschiidiger des Wein- stockes. 'Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 813-814. — Kurze Notizeu iiber einige russische Blaps-Arten. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 900-923 ; 2, 1889, 269- 276, 694-704. — Ueber Blaps armeniaca, Faldrm., und Bl. armeniaca, All. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 6, 1887, 307-309. — Einiges aus [seinen] Notizblattern. Zurich, Soc. Ent., 5, [1891,] 25, 33, 129-130, 146-147, 153, 161. Ballion, Jean. [Sur 1'usage du fonuol.j [1895-96.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 (Ft. 1), 29; 21, 1897 (Pt. I). 31-33. — [Phrynosoma planiceps.] [1895-96.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 (Pt. 1), 29-30; 21, 1897 (Pt. I), 31. — [Sur les " mistpoeffers" de la mer du Nord.] [18'.i6.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. 1), 33-35. Ballb, MTileric]. See Mabery & Baltzley. Baly, Edward C\harles~\ Cyril. Separation and striation of rarefied gases under the influence of the electric discharge. [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 12, 1894, 147-153; Phil. Mag., 35, 1893, 200-204. — A possible explanation of the two-fold spectra of oxygen and nitrogen. Roy. Soc. Proc., 57, 1895, 468- 469. — Helium in the atmosphere. Nature, 58 (1898), 545. — On the distillation of liquid air, and the composition of the gaseous and liquid phases. Part I. At constant pressure. [1900.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 17, 1901, 157-170 ; Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 517-529. Baly, Edward C[harles] Cyril, & Chorley, John C. Ein neues Thermometer fur hohere Temperaturen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 470-471. - Ueber die Einwirkung von Salpetersaure auf die Lignocellulosen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 922-927; Chem. News, 71, 1895, 226-228. Baly, Edward C[harles~\ Cyril, & Ramsay, William. Experiments on the relations of pressure, volume, and temperature of rarefied gises. [1894.] London Phys. Soc. Proe. , 13, 1895, 187-216; Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 301-327. Baly, Edward C\luirlts] Cyril. Ramsay, William, & Travers, Morris W[illium]. &Ve Ramsay, Travers iV Baly. Baly, Joseph S[itgar], For biography sec Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 142; Entomologist, 23, 1890, 197-200. - ^Descriptions of hitherto uncharacterized Australian Phytophaga. [1875.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 45-50. - 'Descriptions of new species of phytophagous Coleop- tera. [1876-77.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 123-130, 179-185. - *Descriptions of some uncharacterized species of CrioceridiE. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 305-316. - *Descriptions of the phytophagous Coleoptera collected by the late Dr. F. STOLICZKA during FOKSYTH'S expedition to Kashgar in 1873-74. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875- 82, 369-383. - *List of the phytophagous Coleoptera collected in Assam by A. W. CHEXXELL, Esq., with notes and descriptions of the uncharacterized genera and species. [1879.] Cistula Ent.. 1875-82, 435-4H:.. • The Colombian species of the genus Diabrotica, with descriptions of those hitherto uncharacterized. [1885.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zuol.), 19, 1886, 213-229, 230-259. BalyJ 272 [Bambeke — Descriptions of new genera and species of Galerucidso. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886, 27-39. — Descriptions of uncharacterized species of Diabrotica. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886, 443-455. — Description of a new species of phytophagous Coleop- tera, alleged to be destructive to the dhan crops in the Chittagong district. Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 55 (Pt. 2), 1887, 412. — Notes on Galerueinse, and descriptions of two new species of Hispida;. [1887.] But. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 208-270. — Descriptions of three new Phytophaga from the East. [1888.] Knt. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 85-86. — Viaggio di Leonardo FEA in Birmania e regioui vicine. xin. List of the Hispida? collected in Burma and Tenasserim by Mr. L. FEA, together with descriptions of some of the new species. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 26, 1888, 653-066. — Diagnoses of uncharacterized species of Diabrotica. [1*89.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 251-254. — Notes on Aulacophora and allied genera. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, 297-309. — Contributions a la faune indo-chinoise. Sagrida?, Crioceridre, Chrysomelidre, Hispidaa. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, 485-492. — Descriptions of new South-American Coleoptera of the genus Diabrotica. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 88-95. — Descriptions of a new genus and of some new species of Galerucina?, also diagnostic notes on some of the older described species of Aulacophora. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 20, 1890, 1-27. — Descriptions of some genera and species of Galerucinae. [1888.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 20, 1890. 156-188. — On the South American species of Diabrotica. Part I. [1889.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1890, 1-80. — Descriptions of two new genera and of some un- characterized species of Galerucinse. Eut. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 12-14. Balzan, 1,111171. For biographical notice see [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 30, 1893, 91'.l-920. — Sulle condizioni tisiche e sociali della Repubblica del Paraguay. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 26, 1889, 197-207. — Revisione dei Pseudoscorpioni del bacino dei tiumi Parana e Paraguay nell' America Meridionale. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 29, 1889-90, 401-454. — Da Asuncion a La Paz. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 28, 1891, 452-472, 561-580. — Da La Paz a Irupana. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 28, 1891, 725-737. — Da Irupana a Covendo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 28, 1891, 911-929. — Voyage de M. E. SIMON au Venezuela. Arachnides: Chernetes (Pseudoscorpiones). Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, 497-552. - Da Covendo a Reyes. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 232-261. - Da Reyes a Villabella. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 495-508, 570-594, 991-1003. — Un po' piu di luce sulla distribuzione di alcuue tribu indigene della parte centrale dell' America Meridionale. Arch. Antropologia, 24, 1894, 17-29. - Da Villa Bella a Trinidad. [Posth.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 61-74. — Da Trinidad a S. Cruz de la Sierra e Corumba e ritorno al Paraguay. [I'usth.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 695-710. Balzer, . Beitriige zur Frage der Durchschlagssicher- lu-it innerer Zundvorrichtungen. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 47, 1899 (Abh.), 323-333. Balzer,.!. Untersuchungen liber die Sekrete. 18. Ueber das Handaracharz. Arch. Plmrm., 234, 1896, 289-316. Balzer, t\flix]. Recherches sur les caracteres anatomiques du xanthelasma. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1884, 65-80. — Experiences sur la toxieite du bismuth. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 537-544. — Causes des infections generalisees dans la blenuor- rbagie. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Tot. 9), 245-283. Balzer, F[eli,r], & Alquier, [L.]. Malformation familiale des oreilles. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 849-850. Balzer, F[e'li.r], & Barthelemy, T[oussaint], Contribution a 1'etude des sueurs colorees. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1884, 317-322. Balzer, F[eli.r]. & Dubreuilh, William [An/iuste]. Ob- servations et reeherches sur 1'erythrasma et sur les parasites de la pean ;i 1'etat normal. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1884, 597-600, 661-666. Balzer, F[elii-], & Grandhomme, . Nouveau cas d'adenomes sebaces de la face. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1886, 93-96. Balzer, F[elir], & Griffon, Vincent. Le streptocoque agent pathogene constant de ['impetigo et de 1'ecthyma. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 4!l, 1897 (C. R.), 916-917. Balzer, F[e'li.r], it Klumpke, (Mile.) A. Recherches ex- perimentales sur les lesions neerosiques causees par les injections sous-cutanees de preparations mercurielles in- solubles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 604- 607. Balzer, F[elix}, & Menetrier, P[ierre Eiiiil-ne]. Ktude sur un cas d'adenomes sebaces de la face et du cuir chevelu. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1885, 564-576. — Adeuomes sebaces (variete tubuleuse) de la face et du cuir chevelu. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me"m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 313-316. Balzer, F[fli.r], it Monsseaux, A. Ery theme polymorphe recidivant. Arch. Gen. Med., 183, 1899. 461-100. Balzer, F[elti], & Reblaud, Tli[cuphil~]. Recherches ex- perimentales sur les injections intra-musculaires d'huile grise et d'oxyde jaune de mercure. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 735-738. Balzer, F[flix], & Souplet, A[bel]. Nouvelle contribution a 1'etude de ralbuininurie compliquant les phases aigues de la blennorrhagie. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 113-124. Bambeke, Charles [Eugene Marie'] von. Pourquoi nous ressemblons a nos parents. Brux., Ac. Bull., 10, 1886, 901-944. — Contribution pour servir a 1'histoire de la vesicule germinative. Brux., Ac. Bull., 11, 1886, 14-28. Des deformations artiricielles du noyau. Arch, de Biol., 7, 1887, 349-387. — Remarques sur la reproduction de la blennie vivipare (Zoarces viviparus, Cuv.). Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 92-117. — Sur des follicules rencontres dans 1'epiderme de la machoire superieure chez le Tursiops tursio. Brux., At-. Bull., 15, 1888, 503-514. — De 1'origine des tissus de substance conjonctive. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 12, 1888, 119-148. Recherches sur la morphologic du Phallus (Ithyphallus) impudicus (L.). Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 28, 1889 (.Win.), 7-50. — Omtrent de waarschlijulijkheid van het voorkomen van een rudirnentair involucrum of iudusium bij Phallus (Ithyphallus) impudicus (L.). De 1'existence probable chez Phallus (Ithyphallus) impudicus (L.), d'un involu- crum ou indusium rudimentaire. (With French truuxlu- tion.) Bot. Jaarb., 3, 1891, 2-19, 110-123. — Onderzoekingen over de vaathypben der Eutnyceten. Recherches sur les hyphes vasculaires des Eumycetes. (With French translation.) Bot. Jaarb., 4, 1892, 174-239. — Contribution a 1'etude des hyphes vasculaires des Agaricine's. Hyphes vasculaires de Lentiuus cochleatus, Pcrs. Brux., Ac. Bull., 23, 1892, 472-4HO. — Contributions iV 1'histoire de la constitution de 1'ceuf. II. Elimination dVlements nucleaires dans 1'ceuf ovarieii de Scorpnena scrofa, /.. Brux., Ac. Bull., 25, 1893, 323- 364; Arch, de Biol., 13, 1895, 89-124. Bambeke] - Le sillon median ou raphe gastrulaire du Tritou alpestre (Triton alpestris, Lour.). Brux., Ac. Bull., 25, 1893, 710-726. — Les mattriaux de 1'organisme humain. Brux., Ac Bull., 2(5, 1893, 733-757. — Hypbes vasculaires du mycelium des Autobasidiomy- cetes. [1834.] Brux., Mem. Couronu. (8° Ed.), 52, 1894-95, No. 1, 30 pp. Note sur uue forrne monstrueuse de Ganoderma •273 [Bamberger lucidum (Lei/s). Over een monstrueusen vorm van Ganoderma lucidum (Leys). (With French translation.) Bot. Jaarb., 7, 1895, 92-117. Description d'un mycelium membraneux. Beschrijving van een vliezig mycelium. (With French translation.) Bot. Jaarb., 8, 1896, 120-145. — Sur un groupement de granules pigmentaires dans 1'oeuf en segmentation d'Arnphibiens anoures et du crapaud commun en particulier. Brux., Ac. Bull., 31, 1896, 29-4(5. — De 1'eraploi du terme protoplasma. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 22, 1896, 52-67. L'oocyte de Pholcus phalangioides, Fuessl. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897 (Antit. Ges. Verh.), 69-78; Brux., Ac. Bull., 33, 1897, 307-321. A propos de la delimitation cellulaire. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 23, 1897, 72-87. — Cristalloides dans 1'oocyte de Pholcus pbalangioides, Fuessl. Arch. Anat. Micr., 2, 1898, 65-88. Contributions a 1'histoire de la constitution de 1'ceuf. Arch, de Biol., 15, 1898, 511-598. Sur une monstruosite du Boletus luteus, L., suite de parasitisme. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1900 (Mem.), 7-21. - Le Coccobotrys xylophilus (Fr.), Bond, et Pat. ( = Cenococcum xylophilurn, Fr.), est le mycelium du Lepiota meleagris (Sow.), Sacc. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1900 (Me' in.), 81-84. — Quelijues rernarques toucljant le Lepiota meleagris (Soil}.), Sacc. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1900 (Me'm.), 85-8*. Bambeke, Charles [Eugene Marie] ran, & Heron-Royer, [Louis Franrois]. See Heron-Royer it Bambeke. Bambeke, Charles [Eugene Marie] van, & Stricht, Omer run iifr. See Stricht & Bambeke. Bamber, (.'[/jnHfs] e/fawi's]. The preservation of vaccine lymph. [1897.] Indian Med. Gaz., 3'>, 1898, 79. Bamber, E[ . [1899.] Ziirich Vrtljschr., 43, 1898, 327-339. Bamberger, Eugen, & Berle, B[ernhard]. Ueber das Ver- halten des Carvacrols gegeu Reduotionsmittel. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3208-3212. Weiteres fiber Benzimidazole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 274-278. — Spaltung des Imidazolringes. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 278-281. — Ueber Dibenzoyldiamidoiithylen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3653-3654. — [Studien iiber Imidazole. Zweite — vierte Abhandlung.] Die a-stiindige Methylgruppe der Benzimidazole und das Verhalten der letzteren bei der Oxydation. [Aufspaltung des Imidazolrings. Producte der Addition von Chloral an Chiuolinbasen und Benzimidazole.] Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 303-342, 342-363, 364-373. Bamberger, £u59, 755- 761. — Ueber den Nachweis von Argon in den Badequellen von Voslau bei Wien. Wien, Ak. Hber., 107, 1898 (Abth. 26), 138-139; Mhefte. Chem., 1898, 114-115. — Erythrit in Trentepohlia jolithus (vorlautige Mit- theilung). Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 26), 452- 454; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 571-573. Bamberger, Max, & Vischner, Emil. Zur Keuntnis der Ueberwallungsharzf. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 26), 445-451, 723-730; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 564-570, 949-956. Bamberger, Max, & Weidel, Hugo. See Weidel & Bamberger. Bamler, C'. Fohnerscheinungen in den Vogesen und deren Eiurluss auf das Klima der smllichen Vogesenthaler. Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), 143-147. Bamler, ./. Die Tarui-Inseln. Petermann Mitth., 44, 1898, 105-106. Bammann, Joh[annen], & Bamberger, Eugen. See Bam- berger it Bammann. Bamps, Constant. Notes sur quelques especes rares de la faune des Vertebres de la Belgique, observees dans le Limbourg beige. Brux., Ac. Bull., 14, 1887, 369-373. Note sur la decouverte a Lanklaer (Campine lirn- bourgeoise) du Gamphocleis glabra, Herbst, Orthoptere nouveau pour la Belgique. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 32, 1888, xviii-xxii. Ban, 1". The coal mines of Hokkaido. [Jap.] [1893.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl., [14], 1892-93, A'o. 11, 3-25. Banal, lii'iniflio. Su alcuni parametri differenziali di 1° ordine. G'iorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 235-240. — Di una classe di superncie a tre dimension! a curvatura totale nulla. [1895.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1894-95, 998- 1004. — Sulle varieta a tre dimension! con una curvatura nulla e due eguali. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 213-240. — Sugli spazii a curvatura eostante. Eorna, E. Ace. Lincei Bend., 6, 1897 (iVm.2), 357-362; 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 7-15. Banal] 278 [Bancroft — Sulla deformabilitii delk> superficie a tre dimension!. Roma. K. Arc. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Stm. 2), 13-22. Banare, (rn/iit.) A[riiiniid Aubin]. Note sur la rectification des longitudes des cartes de la mer interieure du Japon. Ann. Hydrogr., 9, 1887, 212-236. • Les collisions en mer. Ann. Hydrogr., 10, 1888, 29- 216, 305-473; Rev. Maritime et Colon., 97, 1888. 177- 304, 385-145; 99, 1888, 177-272, 369-460. — Rapport sur les experiences de telephonic sous-marine effeetuees du ler an 15 aout en rade de Brest. Ann. Hydrogr., 10, 1888, 475-492. — Sur des experiences tie telephonic sous-marine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 457-458. — Note sur les forinules de reduction d'une distance lunaire apparente en distance vraie (methodes nouvelles de reduction). Ann. Hydrogr., 11, 1889, 82-119. Bancroft, Charles P. Automatic muscular movements among the insane ; their physiological significance. Amer. Jl. Psychol., 3, 1891, 437-452. Bancroft, Eilicurd. Co-osification of axis vertebra with third cervical. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1890, 419. Bancroft, Frank Watts. Notes on Chelyosoma pioduetum, Stimpson. [1896.] Science, 5, 1897, 435. — The venomotor nerves of the hind limb. Amer. Jl. Physiol., 1, 1898, 477-485. — Ovogenesis in Distaplia occidentalis, Rltter (MS.), with remarks on other species. [1899.] Harvard, Mus. Zool. Bull., 35, 1899-1900, 59-112. — A new function of the vascular ampullae in the Botryllidae. Zool. Auz.. 22, 1899, 450-462. — The anatomy of Chelyosoma productum, Stimpson. [1898.] California Ac. Proc. (Zool.), 1, 1900, 309-332. Bancroft, George J. Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, and its surroundings. [With discussion.] [1898.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 28, 1899, 88-100, 808-812. Bancroft, Irving Reed. The nasal organs of Pipa americana. [1895.] Essex Inst. Bull., 27, 1897, 101-107. Bancroft, Joseph. For biography see Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 288; Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 10, 1894, 102. — An inquiry into the maize disease of the Caboolture district. [1886.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 108-111. — An unusual agency in the destruction of marine Mollusca. [1867.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 4, [1888,] 26. — Respiration in the roots of shore-plants. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1888, 327-331. Bancroft []{end Barcroft], Joseph. An apparatus for estimating the gases of successive small quantities of blood. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898, [64]. — The gaseous metabolism of the submaxillary gland. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899-1900, 265-282, 479-486. Bancroft, Thomas L[ane], Preliminary notes on some new poisonous plants discovered on the Johnstone river, north Queensland. [1886.] N. S. Wales Hoy. Soc. Jl., 20, 1887, 69-71. — On the poisonous property of Nicotiana suaveolens. [1887.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 4, [1888,] 9-10. — On the discovery of saponin in Acacia delibratu, A. Cunn. [1887.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 4, [1888,] 10-11. — On the physiological action of Cryptocarya australis. [1887.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 4, [1888.] 12-13. — On the physiological action of Daphnundra repandula. [1887.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 4, [1888,] 13-16. — Note on Hieumtomonas in rat's blood. [1888.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 31-32. — Preliminary notes on the pharmacology of some new poisonous plants. [1889.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 4, 1890, 1061-1064. — On FilariiE of birds. [1889.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 6, 1890, 58-62. On Kchinococcus in a wallaby. Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891 tPt. 1), 31. — Strychnine, a useless remedy in snake-bite. [1890.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 8, '[1892,] 2.1-31. — Preliminary notes on some new poisonous plants. [1891.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 8, [1892,] 35-36. — On the whip-worm of the rat's liver. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 27 (1893), 86-90. Note on bacterial diseases of the roots of the Legumi- nosffi. [1893.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 8, 1894, 51-52. — On the habit and use of nardoo (Marsilea Drummondii, A. Br.), together with some observations on the influence of water-plants in retarding evaporation. [1893.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc., 8, 1894, 215-217. Preliminary notes on the pharmacology of Carissa ovata, var. stolonifera, Bail. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 28 (1894), 44-47. — Note on bungwall (Bleehnurn serriilatum, Rich.), an aboriginal food. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 9, 1896, 25-26. — On the metamorphosis of the young form of Filaria Bancrofti, Cobb, (Filaria sauguinis hominis, Leici*; Filaria nocturna, Manson) in the body of Culex ciliaris, Linn., the "house mosquito" of Australia. N.S.Wales Roy. Soc. JL, 33, 1899, 48-62. Bancroft, Wilder D[u'ight]. Ueber Oxydationsketten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 10, 1892, 387-409. — Die chemische Potential der Metalle. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 289-297. On ternary mixtures. [First paper.] Amer. Ac. Proc., 30, 1895, 324-368; Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 21-33, 114-136, 193-209. — Saturated solutions and the mass law. Science, 2, 1895, 355. — The chemical potential of the metals. Amer. Ac. Proc., 31, 1896, 96-122; Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 250-269 [Part only]. — Solids and vapors. [First paper.] Phys. Rev. , 3, 1896, 401-417. — Distillation with vapor. Science, 4, 1896, 471. On ternary mixtures. [Second, third and fourth papers.] Jl. Phys. Chem., 1, 1896-97, 34-50, 760-765; 3, 1899, 217-23L Solution and fusion. Jl. Phys. Chem., 1, 1896-97, 137-148. •On quintuple points. Jl. Phys. Cheni., 1, 1896-97, 337-343. — Solids and vapors. Second paper. Jl. Phys. Chem., 1, 1896-97, 344-348, 786. — A triangular diagram. Jl. Phys. Chem., 1, 1896-97, 403-410. Two liquid phases. Jl. Phys. Chem., 1, 1896-97, 414-425, 647-668. — The equilibria of stereoisomers. Jl. Phys. Chem., 2, 1898, 143-158, 245-255; 3, 1899, 144-155. — The variance of the voltaic cell. Jl. Phys. Chem. , 2, 1898, 427-440. — Note on the transference number of hydrogen. Jl. Phys. Chem., 2, 1898, 496-497. — The relation of physical chemistry to technical chemistry. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 21, 1899, 1101- 1107. — Pressure-temperature diagrams for binary systems. Jl. Phys. Chem., 3, 1899, 1-11. Dissociation studies. Jl. Phys. Chem., 3, 1899, 72-94. — Hydrates in solution. Jl. Phys. Chem., 3, 1899, 551-554. The dilution law. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 31, 1899, 188-196. — Reaction velocity and solubility. Arch. Neerland., 5, 1900, 46-48. Bancroftl 279 [Bang JI. Phys. Chem., 4, 1900, 274- Jl. Phys. Chem., — Isobydric solutions. 289. - Reaction velocity and equilibrium. 4, 1900, 70.5-708. Bancroft, H'iMcr D[wight], & Jackson, L:[harles] Loriiig. See Jackson A Bancroft. Band, [P. H.] Uenrg. [Weitere Beitrage zur Synthese von Pyridinderivaten aus Abkommlingeu des "Cumalins" ("o-Pyrohs").] Dritte Abhandlnng. Einwirkuug von Anilin auf den Diathylester der 6-Aethoxylcumalin-3, 5-dicarboupaure nnd der Dicarboxylglutaconsaure. Lie- big's Anu., 285, 1895, 108-153. Banda, Rowl'to. Memoria sobre la determinacion de la altura absoluta de Colima. Mex. Obs. Bol., 1, 1888, 174-178. Bandalin, ./<;., ife Klimenko Ejim Filimonovic. See Klimenko & Bandalin. Bandelier, Ad[olphe Francois Alpliimse]. Die Grenzgebiete der Vereinigten Staaten uud Mexico's. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 12, 1885, 258-281. Bandi, Ii'o, & Stagnitta Balistreri, Francesco. Die Verbreitung der Bubonenpest durch den Verdauungsweg. Ztschr. Hyg., 28, 1898, 261-275. Bandler, Adolf. Ueber die Sprachbildung bei luftdichtem Keblkopfver'schlusse. Ztschr. Heilk., 9, 1888, 423-432. — Ueber die Beziehungen der Chorditis vocalis infer. hypertrophiea (Gerhardt) zu dem Bhinosclerom (Hebra). Ztschr. Heilk., 12, 1891, 227-246. Bandler, Adolf, & Soyka, I[sidor]. Nee Soyka & Bandler. Bandler, 1'ictor. Wirkung des elektrischeu Strornes und von Herzgiften auf das Daphnienherz. Arch. Exper. Path., 34, 1894, 392-401. Bandow, K[rieh]. Ueber einige Abkdmmlinge des Isonar- cotins uud eine neue Base : Das Hydrodicotarnin. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1745-1749. Bandow, E[rich], A Wolffenstein, Richard. Elektro- lytische Darstelluug des Hydrocotarnins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1577-1578. Bandrowski, tirnest [Titus]. Ueber die Einwirkung zweibasischer organischer Sa'uren auf Hydrazobenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1181-1185. - 0 dzia-raniu bezwodnika kwasu ftalowego na hydrazo- benzol. [On the action of phthulic anhydride on hydrazobenzene.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat,-Pra/rod.\ Kozpr. , 12, 1884, 3-7. — Kilka slow o utlenieniu dwufenylaminu (C6H5)2NH za pomoca nadmanganianu potasowego w rozczynie alkalicznym. [Ueber die Oxydation des Diphenylamins mit Kaliumpermanganat in alkalischer Losuug.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Bozpr., 14, 1886, 258-262; 15, 1887, 215-223; Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 (Abth. 2), 213-220; Mhefte. Chem., 1886, 375-382. — O dwufenylopara-azofenylenie. [Ueber das Diphenyl- parazopheuylen.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Kozpr., 17, 1888, 195-207; Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 2), 523-531; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 475-483. — 0 dwunitrobenzydynaeh. [Zur Kenntniss der Dinitro- benzidine.] Krakow. Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 17, 1888, 208-213; Wien, Ak. Sber., 1)6, 1888 (Abth. 2), 519- 522; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 471-474. - O pochodnych chinonimidu. [Ueber Derivate des Chinonimids.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 18, 1888, 94-99; Wieu, Ak. Sber., '.17, 18s'9 (Abth. 2ft), 98- 102 ; Mhefte. Chem. , 1888, 133-137. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Anilin auf Chinonphenyl- imid und Diphenylparazopbeuylen. Synthese des Dianilidochinouanils und des Azophenins. Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 2ft), 399-405; Mhefte. Chem., 1888, 414-420. - Ueber die Oxydation des Paraphenylendiamins und des Paraarnidopbenols. Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 21), 112-117; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 123-128. — O parazofenylenach, chinonimidacb i pochodnycli. [Ueber Parazophenylene, Chinouimide und Derivate.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 5, 1893, 371-377; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.', 1893, 114-127. — 0 swieceniu podczas krystalizacyi. (Ueber Liehter- scheinungen wiihrend der Krystallisation. ) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1894, 253-250; 1895, 75-78; 1896, 199-203; Ztschr. Physikal. Cbem., 15, 1894. 323-326; 17, 1895. 234-244 [Parts I and n]\ Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 10, 1896, 337-344; 11, 1897, 1-10 [Parts III and n]. — O utlenieniu parafenilenodwuaminu. [Ueber die Oxydation des Paraphenylenodiamins.] [1893.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 8, 1895, 149-161; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1893, 199-200; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 480-486. — Optyczne odmiany kwasu /3-oksymasiowego. (Ueber optische Isomeren der /3-Oxybuttersaure.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 125-1-29. — OkwasiejS-oksymasiowym. [Ueber /3-Oxybuttersaure.] [1897.] Kvak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 14, 1899, 127-137; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.', 1897, 272. — Nowy sposob otrzymywania benzochinonu. [Ein neues Verfahren zur Darstellung von chemisch reinem Beu- zochinon.] [1897.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 14, 1899, 138-140; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.,' 1897, 273. — Chemia powietrza. [Chemistry of air.] Kosmos (Lwow), 25, 1900, 535-551. — 0 dziaianiu bromonitrobenzolow na parafenyleno- dwimmin. [Ueber die Einwirkuug von Bromuitro- benzolen auf Paraphenyleudiamin.] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Ruzpr., 19, 1901, 106-114; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.,"l900, 186-193. — 0 dzia4-aniu st^zonego kwasu azotowego na bromo- benzol. [Ueber die Einwirkung von oonc. Sulpetersaure auf Brornbenzol.] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 19, 1901, 115-119; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.,' 1900, 193-198. Bandrowski, Franz Xaver. Ueber das Vorkommen alka- loidartiger Basen im galizischen Roherdb'le. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 867-869; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 224-226. — Ueber die Einwirkung von primaren aromatischen Aminen auf Benzil. Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 26), 738-747; Mhefte. Chem., 1888, 685-694. Bandrowski, Franz Xaver, & Lachowicz, Brouis-taw. See Lacnowicz & Bandrowski. Bandrowski, Franz Xarer, & Senkowski, J/ic/iui. 0 przerobce mazi ponaftowej na waselin^. [On the working of petioleum tar for vaseline.] Kosmos (Lwow), 15, 1890, 447^63. Bandsept, Albert. *The construction and effectiveness of accumulator!!. [1883.] Electrician, 12, 1884, 85-86. — Capacite d'erninagaMuement des accumulateurs. Les Mon.les, 7, 1884, 452-459. — Moyens secondaires pour abreger le travail de for- mation des accumulateurs. Les Mondes, 7, 1884, 613-619. — The mechanics of electrolvsis. Electrician, 14, 1885, 332-333, 374-376. - Sur certains phenomenes observes avec la combustion rationnelle du gaz. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1893, 284-290. — Bruleurs a combustion complete. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1896, 140-142. Banes, /.'. (.'., Lewis, D. C., Leavenworth, F[runcis] P., & Toilluintcr, L. W. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet e 1888, made at the Haverford College Observatory. [1889.] Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 31. Bang, A. S. Helationer mellem siderne i en trekant, hvis vinkler tilfredsstille den linesere relation Tidsskr. Math., 2, 1884, 53-59. Bang] 280 [Bangs - Taltheoretiske undersKgelser. Tidsskr. Math., 4, 1886, 70-80, 130-137. — Nogle maximumsproblemer i den ikke-Euklidiske geometri. Tidsskr. Math., 5, 1887, 136-141 ; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 515. — Oni prirntal at' bestemte former. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., •2 (B), 1891, 73-82; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 18'-t. - \vs, 9, 1898, 141-142. — A classification of the North American Myrmeleonidse. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 67-71. — The Smynthuridaj of Long Island, New York. N. Y. Eut. Soc. Jl., 7, 1899. 193-197. — New MyrmeleouidfE. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 170-172. — The psocids of an old snake-fence. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 260-261. Arachuida from Baja California, and other parts of Mexico. [1898.] California Ac. Proc. (Zool.), 1, 1900, 205-308. — New genera and species of nearctic neuropteroid insects. [1900.] Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 26, 1899-1900, 239-259. — Synopses of North American invertebrates, ix. The scorpions, solpugids and Pedipalpi. Amer. Natlist., 34, 1900, 421-427. Banks] 283 [Banti — On two genera of mites. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 30-33. — Some new North American spiders. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 96-102, 120. — New genera and species of American Phalangida. N. Y. But. Soc. Jl., 8, 1900, 199-201. — Some Arachnida from Alabama. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1900, 529-543. — A new genus of Atropidaa. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 431-432. — Two new species of Troetes. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 559-560. — A new species of Myrmeleon from Texa^. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 596. - Camphor secreted by an animal. 049. Science, 12, 1900, — A list of works on North American entomology. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 24, 1900, 95 pp. — The red spiders of the United States. U. S. Div. Ent. Techu. Ser., 8, 1900, 05-77. - Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. x. Entomological results (4) : Neuropteroid insects. [(5): Arachnida.] Washington Ac. Sci. Proc., 2, 1900, 465-470, 477-486. — Arachnida [of the Hudsonian zone in New Mexico]. [1900.] Psyche, 9, 1902, 123. — Neuroptera [of the Hudsonian zone in New Mexico]. [1900.] Psyche, 9, 1902, 124. Banks, Richard Jr. Reminiscences of the Downton sand- stone. [1890.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1890-92, 390-404. Bankwitz, [Richard], Beitrag zur Kenntniss der ein- seitigen Retinitis hsemorrhagica. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 45, 1898, 384-399. Bannatyne, tiilbtrt A[le.rander], The treatment of diph- theria by the injection of the erysipelas albumose. Glasgow Med. Jl., 36, 1891, 201-217. — Osteo-arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis : its pathology and treatment. Practitioner, 04, 1900, 530-544. Bannerman, (Surg.-Maj.) Iffi'Miam] B[urney], Recent researches in malarial infection. [1890.] Indian Med. Gaz., 25, 1891, 227-232. Bannerman, (Surg.-Maj.) W[illiam] B[urney], & Haffkine, W[aldeinar] M [oniccti i Wolff}. See Haffkine it Banner- man. Banneux, J. Telegraphic et te'le'phonie sinmltanees par les memes fils conducteurs. Jl. Telegr., 8, 1884, 3-10. — Essais fails en Belgiijue sur les eonducteurs en cuivre. [1886.] Ann. Telegr., 14, 1887, 189-192. Banneux, Philippe. Explosion d'une chaudiere a vapeur, survenue la nuit du 5 au 6 mars 1886, dans 1'etablisse- meut industriel des freres 0., a Herstal. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 44, 1886, 289-315, 320-329, 333-350. — De la resistance des enveloppes, cuvelages, serrements et plates-cuves. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 49, 1892, 347-455. Bannister, Henry Martyn. Note on the classification of insanity. Int. Med.' Cougr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 5), 391-293. - The drift and geologic time. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 5, 1897, 730-743. Bannow, A. Ueber reine Buttersaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2552-2554. Bannwarth, [Emil], Untersuchungen iiber die Milz. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 38, 1891, 345-644 [446]. — Anweudung der Galvanoplastik in der anatomischen Technik. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 (Anat. Ges. Verli.), 159-160. Bansa, Conrad. Ueber Kaliumdoppelsalze der Unter- phosphorsaure. Ztschr. Anorg. Chern., C, 1894, 128- 160. Banse, Guido. Ueber einige Abkommlinge des j)-Cyanto- luols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2161-2171. Banti, Adolf o. Descrizione e figure dello Aspidiotus CeratoniiG, Colv. Riv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 12-22. Banti, Angela. Magnetizzazioue del nichel sollecitato da particolari azioni meccaniche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 7, 1891, 62-85. — Experiments on BROWN'S asynchronous motors. Elect. Rev., 33, 1893, 667-668 ; 34, 1894, 60-61, 114-116. Banti, Guido. *Le cellule piane di connettivo nei loro rapporti colle neoplasie inflarumatorie e cellule gigan- tesche. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl. (Sez. Med.), 9 (1, 1881), 95-114. — *Studio anatomo-patologico sull' ipertrofia generale delle mammelle. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl. (Sez. Med.), 9 (2, 1883), 1-36. - *Dell' anemia splenica. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl. (Sez. Med.), 9 (2, 1883), 53-122. — I nuovi metodi di studio dei batterii. Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 521-556. — Meningite cerebrale. Esanie batterioseopico. Speri- mentale, 57, 1886, 159-163. — Afasia e sue forme. Sperimentale, 57, 1886, 261-280, 361-388. — Studio sulla percussione del cuore. Sperimeutale, 57, 1886, 595-609. — Lipoma primitive del cuore. Sperimeutale, 58, 1886, 237-241. — Alcuui fatti utili a determinare la durata del periodo d' incubazione nel colera asiatico. Sperimentale, 60, 1887, 3-17. — Sur la destruction des bacte'ries dans 1'organisme. [1887.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 9, 1888, 44-45; Arch. Sci. Med., 12, 1888, 191-221. — Sull' etiologia della pericardite. Sperimentale, 61, 1888, 344-351. — Sopra quattro nuove specie di Protei o Bacilli capsulati. Sperimentale, 62, 1888, 139-167. — Pneumococco o Diplococco capsulato? Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 138-145. — Sopra alcune localizzazioni extrapolmonari del Diplo- cocco lanceolate capsulato. [1890.] Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl. (Sez. Med.), 9 (5, Fuse. 2, 1890), 71-128; Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 275-278. — Contribuzioni oncologiche. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl. (Sez. Med.), 9 (5, Fasc. 2, 1890), 129-158. — Sull' etiologia delle pneumoniti acute. Sperimentale, 65, 1890, 349-384, 461-474, 573-588. — Occlusione della vena cava superiore per endoflebite tubercolare. Sperimentale, 1891 (Mem.), 408-424. — Sui parassiti del carcinoma. Sperimentale, 1893 (Comun. e Riv.), 325-326. — Ueber uramische Pericarditis. Centrbl. Path., 5, 1894, 461-468. — La sieroterapia. Sperimeutale, 1894 (Comun. e Riv.), 101-110. — I parassiti nella malattia mammaria del PAGET. Sperimentale, 1894 (Comun. e Riv.), 121-126. — La splenomegalia eon cirrosi del fegato. Sperimentale, 1894 (Comun. e Riv.), 447-452. — Le endocarditi. Sperimentale, 1894 (Comun. e Riv.), 496-502, 508-519, 532-538, 552-558. — La splenomegalia con cirrosi epatica. Sperimentale, 1894 (Sez. Biol.), 407-432. — Eine einfache Methode, die Bakterien auf dem Agar und dem Blutserum zu isolieren. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 17, 1895, 556-557. — Ueber die Reinkulturen in Tuben mit Agar und mit Blutserum. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 18, 1895, 203- 204. — Ueber die Aetiologie der Pericarditis uramica. Centrbl. Path., 6, 1895, 182-184. — Ueber die anatomischen Ursachen der Compensations- storuugeu bei Herzklappenfehlern. Centrbl. Path., 6, 1895, 545-551. 3G—2 Banti] 284 [Baralis — Ueber die Entstehung der Gelbsucht bei Pneuinonitis. Centrbl. Bakt. (AM. 11, 20, 1896, 849-853. — Splenornegalie mit Lebercirrbose. Beitr. Patb. Anat., 24, 1898, 21-33. Baniisy Comas, Cue/ox. Los explosives. [1903.] Madrid Ac. Ci. Mem., 20. [1890-1901,] 401 pp. Banzhaf, E., Besthorn, £[HII'/], & Jaegld, Georg. See Bestliorn, Banzhaf A Jaegle. Baptie, Georne. Is Monotropa uniflora a parasite? Ottawa Xatlist., 1,1887, 40-43. Baptie, Gewae, Fletcher, James, & Small, H. Beaumont. See Fletcher, Small & Baptie. Baquis, Elia. Di un particolare movimento combinato delle palpebre e del globo oculare. Sperimentale, 59, 1887, 532-536. — Studio sperimentale sulle retiniti. [1888.] Bologna Rend., 1887-88, 49-53. — Etude experimentale sur les retinites en rapport avec la reaction irritative des divers elements r<5tiuiens. Beitr. Path. Anat., 4, 1889, 265-290. — La retina della faina. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 306-371. [Fatti istologici consecutivi ad anemia temponmea della retina.] Arch. Augenbeilk., 24, 1892 (Ber. 1891, 101). — Sur un cas de de'g^ne'rescence amyloide de la cornee. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 289. Das Trachom der Thranendriise. Kliuischer und pathologisch-anatornischer Beitrag zu den symrnetrischen Adenopathieen der Thranendriise. Beitr. Path. Anat., 19, 1896, 406-432. — Die colloide Degeneration der Cornea. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kntstebung des Colloids aus epi- thelialen Elementen. Arch. f. Ophthalin., 46, 1898, 553-620. Baquis, Klin, & Baduel, Cesare. Su alcuni interessanti fenomeni ocular! subbiettivi verificati in un soggetto nevrastenico. Studio clinico. Kiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 20, 1894, 23-54. Baquis, Klin, Tizzoni, Guide, & Cattani, Giuseppiiia. See Baquis, Tizzoni & Cattani. Bar, Louis. De 1'otomycose ou inflammation parasitaire du conduit auditif externe. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1897 (IV. 6, Sect. 12,1), 109-121; (Vol. 7), Iv. Bar, I.niiix, & Gilchrist , [A lexander William]. See Gilchrist & Bar. Bar, P[aul], & Rcnon, [Louis]. Ictere grave, chez un nouveau-ne atteint de syphilis hepatique, paraissant du au Proteus vulgaris. P'aris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 379-3*0. Presence du bacille de KOCH dans le sang de la veine orabilicale dp foetus humaius issus de meres tuberculeuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 505-508. Bar, P[anl], Meni, A., & Blercier, R. De la presence dans 1'urine de femmes eclamptiquea d'une albumine off rant une reaction spfeiale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 1038-1039. Baraban, L[eon], Sur 1'existence de fibres e'lastiques dans 1'epiploon humain et leurs modifications sous 1'influence de 1'age. Eobin, .71. Anat., 24, 1888, 90-102. — Lymphangiomes et kvstes se'reux eong^nitaux. Arch. Med. Exper., 1, 1889, 528-546. Baraban, L[e»n], & Saint-Remy, (i. Sur un cas de tubes psorospermiques observes chez 1'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 201-202. — Le parasitisme des Sarcosporidies chez 1'homme. [1894.] Bibliogr. Anat., 2, 1895, 79-82. Baraban, L[enn], & Sclmhl, [Joseph]. Obliteration cougCTiitale de 1'orifice aortiquo. Bibliogr. Auat., 5, 1897, 40-44. Barabasev, 1'ave.l [Nikolajevit]. Zur Frage von der Chinin-Amaurose. Arcli. Augenheilk., 23, 1891, 91-96. — Beitrag zur Anatomie der Linse. Arch. f. Ophthalru., 38, 1892 (Abtli. 3), 1-11. Barabini, F.mmanuele. Sull' aceto-ortotoluide, nuovo antipiretico. Ann. di Chirn., 15, 1892, 153-166. Barabini, F.mmanuele, & Albanese, Maufreili. See Albanese .v Barabini. Barabini, Emmanuele, & Oddo, G[iuti'ppe]. See Oddo & Barabini. Barabino, Santiaim E. See Schneidewind, Alberto (et ulii). Baracchi, Pietro. Results of observations with the KATEK'S invariable pendulums, made at the Melbourne Observatory, June to September, 1893. [1893.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc., 6, 1894, 162-177. — Observations of Comet 1894 II made at the Melbourne Observatory with the 8 inch equatorial from April 5th to llth and with the 8 inch transit circle from May 9th to 15th. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 141-142. — On the most probable value and error of Australian longitudes, including that of the boundary lines of South Australia with Victoria and New South Wales. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1895, 185-208. • Magnetic work in Australia. Terrestrial Magn., 1, 1896, 191-196. — Presidential address [to section mathematics, and physics]. Aust. 157-175. — Cloud observations in Victoria. 1898, 259-265. • The testing of reflecting surfaces. A. Astronomy, Ass. Rep., 1898. Aust. Ass. Rep., Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 265-267. Baracz, Human ran. Zur lokalen Coca'inanasthesie. Wieu. Med. Wschr., 38, 1888, 1121-1123, 1150-1153. • Ueber einen Fall von chronischem Rotz (Wurm) beim Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 159, 1900, 491-520. Barad, D[avi,ii-l;rr) nell' Ovis aries, Lin. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 251-252. — Appunti suH" omologia tra 1" anello nervoso esol;i"m di'i Verini e 1' encefalo dei Vertebrati craniati. [1886.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Terh.), 5, 1885-87, 120-135. — Apparato femminile della generazioue nei nilgau (Portax picta, Pall.) ed un cenno sulla loro placenta. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 8, 1887, 205-215. — Alcune ricerche contribuenti alia couoscenza della tavola triturante o maoinante dei denti mascellari in'gli Equidi. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.),8, 1887, 343-441. 461. — Ancora sull' osso sfenotico nell' uomo. [1889 c.l">. | 1'isa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 12-16, 183-1S4; !». 1894-96, 244-255. Baralis, I". Torremoto del 17 novembre 1885. Sampevre (Snluzzo). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 8. Barandon] 285 [Baratta Barandon, (Kapt.) . Ueber den Gebrauch von Oel auf See. Ann. der Hydrogr., 1C) (1888), 457. Baraneckij, <'(/i/'] V[asiljevif], Epaississement des parois des Elements parenchymateux. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Hot. ), 4, 1886, 135-201. — Sur le developpement des points ve'ge'tatifs des tiges chez les Monocotyledoues. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bat.), 3, 1897, 311-365; Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 15 (2), 1898, 023-674. — Die Ursacbeu der Eicbtung der Seitenzweige der Baume. [1898.] Bot. Centrbl., 77, 1899, 108-109. — Ein neuer Eegistrirapparat. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber. , 17, 1899, 190-194. — 0 TAKl HaSHBaenIRXT) OHKOJiaTepajItHEIX'I. CO- C y,I,H III Xli nyiKaxii. [Sur les faiseeaux vasculaires appell^s bieollate'raux.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 16 (2), 1900, 241-307; Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 12, 1900, 261-332. Baraniecki, Maryjan A. *Rozwini^cie na u-tamek eiagiy stosunku dwoch zupelnych caiek eliptycznyeh pierwszego i drugiego gatunku. [Developpement en fraction con- tinue du rapport de deux integrates elliptiques completes, de premiere et de deuxieine espece.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scist. Pam., 7, 1875, Art. 5, 8 pp. - *0 podstawieniach wymienuyeh. [Sur les substitu- tions permutables.] Paris Tow. Nauk ScisJ. Pam., 7, 1875, Art. 7, 35 pp. - *Dowod jednego zasadniezego twierdzenia odnoszacego sie. do hypergeometrycznj'ch funkcyj. [Demonstration d'un tbeoreme fondamental, relatif ,aux i'onctions hyper- ge'omc5triques.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scis-t. Pam., 8, 1876, Art. 2, 19pp.; Bull. Sci. Math. Astr., 1, 1877 (Pt. 2), 223-224. - *Zasadnicze wnioski geometryczne z teoryi algebraicz- nej form kwadratowych podwojnych. [Representation ge'ornetrique des resultats de la theorie des formes qua- dratiques binaires.] Paris Tow. Nauk £cisi. Pam., 8, 1876, Art. 9, 8 pp. *0 tworzeniu systernatu sprz^zouego podstawieri liuiowyeh postaci •V^.Y^j,!. [Ueber die Bildung des conjugirten , Systems linearer Substitutioneu.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scist. Pam., 10, 1878, Art. 3, 8 pp. - *0 wyznaczeniu spolnycb pierwiastk6w dwoch ruwnan danych przy pomocy rugownika tych rownan. [Ueber die Bestimmung der gemeiuscbaftlichen Wurzelu ge- gebener Gleichungen mittels ihrer Eliminante.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scisr. Pam., 10, 1878, Art. 5, 7 pp. — 0 przeksztaiceniu kola na przecie.cie stozkowe. [On the transformation of a circle into a conic section.] [1884.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 13, 1886, 172-182. — 0 funkcyjach BERNOumego. [Ueber die Bernoulli'- sehenFunctionen.] [1884.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-1'rzyrod.) Eozpr., 13, 1886, 183-195; Fortschr. Math., 1885, 416. — O pewnern wnioskowaniu analitycznem w tomie I tego wydawnictwa. [Ueber eine analytische Beweisfiihrung im I Bande der " Prace mat.-fiz."] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 2, 1890, 220-222 ; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 235-236. Barannikov, l[vnn Andrejevic]. Ueber den Parasiten des MalariafieberB zu Charkov. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 3), 241-243. — Zur Frage fiber die Bakteriologie der Lepromata. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 26, 1899, 113-144; 27, 1900, 709- 710. Baranov, (Mnj.-Gen.) . CnilCOKt OapOtieTpII- lecKiixt BHCOTI onpej,4jiennMxi> BT, 1888 rosy BT> .I.OJIIIH'E HaTKaJia. [List of barometric heights determined in 1888 in the Chatkala valley.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 514. Baranowski, A. 0 wzorach sluzacych do obliczenia liezby liczb pierwszych nie przekraczajacych granicy danej. [Ueber die Formeln zur Berechnung der Anzahl der eine gegebene Grenze nicht ubersteigenden Primzahlen.] [1894.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 8, 1895, 192-219; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1894, 280-281. Baranowski, Stefan. *0 naturze i przymiotach stali. [On the nature and properties of steel.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scist. Pam., 4, 1874, Art. 6, 15 pp. *0 obecnym stanie fabrykacyi zelaza i stali za pomoca metody BESSEMER'a wraz z jej teoi^a. [On tbe present condition of the manufacture of "iron and steel by BESSEMER'S process together with the theory of that process.] Paris Tow. Nauk. Scisl. Pam., 5, 1874, Art. 5, 20 pp. Barariski, A[nton]. Fibrosarcom der Darmwand als Ursache todlicher Kolik. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 13, 1887, 337-340. — Ein Beitrag zum Vorkommen des Actiuomyces beim Pferde. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 15, 1889, 242- 247. Barasch, , & Canuet, . ,SVc Canuet & Baraacb. Barat, (I'abbe) . Note sur les grottes du Muet et du Larron. Auxerre, Soc. Sci. Bull., 47, 1893 (Sci. Nat.), 17-21. Barataev, Sergej. HaorfflOBanie peaKUiu ioXHCTarO CT, ioAHCTHMt STIIJIOMT. 11 u,irHKa Ha STIUbimfi H(|)np'I.. [Investigation of the reaction of allyl iodide with ethyl iodide and zinc on ethyl oxalate.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Cliem.), 1885, 498-507; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 35, 1887, 7-16. — HscJiiflOBaHie MSTOKCMAiiajiJiit.iyKcycHOH KII- C.IOTIJ. [Investigation of methoxydiallylacetic acid.] Russ. Phys.-Cbem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1885, 507-512; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 35, 1887, 1-6. Barataev, Sergej, & Zajcev, Alt'ksandr [Michajlovic], 0 A'MicTBin ioji.ncTaro vtTirjia n itiiHKa na ji;n9Tiiji- K6TOHT.. ClIHTeS'B TplIyTH.IKapOlIHO.ia. [Ueber die Einwirkuug vou Jodiithyl und Zink auf Diathylketon. Synthese des Triiithylcarbinols.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Cliem.), 1885, 529-533 ; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 34, 1886, 463-467. Baratierl, (gen.) Oreste. *[Spedizione geografica italiaua nel Sahara tunisiuo. Eelazione narrativa.j [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 12, 1875, 619-637. — La regione tra 1' Anseba ed il Barea. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 418-422. Negli Habab. Nuova Antol. Sci., 122, 1892, 201-226, 432-446, 626-637. Baratinskij, P[etr] A[lejceevil]. Contribution ii la physio- logie et a la pharmacologie du systeme nerveux central. Premier me'rnoire. Effets produits par des substances narcotiques sur les animaux prives d'une partie du cer- veau. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 3, 1895, 167-188. Barat oux, J[ean]. *Nouvel eclairage ^lectrique des cavites naturelles. [1883.] Paris, Soc.'Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 542. — Du menthol. Progres Me"d., 2, 1885, 199-201. De 1'audition color^e. Progres Med., 6, 1887, 495- 496, 515-517, 538-539. Baratoux, J(eari], .] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 153-157; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 1), 195-204. — Ueber die Eiuwirkung des Schwefels auf Benzaldehyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1881-1883. Barbara!, [Eugene] A[ime]. Note sur les tensions des fils tele'graphiques a diverses temperatures. Aon. Telegr., 14, 1887, 229-235. - Note sur 1'emploi du til de cuivre pour les lignes aeriennes. Ann. Telegr., 14, 1887, 528-548. — Note sur le montage des piles en echelle d' Amsterdam. Ann. Telegr., 15, 1888, 123-152. — Note sur le rapport du courant d'arrivee au couraut de depart. Ann. Telegr., 15, 1888, 385-408. — Note sur la construction des lignes aeriennes. Ann. Telegr., 17, 1890, 138-148. — Note sur les tensions adoptees pour les divers fils tele'graphiques ou telephoniques. Ann. Telegr., 17, 1890, 162-169. — Note sur la meilleure disposition des fils des circuits dans les reseaux telephoniques aeriens. Ann. Telegr., 20, 1893, 475-492. — Cables telephoniques a circulation d'air sec. Ann. Telegr., 21, 1894, 193-219. Note sur le memoire de M. PREECE : ["Electrical disturbances in submarine cables "]. [1897.] Ann. Telegr., 23, 1896-97, 161-164. Barbarin, P[aul Jean Joseph]. Sur les lignes de courbure du paraboloide equilatere. Nouv. Ann. Math., 3, 1884, 97-104, 160. — Note sur 1'herpolhodie. Nouv. Ann. Math., 4, 1885, 538-556. — Axes des sections planes des surfaces du second ordre. Mathesis, 6, 1886, 25-31, 49-53. - Betrouver les elements d'une surface de revolution dont on ne possede qu'un fragment. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 123-126. — Sur les racines de 1'equation du troisieme ordre. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1887 (Pt. 2), 126-127. - Resume d'un memoire sur la determination d'un triangle au moyen des longueurs de ses bissectrices. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 76-80. — Application de la methode de GEKGONNE a la sphere. Triangles spheriques et triangles circulaires plans. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1895 (Pt. 2), 43-50. - Polygones spiraux, definition geometrique des lo- garithmes. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1895 (Pt. 2), 257-264. — Systemes isogonaux du triangle. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1896' (Pt. 2), 89-105. — Construire un triangle dont les bissectrices sont dounees. Mathesis, 16, 1896, 143-160. — Geometric generale des espaces. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1898 (Pt. 2), 111-132. - Proprietes angulaires des cercles focaux dans les coniques. Ass. Franc. C. E,, 1898 (Pt. 2), 132-139. Barbarin] L'NiS [Barbet — Constructions sphe'riques a la regie et au compas. Mathesis, 19, 1899, 57-60, 81-85. - Etudes de geometric analytique non-euclidienne. [1900.] Brux., Mem. Couronn. (8° Ed.), GO, 1900-01, A'o. 1, 107 pp. — [A propos d'un article de M. FROLUV : " Considerations sur la geometric nou-euclidieune."] Enseign. Math., 2 (1900), 306. - Les fonctions hyperboliques dans 1'enseiguement moyen. Enseign. Math., 2 (1900), 443-447. Barbaroux, [I.fon], & Courmont, Paul. See Courmont tV Barbaroux. Bar bib, [Charles], & Dangeard, 7 '[/cm1] A[iiiinstiit C/rment]. :-•' < Dangeard & Barht. Barbe, [Charles Dnviil\, & Gaucher, [1'hilqipe Charles] E[rnest], See Gaudier iV Barbe. Barbe, Paul. For biographical notice sec Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1890 (Ft. 2), 1611-170. Barber, C[harles] A[lfred], On the structure and develop- ment of the bulb in Laminaria bulbosa, Lnmuiir. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 41-64. - The structure of Paohytheoa. [1889-01.] Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 141-148; 5, 1890-91, 145-162. — On a change of flowers to tubers in Nympham lotus, var. monstrosa. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 4,' 1889-91, 105- 116. — On the nature and development of the corky excres- cences on stems of Zanthoxylum. Ann. Bot., 6, 1892, 155-166; 10, 1896, 98. — Nematophycus Storriei, nov. up. Ann. Bot., 0, 1892, 329-338. — Drought at Antigua. Nature, 50 (1894), 475. • The tick pest in the tropics. Nature, 52 (1895), 197- 200. — Cupressinoxylon vectense ; a fossil conifer from the Lower Greensand of Shanklin, in the Isle of Wight. Ann. Bot., 12, 1898, 329-361. Barber, C[harles\ 31[elrin], & Cockerel!, Theodore D[ru} A[Iisun], A new weasel from New Mexico. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1898, 188-189. Barber, Clarence M. Carbon and its uses in electrical engineering. Arner. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 29, 1893, 680-688. Barber, E[niil\. Naclitrag zur Flora der Ober-Lausitz. Gorlitz Abh., 18, 1884, 155-181; 19, 1887, 97-133. - Die Flora der Gorlitzer Heide. Gorlitz Abh., 20, 1893, 57-146. - Beitriige zur Flora des Elstergebiets in der preus- sischen Oberlausitz. Gorlitz Abh., 20, 1893, 147-166. Flora der Oberlausitz preussischen und siichsischen Anteils einschliesslich des nordlichen Bohinens. Auf Grund eigeuer Beobachtungen unter Beriicksichtigung alterer floristischer Arbeiten zusamniengestellt. Gorlitz Abh., 22, 1898, 337-387. Barber, E[dwin] A[tlee]. A new species of moss. Hypnum (Amblystegium) Barberi, Benauld. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 821. Barber, (Commander) ^'[riinris] M. High explosives in warfare. [1890.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 131, 1891, 117- 140. Barber, G[eorge] M[arriott]. Notes on the treatment of the gold ores of the Guanaco mineral district, desert of Atacama, Chili. [With discussion.] [1896.] Inst. Miu. Metall. Trans., 5, [1896-97,] 9D-114. Barber, //. [Une anomalie du foie chez un hommc ndulte.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xvii. Barber, Hurry J. [Thai's rumiua, rur. medesicaste, existence en Suisse.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1893, 68. Barber, Harry Lee. Menispermum canadense. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 56, 1884, 401-404. Barber, ,/. M. Pre-historic man. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Jl., 12, 1892, 13-16. Barber, Jului !•'. Notes from Santa Monica Forestry Station. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 341-342. Barber, ./»/<« Thomas. For biography see Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 131; Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 24, 1898, 'J'J. Barber, Marshall A[lbert], Adulterations of buckwheat flour sold in the Lawrence market. Kan. Univ. Quarterly 7, 1898, 37-38. The preparation and use in class demonstration of certain cryptogamic plant material. Kan. Univ. Quar terly, 7, 1898, 111-113. — Diphtheria in Kansas. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 8, 1899, 23-35. Barber, (Her.) Samuel. The sand martin, and its migra- tions. Jl. Sci., 21, 1884, 397-399. — Halo of 90° with parhelia. Nature, 50 (1894), 269. — A white rainbow. [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 274. — [Bright meteor, Jan. 28, 1900.] [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 326. Barber- Starkey, 1C. -J. S. Wireless telegraphy without the coherer. Elect. Rev., 45, 1899, 1026-1027. Barbera, A[i/atino\ (i. L' azoto e 1' acqua nella bile e nelle urine. [1893.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem. ,3, 1892, 471-482; Ann. di Chim., 20, 1894, 337-349. Un nuovo ureometro a mercurio. Ann. di Chim., 19, 1894, 341-346. - L'eliinination de la bile dans le jeune et apres differents genres d'alimentation. Arch. Ital. Biol., 23, 1895, 165-172. — Influence des clysteres nutritifs sur 1'e'limination de la bile et sur la secretion du sue gastrique. Contribution a une nouvelle interpretation de la signification physio- logique de la bile. Arch. Ital. Biol., 26, 1896, 253-278. Ueber die Erregbarkeit von Herz- und Gefassnerven nach Injection von Jod und phosphorsaurern Natron. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 434-448. - Un nuovo metodo per determinare 1' alcalinita del sangue. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., 27 & 28, [1898,] 241-248. - Ueber die Eeizbarkeit des Froschrnagens. Ztschr. Biol., 36, 1898, 239-258. — Ein Gefassuervencentrum im Hundeherzeu. Ztschr. Biol., 36, 1898, 259-276. — Encore sur 1'elimination de la bile apres les diverses alimentations et apres 1'iugestion d'uree, d'acide urique, etc. Nouvelle contribution a la conuaissance de la signification physiologique de la bile. [1898.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 31, 1899, 427-452. — Der Eiufluss von Jod, Jodnatrium und Jodothyrin auf den Blutkreislauf. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 79, 1900, 312-318. Barbera, A[gatino] G., & Asher, Leon. See Asher & Barbera. Barbet, [Lfaiulrc]. Note sur le calcul des barrages de reservoirs en maconnerie. Ann. Fonts et Chauss. , 1898 (Trim. 2), 265-299. — Note sur les conditions de resistance des barrages de reservoirs en maconnerie. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 1899 (Trim. 1), 22-56. Barbet, K[milc Auguslin], Appreciation de la purete des alcools. Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 413-416, 457^60. — SchnelleBestimmungdesKeinheitsquotienten. Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuckerind., 43, 1895 (Th. 2), 784-790. — Die Bestimmung der Aldehyde mittelst verschiedener Phenole. Ztschr. Ver. Kiibeuzuckeriud., 47, 1897 (Th. 2), 935-939,. Barbet, K\inile Auaimtin], & Jandrier, Etlm[ond], Diffc- renciation des diverses aldehydes au moyen des phenols, et des divers phenols au moyen des aldehydes. Ann. Chim. Anal.. 1, 1896, 325-328. — Sur le dosage des ethers dans les alcools. Ann. Chim Anal., 1, 1896, 367-368; Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 75-76. — Recherche et dosage des nitrites dans les eaux. Jl Pharm., 4, 1896, '.'18-249. Barbet] 289 [Barbier Barbet, L[o»i's] A[le.randre]. Note sur la profondeur a donnei aux ecluses et sur 1'influence qu'exerce, au point de vue du remplissage du sas, la position des ventelles des portes d'amont. Ann. Pouts et Chauss., 10 (1885), 7277743. — Etude sur les pouts de grandes ouvertures. Emploi de 1'aeier. Calcul graphic] ue des arcs. Poids de pouts en aoier de 100 a 400 metres. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 12 (1886), 97-120. — Note sur la construction et le calcul des cylindres de presses hydrauliques ou a air. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1888 (Ft. 2), 565-617. — Traction des tramways par moteurs a 1'air comprime. Genie Civil, 27, 1895, 54-56, 68-70, 82-86, 97-100, 113- 116, 129-133, 157-161, 168-171, 181-184, 199-202, 216- 219, 232-235. Barbette, E[douard]. Soiumation des puissances sein- blables des « premiers nombres eutiers. Mathesis, 14, 1894, 105-110. — Sur la sommation des puissances semblables des n premiers nombres triangulaires. Mathesis, 15, 1895, 111-112. — Sur deux series trigonometriques. Mathesis, 15, 1895, 135-137. — Des progressions logarithmiques. Mathesis, 18, 1898, 135-137. — Me'thode pour la decomposition des grands nombres en facteura premiers. Mathesis, 19, 1899, 241-246. Barbey, Gaston. Sur les combinaisons de 1'antipyrine avec les phenols. Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 450-454. — Notes pour servir a 1'histoire chiruique de la cuscute. Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895, 107-112. Barbey, William. La greve de Versoix, pres Geneve. Bull. Murith., 12, 1884, 39-41. — Peua de Aiscorri. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 136-141. - Additions a la flore de Carpathos et de Lycie. [1885.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 21, 1886, 219-224. — Iris Helena, C. Koch, 1870, versus Iris Helenas, Barbey, 1882. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 41, 1891, 207. Barbeyrac Saint-Maurice, (capit.) de. Extrait du rapport de la traversee du croiseur le Mar/on, ...de Saint- Pierre Miquelon a Ponta Delgada (Acores, ile San Miguel). Ann. Hydrogr., 15, 1893, 243-245. Barbezat, D. L., & Favre, Alexandre. tii'C Favre & Barbezat. Barbiehe, (I'abbe) [R. Tli.']. Faune synoptique des Odouates ou Libellules de la Lorraiue. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull.. 16, 1884, 11-20; 17, 1887, 85-163, 201. Simple enumeration des Mollusques de la Moselle. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 16, 1884, 21-33. Muscinees recoltees pendant 1'herborisation du 14 juin. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, Ixxv. . Une promenade aux environs de Charleville. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, xciii-xcv. Note sur une excursion dans les fortifications de Mezieres a la date du 18 juin 1885. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, xev-xcvii. Les Poissous de la Nied allemaude. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 17, 1887, 163-180, 201. Note sur 1'Ompbalia retosta, Fr., var. Lotharingiie. Rev. Mycol., 11, 1889, 14-16. Excursion botanique du 12 juin 1888 dans les bois de Chatel et au fond de Montvaux. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 18, 1893, 83-92. Barbier, , Vittu, , & Paternelle, . Sec Vittu, Paternelle A Barbier. Barbier, Gh., & Barbier, Fr. Faune entomologique de Beziers (Herault) et de ses environs. Cicindeliclae-Cara- bidae. [1885-87.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 15, 1884-85, 75-79, 89-91, 108-109, 119-121; 18, 1887-88, 6-8. Barbier, Kmile. To reference in [No. 1] (Vol. 7) add France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 10, 1862, Pt. 2, 135-158. R. S. A. C. — *[Sur la condition de 1'ehmination de 1'erreur de lecture d'un cercle gradue provenant du jeu des tourillons dans les coussinets.] Paris, Soc. Philoni. Bull., 5, 1868, 21-23. — Sur une generalisation de la throne des reduites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 1531-1533. — Sur Fequilibre d'uu segment homogene de parabolo'ide de revolution flottant sur un liquide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 99, 1884, 703. — Comparability du thermometre a poids et du thermo- metre it tige. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 752-753. — Observation a propos de la note recente de M. E. HENAKD sur les seize reseaux des plans de 1'icosaedre regulier convexe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 304, 540. — Tableau des priucipaux e'le'rnents des dix figures polye'driques regulieres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 562-564. — Calcul des probabilites. Generalisation du probleme rfeolu par M. J. BEETKAND. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 105, 1887, 407, 440. Sur une generalisation de 1'indicatrice de Ch. DUPIN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 516-518. — On suppose toite la suite naturelle des nombres ; quel est le (lO1*11)'*"16 chiffre ecrit? Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 795-798, 1238-1239. Barbier, F. Resistance a la traction du materiel roulant a grande vitesse. [1898.] Genie Civil, 32, 1897-98, 377- 379. Barbier, Fr., & Barbier, Ch. See above. Barbier, H[enri]. De quclques associations microbiennes dans la diphtheric. Arch. Med. Exper., 3, 1891, 361- 378. — Sur un Streptocoque particulier trouv^ dans les angines & fausses membranes, seul ou associe au bacille de la diphterie (Diplostreptocoque). Arch. Med. Exper., 4, 1892, 827-835. — Sur un mode d'infection septique par le Streptocoque dans la diphterie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me'rn., 45, 1893 (C. R.). 672-674. Barbier, H[enri], & Pictet, Ante. See Pictet & Baxbier. Barbier, (It.) Henry. De la stabilite des petits navires par grosse mer. Rev. Maritime et Colon. , 126, 1895, 452-457. Barbier, J\psepli] V\ictor]. L'Indo-Chine vue par un missionnaire lorrain il y a cinquante ans. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 2), 834-843. — Le projet de carte de la terre a 1'echelle de 1/1,000,000. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 2), 915-941; 1895 (Pt. 2), 919-923. — De la situation faite au projet de la carte du monde par les resolutions de la commission onicielle de la decimalisation du temps et des angles. Ass. Franr. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 2), 860-862. Barbier, P[md]. Sur 1'application du galvanometre Deprez et d'Arsonval aux mesures e"leetriques pratiques. Lum. Elect., 13, 1884, 370-372. — Un nouveau telephone et un nouveau microphone de 31. le Dr. OCHOKOWICZ. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1885, 17. Barbier, [Francois Antoine] Ph[ilippe], Sur la phtalimi- dine et la methylphtalimidine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 918-921. — Sur un isomere du camphre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 114, 1892, 126-128. Sur 1'essence de Licari kanali. Paris, Au. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 674-675. — Sur quelques derives du licareol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 883-884. — Sur le licareue derive du licareol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 993-994. Sur la constitution du licareol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1062-1064. 37 Barbier] 290 [Barbieri Sur le licarhodol derive du licareol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 116, 1893, 1200-1202. Sur le licareol droit. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1893, 1459-1461. — Sur le geraniol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 120- 122. — Derives et constitution du rhodiuol de 1'esseuce de roses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 177-178. Sur les isomeres aeycliques du borneol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 802-811, 914-918, 998-1008. — Bectification a propos d'une note de 31. G. BOUCHAKDAT [sur le licareol et le linalol et sur la reaction isomerisaute de 1'anhydride acetique sur les alcools C10H180]. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 261. — Sur un nouvel alcool tertiaire incomplet, le dimethyl- heptenol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 1423-142(1. — Sur la pul^genacetone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 127, 1898, 870-872. — Synthese du dimethylheptenol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 110-111. — [Sur le nitro- et 1'amidogayacol.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 562-563. • Sur le le'monal de 1'essence de Lippia citriodora. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 635-638. Sur le citral et ses formes isomeriques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 017-618. [Sur le nitro-gaiacol.] [1899.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901, Ivi. Barbier, [t'raiiruis Aittoine] Ph[ilippe"\, & Bouveault, Louis. Condensation de 1'aldehyde isovalerianique avec 1'acetone ordinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 198-201. — Sur une acetone non saturee naturelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 983-986. — Sur I'alde'hyde de 1'essence de lemon grass. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 1050-1052. — Sur le geraniol de 1'essence d'Andropngou schoanan- thus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 1154-1157. Sur la constitution du lieareol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 1208-1211. Sur 1'essence de pelargonium de la Beuuion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 119, 1894, 281-284. — Sur la constitution du rhodinol de 1'essence de pelargonium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 119, 1894, 334-337. Condensation des aldehydes et des acetones sature'es. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 120, 1895, 1269-1272. Condensation des aldehydes non saturees de la serie grasse avec la dime'thyleetone ; synthese d'hydrocarbures aromatiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 1420- 1423. — Sur 1'essence de linaloe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121 1895, 168-170. — Sur 1'essence de lemon tjruss. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. 121, 1895, 1159-1162. — Sur les aldehydes derivees des alcools C10H180 iso- meriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 81-86. — Syuthese partielle de 1'acide ge'ranique ; constitution du l^monol et du le'monal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122. 1896, 393-395. — Extraction du rhodinol, de 1'essence de pelargonium et de 1'essence de roses ; identite de ces deux alcools. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 529-531. — Constitution du rhodinol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 673-675. — Sur le rhodinal et sa transformation en meuthone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 737-739. — Sur le citronnellal et son isome'rie avec le rhodinal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122. 1896, 795-796. — Sur 1'homolinalool et sur la constitution du licareol et du licarhodol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 842- 844. - Synthese de la methylheptenone naturelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 1422-1424. — Action du gaz chlorhydrique sur le licareol, le lica- rhodol et le lemonol ; rapports eutre ces trois alcools. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896. 594-597. — Sur les composes isolemoniques (isogc'raniques) ; pre- paration et constitution de 1'ionone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1002-1008. ~ Sur 1 'ace tylbuty rate d'ethyle /j-isopropylu et les acides diisopropylhexerjedio'iques ster^oisomeres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 251-253. Barbier, [Francois Antoiue] Philippe], & Hilt, J[can}. Becherches sur 1'australene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 108, 1889, 519-520. Barbier, [Francois Antoine] Ph[il.ippe], & Leser, Georges. Sur un meiithoglvcol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 1308-1311. — Sur le licarhodol droit. Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 590-596. — Sur 1'act'tylmethylheptenone. Syu : methyle-2, no- nene-2, dione-6,8. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 748-751. Barbier, [Fnnirois Antuine] Ph[ilippe\ & Moniict, P[nul]. .s>r Monnet ,\ Barbier. Barbier, \Fram;ois Antoine] Ph[ilippe], & Roux, Leon. Action de la chaleur sur les acetones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 1559-1562; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 46, 1886, 268-274. - Becherches sur la dispersion dans les composes organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 108, 1889, 1249-1251. — [Action de 1'iodure de methyle sur le mesitylene (1. 3. 5).] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 4. — Becherches sur la dispersion des dissolutions aqueuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 457-460; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 419-423. — Sur les accroissements moleculaires de dispersion des solutions salines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1890, 527- 528. — Becherches sur la dispersion dans les composes organiques (nlcools de la serie grasse). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1890, 1071-1074; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1890, 9-16. - Becherches sur la dispersion dans les composes organiques (ethers-oxydes). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., Ill, 1890, 180-183; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 614-620. — Kecherches sur la dispersion dans les composes organiques (acides gras). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., Ill, 1890, 235-236; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 620-622. - Kecherches sur la dispersion dans les composes aromatiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 255-261, 960. - Bemarque sur le pouvoir dispersif specifique des dissolutions aqueuses. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890 424-426. - Becherches sur la dispersion dans les composes or- ganiques (Others). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 112, 1891 582-584. Barbier, [Fru>n;/•], & Vignon, Leo. Sur un nouveau mode de formation des safrnnines sub- stituees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 105, 1887, 670-672, 775; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., in. 1887, 636-639. — Sur une nouvelle methode de formation des safrauines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 105, 1887, 939-941; Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 48, 1887, 771-773. — Becherches sur la phenosafranine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 338-342. Barbieri, | /•'.!. See Roma, Collcgio Romano, R. Osser- vatorio. Barbieri, A. Attivita straoidinaria della Solfatara di Pozzuoli ai 22-23 ottobre 1888. [1888.] Bull. Vulc. Ital., 15 & 16, 1888-89, 100. — Fenorneni geodinamici. [Osservatorio della Solfatara di Pozzuoli, 23 settembre 1889.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 177-178. Barbieri] •291 [Barboza du Bocage — Le stelle cadenti del periodo di novembre, 1889. Fontaniva (Padova). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 75. - Bolide del 9 agosto [1890, Solfatara, Pozzuoli]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 177. Barbieri, J[ohann]. Ueber die photographischen Ent- wiekler. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 31, 1894, 315- 321. Barbieri, Nit'ula Alberto. L'inuervation des arteres et des capillaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. M£m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 224-225; Robin, Jl. Anat., 34, 1898, 583-588. - H^teroplastie, cbimie de 1'encephale. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 1, Physiol.), 161-172. - Les ganglions nerveux des raciues posterieures appartiennent au systeme du grand syrnpathique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1039-1041. — He'te'roplastie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1139- 1141. - Etude preliminaire du chimisme de 1'encephale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 347-349. — Preliminari ad uuo studio generale del sistema ner- voso. [1900.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1899-1900 (Pt. 1), 168-169. Barbieri, U[la!do]. Ueber die Erwarmung blanker frei- gespaunter Knpferdrahte durch clen Strom. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 30. Barbieri de Introini, - . Brevi cenni sulla Birmania. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 24, 1891, 850-865. Barbillion, [Luciai], Note sur une variety d'^rytbeme passager survenant chez les individus soumis a la medication chloralique et alcoolique. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1887, 67-80. Barbillion, [Lticien'], & Coffer, [Paul]. See Cuffer & Barbillion. Barbillion, L[ouis]. Sur les rapports de la dispersion des o.ndes eleetromagnetiques avec celle des ondes lumineuses. Eclairage Elect., 19 (1899), 246-252. Barbosa, Antonio Maria. "Investigates sobre a aceao da fava do Calabar. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 3 (Pt. 2), 1865, No. 11, 25 pp. - *Memoria sobre a laqueacao da arteria iliaca primitiva a proposito d'esta operacao praticada em 7 de fevereiro de 1873 no hospital de S. Jose1 de Lisboa. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 5 (Pt. 1), 1875, No. 4, 38 pp. Barbot, J. Grottes de la valise du Lot pres Mende. Spelunca, Paris, 1896, 133-135; 1897, 178-189. Barbot de Marny, Nikolaj Pavlovic. "For biography see St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 13, 1878, 396-399. *reorHOCTii'iecKoe nyiemecTBie BI, ctBepnufl ryuepniii EBponeiicKOfi Pocciii. [Geognostische Reise im europaischen Russland.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb.., 3, 1868, 204-283. •*Teojiorii'iecKia uscjiiiji,OBaHia, BT, 1868 roji,y Bt rySepniaxi KieBCKOft, CKofi II BojlHHCKOft. [Im Jahre 1868 ausgefiihrte geologische Untersuehungen in den Gouvernements Kiew, Podolien uud Volynieu.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 7, 1872, 40-72. , npoii3Beji,eHHHfl B-I, 1870 r. Bt PflsaHCKoft n irfeKOTOpux-t jpynixs rySepmaxi.. [Im Jahre 1870 ausgefuhrte geologische Untersuchuugen im Gouveruement Riasan und in einigen anderen.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 7, 1872, 177- 224. - *0 Haxo;i;^eniii rpannxa no p. Jony. [Ueber das Vorkommen des Granits an den Ufern des Flusses Don.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb.., 7, 1872, 225-232. Harbour, A\le. xander] H[uffK] F\reeland~], & Webster, J[o/i«] C[larence]. Anatomy of advanced pregnancy and of labour, as studied by means of frozen sections and casts. Edinb. R. Coll. Physns. Lab. Rep., 2, 1890, 1-64. Barbour, F.ncin Hiiickli'ij. On a young tortoise, Chry- semys picta, with two heads. Amer. Jl. Sci., 36, 1888, 227-230. — Remains of the primitive elephant found in Grinnell, lo. Science, 16, 1890, 263. — Living fossils. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 223. — Notes on a new order of gigantic fossils. [1892-96.] Nebraska Univ. Stud., 1, 1888-92, 301-324; 2, 1894- 1902, 1-16, 81-124; Science, 19, 1892, 99-100. - Attempted extermination of the pocket-gopher, Geomys bursarius. Science, 19, 1892, 204-205. - A new habitat of the black-throated rock swift, Micropus melanoleucus. Science, 20, 1892, 235-236. — Notice of the occurrence of Nyctale Richardsoni, RICHARDSON'S owl, in Nebraska. Science, 20, 1892, 361. — Is Dsemonelix a burrow ? A reply to Dr. Theodor FUCHS. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 517-527. — Lincoln Salt Lake and the occurrence of Strepsilas interpres. Auk, 12, 1895, 297. - The occurrence in Nebraska of Vireo flavoviridis. Auk, 13, 1896, 263. — A two-headed tortoise. Science, 4, 1896, 159-160. - Nature, structure and phylogeny of Dasmonelix. [1896.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 8, 1897, 305-314. — The rapid decline of geyser phenomena in the Yellow- stone National Park. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1899, 230. — Glacial grooves and striie in southeastern Nebraska. [1899.] Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 8, 1900, 309-312. Barbour, Erwin Hinckley, & Knight, Wilbur C. The discovery of new invertebrates in the dinosaur beds of Wyoming. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1899, 229-230. Barbour, Erwin Hinckley, & Torrey, Joseph. Notes on the microscopic structure of oolite with analyses. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 246-249. See also Torrey & Barbour. Barbour, John Ford. The microbic origin of scarlet fever. N. Y. Med. Jl., 54, 1891, 541-543. Barbour, Philip F. Empyema in children. N. Y. Med. Jl., 66, 1897, 664-666. Barboza du Bocage, Jose Vicente. To reference in No. 2 (Vol. 7) add Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 3 (Pt. 2), 1865, No. 5, 8pp. *Noticia acerca dos Arvicolas de Portugal. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 3 (Pt. 2), 1865, No. 4, 11 pp. - Reptis e Ampbibios de S. Thome. Reptiles et Ba- traeiens uouveaux de 1'ile de St. Thome1. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 65-75, 103-104. - Typhlopiens nouveaux de la faune africaiue. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 171-174. — Melanges erpetologiques. Lisboa, Joru. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 177-211; 12, 1888, 138-147; 1, 1890, 125-128. Sur un Mammifere nouveau de 1'ile St. Thome. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 212-213. — Note sur la decouverte en Portugal d'une varied de la Certhilauda Duponti. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11 1887, 214-216. — Oiseaux nouveaux de 1'lle St. Thome\ Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 250-253; 12, 1888, 229-232. — Additarnento a fauna ornithologica de S. Thome". [1887.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 81-83. - Sur quelques oiseaux recueillis dans 1'Afrique equatoriale (pays du Muata-Yanvo) par M. A. SESINANDO MARQUES. [1887.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 84-86. — Sur un python nouveau d'Afrique. [1887.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 87-88. — Sur un oiseau nouveau de St. Thorne^ de la fain. "Fringillidaj." Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 148- 150. — Note sur la " Phteospiza thomensis." Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 192. 37—2 Barboza du Bocage] 292 [Barcena - Sur quelques oiseaux de 1'ile St. Thome\ Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 211-215. — Chiropteres africains nouveaux, rares ou peu connus. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 1-7. - Mammiferes d'Angola et du Congo. [1889-90.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 8-82, 174-185; 2, 1892, 1-32. - Breves consideracoes sobre a fauna de S. Thome. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 33-36. — Sur deux especes a ajouter :\ la faune ornithologique de St. Thome. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 142-144. — Les damans d'Angola. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 186-196. - Chiropteres de 1'ile St. Thome. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 197-199. — Observations sur PEuryotis Anchieto. [1889.] Lis- boa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, i890, 206-208. — Aves da ilha de S. Thome1. [1889-91.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 209-210; 2, 1892, 77-87. — Les rats-taupes d'Angola. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 269-276. — Sur une espece nouvelle a ajouter a la faune erp£to- logique de St. Thom<5 et Kolas. [1890.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 61-62. — Sur une vari^te de "Phyllorhina Commersoni " de 1'ile St. Thome. [1891.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 88. Aves do sertao de Benguella. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 157-172. — Observations sur les especes du genre " Cynonyeteris " rencontrees en Angola par M. D'ANCHIETA. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 173-178. — Subsidies para a fauna da Guine portugueza. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 179-184. — Aves de Dahom£. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 185-187. — Sur le " Hemidactylus mabouia," var. " Molleri," Bedriiifia, de St. Thorne\ Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 221. - Additions et corrections a 1'ornithologie d'Angola. [1892-93.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 248-264; 3, 1895, (i-lfi. — Note sur le " Dendraspis " de 1'ile St. Thome'. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 205-267. — [Bradyoruis Sharpii, n. up., Angola.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 3, 1894, xliii. — Note sur deux oiseaux nouveaux de 1'ile Anno-Bom. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 17-18. - Mammiferos, Aves e Reptis da ilha de Anno-Bom. [1893.] Lisbon, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 43-46. — Diagnoses de deux nouveaux Reptiles de 1'ile de Anno- Bom. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1896, 47- 48. — Diagnoses de quelques nouvelles especes de Reptiles et Batraciens d'Angola. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 115-121. — Oiseaux nouveaux d'Angola. [1894.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 153-154. — Aves de Galanga. [1894.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 155-166. — Sur un Batraeien nnuveau do Fernao do P<5. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 270-272. — Subsidies para a fauna da ilha de Fernao do P6. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 1-15. - Reptiles et Batraciens nouveaux ou peu counus de Fprnao do P6. [1895. | Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 16-20. — Aves de Benguella da exploracao Anchieta. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 21-23. — A doninha da ilha de S. Thome. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 24-27, 48-50. — Sur une espece dc crapaud a ajouter i la faune herpetologique d'Angola. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 51-53. - Reptis de algumas possessors portuguezas d'Africa que existem no Museu de Lisboa. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 65-104. — Mammiferos, Aves e Reptis da Hanha, no sertao de Benguella. [1896-97.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 105-114, 207-211. - Sur quelques Reptiles et Batraciens afrieains pro- venant du voyage de M. le Dr. Emil HOLUB. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 115-120. Sur deux agames d'Angola a ecailiure het^rogene. [189fi.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 127-130. — Reptis de Bolama, Guin^ portugueza, eolligidos pelo Sr. COSTA MARTINS, chefe interino de saude no Archi- pelago de Cabo-Verde. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897. 176-178. Aves d'Africa de que existem no Museu de Lisboa os exemplares typicos. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 179-186. Mammiferos, Reptis e Batrachios d'Africa de que existem exemplares typicos no Museu de Lisboa. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, is97, 187-206. Sur une nouvelle espece de Cynonycteris d'Angola. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 133-139. - Aves do Archipelago de Cabo Verde. [1898-1900.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 140-150; 6, [1902,] 39-47. — Nota sobre a presenoa do Lycaon pictus, Tcmm. , no sertao de Benguella. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 184. Barboza du Bocage, Josr' ]'ice»tf:. & Brito Capello, Felix de. To reference in title (Vol. 7) add Lisboa Ac. Sei. Mem., 3 (Ft. 2), 1865, No. 6, 3 pp. Barbut, G. Culture du ble au champ d'experiences de 1'Ecole Pratique de la Brosse (Tonne). Ann. Agron., 15, 1889, 76-88. Barcena, Mariano. For biography and works see Tacuba.ya Obs. Astr. Bol., 2, 1897, 181-182 ; U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 158; Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 34, 1900, 49. — Fossil man in Mexico. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 920. Notice of some human remains found near the city of Mexico. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 739-744. — The fossil man of Penou, Mexico. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 633-635. — Nuevos datos acerca de la antigiiedad del hombre en el valle de Mexico. [1886.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887,265-270. — Contestaci6n a las observaciones de la carta anterior [del Profesor NEWBERRY sobre el hornbre del Peiion. ] [1886.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 286-288. — Int'onne sobre el estado actual del volcan de Colima. [1889.] Naturaleza, 1, 1891, 249-269. • El Jardin Botanico y de Aclimataci6n de Guadalajara. [1890.] Naturaleza, 1, 1891, 433-436. • The climate of the city of Mexico. [1896.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 601-611. — Las ciencias naturales pueden facilitar varias indica- Clones en la investigaci6n de senates dudosas 6 perdidas sobre los limites de la propiedad. Me'x. Obs. Bol., 1895, 86-92. — La meteorologia y el campeslno. Mex. Obs. Bol., 1896, 4, 8-10. — Plnviometria. Datos para el estudio de las lluvias en el valle de Mexico. M<5x. Obs. Bol., 1896, 81-85. — El Bosque de Chapnltepec. Informe relative a las causas que originan la deatruccidn de su arbolado. [1892.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 193-1 !K. — Apuntes relatives a la geologia del estado de Jalisco. [1892.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 198-207. — Alguuos datos fisicos de la ciudad de Guadalajara presentados al tercer Congreso Me'dico Mexicano. Mex. Obs. Bui., 1897, 123-129. Barcenal 293 [Bard - Ensayo practice de repoblaci6n de bosques. Mex. Obs. Bol., 1897, 143-144. B.ircen.i, Muriiino, & Castillo, Antonio del. Noticia acerca del hallazgo de restos humanos prehist6ricos en el valle ile Mexico. [188G.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 257- 264; Normandie Soe. Geol. Bull., 12, 1887, 13-16. Barche, Greguire, & Kehrmann, Friedrich. See Kehr- mann A Bardie. Barclay, (Surti.-Maj.) A[rthur]. For biograpby and list of works see Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc., 1891, 130; Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 384 ; Indian Med. Gaz., 26, 1892, 278-279. — On urediue[s] affecting the Himalayan spruce-tir (Abie? smithiana, Forbes). [1886.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 55 (Ft. 2), 1887, 1-11, 140-143. — On a new species of uredine parasitic on Cedrus deodara, London. [1886.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 55 (Pt. 2), 1887, 223-226. — On the life history of a new ^Ecitliurn on Strobilantb.es dalhousianus, Clarke. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 2, 1887, 15-27. — jEcidium Unices, Schum., var. himalayense. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 2, 1887, 29-38. — A descriptive list of the Uredinete occurring in the neighbourhood of Simla (western Himalayas). [1887-91.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 56 (Pt. 2), 1888, 350-375; 58 (Pt. 2), 1890, 232-253; 59 (Pt. 2), 1891, 75-112; 60 (Pt. 2), 1892, 211-230. — On the life-history of a new Cseoma on Smilax aspera, Linn. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 4, 1889, 37-45. On the life-history of Puccinia Geranii silvatici, Karat., var. himalensis. [1890.] Ann. Bot., 5, 1890-91, 27-36. — Description of a new fungus, yEeidiurn esculentum, «. sp., on Acacia eburnea, ]\'illd. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 5, 1890, 161-165. — On some rusts and mildews in India. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 257-261; 30, 1892, 1-8, 40-49. — On the life-history of a remarkable uredine on Jasminum grandiflorum, L. (Uromyces cunningham- ianus, n. sp.). [1890.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 3, 1888-94, 141(Ms)-151. — Ou the life-history of a Himalayan Gymnosporangium (G. cunniughamianum, «. sp.). Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, 71-78. — On a Chrysomyxa on Ehododendron arboreum, Sm. (Chrysomyxa himalense, n. sp.). Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, 79-85. On the life-history of a urediue on Rubia cordifolia, Linn. (Pucciuia collettiana, n. sp.). Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, 87-91. — On the life-history of Puccinia coronata, var. hima- lensis. [1891.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 3, 1888-94, 227-236. — On the life-history of Puccinia Jasmini-Chrysopogonis, n. sp. [1891.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 3, 1888-94, 237-242. — On two autcecious Ca;omata in Simla. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 6, 1891, 65-69. — Ehododendron Uredinete. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 6, 1891, 71-74. Barclay, (Surg.-lUaj.) A[rttiur], & Kantback, A[lfredo] A\ntunes\. See Kanthack & Barclay. Barclay, A. J. G[union]. Ou the teaching of elementary geometry. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 2, 1884, 24-25. — On physical science in schools. [1885.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 4, 1886, 21-22. Barclay, G. If". W. On some algoid lake-balls found in South Uist. Ediub. Koy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 845-848. Barclay, (Capt.) H[enry] Vere. Mission a Tile de Paques. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. H., 1899, 169-176. Barclay, J. Gurney. For biography see Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 218-219; Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 25, 1899, 220. Barclay, Robert. The geology of the Highlands, from Mount Battock, Kincardineshire, to the village of Edzell, and thence to the sea at St. Cyrus. [1890.] Scott. Natlist., 10, 1889-90, 347-349. Barclay, T. C. The Dutch colonies in N.E. Sumatra. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 7, 1891, 157-100. Barclay, William. The flora of the Woody island. [1887- 88.] Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. & Proc., 1, 1893, 30-44, 102-104. Flora of the right bank of the Tay, between Perth and the mouth of the Earn. [1889.] Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. & Proc., 1, 1893, 123-134. — Flora of the left bank of the Tay between Perth and Glencarse. [1891.] Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. & Proc., 1, 1893, 245-255. — • Notes on Scottish roses. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 116-121, 169-176; 1899, 172-179. — Rosa involuta, Sin., in Forfarshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 118. R[osa] hibernica in Midlothian. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 118-119. Barclay-Smith, E[dward]. Muscular anomalies, with notes on the origin and function of the ligarneutum posticum WiNBLOwii. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, xxiv- XXX. Examples of separation of the os styloideurn of the third metacarpal. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, xxxvii- xxxviii. — The astragalo-calcaneo-navicular joint. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896, 390-412. — Some points in the anatomy of the dorsum of the hand, with special reference to the morphology of the extensor brevis digitorum manus. [1896.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 45-58. — A foetus of about 13 weeks, presenting a peculiar con- dition of the digits. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, xxxiv- xxxv. — A case of idiopathic dilatation of the sigmoid colon and rectum, accompanied by a diaphragmatic hernia of the stomach. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 341-352. — [Remarkable anomaly of the malar bone.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, xl. — Divided parietal bone in a skull. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, xxiv. — Works of early British anatomists. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, xlii-xlv. — Archseologia anatornica. John HALLE: a sixteenth century anatomist. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 275-282. Barcroft, David. Note on partitions. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Giro., [5] (1885-86), 64. — Generalization of two theorems. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [6] (1886-87), 30. Forms of non-singular quintic curves. Amer. Jl. Math., 10, 1888, 131-140. Barcroft, Henry. Description of twin screw-propellers with adjustable immersion, fitted on canal boats. Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc., 1894, 360-366. — Partially immersed screw-propellers for canal boats; and the influence of section of waterway. lust. Mechan. Engin. Proc., 1897, 101-114. Barcroft, Joseph. The properties of the surface of liquids. [1895.] Belfast Nat. Hist. Soc. Rep. & Proc., 1895-96, 24-26. (See also under Bancroft [Barcroft], Joseph, p. 278.) Barest, Lajos, & Bokai, Arpiid. Az idiilt paraldehyd es idiilt chloralhydrat mergezes allatoknal. [On chronic poisoning with paraldehyde and chloral hydrate in animals.] Orvos-Termt. 'Ertes. (Ore. Szak), 1886, 109- 132. Bard, Lfouis]. Anatomie pathologique generate dcs tumeurs, leur nature et leur classification physiologique. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1885, 247-265. — Des tumeurs du type uerveux, neurosarcoiues et nevromes adultes. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1885, 385-397. Bard] 294 [Bardeleben — Des tumeurs du type epithelial, epitheliomes et adeuomes. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1885, 498-525. — De la nature parasitaire de la melanose et de certaines tumeurs melaniques. [With discussion.] [1885.] Lyon Sue. Sci. M^d. Mem., 25, 1886, 33-41, (G. H.), 45-48. — La specificity cellulaireet 1'histogenesechez 1'embryon. Arcb. de Physiol., 7, 1886, 406-420. — Des caraeteres anatomo-puthologiques generaux des lesions de cause microbienne. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1887, 99-148. — De 1'induction vitale ou influence specifique a distance des elements cellulaires les uus sur les autres. Arch. lied. Exper., 2, 1890, 387-410. — La specificity cellulaire et les faits anatomo-patho- logiques sur lesquels elle s'appuie. [With discussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 3), 92-99. — Les selles des febrieitants au point de vue bacterio- logique. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 31, 1892 (C. R.), 14-15. — De la coexistence de deux cancers primitifs chez le meme sujet. Arch. Gen. Med., 169, 1892, 541-555. — Refouleinent du coeur a droite et dextroeardie con- genitale. [1892.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 32, 1893, 135-150. - Du role des poussees inflammatoires dans la genese de I'as.ystolie liee aux affections organiques du coeur et des indications therapeutiques qui en resultent. [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 33, 1894, 52-68. — De 1'action antipyretique des badigeonuages de gai'acol. [1893.] Lyon Soe. Sci. Med. Mem., 33, 1894, 143-151. — Du traitement de 1'erysipele de la face par les badi- geonnages de gaiacol. [With discussion.] [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 33, 1894, 282-299, (C. 11.), 152- 154. — Aetiologie und Pathogenese des Carciuoms. Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 2065. — De la glycosurie dans le cancer du pancreas. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 1), 222-223. — Des moyens a employer pour empecher la propagation des maladies contagieuses par les transports en voitures et en chemins de fer. Ass. Frann. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 1), 259-261. — De 1'importance de la palpation du cceur. Donnees cliniques et signes nouveaux qu'elle fournit. [1890.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 36, 1897, 82-94. — De la palpation large du coeur et des vibrations de fermeture des valvules auriculo-ventriculaires. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 37, 1898, 3-14. — Des renseignements fournis par le riot lornbo-abdo- minal. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 37, 1898, 137-144. Sur la permeabilite renale. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mern., 37, 1898 (C. 11.), 169-170. — De 1'existence d'un type peripherique de la forme tardive de la maladie bleue. [1899.] Lyou Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 39, 1900, 145-159, (C. ]{.), 119-120. — L'intersystole physiologique et les chevauchements puthologiques des systoles. [With discussion.] [1900.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 40, 1901, 43-64, (C. R.), 58-59. — Du signe de 1'orbiculaire dans le diagnostic de la paralysie faciale. [1900.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Mod. Mem., 40, 1901, 103-166. Bard, L[ouis], & Bonnet, L[nui.i] 31. Kecherches et con- siderations cliniques sur les differences de permeabilite renale dans les diverses especes de nephrites. Arch. Gen. Med., 181, 1898, 129-lti3, 283-308, 464-484. Bard, L[ouis], & Charmeil, [Paul], De la gangrene pul- monaire, sa speciticite, sa contagion. [1885.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 25, 1886, 286-311. Bard, L[uuis], & Duplant, F. Compression tardive de la inuulle cervicale par un cal hypertrophique de Taxis. Arch. Gen. Mt-d., 17H, 1896, 129-148. Bard, L[ouis], & Lemoinc, Geortjas. De la maladie kystique essentielle des organes glandulaires ou augiome des appareils secretaires. Arch. Gen. Med., 166, 1890, 151-168, 313-341. Bardach, Bruno. Ueber den Einfluss einiger Medicainente auf die Analyse des Harnes. Fresenius, Ztschr., 36, 1897, 776-784. — Ueber die Gerinnungsursache erhitzter Milch. Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 (Abtli. 2ft), 218-235; Mhefte. Chem., 1897, 199-216. Bardach, Bruno, & Goldschmidt, Heinrich. See Gold- Schmidt A Bardach. Bardach, Ja. Sur la vaccination intensive des chiens inocules de la rage par trepanation. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1 (1887), 84-87. — Le virus rabique dans le lait. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1 (1887), 180-184. — Nouvelles recherches sur la rage. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 2, 1888, 9-17. — Recherches sur le role de la rate dans les maladies infectieuses. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 3, 1889, 577-603; 5, 1891, 40-49. — L'emploi de la tuberculiue eomme moyen preventif et cornme traitement de la tuberculose. Int. Cougr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 2), 209-211. — Resultats statistiques de 1'Institut Antirabique d'Odessa. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 3), 35-42. — SHaieme II.vcTEpa BT, uexiiiiuiri; ir 6aKxepio- .lorill. (Ce que PASTEDK a fait pour la medecine et la bacteriologie.) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 18 (No. 1), 1893, xxix-xliv. — Traitement et vaccination contre la diphte'rie par le serum immunise. Ann. Microgr., 0 (1894), 434. — Etudes sur la diphterie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 9 (1895), 40-55. — Recherches sur la fievre recurrente. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 13 (1899), 305-384. Bardeen, Charles Russell. A study of the visceral changes in extensive superficial burns. Jl. Exper. Med., 2, 1897, 501-514. — Costo-vertebral variation in man. Auat. Anz., 18, 1900, 377-382. Bardeleben, [Heinrich] Adolf von. For biography and works sec Leopoldina, 31, 1895, 218-219; Auat. Anz., 11, 1896, 303-305; Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 42, 1896, 309-322. Bardeleben, Heinrich von. Abdominalauastomose der Nabelarterien. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 725-728. Bardeleben, Karl [Heinrich] von. To reference in No. 3 (Vol. 9) add Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 228-230. To reference in No. 17 (Vol. 9) add Jena. Sber., 1883, 75-77. To reference in No. 18 (Vol. 9) add Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 237-240. - *I3eobachtungen au Hingerichteten. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 244-245. — *Das Intermedium tarsi beim Menschen. Jena. Sber., 1883, 37-39. - "Die Ausgangsoflnuugen des Leisteu- und des Sehen- kel-kanals. Jena. Sber., 1883, 39. -* Ueber das Intermedium tarsi. Jena. Sber., 1883, 91-93. — Das Intermedium tarsi der Saugethiere und des Menschen. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 374-378. — Untersuchungeu zur vergleichenden Anatomic und Eutwickeluugsgeschichte von Hand und Fuss der Saugethiere und des Menschen. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1885, 156-158. — Ueber phylo- und ontogenetische Entwieklung von Hand und Fuss der Saugethiere. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1885, 203-204. — Zur Entwickelung der Fusswurzel. (Ein neuer Bardeleben] 295 [Bardenheuer Tarsusknorpel beim meuschlichen Embryo uhd eiue neue, sechste, Zehe bei Beutelthieren.) Jena. Sber., 1885, 27-32. — Zur Morphologie des Hand- und Fussskelets. Jena. Sber., 1885, 84-88. — Ueber die anatomischen Verhaltnisse der vordereu Brustwand uud die Lage des Herzens. Jena. Sber., 1885, 104-107. — Ueber neue Bestandtheile der Hand- und Fusswurzel der Saugethiere, sowie die normale Anlage von Kudimen- ten " iiberzahliger" Finger und Zehen beim Menschen. Jena. Sber., 1885, 149-164. — Hand und Fuss. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 96- 102. Die morphologische Bedeutung des Musculus "ster- nalis." Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 324-333. — Ueber die Lage der weiblichen Beekenorgaue. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 535-571. — Bin Brief von Professor W. His, betreffend Profes- sor VON PREUSCHEN'S " blasenformige Allantois" beim Menschen. Auat. Auz., 4, 1889, 17-21. — Praepollex uud Praeballux. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889 (Aunt. Ges. Verb.), 106-112. — On the pra?pollex and praehallux, with observations on the carpus of Theriodesmus phylarchus. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 259-262. — Hat der Praepollex von Pedetes einen Nagel oder nicht? Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 321-322. — Ueber die Hand- und Fuss-Muskelu der Saugetiere, besonders die des Praepollex (Praehallux) und Postmiui- mus. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 435-444, 556; Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. I), 140-141. Ueber bisher unbekannte anatomische Arbeiten GOETHE'S. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 151-157. — Ueber den feineren Ban der nienschlichen Spermato- zoen. Auat. Anz., 6, 1891 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 157-164. — Ueber Innervierung, Eutstehung und Homologie der distalen Gliedmasseumuskelu bei den Siiugetieren. Auat. Anz., 6, 1891 (Anat. Ges. Verh.). 243-246. — Die Haufigkeit iiberzahliger Brustwarzen (Hyperthelie), besonders beim Manne. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 247-249. — Weitere Untersuchun^en fiber die Hyperthelie bei Mannern. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 87-92. — Ueber 600 neue Falle von Hyperthelie bei Mannern. Auat. Auz., 7, 1892 (Anat. Ges. Verb.), 199-202. — Ueber Sperniatogeuese bei Siiugetieren , besonders beim Menschen. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892 (Anat. Ges. Verb.), 202-208. — Knochen, Bander, Muskeln. Anat. Hefte (Alt. 2), 1, 1892, 141-160; 2, 1893, 157-178; 4, 1895, 19-60; 5, 1896, 95-126; 6, 1897, 44-87. — Massenuntersuchungen fiber Hyperthelie beim Manue. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 (Anat. Ges. Verb.), 171-185. — Hand und Fuss. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 257-337; 10, 1895, 304. — On the bones and muscles of tbe mammalian hand and foot. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, 354-376. — Die Entstehung der Samenkorper. Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 697-702. — Ueber Sperrnatogenese bei Monotremen und Beutel- thieren. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896 (Anat. Ges. Verb.), 38-43. — Ueber das Praei'rontale und Postfrontale des Menschen. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896 (Anat. Ges. Verb.), 153-154. Eine neue Theorie der Spermatogenese. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Hnlfte 2), 489-490. — Ueber Holzin (OPPER.MANN). Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Tb. 2, Hcilfte 2), 490. — Die Zwischenzellen des Saugethierhodens. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 529-536. Dimorphisrnus der rnaunlichen Geschlechtszellen bei Saugethieren. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 564-569. — Beitrage zur Histologie des Hodeus und zur Sperma- togenese beim Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1897 (Suppl.), 193-234. Ueber die Entstehung der Axenfaden bei mensch- lichen uud Saugetier-Sperrnatozoen. [1897.] Anat. Auz., 14, 1898, 145-147. — Weitere Beitrage zur Sperniatogeuese beim Menschen. Jena. Ztschr., 31, 1898, 475-520. — Ueber Verbinduugen zwischen dem 5. und 6., sowie zwischen dem 6. und 7. Rippeukuorpel. [1898.] Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 33-36. — Muskel und Nerv. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 8, 1899, 112-123. — Muskeln und Muskelmechanik. [1897-99.] Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 9, 1900, 3-83. — Skelettsystern (ausser Scha'del und Visceralskelett). [1897-1900'.] Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 10, 1901, 3-114. Bardeleben, Karl [Hcinrich] von, & Frohse, Fritz. Ueber die Innervirung von Muskeln, insbesomlere an den menscblicheu (iliedrnassen. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897 (Anat. Ges. Verb.), 38-41. Bardelli, [Lorenzo]. Sur la sterilisation du sac con- jouctival. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 293-294. — L'action des toxines de Streptocoque sur 1'oeil. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 294. - La skiascopie. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 401-430. Bardelli, (can.) Francesco. [Temporal!.] Pisa. Monca- lieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 129. — [Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1889, 1890 e 1891.] Pisa. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 170-171 ; 11, 1891, 34; 12, 1892, 74-75. Bolide [Pisa, 14 marzo 1890]. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 62. — [Le stelle cadenti del periodo di novembre 1889.] Pisa. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 107. - Nubifragio a Pisa. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 177. — Uragano [Pisa, 24 novembre 1895]. [1895.] Monca- lieri Oss. Boll., 15, 1896, 52. — Biassunto aunuale delle osservazioni meteorologiche fatte all' Osservatorio Gian Battista Donati nel Seruiuario Arcivescovile S. Catterina di Pisa. Anno 1898-99. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 20, 1900, 8. Bardelli, Giuseppe. Alcune applicazioni del priucipio del minimo lavoro all' equilibria* di sistemi viucolati. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 89-99. Alcuue formule sui moment! d' inerzia dei poligoui piani. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 18, 1885, 465^73. Proprieta stereometriche di uu sistema di forze. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 167-171. Baricentri e momenti di inerzia di superficie e di solid! di rotazione. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 497-509. — Dell' nso delle coordinate obliquangole nella teoria dei momenti d' inerzia. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 25, 1892, 444-458. — Su un problema di dinamica di G. SALAUINI generaliz- zato da A. SEKRET. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 26, 1893, 344-348, 379-381. — [Formule di quadrature.] Eiv. Mat., 3, 1893, 16-17. Uu teorema sui bariceutri generalizzato. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 27, 1894, 326-330. — Sull' uso delle coordinate obliquangole uella meccanica razionale. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 174-183. — Alcune relazioni tra baricentri e momenti d' inerzia. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 842-846. — Sui momeuti d' inerzia dei solidi di rotazioue. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 837-842. Bardelli, Lnigi. Contribute alia rnineralogia dell' alta Italia. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 240-245. Bardenheuer, Franz. Ueber die histologischen Vorgange bei der durch Terpentin hervorgerufenen Entziindung im Unterhaut-Zellgewebe. Beitr. Path. Anat., 10, 1891, 394- 432. Bardetl 296 LBardy Bardet, ll[odefroy]. Note sur 1'action physiologique de la piliganine. " Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 357-350. — Activity comparee des diverses digitalines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 755-756; Jl. Pharm., 20, 1889, 514. — Heredity de la ressemblance. Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 732. Action des rayons X sur la retine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1388-1389. Action therapeutique des phosphoglycerates acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 13(1, 1900, 9.36-9.37. Bardet, G[odefroy], & Dujardin-Beaumetz, G[eorges Octave]. See Dujardin-Beaumetz it Bardet. Bardet, [ii»ienicn]. [Gonococco e processo blenorra- gico.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 5, Derm.), 21-24. Bardwell, (Miss) I-:ii:abetli M. "A star shower." Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 29. Mount Holyoke Observatory, sunspot observations. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 37. Meteor in daytime. Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 192. — Leonid meteors observed at Mt. Holyoke College Observatory. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 49-50. Bardwell, (Miss) Elizabeth M., & Mack, (Miss) I. G. Observations of the solar eclipse of March 16, 1885, at the John B. Willistou Observatory, South Hadley, Mass. Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 126. Bardwell, F. M. 'Speculations in regard to comets' tails. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 2, 1873 (Reprint, 1896), 79-86. — 'Suggestions of the true theory of number. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 3, 1874 (Reprint, 1896), 94-98. - 'Discrepancies between theory and observation of the moon's motion. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 3, 1874 (Reprint, 1896), 103-105. Bardy, Ch[mies]. "Description d'une nouvelle base, la Bardy] 297 [Barfurth methyldiphenylamine, et production d'une nouvelle matiere colorante bleue qui en derive. [1883.] Mul- house Soe. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884, 67-69. — Becherche et dosage des impuretes dans les alcools industriels. Jl. Pbarm., 18, 1888, 274-282, 312-320, 369-379, 420-432, 407-473, 510-517. — Recherche des alcools superieurs dans 1'alcool vinique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1201-1204. — De"naturation des alcools. Jl. Pharin., 28, 1893, 455- 458, 517-521. Bardy, Ch[nrlex], & Berard, . Dosage des huiles essentielles dans les alcools. Jl. Pharm., 28, 1893, 458- 460. Bardy, Ch[arles], & Dusari, [Laden], *Metbode generale de preparation des amines seeoudaires et tertiaires ap- plicables a la production des matieres colorantes. [1883.] Mnlliouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884, 09-70. Bardy, Henri. *[Notes meteorologiques faites a Saint-Die, Vosges.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 210-211, 256-258; 3, 1870, 123-124, 177-178, 203-205, 231-232; 4, 1871, 10, 14-15, 21, 28, 35-36, 42-43, 49-50, 62-63, 83, 86, 10i-105, 108, 126-128, 133, 102; 5, 1872, 38, 47, 81, 114-115, 122-123, 166, 175, 200, 211; 6, 1873 (I't. 2), 37, 61-62, 73, 101, 111, 119. - *0rage du 13 juillet. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 2, 1869, 210-211. - *Aurore boreale du 3 Janvier 1870 [a Saint-Die]. France Soc. Me'te'orol. Nouv. Meteorol., 3, 1870, 99. — L'empoisonnement par les champignons ; observations recueillies & Saint-Die et dans les Vosges. Jl. Pbarm., !l, 1884, 310-311. — De 1'amanite rougeiitre et du danger de son emploi alimentaire. Rev. Mycol., 6, 1884, 49-52. Bardy, Henri (et alii). *Le froid de la fin de decembre 1809 en France. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 3, 1870, 98-99. Bareel, (le rev. pere) V[ictor\. Quelques reinarques sur une pile voltai'que. [1895.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 (Pi. 1), 24-25. — Sur les resultats d'une experience relative a une pile. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 (I't. 1), 72-74. — L 'eclipse de lune du 27 decembre 1898, a Louvain. Brux., Soc. Astr. Bull., 4, 1899, 108-110. Barella, H[ippolyte], Considerations sur la diphterie. Brux., Ac. "Med. Belg. Bull., 10, 1896, 197-213. — Un mot sur les echanges nutritifs et sur la ration alimentaire de 1'adulte. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 12, 1898, 799-816. Barendrecht, II. P. Dimorphie des Eises. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 11, 1896, 454-455. — Zur Alkoholhydratfrage. Ztschr. I'hysikal. Chem., 20, 1896, 234-241. Barentbin, C. Jodaddition der atherischen Oele. Arch. Pharm., 224, 1886, 848-851. Barentin, Wilhflm. For biographical notice see Leopol- dina, 22, 1886, 113. Baret, A[n) Henry. For biographical notic? see Geogr. JL, 12, 1898, 621-622; Kew Bull., 1898, 335-336; Boy. Soc. Proc., 75, 1905, 23-25. Barla, Jenn H«iit>stf. For biographical notice and works see France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 541-542. Barladu, N. Taubes-. •• . Taubes-Barladu. Barling, [Hurry] (l[ilbert]. Tuberculosis: an infective disease. [1888.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc., 6 (1887-89), 233-242. Barlow, Alfred Ernest. On the contact of the Hurouian and Laureutian rocks north of Lake Hurou. Amer. Geologist, 6, 1890, 19-32. — On the nickel and copper deposits of Sudbury, Ont. Ottawa Natlist., 5, 1891, 51-71. — On the relations of the Luurentian and Huronian on the north side of Lake Huron. [1892.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 236-239; Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 4, 1893, 313- 332. On some dykes containing " huronite." [1891.] Ottawa Natlist.', 9, 1895, 25-47; Science, 1, 1895, 62. — On the occurrence of cancrinite in Canada. [1896.] Canad. Rec. Sci. , 7, 1897, 228. On the origin of some Archaean conglomerates. [1899.] Ottawa Natlist., 12, 1898, 205-217. — Report on the geology and natural resources of the area included by the Nipissing and Temiscaming map- sheets, comprising portions of the district of Nipissing, Ontario, and of the county of Pontiac, Quebec. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 10, 1899', 11-1287. Barlow, Alfred Ernest, & Adams, Frank IlHirmni. ,s',v Adams ,\ Barlow. Barlow, Alfred Ernest, & Ells, ll[ul>crt] \V[heelock]. See Ells A Barlow. Barlow, (If red Ernest. & Ferrier, Walter F. On the relations and structure of certain granites and associated arkoses on Lake Temiscaming, Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, i;r>9-i;i;n. Barlow, i'li,-xter. Some notes on the nesting habits of the white-tailed kite. Auk, 14, 1897, 14-21. — Occurrence of Zonotrichia alhicollis in California. Auk, 14, 1897, 221. — Nesting of the hermit warbler in the Sierra Nevada mountains, California. Auk. 16, 1899, 156-161. Barlow, (.'nurfard. The new Tay viaduct. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 883-ss :,. — The London sewage question. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 8K 1-882. Barlow, r'.dirii i'. 1892, 7-16. — Observations of the partial phase of the total eclipse of the moon November 15, 1801. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 92-93. — Disappearance of the new red spot on Jupiter ; the great red spot and other Jovian phenomena. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 93. — Transparency of the crape ring of Saturn, and other peculiarities as shown by the observations of the eclipse of .Tapetus on November 1st, 1880. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 110-123. Observations and photographs of SWIFT'S comet of Miircli 6, ISD-J. Astr. A- Astrophys., 11, 1892. 3s6 388. Aurora at Mt. Hamilton [May 18 and June 26]. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 530, 633. Preliminary ivmarks on the observation of Mars Is;i2, with the 12-in. and 36-in. refractor of the Lick Olisemil.iry. Aslr. A Astrophys., 11, 1892, 6sn 684, — Recent observations of Jupiter, the great red spot and its changes. Astr. & Astrophys , 11, 1892, IW6 6*s. — An account of the discovery of a fifth satellite to Jupiter. Astr. .V: Astrophys., 11, 1892, 749-750; Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 375-376. Barnard] 305 Nova Aurigii' a nebula. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 751; Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 407-40*. — Filar-micrometer observations of Comet a 1892 (Swift), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 158. - Filar-micrometer observations of Comet c 1892 (Denning), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 100. A new nebula. Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 168; 12, 1893, 16. (Swift Marz 6). Astr. Nachr., 129, [Barnard variable nebulce. Astr. Nachr., 130, of to of — Comet 1892... 1892, 119-120. — Two probably 1892. 7-8. — The lunar craters Alpetragius and Thales. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 7-10. A simple and rapid method of detecting changes on celestial photographs due to motion or variability of the celestial bodies. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 77-78. A new nebulous star, and corrections to DREYEK'S NGC. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 77-80. The nebula (1892.0): 23" Om 40» + 59" 39'-7. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 223-224. — Photographic nebulosities and groups of nebulous stars. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 233-234. Ueber die Nova Aurigse. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 344; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893, 35. — On the pheuomenon of the transit of the first satellite of Jupiter 1890 September 8, and observations of the red spots on the planet. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 156-157. Observations of the reappearance of the rings of Saturn ; observations of the position-angles of the rings, and observations of the satellites. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 419-423. Some further observations of the fifth satellite Jupiter. Observatory, London, 15, 1892, 425-427. Discovery and observations of a fifth satellite Jupiter. [1892.] Astr. Jl., 12, 1893, 81-85, 176. Occultatiou of Mars and Jupiter by the rnoon September. [1892.] Astr. JL, 12, 1893, 91. Photographic discovery and visual observations a comet. [1S92.] Astr. 'JL, 12, 1893, 102, 144. Note on the period of the fifth satellite of Jupiter. [1892-93.] Astr. Jl., 12,1893, 103-104; Astr.* Astrophys., 12, 1893, 788-789; Astr. Jl., 13, 1894, 141-142. Filar-micrometer observation of Comet c 1892 (Barnard, Oct. 12), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1892.] Astr. Jl., 12, 1893, 112, 120. [Observations of Comet f 1892 (Holmes).] At the Lick Observatory. [1892.] Astr. JL, 12, 1893, 126-127. Photographic and visual observations of Comet /' 1892 (Holmes). [1892.] Astr. JL, 12, 1893, 127. — Filar-micrometer observations of Comet / 1892 (Holmes, Nov. 6), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1892.] Astr. JL, 12, 1893, 149, 176. Discovery of a comet [1892 V] by photography. [1892-95.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893, 36; Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 63-64; Observatory, London, 16, 1893, 92-95; Popular Astr., 3, 1896, 13-14. Note ou the period and distance of the fifth satellite of Jupiter. [1892-94.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not, , 53, 1893, 36-37 ; Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 556-557. Remarkable transformation of HOLMES' Comet. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 180-182. Blueness of the sky at high altitudes. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 750-751. On a wind screen for large refractors. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 762-763. Photographs of BROOKS' Comet. [1893.] Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 937; Astr. JL, 13, 1894, 157; Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 145-147. E. S. A. C. — November meteors. [1893.] Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 938; Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 192. Observations of Comet e 1892 (Barnard), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. JL, 12, 1893, 157-158. — Micrometer measures of the fifth satellite of Jupiter, made with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. JL, 12, 1893, 161-174; 13, 1894, 134. — Filar-micrometer observations of Comets g and / 1892, made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. JL, 12, 1893, 175. — - East elongations of Jupiter's fifth satellite. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 135-136. Visual observations of Nova Aurigie since its re- appearance in August 1892. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 377-382. Micrometric observations of the satellite of Neptune, made with the 36-inch refractor of the Lick Observatory. [1893.] Astr. Jl., 13, 1894, 10-12. — Observations of Comet c 1893 (Brooks), made with filar-micrometer of 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1893.] Astr. JL, 13, 1894, 157. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet c 1893 (Brooks, Oct. 16), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1893.] Astr. JL, 13, 1894, 165. — Jupiter's fifth satellite. [1893.] Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 76-82. — Photographic nebulosities and star clusters connected with the Milky Way. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 177-183. — On the forms of the discs of the satellites of Jupiter as seen with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observa- tory. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 272-278. On the diameters of Ceres, Pallas and Vesta. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 341-344. Photographs of GALE'S Comet. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 421-423. Recent observations of the satellites of Jupiter. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 438-441. — Proper motion of stars in the dumb-bell nebula. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 445-447. Preliminary note on the observations of Saturn and Uranus with the 36-in. equatorial. Astr. it Astrophys., 13, 1894, 557-559. Photograph of SWIFT'S nebula in Monoceros, N. G. C. 2237. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 642-644. Observations of the partial eclipse of the moon, September 14th, 1894. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 705-706. — The great red spot and other markings on Jupiter. [1894.] Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 736-738; Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 129-131. — Ou the exterior nebulosities of the Pleiades. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 768-770; Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 193-194. — Photographs of a remarkable comet. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 789-791. Photograph of M 8, and the Trifid nebula. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 791-793. — The great photographic nebula of Orion encircling the belt and Theta nebula. [1894.] Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 811-814 ; Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 151-154. - The form of the disc of the III satellite and phenomena of the occultation of a satellite of Jupiter. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 821-823. The Lick observations of Comet 1892 V. Astr. JL, 13, 1894, 204-205. On a small nebula close to M. 57. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 129-130. — On an explanation of the double transit of Jupiter's first satellite. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 229-232. — Micrometrieal observations of Nova (T) Auriga? with 39 Barnard] 306 [Barnard the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 385-390. — Observations of (181) Eucharis. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 31-32. — Le premier satellite de Jupiter, constitution physique et rotation. Astronomic, 1894, 93-95. — Sur la forme des satellites de Jupiter. Astronomie, 1894, 303-306. — Dimensions des petites planetes, Ceres, Pallas et Vesta, Astronomie, 1894, 306-308. — On the dark poles and bright equatorial belt of the first satellite of Jupiter. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 54, 1894. 134-136. — Micrometrical measures of the diameters of Ceres, Pallas and Vesta, made with the 36-inch refractor of the Lick Obseivatory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 54, 1894, 571-573. — [Transit of Mercury, observed at the Lick Observatory, November 9-10, 1894.] Observations of the contacts. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 6, 1894, 297-298. — The Gegenschein or zodiacal counter glow. Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 337-341. — Measures of the position of the satellite of Neptune, lS!)3-4, made with the 36-inch equatorial of tbe Lick Observatory. [1894.] Astr. Jl., 14, 1896, 9-11. - Filar-micrometer observations of Comet a 1894 (Denning), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1894.] Astr. Jl., 14, 1895, 31. — Micrometrical observations of the fifth satellite of Jupiter during the opposition of 1893, with measures of diameters of Jupiter, 1892-4, made with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1894.] Astr. Jl., 14, 1895, 97-104, 120, 131!. — The great meteor of July 27, 1894. [1894.] Astr. Jl., 14, 1895, 122. — Observations of the fifth satellite of Jupiter, made with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1894.] Astr. Jl., 14, 1896, 135. — Filar-micrometer measures of the fifth satellite of Jupiter. [1894-96.] Astr. JL, 14, 1895, 150 ; 16, 1896, 49-50. - Filar-micrometer observations of Comet e 1894 (E. Swift, Nov. 20). made with the 12-inch [and 3fi-inch equatorials] of the Lick Observatory. [1894-95.] Astr. Jl., 14, 1895, 151 ; 15, 1896, 10. — Photographs of the August meteors. [1894.] Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 47. — Observations of the Transit of Mercury 1894, Nov. 9-10. [1894.] Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 168-170. — Comet e 1894 (E. Swift). Astr. Jl., 14, 1896, 166; 15, 1895, 9; Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 15-10, HI. — Observations of the Transits of Mercury, 1891 May 9, and 1894 November 9-10, made with tbe 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Jl., 14, 1895, 177-180. -- Note on the nebula Dreyer N. G. C. No. 532. Astr. Jl., 15, 1896, 24. — Observations of the diameter of Neptune and of the position of his satellite, made with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Jl., 15, 1895, 41-44. — Observation 1895 January 27 of the Comet e 1894 (Swift), made with the 36-inch refractor of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Jl., 15, 1895, 128. — Filar-micrometer observations of Comet a 1895 (Swift, Aug. 20), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Jl., 15, 1895, 143. — Observations of the fifth satellite of Jupiter. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1896, 45-46. — Filar-micrometer measures of Nova Auriga? in 1894 made with the 36-in. equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 233-234. — On a great photographic nebula near An tares and on the nebulosity of u- Scorpii, c'- Scorpii and the stars BD.-191. 4358-9 and BD. - 19°.4361. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 211-214. — [Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen Swift Aug. 20.] Astr. Nacbr., 138, 1895, 319-320. — Photographs of the Milky Way. Astrophys. Jl., 1, 1895, 10-13. — Photographs of the Milky Way near 15 Monoceros and near e Cygni. Astrophys. Jl., 2, 1896, 58-59. — On a photographic search for a satellite to the moon. Astrophys. Jl., 2, 1895, 347-349. — Photograph of the nebula N. G. C. 1499 near the star | Persei. Astrophys. Jl., 2, 1895, 350. — Celestial photographs with a "magic lantern" lens. Astrophys. Jl., 2, 1895, 351-353. — Micrometrical measures of the ball and ring system of the planet Saturn, and measures of the diameter of his satellite Titan. Made with the 36-inch equatorial of tbe Lick Observatory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 55, 1895, 367-382, 493; 56, 1896, 163-172; 57, 1897, 501; Popular Astr., 2, 1896, 295-297. — Filar-micrometer measures of the diameters of the four bright satellites of Jupiter, made with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 55, 1895, 382-390. — On tbe variable nebula? of HIND (N. G. C. 1555) and STBUVE (N. (j. C. 1554) in Taurus, and on the nebulous condition of the variable star T Tauri. Astr. Soc. Month. Not.. 5.'), 1895, 442-4.V2. — On a great photographic nebula in Scorpio, near Antares. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 55, 1895, 453-455. — On a photographic study of the earth-lit portion of the new moon. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 55, 1895. 456. • Nearer to the stars. Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 245-248. - Nova Auriga?. Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 307-308. — Micrometrical measures of the diameters of the south polar caps of Mars in 1892 and 1894 with the 12-iu. and 36-in. refractors and on the diameter and polar compression of the planet. Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 433-443. — Micrometrical determinations of the diameters of the minor planets Ceres (1), Pallas (2), Juno (3), and Vesta (4), made with the filar-micrometer of the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory, and on the albedos of those planets. [1895.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 56, 1896, 55-63, [162]. — On the extended nebulosity about 15 Mouocerotis. [1895.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 56, 1896, 63-65. — Invisibility of HIND'S variable nebula (N. G. C. 1555). [1895.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 56, 1896, 66-67. — The total lunar eclipse of 1895, Sept. 3. [1895.] Popular Astr., 3, 1896, 102-103. — Four little sky travelers. [1895.] Popular Astr., 3, 1896, 143-146. — Micrometrical observations of the four satellites of the planet Uranus, and measures of the diameters of Uranus, made with the 36-inch refractor of the Lick Observatory in 1894 and 1895. Astr. JL, 16. 1896, 73-78. — Note on the diameters and ellipticity of the planet Uranus. Astr. JL, 16, 1896, 109. — On the new Merope nebula. Astr. Nachr., 139. 1896, 41-4_2. — New planetary nebula. Astr. Nuchr., 139, 1896, 43- 44. — Micrometrical measures of tbe annular nebula of Lyra (M. 57) made with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 283-286. - Note on Saturn. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 79-80. — Photographic and visual observations of HOLMES Comet. Astropbys. JL, 3. 1896, 41-46. — Note on the table of measures of Saturn's riug. Observatory, London, 19, 1896. 270. - The November Leonids of 1890. [1896.] Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 10. Barnard] 307 [Barnard [1897.] Astr. JL, 18, 1898, 1897. [1897.] Astr. JL, 18, 1898, [1897.] Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, — On the comparison of reflector and portrait lens photographs. [1896.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., .57, 1897, 10-10. Measures of the diameters of Mars and the positions of his satellites in 1894, made with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 145-147. — The Gegenschein or zodiacal counterblow. Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 151-152. — On the third and fourth satellites of Jupiter. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 321-330. — An astronomical coincidence. [Note on cornet comparison star.] Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 331-332. — On an instrument for accurately photographing an unseen moving but known celestial tody. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 331-332. — Physical and micrometrical observations of the planet Venus, made at the Lick Observatory with the 12-inch and 36-inch refractors. Astrophys. JL, 5, 1897, 299-304. - Astronomical photography with small lenses. Astrophys. JL, 6, 1897, 446-450. Observations of the partial solar eclipse of 1897 July 29. [1897.] Astr. JL, 18, 1898, 23. — Photograph of an August meteor. [1897.] Astr. JL, 18, 1898, 28. — On the companions to Vega. [1897.] Astr. JL, 18, 1898, 46. — Small stars near Sirius 93. — The Leonids of 107. — Nebulas near Castor. 112. — The great nebula of Eho Ophiuchi and the smallness of the stars forming the ground work of the Milky Way. [1897.] Popular Astr., 5, 1898, 227-232. — On the photography of meteors. [1897.] Popular Astr., 5, 1898, 281-284. — A micrometrical determination of the dimensions of the planets and satellites of the solar system made with the 30-inch refractor of the Lick Observatory. [1897.] Popular Astr., 5, 1898, 285-302. — Address [to the Math. & Astron. Sect.]. The develop- ment of photography in astronomy. Arner. Ass. Proc., 1898, 19-51. — Another astronomical coincidence. [Note on comet comparison star.] Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 237-238. — Note on some of the variable stars of the cluster Messier 5. From observations with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 243-248. — The great nebula of Andromeda. Astrophys. JL, 8, 1898, 226-228. Portrait-lens photographs. Astrophys. JL, 8, 1898, 240. • Observations of the companions of Procyon, and of £ 883, made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. [1898.] Astr. JL, 19, 1899, 23-24. — Measures of the satellite of Neptune with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, with remarks on the great telescope. [1898.] Astr. JL, lit, 1899, 25-29. - Filar-micrometer observations of Comet c 1H98 (Coddiugton). [1898.] Astr. JL, 19, 1899, 55. — Micrometrical measures of double stars, made at the Lick Observatory. [1898.] Astr. JL, 19, 1899, 113-116. - New variable star (S.DM. 4=5381), (1855.0 21h 3m 22" .7 -4" 37'. 4). Astr. JL, 19, 1899, 193. — The variable star S Lyncis. Two new double stars. ANDERSON'S variable near BD. + 55°. 3011. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 167-172. Observations of the Leonid meteors of 1898. Astrophys. JL, 9, 1899, 151-156. — Photograph of the Milky Way near the star Theta Ophiuchi. Astrophys. JL, 9, 1899, 157-158. Note on the exterior nebulosities of the Pleiades. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 155. — Photographs of comets and of the Milky Way. Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 59, 1899, 354-370. — Observations of HIND'S variable nebula in Taurus (N. G. C. 1555) made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 59, 1899, 372-376. — The Gegeuschein or zodiacal counterglow. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 169-179, 290-291. — Triangulation of star clusters. Science, 10, 1899, 789. — The fifth satellite of Jupiter. Science, 10, 1899, 789-790. Micrometrical measures of the satellite of Neptune during the opposition of 1898-99 with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, with some remarks on temperature changes in the object-glass. [1899.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 41-44. — Micrometrical measures of the companions of Procyon. made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. [1899-1900.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 44; 21, 1901, 16. — The double head of Comet a 1899 (Swift). [1899.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 00. — Position-angles of the north polar cap of Mars, 1898-9. [1899.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 124. — Micrometrical measures of the fifth satellite of Jupiter and on the motion of the line of apsides of the orbit of the satellite. [1899.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 125-130. — Periodical changes in the form of the Gegenscheiu. [1899.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 131-132. — Small stars near Sirius. Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 166, 188. — Note on the companion of Sirius. Astr. JL, 20 1900 167. The double star (3 883. Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 170. — A small planetary nebula near the star BD. + 340. 732. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 355-356. — Some abnormal stars in the cluster M 13 Herculis. Astrophys. JL, 12, 1900, 176-181. Discovery and period of a small variable star in the cluster M 13 Herculis. Astrophys. JL, 12, 1900, 182- 184; Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 486-488. — On the probable motion of the annular nebula in Lyra (M 57) and the peculiarities in the focus for the planetary nebulae and their nuclei. Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 60, 1900, 245-257. — The exterior nebulosities of the Pleiades, with a drawing from the photographs ; and on the appearance of the involved nebulosities of the cluster with the 40-inch refractor. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 60, 1900, 258-261. — On the diameter of Ceres and Vesta. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 60, 1900, 261-262. — Filar-micrometer measures of the position of the star DM. -t- 37"4131 for parallax, made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. [1900.] Astr. Jl , 21, 1901, 12-14. — Observations of Eros, made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. [1900.] Astr. JL, 21, 1901, 29. — Observations of the stars Krueger 60 and /3 1291, made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory [1900.] Astr. JL, 21, 1901, 64. Barnard, Edward E[merson], & Schaeberle, J[ohn] 3I[artin]. See Schaeberle it Barnard. Barnard, F. G. A. Notes of a visit to the Jenolan caves, New South Wales. [1888.] Victorian Natlist., 5, 1889, 121-130. — Notes on the butterfly, lalmenus evagorus, Don. Victorian Natlist., 5, 1889, 168. • Notes on the butterflies of Victoria. [1889.] Victorian Natlist., 6, 1890, iv, 83-87. 39— :> Barnard] 308 [Barnes — A nuitton-birj strays inland. [1899.] Victorian Natlist., Hi, 1900, 7(1. — Excursion to Plenty Ranges. Victorian Natlist., Hi, 1900, iv, 163-170. - The "camp-out" at Maroondah Weir. [1900.] Victorian Natlist., 17, 1901, 131-138. Barnard, t'rederii-k Aiiiin-tiif Porter. For biography see Amer. Ac. I'mc., '24, 1889, 441-445; Mex. Obs. Bol., 2, 1889. 404. - The metrological system of the Great Pyramid. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 5, 1884, 97-127, 193- 217, 289-329. — Systems of weight and measure. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 9, 1888, 193-212, 291-299. — Balance for determining specific gravities by inspec- tion. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 4 (Pt. 1), 1888, 203-206. — Theory of magic squares and of magic cubes. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 4 (Pt. 1), 1888, 209-270. Barnard, tienrge. For biographical notice see Entomo- logist, 27, 1894, 228. — Cbalcophora in the scrubs of central Queensland. Entomologist, 23, 1890, 179-181. Barnard, Harold L[eslie}. The action of morphia, ammonia and hydrocyanic acid upon the volume of the heart as recorded by a cardiorneter. [1897.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xv-xix. — The functions of the pericardium. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xliii-xlviii. Barnard, Harold L[eslie], & Hill, Leonard. See Hill & Barnard. Barnard, Harold L[eslie], Hill, Leonard, & Sequeira, James 2I[arry]. See Hill, Barnard iV Sequeira. Barnard, Harold L[eslif], Hill, Leonard, & Soltau, A[lfred] B[ertram]. See Hill, Barnard it Soltau. Barnard, J[oseph] Edwin. On the application of the electric arc to photomicrography. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1897, 600. Barnard, J[oseph] Edwin, & Carver, Thomas A. B. The application of the electric arc to photomicrography. [1897.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 1898, 170-173. - Photo-micrography with high powers. [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 448- H9. Barnard, J[oseuh~\ Edwin, & MacFadyen, Allan. .S'.v MacFadyen & Barnard. Barnard, James. Aborigines of Tasmania. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1890, 597-611. Barnard, U. J. A. The annual march of temperature. Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 408-409. Barnard, William Stcbljins. For biographical notice and works see Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 1136-1137. - 'Movement of the arms in walking. Science, 1, 1883, 140. Barnardo, s. — So-called "assimilation." Bot. Centrbl., 70, 1898. 257-259. — Address [to the Bot. Sect.]. The progress and problems of plant physiology. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1899. 263-288. Barnes, Daniel Henry. For biographical notice set' Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 4, 1888, 104. Barnes, (Rer.) E[mest] l\'[illium]. The genesis of the double gamma functions. London Math. Soc. Proc., 31, 1900, 358-381. — The theory of the gamma function. Messenger Math., 29, 1900, 64-128 ; Quart. Jl. Math., 31. 1900. 'Jl',4 -31 1. — The theory of the double gamma function. [1900.] Phil. Trans. (A), 196, 1901, 265-387. Barnes] 309 [Barnes Barnes, Gen. E. Meteorological. California Min. Bur. Rep., !l, 1890, 312-322. Barnes, (I A.) U[enry] Edwin. For biographical notice and works see Ibis, 2, 1896, 162. Birds' nesting in Rajpootaua. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 1, 1886, 38-62. Note on the breeding of Parra indica. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. .11., 1, 1886, 221-222. — The two sharnas. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1887, 56. — Notes on Ploceus philippinus. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1887, 105-107. — Note on the irregular breeding of Grus Antigone, the sarus. Bombay Nat. Hist. Si.c. Jl. , 2, 1887, 149-150. — Notes on the breeding of the Kentish ringed plover (jEgialitis cantianus) within Indian limits. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1887, 167-169. Nesting of the Indian hirundines. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1888, 43-48. - Nesting in western India. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1888, 205-224; 4, 1889, 1-21, 83-98, 237-255; 5, 1890, 1-19, 97-116, 315-337; 6, 1891, 1-25, 129-153 285-317. — Note on the black-tailed rock-chat. [1892.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soe. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 252-253. — On the occurrence of the spotted grey tree-creeper at Ahmednagar, Deccan. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 548-549. — List of birds noted at Aden and its vicinity. [1893.] Bombay, Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 231-233. — On the birds of Aden. Ibis, 5, 1893, 57-84, 165-181. Barnes, (Lt.) H[enry] Edwin, & Swinhoe, (Col.) Charles. See Swinhoe .\ Barnes. Barnes, //. //. , it Veesenmeyer, E. Zum Borchers'schen Gaselement. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895 101-102 192. Barnes, Howard Turner. On some measurements of the temperature of the river water, opposite Montreal, made during the winter with a differential platinum ther- mometer. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1896 (Sect. 3), 37-44. — On some measurements of the temperature of the Lachine Rapids made during the winter of 1896-97 with a differential platinum thermometer. Canada Roy. Soc. Proe. & Trans., 3, 1897 (Sect. 3), 17-30. — Notes on frazil and anchor ice, with considerations as to the freezing point of water. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1899 (Sect. 3), 17-22. On the molecular weight of sulphur in carbon disulphide solutions. Jl. Phys. Cheru., 3, 1899, 156-159. — Note on the relation of the electrical aud mechanical units. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 6, 1900 (Sect. 3), 71-73. Note on the effect of a change in dissociation on the density-curve of a hydrated electrolyte in aqueous solutions of different concentration. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 6, 1900 (Seet. 3), 75-76. — On the inversion of the hepta- and hexahydrates of zinc sulphate in the Clark cell. Jl. Phys. Chem., 4, 1900, 1-20. On the Weston cell as a transition cell and as a standard of electromotive force, with a determination of the ratio to the Clark cell. Jl. Phys. Chem., 4, 1900, 339-348. An hermetically sealed type of Clark standard cell. Phys. Rev., 10, 1900, 268-276. — On the capacity for heat of water between the freezing and boiling points, together with a determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat in terms of the inter- national electrical units. Experiments by the con- tinuous-flow method of calorimetry performed in the Macdonald Physical Laboratory of McGill University, Montreal. [1900.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 67, 1901, 238-244. Barnes, Howard Turner, & Callendar, Hmjli Lonybourne. See Callendar A Barnes. Barnes, Howard Turner. & Scott, A[rthur] P[utnnm]. Solution densities. Jl. Phys. Chem., 2, 1898, 536-550. Barnes, J[nnath'in]. Is there an unconformity at Castleton, between the limestone and shales? [190'0.] N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1900-01. 114-125. Barnes, J[onathan], & Kolroyd, 1C. F. The mountain limestone caverns of Tray Cliff hill, Castleton, Derby- shire, with some of their contained minerals. Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 24, 1896, 215-245. — Notes upon some of the rocks and minerals of North Staffordshire. [\V ith discussion.] [1896.] N. Staff. Field Club Hep., 1896-97, 134-142. Some experiments with regard to effects of pressure upon decaying vegetable matter. [189(5.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 25, 1898, 114-116. On the occurrence of a sea-beach at Castletou, Derby- shire, of Carboniferous limestone age. [With discussion.] [189(5-1900.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 25, 1898, 119-132, 181-184, 308-310; 26, 1901, 466-473. — On the occurrence of Lamellibranchiata, Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda in the millstone grit of south Yorkshire. [1897.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 25, 1898, 184- 191. On the influence of subterranean excavations in lime- stone areas and a consideration of the atmospherical, physiological, and hygienic conditions produced thereby. [1899.] "Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 26, 1901, 206- 218. On the mottled Carboniferous limestone of Derby- shire. [1900.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 26, 1901, 561-567. Sec also Holroyd A Barnes. Barnes, JUIIIFX. On the depression of the freezing-point in solutions containing hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 6, 1900 (Sect. 3), 37-54. - On the conductivity, specific gravity and surface tension of aqueous solutions containing potassium chloride and sulphate. [18!)9.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 10, 1903, 49-136. — On the relation of the viscosity of mixtures of solutions of certain salts to their state of ionization. [1899.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 10, 1903, 113-128. — On the calculation of the conductivity of aqueous solutions containing hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. [1900.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 10, 1903, 129-138. — On the depression of the freezing-point by mixtures of electrolytes. [11100.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 10, 1903, 139-161. Barnes, Joseph. Note on titanic acid as a mordant. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 4, 1885, 310. — Comparative gasonietric assaying, with especial refer- ence to the valuation of zinc powder, and the testing of carbonates. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 145-147. — On the estimation of organic matter by means of chromic acid. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 82-84. — On the preparation of water free from ammonia. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 254-255. — Note on the behaviour of alizarin orange in wool- dyeing. [1898.] Soc. Dyers Col. JL, 15, 1899, 11. — The use of titanium compounds as mordants and pigments. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 18, 1899, 15-16. Barnes, Justin L. The influence of the eye on character and career. N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 203-208. Barnes, R. H. Heat and dryness of July 26th. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1885, 104. - Heat and dryness of July 4th. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 89. - Excessive terrestrial radiation. Meteorol. Mag., 34, 1900, 54-55. [1899.] Symons, Barnes] 310 [Baron Barnes, 7?. M. Nesting of the iirothonotary warbler. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 37-38. — List of birds breeding in Marshall county, 111. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 113-116. Barnes, Robert. Notes on snow measurement. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 23, 1897. 62-63. Barnes, II". /).. Reppert, Fred. [? Ferdinand}, & Miller, A[lun:o] A. The flora of Scott anil Muscatine counties. [19011.] Davenport Ac. Proc., 8, 1901, 1H9-287. Barnes, William. On the development of the posterior fissure of the spinal cord, and the reduction of the central canal, in the pig. Amer. Ac. Proc., 19, 1884, 97-110. Some new species and varieties of Lepidoptera from the western U. S. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 39-42. — New species and varieties of North American Lepidop- tera. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 42-48. — Notes on North American diurnala with some additions and corrections to Dr. SKINNER'S catalogue. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 328-332. Barnes, Willis L. Dark transit of Jupiter's third satellite. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 426; 10, 1891, 515; Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 94-95. Barnett, A. K. Note on the occurrence of " vivianite" in bones found at Deadman's Grave, Sancreed. [1888.] Penzance Soc. Trans., 2, 1884-88, 363-364. Barnett, J. Duriex. The mechanical value and treatment of hard and soft coal. [1886.] Canad. Inst. Proc., 4, 1887. 82-91. Barnett, Maurice. The evolution of the storage battery. Franklin Inst. Jl., 141, 1896, 296-307. Barnett, Hubert E[dward}. On the viscosity of water as determined by Mr. J. B. HANNAY by means of his microrheometer. Hoy. Soc. Proc., 56, 1894, 259-261. Note on the formation of platinic pyrophosphate. Chem. Soc. Jl. , 67, 1895, 513-514. — On the preparation of ethers. Phil. Trans. (A), 189, 1897, 103-107. Barnett, Hubert K[dicard], & Tilden, William Augustus. Nee Tilden & Barnett. Barnett, Samuel J. On the coefficient of absolute rigidity of quartz fibers and its time and temperature variation?. Phys. Rev., 6, 1898, 114-120. On the surface tension of liquids under the influence of electrostatic induction. Phys. Rev., 6, 1898, 257-2*4. — Some methods of measuring high potentials with low potential instruments. Elect. Rev., 44, 1899, 9-10. Barnett, Samuel J., A Merritt, Ernest. See Mcrritt & Barnett. Barneville. See Brisout de B.irneville. Barnewitz, A. Botanisehe Mittheiluugen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 40, 1898, Ixvii-lxviii. Kopfweidemiberpflanzen aus der Gegend von Branden- burg a. d. Havel und Gorlsdorf bei Angermiinde. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 40, 1898, 1-12. — Die auf der Stadtmauer von Brandenburg a. H. wachsemlen Pflanzen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, 97-108. Barney, Charles Norton. The tuberculin test in man. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 2, 1898, 210-215. Barney, George D. Aniemia : its cause and treatment with pepto-mangau (Dr. GUDE'S). N. Y. Med. JL, 62, 1895, 721-724. — Phthisis; its aetiology and treatment. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899. 86-90. Barney, W. C. A. G. BELL not the inventor of the magneto telephone. Telegr. Jl., 23, 1888, 358-359. Barnhart, John Hendlei/. Ulmaria Ulmaria (L.). Torrey Bot. Chili Bull., 21, 1894, 491. — Family nomenclature. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 1895, 1-24. — On the two editions of EMORY'S Report, 1848. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 1896, 394-395. Nomenclatural notes. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 409-411 ; 26, 1899. 376-380. - A new species of Utricularia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 25, 1898, 515-516. — Heteromorphism in Helianthernum. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 589-592. Barnick, Otto. Klinische und pathologisch-anatomische Beitriige zur Tuberculose des mittleren und inneren Ohres. Arch. Ohreuheilk.. 40, 1896, 81-122. Ueber Briiche des Sehadelgrundes und die durch sie bedingten Blutungen in das Ohrlabyrinth. Arch. Ohren- heilk., 43, 1897, 23-52. Untersuchungeu von Taubsturumen. [1899.] Arch. Ohrenheilk., 48, 1900, 62-78. B.irnouvin, H[enri]. The vegetation of solutions. [Tr.] [1895.] Amer. Micr. Jl., 17, 1896, 149-150. — Causes d'erreur dans la recherche qualitative des alcaloi'des par Piodure double de mercure et de potassium. Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 52, 1896, 108-109. Barns, John II'. For biographical notice and works .svc Geogr. Soc. Proc., 12, 1890, 765-766. Barnsby, D[uvid]. *[Notes meteorologiques faites a] Tours. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 2, 1869, 60-67. Culture du baeille de la tuberculose sur la pomme de terre. [1889.] Ann. Microgr., [1] (1888-89), 362-363. Note sur les sajous au Jardin de Tours. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 114-116. Barnsby, D[arid], & Lallemant, . De 1'aetion emmeuagogue exercee par les injections de liquide testiculaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 1016-1017. Barnsby, ]>\arid\. A Meunier, [Edouard], See Meunier A Barnsby. Barnstein, Ferdinand. Ueber Isobutenyltricarbonsaure und die unsymmetrische Dimethylbernsteinsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 242, 1887, 126-140. Ueber eine Modification des von RITTHAUSEN vorge- schlagenen Verfahrens zur Eiweissbestimmung. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 54, 1900, 327-336. See alsii Kellner, 0[scar Joliann] (et alii). See Viori_fti ocf f aiifvi^no 1 o fltalili] SOC Bot viucia dello Schen-Si setteutrionale. Bull., 1894, 46-49. - [Due forme di Biophytum sensitivum, DC.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 54. — Sopra alcune felci della China raccolte dal missionario padre Giuseppe GIRALDI nella provincia dello Shen-Si settentrionale. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 134-139. Sulle gemme di Corylus tubulosa, Willd., deformate da un Acaro. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 177-178. — Gigli nuovi della Ciua. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 2, 1895, 333-339. — Illustrazione di un orto secco del principe DELLA CATTOLICA, da quest! douato a Pier Antonio MICHELI uell1 anno 1733. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 3, 1896 439-472. — [Mostruosita in un fiore di Cypripedium spitzerianum, Belli.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 65. — Osservazioni sopra alcune Aracee cinesi fiorite nel R. Orto Botanico Florentine. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 188-191. — Sopra due forme nuove di "Hemerocallis" e sopra alcuni " Lilium " della Cina. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 303-307. — L' Orto e il Museo Botanico di Firenze nell' anno scolastico 1896-97. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 420-423. — Novum genus Compositarum plantarum. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 431-432. — Sulla scoperta in Italia della Spergularia segetalis, Fend. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 96-98. — [Notizie sulla tioritura di alcune piante della Cina.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 185-186. — Sulle piante indicate coi nomi di Alsine e Alsinanthe- mum nell1 opera mauoscritta "Flora Fiorentina" di P. A. MICHELI. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 5, 1898, 341- 352. — [Sopra una tioritura anormale nella Deutzia gracilis, Sieb. et Zucc.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 86-88. Baroni] 312 [Barral — [A proposito

  • ], & Lawrence, Ralph R. .S'lv Holm. in, Lawrence A Barr. Barr, Pfefpr], A Moore, Thomas. See Moore it Barr. Barr, Thomas. On bone-conduction of sound, and the value of RINNK'S test in the diagnosis of disease of the nervous structures of the ear. Arch. Otol., 15, 1886, 330-338; Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 17, 1887, 278-2*5. — Enquiry into the effects of loud sounds upon the hearing of boilermakers and others who work amid noisy surroundings. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 17, 1886, 223-239. — The developments of intra-cranial surgery in relation to purulent diseases of the ear, accompanied by a demon- stration of cases. [1900.] Glasgow Path. Clin. Soc. Trans., 8, 1901, 55-70. Barraclough, N[amitel] H[enr>/}. The tensile and eom- pressive strengths of magnesium. N. S. Wales Eoy. Soc. Jl., 29 (1895), 453-45fi. — The present position of the theory of the steam engine. [1896.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 30. 1897, cxxxi— cxlv. Barraclough, S[amiiel] H[enn/], & Strickland, Tom P[em'™/]. Experimental investigation of the flow of water in uniform channels. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 31, 1897, 356-376. Barraclough, S[amuel] H[enry], & Warren, W[illiam] ll[enry]. See Warren it Barraclough. Barradas, Francisco. Breves apuntes sobre la familia de las Leguminosas. [1886.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 1, 1887,, 130-138. Barral, Ktienne [Victor], Sur 1'hexachlorophenol. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 1), 200. — Sur 1'hexachlorophenol a. Ass. Franv- C. R., 1894 (Pt. 1), 129. — Sur le parabichlorure de benzene hexaeblore et la constitution de la quinone et de 1'hexachlorophenol. Ass. Franc.-. C. R., 1894 (Pf. 1), 129; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 418-423, 423-427. — Sur un nouvel octochlorophenol. Ass. Franc. C. H., 1894 (77. 1), 129. — Sur un nouveau chlorure de carbone, le bichlorure de benzene hexachlore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1049. — Action du pentachlorure de phosphore sur la quinone tetrachloree. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 280-2*1. — Preparation de 1'hexachlorophenol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 557-560. — [Preparation de 1'hexachlorophenol a.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 675. — Formation de quinone tetrachloree au moyen de 1'hexachlorophenol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 705-710. — Sur la preparation de 1'hexachlorophenol et la forma- tion du chloranile aux depens de ce corps. [1894.] Lynn Soc. Agr. Ann., 2, 1895, Ixiii-lxv. Recherches sur quelques derives surchlores du phi'iiol et du benzene. Lyon Univ. Ann., 9 (Fuse. 2), 1895, 128 pp. — Action des chlorures d'acides snr 1'hexachlorophenol a en presence du chlorure d' aluminium ; formation d'ethers du pentachlorophenol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 340-345. Action du chlorure d'aluminium sur 1'hexachloro- Barral] 313 [Barre phenol a. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 345-348; Ass. Franc. C. E., 1896 (Pt. 1), 154-155. — Sur trois octochlorophe'nols (trichlorures de penta- ehloro-eyclo-hexadiene-one). Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 490-492. — L'aseptol, reactif de 1'albumine et de la bile dans 1'urine. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1896 (Pt. 1), 153. — Une reaction coloree de 1'anhydride sult'urique. [1896.] Ass. Fran?. C. B., 1896 (Pt. 1), 153; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 4, 1897, Ixx. • Formation et preparation des ethers phe'noliques par les chlorures d'acides, en presence du chloriire d'alu- minium. Ass. Franc. C. B. , 1896 (Pt. 1), 155. Becherche de la bile et de 1'albumine dans 1'urine au moyen de 1'aseptol. Congr. Int. Med. C. B. , 1897 (Vol. '2, Sect. 2), 3. — Une reaction coloree de 1'aeide disulfurique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 744-745. — Sur les derives chlores du carbonate de phenyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 908-909. • Sur la chloruratiou du carbonate de phunyle. [1899.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 387-388; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901, xxxvii-xxxviii. — [Nouveau precede' de preparation des ethers carboniques mixtes, gras et arornatiqnes. ] [1899.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 388-389; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901, xxxviii-xl. — Sur un proce'de' general de preparation des Others carboniques mixtes des phenols et des alcools et sur quelques-uns de ces Others. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 131, 1900, 679-681 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 814-818. — Quelques carbonates mixtes du pentachlorophe'nol et d'alcools. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 818-822. Barral, Ktienne [Victor], & Jambon, Houis]. Prepara- tion du pentachlorophe'nol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 822-825. Barral, Ktienne [Victor], & L6pinc, R[a.p]iael]. See L6\>inc A Barral. Barral, Etienne [Victor], & Morel, Albert. Preparation des chlorocarbonates phenoliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 1578-1581; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 722-727. — Sur quelques chlorocarbonates phenoliques. Paris Soc. Chirn. Bull., 21, 1899, 727-728. Barral, Jean Auflustin. For biography and works see Aeronaute, 1884, 196; Nature, 30, 1884, 517; Ass. Franc. C. B., 1885 (Pt. 1), 27; Terra t. Koxlnn., 17, 1885, 496; France Soc. Agr. Mem., 133, 1889, :«7-430. Barrande, Joachim. Assign to this author title (Vol. 9) under Barrande, J. To biographical references (Vol. 12) add Science, 2, 1883, 699-701, 727-729; Arner. Ac. Proc., 19, 1884, 539- 545; Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Jber., 1884, xii-xxxviii; Geol. Soc. Quart. .11., 40, 1884 (Proc.), 37; Homme, 1, 1884, 147; Leopoldina, 20, 1884, 78-82; Lotos, 33, 1884, v- xiii; Neues Jbueh. Min., 1884 (7M. 1, Ref.), 5 pp.; Bev. Quest. Sci., 16, 1884, 5-71; Termt. Kozlou., 10, 1884, 507; Wien, Almanach, 34, 1884, 201-204; Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 29-33. — *Du maintien de la nomenclature etablie par M. MURCHISON. Cougr. Geol. Int. C. B., 1878, 101-106. Barrandon, [A.]. For biographical notice sec France Soc. Bot. Bull., 44, 1897, 524-525. — Observations nouvelles sur les plantes de la region mediterraneenne comprise entre le Bhone, les Ce'vennes et les Pyrenees, et rectifications a apporter a la Flore de France de GRENIER et GODBON. Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 106-115. Barrandon, [A.], & Flanault, Charles. See Flahault A Barrandon. Barras de Aragon. N. . Las Barras de Ar.igon. Barrat, Maurice. Trois coupes ge'ologiques du Congo francais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 119, 1894, 703-705. R. S. A. C. — Sur la geologie du Congo francais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 119, 1894, 758-761. — Sur la geologie du Congo francais. Ann. Mines, 7, 1895, 379-510. — Note sur les e'chantillons gtologiques recueillis par It/, le Dr. HERB, au cours de la mission Clozel. Ann. Ge'ogr., 5, 1896, 318. — ()g('ioue et Como (Congo francais). [Posth.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 17, 1896, 154-187. Barratt, J[ohii] 0[?iletliorpe] Wakelin. On the normal and pathological elimination of carbonic acid and of water by the skin. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 192-208, x-xii; 24, 1899, 11-18. — On the elimination of water and of carbon dioxide from inflamed skin. [1897.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, 200-214. — On the anatomical structure of the vagus nerve. [1898.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 422-427; Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xlii. — On the effect of injecting dilute sulphuric acid into the common bile duct. Jl. Path. Bact., 5, 1898, 340-347. — Beport on a subdural blood cyst. Brain, 23, 1900, 530-541. — Observations on the structure of the 3rd., 4th., and fith. cranial nerves. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899- 1900, xxiii-xxiv. Barratt, J[ohri] 0[glethorpe\ Wakelin, & Surveyor, Nusser- vanji F[akirji]. The nature of psorospermosis. [1896.] Jl. Path. Bact., 4, 1897, 64-68. Barratte, [Gustave], Les Doronicum scorpioides, Willd., et Linurn austriacum, L.,existent-ils en Algt-rie? France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, 115-118. Barre, , & Grimbert, Leon. See Grimhcrt & Barre. Barre, L. La pluie d'etoiles filantes du 27 novembre 1885. Bev. Sci., 36, 1885, 755-759. La nouvelle <5toile. Bev. Sci., 37, 1886, 17-18. La meteorologie [des annees 1887-96, 1898 et 1899]. Bev. Sci., 41, 1888, 90-91; 43, 1889, 92; 45, 1890, 60; 47, 1891, 61-62; 49, 1892, 91-92; 51, 1893, 61-62; 1, 1894, 60-61; 3, 1895, 58-59; 5, 1896, 90-91; 7, 1897, 59-60; 11, 1899, 123-124; 13, 1900, 119-121. L'abaissement de la temperature en Europe de 1885 a 1888. Rev. Sci., 44, 1889, 506-507. — Les uouvelles petites planetes. Bev. Sci., 49, 1892, 188-189. Mesures micrometriques des petites distances celestes. Les dimensions des satellites de Jupiter. Bev. Sci., 3, 1895, 188-189. — Les variables celebres dans 1'histoire. Bev. Sci., 5, 1896, 253. — Le cyclone du 10 septembre a Paris. Bev. Sci., 6, 1896, 378-380. — La ternpete du 23 au 28 septembre 1896. Bev. Sci., (i, 1896, 508-509. — Les observatoires astronomiques francais. Bev. Sci. , 9, 1898, 104-109, 137-143. — La vie et les travaux scientifiques a 1'Observatoire du Ben-Nevis. Bev. Sci., 10, 1898, 557-559. Barre, L., Viennet, E[loi], & Brandicourt, C'/i. Instru- ments de GAMBEV. Observations meridienues en 1897. Positions conchies de la lune, des planetes, d'etoiles de LALANDE, d'etoiles de comparaison et divers autres astres. [1899-1904.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Olisnx.), 1897, C. 154 pp.; 1898, C. 152 pp. ; 1899, C. 94 pp. ; 1900, C. 104 pp., [G. 18]. Barre', L[ouis] A[uguste~\. Le calcul applique^ aux con- structions. Ann. Conduct. Fonts et Chauss. , 33, 1889, 599-604. Barre, 0. Quelques observations sur la region parisienne orientale. Ann. Ge'ogr., 8, 1899, 110-116. Barre, Pli[ilippe], *Sur 1'alignement des Diatoniees dans les preparations. [1883.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 9, [1886], 75-77. - *Sur un precede de preparation synoptique d'objets 40 Barre] 314 [Barrett pulverulents (Diatomees des guanos, terres fossiles, etc. , etc.). [1883.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 10, [1885], 16-18. Barre de Saint- Venant. N. . Saint- Venant. Barrel!, l''[niiiris] l\'[ichnril]. The relation of stimulus to sensation. A reply to Mr. Max METER'S criticism on Prof. C. Lloyd MOBGAN'S paper. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 12, 1900-01, 135-139. Barrel!, t]rnncix] R[ichard], Thomas, George L., & Young, Si/ilney. On the separation of three liquids by fractional distillation. [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proe., 12, 1894, 422-416; Phil. Mag.. 37, 1894. 8-31. Barrel!, H. F. Arrival of birds in N. J. in 1883. Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 45. - Birds of the Upper Passaic valley, New Jersey. Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 21-23, 42-43. Barret, E. Gisements fossiliferes des environs d'Amblain- ville. [1888.] Beauvais, Soc. Ac. Mem., 13, 1886, 811- 823. Barret, Eugene [Albert], Geologic du departement de la Haute-Vienne. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1890 (Ft. 1), 192- 193. Barret, Kniii-iir [Albert], iv. Ausset, K[douarctic region. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 441-443. — Description of a new species of hare from Algeria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 422-423. — Note on the European dormice of the genera Mus- cardiuus and Glis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 423-426. — Notes on a visit to north-eastern Kamchatka. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1898, 944-945. — [Nucifraga kamchatkensis, n. sp., Kamchatka.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull. , 7, 1898, xlvi. — Notes on the introduction of the brown hare into Ireland. With additional remarks on other intro- ductions of hares, both brown and blue, in the British Isles. Irish Natlist., 7, 1898, 69-76. - The spotted crake in Co. Wexford. Irish Natlist., 7, 1898, 125. — Note on the water voles of Bosnia, Asia Minor, and western Persia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 223-225. — Note on the Sicilian dormice of the genera Eliornys and Glis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 220-228. • Note on the harvest-mice of the palfflarctio region. Ann. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 341-345. — Note on the beech-marten and badger of Crete. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 383-384. — On two recently described mice from St. Kilda. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist.,'l899, 129-140. — Notes on bird bones from Irish caves. Irish Natlist. , 8, 1899, 17-18. — The introduction of the black grouse and of some other birds into Ireland. Irish Natlist., 8, 1899, 37-43, 230. — Extraordinary abundance of herrings in the rivers Suir and Barrow. Irish Natlist., 8, 1899, 165. 40—2 Barrett-Hamilton] 310 [Barroeta — Wood pigeon cooing by moonlight. Irish Natlist. , 8, 1899, 231. - Kamchatka. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 15, 1899, 225-256. — [Local colour-variations in Scinrus vulgaris.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 3-6. — On the species of the genus Mus inhabiting St. Kikla. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 77-88. — [Change of pelage in Lepus variabilis.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 598-599. - Note on a possible mode of origin of some nuptial and sexual characters in vertebrates. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 47-48. — Note on the weasel, Putorius (Ictis) nivalis, Linn., and some of its subspecies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 41-50. — Note on the common hedgehog (Erinaceus europasus, Liiuitfiis) and its subspecies or local variations. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 360-368. — Further note on the harvest mouse (Mus miuutus, Pallas) and its geographical variations. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 527-530. - Note on variation in the weasel and hedgehog. Ann. Brit. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 243-246. — Note on exhibition of skulls of antarctic seals. Ass. Rep., 1900, 792. — A suggestion as to a possible mode of origin of some of the secondary characters in animals as afforded by observations on certain salmonids. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 10, 1900, 279-285. — Notes on the birds observed during three visits to Kamchatka in 1896 and 1897. Ibis, 6, 1900, 271-298. — Notes on the influence of man and civilisation on certain birds. Irish Natlist., 9, 1900, 161. — [Dormice of the genus Muscardinus.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 85-87. — [Lepus tirnidus, Linn.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 87-92. — On a small collection of mammals obtained by Captain DEASY in south Chinese Turkestan and western Tibet. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 196-197. — On geographical and individual variation in Mus sylvaticus and its allies. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 387- 428. Barrett-Hamilton, Gerald E[dwin] H [amiltmi], & Bon- hote, John L[ewis], On two subspecies of the arctic fox (Canis lagopus). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 287-289. Barrett-Hamilton, Genild E[tlicin]H[amilto»], & Clarke, il'illium Eagle. See Clarke & Barrett-Hamilton. Barrett-Hamilton, Gerald E[du'in] H[aiiiiltim], & Glas- cott, (Miss) L. S. Plants found near New Ross, Ireland. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 4-8. — Plants found near Kilmanock, Co. Wexford. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 87-89. Barrett-Hamilton, Gerald E[dtcin] H[istave Joseph Victor], & Hay cm, Georges. See Hayem & Barrier. Barrieu, P. Tbe'orie ge'ne'rale du plus grand commun diviseur et du plus petit multiple commun des nombres commensurables. Nouv. Ann. Math., 14, 1895, 95-101, 165-173, 214-232. Barrillot, [Etienne], & Vignon, Leo. See Vignon & Barrillot. Barrington, Rirhard Manliffe. *Beport on the flora of the shores of Lough Erne. [1883.] Irish Ac. Proc., 4, 1884-88, 1-24. — *[The remarkable sunsets.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 153. Epilobiuni alsiuifolium in Ireland. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 247. Irish breeding-stations of the gannet, Sula bassana. Zoologist, 8, 1884, 473-479. — Notes on the flora of St. Kilda. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 213-216. — The Manx shearwater on Skomer Island. Zoologist, 12, 1888, 367-371. Trientalis europsea in Foula. Jl. Bot., 2S, 1890, 315-316. The great skua (Lestris catarrhactes) in Foula. Zoologist, 14, 1890, 297-301. — A list of birds observed in Shetland, June, Is90. Zoologist, 14, 1890, 345-348, 394. — Wasps catching flies on cattle. Irish Natlist., 5, 1896, 272. — Battle between wasp and spider. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 325. — [On rare visitors to Ireland.] Ibis, 5, 1899, 158- 159. - Late wasps' nest. Irish Natlist., 9, 1900, 108. See also under M'Carron, Edicard. Barrington, Richard Manlijl'f, & Harvie-Brown, John Alexander]. ,SYt> Harvie-Brown A: Barrington. Barrington, Iticlmrd Manlijlc, A Vowell, I\[iehard] P[rendergast]. Report on the flora of Ben Bulben and the adjoining mountain range in Sligo and Leitrim. [1885.] Irish Ac. Proc., 4, 1884-88, 493-517. • Report on the flora of the shores of Lough Ree. [1887.] Irish Ac. Proc., 4, 1884-88, 693-708. Harris, (Rer.) W[illis] H[ervey]. Descriptions of some new blastoids from the Hamilton Group. Davenport Ac. Proc., 4, 1886, 88-94. — Descriptions of some new crinoids from the Hamilton Group. Davenport Ac. Proc., 4, 1886, 98-101. — Stereocrinus, Harris (revised). Davenport Ac. Proc., 4, 1886, 102-104. — Our local [Davenport, Iowa] geology. Davenport Ac. Proc., 7, 1899, 14-32. Barrut, G[ilhcrt] Lact/. Case of calcareous gumma in the brain. [1885.] Brain, 8, 1886, 413-414. Barroeta, Gn-iinrii'. Observaciones meteorologicas. Be- sumen general de las practieadas en San Luis Potosi. [1888.] Mex., Soe. "Alzate" Mem., 1, 1887. — Observatorio MeteoroKJgico de S. Luis Potosi. Ee- sumen general de las observaciones meteoroldgicas practieadas en el Institute Cientinco y Literario. Mrx. Obs. Bol., 1, 1888, 58. — [Observaciones meteorologicas durante el eclipse de Barroeta] 317 [Barrels Sol del 1° de enero cle 1889.] [1889.] Mex., Soo. "Alzate" Mem., 2, 1888 (Rev.), 55-56. Barroeta, (irfiiurio, A Martinez, Emilia 4. Observaeiones meteorologicas. Resumen general de las practicadas en el Instituto de San Luis Potosi durante el aiio de 1890. [1893.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mein., 6, 1892 (Rev.), 94. Barroil, (jinlin. Sulla lunghezza relativa del primo e secondo dito del piede umano. [With discussion.] Arch. Antropologia, 15, 1885, 7-22, 248-250. — Una gita fra i Calabro-Albanesi. Arch. Autropologia, 17, 1887, 257-270. Barrels, Clnirh's. *Becberches sur le terrain Cretace Superieur de FAngleterre et de 1'Irlande. Nord Soc. Geol. Mem., 1 (ATo. 1), 1876, 232 pp. - Observations sur la repetition des memes mouve- ments du sol a de longs intervalles. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1878, 57-59. - *llecherches sur les terrains anciens des Asturiea et de lii Galice. Nord Soc. Geol. Me'rn., 2, 1882, 030 pp. — Eponges hexactinellides du terrain Devonien du nord de la France. Ass. Franc. C. K., 1884 (Pt. 2), 201. — Couches a Nercites du Bourg-d'Oueil (Haute-Garonne). Asa. Franc. C. B. , 1884 (Pi. 2), 262 ; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11,1884,219-226. — Roches metamorphiques du Morbihau. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1884 (1't. 2), 263-265. — Note sur le ehloritoide du Morbihan. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 37-43. — Observations sur la constitution geologique de la Bretagne. [1884-88.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 87-91, 278-285; 1C, 1889, 1-11. — Sur les gres metamorphiques du massif granitique du Guemene. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 103-140. — Sur 1'etage Aptien de la Haute-Garonne. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 227-228. - Note prelirninaire sur les schistes a Staurotides du Finistere. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 312-313. — Le granite de Rostrenen, ses apophyses et ses contacts. [1884.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 12, 1886, 1-119. — Legende de la feuille de Granville. [1884.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 12, 1885, 154-157. — Sur les trernblements de terre de 1'Andalousie; leur epicentre, la vitesse de propagation de Febranlement et la profondeur du centre d'ebranlement. Lille Soc. Mem., 14, 1885, 309-378 ; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 12, 1885, 324-332. — Sur la structure stratigraphique des monts du Menez. [1885.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 129C; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 65-71. — Legende de la feuille de Chateauliu. [1885.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 49-65. — Sur le calcaire a polypiers de Cabrieres (Herault). [1885.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 74-97. — Sur la fauue de Hont-de-Ver (Haute-Garonne). Nord Soc. G(Sol. Ann., 13, 1886, 124-144. — Sur le calcaire Devonien de Chaudefonds (Maine-et- Loire). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 170-205. — Apercu de la structure geologique du Finistere. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 655-605. — Compte rendu de 1'excursiou du 19 aout, aux environs de Quimper. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 607-072. — Compte rendu de 1'excursion du 20 aout, de Chateaulin a Brest, par File de Terenez, la poudriere de Prioly, le Moulin de mer, la Pointe du Chateau et Porsguen. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 072-077. — Apercu de la constitution geologique de la rade de Brest, [With discussion.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 678-713. — Compte rendu de 1'excursion du 23 aout, de Quim- perle" a Pont-Aven et a 1'anse du Pouldu. [With discussion.] Paris, Soc. G(5ol. Bull., 14, 1886, 820-828. — Compte rendu de 1'excursion du 24 aout, de Quim- perle a Carhaix par le Faouet et Gourin. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 832-838. — Compte rendu de 1'excursion du 25 aont de Carhaix a Glomel et a Rostrenen. Paris, Soc. Gc5ol. Bull., 14, 1886, 838-842. Compte rendu de 1'excursion du 26 aout, de Carhaix a Goarec et a 1'etang des Salles de Rohan. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 850-858. — Compte rendu de 1'excursion du 27 aout de Carhaix a Morlaix, par le Huelgoat. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 862-865. Sur le massif granitique du Huelgoat. [With dix- cussion.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 865-888. — Compte rendu de 1'excursion du 28 aout aux environs de Morlaix. [With discussion.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 888-900. Sur le kerzanton de la rade de Brest. [1886.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 14, 1887, 31-50. Sur les faunes Silurienues et Devoniennes de la Haute- Garonne, d'apres les decouvertes de M. M. GOURDON. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 507-514. — Notice preliminaire sur la faune d'Erbray (Loire- Inferieure). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 14, 1887, 158-164. — Les modifications et les transformations des granu- lites du Morbihan. [1887.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 15, 1888, 1-40. — Les pyroxenites des ties du Morbihau. [1887.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 15, 1888, 09-96. — Sur le terrain Devonien de la Navarre. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 15, 1888, 112-114. • Note sur 1'existence du genre Oldhamia dans les Pyrenees. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 15, 1888, 154-157. — Observations prelirninaires sur les roches des environs de Lanmeur (Finistere). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 15, 1888, 238-247, 341. — Sur les modifications endomorphes des massifs grauu- litiques du Morbihan. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 428-430. — Faune du calcaire d'Erbray (Loire Inferieure). Lille Soc. Mem., 16, 1889, 1-364 ; Nord Soc. Geol. Me'rn., [3], 1889, 348 pp. Note sur 1'existeuce du terrain Devonien Superieur a Rostellec (Finistere). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 16, 1889, 132-142. — Mernoire sur les eruptions diabasiques Siluriennes du Menez-Hom (Finistere). France, Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 1, 1890, ATo. 7, 74 pp. • Feuille de Poutivy. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 17, 1890, 90-103. — Legende de la feuille de Vannes de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 17, 1890, 210-226. — [Cornparaisou des schistes comes d'Aydat et de la Bretagne.] Paris, Soc. G&>1. Bull., 18, 1890, 917-920. — Note sur les nappes aquiferes de Lille. [1890.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 18, 1891, 177-181. — Legende de la feuille de Quimper (No. 72) de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000. [1890.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 18, 1891, 187-200. — Observations sur le terrain Silurien des environs de Barcelone. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann. , 19, 1891, 63-69. — Memoire sur la faune du Gres Armoricain. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 19, 1891, 134-237. — Observations sur le terrain Devonien de la Catalogne. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 20, 1892, 61-73. — Memoire sur la distribution des Graptolites en France. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 20, 1892, 75-191. — Sur la presence de fossiles dans le terrain Azoique de Bretagne. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 115, 1892, 326-328. Legende de la feuille de Dinan (No. 60 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 21, 1893, 25-40. — Sur le Rouvilligraptus Kichardsoni de Cabrieres. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 21, 1893, 107-112. — Legende de la feuille de Plouguerneau et Ouessant Barrels] 318 [Barrels (Nos. 40 et 56 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 21, 1893, 382-391. — Legende de la feuille de Hermes (Xo. 75 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., '2-2, 1894, 21-38. — Le massif grauitique de Moncontour (C6tes-du-Nord). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 22, 1894, 53-54. — Le bassin du Menez-Belair (C6tes-du-Nord et Ille-et- Vilaine). Nord Soc. G<5ol. Ann., 22, 1894, 181-345. — Sur les poudingues de Cesson (C6tes-du-Nord). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 23, 1895, 26-29. — Le calcaire de Saint- Thurial (Ille-et-Vilaine). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 23, 1895, 38-46. Legende de la feuille de Saint-Brieuc (No. 59 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 23, 1895, 66-87. — Sur 1'origine de la Grande-Briere (Loire-Infiirieure). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 23, 1895, 194-197. — Massif Armoricain. Feuilles de St-Brieuc, St-Nazaire et Rennes. Feuille de Eennes avec la collaboration de M. LEBESCONTE. [1895-96.] France, Serv. Carte G6ol. Bull., 7, 1896, 35-42; 8, 1897, 47(6zs)-53(6is). — Legende de la feuille de Saint-Nazaire (No. 104 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 24, 1896, 137-160. — Sur les phenoruenes littoraux actuels du Morbihan. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 24, 1896, 182-226; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 801-802. — Des divisions geographiques de la Bretagne. Ann. Geogr., 6, 1897, 23-44, 103-122. — [Massif Armoricain et Cotentin.] Feuilles de Belle-lie et de Quiberon. France, Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 9, 1897, 315-318. — Sur la repartition des lies me>idionales de Bretagne et leurs relations avec les failles d'etirernent. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 2-16. — Legende de la feuille de Quiberon (No. 103 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 17-33. Note sur 1'exteusiou du limon Quaternaire en Bretagne. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 33-44. — [Coniptes-rendus des seances et excursions du Congres Geologique International en Kussie.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 187-197. — Legende de la feuille de Belle-Isle (No. 102 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 226-239. — Sur la structure des plis Carboniferes de le Bretagne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 108-109. — Sur le limon Quaternaire de Bretague. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 144. — Les terrains cristallins visile's en Finlande par le Congres Geologique International. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 724-725. — Les roches eruptives de la Crimee visities par le Congres. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 726. — Mode de gisernent de quelques tres anciennes roches eruptives de Bretagne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 898. — Sur le gisement des roches cristallines aneiennes du massif de Paimpol. Nord Soc. Ge'ol. Ann., 27, 1898, 22-29, 265-267. — Sur les Hexactinellides de la craie de Lezennes. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 31-33. — Uecouverte de la faune Silurienne de Wenlock a Lievin (Pas-de-Calais). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 178-180. — Nouvelles observations sur les faunes Siluriennes des environs de Barcelone (Espague). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann.. 27, 1898, 180-182; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 829-830. — L'extension du Silurien Superieur dans le Pas-de- Calais. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 212-225. — Des relations des mers DeVoniennes de Bretagne avec celles des Ardennes. Nord Soc. G6ol. Ann., 27, 1898, 231-259. — Les Goniatites du ravin de Coularie (Haute-Garonne). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 260-264. — Sur les Spongiaires de la craie du nord-est du bassin de Paris. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 327-329. — Massif Armoricain et Ootentiu. Feuille de Treguier. [1898-99.] France, Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 10, 1899, 101-105, 479-484. — Note sur 1'etage a Anarcestes lateseptatus dans 1'Ille- et-Vilaine. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 28, 1899, 116-117. — Sketch of the geology of central Brittany. With special reference to the Whitsuntide excursion for 1899. [Tr.] [189D.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 16, 1900, 101-132. — Excursion to Brittany. Whitsuntide, May 18th to 24th, 1899. [IV.] [1899.] Geol. Ass. Proc.,' 16, 1900, 231-240. Compte-rendu de 1'excursion en Bretagne. Congr. Geol. Int. 0. E., 1900, 972-974. Massif Armoricain, Coteutin et Vendee. Feuille de Brest. France, Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 11, 1900, 102-108. Barrels, Charles, & Bochet, Leon. Notice explicative de la feuille de Redon. [1889.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 17, 1890, 16-28. Barrois, Charles, & Lebcsconte, P[aul], Massif Armori- cain. Feuille de Rennes. [1894.] France, Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1895, 30-35. Barrois, L'haiies, & Ofiret, Albert. Sur la constitution geologique de la Sierra Nevada, des Alpujarras et de la Sierra de Almijara. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885 1060-1064. Sur la structure stratigraphique de la chaine betique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1341-1344. — Sur les schistes rnicaces Prirnitifs et Cambriens du sud de 1'Andalousie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 174-176. Sur les schistes et gneiss amphiboliques et sur les calcaires du sud de 1'Andalousie. Paris, Ac. Sci C. R., 103, 1886, 221-223. — Sur la disposition des breches calcaires des Alpujarras, et leur ressernblance avec les breches houilleres du nord de la France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 400-402. — Memoire sur la constitution geologique du sud de 1'Andalousie, de la Sierra Tejeda a la Sierra Nevada. Paris, Mem. Savants Etrang., 30, 1889, No. 2, 79-169. Barrois, Jules. Sur le developpernent des Chelifer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 1082-1083. — [Embryogeiiie de Chelifer.] [1885.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-85), 43-44. — Recherches sur le cycle genetique et le bourgeonne- rnent de 1'Anchinie. Robin, Jl. Anat., 21, 1885, 193-267. — Memoire sur la metamorphose de quelquesBryozoaires. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1, 1886, 1-94; Paris, HautesEtudes Bibl.,32,1886, Art. 5, 94pp. — Sur I'euibryogeme de la Cornatnle (C. niediterranea). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1176-1177. — Des horuologies des larves de Comatules. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 892-893. — Note sur une nouvelle forme parasite des Firoles, Trichuilina paradoxa (Barrois). Robin, Jl. Anat., 23, 1887, 1-17. — Recherches sur le dt$veloppeinent de la Comatule (C. inuditermnea). Rec. Zool. Suisse, 4, 1888, 545-651. — Une nouvelle conception de 1'organisme cestode. [1889-90.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [2], 1890, 18-23, 199. Memoire sur le developpement de Chelifer. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 461-498. Barrois, Tlieod\ore]. Contribution a 1'etude des glandes byssogenes et des pores aquiferes chez les Lamelli- branches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 188-190. — Les glandes du pied et les pores aquifiires chez les Barrois] 319 [Barrows Lamellibranohes. Bull. Sci. Nord, 17 (1886), 35-10; Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 117-119. — Note sur le Palajmonetes varians, Leach, suivie de quelques considerations sur la distribution geographique de ce Crustace. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 11, 1886, 691-707. — Note sur 1'histoire naturelle des Azores. De 1'adapta- tion de 1'Orchestia littorea a la vie terrestre. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 19-22. — Remarques sur le dimorphisms sexuel chez quelques Arnphipodes du genre Moera (M. scissimana, Costa, = M. integrimana, Heller, M. grossimana, Montague, = M. Donatoi, Heller). France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 57-59. — Sur uu Acarien nouveau (Uropoda Orchestiidarum) commensal des Talitres et des Orchestics. Lille Soc. Mem., 15, 1888, 327-330. — Liste des Eehinoderrnes recueillis aux Acores durant les mois d'aout et septenibre 1887. [1888.] Bev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 31-33, 69-75, 109-115. — Le stylet cristallin des Lamellibranches. Rev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 124-141, 161-169, 263-271; [2], 1890, 209-226, 299-311, 351-357. — Note sur la dispersion des Hydrachnides. Kev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 220-225. — Notes hydrachnologiques. I. Remarques sur le Diplodontus scapularis (Duges). [n. De 1'identite des Nescjea uncata, Kteirike, et Nescea viridis, Koch. in. Sur 1'adaptation des Hydrachnides aux eaux saumatres. iv. Sur 1'identite de 1'Arrenurus Charesi, Th. Barrois, et de TArrenurus ernarginator, O. F. Mullcr.} Rev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 393-400, 430-433; 5, 1893, -.'Oii- 207. — La psorospermose coccidieune hepatique du lapin dans les garennes du Pas-de-Calais en 1889. Rev. Biol. N. France, [2], 1890, 166-168. — Sur la presence de 1'Harpacticus fulvus, Fischer, dans le Boulonnais. Rev. Biol. N. France, [2], 1890, 288. — Notes de voyage d'un naturaliste a la nier Morte. [1890-91.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 44-55, 151-158. — Sur la presence a Chiuon (Iudre-et-Loire) d'uue Orchestie terrestre (Orchestia caviruaua, Heller) nouvelle pour la faune frauraise. [1890.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, HIJ. — Sur la presence du Lumbricus (Photodrilus) phos- phoreus, Duges, a Groffliers (Pas-de-Calais). [1890.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 117-119. — Notes preliminaires sur la faune des eaux donees de FOrient. I. Sur trois Diaptomus nouveaux des environs du Caire. Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 230-234, 277- 281, 316-318. — Sur une curieuse difformite de certaines coquilles d'Unionidees. Rev. Biol. N. France, 4, 1892, 235-239. — Description d'un appareil destine a la recherche des organistnes pelagiques par des profondeurs determinees. Rev. Biol. N. France, 4, 1892, 469-476. — Liste des Phyllopodes recueillis en Syrie. [1892.] Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 24-39. — Sur la profondeur et la temperature du lac de Tibe- riade. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1893, 449-460. — Liste des Decapodes fluviatiles recueillis en Syrie suivie de quelques considerations sur le genre Caridino. Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 125-134. — Sur un nouveau cas de Tenia triedre de 1'espece Tsenia saginata, Goeze. Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 421- 432. — Contribution a 1'etude de quelques lacs de Syrie. Rev. Biol. N. France, 6, 1894, 224-312. — Quelques observations au sujet du Bodo uriuarius, Hassall. Rev. Biol. N. France, 7, 1896, 165-177. — Recherclies sur la faune des eaux douces des Azores. Lille Soc. Mem., Fuse. 6, [1896], 172 pp. Barrois, Thiod[ore~\, & Daday, Jenii ( = Eugen). Adatok az segyptonii, palaestinai es, syriai rotatoriak ismeretehez. [Beitriige zur Kenntniss der agyptischen,,Palastinaer und syrischeu Rotatorien.] Math. Termt. Ertss., 12, 1894, 222-242 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Uugaru, 12, 1895, 373. — Contribution a 1'etude des Rotiferes de Syrie et des- cription de quelques espeees nouvelles. Rev. Biol. N. France, 6, 1894, 391-410. Barroll, (Lt.) Henry H. Hydrography and hydrographic surveys. Railroad & Engin. Jl., 63, 1889, 370-372, 412-413, 449-450. — Interoceauic communication by way of the American isthmus. Railroad & Engin. Jl., 64, 1890, 169-173, 202- 206, 249-253, 298-300, 351-355. Barren, T[/io»tas]. On a new British rock containing nepheline and riebeckite. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 371- 378. Barron, T[lioina*], & Hume, H'[illiam] [Fraser], Notes sur la geologic du desert oriental de 1'Egypte. Congr. Geol. Int. C. H., 1900, 867-899. Barron, (Lt. -Col.) ll'[illia»i]. The cadastral survey of India. [1885.] Geogr. Soc. Suppl. Pap., 1, 1886, 595- 618. Barros, Enrique da Fonseca. See Ponscca Barros. Barros, Jose Alaximiano Correa de. See Correa de Barros. Barros, (padre) Marcellino Marques de. See Marques de Barros. Barros, (cor.) Nicolas. Expedicion [al Chaco. Itinerario de lus moviinientos diarios de la Coinisiou expedicionaria.] Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 6, 1885, 210-224, 245-253. Barros Arana, Diego. *Apuntes sobre la etnografia de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 47, 1875, 5-12. — Algunas palabras sobre la historia de la jeografia a proposito del descubrirniento de America. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 82, 1892, 453-471. Barros Borgono, V'tetor. La septicemia quirurjica i la doctrina de los jermenes. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 65, 1884, 606-636. Barroso. .'..,• Sousa Barroso. Barrow, George. The geology of north Cleveland. Eug. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 104 S.W. & S.E., n.s. 34 & 35), 1888, 101 pp. — On certain gneisses with round-grained oligoclase and their relation to pegmatites. Geol. Mag., 9, 1892, 64-65. — On an intrusion of muscovite-biotite gneiss in the south-eastern Highlands of Scotland, and its accom- panying metamorphism. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 49, 1893, 330-356. — On the origin of the crystalline schists. With special reference to the southern Highlands. [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 13, 1895, 48-49. • On the occurrence of chloritoid in Kincardineshire. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, 149-155. — On the unconformity between the Carboniferous and the Bunter, with special reference to the Cheadle area. [1900.] N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1899-1900, 98-100. Barrow, George, & Fox-Strangways, Charles Edward. Sec Fox-Strangways A- Barrow. Barrow, George, Fox-Strangways, Charles Edward, & Cameron, A[l«n] C. G[rant\. Kee Fox-Strangways, Cameron A Barrow. Barrow, Georije, Fox-Strangways, Charles Edward, & Reid, Clement. See Fox-Strangways, Reid A Barrow. Barrow, John. For biographical notice see Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proe., 4, 1891, 485-486. — On the microscopical structure of some seeds. [1886.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 26, 1887, 58-60. Barrows, A[rthur~\ K[dicard], ], & Jacques, G[abriel]. Nouvelles rechercht-s sur les "langues blanches" (leucoplasies, syphilis, cancer). Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1900 (Vol. 9), 502-548. Barthelemy, T[uiissaint], & Oudin, [P.]. See Oudin & Barthelemy. Barthclcmy, T[ou.inuint], Lannelongue, [l>4t>-550; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 392-397. — La conducibilita elettrica delle tuescolanze di com- binazioni organiche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 550-555. — La conducibilita elettrica di alcnni composti organic!, allo stato solido. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 569-572; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 400-403. — Sulla dipendenza della conducibilita elettrica della dietilammina dalla temperatura. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 572-573, 884. — La conducibilita elettrica delle resine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 586-590. — Densiti di uu solido in cui entrano tutti i corpi semplici e suo confronto con la densita media della terra. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 596-599. — Sulla dipendenza della conducibilita elettrica dalla temperatura nelle soluzioni degli alcoli CnHo^O uei liquid! poco conduttori od isolanti. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 2), 122-129. — La conducibilitsi elettrica al punto critico. Roma, H. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 2), 129-131. — Su la conducibilita elettrica delle combinazioni del carbonio allo stato liquido, ed in ispeeie su la conduci- bilita delle combinazioni dei radicali aciJi cogli alogeni, degli solfocianati, degli isosolfociauati, dei nitrili, degli solfuri e delle combinazioni organometalliche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 2), 132-135. — Se per I1 evaporazione di alcuni liquidi conduttori e molto volatili si abbia sviluppo di elettricita. Catania Ace. Gioeu. Bull., 8, 1889, 10-11. — Sul'a conducibilita elettrica di alcuni mescugli natural! di composti organic! ed in particolare sulla conducibilita elettrica degli olii, dei grassi, delle cere, delle essenze, dei balsamic delle resine. [1889.] Catania Ace. Gioeu. Atti, 2, 1890, 45-80. — Sul calore specifico tino ad alta temperatura delle lave dell' Etna e di altri vulcani. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 3, 1891, 61-66. — Misura della potenza chimica delle radiazioni solar!. Catania Aco. Gioen. Bull., 16, 1891, 12-16. — Sul calore specifico tino ad alta temperatura di alcune roccie e mineral! della Sicilia. Nuovo Cimento, 30, 1891, 231-235. — Spiegazione delle anomalie che presenta la conduci- bilita elettrica dell' etalio. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 23 & 24, 1892, 12-13. Bartoli] 32G [Bartoli La eonducibiliti elettrica di alcuni liquid! molto viscosi dopo raffreddamenti rapidi, e dopo lenti raffredda- menti. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28, 1892, 4-5. Sull' equivalente meccanico del calore (revisione delle deterrninazioni eseguite nel 1879). Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28, 1892, 10. Sulla costituzione degli elettroliti e sulle variabilita del loro calore specifico col variare della teinperatura. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28, 1892, 15-16. Sulla temperatnra delle lave dell' attuale eruzione dell' Etna. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 29, 1892, 2-4; Riv. Min. Crist., 12, 1892, 61-63; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 24, 1892, 218-220. Sull' eruzione dell' Etna, scoppiata il 9 luglio 1892. Monoalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 169-179. — Sul calore specifico lino ad alta temperatura di alcune roccie della Sicilia. Nota n. [1893.] Eiv. Min. Crist., 12, 1892, 56-60. - Etna. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 11. Sulla trasmissibilita delle radiazioni solari attraverso P atmosfera earica di cenere vulcanica, nell' eruzione , dell' Etna del 1892. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 7, 1894, Mem. 15, 6 pp. — Sulla dipendenza della eonducibilita elettrica degli eteri composti dalla temperatura. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 27, 1894, 41)0-503; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Ft. 2), 156-172. Sullo stato dell' Etna dopo la fine della grande eruzione del 1892. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 33-35. Di alcune recenti misure calorimetriclie ed in particolare della misura del calore solare. Nuovo Cimento, 35, 1894, 239-242. Sulla conduttivita elettrica di alcuni composti in prossimita della temperatura critica. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 246-248; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 1), 205-207. Intorno all' uso del metodo del raffreddamento nella misura delle quantita di calore. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 787-795. Sulla clipeudenza del calore specifico dell' anilina .dalla temperatura e sugli errori che porta 1' impiego di questo liquido nelle deterrninazioui calorimetriche. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 1032-1041; Nuovo Cimento, 2, 1895, 347-356. Su la cornpressibilita degli idrocarburi CnH.,,l+2. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 1141-1152; G'azz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 1), 466-471. Sulla scelta dell' uuita di calore. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896,99-106. Sullo spostamento dello zero dei termornetri calori- metrici in seguito a un precedente riscaldamento. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 247-254. Sopra alcuni dati termici riguardanti la risica terrestre (misura della temperatura, della capacita calorifica delle lave e del calore da loro emesso nelle eruzioni). Studi sperimentali. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 363-376. Bartoli, Adolfo [Giuseppe], & Lungo, Carlo del. Etna. La tine deli' eruzione dell' Etna, [gennaio 1893]. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 28-29. . Bartoli, Adolfo [Hinxi-jipe], & Papasogli, Giorgio. *Su la elettrolisi delle solu/.ioni di fenolo con elettrodi di carbone e di platino. Nuovo Cimento, 13, 1883, 185- 208; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 90-104. — Sopra un nuovo elettromotore foudato sulla ossida- zione a freddo, del carbone. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 85-90. Sull' ossidazione dei carboni di diversa specie per via degli ipocloriti alcalini e su i prodotti di tali ossidazioni. Nuova contribuzione alia istoria del carbonic. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1886, 446-459. Elettro-siutesi di alcuni nuovi interessanti composti derivati dal mellogeno per incompleta ossidazione. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 461-474. — Sintesi di alcuni nuovi composti che derivano dal mellogeno. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 590- 596. Sulle diverse forme che preudouo i corpi nel di- sciogliersi entro un liquido indefinite e in particolar modo sulle forme che assurnono il ghiaccio e i sali uel- 1' acqua, i corpi attaccati dal liquido che li circouda e gli elettrodi positivi di metallo oppur di carbone e sulla notevole influenza dell' ossigeuo dell' aria in queste ultimo azioni. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc.'Atti (Jl/cwi.), 7, 1886, 134-142. Synthese de Facide mellique et des autres acides benzo-carboniques en electrolysant 1'eau avec des electrodes de charbon. Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 349-3nl. Sur la composition et les proprietes du mellogene, corps obtenu par electrosynthese. Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 364-374. • Nuova contribuzione alia istoria del carbonio. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 6, [1892,] 30-36. Bartoli, Adolfo [Giuseppe], & Somigliana, Carlo. Intorno all' uso del metodo elettrico per misurare le temperature e le quantita di calore. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 275-278. Bartoli, Adolfo [Giuseppe], & Stracciati, Enrico. Sul calorico specifico della mellite. Nuovo Cimento, 15, 1884, 5-18. — Intoruo ad alcune formula date dal sig. D. MENDE- LEKFF per esprirnere la dilatazione dei liquidi e dai sigg. T. E. THORPE ed A. W. RUCKER per calcolare la tempera- tura critica dalla dilatazione termica. Nuovo Cimento, 16, 1884, 91-104; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 384-389. — Le temperature critiche e i volumi molecolari ai gradi critici per gli idrocarburi CnH2,,-|-o dei petrolii di Pensil- vauia. Nuovo Cimento, 16, 1884, 104-109 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 548-553; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 390-393. — Le proprieta tisiche degli idrocarburi CnHBB + ;! dei petroli. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Mem., 19, 1884, 643-671; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 417-445 ; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 375-383. Sopra alcuue relazioni stabilite dal sig. DE HEEN fra la dilatabilita e il punto di ebullizione dei composti di una stessa serie omologa. Nuovo Cimento, 18, 1885, 107-111. - Sulla dilatazione termica di un rnescuglio di due liquidi, dedotta dalle dilatazioni dei component!, coin- binando una nostra formula con un' altra del sig. PAWLEWSKI. Nuovo Cimeuto, 18, 1885, 111-114. — In quali casi sia applicable una regola data dal sig. GROSBANS per calcolare le temperature corrispondeuti. Nuovo Cimento, 18, 1885, 193-194. — Revisione di alcune misure calorimetriche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 541-546, 573-575. — Reply to the observations made by Messrs. T. E. THORPE and A. W. RUCKER upon [the authors'] essay entitled "Intorno ad alcuue formule date dal sig. MENDELE.IEFK e dai siggn. T. E. THORPE e A. W. RUCKER per calcolare la temperatura critica della dilatazione termica." Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 533-534. - Sul calore epecitico dell' acqua liquida a diverse temperature. Revisione delle esperienze calorimetriche. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 7, 1889, 3-7. — Misure del calore solare, fatte in Italia dal 1885 in poi. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 7, 1889, 7-14. — Sulle formule esprimenti la tensione dei vapori saturi in funzione della temperatura. [1889.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 2, 1890, 1-43. — Misure actinonietriche del raffreddamento notturno eseguite sull' Etna. Nota preliminare. [1890.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 16, 1891, 2-5. - Sul calore specifico dell' acqua. (Risultati tinali. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., ISA- 19, 1891, 25-28. Bartoli] 327 [Barton — Formula empirica pel calore solare. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 4, 1892, Mem. 6, 16 pp.; Nuovo Cimento, 31, 1892, 193-208. II calore specifico dell' acqua. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 4, 1892, Mem. 7, 96 pp. - Sul calore specifico dell' acqua soprafusa. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 23 ii*lur] T[elesforovic]. Die feuerfestm Wattepfropfen fiir die bakteriologischen Probirgliiser. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 212. — Zur Frage iiber das quantitative Verhalten der Schwe- felsiiure und der Aetherschwefelsauren im Harn bei Diarrhoen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Darmfaulniss. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 17, 1893, 35-62. Bartow, Edward. Microscopic comparison of samples of white arsenic. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 9, 1900, 2o5-2."i7. Bartow, KJu-anl, A M.icomb, Jnlni Navarre. Table for the calculation of analyses. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 59-60. Bartram, George II. On a source of error in the deter- mination of nitrates in water by the phenol sulphonio acid method. Franklin Inst. JL, 131, 1891, 385-381). Bartrum, Clement <>. [On the soaring of birds.] Nature, 42, 1890, 457, 637. — An open-scale barometer. Fed. Inst. Miu. Engin. Trans., 7, 1894, 553-556. — [Chance or vitalism ?] Nature, 58 (1898), 545. Bartsch, E. Zur differeutiellen Diagnostik der Erkran- kung des schallleitemien und schallempfindenden Ap- parates. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 15, 1886, 110-123; Arch. Otol., 15, 1886, 144-159. Bartscb, F[ritz\, & Stoermer, K[ichard]. See Stoermcr & Bartsch. Bartscb, Paul. Notes on tbe Cretaceous flora of western Iowa. [1896.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 3, 1894-96 (A'o. 4), 178-182. Uria lonivia, an addition to the Avifauna eolumbiaua. Auk, 14, 1897, 312-313. — A few notes on the Avifauna eolumbiaua. Auk, 14, 1897, 326. — Xema Sabinii and Chordeiles virginianus Sennetti. Two additions to the Iowa avifauna. Auk, 16, 1899, 86. — Ammodramus Nelson! in Iowa. Auk, 16, 1899, 276- 277. Bartsch, Samn ( = Samuel). *Korcscsoru seregely. Stur- nus vulgaris, L. Sturuus vulgaris mil difformem Schnabel. Termr. Fiiz., 1, 1877, 76-77, 118-119. - *Az Astacus leptodactylus, Esch., taplalkozasi es emesztesi szervei. Anatomiai tanulmauy. Die Ernali- rungs- und Verdauuugsorgane des Astacus leptodactylus, Eseli. Auatomische Studie. Termr. Fiiz., 2, 1878, 21- 28, 61. *Az Astacus leptodactylus, Esch., ivarszervei. Die Fortpflanzungsorgane des Astacus leptodactylus, Esch. Termr. Fiiz., 2, 1878, 137-141, 190-192. Bartscht, Ambros. Biologisches iiber Hypopta cisstrum, lib. Wieu. But. Ver. Jber., f>, 1895, 23-24. Bartuska, Karl. Haliaetus albicilla. Wien Ornitb. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885. 299. — Bernicla tnniuata in Siidbohmen. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mittli., 11, 1887, 73. Barucn, .7[oseph]. Zur Constitution der Behenolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2ti, 1893, 1SU7-1X72. Ueber die Constitution der Stearolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 172-176. — Nachtrag zur Spaltung der Behenolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges! IVr., 27, 1894, 176-177. Barucn, ,l\i*i'iili], A Holt, A[rtliur]. See Holt ,V Baruch. Baruch, .!/lpli]. Ueber die Natur der kolloldalen Losungeu. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., s, 1891, 278-298. — Ueber das Verhalten des fasten colloidalen Silbers gegen den electrischen Strom. Ann. Phys. Chem., 48, 1893, 327-3.17. Barus, Carl, A Strouhal, Vincent. The electrical and magnetic properties of the iron-carburets. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 14, 1885, 238 pp. — The viscosity of steel and its relation to temper. Amer. Jl. Sci., 32, 1886, 444-40(1; 33, 1887, 20-36; U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., A'o. 73, 1891, 1-52. - The relation between electrical resistance and density, when varying with the temper of steel. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., A'o. 27, 1886, 30-50. — The relation between time of exposure, temper-value, and color in oxide films on steel. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., A'o. 27, 1886, 51-61. - Physical properties of the iron-carburets. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., A'o. 35, 1886, 62 pp. — The effect of sudden cooling exhibited by glass and by steel, considered both physically and chemically. [1886.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 42, 1887, 98-131; Amer. Jl. Sci., 32, 1886, 276-283 [Part only]. See aim Strouhal A Barus. Baruth. Sn' Solms-Baruth. Barvir, Jindfich(= Heinrich)Ladislav. Beitrage zur Morphologic des Korund. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 7, 1892, 135-112. — Quarziu von Herman Mestec. Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math. -Nat.), No. 13, 4 pp. — 0 nekterych serpentined] zapndni Moravy a horninach amfibolitickych je provazejicich. [Ueber einige Serpen- tine des westliehen Mahr.ens und die dieselbeu begleiten- den Hornhleudegesteiue.] Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math.- Nat.), No. 18, 55 pp., ATo. 31, 20 pp. ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 (lid. 2. Jiff.), 420. — Ueber eine Umwandlung von Granat in diopsidartigen Pyroxen, gemeine Hornblende und basischen Plagioklas in einem Granat-Amphibolit. Prag, Sber., 1893 (3Iath.- Nat.), No. 27, 8pp. Malms od Choltie a od Hefmanova Mestce. [Diabas von Choltic und Herman Mestec.] Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math. -Nat.). No. 38, 14 pp.; Wien, Geol. Verb.., 1894, 151. — Korund von Pokojowic bei Okfisko im westlicheu Mahren. Prag, Sber., 1893 (Matli.-y,tt.), No. 41, 10 pp. — Bemerkungen iiber die mikroskopische Beschaffenheit des Grauulits von dem Iglawa-Flusse in Mahren. Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math.-Niit.), No. 48, 27 pp. — Ueber die Structur des Eklogits von Neuhof (Novy Dvur) bei llnelunvan im westl. Mahren. Prag, Sber., 1894 (Math.-Nat.), No. 16, 18 pp. — Zwei mineralogische Notizen. [i. Ueber das Vor- kommen von Ahuninit bei Muhlhauseii timveit Kralup in Bcilimen. n. Bhiuer Turmalin von Katkowic im westl. Mahren.] Prag, Sber., 1894 (Mnlli.-Nat.), No. 27, 4 pp. — 0 granulitovycb "elipsoidech" u Prachatic a Kfist'a- nova. [Ueber die Granulit-Ellipsoide von Prachatitz Barvff] 331 und Christianberg.] Prag, Sber., 1894 (Math.-Nat.) , No. 30, 21 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 (Bd. 2, Ref.), Lo — Enstatitick.v diabas od Maleho Boru. [Enstatit- Diabas von Klein-Bor.] Prag, Sber., 1895 (Math.-Nat.), No. 10, (5 pp. ; Wien, Geol. Verb., 1895, 492. — Po/.nitmky o geognostickych pomerech zlatonosneho okrsku Jilovski-ho. [Ueber'die geognostiscben Verhalt- nisse der goldfiihreudeu Umgebung von Eule.] Prag, Sber., 1895 (Math-Nut.), No. 35, 19 pp.: Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 523. — 0 hadci od Dobesovic. [Ueber den Serpentin aus der Umgebung von Dobesovic.] Prag, Sber., 1895 (Math.- Nat. ), No. 46, 7 pp. — Gabbro od Maleho Boru. [Gabbro von Klein Bor.] Prag, Sber., 1896 (Math.-Nat.), No. 1(5, 6 pp. — O vyskytu zlata na nekteryeh dule/.itejsich naleziskach &sk_vch se stanoviska petrograficko-geologickeho. [Ueber das Vorkommen von Gold an einigen wichtigeren Fund- orten Biihmens vom petrographiseh-geologischen Staud- puukte.] Prag, Sber., 1896 (Math. -Nat.), No. 35, 74 pp. ; Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 523. — Zelenavy pyroxenicky granulit od Adolfova. [Ueber den grunlieben Pyroxengranulit von Adolfsthal.] Prag, Sber., 1897 (Math.-Nat.), No. 3, 6 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 57-58. — 0 vhiknitych hmotach kremennych zc serpeutinu moravskych. [Ueber faserige Quarzsubstanzen aus mahriscbeu Serpentineh.] Prag, Sber., 1897 (Math.- Niit.), No. 14, 8 pp.; Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 525-526. — 0 zlatokopnvch pracech u Vltavy J.JZ. od Jilove'ho. [Ueber Goldsch'iirfe an der Moldau S.S.W. von Eule.] Prag, Sher., 1897 (Math.-Nat.), No. 21, C pp.; Neues Jbueh. Min., 1899 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 92. — Nekolik ukazek z mikroskopieke' struktury rulovitrhn grafitu od Cerneho Potoku (Schwarzbach) v jiznich Cechaeh. [Einige Proben der mikroskopischen Structur des Gneissgraphites von Schwarzbach in Sudbohmen.] Prag, Sber., 1897 (Math.-Nat.), No. 52, 13 pp.; Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 527. — Dalsi geologick^ poznamky o zlatonosnem okoli Noveho Knina. [Weitere geologische Bemerkungen fiber die goldfiihrende Umgebung von Neu Knin.] Prag, Sber., 1897 (Math.-Nat.), No. 53, 7 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min , 1899 (lid. 2, Ref.), 91. — Pfispevek k'u posouzeni puvodu ruly od hradu Husy a svoru od Eisensteinu. [Beitrag zur Beurtheilung des Ursprunges des Gneisses von der Burgruine Gans und des Glimmerschiefers von Eisensteiu.] Prag, Sber., 1898 (Math.-Nat.), Nn. 3, 17 pp.; Neues Jbucb. Mill.. 1899 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 121-122. 0 zlato- a stfibronosnosti nektervch hornin a /.ilovin hlavne ve strednich Cechach die analys vlastuieh vzorkii. [Ueber den Gold- und Silbergebalt eiuiger Geateine und Gangmassen, hauptsachlich in Mittelbcihrnen, auf Grund von Analysen eigener Proben.] Prag, Sber., 1899 (Math.- Nat.), No. 20, 10 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1901 (lid. 2, /.'.;/'.), 401. — 0 nektervch krystalech cerussitu ze Stribra. [Ueber einige Cerussit-Krystalle von Mies.] Prag, Sber., 1900 (Math.-Nat.), No. 36, 14 pp.; Ztschr. Kryst., 30, 1902, 203-204. Barwell, (.1/i'xs) M. E. The conformal representation of a pentagon on a half plane. London Math. Soc. Proe., 29, 1898, 695-70(5. Barwell, Richard. Unusual sequela of ovariotomy. Clin. Soc. Trans., 18, 1885, 199-203. — A case of congenital median cervical fistula: opera- tion: recovery. [1895.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 29, 1896, 51-54. — On spontaneous hip dislocation, with remarks on a class of disease often mistaken for rheumatism. Med. Chir. Soc. Proc., 8, 1896, 239-244. [Barzachi A case of congenital limb deficiency and redundancy. London Path. Soc. Trans., 50, 1899, 319-323. Barwick, (Scry-) •faiiii'.t A. Sea-breezes and northers in southern California. [1886.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 3 (1886-87), 300-301. — [Excessive heat in California, in June 1859.] [1891.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 7 (1890-91), 621-624. Percentage of mean cloudiness and of mean sunshine for the California Weather Bureau Stations, aud average number of clear days. [I%96.] Amur. Meteorol. Jl., 12 (1895-96), 317-320. — The electric storms of California. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 25 (1897), 539-540. Bary, \IIeinrirh] A[nton] de. For biography and list of works we Bot. Centrbl., 34, 1888. 93-94, 156-158, 191- 192, 221-224, 252-25(5; Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888, 59-60; Chetn. Ztg., 12, 1888, 119; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, viii-xxvi; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888 (Rev.), 62; Garden & Forest, 1, 1888, 15-1(1; Hedwigia, 27, 1888, 77-8(5, 180; Humboldt, 7, 1888, 1(52; Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 65-67; Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, 1888, 57-63; Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 56 ; Malpighia, 2, [1888], 35-37 ; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. * Proc., 1, 1888, 94; Nature, 37, 1888, 297-298; Pharm. JL, 18, 1888, 659; Science, 11, 1888, 85; Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1888 (Th. I), 4; Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 38, 1888 (Alih.), 227-230; Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 393-397 ; Bot. Ztg., 47, 1889, 33-49 ; Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 350-354; Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 24, 1889, 217-218; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 18, 1889, 187-192 ; Termt. Kozlon., 21, 1889, 598-599. - *Ueber die von F.uu.ow zucrst beschriebene Bilduug beblatterter Sprosse an Farn-Prothallien. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 200-201. - *Ueber Symbiose. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 121- 126. — Ueber einige Sclerotinien und Sclerotienkrankheiten. Bot. Ztg., 44, 1886, 377-387, 393-404, 409-426, 433-441, 449-461, 465-474. Species der Saprolegnieen. Bot. Ztg., 46, 1888, 597- 610, 613-621, 629-636, 645-653. Bary, Adolf. Zur Frage von den Aequivalenten der Migrane. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 251-252. — Ueber die Entwickelung der Eindencentren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phijsiol. Abth.), 1898, 341-360. — Ueber die Frage der Kreuzung der Facialiswurzeln. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 781-787. Bary, Emit von (et alii). Erganzungen zur Flora des Isargebietes. (Aus der Umgegend Miinchens.) Landshut Bot. Ver. Ber., 11, 1889, 154-157. Bary, Paul. Sur les indices de refraction des solutions salines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 827-830. — Sur la composition des solutions aqueuses de sels, d'apres les indices de refraction. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. 118, 1894, 71-73. — Quelques conditions de fonctionnement de Pinterrup- teur electrolytique de i\I. WEHXELT. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., . 128, 1899, 925-927. — Fluorescence de certains composes rnetalliques soumis aux rayons Eontgen et Becquerel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 776-778. Bary, I'mil, & Reignier, Ch. Set Reignier Lv Bary. Bary, tt'[itlielm] de. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der niederen Organismen im Mageninhalte. [1885.] Arch. Exper. Path., 20, 1886, 243-270. — Ueber zwei Falle von Cysten in der Wand der \veib- liclien Harnrubre. Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886, 65-80. — Bin Fall von doppelseitigem Anophthalmus bei einem Kalbe. Virchow, Arch., 108, 1887, 355-358. Bary, ^'[ilhelm] i/c, & Grawitz, Paul [Albert]. fief Grawitz ,i Bary. Barzachi, 3Iuvri;io. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo d'agosto 1M90.] Chivasso (Torino). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 191. 42 2 Barzachi] 332 [Basedow - Bolide del '21 marzo [1892, Torino]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 64. Barzilovskij, Jakob N[ikolaevif]. Maiepia.lH HIR iiiiy'if'iiiji KaBi;a:triuix'i, Mimopajii.HUX'i, BOAT,. [Zur Erforsehung der kaukasischen Mineralwasaer.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soo. Jl., 1(3 (Cliem.), 1884, 141-147; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Kef.), 183-184. — Ofii, oKiu'.K'iiiii apoiiaTiiHCCKirxi aMiinoBi>. fOn the oxidation of aronlatic amines.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chern.), 1885, 38-40; Chem. Soc. Jl., 48, 1885 (Al>*.), 525. — 0 peaKniu M«K,ny 6en:ioilHHMt a.ijiernxoMT> n a3o6eH30JIOM'B. [On the reaction between benzalde- hyde and azobenzene.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1885, 366-368; Chem. Soc. Jl., 50, 1886 (Alis.), 148. - Beanie flB.icniil Hsoiiepnaro npeBpameuia na Teieirie peaitniir oKiicjieniH apOMaTimecKiix'i, aMIIlIOB'L. [Influence de 1'isotnerisation sur la reaction de 1'oxydation des amines aromatiques.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 8 (2), 1887, 2H9-313. - MarepiajiH ;;.KI xeopin o6pa:toBaniH aini.iii- HOBUXt, iqwcoK'i, npir OKiicjieHiii apoMiii n«iei'Kii\'i, a.MMIlflP.'b. [Materials for a theory of the formation of aniline colours by the oxidation of aromatic amines.] Itiiss. Phys.-Chem. Soe. Jl., 19 (Chi'ni.), 1887, 132-149. — KoHjeiicaiufl a.iL;i.erii;ioBri, ci, a:iocoe,T,iineniiiMir. [Condensation des aldehydes avec les composes azoi'ques.] [1890.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 23 (Cliem.), 1891, 47-79; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull.. Hi, 1892, 259-289. — 0 Kon/T.OHcau.iii ajiji,erii,i,OB7) ci. apoiiaTii'iecKiiMii aMIIIiaMIt. [Condensation of aldehydes with aromatic amines.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chem.), 1894, 51-52; Chem. Soc. Jl., 70, 1896 (Alis., Pt. 1), 358. - KT> Boiipocy o cTpoenin npo^yin'OBi. OKiic.iPiiiii liapa-TOJiyilJUIlia. [Structure of the products of oxi- dation of paratoluidine.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chem.), 1894, 52-55; Chem. Soc. JL, 70, 1896 (Alis.. 1't. I), 357-358. Bas, F. de. De triangulatie van Sumatra en de opnemin- gen in Nederlandseh-Indie gedurende de jareu 1883 en IHMI. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 3 (Art.), 1887, 167-174. Basch, E[rnsf] K[i<n double halides of zine with aniline anil the toliiidines. Amer. Chem. Jl., 20 11898), 646-66:t. Basedow, //ir] C. See Xiangmuir A Baskerville. Baskerville, Charles, A Miller, F[rmilc] W[illiam], On the reactions between mercury and concentrated sul- phuric acid. Aiuer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 19, 1897, 873-877. — On the decomposition of concentrated sulphuric acid by mercury at ordinary temperatures. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 20, 1898, 515-516; Chem. News, 77, 1898, 191- 192. Baskerville, Charles, & Venable, F[rtmk] P[rrstati]. See Venable A Baskerville. Baskett, James Newton. Coon cats. Science, 22, 1893, 220. — Feigned death in snakes. Science, 22, 1893, 330. — Intergradation in song of Sturnella magna and S. m. neglecta in Missouri. Auk, 13, 1896, 258-259. The A. O. U. check-list. Auk, 11, 1897, 340-341. Sanitary habits of birds. Auk, 17, 1900, 299-300. Basler, A. Beitruge zur Kenntniss substituirter fj-Laetone der aromatischeu Reihe uud Derivate der Zimmtsa'ure. [ii. Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1494-1503. Basquin] 334 [Bassani Basquin, 111 in 7/[<;;i.«w]. Device for putting wave-lengths cm spectrum plates. Astrophys. .11., 1, 1895, 166-167. Basquin, nlin //|n».s-ri»|, A Crew, Ifi-nnt. .s'i'r Crew & Basquin. Bass, Kiiitcn. Praktisches und Historisehes iiber einigi- Heerdekrankheiterj !»•! Schafen. Deutsche Ztschr. Thierm.'d., 19, 1893, 141-144. — DieRotzkrankheitderPferde. Eiue litterarhistoii che Studie. Detitsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 19, 1893, 217-243, 329-380. • Die Sterilitat dor grossereu Hausthiere. Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 20, 1894, 147-185. — Das Amyloform, ein neues Wundheilmittel. Ztschr. Thiermed., 1, 1897, 204-2011. — Ueber Tannoform. Ztschr. Thiermed., 2, 1898, 282- 283. — Die Anwendung des Iclith.voU in der Thierheilkunde. Ztschr. Thiermed., 4, 1900, 190-199, 4IU. — Die Anwendung des Tannoforms in der Thierheil- kunde. Ztschr. Thiermed., 4, 1900, 386-392. Bassani, Anm'lmti. So]>rn 1111 problema di analisi intini- tesimale delle curve plane, Giorn. Mat., 22, 1884, 211- 210. — Nota di cinematica. Giorn. Mat., 23, 1886, 80-88. - Sulle curve ?•'" cos mO = am. Giorn. Mat., 24, 1886, 23-43. — Curve plane derivate. Giorn. Mat., 24, 1886, 371-375. Sopra una trasforraazione d' integral! detiniti. Giorn. Mat., 25, 1887, 223-224. — Una formola di analisi. Giorn. Mat., 25, 1887, 225- 227. — Generalizzazione della formula di L.VGR\Nr,E. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 1163-1170. — Sur 1'application d'un developpement des fonctions implicites a uue extension du probleme universel de WRONBKI. Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 10, 1891, 81-96. — Sur unr representation des fonctions exponentielles par des produits inh'nis. [1893.] Gomes Teixeira Joru. Sci., 11, 1892, 93-10(1. — Sulle funzioni determinant! e generatrici di ABEL. Napoli, Ace. Atti, 7, 1895, No. 9, 19 pp. Bassani, Curia. *[Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1871.] Cosenza. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1871, 163-165. — *Nebbia secca. Picerno (Basilicata) giugno 1877. [1877.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 12, 1878, 140-147. - *[Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1880.] Tivoli. [1880.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 15, 1881, 180-181. *[Le stelle cailenti del periodo di novembre 1881.] Cremona. Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 1, 1881, 2112. — [Le stelle cadeuti del periodo di agosto 1885.] Fiesole (Firenze). Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 138-141. — [Le stelle cadeuti del periodo di agosto, 1887 e 1888.] Firenze (Ponte della Badia). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 164; 8, 1888, 164-166. — Le stelle cadenti del periodo d' agosto 1890. Firenze (stazione privata). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 33. - Nubimetria. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 49-52, 81-84, 147-154, 163-107. — Le stelle cadenti di novembre 1890. Firenze. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 116. — 11 sistema Saccardo per la ventilazione delle gallerie. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 23, 1891, 2(13-267. — Dell' aria sismoseopiea. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 119-124, 1311-140, IMS 192; 13, 1893, 4-8, 19-25, 30-40, SU-ss, '.18-104, 116-121, 133-135 ; liiv. Sci.-Ind., 25, 1893, 62-64. — Aurora polare. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 146- 117. — Luce zodiacale. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 10, 96. — Osservazioni mensili sulla luce zodiacale. Moiiriilini Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 109-111, 125-127, 137-140, 156-159, 170-173. - Sulle piccole eavita formatesi nella spiaggia gar- ganica col terremoto del 25 marzo 1894. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 164-166. - Fucinazione idro-termo-elettrica dei metalli sistema Lagrange-Hoho. Riv. Sci.-Ind.. 27. 1895. 1-4. II focolare del terremoto di Firenze del 18 niaggio 1895. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 27, 1895, 197-200. - Frena-urti automatico ferroviario dell' ing. Luigi FII.HTI-.SCIII. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 27. 1895, 274-277. - Tubo flettostensore o compensatore flessibile per tubolature metalliche. Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 11, 1895, 165-222, 275-286. - Prime ricerche sulla provenienza del terrernoto di Firenze n.-lla sera 18 maggio 1895. [1895-1900.] Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 15, 1896, 4-7. 25-32, 41-52, 52, 63-70; ID, 1896, 12-22, 35-52, 72-88, 108-124; 17. 1897, 1-7, 17-24, 33-42, 49-60, 65-69, 81-88, 97-102; 18, 1898, 1- 9, 17-24, 33-37, 49-59, 65-73; 19, 1899, 13-19, 32-35; 20, 1900, 14-20, 29-35, 45-50, 61-65. - P.olide, [Carezzi, 15 ottobre 1895]. [1895.] Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 15, 1896, 38. - [Bolide. Fiivnze, 31 genn. 1897.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 17, 1897, 16. - Nubimetria. Due raccomandazioni di meteorologist! italiaui. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 17, 1897, 42-48. — II dinamismo del terremoto laziale 19 luglio 1899. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, 41-42; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 16!)~171. Bassani, Francesco. Ueber zwei Fische aus der Kreide des Monte S. Agata im Giirzisehen. Wien, Geol. Jlnich., 34, 1884, 403-406. — Intorno ad un nuovo giacimeuto ittiolitico nel Monte Moscal (Veronese). [1884.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 9, [1885,] 149-150. - Risidtati uttenuti dallo studio delle principal! ittio- faune Cretacee. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 513-535. — Sulla probabile esistenza del gen. Carcharodon nel mare Titonico. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 28, 1885, 75-81. — Avanzi di pesci Oolitic! nel Veronese. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 28, 1885, 142-163. - Sull' eta drgli strati a pesci di Castellavazzo nel Belltmese. [1885.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 4, 1886, 143-lls. — Sui fossili e sull' eta degli schisti bituminosi Triasici di Besauo in Lombardia. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 29, 1886, 15-72. Su alcuni pesci del deposito Quateruario di Pianico in Lombardia. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 29, 1886, 341 851. Notes of some researches on the fossil fishes of Chiavon, Vicentino (stratum of Sotzka, Lower Miocene). Brit. Ass. Urp.. 1888, 675-677. - Sopra un nuovo genere di Fisostomi, scoperto nel- 1' Eocriid Mi-din del Friuli, in provincia di Udine (Piano di S. Giovanni llarione). Napoli, Reud., 27, 1888, 146; Napoli, Ace. Atti, 3, 1889, No. 4, 4 pp. Sopra una miova specie di Ephippus scoperta nel- 1' Eocene Medio di Val Sordina pivsso Lonigo (Veronese). [1889.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 7, 1888, 279-281. — Ricerche sui pesci fossili di Chiavun (strati di Sotzka, Miocene Inferiors). [1888.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 3, 1889, No. 6, 102 pp. — II calcare a Neriuee di Pignataro Maggiore, in pro- vincia di Caserta. Napoli, Rend., 29, 1890, 199-205. - Colounn vertebrale di Oxyrhina Mantelli, /15-79. Basset, J[itles Gabriel\. Assign to this author title (Vol. 9) under Basset, (Dr.) . — De la megalantropogenesie. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 9, 1897, 402-437. — De la migraine. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1899, 119-131). — [Discours sur la tuberculose.] Toulouse Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1899, 228-250. Basset, (/,(.) Walter Uaxxett. The extraction of magnetic particles from auriferous and other ores, [ll'ilh ilixeiix- M»H.] [1892.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 4, 1893, 53-58. — Auriferous ironsands, and a new method of profitably extracting gold therefrom, [inth n.] [1*92. J Inst. Min. Metall. Trans., 1 (1892-93), 107-114, 142-156. Bassett, Henry. Assign to this author title (VuL 1) under Bassett, //. — Note on the reaction of tin with sulphuric and nitric acids. Chem. News, 53, 1886, 172. — On the preparation of trichlormethylsulphouic chloride. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 79-80. — The interaction of iodine, water, and potassium chlorate. Chem. Soc. Jl., 57, 1890, 760-767, 1121. — Eulyte anil dyslyte. (A correction.) Chem. Soc. Jl., 59, 1891, 978-981. — A tabular expression of the periodic relations of the elements. Chem. News, 65, 1892, 3-4, 19. — Note on anthracene testing. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 202-203. — An improved method of anthracene assaying. Chem. News, 73, 1896, 178-179. Bassett, Henri/. ,t Fielding, K. On the action of hypo- chlorous anhydride on iodine trichloride. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 205-206. Bassett, //• aner franklin. New species of North American C'yuipi.Ue. [1890-19(10.] Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 17, 1890, 59-92 ; 26, 1899-1900, 310-336. — A short chapter in the history of the cynipidous gall- flies. [1889.] Psych.-. 5, 1891, 235-238. — Notes on the Cynipidie. Philiid., Ent. News, 4, 1893, 153-156. — On the genera of the family Cynipidie. Philad., Eut. News, 4. 1893, 223-225. Bassett, Leirix L., tt Fleck, Hermann. See Fleck it Bassett. Bassett, I'. N., & Russell, Harry Liiinan. See Russell A Bassett. Bassett Smith, P[ereij\ l\'[illiain]. Coral reefs. Nature, 40, 1889, 223. — Keport on the corals from the Tizard and Macclt ,-ii. II Banks. China Sea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 353- 374, 443-45*. — Damma Island and its natives. [ ls;r2-93.] Brit. Ass. l!cp., 1892, 903-904 ; Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 23, 1894, 134-141. — On the deep-sea deposits of the Eastern Archipelago. Micr. Soe. Jl., 1892, 443. — The aborigines of north-west Australia. [1893.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 23, 1894, 324-331. — Notes on the parasitic Copepoda of fish obtained at Plymouth, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., is, 1896, 8-16. — Notes on tlie fish collection in the Museum of the Bombay Natural History Society, with a systematic catalogue. [1896.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 10, 1895-97, 597-608. — A list of the parasitic Copepoda of fish obtained at Plymouth. [1896.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. JL, 4, 1895- 97', 155-163. Dengue fever in Bombay. Jl. State Med., 5, 1897, 481-484. — Some new parasitic copepods found on fish at Bombay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 1-17. — Further new parasitic copepods found on fish in the Indo-tropical region. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 77-98. — Some new or rare parasitic copepods found on fish in the Imlo-trofiic region. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 357-372. — Snakes at Trineomalee. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 546-547. — On the formation of the coral-reefs on the N. W. coast of Australia. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 457-159. — A systematic description of parasitic Copepoda found on fishes, with an enumeration of the known species. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 438-507. Bassi, Alt'rt du. Sulle radici della derivata di nna funzione olomorfa di geuere zero ed unu. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Kend., 2s, 1895, 979-985. — Sulle nulici della derivata di una funzione olomorfa di genere quulunque. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Iteud., 28, 1895, 1119-1123. Sulla condizione necessaria e sufficiente affinche una porzione di superficie sia convessa in ogui punto. Giorn. Mat., 34, 1896, 146-151. — Studio sulle funzioni di geuere qualunque e in parti- colare sulle funzioni di genere ~en> o di genere mm. Giorn. Mat., 36, 1898, 100-144; 37, 1899, 326-366. Bassi, Gnixejijie. Sulla sede e qualita dell' immagine oftalmoscopica. Biv. Sci. [Ind.], 30, 1898, 143-152. Bassieres, | i,ustare Ailulphe]. *[Notes ineteorologiques faites a] Guelma (prov. de Constautine). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8. 1876, 1't. 2, 174, 200-201, 228-229, 255-256, 291, 320-321; 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 211-21, 48, 78-79, 110-111, 145, 177, 209, 239, 264, 292, 315, 333. Bassini] 337 [Bastian Bassini, K[doardo], Un caso di micetoina al piede o piede
  • [»]. See also Stok, J. P. ran der. Batcave, Louis. Not« pluviometrique et thermometrique. Dax Soc. Borda Bull., 1891, 63-64. Batchelder, Charles F[oster], Description of the first plumage of CLARKE'S crow. Auk, 1, 1884, 10-17. — BUFFON'S skua in western Vermont. Auk, 1, 1884, 97-98. — Winter notes from New Mexico. Auk, 2, 1885, 121- 128, 233-239, 306. The North Carolina mountains in winter. Auk, 3, 1886, 307-314. — An undescribed subspecies of Dryobates pubescens. Auk, 0, 1889, 253-255. — Recording the numbers of birds observed. Auk, 7, 1890, 210-218. - The snow goose (Chen hyperborea nivalis) on the coast of Maine. Auk, 7, 1890, 284. — Notes on several birds in the Catskill mountains. Auk, 7, 1890, 295. — Helmintbophila chrysoptera in Manitoba. Auk, 7, 1890, 404. — Thryothorus ludovicianus in Massachusetts. Auk, 9, 1892, 73-74. — Vireo olivaceus in British Columbia and Washington. Auk, 9, 1892, 395-396. — Nesting of Mimus polyglottos in eastern Massachu- setts. Auk, 12, 1895, 308-309. An undescribed shrew of the genus Sorex. Wash- ington Biol. Soc. Proc., 10, 1896, 133-134. — Some facts in regard to the distribution of certain mammals in New England and northern New York. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc., 27, 1897, 185-193. Batchelder, Joint M[iiiitelle glandule anali di alcuni carnivori. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 9, 1888, 174-189. — Escursione al M. Terminillo. Nuovo Gioru. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 463-466. — Note anatomo-fisiologiehe eugli Ixodini. [Italia], Soc. But. Bull., 23, 1891, 218-235. Batelli, Andrea, & Giacomini, Ercole. Sulle glandule salivari degli uccelli. [1888.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, 106-110. Contributo alia morfologia delle glandule salivari degli uccelli. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (.I/cm.), 6, [1892], 38.J-444. Bateman, James. For biographical notice see Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 508. Bateman, John. The tinamu in Essex. Essex Natlist., 2, 1888, 206. — Otters breeding in the open near Brightlingsea. Essex Natlist., 7, 1893, 123. Bateman, John Frederic La Trohe. For biography and works see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 97, 1889, 392-398; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 46, 1890 (Proc.), 44; Roy. Soc. Proe., 40, 1890, xlii-xlviii. Bates, A. S. Electrical impressions on photographic plates. Nature, 58 (1898), 32. Bates, Alibi/ F[runces] C[aldwell]. A swallow roost at Waterville, Maine. Auk, 12, 1895, 48-51. Bates, C. O. Analysis of water for railway engines. [1892.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 1 (Pt. 3), 1893, 27-28. Bates, E[rnest] Frederick], 'Characters of the new genera and species of Heteromera collected by Dr. STOLICZKA during the Forsyth Expedition to Kashgar in 1873-74. [1879.] Cistula But., 2, 1875-82, 407-4S4. — On tbe Zygnemacea; : a chapter in the history of the fresh-water Algee. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 315-324. — On sexuality in the Zygnemacese. [1884.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 2, [1886],' 104-108. — The Coleoptera of Bradgate Park. [1896.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 170-170. Bates, l-:[rnest] Frederick], & Hodges, Louis It[eaumont] M[aore], Notes on a recent exposure of the lower Lias and Rhffitics in the Spinney hills, Leicester. [1886.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 (Pt. 1), 22-23. Bates, Eden, A Morgan, Fnnik II. .Sir Morgan it Bates. Bates, frank A[maia], Nesting of peregrine falcon. Oruith. Ool., 13, 1888, 150-157. — Tramping in the White mountains. Ornith. Ool., 10, 1891, 33-37, 68-69. Bates, //. F.lliutt. Self-infection from the intestinal tract. N. Y. Med. .11., 57, 1893, 432-436. Batesl 341 Bates, Henri/ H[obart], The physical basis of phenomena. [1884.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 7, 1885 (Smith- sonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 2), 40-68. — [What is force?] [1888.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 11, 1892, 587-590. - Star 1830 Groombridge. Science, 20, 1892, '230. — The chemical constitution of Mars' atmosphere. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ. , 6, 1894, 300-302. Bates, Henry Walter. For biography and works see Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., Ill, 1892, 96; Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 83-85; Entomologist, 25, 1892, 77-80; Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892, 1-lv; Geogr. Soe. Proc. , 14, 1892, 245-257; Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 26-31; Nature, 45, 1892, 377, 398-399; Pharm. JL, 22, 1892, 687; Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 72; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 8, 1892, 162; Zoologist, 16, 1892, 184-188; Psyche, 6, 1893. 249-250. - *New genera and species of Carabidffi from Tasmania. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 317-326. - * Description of twenty-five new species of Cicindelidre. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 329-336. - *New genera and species of Callichrominffl (Coleoptera longicornia). [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 395-419. — New longicorn Coleoptera of the Monohammina" group from tropical West Africa. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 14-18. — List of Coleoptera of the families Carabidas and Scarabseida» collected by the late W. A. FORBES on the Lower Niger. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1884, 404-406. — Longicoru beetles of Japan. Additions, chiefly from the later collections of Mr. George LEWIS ; and notes on the synonymy, distribution, and habits of the previously known species. [1884.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Znol.), 18, 1885, 205-202. — On the geodephagous Coleoptera collected by Mr. George LEWIS in Ceylon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 68-81, 143-156, 199-212. — Tropical African Coleoptera; chiefly from the Zanzibar mainland. [1886-88.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 188-197; 23, 1886-87, 9-13, 54-57; 24, 1887-88, 200-203, • 237-242. — Three new longicorn Coleoptera from S. America. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 62-63. — On a collection of Coleoptera from Korea (tribes Geodephaga, Larnellicornia and Longieornia), made by Mr. J. H. LEECH, F.Z.S. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 367- 380. On some new species of Coleoptera from Kiu-Kiaug. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 380-383. — On a new species of Brachyonyehus from the Mergui Archipelago. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 21, 1889, 135. Three new species of Coleoptera from Japan. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 297-298. — Viaggio di Leonardo FEA in Birmania e regione vicine. xvi. On some Carabidfe from Burma collected by Mr. L. FEA. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 27, 1889, 110-111. — New species of African Coleoptera (Caral)ida?) in the Leyden Museum. Leyden Mus. Notes, 11, 1889, 201-208. — Contributions a la faune indo-chinoise. 3" memoire. Carabida;. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, 261-286. — On new species of the coleopterous family Carabidffi, collected by Mr. J. H. LEECH in Kashmir and Baltistan. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 210-215. • On new species of the coleopterous families Cicindelida? and Carabidffi, taken by Mr. PRATT in Chang Yang, near Ichang on the Yang-tsze, China. Zool. Soe. Proc., 1889, 216-219. On new genera and species of coleopterous insects from Mount Kinibalu, North Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 383-393. Coleoptera collected by Mr. PRATT on the Upper Yang-tsze and on the borders of Tibet. Entomologist, 23, 1890, 209-213, 244-247; 24, 1891 (Suppl.), 69-80. [Bateson Additions to the Cicindelidse fauna of Mexico, with remarks on some of the previously recorded species. Ent. Soe. Trans., 1890, 493-510. On some coleopterous insects collected by Mr. W. BONNY in the Aruwimi Valley. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1890, 479-492. — List of the Carabidffi (ord. Coleoptera) obtained by Pere CARDON in Chota-Nagpore. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 35, 1891, cccxxiv-cccxxxix. New longicorn Coleoptera, chiefly from Mexico. Ent. Month. Mag., 27, 1891, 158-161. — Note on three Australian Carabidse. Ent. Month. Mag., 27, 1891, 285-287. • Coleoptera from Kulu in N. W. India. Entomologist, 24, 1891 (Suppl.), 7-23. — Additions to the carabideous fauna of Mexico, with remarks on some of the species previously recorded. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1891, 223-278. — Coleopteres du Bengale occidental. Seconde liste des Carabidse. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 230-233. Viaggio di Leonardo FEA in Birmauia e regioni vicine. XLIV. List of the Carabidse. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 32, 1892, 267-428. — Additions to the Longicoruia of Mexico and Central America, with remarks on some of the previously re- corded species. [With an introduction by Frederick Du Cane GODJIAN, F.R.S.] [Posth.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892, 143-183. See also under Jacoby, 31 art in. Bates, J. Elwyn. Descriptions of three new species of Geometrician Cauad. Ent., 18, 1886, 74-76. — Celiptera bifasciata, sp. nov. Canad. Ent., 18, 1886, 94-95. Bates, J[oseph] I. The geology of Swanage and neigh- bouring district. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1898, 14- 32. — The geology of Alum Bay, Isle of Wight. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1899, 46-47. - Cambrian rocks of Warwickshire. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1900, 13-20. Bates, (Rev.) J[ohn] M[allery]. Notes on a few shrubs of northern Nebraska. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 803-804. - Notes on the trees of northern Nebraska. Arner. Natlist., 28, 1894, 1034-1036. — A new Astragalus. Arner. Natlist., 29, 1895, 670-671. Bates, Onward. Pine stringers and floor-beams for bridges. [With discussion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 23, 1890, 261-276. Bates, Reginald] H[tnry]. Cleft palate. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 30, 1887, 1119-1126. Bates, jr. H. The use of the extract of the suprarenal capsule in diseases of the eye. Arch. Ophthalm., 28, 1899, 293-300; Arch. Augenheilk., 41, 1900, 316. — Secondary cataract. An experimental study. N. Y. Med. Jl., 72, 1900, 1-5. Bateson, (Miss) Anna. The effect of cross-fertilization on inconspicuous flowers. [1888.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 255-261. On the change of shape exhibited by turgesceut pith in water. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91, 117-125. Bateson, (3Iiss) Anna, & Bateson, William. See below. Bateson, (Miss) Anna, & Darwin, Francis. The effect of stimulation on turgescent vegetable tissues. [1887.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 24, 1888, 1-27. — On a method of studying geotropism. [1888.] Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 65-68. — On the change of shape in turgescent pith. Cam- bridge Phil. Soc. Proc., K, 1889, 358-359. Bateson, William. The early stages in the development of Balanoglossus (sp. incert.). Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 24, 1884, 208-236. — Note on the later stages in the development of Balano- glossus Kowalevskii (Agassi:), and on the affinities of Bateson] 342 [Bather the Enteropnensta. [1884.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 38, 1885, 23-30. — The later stages in the development of Balauoglossus Kowalevskii, with a suggestion as to the affinities of the Enteropueusta. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1885 (Sn/}]>l.), 81-122; 26, 1886, 511-533. — On the early stages in the development of Balano- glossus aurantiacus. [Is84.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. I'KII?., 5, 1886, 107. — On the types of excretory system found in the Ent- eropneusta. [1885.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 5, 1886, 225. — Suggestions with regard to the nervous system of the Chordata. [1885.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 5, 1886, 321. - The ancestry of the Chordata. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 26, 1886, 535-571. — On variations of Carilinm edule from the Aral Sea. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889, 181-182. — Suggestion that certain fossils known as bilobites may be regarded as casts of Balauoglossus. [1888.] Cam- bridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889~ 298. — On some variations of Cardium edule apparently correlated to the conditions of life. [1889.] Boy. Soc. Proc., 46, 1890, 204-211; Phil. Trans. (B), ISO, 1890, 297-330. — Notes on the senses and habits of some Crustacea. [1889.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889-90, 211-214. — The sense-organs and perceptions of fishes ; with remarks on the supply of bait. [1890.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. JL, 1, 1889-90, 225-256. — On some cases of abnormal repetition of parts in animals. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1890, 579-588. — On the perceptions and modes of feeding of fishes. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7, 1892, 42-43. — On some skulls of Egyptian mummied cats. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7, 1892, 68. — On the nature of supernumerary appendages in insects. [1891.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7, 1892, 159. — On variations in the colour of cocoons (Saturnia Carpini and Eriogaster lauestris), with reference to recent theories of protective coloration. [1891.] Cam- bridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7, 1892, 251. On variation in the colour of cocoons of Eriogaster lanestris and Saturnia Carpini. [1891.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892, 45-52. — On variation in the colour of cocoons, pvtpse, and larvte; further experiments. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892, 205-214. - The alleged " aggressive mimicry " of Volucelln?. [1892.] Nature, 46, 1892, 585-586; 47 (1892-93), 77-78. — On numerical variation in teeth, with a discussion of the conception of homology. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 102- 115. [On an abnormal foot of a calf.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1893, 530-531. — [On specimens of Clupea pilehardus, showing varia- tion in the number and size of the scales.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, 164. — On two cases of colour-variation in flat-fishes illus- trating principles of symmetry. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, 246-249; 1895, 890-891. — On numerical variation in digits, in illustration of a principle of symmetry. [1893.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc,., 8, 1895, 61. - The origin of the cultivated Cineraria. [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 005-607; 52 (1895), 29, 103-104. — On the colour-variations of a beetle of the family ChrysomelidiG, statistically examined. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 850-860. — [Webbed feet in Antwerp pigeons.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 989-990. — Notes on hybrid cinerarias produced by Mr. LYNCH and Miss PEBTZ. [1897.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 9, 1898, 308-309. — Hybridisation and cross-breeding as a method of scientific investigation. [18',I9.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 24 (1900). 59-66. — Problems of heredity as a subject for horticultural investigation. [1900.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 25 (1900-01), 54-61. — On a case of homoeosis in a crustacean of the genus Asellus antennule replaced by a mandible. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 268-271. Bateson, William, & Bateson, (.!//«.<) Anna. On variations in the floral symmetry of certain plants having irregular corollas. Linn. Soc. Jl. (Hot.), 28, 1891, 386-424. Bateson, William, & Brindley, II[arn/tl] H[ulme]. On some cases of variation in secondary sexual characters, statistically examined. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 585-5'J4. Bateson, William. & Pertz, (Miss) Dorothea F. 31. Note on the inheritance of variation in the corolla of Veronica Buxbaumii. [1899.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 10, 1900, 78-92. See also Pertz & Bateson. Batey, /. Notes on the habits of native birds. [1885-86.] Victorian Natlist., 2, 1886, 90-92, 104, 128 (tis)-130 (bis), 154-160; 3, 1887, 11-12, 36. Bath, II". Harcourt-. See Harcourt-Bath. Bather, Francis A[rthur~\. Note on some recent openings in the Liassic and Oolitic rocks of Fawler in Oxfordshire, and on the arrangement of those rocks near Charlbury. [1885.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 42, 1886, 143-145. — The growth of cephalopod shells. Geol. Mag., 4, 1887, 446-449. Shell-growth in Cephalopoda (Siphonopoda). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 298-310. Professor BLAKE and shell-growth in Cephalopoda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 421-427. Trigonocrinus, a new genus of Crinoidea from the "Weisser Jura" of Bavaria; with the description of a new species, T. liratus. Appendix. Sudden deviations from normal symmetry in Neocrinoidea. [1888.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889, 149-171. Note on Marsupites testudinarius, v. Schlotheim, sp. [1888.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889, 172-174. Pentacrini in peculiar beds of Great Oolite age near Basle. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 49-52. — Scientific bibliography. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 189-190. The basals of Eugeniacrinidoe. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889, 359-362. — British fossil crinoids. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1890, 306-334, 373-388, 485-486; 6, 1890. 222-235; 7, 1891, 35-40, 389-413 ; 9, 1892, 189-194, 194-202, 202- 226. — " Goldfussia, " "Comaster," and " Comatulidsa." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 464. Some alleged cases of misrepresentation. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 480-489. — Crinoidal stems in Ordovician of Sweden. Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 141. — Visit to the botanical department of the British Museum (Natural History). Demonstration on fossil vascular cryptogams, by W. CARBUTHERS. [1891.] Geol. Ass. Proc., '12, 1892, 88-90. Classification of the Cephalopoda. Amer. Geologist, 10, 1892, 396-397. — Suggested terms in crinoid morphology. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 51-66. — The Crinoidea of Gotland. Part i. The Crinoidea Inailunata. [1893.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 25, 1893-94, No. 2, 20H pp. — Brachiocriuus and Herpetocrinus. Amer. Geologist, 16, 1895. 213-217. — The habits of the young Sepia. Jl. Malacol., 4, 1895. 33-34. Bather! 343 [Battandier — The colours of mother-o'-pearl. [1805.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 6-7, 174. On Uintacrinus : a morphological study. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 974-1001. — Zones of the Carboniferous. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 46. Merocrinus Salopian, n. sp., and another crinoid from the middle Ordovician of west Shropshire. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 71-75. — The search for Uintaerinus in England and West- phalia. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 443-445. — The inheritance of specific characters. [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 29. — The term " syzygy " in the description of crinoids. Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 57-61, 198. — Apiocriuus recubariensis, Crema, from the Muschel- kalk, is a primitive Millericrinus. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 116-123. Hapalocriuus Victoria, n. sp., Silurian, Melbourne, and its relation to the Platycrinidoe. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 337-345. — Scolocystis,Echinocystis,andLysocystis: Discocystis, Echinodiscus, and AgelacrinidiE. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 381-382. — A phylogenetic classification of the Pelmatozoa. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1898, 916-923. — Studies in Edrioasteroidea. I. Dinocystis Barroisi, n. g. c( n. sp., Psammites du Condroz. [ir. Edrioaster huchiauus, Forbes, sp.] Geol. Mag., 5, 1898, 543-548; 7, 1900, 193-203. — Petalocrinus, Welter & Davidson. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, 401-441. — The horizon of Dinocystis Barroisi. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 134-136. Pores in the ventral sac of fistulate crinoids. Arner. Geologist, 26, 1900, 307-312. — Wind-worn pebbles in the British Isles. Geol. Ass. Proc., 16, 1900, 396-420. Bather, Francis A[rthur], & Buckman, S[ydiu'y~\ S[avory]. See Buckman A Bather. Bather, Francis Arthur], & Gregory, J[ohn] Walter. Visit to the British Museum (Natural History). Demonstration on the fossil Echinodermata. [1890.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 11. 1891, cxxxvii-cxxxix. Bathgate, A[lexa,nder], Notes on acclimatisation in New Zealand. [1897.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 30, 1898, 266-279. Bathrick, H. A. Precipitation of salts. Jl. Phys. Chem., 1, 1896-97, 157-169. Bathurst, F[red]. Electric wiring practice. Sci. Abs., 1, 1898, 508-511. Batigne, P[aul], & Fere, Ch[arlts]. See Fere & Batigne. Batigne, IJ[uiil], Fere, Cli[arlets], & Ouvry, P[ind]. See Fere, Batigne & Ouvry. Batka, [Joltann Uapt.]. To reference in No. 4 (Vol. 7) add Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872, 145-146. Batlle, , ifc Villies, . Sec Villies & Batlle. Batlle, FAienne, & Chavigny, P[aul]. Etude de quelques paquets de pansement individuels rapportes de 1'expecli- tion de Madagascar. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 35, 1896, 133- 138. Bateon, Alfred. [The earthquake in Spain.] Natnrc, 31, 1885, 200. Battaglini, Giuseppe. For biography and list of works see Giorn. Mat., 32, 1894, 205-208; Napoli, Rend., 33, 1894, 49-54; Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 8, 1894, 180- 186; Riv. Mat., 4, 1894, 91-96; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 1, 1894, 558-610, 665 ; Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 29, 1894, 678-679; Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1893-94, 1419-1420. — Sulle forme binarie bilineari. [1885.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 691-699; Napoli, Ace. Atti, 2, 1888, No. 6, 14 pp. — Intorno ad un' applicazione della teoria delle forme binarie quadratiche all' integrazione dell' equazione differenziale ellittica. [1885.] Giorn. Mat., 24, 1886, 128-140; Napoli, Ace. Atti, 2, 1888, No. 4, 11 pp. — Sui punti sestatici di una curva qualunque. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sent. 2), 238-246. Geometria analitica cartesiana. Gioru. Mat., 29, 1891, 3-33, 93-132, 195-233, 298-355. — Intorno ad una serie di linee di 2" grado. Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 287-299. Battandier, Albert. Les nuages lumineux de nuit. Astronomic, 1894, 61-64. Battandier, J[ules] A[ime]. Notes sur quelques plantes de la flore d'Alger[ie] rares, nouvelles ou peu connues. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 360-366; 32, 1885, 336-343; 33, 1886, 350-356; 34, 1887, 385-391; 35,1888, 385-395; 36,1889, ccxviii-ccxxv, (Rev.), 189. — Notes sur quelques plantes d Algerie a propos du livre de M. A. DE CAXDOLLE sur 1'origine des plantes cultivees. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 378-381. — Sur deux Amaryllide'es nouvelles pour la flore de 1'Algerie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 143-145. Sur quelques Orchiddes d'Alge'rie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 297-299. — Sur trois plantes de la flore atlautique. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 476-47!!. — Notes critiques sur quelques espeees mediterraneennes. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 567-572. — Quelques mots sur les causes de la localisation des espeees d'une region. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, 189-195. - Notes sur quelques plantes rares ou critiques. Ass. Fran.,-. C. R., 1888 (Pt. 2), 298-302. — Note sur quelques genres de la famille des Synan- therees. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 486-490. — Experience sur la valeur du sens de l'enroulemeut des gousses eomme caractere specifique dans le genre Medicago. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 520-522. — Note sur un nouveau Lactuca d' Algerie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, 402-404. — Observations sur quelques Silene d'Alge'rie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 217-219. — Absence de la santonine dans les capitules de 1' Artemisia herba-alba d'Algerie. Jl. Pharm. , 23, 1891, 380-381. - Note sur quelques plantes d'Algerie, distributes autrefois par BonROEAU, KKALIK et COSSON, conservees dans Pherbier de M. P. MAKES. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 47-50. — Lettre [sur quelques espeees critiques d'Algerie]. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 166-168. — Note sur quelques plautes recoltees pendant la session a Biskra. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 336-339. — Note sur la glaucine. Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 350-351. — Presence de la fumariue dans une Papav<5racee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1122-1123; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 128-129. — Description d'une nouvelle espece algerienne de Zolli- koferia. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, 190-192. — Excursion botanique dans la region de 1'Ouarsenis. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, 259-264, (Rev.), 202. — Considerations sur les plantes refugiees, rares ou en voie d'extinction de la flore algerieune. Ass. Franc. C. R,, 1894 (Pt. 2), 552-558. — Notesd'herborisation. [Sur quelques plantes d'Algerie.] France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, 512-517. — Note sur quelques plantes recoltees en Algerie et probablement alventices. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 42, 1895, 289-296. — Reactions de la chelidonine avec les phenols en solution sulfurique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 270-271. — Sur 1'histoire des alcalo'ides des Fumariacees et Papaveracees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 1276- 1277. Battandier] 344 [Battelli — Contribution a 1'ctude des caracteres taxonomiques tires de la chimie vegetale. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 440-145. — Crucifere nouvelle pour 1'Algerie et remarques sur la classification des Cruciferes siliculeuses. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 256-259. — Notes sur quelques plantes d'Algerie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 477-483; 45, 1898, 235-240. — Contribution a la flore atlantique. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 44, 1897, 321-325. - Revision des Paronyques algeriennes a grandes bractees argentees. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 46, 1899, 265-272. — Notes sur quelques plantes de la flore atlantique. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 46, 1899, 281-289. — Requitals botaniques de la mission Flamand du 20 novembre 1899 au 20 mars 1900; observations et recoltes de M. JOLY. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 47, 1900, 241-253. Battandier, -T[nlfs] A[imf], & Malosse, Theodore]. Sur un nouvel alcaloide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 360-362; Jl. Pharm., 6, 1897, 241-242. — Sur la retamine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 450-451; Jl. Pharm., 6. 1897, 387-389. Battandier, ./[fifes] A[ime], & Trabut, L[o?/i*]. Excur- sion botanique dans le sud de la province d'Oran. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888, 338-348. — Description du Pancratium Sahara?, Cosson (inedit). Rev. Gen. Bot., 2, 1890, 5-6. — Extraits d'un rapport sur quelques voyages botaniques en Algerie entrepris sous les auspices du Ministre de 1'Instruction Publique, pendant les annees 1890-91. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 2115-324; 39, 1892, 70-77. — Note sur un Podanthum nouveau de la flore d'Algerie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, Ix-lxi. — Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre "Urginea," Hteinheil. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 2), 505-506. Battelli, Angela. Sui sistemi catottrici centrati. [1884.] Torino Ae'c. Sci. Atti, 19, 1883, 387-409. — Sulla propagazione della luce in un sistema eatadiot- trico. [1884.] Venezia, 1st. Atti. 1883-84, 10R1-1095. — Conseguenze di una nuova ipotesi di KOHLRAUSCH sui fenomeni termoelettrici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 117-120. — Sui fenomeni termici che accompagnano la fnrmazione del miscugli di sostanze non metalliche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 646-651. — Sulle proprieta termoelettriche delle leghc. Studio sperimentale. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 36, 1885, 487-513. — Influenza della pressione sulla temperatura di fusione di alcune sostanze. Studio sperimentale. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, 1781-1813. — Intorno all' influenza della magnetizzazione sopra la condueibilita termica del ferro. [1886.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 21, 1885, 799-820. — Sull' effetto Thomson. Studio sperimentale. [1886.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 22, 1886-87, 48-69. — Sulla resistenza elettrica delle amalgame. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 2015-220. — Sui fenomeno Thomson nel piombo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (.SVm. 1), 212-218. — Sull' annullarsi del fenomeno Peltier al punto neutral' di alcune leghe. Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sent. 1), 404-407. — Sulla termoelettrici ta del mercurio. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (.SVm. 2), 6-10. — Sulla termoelettricita delle amalgame. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sem. 2), 37-44. — II fenomeno Thomson nel nickel. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sem. 2), 105-108. — Sui fenomeno Thomson. [1887.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 22, 1886-87, 539-556. — Sulle proprieta termoelettriche delle leghe. Studio sperimentiile. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 1137- 1155. — Sulle correnti telluriche. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (.SVm. 2), 25-29 ; Nuovo Cimento, 24, 1888, 45-50. — Sulle variazioni della resistenza elettrica e del potere termoelettrico del nickel al variare della temperatura. Ricerche sperimentali. [1888.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 23, 1887-88, 231-245. Sui fenomeno Peltier a diverse temperature e sulle sue relazioni col fenomeno Thomson. [1889.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 632-675; Nuovo Cimento, 27, 1890, 111-136. — Le meteore ottiche piu comuni. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 114-115. — Misure assolute dell' inclinazioue magnetica nella Svizzera. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 771-777. Sulle correnti telluriche. Room, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 9 (Pt. 4), 1889, 1-95. Sulle proprieta termiche dri vapori. [18-i9-96.] Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 40. 1890, 21-130 ; 41, 1891. 25- 76; 42, 1892, 119-17*; 43, 1893, 63-98; 44, 1894. 57-88; 45, 1896, 235-261 ; Nuovo Cimento. 30, 1891, 235-274 ; 31, 1892, 156-167; 32. 1892, 38-50; 34, 1893, 97-114, 186-203; 2, 1895, 97-115. Sulle eorrenti telluriche. Nuovo Cimento, 27, 1890. 233-244; 28, 1890, 97-111. Misure assolute degli element! del magnetismo terrestre, eseguite nella Svizzera nel 1889. Notn pre- liminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 513-519. Sull' evaporazioue dell' acqua e del terreno mnido. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 9 (Pt. 1), 1890, 99- 129 ; Nnovo Cimento, 28, 1890, 247-256. Sui crepuscolo. Nuovo Cimento, 29, 1891, 97-131 ; 30, 1891, 283. — Sull' influenza della forza elettromotrice degli elettrodi nello studio delle correnti telluriche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 1), 403-410. — Sur les variations seculaires des elements du magne- tisme terrestre en Suisse. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 202-235. Risultati delle misure per la costruzione della carta magnetica della Svizzera. Nuovo Cimento, 32, 1892, 250-257. Misure assolute degli element! del magnetismo terrestre nella Svizzera eseguite nel 1888 e nel 1889. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 11 (Pt. 3), 1892, 29- 167. Misure per la costruzione della carta magnetica della Svizzera. [1892.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1891-92, 455-525, 973-1029, 1479-1519. Sullo stato della materia nel punto critico. [1893.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1891-92, 1615-1645 ; 1892-93, 685-693 ; Ann. Chim., 29, 1893, 400-432. Sulle isobare dei vapori. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (.SVm. 1), 171-179; Nuovo Cimento, 34, 1893. 5-13. Siil comportamento termoelettrico dei metalli mag- netizzati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 163-168. Carta magnetica della Svizzera. Roma, US. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 14 (Pt. 1), 1893, 83-88. — Influenza del rnaguetismo e delle azioni meccaniche sui fenomeni termoelettrici. [1893.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892-93. 1452-1465, 1581-1589, 1637-164H, 1676-1688, 1746-1764. On the thermal behaviour of liquids. Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 245-2 I*. • Sui luogo di emanazione dei raggi Ri'mtgen nei tubi a vuoto. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1896, 129-141. Battelli] 345 [Battermann — Eioerche sulle azioni fotografiche nell' iuterno dei tubi di soarica. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1896, 193-202 ; Phil. Ma«., 43, 1897, 133-135. — Bapporti fra le azioni fotografiche all' interne e all' esterno dei tubi a vuoto. Nuovo Cirnento, 5, 1897, 169-182. — Bapporti fra i raggi catoclici e i raggi del BHNTOEN. Nuovo Cimento, 5, 1897, 386-396; Phil. Mag., 45, 1898 163-172. Effluvi elettrici unipolar! uei gas rarefatti. Nuovo Cimento, 7, 1898, 81-104. — Metodi e conquiste della fisiea. Biv. Sci. [Ind.], 30, 1898, 1-1!). — Sulle scariche elettriche. Biv. Sci. -Ind., 32, 1900, 210. — La legge di BOYLE a pressioni molto basse. Biv. Sci.- Ind., 32, 1900, 210-211. Battelli, Angela, & Garbasso, Antonio [Giorgio], Sopra i raggi del RUNTSEN. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1896, 40- 61. — Sopra un niodo per ridurre il tempo di posa delle fotogralie eseguite coi raggi di BONTGEN. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1896, 167-168. — Raggi catodici e raggi X. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1896, 289-299. — Sulla dispersione delle cariche elettrostatiche, produtta da! raggi ultravioletti. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1896, 321- 324. — Azione dei raggi catodici sopra i conduttori isolati. Nuovo Cimento, 4, 1896, 129-133; G, 1897, 5-8. — Sur quelques fails se rappoitant aux rayons de RiiNTitEN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 603. Battelli, Angela, & Blagri, Lnigi. Sui raggi anodic! e Mii raggi catodici. [1899.] Nuovo Cimento, 10, 1899, 264-268; Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 18-20. Battelli, Ani/elo, & Martinett-, Mattia. Sui calori specific! e di fusione di sostanze non metalliche. Boma, R. Ace. Liucei Bend., 1, 1885, 621-627. — Intorno alia fusione dei niiscugli binari di sostanze non metalliche. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1885, 1058- 1076. — Sulla variazione di volume che si avvera nell' atto della mescolanza di sostanze organiche. Borna, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 2, 1886 (Sent. 2), 247-251. Battelli, Angelo, & Naccari, Andrea, See Pfaccari & Battelli. Battelli, Angela, & Pagliani, Sttfano. Sec Fagliani & Battelli. Battelli, Angela, & Palazzo, Luigi. Sulle variazioni di volume di alcuni corpi per effetto della fusione. Studio sperimentale. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Mem., 1, 1885, ' 283-300. See iilsn Palazzo it Battelli. Battelli, A ngelii, & Pandolfi, M[ario], Sull' illuminazione dei liquidi. Nuovo Cimento, 9, 1899, 321-326. Battelli, Angelo, & Stefanini, Annibale. Bicerehe crio- scopiche ed ebullioscopiche. Nuovo Cimento, 9, 1899, 5-66. — Sulla velocita dei raggi catodici e sulla eonduttivita elettrolittica dei gas. [1899.] Nuovo Cimento, 10, 1899, 324-337 ; Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 51-52. — Esposizione critica della teoria della dissociazione elettrica. [1899.] Milano, Atti Cagnola, 17, 1900, 351 pp. Battelli, Frederic. Sur le passage et 1'action des rayons de RijNTGEN dans 1'ceil. Sur la transparence des tissus de 1'organisme par rapport aux rayons de BONTGEN. Arch. Ital. Biol., 25, 1896, 202-211. — Action de diverses substances sur les rnouvements de 1'estomae, et innervation de cet organe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 15118-1570. — Sur la limite iuferieure des sons perceptibles. [1896.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 27, 1897, 202-209. R. 8. A. C. — Le nerf spinal et le nerf moteur de 1'estomac. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 5, 1898, 382-383. — Contribution a I'e'tude des effets des courants a haute frequence sur les organismes vivants. [1898-99.] Arch. Sci.,Phys. Nat., 7, 1899, 83-84, 542-556. — Etude sur les electrodes de D'ARSONVAL et de DU Bois- BETMOND. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 7, 1899, 309-325. — L'influeuce des courants a haute frequence et a haute tension sur I'e'change materiel. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 591-592. — Ueber die Durchsichtigkeit der Gewebe des Organis- riius, insbesoudere der Augenmedia fiir Bontgen'sche X-Strahlen. Untersuch. Nat., Hi, 1899, 384-394. Duree de la survie du co3ur chez le chien. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 9, 1900, 294-295. — [Un uouveau precede pour restaurer les fonctions du cceur chez le chien.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 9, 1900, 489-491. — Nutrition des centres nerveux. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 10, 1900, 601-602. — Les tremulations ribrillaires du coeur chez differentes especes animales. Jl. Physiol. Path. G<5n., 2, 1900, 422-436. — Influence des differents coniposants du sang sur la nutrition des centres nerveux. 1. Action de 1'eau, des sels inorganiques et du glucose. Jl. Physiol. Path. G6n., 2, 1900, il93-1008. — Bestauration des fonctions du cceur et du systeme nerveux central apres 1'anemie complete. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 800-803; Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 2, 1900, 443-456. Battelli, Frederic, & Prevost, J[enn] L[ouis]. Cause et mecanisrne de la mort par les dechnrges electriques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 587-588. See aho Prevost & Battelli. Batten, Frederick E[ustace]. The muscle-spindle under pathological conditions. Brain, 20, 1897, 138-179. — Hereditary form of progressive muscular atrophy with spinal lesion in young children. Brain, 20, 1897, 536-542. — The effect of MAECHI'S fluid on nervous tissue that has undergone post-mortem change. [1897.] Jl. Path. Bact., 5, 1898, 348-351. — Experimental observations on the early degenerative changes in the sensory end organs of muscles. Boy. Soc. Proc., 63, 1898, 61-62; Brain, 21, 1898, 388-404. — Two cases of arrested development of the nervous system in children. Brain, 23, 1900, 269-276. Batten, Frederick E[ustace], & Barlow, Thomas. See. Barlow A Batten. Batten, Frederick E[ii8tace], & Collier, James S [tansfield]. Spinal cord changes in cases of cerebral tumour. Brain, 22, 1899, 473-533. Batten, Frederick E[ustace], & Prickett, Marmadnke. See Prickett * Batten. Batten, Frederick E[ustacc], Russell, J [antes'] S[amucl] Rinien, & Collier, James S[tanxjii!ld]. See Russell, Batten & Collier. Batten, J[alm] H[allet]. For biographical notice see Devon. Ass. Trans., 18, 1886, 57-58. Batten, Rayner D[erry], A clinical pulse manometer. Practitioner, 49, 1892, 95-99. Batten. See also Chisnolm-Batten. Batterham, J[ohn] W~[iUia/n}. Notes on a case of amnesia. Brain, 10, 1888, 488-493. — Case of haemorrhage into the medulla oblongata. Becovery. [1888.] Brain, 11, 1889, 123-125. Battermann, H[iins"\. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1885. ..(Brooks).] Am Sechsfiisser der Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 325-326. — Positionen einiger Vergleii/hsterne fiir den Mond aus Beobachtungen am kleiuen Meridiankreise der Berliner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 357-358. 44 Battermann] 346 [Batters — Verfinsterungen der Jupiterstrabanten beobachtet auf der Sternwarte iu Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 405- 408. — Heliometrischer Anschluss des Saturn an PL und ij Gemiuorum wiihrend der Conjunctionen im Januar uud Marz 1886. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 225-230. — Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatze des Herrn 0. JESSE "Die auffallenden Abenderscheinungen am Himmel im Juni und Juli 1885." Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 179- 180. — Beobaehtungen am Passageninstrument der Ham- burger Sternwarte 1882-83. Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 65-74. — Beobaehtungen des Cometen 1887 IV (Barnard Mai 12) angestellt am 0 Fiisser der Sternwarte in Berlin (Ring- rnikr., Vergr. 49). Astr. Naehr., 117, 1887, 385-386. — Einige Berichtigungen aus dem Gebiete der Aberration und Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit des Lichts. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 869-372. Erwiderung auf das Schreiben von Herrn Director FOLIE in A.N. 2844 betreflend die Aberrationsconstante. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 297-300. — Untersuchungen fiber die Gestalt der Bilder und die Theorie der Messuugen ausserhalb der optischen Axe von astronomischen Instrumenten. Mit specieller Beriiek- sichtigung des Heliometers mit ebener Fiihrung. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 337-416. — Erwiderung auf die Bernerkungen von Herrn Dr. SCHEINER in A.N. 2884 betr. die Ausmessung photo- graphischer Flatten. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 217-222. — Triangulation zwischen den 8 hellsten Sternen der Plejadengruppe. Ausgefiihrt am Heliometer der Konigl. Sternwarte zu Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 353-392. — Beobaehtungen von Vergleichsternen am kleinen Meridiankreise der Berliner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 129-146. — [Beobaehtungen des Mercurdurchgangs 1891 Mai 9.] Auf der Koniglichen Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr. , 127, 1891, 341-342. — Beitrage zur Bestimmung der Mondbewegung und der Sonnenparallaxe aus Beohachtuugen von Stern- bedeckungen am sechsfiissigen Merz'schen Fernrohr der Berliner Sternwarte. Berlin Sternw. Beob. -Ergebn., 5, 1891, 42 pp. — Beobaehtungen von zwei Erdbeben auf der Steruwarte zu Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 239-242. — Beobaehtungen des Cometen 1893 II am Refractor (244 mm. Oeffnung) der Konigl. Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 139-140. — Beobachtung der Plejadenbedeckuug 1895 Juli 17 auf der Kgl. Sternwarte iu Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 297-298. — Beobaehtungen der Sonnenfinsteruiss 1896 Aug. 8. Auf der Kgl. Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 253-2". I. — Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung "Ueber die systemati- schen Fehler der Distanzmessungen mit neueren Helio- meteru," Astr. Nachr. 3397-98. Astr. Naehr., 142, 1897, 373-376. — Ueber die Beuutzung der Projectionsfactoren bei Untersuchung der systematischen Fehler heliometrischer Distanzmessungen. Astr. Nachr., 143. 1897, 3">3-356. — Ueber Vermeiduug von Zeichenfehlern bei Voraus- berechnung von Finsternissen und Sterubedeckuugen. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 355-358. - Tafeln zur Berechnung der Mondparallaxe fur Voraus- berechnung von Sternbedeckungen. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 1-14. — Beobachtungen von Plejadenbedeckungen auf dcr Konigl. Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 59-62. — Systematische Beobachtungen von Sternbedeckungen am Merz'schen Refractor der Kgl. Akademie der Wissen- schaften auf der Kgl. Sternwarte zu Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 1-28. - Individuelle Correctionen von 388 Fundamental- sternen des Berliner Jahrbuchs. Nach Beobachtungen am grossen Berliner Meridiankreise 1892-96. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 177-198. — Bernerkungen zu dem Aufsatze von Herrn NYRKX in A.N. 3480. [Ueber die Ertel'sehe Theilung des Pulkowaer Verticalkreises, etc.] Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 119-122. Mittlere Oerter fur 1895.0 und Eigenbewegungen von 206 Polhohensternen fiir Potsdam, Prag, Berlin. Nach Bestimmungen am grossen Berliner Meridiankreise 1893-95. Astr. Nachr. , 147, 1898, 33^6. Resultate der Bestimmungen von 33 Scalenpaaren. Ausgefiihrt am grossen Berliner Meridiankreise 1892-94. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 145-150. - Mittlere Oerter fiir 1895.0 von 136 Sternen der beiden Rvimker'scheu Cataloge. Nach Beobachtungen am grossen Berliner Meridiankreise 1895-97. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 193-200. — Ableitung der Aberrationsconstante, der mittleren Polhohe, und einer von der Reetascension abhangigen Periode in deu Declinationen des Fundamental-Catalogs der A.G. aus deu 1891-92 auf der Konigl. Sternwarte zu Berlin ausgefuhrten Polbohenbestimrnungen. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 257-270. Resultate aus Beobachtungen von 379 Anhaltsternen und 1640 dureh Anschluss bestimmten Sternen angestellt in den Jahren 1892-97 am grossen Berliner Meridian- kreise. Berlin Sternw. Beob. Ergebn., 8, 1899, 156 pp. — Resultate aus den Polhohenbestimmungen in Berlin ausgeftthrt in den Jahren 1891 und 1892 am Universal- Transit der Konigl. Sternwarte. Int. Erdm. Centralbur. [Veroff., 1], 1899, 45 pp. Battermann, H[anx], & Kustncr, [Karl] Friedrich. Sec Kustner ,v Battermann. Batters, Edward A[rthur] L[ionel]. Notes on the marine Alga? of Berwick-ou-Tweed. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [10], 1885, 535-538. A description of three new marine Algae. Linn. Soc. Jl. (Dot.), 24, 1888, 450-453. A list of the marine Algse of Berwick-on-Tweed. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [12], 1890, 221-392. Hand-list of the Algae [of the Clyde sea-area]. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 212-214, 229-236, 273-283. — On Schmitziella, a new genus of endophytic Algoe, belonging to the order Corallinacese. Ann. Bot., 6, 1892, 185-194. Gonimophyllum Buffhami t a new marine Alga. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 65-67. — Microchfete Eeruginea, n. sp. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 86. — Additional notes on the marine Algaj of the Clyde sea- area. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 170-177. New or critical British Algse. [1892-94.] Grevillea, 21, [1893], 13-23, 49-53, 97-100; 22, [1894], 20-24, 50- 52, 114-117. — On the necessity for removing Ectocarpus secundus, Kiitz., to a new genus. Grevillea, 21, [1893], 85-86. A provisional list of the marine Alga? of Essex, and the adjacent coast. Essex Natlist.. 8. 1894, 1-25. Now British marine Algse. Grevillea, 22, [18941, 90-92. - Some new British Algae. Ann. Bot., 9, 1895, 168-1 M. • On some new British marine Algie. Ann. Bot., 9, 1895, 307-321. — Some new British marine Alga?. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 274-276; 34, 1896, 6-11, 384-390. On Acrosiphonia Traillii, a new British Alga. Edinli. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc., 20, 1896, 213-214. New or critical British marine Alga;. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 433-440; 38, 1900, 369-379. Batters, F.Jirurd A[rthur] I.[ionel], & Holmes, Kdienrd Morell. .S'*v Holmes it Batters. Battersby] 347 [Baubigny B.ittersby, J. Crocodile's egg with solid sliell. Nature, 48 (1893), 248. Battesti, Fi'li.r. Le pain qui ne nourrit pas. [1891.] Nat. Canad., '20, 1890, 145-149. Battisti, A., & Siclier, Enrico. See Sichor * Battisti. Battisti, Gesture. Gli stiuli liinnologici italiani nel 1898. Nuta liililiografica. Riv. Geogr. Ital., 6, 1899, 32-43. Battistini, Attilio. Einfluss des Santonins auf die Gallen- Ausscheidung. [1885.] Untersucb. Nat., 13, 1888, 414- 431. Battistini, Attilio, & Ittoleschott, Jac[ol> Albert Willi- lironl]. See IWoleschott & Battistini. Battistini, Ferdinando, & Scofone, Lorenzo. Eicerche sperimentali sulla tossicita del sangue di animali pro- fondaraente anemici. (Coutribnto alia patologia delle gravi anernie. ) [1897.] Torino Ace. Soi. Atti, 32, 1896, 389-435 or 593-639. — Kicerche sperimentali sugli effetti della trasfusione nella anemia da emolisi. [1897.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 035-661 or 897-923. Battle, Herbert] B. Report on potash. U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 31, 1891, 144-148. — On the loss of moisture in bottled fertilizer samples when closed with cork. U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 31, 1891, 159. — The effect of finer grinding in the preparation of fertilizer samples. [H"i(/i discussion.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 31, 1891, 160-164. Battle, John D. An investigation of the coast waters of South Carolina with reference to oyster-culture. U. S. Fish Cornm. Bull., 10, 1892, 303-330. Battle, William Henry. Epiphysitis (so-called) in infants. London Path. Soe. Trans., 42, 1891, 258-263. A case of removal of a large recurring tumour of the frontal region of a carcinomatous character, and of the underlying portion of the skull, din. Soc. Trans., 32, 1899, 127-132. Battley, A. V. Notes on Apamea ophiogramma. Ent. Record, 2, 1891, 191-192. Battocchi, G. B. Delle modificazioni alia pila Leclanche'. Bull. Vulc. Ital., 17, 1890, 89-90. Battut, L. Ueber die Bestimmung des Zuckers und der Glukose ruittelst Kupferlosung. [IV.] Ztschr. Ver. Rubenzuckeriud., 34, 1884, 361-366. — Die Wirkung der Sa'uren auf den Rohrzucker. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 34, 1884, 553-558. — Die scliwefelige Siiure in der Zuckert'abrikatiou. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuckerind., 34, 1884, 1161-1175 ; Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohrn., 9, 1884-85, 142-159. — Der Stickstoff im Press- und Diffusionssaft. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 35, 1885, 46-48. • Die chemische Ueberwachung der Diffusionsarbeit. [ZV.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 36, 1886, 374-383. — Ueber die Bestimmung des krystallisirbaren Zuckers in der Riibe und in den rohenRubeusafteu. [Tr.] [1887.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 11, 1886-87, 518-531. — Die Anwendung der Elektricitat zur Reinigung der Zuckerfabriksproducte. [ZV.] Ztschr. Ver. Riiben- zuckerind., 46, 1896 (T/i. 2), 623-653, 719-744, 817- 853. Battye. See Trevor-Battye. Batujev, N[ikolaj Aleksandrovic]. Eine seltene Arterien- anomalie (Ursprung der A. basilaris aus der A. carotis interim). Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 282-285. — CARABELLI'S Hockerchen und andere unbestaudige Hooker der oberen Mahlzahne bei dern Menschen und den Affen. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 5, 1896, 93-109. Baturoni, Genimmo. A September norther on the Mexican coast. U. S. Monthly Weatb. Rev., 20 (1892), 252. — Observaciones rneteorologicas. Resiimen general de las practicadas en Veracruz durante el aiio de 1894. Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 9, 1895, 30. Batut, L[ouis]. Des complications du cote1 de 1'oreille dans le cours de la scarlatiue. De 1'otorrhee et de la rne'ningite ce're'bro-spinale conside'rees comme formes frustes de la scarlatine. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 8, 1886, 266-282, 359-372. — De la tuberculose verruqueuse non ulcereuse (lupus scle'reux et non verruqueux). Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 1083-1092. Baty, T. E. Eggs of Lepidoptera. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 177-178. Batz, E. de. Note sur la vitalite' de certains microbes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900, (G. R.), 815-816. Batz, E. de, Sabrazes, Jean [Emile], & Brengues, [Paulin]. See Sabrazes, Batz A Brengues. Batz, Rene de. The auriferous deposits of Siberia. [1898.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 2s, 1899, 452-467. Batzaroff, . La pneumonic pesteuse experimentale. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 13 (1899), 385-405. Bau, Alexander. Ornithologisckes aus Vorarlberg. Ornith. Jbuch., 11, 1900, 121-131. Bau, Arminius. Die Bestimmuug von Maltose, Dextrose und Dextrin in Bierwiirze und Bier mittelst Reinkulturen von Gahrungs-Organismen. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 825-826. — Composition des mouts de biere au point de vue des hydrates de carbone. [ZV.] Moniteur Sci., 5, 1891, 1096-1098. — Ueber die Bestimmung der verga'hrbaren Substanz in Bierwiirzen. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 1473-1474, 1520. — Ueber die Verwendung der Hefe zur quantitativen Bestimmung gahrfahiger Substanzen. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 392-393. — Ueber die Bestimmuug der Isomaltose. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 499. Ueber Melitriose und dereu quantitative Bestimmung. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 1794-1799. Ueber ein neues Enzym der Hefe. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 1873-1874. - Ueber Melibiose. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 185-188. • Neue bakteriologische Doppelschalen. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 645-646. Ueber krystallisirte Melibiose. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind., 49, 1899 (Th. 2), 850-862. Baubigny, H[enry]. Sur la preparation du sulfate de sesquioxyde de chrome pur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 100-103. — Determination de 1'e'quivalent du chrome a 1'aide de son sulfate de sesquioxyde. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 146-148. Sur 1'oxydation et le dosage du sesquioxyde de chrome. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 291-301. Sur la transformation des amides en amines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 149-151. Sur la reproduction de 1'alabandine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1372-1873. Sur la liqueur de SCHWEITZER et 1'eau celeste. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1616-1618. — Action de 1'hydrogene sulfur^ sur les sels de cobalt. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 751-754, 806-809. — Sur 1'emploi de 1'hydrogene sulfure pour purifier les sels de cobalt et de nickel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 132-135. • Sur la separation du cobalt et du nickel par la methode des nitrites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 685-686; Ann. Chirn., 17, 1889, 103-113. — Action de 1'hydrogene sulfur^ sur le sulfate de zinc en solution neutre ou acide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 1148-1150. — Separation du zinc et du nickel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 108, 1889, 236-238. Sur la separation du zinc et du cobalt. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 450-453. 44—2 Baubigny] 348 [Baudi di Vesme — Sur le dosage clu thallium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 544-547. — Le vermilion d'antimoine n'est pas un oxysulfurr. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 119, 1894, 687-690. — Sur la kerniesite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 737-740. — Sur les earacteres analytiques d'un melange de sels de baryum, strontium et calcium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 326-330. — Sur le dosage tie 1'antimoine a IV'tat de peroxvde. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1897, 4C.I9-502. — Action des hautes temperatures sur le peroxyde d'antimoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 560-562. — Emploi de la fluoreseeine pour la recherche de traces de brome dans.uu melange salin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 125, 1897, 654-657. — Eecherches sur la separation et le dosage des elements halogenes dans leurs cornbinaisons avec 1'argent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 1219-1221. — Metkode generale de separation du chlore, du brome et de 1'iode melanges a 1'etat de sels d'argent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 51-54. — Becherches sur la separation de traces de brome existant dans les chlorures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 1160-1163. — Separation et dosage de traces de brome en presence d'un tres grand exees de chlorure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 1236-1239. — Separation et dosage de traces de chlore en presence d'uu tres grand exces de bromure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 1326-1329, 1420. Baubigny, H[enry'\, & rech.ird, E. Sur Fefflorescence du sulfate de cuivre et de quelqnes autres sulfates metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 171-174; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 321. — Sur la dissociation de 1'alun de chrome. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892. 604-605. — Memoire sur 1'efflorescence de certains sulfates. Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 415-432. Baubigny, lJ[enri/], & Rivals, Paul. Sur la separation du chlore et du brome. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 859-862. — Etude de Faction du permanganate de potassium sur le brornure cuivrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897. 954-956. — Precede de separation et de distillation du brome d'un melange de chlorure et de bromure alcalius. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 527-530. — Separation et dosage par voie directe du chlore et du brome contenus dans un melange de sels alcalins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 607-610. Bauby, [Denis], & Bardier, E[mile]. See Hardier & Bauby. Baucb, E[mil]. Ueber die Constitution einer Jodmetaxylol- sulfonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3117- 3119. Bauch, E[mil], & Tohl, Albert]. See Tohl & Baucb. Baucli, Richard. Die Riickwirkung des Ankerstromes auf die Feldstarke einer Dvnamomaschine. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 13, 1892, 644-645. — Eegulirung der Drehzahl bei elektrischem Antrieb von Werkzeugrnasckiuen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 499-500. Baucher, F[rain;ois Jean Etienne], Assign to this author titles ( Vul. 9) under Baucber, , and Baucber, V. J. A . — Eecherches chimiques et microbiologiques sur les alterations et la protection des metaux usuels en eau de mer. Piqures des carenes et corrosions des tubes de chaudieres. Eev. Maritime et Colon., 124, 1896, 110-135. — Analyse des eaux potables. Ann. Chim. Anal., 3, 1898, 366-367. — Sur une falsification de la scammonee par la gali'tie et 1'amidon. Ann. Chim. Anal., 4, 1899, 186-1*7. — Dosage de 1'azote dans les matieres azotees et speciale- ment dans les nitro-celluloses. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 373-376. Baucke, H. Sur 1'amide de 1'acide phenylpropiolique. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 15, 1896, 123-127. — Action de 1'ammoniaque sur les ethers de 1'acide phenylbibromopropionique. llec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 15. 1896, 128-134. — [Mededeeling over mikroskopische onderzoeking van eenige metaallegeeringen.] [1897.] 's Gravenhage Inst. In-ru. Tijdschr., 1896-97 (Very.), 133-136. — Beitrag zur Priifung der Eisenmennige. Fresenius, Ztsehr., 37, 1898, 668-679. Baucke, H. , & Bebrens, Th[eodor] H[einrich]. See Bebrens A Baucke. Baud, E. Action du chlorure d'aluminium anhydre sur 1'acetylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 1319- 1322. Baude, Em. Contribution a 1'etude de 1'influence de la syphilis sur la grossesse. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1888, 798-804. Baude, S[im£an], & Reychler, Albert. Sur quelques derives du piperonal. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 616-618. Baudelon, [Charles Francois Georges]. Description de 1'ouragan cyclonique des 4 et 5 f4vrier 1895 essuye par le paquebot de la Compaguie Transatlantique la Gasco;ine, pendant sa traversee du Havre a New- York. Ann. Hydrogr., 17, 1895, 11-12. Baudens, (It.) Gaston [Charles Lucien Benn'it Marie]. La Corte. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 82, 1884, 206-243. — Notice sur les typhous des mers de Chine et du Japon. (Observatoire de Zikawei.) Eev. Maritime et Colon., 82, 1884, 330-353. — Vingt-ciuq milles dans la riviere Noire. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 7. 1886, 272-280. — Note sur le Tong King. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. E., 1886, 283-286. — [Explorations dans 1'Indo-Chine et reflexions sur le Tonkin.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R,, 1887, 207-210. Baudi di Selve, Flaminio. *Heteronierum species ex Aegvpto, Svria et Arabia. Deutsche Eut. Ztschr. , 25, 1881, 273-296. - *Authieus blechroides, Baudi, n. sp. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 27, 1883, 150. — Mylabridum seu Bruchidura (Lin. .S'c/i«'i«. All.) europese et rinitimarum regiouum faunas recensitio. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr.. 30, 1886, 385-416; HI, 1887, 33-80, 449-494; 1890, 337-347; 1891, 251-252; Nat. Sicil., 5. 1886; 6, 1887, 136 pp. (in all); 9, 1890, 205-215. — Lista dei Pselan'di e Scidmenidi viventi in Italia. Nat. Sicil., 8, 1889, 165-173. Osservazioui sul Carabus morbillosus, Fabr., e sue varieta. Nat. Sicil., 8, 1889, 174-175. - Note entomologiche. Nat. Sieil., 8, 1889, 197-200. — Note sul genere Beicheia, Nnulci/. Nat. Sicil., 10, 1891, 73-77. — Di un Bembidide cieco del genere Dichropterus, Ehlers. Nat. Sicil., 10, 1891, 77-78. — Note entomologiche supplemental'! sopra specie del genere Reicheia e del genere Mylabris (Bruchiis). Nat. Sicil., 10, 1891, 166-169. — Di una nnova specie del genere Tritoma, Genffr. Nat. Sicil., 11, 1892, 121; 12, 1893, 154-155. — Viaggio del Dr. E. FESTA in Palestina, nel Liluino e regioni vicine. Coleotteri. Torino Mus. Boll., 9, 1894, No. 173, 13 pp. Baudi di Vesme, Enrico. Itiuerario fra i Somali. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Bull., 27, 1890, 637-639. — [Lettera] dalla penisola dei Somali. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 2s, 1891, 381- :;'.«!. — Da Berbera attraverso 1' Ogaden a line e nell' Harrar. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 28, 1891, 553-560. Baudi di Vesme] 349 [Bauduer Baud! di Vesme, Knricn, & Candeo, Giuseppe. Un' es- cursione nel paradise del Somali. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 30, 1893, 7-30, 184-2(14, 294-312, 510-539, 632-680. Baudier, CIi., & Lcblond Albert. See Leblond & Handier. Baudin, [,/. N.]. *[Un instrument nouveau destine a rem- placer le barometre.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860, Ft. 2, 31-32. - *[Essais sur la marche du psychrometre.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 15, 1867 (Bull.), 254. - *Sur la rosfe France Soc. Mete'orol. Noiiv. Mile'orol., 2, 1869, 148. - *[Le resultat des observations faites a Villiers avee un appareil appele rayonometre.] France Soc. Me'te'orol. Aunu., 26, 1878 (Bull.), 235. - "[Experiences faites a Villiers sur la temperature de 1'air.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 27, 1879 IBn/L), 144. 250. Baudin, E. Nouvelle falsification des cantharides. Ne- cessite' de substituer le dosage de la eautharidine totale a celui de la eautharidine libre. Jl. Pharin., 18, 1888, 391-394. — Dosage du beurre dans le lait. JL Pharm., 23, 1891, 239. — Recherche de 1'huile de re'sine dans 1'essence de tere- benthine. Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 279-280. Baudin, L. C. Sur la depression du ze>o, observed dans les thermometres recuits. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 933-934. — Sur la diminution du coefficient de dilatation du verre. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. E., 110, 1893, 971-974. Baudin, Leon. La nouvelle (Scole d'anthropologie crirni- nelle Lombroso et son type du criminel-ne'. [1887.] Doubs Soc. M(5m., 2, 1888, 349-385. — L'hygiene a Besancon : la pratique de la disinfection (notice a 1'usage des desinfecteurs). Ann. Hyg. Publ. , 30, 1893, 333-338. — De 1'actiou reelle des injections de liquide organique. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1893 (Pt. 1), 318-319. — Un essai de station de kefir a 1'etablissement des bains salins de Bisaucon-Mouillere. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1893 (Pt. 2), 1060-1065. Baudisch, H[«;;o]. Ueber die Beschaffung von Druckluft bei den Werken des Zwickauer Briickenberg-Steinkoblen- bauvereins. Jbuch. Berg- u. Hiittenw., 1895, 10-20. Baudoin, A\ntonin\. Des intiuenees meteorologiques sur la composition du vin. Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 86-88. — Note sur le sulfate de cuivre. Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 319-321. Baudon, Aufi[uste]. Troisieme catalogue des mollusques vivants du departement de 1'Oise. Jl. de Conch., 32, 1884, 193-325. — Canton de Mouy. Geologic ; mine>alogie. [1893.] Beauvais, Soc. Ac. Mim., 15, [1894,] 569-587. — Geologic et fossiles. Mollusques terrestres et fluvia- tiles vivant actuellement dans le canton de Mouy. Beauvais, Soc. Ac. M(5m., 15, [1894,] 612-625. Baudon de Mouy, [A]. De 1'origiue des courauts atmo- spheriques et marins. Theorie et appareils de Mgr. EOUGEKIE. Influence preponderate de la rotation du globe. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1894 (Pt. 1), 691J-723. Baudot, ]'',[mile]. Begulateur isochroue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 107, 1888, 323-325. — La telegraphie multiple. Ann. Telegr., 22, 1895, 28- 71, 152-177. Baudot, F. Les mines d'etain de la Villeder (Morliiban). St. Etienue, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 1, 1887, 151-187, 483- 532. — Histoire, conditions ge'ologiques et principaux usages de 1'etain. St. Etieuue, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 1, 1887, 335-343. Baudot, Pli[ililiert], & Barry, [Simi-on]. See Barry & Baudot. Baudoiiin, (It.-col.) [A.]. The function of electricity in atmospheric phenomena. [Tr.~\ Agr. Soc. Jl. ,8, 1897, 547-550. Baudouin, Geor-390. Ueber die Verzuckerung der Sta'rlce mit Salzsaure. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 39, 1889, 1071-1077. — Zur Bestimrnung des Kalis als Kaliumplatinchlorid. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 270. Bauer, Ernst. Beitrage zur Moosflora Westbiihmens uud des Erzgebirges. Lotos, 41, 1893, 57-122. — Beitriige zur Moosflora von Ceutralbohmen. Lotos, 43, 1895, 1-24. — Beitrag zur Moosflora Westbohmens uud des Erzge- birges. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 45, 1895, 374-377. — Z\vei neue Burger der Laubmoosflora Bohmens. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 62-63. — Beitrag zur Moosflora Bohmens. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 14, 1896, 17-19. — Einige neue Laubmoosstandorte aus Bohuieu. Deut- sche Bot. Mschr., 1 i, 1896, 82-85. Beitrag zur bohmisehen Moosflora. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 46, 1896, 278-280. — Bryologische Notiz aus Centralbohmen. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 50-51. — Bryologisch-floristische Beitrage aus Bohmen. Deut- sche Bot. Mschr., 15, 1897, 40-45. — Brynlogischer Vorbericht aus dem Erzgebirge. Deut- sche Bot. Mschr., 15, 1897, 315-316. Neue und interessaute Moose der bohmisehen Flora. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1898, 95-96. • Notiz zur Moosflora des Erzgebirges. Deutsche Bot. Msdir., 16, 1898, 183-185. — Polytrichum jnniperimim, Willd., n. var. Besinkii. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 22-23. — Ein bryologischer Ausflug auf den Georgsberg bei Raudnitz. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 17, 1899, 1-4. — Bryologischer Bericht aus dem Erzgebirge. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 18, 1900, 37-40. — Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Moosflora Westboh- mens und des Erzgebirges. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 18, 1900, 177-183. Bauer, Eupen, it Haussermann, C[arl]. Sec HauHser- mann A Bauer. Bauer, F. H. [Remarks on a flying lizard, Ptychozoon homalocephalum.] Zool. Soc. Proe., 1885, 718-719. Bauer, ./•'[ nine] ir[illielm], it Engler, C[url Osmild I'iktor]. See Bugler it Bauer. Bauer, Felix. Automatischer Apparat zur Regulirung der Kochdauer von Fliissigkeiten. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 432. Bauer, Felix, & Bibs, Karl. See Elbs & Bauer. Bauer, Fran:. Die Ichthyosaurier des oberen weissen Jura. [1898.] PalseoutogVaphica, 44, 1897-98, 283-328. Ueber den Schwund der Diploe an einem Philippine!!- schiidel. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 58-62. Osteologische Notizen fiber Ichthyosaurier. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 574-588. — Der puerperale Uterus des Frettchens. Anat. Hefte (Abt. I), 15, 1900, 123-152. Ueber Schadel von den Philippineu. [1900.] Arch. f. Anthrop., 27, 1902, 107-116. Bauer, Franz Sales. Ornithologische Notizen. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885, 18-19. Ueber das Vorkommen des "Nucifraga caryocatactes " als Brutvogel in der Niihe des Stiftes Rein. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth. , 9, 1885, 43. - Bemerkungen fiber den Zug der Schwalbeu im Friih- jahre 1885. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 62. - Ein Kreuzschnabelnest (Loxia curvirostra). Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 11, 1887, 50-51, 54-55. — Ein Wfirgfalke (Falco sacer, Srhli'iid ', laniarius, Palliia) in Mittelsteiermark. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 62. — Muscieapa parva, Bechst., Brutvogel bei Rein in Steier- mark. Ornith. Jbuch., 1, 1890, 112-117. — Der Gesang des Alpenmauerlaufer. Tichodroma muraria. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 49-50. Bauer, Clxstciv. Ueber die Berechnung der Discriminante eiuer binareu Form. [1886.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 16, 1887, 183-191. - Ueber Flachen 4. Ordnung, deren geometrische Erzeugung sich an 2 Tetraeder kniipft. [1888.] Miincheu Ak. Sber., 18, 1889, 337-354. — Ueber die Darstelluug biuiirer Formen als Potenz- summen und insbesondere einer Form vom Grade 2» als eine Suuimo von n + 1 Potenzen. [1892.] Mfinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 3-20. — Bemerkungen fiber zahleutheoretische Eigenschaften der Legeudre'scheu Polynome. [1894.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 24, 1895, 343-359. — Ueber eine ueue Methode zur experimeutellen Be- stimmung des specifischen Gewichtes von gesiittigten Diiuipfen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 55, 1895, 184-212. Bauer] 351 [Bauer — Von zwei Tetrae'dern, welche einander zugleich ein- gesehrieben und umschrieben siud. [1897.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 27, 1898, 359-366. Bauer, II[einrich]. Ueber die Ursache der veranderten Zusammensetzung des Humor aqueus nach Entleeruug der vorderen Augeukarnrner. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 42, 1896 (Alith. 3), 193-213. Bauer, Ilerinunn. Ueber die Siedepunktsanomalien der chlorirten Acetonitrile uud ihrer Abkommlinge. [1884.] Liebig's Ann., 229, 1885, 163-198. • Die Borsaure und ihre Verbindungen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 626-628. Bauer, Hermann, & Staedel, WiUiclin. .s'ir Staedel & Bauer. Bauer, Hermann, & Vogel, Hermann. Mitteilnngen iiber die Unterauohung von Wassern und Gruudproben aus dem Bodensee. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 48, 1892, 13-21. Bauer, Jos[ef]. Ein Fall von acuter hamorrhagischer Polymyositis. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 6G, 1899, 95-102. Bauer, K[arl] L[udwig], Ei-n einfacher Apparat zur Vor- fuhrung aller Lagen zweier Punkte, \veJche eine gegcbene Strecke harmonisch theilen, sowie aller Lagen eines durch einen sphiirischen Spiegel oder eine spharische Linse erzeugten Bildes. Ann. Phys. Chem., 33, 1888, 218-222. — Zur Polbestimmung der Influenzmaschine. Exner, Repertm., 24, 1888, 8-10. Bauer, Karl. Untersuchungen iiber Rerbstofffiihrende Pttauzen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 40, 1890, 53-57, 118- 123, 160-163, 188-191. — Beitrag zur Phanerogarnenflora der Bukowina und des angrenzenden Theiles von Siebenburgen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 40, 1890, 218-221, 268-271. Bauer, Karl. Petrographische Uutersnchungen an Glim- merschiefern und Pegmatiten der Koralpe. Steiermark Mitth., 1895, 206-240. - Beitrage zur experimentellen Petrographie. Neues Jbuoh. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 12, 1899, 535-580. — Zur Conchylienfauua des Florianer Tegels. Steier- mark Mitth., 1899, 19-47; Wien, Anz., 36, 1899, 178- 179. Bauer, Konra.il. Beitrage zur Keuntniss der Talgdriisen der menschlichen Haut. Morphol. Arb., 3, 1894, 439- 458. — Ein Fall von Verdoppelung der oberen Hohlvene und eiu Fall von Einmiinduug des Sinus corouarius in den linken Vorhof. Morphol. Arb., 6, 1896, 221-244. Bauer, Louis Agricola. WILDE'S explication of the secular variation phenomenon of terrestrial magnetism. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 496-508. — On the secular motion of a free magnetic needle. Science, 20, 1892, 218-219. An extension of the Gaussian potential theory of terrestrial magnetism. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1894, 55-58. — WILDE'S theory of the secular variation of terrestrial magnetism. [1894.] Nature, 50 (1894), 337-338; 51, (1894-95), 103-104. - The earliest isoelinics and observations of magnetic force. [1894.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 12, 1895, 397-410. — On the distribution and the secular variation of ter- restrial magnetism. Amer. Jl. Sci., 50, 1895, 109-115, 189-204, 314-325; Science, 1, 1895, 673-676 [Part only]. — Some early terrestrial magnetic discoveries pertaining to England. [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 295-297. — Some bibliographical discoveries in terrestrial mag- netism. Nature, 52 (1895), 79-80. 197. — The earliest magnetic meridians. Nature, 52 (1895), 269. — On the secular motion of a free magnetic needle. [1895.] Phys. Kev., 2, 1895, 455-465; 3, 1896, 34-48. - Prof. ESCHENHAGEN'S method for determining the temperatures of distant or inaccessible places. [1896.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 12 (1895-96), 287-288. — On the notation of terrestrial magnetic quantities. Nature, 54 (1896), 391; Science, 4, 1896, 272-273. — HALLEY'S earliest equal variation chart. Terrestrial Magn., 1, 1896, 28-31. - First report upon magnetic work in Maryland, including the history and objects of magnetic surveys. Maryland Geol. Surv., 1, 1897, 403-529. — Vertical earth-air electric currents. Terrestrial Magn., 2, 1897, 11-22. — A remarkable law. Terrestrial Magn., 2, 1897, 70- 71. - The mean values of the magnetic declination for parallels of latitude. Terrestrial Magn., 2, 1897, 157- 158. — Simple expressions for the diurnal range of the mag- netic declination and of the magnetic inclination. [1897.] N. Y. Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 4, 1898, 49, 52. — Eecent magnetic work in North America. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 660. - TKOWBKIDGE'S theory of the earth's magnetism. Science, 9, 1899, 264-265. The physical decomposition of the earth's permanent magnetic field. No. 1. The assumed normal magneti- zation and the characteristics of the resulting residual field. Terrestrial Magn., 4, 1899, 33-52. — Is the principal source of the secular variation of the earth's magnetism within or without the earth's crust? Terrestrial Magn., 4, 1899, 53-58. - The magnetic work of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Terrestrial Magn., 4, 1899, 93-104. — Remarks upon Professor RUCKEK'S paper and WILDE'S magnetarium. Terrestrial Magn., 4, 1899, 130-132. — Die Aufgaben der erdmagnetischen Forschung der Vereinigteu Staaten Nordamerikas. Terrestrial Magn., 5, 1900, 5-7. - Magnetic observations on day of eclipse, May 28, 1900. Terrestrial Magn., 5, 1900,' 90, 143-165. Bauer, Louis Agricola, & Hazard, D. L. The physical decomposition of the permanent magnetic field of the United States. No. 1. The assumed normal magnetization and the characteristics of the primary resulting residual field. Terrestrial Magn., 5, 1900, Bauer, Lndwig, & Deutsch, Ernst. Das Verhalteu der Magensaure, Motilitat und Resorptiou bei Sauglingen und Kiudern unter physiologischen und pathologischen Verhiiltuissen. Jbuch. Kiuderheilk., 48, 1898, 22-71. Bauer, Max [Hermann]. To reference in No. 16 (Vol. 9) add Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878. 14-39. - *Blatt Korner. Preuss. Thu'ring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 25, Gradabth. 56, No. 44, 1883, !) pp. - *Blatt Ebeleben. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lfg. 25, Gradabth. 56, No. 45, 1883, 12 pp. — Ueber Pseudomorphosen von Kalkspath nach Aragonit. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (ltd. 1), G2-80. - Ueber Aufnahme der Section Tann. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [0], 1886, Iv-lvi. - Beitrage zur Mineralogie. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1887 (Bd. 1), 1-37; 1890 (Bd. 1), 10-48; 1891 (Bd. 1), 217- 266. [Ueber Cristobalit vom Cerro S. Cristobal bei Pachuca (Mexico).] Neues Jbuch. Min., 1887 (lid. 1), 199-200. — Rhodonit aus dem Dillenburgischeu. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1888 (Bd. 1), 214. — Blatt Gotha. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 39, Gradalth. 70, Nu. 3, 1889, 21 pp. - Der Basalt vom Stempel bei Marburg und einige Einschliisse desselben. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1891 (Bd. 2), 156-205, 231-271. 0 iiapaMOpcltosaxi, pynua 110 auaxasy. [Ueber Bauer] 352 [Bauge die Paramorphosen des Rutils nach Anatas.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 28, 1891, 147-168. — On tbe jadeite and other rocks from Taminaw in Upper Burma. [Tr.] India Geol. Surv. Records, 28, 1896, (11-105; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1896 (Bd. 1), 18-51. - Dnrehsichtiger blauer Spinell von Ceylou. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 (Bd. 1), 281-283. — Jadeit von "Tibet." Neues Jbuch. Min., 1896 (Bd. 1), Neues 85-95. — Ueber das Vorkommen der Rubiue in Birma. Jbuch. Min., 1896 (Bd. 2), 197-238. — Das Marmorlager von Auerbach an der Bergstrasse. Neues Jbuch. Min", 1897 (l:d. 1|, 220. • Das Vorkommen des Jadeits von "Tibet." Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 (Bd. 1), 258-259. — Chiysoberyllkrystall von Ceylon. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 (Bd. 2), 106-108. - Ueber die Krystallform des Hiatidin-Chlorhydrats. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 22, 1896-97, 285-287. — Beitrage zur Geologic der Seyschellen, insbesondere zur Kenntniss des Laterits. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Bd. 2), 163-219. — Ueber die Natur des Laterits. Petermann Mitth., 44, 1898, 280-283. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der niederhessischen Basalte. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1900, 1023-1039. - Fuchsit als Material zu prahistorischen Artefacten aus Guatemala. Ceutrbl. Min., 1900, 291-292. - Ueber einige Diabase von Curasao. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 (/>',/. 2), 110-153. Bauer, Max [Hermann], & Brauns, Heinhard [Antitu]. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der krystallographiachen uml pyroelektrischen Verhaltnisse mt], & Moulin, Henri. La serie Neo- comienne ;i Valangiu. Neuchatel Soc. Sei. Bull., 26, 1898, 150-210. Baumberger, E[rnat], & Schardt, Huns. Sec Sehardt & Baumberger. Baumeister, Eiliitinl, & Einhorn, Alfred. Sue Einhorn & Baumeister. Baumeister, ]r[itheJm]. Ueber die Darstellung der Oxyxan- thone aus den Salolen mehrwerthiger Pheuole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 79-82. Baumel, Leopold]. Distribution gtographique du rachi- tisuie. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1897 (Vol. 3, Sect. 6), 110-124. Baumert, (leori/ [Paul Gustav Hermann]. Zur quantita- tiven Bestimmung des Alkaloi'dgehaltes der Lupinen. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 137-138, 195-190. — Untersuchungen iiber den fliissigen Theil der Alkaloi'de aus Lupinus luteus. [Lupiuidin.] Landw. Versuchs- Stat., 30, 1884, 295-330; 31, 1885, 139-153. — Einwirkung von Acetylchlorid und Essigsaurean- hydrid auf Lupiniu. Liebig's Ann., 224, 1884, 313-321. — Ueber das fliissige Alkaloid aus Lupiuus luteus. Liebig's Ann., 224, 1884, 321-330. — Das Lupinidin aus Lupinus luteus. Liebig's Aim., 225, 1884, 365-384. - Ueber die Ausrnittluug des Arsens bei gerichtlich- chemischen Untersuchungen nach H. BECKURTS. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1886, 904-905. — Analyse der Soolquelle von Sennewitz bei Halle a. S. Halle Natf. O-. BIT., 1885, 38-53. — Ueber das Verhalten des Lupinidins zu Aethyljodid. Liebig's Ann., 227, 1885, 207-220. - Analysen einiger californischer Weine. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 58, 1885, 429-435. — Analyse eines californischcn " Grape Brandy." Ztschr. Naturwiss., 58, 1885, 435. — Ueber den " Bitterstoff," das Icterogen und Lupino- toxin der Lupinen. Ein Wort zur Klarung gelegentlich der Entbitterungsfrage. Arch. Pharin., 224, 1886, 49-59. — i. Uuber califorrjiachen Wcin in lliirksicht auf seine Verwendbarkeit zu arzeneiliohen Gebrauch. n. Notiz iiber californischen "Grape Brandy." Arch. Pharm., 221, 1886, 286-2112. — Entbitterung der Lupinen uach den Methoden von Dr. Kr.i.i.NKit iu Tokio (Japan) und Dr. F. BENTE-EBSTOBF. Arch. Pharni., 224, 1886, 1068-1071. — [Ui'ber das Gift der Miesmuschel.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 59, 1886, 60-G2. — Ueber ein colchieinahnliches Faulnissproduct. Arch. I'hami., 225, 1887, 911-918. - Beitriige zur Kenntuiss der califoruischen Weine. Nebst einem Anhang iiber die Zusammensetzung amerikauischer Weine, californischer Weinlandserde und eines "Grape brandy." Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 33, 1887, 39-88. -- Saffransurrogat und gefalschter Zucker. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 60, 1887, 600. - Chemische Untersuchuug zur Vergleichung des Kelluer'schen uud Soltsien'schen Lupinenentbitterungs- verfahrens. Arch. Pharm., 226, 1888, 425-432. — Ueber die chemischen Bestandteile des Lupinen- samens. Arch. Pharm., 226, 1888, 433-440. — Zur Frage des uormalen Vorkommens der Borsaure im Weine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3290- 3292. — [Entbitterung der Lupinen.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 61, 1888, (ili-67. — Nachweis des Saccharins im Weine, Zuckerwaaren uud dergleichen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 62, 1889, 202-204. — [Priifung des Branntweins auf Fuselol.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 02, 1889. 358-359. — Ueber Bestimmung von Glycerin im Wein. Arch. Pharm., 230, 1892, 324-331. — Ueber die chemische Untersuchung von Fleischwaaren. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 620. — Ueber den chemischen Nachweis von Pferdefleisch. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 68, 1895, 112-114. — Neues Vorkomnien von Vanillin. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 68, 1895, 133. — Ueber die quantitative Bestimrnuug der Rohfaser iu Nahrungs- und Genussmittelu. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 408-411. — Zur Frage des chemischen Nachweises von Pferde- fleisch. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 412. — Ersatz fur Muttermilch. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 69, 1896, 248-249. — Ueber die Kennzeichnung der Margarine. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 581-582. — Die latente Fiirbung der Margarine in Bezug auf das sogen. Margarinegesetz. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 112-113. — Getrocknete Milch. [1897.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 26-27. — Passburg'sche Trockenmilch. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 297-298. — Ueber den Nachweis von Milchverfalschungen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 220-221. — Der Zinkgehalt der amenkauischen Apfelconservrn. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 355-356. — Ueber einige neuere Eiweiss-Nahrpraparate. [1899.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 257-2.1*. — Ueber das J. Keil'sche Vt-rfahren zur gleichzeitigen Gewinnung von Sta'rke und KleberteigfiirBackereizwecke u. drrgl. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 805-809. — Ueber Aleuronat-Praparate. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 73, 1900, lls. Baumert, Georg [Paul Grustar Hermann], & Bode, H[ugo], Zur Bestimmung des wahren Stiirkegehaltes der Kartoffelu. [Unter Mitwirkung von A. FEST.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 1074-1078, 1111-1113. Baumert, (;<»r<; [Paul Gustav Hermann], A Halpern, K[arl]. Chemische Zusammensetzung und Nuhrwert drs Sameus von Chenopodium album, /.. Arch. 1'harm., 2:11, 1893, 641-644, 715. Baumert] 357 [Baumhauer — Ueber russisches Hungerbrot. Arch. Pharni., 231, 1893, 644-648. — Ueber Cheuopodiu unddenNaehweisdesChenopodium- xiiiiciis in Mahlprodukten. Arch. Pbarm., 231, 1893, 648-653. Baumert, Georg [Paul Gustav Hermann], & Holdefleiss, Paul. Einfache Methode zur Bestimmung der ge- bundeneu Kohlensaure bez. des in der Ackererde eut- haltenen kohlensaureu Kalkes. Ztschr. Augew. Chem., 1899. 543. Baumgartel, Conrad, & Baeyer, \Joha,nn Friedrich tl'illielm] Adolf. Sec Baeyer A Baumgartel. Baumgartel, Max. Das Kirchberger Granitgebiet. Eine geologische Skizze. Zwickau Ver. Nat. Jber., 1894, 1-24. Baumgartner, Karl Heinrich. For biographical notice and works sec Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 218. Baumgardt, Ludiviy Al. Zur Behandlung von Magneti- siruiigskurveu. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 11,1890,670-672. - Rechnung und Graphik in der Hand des Dynamo- Konstrukteurs. [1890.] Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 80-83. — Note zutuBegriff "Kraftlinie." Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 420. - Ringanker fiir vielpolige Hochspauuungsiuaschinen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 331. — Zur Dirneusioniruug vou Nutenankern. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 497-499, 544. Vergleicheude Untersuchung elektrischer Geueratoren uud Motoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 79-80. — Voltainduktion und Massenbeweguug. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 237-2..9, 272. — Experimentelle Bestimmung des schiidlichen Magnet- feldes in Gleichstrommaschinen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 344-345, 374. Baumgart, Oswald. Ueber das quadratische Reciprocitats- gesetz. Eine vergleichende Darstellung der Beweise des Fundamentaltheoremea in der Theorie der quadratischen Reste uud der denselben zu Gruude liegeuden Priucipieii. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 30, 1885 (Hist.-lit. Abth.), 169-236, 241-277. Baumgarten, [Hans]. Beitrage zur Entwickluugsge- schichte der Gehorknb'chelchen. Arch. Mikr. Auat., 40, 1892, 512-530. Baumgarten, Egmont. Verwerthuug des Hiniiberhorens IJCIHI Rinne'schen Veisuche. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 23, 1886, 133-140. - Das Cocain als differentialdiagnostisches Mittel im Kehlkopfe. Wien. Med. Wschr., 37, 1887, 1436-1437. — Ueber eine wahrscheinliche Ursache der Taubstumm- heit in Ungarn. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R. (1894, 7), 726-728. Baumgarten, F\aul Clemens]. *Ueber das Verhaltnis vou Perlsucht und Tuberkulose. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1880, 139. Eiuige Bemerkungen zur Histologie des Traehorns. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 30, 1884 (Abth. 1), 277-289. — Ueber ein neues Reiueultuiverfahren der Tuberkel- bacillen. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 369-370. Pathologisch-anatomische Mittheiluugen. Virchow, Arch., 97, 1884, 1-50. Beitrage zur Darstellungsmethode der Tuberkel- bacillen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1, 1884, 51-60. - Ueber Untersuchungsmethoden zur Unterscheidung vou Lepra- und Tuberkelbacilleu. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1, 1884, 367-371. — Ueber eine gute Farbungsrnethode zur Untersuchung von Kerntheiluugsfigureu. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1, 1884, 415-417. — Ueber die Farbungsuuterschiede zwischen Lepra- und Tuberkelbacillen. Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 573-576. — Tuberkel- und Leprabacillen. Centrbl. Bakt., 2, 1887, 291. — Ueber eine Dermoidcyste des Ovarium mit augenahu- lichen Bildungen. Virchow, Arch., 107, 1887, 515-527; 108, 1887, 210-217. - Ueber Vaginalcysten. Virchow, Arch., 107, 1887, 528-534. Bakteriologische Mittheilungen. [1. Zur Frage der SporenbildungbeideuKotzbacilleu. 2. Ueber SCHECRLEN'S Careinombaeillus.] Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 397-398. — Mittheilung iiber einige das Creolin betrefiende Ver- suche. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 113-116. — Ueber das " Experimeutum crucis " der Phagocyten- lehre. Beitr. Path. Auat., 7, 1890, 1-10. - Ueber die Herkunft der in Entziindungsherden auftreteuden lymphko'rperobenartigen Elemente (Lym- phocyten). Centrbl. Path., 1, 1890, 764-707. — Beitrage zur Lehre von der uatiirlichen Immnnitiit. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 2), 19-20. — Die Rolle der tixen Zellen in der Entziinduug. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol.. 3, Aunt. Path.), 46-56. — Experimentelle Studien iiber Pathogeuese und Histo- logie der Hodeutuberculose. Wien. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 2057-2059. Ueber die bistologische Differentialdiagnose zwischen den tuberculosen und syphilitischen Processen, speciell zwischen tuberculoser und gurarnoser Orchitis. Wien. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 2209-2215. Baumgarten, l'[aul Clemens'], & Treitel, Th^odor], See Treitel & Baumgarten. Baumgarten, /'[««/ Clemens], & Walz, Karl. Ueber den Heilwert des neuen Koch'schen Tuberkulius nach Ex- perimenten an tuberkulos iulizierteu Kaninchen uud Meerschweinchen. Centrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 1), 23, 1898, 587-593. Baumgarten, W. Infarction in the beart. [1898-99.] Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 3, 1899, 39-40 ; Amer. Jl. Physiol, 2, 1899, 243-265. Baumgartner, Julius. Pflanzengeographische Notizeu zur Flora des oberen Donauthales und des Waldviertels in Niederosterreich. [1893.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 43, 1894 (Abh.), 548-551. Baumhauer, E[douard] Il[enri] von. For biography and list of works see Arch. Neerland., 19, 1884, 4 pp.; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 57-58; Eev. Sci., 35, 1885, 190; Amsterdam, Ak. Jaarb., 1887, 1-57. — Over de op 17 Maart 1883 te Haarlem en in de omstreken waargenomen aardschudding. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 19, 1884, 60-71. Sur la meteorite de Ngawi, tombee le 3 octobre 1883, dans la partie centrale de 1'ile de Java. Arch. Neerlaud., 19, 1884, 175-185; Jaarb. Mijnw. Nederl. Ind., 13 (1884), [Pt. 1], 331-342; Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 1, 1885, 8-18. - Thermoregulateur de coustruction simple, pouvant aussi servir de thermometre enregistreur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 370-374; Arch. Neerland., 19, 1884, 297- 302; Fresenius, Ztschr., 24, 1885, 42-46. Baumbauer, Heinrich [Adolf]. *Bemerkuugen zu der Abhandlung des Herrn J. HIKSCHWALII : "Ueber unsere derzeitige Keuntuiss des Leucit-Systems." Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 287-288. *Ueber einige optische Erscheinuugen am Quartz, Gyps und Kalkspath. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 285- 289. — Ueber die mikroskopische Beschaffenheit eiues Buut- kupfererzes von Chloride (New Mexico). Ztschr. Kryst., 10, 1885, 447-450. — Bemerkuugen iiber den Boracit. Ztschr. Kryst., 10, 1885, 451-457. — Ueber den Kryolith. Ztschr. Kryst., 11, 1886, 133- 139. - "Ueber die Abhangigkeit der Aetzh'guren des Apatit von der Natur uud Concentration des Aetzmittela. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1887, 863-878 ; 1890, 447-465. — Ueber die Structur uud die mikroskopische Beschaffen- Baumhauer] 358 [Baur belt von Speiskobalt und Chloanthit. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 18-33. — Ueber die Aetzerscheiuungen des Strychninsulfates. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 008-609. — Ueber sehr flachenreiche, wahrscheinlich dem Jordanit angehorige Krystalle aus dera Binnenthal. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1891, 697-711. — Ueber das Krystallsystem des Jordanits. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1891, 915-925. - Ueber die Winkelverhaltnisse des Apatit von ver- schiedenen Fundorten. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 31- 43. - Ueber Zwillinge des Kryolith. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 355-360. — Ueber die Krystallisation des Nephelin. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 611-618. — Krystallographische Notizen. Ztschr. Kryst., 21, 1893, 200-209; 24, 1895, 78-90. — Ueber den Skleroklas von Binn. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1895, 243-252. — Die Krystallstructur des Auatas. Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1895, 555-580. — Sur quelques mineraux du Binnenthal (Valais). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 281-284. — Ueber den Bathit, ein neues Mineral aus dern Binnenthaler Doloniit. Ztschr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 593- 602. — Neue Beobachtnngen am Binnit und Dufrenoysit. Ztschr. Kryst., 28, 1897, 545-552. Ueber Zwillingsbildungen an Krystallen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb.., 1898 (Tli. 2, Iliilfte 1), 190-191. — Ueber sogenannte anoniale Aetzfiguren an monoklinen Krystallen, insbesoudere am Colernanit. Ztschr. Kryst., 30, 1899, 97-117. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss und Theorie der Zwillingsbil- dung an Krystallen. Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 252-275. - Ueber die krystallographischen Verhaltnisse des Jordanit. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1900, 577-590. - Ueber die Krystallformen des Muscovit. Ztschr. Kryst., 32, 1900, 1(14-176. Baumhauer, .!/. -V. ro«. *0n the method of constructing tables of mortality. [7>.] [1869.] Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, 34-42. Baumhoitz, J. L. Die Kesistenz der rothen Blutkor- perehen bei Phtisis pulmonum und die Ursache der Besistenz irn Allgemeineu. Congr. Int. M^d. C. B., 1900 (I'ul. 4), 745-746. Baumstark, ^[erti/i>'r>i. Bayern, Friedrich. For biography see Mater. Hist. Homme, 20, 1886, 227-228; Ztschr. Ethnol., 18, 1886, (189)-(191); Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 5, 1887, 150-155. Bayet, [Maiirire]. Transport de la force par 1'air coin- prime et par lYlectricite. Kev. Univ. Mines, 13, 1891, 166-184. - Transport de la force motrice par 1'air comprime. Analyse critique des travaux de MM. BIEDLER et PROELL. Rev. Univ. Mines, 14, 1891, 39-49. Bayet, [.-lilrien]. Du role des methodes bacterioscopiques Bayet] 3G5 [Bayley en temps d'epid<5mie cholerique. [1892.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 1'J, 1893, 6-15. — Gangrenes disse'rninees et suocessives de la peau d'origine hysterique. Ann. ile Dermatol., ~>, 1894, 501-508. Bayet, [Adrien], & Gallemaerts, K[inile]. See Galle- maerts A Bayet. Bayet, Ernest. Note sur quelques excursions ge'ologiques fiiites aux environs de Lugano (Tessin). Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., '22 (1887), xoiii-xeix. Bayet, Louis. Session extraordinaire annuclle tenue dans rEntre-Sambre-et-Meuse, du 17 au 19 septembre 1887. Lie'ge, Soc. G£ol. Belg. Ann., 15, 1888. 29-54. — Note sur un facies local du poudingue de Burnot. Liege, Soc. Ge'ol. Belg. Ann., 10, 1888-89, 158-162. — Sur 1'existence de schistes noirs dans le Coblencien de l'Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse. [1893.] Lie'ge, Soc. Ge'ol. Belg. Ann., 20, 1892-93, Ixvii-lxviii. — Le calcaire Carbonil'ere de Beaumont. [1893.] Lie'ge, Soc. Ge'ol. Belg. Ann., 20, 1892-93, cxii-exv. — Contribution a I'e^tude de la bande Frasnienne de Philippeville. [1894.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 21, 1893-94, 171-174. — Le poudingue du Bois Godeau a Boulfioulx. [1895.] Lie'ge, Soc. Ge'ol. Belg. Ann., 22, 1894-95, 1-li. - Etude sur les Stages De'voniens de la bande nord du bassin meridional dans l'Eutre-Sambre-et-Meuse. [1895.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 22, 1894-95 129-161. Premiere note sur quelques . depots Tertiaires de l'Entre-Sambre-et-Meuae. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Mem.), 133-160. — Note sur un depot de silex Cretac4 dans la valle'e de la Sambre. Brux. Soc. Beige Ge'ol. Bull., 1898 (Proc.-Verb.), 92-95. Bayeux, R[aoul], & Roger, H[enry]. See Roger & Bayeux. Bayfield, (Adm.) Henri/ Wolstty. For biographical notice see Astr. Soe. Month. Not., 46, 1886, 182-183. Bayfield, Thomas Gabriel. For biography and works see Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 240; Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 5, 1894, 336-338. Baylac, J[oseph]. Note sur la toxicM du serum sanguin a 1'etat pathologique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 998-999. — De la valeur de la glycosurie alimentaire dans le diagnostic de rinsuffisance he'patique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<5rn., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 1065-1066. — De la toxicite des liquides d'cedemes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<5m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 939-941. — Contribution a 1'^tude de la pathoge'nie de 1'ureinie. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 2), 563-575. — Toxicite' des extraits de tissus normaux et patho- logiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mt5ui., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 803-805. — Rechercb.es sur la toxicit4 du sulfure du carbone. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 87-98. — De la toxicite du serum sanguin. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 144-150. — Rapport du poids des differents organes au poids total de 1'animal ehez le lapin. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 155-156, 206-207. Baylac, J[oseph], & Rouma, [Joseph.]. Note sur la toxi- cite' du serum sanguin d'un cheval atteint de tetanus. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<5m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 637-638. Bayldon, D. H. The Hauraki gold mining district (northern section), Auckland, New Zealand. [1890.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 39, 1892, 34-37. Bayldon, Francis J. Notes on the zodiacal light: being a summary of observations made at sea since 1889. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 13-24. — Observations of the zodiacal light from January, 1899 to July 1900. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 184-190. Bayle, Claude Kmile. For biography and list of works tee Ann. Mines, 9, 1896, 269-283'; .11. de Conch., 44, 1896, 109-110. Bayle, /<'. Description d'un regulateur dynamometrique pour les rnoteurs a vapeur a grande vitesse actiounant les dynamos des navires de guerre. Kev. Maritime et Colon., 134, 1897, 478-508. — Re'gularisation de la vitesse des moteurs a vapeur auxiliaires des navires de guerre. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 138, 1898, 472-521. Bayles, J[amcs] C. "Microscopic analysis of the structures of iron and steel. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 11, 1883, 261-274. -The study of iron and steel. [1884.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 13, 1886, 15-26. — Spirally welded tubing. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 16, 1888, 547-556. Bayley, R. Child. Messrs. L0MifcBE's process of printing with manganese salts. [With discussion.] [1893.] Photogr. Jl., 18, 1894, 130-133. — Note on a method of ascertaining the melting point of gelatine solutions. Photogr. JL, 20, 1896, 224-225. — On the melting and setting points of gelatine solutions and their modification. [With discussion.] [1898.] Photogr. Jl. , 23, 1899, 84-90. Bayley, Thomas. On the estimation of nitrous compounds in vitriol. Chem. News, 53, 1886, 6-7. — On an error in the nitrometric assay of vitriol. Chem. News, 53, 1886, 266-267; 54, 1886, 6-7. — The reduction of ferric acid in the nitrometer. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 52. — On the analysis of alloys and minerals containing the heavy rnetals, selenium, tellurium, etc. Chern. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 735-738. — On the separation of zinc from nickel and manganese, and the estimation of nickel. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 6, 1887, 499. — On a reaction of iron with nitric oxide. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 6, 1887, 499-500. — Atomic volume as a periodic function. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 20, 1898, 935-948. — The cyclical law of the elements. Chem. News, 77, 1898, 157-160. - The melting point of hydrogen. Chem. News, 80, 1899, 159. — Relations between the atomic weights and physical properties of elements. Chem. News, 80, 1899, 282; 81, 1900, 12. - The relation between boiling point and melting point in the hydrocarbons. Chem. News, 81, 1900, 1-3. — The formula of cobalt peroxide. Chem. News, 82, 1900, 179-180. Bayley, William Shirley. On some peculiarly spotted rocks from Pigeon Point, Minnesota. Amer. Jl. Sci. , 35, 1888, 388-393. — Synopsis of ROSENBUSCH'S new scheme for the classi- fication of massive rocks. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 207- 217, 295-305. — Notes of microscopical examinations of rocks from the Thunder Bay silver district. [1888.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 3, 1889, H115-H122. — A quartz-keratophyre from Pigeon Point and IRVINO'S aupite-syenites. Amer. Jl. Sci., 37, 1889, 54-63. — The origin of the soda-granite and quartz-keratophyre of Pigeon Point. Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 273-280. — Eleolite-syenite of Litchfield, Maine, and HAWKS' hornblende-syenite from Red Hill, New Hampshire. [1891.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 3, 1892, xii, 231-252. — A fulgurite from Waterville, Maine. Amer. Jl. Sci 43, 1892, 327-328. — A fibrous intergrowth of augite and plagioclase, resembling a reaction rim, in a Minnesota gabbro. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 515-520. Bayley] 3GG [Bayrac — Striated garnet from Buckfield, Maine. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 79-80. Notes on the petrography anil geology of the Akeley Lake region in northeastern Minnesota. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Rep., 19, 1892, 1113-210. — Actinolite magnetite schists from the Mesabe iron range in northeastern Minnesota. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893. 170-180. — The basic massive rocks of the Lake Superior region. Jl. Cieol. (Chicago), 1, 1893, 433-456, 587-59(3, 688-716; •2, 1894, 814-825 ; 3, 1895, 1-20. — The eruptive and sedimentary rocks on Pigeon Point, Minnesota, and their contact phenomena. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 109, 1893, 121 pp. — Spherulitic volcanics at North Haven, Maine. [1894.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 6, 1895, 474-476. — [The Marquette iron- bearing district of Michigan.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Mouogr., 28, 1897, 5-148, 149-220, 460-486, 487-524. — [The Crystal Falls iron-bearing district of Michigan.] Chapter vi. The Sturgeon river tongue. U. S. Geol. Surv. Monogr., 36, 1899, 458-487. — The geological features of the Menominee iron district of Michigan. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1900, 189-190. See also under Clements it Smyth. Bayley, William Shirley, & Morse, //[caXTi a.iejieHTOBT,. [Ueber die Atomgewichte der Elemente.] Kuss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (Chem.), 1887, 61-73, 180; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887 (Kef.), 190-192. — tpll.l.lOKCepa Bl, KpUMV. [Phylloxera in the Crimea.] [1886.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 50 (No. 2), 1888, 387-396. Bazerolle, F. *Brouillard sec. Astronomic, 1883, 264- 265. Bazett, (ilfrs.) E. C. Notes on rearing Stauropus Fagi. Ent. Month. Mag., 36, 1900, 275-277. Baziievskij, v. I. o6i,eK- THBa. [La photographic sans objectif.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 (Phys.), 1889, 260-263; Jl. Phys., 9, 1890, 539. — Proced4 permettaut d'abreger le temps de pose pour la photographie aux rayons X. Palis, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 720. Bazille, A. Etude comparative des lignes telegraphiques et des lignes artificielles (sans self-induction). Ann. Telegr., 17, 1890, 43-48. Bazin, (I' abbe) . *Sur les echiuides du Miocene moyen de la Bretagne. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 'l2, 1884, 34-45. Bazin, Albert. Observations sur les experiences aero- dynamiques de M. LANHLEY. Aeronaute, 1891, 219-220. Bazin, Ed., & Sabrazes, Jean [Kmile], flee Sabrazes A Bazin. Bazin, Henri. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 9) under Bazin, . - *Notice sur la formation et la marche des orages dans le departement de la Cote-d'Or. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 2, 255-260. *Note sur les aneiennes observations des hauteurs de pluie dans le departement de la Cote-d'Or. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 22, 1874 (Hull.), 69-70. — Notice sur 1'emploi des doubles flotteurs pour la mesure des vitesses dans les grands cours d'eau. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 7 (1884), 554-591. Experiences sur la propagation des ondes le long d'un cours d'eau torrentueux, et confirmation par ces ex- periences des formules donnees par 31. BODSSINESQ, dans sa theorie du mnuvement graduellement vari^ des ttuides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100/1885, 1492-1494. — Note sur la mesure des vitesses a 1'aide du tube jaugeur. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 14 (1887), 195-229. — Experiences nouvelles sur I'ecoulement en deversoir. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 212-215, 567-570. — Experiences nouvelles sur I'ecoulement en deversoir. Ann. Pouts et Chauss., 16 (1888), 393-448; 19 (1890), 9-82; 2 (1891), 445-520; 7 (1894), 249-357; 12 (1896), 645-731; 1898 (Trim. 2), 151-264. — Experiences sur les deversoirs a seuil epais (barrages a poutrelles). Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 106, 1888, 1395-1397. — Experiences sur les deversoirs inclines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1233-1230. — Sur la distribution des pressions et des vitesses dans 1'interieur des nappes liquides issues de deversoirs sans contraction laterale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 321-324. • Experiences sur les deversoirs (nappes novees en dessous). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 122-125. — Experiences sur les deversoirs noyes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 309-312. — Experiences sur la contraction des veines liquides et sur la distribution des vitesses a leur interieur. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1031-1034. — Experiences nouvelles sur la distribution des vitesses dans les tuyaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1250- 1253. Bazin] 368 [Beadle — Etude d'une nouvelle formula pour culculer le debit des canaux decouverts. Ann. Pouts et Chauss. , 1897 (Trim. 4), 20-70. Bazlen, -l/[«.r], & Bernthsen, IH:IH. t. See Bernthsen & Bazlen. Bazlen, .V[cur], & Kili.ini, Heinrich. See Kiliani & Bazlen. Baznosanu, I'opovici A. Note sur les Cheloniens ter- restres de Roumanie. Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 9, 1900, 278-283. Bazot, L[ouis Marie], Souvenirs d'herborisations dans lea Ardennes franchises. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, xix-xli. — Note sur le Linaria minor, Desf. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 46-47. — Considerations generates sur la geographic botanique du departement de la Cote-d'Or. Rev. Gen. Bot., 6, 1894, 44K-459; 7, 1895, 447-464; 8, 1896, 353-367, 418- 425, 451-468, 507-513. Bazy, P[_ierre']. De la dilatation de 1'estomac dans ses rapports avec les affections chirurgicales. Paris, Ac. Sci.,C. R., 106, 1888, 1443-1446. - Etude sur les faux uriuaires et en particulier sur les faux uriuaires glycosuriques. Arch. Gen. Med., 166, 1890, 418-439. — De 1'origine infectieuse de certaines formes de cystite dites a frigore ou rhuniatismales ou goutteuses, etc. Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem., 17. 1891, 489-492. — Des cystites experimentales par injection intra- veineuse de culture du coli-bacille. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 225. — De 1'absorption par les voies uriuaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 739-741; Arch. Med. Exper., 6, 1894, 526-537. — Du pouvoir absorbant de la vessie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. Jl.), 624-626. — Des infections urinaires. Arch. Gen. Med., 175, 1895, 650-664; Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem., 21, 1895, ] 37-148. — De la serotherapie dans le tetanos. [ii'illi iliseimsion.] Paris Soc. Cbirurg. Bull, et Mem., 22, 1896, 186-191. Bazy, F[ierre] (et alii). Sur 1'asepsie dans les operations. Paris Soc. Cbirurg. Bull, et Mem., 2fi, 1900, 553-561, 589-596, 613-624, 644-651, 753-761, 785-800, 806-817, 866-871, 949-974, 980-983. Bazza. .See Tonni-Bazza. Bazzi, Euaevio. Freno a liquido per gli apparecchi a deviazione impulsiva. Nuovo Cimento, 19, 1886, 270- 277. — Sulla fotografia della veua liquida. Nuovo Cimento, 19, 1886, 277-278. — Apparecchio per la composizione grafica dei movi- nienti pendolari. Nuovo Cimento, 22, 1887, 150-155. — Metodo per mostrare la legge di oscillazione di una corda vibrante. Nuovo Cimento, 22, 1887, 155-156. — Esperienze e disposizioni per telegrafia senza fili. Hiv. Sci.-Ind., 32, 1900, 169-174. Bazzigber, L[iichts]. Beitriige zu einem Verzeicbnisse teer] A[mbrose]. Notes on self-pollination of the grape. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1892, 216; Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 451-452. Chrysanthemum blight. Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 153. — Bean anthracuose and iis treatment. Bot. Gaz., 18, 1893, 28. — Prevention of apple-scab. Garden & Forest, 6, 1893, 58. — Prevention of pear-scab. Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, 49. A scale insect on plums. Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, 284. Beachler, (.'//.//•/••.< S. For biographical notice see Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 287-288. — Crinoid beds at Crawfordsville, Indiana. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 1106-1109. — Keokuk group at Crawfordsville, Indiana. Amer. Geologist, 2, 1888, 407-412. — Notice of some new and remarkable forms of Crinoidea from the Niagara Limestone at S. Paul. Decatur county, Indiana. Amer. Geologist, 4, 1889, 102-103. — The rocks at St. Paul, Indiana, and vicinity. Amer. Geologist, 7, 1891, 178-179. — Rocks of the Niagara age iu Indiana. Amer. Geologist, 9, 1892, 408-409. — Keokuk group of Mississippi Valley. Amer. Geologist, 10, 1892, 88-96. Erosion of small basins in northwestern Indiana during the time preceding the Pleistocene period. Amer. Geologist, 12, 1893, 51-53. — An abandoned Pleistocene river channel in eastern Indiana. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 2, 1894, 62-65. Beadle, Alec A. The use of iron as the active element in primary batteries. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 18, 1899, 332- 333. — Apparatus for use in experimental fused electrolysis. Elect. Rev., 46, 1900, 83-84, 127-128. - The action of carbon upon refractory oxides at high temperatures. Elect. Rev., 40, 1900, 611-613. Beadle, C[liuu»cey] D[tlos]. Notes on the botany of the southeastern States. Bot. Gaz., 25, 1898, 276-280, 357- 361, 446-450. — Studies in Cratiegus. Bot. Gaz., 28, 1899, 405-417; 30, 1900, 335-346. Beadle, Clayton. The acid action of drawing papers. [1892.] Chem. Soc. Proc., s, 1894. 34-35. - The effects of pressure upon the breaking strain and cleavage of paper and paper-pulp. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 139-140. — The appearance of chromates in paper and paper- pulps. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 140. - Hygroscopic moisture in nitro-celluloses. Chem. News', 70, 1894, 247-248. — New cellulose derivatives. Franklin Inst. Jl., 138, 1894, 100-110. Beadle] 369 [Beal The decomposition of liquids by contact with cellulose. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 457. — Increase in temperature of cellulose on absorption of atmospheric moisture. Chem. News. 71, 1895, 1-2. A wax found in the treatment of cotton and linen fibre for the manufacture of paper. Chem. News, 71, 1896, 164-165. The efficiency of the hermite bleaching solution. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 73-74. — Viscose and viscoid. Franklin lust. JL, 143, 1897, 1-12. Beadle, Chit/ton, & Dahl, O. II'[orm]. Increase in tempera- ture of cellulose on absorption of atmospheric moisture. Chem. News, 73, 1896, 180-183. Beadle, Clai/tnn, Cross, C[harles] F[rederick], & Bevan, Erln-iinl J[ohri\. See Cross, Bevan ct Beadle. Beadle, D[flos] It'. Canadian wild flowers. [1892.] Canad. Inst. Trans., 3, 1893, 125-130. Beadle, (A'cr.) Elian R. For biography see Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., 22, 1885, 227-240. Beadle, H. A . Maero-Lepidoptera taken in Keswick and district. Ent. Record, 6, 1895, 276-283. Larva and pupa of Melampias epiphron. Ent. Record, 11, 1899. 343-344. Beadle, II". //. H. The character and paths of storms; influence of topography. [1886.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 3 (1886-87), 290-292. - Thunder in Oregon. [1889.] Amer. Meteorol. ,11. , 6 (1889-90), 32. Beadles, Cecil F[ou-ler]. Cholesterin cyst of kidney. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 125. — False bursee from arm. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 139-140. — Rodent ulcer. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 176-181. Small hyperplastic growth from sweat-gland. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 183-184. — A case of multiple malignant growths. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 1**-198. — A further note on the histological changes to be found in the breast when the seat of glandular carcinoma. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 198-210. Some gross lesions in the brains of lunatics, with remarks upon the frequency with which the two sides of the brain are affected. London Path. Soc. Trans., 46, 1895, 10-32. — Malignant disease at the base of the skull, involving the pituitary fossa. London Path. Soc. Trans., 46, 1895, 172-184. — The relation of biliary calculi to malignant disease of the liver and gall-bladder. London Path. Soc. Trans., 47, 1896, 69-94. Lesion of the superior parietal lobule. Brain, 21, 1898, 138-140. — Myxcedema : a report on three fatal cases, one of them associated with trichinosis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 49, 1898, 262-289. — Two cases of myxcedema. London Path. Soc. Trans., 51, 1900, 247-268. Beadles, Cecil t\ou'ler], & Boyce, Ritbert W[illiam]. Si'f Boyce A Beadles. Beadnell, Hu/ih J[olni] L[leiceUyn]. Decouvertes geo- logiques recentes dans la vallee du Nil et le desert Libven. Congr. Geol. Int. C. I!., 1900, 839-866. — The geological survey of Egypt. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 46-48. — The Cenornanian of Baharia oasis, Egypt. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 287. Beal, F[oster] E[llenborough] I^ascelles]. *Notes of some observations upon Tardigrada. [1880.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 1875-80, 24. — Twigs killed by telephone wires. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 806-807. K. S. A. C. — Some notes on bird migrations. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 817-819. — Food habits of the cedar bird (Ampelis cedrorum). [U. S ] Sec. Agr. Rep., 1892, 197-200. — The crow blackbirds and their food. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1894, 233-248. — The meadow lark and Baltimore oriole. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1895, 419-430. — Preliminary report on the food of woodpeckers. U. S. Div. Ornith. Mamui. Bull., 7, 1895, 7-33. — The blue jay and its food. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1896, 197-206. — Recent investigations of the food of European birds. Auk, 14, 1897, 8-14. — Some common birds in their relation to agriculture. Canad. Rec. Sci., 7, 1897, 291 (&is)-309 (bin), 502-526. — Birds that injure grain. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1897, 345-354. — Cuckoos and shrikes in their relation to agriculture. The food of cuckoos. U. S. Div. Biol. Surv. Bull., 9, 1898, 7-14. — How birds affect the orchard. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1900, 291-304. — Food of the bobolink, blackbirds, and grackles. U. S. Div. Biol. Surv. Bull., 13, 1900, 76 pp. Beal, L. 0. (sen.). The alluvial deposits of Otago. [1888.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 21, 1889, 332-334. Beal, 1]'[nlter] H[enr>/]. Compilation of analyses made at Amherst, Mass., of agricultural chemicals and refuse materials used for fertilizing purposes. Amherst Agr. Stat. Rep., 6, 1889, 196-219 ; 7, 1890, 283-2*9; 8, 1891, 281-287. Compilation of analyses of fodder articles, fruits and sugar-producing plants, etc., made at Amherst, Mass., 1868-89. Amherst Agr. Stat. Rep., 6, 1889, 221-239; 7, 1890, 291-313; 8, 1891, 2*9-312. — The determination of volatile and insoluble fatty adds in butter fat. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 673-676. Beal, lV[illiarii] J[ames], The torsion of leaves. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1884, 498-499. — Polarity of leaves of Erigeron canadense. Amer. Asa. Proc., 1884, 499. — Concerning the manner in which some seeds of grasses bury themselves in the soil. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 1262-1204. — The vitality of seeds. [1884.] [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1883-84, 44-46; 1885, 14-15. — Can varieties of apples be distinguished by their flowers? Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 162-165. — Parasitic fungi as affecting plant distribution. [Amur. | Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1886, 16-18. — Dispersion of some tree seeds. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 17-18. — Expulsion of the seeds of Sporobolus cryptandrus. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 247. - The bulliform or hygroscopic cells of grasses and sedges compared. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 321-326; Science, *, 1886, 221. — Experiments with Lima beans in germination. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 576-577. — A study of Poa pratensis, L. Proc., 1887, 23-28. • The rootstocks of Leersia and Muhlenbergia. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. [1887.] Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 351-352. — The flora of the Jack-pine plains of Michigan. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1888, 17-20. — Comparison of the flora of eastern and western Michigan in the latitude of 44° 40'. Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888. 238-239. — Observations on the succession of forests in northern Michigan. Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888, 239-240. — Notes on bird's-eye maple. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1889, 12-14. 47 Beal] 370 [Bean - Vitality and growth of seeds buried in soil. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1889, 15-16. — Elymus virgiuicus, L., var. glaucus. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1889, 17. — Geographical distribution of tbe grasses of North America. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1890, 312-319. — Grasses in the wrong genus. Bot. Gaz., 15, 1890, 110-112; Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 17, 1890, 153-154. — Movements of fluids in plants. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1891, 309-313. - The description of varieties of strawberries and rasp- berries. [1891.] [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1891-92. •21-28. — A study of the relative lengths of the sheaths and internodes of grasses for the purpose of determining to what extent this is a reliable specific character. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1892, 220. — The sugar maples of central Michigan. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1894, 285-286. — Grasses and other forage plants best adapted to endure severe drought. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1896, 26-29. — Some reasons for plant migration and the way plants flee from their enemies. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1897, 283- 284. — A remarkable increase in size of leaves of Kalmia angustifolia apparently due. to reduction of light. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 414. ' - The leaves of the red Astrachan apple immune from the attack of Gymnosporaugium macropus. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 421. — Some unique examples of dispersion of seeds and fruits. Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 859-866. — Some monstrosities in spikelets of Eragrostis and Setaria, with their meaning. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1899, 290; Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 85-86. — Some observations on root hairs. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1900. 283-284 ; Science, 12, 1900, 586. Beal, !("[////«)»] J[nmcs], & St. John, <_'[hnrles] l\[ilward]. A study of Silphium perfoliatum and Dipsacus laciniatus in regard to insects. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 268-270. Beal, ]l'[illiani] J [antes], & Tourney, J [antes] U'[il/iam]. The continuity of protoplasm through the cell walls of plants. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1890, 332; Amer. Micr. Jl., 13, 1892, 129-132. Bealby, J. T. The Java eruption and earthquake waves. [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 30-32. — Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 3, 1887, 174-184. Beale, ( '. The basalt of Rowley Regis. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 109-112, 126-131. Beale, K[dicin] Clifford. A case of " HENOCH'S purpura." Practitioner, 62, 1899, 265-268. Beale, Lionel S[mith], The constituents of sewage in the mud of the Thames. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 1-19. — Note on structure and structureless. [1886.] Victoria Inst. Jl., 20, 1887, 276-278. - The nature of life. [With discussion.] [1899.] Victoria Inst. Jl., 32, 1900, 337-356. - Vitality. [With discussion.} [1899.] Victoria Inst. Jl., 33, 1901, 52-73. Beale, Peyton T[ndd] B[owmari\. Distribution of nerves in synovial membranes. Jl. Physiol., 13, 1892, xiii-xiv. Bc.ill, (Lt.) F[ielder] M. M. Direction of movement of areas of low pressure. U. S. Monthly Weath. Kev., 15 (1887). 291-292. Seals, Kdvard A[lden]. The ether and its relation to the aurora. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 268- 272. — Psychic effects of the weather. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 12 (1895-96), 61-68. — Importance of static electricity in weather bureau work. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 18, 1896, 39-42. • Oregon weather and Bering Sea ice. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 201. Beam, II //:'/nan~\, & Bean, Barton A[ppler], Description of Gobioides Broussoneti, a fish new to North America, from the Gulf of Mexico. U. S. Mus. Proc., 17, 1895, 631-632. — [Contributions to the natural history of the Com- mander Islands, xu.] Fishes collected at Bering and Copper Islands by Nikolai A. GREBNITZKI and Leonhard STEJNEGER. [1896.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 19, 1897, 237- 251. — Notes on fishes collected in Kamchatka and Japan by Leouhard STEJNEGER and Nikolai A. GREBNITZKI, with a description of a new blenny. U. S. Mus. Proc., 19, 1897, 381-392. — Description of a new blenny-like fish of the genus Opisthocentrus collected in Vulcano Bay, Port Mororan, Japan, by Nikolai A. GREENITZKI. [1897.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 20, 1898, 463-464. — • Note on Oxycottus acuticeps (Gilbert) from Sitka and Kadiak, Alaska. [1898.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 21, 1899, 655—656. Bean, Turleton H[offmun], & Drescl, H[crmaii] G[eorge]. A catalogue of fishes received from the Public Museum of the Institute of Jamaica, with descriptions of Pristi- poma approximaus and Tylosurus euryops, 2 new species. [1884.] U. S. Mus". Proc., 7, 1885, 151-170, [viii]. — Diagnoses of three new species of fishes from the Gulf of Mexico. [1884.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 2, 1885, 99-100. Bean, Turleton H[ojf'mun], & Goode, George Brown. See Goode & Bean. Bean, Turleton H[otfmnn], Collins, (Capt.) D. E., & Rathbun, Richard. See Collins, Bean it Rathbun. Bean, Thomas E. Some fragments of insect statistics. Canad. Ent., 16, 1884, 65-68. - The butterflies of Laggan, N. W. T. ; account of certain species inhabiting the Rocky Mountains in latitude 51° 25'. Canad. Ent., 22, 1890, 94-99, 126-132 ; 25, 1893, 145-149 ; 26, 1894, 155-156. — Sex ratios in butterflies, and an inference. Entomo- logist, 26, 1893, 205-207. 47—2 Bean] 372 [Beare Food-plants of Grapta zephyrus. Philad., Ent. News, 4, 1893, 220-221. — Variation in Nemeophila petrosa at Laggan in western Allierta. Canad. Ent., 27, 189B, 87-93. — A comparison of Colias Hecla with C. Meadii and C. elis. [1895.] Psyche, 7, 1896, 219-229. Bean, W[illiam"] J. Hardy bamboos. Gard. Chron., 15, 1894, 167-168, 238-239, 801-302, 368-370, 431. -The limes (Tilius). Gard. Chron., 18, 1895, 764- 766. - Crattegus. Gard. Chron., 21, 1897, 87-88, 102-103, 119-120, 135-136. - The horse-chestnut and its allies. Gard. Chron., 22, 1897, 130, 155-156. - The weeping willows. Gard. Chron., 23, 1898, 305. — Staphyleas. Gard. Chron., 23, 1898, 374-375. - The hardy heaths. Gard. Chron., 24, 1898, 432, 454; 25, 1899, 4. — Some new rhododendrons. Gard. Chron., 25, 1899, 331-332. Beane, Frank Dudley. The comparative clinical value of several tests for glucose in the urine. N. Y. Med. Jl. , 57, 1893, 12-18. Beanes, l-'.ihrnrd. Note on ozone generators. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 16, 1897, 395. Bear, William E. Glimpses of farming in the Channel Islands. Agr. Soc. Jl., 24, 1888, 365-397. — Desirable agricultural experiments. Agr. Soc. Jl., 3, 1892, 258-276. — Fumigation for insect pests. Agr. Soc. Jl., 11, 1900, 263-291. Beard, John. On the life-history and development of the genus Myzostonia (F. S. Lenckart). Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 5, 1884, 544-580. — On the segruental sense organs of the lateral line, and on the morphology of the vertebrate auditory organ. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 123-126, 140-143. — On the cranial ganglia and segmental sense organs of fishes. Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 220-223. - The system of branchial sense organs and their associated ganglia in Ichthyopsida. A contribution to the ancestral history of vertebrates. [1885.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 26, 1886," 95-156. — The ciliary or inotor-oeuli ganglion and the ganglion of the ophthalmicus profumlus in sharks. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 5i;.W,75. — The origin of the segmental duct in elasniobranchs. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 646-652. — The parietal eye in fishes. Nature, 36, 1887, 246-248, 340-341. - The old mouth and the new. A study in vertebrate morphology. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 15-24; Nature, 37, 1888, 224-227. - The teeth of myxinoid fishes. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888. 169-172; Nature, 37, 1888, 499. — A contribution to the morphology and development of the nervous system of vertebrates. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 874-884, 899-905. — Morphological studies. No. I. The parietal e\<- nf the cyclostome fishes. [No. n. The development of the peripheral nervous system of vertebrates. Part I. Elasmobranchii and Aves.] [1888.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 29, 1889, 55-73, 153-227. — Some aimelidan affinities in the ontogeny of the vertebrate nervous system. Nature, 39, 1889/259-261. — Morphological studies. Nr. 3. The nature of the teeth of the marsipobranch fishes. [Nr. 4. The nose and JACOHSON'S organ.] Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 3, 1889, 727-752, 753-783. — On the early development of Lepidosteus osseus. Preliminary notice. [1889.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 46, 1890, 108-118. — Prof. RAUL and the mode of development of the vertebrate peripheral nervous system. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 125-128. - The inter-relationships of the Ichthyopsida : a contri- bution to the morphology of vertebrates. Anat. Auz., 5, 1890, 146-159, 179-188, 216. — On the development of the common skate (Raja hatis). Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 8, 1890, Pt. 3, 300-311. The transient ganglion cells and their nerves in Kaja batis. Anat. Anz., 7. 1892, 191-206. - The histogenesis of nerve. Auat. Anz., 7, 1892. 290- 302. — Larva? and their relations to adult forms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 757. — Notes on lampreys and hags. [1892.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 789-790; Auat. Anz., 8, 1893, 59-60. — On a supposed law of metazoan development. [1892.] Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 22-29; Nature, 47 (1892-93), 79-80. — The development and probable function of the thymus. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 476-486 ; 10, 1895, 272. - The nature of the hermaphroditisrn of Myzostonia. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 399-4(14. — The pronephros of Lepidosteus osseus. [1894.] Anat. Anz., Ill, 1895, 198-201. — On the phenomena of reproduction in animals and plants. Antithetic alternation of generations. [The conjugation of the Infusoria and the meaning of the processes involved.] Ann. Bot., 9, 1895, 411-447, 456- 468; Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 234-239, 215-255, 634-641. The yolk-sac, yolk and mesocvtes in Scyllium and Lepidosteus. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 334-347. — On the disappearance of the transient nervous apparatus in the series Scyllium, Acanthias, Mustelus, and Torpedo. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 371-374. — The history of a transient nervous apparatus in certain Ichthyopsida. An account of the development and degeneration of ganglion-cells and nerve-fibres. Zool. Jbuch. (Anat.), 9. 1896. 319-426. — The rhythm of reproduction in Mammalia. [1897.] Anat. Anz., 14, 1898, 97-102. The birth-period of Trichosurus vulpecula. [1897.] Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 11, 1898, 77-96. — The sexual conditions of Myzostoma glabrum (/•'. .S'. Li'iii-l;iirt). [1898.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth. , 13, 1899, 293-324. — A thymus element of the spiracle in Raja. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 359-363. - The morphological continuity of the germ cells in Raja batis. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 465-485. — The source of leucocytes and the true function of the thymus. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 550-560, 561-573. Beard, John, it Murray, J. A. On the phenomena of reproduction in animals and plants. Reducing division in metazoan reproduction. [1895.] Ann. Bot., 9, 1895. 448-455; Anat, Auz., 11, 1896. 239-245. Beard, IF. !•'., & Durcll. (.'[lenient] I'ltiriisour]. See Durcll iv Beard. Beardsley, Arthur. The Martin fire-proofing process. [1887.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 125, 1888, 42-44. Beare, ilnunn* Ilmlton. Building-stones of Great Britain. their crushing strength and other properties. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 107, 1892, 341-369. — Notes on method of testing steam boilers, and result-, of such a test. [1890.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 1.;. 1894, 1-15. - The limit of elasticity. Amer. Engineer & Railroad Jl., 7(1, 1896, 137-138. — Coleoptera of Richmond Park. Ent. Record, 10, 1898. 146-150, 304-305. Hydaticus transversalis in the south-west of England. Ent. 'Record, 10, 1898, 305. — Coleoptera at Boat of Garten, Strathspey, Inverness- shire. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 2i;7-2C,8. — Coleoptera at Weymouth. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 2 12. Beare] 373 [Beaucaire — Hypera elongata, Pai/k., confirmed as British. [1890.] But. Record, 11, 1899/334-335; Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 380-381. — Notes from the Hastings district. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 239-240. — Coleoptera at Eannoch in June. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 288-291. — Coleoptera !tt Boughton, Norfolk. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 334-335. Beare, Tlionui.i Hudson, & Donisthorpe, Harare St. John 7v'[c//;/]. Notes of a few days' collecting at Wallasey (Liverpool), and in the valley of the Dee above Llan- gollen. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 49-51. Beare, Thomas Hiiilsan, Smith, T. Roger, Fleming, J[nlni] A[mliriise], & Poster, G[eorge\ Carey. See Smith, Beare, Fleming A Foster. Beasley, Henry C. The microscopic examination of some limestones from Caerwys, North Wales. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Trans., l>, 1886, 38-41. — A quarry at Poulton, and the relation of the glacial markings there to others in the neighbourhood. [1885.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 84-93. — A section of the Upper Keuper beds recently exposed at Oxton. [1885.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 134-130. — Some instances of horizontally slickensided joints. [1887.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 240. — Report of field meeting at Bidston Hill, May 15th, 1880. [1887.] Liverpool Ueol. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, •»)<>. — Some irregularly striated joints in the Keuper Sand- stone of Lingdale quarry. [1888.] Liverpool Geol. Soe. Proc., 5, 1889, 386-387. — Report of field meeting at Wallasey, March 26th, 1887. [1888.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 3811. — A visit to Warwick. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Trans., 10, 1890, 27-30. — President's address. [On the Triassic and Quaternary geology of Liverpool.] [1888.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., G, 1892, 11-30. — The life of the English Trias. [1889.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 0, 1892, 145-165. — What becomes of the water ejected from volcanoes? [1890.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 6, 1892, 198-200. — The base of the Keuper in the northern part of Wirral. [1890.] Liverpool Geol. Soe. Proc., 0, 1892, 248-259. - The Trias of Cheadle and Alton, Staffordshire. Liverpool Geol. Ass. .11., 12, 1892, 37-41. - The Bunter conglomerate, near Cheadle, Stafford- shire. Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 6, 1892, 439-440. — Observations on some of the footprints from the Trias in the neighbourhood of Liverpool. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 779-780. — Report of the excursion to Shropshire, Easter, IM'.ll. [1894.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 7, 1897, 228-230. — An attempt to classify the footprints in the New Red Sandstone of this district. [1895.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 7, 1897, 391-409. — Observations regarding a footprint from the Keuper Sandstone at Storeton ; with a note on the probable structure of the foot by Prof. H. G. SEELEY. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 11, 1897, 179-181. — Notes on examples of footprints, etc., from the Trias iu some provincial museums. [1898.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 8. 1900, 233-237. — A section of the Trias recently exposed on Prenton Hill. [1898.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 8, 1900, 238- 241. Beasley, Henri/ C., & Lomas, Joseph. On some east and west faults at Caldy Grange. Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., ti, 1892, 413-415. - Report of Easter excursion to Malvern, 1896. [1896.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 7, 1897, 461-462. Beasley, (Rer.) T\)iomns] C[nlrert]. Colour in nature. [1891.] Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 0, 1890-91, 277-285. Beatley, William Crump. General paralysis of the insane. A study of the deep reflexes, and pathological condition of the spinal cord. [1885.] Brain, 8, 1886, 65-77. Beato y Dolz, Jose. *Informe sobre las aguas miuero- medicinales de la Isla de Cuba. [18S2.] Habana Ac. An., 18, 1881, 325-357. Beattie, J[olin] Carrutliers. On the behaviour of various alloys in a steady magnetic field. Edinb. Hoy. Soc. Proc., 20, 1895, 481-492. — On the variation of resistance in a steady magnetic field observed in nickel, antimony, and tellurium plates. Ediub. Roy. Soc. Proc., 20, 1895, 41I3-490. — Experiments on the transvprsr cffrct and on some related actions in bismuth. [1894.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 38, 1897, 225-240. — On the relation between the variation of resistance in bismuth in a steady magnetic field and the rotatory or transverse effect. [1895.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Trans.,' 38, 1897, 241-251; Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Ahth. 2 a), 653-670. — On the relation between the Hall effect and thermo- electricity in bismuth and in various alloys. [IH'.IG.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 21, 1897, 146-155. — On the curves of magnetisation for films of iron, cobalt, and nickel. [1896.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 38, 1897, 757-764. — On the electrification of air by uranium and its compounds. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 21, 1897, 466-472. — On the electric resistance of cobalt, iron, and nickel films in magnetic fields of various strengths. Phil. Mag., 45, 1898, 243-253. — Leakage of electricity from charged bodies at moderate temperatures. Phil. Mag., 48, 1899, 97-106. Beattie, J[ohn] Cnrrutliers, & Bottomley, J[ames] T[/iomson]. See Bottomley it Beattie. Beattie, J[ohn] Carruthers, & Smoluchowski, 3Ian/an (Hitter) von Smolan. Conductance produced in gases by Rontgeu rays, by ultra violet light, and by uranium, and some consequences thereof. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 28, 1897, 284-291; Phil. Mag., 43, 1897, 418- 439. Beattie, J[ohu] Carruthers, Kelvin, William Thomson (Lord), & Smoluchowski, M/injun (Ritter) von Smolan. See Kelvin, Beattie it Smoluchowski. Beattie, James M. On the anatomy of the red cod (Lotella Bacchus). [1890.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 23, 1891, 71-83. Beattie, Il[ohert]. The spark-length of an induction-coil. Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 139-148. — Note on a possible source of error in the use of a ballistic galvanometer. Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 575-579. Beattie, R[obert], & Clinker, 1{. C. Magnetic hysteresis in a rotating magnetic field. Electrician, 37, 1896, 723-728. Beatty, George S. Staining and double staining vegetable tissues. Amer. Micr. Jl., 7, 1886, 43-48. Beatty, L[enn] 0\lii-er], & Kastle, J[o*eph] H[oelmj'\. See Kastle A Beatty. Beatty, W[allace] A[ppleton], & Kastle, J[osepli\ H[oeing]. See Kastle & Beatty. Beatty, Walbice. Mercury in diseases of the heart. [1898.] Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 108, 1899, 257-265. Beau, M. , & Nicolas, Joseph. See Nicolas & Beau. Beau, N. Sourdine Gael-Beau. Ann. Tele'gr., 15, 1888, 85-87. — Constitution, etablissement et raccordement des cables souterrains du reseau teUegraphique et telephonique de Paris. Ann. Tetegr., 22, 1895, 289-348. Beaucaire, Justin. [Sur une fauvette albine.] Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1892, Ixx. Beaucaire] 374 [Beaumont Beaucaire, Justin, & Ittingaud, Galien. See Ittingaud iV Beaucaire. Beaucamp, [/•:»/('((, 1888, 676-679. Beaussenat, , & le Cendre, l'[nnl], tiee Le Gendre A Beaussenat. Beauvais, . Simulation d'amblyopie double attribute a la lumiere des eclairs. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 35, 1896, 434-441. Beauvais, Joseph. Lippiamexicana. VorlaufigeMittheilung. 1'harm. Ztschr. Russland. 26, 1887, 194-1'jd. — Ueber den anatomischen Bau von Grindeha robusta. Deutseh. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, 403-404. Beauverd, Giistavi. Aperc;u sur la florule du Mont-Gele de Riddes (Valais), valises du Rhone, de Nendaz et d'Iserables. [1896.] Bull. Murith., 23-25, 1897, 2S-44. — Quelques stations nouvelles des Calcaiies .lurassiques et Neocomieus, ainsi que des terrains erratiques des environs d'Ardon (Valais). [1897.] Bull. Murith., 26, 1898, 251-255. Beauverie, Jean. Note sur quelques monstruosites )>i. sentfes par uu pied de Plantago major. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 23, 1898 (Mem.), 23-24. — Hvgrocrocis et Penicillium glaucum. Lyou Soc. Bot. Ann.', 23, 1898 \Mern.), 51-60. — [Melanconium juglandinum.] Lj'on Soc. Bot. Ann., 23, 1898 (C. R.), 42. — Contribution a Tetuile de ['influence des conditions exterieures sur la morphologie et 1'anatomie des vegetaux. Fltude des modilieatious morphologiques et anatomiques de thalles de Marchantia et de Luuularia obtenues ex- perimeutalemeut. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 44, 1898, 57-69. - Sur le polyinorphisme de 1'appareil conidieu du Sclerotinia Fuckeliana ((/<' llnry't, Fnckfl, le Botrytis cincrea (Persoon), et la maladie de la toile. Lyou Hoc. I'.ot. Ann., 24, 1899 (Mem.), 39-62. — Le Botrytis cinerea et la maladie de la toile. Paris. Ac. .Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, sKl-sui, 1251-1253. — Etudes sur le polymorphisms des champignons, in- fluence du milieu. Lyon Univ. Ann. (1, Fax,-. :'}, 1900, 266 pp. Beauverie, ,1,-nn, it Vaney, (.'Ifment. Sur 1'Isaria urbiisriila I//.IIMM, d'nnc nvTiiphede eigale du Mexique. Lyou Sue. I, inn. Ann., 16. 1900, 7'.i 86. Beauvisage, d '| mriies l-'.ni/ine C/KIC/C*]. Observations sur deux rusi's prolif6res. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 15, 1888, 157-162. Beauvisagel 37; [Bebber plantes neo-cale- Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., — Le Jardin Botaniqne de la Faculte de Mcdecine de Lyon et la methode naturelle. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 15, 1888, 1113-196. — Sur les fascicules cribles enclaves dans le bois st'condaire de la Belladone. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 161-163. — [Decouverte a Saint-Genis-Laval des galles d'Hoplo- campa Xylostei, Giraud.] Lyou Soc. Bot. Ann., 1!). 1894 ((.'. 'ft.), 52-53. — [Fleurs de Gleditschia a deux carpelles. ] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. ft.), (iO. - Revision de quelques genres de doniennes du R. P. MONTROUZIER. 19, 1894 (JIi'iii.), 15-28. - Toxicite des graines de ricin. HI, 1894 (Mem.), 29-59. — Toxicite de 1'Ervum ervilia et du Saponaria vaccaria. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1895 (C. fi.), 1-2. — [Emploi du forinol.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1895 (C. It.), 31-32. — [Champignons parasites sur Asparagus om'cinalis.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1895 (C. R. ),~65. — Cercueils pharaoniques en bois d'if. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1895 (Mem.), 33-38. — [L'Hibiscus Abelraoschus en Egypte.] Lyon Soc. Bot Ann . 21, 1896 ((.'. ft.}, 10-11. — [Remarques sur I'Erythronium.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 (C. R.), 20. — Deuxieme note sur 1'herbier du R. P. MONTRODZIER. Le genre Entreeasteauxia, Montr, Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 (Mem.), 71-76. - [Remarques sur la signification des deux termes "symdtrie et regularite" des fleurs.j Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 25, 1900 (C. R.), 37. Beauvois, A. La therapeutique des fievres en Westphalie an xviii' siecle. "L'Archeus febrium faber et medicus" de J. H. COHAUSEN (1665-1750). Arch. Gen. Med., 186, 1900, 232-246. Beaven, ]•!. ,S., ,v. Munro, John 3I[ay] H[erbcrt], Hee Munro A- Beaven. Beaver, Iinniel II. l>. Irritable stricture of the urethra in the male, resulting from masturbation, a cause of hyperassthesia of the retina. Arch. Ophthalm. , 15, 1886, 1113-168. Beavis, ( 'Imrlex, & Ansclmtz.. Richard. .S'cc Anscliutz & Beavis. Beazeley, M[ichae!]. Notes of an overland journey through the southern part of Formosa from Takow to the south cape, in 1875, with an introductory sketch of the island. [1884.] Geogr. Soe. Proc.. 7, 1885, 1-19. Bebb, M[ichael] S[chuck]. For biography and list of works sec Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 510; Bot. Gaz., 21. 1896, 53-66; Erythea, 4, 1896, 29-31. - The willow basket. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884- 85, 48. — Salix macrocarpa, Nittt., not of ANDKKSSMX. [1885.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85. 221-223. — Notes on North American willows, with a description of new or imperfectly known species. Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888, 109-112, 186-187; 14, 1889, 49-54, 115-117; 15, 1890, 53-56 ; 16, 1891, 102-108. - White mountain willows. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 121-125; 16, 1889, 39-42, 211-215; 17, 1890, 149-151. - Willow. galls. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 22-23. — Notes on some arborescent willows of North America. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 363-364, 372-373, 423, 473, 482-483. - The range of Salix nigra. [Poxllt.] Erythea, 5, 1897, 10 11. Bebber, }\'[illii'liit] J[nln>b] ran. Bemerkeuswertbe Stiirme. Ann. der Hydrogr., 8 (1880), 609-618; 9 (1881), 9-21; R. S. A. C. 10 (1882), 6-20; 12 (1884), 676-685; is (1890), 35!) :'.6I; 20 (1892), 4o-56; 24 (1896), 114-124; 26 (1898), 12-21. • *Die geographische Vertheilung uml Bewegung der harometrischen Minima iiber Nord-West- und Mittel- Europa in deu Jahren 1876 bis 1880. Ann. der Hydrogr., 9 (1881), 299-301. - *Le deplacement des minima barometriques. [VY. ] [1880.] Ciel et Terre, 3, 1883, 104-107. Typische Witterungs-Erscheinurjgen. Ann. der Hydrogr., 12 (1884), 183-190; Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 19-20. - \Vitterungsiibersicht fiir Centraleuropa. [November 1883 bis Oktober 1889.] Humboldt, 3, 1884, 37-38, 77- 78, 115-116, 156-157, 198-199, 237, 277-278, 317-318. 357, 390, 427-429, 468-469; 4, 1885, 44, 87-88, 129, 168-169, 208, 258-259, 296-298, 338-339, 378, 417-418, 457, 493; 5, 1886, 31, 74-75, 109-110, 153, 188-189,233, 273, 311, 351-352, 391, 434; 6, 1887, 30-32, 76-77, 117- 118, 160-161, 201, 239-240, 280-282, 317-319, 362-363, 400-401,441-442; 7, 1888, 36-37, 81-83, 116-117. 161- 162, 201-202, 244-245, 280-281, 318-319, 357, 401-402, 440; 8, 1889, 38, 78-79, 122, 162-163,205-206, 243-244, 281-282, 320-321, 360-361, 404-405, 446-447, 4MI. — Anomale Witterungsphanomene aus letztverflossener Zeit. Humboldt, 3, 1884. 241-244. - Die Untersuchungen von HOFFMEYER und TEISSERENC HE BORT iiber Wintertypen und der Winter 18M3-S1. Meteorol. Ztschr., 1 (1884), 22-29, 70-78. — Cyklonenbahnen in Russland. Meteorol. Ztschr., 1 (1884), 326-327. — Die Regenverhaltnisse Deutschlauds. [1884.] Wetter, 1, 1885, 71-77. - Glaube und Aberglaube in der Witterungskuude. Eine historiscbe Skizze. Humboldt, 4, 1885, 24-28, 58-64. — [Der Friihling 1885.] n. Die abnorme Kalte im Mouat Mai 1885. Meteorol. Ztschr., 2 (1885), 227-230. — Anleitung zur Aut'stellung von Wetterprognosen bei typischen Witternugserscheinungen auf Grundlage von Zeitungs-Wettevkarteu, der Isobaren-Telegramme und Wetterkarten iiberhaupt. Ann. der Hydrogr., 14 (1886), 29-33. — Die Untersuchungen von Elias LOOMIS iiber die Form und die Bewegung der Cyklonen. Ann. der Hydrogr., 14 (1886), 89-94. — Die Uutersuchungen von Elias Looms iiber die Form, Ausdehnung und Fortpflanzung der barometrisehen Maxima, sowie iiber die Beziehuugeu der Maxima und Minima. Ann. der Hydrogr., 15 (1887), 355-365. — Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften. Meteoro- logie. Humboldt, 6, 1887, 143-147, 382-389; 7. 1888, 187-192, 428-431; 8, 1889, 223-227; 9, 1890, 163-170, 377-381. — Der tiigliche Gang des feuchten Thermometers in den Tropen. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 105-106. — Auffallende Erwarmnng atn 22. Juni 1887. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 310-312. - Die Untersuchungen von Elias LOOMIS iiber das Verhalten der barometrisehen Maxima und Minima. Wetter, 4, 1887, 145-150, 169-175. — Winter-Wettertypen aus dem letztverflosseneu Winter. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 222-223. - Das Klima Indiens. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 289-292, 333-336. — Abhangigkeit der Sta'rke des Unterwindes von der Unterlage. Ann. der Hydrogr., 17 (1889), 48.5-488. - Beitrag zur Kenntuiss der tiiglicheu Periode der Windgeschwindigkeit an lingerer Kiiste. Leopoldina. 25, 1889, 132-136. — [Ueber die Entwicklung des Sturmwarnungswesens an der deutschen Kiiste.] Meteorol. Ztschr., 6 (1889), 274- 275. — Eine neue Methode der Priifung von Sturmwarnungen 48 Bebber] 378 [Bechamp und Ergebnisse der Stnrmwarnungen an den deutsehen Kiisten im Jahre 1889. Ann. der Hydrogr., 18 (1890), 310-313. — Der Sturm vom 11. bis 14. Marz 1888 an der atlnn- tisclien Kiiste der Vereinigten Staaten. (The greal March blizzard.) Meteorol. Ztschr., 7 (1890), 121-126. -- Klimatafeln fiir die deutsche Kiiste. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 7 (1890), 192-196, 311-314, 474-475; 8 (1891), 311-313, 435-437. Die Zugstrassen der baromelrischen Minima nach den Bahnenkarten der Deutschen Seewarte fiir den Zeitraum 1*75-90. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 361-366. Entgegnung auf die Auslassungen des Herrn Dr. Hermann J. KLEIN iiber Wetterproguosen und Stunn- warnungen. Wetter, 8, 1891, 193-203, 253; 9, 1892, 72. — Die Priifung der Wetterproguosen und die Erhaltungs- tendenz der Witterung. Wetter, 8, 1891, 268-280. — Das Wetter in den barometrischen Maximis. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 295-297. - Biickblirk auf das Wetter in Deutsehland [in den Jnhren 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895]. Ann. der Hydrogr., '21 (1893), 7-15; 22 (1894), 24-31; 23 (1895), 61-69; 24 (1896), 74-84. — Die tiigliche und jahrliche Periode der Temperatur zu Hamburg. Ann. der Hydrogr., 21 (1893), 484-489. — Bodentemperaturen zu Hamburg (Eimsbiittel) naeh den von C. C. H. MUI.LER in den Jahren 1886-91 ange- stellten Beobachtnngen. Meteorol. Ztschr., 10 (1893), 215-220. Die Verteilung der Warmeextreme iiber die Erdober- flache. Petermann, Mitth., 39, 1893, 273-276; 40, 1894, 44-45. — Die letztverflossene Frostepoche. Wetter, 10, 1893, 25-40. — Die Witterungsverhiiltiiisse des Jalu'es 1892 in Deutseh- land. Wetter, 10, 1893, 55-59. — Present condition of the weather service. Propositions for its improvement. [With appendices by representatives of weather services in Europe and North America.] [1893.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 34-67. - Haufigkeit und Tiefe der barometrischen Minima sowie Bahnen der Maxima und stationare Maxima in dem Zeitraum vom Winter 1883-84 bis Ende Herbst 1887. Aun. der Hydrogr., 22 (1894), 208-218. - Die Witterungsverhiiltnisse des Jahres 1893 in Dentschland. Wetter, 11, 1894, 25-29. - Das SturmwarnuDgswesen an der deutschen Ku'ste und Vorschliige zur Verbesserung desselben. Ann. der Hydrogr., 23 (1895), 334-340 ; Deutsch. Natf . Verh., 1895 (fh. 2, Hiilfte 1), 39-40; Wetter, 12, 1895, 223-234. - Der Herbst 1895 (September und Oktober). Neue Methode der Darstelluug von Witterungsverbaltnissen. Wetter, 12, 1895, 249-253. — Das meteorologische Observatorium im Freihafen /u Bremen. Wetter, 13, 1896, 193-196. — Die Hauptwetterlagen in Europa. Ann. der Hvdrogi ., 25 (1897), 442-458; Wetter, 14, 1897, 121-130, 145-153, 169-178. Einiges iiber Wettervorhersage, insbesondere iiber das Sturmwarnungswesen an der deutschen Kiiste. Ann. der Hydrogr., 26 (1898), 63-70. — SonnenscheindauerinNordamerika. Meteorol. Ztschr., 15 (1898), 214-215. • Wissenschaftliche Grundlage einer Wettervorhersage auf mebrere Tage vrraus, insbesondere im Interesse der Landwirthschaft. Wetter, 16, 1899, 217-221, 241-245. Bebert, Pierre Antoine. For biography and works see Savoie Ac. Mem., 10, 1884, Ivii-lviii; 1891, 180-181. Bee, J'[/olii-nonH-nes de nutrition. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 (I't. 1), l.r.2. Becbamp, [Marie] J[mrph]. A Dujardin, I . De la zymaso Ju ji'-iiuirity. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 70-71, I'.IO. Becbdolt, A[dolf] F. Geological notes in Blue Earth rimiitv. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Rep., 13, 1885. 141-146. Bcclier, F.duard. For biography and list of works see \Vien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 352; Leopoldina, 23, 1887, 53; \Vieii, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887 (,Yof.), 8-9. — A new species of Simulium from Assam. [Tr.] I;. iiLal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 53 (Pt. 2), 1884, 199-200; Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc., 1884, 162. — Notes on Indian economic entomology. [1889.] [Pnsth.] Indian Mus. Notes, 1, 1889-91, 77-81. Becher, (Maj.) Edward French. The land and fresh- water Mollusca of the Maltese Islands. [1884.] .11. Couch., 4, 1883-85, 229-237. — A Sind lake. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 1. 1886. 91-96; Zoologist, 10, 1886, 425-431. — Some cold-weather notes from Guzerat. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1888, 114-117. — Hot-weather notes in the Central Provinces, 1887. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl.. 3, 1888, 134-137. — At Malta to and from India. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. .11., 4, 1889, 116-69. — Some shooting notes. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 316-320. — Cold-weather shooting in Baipur. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 556-562. Becber, H[arry] M[ac] ili', iV Noelting, Kmilio [Dtunimjv]. S<',- Noelting A Becbi. Becbmann, [ Kruest Ge«rarabolique de grande dimension. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., KIM, 1889, 564. — Alimentation en eau dans les principales villes de France, resultats de 1'enquete. [1892.] Ann. Hyg. Publ., 29, 1893, 84-85. Becbterev, r[/«ii(i;«ii- Michajlovif], Ueber die nach Durch- scbneidung der Sehnervenftisern im Inneru der Gross- hirnhemispharen (in der Xachbarschaft des hintereu Abscbnittes der inueren Kapsel) auftretenden Erschein- uugen. Neurol. Centrbl., 3, 1884, 1-9. — Ueber die Bemerkungeu von V. HENSEN [zum Aufsatz des Autoren] " Ueber den Verlauf der die Pupille ver- engendeu Nervrnfasern im Gehirn." Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 33, 1884, 240-243. — Ueber die Function der Vierhiigel. Prliiger, Arch. Physinl., 33, 1884, 413-439. — Ueber die Verbindung der sogenannten peripheral Gleichgewiehtsorgane mit dem Kleinhirnstiele. Pfliiger, Arch. Physinl.. 31, 1884. 362-388. Bechterev ] 38] [Bechterev — T. ntersuchungen liber die Schleifenscliiclit. Leipzig Math. Pliys. Ber., 27, 1885, 241-244. — Ufher die Bestandtbeile der Hiuterstra'nge des Riicken- uiarks auf Grund der Untersucluing Hirer Entwickelung. N'eurol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 31-33. — Zur Anatoinie der Schenkel des Kleinhirns, ins- besmidere der Briickenarme. Neurol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 121-125. — Ueber die innere Abtheilung des Strickkdrpers und den achten Hirnnerven. Neurol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 145- 147. — Ueber eine bisher uubekannte Verbindung der grossen Oliven mil dem Grosshirn. Neurol. Centrbl., 4, 1885 194-1915. — Ueber die Langsfaserziige der Formatio reticularis medulla oblougata: et pontis. Neurol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 337-346, 384. — Wie sind die Erscheinuugen zu verstehen, die uach Zerstdruug des motorischen Riudenfeldes an Thieren auftieten? Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol.. 35, 1885, 137-145. — Ueber Zwangsbesvegungen bei Zerstdrung der Hirn- riinle. Virchow, Arch., 101, 1885, 473-483. — I Vber einen besonderen Bestaudtheil der Seitenstriiuge des Riickenmarkes und iiber den Faserursprung der grossen aufsteigenden Trigeminuswurzel. Arch. Anat. 1'liysiol. (Anat. Alith.), 1886, 1-4. — Ueber die Beatandtheile des Corpus restiforme. Arch. Anat. Ph.ysiol. (Anat. Abtii.), 1886, 4(13-411. — Retrecissement reflexe de la pupille par la lumu're. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 35C-363. - De 1'exeitabilite des centres moteurs de 1'ecorce cere- brale chez les chiens nouveau-nes. Arch. Slaves Biol., 2, 1886, 191-198, 463. - Ueber die hinteren Neivemvurzeln, ihre Endigung in der grauen Substanz des Kiickenmarkes uud ihre centrale Fortsetzung im letzteren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (A nut. Abtli.), 1887, 126-136. Pbysiologie de la region niotrice de la substance corticale du cerveau. Arch. Slaves Biol., 3, 1887, 177- 206. — Le cerveau de 1'homme dans ses rapports et connexions intimes. Arch. Slaves Biol., 3, 1887, 293-321 ; 4, 1887, 1-30, 249-296. — Reeherehes sur 1'excitabilite de differents faiseeaux de la muelle epinieiv chrz It's aniniaux nouveau-nrs. Arch. Slaves Biol., 4, 1887, 337-346; Neurol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, 154-159. — Zur Frage iiber den Ursprung des Hornerven und iiber die physiologische Bedeutung des N. vestibularis. Neurol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 193-198, '264. — Ueber die Trigeminuswurzeln. Neurol. Ceutrbl., 6, 1887, 289-290. Die Bedeutung der Sehhiigel auf Gruud von experi- meutellen und pathologiseheu Daten. Yirchow, Arch., 11(1, 1887, 102-154, 322-365. — Ueber die Bestandtheile des vordereu Kleinhirn- schenkels. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abtli.), 1888, 195-204. — Zur Frage iiber die secundaren Degeuerationen des Hirnschenkels. Arch. Psychiatr., 19, 1888. 1-17. — Paramyoclonus multiplex. Arch. Psychiatr., 19, 1888, 88-103. — Ueber die Erregbarkeit verschiedener Hirnbezirke bei neugeborenen Thieren. Neurol. Ceutrbl., 8, 1889, 513- 521. — Ueber die Erscheinungen, welche die Durehschneidung der Hinterstrange des Kiickenmarkes bei Thiereu herbei- fiihrt und iiber die Beziehungen dieser Strange zur Gleichgewichtsfunction. Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Plii/xinl. Alith.), 1890, 489-504. — Zur Frage iiber die Function des Kleinhirns. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 3.34-359. Ueber die Folgeerscheinungen der Zerstorung ver- schiedener Hirntheile neugeborener Thiere und iiber die Kntwickelung ibrer Hirnfunctiouen. Neurol. CVntrhl , 9, 1890. 642-646. — Ueber die verschiedenen Lagen und Dimenskmeu der Pyramidenbahnen beim Menscheu und den Thieren und iiber dits Vorkommen von Fasern in denselben, welche sich durch eine friihere Entwickelung auszeichnen. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 738-741; 10, 1891, 107. — Kjaccn4>HKauifl AyiireBUHX'i, no:r];:sneB. [Clas- sification of mental diseases.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1891 (Pt. 4), 83-118, (Pt. 5), 57-78. — Zur Frage iiber die iiusseren Assoeiationsfasern der Hirnriude. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 682-684. — Zur Frage iiber die Blutcirculatiun im Hirn wahreml epileptischer Anfalle, nach den Untersuchungen von Dr. TOUORSKV. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 684-689. - IIpOBOJHMUe nj'TII MOSra. [Different tracts of the medulla.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1892 (Pt. 6), 123-166 ; 1893 (Pt. 1), 157-230, (Pt. 2), 50-128. — Ueber eine neue Untersuchungsmethode der Sehnen- reflexe uud iiber die Veranderuugeu letzterer bei Geistes- krankheiten und bei Epileptikern. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 34-40. — Zur Frage iiber die Strife medullares des verlangerteu Markes. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 297-305. — Ueber zeitliche Verhaltnisse der psychischen Processe bei in Hypnose betindhchen Personeu. Nach deti Unter- suchungen von E. HENIKA und B. WOROTYNSKI. Neurol. Ceutrbl., 11, 1892, 305-307. — Ueber neuro-psychische Storungen bei chronischem Ergotismus. Nach den Beobachtungeu von Dr. N. KEFORMATZKI. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 769-775. — Ueber die Kiudencentra Sphincteris aui et vesicse. Nach den Versuchen von Dr. J. MEYER. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 81-82. — Ueber den Einfluss der Suspension auf die Sehstorung bei Affectionen des Riickenmarkes. Nach den Unter- suchungen von Dr. B. WOKOTYNSKI. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 210-217. — Ueber die Geschwiudigkeitsveranderungeu der psychi- schen Processe zu verschiedeneu Tageszeiten. Nach den Untersuchungen von P. OSTANKOW und M. GRAN. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 290-292, 504. — Steingkeit der Wirbelba'ule und ihre Verkriimmung als besondere Erkrankungsform. Neurol. Ceutrbl., 12, 1893, 426-434. — Ueber die Wechselbeziehung zwischen der gewohn- lichen und sensoriellen Anasthesie (Functiousabnahme der Siunesorgane) auf Gruud klinischer und experimen- teller Dateu. [1892.] Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 252- •256, 297-303. — Unaufhaltsames Lachen und Weinen bei Hirnafi'ec- tioneu. [1893.] Arch. Psychiatr., 26, 1894, 791-817. — Ueber das Olivenbiiudel des cervicalen Theiles vom Riiekenmark. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 433-437. — Ueber die Schallleitung uud Percussion der Schadel- kucjchen und der Wirbelsiiule als Untersuchungsmethode bei Nervenkrankheiten. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, SIS- SIS. — Zur Frage iiber den Einrluss der Hirnrinde und der Sehhiigel auf die Schluckbewegungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 584-585. — Die sensiblen Bahnen im Riickeumark. Nach den I'ntersuchuugeu von Dr. F. HOLZINGER. Neurol. Ceutrbl., 13, 1894, 642. — Ueber pupillenverengernde Fasern. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 802-807. — Ueber die Blutcirculation im Grosshirn wiihreud der Anfalle experimenteller Epilepsie. Nach den Beobach- tungen von Dr. A. TODORSKI. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, S34-838. — Ueber die Bedeutung des gleichzeitigen Gebrauchs der Bechterev] 382 [Bechterev Biomide und der Adonis vernalis bei Epilepsie. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894. M38-843. — 1'eliiT die' Sehleifenschicht auf Grund der Kesultate von nach der entwickelungsgeschichtliehen Metbode ansgefiihrtcn Untersuchungen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Aunt. Abth.), 1895, 379-395. I i ber dm Einfluss der traumatiscben Eutziinduug der Hirnrinde auf die Erregbarkeit derselben. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 2-3. — Uebtr den Einfluss der durch die Stimmgabel- scbwingungen herbeigefiibrten Erschiitterungen auf den menscblichen Organismus. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 194-199. — Untersuchnugen iiber die Genese der epileptischen Anfiille. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 394-397. — Der hiutere Zweihiigel ala Centrum fiir das Gehor, die Stimme uud die Beflexbewegungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 706-712. — Ueber den Eiufluss des Hungerus auf die neugebo- reneu Thiere, insbesondere auf das Gewicht und die Entwickelung des (iehirns. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 810-817. — Ueber ein besonderes, intermediates, in den Pyrami- denseiteustrangbahnen befindliches Fasersystem. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, '.129-932. — Ueber wenig bekanute Eeflexerscheinungen bei Ner- venkrankheiten und iiber die diagnostische Bedeutung des sog. Fussphanomens und der Sehnen- und Hautre- flexveranderungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 14,1896,1157-1166. — Ueber die Empfindungen, welche mittels der soge- uannten Gleichgewicbtsorgane wahrgenommen werden, uud iiber die Bedeutung dieser Empfindungen in Bezug auf die Entwickelung uuserer Eaumvorstellungen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Pltt/siol. Abtli.), 1896, 105-141. — Ueber syphilitische disseminirte, cerebrospinale Skle- rose nebst Bemerkuugen iiber die secundiire Degenera- tion der Fasern des vorderen Kleinhirnschenkels, des centralen Haubenbiindels und der Schleifenschicht. Arch. Psychiatr., 28, 1896, 742-772. — Die Lehre von den Neuronen und die Entladungs- theorie. (Untersucbungsresultate des Nervensystems nach der Golgi'schen Methode.) Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 50-57, 103-111. — Ueber das Kniescheibenphanomeii als diaguostiscb.es Kennzeichen von Nervenleiden uud iiber andere verwandte Erscheinungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 818-823. — Ueber pathologiscbe Empfindungen und Mitempfind- ungeu bei Geisteskranken. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 1058-1067. — Ueber die Kerne der mit den Augenbewegungen in Beziehung stehenden Nerven (des Oculomotorius, Abdu- cens und Trochlearis) uud iiber die Verbindung derselben unter eiuander. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1897, 307-315. — Ueber das sog. Krampfceutrum und iiber das Centrum fiir die Locomotion im Niveau der Varolsbriicke. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 14(5-151. — Die Errothungsangst als eine besondere Form von krankhafter Stciruug. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1897, 386- 391. — Ueber das besondere, rnediale Biindel der Seiten- striinge. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 680-682. — Neue Beobachtuugen iiber die "Errothungsangst." Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 985-989. — Zur Behaudlung der Myotonie. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1897, 990-993. — Ueber centrifugale, aus der Sell- und Vierhiii,vlgi.'gi?nd iiusgehende Hiiokenmarksbahncn. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 1074-1077. — Ueber das Hiiren der eigenen Gedauken. [1897.] Arch. Psychiatr., 30, 1898, 284-294. — Ueber die Erregbarkeit der Grosshirnrinde neugebo- rener Thiere. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 148-150. — Die partielle Kreuzuug der Sehuerven in dem Chiasma hi'iherer Siiugethiere. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 199-202. I Vljer die Bedeutung der Cardiaca bei der Behaudlung der Epilepsie. Neurol. Ceutrbl., 17, 1898, 290-294. — Ueber eine eigenartige psychopathische Form der Retentio urinaj. Neurol. Centrbl.. 17. 1898. 834-840. — Ueber Sto'rungen des Stoffwechsels bei Neurasthenic. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 1029-1032. — Das elektrische TrichosEsthesiometer und die sog. Haarempfindlichkeit des Korpers. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 1032-1035. Epileptische und epileptoide Anfalle in Form von Angstzustiinden. Neurol. Ceutrbl.. 17, 1898, 1121-1124. — Ueber die Entwickelung der Zellelemente in der Grosshirnrinde des Menschen. [1896.] Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 770-772, 1072. — Untersuehungsergebnisse betreffend die Erregbarkeit des hinteren Abschnittes des Stirnlappens. Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Physiol. Altli.), 1899, 500-503. — Ueber die Gehiircentra der Hirnrinde. Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Phijsiol. Abth.). 1899 (Suppl.), 391-402. — Ueber die Lage der motorischen Eindenceutren des Menschen nach Ergebnissen faradischer Beizung dersel- ben bei Gehirnoperationen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Pliy- sinl. Abtli.), 1899 (Suppl.), 543-546. — Ein neues Algesimeter. Neurol. Ceutrbl., 18, 1899, 386-390. — Ueber unwillkiirlichen Harnabgang beim Lachen. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 447-448. — Ueber die sensiblen Functionen der sog. motorischen Rindeuzone des Menschen. Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Phy- siol. Abtli.), 1900, 22-24. — Ueber pupillenverengernde und pupillenerweiternde Centra in deu hinteren Theileu der Hemispharenriude bei den Affen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 25-28. — Ueber die Localisation der Geschmackeentra in der Gehirnriude. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900 (Suppl.), 145-151. — Myotonie, eiue Krankheit des Stoffwechsels. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 98-102. — Ueber objective Symptome localer Hyperasthesie und Anajsthesie bei den sog. traumatischen Neurosen und bei Hysterie. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 205-208, 388- 389. Ueber den Scapulo-Humeralreflex. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 208-209. — Ueber pupillenverengernde und Accommodationscentra der Gehirnriude. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 386-388. — Ueber acut auftretende Storungen der Motilitat mit den Merkmalen cerebellarer Ataxie bei Alkoholikern. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 834-837. — Ueber die Bedeutung des Scapulo-Humeralreflexes. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 1042-1045. Ueber Zwangserbrechen. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900. 1045-1048. Bechterev, ]'\lepniecKoS iiimt'p- HiUUH KllllliM;1!.. [Ueber centrale uud periphere Darm- innervation.J Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 20, 1889, 245- 278; Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1889 (Suppl.), 243-202. Bechterev] 383 [Beck — Zur Frage iiber die die Speichelsecretion anregenden Rindenfelder. Neurol. Centrbl., 8, 1889, 190-193. — Zur Frage iiber die Innervation des Magens. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 195-199. — Ueber die Hirncentren der Scheidenbewegungen bei Thieren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abtli.), 1891 380-393. — Ueber die Innervation und die Hirncentren der Thra- nenabsondernng. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 481-486. Bccl-tcrcv. r\lat1imir Michajlovic], & Ostankov, l\rtr Aleksandrovic]. Ueber den Einfluss der GroRshirnrinde auf den Schluckact und die Athmuug. [1893.] Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 580-584. Bcclitcrcv, V[ladinur Midwjlnvii-], & Rosenbach, P[avel Jiiliiii'lri'i?]. Ueber die Bedeutung der Intervertebral- ganglien. Experimentell-histologische Untersuchung. Neurol. Centrbl., 3, 1884, 217-223, 320-322. Beck, Alexander], Ueber den gegenwartis Lei as- tronomischeu Beobacbtungen benutzten Ghronographen. [1884.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 28, 1885, 9-10. Ueber einige neue Anwendungen ebener Spiegel. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 7, 1887, 380-389. — Ueber einige neue Anwendungen ebener Spiegel in der praktisehen Astronomie. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 31, 1888, 34-35. - Ueber den von Geheimrat DOLLEN in Pulkowa im Jahre 1882 gemachten Vorschlag, die Zeit der totalen Mondfinsternisse zur Beobacbtuug der Fixsternbedeck- ungen zu benutzen. Eiga Corresp~-Bl., 31, 1888, 38. - Elemeutare Herleitung der Pliicker'scben Formeln. Zurich Vrtljschr., 33, 1888, 173-178. - Ueber die Fundamentalaufgabe der Axonoraetrie. Crelle, Jl. Math., 106, 1890, 121-124. — Ueber ein neues Instrument zur Zeit- und Polhohen- bestimrnung. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 385-396. — Beobachtung des Mercurdurchgangs 1891 Mai 9 anf der Sternwarte des Polytechnikums in Riga. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 427-428. — Ueber die Amvemlung eines Objectivprismas zur Zeit- niul Polhb'henbestimmnng. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 81-96. - Ueber einen Ersatz fur den Quecksilberhorizout. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 65-78. - Ueber den Schnitt zweier Kegel und iiber eine Steiner'sche Aufgabe betreffend ebene Curven. Zurich Vrtljschr., 38, 1893, 199-227, 266-293. — Zweite Form des Instruments mil vertiealem Fernrohr und Objectivprisma zur Zeit- und Polhb'henbestimmung. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 225-242. - Ueber Doppelspiegel und deren Verwendung bei astronomischeu Instrumeuten. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 37, 1894, 86-87. — Ueber die geographische Breite von Riga aus Beo- bachtuugen an einem neuen astronomischen Instrument. Riga Corresp.-Bl. (Festsclir.), 1895, 35-58. - Dritte Form des Nadir-Instruments. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 119-124. - Vortrag iiber Planimeter. [1896.1 Riga Corresp.-Bl., 40, 1898, 119-100. — Ueber perspektive Affinitat zweier Raume. Ztschr. Math. Phys. , 44, 1899, 85-101. Beck, Addison Lloyd. Analysis of Ricinus communis. Amer. Jl. Pharm.', 60, 1888', 93-98, 664. Beck, Atlolf. 0 pobudliwosci roznych iniej^c tego samego nerwu. [Ueber die Reizbarkeit verschiedener Stellen eines und desselben Nerven.] Krakow Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Pam., 15, 1888, 165-195; Centrbl. Physiol., 2, 1889^ 359- 360. - Die Strome der Nervencentren. [1890.] Centrbl. Physiol., 4, 1891, 572-573. — Oznaczenie lokalizacvi w mozgu i rdzenin za pomoca zjawisk elektrycznych. [Die electrischen Erscheinungen im Gehiru und Riickenmarke, und ibre Anwendung zur Bestimmung der Localisation.] [1890.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 1, 1891. 187-232; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.,' 1890, 136-139. Przyczynek do tizyjologii cze.sci l^dzwiowej rdzenia pacierzowego u zab. [Beitrag zur Physiologic des Lendenmarkes beim Frosche.] [1892.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr , 4, 1893, 56-72 ; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1892, 58-59. Obecny stan nauki o lokalizacvi czynnosci kory mozgowej. [Present state of the theory of the localisa- tion of function in the cerebral cortex.] Kosmos (Lwow), 18, 1893, 1-19. — 0 zmianach cisnienia krwi w zyfach. [On variations in venous pressure.] [1893.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.- Przyrod.) Rozpr., 7, 1895, 23-62; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1893, 192-198. — 0 powstawaniu urobiliny. [Ueber die Entstehung des Urobilins.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.} Rozpr., 7, 1895, 328-373; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1895, 14-17. — [The velocity of blood in the portal vein.] Nature, 52 (1895), 556. — 0 suie i jego przyczynaeh. [On sleep and its causes.] Kosmos (Lwow), 21, 1896, 225-239. — Pomiary pobudliwosci roznych miejsc nerwu za pomoca rozbrojeii kondensatora. [Messungen der Erregbarkeit verschiedeuer Stelleu eines und desselben Nerven ver- mittels Condensator-Entladungen.] [1896.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 11. 1897, 234-246; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1896, 253-254 ; Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1897, 415-425. — 0 trujacych whisnosciach moczu. [Ueber die toxischen Eigeuschaften des Harns.] [1896.] Krakdw, Ak. (Mat.- Przyrod.) Rozpr., 13, 1898, 64-106; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1896, 352-355; Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 71, 1898, 560-595. — Zur Untersuchung der Erregbarkeit der Nerven. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 352-359. - Badania nad unerwieniem gruczotow sliuowych. [Uutersuchungen iiber die Innervation der Speichel- driisen.] [1897.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 15, 1899. 13-62; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1897, 398-403; Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 33-37. Ueber kiinstlich hervorgerufene Farbenblindheit. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 76, 1899, 634-640. • Ueber die bei Belichtung der Netzhaut von Eledone moschata entstehenden Actionsstrorne. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 78. 1899, 129-162 ; Kosmos (Lwow), 25, 1900, 1-35. Beck, Adulf. & Cybulski, Napoleon. Dalsze badania nad zjawiskami elektrycznemi w korze mozgowej u maipy i psa. (Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die elektriscben Erscheinungen in der Hirnrimle der Aflen und Hunde.l Cracovie Ac^ Sci. Bull., 1891, 369-375 ; Centrbl. Physiol., 6, 1893, 1-6, 64. Die elektrischen Erscheinungeu in der Hirurinde der Affen und Hunde. Cougr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Fisiol.), 66. Dalsze badauia zjawisk elektryczuych w korze moz- gowej. [Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die elektrischen Erscheinungen in der Hirnrinde.] [1895.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 12, 1896, 174-257; Craeovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1895, 259-263. See also Cybulski A Beck. Beck, Adolf, & Gluziriski, W. Antonl. Wplyw podwiazania moczowodu na czynnosc nerki. (Przyczynek do'teoryi wydzielania moczu.) [Ueber den Einfluss der Uuter- bindung des Harnleiters auf die Function der Niere. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Haruabsonderung.] [1894.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Hcizpr., 9, 1895, 308-329; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull. ,1894, 272-274. Beck, Arno. Ein neues Mikrotom (System Beck-Becker). Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 324-331. Beck, ft[t'rnhtird] von. For biography and works see Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 39, 1894, 427-436; Seuckeub. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1895, iv. Beckl [Beck — Ein neuer Beitrag zur Lehre von den Schiidel- uud Riickeumarksverletzungen. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 24. 1886, 1-1511. Beck, Carl. ' Trber das Dioxydiplienylmethan. Berlin, Cheni. Ges. Ber., 10, 1877, 1837-1841; Liebig's Ann., 194, 1878, 318-333. Ueber einige Orthonitrobenzylverbindungen. .11. Prakt. < 'brin.. 47, 1893. 397-400. Beck, ( 'in/ , cV Haeussermann, C[a il.]. Si v II.i c usscrni.i 1111 ,\ Beck. Beck, Curl. Exploratory iilt'iimt.miiv and resection of costal pleura. N. Y. Med. .11., C.l, 1895, 742-744. — Is appendicitis a surgical disease? N. Y. Med. Jl., (is, 1898, 6H5-091, 727-732, 757-763, 840-S44. — Iiarstellung von Gallensteinen in der Gallenblase und Leber. [1899.] Fortschr. Rontgenstr., 3, 1899-1900, 217. — Fracture of the lower end of the radius. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 361-365, 433-437. — On the detection of calculi in the liver and gall bladder. [IS'.iu. | X. Y. Med. .11., 71, 1900, 73-77. — Badiographie des calculs biliaires. Congr. Int. Mrd. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 6). 31. Beck, Charles R[iilaeinn/], A Shcnstonc, William .[slnri'll. ,S'iv Shcnstonc & Beck. Beck, Charles l{[iiliii'iru'i<] H[i'inlrikii*~\ Mcirinn. an "evolution " point of view. [lss.">. ] Soc. Trans.. 4, 1888, 34-14. Beck, Josef, Ein Endotheliom des Hmnerus. Beitr. Path. Anat., 25, 1899, 547-553. Beck, Jote/ili. For biographical notice see Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52. 1892, 229-230. Beck, A'fiiiV], Oattermann, I.viliriii, A Fritz, .S'[/r/)«i(H<7]. SVC Qattermann, Fritz ,v Beck. Beck, Linliriii, it Claus, Adnlph [Curl I.tdUriti]. See Claus A Beck. Beck, Mn.r. Bacteriologische Unterfluehungen iiber ilir Aetiologie der mensehlichen Diphtheric. Ztschr. Hyg., K. 1890, 134-464. - Ueber eine durch Streptokokken hervorgernfene Meningitis. Ztschr. Hyg., 15, 1893. 359-362. — Der Bacillus der Brustseuche bemi Kaninchen. Ztschr. Hyg., 15, 1893, 363-368. — Experimented Untcrsuchungen iiber den Ztschr. Hyg., 19, 1895, 427-449. — Zur Ziichtung anaerober Kulturen. Centrbl. Bakt. (Al>t. 1), 22, 1897, 343-345. — La nouvelle tuberculine TR. Progres Mod., 8, 1898, 81-85. Beck, jl/i/.r, iV Proskauer, Hernlniril. See Froakauer iV- Beck. Beck, Mn.r, iv Schultz, I'mil. t'rber die Rinwirkung sogcn. monocbromatiscnen Liclit.es auf die Bacterienent- wickelung. Ztschr. Hyg., 23, 1896, 490-496. Tetan Beck, P. Theorie elus remancnten Magiiftismiis von Fiii'i'L. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 464-467. — Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung des Hrn. KOHN iiber magnetisch weiche und harte Kiirpcr. Ann. Phys. Chem., 5!l, 1896, 84-90. Beck, y[iiH/], A- Will, [ <'n rl \ IT [////,•/;»]. N.v Will A' Beck. Beck, Pnti/, & Freund, Martin. .SVc Freund A Beck. Beck, [Carl] Richard. Section Adorf. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Ulatt 151, 1884, 29 pp. — Section Klstc'i nebst SchiinlicrR. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erliiut.. ntutt 154, 155 * 156, 1885, 36 pp. - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Flora des sachsischen Oligocans. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886,312- 3.12. - Section Sayda. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Ul/itt 117, 1886, 22 pp. - Section Nassau. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Hint 118, 1887, 52 pp. — Die Entstehung der Kantengenille. Hurnboldt, 7, 1888. 186-187. - Die neuesten Anschauungen ubur die Pflauzen der Steinkohlenzeit. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 376-378. - Ueber artesische Brunnen in Sachsen. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 4s. 1889, 3;i 12. — Section Berggiesshiibel. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Illnit 102, 1889, 92 pp. - Ueber Amphibolitisirung von Diabasgesteinen im Contactbereich von Graniten. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 43, 1891, 257-263. — Das Rothliegende des Plauenschen Grundes. Deutsch. Geol. Ges Ztschr., 43, 1891, 767-777. — [Kalksteinrldtz des Kothliegenden im Marienschacht bei Boderitz. Granit- und Syenitgebiet des Elbthals. Sumpt'meigel bei Cotta.] Dresden Isis Sber., 1891, 27-28. — Die Grundmorane des nordischen Binneneises bei Dresden. Dresden Isis Sber., 1891 (Abli.), 15-19. — Ueber das Schiefergcbirge der (legend von Berggiess- hiibel, Weesenstein und Maxen. [1890.] Leipzig Xatf. Ges. Sber., 17 & 18, 1892, 30-38. - Ueber gequetschte Granite. [1891.] Leipzig Xatf. Ges. Sber., 17 * is, 1892, 113-116. - Ueber Brookit als Contactmineral. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (/,' ['''"''I Richarit- * Weber, (•[,„•/] A[ll«rt]. Ueber ein lornagtr im alteren Diluvium des sachsischen Erz- gebirges. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 49, 1897 662- 671. Beck, Hubert If. Salix lucicla, Miihlenben/. Shiuinf willow. Amer. Jl. Pbarm., 63, 1891, 581-583. Beck, Suma. Bin Wasserbacterium. Math Nat Ber Ungarn, 14, 1898, 372. - A boralatti zsirszovet zsirsejtjeiben neha elofordulo margarm kristalyoknak egy erdekes es meg eddig nem ismert szfnreakczioja. [Eine interessante uud bisher unbekaunte Farbenreaction der in den Fettzellen des Fettgewebes unter der Haul manchmal vorkommenden Margarinkrystalle.] Termt. Kozlon., 30, 1898 327-328- Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 341-342 Beck S,,i,la, & Benedikt, Heinrieh. Az izommunka belolyasa a ken kivalasztasara. [Einfluss der Muskelar- beit aufdie Ausscheidung der Pbosphorsaure.l Math Termt. Krtes., 11, 1893, 163-198; PHiiger, Arch. Physiol ' 54, 1893, 27-61. Beck, Smiui, A Fenyvessy, Hfl,,. Az ichthyolnak a boron at valo felsziv(id;isar,M ; adatok a borresorptio tanahoz LUeber das Aufsaugen des Iclitbyols durch die Haut Beitrage zur Lehre der Hautresorption.] Termt Kozlon ' 31, 1899, 422; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 18, 1903 445 Beck, T)i[eodor]. Ueber einige Grundbegriffe der Me'chanik Civihngemeur, 32, 1886, 191-210. - Historische Notizen. (1) HEKON der Aeltere von Alexandria (um 120 vor Chr.) und seine Vorganger [(2) Marcus Vitruvius POLLIO (um 16 vor Chr.) (3) Sext f"1; FKONTINUS (um 97 nach Chr.). (4) CATO der Aeltere 149 vor Chr.). (5) Leonardo DA VINCI (14.52- 1519 n. Chr.). (6) Vanuccio BIRINGUCCIO (um 1540 n. Chr.). (7) Georgius AOHICOLA (1490-1555) (M) Hieronimiis CARDANUS (1501-1576). (9) Jacques BESSON (-1569). (10) Agostino RAMELLI (etwa 1530-1590) (11) Buonaiuto LORINI (geb. um 1545). (12) Giara- battista DELLA PORTA (1538-1615). (13) Skizzen aus der Zeit der Hussitenkriege (um 1430). (14) Vittorio ZONTI (1568-1602). (15) Leonardo DA VINCI. (16) Juanelo luRKiAxo (1500-1585). (17) Heinrich ZKISING (f 1613) (18) Leonardo DA VINCI.] Civilingenieur, 32 1886 401- 426, 619-634; 33, 1887, 343-350, 417-438; 34, 1888 25- 46,5(51-576,737-766; 35,1889, 511-538; 36 1890 I'll- i!2, 505-524; 37, 1891, 409-428; 38, 1892 189-206 617-634; 39,1893,289-314,587-630; 40,1894,505-538-' 41, 1895, 529-548 ; 42, 1896, 401-456 [Beck von Manuagetta Beck, 11'[ill,eli>i], A Musketov, /[i-,,,,l r|«v/-//Vc/rl To reference in title (IW. 9) add St. Petersb. Min Ges \erh., 18, 1883, 1-76. Beck, »•[///„/„,], &• Teich, N. • Ueber Wolfram und Hcneeht aus Fundortern Kusslands. St. Petersb Min des. Verb., 4, 1869, 312-321. Beck in/helm. Ueber den Austritt des N. hynoglossus und N. cervicahs primus aus dem Centralorgan beim Menschen und in der Keibe der Saugetiere unter bp- sonderer Benicksiohtigung der dorsalen Wurzeln [1895 1 Anat. Hefte (Abt. 1), 6, 1896, 249-345 Beck, inn,,-!,,,, A Froriep, Au,,,,*!. ,SVc- Froriep tv Beck Beck von Mannagetta, flilnthfr (Ritter). *Neue Pflanz.-n uesterreichB. [18H3.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 33, 1884, - Zur Pilzflora Niederdsterreichs. [1883-89 1 Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 33, 1884 (Abh.) 229-24-' • 35 ISRA — •« "76; 36, 1886 (A,,,,]', i^U\ n\ ^ Untersuchungen fiber den Oeffnungsmechanismns der ll-an Irananlwt rioocT Tlr- n i -^. . h., 35, 1886 --r - V»rt'/\), 64-65. - Zur Kenntniss der Torf bewohnenden Fohren Nieder osterreichs. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 3, 1888 7o— 78. - Flora des Stewart-Atolls im Stillen Ocean. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 3, 1888, 251-256 — — Poroptyche, .101.. gen. Polyporeorum. Wien Zool Bot Verb., 38, 1888 (Abh.), 657-658. — — Mittheilungeu aus der Flora von Niederostmeich Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 38, 1888 (Abh.), 765-768- 41 1891 (Abh.), 640-646, 793-798. - Die alpine Vegetation der siidbosnisch-hercegovinischen Hochgebirge. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 38, 1888 (Abh ) - Ueber die Sporenbildung der Gattuug Phlyctospora, Corda Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 212-216- Wien ^ool. Bot. Verh.,J9, 1889 (Sber.), 60. m. Oesterr. Bot. Ztscbr., 39, - Ueber die Entwioklung und den Ban der Schwimm- , .8 Orohanehe- Blbl- Bot- - Einige Benierkungen zur systematischen Gliederun.- ' ' scussim - Wien R. S. A. C. , — Die Vegetationsverhaltnisse dernordwestlicben B'llka. lander. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (T/, 2 ^ " l",' 19 Beck von Mannagettal 386 (Becke — Knautite (Trieherte) aliquot novtc. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 9. 1894, 351-354. — Bericht iiber die im Jahre 18'.l~> uuternommpiie funfte Reise zur botanischen Erforschung Illyriens. Wien, Nat Hist. Hofrnns. Ann., 10, 1895 (Not.), 99-102. — Feller die Verbreitung del Srhwai7.tV.hre (Pinus nigni. Am.) in den nordwestlicheu Balkan landem. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 44, 1895 (Xlicr.), 40-41. -- Notizen zur Flora von Niederosterreich. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 44, 1895 (,S7«r.), 43-45. - Die Geutn-Arten der Balkanliinder. [1895.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 45, 1896, 101-104. — [Eiue neue Laminaria aus der Aclria.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 50. — Ueber die Forinen der Antbvllis Dillenii, Ant. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 53-54. — Ancylistes Pfeifferi, n. xp. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 40, 1896, 233. — Einige interessante illyriscbe Veilchen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, '233-234. — Ein neuer Burger der dsterreicbischen Flora, Kanun- culus sartorianns, Huisx. i-t Hclilr. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 234. — Einige auffa'Uige Geranium-Formen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 266-267. -- Einige fur die Flora von Niederosterreich neue und seltenere Pflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 380-381. — Bewegungserscheinungen der Bacillarien. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 47, 1897, 272-274. — [Bericht iiber die von der Section fur Botanik ius Marcbfeld unternonnnene Excursion.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 47, 1897, 274-277. — Die Armeria-Arten der Balkanhalbinsel. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 47, 1897, 577-580. — Die Spermatozoiden der Gymnospermen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 47, 1897, 646-648. - Die Sporen von Microchsete tenera, Tlnni't, und deren Keimung. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 48, 1898, 81- 86. Sexuelle Erscheinungen bei den biiberen Pilzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb.. 48, 1898, 4-6. — Ueber die genetisehen Beziehungen zwiscbeu Sporen - und Samenpflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 517-521. — Bemerkungen zur Nomenclatur der in Niedei nsterreich vorkommenden Campanula pseudolanceolata, Punt. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 50, 1900, 465-470. Beck von Mannagetta, (iiliitlicr (Hitter), & Breidler, .Inliiinn. • Breidler A Beck von Ittannagetta. Beck von Mannagetta, ER in Wien. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 430-437. - *Hvperstben von Bodenmais. Min. Petr. Mitth., 3, 1881, 60-70. — 'Ueber den Hessit (Tellursilberglanz) von Botes in Siebenbiirgen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 3, 1881, 301-314. - *Euklas aus den Alpen. Min. Petr. Mitth., i. 1882, 147-153. *Die Gneissf'onnation des niederosterreichischen Waldviertels. Min. Petr. Mitth., 4, 1882, 18'.l-'2n4, 285-408. *Hornblende und Anthophyllit nach Olivin. Min. Petr. Mitth., 4, 1882, 450-452. — 'Barytkrystalle in den Quellbildungen der Teplitztr Thermen. Min. Petr. Mittb., 5, 1883, 82-84. - *Eruptivgesteine aus der Giu-isst'tn mntion des uieder- (isterreiehischen Waldviertels. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 147-173. - *Glaseinschliisse in Gontactmineralen von Canzacoli bei Prednzzo. Min. Petr. Mittb.. 5, 1883, 174-175. - *Parallele Verwachsung von Fablerz nnd Zinkbli'ndr. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 331-338. — *Aetzversucbe an der Zinkblende. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 457-526, 536. - *Ueber die Unterscheidung von Augit und Bronzit in Uiinnschliffen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 527-529. — Aetzversuche am Bleiglanz. Min. Petr. Mitth., 6, 1885, 237-276. Ueber die bei Czernowitz im Sonimer 1884 und Wintt i 1884-85 stattgefundenen Rutschungen. Wien, Geol. .Ibuch., 35, 1885. 397-406. — Ueber Zwillingsverwachsungen gesteinbildender Py- roxene uii'l Ampbibole. Min. Petr. Mittb., 7, 1886, 93-107. — Aetzversuche an Mineralen der Magnetitgruppe. Min. Petr. Mitth., 7. 1886, 200-249. — Notizen ans dem niederosterreichischen Waldviertel. Min. Petr. Mitth., 7, 1886, 250-2.VV — Aetzversuche am Pyrit. Min. Petr. Mitth., 8, 1887. 239-330; Wien, ADZ., 24, 1887. 45-46. — Einige Fa'lle von natiirlicher Aetzimg an Krystallcn von Pyrit, Zinkblende, Bleiglanz und Magnetit. [1887.] Min. Petr. Mittb., 9, 1888. 1-22. — Unterscbeidung von Quarz und Feldspatb in Diinn- schliffen mittelst Fiirbuug. [1888.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 10, 1889, 90. - Ein Beitrag zur Keuntnis der Krystallformen des Dolomit. [1888.] Min. Petr. Mitth.', 10, 1889, 93- 152. — Die Krystallfonn des Traubenzuckers und opti.-rh activer Substanzen im Allgemeinen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 10, 1889, 464-499; Wien, Anz., 26, 1890, 129-131; Mheftc. Cheiii., 1889, 231-232. — Ueber Dolomit und Magncsit und iiber die Ursac-lu der Tetartoedrie des ersteren. Mm. Petr. Mittb., 11, 1890. 221 260, 439. — 1'ebiT Quarzfremdlinge in Lamprophyren. Min. Petr. Mittb., 11, 1890, 271-272. — Aetzversuebe am Fluorit. Min. Petr. Mitth., 11. 1890, :'.!9 i:!7. Beckel 387 [Beckenkamp — Orientirung des Dolomit von Gebroulaz. Min. Petr. Mitth., 11, 1890, 530. - Ueber die Ursache der Tetartoe'drie des Dolomit. [18'.)0.] Wieu, Anz., 27, 1891, 25-26; Mhefte. Chem., 1890, 38-84. — Krystallform und optische Orientirung des Keramo- halit vou Tenerifa. Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 45-18. - Titanit von Ziiptau. Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891. 109-170. — Krystallform optisch activer Substauzen. Min. Petr. Mittli., 12, 1891, 256-257. — Unterscheidung von Quarz und Feldspathen mitte'st Fjirbung. Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 257. — Krystallform und optiseheEigenschaften des salzsauren Cystins (C,;H,.,N.,So04 + 2HC1). ~ Ztscbr. Kryst., 19, 1891 336-339. - Optischer Charakter des Melilith als Gesteinsj_v mengtheil. [1892.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 444. - Vorlaufiger Berieht iiber den geologisehen Bau und die krystallinischen Schiet'er des Hohen Gesenkes (Altvatergebirge). Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Abth. 1), 286-300. - Beraerkuugen zu Herrn FOCK'S Aufsatz: "Beitrage zur Kenutniss der Beziehuugen zwischen Krystallform und chemischer Zusanimensetzung" [Z. Kr. 20, 1892, 76-84]. Ztscbr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 253-258. - Ueber Chiastolith. [1S93.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 256-257. — Petrograpbiscbe Studien am Tonalit der Hieserferner. [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 379-130, 433-464, 538. — Ueber die Bestimmbarkeit der Gesteinsgemengtheile, besonders der Plaxioklase auf Grnnd ihres Lichtbrech- ungsvermogens. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 (Abth. 1) 358-376. — Ueber moleculare Axenverhiiltnisse. Wien, Anz., 30, 1893, 204-206. — Der Aufbau der Krystalle aus Amvachskegeln. [1892.] Lotos, 42, 1894, 1-18. — Ueber alpine Inlrnsivgesteine. Deutsch. Natf. Verb , 1894 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 188. — Olivinfels und Anligorit-Serpentin aus dem Stubach- thal (Hohe Tauern). [1894.] Min. Petr. Mitth. 14, 1895, 271-276. - Scheelit im Granit von Predazzo. [1894.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 14. 1895, 277-278. — Schalenblende von Mies in Bi'ihmen. [1894.1 Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1895, 278-279. — Klein'sche Lupe mit Mikrometer. [18'.I4.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1895, 375-378. — Bestimmung kalkreicher Plagioklase diircb die Inter- ferenzbilder von Znillingen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1895 415-442. — Uralit aus den Ostalpen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1895, 476. — Messung von Axenbildern mit dem Mikroskop. Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1895, 563-565. - [Bericht iiber die diesjahrigen Aut'nahmen behufs petrograpbischer Erforschung der Centralkette der Ostalpen.] Wien, Anz., 32, 1895, 45-49. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Carboruudumkrystalle CSi. Ztsehr. Kryst., 24, 1895, 537-542. — Ueber Beziehuugen zwisclu-n Dyuamometamorphose und Molecularvolumen. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1896 (/>'• Sachsse, Robert. Sulphuric acid in medicine. N. Becker, Arthur, iV Becker. Becker, flmrles P. .Mcd. .11., 4s. 1888, 2SI1-2S8. Becker, l:[nist Kmil Iluini]. *Resultate aus Beobachtungen von 521 Bradley'schen Sternen am {jrossen Berliner Meridiankrei.se. Berlin Sternw. Beob.-Ergebn., 1, 1881. 43 pp. - Beobachtuogen des Cometen Pons-Brooks am Aequatoreal der Herzoglichen Sternwarte zu Gotha. Aatr. Naebr., 108, 1884. 1(15-108. — Beobachtnngen des CoinclLii 1884 Wolf. Auf der Herzogl. Sternwarte zu Gotlia. Astr. Xachr., 110, 1885. 349-350. [Beobachtungen der totalen Mondfinsterniss am 4. October 1884 und von Sternbedeckungen wiihrend der- selben.] Auf der Sternwarte in Gotlia. Astr. Nadir., Ill, 1885, 11-12. — BeobachtuiiKen des Mondes inn Meridiaukreise der Herzogl. Sternwarte zu Gotha. Asir. Nachr., 112, 1885, 43-46; 116, 1887, 73-78. [Sternschnuppenfall 18s.', Nov. 27.] Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 125. - Beobachtungeu am Aeiiuatoreal der Herzogl. Stern- warte zu Gotha. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 139-144. — Beobachtungen des Cometen 1886 (Barnard-Hartwig). Auf der Herzogl. Sternwarte in Gotha. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 317-318. — Beobachtungen des Cometen 1886...(Barnard-Hart- wig) angestellt am Fadenmikrometer des Aequatoreals der Herzogl. Sternwarte zu Gotha. Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 171-172. — Ueber die im Jahre 1876 ausgefiihrte Liingeubestim- inung zwischen Berlin uud Odessa. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 189-192. — [Beobachtungen der totalen Mondfinsterniss 1888 Jan. 28.] Auf der Kaiserl. Universituts-Steniwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nacbr., 118, 1888, 281-284. — [Beobachtung des Cometen 1888...(Sawerthal).] Auf der Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 119. 1888. 29-30. - Elemente des Cometen 1888...(Sawerthal). Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 45-46. — Schreiben betreffend I'ositionen von Vergleiehsternen. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 127-128. — Beobachtung des neuen Sterns in Cygnus. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 153-154. — [Beobachtung des Cometeu Barnard 1888 Sept. 2.] Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 31-32. — Beobachtungen des Cometen 1888 I angestellt am 18- zolligen Refractor der K. Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 67-70. — [Beobachtung des Cometen 1888. ..(Barnard Oct. 30).] Am grossen Refractor der Sternwarte in Strasshurg. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889. 167-168. — Beobachtungen von Cometen am l«-/(illit,vn Refractor der K. Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 201-206. — Beobachtung des Cometen 1889... (Barnard Miirz31|. Auf der Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 207-208. — Beobachtungen von Sternbedeckungen auf der Kai.^. Universitats-Sternwarte zu Strassburg. Aslr. Xachr., 121, 1889, 317-320. — Beobachtung des Cometen 1889. ..(Barnard Juni 2!!i. Auf der Steruwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 43-44, 117-118. — [Beobachtung des Cometen 1890... (Brooks Miir/ l'.h.| Auf der Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr. , 124, 1890, 151-152. — Cometen-Beohachtuugeu angestellt am l8-Z('illigcii Refractor der Kais. Universitats- Stern warte in Stras- burg. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 203-L'ns. Becker] 389 [Becker — Beobachtungen del1 Sonnenfinsterniss 1890 Juui K'i-17. Auf der Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Naehr., 125, 1890, 33-34. — Beobachtungen des Coineteu 1890. ..(Denning Juli 23). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 93-94. — Ueber einige Versuche von Durchgangsbeobachtungen nach dein neuen Repsold'schen Verfahren. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 185-190. — [Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss 1891 Juni G.] A uf tier Kais. Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassbuig. Astr. Nadir., 128, 1891, 21-24. — Beobachtung des peiiodischen Cometen Tempel-Swift (1891...). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 453-454. — [Entdecknng eines Cometen von Denning in Bristol 1892 Marz 18.] Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 149-150. — Beobachtungeu fur die Langenbeatimmungen zwischen Wien-Berlin und Berlin-Greenwich. Ausgefiihrt in Berlin... Juli-Septeniber 1876. Wien, Gradmessungs- Bur. Astr. Arb. , 4, 1892, 137-189. — Beobachtungen der totalen Mondnnsterniss 1892 Nov. 4. Auf der Kais. Dniversitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 393-396. — Ueber die pli'itzliehe Aenderung im Aussehen des Cometen 1892 III (Holmes). Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 31. — [Beobachtung des neuen Comet 1893...Rordame- guenisset.] Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 87-88. — Beobachtung der Sonnenfinsterniss 1893 April Hi auf der Kaiserl. Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 199-200. — Vergleichung der in Strassburg beobachteten Breiten- achwankungen mit der Beehnung. Astr. Naclir.. 134, 1894, 271-274. — Bemerkuugen zu dem Stern BD. + 22". 3272. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 291-2!)2. — [Totale Mondtinsteruiss 1895 Marz 10.] Beobach- tungen auf der Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 105-106. — Neuer Verauderlieher in Aquarius. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 41-42. — [Beobachtung des Cometen 1895...(Perrine Nov. 16).] Astr. Nachr., 13',l, 1896, 123-124. — [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896...(Perrine-Lamp).] Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 383-384. — Beobachtuugen am Repsold'schen Meridiankrtis 1882 Miirz-1888 April. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 1, 1896, 1-319 ; 2, 1899, 1-154. Beitrage zu dem Klima von Strassburg nach den meteorologischen Beobachtungen von 1873-79. Strassb. Stermv. Ann., 1. 1896, 338-340. — [Beobachtung des Cometen 1896...(Perriue Dec. 8).] Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 109-110. [Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen Perrine Oct. 16.] Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 335-336. — [Beobachtung des Cometen Coddington-Pauly.] Astr. Nachr., 140, 1898, 357-358. — [Neuer Comet Perrine Juni 14.] Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 359-360. — [Neuer Comet Giacobiui Juni 18.] Astr. Naehr., 140, 1898, 373-374. — Beobachtungen auf der Kaiserl. Universitatsstern- warte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 147. 1898, 159-160. — [Beobachtungeu des Cometeu 1898. ..(Brooks Oct. 20).] Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 365-366. — Beobachtung der Jloudfinsterniss 1898 Juli 3 auf der K. Universitatssternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr.. 148, 1899, 105-108. — Beobachtungen von Cometen und Planeten am 18-z. Refractor der Kais. Universitatssternwarte zu Strassburg i. E. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 109-110. — [Totale Mondtinsterniss 1898 Dec. 27.] Beobachtungen auf der Kaiserl. Universitats-Sternwarte zu Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 14s, 1899, 311-314. — [Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen 1899 a (Swift).] Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, H87-388. — [Beobachtungen der partiellen Sonneunusterniss 1899 Juui 7.J Auf der Kaiserl. Steruwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 187-188. — Neuer Comet 1899 e (Giacobini). Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 359-360, 431-432. — Einzel-Resultate der Sternheobaehtungen [1882-88]. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 2, 1899, (1)-(145). — Katalog von 254 Sternen fur das Aequinoctiurn 1885 nach Beobachtungeu in den Jahren 1882-83. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 2, 1899, (147)-(153). — Katalog von 858 Sternen fur das Aequinoctium 1885 nach Beobachtungen in den Jahren 1884-88. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 2, 1899, (155)-(174). — Katalog von Correctionen von 368 Fundamentalsternen nach Beobachtungen in den Jahren 1884-88. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 2, 1899, (175)-(184). - Tafeln zur Berechnung der Precession. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 2, 1899, C, iv + 91 pp. — Beobachtung der Leouiden 1899 durch die Astronomen der Kaiserlichen Universitatssternwarte zu Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 117-120. — Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss 1900 Mai 28. Auf der K. Universitatssteinwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 373-374. — Beobachtuugeu des Cometen 1900 b. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 107-108. Becker, J-:[r»st Emil Hugu], BTahlik, Alois, & Kuhnert, Frini:. Bestimmung der Langendifferenz zwischen Berlin und Greenwich. Ausgefiihrt... Juli-September 1876. Wien, Gradmessungs-Bur. Astr. Arb., 5 1893, 65-127. See also Kuhnert, N.ihlik cV- Becker. Becker, Kind. Ueber Zwitterbildung beim Schweiu. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 30, 1897, (209)-(223). Becker, Ernst. Ein Pall von hochgradiger Zerstoruug des Kleinhiruwurmes nebst casuistischen Beitragen zur Lehre von der sogcuannten cerebellaren Ataxie. Virehow, Arch., 114, 1888, 173-18K. — Zur Lehre von der iichten cerebralen Glosso-labio- pharyugealparalyse. Virehow, Arch., 124. 1891, 334—358. — Ueber Acetonurie nach der Narcose. Bonn Nieder- rhein. Ges. Sber., 1894 (B), 35-39; Virehow, Arch., 140, 1895, 1-19. — Einige Bemerkungen zur Anatomie von Machilis maritima, Lutr. Zool. Auz., 21, 1898, 641-643. Becker, F. , * Englert, R. See Englert A Becker. Becker, F[riedrich], Untersuchung der Haul und ihrer Produkte auf Entophyten und .thierische Schmarotzer. Ztschr. Angew. Mikr., 1, 1896, 110-118. Becker, F[ra,ns] J[osef] von. For biography and works see Helsingfors, Acta, 18, 1891, 551-574 ; Leopoldina, 27, 1891, 53. Becker, Fi^idolin]. Neuere Bestrebungen auf dem Gebiete der Kartographie. Erlauterungen zur Karte des Kantons Glarus. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbiich., 24, 1889, 320-344. Becker, George F[erdinand]. [Administrative] report. [Mining geology, division of the Pacific.] [1884.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1882-83, 39-41. — The influence of convection on glaciation. Amer. Jl. Sci., 27, 1884, 473-476. - The relations of the mineral belts of the Pacific slope to the great upheavals. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 209- 212. — [Administrative] report. [Division of the Pacific.] [1885.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1883-84, 47-49; 1884-85, 67-70. — Impact friction and faulting. Amer. Jl. Sci., 30, 1885, 116-128, 194-209. — The geometrical form of volcanic cones and the elastic limit of lava. Amer. Jl. Sei., 30, 1885, 283- 293. Becker] 390 [Becker — Notes on the stratigraphy of California. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., .Vo. I'J, 1885. 2s pp. — A theiuviii nf maximum dissipativity. AIIKT. .11. Sci., 31, 1886, 115-120. — A in w law nf thermo-chemistry. Amer. .11. Sci.. 31, 1886. 120-125. — Cn taceous metaiuorphic rocks of California. Amer. .11. Sci., 31, 1886. 848-357. — [Administrative] report. [California division of geoli.gv. ] (18SS-S9.] U. 3. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1885-86, 9:1-97- 1886-87, I5:i-i55. - The Washoe rocks. [1880.] California Ac. Bull., 2, 1887, 93-120. — A sketch of the geological development of the Pacific slope. [1886.] Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 5, 1887, 3-12. — The texture of massive rocks. Amer. Jl. Sci., 33, 1887, 50-58. — Natural solutions of cinnabar, gold and associated sulphides. Amer. Jl. Sci., 33, 1887, 199-210. — Summary of the geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope. [1889.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1886-87, 9bM»8.-|. — [On the crystalline schists of the United States and their relations.] (<•.) The crystalline schists of tlie coast ranges of California. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1888, 170-176. — Geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope ; with an atlas. U. S. Geol. Surv. Jlonogr., 13, 1888, xix + 480 pp. — [Administrative] report. [California division.] [1889- 93.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep.. 1887-88, 10"-102 ; 1888-89 (Ft. 1), 141-144; 1889-90 (I't. 1), 95-90; 1890-91 (I't. 1), 104-100; 1891-92 (Pt. 1), 133-135; 1892-93 (Pt. 1), 192. — Silicic acids. Amer. Jl. Sci., 38, 1889, 151-157. — An elementary proof of the earth's rigidity. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3'J, 1890^ 330 :::•-'. — The structure of a portion of the Sierra Nevada of California. [1890.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 2, 1891. xiv, 49-74. — Antiquities from under Tuolumue Table mountain in California. [W'itli ,lisciissinii.\ [1890.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 2, 1891. 189-200. — Notes on the early Cretaceous of California and Oregon, [ll'itli discussion.] [181)0.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 2, 1891, 201-208. — Finite homogeneous strain, flow and rupture of rocks, [1892.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull.. 4, 1893. x, 13-90. — FISHER'S new hypothesis. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893. 137-139. — GRKEX'S use of "potential." Ainer. Jl. Sci.. 10. 1893, 151. - The finite elastic stress strain function. Amer. Jl. Sci., 10, 1893. 337-356. — On certain astronomical conditions favourable to glaciation. Amer. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 95-113. — Sobre la teoria de la substitution en Almad. n. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 (Act.), '226 -233; Ztschr. Kryst., 28, 1897, 203. — The torsional theory of joints. [l('i(/i discussion.] [1894.] Amer. IiiBt. Min. Engin. Trans., 24, 1895, 130- 138, 863-867. — Distribution of gold deposits in Alaska. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 3, 1895, 900-9(12. — Gold fields of the southern Appalachians. [1895.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1894-95 (/'(. 3), 251-331. — Schistositv and slaty cleavage. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 4, 1896, 429-448. — Some queries on rock differentiation. Sciemv, I. 1896, 927. — Some queries on rock differentiation. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 21-40. — Note on computing diffusion. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897. 280-286. — Fractional crystallization of rocks. Amer. Jl. Sci., 4, 1897, 257-201. — LKWIS on the diamond. Science. 0, 1897. 004-667. — New diamond tind in the Transvaal. Science, G, 1897, 726-727. • The Witwatersrand Banket, with notes on other gold- bearing pudding stones. [1897.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1896-97 (Pt. 5), 153-184; Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 193 -208. — Reconnaissance of the gold fields of southern Alaska, with some notes on general geology. [1898.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1896-97 (Pt. 3), 1-86. — On the determination of plagioclase feldspars in rock sections. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 349-354. Memorandum on the mineral resources of the Philippine Islands. [18118.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1897-98 (Pt. 6, Vol. 2), 087-693. Brief memorandum on the geology of the Philippine Islands. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1898-99 (Pt. 2), 1-7. Becker, _44 Becker, ./„/[/„.,], ct Busch, Uax [Gu*t«v Reinholdl " See Buscli ,t Becker. Becker, Kn,,,,. Agave Salmiana, Diet,:, rnr glauca Mscbr. Kakteenk., 8, 1898, 150. ronn'ei^US Peruviilnus- 31 ill. Mschr. Kakteenk., 10, J."OQ, o. - La Mortola. Mschr. KaUteeiik., 10, 1900, 37-40 Becker, /,,-„«. Catalogue des Arachnides de' Belgimie r 29, 1885, xciii-c. - Arachnide nouveau pour la fauue de Belgique Urn < Soc. Ent. Ann., 30, 1886, xxii. - Diagnoses de quelques Arachnides nouveaux Brux Soc. Ent. Ann., 30, 1886, xxiii-xxvii. - Sur le Pholcus phalangioides, Fuessti/, 1775. Brux Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 539-540. - Les Arachnides de B.-lgique. Brux., Mus Hist Nat Ann., 12, 1896. 127 + 378 pp. Becker Ludwig. Note on Comet « 1888 (Sawerthal). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 380-381 - On the orbit of the periodic Comet 1867 I \str Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 475-494. - The solar spectrum at medium and low altitudes Observations c of the region between wave-lengths 60-4 and 4861 A.U., made at Lord CBAWKOKD'S observa- tory. Dun Edit, during the years 1887 to 1889 [1890 ] Bidmb. Boy. Soc. Trans., 36, 1892, 99-210 Becker, L,,,lia Ernestine. For biographical notice and works see .11. Bot., 28, 1890, 320. Becker, M[oriz] A[lois]. For biographical notice see Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 353. - Die blaue Grotte von Bnsi. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth. -8, 1885, 529—537. Becker, jl/«.T. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Augenlidtu- nioren. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 41, 1895 (Abth. 3), 169- Becker, A'. M. MaTepia.iu K'i, (|)ii:iio.iorin n .|iap. MaKOjioriit iiorui;ejiy;io4Hoii acejienbi. n. o BJiiflHin na oTA-EJieiiie naiiKpeaTHiecKaro coica pacTBopoB-b JiByyrjieKiicjjaro tun-pa, cam H yrojibHoti KHC.IOTH, a xaKati- ,,„„,„ IIUMOMUHX-b BO,Vb. Conlributions a la physiologie et a la pharmacologie de la glande pancieatique. n De 1 influence des solutions de bicarbonate de soude, de sel niarm, d acide carbonique et de quelques eaux alcalines sur la secretion du sue pancreatique. St. Petersb. Arch Sci. Biol., 2, 1893, 432-461. Becker, ()»„. For biography and works see Ann. d'Oculi-4 103, 1890, 271-278; Arch. Augenheilk., 21, 1890, [2 pp.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 40, 1890, 284-285. Becker, Pmil. Chlorirung mittelst Acetylchlorid Berlin Cbem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2006-2008. Becker, PI,. F. Ueber das Knochensysteni eines Castraten Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anal. Ablh.), 1899, 83-112 Be,""'<'• For biographical notice see WestfSl Ver. Jber., 1899-1900, 54-55. - Phreoryctes Menkeanus. [1889.] Westfal. Vir. Jber., 1888) *>7— 58. - Pterostichus cupreus, L. [1890.] Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1889, 4*J— 44. Becker, 7Vi[«»/o,-], & Michaelis, [Carl Amul,l] A[,,,,iisl]. See Michaelis tt Becker. Becker, 'Jlieudnr. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Dipteren- Fauna von St. Moritz. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr 31 1887 93-141 ; 33, 1889. 169-191. - Hilara sartor, H. Kp. (Osten H,i,-ke,, in int.). und ihr Schleier. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 32, 1888, 7-12 - Eine zwitterahnliche Missbildung vonSyrphiis him i latus, Mrig. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 7, 1888, 71-74 - Altes und Neues aus der Schweiz. Ein diptero- [Beckers logischer Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889 7'! si 136, 285; 9, 1890, 128; 10, 1891, 289-296 - Neue Dipteren aus Dalmatien, gesammelt auf einer ,V,s: ,m Mai 1889. [1890.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 33. 1889, ooo— 346. - Einige Bemerkungen zu Herrn ,1. M F BIGOT'S raoQ8!ificir.Ung ,der,E'"Pide" »n i. Heft des Jahrganges 1889 der Annales de la Socicte Entomologique de France Wien. Ent. Ztg., 9, 1890, 32-35. - Altes und Neues aus Tirol und Salzburg. Ein dintero logischer Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 9, 1890 65-711 - Neues aus Sud-Tirol und Steiermark. Bin diptero- icher Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 10, 1891, 281-288; *lj 1892 , i2-)— 1 til). - Eine nene Leptis aus der Schweiz. Ein dintero logischer Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892 23-25 - Revision der Gattung Chilosia, tfeigen. Ac Nat Curios. Nova Acta, 62, 1894, 195-522. ' - Dipterologische Studien. [l. Scatomyzidffi n S-inro myzidte. m. Lonclueida>. iv. Ephydrids. ' \ Pi punculidie.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 39 1894 77-19(i- 411 1895, 171-264, 313-344; 41, 1896, 91-276- 42 1898 ' 25- 100; 4.5, 1900, 215-252. - Bemerkung zu Hilara longicornis, Strolil Wien Ent Ztg., 13, 1894, 156-159. — Beitrag zur Dipteren-Fauna von Nowaja-Semlja. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 2, 1897 396-404 Die Leptiden-Formen im Gebiete der europaisch- asiatischen ^und Mittelmeer-Fauna. Ent. Nachr., 26 1900, 97— 1 lb, 1 76. - Beitiage zur Dipteren-Fauna Sibiriens. Nordwest- sibinscbe Dipteren gesammelt vom Prof. John SUIII-FIM aus Helsingfors nn Jalire 1876 und vom Dr E BErcnoTH aus Tammerfors im Jahie 1877. Helsingfors Acta ''6 1900, A'o. 9, 66 pp. Becker, Wilhelm. FloristUches aus der Um.-ebun" von Sangerhausen am Haiz. Deutsche Bot Mschr" II 1896, 21-24; 15, 1897, 84-86. - Untersuchungen iiber die Arten des Genus Viola aus der Gruppe Pteromischion, Ilorb. Deutsche Bot Mschr 16, 1898, 10-12, 41-43, 164-166, 185-187. - Floristisehes aus der Umgegend von .Siingerhausen tlarz, nebst emigen Angaben zur Flora Nord ST89T eel"68 Si'd'H— Deutsche Bot. Mschr., - Viola riviniana, 7.VA6., x stricta, Horn. = Viola Wein hart, »'. Bckr., Injb,: nor. Allg. Bot. Ztscln., 1899 {Q— /!>. -Einige Notizen zur Systematik des Genus Viola Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 115-116. - Flo, istische und systematische Beitrage zur Flora Nord-Thimngens und des Siid-Harzes. All<- Br,t Ztschr., 1899, 122-124. -Bemerkungen zu den "Viols exsiccatfe." Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 18, 1900, 78-80, 109-110 1»6-1'>8 Beckerhoff, H[einrifl,], & Anschutz,' Richard See Anschutz it Beckerhoff. Beckers c;. Eiu unvollkommener, "gemischter" Zwitter von Dolerus madidus, Klg. Ent. Nachr., 12, 1886. 171 175. ~~Ztschr°ri1888 ^a!'iabilis' var- Heydeili- Deutsche Ent. - Notiz iiber Carabus auratus, var. Brullei, (!,•/„„ Ent. Nachr., 14, 1888, 17. - Beitrage zur Lebensgeschichte des Gnorimus variabilis Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1890, 142-144 - Ueber Gnorimus variabilis, var. Heydeni, ,„. Be,,,,., kung zu dem Artikel des Herrn VI. ZouFAr, in ,],,,. \v ,, Entom. Zeitg. 1892, p. 242. Wien. Ent. Zt" 11 1892' dlO. — Bemerkung zu Nr. xxiv der hymenopterolo-ischen Notizen von Prof. Dr. VON DALLA-TOKEE. Wien Ent Ztg., 11, 1892, 318-319. Beckers] 392 [Beckmami Beckers, llnnrirh. Ueber trichinenahuliche Gebilde im Schweinefleisch. Deutsche Ztschr. Tbiermed., 15, 1889, 57-67. Beckett, (.Sir) Edmund. How did the world evolve itself:' [With discussion.] Victoiia Inst. .11.. 17, 1884. 282-317. Beckett, G. H., & M.icn.ih. William. .Sir Macnab A- Beckett. Beckett, /'. W. Xai/lor. Description of new species of Musei. [1892-93.] N- Zealand Inst. Trans., 25, 1893, 2*9-297; 26, 1894, 274-277. — On some little-known New Zealand mosses. [1892-93.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 25, 1893, 297-302; 26, 1894, 277-288. — On New Zealand mosses. [1894-98.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1895, 403-405; 29, 1897, 441-445; 31, 1899. 426-437. Beckford, Frank J. Ji. On the fish of Dorset: their habits, mode of capture, etc. [1896.] Dorset Field Club Proc., 18, 1897, 1-43. Beckh, Walter. Zur Constitution des Einwirkungspro- duetes von raucheuder Salpetersaure auf Acetessigather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 152-1511. — Ueber einige Syntbesen mit Chlorfumarsiiureester. Berlin, Chem. "Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 47-51. — Ueber den a-Pbenylacetessigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 3160-3164. Beckh, Walti'i; A Tafel, Julius. Zur Kenntniss des Diazoamidobenzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2315-231(1. Beckh, Walter, A Wislicenus, Willielm. Hee Wislicenus A Beckh. Beckham, Charles Wicklijl'r. For biographical notice and list of works see Auk, 5, 1888. 415-44(1. — The western semipalmatod sandpiper on the coast of Virginia. Auk, 2, 1885, 110. — Notes on some of the birds of Pueblo, Colorado. Auk, 2, 1885, 139-144; 4, 1887, 120-125. — A white-winged Junco in Maryland. Auk, 2, 1885, 306. — Remarks upon the plumage of Regulus calendula. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 8, 1886, 625-628. — Changes in the plumage of Geothlypis trichas. Auk, 3, 1886, 279-281. — Fir.-t plumage of tbe summer tanager (Piranga rubra). Auk, 3. 1886, 487. — Scarcity of adult birds in autumn. Auk, 4, 1887, 79-80. — Addiliniis to the avi-t'auna of Bayou Sara, La. Auk, 4, 1887, 299-306. — Occurrence of the Florida blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata florincola) in southwestern Texas. Auk, 5, 1888, 112. — A Philadelphia Vireo and a cobweb. Auk, .3, 1888, 115. — Observations on the birds of smith-western Texas. I . S. Mus. Proc., 10, 1888, 633-69(1. Beckhaus, <'[2. — Zur Isomerie der Aldoxime. v[-vn]. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1680-1692, 3:il'J 3331, 3331-3341. — Ueber die Molekulargrossc drs .Imis, Phosphors und Schwefels in Losungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 5, 1890, 76-82. — IVstimmung von Molekulargewichteu nach ilcr Sii il. methode. /tschr. Phy-iUal. I'liem., 6, 1890, 137-473. — Zur Praxis der Grfrirnnethodc. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 7, 1891, 323-330. — Zur Praxis der Bestiinmiing von MolrKulai -i wirliti n nach der Siedemethode. Ztschr. I'hvsikal. Chcin., H, 1891, 223-228. /.ur rmlagiTiing des Stickstoffbenzylbenzaldoxims. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Her., 26, 1893, 2272 22S5. — Zur Kenntniss drs Salicylaldoxims. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2621-2631. Beckmannl 393 [Beckurts — Darstelliim,' ciniger Saurederivate des /3-Benzyl- bydroxylamins. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber. 26 1893 2631-2634. — Ileber die Reaction zur Umlagerung von Oximidover- bindungen in Amide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894 300-315. — Ueber die Reaction zwischen N-Aldoximathern nnd Phenylisocyanat. Berlin, Chera. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894 1957-1959. - Ueber Campherpinacon. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2348-2350. — Beitrage zur Bestimmung von Molekulargrossen. [i. Zur Praxis der Siedepunktsmethode. iv. Neuer- ungen an den Apparateu. v. Zur Kenntniss fester Losungen.] Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 656- 680; 21, 1896, 230-256; 22, 1897, 609-618. — Beitrage zur Pnit'ung des Honigs. Fresenius, Ztschr., 35. 1896, 263-284. — Untersuchnnsen in der Kamplierreihe. [Sechste und siebente Abhandlung.] Jl. Prakt. Chem., 55, 1897, 14- 31, 31-10. — Zur Kenntniss der N-AIkylhydroxylamine. [Unter Mitwirkung von B. GOETHE, P. SCHONERMABK, und H. KONII;.] .71. Prakt. Chem., 56, 1897, 71-93. — Ueber Spektrallampeu. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 34, 1900, 593-611; 35, 1900, 443-458, 652-660. - Neue Vorrichtungen zum Farben nichtleuehtender Flammen (Speetrallampen). [1900.J Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh , 26, 1901, 1-23; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 557. Bcckm.inn, Ernst [Otto], & Eickelberg, II[cinncli}. Zur Kenntniss der Menthone, Ueberfiibruug in Thymol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 41K-421. Beckmann, Ernst [Ottn], & Pellratn, Ernst. Eimvirkung von Phenylisocyanat auf Stickstoff-Benzylbenzaldoxim. Liebig's Ann , 273, 1893, 1-30. Beckmann, Ernst [Otto], & Koster, Arno. Zur Um- lagerung der Oximidoverbiudungen. Dritte Abhandlung. Umlagernng der Benziloxime. [Vierte Ahhandlung. Ueber eiu basisches Nebenproduct, welches bei der Benzylirung des Acetoxims entsteht.] Liebig's Ann., 274, 1893, 1-36, 37-41. Beekmann, Ernst [Otto], A Mehrlander, H[finricli]. Weitere Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Menthone. Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 367-391. Beckmann, Ernst [Otto], & Paul, Theodor. Beitrage zum Verhalten von Ketonen nnd Aldehyden gegeniiber metal- lischem Natrium bei Gegetiwart indifferenter Losungs- mittel. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 43, 1891, 399-423 ; Liebig's Ann., 266, 1891, 1-28. Beckmann, Ernst [Otto], & Sandel, A"[«i'/]. Zur Uni- lagerung der Oximidoverbindungen. Vierte Abhandlung. T'eber die Umlagerung von a-Benzilmonoxim. Liebig's Ann., 296, 1897, 279-294. Beckmann, Erimt [Otto], & Schliebs, G[con/]. Zur Kenntniss der orgauischen Metallverbindungen. [1895.] Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896. 71-90. Beckmann, Ernst [Otto], A Stock, A[u] II. Practical imtes mi lire use of insecticides. U. S. Div. Knt. Insect Lite. 3, 1891, 209 275. — Salt-water as a preventive of the yellows. Garden A Forest, 7, 1894, 448-449. Beckwith, William !•'.. Notes on Shropshire birds. Shropsh. Soc. Trans , 10, 1887. 383-398; 11, 1888, 223-238, 387- 402; 1, 1889, 201-216; 2, 1890, 1-16, 303-318; 3, 1891, 313-328; 4, 1892, 183-19S; 5, 1893, 31-48. Beclard, Fi-nl\innnil}. IMS fossiles Coblenziens de St- Michel, pres de Saint-Hubert. Brux. Soc. Beige (ieol. Bull., 1887 (Mem.), 60-97. — Sur deux fossiles Infra-Couviniens. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1887 (Proc.-Verb.), 189-191. — Sur la Rhynchonella Pengelliana, Hiiriih. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1890 (.Wm.), 29-32. - Fossiles nouveaux du Devonien Infe'rieur de la Belgique. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1891 (.I/cm.). 96-102. — Les Spirifi'res du Coblenzien beige. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1895 (Mna.), 129-240. — Catalogue synonymique et critique des Spiriferes du Devonien Inferieur. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1895 (.I/, m.), 260-288. Beclard, Jules [Augnste], For biography and works .sec Arch. Gen. Med.,' 159, 1887, 365-366; Homme, 4, 1887, 123; .11. Microgr., 11, 1887, 9S-1I9 ; Leopoldina, 23, 1887, 57; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 17, 1887, 199-203; Is, 1887, 776-778; Rev. Sci., 39, 1887, 219. Beclere, A[ntoine]. Les teignes tondantes a lYcole des teignenx de 1'hopital Saint-Louis (Ecole Lailler) en 1894. f JH7/1 ilixcusximi.] Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 685-1191. — Etude physiologique de la vision dans 1'examen radioscopique. Ass. Fran?. 0. R., 1899 (Pt. 2), 1017- 1036. — Les instruments de 1'examen radioscopique. Ass. Fran.;. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 1), 285-286. Beclere, A[nt<:ine], Chambon, \Kniest], & Menard, .S'.n'n/- Yces. Etudes sur 1'immunite vaccinate et le pouvoir immnnisant du serum de genisse vaccinee. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 10 (1896), 1-46. — Etude experimentale des accidents post-serothera- piqnes. Ann. Inst. Pasteur. 10 (18961. 567-579. — Etudes sur 1'immunite vaccinale. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 837-847; 13 (1899), 81-125. Beclere, A[ntnine], Chambon, [Kmest], Menard, .s'nii//- Yres, & Coulomb, [deurges]. Transmission ultra-uterine de 1'immunite vaccinale et du pouvoir antivirulent du serum. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 235-237. Beclere, A[>ituine\. Chambon, [Kruest], Menard, .S'm'nf- Yres, A Jousset, [Andre]. Le pouvoir antivirulent du serum de 1'homme et des animaux immunises centre 1'infection vaccinale ou variolique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1227-1229. Beco, I.iiei,-ii. Teller die Aetiologie der uramischen Peri- carditis. Centrbl. Path., .">, 1894, S39-S42. Etude sur la penetration des microbes intestinaux dans la circulation generale pendant la vie. Ann. lust. Pasteur, 9 (1895), 199-209. — Beitrag /.um experimentellen Studium der Association des Bacillus anthracis mit dem Staphylococcua pyogenes aureus. Centrbl. Path., 6. 1895, 641-649. — Contribution a 1'etude de Li stomatite diphteroide infantile. Arch. Med. Exper., s. 1896, 433-444. — Recherches sur le sero-diagnostic de la tievre typhoide. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 10, 1896, 870-877. ' — La permeabilite de la paroi iutestinale vis-a-vis des microbes de 1'intestin. Arch. Med. Exper., 9, 1897, 108- 119. Ki'i-herches sur la valeur de 1'agglutination par la formaline et le >> TIIIII des typhi-i 's en taut <|iie nioyen ili' diagnostic entre le Bacillus typhosus et le coli-bacille. Unix., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 12.' 1898, 391-406. lleeliclrlles sill la llnle lijicli -1 lenne ill] polllllull do 1'homiue ft des aniiiKiux. Areli. Med. K\per., 11. 1899. 317 362. Noli .-in la valeur de ['agglutination par le senna tintitypliiquc experimental comme nioyen de diagnostic Beco] [Becquerel entre IP baeille d'EnEKTH et les races eoliformes. Ccntrhl. Bakt. (Aht. 1), 26, 1899, 13ti-139. Becquerel, Autniiie Craur. To biographical references (Vul. 12) mill [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 1, 1878, 133-134. Becquerel, [Alexantlre] Etlmnnd. For biography and works see Ann. Conserv. Arts et Met., 3, 1891, 101-100; 4, 1892, 113-130; Electrician, 27, 1891, 73-74; Leopoldina, 27, 1891, 109; Lum. Elect., 40, 1891, 395-396; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 882-883 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 158-1(50; Rev. Sci., 47, 1891, 635; Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 28, 1891, 3:V2-353; Roy. Soc. Proc., 51, 1892, xxi-xxiv; Termt. Kozlon., 24, 1892, 640; Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 31, 1892, 64. - 'Observations de temperature faites au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle pendant les annees meteorologiques 1877 et 1878, avec des thermometres places a des pro- fondeurs de lm a 36m sous le sol, ainsi qne dans 1'air et sous des sols gazonnes et denudes. [1879.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1878 (1), C.1-C.12. — Etude spectrale des corps rendus phosphorescents par 1'action de la lumiere ou par les decharges electrkjues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 205-210. — Action du manganese sur le pouvoir de phosphor- cscence du carbonate de chaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, M86, 1098-1101. — Sur la phosphorescence de 1'alumine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1224-1227. — Sur la phosphorescence du sulfure de calcium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 551-553. — Snr la preparation des sulfures de calcium et de strontium phosphorescents. Paris, Ac. Sci. (.!. R., 107, 1888, 892-895. — Note relative a 1'aetion de la chaleur sur le pouvoir magnetique du fer, du nickel et de quelques alliages de platine, et sur les consequences que Ton pent en tirer pour le dosage du fer. Paris, Soc. Philom. Mem. Cent., 1888, 85-90. — Observations sur la communication de 71/. LIPPMANN au sujet de la reproduction photographique des couleurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 275-277. Becquerel, [Ale.rn>ulre"\ Eilmoud, & Becquerel, [Aiitoine] Hoiri. Temperatures du sol et de 1'air observees au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle pendant 1'annee 1878 [et les annees 1880-82]. [1880-84.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1879(1). B.l-B.ll; 1880 (1), B.1-B.10; 1881 (1), B.1-B.6; 1882 (1), B.3-B.8. — Memoire sur la temperature de 1'air et du sol. au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, pendant les annees 1883 et 1884. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1426-1429; Paris, Mns. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 8, 1885, 361-3Ci.'j. — Memoire sur la temperature de Pair a la surface du sol et de la terre jusqu'a treute-fix metres de profondeur, ainsi que sur la temperature de deux sols, Fun denude, 1'autre couvert de gazon, pendant [les anne.es 1881-84]. Paris, Ac. Sci. Mem., 44, 1888, No. 1, 50 pp., No. 2, 50 pp., A'o. 3, 12 pp. Becquerel, [Antuiiu'] Henri. Nonvelle methoile pour mesurer I'intensite' d'un courant eleetrique en unites absolues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1253-1255; Lum. Elect., 12, 1884, 321-323. — Spectres d'emission infra-rouges des vapeurs metal- liques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 374-376. Determination rles longueurs d'onde des raies et bandes principales du spectre solaire infra-rouge. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 417-420, 450. — Mesure du pouvoir rotatoire magnetique des corps en unites absolues. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 100, 1885, 1374- 1377; Ann. Chini. , 6, 1885, 145-173; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1885, 117-129. — Relations entre 1'absorption de la lumiere et remission de la phosphorescence dans les composes d'uianium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101. 1885, 1252-1256. — Sur les variations des spectres d'absorption et des spectres d'emission par phosphorescence d'un meme corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 106-110. — Sur les variations des spectres d'absorption dans les milieux non isotropes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 198-202. — Sur 1'absorption de la lumiere au travers des cristaux. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 10, 1887, 120-124; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1887, 28-29; Rev. Sci., 42, 1888, 70(5-708. — Sur les lois de 1'absorption de la lumiere dans les cristaux et sur une methode nouvelle permettant de rlistinguer dans un cristal certaines bandes d'absorption ' appartenant a des corps differents. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 165-169. — Sur les variations des spectres d'absorption du didyme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 777-780. — Sur les variations des spectres d'absorptiou des com- poses du didyme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1(591- 1693; Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 257-279. — Rechercbes sur les variations des spectres d'absorption dans les cristaux. Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 170-257. — Sur les spectres d'absorption de I'epidote. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 282-284. — Sur les lois de 1'ahsorption de la lumiere dans les cristaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 891-894. — De 1'influence du magnetisms terrestre sur la polarisa- tion atmospherique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889. 997-1000. — Note historique sur les piles a electrolytes fondus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 444-446. — La temperature dans 1'interieur du sol. Astronomic, 1891, 451-454. — Sur les differentes manifestations de la phosphor- escence des mineraux sous 1'intluence de la lumiere on de la chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 557- 563. — Memoire sur les temperatures observees sous le sol, au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, pendant 1'hiver 1890- 91. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113. 1891, 483-490. — Sur les lois de 1'intensite de la lumiere emise par les corps phosphorescents. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891. 618-623, 672; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 277-284. — Les experiences de .17. Edmond BKCQUEREL sur les actions chimiques de la lumiere et 1'heliochromie. Ann. Conserv. Arts et Met., 4, 1892, 481-494. — Observations sur une note de .17. H. LE CHATELIER, intitules: "Sur la mesure optique des temperatures elevees." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 255-257. — Sur la mesure des hautes temperatures. Reponse a des observations de M: H. LE CHATELIER. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 390-392. — [Absorption cristalline et choix entre les diverges theories de la lumiere.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 664-665. — La chaire de physique du Museum. Rev. Sci., 49, 1892, 673-678. — Notice sur Charles Francois I>E CISTEBNAI DC FAY, physicien, intendant du .Tardiu Royal des Plantes (1698- 1739). Paris, Mns. Hist. Nat. Cent., 1893. 163-185. — Sur les radiations emises par phosphorescence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 420-421. — Sur les radiations invisibles emises par les corps phosphorescents. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 501- 503. — Sur quelques proprietes nouvelles des radiations in- visibles emises par divers corps phosphorescents. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 559-564. — Sur les radiations invisibles emises par les sels d'uranium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 689-694. — Observations relatives a une note de M. Charles HENRY, iutitulee: "Sur le priucipe d'un accumulateur de lumiere." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 695. — Snr les proprietes differentes des radiations invisibles 50—2 Becquerel] IBeddard e"mi£es par les sels d'uranium, et du rayonnement de la paroi anticatnodique d'un tube de CKOOKES. Paris, Ac. S.-i. C. K., 1-2-2 . 1896, 762-767. — Observations relatives a la reponse de 31. Charles HKNIIV: [sur le principe d'un aocumulateur de lumiere]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 791-792. — (''.mission de radiations nouvelles par 1'iiraniiinj me- tallique. Palis. Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 1U80-10HM. — Snr diverses proprietes des rayons uraniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123. 1896. 855-858. - 1,'ri-herches sur les rayons uraniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 438-114. — Sur la loi de la decharge dans 1'air de 1'uranium electrize. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 800-803. — Explication de quelques experiences de .17. G. LE BON. [Sur les proprietes electriques des radiations emises par les corps sous 1'influence de la lumiere.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 984-988. — Sur une interpretation applicable au phenomene de FAI-.AHAY et au phenomene de ZFEMANN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 679-685. — Observations relatives a la communication precedente. [Sur quelques resultats nouveaux relatifs au phenomene dccouvert par M. le Dr. ZEEMANX.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 187. — Eemarques sur la polarisation rotatoire magnetique et la dispersion anomale, a 1'occasion d'une experience nouvelle de MM. D. MACALCSO et O. M. COBBINO. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 647-651. — Sur la dispersion anomale et le pouvoir rotatoire magnetique de certaines vapeurs incandescentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 899-904. — Snr la dispersion anomale de la vapeur de sodium ineandescente, et sur quelques consequences de ce phe- nomene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 145-151. — Note sur quelques proprietes du rayonnement de 1'urauium et des corps radio. actifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, Ill-Ill. — Eecherches sur les phenomenes de phosphorescence produits par le rayonnement du radium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 912-917. — Influence d'un champ magnetique sur le rayonne- ment des corps radio-actifs. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 990-1001. — Sur If javi.nneinent des corps radio-actifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 1205-1207. — Contribution a 1'etude du rayonnement du radium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 130, 1900, 206-211 ; Paris, Soc. 1'hys. Seances, 1900, 28-38. — Sur la dispersion du rayonnement du radium dans un champ magnetique. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. E., 130. 1900, 372-376. Deviation du rayonnement du radium dans un champ ui'. Paris, 'Ac. Sci. C. K., 130, 1900, 809-815. Note sur la transmission du rayonnement du radium au travel's des corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900. 979-984. — Sur la transparence de 1'aluminium pour le rayonne- ment du radium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 1154- 1157. — Note sur le rayonnement de 1'uranium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 1583-1585; 131, 1900, 137-138. Becquerel, [Antuitif] Henri, A' Becquerel, \Ali'.r- a Toulouse au Laboratoire d'Anatomie. Paris Soc. Antlirop. Bull., 3, 1892, 376-379. — Pesanteur apparente, verticale apparente, et mal , 19 pp. — Contributions to the structure of the Oligochffita. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1885, 1102-1103. — Bemarks on the ovary of Echidna. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 8, 1885, 354-362. — Notes on the structure of a new species n[ eartlnuu in belonging to the genus Aranthoili ilus. 1'ltlinb. Phys. Soc. I'l-dc., s. 1885, 3119 377. — Note on the paired dorsal vessel of certain earth- worms. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 8. 1886, 424-430. — On the at'tershaft in the feathers of certain bird-. Ibis, 3, 1885, 19 23. — Note on the distribution of the genus Serolis, and its occurrence on the shores uf New /i-ahind. |lss."i.J N. Zealand .11. Sci., 2. 1884-85. 388-391. Beddardl 397 [Beddard — Preliminary note on the nephridia of a new species of earthworm. Roy. Soe. Proc., 38, 1885, 459-4K4. — Note on the uephridia of a species of Acanthodrilus. Zool. Anz., 8, 1886, 289-29(1. — On the structural characters and classification of the cuckoos. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1885, 168-187. — On the heart of Apteryx. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1885, 188- 189. — On the specific characters and structure of certain New Zealand earthworms. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1885, sl()-83'2. — Notes on the visceral anatomy of birds. No. 1. On the so called omentum. [No. 2. On the respiratory organs in certain diving birds.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1885, 836-844 ; 1888, 252-258. — [Preliminary reports on some observations made in connection with Scottish fisheries during the summer of 1883.] (a.) At Eyemouth. [1HS4.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 7, 1886, 35-36. — Observations on the structure of Lumbricns compla- natus, Diig'es. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 451-4(50. — Notes on some earthworms from Ceylon and the Philippine Islands, including a description of two new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 89-98. — Striated muscles in Echinida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 428-430. — On the reproductive organs in the geims Eudrilus. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 672-682. — Note on the ovaries and oviducts of Eudrilus. /(»>!. Anz., !l, 1886, 342-344. — The ovarian ovum of Lepidosiren (Protopterus). Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 373-375. — Note on the ovarian ovum in the Dipnoi. Zool. An/., 9, 1886, 635-1537. — Note on the air-sacs of the cassowary. Zool. Soc. Pruc., 1886, 145-146. — On the syrinx and other points in the anatomy of the Caprirrmlgidffi. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1886, 147-153. — Note on the structure of a large species of earthworm from New Caledonia. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1886, 11)8-175. — On some points in the anatomy of Chauna chavaria. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1886, 178-181. — Observations on the ovarian ovum of Lepidosiren (Protopterus). Zool. Soc. Proc., 1886, 272-292. — Descriptions of some new or little known earthworms, together with an account of the variations in structure exhibited by Perionyx excavatus, E. P. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1886, 298-314. — Notes on the convoluted trachea of a curassow (Notho- crax nrumutum), and on the syrinx in certain storks. Zoo!. Soc. Proc., 1886, 321-325. — Observations on the development and structure of the ovum in the Dipnoi. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1886, 505-527. — Note on a new type of compound eye. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 233-236. — Note on a point in the structure of Fratercula arctica. Brit. Ass. Rep. ,1887, 771. — On the so called prostate glands of the Oligochffita. Zool. ADZ., 10, 1887, 675-678. — Note on the reproductive organs of Moniligaster. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 678-681. — Notes on Brachyurus calvus. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1887, 119-121. — On the structure of a new genus of Lumhricida (Thamnodrilus Gulielmi). Zool. Soc. Proc., 1887, 154- 163. — Contributions to the anatomy of earthworms. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1887, 372-392, 544-548. — Note on a point in the structure of Myrmecobius, Zool. Soc. Proc., 1887, 527-531. — Observations on the structural characters of certain new or little known earthworms. [1887.J Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 14, 1888, 15(5-1715. — On the minute structure of the eye in certain Cymo- thoidft-. [1887.] Edinb. Hoy. Soc. Trans., 33, 1888. 443-452. — Note on the structure and development of the ovum in an annelid (Eudrilus). [ins?.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 22, 1888, 9-14. Note on the systematic position of Monitor. Anat. Anz., 3. 1888, 204-206. — On the reproductive organs of Phreoryctes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 387-395. Remarks upon a species of Coccidium infesting Peri- chffita. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 433-439. — On the structure of the tiraatian follicle in Didelphys. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 9, 1888, 4(17-412. — On the classification of the Striges. Ibis, 6, 1888, 335-344, 493. - The nephridia of earthworms. Nature, 38, 1888, 221- 222. — On the anatomy of Allurus tetrtedrus (Eite/i). Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 28, 1888, 365-371. — On the occurrence of numerous nephridia in the same segment in certain earthworms, aud on the relationship between the excretory system in the Annelida and in the platyhelminths. Quart. .11. Micr. Sci.. 28, 1888,397-411. — Preliminary note on the nephridia of Pericheta. Roy. Soc. Proc., 43, 1888, 309-310. — Preliminary note on the mucous gland of Urocha?ta. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 90-91. — Preliminary notes on the anatomy of Perich;eta. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 91-94. — Further notes upon the reproductive organs of Eudrilus. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 643-646. — On certain points in the visceral anatomy of the Lacertilia, particularly of Monitor. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 98-107. — Observations upon an annelid of the genus ^Eolosoma. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 213-217. On certain points in the visceral anatomy of Balse- niceps rex, bearing upon its affinities. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 284-290. — Note on the sternal gland of Didelphys dimidiata. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 353-355. — Note on a new gregarine. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 355-358. — On certain points in the structure of Clitellio (Cln- pitreile). Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 485-495. — Report on annelids from the Mergui Archipelago, collected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr. John ANDERSON, F.R.S., Superintendent of the Museum. [1887.] Liun. Soc. .71. (Zool.), 21, 1889, 256- 266. - The tail bristles of a West Indian earthworm. [1888.] Nature, 39, 1889, 15-1(5. — On the structure of three new species of earthworms, with remarks on certain points in the morphology of the Oligochffita. [1888.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 29, 1889, 101-131. On certain points in the structure of Urocli&eta, R. P., and Dichogaster, nov. (ten., with further remarks on the nephridia of earthworms. [1888.] Quart. .11. Micr. Sci., 29, 1889, 235-282. — Notes upon certain species of ^Eolosoma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 2G2-2C5. — On the possible origin of the Malpighian tubules in the Arthropoda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 290- •29-2. Contributions to our knowledge of the freshwater annelids. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889. (516-617. — Contributions to the anatomy of the hoatzin (Opis- tbocomus cristatus), with particular reference to the structure of the wing in the young. Ibis, 1, 1889, 283- 293. Beddard] 398 [Beddard Notes on the marine Oligoehsta of Plymouth. [1889.] T. K. Mnr. Biol. Ass. .11., 1, 1889-90, 69-71. — Preliminary notes on some Oligochictn. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 533-536. — On a new sporozoon from the vesieiihe seminales of Pericha?ta. Zool. .Ibiicli. (.S'l/s/.), 4. 1889, 781-792. Null' upon the green cells in the integument of .Eolo- soma tenebrarum. Zool. Soc. Proe., 1889, 51-56. — On certain points in the anatomy of the Accipitres, with reference to the affinities of Polyboroides. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 77-82. — Some notes upon the anatomy of the American tapir (Tapirus terrestris). Zool. Soe. Proe., 1889, 252-258. — On the oligochfetous fauna of New Zealand, with preliminary descriptions of new species. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 377-382. — Contributions to the natural history of an annelid of the genus Dero. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 440—144. — Contributions to the anatomy of picarian birds. Part i. On some points in the structure of the horn- bills. [Part ii. A note upon the pterylosis of the barbels and toucans. Part in. On some points in the anatomy of the kingfishers.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 587-594; 1896, 5r>5-557, 603-606. — On the anatomy of BUIOIEISTER'S cariama (Chunga Burmeisteri). Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 594-602. — On the anatomy and systematic position of a gigantic earthworm (Microch&eta Itappi) from the Cape Colony. [1884.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 12, 1890. 63-76. — On the structure of HOOKER'S sea-lion (Arcto- cephalus Hooked). [1887.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 12, 1890, 31)9-380. — On the anatomy, histology [and affinities] of Phreo- ryctes. [1889.1 Ediub. Roy'. Soc. Proc., 16, 1890, 117- 119; Ediub. Roy. Soc. Trans., 35, 1890, 629-640. — On the alimentary ranal of the Martineta tinamou (Calodromas elegans). [1889.] Ibis, 2, 1890, 61-66. — The pigment of the touraco and the tree porcupine. [1889.] Nature, 41, 1890, 152. — On Photodilus badius, with remarks on its systematic position. Ibis, 2, 1890. 293-304. — The colours of animals. [1890.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 95-96. — Contributions to the anatomy of earthworms, with descriptions of some new species. Quart. .11. Micr. Sci. , 30, 1890, 421-479. — On the structure of a species of earthworm belonging to the genus Diachseta. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 159-174. — On the structure of a new genus of Oligocheeta (Deodrilus), and on the presence of anal nephridia in Acanthoilrilus. Quart. .11. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 467-488. — Preliminary note on a new earthworm belonging to the family Endrilid:e. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 561-563. — Preliminary note upon Heliodrilus, a new genus of Eudrilidie. Xuol. Anz., 13, 1890, 627-629. — Observations upon an American species of Periehseta, and upon some other members of the genus. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1890, 52-69. — Notes on the anatomy of the condor. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1890, 142-147. — On the structure of Psophia and ou its relations to other birds. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1890, 329-341. — On the minute structure of the eye in some shallow- water and deep-sea species of the isopod genus Arcturus. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1890, 365-375. — On the anatomy of Podica senegalensis. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1890, 425-443. — Zoological notes, [i. On some British species of Pachydrilus. 11. Aquatic earthworms.] [1889.] Eilinb. I'hys. Soc. Proc., 10, 1891, 101-106, 208-210. — Observations upon the structure of a genus of Oligo- chffita belonging to the limicoline section. [1889.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Proc., 17, 1891, 5-7: Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. , HC,', 1892, 1-17. — The classification and distribution of earthworms. [1890.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 10, 1891, 235-290. On the homology between genital ducts and nephridia in the Oligochaeta. [1890.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 48, 1891, 452-455. — Abstract of some investigations into the structure of the Oligochteta. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7. 1891, 88-96. — Ornithological notes. Ibis, 3, 1891, 510-514 — On the structure of two new genera of earthworms belonging to the Eudrilidie, and some remarks on Nemertodrilus. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 235-278. • On the structure of an earthworm allied to Nemerto- drilus, Mich., with observations on the post-embryonic development of certain organs. Quart. Jl. Mier. Sci., 32, 1891. 539-586. — Preliminary notice of a new form of excretory organs in an oligochtetous annelid. Roy. Soc. Proc., 49, 1891, 308-310. — Contributions to the anatomy of the kagu (Rhino - chetus jubatus). Zool. Soc. Proc., 1891, 9-21. — On an earthworm of the genus Siphonogaster from West Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1891, 48-52. — On the pouch and brain of the male thylaeine. Zool. Soc. Proc , 1891, 138-145. — Preliminary account of an earthworm from West Africa referable to a new genus. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1891. 172-176. -- Notes on the anatomy of Dolicbotis patagonica. Zocil. Soc. Proc., 1891, 2311-244. — Additional notes upon Hapalemur griseus. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1891, 449-461. — Anatomical description of two new genera of aquatic Oligochoeta. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 3li, 1892. 273-305. — On the anatomy of Ocnerodrilus (A'i»vn|. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 36, 1892, .363-583. — Formation of a temporary cyst in the fresh-water annelid jEolosoma. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 28. - Warning colours. [1891. ] Nature, 45, 1892, 78. — Preliminary notice of a new branchiate oligocha>te. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 109-110. — Note upon the encystment of .-Eolosoma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 12-19. The earthworms of the Vienna Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 113-134. — On a new genus of Oligochieta, comprising five new species, belonging to the family OcnerodrilidfE. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 74-97. A new branchiate oligochiete (Brtinchiura Sowerbyi). Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 33, 1892. 325-341. — Researches into the embryology of the Oligochasta. No. i. On certain points in the development of Acautho- drilus multiporus. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci , 33, 1892, 497- 540. On some Pericha-tidiv from Japan. Zool. Jbiich. I\;/.te. Nature, 50 (1894), 20. -- A contribution to our knowledge of the Oligochaata <>f tropical eastern Africa. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 201-270. — Notes upon the tadpole of Xenopus hevis (Uactylethra capensis). Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, 101-107. — On two new genera, comprising three new species, of earthworms from western tropical Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, 379-390. — On some points in the visceral anatomy of Ornitho- rhynclms. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, 715-722. - A contribution to the anatomy of Sutroa. [1892.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Trans., 37, 1895, 195-202. — Contributions to the anatomy of the anthropoid apes. [1892.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 13, 1895, 177-218. - The former northward extension of the Antarctic continent. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 129. — On the visceral anatomy and brain of Dendrolagua Bennetti. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 131-137. — On the brain of Gulo. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 139- 142. — On the brain in the lemurs. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 142-148. — Preliminary account of new species of earthworms belonging to the Hamburg Museum. Zool. Soc. Pvoc., 1895, 210-239. — On the visceral and muscular anatomy of Crypto- procta ferox. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 430-437. — On some points in the anatomy of Pipa americaua. Zool. Soe. Proc., 1895, 827-841. — On the diaphragm and on the muscular anatomy of Xenopus, with remarks on its affinities. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 841-850. — On some earthworms from the Sandwich Islands collected by Mr. R. L. PEUKINS; with an appendix on some new species of Pericha?ta, etc. Zuol. Soc. Proc., 1896, 194-211. — On the oblique septa ("diaphragm" of OWEN) in the passerines and in some other birds. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 225-231. — A note upon Dissura episcopus, with remarks on the classification of the Herodiones. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1896. 231-235. — A contribution to the knowledge of the anatomy of Bhynchops. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 299-303. — On the anatomy of a grebe (.Echmophorus majoi), with remarks upon the classification of some of the schizognathous birds. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 538-547. — [On the structure and distribution of birds.] Nature, 56 (1897), 36. - Notes upon the anatomy of a manatee (Manatus inunguis) lately living in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 47-53. — Notes upon the anatomy of Phaethon. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 288-295. — On a collection of earthworms from South Africa, belonging to the genus Acauthodrilus. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 336-349. - Note upon iutercentra in the vertebral column of birds. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 465-472. — On the anatomy of an Australian cuckoo, Scythrops Novai-Hollandi*. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 44-49. — On certain points in the anatomy of the cunning bassarise, Bassariscus astutus. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 129-131. — On a hybrid between a, male guinea-fowl and a female domestic fowl with some observations on the osteology of the Nurnididaj. Ibis, 5, 1899, 333-344. — A note upon phosphorescent earthworms. Nature, 60 (1899), 52. — Notes on the anatomy of the genus Apteryx. Novi- tates Zool., 6, 1899, 386-402. — A contribution to our knowledge of the cerebral con- volutions of the gorilla. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 65-76. — On the brain of Hydrochcerus. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 798-S03. — VibrissEe on the forepaws of mammals. Nature, 62 (1900), 523. — On a species of earthworm from western tropical Africa, belonging to the genus Benhamia. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 167-173. — On the brain of a siamang (Hylobates syndactylus). Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 187-190. — A revision of the earthworms of the genus Amyntas (Pericha?ta). Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 609-652. - On the structure of a new species of earthworm of the genus Benhamia. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 653-659. — On the anatomy of Bassaricyon Alleni. Zool. Sor. Proc., 1900, 661-675. — On the earthworms collected during the " Skeat Expedition" to the Malay Peninsula, 1K99-1900. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 891-'. 111. — On a new species of earthworm from India belonging to the genus Amyntas. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 998- 1002. Beddard, Frank E[rcrs], iV Fedarb, Suphie M. On some Perichsetffl from the Eastern Archipelago collected by Mi. EVERETT. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 69-73. — Notes upon two earthworms, Perieh;eta biserialis and Trichochieta hesperidum. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 803- 809. Beddard, Frank E[v<-m], A Mitchell, lifter] Chalmers. On the anatomy of Palamedea cornuta. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, 536-557. — On the structure of the heart of the alligator. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 343-349. Beddard, frank E[rers], & Murie, James. [Causes of death of a specimen of Rhinoceros bicoruis in the Zoological Society's Gardens.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1891 246-247. Beddard, Frank E[vers], & Parsons, F[rederiek] S'tT Krafft iV Beddies. Beddoe, John. Couleur des yeux et des cheveux sur les liords du Rhin, en Suisse et en Savoie. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1884, 703. — On the stature of the older races of England, ;is estimated from the long bones. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 17, 1888, 202-209. Beddoe] 400 [Bedel — On human bones discovered by General PiTT-KivEKS at Woodcuts, Eotherley, etc. [1888-89.] Brit. Ass. Rep.. 1888. 839; Anthrop. Inst. .11., 19, 1890, 2-11. — Observations on the natural colour of the skin in rrrtain oriental races. [188!!.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889. 7«7; Anthrop. Inst. .11., Hi, 1890, 257-263. Si mi.? rough observations made in the interior of North Queensland. (Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 8, 1889, •217-220. — Anniversary address, .Tan. 28, 18(10. [Anthropology at the Paris Exhibition of 18H9, and the recent advances of physical anthropology.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 19, 1890, 481-493. — Anniversary address, Jan. 27, 1891. [Anthropological work of the year.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 20, 1891, 348- 359. — BOGDANOV on the primitive Russians. Science, 20, 1892, '244. — Sur 1'histoire de Pindice ccphalique dans les lies Britanniques. Anthrop. (Paris), 5, 1894, 513-529, 658- 673. — On complexional differences between natives of Ireland with indigenous and exotic surnames respectively. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 775. — On the northern settlements of the West Saxons. [1895.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., '25, 1896, 16-20. — On complexional differences between the Irish with indigenous and exotic surnames respectively. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 27, 1898, 164-170. - Ethnology of Cornwall. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 28, 1899, 328. — On the mediaeval population of Bristol. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., '29, 1899, 142-144. — On the anthropology of west Yorkshire. Anthrop. Inst. JL, 30, 1900, (83)-(86). — On some vagaries of the kephalic index. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., HO, 1900, (94)-(9(i). Beddoe, -Joint, tv Moore, A. II". ,S'i c Moore A Beddoe. Beddome, (t'apt.) ('[har/es] E. Note on Cyprsea angustata, ami/, rur. subcarnea, Alice;/. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 21, 1896, 467-468. — Di'srription of a new species of Pupina from Queens- hind. N. S. Wales Limi. Soc. Proc. , 21, 1896, 814-815. — Voluta fusiformis, Sicainsi>n, rnr. micropapillosa. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc., 1896, si;. — Description of a new species of land shell. [1H!)7.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 22, 1898, 123. — Notes on species of Cyprtea inhabiting the shores of Tasmania. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 22, 1898, 564-576. Beddome, (Col.) l{[!cliunl] H[i\\. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 1-6. - New Miinipur feins collected bv Dr. WATT. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 231-235. - Two new Athyriums from the N. W. Himalayas. .11. Hot., -27, 1889, 72-73. — Descriptions of land shells from the island of Koror, Pelew group. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 112-117. — Descriptions of some new land-shells from the Indian region. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1891, 313-315. — SCORTECHINI'S Malayan ferns. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 225- 226. • Notes on Indian ferns. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 227-228. Beddome, {I'ul.} It\irliunl] II[enri/\, A Godwin-Austen, (I,t.-('nl.) ll[titrii] II[uversliain'\. Niv Godwin-Austen A Beddome. Bcddow, l-'rt'ii, ,v Ruhcm.iiin, Steii fried. NIT Runemann IY Beddow. Bede, [/-.'/» He]. Sur la combinaison du chauffage a la vapt tir ou a Peau avec 1'eclairage cleetiique. Lum. Elect., 33, 1889, 479. Bedel, Lron. La floraison en hiver. Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 472. — La sexualite et la lumiere. Rev. Sci., 10, 1898, 502. — Moyeus de propagation de •' PEpilobium roseum." Rev. Sci., 10, 1898, 824-825. L'hiver 1898-99 aux environs de Dozule (Calvados). Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 313-314. L'albinisme chez les vegetaux. Rev. Sci., 13, 1900, 374-375. — Adoption d'lin jeune chieu par une chatte. Kev. Sci., 13, 1900, 407. La dtiree de la vie chez les boutures de buis. Rev. Sci., 13, 1900, 439. — Observations sur la chute des feuilli's. 1900, .'.72-573. — Douze nids sur le meme arbre. 660. — La vipere avale-t-elle ses jeunes? Rev. Sci., 14 698. • Quelques observations sur le crabe commun. Rev. Sci., 13, Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 1900. Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 727. — Sur la feeondation du jasmin. Rev. Sci., 11, 1900. 727-728. — Nombre de semences fournies par les vegetaux. Rev. Sci., 14. 1900. 75!l-760. — Sur les inoeurs du coucou. Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 794. — L'hiver 1S9'.I-1900 aux environs de Doznle (Calvados). Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, S14-S15. Bedel, Loin's. [Diagnose d'un ( 'oleopt.ere nuuveau d'Algei ie : Anthrenus miniopictus, H. ..] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885. cii. — [Paeudomyrmecion ramaliuin, n. .] PHI is Soe. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887. cliv-clv. — [Nanophyes gallicus, ;/. «j».] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887. clxx. — [Description d'un Curculionide nouveau d'Algm. | I'iiiis, Soc. Ent. Ann., S, 1888, xxxvi. — [Trois Colroptcn-s IIOIIM ;iu\ clu in.nl de I'AI'rique.J Paris, Sue. Ent. Ann., 10. 1890. cxxxv-cxxxvi. — Description de deux Coli'-.qitrri s heteromrres du mud de l'AI'ii.|U.'. |1S!II.| (Jein.va Mns. Civ. Ann.. 3O, 1890-91. 794-796. — [Deseiipl li- deux Coli -optrrrs inuivraiix du nurd de 1'Afrique.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann.. 60. 1891, xxxvii- Bedell 401 [Bedford — Synopsis des grands Hydrophiles (genre Stethoxus, Solier). Rev. Ent., 10, 1891, 306-323. — Renseignements sur les moeurs et le developpement des Meloidffl. Abeille, 27, 1890-92, 235-250, 304. — Revision des Scarabieus palearctiques. Abeille, 27, 1890-92, 281-288, 304. — Supplement aux CoccinellidfE de WEISE. [1893.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 85-95. — Diagnoses de Coleopteres nouveaux d'Algerie. [1893.] Abeille, 2s, 1892-96, 102-104. — Diagnose d'un noiivpau Bembidion mediterranean. [1893.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 108. Tableau des Hippodaniia palearctiques. [1893.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 108. — Notes sur les Cetouides vrais et remarques sur leur synonymic. [1894.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 139-146. — Remarques sur les Hybalus, Br., et uouveau synopsis dea males de ce genre. [1894.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 147-149. — Note sur le genre Stephanopachys, Waterh. (Dino- derus, anct.), et synopsis des especes de 1'Ancien Monde. [1894.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 149-150. — Recherches sur la synonymic des Coleopteres de 1'Ancien Monde. [1894.]' Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 150-156. — Revision des Omophlus et Heliotaurus de Barbaric. [1894-95.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 157-174. — Synopsis du genre Diaphorocera, Heijd. (1863). [1895.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 180. Synopsis des Macrosiagon mediterraneans. [1895.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 184-192. — Catalogue raisonne des Coleopteres du nord de 1'Afrique. [1895-1900.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96 ; 29, 1896- 1900, 208 pp. (111 nil}. Diagnoses de deux Carabiqnes nouveaux du nord de 1'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cccxlv-cccxlvi. — Nouveau genre algerien de la tribu des Harpalini. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 345-346. Nouveau type algerieu de la tribu des Cetoniini. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 384-385. — Recherches synonymiques et rectificatives. [1897.] Abeille, 29, 1896-1900, 35-36. — Les Rhamnusium, Lntr., et leurs varietes de colora- tion. [1897.] Abeille, 29, 1896-1900, 43-44. — Diagnoses de nouveaux Trechus et Lebia d'Algerie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 118. Note sur 1'Anisodactylus Winthemi, Dcj. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 308-309. — Diagnoses de deux genres nouveaux de Carabiques du Sahara septentrional. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 241-242. — Diagnose d'un nouvel Hydreena des Alpes francaises. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 292-293. — Sur divers Cryptocephalus de France et leur synonymie. [1899.] Abeille, 29, 1896-1900, 268. — Diagnoses et synonymie de plusieurs derides mediter- raneans du groupe des Corynetini. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 115. Un nouvel Histeride myrmecophile des Basses- Alpes. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 183-184. — Diagnose d'uu nouveau Mylabre saharien. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 382-383. Diagnoses de deux nouveaux Dromius de Barbaric. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 12-13. Description d'un Platyderus nouveau de la Tunisie meridionale. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 170. — Diagnose d'un Harpalide nouveau de Tunisie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 247. — Notes sur les Paussus du nord de 1'Afrique et sur les especes du groupe de P. cornutus, Chevr. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 278-279. — Description d'une espece nouvelle de Nanophyes para- site du Sedum telephium, L. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 304-305. R. S. A. C. Descriptions de deux Coleopteres nouveaux du nord de 1'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 335-337. Bedel, Liniis, & Francois, I'liilippe [Henry}. Sur 1'appareil stridulatoire des Siagona, Lo.Jr. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 38-39. Bedell,' //. Dynamo and motor calculation. Franklin lust. Jl., 133, 1892, 497-501. Bedell, Frederick. On magnetic potential. Phys. Rev., 2, 1895, 298-302. — Admittance and impedance loci. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 14, 1896, 327-335; Phil. Mag., 42, 1896, 300-308. — The division of an alternating current in parallel circuits with mutual induction. [1896.] Phys. Rev., 4, 1897, 247-252. Bedell, Frederick, & Crebore, .-I Ibert Gushing. The effects of self-induction and distributed static capacity in a conductor. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 389-391. — Equivalent resistance, self-induction, and capacity of parallel circuits with harmonic impressed electromotive force. Phil. Mag., 34, 1892, 271-276. — The law of variation of currents flowing in inductive circuits. [1892.] Electrician, 30, 1893, 5-7. — Some mechanical and electrical analogies. Elect. Rev., 32, 1893, 126-127. — Note. Geometrical proof of the three-ammeter method of measuring power. [1893.] Phys. Rev., 1, 1894, 59- 61. — General discussion of the current flow in two mutually related circuits containing capacity. [1893.] Phys. Rev., 1, 1894, 117-126, 177-198. — Resonance in transformer circuits. Phys. Rev., 2, 1895, 442-454; Eclairage Elect., 3 (1895), 577-583. Bedell, Frederick, & Kinsley, Carl. A study of the residual charges of condensers and their dependence upon temperature. [1894.] Phys. Rev., 2, 1895, 170- 196. Bedell, Frederick, & Moler, George S[yleanns]. Sec Moler & Bedell. Bedell, Frederick, & Ryan, Harris J[oseph]. Action of a single- phase synchronous motor. Franklin Inst. .11., 139, 1895, 197-214. Bedell, Frederick, Ballantyne, N. F., & Williamson, Robert B. Alternate-current condensers and dielectric hysteresis. [1893.] Phys. Rev., 1, 1894, 81-94. Bedell, Frederick, Chandler, R[ichard] E., & Sherwood, R. H. The predetermination of the regulation of a transformer with non-inductive load. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1897, 126. Bedell, Frederick, Klein, R. Jl/., & Thompson, T[lwmat] P[errin], The most efficient thickness of transformer plate. Phys. Rev., 7, 1898, 242-245. Bedell, Frederick, Miller, K[empster] B., & Wagner, G. F. [A new form of contact-maker.] [1893.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 37. — Irregularities in alternate-current curves. [1893.] Phys. Rev., 1, 1894, 218-221. Beder. Si-e Bodmer-Beder. Bedford, Charles H[enry], The pathology and treatment of furunculosis. [1891.] Indian Med. Gaz.,.26, 1892, 132-140. Bedford, Charles Samuel, & Per kin, Arthur George. Some derivatives of maclurin. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1895. 933- 936. Bedford, ( I'ice-Adm.) E[dward] J[ames]. For biographical notice see Devon. Ass. Trans., 19, 1887, 40. Bedford, F. P. On eggs as helping to determine natural affinities. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 195-196, 218, 250-251. — Aberrations of Epinephele hyperanthus. Entomo- logist, 30, 1897, 49-50. — Report on the holothurians collected by Mr. J. Stanley GARDINER at Funafuti and Rotuma. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 834-848. — Gecko cannibalism. Nature, 60 (1899), 8. 51 Bedford] 402 [Bedriaga — Notes on the occurrence of Arnphioxus at Singapore. [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 444-445. — On echinoderms from Singapore and Malacca. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900. 271-299. Bedford, James 1:. The effects of denudation. [1887.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 110-113. — Notes on flint-flake implements found in the Isle of Man. [1887.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc., 9 (1885-87), 369-371. — Notes on the Isle of Man. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 177-17!!. — Inaugural address. The oil fields of America ami Russia. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 187-194. — September llth, 1890. Excursion to Ingleborough. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 6, 1890-91, 103-106. — Evidences of glacial action in the Leeds district. [1892.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 7, 1891-92, 29-34. — The Mourne mountains. [1893. ] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans.. '.), 1893-94, 17-20. — Evidence of glacial action near Leeds. [1891.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc., 12, 1895, 69-71. — Geology of the rocks of the Ilfracombe district of Devonshire. [1895.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 10, 1894-96, 35-36. — Flint implements in the Isle of Man. [1897.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 11, 1896-98, 13. Bedford, T. G. On the expansion of porcelain with rise of temperature. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 245 ; London Ph.ys. Soc. Proc., 17, 1901, 148-156; Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 90-97. Bedford, William. For biographical notice and works sec Photogr. .11., 17, 1893, 125-126. — Orthochromatic photography, or the photographic rendering of colours in monotone. [If'itli discussion.] Photogr. .11., 12, 1888, 126-131. Bednall, W[illiam~] Thompson]. Descriptions of and notes upon the species of the genera Murex and Typhis, known and recorded to exist on the coast of the colony of South Australia. [1885.] S. Aust. Boy. Soc. Trans., 8, 1886 63-66. — [Elder Expedition.] Land and freshwater Mollusca. [1892.] S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 16, 1892-96, 62-67. — On a new land shell from central Australia. S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 18, 1894, 190. — Notes on some Tasmauiap chitons. Tasmania Roy. Soe. Proc., 1894-95 (1894), 34-39. - The Polyplacophora of South Australia. [1896.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc., 2, 1897, 139-159. Bedb, Albert. Magyarorszag erdosegei. [Die Wilder Uugarns.] [1885.]' Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Termt.), 15, 1886. Xn. 17, 23 pp. — Az erdoket pusztito apacza-rovar. [Insect pests of forests.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes., 3, 1892, 209-220; Termt. Kozlon'., 24, 1892, 180-189. Bedoin, [Laurent Louis Tln'odore}. Note sur un nouveau pansement antiseptique simplhie. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 14, 1885, 467-46S. — Sur un nouveau pansement antiseptique de campagne. Arch. Mod. Pharm. Militaires, 5, 1885. 35N-3HO. — Prophylaxie des maladies transmissibles a la cam- pagne. Isolement. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 33, 1895. 304-309. Bedot, Jin uric?, Recherches sur le developpement des nerfs spinaux ehi-z les Tritons. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 11, 1884, 117-146. — Recherches sur le foie des Velelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. II., 98, 1884, 1004-1006; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 11, 1884, 328-330. — Kecherches sur 1'organe central ft le systeme vasculaire des Velelles. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 1, 1884, 491-517. — [Developpement des Velelles.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 13, 1885, 444. - Sur I'histolngie de la Porpita mediterrauea. Ree. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1885, 189-194. — Contribution a 1'etude des Velelles. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1885, 237-251. — Les cellules urticantes des Sipbonophores. [1886.] Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 29, 1884-87, lix; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 15, 1886, 415-416. — Recherches sur les cellules urticantes. [1886.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 4, 1888, 51-70. — Precedes de conservation des auimaux inarins infeii- eurs. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 21, 1889, 556-558. — [Observation sur les ne'niatocvstes.] Arch. Sci. 1'hvs. Nat., 22, 1889, 6(16-608. — Sur 1'Agalma Clausi, u. up. [1888.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 5, 1892, 73-91. - Revision de la t'amille des Forskalidie. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 231-254. — Note sur une larve de Velelle. Rev. Suisse Zool., 2, 1894, 463-466. — Notes anthropologiques sur le Valais. Paris Soc. Authrop. Bull., 6, 1895, 486-494 ; 9, 1898, 222-236., — Les Siphonophores de la baie d'Arnboine. Etude suivie d'une revision de la familledes Agalmida;. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 367-414. — Note sur les cellules urticantes. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 533-539. Bedout, Louis. Sur un nouveau compteur densivolunie- trique a liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 641- 644. — [Note sur un nouveau compteur 4 liquides.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 469-470, 977-'.l85. Bedriaga, Jakob Vladimiroric. Amphisbasua cinerea, Valid., und A. Strauchi, v. Bedr. Erster Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Doppelschleichen. Arch. Naturg., 50, 1884 (lid. 1), 23-77. — Die nuue Lacertiden-Gattung Latastia und ihre Arten (L. Doriai, n. up., var. Martensi, m., Samharica, Blatif., uud Boscai, it. up.). Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 20, 1884, 307-324. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Lacertideu-Familie (Lacerta, Algiroides, Tropidosaura, Zerzumia, undBettaia). [Issii.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 14, 1888 (Heft 2), 17-44. — Additions aux diagnoses du Bufo calamita et du Bufo viridis. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 220-222. — Die Lurchfauna Europa's. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 3, 1890, 210-422, 4(56-622, 843-846; 10, 1897, 187-322, 363-476, 575-760. — Tableaux synoptiques pour servir a la determination des larves des liatraciens Urodeles d'Europe. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (I't. 2), 540-546. — Mittheilungen iiber die Larven der Molche. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 295-300, 301-308, 317-323, 333-341, 349-355, 373-378, 397-404; 18, 1895, 153-157. — Les Viperes europeennes et circum-mediterraneennes. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 (I't. 1). 236-241. — Chaleides Simonyi, Steind., et Molge Luschani, Steind. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 (Ft. 1), 242- 243. — Lettre a M. le professeur Auatole BOODANOW. A propos de 1'importation et du croisement des Reptiles et des Amphibiens. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. H.], 1892 (I't. 1), 244-245. — Ueber die Begattung bei einigen geschwanzten Atn- phibien. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 102-104. — Synopsis der europaischen Molgen. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 214-216. — BemerkuDgen 7.11 !•'. WEBXEK : "Ueber Algiroides moivotinis, I'llir.-llfirij, aus Kephallenia." Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 455-457. Notice sur le "Pi-Hade Portugais." Annaes Sci. Nat., 2, 1895, 111-116. Les Batraciens Urodeles d'Europe. Congr. Int. Zonl. C. R., 1895, 238-250. — Ueber Lacerta praticola, Kreram.. und L. pelopon- nesiaca, Bibr. Zonl. An/.., Is, 1395, 261-26:!. Bedriaga] 40:1 [Beecher — On the Pyrenean newt, Molge aspera, Duries. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 150-161. Bedson, P[eti-r] Phillips. Note on the composition of gas from Messrs. ALLHUSEN'S borings at Middlesbrough. Soc. Cbem. Ind. Jl., 4, 1885, 650. — On the composition of certain colliery waters. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 6, 1887, 712-715. — A contribution to our knowledge of coal-dust. [Part* i & ii.] [ll'ith discussion.] N. Eng. Inst. Miu. Eugin. Trans., 37, 1888, 245-259; 43, 1894, 287-291. — The manufacture of aluminium from cryolite. Chem. News, 60, 1889, 199-201. — Analysis of salt stalactites. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., K, 1889, 98. - [An investigation as to whether the fumes produced from the use of roburite and tonite in coal mines are injurious to health.] Report on the chemical examina- tion of the fumes. [With discussion.] [18!ll.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 2, 1892, 369-385, 388-397, 412-414, 467-468. — The gases "enclosed" in coal dust. Chem. News, 68, 1893, 187-188. — Note on the poisonous action of lead salts. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 13, 1894, 610-611. — Shaw gas-tester. [With discussion.] [1897.] N.Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 46, 1898, 204-208. — Results of the analysis of samples of New Zealand coal and ambrite, and of Barbados mimjak. [With tlixcusfion.] [1899.] N. Bug. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 48, 1900, 82-87. Bedson, P[eter] Phillips, & Brown, M. Walton. See Brown .\ Bedson. Bedson, P[eter] Phillips, & Cooper, J. Experiments with the Shaw gas-tester. [With discussion.] [1897.] N.Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 47, 1898, 79-85. Bedson, P[etr.r] Phillips, & IttcConnell, I!'. Note on the gases enclosed in coal and coal-dust. [1892.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 41, 1893, 87-90. Bedson, P[i'ter] Phillips, & McCouncll, II'. (./»«.). A contribution to our knowledge of ooal-dust. Part in. [With discussion.] [1894.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 43, 1894, 292-313; 44, 1896, 169-170. Bedson, P[eter] Phillips, & Shaw, Karille. On the occur- rence of argon in the gases enclosed in rock-salt. [1895.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 11, 1896, 143-145. Bedson, P[fter] Phillips (et alii). Discussion upon "an investigation as to whether the fumes produced from the use of roburite and touite in coal mines are injurious to health." [1891.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 40, 1892, 123-124. Bedwell, E. C. Coleoptera at Oulton Broad and district. Ent. Kecord, 11, 1899, 298-300, 335-338. Beebe, Alfred C. A volumetric method for lead analysis. Chem. News, 73, 1896, 18. Beebe, M. C. The electrolytic decomposition of the chlorides of sodium and magnesium. Electrician, 40, 1898, 421-123. Beebe, W. M. 'Arctic research. Report of progress in connection with Lady Franklin Bay station. Keport of the relief expedition of 1882. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1883, 607-611. Beebe, William, & Phillips, A[iulrew] W[heeler]. The orbit of SWIFT'S Comet 1880 V, determined by GIBBS'S vector method. [1889.] Astr. Jl., 2, 1890, 113-117, 121-124. Beeby, ll'illiam Hadden. On the flora of south Lincoln- shire. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 17-22. — A new flora of Surrey. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 77-80. — New Surrey plants. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 300 ; 24, 1886, 346; 25, 1887, 315. — Notes on Sparganium neglectum, sp. nor., and other new Surrey plants. [1885.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc.,' 1884-85, 44-47; Croydou Micr. Club Proc. & Trans., 3, 1892, 33-36. — On some recent additions to the Surrey flora. [1885- 87.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc., 1884-85, 72-74; 1886-87, 64-65; Croyiion Micr. Club Proc. & Trans., 3, 1892, 40-42, [121]-[124], 133. — A new Sparganium. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 26. — On Sparganium neglectum. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 193- 194 ; 24, 1886, 142-143, 377-378. — Rediscovery of Eriophorum gracile in Surrey. .11. Bot., 23, 1885, 311-312. — Equisetum litorale, Kiihlewein, in Britain. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 54-55. - Note on Utricularia. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 113. — Polvpodium pbegopteris in west Sussex. .11. Bot., 24, 1886, 113. • Callitriclie truncata, Gussoin', in west Kent. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 346. — Equisetum litorale as a British plant. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 65-66. — Note on Ranunculus bulbosus. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887. 157. — The Sussex Pyrola media. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 315. — On Ranunculus flammula. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 370- 372. — On the flora of Shetland. Scott. Natlist., 9, 1887-88, 20-32, 209-218; 10, 1889-90, 32-39, 212-217; [11, 1891], 25-30. — Juncus alpinus probably a Scotch plant. [1887.] Scott. Natlist., 9, 1887-88/92. — On nomenclature. Jl. Bot., 211, 1888, 35-37. — On Potentilla reptans and its allies. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 78-79. — On Callitriclie polymorpha, Liiimroth, as a British plant. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 233-234. — On the two valerians. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 340-344, 378-379. — On some British Viola forms. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 226- 229 ; 30, 1892, 67-68. — Ranunculus acris, L. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 251. — On Potamogeton fluitans, Roth. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 203-204. — Rumex propinquus, J. E. Aresch., in Britain. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890. 217; Scott. Natlist., 10, 1889-90, 300. — On Sparganium. Jl, Bot., 28, 1890, 234-237. — Hieracium protractum, Lindeb., in Britain. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 53. — Zaunichellia. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 216. — A new Hieracium. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 243-244. — Grafted plants. [1891.] Nature, 4.3, 1892, 151. — On the flora of Shetland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 51-55. — On natural hybrids. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 209-212. — Our endemic list. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 65-67. — Svante MUBBECK on gentians. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 1-4. — Eleocharis acicularis. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 87. — Potamogeton trichoides in Surrey. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 88. — Festuca heterophylla in Surrey. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 253. — Varieties. Medicago lupulina, far. Willdenowiana, Koch. [Glyceria distans, var. prostrata, Beeby.] .11. Bot., 33, 1895, 315-316. Beecheno, (Rev.) J. Quartz (rock crystal) and its associa- tions. [1894.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2 (1886-94), 433-440. — Shells : their inhabitants and uses. [18U6.] East- bourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 3 (1894-1902), 130-139. Beecher, Charles Emerson. Ceratiocaridse from the Chemuug and Waverly groups of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Rep./PPP, 1884, 1-22. — Carnivorous habits of the muskrat. Science, 5, 1885, 144-145. — A spiral bivalve shell from the Waverly group of Pennsylvania. N. Y. Mus. Rep., 39, 1886, 161-164. 51—2 Beecher] 404 [Beekman - Note on the fossil spiiler Artlirolycosa antiqua, Hargrr. Amer. Jl. Sci., 38, 1889, 219-223. — On tliu development of the shell in the genus Tornoceras Hyatt. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 71-75. — Kouinckina aud related genera. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 21 1-219. — On Lepta>nisca, a new genus of brachiopod from the Lower Helderberg group. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 238- 240. — North American species of Strophalosia. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 240-246. - Development of the Brachiopoda. Part I. Intro- duction. [Part ii. Classification of the stages of growth and decline.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 41, 1891. 343-357; 44, 1892, 133-155. — Development of liilobites. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891. •51-56. - The development of a Palaeozoic poriferous coral. [1891.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 8, 1888-92, 2(17-214. - Symmetrical cell development in the Favositidse. | 18111.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 8, 1888-92, 215-219. — Larval forms of trilobites from the Lower Helderberg group. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 142-147. — A larval form of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 378-379. — On the thoracic legs of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 467-470. — Some correlations of ontogeny and phylogeny in the Brachiopoda. Amer. Natlist., 27", 1893, 599-604. — Revision of the families of loop-bearing Brachiopoda. [18113.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 9, 1892-96, 376-391. - The appendages of the pygidium of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 47, 1894, 298-300. - The development of Terebratalia obsoleta, Dall. [1894.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 9, 1892-95, 392-399. - Further observations on the ventral structure of Triarthrus. Amer. Geologist, 15, 1895, 91-100. — The larval stages of trilobites. Amer. Geologist, 16, 1895, 166-197. — Structure and appendages of Trinucleus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 49, 1895, 307-311. — On a supposed discovery of the antennas of trilobites by LINNJEUS in 1759. Amer. Geologist, 17, 1896, 303- 306. — On the validity of the family Bohemillidw, Bnrramli'. Amer. Geologist, ~17, 1896, 360-362. — On the occurrence of Silurian strata in the Big Horn mountains, Wyoming, and in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 31-33. — The morphology of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 251-256. — [The systematic position of the trilobites.] Remarks. Amer. Geologist, 20, 1897, 38-40. — Outline of a natural classification of the trilobites. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 89-106, 181-207. — Morphology of the brachia. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 87, 1897, 105-112. - The origin and significance of spines : a study in evolution. Amer. Jl. Sci., 6, 1898, 1-20, 125-136, 249- 268, 329-359. — CONRAD'S types of Syrian fossils. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 176-178. — On a large slab of Uintacrinus from Kansas. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 267-268. — Restoration of Stylonurus Lacoanus, a giant arthropod from the Upper Devonian of the United States. Amer. Jl. Sci., 10, 1900, 145-150. Beecher, Gharlet Emerson, & Call, 7i'[i'c/irm»]. On the scope of orthopaedics. N. Y. Mcd. .11., of,, 1892, 533-534. Beenette, 1 termini. Pyorrheea-alveolaris. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 43, 1900, 49-60. Bcciike, \Kapt.) H. *Bericht iiber ungewohnlich stiir- misehes Wetter im siidwestliehen Tlieile des Passatgebiets des siidatlantischeu Oceans. Ann. der Hydrogr., 8 (1880), 171-172. Wind- und Stromungsverhaltnisse auf dem Wege von Manta nach Puntarenas im Februar 1890. Ann. der Hydrogr., 19 (1891), 195. Beenscb, Leo, & Fischer, Kmil. See Fischer & Beensch. Beer, Berthold. On the development of the Sylvian fissure in the human embryo. [1889.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 24, 1890, ix-xi. Beer, Fritz. Ueber die Transformation der elliptischen Functionen. Arch. Math. Phys., 14, 1896, 113-138. Beer, Theodor. Ueber den Eiufluss der peripberen Vagus- reizung auf die Lunge. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Alith.), 1892 (Suppl.), 101-216; Centrb'l. Physio!., 5, 1892, 782-784. — Studien iiber den traumatischen Enophthalmus. Arch. Augenheilk., 25, 1892, 315-356, 447-448 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 22, 1893, 98-106. - Studien iiber die Accommodation des Vogelauges. [1892.] Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 53, 1893, 175-237. — Ueber die Accommodation des Fischauges. Deutscb. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 2), 369; Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 58, 1894, 523-650. - Ein neuer geaichter Apparat zur Messung uud grapbischen Registrirung des Blutdruckes. [1896.] Centrbl. Physiol., 10, 1897, 329-333. — Die Accommodation des Kephalopodenauges. Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 67, 1897, 541-586. — Die Accommodation des Auges in der Thierreihe. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [29]-[30]. — [Accommodation of the eye in various animals.] Nature, 58 (1898), 483. — Die Accommodation des Auges bei den Reptilien. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 69, 1898, 507-568. — Vergleichend-physiologische Studien zur Statocysten- function. I. Ueber den angeblichen Gehorsinn und das angebliche liehororgan der Crustaeeen. [n. Versuche an Crustaceen (Peuseus membranaceus).] Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898, 1-41 ; 74. 1899, 364-382. — Die Accommodation des Auges bei den Amphibien. [1899.] Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898, 501-534. Beer, Theodor, & Kreidl, Alois. Ueber den Ursprung der Vagust'asern, dereu centrale Reizung Verlangsamung resp. Stillstand der Athmung bewirkt. [1895.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 62, 1896, 156-165. Beer, Theodor, Bethe, Albrecht, & TJcxkull, J[arab] run. Vorschlage zu eiuer objektivierenden Nomenklatnr in der Physiologic des Nerverjsystems. [1899.] Biol. Centrbl., 19,' 1899, 517-521 ; Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 275-280 ; Centrbl. Physiol., 13, 1900, 137-141. Beer, Walter. The Monier system of construction. [1897.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 133, 1898, 376-393. Beers, F^rank] T., & Fond, F[rancis] ./[ones]. See Pond & Beers. Beers, Xathan T. A test case for taste. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 365-366. Beers, W\illiam\ Georqe. The teeth of children. Brit. .11. Dental Sci., 28, 1886, 345-352. Beesley, Thomas. For biography and list of works see Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 336; Jl. Hot., 34, 1896, 440; Pharm. Jl., 3, 1896, 201-202; Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1897, 15-26. Beeson, Charles H., & Eigenmann, Carl Jl. See Eigenmann A Beeson. Beeson, J[asper] L[utlier]. On the decomposition of diazo compounds, vm. A study of the action of the salts of diazo-benzene on methyl and ethyl alcohols under different conditions. Amer. Chem. Jl., l(j (1894), 235- 254. — A study of the constituents of the nodes and inter- nodes of the sugar cane. Amer. Chem. Jl., 16 (1894), 457-464. — Notes on the estimation of crude fiber in sugar cane. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 308-313. — A simple and convenient apparatus for estimating the water-holding power of soils. Amer. Chein. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895. 769-771. — Occurrence of the amines in the juice of sugar cane. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 1«, 1896, 743-744. — A simple and convenient extraction apparatus for food-stuff analysis. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 744-745. — A study of the clarification of sugar cane juice. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 19, 1897. 56-61. — The physical effects of various salts and fertilizer ingredients upon a soil as modifying the factors which control its supply of moisture. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 19, 1897, 620-649. — Nitric nitrogen produced by the pea. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 20, 1898, 793-795. Beeton, (Miss) Mary. A Pearson, Karl. Data for the problem of evolution in man. n. A first study of the inheritance of longevity and the selective death-rate in man. [1899.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 65, 1900, 290-305. Beeton, (Miss) Mary, Yule, G. I'., & Pearson, Karl. Data for the problem of evolution in man. v. On the correlation between duration of life and the number of offspring. [1900.] Roy. Soe. Proc., 67, 1901, 159-179. Beeton, Stanley, Barr, James Mark, & Taylor, C[harles] Percy. See Barr, Beeton & Taylor. Beeton, Stanley, Taylor, C[harlei~\ Perei/, & Barr, James Mark. Experimental tests on the influence of the shape of the applied potential difference wave on the iron losses of transformers. [With discussion.] [1896.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., '25, 1897, 474-518. Beetz, [I''ru''(/. 4, Abth. 9), 42-43. — An experimental investigation into the arrangement of the excitable fibres of the internal capsule of the bonnet monkey (Macacus sinicus). [1889.] Phil. Trans. (B), 181, 1891,' 49-88. — A record of the results obtained by electrical excitation of the so-called motor cortex and internal capsule in an orang-outang (Simia satyrus). [1890.] Phil. Trans. (B), 181, 1891, 129-158. • On the excitable fibres of the crus cerebri. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 485-486; Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [10]-[11]. Beevor, Charles E[dirard], & Jackson, J[nhn] Hualilings. Nee Jackson it Beevor. Beevor, Charles E[dicard], & Lunn, J[ohi>] B. A. case of syringomyelia. Clin. Soc. Trans., 27, 1894, 209-220. Beevor, dairies E[divard] (et alii). Tables drawn up by a special committee from the specimens of intracranial tumours exhibited at the meetings of the Society on February 2nd and 10th, 1880. London Path. Soc. Trans., 37, 1886, 68-88. - The accurate localisation of intracranial tumours, excluding tumours of the motor cortex, motor tract, pons and medulla. Brain, 21, 1898, 291-342. Beevor, Iliiiih li[eeve]. Note on media for the cultivation of the bacillus of tubercle. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 344-345. Beez, [Emil Luduiiy] Ii[ichurd]. Assign to this author entries (Vul, 1) under Beez, . — Zur Theorie der Vectoren und Quaternionen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 41, 1896, 35-57, 05-84. — Ueber die automorphe Transformation einer Summe von Quadrateu uiitHilfe intinitesimalerTransformationen und hoherer kornplexer Zuhlen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 43, 1898, 65-79, 121-132, 277-304. Begault, A. On the necessity for a universal notation. Keport presented to the International Congress of Actuaries held at Brussels, September 1895. [JV.] |18UO.] Inst. Act. JL, 33, 1898, 1-25. Begemann, Carl. For biographical notice see Deutsche Ztschr. Thiernied., 12, 1886, 130. Beger, A\lbert\. Die Tuberculose der Sehnenscheiden. [1884. J Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 21, 1885, 335-350. Beger, C[arl], & Auwers, Karl \l''riedrich\. Nee Auwers A Beger. Begg, Alexander. Notes on Vancouver island. Scott. Ueogr. Mag., 11, 1895, 025-635; 15, 1899, 449-462. — Notes on the Yukon country. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 12, 1896, 553-559. - Early exploration in north-west Canada. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 15, 1899, 351-356. Beghin, A. Methode d'approxiniation pour calculer le moment d'inertie et la position du centre de gravite d'une aire plane. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 19 (18901, 241-243. - lic'gle a calculs (modele special), permettaut de rrsoiidre, par un seul mouvemeut de la r^glette, toutes les operations effectuees par les autres regies, avec une approximation deux fois plus grande et en plus prin- cipalement : le produit de trois facteurs, le quotient d'un nombre par le produit de deux autres. Ass. Franc. C. K., 1899 (1't. 2), 142-148. Sur uu modele de regie a calcul. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1900 (I't. 1), 127-128. Begin, \Tabbr) P. A. De la coloration chez les Le'pidop- teres. Nat. Canad., 22, 1895, 27-29. — Lepidopteres de Sherbrooke et du voisiuage de cette ville. Nat. Canad., 22, 1895, 74-77, 92-95; 23, 1896, 39-42, 58-00, 75-70. Beglinger, J[uhannrs]. Relations qui existent entre 1'astronomie et la geologic. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 471-472. Begouin, . De 1'influence des sections du mesentere sur la vitalite de 1'intestiu grele. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 39-50. — Fonction du coeur contre les accidents dus a Pentre'e de 1'air dans les veines. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 132-134. Be'goune, Anna. Ueber die Gefassversorgung der Kropfe mit besonderer Berueksiehtigunp der Struma cystica. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 20, 1884, 258-292. Beguin, Felix. Un pli-faille a Chatollion. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 28, 1900, 206-214. Beguin, L. * [Notes me'teorologiques faites a] Perpiguan (Hyreue'es-Orientales). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Mrt. niol., 4, 1871, 25, 31, 37, 45, 147-148, 176; 5, 1872, 23, 65-06, 94, 133-131, 149, 101, 172, 184, 190, 207, 219; 6, 1873, 1't. 2, 8, 19-20, 32, 44, 57, 69, 78, 88- 89, 95. — De la mesure des hautes temperatures. [1896.] Genie Civil, 28, 1895-96, 388-390. Beguin, II'., A- Pictet, Aim'. Nee Pictet * Beguin. Beguin-Billecocq, L[ouis], Note sur la nymphe de C(tlostoma hispanicum, Kil.it. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 138. Beguinot, Aiuiusto. La Fritillaria persica uella flora romaua. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 101-103. — Sulla presenza in Italia della Oxalis violacea, L. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 110-111. — Di alcuue piante nuove o rare per la flora romaua. [1890.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 30-37. — Herbarium Camilla? DOUI.E. n. Prodromo ad una flora dei bacini Pontino ed Ausonio e dei monti limitroti. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 38, 1897, 189-341. — Prima contribuzioue alia briologia romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 75-82. — Nuove specie e nuove localita per la flora romaua. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 110-122, 209-214. — Intorno ad alcune Potentille nuove, rare, o critiche per la flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 141- 150. — Di una famiglia e di alcuui generi nuovi per la flora della provincia di Boma. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Hull., 1899, 23-31. • II geuere Gagca, Nulisb., nella flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 31-35. — Notizie preliminari sulla biologia fiorale nel genere Kornulea, Muratti. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 214- 222. — La flora dei deposit! alluviouali del fiurne Tevere dentro liorna. A'ofn iirereiuira. (Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 222-229. Beguinotl 407 [Behal — Intorno ad alcune forme di Reseda lutea, Lin. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 229-235. — Ulterior! notizie intorno alia Fritillaria persica, Lin. , ed alia Oxalis violacea, Lin., nella flora italiana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Ball., 1899, 301-3(19. — Contribuzione allo studio di alcune generi della flora delle paludi Pontine. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., li, 1899, 284-295. — La famiglia delle " Elatinacee " nella flora romana. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 6, 1899, 483-492. — II genere Scolopendrium nella flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 29-38. — Generi e specie nuove o rare per la flora della provincia di Roma. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 47-56. — Florula di alcuni piccoli laghi inesplorati della pro- vincia di Roma. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 56- 63. — Nuove loealita per specie della flora romaua. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull.. 1900, 112-121. — Piante nuove o rare della flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 121-130. - Notizie preliminari sulla flora dell' Areipelago • Ponziano. [Italia], Sue. Bot. Bull., 1900, 290-301. - Itinerari botanic! pontini nell' estate del 1898. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll , 37, 1900, 306-339. — Sulle afh'nita sistematicbe e sulla distributions geo- grafica di Cares Griolelii, JJocin., in Italia. Malpigbia, 14. 1900, 511-529. — Di alcune specie rare per la flora romana. Iliv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 20, 1900, 33-37. Bcr.uinot, Anijuato, & Senni, L. Una esoursione botanica a Monte Tarino, nel gruppo dei Simbruiui. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 78-87. B6h.ii-.hcl, [Henri]. Arbres et arbustes a planter dans les dunes. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 2), 414-411!. Behagle, l''\, nliniind] de. Haut Oubaugui. Mission de BEHAGLE. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1898, 359-361 , 460- 462; 1899, 221-222. B6h.ieuel, - — , it Foisson, Jules. See Poisson .v Behaguel. Bch.il, A[ugnste']. Separation du cuivre et du cadmium. Jl. Pharm., 11, 1885, 553-554. — Recherche qualitative des azotates et des chlorates. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1885, 490-492. — Synthese d'une acetone au moyen d'un carbure acetylenique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 44, 1886, 195- 197; .11. Pharm., 12, 1885, 155-158. — Caprylidene, carbure acetylenique ; son hydratation. Constitution de 1'aldehyde caprylique. [1886.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 33-39. — Aldoxime caprylique et acetoxime me'thylhexylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 163-165. — Preparation de 1'iodure d'allyle. Formation d'alcool allylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 875-877. — Sur 1'hyciratation du diallyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 43-51. - Nouveau carbure acetylenique substitue, 1'tHhylpro- pylacetylene ; son hydratatiorj. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 216-219. — Caprylidene du eaprylene, son isomerie avec le caprylidene de 1'aldehyde caprylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 704-706. - Sur 1'allene. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887. 7S8-799. — Preparation de 1'isopropylacetylene avec la methyliso- propylcarbonyle. [1887.] ' Paris Hoc. Chim. Bull'., 49, 1888, 23-27. — Kecberches sur les carbures acetyleniques et sur leur hydratation. Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 267-288. — Recherches sur les carbures acetyleniques substitute R-C = C-R'. Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 408-432. - Nitrate d'argent en solution alcoolique, reactif des carbures acetyleniques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 411, 1888, 335-337. — Hydratatiou du tolane. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888,' 337-339. — Transformation de Fuenauthylidene et du caprylidene, carbures aeetyleniques vrais, en carbures acetyleniques substitues sous 1'influeuce de la potasse alcoolique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 40, 1888, 581-584. — [Action du sodium snr le caprylidene uou acetylenique ] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 850. — Hydratation du methylamylaeetylene ; nouvelle ace- tone, 1'ethylamylcarbonyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 359. — Transformation du methylvalerylace'tylene en hexyl- acetylene. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull. ,'50, 1888, 629-631. — Action dn perchlorure de phosphore sur 1'aceto- pheuone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 632-638. — Recherches sur les carbures biethyleiiiques. Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 200-211. — Recherches sur les carbures alle'niques. Ann. Cbim., 16, 1889, 347-378. — [Combinaison de 1'antipyrine et de 1'hydrate de chloral.] Paris Soc. Chim. 'Bull., 3, 1890, 498. — Constitution de 1'aldehyde caprylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 6, 1891, 131-137. — La nomenclature chimique au Congres International de Geneve. Moniteur Sci., ti, 1892, 401-417. — [Observation relative aux recberches de 31. FREUNHLER sur le pouvoir rotatoire des ethers tartriques.] Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 9, 1893, 643. — Sur les acides campholeniques et les campholenamides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 799-802. — Sur les campholeues et sur la constitution du camphre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 858-862. — [Sur la constitution de 1'homocreosol.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 467. — [Distinction entre la molecule crystalline et la mole- cule diimique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 820-821. — [Etude de 1'acide et du nitrile campholeniques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 1107-1108. — Amides et acides campholeniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 927-930. — Sur les derives campholeniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 1167-1170. — Oxydation de 1'acide campholeiiique inactif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 213-216; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 755, 785-786. — Constitution des acides produits dans 1'oxydation de 1'acide campholenique inactif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 465-468. — [Sur la preparation et les proprietes des deux amides et acides campholeuiques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 517-518. — [Recherches sur la serie campholeiiique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 625-627. — Derives campholeuiques. Campholenonitriles et campholenamides. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 834-841. — Acides campholeniques et campholenes. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 13, 1895, 841-846. — [Sur les produits d'oxydation de I'isocampholeue.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 469. — Sur une serie de nouvelles cetones cycliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1036-1038, 1138. — [Isomerie existant eutre la tropine et la pseudo- tropine.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 435. — Les cetones cycliques des huiles de bois. Ass. Franc,'. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 1), 128. — Sur une nouvelle cetone cyclique, la methylcvclohexe- none II. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 126, 1898, 46-49. — [Cetones extraites des huiles lourdes de bois privees d'acides et de creosote.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., Ill, 1898, 51. — [Nouveau regulateur pour les distillations dans le vide.] [1898.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 2. BehalJ 408 IBehm — Sur les anhydrides inixtes de 1'acide formique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 128, 1899, 1460-1463 ; Ann. Cbim., 20, 1900, 411-432; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 745- 760. — Sur les anhydrides mixtes des acides acycliques et cycliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 129, 1899, 681-684; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 274-288; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 71-82. Beh.il, A[n:in.,l,-]. A Auger, I'ictur. [Sur le chlorure de nialonylr.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 594. — Action tlu perchlorure de pliosphore sur 1'acide malonique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 631-632. — Sur une nouvelle classe de diaeetones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 070-973; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 122-128. — Action du chlorure d'ethylmalonyle sur 1'ethylbenzine en presence du chlorure d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 110, 1890. 194-197; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, llil-162, 244. — [Action du chlorure d'ethylmalonyle sur les carlnires aromatiques en presence de A1-C16.] Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 6, 1891, 129-130, 210-211. — [Obtention d'acides /3-c£toniqnes de la serie aroma- tique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 6, 1891, 211-212. — [Sur les produits de 1'action du chlorure de malonyle et de ses horuologues sur les hydrocarbures benzeniques en presence de A PCI".] Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 7. 1892, 355, 402. — Sur quelques /3-dieetones symetriques de la serie aromatique. Pans Soc. Chim. "Bull , 9, 1893, 696-704. .S'i'f aim Auger & B6h.il. Bch.il, A[ui/u.itt], & Blaise, Etlmimd K[mile]. Action de 1'hypoazotide sur 1'acide campholenique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C.'B., 121, 1895, 256-250; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 753-754, 786; 15, 1896, 25-31. Behal, .) | «»;«.-/! •], A- Choay, L[n<>. Essai du chloro- forme. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 417-424. Behal, A^iguxti-]. it Cuerbet, M[nrcel], .V>' Guerbet it Beh.il. Bchal, .-l[ii(/ii. eKCKYp- cill B1> 'I'epraHCKyiO o6.iaCl"B. Remarques sur 1'excur- sion dans la province de Fergana. [1899.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc., 1897-98, Append. No. 170, 7 pp. (French tr., 4-7). Behr-Bregowski, L. (? Humuel). Ueber einige Amidoke- tone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1515-1525. Behrend, Bernlinrd A. Ankerreaktion bei mehrphasigeu Dynamomasehinen. Elektroteehn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 556. — Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Drehstrommotoren. Elektroteehn. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 63-64. — Ueber asynchrone Wechselstrommotoren. Elektro- teehn. Ztschr. , 18, 1897, 165-168. Ueber den Spaunungsabfall bei Weehselstromgene- ratoren. Elektroteehn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 837-840. 52 Behrendl 410 [Behrendsen Behrciiil, fliixtui-. Ueber Herpes tonsurans und Favus. [U'itli //is.-i/.«ion.] Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R., 1884 (T. 3, Derm. I III '.is, — Ein Fall idiopatbischer angeborener Hautatrophip. [1884.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 15, 1885 (Th. 2), 251- •257. — Ueber Knoteubildung am Haarscbaft. Virchow, Arch., 103. 1886, 437-460. — Ueber Alopecia areata und iiber Veranderung der Haare bei derselben. Virchow, Arcb., 109, 1887, 493- 506. — Ueber Nervenlasion und Haarausfall mit Bezug auf die Alopecia areata. Virchow, Arch., 116, 1889, 173-190. — Ueber Nervenlasion und Haarausfall. Entgegnuug auf die " Erwiderung" des Herrn Dr. Max JOSEPH. Virchow, Arch., 116, 1889, 543-544. - Ueber Trichomycosis nodosa (Juhel-Be'noy); Piedra (Osorio). [1889-1 Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 21, 1891 (Th. 2), 99-109. — Ueber die unter dem Einfluss der Riintgenstrahlen entstehende Haiitveriinderuug. [1897.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 29, 1899 (Th. 2), 223-229. — Vorlaufige Mittheilung fiber die Wirkung des Pro- targol bei Gonorrhoe. [1898.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 29, 1899, (Th. 2), 123-135. Behrend, //. Zur Berechnung der Dynatnomaschinen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 63-64 ; 13, 1892, 603- 604. Zur Riickwirkung der Armatur auf die Feldstarke in Dynamomaschinen. Elektrotechn . Ztschr., 13, 1892, 591-592. Behrend, M[n.t A.], & Rung, F[riedrich"\. See Rung it Behrend. Behrend, (>. Apparate zum Laden von Akkumulatoreu minds Wechselstrom. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 211-212. Bebrend, Otto. Constitutionsbeziehungen zwiscben Riciniilsaure- uud Oelsaurederivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2248-2250; 29, 1896, 806-809. Behrend, P[mi!]. Contributions to the chemistry of malting. Part i. Extraction of inorganic and organic matter by the steeping water. [Part II. The change produced by germination in the nitrogenous matter of barley.] Chem. News, 51, 1885, 163, 181-183. — The changes produced in the albumenoid matter of various seeds and of potatoes by steaming under high pressure. Chem. News, 51. 1885, 205-206. Behrend, I'[mil], & Kast, Hermann. Titration geringer Gasmengen in Gasgemischen. Dinglers Polytechn. .11., 270, 1888, 423-431, 576. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert. Ueber einige Derivate des Harnstoffs. [VorHiufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2846-2847. Ueber die Einwirkung von Sulfurylchlorid auf secun- dare Aminbasen. Liebig's Ann., 222, 1884, 116-136. — Versnche zur Synthese von Korpern der Harnsaure- reihe. Liebig's Ann., 229, 1885. 1-44; 231, 1885, 248- 256 ; 232, 1886, 366 ; 240. 1887, 1-23. Ueber die Condensation von Korpern der Harnstoff- gruppe mit Aeetessigather. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 219-221. — Ueber das Verhalten von substituirten Harnstoffen gegen Aeetessigather. Liebig's Ann., 233, 1886, 1-15. — Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise der Dibrom- und Dichlorbarbitursaure. Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886. 57-68. — Ueber ein Diazoderivat des Methyluracils. Liebig's Ann., 245, 1888, 213-230. — Ueber Alkylderivate des Hydroxylamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1433-1431. - Ueber Alkylderivate des Methyluracils und des Nitrouracils. Liebig's Ann., 253, 1889, 65-68. — Zur Stereochemie stickstoffhaltiger Korper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 454-458. Zur Umlagerung der Aldoxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3088-3090. — Ueber intramolekulare Umlagerung der Aether einiger Isoaldoxime. Liebig's Ann., 265, 1891, 238-246. — Ueber die Loslichkeit vou Doppelverbindungen. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 44, 1892, 1-14, 188-210; 46, 1894, 252-267. — Elektrometrische Analyse. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 45, 1893, 69-98; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 11, 1893, 466-491; 15, 1894, 498. Ueber zwei Formen des (3-Aminoerotonsaureesters. Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 544-546. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert. ,-tler. Ueber die Orthochlorbenzaldoxime. Liebig's Ann., 269, 1892, 390-403. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich"] Robert, & Roosen, Oscar. Ueber synthetische Versuche in der Harnsaurereihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 999-1001. — Synthese der Harnsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 251. 1889. 235-256. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert, &" Schmitz, Jnculi. Ueber die Einwirkung von Salpetersaure auf Aceton. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 626-628. — Ueber die Oxydatiou aliphatischer Aldehyde und Ketone durch Salpetersaure. Liebig's Ann., 277, 1893, 310-339. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert, it Schreiber, Hermann. Ueber Bromaminocrotonsiiureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 265-266. Behrend, \Anton Friedrifh] Robert, i- Tryller, lleinrii-li. Ueber die Oxydation aliphatischer Aldehyde und Ketone durch Salpetersaure. Liebig's Ann., 283^ 1894, 209-245. Behrends, G\erhnrd] J. Ein generates Huhn. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 30, 1889, 171-173. — Die Zwergmoschustiere des Zool. Gartens zu Frank- furt a. M. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 30, 1889, 321-326. — Untersuchungen iiber die Hornzahne von Myxine glutinosa. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 83-87. — Ueber Horuziihne. [lsCKO,1I>KO IIpaKTII'iecKHX'b YKasaniil o Bjijuiin OopnoB, CeHaoilnott u .IHHOHHoil KlIC.lOT'Ii H;l O'OOHiCHie HIIKKejIfl Ha MeTil-l.TlI'lccKllXT) IIOBl?pXHOCTflXl>. Quelques indica- tions pratiques sur 1'iunueuce des acides borique, ben- zolque et citriqne sur la formation de depots de nickel sur les surfaces metalliques. lekateriuenb. Soc. Oural. Bull., 15 (AV 1), 1895, 33-38. Bclirni.mil, Alfred, it Ilotmann, A\ngugt] H'[ilhelnl\ run. 1 ni\\ andluug der Citronensaure in Pyridiu-Vevbindungen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1884, 1081-1099. — Ueber die Amide der Citronensaure ; Umwandlung derselben in Pyridinverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2681-2099. Behrmann, Th. Ueber den Eisgang des Jahres 1882. Eiga Corresp.-Bl., 27, 1884, 24-25. — Ueber den Salzgehalt der Ostsee. Eiga Corresp.-Bl. , 28, 1885, 20-21. — Die Eegenverhiiltnisse des Jahres 1885. Riga Corresp.- Bl., 2!), 1886, 15-16. — Ueber die Begeumengen der letzten 20 Sommer. [1892.] Eiga Corresp.-Bl., 36, 1893, 17-18. Beijerinck, F. Ueber das specitiscbe Gewicht des Jodo- forrns. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 853. - I'i'ber das Leitungsvermogen der Miueralien fiir Elektricitat. [1898.] Neues Jbucb. Min. (Iieil..l:d.i. 11, 1897-98, 403-474; .Taarb. Mijnw. Nederl. Ind., 28 (1899) {I't. 1), 40-113. Beijerinck, .)/. II". Assign to this author entries (Vol. 9) under Beyerinck. - *0nderzoekingen over de besmettelijkheid der gom- zicktc bij plunten. Amsterdam, Ak. Verb., 23, 1883, 46 pp.; Arch. Neerland., 19, 1884, 43-102. Beijerinck] 413 [Beijerinck — De gal van Cecidomyia Poffi aan Poa nemoralis. [1884.] Maandbl. Nat., 1882-84, 65-74; Bot. Ztg., 43, 1886, 305-315, 321-332. — [Sediment deposited by rain at Wngeningen on January 12, 1884, iu connection with the remarkable sunsets.] Nature, 21), 1884, 308-309. - *0ver regeneratie-verschijnseleu aau gespleten vegeta- tiepunten van Stengels en over bekervorming. [1883.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 63-105. Over normale wortelknoppen. [1884.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 162-186. — Ueber den Weizeubastard Triticum monococcum ? x Triticum dicoccumj. [1884.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 189-201. — Gyuodioecie bei Daucus carota, L. [1885.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 345-353. Ueber die Bastarde zwischen Triticum mouococcum und Triticum dicoccum. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 455-473. Beobachtungen und Betrachtuugen iiber Wurzel- knospen und Nebenwurzeln. Amsterdam, Ak. Verb.., 25, 1887, 150 pp. — Over het Cecidium van Nernatus Caprea; aan Salix amygdalina. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 3, 1887, 11-21; Arch. Neerlaud., 21, 1887, 475-492; Bot. Ztg., 46, 1888, 1-11, 17-27. — The gardenin-ioot disease. Gard. Chron., 1, 1887, 488. — [Over de uitwasseu aau de wortels der Papiliouaceeen, Elseagnaceeen, van Alnus en andere planten.] [1887.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 4, 1888, 300-301. — Die Baeterien der Papilionaceen-Knollchen. Bot. Ztg., 46, 1888, 725-735, 741-750, 757-771, 781-790, 797-802. — [Over kruisingsproeven met kultuurgerst.] [1888.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 202. • Over een middel om de werking van verschillende stoffen op den groei en eukele audere levensverrichtingeu van microorganismeu vast te stellen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 6, 1889, 123-128; Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 6, 1889, 374-375. L'auxanographie, ou la methode de 1'hydrodiffusion dans la gelatine appliquee aux recherehes microbio- logiques. Arch. Neerlaud., 23, 1889, 306-372. — Le Photobacterium luminosum, bacterie lumiueuse de la mer du Nord. Arch. Neerland., 23, 1889, 401-415; Maandbl. Nat., 1889, 1-10. — Les bacte'ries lumiueuses dans leurs rapports avec 1'oxygene. Arch. Neerland., 23, 1889, 416-427 ; Maandbl. Nat., 1889, 11-18. — Sur le kefir. Arch. Norland., 23, 1889, 428-444. — Die Lactase, ein ueues Euzyin. Ceutrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 44-48. — Over het filter Pasteur-Chamberlaud. Maandbl. Nat., 1889, 19-20. — Over gelatineculturen van e'encellige groenwieren. Utrecht Prov. Geuootsch. Aanteek., 1889, 35-52; Bot. Centrbl., 43, 1890, 142-145. — Ein einfacher Diffusiousversuch. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 3, 1889, 110-112. — [Over lichtvoedsel en plastisch voedsel van licht- bacterien.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 7, 1890, 237-238; Arch. NeerlanJ., 24, 1891, 369-442. • L. BEISSNER'S Uutersuchungen beziiglich der Retini- sporafrage. Bot. Ztg., 48, 1890, 517-524, 533-541. — Culturversuche mit Zoochlorellen, Lichenengonidien und anderen niederen Algen. Bot. Ztg., 48, 1890, 725- 739, 741-754, 757-768, 781-785, xxxiv. — Over bacteroiden in de ouderaardsche knolletjes bij de Ehinanthaceae. [1889.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 437-439. — Cultuurproeveu met zoiichlorellen, lichenengonidie'n en andere lagere wieren. [1890.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 30-33. — Kunstmatige infectie van Vicia faba met Bacillus radicicola. [1890.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 33-35 ; Bot. Ztg., 48, 1890, 837-843. — De leveusgeschiedenis eener pigmentbacterie. [1890.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 307-315; Bot. Ztg., 49, 1891, 705-712, 725-734, 741-752, 757-770, 773-781 ; Arch. Neerland., 25, 1892, 227-280. — Over ophooping van atmospherische stikstof in cultureu van Bacillus radicicola. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 460-475; Ctntrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 087-689. — Die Kapillarhebermikroskopirtropfenflasche. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 589-590. — Verfahren zum Nachweise der Saureabsonderung bei Mikrobien. Centrbl. Bakt,, 9, 1891, 781-786. — Qualitative und quantitative mikrobiochemische Analyse. Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 723-727. — Les experiences sur les bacteries lumineuses et leur nutrition. Jl. Microgr., 15, 1891, 95-96. — Zur Ernahrungsphysiologie des Kahmpilzes. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 68-75. — Notiz iiber die Cholerarothreaktion. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 715-718. — Ueber die Fernwirkuug wiisseriger Losungen auf Wasserdunst. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 9, 1892, 264- 266. — [De nitrificatie der amuioniakzouten in den bodem.] [18!I2.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, 14-15. — Ueber die Butylalkoholgahrung und das Butylferment. Amsterdam, Ak. Verh. (Sect. 2), 1, 1893, No. 10, 51 pp. ; Arch. Neerland., 29, 1896, 1-68. — Bericht iiber [s]eine Kulturen uiederer Algen auf Nahrgelatine. Ceutrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 368-373. — Ueber AtmungsBgurenbeweglicherBakterien. Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 827-845. — Notiz iiber den Nachweis von Protozoen und Spirillen in Trinkwasser. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 10-15. — Ueber die Natur der Fiiden der Papilionaceenknollchen. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 728-732. — Ueber Thermotaxis bei Bacterium Zopfii. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 799. — Schizosaccharomyces octosporus, eine achtsporige Alkoholhefe. Centrbl. Bakt., 16, 1894, 49-58; (Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 449-455, 518-525. Over sulfaatreductie door Spirillum desulfuricans. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 72-82 ; Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 1, 1895, 1-9, 49-59, 104-114; Arch. Neerlaud., 29, 1896, 233-277. — Over het dichroisme in het geslacht Polygouum. [1894.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 6, 1895, 325-330, (Rfs. 509-510). — Ueber Nachweis und Verbreitung der Glukase, das Enzym der Maltose. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 1, 1895, 221-229, 265-271, 329-342, 521. — Over de levensgeschiedenis van Cynips ealicis, hare wisselgeneratie en de galleu daarvan. [1895.] Amster- dam, Ak. Versl., 4, 1896, 61-62; Bot. Centrbl., 66, 1896, 327-328. — Kulturversuche mit Arnoben auf festem Substrate. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 19, 1896, 257-267; 21, 1897, 101- 102. — Ueber eine Eigentiimlichkeit der loslichen Starke. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 2, 1896, 697-699. — Ueber die Einrichtung einer normalen Buttersaure- garung. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 2, 1896, 699-701. — Ueber Gallbildung und Generatiouswechsel bei Cyuips ealicis und iiber die Circulansgalle. [1896.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verh. (Sect. 2), 5, 1897, Wo. 2, 43 pp.; Arch. Ne'er- land., 30, 1897, 387-444. — Emulsions- und Sedimentfiguren bei beweglicheu Bakterieu. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 1-6 40- 47. Ueber die Arten der Essigbakterieu. [1897.] Ceutrbl. Beijerinckl 414 [Beilstein Bakt. {Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 209-216 ; Arch. Norland., 2, 1899, 180-189. — Ueber Regeneratioa der Sporenbildung bei Alkohol- hefen, wo iliese Funktion im Verschwinden begriffen ist. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 637-663, 721-730; Arch. Neerland., '2. 1899. 2i;y-281l. — Notiz iiber Pleurococcus vulgaris. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2). 4, 1898. 785-787. — Ueber em Contagium vivum fluidum als Ursache der Fleckenkrankheit der Tabaksblatter. [1898.] Amster- dam, Ak. Verh. (Sect. 2), 6, 1899, Xv. 5, 22 pp. ; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 1, 1899, 170-176; Arch. Neer- land., 3, 1900, 164-186. — Over zuurstof behoefte bij obligatanaeroben. On the relation of the obligations auae'robics to free oxygen. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 19-32 ; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 1, 1899, 14—26 ; Arch. Neerland., 2, 1899, 397-111. — Bernerkung zu dem Aufsatz von Herrn IWANOWSKY iiber die Mosaikkrankheit der TabakspBanze. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 310-311. — Ueber Glukoside und Enzyme in den Wurzeln einiger Spirffiaarten. Centrbl. Bakt." (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 425-429. — Over de indigovorming uit de weede (Isatis tinctoria). On the formation of indigo from the \vuad (Isatis tinc- toria). [1899-1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 91-99; 9, 1901, 74-90 ; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 2, 1900, 120-129; 3, 1901, 101-116. — Over de indigo-ferruentatie. On indigo-fermentation. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 572-590; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 2, 1900, 495-512. Sur la production de quiuone par le Streptothrix chromogena, et la biologie de ce microbe. Arch. Neer- land., 3, 1900, 327-340 ; Centrbl. Bakt. (AUt. 2), 6, 1900, 2-12. — Ueber die Wirkuug des Benzylsenfols auf das Wachs- tum des Kahmpilzes. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 72. Schwefehvasserstoffbildung in den Stadtgriibeu und Aufstellung der Gattung Aerobacter. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 193-206. Noch ein Wort iiber die Sulfatreduktion in den Gewassern. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 844. — Over verschillende vormen van erfelijke variatie bij mikroben. On different forms of hereditary variation of microbes. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 310-324; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 3, 1901, 352-365. — Over het ontstaan van knoppen en knopvariaties bij Cytisus Adarni. On the development of buds and bud- variations in Cytisus Adami. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901/336-342; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 3, 1901, 365-371. Bcijermck, 31. It'., it Bam, .7 '. ran. *[The remarkable sunsets. Sediment deposited after rain on December 13, 1883, at Wageningen.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 17->. Beijerinck, 31. II'., '& Wijs, J. J. A. De aardnoot en de aardnoten-olie. (Delftsche sla-olie.) Haarlem Kolon. Mus. Bull., [12], 1896, 42-47. Beilby, George T[/io>n. N«v Freche &• Bcillc. Beilstein, Fr[ii'drii-h Konnui] (Fedor Ftdorovic). Sur la separation de 1'oxyde de fer et de 1'aluinine. Ass. Franr. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 1), 175. Beilstein, Fr[ietlrich Konrad], & Blaese, O. run. Unter- Micliungeu iiber die Basicitat der Antimonsaure. [1888.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 97-116. — Ueber die quantitative Bestimrnung des Autimons. [1SS9.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 201-207. — Ueber die Bestimmung des Natrons neben Kali. [1889.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 209-211. Beilstein, Fr[iedricli Kuiinid], it Grosset, Theuilor. Ueber din Analyse der schwefelsauren Thonerde. [1889.] St. I'.'ti-rsb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 147-153. Beilstein, Fr[n-tlrich Konrad], & Luther, R[»bert Thomas Ini MXT, aHOMaJliflX'b, BCTpf.- laininiixca V Syiinga vnlgaris, L., Galium mollugo, L., ' |[ Campanula patula, L. [De quelques anomalies reu- contrees chez la Syringa vulgaris, le Galium mollugo et la Campanula patula.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proe. , 1885-86, Append. No. 88, 4 pp.; Arch. Slaves Biol., 4, 1887, 239. Beke, Mnmi ( = Enniniiel). A legkisebb mukodes elve a Gauss-fele gorbiilet-elrnelet alapjan. [Das Princip der kleinsten Wirkung auf Grundlage der Gauss'schen Kriimiiiungstheorie.] Magyar Tiid. Ak. Ertes., 18, 1884, 43-45; Math. Termt. Ertes., 2, 1884, 133-162; Jlath. Nat. Ber. Ungarn. 2 (1883-84), 282-309. — Die Irreducibilitat der homogeneu lineareu Diffe- rentialgleichungen. Math. Ann., 45, 1894, 278-294. — Die symmetrischen Functinnen bei den linearen homogenen Differentialgleichungen. Math. Ann., 45, 1894, 295-300. — Ueber die allgeuieinste Differentialresolvente der homogenen linearen Differentialgleichungen. Math. Ann., 46, 1895, 557-560. — Beitrag zur Theorie der rationale!! Functionen. Math. Ann., 47, 1896, 441-444. — Zur Gruppentheorie der homogenen linearen Diffe- rentialgleichungen. Math. Ann., 49, 1897, 573-580. — Ueber die Einfachheit der alternirenden Gruppe. Math. Ann., 49, 1897, 581-582. — A homogen lineari? differenczial-egyenletek resolvens- einek alapegyenleteirol. [Ueber die Resolventen der homogenen linearen Differenzialgleichungen.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898. 407-420. — Ueber die Fundamentalgleichungen der homogenen linearen Differentialgleichungeii. Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 273-281. Bekesy, Gfza. Adatok a szividegek boncztanahoz. Bei- trage zur Anatomie der Herznerven. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Ore. Szak), 1888, 53-58, 107-112. Beketov, Nikolaj N[ikolaevic]. 06'i, IISM-feneHill oSteJia npii oopasoBaHiii MeTaj.iniecKirx'B OKiiceu. [Ueber die Verauderung des Volumens bei der Bildung von Metalloxyden.] Russ. Phys. -Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (Chem.), 1887, 57-60; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887 (Kef.), 189-190. — Becherches sur 1'energie de combinaison. Les oxydes de potassium et de lithium. [1887.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 32, 1888, 186-193. Beketov ] 416 [Belfanti - [0 no.iy'ieimi pyon.iJH n o Ten.iorh oKiic.iriiiii ero. Ueber die Bildungswarme des Rubidiumoxyds und Hydrats.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. .11., 20, 1888, 363-365; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888 (Ref.), 121 425. - Hsoiiparc.n.iioo xmiiniecKoe CPO,T;CTBO. [Se- lective chemical affinity.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soe. Jl., 20 (Ctiew.), 1888, 525-533; Chem. ' Soc. Jl., 56, 1889 (Ala.), 332-335. — Etude sur 1'energie de combinaison du rubidium. [1888-89.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 117- 118. 173-175. — []i3iiKO-xiiMi[qecKiH .WHHHH o nesiii. Physico- chemical data for cesium.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Chem.), 1890, 364-365. — Sur la reduction du cesium. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 16D-170. — Des proprietes physico-chimiques du cesium et de son hydrate. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 171-173. — Experiences sur 1'influence de la vapeur d'eau et de differents gaz sur la combustion d'un melange d'oxj'de de carbone et d'hydrogene. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 175-177. — Note sur la chaleur de combinaison du brorae et de 1'iode avec le magnesium. [1891.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 31, 1892, 291-292. — 0 jvhiiCTBiii BO,T.opo;ta iia fiesBojiHyio oKiin> Ue:ii)[. [De Faction de 1'hydrogene sur 1'oxyde de cesium anhydre.] [1893.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (Chem.), 1693, 433-434; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 36, [1894], 247-249. — Determination thermochimique de Faction du cesium metallique et de son oxyde anhydre sur Feau. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 541-544. — De quelques proprietes physico-chimiques des sels haloi'des du cesium. [1893.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 36, [1894], 197-1'.)'.!. — O,T.na n:n, Bt.pOHTHMXT, npii'iiiH'i. Bonpacranifi MO.IPKV.lflpHofl ».l('KTpOIIpOBO;tHOCTII 110 Jlt.pf, pa:i;i;ii'iKenin COJUIHHXT> pacTBOpOBi>. [Molecular conductivity of dilute solutions.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chem.), 1894, 65-67; Chem. Soc. Jl., 70, 1896 (Abs., Pt. 2), 348. — Hscn'BXOBaHie ii:nrlairiii;i c iojuicraro cepe6pa list Btcii }Kii,HKaro io,na. [Du de volume pendant la formation de 1'iodure d'argent par les elements et la densite de Fiode liquide.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896, 361-363; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Chem.), 1896, 212-213; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16, 1896, 1498-1499. oiipe.'i.'luonii1 TenjiOTi, of>pn:ionaiii>i > cop^iiiiciiiii. lipoMiicTuil a.iifoiiniiri. [Determination directe de la chaleur de formation des sels haloi'des des me'taux. Le bromure d'aluminium. ] [1898.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chem.), 1898, 874-876; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 10, 1899, 79-81. — [Onpeffb.ienie TCII.IOTT, oSpasoBaniH ra.ion,n- HHXt COejUIHeHifi. npOJtOJIHtenie. [Determination directe de la chaleur de formation des sels haloides des metaux. Suite.] St. PStersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 10, 1899, xxxix-xl. Beketov, Xikolaj N[ikolaeviS], & Scerbacev, Alelisainlr [Aleksniulroi'ic]. Nouvelle methode de preparation des mi'taux alcalins. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894, 61-63. Beklemisev, A'., Celcov, J[r«n] 3I[ichajlovic], & Kanin, V. See Celcov, Beklemisev iv Kanin. lip II nopa- II changement Bel, .f\fiin] Mure. Mission scientifique au Chili et dans le nord de la Bolivie, 1888-89. Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci., 7, 1897, 111-242. — Mission. ..au Laos et en Annara. Geologie des regions parcourues. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1897, 291-2114. — Mission au Laos et en Annam. Annam — pays Khas — Bas-Laos. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 19, 1898, 261-290. — Mission... au Laos et en Aunam. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1898, 217-219. — Apercu sur les gites raineraux de 1'Indo-Chine centrale connus en 1897. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 12, 1898, 381-407. Bel, Jules. Remarque sur le Liuaria striata, DC. [1886.] Rev. Bot., 4, 1885-86, 315. Une Graminee uouvelle pour la More francaise. Rev. Bot., 6, 1887-88, 21H-217. Les champignons superieurs du Tarn. Rev. Bot., 7, 1888-89, 227-322. — Monographic des rosiers du Tarn. Rev. Bot., 8, 1890, 311-334. — Geographic botanique du departement du Tarn. Rev. Bot., 11, 1893, 432-470. — Anomalie on variete du Xanthiuin spinosum (X. spinosum, rnr. inerme). Rev. Bot., 11, 1893, 481-482. Belar, Alb in. Ueber Aurichalcit und kiinstliches Zink- carbonat (ZnC03+ H..O). Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 113- 127. Belart, Huns, & Feist, Franz. See Feist & Belart. Belasio, Hantino. Trombe terrestri. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 156. Belcher, C. F. Notes on the birds of the Geelong district. Wombat, 2, [1897], 00-IJ7 ; 3, [1898], 42-47. Belck, ll'[ri?i/i'mnr]. Messungeu von Buschmannern nnd Hottentotten. Ztschr. Ethnol., 17, 1885, (59)-(61). — Reise nach Angra Pequena und Damaraland. Ztschr. Ethnol., 17, 1885, (314)-(316). Belck, jr['. Ueber eine neue pathogene Bacterium-Art, entdeckt im Tetanusmaterial. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 513-519. — Neuer Beitrag zura bakteriologischen Studiuin des Tetanus. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 080-682, 710-712; 6, 1889, 283-285, 306-309. Belfanti, Serujino, & Vedova, [Temistocle] dflhi. Sur 1'etiologie de 1'ozene et sur sa curability avec la se.ro- therapie. Arch. Ital. Biol., 25, 1896, 321-325. Belfast Naturalists' Field Club, Committee. [Report on the Larne gravels and the position in them of the flint flakes and cores for which they are noted.] [1886- 89.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 2, 1888, 519-530; 3, 1893, 198-210. Belforti, Ubuldn. Carburo di calcio. Biv. Sci.-Ind., 27, 1896, 94-96. — L'acetilene come gas illuminante. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 27, 1896, 281-295. — L'iricromatina. Riv. Sei.-Ind., 31, 1899, 54. — L'aria liquida e le sue applicazioni. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 65-68. Belgrand, E[ugene], To reference in No. 7 (Vol. 1) add France Sue. 'Meteorol. Annti., 4, 1856, Pt. 2, 17-47. To reference in No. 2 (Vol. 7) ttdd France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Ft. 2, 12-18. *De 1'influence des forets sur I'ecoulement des eaux pluviales (complement de la notice hie dans la seance du 12 juillet 1853). France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., '2, 1854, Pt. 1, 81-87. — *De la simultaneite des pluies qui produisent les cruea des grands cours d'eau compris eutre le plateau central de la France, les chaines du Jura et des Voages et la frontiere de Belgique. Application a 1'orgauisatiou des services hydrometriques. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1854, Ft. 1, 140-151. - *Sur les crues de la Seine. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1856, Pt. 2, 101-102. - '[L'averse tombee a Paris le 21 mai 1857.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 5, 1857, Pt. 2, 179-185. — *Note sur rhydrornirnetre. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 2, 21-24. - *Note sur les secheresses de 1857 et 1858. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 2, 246-254. — *Note sur la temperature des eaux a Paris, du ler juillet 1856 au 30 juin 1858. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 7, 1859, Pt. 2, 34-41. — "Details sur la grande averse de pluie tombee a Paris, le 16 juillet 1860. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860, Pt. 2, 153-155. - *Notice sur les observations pluviometriques en 1858, 1859 et 1800. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 9, 1861, Pt. 2, 54-61. — "Note sur le puits de Passy. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 9, 1861, Pt. 2, 124-129, 185-198. - "Observations pluviometriques faites en 1861 dans le bassin de la Seine. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 11, 1863, Pt. 2, 76-81. — *Des grands deborderneuts de la Seine a Paris. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 12, 1864, Pt. 2, 264-280. — 'Notice sur le regime de la pluie dans le bassin de la Seine pendant les annees 1862 et 1863. [With discussion.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Pt. 2, 9-31. - *Note sur le bouillon de mai. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 15, 1867 (Bull.), 205. - "[Averse a Clermont-l'Herault, les 17 et 18 octobre R. S. A. C. 1868.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 314. *Note sur le regime des pluies et des eours d'eau dans le bassin de la Seine a 1'epoque Quaternaire, c'est-a-dire a 1'age de la pierre taillee ou du mammouth. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 17, 1869 (Hull.), 145-178. Belgrand, K[u;/ene], St Lemoine, Georges. To reference in No. 2 (Vol. 7) add France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 14, 1866 (Bull.), 162-208. To references in No. 3 (Vol. 9) add France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 22, 1874 (Bull.), 161-166. — *Note sur les orages et les pluies du 30 mai 1867 dans le bassin de la Seine. France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 15, 1867 (Bull.), 239-244. — *Note sur la quantite de pluie tombee a Paris pendant 1'orage du 20 septembre 1867. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 15, 1867 (Bull.), 255-256. — "Resume des observations centralisees par le service hydrometrique du bassin de la Seine pendant 1'annee 1867. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 16, 1868 (Bull.), 110-147. — *Note sur les observations ozonometriques organisees a Paris d'apres les ordres de M. le prefet de la Seine. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 16, 1868 (Bull), 153-162. - "Etat probable des eaux courantes du bassin de la Seine dans Pete et 1'automne de 1870. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 18, 1870 (Hull.), 66-76. See also Lemoinc A Belgrand. Bclikov, .S'. Traits topographiques de la region de Moscou relativernent aux causes geologiques. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 6, 1893, 95-98. — 0 coBpeMeHHHxi Bsr.iH.nax'h na npouecci ropOOOpaaOBailijI. [On the prevailing views regarding the process of mountain formation.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 87 (No. 2), 1894, 36-45. Belinfante, L[eo Baptiste] L[:i(>H,T.bi pa3HOcnopOBbIXT> n.iayHOBHXT,. [Anthe- ridien und Spermatozoideu der heterosporen Lyco- podiaceen.] Moscow Univ. Mem. (Nat. Hist.), 5, 1885, 71 pp.; Bot. Ztg., 43, 1885, 793-802, 809-819. — Ueber Bau und Entwicklung der Spermatozoiden bei den Gefiifskryptogamen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 122-125. — 0 jiyan'KiixT. :iapocTKaxT> y BOJHHXI. iiano- pOTMMKoB'l, (Hydropterides). [Ueber die mannlichen Prothallien bei den Hydropteriden.] [1889.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1889-90 (C. R., Biol.), No. 2, 1-3; Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 539. — 0 paCTMTP.ibllMX'b rilcpMamtoiuax'b. [Ueber die ptianzlicheu Spermatozoiden.] [1889.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1889-90 (C. R., Biol.), No. 3, 12-15; Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 576. — O ciiP]OiaT('i30ll^axT> y Characeae. [Ueber die Spermatozoideu bei Characeen.] [1889.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1889-90 (C. R., Biol), No. 4, 9-11; Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 220-221. — 0 JiySKCKOMT, liapOCTK* y Azolla. [Das mannliche Pruthallium bei Azolla.] [1889.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav.. 1889-90 (C. R., Binl.), No. 5, 10-11; Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 287-288. — () K.TETKaxi. BI> MR.ibu.eBofi Tpy6Kf. y rojioci;- MflHHbIXl>. [Ueber die Zellen des Pollenschlauches bei Gyinnospermen.] [1889.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 18~89-90 (f. R., Biol.), No. 7, 6-9; Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 505-506. — 0 npopacTaidii Miiiqiocnop'b y paaiiocnopoBiixi, nanopOTHIIKOB'l.. [Sur la germination des rnicrospores chez les Hydropterides.] [1890.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1890-91 (C. R., Hiul.), No. 5, 7-8. — Zur Lehre von dem Pollenschlauche der Gymno- spermeu. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1891, 280-286; 11, 1893, 196-201. — 0 MCTOJlf. IlpIirOTOB.ieHifl paCTIITPJIbUMXl, iiptMiaparniBi> npii IIOMOIUII MiiKpOTOMa n nptM- Bapirn'.ibiiaro sa.niBaniH IIXT, B'b iiapai|niin.. [Precede pour faire des coupes de plantes au microtome.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Iliol.), No. 1, 6. — 0 me-ros* npiiroTOB.ieHia npenapaioB'b »3i, MlliqillCKOIIlI'ieCKII 5ie.1KIIXl> oSlCKTOB'b. [Sur le montage des preparations fuites d'objets microscopiques.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Biol.), No. 1, 6-7. — O im.ibiieBoii TpyfiKi ro.ioctMflHHbixT,. [Sur le tube pullinique chez les Gymnospermes.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Biol.), No. 2, 5-7. — 0 KapioKimeiit BI jiaTopiiHCKiix'b KJif,Ti;axri. Illil.IbUbl y Larix. [Sur la earyocinese dans les cellules meres de pollen chez le Larix.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892-93 (C. R., Biol.), No. 2, 6-9, No. 3, 23-26; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1893, 446-447. — 0 Ilbl.lI.II.CBblX'b Tpyf)KaxT). [Ueber die Pollen, schlauche.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892-93 (C. R., Biol), Nos. 4 & 5, 3-6; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1893, 445-446. — 0 cTpoenin n pa:iBiiTin aincpoiioiuoB'i.. [Snr le developpemeut des oils des antherozoides.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (3Ifm.), 2, 1892, Nu. H, 49 pp.; Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Biol.), No. 7, 12-13. — Ueber Bau und Entwickelung der Spermatozoiden der Pflanzeu. Flora, 79, 1894, 1-48. — Zur Kenntniss der Karyokinese bei den Pflanzen. [1894.] Flora, 79, 1894, 430-441; Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 {C. R.), No. 1, 2-4. — K'b BOiipocy ooi, on.io,T,orrBOpeiiiii y xBoiliiux'i.. [Contribution to the question of fertilization in Coniferse.] [1894.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav.. 1894-95 (C. ]!.), No. 1. 1-2. paCTlITe-ItHblXT. IIliCIiapaTOBli. [On the immersion in paraffin of some plant prepai'ations.] [1894.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 (C. II.), No. 3, 59-60. - Mexaiiopiftoai, K.TBTKII npii cnepMaioreHesi IianopOTHIIHOBT). [Metamorphosis of the cell during spermatogenesis of Hydropterideae.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 ((.'. R.. Biol.), No. 1, 14-16. — AHTCpOllOH^U XBOIHeil. [Antherozoids of Equi- setum.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Biol.}, No. 1, 17-20. — 0 H'hKOTOpIJXl, IIpOTIIBOpli'lijlX'b B'l. ll.lr.]].- ;lOBaHi)ixri> KapioiviiHeiiiHecKaro atjieBin ajtep'b y pacieuiil. [Einige Streitfragen in den Untersuch- ungen iiber die Karyokinese.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 ('(.'. R., IHol.}, No. 3, 2-4; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 345-349. - K'b Bonpocy o cipoenin xpoMom.M'i,. [On the structure of chromosomes.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Hiul.), No. 4, 14-16. — CXOJCTBO HtiKOTOpMX-b AB.lOHift BT> C'lIcpMaiii- renest y JKIIBOTHMX-I, n pacieHiii. [Ueber die Aehnlichkeit einiger Erscheinungen in der Spermato- genese bei Thieren und Ptiauzen.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Biot.), No. 5, 9-11; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 342-345. — 0 npiiuop-fe Ji.ifl iipOMHBanifl iipenapaTOBv [On an apparatus for washing preparations.] [18SI6. ] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. It., Biol.), No. 5, 12-13. — Ueber den Nebenkern in spermatogenen Zellen und die Spermatogenese bei den Farnkrautern. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 337-339. — Ueber die Spermatogenese bei den Schachtelhalmen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 339-342. - Ho nOBOJiy cf«>pMMi;a CITAI i.yrm'a "Cytolo- gische Studien." [On STIUSHDRGER'S " Cytologische Studien."] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 (Biol.), No. 4, 4-8. - Die verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen den Phanerogamen uud den Cryptogamen im Lichte der neuesten Forschungen. [1897.] Biol. Centrbl., 18. 1898, 209-218. — Ueber die mannlichen Prothallien der Wasserfarne (Hydropterides). Bot. Ztg., 56, 1898 (AMi. 1), 141-194. — Ueber die Reductionstheilung des Pflanzenkernes. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 16, 1898, 27-34. — Ueber die Cilienbildner in den spermatogenen Zellen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 1C,, 1898, 140-144. — 0 ueHTpocoMaxT> BT, cnepsiaToreHHUxi, i;.i1;i Kax'b. [Ueber die Centrosome in den spermatogenen Zellen.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (Biol.), 5 pp.; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, 199-205, (293). — O pe,T.yKui(min>M'i, jrluenin flj,ep'i> v paivreiiiii. [On reductional division of the nuclei in plants.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 i/.'iW.i, 10 pp. — 0 caMoiuii.i.icMiii n iiepoKpei'Tiioirb onu.iciiiii pa^.lllMUblxi. copTOBT. rpyill'b H fl6.1OHI>. [On self- pollination and cross pollination of different sorts of pears Beljaev] and apples.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1900 (Biol ) 12 pp. Beljankin, Iran I[i;inovic]. BlJBOJ,l, TOHIjeCTBa BKMKi'iiiTi'Aiva BI, teopiu rirnepe.iJiiiiiTiniecKiix'i, IIHTerpa.lOBt. [Demonstration de l'identit(5 de WEIER- STHASS dans la theorie des integrates hyperelliptiques.l Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 9, 1900, 35-37. - BTopoit flJKJxfrepeHniajtBHiiB napa>ieTpi KBaj- paTipiHoR BI ,T,in|»kpeHu,ia.iaxT, (|iopjiu « HesaBIICIIMUXT, nepeMt.HHHXi,. [Sur le second parametre de la forme differentielle quadratique 1 [1900-1 Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull. 10, 1901 181- 186. - leOMeTplHieCKan Teopeiia. [Th<5oreme de geo- metrie.] [1900.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [19011 461-463. Bclkin, I'. I'. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Quillaja-Rinde in pharruakoguostischer Hinsicht. Pbarm. Ztschr Eussland, 27, 1888, 753-701, 769-778, 789-794, 806-814 822-828. Belknap, (liear-Adm.) George E[ugene']. *Die Tiefseeloth- ungen und hydrographischen Forschungen des V. S. D. Tuseurora im ndrdlichen Stillen Ocean. Hydrogr. Mitth 2 (1874), 285-290. - *Reihentemperatur.Beobachtungen im Kuro-siwo und am ndrdlichen Eande desselben, angestellt an Bord des V. St. D. Tuscarora zwischen Japan und der Insel Tanaga (Aleuten) im Juni und Juli 1874. Ann. der Hydrogr., 3 (1875), 340-343. - *A singular meteoric phenomenon. Science, 1, 1883, 4—5 . — Observations of comets at the U.S. Naval Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 257-260. - The depth of the Pacific off the east coast of Japan, with a comparison of other oceanic depths. [1890.] Japan Asiat. Soc. Trans., 19, 1891, 1-15. See also V.8. Naval Observatory. Bclkowsky, J. J/. Experimentelles zur Pathologie des Riickenmarkes. All;,'. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56 1899 91-106. BeLky, Ji'mna. For biographical notice and works see Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 631. — A Tisza-Eszlari biinvad, torv<5uyszeki orvostani szem- pontbbl. [The Tisza-Eszlar criminal case from the forensic point of view.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv Szak), 1884, 53-72. — Adatok a tegnemu mergek hatasauak ismerete'hez. [Beitrage zur Kenutniss der Wirkung der gasformigen Gifte.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1885, 117-130; Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886, 148-165. Bell, A [ntlreic] L[ees~\. The influence of a previous sire. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896, 259-274. Bell, A[lernmler] Muntgomeric. Remarks on the flint implements from the chalk plateau of Kent. [1893.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 23, 1894, 266-284. — On the Pleistocene gravel at Wolvercote, near Oxford. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 663-664. Bell, A[grippd] N[elson]. The history, practical applica- tion and efficiency of steam as a disinfectant. [With discussion.'] Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 4) 565-581. Bell, Alexander Graham. *Upou the formation of a deaf variety of the human race. [1883.] Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 2, 1884, 179-262. - Deafness in white cats [and statistics of deafness and epilepsy in America]. Science, 3, 1884, 171, 243-244. — Is there a correlation between defects of the senses ? Science, 5, 1885, 127-129. - The hypothesis of potential energy. Science, 11, 1888, 196. - A rare phenomenon. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 79. 419 [Bell [Experiments in mechanical flight.] Nature, 54 (1896), KO. — Sur le vol m£canique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R 122 1896, 1179-1180. — [A successful trial of the aerodrome.] Science, 3, 1896, 754. — On the development by selection of supernumerary mammae in sheep. Science, 9, 1899, 637-639. Bell, Alfred. Fossil Tertiary Polyzoa of the higher zones, and note on the scarcity of Eocene Polyzoa. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 666-672. - The succession of the later Tertiaries in Great Britain. Geol. Map;., 3, 1886, 67-78. — First [to fourth reports] of the Committee... for the purpose of reporting upon the "manure" gravels of Wexford. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 209-211 ; 1888, 133-141- 1889. 92-93; 1890, 410-424. — Post-glacial insects. Entomologist, 21, 1888, 1-2. — British Upper Tertiary corals. Geol. Mag., 5, 1888 28-29. — Notes upon the marine accumulations in Largo Bay, Fife, and at Portrush, County Antrim, North Ireland! [1890.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 10, 1891, 290-297. — Notes on some Post-Tertiary marine deposits on the south coast of England. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl 47 1891 (Proc.), 172-173. — Notes on the correlation of the Later and Post-Pliocene Tertiaries on either side of the Irish Sea, with a reference to the fauna of the St. Erth valley, Cornwall. [1892.] Irish Ac. Proc., 2, 1891-93, 620-642. — Notes on a Post-Tertiary deposit in Sussex. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Rep., 1892, 58-78. - The glacial fauna of King Edward, in Banffshire. [1892.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 12, 1894, 20-22. — On a deposit in Largo Bay. [1892.] Edinb. Phys Soc. Proc., 12, 1894, 22-24. [The fauna of the raised sea bottom of Fillyside, and of the Largo Bay deposits.] [1892.] Ediub. Phys. Soc Proc., 12, 1894, 24-26. - Tertiary deposits in north Manxland. Brit. Ass. Rep 1896, 783. — A synopsis of the Crustacea and Echinodermata of the Upper Tertiaries. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Rep., 1896 1-12. — Pleistocene fossils from Co. Antrim. Irish Natlist 8, 1899, 210-211. — On the Pliocene shell-beds at St. Erth. [1897.] Cornwall Geol. Soc. Trans., 12, [1904], 111-166. Bell, C[harles] Napier. Drift-material of New Zealand beaches, and their effect on harbour-works and rivers. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 479-490. - Macquarie harbour: its physical aspect and future prospects. [With discussion.] [1899.] Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc., 1898-99, xxviii-xxxiii. Bell, (Sir) Charles. For biography and works see Prac- titioner, 58, 1897, 390-394. Bell, Charles N. Dance of the prairie chicken. Canad. Rec. Sci., 1, 1885, 209-211. — Die mound-builders von Canada. Ztschr. Ethnol 18, 1886, (192)-(194). — Aboriginal trade of the Canadian Northwest. [1886.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 2, 1887, 102-105. Bell, Chichester Alexander]. On the sympathetic vibra- tions of jets. [1886.] Phil. Trans., 177, 1887, 383-422. Bell, Clark. Blood and blood stains iu medical juris- prudence. Arner. Micr. Soc. Proc., 14 (1892), 91-120. Bell, Dugald. For biographical notice and works see Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 55, 1899, lix-lx. — On the geology of Ardrossan and West Kilbride. [1884.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 7, 1885, 342-352. — Geology of the land of Lome. [1884.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 7, 1885, 425. 53—2 Bell] 420 [Bell — Notes on the geology of Oban. [1884.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 8, 1888, 116-133. — On the glacial phenomena of Scotland, with reference to the reports of the Boulder Committee of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [1887-88.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans", 8, 1888, 237-254, 254-2fil, 341. — On a glacial mound in Glen Frnin, Dumbartonshire. [1891.] Geol. Mag., s. 1891. 41f,-41H; Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 9, 1893, 340-354. - The great winter: a chapter in geology. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891, 261-283. — On the alleged proofs of submergence in Scotland during the glacial epoch. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 713- 714. — Phenomena of the glacial epoch: n. The "great submergence." [1889.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 9, 1893, 100-138. — Oti the alleged proofs of submergence in Scotland during the glacial epoch, i. Chapelhall, near Airdrie. [n. Clava and other northern localities.] [18112-96.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 9, 1893, 321-344; 10, 1896, 105-120, 377-378. — A short preliminary note on some glacial mounds in the neighbourhood of Lochgoil and Lochlornond. [1892.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans.. 11. 1893. 428-429. — On some shelly clay and gravel in north-east Aber- deeushire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 778. — On the distribution of granite boulders in the Clyde valley. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 780. — On the glaciation of the west of Scotland. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 25, 1894, 118-136. — Notes on "The great ice age" in relation to the question of submergence. Geol. Mag., 2, 1895, 321-326, 348-355, 402-405. — Reply to Prof. HULL on the glacial deposits of Aber- deenshire. Geol. Mag., 2, 1895, 524-526. - The shelly clays and gravels of Aberdeenshire, con- sidered in relation to the question of submergence. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1895, 472-478. — On the origin of certain granite boulders in the Clyde valley. [1892.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 10, 1896, 16-24. — Notes on Prof. BONNET'S " Ice-Work." Glen Roy. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 319-324. — Additional notes on Glen Fruin. Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 10, 1896, 380-381. — The " great submergence " again : Clava. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 27-30, 63-68. — The glaciation of the west of Scotland, with special reference to the theory of floating ice. [1894.] Edinb. Geol. Soe. Trans., 7, 1899, 49-50. — On the orientation of boulders. [1895.] Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 7, 1899, 108-110. Bell, Ilugalil, Fraser, Jama, & Home, John. The character of the high-level shell-bearing deposits in Kintyre. Report of the Committee... with special reports on the organic remains by Dr. ROBERTSON. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 37«-3'.l9. Bell, Iiuijulil, Home, Juhn, A: Fraser, James. See Home, Fraser A Bell. Bell, K[il>rard] Wightman. Note on the composition of the fen and marsh soils of south Lincolnshire. Chem. News, 68, 1893, 191-192. — Sulphate of iron as a manure for potatoes. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 15. - The estimation of potash. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 135-136. — British Guiana copaiba. Brit. Pharrn. Confer. Trans., 1900, 518-519; Pharm. .11., 11, 1900, 98. — Copaiba: its assay and tests. Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1900, 519-522; Pharm. Jl., 11, 1900, 98-99. Bell, Ernest 1). Mammalian longevity. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 480 ; (iO (1899), 30-31. Bell, F[rancis] Jefreij. On the species of Pseudoboletia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 108-111. — Note on some parasites of fishes from Madras deter- mined by Dr. OERLEY. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 173-175. — A second note on Pentastomum polyzonum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 92-93. — Notes on the structural characters of the spines of Echinoidea. (Cidaridie.) Mier. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 846- 850. — A rare British holothurian. Nature, 30, 1884, 146- 147, 193-194, 335. — On the generic position and relations of Echinanthus tumidus, Woods. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1884, 40-44. — Contributions to the systematic arrangement of the Asteroidea. n. The species of Oreaster. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1884, 57-87. — Studies in the Holothuroidea. in. On Amphicyclus, a new genus of dendrochirotous holothurians, and its bearing on the classification of the family, [iv. On the structural characters of the cotton-spinner (Holo- thuria nigra), and especially of its Cuvierian organs, v. Further notes on the cotton-spinner, vi. Descrip- tions of new species.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1884, 253-258, 372-376, 563-565; 1887, 531-534. Notes on a collection of Echinodermata from Australia. [1884.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 9, 1885, 496-507. — Notice of two Lumbrici with bitid hinder ends. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 475-477. — On the echinoderm fauna of the island of Ceylon. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1065. — Recent advances in zoology ; with especial reference to the origin of the Vertebrata. Zoologist, 9, 1885, 281-293. Note on a nematoid worm (Gordius verrucosus) obtained by Mr. H. H. JOHNSTON on Kilima-njaro. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1885, 236. - Description of a new species of minyad (Minyas torpedo) from north-west Australia. [1885.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 19, 1886, 114-116. — On a species of Echinocardium from the Channel Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 516-517. — [Grouse disease.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 6, 1886, 1107 ; 1887, 699-700. — Bipalium kewense. Micr. Soc. Jl.. 6, 1886, 1107-1108. — Some of the ways in which animals breathe. Zoologist, 10, 1886, 305-318. — Note on Bipalium kewense and the generic characters of land planariaus. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1886, 166-168. — Description of a new species of Distomum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 110-117. Description of a new species of Nucleolites, with re- marks on the subdivisions of the genus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 125-127. — Description of a new species of Evechinus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 403-405. — Note on the variations of Amphiura Chiajii, Forbes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 411-413. — A forgotten species of Peripatus. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 769-770. — A note on the relations of helminth parasites to grouse disease. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 770. — The echinoderm fauna of the island of Ceylon. [1887.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 643-658. — Holothurians or sea-slugs. Zoologist, 11, 1887, 41-47. — Report on a collection of Echinodermata from the Andaman Islands. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1887, 139-145. — Echinodermata. [Report on a zoological collection made by the officers of H.M.S. Flying-Fish, on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1887, 523. — A new Victorian starfish. [1887.] Victorian Natlist., 4. 1888, 118-119. — Notice of a remarkable ophiurid from Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888. 36S-370. Bell] 421 [Bell — Description of Xiphigorgia Bidleyi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 176-177. — Notes on echinoderms collected at Port Phillip by Mr. .1. Bracebridge WILSON. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 401-407. — On the Echinodermata of the Sea of Bengal. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 718. — Note on the large size of the spicules of Acis orieutalis. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1888, 921-922. — Descriptions of four new species of ophiurids. Zool. Soc. Pioc., 1888, 281-284. — Report on a collection of echinoderms made at Tuti- corin, Madras, by Mr. Edgar THURSTON, C.M.Z.S., Superintendent, Government Central Museum, Madras. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 383-389. — On the holothurians of the Mergui Archipelago col- lected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta by Dr. John ANDERSON, Superintendent of the Museum. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 21, 1889, 25-28. — Note on a remarkably large specimen of Luidia from the island of Mauritius. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3 1889, 422-423. — [Report of a deep-sea trawling cruise oft the S.W. coast of Ireland, under the direction of Rev. W. Spotswood GREEN, M.A., F.R.G.S.] Echinodermata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 432-445. — Additions to the echinoderm fauna of the Bay of Bengal. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 6-7. — Descriptions of some new or rare species of plexaurids. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 47-49. — On the generic name of Asterias sanguinolenta, O. F. MUller. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 0, 1890, 472-473. — Notes on the echinoderms collected by Mr. BOURNE in deep water off the south-west of Ireland, in H.M.S. l!,-*,;in-li. [1890.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889-90, 324-326. — Stray notes on the nomenclature, etc., of some British starfishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 233-235. — Asterias rubens and the British species allied thereto. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 469-479. — Description of a new species of Tristomum from Histiophorus brevirostris. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 534-535. — On the arrangement and inter-relations of the classes of the Echinodermata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist 8 1891, 206-215. Some notes on British ophiurids. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 337-344. — Ad historiam Cucumaria\ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 40IJ. — Observations on a rare starfish, Bathybiaster vexil- lifer. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1891, 228-231. — Description of a new species of Antedon from Mauritius. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 427-428. On the echinoderms collected by the ss. Fingal in 1890, and by the ss. Harlequin in 1891, off the west coast of Ireland. [1892.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 7, 1891-92, 520-529. — A contribution to the classification of ophiuroids, with descriptions of some new and little known forms. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 175-183. — [Remarks on the habitat of Bipalium kewense.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 258. — On the characters and variations of Pontaster tenui- spinis. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 430-433. — — • On the names or existence of three exotic starfishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 25-29. Singular swarms of Mies. Nature, 48 (1893), 127. — On Odontaster and the allied or synonymous genera of asteroid echinoderms. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1893, 259-262. On a small collection of crinoids from the Saiiul bank, North Australia. [1892.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 24, 1894, 339-341. — Note on three species of river-crabs of the genus Thelphusa, from specimens collected in eastern Africa by Dr. J. W. GREGORY, Mr. H. H. JOHNSTON, C. B., and Mr. F. J. JACKSON. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, 166. — On the echiuoderms collected during the voyage of H.M.S. Penguin and by H.M.S. Ktjeria, when surveying Macclestield bank. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, 392-413. — Contributions to our knowledge of the antipatharian corals. [1890.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 13, 1895, 87-92. — Description of a remarkable new sea-urchin of the genus Cidaris from Mauritius. [1892.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 13, 1895, 303-304. — On the variations observed in large masses of Turbi- naria. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1895, 148-149. — On the actiuogouidiate echinoderms collected by Mr. J. Stanley GARDINER at Funafuti and Kotuma. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 849-850. Bell, H. H. J. Notes on a spider. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 557-558. Bell, H. J. The meteoric shower of Nov. 27. Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 100-101. Bell, (iS'iY) /[sane] Lowtliian. *0n the hot blast, with an explanation of its mode of action in iron furnaces of different capacities. [With discussion.] [1H76.] Arner. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 5 (1876-77), 56-81. — On the use of raw coal in the blast furnace. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel lust. Jl., 1884, 13-59. — On the blast-furnace value of coke, from which the products of distillation from the coal, used in its manu- facture, have been collected. [With discussioji.] Iron 7«-6'.IO. — Intorno ad uu indicatore della carica degli aecumu- latori elettrici. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 15, 1899, 249- 254. — Snl calore svolto uel bagnare le polveri. Cousidera- zioni e ricerche. [1900.] Veuezia 1st. Atti, 1899-1900 (Pt. 2), 931-947. Bellati, Manfredo (route), & Lussana, Silrio. Azioue della luce sulla couducibilita caloritica del selenio cris- tallino. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 1117- 1135. — Alcune ricerche elettriche sui seleniuri di rame e d' argento, Cu2Se, Ag2Se. [1887.] Veuezia, 1st. Atti, 1887-88, 189-204. — Sul passaggio di correnti elettriche attraverso cattivi contatti. [1888.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1887-88, 1137- 1155. — Alcune esperienze sail' occlusione dell' idrogeno uel nichel. [1888.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1887-88, 1567- 1572. — Sui calori specific! e di trasformazione dei solfuri e seleniuri di argento e di rame Ag.>S ; Cu2S ; Ag.,Su ; Cu2Se. [188!!.] Veuezia, 1st. Atti, 1888-89, 1051-1059. — Sulla densitii e sulla tensioue superficiale delle solu- zioni di auidridc carbonioa e di protoasido di azoto nel- 1'acqua e nell' aloool. [1889.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1888- 89, 1169-1178. — Alcune ricerche sull' occlusione dell' idrogeno nel ferro, e sulla tenacita di qualche metallo che abbia assorbito un gas. [1889.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1888-89. 1321-1341; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 21, 1889, 232-244. — Sul passaggio dell' idrogeno nascente attraverso il ferro, a temperatura ordiuaria. Studio s penmen tale. [1890-91.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1889-90, 1173-121S; 1890-91, 987-994. — Sul modo con cui varia la temprratiira >li trasforma- zione del nitro, per 1' aggiunta di nitrati e sui nesso di tale variazione coll' abbassamento del punto di gelo delle Boluzioni diluite. KicerchespL-rimentali. [1891.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1890-91, 995-1023. Bellati, Manfredo (c.onte), & Qu.ii.it, K\_nricii\. Esperienze sullo schiudiraento estemporaneo delle uova del baco da seta. [1892.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1891-92, 1715-1736. — Influenza dell' ossigeno e dell' aria compressa sullo schiudimento intempestivo delle ova di filugello. [1897.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1897-98, 155-156; Arch. Ital. Biol., 29, 1898, 153-154. Bellati, Manfredo (confc), & Romanese, K[iccanl<>]. To reference in No. 4 (Vol. 9) nilil Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883. 187-206. — Sul calore di trasformazioue da uno ad altro sistema cristallino dell' azotato potassico. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, (153-669. Sulla dilatazioue e sui calori specific! e di trasforma- zione dell' azotato ammonico. Ricerche sperimentali. 1 1886.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86, 1395-1420. Bellati, Munfredo (conte) (et alii). Sull' elettroguardia del Sig. Bernardo GIORDA di Venezia. Rapporto della giunta esaminatrice. [1892.] Veuezia, 1st. Atti, 1891- 92, 369-370. Bellavitis, liiuxto. To biographical references (Volx. 9 & 12) add (Roma), Soc. Ital. Mem., 6, 1887, Ixxiii-lxxxv. — *Sulla scelta del primo meridiano. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 8, 1872, 107-110. Belle, Gaston. *Note sur la determination aualytique des meilleurs elements de construction cle trausmetteurs a charbon. Lum. Elect., 7, 1882, 158-160, 516-518. Belle, Iran. [La viticoltura e la vimficazione nella Bul- garia.] [Tr.] Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Ras- segna, 3, 1889, 371-374. Belle, Lnuia. Maladies des violettes. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 42, 1895, 808-810. — Maladie des citrouuiers. Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 281- 282. Bellecourt. See Vcron-Bcllccourt. Bcllefonils. s. . Iiinant de Bellefonds. Belleli, I'. Du rfile des parasites dans le developpemeut de certaines tumeurs. Fibro-adenome du rectum produit par les cents du Distomum hicmatobium. Progres Med., 2. 1885, 54-56. Bellen, K[rnst] ran der. Ueber die Bildung von Asbest auf mechanischem Wege. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 284- 285. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Asbestos. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 392-393. Bellenot, (Justar, & Perkin, William Henry (j»».). See Ferkin A- Bellenot. Bellerade. N> r Bial de Bellerade. Bellerive, de. Le foiu de fagots. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 39, 1892 (Son. 2), 060-069. — Oiseaux qui peuvent se passer d'eau. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 (Sem. I), 45. — Croisemeut de tiaserins en captiviti1 (Hyphautornis textor, Gray, male iivec H. vitellinus, Fsch. rl Hart!.). France Soc. Acelim. Hull., 40, 1893 (Scm. 1), 23(1-237. — Notice sur les castors d'Europe et d'Amerique. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 (Sem. 2), 481-499. — Sur 1'itnportation de quelques fruits exotiques en Europe. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 41, 1894 (Ncm. 2), 419-422. Bellesme. NIT Jousset de Bellesme. Delict. Daniel. Les eaux minerales de la France. Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 206-213. — L'expausion du sy stein e metrique. Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 657-659. - Vibrations et chute des ponts metalliques. 52, 1893, 273-276. — Le climat du Mexique. 1895, 10. Les bateaux :'i vapcnr a [iropulsion hydraulique. Hrv Rev. Sci., Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., Sci., 3, 1895, 2119-304. — Un nouvvHii liatcuu de sauvetage hvdraulique. Sci., 4, 1895, 668-669. Rev. Belletl 425 LBellini — La chevre d'Angora et la laiue mohair. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 43, 1896, 417-423. — Le chenrin de fer monorail de 1'Exposition de Brux- elles. Eev. Sci., 8, 1897, 239-241. Belletty, N. Notes on a wild species of silk worm found in the jungles of Pergunnah Tundi, Zillah Manbhum, Chota Nagpore division. ludia Agr. Soc. Jl., 9 (1890- 93) (I'roc. 1893), cclxxxviii-ccxc. Belleville, . "Brest (Finistere). Observations ni^teoro- logiques faites pendant [les annees 1855-59]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1856, Ft. 1, 19-30; 5, 1857, Ft. 1, 5-19; 6, 1858, Ft. 1, 15-18; 7, 1859, Pt. 1, 9-10; 8, 1860, Pt. 1, 59-64. Belleville, — - de. Sur les oiseaux qui se reproduisent dans les nids artifieiels et sur des especes qui se sont nouvelletneiit adaptees a ce genre d'habitation. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 (Sem. 2), 89-90. Bellevoye, Ad[olphe], Notes sur le Gibbium Scotias. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 16, 1884, 5-7. Nouvelles observations sur les Anthrenus. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 16, 1884, 7-9. — Observations sur le Chalicodoma muraria, le Mega- chilus centuncularis, et 1'Osmia bicornis aux environs de Metz. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 16, 1884, 113-131. — Contribution a la teratologie entomologique. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 17, 1887, 181-188. — [Observations sur le Monomorium Pharaonis, Latr. (domestica, Schenk).] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 8, 1888, clxxvii-clxxxi. — Sur quelques curieux nids d'Hyme'nopteres. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 286-287. Belli, Lidgi. Teruporale a Bologna. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 176. Belli, [<.'«r/ii] fiarcrio. Osservazioui su alcune specie del gen. Hieracium, nuove per la flora pedemontana e su alcuui luro caratteri differenziali. Malpigbia, 3. 1889, 134-138. — Che cosa siauo Hieracium sabaudum, Linne, e Hie- racium sabauilmn, Allioni. Studii critici. [1800.] Malpighia, 3, 1889, 433-450. — Avena plauiculinis, Schrad. (Fl. Germ. I, p. 381), var. /3 taurinensis, nob. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 363-364. Sull" Helianthemum Viviauii, Poll. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 414-416. — Sui rapporti sistematico-biologici del Trit'olium sub- terraneum, L., cogli affini del gruppn Calycomorphum, I'ri'sl. Sez. Carpoipogea-Carpoepigea (Anemopeta-Geo- tropa), nob. [1892-93.] Malpighia, 6, 1892, 397-415, 433-453. - Rivista eritica delle specie di "Trifolium" italiaue comparate con quelle straniere della sezione Lupinaster (Hn.rl,,iiii>i). Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 44, 1894, 233-292. — Kosa Jumlzilli, Besser (nuova per la flora italiana). [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 73-75. Endoderma e periciclo nel g. Trifolium in rapporto colla teoria della stelia di VAN TIEGHEM e DOULIOT. Osservazioni anatomico-critiche. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 46, 1896, 353-443. — I Hieracium di Sardegna, rivista eritica delle specie note clalla Flora Sardoa di Moms e dal catalogo di W. BARREY. Specie nuove per la Sardegna e notizie sul H. crinitum, Siliili. >S'«. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 47, 1897, 421-499. Belli, [Curia] Savcrio, & Gihelli, G[iuseppe]. .SVe Gibelli & Belli. Belli, (imdre) Stunislao. *[ Aurora polare del 5 aprile 1870. Feuomeni aurorali.] Lodi. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 5, 1870, 37. — *[Aurora del in et del 23 aprile, 1871.] Lodi. Mon- calieri Oss. Bull, 6, 1871, 66, 81. *[Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1871.] Lodi. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 131-132. *[Fenomeni aurorali osservati in Italia nel novembre R. S, A. C. 1871. Aurora polare del 10 novembre 1871.] Lodi. [1872.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 7, 1873, 18-19. Bellia, (sac.) G. Bolide del 3 febbraio 1885 [Pettiuengo (Biella)]. Mouealieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 39. — Le stelle cadeuti del periodo di agosto 1888. Petti- nengo (Biella). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 145. Belli. mi. . La myopie scolaire. Ann. d'Oculist. , 108, ' 1892, 53-55. Bclliard, J. Al. Note sur 1'erreur relative que 1'ou commet en substituant dx a ds dans la formule de NAVIER (pieces courbes). Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 5 (1893), 728-748. — Memoire sur le calcul de la resistance des arcs para- boliques a grande fleche. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 6 (1893), 759-847. — Note sur la determination a priori de la section des aivs paraboliques a grande fleche. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 8 (1894), 54-86. — Memoire sur 1'encastreinent des arcs paraboliques et des arcs circulaires et de son influence sur la resistance de ces arcs. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 9 (1895), 375-421. — Etude comparative au point de vue de la resistance d'un arc de parabole et d'un arc de chaiuette de meme fleche et de meme ouverture et soumis aux memes charges permanentes et mobiles. Ann. Pouts et Chauss. , 10 (1895), 415-449. Bellier, ./[CUM]. Recherche de la cochenille, du Phyto- lacca decandra, de la betterave et de 1'orseille dans les vins. Jl. Pharm. , 13, 1886, 461-463. — Dosage du sulfo de fuchsine, du rouge de Bordeaux et du rouge soluble dans les vins. Jl. Pharm., 14, 1886, 7-14. - Recherche de 1'abrastol dans les denrees alimentaires. Jl. Pharm., 1, 1895, 298-301; Moniteur Sci., 9, 1895, 191-192. — Recherche et dosage de 1'huile d'arachide dans les huiles comestibles. [1899-1900.] Ann. Chim. Anal., 4, 1899, 4-9; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 358-359; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 8, 1901, 155-1(56, liv-lvi. — Sur les reactions colorees de 1'huile de sesame et sur trois reactions caracteristiques nouvelles. [1899-1900.] Ann. Chim. Anal., 4, 1899, 217-220; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 131; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901, 51- 56 ; 8, 1901, xxiv-xxvi. — Sur une anomalie ties vins contenant en meme temps du tannin et un sel de protoxyde de fer. Ann. Chim. Anal., 4, 1899, 257-259. — Methods simple et rapide pour la determination de 1'indice d'iode des corps gras. [1900.] Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 128-131; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 134- 135; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 8, 1901, 145-149, xxxvi-xxxvii. — Recherche et dosage de la dulciue dans les matieres alimentaires. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 333-337. — Sur un nouveau colorant pour vins, et sur la recherche de 1'orseille, de la cochenille amniouiacale, du Phytolacca et de la betterave rouge dans les vins. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 407-413. — Sur une anomalie des vins blancs contenant en meme temps un sel de fer au minimum et du tannin. [1900.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., H, 1901, 151-153, xlvi. B?llier de la Chavignerie, [Jean Biiptiste] Eugene. For biography and list of works see Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 32, 1888, xci'-xcii; Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 8, 1888, 449-452; Abeille, 26, 1889 (Les Eiitom. et lenrs Ecrits, 239-247) ; Nat. Sicil., 8, 1889, 56. — Note sur la Nychiodes ragusaria, Mill, [accompagnee de remarques par Enrico RAGUSA]. Nat. Sicil. , 3, 1884, 297. — Note sur la Geometre lythoxylaria [lythoxylata ?]. Nat. Sicil., 5, 1886, 258-259. — [Lepidopteres hermaphrodites (Liparis dispar, etc.).] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, clxxxii-clxxxiii. Bellingham- Smith, G. See Smith, G. Bellinghuin. Bellini, Knjfaello. Brevi cermi sulle localita ammonitifere dell' Umbria. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 17, 1897, 77-78. 54 Bellini] 426 IBelloc Una nuova forma cristallina della calcite vesuviana. Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 17, 1897 (Holt.), 105-106. — Gli autografi dell' "Ecphrasis" di Fabio COLONXA. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 5, 1898, 45-56. — Malacologias terrestris et fluviatilis Neapolitans sy- nopsis. Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, IS, 1898, 71-77 ; 111. 1899, 53-55. — - Contribuzione alia flora dell' Umbria. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., IS, 1899, 357-367. — Ulterior! osservazioni sui Molluschi terrestri dei din- torni di Napoli. Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, lit, 1899, 110-118. — Molluschi extramarini dell' isola di Capri. [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll. , 1, 1900, 29-55. — Due nuovi Molluschi fossili dell' isola d' Ischia e revisione delle specie esistenti uella mama dell' isola stessa. [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 149-162. — Les Ammonites du calcaire rouge amrnonitique (To- arcien) de 1'Ombrie. Jl. de Conch., 48, 1900, 122-164. Bellini, J:n[l'iit'lln, & Gasparis, Aurelio di1. ,S'cr Gasparis A Bellini. Bellini, Rmiifri. *Della non attiviti'i della diastole car- diaca e della dilatazione vasale. [1874-75.] Firenze E. 1st. Pubbl. (Sez. iletl.), 1, 1876, 1-91. Bellio, I'. Proposte sull' insegnameuto della geografia. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 25, 1888, 744-752. Belljarminov, L[eonid GeorgijeviS], Anwendung der graphischen Methode bei Untersuchung der Pupillenbe- wegungen. Photoeoreograph. Pfliiger, Arch. Physio!., 37, 1886, 107-122. — Ueber die Tauglichkeit und Genauigkeit der vorhan- denen Probebuchstaben fiir Bestimmung der Sehscharfe. Arch. Augenheilk., 16, 1886, 2*4-295. — Anwendung der graphischen Methode bei Untersuchnng des iutraocularen Druckes. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 39, 1886, 449^172. Schellakinjektion angewandt auf Augengefasse. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 648-650. — Zur Technik der Korrosion von Celloidiupriiparaten. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 650-651. — Demonstration einer neuen Art der ophthalmoskopi- scheu Untersuchung. [1888.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb. , 19, 1889 (Th. 2), 189-190. — Ueber interrnittirende Netzhautreizung. Arch. f. Ophtholm., 35, 1889 (Abth. 1), 25-49. — Die colorimetrische Methode, angewandt bei der Untersuchung der Kesorption in die vordere Augen- kammer. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 30, 1892, 802-803, 833-835. — Ein seltener Fall von Betinitis pigmentosa complicirt durch Glaucom. Arch. Augenheilk., 27, 1893, 53-61 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 23, 1894, 257-263. — Untersuchungen mit der quantitativen colorimetri- schen Methode iiber die Besorption in die vordere Augenkammer. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 39. 1893 (Abth. 3), 38-88. — Diffusion dans 1'interieur de 1'oeil dans divers cas pathologiques. Ann. d'Oculist.. Ill, 1894, 373-374. Belljarminov, L[eonitl fiVnn/i/Vi'iV-], cvDolganov, }'[ladimir Nikolaevic], Ueber die Diffusion ins lunere des Auges bei verschiedenen pathologisehen Zustanden desselben. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Ahtli. 4), 65-102. Beilm.inn, Theodur. Produkte der Eimvirkung von Funf- fiich-Chlorphosphor auf Komenaminsaure. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 211, 1884. 1-22. Bellmann, Theodor, & Meyer, Kriisl run. .SYc Meyer .v Bellmann. Belloc, . Observations meteorologiques faites a 1'Ki-oli- Normale de Milcon pendant 1'aiinri' 18HO. Mat-on Ac. Ann., 5,, 1885, 457- 4sl. Belloc, Emile. Bondages fails au lac d'Oo (Pyrrn< i's centrales). Bull. Geogr. Hist. De^crip., 1889, 133-143. — Sur un nouvel appareil de Bondage pmtatif a til d'acier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 112, 1891, 1204-1206; Ass. Franc. C. B., 1891 (Pt. 2|, 270-279. — Nouvel appareil de sondage portatif a fil d'acier. Drague legere et filet fin pour servir aux recherches des naturalistes et des explorateurs. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 12, 1891, 377-392. Etude gcographique et topographique des lacs dans les Pyrenees. Ass. Franc. C. B.. 1892 (/'(. 1), 336-337. Etude sur 1'origine, la formation et le comblement des lacs dans les Pyrenees. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1892 (Pt. 2), 358-377. — Aperru general de la vegetation lacustre dans les Pyrenees. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1892 (Pt. 2), 412-432. — Utilisation des cuvettes lacnstres pyreneennes pour la pisciculture. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1892 (I't. 2|, 516-522. — Etudes sur les lacs dans les Pyrenees. Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1892, 215-216; 1893, 1116; 1894, 162- 163 ; 1895, 261. — Sur certaines formes de comblement, observes dans quelques lacs des Pyrenees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 196-198. Pet-lies au filet fin et dragages. Bev. Biol. N. France, 4, 1892, 192-197. — Sur la vegetation aquatique des gours, cours d'eau et fontaines du pavs toulousain (Haute-Garonne). Ass. Franc. C. B., 1893 (Pt. 1), 242-243. Nouvelles recherches lacustres faites au port de \V nasque, dans le Haut Aragon et dans la Haute Catalogne (Pyrenees centrales). Ass. Franc. C. B. , 1893 (Pt. 2), 415-442. Le lac de Caillaouas et ceux de la region des Gourgs- Blancs et de Clarabide (Hautes-Pyrenees). Ass. Franc. C. B., 1893 (Pt. 2), 918-936. Becherches sur quelques Algues microscopiques [des eaux douces, des eaux thermales et. des eaux salees d'Algerie, de Tunisie et du Maroc], suivies d'une listi- des Diatomees fossiles et d'un apercu de la florule dia- tomique marine littorale. Bev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893. 209-236, 249-268, 289-304, 385-399; 7, 1895, 190-258. — Des variations de la temperature flans les lacs de montagnes. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1894 (Pt. 1). 14."). — Etude sur les lacs intra-glaciaires. Ass. Franc. C. B. , 1894 (Pt. 2), 474^88. La flore algologique d'eau douce de 1'Islaude. Ass. Franc. C. li., 1894 (Pt. 2|, 559-570. — Nouvelles explorations lacustres dans les Pyrenees- Orientales, dans la Haute-Garonne, dans les Hautes- Pyrenees et sur le versant espagnol. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1894 (Pt. 2i. 1175-994. — Etude des zones thermiques dans les lacs de mon- tagnes. Ass. Franr. 0. B., 1895 (Pt. 1), 264. — Seuils et barrages lacustres. Ass. Franc. C. B.. 1895 (Pt. 2), 552-5114. — Lacs littoraux du Golfe de Gascogne. Flore algo- logique. Bondages et dragages (1889 a 1895). Ass. Prune. C. B., 1895 (Pt. 2), 605-615. — Les lacs du massif de Neouvieille (Hautes-Pyrenees). Ass. Franc. C. B., 1895 (Pt. 21, 923-H36. — Becherches et explorations orographiques et lacustres dans les Pyrenees centrales. Paris, Club Alpin Franr. Annu., 21/1895. 424-468. — Sondeur "E. Belloc," appareil dc sondagu a fil d'acier. Ass. Franc. C. B.. 1896 i/'f. 2), 1411-154. — Apercu de la tlore algologique d'Algrri.-, de Tunisie, du Maroc et de quelques lacs de Syrie. Ass. Frau<,\ C. B., 1896 (I't. 2|, 406-412. — Les lacs de Lourdes et de la region sous-pyreneenne. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1896 (Pt. 2), 642-652. — [Les lacs littoraux du Mi'-dne. '!<• la Gironde, des Landes et des Basses-Pyrenees.] Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1896, 117. Sur un nouvfiiu sondeur ; appareil portatif a fil d'acier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 73-75. Bellocl 427 [Behnondo — Les sources de la Garonne, recits de courses et d'ex- p^riences. Paris, Club Alpin Franc,'. Aunu., 23, 1897, 227-270. — Les Isoetes des lacs pyreueens. Ass. Franc. C. K., 1898 (Pt. I), 154. - Reeherches sur la fauue aquatique dans les Pyrenees. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 1), 184-185. — Reeherches hydrograpbiques dans la region de Neou- vieille (Hautes-Pyrenees). Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 1), 244. Belloc, G. Echauffement par un courant d'un fil metal- lique plonge dans differents gaz. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 1), 118. — Sur uu nouveau moyen tie provoquer 1'arc eleotrique. Jl. Pbys., 3, 1894, 322-323. — Sur la thermo-electricitc5 des aciers. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 336-337. Belloc, Lui.-i A. [Sobre el Margarodes vitium.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 6, 1896, Ixxvii. Bellocq, A[iiguste]. Contribution a 1 'etude des liquides pleuraux (albumines). Jl. Pharni., 4, 1896, 52'J-53(>. — Alburaine urinaire normale. Jl. Pharm., 11, 1900, 478-482. — Dosage de 1'acide urique. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1900, 103- 104. Bellomayre, A. .«'/>/(. Description d'un Coleoptere nouveau du Chili. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, clxiii-clxv. — Note sur quelques especes du genre Cartodere, Thorns. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 2M, 1884, cxci-cxeiii. — Sur un petit groupe de Corticaria propres a la Nouvelle- Zelande. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, ccxvii-eexxi. - Notes synonymiques sur quelques Lathridiidse de la Nouvelle-Zelande. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, ccxxii-ccxxiv. — Sur un Metophthalmus de la Nouvelle-Zelande. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, ccxxiv-ccxxv. — Revision des Lathridiidffi de Nouvelle-Zelande. Rev. Ent., 3, 1884, 246-206. — Enumeration des Lathridiidie du Japon. [1884.] Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885 (I't. 2), 1-8. — Histoire naturelle des Coleopteres de France. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 31, 1885, 61-212. — [Holopararnecus (Taiiiyriuin) similis; Metophthalmus Raffrayi, nn. spp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, xxxix. — Materiaux pour servir a 1'etude des Lathridiens. Rev. Ent.. 4, 1885, 239-254. — Liste des Lathridiides decrits posterieurenient an catalogue de Munich. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 30, 1886. 88-97. — Lathridiens nouveaux ou pen connus. Eev. Ent., 6, 1887. 215-229. — Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Dasycerus, Ilnniiin. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 32, 1888, xcvii-xcix ; 33, 1889, xvii-xviii. — Note sur le Pedius siculus, Lecrut. Rev. Ent., 7, 1888, 71-74. — Supplement a la monographic des Lathridiens de France. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 35, 1889, 75-91. — Voyage de if. E. SIMON au Venezuela. Coleopteres. Famille des Lathridiidse. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., !». 1889 221-224. Les Lathridiens dans la Fauna Transsylvanica du Dr. SEIHUTZ. Eev. Ent., 8, 1889, ">0-60. — Les Clytus d'Europe et circa. Echange, 6, 1890, H9, 107-108, 115-116, 139, 146-148. — Contribution a 1'etude du genre Anoplomerus, Tli. (famille des Cerambycidse). Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 36, 1890, 291-3114. — [Description d'un Longicorne exotique.] Paris, Soc. Eut. Ann., 10, 1890, ix. — Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Latliridius, Herbst. Brux., Soc. Eut. Ann., 35, 1891, cxxxiv-cxxxv. — Les especes du genre Hymenoplia, Escli. Echauge, 7, 1891, 10-12. — Viaggio di Leonardo FEA in Birmania e region! vicine. xxxvni. Lathridiidaj. Geneva ilus. Civ. Ann., 30, 1890-91, 877-880. — [Genre nouveau de Longicorne lauiiide.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, liv-lv. Les Cerambyx d'Europe et circa. Echange, 8, 1892, 70-71. — Nouvelle contribution a 1'etude des Lathridiens. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 39, 1895, 75-105. — Descriptions de deux Lathridieus nouveaux de Bolivie. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 39, 1895, 478-484. — Supplement d'enquete sur le genre Neoplotera. Eev. Ent., 14, 1895, 357-362. — Contribution a lYtude des Longicornes de Bolivie. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann.. 43, 1896, 241-255. — Description d'un Cerambycide inedit du groupe des Disteniini. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 128. — Description d'un Longicorne nouveau, du groupe des Niphonides. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 387-388. — Remarques sur le genre Euryptera, Serr., du groupe des Lepturides et description d'une espece nouvelle de Bolivie. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 41, 1897, 339-343. — Description d'un Lougicorne nouveau du genre Hebe- stola. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 186-188. — Essai de classification geuerale des Lathridiida1, avec le catalogue systematique et alphabetique de toutes lea especes du globe, liev. Ent., Id, 1897, 105-221. — Contribution a IVtude drs Lnthridiids? de 1'Afrique rn&ridionale. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 42, 1898, l:ci 449. — Additions an catalogue des Lathridiidfe. Eev. Eut., 17, 1898, 157-165. — Description d'un Metophthalmns nouveau de Mexique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 37-38. — Diagnose d'un Longicorne nouveau de Bolivie, appar- tenant au genre Mecometopus, Th. Paris, Soc. Ent Bull., 1899, 156-1.-.7. — Recapitulation des Lathridiida1 de TAinerique m^ridio- nale. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 411, 1900, 137-191. A propos des travaux reeents sur les Lathridiida?. Notes supjili nieiii;iin^ a 1'essiii ile classification. Rev. Ent., 11), 1900, 75-122. — Descriptive catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Belonl 429 [Belopolskij Africa. Family Lathridiidoe. [1899.1 s- African Phil. Soc. Trans., 11, 1902, 35-52. Belopolskij, Ar[ist(irch] A[poll., du spectre solaire. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 23, 1896, 89-91. — Experiment base sur le principe Doppler-Fizeau. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 23, 1895, 122-124. — 0 BpameHin Ko.itua Civrypna no n:tMt,peHifljn> cueuTporpaiorh, nojiyienHTJX'1, Bcb IIyjiKOBt>. [Sur la rotation de 1'anneau de Saturne, d'apres les mesures des speetrogramrnes, faits a Poulkovo.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1895, xi-xiv. - [0 nepeji t.mioil y Aquilu- iiit)ftec.i-l;Ayioinaro Sur la variable 7; Aquilse.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1895, liii. cirtunenui jutiiiil B't cneivTpt Caxypna II ero KOJima. [Recherches sur les de"place- int'iits des raies dans le spectre de Saturne et de son anueau.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1895, 379-403. — Spectrographische Untersucliungen des Saturnriuges. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 1-4. — Spectrographische Untersuehungen fiber Jupiter. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 20!l-214. — Speetrographisehe Untersuohungen fiber 5 Cephei am 30 Zciller der Pulkowaer Sternwarte im Jalire 1895. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 17-22. • Ueber die Eigriibewi.'guiig der helleren Componente von 61 Cygni. Astr. Naehr., 140, 1896, 21-22. — Ueber die Verauderungen in dem Sternhaufeu NGC. 5272. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 23-24. • On the performance of an auxiliary lens for spectro- graphic investigations with the thirty-inch refractor of the Pulkowa Observatory. Astrophys. .11., 3, 1896, 147- 149. — Observations des raies renversees dans le spectre des protuberances faites a Poulkovo. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 25, 1896, 21-26. — Sur les vitesses radiales periodiques de 1'etoile a Ge'meaux. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896, 341-343. — 0 SB'fes.H'fe a' B.iiiisHeii.oB'b, icaic-i) ciieKxpajitHo ABoilHOli. [On the spectroscopie binary a' Geminorum.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 6, 1897, 49-76; Astrophys. Jl., 5, 1897, 1-7. — Die totale Sonnennnsterniss am 9. August 1896. Bericht iiber die Sonneufiusteruissexpedition der Pul- kowaer Sternwarte nach Orlowskoje am Amur. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 6, 1897, 271-296. - HOBtlJI II3C.ltjl,OBaHi)l CIieKTpa "^ Lyrffi." [Re- eherches nouvelles sur le spectre de "(3 Lyrae."] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897, 355-365; Astrophys. Jl., 6, 1897, 328-337; Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 26, 1898, 135- 143. - Hsc.ntxoBaHie cneirrpa iiepeM-IiHHofi "ij Aquilse" (3. 5-4. 7fi). Recherches sur le spectre de 1'etoile variable " ij Aquilre." St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897, 367-374 ; Astrophys. Jl., (i, 1897, 393-399 ; Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 26, 1898, 101-106. Ueber das Spectrum von X Tauri (3m. 4-4™. 2). Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 281-284. — Ueber einen Versuch die Geschwindigkeiten im Visionsradius der Compouenten von y Virginia und 7 Leonis zu bestimmen. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 89-94. — Sur le mouvement rapide de la ligne des absides dans le systeme a' Gemeaux. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1898. 133-139; Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 26, 1898, 171-179; 28, 1900, 103-108. — Onpe^tJieHie jiyqeEHxtcuopocTeH "7 Virginis." [Determination des vitesses radiales de " 7 Virginis."] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1898, 141-158. 430 BSlopolskij] jiyieBHxi CKOpocieii TOBI jtBOHHOii SB'fcuH y rU>Ba. (2-0 ir 3-5 B.) [Sur les vitesses radiales de 1'etoile double 7 du Lion.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, 369-376. — Ueber die Bewegung des Sterns T\ Pegasi in der Gesichtslinie. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899. 127-128. — Ueber die Bewegung des Stems ^ Ursa- majoris in der Gesichtslinie. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 331-332. — Ueber die Bewegung von £ Gerainorum (3m. 7-4m. 5) in der Gesichtslinie. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 239-240. Note on the spectrum of P Cygni. Astrophys. Jl., 10, 1899, 319-320; Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 37-40. — Bewegung von Polaris in der Gesichtslinie. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 199-202. — Ein Vcrsuch die Rotationsgeschwindigkeit des Venus- sequators auf spectrographischem Wege zu bestirnmen. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 263-276. — 06t> OAHOM'B cnocoot noji'iepKiiBaniH c.iaouxi. JIIIHill 3Bt34.HI>IXt cneKTporpaiIjn>. [Sur une methode de souligner les raies faibles des spectro- grammes stellaires.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, 205-210. — OnHTi i[3c.if>j;oBaHia npiiHUiiiia ^on.iept- $nso, ne npiiCtraa K'L KocMHHeciuiMi cKopo- CTHMt. [Essai d'^tudier le principe de DOPPLER-FIZEAU, sans avoir recours aux vitesses cosmiques.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 13, 1900, 461-471. Belopolskij, Ai^iatarcli] A[pollom>i'ic], & Bredichin, F[edor] A[leksandrovi£]. See Brcdichin it Belopolskij. Belopolskij, Ar[istarch] A[pollonovi£], & Morine, .17. Positions appareutes des taches solaires photographiees a Poulkovo par B. HASSELBERO dans les amiies 1881-88. [1893.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 42, 1897, No. 10, 173 pp. Belopolskij, Ar[ istarch] ,A[polloiiovic], & Sokolov, A[le.rej Petrovic]. 'Observations de Mars en opposition, faites par A. GKOMADSKI. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Lair. 1), 1878, 82-91. — 'Observations des etoiles qui ont servi a la determina- tion de la valeur de 1'echelle des heliometres, employes lors du passage de Venus, faites par A. GROMADZKI. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 1), 1878, 95-103. - 'Inegalites des vis micrometriques des microscopes du cercle meridien. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 2), 1879, 89-95. - 'Observations de Mars en opposition, faites au cercle nie>idien. Moscou Obs. Ann., 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 1-7. 'Observations au cercle meridien. Moscou Obs. Ann., [Beltrami 8 (Livr. 1), 1882, 1-30; 9 (Lirr. I), 1882, 1-17. See also Sokolov ,\ Belopolskij. Belousov, A. K. Eine neue Methode von Injection anato- mischer Praeparate vermittelst kalter Masse. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abtlt.), 1885, 379-384. Belousov. .!/. 1>. M'tCTOpO/KJtenifl 5KeJI'E3HMXT> py^l BT> BiimepCKoil KaseHiioil ja'it, Mep^HHcitaro y'BSJia. Les gisements de minerals de fer du domaine de la Vichera, district de Teherdyne. Wkaterinenb. Soc. Oural. Bull., 1.1 (A'o. 1), 1895, 27-31; Russ. Geol. Min. Annu., 1, 1896-97 (Sect. 2), 109-110. Below, I-:(rnst Erich Albert]. Die Ganglienzellen des Gehirnes bei verschiedenen neugeborenen Thieren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abtli.), 1888, 187-188. Die praktischen Ziele der Tropenhygiene. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1896 (Th. 1), 91-120. Belowsky, M(ax], Ueber die Aenderungen, welche die optischen Verhiiltuisse der gemeinen Hornblende beim Gliihen erfahren. Neues Jbuch. Miu., 1891 (Bd. 1), 291-292. Belsantl, Michele. Studi su alcuni caratteri regressivi del cranio umano. Arch. Antropologia, 10, 1886, 173-221. Belt, t.[dirard] Oliver. Report of one hundred cataract extractions at the Presbyterian Eye, Ear, and Throat Charity Hospital. Arch." Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 1-8. Beltoni, I'io. II Lago di Garda. Moncalieii Oss. Boll., 20, 1900, 65-70. Beltrame, (abate) Ginfanni. *Gli Akka del MIAXI. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 16, 1879, 6.5-66. — '[Viaggio ai Sciangallah.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 16, 1879, 151-167. — Disposizioni che deve avere chi viaggia, specialmente fra popoli barbari o selvaggi, perche i suoi viaggi riescano piacevoli ; e mezzi che sta bene ch' egli possegga e se ne valga, perche tornino vantaggiosi. I Barabra della Nubia settentrionale e i Barabra dell' Algeria e del Marocco. I Bisciarin e gli Aiabi Abu-Zet. Origiue dei Bisciarin e dei Barabra. [1886.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86, 815-828. La palma-dattero nell" emisfero settentrionale del- 1' Africa. Vantaggi che ne ritraggono gli abitanti. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 817-82H. Beltrami, Eiuienio. For biography and list of works st'C Ann. Mat., 4, 1900, 151-160; Bologna Rend., 4, 1900, 91-99; Enseigu. Math., 2 (1900), 173-179; Giorn. Mat., 38, 1900, 355-375; Milano, 1st. Lomb. Renl., 33, 1900, 241-245; Napoli, Rend., 39, 1900, 74-80; Mature, 61 (1899-1900), 568-569 ; Nuovo Cirnento, 11, 1900. 150-151 ; Palermo Cue. Mat. Bend., 14, 1900, 275-2K9; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, (177-681; 131, 1900, 1037-1039; Boma, B. Aec. Lincei Bend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 139-142 ; Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 355-360 or 541-546 ; Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1899-1900 (Pt. 1), 72-74; Wiad. Mat., 4, 1900, 266-267; Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 10, 1901 (1'rot.), 32-35; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 30, 1901, 345-348. To reference in No. 77 (Vol. 9) add Nuovo Cimento, 13, 1883, 213-228. To reference in No. 78 (I'ol. 9) add Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 89-96, 107-117. To reference in No. 79 (I'ol. 9) add Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 126-138. - Intorno ad un problema relative alia teoria delle correnti stazionarie. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 17, 1884, 538-546. Sulla rappresentazioue delle forze Newtonians per mezzo di forze elastiche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 581-589. Sull' uso delle coordinate curvilinee nelle teorie del potenziale e dell' elasticita. [1885.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 401-448. Sulle condizioni di resistenza dei corpi elastici. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 704-714; Nuovo Cimento, 18, 1886, 145-155. Sull' interpretazione nieccanica delle forrnole di MAXWELL. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1886, 3-38; Nuovo Cimento, 20, 1886, 5-25, '.17-111. Sulla teoria delle onde. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 124-435. Intorno ad alcuni problem! di propagazione del calore. [1887.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., s, 1887, 291-326; Nuovo Cimento, 23, 1888, 97-109 ; 24, 1888, 24-32, 145- 152 ; 25, 1888, 34-40. Sulle funzioni sferiche d' una variabile. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 20, 1887, 469-478. Sulle fuuzioni eomplesse. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1887,624-635; 24,1891, 1188-1195; 27, 1894,337-344. Consideration! idrodinamiohe. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 121-130. Sul principle di HUYGEXS. Milnno, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 42H-438. Note tisico-matematiche. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 3, 1889, 67-79. Sulla funzione potenziale della circonferenza. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 3, 1889. 1113-209. Beltrami] 431 [Belzung — Sur la theorie de la deformation infiniment petite d'un milieu. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 502-505. — Un precursore italiano di LEGENDRE e di LOBATSCH- KWSKY. Eorna, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 441-448. — Sull' estensione del principio di D'ALEMBERT air elet- trodinamiea. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Kend., 5, 1889 (Vw. 1), S52-856. — Quelques remarques au sujet des fonctions spheriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1134-938. — Considerazioni sulla teoria matematica del magnetismo. .[1891.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 1, 1890, 409-453. — Intorno al mezzo elastico di GREEN. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 24, 1891, 717-726, 779-789. — Sulla teoria generate delle ondepiane. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 5, 1891, 227-235. — Considerazioni sulla teoria matematica dell' elettro- magnetismo. [1892.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 313-378. — Sull' espressione analitica del principio di HDYGENS. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sent. 1), 99-108. — O.sservazioni sulla nota precedente [di (i. MOREKA: "Soluzione geuerale delle equazioni indefinite dell' equi- libno di un eorpo continuo "]. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Kend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 141-142. - Note sulla teoria della propagazione del calore. [1893.] Bologna Rend., 1892-93. 61-63. Sur la theorie des fonetions sphe'riques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 181-183. — Sulle equazioni dinamiche di LAGRANGE. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 744-752. — Sui putenziali termodinamici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (.SVm. 1), 473-480. — Sull' espressione data da KIRCHHOFF al principio di HUYGENS. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (,V»i. 2), 29-31. — Sul teorema di KIRCHIIOFF. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 2), 51-52. - A proposito di una nuova ricerca del prof. Carlo NEUMANN. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Hem. 2), 177-180. - Sulla teoria delle funzioni sferiche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 793-799. Beltremieux, I'.ihniarS. For biography see Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 32, 1898, 5-20. - Excursion geologique du 6 avril 1884 a Fouras. [l*s I. | Charente-Iuf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1885, 17-20. — Excursion scientifique du 22 niai 1884 a Piedemont et au Port-des-Barques. [1884.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1885, 43-45. — Excursion geologique du 8 juin 1884 a la Roche- courbon. [1884.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1885, 55-58. — Excursion geologique du 17 aout 1884 a File Madame. [1884.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1885, 59-63. — Excursion geologique du 19 avril 1885 a Fouras. [1885.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 22, 1886 (Tome 1), 13-15. — Excursion geologique du 20 juin 1886 a Velluire et a Fontenay. [1886.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 23, 1887, 53-56. — Compte rendu de 1'excursion du 7 septembre [a Chatelaillon, Yves et Charras]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 814-817. — [Etude sur les Arane'ides.] [1888.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 11-12. — Rapport sur le Museum Fleuriau. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 23-30; 27, 1891, 25-29. - [Sur les quatres especes d'Echeneides. ] [1893.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 30 (Tome 1), 1894. 9-11. Beltz, L. Observation de phlebite rhumatismale. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 6, 1885, 266-271. Belugou, [Alphonse]. Recherches sur les causes de 1'ataxie locomotrice progressive. Progres Med., 2, 1885, 149-154, 171-173. Belugou, G[uillaume]. Action du chromate de strontium sur le chlorure mercurique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 473-474. — Chaleurs de neutralisation de 1'acide ethylphospho- rique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1151-1152. — Chaleurs de neutralisation de 1'acide phenylphos- phorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 126, 1898, 1575-1576. — Vitesse et liruite d'etherirication de 1'acide phospho- rique par 1'alcool methylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 166-169. Belugou, (i[»i7?ciu»if], & Imbert, Henri. See Imbert & Belugou. Belugou, l'[ietor]. Etude sur 1'exploitation des reseaux tiHophouiques dans les villes. Ann. Telegr., 15, 1888, 38-58. — Emploi des accumulateurs pour remplacer les piles du Poste Central de Paris. Ann. Telegr., 20, 1893, 303- 314. Beluze, [Eui/ene]. De Fetheromanie. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 16, 1886, 539-557. Belz, [Jules] E[dmond]. For biography see Ann. Telegr., [19], 1892, 90-94. — Application de la transmission automatique a 1'appareil siphon-recorder sur les cables d'Algerie. Ann. Telegr., 15, 1888, 193-205. Belzung, Ernest. Note sur le developpement de 1'amidon dans les plantules germant a Fobscurite. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 374-378. — Sur la formation d'amidun pendant la germination des sclerotes des champignons. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 199-202. — Sur 1'amidon et les leueites. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 483-484. — Recherches morphologiques et physiologiques sur 1'amidon et les grains de chlorophylle. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Hot.), 5, 1887, 179-310 ; Rev. Sci., 40, 1887, 788-789. — Sur la naissance libre des grains d'amidon et leur transformation en grains de chlorophylle ou chloroamy- lites. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 86-91, 97-102. — Nouvelles rechercb.es sur Forigine des grains d'amidon et des grains chlorophylliens. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 13, 1891, 5-22. - Sur le developpement de 1'amidon. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 5-13. — Sur la diagnose microscopique de 1'acide citrique. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 25-29. — Developpement des grains d'aleurone et structure protoplasmique en general chez quelques Papilionacees. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 85-93, 109-116. — Remarques sur le verdissemeut. (A propos de ['article de 31. W. PALLADIN : Ergriinen und Wachsthum der etiolirten Blatter.) Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 350-355. — Recherches chimiques sur la germination, et cristal- lisations iutracellulaires artificielles. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 15, 1892, 203-262. — Rernarques retrospectives sur les corps bleuissants et leur classification. Jl. Bot., Paris, 6, 1892, 456-458. Note additionnelle sur les sulfates et nitrates des plantules en voie de germination. Jl. Bot., Paris, 7, 1893, 87-91. — Nature des spherocristaux des Euphorbes caetiforrnes. Jl. Bot., Paris, 7, 1893, 221-229, 261-267. Rectification a propos de 1'article de 31. FAMINIZIN "Sur les grains de chlorophylle des graines et des plantules." Jl. Bot., Paris, 8, 1894, 156-159. — Sur Fexistence de 1'oxalate de calcium a Fetat dissous. Jl. Bot., Paris, 8, 1894, 213-219. — Marche totale des phenomeues amylochlorophylliens. Jl. Bot., Paris, 9, 1895, 33-40, 41-49, 61-72, 101-108, 134-136, 137-153, 181-189. Belzung] 432 [Bemmelen Belzung, J-'.nif.•! en particular le malate neutre de calcium. Jl. Bot., Paris, 0, 1892, 286-298. Beraan, U'[nnslfr] \l'[i'iiilniff}. Address [to the Math. * Astron. Sect.]. A chapter in the history of mathematics. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1897, 33-50. — Eri.En's use of i to represent an imaginary. X. Y. Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 4, 1898. 274. ">">1. Bement, C. .S. Ueber neuere amerikanische Mineral- vorkommen. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 179-180; 13, 1888, 415-47 : 14, 1888, 256-257. Bemmelen, A[tlriaiin] A[ntl• up Midden-Java. [1896.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 5, 1897, 62-66. — Over den deelingscoefiicient bij de absorbtie van opgeloste stoffen door kollo'iden. [1896.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 5, 1897, 66-73; Fortschr. Phys., 1897 (Abth. 1), 543. • Over de chemische metamorphose van het phosphaat in fossiele beendert'u. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., .1, 1897, 335-341. — Dir Absorption. [Untrr Mitwirkuug von ])r. E. A. KLOBBIE.] Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 13, 1897, 233-356 ; 18, 1898, 14-36. 98-146; 20, 1899, 185-211; 23. 1900, 111-125, 321-372. — Der (rehalt an Fluorcalcinm eines fossilen Eleplianten- kuochen aus der Tertiarzeit. [Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. A. Simon THOMAS und Dr. E. A. KLOBHIF,.] /tsrln. Anorg. Chem., 15, 1897, 84-89; Arch. Neerland., ."., 1900, 229-235. Die Absorption. Auhaufung von Fluorealcium, Kalk, Phosphaten in fossilen Knochen. [Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. E. A. KI.OBBIE.] Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 15, 1897, 90-122; Arch. Neerland., 3, 1900, 236-272. — Over het absorptie-vermogen van het kolloi'dale kiezelzuur. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 6, 1898, 4DX-506. • Hydrogel van ijzeroxyde. [On hydrogel of oxide of iron (ferric-oxide).] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 305-310; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 1, 1899, 249-253. — Ueber das Vorkommen, die Zusammensetznng und die Bildung von Eisenanhaufungen in und unter Mooren. [Unter Mitwirkung von C. HOITSKHA und E. A. KLOIHHK.] [1899.] Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 22, 1900, 313-379. — De chemische samenstelling van 2 monsters Loess. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verb. (Sect. 2), 7, 1901, No. 3, 18-26. — Over het stelsel Bi., 0.. - N., 05 - H., 0. [On the system : Bi20.,-N.,05-H20.] [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., K, 1901, 6(.i-74; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 3, 1901, 196-203. Bemmelen, ./[iikuh] M [aarten] van, & Klobbie, {•'.[ihinnl] A[unriJ. Contribuci6n al estudio del aparato hioideo i de sus funciones. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, — Contribucii'm al estudio de la topografia craneo- encefaliea. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 87, 1894, 287-293. Benavides, Ji'iiaro. *E1 iodoformo i sus usos terapeiiticos. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 61, 1882, 203-222. Benazet, P. Sur le dosage du phosphore dans les produits de la metallurgie du fer. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 1083-1091. Benhow. John. Middlesex plants. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 50, 279-2SO; 23, 1885, 36-38, 338-340; 25, 1887, 14-20,363- 366; 28, 1890, 120; 31, 1893, 218. — Crepis biennis in Middlesex. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 213. - Salvia pratensis in Bucks. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 279. — Crepis taraxacifolia in Middlesex. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 220-221 ; 27, 1889, 22. - Middlesex mosses. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 106-107, 369- 370; 34, 1896, 400; 37, 1899. 441. - Bucks plants. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 400; 30, 1898, 492. - Middlesex Eubi. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 255-258. Bencker, C. Sicherheitsausguss mit Gummiverschluss fiir Flaschen mit iitzenden Fliissigkeiten. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 1033. Benckiser, A[lfons]. Ueber eine seltene Art von secun- darem Carcinom des Uteruskorpers. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 22, 1891, 337-343. — Ueber abnorm ausmiindende Uretercn und deren chirurgische Behandlung. [1898.] Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyuak., 41, 1899, 413-422. Benckiser, Th[eoilor], & Nictzki, R[udolf\. See Nictzki & Benckiser. Benczur, IHmiys. Studien iiber den Hamoglobingehalt des menschlichen Blutes bei Chlorose und Ana'mie unter Hamoglobin- und Blutzufuhr. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 36, 1885, 365-397. Benczur, IH/mys, & Csatary, Anijust. Ueber das Ver- hiiltniss der Oedeme zum Hamoglobingehalt des Blutes. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 46, 1890, 478-496. Benczur, I>i»»i/s, A Jonas, Arnold. Ueber Thermo- palpation. [1889.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 46, 1890, 19-34. — Wesen und Zustandekomrnen der thermopalpatori- schen Erscheiiiungen. [Tr.] [1890.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 48, 1891, 578-596. Benda, Carl. [Ueber das Vorkommen des Koch'schen Bacillus in den Nieren und die von demselhen bier erzeugten Erkrankungen.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1884, 300-301. - Untersuchungeu iiber Miliartuberculose. [1884.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 15, 1885 (Th. 2), 93-100. — Ueber die Spermatogenese der Sa'ugethiere. [1885-86.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886, 186-187, 386-388. — [Das Auftreten und Anordnung chromophiler Granu- lationen im Eiickenmark.] Anat. Anz., 1, 1886, 290- 291. — Ueber eine neue Fa'rbemethode des Centralnerven- SN stems, und Theoretisches iiber Haematoxylinfa'rbungen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886, ;J02-564. — Ueber die Spermatogenese der Baugethiere und des Menschen. [1M80.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 17, 1887 (Th. 2), 205-213. — Zur Spermatogenese und Hodenstruktur der Wir- beltiere. Anat. Anz., •_'. 1887, 368-370. — Ein intcressantes Strukturverhaltnis der Miiuseniere. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 425. — Untersuchungen iiber den Bau des functionirenden Samenkamilchens einiger Sa'ugethiere und Folgerungen fiir die Spermatogenese dieser Wirbelthierklasse. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 30, 1887, 49-110. — Makroskopische und mikroskopische Praparate. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 706-707. - Eine neue Hiirtungsmethode hesonders fiir das Centralnervensystem. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 26, 1888, 497-498. — Die Entwickelung des Saugetierhodens. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889 (Anat. Ges. Vcrh.), 125-130. - Ni'iic Mittheilungen iiber die Entwickelung der Genitaldriisen und iiber die Metamorphose der Sarnen- zellen (Histiogenese der Spenuatozoen). Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physinl Jbth.), 1891, 519-552. — Ueber die Histiogenese des Sauropsidenspermatozoons. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892 (Aunt. Ges. Vcrh.), 195-199. — Zcllstructuren nud Zellteiluugeu des Salamander- hodens. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 (Aunt. Ox. FIT/I.), 161- 165. — Ueber die Schleimhautleisten des wahren Stimm- bandes beim Menschen. Arch. Auat. Physiol. (I'lit/sio!. Al'th.), 1895, 563-564. — Formalin beim Gefrierverfahren. Centrbl. Path., 6, 1895, 803-804. — Ueber die Bedevilling der durch basische Anilinfarben darstellbaren Nervenzellstructuren. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 759-768. — Ueber den Bau der blutbildenden Organe und die Regeneration der Blutelernente beim Menschen. Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Phi/siol. Abth.), 1896, 347-352. — Neuere Mittheilungen iiber die Histiogenese der Siiugethierspermatozoen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Plnjainl. Abth.), 1897, 406-414. Anatomiscbe Mittheilungen iiber akute Leukffimie. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 2001. Ueber die Entstehung der Spiralfaser des Verbindungs- stiickes der Saugetierspermien. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 264-266. Ueber die Spermatogenese der Vertebraten und hoherer Evertebraten. i. Theil. Ueber die vegetativen Geschlechtszelleu. [11. Thiel. Die Histiogenese der Spermien.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1898. 385-392, 393-398. — Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die Mitochondria. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1899, 376-383. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die Mitochondria und ihr Verhaltniss zu Secretgranulationen nebst kritischen Bemerkungeu. [1899.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physio! . Abth.), 1900, 160-178. — Paula GUNTHER'S neues Lupenstativ. [1899.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 179-180. — Ueber acute Miliartuberculose. [1899.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 30, 1900 (Th. 2), 259-281. — Ueber den normalen Bau und einige pathologische Veranderungen der menschlichen Hypophysis cerebri. [1900.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 373-380; Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 31, 1901 (Th. 2), 436^451. — Erfabrungen iiber Neurogliafiirbungen und eine neue Parbungsmethode. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900. 786-798. - Eine makro- und mikrochernische Eeaction der Fettgewebs-Nekrose. Virchow, Arch., 161, 1900, 194- Brentano, A/lnlf. .SVc Brentano it 198. Benda, Carl, Benda. Benda, Curl, & Perutz, Fr. Ueber ein noch nicht beach- tetes Structurverhaltniss des menschliehen Hodens. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1899, 577-579. Benda, L[0!«'s], ift Gnehm, R[oherf]. Sec Gnehm ct Benda. Benda, Th[eodor]. Zur Pariisthesie der Hautnerven am Oberschenkel. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 250-259. Bendall, Wilfred. A list of the land Mollusca of the island Bendall] 435 [Bendix of New Providence, Bahamas, with an enumeration of the species recorded from the other islands. London Malacol. Soc. Proc., 1, 1895, 292-295. Bender, ('[ or/ 1. Studien iiber Salzlosuugen. Ann. Phys. Chem , -22, 1884, 179-203 ; 31, 1887, 872-888. — Brechungsexponenteu normaler Salzlosungen fund reinen Wassers]. Ann. Phys. Chem., 39, 1890, 89-96; 08, 1899, 343-349; 69, 1899, 676-679; 2, 1900, 186-196. Bender, <'[.//•?] J[ulius]. Ueber die natiirlich vorkom- menden, mydriatischen Pflanzeubasen : Hyoscyamin, Atropin, Duboisin, Daturiu, Hyoscin uud Scopolin. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 805. Bender, F[ritz~\. Ueber din aus a-Naplitol entstehenden Siilfosiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 993- 1000. — Ueber Derivate des p-Dimethylamidobenzaldehyds. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 109-111. — Ueber die Eimvirkung von Alkalien auf p-Nitrotoluol- aulfosiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 422- 425. Bender, F[rit:], iV Schultz, Gustar [Theodor Auyust Otto]. Ueber Diamidostilben und Diarnidostilbendisulfosiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 3234-3239. Bender, Uron/, Ueber Kohlensaureather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2265-2271, 2950-2952. — Ueber snbstituirte Chlorstickstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2272-2274. Ueber Rhodanwismuth. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 723-726. — Ueber die Nichtexistenz des Chromheptasulfids. Berlin, Chem. Ges.- Ber., 20, 1887, 726-728. — Ueber die Einwirkung des Monochloracetessigathers auf Phenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2747-2752. — Ueber die Einwirkung des Pheuylhydrazins anf halogensubstitnirte Ketonsaureiither und halogensub- stituirte Ketone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2492-2498. Bender, Mn.r, Zusammenfasseuder Bericht iiber die Bacillen bei Syphilis. Ceutrbl. Bakt., 1, 1S87, 327-332, 357-364. — Das Rhinoscleroui. Zusammenfassender Bericht iiber den derzeitigen Standpunkt unserer Kenntnisse der Aetiologie, etc. Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 5(i3-.->r,s. — Das Ulcus molle. Zusammenfassender Bericht iiber uusere Kenntnisse der Aetiologie desselbeu. Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 10-13, 52-55, 81-90. — Ueber den Erysipelcoeeus (FEIILKISEN). Zusammrn- fassender Bericht iiber unsere Keuntnisse der atiologi- scheu Beziehungen desselben zur Rose. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 10-14, 35-40, 70-78. Bender, Otto. Beitrage zur Histologie der Dermatitis exl'oliativa nebst einer Bemerkung iiber Plasma- und Mastzellen. Virchow, Arch., 159, 1900, S6-100. Bender, 7i. Meteorologische Beobaebtungeu in Koblenz. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1889, 45-53. Bender, A., A' Castaigne, J. Sec Castaigne A- Bender. Benderitter, Eugene, Etudes stir les Lamellicornes: genre Osmoderma. Misc. Ent., 4, 1896, 97-98. — Nute sur une Cetoine anomale. Paris, Hoc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 33. — Description d'une espece nouvelle de CtHoine de Syrie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 193-194; Misc. Ent., 4, 1896, 40. — Note sur la presence du Rhizotrogus cicatricosus, RItilx., en Normandie. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 47-48. Benderskij, I[srail Ai-raamoric]. Ueber die Ausscheidung der Verdauungsfermente (Pepsin, Trypsin, Ptyalin) aus dun Organisrnus bei gesunden und kranken Menscheu. Virchow, Arch., 121, 1890, 554-597. Benderskij, ,S'. Zur Frage iiber Quecksilbervergiftung. |1H97.1 Dorpat Sber., 11, 1896, 217-244. Bendire, (J/oy.) Charles E[mil]. For biography and works see Auk, 14, 1897, 253, 327-329; 15, 1898, 1-6; Ibis, 3, 1897, 294-296; Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 87; Science, 5, 1897, 261-262; Zoologist, 1, 1897, 230. — Eggs of the ivory gull (Gavia alba). Auk, 5, 1888, 202-203. Notes on the habits, nests and eggs of the genus Sphyrapicus, Baird. Auk, 5, 1888, 225-240; 6, 1889, 71. — Notes on the nest and eggs of Peueaaa sestivalis Bachmani, Aud., BACHMAN'S sparrow. Auk, 5, 1888, 351-356. — Notes on the habits, nests and eggs of the genus Glaucidium, Buie. Auk, 5, 1888, 366-372. — Description of the nest and eggs of the California black-capped gnat-catcher (Polioptila calif ornica, Brewster). U. S. Mus. Proc., 10, 1888, 549-550. — Notes on a collection of birds' nests and eggs from southern Arizona Territory. U. S. Mus. Proc., 10, 1888, 551-558. — Notes on the habits, nests and eggs of Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosus, the sooty grouse. Auk, 6, 1889, 32-39. — A peculiar nest of Cinclus mexicanus. Auk, 6, 1889, 75. — • Notes on the general habits, nests and eggs of the genus Passerella. Auk, 6, 1889, 107-116. — Description of the supposed nest and eggs of Zono- trichia querula, HARRIS'S sparrow. Auk, 6, 1889, 150- 152. — Picicorvus columbianus (]f'ils.), CLARKE'S nutcracker. Its nest and eggs, etc. Auk, 6, 1889, 226-236. — Description of the nest and eggs of Megascops Asio Maxwellise, the Rocky Mountain screech owl. Auk, 6, 1889, 298-302. — Notes on Pipilo fuscus mesoleucus and Pipilo Aberti, their habits, nests and eggs. Auk, 7, 1890, 22-29. — Megascops Asio Maxwellise. Auk, 7, 1890, 91. — A second nest and eggs of Picicorvus eolumbiamis taken in Colorado. Auk, 7, 1890, 92. — Directions for collecting, preparing and preserving birds' eggs and nests. U. S. Mus. Bull., 39 (Pt. D), 1891, 10 pp. — Life histories of North American birds with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. Smithsonian Contrib., 28, 1892, 446 pp.; U. S. Mus! Spec. Bull., 1, 1892, 446 pp. — An attractive addition to the avifauna of the United States. Icterus gularis yucatanensis, von lirrlepsch. Auk, 10, 1893, 366-367. — The cowbirds. Smithsonian Rep. (U. S. Nat. Mus. Rep.), 1893, 587-624. — Tympanuchus americanus Attwateri, Bendire. ATI- WATER'S or southern prairie hen. Auk, 11, 1894, 130- 132. — Descriptions of nests and eggs of some new birds, collected on the island of Aldabra, north-west of Mada- gascar, by Dr. W. L. ABBOTT. [1894.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 17, 1895, 39-41. — The American barn owl breeding at Washington, D. C., in winter. Ank, 12, 1895, 180-181. — Life histories of North American birds, from the parrots to the grackles, with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. Smithsonian Contrib., 32, 1895, 518 pp.; U. S. Mus. Spec. Bull., 3, 1895, 518 pp. See also under Ziittlejonn, ('hnse. Bendix, Bernhard. Zur Frage der Kinderermihrung : "Ueber die Verdaulichkeit der sterilisirteu und nicht sterilisirten Milch." Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 38, 1894, 393- 429. — Beitrage zurn Stoffwechsel des Siiuglings. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 43. 1896, 23-53 ; 46, 1898, 308-331. — Zur Frage der Amniouiakausscheidung diirch den Bendix] 43G [Benecke Hani bei mageudarmkranken Saiiglingen. Jbuch. Kin- derheilk., 48, 1898, 105-173. • Ueber den Einnuss der Menstruation auf die Lacta- tion. I is'.is.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 310-317. — Ein Stoffwechselversuch beiru atrophisfhen Saugling. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Alth.), 1899 (Suppl.), 200- 217. Bendix, Krn.it. Berieht iiber Versuche, wic viel Zucker nacb Darreichung verschiedeiier Khveiss- Arteii im thieri- schen Organismus gebildet wird. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phiixinl. Alitli.). 1900 (Suppl.), 309-311. Bendix, Krnut, it Wohlgemuth, Juliu*. Ueber Reindar- stellung des Glvkogi-ns. 1'lliiger, Arch. Physiol., 80,$ 1900, 2US-240. Bendix, I'unl, it Anschutz, Itielinnl. .S'r/1 Anschutz it Bendix. Bendix, /'-ein-e] L. Si;- Herrick it Bendrat. Bendt, l''i;in . l>ic Kraftiibertragung und ihre Methoden. Centr/t;.'. Ojitik, 15, 1894. s7-'.Hl. Bendz, C'. 11 '. Hvad er centrifugalkraft? Tidsskr. Phys. i li> in., 32, 1893, 225- 1':!!',. Bendz, llnux. Bidrag till kiinnedomen om hangnings- diidens fenornen. Lund. Univ. Acta, 21, 1885-86 (Mi, I.), 50 + xxxvi pp. Bene, iSi'zu. A resicza-domi'ini Liasz kSsze'nbanyak 4s kiirnvi ''kiMiek geologiai viszonyairol. [Ueber die geolo- gischen Verhaltnisse der Lias-Kohlengruben von Resicza- Dornan mid ihrer Umgebung. ] l''iildt. Kiizlrm., 21, 1891, 2S9-3MO, 325-338. Bcncch, [Louis Victor Alfred] Kluplie. Tuxalhumine retiree de la chair d'angnille de riviere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 833-836; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 35-37. — Action de I'isoc.yanate de phi nyle et de 1'isotliiocyanate de phi'-nvle sur les acides bibasiques. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 13(1,' 1900, !)20-92:i. — De la toxicite des urines. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), SOS-soil. Benech, | /.I/MI'.- Victor Mfn;l\ l-:in]iln-, it Cassaet, [Jean] J''\ ric Tin udoti']. Sec Cassaet.it Bcncch. Benecli, [7.i////- I'ii-lnr Alfn;l\ Kluplie, Layet, A[le.eandre Kl-nir], it LeDantec, Ah'.rnndre. See Layet, Le Dantec ,\ Benecli. Bcnech, L\_ueien], Contribution a la nosographie de 1'ictere febrile essentiel. Arch. Med. Pbarni. Militaires, 13, 1889, 431-448. Benecke, /.'. rtliuld. For biography sec Humboldt, 5, 1886, 210; Konigsb. Schr., 27, 1887 (Sber.), 17-18. — Ein ueuer Cyprinoidenbastard. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 228-230. Benecke, K[nist] ll'[illielin]. 'Ueber die Trias in Elsass Lothringen und Luxemburg. Els.-Lotbr. Geol. Karte Abb., 1, 1877, 490-829. ' Knite des Grigua-Gebirges. Neues Jbuch. Miu., 1884 (/>',/. 1), S1-S2. — Ueber Cidaris Buchi, Muslr. Neues Jbuch. Mio., 1884 (/,'./. 2), 132-134. — Erlauterungeu zu eiuer geologischen Karte des Grigna- (Jebirges. [1SS4.] Neues Jbuch. Min. (Hril.-lltl.), 3, 1885, 171-2.-)!. — Ueber eine Ophiure aus dem englischen Khat. Neues Jbucb. Min., 1886 (7M. 2), 195-2HO. -- Erlauterlingen zu Blatt Lembach. Els.-Lothr. Geol. Kurte Erliiut., 1892, 40 pp. — Bemerkungen iiber die Gliederung der oberen aljiinen Trias und iiber alpineu und ausseralpinen Muschelkalk. I i. iburg Her., '.i, 1895, 221-244. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Jura in Deutsch-Lothringen. Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abh., Heft 1, 1898, 97 pp. — Lettenkohlengruppe uud Lunzer Sehichten. Freiburg Ber., 10, 1898, 1H9-1S1. — Myophoria inllata, Eminr., iui sehvviUiiscben Rhiit. Nine's Jbuch. Min., 1900 (lid. 1), 218-224. — Myophoria intlata, Kmmr. Centrbl. Min., 1900, .">. Benecke, !•'[ nut] Il'[ illn-lin], it Rosenbusch, //. *Einlei- I ende Bemerkungen iiber die neue geologische Landes- Autnabnie \nii Klsass-Lothriugen. Ver/.eichniss der mineralogiscben Litteratur. Chronologischer Ueberblick iler iniih liilnL i-ehen und geologischen Litteratur iiber die lleirlislaiide Elsass-Lothriugen. [1875.] Els.-Lothr. Geol. Knrie Abb.. 1, 1877, i-xxvi, 1-77. Benecke, E[rn*t\ }\'[illielm\, Andreae, A[ehille.<], Scbu- macner, /['i;i/n], A VTerveke, /.[CH/ID/I/] mil. See Andreae, Benecke, Schumacher A Wcrvekc. Benecke, I'rnn:. Heitrag zur Kenutuiss der Ursachen des Waclistliimis. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. liei ., 2, 1884, 5-12. Kleine liiolii ;..'] die Studie iiber das liliitheiikupfchen VMM T,,,.i\;icuui officinale. Deutsch. B<4. lies. Ber., 2, 1884. 192 1 '.I'). Benecke] 437 [Beneden — Ueber den Nachweis des Samens tier Kornrade (Agro- sternma githago, L.) in Mahlproducten. Landw. Ver- suchs-Stat., 31, 1885, 407-414. Ueber die KniJllchen an den Leguminosen-Wurzeln. Bot. Centrbl., 29, 1887, 53-54. — Ueber die Ursacheu der Verauderungen, welche sich wiihrend des Reifungsprocesses im Einmenthaler Kiise vollziehen. Ceutrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 521-526. — Ueber die Mykorhiza. Zusammeufassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 753-755, 781-785. — Zum Naclnveise der Mahlprodukte des Roggens in den Mahlprodukten des Weizens. Landw. Versuchs-Stat. , 36, 1889, 337-366. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Wachsthumsgeschwindig- keit. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 11, 1893, 47!! 1 711. - Ueber das Chinosol. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 65-73, 114-120. Benecke, /•><(«-, & Schulze, E. Untersuchungen iilirr den Einmenthaler Kiise und iiber einige andere schweizerische Kiisesorten. Landw. Jbiich., 16, 1887, 317-400. Benecke, H'i.lhel»i. Die Nebenzellen der Spaltuffuungen. Bot. Ztg., 50, 1892, 521-529, 537-546, 553-562, 569-57*, 585-593, 601-607. — Ein Beitrag zur mineralischen Nabrung der Prlanzen. [1895.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, (105)-(117). — Die zur Ernabrung der Schimmelpilze nothwendigen Metalle. Priugsheirn, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 28, 1895, 487- 530. — Die Bedeutimg des Kaliums und des Magnesiums fur Entwickelung und Wachsthum des Aspergillus niger, i>. Tli., sowie einiger anderer Pilzformen. Bot. Ztg., 54, 1896 (Alitli. 1), 97-132. — Ueber Culturbediuguugen einiger Algeu. Bot. Ztg., 56, 1898 (Abth. 1), 83-96, (Abth. 2), 236. — Meelianismus und Biologie des Zerfalles der Cunjnga- tenladt'U in die einzelnen Zelleu. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 32, 1898, 453-476. — Ueber farblose Diatomeen der Kieler Fiihrde. 1'rings- heim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 35, 1900, 535-572. Beneden, A. van, it Corin, Gabriel. See Corin it Beneden. Beneden, Edoitard van. *[Die ersten Entwickluugser- scheinungen bei Limulus.] Deutsch. Natt'. Tagebl., 1873, 58. — Sur quelques animaux nouveaux pour la t'aune littorale beige, forinant une faune locale toute particuliere au voisinage du bane de Thornton. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 646-650. — Sur la presence a Liege du Niphargus puteauus, Sch. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 650-652. — Sur la presence en Belgique du Bothriocephalua latus, Bremser. Brux., Ac. Bull., 12, 1886, 265-2*0. — [Ueber seine Uutersuchungen an den ersten Entwick- lungsstadien von Siiugetbieren (Kaninchen, Maus, Vesper- tilio murinus).] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 374-375. — Les genres Ecteinascidia, Herd., Bbopalaja, Phil., et Sluiteria, n.g. Note pour servir a la classification des Tuniciers. Brux., Ac. Bull., 14, 1887, 19-45. — Les Tuniciers sont-ils des poissons degeneres? Quel- ques mots de response a DOHKN. Zool. Anz. , 10, 1887, 407- 413, 433-436. — Sur la fecondation chez 1'Ascaride megalooephale. (Rectification.) Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 104. — De la fixation du blastoeyste a la inuqueuse utrriiH' chez le murin (Vespertilio muriuus). Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 17-27. — De la formation et de la constitution du placenta chez le murin (Vespertilio murinus). Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 351-364. — JUons. GUIGNARD et la decouverte de la division longi- tudinale des anses chromatiques. Arch, ile Biol., 9, 1889, 485-495; 10, 1890, 105-126. — Les Authozoaires pelagiques recueillis par le Prof. HENSEN, dans sou expedition du plankton, i. Unelarve voisine de la larve de SEMPER. Brux., Ac. Bull., 20, 1890, 55-99; Arch, de Biol., 10, 1890, 485-521. — Seconde reponse a Munsii'iir GUIONABD au sujet de la division longitudinale des anses chromatiques. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 157-1113. Recherches sur le developpement des Arachnactis. Contribution a la morphologic des Ci'riantbides. Brux., Ac. Bull., 21, 1891, 179-214; Arch, de Biol., 11, 1891, 115-146. — [On the relations of protoplasm.] Nature, 50 (1894), 434. — [On the origin and morphological signification of the notochord.] Nature, 50 (1894), 434. — Le Phreoryctes menkeanus dans les provinces de Liege et de Lirnbourg. Brux., Ac. Bull., 29, 1895, 341-346. — Un court-vite, Cursorius isabellinus, Meyer, tire' en Belgique. Brux., Ac. Bull., 29, 1895, 346-352. — Sur deux points de 1'histoire des globules polaires. Brux., Ac. Bull., 34, 1897, 21-24. — Sur la presence, chez Phouime, d'uu canal archente- rique. Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 349-3f)6. Recherches sur les premiers stades du developpement du murin (Vespertilio murinus). Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 305-334, ,524-526. Beneden, Edouard run, & Duval, Mathias. Les placentas diseoi'des. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 729-732. , Beneden, Kdouard van, & Julin, Charles. *0bservatious sur la maturation, la fecondation et la segmentation de 1'ceuf chez les Cheiropteres. [1880.] Brux., Soc. Beige Mier. Bull., 7, [1883], Ivii-lxvii or liv-lxiv. — Recherches sur la formation des annexes fcetales chez les Mamrniferes (lapin et Cheiropteres). Arch, de Biol., 5, 1884, 369-434. — Recherches sur le developpement postembryonnaire d'une Phallusie (Phallusia scabroi'des, iwv. sj>.). Arch, de Biol., 5, 1884, 611-638. — La spermatogenese chez 1'Ascaride megalocephale. Brux., Ac. Bull., 7, 1884, 312-342. — La segmentation chez les Ascidiens et ses rapports avec 1'organisation de la larve. Brux., Ac. Bull., 7, 1884, 431-447; Arch, de Biol., 5, 1884, 111-126. — Le systeme nerveux central des Ascidies adultes et .ses rapports avec celui des larves urodeles. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 13-72; Arch, de Biol., 5, 1884, 317- 367. — Les orifices branchiaux externes des Ascidiens et la formation du eloaque chez Phallusia scabroi'des, nov. sp. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 631-646. Recherches sur la morphologic des Tuniciers. [1885.] Arch, de Biol., 6, 1887, 237-476. Beneden, Edouard van, it Neyt, Adulphe. Nouvelles recherches sur la fecondatiou et la division mitosique chez 1'Ascaride megalocephale. Brux., Ac. Bull., 14, 1887, 215-295. Beneden, P[ierre] J[os?ph] fan. For biography and works see Mex., Soc. " Alzate " Mem., 7, 1893 (Rev.), 52-54; Bologua Rend., 1893-94, 35-38; Brux., Ac. Bull., 27, 1894, 201-208; Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 8, 1894, 20-23; Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 29 (1894), v-ix; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 50, 1894 (Pruc.), 56-57; Leopoldina, 30, 1894, 55-56; Micr. Soc. Jl., 1894, 118-119; Nature, 49 (1893-94), 293-294; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 90-92; Jl. de Conch., 43, 1895, 76; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 24, 1895, 151-153; Rev. Quest. Sci., 37, 1895, 336-348; Roy. Soc. Proe., 57, 1895, xx-xxii; Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 20, 1896, 3-18. - *Une baleiue fossile de Croatie, appartenaut au genre Mesocete. [1882.] Brux., Ac. Mem., 45, 1884 (No. 2), 29 pp. — Une nouvelle Balfenoptera rostrata dans la Mediter- rauee. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 713-719. Beneden] 438 [Benedict — Un mot sur les deux Balenopteres d'Ostende de 1827 et de 1885. Brux., Ac. Bull., 9, 1885, 145-151. — Sur 1'iipparition d'une petite gamme de vraies baleinrs sur les cotes est lies Etats-Unis d'Ame>ique. Brux., Ac. Bull.. 9. 1885, 212-214. — Sur la baleine pechee le 15 mai 1885, par le bateau Le (Inn/nix ile Fecamp. Brux., Ac. Bull., 10, 1885, 582. — Les Cetaees des mers d'Europe. Brux., Ac. Bull., 10, 1885, 707-732. — Sur quelques ossements de Cetaces recueillis an pied du Caucase. Brux., Ac. Bull., 11, 1885, 281-2B3. — Description des ossements fossiles des environs d'Anvers. [4itme et 5if'"'L' parties. Cetaces.] Brux., Mus. Hist. Nat. Ann., 9, 1885, 40 pp. ; 13, 1886, 139 pp. — Histoire naturelle de la baleine des Basques (Bala'iia biscayensis). Brux., Mem. Couronn. (8" Kd.), 38, 1886, No. 5, 44 pp. — Histoire naturelle de la baleine tranche (BaL'ena mysticetus). Brux., Mem. Couronn. (8" Ed.), 40, 1887, No. 1, 55 pp. — Histoire naturelle de la baleine _ a liosse (Megaptera boops). Brux., Me,m. Couronn. (8" AW.), 40, 1887, No. 2, 42 pp. Ueber einige Cetaceen-Reste vom Fusse des Kaukasus. Deutscb. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 39, 1887, 88-95. — Histoire uat.urelle des Balenopteres. Brux., Mem. Couronn. (8° Ed.), 41, 1888, No. 1, 145 pp. — Les Ziphioi'des des mers d'Europe. Brux., Mem. Conronn. (8° Ed.), 41, 1888, No. '1, 119 pp. — Deux Cestodes nouveaux ile Lamnacornubica. Brux., Ac. Bull., 17, 1889, 68-74. — Un mot sur les Ceiaces qui frequentent les Aeorcs. Brux.. Ac. Bull., 17, 1889, 537-544. — Histoire naturelle des Delphinides des mers d'Europe. Brux., Me,m. Couronn. (8" Ed.), 48, 1889, No. 2, 253 pp. — Sur un nouveau Ziphius qui vient d'ecbouer dans la Mediterranee. Brux., Ac. Bull., 19, 1890, 4-7. — Un Nematode nouveau d'un Galago de la cote de Guinee. Brux., Ac. Bull., 19, 1890, 3s(l-393. — Une Coronule de la baie de Saint-Laurent. Brux., Ac. Bull., 20, 1890, 411-54. — Deux Lerneopodieus nouveaux recueillis 1'un aux Aeores, 1'autre sur les cotes ilu Senegal. Brux., Ac. Bull., 22, 1891, 23-3:1. — Un mot sur line bande d'Hyperoodons echoue,s en partie dans la Tamise, en partie sur les cotes de Normandie. Brux., Ac. Bull., 22, 1891, 2(12-205. — Un Argule nouveau des cotes d'Afrique. Brux. , Ac. Bull., 22, 1891, 309-378. — Une uouvelle i'amille daus la tribu des Schizopodes. Brux., Ac. Bull., 22, 1891, 444-459. — Le male de certains Caligides et un nouveau genre de cette i'amille. Brux.. Ac. Bull., 23, 1892, 220-23;',. — Uu Cetace fiuviatile d'Afrique. Brux., Ac. Bull., 23, 1892, 350-3f>5. — (Juelqnes nonveaux Caligides de la cole d'AIVirjue et de 1'arcbipel des Aeores. Brux., Ac. Bull., 24, 1892, 241- 262. — La mer Noire et ses Cctaces vhants et, fossiles. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. 11.], 1892 (/'/. li, I (Ms] s (l,h). — Un mot sur le squale pcMerin. Brux., Ac. Hull., 2(1, 1893, 33-36. Beneden, /'[KT;V] -/[nscyi/i] run, & Renard, A[l]>ln>its,' \ i'. La station marine d'Edimbourg. Brux., Ac. Bull., 7, 1884, 721-732. Benedicenti, .Illtericu. Ricercbe sulle terininazioui nervose uella mucosa della trachea. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (/'roc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 132-133. — Del!' azione dell' etere cianacetico sulla ae. tehai t. Arch. Sci. Med. , 23, 1899, 195 2 Is. Benedicks, Curl |_liv/ l-'r, /], Dennis, L[t>ni.i] M[i(itnn'\, & Gill, A. C. Sec Dennis, Benedict A' Gill. Benedict, Frnm-i* iluiio. Douhle haloids of antimony ami potassium. Amer. Ac. Proc., 29, 1894, 212-227. — Double haloid salts of antimony, calcium, and mag nesium, with observations on the remarkable dissociation of these compounds. Amer. Ac. Proc., HO, 1895, 9-lli. — Absorption apparatus for elementary organic: analysis. Amer. Chem. Jl., 23 (1900), 323-334. — The elementary analysis of organic substances con- taining nitrogen. Amer. Chem. Jl., 23 (1900), 334-352. — The distillation of ammonia in the determination of nitrogen. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 22, 1900, 259-2(53. Benedict, Francis Gano, & Norris, R[obrrt] S. The determination of small quantities of alcohol. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 20, 1898, 293-302. Benedict, Francis Gano, & Osterberg, F.mil. The ele- mentary composition and heat of combustion of human fat. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Physiol. , 4, 1901, 69-76. Benedict, Francis Gano, \r Tower, Olin Freentdn. The use of compressed oxygen in elementary organic analysis and of soda-lime in the quantitative determination of carbon dioxide. Amer. Cheni. Soc. Jl., 21, 1899, .".*'.( .'Ids. Benedict, II[arry] Y[andell], The effect upon the Euleriau period of an inequality in the equatorial moments of inertia. [1897.] Astr.' JL, 18, 1898, 78. - On the rotation-velocity of the earth. Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 135. Benedict, Hans. Das /3-Ketohydrinden, CH CH II CH \ \ CH, C/ I < C\ * \ / CH, CH Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 41, 1889, 244. — [Ueber Ringketone.] vn. Das /3-Hydrindon und einige seiner Derivate. Liebig's Ann., 275, 1893, 351- 356. Benedict, Harris 3I[illi.'r]. On the structure of two fish tapeworms from the genus Proteocephalus, Wfinlninl, 1858. Jl. Morphol., 16, 1900, 337-368. Benedict, James E. *[A four-days' cruise of the Allmlrnss. \ Register of invertebrates captured. Science, 2, 1883, 617-618. Surface-collecting on the Albatross. Science, 7, 1886, 300-301. — [Report on the work of the United States Fish Commission steamer Albatross for the year ending December 31, 1884.] Report of the Naturalist. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 12, 1886, 86-105. — Descriptions of ten species and one new genus of annelids from the dredgings of the U. S. Fish Com- mission steamer Albatross. U. S. Mus. Proc., 9, 1887, 547-553. — Decapod Crustacea of Kingston harbor. [1892.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [11 (1891-92)], 77. — Preliminary descriptions of thirty-seven new species of hermit crabs, of the genus Eupagurus, in the U. S. National Museum. [1892.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 15, 1893, 1-26. — Corystoid crabs of the genera Telmessus and Eri- macrus. [1892.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 15, 1893. 223-230. Notice of the crustaceans collected by the United States scientific expedition to the west coast of Africa. | 1S93.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 16, 1894, 535-541. — Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. No. xxxi. Descriptions of new genera and species of crabs of the family Litho- didie, with notes on the young of Litbodes camtschaticus and Lithodes brevipes. U. S. Mus. Proc., 17, 1895, 479-488. • A question concerning a British pagurid. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 18, 1896, 99-100. — Preliminary descriptions of a new genus and three new species oif crustaceans from an artesian well at San Marcos, Texas. U. S. Mus. Proc., 18, 1896, 615-617. — A revision of the genus Synidotea. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1897, 389-404. The Arcturida,' of the U. S. National Museum. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 12, 1898, 41-51. Two new isopods of the genus Idotea from the coast of California. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 12, 1898. 53-55. Benedict, James E., & Rathbun, Man/ J. The genus Panopeus. [1891.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 14, 1892, 355-385. Benedict, James E., & Webster, Harrismi E. See Webster ,\ Benedict. Benedikt, Hcinrii-li, & Beck, tinma. Hfe Beck & Benedikt. Benedikt, Moriz. *Kephalometrie bei idiopathischer i. e. hereditarer aus Eclampsia infantilis hervorgegangeuer oder in der ersten Kindheit erworbener Epilepsie. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 310-311. — Die Krunimungsrliichen am Schadel. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 273-275. — Kephalometrischer Befund bei corticaler angeborener Blindheit. Neurol. Centrbl., 5, 1886, 217-218. Ueber die Bedeutung der Kraniometrie fur die theo- retischen und practischen Facher der Biologie. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1887, 197-204. Drei Chinesen-Gehirne. Anatomische Mittheilung. Med. Jbuch., 2, 1887, 121-133. Beitriige zur Anatouiie der Gehiru-Oberfliiche. Med. Jbuch., 3, 1888, 39-66. — Der Schadel des Raubrnorders SCIIIMAK. Med. Jbiich., 3, 1888, 169-182. — Ein neues Diagramm der Medianebeue. Neurol. Centrbl., 8, 1889, 121-123. — Eiuige qualitative Varietiiten des Kniephanoniens. Neurol. Centrbl., 8, 1889, 489-491, 545-546. — Ueber die Fissura calloso-margiualis. Int. Med. Cougr. Verb.., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 1), 47. — Some points on the surface-anatomy of the brain. An open letter to Sir William TUHNER. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 25, 1891, 210-221. — Zur Lehre vorn Knochenwachstum. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 30, 1892, 529-531, 546-547. — Les priucipes de la craniometrie. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892 (2), 287-296. — Die Beuennungsfrage in der Schadellehre. Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 22, 1892, [101]-[105]; Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1893, 19-21, 34-37. — Ein Fellah-Gehiru. Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 23, 1893, [99]-[102]. — Vergleichung des Schadel-Schlafe-Lappens der Thiere und des Meuschen. [With discussion.'] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Anat.), 10-12. Antwort auf den vorhergehenden offenen Brief des Herrn Prof. Dr. Aurel VON TiiKoK [iiber Probleme der Benedikt] 440 [Beneke Kraniologie und Forschungsmethoden in derselben]. Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 25, 1895, [9]-[13]. • Ueber den Begriff "Krampf." Wien. Med. Wschr., 45, 1895, 505-509, 554-558. — Nouvelle contribution a 1'anatomie compared du eerveau. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1896, 228-241. — Weitere Beitrage zur Biomechauilc des Kreislaufes. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 2033-2038. — Beitriige zur Augenkunde. Arch. f. Opbtlmlm., 43, 1897, 683-705. — De la eonduetibilite bilaterale des nerfs. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1897 (Vol. 2, ,S'<-ct. 2), 30-31. — La theorie des mouvements atactiques spinaux. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 40. — La biomeeanique de la circulation. Progres Med., 6, 1897, 49-51. — Quelques considerations sur la propagation des excita- tions dans le systeme nerveux. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 39, 1898, 14-21. — Weitere kathetometrische Studien. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Aunt. Abth.), 1899, 353-388. Benedikt, Mori; (ft ulii). [Auomalie della superticie del- 1'encefalo nei criminal!. Discussione.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 4, Puichiatr.), 83-86. Benedikt, Rudolf. For biography and works sec Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1896, 407-409; Chera. Ztg., 20, 1896, 127-128; Leopoldina, 32, 1896, 50. — Ueber das Morin. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, (133. — Ueber eine neue Methode zur Untersuchung von Fetten. Ztschr. Chem. Ind., 1, 1887, 149-152. — Die von Hubl'sche Jodadditionsmethode. Ztschr. Chem. Ind., 1, 1887, 213-214. — Die Analyse der Tiirkischrothole. Ztschr. Chem. Ind., 1, 1887, 325-326. Zur Kenntuiss des Destillat-Stearins. (Vorliiuh'ge Mittheilung.) Wien, Ak. Sber. , 97, 1889 (Abtli. 26), 492-494 ; Mhefte. Chem., 1888, 518-520 ; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 491-402. — Beitriige zur Fettanalyse. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 835- 836. — Ueber SCHMIDT'S Verfahren zur Umwandlung von Oelsaure in feste Fettsanren. [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (Abth. 26), 89-101; Mhefte. Chem., 1890, 71-83. — Ueber ROESE'S Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Alkohols. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 44-45. Ueber die Analyse von Bleiglanz uud Bleisulfat. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1892, 43-44. — Biirettenschwimmer. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 217. — Ueber Neuerungen in der Technologic uud Analyse der Fette. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 650-653. — Zur Analyse des Bieneuwachses. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 1922. — Ueber EKENIJERG'S Raih'nationsverfahren von Oelen, Fetten u. dgl. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 672- 676. Benedikt, Rinlulf, .V Bamberger, Mii.r. Ueber fine quanti- tative Reaction des Lignius. [189U.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (Abth. 2b), 289-206; Mbefte. Chem., 1890, 260- 267. — Zur Bestimmung des Holzschliffes im Papiere. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 221-222. — Ueber die Eimvirkung von Jodwasserstoffwiure auf Bchwefelbaltige Substauzeu. Wien, Ak. Sber. , 100, 1891 (Abth. 26), 5-8; Mhefte. Chem., 1891, 1-4. Benedikt, Rudolf, & Cantor, Mathias. Ueber die Bestim- mung des Glyceringehaltes von Rohglycerinen. [18S8.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 07, 1889 (Abth. 26), 480-485; Mhefte. Chem., 1888, 521-526; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 460- 462. — Ueber die volnmetrische Bestimmung des Zinkoxydes. Ztschr. Augew. Chem., 1888, 236-237. Benedikt, liuilolf, len Hirnhernien." in. Zur Genese der Leberangiorne.] Virchow, Arch., 119, 1890, 54-80. — Zur Lehre von der Versprengung von Nebennierenkei- rnen in die Niere; nebst Bemerkungen zur allgemeineu Onkologie. I'.eitr. Path. Anat., 9, 1891, 440-487. — 1'rlirr i iii'1 Modification des Weigert'schen Fibriu- farbeverfiihirus. Anat. Auz., 8, 1893 (Annt. Ci's. fi'iii.). L6S-167. Beneke] 441 [Benham — Zur Methodik der Gelatinestichkultur. Centrlil Bakt., 14, 1893, 174-175. — Ueber einige Resultate einer Modification der Weigert- schen Fibrinfarbungsmethode. Ceuttbl. Path., 4, 1893 580-590. — Epithelfaserung der menschlichen Oberhaut. Deutscb. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Hrllfte 1), 24. Ueber Fettembolie. Dentsoh. Natf. Verb., 1895 (Th. 2 Hlil/te 2), 4-5. — Zur Frage der meningealen Cholesteatome. Virchow, Arch., 142, 1895, 420-44(5; 149, 1897, 95-123. — Zur Technik der Oberkiefer- und Naseuhohlensection. Centrbl. Path., 7, 1896, 817-820. — Die Fettreaorption bei natiirlioher und kiinstlicher Fettembolie und verwandten Zustanden. Beitr. Path. Anat., 22, 1897, 343-411. — Ueber pathologischesWachsthum. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 122-126. — Ueber einige Anpassungeu der Gewebe an mechanische Bedingungen. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 128-133. — Ueber freies Wachsthum metastatischer Geschwulstele- mente in serosen Hohlen. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 04, 1899, 237-265. Zur Techuik der Bauchsectiou. Centrbl. Path., 11, Benham, Charles E. Dichromatism in Euglena. Essex Natlist., 4, 1890, 142. — A butterfly on the warpath. Essex Natlist., 7, 1893, 126-127. — The artificial spectrum top. Nature, 51 (1894-95), 113-114, 200, 321. - Colours of mother-of-pearl. Nature, 52 (1895), 619- 1900, 433-436. — Ueber die Entstehung der Milzcysteu. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 3, Anat. Path.), 317-320. — Ein Fall von Osteoid-Chondrosarcorn der Harublase, mil Bemerkungen iiber Metaplasie. Virchow, Arch., 161, 1900, 70-114. Beneke, Rudolf, & Lesser, Kdmund. See Lesser & Beneke. Benel, Jdnos. A- Crede-fele eziist-sebkezelesrol. Die Crede'sche Silber - Wundbehaudluug. Orvos - Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1897, 167-186, (Rev.) 29-31. Benelli, T[ito], & Antony, Ubaldo. See Antony & Benelli. Bcnesch, Fritz. Die Raxalpe und der Wiener Schneeberg. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 29, 1898, 197-228. Benest, Henry. On some repairs to the South American Company's cable off Cape Verde in 1893 and 1895. [With discussion.] [1897.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 26, 1898, 209-256, 260-316. — Submarine gullies, river outlets, and fresh-water escapes beneath the sea-level. Geogr. Jl., 14, 1899, 394-413. Benetti, Jncopo. Teoria generate delle pompe centrifughe. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1886, 655-699. — La legge empirica delta trasmissione del calore attra- verso la superficie riscaldata delle caldaie a vapore. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1897, 123-175. — Formole fondamentali di applicazione generate per le turbine motrici e per le pompe ceutrifughe elevanti. [1898.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1897, 521-540. Benevento, Alberto. Sopra 1' o-Br-/>-anisulina. Napoli, Bend., 37, 1898, 279-284; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Pt. 2), 202-208. Benfenati, P. A. Composizione della cenere della Clematis vitalba. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 124-125. Benger, F. Baden. On the digestive ferments. Soc. Cheni. Ind. JL, 6, 1887, 189-193. Bengin, A. Note sur les zebus de la plaine de Bone. France Soe. Accliru. Bull., 45, 1898, 209-213. Bengough, A. H. The periodicity of earth-currents. Electrician, 22, 1889, 519-520. Bengtsson, Simon. Bidrag till kannedornen om larven af Phalocrocera replicata (Lin.). Lund. Univ. Acta, 33, 1897 (Soc. Physiogr., No. VH, 109 pp.). Ueber sogen. Herzkorper bei Insectenlarven. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Blutgewebe. [1899.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 25, 1900 (Afd. 4), No. 3, 23 pp. R. S. A. C. 620. — A theory of the Rontgen phenomena, [ll'itlt ilisfns- sion.) [1896.] Photogr. Jl., 21, 1897, 74-76, 78. Benham, F. Lucas. Case of haemorrhage into the pons Varolii: venesection: recovery. Clin. Soc. Trans., 29, 1896, 132-136. Benham, William Bla.rlund. Studies on earthworms. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 26, 1886, 213-301; 27, 1887, 77- 108, 561-572. — Recent researches on earthworms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 749-750. — British earthworms. [1888-92.] Nature, 38, 1888, 319; 47 (1892-93), 102. — Note on a new earthworm. Zool. Auz., 11, 1888, 72-75. — [Notes on the zoology of Fernando Noronha.] Oli- goehajta. [1888.] Lain. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 20, 1890, 560-563. — The anatomy of Phoronis australis. [1889.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 30, 1890, 125-158. — The genera Trigaster and Benhamia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 414-417. — An attempt to classify earthworms. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 201-315. "Atrium" or "prostate"? Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 368-372. — Note on a couple of abnormalities. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 256-258. — Report on an earthworm collected for the Natural History Department of the British Museum, by EMIN Pasha, in Equatorial Africa. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1891, 161- 168. — The nephridium of Lumbricus and its blood supply ; with remarks on the nephridia in other Chastopoda. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 293-334. — Notes on some aquatic Oligoehieta. [1891.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 33, 1892, 187-218. — An earthworm from Ecuador (Rhinodrilus ecuadori- ensis). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 237-246. — Note on the occurrence of a freshwater nemertine in England. Nature, 46, 1892, 611-612. — Notes on two acanthodriloid earthworms from New Zealand. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 33, 1892, 289-312. — Descriptions of three new species of earthworms. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 136-152. — A new English genus of aquatic Oligochffita (Spar- ganophilus) belonging to the family Rhinodrilidfe. [1892.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 34, 1893, 155-179. — Description of a new species of Moniligaster from India. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 34, 1893, 361-382. — Note on a new species of the genus Nais. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 34, 1893, 383-386. - The post-larval stage of Arenicola marina. [1893.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 3, 1893-95, 48-53. — The structure of the pharyngeal bars of Amphioxus. [1893.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 35, 1894, 97-118. — On the blood of Magelona. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 696. — On the classification of the Polychseta. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 696-697. — • The hairs of old and young Ornithorhynchus. Historical. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 156-158. — The homologies and origin of mammalian hair. Historical. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 170-180. — Notes on the clitellum of the earthworm. A criticism. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 53-55. 56 Benhaml 442 [Beuko — Notes on a particularly abnormal vertebral column of the bull-frog; and on certain other variations in the anuran column. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, 477-481. — A description of the cerebral convolutions of the chimpanzee known as "Sally"; with notes on the con- volutions of other chimpanzees, and of two orangs. [1894.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 37, 1895. 47-86. — On Benhamia ccecifera, n. up. , from the Gold Coast. [1894.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 37, 1895, 103-112. — Some Javan Pericbietidie. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 40-51. - Male of Apus. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 175. — The male of Apus cancriformis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, 17, 1896, 120-122. Some earthworms from Celebes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 429-448. — On Kynotus cingulatus, a new species of earthworm from Imerina in Madagascar. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 38, 1896, 445-463. - The blood of Mageloua. [1896.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 30, 1897, 1-17. — Fission in nemertines. [1896.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 39, 1897, 19-31. — New species of Perichasta from New Britain and elsewhere ; with some remarks on certain diagnostic characters of the genus. [1897.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 26, 1898, 198-225. — A fourth specimen of "Notornis Mantelli," Owen. — Die Wirkungsweise der Kondensatoren im Wechsel- stromkreise. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 612-615. . Ueber Dielektrika. [1893.] Innsbruck Nat. Med. Nature, 58 (1898), 547. Notes on the fourth skin of Notornis. [1898.] [1898.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 31, 1899, 146-150. — Notes on certain of the viscera of Notornis. N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 31, 1899, 151-156. — A re-examination of BUTTON'S types of New Zealand earthworms. [1898.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 31, 1899, 156-163; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 136-141. — Phosphorescent earthworms. Nature, 60 (1899), 591. — Balanoglossus otagoensis, n. sp. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 42, 1899, 497-504. — Notes on the internal anatomy of Notornis. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 88-96. — Zoological results of trawling trials off the coast of Otago. [1809.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 32, 1900, 1-3. — Note on Cordyceps Sinclairii, Berkeley. [1899.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 32, 1900, 4-8. — Note on the occurrence of the genus Balanoglossus in New Zealand waters. [1899.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 32, 1900, 9-10. — The structure of the rostellum in two new species of tapeworm from Apteryx. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 43, 1900, 83-96. Bcnickc, [ll'illielm Frit:]. *Zur Lehre vom Stoffwechsel zwischen Mutter und Frucht. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 79. — Zur Frage der Conception nach Auskratzung des Uterus. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 11, 1885, 411-415. Beninde, ,1/n.c. Beitrag zur Keuntniss der Verbreitung der Phthise durch verstaubtes Sputum. Ztschr. Hyg., 30, 1899, 193-200. Beninga. • Lantzius-Beninga. Benington, R. C. Dissection of a symeliau monster. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 25, 1891, 202-209. Benini, — — , A Bianchi-Mariotti, G. B. See Bianchi- ivi.iriotti ,1 Benini. Bcnischke, /lustnr. Experimental-Untersuchungen tiber Dielektrica. Wien, Ak. Sber. , 102, 1893 (Abth. 2«), 530-545. — Zur Frage der Wiirmetonung durch dielektrische Polarisation. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 (Alith. 2.i), 1345-1351. — Eine neue asynchrone Wechselstromtriebmaschine. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 368-369. Ber., 22, 1896, iii-iv. Stroboskopische Methoden zur Bestimmung der Um- drehungszahl kleiner Motoren, der Polwechselzahl und der Schliipfuug. [1898.] Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 142-144. Pracisions-Instrumente fur Wechselstrom. Centrztg. Optik, 21, 1900, 153-155, 161-164. Neuere Messinstrumente fiir Wechselstrome. Deutsch. Natf. Verb.., 1900 (Th. 2, Hfilftc 1), 36-39. I'eber den sogenanuten Formfaktor der Wechselstrom- kurven. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 21, 1900, ss], Case of brachial monoplegia, due to lesion of the internal capsule. [1885.] Brain, 8, 1886, 78-84. Bennett, A[If.rinnli'r] Hughes, & Snvill, Tlimmis D[I.TOII]. A case of permanent conjugate deviation of the eyes and head, the result of a lesion limited to the sixth nucleus ; with remarks on associated lateral movements of the eyeballs, and rotation of the head and neck. [1889.] Brain, 12, 1890, 102-116. Bennett, A. W. The best means of conveying electric energy in a fiery mine. [With discussion.] [1893.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., (5, 1894, 366-371. — Telephonic communications in and about coal-mines. [ With discussion.] [1895.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 10, 1896, 372-376; 11, 1896, 124-125. Bennett, Albert L. Surf scoter (Oidemia perspicillata) in Kansas. Auk, 5, 1888, 203. • Ethnographical notes on the Fang. Anthrop. lust. Jl., 29, 1899, (56-97. Notes on the habits of Goliathus Druryi. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1899, xi-xiii. Bennett, Alfred R[osling]. On the protection of buildings from lightning. Electrician, 25, 1890, 680-681. — Observations on currents originating in ordinary aerial telegraph conductors. [With discussion.] [1890.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 19, 1891, 525-537. — On some experiments in radiometry. [With discussion.] [1890.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 19, 1891, 607-624. — Electrical navigation. [1890.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 12, 1891, 330-341. — A convection-scope and calorimeter. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proe., 41, 1897, xxvii-xxviii. Bennett, Alfred William], Fungi found in sewage effluents. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc., 1884, 90-92. — On a vegetable organism which separates sulphur. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 785. — Beggiatoa alba : the so-called " sewage fungus." Pharm. Jl., 14, 1884, 878-879. — Additional localities for lake-land plants. Jl. Bot., 23, 1886, 330-331. - The flora of Canada. Nature, 32, 1885, 294. — Fresh-water Algaa (including chlorophyllaceous Proto- phyta) of the English Lake District; with descriptions of [a new genus and seventeen] new species. Micr. Soc. Jl., 6, 1886, 1-15; 1888, 1-6. — Fresh-water Algas (including chlorophyllaceous Proto- phyta) of north Cornwall; with descriptions of six new species. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1887, 8-19. — On the affinities and classification of Algfe. [1887.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 24, 1888, 49-61. — A hybrid desmid. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91, 171-172. - Vaucheria-galls. [1889-90.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91, 172-174, 300-301. - The antherozoids of cryptogams. Brit. Ass. liep., 1889, 619-620. — Systematic position of the Characeie. Nature, 40, 1889, 298. — Freshwater Algre and Sohizophyeesa of Hampshire and Devonshire. [1889.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 1890, 1-10. - Pringsheimia, like. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 92. — Reproduction among the lower forms of vegetable life. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1890, 97 114. — The revised terminology in cryptogamic botany. Nature, 41, 1890, 225-227. — Non-sexual formation of spores in the Desmidiaceffi. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 678. — European aliens in America. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 121. Sexuality among the Conjugates. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 172-173. — Aerial roots of the mangrove. Nature, 44, 1891, 370- 371. — Freshwater Alge and Schizophyceffi of southwest Surrey. [1891.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 1892, 4-12. — Algological notes. No. 3. Spore-like bodies in Clos- terium. [No. 4. Non-sexual propagation and septation of Vaucheria.] Ann. Bot., 6, 1892, 150-152, 152-154. — Alleged pseudopodes of diatoms. Nature, 45, 1892. 177. — Protection against rain in the elder. Nature, 46, 1892, 201. - Middlesex plants. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 219. — Ueber Pringsheimia. Erwiderung. Bot. Centrbl., 57, 1894, 33-34. - The planting of timber trees. [1894.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 33. — New South American species of Polygala. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 108-110. — [The reproduction of diatoms.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 1898, 691-693. See also tinder West & West . Bennett, Arthur. [Recent additions to the British flora.] [1884.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc., 1884-85, 1-4, 41-44, 69-72. — Carex ligerica, Gay, in England. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 27-28. — Carex trinervis, Deglund, in England. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884. 125. — Carex ligerica, Gay, in W. Norfolk. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 214. — Zostera nana in N. Lincoln. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 301. — Plants new to Norfolk, with notes on other species. Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 3, 1884, 633-636. — New British and Irish Carices. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 50-51. — Erica tetralix in the Faroe Islands. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 89. — Calamagrostis strigosa, Hartm., in Britain. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 253. — Carex elongata, L., in Scotland. Jl. Bot., 23, 1886, 253. — Astragalus alpinus in Forfarshire. Jl. Bot., 23, 1886, 349. Plants of Iceland and of the Faroe Islands not known as British. [1885.] Scott. Natlist., 8, 1885-86, 65-68, 116-118. New Scottish flowering plants. [1885.] Scott. Nat- list., 8, 1885-86, 180-181. — On the occurrence of Carex saliua, Wuhlnbg., ft kat- tegateusis, Fries, in Scotland. [1885.] Edinb. , Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 201-203; Scott. Natlist., 8, 1886- 86, (18-69. — On Calamagrostis strigosa (HaTtman), as a British plant, and two Carex forms new to Scotland, etc. Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 313-316. — Carex helvola, Blytt, in Scotland. Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 10, 1886, 301-362. — Recent additions to the flora of Iceland. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 67-71. Caithness botany. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 85; 27, 1889, 185. — The labelling of alien species. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886. 111- 112. — The distribution of Potamogeton in Britain. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 139-142, 362. Bennett] 445 — Carex helvola, Blytt, in Britain. .11. Bot., 24, 1886, 149. Potamogeton coriaceus, Nolte. Jl. Bot., '24, 1886, 223. - Scirpus rufus, Walillt., iu E. Suffolk. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886. 223. — Forms of Carex new to Scotland. [1N86.] Scott. Natlist., 8, 1885-86, 268. — Additional records of plants from Scotland. [1886.] Scott. Natlist., 8, 1886-86, 279-288, 309-319, 384. Cerastium latifolium, auct. Angl. [1886.] Scott. Natlist., 8, 1885-86, 331-332. —The Broads and Fens of East Auglia. [1885.] Dumfr. Callow. Soc. Trans., 4, 1887, 72. — Recent additions to the British flora. [1880.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 4, 1887, 148-155. — Epilobium lanceolatum, S. et HI., in Kent. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 27-28. — Two new forms of grasses for Britain. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 84. - Revision of the Australian species of Potamogeton. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 177-179. — Notes on Isoetes. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 206-207. — A new Potamogeton. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 289. — [Notes on Potamogetons.] Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 315 ; 28, 1890, 91-92; 3(1, 1892, 227-230; 32, 1894, 203-205; 33, 1895, 371-374; 38, 1900, 125-129. — Potamogeton rufescens, Schrad. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 372-373. — Rbynchospora fusca, R. et S., in Scotland. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 373. — Additional records of Scotch plants for the [years 1886-90]. Scott. Natlist., 9, 1887-88, 56-615, 247-261; 10, 1889-90, 99-113, 263-274; [11, 1891], 85-91, 137-141, 185-190. Notes on Nuphar pumilum and N. intermedium. Scott. Natlist., 9, 1887-88, 106-107. Arabis alpina, L., in Scotland. [1888.] Scott. Natlist., 9, 1887-88, 180-181. - Juncus tenuis, Willd., iu Scotland. [1888.] Scott. Natlist., 9, 1887-88, 181-182. — Notes on the British species of Epilobium. [1887.] Ediub., Bot. Soe. Trans., 17, 1889, 47-50. — Additions to the Scottish flora during 1887, with a resume of the year's work. [1888.] Edmb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 178-183. — On the occurrence of Calamagrostis stricta, var. borea- lis, Hartm., iu Scotland. Ediub., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 416-417. — Notes on the records of Scottish plants during 1888[-92]. [1889-93.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 417-420; 18, 1891, 254-256; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc., 19, 1893, 75-77, 253-255; 20, 1896, 35-37. — Potamogeton perfoliatus, L., var. Richardsonii. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 25. Carex elytroides, Fries, in Britain. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 117. — • The synonymy of Potamogeton rufescens, Sclirad. Jl. Bot., '27, 1889, 242-244. — The synonymy of Potamogeton Zizii, Rotli. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, '263-265. — Carex Icevigata, Sin., var. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 314. — Atriplex tatarica, L. (auct.). Jl. Bot., '27, 1889, 314- 315. Notes on some British Carices. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 330-335. - A Nitella new to the British flora. [1889.] Scott. Natlist., 10, 1889-90, 191-192. — Further records from Iceland. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 78-84. - Potamogetou Tuckermani, Robbing (1868). Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 92. — Potentilla maculata, Pourr., iu Dumfries. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 248. - Potamogeton fluitaus, Ruth. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 249. [Bennett — The nomenclature of Potamogetous. Jl. Bot., 28i 1890, 297-302 ; 29, 1891, 150-152, 307 ; 30, 1892, 227-230; 31, 1893, 132-134, 294-2'.l7. — Notice of the occurrence of Arenaria gothica, Fries, in Great Britain. [1890.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 18, 1891, 252-254. Notes on the flora of Dumfriesshire. Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 7, 1891, 84-80. Notes on Potamogeton : as treated by Dr. BICBTEB in "Plants; Europeas", pp. 11-16. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 75-76. Callitriche polymorpha, Li'mnrotk, in Surrey. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 85. — Potamogeton javanicus. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 121-122. Potamogeton javanicus, Hassk., and P. tretocarpus, Maxim. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 154. Notes on the flora of the Outer Hebrides. [1889.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proo. & Trans., 3, 1892, 37-41. Contributions towards a flora of the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 50-64; 1895, 240-247. - Records of Scottish plants for [1891-99], additional to [WATSON'S] "Topographical Botany," Ed. 2. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 119-127; 1893, 95-101; 1894, 158-164; 1895, 114-118; 1896, 113-115; 1897, 246-248; 1898, '225-229; 1899,92-94; 1900, 109-164. Linaria minor, L. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 203- Contributions towards a flora of Caithness. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 247-25'2; 1900, 108-119. — A botanical run through the Feus. [1892.] Holmes- dale Nat. Hist. Club Proc., 1890-92, 78-81. — Carex aquatilis, Wahlh., and its British forms. Irish Natlist., 1, 1892, 48-50. - Notes on the flora of Suffolk. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 8-10. — Arenaria gothica, Fries. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 86. Gentiana amarella, L., vur. praecox, Raf. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 153. Sonchus palustris, L. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 153. - Fragaria elatior, Ehrli. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 248. Note on Orobanche. Jl. Bot., 3(1, 1892, 280. - Rumex acetosella, L. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 307-308. — Vacciniuru intermedium, Itutlie. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 308. Bemerkungen iiber die Arten der Gattung Potamogetou im Herbarium des K. K. Naturhistorischeu Hofmuseums. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 7, 1892, 285-294. Notes on some Scotch plants, especially with relation to Dumfriesshire and Galloway, and their relation as native species. [1892.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 8, 1893, 85-87. • Ranunculus flammula, L., rar. petiolaris, Lange ined. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 51-52. - Caltha palustris, L., and its forms. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. , 1893", 52. — Contribution towards a flora of east Sutherland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 225-230; 1894, 25-29. — Juniperus intermedia, Schur, in Scotland. Ann. 1893, Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 250-251; Jl. Bot., 31, 250. — Orobauche cruenta, Bertoloni, iu Scotland. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc., 19, 1893, 585-580 ; Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 121-122. — Ajuga pyramidalis in Scotland. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 50-51. — Monstrosity of Orobanche caryophyllacea. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 218-219. — Some British species of (Enanthe. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 236-238. — Pyrola rotundifolia and its European forms. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 332-334. — (Enanthe silaifolia, Itieb. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 338-339. - Pyrola serotina, Mlcij. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 373. — Notes on the genus Orobanche in Scotland. [1892.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 9, 1894, 6-8. Bennett] 446 [Bennett - Chrysospleuium oppositifolium, L., in the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 186. — LinniEa borealis, Gnm., in Sutherland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. , 1894, 186-187. — Potamogeton undulatus, Wolfgang, in Ireland. Irish Natlist., 3, 1894, 124-126. — Eleocharis acicularis. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 54. — Arabis petraa, Lam., far. grandifolia, Druce. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 114. — Potamogeton prffilongus x perfoliatus? Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 153-154. — Potamogeton undulatus, Wolfg. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894 154. — Ledum palustre, L., in Scotland. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894 274-275. — Pyrola rotundifolia L., var. arenaria, Km-li. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 310-311. — Saxifraga nivalis, L. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 345. — Notes on British plants. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 304-309; 35, 1897, 244-252, 259-264. — Notes on the plants of Northumberland and Durham, in relation to their extension northwards to Dumfries. Kirkcudbright, and Wigtown. [1894.] Dumfr. Gallow! Soc. Trans., 10, 1895, 132-137. — Carex fusca, Allioni, in Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 247-249. — Potamogeton rutilus, Wolfgang. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 24. — Cladium germanieum, Seltratl., in Scotland. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 25-26. — Juncus tenuis, WilhL, in Great Britain. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 39-40. — African Potamogetons. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 137-139. — Carex notes. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 2X2-283. — Carex salina, WnliL, rar. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 315. — Elatine hexandra, DC. , in the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896. 63-61. — Carex Buxbaumii, Wahl. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 87-88. — Iceland and Faroe botany. Jl. Bot. , 34, 1896, 353-354. — Euphrasia Kerneri, Wfttstein. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 400. — Additions to the flora of the Isle of Man. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 448-449. — Geranium molle, rar. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 510. - Hypocha-ris glabra, /,. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 510-511. — Juncus tenuis, Willil., in Westerness. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 32-33. — Carex magellaniea, L. , in the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 188-190. — Isle of Man plants. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 75-76; 36, 1898, 441-442. - The British Carex frigida. Jl. Bot., 31'., 1898, 103. — Notes on the flora of Shropshire. Jl. Bot., 30, 1898, 380-381. - Elatine hydropiper, L. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 44H. — Melampyrum cristatum, L., in Hants. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 441. — Atriplex calotheca, Fries. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 119. — Scottish forms of Juncus. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 119-120. — Carex curta, Good, var. dubia, liailey (sub. canescens). Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899. LS7-188. — On Hierochloa borealis, 1!. & S., as a Scottish species. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 230-235. — Psamrna baltica, lioem. & Scliuit. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899. 135, 181. — Sussex plants. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 136. — Cumberland plants. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 225. — Notes on Cambridgeshire plants. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 243-247. — Epipactis atrorubens, Scliull. Jl. But., 37, 1899, 274 359. — Notes on East Anglian botany. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 322-320. — Hierochloe borealis in Kirkcudbrightshire. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 328. — Notes on the "Flora of Kent." Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 340-343. — Alopecurus pronus, Mitten. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 358- 359. — Selinum carvifolia, L. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 359. — Senecio paludosus and S. palustris in East Anglia. Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6. 1899, 457-402. — Stellaria nemorum, L., and S. aquatica, Heap. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 56. — Note on Alisma. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 24. — Potamogetou rutilus, ft'olj'ii., in Britain. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 05-67. — Juncus alpinus, Till., in Cumberland? Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 88. - Tragopogon pratensis, L., cur. grandiflorus. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 279. — Elynms arenarius in Sussex. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 444. Bennett, Arthur, & Grant, James F. See Grant & Bennett. Bennett, Arthur, & Grieve, Symini/ton. List of new and rare plants presented to the herbarium of the Boyal Botanic Garden. [1887.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 110-111. Bennett, (.'. T. Determination of mercury in ammoniated mercury and other mercury compounds. Pharm. Jl., 11, 1900, 575-576. Bennett, K[du-ard] H[tillaran]. On the ossicle occasionally found on the posterior border of the astragalus. [1886.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 21, 1887, 59-65. — On the variability of the upper end of the fibula. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci'., 92, 1891, '.17-100. Bennett, l<:\iltruril] H[allaran], & Cunningham, l>[aniel] J[olm], Sec Cunningham A Bennett. Bennett, J']i-. 1886, 249-252, 313-314. — Zur Untersuchung des Kuhbutterfettes. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 197-201. — Extraktionsapparat fiir Aether, Alkohol, Chloroform, etc. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 390-391. Absorptionevorlage fiir Destillationen von Ammoniak, Schwefligsiiure, u.s.w. Repertm. Anal. Chem., (i, 1886, 435. — Malzextrakt und Malzextrakt mit Zucker. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 449-452. — Speiseapparat fiir Spirituslampen, Wasserbader, etc. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 3-4. Die Bestimmung des Volumens und spezifischen Ge- wichts fester und flussiger Korper mit dem kalibrierten Fliischcheu (Piknometer). Rupertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 19-25. — Die Bestimmung des Glycerins ini Wein, i'te. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 77. — Rechtspolarisirender Naturhonig. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 117-1 In. — Tabellen zur Analysenberechnung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 87-93. Bensley, /.'. Arthur. On the inflection of the angle of the jaw in the Marsupialia and other mammals. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1900, 236-238. • A cranial variation in Macropus Bennetti. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 109-110. Bensley, Il[obt'rt] I![nssel/]. Two forms of Distomum cygnoides. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 21, 1897, 326- 331. — The histology and physiology of the gastric glands. [1896.] Canad. lust. Proc., 1, 1898, 11-16. — The structure of the mammalian gastric glands. [1898.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 41, 1899, 3111-389. — The cesophageal glands of Urodela. [1900.] Woods Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull., 2, 1901, 87-104. Benson, Arthur H[enri/]. Investigations into the nature of jequirity inflammations. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 78, 1884, 296-303. A convenient ophthalmoscope for students and prac- titioners. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 79, 1885, 85-86. Benson, (Her.) Charles II". Birds at Kissingen. Zoologist, l.r>, 1891, 415-421. — The icterine warbler. Hypolais icteriua. Garten Laubvogel. Spottvogel. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897. 117-119. — Birds on the Rigi. Zoologist, 4, 1900, 268-269. Benson, John. Ornithological notes from Norway. Zoologist, 19, 1895, 287-292. Benson, (Miss) Margaret. Contributions to the embryo- logy of the Amentiferiv. [1893.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Sot.), 3, 1888-94, 409-424. — On the phylogenetie position of the chalazogarnic AmentiferiE. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 687. Benson, 1{. df G. Shropshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 257-265. Bent, \Mtibrl Virginia Amid] (il/rs. J. Theodore). Sokotra. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 943 ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 14, 1898, 629-636. - Exploration in the Yafei and Fadhli countries. Geogr. Jl., 12, 1898, 41-63. Bent, A[rthnr] Cleveland], Omissions from the list of the birds of Bristol county, Mass. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 199-200. — Coccothraustes vespertina in Taunton, Massachusetts. Auk, 7, 1890, 289. — Black gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus obsoletus) in Rhode l.sland. Auk, 15, 1898, 54. — Mockingbird (Miums polyglottos) at Taunton, Mass. Auk, 1',, 1898, 59-60. Bent, •l[uiiit'x] III,',,, /,;/,'. Fur biography and works see Genrvu Hue. Geogr. Mrm., 30, 1897 '(Bull.), 179-180; Gcogr. Jl., 9, 1897, 070-671; Nature, 511 (1897), 35; liiv. Gt'ogr. Ilal., 4, 1898. 118 ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 14, 1898, 91-92. — Ill port of the Committee... appointed to investigate the habits and customs and physical characteristics of the ni'inad tribes of Asia Minor, and to excavate on sites of ancient occupation. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 170-186. - The Bahrein Islands, in the Persian Gulf. [1889.] Geogr. Sue. Proc., 12, 1890, 1-17. — Report of the Committee, appointed for the purpose of investigating the geography and the habits, customs, and physical characters of the nomad tribes of Asia Minor and northern Persia, and to excavate on sites of ancient utvupation. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 535-517. — Explorations in Cilicia Traeheia. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 12, 1890, ll.V liln. - Azerbeijan. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 6, 1890, 84-93. - The Youniuks of Asia Minor. [1890.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 20, 1891, 269-276. — The ruins of Mashonaland and explorations in the country. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 14, 1892, 273-298. — The tribes of Mashoualand and their origin. Scott. Geogr. Mag., s, 1892, 534-539. — The ancient trade route across Ethiopia. Geogr. Jl., 2, 1893, 140-14(1. — The exploration of Hadramout in southern Arabia. Report of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 354-358. — Expedition to the Hadramut. Geogr. JL, 4, 1894, 315-331. — The exploration of southern Arabia. Report of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 491-496. — Exploration of the frankincense country, southern Arabia. Geogr. Jl., 6, 1895, 109-133. — A visit to the northern Sudan. Geogr. Jl., 8, 1896, 335-353. Bent, Silas. Meteorology of the mountains and plains of North America, as affecting the cattle-growing industries of the United States. [18S4.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 1 (1884-85), 481-486. — [On the influence of areas of water on climate. ] [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 2 (1885-86), 145-147. — Deep-sea temperatures. [1886.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 2 (1885-86), 519. Bentabol y Ureta, Ilnniein. Las aguas de Espana y Portugal. Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 25, 1900, xi-xvi, 1-347. Bente, F. Zur Phosphorsaurebestimmung. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 617-618 ; 7, 1887, 533-534. — Kraftfuttermittel-Untersuchungen. Landw. Versuchs- Stat., 36, 1889, 129-130. — Mergel-Uutersuchungen. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 36, 1889. 131-133. Benteli, \l-'.iininn<'I\ Albert. Die Wind- und Niederschlags- verhaltnisse vou Bern. Bern Mitth., 1884 (llrft 3, Alili.), 3-39. — [Eine bedeutende Windhose, 12 Juni 1885.] Bern Mitth., 1885 (Heft 1), xvi-xvii. — Hit- Niveau-Schwankungen der 13 gri'issereii Schweizer- Seeu im Zeitrauim- drr 20 .laluv, 1867 bis und mit 1886. Bern Mitth., 1888, 81 112, — Die Niveauschwankungen der 13 grosseren Schweixcr- Seen im Zeitraume der 31 Jahre, 18(17 bis mid mit 1897, inn besonderei Beriicksichtigung der Jura-Seen vor und nai'h der Juragewasser-Correction. Bern Mitth., 1899, 33 53. Benteli, l-'ran . l''m lun-i a pli im I nnlii'i< s,-. Srliweiz. Knt. Ges. Mitth., Id. |1903|. 2115-L'll). Benteli] 451 [Bentz Benteli, Rudolf. Verzeiehuiss del- Schrnetterlinge, welche vom Mai bis Oktober 1S(I2 in Bern am elektriscbeu Lichte gefangen wurden. [1893.] Scliweiz. Eut. Ges. Mitth., 9, 1897, 40-48. Bentfeld, Gnttlieb. For biographical notice see Bremen Abh., 12, 1893, 152-154. Bentham, :. For biography and works nee Amer. Natlist., is, 1884. 1205; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 12,1884, 334-350; Bot. Gaz., '.I it 10, 1884-85, 211-213; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, xvi-xxi; Gard. Chron., 22, 1884, 336, 368, 370; Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 353-356; Nature, 30, 1884, 539-543 ; Science, 4, 1884, 352-353 ; Amer. Ac. Proc., 20, 1885, 527-538; Amer. Jl. Sci., 29, 1885, 103- 113 ; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 157-158 ; Eoy. Soc. Proc., 38, 1885, i-v; Terrat. Kiizldn., 17. 1885, 490-497; Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans. , 16, 1886, 190-192 ; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 15, 1886, 186-193; N. S. Wales Boy. Soc. Jl., 19, 1886, 2-3; Ann. Bot., 12, 1898, ix-xxx. Benthem, I . *Herleiding van de t'onuule van CARDANUS in het ouherleidbare geval. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1875, 67-69. *Theorie der functien van veranderlijke complexe getallen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1875, 124-156; 2, 1876, 1-39, 113-134; 3, 1877, 113-144. - *Convergentie van reeksen met complexe termeri. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 2. 1876, 186-192. - *De periodiciteit der functien. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 3, 1877, 186-192. - *Die slakkenlijn of cochleoide. [1883.] Nieuw Arch. Wisk., Ill, 1884, 76-80. Bentivegna, A. Le vague et le sympathique dans la pathog^nese de la pueumonie experimentale. Arch. Ital. Biol., 24, 1895, 243-257. Bentivoglio, Alberta, &• Bentivoglio, Tito. Libellulidi nuc(|ia.iieio. [Re- searches on microcephaly.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 4), 1887, 315-326. - *0 CiiHra.ieaax'B, AypoKaiiaxi, ii ra.iiifm. [On Singhalese, Araucaniaus and Galibis.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc." Sci. Bull., 4!) (No. 4), 1887, 353-367. — Le comte Alexis RAZOUMOVSKY, premier president de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. [1887.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 2, 1889, 78-95. Benzi, Armando. Contribuzione allo studio degli Imenot- teri del Modenese e particolarmente delle specie del genere Nomada, con la descrizione d' una nuova specie. Modeua Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 213-225. Benzi, Amnnnln, & Picaglia, Luigi. Contribuzione allo studio degli Imenotteri del Modenese. Teutredinei e Siricidei. [1890.] Modeua Soc. Nat. Atti, 14, 1895, 73-102. Benzon, Alfred. For biographical notice see Kjobenh. Bot. For. Medd., 1, 1882-86. 129-130. — Om sterilisation at forbindstofier, sitrlig jodoform og jodoform-gaze. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 416-422. Benzon, /.' von Fischer-. See Fischer-Benzon. Benzoni, Roberta. Esame delle ipotesi ultimamente ideate per determinate e chiarire il fatto dell' eredita. Palermo Ace. Atti, 1, 1891 (.S't-i. Moral), 34 pp. Beorchia-Nigris, Antonio. Sull' avvelenamento per es- algina. Ann. di Chirn., 14, 1891, 65-89. — Su di un caso di avvelenamento acutissimo e letale per acido nitrico. Ann. di Chim., 16, 1892, 201-209. — Sulla tossicita dell' antipirina e degli altri antipi- retici. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1895], 97-99. Due casi d'intossicazione per semi di stramonio. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1895], 529-532. — Sull' ematuria ed emoglobinuria da chinino nei rnala- rici. Rivista critica. Ann. di Chim., 25 & 26, [1897], 415-419. Bequet, . *[Les mesures de longueur prises sur des femurs et des humerus du cimetiere de Wancenne.] Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 1, 1883, 122-123. Ber. Sri- Behr. Berall, 1C. Zur Wirkung der Riintgen-Strahlen. Wirii. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 1048-1049. Beran, A. Ueber Paraamidooctylbenzol, Paraamidocapryl- beuzol und ein Amidooctyltoluol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 131-149. Beraneck, Edmond. Recherches sur le deVeloppemeut des nerfs craniens chez les lezards. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 1, 1884, 519-603. — Ueber das Parietalauge der Reptilien. Jena. Ztschr. , 21, 1887, 374-410. — Sur 1'histogenese des nerfs cephaliques. [1886.] Neuclmtel Soc. Sci. Bull.. 16, 1888, 236-238. — Des organes des sens branchiaux. [188(5.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 240-241. - Etude sur les corpuscules marginaux des Actinies. [1887.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 3-40. - Etude sur les replis medullaires du poulet. [18S7.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 4, 1888, 305-364. — L'ceil primitif des Vertebres. Arch. Sci. l'hv>. Nat., 24, 1890, 361-380. — Sur le nerf de 1'ceil parietal des Vertebres. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 589-594. — Sur le uerf parietal et la morphologic* du troisieme ceil des Vertebres. Anat. An/... 7. 1892. 674 689. — L'embryogenie de 1'oeil des Alciopides. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 554-5:,:, — L'individualite de 1'ceil pineal. Reponse a M. DE KLIXCKOWSIKOM. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893. 669-677. — Etude sur I'etnbryogenie et sur 1'histologie de I'oail des Alciopides. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 65-111. — Contribution a 1'embryogenie de la glande pineale des Amphibiens. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 255-288. — L'organe auditif des Alciopides. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 463-500. — Quelques stades larvaires d'un Chetoptere. Rev. Suisse Zool., 2, 1894, 377-402. — [Sur la bacteriologie de la diphtheric.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 23, 1895, •j:,r,--j:,7. — Les Chetognathes de la baie d'Amboine. [1895.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96. 137-159. Beraneck, Edmond, A Verrey, L. Sur une nouvelle fonction de la choroide. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 20, 1892, 49-92. Beranger, . Doigts supplimentaires sur le bord cubital de chaque main. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1887, 600-603. Berard, . "[Notes meteorologiques a] Mahelina (prov. d'Alger). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, Ft. 2, 87, 121-122. Berard, , & Bardy, Cli[arles]. Ni'c Bardy * Berard. Berard, , & Juigner, . See Juigner A Berard. Berard, , Juigner, , & Guimas, . See Juigner, Berard A Guimas. Berard, [Francois']. Note sur la marche des flotteurs dans les conrante. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 12 (1886), 830-N3.V Berard, (I'abbe) [A.]. La foudre a 1'usine a gaz de Montigny-les-Metz. [1888.] Metz Ac. Mi-in., 7(», 1893, 103-109. Berard, A[ristide], Resultats d'experieu'ces entrepiii-rs a la Poudrerie Nationale du Pont-de-Buis sur les ap- pareils de regulation de deux turbines, dans le but de coutroler les conclusions du travail de .17. LEAUTK, relatif aux oscillations a longues periodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1211-1213. — Sur la deformation des pieces comprimees et la stability des grandes charpentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1008-1010. Berard, A[riatiile], it Ii6aute, Henri/. Sur les moyens de reduirc les accroissements momentanrs do vitesse, dans les machines munies de regulateurs a action indirecte. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1167-1170. Berard, Alej-nmlri'. Les strangers et la criminality u Lyon. [K"i'f/i discussion.] Lyon Soc. Antluup. Bull., 4. 1885, 116-125. Berard, F.dnnnl, & Conn i;,tl,ri,l. .SV, Corin ,t Berard. Berard, ';. lie. Secousses de tremblement de torre a Manille, le 16 mars 1892. Bull. Astr., 9, 1892. 316 :;•>(>. — Note sur les eruptions du volcan Mayon (ile de Liivii). Ann. Hydrogr., 22, 1900, 43. Berard, Lt'on. Actinomycose de la face. |1895.J Lyou Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., '35, 1896 (('. ]!.), t4 16. Cas d'actinomycose p6ri - laryngo - oesophagienne. [1895.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 35, 1896 (C. K.), 48-51. — De la valeur de 1'iodure de potassium dans le trail, ment de I'actiiiumvctisr. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1897 (/''• 1), :;6s 371. Berard] 453 [Berberich B6r.ird, Li'iin, & Dcstot, Ktk'nnr. .S'tv Dcstot it Ber.inl. Ber.ir.i. Lruii, & Dor, Ltntis. Actinoniycose experimentale. [1893.] Lyou Soe. Sci. Med. Mem., 33, 1894 (C. 2i.), 41- 43. Berard, L<'<»i, & Nicolas, Joseph. Sur IV'tiologie de raetinomycose. [1897.] I. von Soc. Sci. Sled. Mem., 37, 1898 (C. fl.), 170-172. — Action antiseptique du persnlfate d'ammoniaque sur les microbes aerobics. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 772-774. — Note sur la resistance des spores de 1'Actinomyces. I'aris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (0. K.), 835-836. Ber.ird, Lnnt, A Paviot, J[ean]. .SV'f Paviot it Berard. Berard, Li'oii, & Poncet, Antonin. See Poncet it Berard. Berard, Li-mi, Poncet, Antiinin, it Destot, Ktieini?. .SVt Poncet, Destot it Berard. Berard, LI'UH, Poncet, Antonin, Lumiere, Aua. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 285-286. — VorlUutige Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1895. ..(Swift Aug. 20). Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 333-336. — Elliptischp Kli'inrnlr mul Epliciiicridf des I'oinctrn 1895. ..(Swift Aug. 20). Astr. Nachr., 13s, 1895, 351- 352. — Neue Elemente und Ephemeride drs Cometen 1895... (Swift Aug. 20). Astr. Naehr., 138, 1895, 307-368; 139, 1896, 31-32. Berberich] 455 [Berckholtz — Ueber die Bahn des Pianeten 1895 BX = (403). Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 423-424. — Elemente des Pianeten 1895 BY = (404). Astr. Nacbr., 138, 1895, 423-424. — Elemente und Ephemeriden der Pianeten (392) Wilhelmina und (393) (1894 BG). Astr. Nacbr., 139, 1896, 89-92. - Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1895... (Brooks Nov. 21). Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 143-144, 205-208. — Elemente und Ephemeride des Pianeten (407) (1895 CC). Astr. Nachr., 139. 1896, 159-160. - Planet (396) (1894 BL). Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 219- 220. — Elemente und Ephemeride des Pianeten (352) (1893 B). Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 223-224. [Pianeten 1H96 CK uud CL.] Astr. Naehr., 139, 1896, 271-272. - Planet (408) (1895 CD). Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 271-272. — Bahnbestimmung des Pianeten (401) Ottilia. Astr. Naebr., 140, 1896, 107-110. — Planet (316) Goberta. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 201-202. Planet (325) Heidelberga. Astr. Nacbr., 140, 1896, 251-252. Planet (318) Magdalena. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 253-254. — Ephemeride des Pianeten (386) (1894 AY) fiir die Opposition 1896. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 15-16. Ephemeride des Plaueten (386) (1894 AY). Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 87-88. -- Ephemeride des Pianeten (325) Heidelberga. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 93-94. — Ephemeride des Pianeten (24) Themis. Astr. Nacbr., 142, 1897, 155-158. • Provisorische Elemente von kleinen Pianeten. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 231-232. — Elemente und Ephemeride des Pianeten 1897 DK. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 109-112. Bemerkung fiber den Pianeten (286) Iclea. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 141-144. - Ephemeride des Pianeten (393) (1894 BG). Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 207-208. — [Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen Cnddington- Pauly.] Astr. Nacbr., 146, 1898, 359-360, 437-438. [Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1898... (Perrine Juni 14).] Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 373-374, 435-436; 147, 1898, 29-32. — Elliptiscbe Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1898 I. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 103-104. — Erste Bahnbestimmung des Pianeten 1898 DQ. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 221-224. — Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen Perrine- Chofardet. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 271-272, 333-336. — Ephemeride des Pianeten 1898 DQ. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 285-286. - Kurze Aufsuchungsepherneride des periodischen Cometen 1881 V (Denning). Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 333-334. — Vorliiutige Bahnbestimmung des Pianeten Hungaria (1898 DK). Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 351-352. — Ueber die Storungen der Bahn des Leonidenschwarmes seit 1890. Astr. Nachr. , 147, 1898, 359-360. — [Comet c 1898.] [1898.] Astr. .11. , 19, 1899, 52. — Elemente und Ephemerideu der Pianeten 1899 EE und EF. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 45-46. - Elemente des Pianeten (436) [1898 DT] nebst Kreis- bahnelementen der Pianeten 1898 DW, DY", DZ uud EA. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 125-128. — Elemente und Ephemeride des Pianeten (265) Anna. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 15-16. — Epbemeride des Pianeten (401) Ottilia. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 15-16. — [Elemente des Pianeten 1899 ET.J Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 159-160. — Elemente uud Epbemeride des Pianeten (434) Hungaria. Astr. Nacbr., 151, 1900, 401-404. — Elemente und Epbemeride des Cometen 1900 a (Giacobini). Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 47-48. — Ephemeride des Pianeten (117) Lomia. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 79-80. - Elemente und Epbemeride des Pianeten (388) [1894 BA]. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 93-96. — Ephemeride des Cometen 1900 «. Astr. Nacbr., 152, 1900, 185-188. — Elemeute [und Ephemeride] des Pianeten 1900 FC. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 289-290, 389-390 ; 153, 1900, 19-20. — Elemente und Ephemeride des Pianeten 1900 EH. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 35-36. — Elemente und Ephemeride des Plaueteu (175) Andro- mache. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 57-60. Elemente und Ephemeride des Pianeten (432) [1897 DO]. Astr. Nacbr., 153, 1900, 139-140. — Aufsucbungs-Ephemeride fur den Cometen 1«84 II (Barnard). Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 219-222. — Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeteu (322) Phaeo. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 303-304. — Neue Elemente und Ephemeride des Pianeten (295) Theresia. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 3S3-384. — Ephemeride des Brorsen'schen Cometen. Astr. set- 153- See Nacbr., 153, 1900, 411-412. Berberich, A[dnlf], & Ginzel, F[rifdricli] K[arl]. Sec Ginzcl Ar Berberich. Berbericb, Herman. Proximate analysis of the bark of Piscidia erythrina. Arner. Jl. Pharm., 70, 1898, 425- 427. Berberich, Ludwiy. Anatomische Untersuchung zweier Falle von experimentellem Seoundarglaucom am Kanin- cheuauge. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abth. 2), 113- 134. Herberts, .4. Temporale. [Bolzonella (Padova) 4 tembre 1887.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 154. Berchelmann, ir[tllielm], & Gattermann, Linlwig. Gattermann A Berchelmann. Berchem, Max van. Le nord de la Syrie : souvenirs de voyages, geographic, monuments, etc. [1896.] Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 36, 1897 (Bull.), 27-31. Berchem, Paul van. Note sur la preparation de la ditolylphtalide. Paris Soc. Chirn. Bull., 42, 1884, 168- 169. — Sur 1'etat d'equilibre que prend au point de vue de sa concentration une dissolution gazeuse primitivement homogeue dont deux parties sont portees a des tempera- tures differeutes. [1889.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 21, 1889, 556; 23, 1890, 70-75; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1890, 82-84. — [Temperature des eaux du lac de Geneve a differeutes profoudeurs.] Arcb. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 678- 680. Berchem, Paul van, & te Royer, Alexandra. [Formation de glacons flottants a la surface d'uu lac agite par le vent.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 25, 1891, 471-473. — [L'unisson pour les courants de haute tension.] Arcb. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 178. See also lie Royer A Berchem. Berchet, Guqlielmo. *Beports on the eruption of Mount Sirone. [Jap.] [1882.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1881-83, Wo. 2, 5 pp. Berchon, Ernest. For biographical notice aud works see Bordeaux Ac. Act., 58, 1896, 680-691. Berckholtz, [Fedor Oscar Ed. Ernst Herm.]. Uuter- snchungen iiber den Einfluss des Eintrockueus auf die Lebensfiihigkeit der Cholerabacillen. Berlin Gesund- heitsarnt Arb., 5, 1889, 1-36. Berckholtzl 456 [Berendt Bercknoltz, )('(///// 1. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Morpho- logic und Anatomie von Gunnera manicata, Linden. [1891.] Bibl. Bot., 5, 1893, Heft 24, 19 pp. Bcni.icli, Julius. Bericht iiber die Meningitis-Epidemie in Trifail iin Jabre 1898. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 65, 1900, 419-479. Berdal, Henri. Sur 1'emploi combine ohrliibclle. I'reuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 29, dnidahth. 45, No. 14, 1885, 117 pp. — Blatt Berlin, nelist Bohrkarte und Bohrtabelle. I'reuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 29, Urtitluhtli. 15, .Vn. 25, 1885, 62 pp. Berendtl 457 [Berendt — [Bison prisons von Rixdorf.] Deutech. Geol. Ges. Ztsohr., 38, 1886, 245. — Der Oberoligociine Meeressand zwischeu Elbe und Oder. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 255-268. — Geognostische Skizze der Gegend von Glogau und das Tiefbohrloch in dortiger Kriegsschule. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [6], 1886, 347-355. — Die bisherigen Aufschliisse des miirkisch-pommerschen Tertiars und ihre Uebereinstimmung mit den Tiefbohrer- gebnissen dieser Gegeud. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Abh., 7 (Heft 2), 1886, 48 pp. — Zur Geognosie der Altmark. Untersohiede in den geoguostischen Verhaltuissen derselben gegeniiber denen der Mark Brandenburg. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [7], 1887, 105-115. — Der Soolquellen-Fund im Admiralsgartenbade in Berlin. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr.. 40, 1888, 102-108. — [Ueber den Joachimsthal-Chorin-Lieper Geschiebe- walL] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40, 1888, 367-371. — Asarbildungen in Norddeutschland. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40, 1888, 483-489, [624]. — Ein ueues Stiick der sudlichen baltischen Endmorane. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40, 1888, 559-564. — Die siidliche baltische Endmorane in der Gepend von .Toachimsthal. Preuss. Geol. Landesaust. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 301-310. — Die Lagerungsverhaltnisse und Hebungserscheinungen in den Kreidefelsen auf Riigen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 41, 1889, 148-154; 42, 1890, 583-587. — Ueber Tiefbohrnngen in Berlin und uiichster Urnge- bung. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 41, 1889, 381-382. — Ueber einige Ergehnisse bei den Aufnahmeu iin Flachlande. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, cxviii-cxxi. — Die beiderseitige Fortsetzuug der siidlicheu baltischen Enduioriine. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, 110-122. — Geschrarnmte Grauwacke von Magdeburg. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 42, 1890, 371. — Das Tertiiir bei Falkenberg und Freienwalde a.O. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 335-340. — Ueber wissenschaftlich neue Ergebnisse bei der Auf- nahme des Blattes Stettin. Preuss. Geol. Laudesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, Ixxxv-lxxxviii. — Die Soolbohrungen im Weichbilde der Stadt Berlin. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, 347-376. — Erbohrung Jurassischer Schichten unter dem Tertiiir in Hermsdorf bei Berlin. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 11, 1892, 83-94. — Ueber die Paludinen-Bank von Nieder-Schonweide bei Berlin. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 45, 1893, 326- 327. — [Ueber den Verlauf der sudlichen grossen baltischen Endmorane.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 45 1893 536-541. — Ueber Ergebnisse der Aufnahmearbeiten auf den Bliittern Hohenfinow, Wolsickendorf und Freienwalde bezw. Oderberg und Zehden. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12, 1893, Ixvii-lxx. — Spuren einer Vergletscheruug des Riesengebirges. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12, 1893, 37-90. — Ueber Ergebnisse der Aufnahmearbeiten innerhalb der Blatter Hohenfinow und Freienwalde. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 13, 1893, Iv-lix. — Endmorane in Schleswig-Holstein betreft'end. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 46, 1894, 841-843. — Briefliche Mittheilung. [Spuren einer Vergletschermig des Riesengebirges.] Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 14, 1894, 22-23. — Blatt Gross- Schonebeck, nebst Bohrkarte uud Bohr- register. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 53, Gradabth. 45, No. 2, 1894, x + 38 + 18 pp. Blatt Joachimsthal, nebst Bobrkarte und Bobrregister. E. S. A. C. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 53, Gradnbth. 45, No. 3, 1894, x + 43 + 26 pp. — Blatt Ruhlsdorf, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 53, Gradabth. 45, No. 8, 1894, x + 38 + 22 pp. — Blatt Eberswalde, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 53, Grtidabth. 45, No. 9, 1894, x + 45 + 35 pp. Mittheilung iiber Ergebnisse der Aufuahrnen in der Colberger Gegend. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, Ixx-lxxii. Vier weitere Theilstiicke der grossen siid-baltischen Endmorane. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, 222-234. — Blatt Teniplin, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 58, Gradnbth. 28, No. 50, 1895, xi+12 + 24 + 35 pp. — Blatt Gollin, uebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 58, Gradabth. 28, No. 56, 1895, xi + 12 + 24 + 22 pp. — Der tiefere Untergrund Berlins. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh., 28, 1897, 59 pp. — Blatt Stettin, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 67, Gradabth. 29, No. 32, 1899, vi + 26 + 48 + 32 pp. — Blatt Gr. Christinenberg, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohr- register. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 67, Gradabth. 29, No. 33, 1899, vi + 8 + 56 + 8 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], A Brauns, D[arid August]. *Blatt Zossen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 20, Gradabth. 45, No. 43, 1882, 34 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Dames, Wilhelm [Barnim]. Geognostische Beschreibung der Umgegend von Berlin. [Unter Mitwirkung von F. KLOCKMANN.] Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Abh., 8 (Heft 1), 1885, 113 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Dulk, L. *Blatt Cremmen. Preuss. Thiiriug. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 11, Gradabth. 44, No. 17, 1878, 26 pp. - *Blatt Marwitz. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 11, Gradabth. 44, No. 23, 1878, 25 pp. — 'Blatt Lichtenrade. [Mit Bohrkarte.] Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 20, Gradabth. 45, No. 37, 1882, 40 + 10 + 27 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Gruner, H[amt]. Blatt Schiune, uebst Bohrkarte und Bohrtabelle. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfij. 32, Gradabth. 43, No. 21, 1887, 69 + 25 pp. — Blatt Weissewarthe, nebst Bohrkarte uud Bohr- register. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 42, Gradabth. 43, No. 34, 1889, 111 + 50 pp. See also Gruner & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Jentzsch, [Karl] Alfred. Blatt Mariemverder. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 43, Gradabth. 33, Nn. 16, 1889, 68+55 pp. See also Jentzsch & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlicb Michael], & Keilhack, Konrad. End- moranen in der Provinz Posen. Bericht iiber eine im Herbst 1893 im Auftrage der Direction der konigl. geolog. Landesanstalt ausgefiihrte gemeinsame Untersuchungs- reise. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, 235- 251. See also Keilhack A Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Klebs, Ki chard. Blatt Wernegitteu (Siissenberg), nebst Bohrkarte und Bohr- register. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 47, Gradabth. 18, No. 56, 1891, 45 + 49 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieb Micliacl], it Klockmann, t\riedrich]. Blatt Sandau. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 38, Gradabth. 43, No. 17, 1888, 37 + 14 pp. — Blatt Strodehne. Preuss. Tliiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 38, Gradabth. 43, No. 18, 1888, 26 + 13 pp. See also Klockmann it Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Xiattermann, Georg. 58 Berendt] 158 [Berezovsky Blatt Riugenwalde, nebst Bohrkarte unil Bohrn-gister. Preuss. Thiii-ing. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 58, Grmlnbtli. 28, No. 57, 1895, xi + 12 + 24 + 32 pp. Berendt, G[nttl'n-b Miclm.'J], & Laufer, Ernst. 'Blatt Oranienburg. Preuss. Thiiring. (ieol. Karte Erlaut. , L/II. 14, linuliilitlt. 44, .Yd. IS, 1879, 27 pp. — *Blatt Hennigsdorf. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfy. 14, Gradabth. 44, .Yd. 24, 1880, 32 pp. *Blatt Gross-Beeren. [Mit Bohrkarte.] Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. KarU- Krl.iut, Lt'g. 20, Gradabth. 44. No. 42, 1882, 25 + 10 + 19 pp. *Blatt Fahrland. Prenss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut, Lfa. 22, Gradubtli. 44, No. 35," 1882, 34 pp. - *Blatt Potsdam. Preuss. Thiiring. (ieol. Karte Erlaut., Lfii. 22, Gradabth. 44, No. 41, 1882, 25 pp. See ulsii Laufer tV Berendt. Berendt, Gottlieb Mirhm-l], & Scholz, Ma.r. Blatt Bis- mark, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrtabelle. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 32, Gradabth. 43, No. 20, 1887, 50 + 37 pp. See also Scholz A Berendt. Berendt, (![ottliel> Michael], & Schroder, Henri/. Blatt Gallingen, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfij. 47, Gradabth. 18, No. 51, 1891, 29 + 58 pp. - Blatt Hohenrinow, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrre- gister. Preuss. Thiiriug. (ieol. Karte Erlaut, Lfg. 80, (irnilubth. 45, Wo. 10, 1900, vi + 40 + 36 + 39 pp. - Blatt Oderberg, uebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 80, Gradabth. i->. No. 11, 1900, vi + 28 + 36 + 23 pp. Si',' n/xd Schroder Mn-lin,'l], Dulk, L., A L.iufer, Ernst. *Blatt Werder. Preuss. Tliiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 22, Grudiilitli. 44, .Yd. 40, 1882, 39 pp. Berendt, G[,ittlieb Michael}, Dulk, /.., A- Wahnschaffe, Felix. 'Blatt Ketzin. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 22, Gradabth. 44. ,Yo. 34, 1882, 38 pp. Berendt, G\ Michael], Lauler. Ernst, & Keilhack, Knnniil. Si'e Laulor, Keilhack ,t Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Micha.-l], Wahnschaffe, 7-Wi.r, & Keilhack, Kmirad. Blatt Friedrichsfelde, nebst Bohr- karte und Bohrtabelle. Preuss. Thiiriug. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lfg. 29, Gradabth. 45, No. 26, 1885, 55 pp. Berendt, G\,,ttU,-h Michael], Keilhack, Koiir.nl, Schroder, Henry, & Wahnschaffe, Felix. Neuere ForsehuiiL-i n auf dem Gebiete der Glacialgeologie in Norddeutschland erlautert an einigen Beispielen zugleich ersehienen als Fiihrer fiir die Excursionen der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft in das norddeutsche Flachland vom 28 Sep- tember bis o October 1898. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 18, 1898, 42-129, 178 (bis); 19, 1899, 137 (bis). Berenger, [Giuseppe] Adolfo de. For biographical notice and list of works see [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 132- 137. Berenger, (). Camille. Education de nandous. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 31, 1884, 910-919. - Klevage des demoiselles de Numidie (Grus virgo). France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 37, 1890, 969-973. Berenger-Feraud, [Laurrnt -l?nn Hup/isle]. For bio- graphical notice and works see Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 44, 1900. ,790-791. • Etude d'un empoisonnement multiple survenu a Lorient par 1'usage de morue alteree. Arch. Med. Navale, 42, 1884. 410-4.16; 43, 1885, 5-25. — Kecherches sur les accidents que provoque la morue alteree. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 14, 1885, 331-340, 427-456, 516-549. - Note sur le cornet a chloroforme en usage dans la marine. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull.. 26, 1891, 595-601. — De la ladrerie chez 1'homme. Ann. Hj-g. Publ., 27, 1892, 481-517. — Note sur les accidents de kerato-conjonetivite produits par le venin d'un serpent du Senegal. Arch. Med. Navale, 57, 1892, 241-243. — Sur 1'augmentation de frequence du Ta^nia en France depuis un demi-siecle. [U'/r/i discussion.] Paris, Ac. M.-d. Bull., 27, 1892, 112-127. — Le Tenia dans les colonies francaises, 1'Algerie et la Tunisie. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 28, 1892, 248-257. - Distribution gt'ographique des Tenias de 1'homme. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 28, 1892, 2x2-304. - Du nombre et de la longueur des Tsenias que Ton rencontre chez 1'homme. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 29, 1893, 12-15. Berenguier, Paul. Description d'une helice nouvelle de France. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 285-286. Bereni, , lie Dantec, [Ale.rainlre], & Boye, . See lie Dantec, Boye A Bereni. Berenstein, .!/. Neue Yersuohe zur Bestimmung der Residualluft urn lebenden Menschen. Pfliiger, Arch. Pliysiol., 50, 1891, 363-375. - Ein Beitrag zur experimentellen Physiologie des Dunndarms. [1892.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 53, 1893, 52-70. Uebereiuen Fall von glaukomatoser Entziindung nach Cataractextraction mit Druckwirkung auf die Stabchen- schicht der Netzhaut. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 51, 1900, 186-198. Berent, St. Ueher das'capillare Yerhalten der Flacheu von Steinsalz und Sylvin gegeniiber Mutterlaugen. Ztschr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 529-557, 678. Berent, ll'aclmc. Zur Kenntnis des Parablastes und der Keimblatterdiffereuzierung im Ei der Knochenfische. Jena. Ztschr., 30, 1896, 291-349. Beresford, (Lt.) C. W. de la Poer. Note on the ascent of Ambrym volcano in the New Hebrides. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 6, 1884. 129-132. Beresford, lli'iiis li. Pack-. See Pack-Beresford. Beresford, F. A new formula for the calculation of draw- bridge strains. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 32, 1885, 137-1 14. Berestnev, .Y. .17. Des proprietes fermentatives du sang et du pus. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 3, 1895, 40-52. — Ueber Pseudoaktinomykose. Ztschr. Hyg., 29. 1898, 94-116. - Zur Frage der Klassifikation und systematischen Stellung der Strahlenpilze. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 26, 1899, :«tO, 587. Berezovskij, .17. .17. [RicTII o6l> HKCIiejIIItill. News of an expedition.] St. Petersb., Huss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 29, 1893, 2'.I8-302. ,T.HeBHIIin,, B ropo.if) Xofi-Cant, BI, Ki;Knnii nacTir npoBimnin I'anb-Cy, BI, Kiiiali, BT> 1892-93 ro,i.axt, T-OMI, LAI-WAEBT, KaTOJII'iecKIIMT) MUCCionepOJri,. Ob- spivatinns bnionictriijues faites a Hoi'-Hien, au sud de Kan-Sou, en Chine, en 1892-93 par .17. LATWAKRT. mis- Berezovsky] 459 [Berg siouaire catholique. St Petersb., Soc. Busse Geogr. Mem. (Geagr.), 33, 1898 (No. 3), 33 pp. Berezovskij, 31. 31., & Bianchi, ]'[tilentin Lrovic], Description of two new birds from western China. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Aunu., 5, 1900, 210-212. Berezovskij, S[ergfj Eleazarovif]. Ueber die eompensa- torische Hypertrophie der Schilddriise. Experimentell- histologische Uutersucbung. Beitr. Path. Anat., 12, 1893, 122-130. — Ueber die histologischen Vorgange bei der Transplan- tation von Hautstiickeu auf Tbiere einer anderen Species. Beitr. Path. Anat., 12, 1893, 131-138. — Untersuchungen iiber die Bedingungen und Methodik operative!' Druckentlastung des Gehirnes. Deutscbe Ztschr. Chirurg., 53, 1899, 53-125, 264-347. Berg, . *Ueber europaische Gradmessungen. [1870.] Chemnitz Ber., 1868-70, 67-68. Berg, [Friedrieti Wilhelm Julius von]. *0 $OTOM6Tpi IIlBKi-fla ir o iior.ioiuenin csfrra aTMOcijtepoio, flJIH BlIJieHCKarO rOpII30HTa. [On SCHWEED'S photo- meter and on the absorption of atmospheric light, for tbe horizon of Vilna.] [1871.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 21, 1872, 107-112. Berg, (Frhr.) [Carl Heinricli Edmund} ran. Ornitholo- gische Beobacbtungen aus Elsass-Lothringen 1885-[98]. [1895-1900.] Ornis, 8, 1896, 253-332; It, 1898, 329-411; 10, 1899, 159-174. Berg, A[riiiuntl Franrois Jnlien], Sur les chromo-iodates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 104, 1887, 1514-1517. — Sur les derives chlores des amylamines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 862-865; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, C85-690. — Sur quelques chromoiodates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., Ill, 1890, 42-43. — Sur les amylamines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890. 606-608. Sur les acides isobutylarnidoacetiques. Ass. Fraur. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 337-338. — Sur les butylamines normales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 112, 1891, 437-439. — Action de la soude et du cyanure de potassium sur la chlorodiamylamiue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 483- 484. - Sur les de'rive's chlore's des isobutylamines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1379-1382; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 543-545. — Action de la soude alcoolique sur la chlorodiamylamine et la chlorodiisobutylamine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 545-547. — Sur un nouveau precede de preparation des cyanamides. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 547-549. — Sur les derives ehlores des propylamines, des benzyl- amines, de 1'aniline et de la paratoluidine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 327-329. Sur les chloramines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 8877889. — Etude sur les derives des ammoniaques eomposiVy. Ann. Chim., 3, 1894, 289-361. — Sur une reaction des acides-alcools. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 882-^83. — Etude sur les chromoiodates. Marseille Fae. Sci. Ann., it, 1897 (Fuse. 4), 35 pp. — Sur le mode de formation de 1'elaterine dans FEcbal- lium Elaterium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 85-88. — Diagnose, des amines secondaires grasses a radicaux d'alcools mono-atomiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 297-300. • lodates doubles de bioxyde de manganese. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 673-676. — L'elat^rase, diastase des Cucurbitacees. C. I!., 1900 (Pt. 2), 471-473. — Sur 1'action des iodures et de I'acide iodhydrique sur Paris, Ac. Ass. Franc. I'acide sulfureux. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 499- 501. Berg, A[rmand Francois Julien], & Cari-Mantrand, I Sur de nouveaux explosifs. Moniteur Sci., 7, 1893, 271; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 94-95. Berg, A[rmand Francois Julien], & Gerber, Charles. Methode de recherche de quelques acides organiques dans les plantes. Ass. Franc. C. R. , 1896 (Pt. 2), 222- 226; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull, 15, 1896, 1050-1055; Jl. Pha'rm., 4, 1896, 544-546. Sur les acides contenus dans le sue cellulaire des Mesembryanthemees. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 316-319. — Sur la recherche des acides organiques dans quelques MCsembryanthemees. Rev. Gen. Bot., 8, 1896, 295-302. Berg, A[rmand Francois Julien], & Klein, Daniel. See Klein A Berg. Berg, Albert. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 112; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 354. Berg, Alfred. Kritik diver nagra vaxtformer, beskrifna af Fl. BEHM. [1889.] Bot. Notiser, 1890, 22-24. - Lichenologiska anteckningar. Bot. Notiser, 1890, 161- 173. - En ny form af Torilis Anthriscus (L.), C. Gmel. [1893.] Bot. Notiser, 1894. 10H-109; Bot. Centrbl., 67, 1896, 102. — Studien iiber Rheotropismus bei den Keimwurzeln der Pflanzen. Lund. Univ. Acta, 35, 1899 (Soc. Pliysiogr., No. vi, 35 pp.). Berg, C. L. ran der. To what extent are tropical altitudes adapted for settlement by Europeans'? Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 10), 170-178. Berg, Carlos. Addenda et emendanda ad Hemiptera Argentina. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 17, 1884, 20-41, 97- 118, 166-176. — La simbiosis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 17, 1884, 247-260. — Metamorfosis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 18, 1884, 65-74. Quindecim Coleoptera nova fauns Reipublicffi Argen- tina. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1885, 219-235. — Rhinocerophis nasus, Garm. ; Bothrops ammodytoides, Leyb. Cuestiones sinonimicas sobre una vibora de la fauna Argentina. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1885. 236-240. — Quindecim Lepidoptera nova faunte Reipubliese Argentina et Uruguayensis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1885, 266-285. - [Palustra nruguayensis, n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, ccxii-ccxiii. Ueber die Lepidopteren-Gattung Laora, Walk. [1885.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 35, 1886 (Abh.), 359-360. Notas sinonimicas acerca de algunos Cerambleidos de la fauna Argentina. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 21, 1886, 234-240. — Observaciones sobre los estados preparatories de algunos Lepidopteros argentinos. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 21, 1886, 277-281. — [Resultados cientificos, especialmente zoologicos y botanicos, de los tres viajes Hevados a cabo [por el Dr. HOLMBERG], en 1881, 1882 y 1883 a la Sierra del Tandil.] Reptiles. Anfibios. Cordoba Ac. Ci. Act., 5, [1886], 93-98. — [Pheugodes uruguayensis, n. sj>.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, lix-lx. — Un capitulo de lepidopterologia. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 26, 1888, 91-103. - Enumeracion sistematica y sinonimica de los Formlculos argentinos, chilenos y urugiiayos. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 29, 1890, 5-43. — Sobre la Carpocapsa saltitans, H'cstw., y la Grapho- litha motrix, Berg, n. sp. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 31, 1891, 97-110. — La formaeion Carbonifera de la Republica Argentina. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 31, 1891, 209-212; 32, 1891, 68-71. 58—2 Berg] 460 [Berg — Dyscophus onthophagus, vm nuevo grille uruguayo cavernicola. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 32, 1891, 5-8; Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 86. — Nova Hemiptera faunarum argentine et uruguayensis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 32, 1891, 1 (14-175, 231-243, 277- 287; 33, 1892, 3-11. 43-50, (15-72, 97-104, 151-165; 34, 1892, 82-96, 193-205. — jEolus pyroblaptus, Hi'iy, un nuevo destructor ili'l trigo. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 33, 1892, 60-62. — Cuestiones de limites. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 34, 1892, 53-64. — Canabalismo entre insectos. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 34, 1892, 236-2:«. — [Sur .Eglea laevis.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann.. 61, 1892. ccvi-ccvii. — Geotria rnacrostoraa (Rurm.), Bert], y Thalassophryne inontevidensis, Bern, dos peces particulares. La Plata Mus. An. (Zool.), 1, 1893, 7 pp. — Pseudoscorpionidenkuiffe. [1893.] Zool. An?.., 16, 1894, 446-448. — Enumeration sistematica y sinonimica de los peces de las costas argentina y uruguaya. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 1-120. — Sobre peces de agua diilce nuevos <> poco conocidos de la Republica Argentina. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 121-165. — Dos reptiles nuevos. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 189-194. — Hemipteroe de la Tierra del Fuego, colecciouados por el Seiior Carlos BACKHAUSEN. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 197-206. — Revision et description des espeees Argentines et chilienues du genre Tatochila (Butl.). Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 217-255. — Descripcit'm do tres nuevos Lepidopteros de la coleecion del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97. 1-4. — Sur la distribution geographique de POphioderes inaterna (/..), /•'•«'• |lN96.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 23-24. — Comunifaciones ooWgicas. fi. El huevo de la supuesta Rhea naua, L>/d., es huevo basilisco de Rhea Darwini, Gould, n. El huevo del mitii, Crax fascio- lata, Spix. in. Huevos de coloration anormal del terutero, Vanellus cayennensis (Gin.), Viril/.] [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 33-38. — Contribuci6n al estudio de los Hemipteros de la Tierra del Fuego. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 131-137. — Una Filaria horrida, Dies., dentro de un huevo. [18915.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An. , 5, 1898-97, 139-140. - Batracios argentinos. Enumeration sistematica, sinonimica y bibliografica de los Batracios de la Republica Argentina. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 147-220. -- Descripciones de algunos Hemipteros Heteropteros nuevos 6 poco eonociclos. [1894.] Montevideo Mus. Nac. An., [1, 1897], 13-27. — Comunicaciones lepidopterolbgicas acerca de veiuti- cinco Ropal6ceros sudamericanos. [1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 233-261. — Contribuciones al eonocimento de los peces sud- americanos, especialmente de los de la Republica Argentina. [1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 263-302. Ueber die Eiablage, die Brntpflege und die Nahrnng von Amphisbffina Darwinii. IViitsrh. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Tit. 2, Hcilfte 1), 164-165. — Langlebigkeit eines Cardinals (Paroaria cucullata). Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 179. — Deseriptiones Hydrometridarum novarum Reipiililim' Argentina?. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mils. Nac. Connm., 1, 1898-1901, 3-6. - Observations sur I'.Eglea Iffivis (Latr.), LearJi. 1 1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898- 1901, 7-8. — Comunicaciones ictiologicas. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 9-13, 91-97, 165-174, 293- 311. — Variation de regime. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 14-15. — Lobodon carcinophagus (H. •/.), Gr., en el rio de la Plata. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 15. — Substitution de nornbres gen^ricos. [1898-99.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Coinun., 1, 1898-1901, 16-19, 40-43, 77-80. Dolichotis salinicola, Burin., est bona species. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 23-24, 44-45. Sobre los enemigos pequerios de la langosta peregrina, Schistocerca paranensis (Burm.). [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1. 1898-1901, 25-30. — Descriptio novi generis Cerambyeidarum Reipubliete Argentines. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 31-33. — Sobre el langostin y el camaron, dos Crustaceos Maeruros de aguas argentinas y uruguayas. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun , 1, 1898-1901, 37-39. — Sobre el Thelyphonus maximus, Turnani. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 55-5tJ. — Contribuciones al conocimiento de la fauna erpeto- 16gica argentina y de los paises limitrofes. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 6, 1899, 1-32. - DUJE species nova1 argentina? Gyponae generis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 47, 1899, 5-7. — Observaciones sobre Lepidopteros argentinos y otros sud-auiericanos. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., ii. 1899, 369-390. — Coleopteros de la Tierra del Fuego, colecciouados por el Sr. Carlos BACKHAUSEN. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 57-65. — Brenthis Cytheris y Brenthis Dexameue. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 110- 115. — Apuntes diptero!6gicos. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 124-130. — Los Mantispidos de la Republica Argentina. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 139-145. — El genero Rhyephenes, Sell/ink. , en la Republica Argentina. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 151-154. — Notas hemipterologicas. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 158-160. — Sobre algunos Anisomoriidos chileno-argeutinos. 1 1*99.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 181-186. — Tres Reduviida; novte argentine. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 187-190. — Sobre algunas larvas de Lepid6pteros argentinos. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 206-209. - Termitariophilie, [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 212-214; Micr. Soc. Jl., 1901, 32. — Notas sobre los nombres de algunos Mamiferos sud- americanos. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 219-222, 260-263. — Datos sobre algunos Crustaceos uuevos para la fauna argentina. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comuu., 1, 1898-1901, 223-235. — Apuntes sobre dos especies del gtnero Odynerus de la Tierra del Fuego. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901. 237-240. — Notice sur Irs especrs du genre Alurnus, F., apparte- nant a la fiiunc argentine. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898 1901, 252-257. Bergl 461 [Berg — Pleminia argentina, un nuevo seudofilido. [19(10.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 264. Berg, E. Astragalus danicus, Ret:., in Pommern. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 13, 1895, 8-9. Berg, Kiiiiinui'l. Ueber Kompass-Deviationen uml Kurs- Beatimmungen auf See. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 9, 1888, 221-228. — Elektrischbetbatigte Absperrventile fiir Dampf-, Gas- und Wasserleitungeu. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 647-648. Berg, Emil. Die Bedeutung der absoluten Feuchtigkeit fiir dieEntstehuugund FortpflanzungderGewitter. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 11, 1888, No. 13, 19 pp. ; St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 61, 1890 (Append. No. 9), 28 pp. — Untersuchung eines Wintergewitters. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 12, 1889, A'o. 13, 28 pp. ; St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 63, 1890 (Append. No. 4), 39 pp. — FpOSH Bl Poccill 3a 1886 rojl.'l.. [Die Gewitter Russlamls im Jahre 1886.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 62, 1890 (Append. No. 6), 63 pp. ; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 13, 1890, No. 5, 51 pp. 0 Haojuoseniflxt Ha^,i> CHfcuHHM't noiqioBOiri, BI, EBponeiicKofi Pocciir 3a nepBym iio.ioBKHy 1890 roj(a. [Ueber die Beobachtungen der Sehneedeoke im europaischen Russland in der ersten Hiilfte von 1890.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 66, 1891 (Append. No. 9), 31 pp.; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 14, 1891, A'o. 5, 23 pp. — TIoBTOpjieMocn> it reorpatlmiecKoe paciipex'E- .ienie JiiBHeft BI EsponelcKoB Pocciir. [Ueber die Hiiufigkeit und geographische Vertheilung starker Regen- falle im europaischen Russland.] [1891.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (7?iiss.), 68, 1892 (Append. No. 2), 90 pp. ; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 14, 1891, No. 10, 67 pp. jieHifl najii. CH'EJKHHM'L iioiipoBOM'i, n B'I, PocciilcKoii Hiunepiii :UIMOI<> 1890- 91 IT. [Beobachtungen der Schneedecke und der Schneegestober im Winter 1890-91 im russischen Reich.] [1893.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 73, 1894 (Append. No. 6), 218 pp. ; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 10, 1893, No. 6, 41 +lxxix pp. — Ueber die Schneegestober im europiiischen Russland im Winter 1891-92. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 17, 1894, No. 9, 25 pp. - Kritische Untersuchung der Angaben freier und geschiitzter Regenmesser. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1895, 193-220. — 0 raK'b nasHBaevoi noaioxt ii.m jir.TB, oHBuieii 26-28 itojiH c. r. no CTiinro, BT> mi. COCHOBK-E, CauapCKoS ryO. [D'une espece particuliere de brouil- lard, qu'on appelle "pomokha", observee a Sosnovka, gouv. Samara.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., !">, 1896. 295-296. Berg, F[niHi-/xc;is] J[oliannes] mm den. For biography and list of works see 's Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1891-92 (I'm;.), 133; Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1895, 1-10; Amsterdam, Ak. Jaarb. (1897), 97-145. — Over de benaderde rectificatie van een cirkelboog. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 4, 1878, 200-204; 10, 1884, 186-193. — Bijilrage tot de oplossing van een vraagstuk uit de getallenleer. [1878-84.] Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 5, 1879, 47-57 ; 10, 1884, 202. - *[0ver een massiven driehoek rustende in een drie- vlakkigen hoek.] Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 6, 1880, 67-97. - *Over de vergelijking der door drie gegeven richtlijnen bepaalde hyperbolo'ide, in verband met het evenwicht van vier krachten in de ruirnte. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 6 1880, 183-195. - *Over twee met betrekking tot een driehoek sym- metrische groepen van drie cirkels, en over twee dergelijke groepeu van drie rechte lijnen. [1880.] Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 7, 1881, 78-90. Over het verband tusschen de wortels eener ver- gelijkiug en die van hare afgeleide. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 9, 1882, 1-14, 60; 11, 1884, 153-186; 15, 1888, 100-164; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 76 ; 1888, 75-76 [Part only]. - *0ver de onderlinge at'wijking van den grootecirkel- boog en de loxodromische kromme tusschen twee nabij- gelegen plaatsen op de bolvormige aarde. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 9, 1882, 15-31. - *Over een meetkundig vraagstuk van kansrekening. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 9, 1882, 32-59 ; 10, 1884, 202. — Over eene onjuiste beschouwing in G. J. VEBDAM'S handboek der spherische trigonometrie. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 10, 1884, 193-198. — Over zeker spel. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 12, 1886, 38- 59; Fortschr. Math., 1885, 121. — Over de graphische oplossing van een stelsel lineaire vergelijkingen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 4, 1888, 196-252; Fortsehr. Math., 1887, 89-90. — Over een vraagstuk van bolvormige driehoeksmeting. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 14, 1888, 78-94; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 565. — Over zoodanige stelsels van twee cirkels in het platte vlak of op den bol, of ook van twee coaxiale ellipsen in het platte vlak, dat daarin en daarom en zelfde veelhoek past. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 14, 1888, 95-116, 125-192; 16, 1889, 160-178; Fortsehr. Math., 1887, 725-726; 1889, 719. — De constructie-figuur voor de oplossing van een stel- sel lineaire vergelijkingeu beschouwd als courjguratie. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 267-288; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 76. — Eenige formulen voor de berekening van de Ber- uoulliaansche en van de tangenten-eoe'mcienten. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 358-397; 6, 1889, 265-276; Arch. Neerland., 24, 1891, 99-141. — Over even tovervierkanteu. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 16, 1889, 1-31; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 203. — Over de bepaling van een driehoek, waarvan de leugten der drie hoekdeellijneu gegeven zijn. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 16, 1889, 179-199; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 576. — Over het theorema der drie reaction bij een doorga- anden ligger met steunpunten op ongelijke afstaudeu. [1889.] 's Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1889-90 (Verh.), 69-75. — Over de bepaling van een driehoek, waarvan de deel- lijnen der drie supplemental hoeken gegeven ziju. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 17, 1890, 191-205; Fortschr. Math.. 1890, 590. — Over de kans dat, bij willekeurige verdeeling van eene gegeven rechte liju, de segrneuten tusschen gegeven grenzen liggen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 18, 1891, "42-62 ; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 233-234. — Over de kans dat, bij willekeurige verdeeling van eene gegeven rechte lijn, uit de segmenten gesloten veelhoeken kunnen worden gevormd. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 18, 1891, 63-117; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 234. — Over NEWTON'S benaderingsleerwijze voor de oplossiug van vergelijkingen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 53-67; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 103-104. — Over krornmingskegelsneden van vlakke kromme lijnen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 85- 103; Fortsehr. Math., 1892, 654-655. — Over de berekeuing van geceutreerde lenzenstelsels. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 125-130; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 1039. — Over zelf-wederkeerige poolkrommen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 19, 1892, 80-97; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 652-654. — Over een vraagstuk, dat in de geodesie van dienst kan zijn. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 19, 1892, 151-187 ; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 1124-1126. Berg] 462 [Berge — De oudste rekentafels der wereld. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., lit, 1892. 211-215. Over eoiirdinaten-stelsels voor cirkels in het platte vlak en voor bollen in de rnimte. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1895, 11-44; Fc.rtschr. Math., 1893-94, 1106. Berg, Frfdrik Theodor. For biography see Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lrfnadsteekn., 4 (Hft. 2), 1901, 1-34. Berg, (Graf] Frieilrich. Einige Spielarten der Fichte. Schlangenfichte, astlose Fichte, pyramidale Fichte, Trauerfichte, Hangefiehte, Kugelfichte, Krummrichte oder Surapffichte, nordische Fichte (obovatal. Dorpat Schr., 2, 1887, 44 pp. — Beobachtungen iiber die Entstehung und die Bewe- gungarichtung in Luftwirbeln. Wetter, 5, 1888, 202-206. - Eine der Wildkatze iihnliche Katze. [1886.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 154-155. — Einige Spielarten der Fichte. 8, 1889, 157-103. • Von den Ursachen der Erdrotation. [1886.] Dorpat Sber., [1888.] Dorpat Bot. Centrbl., 46, 1891, 183- [1889.] Dorpat Sber., 9, Bodens. [1892.] Sber., 8, 1889, 377-382. — Koggenzu'chtuug 1890. 186, 215-218. — Roggenziichtung 1889. 1892, 26-48. — Das nitrificirende Ferment des Dorpat Sber., 10, 1895, 68-82. Berg, Frit:. Die Syphilis in ihren Beziehungen zu Knochen- und Gelenkerkrankungen. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894, 399-402. Berg, Genrg. Beitrag zur Wachsthuiusinsufficienz des Herzens im Kindesalter. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 29, 1889, 182-199. — Zur Aetiologie der Incontinentia urinae. Wien. Med. Wschr., 48, 1898, 55-59. Berg, Georg. Ueber eiue Verbindung der Titansiiure init Apfelsaure. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 15, 1897, 328-330. Berg, II. IT. *The etiology of congenital talipes equino- varus. Arch. Med., 8, 1882. 226-24H. — A plea for the substitution of the sodium iodide for the potassium iodide in therapeutics. Arch. Med., 11, 1884, 145- 151!. Berg, Johannes. Der Erdtriton im Terrarinin. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893, 367-375. — Zur Kenntniss der Briickenechse. Fraukf., Zool. Garten, 35, 1894, 102-105, 146-150. — Zur Kenntuiss des H6hlenmolcb.es (Spelerpes fuscus, Bonap.). Frankf., Zool. Garten, 37, 1896, 88-92. — Ein neues Tropen-Terrarium. Frankf., Zool. Garteu, 37, 1896. 140-143. — Zur Kenntniss der Stummelschwanzechse (Trachy- saurus rugosus). Frankf., Zool. Garten. 38, 1897, 277- 279. Berg, /,[(•(•] H[i'Hifiini'ii'\. I'Miiu UailKa.ia. (Die Fische des Uuikalsi ,.-. i St. !Vter>b. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 5, 1900. 326-372. Berg, L[cr] S[emetiurif], A Ignatov, /'. () l.'O.ieoaniflXT) ypOBHH onep'i, cpeflHeii A:iin n :.iAiia,T,non ('ni'ni]iii. [Ueber die Schwankungen der Seespiegel Mittelasiens und des westlichen Sibiriens.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900, 111-125; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1902 I/.'./ 1, /iV/.l, 204-20(5. Berg, I:\i-r] N[V mfimrii'], Elpatjevskij, I'., A Ignatov, P. 0 co.ienux'ip osepax1!. (hirKaro yf,:s,ui. [Ueher die Salzseen des Omsk'sehen Kreises.) St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 179-200; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 (Bd. 1, Kef.), 229-230. Berg, X. P. van den. Vroegere berichten omtreut Kra- katau. De uitbarsting van 1680. Batavia, Tijdschr., 29, 1884, 208-228. Berg, Otto. Ueber die Bedeutung der Kathodenstrahleu fiir den Entladungsmechanismus. [Vorlaurige Mitthei- lung.] Freiburg Ber., 11, 1899-1901, 73-77. — Ueber die Bedeutung der Kathodenstrahleu uud Canal- strahlen fiir den Entladuugsmechanismus. Ann. Phys. Chem., 68, 1899, 688-697. — Ueber einen Apparat zur Gasanalyse, speciell zur Bestimmung der im Wasser geliisten Gase. Freiburg Ber., 11, 1899-1901. 85-94. Berg, P[aii/l von. Ueber die Trennuug des Zinks von Eisen, Kobalt und Nickel. Fresenius, Ztschr., 25, 1886, 512-519. Bergami, Francis. Comparison of PEMBEHTON'S method of phosphoric acid determination with the official method. [1893.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 137, 1894, 129-133; U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., Xo. 43, 1894, 97-100. — The citrate method of phosphoric acid determination, with special reference to insoluble phosphates. Franklin Inst. Jl., 140, 1895, 139-152. — A source of error in the determination of phosphoric acid by the citrate method. Franklin Inst. Jl., 141, 1896, 383-385. • Standardising of normal acid by borax. Franklin Inst. Jl., 141, 1896, 386. Bergami, O[ttu]. Untersuchungeinerkaukasischen Krapp- wurzel. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20. 1887, 2247-2251. Bergami, 0[tto], & Liebermann, 0[ar7 Theodor}. See Liebermann A Bergami. Bergamo, Gennaro. Teoria delle spostazioni n'llotassiche. Napoli, Rend.. 39, 1900, 28-43. Bergasse, G. Nouveaux fails de syphilis par tatouage. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 25, 1895, 203-208. Berge, .-1 Ibert . Enumeration des Cetonides decrits depuis la publication du catalogue de 3131. GEMMINOER et HAKOLD. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, 113-163. — Note sur la coloration des teguments chez les insectes et specialement chez les Coleopteres. [With discussion.] Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885, c-cii, cxiii-cxv. — Des varietes du Carabus auronitens. Fab., au point de vue de la coloration. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885, cxxvi-cxxx. — Note pour servir a la monographic du genre Age- strata. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29. 1885 (ljt. 2), 11-14. — Des couleurs metalliques chez les insectes et speciale- iiirnt chez les Coleopteres. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 31, 1887, 315-325. — Notes pour servir a 1'etude de la coloration des tegu- ments chez les insectes. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, clxxvii-clxxviii. — Coleopteres du Bengale occidental. Cetouides. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 239-241. — I/ action de la cuisson sur les aliments vegetaux et auimaux. Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 12, 1893, 191- 217. — Emploi de divers produits chimiques iuorganiques pour la destruction des inseetes uuisibles. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 37, 1893, 362-365. — L'epuration de 1'eau par le peroxyde de chlore. [IJ'/J/i discussion.] [1900.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 27, 1899 1900, fxciii-cei. Berge, Albert, & roue het. Georges. See Foucbet & Berge. Berge, Alln'rl, A Rcychlcr, Alhert. L'epuration de I'acetylene. I'aris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 218-221. Berge, .Im/rr. Sur la patbogenie de la scarlatine. Pans, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. 11.), 1012-1014. — Maladies du cu-ur et du jirncanlr. Arch, (li'ii. Mr. I.. 1.S3, 1899, iy.l-210: 1S5, 1900. 202-225. Berge, Krnsl. For biograpbioal notice sec Mschr. Kak- teenk., «, 1898, 1-2. — Echinoceri'us k-xeusis. ]\th.), 1900, 155-158. Bergen, A. ran. Description of hot-blast pyrometer. Fried. KBUPP'S patent. Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1886, 207-208. Bergen, J. Y. Algie in the Solfatara at Pozzuoli, Italy. Bot. Gaz., 23, 1897, 198-199. Bergen, Thomas />. Early arrival of the kingbird at Cambridge, Mass. Auk, 15, 1898, 268-269. Bergendal, Ducid. 1'as Knochengewebe der Amphibien. Anat. Anz., 1, 1886, 189-11)0. — Jemforande studier och undersokningar ofver benvaf- nadens strnktur, utveckling och tillviixt med sitrskild hansyn till forekomsten af Haverska kanaler. Lund. Univ. Acta, 22, 1886-87 (.1/uf/i.), No. vi, 152 pp. Zur Kenntnis der Lamlplanarien. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 218-224. — [Ueber abnorme Formen der ersten abdominalen Anhange bei einigen Krebsweibchen.] [1888.] Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 343-346; Stockb., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 (Afd. 4), 1889, No. 3, 35 pp. — Ueber eine dritte vordere Extremitat eines braunen Frosches. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 (Afd. 4), 1889, No. 8, 35 pp. — Neue Beobachtungen fiber die Formvariation der ersten abdominalen Anhange bei Krebsweibchen. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 (Afd. 4), 1890, No. 5, 15 pp. — Studien fiber nordische Turbellarien und Nemertinen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1890, 323-328. — Kurzer Bericht fiber eine im Sommer d. J. 1890 unternomuiene zoologische Reise nach Nord-Gronland. [1891.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihaug, 17 (Afd. 4), 1892, No. 1, 20 pp. — Beitrage zur Fauna Gronlands. Ergebnisse einer im Jahre 1890 in Gronland vorgenommenen Forschungsreise. [i. Zur Rotatorien Fauna Gninlands.] [1892.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 28, 1891-92 (Soc. Physiogr., No. iv, 180 pp.). — EHKENBEKGS Euchlanis lynceus wiedergefundeu? [1892.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 28', 1891-92 (fioe. Physiogr., No. v, 2 pp.). — Om Uteriporus vulgaris och betydelsen af uterus hos Trikladerna. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 494. — Nagra anmarkninger om Sveriges Triklader. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 539-557; Micr. Soc. Jl., 1893, 636. — Studien fiber Turbellarieu. i. Ueber die Vermehrung durch Quertheilung des Bipalium kewense, Moseley. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 25, 1893-94, Nu. 4, 42 pp. — Gastroschiza triacantha, n.g., n. *p., eine neue Gattung und Farnilie der Raderthiere. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 18 (Afd. 4), 1893, No. 4, 22 pp. — Polypostia similis, n. (/., n. sp. En acotyl Polyklad med manga hanliga parningsapparater. (Eine acotyle Polycladide mit zahlreichen mannlicheu Begattungs- apparaten.) [1893.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 29, 1892-93 (Soc. Physiogr., No. vi, 29 pp.); Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 366-368. — Eiuige Bemerkuugeu iiber Cryptocelides Loveni, inihi. Lund. Univ. Acta, 29, 1892-93 (fine. Plu/xiogr., No. VII, 7 pp.); Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 237-241. — Einige Bemerkungen fiber die Rotiferengattungen Gastroschiza, Bergendal, und Anapus, Bergendal. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 589-598. — Studier ofver Turbellarier. n. Om byggnaden af Uteriporus, Bgdl., jiimte andra bidrag till Trikladernas anatoini. (Ueber den Bau von Uteriporus, Bgdl., nebst anderen Beitragen zur Anatomic der Tricladen.) [1893- 96.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 32, 1896 (.S'oc1. Phi/siogr., No. iv, 123 pp.). — Ueber drei Tricladen aus Punta Arenas und um- liegender Gegeud. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 521-524. — Studier ofver Nemertiner. i. Callinera Burgeri, Bergendal, en representant for ett afvikande slagte bland Bergendal] if, i [Berger Paliioneiuertinerna. (Studien liber Nemertinen. i. Calli- nera Biirgeri, Hergendal, eine abweichende Pala><>- nemertinengattung.) Lnncl. Univ. Acta, 36, 1900 (.Sop. Pli>i*i». 5, 47-t-vii pp.); Micr. Sue. Jl., 1901, 650-651. — Till kannedomen om de nordiska Nemertinerna. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 381-602. — Bor oniuingen Palajonemertini, Hubrecht, uppdelas i tvanne ordningar Protonemertiui och Mesonemertini ? Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 721-742. — Ueber ein Paar sehr eigenthiimliche nordische Ne- mertinen. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 313-328. Bergendal, A". Ueber die bei der acuten Verblutung an den Kreislaufs- und AthmunRsapparaten auftretemlen Erscheinungen. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 1897, 186-197. Bergendal, A"., it Bergman, Per G. Zur Physiologic der Intercostalmuskeln. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 1897, 178- 185. Bergengriin, Paul. Ueber einen Fall von Verruca dura laryngis. Virchow, Arch., 118, 1889, 536-551. — Topographisches iiber den Bacillus leprre, mit Demon- stration microscopischer Praparate. St. Petersb. Med. Wsehr., 20, 1895, 403-405. — Observations upon the distribution in the tissues of the leprosy bacillus, and upon the histogenesis of giant- cells in leprous lesions of the larynx. London Path. Soc. Trans., 4!l, 1898, 336-344. Bergenstamm, Julius (Killer) ran. For biographical notice fee Wieu, Nat. Hist. Hoftnus. Ann., 11, 1896, ">5. Bergenstamm, Ju/imt (Kdler) von, & Brauer, Friedrich. See Brauer it Bergenstamm. Bergeon, I.[i'on], Sur les injections de medicaments gazeux dans le rectum. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 103. 1886, 170-177. — Sur 1'action physiologique des lavements gazeux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 104, 1887, 1812-1813. — Lavements gazeux d'acide carbonique; leur influence sur la nutrition. [With I/IJK-IISM'OH.] [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 33, 1894 (C. R.), 83-86. Berger, [Luiiis J.]. Des rivieres a maree. [1888.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Pub!., 46, 1889, 167-238. — Le calcaire Devonien, le petit granit et les pierres de Meuse. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 47. 1890, 341-383. — Notice sur les travaux a executer aux rivieres a lit mobile pour prevenir ou diminuer les inondations. [1890.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 48, 1891, 1-74. — Notice sur les essences d'arbres a choisir en Belgique pour les plantations des routes. [1892.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 50, 1893, 1-76. — Le cerisier sauvage d'Amerique a fruits noirs (Primus serotina). [1892.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 50, 1893, 293-298. — Notice sur les ecrits d'Alphonse BELPAIRE concernant les rivieres a maree et sur les projets qu'il a dresses pour ['amelioration du Rupel. [1895.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 52, 1896 (Mem.), 1-65. Berger, Ali.runilei' [Fredrik], *Sur une sommation de quelques series. [1883.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Xova Acta, 12, 1885, No. 7, 31 pp. — Om antalet losningar till en viss indeterminerad eqvation med flera obekanta. Stockh., Ofvers., 1886, 355-366; Fortschr. Math., 1886, 149-150. — Sur une application de la theorie des equations binomes a la sommation de quelques series. [1886.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 13, 1887, No. 7, 36 pp. — Deduction de quelques formules analytiques d'un theoreme elementaire de la theorie des nombres. Acta Math., 9, 1887, 301-320. — Om rotternas antal till kongruenser af andra gradeu. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 127-151; Fortschr. Math.. 1887, 181-182. — Om en talteoretisk formels anvandning till transfor- mation af en definit dubbelintegral. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 153-158. — Sur une generalisation des nombres et des fonctious de BERXorLi.i. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 1), 1888, XH. 9, 43 pp. — DP Bernoulli'ska talens och funktionernas teori, base rad pa ett system af funktionaleqvatiuner. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 433-461. — Harledning af nagra independeuta uttryek for de Bernoulli'ska talen. "Stockh., Ofvers., 1889, 129-138; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 247. — • Om anvandningeu af invarianter och haltiuvarianter vid losningeu af allmanna algebraiska eqvationer af de fyra lagsta graderna. Stockh., Ofvers., 1890, 165-188; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 140. — Eecherches sur les valeurs moyennes dans la theorie des nombres. [1887.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 14, 1891, No. 2, 130 pp. — Recherches sur les nombres et les fouctions de BERNOULLI. [1888.] Acta Math., 14. 1890-91, 249-304. — Om en anvandning af de Bernoulliska funktionema vid nagra serientvecklingar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1891, 523- 540; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 274. — En algebraisk generalisation af nagra aritmetiska satser. Stockh., Ofvers., 1891, 683-720; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 190-191. — Deduction des proprietes principales de la fonction elliptique generale du second ordre. Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 14, 1891, ATo. 12, 50 pp. - Sur 1'evaluation approchee des integrates definies simples. Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 16. 1893, iVo. 4, 52 pp. — Sur les fonctions entieres rationelles, qui satisfont a une equation differentielle lineaire du second ordre. [1892.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 15, 1895, No. 4, 28 pp. — Sur une generalisation algebrique des nombres de LAME. [1893".] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 15, 1895. No. 10, 33 pp. - Sur le developpement de quelques fonctions discon- tinues en series de FOURIER. [1894.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 15, 1895, No. 13, 33 pp. — Recherches sur les nombres polygouaux. [1895.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 17, 1898, iVo. 4, 38 pp. — Om de konvexa polvedrarne. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 497-522. - Undersokningar diver nugra aritmetiska funktioner. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 579-619. — Om en yiss oiindlig grupp af rationela hela funktioner. Stockh., Ofvers., 1899, 175-195. — Sur quelques relations entre les racines de certaines equations du troisieme degre. [1899.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 18, 1900, No. 3, 14 pp. Berger, Altcin. Stapelia hanburyana, Brifr. et Rilst. Mschr. Kakteenk., 9, 1899, 6-9. — Mesembriaiithemum Bolusii, Hook, til., im Garten des Comm. Th. HANBURY, F.L.S., etc. zu La Mortola. Mschr. Kakteenk., 9, 1899, 39-43. — Zwei verwechselte Euphorbien. (E. caput Medusa?, L., und E. parvimamma, Boiss.) Mschr. Kakteenk., 9, 1899, 88-92. — Cereus spachianus, Lent., im Garten des Herrn Commendatore Th. HANBURY zu La Mortola. Mschr. Kakteenk., 10, 1900, 92-95. Cotyledon macrantha, Hort. La Mort. Mschr. Kakteenk., 10, 1900, 106-110. — Aloe pluridens, Hmr. Mselir. Kakteenk., 10. 1900, 137-138. Berger, l-:[dininl] U'[i Ilium]. [ Pseudoscorpions of Tas- mania.] Nature, 56 (18971. 470. — Dr. !•'. S. CONAM'S notes i>n the physiology of the Medusre. [1898.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [18 (1898-99)], 9-11. — Physiology and histology of the Cubomedusffl in- cluding Dr. K. S. COSAST'S notes on the physiology. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Mem., 4, TVo. 4, 1900, 84 pp. Bergerl 465 [Berger Berger, Kind (or Emile). Bemerkung " zur Zonulafrage." Arch. f. Ophthalm., 31, 1886 (Abth. 3), 93-98. — Betractioris-Ophtbalinoakop mit variablcm Intcrvalle zwischen je zwei Correctionsglasern. Ztschr. Instru- mentenk., 5, 1885, 77-79. Recherches sur les troubles oculaires clans le tabes dorsal. Paris, Ao. Sci. C. B., 106, 1888, 1618-1620. — Un appareil pour determiner la veritable forme des objets micrographiques. L'etendue de la chambre posterieure de 1'u-il. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 215-216. Des cellules ganglionnaires medianement situe'es dans la moe'lle epiniere des serpents. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C'. A1.), 217. Die Sehstorurjgen bei Tabes clorsalis und Versuch einer einheitlicben Erklaruug des SymptomeueompU'xes der Tabes. [1888-89.] Arch. Augenheilk., 19, 1889, 305-353, 391-454; Arch. Ophthalm., 19, 1890, 429-196; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 225-230. — Bemerkuug iiber Nystagmus bei Tabes dorsalis. Arch. Augenheilk., 21, 1890, 29u! Remarqnes sur 1'action pbysiologique de la cocaine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 63. — Sur 1'emploi en ophtalmologie de melanges de plusieurs produits pharmaceutiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 63-65. Action des toxines sur la secretion lacrymale. Patho- genic de la keratomalacie survenaiit dans les maladies infectieuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 279-280. Historische Bemerkungen zur Anatomic der Ora serrata retinae. Arch. Augenheilk., 32, 1896, 288-290; Arch. Ophthalm., 28, 1899, 73. Emplui de 1'hulocaine en ophtalmologie. Paris, Soc. Bio!. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. ]!.), 583-586. — Sur une nouvelle loupe binoculaire. Paris, Ac. Sui. C. B., 129, 1899, 821-823; Arch. Augenheilk., 41, 1900, 235-241. Ueber stereoskopische Lupen und Brillen. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verh., 1900, 160-162. — Transformation de loupe simple en loupe binoculaire et stereoscopique. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 25,1900,70-71. Appareil transformant la loupe simple en instrument binoculaire et stereoscopique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), _199-200. Berger, Kmil (or Emile), & ioewy, Robert. L'etat des yeux pendant le sommeil et la theorie du sommeil. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 448-450; Bobin, Jl. Anat.,,34, 1898, 364-418. Berger, Emil (or Emile), ai id Hendrirks. The biological relation between bacteria ami the more highly organized flora of running streams. Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Contrib. Lab. Hyg.), 1 & 2, 1898, 1-15. — Comparative studies upon the pseudo-diphtheria, or Hofmann bacillus, the xerosis bacillus, and the Lufiler bacillus. Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Contrib. Lab. Hyg.), 1 & -2, 1898, 17-04. — Methods for the determination of organic matter in air. [1896.] Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 39, 1899, Art. 1, 28 pp. An investigation on the influence upon the vital resistance of animals to the microorganisms of disease brought about by prolonged sojourn in an impure atmosphere. [1898.] Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 39, 1899, Art. 6, 10 pp. Bergey, Dn rid Heiulricks, & Abbott, A[le.randcr] C[rever]. See Abbott it Bergey. Bergey, Dnrid llendrtcks, BillingB, ,/.na. [1887.] Bot. Notiser, 1888, 11-16; Bot. Centrbl., 35, 1888, 183- 184. — Nagra iakttayelser rorande sporernas spridning hos Archidium phascoides. [1888.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 48- 49. — Om Cyperaceerna. Lund. Univ. Acta, 33, 1897 (Soc. Physiogr., No. xiv, 1-9). — Om Khynehospora alba och nagra andra svenska Cyperaceers morfologi. Bot. Notiser, 1898, 129-146 ; Bot. Centrbl. , 76, 1898, 310-343. — Det uppsvallda internodiet hos Moliuia cierulea. Bot. Notiser, 1898, 147-150; Bot. Centrbl. Beihet'te, 1898-99, 203-204. Berggren, iS'[c<-ii] (et alii). Diskussion om det fran Botanisk Foreuing i Kopenhamn erhallna forslaget till regler for den systematiska nomenklatura). Bot. Notiser, 1893, 77-84. Berggriin, Josef Emil. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Kernverruehrung. Med. Jbiich., 2, 1887, 597-608. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Theorie der Muscarin- wirkung. Centrbl. Physiol., 5, 1892, 776-781. — Experimentelle Beitrage zur Lehre vom Broucho- spasmus der Neugeboreuen. [1893. J Centrbl. Physiol., 7, 1894, 129-137. Berggriin, Josef Emil, & Pal, J[akub]. Sec Pal & Berggriin. Bergh, ran den. Theorie de la skiascopie. Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 40-42. Bergh, .1. Hijmans van den. See Hijmans van den Bergh. Bergh, I'll, run den, it Denys, ./. See Denys it Bergh. Bergh, l''.blie. Untersuchungeu iiber die basischen Spal- tungeprodukte des Elastins beim Kochen mil Salzsaure. Ztschr. Physiol. Cheru., 25, 1898, 337-343. Bergh, I'anl. Seiten- und Diametralzahlen bei den Griechen. Ztschr. Math. 1'hys., 31, 1886 (Hint. lit. Abtli.), 135. Bergh, Rudolph. *Beitrage zu einer Monographic der Polyceiaden, III. [1883.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 33, 1884 (Ab)i.), 135-180. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattuug Melibe, li,iini. [1884.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 41, 1886, 142-154. — Ueber die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Onchidien. Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 172-181; Arch. Zool. Exper., 3, 1885, viii-xi. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Aeolidiaden. [1885-88.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 35, 1886 (AMi.), 1-60; 38, 1888 (Abli.), 673-706. — Die Nudibranehien gesammelt wahrend der Fahrten des Willem Barents in das nordliche Eismeer. Amster- dam Bijdr. Dierk., 13, 1886, 37 pp. — Sur la nature du Phcenicure. Arch. Zool. Exper., 4, 1886, 73-76. — Die Marseniaden. Zool. Jbiich., 1, 1886, 165-176. — Die van Hasselt'schen Nudibranehien. Leyden Mus. Notes, 9, 1887, 303-323. — Die Pleuroleuriden, eine Familie der nudibranchiaten Gastraopoden. Zool. Jbiich., 3, 1888, 348-364. — Report on the results of dredging,... by the U. S. Coast Survey steamer liliike. xxxn. Report on the nudi- branchs. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 19, 1890, 155- 181. — Die Titiscanien, eine Familie der rhipidoglossen Gasteropoden. Morphol. Jbuch., 16, 1890, 1-26. — Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Pleurophyllidien. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 40, 1890 (Abli.). 1-14. — Die cladohepatisehen Nudibranehien. [1890.] Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 5, 1891, 1-7.". — Die crvptobranchiaten Dorididen. [1891.] Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 6, 1892, 103-144. — Die Nudibranchiata holohepaticn porostomata. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 42. 1893 (Abli.), 1-16. — Ueber einige verkannte uud neue Doridiiden. [1893.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 43, 1894 (Abli.), 408-420. — Die Gattung Gastropteron. [1893.] Zool. Jbiieh. (Aunt.), 7, 1894, 281-308. - Eine neue Gattung von Polyceraden (Greilada). Arch. Naturg., 60, 1894 (lid. 1), 1-6. — Reports on the dredging operations. ..by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, xm. Die Opisthn- branchien. [1894.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 25, 1893-95, 125-233. — Die Gruppe der Doridiiden. [1893.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mittl)., 11, 1895, 107-135. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Strombiden, besonders der Gattung Terebellum, Klein. Zool. Jbiich. (Anal.), 8, 1895, 342-378. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Coniden. [1895.] Ae. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 65, 1896, 67 21 I. — Die Hedyliden, eine Familie der kladohepatischen Nudibranehien. [1895.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 45, 1896, 4-12. — Eolidieus d'Amboine. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 4, 1896-97, 385-394. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattungen Narica und Omistus. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 46, 1896, 20H-212. — Ueber die Gattung Doriopsilla. [1896.] Zool. Jbiich. (Si/st.), 9, 1897, 454-458. — [Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckenbergisohen Natur- forscheuden Gesellschaft ausgeftihrt von Dr. Willy Ki kKNTHM..] Opisthobranchieu. [1897.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abli., 24, 1898, 97-130. — [Fauna Chilensis.] Die Opisthobranchier der Sniiin)- luug Plate. Zool. Jbiich. (Suppl.). 4, 1898, 481-582. — Ergebnisse einer Krise nach dem Pacific (ScHAUiNs- i, \N-JI 18'.Mi-97). Die Opisth.ibranchier. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 13, 1900, 207-246. Bergh, liiidolph S. Thatsachen aus der Entwickelunga- geschichte der Bhitegrl. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 90-94. - Ueber die Metamorphose von Nephelis. [1884.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 41, 1885, 284-301. Die Metamorphose von Anlastoma gulo. Wiirzb. Zool. Inst. Arb.. 7, 1885, 231-291. — Ueber die Deutuug der allgemeinen Anlagen am Ei Bergh] 4G9 [Bergkammer tier Clepsinen uud der Kieferegel. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 112-119. — Vorliiufige Mittheilung iiber die Geschlechtsorgane der Regenwiirmer. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 231-235. — Untersuchungen iiber den Bau und die Entwieklung der Geschlechtsorgaue der Kegenwiirmer. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 44, 1886, 303-332. — Ueber den Theilungsvorgang bei den Dinoflagellaten. [1880.] Zool. Jbiicli., 2, 1887, 73-80. - Bemcerkninger om udvikliugen af Lucernaria. Kjobenli. Vid. Medd., 1888, 214-220. — Zur Bildungegeschiebte der Exkretionsorgane bei Criodrilus. Wiirzb. Zool. lust. Arli., 8, 1888, 223-248. — Recherehes sur les uoyaux de 1'Urostyla grandis et de 1'Urostyla intermedia, «. sp. Arch, de Biol., 9, 1889, 497-514. — Ein moderner Theoretiker und seine Methodik. Zur Abwebr gegen Herrn RABL. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 17-24. — Neue Beitrage zur Embryologie der Regenwiirmer. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 186- 190. — Die Schichtenbildung im Keirnstreifeu der Blutegel. (Vorlautige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 058- 600. - Neue Beitrage znr Embryologie der Anneliden. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 50, 1890, 409-520; 52, 1891, 1-17. — Kritik einer modernen Hypothese von der Ueber- tragung erblicber Eigeuschaften. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 43-52. — Die Drebung des Keimstreifens und dio Anlage des Dorsalorgaus bei Gauimarus pulex. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 208-271. — Zur Entwioklung des Keimstreifens von Mysis. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 435—140. — Beitrage zur Embryologie der Crustaceen. [1893.] Zool. Jbiicb. (Anat.), 6, 1893, 491-528; 7, 1894, 235- 248. — Ueber die relativen Theilungspotenzen einiger Embryo- nalzellen. [18115.] Arch. EntwMech., 2, 1896, 281-297. — Ueber den Begrift' der Heteromorphose. Arcb. Entw- Mech., 3, 1896, 000-001. — Ueber Stiitzfasern in der Zellsubstanz einiger In- fusorien. [1890.] Anat. Hefte (Alt. 1), 7, 1897, 103- 113. — Beitriige zur vergleiehenden Histologie. [1. Ueber die Gefasswandung bei Mollusken. 2. Ueber den Bau der Gefiisse bei den Anneliden.] Anat. Hefte (Altt. 1), 10, 1898, 105-125; 14, 1900, 379-407; 15, 1900, 597- 023. — Methodologisk-kritiske bemasrkuinger om moderne forskuingsretninger i embryologien. Kjobenh. Overs., 1899, 10!l-191. - Nocbmals iiber die Entwicklung der Segmeutalorgane. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 06, 1899, 435-449. Bergh, RutMpli S., & Ditlevsen, A. Om et hidtil ukendt bygningsforhold i epidermis bos " Oligoclueta limieola." Kjobenh. Overs., 1899, 323-331. Bergbaus, A. Kobalt, Saflor, Smalte. Centrztg. Optik, 12, 1891, 183-186. - Metall-Spiegel. Centrztg. Optik, 12, 1891, 195-197. — Der Braunstein. Centrztg. Optik, 13, 1892, 5-7. - Chemische Bezeicbuung der Metalle. Centrztg. Optik, 13, 1892, lls-120. — Die Messung boher Temperaturen. Centrztg. Optik, 14, 1893, 121-123. — Ein bistorischer Kiickblick. Centrztg. Optik, 14, 1893, 253-256, 266-268. — Historiscbe Notizen iiber die magnetiscbe Kraft. Centrztg. Optik, 15, 1894, 1-3. - Ueber •• Kalender- Wetter." Wetter, 13, 1896, 90-94. Bergbaus, Iletnrirh Karl. For biography and works see Leopoldiua, 20, 1884, 59-60; Termt. Kuzliiu., 17, 1885, 497; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 354-355. Berghaus, Hermann Carl Friedrich. For biography and works sec Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 8, 1891, 7011 ; Geogr. Jbncb., 14, 1891, 201 ; Leopoldiua, 27,1891,28-30,43-45; Petermaun, Mittli., 37, 1891, i-v ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 7, 1891, 86; Termt. Knzlon., 23, 1891, 029. Bergbe. Set' Vanden-Berghe. Bergbell, [{nan. Geologiska iakttagelser, hiifvudsakligast at' qvartarbildningarna, liings Karelska jernvagens tva f'orsta distrikt och Imatrabanan. Fennia, 4, 1891, No. 5, 33 pp. (Res. 30-33); 5, 1892, Xo. 2, W pp. (Re's. 17-18). — Hum bor Tammerfors-Kangasala asen uppfattas ? Feunia, 5, 1892, Xo. 3, 10 pp. (Res. 9-10). — Beobachtungen iiber den Bau nnd die Configuration der Randmoranen im iistlichen Finnlaml. Fenuia, 8, 1893, Xo. 5, 4 pp. — Bidrag till kannedomen om sodra Finlands Kvartiira nivatoriindringar. [1896.] Fennia, 13, 1896, Xo. 2, 04 pp. (Res. 01-64); Finlaude Comm. Geol. Bull., 1, 1895-98, No. 5, 64 pp. (Res. 61-04). — Om Finlands storsta insjobiicken, Saimavattnets atlopp fcirr och nu. Skaud. Natf. Mot. Forh., 1898, 228-229. Bergbell, Ilnyo, A Andersson, [Curl Fi/ip] Gunnar. • Andersson A Bergbell. Berghell, HU, 480. V.IHTMANXS method att direkt bestiimma klor vid niirvaro af brora. Stockh.. Ofvers., 1884, No. 10, 1)9-72 ; Fresenius, Ztschr., 24, 1885, l'.>0-199. — Ueber den Bromgehalt des Meerwassers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 2888-2890. Bergman, Arriil. Om iKstriderna och deres ekonomiska betydelse. Ent. Tidskr., 20, 1899, 133-155. — Undersokningar at' sjiika larver till lofakogenunnan (Ocneria dispar, L.). Ent. Tidskr., 20. 1899, 284-286. Bergman, I<'[nuts] A[nti>n] Gustuf. Nyare Undersokningar i kolerans etiologi. [1884.] Upsala Lakarefur. Fiirh., 20, 1885, 73-83, 140-156, 160. — I begrafnings- oeh likbranningsfragan ur medicinsk synpunkt. [1888.] Upsala Lakarefor. Fiirh.. 24, 1889. 39-77, 212-217. Bergman, Per G. Ueber die Retiexerregbarkeit der Frosche bei Hemmung der Circulation. Zur Beleuchtung dcr central-nervosen Wirkungen der Herzgifte. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 1897, 198-221. & An.lorssoii, ./. A. Kef Andersson . , A Bergendal, A". He? Bergendal A , A Tigerstedt, Robert. See Tigerstedt Bergman, Per G. A Bergman. Bergman, Per G Bergman. Bergman, Per HOpMa.ILHUXT,, B8CHOIO II .it.TOMT, 1890 r. Bl) EBpOliericKoil Poccill. [Ueber die Ab- weichungen der Temperaturen und Niederschlagsmengen im Europaischen Russland von ihren Normalwerthen wahrend des Friihlings und Sommers 1890.] [1891.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Ruts.), 07, 1892 (Aiipen.l. No. 1), 20 pp.; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 14, 1891, A... 0, 21 pp. — 0 pacii]H'.[.l;.ioniii n jtiflTejbHOCTii iieteopo.io- ni'iecKiix'h cTiiiiuiii Bri> PocciiicKon HMiiepiii n. na'ia.ia iixi, B03iiiiKiiOBPni)i ;i.o 1889 r. BK.IIH- 4 HTCJI I>HO. [Ueber die Vertheilung uud Thiitigkeit der meteiu'ologischen Statiouen in Russland, von den ersten Ani'iingeu bis zum Jahre 1889 inclusive.] [1892.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. lA'ux.O, 71, 1893 (AjuieniL .Y.i. 4), 350 pp.; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 15, 1892, No. 11, 314 pp. — Das Temperatur-Minimum in Kola in den Jahreu 1878-92. Meteorol. Ztschr., 10 (1893), 220. - .Mni'opo.ioi -il'lcciMJI IKU'i.lHi.U'llijI npOII3Beieu- HKTH IklplllKnl I, it. It. To.ll'MI, II .It'll ll'llalirOM I,- Bergmann] 471 i|i.mra K. M. IIIiuiKilKO BI, 1893 rojry BO RpeMH 3Kcnejumin na HoBO-CiiOttpcKie ocipofia 11 BJI,OJII> 6eperoBT> .IcjiOBiiTaro OKeana. [Meteorologische Beobachtungen auf einer Expedition nach den Neu- Sibirischen Inseln und langs der Eismeer-Kiiste iin Jahre 1893, angestellt von Baron E. VON TOLL und Marine-Lieutenant E. SCHII.EIKO.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 2, 1895, A"o. 3, 71 pp. ; Meteorol. Ztscbr., 12 (18951, 368-376. Bergmeister, O[tto]. Ueber das Vorkommen von Stcirun- gen des Sehorgans bei gewissen Stoffwechselanomalien, speziell bei harnsaurer Diathese. Wien. Mod. Wscbr., 44, 1894, 1785-1787, 1831-1833. Bergonie, J[enn]. [La formule donnant la distance focale du dioptre.] [1889.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, vi-x. — Contractions electriquement provoquees, ressemblant a la contraction volontaire. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1895 (Pt. 1), 223. — Mesure des resistances electriques en clinique. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 187-189. Note sur les radiations Riintgen et leur emploi en medecine. Bordeaux Ac. Act., 58, 1896 (C. R.), 16-19. — Photographies obtenues a 1'aide des rayons X. [18915.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1895-96, 29. Nouveaux fails de radioscopie de lesions intra- thoraciques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1268- 1269. Sur un traitement electrique palliatif du tic douloureux de la face. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 340. Du mecanisme du soulevement du corps sur la pointe des pieds. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 365- 367. L'electricite medicale et le medecin e'leetricien. Ass. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 1), 386 392. Traitement rlectrolytique des augiomes graves. Fran?. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 2), 990-997. De 1'utilite des mesures electriques en radiographie. Ass. Franr. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 2), 1036-1044. Sur la mcsure du volume et de la densiti? du corps humain. Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. Jnbil.), 1899, 152-157. — Du rheostat en electrotherapie. Determination de ses constantes. Ass. Franr. C. R., 1900 (Pf. 1), 304. Bcn;onic, J[can], & Carriere, G[curges]. Sur quelques resultats comparatifs des methodes cliniques ordinaires et de 1'examen fluoroscopique dans les epancbements pleuretiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 125, 1897, 975-977. Become, J[can], & Ferre, [Jean Hipjmlijte] linbriel [Paul], Action des rayons de ROENTGEN sur la vitalite et la virulence des cultures du bacille de KOCH. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 (IV. 2, Sect. 4 Aradidarum species.] Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889, 49-52. — Ueber einige palsearktieche Tipuliden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889, 113-120. — Zwei neue Diptera. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889, 295- 298; 11, 1892, 162. — Beitrag zur Tipuliden-Fauna der Schweiz. Bern Mitth., 1890, 131-138. — Note on the genus Ca'ridophthalmus, .J.«w. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 132-133. — Note on the genus Protenor, Ktfil. Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 217. — Note on Lepisma doinestica, Puck. Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 233. — Deux Reduviides nouveaux palearctiques. Rev. Ent., '.I, 1890, 56-57. — Nouvelle espece palearptique du genre Coptosoma, Lap. Rev. Ent., 9, 1890, 3.V,. — Additions au "Catalogue methodique des Elaterides conuus en 1890 par E. CANDKZE" (Liege, 1891). Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 3o, 1891, ccxxxiii-ccxxxvii. — On the new Australian vine pest. Ent. Month. Mag., 27, 1891, 68-70. — [Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Leptopus, I.ntr.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, cli-clii. — Contributions a 1'etude des Pentatomides. Rev. Ent., 10, 1891, 200-235. — Eiue neue Saldiden-Gattuug. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 10, 1891, 263-267. — Rhynchota icthiopica. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 160-162; 38, 1894, 535-547. — Aradides du Bengale boreal. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 503-504. — Nouvelle espece du genre Megymemim, Lap. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 504-505. — On an Indian ant-mimicking hemipteron [l>ulichiu« Wroughtoni], Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 107, 126. — A new genus of Eustheninte. Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 15s l.V.i. — Aradidi dell' isola di Engano raccolti dal Dott. Elio MOI.IGLIANI. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 32, 1892, 806-808. — [Deseriptimi d un genre nouveau de la sous-famille des Plataspidinfe. ] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, cclv-cclvi. — Aradidffi nova. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 259-261. — Notes synonymiques. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 202-264. — Note on the water-bug, found by Rev. J. L. ZABRISKIE. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 4, 1892, 321. — Ueber Lasiopsis, A'r., und verwandte Gattungen. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 98-100. — Ueber Hemidiptera Haeckeli, Leon. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 169-170. — Plataspidina; quuttuor novae. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 171-173. — On some Ethiopian Pen tatom idle of the group Halyinie. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 112-120. — Description d'uu genre nouveau de la sous-famille des Holoptilines (Reduviida»). Brux., Sue. Ent. Ann., 37, 1893, 78-79. — Descriptions of some Rhynchota of geographical interest. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 01-63. — On two halophilous Hemiptera. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 277-279. — Notes hemipterologiques. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 153- 155. — Mission scientitique de 3[. Ch. ALLUAUD aux iles Sechelles. Heteropteres. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 197-209. — Note sur deux Gerrides palearctiques. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 209-210. — Rhynchota aquatica madagascariensia. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 210-213. — Zur geographischen Verbreitung der Gattung Pygo- lampis, <;crm. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 12, 1893, 157-158. — Diagnoses Homopterorum quattuor madagascarien- sium. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 38, 1894, 160-161. — Einige Worte iiber Nomenclatur und Prioritiits- berechtigung. Ent. NaeLr., 20, 1894, 193-199. — Erstes Verzeichniss von Dr. A. VOELTZKOW in Mada- gaskar gesammelter Hemiptera Heteroptera. Ent. Nachr., 20, 1894, 356-359. — Fortsatta bidrag till Aradideruas kannedom. Ent. Tidskr., 15, 1894, 117-118. — Viaggiii di Lamterto LOKIA nella Papuasia orientate, xi. Aradidiu. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 34, 1894, 111- 112. — Rhynchota orientalia. Rev. Ent., 13, 1894, 152-164. — Liste de quelques HuinipterL's de la Plata. Rev. Ent., 13, 1894, 164-167. — Tiogida) tres madagascarienses. Rev. Ent., 13, 1894, 167-168. — Ueber einige australische Diptereu. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 55, 1894, 71-75. — Ueber Brachyrrhyiichus rugosus, Sinn. Wien. Eut. Ztg., 13, 1894, 179." — Ein iieuer Aradus aus Oesterreich. Wien. Eut. Ztg., 13, 1894, 189-190, 236, 24s. — Notes sur quelques Hemipteres ethiopieus du Musee de Lisbonne. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Matli., 3, 1895, 122-127. — Le genre Cligenes, Dist. (Lygajida;). Rev. Eut., 14, 1895, 142-145. — Reduviidse qmiidam madagascarienses. Rev. Ent. , 14, 1895, 146-151. — Contributions to a knowledge of the Rhynchota of Australia. Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc., 7, 1895, 287-302. — Eine neiu- Reduviiden-Gattung aus West-Afrika. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 14, 1895, 165-166. — Aradidffi novie. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 14, 1895, 167-171. — Nouvelle espuce de Thysauopteres. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 40, 1896, 66-67. Bergroth ] 473 [Berigny Ueher drei westafrikanische Coreiden. Ent. Nachr., 22, 1896. 37-38. — Nouvelle espece du genre Pasiropsis, Rent. (Rednviida?). Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, !l-10. Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Margasus, Stal. Paris, Soc. Eut. Bull., 1896, 3M.V :!sr,. — Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Chondro- lophus, Bergr. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 201-202. — On two remarkable Califnrnian Hemiptera. Philad., Eut. News, 8, 1897, 95-96. — Diagnoses of some new Aradidte. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 100-101. — Aradides nouveaux. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 149-151. — Description de deux Reduviides nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 307-308. — Genre nouveau pale.arctique d'Holoptilitus (Redu- viidaj). Rev. Ent., 17, 1898, 18(3-1*7. — Sur la place systetnatique du genre Joppeieus, I'nt. Rev. Ent., 17, 1898, 188. — Eine neue Tingide. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 17. 1898, 9, 72. — Aradidje americause nova1 vel minus cognitas. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 17, 1898, 26-27, 72. Ueber einige amerikanische Capsiden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 17, 1898, 33-35, 72. - Tricyphona, '/.en., Ent. Ztg., 17, 1898, 267. — A new genus of Corixida'. 1899. '_'M2. Note on the genus Aepophilus, Sign. Amalopis, Hnl. Wieu. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 282-283. — Diagnose d'une nouvelle espece du genre Arachnocoris, Scott (Nabidae). Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 295-296. Bergroth, /. Ossian. Auteckningar oni vegetationen i granstrakterna mellan Aland och Abo-omradet. [1894.] Helsingfurs, Fauna Flora Fenn. Acta, 11, 1895, No. 3, 78 pp. — Resa i Karelia pomorica sommaren 1891. [IS',14.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd. , 21, 1895, 15-25. — Botaniska exkursioner i Karelia pomorica. [1896.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 23, 1898, 21-26. — Solovetska ogruppens forballande till del finska flora- omradet. [1896.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 23, 1898, 34-37. Bergsma, A. J. C. J. S. (et alii). Quels sont les derniers resultats obtenus par 1'application et 1'etude continuee du systetne differeneiateur (Liernur)'! Congr. Int. Hyg. C. B. (1884, 2), 28-47, 47-62. Bergsma, I'ieter Adrinan. For biography and works nee Ciel et Terre, 3. 1883, 305; Petermaun, Mitth., 30, 1884, 107; Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 45, 1886, 17-71. Bergsman, M. The difference between the sea and continental climate with regard to vegetation. Nature, 30, 1884, 392-394. Bcrgsoc, Paul. Forsog med Rontgenske straaler. Nyt Tidsskr. Fys. Keiu., 1, 1896, 178-182. — Fluorescensskfermes anvendelighed ved iagttagelse af Iio\Tc!ENs straaler. Nyt Tidsskr. Fys. Kem., 1, 1896, 347-351; Chem. Ztg. ,'21, 1897 (Repertm.), 72. — Baryumplatincyauure og iridiumfrit platin. Nyt Tidsskr. Fys. Kem., 3, 1898, 321-329 ; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 19, 1899, 318-326. Bcrgsoc. Vilfielm. lagttagelser over den almiudelige og den sortraudede oldenborres udhredelse og biologi samlede paa en undersogelsesrejse i forsommeren 1887. [1890.] Ent. Medd. (Kjobenh.),' 2, 1889-90, 121-127. Bergsoe, nilirliii. & Meinert, /•>. St. Haus-oldenborren, Rhizotrogus solstitialis, og dens snyltende hvepselarve (Tiphia femorata?). [1888.] Ent. Medd. (Kjobeuh.), 1, 1887-88, 125-139. BergstriiBser, A . ('paBHeHie KJIHMaTOBt IlaB.lOBCKa, C.-TIeTep6ypTa ll KjiOHlIITaaTa. [Vergleich der R. S. A. C. Climate von Pawlowsk, St. Petersburg mid Kronstadt.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 66, 1891, 1-23; Repertra. f. Meteorol., 14, 1891 (Kl. Mitth.), 1-15. Bergstrand, . Forsok rorande tuberkulinets diagnos- tiska betydelse hos husdjuren. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 645-650. Bergstrand, [i.'nrl] Oaten [Kmnnuel]. Sur la reduction des mesures micrometriques des cliches photographiques stellaires. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 519-542. — Sur 1'influence de la refraction et de 1'aberration sur les mesures photogrammetriques des etoiles. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 51-65. — Till teorien for kometernas upplosning i meteor- svarmar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 563-567. — Sur les parallaxes des etoiles 2 1516 A et AOe. 11677. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 297-300. — Sur la deformation des couches sensibles des plaques photographiques, et son influence sur les rne^ui-es photo- grammetriques. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 187-224. Bergstrom, John A. Experiments upon physiological memory by means of the interference of associations. Amer. Jl. Psychol., 5, 1893, 356-369. — An experimental study of some of the conditions of mental activity. [1894.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 6, 1893, 247-274. - The relation of the interference to the practice effect of an association. [1894.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 6, 1893, 433-442. Bergt, WnJthi'r [Adolf], Beitrag zur Petrographie der Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta und der Sierra de Perija in der Republik Colombia in Siidamerika. Min. Petr. Mitth., 10, 1889, 271-386. — Ueber einen Kieseloolith aus Pennsylvanien. Dresden Isis Sber., 1892 (Abh.), 115-124. — Die Gesteine der Ruinenstiitte von Tiahuanaco im alien Peru (Bolivia). Dresden Isis Sber., 1894 (Abh.), 35-52. — Die Melaphyrgange am ehemaligen Eisenbahntunnel im Plauenschen Grunde bei Dresden. Dresden Isis Sber., 1895 (Abh.), 20-29. Zur Geologie von San Domingo. Dresden Isis Sber., 1897 (Abli.), 61-64. — Das erste Anhydritvorkommniss in Sachsen (und Bohrnen). Dresden Isis Sber., 1899 (Abh.), 88-1I2. • Der Planerkalkbruch bei Weinbohla. Dresden Isis Sber., 1900 (Abh.), 37-46. — Lausitzer Diabas mit Kantengerollen. Dresden Isis Sber., 1900 (Abh.), 111-121. Bergter, R. Die Insel Curasao in Westindien. Auf Grund eines sechsjahrigen Aufeuthaltes geschildert. Mitth. Osterland., 5, 1892, 79-85. Bergtold, II". H[nrrii~\. Coccothraustes vespertina in Erie county, N. Y. Auk, 7, 1890, 209-210. — Strix pratincola in western New York. Auk, 7, 1890, 400. — ADDISON'S disease. N. Y. Med. Jl., 53, 1891, (i65-i)72. Bergwitz, A"[o)7], it Wachsmuth, Richard. Sec Wacbs- iu nth A- Bergwitz. Berber, - — . *Climatologie d'Epinal. [Resume des observations miteorologiques faites de 1849 a 1869.] [Posth.] Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann., 14 (Cah. 1), 1871, 356-357. Berber, Eugene. Supplement au catalogue des plantes du departement des Vosges. Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann., 1891, 157-197. Berier, De Lnijnel. Unseasonable birds on Long Island. Auk, 3, 1886, 281. - The pine grosbeak (P. enucleator) in New Jersey. Auk, 13, 1896, 175. Berigny, Adolplie. For biographical notice and list of works see. France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 34, 1886, 45-49. - *Sur les dictons meteorologiques relatifs a la Saint- Medard et a la Saint-Gervais (8 juin et 19 juin). France 60 Berignyl 171 [Beringer Soc. Metc'orol. Annu., 2, 1854, 1't. 1, 152-15-1; 6, 1858. Ft. 2, 89-92. — 'Sur 1'orage du 2 mai 1855. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 3, 1865, Pt. 1, 252. — 'Versailles (Seine-et-Oise). Observations meti oro- logiques faites pendant [les annees 1854-56 et 1869-81]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annii., 3, 1855. I'l. 2, 91-145; 4, 1856, /'/. 1, 73-130; 5, 1857, Ft. 1, 65-1 22: IS, 1870. T,ill,'' de Calais.] Frauce Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860, Pt. 2, 73-74. - *Epreuve photographique du soleil, obtenne par M. BEKTSCH, le 5 juillet 1860. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860, Pt. 2, 96-97. - *[Sur les orages des 20 au 23 juin 1861, a Versailles.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 10, 1862. Pt. 2, 11-14. *[Sur 1'ozone.] [With discussion.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Pt. 2, 43-50, 194-198. - *[Sur les rapports de I'ozone avec les tempetes.] Frauce Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Pt. 2, 112-114. — 'Observations meteorologiques faites a Versailles pendant 1'eclipse du 6 mars 1867. Frauce Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 15, 1867 (Bull.), 190-191. - *[Sur 1'orage qui a eu lieu a Versailles le 12 jnillet, 1868.] [With discussion.] Frauce Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1. 1868, 205-208. - '[Coloration du papier ozonometrique a 1'approche des tempetes.] [With discussion.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol. , 2, 1869, 61-62. - *[Sur 1'orage du 19 Janvier 1873, extraite des observa- tions faites a Versailles.] France Soc. Meti'orol. Annu., 21, 1873 (Hull.), 12-13. - '[Sur les hauteurs d'eau tombee a Versailles en novembre 1872, comparees a celles qui sont tombees dans ce menu' inois pendant les vingt-cinq annees prece- dcntes.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 6, 1873, Pt. 1, 16-17. - '[Observations barometriques a Versailles (altitude 136 mi'tresl. le 10 decembre, 1872.) France Soc. M. teorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 6, 1873, Pi. 1, 17. — *[Sur un orage observe a Versailles dans la nuit du lev au 2 septembre 1874.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. M. i. .,rol., 8, 1875, Pt. 1, 49-51. - 'Nouvelles reclierches statistiques sur le jour de la Saint-Medard et sur celui de la Saint-Ciervais. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 9, 1876, Pt. 1, 150-153. - 'Sur 1'ean tombee et recueillie pendant les plus fortes averses de 1860 a 1876 inclus. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 9, 1876, Pt. 1, 160-163. - 'Hauteur moyenne de la pluie a Versailles pendant les trente annees 1847-76. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 25, 1877 (Bull.), 259-260. — 'Historique de la meteorologie dans le departement de Seine-et-Oise. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 26, 1878 (/;«».), 112-117. Berigny, .lilnl/ili,', A Fron, Emilf. *Comparaisons des tables ozonometriques avec les cartes meteorologiques des orages dressees a 1'Observatoire Imperial de Paris. [With aisenaxioii.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Pt. 2, 115-119. Berigny, Ailnliibe, & Haeghens, J. .sVc Haeghens ct Berigny. Berigny, A iloli>ln\ A Jobert, . .S.v Jobert A Berigny. Berigny, Ailolplif, A Richard, Felix. 'Versailles (Seiue- et-Oise). Observations meteorologiqnes faites pendant [les auuees 1857-68]. France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 8, 1860. Pt. 1, 85-104; 9, 1861. Pt. 1, 37-56; 10. 1862. Pt. 1, 5-43; 11, 1863, Pt. 1, 5-42; 13, 1865, Pt. 1, 5-42; 14, 1866, Tableaux, 5-24; 15, 1867, Tableau*. 5 23; 16, 1868, Tableaux, 13-32; 17, 1869, Tableau*, 43-56. Berigny, Adolphe, A Salleron, •/. *Repouse a la note adresM'e, par M. A. POEY, a 1'Academie, dans la seance du 28 octobre dernier, note intitulee: Remarques sur les colorations ozonoscopiques obteuues a 1'aide du reactif de JAME (de Sedan), et sur Pechelle ozonometrique de M. BEIUGXY. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 15, 1867 (Hull.), 289-292. Berillon, Eaaar. Valeur de la suggestion hypnotique dans le traitement de 1'hysterie. Ass. Franc. (.'. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 803-813. — Prophylaxie de la dcgenerescence. Ass. Franc,-. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 1), 352. — Les phobies neurastheniques. Etiologie et traitement psycliotberapique. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1894 ( Pt. 2), 800-806. — L'hypnotisme et la suggestion. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1898 (Pt. li. 4-19. Berillon, I-'.daar, .v Dumontpallier, I'. Ami'tb:i\ See Dumontpallier ,v Berillon. Beringer, A\3, 1891. 115-117. — Notes on the genus Myrica. Amer. Jl. Pharni.. 66. 1894, 220-223. Beringer] 47:') [Berlemont Beringer, J[ohn] J[acnli]. John MAYOW : chemist and physician, A.D. 1645-79. [1888.] Cornwall Roy. Inat. Jl., 9, 1889, 3111-324. Beringer, •/[»//«] J[afob], & Beringer, C[onirlius]. Set' above. Berisl.iiii, Si'rutiii, & Laurencio, Juan B. Catalogo de las aves de Mexico deseritas hasta la t'echa. |1*'.M.| Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 7, 1893, 199-284. Berjot, Fn'ilrric. For biographical notice and works see Caen, Soc. Linn. Normaudie Bull., 10, 1896, Ix-lxiv. Berju, Geori/. Ueber einige Abkumrnlinge des Amidoazo- beazols. Berlin, Cbern. Ges. Ber. , 17, 1884, 1400-1406 Berju, Genrii, & Xriiger, Friedrieh. See Kriiger A Berju. Berkefeld, II'. See under Claus, Adolph [Cnrl Liulwiij]. Berkeley, Emeric .S'. Indian orchids, Gard. Chrun. , 1, 1887, 736; 2, 1887, 74. — Variation in orchids. Gard. Chron., 3, 1888, 203. Berkeley, (Her.) M[iles] J[oseph]. For biography and list of works see Gard. Chron., 6, 1889, 141-142; Garden & Forest, 2, 1889, 410-411; Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 305-308; Nature, 40, 1889, 371-372; Northampton Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 5, 1888-89, 345-349; Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 451-456; 11, 1897, ix-xi; Grevillea, 18, [1890], 17-19; Roy. Soe. Proc., 47, 1890, ix-xii; Scott. Natlist., 10, 1889-90, 145- 148; Termt. Kozlon., 22, 1890, 635-636. — [Botanical notes from the Fens.] Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 235-236. - Notices of fungi collected in Zanzibar, in 1884, by Miss R. E. BERKELEY. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1885. 384-387. Berkeley, (Rev.) M[iles] J[p>eph], & Broome, (''[hristopher] E[dmund]. Notices of British fungi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1885, 342-345. — List of fungi from Queensland and other parts of Australia; with descriptions of new species. Part in. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (lint.), 2, 1881-87, 217-224. Berkeley, Randal Mowbray Thomas Berkeley (Karl nf). On an accurate method of determining the densities of solids. [1895.] Min. Mag., 11, 1897, 64-68. — On the more exact determination of the densities of crystals. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 837-s:;s. Berkeley, Il'[///iam] N[oland~], Analysis of paranthite from Clay county, North Carolina. Amer. Chem. .11., 14 (1892), 628. Berkeley, William N[athaniel]. Some practical remarks on clinical examination of the blood. N. Y. Med. Jl., 71, 1900, 599-601. Berkeley-Cotter, J. C. See Cotter, •?. C. Ilerkelei/. Berkenbusch, Ferdinand. Zur Messung von Flammen- temperaturen durch Thermoelements, insbesondere iiber die Temperatur der Buusenflamme. Ann. Phys. Chem., 67, 1899, 649-667. Berkenbusch, //. Die Blutversorgung der Beugesehnen der Finger. Gottingen Nachr., 1887, 403^406. Berkenneim, A[brain~]lU[oiseevi£]. Ueber Menthol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 686-698. — [Zur Kenntniss der Terpene und der atherischen Oele.] Ueber Tetrahydropinen. Liebig's Ann., 268, 1892, 225- 228. - HsC.lt^OBaHie SieHTO.ia. [Recherches sur le men- thol.] Russ. Phys.-Cbem. Soc. Jl., 24 (Cliem.), 1892, 179-201; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 8, 1892, 1344-1346. - Hsc.iixoBaHifl list K.iacca HailneHOB-B. IIpoii::- BOJHHH MeHTO.ia. [Sur les derives du menthol.] Russ. Phys.-Cheni. Soc. Jl., 24 (Chem.), 1892, 687-6SS; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 12, 1894, 1)27-628. BemeOTBa list Sautalum Preissii. [Crystalline substance from Santalum Preissii.] Russ. Phys.-Chein. Soc. JL, 24 (Chem.), 1892, 688-690; Chem. Soc. Jl., 64, 1893 (Abs., Pt. 1), 666. Berkey, Charles P. Preliminary report of levelling party. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Hep.. 22, 1894, 134-140. Nuti-s on Minnesota minerals. Mien. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Rep., 23, 1895, 194-202, [viii], — An apophyllite geode. [1893.] Minn. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896, 28. - The occurrence of datolite on the north shore of Lake Superior. [1894.] Minn. Ac. Sci. Bull.. 4, 1896, 42-43. Chemical analysis of the Fisher meteorite. Amer. Geologist, 20, 1897, 317-318. — Geology of the St. Croix Dalles. Amer. Geologist, 20, 1897, 346-383; 21, 1898. 139-155, 270-294. Berkhan, Oswald. Ueber die Stiirung der Schriftsprache bci Halhidioten und ihre Aehnlichkeit rnit [dem Sprach- gebrecben, Stammeln und Stottern]. Arch. Psycbiatr. . Hi, 1885, 78-86; 17, 1886, 897-900. - Ueber die freien Zwischenraume des periodischen Irreseins. [1896.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 958-965. — Ueber einen weiteren Fall von Akromegalie. Ztschr. Ethnol., 32, 1900, (307)-(308). Berkhout, A. 11. (ft alii). De Oost-Iudische houtsoorten, vooruamelijk djati-hout, hare exploitatie en de bandt-1 daarin op de Europeesche markt. Haarlem Kolon. Mus. Bull., [H], 1894, 18-27. Berkley, Henry J. Syringomyelia. Brain, 12, 1890, 460- 481. • Two cases of general cutaneous and sensory anaesthesia, without marked psychical implication. Brain, 14 1891 441-464. - Die Osmium -Kupfer-Hamatoxylin-Farbung. Eine schuelle Weigert-Metbode. Neurol. Centrbl., 11 1892 270-272. - The nerves and nerve endings of the mucous layer of the ileum, as shown by the rapid Golgi method. [1892.] Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 12-19. — Studies in the histology of the liver. 1. The intrinsic nerves. Abstract paper. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 769-792. - The intrinsic nerves of the kidney. A histological study. Jl. Path. Bact., 1, 1893, 406-416. — On complex nerve terminations and ganglion cells in the muscular tissue of the heart ventricle. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 33^2. - The neuroglia cells of the walls of the middle ventricle in the adult dog. Anat. Auz., 9, 1894, 746-753. - The finer anatomy of the infundibular region of the cerebrum including the pituitary gland. Brain, 17, 1894, 515-547. — Studies on the lesions produced by the action of certain poisons on the cortical nerve cell. i. Alcohol. Brain, 18, 1895, 473-496. - The iutra-cortical end-apparatus of the nerve fibres. Auat. Anz., 12, 1896, 258-262. — The pathological findings in a case of general cutane- ous and sensory ansesthesia without psychical implica- tion. Brain, 23, 1900, 111-138. Berland, K., & Chenevier, A . Nouvel appareil pour mesurer la fluidite des huiles et autres liquides. Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1887, 405-416. Berle, B[ernhard], & Bamberger, Kugen. Uee Bamberger •. Berle. Berlemont, G. Soupape de surete pour trompe a eau. [1S94.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 33-34. — Regulateur de temperature. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull , 13, 1895, 228-229. - Nouveau tube a distillations fractionnSes modifie par .!/. LEREL. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 674-675. - Trompe a eau moditiee. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15 1896, 917. Berlemont, G., A Bourcet, Paul. Set' Bourcet A Berle- mont. Berlemont, (V., it Jouard, . Sur un nouveau type de trompe a mercure permettant d'obteuir rapidement le •ide maximum. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 110- 111 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1900, 194-197. 60—2 Berlepsch] 170 [Berlese Berlepsch, HOHS [Hermann Carl Ludicig] (Graf) von. On a collection of bird-skins from the Orinoco, Venezuela. Ibis, 2, 1884, 431-111. — Description of a new species of tin' genus Picumnus from southern Brazil. Ibis, 2, 1884, 441-442. - [Diagnosen einiger neuen Vogelarten aus der Ufflge- gend von Bucaramanga, Neu Granada.] Jl. f. Oraith., 32, 1884, 249-250. - Untersnchungen iiber die Vogel der Uingegend von Bucaramanga in Neu-Granada. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884. 273-320. - Ueber die in Europa vorkommenden Formen der Schwanzmeise (Acredula). [1884.] Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 17-18. - Descriptions of three new species of birds from South America. Ibis, 3, 1885, 288-290. - Ueber die Kolibri. [1885.] Kassel Ver. Nat. Her., 32 A 33, 1886, 30-34. — On some interesting additions to the avifauna of Bucaramanga, U. S. of Colombia. Ibis, 4, 1886, 53-57. - Kritische Bernerkungen zur Colibri-Literatur. Kassel Ver. Nat. Festschr. , 1886, 257-279. — Descriptions of new species and subspecies of Trochi- lidce. Ibis, 5, 1887, 289-298. — Systematisches Verzeichniss der vou Herrn Ricardo EOHDE in Paraguay gesammelten Vogel. Jl. f. Ornith., 35, 1887, 1-37. 113-134. — Kritische Uebersicht der in den sogeuannten Bogota- Collectionen (S. 0. Colombia) vorkommenden Colibri- Arten, und Beschreibung eines neuen Colibri (Cyano- lesbia Nehrkorni). Jl. f. Ornith., 35, 1887, 313-336. — Descriptions of new species and subspecies of birds from the neotropical region. Auk, 5, 1888, 449-460. — On the genus Cyclorhis, Swains. Ibis, 6, 1888, 83-92. — Descriptions of two new species of birds from Bogota, Colombia. Ibis, 6, 1888, 128-130. — Beschreibung eiues iieuen Colibri tmd Beruerkungen iiber eine Collection von Vogel-Balgen aus der Umgegend vou Sta. Fe de Bogota in Colombia. Ztschr. Gesam. Ornith., 4, 1888, 178-187. - Descriptions of two new birds from northern Peru. Ibis, 1, 1889, 181-182. [Occurrence of Spheniscus magellanicus in Rio Grande do Sul.] Ibis, 1, 1889, 257-258. — Systematisehes Verzeichniss der von Herrii Gustav GAKLEPP in Brasilieu uud Nord-Peru, im Gebiete des oberen Amazonas, gesammelten Vogelbalge. Jl. f. Ornith., 37, 1889, 97-101, 289-321. — Notes on some neotropical birds belonging to the United States National Museum. U. S. Mus. Proc., 11, 1889, 559-566. - Ueber Chrysotis brasiliensis. Jl. f. Ornith., 39, 1891, 363-366. — Die Vogel der Insel Curacao naeh einer von Herrn cand. theol. Ernst PETEKS daselbst angelegten Samni- lung. Jl. f. Ornith., 40, 1892, 61-104. — [Xeue siidamerikanische Vogelarten.] Jl. f. Ornith., 40, 1892, 451-456. • -- On a remarkable new finch from the highlands of Bolivia. Ibis, 5, 1893, 207-210. - Diagnosen ueuer siidamerikanischer Vogelarten. Oraith. Mber., 1, 1893, 11-12. — Beschreibung einer neuen Merganetta-Art aus Bolivia. Ornith. Mber., 2, 1894, 110-111. — Description of two new species of the genera Phseui- cophaes and Spiloruis, with a note on Oriolus consobrinus, Rams. Novitates Zool., 2, 1895, 70-74. — Beschreibuug eiuer neuen Chrysotis. Ornith. Mber., 4, 1896, 173-174. — [Cyanalcyon Elisabeth, und Halcyon quadricolor, aus Deutsch Neu-Guinea.] [1896.] Jl. f. Ornith., 45, 1897, 90. — [Ueber das Studium des Kolibris.] Jl. f. Ornith., 45, 1897, 88-90. — [I "flier Nomenklaturfragen und den Begriff der Snli- species.] [1897.] Jl. f- Ornith., 4o, 1897, 505-506; Dresden Zool.' Mus. Abb., 1898-99, A'o. 2, 18-20. — Beschreibung eines neuen Colibri aus West Ecuador. Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 58-59. — Beschreibung vier ueuer Vogelarten aus West Colum- bien. Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 173-176. — [Buthraupis Kothschildi, H. sp., N. W. Ecuador.] [1897.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 7, 1898, iii-iv. — On the rediscovery of three remarkable species of birds of South America. Ibis, 4, 1898, 60-67. — Systematiscbes Verzeichnis der von Dr. Alfred VOELTZ- KOW in Ost-Afiika und auf Aldabra (Indischer Ocean) gesammelten Vogelbiilge. [1898.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abb., 21, 1899, 47!l-496. Berlepsch, HUH* [Hermann Curl Lndwiii] (<'Traf) von, it Boucard, Ailnl/iln . s.< Boucard & Berlepsch. Berlepsch, Hans [Hermann Carl I.udicig] (Graf) von, & Jherins. Ili'i maun run. Die Vogel der Umgegend von Taquara Jo Mundo Novo, Prov. Bio Grande do Sul. Ztschr. Gesam. Ornith., 2, 1885, 97-184. Berlepscb, HUH* [Hermann Carl Ludicig] (Graf) von, & Lcverkuhn, Paul. Studien iiber einige sudameri- kanische Vogel nebst Beschreibungen neuer Arten. Ornis, 6, 1890, 1-32. Berlepscb, Hans [Hermann Carl Lndu-in] (Graf) run, & Stol7.iii.inn. Jean. Resultats des recherches ornitho- logiques faites au Perou par 31. Jean KALINOWSKI. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 371^11. — Description of a new species of grebe from central Peru. Ibis, I',, 1894, 109-112. — Descriptions de ijuelques especes nouvelles d'oiseaux du Perou central. Ibis, 6, 1894, 385-405. — On the ornithological researches of 31. Jean KALIX- OWSKI in central Peru. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 322- 388. Berlepsch, Hans [Hermann Carl Ludu'ig] (Graf) von, & Taczanowski, Ladislas. Deuxieme liste des oiseaux recueillis duns 1'Ecuadeur occidental par M3I. STOLZMANN et SIEMIRADSKI. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1884, 281-313. See also Taczanowski .V Berlepsch. Berlepscb, Hans [Hermann Carl I^ndwiif] (Graf) run, Rcichcnow, Anton, A Voeltzkow, Phil. Alfred. See Reichenow, Berlepsch A Voeltzkow. Berlepech, (Maj.) [Sillnj Karl Rud.] Huns (Frlir.) ron. Die Steinsperling eiu Brutvogel Thiiringens. Ornith. Mber., 1, 1893, 23. — Die Vogelschutzfrage, soweit dieselbe durch Schaffung geeigneter Nistgelegenheiten zu losen ist. Kassel Ver. Nat. Abh. u. Ber., 41, 1896, 74-93. Berlepsch, Hermann Alexander (Frhr.) von. For bio- graphical notice see Petermanu, Mitth., 30, 1884, 100. Berlese, Amedeo. Rapporti fra la vite ed i Saccaromiceti. [1896-97.] Hiv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 211-237, 263-282, 295-342, 354-36(1; 6, 1898. 1 (iis)-20 (bis), 24 (Z>is)-[204J 44 (&is) ; Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. Riv., 3, 1897, 161-162 [Part onli/\. — Prove di fermentazione del musto con ferment! non provenienti diruttarnente dall' uva. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 513-53(1. Berlese, Antonio. *Studi critici sulla sistematica dei Chilognati conservati nella raccolta del Museo Zoologico dflla R. Universita di Padova. [1883.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1883-84, 247-280. — La sistematica dei Sarcoptidi. [Italia], Soc. Eut. Bull., 16, 1884, 287-292. — Acarorum systematis specimen. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 17, 1885, 121-135. — Di alcuni Acari del Museo di Fireuze, culla deserizioue di tre nuove spiric a|i|>aiit>nenti alia famiglia dei Trom- bididi. [Italia]. Soc. Knt. Bull., 17, 1885, 136-144. Berlesel 477 [Berlese — Sopra alcuni Acari. Lettera...al dott. G. HALI.ER in Zurigo. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull.. 17, 1885, 145-148. — Julidi ilel Museo di Firenze. Contribute alia fauna miriapodologica italiana. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 18, 1886, 42-96, 183-238. La sottofamiglia del Tarsonemidi. [Italia], Soc. Eut. Bull., 18, 1886, 334-354. — Aeari austro-amerieaui quos eollegit Aloysius BAL/.AN. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 20, 1888, 171-222. — Materiali per un catalogo dei Tentrcdinei italiani. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 21, 1889, 200-237; 22, 1890, 144-202. — Acari africani tree illustrati. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 10, [1889], 298-302. — Intorno alle coceiniglie degli agrumi ed al modo di combatterle. [1892.] Biv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 58- 70 — La tignuola del melo ed il modo ili eombatterla. Riv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 145-167. — Sulla azione ilelle soluzioni di Rubina sopra insetti e piante diverse. Biv. Patol. Ve^., 1, [1893], 247-257. — Estratto di una memoria sulla Mytilaspis i'nlva, Tunt. To:^., e mezzi per eombatterla. Biv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 36-60. — Le oocciniglie italiane viventi sugli agrumi. Biv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 70-109, 129-193; 3, 1894-95, 49- 100, 129-171; 4, 1896, 74-179, 195-292; 5, 1897, 3-73. — Cenni sulle cavallette che in Italia danneggiano le carapagne, e notizie sulla invasione verificatasi in pin. vinvin di Firenze (Brozzi) nella estate del 1893. [1M94.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 273-320. — Material! per un catalogo dei Mallot'agi e Pediculi italiani. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 26, 1894, 51-65; 27, 1895, 232-244. — Intorno al Dactylopius Citri, Risso, ed al modo di eombatterlo. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 26, 1894, 48-56. — Larve di Dittero negli Acrididi. Biv. I'atol. Veg., 4, 1896, 352. — Cocciuiglie agrumicole nuove per 1' Italia. Biv. Patol. Veg., 4, 1896, 352-353. — Bicerche sugli organi e sulla funzioue della digestionc negli Acari. [1896.] Biv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 129-195. — Sopra una nuova specie di Podapohpus. Biv. Patul. Veg., 5, 1897, 375-376. — Gli Acari agrarii. [1897-99.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 1-65; 7, 1899, 312-344. — Osservazioni sopra particolari fenomeni cbe avvengono nella ninfosi dei Muscidi. Nota preventiva. Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, [269] 111 (te)-[272] 114 (bis). — Fenomeni che accompagnano la fecondazione in taluni insetti. Biv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 353-368; 7, 1899, 1-18. — Circa il niesointestino di alcuni Aracnidi. [1898.] Eiv. Patol. Veg., 7, 1899, 226-251. — Intorno alle modiricazioni di alcuni tessuti durante la ninfosi della Calliphoia erythrocephala. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 32, 1900, 253-288. — Considerazioni sulla r'agocitosi negli insetti metabolici. Zool. Auz., 23. 1900, 441-449. Berlese, A iitonin, & Canestrini, Gioi'inini. ,SVc Canestrini A Berlese. Berlese, Antoniu, & Lcon.ir.u, Gttstaco. Diagnosi di coc- ciniglie nuove. [1895-96.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 3, 1896, 34fi; 4, 1896, 345-352. — Di una cocciniglia che attaeca la vite. (Mytilaspis pomorum.) [1895.] Biv. Patol. Veg., 3, 1896, 347. Lettera al chmo Prof. Giovanni CANESTKINI intorno ad alcune nuove specie di Acari italiani... con la diagnosi ili due specie uuove. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 2, [1896], 314- 320. — Notizie intorno all' effetto degli insettifughi nella lotta contro la Cochylis ambiguella. Riv. Patol. Veg., 4, 1896, 304-344. — Notizie intorno alle cocciniglie americane che minac- ciano la frutticultura europea. Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 126 [284]-162 [320], 321-352; 7, 1899, 252-273. Berlese, Antoniu, A Targioni-Tozzetti, Adolf o. See Targioni-Tozzetti A Berlese. Berlese, Aiii/usta Xiijiultone. La diffusione delle spore dei tunglii a mezzo dei piccoli Artropodi. [1884.] Padova, Sue. Sci. Bull., 3, [1884-86], 83-89. — Ricerehe intorno alia Leptospha^ria agnita (Desni.), Ge». ft D. N., ed alia Leptosphseria ogilviensis (B. et Ilr.), Ces. et D. N. Padova Soc. Sei. Atti, 9, [1885], 244-251. — Sopra una specie di Lophiostoma mal conosciuta. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 18, 1886, 43-52. — Alcune idee sulla flora micologica del gelso. [1H8IJ.] Padova, Soe. Sci. Bull., 4, [1887-90], 9-38. Fungi veneti novi vel critici. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 531-536; 2, [1888], 99-106, 241-250. — Monogratia dei generi Pleospora, Clathrospora e Pyreuophora. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 5-176, 193-260. — Sopra due parassiti della vite per la prima volta trovati in Italia. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 441-445. — Lo sviluppo dei parassiti vegetali. [1888.] Padova, Soe. Sci. Bull., 4, [1887-90], 114-115. — Le nouveau genre Peltosphasria ( Pyrenoruycetes spheriaees). Rev. Mycol., 10, 1888, 17-18. — Intoruo ad un uuovo genere di Pirenomiceti. [1887.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 10, [1889], 171-175. — Intorno ad alcune specie poco note del genere Lepto- spha>ria. [1888. J Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 11, [1889], 17-37. — Rivista delle Laboulbeniacee e descrizione d' una nuova specie di questa famiglia. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 44-60. — Sulla Pleospora herbarum e sulla Pleospora iufectoria. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 84-87. — Sullo sviluppo di alcuni Ifomiceti. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 243-259. — Note intorno al Polyporus hispidus del FRIES, ed al- 1' Agaricum gelsis SCH moris etc., Mich. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 526-531. — Ancora sul Polyporus hispidus del FRIES e sul- 1' Agaricum gelsis sen moris etc.,' Mich. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 367-371. Pugillo di funghi fiorentini. Contribuzione alia rlora mieologica d' Italia. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 10, [1889], 231-255. — Stiuli anatomic! sul gelso. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 10, [1889], 256-273. — Illustrazione della Discina venosa (Pers.), .s'n.v. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 11, [1889], 113-131. — La famiglia delle Lophiostomacefe, Sacc. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 40-55. — L'alteration des racines du murier. Bev. Mycol., 13, 1891, 69-70. — Intorno allo sviluppo di due nuovi Ipocreacei. [1892.] Malpighia, 5, 1891, 386-418. — Descrizioue di alcuni nuovi generi di Pirenomiceti. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 567-576. — Studi sulla forma, structura e sviluppo del seme nelle Ampelidee. [1892-93.] Malpighia, 6, 1892, 293-324, 482-536. — Rapporti tra Dematophora e Rosellinia. [1892.] Biv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 5-17, 33-46. — La n'toptosi del pero. Struttura e sviluppo degli Acarocecidi del pero. [1892.] Biv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 71-95. — Osservazioni critiche sulla Cercospora vitis (Lev.), Sacc. Riv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 258-264. — Sopra una nuova malattia fungina del leccio. Riv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 285-295. Berlese] 17s I Berlinerblau Riv. — Alcune idee sulla predisposizione delle piante al- 1" infezione parassitaria ed alia " vacciuazione " delle medesime. Nota preliruinare. Riv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 1-11. — Una alterazione parassitaria della corteccia del cas- tagno comuue. Eiv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 61-69. — Note sulla Perouospora della vite. Kiv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 109-110. — II seccume del castagno. (Castauea vesca, L.) Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 194-226. — Una nuova malattia del fico (Fiens carica). Eiv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 251-253. — Relazione sull' infezione della Peronospora in Italia nel 1893 e sui risultati della lotta iutrapresa allo scopo di combattere il parassito. [1894.] Kiv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 337-384. — Parassiti del gelso vecchi e uuovi. [1894. ] Riv. Patol. Veg., 3, 1896, 101-104. — Lo stato ascoi'oro del Coniothyrium diplodiella ("rot blanc" della vite). [1894.J Riv. Patol. Veg., 3. 1896, 104. — Gommosi non bacillare uella vite. [1894.] Riv. Patol. Vet;., '•>, 1896, 105-106. — Uii nuovo marciurne dell' insalata (Lactnca sativa). [1895.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 3, 1896, 339-342. — Prirna cuntribuzione allo studio della morfologia e biologia di Cladosporium e Dernatium. [1895.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 4, 1896, 3-45. — Saccharomyces e Dematiuru. [1896.] Kiv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 74-81. — Nuovi studi sulla malattia del frumento sviluppatasi nel 1895 in Sardegna. [1896.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 88-97. — Le malattie del gelso prodotte dai parassiti vegetali. [1896.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 98-107, 196-210. — Sulla struttura e sviluppo della Pileolaria Terebinthi e sulla sua apparsa in Italia. Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 287-294. — La classificazione dei Pirenomiceti ed il "Saggio sui prevedibili funghi futuri " del Prof. P. A. SACCAKDO. Osservazioni criticbe. Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 361- 374. — Studi citologici sui funghi. [1897-98.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 66-75; 7, 1899, 143-152. — Saggio di una monografia delle Perouosporace*. [1897-98.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 78-101, 79 [237]- 110 [268] ; 7, 1899, 19-37. — Ueber die Befruchtung und Eutwickehmg der Oosphare bei den Peronosporeen. Priugsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 31, 1898, 159-196. — Fecondazione e sviluppo dell' oospora iu Oedogoniimi vesicatum, Link. [1898.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 7, 1899, 153-166. — II Cladochytrium violse, Berl., n. sp., e la malattia che produce. [1898.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 7, 1899, 167- 172. Berlese, Att'iitxto Nupoleone, & Feglion, ]'itlorio. Micro- mieeti toscani. Coutribuzioue alia flora micologica della Toseana. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 24, 1892, 97-172. Bcrlcso, Auijnsto Kapoltane, & Roumeguere, C[ui |, A Trillat, [Jean] A[ugtiiste]. Sur les proprietes des vapeurs du formol ou aldehyde formique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892. 290-292. Berloty, — - . Sur les equations algebriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 745-747, 832. Bermann, (Lt.) C. von. Ueber die Bahnrichtung der tropisdien Cyklonen. Wieu, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1886, 226-228. Bermann, /. *Tbe fungus of syphilis. Arch. Med., 4, 1880, 263-269. - *Sorne points on staining in toto and dry section cutting. Arch. Med., 5, 1881, 130-135. •The Bacillus leprit. Arch. Med., 7, 1882, 262-266. Bermann, 0. Ueber Triederschnitte und Minimaltetraeder. Arch. Math. Ph.ys., 6, 1888, 76-S7, vii. Bernabei, [t'orrntlo], De la toxieite des dejections patho- logiques. Arch. Gen. Med., 170, 1892, 751-752. Bernabeo, iiiii'taiin. De 1'auto-defense de 1'orgiimsmi' centre les germes infectieux dans ses rapports avec les suppurations. Ann. Microgr. , 5 (1893), 305-322, 472. — Sulla conservazione della vitalita e virulenza dello pneumobacillo di FKANKEI, e dello streptococco del FEHLEISEN. [1896.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 10, 1897, 24-28. — Le cause predisponenti alle localizzazioni batteriche nel cervello. [1896.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 10, 1897, 54-113. Bernackij. See Biernacki. Bernadacn, . *[Notes meteorologic|ues.] Geryville (prov. d'Oran). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 21, 44, 70-71, 93, 129-130, 152, 179, 207-208, 234-235, 263, 298. Bernadach, - — , & Sueur, — - . *[Notes metcoro- logiques.] Geryville(prov. d'Oran). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 94, 101, 112-113, 121- 122. Bernaerts, G. *Resume des observations meteorologiques faites a Malines en 1877. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 1, 1881, 147. Bernal, Frederic. Notes sur les Nouvelles-Hebrides. Arch. Med. Navale, 72, 1899, 134-140. Bernal, .I/., it Leal, Murimio. Ni-e Lc.il A' Bernal. Bernard, Ailrieit. For biographical notice and list of works see Macon Ac. Ann., 4, 1899, Ixxii-lxxiii ; 5, 1900, 196-207. — Calfiimetre simplifl^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1525-1528. — Sur la classification et la representation graphique des terres. Ass. Franc,-. C. R., 1889 (Pt. I), 374. Le calcirnetre. Ass. Franc-. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 1), 374- 375. — [Risposta all' articolo del sig. COUTAGNE ' ' Sulla clorosi o 1' iufecondith delle viti calcifughe nei terreni calcari."] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 22, 1892, 438. — Relations eutre les cartes geologiques et les cartes avec courbes d'egal calcaire. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 1), 274. — Sur la variation du 0/0 de calcaire avec la tenuite. Ass. Fran?. C. R.. 1894 (Pt. 1), 282-283. — Geologic agricole et cartes agronomiques. Macon Ac. Ann., 1, 1896, 1-56. — Acidimetrie des mouts, vins et viuaigres. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 1), 394 ; Macon Ac. Ann., 2, 1897, 93-191. Bernard, (capit.) Augustin. Les dunes du Sahara. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R.,'l890, 320-323. — Oceanographie. Ann. Geogr., 1, 1892 199-217 • 2 1893, 151-172. — L'ile de Groix. Ann. Geogr., 1, 1892, 259-278. — Les recifs de coraux. Ann. Geogr., 2, 1893, 281-295. Bernard, C'h. Recherches sur les spheres attractives chez Lilium candicluin, Helosis guyanensis, etc. Jl. Bot., Paris, 14, 1900, 118-124, 177-188, 206-212. Bernard, C'/i., it Cbodat, Robert. See Chodat & Bernard. Bernard, (Sir) Charles. Burma : the new British province. [1887.] Scott. Geogr. Mag., 4, 1888, 65-81. Bernard, Claude. For biography and works sec Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-85). 185-196, 221-232; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 14, 1885, 714-739; 32, 1894, 358-366; Progres Mc'-l.. 1, 1885, 447-449, 471-474; Paris, Ac. Med. Mem., 35, 1887, 1-24 ; Practitioner, 63, 1899, 185-190. • *Accion fisiologica del opio y sus alcaloides. Inves- tigaciones experimentales. [1865.] Habaua Ac. An., 1, 1864, 231-236. Bernard] 480 — *Estudio acerca de la fisiologia del corazon. Hahaua Ac. An.. 2, 1865, IW-74, 108-111, 1.53-157, 211-217. La circulation abdominale. Le sympathique et le [Bernard pneumogastrique. [Ponth.] Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 673-681. Bernard, F. La dysenteric dans la garnison de Dijon en 1K92 et 1893. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 24, 1894, s'J-110, 288. Bernard, Feli.r. For biography and works see Geol. Mag., ."., 1898, .528; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 306- :ios; 31. de Conch., 47, 1899, 68-71; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 158-l.V.l. — Structure de la branchie des Gasteropodes Proso- branches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 316-318. — Structure de la fausse branchie des Prosobranehes pectinibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 383-385. — Le Polyparium ambulans (Ctelentere uouveau). Natu- raliste, 10, 1888, 56-58, 74-76. — Sur le manteau des Gasteropodes Prosobranehes et les orgaues qui en dependent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1(16, 1888, 681-683. — Recherches auatomiques sur la Valvata piscinalis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 191-194. — Recherches sur les organes pallcaux des Gasteropodes Prosobranehes. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zuol.), 9, 1890, 89-404. — Recherches sur Valvata piscinalis. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 22, 1890, 253-361. — Scioberetia australis, type nonveau de Lamellibranche. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 27, 1896, 364-395. — Sur un Lamellibranche nouveau (Scioberetia australis) commensal d'uu Kchinoderme. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. R., 121, 1896, 569-571. — Liste des Echinides recueillis pendant les croisieres du 1 'rnrailleuret du Talisman. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 207-209. — Echinides recueillis par 1 'expedition du Cap Horn (1882-83). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 272-274. — Sur quelques stades du developpement du Scioberetia australis, nub., Lamellibranche a coquille interne. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 275-277. — Note pre-liminaire sur le developpement et la mor- phologic comparee de la charniere des Lamellibranches. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, xxxvii-xxxviii. — [Notes] sur le developpement et la morphologic de la coquille chez les Lamellibranches. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, 104-154; 24, 1896, 54-82, 412-449; 25, 1897, 559-566. — Etudes comparatives sur la coquille des Lamelli- branches. Condylocardia, type nnuveau de Laruelli- branehes. [Les genres Philobrva et Hochstetteria.] Jl. de Conch., 44, 1896, 169-207; 45, 1897, 5-47. — Diagnoses de coqnilles nouvelles de Lamellibranches (genres Hochstetteria et Condylocardia). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 193-197. — Note prcliminaire sur Chlamydoconcha Orcutti, Hull, Lamellibranche a coquille interne. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 65-67. — Anatomie de Chlamydoconcha Orcutti, Dull, Lamelli- branche a coquille interne. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 4, 1897, 221-252. — Sur la coquille embryonnaire ou prodissoeonque des Lamellibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1165- 1168. — Sur la signification ruorphologique des dents de la charniere chez les Lamellibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 48-51. — Sur quelques coquilles de Lamellibrauches de File Stewart. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 309-314. — Recherches ontogeniques et morphologiques sur la coquille des Lamellibranches. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 8, 1898, 1-208. — Sur quelques coquilles de Lamellibranches de 1'ile Saint-Paul. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 78-87. Bernard, t'rf.deric [Charles Emile]. *Lettre...sur sa carte des regions sahariennes. 407-409. — Excursion dans la province d'Alger. Geogr. C. R., 1884, 17-22. Bernard, G. Note sur une Lepiote nouvelle. Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, li. Bernard, Hi-nrij M[eyners\. The shadow of a Nature, 37, 1888, H'.l'j. — Nose-blackening as a preventive of snow-blindness. Nature, 40. 1889, 13S. - Hermaphroditismus bei Phyllopoden. Jena. Ztschr. , Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1882, Paris, Soc. France mist. 25, 1891. 337-338. — Hermaphroditism of the Apodidie. 343-344. • A new form of mechanical stage. Nature, 43, 1891, [1891.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 1892. It'ili, 267-269. - The apodemes of Apns and the endophragmal system of Astacus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 117-74'. — Are the Solpugidre poisonous? Nature, 4li, 1892, 223. — An endeavour to show that the trachea? of the Arthro- poda arose from setiparous sacs. Zool. Jbuch. (Anal.), 5, 1892, 511-524. — Additional notes on the origin of trachea- from seti- parous glands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, 1893, 24-28. — On the terminal organ of the pedipalp of Galeodes and the discovery of an homologous organ on the pedipalp of Phrynus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, 1893, 28-30. — The coxal glands of Scorpio. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 54-59. - The endosteruite of Scorpio compared with the homo- logous structures in other Arachnida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 13, 1893, l«-26. — Notes on some of the digestive processes in arachnids. Micr. Soc. .11., 1893, 427-443. — The stigmata of the Arachnida, as a clue to their identity. [1893.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 9. — Some observations on the relation of the Acarida- to the Arachnida. [18'j2.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 24, 1894, 279-291. On two new species of Rhax. | Is'.i:!.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 24, 1894, 361-363. — Notes on the Chernetida?, with special reference to the vestigial stigmata, and to a new form of trachea. [1893.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 24, 1894, 410-430. — The "head" of Galeodes, and the proccphalic lohr.- uf arachnidan embryos. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 314-316. — Lateral eyes in the Galeodidas. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1894, 517-520. — Vestigial stigmata in the Arachnida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1894, 149-153. — On the application of the sand-blast for the develop- ment of trilobites. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 553-557. - The systematic position of the trilobites. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 50, 1894, 411-432; 51, 1895, 352-359. — Has the case for direct organic adaptation been fully stated? Nature, 50 (1894), 546-547. — On the relations of the isotropous to the anisotropous layers in striped muscles. Zool. Jbuch. (Anat.), 7, 1894, 533-544. — Notes, morphological and systematic, on the madre- porarian genus Turbinaria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 499-521. — Notes on the madreporarian genus Astrseopora, as represented by the specimens in the British Museum (Natural History). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 273- 281. — On the spinning-glands in Phrynus; with an account uf the so-called "penis" and of the morphology of the operculum. [1894.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 25, 1896. 272-278. - The comparative morphology of the Galeodidse. [1895.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Zool.), 6, 1894-97, 305-417. Bernard ) [Bernaroli — Tlie sense nf sight: sketch of a new theory. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 17, 1896, 162-176. — Hermapbroditism among the Apodidie. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 296-309. — An attempt to deduce the vertebrate eyes from the skin. [1896.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 39, 1897, 343- 370. — Notes, morphological and systematic, on the madre- porariau subfamily Montiporinx (Montipora and Anaero- pora), with an account of the phylogeny of the Madre- porida?. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 117-135. — On the affinities of the madreporarian genus Alveopora with the Palieozoic Fa\ositida9, together with a brief sketch of some of the evolutionary stages of the madre- porarian skeleton. [1897.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 26, 1898, 495-516. — Recent Poritidse, and the position of the family in the madreporarian system. [1899.] Linn. Roc. Jl. (Zool.), 27, 1899-1900, 127-149. — On the structure of Porites, with preliminary notes on the soft parts. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool), 27, 1899- 1900. 487-503. — A suggested origin of the segmented worms, and the problem of metamerism. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 509-520. — Studies in the retina: rods and cones in the frog and in some other Amphibia. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 43, 1900, 23-47. — [On the marine fauna of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean).] HI. On the Madreporaria collected by Mr. C. W. ANUHKWS at Christmas Island. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 119-127. Bernard, Henri/ 3I[eyners], & Br.ituschcck, Karl. Der Nutzen der Sehleimhiillen fiir die Froscheier. Bid. Centrbl., 11, 1891, 691-694. Bernard, J. , it Engel, R[odolphe Charlie]. ,sVc Engel A Bernard. Bernard, Leon. De la permeabilite renale. Valeur com- paree de ses modes d'exploration. Son role dans les affections du rein. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (1'itl. 4), 489-499. Bernard, Leon, & Albarran, J[i.uiijiiin]. See Albarran & Bernard. Bernard, Lean, & Brocq, [June Jean} L[nuis]. Sec Brocq it Bernard. Bernard, Leon, & Marfan, A. B. Set' Marfan it Bernard. Bernard, Leon. & Sergent, Kmile. See Sergent ]. Nird J/. Proposition dans le but de preserver les espeees en voie de disparition. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1892 (C. ft.), 158-162. — Une coquille nouvelle pour les sables a " Isocardia Cor" d'Anvers. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verli.), 174. — Recherches dans les sables Diestiens dits a "Isocardia Cor " mis a jour lors du creusement de recluse du bassin Lefevre en 18!I4 et 1895. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (,1/rm.), 117-132. Bernays, Kilmmrd .I/., & Stainier, Xnrier. N*e]ili I'jlmianl I'i'. , A- Potylicyn, A[leksi'j] L[ai-rentjei-if]. See Fotylicyn A Bernstein. Bernstein, Hi-mluu-d. Eiue nene Stromwende-Elektrode, zugleich Schliessungs- und Unterbrechungs-Elektrode. Neurol. Ctntrhl., l.">, 1896, 307-310. Bernstein, /'. Stein-. Src Stein-Bernstein. Bernstein, Kdimnl J. The non-operati%'e treatment of crossed eyes. N. Y. Med. Jl., 57, 1893. 439-442. Bernstein, F[elix]. T'eber einen Schouflies'schen Satz der Theorie der stetigen Fuuktiouen zweier reeller Verander- lichen. Gottingt-u Xachr., 1900, 98-1M2. Bernstein, Julius. *Ueher den Einfluss des constanten Stromes auf das Herz. Deutsch. Katf. Tagebl., 1869, 137. — Ueber den Einfluss der Salze uuf die Losung der rotben Blutkurpercheu durch verschiedeue Agentien. Deutsch. Katf. Tagebl., 1884, 96-98. — Weiteres iiber die Eutstehung der Aspiration des Thorax naeh der Geburt. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 34, 1884, 21-37. Ueber das Entsteheu und Verschwinden der elektro- tonischen Strorne im Nerven und die damit verbundenen Erregungsschwankungen des Nervenstromes. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phyxiul. Abth.), 1886, 197-250. — Ueber die eecundaren Wellen der Pulscurve. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1887, 40-49. — Eiue neue Methode der kiinstlicheu Athmung. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 319. — Phototelephonische Untersuchung des zeitlichnn Verlaui's elektrischer Strome. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 153-157. Sphygmophotographische Versuche. Fortschr. Med., 8 (1890). 130-132. — Zur Theuric der elektriscben Erregung. Antwort auf die Bemerkung des Herrn N[AGY] VON REG^CZY iiber [seine] Theorie. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 259-2r,iI. — Weitere Versuche iiber die Sauerstoffzehruug in den Geweben. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1891 (Th. 2), 148- 151. — Neue Theorie der Erregungsvorgiuige und elektrischen Erscheinungen an dur Nerven- und Muskelfaser. Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 17, 1892, 135-211. I flu r dii' Sauerstoffzehrung der Gewebe. Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 17, 1892, 213-244. — Ueber die specinsche Energie des Hornerven, die \Vahrnelnnung binauraler (diotischer) Schwebungen und die Beziehungen der Hurfuuktion zur statischen Funktion des Ohrlab} riuths. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol. , 57, 1894, 475- 494. — Ueber das angebliuhe Horen labyrinthloser Tauben. [Nach Versuchen, welche gerneinsam mil Herrn Dr. Fr. MATTE angestellt sind.] Pfliiger. Arch. Physio]., ill, 1895, 113-12-.'. Bernstein] 485 [Beroud — Das Beugungsspektrum des quergestreiften Muskels bei der Contraktion. I'riiiger, Arch. Pljysiol., 61, 1895, 285-290. — Injections Bous-conjonetivales. [U'itli discussion.] Ann. d'Oculist, , 111',, 1896, 2118-209. — Ueber das Verhalten der Kathodenstrahlen zu eiuan- der. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 415-424. — Ueber die Latenzdauei der Muskelzuckung. Pfliiger, Arch. Pb.vsiol., 07, 1897, 207-218. — Zur Theorie der negativeu Schwankung. Ueber die Metbode der Rheotomversnche uud iiber den Einfluss der Belastung anf die negative Schwankung des Muskels. I'tliiger, Arch. Physiol., 67, 1897, 349-372. — Zur Geschwindigkeit der Coutractionsprocesse. Be- merkung zu dem Aufsatze von Th. W. EXOELMANN "Ueber den Einfluss der Reizstarke u. s. w." Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 95-99. — Ueber reflectorische negative Schwankung des Nerven- stroms und die Reizleitung im Reflexbogeu. [1897.] Arch. Psychiatr , 30, 1898, IJ51-652; Prliiger, Arch. Physio]., 73, 1898, 374-380. — Zur Theorie des Waclisthums und der Befruchtung. Arcli. EntwMech., 7, 1898, 511-521. — Gegenberaerkung zu der Engeltuanu'schen Abhand- lung "Ueber den Einfluss der Reizstarke u. s. w." Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 70, 1898, 307-370. — Zur Konstitution und Reizleitung der lebenden Substanz. (Bemerkungen zu zwei Arbeiten von G. HiiBHANN.) Biol. Centrbl., 19, 1899, 289-295. — Chemotrojjische Beweguug eines QuecksilbertropfVns. Zur Theorie der amdboiden Bewegung. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., SO, 1900, 028-037. Bernstein-Kohan, Jacob. Ueber die Wirkungen des Wi.lt'rams. Dorpat Pharm. Inst. Arb., 5, 1890, 42-126. Bernthsen, Auijust. *Die Formel des unterschweliigsauren (hydroschwefligsauren) Natrons. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [51]. — 'Die Constitution der Thiocarbaminsaurederivate und die Nomenclatur der uaheren Kohlensiiurederivate. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [53]-[59]. — Zur Keuntuiss des Methylenblaus uud verwandter Farbstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 011-620, 2854-2857, 2857-2860, 2860-2862. - Ueber das Juglon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1945-1947. — Zur Frage nach den von Acridiuen und Chinolinen ableitbaren Ammoniumbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1947-1957. - Die Acridine. Liebig's Ann., 224, 1884, 1-56. — Zur Kermtniss der vom Chiuolin ableitbaren Am- iiiuniumbaseu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1014- 1018. — Studien in der Methylenblangruppe. Liebig's Ann., 230, 1886, 73-211; 251/1889, 1-97; Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh., 3, 1886, 300-433 [Part only]. — Ueber eine bei dem Durchleiten von Anilindampf durch gliihende Rd'hren eutstehende, dem Benzidin isouiere Base. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 420-425. — Zur Constitution der Safranine. Berlin, Chein. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2690-2693; 20, 1887, 179-180. Eine neue Synthese di-s Thiodiphenylamius. Berlin, Berlin, Chein. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 3255-3256. — Ueber pyrogene Bilduug des Pheuazins. Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886/32.56-3258. — Zur Frage nach der Constitution der Saffranine und verwandter Farbstoffe. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh., 3, 1886, 618-629. — Ueber ein neues Chromogen, das Phenazoxin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 942-944. — Notiz iiber die Einwirkung von Zimmtsaure auf Diphenylamin bei Gegenwart von Chlorzink. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1552-1554. — Zur Beziehung zwischen Hydraziden uud Azoverbin- dinigen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 743-745. — Ueber den Eintritt von Schwef'el in arouiatische Paradiamine, die Konstitution dus Methyleuroth und neue Synthesen von Farbstoffeu der Indamin- und Thiodiphenylamingruppe. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1888, 35-37. — Zur Kenntniss der a-Naphtylamin- und a-Naphtol- 3 : 8-disulfosaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 3327-3335. — Zur Kenntniss der Naphtosultonsulfosauren und a-Naphtosulfamidsulfosauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3088-30'.lli. — Zur Kenutniss der Ammoniumbasen des Phenyl- acridins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1746-1747. — Ueber m-Amidodialkyl-o-toluidine C6H:1 (CH3) (NH,) (NH,| und deren Ueberfiilirbarkeit in Methylenblaufarbstoffe. JJerliu, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3128-3139, 3360- 3308. — Ueber m-Amidodialkyl-o-toluidine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 992-993. Bernthsen, August, A Bazlen, .l/[a.r]. Zur Kenntniss der hydroschwefligen Siiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 126-132. Bernthsen, August, & Elkan, Th^eudor]. Schwefelderivate des p-Phenylendiamins. Liebig's Ann., 251, 1889, 62-69. Bernthsen, August, & Frankcl, Nalieini. Ueber Monami- dothiodiphen}'lamin und den zugehorigen Farbstoff, das Imidothiodipheuylimid. Liebig's Ann., 230, 1886, 100- 107. Bernthsen, August, & Goske, Adolf. Ueber Monomethyl- vmd Monoathylorange und Ihre Ueberfiihrung in Dimethyl- und Diiithylthionin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 924-934. Bernthsen, Aui/uxt, & Hess, ll'ilhelm. Zur Kenntniss der vom Chinolin ableitbaren Ammoniumbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 29-38. See also Hess .. Bernthsen. Bernthsen, August, & Mettegang, Hans. Ueber eiuige Reactioneu der Chinolin&aiire. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1208-1210. Bernthsen, August, & IWCuhlert, F[ran:]. Ueber Acridyl- aldehyd und Acridincarbonsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1541-1551. Bernthsen, August, & Osann, A[lfred]. Notiz iiber die Krystallform einiger Acridinabkommlinge. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 425-427. Bernthsen, August, & Sattler, Hdnrich. Isothionin (dem Lauth'scben Violett isomerer Farbstoff). Liebig's Ann., 230, 1885, 133-136. Bernthsen, A ugust, & Schweitzer, Hugo. Das Phenazin (Azophenylen) als Muttersubstauz von Farbstoffen. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2604-2607. — Das Phenazin als Muttersubstanz der Farbstoffe der Toluylenrothgruppe. Liebig's Ann., 230, 1886, 332-350. Bernthsen, August, & Semper, August. Ueber das Juglou. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 203-213; 19 1886, 164-170. — Ueber die Constitution des Juglons uud seine Synthese aus Naphtalin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 934- 941. Bernthsen, August, & Traube, I[sidor]. Butylacridin und Acridylbenzoi:saure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884:, 1508-1512. Berntrop, J. C. Eine eiufache Methode zur qualitativeu und ijuantitativen Bestimmung minimaler Bleimeugen in Wasser. Chem. Zlg., 20, 1896, 1020. Beroud, (I' abbe) J. M. Sur la grotte des Balmes, pres Villereversure (Ain). Ass. Franc. C. E., 1885 (Ft. 1). 132, (Pt. 2), 471-475; Mater. Hist. Homiue, 20, 1886, 241-250. Berounsky] I si; [Berson Berounsky, St., Amlrlik, h'arel. A Hranicka, //. .SV. Andrlik, Berounsky A Hranicka. Berrens, U\ii>i>"litti-}. Alinadeu. Ses mines de mercure et scs divers systemes de reduction du mineral. Ass. Franc. C. li., 1892 (Ft. 2), '261-266. Bern, Adolf a. Delia poliuria peniumente nella frattura dt-lla base del cranio. Sperimentale, 59, 1887, 488-502. Berridge, Douglas J. P. The action of light upon the soluble metallic iodides in presence of cellulose. Chem. News, 72, 1895, 173-177. Berridge, G. H". *0n a method of graduation applied to the peerage mortality deduced by Mr. BAILEY and Mr. DAY, with tables founded thereon. [1865.] Assur. Mag., 12, 1866, 220-229. - 'Demonstration of a formula for interpolation. [1868.] Inst. Act. Jl., 14, 1869, 244-246. — *On the values of annuities on assured lives. Inst. Act. Jl., 19, 1876, 351-362. Berridge, William. Meteorological notes. Midland Natlist., 7. 1884, 66, 98, 141-142, 166-167,206-207,236,268,297, 328, 346-347; 8, 1885, 27, 55-56, 84, 110-111, 139-140, 173, 205, 237, 268-269, 296, 327, 347-348; 9, 1886, 24, 58, sr,, na, 140-141, 169, 197, 224, 25.'), 305, 333 ; 10, 1887, 25. 49, 76-77, 104, 133-134, 158. Berrington, 7.'. K. W. The Wolverhampton sewerage works. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 7), 89-91. Berro, Mariano B. La vegetacibu uruguaya. Plantas que se hacen distinguir por alguna propiedad litil 6 pel-judicial. [1899.] Montevideo Mus. Nac. An., 2, 1901, 89-r.Ml. Berruti, Giacinto. Influenza del cieloni sulla meteorologia locale. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 26, 1891, 739-740. — Sulla teoria dei vettori componibili. [1893-94.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 29, 1894, 115-118, 531-534. Berry, J. A'. Full beers of low alcoholic strength. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 4, 1898, 367-381. Berry, Arthur. Simultaneous reciprocanta. Quart. Jl. Math.. 23, 1889, 260-316. — The pure theory of distribution. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 923-924. — Eclipses of the Sun. [1893.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1895, 291-292. — Note on a case of divisibility of a function of two variables by another function. London Math. Soc. Proc., 30, 1899, 271-276. — Sur les surfaces de quatrieme degre qui admettent une integrate de differentielle totale de premiere espece. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 449-451; Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 18, 1900, 333-347. — On the evaluation of a certain determinant which occurs in the mathematical theory of statistics and in that of elliptic geometry of any number of dimensions. [1898.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 10, 1900, 2-10. Berry, Edward E., & Sulman, Hurry Livingstone. See Sulm.ui ,\ Berry. Berry, George A[iidreas]. [Civilisation and eyesight.] Nature, 31, 1885, 387-388. — Sur deux cas de eonjonctivite infectieuse causee par une piqure de mouche. [Tr.] Ann. d'Oculist., 108, 1892, 429. — Note on the focus of concavo-convex lenses the surfaces of which are of equal curvature. [1893.] Edinb. Hoy. Soc. Proc., 20, 1895, 192-195. Berry, James. Suspensory ligaments of the thvroid gland. [1887.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 22, 1888, iv-v. — On the pathology of goitre and some other diseases of the thyroid gland. London Path. Soc. Trans., 41, 1890. 258-269. Berry, James. Proceedings of the second annual con- vention of the American Association of State Weather Services, with brief reference to former conventions. U. S. Monthly Weath. Kev., 21 (1893), 228-232. — Climate and Crop Service. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 24 H896), 7-9, 45-46, 74-76, 110-112, 151-153, 196-198, 235-237, 286-288, 320-322, 363-365, 403-406, 449-451. — Climate and Crop Service publications. U. S. Monthly Weath. l!ev. , 27 (1899), 150. Berry, Jului .17. A comparison of the phagocytic action of leukocytes in Amphibia and Mammalia. Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans., 19, 1897, 98-116. — On the development of the villi of the human intestine. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 242-249. Berry, Mabel C. First occurrence of the blue grosbeak in New Hampshire. Auk, 13, 1896, 342-343. Berry, .Y[i-<7/] A[lford]. Analysis of a copper slag of bright red color. Amer. Chem. Jl., 8 (1886), 429-430. Berry, P. A curious instance of melanism. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 9, 1894-95, 224. Berry, l\i<-h,i r,i ./(nmo] A[rtliur]. The anatomy of the cajcum. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 401-409. - The anatomy of the vermiform appendix. Anat. Auz., 10, 1895, 761-769. — The pathology of the vermiform appendix. [1895.] Jl. Path. Bact., 3, 1896, 160-175. — The true caecal apex, or the vermiform appendix : its minute and comparative anatomy. [1900.] Jl. Anat. Physiol.. 35, 1901, 83-100. Berry, Hieliard J [times] A[rthur], & Crawford, John. The stomach and pylorus. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 153-158. Berry, ir[i7/ium], & Armstrong, Henry K[dicanl], S, e Armstrong A- Berry. Berry, William. Lesser shrew (Sorex minutus, L.) in Fife. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 09. — On the introduction of grouse to the Tentsmuir in Fife. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 197-203. White-fronted geese in Fife. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 182. Berry, Wilton G.. A- Martin, Edward W. See Martin A: Berry. Bersch, Curl. Die Riickbildung des Dottersackes bei Lacerta agilis. Anat. Hefte (Alt. 1), 2, 1893, 475-503. Bersch, Willielm. Ueber die Umsetzung von Oxyden und Hydroxyden schwerer Metalle mit Halogenverbindnngen der Alkalien. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 383- 395. — Studien u'ber die Eiuwirkung elektrischer Striime auf Riibensafte. Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuckerind., 43, 1893, 416-445. — Mais und Maisabfiille. Landw. Versuehs-Stat., If,. 1896, 85-102. — Hir-e uud Hirseabfiille. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 103-116. — Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Mispel, Mespilus germanica, L. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 471- 473. — Die Zusammensetzung verschiedener Melonensorten. L.'indw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 473-476. Bersier, (It.) flfc»n']. Sur le transmetteur automatique des ordres de route. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 550-552. Berson, A \ rtlnir ./cwc/i/i Sttinislaui]. Uebersicht iiber die Witterung [in Ceutraleuropa, Miirz 1891 bis Januar 1899, und Juni 1900]. Wetter, 8, 1891. 108-109, 135-136, 158-159, 182-183, 210-211, 236-238, 253-254, 280-281; 9, 1892. 19-20, 45-46, 63-64, 88-89, 110-112, 140-141, 162-163, 1*6-187, 204-205, 231-232, 251-252, 277-278; 10, 1893, 17, 40-41, 60-61, 83-84, 116-117, 140-141, 11)3-164, 180-182, 210-211, 233-234, 2C.1, 2NO-281 ; 11, 1894, 15-16, 36-37, 67-68, 87-88, 116-117, 136-137, 162-163, 186-187, 203-204, 236-237, 255-256, 275-276; 12, 1895, 20-21, 37-38, 68-69, 88-89, 114-115, 136-137. 158-15'!, 1S2-1K3, 198-199, 234-235, 258-259. 2«-l 2s5 ; 13, 1896, 12-13, 42-13, 03-64, 83, 112-113. 138-139, 153-155, 184-185,206-207, 232-233, 257-258, 283-284; Berson] [Bert 14, 1897, 1M-19. 43-44, 64-65, 91-02, 112-113, 138-l.Sfl, 157-159, 186-187, 206-208, 231-232, 25li, 278-279 ; 15, 1898, 13-14, 41-42, 56-57, 89-90, 109-110, 138-139, 158-159. 186, 213-214, 236-237, 200-262, 281-283; 16, 1899, 19-20, 44-45, 63-64; 17, 1900, 189-190. — Die Heikunft der Dammerungsstreifeu und ihre Be- rechnung. Wetter, 9, 1892, 145-150, 192. — Ueber seine Eri'ahrungen und Ergt'bnisse auf Ballou- fahrten. Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1896, xv-xix. - Eine lieise in das Beich der Cirren. Wetter, 12, 1895, 1-10. — Geographisches aus dem Luftballou. [1895.] Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 23, 1896, 49-58. — Kurzer liiickblick auf die Witterun« [der Jahre 1895- 97]. Wetter, 13, 1896, 64-66; 14, 1897, 89-91; 15, 1898, 90-93. — In den Fussstapfen GLAISHER'S. (Eine Ballonhoch- fabrt in England.) Wetter, 15, 1898, 217-226. — Bozwoj i cele aeronautyki no\voczesnej. [Develop- ment and aims of modern aeronautics.] Kosmos (Lwow), 25, 1900, lilO-624. Berson, [Felix] G[ustave Adolphe]. De ['influence de la temperature sur 1'aimantation. Ann. Chim., 8, 1886, 433-502; .11. I'liys., 5, 1886, 437-456. — Influence du choc sur 1'aimantation d'nn barreau d'acier. Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 404-121. — Eecherches experimentales sur les variations de 1'ai- mantation d'un barreau dTacier par le choc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 106, 1888, 592-595. — De 1'iufluence du choc sur 1'aimantation permanente du nickel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 94-95. — De ('influence du choc sur la force coercitive dans les metaux rnagnetiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 1, 1889, 407-419. — De I'inrluence du choc sur 1'aimantation residuelle d'un barreau de nickel. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 3, 1889, G, 11 pp. — Etude sur les miroirs magiques de la Chine et du Japon. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 2, 1890, 428-439. — Des tremblements de terre au Japou. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 3, 1891, 239-252. — Sur 1'emploi des figures geomelriques par les Japonais pour la resolution des problemes d'arithmetique. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 3, 1891, 268-271. — Sur 1'aimantatiou du nickel ; influence de la longueur des barreaux. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 6, 1892, K, 10 pp. — Introduction a une etude des attractions et repulsions apparentes des corps vibrants dans les milieux fluides. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 5, 1893, 406^15. — Effets des trepidations sur les aimantations totale, temporaire et residuelle des metaux maguetiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 6, 1894, 226-237. Berson, [Felix] G[ustare Adolphe], & Bouasse, H[enri Pienv Alaxiine]. Sur 1'e'lasticite de torsion d'un fil oscillant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 48-50. Berson, [Felix] G[nstave Adolphe], & Destrem, A. De 1'electrolyse des solutions de potasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 106, 1888, 1794-1797. — Etude sur 1'electrolyse. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 3, 1889, L, 14 pp. Berson, [Fi'-lij -\ i:[nxture Adolphe], & Juppont,P. Actions mutuelles des corps vibrants dans les milieux fluides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 117, 1893, 724-726. Berson, Sigismond. Decomposition des ondes electriques quelconquesen oscillations elementaires. Eclairage Elect., 15 (1898), 287-289. Bert, Paul. For biography and works .sec Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 1112-1114; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 216; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 905-907 ; Venezia, Ateneo, 2, 1886, 403-404; Aeronaute, 1887, 13-14; Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 41, 1887, xxviii-xxix ; Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1887, i-ii; Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87)], 372; Nature, 35, 1887, 54; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887, 17-24; 41, 1889 (C. R.), 489-495; Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1886-87, 111-112; Termt. Kozlon., 19, 1887, 501. - *[Histoire des recherches auxquelles s'est consacree la Socide de Navigation Aerieune.] [1875.] Aeronaute, 9, 1876, 6-16. - *Sur la capacite respiratoire du sang des animaux habitant les hauls plateaux de 1'Amerique du Sud. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 95-97. - *Presence du sucre dans 1'urine apres 1'accouchement chez uue chevre prive'e de mamelles. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 193-194. - *Sur la mort par 1'actiou des melanges d'air el de vapeurs de chloroforme. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 241-242. — *Anesthesie prolongee ohtenue par le protoxyde d'azote a la pression normal?. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mrm., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 347-3.50. - *Methode d'anesthesie prolongee par des melanges doses d'air et de vapeurs de chloroforme. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 409. - *Sur 1'immunite pour le cholera des ouvriers qui Iravailleul le mercure. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mrm., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 519. — *Sur 1'aneslhesie par 1'elher. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M<5m., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 522-523. — Application a 1'homme de la methode d'anesthesie chloroformique par les melanges tilres. [1883-84.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 665-669; 36, 1884 (C. R.), 7-9. — L'anesthesie par la methode des melanges litres de vapeurs et d'air; son application a I'homine pour les vapeurs de chloroforme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 98, 1884. 63-69, 124-126, 265-272. — Sur 1'origine du sucre de lait. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 775-777; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 223-224. — Sur une aulre methode d'anesthesie chloroformique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (G. R.), 9-11. — Sur les melanges litres dVther et d'air. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 ((.'. R.), 120-121. — Observation sur la note de 31. LABOBDE sur 1'elasticile pulmonaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 333. — Observations a propos de la communication de M. AUBEAU, relative aux melanges litres de chloroforme et d'air. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 422-423. — Sur la non-accumulation du chloroforme dans 1'organ- isme apres 1'anesthesie complete. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.). 454-456. — Chloroforme impnr. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 524-525. — Observations a piopos des experiences sur les de- capites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 101, 1885, 272-273. — Note sur 1'action de la cocaine sur la peau. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 31-32. — Sur la regeneration des nerfs pneumogaslriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 100. — Etude aualytique de 1'anesthesie, par les melanges tilres de chloroforme el d'air. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. 37, 1885 (C. R.), 442-445. — Fails sur le proloxyde d'azole. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 520-521. — La rigidile cadaverique. Nole communiquee a la Sociele de Biologie en juin 1881, mais non publiee. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 522. — Innocuite du grisou. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (G. R.), 523. — Coloration du lezard vert. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me'rn., 37, 1885 (G. R.), 523. - Veniu cutane de la greuouille (Eaua viridis). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 524. Bert] IKS [Bertelli Animaux d'uiu douce dans 1'eau de mcr. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37. 1885 (C. K.I, 525-526. — Observations sur la respiration du Bombyx du murier a ses differents etats. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 528-530. — Observations diverges sur la vie des chrysalides et du Bombyx du murier. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. K'.), 531-532. — Sur le role de la membrane nietitante des oiseaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 37, 1885 (C. R.). 532. — Note sur quelques pheuomenes du refroidissemeut rapide. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. fi.), 567- 570. — Intoxication chronique par le chloroformc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 571-574. — Venin du scorpion. Paris, Soc. Bkil. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.). 574-575. — Note sur la germination des amandes ameres. Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 57(j. Bert, Paul, & Capitan, //[otii's]. *Influenee de divers sels sur le developpement du microbe de la morve. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.). 519-521. — *Sur la uon-receptivite de certains organismes pour certaines maladies contagieuses. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 521-522. Bert, ]'n ill, it Laffont, Man. *Action du systeme nerveux sur les vaisseaux lymphatiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., HI, 1882 (('. R.), 188-189. Bert, I'niil, A Regnard, Paul. "Influence de 1'eau oxygenee sur les virus et les venins. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 736-738. • *Sur la decomposition de 1'eau oxygenee par la fibrine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 738- 740. - 'Transformation des substances albuminoides en albuminoses sous 1'influence de 1'eau oxygenee. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.),' 133-135. - *Sur Femploi.de 1'eau oxygenee en therapentique. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 157- 161. — Production d'alcool dans les fruits sous 1'influence de 1'eau oxygenee. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 462-463. — Action de 1'eau oxygenee sur le sang. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 537-538. Bertaccbi, C/ixinin. C. E. BIDDULPH e P. DEIXA VALLE a proposito di un' escursione nel deserto salato persiano. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 427-434. — Delle vicende e degli ordinamenti dell' insegnamento geografa'co nelle scuole secondarie, dalla costituzione del Regno ; e proposte dei mezzi per migliorarlo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 1031-1057. La Birmania e il viaggio di Leonardo FEA. [1897.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 6, 1896, 241-285. — Sulla plastica e la geologia della regione pugliese. lliv. Geogr. Ital., IJ, 1899, 81-93, 193-200, 271-283. — L' Italia e il suo mare. Gome e quauto 1" Italia possa aver contribute alia conoscenza scientitica del Mediter- raneo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 37, 1900, 61)9-717, 757-776. Dcrt.iccliini, I'ictro. La spermatogenesi nella Rana tem- poraria. Int. Jl. Anat., 8, 1891, 140-168. — Anatomia della testa di un feto umano rinoeefalo. [1895.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 121-15H — Ricerche biologiche sulla spermatogenesi nel gruppo degli Antibi anuri. Int. Jl. Anat., 13, 1896, 409-446. — Intorno alia struttura anatomica dei centri uervosi di uu embrione umano lungo 4, 5 mm. Int. Jl. Anat., 14, 1897, 217-246. — Di una forma regressiva piuttosto rara di embrione umano atrofico. (Contributo allo studio delle anomalie di sviluppo.) [1897.] Anat. Ann., 14, 1898, 153-163. — Descrizione di un giovanissimo embrione umam n speciale rigtiardo allo sviluppo dei centri nervosi. Int. .11. Anat.. 15, 1898. 1-24. l-t"L,renesi dei neuaaspermi di Triton cristatus. Int. Jl. Anat., 15, 1898, 161-175, 177-19*. — Alcune considerazioni su un embrione umauo emice- falo con "spina bifida" e sulle principal; teorie dello sviluppo normale e teratologies Int. Jl. Ariat., 16, 1899. 65-128. — Morfogenesi e teratogenesi negli Antibi anuri. (ia serie : Blastoporo e doccia midollare.) [(na serie : Blastoporo e organ! assili dorsali dell' embrione.) (in" serie: Anomalie spoutanee.)] Eicerche sperimentali. Int. Jl. Anat., Hi, 1899, 140-154, 269-300; 17, 1900. 26-87. Zeomimetismo da impressione materna ? Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 401-428, 528. — Intorno all' istogenesi dei nemaspermi di Triton cristatus. Risposta alle osservazioni di MEVES e M u GREGOR. Int. Jl. Anat.. 17. 1900, 408-423. Bertagna, . La fotogratia dei colori. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 32. 1900, 212-213. Bertainchand, K. Note sur la cire d'abeilles en Tunisie. Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898. 603. Bertainchand, E., & Xttarcille, . Sur les cires d'abeilles de Tunisie. Mouiteur Sci., 12. 1898, 533-541. Bertainchand, / -.'., Blilli.iu, Ernest, & Blalet, F. Sec Milliau, Bertainchand A Malet. Bertault, .I/., ,V Villiers, [<.'/ir/c(es] A[nloine Tlieo/lm; }. .Sec Villiers ,t Bertault. Bertaut, Hem', A Dethan, f ;cnn;cs. .Sec Dethan it Bertaut. Bertaux, A., it Carpentier, <'li,irl,'s. See Carpentier it Bertaux. Berte, .1. Flora invernale nei dintorni della citta di Tunisi. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892 (Boll.), 21-22, 39-40, 55-56. Berte, Ii[nricn], & Errera, Ginnjio. See Errera it Berte. Berte, E[nrico], .V Soldaini, Arturo. .S'cc Soldaini it Berte. Berte, F[riiiire>ico]. 'Coutribuzione all' anatomia ed alia fisiologia delle antenne degli Afanitteri. Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric., 2, [1878], 71-76. *Sopra le nuove anastomosi anomale fra il nervo trocleare, il soprorbitale ed il simpatico cavernoso. Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Rio., 2, [1878], 77-80. — Caratteri sessnali secondari d'alcuni Saurii viventi in Sicilia. Nat. Sicil., 3, 1884, 312-315, 325-327. — II tatuaggio di Sicilia in rapporto alia resistenza psicbica. Arch. Antropologia, 22, 1892, 205-229. Berte, Heoriirx. Nouvel appareil a filtration rapide. Ann. Chim. Anal., 1, 1896, 248-249. Berteaux, L. Le poumon des Arachnides. Cellule, 5, 1889, 253-317. Bertele, [.|/;I//M«.-< I'.tilthazard]. Quelques observations sur la vaccination animate et la conservation du vacciu de genisse. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires. 14, 1889. 425-426. — De 1'origine et des causes des phenomenes que Ton observe dans le precede d'optometrie de CCIONET, dit keratoscopie ou skiascopie. Arch. Med. Pharm. Mili- taires, 23, 1894, 165-172. Bertelli, Duiile. Glandule salivari nella Hirudo medi- cinalis, L. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. IVrfc.l, 5, 1885-87, 2K4-2*5; li. 1887-89, 29-32. II solco intermediario anteriore del midollo spiuale umano nel prime) anno di vita. [1888-89.] Pisa Sor. Tosc. Atti (.Ui'w;.), 1(1, 1889, 246-250. — II muscolo temporal^ supernciale. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (.I/cm. I, 10, 1889, 104-109. — II muscolo auricolare anteriore. [IfW.l.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (I'm,-. I'crt.). (1, 1887-89. 2M.-,--j;H. — Riui'ich' intorno alle vene superficiali dell' avam- braccio. [1891-94.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (.I/cm.), 11, 1891, 117-77; II, 1895, 104-124. Bertelli] 489 [Bertelli — II solco intermediario anteriore del midollo spinale umano. Pisa Soe. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 11, 1891, 213- 225. - Kapporti della pia-madre con i solclii del midollo spinale umano. [1891.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc.- rer!,.), 1, 1889-91, 218-219. — Sur la membrane tympanique de la "Eana esculenta." [1892.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 18, 1893, 458-462. — Varieta del forame mentoniero nell' uomo. (Nota preveutiva.) [1892.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 8, 1891-93, 43. — Ueber die Structur des Trommell'ells. Anat. Anz. 8, 1893 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 204-205. - Kapporti della pia-madre con i solchi del midollo spinale umano. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 12. 1893, 57-74. — Bicerche sulla morfologia del muscolo diaframma nei MammUeri. Arch. Sci. Med., 19, 1896, 381-437. — Pieghe dei reni primitivi nei Bettili. Contribute allo sviluppo del diaframma. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 15, 1897, 120-138. — Pieghe dei reni primitivi. Contribute alia morfologia e allo sviluppo del diaframma. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 16, 1898, 72-108. — Le pleure degli uccelli. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900 (Amit. Ges. Verh.), 97-99. — Sviluppo dei sacchi aeriferi del polio. Divisione della cavita celomatica degli uccelli. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 17, 1900, 14-5-166. Bertelli, Gioninni. Alcune notizie sul violeutissimo terre- moto che danneggio la citta di Firenze e parte della provincia la sera del 18 maggio 1895, a ore 20.55 (T. M. dell' Europa centrale). [1895.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 15, 1896, 15-1C, 17. Bertelli, (padre) Timoteo. *[Bolide dell' 8 settembre 18fi9.] Bologna. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 4, 1869, 101. - "[Aurora polare del 12 febbraio 1871.] Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 18. "Terrernoti, Firenze. i. Terretnoto del 22 gennaio. n. Terremoto del 12 febbraio. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., (>, 1871, 34. - *[Aurora del 18 aprile, 1871.] Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 67. - *Sismometrografo.... Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 99-100. - *[Terremoti.] Firenze, 29 luglio 1871. Moucalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 101. - *0sservazioni sismometriche fatte a Fireuze al Col- legio La Querce. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., li, 1871, 146- 149. - *0sservazioni microsismiche eseguite a Firenze nei Collegio La Querce. [1873.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 8, 1874, 4-5, 17, 20, 36-38, 52-53, 69, 85, 101, 117, 132, 148, 164, 180. - *0sservazioni sismometriche fatte al Collegio La Querce di Firenze nei grande terremoto del Veneto, il 29 giugno 1873. [1873.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 8, 1874, 163. - *0sservazioni sisrniche fatte a Firenze nei Collegio La Querce. [1874.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 9, 1875, 20- 21, 35, 52-53, (38, 84, 115, 131, 148-149, 162, 178. - *Tromometro a prisma proposto per le osservazioni microsismiche dal P. BEETELLI e dal Prof. DE Bossi. [1H74.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 9, 1875, 145-148. - *Sulle nuove tavole espositive dei moti microsismici per 1'anno meteorico 1874-75. [1875.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 10, 1876, 3. - "Osservazioni tromometriche fatte al Collegio alia Querce di Firenze nei dicembre 1874 [e dal dicembre 1875 al novembre 1876.] [1875-76.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 10, 1876, 6, 22, 36, 52, 69, 85, 101, 117, 134, 149, 167, 181; 11, 1877, 6, 18, 21, 37, 53, 69, 86, 101, 117, 133, 149, 165, 181. R. 8. A. C. • *Terremoto del 9 novembre. [1878.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 13, 1879, 163-1114. - *Indicazioni sisrniche del Collegio alia Querce di Firenze nei febbraio 1881. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 1, 1881, 57. — *Terreinoto del 28 settembre. Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 1, 1881, 220. - *[Terremoti. Fireuze, 16 novembre 1881.] Mon- calieri Oss. Boll.. 1, 1881, 270. — "Terremoto dej 14-15 luglio. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 120. - "Terreruoto. [Firenze, 5 settembre 1883.] Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 153. — "Terremoto del 25 novembre. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 186. - Bisposta ad alcune obbiezioni ripetute contro le osservazioni microsismiche in occasioue del terremoto d' Ischia del 1883 ed opinioni che 1' autore ritiene piii probabili riguardo al vulcaniamo antico e moderno della terra. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 97-102, 123-125, 157-159, 173-179; 5, 1885, 17-19, 33-38; Borna, N. Lincei Mem., 1, 1887, 265-321; 2, 1887, 233-297. — Terremoto del 12 marzo [1885]. Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 55. — Delle cause probabili del vulcanismo preseute ed antico della terra. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 122- 125, 181-185, 197-201; 6, 1886, 17-20, 61-64, 73-75, 89-94, 137-138, 152. — Beponse a quelques objections faites aux observations microseismiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 1385- 1386. — Belazione di alcune conferenze geodiuamiche teuute in Firenze nei maggio 1887, risguardanti auche le norme edifizie per attenuare i pericoli dei danni nei terremoti. Bull. Vulc. Ital., 14, 1887, 23-33. [Sullo studio dei terremoti.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 6, 1887, 488-492. — [Sui fenomeni fisici dei terremoti.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 6, 1887, 496-500. - Alcune osservazioni intorno al terremoto del 23 febbraio presso Fireuze Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 57-58. Brevi considerazioni sulla causa dei terremoti. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 70-71. — Alcune considerazioni intorno ai parafulmini. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 129-132; Biv. Sci.-Ind., 19, 1887, 205-213. — Sopra una memoria dei Prof. T. TAR.VMELLI e G. MEKCALLI : I terremoti andalusi cominciati il 25 dicembre 1884. Borna, N. Lincei Atti, 40, 1887, 93- 107 ; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 1-7. — Delle variazioni dei valori d' iuteusita relativa nelle medie tromometriche mensili ed annuali osservate nei Collegio alia Querce di Firenze dall' anno meteorico 1872-73, a tutto il novembre 1887. [1887.] Boma, N. Lincei Atti, 41, 1888, 9-12; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 149-152. — Biassunto di alcuni concetti teorici e pratici ris- guardanti la sismologia. [1887.] Boma, N. Lineei Atti, 41, 1888, 51-58. — Alcuni dati important! forniti da un riassunto delle osservazione microsismiche fatte dall' [autore]. [1888.] Bull. Vulc. Ital., 15 & 16, 1888-89, 59-61. — [Sul valore delle indicazioni del tromometro.] [1888.] Bull. Vulc. Ital., 15 & 16, 1888-89, 65-67. — Osservazioni fatte in un escursioue sopra la Biviera del Genovesato in occasione del Convegno geologico- sismico di Savoua nei settembre del 1887. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 5-7, 83-86, 98-102, 113-116. — Osservazioni tromometriche. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 54-55. Burrasca atmosferica e tromometrica. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 55. 62 Bertelli] 490 [ Berthelin Oseillazione del livello del mare. Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 8, 1888, 135. — Osservazioni fatte in occasions di iina escursione sulla Kiviera ligure di Ponente dopo i terremoti ivi M'guiti in quest' anno. Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 3, 1888, 129-153. De peculiar! organo term? pulsibus scrutandis metiendis accommodato. II tromometro. [1888.] Roma.N.Liucei Atti. 42, 1889, 37-40. — Sismometro Pagani. Bull. Vulc. Ital., 15 & 16, 1888-89, 80. — fll terrerrjoto dell' * nitirzo 1880.] Firenze. Moncali< li Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 78. — [Terremoto del 25-26 agosto, 1889, Firenze.] Mon- oalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 1(11. — Awertenza sui termometri a massima. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 178. — Delle vibrazioni sismiche e delle indicazioni sismo. metriche. [Nota i.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 42, 1889, 95-119. • Delle vibrazioni sisruiche e delle indicazioni sismo- metriche. [Nota n.] Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 6, 1890, 67-221. — SuH' origine della parola calamita, usata dagli Italian! ad esprimere la pietra magnete, 1'ago e la bussola. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 1111-163, 177-178. — Sulle indicazioni degli istrumenti sismici. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 79-80. — Di alcuni moti tromometrici osservati in Sicilia nelle eruzioni etnee del 1883 e 1892, e di quella sottomarina della Pantelleria nell'ottobrc 1891. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 133-13(1. — Aurora polare. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 147. — In occasione dell' cruzione dell' Etna, [novembre IS'.i'.'J. Lettera. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 12, 1892, 1114-195. — Riassunto di una inemoria storica iutorno alia scnpi'i t;i della declinazione fatta da Cristoforo COLOMBO nel 1492. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 97-100; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 89-91 ; U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 486-492. — Intorno ad un articolo dei periodic! "Nature" e "Cosmos" sui moti microsismiei di Roeca di Papa in ordine al terremoto di Aquila dell' 8 febbraio 1892. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 121-135; Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 12, 1892, 103-108, 117-119. — Studi comparativi fra alcune vibrazioni meccaniche artificial) e le vibrazioni sisrniche. Roma, Vfi". CVntr. Meteorol. Ann.. 10 (Pt. 4), 1892, 5-44. — Cenno descrittivo ed usi del tromometro. MoiH-aln'i i Oss. Boll.. 13, 1893, 2-4. — Di alcuni moti tromometrici osservati in Sicilia uelle eruzioni etnee del 1883, 1886 e 1892 e di quella sott,.- marina della Pantelleria nell' ottobre 1891. Ruma, N. Lincei Atti, 46, 1893, 17-24. — Studi storici intorno alia bussola nautica. Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 9, 1893 {Pt. 1), 77-178. {Pi. 2), 131-218. — [II terremoto del 22 gennaio 1892.] Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 3, 1893, 154-157. — Sopra una scarica elettrica. [1895.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 49, 1896, 28. — Pendolo sismico protoprafieo. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 16, 1896, 69-71. — Di un documento del principle del secolo xvn risguar- dante la sisinologia. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 49, 1896 39-45. Degli istrumenti sismici dell' Osservatorio Vaticano. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 49, 1896, 135-142. — Di un supposto lavoro intorno alia bussola pubblicato da Filippo I'IKAFKTTA nel 158(1. [1898.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 51, 1897, 73-77. — Studi storici intorno allo scandaglio marittinm >• proposta di qtialche miglioramento al medesimo. Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 14, 1898, 163-232. Riga Nyt Nyt - Dei nuovi istrumenti sismici dell' Osservatorio Vaticano. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 5, 1898, 151-157. — Dell' origine della bussola e di alcune sue principali inodifieazioni. Moncalieri Oss. Annu., 1. 1899, 7-16. — Appunti storici intorno all' uso topogratico ed astro. nomico della bussola fatto antieamente in Italia, lioma, N. Lincei Mem.. 1(1, 1899, 51-72; 17, 1900, 1-17. Bertelli, (yi].. 29, 1886, 2. Bertelsen, Ili-rti-l 1'. Kt sffiregent koordiuatsystem. Tidsskr. Math., s (,\|, 1897, 21-27. — Additionssubstitutioner i algebraiske ligninger. Tidsskr. Math.. 9 (i-.), 1898, 84-94; Fortsehr. Math., 1898. 73. Berten, [/'.] .7[«c.]. Anomalien der Zahnstellung. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 33-36. — Ueber die Beziehungen von Zahnerkrankungen zu den Erkrankungrn der Kieferhohle. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 139-144, 145-147. 1'cber die Haufigkeit und Ursachen der Caries bei Schulkindern nach statistischen Untersuchnngen. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1894, 134-142. — Die elektro-medicamentose Beliamllung in der Zahn- heilkunde. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1897, 57-64. Bertenson, Lev [Bernardnvn']. Zur Statistik und Aetiologie des Scorbuts. Die Scorbutepidemie von 1889 nach Beobachtungen im St. Petersburger Nicolai- Militarhospital. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 49. 1892, 127-155, 323-347. — Contribution au diagnostic des tumeurs cardiaqnes primitives. Myxome de 1'oreillette gauche. Arch. Mi'd. Exper., 5, 1893, 386-403; Virchow, Arch., 132, 1893, 390-407. Bertezene, Alfred. Nouvelle theorie du baccarat. Rev. Sci., 7, 1897, 780-782. Berth. i, .lli'j-iiinliT ih'. Sur un systeme de gainmc's nou- vell.'s. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1137-1139. — Sur les gammes enharmoniques. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. II , 119, 1894, 56. Bertha, .!/. Ueber einipe bemerkenswerthe Fiille von Aktinomykose. Wien. Med. Wschr., 38, 1888, 1181-1184. Bertbault, ]•'. Observations relatives a la creation des prairies. Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 124-135. — [Experiences sur 1'emploi de sulfate de fer eu agricul- ture.] France Soc. Agr. Bull., 49, 1889, 42-45. — Essai sur 1'emploi des leviires selectionnees dans la fabrication du vin. Ann. Agron., 20, 1894, 65-78. — L'Armagnac, ses terrains, son vignoble, ses eaux-de- vie et ses luiules. Ann. Agron., 25, 1899, 305-325, 421-447. — La repartition des engrais et ses consequences. Ann. Agron., 26, 1900, 417-430. Bertbault, !•'.. cV Boiret, H. Essais sur la culture des jiiniimes do ten'*1 a TEcole de Grignon. Ann. Agron., 17, 1891, 4S1-517. Bertbault, /•'. , X- Crochetelle, ,1. Contribution a 1'etude des mattes du has Medoc. Ann. Agron., 21 1895 122-135. — Sur un Hi |iiii\vn:mt d'un terrain sale, en Al^r. rir. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. II. , 120, 1895, 691-693. Berthault, F. , \- Faturel, i^. Etudes sur quelques terres de 1'Habra (Algi'rii-). Ann. Agron., 15. 1889. 35-45. Berthelin, (./<•«» ] ie aromatique. Action des alcalis sur les phenols a function mixte. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 541-540 ; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 170-179; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 67-75. - Etudes thermiques sur la s£rie aromatique : des phenols a fonction complexe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 651-056 ; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 179-l!>:i. — Sur la neutralisation des acides aromatiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 685-686 ; Ann. Chiin., 7, 1886, 193-200 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 75-76. — Sur divers phenols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 101, 1885, 687-690; Ann. Chim., 7,1886, 200-209; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 76-79. — Fixation directs de 1'azote atmospherique libre par certains terrains argileux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 775-784 ; France Soc. Agr. Bull., 46, 1886, 86-101; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 121-128. — Sur les id^es des alchimistes. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 538-539. — Les papyrus ulchimiques d'Egypte. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 08-71. — Les manuscrits alchimiques grecs des bibliotheques. Rev. Sci., 35, 1886, 170-174. — La fixation de 1'azote atmospherique. Rev. Sci., 30, 1885, 041-645. — La chimie des Egyptiens, d'apres les papyrus de Leide. Ann. Chim., 9, 1886, 5-65. — Les planetes et les rne"taux dans 1'alchimie aucienne. Astronomic, 1886, 101-170. — Recherches sur le sulfure d'antimoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 22-27; Ann. Chim.. 10, 1887, 123-144; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 14-2i. — Etats multiples du sulfure d'antimoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 84-86. — Sur les actions rrciproques et les equilibres entre les acides chlorhydrique, sulfhydrique et les sels d'anti- 1 moine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 86-911. — Sur le dosage du carbone organique coutenu dans les sols qui fixent 1'azote libre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1)51-954 ; Jl. Pharm., 13, 1886, 545-548. — Remarques sur la decomposition des sels ammonia- caux par les bases et oxydes metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1354-1357; Ann. Chim., 9, 1886, 283-288. — Recherches sur les sticres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 533-537 ; Jl. Pharm., 14, 1886, 401-405. Recherches thermiques sur les reactions entre 1'am- moniaque et les sels magnesiens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 844-848; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 310-317; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 838-840. — Recherches sur les phosphates. Paris, Ac. Sc'i. C. R., 103, 1886, 911-917; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 3.50-302; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 853-859. — Sur le phosphate ammoniaco-magnesien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 960-970; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 302-368 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 859-863. — Les precedes authentiques des alchimistes egyptiens. Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 417-429. Les origines de la chimie : metaux et mineraux provenant de 1'antique Chaldee. Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 742-745. — Sur le cuivre des ancieus. Ann. Chim., 12, 1887. 141-143. — Sur la eonnaissance ancienne des composes du cobalt et du cobalt metallique. Ann. Chiiu., 12, 1887, 143- 144. — Figures des appareils des alchimistes grecs. Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 145-199. — Sur la fixation directe de 1'azote gazeux de 1'atmo- sphere par les terres vegetales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 205-209; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 684-688. — Metaux et mineraux provenant de 1'antique Chaldee. Sur les origines de l'etain dans le moude ancien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 265-271; Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 129-140. — Sur la fixation directe de 1'azote gazeux de 1'atmo- sphere par les terres vegetales, avec le concours de la vegetation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 625-630; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 688-692. — Sur les phosphates terreux, remarque sur une com- munication de M. JOLY. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1O4, 1887, 1606-1667. — Sur la graduation des tubes destines aux mesures gazoinetriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 591- 594; Aun. Chim., 14, 1888, 279-286; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 959-960. — Recherches sur le drainage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 640-646; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 678-684 ; 50, 1888, 2-8 ; Aun. Chim., 14, 1888, 491-503. — Sur les divers modes de decomposition explosive de 1'acide picrique ft oVs composes nitres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 11594162; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 95fi-'J5',l; Ann. Chim., 10, 1889, 21-25. Berthelot] 493 LBerthelot — Les origines de 1'^tain dans le rnoude aneien, d'apres de nouvelles analyses. Rev. Sci., 39, 1887. 106-169. - Fixation de 1'azote atmospherique sur la terre vegetale. [Mernoires i-iv.] Ann. Chim., 13, 1888, 5-14, 15-73, 74-78, 78-92, 93-119. — Sur le nom du bronze. Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 570- 574. — Sur le nom du bronze chez les alchimistes grecs. Jl. Savants, 1888, 675-678. — Sur un procede antique pour rendre les pierres precieuses et les vitrifications phosphorescentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 443-446. — Sur quelques conditions gen^rales de la fixation ile 1'azote par la terre vegetale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 106, 1888, 509-574; Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 473-491 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 8-12. — Sur la transformation, dans le sol, des azotates en composes organiques azotes. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 100 1888, 038-641. - Traitement des sables auriferes par amalgamation, chez les anciens. Collection des alchimistes grecs, seconde livraison. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1888, 916-917. — Observations sur la fixation de 1'azote par certains sols etterres vt5g(5tales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 10411-1055. — Sur la fixation de 1'azote par la terre ve'ge'tale. Reponse aux observations de M. SCHLOESINO. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1214-1215. — Experiences nouvelles sur la fixation ile 1'azote par certaines terres ve'ge'tales et par certaines plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 372-378. — L'arsenic metallique connu par les anciens. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 961-963. — Sur la presence de la vapeur de benzine dans le gaz de 1'edairage et sur sou dosage. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 660-602 ; Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 97-98. Notice sur les origines et sur 1'histoire de la Societe Philomathique. Paris, Soc. Philom. Mem. Cent., 1888, i-xvii. Experiences nouvelles sur la fixation de 1'azote par certaines terres ve'ge'tales et par certaines plantes. [Premier memoire. Donnees des experiences et methodes d'analyse, relatives a 1'etude de la fixation de 1'azote. Denxieme memoire. Experiences faites sur la terre vege'tale nue, pour etudier la fixation de 1'azote. Troisieme memoire. Experiences faites sur la terre, avec le concours de la vegetation des Legumineuses, pour etudier la fixation de 1'azote.] Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 433-435, 435-453, 453-491, 491-638. — De 1'emploi du vinaigre dans le passage des Alpes par ANNIIUL, ainsi que dans la guerre et les travaux de mines chez les anciens. Jl. Savants, 1889, 244-248. • Sur les noms qalai, callai's, et sur ceux de retain. Jl. Savants, 1889, 379-382. — Lettre a HI. E. HAVET sur 1'emploi du vinaigre dans le passage des Alpes par ANNIBAL. Jl. Savants, 1889, 508-511. Sur les ages de, cuivre et de bronze et sur le sceptre de Pepi l»r, roi d'Egypte. Jl. Savants, 1889, 567-573. — Sur les reactions entre 1'acide chromique et 1'eau oxygeniSe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 24-31, 157- 161, 477-479; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 77-81, 81-85, 85-87; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 41-05. — Sur la fixation de 1'azote dans les oxydations lentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 543-546; Ann. Chim 17, 1889, 500-506; Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 417-420; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 74-75. — Fixation de 1'azote par la terre vegetale uue, ou avec le concours des Legumineuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108. 1889, 700-708; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 66-74; Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 450-454. - Recherches sur la theorie thionique. [Chaleur de formation des acides thioniques. Action des alealis. Action des acides sur les hyposulfites.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 773-779, 925-930, 971-978; Ann. Chim., 17, 1889, 435-471, 471-480, 480-494; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 92-90, 96-ii des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 684-685. — Sur la reduction des sulfates alcalins par 1'hydrogene et par le cbarbon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 110, 1890, 1100-1112; Ann. Cbim., 21, 1890, 397-409; Paris Soc. Cbirn. Bull.. 1, 1890, 234-238. — Sur les diverses inosites isomeres et sur leur chaleur de transformation. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 110, 1890, 1244-1246: Ann. Cbim., 21, 1890, 410-418; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 4, 1890, 240--' is. Reehercbes nouvelles sur la stabilite relative des sels, taut a 1'etat isole qu'en presence de 1'eau. Sels d'anilim*. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 135-144; Ann. Cbim., 21, 1890, 355-372; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 4, 1890, 241- •_• tc,. — Kqnilihres et displacements reciproques des alcalis volatils. Paiis. Ac. Sci. C. H., Ill, 1890, 28JI-296; Ann. Cbim., 21, 1890, 372-383; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 4, 1890, 474-479. — Sur 1'absorption de 1'oxyde de carbone par la terre. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. H,, 111, 1890, 409-471; Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 158-459; Ann. Cbim., 24, 1891, 133-135. — Sur 1'acetvlene condense par 1'effluve. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 471-472; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 4, 1890, 480-481 ; Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 135-137. — Sur le nom du bronze : nouvelles indications. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 713-715. — Remarque sur quelques sensations acoustiques pro- voquees par les sels de quinine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 715. — Observations sur la note prece'dente [de 3131. ScuLOESiNi! et LAURENT: "Sur la fixation de 1'azote gazeux par les Legumineuses"]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 753. — Sur Fhistoire de la balance hydrostatique et de quelques autres appareils et precedes scientifiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 935-941; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 475-485. — Sur le dosage de 1'azote sous forme d'ammoniaque an moyen de la chaux sodee. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 480. — Les grandes di-eouvertes de LAVOISIER. Rev. Sci., 45, 1890, 33-42. L\VOISIKR et PRIESTLEY. Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 513-514. — Sur les alliages d'm rt d'aiyrni it sur Irs recettes des nrt'uvres au temps de 1'Rmpire Romain et du moyen age. Ann. Cbim., 22, 1891, 145-172. — Quelques figures d'appareils chimiques, syriaques et latins au moyen age. Ann. Cbim., '23, 1891, 433-408. — Sur la decouverte de 1'alcool. Ann. Chim., 23. 1891. 469-475. — Bemarques sur les rapports qui existent entre les charjgements de volume, la stabilite et les quantities de chaleur degagees dans les reactions chimiques. Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 503-507; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 504-565. — Sur l'nnit£ caloriunHrique. Jl. Phys., 10, 1891, 169- 171. — Sur les traces des ecrits alchimiqnes grecs mnsrrvrs dans les ecrits latins et sur la transmission des doctrines alchimiques au moyen age. .71. Savants. 1891. 124-132. — Sur divers traites techniques du moyen age, tels que les Compositiones ad tingcnda, la Mapp:i- clavicula, etc., et sur la relation de ees traites avec les ouvrages analogues des artisans et des alchimistes de 1'antiquitr. ,11. Savants, 1891, 182-193. — Traditions techniques de la chimie antique chtz Irs alchimistes latins du moyen age. .11. Savunts, 1891. 370-384. — Sur quelques ecrits alchimiques, en langue provencale se rattacbant a 1'ecole de Raymond LULLE. Jl. Savants, 1891, 628-632. — Sur 1'onde explosive, sur les donnees caracteristiques de la detonation et sa vitesse de propagation dans les corps solides et liquides, et speeialement dans le nitrate de methyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 16-27; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 485-503; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 558-564. — Nouvelles observations sur les composes azotes volatils rmis par la terre veg<5tale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 195-197; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 5, 1891, 574-575; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 330-334. — Note a propos de la communication de M. POINCARE. [Sur 1'experieuce de M. WIENER.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 329-331. — Action de la chaleur sur 1'oxyde de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 594-597 ; Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 126-132; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 5, 1891, 567-568. Sur une reaction de 1'oxyde de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 597; Aun. Chim., 24, 1891, 132- 133; Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891. 404-465; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 509. — Sur quelques donnees calorimetriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 829-834; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 563-570. - Remarque sur la note prece'dente. [Etude thermique des acides organiques bibasiques a fonctions simples.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1004-1005. — Sur une combinaison volatile de fer et d'oxyde de carbone, le fer-earbonyle, et sur le nickel-carbonyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1343-1349; Ann. Chim., 20, 1892, 500-570, 572-574; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 431-434, 434-435. — Sur les persulfates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1481-1483. — Sur 1'oxydation du nickel carbonyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 079-680; Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 570-571; .11. Pharm., 25, 1892, 32-33; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 434. — Sur des manuscrits a figures interessant 1'histoire de 1'artillerie et des arts mecaniques vers la fin du inoyen age. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 715-720; Ann. Cbim., 21, 1891, 433-521. — Sur les actions photochimiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 565-507. — Sur la preparation de rhydrogeiir pur. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 5, 1891, 570. — Sur 1'histoire des sciences chimiques au nniyen age. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 570-57:1. — Sur 1'histoire de la science antique et sur la tradition di's precedes metallurgiques, d'apres un traite du mmrn age, intitule: "La clef de la peinture." Rev. Sci., 47, 1891. 162-170. — Sur le " Livre des feux'' de Marcus GRAECCS. Rev. Sci., 47, 1891, 513-515. — Quelques nouveaux details sur ('invention du scaphandre. Ann. Chim.. 25, 1892, 287-288. — Sur les inductions latines des ouvrages alchimiques attribues aux Arabes. Jl. Savants. 1892. 115-128, 179- 195, 318-329. — Sur une uouvelle methode d'analyse organique. Pans, Ac. Sci. C.R., 114, 1892, 317-318; Ann.Chim., 20, 1892, 5.35-559 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 430-431. — Sur 1'emploi de 1'oxygene comprimr dans la bombe calorimetrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 318- 319; Aun. Chim.. 20, 1892, 559-560. — Urrherches sur 1'acide persulfuriqur rt srs sels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 875-883 ; Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 520-555; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 417-122. — Quelqucs observations ncmvflles sur 1'emploi de la hombe calorimetrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 201-203. Berthelot] 495 IBerthelot Sur la chaleur de combustion de 1'acide glycolique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 115, 1892, 393. Nouvelles recherches sur la fixation de 1'azote atmo- spherique par les microbes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 115, 1892, 5611-574, 696; Ann. Chirn., 30, 1893, 411-41!); Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 781-784. llrponse a la communication [de 31. SCHLOICSING, sur ses observations relatives a " la fixation de 1'azote atmo- spherique par les microbes"]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 115, 1892, 637-038. — Observations sur les communications [sur la fixation de 1'azote libre par les plantes]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 11.-.. 1892, 737-738. Sur la chaleur de combustion du camphre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 115. 1892, 762-763. — Beruarques sur les hautes temperatures et sur la vaporisation du carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 115, 1892, 1275-1277. — Sur la chaleur de combustion du carnpkre et sur son emploi comme quantitc auxiliaire dans les determinations ealorimetriques. Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 126-139. — Sur quelques alliages metalliques uonnus au moyen age. Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 285-288. — [Discours prouonce a la seance du 6 juillet 1892. J France Soc. Agr. Mem., 135, 1893, 7-14. — Sur quelques objets en cuivre, de date tres aucienne, provenant des fouilles de 31. HE SABZEC en Chaldee. [1893.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 116, 1893, 161-163; Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 572-574; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull, 11, 1894, 859-861. — liecherches nouvelles sur les microrganismes fixateurs de 1'azote. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E,, 116. 1893, 842-849 ; Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 419-432; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 784-7113. — Sur la sublimation des iodures rouge et jaune de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, H27-X28; Ann. Chim., 3, 1894, 431-432 ; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 70- 71 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 748-749. — Eemarques sur I't'chauft'ement et I'iuflammation spoutanee des loins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 10:jl)-1040; Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 430-432; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 97-98; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 810- 812. -The discovery of alcohol. [7V.] [18112.] Timehri, 7, 1893, 89-108. — Les classifications et les syrnboles chimiques dans 1'antiquite et au moyen age. Ann. Chim., 1, 1894, 259- 272; Paris Soc. Chirn. Bull., 11, 1894, 828-837. Sur une methode destinee a etudier les echanges gazeux entre les etres vivants et 1'atmosphere qui les entoure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 112-114; Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 289-292; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 741-744. — Observations sur la note [de M. LE BLANC] : des limites de 1'electrolyse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 412-415; Ann. Chim., 3, 1894, 138-144. — Eemarques sur la note [de M. LE BLANC: "Sur la force electromotrice minima necessaire a 1'electrolyse des electrolytes."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 707- 709. — Sur quelques uouveaux objets de cuivre provenant de 1'ancienne Egypte. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 764-768; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 861- 863. — Sur 1'alteration lente des objets de cuivre, au sein de la terre et dans les musses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 768-770. — [Observations relatives aux remarques de M. Arm. (JADTIER: "Sur le mecanisnie de la desassimilation des alburninoides et la formation de 1'uree dans 1'economie."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 906-907. — Recherches sur les gaz isomeriques avec le propylene et sur leurs sulfates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , UN, 1894, 1009-1013; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, K70-H72; Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 100-107. — Becherches sur le trimrtbylrne et sur le propylene et sur une nouvelle classe de carbures d'hydm^rne ; 1'isomerie dynamique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 1115-1123; 'Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 873-878; Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 107-117. — Le principe du travail maximum ut 1'entropie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 1378-1392; Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 79-100. - Becherches sur la plu'nylhydrazini'. Action de 1'oxygene et action de 1'eau ; formation des sels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 5-12; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 898-902; Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 117-133. — Bemarques sur [une note de SI. MATIGNON : "Sur les substitutions de radicaux alcooliques lies au carbone et a 1'azote"]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 119, 1894, 711-80; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 878-879. — Sur deux menhirs tronves dans les bois de Meudon. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 265-267, 782-783. — Sur les relations qui existent entre les chaleurs latentes de vaporisation et de • fusion des corps appartenaut a une mume famille et sur 1'intervention de ces relations dans le calcul des variations d'entropie des systemes. Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 133-136. — Sur les relations qui existent entre les proportions multiples des composes chimiques et la chaleur dogagee dans leur formation. Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 145-213. - Bemarques sur 1'inertie des agents oxydants ou ivducteurs dans les analyses par voie humide. Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 429-432. — Becherches thermochimiques sur les substitutions en chimie minerale. Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 433-494. Etude sur les metaux qui composent les objets de cuivre, de bronze, d'etain, d'or et d'argeut, decouverts par 31. HE MOHGAN dans les fouilles de Dahchour, ou provenant du Musee de Gizeh. Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 546-574. — Formation thermique des sels rapportes a 1'etat solide; donnees numeriques. Ann. Chim., 5, 1895, 145-185. — Formation des sels solides par 1'union des composants gazeux ou liquides. Ann. Chim., 5, 1895, 185-194. — Formation des sels par la combinaison des anhydrides. Ann. Chim., 5, 1895, 194-209. — Memoire sur la thermochimie des carbures d'hydro- gene. Ann. Chim., 5, 1895, 493-567. Sur la fusion de la silice pendant la combustion explosive de la dynamite. Ann. Chirn., 5, 1895, 573- 574. — Sur la thermochimie des alcools. Ann. Chim., C, 1895, 5-59. Sur la thermochimie des aldehydes et congeneres. Ann. Chim., 6, 1895, 511-89. Sur la thermochimie des acides organiques. Ann. Chim., 6, 1895, 145-232. Becherches sur la thermochimie des composes organiques azotes. Ann. Chim., 6, 1895, 232-296. Sur 1'argon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 521- 522. Essais pour faire entrer 1'argon en combinaison chimique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 581-585; Jl. Pharm., 1, 1895, 345-349. Eemarques sur les spectres de. 1'argon et de 1'aurore boreale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 662-663. Observations sur 1'argon : spectre de fluorescence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 797-800. Belations thermoehimiques entre les etats isomeriques du glucose ordinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 1019-1023, 1137; Ann. Chim.. 7, 1896, 51-57. — Sur la combinaison de 1'azote libre avec les elements du sulfure de carboue. ParU, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895. 1315-1316; Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 27-29. Berthelotl 496 LBerthelot — Nouvelle combinaison de 1'argon : synthese et analyse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1896, 1316-1319. Nouvelles etudes sur la fluorescence de 1'argon et sur sa combinaison avec les elements de la benzine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 1386-1390. — Sur les chaleurs de dissolution et de neutralisation des acides carnpholeniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 1392; Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 50-51. — Reeherches sur 1'argon et sur ses combinaisons. Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 5-26. — Sur la determination thermochimique de 1'equivalent des acides et des bases. Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 283-288. — Becherehes sur 1'acide cyanique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 337-341. Sur les mines de cuivre du Sinai, exploiters par les anciens Egyptiens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 365-374 ; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 47-60. — Sur un arc-en-ciel exceptionnel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 455-457. Theories et applications de la chimie. Bev. Sci., 6, 1896, 129-133. — Chaleur de formation de 1'acide cyanique et de 1'uree. Ann. Chim., 11, 1*97, 145-150. — Observations sur la decomposition de 1'eau oxygenee par 1'oxyde d'argent. Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 217-222. — Decomposition de 1'eau oxygenee par 1'oxyde d'argent ammoniacal. Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 223-232. — Glueogenese et thermogenese dans I'economie. Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 555-574; Bev. Sci., 8, 1897, 129-135. — Quelques renseignements sur 1'alchimie persane et indienne. Jl. Savants, 1897, 027-633. — Becherches sur 1'helium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 124, 1897, 113-119; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 15-27. — Kemarques sur les chaleurs specifiques des gaz elementaires et sur leur constitution atomique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 119-125; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 27-35. — L'age du cuivre en Chaldee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 328-331; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 60-66. — Nouvel appareil pour ('application de 1'analyse spectrale a la reconnaissance des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 525-528; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 43-47. — Sur 1'absorption electrique de 1'azote par les composes carbones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 528-532; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897. 35-42. — Outils et armes de 1'age du cuivre pur en Egypte [et en Armenie] : precedes de fabrication. Nouvelles recherches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1119-1125; Ann. Chim., 12, 1897, 433^45. — Sur divers liquides contenus dans des vases antiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 1125-1128; Ann. Chim., 12, 1897, 445-451. — Observations presentees sur la limitation des reactions chiniiques, a 1'occasion de la communication de M. A. GADTIER. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 1273-1276. — Sur les debuts de la combinaison entre 1'hydrogene et I'oxygene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 271-275; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 30-61. — Sur les miroirs de verre double de metal dans 1'anti- quite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897. 473-479 ; 127, 1898, 259-265; Ann. Chim., 12, 1897, 451-459; 15, 1898, 433- HI. — De 1'irifluence des composes avides d'eau sur la eoni- binaison de 1'hydrogene avec I'oxygene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 675-679. — Beaetion de 1'hydrogene sur 1'acide sulfurique. Paris, \. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 743-746 ; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 64-70. — Influence de I'oxygene sur la decomposition des hydra- cides par les metaux et specialement par le mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 746-749; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 73-77. — Beaction directe de 1'acide sulfurique sur le mercure a la temperature ordinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 749-750; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 70-72. — Sur le pouvoir rotatoire des corps polymerises, com- pares avec leurs monomeres. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. B., 125, 1897, 822. — Sur la chaleur degagee par la reaction de petites quantites d'eau sur 1'acide sulfurique employe en exees considerable. Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 77. — Sur la combustion de 1'hydrogene melange avec un gaz oxygene. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 167-170. — Sur les equilibres chimiques developpes entre les oxydes de carbone et 1'hydrogene. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 170-175. — Observations relatives a 1'action de 1'acide sulfurique sur les metaux. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 176-204. — Sur une reaction de 1'oxysulfure de carbone. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 205. — Beaction des chlorures alcalins sur 1'argent. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898. 205-206. — Sur la reaction entre 1'acide sulfurique et le carbone a basse temperature. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 206-207. — Sur la chaleur degagee par la reaction de petites quantites d'eau sur 1'acide azotique pur employe en quantites considerables. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 207-208. — Bemarques sur la reaction entre 1'hydrogene et 1'acide sulfureux et sur 1'etat naissant. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 289-293. — Sur le dosage de I'oxygene dans les melanges gazeux et sur 1'emploi des sels de protoxyde de chrome pour cet objet. Decomposition de 1'eau par les sels chromeux. Ann. Chim., 15, 1898, 289-294. — Sur quelques alliages metalliques antiques. Ann. Chim., 15, 1898, 444-446. — Sur les recettes techniques et alchimiques transcrites a la fin de divers manuscrits latins du nioyen age. Jl. Savants, 1898, 729-736. — Actions chimiques exercees par Feffluve electrique. Methodes. [Systemes gazeux. Carbures d'hydrogene et azote. Oxydes de carbone et azote. Systemes gazeux. Alcools et derives etheres, en presence de 1'azote. Les aldehydes et 1'azote. Acides organiques et azote. Composes azotes en presence de 1'azote libre.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 561-567, 567-575, 609- 616, 616-627, 671-6*0, 6*1-691, 775-793; Ann. Chim., 16, 1899, 5-21, 21-31, 31-41, 41-54, 55-67, 67-80, 81-103. — Observations relatives a 1'action chimique de 1'effluve sur les dielectriques liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 691-694. — Observations relatives a Faction de I'oxygene sur le sulfure de carbone et a ['influence ehimique de la lumiere. Travail preliminaire qui determine les reactions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1060-1066; Ann. Chim.. 14, 1898, 155-1H7. — Sur 1'absorption de I'oxygene par le pyrogallate de potasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 1066-1072; Ann. Chim., 15, 1898, 294-321. — Nouvelles recherches sur les reactions developpees entre le pyrogallol et I'oxygene en presence des alcalis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 14.VJ-1467. — Sur la decomposition de 1'eau par les sels de pro- toxyde de chrome, et sur 1'emploi de ces sels pour 1'absorption de I'oxygene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 127, 1898, 24-27. — Sur la reaction entre 1'hydrogene libre et 1'acide azo- tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 127, 1898, 27-29; Ann. Chim., 15. 1898, 321-324. — Sur la decomposition de 1'acide azotique par la chaleur, ;'i des temperatures peu elevees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 127, 1898, 83-88; Ann. Chim., 15, 1898, 325-331. — Becherches sur les relations qui existent entre les Energies lumineuses et les energies chimiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127. 1898, 143-160; Ann. Chim., 15, 1898, 332-358; Bev. Sci., 10, 1898, 129-137. Berthelotl 497 [Berthelot — Observations sur la transformation supposee de la graisse en glycogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 491-496. — Sur un alliage antique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 535-536. — Sur quelques relations entre les energies lumiueuses et les energies chimiques, et sur les deplacements entre 1'oxygene et les elements halogenes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R, , 127, 1898, 795-798. — Sur la synthese du phenol par 1'acetylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 908-911; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 289-297. — Observations sur les hydrates d'acetylene. Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 297-302. — Sur les cyanures doubles et leur statique. Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 451-453. — Equilibres entre 1'acide cyanhydrique et les acides unis aux bases alcalines. Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 453-457. — Sur le dosage du phosphore et du soufre dans les vegetaux et dans leurs cendres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 17-23. — Sur la presence et le dosage du chlore dans les plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 23-26. — Sur la marche generate de la v4g£tation: plante deVeloppee a 1'ombre et au soleil; regain. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 139-144. — Nouvelles recherches relatives a 1'aetion de 1'acide sulfurique sur 1'acetylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 333-339. — Sur les cyanures doubles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12s, 1899, 630-642; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 458-470. — Actions de 1'hydrogene sulfure et des sulfures alcalins sur les cyanures doubles: cyanosulfures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 706-715 ; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 470-483. — Sur la synthese de 1'alcool. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 'H62-864; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 324-326; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 362-363; Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 425-426. — Remarques sur la formation de 1'alcool et de 1'acide carbonique et sur 1'absorption de 1'oxygene par les tissus des plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1366-1370 ; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 57-63. — Nouvelles recherches sur 1'argon et ses combinaisons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 71-84; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 66-89. Sur les combinaisons du sulfure de carbone avec 1'hydro- gene et 1'azote. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 133-136 ; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 145-150. — Remarques sur la combinaisou de 1'azote avec 1'oxy- gene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 137-139; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 154-158. — Determinations thermochimiques. L'ethylenediamine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 320-326; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 163-188. — Reactions de 1'argon et de 1'azote sur les radicaux mercuriels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 378-379; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 340-342; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 89-91. — Etudes sur le trimethylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 129, 1899, 483-491; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 27-42. — Sur la simultaueite des phenomenes d'oxydation et des phenomenes d'hydratatiou accomplis aux depens des principes organiques, sous les influences reunies de 1'oxygene libre et de la lumiere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 129, 1899, 627-636; Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. Jubil.), 1899, 1-10; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 42-57. — Recherches sur les diamiues. Diethylene diamine (piperazine). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 687-694. — Sur quelques caracteres des diamines, tires de leur neutralisation. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 129, 1899, 61)4-700. — Observation relative aux recherches sur les diamines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 743-744. — Sur les radicaux metalliques composes : derives du R. S. A. C. meroure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 918-920, 1047; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 158-162. — Sur 1'explosion du chlorate de potasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 926-929; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 11-15. — Sur une miHhode ge'ne'rale pour le dosage des divers corps simples contenus dans les composes organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1002-1003 ; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 5-10. — Sur le dosage du soufre dans les composes organiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 513. — Ueber die Explosibilitiit des Acetylens. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 827. — Nouvelles observations relatives aux actions chimiques de la lumiere, comparees avec celles de 1'effluve electrique. Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 150-154. — Determinations thermochimiques. Amygdaline, acide cholalique, conicine. Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 145-149. - Recherches stir la formation de 1'acide azotique pendant les combustions. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 145-201. — Action des sulfures alcalins sur le ferroeyanure de potassium. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 204. — Action de 1'effluve electrique sur le perfluorure de soufre. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 205. — Observations sur la reaction entre 1'oxygene et 1'oxyde de carbone en presence des alcalis. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 205-206. — Action lente du gaz bromhydrique sur le verre. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 206. — Recherches sur la serie urique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 366-372; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 189-196. Recherches sur 1'isome'rie des derives sulfocyaniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 441-447; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 197-205. — Sur les chaleurs de combustion et de formation des composes lode's. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1094- 1101; Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 296-307. — Recherches sur la formation de 1'acide azotique pendant les combustions: carbone; [soufre; metaux ; hydrogene.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1345- 1353, 1430-1436, 1662-1677, 1798. — [Discours prononce a ['inauguration du monument erige a LAVOISIER, le 27 juillet 1900.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 305-315. Sur 1'or egyptien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 461-463. — Remarques relatives a la decomposition des ethers nitriques et de la nitroglycerine par les alcalis, et a la stabilite relative des matieres explosives. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 519-521; Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 307- 311. — Sur 1'absorption de 1'oxygene libre par 1'urine normale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 547-552, 594. — Remarques sur 1'acidite de 1'urine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 552-553. — Diagnose des sursaturations gazeuses d'ordre physique et d'ordre chimique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 637-646. • Sur les conditions de raise en activite chimique de 1't-lectricite silencieuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 772-781. Sur les origines de la combinaison chimique. Union de 1'argent avec 1'oxygene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 131, 1900, 1159-1167. Oxyde de carbone et argent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 1167-1169. Hydrogene et argent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900. 1169-1170. Bcrtlielot, Murcelliii [Pierre Euiiene], & /Vmlrc, Gustave. Recherches sur la vegetation ; etudes sur la formation des azotates; methodes d'analyse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 355-359; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1884, 444-448. Reeherches sur la marche generale de la vegetation dans une plante annuelle. Principes hydrocarbones. 63 Berthelot] [Berthelot [Principes azotes et matieres minerales. Amarant.an - \ < tation des Amarantacees. lie-partition des principes fondamentaux.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 403- 409, 428-431, 493-499, 518-525. — Les azotates dans les plantes, aux diverges periodes de In vegetation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 99, 1884, 550- 555. — Les azotates dans les differentes parties des plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. . 99, 1884, 591-597. Sur la formation du salpetre dans les vegctaiix. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 683-088; Ann. Chim., 8, 1886, 116-12*. — Observation's sur la reclamation de priorite faite par .!/. I.KPLAY, relativement a la formation du nitrate de pi't.-isse dans la vegetation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 949-950. Etude sur la marcbe generate de la vegetation dans line plante ammelle ; methodes d'analyse. [Les diverses parties de la plante. Principes immediats et [on danientaux dans la plaute totale. Repartition des principes immediats et materiaux fondamentaux.] Ann. Chim., 5, 1885, 3112-418, 419-452, 453-475. 476-56S. — Recherches snr la vegetation. Snr les carbonates dans les plantes vivantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R , 101, 1885, 24-30; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, llli-121; Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, H5-107. — Sur 1'acide oxalique dans la vegetation. Methodes d'analyse. [Etude du Ruruex acetosa (useille). Plantes diverses. ] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 354-360; 102, 1886, 995-1001, 1043-1049 ; Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, _'yi-:;08, 308-350; Paris Soc. C'hini. Hull., 45, 1886, 115-116; 47, 1887, 24-28. Sur 1'existence et sur la formation des azotates dans le regne vegetal. Ann. Chim., 8, 1886, 5-115. — Observations relatives a la proportion et au dosage de I'arnmoniaque dans le sol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1O2, 1886, 954-956. — Sur les matieres azotees contenues dans 1'eau de pluie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 957. — Observations relative* an dosage de 1'ammoniaqiir dans le sol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1089-10!U. — Nouvelles observations sur 1'ammoniaque dans les sols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1286-1290. — L'ammoniaque dans les sols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 142S-1430. — Sur le deplacement de 1'ammoniaque par les autirs bases et sur son dosage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 103, 1886, 1S4-188, 299-301. — Recherchee sur la tension du bicarbonate d'ammoniaque sec. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, C,i;r,-671 ; Ann. Chim., 11. 1887, 332-341; Paris Snr. ('him. Bull., 47, 1887, 848-850. — Recberches sur la decomposition du liicarln/n.ii. d'ammoniaque par 1'eau et sur la diffusion de see com posants a travers 1'atmosphere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886. 716-721; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 341-349; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, S50-853. — Contribution & 1'histoire de la decomposition de-, amides par 1'eau et les acides eteudus. I'.ms. Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1051-1057; Ann. Cliirn., 11, 1887, 317- 331; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 47, 1887, 840-siii. — Sur les principes azotes de l;i tene ve'geiale. Pari Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1101-1104; Ann. Chim.. 11. 1887, 368-H74; Paris Soc. Chiru. Bull., 47, 1887, sir, 848. — Sur une relation entre la formation de 1'acide oxalique et celle dos principes albnminoides dans certains vegetaux. Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, 350-353; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 28-30. • Sur la formation de I'ainrnoniaque dans la terre vegetale sournise a 1'action de divers rlactifs et sur son dosage. Ann. Chim., 1 1, 1887, 289-294. - Sur le deplacement de 1'ammoniaque par la magix ie. Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 294-310; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 835-838. — Recherches sur 1'emission de 1'ammoniaque par la terre vegetale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1219- r_"J4; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 375-382; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 675-678. — Snr 1'etat de la potasse dans les plantes, le terreau et la terre vegetale, et sur son dosage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 833-840, 911-914; Ann. Chim., 15, 1888. 86- 113: Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 12-19. Sin 1'etat du soufre et du phosphore dans les plantes, la terre et le terreau, et sur leur dosage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 105, 1887, 1217-1222; Ann. Chim.. 15. 1888, 119- 128, I2S-1K3; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 19-24. — Sur le dosage de la chanx dans la terre, le terreau et les plantes. Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 114-119. - Sur le phosphore et 1'acide phosphorique dans la vegetation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888. 711-716; Ann. Chim.. 15.1888, 133-144; Paris Soc. Chirn. Bull., 50, 1888, 24-26. — Sur ['absorption alines par les vegetaux: Millnte de potasse. [Acetate et azotate de potasse.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 801-805, 902-906; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 26-30; Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 5-21. — Reuiarqites sin le dosage de 1'azote dans la terre vegetale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888. 207-209. Nouv, 11. s experiences snr le dosage de 1'azote dans les terres vegetales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 852-854. — Sur la chaleur de formation et snr les reactions de 1'hydroxylamiue ou oxyamnioniaque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C'.'R,, 110. 1890, 830-836; Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 384- 397; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 238-241. — Sur les chaleurs de formation et de combustion de divers principes azotes, derives des matieres albumi- noides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 884-889; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 225-228; Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 5-17. — Chaleur de combustion des principaux couq , < azote's contenus dans les iHres vivants et son role dans la, production de la chaleur animale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. II. . 110, 1890, 925-934; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890. 230-234; Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 25-52. — Snr le dosage des mat.irres mini-rale* contenues dans la terie \evetale et sur leur rule en agriculture. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891. 117-121 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 569-572; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 2S9-313. — Snr la presence et sur le role du soufre dans les M Vetanx. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 122-125; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 572-574; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 341-363. — Fails pour servir a, 1'histoire des principes azotes raifernies dans la teire vegetale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, is;)-] !U; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 643-646; Ann. Chim., 25. 1892. 314-330. — Sur 1'odenr propre de la terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 112, 1891, 598-599; Paris Soc, Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 575; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 334-336. — Recherches sur les substances humiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 916-922; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 364-103; Paris Soc. Chim. Hull., 7. 1892, 441-446. — Recherches caloriinetriques sur 1'acide humique, derive du sucre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891. 1237-1245; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 403-420; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 7. 1892, 446-451. — Sur le pouvoir absorbnnt de la terre et sur la fixation des sels ammoniacaux et des phosphates par 1'aci le humique. Ann. Chim.. 27, 1892. 196 202. — Sur 1'oxydation s|,,mtan, v de 1'acide humique et de la terre vegetale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 111.1892, 41 43; Ann. Chim., 25. 1892. 420-422; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 451-453. BerthelotJ 499 [Berthelot — Quelques observations nouvelles sur le dosage du soufre clans la terre vegetale, ft sur la nature des composes qu'il constitue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H. , 114, 1892, 43-46; Ann. Chini., 25, 1892, 830-341; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 435-437. -- Sur la silice dans les vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 114, 1892, 257-263; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 145-164; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 437-441. — Sur la fermentation du sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 514-520; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 165-195, 574; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 453-457. — Sur les matieres organiques constitutives du sol \CL;I '-till. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893. 666-672; Ann. Chim., 1, 1894, 273-288; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 771-781. — Etudes sur la formation de 1'aeide carbonique et 1'absorption de 1'oxygene par les feuilles detache.es des plautes: reactions purernent chimiques. [Experiences faites a la temperature ordinaire, avec le concours des actions biologiques.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 11*, 1894, 45-54, 104-112; Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 293-339; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 793-810. — Sur 1'existence, dans les vegetaux, de principes de- douhlables avec production d'acide carbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 711-714. — Sur la presence de 1'alumine dans les plantes et sur sa repartition. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 120, 1895, 288- 290; Ann. Chitn., 5, 1895, 429-432. Nouvelles recherches sur la marche g^nerale de la vegetation. Ann. Chim., 9, 1896, 5-119, 145-229. — Recherches sur la volatilite de 1'acide levulique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 341-343; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 66-71. — Sur les reactions exercees a froid entre 1'acide phos- phorique et 1'ether, en presence de 1'eau. Coefficients de partage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 344-349; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 210-217. Nouvelles recherches relatives a la decomposition des sucres sous 1'influeuce des acides et specialement ;i la production de 1'acide carbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 123, 1896, 567-580; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 150-175. — Recherches sur 1'arabiuose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 123, 1896, 625-631 ; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 175-184. — Recherches sur 1'acide phosphorique : dosage de I'.-iridr pyrophoaphorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 773-776; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 184-lsi). - Transformations de 1'acide pyrophosphorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 776-782; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 1117-204. — Sur les pyrophosphates niagne'siens simples et com- plexes. Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 190-197. — Nouvelles recherches sur le dosage de 1'acide pyro- phosphorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 261-265. — Faits pour servir a 1'histoire de 1'acide metaphos- phorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 265-269 ; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 204-210; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 434. — Sur les transformations des sucres et sur 1'acide levulique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 645-648 ; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 71-78. - Nouvelles recherches sur les chaleurs de formation et de combustion de divers composes azotes et autres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 959-971; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 433-451. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pierre Eugene], & Delepine, Marcel. Sur 1'azotate d'argent ammoniacal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 326-330. — Recherches sur les derives metalliques de 1'acetyleue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 361-378, 422; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 5-54. — L'acide lactique. [Thermochirnie.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 920-926, 1047; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 149-158. — Sur 1'iodure de cuprosacetyle. Ann. Chim., 19, 1900 54-56. — Sur 1'azotate d'argent ammoniacal et sur I'argeutiim- monium. Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 57-t'.5. — Sur la chaleur de combustion de quelques liquides tres volatils. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1045- 1049; Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 289-296. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pierre Eugene], & Engel, R[otlolphe Charles]. Recherches thermiques sur les etats allotro- piques de 1'arsenic. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 498-499; Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 284-288; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 238. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pierre Eugene], & Fabre, Charles. Sur les divers etats du tellure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104. 1887, 1405-1408; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 692-694. — Chaleur de formation de 1'acide tellurhydrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 92-95; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 694-695. — Recherches thermiques sur le tellure et ses derives. I. Les divers etats du tellure. [HI. Acide tellurhyih iijue. iv. Chaleur de formation de 1'acide tellurhydrique.] Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 92-101, 103-106, 106-109. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pierre Eugene], & Fogh, J[uliann]. Chaleur de formation de quelques amides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 144-146; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 229-230; Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 18-24. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pierre Eugene], * Friedel, Charles. Sur le fer meteorique de Magura, Arva (Hon"iie). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 21)6-300. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Guntz, A[ntoine]. Sur les displacements reciproques eiitre 1'acide fluor- hydrique et les autres acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 98, 1884, 395-399; Ann. Chim., 3, 1884, 355-362; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 578-582. — Sur les equilibres entre les acides chlorhydrique et fluorhydrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 463- 467: Ann. Chim., 3, 1884, 362-368; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 582-586. — Sur 1'absorptiou du chlore par le charbon et sur sa combinaison avec 1'hydrogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 7-8; ,71. Pharm., 11, 1885, 545-546; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 138-142. Berthelot, Marci'llin [Pierre Kui/i'iie], A1 Le Chatelier, Ileiiri/ [Luiiis]. Sur la vitesse de detonation de 1'acety- lene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 427-484; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 15-26. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pierre Eugene], & Luginin, l'l[atlimir fr\]. Chaleurs de combustion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887. 1574-1577; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., is, 1887, 700-702; Ann. Chim., 13, 1888, 321-339. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pierre Etii/i'iie], & Matignon, Catnille. Chaleur de combustion de quelques composes sulfures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., Ill, 1890, 9-11; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 251-253; Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 177-186. — Recherches sur quelques principes sucres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 11-14; Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 409-416; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 248-250. — Sur la chaleur de combustion et de formation des corps chlores. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1102- 1107; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 507-538. — Recherches sur la serie eampheuiqiie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1161-1170; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 538-563. — Chaleurs de combustion et de formation des benzines nitivus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 246-249; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 304-310; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull 7, 1892, 427-430. — Sur la chaleur de formation de 1'hydraziue et de 1'acide azothydrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 672-679, 75s ; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 289-302; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 423-425. 63—2 Berthelotl 500 [Berthelot — Chaleur de neutralisation de 1'acide hippurique. Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 303. — Sur les chaleurs de combustion et de formation de 1'alcool et des acides formique et acetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 1145-1149; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 310-319 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 425-427. — Chaleur cle combustion de divers composes chlore's. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 347-350; Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 565-574. — Sur 1'acide glycoxylique ou dioxyace'tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 350-353; Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 139-144. — Donn6es thermochimiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 430. — Sur le nitrome'thane et ses homologues. Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 565-572 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 867-870 [Part only]. • Sur la chaleur de combustion des principaux gaz hydrocarbones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 1333- 1339; Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 547-565; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 738-741. — Sur 1'azoture de baryum. Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 144. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugeui-], & Moissan, Henri. Chaleur cle combinaison du fluor avec 1'hydrogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 109, 1889, 209-210; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 047-648; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 570-574. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Ogier, .Inli'x. Becherches sur les hypoazotites. Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 230-247. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Petit, P[aul], Sur la chaleur de formation de 1'hydrogene antimonie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 546-550; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 65-80; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 87-90. — Chaleur de combustion du carbone sous ses divers e'tats: diamaut, graphite, carbone amorphe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 108, 1889, 1144-1148; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 80-106. — Sur les chaleurs de combustion et de formation des nitriles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 1217-1222; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 107-140; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 164-166. - Becherches tliermiques sur les camphres nitres iso- m£riques et sur le camphre cyane1. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 109, 1889, 92-95; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 644- 647; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 5-12. — Sur la chaleur animate et sur les chaleurs de forma- tion et de combustion de Turtle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 109, 1889, 759-764; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 13-20; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 329-331 [Part only}. — Sur les diffe"rents e'tats des carbones-graphites et sur les derives chimiques qui leur correspondent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 101-106; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890. 20-46; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 336-340. — Chaleur de combustion et de formation des oxydes graphitiques et pyrographitiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 11(1, 1890, 106-109; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 46-56. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Recoura, A[lbert]. Hur la bombe calorimetrique et la mesure des chaleurs de combustion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 875- 880; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 697-700. — Chaleurs de combustion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 1571-1574. — Sur le passage entre la se>ie aromatique et la serie grasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 105, 1887, 141-145; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 702-704; Ann. Chim., 13, 1888, 340-344. — Sur la mesure des chaleurs de combustion. Ann. Chim., 13, 1888, 289-304. — Chaleurs de combustion de divers composes organiques. Ann. Chim., 13, 1888, 304-320. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Rivals, Paul. Nouvelles recherches sur les relations thermochimiques entre les aldehydes, les alcools et les acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 1086-1095; Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 29-47. — Sur les lactones ou olides carnphole'niques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 1390-1391 ; Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 47-50. Berthelot, Mnrcellin [Fieri;- Y.Hnil]. *Ueber den Eiufluss der Nerven der Paukcnhohle auf die Sekretion ihrer Schleim- haut. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1880, 257-260. • *[Ueber subjektive Farbenempfindnngen.] [1883.] Konigsb. Schr., 24, 1884 (Sber.), 33-34. — Zur physiologischen Wirkung des Coca'ins. Centrbl. Med. Wiss. , 23, 1885, 146-147. — Ueber den Einfluss des Coca'ins auf den Blutdruck. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 435-436, 625-626. — [Ueber die objectiv wahrnehrnbaren Veriinderungen der belichteten Netzhaut.] [1885.] Kunigsb. Schr., 20, 1886 (Sber.), 18-21. - Was vermag das menschliche Ohr ohne Steigbiigel zu horen? [1888.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 19, 1889, 1-6; Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 244-250. — Zur opti.sch.en Darstellung der Bewegungen des Trom- melfells. [1890.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 21, 1891, 94-98; Arch. Otol., 20, 1891, 376-378. — Einige seltenere Beziehungen der Nase zum iibrigen Kiirper. Kouigsb. Schr., 32, 1891 (Sl>n:), 46. Berthold, G[ottfried Dietrich WiUulm], *Untersuchungen iiber die Verzweigung einiger Siisswasseralgen. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 40, 1878, 107-230. *Die Bangiaceen des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Ab?chnitte. Eine Monographie. Neapel Zool. Stat., Fauna & Flora, 8, 1882, 28 pp. - Ueber das Vorkommeu von Protoplasma in Inter- cellularraumen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 20. — Die Cryptonemiaceeu des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschuitte. Eine Monographie. Neapel Zool. Stat., Fauna & Flora, 12, 1884, 27 pp. — Bemerkungen zu der vorstehenden Abhandlung von Fr. OLTMANNS ' ' Ueber Scheincopulationen bei Ecto- carpeen und anderen Algen." Flora, 83, 1897, 415-425. Berthold, Gerhard. Notizen zur Geschichte der Physik. Ztsehr. Math. Phys., 38, 1893 (Hint. lit. Abth.), 121- 125. — Dr. Christian HERA.EUS und die Original-Luftpumpe Otto VON GITEKICKES. Stockh., Ofvers., 1895, 45-53. — Ueber den angeblicheu Ausspruch GALILEI'S: "Eppur si muove." Bibl. Math., 1897, 57-58; Ztschr. Math. Phys., 42, 1897 (Hist. lit. Abth.), 5-8. Berthold, Jul. Die Nachttemperatur und das feuchte Thermometer. Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 219-220; 4 (1887), 304. — Bei welcher Temperatur fallt im Erzgebirge in 500 m. Seehohe Schnee? Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888), 30-32. - Nachtliches Teinperatur-Minimum, verglichen mit feuchtern Thermometer und Minimum am Boden. Meteorol. Ztschr., .5 (1888), 367-308; 7 (1890), 473-474. — Ueber die interdiurue Venitulerlichkeit der Temperatur in drei verschiedenen Hoheulagen des sachsischen Erz- gebirges wahrend der Periode 1870-85. [1889.] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1888, 77-104. - Klima von Reitzenhain im Erzgebirge. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 36-37. — Der hundertjahrige Kaleuder. Wetter, 12, 1895, 220- 222, 253-258, 276-284; 13, 1896, 4-8. Berthold, Rich. Die kleinen Planeten. Zwickau Ver. Nat. Jber., 1886, 1-10. Berthold, Walter. Verzeichniss der forstlich-phanolo- gischen Statioueu, auf welchen im Jahre 181IO Beobach- tungeu angestellt worden sind. Deutschld. Forstl.- Phiinol. Stat. Jber., 0, 1892, 5-12. — Prlanzen-Beobachtungen. Deutschld. Forstl.-Phiinol. Stat. Jber., 6, 1892, 13-75. — Beobachtungen an Vogeln und Insekteu. Deutschld. Forstl.-Phiiuol. Stat. Jber., 0, 1892, 77-108. Bericht u'ber den Ausfall der Hulzsamenernte. Deutschld. Forstl.-Phauol. Stat. Jber., 0, 1892, 109-113. — Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkommen der wicbtigsten forstscliadlichen Insekten. Deutschld. Forstl.-Phanol, Stat. Jber., 6, 1892, 115-119. Bertholet, P. De la germination du sapin blanc au Jorat, sur Lausanne, en 1897. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 67-69. Bertholon, L[ucien]. La colonisation arabe en France (721-1026). [With discussion.] [1886.] Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 5, 1887, 73-110, 117-121. — Crauiologie de la Tunisie. Rev. d' Anthrop., 3, 1888, 250. — Note sur deux cranes pheniciens trouve's en Tunisie. Anthrop. (Paris), 1, 1890, 314-319. — Exploration anthropologique de la Kroumirie. Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1891, 415-199. - Documents anthropologiques sur les Pheniciens. Lyon Soc. Authrop. Bull., 11, 1892, 179-224. — Exploration authropologique de 1'ile de Gerba. Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1895, 249-252; Anthrop. (Paris), 8, 1897, 318-326, 399-425, 559-583. — Note sur 1'ideutite des caracteres anthropologiques des Basques et des Phe"nicieus. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1896, 063-671. Bertholon] 502 [Bertiu — Enquete sin In tuberculose en Tunisie. Ass. Franc,1. C. K. , 1899 (/'/. 2), 715-718. Bcrtholon, /,['"'"'"]• A Lacassagne, [Jean] A[lerandre l-.ii'ii n,'\. ljueli|iies rrnsi -inni'iiii/iiN sur les habitants de la Kroumirie. Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 6, 1887. 71- 80. Bcrtlioion, I ,\ ueieii] .7|(j«-/;/i]. Observations d'orchite puludet-mie primitive. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 8, 1886. 31 15-309. Berthon, (Rev.} l-'.iliranl Lyon. For biographical notice see Astr. Soc. .Month. Not., 60, 1900, 314-316. Berthot, I'it i re. For biographical notice see I'aris, Ingi'-u. Civ. Mem., 1898 (Pt. 2), 556-559. — Sur les effets des forces mutuelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. E., 98, 1884, 1570-1573. - Applications de la formula empiriqne des forces mutuelles a la mecanique des solides et aux proprietes g^nerales des corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885. 1070-1073. his forces mutuelles et de leurs applications aux phenomenes in^caniques, physiques et chimiques. Paris, Iiigen. Civ. Mem., 1885 (Pt. 2), 588-626. — Note sur line loi empirique reliant le rayon inoyen urhitaire, la masse et la pe.-anteur a 1'equateur des planetes. Bull. Astr., 14, 1897, 143-145. — Projet de programme de, physique rnathematique. Brux., Mem. Couronn. (8" Ed.), 58, 1898-99, No. 3, 75 pp. Berthoud, A[lliert], Deux cas de fievre typhoi'de, lesions de colo-typhus simulant celles de la dysenteric aigue. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 38-46. — De 1'orchite typho'idique. Arch. Med. Pharm. Mili- taires, 30, 1897, 1-11. Berthoud, A[(fred] L. liecherches sur Faction de 1'iso- cyanate de phenyle avee les thiamides. Contribution a 1'etude de la constitution des thiamides. [1897.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 26, .1898, 3-58. Berthoud, A[uguate] L[ouis], Etude sur les lames hi- metalliques des balanciers eompensateurs et sur les divers systemes de compensation supplemental^ qui nut ete employes dans les chronometres. Cougr. Int. Chronom., 1900, 187-192. Berthoud, Edward L. ABEKT'S squirrel. Science, 6, 1885, 82. — A peculiar case of plant dissemination. Bot. (la/.. 17, 1892, 321-326. Berthoud, Paul. Lettre...sur les ruceurs des Termites. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 7, 1887, 2:17-300. Berthoule, Amed£e. Les migrations sous-marines (sar- dines). [1886.] France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 34, 1887, 97-110. — Une plaie en Australie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 35, 1888, 145-156. — — Observations relatives a la communication file .!/. EGASSE sur la grande peche a la cote occidentale d'At'rique]. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 35, 1888, 565-568. — L'Elteagnus lougipes. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 230-233. — Les saumons de Californie (Salmo quinnat, Salmo Gairdnerii) dans le bassin de la Mediterranee. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 274-289. — La chevre d'Angora en dehors de son habitat naturel. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 30, 1889, 1022-1034. — Les lacs d'Auvergue. Orographie. Faune naturelle. Faune introduite. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 37, 1890, 13-27, 103-112, 201-215, 286-295, 416-424, 524-534, 893-905, 1129-1145. - La truite de 1'Oued Zour. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 37, 1890, 1182-1189. — L'Olafxfjord d'Islande. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 4U, 1893 (Nem. 1), 202-207. — Les travaux de DOS laboratoires de 1'Aude. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 (Sem.l), 355-360. Berthoule, Amedec, \ Bouchon-Brandely, G[eriiuiin Jean liajitiste]. See Bouchon-Brandely it Berthoule. Berthoumieu, (I'abbf) G. J"|/rfo;']. Cle analytique des mousses pleurocarpes de la flore franeaise a 1'etat sterile. Rev. Bryol., 12, 1885, 1-11. — Deux mousses nouvelles pour la France. Rev. Bryol., 12, 1885, 60-61. — Nouvelles especes d'Ichneumonides. Piev. Ent., 11, 1892, 37-44. — Ichneumonides d'Europe et des pays limitrophes. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, 241-274, 505-664: 64, 1895, 213-296, 553-654; 65, 1896, 285-41*. — Supplements] aux Ichneumonides d'Europe. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 254-256; 1898, 332-334; 1899, 135-138; 1900, 249-252. — "Ichneumon specularius," iiov. sp. Eehange, 16, 1900, 5(5. Berthoumieu, (I'alibe) G. l'[ictor], & DuBuysson, lioherl. Catalogue des Muscinees du Mont-Dore. Rev. Bryol., 14. 1887. 25-29. Berti, /'[in], & Bruni, Giuseppe. See Bruni it Berti. Bertiaux, A. Blende sur siderose, au charbonnage de Bonne Esperance, a Herstal. [1898.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98, cxxx. — Esquisse d'uue etude paleontologique sur le char- bounage de Bonne-Esperance, a Herstal. [1899.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 215, 1898-99 (Mem.), 161-177. Bertiaux, L., & Hollard, A[uiiustr]. See Hollard it Bertiaux. Bertiaux, P., it Ittiquel, P[icrrc]. See Miquel it Bertiaux. Bertillon, Alpliuiisc. La couleur de 1'iris. Rev. Sei., 36, 1885, 65-73. — De la morphologic du nez. Rev. d'Anthrop., 2, 1887, 158-169. — Les proportions du corps humain. Rev. Sci., 43, 1889. 524-529. Bertillon, Alphoiise, it Bertillon, Jueqiii s. See lielow. Bertillon, Jacques. La taille en France. Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 4S1-488. — Mouvements de la population parisienne. Homme, 3, 1886, 408-412. - Population de I'aris. Homme, 4, 1887, 380-381. — De 1'influence de 1'alimeutation des jeunes enfants sur leur mortalite a Berlin. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 21, 1889, 546-550. — L'epidernie de grippe. [With discussion.] Ann. Hyg. Publ., 23, 1890, 221-224. — De riuliuence de 1'aisance sur la nataliii a 1'aiN (1889-93). Ass. Franc. C. R., 1895 (/'(. 2), 706- 711. Bertillon, Jacques, it Bertillon, Al/ihuiise. Resultats statistiques de 1'anthropometrie appliquee a 1'identinca- tion des personnes. Int. Cougr. Hyg. Trans. (1891. 10), 303-307. Bertillon, (Mile.) Jeanne. L'iudice encephalo-cardiaque, d'apres les documents laisses par le docteur PARROT. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1887, 149-157. Bertin, [Thi'odule Charles l-'.niii n, •]. Ilenseignements sur le royaume de Poiin Niun et le Dahomey. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 106, 1890. 3s5 :!!i;i. Bertin, [Pierre] A[uaustin]. Memoire sur les frangc.-. ill lames cnstalli.-ees tiniaxes simples ou combinees. Ann. Chim., 2, 1884, 4S5-511. Bertin, r.inile. *Etude pathogeiiique de la glucosurie, embrassant 1'histoire, les causes, la nature ct le tiaite- ment de ce symptome morbide. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. (Mem. Savant's Etrang.), 6, 1866, 201-280. Bertin, G. The races of the Babylonian empire. [With discussion.] [1888.] Anthrop. tnst. Jl., 18, 1889, 101- 120. — Babylonian astronomy. Nature, 40, 1889, 237, 261, 285, 360. Bertinl 50.3 [Bertinien Berlin, Gi'unii's. Sur 1'influenza. Ass. Franr. C. R., 1898 (Pt. I), 205. - Des accidents observes chez les ouvriers employes daus les filatures de crin. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1898 (Ft. 2), 888-891. Bcrtm, L[ouis] Emile. Sur le principe des navires a flottaison cellulaire et les premiers projets de bailments de guerre etudies d'apres ce principe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 98, 1884, 555-558, 764. - De 1'oscillographe double et de son emploi pour 1'etude du ronlis et du tangage. [1889.] Japan Seism. Soc. Trans., 15, 1890, 1-15. — On the amplitude of rolling on a non-synchronous wave. [ls'j4-'.l.r).] Naval Architects Trans., 35, 1894, 187-198; 37, 1896, 1-22; Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem., 30, 1896-97, 1-54. Position dVquilibre des navires sur la houle. [1*'.I7. | Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem., 31, 1897-1900, 1-64. - Hardened plates and broken projectiles. [18!I7.] Naval Architects Trans., 39, 1898, 1-21. Bertin-Sans, E[mili']. Nouvel optoscope pour dejouer la simulation de 1'amblyopie et de la cecite monoculaires. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 14, 1885, 340-352. - Photometre scolaire. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 15, 1886, 147-153. - Etude sur les eaux de Muntpellier. Modifications proposees au regime des eaux municipales. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 23, 1890, 193-205. — Precedes pour puiser des echantillons d'ean dans une masse de ce liquide a une certaine distance au-de^smis de la surface. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 29, 1893, 339-346. Bcrtin-Sans, Henri. Sur le spectre de la methernoglobine acide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 106, 1888, 1243-1245. Des modifications que subissent sous 1'iufluence de 1'indice et les rayons de courbure du cristallin. | 1 *'.':!.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 555- 557; Montpellier Ac. Mem., 1, 1894, 492-493. Bertin-Sans, Henri, & Imbert, A[rmand]. See Imbert \ Bertin-Sans. Bertin-Sans, Henri, & Xttoitessier, J[oieph]. Sur la transformation de 1'hemoglobine oxycarbonee en rnet- hemoglobine et sur un nouveau precede de recherche de 1'oxyde de carl>one dans le sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 210-211, 335; Paris Soc. China. Bull., 6. 1891, 256-259, 663-665. Sur la formation de 1'oxyhernoglobiue au moyeu de I'heinatine et d'une matiere albuminoi'de. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 923-926. — Action des acides sur le sang et formation d'oxyhemo- gloliine a 1'aide d'heniatine et de matiere albuminoids. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 300-304. — Oxyhematine, bematine reduite et hemochromogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 401^03; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 380-382. — Action de 1'oxyde de carbone sur Phematine reduite et sur I'hemochromogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 591-592; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 382- 384. — Nouveau precede pour obtenir de 1'oxyhemoglobine a 1'aide d'oxyhematiue et d'une matiere albuminoi'de. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 243-244. - Sur la combinaison de matieres albutumoi'des et d'hematines extraites du sang de divers animaux. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 721. - Mrthode pour demontrer rapidement le emplacement par 1'oxygene de 1'oxyde de carbone de la carboxyherno- globine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 722. Bertin-Sans, Henri, Imbert, A[rmand~\, & Gagniere, . Sec Imbert, Bertin-Sans & Gagniere. Bertinet, . Sur le vol des oiseaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1089-1092. Bertini, Corrado. Studio iutorno agli esteri benzal-anil- acetacetici. Gazz. Chim. Hal., 29 (1899, Pt. 2), 22-35. Bertini, Corrado, & Schiff, Roberto. Set' Scliift & Bertini. Bertini, Domrnicn. '[Bolide del 13 ottobre, 1879.] Toscana. Firenze. [1879.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 14, 1880, 163. Bertini, Kugenio. Contribuzione alia teoria delle 27 rette e dei 45 piani tritangenti di una superticie di 3" ordine. Ann. Mat., 12 (1883-84), 301-346. — Sulla superficie di 3° ordine. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 17, 1884, 478-480, 712-714. — Le omografie involutorie in uno spazio lineare a qnalaivoglia numero di dimensioni. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 176-183. — Sulla geometria degli spazj linear! in lino spazio ad H dimensioni. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 855-862. — Sui fasci di quadriche in uuo spazio ad n dimensioni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Hem. 2), 208-211. Costruzione delle omograrie di uno spazio lineare qualuuque. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1887, 650- 666. — Sulla scomposizione di certe omografie in omologie. [1887.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 22, 1886-87, 865-866. — Sopra alcuni teoremi fondamentali delle curve piane algebriche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 326- 333, 413-424. — Sulle curve fondarueutali dei sistemi linear! di curve piane algebriche. [1888.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 3, 1889, 5-21. — Zum Fundamentalsatz aus der Theorie der algebra- ischen Fuuctionen. [2Y.] Math. Ann., 34, 1889, 447- 449. — Deduzione delle trasformazioni piane doppie dai tipi fondamentali delle involutorie. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 22. 1889, 771-77S. — Sopra un teoreuia del sig. NETTO. Math. Ann., 35, 1890, 456. — Sul nurnero dei punti di diramazione di uua singo- larita qualunSur le massif volcanique de Siliqua (Sardaigne meri- dionale). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 33, 1895, 437-464. — 8ulle eomenditi, nuovo gruppo di rioliti con aegirina. Nota preliminare. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (,SV«. 2), 48-50. — Contribuzione allo studio del terreni vulcanic! tli Sardegna. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 27, 1896, 181-203. — Appunti geologico-minerari sulP isola di S. Pietro (Sardegna). Italia Com. Genl. Boll., 27, 1896, 405- 421. — Sur les formations voleaniques de Sardaigue. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 496-500. — Sulla composizione chimica delle eomenditi. Koma, 11. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (,SVm. 2), 150-152. — Sulla mierostruttura delle eomenditi. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 1000-1003. Bertolo, I^asquale]. Sopra la reazione della santonina e delle desmotroposantonine col cloruro ferrico. {Nota jireliiniuiire.) Catania Ace. Gioeu. Boll., 00, 1899, 51-53 ; (la/,/.. Cbim. Ital., 2.1 (1899, Pt. 2), 102-103. Bertolo, /'[u.«yi/«Z(i], & Andreocei, America. See Andreocci A Bertolo. Bertoloni, Antonio. Notizie storiche sull' origine dello studio del semplici in Italia. [1889-90.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 84-93; 23, 1891, 215-221. — Riferimento sulle eollezioni botaniche e i manoscritti lasciati dal Dott. Cav. Pietro BUIUNI di Bagnacavallo. [1890.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 206-215. Bertolotti, G. [Bolide. Altare, febbraio 27, 1898.] Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 18, 1898, 13. Burton, ,7. De Lastourville sur 1'Ogooue a Samba sur le N'Gounie (septembre et octobre 1890). Paris, Soc. Ge'ogr. Bull., 16, 1895, 211-218. Bcrtoni, Giacomo. Analisi dell' acqua minerale di Acqua- rossa nel canton Ticino. [1884.] Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 339-344; Ann. di Cbim., 78, 1884, 257-269; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 232-233. — Contribute allo studio dell' eterificazione per doppia decomposizione. Forrnazione dell' etere nitroso dell' alcool allilico. Milano. 1st. Lorab. Rend., 18, 1885, 536-545 ; Ann. di Chim., 1, 1885, 337-349; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 361-370. — Fatti sull' eterificazione per .doppia decomposizione. Miliino, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 18, 1885, 823-833, 999-1000; Ann. di Chim., 2, 1885, 155-160; 3, 1886, 166-173; Gazz. Chini. Ital., 15, 1885, 351-360; 16, 1886, 175-182; Arch. Sci. Plvys. Nat., 15, 1886, 27-49 [Part only']. — Sviluppo del metodo di eterificazione per doppia decomposizione. Formazione di altri tre nuovi cteri nitrosi. Ann. di Chim., 4, 1886, 273-291. — Di tre nuovi eteri uitrosi. [1887.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., l(i, 1886, 512-522. — Dell' etere nitroso etildimetilcarbinolico e sue propriety terapemiche. Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 18, 1888, 421-431. — A proposito di tre nuovi eteri nitrosi, Gazz. Chim. Ital.,, 18, 1888, 431-436. Ethers uitreux nouveaux. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 21, 1889, 309-317. — Sur la constitution de la santonins. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. , 22, 1889, 364-365. — Di una serie di uuovi ossinitroderivati del trifenil- metano ed omologhi. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 23, 1890, 695-701; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 22, 1890, 143-150. — Di due nuovi eteri nitrici tetrilici. [1890.] Riv. Sci.-Ind., 22, 1890, 110-118; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 23, 1890, 423-429 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 372-376. — Saggio di pirastica della santouina. Ann. di Chim., 14, 1891, 190. Metanitrofenilsantoninmetano. Gazz. Chim Ital 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 336-340. — Dell' etere nitroso furfurilico e di altri nitriti alcoolici. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 27, 1894, 352-356; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 20-25. E. S. A. C. — Sulla natura chimica dell' acqua minerale di S. Pelle- grino (Fonte Salaroli). Ann. di Chim., 23 & 24 [18961 368-369. Bertoni, Giacomn, & Frltsch, I.nigi. Sulla tccnica delU preparazione dell' idrossilamina dal fulminate di mercurio. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 20, 1888, 225-231. Bertoni, Giacomo, & Pellacani, Paolo. See Pellacani & Bertoni. Bertoni, Giacomo, & Raimondi, >'[nrlu\. .S'cr Raimondi A: Bertoni. Bertoni, Giacomo, & Truffi, /'"[crniivio]. Coutributo allo studio dell' eterifjcazione per doppia decomposizione. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 23-29. Bertoni, Giacomo, & Zenoni, Menntti. Meta- e paraaiiro- di-parabiossitrifenilmetano. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 331-330. Bertoni Dehl.inclus, Mn'ise. Influence des basses tempe- ratures sur les vegetaux en general et sur les especes du genre Eucalyptus en particulier. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 9, 1886, 301-348. — Sur quelques vegetaux de la Bepublique Argentine. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 34, 1887, 440-445. Bertot, . Note sur la production des plantes par impression directe. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., .2, 1888, 442-445. — [Sur des anomalies de Scolopendrium.] Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1890, 6-7. Bertozzi, V[alentino\ Sulla costituzione del dicloro-para- cresolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 2), 35-41. Bertozzi, V[alentino~\, & TCazzara, G\irolama\. See Mazzara A Bertozzi. Bertram, . Beitriige zur Keuntniss der Sarcosporidien nebst eiueui Anhange iiber parasitische Schlauche in der Leibeshohle von Rotatorien. Zool. Jbiieh. (Anat.), 5, 1892, 581-604. Bertram, . Ueber Meteorite. [1896.] Hannover Jber., 1893-97, 78-79. Bertram, A[iiiiiist]. Zur Kenntuiss des Monophenylthio- harnstoffs und der Imidocarbaininthiosaureester. [1890.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 48-65. Bertram, //. A. Ueber rnoderne Hochspanuungsapparate. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 21, 1900, 667-674, 697-699. Bertram, Jfn/iiis], & Cildemeister, Eduarcl. Ueber das Betelol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889, 349-355. — Ueber das Kessool. Arch. Pharm., 228, 1890, 483- 492. — Zur Kenntniss des Rosenols. 1894, 185-196. — • Ueber Gerauiol uud Rhodinol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, Jl. Prakt. Chem., 53, 1896, 225-237. — Die Bestaudtheile des Rosenols und verwandter iitherischer Oele. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 56, 1897, 506-514. — Zur Rhodinolfrage. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 749. Bertram, J[uliits], & Ilclle, J[nhannes]. Ueber Isofenchyl- alkohol. Jl. Prakt. Chem , 61, 1900, 293-306. Bertram, J[ulius], & Kurstcn, Sttdo/f. Ueber das Vorkommen des Orthocumaraldehydmethylathers im Cassiaol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 51, 1895, 316-325. Bertram, J^ii/ms], & Walbaum, Heinrich. Ueber Laven- delol und Bergamottol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 45, 1892, 590-603. — Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fichtennadelole. Arch. Pharm., 231, 1893, 290-305. — Ueber Isobomeol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 1-15. — Ueber das Vorkornmen von Camphen in atherischen Oelen. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 15-19. — Ueber das Resedawurzelol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 50, 1894, 555-561. — Ueber Basilicumol. Arch. Pharm., 235, 1897, 176-184. Bertram, R[udol]>li]. "Krystallographische Untersuchung einiger organischer Verbinduugen. [1882.] Ztschr. Kryst., 9, 1884, 302-308. 64 Bertram] :,or, [Bertrand Bertram, II'. [Verzeichniss der auf die LandeskuuJe des ETerzogthumB Braunschweig beziiglichen Litteratur.] Pflanzenwelt. Braunsehw. Ver. Nat. Jber. ((5), 1891, 2H4-292. Bertrand, [Jnsepli Jean]. Experiences snr la myopie et la pupille artificielles. Ann. d'Oculist., 91, IBM, 32-44. Bertrand, . Concours de 1882. Probleme de me- canique. Ann. Conduct. Fonts et Chauss., 31, 1887 {Pt. 1), 38-44. Bertrand, , & Ogler, Jules. Sur une epidemic d'intoxication saturnine, causee par des farines. [1887.] Ann. Hyg. Publ., 10, 1888, 68-7(i. Bertrand, (cupit.) Alfred. "Voyage a la vallee de Cachemire. [1883.] Geneve Soo. Geogr. Mem., 23, 1884 (Hull.), 20-49. Passage de Test a 1'ouest du detroit dc Magellan et des canaux lateraux de la Patagonie. [1887.] Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 27, 1888 (Bull), 18-28. — Tientsin, Peking, la Grande Muraille de Chine, residence imperiale de Djehol (Mongolie interieure), les tombeaux des Mings, la passe de Nan-Koou. Souvenirs de voyage. Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 32, 1893 (Hull.), 79-108. - Notes sur un voyage d'exploration au pays des Ba- Rotse (nord du Zambeze). Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 36, 1897, 41-61 ; Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1897, 58-62. — From tbe Machili to Lialui. Geogr. Jl., 9, 1897, 145-147. — Methods of survey employed by the Chilean Boundary Commissions in the Cordillera of the Andes. Geogr. Jl., 16, 1900, 329-344. Bertrand, C[liarles] P'ur/ene. Eecherches sur les tubercules de jalap, par Albert BOUKIEZ. Compte-rendu et analyse critique. [1882-85.] Arch. Bot. N. France, 2, [1882-87], 43-69. — Une etude sur le genre Vesquia, Taxinee fossile des terrains Aaeheniens. [1884.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-85), 40. — Loi des surfaces libres. [1884.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., (IK, 1884, 48-51; Bull. Sci. Nord, 1C, (1884-85), 40-41; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 2-12. - Phylloglossum. [1885-86.] Arch. Bot. N. France, 2, [1882-87], 70-223. — Les Poroxylons. Vegetaux fossiles de 1'epoque Hotiil- lere. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 13, 1890, 3-411. — Eemarques sur le Lepidodendron Harcourtii dr WITHAM. [1891.] Lille Trav. Mem., 1, 1889-91, Mem. 6, 159 pp. — Le Boghead d'Autun. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 6, 1892, 458-50(1. — Conferences sur les charbons de terre. [Premiere partie: Les Bogheads a algues.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (Mem.), 45-81. — Snr une nouvelle Centradesmide de lY'puque Houillere. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1894 (Pt. 2), 588-593. — Nouvelles remarques sur le kerosene shale de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 615-617; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 24, 1896, 161-164. — Charbons humiques et charbons de purins. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1897 (Pt. 2), 328-340; Bnix. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1897 (Mr'm.), 284-310; Lille Trav. Mem., 6, 1898, Mem. 21, 218 pp. — Caracteristiques du kerosene shale dans les gisements du northern coal field et de Newcastle, Nouvelle-GalKs dii Sud. Ass. Franc. C. K., 1897 (Pt. 2), 341-346. — Premiers apercns sur la formation des charbons de terre. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 22, 1897, 3-36. — Caractoristiques du charbon humique de Broxburn, pres Bathgate (EcOBSe). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124. 1897. 1377-1379; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 129-134. — Caractei istiques d'un charbon a gaz, trouve dans le northern conl field de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Palis, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 984-985. — Premieres notions sur les charbons de terre. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 11. 1897, 551-596. — Eemarques sur la structure des grains de pollen de Cordaites. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 2), 436-441. — Caracteristiques du schiste bitumineux du bois d'Asson (Basses-Alpes). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1677- 1679. — Premieres conclusions generales sur les charbons humiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 7(57-769. — Conclusions generales sur les charbons humiques et les charbons de purins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 822-825. — On tbe structure of a stem of a ribbed Sigillaria. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 926-927; Ann. Bot., 13, 1899, 607-610; 14, 1900, 162. — Nouvelles recherches sur les charbons ; les charbons humiques et les charbons de purins. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 2S, 1899, 26-47. — Description d'un echantillon de charbon papyrace ou Papierkohle, trouve a Prisches en 1859. (Etude speciale sur les etats de conservation des restes vegetaux qui forment ce Papierkohle.) Nord Soc. G^ol. Ann., 28, 1899, 171-247. — Les plaques subereuses calcifiees du terrain houiller d'Hardinghen (Pas-de-Calais). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 619-621 ; Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1899 (Pt. 2), 388- 396. — Charbons gelosiques et charbons humiques. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1900, 458-497. — Caracteristiques d'un echantillon de kerosene shale de Megalong valley [pres Katomlia, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud]. [1900.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 853-855 ; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 29, 1900, 25-36; N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 25, 1901, 637-649. Bertrand, (.'[/mr/i's] Euijene, & Cornaille, F. Sur quelques Caracteristiques de la structure des fougeres actuelles. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 2), 434-437. Bertrand, C[liarles] Eugene, & Renault, Bernard. He- cherches sur les Poroxylons, Gymnospermes fossiles des terrains Houillers Superieurs. [1886-87.] Arch. Bot. N. France, 2, [1882-87], 243-389. — Caracteristiques de la tige des Poroxylons (Gymno- spermes fossiles de 1'epoque Houillcre). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1125-1127; 103, 1886, 820-822. — Remarques sur les faisceaux foliaires des Cycadees actuelles et sur la signification morphologique des tissus des faisceaux imipolaircs diploxyles. [1886.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 10'.', 1886, 1184-1186; Arch. Bot. N. France, 2, [1882-87], 232-242. — Eemarques sur le Poroxylon stephanense. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 1113, 1886, 765-767. — Le Boghead d'Autun. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 138-141 : Nurd Soc. Geol. Ann., 20,1892, 213-259; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 20. 1892, xcvii-xcviii. — Sur une algue Permienne a structure conservee, trouvee dans le Boghead d'Autun, le Pila bibractensis. Paiis, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 2'i8-3iil. - Sur IP Eeinschia australis, algue Permo-Carbonifere c|ui a forme le kerosene shale d'Australie. Ass. Franc. C. li., 1893 (Pt. 2), 490-502. — Sur 1'ullium photograpliique des preparations de 1'algne du Boghead d'Autun "Pila bibractensis." Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 19, 1893, 129-131. - Caracteres goncraux des Bogheads a algues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 593-596. .Sir if/M> Renault A Bertrand. Bertrand, C\liarli-s\ Eiiiii-ne, Cornaille, /•'.. A- Hovelacque, Maurice. Remarques sur la structure des Isoetes. Ass. l-'ranr. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 21, 483-493. Bertrand, l-'iiuli'. Sur la friedelite. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 3-4. — Proprietrs optiijiu's de la berzeliite. France Soc. Mill. Bull., 7, 1884, 31-32. Bertrandl 507 [Bertrand — Forme cristalline de 1'airaatibrite et de I'ainmtolite. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 124-125. — Sur differents prismes polarisateurs. France Soc. Min. Hull., 7, 1884, 339-344. — Sur un nouveau prisme polarisateur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 99, 1884, 538-540. — Sur 1'examen des mineraux en lurniere polarisee convergente. France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1885, 29-31. — Proprietes optiques de la polyarsenite et de la chrondroarsenite. France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1886, 374. — Sur un nouveau refractometre. France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1885, 375-377. — Nouvelle disposition du microscope permettant de mesurer 1'ecartement des axes optiques et les indices de refraction. France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1885, 377-383. — Sur la mesure des indices de refraction des elements microscopiques des roches. France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1885, 426-428. — Microscope niint>ralogique. Jl. Microgr., 9, 1885, 163-166. — Refractometre construit specialement pour 1'etude des roches. France Soc. Min. Bull., 9, 1886, 15-21 ; ID, 1887, 140-141. — Thaumasitens optiska egenskaper. [In French.] Stockh. Geol. For. Fiirh., 9, 1887, 131. — Liquides d'indices superieurs a 1.8. France Soc. Min. Bull., 11, 1888, 31. Bertrand, Kind:'. Note sur quelques Carahiques de la region de Calmpfchout. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, xcvi-xcviii. Bertrand, Emile. Note sur quelques proprietes du triangle. Mathesis, 12, 1892, 130-133; 13, 1893, 155-162. Bertrand, Galiri/'l [Kinile]. [Preparation clu xylose.] Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 5, 1891, 546-547. — Recherches sur quelques derives du xylose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 554-557. — [Recherches sur la xylite.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 642. — Sur la constitution de la xylite et du xylose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 740-742. — Sur quelqnes reactions colorees des hydrates de carbone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 6, 1891, 259-261. Recherches sur la composition immediate des tissus ve^taux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1492-1494; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 468-4(59. — Sur les zincates alcalino-terreux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 939-941, 1028. — Determination specirique du xylose. Paris Soc. Chiui. Bull., 7, 1892, 499-502. — Sur la composition chimique de 1'esseuce de Niaouli. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1070-1073; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 432-437. — Sur le latex de 1'arbre a laque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 118, 1894, 1215-1218; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 717-721. Sur le latex de 1'arbre a laque et sur une nouvelle diastase contenue dans ce latex. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 478-480. — Sur la laccase et sur le pouvoir oxydant de cette diastase. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 266-269; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 361-365, 1107. — Sur la recherche et la presence de la laccase dans les vi5getaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 166-168; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 1095-1098. — Examen du miel produit par une Poliste de Basse- Californie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 38-39. — La laque du Tonkin et sa diastase oxydante. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 134-136; 2', 1896, 161-164. — [Re'actif tres sensible de la laccase.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 757. Sur 1'existence de diastases oxydantes chez les vegetaux et sur quelques cas ou elles iuterviennent. Ann. Agron., 22, 1896, 116-131. — La laque et la laccase. Contribution a la connaissance des oxydations diastasiques. Arch, de Physiol S 1896 23-31. — Preparation biochimique du sorbose. Paris, Ac. Sci C. R., 122, 1896, 900-903; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 113-116; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 627- 631. — Sur les rapports qui existent entre la constitution chimique des composes organiques et leur oxydabilite sous 1'influence de la laecase. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1132-H34; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull , 15,1896, 791-793. — Sur une nouvelle oxydase, ou ferment soluble oxydant, d'origine ve"getale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1215-1217; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 206- 208; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 793-797. — Sur la presence simultane'e de la laccase et de la tyrosinase dans le sue de quelques champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 463-465. — Sur la separation de la laccase et de la tyrosinase contenues dans le sue de certains champignons. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 358-360; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1218-1220. • Observations sur quelques nouveaux derives de la serie des pentoses: 1'acide lixonique et la lixite. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 592-594. — Nouvelles recherches sur les ferments oxydants ou oxydases. Ann. Agron., 23, 1897, 385-399. — Recherches sur la laccase, nouveau ferment soluble, a proprietes oxydautes. Ann. Chim., 12, 1897, 115-140. — Sur 1'interveution du manganese dans les oxydations provoque'es par la laccase. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 124, 1897, 1032-1035; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 173-176; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 619-624. — Sur Faction oxydante des sels manganeux et sur la constitution chimique des oxydases. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1355-1358, 1486; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 753-756. — Sur la constitution chimique des oxydases. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 263-266. — Les oxydases ou ferments solubles oxydants. Rev. Sci., 8, 1897, 65-73. — Recherches sur la production biochimique du sorbose. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 385-399. — Action de la fleur du vin sur la sorbite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 653-656; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 123-124; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 302-305. — Action de la baeterie du sorbose sur les alcools plurivalents. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 762-765; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 347-349. — Sur le produit d'oxydation de la glycerine par la bacterie du sorbose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 842-844. — Preparation biochimique de la dioxyacetoue cristallisee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 984-986; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 502-507. — Action de la bacterie du sorbose sur le sucre de hois. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 124-127; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 293-295. Action de la bacterie du sorbose sur les sucres alde- hydiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 728-731, 842; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 330-332; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 999-1005. — Transformation de la glycerine par la bacterie du sorbose. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 167-169. — L'acide silicotungstique cornme reactif des alcaloides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 742-745; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 447-449; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 192-194; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 434-439. Sur quelques proprietes de la dioxyacetone, en relation avee le degre d'agregation moleculaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 341-344, 422. (J4— 2 BertrandJ 508 [Bertrand — Sur la presence de la mannocellulose daus le tissu ligneux des plantes gvmnospermes. [1899.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 1025-1028; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 431-434; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900. 87-90. — L'arbre a chilte et le ehilte. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 134-136. — Sur la production synthe'tique d'albumine soluble par le baeille virgule de Massaouah. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 194-190. — Sur 1'oxydation de 1'erythrite par la bacterie du sorbose; production d'un nonveau sucre : 1'erythrulose. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. E., 130, 1900. 1330-1333; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull.. 0, 1900, 2(52-264. — Sur 1'hydrogeiiation de 1'erythrulose et la preparation d'une nouvelle ervthrite: 1'i'rvtbnte droite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1472-1475. — Sur la composition chimique du ko-sam. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 82-83. — Sur 1'oxydation de 1'erythrite par la bacterie dn sorbose. Production de deux nouveaux sucres : le rf-erythrulose et la rf-e'rythrite. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, B81-686. Bertrand, Gabriel [Emile], & Bourquelot, Kmile. La laccase dans les champignons. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1896 (C. -R.), 579-582. See also Bourquelot & Bertrand. Bertrand, Gnhrii'l [Kmile], & Mallevre, Alfred. Sur la pectase et sur la fermentation pectique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 1012-1014; 120, 1895, 110-112, 172; Jl. Bot., Paris, 8, 1894, 390-396; 9, 1895, 53-58; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 77-82, 252-256. — Sur la diffusion de la pectase dans le regne vegetal et sur la preparation de cette diastase. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 121, 1895, 726-728; Jl. Bot., Paris, 10, 1896, 37-41; Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 32-33; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 31-33. — Observations sur la fermentation pectique. Paris, Mils. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 291-293. Bertrand, Gabriel [Kinile], A: Fnisalix, l'[<'miire]. See Phisulix \ Bertrand. Bertrand, Gnliriel [Kmile], iV Foirault, Georuptives en Europe. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 10, 1888, 573-017. — Nouvelles etudes sur la chaine de la Sainte-Beaume. Allure sinueuse des plis de la Provence. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 16, 1888, 748-778. — Compte-rendu de 1'excursion du 18 aout a Bicetre et a Villejuif. Paris, Soc. G(5ol. Bull., 17, 1889, 845-850. — Sur les schistes lustres du Mont-Ceuis. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 880-883. - [Sur la coupe du souimet de 1'Ouarsenis. ] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, Ixvii-lxviii. - Sur le massif d'Allauch. [1891.] Paiis, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, cii-cv; France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 3, 1892, 283-333. • Compte-rendu de la course de la Ciotat et de Bandol. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1051-1057. — Compte-rendu de 1'excursion an Val d'Aren, au Canadeau et au Vieux Beausset. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1062-1077. — Compte-rendu de 1'excursion au teli5graphe de la Cadiere et a Fontanieu. [ll'ith ilinenssioii.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1077-1087. — Rtjponse aux observations de 31. TOUCAS [sur la classification de la Craie Superieure du Beausset]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1090-1095. — Sur le plissement de la nappe de recouvrement du Beausset. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1090-1100. Compte-reudu de 1'excursion du 2 octobre, a la Baraliere, a Turben et a Broussan. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1116-1124. — Note sur la bande d'affaissemeuts de Chibron. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1132-1134. — Compte-rendu de la course du lundi 5 octobre. [Premiere partie ; de Brignoles a Salernes. Deuxieme partie: coupe du defile de la Bouissiere.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1106-1171. Bertrandl 510 I Bertrand de Fontviolaut — Sur la deformation d< I'^eorce tiTrestiv. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 402-4' il',. — [Sur riit 1891. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1892 (Pt. 1), 171-176. — Pouts metalliques a travees continues. Methode de calcul satisfaisaut aux prescriptions du renlement ministeriel du 29 aout 1891. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1892 (Pt. 2), 1105-1286. — Expression de la charge supportee par 1'arbre d'une turbine hydraulique en marche. Theoreme relatif a 1'effet dynamique de 1'eau sur les aubages. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 637-639. Bcrtsch, Ilermnini. Einiges zur Geologie des Muschelkalks und der Lettenkohle. Wurttemb. Jhefte., 45, 1889, 58-63. Bertschinger, Alfred. Untersuchuugen iiber die Wirkung der Sandfilter des stiidtischen Wasserwerks in Zurich. Zurich Vrtljschr., 34, 1889, 121-190. — Zur Beurtheilung von Bier. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 665-671. Bertschinger, Huns. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Beileutung der von Recklinghausen'schen Gitterfiguren in Knochen, besonders bei tier das weiche Schadelosteo- pbyt begleitendeu " physiologischen Osteomalacie" der Schwangeren (Hanau). Virchow, Arch., 147, 1897, 341- 388. Bervi, Nikolaj V[asiljei'ic]. 0 ABUJKCIliir JiCIIAKOtTM CT> oupasOBauiesi'L noBepxHOCTeil pa3.ii.tjia HO,VI. jr/kficTBiein, CII.IH TfllKCvni. [Ueber die Bewegung einer Fliissigkeit ruit Bildimg von Trennungsflachen unter der Eiuwirkung der Schwere.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., S3 (.Vo. 2), 1894, 44-45; 91 (No. I), 1894, 49-56; Fortsehr. Phys., 1895 (Abtli. 1), 365-366. — 0 irliKOTOpuxi pajiaxT. n juiiMiept'iiuiajibHiJX'i, ypaBHeili)IXT,. [Ueber einige Reihen unil Differential- gleichungen.] [1894.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1895,] 838-843; Fortsehr. Math., 1895, 275. - rinTcrpitpoBaiiie ypaBiieniii .uiir.Kriiiii n;i,Hoft BiexaHHiecKort CIICTCMH. [Integration derBewegungs- Kleichuugen eines mechauischeu Systems.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 91 (No. 2), 1895, 32-37;' Fortsehr. Math., 1895, 827-828. - PimieHie HtKOTOpIJX'b OOIUIIX'I, BOIIpOCOBli Teopiir 'iiicjioBbixTi HHTerpajoBt. [Die Aufliisung einiger allgemeinen Fragen der Theorie der zahlen- tlieoretischen Functionen.] [1894.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 519-585; Fortsehr. Math., 1896, 156-157. - Ht.KOTopsia MiiiMOBMii iipiMo/KCHin anajiiwa CesKOHeiHO iiajiux'i, n aiiajiirni'iecicni iipiuo- ;i;ciiifl Teopiii 'iiire.vi.. 'I'yni;ii,iii. iiMt.miHiii OCOCHH JUIlill. [Einige zablentheoretische Anwen- dungeu der Analysis des Unentllichkleinen und analy- tisclje Anwendungen der Zalilentheorie. Functionen mit singulareu Linien.] [1895.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 92 (No. 1), 1896, 1-28; Fortsehr. Math., 1896, 157-158. — Sur UQ analyseur harmonique. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Pt. 2), 1896,' 109-120. — 0 iBir;i;iMiiir rrpyn ;Kirji,KOCTii nojt'b ,T,t,ucTBiejrb CII.I'Ii. [Ueber die Bewegung eines freien Fliissigkeits- strahles unter der Einwirkung von Kraften.] [1896.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 93 (»Vo. 1), 1897, 1-8; Fortsehr. Math., 1897, 687-688. - KpaTKiii 0'iepis't, coBpeMCHHaro cocToaniH Teopiii 'IIIC.IOBIJX'I, i|iyiiKuil[. [Kurzer Abriss des gegenwartigen Standes der Theorie der zahleutheoreti- schen Functionen.] [1896.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 19, [1897,] 182-196; Fortsehr. Math., 1896, 156. eHie Bl;poflTnt,iiiiiaro sna'ioiiiH 113- o6rB6KTa iia ociioBaiiin nt.cito.iLKiix'f, IIOMIIMO noc'ryjiara I'AS'cca. [Die Bestimmung des wahrscheinlichsten Werthes eines zu messenden Objectes auf Grund mehrerer Beoliachtungeu dime Zuhiilfenahme des Gauss'sehen Postulats.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 9li (No. 1), 1899, 41-45; Fortsehr. Phys., 1900 (Alith. I), 24. Berwertb, Fritz. Der Boden Siebenbiirgens. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 5, 1885, 1-23. — Ueber em neues Vorkommen "krystallisirten Sand- steins" bei Gersthof niichst Wien. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886 (Not.), 31-34. — Dritter Nephrit-Fund in Steiermark Steiermark Mitth., 1887, 158-163; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 3, 1888, 79-82. — Das Meteor vom 21. April 1887. (Bericht einer Reise nach Schrems in Niederosterreich.) [Mit einem Auhange von Professor G. VON NIESOL in Briinn.] Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887, 353-374. — Vorlaufige Auzeige eines neuen Vorkommens von Herderit und Jadeit. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofrnus. Ann., 2, 1887 (Not.), 92-94. — Reisebericht: Ausrluge itn siebenbiirgischenErzgebirge. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 3, 1888 (Not.), 116-128. — Vesuviau-Pyroxen-Fels vom Piz Longhin. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., i, 1889, H7-92. — Altkrystallinische Gesteiue im Wiener Sandsteine. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 5, 1890 (Not.), 97-102. — Die beiden Detunaten. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 13, 1893, 19-26. — Ueber Aluoi't von Alno. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 8, 1893, 440-454. — Ueber vulcanische Bomben von den Cauarischen Inseln nebst Betrachtungen iiber deren Entsteliung. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 9, 1894, 399-414. — Dacittuff-Concretionen in Daeittuff. Hermannstadt Verh., 44, 1895, 102-104; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 10, 1895, 78-80. Berwerth] :. I •-' [BesaiKjon — Neue Nephritfunde in Steiennark. Steiermark Mittli., 1897, 187-101; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 13, 1898, 115-117. — Bemerknngen zur Structur des Meteoreisens von Mount Joy. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 12, 1897 (Not.), 56-57. — Neue Scheelitvorkommniese in den iistlichen Central- alpen. Min. Petr. Mitth., is, 1899, 559. — Grosser Diamantkrvstall aus dem Capland. Miu. Petr. Mitth., 19, 1900, 340-341; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 15, 1900 (Nut.), 4-5. Berwerth, Frit-, ,V Raimann, ]•'.. ,S.v Raimann & Berwerth. Berwerth, l-'rit;, A Wachter, F-rd. Mineralppiacb.es nnd (ioologisches aus der Umgebung de-; Sonnlilick. i. Die Minerale dor Rauris. Wien, Sonnblick-Ver. Jber., 1898, 12-39. Berwick, Tliomtus. Observations on glands in the coty- ledons, and on mineral secretions of (jalium Aparine, /,. [1S90.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans., 18, 1891, 436- 444. — The eotyledonary glands in some species of Rubiaeese. [1891.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc., I'.l, 1893, ISO- IBS. Berzelius, Jims Jiiknb. For biographical notice and works sec Centrztg. Optik, 19, 1898, 1!I2-1!)4. — Lettre a jl/. DULONG. [Postlt.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 802-804. Berzolari, Luiiji. Sulla superficie del quarto online avente una conica doppia. Ann. Mat., 18 (1885), 81-174. — Ricerche sulle trasformazioni piane, univoche, in- volutorie, e loro applicazione alia detenuinnzione delle involuzioni di quinta classe. Ann. Mat., 16 (1888-89), 191-275, 335. — Un nuovo teorema snlle involu/ioni piane. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 3, 1889, 145-159. — Sulla curva gobba rationale del quarto ordine. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 23, 1890, %-106. — Intorno alia rappresentazione delle forme binarie cubiche e biquadratiche sulla cubica gobba. [1890.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 5, 1891, 9-32, 33-50. — Sulla teoria dell' involuzione, specialmeute dell' invo- luzione cubica. Napoli, Rend., 30, 1891, 35-40. — SuH' involuzione cubica. Napoli, Rend., 30, 1891, 71-79. — Sulla curva gobba razionale del quint' ordine. [1893.] Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Mem., 7, 1891, 305-341. — Sulle condizioni invariantive perche due quintiche binarie abliiano quattro radici comuui. Ann. Mat., 19 (1891-92), 26!)-288. — Sopra alcuni iperboloidi annessi alia curva gobba razionale del quart' ordine. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 25, 1892, 950-971. — Sulla curva del terz' ordine dotata di tin punto doppio. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 25, 1892, 1025-103(1. — Sui combinant.i dei sistemi di forme binarie annessi alle curve gobbe razionali del quart' ordine. Ann. Mat., 20 (1892-93), 101-161. — Sulle curve ruzionali di uno spazio lincare ad un numero qnalunque di dimeusioni. Ann. Mat., 21 (1893), 1-24. Sui eombinanti dei sistemi linear! di quintiche binarie. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 7, 1893, 5-18. — Sulle secanti multiple di una curva algebrica dello spazio a tre od a quattro dimension!. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 9, 1895, 186-197. — Sulle corrispondenze algebriche [MI,, HI.,, ..., mr] fra r punti di uno spazio lineare di quante si vogliano dimension!. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 2), 148-155. — Sopra un problema che comprende quello di trovare il numero degli ombelichi di una superlicie generale d' ordine »,. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 756-700. — Sulle curve piane che in due dati fasci haiino un semplice o un doppio contatto, oppure si osculano. [1890.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 332-340 or 476-484. — Sulle intersezioni di tre superficie algebriche. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 165-191. — Sulle equazioni differenziali delle quadriche di uno spazio ad n dimension!. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (.SVm. 1), 247-254. — Sugli invariant! differenziali proiettivi delle curve di uu iperspazio. Ann. Mat., 26 (1897), 1-58. — Un' osservazione sulP estensione dei teoremi di EULEUO e MEUSNIEK agli iperspazii. Roma, 11. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (.SVm. 2), 283-290; 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 4-6. — Sulla curvatura delle varieta tracciate sopra una varieta qualunque. [1898.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 462-470, 527-546 or 692-700, 759-778. — Sulle spiute formate1 con potenze di una forma binaria quadratica. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 12, 1898, 258-259. — Sur les faisceaux do formes binaires cuhiques, pour lesquels on donue une forme du faisceau syzygetique determine par la Jacobieune. Math. Ann., 51, 1899, 473-477. — Sulle coniche appoggiate in pin punti a date curve algebriche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 33, 1900, 664- Ii74, 80:1-821. Bes, A". Oplossing van de differentiaal-vergelijking van JACOB:. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1895, 101-105; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 556. — Theorie generale de 1'elimination d'aprt-s la mcthode Bezout, suivant un nouveau proce'de. Amsterdam, Ak. Verh. (Sect. 1), 0, 1899, No. 7, 121 pp. — Over de vorrning der eiudvergelijking. The formation of the resultant. [181)!) ] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 173-177; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 2, 1900, 85-88. Besana, Carlo. Applicazione del metodo Reichert-Meissl- Wollny ai burri italiani. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital. , 14, 1888, 258-275. — Applicazione del metodo Reichert-Meissl-Wollny ai burri misti. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 14, 1888, 526-530. — Sui metodi servibili per distinguere il burro artiriciale dal burro naturale e le loro miscele. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 14, 1888, 537-568; 15, 1888, 46-86 ; 16, 1889, 699- 702. — Azione dell' irrancidiinento sngli aoidi volatili dei burri ed azione della lavatura arqnci.-a sui burri rancidi. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 18, 1890, 675-685. — Bestimmung der freieu Sauren in der Butter. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 410. — Ricerche sulla rancidi ta e sulla conservazione del burro. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 21, 1891, 4.>6-ir,5. — Untersuchungen fiber die Schafmilch. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 1519, 1561, 1598. — Sui latte di pecora e sui easeificio pecoriuo. []*'.i"> ,\ Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 23, 1892, 572-630. — Sulla eolorazione verde del Ibrmuggio ili grana lombardo. [1894.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 25, 1893, 275-279. — II microscopic polarizzatore ed il rifrattometro Zeiss applicati all' assaggio dei burri. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 26, 1894, 601-614. — Preparazione del latte spumante o gasoso col latte centrifugato. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1895, 317- 321. — Causa della eolorazione nera di uu fcirmaggin. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 208-210. Esperimento di fabbricazione del burro coll' uso dei IWmrnti si-lezionati. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 3118-321. Besan;on, , & Lancereaux, /•.. .Si , Lancereaux A Besan;on. Besan^on, (iron/.'s, A Hermite, (luatni-i-. .S'cc Hermite A Besan^on. Besanez] 513 [Besnard Besanez. i:ibi/. Tables of the values of endow- ment assurance policies (HM 2J per cent.). [1894.] lust. Act. .11., 31, 1896, 366-374. Besant, K'fiHinm] H[enry]. Phorouomy. Nature, 45, 1892, 4G2-463. — Method of obtaining the integral solutions of the indeterminate equation i/2 = ax + b. [1897.] Math. Gaz., 1, 1900, 130. Besaucele, . Garnet ornithologique (mars 1900). Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 128-131, 153-154, 188-190, 241-245, 257-259. Bescherelle, Entile. Florule bryologiquc de Mayotte. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 2, 1885, 82-98. — Mousses nouvelles de I'Amerique Australe. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1886, liv-lxix. — Rapport sur 1'herborisation faite par la Societe le 15 juin : Laifour et Bevin. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, Ixxvi-lxxix. — Liste des mousses du Paraguay distributes en 1884 par M. BALANSA. Bev. Bryol., 12, 1885, 17-19. — Contribution a la tiore bryologique du Tonkin. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, 95-100; 41, 1894, 77-86. — Notivelle contribution a la rlore bryologique du Tonkin. Jl. Bot., Paris, 4, 1890, 201-20(5. — Selectio novorurn Muscorum. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 142-148, 252-255, 342-350; 8, 1894, 43-44, 59-64, 177- 179. — Revision des Fissideutace:es de la Guadeloupe et de la Martinique. Bev. Bryol., 18, 1891, 49-55. — Musci novi guadalupenses. Bev. Bryol., 18, 1891, 75-7,7. - Enumeration des mousses nouvelles recoltees par M. 1'abbe DELAVAY au Yun-Nan (Chine) dans les environs d'Hokin et de Tali. Bev. Bryol., 18, 1891, 87-8'J ; Ann. Sci., Nat. (Bot.), 15, 1892, 47-94. — Etude sur le genre Eustichia (Brid.), C. Mueller. Jl. Bot., Paris, 6, 1892, 177-186. - Enumeration des Hepatiques recoltees au Tonkin par M. BALANSA et dcterminees par M. STEPHANI. Bev. Bryol., lit, 1892, 13-15. — Nouveaux documents pour la (lore bryologique du Japon. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 17, 1893, 327-393. — Enumeration des Hepatiques connues jusqu'ici aux Antilles franeaises (Guadeloupe et Martinique). Jl. Bot., Paris, 7, 1893, 174-180, 183-194. — Liste des Hepatiques recoltees aux environs de Bio- Janeiro (Bresil) par M. GLAZIOO, et determiuees par M. STEPHANI. Bev. Bryol., 20. 1893, 511-60. — Liste des Hepatiques recoltees aux environs de Brazza- ville (Congo Francais), par M. THOLLON en 1892, et determiuees par Jl/. STEPHANI. Bev. Bryol., 20, 1893, IjO. — Hepatiques recoltees par M. 1'abbe DELAVAY au Yunnam (Chine) et determiuees par M. STEPHANI. Bev. Bryol., 20, 1893, 106-108. — Enumeration des Hepatiques recoltees par 31. 1'abbe FAUIUE au Japou et determines par 31. STEPHANI. Bev. Bryol., 21, 1894, 25-27. — Florule bryologique de Tahiti et des iles de Nukahiva et Mangareva. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bo(.), 20, 1895, 1-62. — Essai sur le genre Calymperes. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.}, 1, 1895, 247-308. — Mousses du Congo Francais recoltees par 31. H. LE- COMTE. Jl. Bot., Paris, 9, 1895, 221-222. — Note sur le Leucobryurn minus. Jl. Bot., Paris, 11, 1897, 96, 97-103. - Bevision du genre Ocbrobryurn. Jl. Bot., Paris, 11, de la Societe (principalement a Tahiti) et dans les iles Maiquises. Jl. Bot., Paris, 12, 1898, 136-148, 149-150. — Bryologiai japouicie supplementum i. Jl. Bot., Paris, 12, 1898, 280-284, 285-300; 13, 1899, 37-45. Nadeaudia, Besch.,n.g. Bev. Bryol., 25, 1898, 11,42-43. • Contribution a la More bryologique du Tonkin. Bev. Bev. 1897, 138-142, 143-153. — Florule bryologique de Tahiti (supplement). Frauce Soe. Bot. Bull., 45, 1898, 52-67, 116-128. — Note sur le Bhaeopilum paciticum, Bench. Jl. Bot., Paris, 12, 1898, 42-46. — Enumeration des Hepatiques counues dans les iles K. S. A. C. Bryol., 25, 1898, 73-75. — Note sur le Philonotula papulans, C. Milll. Bryol., 25, 1898, 89-90. — Liste des Muaciuees recoltees au Japon par Jl/. le Professeur A. E. NORHENSKIOLD, au cours du voyage de la Vega, autour de 1'Asie en 1878-79. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 289-295. Bescherelle, Entile, & Massalongo, Garo. Hepaticaa nova) aniericanao australes. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 626-632, 637-640. Bescherelle, Emile, & Spruce, Riclmrd. Hepatiques nouvelles des colonies franeaises. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, clxxvii-clxxxix, (Rev.), 189. Beschoren, Max. For biographical notice see Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1888, 205-207. — Beitrage zur niihern Kenntnis der brasilianischen Provinz Sao Pedro do Bio Grande do Sul. Beisen uud Beobachtungen wahrend der Jahre 1875-87. [Post/i.] Petermann, Mitth., 35, 1889 (Ergiinzungsh. 96, 91 pp.). Bescke, (_r. J. Der Nord-Ostsee Kanal. Petermann, Mitth., 32, 1886, 289-294. Beselin, [BerthoW], Ueber das Desinfektol und dessen desinricirende Wirkung auf Fiikalien. Centrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890, 364-372. Beselin, Otto. Untersuchungen iiber Befractiou und Grundlinie der Augeu und iiber die dyuamischen Ver- haltuisse der lateral wirkenden Augenmuskelu an Mad- chen von 5-18 Jabreu. Arch. Augenheilk., 14, 1885, 132-161 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 14, 1885, 200-222. — Cholesteatomartige Desquamation im Nierenbecken bei primiirer Tuberculose derselben Niere. Virchow, Arch., 99, 1886, 289-305. — Amyloid in der Cornea eines staphylomatosen Auges. Arch. Augenheilk., Hi, 1886, 130-145 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 16, 1887, 313-316. — Ein Fall von extrahirtem und mikroscopisch unter- suchtein Schichtstaar eines Erwachsenen. [1887.] Arch. Augeuheilk., 18, 1888, 71-86; Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 318-332. — Amyloid oder Glycogen in der Hornhaut? Erwiderung auf deu Aufsatz von Herrn Dr. SCHIELE ; Glycogen in der Conjunctiva und Cornea pathologischer Augen. Arch. Augenheilk., 20, 1889, 90-96. Besemfelder, Eduard. [Ueber die Constitution des Benzols.] Ueber die Beductionsproducte der /3-Naphtoe- saure. Liebig's Ann., 266, 1891, 187-202. — Beagensrohr zur Hervorrut'ung von Zoueu-Beactioneu. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 694-695. — Verfahren zum Aufschliesseu schwer- bezw. unloslk'her Veibindungen durch Erhitzeu derselben mil Ammonium- salzen in geschlossenem Gefasse. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 421-422. Beshore, E. S. Examination of Chimaphila umbellata. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 59, 1887, 125-126. Besley, 1C. E. The Geminid meteors. [1898.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 176-177. — Early appearances of the Lyrid meteor-shower. Observatory, London, 22, 1899, 154-157. — The Quadrantid meteor-shower. Observatory .London, 23, 1900, 52-55. - The Geminid meteor-shower. Observatory, London, 23, 1900, 366-370. Besnard, Anton Franz, For biography and works sec Leopoldiua, 22, 1886, 207-208. Besnard, Aug. Note sur quelques plantes reputees hybrides des environs de Saint-James (Mauche). Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1886, 187-217. 65 Besnardl 514 [Bessemer — Mousses des environs de St. -James. Rev. Bryol., 13, 1886, 2-9. Besnard, Ilijipuh/te Joseph. Fur biography see Angers Soc. Sci. Bull.,' 1886, 293-295. Besnier, Ernest. Kapport sur les mesures a prendre a 1'egard des stijets atteints de pelade, au uom d'uue Commission composee de JIM. HARDY, BERGERON, FOURNIER, CORNIL, BuCQUOY, OLMVIER, LE RoY DK MERICOURT, VALLIN, VIDAL et Ernest BKSNIER, rap- porteur. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 20, 1888, 182-223, 267. — Observations pour servir a 1'histoire clinique du pityriasis rubra pilaire (pityriasis pilaris de DEVERGIK et de RICHAUD). Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1889 253-287, 398-427, 485-544. — — Pathogenic des erythemes. t Erytheme polymorphe. Erj'tbemes scarlatiniformes. Etude nosologique. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 1-24. — Farcinose rautilante du centre de la face survenue au cours d'une equina chronique ; debut par morve pulmonaire; gomme farcineuse unilaterale solitaire; morve renale ; mort par le rein. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 21)6-304. — Deux observations nouvelles pour servir a 1'histoire clinique du mycosis fongo'icle et particulierement de la periode premycosique de cette maladie. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 241-252. — Premiere note et observations preliminaires pour servir d'introduction a 1'etude des prurigos diathesiques (dermatites multit'ormes prurigineuses chroniques exacer- bantes et paroxystiques, du type du prurigo de HEBRA). [With discussion.] Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 634-648. — Sur la question du prurigo. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 981-1002. — Rule etiologique i, de I'herediW ; n, de la transmis- sibilite dans la production de la lepre. Nosologie generate. Prophylaxie. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 953- 991. Besnier, Ernest, & Hallopeau, [Francois] H[cnri]. Le traitement de KOCH a I'Hopital Saint-Louis. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 129-158. — Sur les erythrodermies du mycosis fongoide. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 987-1003. — Sur un cas de mycosis fongoide d'emblee avec lesions aigue's multiformes. Verification histologique. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 743-750. Besnier, Ernest (et alii). Sur la lepre. Nature ; origines et transmissibilite ; modes de propagation et de trans- mission. [Communication and discussion.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 18, 1887, 457-518 ; 19, 1888, 647-667, 684- 706, 746-751, 888-910, 929-936 ; 20, 1888, 751-752. Besnoit, , it Cuille, . Sur le rule du parasitisme interne dans les infections generales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (('. K.), 1089-1091. — La septicemie hemorragique du mouton. France Soc. Agr. Mem., 139, 1900, 114-116. Besnoit, , iV. Morel, C/i. Note sur les lesions nerveuses de la tremblante du mouton. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 536-538. Besnou, L[eoii]. "Cherbourg (Manche). Resumes des observations meteorologiques faites pendant les annces 1853-57. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 1, 65-68. - "[Exposition Geologique et Paleontologique du Havre, 1877.] Considerations sommaires sur quelques produits sous-marins et analyses de ces produits. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 6, 1880, 704-741. Besques, I'inil, & Vire, Armand. See Vire >V Besques. Besredka, A . I/etat actuel de la question de la leucocy- tose. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 11 (1897), 726-736. — De la leueocytose dans la diphterie ; etude experi- mental et clinique. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 305- 342. I in puuvuir bactericide des leucocytes. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 607-624, 868. — Etude sur riimnuniU' vis-;i-vis clrs c<>m]i < :trsrni- caux. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 13 (1899), 49-66, 209-224, 465-479. — La leucotoxine et son action sur le systeme leucocy- taire. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 14 (1900), 390-401. Besredka, A., & Mecnikov, Elias. See Mecnikov & Besredka. Besredka, A., L\: Zelinskij, Xikolaj D[uiitrii'i-ii']. See Zelinskij .V Besredka. Besse. S,'e Kerard de Bcssc. Besse, (le chaiiuine) Maurice. Excursion botanique :uix Toules dans la Vallee d'Aoste. Bull. Murith., ID A 'Jii, 1892, 83-87. - Stations uouvelles de Hieracium. [1896.] Bull. Murith., 23-25. 1897, 9-20. — Stations nouvelles ou mieux precisres. Bull. Murith., 23-25, 1897, 21-23. — Hiddes et ses environs. [1897.] Bull. Murith., 26, 1898. 267-274. — Contributions a la flore du Valais. Bull. Murith., 27 ct 28, 1900, 244-250. Besse, (le<-lian«itte) Maurice, ,t Wilczck, Ernest. [Compte rendu de 1'excursion de la Societe Botanique Suisse au Grand Saint-Bernard du 29 aout au 2 septembre 1893.] A. Plantes phauerogames. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 601-605. Besse, (/c clitnioiiie) Pierre. Note sur 1'ecureuil blanc, varied de Tecureuil commun (Sciurus vulgaris, Linn.). [1885.] Bull. Murith., 13-15, 1887, 21-23. — Liste des oiseaux palmes du Valais. (Du lac Leman et des bords du Rhone.) Bull. Murith., 16-18, 1890, 36-42. Bessel, -- . *P'I;iIICHie BOHpOCa IISTj ^ionTplll,'!! : nai1ji,Ti[ noBepxHOCTi, CJILMI,! iiiH'.niM.iMi'iiiu'ii 11 co6irpaK>meit Bt oji;Hy TO'iuy .lyini cut/ra, ncxo- ^fliuie nop5ia.ii.HO 11:11, TOMOKI xauiioil noBcpx- HOi'TU. [Solution of a question in dioptrics. To find the surface of a medium refracting and collecting in one point the rays of light normally proceeding from a point in a given surface.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. (7i'iiss.), 3, 1863, 236-248. Bessel, A. *Ot>T, iiHBapiairrax i, ii])ocTt,fiiinix'b fUCTCMT, COBOKVnHMX-fc 6 IIHapIIMXl l|)OpMrI,. [Ou invariants of the simpler systems of combined biuary forms.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 14, 1868 (Suppl.'i, A'o. 3, MM pp. Bessel, Frieilrirli Wiihelin. For biography and list of works see Konigsb. Schr., 25, 1885 (Abh.), 113-134. Zwiilf Briefe an OLDEIIS. [Postli.] Berlin Ak. Sber., 1900, 745-762. Bessel-Hagen, Curl Ernst. See Hagen, [('<'/•/] E[rnst Bessel-Hagen, Frit:. Eiu ulceri'ises Sarcom des Jejunum bei eiuem Kinde. [1883-85.] Virclunv, Arch., 91)', 1885, 99-129. - Ueber Defectbildungen an den unteren und oberen Extremitaten. [1889.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 435-437. Besseler, H[einrich], & Glaus, Adnlph [Curl T.itiliei:i\. See Claus /. Besseler. Bessels, Emit. For biography and \vurks .,, L. ,.pr,Mjna, 24, 1888. 110; Science, 11, 1888, 219-220; Terint. Kozlon., 21, 1889, 599 ; Geogr. Jbuch., 14, 1891, 201- 202; Washington Phil. Soo. Bull., 11, 1892, 4H5- lilil. - The northernmost inhabitants of the earth. [Tr.] Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 861-8M2. Bessemer, (s/Y) Henry. For biography and \\urks >, <• Gi'-nie Civil, 32, 1897-98. 4H:i-l:!4 ; Nature, 57 11897-98), 487-488; Anier. Engineer & Railroad .11., 72, 1898, l:tl; Bessemer] 515 [Bessey Dinners Polyteehn. JL, 308, 1898, 48 ; Engineers Soc. Trans., 1898, 234-2:50 ; last. Civ. Engin. Proc., 134, 1898, 394-39'.» ; Inst. Median. Engin. Proc., 1898, 133- 136; Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1898 (No. 1), 298-311; Moniteur Sci., 12, 1898, 382-384; Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 228-229. — On some early forms of Bessemer converters. Iron & Steel lust. Jl., 1886, 638-649. — On the manufacture of continuous sheets of malleable iron and steel, direct from fluid metal. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1891 (No. 2), 23-41. - L'origine du precede Bessemer. [ZY.] Moniteu1' Sci., 11, 1897, 437-440. Besser, /.. mn. Ueber die Bakterien der normalen Luftwege. Beitr. Path. Anat., 6, 1889, 331-372. — Bin nocli nicht beschriebeuer Bacillus bei der Variola vera. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 590-595. Besser, (.!///<.•.) Lijdie Egon tie. De 1'action mecanique des muscles des doigts et du poignet. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, 299-347. — De la retraction des muscles apres la section de leur tendon. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, 348-366. See also under Bugnion, Kdouard. Besser, Jiudolf. Ueber die Vertheilung der inducirten Elektricitiit auf einem unbegreuzten elliptischen Cylinder. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 30, 1885, 257-273, 305-324. Besserer, Ludwiy (Frhr.) run. Ornis der Urugebung von Dieuze in Lothringen. [1895.] Ornis, 8, 1896, 1-32. — Seltene Eracheinungen aus dem siidlichen Bayern ini Jahre 1896. Ornith. Jbueh., 8, 1897, 136-143. — Ornithologisches aus Bayern. Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, 56-60. — Zu- und Abnahme einiger Vogelarten in Bayeru. Ornith. Jbucb., 9, 1898, 113-117. — Circus pallidus, Hykes, in Bayern. Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, 156-157. — Entenzug in Lothriugen. [1897.] Miiuchen Ornith. Ver. Jber., 1, 1899, 25-35. — Budytes borealis, fiuiid., in Bayeru. Miinchen Ornith. Ver. Jber., 1, 1899, 153-155. Bessey, Carl A., & Bessey, l-'.dumrd A. Further notes on thermometer crickets. Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 263-264. Bessey, Charles Edwin. 'Further observations upon Silpbium laciniatum. [1877.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 1875-80, 13. - *0n the affinities of the Uredinese. [1878.] Iowa Ac. Sei. Proc., 1875-80, 14-15. - 'Sketch of a natural arrangement of plants. [1879.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc. , 1875-80, 18. - *A classification of the tissues of plants. [1879.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 1875-80, 20. *The morphology of the iris leaf. [1880.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 1875-80, 22. - *Notice of a simple dendrometer. [1880.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 1875-80, 24-25. — The adventitious inflorescence of Cuseuta glomerata. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1884, 508; 1885, 292; Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 1145-1147 ; Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 334. — Hybridism in Spirogyra. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, (57-68. — Glands on a grass. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 420- 421. - An enormous puff-ball. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 530. — Structure of the fruit of porcupine grass. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 930-931. — Mode of opening of the flowers of Desrnodium sessili- folium. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 157 ; Science, 4, 1884, 308; Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 711-713. - The question of bisexuality in the pond-scums (Zygnernacea;). Amer. Ass. Proc., 1885, 291 ; Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 334. riant migrations. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 398-399. — Attempted hybridization between pond-scums of different genera. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 800-802. — The abundance of ash rust. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 886-887 ; 21, 1887, 66(j. — The movement of protoplasm in the styles of Indian corn. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 888. — The demands made by agriculture upon the science of botauy. [Amer.] Soe. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1885, 16-18. — The adventitious inflorescence of Cuseuta glomerata known to the Germans. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 278- 279. - A hybrid apple. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 1052. — Ruppia maritima, L., in Nebraska. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 1052-1053. — The roughness of certain uredospores. Amer. Natlist. , 20, 1886, 1053. — [Tumble-weeds.] Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 1053-1054 ; 21, 1887, 929-930 ; Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 41. — The growth of Tulostoma mammosum. Amer. Natlist. , 21, 1887, 665-666. — The eastward extension of Pinus ponderosa, Douglas, var. scopulorum. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 928-929. - The iron-wood tree in the Black Hills. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 929. — The westward extension of the black walnut. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 929. — A meeting-place for two floras. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 189-191. — The grass flora of the Nebraska plains. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 171-172. — Effect of ice upon trees. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888 352-353. — An overlooked function of many fruits. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 531. — A miniature tumble-weed. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 645-646. — A few notable weeds of the Nebraska plains. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 1114-1117. — Two big-rooted plants of the plains. Amer. Natlist. , 23, 1889, 174-176. — The flora of the Upper Niobrara. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 537-538. — The grass problem in Nebraska. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1889, 17-19. - The yellow water crowfoot. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 475. — The forage problem on the plains. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1890, 17-20. — Sections of staminate cone of Scotch pine. Amer. Micr. Jl., 12, 1891, 56. - The bearberry in Central Nebraska. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 1130. - The hybridization of plants. Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 466-467. — Ferns of the Black Hills. Anier. Natlist., 26, 1892, 252-253. — Monstrous poppy. Science, 20, 1892, 249. — [Is there a sense of direction ?] Science, 20, 1892, 263. -Address [to the Bot. Sect., Aug. 1893]. Evolution and classification. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1893, 237-251. — The use of personal names in designating species. Amer. Natlist., 27, 1893, 822-823. - The weeds of Nebraska. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc., 1893, 33-44. — A synopsis of the larger groups of the vegetable kingdom. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 63-65. — Holophytes and hysterophytes. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 343. -The so-called "Russian thistle." Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 427-430. — The homologies of the Urediiiece (the rusts). Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 989-996. 65—2 Bessey] 51G [Besson — Further studies in the relationship and arrangement of the families of flowering plants. Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 372-373. Some features of the native vegetation of Nebraska. Arner. Natlist., 29, 1895, 486-487. Saealine. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 1007-1008. Notes on the distribution of the yellow pine in Nebraska. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 102-103. - The conifers of the Pike's Peak region. Anier. Natlist., 30, 1896, 748-749, 1046. — The significance of the compound ovary. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 224-225 ; Science, 4, 1896, 434-435. - The point of divergence of monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 229-232 ; Science, 4, 1896, 438-440. — The box-elder on the plains. Garden & Forest, 9, 1896, 33. — [On the cafion flora of the plains.] Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 357. — Report upon the progress of the Botanical Survey of Nebraska. Amer. Ass. Proc. , 1897, 273. -- The systematic arrangement of the Protophyta. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 63-65. — Long stolons of Phragmites. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 227-228. - Recent changes in the nomenclature of North American trees. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 431-433. — Phylogeny and taxonomy of the angiosperms. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 145-178. - On the chimney-shaped stomata of Holacantha Emoryi. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 861. — Some considerations upon the functions of stomata. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 861-862. — On the distribution of the native trees of Nebraska. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 862-863. — Are the trees receding from the Nebraska plains ? Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 456-457. — Some characteristics of the foothill vegetation of western Nebraska. [1897.] Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 111-113. - The southern maidenhair fern in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Bot. Gaz., 26, 1898, 311. — ELLIS'S North American fuugi. Science, 7, 1898, 346-347. — Relative infrequence of fungi upon the Trans-Missouri plains and the adjacent foothills of the Rocky Mountain region. [1898.] Amer. Natlist., 33, 1899, 215-216. — Studies of the vegetation of the high Nebraska plains. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1899, 290. — A thousand miles for a fern. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1899, 294-295. — Are the trees advancing or retreating upon the Nebraska plains? Amer. Ass. Proc., 1899, 300; Science, 10, 1899, 768-770. — Another station for Thorea rainosissima. Bot. Gaz., 27, 1899, 71. - The modern conception of the structure and classifi- cation of diatoms. With a revision of the tribes and a rearrangement of the North American genera. Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans., 21, 1900, 61-85. Bessey, Charles Edwin, & Woods, Albert F. Transpira- tion, or the loss of water from plants. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1891, 305-308. Bessey, Edward A., & Bessey, Carl A. See above. BcBsey, Ernst A. The comparative morphology of the pistils of the Ranunculaceie, Alismaeere and Rosaeese. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898. 403^404; Bot. Gaz., 26, 1898, 297-313. - Notes on the spermntozoids of Ginkgo. [1900.] Science, 13, 1901, 255. Bessey, Ernst A., & Webber, Herbert J. ,SV<- Webber •, in particolare, su quelle del settimo grado. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Hi ml.. 1, 1885, 237-243. — Di alctiue proprieta delle equazioni lineari omogenee alle dift'erenze finite del 2° ordine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 381-383. Sopra uua classe d' equazioni differenziali lineari del second' ordiue e sull' equazione del quinto grado. Roma. R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2. 1886 (Sem. 1), 593- 597. — Sull' integrale del prodotto di una fuuzione razionale pel logaritmo di una funzione razionale. Gioru. Mat., 25, 1887, 356-362. — Di alcune equazioni alle derivate parziali del prim' ordine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sem. 2), 158-160. — Sull' integrazione dell' equazione differenziale liueare omogenea del second' ordine, quaudo sia couosciuta una funzione intera del secondo grado a coefficient! costanti di due suoi integral! foudamentali. Modena, Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1890, 239-244. — Sull' integrazioue dell' equazione differeuziale lineare omogenea del terz' ordiue, quando sia conosciuta una funzioue intera del secondo grado a coefficient! costanti di due suoi integral! fondarnentali. Modena, Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1890, 245-252. — Sopra alcune equazioni differenziali iperpeometriche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 393-400. — Di alcune formole relative alia funzioue sferica Pn(x). Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 12, 1895, 65-80. Di una formola relativa all' integrate ellittioo complete di prima specie, conteuuta in una precedente nota, e di altre a quella arhui. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 229-232. Besson, [Pierre Leon']. Description d'un appareil destine a eclairer le vernier et le limbe du sextant pour faciliter les lectures pendant les observations de nuit. Rev. Maritime et Colon., *7. 1885, 1302-606. Besson, \Joseph Pierre Avquste]. Le rayon vert. Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 444. Besson, [Jules] A[dolplie~\. Sur quelques combinaisons du bioxyde d'azote et de Phypoazutide avec des chlorures anhydres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1012. — Snr 1'existence du sulfate de phosphonium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 644-645. — Sur la temperature- de solidification du chlorure d';irM-nic et du chlorure d'etain, et sur leur fnriiltr d'absorber le chlore a basse temperature. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 940-941. — Sur quelques combinaisous et reactions dn hio\\il.' d'a/ote et de 1'hypoazotide avi-o quelques chlorures anhydres. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 771-773. — Sur les combinaisons de 1'hydrogene phosphure Besson ] 517 [Besson gazeux avec les fluorures de bore et de siliciuin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 80-82. — Sur les combiuaisous du gaz ammoniac et du gaz hydrogene phosphore avec le bichlorure et le bibromure de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 240-242. — Sur les combinaisous du gaz hydrogene phosphore et du gaz ammoniac avec le cblorure de bore et le sesqui- chlorure de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 516-518. — Sur les combiuaisons et reactions du gaz ammoniac et du gaz hydrogene phosphore sur les composes halo- grin's de 1'arsenic. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890 1258-1261. — Sur la combinaison du gaz ammoniac avec les chlorures et bromures de phospbore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., Ill, 1890, 972-974. — Sur le silicibromoforme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1!., 112, 1891, 530-532. — Sur 1'action de 1'acide iodbydrique sur k1 chlorure de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 011-014. — Sur 1'action de 1'acide bromhydrique sur lu chlorure de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 112, 1891, 788-791. — Sur 1'action de 1'acide iodbydrique sur le bromine ilr bore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1001-1003. — Sur un nouveau precede" de preparation des chloroio- dures de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1314-1316. — Sur les bromoiodures de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1447-1449. — Combinaison du bromure de bore avee 1'hydrogene phosphore". Phosphure de bore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 78-80. — Sur les phosphures de bore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 772-773. — Sur les de'rive's Drome's du chlorure de methj le. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 773-774. Sur un chlorosulfure de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 1040-1041. — Sur les chlorobromures de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 222-224. — Sur les combinaisous du gaz ammoniac avec les broinure et iodure de bore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 542-544. — Sur la decomposition sous 1'action de la chaleur du pentachlorure de pliosphore ammoniacal : chlorazoture de phosphore et phospham. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1264-1207. — Sur un bromazoture de phosphore. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1479-1481. — Sur un chloroiodure de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1078-1079. — Sur la decomposition du chloroforme en presence de 1'iode. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 102-103. - Sur la preparation de 1'ethylene perchlore et Faction de 1'oxygene ozonise" sur ce corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1347-1350. — Sur les derives brome's de 1'ethylene perchlore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 87-90. • Sur le chlorobromure et le bromure de carbonyle. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 190-192. - Sur quelques proprietes oxydantes de 1'oxygene ozone1 et de 1'oxygene irradie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R'. , 121, 1895, 125-128. — Action du chlorure de carbonyle sur quelques com- poses hydrogene^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 140-142. — Sur le chlorobromure et le bromure de thiouyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 320-322. — Action de quelques composes hydroge"ues sur le chlorure de sull'uryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122 1896, 467-469. - Action des acides bromhydrique et iodhydrique sur le chlorure de phosphoryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 814-817. — Action du gaz broiuhydiiquc sur lr I'lilmure de thio- phosphoryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 122, 1896, 1057- 1000. — Action du gaz iodhydrique et de 1'iodure de phos- phouium sur le chlorure de thiophosphoryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1200-1202. — Action de quelques composes hydrogenes sur le chlorure de thionyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 884-886. — Action des hydrogenes sulfure et seleni<5 sur le chlorure de phosphoryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 151-153. — Sur le chlorure de pyrosulfuryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124. 1897, 401-403. — Sur les chlorobromures stanniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 083-685. — Sur un nouvel oxyde de phosphore, 1'oxyde phos- phoreux P'-O. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 763-765. — Action de 1'eau sur !<• chlorure de phosphoryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 109SI-1102. — Contribution a 1'histoire des iodures de phosphore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It,, 124. 1897, 1346-1349. — Action de 1'eau sur le trichlonue de phosphore. Oxychlorure phosphoreux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 189V, 771-772. — Sur 1'oxyde phosphoreux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1032-1033. — Sur les oxydes inferieurs du phosphore. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 582-585. - Neues continuirliclies Fabrikationsverfahreu von Chloral. Ztschr. Angew. ('hem., 1900, 915. — Verfahren zur 1'aistellung von Chloroform. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 915. Besson; A. La dyuamo-disque de M. POLKCHKO. Lum. Elect., 35, 1890, 610-611. Besson, Albert. Du mode d'action des revulsifs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892, 43-47. — Contribution a 1'etude du vibrion septique. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 9 (1895), 179-198. — Recherche des bacteries pathogeues dans les eaux. Ass. Franc. C. 1!.. 1896 (1't. 2), 730-732. — Fievre typho'ide d'origine hydrique. De'couverte du bacille dans 1'eau par le procede d'ELSNER. Ass. Franc. C. K,, 1896 (Pt. 2), 733-735. — Epidemic de fjevre typho'ide d'origine hydrique. Arch. Med. Pliarm. Militaires, 34, 1899, 304-309. Besson, Allt-rt, & Vaillard, L. Set' Vaillard .V' Besson. Besson, [Pierre] L[ouis]. Voyage an pays des Tanala iudependauts de la region d'Ikougo (Madagascar). Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 14, 1893, 301-:-!2s. Besson, Lams. [L'eclipse de Soleil du 17 juin.] Moulins. Astronomie, 1890, 253. — Nouvelle methode pour evaluer la hauteur des images eleves. Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 58-00; At-ronaute, 1892, 210-214. Sur 1'etet physique de 1'eau dans les images. France Soc. Meteorol. 'Annu., 43, 1895, 68-72; Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 46-51. - La chambre noire nephoscopique. France Soc. Mi5teorol. Annu., 44, 1896, 84-86. Determination meeanique de la direction moyenne du vent. Paris Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 987-988; France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 40, 1898, 12. Le halo du 5 avril 1899. France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 47, 1899, 137-142. Uu halo solaire observe a Montsouris, le 17 avril, 1900. France Soc. M.'-trorol. Annu., 48, 1900, Mai, 3. Le halo du 22 juin 1900. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 48, 1900, A'ur. , 7-9. Besson, Louis, & Colas, C. Curieux halo solaire. Astronomie, 1889, 314-316. Besson, Louis, & Saint-Blancat, [D.]. See Saint- Blancat & Besson. Besson] 518 [Bethe Besson, Lmii.i, Golliard, /•'., & Fouchet, . Anthelie. Astronomic, 1891, 394-395. Besson, /."in.--, Montangerand, [/..], 't Rossard, F. .S'., A French, ('[Inn-lex]. See French it Best. Best, Elsdon. Notes on some customs and superstitions of the Maori. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 708-777. Maori origins. [1899.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 32, 1900, 294-298. Best, Friedrich. Korektopie. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abtlt. 4), 198-218. — Ueber die Bildung von Glykogen und Pigment im Sarkom der Aderhaut. Ein Beitrag zur Pathologic der vom Endothel ausgehenden Geschwiilste. Beitr. Path. Anat., 23, 1898, 253-279. — Ueber die Grenze der Erkennbarkeit von Lagenunter- schieden. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 51, 1900, 453-460. Best, I-'rii'drii-h. Ueber o-Anisyl-, a- und /3-Naphtyldithio- carbazinsaure und Derivate derselben. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 60, 1899, 225-232. Best, G. ±V. Pinus puugens in New Jersey. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 121-122. — Examination of pine-seed wings. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 245. — Remarks on the group Carolina of the genus Rosa. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 253-256; 16, 1889, 161-163. — North American roses ; remarks on characters with classification. [1889.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1889-91, 1-7. — Remarks on the group Cinnamomea of the North American roses. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 17, 1890, 141- 149. - Two new American mosses. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 116-117. — Orthotrichum gymnostomum, Burcli. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 527-528. — Revision of the North American Thuidiums. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 78-90. — Revision of the Claopodiums. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 427-432. — Fabroleskea, a new genus of mosses. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 25, 1898, 108-109. Revision of the North American species of Pseudo- leskea. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 221-230. Best, Haus, A Meyer, Itii-lninl ./».-•.•('. Ntv Meyer it Best. Best, Otto. Oxyterpenylsaure, ein Oxydationsproduct des Carvols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1218-1225, 3548. — Oxyterpeuylsiiure, ein Oxydationsproduct des Carvols (Carvons) mit Permanganat. (Erwiderung.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3333-3335. Best, 7'. If". On the delicacy of spectroscopic reaction in gases. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. , 20, 1887, 102- 108. Best, Th[omas] T[lwinpson]. [Untersuchungen iiber Nitro- sobasen.] 5. Ueber Monomethyl-o-anisidin. Liebig's Ann., 255, 1889, 170-188. Best, 1C. C'. [Leonids, 1900, West Australia.] [1900.] Nature, 03 (1900-01), 209. Beste, 1C. Ornitliologisches aus der Cap-Colonie. Ornis, 4, 1888, 0(17-070. — Bemerkungen iiber die in Kafferland (Siid-Africa) vorkommenden Glieder der Familie Nectarinidtp oder Honigsauger. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1889, 59-01. Besthorn, K[mil]. Ueber die Reduction der Chinolinsaure. IVilin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2«, 1895, 3151-3100. — Ueber Hexahydrochiuolinsauren. n. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2062-2606. Besthorn, A'[m//], & Bijvanck, Ih'iidrik. Ueber Amido- a-Oxv-Lepidin und Lepidinsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.,' 31. 1898, 796-804. Besthorn, K[ndf], & Curtman, W[ilhelm\. Ueber Anilido- und Oxvacridine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2039-2048. Besthorn, E\_niil], & Garben, E[duard]. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Acetondicarbousaureester auf Anilin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3439-3447. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Aeetondiearbonsaureester auf meta-Phenylendiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3448-3453, 4194. Besthorn, E[mil\, & Jaegle, Georg. Ueber das y-puni- Oxyphenylchinoliu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 907-914. Besthorn, E[inil], Banzh.it, A'm/i'H, & Jaegle, Georg. Ueber das 7-oc(/iO-Oxyphenylclnnolin und das y-meta- Oxyphenylchiuolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3035-3043. Besthorn, R. 0. Ueber den Commentar des SIMPLICIUS zu den Elementa. Bibl. Math., 1892, 65-66. Beswick Perrin. ,SV.' Perrin, -lulin Hesicick. Betche, K., it Maiden, J. H. See Maiden it Betche. Betencourt, Alfred. Les Hydroida du Pas-de-Calais. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 66-67; Bull. Sci. France Belg., 19, 1888, 201-214. Deuxieme liste des Hydraires du Pas-de-Calais. Lille Inst. Zool. Trav., 7, 1899, 1-13. Betham, J. A. Mimicry in birds. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 4, 1889, 315. — Papilio polyniuestor, P. dissimilis and P. pauope. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 4, 1889, 315-316. The butterflies of the Central Provinces. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 5, 1890, 19-28, 152-161, 279-286; 6, 1891, 175-183, 318-331 ; 7, 1892-93, 425-429. — Notes on some of the butterflies of Matherau. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl.,8, 1893-94, 421-423. — Food of the bull-frog and musk-rat. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 10, 1895-97, 697-698. Betham, (dipt.) R. M. Niditication of the thick-billed flower-pecker (Piprisorna agile). [1«97.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 159-100. — The Kol-Bhalu. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 310-311. — Nesting of the white-browed bush bulbul (Pyctonotus biteolus) in Guzerat. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 316-317. — Occasional notes on nests and eggs found in the vicinity of Baroda. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 221-223. • Occasional notes on birds' nesting in the neighbour- hood of Poona. [1899-1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 778-782; 13, 1900-01, 380-3*4. — Occurrence of the sheldrake (Tadorna cornuta) on the Bheema river. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 13, 1900-01, 187. Betham, IT. G. The "Kol-Bhalu." [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 747. Bethe, Albrccht. Ueber die Erhaltung des Gleichgewichts. Biol. Centrbl., 14, 1894, 95-114, 563-582. — Die Nervenendigungen im Gaumen und in der Zunge des Frosches. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 44, 1895, 185-200. — Studien iiber das Centralnervensystem von Caieinus Manias nebst Angaben iiber ein neues Verfahren der Methyleublauflxation. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 44, 1895, 579- 622. — Der subepitheliale Nervenplexus del ('tenoplmreii. Biol. Centrbl., 15, 1895, 140-145. — Die Otocyste von Mysis. Ban, Innervation, Ent- Bethel 519 [Betocchi wicklung und physiologische Bedeutung. Zool. Jbiicb. (Aunt.), H, 1895, ">44 .".HI. — Ueber die Silbersuhstauz iu der Haut von Alburuus lucidus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 20, 1895, 472-477. — Ein Beitrag zur Kenntuis des peripheren Nerven- Bystems von Astacus fluviatilis. Auat. Anz., 12, 1896, 31-34. — Eine neue Methode dcr Methylenblautixation. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 438-446. — Ein Carcinus Mseuas (Taschenkrebs) mit eiriem rechteu Schreitbein an der linken Seite des Abdomens. Ein Beitrag zur Vererbungstheorie. Arch. EntwMech. 3, 1896, 301-316. — A Carcinus with a right-handed walking leg on the left side. Preliminary note. [1896.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 4, 1895-97, 144-145. - Das Nerveusystem von Carcinus Majnas. Ein anatomisch-physiologischer Versuch. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 50, 1897, 4130-540, 589-639 ; 51, 1898, 382-452. — Neue Thatsaclien iiber die Structur uud Function der Neurone. Arcb. Psychiatr., 29, 1897, 1027-1028. — Vergleichende Uutersuchungen iiber die Funetionen des Ceutralnervensystenis der Arthropoden. Ptiiiger, Arcb. Physiol., 68, 1897, 449-545. Ueber die Priruitivnbrillen in den Ganglienzellen und Nervenfasern von Wirbeltieren und Wirbellosen. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 37-38. — Die anatomischen Elemente des Nervensystems und ihre physiologische Bedeutung. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 843-874. — Ueber die Priniitivfibrilleu in den Ganglienzellen vom Menscheu und anderen Wirbelthiereu. Morphol. Arb., 8, 1898, 95-116. — Dili-fen wir den Ameisen und Bienen psychische Qualitiiten zuschreiben? Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 70, 1898, 15-100. Das Verhalten der Primitivfibrillen in den Gauglien- zellen des Menschen und bei Degeuerationen iu peri- phereu Nerven. [1898.] Arch. Psychiatr., 31, 1899, 856-857. — Die von M. VON LENHOSSEK gewiinschten Aufklarungen : [Ueber die anatomischen Elemente des Nervensystems und ihre physiologische Bedeutung]. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 538-540. — Die Locomotion des Haifisches (Scyllium) und ihre Beziehuugen zu den einzelnen Gehirntheilen und zum Labyrinth. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 76, 1899, 470-493. — Einige Bemerkungen viber die " intracellularen Kaniilcheu " der Spiualgauglienzellen und die Frage der Ganglienzelleni'unction. Auat. Anz., 17, 1900, 304-309. — Ueber die Neurofibrillen in den Ganglienzellen von Wirbelthieren und ihre Beziehungen zu den Golginetzen. Arch. Mikr. Anat. , 55, 1900, 513-558. — Noch einmal iiber die psychischeu Qualitiiten der Ameisen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 79, 1900, 39-52. • Das Molybdanverfahren zur Darstellung der Neuro- ribrillen und Golginetze iin Ceutralnerveusystem. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 17, 1900, 13-35. Betbe, Albrecht, & Monckeberg, Georg. See Moncke- berg A Bet he. Betbe, Albrecht, Beer, Theodor, & TJexkiill, J [<; kob Joliann] von. See Beer, Betbe & Uexkiill. Betbe, Martin. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Zahl- uud Maassverhaltnisse der rotheu Blutkorperchen. [1S91. ] Morphol. Arb., 1, 1892, 207-240. Betbge, Emil. Das Blutgefasssystem von Salamandra maculata, Triton ta?niatus und Spelerpes fuscus; mit Betrachtungen iiber den Ort der Athmung beim lungen- losen Spelerpes fuscus. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 63, 1898, 680-707. Betbke, A. *Bericht iiber die botanische Untersuchung der Umgegend von Danzig. [1882.] Konigsb. Schr. , 24, 1884 (Abh.), 44-47. — Ueber die Bastardc Schr., 24, 1884 (Abli.), der Veilchen-Arten. 1-20. Konigsb. - *[Rumex crispus x paluster.] [1883.] Kiinigsb. Sehr. , 25, 1885 (Ahlt.), 105-106. Betbmann, Frit:. Ueber o-Xylalphtalid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1104-1113, 4082. Betbmann, Heinrich Geonj. Ueber die Aflinitiitsgrossen einiger organischeu Siiuren und ihre Beziehungen zur Konstitution derselben. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 5, 1890, 385-422. Bethune, (Rev.) C[liarles] J[aincs] S[tuart]. The rise and progress of entomology in Canada. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1898 (Sect. 4), 155-165. — Some recent work in economic entomology. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 6, 1900 (Sect. 4), 3-17. Betbune-Baker, Geori/c T[hoinas]. Notes on Lepidoptera observed during an Alpine tour in 1883. [1884.] Eut. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 7-13. — Descriptions of some new species of Lepidoptera from Algeria. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 241- 245, 268-270. Notes on some Lepidoptera from Algeria. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 250-254. — Description of a new species of the lepidopterous genus Cararna, together with a few notes on the genus. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1887, 133-136. — Description of a new genus of Rhopaloeera allied to Auteros, Hew. Eut. Soc. Trans., 1887, 175-176. — Descriptions of some new species of Lepidoptera from Algeria. [1887.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1888, 117-121. — Descriptions of some new species of Micro-Lepidoptera from Algeria. [1888.] Ent. Mouth. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 254-257. — Notes on some Norwegian Crambi. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 267-268. — On the distribution of the Charlonia group of the genus Anthocharis. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, 523-533. — Holiday captures in 1886 on the Rhine and iu the Palatinate. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 237-23S. — Notes on the genitalia of a gynandromorpbous Eronia hippia. [1890.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1891, 1-6. — Notes on the Lepidoptera collected in Madeira by the late T. Vernon WOLLASTON. [1890.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1891, 197-221. Holiday captures of Lepidoptera in Switzerland in 1886. Ent. Month. Mag., 27, 1891, 62-65. — Notes on Lycteua (recte Thecla) rhymnus, Tengstramii, and pretiosa. [1891.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892/27-31. — On a new genus allied to Hercyna. Eut. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 204-205. — Notes on some Lepidoptera received from the neigh- bourhood of Alexandria. [1893.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1894, 33-51. — Descriptions of the Pyralulas, Crambida1, and Phycidffi collected by the late T. Vernon WOLLASTON in Madeira. Ent. Soc. trans., 1894, 581-586. — Four new species of Arhopala. Ent. Mouth. Mag., 33, 1897, 202-205. Betbune-Baker, Geui-flf 7'| /""'"'•"]* it Druco, Hamilton II[erbert Charles James]. See Druce it Betbune- Baker. Bctlmys, Geurges. Les progres de I'acTonautique. [1887.] Genie Civil, 10, 1886-87, 375-377. — La navigation aerienne. Rev. Sci., 39, 1887, 156- 157. — Fabrication de 1'hydrogcne et son emploi en aero- station. [1888.] Genie Civil, 14, 1888-89, 75-77. — La fabrication electrolytique de 1'hydrogene. Genie Civil, 17, 1890, 101. — Les ponts funiculaires et leurs applications militaires. Genie Civil, 19, 1891, 185-189. Betoccbi, Alessiiiuli'o. EnVmeridi e statistica del fiume Tevere prirna e dojio la confluenza dell' Atiieue e dello Betocchi] 520 [Betti stesso fiume Anieue durante 1' anno 1S83[-91 ]. [1884-92.] Rorna. R. Ace. Lincei M.-in., 1, 1885, 309-315. 117-123; 3, 1886, 417-42:-i ; 5, 1888, 531-537 ; tl, 1889, 3-8, 307-313; 7, 1891, 45-50, 295-3H1; 1. 1894, 372 37*. Bets, .sv ••<• Bee. Betsch, <;[ffn-in'.i ).\ Kelirmann, fr'i-iedrieli. .SYfKehrmann A Betsch. Betschart, l-'.riismus. Ueber die Diagnose maligner Lun- gentumoren aus dern Sputum. Virchow, Arch., 142, 1895, Mil-100. Betta, [/•Vumvwd] l-'.diiardu tie. For biography and list of works see Riv. Hal. Sci. Nat., Siena, 17, 1897, 1-4 ; Venezia, l>t. Atti. 1897-98, 1383-1398. - *Lc cavalette in provincia di Verona nel 1883. [1883.] Venezia, 1st. Atti. 1883-84, 106-108. Sulle Najadi dell' Italia. [1884.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1883-84, 465-4**. — Sul Pelobatcs foscus trovato in provincia di Verona. |lH84-s5.] Veiirziii, 1st. Atti, 1883-84, 1455-1459; 1884-85, 1507-1509. Sulle diverse forme della Rana temporaria in Europa e pin particolarrnente nell' Italia. [18*5.] Veuezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86. 45-90. — Sulla questione delle rane rosse d' Europa. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 527-533. — Sul carpione del lago di Garda. (Salmo cavpio, L.) [1890.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1889-90, 803-808. Bettanini, G. Celestina di Montecchio Maggiore. Nota preliminare. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 19, 1887, 101-103. — Calcolo delle piii probabili costanti di una specie cristallina. Riv. Min. Crist., 13, 1893, 65-76. Bettazzi, Rodolfo. Sui concetti di derivazioue e d' inte- grazione delle funzioni di pin variabili reali. Giorn. Mat., 22, 1884, 133-166, 200. — Sulla derivata total? delle funzioni di due variabili reali e sull' inversione delle derivazioui. Giorn. Mat., 26, 1888, 21-32. — Su una corrispondenza fra un gruppo di punti ed un continue aniberlue lineari. Ann. Mat., 16 (1888-89), 49-60. — Osservazioni sopra 1' articolo del Dr. G. VIVAXTI "sull' inrinitesimo attuale." Riv. Mat., 1, 1891, 174- 1 *2 ; 2, 1892, 3S-41. — Sui punti di discontinuity delle funzioni di variabile reale. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., li. 1892, 173-195. — II concetto di lnnghezza e la retta. Ann. Mat., 20 (1892-93), 19-39. — Sulla catena di un eute in un gruppo. [1896.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 304-314 01- 446-456. — Gruppi n'niti ed intiniti di enti. [1890.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 362-31',* or :.or, -512. — Sulla definizione del gruppn linito. |18!>7.| Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 240-243 or 352-355. — Sulle serie a termini positivi le cui parti rajipresentano un continue. [1898.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 199-218 or 355-374. — L'application dans 1'euseiguement de la math^matique. Enseigu. Math., 2 (1900), 14-30. Bettel, William. Separation of gold from tbe platinum metals. Chem. News, 56, 1887, 133-134. — Tbe President's inaugural address : [Gold extraction.] [1894.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 1 (1894-97), 1-11. — Sweep smelting and refining of gold, silver, and platinum metals. [1894.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 1 (1894-97), 18-22. — [Hydro. metallurgy of silver and copper.] [1894.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 1 (1894-97), 56-60. — On the technical analysis of cyanide working solutions. [1895.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 1 (1894-97), 163-170. — Analysis of cyanide solutions. [Criticism of CLENNEL'S paper.] |l«9li.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 1 (1894 97), 218-221. — Estimation of oxygen in working cyanide solutions. [1896.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 1 (1894-97), 276-281. — Remarks on fire assaying of gold-bearing materials. \With .//.SVH.^-IOH.] [1898.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 2 (1897-99), 463-472, 575-576, 594-601. — A reverberator; furnace for smelting gold slimes. S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Jl., 2, 1899, 41. — [The chemical precipitation of gold.] A reply to Professor P. HE WIU>K. S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Jl., 2, 1899, 45-48. — Osmotic pressure, dissociation, and electrolysis. A contribution to the discussion on Professor VON OET- TINGEN'S paper. S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. JL, 2, 1899, 64-69. Bettel, William, & Feldtmann, II". 11. See Feldtmann A Bettel. Bettelheim, Karl. For biography and works see. Leo- poldiim. 31, 1895, 169-170; Wien. Med. Wschr., 45, 1895, 1415. — Ein Beitrag x.ur Kenntniss des Antipyrins. Med. Jbiich., 1885, 263-271. Bottom, C'[i>»], cv Pesci, Leone. See Pesci A- Bettelli. Bettencourt, Anuibal, A' Camara Pestana, . See Camara Pestana A' Bettencourt. Bettencourt Ferreira, •/. Sur quelques especes du gnuv "Elaps'1 deposes au Museum de Lisbonne. [1891.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892. 89-96. — Sobre o " Acantliodactylus" de Portugal. Lisboa, Jorn. Sei. Math., 2, 1892, 188-194. — Sur 1'existence du "Triton palmatus" (f-clnul.) en Portugal. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 195-198; 3, 1895, 238-242. — l;> visao dos Reptis e Batrachios de Portugal. [1892- 93.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 268-290 ; 3, 1895, 19-27. — Rernarques sur la " vipere commune." [1894.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 167-170. — Additamento ao catalogo dos Reptis e Batrachios de Portugal. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math.. 3, 1895, 231-237. — Reptis e Batrachios do norte de Portugal e Hespagna. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 33-47. -.- lieptis da India no Museu de Lisboa. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 212-234. — Sobra a peeouha das serpentes e seus antidntus. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 235-248. — Sobre um "Hemidactvlus" nnvo da ilha de Anno Bom. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 249-251. — Sobre alguns Reptis ultimamente enviados a seceao zoologica do Museu de Lisboa. [1897.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 111-116. — Lista dos Reptis e Amphibios que fazem parte da ultima remessa de J. D'ANCMIETA (I*:i7). Lisboa, Jorii. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 240-246. — Reptis de Timor no Museu de Lisboa. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 151-156. — Sobre alguns exemplares perteucentcs a fauna do uorte de Angola (Reptis, Batrachios, Aves e Mammiferos). [1900.] Lisboa, Joru. Sci. Math., 6, [1902.] 4*-.'i4. Bettendorf, Heinrieli. Ueber Musculatur und Siunes- zellen der Trematoden. Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 10, 1897, 307-358. Bettendorf, Heinrich, & Blochmann, F[ri?dri<-h]. See Blochmann A Bettendorf. Bcttendorff, A[nton], Studien viber die Erden der Cerium- uud Yttrium-Gruppe. Liebig's Ann., 256, 1890, 159- 170; 263, 1891, 164-174; 270, 1892, 376-3*:;. Betteridge, F[reileric H.], & Auwers, Karl [/-V/.i/nV/;]. Nee Auwers & Betteridge. Betti, l-'.nrien. For biography and works MV Nupuli, li> ml. :;i. 1892, 143-144; Nuovo Cinienio. :!2, 1892, 5-7 I'alrrniM Circ. Mat. Rend., 6, 1892, 245-2 16; Riv. Mat. 2, 1892, 151-153; Riv. Sci.-Iud., [24, 1892,] 211 212 Bettil 521 [Betts Ann. Mat., 20 '(1892-93), 256; Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892- 93, 609-621. To reference in No. 6 (Vol. 7) add Nuovo Cimento, 28 (1868), 115-124. • *Teorica delle forze che agiscono secondo la legge di NEWTON, e sua applicazione alia elettricita statica. Nuovo Cimento. I'.l, 1863, 59-75, 77-95, 149-175, 357- 377; 20, 1864, 19-39, 121-141. *Teoria della capillarita. Nuovo Cimento, 25, 1867 81-105, 225-237. — *Sopra la elettrodinamica. Nuovo Cimento, 27 (1868), 402-407. — *Sopra il moto dei fluid! elastic!. Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 43-51. — Sopra una estensione della terza legge di KEPLERO. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 2, 1888. 145-147. — Sopra la entrnpia di un sisteraa Newtoniauo in moto stabile. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (.SVm. 2), 113-115, 195-198. On the motion of an elastic solid strained bv extraneous forces. London Math. Soc. Proc., 20, 1889, 246-248. — Sopra un teorema di meccanica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Hem. 1), 159-160. Betti, Giuseppe. Supplemento alia flora bolognese. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 20, 1900, 15-19, 30-32, 56-58, 109-117. Betti, Mario. Di alcuni derivati dell' arnminoazobenzina. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Ft. 1), 241-245. — Sull' ossima dell' estere dietilacetaeetico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Ft. 1), 274-276. — Das Methylenphenylbydrazon des Camphers und dessen desmotrope Formen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1995-1999. — Gli idrazoni metilenici delle forme tautomere della canfora. Gazz. Chim. Ital.. 29 (1899, Ft. 2), 85-92. • La fotografia coi raggi Routgen applicata alle leghe. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899/101-102. — Isomerie instabili fra i derivati azoici del j3 naftolo. [Con la collaborazione di Giovanni LEONCINI.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Ft. 2), 164-177. — Sull' addizione di basi aldeido-aminiche ai naftoli. [Coc la collaborazione di Cesare SPERONI.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 301-309. — Reazione generate di condensazione fra ft naftolo, aldeidi e amine. Nota I. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, PI. 2), 310-316. Substituirte Polyasparagiue. Liebig's Ann., 310, 1900, 306-315. Betti, Mario, & Sclufl, Roberto. See Schift A- Betti. Bettinclli, 7>. , * Flancher, Giuseppe. Ser Plancher & Bettinelli. Betting, (.•'. F. Ein neuer Objecthalter fiir Mikrotome. Ztschr. Angew. Mikr., 2, 1897, 236-237. Bettinghaus, Alfred. Geognostische Beschreibung des Rathsberger Hohenzuges. Erlangen Phys. Med. Soe. Sber., 28, 1897, 12-60. Bettim, G. L. Itinerarii da Asmara verso sud. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 30, 1893, 109-121. — Da Aorur all' Asmara per il piano di Ala. II Bizen. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 30, 1893, 204-214. Bet tmk. See Wcicrs Bettink. Bettmann, Boerne. Peroxide of hydrogen. N. Y. Med. J]., 41, 1885, 226. Bettmann, S. Ueher den Einfluss des Arseniks auf das Blut und das Knochenmark des Kaninchens. Beitr. Path. Anat., 23, 1898, 377-497. Bettoni, Andrea. Affioramenti "Toarciani" delle Prealpi bresciane. [1900.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 18, 1899, 461-466. — Fossili Domeriani della provineia di Brescia. Schweiz. Palaont. Ges. Abh., 27, 1900, No. 3, 88 pp. Bottom, Annelo. Alcune osservazioni sull' anatomia del midollo alluugato, del ponte e dei peduncoli cerebrali. K. 8. A. C. [1895.] Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric., 4, 1894-95, 189- 204. — [Intorno alle funzioui dei tubercoli mamillari del cervello.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1897, 26-43. Bettoni, Eiif/enio. For biography and list of works see Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 31, 1898, 1285-1299; Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1899, 20-23. — Progetto di stazione di piscicoltura da fondarsi a Brescia. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1886, 133-138. — [Delia importazione dei Coregoni nei laghi Maggiore e di Como.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1894, 49-58. — Sopra la temperatura delle acque del lago di Como, rilevate dal cav. E. BORGCIERES. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 942-946. — Casi di emiteria preaentati dal luccio. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 1012-1017. — [Di una larva di Ascaride consolidata nel guscio di un uovo di gallina.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1897, 66-67. — [Elenco dell' ornitofauna hresciana compilato dal prof. Luigi ERRA.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1898, 31-34; 1899 (Append.), 38 pp. Bettoni, Pio. Luce crepuscolare. Salo (Lago di Garda) [dicembre 18841. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 12. — [Turbine nel territorio di Lonato.] Salo. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 110-111. — [Meteorologia, osservatorio di Salo.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1888, 312-318; 1890, 320-327; 1891. 330- 340 ; 1892, 242-249 ; 1893. 240-249 ; 1894, 274-285 ; 1895, 296-304; 1896, 234-242; 1897, 172-182; 1898, 164-177; 1899, 296-310; 1900, 294-300. — Note storiche su terremoti. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 8 (Ft. 4), 1888, 209-219. — [Alcuni fenomeni geodinamici della regione del lago di Garda.] [1888.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 132- 133. — II vulcanismo e la scienza. Brescia Ateneo Com- ment., 1889, 14-16. — L' acqua e le forze interne della terra. Brescia Ateueo Comment., 1891, 49-53. - Alone solare. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 123. — II terremoto del 7 giugno uella riviera di Salo (lago di Garda). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 138-139. — II terremoto del 5 gennaio 1892 sul lago di Garda. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 60-62. — Distribuzione delle pioggie. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 18, 1898, 59-60. - Terremoto a Salo. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 18, 1898, 60-61. — II terremoto del 16 novembre 1898 a Salo. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, 2-3. — Perehe la peste da circa un secolo non e piu ricom- parsa in Europa? Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, 19- 20. - La grandine. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, 29-32. — [Studii limnografiei sulle sesse del lago di Garda.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1900, 32—58. — Osservatorio meteorologico geodinamico di Salo. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1900, 301-310. Bettoni, Pio (et alii). II terremoto del 26 febbraio [1885]. Lombardia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 41-42. Bettoni-Cazzago, Lodovico. [La pesca sul Benaco.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1886, 187-200. Bettrcmioux, [Paul]. Un ceil myope peut-il devenir emmetrope? Ann. d'Oculist., 121, 1899, 396. Betts, Arthur. Irrigation by wire. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 301-302, 473-474. Betts, K[dward\ G[earae]. Observations on the teeth of certain rodents. [With discussion.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci. . 27, 1884, 691-694, 751-754, 765-767 ; Odontol. Soc. Trans., 16, 1884, 261-274. Betts, John B. Pteratomus Phaseolus. Amer. Micr. Jl., 6, 1885, 40. Betz] 522 [Beushausen Betz, ';. E. RAUB'S new thermo-electric battery. Telegr. Jl., 22, 1888, 332. Betz, (}. Jl'. Neue Anwendung von Mikrometer-Einstel- lungen unter Verwendung eines Differenzial-Gewiudes. Centrztg. Optik, 19, 1898, 181-182. Betz, V[ladiinir Alekietvic], See under Bee. Beu, Hans. Ueber elen Einfluss des Raucherns auf die Faulnisserreger bei der Kouservirung von Fleischwaaren. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 513-520, 545-553. Beu, Julius. Untersucbungen iiber die Giftigkeit der Exspirationsluft. Ztschr. Hyg., 14, 1893, K4-75. Beucke, Carl. Ueber die Regenzeiteu in Ostafrika. Jena Geogr. Gea. Mitth., 8, 1890, 87-105. Beudon, Jules. Sur 1'integration des equations aux derivees partielles du second ordre a deux variables independantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1188- 1190. — Sur certains systemes d'equations aux derivees par- tielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 304-307. — Sur une application de la ruiHhode de if. DARBOUX. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 902-903. — Sur 1'exteusion de la metbode de CAUCHY aux systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles d'ordre quelconque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 808-811. — Sur les systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles dont les caracteristiques dependent d'un nombre fini de parametres. Paris, Eeole Norm. Ann., 13, 1896 (Suppl.), 51 pp. — Sur les singularites des equations aux derivees par- tielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897. 671-673. — Sur 1'integration des systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles du premier ordre a plusieurs fonctious incon- nues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 156-159. — Sur la theorie des groupes infinis de transformation et 1'integration des equations aux de>ivfes partielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 811-813. Sur les caracteristiques des equations aux derivees partielles. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 25, 1897, 108-120. — Sur des systemes d'equations aux derivt-es partielles analogues aux equations du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 324-325, 388-389; Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 15, 1898, 229-242. — Sur les systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles reductibles aux equations difforentielles ordiuaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1003-1004. — Sur les singularites des equations aux derivees par- tielles du premier ordre. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 26, 1898, 77-80. Sur les systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles vatoire de la Plata (equatorial de Om, 217 de GAUTIER). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1588-1590. - [Terremoto en la Republica Argentina.] Montevideo, analogues aux systemes d'equations du premier ordre en involution. Liouville, Jl. Math., 5, 1899, 351-364. — Sur le calcul des formules contenant des fonctions arbitrages. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12M, 1899, 1215-1218. — Sur les changements de variables. Paris, Soe. Math. Bull., 28, 1900, 107-116. Beuermann, John Augustus], The differential diagnosis between benign lymphomyxoma and malignant lympho- myeloma. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 183-186. Beuf, Francisco C. Tablas para la prediceii'm de las ocul- taciones de las estrellas por la luna, utilizando al efecto los datos del " Nautical Almanac" americano construidas y calculadas para el paralelo 34° 35' sur (Julio 188H). Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 17, 1884, 5-19. — Singulier mouvernent de la mer a Montevideo. Astronomic, 1884, 233-234. — Sur la lueur rose crepusculaire a Buenos-Ayres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 498-4SI9. — Sur un mouvement subit de la mer a Montevideo. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 499-500. — Descripcion de un nuevo cron6grafo elfotrioo para la determinacion de las longitudes. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1885, 5-13. — Observations de la Comete Sawerthal, faites a 1'Obser- Obs. Meteorol. Bol., 4, 1894, A'o. 11, 8-9. ' Beuf, Henri. Dosage du plomb par 1'acide phospho- molybdique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, S52-855. Beuf, rU'lnr. [Terremoto en la Republica Argentina.] Montevideo, Obs. Meteorol. Bol., 4, 1894, A'o. 11, 8. Beuk, Ntanisliiiis. Zur Kenntniss des Baues der Niere und der Morphologic von Teredo, L. Wien Zool. Inst. Arb., 11. 1899, (269)-(288). Bcuinor, [Fritdrich IVilhelm] 0\tto\. Zur Aetiologie des Trismus sive Tetanus neonatorum. Ztschr. Hyg., 3, 1888, 242-280. Beumer, [Friedrich WiUielm] 0\tto], & Feiper, Erich. Bacteriologische Studien iiber die iitiologisehe Bedeutung der Typhusbacillen. Ztschr. Hyg., 1, 1886, 489-552; 2, 1887, 110-137. — Entgeguung auf die Abhandlung der Herren Dr. E. FRAENKEL und Dr. M. SI.MMONUS : "Weitere Untersuch- ungen iiber die Aetiologie des Abdominaltyphus. '' Ztschr. Hyg., 2, 1887, 382-38-5. Beuriger, J. Versuche iiber das Zwei- und Dreileiter- system. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1899, 43-45. Beurmann, [Lucien] de. Etude sur les causes et les symptornes du scorbut des prisonniers. Arch. Gen. Med., 153, 1884, 23-36, 161-198, 445-462. Beurmann, [Lucieti] de. & Claude, Henri [Charles Jules]. De 1'erytheme noueux d'origine syphilitique. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 485-506. Beurmann, [Lm-icit] tie, it Delhcrm. . Quelles sont les limites de 1'infection syphilitique ? Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 547-561. Beurnier, Lou!*. Etude historique et critique sur la nature anatomique des tubercules souscutanes dou- loureux. Arch. Gen. Med., 154, 1884, 402-419. Beushausen, [llci'iiiiinu Ernst] L[oais], Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Oberharzer Spiriferensaudsteins und seiner Fauna. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. KarteAbh., 6 (Heft 1), 1884, 133 pp. — Ueber die Ergebuisse seiner Aufnahmen auf den Sectionen Gross-Wusterwitz und Brandenburg a. H. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, xcvi-xcvii. — Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Blattern Bietikow und Gramzow. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, cxxviii-cxxx. — Ueber einige Lamellibranchiaten des rheinischen Unterdevon. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, 212-236, 40 (bis). — Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Blattern Gramzow, Pencuu und Greifeuhagen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 11, 1892, Ixxxvii-xciii. — Amnigenia rheuana, H. sp., ein Anodouta iihnlicher Zweischaler aus dem rheinischen Mitteldevon. Preuss. Geol. Landesaust. Jbuch., 11, 1892, 1-10. — Ueber Hypostome von Homalonoten. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12, 1893, 154-166. — Ueber den Ban des Sehlosses bei Mecynodus, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Syuonymik einiger Zweischaler des rheinischen Devon. Preuss. Geol. Laudesanst. Jbuch., 13, 1893, 91-97. — Ergebnisse eines Au.-tlngs in den Oberharz zu Pring- sten 1894. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 46, 1894, 480-481. — Ueber Alter und Gliederung des sogenannten Kramen- zelkalkes im Oberharze. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 14, 1894, 83-92. — Die Larnellibrauchiaten des rheinischen Devon mil Ausschluss der Aviculiden. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abb.., 17, 1895, 514 pp. — Vorliiuuge Mittheilung iiber Aufuahmen auf dem Blatte Zellerfeld. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, xxv-xxx. Beushausen] 523 [Beutemnuller — Ueber die Anfnahme tier Blatter Polsseu, Passow und Cuuow. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, Ixii-lxviii. — Ueber einige Ergebnisse seiner vorjahrigen Aufnalimen im Oberbarze. [With discussion.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr. , 48, 1896, 223-227. Blatt Bietikow, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfy. 06, Gnulabth. 28, No. 46, 1896, vi + 12 + 46 + 13 pp. — Blatt Gramzow, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thin-ing. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfa. 66, Gradubth. 28, No. 47, 1896, vi + 12 + 46+13 pp. — Blatt Pencun, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfij. 66, Gradabth. 28, No. 48, 1896, vi + 14 + 46 + 18 pp. — Die Fauna des Hauptquarzits am Acker-Bruchberge. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 17, 1897, 282-306. — Blatt Polssen, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lftj. 76, Gradabth. 28, No. 52, 1899, vi + 10 + 34 + 15 pp. — Blatt Cunow, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiriug. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 70, Gradabth. 28, No. 54, 1899, vi + 18 + 34 + 12 pp. — Ueber den Nachweis des Kellwasser-Kalkes mit Buchiola angulifera, A. B'lim., bei Biidesheim in der Eifel. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., r,~2, 1900 (Verh.), 14-16. — Das Devon des uiirdlichen Oberharzes mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Gegend zwischen Zellerf'eld und Goslar. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh., 30, 1900, 383 pp. Bericht iiber Aufnahmen auf den Blattern St. Andreas- berg und Elbiugerode 1899. Preuss. Geol. Laudesanst. Jbuch., 20, 1900, i-iv. — Zur Frage nach dem geologischen Alter des Pentamerus rhenanus, F. Roemer. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 20, 1900, 173-179. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Denckmann, [Heiiirirh Wilhelm Martin] Auyust. Schalsteinconglo- merat bei Langenaubach. Briefliche Mittheilung [an Herrn W. HAUCHECORNE], Preuss. Geol. Landesaust. Jbuch. , 15, 1895, 182-184 ; 16, 1896, 72-73. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Koch. Max. Mittheilungen iiber Aufnahmen auf Blatt Itiefeusbeek, im Ablagerungsgebiet des Bruchbergquarzits und der Sieber-Grauwacke. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 19, 1899, xxvii-xlvi. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Lattermann, Geary. See Lattermann & Beushausen. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Laufer, Krnst. See tauter & Beushausen. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Michael, Riclianl. Blatt Passow, nebst Bohrkartn und Bohr- register. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lftj. 70, Gnidabtk. 28, No. 53, 1899, vi + 32 + 34 + 22 pp. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Muller, Gottfried. Blatt Greifenhagen, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lfg. 89, Gradabth. 29, No. 43, 1898, vi + 22 + 44 + 16 pp. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Scholz, Max. See Scholz A Beushausen. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis"\, Denckmann, [Heinrich Wilhelm Martin] August, & Koch, Max. Neue Beobachtungen aus dem Unterharze. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 16, 1896, 127-130. Beust, Friedrich Constantin (Frhr.) von. For biography and list of works see Dresden Isis Sber., 1891, 16-17; Leopoldina, 27, 1891, 130-133, 146-149; Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 39, 1891 (Beil.), 58. Beust, Fritz. Untersuchung iiber fossile Hulzer aus Gron- land. Zurich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkschr., 29, 1886 (Abth. 1), 43 pp. Beutel, Ernst. Vorliiurige Mittheilung iiber eine Methode zur Messung sehr hoher Temperaturen. Wien, Anz., 36, 1899, 261. — Ueber die Tolylbiguanide und das Benzylbiguauid. Liebig's Ann., 310, 1900, 335-351. Bout ell, Albert. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der schlesischen Kaliuatronfeldspathe. Ztsehr. Kryst., 8, 1884, 351-377. — Wassergebliise fiir Laboratorien. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 1381-1382. — Ueber Prehnit von Striegau und Jordansmiihl in Schlesien. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1887 (Bd. 1), 89-94. Niveauregulator fiir constante Wasserbiider. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 24. — Abgeanderte Form der Spritzflasche. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 53. — Absorptionsapparat fiir Biiretteu mit Ueberlaufspitze. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 80-87. — Einige neue Laboratoriums-Apparate. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 6-8. — Composici<5u quimica de la ceniza arrojada por el volcan de Calbuco. [1894.] Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 85, 1893, 863-866. Beutell, Albert, & Dafert, F[ranz] W. Ueber die Zusam- mensetzung der Klebhirse (Panicum miliaceum, var. Bretschneideri, Kcke.). Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 136. — Pipetten ohne Markeu. Rppertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 186-190. Beutenmiiller, William. Food-plants of Lepidoptera. [1886-90.] Entomologica Amer., 1, 1885-86, 196; 2, 1886-87, 53, 78; 3, 1887-88, 157-159, 180; 4, 1888, 75- 77; 5, 1889, 220-227; 6, 1890, 10. — Descriptions of new species of North American Tineidfe. [1887.] Entomologica Araer., 3, 1887-88, 139-140. — Description of two lepidopterous larvaj. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 15-16. — Description of preparatory stages of Dataua ministra, Dmry. Cauad. Ent., 20, 1888, 16-17. — Description of the preparatory stages of Datana Drexelii, Hy. Edit. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 57. • Descriptions of some lepidopterous larva?. Canad. But., 20, 1888, 134-136 ; 22, 1890, 16-17. — On North American Tineidie. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 29-30. — Two new species of Tineidre from the Aleutian Islands. Canad. Ent., 21, 1889, 27. — On early stages of some Lepidoptera. Canad. Ent., 21, 1889, 160. — On North American Tineidie. Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 9-10. — CHAMBERS' corrections to his paper on the illustrations of the neuration of the wings of American Tineidte. En- tomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 37-38. — Descriptions of some lepidopterous larvse. Entomo- logica Amer., 5, 1889, 38-39. — Preparatory stages of Callosamia angulifera, Walk. Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 200. — Catalogue of Lepidoptera found within fifty miles of New York City, with their food-plants. [1889.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 5, 1889-91, 1'J9-230. — Descriptions of the larva of Trirhabcla tomentosa, L. Canad. Ent., 22, 1890, 30. On the food-habits of North American Rhynchophora. Canad. Ent., 22, 1890, 200-203, 258-261. — Description of the larva of Thymalis fulgidus, Er. Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 57. Descriptions of the preparatory stages of Edema albi- frons, A. & S. Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 75-76. — Mode of oviposition of certain species of Odonata. Entomologica Amer., 0, 1890, 165-166. — Food-habits of some Chrysomelida". Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 175-178. — Preparatory stages of Samia Cynthia, Dr. Entomo- logica Amer. , 6, 1890, 216-217. 66—2 Beutenmiiller] 524 [Beuthin — Description of the preparatory stages of Datarm Angusii, G. and R. Entornologica Amer., 6. 1890, 219- 220. — Description of the preparatory stages of Datana con- tracta, Walker. Philad., Ent. News, 1, 1890. 144-145. — Descriptions of some new North American moths. [1690.] Psyche, 5, 1891, 299-300. Descriptions of the preparatory stages of Smerinthus excaecatus, A. & S. Canad. Ent., 23, i891, 14-15. — On the early stages of some moths. Philad., Ent. News, 2, 1891, 152-153. On the earlier stages of some species of North American moths. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 05-70. — Some notes on transformations of Australian Lepi- doptera, made by the late Henry EDWARDS, with notes and additions. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 71-74. — Catalogue of gall-producing insects found within fifty miles of New York City, with descriptions of their galls, and of some new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 245-278. — Descriptions of the larva and pupa of Scotobates calcaratus, Fair. [1891.] Psyche, 6, 1893, 13-14. — Description of the preparatory stages of Callosamia promethea, Drury. [1891.] Psyche, 6, 1893, 94. — Notes on some North American moths, with descrip- tions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 19-26. — Notes on transformations of some American moths. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 87-94. — Descriptive catalogue of the butterflies found within fifty miles of New York City, together with a brief account of their life-histories and habits. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 241-310. — On the food-habits of North American Khynohophora. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 1, 1893, 36-43, 80-88. — Studies of some species of North American .Egeriidn?. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 87-98. — Notes on some species of North American Orthoptera, with descriptions of new species. Anier. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 249-252. — Descriptive catalogue of the Orthoptera found within fifty miles of New York City. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 253-316. — On North American moths, with a description of a new species of Triprocris. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 365-368. — Description of a new tree-cricket. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 2, 1894, 56. — Descriptive catalogue of the Sphingidtc found within fifty miles of New Y'ork City. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1896, 275-320. — Descriptions of the preparatory stages of Ennomos alniaria (Linn.). N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 3, 1895, 137-138. — Critical review of the Sesiidfe found in America, north of Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 111-148. — Transformations of some North American hawk- moths. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 291-298. — Food-habits of North American Cerambycida;. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 4, 1896, 73-81. — Description of a new moth. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 4, 1896, 146. — Notes on North American Sesiidre, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 213-216. — Food-habits of North American Sesiidffi. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 217-220. — Larval stages of Amphion Nessus (Cr.). Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 28. — Preliminary handbook of the Coleoptera of north- eastern America. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 5, 1897, 36-40. — Revision of the species of Euchloe inhabiting America, north of Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 235-248. — Descriptive catalogue of the bombycine moths found within fifty miles of New York City. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 353-448. - Three new species of Sesiidas. N. Y'. Ent. Soc. Jl., 6, 1898. 240-241. — Notes on the American forms of Euchloe, Hilbner. Cauad. Ent., 31, 1899, 56. - N.-w African Sesiidie. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 7, 1899, 170-172. — Descriptions of and notes on some N. American Lepi- doptera. N. Y. Ent. Soc. JL, 7, 1899, 254-256. — Synopsis of the species of Melittia of America, north of Mexico, with description of a new species. [1899.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 149-151. — On some species of North American Lepidoptera. Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 157-160. — A new Sesia from Alaska. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 208, 377. Synopsis of food-habits of the larva; of the Sesiidff. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 301-303. - Two new S, 'Midi X. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 8, 1900, 254. Beutenmiiller, William, & I>eng, Cluirles W. .SV BOjtii. [Note sur la solubilite du carbonate de lithium.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Chem.), 1884, 591-592; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 123. — 0 XOJVB ofipaaoBama yrjieKncjiHxt mejiouHHxt iiesiejib (BT> aaBiiciiiaocTii OTI> BpeaieHii, 3iaccT> H Ka*I OCTET) OCajJHTeJia). [On the rate of formation of the carbonates of the alkaline earths (in relation to time, mass and nature of the precipitant).] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1885, 89-96; Chem. Soc. JL, 48, 1886 (Als.), 480-481. - Ki> Bonpocy o CTpoemii HiiTpoaxana. [Contri- bution to the question of the structure of nitroethane. ] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 18 (Chem.), 1886, 426-427. — 0 ,nti1cTBin iuiHK»Tiua na HUTpoatiipHHa COejUIHeHia H IIXl OpOMOIIp01I3BOJI,HWfl. [Ueber die Einwirkung von Zinkathyl auf die Nitroverbiudungen der Fettreihe und auf deren Bromderivate.] Buss. Pbys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 125-135; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888 (Ref.), 479-481. — 0 flificTBiii niiHKrtTiuia na iiepBii'iHtia n BTOpii'iHua HiiTpocoe;uiHema. [On the action of zinc ethyl on primary and secondary nitre-compounds.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 21 (Chem.), 1889. 43-47, 232; Chem. Soc. JL, 56, 1889 (Als.), 1127-1128. BTOPIIMHIJXT, n •rpeTiiiiHHX'L miTpo- list raaoiuonpoiisBOAHMxt miTpo- MeTaiia H Hirrpoa'raiia. [Preparation of secondary and tertiary nitre-compounds from halogen-derivatives of nitromethane and nitroethane.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 21 (Chem.), 1889, 47-50; Chem. Soc. JL, 56, 1889 (Abs.), 1128. — 0 TpeTiniHMX-t HirrpocoesiineHiaxT, Kitpnaro pa Jl,a. [Sur les derives nitres tertiaires des hydrocarbures [Bevan de la serie grasse.] [1890.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1890-91 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 1, 6-7; Buss. Phys.- Chem. Soc.. Jl. , -23 (Chem.), 1891, 84-H't; 24 (C'/itm.), 1892, 123-125- Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 973-977; Paris Soc. Chim.Bnll.,6, 1891,864-866; 8,1892,1298-1299. — 0 TpeTiniHHxi HiiTpocoejuineHiHX'1,. [Sur ics hydrocarbures nitres tertiaires.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Pints. Chim.), No. 6, 3-5. 06T, acjmpaxT, asoTHCToB KIICJOTH. [Sur les ethers de Facide nitreux.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Pln/s. Chim.), No. 6, 5-8; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 24 (Chem.), 1892, 125-127; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 8, 1892, 1299. GUI, o6pa;joBanin aaoTHCTHXi, 9HpOBT> npir no- .iv'ieHiu HirrpncoeAiiHeHirr no ciiocoCy B. MEMEpa. [Sur la formation des ethers nitreux, accompaguants les derives nitres dans le precede de V. MEYER.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 8, 1-5. - Climes'!) MOHOHHTponpOHSBOAHHX'B npejlu i.- HHXT, yrJieBO^OpOIOBT,. [La synthese de derives mononitres des hydrocarbures de la serie grasse.] Var- sovie Soe. Nat. Trav. (iWm.), 2, 1892, No. 9, 102pp.; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 129-139; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 48, 1893, 345-383. 0 jvfcrtcTBin uiiHK'dTHJia na asoTHCTO-H3onpo- niUOBHft ailnipT.. [Sur Faction du zinc-ethyle sur 1'azotited'isopropyle.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Plnjs. Chim.), Aro. 10, 1-4. — 0 B03CTaHOB.ieiiin ^BV- H Tpexsa nispoKCiuaMiiHaMii OKIICHHX'B co.ieii Htejlf.sa. [Sur la reduction des sels d'oxydes de cuivre et de fer par les hydroxylamines bi- et tri-substitutees.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 (Phys. Chim.), Fasc. 1, Kit. 3, i-ii. 0 /S-renTiiJi-riapOKCii.-iaiiiiH-E. [Sur la /3-heptyl- hydroxylamine.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 (Phys. Chim.), Fasc. 1, No. 3, ii-iii. -0 npoayBiaxi oKiicjenia /3-,iBy3aM-tmeiiinjx'i, nilpOKCIIJtaMIIHOBI.. [On the oxidation-products of fl-disubstituted hydroxylamines.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 5, 3 pp. KT, peaKuin miniiaiKiuioBT, ci. aaoTHCTOKiic.iH- MII 3tjllIpaMlI. [Sur la reaction des derives organometal- liques du zinc sur les ethers nitreux.] Varsovie Soe. Nat. Trav., 1898 (Phys. Chim.), 4 pp. 0 peaKiiiii aso-niCTHxt 3(|inpoB'i, n iniTpo- Iiapailn|)IIHOBT. C-b lUIHKa.lKlIJiaMII. [Action des zinc- alkyles sur les ethers azoteux et les nitroparaffines.] Buss Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL. 32 (Chem.), 1900, 420-542; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 26, 1901, 252-259. - 0 HefiTpa.ibHHX'L npOAyKxaxi, peaKniu U.IIHK- aJIKMOB-LCtHHTpOimpailHllIIHaMII. [Sur les produits neutres de la reaction des zinc-alkyles sur les nitro- paraffines.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1900 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 1, 5 pp. Bevad, J[t'«ii] I[vanovic], & Miklasevskij, SI. See Mikl.isevskii A' Bevad. Bevan, Kilicard .![vlin}. On the diazotype process of photographic dyeing and printing. [1892.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 181-186. — Note on the detection of cotton-seed oil in lard. Analyst, 19, 1894, 88-89. - The loss of total solids in milk on keeping. Analyst, 19, 1894, 241-244. The use of formalin as a preservative of milk samples. Analyst, 20, 1895, 152-154. See also Thorpe (et alii). Bevan] 52C [Beyer Bevan, Kdiranl ./lxnist]. *Blatt Beuneckenstein. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 1, No. 238, 1870, 21 pp.; (1e Ausgabe) Gradabth. 56, No. 21, 1893, 23 pp. - *Blatt Stolberg. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 1, No. 257, 1870, 24 pp.; (2e An«gabe) Gradabth. 56, No. 28, 1893, 24 pp. Beyrich, [Heinrich] E[rnst], & Moesta, Fricdrich. *Blatt Sontra. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 8, Gradabth. 55, No. 58, 1876, 35 pp. — Blatt Heringen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfy. 9, Gradabth. 56, Wo. 34, 1884, 12 pp. Blatt Sangerhausen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 9, Gradabth. 56, No. 36, 1884, 11 pp. Beyrich, [Heinrich] E[rnst], Lossen, K[art\ A[iifliist], & Moesta, Frifdrich. *Blatt Schwenda. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfy. 16, Gradabth. 56, No. 29, 1883, 59 pp. Beyrick.,[Heinrich]E[mst], Moesta, Friedrich,& Schluter, [Clement] A[ugust Joseph]. Blatt Frankenhausen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 9, Gradabth. 56, Wo. 41, 1884, 40 pp. Beyrich, [Heinrich] E[rnsl], Lossen, A"[(ii-7] A[ugust], Weiss, [Christian] E[rmt], & Moesta, Friedrich. *Blatt Wippra. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfy. 16, Gradabth. 56, Wo. 30, 1883, 84 pp. Beyschlag, Fran:. Ueber Aufnahmen an der unteren Werra und Fulda (Provinz Hessen-Nassau). Preuss. Geol. Laudesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1885, xlix-lii. — Ueber Aufuahmen auf den Slattern Salzungen und Altmorschen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [7], 1887, xli-xlv. — Ueber Aufnahmen auf Blatt Salzungen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, lix-lx. — Ueber Aufnahmen in Hessen. Preuss. Geol. Landes- anst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, Ixi-lxiv. - Die Erzlagerstiitten der Umgebung von Kamsdorf in Thiiringen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, 329-377. - Blatt Melsuugen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 45, Gradabth. 55, Wo. 50, 1891, 20 pp. - Blatt Altmorschen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 45, Gradabth. 55, Wo. 56, 1891, 24 pp. — Ueber Auf n airmen irn Gebiete des Blattes Waldeck- Cassel (1 : 80000). Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, Ixx-lxxvii. • Geologische Specialaufnahmen. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., von Oesterreich-Un- Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1893, 2-4, 89-92. — Geologische Kartenaufnahmen garn und einigen Nachbarliindern. 1893, 336-339. — [Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Thiiringer Waldes, in Sonderheit fiber das Rothliegende desselben.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 47, 1895, 596-607. — Blatt Rieth. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 00, Gradabth. 70, No. 44, 1895, 34 pp. — Blatt Heldburg. Preuss. Thiiriug. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfa. 60, Gradabth. 70, No. 45, 1895, 55 pp. Die Internationale geologische Karte von Europa. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1895, 1-4. — Das Montanwesen auf der Millenniums-Ausstellung zu Budapest. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 461-466. — Der Goldbergbau Schellgaden in den Lungauer Tauern. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1897, 210-212. Die Eisenerze des Vogelsbergs. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol. , 1897, 337-338. — Die Knbalth., 10, 1899, 2IJ3 pp. Beyschlag, Fran:, A Krusch, P. Die Guldgiinge von Donnybrook in Westaustralien. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1900, 169-174. Beyschlag, Franz, A nioesta, Fricilricli. See Moesta A Beyschlag. Beyschlag, Fruit-, A Froscholdt, Hermann. Blatt Eodaeh. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut.,.L/i7. 60, GraduJith. 70, No. 39, 1895, 40 pp. Beysen, 1'nrt, & Claus, Adoljih [Carl Ludwig]. Sec Claus & Beysen. Beythien, K[url] A[dolf], A Tollens, Il[rrnlinril ( 'lirislian Gottfried}. Ueber Verbindungen der Kaffinose mit Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Berf, 22, 1889, 1047 ; Liebig's Ann., 255, 1889, 195-213; Ztschr. Ver. Rubenzucla.] Muuchcn Ges. Morphol. u, Physiol. Sber., 8, 1893, 70-81. — Untersuchungen iiber das durchschnittliche Horver- mogen im Alter. Ztschr. Ohreuheilk., 24, 1893, 1-24 ; Arch. Otol., 23, 1894, 214-227. — Eine Eutfernung des Steigbiigels. Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 24, 1893, 259-264; Arch. Otol., 22, 1893, 400-403. — Ein paar Bemerkungen zur contiimirlichen Tunreihe. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 24, 1893, 265-267. — Ein Fall von Stapesankylose und ein Fall von nervoser Schwerborigkeit rnit den zugeln'irigen Sec- tionsbefundeu und der manometrisehen Untersuehung. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 24, 1893, 267-279; Arch. Otol., 23, 1894, 48-57. — Demonstration der continuirlichen Tonreihe in ihrer neuen von Dr. EDELMANN verbesserten Form. [1893.] Ztschr. Ohreuheilk., 25, 1894, 66-67. — Horvermogeu bei doppelseitiger angeborener Atresie des Gehorgangs niit rudimeutarer Muschel. [1894.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 26, 1895, 11-19; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896. 127-131. Ein weiterer im Leben diagnosticirter Fall von doppelseitiger Steigbiigelankylose mit Sectiousbefund, manometrischer und histologischer Untersuchung. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 26, 1895, 1-10; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 67-73. — Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Horpriifungen. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 29, 1896, 1-28 ; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 274-284. — Demonstration einer kontinuirlichen Tonreihe zum Nachweis von Gehordefekten, insbesondere bei Taub- stummen, und die Bedeutuug ihres Nachweises fiir die Hulniholtzsehe Theorie. [1896.] Ztschr. Psychol., 13, 1897, 161-174. — Die Stellung der Consouanten in der Tonreihe. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 30, 1897, 114-121 ; Arch. Otol., 26, 1897, 383-388. — Nacbpriifung der im Jahre 1893 uutersuchten Taub- stummen. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 30, 1897, 203-223 ; Arch. Otol., 29, 1900, 107-117. - Die Feststellung einseitiger Tanbheit. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 31, 1897, 61-102; Arch. Otol., 27, 1898, 158-178. — Schema fiir die Gehorspriifung des kranken Ohres. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 33, 1898, 165-174; Arch. Otol., 29, 1900, 34-41. — Statistischer Bericht iiber die Untersuchungsergeb- nisse einer zweiten Serie von Taubstummen. [1899. J Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 36, 1900, 1-7H. — Ergebnisse der functionellen Gehorspriifung mit der continuirlichen Tonreihe, insbesondere am Taubstum- menohr. Miincheu Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 16, 1900, 1-21. — Eine Analyse des llinue'schen Versuches. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 37, 1900, 197-207; Arch. Otol., 2'.i, 1900, 453-461. Bezold, Friedrich, & Ecielmann, JU[«.rJ Th[umas]. Bestimmung der Horschiirfe nach richtigen Pro- portionen. [With discussion.] Arch. Ohrenheilk., 45, 1898, 109-111. - Ein Apparat zurn Aufschreiben der Stimmgabel- schwingungen und Bestimmung der Horschiirfe iiach richtigen Propurtionen mit Hiilfe desselbeu. Ztschr. Ubrenhuilk., 33, 1898, 174-185. - Eine neuo Methode, die Quantitat des Horver- mogens vermittelst Stimmgnbeln zu bestimmen, von E. SCHMIEOELOW. Eutgegnuug. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 49, 1900, 8-16. Bezold, t'riedrich, & Scheibe, Arno. Ein Fall von hochgradigem Nervenschwund in sammtlichen Win- dungen der Schnecke. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 22 1892 230-236 ; Arch. Otol., 21, 1892, 267-272. Bezold, [Jolnnin Friedrich] n'ilhelm ron. Ein eiufacher Versuch zur Versinnlichung des Zusammenhanges zwischen der Temperatur eines gliihenden Drahtes und der Zusainmensetzung des von ihm ausgehenden Lichtes. Ann. Phys. Chem., 21, 1884, 175-178. — Eiue perspeetivische Tauschung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 23, 1884, 351-352. - Untersuchungen iiber dielectrische Ladung und Leitung. [1884.] Ann. Phys. Chem., 23, 1884, 426- 447; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 14, 1885, 14-38. — [Ueber den norrnalen Verlauf der Dammerung.] Meteorol. Ztschr., 1 (1884), 33-34. — Ueber eiue neue Art von Cohasionsfiguren. [1884.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 14, 1885, 355-365. - Ueber Stromungsfiguren in Fliissigkeiten. [!HMI.| Miinchen Ak. Sber., 14, 1885, 611-638. — Ueber Dammerungserscheinungen. [1884.] Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 9, 1885, xvii-xviii. — [Ueber Gewitter-Erschcinungen.] [1884.] Wetter, 1, 1885, 63-64. — Nachtriigliche Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung "Ueber StrorniiDgsnguren in Fliissigkeiten." Ann. Phys. Chem., 26, 1885, 407-408. — Ueber die Fortschritte der wissenschaftlichen Witterungskunde \\iihrend der letzten Jahrzehnte. Meteorol. Ztschr., 2 (1885), 313-324. — Ueber ziindende Blitze im Kouigreich Bayern wahrend des Zeitraumes 1838 bis 1882. [1884.] Miiuchen, Ak. Abb., 15, 1886, 169-228. — Ueber Herstellung des Farbendreiecks durch wahre Farbenmischung. [1885.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 15, 1886, 305-324. — [Ueber Blitze.] Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1886, 3. — Noch ein Wort zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ansichten iiber den Ursprung des Fohn. Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), S5-87. — Ueber cine neue Methode zur Zerlegung des weissen Lichtes in Complcmentari'arben. Ann. Phvs. Cbem., 32, 1887, 165-167. — Experimentaluntersuchnngen iiber rotirende Fliissig- keiten. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1887, 261-273. — [Ueber NEWTON'S Gesetz der Farbenmischung.] Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1887, 55-58. — Von Hrn. A. SPRUNO beobachtete eigenthiimliche Barometerschwiinkungeu am 3. und 4. Mai. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1887, 58-60. — Zur Thermodyuamik der Atmusphiire. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 485-522, 1189-1206; 1890, 355-390; 1892, 279-309; 1900, 356-372. - Ueber eine uahezu 26-tiigige Periodicitat der Gewittererscheinungen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 905- 914. — Zur Theorie der Cykloneu. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 1295-1317. - Urteilstiiusehungen nach Beseitigung einseitiger Harthiirigkeit. Ztschr. Psychol., 1, 1890, 486-487. — Der Wiirmeaustausch an der Erdoberflache und in der Atmosphiire. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1892, 1139-1178. — Die Meteorologie als Physik der Atmosphiire. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 290-291. — [Elektrische Beobachtungen bei Ballonfahrteu.] Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1894, 46-50. — Ueber Isauomalen des erdmagnetischeu Potentials. Berlin Ai. Sber., 1895, 363-378. Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung des Hrn. MACK Bezold] 531 [Bialobrzeski iiber die Doppelbreehung electrischer Strahlcn. Ann. Phys. Chem., 54, 1895, 752-754. — Der normale Erdrnagnetismus. Berlin Ak. Slier., 1895, 1119-1134. — Ueber Gewitterbildung und labiles Gleichgewicht der Atmosphare. Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1895), 121-125. — Ueber wissenschaftliehe Luftballont'ahrten. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1896, 45-00. Ueber die Unterauchung electriscber Drahtwellen mit Hiilfe von Staubtiguren. Ann. Phys. Chem., 03, 1897, 124-131. — Zur Theorie des Erdmaguetisraus. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1897, 414-449. — j— Bemerkungen iiber den besonderen Wert der Deutschen Siidpolar Expedition fiir Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 25, 1898, 78-85. — Ueber die Temperaturiiuderungen auf- und abstei- gender Luftstrome. Meteorol. Ztschr., 15 (1898), 441- 448. — Ueber die Zunahtne der Blitzgefahr wiihrend der letzen sechzig Jahre. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1899, 291-300. — Bemerkuugen zu der Abhandlung des Herru MUTTRICH "Ueber Spat- und Friihfroste." Meteorol. Ztschr., 10 (1899), 114-117. Bezold, [Juliana Friedrick] Wilhdm von, & Rykacev, (Gen.) il[ieliajl] A[lektandmvic\. On the establishment of temporary magnetic observatories in certain localities, especially in tropical countries. Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1898, 743-745. Dozy, [Paul]. Epidemic de n'evre typhoide developpee autour d'une usine. Ass. Fraue. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 782-784. Bezzi, Mario. Note sopra alcuni insetti epizoi. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 22, 1890, 30-37. — Contribuzione alia fauna ditterologica della provincia di Pavia. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 23, 1891, 21-91 ; 24, 1892, 04-82, 97-151. — Aggiunte alia fauna entomologica della provincia di Pavia. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 23, 1891, 120-130. — Di alcuni Ditteri raccolti nel paese dei Somali dal- 1' iugegnere L. BRICCHETTI-BOBECCHI. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 32, 1892, 181-196. — Kevisione dei Riucoti trentiui. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 25, 1893, 81-110. — Gli insetti epizoi, o insetti che vivono su altri auirnali. Loro costumi, caratteri, classificazione ; modo di racco- glierli e conservaiii. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 13, 1893, 17-20, 49-53, 73-77, 97-99, 105-107, 122-125, 130-142, 145-146; 14, 1894, 10-13, 22-28. — Eine neue Art der Gattung Callomyia, Ftl. Wien. Eut. Ztg., 12, 1893, 304-305. I Ditteri del Trentino. Saggio di un elenco delle specie di Ditteri osservate nel Trentino. [1892-94.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 1, [1894], 209-353. — Sulle specie italiane del gen. Peleteria, R.D. ; B.B. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 26, 1894, 242-261. — Sphyrocera, eine neue Gattung der Tachinineu. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 13, 1894, 173-174. — Contribuzioni alia fauna ditterologica italiana. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 27, 1895, 39-78; 30, 1898, 19-50, 121-164; 32, 1900, 77-102. — Eine neue Art der Dipterengattuug Psilopa, Fll. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 14, 1895, 137-139. — Eine neue europaische Stratiomyia-Art mit zum Theil rothgefiirbten Fiihlern. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 15, 1896, 215-217. — Rhamphomyia heterochroma, nova Dipterorum species ex Hungaria. Termr. Fiiz., 21 (1898), 439-440. — Di alcuni Cecidomiidi e Ditterocecidii nuovi per 1' Italia od interessanti. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 1412-1426. — Sulla presenza del geuere Chionea, Lhilman, in Italia, e la riduzione delle ali nei Ditteri. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend. , 33, 1900, 511-526. De nova Dipterorum specie fauna; hungaricffi perti- nente. Termr. Fiiz., 23 (1900), 251-253. — Zur Synonymie uud Verbreitung des Psammorycter vermileo, Deg. Ein dipterologischer Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 19, 1900, 56-57. Bezzi, Mario, & Stefanl-Perez, Tcodosio de. Euumerazione dei Ditteri fino ad ora raccolti in Sicilia. Nat. Sicil., 2, 1897, 25-72. Bezzola, Doin. Beitrage zur Histologie der h'briuosen Pneumonie. Virchow, Arch., 130, 1894, 345-359. Bhaduri, Chandrabhushan, & Bhaduri, Jyotibhushmi. Contribution from the chemical laboratory, Presidency College, Calcutta. On double thiosulphates of copper and sodium. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 67 (Pt. 2), 1898, 234-250; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 17, 1898, 1-17. Bhaduri, Jyotibhushnn. On the transformation of hypochlorites into chlorates. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc., 1896, 43-44; Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 65 (Pt. 2), 1897, 66-84 ; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 13, 1897, 385-400. — Note on the decomposition of mercurous chloride and estimation of free chlorine. [1896.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 65 (Pt. 2), 1897, 84-87; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 13, 1897, 407-411. Bhaduri, Jyatibliushan, & Bhaduri, Unandrabliiislian. See above. Bhaduri, Jyotibhuslian, & Pedler, Alexander. See Pedler . • Bhaduri. Biaille de iangibaudiere, . Montage des Diatomees. Jl. Microgr., 13, [1889], 59. Bial, F[ran:], & Werner, Alfred. Nee Werner & Bial. Bial, Manfred. Ein Beitrag zur Physiologic der Niere. Pfliiger, "Arch. Physiol., 47, 1890, 116-124. — Ueber die diastatische Wirkung des Blut- uud Lymphserutus. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 52, 1892, 137- 156. — Weitere Beobachtuugeu iiber das diastatische Ferment des Blutes. [1892.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 53, 1893, 156-170. — Ein weiterer Beitrag zum Chemismus des zucker- bildenden Blutfermentes. Prtiiger, Arch. Physiol., 54, 1893, 72-80. — Ueber die Beziehungen des diastatischen Fermeutes des Blutes und der Lymphe zur Zuekerbilduug in der Leber. [1893.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 55, 1894, 434- 468. — Ueber den Mechanismus der Magengahrungen. [1895.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 40, 1896, 273-274, 334. Ueber den Mechanismus der Gasgahrungen im Magen- safte. Zugleich eiu Beitrag zur Biologie des Hefepilzes. [1896.] Arch. Exper. Path., 38, 1897/1-34. — Ueber Magenphotographie. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 37, 1899, 97-98. Bial, Manfred, & Rohmann, F[rnn;]. See Rohmann & Bial. Bial de Bellerade, . [Sur le Cryptoeephalus janthimis (Germ.).] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1885, xxiii-xxiv. — Sur le genre Aphthona. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1885, xxix. — [Sur Fhabitat de plusieurs Coleopteres.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1885, xxxix-xl. — [Variete de Cassida vittata. Liste des Cassides de la Gironde.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1885, xlix. — Coleopteres recneillis dans 1'excursiou tjui a eu lieu aux environs de la Reole, le 20 juiu 1892. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, clxxi-clxxiv. Bial de Bellerade, , Blondel de Joigny, , & Coaturos, G. Contribution a la faune des Coleopteres de la Gironde. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 52, 1897, 51-100 ; 55, 1900, 251-299. Bialobrzeski, .V. Ueber die cheniische Zusammensetzung des nach verschiedenen Methoden dargestellten Hiimins 67—2 Bialobrzeski) 532 [Bianchi und Hamatins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2.S42-2851; 1'harm. Ztschr. Russland, 36, 1897, 376- 378 : St. ivt, reb. Arch. Sei. Biol., 5, 1897, 233 253. — Chemische Untersuchung der Folia Bucco. Pharni. Ztschr. Russland, 35, 1896, 353-358, 385-389, 401-405, 417-421, 433-436, 449-451. Die Amveudung samer Lnsiingr'n von arseniger Saure in der Maassanalyse. Pharni. Ztschr. Russland, 35, 1896, 785-789. — Ueber das tertiiire p-Butyltoluol und seine Nitro- producte. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1773- 177i;, 3449. Bialobrzeski, I\L, A Nencki, M[,ircel]. Ueber die Aeetsalicylsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1776-1779. Bialoveski, .1. Ice-period nn the Altai range. Nature, 35, 1887, 513. — Dreams. Nature, 38, 1888, 56. — Altaic granites. [1888.] Nature, 39, 1889, 30-31. Bianchedi, (iiuseppe. Suonerie elettro-cronometriche. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 16, 1884, -291-2:11. Bianchctti, Ktirien. *Terremoto del 29 dicembre 1881. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882. s. *Terremoto del 31 dicembre 1881. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 8. - *[Terremoto del 27 febbraio, 1882.] Ornnvasso. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 55. *Terremoto dell' 8 marzo, [1882. Ornavasso]. Mnncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 81. - Terremoto del 5 marzo [1885]. Ornavasso (Ossola). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 55. - Terremoto del 16 agosto, 1885. Ornavasso. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 144. Bianchi, A. Di un nuovo metodo per la ricerca della snrttanza indicogeua delle orine. Ann. di Chim., 79, 1884, 12'.l-138. Bianchi, A![lierto], & Hanzlik, W[en:cl]. See Hanzlik & Bianchi. Bianchi, A/[ln:rtt>], A Nolting, Entilio [DomiHflii]. See Nolting A Bianchi. Bianchi, Amln-n. Bolide del 7 aprile [Chiavari, 1884], Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 70. — [Bolide del 19 agosto 1884.] Fontanabuona (Liguria). Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 4, 1884. 146. — [Terremoti del 10 febbraio, 188-5.] Chiavari. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 40. — Terremoto del 1° marzo [1885, Chiavari]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 54. — Bolide [Chiavari, 7 giugno 1885]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 107. Fenomeni meteorologici. Chiavari, dicembre 1885. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., (1, 1886. 22. - Terremoti del febbraio 1887 uella Liguria orientale. [1887.] Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 60-61. - Burrasche del 14-16 e del 25-27 ottobre 1887. Chiavari. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 25-26. — [II terremoto del 8 marzo 1889.] Chiavari. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 79. — Burrasca del 12 maggio 1890. Chiavari. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 114. Bianchi, Andrea (et alii). Terremoto del 6 dicembiv 1885. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 8. Bianchi, Aurelio. La cefalea oftahnica. Sperimentale, 53, 1884, 165-184. — Antipirina. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 384-396. — Cairina. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 397-408. - Rivista sintetica. [I climi e le malattie delle region! africaue. | Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 407-429, (111 625. — llivista sintetica. Le asciti lattiginose (asciti chili- formi ed asciti chilose) nei secoli passati e del secolo nostro. Sperimentale, 57, 1886, 71-86, 174-192. - Hivista sintetica. Cenni storici sulla ascoltazione stetoscopica della percussione. Sperimeutale, 58, 1886, 84-99. — Rivista siutetica. La coca e la cocaiua, loro azione fisiologica e terapeutica. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 180- 204, 502-539. — Nuove applicazioni dell' idroclorato di cocaiua nella terapia infantile. Sperimentale, 5s, 1886, 598-609. - L' isterismo nell' uomo. Sperimentale, 59, 1887, 619-629. — La suggestione uella salute e nella malattia. Appunti di tilosofia della medicina. Sperimentale, 61, 1888, 269- 281. — Delle modificazioni esterne e viscerali osservate durante la inanizione. Seconda comunicazione sul digiuno di Giovanni Sncci. Sperimentale, 61, 1888, 542-55S. — Preliminari allo studio clinico delle impronte plantari. Esperimeuti intorno alia varieta di produzione delle ornie nella stazione assisa ed eretta e uella deainbula- zione. Sperimentale, 62, 1888, 40-57. — Ascoltazione stetoscopica della percussione. Ricerche sperimentali intoruo alle moditicazioni del suoi resultati per influenza dei liquid! e dei gaz nei viventi e nei cadaveri. Sperimentale, 62, 1888, 269-288. — Ricerche sperimentali e cliniche intorno alia possi- bilita di delimitare esattamente 1' area del contenuto gastrico, suo valore semejologico e sue modalita. Speri- mentale, 62. 1888, 361-387. — Studio clinico delle impronte del piede. I circoli plantari ; loro descrizioue e valore semejologico. Speri- mentale, 63, 1889, 146-181, 225-244. — Della cura asettica del vajuolo. [Ricerche cliniche e sperimeutali.] Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 571-576, 642- 661. — Ueber Phonendoskopie und phonendoskopische Pro- jection des Edrperinneren. Deutscli. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 2), 6,8-71. — Les trois principaux types d'estomac. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 7-8. — Les modalites motrices de 1'estornac pendant line journi'e (24 heures). i'nmiiiiiitii:atir>, 1886, 277-281. — Nuove ricerche sui lint'atici del cuore. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 376-386. — Sul modo di formazione del terzo condilo e sui process! basilari dell' osso occipitale uell" uoino. Osser- vazioni anatomiche. Arch. Antropologia, 17, 1887, :'> I •"> 358. — Un caso di sacralizzazione incompleta (unilaterale) fra la sesta e la settima vertebra cervicale. [With dix- cussion.] Arch. Antropologia, 19,1889,93-111, 549-550. — Sul modo di svilupparsi dell' osso Wormiano epipterico nell' uomo (osso sfenotico del BARALDI). Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 34-35. — Sopra uu rarissimo caso di arteria cruralis biliila. Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 383-387. — Sn di un processo articolare anomalo della 0-' vrrtcbca cervicn.lt!. Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 451-452. — Su di una rara anomalia arteriosa. Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 508-569. — Ancora sull' osso sfenotico nell' uorno. Risposta alia nota del prof. BAHALDI. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 1. 1889-91, 143-146. — Ossiticazioni accessorie (squamo-condiloidee) dello occipitale umano. Sperimentale, 66, 1890, 256-262. — Sur le developpement de la squame occipitale et sur le mode d'origine des diverges formes des os interparietaux et preinterparietaux dans le crane humain. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 103-107. — I seni frontal! e le arcate sopraccigliari studiate nei crani dei delinquent!, degli alienati e dei normal!. Arch. Antropologia, 22, 1892, 231-249. Biancbi, Stanislao, & Maximo, Francesco. Sur quelques anomalies craniennes des alienes. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, vii ; Riv. Sper. di Fivuiatria, is, 1892, 103-121. Biancbi, V[alentin Lvorif], Ueber einen neuen Wiirger aus der Uutergattung Otomela (Otomela Bogdanowi). St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 514-519. — Zur Ornis der westlichen Ausliiufer des Pamir und des Alai. [1886.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 31, 1887, 337-390. — Biologische Notizen iiber die im Soinmer 1884 be! Uschaki (Gouveruement Nowgorod) beobachteten Vogel. Beitr. Russ. Reich., 4, 1888, 189-275. • KT, (Jiayn'I; Rhopalocera TnepCKoH ryuepHiii. [Contribution to the Rhopalocera fauna of the govern- ment of Tver.] [1892.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 70, 1893 (Append. No. I), 17 pp. . On two new forms of the heteropterous family Gerridse. St. Peiersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Anuu., 1, 1896, 69-76. — De speciebus duabus novis generis Nabis, Latr. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 113-116. — 0 SByX'b HOBHXt SJIfl pyCCKOfl qVlJ'HH BIIJI,aXT> HTIIU'L. [Sur deux especes d'oiseaux, nouvelles pour la faune de la Russie.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 126-136. - Ivt juaraocTiiirib najieapKTimecKiix'L BIIAOBT. pOJl,a [Uebersicht der pala-arktischen Arten der Gattung] Carpodacus, Kaup. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Anuu., 2, 1897, 218-240; Jl. f. Ornith., 46, 1898, 102- 123. - Acanthia (Calacanthia) Tryborni (J. Suhlh.), Ct IIoBOfi SeMJIir [from Novaja Zemlya]. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sei. Annu., 2, 1897, 362-364. — 0630p'I> BllflOB'h po^a Tetraogallus, Gray. [Ueber- sicht dt-r Arten der Gattung Tetraogallus, Gnu/.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 3, 1898, 111-123; Jl. f. Ornith., 47, 1899, 421-434. Enumeratio operum opusculorumque ad faunam Hemipterorum-Heteropterorum Imperii Rossici perti- nentium. 1798-1897. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Auuu., 3. 1898, 289-323. — Ad coguitionem Phymatidarum Mundi Antiqui. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 4, 1899, 221-236. Biancbi, l'[alciitin. Lrui-ii'\, A Berezovskij, M. M. See Berezovskij A Biancbi. Biancbi, r[ulentin Lvnrif], & Zarudnyj, .Yfiiofqj] A[lckservit-]. On a new species of stone-chat (Saxicola Semenowi) from eastern Persia. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 5, 1900, 187-189. Biancbi-Mariotti, <;. II., & Benini, . Sui trombi ialini nellc infe/.ioni spi'iimentali. Congr. Met). Int. Atti, 1894 (To/. 2, l\it,,l.), 280-281. Bianchi-mariotti, '.'. P.. A Fisenti, Hiiftni-n. .SVc Fisenti A Bi.uiclu M.iriotti. Bianco. '-. . Zanotti-Bianco. Biancone, (Uni-niini. Conti ibuto clinieo allo studio della iniokimia (Ksv f l''r. Sfin I.T/.K). Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 21. 1898, 3 13-!! 10. Biaucoue ] 535 [Bickel — Contribute clinico ed anatomico allo studio dei tiimori delle eminenze bigemine. Biv. Sper. di Freniatria, 25, 1899, 730-787. — Siill' azione ipnotica e sedativa dell' hedonal. Biv. Sper. di Freuiatria, 20, 1900, 397-419. Bianconi, U[iurnii>ii] H[iuseppc]. *Du frottement comme cause de la trainee lumineuse des bolides. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 11, 1863, Ft. 2, 178-180. Bur. i. L. Beport on the true ash in products of cane sugar manufactories, incinerated with sulphuric acid. U. S. Div. Chera. Bull., No. 31, 1891, 77-80. Biarnes, G. Sur la nxite de la richesse en oxygene du sang arteriel chez les aniniaux superieurs. Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 6. Biarnes, (!., & Abelous, J. E[milc~\. Sec Abelous & Biarnes. Biarnis, (/'., & Meyer, E. Sec Meyer & Blames. Biart, Lucii'n. For biographical notice and works sec Authrop. (Paris), 8, 1897, 369-370. Le rayon vert. Astronomic, 1891, 110. Biazzi, Ferrucciu. Circa lo studio delle correnti negli oceani. Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 4, 1893, 344-355. Bibbins, Arthur. Notes on the paleontology of the Potomac formation. [1895.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [15 (1895-96),] 17-20. Bibbins, Arthur, & Clark, William Bullock. See Clark ', Bibbins. Biberfeld, [Hermann]. Zur Wirkungsweise des Strychnins auf Biickenmark und periphere Nerven. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 83, 1901, 397-402. Biberstein, A/. Beitrage zur Serodiagnostik des Abdominal- typhus. Ztschr. Hyg., 27, 1898, 347-374. Bibra, Alfred von. Ueber die Verunreinigung der Zimmer- lut't durch salpetrige Saure (Untersalpetersaure) als Pro- dukt der kiiustlichen Beleuchtung. Arch. Hyg., 15, 1892, 216-239. Bibran. Sec Senden-Bibran. Bichat, E[niest Adolphe]. Sur la cristallisation des para- tartrates. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1885, xvi. — Sur le tourniquet electrique et la deperdition de 1'electricite par convection. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1886 (Ft. 2), 243-253; Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 64-79. — Sur le dedoublemeut des composes optiquement inactifs par compensation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 102, 1886, 428-431, 766-767. — Sur uu tourniquet electrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 104, 1887, 1786-1789. — Sur les phenomeues actino-electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 107, 1888, 557-559 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1889, 27-36; Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 245-253. Sur le dedoublement des paratartrates. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 1-10. — Sur le calcul des franges de TALUOT. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 5-8. • Pouvoir inducteur specifique. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1895, xix. Bich.it, E[rnest Adolphe], & Blondlot, [Procter] l![i'in']. Sur les differences electriques entre les liquides et sur le role de 1'air dans la mesure electrometrique de ces differences. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 100, 1885, 791-793. — Oscillation du plan de polarisation par la deeharge d'une batterie. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1886 (Ft. 1), 100. Sur un electronietre absolu, a indications continues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 753-756; Nancy Sue. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Fuse. 20), 25-32. — Construction d un electrometre absolu, permettant de mesurer des poteutiels tres eleves. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 245-248. Sur les phenomenes dits actino-electriques. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 13-21. Action des radiations ultra-violettes sur le passage de 1'electricite a faible tension au travers de 1'air. Tan*, Ac. Sci. C. B., 106, 1888, 1349-1351. — Action combinee de 1'insufllation et de I'illumination sur les couches electriques qui revetent les corps con- ducteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 107, 1888, 29-31. - Notice sur 1'electrometre absolu a indications con- tinues. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 40-43. See also Blondlot & Bicli.it. Bicbat, E[rneit Adolphe], & Guntz, A[ntoine Xiffilas]. Sur la production de 1'ozone par des discharges electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 107, 1888, 334-336, 412; Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 1-12; Ass. Franc. C. B., 1889 (Ft. 2), 279-282; Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 131-144. Bicli.it, Xarier. For biographical notice and works see Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. Juhil.), 1899, 11-13. Biclic, /.' Note sur 1'Ouonis rnitissima. [1886.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., [9], 1888, 52-53. — Lettre sur 1'excursion de Malpas et Nissan. [1889.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 12, 1890, 30-31. — Lettre sur 1'excursion de Cabrieres. [1889.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 12, 1890, 33-35. — Note sur un nouvel hybride de Mercuriale. Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 14, 1891, 9-10. — Les plantes nuisibles a 1'agriculture des environs de Pezenas indiquees par leurs noms patois, vulgaire et scientifique. Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 19, 1897, 106-112. Bicheroux, Francois. Contribution a 1'etude du trace des cannelures d'un laminoir. [1893-95.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 50, 1893, 515-594; 52, 1896 (Mem.), 67- 127. — La mise a feu des hauts-fourueaux. [1895.] Bev. Univ. Mines, 33, 1896, 175-231. Bicbler, Josef. Zurn Volksglauben. Wien. Med. Wschr., 36, 1886, 1549-1553, 1581-1586, 1615-1619; 37, 1887, 373-377, 407-411, 453-456, 557-560, 837-841, 975-977, 1075-1077, 1186-1189. Bickel, . Elektriscbe Bleicherei und Akkumulatoren- System Tribbelhorn. [1898.] Aarau, Mitth., 9, 1901, xl-xliv. Bickel, Adolf. Beitrage zu der Lehre von den Beweguugen der Wirbelthiere. [1896.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 65, 1897, 231-248. — Action de la bile et des sels biliaires sur le systeme nerveux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 702-704. — Ueber den Einfluss der sensibelen Nerven und der Labyrinthe auf die Bewegungen der Thiere. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 67, 1897, 299-344. - Beitrage zur Biickenmarksphysiologie des Aales. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 110-119. — Beitrage zur Biickenmarksphysiologie der Amphibien und Beptilien. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 71, 1898, 44-59. - Zur vergleicbenden Physiologic des Grosshirns. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 190-215. — Zur Methode der quantitativen Bestimmuug des Traubenzuckers in reinen Li'isungen und im Blute. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 75, 1899, 248-264. — Beitrage zur Biickenmarksphysiologie der Fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Alith.), 1900, 481-484. — Beitrage zur Biickenmarksphysiologie des Frosches. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 485-493. - Ueber einige Erfahrungen aus der vergleiehenden Physiologic des Centralnervensystems der Wirbelthiere. Eiue Erwiderung an J. STEINEU. [1900.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 83, 1901, 155-171. Bickel, Adolf, & Jacob, Paul. Ueber netie Beziehungen zwischen Hirurinde und hinteren liuckenmarkswiirzeln hinsichtlich der Bewegungsregulatiou beim Hunde. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1900, 763-767. See also Jacob it Bickel. Bickel, Gut tar. Ueber die Ausdebnung und den Zusam- menhang des lymphatischen Gewebes in der Bachen- gegend. Virchow, Arch., 97, 1884, 340-359. Bickel, H. Ueber Derivate der Diphenylessigsaure und der Benzilsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 22, 1889 1537-1539. Bickel] 536 [Biddle Bickel, Huns. .sVc LMiiii.mn . Kurt lifriihurd (<:l nln). Bickcrlegge, i /, r. (). Granite and its relations. Liver- pool Ueol. Ass. Jl., 14, 1894, 21-30. Bickerton, .![/<•. /<;«,/,•/ | II '[ illniiii\. On constructive cos- mieal impact. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 79-83. — The specific heat of gases at constant volume. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 117. — Molecular attraction. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 117. — Some possible cuuses of the low temperatures of partial dissociation. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 117-118. — Some recent evidence in favour of impact. [1893.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 26, 1894, 461-476, [iv]. — The immortality of the cosmos ; being an attempt to show that the theory of dissipation of energy is limited to finite portions of space. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1895, 538-545. — Synoptic statement of the principles and phenomena of cosmic impact : prepared for the criticism of scientific men and societies. [18'J4.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1895, 54-3-558. — On an oversight in CKOLL'S mode of lengthening the age of the Sun's heat. [1.^94.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1895, 558-559. — Cosmic evolution. Pliil. Mag., 50, 1900, 2115-223. Bickerton, Thmnns II[rrliert\. Colour-blindness generally considered. Nature, 44, 1891, 595-597. — Colour-blindness and defective vision in the mercantile marine. Arch. Ophthalm., 28, 1899, 657-658. Bickerton, Tlmmas H[crliert], A: Wiglesworth, Jiiseplt. .S'tv 'Wiglesworth A Bickerton. Bickes, Tli., A Jannasch, /'««/ [Khrhardt], Sue Jannasch A Bickes. Bicket, John Hugh. For biographical notice see Chern. Soc. Jl., Ho, 1894, 382. Bickford, Kliztthetli K. Notes on regeneration and hetero- morphosis of tubularian hydroids. Jl. Morphol., 9, 1894, 417-430. The hypophysis of Calamoichthys calabaricus (Smith). Anat. Auz., 10, 1895, 405-470. — Ueber die Morphologic und Physiologic der Ovarien der Ameisen-Arbeiteiinnen. [1895.] Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 9, 1897, 1-26. Blckham, ,s>'Hivr II. Rainfall at Ledbury in 1899. [1899.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1898-99, 183. Bickmore, C. E. On the numerical factors of «™-l. Messenger Math., 25, 1896, 1-14; 26, 1897, 1-38. Bicknell, J . .V. Notes on the edible fungi of Italy. [1884.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1883-85, 248-251. Bicknell, Cliireiire. Ranunculus lacerus, Bell. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 21-22. Spigolature nelln flora ligustica. Malpighia, 7, 1893, 415. — Un nuovo ibrido nel genere Cirsium, C. Erisithales .-. bulbosum ( = C. Norrisii, mild). Malpigbia, s, 1894, 392. Bicknell, Knu'.^t I'.. \ Dresslar, 1'leteher H. A review of the species of the genus Semotilus. 1'hilad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1885, 14-18. Bicknell, Eiiycne P[inturil], A study of the singing of our [American] birds. Auk, 1, 1884, 60-71, 126-140, 209-218, 322-332; 2, 1885, 144-154, 249-2U2. — Carex Pennsylvania and C. varia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 52-53. — A specimen of Helminthophila leucobronchialis in New Jersey. Auk, 2, 1885, 378. — Cleistogamy in Lamium. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 12, 1885, 51-52. — Notes on the flora of the Palisades of the Hudson. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 51-53. — Amarantus blitoides, Watson. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 1 70. - Ranunculus micranthus, Xutt. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 41-42. — On a species of Helianthemum not recognized in our text-books. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 257-260. — Prothonotary warbler near New York City. Auk, 12, 1895, 306-307. — Hypericum boreale (Britton), and related species. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 1895, 211-215. — The genus Sauicula in the eastern United States, with descriptions of two new species. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 1895, 351 361. — Carex vulpiuoiilea, Mielu-., and allied species. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 21-25. — A neglected Carex. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 92-95. — The blue-eyed grasses of the eastern United States (genus Sisyrinchium). Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 130-137. — On a new species of Scrophularia hitherto confounded with S. Marylandica. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 311-319. — The North American species of Agrimonia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 508-523. — Geuru Canadense tlavuin (Porter), Ilriltun, a valid species. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 523-525. — An undescribed Lechea from Maine. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24. 1897, 86-90. — A new species of wild ginger hitherto confounded with Asarum canadeuse, L. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 528-536. — Two new species of Sanicula from the southern States. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 577-582. — Two new grasses from Van Cortlaudt Park, New York City. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 25, 1898. 104-107. — Studies in Sisyrinchium i[-vm]. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 2ti, 1899, 217-231, 297-300, 335-349, 445-457, 496- 499, 605-616; 27, 1900, 237-246, 373-387. Bicknell, Percy. September frosts. Symous, Meteorol. Mag., 211, 1885, 133. Bidart, Jiuin I!. ;, Puede diagnosticarse el sexo del feto por el nuuiero de los latidos cardiacos? Santiago de Chile, Univ. An.. 65, 1884, 511-554. Bidault, I.euiiee. Note sur quelques poissons fossiles trouves en Italie. Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sei. Mem.., 6, [1889], 192-196. Bidder, A. The subsequent history of an extracted and re-implanted tooth. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 74H. - Eine congenitale Knorpelgeschwulst am Halse. Virchow, Arch., 120, 1890, 194-196. Bidder, l-'ii* drich. For biography and works see Leo- poldiua, 30, 1894, 162 ; I'harm. Ztschr. Russland, 33, 1894. 544; St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894, 314-315; Seuckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1895, iv-v. Bidder, George P. Note on the physiology of sponges. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proe., 6, 1889, 183. — Note on the excretion in sponges. Roy. Soc. Proc., 51, 1892, 474-4S1. — On the flask-shaped ectoderm and spongoblasts in one of the Keratosa. [1892.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 52, 1893, 134-139. - The collar-cells of Heteroccsla. [1895.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 38, 1896, 9-43. — Note on projects for the improvement of sponge- fisheries. [1896.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 4, 1895-97, 195-202. — The skeleton and classification of calcareous sponges. [1898.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 64, 1899, 61-76. Bidder, ilem-'ie Parker. For liiographv and works see Inst. Civ. Engm. Proc., 125, 1896, 422-428; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 57, 1897, 208-210. Biddle, /'. A method of steering balloons during ascent and descent. Aeronaut. Jl., 3, 1899, 37 :!*. ( In factorization. A few methods of factorizing com- posite numbers of unknown form. Messenger Math., 28, 1899, 116-149, 192. Biddle] (Bidschof Biddle, Il\enri/] ('[luiliin'ra]. Ueber Derivate des Isuretins der I'ormhydroxamsaure und ihre Beziehungeu zur Knall- saure. Liebig's Ann., 310, 1900, 1-24. Biddle, Ilcnnj J. Notes on the surface geology of southern Oregon. Ainer. .11. Sci., 35, 1888, 475-482. Biddulph, (.'. E. .Journey across the western portion of the great Persian desert, via the Siah Kuh mountains and the Durya-i-Namak. (jeogr. Soc. Proc., 13, 1891, 645-657. Biddulph, (Lt.-Col.) John. On the wild sheep of Cyprus. Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1884, 593-596. — On the geographical races of the Rocky Mountain bighorn. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1885, G78-684. Biddulph, (i leu. \/r) 3Ii<.-li. November 1890 entdeckten Kometen. [18110.] Wien, Anz., 27, 1891, 247-248; Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 111-112. — Be.-timmung der Balm des Kometen 1890 II. Wien, Ak. Sber., 100, 1891 (Alilli. 2c.ls.' Jl. State Med., 3, 1895, 226-229. Bidwell, Li'iinnrd A[rthur], & Abraham, I'lnin-iis ,S'[i'«i<>ii]. Sections of skin after grafting by TIIIKKSCH'S method removed for recurrent lupus. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 143-144. Bidwell, xli,-U'tiril. The reversal of HALL'S phenomenon. Nature, 29, 1884, 514. On an explanation of HALL'S phenomenon. Roy. Soc. Proc., 36, 1884, 341-348. On a relation between the coefficient of the Thomson effect and certain other physical properties of metals. Roy. Soc. Proc., 37, 1884, 25-28. On some experiments illustrating an explanation of HALL'S phenomenon. [1884.] London Phys. Sue. Proc., (>, 1885, 29-47; Phil. Mag., 17, 1884, 219-2i'i"i. — On the sensitiveness to light of selenium and sulphur cells. Chem. News, 52, 1885, l!ll-193. — On the generation of a voltaic current by a sulphur cell with a solid electrolyte. Chem. News, .V2. 1885, 219-220. — On certain spectral images produced by a rotating vacuum-tube. Nature, 32, 1885, 30-31. Ocular after-images and lightning. Nature, 32, 1885. 101-102. A voltaic cell with a solid electrolyte. Nature, 32, 1885. 345. — On the sensitiveness of selenium to light, and the development of a similar property in sulphur. [!**•">. | London Phys. Soc. Proc., 7, 1886, 129-145; Phil. Mag., 20, 1885, 178-191. Bidwell] 539 [Biedermann — On the generation of electric currents by sulphur cells. [1885.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 7, 1886, 256- 264; Phil. Mag., 20, 1885, 328-336. On the changes produced by magnetisation in the length of rods of iron, steel, and nickel. [1885.] Boy. Soc. Proe., 40, 1886, 10y-133. — On diathermancy and electrolytic conductivity. Brit. Ass. Hep. , 1886, 309-310. — On the magnetic torsion of iron and nickel wires. Phil. Mag., 22; 1886, 251-255. — On the changes produced by magnetisation in the length of iron wires under tension. Roy. Soc. Proc., 40, 1886, 257-266. - On the lifting power of electromagnets and the magnetisation of iron. Boy. Soc. Proc., 40, 1886, 486- 496. — On a modification of WHEATSTONE'S rheostat. [1886.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 8, 1887, 50-53; Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 29-32. — On the electrical resistance of vertically suspended wires. [1887.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 9, 1888, 3-8 ; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 499-503. — Magnetic strains. Nature, 38, 1888, 224-225. On the changes produced by magnetisation in the dimensions of rings and rods of iron and of some other metals. [1888.] Phil. Trans. (A). 179, 1889, 205-230. — The electromotive forces produced by the contact of similar metals at different temperatures. Electrician, 23, 1889, 546-547. — On an effect of light upon magnetism. Boy. Soc. Proc., 45, 1889, 453-455. The electrification of a steam-jet. [1889.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 10, 1890, 325-330; Phil. Mag., 29, 1890, 158-162. — Lightning and the electric spark. Nature, 42, 1890, 151-154. — The magnetization of iron in strong fields. Phil. Mag., 29, 1890, 440. — On the effect of tension upon magnetic changes of length in wires of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Roy. Soc. Proc., 47, 1890, 469-480. - The Hellesen dry cell. Electrician, 27, 1891, 37. — An experiment showing the effect of electrification upon the condensation of steam. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 258. — An automatic lamp-lighter. Nature, 43, 1891, 395-396. — Alum solution. Nature, 44, 1891, 565. — A lecture experiment illustrating the effect of heat upon the magnetic susceptibility of nickel. [1889.] London Phys. Soc. Proe., 11, 1892, 47-49; Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 136-138. - Some experiments with selenium cells. [1890.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 11, 1892, 61-67 ; Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 250-256. On the changes produced by magnetisation in the length of iron and other wires carrying currents. Roy. Soc. Proc., 51, 1892, 495-503. — Magnetic phenomena. [1890.] Roy. Inst. Proc., 13, 1893, 50-55. — Some meteorological problems. A lecture delivered before the Boyal Meteorol. Soc., March 15th, 1893. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 19, 1893, 161-171. — The cloudy condensation of steam. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), '388. — On the effect of magnetisation upon the dimensions of wires and rings of annealed iron. Hoy. Soc. Proc., 55, 1894, 228-234. — On the effect of magnetisation upon the dimensions of iron rings in directions perpendicular to the mag- netisation, and upon the volume of the rings. Roy. Soc. Proc., 56, 1894, 94-99. — On the recurrent images following visual impressions. Boy. Soc. Proc., 56, 1894, 132-145. — The electrical properties of selenium. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 13, 1895, 552-578; Phil. Mag., 40, 1895, [1893.] Boy. Inst. Proc., [1896.] Nature, 233-256. Fogs, clouds and lightning. 14, 1896, 97-107. — Diselectrification by phosphorus. 55 (1896-97), 6, 155. — On subjective colour phenomena attending sudden changes of illumination. [1896.] Boy. Soc. Proc., 60, 1897/368-377. — Subjective colour phenomena. [1897.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 367-368. - Subjective transformations of colour. Nature, 56 (1897), 128. — On the negative after-images following brief retinal excitation. Roy. Soc. Proc., 61, 1897, 268-271. Some curiosities of vision. [1897.] Boy. Inst. Proc. , 15, 1899, 3.34-365. - Multiple vision. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 559- 561. — Magnetic strain in bismuth. Nature, 60 (1899), 222. — Dark lightning flashes. Nature, 60 (1899), 591. — On the formation of multiple images in the normal eye. Boy. Soc. Proc., 64, 1899, 241-245. Bidwell, IF'. D, The human eye : the changes which occur in middle life. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 101-103. Bie, L. H. Kombinationslau-e. En fremstilliiig til brug ved selvstudiurn. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 6 (A), 1895, 81- 126. Bie, V. Om lysets virkning paa mikroorganismer. Skand. Natf. Fo'rh., 1898, 344-345. Bieber, V. Bin Dinotherium-Skelet aus dem Eger-Fran- zensbader Tertiarbecken. Wien, Geol. Verb.., 1884, 299- 305. Biedermann, Alfred. Ueber Thiophenaldehyd und die dem Benzylalkohol entsprechende Verbindung der Thio- phenreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., Ill, 1886, 636-640, 1853-1857. — Ueber das Thiophenol und das a-Naphtol der Thio- phenreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1615- 1620. Biedermann, Alfred, & Jacobson, P[aul], Ueber eine dem Naphtalin entsprechende Verbiudung der Thio- phenreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2444- 2447. Biedermann, Alfred, & Lepctit, Robert [Albert Einile], Ueber die Indigosynthese aus Anilidoessigsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3289-3291. Biedermann, Ernst. Production, Verwenduug und Ver- theilung der Edelmetalle in tabellarischeu Nachweisungen und Erlauterungen. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitteu- u. Salinenw., 46, 1898 (AMi.), 1-68. Biedermann, Georij. Kephalonia und Ithaka. [1886.] Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 11, 1887, 21-53. Biedermann, Juh[annes]. Ueber Paroxybenzylalkohol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2373-2376. — Ueber Chinolin-p-rnethenylamidoxim uud Abkornm- linjje desselbeu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2761-2767. — Ueber Glutarendiamidoxim und Abkiimmlinge des- selben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2967-2973. — Ueber Urnwaudlungsproducte der Phenyl-a-oxycro- tonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 4074- 4082. — Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise des Amids, Auilids und Phenylhydrazids der Mandelsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.; 24, 1891, 4083-4084. Biedermann, K[nrl], & Jannasch, Paul [EhrJiardf], See Jannasch A Biedermann. Biedermann, Paul. Ueber Multiplicatorgleichungen hiilierer Stufe. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 37, 1885, 201-221. 68—2 Biedermann] [Biedl — Ueber Multiplicator-Gleiohungen hoberer Stul'e ini Gebiete tier elliptischeu Functionen. Arch. Math. Phys., 5, 1887, 1-90. Biedermann, l^mlnl/ili]. To reference iu No. 5 ()'»/. 9) mill Deutseh. Natf. Tagebl., 1874. 182-183. Biedermann, liU-lmnl. Ueber Fusshaltung im Fluge. Ornith. Jbucli., 7, 1896, 85-101. — Jugendfarbungen von Iris und Gefieder. (Ein Hin- weis auf die systematische Verwertiiug derselben.) Ornith. Jlmch., 8, 1897, 1-6. — Die Federn im Magen cler Podicipes-Arten. Ornith. Jbuch., S, 1897, 6-8. — Raubvogelzug in der holsteiuischen Kiistengegend. Ornith. Jbuch., 8, 1897, 9-10. - Die Raubvogel des Fiirstentums Liibeck und niichster li.i-ebung. Ornitb. Ml>er., 6, 1898, 73-81, 121-130, 159-103. Biedermann, 11 ilhclnt. *Ueber electrische Reizuug der Muskeln uud Nerveu. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 155-156. Beitriige zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelpbysio- logie. 14. Mittheiluog. Ueber das Heiz ion Helix pomatia. (Ein Beitiug zur vtrgleicheuden Physiologic der Muskeln.) Wien, Ak. Sber. , 89, 1884 (Abth. 3), 19-55. — Einiges neuere iiber sekundar-elektromotorische Erscheinungen an Muskeln und Nerven. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 878-383. Beitriige zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 17. Mittheilung. Ueber die elektrische Erreguug des Schliessmuskela von Anodonta. Wien, Ak. Sber., 91, 1885 (Ablh. 3), 29 96. Ueber antagonistische Polwirkuugen bei elektriscber Muskelreizung. [1886.] Biol. Centrbl., 5, [1886], 627- 1139. — Beitriige zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 18. Mittheilung. Ueber Hemmungserscheinungen bei elektrischer Keizung quergestreifter Muskeln und iiber positive kathodische Polarisation. [1885.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 (Abth. 3), 142-182. Ueber die Eiuwirkung des Aethers ant' einige elektro- motorische Erscheinungen an Muskeln und Nerven. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 201-202. Zur Histologie und Physiologic der Schleimsecretion. [1886.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 202; Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 (Ablh. 3), 250-272. Beitiiige zur allgerneinen N'ei veil- und Muskelphysio- logie. 19. Mittheilung. Ueber das elektromotorische Verhalten des Muschelnerven bei galvanischer Reizung. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93. 1886 (Abtli. 3), 56-98. - Beitriige zur allgemeiuen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- lof/ie. 20. Mittheilung. Ueber die Inneivation der Krebsscheere. (Ein Beitrug zur vergleiehenden Nerven- und Muskelphysiologie.) Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Al'ih. 3), 7-46. . Zur Kenntuiss der Nerven und Nerveuendigungen in den quergestreiften Muskeln der Wirbellosen. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 3), s 39. . Beitriige zur allgemeinen Nerven- und MuskelphyMo logie. 21. Mittheilung. Ueber die Innervation der Krebsschere. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., ',17, 1889 (Abth. 3), 49-82. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 22. Mittheilung. Ueber die Einwirkuug des Aethers auf einige elektromotorische Erscheinungen an Muskeln und Nerven. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 3), 84-123. — Beitriige zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio logie. Dreiundzwanzigate Mittheilung. Ueber secunuare Erregung von Muskel zum Muskel. [1888.] Wieu, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 3), 145-160. — Zur Physiologic der glatten Muskeln. Nach geinein- schaftlich mil l)r M. SIMCIIOWITZ angestellten \ 1-1 -uchcn. Ptliiger, Arch. Physiol., 45, 1889, 309-388. — Ueber den Ursprung und die Endigung der Nerren iu den Gauglien wirbelloser Thiere. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (IU. 2. Ablii. 2), 63-64. — Zur Physiologic der glatteii Muskeln. PHiiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 398-421. — Zur Lehre von dei elektrischen Erregung querge- streit'ter Muskeln. Pfliiger, Arcb. 1'hysiol., 47, 1890, 243-273. — Ueber den Urspruug und die Endigungsweise der Nerven in den Ganglien wirbelloser Tiere. Jena. Ztschr., 25, 1891, 429-4tlC,. — Ueber den Farbenwechsel der Fritsche. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 51, 1892, 455-508. — Ueber Zellstrcime. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 54, 1893. 209-277. Beitriige zui \vrglfichenden Physiologic der Yer- dauung. i. Die Verdauung der Larve von Tenebrio molitor. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 105-1H2. - Beitriige zur Kenutniss der Reflexfunction des Riickenmarkes. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 80, 1900, 408- 469. Biedermann, ll'illn-l»i, it Ittoritz, /'. Beitriige zur ver- glt-ic'heiideu Pbysiologie der Verdauung. n. Ueber ein celluloselosendes Enzvin im Lebersecret der Schnecke (Helix pomatia). Pflflger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898, 219- 287. — Beitriige zur vergleieheuden Physiologie der Ver- dauung. in. Ueber die Function der sogeuaunten "Leber" der Mollusken. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 75, 1899, 1-86. Biedert, J'/,\iIi]i/i]. Die " sogeuannte " Abhandlung Tsi '|[|'.H.\OFK'S uher Fettdiarrhiie. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 22, 1885, 208-212. - Beitrag zur Frage nach der Constanz der Spaltpilze (Kokkobacillus zygmogenus und Bacterium termo). Virehow, Arch., iOO, 1885, 439-15'J. — Erwiderung [an F. HUITK-SKVLEK: "Ueber Trennung des Casein vom Albuuiin iu der menschlichen Milch "]. Ztsclir. I'hr.-iol. Chem., 9, 1885, 354-355. — Casern und Fett iiu Sauglingsdarm. Bemerkungen zu vorstehendem Aufsatz des llerrn TSCHERNOFF : [Untersuchungen der Trockensubstanz des Kothes auf seinen Gehalt an Stiekstoff etc.]. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 28, 1888, 21-24. — Ueber normale Milchverdauung. Jbueh. Kinderheilk., 2«, 1888, 344-384. — Zur Chemie der Eiweisskc'irper der Milch. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 32, 1891, 383 334 — Kuhmilehproduction und Kindercrnahrung. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. B., (1894, 3), 199-206. — Referat iiber den jetzigen Stand der kiinstliehen Sauglingseruiihrung mit Milch und Milchpraparaten. Deutsch. Natf. Veil.., 1897 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 2), 133-137. Biedert, Fli[ilipp], & Sigel, (i[iut-354. Bielinski, Jozef. Stan nauk matematyczuo-fizyezoych za czasow Wszechnicy Wilenskiej. Szkic bibliograficzny. [Mathematische und physikalische Wisseuschaften auf der Universitat zu Wilna. Bibliographischer Abriss.] Prace Mat. -Fix., 2, 1890, 265-432; Fortschr. Math. 1890, 4. Bielka von Karltreu, Arthur (Rittcr). Ein Fall vim linksseitiger Doppelniere. Virchow Arch. 152 1898 545-550. — Ein Narkosekorb fiir Thiere. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol , 80, 1900, 233-235. - Ueber die Vereinigung der unteren Hohlvene mit der Pfortader. [1900.] Arch. Exper. Path., 45, 1901, 56- 65. Bielschowsky, [I-: mil]. [Demonstration eines Kranken mit corticaler Ataxie.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1891 (Abth. 1), 92-93. Bielschowsky, Alfred. Ueber monoculiire Diplopie ohne physikalische Grundlage uebst Beinerkungen iiber das Sehen Schielender. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 46, 1898, 143- 183. — Untersuclningen iilier das Sehen der Schielenden. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 50, 1900, 406-509. Bielschowsky, Alfred, EK EYCKE en bare gevolgen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1875, 70-86, 206-211. — *Iets over de "Tbeorie des fonctions de variables imuginaires," par 717. Maximilien MAKIE. Nieuw Arch. Wish., 2, 1876, 150-160; 3, 1877, 21-32; 4, 1878, '.lfi-99. - *Iets over den tweede-machtswortel uit eene vier- ledige wortelgrootheid. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 3, 1877, 208-210. — "Herleiding van gelijknamige machten. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 5, 1879, 208-210. - *Geluksspelen met dobbelsteenen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 6, 1880, 49-66, 113-123. Bouwstoffeu voor de geschiedenis der wis- en natuur- kundige wetenschappeu in de Nederlanden. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 19, 1884, 1-38, 78-84, 249-295; 20, 1884, 102-195, 197-233; 1, 1885, 224-244; 3, 1887, 69-119; 4, 1888, 65-96; 6. 1889, 103-118; 9, 1892, 4-47; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 21-22 ; 1885, 12-13; 1886, 10-11; 1887, 14 ; 1889, 12-13. - Twee zeldzame werkeu van Benedictus SPINOZA. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 11, 1884, 49-82. - Een uiterst zeldzaam werk van Albert GIRARD, " Invention nouvelle en 1'algebre." Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 11, 1884, 83-152. — Quelques lettres inedites de Eene DESCAKTES et de Constautyn HUYHENS. Ztschr. Math. Phys. , 32, 1887 (Hist. -lit. Abth.), 161-173. — Quelques renseignements sur ['edition de la corres- pondance et des oeuvres de Christian HDYGENS. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1889 (Pt. 2), 233-237. — Materialien fiir die Geschiehte der Mathematischen Gesellschafts-Mitglieder in den Niederlandeu. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 (Festschr., Tl. 1), 79-83. — Bibliographie de 1'bistoire des sciences mathematiques aux Pays-Bas. Bibl. Math., 1891, 13-22. — Renseignements sur 1'editiou de la correspondance et des ceuvres de Chr. HCYGESS. Ass. Franc. C. K., 1892 (Pt. 2), 159-166. — Bouwstoffeu voor de geschiedenis der wis- en natuur- kundige wetenschappen in de Nederlauden. [1893.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verb. (Sect. 1), 2, 1894, No. 1, 60 pp. Bierfreund, Max. Beitrag zur hereditaren Syphilis des Centralnerveusystems. Beitr. Path. Anat., 3, 1888, 387- 401. — Untersuchungen iiber die Todtenstarre. (Gekronte Preisarbeit.) Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 43, 1888, 195- 216. — Ueber die Eiumuudungsweise der Muller'schen Gange in den Sinus urogenitalis bei dein menschlichen Embryo. Ztschr. Geburtsblf. Gyuiik., 17, 1889, 1-12. Bieringer, E. Die unterirdische Kabelanlage des Tele- phouuetzes Nurnberg-Fiirth. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 6, 1885, 487-489. Biermann, J/o.r. Indische Fragmente. 3. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Eutwicklungsgeschichte der Friichte von Citrus vulgaris, Risso, und anderen Citrusarteu. Arch. Pharin., 235, 1897, 19-27. Biermann, [August Leo] Otto. Zur Theorie der Abbildung mittels gebrochener rationale!' Fuuctionen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 (Abth. 2), 84-99. — Beitrag zur Theorie der eindeutigen analytischeu Functioneu mehrerer Veranderlichen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 (Abth. 2), 266-282. — Ueber die regelmassigen Korper hdherer Dimension. [1884.] Wieu, Ak. Sber., 9(1, 1885 (Abth. 2), 144-159. — Ueber die singularen Losuugen eines Systems gewohn- licher Differeutialgleichungeu. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 (Abth. 2), 897-907. — Das Potential im ra-dimensionalen Eaume. Lotos, 34, 1885, 93-114. — Ueber n simultane Differentialgleichungen der Form i; A'urf.r,, = 0. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 30, 1885, 234-244. u-l — Zur Theorie der Fuchs'schen Functionen. [1885.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 (Abth. 2), 1137-1152. — Ueber die regelmassigen Punktgruppen in Eaunien hoherer Dimension und die zugehcirigen lineareu Sub- stitutionen mehrerer Variabeln. Wieu, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 523-548. — Ueber das algebraische Gebilde »'"' Stufe im Gebiete von (n+ 1) Griissen. Wieu, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 802-824. — Bemerkungen zur Ermittlung der algebraisch 16s- baren Gleichungen fuuften Grades. Lotos, 37, 1889, 25-34. — Zur Theorie der Doppelintegrale expliciter irrationaler Functionen. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 2u), 340-363. — Ueber die Darstellung der Fuchs'schen Fuuctionen erster Faniilie durch unendliche Producte. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 1, 1890, 49-70; 3, 1892, 143-168. — Ueber die Eesultante ganzer Functionen. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 2, 1891, 143-146. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Abel'scheu Integralen. Mhefte. Math. Pbys., 3, 1892, 21-30. — Ueber die Bildung der Eliminanten eines Systems algebraischer Gleichuugeu. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 5, 1894, 17-32. — Zur Lie'schen Theorie von den partielleu Differential- gleichungen. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 48, 1896, 665- 693. — Zur Reduction Abel'si'lu'r Integrale auf elliptische. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 2u), 924-931. — Ueber Functionen zweier reeller Variable!!. Math. Ann., 48, 1897, 393-400. Ableituug einer analytischen Darstellung der Epiel- lipside. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 8, 1897, 87-94. — Ueber unendliehe Doppelreihen und unendliche Doppelproducte. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 8, 1897, 115- 137. — Benierkuugen iiber die einer algebraischen Curve adjungierteu Curven. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 10, 1899, 373-375. Biermanu] 541 I Biervliet — Ueber die Evoluten von Raumcurven. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 11, 1900, 59-63. — Ueber die naherungsweise Bestimmung der Lcisungeu mehrerer Gleichungeu. Mhefte. Math. Pliys., 11. 1900, 148-154. — Ueber die Discriminante einer in der Theorie der doppelt-periodischen Functionen auftretenden Trans- formationsgleichung. Wien, Ak. Sher., Kl'.i, 1900 (Al>th. •2n), 849-H63. Biermann, /,'«}'. 461-462. - H.-idania wst^pne nad oporem iskry. [Einleitende Untersuohnngen iiber deu Widerstand einer Funken- strecke.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 5, 1894, 85-102; Fortschr. Phys., 1894 (Abth. 2), 476-177. - () Illiono.l.II.lloi'l II :i.li'i;r|HI'ICCKOi1 IICKpU. [Sur la conductibiht.' ile I'l'tincelle electriinie.] [1894.] Var- sovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1893-94 ((•'. 11., Plujx. Chim.), Xn. fi, 7-8. — OllHTU T'El'Ua C'L :tei>IcajiaMII. [HtiiTz's experi- ments with mirrors.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 (C. 11. ), 80-86. — Eine eiufache objective Darstellung dc-r Hertz'schen Spiegelversuche. Ann. Phys. Chem., 55, 1895, 599- 603; 56, 1895, 788; Prace Mat.-Fiz., 7. 1896, 141-1111. — 0 oporze iskry elektrycznej. [Sur la resistance de 1'etinoelle electrique.] Prace Mat. -Fix., (1, 1895, 1411-150; Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 (C. A'.), 146-150; .11. Phys., 4, 1895, 474-478. — Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Aluminiamamalgam. Ann. Phys. Chem., 59, 1896, 6(14-667. — Kilka mvag o rurkach CA»NIAIII> I>K LA TouKa. [Sur les tubes dr CAC.XIAHI> DE LA Ton;.] Wiad. Matli. , 2, 1898, 126-130. , -. iii Bonpocy o MarmiTiiojn, iiaK.iononiii BI> .IpCBHOCTH. [Sur les amas magnetiques dans 1'an- tiquit^.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1899 {C. R., Phys. Chim.), ATo. 2, 21 pp. OIIHTOB'I) FEPua n MAI'I;OHII. [Application of the incandescent lamp for demonstrating HEKTZ'S and MARCONI'S experiments.] Huss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Plii/s.). 1900, 50-52. Biernaux, Fern, nut, & Anschiitz, Rifliartl. See Anschutz A Biernaux. Bierry, -- . Kecherchi's sur les feriin'iits do 1'embryon. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C1. /.'.), 1080-1081. Biervliet, Albert \. MnrU1 Joseph] run. For biographical notice nfn Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 15, 1891 (I't. 1), 86. — La graduation des galvanometres et amperes-metres. Brux. Soe. Sci. Ann., 11, 1887 (/'/. 1), (111-117. — I n prorrde qui facilite la determination du tenijis dr pose necessaire en photographic. [1887. J Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 12, 1888 (/'/. 1), 72. — Inverses applications de la methode dr PMI.OI:\HOI:I ;i certains cas particuliers de goniometrie et A 1'etude des indices de refraction. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 12, 1888 (I't. 1), 74-75. — Observations au sujet des regulati'iirs de temperature. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 12, 1888 (I't. I), 75-77. — Contribution a 1'etude des dilatations pur la mesure du deplacement des franges d'nitoilV-ri'iice. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 12, 1888 (/'(. 2|, 215-250. — Description d'un areometre a poids et a volume variables. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 14, 1890 (I't. 1) 60-61. Biervliet, ./. ./. run. 1'eln'r den Einlluss der ( Irschwin- digkeit des Pulses anl ilii- Xcildauer der lieactionszeit bei Schulleindriioken. Phil. Stud., 10, 1894. 1(1(1-1(17. — Ueber deu Eiutiuss der Geachwiudigkeit des Pulses aiif die Zeitdauer der Reactionszeit bei Licht- und Tasteindriicken. Phil. Stud., 11, 1895, 125-134. — L'iisymetrie sensorielle. Brux., Ac. Bull., 34. 1897, 326-3IU1. — Les forme.-, de passage en psychologic. Krv. Quest. Sci., 43, 1898, 497-523. — Noyau d'origine du nerf ooulo-moteur eoiuniun du lapiu ; limites, structure et localisations. Cellule, 16, 1899, 5-33. Biervlietl 545 [Bigaignon — Le probleme de la memoire en psychologic experi- mentale. Rev. Quest. Sci., 48, 1900, 454-487. Bierwirth, ,T. G. The relations of the so-called " Christian science cure" and "faith cure" to public health and boards of health, and to the medical profession. N. Y. Med. Jl., 50, 1889, 713-716. — Quantitative tests for urea. N. Y. Med. Jl., 54, 1891, 568-572. Biesc, Ernst. [Om den Finska Polarexpeditionen till Sodankyla och Kultalti aren 1882-83 och 1883-84.] ir. Expeditionens fortgang och vigtigaste resultat. Helsingfors, Bidrag, 42, 1885, 46-73. — Absoluta magnetiska bestamningai vid Meteorologiska Centralanstalten i Helsingfors. Helsiugfors, Of'vers., 29, 1887, 143-148; 30, 1888, 79-81; 31, 1889, 164-166. — Berattelse ofver Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Mete- orologiska Centralanstalts varksamhet fran 1890, Maj, intill [slutet af ar 1899]. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 33, 1891, 209-225 ; 34, 1892, 295-307 ; 35, 1893, 144-153 ; 36, 1894, 187-197 ; 37, 1895, 201-2(19 ; 38, 1896, 221-231 ; 39, 1897, 266-277; 40, 1898, 241-251; 41, 1900, 130- 139; 42, 1900, 348-361. — [Atlas de Finlande.] Mete'orologie. Les materiaux meteorologiques. Fennia, 17, 1899, A'os. 5-7, 96, 15 pp. Biese, Ernst, & Heinrichs, Axel. .S'ei? Heinrichs it Biese. Biesenthal, [Paul]. Ueber den Einfluss des Piperazins auf die harnsaure Diathese. Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894, 51-77. — Die Wohnungsdesinfektiou ruit Hilfe von Form- aldehyd. Gongr. Int. Hig. Act. (1898, 2), 160-168. Ueber die Mullschmelze, eiu neues Verfahren zur lucrativen Beseitigigung des Hausmiills erfunden von Carl WEOENER. Congr. Int. Hig. Act. (1898, 4), 144- 150. Biesiadecki, Alfred. For biographical notice and works see Kosnios (Lwow), 14, 1889, 96-98. - *Ueber die Verheilung durchschnittuer Blutgefasse und Infarctbildung. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872, 217- 218. Bieske, . Die Methoden der Tiefbohrung. [1884.] Kdnigsb. Schr., 25, 1885 (Sber.), 6-7. Bictrix, Alexandre. Sur 1'acide dibromogallique et les dibromogallates. Paris Soc. Chirn. Bull., 7, 1892, 411- 417. — Sur quelques ethers de 1'acide galliciue et de 1'acide dibromogallique. I'aris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 623- 625. — Sur les ai'ides triacetyl- et tribenzoyl-dibromogalliques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 115-117. — Sur 1'acide monobroruogallique et ses derives. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 241-243. — Sur quelques derives du gallate de methyle et du dibromogallate de methyle. Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 9, 1893, 692-696. — Recherches sur la chloruration de 1'acide gallique. Formation d'acide dichlorogallique et de trichloropyro- gallnl. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 122, 1896, 1545-1548; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 904-907. — Sur une matiere colorante derivee de 1'acide dibromo- gallique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 235-236. — Action de la nitrosodimethylauiline sur quelques derives bromes de 1'acide gallique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull, 15, 1896, 404-408. — Action de la phenylhydrazine sur 1'acide gallique et sur 1'acide dibromogallique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 783-786. Bietnx, Alfxundre, & Cazeneuve, Paul. Sec Cazeneuve A Bietrix. Bictnx , A'[H(7f'i„.„ i0a-i_n*. 519-525. '. T • _ c. c,,; T?,,H A riftani. i!5-'.ix. u ous. a et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 4, [1890], b5-98. Note sur les champignons parus en jui n 189b. Saone.et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896, 1311-142, 1. s reeoltes en SaSne-et -Loire to the rotation rings. Sidereal Messenger, _!l The pl—ena of cooling envelopes. Sidereal Mes- ew magnetic fields surrounding the sun. Astr. * Astrmihvs 12 1893, 706-717, 848. i He ffaphie longitudes referred to the solar magnetK. prime meridian. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 8 ' of temperatures in the 26-68 daj -solar /•Ramai-d (May 12, 1887) from ^hr"al plar'siS'MeLn,,, 6, 1887, 320- 21The computation of clock corrections. Sidereal |V' 7> ^ransk'inlriiment. Sidereal Messenger, latic photographic transits. Amer. Ass. Proc., _^8The°solar corona, discussed by spherical harmonics. Smithsonian [Contrib.], No. f,91, 1889. 22 pp. On the corona, a solar aurora. Amer. Ass. t 1890, 105; Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890 «3-3»8. — The U. S. N. eclipse expedition to West Alii Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 145-148. _ Exhibition and description of a new scientific n ment, the aurora-inclinometer. Amer. Ass. Pi-oc., 18 ^Vfolution of the aurora problem. Amer. Jl. Sci. , 41, J89!' i"ply'to Prof. NIPHEK on "The theory of the solar 26-68 day period. [1894.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl, 1 ra, results. [1894.] Amer. Mete- T e Newton^ potential function in the case of repulsion. Amer. Jl oeof the variations of the magnetic needle Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 253-256. -tt ndardizing photographic films without the use of a standard light. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1891, 119- Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 385-391. The law of the solar corona. Astr. Soc. Pacifi _ The polar rauiauon from the sun, and its influence in forming the high and low atmospheric pressures ot the United States. Astr. & Astrophys., 13. 1894, 2, ^'West Indian hurricanes and solar magnetic influence. Astr V \strovhvs., 13, 1894, 441-443. _A The comparison of temperature with magnetic hori- zontal force. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 22 (1894), 415-416, 460, 504. . -n _ Tl,r Earth a magnetic shell. Amer. Jl. S _^9Solar~magnetism in meteorology. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 11 (1894-95), 319-332. The status of the solar magnetic problem. Sci -il "he" connection between sunspots and the weather. U S Monthly Weath. Rev., 23 (1895), 91-92 _ Meteoiology and magnetism. U. S. Monthly \\eath. Rev, 23 (1895), 335-336, 371. _ International cloud observations. Science, 3, 11196, -^Remarks on Prof. W. S. FRANKLIN'S review [of •authors papers on solar and terrestrial magnetism]. Scie,] form for the components of systems of structure Observatory. London, 14, 1891, pi _!!: The neJ - aurora-inclinometer. Sidereal Messenger, —'Thfcauses ofthe variations of the terrestrial magnetic needle and the unexplained motion of the perihelion ot Mercury F1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 39. Tene'strial magnetism. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. series 01 iu^..«— -1 cloud observations made bv the U. S. Weather Bureau, and their relations to meteorological problems. Amer. Ass. Proc 1897, 111.. The standard system of coordinate axes for magnetic and meteorological observations and computations. U. 8. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., Al _ On the pnoiograpii.c method of determining stellar places by Uansits freed from the error of personal equation. Astr. & Astrophys., 11 1892 42-49. -_ On a simple mounting for a large telescope in the Held during eclipse observations. Astr. & Astrophys., 11 1892, 257-268. - Notes on a new method for the discussion ot mag- path ot tile toiai «-u IM- nTone or naosi Monthly Weath. liev., 25 (1897), 394-395; 2b (1898), ^Temperature and vapor gradients in the atmosphere. _"TheAptructure'of cyclones and anticyclones. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 129-132. Cyclones, hurricanes and tornadoes. U. S. _ Abstract 01 a report on solar and terrestrial mag- netism in tbeir relations to meteorology. U. b. \\ ; No. 21. "Solar and terres- Billow] 547 [Biggs trial magnetism in their relation to meteorology." Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 453-4(52. — Some of the results of the international cloud work for the United States. Amer. Jl. Sci., 8, 1899, 433-444. — Preliminary report from the observations of 189!) taken to survey the cloud conditions of the eclipse track of 1900. Astrbphys. Jl., 10, 1899, 220-221. — The function of criticism in the advancement of science. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 252-261, 292-306. — Result of the observations of the Weather Bureau for the probable cloudiness of the sky along the path of the total eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 1900. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 451-458. — Work of the meteorologist for the benefit of agri- culture, commerce, and navigation. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1899, 71-92. — Balloon ascensions on March 24, 1899, in France. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 197-198. — The probable state of the sky along the path of total eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 1900, observations of 1899. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 27, 1899, 23 pp. — Report on the international cloud observations, May 1, 1896, to July 1, 1897. [1900.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Rep., 1898-99 (2), 787 pp. — Line integrals in the atmosphere. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 535-537, v. Bigelow, Fredk. A., & Kinnicutt, Leonard P. See Kinnicutt \ Bigelow. Bigelow, Ht'iiry Jacob. For biography and list of works see N. Y. Med. Jl., 52, 1890, 549; '72, 1900, 393-394; Amer. Ac. Proc., 26, 1891, 339-351; Med.-Chir. Trans., 74, 1891, 13-15. Bigelow, Horatio R[iplet/]. "The mechanism of direction. Science, 2, 1883, 622-623. - The cholera bacillus. Science, 5, 1885, 454-455. Bigelow, Maurice A[lp!iet, A Koerner, Guglielmo. See Koerner ,V Biginelli. Bigler I'lrii-h. Potential einer elliptischen Walze. Arch. Math. 1'hys., 3, 1886, 337-44(»; 0, 1888, -225-275; 7.1889. 225-310. Bigler] [Bigot • Betrachtung des riiumliclien Integrals ausgedehnt iiber das Innere des Ellipsoides v, y, z., d.r dy dz Bern Mitth., 1887, 52-61. — Potential einer elliptischen Scheibe von der Dichtig- keit 1, deren Punkte den Gleichungen ~ + -jj-Sl, z = 0 genugeu.abgeleitet mittelst des discontirruirlichen Faktors von DIEICHLET. Bern Mitth., 1887, 02-71. - Potential eines homogenen rechtwinklichen Parallele- pipedes. Bern Mitth., 1887, 1-27-142. - Ueber Gammafunctioneu init beliebigeui Parameter. Crelle, Jl. Math., 102, 1888, 237-254. - Ueber Cassinische Curven. Arch. Math. Phys., 7, 1889, 311-324. -- Sechs Beweise fiir den die elliptischen Integrale erster Gattung betreffendeu Additionssatz. Arch. Math. Phys., 7, 1889, 401-425. - Auswertung einiger beetimmten Integrale durch An- wendung des freien Integrationsweges. Arch. Math. Phys., '.I, 1890, 60-94. - Ueber die Reflexion an einer Kugelflaehe. Arch. Maih. Phys., 10, 1891, 113-153. — Ueber die Darstc-llung des Potentiates einer durch eine Kugelflache vou Badius r\ nach innen oder nach aussen begrenzten Masse fiir einen Pnnkt des leeren Kauraes, wenn dasselbe auf der begrenzeudeu Flache bekannt ist. Aarau, Mitth., 6, 1892, 1-41. - Einige Bemerkungen fiber die Lame'schen Functionen zweiter Art. Arch. Math. Phys., 12, 1894, 113-154, 225- 273. - Bewegung der Planeten mittelst Variation der ellipti- schen Bahnelemente behandelt. Aarau, Mitth., 7, 1895, 34-111. — Ueber die Isotinien uud Isophasen der Function /'(j-) = (x+l)(.r-l)(.T-2). Arch. Math. Phys., 14, 1896, 337-359. — Conibrme Abbildung der innern Flache eines Kreises in die innere Flache eines regularen Vielecks. Arch. Math. Phys., 14, 1896, 300-397. - Ueber barometrische Hohenmessungen. Aarau, Mitth., 8, 1898, 1-24. - Die Bewegung eines materiellen Punktes uuter dern EinHusse einer Centralkraft. Arch. Math. Phys., 16, 1898, 358-446. Bignami, Awicn. Die Tropentieber und die Somuier- uud Herbst-Fieber der gemassigten Khniata. Centrbl. Bakt. (Ait. 1), 24, 1898, 650-660. - Wie man Malarianeber bekomrnt. [1898.] Untersuch. Nat., 16, 1899, 548-570. Bignami, Amic-v, & Bastianelli, Giuseppe. Ueber den Bau der Halbmoudformen nnil der Geisselkorperchen. Unter- such. Nat., lli, 1899, 595-600. See also Bastianelli \ Bignami. Bignami, Amico, & Dionisi, Antonio. Le anernie post- malariche e le anernie tos-iche croniche sperimentah. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Patol.), 235-239. Bignami, Arnica. Bastianelli, (iiuseppe, & Grassi. Giovaii liattista. >SVf Bastianelli, Bignami it Grassi. Bignami, Amim, Grassi, ijiin-un Battista, & Bastianelli, (jiuxrppe. '•• • Grassi, Bignami & Bastianelli. Bignami, Carlo, & Testoni, Giuseppe. Hull' olio di prezzemolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pi. 1), 240-253. Bignamini, Angela. Sopra uu metodo per dosare la saccarosa, lo zucchero invertito e la lattina, quando trovansi riuuiti in un medesimo liquido, ed applieazione all' anali.si del latte condensato con zuccaro di cauua. Ann. di Chim., 78, 1884, 5-10. Bignell, (/.(.) !•'• II. Lake Mistassini. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 2, 1886, 243-245. Bignell, G[eorge] C[arter\. Eriopeltis Festucte, Fount-., a scale insect new to the British fauna. Entomologist, 18, 1885, 280-287. — Contribution towards the fauna of the neighbourhood of Plymouth. [Hymenoptera : Ichneumonidee.] [1880. ] Plymouth Inst. Trans., 9, 1887. 318-326. —'British oak-galls. Plymouth Inst. Trans., 9, 1887, 391-392. — Description of a new species of British Ichneuraonidse. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, xv-xvi. — A new species of Cynipidse. Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 176-177. — Pimpla Epeiffe, n. sp. Eut. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 37. — Address at the opening of the session 1893-4. [Re- marks on entomology.] [1893.] Plymouth Inst. Trans., 11, 1894, 271-294. - Two new species of lohneumonidaa from Devonshire. Eut. Month. Mag., 30, 1894, 255-256. Prenolepis vividula, an introduced ant new to Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 132-133. — Some observations on British oak-galls. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 205-207; 33, 1897, 54-55. Habits of Metopia leucocephala, Rossi. Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 221-222. - The Iclmeumonidie (parasitic flies) of the south of Devon. Devon. Ass. Trans., 30, 1898, 458-504. — Notes on Aphides. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 0. — Oak galls. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 9'J-IOO. — Photographic enlargements. Eut. Mouth. Mag., 34, 1898, 205-207. Neuroterus Schlechtendali bred. Eut. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 224-225. — Observations on Dryophanta disticha. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 275-276. Bignell, J. H. Notes on the Carboniferous rocks of the Cape Otvvay district. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1890, 466-467. Bigney, A. J. Ha-moglobin and its derivatives. Amer. Micr. Jl., 18, 1897, 220-222. Bignon, Alfred. Nouveau procede' d'extraction de la cocaine, alcalo'ide de la feuille de coca. Moniteur Sci., 27, 1885, 834-835. — Cocaine. Moniteur Sci., 27, 1885. 835-837. Bignon, (Mile.) Fanny. Sur les cellules aeriennes du crane des oiseaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. MiSin., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 36-37. Reeherches sur les cellules aerienues cervico-cepha- liques chez les Psittaeides. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888. 180-181. — Reeherches sur les rapports du systeme pneumatique de la tete des oiseaux avec le systeme dependant de 1'appareil pulmonaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40. 1888 (C1. R-l, 357-360. — Contribution a 1'etude de la pneumaticit^ ehez les oiseaux. Les cellules aeriennes cervico-cephaliques des oiseaux et leurs rapports avec les os de la tete. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 2, 1889, 260-320; Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 180-181. Note sur les reservoirs aeriens de 1'urubu (Cathartes atratus). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 39-40. Note sur les reservoirs aerieus de Sula bassana (fou de Bassan). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 90-91. Remarques sur le procede pour la preparation des poches aeriennes indiquc5 par 1U. PLATEAU. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 15, 1890, 99. L'inteUigence des oiseaux. Rev. Sci., 2, 1894, 365- 367. Bignon, (Mile.) Faiinij. it Pilliet, Alexandra. Set' Filliet it Bignon. Bignon, Jean. L'agriculture de la Boheme. France Soc. Agr. M<§m., 134, 1890, 367-369. Bigot, [/•'. A.]. Rapport sur les educations de vers a soie Bigot] 550 [Bigot faites pendant 1'annee 1885. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 33, 1886, 331-336. Bigot, [Pierre] A[lexan dans le territoire d'Assinie (Ai'rique occidentale) en juillet et aout 1886. Dipteres. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., GO, 1891, 365-386. — Catalogue of the Diptera of the Oriental Region. [1891.] Bengal Asiat. Hoe. Jl., HO (Pt. 2), 1892, 250-282; 61 (Pt. 2), 1893, 133-178, 178-236. — Description de trois nouveaux Dipteres de 1'Inde. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 17, 1892, 210-212. — Descriptions de Dipteres nouveaux. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 5, 1892, 602-691. — Description d'une espece nouvelle de Diptere parasite de Costa Kica. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 49. — Nova genera Dipterorum. Wieu. Eut. Ztg., 11, 1892, 161-162. Bigourdan, G[nillaume], "Observation de 1'eclipse partielle de lune du 12 aout 1878, faite a 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 1, 1880, 7-8. — Observations [de cometes et de planetes etc.] faites a 1'equatorial Secretau-Eichens (Tour de 1'Ouest). [1885- 1907.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obsn*.), 1881, F. 1-F. 12; 1882, F. 1-F. 9; 1883, F. 1-F. 20 ; 1884, F. 1-F. 20; 1885, F. 1- F.28; 1886, F. 1-F. 28; 1887, F. 1-F. 26; 1888, F.1-F.36; 1889, F. 1-F. 30; 1890, F. 1-F. 20 ; 1891, C. 1-C. 20; 1897, E.l-E.ll; 1898, D.l-D. 19; 1899, D. 3-D. 4; 1900, E.3- E.8 — Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a 1'equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest de 1880 a 1884. [1889.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obsns.), 1883, H. 81pp., J. 16. — Observations pour determiner la parallaxe de (12) Victoria, faites a 1'equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest. [1889.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Gisn.--.), 1883, I. 18pp. Observations de la Comete Pons-Brooks, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de Ora,31; Tour de 1'Ouest). Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 15-17. — Observations des positions relatives des deux noyaux principanx de la grande Comete de septembre 1882 (II, 1882). Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, l'J-2M. — Observations de la Comete Pons-Brooks et des petites planetes (115), (213), (230), et (235), faites a 1'Observa- toire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 84-86. -- Sur un moyen de rendre plus commode 1'usage des equatoriaux. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 169-171. — Observations des petites planetes (107), (115), (131), (141), (167), (189), (195), (196), et (199), faites a 1'Ob- servatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest, de Om,305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 1, 1884. 180-184. — Observations de la planete (236) Honoria, faites a 1'Ob- servatoire de Paris (equatorial de O'",305, Tour de 1'Ouest). Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 236-237. — Observations d'eclipses des satellites de Jupiter, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 388-389. — Sur une cause d'erreurs systematiques dans les mesures d'e'toiles doubles. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 139-445. — Observations de la nouvelle planete (236), decouverte a Vienne par M. J. PALISA le 26 avril 1884, faites a 1'Ob- servatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 1242. — Observation de la nouvelle plauete (237) Palisa, faite a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1569-1570. — Observation sde la nouvelle plunete (239) Palisa, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 366-367. — Observations de la Comete Wolf, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 535-536; Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 162- 166,, 273-276. — Eclipse de lune du 4 octobre 1884; equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest de 1'Observatoire de Paris (ouverture Om, 31, grossissement 95). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 560-562. — Observations de nebuleuses et d'amas stellaires. [1892-1907.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obxii*.), 1884, G. 103 pp ; 1888, D. 107 pp.; 1890, D. 241 pp.; 1891, E. lllpp.; 1897, G. 136 pp. ; 1898, G. 131 pp. ; 1899, F. 187 pp. ; 1900. F. 207 pp. — [Ueber den ueuen Stern im grossen Andromeda-Nebel.] Astr. Nadir., 112, 1885. 286, 404. — — - La grande coupole de I'Observatoire de Nice. Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 261-263. — Observations des Cometes Wolf (suite), Barnard et de la planete (241), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equa- torial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 273-276. — Observations des planetes (249), (250), (251) et de la Comete Brooks, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris. Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 566-568. — Observation de la Comete d'ExcKK, faite a 1'Observa- toire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 95, 335-336. Observations de la nouvelle plauete (246) Borrelly, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 896-897. — Observations de la nouvelle planete (248) Palisa, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 100, 1885, 1490-1491. — Observations de la nouvelle Comete Barnard, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 149-150, 1236; Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 378-380. — Observations de la nouvelle planete (249), faites a 1'Ob- servatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 501-502. — Sur les chaugements recents survenus dans la nrbu- leuse d'Andromede. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 559- 560. — Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks et de la nouvelle planete (250), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 560-561. — Sur I'e'toile nouvelle de la nebuleuse d'Andromede. Observations de la Comete Brooks, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 596-597. — Observations de la nouvelle planete (251) Palisa, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 696-697. — Instructions sur 1'usage de 1'equatorial et sur la reduc- tion des observations, suivies de tables et de diagrammes propres a faciliter la preparation et la reduction des observations e'quatoriales. [1893.] Paris Obs. Ann. (0&SJ1.1.I, 1885, G. 208 pp. — Observations de la Comete Fubrv et des petites planetes (181), (254), (258) et (259), faites a'l'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest, de 0"',31 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 493-495. — Observations de la Comete Barnard (1886 II), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest, ouverture Om,305). Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 584-.Vsi>. — Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks, faites a 1'OliMTvatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Palis, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 100-101. — Observations de la nouvelle plamtr (254), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 804-805. Bigourdan] 553 [Bigwirdan — Observations de la nouvelle Comete a 1886 (Brooks I), faites a 1'Observatoire fie Paris (equatorial tie la Tour de 1'Onest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1008-1009. — Observations de la Comete b 1886 (Brooks II) et de la nouvelle planete (258) (Luther), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1051-1052. — Observations de la nouvelle planete (259), faites a 1'Ob- servatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 103, 1886, 32. — Observations de la nouvelle planete (261), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 861. — Histoire de 1'astronomie a Toulouse, de 1'origine a la fondation de 1'Observatoire actuel. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, A. 1-A. 47. — Histoire des observatoires de 1'Ecole Militaire. Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 497-504; 5, 1888, 30-40. — Observations des nouvelles Cometes Brooks et Barnard, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de TOuest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 276-277. — Observations de la nouvelle Cornete Barnard (d 1887) et de la nouvelle planete (265) Palisa, faites a 1'Observatoire rle Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 559-560. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Barnard (e 1887), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1360. Sur la reduction de la distance apparente de deux astres voisins, a leur distance moyenne d'une epoque donnee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 606-608. — Observations de la nouvelle planete (270) Peters, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 658-659. — Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a 1'Observatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 926-929, 1116-1119. — Observation de la Comete a [Sawerthal] 1888, faite a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 919, 1060-1061. — Sur une disposition qui permettrait 1'emploi de puissants objectifs dans les observations meridienues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 998-1000. Sur les variations de 1'equation personnelle dans les mesures d'etoiles doubles. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. !(., 1011, 1888, 1II45-1646. — Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 419-420. — Observations de la nouvelle Comete Barnard, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R , 107, 1888, 495. — Observations de la nouvelle Cornete Barnard (1888 oct. 30) et de la uouvelle planete (281) Palisa, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 721-722. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Barnard a 1889 (1889 mars 31), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equa- torial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. I!., 108, 1889, 847-848. — Sur 1'aspect et sur un compagnon de la Comete Brooks (6 juillet 1889). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 401-402. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Swift (/ 1889 ; uov. 17), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 109, 1889, 791- 792; Astr. Naehr., 123, 1890. 141-142. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Borrelly (a 1889), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 933-934. Sur 1'equation personnelle dans les mesures d'etoiles doubles. Paris Obs. Ann. (Mem.), 19, 1889, C. 74pp., vii. . Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks (« 1890), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 694. Observations de la Comete Denning (1890 juillet 23), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., Ill, 1890, 355-356. — Observations de la nouvelle planete Cbarlois, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 412-413. — Observation de la Comete d'Arrest (retrouvee par .17. BARNARD le 6 oetobre 1890), faite a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 521. — Observations de la Comete Zona (1890 novembre 15), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de TOuest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.., Ill, 1890, 781; Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 107-110. — Sur une nebuleuse variable. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 471-474. — Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a 1'Observatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 647-650, 703-705, 848-850. — Observations de la Comete periodique Wolf, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tourde 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1352-1353. — Observations de la Comete periodique Tempel- Swift, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 455-45B. — [Beobachtuugen des Cometeu 1892... (Denning Marz 18).] Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 163-164. — Observations de la Comete a 1892 (Swift [, mars 6]), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 649-651, 824- 825. — Observations de la Comete c 1892, faites a 1'Observa- toire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 651-G52. — Sur les apparences actuelles de 1'anneau de Saturne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1167. — Observations de la nouvelle plauete Wolf, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 361. — Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks (C 1802) et de la nouvelle planete Wolf, faites h 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 384-385. — Observations de la nouvelle planete Wolf (1892 sept. 13), et de la planete Borrelly-Wolf (Erigone?), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Oucst). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 435-436. — Observations de la nouvelle Comete Barnard (>i l^U'2), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 585-586. — Observations de la nouvelle Coniete Holmes (t 1892), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 782-783. — Observation de 1'eclipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril 1893, faite a Joal (Senegal), a 1'Observatoire de la Mis- sion du Bureau des Longitudes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1181-1184. — Observations de la nouvelle Comete, b 1893, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 159-160. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks (1893 oct. 16), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tourdel'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C.R., 117,1893, 536-537. Sur 1'etoile uouvelle de 1892, T Auriga? = 1953 Chandler. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 117, 1893, 655-657. — Observations des Cometes 1893 (Rordame) et c 1893 (Brooks, 1893 oct. 16), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 657-659. — [Neuer Planet 1894 EC.] Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 103-104. — [Beobachtung des neuen Planeten 1894 BE.] Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 367-368. 70 Bigourdaul 554 [Bigourdan Observations de la Comete 1889 V (Brooks, ISM'.I juillet 6) et de 1'un de ses compagnons, faites a 1'Obser- vatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest, de 0"', 305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 263-205. — Observations de la Comete 1888 V (Barnard, 1888 octobre 30), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest, de 0"',305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894. 313-314. - Observations des Cometes 1889 II, 1889 III, 188!) VI et 1890 I, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest, de 0"',305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 396-397. — Observations de la Comete 1889 IV (Davidson, 1889 juillet 22), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest, de O'",305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894. 429-430. — Observations de la Comete 1889 I (Barnard, 1888 sept. 2), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial dr la Tour de 1'Ouest, de 0"',305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 489. — Observations de la nouvelle planete AV (Courty, 1894 fevrier 11), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 392-393. — Occultatiou de 1'Epi de la Vierge, le 22 mars 1894, observee a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1394-695. — Observations de la planete BC, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 118, 1894, 695-696. — Observations de la nouvelle Comete a 1894 (De-uuing, mars 26), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 730-731. — Determination de 1'iutensite relative de la pesanteur, faite a Joal (Senegal) par la mission chargee par le Bureau des Longitudes d'observer 1'eclipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril 1893. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1095-1096. — Resurn6 des observations meteorologiques faites a Joal (Senegal) par la mission chargee par le Bureau des Longitudes d'observer 1'eclipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril 1893. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1201- 1204. — Disparition de la tache polaire australe de Mars. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 633-634, 840-842. — Observations de la planete BE, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 785-786. — Observations de la nouvelle Comete c Swift (1*94 novembre 20), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 119, 1894, 894. — Observations de la plauete BC (1894 mars 24), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest, de Om,30o d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 12, 1895, 20-21. — Mesures micrometriques d'etoiles doubles, faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris, du 11 juillet 1890 au 31 decembre 1894. Bull. Astr., 12, 1896, 298-312. — Sur 1'orbite de la Comete de 1771. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 978-980. — Observations de la Comote Brooks (1895 m>v. 21), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour dr 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, '.129-930. — Observation d'un bolide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 930. — Sur la mesure micromctrique des petites distances angulaires celestes et sur un moyen de perfeetionner ce genre de mesures. Paris Obs. Ann. (J/rm.l, 21, 1895, E. 31 pp. — Inventaire general et sonmiaire des manuscrits de la bibliotheque de 1'Observatoire de Paris. Paris Obs. Ann. (Mem.), 21, 1895, F. GU pp. — Sur uric disposition permettant dc reproduire a distance et d'enregistrer indcrinirucnt les differences de declinaison donnees par un micrometre a vis. Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 209-214. — Observations des Cometes I'eniue (a 1896 et c 1895), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896. 364-365. — Sur un moyeu de recounaitre les plus petites variations de marche des horloges astronomique.s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 513-515. Observations de la uouvelle Comete Swift (\i 1896 = 1896 avril 13), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 979-980. — Observations de la uouvelle Comete Perrine (1896 nov. 2), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 730- 731. — Nouveau micrometre a double image, particulierement approprie a la mesure des petits diaruetres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 123, 1896, 1048-1050. Xrbuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a 1'Observatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 1243-1245; 124. 1897, 65-67, 133-135. — Sur la parallaxe aunuelle de 1'etoile 1822 Fedoreuko. Bull. Astr., 14, 1897, 105-115. — Sur la comparaison des durees d'oeoillation de deux pendules regies sensiblement a la rneme periode. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 279-280. — Observations de la uouvelle Comete Perrine (1897 oct. Ifi), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 592- 594. — Rapport sur les observations d'astronornie, de physique du globe et de rueteorologie faites a Joal (Senegal) (Longitude: I1' 16m 41" ouest de Paris. Latitude nord : 14° 9' 22") a 1'occasion de 1'eclipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril 1893. Paris, Bur. Long. Ann., 5, 1897, B. 117 pp. — Occultation des Pleiades par la lune, le 3 Janvier 1898, observee a 1'equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest de 1'Obser- vatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 196-197. Sur 1' "Histoire celeste du xviic siecle" de PIXIIRE. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 712-714. — Observations des nouvelles Cometes Coddington (1898 juiu 11) et Giacobini (1898 juin 18), faites a 1'Observa- toire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1768-1770. ( il nervations de la uouvelle Comete Brooks (1«98 oct. 20), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 603. — Observations de la plauete DQ = (433), faites al'Obser- v.-itoire de 1'aiis (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest, de 0"',305 d'ouverture). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 805-806. Sur une methode differentielle propre a determiner Irs variations de la latitude et la constante de 1'aberra- tion. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 127, 1898, 848-851. — Sur la prediction des occultations d'etoiles par la lune, et sur le calcul des longitudes terrestres au inoyeu des occultations. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 935- 938. — Sur une eomete decouverte par PONS le 11 septembre 1808. Bull. Astr., 16, 1899, 62-63. — Sur diverges ciiconstanees qui modin'ent les images rerlechies par le bain de mercuie, et sur la transmission a travers le sol des trepidations produits a la surface. Paris, Ac. Sci. <_'. R., 128, 1899. 1147-1149; Bull. Astr., 16, 1899, 21H-226; 17, 1900, 5-10. — Observation dp 1'essaim des Lconides, faite a 1'Obser- vatoire de I'aris, du 13 au 16 iimviiibre Is'.l'.l. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 12!t, 1899, 805-806. — [Beobachtung des Comcten 1900 b.] Astr. Nadir., 153, 1900, 107-108. Big-ourdan] LBikessy — La prolongation de la meridienne de Paris, de Barce- lone aux Baleares, d'apres les correspondauces inedites de MECHAIN, de BIOT et d'ABAGO. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 348-308, 390-400, 467-480. — Rapport somiuaire sur 1'observation, i'aite en Espagne, de 1'eclipse totale de Soleil du 28 mai 1'JOO. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 369-390. — Sur un raoyen de maintenir a pressiou constante une horloge plaeee dans uue enveloppe a pen pres etanche. Congr. Int. Chronoru., 1900, 162-163. Observations du diametre et de 1'aplatissement de Jupiter. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130. 1900, 62-64. — Observations de la Coinete Giacobini (1900 Janvier 31), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de TOuest de Om,305 d'onverture). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 553. — Sur la position et sur 1'aspect actuel d'une ttoile nouvelle, transformee en nebuleuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 239-240. — Observations de 1'eclipse totale de Soleil du 28 mai 1900 faites en Espagne, a Hellin, a Albacete et a Las Minas. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900. 246-248. — Observations de la Coinete Borelly (1900 juillet 23), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest, de 0™,305 d'ouverture). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 326-327. Bigourdan, H[uilltin>iie], & Callandreau, [Pierre Jean] 0[ctave\. See Callandreau it Bigourdan. Bigourdan, G[nillaume], .V. Fayet, Huston. Observations de la Coniett1 Perriue (1898 mars 19), faites a 1'Observa- toire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest, de O'",305 d'ouverture). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 943-944. — Observations de la nouvelle Coinete Perrine (1898 juin 14), faites a 1'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1770- 1771. — Observations de la plauete Eros faites en 1900 et 1901 a 1'equatorial de la Tour de 1'Ouest de O"1, 305 d'ouverture libre. [1904.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obsn*.), 1900, E.27- E.51. Bigourdan, nyhas6 es tims6 hatasa az emesztesre. [Die- \Virkung dey Alkohol, Bier, Wein. des Borszeker Wasser, schwarzen Kaffee's, Tabak, Kochsalzes und des Alaun auf die Ver- dauung.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. I/In-. K:,ik), 1885, 131- 174 ; Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 100-102. — A pajzsuiirigy szerepe. [The fum-lion of the thyroid gland.] Termt. Kiizliin., 17, 1885, 173-174. — A hffiininjegeczek eloallitasa brom- es jodsokkal. [Darstellung tier Haniiukry^stalle mittelst Brom- und Jodsalzen.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Ore. S;al<), 1886, 25- 28; Ceutrbl. Med. Wiss., 24. 1886, 2M<|-291. — A nyelvszemolcsok es izliikelylick t'ejlcides^rol. [On the development of lingual papillae and taste buds.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (/In-. .S';a/,|, 1886, 215-234. — Hogyau ahuljunk? [How do we sleep'?] Termt. Kiizlon., 18, 1886, 259-203. — Az elvezeu szerek hatasa az emesztesre. [Action of food on the digestion.] Termt. Kiizlon., 18, 1886. 386-393. — A ver festoanyagauak es nevezetesebb bomlils-termek- einek kristalyairol. [On the crystals of the colouring matter of blood and especially of its decomposition products.] Termt. Kiizlon., 18, 1886, 481 -4M-J. — Adatok a tiido fejliides^hez. Beitiiige zur Entwieke- lun» der Lunge. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (On. S;ak), 1887, 125-149, 22(5-234. — Adatok a gyomormirigyek finomabb szerkezetehez. Beitriige ,zurn i'eineren Ban der Magendriisen. Orvos- Termt. Ertes. (Ore. Szuk), 1887, 267-292, 302-31.",. Bikkcssy. ,SV> Bikessy. Bilenki, //. Note sur les pennutauts. Nouv. Ann. Math., 19, 1900, 213-216. Biles, J[olm] Harvard. *0n the stability of ships at launching. [With discussion.] [1883.] Glasgow, lust. Eugin. Trans., 27, 1884, 31-62. — On the strength of large ships. [With discussion.] [18113.] Glasgow, Inst. Engiu. Trans., 37, 1894, 39 73. — On M. TCHKH-VCHEFF'S formula. [ Witlt discussion.] [1898.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 42, 1899, 170-212. — On large cargo steamers. Naval Architects Trans., 42, 1900, 59-08. Bilfinger, I.udtriii. Ein Beitrag zur Rotatorienfauna Wiirttembergs. Wiirttemb. .Thefte., 48, 1892, 107-118; 5(1, 1894, 35-05. Bilgrami. •. , Syed AH Bilgrami. Bilh.trz, 7'//. ni/iic. Fur biographical notice see Inst. Egypt. Hull.. 7, 1897, 41-44. Bilhaut, .I/|U;Y«IM|. Les ossements de Louis XVII examines nu cimetiere Sainte-Marguerite (de Paris). Ass. Franc. C. li., 1894 (1't. 1), 196. — Traitement chirurgical de la coxalgie. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1894 (I't. 2|, 859-800. Traitement de la gibbosite du mal de POTT. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1897 (Pt. 2), 794-801. - Mal de POTT. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1899 (I't. 1), 306. Bilkevic, .V. Or'irn.. npeflCTaBJieHHETfi (JIII3IIKO- M;iTcM;lTiillfri;(ijiy i|iai;y.ii,Tc'iy o not,:i;u<"l'. Bl, JareCTaHX. [lieport presented to the physico-mathe- matical faculty on a journey to Daghestan.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1893 (I'l. 2), 173-176. Bill, A. P\ Movement of bacilli etc., in liquid suspension on passage of a constant current. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 20, 1899. 257-259. Bill, Gt'unji' E. Peculiar symptomata of sympathetic disturbances. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 670-680. Billard, (•'[,. in/rs], A- Abelous, .'. /•;[;«//.•]. ,SY, Abelous \ Billard. Billard, ';[n>n/rs], cV Cavalie, Mfinvl. Sur les fonctious des branches diaphragmatiques des nerfs intercostaux. 1'aiis. Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 ,'C. It.), 300-308. — Sur quelques effets consecutifs a la resection des deux nerfs phreniques chez le chien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., :,(!, 1898 (C. R.), 329-330. — Les branches hepatiques de 1'artere cystique chez le chien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.}, 511- 513. — Sur 1'influence de la densite de la bile vesiculaire sur 1'excretion par le canal choledoque. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (('. 7,'.), 595-597, 025-627. - Sur quelques troubles consecutifs a la resection des deux phreniques, chez le jeune chien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. It.), 745-747.' — L'absoiption par la vesicule biliaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. It.). 780-783. — Sur le dedoublement de la cage thoraeique chez un jeune chat. Robin, Jl. Anat., 36, 1900, 500-567. Billard, (;[ciiiv;i'.v], cV Oulie, [.Idnljilic]. Sur 1'alcalinite du sang de quelques vertebres et invertebrcs. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 47-411. Bill. mil, F., Petit, Louis, it Vian, 7. Rapport sur la destruction des hirondelles. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 01-62. Billecocq. ' • . Beguin-Billecocq. Biller, 7. <;. I'uisnning from t/asdine. N. Y. Med. Jl., 5(1, 1889, 002-003. Billet, Mln-rt. Sur la formation et la germination des spores chez le Cladothrix dichotoma. [188.",.] Bull. Sci. Noid, 16 (1884-85), 159-161 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1251-1252. — Sur le Bacterium urea;. [1885.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 10 (1884-85), 101-102; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1252- 1253. Sur le cycle evolutif et les variations morphologiques d'unenmiM Mr Hai'in lace's marine, Bacterium LaminariiE. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100. 1888, 293-295. — Sur le cycle evolutif d'une nouvelle Bacteriacee chromogenc et luaiiiii1, liartrrium lialbianii. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 107, 1888, 123-425. — Contribution a 1'etiule do la morphologic et du dr- veloppement des Bacteriacees. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 21, 1890, 1-288; 22, 1890, [ix-xi]. Billet] [Billings — Sur le Distoma sinense, Colibolil. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 506-510. — Sur les Hematozoaires ties Ophidiens du Haul- Tonkin. Paris, Soc. Biol. ML™., 47, 1896 (C. R.), 29- 81. — Le Haut-Tonkin. Licgion de Cao-Bang. Ann. G^ogr. , G, 1897, 431-441). — Deux ans dans le Haut-Tonkin (region de Cao-Bang). Bull. Sci. France Belg., 28, 1896-98, 1-254. — Notes sur la faune du Haut-Tonkin. i. Sur les Hematozoaires des Ophidiens et des tortues. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 2x, 1896-98, 279-282. — Notes sur la faune du H:iut-Tonkin. Sur quelques Distomes. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 28, 1896-98, 283-309. — Sur une nouvelle variete d'Achorion isolee d'un cas de teigne faveuse localisee au scrotum. Lille Inst. Zool. Trav., 7, 1899, 14-20. — De la formule hemoleucocytaire dans le paludisme. Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1900 (Vol. 17, Epiilemiol.), 180- 185. — Sur mi Hematozoaire endoglobulaire des Platydac- tylus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. 72.), '547- 549. Billet, Albert, & Christ, 11 minimi. ,SW Cbrist A- Billet. Billet, Albert, & Siard, Alfred. See Ciard S H Br. Riv. Min. Crist., 13, 1893, 7-9. — Studio eristallografico dei eloroplatinati di due isomeri della metiletiltetina. Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 9-12. — Sulla trasformazione degli assi cristallografici in funzione di indici di spigoli. [1897-98.] Riv. Min. Crist., 18, 1898, 23-28, 63-65. — Nota sulla proiezione degli assi romboedrici ed esago- nali. Riv. Min. Crist., 19, 1898, 17-21. — Forma cristallina del cloroplatinato di metil-etil-n- propioniltetina. Riv. Min. Crist., 20, 1898, 80-82. — Una dimostrazioue analitica d' una proprieta nota relativa a facce cristallografiche in zona e a spigoli cristallografici contenuti in un piano. Riv. Min. Crist., 25, 1900, 26-32. Billrotn, | Christian Albert Theodor]. For biography and works see Bologna Rend., 1893-94, 83-85; Fortschr. Med., 12 (1894), 162, 203-204; Leopoldina, 30, 1894, 58-59 ; Med.-Chir. Trans., 77, 1894, 39-41 ; Wien, Almanach, 44, 1894, '250-256 ; Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 265-266, 288-291, 339-348. — Ueber die Entwicklung von C3rsten im Knochen. Wien. Med. Wschr., 34, 1884, 224. Billson, (.'hurles .1 times. The fourth dimension of space. [1.SH6.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 (Pt. 2), 11-19. Billups, //. /'. On the connection between the inscribed and escribed circles of a triangle. [1898.] Math. Gaz. , 1. 1900, 177-180. Billups, T. ft. [Notes on some insects belonging to the sub-order Hemiptera-Homoptera.] S. London Eut. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1885. 27-29. — [Cleptes nitidula and C. semiauratus.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc.. 1886, 48-49. — [Notes on the nest-building of Osmia.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1887, 75-76. — [Notes on gall-insects.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1887, 88-89. — [Notes on the genus Aspidimorpha.] [1888.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1888-89, 43-44. — [Notes on the hymenopterous and dipterous parasites bred by members of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society during the years 1887-92.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1888-89, 90-96; 1890-91, 157-164 ; 1896, 80-87. — Note upon Atherix ibis, Fn/u-ifius. Entomologist, 22, 1889, 193-194. — The galls of Cynips Kollari, and their various occupants. Entomologist, 28, 1895, 46-l'.i. Billwiller, -fii/imiH. Nitmu'i'ii assimilation of some Papi- lionaow. Ch.'in. Soc. JL, 70, 1896 (Al,s., J'l. 2), 440- 441. Billwiller, I!»ln-rt [Amiii*!]. Pioggia nrlle Alpi della Svizzera. Moncalirri Oss. lioll., 4. 1884, 56. — [Ueber den Kintiiiss diT Al]irn auf die Wind- mid Nie- derschlagsverhaltnisse der Schweiz.] [1881.] Schweiz. Billwiller] 559 [Biltz Natf. Ges. Verb., 1883-84, 13-45 ; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 12, 1884, 474-470. — Die Kalteriickfalle im Mai. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 245-246. — Die tiigliche Periode der Richtung und Gesehwindig- keitdesWindesauf Berggipfelu. Wieu, Meteorol. Ztschr.., 20, 1885, 471-477. — Regenfall vom 14. /17. October in der Sudaohweiz. Wien, Meteorol. Ztscbr. , 20, 1885, 519. — Schneefall iu Zurich am 28. September. Wien, Meteorol. Ztscbr., 20, 1885, 519-520. Starker Schneefall in der ganzen Nord-, Ost- und Centralscliweiz am 28. September. [1885.] Wetter, 2, 1886, 201. — Die meteorologische Station auf dem Siintis, ibre Gesebicbte und die bisherigen Beobachtungaergebnisee. [1887.] Zurich, Natf. Ges. Nenjabrsbl., 1888, 2s pp. — Vergleichende Resultate der dureh Schatzung erbal- tenen Daten iiber den mittleren Bewolkungagrad d«s Himmels und der Aufzeiohnungen des Sonnenschein- ' autographeu. Zurich Vrtljsehr., 33, 1888, 293-307. — Nc'bulositc moyenne et duree d'insolatiuu. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2i, 1889, 404-417. - Winter 1890/91 in der Scbweiz. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 196. [Courbes du barographs de SPUUSG.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 365-360. Sur 1'origine des vents des vallees. Arch. Sci. Pbys. Nat., 32, 1894, 303-307. — Der Fohn vom 13. Januar 1895 am Nordfuss der Alpen und die Bildung einer Tbeildepression daselbst. Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1895), 201-209. - Witterung des September 1895 in der Scbweiz. Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1895), 470-471. Der Thalwind des Oberengadin. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 129-138. Dauer des Sonnenscbeins auf dem Gipfel des Siintis im Mittel von 8 Jahren 1888-95. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 13 (1896), 198. — La repartition des pluies en Suisse. Arcb. Sci. Phys. Nat., 3, 1897, 25-36. Merkwiirdige Vorkommnisse des Ftihn. [With dis- cussion.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 101-104. Ueber verschiedene Entstehungsarten uud Erschei- nungsformen des Fohus. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 16 (1899), 204-215. Starke Regenfalle und Hochwasser in der Siidschweiz vom 21. bis 28. August 1900. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 17 (1900), 403-465. Billwiller, Huliert [.!»;;««(], & G6l.li, Emil August. See Gold! ,\ Billwiller. Billwiller, Holier! [Auinixl], Weber, //. F., & Dufour, /fi'iii-i. Nee Weber, Billwiller ,V Dufour. Billy, Eil. ile. Note sur la fabrication de la fonte aux Etats-Unis. Ann. Mines, 1, 1892, 67-117. — Note sur deux precedes directs pour la fabrication de 1'acier sur sole aux Etats-Unis. Ann. Mines, 2, 1892, 329-351. Bilteryst, A. Sur la separation des acides gras volatils du beurre. Anvers, Jl. de Pbarm., 45, 1889, 185-186. Biltris, Alfred. Contribution a 1'etude des quinhydrones. Quinhydrones mixtes. Brux., Ac. Bull., 32, 1896, 286-301. Contribution a 1'etude des phenoquinones et des quin- hydrones. Deuxieme communication : pbenoquinones mixtes. Brux., Ac. Bull., 35, 1898, 44-67. Biltz, E. Ueber den Schutz des Chloroforms vor Zer- setzung am Licht. [1892.] Erfurt Ak. Jbiicb., 19, 1893, xxx-xxxi. Biltz, E., & Schacht, Carl. Sec Sch.iclit * Biltz. Biltz, [Johanii] Heinru-h. Ueber die Moleculargrosse des Schwefels. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2013- 2017, 2188; Ztscbr. Pbysikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 920-947; 3, 1889, 228-229. — Ueber eine MethoJe, das Molectilargewicht fliichtiger Chloride zu bestimmeu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2766-2772. — Ueber den Einfluss der Gestalt des Gefasses bei Dichtebestimmungen unvollstiindig vergaster Dampfe nacb dem Gasverdriingungsverfahren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2772-2776. Ueber die Jodwasserstoft'additionsproducte der Nitrile. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25. 1892, 2533-2545. — Ueber neuere Explosivstoffe. Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 24, 1892, xxvi. — Ueber die Reduction des Tripbenylacetonitrils. Neu- Vorpommern Mitth., 24, 1892, 25-29. — Einige Vorlesungsversuche die Diffusion der Gase betreffend. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 9, 1892, 152-157. — Ueber die Gasdichte der Halogenwasserstoft'sauren bei niederer Temperatur. Ztschr. Pbysikal. Chem., 10, 1892, 354-362. — Ueber Sprengstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1378-1383! -- Ueber die Einwirkuug von Chloral auf Benzol in Gegenwart von Aluminiumcblorid. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1952-1!IOU, 2672. — Ueber die Aluminiumchloridsynthese. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1960-1962. — Ueber Phosphorpentoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1257-1264. — Phenylhydrazone des Salicylaldehyds. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2288-2290. Ueber die Bestimmung der Moleeulargrosse einiger anorganiaober Substanzen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1895, 67- 90; 1896, 91-98; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 19, 1896, 385-430. — Apparat zur Vacuumfractionirung. Chem. Ztg. , 19, 1895, 304. — Ueber Molekulargewichtsbestimmungeu nacb der Gasverdriingungsmethode. [1895.] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 27, 1896, xx-xxi. — Oxjdation durch Hydrox.ylaminchlorhydrat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2080-2082. — Ueber eiue Aenderung in der Form der Messkolbeu. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 2!l, 1896, 2082-2083. — "Ueber das Wassergas." [1896.] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 28, 1897, xiv-xv. — Dijodacetylen und Tetrajodiithylen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1200-1210. — Pbenylirte Aetban- und Aethylenderivate. Liebig's Ann., 296, 1897, 219-260. — Ueber die Halogenaddition phenylirter uml halogeni- sirter Aethylenderivate. Liebig's Ann., 296, 1897, 263- 278. — "Neueste Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der tecbnischen Heizung (Koblenstaub-Feuerung)." [1897.] Neu-Vor- pommern Mitth., 29, 1898, xii-xiii. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Jod auf Calciumcarbid. [1897.] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 29, 1898, xiv. — TriphenylvinylalkoholoderTriphenylathanoii. Berlin, Chem. Ges'. Ber., 32, 1899, 650-658. — Ueber die Oxydation des Benzaldehydpbenylhydrazons und des Salicylaldehydpheuylhydrazons mit atmosphar- ischer Luft. Liebig's Ann., 305, 1899, 165-187. — Notiz iiber die Phenylhydrazone der Mononitrosalicyl- aldehyde. Liebig's Ann., '305, 1899, 187-190. — Oxydation mit Luftsauerstoff. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2295-2299, 4193. Biltz, [Joltann] Heinricli, & Bruhl, J[uliu*\ W\ilhclm\. See Driilil * Biltz. Biltz, [Johanri] Heinricli, & Kedesdy, Erich. Nitrotri- jodiitliylen und Dinitrodijodatbylen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2190-2196. Biltz, [i7»/in»;ji] Heinricli, & Meyer, Victor. Ueber Siede- punkt und Molecularformel des Zinnchloriirs. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 22-24, 453. Biltzl 560 I Binet — Ueber Siedepunkt uml Mi>leculargr((.-sr il. ^ Zinu- chloriirs, und iiber gleiehzeitige Dampfdichte- und Temperaturbestimmungen. Gdttingen Nachr.,1888. 19- •2!) ; Ztsclir. Pbysikal. Chein., 2, 1888, 184-193. — Ueber die Dampfdichtebestimmung einiger Elemente und Verbindungen bei Weissgluth. GiJttingen Nachr. , 1889, 347-368. Biltz, [JotuiHii] Heiiiricli, & Wienands, Albert. Ueber die Oxydation von Aldehydphenylhydrazonen zu a- Diketouosazonen. Liebig's Ann., 308, 1899, 1-17. Biltz, [A'ui/cH] Wilhelm. Kryoskopische Untersuchuugen in der Terpenreihe. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 529-551. — Ueber das atherische Oel aus Origanum majorana. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1195-999. Ueber das kryoskopische Verhalten der Alkohole. Ztschr. 1'liysikal. Chem., 29, 1899, 249-265. — Ueber neuere pUysikalisch-chemisohe Konstitutions- Ip.-iiimmungen. LI**91'-] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 31, 1900, xv-xvi. Bily, Julius A. Beitrag zur Flora Mahrens. Briinu Verh., 35, 1897 I.I/-/I.), 257-267. Bimar, [.-) HI/ »*/<•]. Recherches sur la distriljution des vaisseaux speimatiquea chez divers Mammiferes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., lOli, 1888, KO-S3. - Recherches anatumiques sur la distribution de 1'artere spermatique chez 1'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1300-1302. — Recherches sur la distribution des vaisseaux sper- matiques chez les Mammiferes et chez 1'homme. Robin, .11. Anat., '24, 1888, 2G5-273. Bimar, [A niiuste], i\: Lapeyre, . Recherches sur les veines du pharynx. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 105, 1887, 825-826. Bimler, . Das Orientirungsmagnetometer, System A. Fennel. Ztschr. Prakt. Geul., 1896, 256-270. Bimm, A. Sur une reaction permettant de reconnaitre la nature des vins blancs, obtenus par decoloration des vins rouges a 1'aide du noir animal. Jl. Pburm., 8, 1898, 9-11. Binaghi, Iluberto. Ueber das Vorkommen von Blasto- niycetcn in den Epitheliomen und ihre parasitare Bedeutung. Ztschr. Hyg., 23, 1896, 283-305. — Ueber einen Streptococcus cap.sulatus. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 22, 1897, 273-279. — Ueber die Deutung der Kapselu der Bakterien. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 81)7-902, 919-924. I'i'bcr die Wirkungen von Fremdkorpern auf den thieiischeu Organismus. Virchow, Arch., 156, 1899, 245-284. Binaud, II'., A Demons, .1. See Demons A Binaud. Binaud, II"., cv Sabrazes, .lean [/','»ii7<']. See S.ihrazcs A Binaud. Binda, A. Kecherches experimentales sur la pathogenese de I'ostcomyelite a staphylocoques. Arch. Med. Exp<;r., II, 1897, 1131-943. Bindel, Knrl. Specifische Gewichte, specifische Wanm-n und Losungswarnien iibersattigter Salzlosungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 40, 1890, 370-398. — Die Sellagruppe. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 30, 1899, 359-400; 31, 1900, 324-3C>l. Binder, [llsknr], Ueber motorische Stiprmigeii strreutyprn Charakters bei Geisteskranken mil licsoiidercr P.ei nck- sichtigung der Katatonie. [1886.] Arch. Psychiatr., '20, 1889, 628-644. — Das Morel'sche Ohr. Eine psychiatrisch-anthropo logische Studie. Arch. Psychiatr., 20, 1889. 51 I 5r. I. Binder,.!. Dns Leuchten der Gluhkorper. Experiraentul- vortrag. [1899.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 71, 1898, 435-441. Binder, Alfred. Triphosa Sabaudiata, Dup., in der BCbwabiechen Alb. Wiivttemb. Jhet'te., 47, 1891, 442 1 13. - Eine weisse Schwalbe. Wiirttcmb. Jhufte., 52, 1896, 419. Binder, I-'rli.r. Procede de fabrication d'lin enlevage sur lilcii cuve. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 6'2, 1892. 207- 209. — Sur le virage des colorants azoi'ques sous 1'action de 1'acide sulfureux au vaporisage. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 62, 1892, 382-386; Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 8, 1892, 185-186. — Note sur un precede d'impressiou de la ceruleine et du bleu d'alizarine alcalins sur rouge turc. Mulhonse Soc. Ind. Bull., 65, 1895, 136-137. — Note sur un bistre obtenu par combinaison de la diniti'osoresorcine avec 1'ammoniaque. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull, 68, 1898, 342-345. Binder, Frli.r, A- Nolting, Emilia [Domingo]. Sec Noltinj; A Binder. Binder, G. A. Versuohe iiber die Loslichkeit einiger Miueralien. [1892.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 332- 343. Binder, otto. Apparat zur Analyse von Rauchga^en. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 617. — Ueber Ichthalbin. Wien. M'ed. Wschi-. , 50, 1900, 1082-1084. Binder, Hulwrts. Climatology in cirrliotic rhinitis. [1894.] N. Y. Med. .11., 61, 1895, 346-348. Binder, Willtelm. Ueber das System der Tangentialpunkte einer unicursalen Planrurve vierter Ordnung. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 34, 1889, 272-281. — Ueber die Realitiit der Doppeltangenteu rationaler Plancurven vierter Ordnung vom Gescblechte Null. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 35, 1890, 25-35. — Ueber absolute Elemeuteusysteme auf ebenen Unicur- salcurven vierter und dritter Ordnung. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 36, 1891, 78-98. — Die Undulationen ebener Curven C;,. Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 \Abtli. 2,i), 295-322; 107, 1898 (Abt I,. 2racii|ii(> clu / (|uc]qucs C(iltHi|itcrcs de la trilm des Mclolonthieiis. Paris, Sue. Biol. Mem.. 43, 1891 (( '. A'.), 757-7511. — Sur la structure interne des ganglions sous-intestinaux des Col('o]il( res Md.ilonthiens. [1S1I1.] Paris Soc. Phihiin. Hull.. I, 1892 (C. /,'. , A'o. 2), 2. — Les raciucs du ncrf ulaire chez les Coleopteres. I'.iris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114. 1892, 1130-1132. — Struotmv d'un ganglion alidominnl de MeMolonthien. Paris, Soc. I'.iol. Mem., 41, 1892 (C. A'.), Kid Ills, Le nerf alaire chez quclqncs Colenptrivs aptesiques, Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 257-258. Binetl 561 [Bingham — Le nerf du balancier chez quelques Dipteres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (0. R.), 358-359. Sur la structure d'un ganglion nerveux d'iusecte. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, clxxii-clxxv. — Note sur la structure fibrillaire des cellules nerveuses de quelques Crustaces Decapodes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1894 (P. R.), 162. — Contribution a 1'etude du systeme nerveux sous- intestinal des insectes. Kobin, Jl. Anat., 30, 1894, 449-580. — Psychology of prestidigitation. [TV.] Smithsonian Eep., 1894, 555-571. — La pedagogie scientifique. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899), 29-38. Binet, Alfred, & Courtier, J. Note sur la rnesure de la vitesse des mouvements graphiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 219-220. — Application nouvelle de la methode graphirjue a la musique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 646-647. — Influence de la respiration sur le trace1 volumetrique des membres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 219- 220. — Note sur un stylet a enere d'un modele nouveau, pouvant etre employe dans la methode graphique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem'., 47, 1895 (G. R.), 212. — Note sur line application nouvelle de la methode graphique au piano. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 212. — Note sur un dispositif permettant d'eviter la projection et les vibrations du stylet inscripteur dans 1'enregistre- rnent graphique des phenomenes rapides. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 213-214. — Seconde note sur la correction des traces au moyen d'un orifice capillaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 296-298. • Un re'gulateur graphique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mc'm. , 47, 1895 (C. R.), 320-322. — Note sur ['influence que le travail intellectual exerce sur la respiration, le pouls arteriel et le pouls c.ipillnire de la main. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 806. — Influence de 1'attitude et de la compression sur la forme du pouls capillaire et du pouls arteriel. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (G. R.), 819-821. — Recherches graphiques sur la rmisique. Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 5-15. Influence des repas, de 1'exercice physique, du travail intellectuel et des emotions sur la circulation capillaire de 1'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 505-507. — Signification des diverses formes du pouls capillaire etudie' chez 1'homme adulte. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 279-282. — Influence de la musique sur la respiration, le cceur et la circulation capillaire. Rev. Sci., 7, 1897, 257-203. Binet, Alfred, & Fere, C1i[arles]. Les paralysies par suggestion. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 45-49. — La the'orie physiologique de ['hallucination. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 49-53. Recherches experimentales sur la physiologie des mouvements chez les hysteriques. Arch, de Physiol. , 10, 1887, 320-373. See also Fere & Binet. Binet, A If red, & Hcnne guy , F. Sec Renneguy & Binet. Binet, Alfred, & Henri, Victor. La simulation de la me'moire des chiffres. Kev. Sci., 51, 1893, 711-722. See also Henri & Binet. Binet, Alfred, & Fassy, Jacques. Contribution a 1'etude de 1'olfaction chez le chien. Ass. Franc.. C. R., 1895 (Ft. 2), 659-661. Binet, Alfred, & Sollier, Pmil. Recherches sur le pouls cerebral dans ses rapports avec les attitudes du corps, la respiration et les actes psychiques. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1895, 719-734. Binet, Alfred, & Vaschide, Nicolas. Influence des dirK- rents processus psychiques sur la pressiou du sang chez 1'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 44-46. — Sur un ergographe a ressort. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1161-1163. Binet, Maurice, & Robin, Albert. See Robin i- Binet. Binet, Pmil [Kmilf]. For biographical notice and works see Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 32, 1894-97, Pt. 2, Iviii-lix. — Influence de ['intoxication mercurielle aigue sur I'elhniuation du calcium et de 1'acide phosphorique. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 25, 1891, 462-464. — Sur une substance thermogene de ['urine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 207-210. — Sur [a toxicite' comparee des metaux aicalins et alcalino-terreux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 251- 253; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 159-161; Jl. Phann., 26, 1892, 417-419. • Recherches sur l'e"lirnination de quelques substances medicamenteuses dans 1'air expire. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 184-185. — Sur la toxieologie comparee des phenols. [1895-96.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 589-590; 1, 1896, 289- 290 ; 3, 1897, 85-86. Binet, Paul [Entile], & Prevost, J[ean] L[otiis]. See Frevost i- Binet. Binet sch, . Eine Reise durch das Ewegebiet land- eiuwiirts von der Sklavenkiiste. [1889.] Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1890, 46-56. Bing, H. J. Ueber das Jecorin. [1898.] Centrbl Phy- siol., 12, 1899, 209-211. — Untersuchuugen iiber die reducirenden Substanzen irn Blute. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 9, 1899, 336-411. Bing, T. IP. Notes on rust (Puccinia graminis). [1884.] N. Zealand Jl. Sci., 2, 1884-85, 25. Binger, (capit.) L[ouin] G\ustnre]. Du Niger au golfe de Guinee par Kong. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 10, 1889, 329-371. Bingham, (Col.) Charles T[homas]. Nesting of Micropter- nus phseoeeps. Nature, 32, 1885, 52-53. — Hints on collecting arid preserving Hymenoptera. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1888, 112-il4. — Notes on some bees and wasps from Burma. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1888, 183-187. • On new and little known Hymenoptera from India, Burma, and Ceylon. [1890-94.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 5, 1890, 233-252; 8, 1893-94, 358-390, xxxiii. — Collecting ways and collecting days. [1893-95.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 346-357; 9, 1894-95, 473-480. — On a collection of hymenopterous insects from the Philippines. Ann. Mag.' Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 438-446. — New and little-known species of Intlo-Malayan Hy- menoptera, with a key to the genera of Indian Pornpilida?, and a note of Sphex flava of FABRICIUS, and allied species. [1895.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 10, 1895-97, 195-216. — Note on the pests of the teak tree. [1893.] Indian Mus. Notes, 3, 1896, No. 2, 93-95. — On some exotic fossorial Hymenoptera in the collec- tion of the British Museum, with descriptions of new species and of a new genus of the PompilidiE. Linn. Soc. Jl. (ZooL), 25, 1896, 422-445, viii. — A contribution to the knowledge of the hymenopterous fauna of Ceylon. Zool. Soc. Proe., 1896, 401-459. — The great Indian horubill in the wild state. [1897.] Bombay" Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 308-310. — The aculeate Hymenoptera procured at Aden by Col. YEEBURT, R.A. and Capt. NURSE, I.S.C. [1897.'] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 101-114. — On some new species of Indian Hymenoptera. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 115-130. — Note on Eumenes conica, Fabr., and Megachile dis- juucta, Fabr., and their parasites Chrysis fuscipennis, 71 Bingham] 562 [Binz Bndle, and Parevaspis abdominalis, Smith. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 585-587. Note on Diacamma, a ponerine genus of ants, and of the finding of a female of D. vagans, Smith. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 756-757. — On a new genus and species of bulbul and an ap- parently new species of Cyornis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5. 1900, 357-359. • Account of a remarkable swarming for breeding purposes of Sphex umbrosus, Christ, with notes on the nests of two other species of Sphex and of certain of the Pompilidee. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 13, 1900-01, 177-180. Bingham, (Col.) Charles T[homas], & Thompson, H. N. On the birds collected and observed in the southern Shan States of Upper Burma. [1900.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 69 (Ft. 2i, 1901, 102-142. Bingham, (3/rs.) E. F. Flora near Santa Barbara, Cal. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 33-35. — An American Papaver. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 67. Bink, G. L. Drei Monate in der Humboldt-Bai (Neu- guinea). Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 13, 1894, 22-30. Drie maanden aau de Humboldtsbaai. [1896.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 39, 1897, 143-211. Binkard, A. D. Abundance of Datana Angusii. [1889.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 2. 1889-90, 149-150. Binna, Luigi. Contribuzione alia flora sarda. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 18, 1886, 115. Binney, Amos. For biographical notice see Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 4, 1888, 122-123. Binney, E[chc] T[ictor]. For biography and list of works see Centrbl. Path., 10, 1899, 985-990; Leopoldiua, 35, 1899, 192; Wien. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 52; Ztschr. Thiermed., 4, 1900, 67-73. — *Vortrag zur Pathologic der Milz. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872, 218-219. - *Untersuchungeu zur Pathologic des Typhus abdo- minalis. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873, 140-141. - *[Das Vorkommen niederer Organismen in den Sputis beirn Keuchhuhten.] Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 301-302. - *Ueber mimische Gesichtsbewegung, mit Beriick- sichtigung der Darwin'sehen Versuche, ihre Eutstehung zu erklaren. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 93-105. — Ueber die Ziichtung von Typhusbacillen in gefarbten Nahrlosungen. Arch. Hyg., 7, 1887, 341-353. — Ueber Ziichtung von Spaltpilzeu in gefarbten Nahr- medieu. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1887, 275-276. — Ueber plaeentare Infektion. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1888, 81-82. — Zur Frage der Disposition fur die tuberkulose In- fection. Deutsch. Natf. Verb.., 1890 \Th. 2), 189-191. — Ueber die Pforten der placeutareu Infection des Fotus. Beitr. Path. Auat., 9, 1891, 383-427. — Ueber Tuberculose in Herzthrombeu. Deutsch. Naif. Verh., 1891 (Th. 2), 163-164. — Sarkoruatose Driisengeschwulst der Niere im Kindes- alter. (Embryonales Adenosarkom.) Beitr. Path. Anat. , 24, 1898, 343-362. — Ueber den Sitz und die Entwickluug der primaren Luugeutuberkulose. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 04, 1899, 58-128. Medicinische Wissenschaft und Heilkunst. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (7V,. 1), 79-98. Birch-Hirschfeld, F[eli.c] y[ictnr], & Schmorl, Georg. .Sec Schmorl .\ Birch-Hirschfeld. Birch-Reichenwald Aars. "-. • Aars. Birchall, Edicin. For biographical notice sec Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 23. Birchmore, ]i'n]. Ueber Dimethylanthragallol. Ber- lin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 870-873 ; Liebig's Ann., 240, 1887, 285-289. Ueber Methylerythrooxyanthrachinon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2008-2071. Ueber Erythrooxyanthrachinoucarbonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20^ 1887, 2438-2439. Birkeland, Kr[istian\. En generalisation af SYLVESTERS skja've pantograf. Tidsskr. Math., 5, 1887, 17-18; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 533. - Bidrag til theorien om bevregelige staugsystemer. [1886] Arch. Math. Naturvid., 12, 1888, 361-364. — Ein Satz iiber algebraische Curveu. Mhet'te. Math. Phys., 1, 1890, 417-424. — Electrische Schwingungen in Drahten, directe Mes- sung der fortschreitenden Welle. Ann. Phys. Chem., 47, 1892, 583-612. — Quelques applications de la theorie de POYXTING sur le rnouvement de 1'energie dans 1'espace. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 186-188. Ondes electriques dans des fils ; la depression de 1'onde qui se propage dans des conducteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 93-SMJ. Sur les ondes electriques dans des fils; la force electrique dans le voisinage du couducteur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 499-502. — Sur les ondes electriques le long de fils minces ; calcul de la depression. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 625-627. Sur la reflexion des ondes electriques a Pextremit£ d'un couducteur lineaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 803-806. — Ueber die Strahlung electromagnetischer Energie im Rautne. Ann. Phys. Chem., 52, 1894, 357-380. — Ueber die Reflexion und Resoiianz der Hertz'schen electrischen Schwingungeu. Erklarung der Hagenbach- Zehnder'schen Versuche. Ann. Phys. Chern., 52, 1894, 486-495. — Sur 1'aimautatiou produite par des courants Hertziens. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 31, 1894, 388-390. Sur 1'aimantation produite par des courants Hertziens. Un dieleetrique maguetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1320-1324. Birkeland] 566 [Birkinbine — Om krafttransmission, saerlig i et elektromagnetisk felt. Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 33, 1894, 353-373; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 33, 1895, 297-309. — [En almindelig losning af MAXWKU/S ligninger for et absorberende nitdium. j Christiania Forh., 1895 (Overs.), 6-7. • Solution g(5n6rale des equations de MAXWELL pour un milieu absorbant homogene et isotrope. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 1045-1049 ; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 5-50. — Sur les rayons cathodiques sous 1'action de forces magnetiques inteuses. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1, 1896, 497-512. Sur un spectre des rayons cathodiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 492-495. — Om indsugning af katodestraaler mod en magnetisk pol. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 20, 1898, No. 15, 28 pp. ; Arch. Sci. Pli.ys. Nat., 6, 1898, 2115-228. — Sur le spectre des rayons cathodiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 228-231. — Sur une analogic d'action entre les rayons lumineux et les lignes de force magnetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 586-589. — Eecherches sur les laches du Soleil et leur origine. Christiania Skr. (Math.-Nat. Kl.), 1899, No. 1, 173 pp. Birkeland, Kr[istian], & Sarasin, F.douanl. Sur la nature de la reflexion des ondes electriques au bout d'uu fil conducteur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 117, 1893, 618- 622; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 685-691. See also Sarasin A Birkeland. Birkenhead, G. A. Lepidoptera of the Vale of Neath. [1N92.] Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans., 26, [1895], 14-17. — Note on mole cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris) found by Mr, PETTIGKEW on Ely common in the summer of 1896. Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans., 29, 1897, 67-68. Birkenmajer, Ludicik. 0 ksztafeie i grawitacyi sferoidu ziemskiego. [On the figure and gravitation of the ter- restrial spheroid.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 14, 1886, 44-68. — Ueber die durch die Fortpflanzung des Lichtes her- vorgerufenen Ungleichheiten in der Bewegung der phy- sischen Doppelsterne. Analyse der Bahn J Ursoe majoris (Struve 1523). Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abtli. 2), 713-788. - Nowa teoryja ksztaltu i grawitacyi zienii. [New theory of the figure and gravitation of tlie earth.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Pam., 13, 1887, 31-80. — O rownowadze kinetyeznej ptynu niescishwego. [The kinetic equilibrium of an incompressible fluid.] Krakow, Ak. (Mut.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 19, 1889, 225-235. — 0 niewyzyskauym dotad szczegdle z astrononiii starozytnej przechowanym u TACVTA. [Sur un fragment d'astronomie ancienne, conserve par TACITE, et son importance pour 1'histoire de cette science.] [1890.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Pr:yrod.) Eozpr., 1, 1891, 135-165; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1890, 100-104. — Krakowskie tablice syzygijow dla r. 1379 i 1380. Przyczynek do dziejow astronomii w Polsce w XIV1"" wieiui. [Tables des syzygies, calculees a Cracovie pour 1'an 137!) et 1380. Contribution a 1'histoire de 1'astro- nomie en Pologne du XIV0 siecle.] [1890.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 1, 1891, 261-285; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.,'l890, 259. - Wypadki pomiarow sify skiadowej poziomej mag- netyzmu ziemskiego wykonane w Tatrnch w r. 1H91. [Messungen der relativen magnetischen Horizontalin- tensitiit ausgefiihrt an einigen Punkten in der Tatra im Jahre 1891.] Krakow, Ak. (Mut.-Przyrod.) Eozpr., 4, 1893, 206-228; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull'., 1892, 188-190. - Marcin BYLICA z Olkusza, oraz narz$dzia astrono- miczne, ktore zapisat Uniwersytetowi Jagelloriskiemu w roku 1493. [Martinus BYLICA von Olkusz und die astronomischen Inatrumente, welche er der Krakauer Universitat vermacht hat.] [1892.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.- Przyrod.) Eozpr., 5, 1893, 1-164; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1892, 98-110. — 0 zasadniczych wzorach refrakcyi astronomicznej. [Ueber die Grundformeln der astronomischen Refraction.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 4, 1893, 44-55; Fortschr. Phys., 1893 (Abth. 2), 46. Notiz betreffend die Umlaufszeit des funften Jupiters- satelliten. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 279-280. — Przeglad wazniejszych post^pow na polu astronomii dokonanych w ciagu r. 1893. [Eeview of the more important advances in the field of astronomy made during the year 1893.] Kosmos (Lwow), 19, 1894, 63- 70, 201-221. — 0 wotywie temperatury na ruch zegaruw a zwlaszcza chronometrow. [Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf den Gang der Uhren, insbesondere der Marinechrono- meter.l Krakow, Ak. (M/it.-Pr:yruil.) Rozpr., 10, 1896, 357-392; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.,' 1896, 78-79. — Wyznaczenie dtugosci wahadta stkundowego w Kra- kowie oraz dwoch innych miejscowosciach W. X. Kra- kowskiego. [Experimentelle Bestimmung der Lange des Secundenpendels fiir Krakau und zwei andere Ortschaften im Grossherzogthum Krakau.] Krakow, Ak. (Mut.- Przyrod.) Eozpr., 12, 1896, 322-389; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1896, 72-78. - Materyaty do geomagnetyzmu w Tatrach polskich. [Materials for geomagnetism in the Polish Tatra.] Krak6\v Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 31, 1896 (C:. 1), [243]- [246]. — Zapiski termo- i hypsometryczne kilku zrodel tatrzaii- skich. [Thermo- and hypsometric notes on some springs in the Tatra.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 31, 1896 (Cz. 1), [247]. — O pewnem twierdzeniu z teoryi liczb. [Ueber einen zahleutheoretischeu Satz.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 7, 1896, 12-14; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 141. — Spostrzez'enia meteorologiczne w Tatrach wykouaue przygodnie w latach 1890-94. [Meteorological observa- tions made in the Tatra, 1890-94.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 32, 1897 It';. It, [201]-[211]. - Wyniki pomiarow nat^zenia siiy ei^zkosci w kilku rniejscowisciach Galicyi zachodniej. [Experimentelle Bestimmung der Intensitat der Schwerkraft an einigen Punkten in Westgalizien.] [1897.] Krakbw, Ak. (Mut.- Przyrod.) Eozpr., 13, 1898, 312-347; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1897, 301-302. - Meteor. Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 575. O stosuukach temperatury gt^bokieh jezior tatrzan- skich w r6znycli gi^bokosciach i roznych poraeh roku. [On the temperature of the Tatra lakes at various depths and at various seasons of the year.] [1894.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mut.-Przyrnd.) Rozpr., 19, 1901, 1SO-411. Birkenwald, I'mil. Ueber das iitherische Oel von Sinapis juncea. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 696. — Beitrage zur Chemie des atherischeu Seufols. Pharm. Ztschr. Eussland, 29, 1890, 737-742, 753-756, 769-773, 785-787, 802-807. — Ueber Darstellung von salicylsaurem Eserin. Pharm. Ztschr. Hussland, 30, 1891, 657-659. Birkiumcr, ll'm. E. *Memoir on the use of homing pigeons for military purposes. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1882, Pi. 1, 951-955. Birkinbine, John. *Charcoal as a fuel for metallurgical processes. [1882.] Ainer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 11, 1883, 78-88. - The Cerro de Mercado (Iron Mountain) at Durango, Mexico. [1HS4.1 Anier. Inst. Min. Eugin. Trans., 13, 1885, 1S9-209. - Ituiufall and water supply. Franklin Inst. Jl., 123, 1887, 277-297. — Notes upon American iron ore deposits, with special reference to those visited by the Iron and Steel Institute Birkinbine] 567 LBiro in tlie northern portion of the United States. Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1890 (Spec. Vol.), 361-402. Progress in magnetic concentration of iron-ore. [1890.] Amer. lust. Min. Engiu. Trans., 19. 1891, 656-674. - The production of iron ores in various parts of the world. [1895.] U. S. Geol. SUIT. Rep., 1894-95 (Ft. 3), 21-218. — [Mineral resources of the U. S. A.] Iron ores. [1896- 99.] U. S. Geol. SUIT. Rep., 1895-96 (Pt. 3), 23-43; 1896-97 (Pt. 5), 23-50; 1897-98 (Pt. 6. Vol. 1) 23-63- 1898-99 (Pt. 6, Vol. 1), 27-59. — [Mineral resources of the U. S. A.] Manganese ores. [1897-99.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1896-97 (Pt. 5), 291-328; 1897-98 (Pt. 6, Vol. 1), 91-125 ; 1898-99 (Pt. 6, Vol. 1), 125-158. The iron-ore supply. [1897.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Traus., 27, 1898, 519-528. - Distribution of the world's production of pig-iron. [1900.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 30, 1901,504-518. Birkinbine, John, & Edison, Thomas A. The concentra- tion of iron-ore. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 17, 1889, 728-744. Birkman, G. List of aculeate Hymenoptera, taken at Fedor, Lee county, Tex. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 244-245. Birkner, [ fl'ilhelm Oskar]. Ein neues Grubenthermometer. Jbuch. Berg- u. Hiittemv., 1898, 108-111. Birkner, Ferdinand. [Neue Beitrage zur physischen Anthropologie der Bayern.] n. Zur Anthropologie der Hand mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der als Ras- senmerkmal angegebenen Sehwimmhaute. Beitr. An- throp. Bayerns, 11, 1895, 145-204. — Das Scha'delwaehsthum der beideu amerikanischen Mikrocephalen (sog. Azteken) MAXIMO und BARTOLA. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1897, 153-154. Ueber die sog. Azteken. [1897.] Arch. f. Anthrop., 25, 1898, 45-59. Einiges iiber Zwergenwuchs. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1898, 188-192. — Die verschiedeneu Methoden der Korperrnessung. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1899, 132-133. Birkner, <>*cnr. Ueber die Niedersehlagsverha'ltnisse des Konigreichs Sachsen. [1886.] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1885, 13-74. - Die wissenschaftlicheu Erhebungen zur Wasser- katastrophe in der sachsischen Oberlausitz am 18. Mai 1887. Meteorol. Ztschr., 6 (1889), 361-367. — Einige Ergebnisse der Hagelforschuug im Konigreich Sachsen. Wetter, 6, 1889, 97-101. — Die Dauer der Schneedecke im Bereiche des sachsischen Erzgebirges. Meteorol. Ztschr., 7 (1890), 201-205. Birley, (Miss) Caroline, & Copland, (Miss) L. See Copland .t Birley. Birmingham, Ambrose. The hornology and innervation of the " Achselbogen " and pectoralis quartus, and the nature of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thorax. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 23, 1889, 206-223. Single unilateral (sigmoid) kidney. Dublin Jl. Med Sci., 90, 1890, 47-50. - Variability in the level of attachment of the lower limb to the vertebral axis in man. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 25, 1891, 526-534. - Specimen of spina bifida of the cervical vertebra?. [1892.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, viii. - Extreme anomaly of the heart and great vessels. [1892.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, 139-150. - The muscles of the external ear. Dublin Jl. Med Sci., 98, 1894, 288-302. - The nerve of WRISBERG. [1895.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896, 63-69. — Asymmetry of the sternum. [1896.] Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 103, 1897, 31-37. - The topographical anatomy of the spleen, pancreas, duodenum, kidneys, etc. Illustrated by a cast of these viscera hardened i« situ. [1H96.] Jl'. Anat. Physiol 31, 1897, 95-113. — The shape and position of the bladder in the child. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 458-167. — A study of the arrangement of the muscular fibres at the upper end of the oesophagus. [1898.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 10-21. - The arrangement of the muscular fibres of the stomach. [1898.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 22-30. — Some points in the anatomy of the digestive system. [1900.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 35/1901, 33-66. Birmingham, Ambrose, & Smith, Alfred J. See Smith A Birmingham. Birmingham, John. For biography see Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 255-256; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 157. *The variability of stars. [1S77.] Observatory, London, 1, 1878, 17-18. - *Red and probably new star. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 185. - 'Meteors. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 295-296. Birmingham, John, & Espin, (Rev.) T. E. The red stars : observations and catalogue. [1888.] Irish Ac. Cunning- ham Mem., 5, 1890, 202 pp. Birnbacher, Alois. Ueber Phakokele. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 30, 1884 (Alith. 4), 103-112. - Eine angeborene Anomalie am hinteren Augeupole. Arch. Augenheilk., 15, 1885, 159-160; Arch. Ophthalm., 15, 1886, 257-258. — Ueber cilio-retinale Gefasse. Arch. Augenheilk., 15, 1885, 292-294; Arch. Ophthalm., Id, 1887, 32-34. — Ueber eine Farben-Reaction der belichteten und un- belicbteten Netzhaut. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abth. 5), 1-7. - Beitrag zum Chemismus der Netzhaut. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 2), 219-220. Birnbacher, Alois, &. Czermak, Wilhelm. Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie des Glaucoms. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 31, 1885 (Abth. 1) 297-300. — Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie uud Patho- genese des Glaucoms. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 32, 1886 (Abth. 2), 1-148, 307, (Aiitli. 4), 1-94. Birnbacher, Alois, & Hirschberg, J[ulius]. See Ilirsch berg v Birnbacher. Birnbaum, Eugen. Beitrage zur Statistik der Kiefer- gesehwiilste. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 28, 1888, 499-570. Birnbaum, Karl. For biography and works see Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 473-478; Leopoldina, 23, 1887, 57; Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 27, 1888, 288. — Ueber die Zusammeusetzung des Wassers der neuen Mineralquellen in Freyersbach (im Renchthal, Baden). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1614-1615. Birnie, Rogers. Steel cylinders for gun construction. Stresses due to interior cooling. [1895.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 13, 1900, 87-102. Birnie, S[teven"\. Rechtstreeksche waarnerning der warmte- ontwikkeling bij condensatie van een damp tot vloeistof. Maandbl. Nat. ,'l887, 71-73. Bird, Lajos. A homoki szolok k(5szulodo ellensege. [Ueber Peritelus fainiliaris, Boh.] Termt. Kozlon. , 24, 1892, 257-260; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 334. - A deleuropai termeszt (Termes lucifugus, Rossi). [Ueber Terrniten aus Siidungarn (Termes lucifugus, .Rossi).] [1892.] Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 49; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 342-343. — Az Oscinis frit nevii legyfajrol. [Ueber die Dipteren- gattung Oscinis frit.] Termt. Kozlon. , 25, 1893, 497 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 407-408. — Magyarorszagi merges pokok. [Venomous spiders of Hungary.] Ternit. KGzlon., 26, 1894, 617-626. Bir6J 568 [Birulia — A fiumei iij barlang. [New cave at Finme.] Termt. Kozlou., 27, 1895, 1536-638. — Harom iij v;ik bogar a Magyar faunaban. Coleoptera tria nova cavernicola e fauna Hungarise. Termr. Fiiz., 20 (1897), 447-448. — Darazselet Uj-Guineaban. [Wasp life in New Guinea.] Termt. KozUin.,29, 1897. 273-282. - Biologisehe Mittheilungen aus Neu-Guinea. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 42, 1898, 129-138. — Ueber Stimnie und Namen der Vogel auf Neuguinea. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 73-7(1. - Asztalkozosseg a legyeknel. Commensalismus bei Fliegen. Termr. Fiiz., '22 (1899), 196-204. Biron, Evgenij r[taili. oiipcA'h.ieniii TenioesiKOCTii cojiaimxi paCTBOpOBT, 110 MeTOfly A. II. KoiIOBAJIOBa. [De- termination de la chaleur specifique des solutions, d'apres la methode de 31. KONOVALOW.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (C'/u'w.), 1898, 355-366; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 3. - TenjioesiKocTT. BO;IHHXT> pacTBOpoBt ctpnori iniCJIOTU. [Chaleur specifique des solutions d'acide sulfurique.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Clicm.), 1899, 171-203; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 917- 918. - Ki Boupocy o rrupaTaxi, ctpnoii KIIC.IOTBI. [Contribution to the question of the hydrates of sul- phuric acid.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 517-522 ; Jl. Phys. Chem., 4, 1900, 630. - Ojiu.ieHie BOJI.OIO aaoTHOKiicjiaro 3Tii.ua, [Hy- drolysis of ethyl nitrate by water.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 32 (Chem.), 1900, 636-637, 656-667; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 26, 1901, 285-286 [Ft. I.]; Chem. Soc. Jl., 80, 1901 (Alis., Pt. 1), 111 [Ft. ii.]. iojuiCTaro 3Tiuia Ha asoiHOKiic.iioe cepefipo. [Action of ethyl iodide on silver nitrate.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Chem.), 1900, 667-673; Chem. Soc. Jl., 80, 1901 (Abs., Pt. 1), 111-112. Biron, Kriienij }'[lndislarovic], & Wallace, Otto. See Wallach ,V' Biron. Birot, Em. Sur ['alimentation du betail. [1899.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901, 5-31, Ivii-lxi. Birt, Erni'xt. On certain questions relating to the urinology of the insane. [1886.] Brain, 9, 1887, 362-384. Birt, jr[i//i«H(] ll[iiiicli/]. 'KLEIN'S crater near Hyginus. Observatory, London, 2, 1879, 349-351. - "The landslip in Plato. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 17-20. - 'Lunar physics. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 47-51, 108-111. Birthler, Frictlrich. Ueber die Varietaten der sieben- biirgischen Kitferart Carabus Rothi, Dej. Hermannstadt Verb., 35, 1885, (19-76. - Ueber siebenbiirgische Caraben und deren nacbste Verwandte. Hermannstadt Verb., 36, 1886, 55-71. Birtwell, Francis J. Another example of curious nesting of the American redstart. Auk, 16, 1899, 181-185. — An example of aptosochromatism, as influenced by diet, in Megascops asio. Auk, 16, 1899, 313-318. — The occurrence of aptosochromatism in Passeriua cyanea. [18119.] Science, 11, 1900, 292-299. Birukov. ,SVc Birmkov. Birulia, Alrkt. Zur Kenntnis der russischen Galeodiden. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 204-209. — Einiges ttber den Mitteldarm der Galeodiden. Biol. Centrbl., 11, 1891, 295-300. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des auatomischen Baues der Geschlechtsorgane bei den Galeodiden. Voiiaufige Mit- teiluug. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 687-iiV. Zur Kenntniss der russischen Galeodiden. Soc. Ent. Ross. Horn'. 27, 1893, 82-90. — Beitrage zur Acariden-Fauna Russlands. i. Rhyn- cholophus (Macropus) plumifer, n. sp. Soc. Ent. Ross. Hone, 27, 1893, 387-390. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Geschlechtsorgane bei den Galendiden. Soc. Ent. Ross. Horse, 28, 1894, 289-326. - Ixodidie novi vel parum cogniti Musei Zoologici Academic Caesarese Scientiarum PetropolitaniE. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1895, 353-364. - KojuieKiUH SeanosBOHOHHHxi,, coopannan A. C. BOTKIIHUM'B. [Sur la collection des (5vertebres de 31. A. BOTKINE.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, vii-ix. - Miscellanea scorpiologica. [i, n, in & iv. Zur Synonymie der russischen Scorpione.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 229-245; 2, 1897, 377-392; 3, 1898, 276-283; 5, 1900, 248-256. - Ma'repia.u.i J..IH fiio.iorin n 30oreorpa$in iipeiiMymecTBeHHo pyccKiixt MOpeR. [i- IVF, (|)ayH'fe Meri.y3i>Co.TioBeu,Karo3a.ii[Ba. n. Hydrozoa, Polychseta n Crustacea Co6paHHUH 3.-pOMl> A. C. BoTKiiHHM'b BT. EHiiceftcKoB ii OocKoB iy6ax i., JTETOMT, IH;I"> ro;ia. in. OiepKT, i|iayin,l Crustacea- Decapoda jiopeil MypjiancKaro n Bt.iaro. iv. ,l,n- IlO.lIienip Kl Crustacea-Decapoda B'fc.iaro MOpa. v. 0 saBiicMisiocTii cxpoeHia utKoropuxt ni- ApoiiioBi. no6epeaca CojioBeii,KiixT, O-BOBI OTT, (|ni:ii[ A. C. BOTKIIHHM'L Bt 1896 ii I8(j7 rr. Bt KapcKOMt Mopt, n B-J, Ka- HimcKO-neHOpcKOMt pailont Mypjianci;aro Mopn. Recherches sur la biologie et zoogeographie, principale- ment des mers russes. i. Faune des Meduses du golfe de Solowetzki. ii. Hydrozoaires, Polychetes et Crustaces, recueillis par le Dr. A. BOTKINE dans les golfes du Euisei et de 1'Obi. in. Essai d'une faune des Crustaces Decapodes de la mer Blanche et de la mer Mourmane. rv. Supplement a la faune des Decapodes de la mer Blanche, v. Sur les rapports eutre la structure mor- phologique de quelques Hydroi'des des cotes des lies de Solovetzk et les conditions physicales des lieux qu'ils habitent. vi. Decapodes recueillis dans la mer Mour- maue en 1898 par 1'expe'dition du Comite des Pomores. vn. Note sur les Crustaces reeueillis par le Dr. A. S. BOTKINE en 1896 et 1897 dans la mer Kara et dans la region sud-est de la mer Mourmane.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 327-354; 2, 1897, 78-116, 405-452; 3, 1898, 184-190, 203-214; 4, 1899, 20-38, 418- 448; Annee Biol., 1898, 519 [Ft. vn only}. - 3ajlt,TKa o BIIAaxt p lepnoMt ii KacniucKojit Mopax-b. [Note sur les especes du genre Amphicteis, Grube, de la mer Noire et Caspienne.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897, 9-26. Kl> fiio.iorill [Sur la biologie du] Chrysochraon dispar, Gernuir. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 3, 1898, iv-v. - lloiiuii BII,U' CKOpniona j.ia pycci;oii c|iayin.i. [Sur un scorpion, nouveau pour la faune de la Russie.] Birulial 5G9 [Bischoff St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 4, 1899, xiv-xv. CitopiiioHH xpauamieca BI yoojionniecKOin. Myset Hune- paTOpcicaro MocKOBCKaro YHiiBepciiTOTa. Scor- piones mediterranei Musei Zoologici Mosqueusis. Mos- cow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 98 (No. 1), 1900, 8-20. - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Scorpionenfauna Ost- Persiens. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, 355-375. - Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Scorpionenfauna Kleinasiens. [1900.] Soc. Ent. Boss. Horse, 33, 1901 132-140. Bisanz, Gustav. Studie iiber ein Zellengewiilbe. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg., 53, 1888, 30-31, 48. Bisbee, D. B. Nitrogen compounds of the soil. [1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 2, 1895, 66. Bisbee, D. 11. , it Patrick, G. E. See Patrick & Bisbee. Biscaro, Giuseppe. Osservazioni sulla determinazione volumetrica del cloro col processo del MOHE. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, 293-301 ; Ann. di Chim., 1, 1885, 241-248. - Studio del miscuglio d'ipoclorito cli calcio commercials ed acido fenico usato in Padova nell' estate 1884 come antisettico. [1886.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86, 663-671. Biscaro, Giuseppe, & Spica, Giovanni. See Spica & Biscaro. Biscaro, Giuseppe, & Spica, Pietro. See Spica & Biscaro. Bischler, Ang\vst\. Condensationsproducte aus Para- toluidin mit Paranitrobittermandelol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 3302-3306. - Condensationsproducte aus Basen der Parareihe mit Paranitro- und Metanitrobittermandelol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3207-3219. - Ueber o-Nitrophenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 240-241, 2801-2809. - - TJeber Phenmiaziu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 506-508. - Ueber das Piperazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 716-718. - Ueber die Entstehung eiuiger substituirter Indole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2860-2879. - Ueber eine neue Synthese von Pyrazolderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3143-3146 ; 26, 1893, 1881-1890. - Zur Kenntniss der Phenmiazinderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1891-1903. Biscbler, Av.g\u&f\, & Barad, D[arid]. Zur Kenntniss der Phenmiazinderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3080-3097. Bischler, August], & Baur-Thurgau, Albert. See B.iur- Thurgau .\ Bischler. Bischler, Aii(/[aureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3395-3399. Weitere Beitrage zur Keuntuiss der Homologen der Maleinsauregruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3414-3423. — Ueber Trimethylbernsteinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, KM1-1049. — Ueber Aethyl-, Propyl- und Benzvldimethylbernstein- saure. Berlin', Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1050-1064. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der substituirten Berusteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1064-1074. - Theoretische Ergebnisse der Studien in der Bern- steinsauregruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1074-1085. — Die dynamische Hypothese in ihrer Amvendung auf die Bernsteinsauregruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1085-1095. — Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fumarsaurereihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2001-2025. — Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Piperazingruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892. 2940-2956. — Ergebnisse der Studien iiber die Derivate der ein- und zweibasischen a-Oxysauren. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 153-188. - Studien iiber Verkettungen. I. Alkylirung des Malon- und Acetessigsaureesters. [n. Conjugirte Ma- lonsaureester. in. Umsetzung von Chloressigester mit Natrium-Malon- und -Acetessigestern. iv. Umsetzungen der Natrium-(Alkyl)-Malonsaureester rnit a-Bromfett- siiureestern. v. Umsetzungen der Natrium-(Alkyl) Acetessigester mit a-Bromfettsaureestern. vi. Theo- retische Ergebnisse der Versuche iiber die Bildung substituirter Aethenyltricarbonsaure- und Acetsuccin- saureester. vn. Kuppelung von Malonsaureestern mittels einfacher Bindungen. vm. Kuppelung von Malonsauredimethylestern mittels doppelter Biudnng. ix. Kuppelung von Malonsaurediathylester mittels dop- pelter Bindung. x. Combinationen, welche zu Estern der Methylacetylentetracarbonsaure (Butansaure-2-Me- thylsaure-3-Dimethylsaure) fuhren sollten. xi. Com- biuationen, welche zu Aethylacetylentetracarbonsiiure- ester (PentanEaure-2-JIethylsaure-3-Dimethylsaureester) fuliren sollten. xn. Quantitative!- Verlnuf der Synthesen von Estern fiinf-, sechs- und siebenbasiseher Fettsauren. xm. Das Diiithyklisulfonmethan und der Diiithoxyma- lonsaureester. xiv. Das Anilin und die Bromfettsaure- ester. xv. Das Anilin und die Brornfettsaureamide. xvi. DieBilduug von Siiureaniliden. xvn. Orthotoluidin und Metatoluidin. xvm. Paratoluidin. xix. Metaxyli- din im Vergleich mit Anilin und den Toluidinen. xx. Die Chlorauiline. xxi. Die Nitroaniline. xxn. Nitrotolui- dine im Vergleich mit den Nitro- und Chlor-Anilineu. xxin. Ortho- und Para-AmidophenoI. xxiv. Das Benzylamin. xxv. Das Monomethylanilin. xxvi. Das Aetliylanilin. xxvn. Das Benzylanilin. XXVHI. Das Diphenylamin. xxix. Das Piperidin. xxx. Carbazol, Amidoazobenzol und Acetanilid. xxxi. Dimethylanilin und a-Bromfettsaureester. xxxii. Vergleich der mit den a-Bromfettsaureestern in Reaction gebrachten aro- matischen Basen. xxxin. Aromatische einsaurige Basen und a-Bromfettsaurebromide. xxxrv. Aromatische zwei- saurigeBasenunda-Bromfettsaurebromide. xxxv. Formal- dehyd und zweisaurige Basen. xxxvi. Natriummethylat und a-Bromfettsaureathylester. xxxvn. Natriumathylat und Bromfettsaureester. xxxvm. Natriurn-Propylat sowie -Isopropylnt und a-Bromfettsaureester. xxxix. Die Natriurnverbiudungen der isomereu Butylalkohole und a-Bromfettsaureester. xij. a-Bromfettsaureester uud die Natriumverbindungen des Isoamyl-, Octyl- und Iso- capryl-Alkohols. XLI. Cliarakteristik der gesattigten einwerthigeu Alkohole gegeniiber den a-Bromfettsaure- athylestern. XLII. Phenoxypropionsauren und Derivate. XLIII. a-Pheuoxy-Buttersaure, -Isobuttersaure und -Isovaleriansaure und deren Ester. XLIV. Die drei Natriumkresolate und a-Bromfettsaureester. XLV. Na- triumxylenolate und a-Bromfettsaureester. XLVI. Car- vacrol-, Thymol-, Pseudocumenol-Natrium und a-Brom- fettsaureester. XLVII. Natriumnaphtolate und a-Brom- fettsaureathylester. XLVin. Guajacolderivate. XLIX. Derivate der drei Oxybenzoesaureathylester. L. Die drei Natriumnitropheuolate. LI. Derivate von gechlorten undgebromten Phenolen undUebersichtderquantitativen Umsetzungen von Natriumverbindungen einwerthiger Phenole mit a-Brornfettsiiureathylestern. LII. Derivate des Brenzcatechins. LIII. Derivate des Kesorcins und Orcins. LIV. Derivate des Hydrochinons.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2616-2631, 2824-2835; 29, 1896, 966-971, 972-978, 979-982, 982-989, 1276-1280, 1280-1286, 1286-1293, 1504-1514, 1514-1521, 1741-1750; 30, 1897, 487^91, 2303-2310, 2310-2315, 2315-2322, 2464-2468, 2469-2475, 2476-2480, 2760-2764, 27C4-2768, 2769-2775, 2926-2930, 3169-3173, 3174-3178, 3178-3180, 3450 ; 31, 1898, 2672-2677, 2678-2683, 2839-2847, 2847- 2854, 3015-3024, 3025-3033, 3236-3240, 3241-3248, 3248-3258, 3677, 3680 ; 32, 1899, 1748-1755, 1755-1761, 1761-1766, 1940-1947, 1948-1953, 1953-1960; 33. 1900, 924-931, 931-939, 1249-1261, 12111-1269, 1269-1277, 1386-1392, 1392-1397, 1398-1407, 1591-1602, 1603-1611, 1668-1676, 1676-1686, 1686-1692, 4191, 4192. Bischoff, C\ni-f] A[dam], & Hausdorfer, A[rt1wr]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Jod auf Natriummalonsaureester- derivate. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 110-131. Ueber die Producte der Destination von citronensauren Salzen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1915-1918. - Ueber o- und fi-Ditolyl und /3-Dinaphtylpiperazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1981-1986. — Ueber Dipheiiyl-a-7- und -a-5-diacipiperazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1987-1991. - Ueber Derivate des Orthotolylglycius. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1991-1996. — Ueber Derivate des Paratolylglycins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1997-2002. — Ueber Derivate des a- und /S-Naphtylglycins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2003-2009. — Ueber Derivate der Anilido- und o-Toluidoessigsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2270-2280. - Ueber Paratolylglycin und seiue Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2280-2290. - Ueber Derivate der Naphtalidoessigsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2290-2298. - Ueber Derivate der a-Amidopropionsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2298-2313. - Ueber Acidox3'lderivate des Aethylen-Diphenyl- und Ditolyldiamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892 3253-3262. - Ueber neue Derivate des a- und /S-Naphtylamins, welohe iisymmctrisrhi' StiekstorT- und Kohlenstoffatome enthalten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3263-3270. Bischoff, llur!] A[dain], & Hjelt, I-:,Ir[,ml Inimttnu,-l\. ivin-i -Mmnctiisi'hr I'i ithylbernsteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2089-2097. Bischoff] 571 [Bischoff Bischoff, C[arl] A[dam], & Jaunsnicker, K[arl]. Ueber Pimelinsauren versehiedeuen Ursprungs. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3399-3409. Bischott, C[arl] A[dnm], & Kuhlberg, A[lfons\ von. Ueber Methyl-, Aethyl- und unsymmetrische Dimethylbern- steiusaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 034-638. - Versuche zur Darstellung alkylsubstituirter Tricarb- allylsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 664- 669. - Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Benzylmethyl- undBeuzyldimethylbernsteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1942-1950. Bischoff, C[arl\ A[dam], & Mmtz, A"[««m]. Ueber sym- metriscbe Aetbyl- Methyl-, Trimethyl-, symmetrische uud asymmetrisehe Diathyl- und Aethylclimethylbern- steinsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 647-6.32. - Ueber Benzylberusteinsaure und ihre Hornologen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 653-656. — Ueber die Anhydrisirung und Umlagerung der sub- stituirten Bernsteinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 656-659. — Ueber Aethyldimethylbernsteinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3410-3413. — Ueber Derivate der a-Amidonormalbuttersiiure. Ber- lin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2314-2325. — Ueber Anilidoisobuttersauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2326-2334. — Ueber Toluidoisobuttersauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2334-2345. — Ueber Derivate der a- und /J-Naphtalidoisobuttersaure sowie iiber Pheuyl- und Paratolyl-/3-Alauin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2345-2354. Bischoff, C[arl] A[dam], & Nastvogcl, Oscar. Ueber Monoacipiperazine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1783-1786. — Ueber a-7-Diacipiperazine. Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1786-1792. — Ueber a-/3-Uiacipiperazine und anorrnale Eeactionen bei der Piperazinbildung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1804-1808. — Ueber die Destination von Colophonium irn Vacuum. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1919-1923. - Ueber Diphenylmonoaci- und -a-/3-diaeipiperazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2026-2030. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chloressigsaure und Oxal- saure auf Aethylen-o-ditolyldiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2031-2035. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Chloressigsaure und Oxal- saure auf Aethylen-jj-ditolyl- und -a-diuaphtyldiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2035-2040. - Ueber die Einwirkung von Essigsaureanhydrid auf die Anilide, Toluide und Naphtalide der Aepfelsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2040-2047. - Ueber die Anilide und Toluide der Weinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2047-2051. — Versuche zur Darstellung von Tetraci- uud Triaci- piperazinen der aromatisehen Reihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 20.31-2055. — Versuche zur Darstellung von Kingen, welche zwei Stickstoft'atome und zwei, drei und sechs Kohlenstoff- atome euthalten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2055-2060. Bischoff, C'laii] A[dam], & Bach, Carl. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Acetylentetracarbonsaureesters. Berlin, Chem. Gee. Ber., 17, 1884, 2781-2788. - Ueber neue Derivate der Orthonitrobenzoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2788-2800. — Ueber die symmetrische Dimethylberusteinsaure (Hy- dropyrociuchousaure). [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1202-1203. — Ueber Hydropyrocinchonsaure (s. Dimethylbernsteiu- saure). Liebig's Ann., 234, 1886, 54-89. Bischoff, C[arl] A[dam], & Siebert, Hermann]. Ueber neue Benzyl- und Benzoylverbinduugen. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 92-110. Bischoff, C[tirr\ A[dam], & Tigerstedt, A[rthur]. Ueber die Einwirkimg von a-Bromisobuttersaureeeter auf Propvl- und Isopropylmalonsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890/1937-1941. Bischoff, C[arl] A[<-him], & Trapesonzjanz, Ch[atzcheres], Weitere Beitrage zur Keuutniss des Dipheuylpiperazius. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1977-1981. — Ueber Monoacipiperazine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2931-2940. Bischoff, C[arl] A[dam], & die beideu symmetriechen Voit, E[duard]. Ueber Dimethylberusteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 389-391; 23, 1890, 639-644. — Ueber die Beziehungen der beiden symmetrischeu Dimethylbernsteinsauren zur Pyrocinchonsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 644-646. Bischoff, C[arl] A[dam], Jk Walden, Punl. Ueber bi- substituirte Bernsteinsiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1812-1818, 1819-1822. — Ueber die physikalischeu Constanten der substituirten Aethenyltricarbonsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 660-664. — Ueber das Leitvermogeu der substituirteu Bernstein- sauren und Glutarsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1950-1958. — PesyjibTara H3CJif.AOBaHia nponsBojauxiojHO II J.BVSaM'feuJ.eHHUXT, a-OKCIIIClICJOT'L. [Besults of an investigation of the mono- and di-substituted deriva- tives of the a-hydroxy acids.] Buss. Phys.-Chern. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chem.), 1892, 179-193. — Ueber das Glycolid und seine Hoinologen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 262-265. - Die Anwendung der dynamischen Hypothese auf Ketonsaurederivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1452-1460, 2300. — Ueber einige Anilide und Toluide welche in zwei Modificatiouen auftreten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1461-1462. — Ueber Anomalien bei Verkettungeu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1491-1495. — Ueber die Aethylenester der Glyool- und Oxalsaure und die Anhydride a-halogenisirter Fettsiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2939-2952. — Ueber Derivate der Glycolsaure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 45-70. — Ueber Derivate der Milchsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 71-99. — Ueber Derivate der beiden a-Oxybuttersauren. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 100-118. — Ueber Derivate der Maudelsaure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 118-129. — Ueber Derivate der Aepfelsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 130-137. — Ueber Derivate der Weiusaure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 138-152. Bischoff, C. !!'. Histologische Uutersuchungen iiber den Einfluss des Schneidens der Haare auf ihr Wachsthum. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 51, 1898, 691-703. Bischoff, Ernst. Verlegung beider Uretereu durch Harn- steine. Anurie von 23tagiger Dauer. [1884.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 36, 1885, 183-188. Bischoff, Ernst. Einwirkuug von salpetriger Saure auf Tetramethyldiamidobenzopheuon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2452-2455. - Ueber die Einwirkung von salpetriger Saure auf Tetrarnethylfliamidobeuzophenon uud diesem analoge Korper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 337-346. — Einige Derivate des Desoxybenzoius. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 346-348. Bischoff, Ernst. Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie 72—2 Bischoff] 572 [Bishop der schweren acuten Verwirrtheit. All;,'. Ztschr. Psy- chiatr., 56, 1899. 7G2-797. Beitrag zur Lehre von der seusorischen Aphasie nebst Bernerkungeu iiber die Symptomatik doppelseitiger Schliifelappenerkrankung. Arch. Psychiatr., 32, 1899. 730-767. Ueber den intramedullaren Verlauf des Facialis. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 1014-1016. Beitrag zur Anatomie des Igelgehirnes. Anat. Anz., 18. 1900, 348-35*. Bischoff, H., A Foerster, F[ritz]. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Elektrolyse von Chlorcalcium-Losungen. [1898.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1897-98, 464-470. Bischoff, 1 1 [mis], «.«, in der Gosankreide der nordbstlichen Kalkalpen. Wieu, Geol. Verb., 1898, 215-216. — Ueber zwei neue Fundstellen der Posidouomya alpina, Gras., in den niederosterreichischen Kalkalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 216-217. — Geologisches aus der Gegend von Weyer in Ober- osterreich. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 277-282; 1900, 324-326. - Fischzahne im norischen Hallstiitter Kalke von Miihlthal bei Piesting. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 321-326. im> rpiacoBuxi B IjiuiO-yccypiilCItarO It pan. Versteinerungen aus den Trias-Ablagerungen des Siid-Ussuri-Gebietes in der ostsibirischen Kiisteuprovinz. [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Mem., 7, 1888-99, No. 4, 35 pp. [ir/t/i Germ, transl.] — Ueber zwei neue Brachiopoden aus dem Lias und der Gosaukreide von Salzburg. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 48, 1899, 1-8. — Beitrage ?,ur Palaeontologie, insbesondere der triadi- schen Ablagerungen centralasiatischer Hochgebirge. Wieu, Geol. Jbuch., 48, 1899, 689-718. — Neue Daten iiber die Verbreitung cretacischer Ablage- rungeu mit Orbitolina concava, Lam., in den nieder- osterreichischen Kalkalpen, bei Alland und Sittendorf nachst Wien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1899, 253-255. Bittner] 577 [Bizio — Ueber ein von Herrn Berghaupttnann J. GRIMMER in Serajewo untersuchtes Kohlenvorknmmen na'chst Trebinje. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1900, 145-148. — Zur Verbreitung der Brachiopodeu aus der Familie der Koninckiniden in den Triasablagerungen Ungarns. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1900, 183-185. — Ueber uachtriadische Verwandte der Gattnng Mysi- dioptera. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1900, 207-208. — Geologisches aus der Gegend von Altenmarkt an der Euns. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1900, 322-324. - Trias Brachiopoda and Lamellibranohiata. [Ti:] [1899.] Pala?ont. Indioa (Himril. Foss.), 3, 1901 (Pt. 2), 76pp. Bittner, hurl, A Wegscheider, Rudolf. Kee Wegscheider it Bittner. Bittner, Willielm. Zur Aetiologie und Tberapie der Hydrocele im Kindesalter. Ztsohr. Heilk., 15, 1894, 273-285. B.tto, lii'lu. A nitroprussidnatriutn mint reagens szerves vegyiiletekre. [Ueber das Nitroprussidnatrium als Reagens auf organische Verbindungen.] [1891.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 10, 1892, 20-33; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 80-88. — Arouias nitrovegyiiletek hatasariil aldehydek- es keto- nokra. [Ueber die Reaction der Aldehyde und Ketoue rnit arornatischen Nitroverbindungen.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 10, 1892, 103-108; Math. Nat. Ber. Uugarn, 10, 1893, 89-94. — A paprika chemiai osszetetele>61. [Ueber die chemische Zusauimensetzung der reifen Paprika- (roten Pfeffer-) Sohote.] [1892-95.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 11, 1893, 15-27; 13, 1895, 210-225; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 1-13; 12, 1895, 299-320. — Az egyertekii alkoholok kiinutatasar61. [Ueber die Erkennuug und den qualitativen Nachweis einwertiger Alkohole.]' [1892.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 11, 1893, 28- 29; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 14-15. — A niivenyreszek lecithin-tartalm.'lnak meghataroza- sarol. [Bestimmuug des Lecithingehaltes der Pttauzen- bestandteile.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 12, 1894, 205-214; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 1895, 36-46. - Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung einiger ungarischer Koblen. Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 1895, 287-298. — Ailatok az aldehydek es ketonok szines kemhatasaihoz. [Ueber Farbenreactionen der Aldehyde und Ketone.] Termt. Kozlon., 28, 1896, 393-394; Math. Nat. Ber. Uugarn, 14, 1898, 1-10. — Adatok az a-sulfonormalcapronsavnak ^s s6inak megismeresehez. [Beitrage zur Erkenntniss der a-Sulfo- normaleapronsaure und ihrer Salze.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 15, 1897, 294-304; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 11-21. — A hazai termotalajok calcium- es magnezium-tartal- marol. [Ueber den Calcium- uud Magnesiumgehalt des Boclens in Ungarn.] [1897.] Termt. Kozlou., 30, 1898, 49; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 388. — Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Kalk- und Magnesia- gehaltes ungarischer Ackerbodeu. Landw. Versuehs- Stat., 50, 1898, 233-244. — Ueber Bodenuntersuchungen im Tokayer Weingebiet. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 54, 1900, 337-348. Ditto, Bela, & Liebermann, Leo. See Liebermann & BittO. Bitzos, G. Un nouveau phacometre pratique a faire. Ann. d'Oculist., 109, 1893, 187-193. — Encore quelques mots sur la skiascopie. Ann. d'Oculist., 109, 1893, 347-368. — Pathogenic de la myopie. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 247-270. Biver, Eni/ene. Installation d'une machine d'epuisement a colonne d'eau et a vapeur (systeme Hathorn et Davey). [1885.] Genie Civil, 8, 1885-86, 81-80, 101-105. Biver, Marcel. Passage des courbes .dans un trainage mecanique par chaine flottante. St. Etienne Bull. Soc. Ind. Min.. 3, 1889, 237-252. Bivort, Arthur. Materiaux pour la faune entomologique de la province de Hainaut. Coleopteres interessants ou nouveaux pour la Belgique, captures a Fleurus et aux environs. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 42, 1898, 202-205. Bizard, L., & Sicard, A. Reproduction experimental du chancre simple chez le singe. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 886-887. Bize, - — . Recherches sur les bourses muqueuses prerotuliennes. Robin, .11. Anat., 32, 1896, 85-101. Bizet, Kdouiird. Catalogue des Mollusques observes a 1'etat vivant dans le departeiuent de la Sornme. N. France Soc. Linn. Mem., 7, 1888, 179-239; 8, 1892, 262-405. Bizet, Paul. For biographical notice see Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 4, 1901, xliii-xlv. - 'Notice a 1'appui du profil geologique du ehemin de fer de Mamers a Mortagne. [1881.] Normaudie Soc. Geol. Bull., 8, 1883, 40-70. — Notice a 1'appui des profils geologiques des chemins de fer de Mortagne a Menil-Mauger et de Mortagne a Laigle. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 9, 1884, 37-55. — Apercu general sur les terrains sedimentaires repre- sentes dans 1'est du departement de TOrne. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 9, 1885, 210-241. — Note explicative sur le profil geologique de la route de Verneuil a Alenoon (partie comprise eutre la limite du departement de 1'Eure et le bourg du Mele-sur-Sarthe). Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 10, 1885, 44-52. — • Excursion de la Societe Linneenne de Normandie a Vimoutiers. [1885.] Normandie Soc. G^ol. Bull., 11, 1886, 45-78. — Note explicative sur le profil geologique a travers le Perche-Ornais suivant Pancienne grande route du Mans a Paris. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 11, 1886, 79-87. — Considerations geologiques et paleontologiques sur les terrains des environs de Belleme et de Mamers. I. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 2, 1888, 179-217; Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., ]3, 1890, 95-132. — Notice a 1'appui du protil geologique d'Alencon a Nogent-le-Rotrou et a Beaumont-les-Autels. Normaudie Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1890, 133-155. — Note sur les limites du Terrain Callovien dans le nord-ouest de la France. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 10, 1894. 79-119. — [Massif Armoricain.] Region de la Fleche. [1895-99.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 7, 1896, 43-44; 8, 1897, 54 (Ws)-50 (bis); 9, 1897, 321-323; 10, 1899, 109-111, 487-490. — [Massif Armoricain, Cotentin et Vendee.] Feuille d'Angers. France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 11, 1900, 110-111. Bizio, Giovanni. For biography and list of works see Riv. Sci.-Ind., 23, 1891, 163-164;' Venezia, Ateneo, 1, 1891, 215-232; Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1890-91, 685-087; 1891-92, 1)17-950 ; Termt. Kozlon., 24, 1892, 040. - *I1 glicogeno negli animali invertebrati. Nuovo Cimento, 21 & 22. 1865-66, 268-275. - "Ulterior! ricerche sopra il glicogeno. Nuovo Ciineuto, 25, 1867, 117-123. - *Ceuno storico sopra la depurazione delle acque dolci mediante il congelamento. Nuovo Cimeuto, 26, 1867,28-31. — L'applicazione del uitrato d' argento all' esame chimico degli olii confutata. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884- 85, 1449-1459. — Ancora sull' esame chimico dell' olio di oliva. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, 1815-1818. — Analisi chimica delle acque delle sorgenti di Due Ville. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 899-939. — II piii recente metodo del BECHI per iscoprire 1' olio di cotone nelle miscele confutato. [1888.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1887-88, 433-452. Bizio] 57S [Bjerknes Bizio, Giovanni, cV Gabba, Luii/i. Sui process! d' indagine dei grass! e in particolare sull' assaggio dell' olio d' oliva. Milauo, 1st. Loinb. Rend., 19, 1886, 056-676. Bizot, Jean 1'ninniii. For biographical notice and works xee Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 29, 1884-87. xxxviii. Bizzarri, Decio. Sulla produzione di ossicumarine. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 188B, 33-37. — Kicerche sopra uua nuova classe di acridine, [le carbazocridiue. i. SulJa ?Hs-fenilearbazo- cridina. H. Sul »«s-metilderivato. in. Disidratazione di ammidi insieme a derivati del difenile. iv. Sulla ossidazione della ms-fenilcarbazoeridina.] [ln'.iii-'j-j.] Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 20, 1891, 407-417; 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 158-163, 351-359; 23, 1893 (Pt.. 1), 1-9. — Alcune notizie sul comportamento del eumarone. [1890.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 607-611. Bizzarri, Deciti, & Campani, G[iovanni], Arsenico nativo della Valtelliua. Proprieta e eomposizione. Gazz. Chini. Ital., 15, 1885, 349-350. Bizzcll, ./[nines] A[drian], & Fraps, George 8[tronacli\. Sec Fraps .V Bizzcll. Bizzozero, E[nzo], Sur la membrane propre des canali- cules uriniferes du rein buniain. Arch. Ital. Biol., 33, 1900, 459-460. Bizzozero, Giacomo. For biography see Bot. Centrbl., 22, 1885, 315-318. — Fungi veneti novi vel critici. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, 303-309. Bizzozero, Giulio. To reference in No. 29 (Vol. 9) add Arch. Sci. Med., 7, 1884, 375-384 ; Virchow, Arch. , 95, 1884, 26-45. — Ueber die Mikrophyten der normalen Oberhaut des Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 441-459. — Ueber das constante Vorkommen von Bakterien in den Lymphfollikeln des Kaninchendarmes. Centrbl. Med. Wise., 23, 1885, 801-804. — Ueber den Bau der gescbichteteu Pflasterepithelien. Int. Jl. Anat., 2, 1885, 278-283; Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 373-378. — Ueber die Natur der secundiireu leukamischen Bildungen. Virchow, Arch., 99, 1885, 378-383; Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 53-58. — Ueber die Regeneration der Elemente der Gewebe uuter pathologischen Bedingungen. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 81-84. — Nuovo metodo per la dimostrazione degli element! in cariocinesi lie! tessuti. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 3, 1886,24-27. — Ueber die Regeneration der Elemente der schlauch- formigen Driisen uud des Epithels des Magendarmkanals. Anat. Auz., 3, 1888, 781-784. — Ueber die Atrophie der Fettzellen des Knochenmarks. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 33, 1889, 247-254. — Sulle ghiaudole tubulari del tubo gastro-enterico e sui rapporti del loro epitelio coll' epitelio di rivestimento della mucosa. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 24, 1889, 110-137; 27, 1892, 14-34, 320-340, 81)1-903, 988-1004 ; 2s, 1893, 103-117, 233-251 ; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 33, 1889, 216- 246 [Part only]. — Sulla derivazione dell' epitelio dell' intestiuo dal- P epitelio delle sue ghiandole tubulari. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 24, 1889, 702. - Nuove ricerche sulla struttura del midollo delle ossa negli uccelli. [1889-90.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 25, 1890, 150-192; Arch. Mikr. Auat., 35, 1890, 424-469. — Sulle piastrine del sangue dei Mammiferi. Arch. Sci. Med., 15, 1891, 425-445. — Berichtigung in Sachen der Kerntheilung in den Nervenfasern nach Durchschneidung. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 41, 1893, 338. — Accrescimento e rigenerazioue nell' organisnio. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 1), 276-300. — Le macchine da scrivere dal punto di vista dell' igiene. Nuova Antol. Sci., 150, 1897, 45-68. Bizzozero, Giuliu, & Ottolenghi, Donato. Histologie der Milchdnise. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 9, 1900, 253-296, 871-872. Bizzozero, Giitlio, & Sacerdotti, (Vsrnv. Influence de la temperature et de ['afflux sanguin sur 1'activite pro- ductive des elements. Arch. Ital. Biol., 20, 1896, 88- 92. Bizzozero, Ginlio, & Sanquirico, Carlo. Sul destino dei globuli rossi nella trasfusinne di sangue detibrinato. Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 341-353. Bizzozero, (linlin, & Torre, A[leasandro] A[uguito]. To reference in title (Vol. SI) add Arch. Sci. Med., 7, 1884, 363-374; Virchow, Arch., 95, 1884. 1-25. Bizzozero, Ginlio, & Vassale, Ginlio. Sul consume delle cellule ghiandolari dei Mammiferi uelle ghiandole adulte. [1884-85.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1885, 333-334, 527-528. — Sulla produzione e sulla rigenerazione fisiologica degli elementi ghiandolari. Arch. Sci. Med., 11, 1887, 195-254, 449-150 ; Virchow, Arch., 110, 1887, 155-211. — Sur le tissu des glandes excretantes. [1887.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 9, 1888, 1-2. Bjerke, K. Eine veranderte Form des Sideroskops von J)r. ASMUS. Arch. f. Ophtbalm., 51, 1900, 461-463. Bjcrkcn, Pehr [Constant in] af. Untersuchung der durcb Druck und Zug hervorgerufenen Doppelbrechung bei Kautsehuk und Leimgallerten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 43, 1891, 808-816. — Ueber die Analogic zwiscbeu Kautsehuk und Leim- gallerten in Bezug auf Elasticitat und Warme. Ann. Phys. Chem., 43, 1891, 817-830. En forandring at' kompensationsmetoden for kapa- citetsmiituiugar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 57-62. Bjerknes, C[url] A[ittun]. *Quelques remarques relatives aux experiences hydrodyuamiques de J/. C. A. BJERKNES. Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 208-209. — Kecherehes hydrodyuamiques. Premier memoire. Les equations hydrodynamiques et les relations supple- mentaires. Acta Math., 4, 1884, 121-170. — Niels-Heurik ABEL, sa vie et sou action scientifique. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 1, 1884, 308 pp. — Hydrodynamiske undersugelser; videre udvikliug af de elektriske og niaguetiske aualogier sidtn Naturfor- skermjodet i 1880. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1886, 45-48. — La tentative de DEOEN de generaliser le th^oreme d'additiou d'EuLER. Bibl. Math., 1888, 1-2. — [Sur 1'analogie des ph^nomeues hydrodyuamiques et electrodynamiques.] Lum. Elect., 33, 1889, 475-476. Aualogieu zwischen physikalischen, besouders elek- trischen und magnetischen Erscheiuungen und rein mechauischeu. Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber. , 2, 1893, 57- 59 ; 3, 1894, 62. — Zur Weiterbildung der invera electrischahnlichen hydrodynamischeu Erscheinungeu ; Uebergang von statischeu zu dynamischeii. Ann. Phys. Chem., 63, 1897, 91-'J6. — De bydi odynamiske analogier til celledeliugspro- cesserne. [189s.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 37, 1900, 341-342. Bjerknes, V[illu'lm Friman Karen], Ueber die Dampfung schueller electrischer Schwingungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 74-91. - Ueber die Erscheinung der multiplen liesonanz electrischer Wellen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 92-101. — Ueber den zeitlichen Verlauf der Schwingungen im primaren Hertz'schen Leiter. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 513-526. — Sur le mouvement de 1'electricite dans 1'excitateur de HERTZ. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 213, 1891, 229-249. — Ue 1'amortissement des oscillations hertzieunes. Puris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1429-1431. — Die Resonanzerscheinung und das Absorptionsver- mogen der Metalle fiir die Energie electrischer Wellen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 47, 1892, 69-76. Bjerknes] 579 [Blaas — Om elektricitetsbevaegelsen i HERTZ'S primare leder. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 15, 1892, 165-236. Om anvendelsen af mekanikeus principer i fysiken. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 15, 1892, 331-347. — De la dissipation de 1'energie electrique du resonateur de 3[. HERTZ. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 725-727, 1027. — Del elektriske resonansfenomen OK metallernes absorptioiisevue for elektromagnetisk energi. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 373-374. Das Eindringen electrischer Wellen in die Metalle und die electromagnetische Lichttheorie. [1893.] Stockh., Ak. Haudl. Bihang, 19 (Afd. 1), 1894, No. 3, 1(1 pp. — Die Bestimmung der Dampfungaoonstanten des Hertz'sehen Oscillators und Kesonators aus der Reso- nanzerschpiuung. [1893.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 19 (Afil. 1), 1894, No. 7, 22 pp. - Verschiedene Formen der multiplcn Resinanz. Stockh., Ofvers., 1894, 381-386; Ann. Phys. Chem., 54, 1895, 58-63. — Ueber electrische Resonauz. i. Tlieorie der Reso- nanzerscheinung. [n. Resonanzversuche.] [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Haudl. Bihang, 20 (Afd. 1), 1895, No. 4, 58 pp., No. 5, 44 pp. Ueber electrische Resonanz. Ann. Phys. Chem., 55, 1895, 121-169. Zur Theorie gewisser Vektorgrossen. Christiania Skr. (Mntli.-Nat. Kl.), 1898, No. 4, 27 pp. — Ueber die Bildung von Cirknlationsbewegungen und Wirbeln in reibungslosen Fliissigkeiten. Christiania Skr. (Miith.-Nat. Kl.), 1898, No. 5, 29 pp. — Ueber einen hydrodynamischeu Fundamentalsatz und seine Anwendung besonders auf die Mechanik der Atmo- sphiire und des Weltmeeres. [1898.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 31, 1898-99, No. 4, 35 pp. Das dynamische Princip der Cirkulationsbewegungen in der Atmosphare. [1899.] Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 97-106, 145-156; U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 434-443. Riiumlicher Gradient und Cirkulation. Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 481-491. Bjerre, Paul. Ueber den Nahrwerth des Alkohols. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 9, 1899, 323-335. Bjorrum, Junnik. Untersnehungen iiber den Lichtsinn und den Raumsinn bei verschiedenen Augenkrankheiteu. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 30, 1884 (Abth. 2), 201-260. — Ueber den Helligkeitssiun. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R., 1884, (T. 3, Oph.), 11-17. Ueber die Refraktiou bei Neugeborenen. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R., 1884 (T. 3, Oph.), 207-215. — Ueber eine Zufugung zur gewohnlichen Gesiehtsfeld- rnessung und iiber das Gesichtsfeld beim Glaukom. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 4, Abth. 10), 66-79. — Eine Bernerkung iiber den Helligkeitssinu, veranlasst durch die Abhandlung TBEITEL'S in den letzteu Heften dieses Archives. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 37, 1891 (Abth. 3), 261-2132. Bjerrum, Kirstine. See Meyer, (Fru) Kirstine. Bjorck, Tit. Fall af langvarig naringsvagrau. Upsala Liikarefor. Forh., 20, 1885, 449-455; Neurol. Centrbl., 5, 1886, 187-188. Bjorklund, Gustai' Adolf. For biography sue Pharm. Ztschr. Ruesland, 24, 1885, 692-699. Bjbrkstem, .1/u.r. Die Wirkung der Streptokokken und ihrer Toxine auf die Leber. Beitr. Path. Anat. , 25, 1899, 97-119. Bjorling, C[arl] F[abian] E[manuel]. Ueber singulare Puukte der gewohnlichen algebraischen Differential- gleichuugen erster Ordnung und ersten Grades. Arch. Math. Phys., 4, 1886, 358-384. Ueber die Coincidenzkurve der gewohnlichen alge- braischen DifferentialKleichungen erster Ordnunjj. [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 12 (Afd. 1), 1887, No. 7, 16 pp. Konstruktion mittelst Lineals und Cirkels der Curven vierter Ordnung vom Geschleclite 2. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 19-24. — Zur Theorie der mehrdeutigeu Ebenen-Transforma- tiou. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 1), 1888, No. 8, 19 pp. — Singulare Generatricen in algebraisehen Regelfliichen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 587-604. — Die singularen Generatricen der Binormalen- uud Hauptnormalen-Flachen. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 (Afd. 1), 1890, No. 8, 18 pp. Ueber Raumourven-Singularitaten. Arch. Math. Phys., 8, 1890, 83-91; 10, 1891, vii. — Eine approximative Trisectio Anguli. Arch. Math. Phys., 15, 1897, 223-224. Bjorling, -/. A. En resa till Gronland sommaren 1891. [Eine Reise nach Gronland mil dem danischen Schiffe Ceres.] Stockh., Ymer, 11, 1892, 151-173; Arch. f. Anthrop., 22, 1894, 484-485. Biorlvkkc, K. 0. GraptolitfiVrende skifere i vestra Gausdal. Norges Geol. Unders. Aarb., [1], 1891, 1-10, (Res. 91-92). — Den norske nordpolsekspedition. Kristiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb., 4, 1893, 86-103. — Skredet i Vierdalen. Kristiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb., 4. 1893, 105-112. Gausdal. Fjeldbygningen inden rektangelkartet Gausdals omraade. Norges Geol. Unders. [Aarb.], 13, 1893, 36 pp. (-Res. 34-36). Hoifjeklskvartsens nordostligste udbredelse. Norges Geol. Unders. Aarb., 14, 1894, 60-75, (Res. 147). Svar til dr. TORNEBOHM om kalkstenen ved Baalsfeter. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 16, 1894, G4-66. Geologiske billeder fra Kristiania by. [1896.] Kris- tiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb., 8, 1897, 77-113. — Geologisk kart med beskrivelse over Kristiania by. Norges Geol. Unders. [Aarb.], 25, 1898, 86 pp. (Res. 84-86). Norges geologiske undersn'gelses udstilling i Bergen 1898. Norges Geol. Unders. [Aarb.], 26, 1898, 83 pp. — Om oiegneisen i Formokampen, Gudbrandsdalen. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 218-221. Blaas, Josef. To reference in No. 1 (Vol. 9) add Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 177-180. *Petrographische Studien an jiingeren Eruptiv- gesteinen Persieus. Min. Petr. Mitth., 3, 1881, 457-503, 548. - *"Pseudomorphose" von Feldspath nach Granat. Min. Petr. Mitth., 4, 1882, 279-280. — Ueber Spuren des Culturmenschen im Loss bei Innsbruck. Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 14, 1884, 1-20. — Notizen iiber die Glacialformation im Innthal. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1884, 19-20. — Ueber eine neue Belegstelle fiir eine wiederholte Ver- gletscherung der Alpen. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1884, 278- 281. — Ueber die Glacialformation im Innthale. Innsbruck, Ferdiuandeurn Ztschr., 29, 1885, 1-120. — Ein Beitrag zu den " pseuduglacialen " Erscheinungen. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1886, 155. • Die Hottiuger Breccie und ihre Beziehung zur Frage nach einer wiederholteu Vergletscherung der Alpen. Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., in, 1889, 97-115. — Ueber sogenannte interglaciale Profile. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 39, 1889, 477-482. — Ein Profil durch die Achensee-Dammschotter. Wieu, Geol. Verh., 1889, 232-234. — Ueber gekritzte Serpentingeschiebe, die nicht glacial sind. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1890, 119-121. Blaasl :,su [Black — Ueber die Trinkwasserquellen der Stadt Innsbruck. [1889.] Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 19, 1891, v-vii. Notizen fiber diluvio-glaciale Ablagerungen im Inn- thalgebiete. Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 19, 1891, 92-131'). Erliiuterungen zur geologischen Earte der diluvi:ilt n Ablagerungen in der Umgebung von Innsbruck. Wien, Geol. Jhuch., 40, 1891, 21-50. Zur Vergletscherung des Innthals. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1891, 215-218. — Beitriige zur Geologie von Tirol. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 217-222, 350-353. Bericht iiber den am 9. Juli 1892 bei Langen am Arlberg niedergegangenen Bergsturz. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 261-266. — Diluvialtorf bei Hopfgarten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 91. Ueber Serpentin und Schiefer aus deni Brennergebiete. [1894.] Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 64. 1895, 1-60. Der Boden der Stadt Innsbruck. Eine geologiscbe Skizze. [1895.] Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 22, 1896, 167-192. - Ueber Terrainbewegmigeu bei Bruck uud Imming irn vorderen Zillertbale. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 225-227. - Vom Eggenthal. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 227-230. Ueber die geologiscbe Position einiger Trinkwasser- ([iiellen in den Alpen. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 59-62, 194-195, 217-219 ; 1898, 135-139. — Ueber eine neue Methode der Bezeicbnung uud Dar- stellung geologischer Ebenen. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 364-367. — Ueber die Lage der Scbnittlinie von Terrainflachen und geologiscben Ebenen. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 46, 1897, 269-278. - Ueber ein Eisenerz-Vorkommen im Stubaithale. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1900, 369-370. Blaas, Josef, & Picbler, Aiinlf. See Piehler & Blaas. Blaauw, E[dmond] E[lf integral. [1897.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 16, 1898, 219- 225. Black] 581 [Blackburne-Maze Black, Charles Edward D. Some geographical notes on the work of the Afghan Boundary Commission. Scott. Geogr. Man., 2, 1886, 596-610. Black, (j. MflrilU. Does JAVAL'B ophthalmometer render the use of atropine unnecessary? Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 333-338. — The effects of altitude upon the mucous membranes of the upper air passages. With report of cases. N. Y. Med. .Tl., 55, 1892, 407-408. Black, Homer Van J'alkenbiirti, & Herty, Charles H[<>Imes]. See Herty & Black. Black, J[«mc'.«]. [Axis with a median cleft of the neural arch. First thoracic vertebra presenting a cleft.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, xxx. — Report of a case of cervical ribs. [1898.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, xlvii-1. Black, J[ohn] R[obert]. Two cases of sprue (psilosis, Dr. Thin). Glasgow Med. Jl., 29, 1888, 473-475. Black, J[olni.] S[trwart]. Journey round Siam. Geogr. JL, 8, 1896, 429-448. Black, A'lirnwH. Adaptive mollification as seen in the teeth of Mammalia. [1899.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 43, 1900, 4-23. - Trismus. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 43, 1900, 964-975. Black, Otis Fisher, & Torrey, Joseph. See Torrey & Black. Black, I\[obert] Sinclair. Observations on the morphology and conditions of growth of a fungus parasitic on locusts in S. Africa. [1897.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 9, 1898, 68-76. Black, H'fiVJmm] G[alt]. Ship anemometer. Liverpool Lit. Phil. Soc. Proe., 38, 1884, 223-226. Notes on the meteorology and hydrology of the Suez Canal. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 23, 1884, 64-70. — Climate of the Delta of Egypt in 1798-1802 during the French and British campaigns. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 10, 1884, 253-261. — Ozone at sea. Nature, 32, 1885, 416. - The " Alaska glacier." Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 140-141. - *On a wind-pressure gauge for ships at sea. [1883.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 11, 1887, 47-49. — Ozone papers in towns. [1886.] Nature, 35, 1887, 76. — Brighton beaches after the storms of October 15 and December 8, 1886. [1887.] Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 399-406. — Wind force at sea. Nature, 37, 1888, 321. Anemometers and damage by gales of wind. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891, 54-50. — On a floating rain-gauge and evaporator. Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 216-218. Meteorology, sea-side, English Channel, [1890.] [1892.] winter. [1893.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 325-335. Blackburn, 7[sa.a«] T. On methods of preparing tissues for microscopical study and brains for anatomical demonstration. Amer. Micr. Jl. , 8, 1887, 161-165. — A method of preparing brains and other organs for anatomical and pathological demonstration, and tissues for microscopical study. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 {Vol. 3), 407-409. Blackburn, (Rev.) Thomas. Notes on Hawaiian Neur- optera, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 412-421. — Notes on some Hawaiian Carabidas. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 25-26. - Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species. [1886-1900.] S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 10, 1888, 1-11, 12-30, 36-51, 52-71, 177-287; 11, 1889, 175-214; 12, 1889, 132-148; 13, 1890.82-93; 14, 1891, 65-153, 292-345; 15, 1892, 20-73, 207-261; 17, 1893, 130-140, 294-315; 18, 1894, 139-168, 200-240; 19, 1895, 27-60, 201-258; 20, 1896, 35-109, 233-259; 21, 1897, 28-39, 88-98; 22, 1898, 18-64, 221-233; 23, 1899 22- 101 ; 24, 1900, 35-68, 113-169. — Notes on the Staphylinidac contained in the Public Museum, Adelaide. S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 10, 1888, 302-303. — Notes on the Hemiptera of the Hawaiian Islands. [1888.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 3, 1889, 343- 354. — Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species. [1888-94.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 3, 1889, 805-875, 1387-1506, [viii]; 4, 1890, 445-482, 707-746, 1247-1276, [viii]; 5, 1891, 147-156, 303-366, 553-592, 775-790; 6, 1892, 479-550; 7, 1893, 65-151, 283-300, [viii]; 8, 1894, 185-208, 245-286; 9, 1895, 85- 108, [x]. — Revision of the genus Heteronyx, with descriptions of new species. [1888-89.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 3, 1889, 1321-1362, [viii]; 4,1890, 137-170,425- 444, 661-706, 1217-1246, [viii]. — Revision of the genera Colpochila (including Haplnnycha), Sericesthis and their allies, with descrip- tions of new species. [1890.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 5, 1891, 517-552. — Presidential address [Oct. 6, 1891. Entomology in Australia]. S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 14, 1891, 368- 377. — [Elder Expedition.] Coleoptera. [1892-93.] S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 16, 1892-96, 16-61, 177-202. — Revision of the Australian Amarygmides. [1892-93.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 7, i893, 411-470, [viii]; 8, 1894, 53-106. — Importance of ascertaining distribution of Australian fauna. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1893, 446-451. — Revision of the genus Paropsis. [1896-99.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 21, 1896, 637-1)93; 22, 1898, 11)6-189, [viii]; 23, 1898, 218-263, 656-700; 24, 1900, 482-521. — On some new genera and species of Australian Cole- optera. [1899.] Victoria Hoy. Soc. Proc., 12, [1900], 206-233. Blackburn, (Her.) Thomas, & Cameron, Peter. On the Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. [188(5.] Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 25, 1886, 134-183; Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem., 10, 1887, 194-244. Blackburn, (Rev.) Thomas, &, Sharp, Ilavid. Memoirs on the Coleoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. [1884.] Dublin Soc. Sei. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 119-300. Blackburn, William. 'Spontaneous fission in an aquatic worm. [1883.] Manchester Micr. Soc. Rep., 1883-84, 34-39. — The aphides, or plant lice: a short account of their structure, habits, classification, and reproduction. [1885. ] Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1884-85, 36-51. — [On the development of bone.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 25, 1886, 220-222. — Bone : its structure, development, and growth. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1886, 33-38. — Diffraction spectra. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1887, 58-60. — The organisms of fermentation, putrefaction, and disease. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1889, 84-101. - The organic forms of silica. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1893, 19-31. — The lace-work sponge (Semperella Schultzei). Man- chester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1896, 57-61. — Myriothela phrygia, a tubularian hydroid. Man- chester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1898, 58-63. — Lucernarians. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1900, 59-66. Blackburne-Maze, II'. P. Notes on Aphomia sociella. Ent. Record, 6, 1895, 76-77. - The humble-bee honey-moth (Aphomia sociella). Naturalists' Jl., 4, 1895, 70. Blackburne-Maze] [Bladin — Aberrations of British Lepidoptera. [1896.] Ent. Record, 7, 1895-96. 217-218. Blacker, A[rthuT] Harry, & Clarke, R[oliert] H[eur>/}. Light as a therapeutic agent. Practitioner, 48, 1892, 273-279, 334-347. Blacker, G[eor;ie] F\riineis]. Some observations on the topographical anatomy of the fourchette. [1895.] .11. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896, 283-288. — The care and feeding of premature infants. Practi- tioner, 61, 1898, 28-37. Blackett, C. R. Notes on some determinations of chlorine in the water of the Yarra. [1887.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans.. 24, [1888], 97-99. Blackett, If". C. The combustion of oxygen and coal-dust in mines. [With discussion.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans.. 43, 1894, 314-321!; 44, 1895, 51-52. Blackford, i'liui'les Minm: Tetanus. N. Y. Med. JI., 56, 1892, 389-390. - A curious salamander. Nature, 60 (1899), 389-390. Blackford, Eugene G. Report of the work in an oyster investigation with the steamer Lookout. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 5, 1885, 52-57; U. S. Fish Cornm. Rep., 13, 1887, 157-163. — Note on the spawning season of the eel. Science, 9, 1899, 740-741. Blackball, W. Simple microscope with multiple illu- minator. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1890, 380. Bl.ickh.xm, Geo. E. On the amplifying power of objectives and oculars in the compound microscope. Ainer. Soc. Micr. Proc., 11 (1889), 22-31. — Measurement of angle of aperture and working distance of objectives. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc., 11 (1889), 146-149. Blackie, Walter G. On geography and ethnology : what these embrace. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 15, 1884, 55-62. — Sketch of the present state of our knowledge of the island of New Guinea. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 15, 1884, 202-225. Blackley, Charles Harrison. On an improved method of preparing ozone paper, and other forms of the test, with starch and potassium iodide. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 15, 1889, 193-1118. Blacklock, A. Woohey. Some photo-micrography experi- ments. Amer. Micr. Jl., 19, 1898, 20-21. Bl.ickm.in, Augustus S. Cicuta maculata, Linn?. Anier. Jl. Pharm., 65, 1893, 4-5. Bl.ickm.xn, F[rederick] Frost. Experimental researches on vegetable assimilation and respiration. No. I. On a new method for investigating the carbonic acid exchanges of plants. [No. n. On the paths of gaseous exchange between aerial leaves and the atmosphere.] [1894.] Phil. Trans. (B), 186, 1896, 485-502, 503-562. - The phenomena of carbon dioxide production associated with reduced vitality in plants. [1897.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 9, 1898, 273. • The primitive Alga; and the Flagellata. An account of modern work bearing on the evolution of the Alga;. Ann. Bot., 14, 1900, 647-688. Bl.ickm.in. Frederick] Frost, & Ruhcm.inn, Siegfried. See Rxihemrxnn .1 Bl.ickm.xn. Bl.xckni.in, Vernon H. On the cytological features of fertilization and related phenomena in Finns silvestris, L. Phil. Trans. (B), 190, 1898, 395-426. Bl.ickm.in, Vernon II., & Murray, George. See Murray & Bl.ickm.in. Bl.ickm.in. If. L., & Orton, K[ennedy] J. P. See Orton • . Blackman. Blackmore, //. P. Some notes on the Aptychi from the Upper Chalk. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 529-533. Blackmore, l^icluird] Ii[oddrid;ie]. The enemies of the vine. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, 44-56. Blackshear, Charles C. Investigations on the sulphon- phthaleins. n. Dioxybenzoyl-benzene-sulphonic acid and sulphon-fluorescein. Amer. Chem. Jl., 14 (1892), 155-473. Blackstone, /). P. *The variation in attraction due to the figure of the attracting bodies. [1883.] Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 6, 1885, 197-254. Blackwelder, Eliot. A note on KIKTLAXII'S warbler (IVndroica Kirtlandi). Auk, 16, 1899, 359-360. Blackwell, (.Vrs.) A[»t[urid] J[st]. The general after-effects of ether. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 1, 1897 (No. 15), 12-18. Blake, (Her.) J[ohn] F[redtrtcl;]. First impressions of some pre-Cambriau rocks of Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 728-729. — Criticisms on recent papers about faults. Geol. Mag., 1, 1884, 366-371. — On the volcanic group of St. David's. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1884, 294-310. - The north-west Highlands and their teachings. [1884.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 8, 1885, 419-437. — Report of Sub-Committee, No. Ill, on Permian, Triassic, and Jurassic. A. Jurassic, b. Lias and Bhffltic. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1885, 4M5-494 ; 1888, B 107- B118. — Introduction to the Mouian system of rocks. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 669. — On the igneous rocks of Llyn PaJarn, Yr Eifl, and Boduan. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 669. — Report of the Committee... appointed to undertake the microscopical examination of the older rocks of Anglesey. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 230-231; 1888, 367- 420. — On a new specimen of Solaster Murchisoni from the Yorkshire Lias. Geol. Mag., 4, 1887, 529-531. — On the Cambrian and associated rocks in north-west Caernarvonshire. [1887.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 271-2,s!i. — Remarks on shell-growth in Cephalopoda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 376-380. Blake] 585 AnTiT Jl^jf?1"!18 A68 ™hes 'nciennes de 1'ile Cougr. rock in [Blake eoh Ass' of ™cks- GOOL s°c- *'"*'• ~ £!'e fre"U-S Ascoceras- Geol. MaK., 6, 1889, 44-45 - The Monian system. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889 45-47 ' On the base of the sedimentary series in England and Wales. Geol. Mag., 7, 1890, 308-315, 354-362 nCO °f St' Davids' Geo1' 111 nna"d b . Soc. Quart. rocks of Shrop. l., 46, 1890, 386-419 ' to p and . u- Ge°l- Ass. Proc., 12, 1892, 326-327 -A general sketch of the geology of Carnarvonshire and Anglesey. Geol. Ass. Proc., 12, 1892, 359-378 ham- «-'• Ass Proc, 13, -eV116 Hadech - " ice'sheet Brit- Ass. Rep., geoioey °f the Hariech a —Densities in the earth's crust. Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, s' Science' 23- classificatio" of Ammonites. ., 13, 1895, 24-39 ' Ass' Pl'oc- 13 A l. Ass. - Anglesey agglomerates. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 569-570 lones 'a .tlstnbutlou des toaBiles non seulement 8n C R ! w, 175ll78en P1'°VmCeS- °OQgr- GM- Int. is in Clltch- ~ A r^iudication °f the Llanberis unconformity T1897 1 Geol Mag., 5, 1898, 47-48, 169-178, 214-226 The laccohtes of Cutch and their relations to the e^triot [1897° * B1f.ke' j^''"- ' -^o''"! flrederick], tamplugh, r,TTOracl " [<«/«.«], fc Cole, (fl,r.) £[*™,-,i] J/,,,,,,, Excursion the east coast of Yorkshire. [1891.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 12, 1892, 207-222 Blake,|fif.(-.) ,/[„/,„] Flrederick], Hudleston, Wilfred 11 Buckman, Sidney] ,S'[->' Jlames]. See Whitaker, Bennett A Blake. ' iw 9) "M [18N4'] j On the connection between physiological action and chemical constitution. [1884.] Jl. Physiol., 5, [1884-85], -On the physiological action of the salts of potassium loi'-loT CEesium- [1*^-1 JL Physiol.,. 5; [1884-85],' - On the supposed catalytic action of insoluble reagents Jl. Physiol., 6, [1885], 143-144. -On the connection between molecular structure and lological action. Brit. Ass. Rep, 1886, 687. Ueber die Beziehung der physiolog'ischen Wirkung (V.M faMmf a TO- Z" ihreu chcm"ehen Eigenschaften Oentrbl. Med. Wiss, 24, 1886, 97-99. - [Remarks on the relation between chemical structure and physiological action.] Jl. Physiol., 7, [1886], xiii-xiv -bur 1 action physiologique des sels de lithium de is™ T« 6iVde P°tassium- Pa"s, Ac. Sei. C. R, 102, loOD, l^io— 1 J;(. - Relation of the chemical constitution of inorganic compounds to their physiological action. Chem. News, wO, L .... i J-1U— 1 11. H. S. A. C. ., on nerve - On the connection between the spectra of the elements 74 Blakel (Blake and their biological action. Remarks on physiological nomenclature. Jl. Physiol., 8, 1887, xiii-xiv. Recherches sur les relations entre le spectre des elements des substances inorganiques et leur action biologique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 104, 1887, 1544-1546. Des lois reglant 1'actiou des substances inorganiques introduces par les arteres ou les veines dans 1'organisme auimal. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 329- 331. Sur les rapports eutre la respiration, les mouveinents du occur et la pression arterielle. Paris, Soc. Biol. M.-m., 39, 1887 (C. J!.\, 017-618. Sur les relations entre 1'atomicite des elements in- organiques et leur action biologique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1250-1252; Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1888, 445-456. Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen den molekularen Eigenschaften unorganischer Verbindungen und ihrer Wirkung auf belebte Materie. Ztschr. Physikal. CLem. , 2, 1888, 769-776. — On the connection between the physiological action of substances and certain physical properties of their molecules. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 2,Abth. 2), 31-35. — Sur une action physiologique des sels de thallium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 57-59, 131. — Des rapports entre les spectres des elements et leurs actions biologiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890, 55-58. — Ueber die Beziehung zwischen der biologischen Wirkung anorganischer Substanz und ihren optischen Eigenschaften. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 5, 1890, 217-220. Blake, Joseph A. Atresia of the aortic orifice, due to anomalous development of the auricular septum. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 35, 1901, 1-6. Blake, Joseph A., A Chittenden, R[ns»cll] H[enry'\. See Chittenden & Blake. Blake, L. Eleanor Jex-. Sec Jex-Blake. Blake, Lucii'ii l[ra\. A method of telephonic communi- cation between ships at sea. Railroad & Engin. Jl., 61, 1887, 470-471. — The evaporative power of Kansas coals. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 42-46. — An electrical hygrometer. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 67. — Can we make it rain? Science, 18, 1891, 296-297. Blake, /,«<•<< » l[rn], A Franklin, W[i/lia>n] .S'. In regard to color-blindness among Indians. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 105-106. — In regard to color-blindness among Indians. Science, 21, 1893, 297-298. Blake, Lucien /[)'«], & Radcliffe, 11. The insulation resistance of some electric-light wires. [1889.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 44-45. Blake, R[obert] Frederick], & Letts, E[dmund] A[lbcrt]. See Letts A Blake. Blake, l{[nliert] F[rederick], Letts, E[dnmiirt] A[lber(], Caldwell, William, & Hawthorne, John. See Letts, Blake, Caldwell & Hawthorne. Blake, William P[liippn']. *Notes on the occurrence of siderite at Gay Head, Mass. [1875.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 4 (1875-76), 112-113. • *Carte geologique des Etats-Unis de 1'Amerique Septentrionale. Congr. G<5ol. Int. C. R., 1878, 199-201. "The ore-deposits of Eureka district, eastern Nevada. [With discussion.] [1877.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 6, 1879, 554-563. "The geology and veins of Tombstone, Arizona. Amer. Inst. Miu. Engin. Trans., 10, 1882, 334-345. "Rare minerals recently found in the State. California Min. Bur. Hep., 2, 1882, Append., 205-223. •Tli.' metallurgy of nickel in the United States. Amer. Inst. Miu. Engin. Trans., 11, 1883, 274-281. — Crystallized gold in prismatic forms. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 57-58. — Columbite in the Black Hills of Dakota. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 340-341. - The Carson-City ichnolites. Science, 4, 1884, 273- 276. — Spoduruene crystals of gigantic size. Amer. Jl. Sci., 29, 1885, 71. - Description of a meteorite from Green county, Tennessee. Amer. Jl. Sci., 31, 1886, 41-4(i. — The aboriginal ax of the Salt River Valley, Arizona. Amer. Natlist.. 20, 1886, 479-4*1. — The copper-deposits of Copper Basin, Arizona, and their origin. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 17, 1889, 479-485. — Wurtzilite from the Uintah Mountains, Utah. Amer. lust. Min. Eugin. Trans., 18, 1890, 497-503. - Uintaite, albertite, grahamite, and asphaltum described and compared, with observations on bitumen and its compounds. Amer. lust. Min. Engin. Trans., 18, 1890, 563-582. — Miueralogical notes. Thenardite, mirabilite, glau- berite, halite and associates, of the Verde Valley, Arizona Territory. Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 43—45. — Columbite of the Black Hills, South Dakota. Amer. Jl. Sci., 41, 1891, 403-405. — Age of the limestone strata of Deep Creek, Utah, and the occurrence of gold in the crystalline portions of the formation. Amer. Geologist, 9, 1892, 47-48. — Relative abundance of gold in different geological formations. Amer. Geologist, 9, 1892, 166-168. — Note upon the absorption of sulphur by charcoal. Science, 21, 1893, 326-327. — " Carborundum '' : a silicide of carbon. Science, 22, 1893, 141. - The tin ores of New South Wales and South Dakota. Science, 22, 1893, 195. - The hardness of carborundum. Science, 22, 1893, 331. — Telluride of gold, Cripple Creek, Colorado. Science, 22, 1893, 331-332. - The progress of geological surveys in the state of Wisconsin. A review and bibliography. Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 9, 1893, 225-231. - Wisconsin lead and zinc deposits. [1893.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 5, 1894, 25-32. — The mineral deposits of southwest Wisconsin. [1893.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 22, 1894, 558-568. — Trilobites in the "oil-rock" horizon of the Trenton limestone. Amer. Geologist, 14, 1894, 133-134. — The zinc-ore deposits of southwestern New Mexico. [1894.] Amer.Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 24, 1895,187-195. — Remarkable meteor (July 10, 1895). Astr. Soc. Pacific Pub!., 7, 1895, 229-230. — Cinnabar in Texas. [1895.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 25, 1896, 68-76. - Notes and recollections concerning the mineral resources of northern Georgia and western North Carolina. [1895.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 25, 1896, 796-811. — Gypsum beds in southern Arizona. Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 394. — Gold in granite and plutonic rocks. [1896.] Amer. Inst. Miu. Engin. Trans., 26, 1897, 290-2118. — Oscillations of level of the Pacific coast of the United States. Amer. Geologist, 21, 1898, 164-165. — Anthracite coal in Arizona. Amer. Geologist, 21, 1898, 345-346. — Remains of a species of Bos in the Quaternary of Arizona. Amer. Geologist, 22, 1898, 65-72. — Bison latifrons and Bos arizonica. Amer. Geologist, 22, 1898, 247-218. — Htibuerite in Arizona. [1898.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 28, 1899, 543-546. Blake] 587 [Blanc — The Pliocene skull of California and the flint imple- ments of Table Mountain. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 7, 1899, 631-637. — Glacial erosion anil the origin of the Yosemite Valley. [1899.] Amer. lust. Min. Engin. Trans., 2'.l, 1900, s2:i- 835. — Remains of the mammoth in Arizona. Amer. Geologist, 26, 1900, 257. Blakemore, G. PI. Metallurgical methods in use at Broken Hill. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 275-300. Blakesley, Thomas Holmes. On the relation which should subsist between a current of electricity and the con- ductor employed to convey it. [With discussion.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 13, 1884,' 295-324. — Alternating currents. Self-induction. Graphic repre- sentation. Electrician, 14, 1885, 199-200, 258-259, 287, 326-327, 373-374, 411-412, 470-471, 510-511 ; 15, 1885, 22-23, 58-59, 114-116, 154-155, 390-392. — Original communication. [Problem relating to the action of a condenser employed to bridge a circuit.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 14, 1885, 159-161. — A new heliograph. [1887.] United Serv. Inst. Jl., 31, 1887-88, 593-594. — On a geometrical determination of the conditions nf maximum efficiency in the case of the transmission of power by means of alternating electric currents. [1887.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 9/1888, 85-93; Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 30-38. — On the measurement of magnetic lag. Electrician, 20, 1888, 482. — On a method of determining the difference between the phase of two harmonic currents of electricity having the same period. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 9, 1888, 165-167; Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 295-296. — On magnetic lag. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 9, 1888, 286-296 ; Phil. Mag., 2C., 1888, 34-43. — On a new barometer, called "the amphisbama." [1888.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 10, 1890, 9-11 ; Phil. Mag., 26, 1888, 458-460. On some facts connected with the systems of scientific units of measurements. [1888.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 10, 1890, 55-65; Phil. Mag., 27, 1889, 178-186. — The determination of the work done upon the cores of iron in electrical apparatus subject to alternating currents. [1890.] Nature, 43, 1891, 116. — The solution of a geometrical problem in magnetism. [1890.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 11, 1892, 56-60; Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 281-285. — Further contributions to dynamometry , or the measure- ment of power. [1891.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 11, 1892, 106-114 ; Phil. Mag., 31,1891, 346-354. — On the differential equation of electrical flow. [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 12, 1894, 217-234 ; Phil. Mag., 35, 1893, 419-435. — A new electrical theorem. [1894.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 13, 1895, 65-67; Phil. Mag., 37, 1894, 44V 450. — A new definition of focal length, and an instrument for determining it. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 15, 1897, 178-185 ; Phil. Mag., 44, 1897, 137-143. — On some improved formula? and methods connected with lenses. [1899.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 17, 1901, 91-98; Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 447-453. Blakey, A. J. Soft water. Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 3, 1887, 176. Blakiston, A. Alex. Habits of chameleons. Nature, 54 (1896), 621-622. Blakiston, (Capt.) Thomas Wright. For biography and works set Geogr. Soc. Proc., 13, 1891, 728-729; Auk, 9, 1892, 75-76 ; Ibis, 4, 1892, 190-191 ; Geogr. Jbuch., 16, 1893, 472. - Water birds of Japan. U. S. Mus. Proc., 9, 1887, Blakiston, (('<(/''•) Thomas Wrii/ht, & Alexander, Thomas. Protection by mimicry. A problem in mathe- matical zoology. Nature, 29, 1884, 405-406. Blalock, T. L., & Morse, H[armon] X[nrthni]i\. See Morse & Blalock. Blanc, [Henri Jules]. *0bservations faites du 24 juillet au ler octobre 1864 (a Massoua). France Soc. Meteorol. Anmi., 13, 1865, Ft. 2, 79-80. Blanc, (Knjit.) — - run. *Reise S.M. S. ffymphe von Mazatlan nach Callao, Coronel und Valparaiso und um das Kap Horn nach Montevideo. Hydrogr. Mitth., 2 (1874), 99-102. Blanc, E[douard Henri/]. L'ophthalmoplegie nucleaire. Arch. Gen. Med., ,159, 1887, 57-79. Blanc, Edmund. Etude critique et clinique sur les alterations dentaires attributes a la syphilis hereditaire. [1885.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 25, 1886, 241-265. — Resultats eloignes de la crauiectomie dans 1'idiotie microcephalique. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 2), 714- 717. — Observation d'hydarthrose intermittente hereditaire. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 2), 772-776. Blanc, Kdouard. Lettre [sur quelques plantes de Tunisie]. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 245-249. — Lettre [sur 1'Acacia tortilis de Tunisie]. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, 117-120. — Le dessechernent du Sahara et 1'avenir des oasis. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 866-^84. — Keeherches sur le lotus d'Afrique. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 898-916. — Notes reeueillies au cours de [ses] derniers voyages dans le sud de la Tunisie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, 37-55, (Rev.), 187. — [Nouvelle espece de Mylabride (Bruchide) de Tuuisie.] Paris, Soe. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, xlii-xliv. — Les oasis du sud de la Tunisie. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. R., 1889, 117-124. • Les Bondages artesiens du Sahara. Paris, Soc. G6ogr. C. R., 1889, 169-172. — Les routes de 1'Afrique septentrionale au Soudan. [1889.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 11, 1890, 169-216. — Note sur la formation des dunes sahariennes. Paris, Soe. Geogr. C. R., 1890, 363-372. — [Expedition de 31 31. GRODM-GRJIMAILO dans 1'Asie centrale.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1891, 104-113. — Sur la configuration du perirnetre de la ruer d'Aral et sur la formation et le leve regents du lac d'eau douce A'ibou-Ghir. Paris, Soc. GiSogr. C. R., 1891, 135-143. — Sur une cause d'erreur dans les leves topographiques fails dans les regions de montagues et particulierement en Asie ceutrale. Ass. Franr-. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 2), 984- 990; Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1892, 284-286. — Note sur un nouveau mode de fabrication des briques, usite dans certaines parties de 1'Asie ceutrale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 514-517. — L'hydrographie du bassin de 1'ancien Oxus. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 13, 1892, 281-315. — Sur la cuisson de 1'argile au contact de la vapeur d'eau. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 2), 335-340. — Le kendir (Apocynum sibiricum), plaute textile de 1'Asie centrale. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 1), 166 ; France Soc. Agr. Mem., 136, 1895, 723-733. — La culture du cotou en Asie centrale et en Algerie. France Soc. Agr. Mem., 136, 1895, 696-722. — Sur les poissons qui habitent les sources et les puits artesiens du Sahara. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 8, 1895, 164-172. — L'arbre a pricres de Goumboum. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 321-324 ; 2, 1896, 33. — En Asie centrale. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1895, 370-376. — Note sur les cotonniers du Turkestan. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 43, 1896, 399-402. 74—2 Blanc] :,ss [Blanc — Note sur la domestication de I'elephant d'Afrique. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 43, 1896, 465-470. — Sur la domestication des elephants africains dans 1'antiquite et sur 1'existence probable d'une troisieme espece, 1'Elephas troglodyticus. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 21, 1896, 130-136. — Note sur la position de 1'ancienne ville de Thiges. [1894.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 18, 1897, 217-2'».l. Sur le sorgho a sucre ilu Turkestan. France Soc. Accliin. Bull., 44, 1897, 35H-361. — Sur rles elephants du nord de 1'Afrique et de la Haute-Egypte. Bepouse a quelques remarques de .!/. le Dr. TKOUESSAKT. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 22, 1897, 47-54. — L'iudustrie de la soie au Turkestan, les vers a soie de 1'Asie centrale et les plantes qui les nourrissent. France Soc. Agr. M<5m., 138, 1899, 331-353. — Repertoire des poissous d'eau douce de la Eussie. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zoo/.), 11, 1900, 251-275. Blanc, Kmile. Eecherches histologiques sur la structure du segment inferieur de 1'uterus a la fin de la grossesse. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1888, 265-291. — Action pathogene d'un microbe trouve dans I'urine d'eclamptiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 622-fi'j:!. — Toxicite urinaire chez la femme enceiute. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 31, 1892 (C. R.), 128-129. Blanc, F. Das Einregulieren von Bogenlampen. [1894.] Ztschr. Elektrotechn. Elektroch., 1894-95, 39-40. — Ueber die Leerlaufreibuug bei Induktiousmotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 21, 1900, 131-133. Eine graphische Methode zur Bestimmung der Strom- uud Spannungswerthe in verketteten Mehrphasen- systemen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 21, 1900, 733-735, 749-752. Blanc, G[ustave Louis]. Action du chlorure d'aluminium sur 1'anhydride eamphorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 749-752; 124. 1897, 468-470; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1191-1199. — Sur 1'aeide isohiinonolique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 624-626, 1361-1364. — Sur la constitution de 1'acide eamphorique. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1898 (1't. 2), 23S-242 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 285-294; 21, 1899, 830-854. — Sur quelques phenomenes de transposition produits par 1'acide iodhydrique a haute temperature. Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 19', 1898, 214-218. — Sur 1'acide eamphorique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 277-285. — Sur le eamphre et ses derives. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., Ill, 1898, 350-301. — Sur la constitution de 1'acide isolauronolique et de 1'acide eamphorique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 533-537. — Sur la constitution de 1'acide isolauronolique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, r>!lll-706 ; 23, 1900, 418-419, 883., — Etude de 1'acide isolauronoliqnc. 1'acide eamphorique, du campbre et Ann. Chim., 18, 1899, 181-288. — Action du chlorure d'aluminium eamphorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899/1019- 1020 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 27-32, 693-695. — [Sur quelques derives de 1'acide isolauronolique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 322. — Sur la formule de constitution de 1'acide caniphuriqui' de SI. PHRKIN. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 854- 868 — Sur 86.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, 78-84. — [Observations sur la Gromia Brunuerii.] [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, xxi. — Notice sur uue mortality exceptionnelle des brochets du lac Leman en 1887. [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, 33-37. — La Gromia Brunnerii, un nouveau Foraminifere. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 4, 1888, 497-513. — Sur le systerne excreteur des Oxyures. [1888.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1887-88, 58. — Sur le Taenia saginata et le Botriocephalus latus. [1888.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1887-88, 58-59. — Taenia saginata et Bothriocephalus latus avec anneaux liei fores. [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 24, 1889, 9-16. - [Le systeme excreteur des vers nernatodes.] [Issn.J Constitution de de ses derives. sur 1'anhydride Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 25, 1890, ix. — [Essais de pisciculture avec des cent's de truite du lac (Trutta laeustris).] [1889.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 25, 1890, xxviii. Le Petromyzon Planerii. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 25. 1890. xxiii. — Sur la maturation et la fecondation de I'wui de la Irnite des lacs. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 575- 576. — Protistes dragues au fond du lac Lenmn appartenant au genre Dii'llugia. Arch. Sei. Phys. Nat., 26. 1891, 576-577. — Note prelimiuaire sur la maturation et la fecondation de 1'ceuf de la truite. [1891.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 27, 1892, 272-275. — (lirsultats il'ime premiere etude sur les Difflugies du fund du I, email.] [1892.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull.. 2S. 1892, xi ; Bibliogr. Auat., 1 (1893), 16. Blancl 589 [Blanc — [Nouvelles observations faites sur le Ceratium hirundi- nella en voie cle division a 1'etat libre.] Lausanne, Hoc. Vaud. Bull., 29, 1893, xxiv-xxv. — Etude sur la fecoudation de 1'ceuf de la traite. Freiburg Ber., 8, 1894, 163-191. — [Les resultats d'une serie de peches pelagiques faites en 1894 et 1895 dans le L^rnan.] Sehweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1896, 46-4'J. La fecondation et la transmission des caracteres hereditaires ehez les animaux. Sehweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1895, 135-136. — Sur la feeoudation de 1'ceuf de la truite. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 6, 1898, 497-498; Sehweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1898, 72-73. A propos de la fecondation de 1'ceuf de la truite. Bibliogr. Anat., 6, 1898, 222-225. — Le plankton nocturne du lae Leman. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, 225-230. — Asellus aquaticus dans le lac Leman. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 497. — [Observations sur le de'veloppernent de 1'epiphyse et de la paraphyse chez la Salarnandra atra (Salamandre noire des Alpes).] Sehweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1900, 121-122. Blanc, lli'nri [Joseph]. Contribution & 1'ftude de la gangrene palustre. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 6, 1885, 337-360. Eecherches sur la fievre typho'ide en Tuuisie et sur les modifications que lui imprime la chaleur. Arch. Med. Pharm. iMilitaires, 9, 1887, 18-51, 109-131. — Essai sur les furines bilieuses du paludisme au Tonkin. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 13, 1889, 1-45, 101-127. De 1'arterio-sclerose en general et des scleroses vasculaires dans 1'armee. Arch. Med. Pbarm. Militaires, 18, 1891, 1-39, 213-248. Blanc, Henry William. A review of five years of dermato- logical practice in New Orleans. [1891.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 55, 1892, 281-287. Blanc, .]. B. Calcul de la resistance des voutes en macounerie en plein cintre et surbaissees. Ann. Conduct. Pouts et Chauss., 40, 1896, 509-522. Blanc, Jules. [Sur la niditication du grebe castagueux (Podiceps fluviatilis).] [1885.] Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 3, [1890], 50-51. — Note sur le Saxicola aurita, son passage dans le departerueut de Saone-et-Loire. [1885.] Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 3, [1890], 60-61. — Ornithologie. Saoue-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 1895, 18-19, 56-57 ; 1896, 28 ; 1897, 160. Blanc, Leon. [Reniarques sur la nomenclature.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. R.), 29. — [Emploi du formol pour la conservation des herbiers.] Lyou Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. B.), 61-62 : 20, 1895 (C.R.), 10-11. — [Nouveau precede de photogravure des feuilles.] Lyou Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. It.), 65-66. — [Colorations automuales de diverses feuilles.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1895 (C. R.), 21. — Les precedes graphiques appliques a la geographic botanique. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 44, 1897, 33-51. — [Variation de Leontopodium alpinum.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Anu., 23, 1898 (C. A'.), 6. — [Synanthie de la Digitale pourpree.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 23, 1898 (C. R.), 23. — [Pomme de terre monstrueuse.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 23, 1898 (C. R.), 24. — [Gas teratologiques.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 23, 1898 (C. B.), 27. — [Transmission hereditaire des anomalies.] Lyon Soc Bot. Ann., 25, 1900 (C. R.), 22-23. Blanc, Leon, & Dccrock, E. Observations sur la distri- bution geographique des Primulacees. France Soe. Bot. Bull., 44, 1897, cxxvi-cxxviii. Blanc, Louis. Note sur le role physiologique des tubes de MALPIUHT, chez les insectes. Echauge, 1, 1885 No. 4 2-3., - Etude sur la constitution interne de la soie du ver pernyen, Attacus Peruyi. [1886-88.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 9, 1887, 450-454, Ixxxii ; 10, 1888, 330- 337. — Le troieieme ceil des reptiles. Echange, 4, 1888, No. 42, 4-5. — Note sur la matiere colorante de la soie du Bombyx Mori. Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 10, 1888, 325-330. — Notes anatomiques sur le tube digestif, 1'appareil seiicigene, les yeux clu ver pernyeu. Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 10, 1888, 337-342. — De la sensibilite des plantes aux terrains. Echange, 6, 1890, 172-174. — Sur la coloration de la soie par les aliments. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., Ill, 1890, 280-282. — [Communications sur 1'appareil fileur du ver a soie.] [ISilO.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 3, 1891, cxvii-cxxi. — Sur un cas d'hermapbrodisme faux par exces des voies genitales observe1 sur un bouc. Lyon Soc Linn. Ann., 38, 1891, 59-73. — Sur les monstres rnelomeles. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 38, 1891, 91-113. — Notice historique sur la coloration artificielle de la soie par les aliments. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 4, 1892, 15-26. — Observations de polls b^terotopiques implantes sur la langue et sur la oornee. Lyon Soc. Antbrop. Bull., 11, 1892, 255-259. — Transformation cutanee de 1'amnios chez un monstre celosomien chelonisorne. Lyon Soe. Linn. Ann., 39, 1892, 1-9. — Sur un cas reniarquable de dedoublement de la region tarso-metatarsienne (schistomelie). Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 39, 1892, 41-51. — Sur un ovule a deux noyaux observe dans 1'ovaire de Mus decumanus. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 39, 1892, 73-80. — Sur une anomalie nouvelle de 1'amnios. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 320-321. — Un cas d'ovule a deux noyaux chez un mammifere. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C'. R.), 563-564. — Note sur 1'innueuee de la lumiere sur 1'orieutation de 1'embryon dans 1'ceuf de poule. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 774-776. — Note sur les efl'etsteratogeniquesde la lumiere blanche sur 1'ceuf de poule. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C'. B.), 969-971. — — Du role des monstruosites dans la genese des especes. Echauge, 9, 1893, 15, 38-311. — Etude sur la polydactylie chez les Mammiferes. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 40, 1893, 53-88. — Etude sur les moustres doubles deradelpbes. Lyou Soc. Linn. Ann., 40, 1893, 189-204. — Sur la valeur morphologique des comes chez le cheval. [1893.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 725- 726,; Lyon Soc. Antbrop. Bull., 12, 1894, 87-90. — A propos d'une note de M. FERE sur Faction de la lumiere sur les ceufs de poule en incubation. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 938. — Expose d'une classification teratologique. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 41, 1894, 157-200 ; 42, 1895, 1-48. Sur 1'otocephalie et la cyclotie. Kobin, Jl. Anat., 31, 1895, 187-218, 288-309. — Les monstres doubles splanchnodyrnes. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 43, 1896, 189-224. — Sur une anomalie nouvelle des muscles de 1'oeil. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C'. B.), 478-479. — [L'etouffage des cocons du Bombyx Mori au moyen du foriuol.] [1896.] Lyon Sue. Agr. Ann., 4, 1897, Ixvii-lxix. Blanc] 590 [Blanchard — Les pendeloques et le canal du soyou. Robin, Jl. Anat.. 33, 1897, 2M3-302. Sur une amibe vivant aceidentellement dans le poumon du mouton. Lyou Soc. Linn. Ann., 4~>, 1899, 87-89. Blanc, .l/.i/v. A Bosc, /•'. J. .SVc Bosc \- Blanc. Blanc, V. L., A Dutoit, C. .SVe Dutoit A- Blanc. Blanchard, A[rthur] d[lphonzo], & Noyes, Arthur A[mos]. •• . • Noyes & Blancbard. Blanchard, (,'/. Notice historique sur la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Savoie. [Posth.] Savoie Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1900, 1-116. , Blanchard, [Charles] Emile. For biography and list of works set- Jl. Savants, 1900, 131-132 ; Nature, 61 (1899- 1900), 473; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 36-5-366; 131, 1900, 1035-1036; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 53-59; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., '2, 1900, iii-xxviii; Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 41. De la dissemination des especes vegetales et animates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1430-1436. — La conuaissance des flores et des faunes dans ses applications a la geographie et a 1'histoire du globe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1885. 1480-1486. — Aper^u touchant la faune du Tonkin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 791-793. — Remarques au sujet du recent cataclysme survenu a la Nouvelle-Zelande. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 4077408. — Etude de 1'anguille de riviere, apres sou passage de 1'eau douce dans les eaux salees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 169-170. — Les preuves de la dislocation de 1'extremite sud-est du continent asiatique pendant 1'age moderne de la terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 369-373. — De la production artificielle de la soie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 772-774. — Les preuves de communications terrestres entre 1'Euiope et 1'Arnerique pendant 1'age moderne de la terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 115-118. — Les preuves de communications terrestres entre 1'Asie et 1'Amerique pendant l'ag« moderne de la terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 166-168. — Communication terrestre ancienne entre 1'Europe et 1'Amerique. Astronomie, 1892, 128-133. — Remarques au sujet du discours de Lord SALISBURY "sur les limites actuelles de notre science." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 455-457. — Sur les colorations de certains insectes de 1'ordre des Lepidopteres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 961. — Note relative a la chaleur animale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 214. Blanchard, [Charles'] Kmih',Fa.ye, Herve [Attgmte Etiemie Albaus], tV Daubrcc, Gabriel Auyuste. See Faye,Daubr6e A Blanchard. Blanchard, f\n:d.]. Les mines de plomb argeutifere du Bottino pres de Seravezza (Toscaue) Italie, depuis les Etrusques et les Romains jusqu'a nos jours. St. Etieune, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 1, 1887, 201-241. Blanchard, Frederick. Table of Balaninus, Germ. [1884.] Brooklyn Ent. Soc. Bull., 7, 1884-85, 106-108. — Note on the species of Gaurotes, Le Conte. [1884.] Brooklyn Ent. Soc. Bull., 7, 1884-85, 108. — On the species of Canthon and Phanteus of the United States with notes on other genera. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 12, 1885, 163-172. — Notes on Coleoptera. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 85-88. — Intestinal worms in rats. Amer. Micr. Jl. , 9, 1888, 232. — Revision of the species of Cardiophorus, Esch., of America north of Mexico. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 16, 1889, 1-27. — A list of the Buprestids) of New England. Entomo- logica Amer., 5, 1889, 29-32. — Note on Fornax calceatus, Say, and F. Hornii, Bom)., and on Corymbites divaricatus, Lee., and C. crassus, Lee. Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 139-140. - The condition of variation. Anier. Micr. Jl., 11, 1890. 13.5-136. — Some account of our species of Geotrupes. [1888.] Psyche, 5, 1891, 103-110. — Observations on some variation of the males in Cliuidium. [1889.] Psyche, 5, 1891, 165-166. — "A new parasite," further remarks. Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 173. Blanchard, J. 11. *Liste des plautes dont les phases de la vegetation out ete observees, pendant 1'annee 1872, au jardin botanique de Brest. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Mi-teorol., 5, 1872, 223-229. — Un singulier exemple de teratologie. Finistere Soc. Sci. Bull., 7 (Fuse. 1), 1885, 49-51. Blanchard, Jliiiilini'l. *To reference in No. 10 (Vol. 9) add Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 34, 1882 (C. R.), 724-726. - *Note sur 1'histoire de la deeouverte de la capsule surrenale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 325-327. - * Addition a la note de .!/. GIRERT [sur 1'observation d'un cas de malformation du coeur]. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 327-330. — Note sur les Sarcosporidies, et sur un essai de classifi- cation de ces Sporozoaires. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 10, 1885, 244-276. — Sur un Infusoire peritriche, ectoparasite des poissons d'eau douce. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 10, 1885, 277- 280. — Remarques sur la classification des Batraciens anoures. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 10, 1885, 584-589. — Sur un uouveau type de Sarcosporidies. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1599-1601; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 417-420. Sur nn cas de polyniastie et sur la signification des mamellea surnnmeraires. [With ilisi-iission.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8. 1885, 220-239. — L'atavisrne chez 1'homme. Rev. d'Anthrop., 8, 1885, 425-492. — L'origine de la vie et 1'organisation de la matiere. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 161-170. — La septi^me cote cervicale de 1'homme. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 724-727. — Notices helminthologiques. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 11, 1886, 294-304. — Reponse a la critique de SI. G. A. BOULENGER [sur la classification des Bactraciens anoures]. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 11, 1886, 322-323. — Sur un cas remarquable de polythelie hereditaire. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 9, 1886, 485-487; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 362-363. — Nouvelle observation de Tamia nana. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 326-332. — Sur une nouvelle auomalie des tenias. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. 7?.), 332-333. — Nouvelle observation de strongle ^ant chez 1'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.). 379-380. — La filaire sous-conjonctivale (Filaria loa, Gntjot). Progres Med., 4, 1886, 591-593, 611-612. — L'axin ou cochenille a graisse. Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 207-210. - La nomenclature zoologique et I'helminthologie. Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 422-424. — Bibliographie des Hematozoaires. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 12, 1887, 500-507. — Les ennemis de 1'espece humaine. Ass. Franc. C. R. , 1888 (Pt. 1), 35-46. — Une nouvelle acquisition batrachologique pour la faune francaise. Ass. Franc,-. C. R,, 1888 (Pt. I), 192. — Notes d'hehninthologie. Ass. Franc,1. C. R., 1888 (Pt. 1), 193. Blanchard] 591 [Blanchard — Remarques sur le Megastome intestinal. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 18-19. — A propos des muscles stries des Mollusques lamelli- branches. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 48-55. — Sur la presence du crapaud vert en France. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 6(5-67. — Sur la structure des muscles des Mollusques lamelli- branches. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 74-81. — Note preliminaire sur Monas Dunali, rtagelle qiii cause la rubefaction des marais salants. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 153-154. — De la presence des muscles stries chez les Mollusques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 106, 1888, 425-427. — Sur les muscles stries des Mollusques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 125-127. — L'ankylostome duodenal et 1'anemie des mineurs. Rev. Sci.', 41, 1888, 701. — Quelques mots au sujet de 1'article de Mr. LATASTE (Z. A. No. 278) [sur la classification des Batracieus anoures]. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 358-359. — De la nomenclature des etres organises. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1889, 333^16, 419-424. — Note sur les causes et la frequence des cocons doubles dans les diverges races de Borubyx Mori. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 89-92; Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, c-ciii. — Quelques mots sur la cbique. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 95-99. — Remarques critiques sur les serpents du genre Thanato- phis, Posada Arango. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 346-349. Note sur un cas de sabot adventice chez le chamois. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 364-366; 15, 1890, 84-85. — Anomalie herfditaire des doigts. Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 634. — Anomalie du plumage chez un pigeon-paon. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 15, 1890, 92-94. — Anomalie des organes geuitaux chez un Tumia saginata, Gaze. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 15, 1890, 166-168; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C1. R.), 403-404. — Sur une carotine d'origine animale, coustituant le pigment rouge des Diaptomus. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 3, [1890], 113-122. — Sur une remarquable dermatose causee chez le le'zard vert par un champignon du genre Selenosporiutn. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 3, [1890], 241-255. — Sur uue rnatiere colorante des Diaptomus, analogue a la carotine des vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 292-294. — L'ordre des Primates. Paris Soe. Anthrop. Bull., 1, 1890, 396-398. — Manifestations dermiques de la goutte chez une perruche. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 20-21; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 32-33. — Evacuation de noyaux cellulaires simulant une helminthiase et une coccidiose. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 22-23; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 17-18. — Erreur des sens chez un Lepidoptere. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 23-24. — Un cas de myase par la Sarcophaga ruagninca en Roumanie. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 25-26. — Une question de nomenclature, apropos des hybrides. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 42-46. — Sur le pseudo-parasitisrne des larves de cousin (Culex pipiens). France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 72-73. — Note sur les migrations du T*nia gracilis, Krabbe. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 119-122; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 330-332. — Nouveau cas de t^nia naiu (Hymenolepis nana) en Amerique. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891. 165-167 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 441-443. Courtes notices sur les Hiniclinees. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 218-221 ; 17, 1892, 35-39, 165-182, 222- 223; 18, 1893, 14-16, 26-29, 30-35, 92-108, 110-113, 194-198; 19, 1894, 85-88; 21, 1896, 118-120, 137-141; 24, 1899, 181-189. — Note sur un tetard moustrueux. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 250-251. — Sur les helminthes des Primates anthropoi'des. (Premiere note. Cestodes.) France Soc. Zool. Mem., 4, 1891, 186-196. — Resultats d'une excursion zoologique en Algerie. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 4, 1891, 20S-245. — Notices helminthologiques (2me serie). France Soc. Zool. Mem., 4, 1891, 420-489. — Sur la fauue entomologique du Gran Chaco. France Soc. Zool. Me'ni., 4, 1891, 490-498. — Sur quelques varietes francaises du lezard des murailles. France Soc. Zool. M(5m., 4, 1891, 502-508. — Sur les vegetaux parasites (uon-microbiens) traus- missibles des animaux a 1'homme, et reciproquement. [With discussion.] Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans., (1891, 3), 88-102; .11. Microgr., 15, 1891, 284-286, 313-317, 327- 332; 16, [1892], 24-25; Progres Med., 14, 1891, 454-456, 4917493. — A propos des chromatophores des Cephalopodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 565-566. — Note sur quelques vers parasites de 1'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 604-615. — Penetration de PIxodes ricinus sous la peau de 1'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 689-691. — Identity du Distoma clavatum, BudolpJii, et du Distoma ingens, Moniez. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 692-693. — Sur la sangsue de cheval du nord de 1'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me.ni., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 693-696. — Note prelirninaive sur le Distoma heterophyes, para- site de 1'homme en Egypte. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 791. — Presence de la Glossiphonia tessellata au Chili; description complemeotaire de cette Hirudinee. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 2, 1892, 177-187. — Deuxieuie rapport sur la nomenclature des etres organises. Rapport presente au deuxieme Congres International de Zoologie reuni a Moscou du 10/22 au 18/30 aout 1892. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 (Pt. 2), 83pp. — Description de la Glossiphonia tessellata. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 5, 1892, 56-68. • Description de la Xerobdella Lecomtei. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 5, 1892, 539-553. — Sur la presence de la " Troeheta subviridis" en Ligurie, et description de cette Hirudinee. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 3, 1892, 407-435. — Notices sur les parasites de rhomme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892, 243-258; 46, 1894 (C. R.), 460- 462, 699-702. — [Remarques an sujet de la com muuicationde 31. F. HEIM sur le pigment rouge du Trombidium.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, 1. — Sur les (Estrides americains dont la larve vit dans la peau de 1'homme. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, 109-154, ccix-ccxi. — [Sur le Theromyzon pallens, Philippi, 1867.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 3, 1893, xxv-xxvii. — Revision des Hirudiuees du Musee de Dresde. Dresden Zool. Mus. Abh., 1892-93, No. 4, 8 pp. — Anomalie de la carapace chez la cistude d'Europe. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 18, 1893, 120-122. — Sanguijuelas de la peninsula iberica. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 22, 1893, 243-258 ; Micr. Soc. Jl., 1894, 343. Blanchard] 592 [Blanchet — Sur une sangsue terrestre du Chili. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 446-447. — Contributions a I'etude des Dipteres parasites. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, cxx-cxxxvi; 63, 1894, 142-160; 65, 1896, 640-1177. — Revision des Hirudine'es du Musee de Turin. Torino Mus Boll., .S, 1893. .Y». 145, 32 pp. — Sur quelques Hirudinees du Piemont. Torino Mus. Boll., 8, 1893, A'o. 14(i, 12 pp. — Viaggio del Dr. E. FESTA in Palestina, nel Libano e regione vicine. Hirudinees. Torino Mus. Boll., 8, 1893, Xn. 161, 3 pp. — Voj'age du docteur Tbeod. BABROIS aux Acores. Hirudinees. [1893.] Rev. Biol. N. France, 6, 1894, 40. - Voyage du docteur Theodore BARROIS en Syrie. Hirudinees. [1893.] Rev. Biol. N. France, 6, 1894, 41-46. — Anomalie des nageoires chez le Protoptere. France Sue. Zool. Bull., 19, 1894, 54-57. — Viaggio di Leonardo FEA in Birrnania e regioue vicine. LVII. Hirudinees. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 34, 1894, 113r118. — A propos du venin de la couleuvre. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mrni., 415, 1894 (C. R.), 35-36. — Sur le Tffinia Brandti, Kholodkovski. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 418-419. — Verzeiclmiss der im Gr. Ploner See gesammelten Hirudineen. Plon Biol. Stat. Forschuugsber. , 2, 1894, 66-69. — Sur quelques Cestodes monstrueux. Progres Med., 20, 1894, 1-4, 17-20. — Hirudinees de 1'Italie continental etiusulaire. Torino Mus. Boll., 9, 1894, No. 192, 84 pp. — Sur un Tienia saginata bifurque. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 8, 1895, 232-243. — Hirudineen aus dem Togoland. Arch. Naturg., 62, 1896 (Bd. 1), 49-53. — Sur le vairon moutagnard (Phoxinus Isevis, var. montanus). France Soc. Zool. Bull., 21, 1896, 155-156. — Campagnes de I'Hirondelle et de la Princesse-Alice. Hirudinees. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 21, 1896, 196- 198. — Description de quelques Hirudinees asiatiques. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 9, 1896, 316-330. — Sur les cochenilles du genre Orthezia, Base, 1784. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 65, 1896, 67S-683. — Viaggiodelldott. A. BORELLI nellaRepublica Argentina e nel Paraguay. Hirudinees. Torino Mus. Boll., 11, 1896, No. 263, 24 pp. — La chique des oiseanx. (Sarcopsylla gallinacea, Wentwood.) France Soc. Aeclim. Bull., 44, 1897, 210-220. — Hirudinees du Musee de Leyde. Leyden Mus. Notes, I'.l, 1897, 73-113. — Le Davainea madagascariensis a la Guyane. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 37, 1897, 34-38. — Pseudo-parasitisme d'un Gordius chez 1'homme. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 37, 1897, 614-618. — Vicissitudes de la nomenclature helminthologique. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 350-351. — Sur le pseudo-parasitisme des Myriapodes chez 1'homme. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 452-490, 637. — Sur une affection causee par les spores d'un cham- pignon parasite du roseau ou canne de Provence (Arundo donax, L.). Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 503-512. — Sur des larves de Coleoptere longicorne trouvees dans les fosses nasales d'un dromadaire. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 513-514. — Notes sur la faune du Haut Tonkin, iv. Nouveau type d'Hirudinc'e (Torix mirus). Bull. Sci. France Belg., 28, 1896 98, 339-344. — L'histoire naturelle et la medecine. Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 353-357. — A propos de sangsues tixees dans le pharynx. Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 142-144. — Sur deux Teniades ivcemment decrits par .17. MEUNIX. Arch, de Parasit., 2. 1899, 144. — Uu cas inedit de Davainea madagasoariensis. Con- siderations sur le genre Davainea. Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 200-217. — Quelques cas anciens d'actinomycose. Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 329-342. — Nouveau cas de Filaria loa. 1899, 504-534. — Obstruction intestinale par Arch, de Parasit., 2, [1895.] les Ascarides. Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 634-635. — Actinomyces ou Discomyces? Quel nom doit porter le champignon qui produit I'actinomyces? Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 193-197. — Staphylomycose ou staphylococcie? Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 197. — Quel nom doit prendre le champignon qui cause la teigne imbriquee ou tokelau? Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 207. — Transmission de la filariose par les moustiques. Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 280-291. — Notes historiques sur la peste. Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 589-643. — Du role des eaux et des legumes dans 1'etiologie de 1'helminthiase intestinale. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R., 1900, 51-56; Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 485-491. • Les migrations de la nlaire du sang. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 43, 1900, 566-574. — Instructions a 1'usage des medeeins, des naturalistes et des voyageurs, redige'es au nom de la Commission du paludisme, composee de JIM. VALLIN, KKI.SCH, LAVERAN, RAILLIET et R. BLANCHARD, rapporteur. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 44, 1900, 6-58. — Les Coccidies et leur role pathogene. Paris, Caus. Sci., 1900, 133-172. Blanchard, Raphael, it Barret, l-'.nif-ii,- \.llhert]. See Barret A Blanchard. Blanchard, Raphael, & Carus, J[itlinx] Victor. See Carus it Blanchard. Blanchard, Raphael, it M artel, ^[dounnl] A[lfred]. La faune des cavernes et la Societe de Speleologie. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1895, 175-178. Blanchard, Raphael, & R.nllict, A[lcide]. Sur le pre1- tendu Monostoma Setteni, Xumaii. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 26-28. Blanchard, Rupharl, & Regnard, Paul. Hec Regnard it Blanchard. Blanchard, Rnpliael, & Richard, Jules. Sur les Crustaces des sebkahs et des chotts d'Algerie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 111, 1890, 118-120. — Faune des lacs sales d'Algerie. Cladoceres et Cope- podes. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 4, 1891, 512-535. — Sur la faune des lacs Sieves des Hautes-Alpes. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 10, 1897, 43-lil. Blanchart, C. L'electricite et les tramways. Rev. Univ. Mines, 19, 1886, 371-391, 520-540; 20, 1886, 3711-394, 559-599. — Note sur la presence de 1'eau dans les ealcaires. Brux Soc. Beige Gcol. Bull., 1894 (Mem.), 130-144. — Calcul des machines dynamo-electriques a courant continu. [1S9.~>.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 34, 1896 113- 1411, 241-322; 35, 1896, 1-52. Blanchet, [C/mr/i's]. Liste des plantes trouvees en 1883 pour la premiere fois dans les departements des Landes et des Basses-Pyri-ni'es. Indication de quelques-unes qui, trouvees preeedemment, n'out pas encore ete signalees et ont paru, cette aunee, dans de nouvelles localites. I i.-ix Soc. Borda Bull., 1884, 15-19. Blanchet, P. Le Djebel Demmer. Ann. Gcogr. , li. 1897, 239-254. Blanchet, R. *[Sur une uouvelle forme a donuer aux Blanchet] 593 [Bland-Sutton tableaux barometriques.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1856, Pt. 2, 53-54. Bl.inclun, [B.]. Les observations de unit a la mer. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 80, 1884, 731. Blanchon, [Andre]. Quick charge accumulators. [2V.] Electrician, 39, 1897, 551-554. Blanck, lie pere) P. Le Trane-Nigne a 1'ouest du Tong- King. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 5, 1884, 434-452. Blancke, . Das Wyandotte-Huhn und seiue Farben- sehlage. Wieu Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 14, 1890, 16-18, 65-66. — Rebhuhnfarbige Italiener. Wieu Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 14, 1890, 284-286. Blanckenhorn, Max [Ludtcig Paul]. Die Trias zwischeu Call, Commern, Ziilpich und dem Roerthal am Nordrande der Eifel in ihren Beziehungen zu anderen Triasgebieten und in Beztig auf die Lagerungsverhaltnis.se. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl. , 1884, 57-58. — Die Trias am Nordrande der Eifel zwischen Commern, Ziilpich und dem Roerthale. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Abh., 6 (Ilejt 2), 1885, 135pp. — Die fossile Flora des Buntsandsteins uud des Muschel- kalks der Umgegend von Commern. [1886.] Palaeonto- graphica, 32, 1885-86, 117-154. — [Die Verbreitung einer oolithNchen Bauk des Trochi- tenkalks in der Trias des westlichen Deutsclilands.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1887, 11-15. — Ueber Ceratiten des oberen deutscheu Muschelkalks. Bonu Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1887, 28-32. — Ceratites brunsvicensis, n. sp. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1887, 32-36. — Die geognostischen Verhaltnisse von Afrika. Peter- mann, Mitth., 34, 1888 (Ergfimungih. 90, 63 pp.). — Pteropodenreste aus der Oberen Kreide Nord-Syriens und aus dem hessischeu Oligocan. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 41, 1889, 593-602. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Binnenconchylien-Fauna von Mittel- und Nord-Syrien. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, '76-90. — Das Eoca'u in Syrien, rnit besonderer Beriicksiohtigung Nord-S.yriens. Eiu Beitrag zur Geologic Syriens. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 42, 1890, 318-359. — Das marine Miocan in Syrieu. Wien, Ak. Denkschr. , 57, 1890, 591-620. — Syrien in seiner geologischen Vergangenheit. Eine geologisch-geschichtliche StuJie hauptsachlich nach Re- sultaten eigener Forschung. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 36 & 37, 1891, 56-77. Das marine Pliociin in Syrien. Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 24, 1892, 1-53. — Ueber pseudoglaciale Erscheinuugen in mitteldeut- schen Gebirgen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 47, 1895, 576-581. — Das Diluvium der Umgegend von Erlangen. [1895.] Erlangeu Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 27, 1896, 6-53. — Theorie der Bewegungen des Erdbodens. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 382-400, 421. — Entstehung uud Geschichte des Todten Meeres. Ein Beitrag zur Geologic Palastiuas. Deutsch. Pala'stiua- Ver. Ztschr., 19, 1896, 1-59. — Zur Kenntniss der Siisswasserablagerungen und Mollusken Syriens. Die pliocanen und quartareu Siisswasserbiklungen im Orontesgebiet in Nord- und Mittelsyrien und ihre Beziehuug zur heutigen Su'ss- wassercouchylienfauna Syriens. [1897.] Palaeonto- graphica, 44, 1897-98, 71-144. — Das Tote Meer und der Uutergang von Sodom und Gomorrha. [1896.] Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 17, 1898, xxvii-xxviii. — Saurierfunde im frankischen Eenper. [1897.] Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 29, 1898, 67-91. — Noch einmal Sodom und Gomorrha. Deutsch. Palsestina-Ver. Ztschr., 21, 1898, 65-83. B. S. A. C. — Zwei isolirte Tertiar-Vorkomruen im Roth auf Blatt Wilhelmshohe bei Cassel. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 18, 1898, 103 (6/*)-108 {bit). - Der Muschelkalk auf Blatt Wilhelmshohe bei Cassel und seine Lagerungsverhaltnisse. Preuss. Geol. Landes- anst. Jbuch., 18, 1898, 10!) (6is)-129 (bis), 178 (bis). Ueber Scheibenfugen und Strahlenfiguren in unge- brannten agyptischen Ziegeln, entsprechend der sog. Actinopteris peltata, Gnpp., sp., des Rhat. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 51, 1899 (I'frh.), 142-150. — Neues zur Geologic und Palaontologie Aegyptens. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1899, 392-396; Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52. 1900, 21-47, 403-479. — Das Neogen in Aegypteu und seine Pectinidenfauna. Centrbl. Min., 1900, '209-211;. — Das Alter der Schyltlialschichten in Siebenbiirgen und die Greuze zwischen Oligociin und Miocan. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900, 395-402. — Studien in der Kreideformation im siidlichen uud westlichen Siebenbiirgen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900 (Verh.), 23-37. - The geological survey of Egypt. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900. 192. Blanckenhorn, J/in..• Hansen-Blangsted. Blank, Albert. Ueber Carbazol. [1890.] Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 23, 1891, 29-32. — Ueber Carbazolsynthesen. Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber. , 24, 1891, 306. Blank, Allirrt, n;.-.<|. Reaction permettant de diffrrencier les matieres colorantes derivees de la houille des matieres colorantes d'origiue vegetale. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 40, 1886, 148-151. — Sur le dosage de 1'acide urique par le permanganate de potasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 789-791. — Solubilite' de 1'acide urique dans 1'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1847-18111. Blarez, [Pierce Marie] Charles, & Gay on, l'[li/sse]. Ricerche chimiche sulla sgessatura del vini con i sail di stronziana. [Tr.~\ Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 4, 1890, 644-654. Blarez, [Pierre Marie] Charles, & lys, Th. Recherche rapide de 1'acide salicylique dans les vins. Auvers, Jl. d>- 1'hurm., Ill, 1884, 368-370. Blarez, [Pierre Mane] churles. & Tourrou, R. Etat et dosage du soufre combine dans les vins blancs. Jl. Pharm., '.>. 1899, 533-537. Bias, (.'[//nr/i's]. Analyse d'un nouveau phosphate riche di's environs d'Havre, pres Mons. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 185-204. — Contribution a 1'etude et a 1'analyse des eaux ali- mentaires et specialement des eaux de la ville de Louvain et de quelques autres localit^s de la Belgique. Brux., Mem. Couronn. (8° Ed.), 37, 1886, iVo. 2, 174 pp. De 1'action antiputride des creolmes. [With discussion.] Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 3, 1889, 105-112. Blasberg, O[((o], & Vortmann, G[eor. J Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 30-35. — Spielarten des Fasaus (Phasianus colchicus, I,.}. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 98. — Ein neuer Wanderzng drs scblanksehnabeligen sihi- rischeu Tannenhahers (Nucifraga caryocatactes lepto- rhynchus, 11. lilns.) nach Europa. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 115. — Ueber die deutschen Grasmiicken (Sylviinje). [1897.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 22-25. — Naturhistorische Skizzen aus Spanien und Siidfrank- reieh. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 212-220. Blasius, [7'nn/] Rudolf [Ilrinricli], & Finsch, Otto. See Fiiisch A Blasius. Blasius, [Paul] linilolf [lli'inricli], A' Hayek, Gustar con. I. [-in.] Bericbt iiber das permanente Internationale Oruithologische Comite und ahnliche Einricbtungen in einzelnen Liindern. Ornis, 1, 1885, 1-67; 2, 1886, 1- IS; 3, 1887, 619-032. Blasius, [Paul] Rudolf [Heinrich], & Lcverkuhii, Paul. " Leverkuhn A Blasius. Blasius, [Paul] Rudolf [Heinrich] (ct alii). vn.[-xi.] Jabresbericht [1882-86] des Aussclmsses i'iir Beobach- tungastationen der Vogel Deutschlands. Jl. f. Ornith , 32, 1884, 1-52; 33, 1885, 225-337; 34, 1886, 129-388; 35, 1887, 337-016; 30, 1888, 313-571. Blasius, [.-/Mr/iist] Wilhi'lin [Hcinricli], * Vogel von Borneo, im Siidosteu der Insel gesammelt von Herrn F. J. GRABOWSKY. Verzeichnet und mil Bezugnahme auf die gesammte Vogelfauna der Insel besprochen. [1882.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 33, 1884 (Abh.), 1-90. — Der japanische Nb'rz, Fretorius itatsi (Temm.), in seinen Beziehungen zu den iibrigen Arten der Gattung Foatorius im Allgemeinen und der Untergattung Lutrrola im Besonderen. Bainb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 13, 1884 (No. 1), 34pp. - Neue Thatsachen in Betreff der Ueberreste von Alca impenuis, Linn. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 321-323. Ueber eine bisher zu den Zieseln (Spermophilus) gerechnete vermuthlieh neue Nagethier-Gattung aus Turkestan. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 324-325. Zur Geschichte der Ueberreste von Alca impennis, Linn. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 58-170. — Ueber einen vermuthlieh neuen Trompeter- Vogel von Bolivia (Psophia cantatrix, Iloeck in lilt.). Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 203-210. — Ueber die iieuesten Ergebnisse von Herrn F. J. GBABOWSKY'S ornithologischen Forschungen in Siid-Ost- Borueo. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 210-224. — Ueber Vogel-Brnstbeine. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 228-229. — Die Baubvogel von Cochabamba. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth.. 8, 1884, 141-142. Ellobius Tancrei, nor. sp., ein neuer Moll-Lemming oder Wurfmoll aus dem Altai-Gebiete. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 197-201. — Neue Thatsachen in Betreff des Aussterbens von Alca impennis, L. (nach brieflichen Mittheilnngen von A. NEWTON und W. PREYEII). Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 398. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Vogelfauna von Celebes. Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 402-403. — Osteologischc Studien (Messungs-Methoden an Vogel- Skeletten). Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 409-415. — Ueber einige Vogel von Cochabamba in Bolivia. Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1886, 416-419. — Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Vogelfauna von Celebes. Ztsehr. Gesam. Ornith., 2, 1885, 201-32H ; 3, 1886, 81- 179, 193-210. — [Ueber eine Fahrt nach Skandinavien.] Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 16-18. — 1st Castor canadensis, Kiihl, der amerikauische Biber, eiue gute Art? Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (4), 1887, 73-83. — [Note on a collection of birds from the island of Palawan.] Ibis, ti, 1888. 372-375. — Die Vogel von Palawan. Nach deu Ergebnissen der von Herrn und Frau Dr. PLATEX bei Puerto-Princesa auf Palawan (Philippineu) im Sommer 1887 ausgefuhrten ornithologischeu Forschungen iibersichtlich zusamruen- gestellt. Ornis, 4, 1888, 301-320, 684. — Die Vogel von Gross-Snnghir (rait besonderer Beriick- siehtigung der in den Jahren 1886 und 1887 von Herrn Dr. PLATEN und dessen Gemahlin bei Manganitu auf Gross-Sanghir ausgefuhrten ornitholog. Forschungen) nebst eiuem Anhange iiber die Vogel von Siao. Ornis, 4, 1888, 527-640, 685. — Mammalogische Mittbeilungen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 (Tli. 2i, lls-120. — Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse von Dr. PLATEN'S ornitho- logischen Forschungen auf den Sulu-Iuseln. Jl. f. Ornith., 38, 1890, 137-144. Die von Herrn Dr. PLATEN und dessen Gemahlin im Summer 1889 bei Davao auf Mindanao gesammelten Vogel. Jl. f. Ornith., 38, 1890, 144-149. — [Ueber Polyplectron Nehrkornaa, n. *]>.] [1890.] Jl. f. Ornith., 39, 1891, 9-10; Wieu Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 15, 1891, 1-2. — Die faunistische Litteratur Braunschweigs und der N.-irhlinrgebiete. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (6|, 1891. 293-527. — Die neuen Funde in der Baumanushoble bei Riibeland am Harz. Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 22, 1892. [107]- [109]. — Sogen. gehornte Ricke. Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 69, 1896. 229-231. — [Herbstbliithen von Aesculua hippocaetanum.] [1895.] Braunsehw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 14. — [Die Hohlen im Seller und Ith.] [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 16-17. — Ausgrabungen in den neuen Theilen der Baumanns- hdlile bei liiibeland. [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 17. — [Eine ueue Hiihlenspalte bei Eiibeland.] [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 17-19. — Die Frucht der Wasser-Aloe (Strutiutes aloides). [18111,.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 153-154. — Kiitisehe Bemerkungen iiber einige Viigel von Mimloro. [1890.] Braimschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 157-162. — [Eine abnorme Hornbildung.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 17H-180. — [Ferula Asa-fuvtida.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 180. — Uebersicbt iiber die Vogelfauna von Mindoro. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 181-183. — [Neue Ausgrabungen in der neuen Baumannshohle. ] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 183-184. — Megalithische Grabdenkmaler des nordwestlichen Deutachlands. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 275-289. — Demonstration von Fossilresten aus den Riibelander Hohleii. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, Hfilftt I), 182-183. — [Circus pallidus als Brutvogel in Braunschweig.] Jl. f. Ornith., 45, 1897, 510. — [Ueber eine missgebildete Biirzelfeder vom Heeadler.J [1898.] Brauusehw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 105- 106. — Anthropologie und Vorgeschichte, Die anthropo- logische Jjittcratur Braunschweigs und der N:icbli:u i/fliifti' (mit Einscbluss des gauzen Harzes). Braunschxv. Ver. Nat. Jber., (8), 1900, 53-279. Blasius] 601 [Blathwayt — "Generate Bicke." [1894.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (9), 1903, 11-13. — [Feuersteingerathe aus dem neuen Theile der Bau- maunshohle.] [1894.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (9), 1903, 13-14. — Neuere Funde fossiler Knocheu irn Gebiete des Her- zogthums Braunschweig. [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (9), 1903, 44-45, 68-69. Blasius, [August] Wilhelm [Htinricli], Radde, Gustav [Ferdinand ' 'Richard], & Walter, Adolf. Ser Radde, •Walter A Blasius. Blasius, William. For biographical notice and list of works sec Meteorol. Ztschr., 115 (1899), 215, 555-557. — The remarkable sun-glows in the falls of 1883 and 1884. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., 22, 1885, 213-215. — Ueber Tornados Nordamerikas, ihre Entstehung, Entwickelung und Auflosnng. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 (Th. 2), 20-33. — Zur Geschichte der Meteorologie. Meteorol. Ztschr., 7 (1890), 467-469. — Merkwiirdige Hagelwolke. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 347-350. — [Hagelstiirme und Cyclone.] [1896.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 1S3-143. Blasoletto, /.'. Indurirneuto del gesso mediante i saccarati terrosi. Trieste Boll., 12, 1890, 57-58. Blass, E. Do plants assimilate argon? [1895.] Nature, Philad., Ent. News, 3, Canad. Ent., 51 (1894-95), 461. — A problem in thermodynamics. 415. Nature, 52 (1895), Blass, .J. Uutersuchungen iiber die physiologische Be- deutung des Siebtheils der Gefiissbiindel. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 56-60 ; Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 22, 1891, 253-292. Bl.iteh, irf/V/idm] G[ubrit'l]. For biography see Ent. Month. Mag., 36, 1900, 89-90 ; Entomologist, 33, 1900, 136. — Notes on tbe British species of the genus Euplectus, including a description of E. nubigena, Reitter, a species new to Britain. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885- 86, 203-209. — The Lepidoptera of the Birmingham district. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 198-200. — On the Coleoptera found in a small mossy bank at Knowle, Warwickshire. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 35-37. — A new species of Neuraphes. Eut. Mouth. Mag., 26, 1890, 93. — Quedius riparius, Kellner : a species new to Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 80-81. Blatcb, W[illiam] G[abriel], & Horner, A[rtkur] C[laypon]. Description of a new species of Khizophagus. Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 303-304. Blatchley, Willis S[tanlti/]. On the American species of the genus Umbra. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1885, 12-13. — A review of the species of the genus Pimephales. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1885, 63-65. — On the genus Aphredoderus. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1885, 136-137. — Some Indiana Aerididse. Canad. Eut., 23, 1891, 74- 81, 98-100; 24, 1892, 28-34; 26, 1894, 217-223, 241-245; 30, 1898, 54-64. — Notes on the batrachians and reptiles of Vigo county, Indiana. [1891.] Cinciu. Soc. Nat. Hist. JL, 14, 1891- 92, 22-35. — Two new Orthoptera from Indiana. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 26-27. — Cnicus discolor as an insect trap. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 310-311. — A catalogue of the butterflies known to occur in Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 17, 1892, 365-408. R. S. A. C. — Entomologizing in Mexico. 1892, 111-114, 131-136. — Some new Locustubo from Indiana. 25, 1893, 89-93. — On a collection of batrachians and reptiles from Mount Orizaba, Mexico, with descriptions of two new species. [1893.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 16, 1894, 37-42. Miscellaneous notes. Canad. Ent., 28, 1896, 265-266. — A preliminary report on the clays and clay industries of the coal-bearing counties of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 20, 1896, 24-185. — Notes on the winter insect fauna of Vigo county, Indiana. Psyche, 7, 1896, 247-250, 267-270, 279-281, 33IJ-340, 379-381, 399-401, 434-437, 455-458. The natural resources of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Sep., 21, 1897, 7-25. — The petroleum industry in Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 21, 1897,' 27-96. — Indiana caves and their fauna. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Kep., 21, 1897, 121-212. — A catalogue of the uncultivated ferns and fern allies (Pteridophyta) and tbe flowering plants (Spermatophyta) of Vigo county, Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 21, 1897', 577-708. — The geology of Lake and Porter counties, Indiana. Indiana, Dept'. Geol. Ann. Rep., 22, 1898, 25-104. — Tbe clays and clay industries of northwestern Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol.' Ann. Rep., 22, 1898, 105-153. — The petroleum industry of Indiana in 1897. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 22, 1898, 155-184. — Two new Melanopli from Les Cheneaux islands, Michigan. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 195-197. — Notes on the batrachians and reptiles of Vigo county, Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 24, 1900, 535- 552. — On the species of Nemobius known to occur in Indiana. [1900.] Psyche, 9, 1902, 51-54. Blatchley, Willis S[tlil [Adalbert /-'run;}, it Pfluger, Kilnanl [Frieilru'li ll',lln-liit\. .S'.r Pfliiger it Bleibtreu. Bleibtreu, Lmjiuld (Ad.iU.ert Franz], it WendelBtadt, H[i'rmunn]. .SVr Wendelstadt A Bleibtreu. Bleibtreu, .!/-icli- namige Abhandlung des Herrn Th. LAKBCHEWITZ. Priiiger, Arch. Phvsiul.. .VI, 1893. 1-21. - \\ iderlfgnng derEinwande des Herrn H. J. HAMI.I i:»i i: gegen das Prinzip der von L. BLEIBTRED und [ihm] be- giiindek'n Methode der BlutkorperchenvolumbeBtimmnng. [1893.] Pfliiger, Arch. Pbysiol., 55. 1894. 402-411',. — Fettmast und respiratorischer Quotient. Vorlaufige Mittheihing. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 56, 1894, 464- 166. — Bemerkungen zu der vorstehenden Abhandlung von Th. LACKSCHEWITZ : [Ueber die Wasseraufuahmefahigkeit der rothen Blutkorperchen]. [1894.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 59, 1895, 91-103. — Die Bleibtreu'sche Methode der Blutkorperchenvolum- bestimmung. Antwort auf die beiden vorhergehenden Abhandlungen [von EVKMAX und von HHHIN]. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., CO, 1895. 4(15-42*. Bleibtreu, MU.I; it Bleibtreu, I.i'f]><>ld [Adalbert Frtniz]. Eine Methode zur Bestimmuug des Volunis der Kciiprr- lichen Elemente ini Blut. [1891.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol.. 51, 1892, 151-228. Bleicher, [Marii:] G[ustare]. *Le mineral de fer de Lcniaine iLiiis Superieur et Oolithe Jnfi'-rieure) au point de vue stratigraphique et paleontologique. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 4K-107. — Le Lias de Lorraine. Ass. Frani;. C. E., 1884 (Pt. 1), 181. — Le Lias de Lorraine au point de vue paleoutologique. Ass. Franc;. C. !{., 1884 (Pt. '-'I, 2r,.-|--.'Ci(j. — L'liistoire du terrain Quaterniiiie dans les environs de Nancy. Nancy Soc. Sci. Hull., 1884, xvii-xviii. — Sur le Rhc^tien ou Inl'ra-Lias de Lorraine. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, xxvii. -- Echinides des etages Jurassiques de Lorraine. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, xxxiii. — L'homme Tertiaire de Thenay (Loir-et-Cher). Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, xxxvii-xxxviii. — Note sur la linute inferieure du Lias en Lorraine. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull, 12, 1884, 442^146. — Etudes de stratigraphie et de paleontologie animale. Colmar Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 24-26, 1885, 3-44, 5S4. — Decouverte d'une formation d'eau douce Tertiaire fur la colline de Sigolsheim. Colmar Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 24-26, 1885, 555-556. — L'age de la grouine dans la valise de la Menrthe. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1885, xv. — Le Quaternaire de Loiraine au point de vue de sa faime malacologique. Ass. Franv. C. R., 1886 (Pt. 1), 129. — Sur le Bathonien Inferieur de la Lorraine au point de vue stratigraphique et paleontologique. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1886 (Pt. 1), 135. — Sur les denudations ancienues aux environs de Nancy. Ass. Franc. C. H., 1886 (Pt. 1), 137. — Presentation de pollen fossile provenant des lignites de Jarville. Ass. Franc. C. K., 1886 (Pt. 1), 152. — Sur leB progres recents de 1'antbropologie prehistorique en Lorraine. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Fasc. 2U), xxiii-xxiv. — Sur 1'anthropologie alsacienne. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Fasc. 20), xxxviii-xl. — Decouverte d'oursiu regulier dans le Lias Moyeu. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1887, xxii-xxiii. — Sur la decouveite du Carbonifere a fossiles marins et a plantes aux environs de Raori-sur-Plaine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1081-1083. — [Note sur la geologic de la Lorraine.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, G65-666. — Recherches lithologiques snr la formation 4 bois silicifies de Tunisie et d'Alg^rie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 572-574. — Un pecheur naturaliste au xvne siecle : Leonard BALDXER. Rev. Sci., 41, 1888, 626-028. • Formations glaciaires des Vosges. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 1), 290. — Sur la nature des phosphates du massif du DeKma (departement de Constantine). Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 110, 1890, 12215-1228. — Sur la structure microscopique des roehes phosphatees du Dekma (departement de Coustantine). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1022-1024. — Sur la decouverte de coquilles terrestres Tertiaires dans le tuf volcanique du Lirabourg (Kayserstubl, gi'and- duche de Bade). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 874- 876. — Sur la faune entomologique de la Casamance. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1892 (Fasc. 27), 87-112. — Sur la structure microscopique du mineral de fer Oolithique de Lorraine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 590-592. — Sur la structure microscopique des oolithes du Ba- thonien et du Bajocien de Lorraine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 11H8-1140. — Sur le gisement et la structure des nodules phosphates du Lias de Lorraine. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 20, 1892. 237-247. — Recherches microscopiques sur les roehes sedimentnires calcaires du Trias et du Jurassique de Lorraine. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 1), 216-217. — Sur quelques fails nouveaux relatifs a la fossilisation osseiise. Bibliogr. Aiiat., 1 (1893), 123-128. — Contribution a 1'etude des Bryozoaires et des Sp«n_'i- aires de 1'Oolithe Inferieur (Bajocien et Bathonien) de Meurthe-et-Moselle. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1893, 89-102. — Recherches sur la structure et le gisement du mineral de fer pisolithique de diverges provenances francaises et de la Lorraine en particulier. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894, 32-42. — Sur la structure de certaines rouilles ; leur analogic avec celle des minerals de fer sedimentaires de Lorraine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 887-889; Paris, Soc. (i.'dl. Bull., 22, 1894, lix-lx. — Coloration des plaques minces de roehes sedimentaires calcaires. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1895 (Pt. 2), 505-508. — Sur quelques perfectionnements apportes a la pre'paru timi et a I'e'tude de plaques minces de roehes sedimentaires calcaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 1129-1131. — Sur la decouverte d'une nouvelle espece de Limule dans les rnarues irisees de Lorraine. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896, 116-126. — Sur la decouverte d'un gisement de terrain Tertiaire terrestre fussilifere dans les environs de Liverdun (Meurthe-et-Moselle). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 149-150. — Sur les debris vegetnux et les roehes des sondages de la campagne du Caudan dans le golfe de Gascogne (aoiit 1895). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 122, 1896, 753-755. — L'homme et les animaux domestiques de la stiitimi prehistorique de Belleau (Meurthe-et-Moselle). |l.v.ir, Bibliogr. Anat., 4, 1897, 118-119. — Les problemes de 1'anthropologie lorraine. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 132-133. — Cotnpte-rendu des excursions des 30 et 31 aoiit [dans les Vosges]. Paris, Soc. Ge"ol. Bull., 25, 1897, 922-939. — Compte-rendu de 1'excursion du 1" septembre [au Ballon d'Alsace]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 942-954. Bleicher] 605 [Bleisch — Gompte-rendu de 1'excursion tlu 2 septembre [a Cravanche]. Paris, Soc. G(5ol. Bull., 25, 1897, '.M14-972. — Compte-rendn de 1'excursion du 4 septembre [clans les environs de Belfort]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1897. 973-986. Observations a la note complemeutaire de M. RoiiLlEB [relative a 1'excursion du 4 septembre 1897, a Roppe, pres Belfort]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. , 25, 1897, 990-998. — Sur la decouverte de Graptolithes dansrles poudingues du Gres vosgien des environs de Eaon-1'Etape (Vosges). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 127, 1898, 1235-1237. — Contribution a I'etude lithologique, microscopique el cliimique des roches se'dimentaires Secondaires et Terti- aires du Portugal. [1898.] Portugal Dir. Trab. Geol. Commun., 3, 1895-98, 251-289. — Compte rendu detailie de 1'excursion du inardi l(i aout de Nancy a Paguy-sur- Moselle, avec retour par Mpssein. [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 (Mr-m.), 88-98. — Compte rendu de la course du... 17 aout, aux " Quatre- Vents" et au Cbamp-le-Bceuf (plateau de Haye). [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 (.Wm.j, 98-107. Compte rendu detailie de 1'excursion du 20 aout a Gerardmer et au col de la Schlucht. [1898-99.] Bmx. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 (.Vein.), 137-145. — Compte rendu detailie de 1'excursion du 21 aoiit a Saint-Maurice et a Bussang. [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 (Mem.), 146-155. — Recherches sur 1'origine et la nature des elements du Gres des Vosges. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 1-10. - Un echantillon de Graptolites provenaut des pou- dingues du Gres vosgien. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 377. - Essai sur 1'origine, la nature, la repartition des Elements de destruction des Vosges, du versant lorrain et des regions adjacentes du bassin de la Saone. Congr. Geol. Int. C. E., 1900, 539-543. — Sur la denudation du plateau central de Haye ou Foret de Haye (Meurthe-et-Moselle). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 146-148. — Sur les phenornenes de metamorphisme, de production de mineral de fer, consecutifs a la denudation du plateau de Haye (Meurthe-et-Moselle). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 346-348. — Sur la denudation de 1'ensemble du plateau lorrain et sur quelques-unes de ses consequences. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 598-600. — Sur quelques faits uouveaux relatifs a 1'origine des elements du Gres vosgieu et sur la decouverte de gros blocs de Gres vosgien a la surface du plateau de Haye (Meurthe-et-Moselle). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 999. Bleicher, [Marie'] G[ustare], & Barthelemy, F[mncois]. Les tumuli de la Lorraine. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1886 (Ft. 2), 643-646. — Les anciens glaciers des Vosges rneridionales. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1893 (Pt. 2), 342-345. Bleicher, [Marie] G[nistave], & Choff.it, Paul, Contribution a ['etude des dragies calcaires des galeries de mines et de captation d'eaux. [1900.] Portugal Dir. Serv. Geol. Commun., 4, 1900-01, 148-155. Bleicher, [.1/i/nV] U[nstare'], & Fliche, Paul. Note sur la flore Pliocene du Monte-Mario. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Fuse. 20), 5-22. — Eecherches relatives a qnelques tufs Quaternaires du nord-est de la France. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 566-602. — Sur la decouverte des Bactryllium dans le Trias de Meurthe-et-Moselle. Paris, Ac.' Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 1038-1040. Bleicher, [Marie] G[ustave], & Mice,, Matliieu. *Note sur la paieontologie du terrain Carbouifere de la Haute Alsace. [1883.] Paris. Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 107-114. — Note compiementaire sur la paieontologie et la strati- grapbie du terrain Carbonifere de la Haute-Alsace. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1886, 413-418. — Sur un gisement Callovien decouvert aux environs de Winckel (massif Jurassique de Ferrette). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 805-807. - Note sur le remplissage des pocbes et fissures des calcaires Jurassiques du massif de Ferrette par des sables quartzeux. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 1028-1030. Bleicher, [Marie] G[ustwe], Fliche, Paul, A Mieg, Mathieu. Sec Fliche, Bleicher it mieg. Bleicher, [Marie] G[ustnre], Mieg, Matltieii, & Fliche, Paul. See Mieg, Bleicher A Fliche. Bleichsteiner, Anton. Replanting teeth. Brit. .11. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 243-245. Bleichsteiner, Ferd. Ueber Magnesit. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 40, 1892, 355-358. — Die Schmiermittel unserer Mechanismen. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 42, 1894, 387-389. Bleier, Leopold. Bildung seeundarer Basen aus Aethylen- diamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1825-1830. Bleier, Otto. Ueber Gasbiiretten mit automatischer Ab- messung fiir leicbt- und schwerlo'sliche Gase. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2423-2427. — Ueber gasanalvtische Apparate. Berlin, Cheni. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 260-265, 1761-1762; 30, 1897, 697-701, 1210-1211, 1269. — Ueber vier neue Metboden der Gasabmessung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2753-2759. — Eiue neue Methode der absoluten (iasmessung (Messeu des reducirten Gasvolums). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 3123-3131; 31, 1898, 2513. — Ueber eine zweckmassige Form von Chlorcalciuui- rohren. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 854. - Eiue neue Messpipette. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 1028. — Ueber gasometrische Apparate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 236-239. — Ueber neue Messpipetten und Messbiiretten. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 59-60. — Eine ueue Methode zum Messen der Flussigkeiten. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 298-299, 376. — Ein Apparat fur exacte Gasanalysen. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 776-777. — Ein tragbarer Apparat fiir hygieuische Luftanalysen (Kohlensaurebestimmuug). Ztschr. Hyg., 27, 1898, 111- 115. — Ueber die Dampfdichte des Schwefels uuterhalb seines Siedepunktes. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Htilfte 1), 140-142. Bleier, Otto, & Kohn, Leopold. Ueber ein allgemein ver- wendbares Verfahren der Dampfdiebtebestimmung unter beliebigeni Drucke. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 26), 239-272, 619-635; Mhefte. Chem., 1899, 505-533, 909- 925. — Ueber die Dampfdichte des Schwefels. Vorlaufige ilittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 50-51. — Ueber die Moieculargrosse und Dampfdichte des Schwefels. Wieu, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 26), 455- 500 ; Mhefte. Chem. , 1900, 575-620. Bleile, A[lbert] M[artin]. The urine in epilepsy. N. Y. Med. Jl., 65, 1897, 621-625. Bleisch, Max. Die Aufgaben und die Organisation einer obligatorischen Fleisehbeschau unter Beriicksichtigung der gesetzlicben Bestimmungen und der Eechtsprechung. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 17, 1891, 305-339, 427- 447. — Beitrag zur bakteriologischen Differenzialdiagnose der Cholera. Ztschr. Hyg., 13, 1893, 31-37. — Ueber bittere Milch und die Sterilisirung der Milch durch Erhitzen uuter Luftabschluss. Ztschr. Hyg., 13, 1893, 81-100. Bleisch] GOG [Blinks — Ueber einige Felilerquellen bei Anstellung der Gholera- mthreaction und ihre Verraeidung. Ztschr. Hyg., 14, 1893, 103-115. — Ein Apparat zur Gewinuung klaren Agars ohne Filtra- tion. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 17, 1895, 360-302. Bleisch, .1/ii.c, A: Fiedeler, . Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Schweineseuche. Ztschr. Hyg., 6, 1889, 401-452. — Bemerkungen zur Aetiologie der Schweineseuche. Ztschr. Hyg., 9, 1890, 54U-550; Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk.', 17, 1891, 225-230. See also Fiedeler it Bleisch. Blcloch, II'. Hand conglomerates. S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 4, 1899, 175-181; 5, 1899, 30-42. Blenck, K. Die Zunahme der Blitzgefahr und die Eiuwir- kung des Blitzes auf den menschlichen Korper. [1893.] Wetter, 11, 1894, 121-130, 150-162, 178-186. Blenk, P[aul]. Ueber die durchsichtigen Punkte in den Slattern. Flora, 07, 1884, 411-57, 97-112, 136-144, 204-210, 223-225, 275-283, 291-299, 339-349, 355-370, 371-386. Blenkins, G. E. For biographical notice see Micr. Soc. Jl., 1894, 742-743. Bles, Edward J. Opaque illumination. [1884.] Man- chester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1884-85, 23-2G. - The remarkable sunsets. Nature, 29, 1884, 427-428. - The Solen, or razor-shell. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1886, 19-21. — Report on the occupation of the table [at the Zoological Station at Naples]. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1891, 372-376. — Notes on the plankton observed at Plymouth during June, July, August and September, 1892. [LS',12. | U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 2, 1891-92, 340-343. — On the communication between peritoneal cavity and renal veins through the nephrostomial tubules in the frog (Rana temporaria). [1896.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 9, 1898, 73-75. — On the openings in the wall of the body-cavity of vertebrates. [1897.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 62, 1898, 232-247. — The correlated distribution of abdominal pores and nephrostomes in fishes. Jl. Auat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 484-512. Bles, Kdu-iinl .J ., & Marshall, A\rtlinr] Millies, See Mar- shall A Bles. Blessig, E[rnst], Embryologische Uutersuchungen an der Halswirbelsaule von Lacerta vivipara. [1885.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 291-293. Bleuler, Emjen. Zur Casuistik der Herderkraukungen der Briicke mit besonderer Berticksichtigung der Sto- rungen der eombiuirteu seitlicheu Augenbeweguugen. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 37, 1885, 527-568; 38, 1886, 28-55. — Zur Auffassung der subcorticaleu Aphasien. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 562-563. — Ein Fall von aphasischen Symptomen, Hemiauopsie, amnestischer Farbenblindheit und Seelenlahmung. Arch. Psychiatr., 25, 1893, 32-73. • Versuch einer naturwissenschaftlichen Betraehtung der psychologischeu Grundbegriffe. [1893.] Allg. Ztscbr. Psychiatr., 50, 1894, 133-168. — Zur Therapie des Herpes zoster. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 1010-1011. Bleuler, Kixjen, & Iiehmann, Karl Bernhard. I.YluT eiuige wenig beachtete, wichtige Eiuflusse auf die Puls- zahl des gesunden Meuschen. Arch. Hyg., 3, 1885, 215- 248. Bleunard, [Felix Charles] Albert. Uue nouvelle poudre (poudre verte). Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, 22-23. - Note sur un uouvel avertisseur electrique de Jl/. PIAU. \n"i:rs Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 83-84. — Itappurt de la commission sur la communication faite par J/. QOKLIN a la seance du 3 novembre 1892 [sur la periodicite des vents]. Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1892, 169-171. Bleunard, [Felix Charles] Albert, & labesse, . Sur le passage des rayons de RHXTGEN a travers les liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, .527-528. — Sur le pouvoir de resistance, au passage des rayons Rontgen, de quelques liquides et de quelques substances snlides. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 122, 1896, 723-725. Bleuse, I.i'ini. Nouvelle espece de Danacasa. Rev. Eut., 15, 1896, 2.30. — Description d'un Mylabre du Sud-Oranais. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 383. — Anomalies observees chez deux Lepidopteres. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 52-53. Bley, C.ui. 'Ueber das Thymol (C10H140). [1876.] Dresden Isis Sber., 1877, 132-134. Bleyer, . Mittbeilungen iiber den Fischreiher (Ardea cinerea). Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 120. Bleyer, ,l[ulius] ilount. Der Phonograph und das Mikro- Graphophon, die ihnen zu Grunde Hegeuden Principien und die Erfullung der auf sie gesetzten Erwartungen. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 34, 1892, 493-504. — Nuclein as a defensive proteid. Its subcutaneous administration in the different grades of diphtheria, accompanied by a clinical report of fifty-three cases. N. Y. Med. JL, 61, 1895, 464-467. — CROOKES'S "X" and other light rays. A problem yet to be solved in therapeutics, etc. N. Y. Med. Jl., 03, 1896, 245-247. — An abstract of a lecture on the new rays of RMXTHKN, the new photography, and the photo-fluoroscope; their joint application in medicine. N. Y. Med. Jl., 63, 1896, 537-540. Blezinger, 7i'[iV/mn/]. Viola elatior, Fr., im Jagstthale. Wurttemb. Jhel'te., 44, 1888, 304. Blichfeldt, //[ie £Snge und die Spanuuug des Muskel's. Skand. — Zur Frage: Wann der Energieu'msatz'bei der Muskel- eontraction auch von der Spannung abhangt. Skand Arch. Physiol., 6, 1895, 240-251. Bloch, -_. Recherches sur la dessiccatiou de la fecule. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 146-149. Btoch,[4rmand], & Schlagdenhauffen, Frederic Churls] See Schlagdenhauffen ,v Bloch. Bloch A. M. "Experiences relatives a 1'etude graphique de la respiration, chez rhomme, a 1'aide d'un nouveau naefllm°gDaP^e c, 1890 (C. R.), 736-739; Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 322-333. - Experiences sur les sensations uiusculaires Rev Sci., 45, 1890, 294-301. - Note relative a la communication de 31 31. FFKF BATIGNE et OCVRY: [Etude de la sensation de pression chez les epileptiques]. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 — L'aehrornatometre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 123, 1896, 835—836. - Note a propos de la communication de 31. FERE • (Experiences relatives a la notion de position) Paris' Soc.^Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (G. R.), Sl-82. - Note sur un perfectionnement apporte a [son] sphyg- mometre. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mum., 4s, 1896 1C. R.), 745- 746. - Le pneumoscope. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (G. R.), 873-874; Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 112-116. - Note relative a la communication de 31 31. HALLION et COHTE sur la pression arterielle pendant 1'effort. Paris Soc, Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 905. — Etude de la rnarche normale et pathologique au moyen d'empreintes moulees. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem 48, 1896 (G. R.), 1033-1034. — Experiences relatives a Faction que les traumatismes produiseut sur la circulation et sur la sensibilite de la peau. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49 1897 (C R ) 101'- 1014; Robin, Jl. Anat., 34, 1898, 235-246. Bloch, Adolphe. L'intelligence est-elle en rapport avec le volume du cerveau? Rev. d'Anthrop., 8, 1885 577- 619. - La forme du doigt et les nodosites de BOUCHABD Ass. Franc. C. It., 1889 (Ft. 2), 682-693. — — Pathogenie des affections cardiaques de croissauce et de surnienage. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1890 (I't. 2), 655- 059. Blochl (508 I Blochmann — Sur la physiologie patbologique du nervosisme. N<>n valeur du terme neurasthenic. Ass. Frain1. C. II., 1891 (Pi. -2), 680-685. — Pathogenic des erosions et autres anomalies dentaires. Ass. I-'riinv. C. R., 1892 (/'/. 2), 770-782. — Nature et pathog^nie de la serofule. Ass. Franc;1. C. 11., 1893 (Pt. 2), 768-77:!. — Sur des races noire* indigenes qui existaient ancienue- ment dans 1'Afrique septentrionale. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1896 (Pt. 2), 511-523. — Des rapports du systeme pileux avec la coloration de la peau. Paris Soc. "Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1896, 309-319. — Sur une race rouge indigene qui existait ancieune- raeut a Madagascar, et sur 1'origine des Hovas. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1896, 498- 511, 521-524. — La main d'uue Annamite de distinction. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1896, 580-582. — Caracteres particuliers du type grand-russien. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8, 1897, 457-463. — Le pigment du systeme pileux et son origine. [tl'ith discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8, 1897, 573- 587. — Snr une modification frequente dans le squelette du petit orteil. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 9, 1898, 153- 162. - Essai sur les levres au point de vue authropologique. azoiques reserve sous impression de bleu indigo vapeur (pro-cede' Sohlieper). Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 64. 1894, 260-263. - Note sur le bleu dmnisidine sur rouge paranitraniline. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 9, 1898, 284-301. — Discussion sur la platycnemie. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1899, 447-449. — De 1'origine des braehycephales neolithiques de la France. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. B., 1900, 271-277. — Origine de la teinte jaune chlorotique. Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1900 (Vol. 4), 168-172. Pourquoi les anthropoides ne sont-ils pas mareheurs bipedes? Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull. uj. [1887.] Morphol. Jbuch., 13, 1888, 173-183. — Bemerkungeu zu deu Publikatiouen fiber die Richt- ungskorpex bei parthenogenetisch sich entwickelnden Eiern. Morphol. Jbuch., 13, 1888, 654-663. — Ueber das regelmassige Vorkouimeu vun bakterieualm- licheu Gebilden in den Geweben und Eiern verschie- dener Insecten. Ztschr. Biol., 24, 1888, 1-15. — Ueber die Zahl der Richtuugskurper bei befruchteten und unbefruchteten Bieneueieru. Morphol. Jbuch., 15, 1889, 85-96. — Eine einfache Methode zur Entfernung der Gallerte und Eischale bei Froscheieru. Zool. Auz., 12, 1889, 269-270. — Ueber die regelmassigen Wanderuugen der BlaUliiuse, speziell fiber den Generationszyklus von Chermes Abietis, L. [1889.] Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 271-284. — Eine f'reischwimmende Muschellarve itu Susswasser. Biol. Ceutrbl., 11, 1891, 476-478. — Ueber die Richtuugskorper bei unbefruohtet sich ent- wickelnden Insecteneiern. [1888.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 239-241. — Ueber den Entwicklungskreis von Chermes Abietis, L. [1888.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 249-258. — Ueber das Vorkommen von bakterienahnliehen Gebil- den in den Geweben uud Eiern verscbiedener lusekteu. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 234-240. — Ueber SOMMEK'S sogenaunte " plasmatische Laugs- gefasse" bei Ttenia saginata, Goze, und Ta>uia solium, L. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 373-379. — Ueber die Entwickelung von Cercariteum aus Helix hortensis zum geschlechtsreifen Distomum. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 649-652. — Ueber die Anatomie und die verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen der Bracbiopoden. Meeklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1892, 37-50. — Beruerkungen zur Brachiopodenlitteratur. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 40-43. — Kleine Mittheilungen iiber Protozoen. Biol. Ceutrbl., 14, 1894, 82-91. — Zur Kenntniss von Dimorpha niutans, Grub. Biol. Centrbl., 14, 1894, 197-200. — [Ueber die Kerutheilung bei Euglena.] Meeklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1894, vii (bis); Biol. Centrbl., 14, 1894, 194-197. — Ueber freie Nervenendigungen und Sinneszellen bei Bandwiirniern. Biol. Ceutrbl., 15, 1895, 14-25. — Zur Epithelfrage bei Cestoden. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 460-463. — Zur Paraffinserientechnik. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 189-195. — Ueber die Fortpnanzung des Aales. Meeklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1898, iii-viii. — Die Larve von Discinisca. (Die Mfiller'sche Brachio- podenlarve.) Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 11, 1898, 417-426. - Wanderungen der Blattlause. [1899.] Wurttemb. Jhefte., 56, 1900, Iv. — Die Entstehung der Drohuen bei der Honigbiene. [1899.] "Wurttemb. Jhefte., 56, 1900, Ivii-lix. Blochiii.inn, F [riedrich], & Bettendorf, Heinricli. Ueber B. S. A. C. Muskulatur und Sinneszellen der Trematoden. Biol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 216-220. Blochmann, F[riedrich], & Hilger, C. Ueber Gonactiuia prolit'era, Sars, eine durch Quertheilung sich vermehr- ende Actinie. Morphol. Jbuch., 13, 1888, 385-401. Blochmann, G. F. Rudolf. Ueber die electromotorischeu Krat'te von Ketten mit gemischteu Salzlusungeii. Ann. Ph.ys. Chem., 37, 1889, 564-575. — Ueber die elektro-motorischeu Krat'te von galvauischeu Elementen. [1889.] Kouigsb. Schr., 30, 1890 (filer.), 32-33. — Ueber die Darstellung uud Verweudung von kompri- miertem Sauerstoff. Kouigsb. Schr., 32, 1891 (fiber.), 58-59. — Ueber Gasexplosionen. Konigsb. Schr., 34, 1893, — [Acetylengaslicht.] Konigsb. Schr., 38, 1897, [26]-[27]. — Zur Theorie des Branly'schen Kohres. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Th. 2, Hiilftc 1), 75. — Ueber die zeitliche Analyse der Wirkungen einer Unter-Wasser-Explosion. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Th. 2, Hillfte I), 80-83. Ueber eine in Konigsberg erbohrte Mineralwasser- quelle. Konigsb. Schr., 39, 1898, [17H18]. Blochmann, G. F. Rudolf, & Blochmann, Keinh[ard]. See below. Blochmann, Ida M. Californian herb-lore. Eiythea, 1, 1893, 190-191, 231-233 ; 2, 1894, 9-10, 39-40, 162-163. Blochmann, l{i'inii[iinl] *[Ueber zwei Gasaualyseu.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873, 109. — Phenulphtalein als Indicator zur Bestimraung der Kohlensaure in Gasgemischen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1017-1019. — Ueber ein einfaches Verfahren zur annahernden Bestimmuug der Kohlensaure in der Luft bewohnter Baurae und in anderen Gasgemischen. Fresenius, Ztschr., 23, 1884, 333-345. — Ueber die Einwirkung von salzsaurem Aniliu auf Aethylencyanid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1856-1861. — Ueber den Kohlensiiuregehalt der atmospharischen Luft. Liebig's Ann., 237, 1887, 39-90. — Ueber die Concentration der Reagentien. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 31-35. Blochmann, Reinh[ard], & Blochmann, G. F. Rudolf. Vorlesungsversuch zum Nachweise der Dissociation des Salmiaks. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2765- 2766. Block, Hermann. Die Bestandteile der Epheupflanze (Hedera helix). Arch. Pharm., 226, 1888, 953-984. Block, J[ustus], & Tollens, B[ernhard Christian Gottfried], Ueber die Methyl-Hydroxy-Glutarsiiure und die ihr ent- sprechende Lactousaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 706-707. — Ueber einige Salze der Lavuliusiiure. Liebig's Ann., 238, 1887, 301-302. Block, J[nstus], Krekeler, Karl, & Tollens, IS[ernhard Christian Gottfried]. Ueber die aus Lavuliusiiure nach Blausaureaddition entstehenden Siiureu, 7-Methyl- hydroxyglutarsaure und Methylglutolactonsiiure. Liebig's Anu., 238, 1887, 287-301. Block!, Bronisiaw. Eiu Beitrag zur Flora Galizieus und der Bukowiua. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 34, 1884, 51-55, 120-122, 212-216, 249-251, 359-360, 427-428. — Neue Burger der Flora Galizieus. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 3, 1885, 129-132. — Floristische Notizen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 35, 1885, 348-350. — Einige Bemerkungen fiber Dr. A. ZIMMKTER'S Abhand- lung: "Die europaischen Arten der Gattuug Potentilla." Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 4, 1886, 20-27, 82-85. — Zur Flora von Galizien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 36, 1886, 367-368. 77 Blocki] 610 [Blodgett — Floristisches aus Galizien. Deutsche Bot. Maclir., 5, 1887, 23-25. — Gagea glauca, n. sp. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 5, 1887, 65-66. — Sedum polonicum, n. sp, Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 5, 1887, 66. — Bemerkungen fiber einige kritisclie Ranuneulaceen. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 5, 1887, 86-88. — Viola roxolanica, n. sp. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 5, 1887, 147-148. — Zur Flora von Ostgalizien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 17-18, 128-130; 38, 1888, 268-270. — Poa polonica, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 156. — Galium polonicum, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 189-1110. — Hieracium ciliatum, «. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 227-228. — Rosa leoyioliensis, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 269-271. — Hieracium polonicum, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 303-305. — Eosa Hedevigse, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 384-385. — Rosa Herbichiaua, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 419-420. — Viola roxolanica, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 15-1(5. — Hieracium pseudobifidum, «. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 48-49. — Rosa Liechtensteinii, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 117-118. — Hieracium Andrzejowskii, «. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 153-154. — Hieracium subauriculoides, «. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 1110-192. — Hieracium gypsicola, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 296-297. — Rumex Skoh'tzii, n. lii/br. (R. conferto x crispus.) Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38," 1888, 340-341. — Rumex Kerneri, n. In/hr. (R. conferto x obtusifolius.) Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 365-366. — Poteutilla Andrzejowskii, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 407-4DH. — Rosa gypsicola, n. sp. Bot. Ceiitrbl., 39, 1889, 246- 247. — Rosa thyraica, n. sp. Bot. Ceiitrbl., 39, 1889, 311- 312. — Potentilla Kuappii, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 8. — Potentilla Tynieckii, n. sp. (P. leucopolitanoidi xargentea?) Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 49-50. — [Rosa pseudocaryophyllacea, H. sp.] Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 154-155. — Rosa Ciesielskii, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 189-190. — Rosa Tynieckii, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 311-312. — Rosa Knappii, n. sp. Bot. Centrbl., 40, 1889, 197- 198. — Rosa ciliato-sepala, n. sp. Bot. Centrbl., 41, 1890, 309-310. — Ein Beitrag zur Flora von Ost-Galizien. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 10, 1892, 104-111. — Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Flora von Galizien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 42, 1892, 349-352, 383. — Bemerkungen iiber einige kritische niitteleuropaische Formen aus der Gattung Hieracium und Poteutilla. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 12, 1894, 6-10. — Aconitum thyraicum, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1895, 59. — Aconitum fallacinum, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr. 1896 117-118. — Zwei neue Cvtisusarten (Sect. Tubocytisus) aus Ost- galizien. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1895, 137-138; Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 45, 1895, 303-304. — Ein Beitrag zur Flora von Galizien und der Bukowina. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 13, 1895, 67-69, 133-135, 151- 152. — Floristisches aus Galizieu. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 3-6. — Potentilla Buschakii, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 35-36. — Potentilla leopoliensis, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 56-57. — Aufklarung iiber einige galizische Euphrasieu. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 96-98. — Poteutilla isosepala, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 115-116. — Ein neuer Beitrag zur Flora Galiziens. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 143-145, 163-165. — Hieracium fragillimum, H. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 175-176. — Hieracium leopolieuse, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztsehr., 1897, 4-6. — Noch eine Aufkliiruug iiber galizisehe Euphrasien. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 6. — Potentilla Dichtliana, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 23-24. — Hieracium Knappii, «. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 45-46. — Hieracium kleparowiense, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 62. — Hieracium pinetorurn, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 76-77. — Floristisches aus Galizien. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 159-160. — Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Flora Ostgaliziens. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 50, 1900, 167-168. Blocq, p(i//Z. Syringomyelia. Brain, 13, 1890, 289-316. — Semeiology of sleep. Brain, 14, 1891, 112-126. - Neurasthenia. Brain, 14, 1891, 306-334. Blocq, Pun/, iv Giilct, H[enri]. Des cirrhoses graisseuses considered comine hepatites infectieuses. Arch. G£n. Med., 161, 1888, 611-656; 162, 1888, 60-73, 181-193. Blocq, Paul, & Mnrincscu, George. Sur 1'anatomie pathologique de la maladie de FBIEDBEICH. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. fi.), 118-120. — Sur la morphologic des faisceaux neuro-rnusculaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42. 1890 (C. R.), 398-401. — Poliomyelites et polynevrites. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. R.). 429-431. — Sur un systeme tubulaire special des nerfs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 661-664. — Sur uu cas de tremblement Parkinsonien heuiiplegique, symptomatique d'une tumeur du pedoncule cerebral. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893, 105-111. Blocq, PHI//, & Onanoff, J\act]ii?s] G. Une definition naturelle du crime et du criminel. Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 752-754. — Sur un cas d'association tabeto-hyst^rique suivi d'autopsie. Tabes superieur iucipiens, avec lesion des noyaux bulbaires. Arch. Med. Expe>., 4, 1892, 387-411. — Du nonibre coruparatif, pour les membres superieurs et inferieurs de 1'homme, des fibres nerveuses d'origine n ri'lirale destinees aux mouvements. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 248-251. Blocq, 1'iinl. A Straus, I\niilr. Forh., 11,1889,379-388; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Rd. 1, Ref.), 45-47. — Carl Wilhelm SCHEELE. [1891.] Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lefnadsteckn., 3, 1886-94. 1-38. - Till fragan om grundiunnenas fiireningsvarde. [1891.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 17 (Afd. 2), 1892, A'o. 6, 13 pp. — Den 7-atomiga jodens dubbelsyror. [1891.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 17 (Afd. 2), 1892, A'o. 7, 48 pp.; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 1, 1892, 10-50. — Zur Frage iiber die Constitution der aromatisrhrn Diazoverbindungen. [1893.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 29, 1892-93 (.S'oc. Phytiogr., No. n, 26 pp.). — Zur Frage iiber die Constitution der aromatischen Diazoverbindungen und ihrer Isomere. Lund. Univ. Acta, 31, 1895 (.Soc. Plujsioyr., No. i, 30 pp.). — Zur Diazofrage. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 54, 1896, 305- 339. — Bemerkung zu den neuesten Arbeiten von HANTZSCH. [Diazo-verbindungen.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1265. — Schlussworte in der Diazoisorneriefrage. Mit Bemer- kungen iiber Experimentelles von Eugen BAMBERGEB. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 55, 1897, 481-501. Blomstrand, C[liri«tian] ir[ilhi'lni} (et alii). Ueber Schwe- fflplatinbasen mil verschiedenen Alkoholradikalen. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 38, ,1888, 345-365, 497-530, 596. Blonay, H[cnri] de. Equation de la courbe d'accroisse- ment des arbres. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 28, 1892, 207-210. Blonay, H[i'iiri] W[illiain] tie. Derives de 1'euxanthone. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 18, 1887, 223-224. Blonay, Il[fnri] lV[illium] de, & Auriol, Henry. See Auriol A Blonay. Blonay, H[enri] ICf/H/nm] de, & Borel, William. See Borel A Blonay. Blondeau, . *Rodez (Avevron). Observations rneteo- rologiques faites pendant 1'annee 1852. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1854, Pi. 2, 211-219. Blondel, A drien. L'ile de la Reunion. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 9, 1888, 574-597. Blondel, Albert. Du fer au point de vue de 1'assimilation. Progres Med., 1, 1885, 54-55. Blondel, Andre [Eugene]. Sur la determination des courbes periodiques des courauts, alternatifs et leur inscription photographique. Lum. Elect., 41, 1891, 401-408, 507- 516., — Etudes experimentales sur Tare a courants alternatifs. Lum. Elect., 42, 1891, 551-560, 618-623 ; 43, 1892, 51-61. — Recherches sur 1'arc a courants alternatifs. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 273-274. — Couplages et synchronisation des alteruateurs. Lum. Elect.. 45, 1892, 351-359, 415-425, 465-477, 557-565, 615-622; 46, 1892, 151-160, 308-313, 360-367, 409-417, 456-468. — Methode pour la determination des courbes periodiques des courants alternatifs. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, 166. Phenoinenes periodiques de 1'arc alterne. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, 167-16S. — A secondary standard for arc-light photometry. [TV.] Electrician, 30, 1893, 658-660. — On the electric light of lighthouses. Electrician, 31, 1893, 478-482. — Sur le couplage des alternateurs. Lum. Elect., 47, 1893, 34-40, 85-90. — Sur la mesure des valenrs instantanees et moyennes de la self-inducti,on dans les circuits a penneabilite variable. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 373-376. — Nouvelles recherches sur 1'arc a courants alternatifs. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 501-508, 557-569, 608-617. — Notes sur la theorie ,elementaire des appareils a champ tournant. Lum. Elect., 50, 1893, 351-363, 473- 483, 516-524, 605-616; 51, 1894, 251-262, 320-327. — Sur la mesure de la puissance duns les conrants polyphases. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 54-57. Oseillograph.es ; nouveaux appareils pour 1'etude des oscillations electriques lentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 502-506. — Conditions generates que doivent remplir les instru- ments enregistreurs ou indicateurs ; probleme de la synchronisation integrate. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 748-752. - The continuous current arc as a standard light. [1893.] Electrician, 32, 1894, 117-119, 145-147, 169-170. Blondel] 613 [Blondin — Inductance des lignes aeriennes pour courants alter- natifs. Eclairage Elect., 1, 1894. 241-251, 312-316, 393-401, 493-500. — Ketnarques sur la methode oscillograpbique. Lum. Elect., 51, 1894, 172-175. — Grandeurs et unites photometriques. Lum. Elect., 53, 1894, 7-15, 100. — Nouvelle methode simplifies pour le calcul des cou- rants alteruatifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 404- 406. — Application de la methode vectorielle aux appareils a champ tournant asynchrones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 633-636. — Bemarques sur la methode electrochimique d'inscrip- tion des courants alternatifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 119, 1894, 399-402. — La determination de 1'intensite ,moyenne spherique des sources de lumiere. Eclairage Elect., 2 (1895), 385- 391; 3 (1895), 57-62, 406-414, 538-546, 583-586. — Quelques p_ropriet4s generates des champs magnetiques tournants. Eclairage Elect., 4 (1895), 241-254, SOS- SIS, 358-365. — Du role des fuites magnetiques dans les moteurs a champ tournant. Eclairage Elect., 5 (1895), 97-107, 166-171, 253-260, 442-446, 540-545, 592-599. — Der Wechselstromlichtbogen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 610. — Einige Bemerkungen fiber den Streuungskoefficienten bei Meiirphaseustrommotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 625-627. — L'eclairage public par les lampes a arc. [1895.] Genie Civil, 26, 1894-95, 212-215, 228-231, 244-246, 259-262, 278-281. — Sur la mesure du flux lumineux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 311-314. Sur la mesure directe de 1'intensite lumineuse moyeune sphe'rique des sources, de lumiere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 550-554; Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 411-52. — Sur la question des unites magnetiques. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1896 (Pt. 2), 193-205. — — Bapport sur les unites photometriques. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 341-365. — Quelques remarques sur le courant dewatte dans les distributions par courants alternatifs. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 400-412. — Les unites magnetiques dans le systeme pratique de 1'ohm et de 1'ainpere. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 529-531. — Zur Theorie der Drehstromrnotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 116. — Quelques applications notivelles des oacillographes. Eclairage Elect., 11 (1897), 158-159. — Sur le pheuomeue de Tare electrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 164-167; Jl. Phys., 6, 1897, 513-520. — Sur les oscillographes. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1898 (Pt. 2), 191-200. — Sur la theorie des anteunes dans la telegraphie sans fil. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1898 (Pt. 2), 212-216. — Quelques remarques et experiences sur les cohereurs. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1898 (Pt. 2), 216-223. — Sur une nouvelle lampe-etalon reproduisant 1'unite Hefner. Ass. Franc. C. B.., 1898 (Pt. 2), 223-230. L'hysteresirnetre Blondel-Carpentier et son application a la mesure statique de 1'hysteresis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 127, 1898, 957-960. — Sur 1'arc a courants alternatifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 127, 1898, 1016-1021. — [Lettre au sujet de la communication de .!/. DHCKETET sur la telegraphie sans fil.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1898, 77*-78*. — Sur les unites electriques. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1899 (Pt. I), 226. — Sur 1'erreur des wattmetres electrodynamiques. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1899 (Pt. 1), 227. — Sur la simplification des unites electriques. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1899 (Pt. 2), 304-310. Nouvelle methode pour la mesure des faibles coefficients de self-inductiou. Ass. Franr. C. B., 1899 (Pt. 2), 311- 316. — Sur les proprietes photometriques des lentilles de projection. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1899 (Pt. 2), 316-325. — Sur les oscillations des alternateurs. Eclairage Elect., 21 (1899), 215-216. — Sur les arcs a courants alteruatifs dissymetriques entre inetaux et charbons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 727-731. — Sur 1'interrupteur electrolytique Wehnelt. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 877-879. — Sur les reactions d'induit des alternateurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 586-589. Sur la syntonie dans la telegraphic sans fil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 1383-1386. Blondel, Andre [Eugene], & Dobkevitch, G[aetan]. Sur la sensibilite maxima des cohereurs employes pratique- ment dans la telegraphie sans tils. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 1123-1126, 1220. Blondel, Andre [Eugene], & Ferric, (tap if.) G[ustave Augiiste]. The present state of wireless telegraphy. [1900.] Electrician, 46, 1901, 21-22. Blondel, Andre [Eugene], & Jigouzo, [Paul]. Sur le rendernent lumineux de 1'arc a courants alteruatifs. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1899 (Pt. 1), 227-228. Blondel, Andre [Eugene], & Key, J. Etude experimental de 1'eclat des projecteurs de lumiere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 404-407. Blondel, Maurice. Sur quelques phosphochromates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 194-195, 268. — Combinaisons des acides chromique et titanique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 218. — Sur quelques combinaisons de 1'acide titanique avec 1'acide sulfurique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 262-264. Blondel, R[aoul Emile]. Sur 1'ecorce et les graines de 1'Holarrhena antidysenterica (ecorce de conessie du commerce). Jl. Pharrn., 16, 1887, 391-400. — Sur les graines de Strophanthus du commerce. Jl. Pharm., 17, 1888, 249-251. Sur I'adulteratiou des graines de Strophanthus. Jl. Pharm., 17, 1888, 297-300. — Sur le Strophanthus du Niger et une uouvelle variete de graines de Strophanthus. Jl. Pharm., 17, 1888, 554- 559. — Observations sur la structure des graines de Soja hispida. Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 537-541. — Sur le parfum et son mode de production chez les roses. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, 107-113. Blondel de Joigny, . Note sur les ravages occasionnes par des Melolontha dans les forets de pins. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 50, 1896, xxix-xxx. Blondel de Joigny, , Bial de Bellerade, , & Coutures, G. See Bial de Bellerade, Blondel de Joigny & Coutures. Blondiaux, Paul. Boucle du Niger. Mission Blondiaux. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. B., 1899, 12-15. Blondin, - — . *Blois (Loir-et-Cher). Observations meteorologiques faites pendant [les anuees 1850-59]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1856, Pt. 1, 67-72 ; 6, 1858, Pt. 1, 51-56; 7, 1859, Pt. 1, 25-26; 8, 1860, Pt. 1, 15-19. • * [Notes meteorologiques.] Blois [Loir-et-Cher]. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 176-177, 239, 287. — '[Notes meteorologiques.] Choisy-le-Eoi (Seine). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 4, 1871, 50-51, 82-83 ; 5, 1872, 117-118. Blondin, -/[life*]. Propagation des perturbations electriques dans les tils conducteurs. Lum. Elect., 41, 1891, 101-109. Blondin] GH LBlonk — Surrla theorie des phenomenes thermo-electriques. Lnm. Elect., 42, 1891, 104-110. - Recherches r^centes sur la raesure des temperatures par les precedes eUeetriques. Lum. Elect., 47, 1893, 21- 27, 75-78, 125-129. — Les experiences de Lord ARMSTRONG. Lum. Elect., 47, 1893, 513-519. — Le telephote. Lum. Elect., 48, 1893, 259-266. — La deperdition de IV-lectrieite par les gaz. Lum. Elect., 48, 1893, 511-51S. - La conservation de 1'energie. Applications aux phenomenes electriquee. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 101-108. — Determination de 1'eqnivalent mecanique de la calorie par les methodes electriques. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 201-208. — Recherches recentes sur la polarisation rotatoire mag- netiqne. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 351-356. — Sur les pressions a 1'interieur des dielectriques polarises. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 551-557. Sur uue hypotbese de MAXWELL. Lum. Elect., 50, 1893, 201-209. — Oscillations electriques dans les conductenrs cylin- driques. Lum. Elect., 50, 1893, 301-306, 408-418, 468- 473, 505-510, 568-575. — Sur la propagation des perturbations electriques et magnetiques. Eclairage Elect., 1, 1894, 16-22, 118-124; 2 (1896), 62-70, 110-120. — - Sur la nature des rayons eathodiques. Eclairage Elect., 1, 1894, 440-446. — Sur, la propagation de 1'electricite' dans les conducteurs. Lum. Elect., 51, 1894, 401-406. — Sur la double refraction electrique. Lum. Elect., 52, 1894, 101-106. — Theorie tourbillonnaire de 1'electrodynamique. Lum. Elect., 52, 1894, 405-416, 570-5,77, 608-614. — Les rayons de ROENTGEN. Eclairage Elect., 6 (1896), 289-298. — Clapets ^lectriques, et redresseurs de courants eleetro- lytiques. Eclairage Elect., 14 (1898), 293-298. - Telegraphic par ondes Hertziennes : systeme synthone O. Lodge et A. Muirhead. Eclairage Elect., 18 (1899), 81-86. Blondlot, [Prosper] R[enf]. Influence de 1'etat electrique d'une surface liquide sur la tension maxima de la vapeur de ce liquide en contact avec la surface. Jl. Phys., 3, 1884, 442-444. — Experiences concernant les proprietes de la surface d'un liquide. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, 25-29. — D(5gagement d'electricite lors du frottement rnutuel de la glace et de 1'eau a 1'etat liquide. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, xiv. — Multiplicateurelectrometrique. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1885, xxxvi. — Experience concernant les proprietes d'une surface liquide. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1886 (Pt. 1), 101. — Sur le passage de 1'electricite a faible tension a travers 1'air chaud. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1886 (Pt. 1), 102. — Sur la loi de passage de 1'electricite a travers 1'air incandescent. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Fasc. 20), xiii. — Sur une experience de GUOTTHUSS. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Fasc. 20), xxxi. — Sur le transport du cuivre a travers une couche gazeuse, et sur la combinaison directe du cuivre et de 1'azote. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 210-212 ; Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Fasc. 20), ix. - Demonstration elementaire de la proposition de MAXWKLL relative a 1'action mecanique qui s'exerce entre des corps electrises. Jl. Phys., 6, 1887, 507-509. Sur la double refraction dielectrique. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1887, xxv. — Unchurches sur la transmission de 1'electricite a faible tension par rintcrmediaire de 1'air chaud. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1887, 2H3-286; .11. Phys., li, 1887, 109-127. — Sur les principes de la mecanique. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, xvii-xviii. — Sur la double refraction dielectrique ; simultaneity des phenomenes electrique et optique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 349-352; Jl. Phys., 7, 1888, 91-96. — Sur la theorie du diamagnetisme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1347-1349. — Description du cornpteur d'energie electrique [de 1'auteur]. Ann. Telegr., 17, 1890, 2S9-298. - Sur une loi elementaire de 1'induction electro- magnetique. Jl. Phys., 9, 1890, 177-180. — Sur la determination de la constante dielectrique du verre a 1'aide d'oscillations electriques tres rapides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1058-1060; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 114-121. — Determination experimeutale de la vitesse de propa- gation des ondes electromagnetiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 628-631; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 259-271. — Sur un nonveau precede pour trausmettre des oudula- tions electriques le long de fils inetalliques, et sur une nouvelle disposition du recepteur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 283-286. — Sur la vitesse de propagation ties ondulations electro- magnetiques dans les milieux isolants, et sur la relation de MAXWELL. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 225-227; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 310-341. — Determination de la vitesse de propagation d'une perturbation electrique le long d'un til de cuivre, a 1'aide d'une methode independante lie toute theorie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 543-546, 678. — Sur la propagation des ondes electrotnagnetiques dans la glace, et sur le pouvoir dielectrique de cette substance. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 595-597. — Determination experimeutale de la vitesse de propa- gation d'uu trouble electromagnetique. Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 442-455. — Nouvelle demonstration du theoreme de STOKES. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 501-504. - Ueber die Selbstinductionscoefncieuten electrischer Resonatoreu. Berichtigung. Ann. Ptrys. Chem., 64, 1898, 811-812. — Sur la mesure directe d'uue quantite d'electricite en unites electromagnetiques ; application a la construction d'un compteur d'electricite. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. R., 126, 1898, 1691-1695 ; Jl. Phys., 7, 1898, 569-573. — Production de forces electromotrices par le deplacement dans le seiu d'un liquide soumis a 1'action rnagnetique de masses de conductivity's differentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 901-904 ; Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 362-366. — Force electromotrice produite dans une flanime par 1'action maguetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1497-1498. — Exposition of the principles of mechanics. [1900.] N. Y. Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 7, 1901, 158, 181- 182. Blondlot, [Prosper] R[ene}, & Bich.it, E[rne»t Adolphe]. Ueber die Bestimmung der Potentialdifferenzen zwischen Quecksilber und Elektrolyten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 98-99. See also Bichat ,\ Blondlot. Blondlot, [Prosper] R[i'iif], tt Curie, Pierre. Sur uu electrometre astatiquc pouvant servir coinme wattmetre. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 107, 1888, 864-867 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1888, 358-364; Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 80-82; Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 148-154. Blondlot, [Prosper] R[ene], & Dufour, .17. Sur 1'influence exercee sur les phenomenes de resonance electromag- netique, par la dissymetrie du circuit le long duquel se propagent les ondes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114. 1892, 347-349. Bionk, 'i ' Een waterhoos. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdsohr., 57, 1898, 348. Bloriski] 615 [Bloyet Btoriski, fr'nnr.. Fungi polouici novi. Hedwigia, 28, 1889, 280-282. — Ueber das Prioritatsrecht von Kluka, Andri., 1H21 vor Chamajplium, Wallr., 1822. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1900, 23. — Zur Chronik der preussischen Flora. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1900, 177-178, 205-207. Bloom, S,'liiin. Ueber die Ketrochorioidealblutungen nach Staarextractionen. Arch. f. Ophthalrn., 46, 1898, 184-235. Bloom, Selinn, & Garten, Siegfried. Vergleichende Unter- sucbung der Sehscharfe des hell- nnd des dunkeladaptirten Augea. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 372-408. Bloomer, H. H. On some malformed specimens of Anodonta cygnea, L. Jl. Malacol., 7, 1900, 136-138, 177-178. Bloomer, Hiram G. For biographical notice see Erythea, 7, 1899, 1153-166. Bloomfield, (Rev.) E[dwhi\ N [ewson}. Centaurea Jacea, L., in east Sussex. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 149-150. — Mespilus germanica, L., in Sussex. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 150. — Peziza venosa, var. Suumeri, Berk, & lir., etc., in Suffolk. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 248. — Centaurea Jacea in Sussex. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 248- 249. - The moss flora of Suffolk. Jl. Bot. , 23, 1885, 233- 238 ; 26, 1888, 69-71. - Hepatics of Suffolk. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 308-310. — Sciopteryx consobrinus, A7., an addition to the British Tenthredinidie. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 24. — Rare British Diptera in the British Museum (Natural History), South Kensington. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 113-116. - Habits of Sericomyia borealis, Fin. Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 222-223. - Cepheuomyia auribarbis, Mg. : larva, etc. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 7-8. Odonata of east Sussex. Ent. Month. Mag., 36, 1900, 150-151, 262, 288. - Norfolk galls. [1900.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 7, 1904, 110-112. Bloomfield, 1C. Coremia ferrugata and unidentaria. Ent. Record, 3, 1892, 242. Blot, [Claude Philibert Hippolyte]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 109-110 ; Paris Soc. (Jhirurg. Bull, et M<5m., 14, 1888, 244. — Rapport sur la revaccinatiou obligatoire des enfants des ecoles, au nom de la Commission pevmanente de vaccine. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 17, 1887, 549-551. Blot, G. Note sur 1'appareil helieoi'dal des voiites biaises par la methode Theuil. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 11 (1896), 663-680. Blottiere, [AYnr], & Herail, J. See Herail it Blottiere. Blount, A. E. Agricultural division. Cereals, forage plants, grasses, clovers, textile plants, and sorghums. N. Mex. Agr. Coll. Bull., 6, 1892, 19 pp. — Notes on canaigre. N. Mex. Agr. Coll. Bull., 11, 1893, 17-19. — Canaigre (Rumex hymenosepalus). N. Mex. Agr. Coll. Bull., 14, 1894, 37-44. Blount, Bertram. On the cause of the decrepitations in samples of so-called explosive pyrites. Chem. Soc. Jl., 47, 1885, 593-597. — On calcium borate. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 208-209. — An instance of the possibility of deception by the sulphur extractible by alcohol from vulcanised rubber. Chem. News, 55, 1887, 179. — On a sample of "navy green" paint. Analyst, 13, 1888, 66-69. - New form of fat extraction apparatus. Analyst, 13, — The ignitiug-poiut of sulphur. Chem. News, 61, 1890. 108, 153-154. — The accuracy of the copper voltameter. Electrician, 31, 1893, 59-60. — The determination of impurities in commercial copper. Analyst, 19, 1894, 92-93. — The determination of oxygen in commercial copper. Analyst, 21, 1896, 57-61. — The direct production of electrical energy. [1896.] Electrician, 38, 1897, 121-122. — On the manufacture of alkali and bleach by chemical and electrolytical methods. [1896.] Electrician, 38, 1897, 212-215; Moniteur Sci., 11, 1897, 589-594. - The determination of acetic acid in the presence of inorganic salts. Analyst, 22, 1897, 309-310. — Electro-chemical progress. [1897.] Electrician, 40, 1898, 73-74. - Der Verlust an Zink wiihrend des Gluheus von Ziuk- 1888, 126-127. — The determination of carbon in steel. 57, 1888, 27-28. Chem. News, oxyd. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1898, 918. — The determination of carbon and sulphur in steel. Analyst, 25, 1900, 141-144. Blount, Bertram, & Stanger, II". Harry. See Btanger & Blount. Blow, A. A. The geology and ore-deposits of Iron Hill, Leadville, Colorado. [1889.] Amer. Inst. Miu. Engin. Trans., 18, 1890, 145-181. Blow, Thomas B. Mourera fluviatilis, A all. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 154. Bloxam, Arthur G[eoriie]. On the action of carbon monoxide on the chlorides of lead and silver. Chem. News, 52, 1885, 183. - Die physiologische Wirkung des Natriumfluorids. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 1244. Bloxam, Charles L[oudon]. For biography and works see Chem. News, 56, 1887, 238, 248-249 ; Chem. Soc. Jl., 53, 1888, 508-509; Pharm. Jl., 18, 1888, 475. — On the presence of barium and strontium in a boiler incrustation. Chem. News, 49, 1884, 3. — Estimation of manganese in cast-iron and spiegeleisen. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 112-113. — On some reactions of silver cyanide. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 155. — On the detection of iron, aluminium, chromium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, calcium, and magnesium (as phosphates) in the precipitate produced by ammonia. Chem. News, 52, 1885, 109-110. — On chromic phosphate. Chem. News, 52, 1885, 194- 195. — On the detection of calcium in the presence of strontium. Chetn. News, 54, 1886, 16-17. — On the arseuate of calcium and ammonium. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 168-170. — On the arsenates of calcium. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 193-194. — On colour tests for strychnine and other alkaloids. Chem. News, 55, 1887, 155. Bloxam, W[illiam] Poppleieell. The sulphides and poly- sulphides of ammonium. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 178-179. — A scheme for qualitative analysis of a solution con- taining hydric sulphide, hydrosulphide, sulphide, poly- sulphide, 'thiosulpbate, sulphite and sulphate. Chem. News, 72, 1896, 63-64. — The sulphides and polysulphides of ammonium. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1895, 277-309. - Hydrosulphides, sulphides, and polysulphides of potassium and sodium. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 (Pt. 2), 753-770. Bloxam, ir[iH/(im] Popplewell, & Herroun, E[dward] F[eli.r]. lodaldehyde. Chem. News, 53, 1886, 301-302 ; 54, 1886, 133. Bloyet, A. De Zanzibar & la station de Kondoa. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 11, 1890, 350-364. Bludau] 616 [Blum Bludau, Aluin. Die tliiebentreue Azimutprojektion von LAMHEHT und ihre Verwendung bei Karten von Asien mid Europa. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 25, 1890, 263-276. — Die flachentreue transversale Kegel-Projektion fur die Kaite von Afrika. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 26, 1891, 145- 158. — Flachentreue Gradnetz-Projektionen fur die Karteu von Slid- und Nord-Amerika und Australien. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 27, 1892, 221-247. — Die flachentreue Azimut-Projektion LAMBERTS fiir die Karte von Afrika. Petermann, Mitth., 38, 1892, 211-218. Die Oro- und Hydrographie der preussischen und pommerschen Seenplatte, insbesondere im Strorngebiet der Weichsel. Petermanu, Mitth., 40, 1894 (Erganzungsh. 110, 63 pp.). — Zur Abbilduug der Halbkugeln. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 30, 1896, 406-416. - Statistisches zur Hydrographie des Pregelgebiets. Petermann, Mitth., 41, 1895, 196-197. - Die Areale der aussereuropaischen Stromgebiete. Petermann, Mitth., 43, 1897, 96, 184-186, 236-242; 44, 1898, 107-112. — Die Areale der europaischenStromgebiete. Petermann, Mitth., 44, 1898, 185-187; 46, 1900, 167-170, 192-194. Blue, Archibald. Corundum in Ontario. [ With discussion.] [1898.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 28, 1899, 565- 578, 875; Canad. Inst. Proc., 2, 1904, 15-22. — Notes on skulls taken from a pre-historic fort in Kent county. [19dO.] Canad. Inst. Proc., 2, 1904, 93-95. Blue Kill Meteorological Observatory. '•• . notch, A. Lawre nee. Blucher, Huns. Eine Methode zur Plattencultur anaerober Bacterien. Ztschr. Hyg., 8, 1890, 499-506. Blumckc, [Gnstav] Adolf. Ueber den Einfluss des Con- centratiousgrades auf die specifische Warme wasseriger und alkoholischer Losungen von Metallchlorideu. Ann. Phys. Chem., 23, 1884, 161-173. - Ueber die Bestimruung des specifischen Gewiehtes solcher Fliissigkeiten, deren Existenz an das Vorhanden- sein hoher Drucke gebunden ist. Ann. Phys. Chem., 23, 1884, 404-415. — Ueber die Bestimtnuug der specinschen Wiinne des Urans. Ann. Phys. Chem., 24, 1886, 263-265. — Ueber die Abhiingigkeit der speciriseheu Warme einiger Wasser-Aethylalkoholgemische von der Temperatur. Ann. Phys. Chem., 25, 1885, 154-165. - Ueber die specifische Warme stark concentrirter Natronlaugen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 25, 1886, 417-419. — Ueber eine Verbesserung der Fliissigkeits-Thermosta- ten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 25, 1885, 419-420. — Ueber die Bestimmung der beim Buusen'schen Eisca- lorimeter geschmolzenen Eismenge. Ann. Phys. Chem., 26, 1886, 159-160. - Ueber die Bestimmung der specifischeu Gewichte einiger Gemische von Aethylalkohol und Kohlensaure. Ann. Phys. Chem., 30, 1887, 243-250. — Ueber die Bestimmung der Frostbestandigkeit von Materialien. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 37, 1887, 103-112, 479- 480. — Ueber die Bestimmung der specifischen Gewichte und Dampfspannungen einiger Gemische von schwetiiger Saure und Kohlensiiure. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 10-21. - Ueber die Isothermen einiger Mischungen von schwefliger Saure und Kohlensaure. Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 911-923. — Ueber den Zusamnienhang zwisehen empirischen und theoretisclieu Isothermen eines Gemenges zweier Stoffe. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 6, 1890, 153-160. — Ueber den Zusammenhang zwisehen empirischen und theoretischen Isothermen von Gemengen von mehr als zwei Stoffen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 6 1890, 407- 410. — Ueber die Aenderung der empirischen und theoreti- schen Isothermen von Gemengen zweier Stoffe mit der Temperatur. Ztsehr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 554-565 ; 9, 1892. 78-80. — Einiges iiber die labileu Gleichgewichtszustande bei Gemengen zweier Stoffe uuterhalb der Schmelztemperatur beider. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 9, 1892, 323-326. — UeberdiegeometrischeDarstellungderlsothermflachen von Gemengeu von mehr als zwei Stoffen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 9, 1892, 722-729. — Ueber die Isotherrnentiaehen von Salzlosungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 11,1893, 145-166. — Eiuiges iiber labile Gleichgewichtszustande von Salz- losungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 11, 1893, 645-656; 20, 1896, 586-592. — Beinerkung zu der Abhandlung des Hrn. A. OBEBBECK : "Ueber den Verlauf der electrischen Schwingungen bei den Tesla'scheu Versuchen." Ann. Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 405-407. Bliimcke, [Guitar] Adolf, & Finsterwalder, Sebastian]. Zur Frage der Gletschererosion. [1890.] Munchen Ak. Sber., 20, 1891, 435^44. Blumcke, [Gustav] Adolf, & Hess, Hun*. Der Hochjoch- ferner im Jahre 1893. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 26, 1895, 16-20. Blumel, [Aloysius] A[nton Bernhard], Photographie eines Blitzes. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh., 1896, 117-118. — Ueber electrische Entladungen auf photographischeu Flatten. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1897, 174-175. Bliimlein, F[rii'drich \ 1 1\ tto]. Ueber gebromte Phtalsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2485-2497. — Einwirkung von Bromacetopheuon auf Saureamide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2578-2581. Blumml, Kmil K. Rhodologische Miscellaneen. Bot. Centrbl., 79, 1899, 350-354. — Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Geuitalorgane der Psylloden. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 4, 1899, 305-308. — Beitrage zur Flora von Niederosterreich. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1900, 24-25, 105-108. Blum, A. *Sur une modification a la formule de LAPLACE pour la mesure de la hauteur d'une montagne au moyen du barometre. France Soc. Jleteorol. Anuu., 2, 1854, Ft. 1, 152. Blum, E[dmoml]. Note sur les injections hypodermiques de quinine. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 27, 1896, 32-35, 135. Blum, Ferdinand. Ueber Thymolglycurousaure. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 16, 1892, 514-524. - Ueber ehemisch nachweisbare Lebensprozesse an Mikroorganismen. Senckeiib. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1893, 235-249. — Der Formaldehyd als Hartungsmittel. Vorlaulige Mittheiluug. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 10, 1893, 314-:!!.-,: — Notiz iiber die Anwenduug des Formaldehyds (Formol) als Hiirtungs- und Couservirungsmittel. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 229-231. Die Schwanzmuskulatur des Menschen. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 1), 4, 1894, 447-478. — Die Lehre von der Immunitat. Senckeiib. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1895, 123-137. — Ueber Wesen urid Wert der Formolhartuug. Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 718-727. - Ueber eine neue Klasse von Verbindungen der Eiweisskorper. Ztschr. Phvsiol. Chem., 22, 1896-97, 127-131. — Zur Physiologic der Schilddriise. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1898, cxvii-cxviii ; Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 2244. — Die Schilddriise als entgiftendes Organ. Wien. Med. Wschr., 48, 1898, 2037 ; Virchow, Arch., 158, 1899, 495-513. — Die Jodsubstanz der Schilddriise und ihre pbysio- logische Bedeutung. Kritische Studie. [1898.] Ztschr. Physiol. Cluin., 26, 1898-99, 160-174. Blum] 617 [Blumenau — Zur Chemie uud Physiologie der Jodsubstanz der Schilddriise. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 77, 1899, 70-100. — Ueber die Jodzahl der Eiweisskorper. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 2S, 1899, 288-299. — Nene experimentell gefuudene Wege zur Erkenntniss und Behandlung von Krankheiten die durcb Autointoxi- cationen bedingt sind. Cougr. Int. Med. C. R. , 1900 (Vol. 4), 528-534; Virchow, Arch., 162, 1900, 375-406. Blum, Ferdinand, & Vaubel, Wilhelm. Ueber Halogenei- weissderivate. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 56, 1897, 393-396 ; 57, 1898, 365-396. Blum, ' Die Schneckenfamia von Schaumburg in Nassau. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Naclirbl., 16, 1884, 180-182. — Schuecken von Wildbaus im Ober-Tdggenburg, Kuntou St. Gallen. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1885, 170-174. — Einige Schuecken aus deru nordlichen Gebiete des Adriatischen Meeres. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 1H8-140. — Die Kreuzotter und ihre Verbreitung in Deutschland. [188S.] Senckeub. Natf. Ges. Abh., 15, 1890 (Heft 3), 121-278. — Das Vorkommen der Aspis- Viper, Vipera aspis, L., in Deutschland und ihre verwaudtschaftliche Stellung zur Kreuzotter. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 31, 1890, 12-16. — Das Vorkommen der Aspis-Viper, Vipera aspis, L., im sudlk-.ljeu Schwarzwalde. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 31, 1890, 265-266. — Scblendertage auf Capri. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 24, 1892, 23-30. — Die Schueekeufauua von Richisau im Klonthal (Kanton Glarus). Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 24, 1892, 127-130. - Formol als Conservierungsfliissigkeit. [Vorliiunge Mittheilung.] [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 450-452. - Formol als Konservierungsfliissigkeit. Senekenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1894, 195-204; 1896, 285-301. — Die Pyramideneiche bei Harreshausen (Gros.sherzog- tum Hesseu). Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1895, 93-102. - Wissenschaftliehe Veroffentliehungen (1826-97) der Senckenbergischen NaturJ'orscheuden Gesellschaft. Zu- sammengestellt und mit einem Sach- und Namen- register versehen. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1897, 25-80. — Die Osage-Orange, Maclura aurantiaca, Nutt. [1897.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1898, cxi. — Die zweizeilige Sumpfcypresse am Rechneigraben in Frankfurt a. M. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1898, 71-80. Blum, L. Ueber die alkalische Reaction des Glases. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1885, 1014. — Studien iiber die Verwerthung der Phosphorsaure in den Thomasschlaeken. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1885, 1407-1409. — Zur Verwerthung der Thomasschlacke als Dungemittel. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1885, 1515. — Ueber die Phosphorsaure in den Thomasschlaeken. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 52. — Zur Bestimmuug des Siliciums im Eisen. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 702-703. — Ueber vierbasisch phosphorsauren Kalk. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 821. - Ueber den Nachweis von Albumin im Harne. Luxemb. Inst. Publ., 20, 1886, 175-176. - Ueber die Zersetzung des Chlornatriums durch Phosphorsaure. Luxemb. Inst. Publ., 20, 1886, 177- 179. — Precede pour donner de la valeur a 1'acide phosphorique de la scorie obtenue dans la fabricatiou de 1'acier Thomas. [7V.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 22, 1887, 212-218. — Zur Bestimmung der Thonerde neben Eisenoxyd uud Phosphorsaure. Fresenius, Ztschr., 27, 1888, 19-24. — Zur Bestimmung des Eisenoxyds in Eisenerzen nach der Weiusteinsiiuremethode. Fresenius, Ztschr., 27, 1888, 146-151. R. 8. A. C. — Zur Bestimmung des Schwefels in Cokes. Fresenius, Ztschr., 27, 1888, 445-452. — Zur Analyse Thonerde, Kalk und Magnesia enthalt- ender Substanzen. Fresenius, Ztschr., 27, 1888, 706- 712. — Ueber eine neue MethoJe zur volumetrischen Bestim- mung des Mangans. Freseuius, Ztschr., 30, 1891, 284- 2SS. — Zur Bestimmung des Schwefels in Koks. Luxemb. Inst. Publ., 21, 1891, 118-124. — Sur la presence de sulfate ferrique basique dans les couches Oolithiques de la formation Jurassique du Luxembourg. Rev. Univ. Mines, 38, 1897, 354-355. — Presence d'oxyde de zinc cristallise dans un haut- fourueau du Luxembourg. Rev. Univ. Mines, 40, 1897, 132-133. — Decouverte de phosphorites dans le diluvium luxem- bnurgeois, pres de Bettemburg. [7V.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 49, 1900, 100-104. — Presence du vanadium dans les produits des hauts- fourneaux luxeuibourgeois. [TV.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 50, 1900, 217-218. Blum, Leon. Ueber den Nahnverth der Heteroalbumose des Fibrins und der Protoalbumosen des Caseins. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 3D, 1900, 15-44. Blum, S. Ein Fall von Pyocyaueus-Septikamie mit komplizierender Pyocyaueus-Eiidocarditis im Kindesalter. Centrbl. Bakt. (AM. 1), 25, 1899, 113-116. Blumbach, F[edor Ivanovic]. reorpa(|)IIlieCKOe 110.10- •j&eme r.iaBHoii na.iaTU mf.p-h n B-fecoBi,. [Geo- graphical position of the principal chamber of weights and measures.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Phys.), 1897 (Append.), 108-117. Blumbach, Fr. Ueber die plotzliche Helligkeitsanderung des Corneten 1888 I (Sawerthal). Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 171. Blumberg, C[onstantin]. Ueber das Vorkommen von Parasiten bei den Haussaugethieren in Kasan. Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 10, 1884, 153-154. — Experimenteller Beitrag zur Kenntniss der putriden Intoxication. [1884.] Virchow, Arch., 100, 1885, 377- 415. — Zur Wuthfrage. Centrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890, 766-767. — Zur Aufklarung eines durcb die russische Bezeichnung des Anthrax ("sibirische Pest") hervorgerufenen Missver- staudnisses. Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 16,1890.437- 43S. Blumberg, John. Ueber sogenannte " traumatische Epi- thelcysten." (Perlgeschwiilste, Cholesteatome, Kystes eiiidermiques, u.s.w.) Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 38, 1894, 605-614. Blumberg, M[oritz"\. Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber Desinfection im Gewebe thierischer Orgaue. Ztsehr. Hyg., 27, 1898, 201-212. Blumberg, J/[on'fz], & Heymann, Jlruiiu. Ueber den Ursprung, den Verlauf und die Bedeutung der glatten Musculatur in den Ligameuta lata beim Meuscheu und bei den Saugethieren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1898, 263-290. Blumberg, Richard], Ueber den Einfluss der Schwere auf Kreislauf und Athmung. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 37, 1886, 467-478. Blume, ./. l-lernliard. Die Vogelkojen und der Enteufang anf den Nord Friesischen Inseln. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Unterh. Verh., 8, 1894, 70-73. Blumenau, L[eonid Vasiljevic]. Zur Entwickelung des Balkens. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phyaiol. Ablli.), 1890, 586. — Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und feineren Auatomie des Hirubalkens. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 37, 1891, 1-15. — Ueber den ausseren Kern des Keilstranges im ver- langerten Mark. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 226-232. 78 Blumenau] 618 [Blutel — Einige Bemerkungen iiber den ausseren Kern des Keilstranges. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891. 589-590. Blumenau, liillit'/ni Muller-. v , Ittiiller-Blumenau. Blumenfeld, Siei/fried. Ueher Cinchomeroneaurederivate. Wien, Ak. Sber. , 104, 1895 (Alitli. 21,}, 552-57!!; Mhefte. Cbem., 1895, 693-720. Blumenfeld, Sieiifrieil, * Friedlander, Paid. Ueber eine allgemeine Reaction aromatischor Chinone. (Vor- lautige Mittheilung.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1464-1465. — Ueber eine allgemeine Reaction aromatischer Chinone. n. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2563-2568. 3450. Blumenfeld, Siegfried, & Graebe, t'lttirles. See Graebe A Blumenfeld. Blumenreich, Hubert. Untersuchungen der Haare von Neu-Irliindern. Ztschr. Ethnol., 31, 1899, (483)-(486). — Ueber die Tbyimis-Dampfuug. Virchow, Arch., 160, 1900, 35-74. Blumcntli.il, . Bruchbelastung an der Neissebriicke bei Forst i. L. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 45, 1895, 289-316. Blumcnth.il. Arthur. Ueber die Wirkung verwandter chemischer Stoffe auf den quergestreiften Muskel. Pttiiger, Arch. Physiol., 62, 1896, 513-542. Blumenthal, Ferdinand. Ueber Vorkommen and Bildnng der Bernsteinsiiure. Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894. 530-568. — Ueber die Produkte der bakterischen Zersetzung tier Milch. Virchow, Arch., 146, 1896, 65-85. — Sur la formation du Sucre de 1'albumine de 1'oeuf. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 117-120. — Sur la pentosurie. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 2), 460-463. Blumenthal, Ferdinand, & Bergell, Peter. See Bergell A Blumenthal. Blumenthal, Ferdinand, & Mayer, Paul. Ueber die Abspaltung von Zucker aus Albumin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 274-278. Blumenthal, Ferdinand, & Nietzki, n[tidulf]. See Nietzki ,\ Blumenthal. Blumenthal, Otto. Die Bewegung der lonen beim Zee- mannschen Phanomen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 45, 1900, 119-136. Blumenthal, I'hilipp. Ueber einige Eigenschaften des Hams bei Keuchhusten. [1892.] St. Petersb. Mrd. Wschr., 19, 1894, 155-156. Blumentritt, Ferdinand. Begleitworte zu meiner Karte der Insel Mindanao. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 19, 1884, 257-302. — Die Inseln Mindoro und Marinduque. Peterruann, Mitth., 30, 1884, 89-92. — Ueber die Igorroten und andere wilde Stamme der Philippine!!. Ztschr. Ethnol., 16, 1884, (56)-(57). - Das Stromgebiet des Rio Grande de Mindanao. Petermaun, Mitth., 37, 1891, 1(18-114. — Begleitworte zur Karte von Ost-Mindanao. Wien Geogr. Gee. Mitth., 34, 1891, 342-355. — Ueber Eingeborne der Philippines Ztschr. Ethnol., 23, 1891, (436). — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Negritos. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 27, 1892, 63-68. — Neue Nachrichten iiber die Subanon (Insel Mindanao). Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 31, 1896, 369-372. — Der Batan-Archipel und die Babuyanen-Inseln. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 41, 1898, 593-60'i. Blumer, A[rthur], & Curtius, 'Iheodor. See Curtius & Blumer. Blumer, F.[saias], & Gnehm, R\nbert\. See Gnehm & Blumer. Blumer, (ieornc, & Lartigau, Aniinxt .lennne. A report of three cases of ascending urinary infection due to the Bacillus pyoeyaneus and the Proteus vulgaris. N. Y. Med. .71., 72, 1900, 495-500. Blumer, Ceur/ie, it Thayer, ll'illiam Sydney. See Thayer i\ Blumer. Blumer, ,S. Eine geologische Beobacbtung am Siidostfuss des Glaruisch. [1900.] Ecloga- Geol. Helvet., 6, 1899- 1900, 348-350. Blumcr-Zweitel, /'. Was 1st Fohn ? Eine alpin-meteoro- logisehe Studie. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch. , 30, 1895, 320-337. Blumgrund, E. Historisches iiber den Kehlkopfspiegel. Centrztg. Optik, 20, 1899, 32-34. Blumreich, Ludwig. Syncytiale Wanderzellen und Syn- cytioma malignum. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. GynJik., 40, 1899, 133-150. Blumreich, Ludwig, & Jacoby, Martin. Experimeutelle Untersuchungen iiber die Bedeutung der Schilddriise und ihrer Nebendriisen t'iir den Organismus. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 64, 1896, 1-52. — Ueber die Bedeutung der Milz bei kiinstlichen und natiirlichen Infectionen. Ztschr. Hyg., 29, 1898, 419-453. Blumrich, Jos[e f~\. Calcitkrystalle aus Vorarlberg. Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 170-172. — Das Integument der Chitouen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 52, 1891, 404-476. - Ueber die sogenannte Sanduhrform der Augite. [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 239-255. — Einige Jlinerale vom Kalkberge bei Raspenau (Nord- bohmeu). [1893.] Miu. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 257-258. Die Phonolithe des Friedlauder Bezirkes in Nord- bohmen. [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 465-495. Blumstem, J[eruchim], & Kostanecki, Sf«»[isi«ir]. Ueber das 2, 3'-Dioxyflavon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1478-1483, 4192. Blundell. ' , Weld-BlundeU. Blundstone, Edwin Richardson. On the occurrence of glycogen as a constituent of the vesicular cells of the connective tissue of molluscs. Roy. Soc. Proc., 38, 1885, 442-445. Blunno, 31. On the colouring matters of wines. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 272-273. Blunt, Tlwmti.* P[orter]. Specific gravity of crystalline strychnine. Pharm. 31., 17, 1887, 62. — Determining the fixed acids in butters and margarines. Analyst, 13, 1888, 110-111. The life-history of a myxomycete. Midland Natlist., 11, 1888, 269-272. - Note on a volumetric process for the assay uf ipecacuanha wine. [1889.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1889. 397-398 ; Pharm. Jl., 20, 1890, 254. — An attempt to determine "emetiue" by alkalimetric titration. Pharm. JL, 20, 1890, 809. — Note on TABARIK'S process for the indirect determina- tion of alcohol. Analyst, 16, 1891, 221-222. — The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen bv leguminous plants. Midland Natlist., 15, 1892, 255-257. — Note on ginger. Analyst, 21, 1896, 309-310. Blutel, F.[mile Ma.ritne], Sur les surfaces enveloppes de cones du second degre, dans le cas on chaque cone touche son enveloppe suivant un cercle. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 6*7-689. — Sur les trajectoires orthogouales d'une famille de coniques. Bull. Sei. Math., 13, 1889, 255-257. — Recherches sur les surfaces qui sont en menie temps lieux de coniques et enveloppes de cones du second degre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 496-498; Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 7, 1890, 155-216. — Sur les functions rationuelles des racines d'une equation entiere. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 20, 1892, 92-96. — Sur les surfaces qui admettent un systeme de lignes de courbure spheriques et qui ont meme representation sphcrique pour leurs lignes de courbure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 249-250. — Sur les surfaces admettant des cubiques gauches pour lignes asyinptotiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 722. Blutel] 619 IBlytt — Sur les surfaces a lignes de courbure spheriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 301-303. — Sur les lignes de courbure de certaines surfaces. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 289-291, 721-723. Bluzet, (It.) R. La region de Tombouctou. Paris, Soc. Gr,,gr. Bull., Hi, 1895, 374-388. Blyth, A[/i'xandfr] Wynter. A new test for lead. Analyst, 9, 1884, 41. — A ruetbod of determining organic nitrogen in liquids. Analyst, 9, 1884, 115-116. — Experiments on the chief disinfectants of commerce, with a view of ascertaining their power of destroying the spores of the anthrax bacillus. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 12, 1884, (533-642. — Observations on the ingesta and egesta of Mr. Edward Payson WESTON during his walk of 5,000 miles in 100 days. Boy. Soc. Proc., 37, 1884, 46-55. — The distribution and significance of micro-organisms in water. [1885.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc , 13, 1886, 485-493. — Studies of disinfectants by new methods. [188.5.] Boy. Soc. Proc., 39, 1886, 259-276. — Experiments with the lactocrite. [1K8I1. ] Analyst, 12, 1887, 34. — The distribution of lead in the brains of two factory operatives dying suddenly. Chem. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 71. — Experiments on the nutritive value of wheat meal. Boy. Soc. Proc., 45, 1889, 549-553. — The identification and estimation of carbohydrates in milk. Analyst, 20, 1895, 121-126. — Estimation of boric acid mainly by physical processes. Chem. Soc. Jl., 75, 1899 (Ft. 2J, 722-725. - The ultra-violet absorption spectrum of proteids in relation to tyrosine. Chem. Soc. Jl. 75, 1899 (Pt. 2), 11(12-1166. - The estimation of nitrites and nitrates by means of ferrous chloride. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 15, 1900, 50. - The ultraviolet absorption spectra of albuminoids in relation to that of tyrosin. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 15, 1900, 175-176. Blyth, Alexander] Wynter, & Robertson, G[eorije] H[enri/]. Notes of experiments on butter fat. Chem. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889, 5. Blyth, David. Notes on the traditions and customs of the natives of Fiji in relation to conception, pregnancy, and parturition. Glasgow Med. Jl., 28, 1887, 170-186. Blyth, Ed/curd. Three unpublished papers on ornithology. [1. On the Certhiidee. 2. On the Capitonida>. 3. On the Cypselidie.] Zoologist, 8, 1884, 201-211, 247-264 300-327. Blyth, Jiiiiies. Note on a new form of galvanometer. Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc., 12, 1884, 594-596. — Endless solenoid galvanometer and voltmeter. Glas- gow Phil. Soc. Proc. , 15, 1884, 187-190. — On a new form of galvanometer. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1885, 939-940. — On a new form of current-weigher for tbe absolute determination of the strength of an electric current. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 521-523. — Exhibition and description of MILLER'S portable torsion magnetic meter. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1886, 556. — The absolute determination of the strength of an electric current by means of the balance. Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 650-654. — On a new form of galvanometer. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 17, 1886, 204-205. - *On the practical measurement of electric currents and electromotive forces. [1883.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 11, 1887, 60-70. — On a new form of current-weigher. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1889, 511-512; Electrician, 23, 1889, 549. — [A combined windmill and dynamo.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891, 315. — [An experiment in self-induction.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891, 315. — On the application of wind power to the production of electric currents. [1892.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 173-181. Blyth, T. R. Bismuth oxy-iodide. Chem. News, 74,1896, 200. Blyth, Vincent ./. On the thermal conductivity of sub- stances of very low conductivity. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 31, 1900, 139-144. Blyth, Vincent . 1, oil pp.; Engler, Hot. Jbiich., 16, 1893 (/;.•(/,/. Xo. 36, 1-41). — Ora de fytogeogran'ske og fytopakcoutologiske grunde forat antage kliniatvexlinger under kvartaertiden. Chris- tiania Forh., 1893, A"o. 5, 52 pp.; Bot. Centrbl., 50, 1893, 52-55. — Zur Geschichte der nordeuropaischen, besonders der norwegischen Flora. Engler, Bot. Jbuch., 17, 1893 (Keibl. No. 41, 1-30). — Skrivelse i anledniug af G. AXI-EHSSUX opsuts om kvartcere kliniatvexlinger i Geol. Foren. Forh. Bd. 14, p. 509 ff. Stockh. (ieol. For. Forh., 15, 1893, 71-72. — Bidrag til kundskaben om Norges soparter. iv. Peronosporaceaj, Chytridiaceae, Protomycetaceas, Ustila- ginefe, Urediueffi. Christiania Forh., 1896, No. 6, 75 pp. ; Bot. Centrbl., 67, 1896, 231-232. Bo, (It.) [Marie Jules Albert]. Note sur le passage d'une trombe, le 17 novembre 1898, dans la baie Sans-Xom, a Bizerte. [1898.] Ann. Hydrogr., 20, 1899, 60-64. Boa, Peter. Note on the assay of scammony. [1890.] Pharm. Jl., 21, 1891, 476-477. Boam, /•'. II'. The rapid estimation of arsenic. Chem. News, 61, 1890, 219. — A simple gas generator. Chem. News, 61, 1890, 244- 245. — Cornish mines and minerals. [1892.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 513-515. Boas, Franz. A journey in Cumberland Sound and on the west shore of Davis Strait in 1883 and 1884. Arner. Geogr. Soc. JL, 16 (1884), 242-272. - Keise im Baffinlande 1883 und 1884. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 12, 1885, 288-297. — Die Eskimos des Baffinlandes. Deutsch. Cieogrtag. Verh., 1886, 101-112. — Bemerkuugen zur Topographie der Hudsonbai und Hudsonstrasse. Petennann, Mitth., 31, 1885, 424-426. — Baffin-Land. Geographische Ergebnisse einer in den Jahren 1883 und 1884 ausgefiihrten Forschungsreise. Peterrnann, Mitth., 31, 1885 (Ergfinzunysh. 80, 100 pp.). — The configuration of Grinnell Land and Ellesmere Land. Science, 5, 1885, 170-171. The central Eskimo. Smithsonian Inst. Bur. Ethnol. Eep., 1884-85, 399-669. — A year among the Eskimo. Amer. Geogr. Soe. JL, 19 (1887), 383-402. - The formation and dissipation of sea-water ice. Science, 10, 1887, 118-119. — Ueber die Vancouver-Stamme. Ztschr. Ethuol., 111, 1887, (64)-{66). — The development of the civilization of north-west America. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1888, 326. - Meteorologische Beobachtungen im Cumherland- Snnde. Ann. der Hydrogr., 1C (1888), '241-262. - The geography and geology of Baffin Laud. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1888 (Strt. 4), 75-78. - [Geographische Erforschungen in] Nordamerika. (1876-[89].) Geogr. JLuch., 12, 1888, 73-1(14, 235- 237 ; 14, 1891, 108-122, 143-144. — [Indian skulls from British Columbia.] [H'ith Jtpyrofi IIOBepXHOCTII HeilOJIBIIHiHoil. [Ueber die Bewegung einer Oberflaehe, welche eine andere ruhende Oberflache bertihrt.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 55, 1887, 97-121; Fortschr. Phys , 1887 (Abtl,. 1), 286-287. - 0 nepeM'bH'fc KOop,T,iinaTi, BT> AiKJxjtepemua.i- I.IIUXT. ypaBHeHiflXT. JI,IIHaMIlKlI. [Ueber die Trans- formation der Coordinate!! in den Differentialgleicluingen der Dynamik.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 58, 1888(.S'Hpp'.),A'o. 3, 21 pp. ; Fortschr. Phys., 1888 (Alith.l), [Bocage Systems materieller Puukte.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Comraun., 1, 1889, 129-138; Fortschr. Phys., 1888 (Ahth. 1), 211. - 0 Ha'ia.rb I'AMiubTona ii.in ii o iia'ia.ri; naMMC-iibinaro ,3,'lHicTBifl [Ueber das Priucip von HAMILTON oder OSTROORADSKY und fiber das Princip der kleinsten Wirkung von LAORANGK.] [1889.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (/?«««.), 61, 1890 (Append. No. 5), 95 pp.; Fortschr. Phys., 1890 (Abth. 1), 254. - 0 Karaiiin no ropHsosiaaBHoB MOCKOCTII nojiaro uiapa, Buyrpn KOTOparo BCTaB.ieH'B mpo- CKOII'I>. [Mouveraent d'une sphere creuse, contenant un gyroscope en rotation et roulant sur un plan hori- zontal.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soe. Jl., 24 (Phys.), 1892, 14-15; Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 439. — 0 inapt, ci> nipocKonoMi, Buyrpn, na^aia Mexiuuii;ii riicTesm IIIJXT, TO'ICKT,. [Eine Aufgabe der Dynamik eines no ropHSOHiaoiBHofi IUOCKOCTII [Kugel, die ein Gyroskop einschliesst und auf einer Horizontalebeue rollt, ohue dabei zu gleiten.] [1892.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 544-581; Fortschr. Phys., 1892 (Abth. 1), 247. - 06i> o,i,HOin, lacTHOMt n,iajii,Hux'i, ypaBHeiuii BpameniH THHtejiaro TBep- ^aro Ti.ia BOKpyrt Heno,T,Bii;Kiiofi TOHKII. [Ueber eine particulare Losung der Differentialgleichuugen der Botation eines schweren, starreu Korpers um einen festen Punkt.] [1893.] Moscow. Soc. Sci. Bull., 92 (No. 2), 1896, 21-25; Fortschr. Math., 1895, 839. — 0 ciiMiieTpiiiHHxi, napajiJiejiorpaiiMaxi HEEH- III EBa. [On CEBYSEV'S symmetrical parallelograms.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Phys.), 1899, 85-91. Bobynin, l'[iktor] V[iktorovi&], De 1'etude sur 1'histoire des mathematiques en Bussie. Bibl. Math., 1888, 103- 110. — Quelques mots sur 1'histoire des connaissances mathe- matiques anterieures a la science. Bibl. Math., 1889, 104-108. — Sur le proce'de employe dans le papyrus de Ithind pour ivduire les fractions en quantiemes. Bibl. Math., 1890, 109-112. — Programme du cours de 1'histoire des mathematiques a 1'Universite de Moskwa. Bibl. Math., 1891, 79-88. — Sur I'csuvre des Grecs dans le diveloppement des mathematiques. Bibl. Math., 1892, 1-2. — Progres successifs des sciences mathematiques chez les peuples de 1'Europe. Bibl. Math., 1892, 110-114. — Sur la propagation des sigues numeriques cuneiformes. Bibl. Math., 1893, 18-20. — Sur les methodes primitives qui out servi a ivsoudre des questions arithrnetiques. Bibl. Math., 1894, 55-60. — Esquisse de 1'histoire du calcul fractionnaire. Bibl. Math., 1896, 97-101. — Extraction des raeines carrees dans la Grece antique. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 41, 1896 (Hist. -lit. Alith.), 193- 211. — La marche successive dans la fusion des notions de la fraction et du quotient. Bibl. Math., 1899, 81-85. - L't'useignenient mathematique en Bussie. Apereu historique. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899), 77-100. - L'enseignement mathematique en Bussie. Etat actuel. Euseignement primaire. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899), 420-446. — Developpement des proce'de's servants a decomposer le quotient i-n quantit'ines. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 44, 1899 (Suiijil.), 1-13. Boca, t'.tliiHinil. La traction des tramways par machines a air comprime, systeme L. Mekarski. Genie Civil, 5, 1884, 273-277. Bocage. fife Barboza du Bocage. Bocande] [Bochefontaine Bocamlt, Bertrand, & Broutin, (cupit.) 'Obser- vations meteorologiques faites dans les traversees de Marseille a Goree, de Marseille a Pernambonc et de Pernambouo a Marseille. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Pt. 1, 117-126. Boccaccini, Corrado. *[Bolide dell' 8 settembre 1869.] Kavenua. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 4, 1869, 101. — Meteore luininose. Bolide. [Colline del Bolognese, 4 settembre 1887.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 168. - Prima nota sulla resistenza alia stagione e sulla precncita di alcune piante dei pressi di Cuneo. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 414-417. Boccali, C. Direkte Widerstandsrnessuugeu, ausgefu'hrt arn Lichtbogen sowie an Akkumulatoren wahiencl ihrer Ladung und Entladung. Elektrotecbn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 51-52. Boccara, Vittorio \_Emmanuele], Metodo sernplice per la rappresentazione materiale delle linee di forza di un campo elettrostatico. Nuovo Cimento, 8, 1898, 406-408. Boccara, Vittorio [Emmanuele], & Gandolfi, A[rchimede\. Sulla velocita delle onde Hertziane nei mezzi dielettro- magnetici. (Verifica sperimentale della relazione Kf 1.r.re.r'*=l.) Nuovo Cimento, 8, 1898, 191-215. Boccara, Vittorio [Emmanuele], & Fandolfi, M[nrio]. Sul potere induttore specin'co dei rnezzi dielettro-magnetici costituiti da ferro e paraffina. Nuovo Cimento, 9, 1899, 254-259. Boccard, G. di. Su di un ossido di manganese idrato degli Euganei. Riv. Min. Crist., 4, 1889, 55-58. Boccardi, Giovanni [Battista]. Observation d'un bolide. Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 415-416. - Elements et ephemeride de la planete (416) (CS 1896), calculus a 1'Observatoire du Vatican, a Home. Bull Astr 14, 1897, 308-311. — Elements et ephemeride de la planete (416) Vaticana pour la IIIC opposition. Bull. Astr., 15, 1898, 311-316. - Sull' orbita del pianeta (416) Vaticaua. Eoma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 5, 1898, 29-59. — Elements et ephemerides des planetes (366) Vincentiua et (347) Pariana. Bull. Astr., 16, 1899, 143-155. — Elementi del pianeta (416) Vaticana e sua effemeride pel 1900 (IV opposizione). Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 189- 192. • Element! ed effemeride del pianeta (347) Pariana pel- la prossima opposizione. Astr. Nacbr., 153, 1900, 363- 368. — Etude sur la variation de la latitude. Bull. Astr 17, 1900, 129-134. — Etude sur la variation de la latitude a 1'observatoire de Teramo (Italie). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 130, 1900 307-309. - Di alcuni diagramnii astrouoruici. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 29, 1901, 175-182. Boccardi, Giuseppe. Sulla fisio-patologia de' vasi sanguigni. Napoli, Rend., 23, 1884, 125. - Ricercbe sullo sviluppo dei corpuscoli del saugue negli uccelli. Napoli Rend., 25, 1886, 58-64. — Sopra un processo per lo studio della cariocinesi nel sangue. Napoli, Rend., 27, 1888, 129-130. — Nuove ricerche sui processi rigenerativi nell' intestine. Napoli, Rend., 27, 1888, 134-145. — Sur les alterations anatomiques consecutives a 1'ex- portation du pancreas chez les chiens. Arch Ital Biol 16, 1891, 50-58. Boccardi, Giuseppe, Malerha, Pusquale, & JappeUi, Gaetano. See Malerba, Boccardi & JappeUi. Boccardi, Giuseppe, Manfredi, Luigi, & Jappelli, Gaetano. See OTanfredi, Boccardi * Jappelli. Bocchi, I). Sul monoclorotirnol e sul diclorocimene. Gazz Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 403-406. — Azione del bromoformio e cbloroformio sopra alcuni pirroli. [1899.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 1), 89-96. Bocchiola, Ernestn. Ricerche chimiche sulla radice di Colombo. Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890, 188-199. Bocci, llnliliiiiw. Sensible und motoiische Nerven und ihre chemische Reaction. [1889.] Untersnch. Nat., 14 1892, 1-11. — Das Kochsalz und die secundare Znckung. [1889.] Untersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 12-15. Die Nervenzellen als Centrum der Energie. [1889.] Uutersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 16-18. — Die Localisation des Hautgefubls in ihrem Verhiiltniss zu den sensitiven Wurzelu des Riickenmarks. [1889.] Untersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 19-22. — Eine neue Vorrichtung zur Gewinnung des Maeen- saftes beim Menschen : der Sauren'scher. Untersuch Nat., 14, 1892, 437-448. Contribute alia legge di BELL e MAGENDIE circa le radici sensitive spinali. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Fisiol.), 66-68. Bocci, Halduino, & Moscucci, A. La fonction diastasique dans la salive centrifugee. Arch. Ital. Biol., 28 1897 72-76. Boccolari, Antonio, & Borsari, Carlo. Della resistenza ed eeeitabilita elettrica nella paralisi progressiva degli alienati e nella epilessifrenia. Ricerche sperimentali. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 15, 1889, 106-110. Bocbefontaine, [Louis Theodore]. For biographical notice see Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 378-379. - 'Note sur le emplacement des points dn gyrus sigmoide, dont la faradisation agit sur la salivation, la circulation sanguine et les mouvements des membres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 698-699. — *Recherches experimentales pour servir a 1'etude des lesions traumatiques de I'enee'phale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 741-744. 'Experiences pour servir a 1'etude des propriet^s physiologiques de la pyridine. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 5-8. - 'Experiences relatives a 1'action du sulfate de quinine sur la circulation sanguine. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 8-11. - *Note sur quelques experiences relatives a 1'etude des effets physiologiques de la soude, de la potasse et leurs sels. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R ) 80-83. - Experience pour servir a 1'etude des phenorneues determines chez I'liomme par 1'ingestion stomacale du liquide diarrheique da cholera. Paris, Ac. Sci C R 99, 1884, 845-846. Note sur un curare curarisant et produisant en meme temps 1'arret systolique du coeur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<§m., 36, 1884 (C'. R.), 76-79. — Contribution a 1'etude de 1'action du cuivre sur les personnes qui sont en contact permanent avec ce metal. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 79-83. — Action physiologique du poison des Moi's. Paris Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 132-135. Note relative a quelques experiences sur la paralde- hyde. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 157. — Addition aux notes anterieures relatives a quelques propri<5tes du cuivre (temoignage de M. LECROSNIER). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 {G. R.), 331-332. — Action de 1'acide salicylique sur la respiration chez 1'animal sain et particulierement chez 1'hornme atteint de fievre typhoide. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 412-415. — Action de la cinchonidine et de la ciuchonine sur la circulation des niamruiferes superieurs, au moment ou ces alcaloides produisent leurs effets convulsivants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 425-428. — Action physiologique des sues de 1'arbre "xe" et de la liane "voi'-vo'i" qui servent a la preparation des poisons des Moi's. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36 1884 (C. R.), 545-548. Bochefontaine] 624 [Bochicchio - Effets produits chez 1'homme et les animaux par 1'ingestion stomacale et 1'injectiou hypodermique de cultures des microbes du liquids diavrheique du cholera. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1148-1151. - Experiences pour servir a I'etude des proprietes physiologiques des dejections alvines de la dysenterie et du cholera. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1886, 1-32. Bocbefontaine, [[.nuts Tln'oilnre], A Marcus, . "Action du platre et du charbun animal sur le serum du sang et le lait. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 120-121. Bocbefontaine, [f.niiis Thtodore], & CEchsncr de Coninck, [l-'niiti'iiix ll'tlliiin<\. Action physiologique ile 1'hexahy- drure de (3-collidine, ou isocicntine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 806-808; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 176-180. Bocbefontaine, [I,ouis Theodore], & 86e, Germain. See See A Bocbefontaine. Bocbefontaine, [Louis Theodore], Fcris, Bazile, & Marcus, . *Note sur un poison de fleches des Foulahs. [1H83.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. Ji.), 408-501. Bocbenek, A[ilinn]. Kritisches iiber die neuen Capacitats- bestimmuugsmethoden. Ztschr. Morphol. u. Anthrop., 2, 1900, 158-166. — 0 unerwieniu splotuw naezyuiowych mdzgu zaby. [Ueber die Nervenendigungen in den Plexus chorioidei des Frosches.] [1839.] Krakow, Ak. (3Iat.-Pr:i/rii]. *[Ueber die Eutwicklung von Functioneu in unendliche Producte.] [1*83.] Harnb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 76-80. — Ueber einen elementaren Beweis des Satzes, dass jede Primzahl von der Form 4n + l gleich der Summe zweier ganzen Quadratzahlen ist. [1884.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 101-104. - Hydrodynamik nach dem Hamilton'schen Prinziji. [1884'.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 108-110. - Ueber Potentialwerte verschiedener Krafte und Fol- gerungen daraus. [1885.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 119-125. — Ueber eine neue zahlentheoretisehe Funktion. [1886- 87.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 187-194, 201- 212. — Kombinatorische Ableituug einiger Eigensehaften der 6-Funktioneu. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 (Fftttichr., Tl. 2), 74-80. Bockairy, P. Recherches sur les falsifications ilu beurre. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 247-251, 331-335. — Dosage de la margarine de colon ilans les saindoux. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 310-313. Bockendahl, Adolf. Ueber die Regeneration des Tracheal- epithels. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 24, 1885, 361-371. Bockhart, [Max], Ueber eine neue Art der Zubereitung von Fleisch als fester Nahrboden fur Mikroorganismen. Deutsch. Natf . Tagebl., 1887, 347; Repcrtm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 665. Bockholtz, . Les ardoisieres souterraines de la pro- vince de Luxembourg. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 46, 1889, 423-430. Bockliscb, O[scur]. Ueber Fiiulrdssbaseu (Ptomaine) aus Fischen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 86-89, 1922-1927. — Ueber Ptomaine aus Reinculturen von Vibrio proteus (F inkier und Prior). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1441-1446. Bockwoldt, . Bemerkungen und Erweiterungen zu HKKWEO'S Flora von Neustadt. [1891.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892-94 (Heft 1), 4-7. — [Lebensweise der Mistel.] [181J4.] Danzig Schr. , 9, 1895-98 (Heft 1), 171-172. — Ueber das Vorkommen von Blitzschliigen an Roth- 79 Bockwoldt] 626 [Bodenbender buchen. [1899.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 (Hrttf 2 & 3), 20-21. - Neue Fundorte seltener Pflanzen in Westpreussen. [1900.] Danzig Schr., 10. 1899-1902 (Hefte 2 & 3), 72-73. Bocourt, f'| inn in~\. Note sur quelques Ophidieus nouveaux, provenant de I'Amrrique inter-tropicale. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 8, 1884, 133-142. Note sur un Boidien nouveau, proveriant du Guate- mala. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., it, 1885, 112-115. Ubinocheilus Thominotii, Poet. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 45-46. Note sur un Ophidien nouveau appartenant au group'' des Colubriens provenant du Guatemala. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 168. Note sur un Ophidien nouveau provenant du Mexique. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 234-235. — Sur quelques Ophidiens de FAmerique intertropicale appartenant au genre Tetranorhinus. Naturaliste, 13, 1891, 121-122, 208. — Note sur la varinbilite dans le nombre des plaques cephaliques chez certains Ophidiens. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 17. 1892, 40-41. - Note sur un petit Ophidien appartenant an genre Tropidoclonium. Naturaliste, 14, 1892, 132. Note sur un Ophidien appartenant au genre Eutsenia. Naturaliste, 14, 1892, 278-279. Bocourt, P'[!nni»], & Duges, Alfredo. Note sur deux Ophidiens de la famille des Coronellidse, provenant de 1'Amerique intertropicale. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 45-46. Bocquier, Edmoiid. Note sur un veau monstrueux. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 10, 1900 (Pt. 1), xxi-xxii. - Peneplaines vendeennes. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., Id, 1900 (Pt. 1), 211-218. Bocquillon-Xjimousin, Henri. Action du chlore sur 1'alcool isobutjlique. Jl. Pharm., 11, 1885. 654-657. Des tricblorobutylates metalliques Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 455-458. Note sur le Gouolobus Condurango. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 269-271. - Des condurangiues. Jl. Pharm., 24, 1891, 485-488. Bod, A. A practical and easy method for determining or comparing the free-board. Franklin Inst. Jl., 138, 1894. 367-395. Bodard, [Paul] K[mile]. Analyse des eaux d'alimentation de Laghouat. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 18, 1891, 52-58. Boddaert, Iticliiird. Eecherches experimentales sur la production de 1'exophtalmie et la pathogenie de 1'cederne. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 5, 1891, 690-71"). Note sur la part qui revient a 1'occlusion des voies lymphatiques dans la production de Tcedt-me. (Com- munication prfliminaire.) Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., fi, 1892, 1019-1022. — De 1'etat des ganglions dans 1'cedeme lymphatique. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 7, 1893, 752-755. De 1'oedeme d'origine lymphatique. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 492-493; Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Putol.), 123-125. — Recherehes sur la localisation et le mode de di'-vi loppi ment de I'cedeme lymphatique. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 9, 1895, 803-834. — Etude experimentale de la pathogenie de I'cedeme par constriction. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 12, 1898, 422T426. — Etude sur une forme d'onomatomanie. Brux., Ac. Mod. Belg. Bull., 14, 1900, 454-462. Bode, Adolf, & Willstatter, liichartl. See Willstatter A Bode. Bode, Fricdr. Die specifische Waraie von Schwefelsauren. Ztscbr. Angew. Chem., 1889. 244-245. - Bedarf an Blei zum Ban von Bleikammersystemen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 357. - Vorsehlage zur Verbesserung der Schwefelsaure- fabrikation. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 11-13. Bode, G[eorg]. Vorkommnisse aus dem mittleren Lias bei Schandelah. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 187-190. — [Ammoniten aus dem braunen Jura vom Berge Greben.l Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 190- 191. - Die Aegoceratiden. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 198-199. — [Gliederung des braunen Jura in Norddeutschlaud.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 208-209. - Ueber eine Aufschliessung im braunen Jura in Hildesbeim. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 65. — Das Vorkommen von Hilsthonen am Hilse oberhalb Holzen und die Stellung dieser Thoue in der Schichten- folge des Neocom. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899. 82-84. — Ueber Veranderungen an Ammonitenschalen, welche durch das Wachsthum bedingt sind. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 107-108. — Verbreitung der Molluskenfauna im Untersenon von Braunschweig. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 154, 155-159. Bode, ]. *Ueber die Beziehuugen zwischen Dungung undZusammensetzungder Zuckerriiben. [1882.] Ztschr. Ver. Biibenzuckerind., 34, 1884, 59-68. - Penicillium brevicaule, ein Pilz mit der Fiihigkeit, kleinste Spuren von Arsenik anzuzeigen. [1899.] Ztschr. Natnrwiss.. 71. 1898, 460-461. Bode, H\uld]. IVti o^rapliHrlii' Unterauohungen an i>st:itiikiinisi:lit>n I n'striiirn. Zurich Vrtljscur., 3'.l, 1894. 187-207. Bodmer-Beder] 629 [Bockeler — Die Erzlagerstatten der Alp Puutaiglas im Biinduer Oherland und ihre Felsarten. [1897.] Neues Jbuch. Min. (licit. -B<1.), 11, 1897-98, 217-258. — Ueber Olivindiabase aus dem Plessurgebirge, Grau- biinden. [1898.] Neues Jbucb. Min. (Heil.-1'.il.), 12, 1899, 238-268. — Durch Gebirgsdruck gebogeneQuarzkrystalle. Centrbl. Win., 1900, 81-84. — Beitrage zur Petrographie des iistliehen Bhatikons. Neues Jbucb. Min., 1900 (Kd. 1), 120-128. Bodmer-Beder, A[rnold], & Tarnuzzer, Chr. See Tarnuzzer A Bodmer-Beder. Bodoni, Pietro. Del passaggio del bleu di metilene nei reni in varie forme di psicosi. Kiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 25, 1899, 788-818. Bodroux, F[ernand]. Action du brome en presence du bromure d'aluminiurn sur les carbures aromatiques. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1898 (Pt. 1), 127-128. — Sur quelques ethers oxydes du /3-naphtol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898. 840-842 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 573-575. — Action du brome en presence du bromure il'aluminiuni sur quelques phenols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1'26, 1898, 1282-1285; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 756- 761. — Action du brome en presence du bromure d'aluminiurn sur 1'isobutylpheuo) para. Reiuarques sur la bromnra- tion des phenols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 127, 1898, 186- 188. — Action du brome en presence du bromure d'aluminiurn sur les hydrocarbures derives des xylenes. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 888-889. — Action des eels de plonib d'acides monobasiques gras en solution acide sur quelques hydrocarbures aromatiques monochlore's ou monobromes dans la chaiue laterale. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 288-291. — Action de 1'acetate de plornb en solution acetique sur le chlorure de benzvlidene et le chlorure de benzenyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 331-333. — Sur deux poly su If urea de plomb et de cuivre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 1397-1398; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900. 501-502. Sur un chlorosult'ure de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 1398-1399. — Sur la production directe par voie humide de 1'iodure uiercurique et de 1'iodure mercureux a 1'etat cristallise. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 1(122-1624 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 585-587. — Transformation en ethers benzoiques des ethers acetiques du phenol ordinaire, du paracre'sol et du thymol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 54-55. Bodyriski, J. WHEATSTONE'S Bheostat mit Quecksilber- contuct. Ann. Phys. Chem., 22, 1884, 463-464. Boe, [diistiive] Ad[ulphe} de. For biographical notice see Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 131. - *L'etoile polaire. Astronoime, 1882, 250-256. — *Le compaguon de Sirius. [1882.] Ciel et Terre, 3, 1883, ,200-206. — 'Equatorial populaire. [1882.] Ciel et Terre, 3, 1883, 396-399. - *Appareil de demonstration du mouvement de pre- cession. Ciel et Terre, 3, 1883, 495-498. — Mesure du grossissernent des lunettes. Ciel et Terre, 4, 1884, 508-509. — Sur 1'eclipse de luue du 28 Janvier 1888. Astronomic, 1888, 30-31. — Les horizons artificiels. [1889.] Ciel et Terre, 10 (1889-90), 42-43. — Mt'thode pour corriger la eollirnation dans les instru- ments excentriques. [1890.] Ciel et Terre, 11 (1890-91), 453-455. - Metbode pour determiner les latitudes des laches solaires. Astronomic, 1891, 190-191. — Comment une ligne peut 8tre vue double. [1891.] Ciel et Terre, 12 (1891-92), 223-224. Boe, F. Un cas d'hemianopsie homonyme superieure. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 664-666; Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 533-539. — Contribution a 1'etude du tmitement de la retinite syphilitique. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1892 (Pt. 2), 757-761. Bocher, ljhil[ii>p], it Claus, Adolph [Curl Ludicig]. See Claus A Bocher. Boeck, C. Sur les psorospermoses. [With discussion.] Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 1035-1036. — Les tubercuhdes. Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1900 (J'of. 9), 95-114. Boeck, c'. (ft ulii). Tuberculides. [Discussion.] Practi- tioner, 65, 1900, 574-576. Boeck, Eugen von. For biography and works see Auk, 3, 1886, 496; Ibis, 4, 1886, 388; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 111; Ornis, 2, 1886, 432-436 ; Wien Oruith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 143. — Oruis des Thales von Cochubamba in Bolivia und der nachsteu Umgebuug. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 8, 1884, 100-102, 161-168. — ZULU Kliraa von Cochabamba. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1885, 370-372. — Meteorologische Beobachtungen zu Cochabamba. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1885, 417-418. — Klimatologie von Cochabamba in Bolivien. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1886, 45.5-465. Bock, Fritz, & Bamberger, Max. Nee Bamberger & Bock. Boeck, G[eonjes] de, it Spring, Walthere. See Spring it Boeck. Boeck, ./. de. Die Beizuug des Kaninchenriickenmarkes mit der Nadel. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Pliysiol. Abth.), 1889, 238-252. — Precede de technique microscopique applique a la mesure des faibles differences de temperature. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 19, 1893, 85-86. — Une excursion a Hoogstraeten, Wortel et Merxplas. Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 13, 1894, 54-72. — Enquete sur 1'etat anthropologique, physique et psychique des peusionnaires de la Maison du Travail de Bruxelles. [With discussion.] Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 14, 1895. 82-157. Boeck, John. Ueber orientalische Emaille auf Ziegelu und deren Nachbildung. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 40, 1889, 158-171. Boeck, A". Himalaya- Wanderungen. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 22, 1891, 416-456. Bccckel, Jules. Appendicite herniaire. Gangrene appen- diculaire et ca=cale. Bisection de 1'appendice et anus Cffical. Cteco-erhaphie ulte'rieure. Guerison. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 38, 1897, 331-334. Bockeler, [Johaim] Utto. For biography and list of works »ee Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 53; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, (211)-(218) ; Bremen Abh., 16, 1900, 463-466. - ^[SymboliE ad rlorani Brasilia; ceutralis cognoscendarn. Edit. Eug. WARMING. Particula xxv.] Cyperacea? nova? in vicinia urbis Bio de Janeiro a cl. l>r. A. GLAZIOU collect*. Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1 & 2, 1879-80, 24-31. Die auf der Expeditions. M.S. Gazelle von Dr. NAUJIANN gesammelten Cyperaceen. Bugler, Bot. Jbiich., 5, 1884, 89-94. — Neue Cyperaceeu. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 5, 1884, 497-521. — [Beitrage zur Flora des siidlichen Japan und der Liu-kiu-Inseln auf Grand der von Dr. DODEBLEIS und TACHIRO gesammelten Pflanzeu herausgegeben.] Cyperaceae. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 6, 1885, 50-52. — Xeue Cyperaceeu von Argentinien, Mexiko, Alaska and dem Kilimandscharo. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 7, 1886, 273-280. — Ueber eiu vermeintlich neues C'yperaceen-Genus. Bot. Centrbl. , 29, 1887, 277. Bockeler] — Plantae Lehmannianie fn Guatemala, Costarica et Columbia collects. Cyperacese. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 8, 1887, 205-207. — [Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora von Deutsch-SiH- west-Afrika und der angrenzenden Gebiete.] Cyperacese. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 2',l, 1888, 45-48 ; 30, 1889, 139; 31, 1890, 179-180. — Ein neues Cyperaceen-Geuus. Bot. Centrbl., 39, 1889, 73. — Ueber eine neue Carex-Art vom Eigi uud eine zweite wieder aufgefundene Schkuhr'scbe Art von den Siid- Alpen. Bot. Centrbl., 42, 1890, 134-136. — Cyperacea? Brasilienses novoe. Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1894, 237-240. — Diagnosen neuer Cyperaceen. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1895, 185-187, 201-202, 22.5-226; 1896, 1-3, 17-20, 33-35, 53-56, 77-79, 93-95, 109-113, 141-143, 157- 160, 173-175, 189-192. — [Die Flora der Samoa-Inselu. Teil n. Siphonogamen.] Oyprraceae. Engler, Bot. Jbu'ch., 25, 1898, 585-5ss. Bockeler, [.li>liunn\ otto, Kuhn, [Friedrich Adalbert] Ma.r[imilian], Hackel, Kile, A Buchenau, Fran:. Set Kuhn, Hackel, Bockeler A Buchenau. Bocker, Frii'tlrich. % Kiinstliche Erzeugung von Regeu- wolken. Wetter, 5, 1888, 174-177. Boecker, J. Krystallograpbiscbe Beobachtungen am Iilokras. Ztschr. Kryst , 20, 1892, 225-231. Boecker, If. F.mil. Ueber ein ueues Mikrotom mit Gefriereinrichtung, automatischer Messerfiibrung und sflbstthatiger Hebung des Objectes. Ztschr. lustru- mentenk., 4, 1884, 125-127. Bockh, Hugo. Asvany-ujdonsag Budapesten a Kis- Svabbegyrol. [Eine mineralogische Novitat vom Buda- pester Kleinen Schwabenberg.] Fiildt. Kozlon. , 28, 1898, 129-131, 167-169. — Adatok a Pecten denudatus Os a Pleuronectis comitatus kerdesehez ujabb niagyarorszagi leletek alapjan. [Bei- trage zur Frage iiber Pecten denudatus und Pleuronectis comitatus auf Grund neuerer ungarlitndischer Funde.] Fiildt. Kiizlon., 28, 1898, 353-357, 371-375. • Adatok a Pecten denudatus, Rtuss, es a Pleuronectis comitatus, Font., kerdesehez. [Beitrage zur Frage des Pecten denudatus, Reuss, und Pleuroneetis comitatus, Font.] Termt. Kozlon., 30, 1898, 433; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 347. — - Nagy-Maros kornyekenek foldtani viszonyai. [Die geolqgischen Verhiiltnisse der Umgebmig von Nagy- Maros.] [1899.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 13, 1899- 1902, 1-57; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 13, 1899-1902, 1-62. — Orca Semseyi, uj Orca-faj a salgotarjani Also-Mioczen r£tegekbt">l. [Orca Semseyi, eine neue Orca-Art aus dem unteren Miocaen von Salgdtarjan.] [1889.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 13, 1899-1902, 93-97; Uug. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 13, 1899-1902, 103-107. Bockh, Jiiiiux. A Magyar Kir. Foldtani Intezet evi jelen- tese 1883-riil. [Jabresbericbt der K. Uug. Geologischeu Anstalt fiir 1883.] Foldt. Kozlon., 14, 1884, 161-174, 307-322. — A Magyar Kir. Foldtani Intezet evi jelentese 1884-ro'l. [ Jahresbericht der K. Ung. Geologisehen Anstalt fiir 1884.] Fiildt. Kozlon., 15, 1885, 217-245, 393-422. — Daten zur geologischen Krimtniss des nordwestlich von Bozowics sich erhebeuden Gebirges. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1886, 135-168. — Triaskorbcli lerakodasok fellepte Szaszkabanyan. [Das Auftreteii von Trias-Ablagerungen bei Szaszka- bauya.] Fiildt. Kiizlon., 18, 1888, 182-1114, 280-294. - Adatok az Iza viilgye felsii szakasza geologiai viszo- nyaiuak iameretehez kiilonos tekintettel az ottani petro- IfUiutartalnm lemkodasokra. [Daten zur Kenntniss der geologischen Verhiiltnisse im oberen Abschnitte lies Iza- Thales mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der dortigen Petroleum fiihrenden Ablageruugen.] [1894.] Magyar 630 [Boeddinghaus Foldt. Int. Evk., 11, 1894-96, 1-79; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 11, 1897-98, 1-93. A haromszekmegyei SosrnezoOs kornyOkOnek geologiai viszonyai, kiilouSs tekintettel az ottani petroleumtar- talmu lerakodiisokra. [Die geologischen Verhaltnisse von S6smezo und Umgebung im Comitate Haromszek. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der dortigen Petroleum fiihrenden Ablagerungen.] [1895.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 12, 1895-98, 1-193 ; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 12, 1900-01, 1-222. — A geologia fejlddesenek rovid tortOnete Magyarorszagou 1774-tol 1896-ig. [Kurze Gescbichte der Entwickelung der Geologic in Ungarn vom Jahre 1774-1896.] [1896.] Fiildt. Kozliin., 27, 1897, 4-15, 109-122. — Rovid kozlemeny a baranyamegyei Vasas es Hosszu- Heteny kozt fekvo, ROSENFELD Bernat b^csi lakos tulaj- donat kepezo Liaszbeli kutatasi turiiletrol. [Kurze Mittlieilung iiber das zwischen Vasas uud Hosszii- Heteny, im Comitate Baranya betiudliche Liassische Schurfterrain des Herrn Bernhard ROSENFELD in Wien.] Foldt. Kozlon., 30, 1900, 255-261, 289-295. Bockh, J/iiios, Sch.it.irzik, Ferencz, & Both, Lajos. See Schafarzik, Roth ,\ Bockh. Bdcking, Ailol f. For biographical notice see Leopoldina, 34, 1898, 106. Boeckler, .1 HI/US f.cfWisUcenus, Willielm. See vrtslicenus & Boeckler. Boeckmann, KJu-ard. Surgical sterilization and sterilizers in private practice. Amer. Micr. Jl., 18, 1897, 48-54. Bockmann, F. *Einige Antnerkungen iiber die Zucht von Xanthia togata, Xanthia gilvago und Orthosia circel- laris. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 2, 1876, 142-143. - * Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe. xxr. Ornitho- logische Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verh., 3, 1878, 252-270; 4, 1879, 249. Boeddicker, Utto. *0n the influence of magnetism on the rate of a chronometer. [1882.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 1-56. — Notes on the aspect of the planet Mars in 1884. Accompanied by sketches made at the observatory, Birr Castle. [1884.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 301-304. — On the lunar radiant heat during a total eclipse, as observed at the Earl of ROSSE'S observatory at Birr Castle, Parsonstown. [1885.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc., 4 (1883-85), 427-431. — On the changes of the radiation of heat from the moou during the total eclipse of 1884, October 4, as measured at the observatory, Birr Castle. Communicated with a note by the Earl of ROSSE. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 321-332. A large meteor. Nature, 31, 1885, 194. — Ueber die Verauderungen der Warmestrahlung des Mondes wa'hrend der totalen Mondtinsterniss 1888 Jan. 28. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 309-310. — Observations of the planet Jupiter, made with the reflector of three feet aperture at Birr Castle Observatory, Parsonstowu. [1888.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 4, 1888- 92, 271-288. — The total eclipse of the moon of 1888 January 28, as observed at Birr Castle Observatory, Parsonstown. Nature, 37, 1888, 318. — Note to accompany a drawing of the Milky Way. [1889.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 50, 1890, 12-15. — Lunar radiant heat, measured at Birr Castle Observa- tory, during the total eclipse of January 28, 1888. [1891.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 4, 1888-92, 481-512. Boddinghaus, J. Die elektrischen Beleuchtuugsanlagen ln'iiii Cirubenbetriebe des Mechernicher Bergwerks-Aktien- Vi'ivins. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 103-106. Boeddinghaus, Wultlter. Untersuchungen iiber Nitro- sobasen. 1) Ueber p-Nitrosobenzylanilin und -toluidine. Liebig's Ann., 263, 1891, 300-313. Boeddinghausl 6.31 LBoehm Boeddinghaus, n'ultlier, A Bredt, [1'onrml] J[ulius]. v Bredt A' Boeddinghaus. Bo. locker, . AVirkungen der Eisenbahn-Fahrzeuge auf die Schienen. Hannover Architekt-Ver. Ztschr., 33, 1887, 402-406. Bodecker, G. F. 11'. Action of arsenious acid upon dentinal and pulp tissue. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, r.33-638. Bodecker, C. F. W., & Heitzmann, Carl. Sec Heitz- inann ,\ Bodecker. Boedeker, J[».<(HS]. Zur Kenntniss der acuten alkoholi- scben Ophthalmoplegieen. Arch. Psychiatr., 27, 189E, 810-830. Boedeker, Justus], & Juliusburger, Otto. Casuistischer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der anatomischen Befunde bei spinaler Erkrankung mit progressiver Anamie. Arch. Psychiatr., 30, 189P, 372-3!t9. Boedeker, J[imtu»], & Siemerling, E[rnst]. See Siemer- ling A Boedeker. Bo. lor, [Karl Otto Richard]. Beitrag zu vergleichenden Untersuchuugeu fiber die Bakterien der Schweinepest und Schweineseuche. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 15, 1899, 373-386. — Zur Frage von der Heilkraft des Lichtes. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 17, 1900, 165-180. Bddige, A7. Die Stiirme an der deutschen Kiiste von 1878 bis 1887. Ann. der Hydrogr., 19 (1891), 118-124. — Ueber die Uebereinstimmung des nflrdlichen, ins- besondere des nordwestlichen Deutschlands im Witte- rungscliarakter. Ann. der Hydrogr., 19 (1891), 419-428, 463-473. Bodtker, Kyrind. Notiz zu der Harnstoffbestimmungs- methode von K. A. H. MORNER und J. SJUQVIST. Ztschr. Physiol. Cbeni., 17, 1893, 140-146. — Ueber die Bestimmuug des Chlors im Harn. Ztschr. Physiol. Chein., 20, 1895, 193-202. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Eiweissabbaues im meusch- licheu Organismus. [1896.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1894- 95, No. 10, (iO pp. — Sur 1'action du chlorure d'aluminium sur le benzene contenant du thiophene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 310-311. — Ueber den Einfluss des Wassers auf die Loslichkeit einiger Krystalhvasser baltender Korper in Alkohol und Aether. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 22, 1897, 505-514. Untersuchung des Schwefelwassers von Sandefjord. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 43-51. — Theorieu for den elektrolytiske dissociation og dens betydning i den praktiske kemi. Nyt Tidsskr. Fys. Kern., 3, 1898, 11-29; Fortschr. Phys., 1898 (Abth. 1), '234-235. Boegan, E. Lee grottes de Corniale, d'Obrou et de PadriJ. Speluncn, Paris, 1897, 43-52. Bogel, G[ustav]. Ueber das subconjunctivale Lipom und eine Combination desselben mit Ichthyosis hystrix. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 32, 1886 (Abth. 1), 129-150. Bbger, Rudolf. Dei Kegelschnitt der neim Punkte. [1898.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 346-352. — Secbseck und Involution. [1899.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 387-390. — Der Hessesche Satz und dieadjunpierten Involutionen. [1899.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 390-400. Boggild, 0. B. Om skurestriber i Danmark og beslsegtede famomener. Kjnbenh., Dansk Geol. For. Meddel., 5, 1899, 73-104; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1901 (Bd. 1, Ref ) 135-136. Bohlendorff, W[ilhelm]. Bemerkungen zu der Abband- lung des Hrn. B. WALTER: "Ueber den Nachweis des Zerfalles von Moleculargruppen in Losungen durch Fluorescenz- nnd Absorptionserscheinungen." Ann. Phys. Chem., 43, 1891, 784-789. — Ueber Ambroin, unter Vorfiibrung der Fabrikate der Ambroinwerke, G.m.b.H. Elektrotechn. Ztschr 19 1898, 429-430. Bolim, A[mnnd], & Willgerodt, [Hcinrich] C[onrad Christoph]. See Willgerodt & Bohm. Bdhm, A[le.rander] A. Ueber die Befruehtung des Neun- angeueies. [1887.] Miinchen ties. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 9-10 ; Miinchen, Ak. Sber., 17 1888 53-62. - Ueber Reifung und Befruchtung des Eies von Petro- myzon Planeri. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 32, 1888, 613-670. — Die Befruchtung des Forelleneies. [1891.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 7, [1892], 63-73. Bohm, Arthur. Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie der Malpighi'schen Korperchen der Niere. Virchow, Arch., 150, 1897, 52-72. Bohm, Arthur, & Schmaus, Hans. See Schmaus & Bohm. Bohm. August [Josef Georg] (Edler von Bohmersheim). *Eine Pseudornorphose nach Disthen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 522-523. - *Q«arz-Diorit von Pressburg in Ungarn. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 524-525. - *Ueber die Gesteine des Wechsels. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 197-214. — Die Hottinger Breccie und ihre Beziehungen zu deu Glacial-Ablagerungen. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 34, 1884 147-162. — Der Verlauf der Geoisothermen unter Bergen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 161-164. — Die alten Gletscher der Enns und Steyr. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 35, 1885, 429-612. — Die Hochseen der Ostalpen. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1886, 625-647. Ueber Gebirgsgruppierung. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verb.., 1887, 152-158. — Ueber die Genauigkeit der Bestitnmung von Gebirgs- volumen und mittlerer Masseuerhebung. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verh., 1889, 214-224. — Die alten Gletscher der Mur und Miirz. Wien Geogr. Ges. Abb., 2, 1900, 91-119. Bohm, August [Josef Georg] (Edler ran Riihmerskeim), & Lone, Jan. Die Fauna des Kelheimer Diceras-Kalkes. Dritte Abtheilung : Echinoideen. Palaeontographica, 31, 1885, 193-223. Bohm, August [Josef Gtorg] (Edler van Bohmersheim), Pcnck, Albrecht, & Ro.llcr. Alfred. See Fenck, Bohm A Kodler. Boi-hm, Carl, & Fauly, Hermann. See Fauly it Boolnii. Bolim, E[rnst]. Ueber zwei verschiedene Forruen des Diacetyltbymochinondioxims. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1547-1549. Bohm, E[rnst], & Kehrm.inn, [Jnhiuin August Ludwig] Friedrich. Nre Kchrm.inn & Bohm. Boehm, Georg. *Die Bivalven der Stramberger Schichten. Palaeontographica, Suppl. 2, Abth. 4, 1883, i-viii, 493- 680, — Ueber neue Verateinerungen aus den grauen Kalken von Oberitalien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884 190-191. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der grauen Kalke in Venetian. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 737-782. — Ueber siidalpine Kreideablagerungen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 544-549. — Die Gattuugen Pachymegalodon und Durga. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 728-735. — Das Alter der Kalke des Col dei Schiosi. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 39, 1887, 203-204. - Die Facies der venetianischen grauen Kalke im Departement de la Sarthe. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr 39, 1887, 204-211. — Ueber die Fauna der Schichten mit Durga im Departe- ment der Sarthe. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40 1888 657-665. — Xeues Lias-Vorkommen auf dem Dinkelberge bei Basel. Freiburg Ber., 3, 1888, 129-132. Boehm ] 632 [Boehm — Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss fossiler Ophiureu. Frei- burg Ber., 4, 1889, 232-287. — Ueber Lithiotisproblematica, i.iiimhi.'l. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 43, 1891, 531-532. — Ueber eine Auomalie im Kelche von Millericrimis mespiliformis. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 43, 1891, 741-743. — Megaloclon, Pachyerisma und Diceras. [1891.] Frei- burg Ber., 6, 1892, 33-56. — Ueber die Zugehorigkeit von Rothpletzia zu Hipponyx. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 557-560. — [Ueber Coralliocharaa. Ueber Budisten vom Col dei Schiosi.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztsc-hr., 44, 1892, 560- 561. — Lithiotis problematiea, Giimbel. Freiburg Ber., 6, 1892, 65-80. - Ueber den Fussmuskeleindruck bei Pachyerisma. Freiburg Ber., 6, 1892, 1111-120. - Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kreide in den Venetianer Alpen. Freiburg Ber., 6, 1892, 134-149. — [Fossiles Cretaces du Frioul.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 479-480. — Ueber fossile Ophiuren. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 45, 1893, 158-161. — Co?lastarte und Heteropis. Freiburg Ber., 7, 1893, 169-178. — Ueber Cornueaprina. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1893 (lid. 2), 129-130. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kreide in den Siidalpen. i. Die Schiosi- und Calloneghe-Fauna. [1895.] Palae- ontographica, 41, 1894-95, 81-148. — Ueber Bihippurites. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 686-688. — Beitrag zur Gliederung der Kreide in den Venetianer Alpen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 49, 1897, 160-181. — Geologische Bemerkungen aus Transkaspien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 49, 1897, 696-697. — Geologische Beobachtungen zwischen Bftdenweiler und Kanderu. Oberrheiu. Geol. Ver. Ber., 1897, 14-20. — Ueber das fossile Trittpaar im Tertiiir lies badischen Oberlandes. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 204- 206. Ueber Caprinidenkalke aus Mexico. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 323-332. — Geologische Beobachtungen am Lago di Santa Croce. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 430-434. — Zur Kenntniss der Gattung Joun'a. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 591-592. — Aptien und Hauterivien im kleinen Balchan. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 51, 1899, 335-340. — Ueber einige Fossilien aus Buchara. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 51, 1899, 465-470. — Mittheilungen aus dem Aufnahmegebiete des Blattes Kandern. Heiilelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 3, 1899, 665-687. — Eeisenotizen aus Neu-Seeland. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900, 169-177. — Heisenotizen aus Ost-Asien. Deutseh. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900. 554-558. Boehm, . , aus der Steinkohlenformation des Piesberges bei Osnabriick. [1885.] Osnabriiek Jber., 1883-84, 2G8-271. — Ueber das Aui'treten der Steinkohlen-, Zechstein- und Trias-Formation und des Diluviums in der nachsten Umgebung der Stadt Osnabriick. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1885, 46-50. Bolsche, l]'[itlielm], & Kemper, R. See Kemper it Bolsche. Bolsing, Frii'tlrii-li, & Tafel, Julius. Zur Kenntniss der Saurehydrazide n. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892 1551-1556. Bomer, /I [/»>/«]. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Quarzes. Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd,), 7, 1891, 516-555. Znr Stickstoffbestimmung nach KJHLHAHL in Futter- mitteln. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 166-167. — Zinksulfat ein Fallungsmittel fiir Albumosen. Fre- >i'nius, Ztschr., 34, 1895, 562-567. — Ueber die Zusammensetzung von Molkereiabwassern. Zt-chr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 1'.I4-1'.P5. Bomcr, A[loys], & Konig, [Franz] Josef. See Kbnig & Bonier. Bomer, J[/o;/s], & Vffelmann, C[arl]. See Ufielmann & Bonier. Bomer, A[loijs], Mugge, 0[ttn], & Sommerfeldt, £[r)i»f]. " - Mugge, Bonier ,\ Sommerfeldt. Bomer, J/[«.r]. Ueber ein cint'aches Wassergeblase. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889. 390. Bonier, .l/[,/.r], Hasellioff, £miV, & Konig, [Franz'] Josef. Ueber die Schadlk-hkeit von Sodastaub und Arnnioniak- gas auf die Vegetation. Landw. Jbiich., 21, 1892, 407- 425. Bommel, Anton ran. Ueber Cuticularbildungen bei einigen Xematoilen. Wiirzb. Zool. Inst. Arb., 10, 1895, 189-212. Boniger, .l/[f/f7iio;']. Ueber desmatrope Derivate des Succinylobernsteiusaureiithers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1758-1765. — Zur Kenntniss des Dioxychinondicarbonsiiureathers und dessen Hydroderivates. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 12S4-1294. — Ueber 1 . 2- Amidonaphtol-4-monosulf oaiiure und Deri- vate derselben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 23- 30, 745. — Ueber 1.2-Amidonaphtolsulfosauren. Berlin, Cheru. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 30JO-3(i"il. Bonnecken, H. B. Ueber Bakterien des Bruchwassers eingeklemmter Hernien und deren Beziehung zur perito- naalen Sepsis. Virchow, Arch., 120. 1890, 7-28. Boenning, //[<•«;•//] C'. The disposal of dissecting-room «.ffal. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 3), 178- 181. Bonningbaus, G,-nrrt. Die Ohrenlupe. Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 34, 1899, 347-356 ; Arch. Otol., 28, 1899, 159-165. Bonninghausen, Victor von. Beitrag zur Kenntuis der Lepidoptereu-Fauna von Rio de Janeiro. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verh., 9, 1896, 19-41. — Die Uranideu der alien und der ueuen Welt. [1898.] Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 10, 1899, 40-46. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Lepidopteren-Fauna von Rio de Janeiro. Tribus Sphingid*. Iris, 12 (18991, 107- 136. Boons. Hubert. La variole, le vaccin et les vaccinides en 1884. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 18, 1884. 21-141. - *La vision chez 1'homme et chez les animaux. [1852.] .11. Microgr., 10, 1886, 318-323. — Uu coup de foudre. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 6, 1892, 284-289. — Reforme alimentaire et sanitaire. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 6, 1892, 710-739. Considerations sur le cholera et sur son traitement. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 6, 1892, 1120-1126. — La vision chez une jeune fille de seize aus ope^ree d'une cataracte double congenitale. Rev. Sci., 50, 1892, 571. Boer, F[loris] de. Uitbreiding van het theorema van ROLLE. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 19, 1884, 384-416; Arch. Neerland., 19, 1884, 207-240. — Discussie der algemeene vierde-nmchtsvergelijking. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 20, 1884, 413-452 ; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 79. — Toepassing van de methode Darboux op de differen- tiaalvergelijking s=f(r, t). Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded.. 8,1891, 221-286; Arch. Neerland., 27, 1894, :;:,:, 112. Boer, //. /.'. i/.1. Beschrijving van het stroomgebied van de rivieren in het rijk van Indragiri en de naburige kustlanden. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 7, 1890, 557-572. Boer] 635 [Boeri Boer, Uskar. For biographical notice see Leopoldiua, 33, 1897, 115-116. — Ueber die Leistungsfahigkeit mehrerer chemischer Desinfe.ctionsniittel bei einigen fiir deri Menscben patho- genen Bacterien. Ztschr. Hyg., 9, 1890, 479-491. Ueber die Behandlung diphtherieinticirter Meer- schweincheu mil chemischeu Priiparaten. Ztschr. Hyg., 11, 1892, 154-164. — Ueber Diphtherie-Heilungsversuche an Thieren. Dentsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. '2, Hiilfte 2), 403-404. Boer, Oskar, & Brieger, Lutlwig. See Brieger A Boer. Borgen, Carl [Nicolui Jensen]. *Laugenbestiminui]gen auf See und die wissenschaftliche Behandlung der Chrononieter-Beobachtungen. Hydrogr. Mitth., 1 (1873), 296-301 ; 2 (1874), 159-162, 171-175, 183-188. - *Vorlaufige Bestimmungen der Constanten der Fluth uud Ebbe zu Wilhelmshaven. Ann. der Hydrogr., 4 (1876), 470-478; 5 (1877), 144-145. - *Uutersuchuugeu fiber Einfluss von Temperatur und Zeit auf Chrononietergange. Ann. der Hydrogr., 6 (1878), 489-490. - *Neue Ableituug der Flutb-Konstanten fiir Wilhelms- haven. Ann. der Hydrogr., 7 (1879), 556-561. - *Ueber die Gezeiten-Stromungen in dein Englischen Kanal und dem sfidwestlichen Theile der Nordsee. Ann. der Hydrogr., H (1880), 1-15, 120. — *Ueber die tagliche Ungleichheit in den Gezeiten und eiue Abhangigkeit derselbeu vou der Geschwindigkeit der Bewegung des Mondes in seiner Bahn. Ann. der Hydrogr., 8 (1880), 74-84. - *Kfistenaufnahmeumittels Depressiouswinkeln. Ann. der Hydrogr., 10 (1882), 464-473. 'Ueber die Aenderung der Temperatur-Koefficienten der Chronometer. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883), 401- 403. — Die harmonisehe Analyse der Gezeitenbeobachtungen. Ann. der Hydrogr., 12 (1884), 305-312, 387-399, 438-449, 499-510, 558-566, 615-622, 664-676; 13 (1885), 64. — Notiz, betreffend die in den meteorologischen Tabellen fiir Wilhelmshaven euthalteuen Angaben fiber die mag- netische Horizontal-Intensitiit. Ann. der Hydrogr., 12 (1884), 713. [Ueber die Polarfrage.] Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verh., 1884, 38-42. — Theorie der Larnout'schen Instrumeute zur Beo- bachtung der Variationeu des Erdmagnetismus unter der Voraussetzung, dassdie Detiektoren einen beliebigen Winkel mil der Nadel bilden und dass sie ausserdetn unter dem Einflusse storender magnetischer Massen steheu. Ann. der Hydrogr., 13 (1885)," 249-260, 311-3'20, 428. — Die tagliche Variation der Deklination der Magnet- nadel zu Wilhelmshaven im Jahre 1883. Ann. der Hydrogr., 13 (1885), 489-492. — Die alte Frage nach dem orleneu Polarmeer. Meteorol. Ztschr. , 2 (1885), 145-149. Vorausbestimmuug des Ganges eiues Chrouonieti is. Ann. der Hydrogr., 15 (1887), 31-38. — Beeinflussung der magnetischen Eegistrirapparate in Wilhelmshaven durch das Erdbeben in Oberitalien am 23. Februar 1887. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 147-148. - Ueber die Berechnuug einer Gezeiteutafel unter Benutzung der Konstanten der haruionisclien Analyse. Ann. der Hydrogr., 17 (1889), 1-16, 43-54, 89-102, 131- 143, 224. — Ueber den Zusarnmenhang zwischen der Windgi1- schwmdigkeit uud den Diniensioneu der Meereswellen. nebst eiuer Erklarung fiir das Auftreten von Wellen vmi langer Periode an frei gelegeuen Kfistenpunkteu. Ann. der Hydrogr., 18 (1890), 1-11. — Ueber eine neue Methode zur Bestiinniung des Polab- standes eines Magnets. Ann. der Hydrogr., 19 (1891), 49-57, 93-102. — Ueber die Berechnung eines einzeluen Hoeh- oder Niedrigwassers nach Zeit uud Hohe. Ann. der Hydrogr., 20 (1892, Jleiln-Jt ZH Jiini Heft), 47 pp. Ueber eine neue Methode, die harmonisehen Kon- stauten der Gezeiten abzuleiteu. Ann. der Hydrogr., 22 (1894), 219-232, 256-270, 295-310. — DieGezeiteu-Erscheinutigen im Irischen Kanal. Ann. der Hydrogr., 22 (1894), 395-403. - The international Polar expeditions, 1882-83. [1895.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 469-485. — Ueber die Gezeiten. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verh. , 1895, 99-109. — Eigenthumliche Gewitter. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 435-436. — Allgemeiiu'i Ausdruck fiir die Coefficienten der Formel fiir die Ablenkung einer Magnetnadel durch eiuen Ablen- kungsstab in beliebiger Lage. Terrestrial Magn., 1, 1896, 176-190. - The law of divisibility. [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897- 98), 54-55. — Ueber die Gezeiteuerscheinungen in dem Englischeu Kanal und dem siidwestlichen Theile der Nordsee. Ann. der Hydrogr., 26 (1898), 414-421, 462-474, 480. — Zur Lehre von der Deviation des Kompasses. Ablei- tuug des Ausdrucks fiir die Schwingungsdauer einer unter dern Einflusse eiues beliebig gelegeuen Magnets stehenden Nadel. [1897.] Terrestrial Magn., 4, 1899, 67-69. — Ueber die Auflosuug des Zweihohen-Problems nach einer Naherungsmethode von HAPEK, unter Benutzung der Tabelle der Mercatorschen Fuuktioneu. Ann. der Hydrogr., 28 (1900), 84-89. Borgen, Carl [Xiculai Jensen], & Copeland, Ralph. See Copeland A Borgen. Borgcsen, F[repl. -2. 1898, 137-142. — Over een nieuwe verwilderde Portulacacee. [1897.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 1, 1899, 206-208. Enumeration des vegetuux producteurs de caoutchouc et de getah-pertja recoltees par le Dr. P. VAN ROMBURGH dans les lies de Sumatra, Borneo, Riouw et Java. Buiten- zorg Inst. Bot. Bull., 5, 1900, 29 pp. Boerlage, J[nrob] G., & Xoorders, S. H. Bijdragen tot de kennis der boomflora van Java. [in. Een nieuw Javaansch woudboomeu-geslacht, Bruinsmia.] Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 53, 1893, 68-72. — Een nieuwe Javaansche boomsoort. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 56, 1897, 185-189. Boerma, D[avid Jakob']. Ueber einen Fall von symmetri- scheu Lymphomen in der Orbita. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40. 189$ (Abth. 4), 219-230. Boerma, I>[nrid Jakob], & Walther, K[arl]. Unter- suchungen fiber die Abnahme der Sehscharfe ini Alter. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 39, 1893 (Ahtli. 2), 71-82. Borner, C[nrl]. Vorlautige Mittheilung zur Systernatik der Sminthuridip, Tullb., insbesondere des Genus Srnin- thurus, Latr. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 609-618. Boerner, Charles G. For biographical notice see U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 22. — Observations of meteors made at Vevay, Ind., Aug. 10th, llth and 12th, 1884. Lat. 38° 46', Long. 84° 59' 20" . 5 ; above sea-level 525 feet. Sidereal Messenger, 3, 1884, 236-237. Boerner, C/nif. R. An early spring trip. Philad. , Ent. News, 5, 1894, 175-176. Bornstein, £[ra*f Gustav]. Ueber Oxydation des Glycerins in alkalischer Losung und eine bequeme Metbode zur Darstelluug reiner Glycerinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., is, 1885, 3357-3358. — Zur Eimvirkung von Quecksilberoxyd in alkalisrlirr Losung auf Glycerin. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckeriud. , 36, 1886, 45^16. — Erwiderung, betreffend die Fluoresceinreaetion zur Erkennung des Benzoesauresultinids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3396-3397. — ZurErkennuugdes Benzoesiiure-Sulnnids (FAHLBERU'S "Saccharin") in Nahrungsmitteln. Fresenius, Ztschr., 27, 1888, 165-168. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Benzolsulfochlorid auf Nitrosodimethylanilin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1479-1488, 2667. Oxydation des Anilins. Deutsch. Xatf. Verh., 1898 {Tli. 2, Hiilfte 1), 110. Bernstein, E[rnst Gustav], A SerxfelA, Alexander. Ueber Oxydation der Lavnlose. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 188~6, 3353-3357; 19, 1886, 85. • < . Herzfeld A- Bornstein. Bbrnstein, R[iclnird]. *[Versuche fiber temporiiren Mag- netismus.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 120-121. - Ueber den von NIPHKR vorgeschlagenen Sehutz- trichter fur Regenmesser. Meteorol. Ztschr., 1 (1884), :M-387. — Ueber locale Wetterprognose. [1884.] Wetter, 1, 1885, 3-10, 41-48, 65-71, 97-101. — Bewegung einer Biie liber Berlin. Meteorol. Ztschr., 2 (1885), 194-195. BornsteinJ 637 [Boeseken — Unwetter in Berlin. Meteorol. Ztschr., 2 (1885), 336-338. — Ueber eine iuteressante meteorologische Erscheinung. [1885.] Wetter, 2, 1886, 96-97. — Aut'zeichiiungen der meteorologischen Registrir- apparate in der Landwirthschaftlichen Hochschule wahrend einer Graupelboe. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1886, 1-2. — Gewitter im Juli 1884. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb. , 1886, 87 (iis)-94. — Ueber das Fortscbreiten von Gewittern. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 337. — Die Gewitter vom 13. bis 17. Juli 1884 in Deutsch- land. Wetter, 4, 1887, 49-58. — Eine neue Form dies Electrodynaiuometers. Ann. Phys. Cbem., 34, 1888, 398-400. — Auffallender Yerlauf eines Dirf usionsversuches. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1888, 9-10. — Ein neuer Elektricitatsziihler. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1888, 19-23; Elektrotecbn. Ztschr., 9, 1888, 178- 180. — Eine Beziehung zwiscbeu dem Luftdruck uud deui Stundenwinkel des Mondes. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 161-170. Elektriscbe Beobacbtungen bei zwei Ballonfabrten. Berlin Pbys. Ges. Verb., 1894, 35-40. Electrische Beobachtimgen bei Luftfabrten unter Eintiuss der Ballonladuug. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 080-686; Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, IldlJ'te 1), 50. — Der jahrliche und ta.nliehe Gang des Niederschlages in Berlin N. Meteorol. Ztschr., 14 (1897), 209-214. — Boenstudieu gelegentlich des Gewitters vom 22. Juni 1898. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 16 (1899). 1-5. Ueber Witterungsdienst. Wetter, 10, 1899, 169-173, 193-200. — Bine Beziehung zwischen Luftdruckverteilung und Monddeklinatiou. [1899-1900.] Pbys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 54-56, 446-448; Meteorol. Ztscbr., 17 (1900), 276-278, 420-424. — Gewitterbeobachtungen bei einer Ballonfahrt. Me- teorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 377-378. Bornstein, R[icltard], & Less, Emil. Ueber die Tempera- tuiverhaltnisse von Berlin. Meteorol. Ztschr., 15 (1898), 206. — Die Temperaturverhiiltnisse von Berlin. Nach Auf- zeichnuugen an der Kgl. Landwirtbschat'tlichen Hoch- schule. Meteorol. Ztschr., 15 (1898), 321-332. Boerrigter, ft. J. Ueber eiue Verunreinigung in Aether. Arch. Pharm., 223, 1885, 532-536. Borsch, [Fran:] A[nton Carl C'osar]. Der Cerebotani'scbe Distanzmesser. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 6, 1886, 77-86, 12,3-134. — Das Markisch-Thfiringische Dreiecksnetz. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Verofi., 1889, 144 pp. Borsch, [Franz] A[nton Carl Ciisar], & Xriiger, [Joliann HeinricK] L[ouis]. Die europaische Langeugradmessuug in 52 Grad Breite von Greenwich bis Warschau. n. Het't. Geodatische Linien, Parallelbogen und Lothab- weichungeu zwischen Feaghmaiu und Warschau. Preuss. Geod. lust. Veroff., 1896, 205 pp. Bortzell, Ali/ernuii. *Beskrii'ning ofver BESIEB-ECKSIEINS kroinohtograti ocli litotypogran anvanda vid tryckuingeu af geologisk ofversigtskarta ofver Skane. Stockh., Sver. Geol. Unders. (Ser. C), [5], 1872, 23 pp. Bocs, Curl. St. Elmsfeuer. Wetter, 11, 1894, 91-92. Boes, J[nliiiiiiu's], & Stoermer, R[ichard]. Sec Stoermer & Boes. Bosc, Emil. Ein neues Voikommen von oberem Lias und unterem Dogger iu den bayerischen Alpeu. Neues Jbueh. Miu., 1892 (Bd. 2), 86-87. — Die Fauna der Liasischen Brachiopodenschichten bei Hiiulelang (Algau). Wieu, Geol. Jbuch., 42, 1893, 627- 650. — Ueber Liasische und Mitteljurassische Fleckenmergel in den bayerischen Alpen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 46, 1894, 703-768. Geologische Monographic der Hobenschwangauer Alpen. Geogn. Jhefte. , 0, 1894, 1-48. — Monograpbie des Genus Khynchonellina, Gemm. [1894.] Palaeontographica, 41, 1894-95, 49-80. — Zur Gliederuug der Trias im Berchtesgadener Lande. Neues Jbuch. Mm., 1895 (lid. 1), 218-220. — Weitere Beitrage zur Gliederung der Trias im Berchtes- gadener und Salzburger Lande. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1895, 251-254. Zur Kenutniss der Scbiehtenfolge im Engadin. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 557-631. — Ueber das Verhaltuiss von Koniuckina, Suess, zu Koninckella, Munier-Chalmas. Deutscb. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 925-931. — Contribute alia geologia della peuisola di Sorrento. [1896.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 8, 1897, Nu. 8, 18 pp. — Die Mittelliasisehe Brachiopodenfauna der ostlichen Nordalpen. Nebst eineni Auhauge fiber die Fauna des unteren Dogger im bayerischen Inuthale. [1897.] Palaeontographica, 44, 1897-98, 145-235. Ueber Lias in Mexico. Deutscb. Geol. Ges. Ztscbr., 50, 1898, 168-175. — Beitrage zur Keimtniss der alpinen Trias. 1. Die Berehtesgadener Trias und ihr Verhaltniss zu den ubrigeu Triasbezirken der uordlichen Kalkalpen. Deutscb. Geol. Ges. Ztscbr., 50, 1898, 468-586, 695-761; 51, 1899, 184, xv. — Geologia de los alrededores de Orizaba con un perfil de la vertiente oriental de la mesa central de Mexico. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 13, 1899, 52 pp. — Sobre la indepeudencia de los volcanes de grietas preesistentes. [1900.] M6x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 14, 1899, 199-224, (Res. 225-231). — Das Erdbebeu in der Gegeud von Freiburg am 17. November 1891. Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verh., 13, 1900 (Alh.), 421-447. Bosc, Emil, & Finkelstein, Heinrich. Die Mitteljuras- sischeii Brachiopoden-Schichten bei Castel Tesino im ostlichen Siidtirol. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 265-302. — Nochmals die Mitteljurassiscben Brachiopoden- schichten bei Castel Tesino. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 239-241. Bosc, Emil, & Lorenzo, Giuseppe de. Zur Geologic der Monti Piceutini bei Neapel. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztscbr., 48, 1896, 202-215. — Per la geologia della Calabria setteutrionale. Koma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 114-116. Geulogische Beobachtungeu iu der sudlichen Basili. cata und dem nordnestlichen Calabrien. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 46, 1897, 235-268. Bosc, Emil, & Ordonez, Ezequiel. See Ordonez & Bdse. Bose, Emil, & Schlosser, Max. Ueber die Mittelliasisehe Brachiopodenfauna von Siidtyrol. [1900.] Palaeonto- graphica, 46, 1899-1900, 175-212. Boeseken, J[acob]. Sur un sel acide de cuivre de 1'acide quinoleujue. Kec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 12, 1893, 253-254; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 8, 1897, 11-12. — Note sur la methode de condensation de M. CLAISEN. Bee. Trav. Cbim. Pays-Bas, 15, 1896, 161-164. — Sur les produits de Faction des amines primaires sur les dinitrosacyles. Kec. Trav. Chiin. Pays-Bas, 16 1897, 297-353. — Note sur la formation des cetoues grasses aromatiques a 1'aide du chlorure d'aluminuun. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 349-350. — Action des lessives caustiques diluees et concentres sur Facide tartrique droit. Kec. Trav. Chim. Pavs-Bas, 17, 1898, 224-230. Boeseken] 638 [Boettger — Contribution i la connaissance de la reaction de FRIEDEL et CRAFTS. Bee. Trav. Chirn. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 19-26. Boeseken, J[acob], & Holleman, A[rnold] F[rederik]. • Holleman & Boeseken. Boselager, (Frlir.) Phili/ip i-on. Ueber den Nutzen und Schadeu der Eulen und anderer Maiisevertilger. Wien Oanith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 143-144. Bosenberg, [Frifdrich] H'[ilhelm]. Beitrag zur Kenntnia der Arachniden-Fauna von Madeira und den Canarischen Inseln. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 13, 1895, No. 4, 13 pp. — Die echten S|iiimen der Umgebung Hamburgs. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 14, 1897, 135-156; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 14, 1897, Heihi'l't -2, 135-156. — Die Spinnen der Rheinprovinz. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 56, 1899, 69-131. Bosenberg, [Friedrich] W[ilhelm], & Lcnz, Heinrii-h. Ostafrikauische Spinnen, gesammelt von Herrn Dr. F. STDHLMANN in den Jahren 1888 und 1889. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 12, 1895, 25-51; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 12, 1895, Heiheft, 25-51. Boessneck, Paul [Ernst], Ueber die Condensation von Chloralhydrat mit tertiaren aromatischen Aminen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1516-1521; 19, 1886, 365-369. — Ueber Acetylorthotoluylendiainin (CH3 : NH2 : NH . CO . CH3 = 1 : 3 : 4) uud Acetvlazimidotoluol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1757-1760. — Ueber einen Laboratoriums-Extractionsapparat. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 11300. — Ueber die Condensation von Chloralhydrat mit secun- daren aromatischen Aminen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 782-784. — Ueber die Doppelverbindungen des Acetons mit den Sulriten aromatischer Amine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1906-1910. — Kritische Untersuchungen iiber die Methoden zur Werthbestimmung von Weiusaurerohmaterial. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 356-357. Verbesserter Extractionsapparat. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 870-871. Boessneck, Paul [Ernst], & Knofler, Oskar. See Knofler A Boessneck. Boeteau, [Louis'], & Klippel, 3l[iiurice]. See Klippel & Boeteau. Boeters, (Kapt.) — — . Zur Hydrographie uud Kiisten- beschreibung von Ostafrika. Arm. der Hydrogr., 16 (1888), 121-124. Botsch, C'. Zur Anwendung von Antimonoxalat. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1885, 1787, 1905. Bottcher, (Hptm.) - - . [Notizen iiber spatbliihende Species.] [1894.] Konigsb. Sclir., 35, 1895, 50. Bottchcr, Albr. Ueber den Gang der Eispunktsdepression. Ztscbr. Instrumeutenk., 8, 1888, 409-412. Bottcher, Albr., & Wiebe, H[ermann] F[riedrich]. See Wiebe .t Bottcher. Bottchcr, [Jiiknb Krnst] Arthur. For biography see Arch. Ohrenheilk., 28, 1889, 310; Leopoldiua, 25/1889, 170, 214 ; St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 14, 1889, 281-282. — Einige Bemerkungen iiber Darmmyome. Virchow, Arch., 104, 1886, 1-10. — Eiickblicke auf die neuereu Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Schnecke, im Anschluss an eigene Beobachtungen. [1886.] Arch. Ohrenheilk., 24, 1887, 1-38, 95-106. — Wie kommt die Gehorsemptindung in der Sehneeke zu Stande? Arch. Ohrenheilk., 25, 1887, 1-10. — [Kiickblicke auf die neueren Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Sclmecke.] Zur Verstiindigung. Virchow, Arch., 108, 1887, 219-220. Bocttchcr, A'. Konstatites und transportables galvanisches Element. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 350-351. — Primiirelement mit Kupferoxyd mit lam-er Konstanz, freiwilliger llegeneration des Kupferoxyds uud sehr billigem Betriebe. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 13, 1892, 205- 206. — Erganzende Bernerkungen zum primaren Kupfer- oxydelemeut. Elektrotechu. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 636. Bottcher, Georfl. Untersuchungen iiber die histologischen Vorgiinge und das Verhalten des Blutes in doppelt unter- bundenen Gefasseu. Beitr. Path. Anat., 2, 1888, 199- 219. Bottcher, L[ticyan] E. Zasady rachnnku iteracyjnego. [Principes du calcul ite>atif.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 10, 1899- 1900, 65-101. - Bbwnania fuukcyjne podstawnicze. [Functional substitution equations.] Wiad. Mat., 4, 1900, 233-235. — 0 wiasuosciach pewnych wyznacznikow funkcyjnych. • [Einige Hauptsatze aus der Theorie der Grevy'schen Determinauten.] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Pr:i/rnd. ) Bozpr:, 18, 1901, 382-389; Cracovie Ac. Sei. Bull.,' 1900. 227-228. Bottcher, O[sAw]. Bestirnmung des Salpeter-Stickstoffs. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 41, 1892, 165-169. — Zur Bestirnmung des Stickstoffs nach der Kjeldahl'- schen Methode. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 41, 1892, 170- 173. — Zum Nachweis von Verfalschungen des Thomasmehles. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 565. — Zur Bestimrnung des Ammoniak-Stickstoffs in kiinst- lichen Diingemitteln. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 151-152. — Ueber die Bestimrnung der "citratloslichen Phosphor- saure" in Thomasmehlen. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 168- 169, 783-784, 993-995. — Zur Bestimmung der "citratloslichen Phosphorsaure" in Knochenmehlen, Superphosphaten, etc. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 201-202. — Ersatz der Wasserbader und Sandbader durch Asbest- luftbader. Chern. Ztg., 24, 1900, 7114-795. — Zur Stickstoffbestinimung im Salpeter. Jl. Landw., 48, 1900, 287-289. See alxv Kiihn, (iustav (et alii). Bottcher, 0[skar], Kellner, U[skar Johann], & Diessel- horst, G[eor HJIR Buparcenni yiipyrocTii HacHmeiiHWxt napoBt. [Ueber die Zustaudsgleichungen fur die Tension gesattig- ter Dampfe.] [1895.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Phys.), 1897, 87-95; Fortschr. Phys., 1897 (Abth. 2), 176. — 0 pasjniHHBixt cocTOHHiaxi, seiuecTBa. [Sur les differents etats de la matiere.] [1895.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 5, 1897, No. 13, 104 pp. — 0 jr/hiiCTBin cipHoii KiicioTti HaTpitrjiimepuAii plIIliniO.ieBoit KIICJIOTH. [Action de 1'acide sulfurique sur le tririciuoleate de glyceryle.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Cltem.), 1897, 282-286; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 18, 1897, 1257-1258. — 0 saitoni, HswtHeHia pasnocTii TeiuiocMitocTeii. [Ueber das Gesetz der Aenderung der Differenz der Warmecapacitaten.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Plnjs.), 1897, 97-107; Fortschr. Phys., 1897 (Abth. 2), 332. Bogar, Kiilmmi. Az itrol (czitromsavas eziist) es az ezustos kotiiszerek sepsis ellenes batasar61. [Ueber die anti- septische Wirkung des Silbers und der Silberverband- materiale.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (On. Szak), 1897 187- 205, (Bee.) 32-36. Bogatyrev, N. KopajJIH JeBOHCKHXl OTJIOjKeHift Ypajia. Korallen der Devonischeu Schichten im Ural. Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 32 (No. 5), 1899, 71 pp. (Res. 58-71). Bogdahn, Franz. Phenylglycolenyl- und Phenylglyoxenyl- dioxytetrazotsaure. [1892.] Liebig's Ann., 297, 1897 371-380. — Phenylglycolenyloxytetrazotsaure,C6H5CH(OH)CN,OH. Liebig's Ann. , 298, 1897, 88-90. Bogdan, Georges. Rupture du foie et de la rate caused par un traurnatisrae sur le ventre sans lesions apparentes de la paroi abdominale. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 20 1888 26-27. — Mort subite par hemorragie intra-abdoruinale, suite d'un coup de poing dans le ventre sans lesion apparente exterieure. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 40, 1898, 561-566. Bogdan, /. Cercetarl asupra selenia(;ilor basicl cristalizatl. Kecherches sur les seleniates basiques cristallis^s. [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 2, 1893], 77-80. [With French transl.] — Sur un sel^niate basique de cuivre cristallise, et un compose analogue de cobalt. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull 9, 1893, 584-586. Bogdanfy, Oiliin ( = Edmund). Ombrometriai tanulmanyok a magyar korona teriileten. [Oiubrometrische Studien a,uf dem Gebiete der ungarischen Krone.] Math. Termt Ertes., 15, 1897, 107-121; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 132-149. — A te"li esapadek 6s a Tisza tavaszi arvizei. [Der Niederschlag im Winter und, die Fruhjahrshochwasser der Theiss.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898, 489-505. Bogdanov, Anatolij P[etrovic\. For biography and works see Arch. Antropologia, 26, 1896, 237 ; Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 15, 1896, 68-69; Frankf., Zool. Garten, 37, 1896, 124; Leopoldina, 32, 1896, 108; Nature, 53 (1895-96), 584; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 5, 1896, v-vii; Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 26, 1896, [51]-[52]; Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 90, 1897, 1 p.; Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 7, 1898, 553-554. - Kap.Tii 'I'paHuoBii'ii) PVJII.E n ero npejtmecTBeH- HIIKII no Kaeeflpii soo.iorin BI> HiinepaTopcKOMi) MOCKOBCKOM1> yilHBOpCIITeT'h. [Carl ROUILLIER and his predecessors in the chair of zoology at the Imperial University of Moscow.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 43 (No. 2), 1885, 215 pp. *Ki, Kpaniojoriii CiiojieHCKnxT, itypraHHUxi, MepenOBl,. [Contribution to the craniology of the skulls from the Smolensk tumuli.] [1879.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 1), 1886, 71-74; Rev. d'Anthrop., 2, 1887, 520 (6i»)-521 (bis). - *0 lepenaxt ust KJia^Gnint ciiBepnou Poccin. [On skulls from the burial grounds of N. Russia.] [1879.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. I), 1886, 89-92. - *0 lepenaxi. jno,i.eii KaiienHaro BiiKa, Hart- JI.eHHHX'b JI.O cero BT. Poccill. [Sur les cranes de 1'age de la pierre polie trouves en Russie. ] [1879.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (JVo. 1), 1886, 101-108 ; Rev. d'Anthrop., 2, 1887, 521 (tis)-522 (bis). - *0 lepenaxt nat KpuiicKiixi. iionui, Xep- coneca ir HHKepjiana, n nut itypraHOBi BoftcKa JI,OHCKarO. [On skulls from the Crimean graves of Chersonese and Inkerman, and from the tumuli of the Don Cossacks.] [1879.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 1), 1886, 123-146. - *KpaHio.iornqecKui aaiifrrKii OTHOcmejibHO TypKecTaHCKaro napojioHacejieniji. [Remarques craniologiques sur les habitants du Turkestan.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 3), 1886, 237-256, (No. 4), 1887, 257-288; Rev. d'Anthrop., 3, 1888, 109-110. — MaiepiajiH wn iicxopiir aHTpono.ioriiiecKoii BHC'raBKII, 1879 FOJia. [Materials for the history of the anthropological exhibition of 1879.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 2), 1886, 134 pp. — 3K3e5in.iapt paua ci> ypojJuiBiiM'b ofipasoBa- nieM'I, K-ieiUHir. [Example of a crab with a deformed claw.] [1886.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 50 (Xo. 1), 1886, 288, (No. 2), 1888, 289-291. — .TlrroiiHct soo.iorniecKiix'L Tpy^oBi OomecTBa Bt nepBoe ^BamaTiiiiflTiiJitTie ero cymeCTBOBania (1863-88 r.). [Chronicle of the zoological works of the Society in the first twenty-five years of its existence (1863-88).] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 54, 1888, 494 pp.; 59, 1890, 538 pp. - MaTepia.iH JUH iic'ropiii nayimoir u npn- K-naflHofi j,taTejibHOCTii Bt Poccin no soojioriu n conpiiKacaiomiiMCH CT, nero o'rpac.iflMt SHaHia, na nocjiijiHee Tpn,i,uaTii- (1850-87 r.). [Materials for a history of scientific and practical activity in Russia in zoology and allied branches of science for the last 35 years (1850-87).] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 55, 1888, 226 pp.; 57, 1889, 304 pp. ; 70, 1891, 304 pp. ; 71 (bis), 1892, 126 pp. — Note sur les castors de la Russie occidentale. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1889, 63-64. — I/exploration zoologique de la mer Noire. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1889, 126-129. Bogdanov, I). P. *reojioriiiecidfi o'lepKi, K>ro- liaciir Ky3neu.Karo 81—2 Bogdanovl 644 [Bogdanovic Cacceiliia n npn.ie/Kamiixi. Bo:)BHineHHOCTeu. [Geologische Skizze des siidwestlichen Theiles des Steinkohlenbeckens von Kuznetsk und der angrenzendeu Hohen.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 18, 1883, 149- 204. Bogdanov, Elly A[natolievic}. Bio.loriPiecuifl Ha6jIK>- AeHifl Ha,T,1> oOlITaTe.iaMII HaBOSa. [Biological ob- servations on Coprophagi.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 80, 1894, 18-19. - Bio.-iorii4e.CKia HaojiKWHifl ua^t KonpoijiaraMii nerpoBCKO-PasyiioBCKaro nojt,i> MOCKBOKI. [Ob- servations biologiques sur les Coprophagea des environs de Moscou.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 4, 1896, No. 3, 50pp. - Ueber die Fette des Fleisches. [1896-97.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., (15, 1897, 81-89; 68, 1897, 408-430. — Einige Beobachtungen fiber den Zusammenhang zwischen Korperform und Leistung bei den Kiiheu. Jl. Landw., 45, 1897, 271-293. — Neue Methode der Fettbestimmung in thierischen Substanzen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 431-433. Bogdanov, Mmleft [Xikolaevic]. For biography and works see Auk, 5, 1888. 333-334 ; Ibis, 6, 1888, 381-382; Nature, 37, 1888, 567; K-katerineub., Soc. Oural. Bull., 12 (ATo. 1), 1889, 54 ; Ornis, 5, 1889, 150-155. - *CopOKonyThi PyccKoii 4>ayHi.i n nxiBCOpo,nnini. [LaniidiE of the Russian fauna and allied species.] [1880.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Riiss.), 39, 1881 (Append. ,Y<>. 1), 220 pp. — Kurze Bemerkung iiber Phasianus Komarowii, n. sp. [1885.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 356. Bogdanov, N. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Bedeutung der eosiuophilen Granulationen. Vorliiufige Mitteilung. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 26-31. — De 1'origine et de la valeur des granulations eosino- philes et de leurs rapports avec la formation du sang. [1898.] Physiologiste Russe, 1 (1898-99), 35-43. Bogdanov, P. Osepo lIaTHp'b-KyJII>. [Lake Chatyr- kul.] St. Petersb., Kuss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900, 332-336. Bogdanov, S[ergej~\ M[ichajlovic]. 0 minimum'i norJIO- menifl BOJIU npopocTaiomiiMii ctMenaMii (Meio^t II3CjlivI,OBaHijl). [On the minimum absorption of water in germinating seeds (method of investigation).] [1885.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., s (1), 1886, Ivii-lix. — O6'j> HOCTII IIO'IB'I,. [On the determination of the maximum hygroscopicity of soils.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, Ixxxviii-xc. — Ueber das Verhalten der keimenden Samen zum Wasser im allgemeinen und speziell zur Bodenfeuchtig- keit. [Tr.] Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 42, 1893, 311-366. — OCi> oupejr/fcJieHiii njiOAOpoiia IIOHBKI. [On the determination of the fertility of a soil.] [1896.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 16 (1), 1899, iii-iv. — CoaepffiaHie ctpu B-J, pacTeiiiaxT,. [Sur le soufre contenu dans les vegetaux.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 471-477; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 965. — CojicpHianie ef.pu B'i> pacieiiiax't (iwc.rb- jionauie cryAeirra tJA.ii'bcKaro). [Amount of sulphur in plants. (Investigation by stud. ZALKSKI.)] [1898.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 17 (1), 1901, vii-xi. Bogdanovic, Uavriil. L'eclipse a Irkoutsk. Astronomie, 1887, 425-426. Bogdanovic, Afar/] I[vanovil]. OpO-reO.lOnmeCKia Ha6jno,T.cniM B'II iniropiioil MaoTii 3aKacniBcKo8 n B'l, C'BBepHHX'L upoBiumiHX'b OTlieTT>. Compte rendu prdlimi- naire sur les recherches oro-geologiques dans la partie montagneuse de la region Transcaspienne et des provinces boreales de la Perse. St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 6, 1887, 66-104 (Res. 104). - XopaccancKia ropn n KyjibTypiiaji no.ioca BaKacniilcitOH o6jiacTH. [Khorassan mountains and the cultivated zones of Transcaspia.] [1887.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 23, 1888, 190-206. o6t oporpa(J)i[i u ri'o.ioiiii Hepcill. [Quelques mots sur 1'orographie et la geologie de la Perse septeutrionale.] [1888.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 24, 1889, 203-223; St. Petersb., Com. G(k>l. Bull., 8, 1890 (tinppl.), 3. - [BicTit list 3Kcne,nnn.ift BT> D^eHTpajiBHyio AsiH). News of the expedition in Central Asia.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 408-420. — [BtcTii iia'i, Tn6eTCKoi1 fiKcnejumiii. IIiicMO II3T> Kepi II. News of the Tibet expedition. Letter from Keria.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 469-479; St. Petersb., Com. Gfel. Bull., 10, 1891 (SuppL), 3-4. - Ki> reojiorin Cpe^neB Asiir. Omicanie nf>KO- Topuxi, oca^oiHiaxT. o6pa30Banin 3aKaciiiftcKaro H nacTii ctBepHoft Ilepciir. [Notes sur la geologic de 1'Asie Centrale. Description de quelques depots sedimentaires de la contree Trauscaspienne et d'une partie de la Perse septentrionale.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 26, 1890, 1-192 (Res. 157-192). - [Biciii init TnoeTCKoS aitcnejumiir. News of the Tibet expedition.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 26, 1890, 482-458 [485]. - Note preliminaire sur les observations geologiques faites dans 1'Asie Centrale. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 699-701. Tiiden,, Ky^iu.-.iyHi, n Kam rapid. [Northwestern Tibet, the Kuen-lun Mts. and Kashgaria.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 27, 1891, 480-504. Bericht iiber [seine] Teilnahme an der Pewzowscheu Expedition. Peterrnann, Mitth., 38, 1892, 49-58. - Mf,CTOnaxo;K;i,eHiii netjipiira BT> [Die Fundorte des Nephrits im Kuenlun.] St. Petersb. Miu. Ges. Verh., 29, 1892, 153-162; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 (Bil. 2, Ref.), 24-26. — 0 rpaiJui'iecKOJii Meio,T,t CI.OMKH npn6opOMlB r. TIIpAJEPa. [Ueber die graphische Aufnahmemethode vermittelst des Schraderschen Apparates.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 28, 1892, 587-594 ; St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 29, 1892, 186. — 0 reorpa pesyjit/raTaxt pa6oTt BT> AKMO.IIIHCKOR oi'uarni ii EmifeficKofl ry6epHin ropnoii aKcnejumin MiiHiicrepCTBa rocyjuipcT- BCHHHX'h H.MYIuet'TBt. [On the geographical results of the work, in the Akmolinsk region and the Yeniseisk government, of the mining expedition of the Depart- ment of the Crown Domains.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 29, 1893, 142-150. — [0 CllGupCKHXb HeqSpllTaX'I,. Ueber sibirische Nephrite.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 31, 1894, 420- 427; Ztschr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 336. — SaM'bTKlI n Kyaili.-.iynt. [Note on the Kuen-lun Mts.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 30, 1894, 374-400. — () roo.iorii'iocKHX'b iisc.rfvT.oBaitiflX'b BI 1893 r. B.UUI, ( 'pi' ui''-<'"6iipeKofi ace.TbanoR .uiporn. [Sur Bog-danovic] 645 [Bogisch les recherches gsSologiques faites en 1893 le long du chemin de fer de la Sibe>ie moyenne.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 13, 1895, 229-256, (Fr. transl. 256- 280). rnnoTeau cKOJiLatenia iipoiii.ni KT> ouTiHCHeniio jirc.ioKimiit BT. Kpa'b. [Die Anweudung der Gleitungshj'pothese (BEYERS) zur Erklarung der Dislocation im trans- kaspischen Gebiete.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soe. Bull., 31, 1895, 27-35; Buss. Geol. Min. Aunu., 1, 1896-97 (Sect. 2), 32-33. H-EKOTOPHXT, BHCOTI npo,T,ojibHoii j'HH n cH'troBott jiindii noc- aact'ieK'b npocrfeihuiuni inicTpy- JieHTaMII. [Determination of some heights of the longitudinal profile of Kuen-lun and the snow line by means of sections with very rough instruments.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 31, 1895, 409-424. - Einige Bernerkungen fiber das System des Kwenlun. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 38, 1895, 497-526. - Bf,CTir list OxoTCKO-KaMiaiCKoii 9Kcnej.nniii. [News of the Okhotsk-Kamchatka expedition.] [1897.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 33, 1897-98, 34-47; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 13, 1897, 659-661. — [MapeKaHHTl CJIIIS'I. OxOTCKa. Marecanit von Ochotsk.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb.., 37, 1899 (Prot.), 86-89; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1901 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 70. — OiepKt jvBflTe.ibiiocTii OxoTCKO-Kan4aTCKoft ropnoii SKcnejimiu 1895-98 r. [Sketch of the work of the Okhotsk-Kamchatka mining expedition, 1895-98.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 549-600. - FeojioniiecKoe oiiHcanie KUKHOU OKone'iHOCTii JlflO-TyHCRaro nojiyocipoBa ET, npe^ijiaxt TyHCKofi o6.iacTir n en MtcTop [Description geologique de 1'extr^mite sud de la presqu'ile de Liao-Toung (region de Kouang-Toung) et de ses gise- ments d'or.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl., 20, 1900, 1-236, (R OKCIIKIICJOTH. Transformation par oxydation des cetones en oxacides.] Buss. Phys.-Chern. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chem.), 1894, 161-162; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 1285-1286. Bogenhard, Carl. For biography see Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 3, 1885, 116-119, 168-172, 188-190. Bogert, Mtirston Taylor. Carbon compounds used in medicine classified according to chemical structure. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 19, 1898, 47-88. Bogert, Marston Taylor, & Gottlielf, Augustus Henry. A new synthesis in the quinazoline group. (Preliminary announcement.) Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 22, 1900, 129- 132. — The direct synthesis of ketodihydroquinazolins from orthoamino acids. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl. , 22, 1900, 522- 535. Boggiani, Guiilo. I Ciamaeoco. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 466-510. — II rio Nabilecche e la regione abitata dai Caduvei nello stato di Matto Grosso in Brasile. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 822-824. — I Caduvei. Studio intorno ad una tribu indigena dell' alto Paraguay nel Matto Grosso (Brasile). [1896.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 5, 1895, 237-324. — Nei dintorni di Corumba, (Brasile). [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 34, 1897, 366-376, 414-416. — Guaicurii. Sul nome, posizione geogralica e rapporti etnici e linguistic! di alcune tribu antiche e moderne dell' America Meridionale. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 8, 1898, 244-294. Boggio, Tnmmaso. Sull' equilibrio delle membrane elastiche piane. [1899.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 145-165 or 219-239. — Un teorema di reciprocity sulle funzioni di GREEN d' ordine qualunque. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 340-351 or 498-509. — Integrazione dell' equazione A2A3 = 0 in una corona circolare e in uno strato sferico. [1900.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1899-1900 (Ft. 2), 497-508. Boggio-Lera, Enrico. Sulla cinematica dei mezzi continui. Nuovo Cimento, 22, 1887, 63-69, 143-149, 231-240 ; 23, 1888, 158-162 ; 24, 1888, 41-45. — Una relazioue fra il coefiiciente di compressibilita cubica, il peso specifico ed il peso atomico dei rnetalli. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sam. 1), 165-168. — Calcolo della forza elettrica nella scarica fra due sfere. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 385- 393. — Sopra una equazione analoga a quella degli aeriforrni valevole per i metalli. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 559-563. — Sul lavoro interuo nella dilatazione dei corpi solid! e sul rapporto di POISSON. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 43-48. HV — Significato della costante -=-. Nuovo Cimento, 5, 1897, 293-296 ; 6, 1897, 210-214, 331-333. — Sulla temperatura di ebollizione dei compost! chimici appartenenti alle serie omologhe CH:)- (CH2)n- R. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 12, 1899, Mem. 9, 15 pp. ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Ft. 1), 441-459. — Sopra un apparecchio registratore delle scariche elettriche dell' atmosfera. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 13, 1900, Mem. 13, 10 pp. Boggs, r[/iom««] R[ichniond], & Herty, Charles H[olmes]. Set' Herty & Boggs. Boghurst, William. Loimographia. An account of the Great Plague of London in the year 1665. [Now first published from the British Museum Sloaue MS. 349, for the Epidemiological Society of London. Edited by Joseph Frank PAYNE, M.D., late President of the Society.] [Posth.] Epid. Soc. Trans., 13, 1894 (Suppl.), 99 pp. Bogino, Francesco. Sopra uu cranio di cavallo rinvenuto nel ferret to di Castenedolo. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1896 (Append. No. 1), 60-62. I Mammiferi fossili della torbiera di Trana. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 16, 1897, 16-54. Bogisch, A[lfred\. Ueber Carbonylsalicylamid. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 1077. — Adurol, ein neuer photographischer Entwickler. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 36, 1899, 426-429. — Reductions- uud Entwickluugsvermogen. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 37, 1900, 89-99, 272-276. Bogodarov] 646 [Bogoslovskij Bogodarov,P. Ja. Oi'iii onpe;;f,.icnin TO'iK o.lOBa. [Ueber die BeBtimmung des Schinelzpunktes von Zinn.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892-93 (C. K., Phys. Chim.), No. 1, 2-8; Fortscbr. Phys., 1893 (Abth. 2), 312-313; Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 25 (Chem.), 1893, 7; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 12, 1894, 870. Bogojavlenskij, A[leki.] D[mitrievic]. 0 CKOpOCTII KpHCTaOH3an,iH. [Ueber die Krystallisatiousge- schwindigkeit.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Clifin.), 1898, 1041-1050; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 585-600. Bogojavlenskij, .-([/<' A-s.] D[mitrievic], & T. num. inn, Gustav. Ueber den Einnuss des Drucks auf die Re- aktionsgeschwindigkeit in homogenen fliissigen Systemen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 13-23. — Ueber den Einfluss des Drucks auf das elektrische Leitvermogen von Losungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 457-473. Bogojavlenskij, N[ikolaj] V[asiljevic]. 0 nO'IKOBailill ca.ll>m>. [On the budding of Salpa.] [1893.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull. , 86, 1894, 35-36. Bogojavlenskij, P. HafijUO^eniH IiepeM'inHUX'b :iB'J>3,YF> Tima Ajiro.lfl Bl 1891-92 rr. [Observa- tions of variable stars of the Algol type in 1891-92.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1893 (Pi. 5), 1-52. Bogoiiubov, iV. reojioni'iecKui HaSjnoxeHia 6jiii:ji, ^OporOMlUOBCKOfi sacTaBH. [Geological investiga- tions in the vicinity of the Dorogomilovsk gate.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 13, 1900, 450-454. Bogomolec, Iran [rasiljevic], Zur Trenuung vou Strontian und Kalk. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1058-1061. - OC'F. OT^tjienin CTponum orn> Kajri>u,i>i no CHOCOfiy ClIAEPCKaro. [On the separation of strontium from calcium by SIDERSKU'S method.] Buss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl. , 16 (Chem.), 1884, 420-430; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 126. Bogomolov, Tli. J. Die Methoden der quantitativen Bestimmung des Urobilins im Harn. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 17, 1892, 152-154. Ueber die Anwendung von Farbstoffen zur Erkennung und Unterscheidung verschiedener Eiweissarten. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894, 309-311. Bogomolov, Tit. J., it VasUjev, N. I. Beitrag zur quali- tativen Bestimmung des Peptons im Harn. Ceutrbl. Med. Wiss., 35, 1897, 49-51. — Carminsaure als differentielles Eeagens fur verschie- dene Eiweissarteu. St. Petersb. Med. -\Vschr., 22, 1897, 294-296. Bogorodickij, ]'[asllij Aleliseevic]. IIpCftJIOKeHie 4-06 iK'iiBoil Kiiiini BjiemeHTOBt EBiuii^a n awiojia COBMtiCTIIMOCTII. [The 4th proposition of the first book of EUCLID and the axiom of coincidence.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1892 (Pt. 2), 129-133. — !JaM'i>TKii no 3KciiepiiMeiiTajii,nofi 4'oncTiiKt. [Notes on experimental phonetics.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1896 (I't. 3), 171-200. Bogorodskij, Aleksej Ja[kovlevic}. HsCJI't^OBanie m- ,T.paiimxri. i|)opMT> x.iopncraro 11 SpOMHCiaro .lirrifl. [Untersuchung der Hydratformen des Chlor- und Brom-lithiums.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1893 (Pt. 4), 205-240; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (C/icwi.), 1893, 316-342; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893 (Itef.), 762- 763. - IToJiyieiiie TpcxBOjuiiJX'i, riuparoBT, 6po.Miic- TilKI II X.lOpIICTal'O JIllTlfl ll IlflTlIBOAHOli ABOiillOft COJ11I ioAHCTlll'O JlIITill CT> iO^HCTHMt CBIUlUOM'b. [Preparation of tribydrates of lithium bromide and chloride and of a double salt of lithium iodide with lead iodide containing 5 molecules of water.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1894 (Pt. 3), 155-168. - IlojiyMenie TpexBOjHHXt rn^paTOBi) dposiii- CTarO H XlOpIICTarO JIIITifl. [Darstellung der Tri- hydrate des Brom- und Chlorlithiunis.] Russ. Phys.- Chetn. Soc. JL, 26 (Clitm.), 1894, 209-216; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894 (Itrf.), 616-617. — 0 ABOillloH IIHTIIBOAHOU CO.IH IOAHCTEIO .llITill C't ioj.llCTrJM'L CBUHUOMT>. [Sur 1'iodure double de plomb et de lithium pentahydrate'.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chem.), 1894, 210-220, 264; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 442. — 0 no.iyieHin xpexBoxHMxt ritj,paTOBT. Cpomr- CTaro II X.IOpHCTaro JlIITih. [Sur le bromure et le chlorure de lithium trihydrates.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chem., Pt. 2), 1894, 5-6; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 1209-1270. - K'I> BOnpOCy 0 KpioniJlpaTaxi,. [Sur les cryohy- drates.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1896 (Pts. 6 & 7), 201-210; Buss. Phys.-Chem. Sue. Jl., 28 (Chem.), 1896, 1-10; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16, 1896, 1218-1219. — 0 BsaiiMOxfeiicTBin ni;;paTOBri> rajion,i,HMXi> COJiefi jlllTm CO CHrfel'08n>. [Action reciproque de la neige et des hydrates des sels haloi'des de lithium.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Chem.), 1896, 428; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 18, 1897, 9. lOAHCiarO .lima. [Sur les hydrates de 1'iodure lithique.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Chem.), 1897, 179-185 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 18, 1897, 1250. - K'fc BOiipocy o niApaiaxi xjiopucTaro jiarnifl. [Contribution to the question of hydrates of magnesium chloride.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1898 (Pt. 12), 85-92. [Ueber den dreiwerthigeu Alkohol (Glj-cerol) aus Allyl- dipropylcarbinol.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl. , 30 (Chem.), 1898, 138-141 ; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 57, 1898, 35-38. - KT> Bonpocy o rn;ipaTaxt x.iopiicraro MarHiH. [Sur les hydrates du chlorure de magnesium.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 30 (Clu-m.), 1898, 735-740, 851- 852 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 918. — ISaMf.TKa no noBoxy rra'n.ii : o rn;ipaTaxi> XJlojiIICTarO MarnijI. [Note on the article: On hydrates of magnesium chloride.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1899 (Pt. 1), 124-126. Bogorodskij, Ali-ks!j ,/ti[knrli-ni-], it Ijiubarskij, Iran. O6'l> aJlJIIIJI3TlI.u|)eHIIJlKapOlIHO.l1;. [Sur 1'allylethyl- phenylcarbinol.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 30 (('//.•»/. i, 1898, 146-151; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 20, 1898, 844- 845 ; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 57, 1898, 44-48. Bogoslovskij, (.!/"«•) N. () A'tfiCTBill TplIMl'TlI.iena na f>iMi;io.ri> B'L npiicycTBiii x.iopiicraro a.noMiiniii. [Action du trimethylene sur le benzene en presence du chlorure d'aluminium.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl. , 26 (Chem., Pt. 2), 1894, 6; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 1294. Bogoslovskij, X\ik'jlaj] A[ndreecif]. IkU'COflHIJ ptKt liuiiiii n Ba;i,a Bt reojioniHecKosn, oTHOiiieHiii. [Das Flusssystem der Wyscha und des Wad in geolo- gischer Beziehung.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. RussL, 10, 1893, 29-61. - reo.iorii'urinii n:ic.if,;i,OBaiini B'l, BOCTO'IHOH MacTii I'Hiiiuiciioii ivot'piiin. ( IIpo;uwpiiTeji,HMn OTHBTT. no il:ic.rlU(iiianiH>n> 1H92 r.) [Geologische Bogoslovskij] Untersuchungen im ostliehen Theile des Gouvernements Rjasan. (Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Untersuchungen im Jahre 1892.)] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol.Bussl., 17, 1896, 75-94; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 315-316. — Bo.r/KCKiH, BepxHE-TiiTOHCKiH ii HeoKOMcidii OT-uosKenifl BT, PasaHCKoii ryoepiiiii. [Die Abla- gerungen der Wolgastufe, des oberen Titon und Neocoin im Gouv. Bjasan.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl., 17, 1895, 95-103; Russ. Geol. Min. Annu., 1, 1896 97 (Sect. 2), 54-55. - IIpejiBiipirrejiBHLiFi omen, no H3C.i-fe,noBanifljn> BT> oG.iacTii 73-ro .incia io-Bepcrrnoi1 KapTH EBjlOneilCKOft POCCIII El, 1893 rOjy. [Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Untersuchungen im Gebietdes 73 Blattes der 10-werstigen Karte des europiiischen Russlands im Jahre 1893.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl., 17, 1895, 105-112; Russ. Geol. Miu. Annu., 1, 1896-97 (Sect. 2), 55-56. — [0 (jiayiit "PasancKaro ropiisoHta." Ueber die Fauna des Rjasansehen Horizontes.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 33, 1895 (Prot.), 49-51. - Hf.CKOJIbKO HOBHXl jaHHBIXt O PflSaHCKOMT, rnpn:iOHT'li. [Einige neue Daten uber den Rjasansehen Horizout.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh , 34, 1896, 161- 164. - HiicTpyKiufl .H.TH iiscJilvHOBaHiii n oniieaiim pliKl. [Instructions for the exploration and description of rivers.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 32, 1896 (Append.), 51 pp. - IIpeflBapiiTeJibHEiri oi'ieTT, o6i> HSCJI'K.HO- Baniflxi, BT> ioro-BOCToiiHoft lacTit 73-ro Jiiicia 10-BepcTiiofi Kapm EBponeiicKon Poccin BT> 1897 rOAJ'. (Recherches ge'ologiques, dans les districts de Nijne-Lomow et de Narovtschat du gouvernement de Penza. Compte-rendu pre'liminaire.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 16, 1897, 269-277 (Res. 277). - H'fccKOJIbKO C.IOB-b 0 nOMBaxt KpHMa. (Quelques observations sur les sols de la Crimee.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 16, 1897, 279-289 (lies. 288-289). -PasaHCKiii ropuaoHTT, (<}>ayHa, CTpaTiirpaijm- lecida OTHomeHia H BipoaiHLiH Boapacii, axoro ropIISOHTa). [Der Rjasan-Horizout, seine Fauna, seine stratigraphischen Beziehungen und sein wahrscheinlicbes Alter.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl., 18, 1897, 1-157 (Rfs. 137-157). - Feojiom'iecKia iiac.iljjioBaHia BT, ctBepo- aaiia^Hott Mac-Tit IleHiieHCKofi rySepnin. (Ex- plorations geologiques dans la partie uord-occidentale du gouvernement de Pensa.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 17, 1898, 427-438 (fles. 438). — Ueber das untere Neokom im Norden des Gouverne- ments Simbirsk und den Rjazan-Horizont. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 37, 1899, 249-267. — 0 irhKoiopbix-b flB.ieHmxT, BtiBlvrpiiBaiiiii B'b odjiaCTII PycCKOH paBHIIHH. (Sur quelques phe- nomenes d'alteration des depots superficiels dans la plaine russe.) [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 18, 1900, 235-273 (Res. 269-273). - reo.ionniecKia iiscji1;ji;oBaHifl Bjjo.ib acejfeHO- .HOpoauiBixT, jiHHiFi IIaBe.iem>-MocKBa n MocKBa- CaBeJlOBO. (Recherches geologiques le long du chemin de fer entre Paveletz-Moscou et Moseou-Savelovo.) [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 18, 1900, 275-296 (Res. 295-296). - reojioni'iccKia naCjiiojieHia Bjuxib jKeji poatiioil Jiimiit HinKiiiu 647 [Boguski (Observations geologiques le long du chemin de fer Nijni Novgorod-Timirazevo.) St. Pitersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 19, 1900, 291-318 (Res. 317-318). — Die Verwitterungsrinde der russischen Ebene. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 38, 1900, 281-306. — [0 BbiBf,TpTiBaniu ropuHXT, nopo,!,!, Bi, CTenuott II JltCHOil no.locaxT, PycciioR paBHlllibl. Ueber die Verwitteruug der Gebirgsarten im Steppeu- und Wald- gebiet der russischen Ebene.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 38, 1900 (Prot.), 27-28. Bogue, E. E. Are beech-trees ever struck by lightning? Science, 14, 1889, 103. Autumn colorations. Science, 18, 1891, 346. — The shrinkage of leaves. Science, 20, 1892, 163. — Lichens of Ohio. [1892.] Ciucin. Soc. Nat. Hist. .11., 16, 1893-94, 37-48. — Two new species of Kermes from Kansas. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 172. A new species of Kermes. Canad.Ent.,32, 1900,205-206. Bogue, Virgil G. Stampede Pass, Cascade range, Wash- ington. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 27 (1895), 239-255. Boguski, F. F., & Zaleski, J. 0 pre,dkosci dziatania chemicznego pomiedzy gliuem rnetalicznym i iugami alkalicznemi. [Ueber die Geschwindigkeit der chemi- schen Einwirkung zwischen metallischem Aluminium und alkalischen Laugen.] Prace Mat.-Fiz. , 2, 1890, 243- 244; Fortschr. Phys., 1892 (Abtli. 1), 140. Boguski, Jozef J[ery~\. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Geschwiudigkeit der Reaktion zwischen Marmor und Salzsaure. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 558-564. — Proba wyrugowania wpiywu zmiany obj^tosci naczyii w oznaczaniach scisliwosci cieczy. [Versuch, den Eiufluss der Volumenanderung der Gefasse bei Messungen der Kompressibilitat von Fliissigkeiten zu eliminieren.] Kosmos (Lwow), 13, 1888, 243-247 ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 120-123, 482-487. Badania wste.pne nad nowym sposobem oznaczania rozszerzalnosei cieczy. [A preliminary inquiry into a new method of determining the expansibility of a liquid.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 1, 1888, 52-68. - Wiadomosc o Pracowni Fizycznej przy Muzeum Przernysfu i Rolnictwa w Warszawie i o pracach, w ni^j dokonanych. [Report on the Physical Laboratory of the Museum of Industry and Agriculture in Warsaw and on the work done there.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 1, 1888 119-128. — 0 zmianach oporu elektrycznego czterorlenku azotu pod wpiywem zmian tempe'ratury. [Variations de la resistance electrique de 1'acide hypoazotique sous 1'in- fluence des changements de temperature.] Kosmos (Lwow), 14, 1889, 134-140; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 804-806 ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 5, 1890, 69-75. — Przyczynek do rachuuk6w grafochemicznych. [Con- tribution aux calculs graphiquea en chimie.] Prace Mat.- Fiz., 5, 1894, 47-54. — Sprawozdanie z dziaialnosci Pracowni Fizycznej Muzeum Przemysiu i Rolnictwa w Warszawie za rok 1893. [Bericht iiber die Thiitigkeit des physikalischen Laboratoriums des Museums fiir Gewerbe und Land- wirthschaft in Warschau fiir das Jalir 1893.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 5, 1894, 187-190; Fortschr. Phys., 1894 (Abth. 1), 520. — O wtasnosciach roztworow azotynu sodowego (nitrytu). [Sur quelques proprietesdes solutions aqueuses de 1'azotite de sodium.] [1898.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mut.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 15, 1899, 165-173 ; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 123- 124. — 0 CBoilcTBaxt pacTBOpoBT. anoTiicTOKiiciaro HaTpifl. [On the properties of solutions of sodium nitrite.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 543-551. Boguski] 648 [Bohlin Boguski, Jozef J[ery], & Natanson, Wiadisiaw. Barometr odczytywany przy pomocy zetkni^e elektrycznych. [Ein Barometer mil Contaetablesung.] Kosmos (Lwow), 13, 1888, 135-138; Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 761-763. Boguslavskij, A[nttioKj] l[rnii,,i-ie]. MeTplI'ieCldH (•BoficTBa miBo.iiou.iii ni'pBaro K.iacca BHCUIIIXT, IIOIMI,IKOBT, ii yc.iOBifl cymecTBOBatiifi BT> mm, JlBOfhlHX'h ajieiieHTOBl.. [Metrische Eigenschaften der Involutionen erster Klasse n"" Ordnung und Be- dingungen der Existeuz von Doppelelementen.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 65 (No. 2), 1890, 52-54 ; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 572. — Ajire6pa IIJIOCKOCTII n upocTpaHfTBa. [Algebra der Ebene vmd des Raurnes.] [1890-91.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 600-667 ; 15, [1891], 683-788 ; 16, [1893], 113-172; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 734-735. - PacnpocTpanenie Teopem,! IlAima Ha oG'besiu. [Uebertragung eines Satzes von PAPPDS auf Volumina.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 73 (No. 1), 1891, 27-28 ; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 614. - HcHiiojieme no.io;i;enifl. [Calcul de situation.] [1K93.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 4, 1895, 86-122. Boguslawski, G[eorg Heinrich] von. For biography and works see Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 390-400 ; Meteorol. Ztschr., 1 (1884). 332-336; Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., Ill, 1884, 286 ; Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljsclir., 20, 1886, 3-4 ; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 356-357. - *Uebersicht der Tage, an welchen die Miindungen der Oder (Peene, Swine, Diveuow) vora Eise des Winters freigeworden sind. (Von 1828 his 1873.) Hydrogr. Mitth., 1 (1873), 78-79. - *Ueber die Stiirme iru nordlichen Stillen Ocean an der West-Kiiste von Nord-Amerika. (Aus dem "Annual lieport of the Chief Signal Officer for the year 1872. Washington 1872," pag. 262 ff.) Hydrogr. Mitth., 1 (1873), 153-156, 161-162, 168. — *Vergleichende Betrachtungen iiber die klimatischen Verhaltnisse der beiden Polarzonen. Hydrogr. Mitth., 1 (1873), 278-279. Boh.um.ui, 7i[ossc?'] D[aniel]. Convergence-subtrahends for the trigonometrical functions expressed in infinite sums. [1884.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884-85), 49-51. • The homogeneous equation of four terms to express the homographic division of two straight lines. [1884.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884-85), 10',1-HO. — Relations expressing harmonic division on a straight line. [1885.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884-85), 121-125. — Proof of a proposition in modern geometry. [1885.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884-85), 139-140. — Simple proof of a fundamental theorem in the theory of functions. Amer. Jl. Math., 19, 1897, 192. Bobatsch, Albert. Ueber den Fang von Carabus Scheidleri, Pan;. 1<\, in Wien. Wien. Ent. Ver. Jber., [1], 1891, 27-31. Bobatscb, Otto. Die Eupithecien Oesterreich-Ungarns. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 294-298; 6, 1887, 117-129. — Lepiilopterologische Mittheilungen. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 4, 1885, 143-146, 176-179. — Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Transkaukasiens. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 123-12N, 200-203. — Eapitheoia distinctaria, H.-S, 162. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 48, 1887, 121-127. — Beitriige zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Slavoniens. Wien. Ent. Ver. Jber., 2, 1892, 31-50. — Mittheilungen iiber Eupithecien. Iris, 6 (1893), 1-35. — Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-Fauna des Schneeberg- Gebietes. Wien. Ent. Ver. Jber., 4, 1894, 39-58. — Ueber Sesia colpiformis, Stgr. [1895.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 45, 1896, 70-72. — Ueber eine Hellene Budeuropaische Geometride : Acidalia ochroleucata, H.-S. [18(15.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 45, 1896, 108-110. Bohtas, . Resume des observations mete'orologiques faites en 1878 et 1879 au poste de Boke (Rio-Nunez). Frauce Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 35, 1887, 209-215. Bobeman, Carl Henrik. For biographical notice and list of works see Abeille, 22, 1884 (Les Entom. et leurs Ecrits, 141-144). Bobeman, H. Intercellularbriicken und Saftriiume der glatten Muskulatur. [1894.] Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 305-315. Bobl, Piers [Paul Felix]. Das Gesetz der molecularen Attraction. Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 334-346. Bobland, Karl [Joseph]. Beitrage zur quantitativen Bestimmung des Stickstoffes im Ham. Pfliiger, Arch. Pbysiol., 35, 1885, 199-276. Ueber die Bestimmung des Stickstoffes und der Chloride im Hundeharn. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol. , 37, 1885, 423-456. — Die Harnstoffanalyse von BUNSEN mil Beriicksichti- gung der stickstoffhaltigen Extractivstoffe und der Am- moniaksalze im Harn des gesunden und fiebernden Menschen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 43, 1888, 30-70. Die Anwendiing der Kamphersaure uud ihre Aus- scheidung im Harn. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 47, 1891, 289-306. Bobland, Karl [Joseph], & Bleibtreu, Leopold [Adalbert Fran:]. See Bleibtreu it Bobland. Bobland, Karl [Joseph], & Pfliiger, Kdunrd [Friedrich Willielm]. See Ffliiger & Bohland. Bobland, Karl [Joseph], & Schurz, Heinrich. Ueber die Harnsaure- und Stickstoff-Ausscheidung bei Leukaemie. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 47, 1890, 469-509. Boblen, F. Ueber die eleetromotorischen Wirkungeu der Magenschleimhaut. [1894.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 57, 1894, 97-122 ; Centrbl. Physiol., 8, 1895, 353-355. Boblig, E. Wie verhiilt sich chemisch reines Kaliummono- carbonat zu salpetersaurem Silberoxyd? Arch. Pharm., 223, 1885, 381-384. - Zur Bieranalyse. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 207-208. — Ueber chemische Untersuchung der Biere im All- gemeinen und eiue neue directe Bestimmungs-Methode des Alkohols in gegohrenen Fliissigkeiten. Fresenius, Ztschr., 25, 1886, 19-22. Ueber Priifung von kohlensaurem Kali. Arch. Pharm., 226, 1888, 541-542. Bohlm, Karl [Petrus Teodor]. Ueber die Bahnelemente des dritten Saturnsatelliten, Tethys. Stockh., Ak. Hand). Bihang, 10. 1885, No. 16, 49 pp. — Ueber die Bedeutung des Princips der lebendigen Kraft fiir die Frage von der Stabilitat dynamischer Systeme. Aeta Math., 10, 1887, 109-130. — Om en grupp af differentialeqvationer, hvilkas solutioii medfor 6. k. sma divisorer. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 333- 341. — Om betydelsen af lefvande kraftens princip fiir fragan om dynamiska systems stabilitet. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang,' 13 (Afil. 1), 1888, No. 1, 16 pp. — Recherches sur les perturbations de la Comete de WINNECKE depuis 1809 a 1819. Stockh. Obs. Astr. laktt., 3, 1888 (Haft 5), 72 pp. — Om bestarnningen af konstanterna vid den dagliga nutationen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 209-213. En generalisation af LAPLACE'S, uudersokning af libra- tionen i planetteorien. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 333-337. — Ueber eine neue Anniiherungsmethode in der Sterlings- theorie. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihaug, 14 (Afd. 1), 1889, A'o. 5, 26 pp. — Zur Frage der Couvergenz der Reihenentwickelungen in der Storungstheorie. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 17-24. Till fragan om sekuliira storingar. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 (Afd. 1). 1891. A'o. 12, 19 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 1225. - Elements des Planeten (315) (Palisa Sept. 4). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 293-294. Bohlin] 649 [Bohn — Elemente des Plaiieteu (315) Constantia. Astr. Nacbr., 129, 1892, 273-274. — Angenaherte Jupitersstorungen derjenigen kleinen Planeten, deren mittlere Bewegungen in der Nahe von 900" liegen. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1896, 81-100. — Ephemeride des Planeten (315) Constantia. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 31-32. — Hugo GYLDEN. Ein biographischer Umriss nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber seine wisseuschaftliehen Methoden. Acta Math., 20, 1897, 397-404. — Ueber den Vorschlag, angenaherte Storungen fiir die Planeten gruppenweise zu berechnen. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 181-186. — Reduction der in Astr. Nachr. Nr. 2574 veriiffent- lichten Beobachtungen der Planeten (12) Victoria und (80) Sappho. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 225-234. Relations? mellan distanserna inotn Saturnus-syste- met. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 389-398. — Formeln und Tafeln zur gruppenweise Berechnung der allgemeinen Storungen benachbarter Planeten. [1895.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 17, 1898, No. 5, 225 pp. — Ett forslag till systematisk storingsberakning for planetoiderna. Skand. Natf. Ft'irh., 1898, 183-188. Ueber eine sonderbare am 2 Januar 1897 beobachtete Nordlichterscheinung. [1898.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 24 (Afd. I), 1899, No. 5, 18 pp. — Om tillampningen at' LAMBERT'S lag inom den celesta fotometrien. [1899.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 25, 1900 (Afd. 1), No. 7, 39 pp.; Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 289- 297. — Schreiben betr. die Identitat von (161) Athor mit 1899 EQ. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 75-78. Sur 1'emploi du reseau pour la mesure des cliches astrophotographiques. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 321-326. Bohlin, Karl [Petrus Teorlor], & Scliultz-Stcinlieil, G. A. Om iakttagelserna vid Upsala Observatorium for equi- noktiets bestamning varen och hosten 1889. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 23, 1888-91, No. 13, 58 pp.; Fortschr. Phys., 1890 (Abth. 3), 24. Bohlin, Kiiut. Myxochsete, ett nytt sliigte bland sb'tvat- tensalgerna. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 (Afd. 3), 1890, Wo. 4, 7 pp. ; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891 (Rev.), 112. — Snoalger fran Pite Lappmark. [1892.] Bot. Notiser, 1893, 42-46 ; Bot. Centrbl., 64, 1896, 42-45. En enkel mikrofotografisk metod. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 240-242. — Zur Morphologic und Biologie einzelliger Algen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 507-529. — Studier (ifver nagra slagten af alggruppen Confervales, Borzi. [1897.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 23 (Afd. 3), 1898, No. 3, 56 pp. ; Bot. Ceutrbl., 73, 1898, 213-210. — Die Algen der ersten Beguell'schen Expedition, i. Protococcoideen. [1897.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bi- hang, 23 (Afd. 3), 1898, No. 7, 47 pp. — Morphologische Beobachtungen iiber Nebenblatt- und Verzweigungsverhiiltnisse einiger andinen Alchemilla- Arten. Stockh., Ofvers., 1899, 565-581. — Ett exempel pa iimsesidig vikariering mellan en fja'll- och en kustform. Bot. Notiser, 1900, 161-179 (Res. 178- 179). Bohlin, Kurt. Beobachtungen der Planeten Victoria uml Sappho nach GILI,'S Programm auf der Sternwarte in Upsala. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 81-96. Boliim.mii, Georn. Zur Integration der Differentialgleich- ungen erster Ordnung mit unbestimmten Coefficienten. Crelle, Jl. Math., 113, 1894, 207-251. — Zur Integration derjenigen Systeme von Differeutial- gleichungeu erster Ordnung, deren Coefficienten unab- hangige, unbestimmte Functioneu der unabhangigen Veranderliehen sind. Crelle, Jl. Math., 115, 1895, 89-110. — Continuierliche Gruppen von quadratischen Trans- it. S. A. C. formationen der Ehene. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 44- 54. — Uebersicht fiber die wichtigsten Lehrbiicher der Infinitesimal-Rechnung von EOLEK bis auf die heutige Zeit. Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 6, 1899 (Ilfft 2), 91-110. — Ein Ausgleichungsproblem. Gottingen Nachr., 1899, 260-271. Bohis. J. Mittheilungen iiber Fang und Lebensweise von Lepidosiren aus Paraguay. Gottingen Nachr., 1894, 80-83. — Bemerkungen zur Eintheilung der Chelydidae. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 51-53. Boinu, //. Plattenepithel und Plattenepithelkrebs im Mastdarm. Virchow, Arch., 140, 1895, 524-535. — Traumatische Epithelcyste und Fremdkiirper-Riesen- zellen in der Haut. Virchow, Arch., 144, 1896, 276- 288. Bohm, J. 0 iiOJiyiOHJir uiniicininiipoiiir.ia. [Sur la preparation du zineisopropyle.] Russ. Phys. -Chem. Soc. .11., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 46-47; Paris Soc. Chiin. Bull., 22, 1899, 619. Bohmeyer, C. Neues System elektrisch-sympathischer Wechselstromuhren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr. , 8, 1887, 503-504. Bohn, [Albert Heinrich], For biography and list of works see Jbuch. Kimlerheilk., 27, 1888, 489-490; Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 57. — Das klimakterische Ekzem. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 39, 1886, 613-620. Bohn, [Johann] C[nnrad]. Ueber die Berichtigung des vereinfaehten Ablese-Mikroskopes fiirTheilungen. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 4, 1884, 87-88. — Ueber Lange nnd Vergrosserung, Helligkeit und Gesichtsfeld des Kepler-, Ramsden- und Campani- Fernrohrs. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 29, 1884, 25-44, 74-90. — Ueber Dichtigkeitsvergleichungen aus den Hohen von Flfissigkeitssaulen, die gleich grossen Druck ausiiben. Exner, Repertm., 22, 1886, 402-405. — Gewiunung von vollkomtnen reinem Quecksilber. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 7, 1887, 389-392; 8, 1888, 76. — Ueber Winkelprismen und ihren Gebrauch zur Ein- schaltung von Punkten in eine Gerade. Ztschr. Instru- mentenk., 8, 1888, 359-362. — Ein neues Prismenkreuz. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 9, 1889, 62-64. — Abiinderung eines Gefallmessers und Nivelliriustru- mentes uebst Bemerkung fiber die Elevationsschraube. Ztschr. Instrumeutenk., 9, 1889, 216-224. — Ein bequemer Heberansauger und eine Vorrichtung zur sicheren Uebertragung selbst der kleinsteu Tropfchen. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 1278-1279. Ueber Flammen und leuchtendeGase. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem. , 18, 1895, 219-239. • Notiz zum Polarplanimeter. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 17, 1897, 54. Bohn, lieorqes. Sur la respiration du Carcinus Mcenas, Leach. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 441-444. — Sur le renversement du courant respiratoire chez les De'capodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 539-542. — Du role des poils dans 1'enfouissement des "Atele- cyclus." Arcachon Soc. Sci. Stat. Zool. Trav., 1898, 106-113. — Des migrations saisounieres dans le ba^sin d'Arcachon. Crustaces Decapodes (septembre et octobre 1898). Arca- chon Soc. Sci. Stat. Zool. Trav., 1898, 123-126. — De 1'enfouissement chez les Homarides et les Thalas- sinides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 781-783. Des adaptations des pattes thoraciques chez les Hornaride's. Arcaehon Soc. Sci. Stat. Zool. Trav., 1898, 114-122. 82 Bohn] 650 [Bohr — De 1'absorption de 1'anhydride carbonique par les Crustaces Decapodes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 1008-1010. — Variations des echanges gazeux ehez les Crustaces Decapodes suivant la saison, 1'habitat, la taille des animaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 1011-1013. — Du role des exopodites dans la production du courant respiratoire chez IPS Crnstaces Decapodes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 281-283. — De 1'importance de 1'ammoniaque comme facteur ethologique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 868-869. Bohn, Rene, & Graebe, Charles. Ueber Galloflavin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2327-2331. Bohn, Renf, & Heumann, Karl. Zur Charakteristik der Azophenole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 272- 276. Bohnc. Ed. Verarbeitung der Schlacken vom Zinnerz- schmelzen vermittelst verdiinnter Schwefelsaure. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 57, 1898, 203-204. Bohne, Julius. Ueber die Bedeutung der Retention von Chloriden im Organismus fiir die Entstehung nramischer und comatoser Zustande. Fortschr. Med., 15 (1897), 121-134. Bohnstedt, ';[co)v; Wilhelm Ottokar]. Beitrag zur Casuistik der Spina bilida occulta. Virchow, Arch., 140, 1895, 47-79. Bohny, /•'. Der Eingelenkbogen. Hannover Architekt.- Ver. Ztschr., 44, 1898, 147-156. Bohome, Anniist. Ueber Heilung der aseptischen Herz- wunden. Experimentalforschungen. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 26, 1888, 625-627. Bohr, Christian. Absorptiometrische Untersuchungen iiber die Dissociation des Oxyhamoglobins. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R., 1884 (T. 1, Physiol.), 11. — Om iltens afvigelse fra den Boyle-Mariotteske lov ved lave tryk. [1885.] Kjobenh., Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr., 2, 1881-86, 401-417; Ann. Phys. Chem., 27, 1886 459-479. — Undersugelser over den af blodfarvestoffet optagne iltmitngde udforte ved hjselp af et nyt absorptiometer. [1886.] Kjnbenh., Dansk. Vid. Selsk'. Skr., 2, 1881-86, 419-450; Fortschr. Phys., 1886 (Abth. 1), 550-552. — Ueber die Gasspannungen im lebeuden arteriellen Blute. [1887.] Centrbl. Physiol., 1, 1888, 293-299. — Ueber die Respiration nach Injection von Pepton und Blntegelinfus und iiber die Bedeutuug einzelner Organe fur die Gerinnharkeit des Blutes. [1888.] Centrbl. Physiol., 2, 1889, 261-264. — Ueber den Gaswechsel durch die Lunge. [1888.] Centrbl. Physiol., 2, 1889, 437-440. — Sur la respiration pulmonaire. Kjnbenh., Overs., 1889, 139-178. — Etudes sur les combinaisons du sang avec 1'acide carbonique. Kjobenh., Overs., 1890, 171-199. — Sur les combinaisons de 1'hemoglobine avec 1'oxygene. Kjobenh., Overs., 1890, 208-240. — Sur la teneur specitiquedu saugeu oxygene. Kjobenh., Overs., 1890, 241-294. — Sur la respiration pulmonaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 198-199; Skand. Arch. Physiol., 2, 1891, 236-268. — Sur les combinaisons de 1'hemoglobine avec 1'oxygene. [1890.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 195-197; Centrbl. Physiol., 4, 1891, 249-252. — L'hemoglobine se trouve-t-elle dans le sang a IVtat de substance honiogene? Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 243-244. - Sur lea combinaisons de 1'hemoglobine avec 1'acide carbonique et avec un melange d'acide carbonique et d'oxygene. [1890.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 278-280; Centrbl. Physiol., 4, 1891, 253-254. — Ueber "die specifisehe Sauerstoffmenge " des Blutes und die Bedeutung derselben fiir den respiratoriscben Stoffwechsel. [1890.] Centrbl. Physiol., 4, 1891, 254-257. — Sur la secretion de 1'oxygene dans la vessie natatoire des poissons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1560-1562. — Beitrage znr Lehre von den Kohlensaureverbindungen des Blutes. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 3, 1892, 47-68. Ueber die Verbindung des Hamoglobins mit Sauerstoff . Skand. Arch. Physiol., 3, 1892, 70-100. Ueber den specifischen Sauerstoffgehalt des Blutes. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 3, 1892, 101-144. — Om stofskiftet i den dyriske organisme. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 108-118. — Ueber einige Angaben in Dr. 0. KOHNSTAMM'S Abhand- lung: Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Analyse des Tetanus. [1893.] Centrbl. Physiol., 7, 1894, 613-615. — The influence of section of the vagus nerve on the disengagement of gases in the air-bladder of fishes. Jl. Physiol., 15, 1894, 494-500. — Ueber die Absorption von Gasen in Fliissigkeiten bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 644-651. — Bidrag til svommefuglenes fysiologi. Kjobenh., Overs., 1897, 207-234. Om absorption af luftarter i va^dsker ved forskellige temperaturer. Kjobenb., Overs., 1897, 607-614; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898 (Rcpertm.), 41. Om forbindelser mellem methasmoglobin og kulsyre. Kjnbenh., Overs., 1897, 615-618; Skand. Arch. Physiol., 8, 1898, 363-366. — Absorption de 1'azote et de 1'hydrogene par le sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 414-417, 524. — Om internes hud- og lunge-respiration. Kjxibenh., Overs., 1899, 193-211; Skand. Arch. Physiol., 10, 1900, 74-90. Definition og methode til bestemmelse af invasions- og evasionskoefficienter ved luftarters oplosning i vsed- sker. Vserdier af de nievnte konstauter samt af absorptionskoeflicienter for kulsyrens oplosning i vand og klornatriumoplnsninger. Kjnbeuh., Overs., 1899, 293-321; Ann. Phys. Chem., 68, 1899, 500-525. — Kulsyrens oplnselighed i atkohol mellem -^ 67 og + 45°C. In- og evasionskoefficient ved 0°. Kjobenh., Overs., 1899, 601-614; Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 244-256. — Pattedyrfosterets respiratoriske stofskifte. Kjobenh., Overs., 1900, 291-304; Skand. Arch. Physiol., 10, 1900, 413-424. Bohr, Christian, & Bock, Johannes. Determination de 1'absorption de quelques gaz dans 1'eau a des tempera- tures comprises entre 0 et 100 J. Kjo'benh., Overs., 1891, 84-115; Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 318-343. Bohr, Christian, & Hasselbalch, A". A. Om honsefosterets kulsyreproduktion. Kjobenh., Overs., 1899, 399-425; Skaud. Arch. Physiol, 10, 1900, 149-173. Bohr, Christian, A Henriques, I'ulitemar. Sur I'l-change respiratoire. [1892.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 14116-1499; 115, 1892, 76; Centrbl. Physiol., li, 1893, 225-227. — Sur I'irrigation sanguine du muscle cardiaque. Kjri- benh., Overs., 1893, 38-45 ; Skand. Arch. Physiol., 5, 1895, 232-237. — Comparaison des quotients respiratoires determines simultanement dans le sang et dans I'air expire. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 819-8:U. — Umlersogelser over stedet for iltforbrug og kulsyre- dannelse i den dyriske organisme. Kjobenh., Overs., 1897, 79-137; Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 459-474, 5907605, 710-713. — Kchanges respiratoires pendant la suppression de la circulation arterielle dans des territoires organiques tres etendus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 303-304. Bohr] 651 [Boinet Bohr, Christian, & Torup, flophus. Sur la teneur en oxygene des cristaux d'oxyheraoglobine. Kj.obenh., Overs., 1890, 200-207; Skand. Arch. Physiol., 3, 1892, 69-75. Boidin, A. Note sur la filtration des mouts de malt vert et de mai's a travel's le filtre Chamberland. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 341-343. Ueber die Nutzbarmaohung der Mucedine irn Gahr- ungsgewerbe. (Verfahren von COLLETTE und BOIDIN.) Ztsehr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind., 49, 1899 (Th. 2), 395-403. Boiffin, [Alfred], Des lipomes douloureux. Progres Med., 17, 1893, '65-67. Boije af Gennas, C[arl] O[scar], Sur la sommation des puissances semblables des ?i premiers nombres entiers. [1884.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1885, No. 4, 6 pp. — Trouver un nombre premier plus grand qu'un uonibre premier donne. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 469-471. — Sur un problems d'EuLER mentionni5 par LEOENDBE dans sa theorie des nombres (3° ed. T. n. p. 144) et quelques notes sur les carres magiques de 3 et de 4. [1898.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihaug, 24 (Aftl. 1), 1899, No. 2, 15 pp. Boileau, (Capt.) F[rank] R[idley] F[arrtr]. The Nyasa- Tanganyika plateau. Geogr. jl., 13, 1899, 577-595. Boileau,//. Description d'uo Carabenouveau. Naturaliste, 18, 1896, 203-204. — [Descriptions de Lucanides nouveaux.] Naturaliste, 19, 1897, 191-192, 247-248, 275-276; 20, 1898, 119-120. — [Descriptions de Coleopteres nouveaux.] Naturaliste, 19, 1897, 287-288; 20, 1898, 45-46. Description d'un Lucanide nouveau. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 66, 1897, 581-584. [Description de Lucanides nouveaux.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 287-290; 1898, 95-98, 227-229, 264-268; 1899, 39-43, 111-112, 175-178, 196-197, 296-300. Note sur le "Catalogue des Lucanides" de M. Carl FELSCHE. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 67, 1898, 401-437. — Note sur quelques variations d'Amaurodes Passerinii, Westicoml. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 217-219. Descriptions sommaires d'.Egus nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 319-321. Boileau, (Maj. -Gen.) John Thfophilus. For biography and works see Astr. Hoc. Mouth. Not., 47, 1887, 133-135; Roy. Soc. Proc., 42, 1887, i-vii. Boileau, (It. -col.) Pierre Prosper. For biography and works see Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 113, 1891, 409-412, 885-886; Metz Ac. M<5m., 73, 1894, 6-9, 48-75. Boileve, V. Le pont sur La Manche. [1889.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 12, 1890, 90-94. Boillot, A[lexis], *[Examen de 1'eau provenant de grelons tombes a Plaisance pres Paris, le 22 rnai 1870.] France Soe. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 3, 1870, 176. *Nouveaux appareils pour la production de Fozone. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 21, 1873 (Bull.), 43-44. - *Sur les eclairs sans tounerre. France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 17, 1879 (Bull.), 99-100. — [Les lueurs crepusculaires.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 253; 101,1885, 1032-1033. Chaleur de combinaison des composes d'hydrogeue et d'oxygene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 712-714. — Recrudescence des lueurs crepusculaires. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1583-1584. — Sur les experiences de M. WEVHER et de M. COLLADON, destinees a elucider la question des trombes. Paris Ac Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 625-627. Experiences sur le pendule non oscillant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1664-1665. Boinet, Kdouard. Clou de Gafsa chez les chiens. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1885 (C. R.), 64-65. — Note sur le microbe des oreillons. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1885 (C. R.), 210-215. — De 1'ulcere phage'denique observe au Tonkin ; <$tude clinique, recherches microbiennes et experimentales. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 210-221, 307-316. - Recherches microbiennes sur quelques eruptions vfeiculeuses et bulleuses (zona, herpes, eruptions pem- phigo'ides). Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 845-858. — Experiences sur des decapites au Tonkin. Rev. Sei., 46, 1890, 442-443. Action de la levure de biere sur le developpement de la virulence des bacilles typhique, cbarbonneux, pyocya- nique. Applications therapeutiques. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 293-294. La lepre au Tonkin. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 318-319. Troubles moteurs dans I'impaludisme. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 319. De 1'ulcere phagedenique au Tonkin. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 329. — Recherches experimentales sur 1'attenuation du bacille de la tuberculose par le kristallviolet. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 747-749. Hemorragie primitive de la moelle. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 756-760. — De la fievre remittente bilieuse au Tonkin. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 776-781. — Tremblement, tic, choree rythmee et syndrome fruste de PARKINSON de nature hysturique. Progres M^d., 14, 1891, 21-22, 61-63. — Transmission aux animaux du cancer de Thornine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 475. — Resultats eloigu^s de soixante-quinze ablations des deux capsules surrenales. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 162-167. — Resistance a la fatigue de 11 rats decapsules depuis cinq et six mois. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 273-274. — Nouvelles recherches sur la resistance a la fatigue de rats decapsules depuis longtemps. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. , 47, 1895 (C. R.), 325-326. — Toxine cancereuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 476. Ablation des capsules vraies et accessoires chez le rat d'egout. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 498-500. — Traitement de la tuberculose humaine par le s^rum de sang de chevre inoculee avec de la tuberculine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 543-544. Action comparee de la fatigue et de la decapsulation sur la toxicite des extraits musculaires du rat. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 646-649. Recherches sur le poison des Heches du Haut-Oubanghi. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 952-967. — Maladie d'ADDisox experimental chez le rat d'egout. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C'. R.), 164-166; 49, 1897 (C. R.), 439-441, 473-475. — Action antitoxique des capsules surrenales sur la neurine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 364-367. — Action physiologique de la nicouline. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C1. R.), 403-106. Diminution de resistance des rats doublement decap- sules a 1'action toxique de diverses substances. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 466-469. — Guerison d'un kyste hydatique du foie a la suite de ponc- tions et de 1'electrolyse. n. Etude physiologique d'une ptomaine retiree de son contenu. in. Examen anatomo- pathologique de la cicatrice recueillie cinq ans plus tard. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 778-781. Guerison d'un cas de tetanos traite par dix injections de s[i'sin']. Sur le Trapa verbanensis, De Not. France Soc. But. Bull., 34, 1887, 453-454. — Sur quelques plantes rares des environs de Paris. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 143. — Herborisations dans le departement de la Manche. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 324-330. — Les Cactees utiles. France Soc. Acclirn. Bull., 35, 1888, 641-656. - Le Dioscorea Fargesii, Fruncli., nouvelle igname alimentaire. Fiance Soc. Bot. Bull., 47, 1900, 49- 51. Bois, D[esire'], & Paillieux, Aug. fiee Paillieux & Bois. Bois, l>[i:xi n'~\, Parisot, [/.OKI'S], GaiUard, .1., it Gcromc, — . See Parisot, Bois, Gaillard it Gcromc. Bois, - - . Petit-. ... Fetit-Bois. Bois, J. Abaque logarithmique pour le calcul de la section la plus avautageuse a donner a un cable electrique. Lum. Elect., 39, 1891, 375-380. Boisbaudran, Paul Entile (/lit Francois) Lccoq de. Separation du gallium d'avec les autres Elements. Ann. Chini., 2, 1884, 176-271. — Separation du gallium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 711-712, 781-782. — Separation du cerium et du thorium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 525-526. Sur la sulubilitt- du prussiate de gallium. Rectifi- cation a une note ante'rieure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 99, 1884, 526. Action de 1'eau oxygenee sur les oxydes de cerium et de thorium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 605-607. — Rectification ;'i une communication ante'rieure, relative au spectre du samarium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885. 607. Alliages d'indium et de gallium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 701-703. — Sur un notiveau genre de spectres metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1437-1440, 1526. — Spectre de 1'ammoniaque par renversemeut du courant induit. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 42-45. — Sur la fluorescence des terres rares. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 552-555, 588-592. — Sur un spectre electrique particulier aux terres rares du groupe terbique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 153-155. Sur 1'equivalent des terbines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 395-398, 483; 111, 1890, 474-475. — Sur 1'emploi du sulfate de potasse dans les fractionne- inents de terres rares. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 398r399. — A propos de la theorie des trombes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It, 102, 1886, 482-483. — Sur la mosamlrme ile Lawrence SMITH. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1(12, 1886, 647-648. — Les fluorescences Za. et Zp appartiennent-elles a des Boisbaudran] 653 [Boissellier terres differentes? Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 899-902. — L'holmine (ou terre x de M. SORET) contient au moins deux radiuaux metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 1003-1004. — Sur le dysprosium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 1005-1006. — Sur le poids atomique et sur le spectre du germanium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 1291-1295. — Sur la fluorescence anciennement attribute a 1'yttria. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1536-1539. — Identity d'origine de la fluorescence Zfj par renverse- im ni et des bandes obtenues dans le vide par 31. CROOKES. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 113-117. Sur le poids atomique du germanium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 452-453. — Fluorescence des composes du manganese, soumis a 1'effluve electrique dans le vide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 468-471. — Purification de 1'yttria. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 103, 1886, 627-629. — Fluorescence des composes du bismuth soumis a 1'effluve electrique dans le vide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 629-631. — Fluorescences du manganese et du bismuth. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1064-1068; 104, 1887, 1680- 1685; 105, 1887, 45-48, 206-208. — Sur la fluorescence rouge de 1'alumine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1107; 104, 1887, 330-334, 478-482, 554-556, 824-826. Sur un point de la chimie analytique du gallium. Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 429-430. — Fluorescence rouge de la galline chromiftre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 104, 1887, 1584-1585. — Nouvelles fluorescences, a raies spectrales Men definies. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 258-261, 301-304, 343- 348, 784-788. — Fluorescence du spinelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 105, 1887, 261-262. — A quels degres d'oxydation se trouvent le chrome et le manganese dans leurs composes fluorescents? Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 105, 1887, 1228-1233, 1419; 106, 1888, 452-455, 1781-1784; 107, 1888, 311-314, 468-471, 490- 494, 536. — Sur les matieres fluorescentes. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 551. — Fluorescence de la chaux cuprifere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1386-1387. Fluorescence de la chaux ferrifere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 106, 1888, 1708-1710. — Sur les sulfates niixtes de cuivre et de nickel. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 12, 1889, 55-56. — Sur le gadolinium de 31. DE MARIGNAC. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 108, 1889, 165-168; 111, 1890, 393-395. Sur quelques nouvelles fluorescences. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1890, 24-28, 67-71. — Sur 1'equivalent de la gadolme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., Ill, 1890, 409-411. — Spectre electrique du chlorure de gadolinium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., Ill, 1890, 472-474. Remarques sur un discours de 31. W. CROOKES, relatif a 1'histoire des terres rares. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 53-67. — Bemarques sur Fhistoire de la sursaturation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 113, 1891, 832-835. — Becherches sur le samarium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 575-577 ; 116, 1893, 611-613, 674-677, 732 ; 117, 1893, 199-201. — Sur les spectres electriques du gallium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 815-818. — Cristaux se rassemblant au somruet d'une solution moins lourde qu'eux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 392-393. — Bemarques sur les poids atomiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 361-362. Volumes lies sels dans leurs dissolutions aqueuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 539-541, 1190-1192; 121, 1895, 100-102. — Cristaux se formant au fond d'une solution plus lourde qu'eux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 859-860. — Classification des elements chimiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1895, 1097-1103. Sur un element probablemeut nouveau existant dans les terbines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 121, 1895, 709. Classification des elements chimiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 127-130. — Examen de quelques spectres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 1419-1421, 1288-1290. Boisbaudran, Ptnil Emile (dit Francois) Lecoq de, & Lapparent, A[lbert Auyutte] tie. Sur une reclamation de priorite en faveur de M. HE CHANCOURTOIS, relativement aux relations numeriques des poids atomiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 112, 1891, 77-81. Boischevalier, .1. de. 'De la regeneration de la chaleur dans les fours a gaz a haute temperature. [1883.] Genie Civil, 3, 1882-83, 122-125. Boise, P[aul]. Le cardia ehez les apiaires. [1887.] Feuille Jeuues Natural., 17, 1886-87, 111-114. Boisleux, Ch[arles]. Beitrag zur bacteriologischen Unter- suchung von Beckenabscessen und eitrigen Tubeu- und Ovarienerkrankungen. Ztscbr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 19, 1890, 306-313. Boisse, //. L'intelligeuce des animaux. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884:, 817-818. Boisse, P. Gcnebrias de. >SV<> Genebrias de Boisse. Boisseau, A. Excursion de la Societe des Sciences Naturelies de Saone-et-Loire a Buxy et dans les environs. Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 2, 1884, 104-106. Boisseau du Rochcr, . De la megaloscopie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 101, 1885, 329-330. - Du traitemeut des tuberculoses osseuses et de I'osteomyelite chronique par le brome et ses derives obtenus par voie d'electrolyse. Arch. Gen. Med. , 178, 1896, 257-268. — Courants a intermittences rapides. Generateur. Effets physiques ; effets physiologiques ; effets therapeutiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 185-187. Boissel, . Lettre sur la commune de Cabrieres. [1890.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 13, 1891, 63-64. Boissellier, A[upustin]. For biographical notice see Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 32, 1898, 23-24. Sur les plissements du sol dans le massif veudeen, le detroit du Poitou et le bassin de la Chareute. Ass. Fran?. C. B., 1887 (Ft. 2), 524-527. Excursions geologiques des 22 rnai et 12 juin 1887. [1887.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1888, 45- 48. Excursion geologique du 17 juin 1888 au Gros-Roc, au Douhet et a Saiut-Hilaire. [1888.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 45-48. — Excursion geologique du 8 juillet 1888 a Chaille-les- Marais. [1888.] Charente-Inf. Hoc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 61-62. Excursion geologique du 23 juin 1889 a Esnandes. [1889.] Chareute-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 26, 1890, 27- 33. Excursion geologique du 7 juillet 1889 dans la foret de Vouvant. [1889.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 26, 1890, 41-44. — Note sur la geologic du cours de la Charente entre Bochefort et Tile d'Aix. [1889.] Charente-Iuf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 26, 1890, 141-149. — Excursion geologique du 10 mai 1891 au Port-des- Barques. [1891.] Charente-Iuf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 28, 1892, 39-52. Boissellier] 654 [Boix Excursions geologiques des 29 mai et 3 juillet 1892 a Marennes et a Saint-Jeau-d' Angle. [1892.] Charente- Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 29, 1893, 5.5-64. Le Palet de Gargantua et les oscillations du rivage de la mer. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 30 (Tome 1), 1894, 71-74. Extrait du compte-rendu des excursions faites pendant 1'annee 1893, pour le service de la carte geologique au -Z — — du Ministere des Travaux Publics. (Feuilles de Saint-Jean d'Ang^ly et d'AngoultSnie.) Charente-Iuf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 30 (Tome 1), 1894, 75-79. — Detroit de Poitiers. Feuille de Saiut-Jeau-d'Ange'ly. [1894-95.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1895, 24-26; 7, 1896, 27-29. Boisset, — — de. Sur les compresseurs des Alouettes (mines de Blanzy). St. Etienue Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 7, 1893, 395-410. Boissier, Alfred. En Cappadoce. [1895-1900.] Geneve Soc. Geogr. M(5m., 36, 1897, 75-113; 39, 1900 (Bull.), 41-44. Boissier, [Pierre] Edm[ond]. For biography and list of works see Scbweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1884-85, 128-139; Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 29, 1884-87, xxxviii-xxxix; Arch. Sci. 1'hys. Nat., 14, 1885, 3(58-385; Belg. Horticole, 35, 1885, 230-233 ; Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 24, 1885 (0. R.), 151-152; Coirnbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 3, 1885, 230-232; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 325-327; Gard. Chron., 24, 1885, 455-456; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 212; Nature, 32, 1885, 540; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 682-685; Eev. Bot., 4, 1885-86, 331-332; Amer. Jl. Sci., 31, 1886, 20-21; Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 39-40; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1886, xiii-xvi; Dresden Isis Sber., 1886 (Abh.), 33-39; Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 308-309; Rev. Mycol., 8, 1886, 30-33; Terrnt. Kozlon., 18, 1886, 514; Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 22, 1887, xxvii-xxviii, 170-178. — [Lettre sur les Melica ciliata et nebrodensis.] France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 126. Boissieu, Henri de. Quelques notes sur la flore d'Orient. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 283-290. — — Contribution a la connaissance du littoral saharien. Etude sur la flore du Cap Blanc. Jl. Bot., Paris, 10, 1896, 218-221. — [Anomalie du Geum rivale.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 (C. R.), 56. — Note sur un Centaurea adventice dans 1'Ain. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 44, 1897, 477-480. — Quelques mots sur les Mitella. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [1 (?1899)], 105-109. Un nouveau Staphylea du Japon (Staphylea Francheti, n. */).). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 47, 1900, 221-222. — Liste de localities et especes nouvelles pour la flore du Japon, d'apres les collect, parisiennes de M. Fabbe FAURIE. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 47, 1900, 309-324. Boissieu, Pierre de. Sur 1'eau de cristallisation des aluns. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 494-497. — Sur le methyl iodoforme. [1887.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 16-17. — Sur un uouveau proce'de de preparation du tetra- phe'nyle'thylene. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 681-682. — [Pyrogenation des re'sidus de petroles russes appele's "mazoutt."] [1892.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., S), 1893, 2-3. — Perfectiounements dans 1'industrie de 1'acide sul- furique. Jl. Pharm., 1, 1895, 12fi-129. Boissleu, Pierre de, & Auger, Victor. See Auger it Boissieu. Boiason, [Ciifimir Henri] A[lbert], Sur les injections hypodermiques de chlorhydrate neutre de quinine. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaiies, 33, 1899, 411-419. Sec also under Kelsch. Boisson, [Casimir Henri] , A[lbert], & Simonin, [Pierre Kdouard] J[ul*s]. Des myosites infectieuses. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 25, 1895, 122-132. Boissonnade, (I'abbe) . For biographical notice see France Soc. Bot. Bull., 44, 1897, Ixiv-lxv. Boissonnas, A., & Boissonnas, ' Travail et rendement des moteurs alternatifs asyuchrones monophases. Lum. Elect., 50, 1893, 109-115. Boissonnas, ' & Boissonnas, A. See above. Boistel, A. Note sur les travertins Tertiaires a v^g^taux de Douvres (Ain). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 337-341. La t'aune de Pikermi ;V Ainbe'rieu (Ain). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, 296-304. — Structure de la colline de St.-Denis-le-Chosson (Ain) et ses relations avec celle du plateau des Dombes. Paris, Soc. Geot. Bull., 22, 1894, 299-320. — Sur le Miocene Superieur de la bordure du Jura aux environs d'Ambe'rieu. Paris, Soc. G4ol. Bull., 22, 1894, 628-659. — La lisiere Tertiaire du Jura aux environs d'Amberieu (Aiu). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, vi-vii. — Nouvelles observations sur la bordure Tertiaire du Jura a 1'ouest du Bugey. Paris, Soc. G4ol. Bull., 26, 1898, 11-35. — Quel est 1'agent du transport des cailloutis alpins dans le Pliocene Superieur de la Dombes et de La Bresse? [ll'ith discussion.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 57-81. Boistel, K[rncxt]. *Galvauometre universel de SIEMENS. Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 399-404. — *Phptometre a selenium de J/J/. SIEMENS et HALSKE. Lum. Elect., 7, 1882, 38-11, 1.20. — Les dynamos. Eclairage Elect., 4 (1895), 211-215. Boisvert, [Fram;ois]. Myelite par compression. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1887, 590-590. Boiteau, P[ierre]. Etudes sur la reproduction du Phyl- loxera ; distribution du sult'ure de carbone dans le sol par les machines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 31-34, 612-1515. — Reponse a quelques-unes des critiques formulees a propos de la note du 5 Janvier, sur la reproduction du Phylloxera et 1'emploi du sult'ure de carbone. Paris, Ac.' Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 612-615. Suite des resultats obteuus par 1'elevage, en tubes, du Phylloxera de la vigne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 102, 1886, 195-196. — Sur les moeurs du Phylloxera, et sur I'e'tat actuel des viguobles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 157-159. Boitel, . Sur les arcs surnumeraires qui aceompa- gueut l'arc-eu-ciel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 106, 1888, 1522-1524, 1757. - Theorie de l'arc-en-eiel. Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 276-283. Boitel, Amf.dfe. For biography and list of works see Ann. Agron., 15, 1889, 369-374; Fiance Soc. Agr. Mem., 134, 1890, 577-605. — Etude des prairies et des paturages de la Bretagne. Ann. Agron., 11, 1886, 241-253. Boix, Emile [Theodore]. Tachycardia par compression des pneumogastriques. Arch. Gen. Med., 171, 1893, 605-611. De 1'actiou hypothermisante du Bacillus coli com- munis. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893, 113-120. — De 1'actiou hypothermisante des produits de culture du Bacillus coli communis. Paris, Soc. Biol. M£m. , 47, 1895 (C. R.), 439-440. Nature et pathogenic de 1'ictere grave d'apres les donne'es bacteriologiques. Arch. Gun. Mud., 178, 1896, 77-91, 202-221. — Le strepto-se'rum. Arch. Gt'n. Med., 182, 1898, 488- 498,, 587-610, 690-723. — A propos des arthrites puruleutes i bacille de FRIEDLANDEB au cours de la pneumonic. Arch. Ge^i. Med., 182, 1898, 499-500. Boix] 655 [Bokorny Note sur la maladie de HANOT ou cirrhose hypertro- phique biliaire avec ictere chronique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 297-298. — De la tolerance et de la resistance d'un organisme robuste et du foie en partioulier aux boissons alcooliques. Arch. Gen. Med., 183, 1899, 75-80. Maladies du foie. Arch. Gen. He'd., 184, 1899 185-232. Boix, Emile [Theodore], Labadie-Lagrave, [Frederic], & Not, Joseph. See LabaiUe-L.igr.ive, Boix & Woo. Bojanus, Aleksej. AjI.IIIJIM3TII.ireKCII.TKailCirHO.Tt II ero oKiicjreHie BT> cooTBiTCTByromift rjnmepimt. [Allylmethylhexylearbinol and its oxidation to the cor- responding glycerol.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 (Chem.), 1892, 471-473; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 10, 1893, 199. Ueber Allylmethylhexylcarbinol und das daraus sich bildende Hendecatylglycerin. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49 1894, 52-54. Bok.ii, Arpdd. Aphoristicus megjegyz^sek a szivmozgas- okr61. [Aphoristic observations on the movements of the heart.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Ore. Szak), 1884, 113- 132. — Adatok a belmozgasok ismeretehez. [Contributions to our knowledge of the movements of the intestines.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1884, 185-214; 1885 1-24. — A paraldehyd elettani hatasarol. [On the biological action of paraldehyde.] Orvoa-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1885, 259-267. — [Kiserletek, melyeket a paraldehyddel tett strychninnel m^rgezett allatokon. Experiments made with paralde- hyde on animals poisoned by strychnine.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1885, 267-273. — Az idiilt amylnitrit mergezesrfil. [On chronic amyl nitrite poisoning.] Orvos-Termt Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 81-86. — A metaldehydrol mint toxicus anyagr61. [Metaldehyde as a toxin.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 95-108. — Ujabb adatok a pikrotoxin es paraldehyd kolcsonos meregtani antagonismusardl. [New contributions on the reciprocal antagonism of picrotoxin and paraldehyde.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 235-238. — [Uj fajdalomerzes-jelzo bemutatasa. Presentation of a new algometer.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 241-242. Experiraentelle Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Darmbe- wegungen. [1887.] Arch. Exper. Path., 23, 1887, 209- 232, 414-426; 24, 1888, 153-166. — Kepzodik-e' metba-moglobin az elii verben chlorsavas kali mergezesnel? Bildet sich Methfemoglobin in dem Blute lebender Thiere bei todtlicher Intoxication mit chlorsaurem Kali? Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Ore. Szak), 1887, 1-7, 203-206. — Adatok az acetanilid (antifebrin) pharmakodynamica- jahoz. Beitrage zur Pharmakodynamik des Antifebrin. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1887, 46-54, 213-217. A veszettseg virusa es nemely desinficieus szer. SZILAGYI Janos vizsgalatai alapjan kozli. Das Lyssavirus und einige Desiuficientia. Anf Grand der Untersuchungen von Johann SZILAGYI. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1890, 1-18, 123-128. — Az epenek 6s alkotoreszeinek hatasa a belmozgasra. Ueber die Wirkung der Galle und deren Bestandteile auf die Darmperistaltik. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak) 1890, 19-24, 129-134. - Experimented Beitrage zur Lehre von der akuten Phosphorvergiftung. Wien. Med Wsehr 41 1891 1982. — Arbeiten iiber das Formanilid. Centrbl. Med. Wiss , 31, 1893, 289-292. — A kereskedeltni asztali olajok taplalo ertekerol. [Ueber den Nahrwerth der im Handel vorkommenden Tafelole.] [1896.] Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897, 48; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 375-376. — Nehany nehez fern hatasa a harantcsikos izomzat szerkezetere. [Die Wirkung schwerer Metalle auf die Structur der quergestreiften Musculatur.] Math. Termt Ertes., 15, 1897, 192-223; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 158-186. Bokai, Arpdd, & Barest, Lajos. See Barest * Bokai. Bokai, Arpdd, & Totlimayer, Ferencz. Adatok a belmoz- gasok ismeretehez. [Contributions to the knowledge of the movements of the intestines.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1885, 39-56. Bokay, Johann von. Die Heilserumbehandlung gegen Diphtherie in dem Buclapester "Stefanie" Kinderspitale. (402 Falle.) [1896.] Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 44, 1897, 133- 156. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Harnrohrendivertikel bei Knaben. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 52, 1900, 181-214. Bokclmann, [Wilhelm]. Die Antisepsis wahrend der Geburt. [With discussion.] Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak. 17, 1889, 341-348. Bokenliam, T[homas] Jessopp. The serum-therapy of typhoid fever. London Path. Soc. Trans., 49, 1898 373-378. — The serum -therapy of affections caused by infection with streptococci. London Path. Soc. Trans., 49, 1898 378-385. Bokenliam, T[homas] Jessopp, & Brunton, (Sir) T[homas] L/nider. See Brunton & Bokenhara. Bokorny, Th[omai], Das Wasserstoffsuperoxyd und die Silberabscheidung durch actives Albumin. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 17, 1886, 347-358. — Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Vorgang der Silber- abscheidung durch actives Albumin. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 18, 1887, 194-217. — Die Keirnung der Samen. [1885.] Rheinpfalz Pol- lichia Jber. (43-46), 1888, 124-142. — Kurze Mittheilung fiber die Bakterien im Brunnen- wasser. [1886.] Rheinpfalz Pollichia Jber. (43-46), 1888, 55-59. — Ueber das angebliche Vorkommen von Wasserstoff- superoxyd in Pflanzen- und Thiersafteu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1100-1102. Zur Frage der Silberabscheidung durch lebeude Zellen und deren angeblichen Zusammenhang rnit dem Wasser- stoffsuperoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888 1848-1850. - Ueber Starkebildung aus verschiedenen Stoffeu. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, 116-120. — Ueber die Einwirkung basischer Stofle auf das lebende Protoplasma. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 19, 1888, 206-220. — Ueber Aggregation. [1888-89.] Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 20, 1889, 427-474; Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 21, 1890, 77-79. — Bemerkung zu Prof. Dr. Josef BOEHM'S Mittheilung iiber Starkebildung in den Blattern von Sedum specta- bile, Boreau. Bot. Centrbl., 37, 1889, 414-415. - Eine bemerkeuswerthe Wirkung oxydirter Eisen- vitriollosungen auf lebende Pflanzenzellen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 274-275. — Ueber den Naehweis von Wasserstoffsuperoxyd in lebenden Pflanzeuzellen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber 7 1889, 275-276. — Welche Stoffe konnen ausser der Kohlensaure zur Starkebildung in griinen Pflanzen dienen? Landw. Versucbs-Stat., 36, 1889, 229-242. — Zur Characteristik des lebenden Pflanzenprotoplas- mas. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 45, 1889, 199-219. — Ueber den Ort der Wasserleitung in den Pflanzen. [1889.] Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 289-303, 321-327. Bokorny] 656 [Bolam — Ueber die Wasserwege in den Pflanzen. [1889.] Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 21, 1890, 62-63. — Zur Kenntniss ties Cytoplasmas. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 101-111. — Notiz iiber das Vorkommen des Gerbstoffs. Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 112. — Die Wege des Transpirationsstromes in der Pflanze. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 21, 1890, 469-503. — Weitere Mittheilung iiber die wasserleitenden (iewebe. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 21, 1890, 505-519. — Das WasserleitnngsvermCgen des Collencbymgevvebes. [1890.] Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 321-323 ; Erlangen Phys. Med. Soe. Sber., 23, 1891, 26-27. — Ueber den Nachweis des Transpirationsstromes in den PHanzen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1891, 2-9. — Ueber Starkebildung aus Formaldehyd. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1891, 103-106. — Das Verhalten des Gerbstoffs in der lebenden Pflanzen- zelle. Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 23, 1891, 27-28. — Einige Versuche iiber die Abnahme des Wassers an organischer Substanz durch Algenvegetation. Arch. Hyg., 14, 1892, 202-208. — Einige Beobacbtungeu iiber den Einfluss der Ernah- rung auf die Beschaffenheit der Pflanzenzelle. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 321-330. — Ueber Kohlensaureassimilation. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 481-484. — Bemerkuug zu P. KLEMM: Ueber die Aggregations- vorgange in Crassulaceenzellen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 318. — Ermihrung griiner Pflanzenzellen mit Formaldehyd. Landw. Jbiich., 21, 1892, 445-4155. — Zur Proteosomenbildung in den Blattern der Cras- sulaceen. [1893.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 619-621. — Die Vakuolenwand der Pflanzenzellen. Biol. Centrbl., 13, 1893, 271-275. — Ueber die physiologische Wirkung der tellurigen Saure. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 1598-1599. — Eigenschaften, Verbreitung und Bedeutung des nieht- organisirten activen Proteinstoffes. [1893.] Pfliiger, Arch. Pbysiol., 55, 1894, 127-142. — Ueber die Betheiligung chlorophyllfiihrender Pflanzen an der Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Arch. Hyg., 20, 1894:, 181-190. — Ueber den Einfluss des Calciums und Magnesiums auf die Ausbildung der Zellorgane. Bot. Centrbl., 62, 1895, 1-4. — Einige vergleichende Versuche fiber das Verhalten von Pflanzen und niederen Thieren gegen basische Stoffe. Pfliiger, Arch. Physio]., 59, 1895, 557-502. — Einige Versuche iiber die Stickstoffernahrung griiner Pflanzen. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 53. — Notizen zur Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffernahrung der Pilze. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 69. — Ueber das toxikologisclie Verhalten der Pikrinsiiure und Hirer Salze, sowie einiger verwandter Stoffe. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 963-964. — Das Verhalten nitrirter Kohlenhydrate gegen Pilze. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 985-986. — Die mikrnskopische Veriinderung der Baumwolle beim Nitriren. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 986. — Beobachtungeu fiber Starkebildung. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896. 1005-1006. — Versuche fiber die Giftigkeit des Nitroglycerine. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 1021-1022. — Ueber die Wasserloslichkeit des Phosphors und die Giftwirkung wiisseriger Phosphorlusungen. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 1022. — Ueber das Vurkommen des "Gerbstoffes" im Pflan- zenreiche und seine Beziehung zum activen Albumin. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 1022-1023. - Vergleichende Studien fiber die Giftwirkung verschie- dener chemischer Substanzen bei Algen und Infusorien. Ptliiger, Arch. Pbysiol., 64, 1896, 262-306. — Toxicologische Notizen fiber Ortlio- und Para-Verbin- dungen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 64, 1896, 306-312. — Ueber die organische Ernahrung griiner Pflanzen und ihre Bedeutung in der Natur. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 1-20, 33-48. — Grenze der wirksamen Verdiinnung von Niihrstoffen bei Algen und Pilzen. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 417-426. - Ueber die Kohlenstoffernahrung der Sprosshefe. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 303, 1897, 115-119, 140-143, 163-166. - Eruahrharkeit der Spaltpilze durch verschiedene Kohlenstoffverbinduugen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 66, 1897, 114-144. — Notizen fiber die faulnisswidrige Kraft einiger Substanzen. Ztschr. Aiigew. Chem., 1897, 336-344, 364-366. — Notiz fiber Athmung und Assimilation. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 99. — Ueber die Wirkung der iitherischen Oele auf Pilze. [1899.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898, 555-594. Selbstschutz der Pflanzen gegen Pilze. Pilzfeste Pflanzenteile. Biol. Centrbl., 19, 1899, 177-185. — Zur chemiachen Physiologic der "atherischen Oele." Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 60-61, 75-76. - Notiz fiber die Zersetzung von Eiweissstoffen durch Sauren. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 1099-1100. — Physiologiscbes und Chemisches iiber die Pepton- bildung aus Eiweiss. Biol. Centrbl., '20, 1900, 53-59. — Einiges fiber die Proteinstoffe der Satnen. Bot. Centrbl., 82, 1900, 289-306. • Notiz fiber das Myrosin. Cheni. Ztg., 24, 1900, 771- 772, 817, 832. — Empfindlichkeit der Enzyme; Bemerkungen iilier die Beziehungen derselben zum Protoplasma. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 1113-1114, 1136-1138. — Ueber das Vorkommen von Albumin, Albumose und Pepton in den vegetativen Pflanzentheilen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 80, 1900, 48-68. Bokorny, T!i[omas], & Locw, Oscar. See Locw & Bokorny. Boks, It. /)'. Die Technik der Stauung am Kaninchenohr. Centrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 1), 26, 1899, 505-507. Boku, Chiiin. Carbonated spring in Korea. [Jap.] Tokyo Geol. Soc., Geol. Mag., 3, [1896], [230]-[231]. Bolam, George. Notes of arrivals and departures of birds. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [10], 1885, 581-589, 617. Ornithological notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [10], 1885, 589-590; [11], 1887, 258-263. On the occurrence of the cockchafer (Melolontha vulgaris, Fab.) in Northumberland. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [11], 1887, 558-559. • Additions to the lepidopterous fauna of the district, with notes on the capture of some of the rarer species. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [11], 1887, 559-561. — Note on a spider (Meta Menardi, Lot.) new to the district. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [12], 1890, 151-152. — Some notes on the occurrence of PALLAS'S sand grouse, Syrrhaptes paradoxus (/'«//«»), in the district, during the recent visitation of the species to this country. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [12], 1890, 542-551. — Ornithological notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 345-368. — The diamond-back moth, Plutella cruciferarum, /.ell . Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 379-3*5. - The gray seal (HalichcBrus grypus) near Berwick-on- Tweed. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist.', 1893, 180-181. — A list of the birds of Berwick-on-Tweed, with special reference to "The birds of Berwickshire" and notices of the occurrence of some of the rarer species in the adjoining districts. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 70-93 ; 1897, 5-14, 79-88 ; 1899, 65-72. Bolam] — On the breeding of the wigeon (Mareca Penelope) on the Borders. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 219-220. — Blysmus rufus, var. bifolius, a new plant for the district. [1896.J Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 15 1897 362. — Notes on some of the rarer Lepidoptera, with several additions to the fauna of the district. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 15, 1897, 297-306, 390. — Ked-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus, Linn.) in Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 116. — Ichthyologieal notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 16 1899, 201-204. — Monstrosity in the crab. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 80. — Ornithological notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 89-108. — Lesser fork-beard, or tadpole fish. Raniceps trifur- catus (Titrttin). Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 112. On the occurrence of Sphodrus leueophthalmus, Linn., in the district. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 128. Bolam, Herbert William. Zur Verseifung des Diearboxyl- glutaconsaureester. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chein. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3061-3062. — On the hydrolysis of ethylic dicarboxylglutacouate. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc., la, 1897, 184-185. Bolam, Herbert William, & Brown, Alexander Crum. See Brown & Bolam. Bolam, Herbert William, & Gutnzeit, Max. See Guthzeit A Bolam. Bolam, Herbert William, & Purdie, Thomas. ,SVe Purdie & Bolam. Bolam, Hubert A[lfred]. Autral carcinoma. .11. Path. Bact., 5, 1898, 65-68. Bolam, Robert A[lfreil], & Patterson, R[obert] J[ames]. The effect of alternating currents on the frog's heart. [1897.] Durham Univ. Phil. Soc. Proc., 1, 1900, 41-43. Bolam, Robert George. For biographical notice see Ber- wick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 149-152. Boland, G. W. Ueber Pyocyanin, den blauen Farbstoff des Bacillus pyocyaneus. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 25, 1899, 897-902. Bolander, Henry Nicholas]. For biographical notice and works see Erythea, 6, 1898, 100-107. — A new Erythronium. Erythea, 3, 1896, 127. Solas, Thomas. The physics and chemistry of develop- ment. Photogr. Jl., 19, 1895, 232-247. Reproduction by photographic processes. Nature, 58 (1898), 204-205. — Diaphragms of glass, thin to NEWTON'S very black stage. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 23, 1899, 252- 255. Notes on the uses of the Dallmeyer focometer. [With discussion.] [1899.] Photogr. Jl., 24, 1900, 107-111. Bolau, Heinrieh. Eine Zahntaube, Diduuculus strigi- rostris, im Zoologischen Garten in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 25, 1884, 65-69. — Zur Geschiehte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg. 1H37-87. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 10, 1887, No. 1, 32 pp. — Die Raubvogel des Zoologischen Gartens in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 32, 1891, 12-17, 36-39, 265- 274. — On specimens of Haliaetus pelagicus and H. Branickii now living in the Zoological Gardens of Hamburg. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 173-174. — Die Scheidenschnabel im Hamburger Zoologischen Garten. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893, 297-299. — Kleine Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Garten in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 35, 1894, 9-11, 114- 118, 227-231 ; 36, 1895, 359-360 ; 37, 1896, 353-357. — Der Riesen-Seeadler und der Korea-Seeadler im Zoo- logischen Garten in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool Garten 35, 1894, 193-194. R. S. A. C. 15, 657 [Bolivar y Urrutia Die geographische Verbreitung der wichtigsten Wale des Stilleu Ozeans. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh 13 1895 No. 5, 22 pp. - Ueber die Dinka-Neger. [1895.] Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-BI., 1897, 41-42. Bolau, Hermann. Die Typen der Vogelsammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 15, 1898, 45-71 ; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 1898, lie i heft 2, 45-71. — Glandula thyreoidea und Glandula thymus der Amphibien. Zool. Jbuch. lAnat.), 12, 1899, 657- 710. Boican, E. *Hafi.iio,iT,eHiH najcb rejinepaTypoft n oucTpOToft Teqenia BT> H'feKOTopux'i, jiicTaxt BoiTH. [Observations of temperature and rapidity of flow at some points of the Volga.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc., 1872-73, Append. No. 4, 18 pp. Bold, Thomas John. For biography and list of works see Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 8, 1884-89, 33-46. Boldingh, G. Hoiuliiis. Over de afwijkingeu van de wetten voor verdunde oplossingen. Maandbl. Nat., 1897, 143-147, 166-171, 181-189; Fortschr. Phys., 1898 (Abth. 1), 531-532. Boldini, Carlo. For biographical notice sec Venezia, Ateueo, 2, 1888, 241-242. — L" influenza del sottosuolo sullo stato igieuico della citta. Venezia, Ateneo, 1, 1886, 124-144. — [La fognatura delle citta.] Parte prima. Venezia, Ateneo, 1, 1892, 314-355. Boldt, Charles Emit. Om epifylla blommor hos Chirita hamosa, R. Br. Kjobeuh. V'id. Medd., 1897, 332-355; Bot. Centrbl., 74, 1898, 128-130. — Om ett fynd i Finland af Scirpus parvulus, Rum. et Seh., och dess skottbyggnad. [1899.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 26, 1900, 100-104. Boldt, H[eriiiann] J[uli.]. Functional neuroses, and their relation to the diseases peculiar to women. [1898.] N. Y. Mecl. Jl., 69, 1899, 181-185. Boldt, Robert. Bidrag till kannedomen om Sibiriens Chlorophyllophyceer. Stockh., Ofvers., 1885, No. 2, 91-128; Bot. Centrbl., 26, 1886, 1-2. — Gruuddragen af Desmidieernas utbredning i Norden. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Haudl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 3), 1888, No. 6, 110 pp.; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 736-739. — Desmidieer frau Gronland. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 3), 1888, No. 5, 48 pp. - lakttagelser ofver konsfordelningen hos lonnen. [1889.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 16, 1888-91, 61-65. — [Om "snons blomma" (Sphffirella nivalis) och dess forekomst nos oss. Ueber die "Blume des Schnees," Sphffirella nivalis. und deren Vorkommen in Finnland.] [1889.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 18, 1891-92, 192-193; Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1895, 153-154. - Niigra sotvattens-alger fran Gronlaud. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 156-158. Bole, [Desire] E[mile], & Debierre, Ch[arles Marie]. See Debicrre A Bole. Bolezzi, (jini'aimi. Sopra la salicil-p-fenetidina ed aleuni suoi derivati. Napoli, Rend., 37, 1898, 220-225; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Ft. 2), 197-202. Bolivar y Urrutia, Iijnacio. [Observations surles Orthop- teres d'Europe et du bassin de la Mediterranee.] Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, cii-cvii. — Monografia de los Pirgornorfinos. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884, 5-73/419-500. — [Observaciones sobre algunos Tisanuros y Colembolos de los alrededores de Madrid y sobre la Embia Solieri, lib.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884 (Act.), 31-33. • Diagnoses d'Orthopteres nouveaux. [1885.] Natura- liste, [3(1885-87)], 116-117. 83 Bolivar y Urrutia] 658 [Bolivar y Urrutia — Observations sur le Gryllodes littoreus, sp. nov. [1885.] Naturaliste, [3(1886-87)], 174. [Fernando P6o y el Golf'o de Guinea. Enumeraci6n de las colecciones recogidas en su viaje por el Dr. Ossnnio.] Articulados. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886, 341-348. — [Apuntes de un viaje por el Sahara occidental por Don Francisco QCIKOGA.] Crustaceos. [Miriapodos. Ortopteros. Hemipteros.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886, 510-511, 512-517. — [Enumeracion de los Ort6pteros de Espana publicados despues de la aparicion de la sinopsis de los mismos. ] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886 (Act.), 36-39. [Noticia sobre la coleccion de Coleopteros del Sr. D. L. PEREZ ABCAS, donada al Museo de Madrid.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886 (Act.), 55-60. — Essai sur les Acridiens de la tribu des Tettigidse. Briix., Soc. Ent. Ann., 31, 1887, 175-313. — Especies uuevas 6 criticas de Ortopteros. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 16, 1887, 89-114. [Excursion ortoptero!6gica A. Pefialara.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 16, 1887 (Act.), 4-9. — [Descripcion de la copula de la Locusta viridissima, L.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 16, 1887 (Act.), 70-73; Ent Nachr., 14, 1888, 78-79. — Enumeration des Orthopteres de 1'lle de Cuba. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 1, 1888, 116-164. — [Sobre un parasite del Astacus fluviatilis.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 (Act.), 60-63. — [Observaciones sobre algunos insectos de Sabaris, Pontevedra.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 (Act.), 83-84. — [Noticia de algunos insectos del Escorial.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 (Act.), 101. — Enumeracion de los Grilidos de Filipinas. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 18, 1889, 415-431. — Ortopteros de Africa del Museo de Lisboa. [1889-90.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 73-112, 150-173, 211- 232. — Diagnosis de Ortopteros uuevos. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890, 2911-334. — [Noticias sobre la recoleccion de los Crustaceos.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890 (Act.), 2-6. — [Observaciones sobre algunos Gryllodes.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890 (Act.), 19. — [Lista de Crustaceos cerca de San Sebastian.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890 (Act.), 115-120. — Voyage de M. E. SIMON au Venezuela. Orthopteres. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, 137-146. — Apuutes acerca de los aparatos de pesca empleados a bordo de la IlirondeUe por S. A. S. el Principe de Monaco. Madrid, Soe. Hist. Nat. An., 20, 1891, 385-424. [Excursiones a la Poveda (Madrid) y a los Picos de Europa (Santander).] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 20, 1891 (Act.), 3-5. — La langosta migratoria de Chile. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 2, 1892, 190-199. — Ortbopteres provenant des voyages de S. A. le Prince de Monaco dans les archipels de Madere et des Acores. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 17, 1892, 46-49. — Lista de la colecci6n de Crustaceos de Espana y Portugal del Museo de Historia Natural de Madrid. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 21, 1892 (Act.), 124-141. — Les especes du genre Cyrtaspis, Fiscli. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 289-293. - Voyage de M. Ch. ALLUACP dans le territoire d'Assinie (Afrique occidentale). Orthopteres. [1892.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, 169-184. - Tableau pour la determination du genre Tryxalis, F. ln'.a.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 23, 1892-93, 161-164. — Ad cognitionem Ortbopterorum Europce et confinium. i. Sobre el genero Locusta, De Geer. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 22, 1893 (Act.), 22-26. — Viaje de M. Ch. ALLUAUD a las islas Canarias. (Noviembre 1889 a junio 1890.) Ortfipteros. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 22, 1893 (Act.), 45-53. — Liste des Orthopteres recueillis en Syrie par le Dr. Theud. BARROIS. Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 476- 489. — Ad cognitionem Orthopterorum Europa? et confinium. n. Sobre el genero Gryllodes, Saust. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 (Act.), 44-58. [Ortopteros recogidos en las Azores por el Sr. Affonso CHAVES.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 (Act.), 70-76. — Ad cognitionem Orthopterorum Europe et confinium. in. Especies nuevas 6 eriticas. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 (Act.), 83-89. — [Orthopteres du Togoland.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, clxi-clxiii. - Mission scientitique de M. Ch. ALLUACD aux iles Sechelles. Orthopteres. [1894.] Paris, Soe. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, 369-385. — Ortbopteres de 1'ile de la Reunion. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, 386. [Nota sobre Ortopteros del rio Atalapo, recogidos por el viajero Sr. VRAZ.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 25, 1896 (Act.), 11-18. — Catalogo sinoptico de los Ortopteros de la fauna iberica. Annaes Sci. Nat., 4, 1897, 105-135, 203-232; 5, 1898, 1-48, 121-152; 6, 1900, 1-28. — Odonates et Orthopteres, recueillis sur 1'ilot d'Alboran par MM. H. NEUVILLE et J. RICHARD. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 22, 1897, 36-37. — Viaggio di Leonardo FEA in Birmauia e region! vicine. LXXVIII. Nouvelle espece cavernicole de la famille des Blattaires. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 38, 1897, 32-36. — [Tieniosoma Sanchezi, nueva especie de fasmido de Filipinas.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 (Act.), 29-32. [Nota bibliografica acerca del Catalogue des Hemip- teres du Portugal, por SI. P. DE OLIVEIRA.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 (Act.), 72-74. — Insectos recogidos en Cartagena por D. Jose SANCHEZ GOMEZ. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 (Act.), 166-174. — La partenogenesis en los Ort6pteros. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 (Act.), 242-244. — Les Orthopteres de St. Joseph's College a Trichinopoly (sud de 1'Inde). Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 66, 1897, 282- 316; 68, 1899, 761-812. — Description d'une espece nouvelle d'Orthoptere du Perou. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 215-216. — Contributions a 1'etude des Acridiens. Especes de la faune indo et austro-malaisienne du Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Geneva. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 39, 1898, 66-101. — Notas entomologicas. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 27, 1898 (Act.), 72-78. — Ort6pteros nuevos de Borneo y de Nueva Guinea. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 27, 1898 (Act.), 137-142. — Nueva especie de Mantido europeo. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 27, 1898 (Act.), 115-146. — Orthopteres du voyage de A/. MARTINEZ ESCALERA dans 1'Asie Mineure. Brux. , Soc. Eut. Ann., 43, 1899, 583- 607. — Anataelia, genero nuevo de Fortificiilido de las islas Canarias. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899 (Act.), 97-99. — Dos formas larvarias de Lampiridos. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899 (Act.), 130-133. — Observaciones acerca de la primera morfosis de la langosta (Staurouotus maroccanus, Thunb.). Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899 (Act.), 162-164. Bolivar y TJrrutia, liinucin, Ralfray, Acliille. & Simon, Eugene. See KafEray, Bolivar y TJrrutia tv Simon. Bolkl 659 [Bolley Boik, I.oiiis. Beziehungen zwisohen Skelet, Muskulatur und Nerven der Extremitaten, dargelegt am Becken- giirtel, an dessen Muskulatur sowie am Plexus lumbo- sacralis. Morphol. Jbuoh., 21, 1894, 241-277. — Rekonstruktion der Segmentirung der Gliedmassen- muskulatur, dargelegt an den Muskeln des Ober?chenkels und des Schultergiirtels. Morphol. Jbuch., 22, 1895, 357-379. — Die Sklerozonie des Humerus. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Bildungsgeschichte dieses Skelettheiles. Morphol. Jbuch., 23, 1895, 391-411. — Beitrag zur Neurologie der uuteren Extrernitat der Primaten. [1897.] Morphol. Jbuch., 25, 1898, 305- 361. — Die Segmentaldifferenzirung des menschlichen Humpfes und seiner Extrermtaten. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Morphogenese des menschliehen Korpers. [1898-99.] Morphol. Jbuch., 25, 1898, 465-543; 26, 1898, 91-211; 27, 1899, 630-711; 28, 1900, 105-146. Ueber eine Variation des kurzen Kopfes des Biceps femoris heim Orang. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologic dieses Muskels. Morphol. Jbuch., 26, 1898, 274-281. — Die Homologie der Brust- und Bauchmuskeln. Morphol. Jbuch., 27, 1899, 317-321. Beitrage zur Affen-Anatomie. [i. Untersuchungen am schwangeren Uterus von Serunopithecus.] Morphol. Jbuch. , 28, 1900, 565-623. — Kiirzere Mittheilungen ausdem anatomischen Institut zu Amsterdam, [i. Ueber die Persistenz fiitaler Former- scheinungen bei einem erwachsenen Manne. 11. Ueber eine Wirbelsiiule mit nur sechs Halswirbeln.] [1900.] Morphol. Jbuch., 29. 1902, 78-93. Boll, F. Ueber die Umkehrungsversuche mit Bryopsis, nebst Bemerkungen iiber ihreu zelligen Aufbau (Energi- den). Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 18, 1900, 444-451. Boll, J[(icoli]. To reference in No. 3 ( Vol. 9) add Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 176-179; Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb.., 3, 1878, 135-144. Boll. i, Achillf. II gneiss centrale nella Valtellina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sent. 2), 101-105. Bolland, G. J. P. J. Voorzienigheid en natuurwet, eene hernieuwde bespreking der oude vraag : "Werkt de natuur volgens doeleinden?" Batavia, Natuurk. Tijd- schr., 47, 1887, 38-144. — Schijn en wezen. Algemeene beschouwingen over de begrippen stof en kracht. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. , 47, 1887, 283-527. — Die Lebenserscheinungen uud der Erklarungswahn in der Physiologie der Gegenwart. Ein kritisch-philosophi- scher Versuch. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdsehr., 50, 1891, 258-310. Bolic, Carl. [Vorkommen von Nycthierax ulula in der Mark Brandenburg.] Jl. f. Ornith., 34, 1886, 401. - Ulmus effusa. Garden & Forest, 1, 1888, 381-382. — Unter den Linden des Werbellin. Eine miirkische Studie. [1889.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 31, 1890, 124-134. — Grafting oaks. Garden & Forest, 3, 1890, 159. — Zur Variabilitat der Eiche in der Mark. [1889.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, 236-244. — The naturalisation of exotic forest-trees in Prussia. Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 321-322. Nachtrag zur Florula der Kopfweiden. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 33, 1892, 72-74. Florula insularum olim Purpurariarum, nunc Lanza- rote et Fuertaventura cum rninoribus Isleta de Lobos et la Graciosa in Archipelago Canariensi. Engler, Bot. Jbuch., 14, 1892, 230-257. — Botanische Riickblicke auf die Inseln Lanzarote und Fuertaventura. Engler, Bot. Jbiieh., 16, 1893, 224- 261. [Ueber die Buche des Kaukasus.] [1894.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 36, 1895, xvi. — Eine Farbenvarietat der Armeria elongata. [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 41, 1900, 1-4. Bolle, Carl, & Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August]. Dianthus Laucheanus, Ble. Ein neuer Nelkenbastard. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 33, 1892, 102-105. Bolle, Giovanni, & Thiimen, Felix [Karl Albert Ernst Joachim] (Baron) von. Contribution! allo studio dei Funghi del litorale austriaco con speciale riguardo a quelli che vegetano sulle piante utili. Trieste Boll., 9, [(Pt. 1)], 1885, 64-78. Bollee, Leon. Sur une nouvelle machine a ealculer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 737-739. Bolleman van der Veen, P. J. Locustella luscinioides, found breeding in the province of Friesland (Nether- lauds). [1896.] Leydeu Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-97, 160. Bollemont, E. Gregoire de. [Action du formiate d'amyle sur Tether cyanacetique sode.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 214. [Action du cyauacetate d'amyle sur Tether ortho- formicjue en presence d'anhydride acetique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 437-438. — [Preparation de Tethoxymethylenecyanacetate de methyle et de Toxymethylenecyanacetate de methyle. J Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 742. — Etude de quelques derives oxymethyleniques des ethers cyanacetiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1338-1341. — Etude de Toxymethyltnecyanacetate de methyle et de quelques-uns de ses homologues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 50-53. — [Action de Torthoformiate de methyle sur les ethers cyauacetiques. Ethers tnethoxymethylenecyanacetiques et amidomtthylenecyanacetiques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 117-118. [Action de Taniline sur les ethers alcoyloxymethylene- cyanacetiques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 326. Bollenhagen, Heino. Beitrag zur Pathologic des Eier- stocks. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gymik., 43. 1900, 60-96. Boiler, A. Adolf. Zur Flora der grosseu Kapela. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 42, 1893 (Abh.), 241-249. Eine botanische Wanderung im Bihac in Bosuieu und im angrenzenden Theile von Croatien. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 42, 1893 (Abh.), 250-259. Boiler, Alfred P. Test of a wrought iron double track floor beam, [With discussion.'] [1887.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 18, 1888, 119-129. Boiler, Alfred P., & Schumacher, H. J. Experimental determination of the rolling friction in operating the draw of the Thames river bridge, together with method for determining power to operate draw-bridges. [With discussion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 25, 1891, 638-661. Boiler, H". Das Siidlicht. Beitr. Geophys., 3, 1898, 56- 130, 550-609. Holies, Frank. For biographical notice and works see Auk, 11, 1894, 184-185, 359. — Barred owls in captivity. Auk, 7, 1890, 101-114. Snake skins in the nests of Myiarchus crinitus. Auk, 7, 1890, 288. Young cedarbirds and great crested flycatchers in captivity. Auk, 7, 1890, 290. Yellow-bellied woodpeckers and their uninvited guests. Auk, 8, 1891, 256-270. Young sapsuckers in captivity. Auk, 9, 1892, 109- 119. - Mceurs de hiboux. Rev. Sci., 50, 1892, 718-724. — Hectoring a hawk. Science, 20, 1892, 123-124. The humming-bird's food. Science, 20, 1892, 318. — Mouse trapping. Science, 22, 1893, 148. — Scars on apple tree trunks. Science, 22, 1893, 217. Bolles Lee. ,S'< v Lee. Bolley, [Alexander Pompeiua], For biographical notice see Zurich Vrtljschr., 41, 1896 (Fettschr., Th. 1), 95-96. 83—2 Bolley] 660 [Bollman To reference in No. 28 (Vol. 7) add Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 65. Bolley, Henri/ L. The hetereecismal Puccinife. Amer. Micr. Jl., 10, 1889, 169-180. — Sub-epidermal rusts. Bot. Gaz., 14, 1889, 139-145. Potato scab, a bacterial disease. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1890, 334-335. — Note on the wheat rust. Amer. Micr. Jl., 11, 1890, 59-60. — Pseudo-aurora. Science, 23, 1894, 108. The constancy of bacterial species in normal fore milk. [1895.] Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 184-188. An apparatus for the bacteriological sampling of well waters. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 22, 1897, 288-290. — Einige Bemerkungen iiber die symbiotische Myko- plasmatheorie bei dem Getreiderost. Centrbl. Bakt. (AM. 2), 4, 1898, 855-859, 887-896, 913-919. — The position of the Fungi in the plant system as indicated by the work on the organisms of nitrification. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 857-859. — The duration of bacterial existence and trial environ- ments. [1899.] Ceutrbl. Bakt. (AM. 2), 6, 1900, 33-38. Bolley, Henri/ L., & Field, Merton. Bacillus typhi abdominalis in milk and butter. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 881-887. Bolley, Henri/ L., & Kail, C. M. Cheese curd inflation: its relation to the bacterial flora of fore milk. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 1, 1895, 7*8-795. Bolley, Henry L., & Waldron, L. R. The occurrence of calcium oxalate and lignin during the differentiation of the buds of Prunus americana. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1899, 304. Boiling, G. Om hysteria major och kastration. [1884.] Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 20, 1885, 85-95; Neurol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 302-303. Boiling, Randolph. Preservation of HUBL'S reagent. Amer. Chem. Jl., 22 (1899), 213-214. — Irregular distribution of sulphur in pig iron. Amer. Cbem. Soc. Jl., 22, 1900, 798-799. Bellinger, 0[tto]. To reference in No. 12 (Vol. 12) add Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 273-274. — *Kunstliche Tuberculose, erzeugt dnrch den Genuss der Milch tuberculoser Kiihe. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 263-265. — Ueber das autochthone Vorkommen des Bothrio- cephalus latus in Miinchen nebst Bemerkuugen iiber die geographische Verbreitung der Bandwiirmer. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 36, 1885, 277-284. — Ueber multilocularen Echinococcus der Leber. [1885.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 1, [1886], 19-20. — Zur Aetiologie des Milzbrandes. [1885.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 1, [1886], 21-23. — Ueber Tuberculose beim Affen. [1886.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 2, 1887, 5-6. — Demonstration eines geschwulstbildenden Pilzes beim Pferde (Botryomykose) : Micrococcus botryogenus (Rabe), Micrococcus ascoformans (Jahne), Discomyces Equi (Rivolta). [1887.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 5-7. — Ueber Entstehung und Heilbarkeit der Tuherculose. [1HH8.] Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 14, 1889, 264- 272. - Ueber Cysticercus celluloste im Gehirn. [1888.] Miinehen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 4, 1889, 45-49. — Ueber den Einfluss der Verdiinnung auf die Wirk- samkeit des tuberkulosen Giftes. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 328-329. — Ueber die Infectiositiit des Fleisches tuberkuloser Kinder. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 (Th. 2), 187. — Ueber einige Quellen der tuberkulosen Infection. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 (Th. 2), 187-188. Ueber Tuberkulose. Int. (Bd. 2, Abtli. 3), 147-154. Med. Cougr. Verh., 1890 — Ueber partielles Riesenwachsthum und angeborene Fettsucht. [1889.] Beitr. Anthrop. Bayerns, 9, 1891 (Miinchen Anthrop. Ges. Verh.), (28)-(29). — Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des an Infectionskrauk- heiten leidenden Schlachtviehes. [1890.] Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 17, 1891, 215-241. — Ueber primiire infectiose Pyelo-Nephritis beim Rind. [1891.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 7, [1892], 59. — Ueber die Infectiositat des Blutes tuberculoser Hinder. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1893 (Tli. 2, Hiilfte 2), 14-15. — Ueber die Identitiit der Perlsucht der Rinder mit der menschlichen Tuberculose. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1893 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 2), 15. — Ueber die Grb'ssenverbaltuisse des Herzens bei Vogeln. [1893.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 9, 1894, 106-113. — Ueber S;iuglings-Sterblichkeit und die erbliche func- tionelle Atrophie der menschlichen Milchdriise. [Il'/f/i discussion.] Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1899, 117-122; Wieu Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 30, 1900, [51]- [56]. [On tuberculosis amongst domestic animals and its relationship to tubercular disease in man.] Nature, 60 (1899), 108. Bollman, Charles Harvey. For biographical notice and works see U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 7. — Notes on a collection of fishes from the Escambia river, with description of a new species of Zygonectes. [1886.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 9, 1887, 462-465. — Preliminary descriptions of ten new North American myriapods. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 81-82. — Description of new genera and species of North American Myriapoda (Julidre). [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 2, 1886-87, 225-229. — New genus and species of Polydesrnidas. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 45-46. New North American myiiapods. [1887.] Entomo- logica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 81-83. — Notes on North American Julidffi. [1887.] N. T. Ac. Ann., 4, 1887-89, 25-44. Notes upon a collection of Myriapoda from east Tennessee, with a description of a new genus and six new species. [1887.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 4, 1887-89, 106- 112. — Notes on the North American Lithobiidte and Seuti- geridffi. [1887.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 10, 1888, 2.54-266. — A preliminary list of the Myriapoda of Arkansas with descriptions of new species. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 1-8. - Descriptions of fourteen new species of North American myriapods. U. S. Mus. Proc., 10, 1888 617- 627. — Description of a new species of insect, Fontaria pulchella, from Strawberry Plains, Jefferson Co., Tennessee. [1888.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 11, 1889, 316. — Notes on a small collection of mynapods from the Bermuda Islands. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1889 127-129. — Notes on a collection of Myriapoda from Cuba. U. S. Mus. Proc., 11, 1889, 335-33S. - Notes on a collection of Myriapoda from Mossy Creek, Tenn., with a description of a new species. U. S. Mus. Proc., 11, 1889, 339-342. — Notes upon some myriapods belonging to the U. S. National Museum. U. S. Mus. Proc., 11, 1889, 343-350. Catalogue of the myriapods of Indiana. U. S. Mus. Proc., 11, 1889, 403-410. — A report upon the fishes of Kalamazoo, Calhoun, and Antrim counties, Michigan. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 8, 1890, 219-225. Bollman] 661 [Bolsius — [Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. No. v.] Myriapocla. U. S. Mus. Proc., 12, 1890, 211-216. — A review of the Centrarchida?, or freshwater sunfishes of North America. [Posth.] U. S. Fish Comm. Hep., 16, 1892, 557-579. — A catalogue of the known Myriapoda of North America, north of Mexico. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 117-130. — Some new species of North American niyriapods. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 131-135. Notes on the synonymy of Myriapoila. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 136-148. — Notes upon the species of Myriapoda Syngnatha described by Thomas SAY. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 144-149. • Notes upon the North American niyriapods described by C. L. KOCH. [Poith.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 150-152. — Classification of Myriapoda. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 153-162. Classification of the Syngnatha. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 163-167. — [Synopsis of the Scolopendridffi of North America.] [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 168-180. A list of the Myriapoda of Minnesota. [Posth.] U.S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 181-185. — Notes on the Polyzoniidffi. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 186-189. — Notes upon a collection of niyriapods belonging to the U. S. National Museum. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 190-200. Bollman, Charles Harvey, & Evcrm.mii, Ilartnn Wurren. See Everm.um A Bollman. Bollman, (.'htirle* Harvey, & Jordan, David Starr. See Jordan A Bollman. Bollman, Charles Harvey, & Meek, Seth E. See Meek A Bollman. Hollo, I'., it M.iriao Znco, Francesco. Sec Marino- Zuco A* Bollo. Bolm, Frietlrieh. Ueber die neue Atomgewichtstabelle. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 495. Bolm, Friedrich, & Troeger, [Karl] Julius [Ludwig]. See Troeger it Bolm. Bolmida, C. *Bolide. [Eivoli 10 novembre, 1882.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 271. Bolognesi, , & Juhel-Renoy, [Jtan] Kd[ouard], See Juhcl-Rcnoy A- Bolognesi. Bolot, E. Sur la ponte des Doris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 829-831. Boiotov, /•,[(•,/,»(/ Aleksandrovit]. 3a^,aia o pasjiosieHiii juinnaro BiiHTa Ha ,i,Ba BiiHia ct paBHUMii napa- MOTpaMH II CJltflCTBifl efl. [Problems on the trans- formation of a given screw into two screws of equal parameters and the results.] Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 3, 1893, 97-108. uoisakov, /. N. 0 niflpaTaxT) SpoMiic'raro miKiiejia. [Sur les hydrates de bromure de nickel.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1897 (Pts. 5 & 6), 181-184; Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Chem.), 1897, 326-330 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 18, 1897, 1250. — 0 nijipaiaxT, io;;ncTaro Ko6ajii/ra. [Sur les hydrates de 1'iodure de cobalt.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1898 (Pt. 4), 171-174; Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chem.), 1898, 386-389; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 8. - 0 ni^paTt Tpex6poMiicTaro acejfaa. [Sur I'hydrate du bromure ferrique.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1898 (PI. 4), 175-178; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chem.), 1898, 389-391; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 8. Bolsius, (le rev. pere) H[einrich]. Eecherches sur la structure des organes segmentaires des Hirudine'es. Cellule, 5, 1889, 367-436; 7, 1891, 1-77. — Intrazellulare Gauge. Erwiderung auf einige An- klagen des Herrn F. LEYDIG. [1890.] Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 654-656. — Sur un nouveau chariot de microscope. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 15, 1891 (Pt. 1), 42-44. — Les organes cili^s des Hirudinees. i. L'organe eilie du genre Nephelis. Cellule, 7, 1891, 289-321. Anatomie des organes segmentaires des Hirudiu^es d'eau douce, d'apres les recherches cytologiques. [1890- 91.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 16, 1892 (Pi. 2), 1-69. — Sur un curieux paradoxe visuel. [1891.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 16, 1892 (Pt. 1), 26-32. — Une note sur un systeme de valets-pinces solidaires pour microscope. [1892.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 17, 1893 (Pt. 1), 25-29. — [Sur des Hirudinees de Madagascar.] [1892.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 17, 1893 (Pt. 1), 30. — [Sur quelques points d'anatomie microscopique d'Euchytrajus humicultor, IV/'rf.] [1892.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 17, 1893 (Pt. 1), 30-31. — Notice sur 1'anatomie de 1'organe segmentaire d'Enchytra-ides. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 210-215. — Sur un cas de superletation dans une orange. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 17, 1893 (Pt. 1), 102-104. — [Over den bouw der segmentaal-organen bij de Hirudi- neen en bij de Oligochffiten (Enchytrjeus).] [1893.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsehr., 4, 1893-94, xxii — [Over de trilharige organen (organes cilies) bij Nephe- liden en Glossiphoniden.] [1893.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsehr., 4, 1893-94, xxix. — L'organe segmentaire d'un Enobytreeide. Etude d'anatomie descriptive. Eoma, N. Lincei Mem., 9, 1893 (Pt. 1), 7-31. — Sur certains details de branchialis. [1893.] Brux. 1'anatomie d'Astacobdella Soc. Sci. Ann., 18, 1894 (Pt. 1), 27-31. — A word of reply to Mr. BOURNE'S " Eeview : The Nephridia of leeches." Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 382- 391. — Sur 1'anatomie de la Branchiobdella parasita et de la Mesobdella gemniata. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 18, 1894 (Pt. 1), 57-61. — Anatomie des organes cilies des Hirudinees du genre des Glossiphonides. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 18, 1894 (Pt. 1), 112-115, (Pt. 2), 129-164. — [Sur uu enuemi de 1'Aulostomum gulo. ] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 18, 1894 (Pf. 1), 115. — Le sphincter de la n<5phridie des Guathobdellides. Cellule, 10, 1894. 333-345. — Contribution a 1'anatomie des Glossiphonides (Clep- sinides). Le canal efferent du testieule. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 292-295. — [Dispositif pour indiquer un detail particulier dans une preparation microscopique.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 19, 1895 (Pt. 1), 80-81. — Nephridies extremes de quelques Hirudinees. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 19, 1895 (Pt. 1), 81-85. — Critique de la ruethode de M. Asajiro OKA dans ses recherches sur les nephridies des Glossiphonides (Clep- sine). Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 19, 1895 (Pt. 1), 86-89. Les de't'enseurs de la continuity actuelle des nephridies et des "entonuoirs" dans les Hirudinees. Apercu de 1'etat actuel des preuves. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 19, 1895 (Pt. 2), 197-202. — Note prelirninaire sur des parasites de quelques Hirudinees. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 19, 1896 (Pt. 2), •203-206. — Les uephridies dans les Hirudinees portent-elles un entonuoir a I'extremite inte'rienre? Congr. Int. Zool. C. B., 1895, 483-484. Bolsius] 662 IBolton — Un parasite de la "Glossiphonia sexoculata." Korna, N. Lincei Mem.. 11, 1895, 159-164. — Quelques correctious a faire dans le livre de Rudolf LETJCKART : "Die Parasiten des Menschen," nouvelle Edition. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 27-28, 33-38. — Remarques sur lea indications des grossissements dans les dessins rnicrographiques. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 386- 388. Disposition d'un appareil pour le developpement de gaz d'un usage frequent en chimie. [1895.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 (Pt. 1), 25-27. — Sur le canal nephridien dans les Glossiphonides et '1'entonnoir' uephridien dans les Herpobdellides. Resume. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 (Pt. 1), 117-118. La glande susoesophagienne de la Hitrnenteria officinalis. (Communication prelimiuaire.) Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 284-285. [Note sur un organe glandulaire recemmeut decouvert dans 1'Hffimenteria officinalis.] [1896.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. 1), 35-36; Cellule, 12, 1897, 99-112; Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 5, 1898, Ixxv. — Sur 1'ceuf de 1'Ascaris megalocephala a divers niveaux de son trajet par 1'oviducte. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. I), 92-96. — L'union des cellules nephridiales des Glossiphonides et l'iudt!'pendance du preteudu eutonnoir des Herpob- dellides. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. 2), 6-26. Le chariot univer.-el, systeme rationuel de mesurage pour preparations microscopiques. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. 2), 87-102; Zool. Anz., 21, 1898, 336- 337. — [Over deu anatomischen bouw der voorste en achterste nephridien door hem onderzocht in de groep der Hasma- dipsiden en in Mesobdella gemmata en Xerobdella Lecorutei.] [1895.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 5, 1898, iv-v. [Over de recbtstreeksche verbinding van de trilhaar- (trechter-) organen met de nephridien bij de Hirudineen.] [1896.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 5, 1898, Iv. — Sangsues terrestres. [1897.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 22, 1898 (Pt. 1), 24-25. — Les organes cilies de 1'Hffiinenteria officinalis. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 240. — Hamienteria officinalis. [1899.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1900 (Pt. 1), 69-70. [Over de plaatsing der zoogenaamde " nepliridiaal- trecbters " en hunne capsules in het lichaain der Hanrienteria officinalis.] [1899.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 6, 1900, Ix. Observations faites sur un amibe. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1900 (Pt. 1), 97-98. — Recherches sur 1'organe cilie" de I'Haeinenteria offici- nalis. Cellule, 17, 1900, 267-281. Bolt, J. C. Over 't gezicbtsveld van den Hollandscben kijker. [1891.] Maandbl. Nat., 1891-92, 42-45. Bolt, J. C., & Hnflci, N. G. van. [The August meteors, 1893.] Observatory, London, 16, 1893, 319-320. Bolt, J. C., & Nijlanil, Albert] A[ntonir]. See Nijland & Bolt. Bolte, F. Ueber Ganganderungen von Cbronometern auf See. Ann. der Hydrogr., 10 (1888), 419-422. — Ueber die Genauigkeit nautisch-astronomischer Beo- bachtungen auf See. Ann. der Hydrogr., 17 (1889), 156-163. — Die Verwerthung von Sternbedeckuugen fiir die Chronometerkontrole auf See. Ann. der Hydrogr., 19 (1891), 241-246. — Geographische Ortsbestimmung nach einer eiuheit- lichen Heductionsmethode. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1898 (7V/. 2, Hiiljte 1), 198-200. — Zur Berechnung des Scbiffsortes aus zwei Gestirns- hohen nach der Hohenmethode. Ann. der Hydrogr., 28 (1900), 29-31. Bolton, Benjamin] Meade. Ueber das Verhalten ver- schiedener Bacterienarten im Trinkwasser. Ztschr. Hyg., 1, 1886, 76-114. The character of bacteria. [1888.] Amer. Micr. 31., 10, 1889, 5-7. — Diphtheria antitoxin sometimes found in the blood of horses that have not been injected with toxin. 31. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 543-545. Bolton, H[i>njniiiin] Heinle, & Pease, Herbert I). The production of antitoxin by the passage of electricity through diphtheria cultures. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 537-542. Bolton, (Col. Sir) Francis [John], For biography and works see Nature, 35, 1887, 255; Telegr. Jl., 20, 1887, 37; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 93, 1888, 497-501. Further historical notes on the electric light. (Third article.) [1886.] Telegr. Engiu. Jl., 15, 1887, 391- 516. Bolton, Frederick E. A contribution to the study of illusions, with special reference to (a) the effect of size upon estimations of weight, (b) the effect of contour upon estimations of area. [1896.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 9, 1897-98, 167-182. — Hydro-psychoses. [1899.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 10, 1898-99, 169-227. Bolton, Henry Cnrrington. Tirage des epreuves positives au moyen des sels de fer. [Tr.] Les Mondes, 7, 1884. 182-186. — [Scientific record for 1884-86.] Chemistry. Smith- sonian Rep., 1884, 491-542; 1885, 637-686; 1887, 387- 447. — Recent visits to "singing beaches" in Scotland and America. [With discussion.] [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1885, 72-76. - The "singing beaches" of the Baltic. [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1885. 97-98. — Sonorous sand-hills of Arabia and Afghanistan. [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1885, 98-99. — A catalogue of chemical periodicals. [1885-87.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 3, 1883-85, 159-216; 4, 1887-89, 19-22. Index to the literature of uranium, 1789-1885. Smithsonian Rep., 1885, 915-946. — Peroxides of potassium and sodium. A lecture experiment. [1886.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 5, 1885-86, 214-215. — List of elementary substances announced from 1877 to 1887. Chem. News, 58, 1888, 188. — Notes on the great salt deposit of Petite Anse, Louisiana. [1888.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 122- 128. — Researches on sonorous sand in the peninsula of Sinai. [1889.] Amer. Ass. Proc., 1889, 137-140; N. Y. Ac. Trans. , 9 (1889-90), 21-25. — Jebel Nagous and a new Mountain of the Bell. [1889.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., ,H, 1888-89, 182-184; Nature, 39, 1889, 607-608; 40, 1889, 35; Science, 13, 1889, 368-369. — Notes on the occurrence of musical saud on the Pacific coast of the United States. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1890, 2">5-2.-)7. — Scientific jottings on the Nile and in the desert. [18'.)0.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 9 (1889-90), 110-126. — Researches on musical sand iu the Hawaiian Islands and in California. [1890.] N. Y. Ac. Trane., 10 (1890-91), 28-35; Science, 16, 1890, 163-164 [Part only], — Squeaking sand versus musical saud. [1890.] Nature, 43, 1891, 30. — Exhibition of alchemical medals. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, 30-32. — Historical notes on the gold-cure. [1892.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 11 (1891-92), 151-155. — A bibliography of chemistry for the year 1887. [1888.] Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 34, 1893, Art. 5, 13 pp. Bolton] 663 [Boltwood — Progress of chemistry as depicted in apparatus and laboratories. [1893.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 12 (1892-93), 128-137. — An international index to chemical literature. [1893.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 13 (1893-94), 2-6; Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 15, 1893, 574-579. — A select bibliography of chemistry 1492-1892. Smith- sonian Miscell. Coll., 36, 1893, xiii + 1212 pp. — Chinese alchemical literature. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 53-54. — Early American chemical societies. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 19, 1897, 717-732. • An American blue grotto. Science, 8, 1898, 266-267. — Reminiscences of BUNSEN and the Heidelberg labora- tory, 1863-65. Science, 10, 1899, 865-870. — A select bibliography of chemistry 1492-185)7. First supplement. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 39, 1899, Art. 7, ix + 489 pp. — An experimental study of radio-active substances. [1900.] Smithsonian Rep., 1899, 155-162. — A select bibliography of chemistry 1492-1902. Second supplement. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 44, 1904, Art. 5, 462 pp. Bolton, Henry Carrington, & Julicn, Alexis A. *Musical sand. Science, 2, 1883, 713. — Musical sand, its wide distribution and properties. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1884, 408-413. — Sonorous sands. Nature, 38, 1888, 515. See also Julien & Bolton. Bolton, Herbert. Observations on boulders from the high- level drift of Bacup. Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 19, 1888, 393-400. — Fish remains from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire. [1889.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 20, 1890, 215-222. — Note on boulders at Darley, near Matlock, Derbyshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 650. — On the finding of marine shells in the boulder clay of Bacup. Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 21, 1892, 574- 576. — Observations on the Skiddaw slates of the north of the Isle of Man. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 770-771. — On the occurrence of a trilobite in the Skiddaw slates of the Isle of Man. Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 29-31. — On a goniatite from the Lower Coal Measures. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 283-284. Note on some fossil trees at Doulton's Delf, St. Helens, Lancashire. [Il'it/i discussion.'] [1894.] Man- chester Geol. Soc. Trans., 23, 1896, 73-80. — Notes on plant and fish remains from the Jarrow colliery, Co. Kilkenny. [1894.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans.', 22, 1896, 613-628. — Note on Myriolepis hiberuica, Traq. [1894.] Man- chester Geol. Soc. Trans., 22, 1896, 628-632. — On the metamorphism of coal. Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 23, 1896, 122-142. — The animal life of the Lancashire Coal Measures. [1896.] Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1896, 123-135. - The geology of north-east Lancashire in it* relation to the physical geography. [1895.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 24, 1896, 56-66. — On the occurrence of the genus Listracanthus in the English Coal Measures. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 424-426. — Descriptions of new species of Bracbiopoda and Mollusca from the Millstone Grit and Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire. [1896.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 41, 1897, NIL 6, 8 pp. The Lancashire coal field. [1897.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 16, 1898, 224-251. — The nomenclature of the seams of the Lancashire Lower Coal Measures. Manchester Geol. Soe. Trans. 25, 1898, 428-467. . The paleontology of the Manx slates of the Isle of Man. (With additions by G. W. LAMPLUOH, F.G.S., Jan. 5th, 1899.) [1898.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 43, 1900, No. 1, 15 pp. Bolton, Joseph Shaw. On the nature of the Weigert-Pal method. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 247-266. — On the range of applicability of certain modifications of the Weigert-Pal process. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 292-300. — The exact histological localisation of the visual area of the human cerebral cortex. Phil. Trans. (B), 193, 1900, 165-222. Bolton, Percy R., & Chittenden, R[ussell] H[enry]. See Chittenden & Bolton. Bolton, (Col.) R. The Pontotoc meteor. [1888.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 4 (1887-88), 520-527. Bolton, Reginald. The application of electricity to hoisting machinery. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1892, 79-91. Bolton, Thaddeus L. The growth of memory in school children. Amer. Jl. Psychol., 4, 1892, 362-380. — On the discrimination of groups of rapid clicks. Amer. Jl. Psychol., 5, 1893, 294-309. - Rhythm. [1894.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 6, 1893, 145- 238, 310-311. Bolton, Thaddeus L., & Donaldson, Henri/ II. See Donaldson A Bolton. Bolton, Thomas. For biographical notice see Midland Natlist., 10, 1887, 297-301. — Notes on two rare annelids. Ctenodrilus pardalis. Nais Hamata. [1884.] Midland Natlist., H, 1885, 117- 118. A successful pond hunt. Midland Natlist., 8, 1886, 188-190. — Micro-organisms in a swampy ditch in Sutton park. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 173-176. — Ellesmere excursion. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 225. Bolton, Werner. Ueber die Priifung der Gesteine auf ihre Wetterbestandigkeit mit besonderer Berucksichtiguug der Saudsteine/ Diuglers Polytechu. Jl., 278, 1890, 303- 311; 289, 1893, 43-48. — Ueber Kupfervorkommen anf Helgoland. Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 280, 1891, 276-277. — Neuer Indicator fiir alkalimetrische Bestimmungen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 492-493. - Nitrogenerator. Cliem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 1908-1909. Eine Neuerung am Callaud-Element. [1895.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, 5-6. - Die Wertigkeit von Quecksilber und Kupfer in Elektrolyten verschiedener Konzentration. [1895.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, 73-79, 93-98, 183-190. Boltshauser, G[iovianri\. [PriniitiiE florae costarieensis.] Filices. Belg. Sac. Bot. Bull., 35, 1896 (M<:in.), 167-249. Bompas, George C. On the semi-annual variation of meteors. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 54, 1894, 531-538. — Horary variation of meteors. Nature, 54 (1896), 296. — The Sun's path in space. Observatory, London, 19, 1896, 45-49, 126. Bomstein, . Zur Frage der pas-iven Immunitat bei Diphtherie. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. I), 22, 1897, 587-592. — Ueber die antitoxischeu Eigensehaften des Central- nervensystems. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 584- 587. — Ueber das Schicksal des Diphtherietoxins im Tier- organismus. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 785-7H1. — Ueber die Verhaltnisse zwischen dem Diphtherietoxin und Antitoxin. Erwiderung an die Herren COBBETT und KANTHACK. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 24, 1898, 963-967. Bonacini, Carlo. Sul moto di tin punto attratto da due centri tissi seeondo la legge di NEWTON. Giorn. Mat., 27, 1889, 352-370; 28, 1890, 44-51. — Sulla separazione delle variabili nelle equazioni del moto di un punto soggetto all' azione di due ceutri fissi. Giorn. Mat., 28, 1890, 132-137. — La crornofotogratia interferenziale e un nuovo caso di sensibilita pei colori. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 23, 1895, 146 (bis)-15i. — Sul principio di VOOEL. Biv. Sci. Ind., 20, 1897, 164-167. Bonacini, Carlo, & Hlalagoli, Kiccardo. See Malagoli & Bonacini. Bonaduce, Salvatore. Ueber Beziehungen des Bliitserums von Thieren zur natiirlichen Immunitat. Beitr. Path. Anat., 12, 1893, 353-371. Bon.iin. I La bale de Diego-Suarez. Eev. Maritime et Colon., 91, 1886, 295-302. Bonalda, Carlo. Albinismo e isabellismo nei passeri. Kiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 60-61. Boname, Ph. Etude sur le climat de la Guadeloupe. [1887.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1885 (4) (I't. 2), 1-24. Bonamy, , & Tuffier, Th. See Tuffier & Bonamy. Bonamy de Villemereuil. See Villemereuil. Bonanni, A\ Itilio]. Die Ausscheiduug der Schwefeluther bei vorwiegend amylaceenhaltiger Kost. Untersuch. Nat., 16, 1899, 584-594. — Quantitative Bestimmung der Salicylsaure auf op- tischem Wege. [1900.] Untersuch. Nat., 17, [1901J, 17-21. Die Spaltung des Salols im Organismus. [1900.] Untersuch. Nat., 17, [1901], 39-62. Bonanni, A[ttilio],& Colasanti, Giuseppe. See Colasanti & Bonanni. Bonanni, A[ttilio], & Jacoangeli, F. See Jacoangeli & Bonanni. Bonanni, ()., & Fubini, tiimoni: .SV<> Fubini & Bonanni. Bonaparte, (prince) Iloland. Les derniers voyages des Neerlandais a la Nouvelle Guinee. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 5, 1884, 531-561. - Note on the Lapps of Fiumark (in Norway). [1885.] Anthrop. lust. Jl., 15, 1886, 210-213. — Sur 1'ecouleiuent recent du lac de Marjelen. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 24, 1890, 401. - Les variations periodiques des glaciers francais. Paris, Club Alpin Franc. Annu., 17, 1891, 425-447; 18, 1892, 482-519; Ass. Franc. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 1), 206- 208. — Mesures des variations de longueur des glaciers du Dauphine (massif du Pelvoux). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 860-862. — Recherches faites sous la direction de 31. DE LACAZE- DOTHIERS, a bord du vapeur le Roland, de la station zoologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1895, 129-130. — Les variations periodiques des glaciers de la region franr-aise. Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 35, 1896 (Num. Spec.), 31-33. — Mesures des variations de longueur des glaciers de la region francaise. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1153- 1155; Ann. Geogr., 5, 1896, 425-427. — Note sur les variations de longueur des glaciers de la region francaise. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 214-218. Bonaparte-Wyse, 7>. //. Entomological notes from S. E. Ireland. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 220-221, 252. Bonar, James. [Presidential address to the Econ. Sci. and Stat. Sect, of the Brit. Assoc., Bristol, Sept. 8th.] Old lights and new in economic study. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 950-961. Bonard, I . A Gennes, I de. See Genncs A Bonard. Bonardi, Edoardo. *Appunti sui Molluschi di Vail' In- telvi. Boll. Sci., Ann. 4 (1882), 25-26. - *Sui Molluschi del laghetto del Piano e de' suoi dintorni. Boll. Sci., Ann. 4 (1882), 98-105. - * Prime ricerche intorno alle Diatomee di Vail' Intelvi. Boll. Sci., Ann. 5 (1883), 22-29. - *Sulle Diatomee fossili del baciuo lignitico di Leffe in Val Gandino (Loinbardia). Boll. Sci., Ann. 5 (1883), 47-48. - *Intorno all' azione saccarificante della saliva ed alia glicogenesi epatica in alcuni Molluschi terrestri. Cornuni- cazione preventiva. Boll. Sci., Ann. 5 (1883), 83-86. - *Iutoruo alle Diatomee della Valtellina e delle sue Alpi. Boll. Sci., Jim. 5 (1883), 86-80, 115-122. — Dell' azione dei succhi digestivi di alcuni Gasteropodi terrestri sull' amido e sui saccarosi. Boll. Sci., Ann. 6 (1884), 40-53. — Le acqne termali acidule, saline, ferruginose, arsenical! e litinit'ere di Acquarossa (Val di Blenio, Svizzera). Boll. Sci., Ann. 6 (1884), 123-125. — Intorno all' influenza dell' acido fenico sui microbj e sui loro sviluppo. Boll. Sci., Ann. 6 (1884), 125-128. — Sulle Diatomee del lago d' Orta. Boll. Sci., Ann. 7 (1885), 14-21. — Contribute all' etiologia ed all' anatomia patologica del tetano traumatico. Comunicazione preventiva. Boll. Sci., Ann. 9 (1887), 61-63. — Sulla presenza di basi organiche (ptomaine) negli sputi dei tisici. Boll. Sci., Ann. 9 (1887), 121-122. — Intorno alle Diatomee del lago d' Idro. Boll. Sci., Ann. 10 (1888), 20-27. — Sulle Diatomee di alcuni laghi Italian!. Boll. Sci., Ann. 10 (1888), 57-64. — Diatomees des lacs de Delio et de Piano. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 22, 1889, 381-384. Bonardi, Edoardo, & 6erosa, G. Giuseppe. Nuove ricerche intorno all' azione di alcune condizioni tisiche sulla vita dei microorganismi. lioma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 332-373. Bonarelli, (cnw/r) Guiilo. Hecticoceras, novum genus Ammonidarum. Bull. Malacol. Ital., 18, 1893, 73-108. — Osservazioni sui Toarciauo e 1' Aleniano dell' Appen- nino centrale. Contribuzione alia conoscenza della geologia marchigiana. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1898, 195-254. - Carta geologica del M. Conero presso Ancona (Marche). [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 13, 1894, 170-172. — II gen. Paroniceras, Bonar. (1893). [1895.] Malacol. Ital., 19, 1894, 225-239. Bull. Bonarelli] 669 LBondonneau — Contribuzione alia conoscenza del Giura-Lias lorn- bardo. [1894.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 81-96. — Fossili Dorneriani della Brianza. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 28, 1895, 326-341, 415-421. Nuovi arliorauienti Aleniani dell' Appeunino centrale. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 277-280. — Osservazioni geologiche sui ruonti del Furlo presso Fossombrone (prov. di Pesaro-Urbino). [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 415-422. — Sulla presenza del Calloviano nell' Appennino cen- trale. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 2, 1896, 85-88. — Sulla eta dei calcari marnoso-arenacei varieolori di Pietracutale e Bocchigliero in Calabria. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 2, 1896, 259-263. — Le Ammoniti del " Eosso ammonitico " descritte e figurate da Giuseppe MENEGHINI. [1899.] Bull. Malacol. Ital., 20, 1896, 198-219. — I fossili Senoniani dell' Appennino centrale che si conservano a Perugia nella collezione Bellucci. [1899.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 34, 1898, 752-759 or 1020-1027. — Escursioni della Societa Geologica Italiaua nei diutorni di Ascoli-Piceno. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 18, 1899, Iviii-lxvii. • Alcune formazioni Terziarie fossilifere dell' Urnbria. [1900.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll. , 18, 1899, 484-490. Appunti sulla costituzione geologica dell1 Isola di Creta. [1900.] Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 3, 1899, 518-548. Ricerche analitiche sopra una roccia seclimentaria di Lombardia. [Italia], Soe. Geol. Boll., 19, 1900, 1-9. Cefalopodi Siuernuriani dell' Appenniuo centrale. Palaeontograpbia Ital., 5, 1900, 55-83. Bonarelli, (conte) Guido, & Parona, Carlo Fabrizio. See Farona £ Bonarelli. Bonatelli, Francesco. II ponte volante delle formiche. [1896.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1895-96, 930-931. Un caso d' antipatia vegetale ; breve eseursione o piuttosto incursione nel campo della botanica. [1897.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1896-97, 378-380. Bonaventura, Paolo. Sul teoreraa di reciprocity della teoria dei residui quadratic! pel uumeri interi del campo (1, i-s/2). Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 221-234. — II teorema di reciprocita pei uumeri complessi e le funzioui leinniscatiche. Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 300-310. Bonavia, E\manue 1] W. Hybrid Amaryllis. Gard. Chron., 21, 1884, 307, 347. — Variation ; its causes and effects. Gard. Chron., 22, 1884, 148. Do mosquitos live on animal or vegetable juices? Gard. Chron., 22, 1884, 171-172. — On the probable wild source of the whole group of cultivated true limes (Citrus acida, Hoxb., C. medica, rur. acida of BKANDIS, HOOKEK, and Alph. DE CANDOLLE). [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 22, 1887, 213-218. — Studies on the Gladiolus. Gard. Chron., 2, 1887, 619-620, 651-652. — The pouch of the Calceolaria. Gard. Chron., 3, 1888, 684. — A topsy-turvy Hippeastrum. Gard. Chron., 4, 1888, 34-35. — Iris iberica. Gard. Chron., 5, 1889, 725. - Heredity. Gard. Chron., 7, 1890, 736, 738. — Fertilisation without pollen. Gard. Chron., 8, 1890, 295. - The rind of the orange. Hortic. Soc. JL, 13, 1891, xxvi-xxvii. — Antiquity of the citron-tree in Egypt. [1893.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 146-149. — Is the Nelumbiurn an Egyptian plant ? Gard. Chron., 17, 1895, 421-422. — Cypripedium, origin of the slipper. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 19, 1896, cxhv. Hybridisation of Sprekelia and Hippeastrum. Gard. Chron., 24, 1898, 316-317. Bonavia, L[uigi\, & Longi, Antonio. Sec Longi & Bonavia. Bonchamps, C[hristian Luitis Marie] (nuir/inin) de. Une mission vers le Nil Blanc. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 19, 1898, 404-431. Boncompagni, (principe) BaldassaTe. For biography and list of works see Rev. Quest. Sci., 36, 1894, 262-264 ; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 26, 1894, 116; Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 47, 1894, 161-186; Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1894-95, 509-521; Ztschr. Math. Phys., 39, 1894 (Ilist.-lit. Abth.), 201- 203. — Intorno alle lettere edite ed inedite di Alessio Claudio CLAIRAUT. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 157-291. Boncour, Georges Paul. JEtude des modifications squelet- tiques consfeutives a 1'hemiplegie infantile, i. Le femur. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull. & Mem., 1, 1900, 359-414. Bond, C[harles] Hubert. Observations on a Chinese brain. Brain, 17, 1894, 37-49. — A case of post-mortem emphysema of the liver. London Path. Soc. Trans., 49, 1898, 121-126. — Remarks upon the value of uranium nitrate in the control of glycosuria. Practitioner, 01, 1898, 257-264. Bond, C[harles] j[nlm]. Animal heat. [1888.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 (Pi. 10), 31-32. — Preliminary note on certain uudescribed features in the secretory function of the uterus and Fallopian tubes in the human subject and in some of the Mammalia. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, 296-297. — Experiments bearing on the question of the inheritance of one group of acquired characters in plants and animals. [1899.] Leicester Soc. Trans. , 5, 1901, 283-294. Bond, Francis T[liomus]. Acidity in milk. Agr. Soe. Jl., 2, 1891, 56-66. Bond, Fran!:. Myadestes Townseudii apparently wintering in Wyoming. Auk, 6, 1889, 193-194, 359. — Notes from Wyoming. Auk, 6, 1889, 341. — The mockingbird in Wyoming. Auk, 11, 1894, 258- 259 ; 12, 1895, 309. — Capture of the brown pelican in Wyoming. Auk, 16, 1899, 351. — A nuptial performance of the sage cock. Auk, 17, 1900, 325-327. Bond, Frederick. For biography and list of works see Ent. Mouth. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 384; Entomologist, 22, 1889, 265-269; S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1888-89, 123; Zoologist, 13, 1889, 347-348, 401-422; Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 5, 1894, 8. Bond, George M. Standards of length and their sab- division. Franklin Inst. Jl., 117, 1884, 281-295, 357- 367. — Standards of length as applied to gauge dimensions. Franklin Inst. JL, 117, 1884, 368-386. — Effect of internal strains in hardened steel, practically considered. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1890, 210-211. Bond, George Phillips. The future of stellar photography. [Extract from a letter written in 1857 to Win. MITCHELL.] Astr. Soc. Pacific PubL, 2, 1890, 300-302. — Extracts from letters [1857-60, on photography, brightness, etc.]. Astr. Soc. Pacitic PubL, 3, 1891, 124- 128. Bond, ./. IT. Records of the investigations. ..in the Carboniferous strata of the Leeds district. [1900.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 12, 1898-1900, 32-37. Bondam, R. Overzicht der flora van Harderwijk. [1888.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 177-230. Bondi, Muj-imilian. Die pathologisch-anatomiseheu Ver- anderungen der Retina bei pernieioser Anaemie. Arch. Augenheilk., 33, 1896 (Festschr.), 83-100. Bondi, Simon, & Weinreb, Carl. Kec Weinreh A Bondi. Bondonneau, L[iicien]. Dosage de 1'humidite des matieres amylacees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 98, 1884, 153-155; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 169-172; Anvers, Jl. de Pharrn., 40, 1884, 62-64. Bondonneau] 670 [Bongartz Bondonneau, L[ucien], A: Foret, De la saecharifica- tion directe, par les acides, de 1'amidon contenu dans les cellules ve'getales; extraction du glucose forme par la diffusion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 105, 1887, 617-619. Bondouy, Th. Du r61e des tubes pyloriques dans la digestion ehez les Teleosteens. Arch. Zool. Exper., 7, 1899, 419-460. — Recherches sur la valeur physiologique Jes tubes pyloriques de quelques Teleosteens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 745-746. — Action du sue des tubes pyloriques de la truite sur la fibrine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 453- 454. Bondurant, C. S. Analysis of Hydrangea arborescens. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 59, 1887, 122-124. Bondurant, E[uQene\ D[u Base]. Brief studies in tuber- culosis among the insane. N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 239- 242. — Endemic multiple neuritis (beriberi). N. Y. Med. Jl., 66, 1897, 685-691, 728-732. Bondzynski, Ktanixtaic. Ueber Sulfhydrvlzinirntsiiure und einige ihrer Derivate. Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Alith. 2), 167-182; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 349-364. Ueber die Sjoqvist'sche Methode zur Bestimmung der freien Salzsaure im Magensaft. Fresenius, Ztschr., 32, 1893, 296-302. • Ueber das Cholesterin der rnensehlichen Faeces. Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 476-478. - Ueber das Verhalten einiger Salicylsaureester im Orgauismus. [1896.] Arch. Exper. Path.', 38, 1897, 88-98. Bondzynski, Stanisiatr, & Ginsburg, J[akob]. See Ginsburg A Bondzynski. Bondzynski, Stanistaic, & GotUieb, R[udolf], Ueber Methylxanthin, ein Stoffwechselproduet des Theobromin und Coffein. Arch. Exper. Path., 36, 1895, 45-55; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1113-1118. Ueber Xanthinkorper irn Hum des Leukumikers. Arch. Exper. Path., 36, 1895, 127-137. — Ueber die Constitution des nach Coffein und Theo- bromin im Harne auftreteuden Methylxanthius. Arch. Exper. Path., 37, 1896, 385-388. Ueber eiuen bisher unbekannten normalen Harn- bestandteil, die Oxyproteinsiiure. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 35, 1897, 577-580. Bondzynski, Stanistaic, & Humnicki, Wincenty. Ueber das Sehicksal des Cholesterins im tbierischen Orgauismus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 22, 1896-97, 396-410. Ueber das sogenannte Stercorin. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 24, 1898, 395-398. Bondzynski, Stanisiaic, & Ruffi, Hans. Zur Kenntniss des Butterfettes. Fresenius, Ztschr., 29, 1890, 1-6. Bondzynski, Ntanisinw, & Zoja, Luigi. Ueber die frac- tionirte Krystallisation des Eieralbumins. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 1-18. — Ueber die Oxydation der Eiweissstoffe mit Kalimu- permanganat. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 225- 238. - Ricerche sulla cristallizzazione e sull' ossidazione delle sostanze albuminoidi. Ann. di Chirn., 21 & 22, [1895], 62-69. Bone, William Arthur. Studies on the indoxazen reaction. Chern. Soc. Jl., 63, 1893, 1346-1355. — An improved form of gas-analysis apparatus. [1898.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 14, 1899, 154-155. — A new method for preparing unsymmetrical dimethyl- and trimethyl-succinic acids. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 15, 1900, 5-6. Bone, William Arthur, & Cain, John Cannell. The in- complete combustion of some gaseous carbon compounds. [1894.] Chern. Soc. Proc., 10, 1895, 170-181. — The explosion of acetylene with loss than its own volume of oxygen. Chem. Soc. .11., 71, 1897 (/'/. 1), 26-41. Bone, William Arthur, & Carpenter, H[enry] C[nrt] Harold. The development of scientific ideas as applied to fermen- tation industries. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 6, 1900, 454-476. Bone, William Arthur, & Jordan, Darid Smiles. The union of carbon and hydrogen. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 12, 1897, 60-63. — The direct union of carbon and hydrogen. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 (1't. 1), 41-61. Bone, William Arthur, & Lean, Beran. .S'tv Lean A Bone. Bone, William Arthur, & Ferkin, William Henry (Jan.). The condensation of ethylic trimethylenedicarboxylate with ethylic malonate. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1895, 108- 119. - Trimethylsuccinic and aai-dimethylglutaric acids. Chem. Soe. Jl., 67, 1895, 416-433. — The symmetrical dirnethylsuccinic acids. Chem. Soc. JL, 69, 1896, 253-268. — Note on the aa,-dimethylglutaric acids. Chem. Soc. Jl., 69, 1896, 268-269. Bone, William Arthur, & Sprankling, Charles H[t'nry] G[raham]. Researches on the alkyl-substituted succinic acids. Part i. Methods of preparation. Chem. Soc. Jl., 75, 1899 (Pt. 2), 839-864. — The symmetrical di-i'sopropylsucciuic acids. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 15, 1900, 149. — Researches on the alkyl-substituted succinic acids. Part n. s-Dipropyl, s-dif'sopropyl, and aarpropyl. Schm., en haar voorkomen in Groninger diluviale zwerfblokken. Leperditia baltica, Hi*., sp., their identity with Leperditia Eichwaldi, Fr. v. Schm., and their being found in Grouingen diluvial erratics. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 138- 140; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 3, 1901, 137-140. - 't voorkomeu van zwerfblokken met resten van Leper- ditia grandis, Schrenrk, sp., in 't Groninger diluvium. On the occurrence of remains of Leperditia grandis, Sckrenck, sp., in the erratic blocks of the Groningen diluvium. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 376- 37U; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 3, 1901, 545-549. Bonnemere, Lionel. Les perles d'Europe. Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1895, 133-165. Bonneric, ;,A:Clergue, — '[Notesme'teorologiques.] Carcassone, Ecole normale (Aude). France Soc. Met^o- rol. Nouv. Me'teorol., 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 231. Bonneric, , Clamon, , & Sablairoles, . See Claraon, Sablairoles i Bonneric. Bonneric, - — , Gaussens, - — , Clergue, - — , & Petitpe, . Sac Gaussens, Clergue, Fetitpe & Bonneric. Bonnesen, T. Systemer af keglesnit, som bar dobbelt rm-ing med to faste keglesnit. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 9 (B), 1898, 25-36. — Geometriske konstruktioner pa kuglefladen. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 10 (B), 1899, 1-13, 25-35; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 508. Bonnet, A. Sur quelques proprietes des oxydes de plomb. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 518-519. — Sur la fixation directe, par les fibres vegetales, de certains oxydes metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 700-701. Bonnet, A., & Placet, Em. See Placet & Bonnet. Bonnet, A ,, & Ravaz, /.["»/.. See Ravaz it Bonnet. Bonnet, A uquste. For biographical notice .s'f t' Paris, Ingea. Civ. Mem'., 1889 (Pt. 2), 681-682. Bonnet, Edmond. Orthoptera tunetana duo nova. [1884.] Naturaliste, [2 (1882-84)], 548-549. — De quibusdam Orthopteris tunetanis uotula. [1886.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87)], 245-247. — Un explorateur inconnu de la flore orieutale, Paul LUCAS, botauiste. [1886.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87)], 282-285. — Quelques plantes douteuses de la flore de France. [1886.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87)], 363-365. — La topographic botanique et les herborisations de P. I>E TOURNEFOET dans les Pyrenees et dans le midi de la France, d'apres des documents inedits. Ass. Fran? . C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 557-567. — Florule des iles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. .11. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 180-180, 219-221, 234-239, 249-253, 260- 266. — Documents pour servir a 1'histoire de la botanique dans la region lyonnaise. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 15, 1888, 145-155. — Plantes du poste optique de Founassa (sud Oranais). Ass. Franc. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 543-545. — Les qcour du sud-ouest Oranais. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 888-897. — Notice sur 1'herbier dit de Gaston D'ORLEANS, conserve1 au museum de Paris. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 30, 1889, ccxxx-ccxxxv. 85 Bonnetl 674 [Bonnet L'herbier et les manuscrits d'Albert DE HALLEB. Jl. Bot., Paiis, 3, 1889, 354-860. — Gaston de France, Due D'ORLEANS, considere comme botauiste. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 41(1-420. — Index plantarura augustissimi principis, regis patrui, Aurelianensium ducis, jussu et largitione in Gallia eon- quisitarum ab anno 1648 ad 1657. (Extrait du manuscrit de la Bibliothequp Nationale publi^ pour la premiere fois avec la synonymie Linneeune.) Ass. Franc. C. E., 1890 (Ft. 2), 464-477. — Nouveaux documents relatifs a 1'ambassaded'Ethiopie. Li'ttres de LENOIR DU KOCI.E et d'Augustin LIPPI. Bull. Gtogr. Hist. Descrip., 1890, 437-447. — Voyage de MORISON et LAUGIER, botanistes de Gaston D'ORI.EANS, a La Rochelle en 1657. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 37, 1890, ix-xiv. — Lettres et documents ine'dits pour servir a 1'histoire de la botanique au xvin" siecle. Jl. Bot., Paris, 4, 1890, 145-148, 159-160, 234-236. — Une mission fvancaise en Afrique au debut du dix- huitieme sitele; Augustin LIPPI, ses observations sur la flore d'Egypte et de Nubie. Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem., 27/1891, 257-280. — Itineraire botanique d'une ambassade francaise au Maroc. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 173-183. — Lettres de TOURNKFORT i FAGON. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 372-376, 393-396, 420-424. — Una nomenclature medico. botanica estratta da un codice del secolo ix, scritto nell' Italia settentriouale. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 424-434. — Le Congres de Genes. Conipte rendu. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 326-333, (Kef.), 222. — Apercu historique sur les plantes de Tunisie. Ass. Franc. C. R.. 1893 (Pt. 2), 507-519. — Notices et extraits de deux manuserits de la biblio- theque de la Faculte de Medeeine de Montpellier. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, clxxix-clxxxvii. - Notes sur quelques plantes rares, nouvelles ou critiques de Tunisie. Jl. Bot., Paris, 7, 1893, 101-164, 194-199, 229-237 ; 8, 1894, 9-16, 109-112, 13o-139. — Recbercbes bistoriques, bibliugrapbiques et critiques sur quelques especes de Dorouics. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 2), 6311-644. — Note sur un exemplaire de I'Historia Stirpium Helretiir, annote par HALI.ER. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, cxlvii-cli. — Remarques sur la nomenclature et 1'orthographe de quelques noms de plantes tunisiennes. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1895 (Pt. 2), 587-595. — Geographic botanique de la Tunisie. Jl. Bot., Paris, 9, 1896, 343-348, 349-351, 403-408, 409-415; 10, 1896, 65-72, 73-84. — Le piante egiziane del Museo Reale di Torino. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 2, 1895, 21-28. — Coup d'oeil sur les explorations botaniques effectuees en Tunisie depuis le xvir9 siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 1), 169-173. — Remarques sur quelques plautes indiquees en "Tunisie par DESFONTAINES et qui n'y ont pas ete re'cemment retrouvees. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 365- 374. — Lettres ecrites par DESFONTAINES pendant son explora- tion de la rtgence de Tunis (1783-84). Ass. Franc. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 434-439. - Notes de philologie et d'histoire botaniques. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 2), 4113-500. — Le haricot (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) e'tait-il connu dans 1'aneien monde avant la deeouverte de 1'Ame'rique? Jl. Bot., Paris, 11, 1897, 14-20, 35-39, 48-57. — Remarques sur quelques hybrides et sur quelques monstruosite's. Jl. Bot., Paris, 11, 1897, 239-242 243- 252. — Etude sur deux manuscrits medico-botaniques executes en Italic aux xiv" et XT' siecles. [1898.] Malpighia, 11, 1897, 531-553. — Plantes representees sur les vases de Boscoreale (Musee du Louvre) ; etude historique et critique. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 2), 419-427. — Additions et corrections au catalogue des plautes vasculaires de la Tunisie. Jl. Bot., Paris, 13, 1899, 83-86. — Vegitaux antiques du Musee Egyptien de Florence. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 2), 656-663. — Quel est 1'iuventeur des exsiccata? Jl. Bot., Paris, 14, 1900, 174-177. Bonnet, Edmond, & Finot, Adrien. [Diagnoses de trois nouvelles especes d'Orthopteres dont une type d'un genre nouveau, provenant de la Regence de Tunis.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, xxvi-xxvii. — Les Ortbopteres de la Regence de Tunis. Rev. Sci. Nat., 4, 1884-85, 193-232, 333-367. Bonnet, Ktlmoml, & Maury, Paul. D'Ain- Sefra a Djenien- Bou-Resq, voyage botanique dans le Sud-Oranais. Jl. Bot.,, Paris, 2, 1888, 277-301, 312-322. — Etude sur le Warionia Saharae, Btnth. et Cos*. Ass. Franc. C.,R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 490-498. Bonnet, Kduuurd. R61e des micro-organismes dans la thrombose marastique et la phlegmatia alba dolens. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 695-698. — Documents ine'dits sur la peste de Marseille et de Provence. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 1006-1018. Bonnet, Emile Ossian-. See Ossian-Bonnet. Bonnet, Geot'yi's Ossian. Demonstration nouvelle de deux theoremes de M. BERTRAND. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 56, 1886, 143-162. Bonnet, //. Truffes nouvelles. Generation et culture de la truffe. Rev. Mycol., 6, 1884, 137-147, 201-209; 7, 1885, 9-13. . Tuber Caroli (Tulasnei), H. sp. Rev. Mycol., 7, 1885, 8-9. — [Du parasitisme des truffes.] Rev. Mycol., 9, 1887, 179-185; 10, 1888, 69-73. — Du parasitisme de la tvuffe et de la couleur de son mycelium. Rev. Mycol., 11, 1889. 124-127. Bonnet, 7,[o«i'«] iU. Sur un cas de pseudo-insuffisance aortique. [1897.] Lyou Soc. Sci. Mcd. Mem., 37, 1898, 92-100. — Bruits pulmonaires rythmes par le cceur; caracteres et siege insolites. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. M4m., 37, 1898, 113-118. Bonnet, L[ouis\ M., & Bard, L[ouis]. Sec Bard , 1888, 41-46. Note sur le inouvemeut clliptique et sur le mouve- ment trouble d'une plani'/te autour du Soleil. Paris, Bur. Long. Ann., 4, 1890, A. 27 pp. Bonnet, /i'[ofccrf]. *Ueber seine die Entwickelung des Schafeies betreffenden Untersuchungen. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1883, 144-146. — Beitrage zur Embryologie der Wiederkauer, gewonnen am Schafei. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Alilh.), 1884, 170-23(1; 1889, 1-106. — Haarspiralen uud Haarspindelu. Morphol. Jlnicb., 11, 1886, 220-228. Bonnet! 675 iBonney - Ueber die Eihaute der Wiederkauer. [1886.] Miiucheu Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 2, 1887, 58- 73, [100]. — Ueber die ectodermale Entstehung des Wolff 'scheu Ganges bei den Saugethieren. [1887.] Mvinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 104-112. — Ueber die Entwicklvmg der Allnntois und die Bildung des Afters bei den Wiederkauern und iiber die Be- deutung der Primitivrinne und des Primitivstreifs bei den Erabryonen der Siiugetiere. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 105-126. — Die stummelschwanzigen Hunde im Hiublick auf die Vererbung erworbener Eigenschafteu. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 584-606; Beitr. Path. Anat., 4, 1889, 67-92. Praparate uud Zeichnungeu zur Entwickelungs- gesehichte des Schafes. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 714- 717. — Ueber Vererbung von Verstiimmelungen. [1888.] Beitr. Anthrop. Bayerns, 8, 1889 (Munchen Anthrop. Ges. Verli.), (15)-(26). — Die Eibiiute des Pferdes. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889 ( Aunt. Ges. rerh.), 17-38. Ueber angeborene Anomalieen der Behaaruug. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1889, 129-136. Ueber einen seltenen Fall von Melanose. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1889, 156-158. Ueber Eingeweidemelanose. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb.., 24, 1891, (1)-(18). — Ueber Hypotrichosis congenita universalis. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 1), 1, 1892, 233-270. — [Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Entwickelungs- geschichte.] Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 1, 1892, 359-385. Ueber den feineren Bau der Magenschleimhaut des Menschen und einiger Hausthiere. [1892.] Giessen, Oberhess. Ges. Ber., 29, 1893, 193-199. Die Mammarorgane im Lichte der Ontogenie und Phylogenie. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 2, 1893, 604-658 ; 7, 1898, 937-976. — Ueber die " Schlussleisten " der Epithelien. [1894.] Giessen, Oberhess. Ges. Ber., 31, 1896, 155-158. Ueber das "Prochorion" der Hundekeimblase. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 161-170. Beitiage zur Embryologie des Huudes. Auat. Hefte (Abt. 1), 9, 1897, 419-512. — Giebt es bei Wirbeltieren Parthenogenesis ? Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 9, 1900, 820-870. Bonnet Eym.ir.l, G. Sur 1'evolution de 1'Eimeria nova (Hchntidrr). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. ft.), 659-661. Bonnevie, H. Epaktberegning efter arithruetiske formler. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 12, 1888, 102-117. Bonnevie, (t'rjktn) Kristine. Zur Systematik der Hy- droiden. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 63, 1898, 465-495. — Neue norwegische Hydroiden. [1899.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1898, No. 5, 15 pp. — En eiendommelig ny molluskart der lever snytteude paa tarmkanalen hos en almindelig forekommende.sjopnlse (Stichopus tremulus). Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 37, 1900, 355. Bonnevie, (Frfken) Kristine, & Hjort, Johan. See Iliort A Bonnevie. Bonnewyn, [Henri"]. For biographical notice see Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 46, 1890, 331-332. — Considerations pratiques sur 1'emploi des anti- septiques et des disinfectants comme tuoyens preveutifs des epidemics. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 1, 1887, 237-269. Bonney, (Rev.) A. Note on an appearance of luminous bubbles in the atmosphere. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 13, 1887, 306. Bonney, Frederic. *0n some customs of the aborigines of the river Darling, New South Wales. [1883.] Anthrop. Inst. JL, 13, 1884, 122-136. Bonney, (Rev.) Thomas Georfle. "On a collection of rock specimens from the Island of Socotra. [1882.] Phil. Trans., 174, 1884, 273-294. *0n the geology of the South Devon coast from Torcross to Hope Cove. [1883.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1884, 1-25. - *0n some rock-specimens collected by Dr. HICKS in Anglesey and N.W. Caernarvonshire. [1883.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1884, 200-206. — On the Archaean rocks of Great Britain. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 529-551. — Remarks on serpentine. Geol. Mag., 1, 1884, 406- 412. — Notes on the microscopic structure of some rocks from Guernsey. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1884, 420- 428. — Note on some rock-specimens collected by Dr. C. CALLAWAY in Anglesey. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 40, 1884, 583-588. - Trowlesworthite. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 40, 1884 (Proc.), 7. A rhyolitic rock from Lake Tanganyika. Nature, 30, 1884, 193. Notes on the microscopic structure of some rocks from the Andes of Ecuador, collected by E. WHYMPEB. Roy. Soe. Proc., 36. 1884, 241-248, 426-434; 37, 1884, 114-131, 131-137, 394-410. — Report on the rocks collected by H. H. JOHNSTON, Esq., from the upper part of the Kilima-njaro massif. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 682-685. — Preliminary note on some traverses of the crystalline district of the Central Alps. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1027-1029; Geol. Mag., 2, 1885, 494-496. — On the occurrence of a mineral allied to enstatite in the ancient lavas of Eycott Hill, Cumberland. Geol. Mag., 2, 1885, 76-80, 334-335. — Cornish serpentine. Geol. Mag., 2, 1885, 431. — On bastite- serpentine and troktolite in Aberdeenshire, with a note on the rock of the Black Dog. Geol. Mag., 2, 1885, 439-448. On the so-called diorite of Little Knott (Cumberland), with further remarks on the occurrence of picrites in Wales. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 41, 1885, 511-521. - The anniversary address of the President. [Petrology.] Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 41, 1885 (Proc.), 37-96. - *0n some specimens of lava from Old Providence Island. [1883.] Min. Mag., 6, 1886, 39-45. — On the microscopic structure of a boulder from the Cambridge Greensand found at Ashwell, Herts. [1884.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 5, 1886, 65-67. Note on a case of replacement of quartz by fluor spar. [1884.] Min. Mag., 6, 1886, 48. — Notes on a picrite (palasopicrite) and other rocks from Gipps' Land, and a serpentine from Tasmania. [1884.] Min. Mag., 6, 1886, 54-58. — [Presidential addresses to the Mineralogical Society, Oct. 21, 1884 and Oct. 20, 1885. Nomenclature, etc.] Min. Mas., 6, 1886, 111-119, 195-201. — [Presidential address to (ieol. Sect. The application of microscopic analysis to discovering the physical geo- graphy of bygone ages.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 601- 621. — Note on the microscopic structure of some rocks from the neighbourhood of Assouan, collected by Sir J. W. DAWSON. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 103-107. — The foliation of the Lizard gabbro. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 575-576. On some rock-specimens collected by Dr. HICKS in N.W. Pembrokeshire. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 42, 1886, 357-363. -The anniversary address of the President. ["Meta- morphic" rocks.] Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 42, 1886 (Proc.), 38-115. 85—2 Bonney] 676 [Bonney — The building of the Alps. [1884.") Eoy. Inst. Proc., 11, 1887, 53-67. — Remarks on the stratified and igneous rocks of the valley of the Meuse in the French Ardennes. [1885.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 9, 1887, 247-260. — On a glaucophane-eclogite from the Val d'Aoste. [1885.] Miu. Mag., 7, 1887, 1-8. Volcanic dust from New Zealand. [1886.] Nature, 35, 1887, 56-57. — Volcanic eruption in Niua-fu, Friendly Islands. [1886.] Nature, 35, 1887, 127-128. — Preliminary note on traverses of the western and of the eastern Alps made during the summer of 1887. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1887, 705-706. On the microscopic structure of trowlesworthite. Cornwall Geol. Soc. Trans., 10, 1887, 180-186. — Note on specimens of the Rauenthal serpentine. Geol. Mag., 4, 1887, (55-70. Felspar in the Lizard serpentine. Geol. Mag., 4, 1887. 239-240. - The Lizard serpentines. Geol. Mag., 4, 1887, 380- 381; 6, 1889, 44. — Origin of certain banded gneisses. Geol. Mag., 4, 1887, 573-574. Notes on the structures and relations of some of the older rocks of Brittany. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 43, 1887, 301-321. — Note on some specimens of glaucophane-rock from the He de Groix. Min. Mag., 7, 1887, 150-154. On a variety of glaucophane from the Val Chisone (Cottian Alps). Miu. Mag., 7, 1887. 191-193. - The landslip at Zug. Nature, 36, 1887, 389-390. - The Miirjalen See. Nature, 36, 1887, 612-613. — On the New Bed Sandstone of the midland counties. N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1887, 84-88. — Note on the microscopic structure of rock specimens from three peaks in the Caucasus. Boy. Soc. Proc., 42, 1887, 318-325. — Note on the geological bearing of Mr. DAVISON'S paper [on secular cooling, etc.]. Boy. Soc. Proc., 42, 1887, 328- 329. — Observations on the rounding of pebbles by Alpine rivers, with a note on their bearing upon the origin of the Bunter conglomerate. [1887.] Geol. Mag., 5, 1888, 54-61, 285-286. — On some results of pressure and of the intrusion of granite in stratified palaeozoic rocks near Morlaix, in Brittany. [1887.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 11-19. On the Obermittweida conglomerate, its composition and alteration. [1887.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 25-31. — Notes on a part of the Huronian series in the neigh- bourhood of Sudbury (Canada). [1887.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 32-44. — Note on the structure of the Ightham stone. Geol. Mag., 5, 1888, 297-300. — The sculpture of Alpine passes and peaks. Geol. Mag., 5, 1888, 540-548. — Note on specimens from Mysore, collected by G. ATTWOOD, Esq., F.G.S. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 651-652. — Notes on two traverses of the crystalline rocks of the Alps. [1888.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889, 67-109. — On a peculiar variety of hornblende from Mynydd Mawr, Carnarvonshire. [1888.] Miu. Mag., 8, 1889, 103-107. — Note on a picrite from the Liskeard district. [1888.] Min. Mag., 8, 1889, 108-111. - The foundation-stones of the Earth's crust. [1888.] Nature, 30, 1889, 89-94. — Preliminary note on the alleged occurrence of fossils in the crystalline schists of the Lepontine Alps. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 571. On the occurrence of a variety of picrite (scyelite) in Sark. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 109-112; 8, 1891, 332. — Dyke in the Lizard serpentine. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 189. Note on some pebbles in the basal conglomerate of the Cambrian at St. Davids. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, SIS- SIS. — The effects of pressure on crystalline limestones. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 483-486. — The structure and distribution of coral reefs. Nature, 40, 1889, 77, 125. — A lizard swallowed by a viper. Nature, 40, 1889, 150. — Ice blocks on a moraine. Nature, 40, 1889, 391. — Note on rock collected by the Rev. W. S. GREEN from near the summit of Mount Cook. New Zealand Inst. Trans., 21, 1889, 334-335. — Mr. Mellard READE'S interpretation of the Lower Trias physiography. Geol. Mag., 7, 1890, 52-55, 235-237. • The crystalline schists of the Lepontine Alps. Geol. Mag., 7, 1890, 187-188; 9, 1892, 90. — Note on the effect of pressure upon serpentine in the Pennine Alps. Geol. Mag., 7, 1890, 533-542. — Mr. SOJIERVAIL'S contributions to the petrology of the Lizard. Geol. Mag., 7, 1890, 573-574. On the crystalline schists and their relation to the mesozoic rocks in the Lepontine Alps. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 46, 1890, 187-236. • Coral reefs, fossil and recent. Nature, 42, 1890, 53, 147-148. Note on a contact-structure in the syenite of Bradgate Park. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 47, 1891,'l01-107. Temperature in the glacial epoch. Nature, 43, 1891, 373-374. On specimens from the Permian breccia of Leicester- shire collected by W. S. GRESLEY, Esq., F.G.S. [18111.] Midland Natlist.*, 15, 1892, 25-35, 49-57. On the relation of the Bunter pebbles of the English Midlands to those in the Old Red Sandstone conglomerates of Scotland. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1892, 719. [The cleaved ashes and breccias of the volcanic series of Borrowdale, by J. POSTLETHWAITE.] Appendix. On the structure of some volcanic ash from the Borrowdale series. Cumberland Ass. Trans., 16, 1892, 53-54. Granite cutting Cretaceous rocks, a correction. Geol. Mug., '.I, 1892, 43. On the so-called "gneiss" of Carboniferous age at Guttsinneu (Canton Berne, Switzerland). Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 4M, 1892, 390-399. — Cirques. Nature, 45, 1892, 391. — The microscope's contributions to the Earth's physical history. Nature, 46, 1892, 180-184. — [Arborescent frost patterns.] [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 162. — Petrological notes on the euphotide or saussurite- smaragdite gabbro of the Saasthal. Phil. Mag., 33, 1892, 237-250. Note on some specimens of rock which have been exposed to high temperatures. Roy. Soc. Proc., 50, 1892, 395-403. Note on the Nufenenstock (Lepontine Alps). [18'.I2.] Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 49, 1893, 89-93. On some schistose "greenstones" and allied horn- blendic schists from the Pennine Alps, as illustrative of the effects of pressure-metamorphism. [1892.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 49, 1893, 94-103. On a secondary development of biotite and of horn- blende in crystalline schists from the Binnenthal. [1892.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 49, 1893, 104-113. • On some assumptions in glacial geology. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 775-776. Bonneyl 677 [Bonnier - Do glaciers excavate? Geogr. Jl., 1, 1893, 481-490. — On some quartz-schists from the Alps. Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, "204-210, 288. — Some lake-basins in France. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 341, 414. - The erosion of rock-basins. [1893.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 52-53. — A comparison of the pebbles in the Trias of Budleigh Salterton and of Cannock Chase. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 655; Geol. Mag., '2, 1895, 75-79. — Some notes on gneiss. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 114-121. — On some eases of the conversion of compact "green- stones" into schists. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl. , 50, 1894, 279-281. — Mesozoic rocks and crystalline schists in the Lepoutiue Alps. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 50, 1894, 285-301. - The Scandinavian ice-sheet. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 388-389. -The north-east wind. Devonian schists. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 577. — Supplementary note on the Narborough district (Leicestershire). [1894.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1895, 24-34. — On the mode of occurrence of Eozoon canadense at Cote St. Pierre. Geol. Mag., 2, 1895, 292-299. — The serpentine, gneissoid and hornblende rocks of the Lizard district. [1895.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 52, 1896, 17-49. — Pyroxene and serpentine in association with Eozoon canadense. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 47. — On a pebbly quartz-schist from the Val d'Anniviers (Pennine Alps). Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 400-405. — Report on the erratic boulders from the Kolguev beds. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 52, 1896, 58-63. — Report on specimens collected by Col. H. W. FEILDEN in Arctic Norway, etc. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 52, 1896, 741-746. — A note on cone-in-cone structure. [1894.] Min. g., 11, 1897, 24-27. • Additional note on the sections near the summit of the Furka Pass (Switzerland). [1896.] Geol. Soo. Quart. Jl., 53, 1897, 16-20. — Note on an "ovenstone" (talcose-schist) from near Zinal, Canton Valais. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 110-116. Foreign boulders in the Chalk. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 238-239. — On some rock-specimens from Kimberley, South Africa. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 448-453, 497-502. — Summary of Prof. Edgeworth DAVID'S preliminary report on the results of the boring in the atoll of Funafuti. [1897.] Roy. Soe. Proc., 152, 1898, 200-202. — Notes on some small lake-basins in the Lepontine Alps. Geol. Mag., 5, 1898, 15-21. — The garnet-actiuolite schists on the southern side of the St. Gothard Pass. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, 357-372. — The boring at Funafuti. [1898.] Nature, 59 (1898- 99), 29. — An outline of the petrology and physical history of the Alps. [1897.] Geol. Ass! Proc., 15, 1899, 1-18. — Fulgurites from Tupungato and the summit of Aconcagua. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 1-4. - The river of the Baltic. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 282-283. — Rock-weathering, serpentinization, etc. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 431-432. The parent-rock of the diamond in South Africa. [1899.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 65, 1900, 223-236. — Plant-stems in the Guttannen gneiss. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 215-220. — The parent-rock of the diamond. Reply to a criticism. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 246-248. — Colonel FEILDEN'S contributions to glacial geology. Geol. Mag. , 7, 1900, 289-294. - The Bunter pebble-beds of the Midlands and the source of their materials. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 56, 1900 287-303. Snow-drifts on Ingleborough. Nature, 62 (1900), 412- 413. Additional notes on boulders and other rock specimens from the Newlauds diamond mines, Griqualand West. [1900.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 67, 1901, 475-484. Bonncy, (Rev.) Thomas George, & Allport, Samuel. See Allport & Bonney . Bonnoy. (Rev. ) Thomas George, & Hill, (Rev.) Edwin. Relations of the chalk and drift in Moen and Riigen. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 55, 1899, 305-324. See also Hill A Bonney. Bonney, (Rev.) Thomas George, & Hyndman, H. H. F. '•• '• Hyndman A Bonney. Bonney, (Rev.) Thomas George, & McXttanon, (Maj.-Gen.) C. A. Results of an examination of the crystalline rocks of the Lizard district. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 47, 1891, 464-498. Bonney, (Rev.) Thomas George, & Raisin, (Miss) Catherine A. Report on some rock-specimens from the Kimberley diamond-mines. Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 412-415. — On the so-called spilites of Jersey. Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 59-64. — On the relations of some of the older fragmental rocks in north-western Caernarvonshire. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 50, 1894, 578-601. — On rocks and minerals collected by Mr. W. M. CONWAY in the Karakoram Himalayas. Roy. Soc. Proc., 55, 1894, 468-487. — On varieties of serpentine and associated rocks in Anglesey. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 55, 1899, 276-302. Bonney, (Ret'.) Thomas George, A: Spencer, James. See Spencer & Bonney. Bonney, (Rev.) 'Thomas George, Stone, (Sir) J. H. , & Raisin, (Miss) Catherine A. See Stone, Bonney & Raisin. Bonney, W[illiani] F[rancis] Victor. A remarkable case of obscure septicaemia treated by antistreptococcus serum and uuclein. Clin. Soc. Trans., 33, 1900, 183-188. Bonnhorst, (Kapt.) J. *Ueber das Antreffen von Eis im ostlichen Theil des Siidatlantischen Oceans. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883), 683-684. — *Farbung der See und Wasserhose im Indischen Ocean. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883), 749. Bonnier, Gaston [Kugene Marie]. Sur les diffe'rentes formes des fleurs de la meme espece. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 240-244. — Note sur la distribution des plantes aux environs du Bourg-d'Oisans (Isere). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 287-291. — Sur quelques plantes anuuelles ou bisanuuelles qui peuvent devenir vivaces aux hautes altitudes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 381-383. — La respiration des tissus vivants. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 577-588. — Remarques sur le de"veloppenient et la structure dea rhizomes d'Anemone nemorosa. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 167-170. Loealites de plantes de la region parisienne uon signalees dans la rlore des environs de Paris et quelques especes nouvelles pour cette region. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 486-487. Culture des lichens a Fair libre et dans de 1'air prive de gerrnes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 546-548. — Sur les quantites de chaleur degagees et absorbers par les vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.~, 102, 1886, 448-451. — Recherches experimentales sur la synthese des lichens dans un milieu prive de germes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 942-944. Note sur des cultures companies des memes especes a diverses altitudes. France Soe. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, 467- 469. Bonnier] 67S [Bonnier — La constitution des lichens. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 1-5. — La biologie vegetale. Rev. Sci., 39, 1887, 545-551. — Etude experimentale de 1'influence du cliinat alpin snr la vegetation et les fonctions des plantes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888, 436-439. — Eecherches sur le developpernent du Pbyscia parie- tina. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 107, 1888, 142-144. Germination des spores de lichens sur les protonemas des mousses et sur des algues differant des gonidies du lichen. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 541- 543. Eecherches sur la synthese des lichens. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 9, 1889, 1-34. L'assimilation du gui comparee a celle du pommier. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, cclxxiii-cclxxiv. Sur quelques variations de la structure du Thymus vulgaris. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, cclxxiv- cclxsvii. Note sur quelques plantes a chlorophylle qui ne dega- gent pas d'oxygene a la lumiere. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 651-652. . Etudes fiur la vegetation de la valise de Chamonix et de la chaine du Mont Blanc. Eev. Gen. Bot., 1, 1889, 28-36, 79-84, 146-154, 204-211. Germination des lichens sur les protonemas des mousses. Eev. Gen. Bot., 1, 1889, 165-169. Observations sur les Eenonculacees de la flore de France. Eev. Gen. Bot., 1, 1889, 330-342, 390-396, 439-442, 551-557, 631-1150. Cultures experimeutiiles dans les hautes altitudes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 363-365. Influence des hautes altitudes sur les fonctions des vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., Ill, 1890, 377-380. Etudes sur la vegetation de la vallee d'Aure, Hautes Pyrenees. Rev. Gen. Bot., 2, 1890, 97-105, 145-153, 217-223, 241-244. Observations sur les Berberidees, Nympheaeees, Papa- veracees et Fumariacees de la flore de France. Eev. Gen. Bot., 2, 1890, 276-279, 446-455, 549-553. Cultures experimentales dans les Alpes et les Pyrenees. Rev. Gen. Bot., 2, 1890, 513-546. Variations de la structure chez les memes especes. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1891 (Pt. 1), 232, (Pt. 2), 521-525. Sur ['assimilation des plantes parasites i chlorophylle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 1074-1076. La flore des Pyrenees comparee a celle des Alpes francaises. Ass. Franc. C. R. , 1892 (Pt. 2), 396-405. — Sur les variations de pression du renrlement moteur des sensitives a l'etat normal et sous 1 'influence du chloro- forme. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 365-368. Note sur la pression transmise a travel's les tiges. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 407-409. — Influence de la lumiere electrique continue et dis- continue snr la structure des arbres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 447-450. — Influence de la lumiere Electrique sur la structure des plantes herbacees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 475- 478. — Sur la difference de transmissibilitE des pressions a travers les plantes ligneuses, les plantes herbacees et les plantes grasses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 1097-1100. — Note sur la comparaison entre la chaleur degagee par les vegiHaux et la respiration. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C'. R.), 119-121. — Note sur les mouvements des feuilles de sensitive sous 1'influence d'une depression atmospherique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.}, 951-953. — Note sur la reviviscence des plantules dess^che'es. Rev. Gen. Bot., 4, 1892, 193-201. — Recht rches experimentales sur les variationsde pression dans la sensitive. Rev. Gen. Bot., 4, 1892, 513-528. — Recherches sur la chaleur vegetale. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.). is, 1893. 1-35. — Influence du terrain sur la production du nectar des plantes. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 2), 567-569. — Recherches physiologiques sur les plantes vertes para- sites. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 25, 1893, 77-92. — Note sur les cultures a la lumiere electrique continue. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 344-345. — Recherches sur la transmission de la pression a travers les plantes vivantes. Rev. Gen. Bot., 5, 1893, 12-28, 74-83, 100-113. — L'anatomie experimentale. Eev. Sci., 52, 1893, 225- 231. — La geographic botanique. Le^on d'ouverture du cours de 1893-94. Ann. Geogr., 3, 1894, 265-277. — Remarques sur les differences que presente 1'Ononis Natrix cultiv^ sur un sol calcaire ou sur un sol sans calcaire. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, 59-61. Sur la structure des plantes du Spitzberg et de 1'ile Jan-Mayen. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 1427- 1430. Les plantes arctiques companies aux memes especes des Alpes et des Pyrenees. Eev. Gen. Bot., 6, 1894, 505- 527. — Les plantes de la region alpine et leurs rapports avec le climat. Ann. Geogr., 4, 1895, 393-413. — Recherches experimentales sur 1'adnptation des plantes au climat alpin. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 20, 1896, 217- 360. — Sur les modifications de la forme, de la structure et des fonctions des vegetaux soumis experimeutalement au climat de la region alpine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 807-810. Influence de la lumiere electrique continue sur la forme et la structure des plantes. Eev. Gen. Bot., 7, 1895, 241-257, 289-306, 332-342, 409-419. — Sur la miellee des feuilles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 122, 1896, 335-338. — La miellee produite par les feuilles, comparee a la miellee des Aphidiens. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 82-83. — Recherches experimeutales sur la miellee. Eev. Gen. Bot., 8, 1896, 5-22. • Mouvements de la sensitive developpee dans 1'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1001-1007. — Experiences sur la production des caracteres alpins des plantes, par 1'alternance des temperatures extremes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 307-312. — Caracteres anatomiques et physiologiques des plantes rendues artificiellement alpines par 1'alternance des temperatures extremes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1143-1146; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 4. — Cultures experimentales sur 1'adaptation des plantes au climat mediterraueeu. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1207-1213. — Creation par la greffe de varietes nouvelles. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, Ixii-lxiii. — Remarques sur les variations des limites de la region mediterraneenne. Geogr. (Paris), 1, 1900, 261-266. — Sur 1'ordre de formation des elements du cylindre central dans la racine et la tige. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 781-789. — Sur la differenciatiou des tissus vasculaires de la feuille et de la tige. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 131, 1900, 1276- 1286. Bonnier, Gaston [Eugene Marie], & Mangin, Louis. Eecherches sur la respiration et la transpiration des champignons. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 17, 1884, 210-305. — Eecherches sur la respiration des tissus sans chloro- phylle. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 18, 1884, 293-382. — Sur 1'absence d'absorption ou de degagement d'azote dans la respiration des champignons. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, l'J-22. Bonnier] 679 [Bonnier — Sur les echanges gazeux entre les lichens et 1'atmo- sphere. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 118-119. — Sur les variations de la respiration des graines ger- mant avec le developpement. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 306-309. — Kecherches sur la respiration des feuilles a 1'obscurite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 98, 1884, 1064-1067; Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 19, 1884, 217-255. Influence de la lumiere sur la respiration des tissus sans chlorophylle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 99, 1884, 160- 161. — La fonction respiratoire chez les vegetaux. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 2, 1885, 365-380. — Sur la respiration des plantes anx differentes saisons. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 175-180. Note sur 1'action chlorophyllienne. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 204-206. — Sur les echanges gazeux entre les plantes vertes et 1'atmosphere datis les radiations bleues, violettes et dans les radiations obscures ultra-violettes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 368-371. Sur les variations de la respiration avec le developpe- ment. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 100, 1885, 101)2-1095; 101, 1885, 966-96!) ; Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 2, 1885, 315- 364. — L'action chlorophyllienne separee de la respiration. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R'., 100, 1885, 1303-1306; Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 3, 1886, 5-44. — Sur la respiration des vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1519-1522. — Sur la respiration des vegetaux. Nouvelle note. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 101, 1885, 1173-1175. — L'action chlorophyllienne dans 1'obscurite ultra- violette. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 123-126. Bonnier, Jules. Catalogue des Crustaces Malacostraces recueillis dans la Baie de Concarneau. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 109-262, 296-356, 361-422. — Sur les especes de Galathea des cotes de France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 10(5, 1888, 1686-1689; Bull. Sci. France Belg., 19, 1888r 121-181. — Les Amphipodea du Boulounais. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 20, 1889, 373-398; 22, 1890, 173-201, [viii] ; 24, 1892, 161-207. — Le dimorphisme des males chez les Crustaces Amphi- podes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 987-989. — La glande antennale chez les Amphipodes de la famille des Orchestiidse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 808-810. — Notes sur les Annelides du Boulonnais. i. L'Ophryo- trocha puerilis, Cldji. et Metsch., et son appareil niaxil- laire. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 25, 1893, 198-226. — Sur 1'appareil maxillaire des Euniciens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K, 116, 1893, 524-526. — [Resultats scieutifiques de la.eampagne du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogne.] Edriophthalmes. Lyon Univ. Ann., [No. 26], 1896, 527-689. — Sur un type nouveau de Copepode gallicole. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 769-771. — Sur un type nouveau d'Isopode parasite (Rhabdo- cheirus incer'tus). Paris, Soc. But. Bull., 1898, 198-200. — Sur les Peneides dn genre Cerataspis. Lille Inst. Zool. Trav. , 7, 1899, 27-49. — Contribution a 1'etude des Epicarides; les Bopyridee. Lille Inst. Zool. Trav., 8, 1900, 478. Bonnier, Jules, & Giard, Alfred, fiee Griard cV Bonnier. Bonnier, Pierre. L'orientation auditive. [1885.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-85), 11-29. — L'audition chez les Invertebres. Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 808-810. — Le sens auriculaire de 1'espace. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 23, 1891. 1-54. — Physiologic du nerf de 1'espace. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 566-568. — Sur les fonctions tubo-tympaniques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 911-914. — De la nature des phenouienes auilitifs, refutation de la theorie de HELMHOLTZ. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 25, 1893, 367-397. — Sur les fonctions otolithiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 187-190. Sur les fonctions otocystiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Soc. Biol. Mem.. 46, Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 385-388. — La parietale asceudante. Paris 1894 (C'. R.), 533-536. — Tension normale des liquides labyrinthique* et cephalo- rachidiens. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 869-871. — Sur 1'inertie des milieux auriculaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 61-66. — Le limacon meinbraneux considere comme appareil enregistreur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 127-129. — Fonctions de la membrane de Coim. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 130-131. — Rapports entre 1'appareil ampullaire de 1'oreille interne et les centres oculomoteurs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (G. R.), 368-370. — Sur le signe de ROMBEBG. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 707-710. — Sur les fonctions statique et hydrostatique de la vessie natatoire et leurs rapports avec les fonctions labyrinthiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 745-747. — Variations du reflexe patellaire dans certaiues affec- tions labyrinthiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 119-121. Critique des theories classiques de 1'audition. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 704-706. — Sur le sens lateral. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 917-919. — Sur 1'epreuve de GELLE. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. 1!.), 52-53. — Sur un cas de mydriase reflexe d'origiue labyrinthique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 53-54. — Pourquoi la tonalite d'un son percu par 1'oreille varie-t-elle avec son intensite? Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 678-681. — Le sens de 1'orientation. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 1051-1054, 1098. — L'orientation subjective directe. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 653-656. — Orientation objective et orientation subjective. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 821-827. — Sur diverses formes de paracousie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 851-854. — A propos de 1'orientation auditive. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 913-916. — Sur un caractere paradoxal de la paracousie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 9311-940. — Du role de 1'ebranlement moleeulaire et de 1'ebranle- meut molaire dans 1'audition. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 965-967. - Le "sixieme sens.'' Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 589-594. Hemiparacousie dans un cas de fracture des deux rochers. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. ,51, 1899 (C.R.), 166-168. — Un precede simple d'acoumetrie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 222-224. Pointure acoumetrique. Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol.Jttbil.), 1899, 370-378. — Unification acoumetrique. 1900 (Tot. 13, Otol.), 22-24. — L'espace ideal et la theorie de M. DE CYON. Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 134-137. — Remarques au sujet de la note pr(5cedente : [Sur le sens de 1'espace (a propos de la, note de M. BONNIEIS)]. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (G. R.), 174-175. Cougr. Int. Med. C. R., Paris, Bonnier] 680 [Bonsdorff — La formation des voyelles et la tWorie aerodynamique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.', 52, 1900 (C. R.), 207-210. • La definition de timbre. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 300-302. — A propos de la theorie de HELMHOLTZ. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. A1.), 302-304. — Sur la non-existence d'un courant rentrant daus 1'emission vocalique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 112H-1127. Bonniot, [£.]. Calorimetrie clinique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 249-251. Influence des tares des ascendants sur la thermogenese des descendants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 1027-1028. — Mode d'action dn courant cle haute frequence a propos de la calorification. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 (Ft. 1), 303. Bonniot, [!•'..], Arsonval, Arsrne . Zur Histogenese der Knoehenregenera- tion. Vircliow, Arch., 100, 1885, 293-341; Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 131-190. Intorno alia patogenesi delle pseudartrosi. Arch. Sci. Med., 10, 1886, 367-396. — Coutribuzione allo studio della gangrena polmonare. Arch. Sci. Med., 10, 1886, 397-415. — Contribution a 1'etude cles staphylocoques pyogenes. Arch. Ital. Biol., 8, 1887, 10-21. — Di un caso raro di sdoppiameuto parziale del midollo spinale. Arch. Sci. Med., 11, 1887, 423-437. — Ueher die Aetiologie des Tetanus. Fortschr. Med., 5 (1887), 690-696; Arch. Ital. Biul., 9, 1888, 11-13; Arch. Sci. Med., 12, 1888, 69-86. — Sur la lepre des poumons. [1887.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 9. 1888, 33-34; Arch. Sci. Med., 12, 1888, 39-52; Vircliow, Arch., Ill, 1888, 114-124. — Pleuro- Pericarditis und Cerebro-Spinal-Meningitis serofibrinosa durch einen dem iJiplococcus pneumonicus sehr ahnlivhen Mikroorganismus erzeugt. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 321-323. - Sul trasporto retrograde degli emboli nelle vene e sull' embulia crociatu. Arch. Sci. Med , 13, 1889 267- 280. - Ueber die Heilung der aseptischen Herzwunden. Experimentelle Untersuclmng. Beitr. Path Anat., 5, 1889, 265-274. — Sulla eziologia della meningite cerebro-spinale epide- mica. Contributo batteriologico. [1889.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1888-89. 1063-1100; Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, xxiii-xxvi; Arch. Sci. Med., 13, 1889, 431-463; Beitr. Path. Auat., 8, 1890, 377-399. — Sulla patologia dei plessi nervosi dell' intestino. Ricerehe sperimentali ed osservazioni anatomiche. Arch. Sci. Med., 14, 1890, 341-359. — Ueber einige experimentelle Bedingungen, welche die bakterienvernichtende Eigenschaft des Blutes vera'ndern. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 199-203, 234-238. — Sulle alterazioni del midollo spinale nel tetano. Arch. Sci. Med., 15, 1891, 15-39. — Der Diplococcus pneumonicus und die Bakterie der hamorrhagischen Kaninchensepticiemie. Bemerkungen iiber die Immunisierung und die therapeutische Wiehtig- keit der Transfusionen von Blut und Serum der imrnuni- sierten Tiere. Fortschr. Med., 9 (1891), 743-754, 863. De quelques alterations du foie a la suite de 1'extir- pation du eanglion cceliaque. Arch. Ital. Biol., 17, 1892, 274-283. — Tricofitiasi dermica a forma penfigoide e polineurite tricofitica in individuo affetto da tabe dorsale. Arch. Sci. Med., 16, 1892, 91-115. — Nuove osservazioni sull' efficacia diagnostica e cura- tiva dei prodotti del baeillo della morva nell' infezione mocciosa dell' uomo e di altri animali. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Patnl.), 7-11. — Ueber parasitarelctero-Hamaturie der Schafe. Beitrag zum Studium der Arucebo-Sporidien. Vircliow, Arch., 139, 1895, 1-16. Sulla pseudo-tubercolosi microbica. Arch. Sci. Med., 21, 1897, 395-436. — Sull' importanza dei Blastomiceti nei tumori. [1898.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1897-98, 793-820. Bonome, Aufliistn, & Foa, Pio. See Foa & Bonome. Bonome, Augusta, & Viola, Giacinto. Ueber die Produk- tion der Streptococcusantitoxine mittels Elektrizitat. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 19, 1896, 849-857. Bonomi, A<]o*tina. Vulcani e terremoti. Boll. Natlista., Siena, 8, 1888, 67-69, 85-87, 134-136, 146-148. Die Vo'gel des Tridentino. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 13. 1889, 446-453, 458-461. — L' iiivasione dello storno roseo (Pastor roseus, I/.). Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 10, 1890 (Bott.), 53-54. — Bemerkenswertere Vogelarteu des Trentino (Sud- Tirol) 1K90-95. Ornith. Jbuch., 7, 1896, 183-192. — Notizie intorno alle piii important! catture di uccelli fatte nel Trentino durante il 1895. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 16, 1896 (Boll.), 23-26. Che cosa e la Cyanecula orientalis, Ch. L. Br. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 16, 1896 (K.] [1894. J Amer. Jl. Pharm., 67, 1895, 247-248. — De meteoor van 14 juni [1895]. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 55, 1896, 135. — Ueber philippinische Pfeilgifie. Buitenzorg Inst. Bot. Bull., 6, 1900, 14-18. Boos, IT. /•'., it Jackson, (.'[hurli's] Loriiifi. ,S'cr Jackson it Boos. Boot, J[ohn] C. Sur qtielques ameliorations apvjortees a 1'appareil employe par 31. ROMYN pour le dosage de 1'oxygene dans 1'eau. [1894.] Rec. Trav. Chini. Pays- Bas, 13, 1894, 88-92; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 8, 1897, 87-90. Appareil pour jauger d'une maniere rapide les matras, pipettes et burettes. Ke.c. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 13, 1894, 417-420. — Pyknometer zum Gebrauche bei hcihereu Zimmertem- peraturen. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, lilf,. — Ueber die Bestimmung des speeitisehen Gewichts der Melassen. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Biibenzuckerind.. 47, 1897 (Tli. 2), 455-456; Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 16, 1897, 415. Boot, Jl". G. Korte schets der noord-kust van Ceram. [Postli.] Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 10, 1893, 650-678, 885-902, 1163-1204. Booth, . Pyorrhcea alveolaris. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 37, 1894, 346-353. Booth, Dnrid. The radiant of the August Perseids. Observatory, London, 11, 1888, 379-380. A remarkable meteor. Observatory, London, 12, 1889, 316-317. — The Perseid radiant. Observatory, London, 14, 1891, 162. •' • •!• •• British Astronomical Association. Booth, Kilwnrd. *Report of the Chemist. California Miu. Bur. liep., [1], 1880, 15-17. Booth, Hi'onje A. [The hibernating stage of Dianthreeia capsopbila'.] [1896.] Eat. Record, 7, 1895-96, 181. Booth, //., Miniati, T., & Cohen, Julius Berend. See Miniati, Booth ,\ Cohen. Booth, //. T. Nesting habits of the willow-warbler and chiffchaff. [1896-97.] Ornithologist, 1, 1897, 187. Booth, (Her.) James. For biographical notice see Educ. Times. 31, 1878, 126-127. Booth, Jumes C\UTtis\. For biography and works see Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., 25, 1888, 204-211. — A general method of toughening gold (and silver) in the melting crucible. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 6, 1884, 182-184. — Toughening (purification) of gold (silver, etc.), in the crucible. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 6, 1884, 210-213. — Graphite, or black lead crucibles. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 6, 1884, 283-285; 7, 1885, 4-13. The smelting furnace of the U. S. mint. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 7, 1885, 159-165. Booth, John. Systems of electric lighting. [1885.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans., 22, 1886, 173-177. — On some expedients employed in the testing of large dynamos, with a note on the calibration of am-meters and volt-meters. [1886.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans., 23, 1887, 269-273. Booth, II'. .S. Mexican fibre or istle. Kew Bull., 1890, 220-224. Booth, William. Note on SYLVESTEK'S canonical form of binary quantics of the degree 2« - 1. Quart. Jl. Math., 20, 1885, 270-273. — On HAMILTON'S singular points and planes on FBESNEL'S wave surface. [1896.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc. 8 1893- 98, 381-388. — On FRESNEIA wave surface and surfaces related thereto. [1896.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 6, 1898, 205-212. Booth, n'illiam Henry. On the employment of mathe- matical curves as the intrados of arches. Van Nostrand's Eugin. Mag., 30, 1884, 353-360. — The transformed catenary as a figure for arches in stone or metal. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 31, 1884. 1-10. — The hammer-blow in locomotives. Franklin Inst. Jl., 123, 1887, 42-47. — Stresses in bridges. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 20, 1889, 137-150. Boott, ll'itliiun. For biography and list of works see Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 383 ; Leopuldina, 23, 1887, 160 ; 24, 1888, 52-53; Amer. Jl. Sci., 35, 1888, 262. — Notes on Cyperacese. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 * 10, 1884-85, 85-94. Bopp, // [et'iitiinii], & Glaus, Adolph [Curl Luilicifi], See Cl.ius it Bopp. Boquet, F[fli.r]. Etoile nouvelle dans la constellation d'Orion, decouverte par 31. J. E. GOKE, observations faites au grand cercle meridien de 1'Observatoire de Paris. Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 83. — Ephemeride de la planete (95) Arethuse. Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 84-85. — Note sur la determination geometrique des positions apparentes des etoiles circompolaires. (Methode de M. A. GAILLOT.) Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 137-138. — Application de la inethode de 31. A. GAILLOT. Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 233-237. — Recherche sur la valeur des observations de passages. Bull. Astr., 6, 1889, 337-343. — Developpement de la fonction perturbatrice, calcul des termes du huitiume nrdre. Paris Obs. Ann. (3Iem.), 19, 1889, B. 75 pp., vii. — Sur une serie de determinations de la latitude, faites au grand cercle meridian de 1'Observatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 896-897. — Sur les inegalites du huitieme ordre dans les per- turbations de Mars par la Terre. Bull. Astr., 10, 1893, 81-84. — La latitude de 1'Observatoire de Paris. Bull. Astr., 10, 1893, 147-168. — Grand instrument meridien de SECRETAX-EICHENS. Observations de jour en 1897[-1900]. Positions conclues du Soleil, de la lune, des plauetes et des etoiles fonda- mentales. [1899-1904.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obmis.), 1897, A. 69 pp. ; 1898, A. 77 pp. ; 1899, A. 84 pp. ; 1900, A. 79 pp. Boquet, F[t'li.r], &. Il.imy. Maurice. See Ilainy & Boquet. Bor, Albert. Les bieufaits de la chiinie moderue. Amiens Ac. Mem., 36, 1889, 29'[rederic]. De la composition des graines de 1'llolcus sorgho et de leur application dans 1'industrie agricole. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 104, 1887, 300-302. - Sur une maladie nouvelle du vin en Algerie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 106, 1888, 85-89. — Oreillous. Recherehes sur les causes de leur con- tagion. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 644- n is. — Les rayons Roentgen et leur application en medeciue legale. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 35, 1896, 385-396. — Sur la flore bacterienne du tube intestinal des huitres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 54-56. — La presence d'antiseptiques dans les denrees alimen- taires est-elle nuisible a la sante? Doit-on la tolerer ou la prohiber? [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Hyg. C. B., 1900, 109-120. — La fabrication de la glace. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. B., 1900, 172-175. — Sur quelques considerations relatives a la congelation de 1'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 805-806. Bordas, F[rederic], & Descoust, . De 1'iufluence de la putrefaction sur la docimasie pulmonaire hydrostatique. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 33, 1895, 547-554. Bordas, t\r<:derie], & Genin, . Sur le point de congelation du lait de vache. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 123, 1896, 425-427; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 387-389. — Sur 1'emploi de la cryoscopie dans 1'aualyse du lait. Beponse a une note de 31. WINTER. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 508-509. Bordas, t\rfderic], & Girard, CVifai'/i'x]. Procede ehimique d'epnratiou des eaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1896, 689-691; Jl. Pharm., 1, 1895, 470-471. See also Girard & Bordas. Bordas, t\redi!ric], & Joulin, . Sur le developpement des microorganismes sur le lacto-serum artificiel. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 13-14. — Sur le developpement du .coli-bacille dans les cidres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 157-159. Bordas, F[rederic], & Mosny, Ernest. See Mosny & Bordas. Bordas, F[rederic], & Raczkowski, .s'/i;. de. Nouveau proceed de dosage de la glycerine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 123, 1896, 1071-1072; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 1067-101)9; Ann. Chim. Anal., 2, 1897, 26-28; Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 243-247. — Sur le dosage de petites quantites d'alcool. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 972-974. Separation de la glycerine dans les vius par entraine- ment au moyen de la vapeur d'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 240-242; Ann. Chim. Anal., 2, 1897, 381-383. — Remarque sur le dosage de 1'alcool ethylique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C'. R.). 5li. — Sur le dosage de la glycerine par le bichromate de potasse et 1'acide sulfnrique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 603-605; Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 55-58. — Formules permettant de doser facilement par la methode de 31. DCCLAUX, les acides volatils produits dans une fermentation. Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 479-483. Bordas, F[redfric], & Robin, Lucien. Du dosage du phenol dans les urines. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 87-89. Bordas, F[rederie\. * See, Germain. See S6e it Bordas. Bordas, F[Ttf, 1889 (Situ. 1), 125-130. li raggi negli spazi — Statistique de 1'Institut Antirabique Municipal de Turin. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 5, 1891, 642-645. — Sur le traitement antirabique de PASTEUR. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 3), 42-45. I Protei quali agenti d' intossicazione e d' infezione. Roina, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 7, 1891, 88-109. — Sulla resistenza del virus pneumonico negli sputi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 141-143; Arch. Sci. Med., 15, 1891, 341-348 ; Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 305-310. 87 Bordoni-Uffreduzzi] 690 LBorel Sulla disinfezioue degli ambienti. Arch. Sci. Med., 16, 1892, 1-40. — Localizzazioni interne del gonococco. Pleurite gono- coccica. Artrite gonococcica. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Fatal.), 223-225. — Su di alcune sostanze gassose receutemente proposte per la desinfezione degli ambienti. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 ( Vol. 6, Igiene), 23-25. Ueber die Kultur des Leprabacillus. Antwort an Herrn BABES. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 26, 1899. 453-454. Bordoni-Uffreduzzi, Guido, & Abba, Francesco. Su di una varieta di baeillo colerigeno isolate dall' uomo e Milla diagnosi batteriologica del colera. [With discussion.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 6, Igiene), 72-77. Bordoni-Uffreduzzi, Guido, & Toa, Pio. See Toa & Bordoni-Uffreduzzi. Bordoni-Uffreduzzi, Guido, & Gradenigo, Giuseppe. SulP eziologia dell' otite media. Arch. Sci. Med., 14, 1890, 263-283; Centrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890, 529-533, 556- 561, 695-697. Bordoni-Uffreduzzi, Guido, & Mattel, K. di. Sulla setticemia salivare nei conigli. [1885.] Arch. Sci. Med., 10, 1886, 149-154. Bordt, Fr[iedrich]. Bemerkungen zu der [Arbeit: Ueber invertirende Wirkungen des Glycerins auf RafSnade]. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 44, 1894 (Th. 2), 703-704. Bordt, Fr[iedrich], & Bamberger, Eugcn. See Bamberger & Bordt. Bordzilovskij, Ivan K. 0 CIIOC,o6aX'L pa.'iBirrin sroriiibixT, n iiHCiicTbixt IIJIOJIOBT,. [Ueber die Ent- wickelung der beerenartigen uud fleischigen Friichte.] [1886.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 9, 1888, 65-106; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 792-793. — 0 Haxo3K,neHiii BI> oupecTii. HxirroMiipa JKOH- c.Kiixt 3K3eMiiJUipoBt n iipajtiuajibiiaro TOHOJIM. [On the discovery of female specimens of Populus pyramidalis, Roz., in the environs of Jitomir.] [1895.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 15 (2), 1898, xxviii-xxx. — K'b KpcKoii (Jaopi c. KaiaeuKii HsioMCKaro ytofla XapLKOBCKoB ry6epnin. (IIoc.iL'B.HHifi T]iy,l.'i. H. B. FrnroPbEBa.) [Contribution to the Jurassic flora of Kamenka, Izum district, Charkov govt. (Last work of N. V. GRIGORIEV.)] [1899.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 17 (1), 1901, xxxiii (fcis)-xxxix (bis). Boreau, Ale.i'andre. For biography and list of works see Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1893, 203-208; 1895, 31-84. Boreham, William Wakcluni. For biographical notice see Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not.', 47, 1887, 135. Borel, Arnold. Sur la polarisation rotatoire rnagnetique du quartz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1095-1096. Borel, Arnold, Soret, Charles, & Dumont, Eugene. S, , Soret, Borel A Dumont. Borel, Charles. Quelques observations relatives a des phenomenes d'hysteresis dans les dielectriques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 29, 1893, 317-319. — Recherches des constantes dielectriques principales de quelques substances cristallisees biaxes (ortho- et clinorhombiques). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 131-144, 219-235, 327-342, 422-456. — Phenomenes dynamiques dus a I'e'lectrisation irsi- duelle des dielectriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., llfi, 1893, 1192-1194; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 45-70. — Recherche des constantes dielectriques de quelques cristaux biaxes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1509-1511. Borel, Charles, & Rilliet, Albert. See RiUiet A Borel. Borel, Entile. Sur le changemeut de 1'ordre des termes d'unu scrie serai-couvergente. Bull. Sci. Math., 14, 1890, 97-102. — Note sur un theoreme de J/. HUMBERT et sur un tbeoreme de JU. FOURET. Nouv. Ann. Math., 9, 1890, 123-129. — Sur I'e'quation adjointe et sur .certains systemes d'e'quations differentielles. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 9, 1892, 63-90. — Sur une application d'un theoreme de M. HADAMAKH. Bull. Sci. Math., 18, 1894, 22-25. — Sur quelques points de la theorie des fonctions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 340-342; Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 12, 1895, 9-55. — Remarques sur Pint^gration des equations lineaires aux derivees partielles. Bull. Sci. Math., 19, 1895, 122-126. — Sur une proprii5te des fonctions merornorpb.es. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 303-304. — Sur les Equations lineaires aux derivees partielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 677. — Sur les functions de deux variables reelles et sur la notion de fonction arbitraire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 121, 1895, 811-812. — Sur les equations aux derivees partielles a coefficients constants et les fonctions non analytiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 933-935. — Sur la sommation des series divergentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 121, 1895, 1125-1127. — Sur le theoreme de DESCARTES. Bull. Sci. Math., 20, 1896, 327-328. Fondements de la theorie des series divergentes sommables. Liouville, Jl. Math., 2, 1896, 103-122. — Sur les series de TAYLOR admettant leur cercle de convergence comme coupure. Liouville, Jl. Math., 2, 1896, 441-451. Sur la generalisation de la notion de limite et sur 1'extension aux series divergentes sommables du theoreme d'ABEL sur les series entieres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 73-74. — Applications de la theorie des series divergentes sommables. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 805-807. — Demonstration elementaire d'uu theoreme de M. PICAHD sur les fonctions entieres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1045-1048. — Sur la region de sommabilite d'un developpement de TAYLOR. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 123, 1896, 548-549. — Sur 1'extension aux fonctious entieres d'une propriete importante des polynomes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 556-557. — Sur les series de TAYLOR. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1051-1052. — Sur les fouctions de deux variables reelles. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 13, 1896, 79-94. — Sur les zeros des fonctious entieres. Acta Math., 20, 1897, 357-396. — Sur les series de TAYLOR. Lettre adressee a [.I/. MITTAO-LEFFUKB]. Acta Math., 21, 1897, 243-247. — Sur 1'interpolatiou. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 673-67(1. — Sur la methods d'approximation de LAGOERRE. Bull. Sci. Math., 22, 1898, 11-16. — Sur les types de croissance et sur les fonctious entieres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 321-324. — Sur les developpements des fonctions uniformes en srries de TAYLOR. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 751. — Sur la recherche des singularity d'une fouction definie par un developpement de TAYLOR. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1001-1003. — Sur les singularites des series de TAYLOR. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 26, 1898, 238-248. — Sur le prolongement des fonctions analytiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 283-284. — Sur la croissance des fonctions definies par des equations dirMrentielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 490-492. Borel] 691 [Borgert — Sur la nature arithme'tique du nombre e. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 128, 1899, 596-599. — Sur le calcul des series de TAYLOR a rayon de con- vergence nul. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 128, 'l899, 1281- 1283. — Memoire sur les series divergentes. Paris, Ecole Bull. Norm. Ann., 16, 1899, 9-136. — Sur les diviseurs mimeriqnes des polynomes. Sci. Math., 24, 1900, 75-80. — Sur les series de fractions ratiounelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1061-1064. — Sur la generalisation du prolongement analytique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 1115-1118. — Les series absolument sommables, les series (HI) et le prolongemerit analytique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 830-832. — Sur le prolongement analytique He la se>ie de TAYLOR. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 28, 1900, 200. Borel, Francois. Notice descriptive sur deux cotupteurs d'electricite. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 18, 1890, 105-115. Borel, G[torges], Affections hyste'riques des muscles oculaires et lenr reproduction artificielle par la sug- gestion hypnotique. Ann. d'Oculist., 98, 1887, 1I>!1-177. — Sur 1'hvsterie chez 1'hoinme adulte. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull.,' 20, 1892, 169-171. — L'extraetion de corps etrangers de 1'interieur de 1'oeil. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 21, 1893, 189-190. — Hysterotraumatismes oculaires. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 23, 1895, 61-197. — Hyste'rotraumatismes oculaires et pseudohysterotrau- matismes oculaires. Monographic clinique et medico- ]<5gale. Ann. d'Oculist., 123, 1900, 5-48, 241-297. Borel, G. Adolp/ie. Sur la refraction et la dispersion des radiations ultra-violettes dans quelques substances cristal- lisees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 1404-1406 ; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 134-157, 230-249. Borel, William, & Blonay, H[enri] W[iUiani\ de. Dosages de tanin dans des ecorces de ehfine du canton de Geneve. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 6, 1898, 160-168. BoreliuB, Jacques. Om tallin som antipyretiskt lakemedel. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 21, 1886, 593-601, xi-xii. — Ora naftalinets terapeutiska anviinduing. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 21, 1886, 616-630, xii-xiii. — Fall af utbredd caucer, cancer en cuirasse, uppkorn- men efter trauma. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 22, 1887, 580-587. — Antiseptikens utveckling och nutida tillampuing. Lund. Univ. Acta, 26, 1889-90 (Soc. Pliysioqr., No. 1, 96 pp.). Borelius, Jacques (et alii). Fragan om antipyres, afhand- lad iufor tyska Lakare-Kongresseu for Invartes Medicin 1885. [1885.] Upsala Lakarefor. F6rh., 21, 1886, 50-69. Borclli, . Terremoto del 23 luglio [1885, Demonte]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 125. — Bolidi. Demonte (Cuneo) 3 agosto 1886. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 143. Borelli, Alfredo. Ricerche intorno alle differenze osteolo- gicbe delle Ranre fuses; italiane. Torino Mus. Boll., 1, 1886, Wo. 14, 16 pp. — Sul rapporto fra i nefridii e le setole nei Lombrici anteclitelliani. Torino Mus. Boll., 2, 1887, Wo. 27, 6 pp. — Osservazioni sulla Planaria alpina (Dunn), e catalogo dei Deuclroceli d' acqua dolce trovati nell' Italia del nord. Torino Mus. Boll., 8, 1893, Wo. 137, 13 pp. - Viaggio nella Repubblica Argentina e nel Para- guay. Planarie d' acqua dolce. Torino Mus. Boll., 10, 1895, Wo. 202, 6 pp. — Viaggio nel Chaco boliviano e nella Repubblica Argentina. Planarie d' acqua dolce. Torino Mus. Boll., 12, 1897, Wo. 288, 4 pp. — Viaggio del Dr. Enrico FESTA nell' Ecuador e regioni vicine. Planarie d' acqua dolce. Torino Mus. Boll., 13, 1898, Wo. 322, 6 pp. — Viaggio nella Repubblica Argentina e nel Para- guay. Scorpioni. Torino Mus. Boll., 14, 1899, Wo. 336, 6pp. — Scorpioni raccolti nel Darien dal Dott. E. FESTA. Torino Mus. Boll., 14, 1899, Wo. 338, 3 pp. — Viaggio del Dr. Enrico FESTA nell' Ecuador e region! viciue. Scorpioni. Torino Mus. Boll., 14, 1899, Wo. 345, 18pp. — Descrizione di una nuova Forricula del Congo. Torino Mus. Boll., 15, 1900, Wo. 381, 3 pp. Borelli, Giulio. [Sur 1'Ethiopie.] Paris, Soc. Ge'ogr. C. R., 1886, 292-296. — Sulla deUuenza del flume Omo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 26, 1889, 387-388; Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1889, 36-38, 87-88. Borenius, [Henry Gnat.]. 'Calcul comparatif de differentes observations du pendule constant. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., SI, 1842, 73-75. Borenius, Georg. "F.ine allgemeine Form der Wurzeln eiuer beliebigen algebraischen Gleicliung. [1883.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Biluing, 8, 1883-84, A'o. 20, 11 pp. - *Eine Methode Gleichungen, deren Gradzahl nie- driger als fiinf ist, aufzulosen. [1883.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 9, 1884-85, Wo. 4, 18 pp. Borg, Fr., & Villiers, [Charles] A[ntoine Theodore]. See Villiers & Borg. Borge, U[scar] Fr[edrik]. See Andersson [afterwards Borge]. Borgeaud, A. Les analyses de viande decheval. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull. , 31, 1895, xix-xx. — Sur uu parasite pen connu de Piutestin du boeuf [Sclerostoruum, sp.]. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xlviii-xlix. Borgen, Thomas. Blutdruckbestimmungen bei Bleikolik. [1895.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 56, 1896, 248- 282. Borgensen, F. Symbols; ad floram Brasilise centralis cognoscendam. Edit. Eug. WARMING. Particula xxxiv. Desmidiea;. Kjobenh. Vid. Medd. , 1890, 24-53. Borgert, Adolf [Hermann Constant]. Ueber den Bau von Distephanus(i)ietyocha) speculum, Ehrbg.sp. (Vorlaunge Mittheiluug.) Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 227-231. — Ueber die Dictyochiden, insbesondere iiber Diste- phanus speculum ; sowie Studien an Pba-odarieu. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 51, 1891, 629-676. — Ueber Doliolum denticulatum und eine neue dieser Art uahe verwandte Form aus dem Atlautisehen Ocean. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 56, 1893, 402-408. — Ein einfaches Netz zum Fischen von Plankton bei schneller Fahrt. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 12, 1895, 307- 311. — Zur Fortpflanzung der tripyleen Radiolarieu (Phso- darieu). Vorlaunge Mittheilung. Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 307-311. — Die Doliolum-Ausbeute des Vettur Pisaiti. [1896.] Zool. Jbiich. (.S'i/s(.), 9, 1897, 714-71'J. — Beitrage zur Kenntnis des in Sticholonche zanclea und Acanthometritlenarten vorkommenden Parasiten (Spiralkiirper, Fol., Amcebopbrya, Klippen). Ztsehr. Wiss. Zool., 63, 1898, 141-186. — Untersuchungen iiber die Fortpflanzung der tripyleen Radiolarien, epeciell von Aulacantha scolymantha, H. i. Theil. [1900.] Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 14, 1901, 203-276. Borgert, Adolf [Hermann Constant], & Borgert, //. Ueber eine neue Vorrichtung zum Hebeu des Objects am Jung'scheu Mikrotom. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 10, 1893, 1^. Borgert, H. Ueber eine zweikopfige Kreuzotter. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Verb., 4, 1897, 50-57. Borgert, //., A Borgert, Adolf [Hermann Constant]. See above. 87—2 Borgesius] 69i> [Borgmann Borgesius, A. II. Ein absolutes Elektrometer mil Spie- gelablesung. (Das Doppelbifilarelektrometer.) Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 14, 1894, 438-444. — Besehrijving van een interferentierefractometer. Mole- culair brokings- en dispersie-vermogen vau eenige zouteu in oplossing. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 99-104; Ann. Phys. Chem., 54, 1896, 221-243. Borggreve, Bernard. Das Zusammenfinden der Ge- sehlechter bei gewissen Schmetterlingsarten. Ent. Nachr., 15, 1889, 181-183. — Die Verbreitung und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der wichtigeren Waldbaumarten innerhalh Deutscblands. Forsch. DeutscL. Landesk., 3, 1889, 1-31. Der sogenannte "Wurzeldruck" als bebende Kraft fiir den aufsteigenden Baumsaft. Nassauiscb. Ver. Jbiich., 45. 1892, 129-138. — Das sogenannte "Lieben" der Pflanzen. Nassauiscb. Ver. Jbuch., 45, 1892, 139-146. — Die Wirbeltbiere des Regierungsbezirks Wiesbaden. Nassauisch. Ver. Jbiich., 50, 1897, 145-178. — [Ueber die Frage der Zu- oder Abnahme des Kohlen- sauregehaltes der Erde.] Nassauiscb. Ver. Jbiicb. , 51, 1898, xxvi-xxvii. Borgbaus, H[einrich], & Hantzscb, Arthur [Rudolf], .SYr Ilantzsch A Borghaus. Borgberini, Alcssandro. Degenerazione fascicolata dis- cendente, successiva a lesione a focolaio delle corteccia cerebellare. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 1'2, 1886, 253-258. — Sulle vie di conducibilita nella midolla spinale. Studio sperirnentale. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 12, 1886, 334-358. — Le pseudosistematicbe degenerazioni del midollo spinale in seguito a cronica leptomeningite. Studio anatomo-patologico e clinico. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 13, 1887, 1-24; Med. Jbiicb., 2, 1887, 21-49. — Atassia locoraotrice di origine cerebellare. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 13, 1887. 425-435. — Contribute alia fisio-patologia del cervelletto. Studio Bperiuientale. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 14, 1888, 81-110. — Contribution a I'e'tude des atrophies museulaires. Arcb. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, xxxiii-xxxiv. — Contribution a 1'bistologie normale du cervelet. Arcb. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, xxxvii. — Delia paralisi agitante. Studio clinico. Eiv. Sper. di Freuiatria, 15, 1889, 1-49; 17, 1891, 2li-34. — Dell' atrolia muscolare precoce nelle paralisi di origine cerebrale. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 15, 1889, 141-153; Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 45, 1889, 371-382. — Due casi di tumore della tela eoroidea del iv° vent.ri- colo. Riv. Sper. di Freuiatria, 15, 1889, 181-189. — Di un caso di atrofia muscolare precoce da lesione cerebrale. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 16, 1890, 465-478 ; Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 545-556. — Di alcuni elfetti prodotti dagli enormi aumeiiti della pressione endotoracica. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 3, Med.), 406-409. — Quelques observations sur I'e'tiologie et la pathogenic du tabes dorsal, a propos d'uue affection tabetiforme dans les volailles. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Mud. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 4, Pt. 1), 371-383. — Ueber das Verhalten des riickliiungen Blutstroms bei Insufficieuz der Semilunarklappen der Aorta. Kliniscbe Beobaebtungen. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., til), 1898, 139-187. — Cardiopatbies t'ainiliales. Congr. Int. M£d. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 4), 577-585. Borgberini, A lessandro, & Gallerani, Giovanni. Besultats expurimentuux sur le cervelet. Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, xli-xlii. — Schlafahnlicher XusUnd bei Thieren, ilenen das Kleinhirn entfernt wnrde. Neurol. Centrlil., 10, 1891, 649 (i53; 11, 1892, 32. — Contribuzione allo studio dell' attivita funzionale del cervelletto. Lavoro sperirnentale. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 17, 1891, 231-262. See also Gallerani & Borgberini. Borgbero, (««.•.) Francesco. Iride lunare. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 190. Borgbese, Fcnlinando. Un problema sulle trasformazioni piane multiple. Giorn. Mat., 32, 1894, 58-68. Borgiotti, F[rancesco], Studio clinico sull' azione tera- peutica dell' Adonis asstivalis. Ann. di China., 7, 1888, 3-26. Borgman, A. Eeu drietal opmerkingen, gemaakt op eene kleine excursiedoor Noord-Overijsel. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdscbr., 8, 1891, 163-179. Borgmann, [lingo]. *Ueber eine albiuische Varietat von Anthocbaris Cardamines. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 151. Borgmann, Eugen. For biographical notice see Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 721-722. Borgmann, I[vari] /[i'aHoric]. Ofn, IISSliiHeHiH npo- JlOJIJKIITe.lbHOCTIl IIH,T,yKlUOIlllbIX'b TOKOBT, 3aMBI- K pasMbiKaHifl npn BBejeHiii BT> uyfenb TOKa BtiBii ct apyroio IIH- KaTymKoio, napajuiejibHoio fliScx- [Sur le cbangement de la duree des courants d'induction d'une bobine, produit par son shuutage a 1'aide d'une deuxieme bobine semblable.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Pliys.), 1884, 152-167; Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, 593. - HarpiBanie creKJia KOHxencaTOpOBt npn npepHBiaxoB 9.ieKTpii3au,iii nxi>. [The heating of the glass of condensers by intermittent electrifica- tion.] Russ. Phys. -Chem. Soc. Jl., 18 (Plnjs.), 1886, 1-7; Phil. Mag., '23, 1887, 472. - Ho iioBOiy BHBOsa Biopoii TeopeMBi Kupxroijia JulSB'liTBJieHifl TOKOBTi. [Note sur la maniere d'exposer le deuxieme theoreme de KIRCHHOFF relatif aux courants de>iv<5s.] Russ. Phys.-Cheui. Soc. Jl., 18 (Phys.), 1886, 8-11; Jl. Phys., 7, 1888, 218. oiiUTOB'b naAi> paciipocTpaHeHieMt TOKa nepeai, B03jiyxt. [Quelques experiences sur la propagation du courant electrique dans 1'air.] Euss. Phys. -Chem. Soc. Jl., 18 (Pln/s.), 1886, 210-238; 19 (Phyi.), 1887, 297-334; Lum. Elect., 22, 1886, 193-200, 246-251 ; 27, 1888, 70-74, 126-134, 182-187. — 0 Bjianin CBt/ra iia a.ieKTpii'iecKiii paapajti. [On the influence of light upon electric discharge.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Pin/*.), 1888, 111-113; Phil. Mag., 26, 1888, 272-273. — 0 ntKOTOpux't oiim'ux'i, nuA'i> ncpej,aieio pa6oTbI IIOCpejlCTBOMTi TOKa. [Some experiments on tbe transmission of work by means of a current.] Euas. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Pliys.), 1888, 245. — Sur les phenomenes actino-electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 108, 1889, 733-735. Upe^BapHTeibHoe oooduieiiie. [Sur les phenomenes actino-electriques.] Euss. Phys. -Chora. Soc. Jl., 21 (Phys.), 1889, 23-25 ; Jl. Phys., 9, 1890, 01-62. — 06i, onuxax-b 'd.i. Tojiroiia na^i. OTTa.iKH- BanioMi, xopoino npono;i,Hiuiixri, siawi, OTT> H.ieuipDJianiiixa, no i;oxoi>njiy nyci.-arivH TOKT> llcjii'M 'hn Hiiro liailpaB.l(.'llijI. [On El. THOMSON'S experiments on the repulsion of gool conductors from an electromagnet to which an alternating current is applied.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 (Phil*.). 1889, 216-217. Borgmann] 693 — Sur les actions mecaniques des courants variables. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 110, 1890, 233-235. — Sur les actions mecaniques des courants alternatifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 110, 1890, 849-851. — MexamiHecKia fliftciBia nepeM±>HHux'i,TOKOBT>. [Experiences sur les actions rne'cauiques des courants alternatifs.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Phys.), 1890, 130-132; Jl. Phys., 10, 1891, 427. — KT. reopin PoYNTiNo'a pacnpocipaneHia S.TCK- TpOMarHIITHOfi mieprill. [Contribution to POYNTING'S theory of the diffusion of electro. magnetic energy.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Phys.), 1890, 160. - 06i> 9JieKTpoMarHiiTHHX't Bpameuiaxi. BI, 3KII,HKOCTaXT>. [On electro-magnetic rotation in liquids.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Pin/*.), 1890, 170-171. — OntiTT,, fleiiOHCTpiipyiomiB BecLiia a.ieKTpimecKia KO-ieuania BT> [Experiment demonstrating very slow electric vibrations in conductors.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Phys.), 1890, 221-222. — SaMfasa o MexamiqecKirx-b jrjkiiCTBiax'b a-ii/rep- HaTlIBHtlX't TOKOB-I,. [Sur les actions mecaniques des courauts alternatifs.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Phys.), 1890, 223-229; Jl. Phys., 10, 1891, 591-592. — A lecture experiment illustrating the magnetic screen- ing of conducting media. Nature, 43, 1891, 583. - H-BCKOJ1I,KO OIIIJTOB'J. Ct KOJieoaniflMlI. [Quelques experiences sur les oscilla- tions electriques.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 23 (Phys.), 1891, 458-467; Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 406. - 9.ieicTpo,T,Bi[raTejiH ct Bpam,aK>in,riMca Map- IIIITHHM'L IIOJI6MT.. [Electromotors with rotating magnetic field.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 (Pliys.), 1892, 15-16. - Boafiym^eHie TepMOJiyMimecueimiii PeirrreH- OBCKIIMII ii BeKicepejieBtiMii jiyqajm. [La thermo- luminescence provoquee par les rayons de M. EO'NTGEN et les rayons de M. BECQUEBEL.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Phys.), 1897, 116-117; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 895-896. — CBtieHie paapijEennaro rasa OKOJIO npofio- JIOKII, coejuineHiioii ci, OJHIIMT> iKumcont KaTyiHKII Ps'HKOP'ta. [Luminescence d'uu gaz raren'e autour d'un til m^tallique communiquant a 1'un des pfiles d'uue bobiue de EUHMKORFF.] Euss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Phys.), 1900, 75-81 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 1179-1182; 131, 1900, 1196-1198. Borgmann, /[run] I[vunoric], & Gersun, A[hksandr] L[eovic]. Action des rayons de M. EONTOEN sur les charges electrostatiques et la distance explosive. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 378-379. - OOT. 9JieKTpiiiiecKiixT> jvfeiieTBiaxT. jiyqeii PEHTFEHa. [On the electric actions of BUNTGEN'S rays.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 28 (Phys.), 1896, 37-40; Jl. Phys., '6, 1897, 604. Borgmann, _/[ra»] I[miiwvic], & Pctrovskij, A[lekslj] A[leksejevi&]. Sur un cas particulier des oscillations electriques, produites par line bobine de KUHMKORFF a circuit secoiidaire ouvert, et sur une methode nouvelle pour mesurer des capacites electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 420-422. — Sur la capacite electrique des corps mauvais cou- ducteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 1153-1155. - CBftlieHie reilcc.iepOBUxi, 11 .lexepoBuxi TpyooKi BI iio.it>, BoaCyatAaeMOMi KaTyniKom Pv>IKOr*a. [Illumination of GEISSLER'S and LKCBEB'S [Borisjak tubes in a field excited by a EUHMKORFF'S coil.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Phys.), 1899, 137-141. OcoSHiicjiyiaii cBt>qeHifl reiicc.iepOBoil npii coe,i,iiHeniir odoirx-i. ea OJI.H1IM1, IIOJIK1COM1, KaTyiHKII PyMKOP*a. [Be- sonderer Fall des Leuclitens einer Geissler'schen Eohre, dereu beide Elektroden rnit dern einen Pole des Inductors verbunden sind.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 31 (Phys.), 1899, 200-221 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1899 (Abth. 2), 775. - UpHMineHie PeiiccjiepoBoft ipyoKii Kt II:JM-I;- l>eHiio He6o.ibiiiiixt aieKTpoeiiKOCTeii ir iiacjit- AOBanie 3.ieKTpoeMKocTefi c.ia6o npOBo,taiunxri, T'L'n>. [Verwendung der Geissler'seheu Eohre zur Messung kleiner Capacitaten mid Untersuchung der Capacitaten sclilechter Leiter.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 31 (Phys.), 1899, 229-240; Fortschr. Phys., 1899 (Abth. 2), 462-463. Borgogelli Centocroce, Michelangelo. Studio sopra la cm va formata dalle projezioni di uu puuto sulle tangenti ad un circolo. Eoma, N. Lincei Atti, 42, 1889, 203-224. — Discussione di alcune formole approssiinative pel calcolo delle radici. Eoma, N. Lincei Atti 45 1892 101-112. — Formola generate per le question! d' interessi ad impiego continuo. Eoma, N. Liucei Atti 47 1894 68-77. Borgogno, C. Note sur la capture d'une tortue caouane, Chelonia caouana, sur les cotes de la Vendee. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 (Pt. 1), 73-75. Borgono. .Sir Barros Borgono. Borgstrom, Ernst. Ueber Echinorhynchus turbinella, brevicollis und porrigens. [1891.] Stoekh., Ak. Hand). Bihang, 17 (Afd. 4), 1892, No. 10, 60 pp. Boriani, Ugo. Sopra due nuove betaiue degli aeidi pipecolinico e nipecotinico. Geuova, Soc. Ligust. Atti 10, 1899, 29-36. Boficky, Emanuel. *Der Glimmerpikrophyr, eine ueue Gesteiusart und die Libsicer Felswand. Miu. Petr Mitth., 1, 1878, 493-516. - *Ueber den dioritischen Quarzsyenit von Dolanky, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Schwierigkeiten, welche sich der Bestimmung umgewandelter Griinsteine entge- gensetzen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 78-85. — The elements of a new method of chemico-microscopic analysis of rocks and minerals. [Tr.] Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Eep., 19, 1892, i-iv, 1-77. Bories, - . Manifestation exceptionnelle de 1'infection blennorrhagique. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1887 (Pt 2) 822-824. Boris!, Kduardo, & Anderlini, Francescfi. .SVc Anderlini A Borisi. Borisjak, A[leksij]. liBCJCHie B1, uaeiiuxT, ne.ieu;inio;vi> [Einleitung zum Studium der fossilen Pelecypoden.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 37, 1899, 1-144. - IViuoniHec'Kni ii3e.i'feji,OBaHia BT, liacTii HsioMCKaro yt:),i,a Xapi.KoBCKoii rySepniii. (ETpeflBapHTeJILHHfl OT'ieil.) (Recherches geolo- giques dans la partie occidentale du district d'lsiourn. Compte-rendu preliminaire.) [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 18, 1900, 139-149, (Res. 149-150). — reo.iorimecKia nsc.rfeAOBania BT. H3K>jiCKOMT> ir t yfe3;i,axri,. (Ilpe,T,BapiiTeabHuri (Eecherches g^ologiquea dans les districts d'Isioum et de Pavlograd.) St. Petersb., Com. Gtol. Bull., 19, 1900, 55-63, (Re's. 63-64). - IIocjit^Hia iiscjit>ji,oBaHia B. A. HA.iiiBKinia m, H:iHisicuoM'b yfe^t.. (IIpCABapiiTe.iLiiMu OTMCT-I,, IICKO- Borisjak] G94 [Born iia oenoBaiiin nojeBoro B. A. HAJIHBKlllia.) (Les dernieres explorations de V. A. XALIVKIS dans le district d'Isioum. Coinpte-renilu preliminaire d'apres les notices de V. A. NALIVKIN.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 19, 1900, 403-460, (Bet. 406). Borisov, ]<:[vgenij] PfusiV/Vi'it-]. 0 KpllTll MOCKIIX'I, lU'llTpax'l. KpllBUX'l. 3-ro IIOpHJlKa. [Ueber kritische Centra der Curven dritter Ordnung.] [1894.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1896], 401-473; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1135. Borisov, 1'ftr [Jakovlevic]. Ueber die chemotaktische Wirkung verscbiedener Substanzen auf auioboide Zellen und ihren Einfluss auf die Zusammensetzung des ent- ziindlicben Exsudates. Beitr. Path. Anat., 10, 1894, 132-461. — Ueber die giftige Wirkung des Diamids, des Diben- zoyldiamids und iiber das Vorkommen des Allantoins irn Harn. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., IS), 1894, 49.1-510. Zur Bestimmung des Cystins ini Harn. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 511-520. Borisov, r. rpai|pii'iecKiii npiejit BHBo;;a 11 onpejvJ;- .iciiiii (|iop.My.n. jepiiBaTOBij 6cH30.ia. [Graphic method for deriving and determining the formulae of benzene derivatives.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem ). 1888, 401-468. Borius, A\lfrnl Kmile]. For biographical notice sec Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1885, 07. — *Goree (Senegal). Observations meteorologiques faites pendant dix anuees 1850-65, par MM. les Pharmaciens de la Marine. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 17, 1869 (Tableau*), 59-69. - "Reinarques sur le climat du Senegal. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 20, 1872 (Bull.), 150-158. — *Note sur le climat du Senegal. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 22, 1874 (Bull), 175-185. — "Observation de grele au poste de Medine le 2 juin 1874. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, Pt. 1, 132-133. - 'Note sur la temperature des eaux du Senegal. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 24, 1876 (Bull.), 94-98. — *Sur deux nouvelles series d'observatious faites au Senegal. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 24, 1876 (Bull), 111-113. - Observations pluviometriques faites a Brest pendant quarante-quatre annees. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 24, 1876 (Hull), 170-178. - *Note sur les observations meteorologiques faites a Brest, i 1'Observatoire de la Marine. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 (Bull), 191-198, 248. - *| Sur 1'altitude de la cuvette de 1'Observatoire de la Marine de Brest.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 26, 1878 (Bull), 23-24. — '[Lettre sur les observations meteorologiques faites a Saint-Louis du Senegal, de Janvier 1877 a mai 1879.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 27, 1879 (Hull), 137-139. - *Becherches sur le climat des etablissemeuts francais de la cote septentriouale du golfe de Guinea. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 27, 1879 (Bull), 148-171. - "Nouvelles recherches sur le climat du Senegal. [D'apres les observations meteorologiques faites pendant cinq ans (1874-78).] [1880.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1879 (4), 01-91. *Notice sur le climat du Gabon. D'apres les obser- vations du docteur L. VINCENT. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2'.), 1881, 122-130. *Nouvelle note sur le climat du Senegal. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunii., 31), 1882, 149-154. - 'Journal des observations meteorologiques faites a Saint-Louis (Senegal) a 1'Observatoire fonde par [1'auteur]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 30, 1882, 385-421. - "Note sur le climat du Tonkin [basee sur des observa- tions faites par 31. HAMOX]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 31, 1883, 232-233. - *Besum<; des observations meteorologiques faites 4 Hanoi (Tonkin). [1883.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 32, 1884, 9-11 ; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 09-70. Borius, (capit.) Efrnest Arintitle]. "Observations faites dans un voyage de 1'embouchure du Senegal aux cata- ractes du Felou, par MM. E. BORIITS, capitaine de fregate, et Lou VET. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 (Hull), 130-141. Bork, Ili'inrich. 1'as Brockengespenst im Tieflande. Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 408. Borlcc, J[oxepJi] A[it!/iistiii]. Reflexions sur 1'etuploi des injections sous-conjonctivales de sublime1 dans les affec- tions oculaires. Du traitement des coujonetivites puru- leiites, des inflammations de 1'iris et de la choro'ide. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 7, 1893, 596-606. — Appreciation de la bacteriologie, de la doctrine microbienne et de 1'antisepsie. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 11, 1897, 238-250. Borletti, Francesco. Area delle superficie curve. Giorn. Mat., 22, 1884, 207-210. — Sopra il teorema di FEBMAT relative all' equazione xn + y,, = ,n_ Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 20, 1887, 222-224. — Nuova triangolazione della citta di Milano. Milano Oss. Brera Pubbl., 32, 1887, 15 pp. Bormann, Karl. Die Gotz'sche Phosphorbestimmung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 638-639. Bormann, II'., * Mislavskij, X[ikolaj] A[leksandrorif]. See Mislavskij A Bormann. Bormans, August e de. Notes sur quelques Odouates. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, cclxxvi-cclxxix. — Note sur les Orthopteres recueillis par M. WETEKS a Aguilas, province de Murcie (Espagne). Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, elxxix-clxxx. — Le crociere dell' yacht Conaro, del eapitano armatore Enrico D'ALBEBTIS. vi. Ortotteri. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 20, 1884, 170-181. — Six Forticulaires nouveaux de Sumatra. Leyden Mus. Notes, 0, 1884, 183-196. — Description des deux sexes de la Labia gravidula, Gerst. Leyden Mus. Notes, 6, 1884, 197-198. Description de deux varietes nouvelles du Chelisoches Ludekingi, Dohrn. Leyden Mus. Notes, 6, 1884, 199. — Orthopteres recoiled par M. WEYERS a Sumatra. Brux., Soc. Eut. Ann., 29, 1885. xxiv. — Liste des Hymenopteres recueillis en 1885, dans un rayon de 500 metres autour de la station d'Uccle-Stalle (environs de Bruxelles). Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885, cxlvii-cxlviii. — Material! per lo studio della fauna tunisina raccolti da G. e L. DORIA. vn. Orthopteres. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 22, 1885, 97-115. — Notes sur les Chrysidides des environs de Bruxelles. Brux., Soe. Ent. Ann., 31, 1887, xx-xxiii. — Le genre Japyx, Holiday, appartient-il a 1'ordre Orthopteres (famille des Dermapteres), ou a 1'ordre des Thysauoures? Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 31, 1887, xcv-xcvi. — Flacons de chasse au cyanure de potassium. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 32, 1888, xliii-xlv. — Viaggio di Leonardo FEA inBirmauia e regioni vicine. vn [e i.xi]. Dermapteres. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 20, 1888, 431-448; 34, 1894, 371-409. .Mission scientiljqiu' de .17. Cli. AI.I.I-AIUI aux !les Sechelles. Dermapteres. [1891.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, 387-388. — Quelques Dermapteres du MUMV C'i\ii|ue de Genes. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 40, 1899, 441-467. Born, Frit;. Zur Kritik iiber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der 1'Yage von den Blasenfunctioneij. [18KO.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg.. 25, 1887, 118-192. BornJ 695 [Bornemann Born, G[ustai> Jacob]. For biography and list of works se.e Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 139-143; Arch. EntwMeoh., 10, 1900, 256-262; Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1900 (Nek.), 2-3; Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 130. Biologisohe Untersuchungen. i. Ueber den Einrluss der Schwere auf das Froschei. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 24, 1884, 475-545; Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 75-85. — Ueber die iunereu Vorgiinge bei der Bastard befrucht- ung der Froscheier. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 121-127. — Biologische Untersuchungen. n. Weitere Beitrage zur Bastardirung zwischen den einheimischen Anuren. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 27, 1886, 192-271. — Ueber die Furchung des Eies bei Doppelbildungen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1887, 79-90. — Ueber die Bildung der Klappen, Ostieu, und Scheide- waude im Siiugetierherzen. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 606- 612. — Noch einrnal die Plattenmodellirmethode. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 5, 1888, 433-455. — Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Saugethier- herzens. Arch. Mikr. Anat. , 33, 1889, 284-378. — Ueber das Scheitelauge. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1889, 14-17. — Die Keit'ung des Amphibieneies und die Befruchtung unreifer Eier bei Triton taeniatus. Anat. Auz., 7, 1892, 772-781, 803-811. — ErsteEntwickelungsvorgange (Furchung, Gastrulation und die sich daran anschliesseuden Prozesse). Anat. Hefte (Alt. 2), 1, 1892, 486-532; 2, 1893, 446-465. — Ueber Druckversuche an Froscheiern. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 609-627. — Bin neuer Schnittstrecker. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 10, 1893, 157-160. — Die Entwickelung der Ableituugswege des Urogenital- apparates und des Damnies bei den Saugetieren. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 3, 1894, 490-516. — Die Struktur des Keimbliischens irn Ovarialei von Triton tseniatus. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 43, 1894, 1-79. — [Demonstration eiuer Auzahl in Forrnaldehyd (Formol) geharteter menschlicher Gehirne.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 (Abth. la), 42-43. — Ueber die kiinstliche Vereinigung lebender Theilstiicke von Amphibienlarven. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 (Abth. la), 79-91. — Ueber neue Compressionsversuche an Froscheiern. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 (Abth. 26), 47-56. — Ueber die Ergebnisse der mit Amphibienlarven ange- stellten Verwachsungsversuche. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 153-159. — Die Entwickelung der Geschlechtsdruseu. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 4, 1896, 592-616. — Ueber Verwachsungsversuche mit Amphibienlarven. [1896-97.] Arch. EntwMech., 4, 1897, 349-465, 517- 623. Born, G[ii$tav Jacob], & Peter, Karl. Zur Herstellung von Eiehtebenen und Richtlinien. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 15, 1898, 31-50. Born, G[vstav Jacob], & Wieger, G[ermain]. Ueber einen neuen Unterguss. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 2, 1885, 346-348. Born, Georg. Zur Kenntniss der Pseudonitrole und Dialkyldinitromethane. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 90-102. Born, Georg, & Scholl, Roland. See Scholl & Born. Born, Hermann. *Ueber das doppelte Centrale am Tarsus der Urodelen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 263-264. — Ein seltener Fall von angeborener Atresie und Durchtrenuung des Darrurohres mit entwickelungs- geschichtlich interessauten Verhaltnissen am Peri- toneum. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1887, 216-234. Born, [Gustai' Adolf] Max. Beitrage zur Bestimmung der Lichtbrechungsverhaltuisse doppeltbrechender Kry- stalle durch Prismenbeobachtungen. Neues Jbuch. Miu. (BeiL-Bd.), 5, 1887, 1-51. Born, Paul. Zwei neue Coptolabrus. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 334-337, 717. — Zwei ueue Caraben-Fonnen der ligurischen Alpen. Wii-n Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 533-535. — Ceroglossus dyuastes, n. sp. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 656-657. Ein neuer Coptolabrus. [1899.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 716. — [36 Coptolabrus der smaragdinus Gruppe.] [1899.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 717. Coptolabrus Rothschildi, n. sp. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 49, 1899, 295-297. — Coptolabrus Lafossei, n. var. giganteus. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 49, 1899, 297-298. — Carabus cancellatus, H. var. balcanicus. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 49, 1899, 486. - Plat) carabus cychroides, Baudi, n. sp. [1899.] Zurich,' Soc. Ent., 14, [1900], 81-82. — Carabus italicus, ». var. Ronchettii. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 50, 1900, 184-186. Born. mil, Ed. Sur la nature et 1'origine de la gaine de sarcolemme chess les poissons. [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, 1-6. — Etude histologique des nerfs et de la muqueuse buccale , chez les poissons. [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, 6-19. Borne, Federico. See Fuga Borne. Borne, G. von dem. Der geologische Bau eiues Theiles von Ostafrika. [1894.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 412-413. — Quecksilberwerke von Avalaberg. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 67, 1894, 117-118. Bornemann, Ernst. Ueber die Etard'sche Reaktion zur Darstelluug aromatischer Aldehyde und einige Abkomm- linge des Metatoluylaldehyds. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1462-1475. — Einwirkung von Hvdroxylamin auf Zimmtaldehyd- cyanhydrin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1512- 1514. — Notiz iiber die Skraup'sche Chinoliusyuthese. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2377-2378. — Ueber die w-Methylzimmtsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1382. — Ueber p-Toluidindioxalat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2710. Bornemann, Geary. Ueber einige Laboratoriumsgeriithe aus Aluminium. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3637-3642. — Kupferoxalat und seine Verwendung zur Kupfer- Cadmiumtrennung. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 565-566. — Qualitative Trennung des Antimons von Ziuu. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 635-636. Bornemann, Joli[tiitn] Georg. For biography and list of works see [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 431; Leopoldina, 32, 1896, 134-135; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, (29)-(34). - *Sur anciennes de Tile de Sardaigne. Resume' de com- munications faites pendant le Congres Geologique de Bologne a 1'appui de 1'exposition d'echantillons prove- nant de Caualgrande, Gennamari et Ingurtosu. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1881, 221-232. *[Anemometerjustirung.] [1883.] Berg- u. Huttenm. Ztg., 43, 1884, 205-207. — [Ueber Cambrische Fossilien von der Insel Sardinien.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 399-400. — [Cambrische Archffiocyathus-Forinen und verwandte Organiemen von der Insel Sardinien.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 702-707, 910. (2 la classification des formations stratifiees BornemannJ ti-.tii LBornmiiller Cyelopelta Winter!, eine Bryozoe aus dera Eifeler Mitteldevon. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 864-865. — [Ueber fossile Kalkalgen.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 552-554; :«, 1886, 473. — Ueber Aufnnhmen auf Section Wutha. Preuss. GPO!. Landesaust. Jbuch., [fi], 1886, xxxviii-xxxix; [7], 1887, xxxvii-xxxviii, 23 (bit) ; [8], 1888, xliv-xlv. — Beitriige zur Kenntnis des Muschelkalks, insbeson- dere der Schichtenfolge uud der Gesteine des Uuteren Muschelkalks in Thiiringen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [15], 1886, 21.7-321; [8], 1888, 15 (bis). Die Versteinerungen des Cambriaohen Schichten- systeras der Insel Sardinian nebst vergleichenden Uuter- suchungen iiber analoge Vorkouimnisse aus andern Laudern. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 51, 1887, 1-148; 56, 1891, 425-528. [Ueber fussile Thierspuren aus dem Buntsaudstein Thiirinseus.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 39, 1887, 629-630. — Der Qnarzporphyr von Fluidalstnictur. Deutsch. 1887, 793-797. • Geologische Algeustudien Heiligensteiu und seiue Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 39, Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [7], 1887, 11G-134, 23 (bit). — Ueber Schlackenkegel und Larven. Ein Beitrag zur Lebre vorn Vulkanismus. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 230-282, 15 (bit). Ueber den Muschelkalk. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9J, 1889, 417-439. Bornemann, L. G. Ueber Aufuahme der Section Frott- stedt. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [6], 1886, xl; [7], 1887, xxxviii-xli. — Ueber einige neue Vorkommnisse basal tischer Gesteine auf dem Gebiet der Messtischblatter Gerstuugen und Eisenach. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 291-300. Sopra una specie mediterranea del genere Linguli- nopsis. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 6, [1892], 26-29. Bornet, [Jmn Jtuptiste] I''.tl[mtaril]. Algues de Madagascar recoltees par Af. Ch. THIEBAUT. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 16-19. Note sur une nouvelle espece de Laminaire (Laminaria Rodriguezii) de la Mediterrauee. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888, 361-366. Algues du voyage au Golfe ile Tadjoura recueillies par M. L. FAUKOT. Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, 1888, 17-20. — Les Nostoeacfes h^t^rocystees du Systetna Algaruni de C. A. AOARDH (1824) et leur synonymie actuelle (1889). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889. 144-157. Note sur 1'Ectocarpue (Pylaiella) fulvescens, Thuret. Rev. Gen. Bot., 1, 1889, 5-10. — Note sur deux algues de la Mediterranee : Fauchea et Zosterocarpus. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 37, 1890, 139-148. — Algues du departement de la Haute-Vienne contenues daus 1'herbier d'Edouard LAMY DK LA CHAPELLE. France Soc. Bot. Bull. , 38, 1891, 247-255. — Note sur quelques Ectocarpus. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 353-372. — Note sur 1'Ostracoblabe implexa, Born, et fr'iah. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 397-400. — Note sur 1'Ectocarpus i'enestratus, Berk. Ann. Bot., 6, 1892, 148-150. — Les algues de P. K. A. SCHOUSBOE. Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem., 28, 1892, 165-376. Bornet, [Jean Ilaptiste] Kd\puard], & Fl.ih.mit, Charles. Sur la determination des Rivulaires qui formeut des fleurs d'cau. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 76-81. — Tableau aynoptique des Nostocacoes filamenteuses lnHerocysti'es. Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem., 25, 1885, 1 -.15-223; 26, 1889, 137-152. — Note sur le genre Aulosira. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 119-122. — Revision des Nostocacees beterocystees contenues dans les principaux herbiers de France. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bnt.), 3, 1886, 323-381; 4, 1886, 343-373; 5, 1887, 51-129; 7, 1888, 177-262. — Note sur deux nouveaux genres d'algues perforantes. Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, 1888, 161-165. — Concordance des "Algen Sachsens und Europa's" de L. RABEXHORST avec la revision des Nostocacees hetero- cystees. Notarisia, 3, 1888, 387-397. — Sur quelques plantes vivant dans le test calcaire des Mollusques. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, cxlvii-clxxvi. See also Flahault it Bornet. Bornhardt, J!'[ilhelm]. Ueber die bergmaunischen und geologischen Ergebnisse seiner Reisen iu Deutsch-Ost- afrika. [With discussion.'] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898 (1'ern.), 59-74. — Geographische uud geologische Mitteilungen iiber das deutsche Nyassa-Gebiet auf Grund eigener Reisen. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 26, 1899, 437-452. Bornmiiller, Josef. Rhamnus orbiculata, Brnmllr., n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 225-227. — Fiinf Prlanzen aus Dalmatien, z. T. ueu fiir die Flora der osterr.-ung. Monarchic. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 272-273. — Conservirung von Abietineen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 398-400. — Beitrage zur Kenntuiss der Flora des bulgarischen Kiistenlandes. Bot. Centrbl., 36, 1888, 25-29, 87-92, 124-127, 151-156. — Ptilotrichura (Koniga) Uechtritzianum, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 10-12. — Einiges iiber Vaccaria parviflora, Much., und V. graudiflora, Jaub. et Sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 125-127. — Verbascum PanfiiiHi, m., hyb. nov. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 267-268. — Ein Beitrag zur Eichenttora des siidostlichen Europa. Bot. Centrbl., 37, 1889, 129-131. — Zur Flora der Urngebung Leipzigs. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 7, 1889, 42-43. — [Die Flora von Amasia (Kleinasien).] Flora, 72, 1889, 140-141. — Beitrag zur Flora Dalmatiens. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 333-337. — Ein Ausflug iiach dem Ak-dagh in Kleiuasien. [1889.] Jena Geogr. Ges. Mittli., 8, 1890, 26-27. — Zur Flora Ost-Bulgariens. Eine neue Gramiuee : Diplachne bul^arica, Rornm. Bot. Centrbl., 41, 1890, 162-167. — Phlomis Russeliana, Lay., und Phi. Samia, L. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 42, 1892, 113-116. — Alkauna Haussknechtii, Boi'iiin., spec. nov. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 44, 1894, 16-17. — Nachtrag zu "Florula insulfE Thasos." Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 44, 1894, 124-128, 173-176, 212-216. — Recent botanical exploration in southern Persia, being the substance of a letter to Dr. Otto STAFF. [1893.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Hot.), 30, 1895, 140-142. — Rhamnus orbiculata, liornm. Bot. Ceutrbl., 72, 1897, 225-2211. — Calamagrostis lalesarensis, Tory, et liornm. (spec, nor.), und einige floristische Notizen iiber das Lalesargebirge in Siid-Persien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 77-78, 242-244, 287-291. — Vinca Haussknechti, Rornm. et Siiit. (spec. nov.). Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 48, 1898, 453-454. Ein Beitrag zur Kenutniss der Flora von Syrieu und Palastiua. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 544-653. — Hypericum pumilio, Cerasus hippophaoides, Sedum rodanthum, drei neue Arten aus dem ostlichen Anatoliru. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 49, 1899, 14-17. Bornmiiller] 697 [Borntrager — Eine neue Celsia aus dem siidostlichen Persien. (Celsia carmanica, Barnui.) Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 49, 1899, 51-53. — Ein ueuer, bisher verkannter Burger der europaischen Flora. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 50, 1900, 90-93, 139-140. Horns, [Henry]. Beleuchtung mittels sekundarer Genera- toren. Elektvotechn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 77-78. — Zur Mikrophon-Theorie. Elektrotechn. Ztscbr., f>, 1884, 122-126. - Elektrische Beleuchtung von Eisenbahnziigen in England. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 315-317. — Die Influenzmaschinen von WIMSHUKST. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 329-334. Bornstein, Karl. Ueber den Einfluss heisser Bader auf den Stoffwechsel. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1895 (Abth. la), 80-81. — Ueber Fleischersatzmittel. [With discussion.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1896 {Abth. la), 79-84. — Experimentelle Untersuchnugen iiber die Wirkung des Saccharins (Fahlberg). Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind., 48, 1898 (Tli. 2), 772-778. — Eiweissmast und Muskelarbeit. [With discussion.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1899 (Abth. In), 69-75; Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 83, 1901, 540-556. — Untersuchungen iiber Saccharin. Experiinentelles uml Kritisches. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind , 49, 1899 (Th. 2), 315-348. Borntrager, [Jean Bernhard], Die Ruhrepidemie iin Begierungsbezirk Danzig 1895-96. Ztschr. Hyg., 27, 1898, 375-479. Borntrager, Arthur. Ueber eine von O. N. WITT kurzlich beschriebene Piltrirvorrichtung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1690. — Eritik der directen Methoden zur Bestimmuug der Weinsaure in Weinhefen uud Weinsteinen. Fresenius, Ztschr., 25, 1886, 337-359; 26, 1887, 136, 699-714. — Zur Bestimmung des Kaliumbitartrats in Weinhefen und Weinsteinen. Bepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 550-558, 561-568, 579-591. — Zur Denaturirung des zu Industrie-, Haushaltungs- u. s. w. Zwecken dienenden Spiritus. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 137-138. Ueber die Bestimmungen des Zuckers und iiber die polarimetrischen Untersuchungen bei Siissweinen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 477-486, 505-508, 538- 545. — Ueber die Inversion der Saccharose (lurch Salzsaure. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 40, 1890, 870-905. — Ueber die Entfarbung von Rothweinen fiir die polarimetrischen Untersuchungen uud fiir die Fehling- Soxhlet'sehe Zuckerbestimraung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 340-343, 599-600. — Saures weinsaures Kalinin als Urtiteraubstanz fiir die Acidimetrie und Alkalimetrie. Fresenius, Ztschr., 31, 1892, 43-57; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 294-295. — Ueber das scheiubare Verhiiltniss zwiscben Dextrose und Liivulose in den duukelbraunen Malagaweinen und in anderen ahnlich bereiteten Weinen. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 207-208. — Sul rapporto apparente fra destrosio e levulosio nei vini Malaga neri ed in altri vini preparati in un modo simile. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital. , 22, 1892, 138-142. — Ueber den Einttuss, welchen die Gegenwart von Bleiessig auf das Ergebniss der Titrirung des Milch- zuckers nach FEHLING-SOXHLKT ausvibt. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 293-294. — Ueber den Einfluss der Gegenwart der Bleiacetate auf das Ergebniss der Bestimmung des Invertzuckers nach FEHLING-SOXHLET. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 333- 335; 1895, 103-104, 594-596; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1895, 449-460. — Beitrage und Bemerkungen zur gerichtlieh-chemischen Weinanalyse. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 358-362. K. S. A. C. — Ueber die Bestimmung des Kupfers auf volumetrischem Wegemit Schwefelnatrium. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 517-524. — Zur polarimetrischen Untersuchung von Mosten und Siissweinen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 599. — Controlirung der Fehling'schen Losung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 600-601; 1894. 351. — Ueber das Verhiiltniss zwischen Glycerin und Alkohol in Naturweinen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 13-14. — Nochmals iiber die Auwendung des Weinsteins fur die Stellung der Normallaugen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 54-55. — Nochmals zur Alkoholbestimmung iin Weine (lurch Destination uud Ermittelung der Dichte des Destillates. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 108-111. — 1st es noting, fiir die Zuckertitrirungen nach FEHLINO die mit Bleiessig ausgefiillten Weine von Blei zu befreien ? Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 236-238. — Ueber das Verhalten von neutralem und basischem Bleiacetat gegen kohlensaures, schsvefelsaures und phos- phorsaures Natrium in Abwesenheit von Zucker. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 454-461, 521-528. — Wiirde sich mehr das kohlensaure oder das schwefel- saure Natrium empl'ehlen, wenn man nach der Ausfallung von Mosten und Weinen mit Bleiessig das Blei vor den Fehling-Soxhlet'schen Titrirungen beseitigen will? Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 554-559. — Ueber die Beeinttussung des Reductionsvermogens von Invertzuckerlosungen durch Stehenlassen oder Ein- dampfen mit Bleizucker oder Bleiessig. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 579-582. — Ueber den Einfluss der Volumina der durch Bleiessig und etwa spater noch durch Soda oder Glaubersalz hervorgerufenen Niederschliige auf die Resultate der Zuckertitrirungen in Weinen vor und nach der Inver- sionsprobe. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 583-591. — Potassium tetraoxalate as a standard in acidimetry. Chera. News, 71, 1895, 307-308. — Ueber die Ausf iihrung der Fehling'schen Titrirung in der Weinanalyse. Fresenius, Ztschr., 34, 1895, 19-25. — Perche la presenza di sali piombici influenza i risultati delle titulazioni Fehlihg-Soxhlet? Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1895, 671-692, 693-698. — Sulla determinazioue colorimetrica di piccole quantity di ferro per mezzo del solfocianato di putassio. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 29, 1896, 366-372; Chem. Ztg., 20, 1898, 398-399. — Sopra un vinello verde. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 29, 1896, 729-735. — Zum Nachweise und zur Bestimmuug der Saccharose im Weine. Fresenius, Ztschr., 36, 1897, 767-776. — Osservazioni iutorno alia deterininazione dello zucchero nei mosti e nei vini per mezzo ddle titolazioni Fehling-Soxhlet. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 107-120. — Sul contenuto in zucchero e saccarina nella glicerina separata dai vini dolci merce il metodo ufficiale germanico. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 283-293; Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 693-695. — Sulla deterininazione degli zuccheri e sulle ricerche polarimetriche nei vini dolci. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 325-357; Fresenius, Ztschr., 37, 1898, 145- 172. — Intoruo alia cosidetta fermentazione elettiva dello zucchero iuvertito. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 537-544. — Delia ricerca e della determinazione del saccarosio nei vini. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897. 558-568. — Beitrage und Bemerkungen zur gerichtlichchemiseheu Weinanalyse. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 155-158. — Ueber die Bestimmuug der Weinsaure neben Citronen- siiure. Fresenius, Ztschr., 37, 1898, 477-485 ; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 117-126. BorntragerJ 698 [Borrelly — Sn alcune pretese conserve di limone. Staz. Spur. Agrar. Itiil., 31, 1898, 30-10. — Analisi di uve secche. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Hal., 31, 1898, 564-572. — Veritica del titolo degli alcali ed acidi normal!. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 33, 1900, 463-466; Ztschr. Angcw. Chem., 1900, '.175-076. Borntrager, Arthur, & Paris, Giulio. Analisi di vini dell' Italia meridionale. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 469-481; 31, 1898, 5-17; Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 285-286; 22, 1898, 172-174. — Analisi delle melegranate. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 50-61. — Di alcuni terreni ricchi di potassa. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 78-80; Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 50, 1898, 343-345. Borntrager, Hugo. Ueber einen Stickstoffverlust bei der Knoehenfettfabrikation und Analyse des Knochenfetts. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 694. — Ein einfaches Mittel, Glasgerate zu feilen. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 741. — Ueber die Anwendung der Nitrose in der analytischen Chemie. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 741-742. Borntrager, Hugo. Ueber einen neuen Akkuuiulator. [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 324. — Ueber die Entfernung des Bleisulfates und Anfar- beitung der Bleiriickstande in Akkumulatoren-Fabriken. [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 325. Borodin, Aleksandr [Portirjevif]. For biography and list of works see Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 273; Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 367-379. Borodin, Alekstmdr. For biography and works sec Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc., 1898, 528-530; Paris, Ingein. Civ. Mem., 1898 (Pt. 2), 92-111. — Experiments on the steam-jacketing and compounding of locomotives in Russia. lust. Mechan. Engin. Proc., 1886, 297-354, 363-409; Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1886 (Pt. 2), 261-345. — On the working of steam-pumps on the Russian South Western Railways. Inst. Mechan. Engiu. Proc., 1893, 433-450. Borodin, J. Sur la repartition des cristaux d'oxalate de chaux dans les feuilles des Legumineuses et des Rosacees. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 69-77. — Sur les depots diffus d'oxalate de chaux dans les feuilles. Connr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 417-420. — Die in St. Petersburg befindlichen Herbarien und botanischeu Museeu. Bot. Centrbl., 56, 1893, 353-356. Borodin, N. A. Biojioni'iecidH ciaHiuii saiiaAiioii EBPOIIU it CiBepo-AnepHKaHCKHXT) Coejimi'H- III.IX'L IU'raTOBt. [Stations biologiques de 1'Europe occidentale et des Etats Unis de 1'Amerique du Nord.] [1894.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 1, 1895, No. 2, 14 pp. li'i, ciiCTeMaTiiKf, KacniScKHX'B n llepno- MOpCKHXt cejlb^eit. [Note sur les Clupea des rners Caspienne et Noire.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Auuu., 1, 1896, 81-94. - Osepo HapxajTt (II.IH lapxa.ihcicoe iiopuo). [Lake Carchal.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 32, 1896, 276-290. Borosini, August von. Glaskolben zur Herstellung von NahrbSden. Ceutrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 23. Borradaile, A. A. Notes of a journey in northern, Mongolia in 1893. Geogr. Jl., 5, 1895, '562-572. Borradaile, Lancelot Alexander. A revision of the Pontoniidffi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 376-391. — On some crustaceans from the South Pacific. Purl i. Stomatopoda. [Part n. Macrura anomala. Part in. Macrura. Part iv. The crabs. Part v. Arthrostracans and barnacles.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 32-38, 457-468 1UOO-1015 ; 1900, 5C8-596, 795-799. — A note on the hatching stage of the pagurine lund- crabs. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 937-938. — On a small collection of decapod crustaceans from freshwater in North Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 93-95. Borrass, E. [Bestimmung der Polhohe und der Intensitat der Schwerkraft auf zwei und zwauzig Stationen von der Ostsee bei Kolberg bis zur Schneekoppe.] iv. Die Intensitat der Schwerkraft auf den Stationen der Siid- Abteilung. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Veroff., 1896, 175-288. Borre. •• • Preudhomme de Borre. Borrel, Amedet. Sur la signification des figures decrites comme coccidies dans les epitheliomes. Arch. Med. Exper., 2, 1890, 786-797; Pans, Sue. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. R.), 446-449. — Note sur la division multiple uu noyau par karyokinese. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. ,42, 1890 (C.R.), 22-24. — De la division du noyau et de la division cellulaire dans les tumeurs epitheliales. Paris, Soc. Biol. M£m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 428-430; Robin, Jl. Anat., 28, 1892, 129-142. — Sur un mode de formation cellulaire intrauuele'aire pouvant eveiller a tort 1'idee des parasites dans 1'epi- the'lioma. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 14-16. — Tuberculose pulmonaire experimeutale : etude ana- tomo-pathologitaie de processus obtenu par injection veineuse. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 7 (1893), 593-627. — Tuberculose experirnentale du rein. Ann. lust. Pasteur, 8 (1894), 65-82. — Tubercule et tuberculose. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Patol.), 185-192. — Theorie parasitaire du cancer. Congr. Int. M^d. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 3, Sact.), 129-142. — Sur une evolution speciale de la sphere attractive dans la cellule cancereuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. M£m., 52, 1900 (C1. R.), 331-333. — Action de la tuberculine et de certains poisons bacteriens sur le cobaye sain ou tuberculeux par inocu- lation sous-cutanee ou intra-cerebrale. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C1. A'.), 358-360. See also under Nocard cV. Roux. Borrel, Ameilt:?, it Boinet, Kdouard. See Boinet & Borrel. Borrel, Aweiiee, & Roux, E. See Roux & Borrel. Borrel, G. Appareil semaphoriijue a signaux instantancs dit signal horaire pour la transmission de 1'heure dans les ports. Systeme imagine par MM. HANUSSE, inge'nieur hydrographe, et U. BORREL, constructeur. Congr. Int. Chrouom., 1900, 204-207. Borrella, G. Sopra alcuni anisati. Gazz. Chirn. Ital., 15, 1885, 303-305. Borrelli, S. Sulla benzotribromauilide. [1888.] [Poslh.] Gazz. Chirn. Ital., 17, 1887, 527-528. Borrelly, Alphtmse. Entdeckung eines neuen Planeten (240). Astr. Nachr. , 109, 1884, 303-304. — Observations de la Comiite Pons-Brooks, 1'aites k 1'Observatoire de Marseille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 495-497. — Plani-te (240) decouverte i 1'Observatoire de Marseille le 27 aout 1884. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 417. Entdeckung [eiues] neuen Planeten (246). Astr. Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, Marseille. Nachr., Ill, 1885, 239-240. — Etoiles variables nouvelles. 61-63, 161-162. — Observations faites a 1'Observatoire de Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 166-167. — Observations des planetes (246) Asporina et (248) (I'alisa), faites a 1'Observatoire de Marseille. Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 335-337. — Observations de cometes et de planetes, faites it 1'Observatoire de Marseille. Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 166- 168, 533-534; 4, 1887, 4G2-463; 6, 1889, 257-259; Borrelly] 699 [Borries 7, 1890, 13-15 ; 10, 1893, 12-15 ; 11, 1894, 307-311, 344-347; 12, 1895, 267-269; 13, 1896, 369-371; 14, 1897, 382-386; 15, 1898. 231-234 ; 16, 1899, 139-143. — Eutdeckung eines Planeten auf der Sternwarte in Marseille. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 103-104. — Observations d'une planete rencontree a TObservatoire de Marseille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1824. — Entdeckung eines Planeten auf der Sternwarte in Marseille. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 127-128. — Observation de 1'eclipse totale de lune, du 28 Janvier 1888, a 1'Observatoire de Marseille. Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 102-103. — Observations de planetes et de la Comete Sawerthal, faites a 1'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial d'EiCHKNS, Om, 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 296-298. Observations [de la planete (272) Charlois,] faites a 1'Observatoire de Marseille (equatorial d'EicHENS, ouver- ture 0"', 258). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 534. — Observations de la Comete Brooks (6 juillet 1889), faites a 1'Observatoire de Marseille (equatorial d'EicHENS, ouverture Om, 258). Bull. Astr., 6, 1889, 519-521. — Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen (Borrelly) auf , 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 7, 1890, 355-358. See also Coggia & Borrelly. Borrelly, Aljiliniixf, A Stephan, E. See Stephan it Borrelly. Borrelly, A/pIiiinxi', Stephan, K., it Coggia, gten Ibalia, Latr. Ent. Medd. (Kjnbenh.), 3, 1891-92, 53-57. - Naaletraeernes bladhvepse. [1896.] Ent. Medd. (Kjnbenh.), 5, 1895-96, 201-283. Bidrag til danske gravehvepses biologi. Kjnbenh. Vid. Medd., 1897, 1-143. Om Osmia claviventris. Kjiobenh. Vid. Medd., 1897, 144-152. — Om Perithous mediator og Omalus auratus. Kjnbenh. Vid. Medd., 1897, 153-159. — Om redeby^ningen hos Ancistrocerus oviventris, Wesm. Kjnbenh. Vid. Medd., 1897, 160-163. Borrmann, Robert. Ein neuer Apparat znr licquemen, schnellen und gleichmassigen Farbung und Weiter- behandlung von Serienschnitten. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 11, 1894, 459-464. — Ein Blutgefassendotheliorn, mit besonderer Beriiek- sichtigung seines Wachsthums. Virchow, Arch., 151, 1898 (Supi>L), 151-194. — Zum Wachsthum und zur Nomenclatur der Blut- gefassgeschwiilste. Virchow, Arch., 157, 1899, 297-328. — Ein diffuses Kiesenzellensarkom der Cervix uteri mit Metastasen in beiden Ovarien, complicirt durch Schwangerschaft \md Abort im vierten Monat. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 43, 1900, 264-311. Borromeo, (cotite) Carlo. Osservazioni ed appunti di ornitologia. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 29, 1886, 298-322. Borsari, Curio, & Boccolari, Antonio. See Boccolarl cfc Borsari. Borsbach, E[rnxt], Ueber einige Metallochinolide und Chinolindoppelsalze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 431-440. — Ueber die Einwirkung des Chinolins auf Kupfer- vitriol. Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 924-925. Borsbach, E[rnst], & Vortmann, G[eorff]. See Vortmann & Borsbach. Borsch, Louis. Sur un cas d'amblyopie passagere a la suite d'hemorragie et sur un eas recent d'amaurose double apres hematemese. Ann. d'Oculist., 119, 1898, 272-286. Borschc, H'alther [Georn Rudolf]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazobenzolchlorid auf alkalische Nitrosophenollo- sungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2935-2940; Liebig's Ann., 312, 1900, 211-234. — Zur Kenntniss des Benzolazosalicylaldehyds. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1325-1328. — Die Constitution der Metapurpursaure. (i. Mit- theilung iiber die Einwirkung von Cyankalium auf Dinitrophenole.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2718-2723. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der isopurpursauren Salze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2995-2996. Borsche, Wnlther [Georg Rudolf], & Wallach, Otto. Stf •Wallach A Borsche. Borschkc, Mn.r. Pathogenese der Peritonitis tuberculosa. Virchow, Arch., 127, 1892, 121-174. Borscov, /. *MaxepiajiH ,n.in 6oTanniecKoli reo- rpai|)in Apa.io-KacniiiCKaro upan. [Materials for the botanical geography of the Aralo-Caspian region.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 7, 1865 (Append. No. 1), 190 pp. Borst, C. A. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet (I 1H89 (Brooks), made with the 9'5-inch equatorial of the Johns Hopkins University. [1889.] Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 104. — Filar-micrometer observations of Comet d (Brooks) 1889. [1889-90.] .rohnsHopkinsUniv.Circ.,[9(1889-90)]. 26; [10 11890-91)], 33. Borst, Mnjr. Bakteriologische Demonstration. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1895, 22-25. Ueber eine seltene Form von Lipom der Bauchhohle. Wurzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1896, 44-18, 49-56. Zur pathologischen Anatomie und Pathogenese der multiplen Sklerose des GehirnsundRiickenmarks. Beitr. Path. Anat., 21, 1897, 308-372; Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1897, 66-80, 81-96, 97-109. — I'i'ber Melanose des Pericardiums. Virchow, Arch., 147, 1897, 418-429. — Fibrinose Exsudation und fibrinoide Degeneration. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1897, 10-16, 17-25. — Eiu Fall von wahrem Neuroma gauglionare. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1897, 109-112, 113-116. Die angeborenen Geschwiilste der Sacralregion. Centrbl. Path., 9, 1898, 449-501. Das Verhalten der " Endothelien " bei der acnten und chronischen Entziindung sowie bei dem Wachstum der Geschwiilste. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 31, 1898, Die kongenitalen cystosen Neubildungen der Niere uud der Leber. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Festschr. , 1899. 7-32. — Zur Pathologic der serosen Deckzellen. Virchow, Arch., 162, 1900, 94-99 ; Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1900, 26-30. Borst, Max, & Dauber, . See Dauber & Borst. Bort. See Teisserenc de Bort. Borthen, I.inler. La perception visuelle, specialement par rapport au sens des couleurs, expliquee par mouvement moleeulaire. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R., 1884 (T. 3, Oph.), 133-149. — Beobachtungeu iiber das Empyem des Sinus frontalis. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 31, 1885 (Abth. 4), 241-250. — Ein neues Refractionsophthalmoskop. Int. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 4, Abth. 10), 66. Borthwick, A. IT. On the development of quadrifoliar spurs in Pinus laricio, Pair. [1899.] Edinb. Bot. Soe. Trans. omcnicn. See Majocchi & Bosellini. Bosetti, K. Ueber Ammoniumbromid. Arch. Pbarm., 227, 1889, 120-121. — Zur Prtifung des Copaivabalsams. Deutsch. Nat I'. Verh., 1896 (Th. 2. Hiilfte 2), 624-626. Bosi, Itiilii. Sulla resistenza elettrica delle soluzioni saline in rnovimento. Nuovo Cimento, 5, 1897, 2411-266. Bosi, Luiiii. Inviluppo di un sistema notevole di curve. Giorn. Mat., 35, 1897, 120-124, 353. Bosio, U[uido]. Influenza della temperatura sulla reazione di GRIESS per i nitriti nelle acque potabili. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 23, 1892, 309. Bosis, Fruiii-fxi-ii ]. Bin Fall von subconjunctivalem Angiom. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 41, 1895 (Abth. 3), 186-197. Bossalino, Domenico, & Mellinger, Carl. See Mellinger & Bossalino. Bossano, Paul B. Attenuation du virus tetanique par le passage sur le cobaye. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 1172-1174. — Traitement du tetanos par la greffe palustre. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 484-486. Bossano, 1'nul It., & Steullet, A. Resistance des germes tetaniques a 1'action de certains antiseptiqnes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. K.), 614-616. Bosscha, H[tiiio] (_'\oiixttrntijn~\. For biographical notice see "s Gravenhage Inst. Ingen. Tijdscbr., 1898-99 (Very.), 21-22. — Het veidarnpingsvermogen van stoomketels. [1893.] 's Gravenhage Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1892-93 (Verh.}, 169-184. - Mededeeling omtrent Wybe ADAM, nederlandsch ingenieur der XVII1'0 eeuw. [1895.] 's Gravenhage Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1895-96 (Verh.), 1-3. Bosscha, //[? email] P[ieter]. Primaire, secundaire en tertiaire netvliesbeelden na momentane lichtsindrukken. Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd. Versl., 34, 1893, 39 pp.; Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abth. 1), 22-42. Bosscha, J[ohannes]. *Rapport Thermometrie et dilatation. Ann. Conserv. Arts et Met., 10, 1873, 76-81. — Relation des experiences qui ont servi a la construction de deux metres e'talons en platine indie, compares directement avec le Metre des Archives. Rapport presente au Ministre des Travaux Publics, du Commerce et de 1'Induetrie, par la commission charged de reeevoir et de transporter en Hollande les nouveaux etalons du gouvernement des Pays-Bas. Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 1, 1885, 65-144; 2, 1886, 1-85, 116-120. — Analyse des erreurs causees, dans les mesures micro- metriques, par une mise au point deTectueuse. Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 2, 1886, 89-111. — Antwoord op het advies van den Heer F. C. DONDERS [betreffende standaardmeter en -kilogram]. Amsterdam, Ak., Versl. en Meded., 3, 1887, 426-449. — Etudes relatives a la comparaison du metre inter- national avec le prototype des Archives. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 344-346. Les Equations des nouvelles copies du Metre des Archives. Arch. Neerland., 25, 1892, 165-226. — Sur la precision des comparaisons d'un metre & bouts avec un meire a traits. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 950-953. — [Inlichtingen over fouten in REGNAULT'S proeven om- trent de leer der warmte.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, 180-194. — Sur un probleme relatif a la variation simultanee de courants electriques dans un systerne de conducteurs lineaires. Arch. Neerland., 26, 1893, 459-469. — Christian HUYGENS. Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 609-622; Arch. Neerland., 29, 1896, 352-412; Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 82-88; Ciel et Terre, 17 (1896-97), 173-182, 202- 207, 289-299. — Remarques sur les normales barometriques et leur usage dans la prevision du temps. Arch. Neerland., 5, 1900, 529-541, 679. Bosscha, .A[ii/wHin'x], Waals, J[oha lines] T>[itlerik] van der, & Lorentz, H[endrik] A[ntoon]. Rapport over de plaatsing en inrichting der bliksemafleiders op het Rijks- Museuni van Schilderijen te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 4, 1888, 121-125. — Rapport over de beproeving der bliksemafleiders op het Rijks-Museum te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 6-8. Bossclia, .7. (jiin.). Remarques sur les inclusions de certains quartz des porphyres. Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 1, 1885, 169-175. Ueber die Geologic von Huelba (Svid-Spanien). Neues Jbuch. Min., 1885 (Bd. 2), 230-234. — Sur la meteorite de Karang-Modjo, ou Magetan. Arch. Neerland., 21, 1887, 177-200; Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.- Bd.), 5, 1887, 126-144. Bosschere, dairies de. Quelques fleurs d'0rchidi5es. Brux. Soc. Linn. Bull., 1C, 1891, 125-152. Bosse, (.I/en-.) Aiinti Weber van. Set' Weber van Bosse. Bosse, Bruno. Augenhintergrundsbefunde bei Schwangeren und Wochnerinnen. [1900.] Arch. Augenheilk., 42, 1901, 167-170. Bosse, Carl. Ueber den Stellungsnachweis im Monome- thylather des Dimethylphloroglucins. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109,1900 (Abth. 2li), 822-837; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 1021- 1036. Bosse, K. A'., & Holden, Ward A. See Holden & Bosse. Bosse, Wilhelm. On the problem of aerial navigation. Amer. Engineer & Railroad Jl., 69, 1895, 45-46, 99. - The metric system. Amer. Engineer & Railroad JL, 70, 1896, 137. Bossebocuf, Franniix. La structure du petiole dans les diverses especes du genre Quercus. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 260-265, 814. Bossel, Fr[ieilrich], A Graebe, Charles. Set' Graebe & Bossel. Bossert, ./'IM/.// l-'\nini-ois]. Observations faites a 1'equa- torial Secretan-Eichens de 1866 a 1870. Reductions. [1889.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obsia.), 1883, G, 21 pp. — Latitudes de diverses stations d^duites au moyen de eireummeridiennes du Soleil (3e voyage du Dr. CREVAUX). 1'aris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1884, 169-170. - Orbite de la Comete Tempel-Swift (1869 III-1880 IV). Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 550-564 ; 3, 1886, 23-26, 65-78 ; 8 1891, 185-191. — Determination des mouvements propres des etoiles du Catalogue de 1'Observatoire de Paris. Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 509-515; 8, 1891, 369-376. Bossert] 707 [Bostwick — Catalogue des mouvernents propres de 2641 etoiles. [1896.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obsnx.), 1888, E, UO pp. — Observations des cometes faites a ['equatorial de GAJIBEY de 1'Observatoire de Paris de 1835 a 1855. Reductions. Paris Obs. Ann. (Mem.), 19, 1889, D, 95 pp. - Note sur la Coraete Tempel-Swift (1869 III-1880 IV). propres des Bull. Astr., 7, 1890, 92-93. - Tableau synoptique des rnouvements etoiles. Bull. Astr., 7, 1890, 98-105. — Elemente und Epherneride des dritten Tempel'schen Cometen (1869 III) fiir seine Wiederkehr im Jahre 1891. Astr. Nacbr., 127, 1891, 271-272. — Ephemeride de la Comete Tempel3-Swift (1891...). Astr. Nacbr., 128, 1891, 291-292, 375-376. — Determination des mouvemeuts propres de quelques Etoiles. Bull. Astr., 9, 1892, 216-219. — Supplement a 1'Histoire celeste de LALANDE. Catalogue de 3950 etoiles dont les coordonnees moyennes sont ramenees a 1'equinoxe de 1800.0. Paris Obs. Ann. (Mem.), 21, 1895, A, 176 pp. — Orbite de la Comete Tempel-Swift (1809 III-1880 IV). Bull. Astr., 14, 1897, 9-23. Bossert, Juteph F[ram;ois], & Schulhol, Leopold. See Sclmlliot A Bossert. Bossh.ird, A. Das ziircheriscbe Oberland. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbucb., 31, 1896, 267-278. Bosshard, E[mil], Ueber das Verbalteu einiger Amido- saureu zu Kali- und Barytlauge, sowie zu Magnesia. Fresenius, Ztschr., 23, 1884, 160-165. — Ein Nebelbild auf dem Calanda. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 24, 1889, 424-426. — Wein-Analysen. Fresenius, Ztschr., 29, 1890, 551- 556; Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 33, 1890, 39-44. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss biindneriscber Triukwasser. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 33, 1890, 45-52. — Neue Aualysen der Sauerquellen des Kurhauses St. Moritz. (Alte Quelle und Paracelsusquelle.) Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 35, 1892, 187-192; 36, 1893, [179]. — Ueber die Anwendung des Thermometers zu Ho'hen- messungen. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 28, 1893, 373- 380. — Ueber Herkunft und Entstehung der Fohnstiirme. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 37, 1894, 88-117. — Precede' de HIRZEL pour extraire le sel de ses solutions au moyen du froid. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 396; Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1896, 84. Elmsfeuer und Blitzgefahr im Gebirge. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 33, 1898. 292-300. — Chemische Analyse der Trinkquelle Chasellas bei der Unter-Alpina in Campfer (Ober-Engadin). Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 43, 1900, 105-107. Bosshard, I \ni.l-. & Schulze, E[rnsf\. • Schulze A: Bosshard. Bosshard, E[mil], Schulze, E[rnst], & Steiger, E[duard~\. See Schulze, Steiger A Bosshard. Bosshard, Heinrich. Zur Kenntnis der Verbindungsweise der Skelettstiicke der Anne und Ranken von Autedon rosacea, Linck (Coinatula mediterranea, Lam.). Jena. Ztschr., 34, 1900, 65-112. Bossi, Arnaldo L., & Dunstan, Wyndham Ii[ow!aiul], See Dunstan & Bossi. Bossi, Arnaldo L., & Nietzki, I{[udolf]. See Nietzki & Bossi. Bossi, L. M. Sur Faction ecbolique du sucre administre duraut raccouchement. Arch. Ital. Bio]., 21, 1894, 30U- 301. — Sur la rapidite" de reproduction de la muqueuse de 1'uterus chez la femme apres le raclage. Arch. Ital. Biol., 24, 1895, 51-55. Bossi, Ugo. Sulla dimetilfeuilcumalina. [1898.] Gazz. Chirn. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 1-12. Bosso, Giuseppe. Ueber eine neue Infektionekrankheit des Rindviehs. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 22, 1897, 537- 542. — Neuer Beitrag zum Studium der Mikroorganismen der Septicasmia hsemorrhagica beim Rinde. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 318-323. - Septikamie bei einem Seekalbe. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 25, 1899, 52-55. Bosso, liiuseppe, & Perroncito, Kduardn. See Ferroncito A BOSSO. Bossowski, Alexander. Ueber das Vorkomrnen von Mikroorganisnien in Operatiouswunden unter dem anti- septischen Verbande. Wien. Med. Wschr., 37, 1887, 229-232, 257-260. Bossung, E[iigen], & Edinger, Albert. See Edinger it Bossung. , Bossut, Louis. Etude de statique physique. Calcul des actions rautuelles des solides en contact. Nouv. Ann. Math., 12, 1893, 239-256. — Note relative a la theorie mathematique de 1'elasticite. Nouv. Ann. Math., 14, 1895, 141-145. Bost, Charles A . The balance roof for telescope buildings. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 189,3, 400-401. Bosteaux-Faris, Charles. Etude sur 1'origine des grottes souterraines creusees dans la craie aux environs de Reims. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1884 (Pt. 2), 328-331. — Derniers vestiges de monuments rnegalithiques aux environs de la ville de Reims. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1884 (Pt. 2), 331-335. — Decouverte d'un squelette d'auroch a Cernay. Ass. Franc. C. R,, 1888 (Pt. 2), 398-399. — Sujets en bronze d'un caractere oriental chaldeen provenant d'uue fouille gauloise faite a Vaudesincourt (Marne). Ass. Franc. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 645-647. — Decouvertes et fouilles du cimetiere gaulois des Bouverets, territoire de Seine (Marne). Ass. Franc. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 588-594. — Fouille (Tune tombe gauloise au lieu dit Les Chances, territoire de Cernay-lez-Reims. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 595. — Comparaison entre le frontal d'un "Bos prisons " et le frontal d'un "aurochs." Ass. Franc. C. R., 1893 (Pt, 2), 677-678. — A propos d'une faucille en silex trouvee en Egypte. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 2), 758-759. — Decouverte de sepultures de 1'epoque Hallstattienne et tumulus des environs de Reims. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 2), 698-704. Bostock, A. L. Practical dental histology. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 35, 1892, 193-201. Bostock, 1''.. Introductory observations on the Acarina?. N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1887, 109-119. Bostock, George H. Improved chemical apparatus. Chern. News, 57, 1888, 213-214. Bostroem, Euaen. Empoisonnement par les helvelles. .11. Pharm., 9, 1884, 410-411. — *Zur Pathogenese der Knochencysten. [1883.] Frei- burg Ber., 8, [1885] (.S'»;v/-), 89-110. — Ueber pathogene Schimnielpilze. [1886.] Giessea, Oberhess. Ges. Ber., 25, 1887, 132-133. — Untersuchungen iiber die Aktinomykose des Menscheu. Beitr. Path. Auat., 9, 1891, 1-240. — Ueber die pialen Epidermoide, Dennoide und Lipome uud duralen Dennoide. Centrbl. Path., 8, 1897, 1-98. Bostwick, Arthur E. The influence of light on the electrical resistances of metals. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 133-145. — A new form of absorption cell. Amer. Jl. Sci., 30, 1885, 452. — On a means of determining the limits of distinct vision. Science, 8, 1886, 232. — Preliminary note on the absorption spectra of mixed liquids. Amer. Jl. Sci., 37, 1889, 471-473. — Consecutive lightning flashes. Science, 17, 1891, 361. 89^2 Bostwick] 708 [Botkin — Eesidual personality. Science, 20, 1892, 284. — Some conflicting estimates of distance. Science, 21, 1893, 269-270. - Binocular vision. Science, 21, 1893, 34.5-346. — Space relation of numbers. Science, 22, 1893, 110-111. - The theory of probabilities. Science, 3, 1896, 66-67. Boawarva, J. A catalogue of the marine Algse of Ply- mouth. [1888.] [Pos«/i.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1887-88, 153-163. Boswell, llenru. For biographical notice and works see Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 132-1:;?. — Oxfordshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 3-7. — Jamaica mosses and Hepaticas. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887. 45-50, 118. — New or rare British and Irish mosses. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 111-112. — New exotic mosses. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 97-99. — Some New Zealand mosses and Hepaticfe. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 78-84. Boswell, John Thomas Irvine. See Symc, John Thomas Irvine Boswell-. Bosworth, Franeke H. The function of the tonsils, with some practical suggestions in regard to their diseases. [With discussion.'] Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. B., 1884 (T. 4, Laryngol.), 54-61. — The clinical significance of n'brinous exudations upon the mucous membrane of the upper air-passages. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 39, 1884, 569-572. — The relation of laryngeal to pulmonary diseases. N. T. Med. JL, 40, 1884, 428-430. — The three tonsils; some practical suggestions as to their structure, function and diseases. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. JL, 40, 1884, 440-442. — Hay fever, asthma, and allied affections. [1885.] N. Y. Med. JL, 43, 1886, 462-465, 488-493. — An additional note on the therapeutic action of cocaine. N. Y. Med. JL, 43, 1886, 322-324. On the relation of the nasal and neurotic factors in the etiology of asthma. [1888.] N. Y. Med. JL, 49, 1889, 57-59. — Various forms of disease of the ethmoid cells. N. Y. Med. JL, 54, 1891, 505-507. — The relation of vaso-motor disturbances to diseases of the upper air-tract. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. JL, 62, 1895, 655-656, 766-769. — The relation of pathological conditions in the ethmoid region of the nose and asthma. Treatment. N. Y. Med. JL, 70, 1899, 738-740. BOBWorth. t'rancke H. (et alii). [Discussion of the relation of peripheral irritations to disease.] N. Y. Med. JL, 52, 1890, 21-23. Botanical Club of Canada. Phenological observations, Canada, [1895-99]. Canada Boy. Soc. Proc. it Trans., 2, 1896, liv-lxi; 3, 1897, Ixvi-lxix ; 4, 1898, Ixxiv-lxxxiii; 5, 1899, Ixii-lxxiii; 6, 1900, Append. C, Iv-lix. - The average dates for the "first flowering" of ten plants in each county of Nova Scotia in the year 1898. Canada Boy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1899, xlv-xlix. Botar, Gyula. Az 6-Autaltarnai Ede-remenyvagat geologiai szerkezete. [Geologischer Bau des Alt Antoni-Stolluer Ecluard-Hoffuunsisschlages.] [1890.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 9, [1890-92], 19-25; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 9. 1890-95, 21-28. Botelho, Kiluardo Rodrigues Vieira da Costa. ,S'iv Vieira da Costa Botelho. Botelbo da Costa, ,/i/niyiiim Vieira. See Vieira Botelho da Costa. Botella y de Ilornos, Federico de. For biography and list of works see Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899, 351-361. - Nota sobre la alimentaci6n y desaparici6n de las grandes lagunas peninsulares. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884 (Act.), 79-'JO. — Nota sobre la alimentacion y desaparicion de los lagos Terciarios peninsulares. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 14, 1885 (Act.), 27-37. — Observations sur les tremblements de terre de 1'Anda- lousie du 25 de'cembre 1884 et seuiaines suivantes. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 100, 1885, 196-197. — Les tremblements de terre de Malaga et Grenade, en 1884. [Jr.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 18, 1885, 286-313. — [Sobre la orografia de la Peninsula.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 25, 1896 (Act.), 121. Botey, R. Possibilite des injections traeh^ales chez 1'homme, comme voie d'introduction des medicaments. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 197-199. — Experiences d'evulsion de 1'iHrier chez les animaux. [1890.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 21, 1891, 332. Botezat, Euijcn. Die Nervenendigungen an den Tast- haareu von Saugethiereu . Arch. Mikr. Anat., 50, 1897, 142-169. Botfield. See Garnett-Botfield. Both, E. Chemisch-mechanische Untersnchung zweier Bodenarten der Umgegend von Astrachan. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 24, 1885, 17-26. Both, II. von. Ein Fall von Hernia funiculi umbilicalis besonderer Art. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 38, 1898, 1-7. Bothamley. C[harles] H[erbert]. Ortho-chromatic photo- graphy. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 6, 1887, 423-433. — Reduction of potassium dichromate by oxalic acid. Chem. Soc. JL, 53, 1888, 159-164. • The sulphur waters of Yorkshire. Chem. News, 62, 1890, 191-192. - Commercial alkaline sulphites. [1890.] Pharm. JL, 21, 1891, 214-215. — The mineral waters of Askern, in Yorkshire. Chem. Soc. JL, 63, 1893, 685-696; Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc., 12, 1895, 347-360. - Note on the distribution of acids and bases in a solution containing calcium, magnesium, carbonic acid, and sulphuric acid, and on the composition of mineral waters. Chem. Soc. JL, 63, 1893, 696-699. — The permanence of the undeveloped or latent image on gelatino-bromide plates. [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 18, 1894, 226-231. — The standard amyl-acetate lamp and some forms of constant light. [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 18, 1894, 231-236. — On the sensitising action of dyes on gelatino-bromide plates. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 661-662. - BECQDKREL'S and LIPPMANN'S colour photographs. Nature, 54 (1896), 77. — The action of certain substances on the undeveloped photographic image. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 850-851. — Remarks on some recent papers concerning the latent photographic image and its development. [With dis- cussion.] Photogr. JL, 23, 1899, 123-136. Bothamley, C[htirh>s] H[crl>ert], & Thompson, G[eorge de] R[oos]. Estimation of chlorates by means of the zinc-copper couple. Chem. Soc. JL, 53, 1888, 164- 167. — The action of phosphorus trichloride on organic acids and on water. Chem. News, 62, 1890, 191. Bothen, C. 0. Nvtt fynd af tartariska jagtfalken (Falco sacer) i Sverige. Stockh., Qfvers., 1900, 1173-117"). Bothezat, 1'nnl, & Forgue, Km/If [An/iuste]. .SVc Forgue ,\ Bothezat. Bothof, Heinrich. & Nietzki, li[udolf]. See Nietzki & Bothof. Botkin, Engen. Ein kleiner Kniff zur Gram'schen Methode der isolirten Bakterieufarbung. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 231-232. — Ueber die Loslichkeit der weissen Blutkorperchen in Peptonlosungeu. Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894, 476-485. — Leukocytolyse. Virchow, Arch., 141, 1895, 238-251. Botkin] 709 IBottazzi Zur Morphologic des Blutes und der Lymphe. Vir- chow, Arch., 145, 1896, 36'.t-403. Botkin, S. (jun.). Zur Frage iiber den Zusammenhang der physiologischen Wirkuiig init den ehemisehen Eigenschaften der Alkalimetalle der ersten Gruppe nach MENDELEJEFF. Ceutrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 849-852. - Bine einfache Methode zur Isolirung anaerober Bacterien. Ztschr. Hyg., 9, 1890, 383-388. — Ueber eineu Bacillus butyricus. Ztschr. Hyg., 11. 1892, 421-434. Botkin, S. (jun.), & Oleninkov, . Microbes de la gastro-ente'rite et leurs rapports avee le cholera. [1893.] Ann. Microgr., 0 (1894), 122-124. Botkin, S[ergfj] P[etroi'ic]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 25, 1889, 219; St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 14, 1889, 452^53. De 1'anemie perniciense. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886. 139-158. — La maladie de BASEDOW ou de GRAVES. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 623-640; 2, 1886, 243-260. Botsford, Le B. Conversion of light into heat. N.Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., 3, 1884, 3-5. Bott, Amandus. Ueber einen durch Knospung sich ver- mehrenden Cysticercus aus dem Maulwurf. [1897.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 63, 1898, 115-140. Bott, Aug[usf], & Marckwald, W[illy]. See Marckwald A Bott. Bott, If". The alleged discovery of mercury in Malacca. Singapore Roy. Asiat. Soc. Jl., 24, 1891, 79-82. Bott, William. HEMPEL'S methods of gas analysis. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 4, 1885, 160-165. On a new and rapid method of testing beer and other alcoholic liquors. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 660. — The constitution of the three isomeric pyrocresols. Chem. Soc. Proc., 3, 1887, 114. - The determination of vapour-densities at high temperatures and under reduced pressure. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 632-633. — A method of determining vapour-density, applicable at all temperatures and pressures. Chem. Soc. Proc., 4, 1888, 110. Bon, William, & Macnair, D[uncan] S[cott]. Bin Apparat zur Bestimmung von Dampfdichten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 916-922, 1617. Bott, William, & Miller, J[ames] Bruce. Further re- searches on the pyrocresols. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 642- 643. — Some derivatives and new colouring matters obtained from a-pyrocresole. Chem. Soc. Jl., 55, 1889, 51-56. Bottard [non Bottarel], [Louis] A[lphome]. L'appareil a venin des poissons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 534-537; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 131- 138. Crane de negre du Se'ne'gal. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 12, 1889, 38-41. Bottari, Amerigo. Sulla razionaliti del piani multipli {.r, !/, \'F(x, y)\. Ann. Mat., 2, 1899, 277-296. Bottaro-Costa, F. La preservazione degli animali selvatici in Africa. Nuova Antol. Sci., 173, 1900, 468-475. Bottazzi, Filippo. Intorno alia corteccia cerebrale e specialmente intorno alle fibre nervose intracorticali dei vertebrati. Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric., 3, 1893, 241- 316. — Sulle alterazioni del tubo intestinale nella epatite interstiziale atrofica. Arch. Sci. Med., 18, 1894, 143- 170. — II cervello anteriore e le vie olfattorie central! dei pesci cartilaginei. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 4, Psichiatr.), 110-112. — Ricerche ematologiche. [La resistenza dei globuli rossi del sangue di animali operati di tiroidectomia.] Sperimentale, 1894 (Sez. Biol.), 192-213. Ricerche ematologiche. [La milza come organo emocatatonistico.] Sperimentale, 1894 (Sez Biol ) 433- 472. - Ueber die Hemisection des Riickenmarkes bei Hunden [1894.] Centrbl. Physiol., 8, 1895, 530-532. — Gli albuminoidi clella milza. Ann. di Chim 21 & 22, [1895], 489-498. — L'azote total des globules rouges et son rapport avec 1'azote he'moglobinique dans les differentes classes de verte'bre's. Arch. Ital. Biol., 24, 1895, 207-216; Speri- meutale, 1895 (Comun. e Riv.), 343-345. Sull' emisezione del midollo spiuale. Rivista critica e contributo sperimeutale. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 21, 1895, 483-546. — II cervello anteriore dei Selacei. [1895.] Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric., 4, 1894-95, 225-243. — Sul metabohsmo dei corpuscoli rossi del sangue. Sperimentale, 1895 (Comun. e Riv.), 245-248, (Sez. Biol.), 363-407. — Sopra alcune modificazioni degli eritrociti in seguito ad iniezioni endovenose di albumosi-peptone. Speri- mentale, 1895 (Sez. Biol.), 151-158. — Contributo alia fisiologia della milza. Sperimentale, 1895 (Sez. Biol.), 408-416. — Di alcune alterazioni determinate dall' asfissia nelle emazie. Sperimeutale, 1895 (Sez. Biol.), 417-425. — Sur le mecanisme d action des sels de potassium sur le cceur. Contribution a la doctrine de 1'inhibition. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 882-892. — Ueber die " postcompensatorische" Systole. Beitrag zur elektrischen Reizung des Herzens. [1896.] Centrbl. Physiol., 10, 1897, 401-405. — La pression osmotique de sang des animaux rnarius. Recherches cryoscopiques. Arch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 61-72. — Sur la pression osmotique de quelques se'cre'tions glandulaires d'inverte'bres marins. Arch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 77-80. — Recherches sur les mouvements de 1'oasophage de l'"Aplysia depilans." Arch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 81-90. — Sullo sviluppo ernbrionale della funzione motoria ne^li organi a cellule muscolari. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., [28], 1897, 150 pp. — Contributi alia fisiologia del tessuto di cellule musco- lari. (Parte i, n e HI.) Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., [29], 1897, 97 pp. - The oscillations of the auricular tonus in the batrachian heart with a theory on the function of sarco- plasrna in muscular tissues. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897 1-21. - Recherches sur la viscosite1 de quelques liquides organiques et de quelques solutions aqueuses de sub- stances prot^iques. [1897.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 29, 1898, 401-425. — Contributions to the physiology of unstriated muscular tissue. Part iv. The action of electrical stimuli upon the (esophagus of Aplysia depilans and Aplysia limacina. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, 481-506. The action of the vagus and the sympathetic on the oasophagus of the toad. [1899.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899- 1900, 157-164. — Sulle proprieta dei nucleoproteidi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 505-513. — Action du vague et du sympathique sur les oreillettes du co3ur de l'"Emys europsa." Arch. Ital. Biol., 34, 1900, 17-35. Bottazzi, Filippo, & CappeUi, /. II sodio e il potassio negli eritrociti del sangue di varie specie animali e in seguito all' anemia da salasso. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 65-73. — II sodio e il potassio negli eritrociti del sangue durante il digiuno, nell' avvelenamento con fosforo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 107-114. Bottazzi] 710 [Bottomley Bottazzi, Filippu, & Ducceschi, Virgilio. Les substances proteiques du myocarde. [1897.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 395-402; 31, 1899, 126-129. Bottazzi, Filippo, & Enriques, P. Eecherches physio- logiques sur le systeme nerveux visceral des Aplysies et de quelques Cephalopodes. [1899.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 34, 1900, 111-143. Bottazzi, 1'ilippn, A: Fano, Ghtlio. See Fano it Bottazzi. Bottazzi, Filippo, & Griinbaum, O. F. F. On plain muscle. Jl. Physiol., 24, 1899, 51-71. Bottazzi, Filippo, & Pensuti, Virginia. Sulla tossicitii dell' orina dei raalarici. Sperimeutale, 1894 (Sez. Biol.), 23-2-254. Bottego, Vittorio. For biography see Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 8, [1897], 153-163; Riv. Geogr. Ital., 5, 1898, 1-23. — Nella terra dei Danakil. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 403-418, 480-494. • Esploraaione del Giuba e suoi affluent!. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 234-257. La seconda spedizione Bottego nella Somalia australe. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 6, 1896, 149-170. Bottenfield, P. B., & Ladd, E[dwin~\ F. See ladd tt Bottenfield. Botti, I'lderiyo. Puglia e Calabria, schizzo geologico. [1885.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 4, 1886, 223-231. Bolide del 17 dicembre [1888, Eeggio Calabria]. Monealieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 28. La grotta ossifera di Cardamone in terra u" Otrauto. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 9, 1890, 689-716, 827. Bottiglia, Angela. Sulle velocita di massimo rendimeuto ed a vuoto delle turbine. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 26, 1891, 541-550. Botting Ilemsley . See Ilcmsley . Bottini, A[ntoniu]. Quali siano le coudizioni attuali della geografia crittogamica in Italia e quali i rnezzi che potrebbero migliorarle. Parte 1". Muschi. Congr. Bot. Crittog. Atti, 1887, 5-12. — Appuuti di briologia toscaua. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 383-390. — Muscinee dell' isola del Giglio. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 19, 1887, 265-275. Ricerche briologiche uell' ieola d' Elba con una nota sul Fissidens serrulatus, Bridel. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 8, 1887, 159-204. Muscinee raccolte alia Gorgona. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 235-240. Uu musco nuovo per 1" Italia. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 240-241. Appunti di briolopia toscana. (Seconda serie.) Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 297-303. Noterelle briologiche. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 101- Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. 119. Sulla struttura dell' oliva. 21, 1889, 369-3H1. — Appunti di briologia italiana, Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 259-266. Sulla riprotluzione della " Hydromystria stolonifera," Meyer. [1890-91.] Malpighia, 4, 1890, 340-349, 369- 377. Pseudoleskea ticinensis, «. up. [1891.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91,202-204. — Contribute alia briologia del Cantone Ticino. Konm, N. Lincei Atti, 44, 1891, 147-149. — Beitrag zur Laubmoosflora des Montenegros. Hed- wigia, 31, 1892, 134-137. — Bibliografia briologica italiana. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 12, 1893, 256-2112. — Note di briologia italiaua. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 1, 1894, 249-258. Bottini, A[ntonio], & Fichi, P. See Fichi & Bottini. Bottini, A[ntvnio], & Venturl, G. See Venturi & Bottini. Bottler, MUJ. L'eber die technische Verwerthuug von Kauri- und Manilakopal. Dinglers Polytechu. Jl., 287, 1893, 88-91. — Ueber physikalische Eigenschaften der Kopale. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 288, 1893, 21-22. - Ueber das Verhalten afrikanischer Kopale gegen Alkalieu und Lcisungsmittel in technischer Beziehung. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 306, 1897, 212-215. Botto, A. Progress! fatti negli ultiini tempi dalla carto- grafia nei van stati di Europa e piu specialmente in Italia. [Italia], Soe. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 681-740. Botto-Micca, Luigi. Fossili degli " strati a Lioceras opalinum, Rein., e Ludwigia Murchisona?, Sou-.,'' delle Croce di Valpore (M. Grapa), provincia di Treviso. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 143-194. — Contribuzione allo studio degli Echinidi Terziarii del Piemonte (famiglia Spatangidi). [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 15 (1896), 341-375. Bottomley, F. Garr. Meningitis of obscure causation. Practitioner, 52, 1894, 401-416. Bottomley, J[ames] Frank, & Perkin. William Henry (jun.). The condensation of formaldehyde with ethyl malonate, and synthesis of pentamethylene-1 :2:4-tri- carboxylic acid. Chem. Soc. JL, 77, 1900 (Pt. 1), 294- 309. Bottomley, J[ames] T[homson]. On loss of heat by radia- tion and convection as affected by the dimensions of the cooling body, and on cooling in vacuum. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, '623-625. The heating effects of electric currents. Electrician, 12, 1884, 541-542. — On a gravity DANIELL'S cell of very small internal resistance. Roy. Soc. Proc., 37, 1884, 173-177. On the permanent temperature of conductors through which an electric current is passing, and on surface conductivity, or emissivity. With a note by Sir William THOMSON, F.R.S. Roy. Soc. Proc., 37, 1884, 177-189. On contact electricity in common air, vacuum, and different gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 901-903. • On a specimen of almost unmagnetisable steel. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1885, 903-904; Electrician, 15, 1885, 378-379. — On the cooling of wires in air and in vacuum. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 904. Note on the condensation of gases at the surface of glass. (Preliminary.) Roy. Soc. Proc., 38, 1885, 158- 161. On the electric resistance of a new alloy named platinoid. Roy. Soc. Proc., 38, 1885, 340-344. On radiation of heat from the same surface at different temperatures. [1885.] Nature, 33, 1886, 85-86, 101. A mercurial air-pump. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 519- 520. — On secular experiments in Glasgow on the elasticity of wires. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 537-538. Sir William THOMSON'S improved WHEATSTONE'S rheostat. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 547-548. Description of experiments for determining the electric resistance of metals at high temperatures. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 548-549. On an apparatus for connecting and disconnecting a receiver under exhaustion by a mercurial pump. Roy. Soc. Proc., 40, 1886, 249-251. On a nearly perfect simple pendulum. Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 72. On expansion and contraction with rise and fall of temperature in wires under elongating stress. Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 314-318. On radiation from dull and bright surfaces. Roy. Soc. Proc., 42, 1887, 433-437. On thermal radiation in absolute measure. [1887-92.] Phil. Trans. (A), 178, 1888, 429-450; 184, 1894, 591-616. On a practical constant- volume air thermometer. [1888.] Edinl). Hoy. Soc. Proc., 15, 1889, 85-93. BottomleyJ 711 [Boucard — The behaviour of flames in the neighbourhood of influence machines. [1889.] Electrician, 24, 1890, 174. — Expansion with rise of temperature of wires under pulling stress. [1889.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 10, 1890, 184-188; Phil. Mag., 28, 1889, 94-98. • On the Rontgen X rays, or the new photography. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc., 27, 1896, 156-160. — On RONTGEN'S rays. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 268-269. Bottomley, J[ames] T[homson], & Seattle, J[olin] Carruthers. Thermal radiation in absolute measure. Roy. Soc. Proc., 66, 1900, 269-282. Bottomley, J[x] T[homson], & Tanakadate, Aikitit. Note [on combined effects of torsion and longitudinal stress on the magnetization of nickel], Phil. Mag., 27, 1889, 133-138. — Note on the thermo-electric position of platinoid. [1889.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 46, 1890, 286-292. Bottomley, J[ames] T[ltnmson], Kelvin, William Thomson (Lord), & Maclean, Magnus. Sec Kelvin, Bottomley & Maclean. Bottomley, James. Note on BOUCHER'S optical essay on the gradation of light. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 23, 1884, 46-47. — On the projectrices of a circle. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 25, 1886, 233-237. — On the compositiou of projections in geometry of two dimensions. [1885.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem., 10, 1887, 6-19; 1, 1888, 89. — On the possible equations expressing the decomposition of potassic chlorate by heat. [1887-88.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 1, 1888, 4-6, 90. - On the equation to the instantaneous surface generated by the dissolution of an isotropic solid. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soe. Mem. & Proc., 2, 1889, 154- 182, viii. — Note on the rate of dissolution of solids. [1889.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 3, 1890, 113- 115. — On the intensity of transmitted light when the coefficient of transmission of the medium is a function of time. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 4, 1891, 152-176. — On a method of integration applicable to certain partial differential equations. [1892-93.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 7, 1893, 78-88. Bottomley, W. B. The utilisation of sewage sludge. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 709-710. Bottomley, William. The heeling error of the compass in iron ships. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 19, 1888, 160-163. Bottoni, Alessiindro, & Marescalchi, Arturo. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1888, 1889, 1890.] Castel Maggiore (Bologna). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 162-163; 9, 1889, 170; 11, 1891, 34-35. Botwinnik, N. Ueber die Yeranderungen des Astig- matismus unter einigen physikalischfin und physio- logischen Einfliissen. Arch. Augenheilk., 39, 1899, 336- 375. Bou-. For Russian names beginning thus see under Bu-. Bouant, Emile. L'intelligence des animaux. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 61. Bouasse, H[enri Pierre Maxime]. Methode de mesure de la difference de phase des composantes rectaugulaires d'une refraction lumineuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890 100-102. — [Appareil de 31. MASCART pour etudier la double refraction produite par compression.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1890, 245-246. — Sur les me'thodes d'observatiou de la polarisation elliptique. Jl. Phys., 10, 1891, 61-68. — Reflexion et refraction dans les milieux isotropes transparents et absorbants. Ann. Chim. 28, 1893, 145- 237, 433-498. Etude des actions photographiques. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 8, 1894, F, 52 pp. — Sur la torsion des fils fins. Ann. Chiin., 11, 1897, 433-496. — Sur les oscillations a peu pres sinusoidales a longue pe'riode. Application a 1'etude de la resistance de Fair et des propiietes elastiques des fils fins. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 11. 1897, F, 76 pp. Sur la definition de la mollesse des fils nietalliques. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 98-106. — Sur les pertes d'energie dans les phenomenes de torsion. Ann. Chim., 14~, 1898, 106-144. Sur un mode de comparaison des courbes de torsion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 126, 1898, 466-467. Remarque sur une note de M. MOREAO, intitulee: " Des cycles de torsion magne'tique et de la torsion residuelle du fer dons." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 585. — Expose et discussion des principales experiences faites sur les phenomenes de torsion. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 12, 1898, A, 29 pp. — Sur les courbes de deformation typiques des fils neufs. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 12, 1898, G, 25 pp. — Sur une experience de torsion. Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 241-252. — Sur les courbes de traction. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 291-292. — Sur les courbes de deformation des fils. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 1, 1899, 177-219, 331-383; 2, 1900, 5-65, 431-466. Bouasae, H[cnri Pierre Maxime], & Berson, [Felix] G[ustave Adolphe]. See Berson & Bouasse. Bouasse, H[enri Pierre Maxime], & Mascart, [Eleuthere] E[lif Nicolas]. See Blascart & Bouasse. Boubee, Fr. C. Paolo. Progetto di utilizzazione di una energia idraulica di oltre 21000 cavalli presso Castellone al Volturno merce la trasformazione di essa in energia elettrica. Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 8, 1895, No. 9, 13 pp. Sul trattamento e 1' utilizzazione delle spazzature delle citta. Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 10, 1897, No. 9, 15 pp. Boubier, Alplwnse Maurice. Recherches sur Tanatomie systernatique des Betulace'es-Corylacees. Malpighia, 10, 1896, 349-436. — Sur les pyrenoides. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 194-196. Boubier, Alphonse Maurice, & Cnodat, Robert. See Chod.it A- Boubier. Boucard, Adolplie. Notes on the genus Pharomacrus or resplendent trogon. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 6-7, 18-19. Notes on rare species of humming birds, and descrip- tions of several supposed new species in BOOCARD'S Museum. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 17-18, 25-26, 43, 52-53. — Description of a supposed new species of parrot in BOUCARD'S Museum. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 27. — Description of a supposed new species of paradise bird in BOOCARD'S Museum. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 43-44. — The pilgrim locust. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 51-52, 67-68. — Description of a supposed new species of tanager in BOOCARD'S Museum. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 53. A visit to the British Museum. Natural History department. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 55, 59-61, 68-69, 82, 84-89, 91-97. The plantain or banana plant. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 59. — Description of a supposed new species of humming bird in BOOCARD'S Museum. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 1. Notes on the rare pheasant, Rheinardius ocellatus, Verr. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 9-12. Boncard] 712 [Bouchard — Description of a supposed new species of the genus Manticora, "Cicindelidse," from Damara Land, South Africa. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 4.5-46. — A complete list up to date of the humming birds found in Columbia, with descriptions of several supposed new species. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 73-87. — America. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 105-119. — Genera of humming birds. Being also a complete monograph of these birds. Humming Bird, 2, 1892 ; 3, 1893; 4, 1894; 5, 1895, xiv + 412 pp. in all. — Descriptions of several supposed new species of humming-birds. Humming Bird, 3, 1893, 6-10. Description of one supposed new species of Cetonia from Syria. Humming Bird, 3, 1893, 40. — Notes on wasps. Humming Bird, 3, 1893, 49-51. Rectification of name for Semioptera Gouldi. Humming Bird, 3, 1893, 57. Travels of a naturalist. A record of adventures, discoveries, history and customs of Americans and Indians, habits and descriptions of animals, chiefly made in North America, California, Mexico, Central America, Columbia, Chili, etc., during the last forty-two years. Humming Bird, 3, 1893; 4, 1894, 204 pp. in all. — Description of a supposed new species of Plusiotis from Mexico. Humming Bird, 5, 1895, 4-5. List of humming birds collected at Cali and Bio Dagua, Colombia, by W. H. ROSENBERG. Humming Bird, 5, 1895, 5-7. Boucard, Arfnlplii-1, & Berlepsch, Hans [Hermann Carl Ludwig] (Graf) von. List of birds collected by M. HARDY, at Porto Real, Brazil, with description of one supposed new species. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 41-45. Boucek, Zdeiiek. Poznamky k mikroskopicke anatomii delfina (Delphinus delphis). [Quelques remarques it 1'anatomie microscopique de Delphinus delphis.] Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (THda 2), 7, 1898, No. 26, 8 pp.; Prag, Fr. Jos. Ac. Sei. Bull. (Med.), 5, 1898, 27-30. Bouchacourt, L. Rapport sur Fendodiascopie, sa technique et ses resultats. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 1), 441- 450. Bouch.-u, Leo. Geophagie. Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1899, [11]; 30, 1900, 180-181. Bouchard, Cli[aiies]. For biographical notice and works see Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 41, 1899, 265-266. — *Sur la presence d'alcaloides dans les urines au cours de certaines maladies infectieuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 604-607. J Recherches experirnentales snr la toxicite des urines normales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 ((.'. 7i'.|, 665-671. — Sur la iinSthode des injections intraveineuses et sur 1'application de cette me' thode a 1'etude de quelques effets de 1'eau, de Palcool, de la glycerine, de la creosote, de la rfeorcine et de Pantipyrine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. K.), 729-733. — Observations cliniques et recherches experimentales sur le cholera. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1885 (Pt. 2), 555-561. — Sur les cerveaux de trois supplieie's. [1885.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mdrn., 2, 1886, xxxiii (fti's)-xxxv (bis). — Scrofulo-tuberculose des os. Bordeaux Soe. Med. Mem., 1886, 600-620. — Sur les poisons qui existent normalement dans 1'organisme et en particulier sur la toxicite^ urinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 669-671. — Sur les variations de la toxicite' urinaire pendant la veille et pendant le sommeil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 727-729. — Influence de 1'abstinence, du travail musculaire et de 1'air comprime sur les variations de la toxicite urinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1127-1129. Un nouveau procede^ de conservation des cadavres. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 3, 1887, xxii-xxiii. — Sur le naphtol comme medicament antiseptique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 702-707. — Sur 1'elimination par les urines, dans les maladies infectieuses, de matieres solubles, morbifiques et vacci- nantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1582-1583; Paris, Soc. Biol. M£m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 513-515. — Action des injections intraveineuses d'urine sur la calorification. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 286-332. — Sur 1'elimination de certains poisons morbides par les reins. [1889.] Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 637-641; Centrbl. Physiol., 3, 1890, 307. — Influence qu'exerce sur la maladie charbonueuse ['inoculation du Bacille pyocyanique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 108, 1889, 713-714. - Role et mecauisme de la lesion locale dans les maladies infeetieuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 689-694. Theorie de 1'infection. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 1), 49-66. — Sur la coutagiosite' de la grippe. Paris, Ac. M£d. Bull., 23, 1890, 114-119. — Sur la nutrition dans 1'hysterie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 836-837. — Note...aceompagnant la presentation d'un ouvrage... sur les "Actions des produits secretes par les microbes pathogenes." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 110, 1890, 1112. — Theorie de la maladie infectieuse, de la gu^rison, de la vaccination et de I'lmmunite1 naturelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 467-469. — Des orgauismes du rhumatisme ehronique ou tendant a la chronicite. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 283. • Rapport general a M. le Ministre de Hnterieur sur les e'pidemies qui ont se'vi en France pendant Fannie 1889. Paris, Ac. Med. Me*m., 36, 1891, 64 pp. — Essai de vaccination par des doses minimes de matiere vaccinante. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 690-694. — Actions vasomotrices des produits bacteriens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 524-529. — Sur les conditions pathogeniques des albuminuries qui ne sont pas d'origine renale. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 28, 1892, 447-452. — Observations relatives a la fievre. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1893 (Pt. I), 306-307. — Observations sur I'albuinmurie choreique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (G. R.), 499-500. — Du role de la debilite nerveuse dans la production de la fievre. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 1), 197- 207. — Sur la presence de 1'argon et de 1'helium dans certaines eaux minerales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 392-394. — Les theories de I'lmmunite1. S^rotherapie et vaccina- tion. Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 225-230. — La pleuresie de 1'hmnme etudiee a 1'aide des rayons de RfiNTciEN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 967-968. — Sur la composition des gaz qui se degagent des eaux minerales de Bagnoles de 1'Orne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 969-970. — Les rayons de RUNTGEN applique's au diagnostic de la tuberculose pulmonaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1042-1043. — Nouvelle note sur 1'application de la radioscopie au diagnostic des maladies du thorax. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1234-1235. — Determination de la surface, de la corpulence et de la composition chimique du corps de 1'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 844-851. — Quatrieme note sur les applications de la radioscopie au diagnostic des maladies du thorax. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1068-1070. — Repartition comparative dans les divers ^monctoires de 1'azote et du carbone de 1'albumine dlabore'e. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<5m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 940-942. Bouchard] — L'ampliation de 1'oreillette droite du cceur pendant 1'inapiration, de'montre'e par la radioscopie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 310-311; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 95-96. • Quelques points de la physiologic normale et patho- 713 [Bouchardat logique du coeur re'v&e's par 1'exaraeu radioscopique. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 1'37, 1898, 295-297. Augmentation du poids du corps et transformation de la graisse en glycogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 464-469. — Observations a propos de la communication de I\I. BERGONIE, relative a la mesure de la surface du corps. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 50, 1898 (C. B.), 633- 634. — Carbone urinaireet coefficients urinaires. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899, 72-81. — Molecule urinaire elaboree moyenne. Poids. Nombre. Toxieite". Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899, 557-507. — Essai de cryoscopie des uriues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128,, 1899, 64-67. - A propos d'une reclamation de M. 3. WINTER relative a la cryoscopie des urines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 488-490. — Immunity et spiScincite. Reflexions a propos de la note de MM. CHARHIN, GUILLEMONAT et LEVADITI. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 308-311. — Determination du poids moleculaire moyen des sub- stances urinaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me'ra., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 1-3. Variations du poids du corps apres les repas, leurs relations avec les modes successifs d'elaboration des divers aliments. Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. Jubil.), 1899 714-721. Bouchard, Ch[arles\, & Charrln, Albert. La cataraete produite par la naphtaline. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (G. R.), 614-615. — De'ge'nerescence amyloiide experimental. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C, R.), 688-690. — Elevations thermiques sous 1'influence des injections des produits solubles microbiens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 115, 1892, 1225-1230. Causes de 1'innocnite de certains parasites. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Patol.), 262-267. Bouchard, Cli[arles], & Desgrez, A. Sur la composition des gaz qui se degagent des eaux mine'rales de Bagnoles de 1'Orne. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 31-33. — Sur la transformation de la graisse en glycogene dans 1'organisme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 816-822; Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 2, 1900, 237-242. Bouchard, Ch[arl?s], & Guillominot, H. De Tangle d'in- clinaison des cotes e'tuclie a 1'aide de la radioseopie et de la radiographie a Pe'tat sain et a 1'etat morbide, en particulier dans la pleur&ie sans epanchement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1429-1431. Bouchard, D. A propos de la stereoscopic des rayons X. Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 183. Bouchard, E. De 1'emploi de la charge permanente sur lea ligues desservies au rnoyen d'appareils Morse. Ann. Telegr., 14, 1887, 166-179. Note sur la telegraphic optique. Ann. Telegr., 14, 1887, 342-345. - Tableaux multiples diviseurs pour bureaux ceutraux telephoniques. Ann. T41egr., 17, 1890, 193-203. Bouchardat, A[pollinaiTe\. For biography and works see Amer. Jl. Pharm., 58, 1886, 368; Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 42, 1886, 199; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 113; Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 508; Termt. Kozlon., 19, 1887, 501-502; France Soc. Agr. Mem., 132, 1888, 259-306. "Nouveau memoire sur la maladie de la vigne, causee par le parasitisme de 1'Oidium Tuckeri. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 33, 1851, 145-149. L'attenuation des virus par la m^thode Jennerienue. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 802-806. R. 8. A. C. Bouchardat, G[ustnve~\. Sur le elycol : solidification, pr£- paration. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 452-453; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1885, 417-418. — Sur le glycol monochlorhydrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 453-454; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1885, 418-419. — [Action des aci'les sur 1'essence ], & L.itont, ,J\tan Mirrie Justin]. Sur 1'essence de citron. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 101, 1885, 383-385. — Action de 1'acide acetique sur 1'essence de te're'benthine franchise et sur divers carbures isome'riques. Synthese de borneols et de terpili'nols. Ann. Chim., 9, 1886, 507- 534. — Sur la transformation de 1'essence de terehenthine en un terpilene actif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102. 1886, 50- 52 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 167-171. — Sur une nouvelle p ynthese d'nn borne'nl inactif. Paris, • Ac. Sci. C. R., 102/1886, 171-173; Paris Soc. Chim. Bnll., 45, 1886, 164-166. — Sur 1'actinn de 1'acide aceliqiie sur 1'essence de te're'- benthine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 318-321 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 291-295. — Formation d'alcools mono-atomiques derives de 1'essence de te'rebenthine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 433-435. — Sur la syntbese d'un terpilenol inactif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1555-1557; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 46, 1886, 199-202; Jl. Pharm., 14, 1886, 119-121. — Syntheses d'un terpilenol actif et de deux earnphe'nols actifs au moyen de 1'essence de te'rebenthine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull. ,'45, 1886, 295-299. — Sur le camphene actif et Tethyl-borneol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 693-695; Paris Soc. Chira. Bull., 47, 1887, 488-492; Jl. Pharm., 15, 1887, 455-458. — Action de Tacide sulfurique sur 1'essence de te're'- benthiue. [1887-1 Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1177- 1179; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 2-3. - Transformation du terpilene en un menthene. [1888.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 916-918; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 8-10; Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 145- 147. — [Action de IH snr la terpine.] [1888.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 2. — Action de la chaleur et de 1'acide acetique sur 1'essence de te'rebenthine frane- benthene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 257-259; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 364-368. — Sur 1'essence d'Eucalyptus. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9. 1893, 429-432. Bouchardat, G[nstave], & Tardy, E. Sur les alcools d^riv^s d'un ter^bentbeue droit, 1'eucalyptene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 1417-1420; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 765-769. — Sur 1'essence d'anis de Russie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 122, 1896, 198-201, 624-626; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 612-617; .11. Pharm., 3, 1896, 400-402. Bouchardat, . Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 132-152; 1899 98-143. — A revision of the genera and species of fishes of the family Mormyridffi. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 775-821. — On a collection of fishes from the Rio Jurua, Brazil. Zool. Soc. Trans. , 14, 1898, 421-428. — On a specimen of Lepidopus atlauticus, Goode <£• Bean, from Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 180-181. — Description of a new osphromenoid fish from the Congo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 242-243. — Descriptions of new batrachians in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 273-277. — On the South Pacific fishes of the genus Callanthias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 346-347. — On Hymenochirus, a new type of aglossal batrachians. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 122-125. — Description of a new genus of gobioid fishes from the Andes of Ecuador. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 125- 126. — Descriptions of two new homalopteroid fishes from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 228-229. — On the occurrence of Gobius capito on the coast of Brittany. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 229-230. — A contribution to the history of the Carboniferous ganoid, Benedenius deneensis, Traquair, with notes on two newly discovered specimens. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 445-451. — Descriptions of three new reptiles and a new batra- chian from Mount Kiua Balu, North Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 451-454. — Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians collected by Mr. P. O. SIMONS in the Andes of Ecuador. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 454-457. — A new sea-snake of the genus Distira, from Kurrachee. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 642. — [Contributions to the natural history of Lake Urmi, N. W. Persia, and its neighbourhood.] Reptilia and Amphibia. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 27, 1899- 1900, 378-381. — Description of a new genus of perciform fishes from the Cape of Good Hope. S. African Mils. Ann., 1, 1899, 379-380. — Viaggio del Dott. Enrico FESTA nel Darien e regioni vicine. Poissons de 1'Amerique Centrale. Torino Mus. Boll., 14, 1899, No. 346, 4 pp. — Descriptions of two new lizards from the interior of British East Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1899, 96-98. — On a collection of reptiles and batrachians made by Mr. J. D. LA TOUCHE in N. W. Fokien, China. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 159-172. — Description of a new lizard of the genus Ameiva from Ecuador. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 517-518. Boulenger] 72C [Boulger — [Notes on Lanthanotus horneensis.] Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1899, 596-597. — On the American spade-foot (Seaphiopus solitarius, Holbrook). Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 790-793. — On the reptiles, batrachians, and fishes collected by thi) late Mr. John WHITEHEAH in the interior of Hainan. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 956-'.l6'J. — Materiaux pour la faune du Congo. Poissons uou- veaux. [1898-1900.] Brux., Mus. Congo Ann. (/.no!.), 1, 1900, 104 pp. — Descriptions of two new atherinoid fishes from Mexico. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 54-55. — Descriptions of three new species of siluroid fishes from southern Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 165-166. — Descriptions of new reptiles from Perak, Malay Peninsula. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 306-308. — Description of a new sea-horse (Hippocampus) from Muscat. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 51-52. — A list of the fishes collected by Mr. liupert YALLEXTIN in the Falkland Islands. [With notes by the collector.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 52-54. — Descriptions of new batrachians and reptiles collected by Mr. P. O. SIMONS in Peru. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 181-186. — Descriptions of new batrachians and reptiles from the Larut Hills, Perak. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 186- 193. — Description of a new lizard from Jamaica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 193-194. — Description of a new lizard from British East Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 194-195. — On a new species of the genus Alepas (A. Lankesteri), from the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 195-199. — Description of a new snake of the genus Ablabes from Burma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 0, 1900, 409. — Diagnoses of new fishes discovered by Mr. J. E. S. MooitE in Lake Tanganyika, [i. Cyprinidffi, SiluridiE.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 478-481. — On some little known African silurid fishes of the subfamily Doradinie. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 520-529. — Descriptions of two new lizards from Selangor. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 13, 1900-01, 333- 334. — Description of a new lizard from the Batu caves, Selangor. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 13, 1900-01, 335. — Description of a new snake from the Perak Hills. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 13, 1900-01, 336. — [Report on a collection made by Messrs. F. V. MeCoNNELL and J. J. QUELCH at Mount Roraima in British Guiana.] Reptiles. [Batrachians.] [1900.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Zool.), 8, 1900-03, 53-54, 55-56. — Viaggio del Dr. A. BOREI.LI nel Matto Grosso e nel Paraguay. Liste des poissons recueillis a Urucum et a Carandasinho, pres de Corumba. Torino Mus. Boll., 15, 1900, ATo. 370, 4 pp. — Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachiaus from Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 182-187. — [Remarks on a specimen of Polypterus Lapradii with large external gills.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, '267. — A list of the batrachians and reptiles of the Gaboon (French Congo), with descriptions of new genera and species. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 433-456. — List of the fishes collected by Mr. J. S. BODQETT in the river Gambia. [With notes by J. S. BUDGETT, F.Z S.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 511-516. — [Synonymy of Brookia Baileyi.] Zool. Soc. Proc.. 1900, 661. — Report on the collection of fishes made by Mr. J. E. S. MOORE in Lake Tanganyika during his expedition, 1895- 96. [With an appendix by J. E. S. MOORE.] [1898.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 15, 1901, 1-30. — Second contribution to the ichthyology of Lake Tan- ganyika. On the fishes obtained by the Congo Free State expedition under Lieut. LEMAIBE in 1898. [1899.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 15, 1901, 87-96; Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 3-4. Boulenger, G[eorye] A[llert], & iydekker, nictiiirJ. A wooden dinosaur. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 191-192. See also Lydekker \ Boulenger. Boulenger, L. Delimitations du rivage de la mer. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 123, 1894, 205-215. Boulengier, O[dill\ililloii], Denaeyer, A., & Devos, C. Pep- tonemie et peptouurie experimentales. Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 3011-312. Boulet, E. F. Note sur un uouveau procede de fabrication de tubes. St. Etienne Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 11, 1897, 459-484. Boulet, Vital. Sur quelques phenornenes de la disorgani- sation cellulaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 506- 507. — Sur la membrane de I'hydroleucite. Rev. Gen. Bot., 12, 1900, 319-322. Bouley, [llt'nri Marie]. For biography and works see France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 32, 1885, i-xxvii, 699-701 ; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 215; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 14, 1885, 1564-1568; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1084- 1093; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C1. R.), 721-723; Arch. Gen. Med., 157, 1886, 123 ; Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 12, 1886, 155-157; Deutsche Ztschr. Thier- med., 12, 1886, 431-437; Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87)], 190; France Soc. Agr. Mem., 133, 1889, 489-513; Rev. Sci., 44, 1889, 321-328. - *Cas de guerison de rage humaine par des injections de curare. [1883.] Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 13, 1884, 85-93. — 'Rapport sur 1'importation des viaudes de pore salves de provenance americaine. [1883.] Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 13, 1884, 390-401. — La nature vivante de la contagion. L'inoculation preventive de la rage. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1884 (I't. 1), 87-108. — L'iuoculatiou preventive de la fievre jaune a Rio de Janeiro. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 100, 1885, 1276-1277. Boulger, G[eurt]e] S[imnndtt], *Some additional notes on Essex watersheds. [1883.] Essex Field Club Trans., 4, 1886, 131-134. - The influence of man upon the flora of Essex. [1884.] Essex Field Club Trans., 4, 1886, 13-40. — The life and work of John RAY, and their relation to the progress of science. [1885.] Essex Field Club Trans., 4, 1886, 171-188. — On the connection in time of changes in fossil floras with those of faunas. [1886.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 9, 1887, 482-494. — Excursion to the Maidstone district. [1886.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 9, 1887, 551-554. - Endosperm. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 37-39. — Excursion to Godstone, Tilburstow, and Nuttield. [1888.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 10, 1889, 4',)6-499. — Visit to the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, department of Botany. Demonstration on fossil fungi, lichens, mosses, etc. [1889.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 11, 1891, xxi-xxiii. — Note on a new species of Capulus. [1890.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 11, 1891, 445-450. - "[Flora of Box Hill.] [1883.] Essex Field Club Proc., 4, 1892, xxvii-xxix. — Excursion to Wotton and Ranmer. Geol. Ass. Proc. 12, 1892, 403-400, x. Boulger] 727 I Bouquet de la Grye — Visit to the British Museum (Natural History). Demonstration on gymnosperms by W. CAKHUTHERS. [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 13, 1896, 50-52. — Geological notes of a journey round the coast of Norway and into northern Russia. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1896, 494. - The first Russian botanist. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 33-38. — Our forest trees, and how they should be represented in the Forest Museum. Essex Natlist., 9, 1896, 243-244. — Plant companionship (symbiosis) in the Forest. [1897.] Essex Natlist., 10, 1898, 170-173. The dispersal of seeds. [1899.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 23 (1899-1900), 10(5-118. - History of Essex botany. Essex Natlist., 11, 1900, Hortic. Soc. Jl., 25 (1900- Jl. Bot., 38, 57-68, 1611-184, 229-236. — Aquatic plants. [1900.] 01), 64-77. — Some manuscript notes by PLUKENET. 1900, 336-338. Boulger, G[eorgc] S[imonds], & Britten, James. Sen Britten A Boulger. Boulger, G[eorge] S[imonds], & teighton, Thomas. On the Lower Greensand area to the north of the "Rookery " fault between Wotton and Dorking. [1892.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 13, 1895, 4-16. Boulin, 1'etniae. I/action de 1'huile sur les vagues. Rev. Sci., 33, 1884, 255. Boulineau, (capit.) . Extrait du rapport. [Islande. Temps, saisons, glaces.] Ann. Hydrogr., 10, 1888, 535. Boulineau, Paul. L'elevage du zebu et de ses derives en Algerie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 44, 1897, 174-177. Boulland, | Henri], Des plis du pavilion de 1'oreille au point de vue de 1'identite. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1890 (Ft. 1), 255-256. Boullanger, K. Contribution a 1'etude de quelques levures de bicre. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 10 (1896), 597-607. — Action des levures de biere sur le lait. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 11 (1897), 720-725. Boullanger, E. , & Kayser, E. See Kayser & Boullanger. Boulle, I'nul. De la compression ouatee dans le traite- ment de 1'orchite blennorrhagique. Arch. Gen. Med., 159, 1887, 149-166, 568-584. Boullochc, Pierre. Contribution a 1'etude des paraplegies d'origiue syphilitique. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 753- 771. — Note sur un cas de polyarthrite suppuree et de myo- sites determinees par le pneumocoque. Arch. Med. Exper., 3, 1891, 252-256. Boullu, (Vabbe) A. [Oranges proliferes.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. R.), 33. — Les trois roses de Jericho. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. R.), 43-45. [Nouvelle maladie de la vigne.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. R.), 61. — [Variabilite des aiguillons de Rosa echinoclatla. ] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. R.), 76. — [Formes diverges de Centaurea scabiosa.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1895 (C. R.), 26. — Asperula Jordan! et A. longiflora. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1895 (C. R.), 29-30. Scolopendrium a fronde rnunie de sores sur les deux faces. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1895 (C. R.), 57-58. — [Anomalie de Narcissus pseudo-narcissus.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 (C. R.), 28. — [Viviparisme des Graininees.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 (C. R), 44-45. [Les globulaires.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 (C. R.), 2. — Les hybrides de Rosa gallica et de Rosa arvensis. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 (Mem. ), 1-4. Hybrides de Rosa gallica et de diverses espeees autres que R. arvensis. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 (Mem.), 5-7. — Herborisations en Corse de MM. FOCCAUD et SIMON. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 24, 1899 (Mem.), 63-7(1. — [Classification des Menthes.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 25, 1900 (C. R.), 1-2. • [Note sur un Potamogiton.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 25, Roux, ffisius. Nee Roux & 1900 (C. R.), 18-19. Boullu,. (I'abbe) A., & Boullu. Boulongne, Louis /Je. Note sur la construction des ponts suspeudus modernes. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 11 (1886), 150-181. — Note sur les ponts suspendus avec poutres raidissantes articulees en leurs milieux. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 4 (1892), 667-753. Boulouch, R. Sur le photometre de BUNSEN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 642-644. — Dedoublement des franges d'interference en lumiere naturelle. [1893.] Jl. Phys., 2, 1893, 316-320; Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, xlvi-1. — Franges secondaires de 1'appareil a auneaux de NEWTON. Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 28-31. — Corrections calorimetriques. Miithodes de compen- sation. [1898.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc. -Verb., 1897- 98, 132-136. Bonlt, A. ./., & Rideal, Samuel. See Rideal & Boult. Boult, W. S. The combined resistance of conductors in parallel. Electrician, 28, 1892, 235. Boultbee, J. IT. Artesian water in New South Wales. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 32, 1898, 88-103. Boult on ,' G. Are the Great Lakes retaining their ancient level? [1892.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 5, 1893, 381-385. Boulton, W. S. Notes on the microscopic characters of some rocks occurring as erratics in the Lichfield district. [1896.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc., 10, 1897, 73-80. Boulud, , & Lepine, ll[aphael]. See Lepine & Boulud. Boulvin, J. L'application du systeme compound aux machines marines pour les courtes traversees. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 41, 1884, 1-12. — Note sur le phare flottant " Wandelaar" et les machines employees pour faire les signaux de brume. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 41, 1884, 415-439. — De 1'epuisement des formes de radoub au moyen de pompes centrifuges. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 44, 1886, 261-287. Boum. i, Jac[ob], Over de bepaling van de hoeveelheid indican in de urine. Utrecht, Onderzoek., 1, 1899, 234- 242; Ztschr. Physiol. Chera., 27, 1899, 348-355. — Ueber die bei der Behaudlung des Harnindicans mit Ferrichloridsalzsaure auftretenden rothbraunen Farb- stoffe. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 30, 1900, 117-125. Bonin.m, Z . P. Ernissie en absorptie van glas en kwarts bij verschillende temperaturen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 5, 1897, ,438-442. Bouny, Elite. Mesure du travail depense dans 1'emploi de la bicyclette. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1391- 1395. — Controle de la pedale dynamometrique de bicyclette. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 122, 1896, 1528-1530. Bouny, Elise, & Comte, Ch[arle.t], See Comto A Bouny. Bouquet, [Jean Claude]. For biography and works see Bull. Sci. Math., 9, 1885, 301-305; Nuova Antol. Sci., 83, 1885, 404; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 585-588; 102, 1886, 1267-1273. Bouquet, R[obert] P. La mesure du rendement des dynamos. Genie Civil, 23, 1893, 416-418. Bouquet de la Grye, [Jean Jacques] A[natole], Les progres de 1'hydrographie en France. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1884 (P«..l), 23-29. — Etude sur les deviations du pendule au Mexique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 170-174. — Premiere etude sur la parallaxe du Soleil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 727-732. Bouquet de la Gryel 728 [Bourcet Amelioration de la bnrre du Senegal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 102, 1886, 1420-1422. — Rapport a, la Societe de Geographic de Paris sur ['orthographic des noms geographiques. Paris, Soc. G(5ogr. Bull., 7, 1886, 191-202. — Etude sur la barre du Senegal. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 89, 1886, 515-547; Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 9-13. — Note sur la mesure des plaques photographiques du Passage de Venus sur le Soleil de 1882. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 550-551. - Rapport sur les vitesses produites par les inarees de 1'ocean Paeifique et de la mer des Antilles dans un canal etablissant une communication libre entre ces deux mers. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1484-1489. Note sur le tremblement de terre du 23 fevrier a Nice. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 202-203. — Di'dinaisons et inclinaisons niagnetiques observees en Tunisie par la Mission Hydrographique 1884-80. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 801. — Note sur la stabilite de la cote de France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 812-816. [Sur les variations diurnes des ehronometres.] Congr. Int. Chronom., 1889, 25-26. — [Reponse a la note de M. DE TILLO : "Sur la stabilite du sol de la France."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 54-56. — Note sur le choix d'un zero foudamental, pour le nivellement. Ann. Hydrogr., 12, 1890, 32-38. Le zero fondamental et le niveau de la mer. Astro- nomic, 1890, 226-227. La rotacion del plaueta Venus. [Tr.] Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bo!., 1, 1890, 262-266. • La rotation de la planete V^nus. Astronomic, 1891, 261-268. — Les progres de 1'astronomie en 1891. Astronomic, 1892, 180-188. — Description d'un instrument pouvant rendre apparentes les petites variations de 1'inteusite de la pesanteur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 341-345. — Ondes marees et ondes atmospheriques provenant de 1'action du Soleil et de la lune. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 5-12. — Les ondes atmospheriques lunaires. Rev. Sci., 1, 1894, 129-134; Paris, Bur. Long. Aunu., 1896, A, 20 pp. — L'heure nationale. Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 579-581. — Sur la parallaxe du Soleil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 986-993. — Notice sur les ballons sondes. Paris, Bur. Long. Aunu., 1899, A, 14 pp. Bouquet de la Grye, [Jean, Jacques] A[natole], & Arago, (capit.) [Felix Pierre]. Etude sur le contour apparent de Venus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1406-1411. Bouquet de la Grye, [Jean Jacques] A[natole], Fujazon, (rapit.) Cecilia, & Driencourt, . Differences de longitudes entre San Fernando, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Saint-Louis et Dakar et mesures d'intensit^ de la pcsanteur. Paris, Bur. Long. Ann., 5, 1897, A, 180 pp. Bour, Ch. Les dependances du Senegal. Geographic, population, productions, commerce, colonisation. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 85, 1885, 26-82. Bourbouze, [J. G.]. Soudure d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1400-1491. — Nouveaux modeles d'hygrometres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1538-1539; Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, 425-426. — Sur un nouvel alliage d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1317. Bourcart, E[inmanuel], [Derives de la dibenzylketone. ] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 21, 1889, 375-376. — Ueber Bromderivate des Dibeuzylketons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1368-1370. Bourcart, Robert. *Note sur 1'impression de 1'indigo nature!. [1883.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884, 49-64. — Sur les couleurs employees dans 1'impression des etoffes d'indiennes et les moyens g£ne>aux de les fixer. Premiere partie. Les couleurs minerales. Moniteur Sci., 26, 1884, 356-365. — Sur les couleurs employees dans 1'impression des ttoffes et les moyens gcneraux de les fixer sur tissus de coton. Deuxieme partie. Les laques. Moniteur Sci., 26, 1884, 435-482. On the dyeing properties of anthragallol. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 3, 1884, 140-141. — Rapport sur le controle du lait exerc£ par le laboratoire d'analyse pendant le premier semestre de son exercice, du 15 mars jusqu'a ce jour. [1886.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 57, 1887, 80-86. — Les falsifications du lait. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 58, 1888, 617-627. Note sur la determination de la substance seche ou r^sidu d'evaporation du lait, en meme temps que la cendre, et de 1'analyse des laits caill^s. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 58, 1888, 628-629. — Analyses des eaux des pompes publiques de la ville de Mulhouse faites en 1886 et 1887. [1888.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 225-236. — • Precede chimique pour le dosage de 1'alcool. Exameu de la methode de ROESE et modifications apportees a celle-ci. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 542-547. — Mrmoire sur une nouvelle methode de titration de 1'alcool par 1'acide chromique. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 558-561. — Dosage de 1'aldehyde par 1'acide chromique. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 561-562. — L'analyse du lait au point de vue de ses falsifications. Paris Soc'. Chirn. Bull., 1, 1889, 24-28. Bourcart, Robert, & Mieg, Edouard. Methode servant a controler les resultats trouve's dans 1'analyse des vins, et en particulier la quantity des matieres extractives. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 547-558. Bourcart, l\odolplic. For biographical notice and list of works see Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 70, 1900, 325-327. — Etude sur le frottement dans les transmissions par courroies et par cordes. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 56, 1886, 436-442. — Etude de frottemeut dans les tourillons de petit diamptre a grande vitesse. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 58, 1888, 720-725. • Note sur le compteur acoustique. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 58. 1888, 726. — Sur la romaine micrometrique de Geo. THOMAS et Cie, a Manchester. [1888.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 31-32. — Considerations sur les dyiiamornetres pour files. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 621-622. — Etude dynarnometrique. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 61, 1891, 282-284. — Note sur uu moyen d'etudier les variations de vitesse d'un moteur. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 63, 1893, 418- 419. Bourceau, . Un nouveau reactif des albumines urinaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 317-318. Bourceret, />. Sur la circulation veineuse du pied. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 381-383. Bourcet, I'mil. Sur le parabeuzovltolupne. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1)45-952; 17, 1897, 81-85. — Sur 1'absiuthiue. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898. 537-539; Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 128-130. — Synthese du glycocolle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 10(15-1006. — Recherche et dosage colorimr triquc de petites quantite's d'iode dans les matieres organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1120-1122; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 554-550. — Sur 1'absorption de 1'iode par les vegetaux. [1899.] Bourcet] 729 [Bourgeat Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 768-770; 1'aris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900. 40-41. — Sur 1'iode normal de 1'organisme et son elimination. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 392-394. — Sur 1'analyse de 1'eau de Jouhe, pres DcMe (Jura). Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 144-145; Jl. Pbarm., 11, 1900, 223-224. Bourcet, Paul, & Berlemont, Gf. Sur une nouvelle trompe soufflante. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 479; Ann. Chim. Anal., 3, 1898, 221-222. Bourcet, Paul, A Charrin, Alln-rt. See Charrin i- Bourcet. Bourcet, I'tiiil, cV Genvresse, P[ierre]. Set' Genvresse A Bourcet. Bourcet, I'nid. & Gley, K\_u. — [Note sur les gisemeuts de 1'Ostrea virgula dans le Jura.] Paris, Soc. Genl. Bull., 15, 1887, 198-1911. — Contribution a 1'etude du Cretace Superieur dans le Jura meridional. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 328-331. — Recberches sur les formations coralligenes du Jura meridional. Rev. Sci., 41. 1888, 115-117. — Observations sommaires sur les principales formations peologiques du Jura meridional. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 718-721. — Premiere contribution a 1'etude du calcaire corallipene de Belledalle dans le Boulonnais. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 721-723. — Observations sur la structure de quelques depots ferrugineux des terrains Secondaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1085-1086. — Premieres observations sur le cyclone du 1!) aoiU dans le Jura. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 3s5-3s7. - Note coruplernentaire sur le prolongement en Suisse de la tempete du 19 aout. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 4(16. — Quelques observations nouvelles sur le Jura meridional. [l*!tU] Paris, Soc. Genl. Bull., 19, 1891, 166-169. — Observations sommaires sur le Boulounais et le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 20, 1892, 262-269. — Quelques mots sur 1'Oxfordien et le Corallien des bords de la Serre. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, 267-272. — Classification du Carbouilere du Nord. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 1), 156-157. — Id marques sur la faune du Gault dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, 355-358. — Quelques observations nouvelles sur les lapiez, le glaciaire et la Mollasse dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 23, 1895, 414-420. — Sur certaines particularities de la Combe des Pir* dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 489- 193. — Quelques mots sur le glaciaire du Jura dans la region comprise entre Saint-Claude et Salins. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 \I't. 2), S2-86. — Sur Its chaugements de facies que presente le Ju- rassique autour de la Serre. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull , 25, 1897, 695-698. — Sur quelques phenomenes de glissement dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 447-452. — Le conglomerat de la t'oret de Cliaux dans le Jura. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 23, 1899 (Pi. 2), 233-240. — Quelques points nouveaux de geologic jurassienne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 415-450. — Contribution nouvelle a 1'etude des formations geo- logiques du departement du Jura. Paris, Soe. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 597-601. Bourgeois, (1'abbf) [Louis]. *La question de 1'homme Tertiaire. llev. Quest. Sci., 2, 1877, 561-575. Bourgeois, — La lepre du moyeu age appreciee avec nos connaissances actuelles. [1885.] Beauvais, Soc. Ac. Mem., 12, 1883, 867-872. Bourgeois, A[li:ra»*lrf Lmiis I-'Cli.r~]. Les injections anti- septiques dans le traitement de la blennorrhagie. Arch. Med. Pbarm. Militaires (i. 1885, 375-388. — Traitement des ulceres infectieux graves de la cornee. Ann. d'Oculist., 107, 1892, 373; 122, 1899, 55-61. — Traitement des effects des voics laerymales par les methodes conservatrices et antiseptiques; nouveau pro- cede de lacrymotomie. Ann. d'Oculist., 109, 1893, 456- 457. — Constitution du corps vitre comnie point de depart du traitement du decollement de la retine. Ann. d'Oculist.. 117, 1897. 375-376. Bourgeois, A[lej-uiulre Louis Felix], & Tscherning, . Recberches sur les relations qui existent entre la courbure de la cornee, la circonference de la tete et la taille. Ann. d'Oculist., 96, 1886, 203-217. Bourgeois, Alfred. Tel^metre vertical de depression pour le tir au passage. [1891.] Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 19, 1894, 237-263. Bourgeois, ]<:d[ouar(l]. TJeber die Tolylnaphtylsulfide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2264-2267. — Ueber die Einwirkuug der Monobromderivate der aromatischen Koblenwasserstoffe auf die Bleimercaptide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2312-2330. — Recherches sur les aptitudes reactionnelles des derives brornes organiques. Brux., Mem. Couronn. (8° Ed.), 53, 1895-96, AV 5, iv + 50 pp. — Sur la preparation de quelques tbiols aromatiqnes. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 18, 1899. 426-450. — Sur la constitution des salipyrines metalliques (anti- pyrine-salieylates metalliques). Rec. Trav. Chim. \':,\- Bas, 18, 1899, 451-45(1. Bourgeois, Ktl[mta rd], & Dambmann, >/. Ueber den festen Zustand einij;i'r Aldoxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2H. 1893. •J8f)6-2xi1,l. Bourgeois, Eit[oiiard], & Krafft, [ll'illielm Luiliriii] F[rii'dri,-h Kmil], See Krafit it Bourgeois. Bourgeois, Ed[ouard], & Spring, ir[nlthhv]. .S'.T Spring A Bourgeois. Bourgeois, Jules. Diagnoses de Lycides nouveaux ou pen connus. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, 63-68; 5, 1885, 71-84; 9, 1889, 225-236; 68, 1899, 658-665. — [Description d'une nouvelle espeee du genre Cyphon, provenant de Palestine.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884. xlii-xliii. [Description d'uue nouvelle espeee du genre Henicopus provenant du Portugal.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, Ixiv-lxv. — Dascillides et Malacodermes de Nouvelle-Caledonie. Rev. Ent., 3, 1884, 278-290. — Remarques sur le genre Dasytiscus et descriptions des especes nouvelles ou imparfaitement connues. Paris, Soc. Eut. Ann., 5, 1885, 253-271. — Description d'un genre nouveau et d'une espeee nouvelle de Malacodermes de la faune palearctique. Palis, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885.272-274, xxxvii-xxxviii. — [Description de la femelle du Lampyris depressiuscula.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., .">, 1885, Ixiii-lxiv. — [Maltbinus dromioides, n. s^>.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, cxxvi-i'xxvii. — [De quelqnes particularites d'orgauisation dans la tribu des Lycides.] Ass. Franc. C. R., 1886 (t't. 1| 161. — [Armures i et ? des Microcara, Helodes, Cypbon et Dascillus.] 1'aris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, Ixviii-lxx. [Acroleptin Cbevrolati, ». ;/. <7 //. sp.] Paris, Soc. Paris, Soc. Eut. Ann., Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, Ixx-lxxi. — [Plateros subsequalis, H. «/).] 6, 1886, Ixxxiv. — Lycides nouveaux ou pen connus recueillis au Bresil. Paris, Sue. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, Ixxxiv, xc-xci, xcviii-c, cxxxi-exxxii, cxxxix-cxli, cliv-clvi, clxiv-clxv, clxxxviii- clxxxix ; 7, 1887, liii-liv, Ixvi. Bourgeois] 731 [Bourgeois — [Chauliognathus lyciformis, C. disparipennis, nn. spp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, cxxxi-cxxxii. — Synopsis du genre Henicopus, Stejtli. [1887.] Paris, Soc.'Eut. Ann., 8, 1888, 5-34. [Deux nouvelles especes de Lycides.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 8, 1888, xxv-xxvi. — [Descriptions de nonvelles especes de Malacoderrnes de 1'Equateur et du Bresil.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 8, 1888, clxv-clxvii, clxxvi-clxxvii, cxc, cci. — Lycides nouveaux ou pen connus du Musee Civique de Genes. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., '27, 1889, 288-292; 32. 1892, 495-510; 40, 1899, 420-4S2. Voyage de M. C'h. ALLUAVD dans le territoire d'Assinie (Afrique occidentale) en juillet et aoiit 1890...Lvcides. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, 237-246. — Sur la distribution geographique des Coleopteres Malacoderrnes apparteiiant a la tribu des Lycides. [1890.] Ass. Franc. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 1), 200-201; Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, 337-364. — [Collection d'iuseetes formee dans 1'Indo-Cbiue par M. PAVIE.] Coleopteres. Paris. Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 2, 1890, 179-188. — Contributions a la fauneindo-chiuoise. Rhipidoceridse, Dascillidffi, Malacodermidas. Paris, Soc. Eut. Ann., 10, 1890, 161-176. — Dascillides et Malacodermes du Bengale occidentale. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 35, 1891, cxxxvii-cxli ; 36, 1892, 234-238. — Descriptions de trois especes nouvelles de Lycides de Borneo. Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 39-42. — [Description d'une uouvelle espece de Malacoderme.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, cclxxxix-ccxc. [Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Ainauronia prove- nant d'Algerie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, eciv- ccv. — [Description d'une nouvelle espece de Malacoderme appartenant au genre Podistrina, Fairm.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, cclxvi-cclxvii. Description d'un genre nouveau et d'une espece nouvelle de Malacoderrnes d'Algerie. Rev. Ent., 13, 1894, 121-123. Note sur quelques especes uouvelles ou interessantes de Coleopteres appartenant au Museum de Paris. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cxxxviii-cxl. Note sur quelques especes nouvelles ou peu counties de Coleopteres de 1'Inde et de la Birmanie. Paris, Soc. Eut. Bull., 1896, 117-121. — Note sur Cicindela leucosticta, Fairm., et autres especes du groupe des Neolapbyra. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 40-42. — Description de Malacodermes nouveaux recueillis en Oceanie par 31. le Dr. Ph. FRANCOIS. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 72-74. — Sur quelques Malthiuides algeriens. Rev. Ent., 16, 1897, 39-44. — Description de deux especes nouvelles de Lycides. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 92-93. — [Liste des Coleopteres recueillis a Madagascar par MM. le commandant DORR, de Pinfanterie de marine (1896-97), et le lieutenant JOBIT, du 13° d'artillerie (1895-96).] Malacodermes. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 12, 1899, 9-10. — Voyage de M. E. SIMON au Venezuela. Coleopteres (Malacodermata). Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 68, 1899, 90-100. — Description de deux larves remarquables appartenant probablement au genre Lycus. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 58-63. — Description de deux Podistrina nouvelles de la faune francaise. Paris, Soe. Ent. Bull. , 1899, 338-341. — Notes sur quelques Maltbinus palearetiques [et descrip- tion d'especes nouvelles]. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 368-371 ; 1900, 91-96, 301-304. — [Diagnoses d'insectes recueillis par 1'Expedition Ant. arctique Beige. Coleopteres.] Dascillidfe. Brux., Soc. Eut,. Ann., 44, 1900, 111. — Etude sur les Lycides du Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Bel-nque. (Especes du Congo et pavs voisius.) Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 44, 1900, 13!l-146." — Description de deux Malacodermes nouveaux de PAmeriqne meridionale. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900. 118-119. — Description d'une variete nouvelle du Cantharis dis- coidea et notes sur 1'habitat de quelques autres Mala- codermes. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 181-182. — Sur 1'habitat de trois Coleopteres algeriens. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 246-247. — Sur un mode particulier de progression souterraine chez quelques larves d'insectes. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 201-2112. — Notes sur quelques Podistrina et description d'une espece nouvelle d'Algerie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900. 283-285. — Description d'uu Lampyride europeen nouveau. Paris, Soc. Eut. Bull., 1900, 337-338. — Description d'une nouvelle espece francaise du genre Podistrina et notes d'habitat. Paris, Soc. Eut. Bull., 1900, 378-380. Bourgeois, Leon [Zepliirin]. *Note sur un silico-zircouate de soude eristallise. [1883.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 8, 1884, 50-51. Sur des titauates de baryte et de stroutiane cristallises. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 141-144, 956; France. Sue. Min. Bull., 9, 1886, 244-250 ; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 46, 1886, 262-260; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886. 172-177. — Nouveaux precedes de preparation des carbonates cristallises. [1886.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1088-1091; 104, 1887, 102; Paris Soc. Chirn. Bull., 47, 1887, 81-83. — Sur la preparation d'un silicostannate de chaux cor- respondant au sphene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 231-233, 322; France, Soc. Min. Bull., 10, 1887, 54-57; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 137-139. — Nouveau precede de reproduction de la crocoi'se. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1302-1303, 1386; France, Soc. Min. Bull., 10, 1887, 187-190; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 883-885; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 140-142. Application d'un precede de DE SENARMONT a la repro- duction par voie huunde de la eelestiue et de 1'anglesite. [1887.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1072-1074; France, Soc. Min. Bull., 10, 1887, 323-326; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 28-29. — Sur la presence de la cassiterite dans K s scories de la t'onte du bronze et sur une nouvelle metbode de repro- duction de cette espece miuerale. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 11, 1888, 58-61; Paris, Soc. Philom. Mem. Cent., 1888, 109-111. — Sur la reproduction artificielle de 1'hydrocerusite, sur la composition chimique de cette espece miuerale et sur la constitution du blanc de ceruse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 10n, 1888, 1041-1644; France, Soc. Min. Bull., 11, 1888, 221-225; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 83-85; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 115-118. — Compte rendu de la visile faite par la Societe de Mineralogie a 1'Exposition Universelle de 1889. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 12, 1889, 458-463, 558. Essai de reproduction de la barytocalcite. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 12, 1889, 464. — Sur la preparation des orthosilicates de cobalt et de nickel cristallises. [1889.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1177-1178; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 114- 115. — Sur la preparation du nitrate basique de cuivre cristallise, et sur son identification avec la gerhardtite. 92—2 Bourgeois] 732 [Bourgougnon Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill), 1890, 541-543; France, Soc. Min. Bull., 13, 1890. i;r.-r,9; I'm is Sue. (,'him. Bull., 3, 1890, 50U-502: Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., '2. 1890. 115- lls. — [Faeulte de cristalliser par sublimation dans le vide que possedent les alcaloides mono-oxygenes des quin- quinas.] Paris Soc. China. Bull., l>, 1891, 5. — Rapport sur les travaux de la Soeiete Franeaise de Mineralogie pendant les annees 1889 et 1890. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 3. 1891, H.j-S'.l. — Sur la volatilite de 1'uree et sa cristallisation par voie ili' sublimation dans le vide. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 45-1H. Null' rci •lilicative sur la reproduction par voie humide iles carbonates cristallises. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 17, 1894, 79-81. — Sur le rendement de la transformation des carbonates d'ainmonium en uree. [1N97.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 9, 1896, 21-24 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 105- 108; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 474-477. — Sur un phosphate d'urane eristallise. [1897.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., !l, 1896, 125-130; France, Soc. Min. Bull.. 21, 1898, 32-39; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 11S-123. — Sur un chlorate basique de cuivre eristallise^ France, Soc. Min. Bull., 21, 1898, 170-176; Paris. Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 297-301; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19. 1898, 919-953; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1898, 82-86. — Compte reudu de la visite faite par la Soeiete de Mineralogie a 1'Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1900. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 23, 1900, 191-200. Bourgeois, Leon [Zephinn], & Tr.iube, llennniin. Sur la reproduction de la dolomite. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 15, 1892, 13-15. Bourgeois, Leon [Zephirin], & Verneuil, Auiinxte [rictor Lviii.i]. See Verneuil & Bourgeois. Bourgeois, Louis Henri. Note sur une nouvelle station du Pelodyte ponctue dans la Seine-Inierieure. Bouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1890, 149-150. — Note sur quelques oiseaux observes accidentellement, en 1897, a Eu (Seiue-Inferieure). Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull, 1898, 56-60. Bourgeois, Nestor. Notes sur 1'iunervation respirntoire chez les oiseaux. [1895.] Arch, de Biol., 14, 1896, 343-350. — Notes sur 1'innervation respiratoire chez les oiseaux. (Second article.) Liege Lab. Fredericq Trav., 5, 1896, 189-192. Bourgeois, R. Sur la region de Diego Suarez (Madagascar). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 122, 1896, 1506-1508. - Travaux executes par le Service Geograpbique du corps expeditionnaire de Madagascar, pendant la campagne de 1895. Paris, Ac. Sci. C..R., 124, 1897, 636-63*. Bourgerel, G. L. La divisibility des uombres. Kev. Sci., 1, 1894, 411-412. — Constitution et formation des bauxites. Moniteur Sci., 12, 1898, 21-22. — La combustion de I'acetylene dans 1'air en rich i d'oxygene. Moniteur Sci., 14, 1900, 609. Bourges, II[enri]. Myelite diffuse aigue experimental )iroduite par 1'erysipelocoque. Arch. Med. Kxper. . ;"i. 1893, 227-232; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. It.), 184-187. — Paralysie consecutive a une angine pseudo-mem- braneuse reconuue comme non diphteiique a 1'exameu bacteriologique. Arch. Med. Exper., 7, 1896, 17-24. Bourges, li[enri], it Doleris, Amfdei: See Doleris & Bourses. Bourges, H\rnri], & Hudelo, /,. ,S'«> Hudclo it Bourges. Bourges, H[enri], A Mery, Il[enri], Kecherchcs sur le sero-diagnostic de la niorve. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C'. It.), 165-166. — Note sur le sero-diagnostic de la morve. Arch. Mod. Exper. , 12, 1900, 182-188. Bourges, H[, nn], tt Wurtz, Robert. See Wurtz it Bourges. Bourget, . Nouveau procede pour la recherche et le dosage de 1'acide chlorhydiique dans le liquide stomacal. Arch. Med. Exper., 1, 1889. 844-s:,l. Bourget, [i.'url l-'.lieinte\ Henri/. Sur la fonction f(s) de KIEMANN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. «., 101, 1885, 304- 307. — Representation geometrique des proprietes infinitesi- males du premier ordre des complexes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1253-1254. — Sur une elasse de fonctions liyperabelienues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1428-1431. — Transference of heat in cooled metal. [In French."] Nature, 58 (1898), 200, 521. — Sur une extension de la methode de quadrature de GAUSS. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, (134-636. — Sur une elasse particuliere de groupes hyperabeliens. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 12, 1898, D, 9ii pp. — Sur 1'attractiou des ellipsoides homogenes. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 1, 1899, 465-468. — Sin 1'impression des reseaux sur les cliches stellaires. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 117-118. — A surface-tension experiment. [In French.] Nature, 62 (1900), 269. Bourget, \(.'url Ktienne] Henry, & Baillaud, [Kilmtfird] B[c>ijitmin]. See Baillaud it Bourget. Bourget, [Carl Ktienne] Henri/, Meslin, lieorues, & Iiebeuf, A. See Mcslin, Bourget it Lebeuf. Bourget, [Curl I-.tienne] Henri/. Montangerand, [L.], it Baillaud, [Kitouurtl] I:[enjaiiiin]. Sur la nebuleuse annulaire de la Lyre, d'apres des observations faites a 1'observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 265-2G7. Bourgoin, Edme [Alfred], For biography and works see Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 2K4-270 ; Moniteur Sci., 11, 1897, 555-560; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 37, 1897, 167-171; 38, 1897, 620-622. — Sur la solubilite de 1'iodure niercurique dans 1'eau et dans 1'alcool. Ann. Chim., 3, 1884, 429-432; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1884, 448-451; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 13. 1884, 1258- 1260 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 620-022. — Conservation du lait par addition d'acide borique. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 34, 1895, 472-473. Bourgoin, Kdine [Alfred], & Chastaing, /'[««/ Louis], Analyse d'une eau niiuerale phosphate^e. .11. Pharm., 16, 1887, 337-341. Bourgois, (cnpit.) . *De la navigation sous-marine appiiqute a la defense des ports. [1858.] Rev. Maritime et Colon. , 90, 1886, 192-244. Bourgon,[i 'liurlef \ de. De 1'emploi des injections d'extrait organique de MM. BROWN- SEQUABO et D'AHSONVAI. dans le traitement de differentes formes d'atrophie du nerf optique. Ann. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 349-355. Des injections sous-conjonctivales de sublime dans la myopie avec lesions des membranes profondes de 1'csil. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 270-279. — Intoxication par le bromhydrate de scopolamine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 5-6. Bourgougnon, A . On the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with potassium permanganate in presence of sulphuric acid. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 11, 1889, 94-98. — The manufacture of commercial hydrogen dioxide and its applications. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 64-69. — On condensed milk. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, 160-167. — Historical notice. Early mention of areometers. Amer. Chem. Soe. Jl., 13, 1891, 252-25I. - On the application of grapliie metlii'ds in certain chemical studies. Amer. Chem. Soe. Jl., 14, 1892, 128-137. Bourgougnoii ] 733 [Bourne — De Faucieunete de 1'areometre. Kev. Sci., 49, 1892, 379-380. Bourgougnon, -I., iV' IVIamlel. John A. Set; Mandel tt Bourgougnon. Bourguet, . Le Liron : essai de monographie d'un chainon des basses Cevenues. Montpellier, Soc. Langued. CiOogr. Bull., Iti, 1893, 217-2311. Bourguet, . Un uoiivel appaieil indicateur pour microscope. 1'nrix, Soc. Biol. Mem., 5U, 1898 (C. B.), 726-729. Bourguet, Albert. Sur 1'attaque de 1'organisme par les microbes. Moyens generaux de defense. Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894, xlvfi-1. — [Lesion anat'imo-pathologique rare rencontree sur une poularde.] Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1895, Iviii-lix. Bourguet, Eugene. Le cholera dans 1'ari'ondissemeut d'Aix en 1884 et 1885. Aix Ac. Mem., 13, 1885, 161- 199. Bourguignat, ,/[«/«*] Ii[en>!]. For biograpb}1 and list of works see Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl.,24, 1892, 207; Jl. de Conch., 41, 1893, 80-81; Jl. Conch., 7, 1892- 94, 74-76. — Histoire des Melaniens du systeme europeen. [1884.] Ann. Malacol., 2 (1884-86), 1-168. — Description du nuuveau genre Sesteria. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 135-138. — Nouvelle Viviparo i'raneaise et liste des especes con- statees en France dans le genre Vivipara. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 183-188. — Helice nouvelle des niontagnes de 1'Ariege. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 357-358. — [Note sur les Mollusques recueillis a Miranda-de-Ebro.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884, 126-127. — Monographie d'un nouveau genre d'Acephale du Lac Tangunika. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 2, 1886, 1-12. — Des Tiphobies du Lac Tanganika. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 3, 1886, 141-150." — Mollusques uouveaux de la region du Nyanza-Oukerewe (Victoria Nyanza). France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 4, 1887, 207-272. — Histoire des Helices campyleeunes du groupe dea dinariques (olim Helix Pouzolzi). France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 5, 1888, 203-245. — Melauidees du Lac Nyassa, suivies d'uu apercu com- paratif sur la fanne malacologique de ce lac avec celle du grand lac Tanganika. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 6, 1889, 1-66. — Histoire malacologique du Lac Tanganika (Afrique equatoriale). Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 10, 1890, 1-2G7. — Des formes europeennes trocho-hyalinoides classees jusqu'a present sous le nom generique de Conulus. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 7, 1890, 325-338. — [Notes sur la faune malacologique du nord de 1' Afrique.] [Puxth.] .71. de Conch., 46, 1898, 166-170. Bonn. nit, U., & Ventre Bey, A.,F. Sur trois tables horaires copies. [1898.] Inst. Egypt. Mem., 3, 1900, 575-604. Bouriez, Albert. Sur une combinaison moleculaire de phenol et d'hydrate de chloral. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1885, 166-167. — Methode areometrique pour la determination de la richesse alcoolique des vins sans distillation. Determi- nation simultanee du poids de 1'extrait sec des vins francais naturels et non sucres. Viuodensimetre. Bull. Sci. Nord, 17 (1886), 417-425; Jl. Pharm., 14, 1886, 549-555. — Application du principe de il/. TABARIE a la determina- tion areometrique de 1'alcool des bieres. Jl. Pharm. 22, 1890, 451-454. — Ureometre clinique a indications directes. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 10-12. Bourinot, John Genrge . Unification of time at sea. United Serv. Inst. Jl., 41, 1897, 1414-1419. Bom-jot, [Louis]. For biographical notice and works see B6iie, Ac. Hippone Bull., 22, 1886, 314-315. Bourjot-Saint-Hilaire, [Alexandre], "Communication sur le calcaire bleu eruptif. Congr. Geol. Int. C. K. , 1878, 249-253. Bourke, (dipt.) John G[reyory]. For biographical notice and works see Science, 4, 1896, 820-822. — Tlie urine dance of the Zuuis. Auier. Ass. Proc., 1885, 40(1-403. - The medicine-men of tlie Apache. Smithsonian Inst. Bur. Ethnol. Bep., 1887-88, 443-603. Bourland, P/iilip Ihirjijett. Tubercle germs aud giant cells in human tissue. , N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 945-947. Bourlet, C[arlo Emile Ernest]. Sur la multiplication des series trigonometriqu.es. Bull. Sci. Math., 13, 1889, 55-64. — Sur les polyedres. Nouv. Ann. Math. , 8, 1889, 366- 389. — Sur les equations aux derivees partielles simul- tanees ,qui contiennent plusieurs fonctions inconnues. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 8, 1891 (Snpp/.), 63 pp. — Condition pour que deux quadriques aieut une genera- trice commune. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 434-442. — Sur les nombres parfaits. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 297-312. — Sur un determinant remarquable. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 369-373. — Sur 1'equilibre de la vis. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 426-429. — Sur les operations en general. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 124, 1897, 348-351. — Sur certaiues equations analogues aux equations difterentielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 1431- 1433. — Sur les operations en general et les equations diffe- rentielles lineaires d'ordre infini. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 14, 1897, 133-190. — Sur les transmutations. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 25, 1897, 132-140. — Construction des machines. La bicyclette. Genie Civil, 33, 1898, 57-60, 73-75, 88-91, 104-108, 119-121, 184-188, 200-203, 217-220, 233-235, 251-253, 265-268, 2887291, 309-312, 326-328, 342-346. — Etude theorique sur les roulemeuts a billes. Genie Civil, 33, 1898, 139-142, 153-155. — Sur 1'iteration. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 126, 1898, 583-585. — Sur le probleme de 1'iteration. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 12, 1898, C,,12 pp. — Automobiles. Etude sur la direction a deux pivots. Genie Civil, 35, 1899, 295-297, 311-314. — Sur la determination de la surface d'une piste de velodrome. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 13, 1899, 202- 209. — Sur certaines equations analogues aux equations difl'erentielles. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 16, 1899, 3337375. — Etude theorique sur la bicyclette. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 27, 1899, 47-67, 76-96.' Bourlier, . Cultures d'acacias australiens en Algerie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 41, 1894 (Sem. 2), 118-123. Bourlot, J[oseph]. *[Sur le tremblemeut de terre du 17 avril 1862.] France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 10, 1862, Pt. 2, 115-117. Bournay, ./., & Cadeac, C[eleatin], See Cadeac & Bournay. Bournaz, Jnnos. A Tschirnaus-fele coefficieuseknek egy e'rdekes tnlajdon-sagarol. [Ueber eine interessante Eigenschaft der Tschirnaus'schen Coefticieuten. ] [1899.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1898, 167-171. Bourne, Alfred Gibbs. Report on the occupation of the table [at the Zoological Station at Naples]. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 254-256. Bourne] 734 [Bourneville — On certain abnormalities in the common frog (Rana temporaria). 1. The occurrence of an ovotestis. '2. Abnormalities of the vertebral column. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 24, 1884, 83-88. - Contributions to the anatomy of the Hirudinea. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 24, 1884. 419-.",i>r;. — On a hydriforrn phase of Litnnocoilium Sowtrbii. I 1*84.] Mature, 31, 1885, 107. — On the occurrence of a bydroid phase of Limnocodium Sowerbii, Allnuin it Lankester. [1884.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 38, 1886, 9-14. • On the modification of the trochal disc of the Eotifera. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1095-1096. — On budding in the OligochaHa. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1885, 1096-10117. — On the supposed communication of the vascular sv-tern with the exterior in Pleurobrauchus. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1885, 429-432. — On the reputed suicide of scorpions. [1886.] Madras Jl., 1886-87, 25-31. — On Indian earthworms. Part i. Preliminary notice of earthworms from the Nilgiris and Shevaroys. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1886, 662-672. — Scorpion virus. Nature, 36, 1887, 53. — The reputed suicide of scorpions. Eoy. Soc. Proc., 42, 1887, 17-22. — The vascular system of the Hirudinea. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 16-18. — On certain earthworms from the western Himalayas and Dehra Dun. [1889.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 58 (Pt. 2), 1890, 110-117. — On Chietobranehus, a new genus of oligochaetous Chietopoda. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 83-8'j. - On Megascolex cseruleus, Templeton, from Ceylon; together with a theory of the course of the blood in earthworms. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 49-87. — Notes on the naidiform Oligochasta ; containing a description of new species of the genera Pristina and Pterostylarides, and remarks upon cephalizatiou and gemmation as generic and specific characters in the group. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 335-356. - On Pelomyxa viridis, n. sp., and on the vesicular nature of protoplasm. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 357-374. - The nephridia of leeches. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 34, 1893, 545-565. — On certain points in the development and anatomy of some earthworms. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 11-34. — On Moniligaster graudis, .4. G, B., from the Nilgiris, south India; together with descriptions of other species of the genus Moniligaster. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 307-384. Bourne, l-.ilu-nnl <1. The recession of the Niagara gorge. Nature, 43, 1891, 515. Bourne, /'. ,S. A. [Fu-erh tea.] Kew Bull, 1889, 140- 142. — The new rapid on the Yang-tse. Geogr. Jl., 10, 1897, 191-195. Bourne, Gilbert C[harles}. On the anatomy of Sph:en>- therium. [1885.] Liuu. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 19, 1886, 161 (fcis)-173. — On the island of Diego Garcia of the Chagos group. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 8, 1886, 385-393. — General observations on the fauna of Diego Garcia, Chagos group. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1886, 331-334. — The anatomy of the madreporarian coral Fungia. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 27, 1887, 293-324. — On the anatomy of Mussa and Euphyllia, and the morphology of the madreporarian skeleton. [1887.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 28, 1888, 21-51. — [Coral formations.] Nature, 37, 1888, 414-415; 38, 1888, 5. — The atoll of Diego Garcia and the coral formations of the Indian Ocean. Roy. Soc. Proc., 43, 1888, 440-461. — An improved form of deep-sea tow-net. Brit. Ass. Kep.. 1889, 624-626. — On a Tornaria found in British seas, [1889.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889-90, 63-68. — Notes on the pelagic Copepoda collected at Plymouth ;„ iss.8-89. [1889.] U. K. Mar. Bi«l. Ass. Jl., i, 1889- 90, 144-152. — Notes on the genus Monstrilla, Dana. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 30, 1890, 565-578. — Report of a trawling cruise in H.M.S. l!,:. r, & Swinburne, James. See Swinburne it Bourne. Bournct, AllnTt. Quelques mots sur la criminalite en Italie. [II' it It ilixcuxsiun.] [1884.] Lyou Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 3, 1884-85, 233-243. Bourneville, [/»<•.. 1897, 3-4. — De I'uuiitoniie pathologique de 1'idiotie. Congr. Int. Med. C. U., 1900 (IW. S|, 167-207. Bourneville, | /'' i/' Uiniliiin'\. tV Chapotin, . Epi- demir de lii vie tvplioide a Bici'tre. Progres Med., 10, 1899, '.17-102, 132-137, 147-148. — De 1'eosinate de sodium dans le traitement de IVpi- lepsie et des accidents qu'il produit. Progres Med., 10, 1899, 495-501; 11, 1900, 1-2. Bourneville] 735 [Bourquelot Bourneville, [Di'sirf Jlnploire'], & Courbarien, - Note statistique sur le role de la cousanguinite dans 1'etiologie de 1'epilepsie, de 1'hysterie, de 1'idiotie et de 1'imbecillite. Progres Med., 9,' 1889, 429-431. Bourneville, \Ilfsiu' Mar/loin'], A Dardel, . Epilepsie consecutive a une fievre typhoide. Proxies Med., 7, 1898, 177-181. Bourneville, \I>i~sir<: Miir/Ioir,'], & Noir, J[ulieii]. Hydro- cephalie. Progres Med., 12, 1900, 17-23. Bourneville, \I>i'x/n' Mini/niri'], A Schwartz, . Nou- velle contribution a 1'etude de la pseudo-poreucephalie et de la porencephalie vraie. Progres Med., 8, 1898, 169- 176, 201-206. Bourneville, [Lii'xirr Miiiiluire], A Sollier, Paul. Des anomalies des organes genitaux chez les idiots et les epileptiques. Progres Med., 7, 1888, 125-132. — Epilepsie et asymetrie fronto-t'aciale. Progres Med., 8, 1888, 172-175. Bournot, A<1. Wolkenbruch. Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1895), 432. Bournoville, /'.. it Carriere, (i[eorges], Sec Carriere it Bournoville. Bourns, Frank S., A Worcester, Ileun C. Preliminary notes on the birds and mammals collected by the Menage Scientific Expedition to the Philippine Islands. Minn. Ac. Sci. Dec. Pap., 1. A'o. 1, 1894, 04 pp. See also Worcester & Bourns. Bourot, , it Jean, Fenlinniid. Etiule sur la digesti- bilite du beurre de coco et drt beurre de vache. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 587-590. Bourquelot, Entile. Des caracteres qui peuvent servir i distinguer la pepsine de la trypsine. Jl. Pharm., Id, 1884, 177-187. — Le microbe du lait bleu. Rev. Sci., 33, 1884, 427-432. — Reckerehes sur les phenonienes de la digestion chez les Mollusques Cephalopodes. Arch. Zool. Exper. , 3, 1885, 1-73. — La digestion des matieres grasses. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1885, 530-538. — Sur la fermentation alcoolique Elective. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1404-1406, 1466-1469. — Sur la composition et la fermentation du suere interverti. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 68-70, 958-960. — Sur 1'identite de la diastase chez les differents etres vivants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 73-76. — Sur la fermentation alcoolique elective.... Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 191-195, 221-223, 356-359. — Recherclies sur la fermentation alcoolique d'un melange de deux sucres. Ann. Chim., 9, 1886, 245-275. — Sur la preparation du galactose. Jl. Pharm., 13, 1886, 51-54. — Les microbes de la fermentation alcoolique du lait : le ke'phir. Jl. Pharrn., 13, 1886, 232-246; Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 172-177. — Recherclies sur les proprietes physiologiques du maltose. Robin, .11. Anat., 22, 1886, 162-204. — Emploi de la photographic microscopique pour la distinction et 1'etude de quelques especes de sucre. Ass. Franc. C. H., 1887 (Pt. 1), 203. — Recherches sur le galactose et 1'arabinose. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 338-354. — Sur quelques points relatifs a 1'action de la salive sur le grain d'amidon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 71-74; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 13-16. — Sur la composition du grain d'amidon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 177-180; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 32-34. — Sur les caracteres de raffaiblissemeut eprouve par la diastase sous 1'action de la chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 576-579 ; Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1 (1887), 337- 346; Jl. Pharm., 15, 1887, 403-407. — Kecherches sur la fermentation alcoolique du galactose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 6 1888 (C. R.), 47-51. Examen chimique et physiologique du sue gastrique. Jl. Pharm., 17, 1888, 367-375. Sur la fermentation alcoolique du galactose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 283-286. Recherches sur les matieres sucrees de quelques especes de champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 568-570; Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 369-374. — Des modifications determinees par la vegetation dans la nature des sucres chez les champignons. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1890 {Pt. 1), 195. — Sur la nature et les proportions des matieres sucrfes contenues dans les champignons a differents ages. Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 497-502. — Sur la presence et la disparitiou du trehalose dans les champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 534-536; Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890. 413-416; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. R.), 522-524. — Les matieres sucrees chez les champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 578-580; Rev. Mycol., 12, 1890, 117-160. — Repartition des matieres sucrees dans les differentes parties d'un champignon. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 231. — Sur la presence de Famidon dans un champignon appartenant a la famille des Polyporees, le Boletus pachypus, Fr. Jl. Pharm., 24, 1891, 197-199. — Sur la repartition des matieres sucrees dans le cepe comestible (Boletus edulis, Bull.), et le cepe orange (Boletus aurantiacus, Hull.). Jl. Pharm., 24, 1891, 521- 524; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 785-788. — Sur un artifice facilitant la recherche du trehalose dans les champignons. Jl. Pharm., 24, 1891, 524-526; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 78H-789. — Sur la repartition des matieres sucrees dans les differentes parties du cepe comestible (Boletus edulis, Bull.). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 749-751. — Sur !a production de la trehalose par une ruoisissure cultivee en milieu artificiel. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 1), 180. — Sur la volemite, nouvelle matiere sucree retiree d'un champignon. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 1), 183. Sur le mecanisme et 1'epoque de la formation de la trehalose dans qnelques champignons. Ass. Fraur. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 1), 217-218. — Reuseignements sur un empoisonnement par les cham- pignons survenu a Jurancon (pres Pau) le 16 septembre 1892. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 1), 223; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 529-535. Presence et role de 1'emulsine dans quelques cham- pignons parasites des arbres. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 1), 229. — Sur 1'epoque de la formation des divers ferments de 1'Aspergillus niger. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 1), 236. — Sur 1'epoque de 1'apparition du trehalose dans les champignons. .71. Pharm., 27. 1893, 113-120. — Sur 1'inuline de 1'Atractylis. Jl. Pharm., 28, 1893, 60. — Snr un ferment soluble nnuveau dedoublant le tre- halose en glucose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 116, 1893, 826-828; Jl. Pharm., 27, 1893. 497-502; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 425-430. — Inulase et fermentation alcoolique indirecte de 1'inu- line. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1143-1145; Jl. Pharm., 28, 1893, 5-11; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. ,45, 1893 (C. R.), 481-483. — Presence d'un ferment analogue a 1'emulsine dans les champignons, et en particulier dans les champignons parasites des arbres ou vivant sur le bois. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 383-386; Jl. Pharm., 28, 1893, 385-390. — Remarques sur les ferments solubles secretes par 1'Aspergillus niger, I1. Tgh. et le Penicillium glaucum, Bourquelot] 736 [Bourquelot Lin!;. 654. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 653- — Presence et role de 1'emulsine dans quelques chum- pignons parasites des arbres ou vivant sur le bois. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 804-806. — Sur la nature des hydrates de carbone insolubles entrant dans la composition du Lactaire poivre. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, 254-257. — Sur la presence de 1'ether methylsalicylique dans quelques plantes indigenes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 119, 1894. 802-804; Jl. Pharm., 30. 1894, 433-430; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, xxxvii-xl. — Sur la recherche de la trypsiue. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. It.), 417-418. — Sur le trehalose des champignons, a propos d'une note de M. WISTEBSTEIN. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894. 353-356. — Reactions d'identite de quelqnes medicaments gale- niques officinaux. .11. Pharm.. 1, 1895, 3G1-367. — Maltase et fermentation alcoolique du maltose. Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895, 97-105. — Sur la volemite, nouvelle inatiere sucr^e. Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895, 385-390. — Remarque sur la consommatiou du maltose pai 1< - etres vivants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 474-475. — Remarques sur la maltase et la fermentation alcoolique du maltose (a propos d'une note re'cente de M. Emile FISCHER). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 512-514. - Maltose et trehalose. Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 513- 519. — Sur 1'hydrolyse du raffinose (melitose) par les ferments solubles. Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 390-394. — Nouvelles recherches sur les ferments oxydants des champignons. Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 145-150, 241-248, 440-447; 5, 1897, 8-15. — Ferments solubles oxydants et medicaments. Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 481-485. — Sur la presence, dans le Monotropa hypopithys, d'un glucoside de Tether methylsalicylique et sur le ferment hydrolysant de ce glucoside. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1002-1004; Ass. Franc. C. R., 1896 (Pt. I), 180- 181; Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 577-582; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 315-317. — Influence de la reaction du milieu sur 1'activite du ferment oxydant des champignons. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 260-263; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 825-828. — Des composes oxydables sous Finfluence du ferment oxydant des champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 315-317. — Action du ferment soluble oxj'dant des champignons sur les phenols insolubles dans Teau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 423-425. — Sur 1'hydrolyse du rallinose (melitose) par 1'Asper- gillus niger. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 205-207. — Actions successives d'un ferment soluble hydratant et d'uu ferment soluble oxydant. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 314-315. — Les ferments oxydants dans les champignons. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 It1. R.), 811-813. — Sur quelques proprietes des solutions aqueuses chloro- formees de ferment oxydaut des champignons, et sur la duree de 1'activite de ces solutions. Paris. Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. /?.), 893-895. — Sur 1'emploi du ga'iaeol comme reactif des ferments oxydants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. K.}, 896-897. — Sur le role des ferments oxydants et des substances oxydantes dans la pratique phavmaceutique. Congr. Int. Mexl. C. 11., 1897 (Vol. 2, .SVcf. 4c), 16-17. — Sur 1'Amanita phalloi'des, Fries. [JIV/// ilixi'inxiun.] Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 4ft. 24-25. — Sur Torigiue de la coloration de qertaines gommes. .11. Pharm., 5, 1897, 164-167. — Remarques sur les matieres oxydante< que Ton pent rencontrer chez les etres vivants. Jl. Pharm. , 5, 1897, 465-472; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 ((.'. R.), 402- 406, 687-689. — Sur la presence de ferments oxydants dans quelques substances medieamenteuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 25-28. — Sur quelques proprieties du carmin d'indigo qui le rapprochent des ferments oxydauts naturels. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.). 453-454. Sur la duree de 1'activite des ferments oxvdants des champignons en solution dans la glycerine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 {C. R.\. 4.>i-455 • Remarques a 1'occasion de la communication de MM. ABELOUS et BiAn\f:s. [Nouvelles experiences sur 1'oxydase des mammiferes.] Paris, Soo. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 509-51(1. — Sur la physiologic du gentianose; son dedoublement par les ferments solubles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1045-1047 ; Jl. Pharm., 7. 1898, 369-372. — Sur quelques points relatifs a la physiologic du gi'iitianose et sur 1'hydrolyse de ce sucre par Tinvertine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 ((.'. /(.), 200-201. Remarques a propos de la communication de 31. G. LINOSSIER sur les ferments oxydmts. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 381-382. - Snr la composition des nlbumeus comes. Ass. Frane. C. R., 1899 (Ft. 1), 256-257. — Remarques sur les matieres oxydantes des plantes vasculaires. Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 390-393. — Sur les pectines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1241-1244; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 563-568; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 1C. R.), 301-863. — Etude chimique et physiologique de 1'albumen de la graine de caneticier (Cassia fistula, /,.). Paris, Soc. Biol. (V,<(. Jnbil.), 1899, 388-394. — Etude sur les alterations des medicaments par oxyda- tion. Congr. Int.. Med. C. R.. 1900 (Vol. 6), 110-117. Bourquelot, Kmile, & Bertrand, Hiil/rii'l [Kmile]. La laccase dans les champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 783-786. — Le bleuissement et le noircissement des champignons. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.). 582-584. — Les ferments oxydants dans les champignons. Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 97-102. — Sur la coloration des tissus et du sue de certains champignons au contact de 1'air. Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 177-182. ,S'(v (//.<» Bertrand it Bourquelot. Bourquelot, Emit*', it Bougault, ./[osc/i//]. Sur quelques uouvelles reactions de 1'aeide cyanhydrique ; influence de cet acide et de la chaleur sur 1'actiou oxydante du sulfate de cuivre. Paris, Sue. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 498-500. Bourquelot, Entile, A Dastre, A[lliert Jules Frank]. Set Dastrc A Bourquelot. Bourquelot, Entile, & Galippe, I". Note sur 1'emploi des riltres en terre poreuse pour la sterilisation a froid des liquides organiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 111-114. — Puissance de penetration des filaments rnyceliens de divers champignons (Penicillium Aspergillus) a travers les bourres de colon sterilise et les bougies-filtres en terre poreuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 605-606. — Sni In permeability des riltres en terre poreuse a 1'egar.l .les bactenes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 4S3.. Bourquelot, Kinil,-. ,V Gley, /-.'[ nii'r nr\. Sur les proprietfe Bourquelotl [Boursault d'un liquide eonsidere commc provenant d'une fistule pancreatique chez 1'homme. JI. Pharm., 1, 1895, 441- 443. — Action du se'rum sanguin sur la matiere glycogene et sin- la maltose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 247-250. — Note concernant 1'action du serum sanguin et de 1'urine sur le trehalose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1896 (C. R.), 515-516, 542. — Digestion du trehalose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 555-557. — Eemarques au sujet de la communication de MM. PAVENIKRE. PORTIER et POZERSKI sur la maltase. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 521-522. Bourquelot, Kinilc, it Graziani, . Sur quelques points rebitifs a la physiologic du Penicillium Duclauxi, Dfli.icr. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 853- M55. Bourquelot, Entile, & Grimbert, Leon. Documents rclatifs au dosage des matieres sucrees. Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 465-47,1. Bourquelot, Entile, & Herissey, Henri. Sur les proprietes de I'emulsine des champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121. 1895, 693-695; Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895, 435-440. — Note concernant 1'action de I'emulsme de 1'Aspergillus niger sur quelques glucosides. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mum., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 578-579. — Arn'-t de la fermentation alcooliqne sous 1'influence de substances se'cre'tfes par une moisissure. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. ft.), 632-635. — Sur I'hydrol yse du melezitose par les ferments solubles. Jl. Pharm'., 4, 1896, 385-387. — Sur la matiere gelatineuse (pectine) de la racine de gentiane. Jl Pharm., 7, 1898, 473-479. — Sur 1'hydrolyse de la pectine de gentiane. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 49-52. — De 1'action des ferments solubles sur les produits pectiques de la racine de gentiane. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898. 145-150. — Tyrosine, leucine et asparagine dans la gousse verte de grosse feve ; cause du noircissement de cette gousse i la maturite. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 385-390; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 893-895. — Sur 1'existence, dans Forge germee, d'uu ferment soluble agissant sur la pectine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 127, 1898, 191-194; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50. 1898 (C. R.), 777-779. — Recherche et presence d'un ferment soluble prote'o- hydrolytique dans les champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 666-(5t>9; Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 448-453; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 972-974. — Sur la presence d'asparagine dans la gousse de grosse feve. Pans, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 948. — Sur la pectine cle groseille ii maquereau (Kibes grossu- laria, £.). Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 281-286. — Sur la membrane cellulaire de la racine de gentiaue. Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 330-331. — Sur la pectine du cynorrhodou. Jl. Pharm., 10. 1899, 5-10. — Sur la composition de 1'albumen de la graine de caronbier; production de galactose et de mannose par hydrolyse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 228-231, 391-393; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 153-160, 249-255; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 688-691. — Sur le dosage du manuose melange 4 d'autres sueres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 339-341 ; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 206-209. — Germination de la graine de caroubier ; production de mannose par un ferment soluble. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129,,1899. 614-616; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 438-444. - Etude chimique des transformations de 1'albumen de la graine de caroubier pendant la germination. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 783-735. R. S. A. C. — Sur les ferments solubles produits, pendant la germina- tion, par les graines a albumen corne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 42-44; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1900. 104-111. — Sur 1'indiviclualite' de la seminase, ferment soluble secrete par les graines de Legumineuses a albumen corne pondant la germination. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 340-342; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1900, 357-36 1; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 114-117. — Les hydrates de carbone de reserve des graines de luzerne et de fenugrec. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. R., 130, 1900, 731-733; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1900, 589-595; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 237-239. • Sur la preparation de la gentiopicrine, glucoside de la raciue fraiche de gentiane. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 113-115; Jl. Pharm., 12, 1900, 421-426. — Sur la presence simultanee de saccharose et de gentia- nose dans la racine fraiche de gentiane. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 750-752. — Sur la presence de seminase dans les graines a albumen corne au repos. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 903- 905. Bourquelot, Entile, & Laurent, Jules. Sur la composition des albumens de la feve de Saint-Ignace et de la noix vomique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1411-1413; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.}, 477-479. — Sur la nature des hydrates de carbone de reserve de la feve de Saint-Iguace et de la noix vomique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 276-278; Jl. Pharm., 12, 1900, 313-320. Bourquelot, Entile, & Nardin, L. Sur la preparation du gentianose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 280-281 ; Jl. Pharm. ,1, 1898, 289-292. Bourquelot, Emile, & Troisier, E[mile]. Recherches stir 1'assimilation du sucre de lait. Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 277-282; Paris, Soc. Biol. Me'm., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 142-145. Bourqui, ( '. Contributions a 1'^tude des petroles roumains. Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 9, 1900, 315-385. Bourquin, A[lcide], Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlorzink auf Salicyl- und Paraoxybenzaldehyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 502-504. Bourquin, Eni/., & Roilicr, Louis. Notice sur les gise- ments anortnaux des tranchees de la gare de La Chaux- de-Fonds. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 2s, 1900, 80-85. Bourret, , Sabrazes, J. , A Legor, . ,SVc Sabrazes, Bourret it Leger. Bourrieres, . Pluie de soufre. Astronomic, 1887, 272-273. — Evenements meteorologiques importants, survenus au Quercy depuis 1'ere chretienne jusqu'en 1600. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 37, 1889, 93-95. Bourrit , A . Note sur des cas de nidification anormale du martin-peeheur (Alcedo ispida). [1900.] Oruis, 10, 1899, 190. Bourru, H[enri]. Le long-King. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 11, 1884, 16-29, 220-227, 317-325. Bourru, II[enri], & Burot, [Prosper] F[errliiiiiinl\. De 1'action des substances medicamenteuaes et toxiques a distance. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1885 (Pt. 1), 189. — Hemorrhagie de la peau provoquee par la suggestion en somnambulisrne. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C'. R.), 461-462. • Les variations de la personnalite". Ass. Franc. C. R., 1886 (Pt. 2), 739-748. Bourru, H[enri], Grimaux, [Louis] Edouanl, it L.ihonlc, •/. V. See Grimaux, Laborde it Bourru. Bourru, H[enri], Laborde, J. I'., & Grimaux, [Louis] Edonard. See Laborde, Grimaux it Bourru. Boursault, Henri. Nouvelles empreiutes problematiques des couches Boloniennes du Portel (Pas-de-Calais). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 725-729. — Fossiles nouveaux des couches Boloniennes du Portel (Pas-de-Calais). Naturaliste, 12, 1890, 41-43. 93 Boursault] 738 [Boussinesq — Composition de quelques roches du nord de la France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 733-735. — Craie magnesienne des environs de Guise (Aisne). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1467-1409. — Sur une grotte dVt'fondrement a Coyolles (Aisne). Paris, Sor. (u'ol. Bull., 28, 1900, ill-'.rj. Boursier, Antlri. Tumeur anevrysmale de la carotide. [U'lth ilifciixiiioii.} Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1890, 284-324. Boursier, Amln', it Ulonod, Eut/. Note sur les kystes mueo-dermoides de 1'ovaire. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 6, Sect. 13), 201-214, (To/. 7), Ivi. Boury, F.imi u<: de. Descriptions de Scalariidte nouveaux. .11. de Conch., 32, 1884, 134-164. — Observations sur quelques especes uouvelles du bassin de Paris, decrites par 31. le marquis DE RAIXCOURT. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 667-670. — Liste ile quelques especes rares recueillies a Cuise- Lamotte. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 670-G72. Sur 1'extension des sables de Guise et du calcaire de Saint-Ouen aux environs de Magny. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 673-676. Nouvelles observations sur 1'Acirsa subdecussata, Cantraine, up. Jl. de Conch., 33, 1885, 96-99. — Revision dea Scalidie Miocenes et Pliocenes de 1'Italie. Bull. Malacol. Ital., 14, 1889, 161-32C,. — Observations sur quelques Scalidae du bassin de Paris et description d'une espece noiivelle. Jl. de Conch., 38, 1890, 139-143. — Etude critique des Scalidse Miocenes et Pliocenes d'ltalie decrits on cites par les auteurs et description d'especes nouvelles. [1891.] Bull. Malacol. Ital., 15, 1890, 81-213. — Revision des Pleurotomes Eocenes du bassin de Paris. [1899.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 29, 1898-99, 33-46, 62-65, 83-88, 103-107, 115-123, 130-134, 153-160, 172- 174. Boury, Kn/ii'iie de, & Dautzenberg, Pliilijipe. See Dautzenberg ,\ Boury. Bousfield, Filuiird C. The Victorella pavida of Saville KENT. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 401-407. — On the annelids of the genus Dero. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1097-1098. — On Slavina and Ophidonais. Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.t, 19, 1886, 261-268. — Photomicrographs of Amphipleura pellucida. Micr. Soc. .11., 1887, 357-358. — Du contraste photomicrographique. [1888.] Ann. Microgr., [1] (1888-89), 71-74. — The natural liistory of the genus Dero. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zvol.), 20, 1890, 91-107. Bouska, F. II'., A Weems, J. II. Nee Wecms & Bouska. Bouskell, Frank. Notes on an entomological ramble in the New Forest and neighbourhood. [1893.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1895, 115-116. — Urtication in certain lepidopterous larvae: its cause and effect. [1894.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1895, 370-374. — A day at Lymington salterns after Coleoptera. [1896.] Ent. Record, 7, 1895-96, 253-254. — Collecting Coleoptera in the New Forest, Whitsuntide, 1896. Eut. Record, 8, 1896, 2117-298. — Parthenogenesis in insects. [1896.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 136-137, 418-427. — The disappearance of certain species of insects, with notes on their slaughter and protection. [1*96.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 267-275. — [Notes on Coleoptera.] [1896.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 28 1-283. — [Some supposed causes of variation from a coleopterist's point of view.] [1897.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 351-353. — [Excursion to Wicken Fen.] [1897.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 494-495. — Leicestershire Coleoptera in 1897. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 19-22. — Notes on some aberrations of Osphya bipuuctata, Fab. Ent. Record, 11, 1899. 266-267. — [Whitsuntide excursion to the New Forest.] [l*'.i-i.| Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 201-202. — Aberrations, varieties and species. [189!!.] Leicester Soe. Trans , 5, 1901, 257--'".- — Stray notes in and about the New Forest: its origin and natural history. [1900.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901. 459-469. — Coleoptera parasitic on or found with Hymenoptera. [1900.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 615. Bouskell, I-'ninl;. & Headly, C. />'. A list of the Macro- Lepidoptera of Leicestershire. [1*91.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 311-332. — A few notes on the distribution and variation of the Leicestershire Macro-Lepidoptera. [1891.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 365-370. Bousquet, [Ji'iin Marie Hippolyte]. Tumeur variqueuse des ganglions et vaisseaux lymphatiques de 1'aine droite. Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mern., 10, 1884, 375-378. — Des pansemeuts antiseptiques en chirurgie d'armee. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires. 5, 1885, 350-353. — [De la deformation des projectiles sur les pieces du squelette. Indications que Ton peut tirer de ces deforma- tions relativement au diagnostic des fractures.] Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem., 11, 1885, 626-633. Bousquet, F. Sur le point de congelation du serum sanguin dans certains etats pathologiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (r. /;.), 101-103. Bousquet, F., & Sabrazes, Jean [Emile]. .SYt> Sabrazes .V' Bousquet. Bousquet, /•'., it Vaquez, Henri. See Vaquez & Bousquet. Bousquet, [/.«'(' '"'1 ll[enri]. For biographical notici gee Mauritius Roy. Soc. Trans., 16, 1885, 65-72. Boussemaer, A. Note sur les couches superieures du Mont Aigu. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11. 1884, 243-245, 381-384. La colline de Mons-en-Barceul. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 12, 1885, 3(12-304. — Sur le Pauiselien du Mont-des-Chats. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 16, 1889, lls-122. Boussinesq, [I'ulentin] .f[r>sepli]. Complement a de pi< rr denies notes sur la poussee des terres. Ann. Pouts et Chauss., 7 [1884). 443-4X1. — Sur hi poussee d'une masse de sahle, a surface superieure honzontale, contre une paroi verticals ou inclinee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, (167-670. — Sur la poussee d'une masse de snble, a surface superieure horizontale, contre une paroi vertieale dans le voisinage de laquelle son angle de frottement interieur est suppose croitre legerement d'apres une certaine loi. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. II., 98, 1884, 720-723. — Calcul approche de la poussee et de la surface de rupture, dans nn tenv-plcin horizontal homogi'-ne, con- ten u par mi mur vertical. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884. 790-793. — Sur le principe iln piisiiio de plus graude pou>s. r. pos£ par COULOMB dans la throne de i'rqiiilibii'-limite des terres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., '.18, 1884, 901-904, 975-978. — Remarque relative a la vitesse de propagation de 1'in- tumesceuce produite dans 1'oceau Indien par 1'eruption de Krakatoa. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., '.is. 1884, 1251-1252. — Application des potentiels a 1'etude de I'equilibre et du inouvement des sohdes elastiques, principalement au calcul des deformations et des pressions que produisent, dans ces solides, des efforts quelconques exerces sur une petite partie de leur surface ou de leur interieur; inemoire suivi de notes etendues sur divers points de physique Boussinesq] 73entes : verifica- tions relatives au debit et a la contraction inferieure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, (1(53-669. Verifications experimentales de la theorie des dever- soirs a nappe noyee en dessous ou adherente : verifications relatives aux pressions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 707-711. — Sur la theorie de Tecoulement par un deversoir a nappe deprimee ou noyee en dessous, dans le cas ou mie armature horizontale rend la contraction inferieure maximum. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 771-771'.. — Sur la forme necessairement pendulaire de la houle de mer, quant a Texpression des deplacements de chaque particule en fonction du temps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1-2(1, 1895, 1240-1246. — Sur la forme necessairement pendulaire des deplace- ments dans la houle de mer, meme quand on ne neglige plus les termes non linlaires des equations du mouvement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 1310-1315. — Sur Textinction graduelle de la houle de mer anx grandes distances de son lieu de production : formation des equations du problerne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 1381-1386. — Lois de Textinction d'une houle simple en haute mer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 15-19. — Sur la inaniere dont se regularise au loin, en s'y r&luisant a une houle simple, toute agitation confuse mais peiiodique des flots. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 85-88. — Theorie de Tecoulement tourbillonnant et tumultueux des liquides dans les lits rectilignes a grande section (tuyaux de conduite et canaux decouverts), quand cet ecoulement s'est regularise en un regime uniforme, e'est- a-dire moyennement pareil a travers toutes les sections normales du lit. Paris, Ac. Sci. C.R., 122, 1896, 1289-1295. — FormulcB des pressions moyennes locales, dans un Ihiide anime de mouvements tourbillonnants et tumul- tueux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1369-1375. — Expression du frottement exterieur dans Tecoulement tumultueux d'un fluide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 114.5-1451. — Formules du coefficient des frottements interieurs, dans Tecoulement tumultueux graduellement varie des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1517-1523. — Lois generates du regime uniforme dans les lits a grande section. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 7-13. — Du regime uniforme dans les cauaux rectangulaires larges et dans les tuyaux ou canaux a section circulaire ou demi-circulaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 77-83. — Lois de deuxieme approximation du regime uniforme, dans les tuyaux circulaires et dans les canaux demi- circulaires. 'Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 141-147. — Ecoulement graduellement varie des liquides dans les lits a srande secti»n; equations fondameutales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1196-1202. - Theorie generale des regimes graduellemeut varies dans Tecoulement tourbillonnant des liquides : formules de premiere approximation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1261-1267. — Verification experimentale de la theorie de Tecoule- ment graduellement varie dans les canaux decouverts. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1327-1333. — Expression des petites composantes trausversales de la vitesse dans les ecoulements graduellement varies des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1411-1416. — Parties tournantes des composantes transversales de la vitesse, dans un ecoulement permanent graduellement varie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E.. 124, 1897. 1492-1497. — 1 listribution des vitesses a travers les grandes sections, dans les ecoulements graduellement varies, et equation du mouvement anx degres d'approximation superieurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 6-12. — Theorie approchee du passage d'un regime graduelle- ment varie a un regime rapidement varie ou rice versa. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 69-75. — Etablissement du regime uniforme, dans un tuvau ;Y section rectangulaire large. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1!.. 125, 1897, 142-147. Etablissement du regime uniforme dans un tuyau a section circulaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 203-209. — Eelation qui existe, dans la bicyclette roulant sur un sol horizontal, entre le mouvement de progression et le mouvement d'inclinaison. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 127, 1898, 843-848. Apercu sur la theorie de la bicvclette : equilibre du cavalier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 895-899. — Apercu sur la theorie de la bicyclette. Liouville, .11. Math., 5, 1899, 117-135, 217-232. — De Feffet produit, sur le mouvement d'inclinaison d'une bicyclette en rnarcbe, par les deplacements lateraux que s'imprime le cavalier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 766-771. — Calcul, dans une hypothese simple, du deplaeement lateral que doit s'imprimer le cavalier, sur une bicyclette en marche, pour porter le centre de gravite du systeme a une petite distance horizontale voulue de la base de la bicyclette. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128. 1899. 859-862. — Ce que devient un systeme d'ondes planes lateralement indefinies, clans un milieu transparent isotrope, mais heterogene, forme de couches planes et paralleles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1-29, 1899, 794-71)9. — Propagation, dans un milieu transparent heterogene, d'un piiKvau lateralement limite de lumiere uuralliMe: intetJi-atinn des equations du mouvement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 129, 1899, 859 -si; I. — Justification du principe de FKKMAT sur Teconomie du temps, dans la transmission du niouvemeut lumineux a travers un milieu hi'ti'mgenc, d'ailleurs transparent et isotrope. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 905-911. Boussinesqj 741 [Boutineau — Reduction de certains problemes d'echauffement ou de refVoidissement par rayonnement, an cas plus simple de 1'ecliaufiVmeut ou du refroidissement des rnernes corps par contact : echniiffement d'un raur d'epaisseur indetinie. l';ui-. Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1.179-1583. Probleme du refroidissement de la croute terrestre, traite an meme point de vue que 1'a fait FOURIER, mais par une methode d'intejiration beaucoup plus simple. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1652-1658. — Probleme du refroidissement d'un mur par rayonne- ment, ramene an cas plus simple oil le refroidissement annul lieu par contact. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1731-1736. — Echauffement permanent rnais inegal, par rayoune- rnent, d'un mur d'epaisseur iudefinie, ramene au cas d'un echauffement analogue par contact. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 11-13. — Probleme de I'echauffement permanent d'une sphere par rayonuernent, ramene au probleme plus simple de rechanffement de la merne sphere par contact. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 81-86. Boussingault, [Jcnn Baptist?] Joseph [Dieudomie]. For biography and list of works see Amer. Jl. Pharm., 59, 1887, 431; Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 289-318; Ann. di Cliim., 5, 1887, 389; Chem. News, 5.5, 1887, 243; Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, (',03; Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegua, 1, 1887, 301-303; Deutsch. Bot. Ges Ber., 5, 1887, ix-xxxiii; Leopoldina, 23, 1887, 112; Nature, 36, 1887, 134-135; Pharm. Jl., 17, 1887, 988; Rev. Sci., 40, 1887, 33-J6; 41, 1888. 372-373; Agr. Stud. Gaz., 3, 1886-88, 124-125; Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 383-387; Chem. Soc. Jl., 53, 1888, 509—513; Geogr. Jbnch., 12,1888, 357; Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1888, 466-467 ; Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 27, 1888, ,287; Ann. Couserv. Arts et Met., 7, 1895, 173- 200; St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min.. 14, 1900, 464-466. — Sur la temperature de la grele. Ann. Chirn., 3, 1884, 42,1-429. — Rapport sur la constitution des vins provenant de 1'Exposition Universelle de 1878. France Soc. Agr. Mem., 129, 1884, 149-232. Boussus. -I/., A Hubert, E. d'. See Hubert * Boussus. Boutan, K. Sur 1'etat actuel des mines de diamant du Cap. [1889.] Genie Civil, 14, 1888-89, 196-202. Boutan, Louis. Sur le systems nerveux du Parmophorus australis (Scutus). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 1385- 1387. — Recherches sur 1'anatomie et le developpement de la Fissurelle. Comparaison de la Fissurelle avec les types voisins. Arch. Zool. Exper., 3 bis, 1885, Mem. 4, 173 pp. — Sur le systeme nerveux d'une Fissurelle (Fissurella alternata). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 467-469. — Sur le tube digestif, le corps de BOJANUS, les organes genitaux, et la ponte de la Fissurelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 388-391. — Sur le developpement de la Fissurelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 710-712. — Recherches sur 1'anatomie et le developpement de la Fissurelle. Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 754-756. — Contribution a 1'etude de la masse nerveuse ventrale (cordons palleaux-visceraux) et de la collerette de la Fissurelle. Arch. Zool. Exper., 6, 1888, 375-421. — Les balayeurs de la plage. La nasse. [1888.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 34-38. — Quelques details sur les moeurs de 1'Ephippigere, Ephippiger rugosicollis (Serv.), Orthoptere de la tribu des Locustiens. Rev. Biol. N. France, Fll, 1889 406- 413. — Le systeme nerveux du Parmophorus (Scutus) dans ses rapports avec le manteau, la collerette (mauteau inferieur) et le pied. Rev. Biol. N. France, [2], 1890, 449-478. — Le manteau et la coquille du Parmophorus australis (Scutus). Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 271-276. — Excursion zoologique a la montagne de Hummour ul Faroun (montagne des Bains de Pharaon). Arch. Zool. Exper., 10, 1892, 1-22. Sur le developpement de L'Haliotide et sur 1'utilite du scaphandre dans les recherches zoologiques. Ass. Franc. C. R,, 1892 (Pt. 2), 522-525 Sur le systeme nerveux de la Nerita polita. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 114. 1892, 1133-1135. Voyage dans la mer Rouge. [1892.] Rev. Biol. N. France, 4, 1892, 173-183, 210-223, 2H6-272, 351-362, 403-410, 463-468, 502-510; 5, 1893, 40-44, 53-69. — Jlemoire sur le systeme nerveux de la Nerita polita et de la Navicella porcellaua. Arch. Zool. Exper., 1, 1893, 221-266. — Mernoire sur la photographic sous-marine. Arch. Zool. Exper., 1, 1893, 281-324. — Sur la photographic sous-marine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 286-289. — Mernoire sur les Reptiles rapportes de S3Trie par le Dr. Th. BABROIS. lre partie. Genre Ptyodactyle. Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 329-345, 369-384, 444-448. — Emploi du scaphaudre pour les etudes zoologiques et la photographic sous-marine. Rev. Sci., 1, 1894, 481-490. — Recherches sur le byssus des Lamellibranches. Arch. Zool. Exper., 3, 1895, 297-338. — Sur le mode de fixation des Acephales a 1'aide du byssus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 208-210. — L'organe glandulaire peripherique de 1'Helciou pellu- cid um (Lin.). Arch. Zoul. Exper., 5, 1897, 437-482. — Les bacs-tiltres du Laboratoire de Rosooff pour I'elevage des embryous. Arch. Zool. Exper., 6, 1898, xvii-xx. — Mceurs de 1'Eolis papillosa, Liiate. Arch. Zool. Exper., 6, 1898, xxxvii-xlii. — Sur le d^veloppement de 1'Acmtea virgiuea. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 126, 1898, 1887-1889. — L'instantane dans la photographic sous-marine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 731-733; Arch. Zool. Exp^r., 6, 1898, 299-330. Production artiticielle des perles chez les Haliotis. — Sur la forme larvaire du Parmophore C. R., 113, 1891, 92-94. Paris, Ac. Sci. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 828-830. — La cause principale de I'asyuietrie des Mollusques Gasteropodes. Arch. Zool. Exper., 7, 1899, 203-342. Boutan, Louis, & Kacovitza, Kmile G. Sur la peche pela- gique en profondeur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 174-176. Boutelle, C[harles] O[tis]. For biographical notice see Amer. Ac. Proc., 26, 1891, 351-353 ; Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 11, 1892, 466-470. — Water-waves from Krakatoa. Science, 3, 1884, 777. — On a geodetic survey of the United States. Science, 7, 1886, 460-461. Boutet, J. F. Analyse des eaux miuerales de Saint- Nectaire (Puy-de-D6me) et travaux d'analyse spectrale. Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 536-561. — Analyse des eaux potables de Royat (Puy-de-D6ine). Ann. Cliim., 7, 1886, 562-570. — Etude experiinentale sur les meilleurs rnoyens de produire des sons purs et constants dans des tuyaux et s[.ecialemeut sur 1'intiuence de la matiere, de la forme, du diametre et de 1'epaisseur des orifices sonores. Ann. Chim., 9, 1886, 406-422. Bouthillier de Beaumont. ,'. Beaumont, Henry Ilutithillier tie. Boutigny, [Jean Francois Desire]. For biographical notice se<' Rev. Bot., 3, 1884-85, 287. Boutin, A. Developpemeut de fj.v en fraction continue. Mathesis, 17, 1897, 8-13. — Sur une equation de PELL. Mathesis, 18, 1898, 159- 161. Boutineau, E. Des eaux de la region de Gabes. Arch. Jled. Pharm. Militaires, 15, 1890, 201-211. Boutineau] 742 [Bouty Boutineau, /•.'., it Fray, J. L'oasis de Gabes au puint ilc vue agricole. France Soc. Agr. Mem., 133, 1889, 515-577 ; Lynn Soc. Agr. Ann., 3, 1891, 1-64. Boutmy, //., & Nciicki, ,V[,ircf/]. ,SV<- Nencki it Boutmy. Bouton, Cliarli-.i L\<'"iii>c]. * Barbier A Bouveault. Bouveault, Louis, & Hanriot, Muiirii-,'. ,S'tv Hanriot A: Bouveault. Bouveault, f.'inix, A Rousset, /,. Preparation de 1'alde- hyde valerianique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894. 300-302. Bouveanlt, Louis, & Wahl, Anilrr R. Sur la nitration directe dans la serie grasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 131, 1900, 6*7-689. -- Constitution des derives nitres du dinietliylacrylate d'ethyle; nitroacetate d'ethyle. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. li.. 131, 1900, 748-750. — Action des r^actifs reducteurs sur les deux ethers nitrodimethylacrvliques isomeres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K , 131, 1900, 1211-1213. Bouveret, L[e«;i]. Asphyxie locale des extremites chez nne femme atheroiuateuse. [18S4.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1885, 41-50. — Appareil pour la transfusion du sang permettant en meiue temps I'injectiou intra-veineuse d'une solution saline. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1885, 73-S4. — Etudes etiologiques sur les foyers choleriques de 1'Ardeche. [1884.] I,yon Soe. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1885, 320-433. — Snr le diagnostic de 1'estomac biloculaire par 1'in- sufflation. [1896.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 36, 1897, 3-12. Bouveret, L[/'on], & Devic, [K.]. Sur la pathogenic de la tetanie d'origine gastrique. [1891.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. li.}, 823-828; Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 31, 1892 (C. R.), 233-235. Bouverie, //. //. P. [Daylight meteor, Jan. 9, 1900, Lewes.] [1900.] Nature,' 61 (1899-1900), 279-280. Bouvet, E. *[Notes meteorologiques.] Saiiit-Servan (Ille- et-Vilaini'). Kranee Soc. Me'teorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 7, 1874. Pt. 2, 18, 30, 40, 52, 62-63, 75, 87-SS, '.17, 114- 115; 8, 1876, Pt. 2, 7, 29, 55-56, 80-81, 110-111, 1311, 162, 187-188, 218, 269-270, 276-277, 307; 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 8, 36, 66-67, 97, 132, 163-164, 196-197. - *Note sur les isothennes et les isochimene-s de la France. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 (Bull.), 76-78, 141; 27, 1879 (Hull.]. 243-246. - *[Observatious sur le climat de Brest.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., •_'">, 1877 (Bull.), 252-256. — *Le climat de la Bretagne. France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 28, 1880, 164-199, 356. — Climatologie ahi-egee de Saint-Malo et des environs. France Soc. Meteorol. Auuu., 38, 1890, 163-177. — Variations locales de la temperature (le 31 mai I*'.'-'). France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 40, 1892, 147-149. — Influence reelle des eaux sur la temperature. France Soc. Me.te.orol. Annu., 42, 1894, 105-108. Bouvet, Hi'orges. Catalogue raisonne des plantes utiles et Bouvet] 745 [Bouvier nuisibles de la flore de Maine-et-Loire (programme d'un musee scolaire : botanique). Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, 137-364. Le Musee d'Histoire Naturelle et le Jardin Botanique d'Angers. Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1885, 115-184. — Les Eubus de 1'Anjou. Essai d'une revision syn- thetique. Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 105-174. — Muscinees du departement de Maine-et-Loire (Sphaignes, Mousses, Hepatiques). Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1895, 343-486; 1897, 137-154. — Un poisson nouveau pour nos rivieres, le Lepomis rneKalotis, Rnff. [1900.] Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 255-257. Bouveyron, [Ale.rinuire]. Hiatorique de I'emploi du sul- phate de soude comme hemostatique. [1898.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 38, 1899, 125-132. Bouvier, [Marius]. Observatoire du Mont-Ventoux. Tra- vaux, instruments, paratonnerre. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1885 (Pt. 2), 276-282. Bouvier, E[ngene] L[ouis], Sur le systems nerveux des Buceinides et des Purpurides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 100, 1885, 1509-1512. Sur le systeme nerveux du Buccinum undatum. Paris Soc. Philom. BuU., 9, 1885, 71-75. - Note sur le systeme nerveux des Toxiglosses, et con- siderations generates sur le systeme uerveux des Gaste>o- podes Prosobranches. [1885.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 44-56. — Contributions a 1'etude des Prosobranches Ptenoglosses. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 3, 1886, 77-130. — Observations relatives au systeme nerveux et a certains traits d'organisation des Gasteropodes Scutibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 1177-1180. — La loi des connexions appliquee a la morphologic des organes des Mollusques et partieulierement de 1'Ampul- laire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 162-165. — Sur le systeme nerveux typique des Mollusques Cte'nobranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 938- 939. — Sur le systeme nerveux typique des Prosobranches dextres ou senestres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 1274-1276. — Le systeme nerveux des Turbonide's et des Neritkle's. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 61-67. — Le systeme nerveux et certains traits d'organisation des Neritids et des Heliciuidse. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 93-97. — [Observations sur 1'anatomie du Xenophore et de la Calyptree.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 121- 123. — Observations anatomiques relatives aux Solarides et aux Janthinide's. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 151-156. — Systeme nerveux et morphologic des Cyclobranches. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 34-35. — Observations sur le genre Ceratoptilus cre'e dans la famille des Ce'rithide's. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 36-38. — Besume d'observations faites sur le systeme nerveux des Prosobranches et la formation du systeme uerveux typique des Ctenobranches. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 42-45. — Sur le systeme nerveux chiastoneure des Prosobranches senestres. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 45-48. — Sur la morphologic de 1'Ampullaire. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 92-93. — Systeme nerveux, morphologic generate et classifica- tion des Gasteropodes Prosobranches. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 3, 1887, 510 pp. ; Paris, Hautes Etudes Bibl., 35, 1887 (Art. 1), 405 pp. ; 36, 1887 (Art. I), 110 pp. - Sur ['organisation des Gasteropodes senestres. Natu- raliste, 9, 1887, 18-20. — Sur la pre'tendue glande a venin des Toxiglosses (Mollusques Gasteropodes). Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 168- 171. — Observations sur le systeme nerveux des Prosobranches Tenioglosses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 104, 1887 447- 448. — L'organisation des Volutes compared a celle des Toxi- glosses. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 102- 107. — Sur le systeme nerveux et les deux cordons gauglion- naires pedieux et scalariformes des Cyprees. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 127-128. — Sur la torsion et la symetrie primitive des Gastero- podes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 128-130. — Sur 1'auatomie de 1'Ampullaire. [1887.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 5-7. — Observations anatomiques et systematiques sur quelques families de Mollusques Prosobranches Steno- glosses. France Soc. Malaeol. Bull., 5, 1888 251- 286. — Le mimetisme chez les poissons. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 17-20. — Les rorquals des mers du nord et leurs parasites. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 44-48. — Sur 1'anatomie et les affinities zoologiques des Am- pullaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 106, 1888, 370- 372. — Sur la circulation de 1'ecrevisse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 156-159; Bull. Sci. France Belg., 19, 1888, 289-292. — Sur 1'appareil circulatoire de 1'ecrevisse. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 52-53. — Sur 1'appareil circulatoire du Portunus puber. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 53-55. Sur 1'appareil circulatoire de la langouste (Palinurus vulgaris) et du tourteau (Platycarcinus pagurus). Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, (50-62. — Sur 1'appareil circulatoire des Maia, Grapsus, Steuo- rhynchus, Pagurus, etc. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 62-72. — Le systeme nerveux des Crustaces Decapodes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 111-114. — Sur les glandes salivaires annexes des Muricides. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 118-125. — Etude sur 1'organisation des Ampullaires. Paris Soc. Philom. Mem. Cent., 1888, 63*-85*. — Sur le siphon oesophagien des Marginelles. [1888.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1889, 13-14. Le systeme nerveux des Crustaces Decapodes et ses rapports avec 1'appareil circulatoire. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 7, 1889, 73-106. — Observations anatomiques sur les Cetaces. Congr. Int. Zool. C. B., 1889, 302-304. — Histoire des Janthines. Naturaliste, 11, 1889, 65-66, 85-87. — Sur 1'adaptation des aniuiaux marins a la vie sur terre et dans les eaux donees. Naturaliste, 11, 1889, 242-243. — Sur deux sinus veineux situes dans le foie du Delphinus Delphis. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1889, 60-63. — Observations preliminaires sur 1'organisation de la Dromia vulgaris. [1889.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 28-30. — Sur le cercle circulatoire de la carapace chez les Crustaees Decapodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1890, 1211-1213. — Sur la circulation pulmonaire des crabes terrestres du genre Cardisoma. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. R.), 379-381. — Sur les relations auatomiques entre les Macroures et les Anomoures. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890 (C. R.), 35-36. — Observations eomplemeutaires sur 1'organisation de 94 Bouvier] 746 [Bouvier la Dromia vulgaris. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 44-45. — Sur 1'organisation cle la Gebia deltura. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 46. — Observations preliminaires sur 1'anatomie des Gala- the'es. (Galathea squarnifera.) Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 56. — Note sur FEupagurus anachoretus. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 120-122. Sur un cercle circulatoire annexe chez les Crustaces Decapodes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 135-136. Revision des Cenobites du Museum. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 143-150; 3, 1891 (C. 11., No. 3), 7-8. — Variations progressives de 1'appareil circulatoire arteriel chez les Crustaces Anomoures. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 179-182. — Sur la respiration et quelques dispositions organiques des Paguriens terrestres du genre Cenobite. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 194-197. — Sur le systeme nerveux des Cyprees. Zool. Anz. , 13, 1890, 717-720. Rectification du nom de la Ccenobita rugosa. [1890.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 3, 1891, 21. — Recherches anatomiques sur le systeme arteriel des Crustaces Decapodes. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 11, 1891, 197-282. Sur les branchies des Pagurieus. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 11, 1891, 402. — Observations complementaires sur le systeme nerveux et les affinites zoologiques des Gasteropodes du genre Porcelaine (Cyprtea). Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 12, 1891, 15-37. — Les Glaucothoes sont-elles des larves de Pagures? Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 12, 1891, 65-82. — Recherches auatomiques sur les Gasteropodes prove- ii.-nii des eampagnes du yacht \' Hirondelle . France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 53-56. — Etude de quelques Paguriens recueillis par M. Jules DE GCERNE sur les cotes de France et de Norvege. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 4, 1891, 393-407. — La respiration des Ampullaires. Naturaliste, 13, 1891, 143-147. — Quelques caracteres anatomiques de 1'Hyperoodon rostratus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 563-565. — Sur la graisse du foie des Crustaces Decapodes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 3, 1891, 170-174. — Observations sur 1'anatomie du systeme nerveux de la Limule Polypheme (Limulus Polyphemus, Latr.). Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 3, 1891, 187-198. Quelques observations nouvelles sur reorganisation des Cetaces. [1891.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 4, 1892, (C. R., No. 6), 2-3. — Observations sur les rnueurs des Pagures, faites au Laboratoire Maritime de Saint-Vaast-La-Hougue pendant le mois d'aout, 1891. [1891.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 4, 1892, 5-9. — Observations anatomiques sur 1'Hyperoodon rostratus, Lilljeborg. Anil. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 13, 1892, 259-320. — Sur le developpement embiyonnaire des Galatheides du genre Diptychus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 767-770. — Le systeme uerveux des Neritides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1281-1283. — Sur un echouement d'Hyperoodou a I'entre'e de la Baie de Carentan. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 835-838. — Quelques observations anatomiques sur les Mollusques Gasteropodes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<5m., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 987T992. — Etude sur les Paguriens recueillis par M. le Dr. JOUSSEADME sur les cotes de la mer Rouge. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 4, 1892, 50-55. — Plexus formes par les arteres intercostales du Phoca vitulina. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 4, 1892, 81-84. Snr 1'organisation des Amphiboles. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 4, 1892, 146-153. — Pagurieus recueillis par Jl/. DIGUET sur le littoral de la Basse-Californie. [1892.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893, 18-25. — Observations sur les Gasteropodes Opisthobranches de la famille des Actieonides. (Campagne de YHirondelle, 3<; note.) [1892.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893, 64-71. — Les Pleurotomaires. Naturaliste, 15, 1893, 11-13. — Observations nouvelles sur les affinites des divers groupes de Gasteropodes. (Campagnes du yacht I'Hiron- dclle.) Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, '68-70. — Sur 1'organisation des Actions. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 25-30. Sur la distortion des Gasteropodes hermaphrodites. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893 (C. R., No. 6), 2-4. La chlorophylle auimale et les phenomenes de symbiose entre les algues vertes unicellulaires et les animaux. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893, 72-149. — Sur les caracteres et 1'evolution des Lomisini'S, nouveau croupe de Crustaces Anomoures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R", 118, 1894, 1353-1355. — Un nouveau cas de cornmensalisme : association de vers du genre Aspidosiphon avec des Polypes Madre- poraires et un inollusque bivalve. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 119, 1894, 96-98; Naturaliste, 16, 1894, 171-173. — Sur la transformation des Paguriens en crabes anomoures de la sous-famille des Lithodines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 350-352. • Sur Porigine homarienne des crabes (Brachyures). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 656-658. — Sur la mue des Lithodes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. 46, 1894 (C. R.), 503-505. — Sur la signification du Hapalogaster dans Involution des Lithodines. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 6, 1894 (C. R., No. IS), 1-5. Recherches sur les affinites des Lithodes et des Lomis avec les Pagurides. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 18, 1895 157-213. — Le commensalisme chez certains Polypes Madre- poraires. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 20, 1895, 1-32. — Rapport sur le projet de rfforme bibliographique de 31. Herbert Haviland FIELD. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 8, 1895, 141-150. — Sur une collection de Crustaces Decapodes recueillis en Basse-Californie par 31. DIGUET. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 6-8. — Sur la distribution gt'-ographique des Crustaces de la sous-famille Lithodines. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 70-72. — Sur les Pak-mons recueillis dans les eaux douces de la Basse-Californie par J/. DIGUET. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 159-162. — Sur 1'appareil branchial d'uu crabe du groupe des Dromiens, la Dynomene Filholi. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 7, 1895 (C. R.). 6. — Hapalogaster et Dermaturus. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 7, 1895 (C. R.), 56. — Sur 1'origine homarienne des crabes; etude com- parative des Dromiaces vivants et fossiles. [1894.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., IS, 1896, 34-110. — Sur la classification des Lithodines et sur leur distri- bution dans les oceans. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 1 1896 1-46. — Les Pagurines des rners d'Europe (Crustace's). Tableaux dichotomiques des geures et des especes. [1896.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 26, 1895-96, 125-128, 149-155. — Un cable tetegraphique attaque par les Termites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 429-431. Bouvier] 747 — Sur un Pagurien nouveau (Eupagurus Chevreuxi) de la Mediterranee. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 95-100. — Sur la ponte et le deVeloppement d'un Pseudo- scorpionide, le Garypus saxicola, n'aterhouse. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 801-307, 342-343. — Sur la famille des ChirostylidiB, Ortmann, et aur la classification des Galatheidea. Paris, Soo. Ent. Bull., 1896, 307-312. — Sur la classification, les origines et la distribution des crabes de la famille des Dorippide's. [1897.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 9, 1896, 54-70. — La transformation des Bernards 1'Ermite en Lithodes. Naturaliste, 19, 1897, 41-43. Observations sur les crabes de la famille des Dorippidfe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 125, 1897, 784-787. — Observations sur les Argulides du genre Gyropeltis recueillis par M. GEAY au Venezuela. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 13-19. Sur les Cambarus recueillis au Mexique par M. DIGUET. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 224-228. — Sur deux Paguriens nouveaux trouv^s par M. COUTIKRE dans les r^cifs madrtporiques, il Djibouti. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 228-233. — Le genre Maindronia, type nouveau de la famille des Lepismide's. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 21-23. — Sur les Xauthes des rners d'Europe. [1898.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 28, 1897-98, 133-137. — Sur un nouvel Apus de la Somalie. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 39, 1898, 573-577. — Sur les caracteres externes des Peripates. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc., 1898, 269-271. — Note prelimiuaire sur la distribution geographique et Involution des Peripates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1358-1361. — Nouvelles observations sur les Peripatus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 126, 1898, 1524-1525. — Sur le Blepbaropoda fauriana, Crustace anomoure de la famille des Hippides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 566-567. — Sur quelques Crustaces Anomoures et Brachyures recueillis par M. DIGUET en Basse-Californie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 371-384. — Observations nouvelles sur les Blepharopoda, Randall (Albunhippa, Eilw.}. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 67, 1898, 337-343. — Sur 1'orgauisation du Peripatus Tholloni, BOUP. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 197-198. — Lithadia Digueti, nouveau Crustace Brachyure de la famille des Leucosiides. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 330-331. Les Crustace^ parasites du genre Dolops, Audouin. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1898, 53-81; 1 1899 12-40. Sur les variations et les groupements sp^cifiques des Peripates americains. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128 1899 1344-1346. — Observations biologiques sur le Peripatus capensis, Grille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 971-973. Nouvelles observations sur les Peripates americains. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1029-1031. — Sur les Argulides du genre Gyropeltis, recueillis rteemment par SI. GEAY dans la Guyane. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 39-41. — Sur une collection de Crustaces du Japon offerte au Museum par M. BOUCARD. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 173-176. — Calappa Zurcheri, crabe nouveau des terrains Miocenes de Panama. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 189- 192. — Contributions a 1'histoire des Peripates americains. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 68, 1899, 385-450. — Sur les voies respiratoires des crabes oxystomes de la [Bouygues tribu des Cyclodorippse, Ortmann. Paris Soc. Philom Bull., 1, 1899, 122-123. — Sur 1'origiue et les enchainements des Arthropodes de la classe des Onychophores (Peripatus et formes voisines). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 735-738. — Observations sur le developpeinent des Onychophores. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 652-654. — Sur la presence du genre Catapaguroides dans les eaux sublittorales des cotes de France et d'Alge'rie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 368-371. — Le retour au nid chez les Hyrn^nopteres predateurs du genre Bembex. Paris, Hoc. Biol. Mem. 52 1900 (C. R.), 874-876. — Les variations des habitudes chez les Philanthes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 1129-1131. — Nouveau Peripate des environs de Rio-de-Janeiro. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 66-68. — Observations sur le Peripatopsis Moseleyi. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 119-121. — Observations nouvelles sur les Peripatus. Paris Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 394-395. — Quelques observations sur les Onychophores (Peri- patus) de la collection du Musee Britanuique. Quart. .11. Micr. Sci., 43, 1900, 367-373. Nouvelles observations sur les Peripatus de la collec- tion du Musee Britannique. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 43, 1900, 749-757. Bouvier, E[uflene] L[onis], & Chevreux, Edouard. See Chevrcux ifc Bouvier. Bouvier, E[iifleiie] L[ouis], & Delacroix, G[eonieg]. Uu entomophage parasite de vers a soie europeens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 245-247; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893 (C. R., No. 19), 2-4: 6, 1894 (C. R., No 1), 3-5. Bouvier, Elugeiie] L[ouis], & Fischer, Henri. Sur ['organisation et les amnites des Pleurotomaires. Paris, Ac. , Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 695-697, 796. — Etude mouographique des Pleurotomaires actuels. Arch. Zool. Expe>., 6, 1S98, 115-180; Jl. de Conch., 47, 1899, 77-151. — Sur 1'organisation des Pleurotomaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1361-1363. Bouvier, E[ugene] L[ouis], & Fischer, Paul [Henri]. See Fischer A Bouvier. Bouvier, E[uijf-ne] L[o«/s], & Milne-Edwards, Aiphonse. See Milne -Ed wards v Bouvier. Bouvier, E[ugene] L[OMIS], & Roche, Georges. Sur une maladie des langoustes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 509-512. Bouvresse, Henri. [L'occultation de Jupiter, du 20 fevrier. ] Astronomic, 1893, 155. — Conjonction de Saturne avee l'(5toile double gamma de la Vierge. Astronomie, 1893, 233-234. Bouwman, W. Die Pliicker'schen Zahlen der Abweichungs- curve. [1896.] Math. Ann., 49, 1897, 24-38. Bouyer, [Achille], Les eaux sulfureuses dege.ne.re'es de Cauterets et leurs applications a certaines uevropathies et aux maladies des organes genito-urinaires. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1892, 220-248. - Traitement de 1'emphyserne pulmonaire a Cauterets. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1894, 220-238. Bouygues, H. Note sur I'anatomie comparee de la tige et du petiole des Rubees et des Rosees. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, xxxii-xl. — Sur la polystelie du petiole du genre Alchemilla. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, Iviii-lix. — Sur I'anatomie de la tige ae>ienne et du petiole du Neurada procumbens. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, lix-lx. — Note sur le pe'riderme de la tige aerienne de quelques Pote'rie'es ligneuses. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, xcvi-c. — Sur la polystelie partielle du petiole de Sanguisorba 94—2 Bouygues] 7 IS [Bovet canadensis. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, cxlvii- exlix. Bouysson, J. Mission agricole et scientifique — La region e&ttere du nord du Congo. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1897, 425-428. Renseignements sur la region cotiere au nord de Libreville et sur le bas Og6ou£. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1898, 355-359. Bouyssy, Marius, M.irlioutm, Felix, & Pecoul, Adrien. See Ittarboutin, Fecoul A- Bouyssy. Bouzol, [//.]. Relation d'une epide'mie a phe'uomenes hysttSro-choreiques observee ;l Albon (Ardeche) en 1882. [1884.] Lyon Soe. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1885, 177-199. Bovallius, Carl [Krik Alexander]. A new isopod from the Swedish Arctic Expedition of 1883. [1884.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1885, No. 9, 12 pp. — A new isopod from the coast of Sweden. [1884.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1885, No. 10, 10 pp. Contributions to a monograph of the Amphipoda Hyperiidea. [1885-87.] Stockh., Ak. Haudl., 21, 1884-87, No. 5, 72 pp.; 22, 1886-90, No. 7, 434 pp. New or imperfectly known Isopoda. [1885-86.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1885, No. 11, 32 pp.; 11, 1887, No. 17, 19 pp. ; 12 (Afd. 4), 1887, No. 4, 23 pp. — On some forgotten genera of amphipodous Crustacea. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1885, No. 14, 17 pp. En resa i Talamanca-Indianernas land. Stockh., Ymer, 5, 1886, 183-216. — Remarks on the genus Cysteosoma or Thauruatops. [1885.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 11, 1887, No. 9, 16 pp. — Notes on the family Asellidse. [1885.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 11, 1887, No. 15, 54 pp. — Systematical list of the Amphipoda Hyperiidea. [1885.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 11, 1887, No. 16, 50 pp. — Mimonectes, a remarkable genus of Amphipoda Hyperidea. [1885.] Upsala, Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 13, 1887, No. 4, 15 pp. — Amphipoda Synopidea. [1886.] Upsala, Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 13, 1887, No. 9, 36 pp. — En segling i Las Perlas-arkipelagen. Stockh., Ymer, (j, 1887, 5-18. — The oxycephalids. [1890.] Upsala, Soe. Sci. Nova Acta, 14, 1891, A'o. 4, 141 pp. Bove, (ciipit.) GiafoiiiH. For biography see Argentina, lust. Geogr. Bol., 8, 1887, 255-256 ; Geogr. Soc. Proc., 9, 1887, 584; [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 24, 1887, 041- 642 ; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 159 ; Nuova Antol. Sci., 95, 1887, 115-122 ; Venezia, Ateneo, 2, 1887, 107- 109; Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 30, 1887, 489-490; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 357. — *Spedizione artica svedese. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 15, 1878, 142-143, 174-178, 227-229, 252-255, 336-342, 355-360, 384-390 ; 16, 1879, 26-34, 742-748, 787-852. - *Le osservazioni meteorologiche a bordo della Vega. Climatologia dell' Oceano Artico siberiano. [Italia], Soe. Geogr. Boll., 20, 1883, 577-597. *Lettera al segretario della Soeieta. [Viaggio a Buenos Aires.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 20, 1883, 795-799. - [Lettere dalF Argentina.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 21, 1884, 277-284, 525-528. — Note di un viaggio nell' alto Parana. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 21, 1884, 825-880, 934-1003. — Un viaje al alto Parana. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 6, 1885, 129-135, 174-178, 228-230, 336-339, 360- 363. — [La missione Bove al Congo.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 23, 1886, 297-304, 527-532, 761-763, 778-781. Bove, (cupit. ) Giacomo (et alii). "Spedizione antartiea italiana. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 17, 1880, 240-249 ; 18, 1881, 102-109, 837-843 ; 19, 1882, 295-312, 433-444, 573-583, 702-713, 770-771 ; 20, 1883, 5-60, 96-147. Boveri, Theudor. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Nerven- fasern. [1885.] Munchen, Ak. Abh., 15, 1886, 421-495. — Ueber die Bedeutung der Richtungskorper. [1886.] Munchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 2, 1887, 101- 106. — Ueber Differenzieruug der Zellkerne wahrend der Furchung des Eies von Ascaris megalocephala. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 688-693. - Zellen-Studien. Jena. Ztschr., 21, 1887, 423-515; 22, 1888, 685-882. — Ueber die Befruchtung der Eier von Ascaris megalo- cephala. [1887.] Munchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 71-80. — Ueber den Antheil des Spermatozoon au der Theiluug des Eies. [1887.] Munchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 151-163. Die Vorgiiuge der Befruchtung und Zelltheilung in ihrer Beziehung zur Vererbungsfrage. [1888.] Beitr. Anthrop. Bayerns, 8, 1889 (Jlilnchcn Anthrop. Ges. Verh.), (27)-(39). — Ueber partielle Befruchtung. [1888.] Munchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 4, 1889, 64-72. — Bin geschlechtlich erzeugter Organismus oline mutter- liche Eigenschaften. [1889.] Munchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 5, 1890, 73-80. — Zellen-Studien. Ueber das Verhalten der chromati- scheu Kernsubstauz bei der Biklung der Richtungskorper und bei der Befruchtung. Jena. Ztschr., 24, 1890, 314- 401. Ueber Entwickluug und Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Aktinien. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 49, 1890, 461-502. Ueber die Niere des Arnphioxus. [1890.] Munchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 6, 1891, 65-77. — Ueber die Bildungsstiitte der Geschlechtsdriisen und die Entstehung der Uenitalkammern bei Amphioxus. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 170-181. — Befruchtung. Anat. Het'te (Abt. 2), 1, 1892, 386-485. Die Nierencanalchen des Amphioxus. Ein Beitrag znr Phylogenie des Urogenitalsystems der Wirbelthiere. Zool. Jbuch. (Aunt.), 5, 1892, 429-510. — Ueber die Eutstehung des Gegensatzes zwischen den Geschlechtszelleu und den somatischen Zellen bei Ascaris megalocephala nebst Bemerkungen zur Entwickelungege- schichte der Nematoden. [1892.] Munchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 8, 1893, 114-125. Das Genus Gyractis, eine radial-symmetrisehe Actinieu- forra. [1893.] Zool. Jbiich. (St/st.), 7, 1894, 241-253. — Beziehungen zwischen Zellfunctioii uml Kernstruktur. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1894, 94-95. — Ueber die Befruchtungs- und Entwickelungsfahigkeit kernloser Seeigel-Eier mid iiber die Miiglichkeit ihrer Bastardirung. [1895.] Arch. EntwMeeh., 2, 1896, 394- 443. Zur Physiologic der Kern- und Zellteilung. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Slier.. 1896. 1H3-151. Ueber das Verhalten der Centrosomen bei der Be- fruchtung des Seeigel-Eies nebst allgemeinen Bemer- kungen iiber Centrosomen mid Verwandtes. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verh., 29, 1896, (l)-(75). Bovero, Ali'misn. Persistenza della vescicola ombellicale e della circolazione onfalo-mesenterica nel feto umauo a termine. Int. Jl. Auat., 12, 1895, 191-192, 193-219. Bovet, .1. de. Note sur une exploitation de diamants pres de Diamantina (province de Miiias Gerae's, Bresil). Ann. Mines, 5, 1884, 465-506. — Note sur un precede' de reglage, par 1'emploi du courant applicable i\ certaines installations de trans- missions de force. Ann. Mines, 15, 1889, 417-432. Traction m^canique des bateaux sur les canaux. Touage e'lectro-magne'tique. Paris, Inge'n. Civ. M^m., 1896 (Pi. 1), 40-72. Bovet] 749 [Bowen Bovet, Victor. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung der Bacillen des Erythema nodosura. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 26), 971-974; Mhefte. Cheni., 1888, 1154-1157. De 1'antisepsiu des materiaux de construction. [1889.] Ann. Microgr., 2 (1889-90), 97-114. — Des gaz produits par la fermentation anaerobienne. [1890.] Ann. Microgr., 2 (1889-90), 322-333. Contribution a 1'etude des microbes de 1'intestin grele. [1891.] Ann. Microgr., 3 (1890-91), 353-358. Bovey, Henry T. An investigation as to the maximum bending moments at the points of support of continuous girders of « spans. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1888 (Sect. 3), 75-80. — The maximum shear and bending moment produced by a live load at different points of horizontal girder AB of span 1. [1889.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. * Trans., 7, 1890 (Sect. 3), 3-6. — Upon the flexure of columns. [1892.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 10, 1893 (Sect. 3), 23-24. — On the strength of Douglas fir, white pine and red pine. [1894.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 12, 1895 (Sect. 3), 11-18. — Presidential address. [Engineering as an experimental science.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1896 (Sect. 3), 3-24. — Results of experiments on the strength of white pine, red pine, hemlock and spruce. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 758-759. Bovey, Henri/ T., & Strickland, T[om] P[crcival]. Some experiments on tbe resistance to flow of water in pipes. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. <$; Trans., 4, 1898 (Sect. 3), 43-57. Bovie, . Etude sur le regime de la niaree au port d'Ostende. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 44, 1886, 185- 224. Bovie, Albert. Les Coccinelles de Belgique. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 41, 1897, 133-162. Liste de Curculionides captures en Belgique. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., ,44, 1900, 379-380. Bovier-Lapierre, Kmile. Note sur les effets de 1'usage des eaux platreuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (0'. B.), 376. Observations sur les Noctiluques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 549-553. — Sur les cellules nerveuses du ganglion spiral du dauphin. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1887 (Pt. I), 264. — Note sur des chaines de Peridiniens appartenant au genre Polykrikos. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 535-536 ; 40, 1888 (C. R.), 579-581. — Observations sur la sardine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. 7?.), 795-797. — D'un nouveau mode de dissociation et de montage des elements auHtomiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 797-799. — De la vascularite de I'epithelium olfactif. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 833-834. Bovier-Lapierre, Kmile, & Foucbet, [Charles Henri] Georges. See Fouchet & Bovier-Lapierre. Bovieri, Francesco. I moti microsismici ed il vento. [1889.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 43, 1890, 20-23. — Sopra un nuovo sismoscopio. lloma, N. Lincei Atti, 46, 1893, 45-48. Bo vis, R[ene] de, & Altcmairc, L[ouis Eugene]. See Altemaire & Bovis. Bovis, lt[en?] de, * Huguct, J. Set1 Huguet & Bovis. BowUcn, F. J!r. An electromagnetic effect. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 13, 1895, 549-551; Phil. Mag., 40, 1895, 200-201. Bow.lcn, // VORTMANN'S test for hydrocyanic acid. [1892.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1892, 447-449 ; Pharm. Jl., 23, 1893, 232. — The purity of lithium salts. [1893,] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1893, 418-420; Pharm. Jl., 24, 1894, 214-215. Bowdisb, B. S. The turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) in Ontario county, N. Y. Auk, 8, 1891, 394. — The yellow-legs (Totanus flavipes) breeding in Ontario county, N. Y. Auk, 8, 1891, 3!I4. — Breeding of the mourning warbler in Ontario county, N. Y. Auk, 8, 1891, 396. — Songs of birds. Science, 22, 1893, 291. Bowditcb, [Henri/ Inijersoll]. For biography and list of works see N. Y. Med. Jl., 55, 1892, 503-504 ; Amer. Ac. Proc., 28, 1893, 310-331. Bowditcb, Fred. C. List of Mt. Washington Coleoptera. Psyche, 7, 1896, Suppl. 2, 1-11. — Collecting notes. Philad., Eut. News, 11, 1900, 392- 395. Bowditcb, H. P. Experiments on the action of the vaso- motor nerves of the leg. N. Y. Med. Jl., 40, 1884, 325. — Note on the nature of nerve-force. Jl. Physiol., 6, [1885], 133-135. Address [to the Biol. Sect.]. What is nerve-force? Amer. Ass. Proc., 1886, 237-246. — Vaso-motor nerves of the limbs. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1886, 270. - Ueber den Nacliweis der Unermiidlichkeit des Saugethiernerven. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1890, 505-508. — The growth of children studied by the method of percentile grades. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 2, .46(/(. 2), 8-9; Massachusetts Brd. of Health Rep., 22, 1891, 479-522. — The physique of women in Massachusetts. Massa- chusetts Brd. of Health Rep., 21, 1890, 287-304. — The relation between height, weight and age in growing children. [1896.] Science, 5, 1897, 131. - The rhythm of smooth muscles. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 809-810. — Movements of the alimentary canal. Science, 5, 1897, 901-902. Bowditch, H. P., & Warren, Joseph 1C. Plethysmo- graphic experiments on the vaso-motor nerves of the limbs. Jl. Physiol., 7, [1886], 410-450. - The knee-ierk and its physiological modifications. Jl. Physiol., il, 1890, 25-64. Bowditcb, J[onat!ian] Ini/ersoil. For biographical notice see Amer. Ac. Proc., 24, 1889, 435-437. Bowditcb, Nathaniel. For biography see Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 385-394. Bowell, Ernest W[illiam] Wake. Probable partheno- genesis in Arctia mendica. [1890.] Ent. Record, 1, 1890-91, 174. — The Rhopalocera of Herefordshire. Ent. Record, 2, 1891, 136-138. On the scales of European Zygtenides. Eut. Record, 9, 1897, 271-273. Bowell, Ernest W[illiatose folliculaire (maladie de DARIER) limitee a la tete et aux mains. Ann. de Dermatol.. 9, 1898, 6-9. Bower, A. S. "The Bower-Barff process. Amer. lust. Min. Engin. Trans., 11, 1883, 329-338. Bower, IS. A. Remarks on Seoparia basistrigalis, Knaggs. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 273-274. — Aberration of Boarmia gemmaria (rhomboidaria). Ent. Eecord, 11, 1899, 269. — Lepidoptera in Kent and Devon. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 340. Bower, Frederick] Orpen. On recent researches into the origin and morphology of chlorophyll corpuscles and allied bodies. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 24, 1884, 237-254. — Preliminary note on the apex of the leaf in Osmuuda and Todea. Koy. Soc. Proc., 36, 1884, 442-443. On the comparative morphology of the leaf in the vascular cryptogams and gymuosperrus. [1884.] Phil. Traus., 175, 1885, 565-615. — On the apex of the root in Osmunda and Todea. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1885, 75-103. — Correction of an error as to the morphology of Welwitschia mirabilis. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1885, 105-106. — On apospory in ferns (with special reference to Mr. C. T. DROERY'S observations). [1884.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 21, 1886, 360-368. — On the development and morphology of Phyllo- glossum Drummondii. [1885.] Phil. Trans., 176, is86, 665-678. — On Humboldtia laurifolia as a myrmekophilous plant. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 699. — On positively geotropic shoots in Cordyliue australis. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 699-700. — On apospory and allied phenomena. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Hot.), 2, 1881-87, 301-326. — On the modes of climbing in the genus Calamus. [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 125-131. — On the limits of the use of the terms " phyllome " and "caulome." [1887.] Anu. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 133-146. — Preliminary note on the formation of gemma? on Trichomanes alatutn. [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88 183-184. — Note on a morphological peculiarity of Cordyline australis. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proe., 18, 1887, 317-319. — On Humboldtia laurifolia, Vahl, as a myrmekophilous plant. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 18, 1887, 320-326. — On CRAMER'S gemma borne by Trichomaues alata. Nature, 36, 1887, 593. — On some normal and abnormal developments of the oophyte in Trichomanes. [1888.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 269-305. — On the pitcher of Nepenthes : a study in the mor- phology of the leaf. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90 239-252. — The comparative examination of the meristems of ferns as a phylogenetic study. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 305-392; Nature, 40, 1889, 610-lill. — On Dr. MACFARLAXE'S observations on pitchered in- sectivorous plants. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91,165-168. — Note on attempts to induce aposporous developments in ferns. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91, 168-169. — On antithetic as distinct from homologous alternation of generations in plants. [1890.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91, 347-370. — On club mosses: past and present. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 21, 1890, 158-172. — Which are the oldest ferns? Hortic. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 496-505. — Is the eusporangiate or the leptosporangiato the more primitive typo in the ferns? [1891.] Ann. Bot., 5, 1890-91, 1(19-131. — Studies in the morphology of spore-producing members. Preliminary statement on the Lycopodina and Ophio- glossacese. [Preliminary statement on the Equisetaceje and Psilotacea?.] [1891-93.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 50, 1892, 265-273; 53, 1893, 19-22. - Notes on the morphology of the spore-bearing members in the vascular cryptogams. Nature, 46, 1892, 555. — On the structure of the axis of Lepidostrobus Browni, Schpr. Ann. Bot., 7, 1893, 329-354. — A criticism, and a reply to criticisms. [See GOEBEL : "On the simplest form of moss," 6, 1892, 355-360.] Ann. Bot., 7, 1893, 367-380. — A theory of the strobilus in archegoniate plants. Ann. Bot., 8, 1894, 343-365; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 695-696. On apospory and production of gemmro in Tricho- manes Kaulfussii, Hk. and Gr. Ann. Bot., 8, 1894, 465-468. — Studies in the morphology of spore-producing members. [i.] Equisetiuea; and Lycopodineffi. [in. Marattiacese. iv. The leptosporangiate ferns.] [1893-99.] Phil. Trans. (B), 185, 1895, 473-572; 189, 1898, 35-81; 192, 1900, 29-138. On the archesporium. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 851. — Verwahrung. [Siehe "Die Sporophyllmetamorphose " von Herm GLUCK p. 303.] Flora, 80, 1895, 487-488. — [Structure of the cell and nucleus. Presidential address, Nov. 8, 1894.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc., 20, 1896, 275-284. — [The scientific works of Robert BROWN. Presidential address, Nov. 14, 1895.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Traus. & Proc., 20, 1896, 459-468. — Studies on the morphology of spore-producing members. Part ii. Ophioglossacea;. [1895.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 59, 1896, 137-141. — Preliminary statement on the sonis of Danam. [1895.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 59, 1896, 141-143. [On the enumeration of spore-mother-cells and spores as a basis of comparison of ferns.] [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 21. — Remarks on changes in number of sporangia in vascular plants. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 872. — [Presidential address to the Bot. Sect. The morpho- logical study of plants.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 1U24- 1043. Bower, Frederic. SCHWENDENER'S theory of the nature of lichens. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1887, 37-46. — [A curious caterpillar from Rio de Janeiro.] Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 41, 1897, xxv. Bower, (dipt.) H. A journey across Tibet. Geogr. Jl. , 1, 1893, 385-404. — A trip to Turkistan. Geogr. JL, 5, 1895, 240-257. Bower, '., & Jones, R. H. ••• . Jones A Bower. Bower, jr. K. Electrical discharge. Brighton Nat. Hist. Soc. Rep., 1896, 33-35. Bowers, A. F. Etude sur la direction verticale des aerostats et la possibilite des longs sejours dans I'atmo- sphere. Aeronaute, 1893, 103-110. Bowers, tinunjr M. Publications of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries available for distri- bution on March 1, 1899. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 24, 1899, 313-327. Bowers, Hunter. A contribution to the life history of Hydrastis cauadensis. Bot. Gaz., 16, 1891, 73-82. Bowers, Mary A. Peripheral distribution of the cranial nerves of Spelerpes bilineatus. [1900.] Amer. Ac. Proc., 36, 1901, 177-193. Bowers, Stephen. Ventura county. California Mining Bur. Rep., 8, 1888, 679-690 ; 10, 1890, 758-762. — San Nicolas island. California Mining Bur. Rep., 9, 1890, 57-61. — Orange county. California Mining Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 399-409. Bowhill] 751 [Bowman Bowhill, Thomas. Anthrax and southern fever among California cattle. U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Eep., 4 & 5, 1889, 443-451. — Zur bakteriologischen Technik. Zur Kultur der Hefen auf Gypsflachen. Eine neue Platinnadel. Gentrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 2), 5, 1899, 287-288. Bowhill, Thomas, & Mercer, A. S. See Mercer & Bowhill. Bowie, Aug. J. Measurement and flow of water in ditches. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 32, 1885, 31-36. Bowie, W. The medicinal plants of the Clydesdale flora. Pharm. Jl., 10, 1900, 119-121. Bowker, A. F. Great variation of temperature in seven hours. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 21, 1896, 41. Bowker, (Col.) James Henry. Notices on the migration of birds in Durban, Natal. Onus, 2, 1886, 615-617. Bowlby, Anthony A[lfred], Four cases of sporadic cretinism, with remarks on some points in the pathology of the disease. London Path. Soc. Trans., 35, 1884, 450-458. — Congenital dislocation of the hip. London Path. Soc. Trans., 38, 1887, 295-298. — liare forms of loose bodies from the knee-joints. London Path. Soc. Trans., 39, 1888, 281-284. — Three cases of coccygeal cysts. London Path. Soc. Trans., 41, 1890, 284-288. On the condition of the reflexes in cases of injury to the spinal cord ; with special reference to the indications for operative interference. Med.-Chir. Trans., 73, 1890, 313-325. — Papillomatous growth, containing the ova of the Bilharzia haematobia, removed from the rectum. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 136. Specimens of the Distoma hajmatobium (Bilharzia hasmatobia), with the urinary organs and lung containing ova. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 194-195. — Symmetrical periostitis of femur, with an unusual formation of a new bone. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 243-246. - Thirteen cases of FACET'S disease of the nipple, with special reference to the causation of the malady by psorosperms. Med.-Chir. Trans., 74, 1891, 341-366. — Sixty-six cases of rodent ulcer. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 152-163. Bowlby, Anthony A\lfred], * Champneys, Francis Henry. See Champneys & Bowlby. Bowler, Thos. Ide. Chinese treatment of cobalt ores. Chem. News, 58, 1888, 100. Bowles, C. W. A comparison of the nesting habits of the long-billed and short-billed marsh wren. Ornith. Ool., 18, 1893, 8-11. Bowles, C. IP., & Bowles, J. H. Nesting of the blue- headed Vireo in Massachusetts. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 102. — Nesting habits of ANTHONY'S Vireo. Auk, 15, 1898, 138-140. Bowles, E. Augustus. The variation of the markings of Papilio machaon. Entomologist, 24, 1891, 130-131. - Variation in size brought about by food. Ent. Record, 3, 1892, 225. — Plusia moneta at Ascot, Hastings, Folkestone, and Waltham Cross, with some observations on its pupa and the colour of its cocoon. Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 185. — Variation of Nonagria Cannae, with description of three new aberrations. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 286-287. Bowles, E. Augustus (et alii). Discussion on the attrac- tiveness of light. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 178-180, 235. Bowles, G. J. Remarks on the family Bombycida?. Canad Ent., 16, 1884, 152-156. — Hybernation of Formica herculeana, Linn. Canad. Ent., 17, 1885, 231. — Additions to list of Montreal Lepidoptera. Canad. Ent., 19, 1887, 86-88. Bowles, ./. H. Nesting of the whip-poor-will. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 18. Nesting of the great-crested fly-catcher in eastern New England. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 139. — A peculiarity in the nesting habits of the Virginia rail. Ornith. Ool., In, 1893, 115-116. — Unusual abundance of the grosbeak in eastern Massa- chusetts. Science, 21, 1893, 19. Coloration of the ruffed grouse. Science, 23, 1894, 1(5. Bowles, J. H., & Bowles, C. W. See above. Bowles, Robert L. Nose blackening as preveutative of snow-blindness. Nature, 38, 1888, 101-102. — Observations upon the mammalian pharynx with especial reference to the epiglottis. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 23, 1889, 606-615. — Lung with four lobes. [1893.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 28, 1894, ii-iv. — An experimental inquiry into "the Schott treat- ment " of certain diseases of the heart at Bad Nauheirn. Practitioner, 57, 1896, 18-32. Bowlkcr, C. A. C. Atmospheric electricity. Nature, 40, 1889, 55. Bowman, Amos. For biographical notice and list of works see Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 6, 1895, 441-443. — Mining developments on the northwestern Pacific coast, and their wider bearing. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 15, 1887, 707-717. — Testimony of Ottawa clays and gravels to the ex- pansion of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Canadian lakes within the human period. [1888.] Ottawa Natlist., 1, 1887, 149-161. Report on the geology of the mining district of Cariboo, British Columbia. [1888.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 3, 1889, C 1-C 49. Bowman, Fred. A. Potassic iodide as a blowpipe reagent. N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 7, 1890, 363-367. Bowman, Frederick Hungerford. On some variations in the structure of wool and other allied fibres. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proe., 13, 1886, 657-672. — The chemistry of the cotton fibre. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 641-642 ; Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 3, 1887, 166-171. — Evolution in chemistry. [With discussion.'] Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 7, 1891, 50-58. Improvements in the storage of electricity. Science, 22, 1893, 258-260. Bowman, fl[erbert] L[ister]. Krystallographische Notizen iiber einige Stilbeuderivate. Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 386-389 ; 32, 1900, 674. — On a method of illustrating the variation of thermal conductivity of crystals in different directions. [1898.] Min. Mag., 12, 1900, 353-355. — On a rhombic pyroxene from South Africa. [1899.] Min. Mag., 12, 1900, 349-353. — A twin crystal of sapphire. [1899.] Min. Mag., 12, 1900, 355-358. • On monazite and associated minerals from Tiutagel, Cornwall. Mm. Mag., 12, 1900, 358-362. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Monazit. Ztschr. Kryst., 33, 1900, 113-126, 673. Bowman, H[enry] 3I[oore]. For biographical notice see Med.-Chir. Trans., 80, 1897, cxx-cxxi. — On the association of disease of the spinal cord with pernicious anajmia. Brain, 17, 1894, 198-213. Bowman, J. Jr., & Mason, William P. See Mason ifc Bowman. Bowman, W[alker]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Cyanka- lium auf Mekonin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 890-891. Ueber die Eiuwirkung von Essigsiiureanhydrid auf Cotarnin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2431- 2433. Bowman, (Sir) William. For biography and works see Ann. d'Oculist., 107, 1892, 398-399; Arch. Augenheilk., Bowman] 752 [Boyd 24, 1892 (Ber. 1891, 178-179); Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 330-331 ; Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 108 ; Nature, 45, 1892, 517-518, 564-56(5; Amer. Ac. Proc., 28, 1893, 403-405 ; Med.-Chir. Trans., 76, 1893, 10-12; Roy. Soc. Proc., 52, 1893, i-vii. Bownocker, ,l[uhu] A[S' Dawkins, N'[illiam] Boyd. Boyden, (Rn\) Henry. *Our marine Algte. [1883.] Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 4-6, 37-40. — Notes on the river Rea and the flora of the Rea valley. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 150-156. Boye, , lie Dantec, [Alf.randre], & Bcrem, . •'. • lie Dantec, Boye A Bereni. Boye, Harold, & Lcllmrmn, Eugen. See Lcllmann & Boye. Boye, P. Bidrag til kundskaben om algevegetationen ved Norges vestkyst. [1896.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1894-96, No. 16, 4(1 pp. Boyen, Edgar con. Ueber Reten. Chem. Ztg. , 11, 1887, 1297. — Ueber Derivate des Bromeugenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1393-1397. — Fractionirvorstoss zur Destination im Vacuum. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 822. — Neuer Trockenapparat fiir Laboratoriumszwecke. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 1143. — Ueber Riickstandsparamn. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 29-30, 64, 93-94. - Nitrokreosol. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 357. — Zur Bildung huherer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 870, 905. — Paraffin und Bitumen des Brauukohlentheers. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 101-104, 261-265. — Die Phenole des Braunkohlentheers. Ztschr. Augew. Chem., 1892, 675-677. — Beitrage zur Ceresinfabrikation. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 414-420, 448-450, 581-590, 601-607. — Zur Werthbestimmung des galizischeu Ozokerits. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 383. Ein neuer Jixtractionsapparat. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 1172-1174. 95 Boyer] 754 [Boys Boyer, . Kapport sur 1'herborisation faite par la Societe a la Pompiniane, le 21 mai 1893. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, ccxii-ccxiii. Boyer, A. L'importance relative des affections labyrin- thiques et oculaires dans 1'etiologie du vertige. [7V.] Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1896, 348-361. Boyer, Charles S. Accuracy of the dyeing test. Amer. Chem. Soc. .71., 17, 1895, 468-472. — Interpretation of some results in the analysis of extracts of fustic. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 518- 520. Boyer, Charles ,S'. A fossil marine diatomaeeous deposit at St. Augustine, Florida. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 1895, 171-174. — A diatomaeeous deposit from an artesian well at Wildwood, N. J. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 1895, 260- 260. — New species of diatoms. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1898, 468-470. . Seven new species of diatoms. Amer. Micr. Jl., 20, 1899, 105-108. The Biddulphoid forms of North American Diato- maces. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1900, 685-748. Boyer, K. Sur la reduction de 1'acide azotique en am- moniaque et sur un precede de dosage de cet acide. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 954-956. Sur un nouveau procede de determination des matieres minerales dans les sucres, a 1'aide de 1'acide benzo'ique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., Ill, 1890, 190-192. — Sur un nouveau proced^ de dosage de 1'azote nitrique et de 1'azote total. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 113, 1891, 503-505. Aschenbestimmung bei Zuckern, unter ZiiBatz von Benzoesaure. [TV.] Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuckerind., 41, 1891, 181-182. Boyer, E. R. The mesoderm in teleosts; especially its share in the formation of the pectoral fin. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 23, 1892-93, 91-133. Boyer, F. *[Notes meteorologiqueB.] Nimes (Gard), Ecole normale. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 5, 1872, 37, 68-69, 96, 134-135, 150, 185, 197, 208, 220 ; 6, 1873, Pt. 2, 8, 20; 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 42, 53-54, 66. — [Les phosphates du Gard.] Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1885, xc-xci. — Sur les maladies cryptogamiques de la vigne dans le di'-partement du Gard. Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1887, li- Ivii. Boyer, (/(.) /''. De 1'emploi d'un projecteur electrique a 1'avant des navires rapides en vue d'eviter les abordages. Kev. Maritime et Colon., 120, 1894, 537-538. — Note sur les compas du torpilleur de haute rner I'Ortujc. Eev. Maritime et Colon., 123, 1894, 367-375. Boyer, li[eorges]. Kecherches sur les maladies de 1'olivicr, le Cycloconium oleaginum. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 434- 440. — Action de quelques acides orgauiques sur la respiration des plantes. [18SI8.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc. -Verb., 1897-98, 274-281. — La vie des feuilles apres leur chute. [1900.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1899-1900, 68-72. Boyer, fl[eoryes], & Jaczewski, Arthur L. Materiaux pour la flore mycologique des environs de Montpellier. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, cclx-ccxcviii, (Her.), 202. Boyer, (;[con/< •«], A Lambert, 7''. Sur deux nouvelles maladies du murier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 117, 1893, 342-343. Boyer, (![enri/es\, & Viala, Pierre. Sec Viala A Boyer. Boyer, (ieorgei. For biographical notice and list of works we Doubs Soc. Mem., 7, 1893, xv-xviii, 257-263. — Note sur les environs de Brenod (Jura meridional). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1885, 828-834. — Sur la provenance et la dispersion de salets silicates et quartzeux dans I'intcrieur et sur le pourtour des Monts-Jura. [1885.] Doubs Soc. Mem., 10, 1886, 414- 448. — Un episode de 1'histoire geologique des Monts-Jura. [1886.] Doubs Soc. Mem., 1, 1887, 117-129. — Orographiedu territoiredeBesaneon. [1886.] Doubs Soc. Mem., 1, 1887, 197-202. — Eeruarques sur 1'orographie des Monts-Jura. [1887.] Doubs Soc. Mem., 2, 1888, 257-327. , Boyer, Georges, & Glrardot, .-1 Ibert. Etude sur le Quater- naire dans le Jura bisontin. [1890.] Doubs Soc. Mem., li, 1892, 345-383. Boyer, //. R. Some observations of wind direction at different altitudes around West India cyclones. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 20 (1892), 50-51. Boyer, J[enn\ & Guinard, Louis. Etude et recherches experimentales sur 1'impermeabilite physiologique de I'epithelium vesical sain. Arch. Med. Exper., 6, 1894, 883-905. Impermeabilite de I'epithelium vesical sain a I'egard des medicaments et des poisons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 118, 1894, 1435-1437. Boyer, Jacques. JOBLOT et BAKER. Eev. Sci., 1, 1894. 283-284. — Charles Julien BRIANCHON d'apres des documents inedits. Eev. Sci., 1, 1894. 592-594. Boyer, Leon. For biographical notice see Genie Civil, 9, 1886, 31. — Note sur le calcul des grandes charpentes. [1885.] Genie Civil, 6, 1884-85, 295-299. — Theorie de la resistance du prisme elastique et des solides assimilables basee sur 1'application du theoreme du travail virtuel. Genie Civil, 7, 1886, 38-40. Boyer-Guillon, . Etude sur la solubilite du sulfate de chaux. Ann. Conserv. Arts et Met., 2, 1900, 187- 213. Boyland, George Halsted. The solvent properties of the Buffalo lithia waters of Virginia. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 265-269. Boyle, Cornelius lirerkinridije. A catalogue aud biblio- graphy of North American Mesozoic Invertebrata. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 102, 1893, 315 pp. Boymond, Mure. Sur le poids des gouttes. Jl. Pharm. , 9, 1884, 102-107. — Equivalents therapeutiques des sels de quinine. Jl. Pharm., 15, 1887, 449-452. — Sur la precipitation des albumiues de 1'urine par certains corps dits indifferents. Jl. Pharm., 20, 1889, 481-482; Auvers, Jl. de Pharm., 45, 1889, 486-488. — Sur 1'acide trichloracetique pour la recherche et le dosage de 1'albumine. Jl. Pharm., 20, 1889, 4M2-484. Boynton, H. Jl. Waterspouts at Key West, Fla. U. S. Monthly Weath. Eev., 27 (1899), 351-352. Boynton, 31KI.MAXN alia misura degli element! magnetic! di Padova. [1897.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1896-97. 759-801. Bozzola, (jioriinni, & Lussana, Silvio. .Sec Lussana it Bozzola. Br., .17. Ti-ombe sulle coste della Spagna. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 156. Bra, 31. De 1'actiou de 1'extrait renal dans 1'epilepsie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. ft.), 591-593. D'un champignon parasite du cancer. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. 11.), 1050-1053. Cultures du Nectria, parasite des chancres des arbres. Analogies de ces cultures avec celles du champignon parasite du cancer humain. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 118-120. — Sur les formations endogenes du champignon isole des tumeurs cance'reuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 131, 1900. 1012-1015. Bra Observatory. "Riassuuto di tre lustri delle osserva- zioui meteoriche braidesi. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Anna., 2, 1879, 165. Br.iam Morris, D. F. van. Het landschap Loehoe. Batavia, Tijdschr., 32, 1889, 498-555. — Nota van toelichtiug, behoorende bij het contract, gesloten met het landschap Bima op den 20!tc" October 1886. [18t-0.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 34, 1891, 176-233. — Nota van toelichting op het contract gesloten met het landschap Maiwa (Masenrempoeloe) op den 8en September 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 36, 1893, 152-163. — Nota van toelichting op het contract gesloten met het landschap Doerie (Masenrempoeloe) op den 30"" September 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 36, 1893, 164-177. — Nota van toelichting, behoorende bij het contract, gesloten met het landschap Kassa (Masenrempoeloe) op den 23e" November 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdsehr., 36, 1893, 178-184. — Nota van toelichting, behoorende bij het contract, gesloteu met het landschap Batoelappa (Masenrempoeloe) op den 23C" November 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., ' 36, 1893, 185-192. — Nota van toelichting op het contract gesloten met het landschap Alietta (Adjatapparang) op deu 20"' Juli 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 36, 1893, 193-201. — Nota van toelichting op het contract gesloten met het landschap Soeppa (Adjatapparang) op den 18"" Juli 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 36, 1893, 202-212. — Nota van toelichting op het contract gesloten met het landschap Sawietto (Adjatapparang) op den 30"tc" October 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 36, 1893, 213-230. Braasch, August. *Die geognostischen Yerhaltuisse der Umgegend von Kiel und ihre Beziehungen zur Land- wirthschaft. Hainb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 3, 1878, 192-246. Braatz, Kijbert. Ueber die Wiederbelebungsversuche bei Chloroformtod, insbesondere iiber die dabei angewendete Elektricitat. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 9, 1884, 299- 300, 305-307, 317-319. — Zur Actinomycose. Zweigbacterien im Harn. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 13, 1888, 119-122, 127-129. — Baumwollenfaden anstatt Seidenfaden bei bakterio- logischen Versuchen. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 8-9. — Eine neue Vorrichtung zur Kultur von Anaeroben im hangenden Tropfen. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 520-521. — Ueber die Einwirkung des Jodoforms nuf das anaerobe Wachsthum des Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. [1890.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 481-486. — Ueber die Bakterien und ihre Bedeutung in der Medizin. [1894.] Konigsb. Schr., 35, 1896, [35]-[37]. - Rudolph VIHCHOW und die Bakteriologie. Eine kritische Beleuchtung der Wechselbeziehung zwischen dem bakteriologisch-atiologischen und pathologisch- anatomischen Forschungsgebiete. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 17, 1895, 16-32. Antwort auf die Brunner'sche Bemerkung [zu dem Aufsatze: "Rudolf VIKCHOW und die Bakteriologie"]. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 17, 1895, 525-526. — Einiges liber die Anaerobiose. Centrbl. Bakt. (A/it. 1), 17, 1895, 737-742. — Wissenschaft und Volksmedizin. Konigsb. Schr., 39, 1898, [30]r[32]. Brabant, Edouard. Observations sur la chenille de Lyca;na semiargus, It. (Acis). [1886.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87)], 316-317. Description d'une espeee nouvelle de Geometre de la Haute-Egypte. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 384. Brabant, Feli.r. Les variations atmospheriques et la ventilation des mines a grisou. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 42, 1885, 1-110, 205. — Note sur la production et la decomposition de 1'acide carbonique dans les hauts fourneaux au coke. Rev. Univ. Mines, 9, 1890, 133-150. - Le gaz a 1'eau. Rev. Univ. Mines, 13, 1891, 66-88, 117-145. Brabant, Georges. La traction mecanique sur routes. Locomotives routieres, voitures automobiles. Eev. Univ. Mines, 28, 1894, 159-191. Brabrook, Eda-ard II'. *On Mr. Samuel YOUNGEB'S plan for the assurance of invalid lives. Assur. Mag., 10, 1863, 349-352. — Ethnographical Survey of the United Kingdom. First [ — fifth] report of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 621-653 ; 1894, 419-431 ; 1895, 509-511 ; 1896, 607-656; 1897, 452-511. — Man in zoology. Zoologist, 1, 1897, 13-21. — [Presidential address to the Anthrop. Sect. The principle of continuity in anthropology.] Brit. Ass. Rep , 1898, 9119-1010. Bracci, Flaminio. Sull' azione del solfato di ferro sulle piaute. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 15, 1888, 38-45. — Sull' uso migliore delle bucchiette d' oliva esaurite col solfuro di carbouio. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 24, 1893, 236-244. — Sulla determinazione dell' acidita negli olii. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 569-575. — Contribute alia statica chiinico-agraria della coltiva- zione dell' olivo. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 32, 1899, 161- 175. Brace, DC Witt Bristol. Ueber die magnetische Drehung der Polnrisationsebene und einige besondere Falle der Refraction. Ann. Phys. Chem., 26, 1885, 576-607. — On the transparencv of the ether. [1888.] Nebraska Univ. Stud., 1, 1888-92, 1-1(1. — Note on steady liquid surfaces. Astrophys. Jl., 5, 1897, 214-215, 350. — Observations on light propagated in a dielectric normal to the lines of force. Phil. Mag., 44, 1897, 342-349. — On achromatic polarization and differential double refraction. Phil. Mag., 48, 1899, 345-360. — Description of a new spectrophotometer and an optical method of calibration. Pbil. Mag., 48, 1899. 420-430. — On a system for spectral photometric work. Astrophys. JL, 11, 1900, 6-24. — Observation of the circular components in the "Fara- day effect." Nature, 62 (1900), 368-369. Brace, E. J. C. On the principal varieties of Pinus sylvestris. Gard. Chron., 25, 1886, 799-800, 815. Brace, E. K. An October aurora. [1887.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 4 (1887-88), 337. Brace, (Miss) Edith M. Notes on -Eolosoma tenebrarum. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 363. Brace, /.. J. A'., it Gardiner, John. .SYc Gardiner ifilas] F[erguesori\. See Phillips A- Bradford. Bradford, John Rose, A Flimmer, //[ciiri/J G[. Phasing transformers. [1895.] Electrician, 36, 1896, 43-45. — Some new chemical compounds discovered by the use of the electric furnace. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 699-700. Bradley, Ernest, Kastle, J[oseph] H[oeing], & Kciser, l:[i-nj IIHTerpIIpOBanill ypaBHenia [Zur Frage iiber die In- tegration der Gleichuug] Am («) = 0. [1900.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 490-498; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 376. Brakeley, John H. Plants for carp ponds. U. S. Fish Comrn. Bull., 4, 1884, 159-160. — Notes on carp and frog culture. U. S. Fish Conim Bull., 5, 1885, 209-216. Brakes, Juan's. Determination of titanic acid in iron ore. Soc. (Jhern. Ind. Jl., 18, 1899, 1097. — Colorimetric determination of titanic acid. [1000. J Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 20, 1901, 23. •Jr. im,ill, H. [Presidential address, Oct. 6th, 1884.] Practical field geology. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1885, 18-23. Bramann, F[ritz]. Beitrag zur Lehre von dem Descensus testiculorum und dem Gubernaculum Hunteri des Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.) 1884 310-340. Brambilla, Alberto. Sulla curva gobba del quarto ordine dotata di punto doppio. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17 1884, 857-866. B. S. A. C. — Sopra alcuni casi particolari della curva gobba razionale del quarto ordine. Napoli, Rend., 24, 1885 279-298. Le curve assintotiche di una classe di superficie algebriche. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1885, 784-790. — Ricerche analitiche intorno alle curve gobbe razionali del 4° ordine. Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, 1471-1489. — Intorno alle curve razionali in uno spazio lineare ad uu numero qualunque di dimension!. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 326-331. — Le omografie che mutauo in se stesse una curva gobba raziouale del quarto ordine. Ricerche analitiche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1887, 780-797. Un teorema nella teoria delle polari. [1887.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 22, 1886-87, 787-790. — Sopra una classe di superficie algebriche rappresen- tabili punto per punto sul piano. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 334-356, 511-519. — Di una eerta superficie algebrica razionale. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 2, 1888, 176-183. — La curva doppia di una particolare superficie razionale del 9° ordine. Giorn. Mat., 32, 1894, 133-140. — Di taluni sistemi di quartiche gobbe razionali annesse ad una superficie cnbica. Napoli, Rend., 35, 1896, 171- 176; 36, 1897, 203-206. — Sopra una famiglia di superficie dell' ottavo ordiue. Giorn. Mat., 35, 1897, 1-21. — Intorno alia superficie di STEINEB. Napoli, Rend., 37, 1898, 19-22. — Estensione di una proprieta della superficie di STEINER. Napoli, Rend., 37, 1898, 300-303. — Sopra una particolare varieta del 27° ordine nello spazio a quattro dimension!. [1897.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 9, 1899, A'o. 2, 37 pp. — I poligoni principal! di una quartica gobba dotata di punto doppio. [1898.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 9, 1899, A'o. 10, 33 pp. — Sopra una classe di superficie e di varieta razionali. Napoli, Ace. Atti, 9, 1899, No. 14, 28 pp. — Estensione di un teorema di ECKHARDT. Napoli, Rend., 38, 1899, 144-145. Br.imc, Ch[arles]. Imitation des nebuleuses celestes irreductibles ou partiellemeut irreductibles au rnoyen de rautimome incandescent coule en mince filet sur du papier noir. Les Mondes, 8, 1884, 340-344. — Analyse physique du lait. Les Mondes, 8, 1884, 554— 555. — Sur les deperditions d'azote, pendant la fermentation des fumiers de ferine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 99, 1884, 390-392, 450. — Octuedres a base carree de soufre, dout la base est physiquement un rhombe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 533-534. — Genese des cristaux de soufre, en tables earrees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 639-642. [Sur les transformations de couleurs que subit 1'image eoloree du soleil, observee a travel's un prisme.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 362, 532. Brame, ./. K. Strajford, & Rodger, James Wi/llie. See Rodger A Brame. Br.imlcy-Moore, Leslie, & Pearson, Karl. See Pearson A Bramley-Moorc. Bramly. N»i. Kecent views on the innervation of the heart. Brain, I), 1884, oO'J-530. — A case of ataxy with loss of muscular sense. [1887.] Brain, 10, 1888, 21S-222. — Chi a reaih im-thod of preparing large sections of the brain. Brain, 10, 1888, 43'> I In. — Case of cancer of tin- right loin- of the cerebellum and left lenticular nucleus ; marked vertigo ; no paralysis. Brain, 10, 1888, 503-506. — A peculiar case of lead-puisoniug in which there was marked loss of vision, both for white and for colours, without any changes in the 1'undus oculi ; and in which rapid recovery took place under sulphate of magnesia and iodide of potassium. Brain, 10, 1888, 507-511. — A remarkable case of aphasia. Acute and complete destruction by embolic softening of the left motor-vocal speech centre (BROCA'S convolution), in a right-handed man : transient motor aphasia, marked inability to name objects and especially persons, considerable agraphia and slight word-blindness. Brain, 21, 1898, 343-373. — On the localisation of intracranial tumours. Brain, 22, 1899, 1-70. Bramwell, Hijrom, & Paton, D[iarmid] Noel. On a crystalline globulin occurring in human urine. Edinb. E. Coll. Pbysns. Lab. Rep., 4. 1892, 47-61. Bramwell, Edwin, & Campbell, Harry. See Campbell \ Bramwell. BramweU, (Sir) Frederick Joseph. [Presidential address to the Mechanical Sci. Sect. "Section G'" and its relations to the other sections.] Brit. Ass. Eep., 1884, 875-w- I . — [Presidential address. The importance of the next-to- nothing and the laudation of the civil engineer.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 3-23. — The application of electricity to welding, stamping, and other cognate purposes. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc. , 102, 1890, 1-37. -- Welding by electricity. [1890.] Roy. Inst. Proc., 13, 1893, ls.j-196. Bramwell, lluijli. Notes on the horizon of the low main seam in a portion of the Durham coal-field. N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 37, 1888, 151-153. — The compound winding-engine at the Great Western Colliery Company's Tymsiwr pit: with notes on its comparative steam economy. [M'itli discussion.} [1806.] Fed. Inst. Miu. Engin. Trans., 12, 1897, 282-293; 13, 1898, 1-3. Bramwell, J[ulm] Milne. On the evolution of hypnotic theory. Brain, 19, 1896, 459-568. — Hypnotic anesthesia. Practitioner, 57, 1896, 393- 397. — Hypnotism: a reply to recent criticisms. Brain, 22, 1899," 141-156. — Hypnotic and post-hypnotic appreciation of time; secondary and multiplex personalities. Brain, 23, 1900. 161-238. Bramwell, t/[u/i«] Milne, Hughlings-Jackson, J. , Savage, (;. //., ii v 1 1 -i 1 1 1 1 . ... I l.'.J.i. II Aunt '-1^ 1 Qaa •J?;'? — Eecherehes sur la cicatrisation epithehale (Epitheliums eyliudricmes stratifies). La trache'e et sa cicatrisation. Robin, Jl. Anat., 35, 1899, 764-807. Sur lea premiers developpernents des dents et ile ['epithelium buccal. Congr. Int. Med: C. R., 1900 (Vul. 1, Histol.), 62-64. Note sur le noyau de 1'endotheliuin peritoneal. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. P.), 319-320. Branca, Albert, & Pelizet, G[eor;ies .I/.]. See Felizet A Branca. Branca, Albert, & Launois, P[ierre] K[mile]. .S'< i Launois A Branca. Branca, Albert, & Qucnu, /•,'. See Qucnu & Branca. Branca, ilm-tuno. *I viaggiatori italiani del nostro secolo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 2, 1869, 251-344; :'., 1869, 317-409. Branch, C. II'. Foreign snails in the West Indies. Nature, 54 (1896), 392. Brancner, [Marie Anttiine]. Embrayage differentiel a cable. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 1), 244-245. Branco, U'[iUielm]. *Der Untere Dogger Deutsch - Lothringens. [1879.] Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abh., 2, 1884, 1-160. — Ueber die Anfangskammer von Bactrites. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 1-9. — Ueber einige neue Arten von Graphularia und iiber Tertiare Belemniteu. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 422-432. — Ueber die Ergebnisse der Aufnahme di/s Randgebirgeg nordlich voni Harze auf Blatt Wernigerode, sowie auf der ostlichen Hiilfte von Blatt Harzburg. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1885, xlvi-xlviii. — Ueber eine neue Lepidotus-Art aus dem Wealden. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1885, 181-200. Ueber Aufnahme der Section Goslar. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [6], 1886, xxxiv-xxxv. — Weissia bavarica, g. •«., S2>. »., eiu neuer Stegocephale aus dem Unteren Rothliegenden. Preuss. Geol. Landes- anst. Jbuch., [7], 1887, 22-39. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Lepidotus. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Abh., 7 (Heft 4), 1887, 84 pp. — Ueber das Gebiss von Lepidotus Koeueni, fir., und Hauchecornei, lir. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, 124 (iiS)-128 (bis). - Ueber Vulkane der Alb. [1892.] Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 49, 1893, cxxxvi-cxxxvii. Ueber das Bohrloch von Neuffen. [1892.] Wiirttemb. pavimenteux stratifies). 310. Koliin, .11. Anat., 35, 1899, 257- Jhefte., 49, 1893, cxxxvn. Neue Beobachtungen iiber die Natur der vulkanischen Tuffgiinge in der schwabischeu Alb und ihrein nordlichen Vorlande. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 49, 1893, 1-20. Schwabens 125 Vulkau-Embryouen und deren tut't- erfiillte Ausbruehsrohren ; das griisste Maargebiet der Erde. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 50, 1894, 505-U'.I7; 51, 1895, 1-337. — Ueber die Entstehang der vulkanischen Durchboh- rungskanale im Gebiete von Urach. [1896.] Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 53, 1897, 13-27. Die aussergewdhnliche Warmezunahme im Bohrloche von Neuffen verglichen mil iihnlichem Verhalten anderer Bohrliicher. [Mit einem Anhange von Prof. A. SCHMIDT. | [1896.] Wiirttemb. Jhefte. , 53, 1897, 28-55. — Neue Beweise fur die Unabhiingigkeit der Vulcane von piaexistirenden Spalten. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (lid, 1), 175-1811. — Die mensehenahnliohen Ziihue aus dem Bohuerz der schwabischen Alb. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., .VI, 1898, 1-144. — Das Salzlager bei Kocheudorf am KocluT iiml die Frage seiner Bediohung durch Wasser. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 55, 1899, 133-231. Erkliirung gegen die vorstehenden Bemerkungeu mid Erwiderungen betr. die KocbendortVr Fiauc. \\ iirttemb. Jhefte., 55, 1899, 171. Brancovici] 7 Brancovici, K., & Ilallcr, Alb[in]. flee Haller it Brancovici. Brancsik, Kdroly. Einiges fiber Helix Faustina, Zgl., und deren Formeu im Trencsiner Comitate, sowie fiber den Zusammenhang mit H. Rossmiissleri, Pfr. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbuch., 14 (1887), 307-313. — Daudebardia rufa, Drji., gezogen. Deutsch. Malako- zool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 50-51. — Eine neue Varietat der Helix ponmtia, L. Deutscli. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 117-118. — Nachtrage zur Conchylien-Fauna Bosniens. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 161-169. — Vier neue Bythinellen aus Ungarn. Dentsch. Mala- kozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 39-40. — Trencsen varmegyeben talalhato molluscak rendszeres osszeallitasa. [Systematische Zusammenstellung der Mollusken des Comitates Trencsen.] [1890.] Math. Terrnt. Kozlem., 24, 1892, 1-36. Brand, A. Monographic der Gattung Lotus. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 25, 1898, 166-232. Brand, Al. Electric signal apparatus at Atlantic City, X. J. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 26 (1898), 405-406! Brand, [lindolf IJ'iHiehn] A/bano. Verfahren zur Analyse von Stahl. 'Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 43, 1884. 346-347. — Eiuige Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Vorgiinge bei Stahlschmelzprocessen in sauren und basischen Tiegeln. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 44, 1885, 105-107, 117-121. — Bestimmung des gebundenen Kohlenstoffes im Eisen dnrch Abscheiden mit bromirter Salzsaure und nach- folgende Verbrennung. Berg- u. Hiitteum. Ztg., 46, 1887, 65-68. — Ueber die Anwendung von festem Brom zur Auf- schliessung von geschwefelten Mineralieu und Hiitten- producteu. Fresenius, Ztschr., 26, 1887, 222-226. — Ueber Krystalle aus dem Gestiibbe der Bleiofen in Mechernich, welche dem Mineral Breithauptit ent- sprechen. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 234-239. - Ueber die Anwendung von pyrophosphorsauren Doppelsalzen zur Bestimmung und Trennung von Metallen durch Elektrolyse. Fresenius, Ztschr., 28, 1889, 581-605. — Zusamniensetzung und Krystallforru einiger Producte aus dem Bleihiittenbetriebe. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 264-268. — Secbs Wochen in Siebenbiirgen. Siebenb. Karpath.- Ver. Jbuch., 11, 1891, 18-50. - Neiiere Verfahren der Goldgewinnung. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 53, 1894, 73-76, 381-384, 389-391. — Etwas fiber Australien, seine Mineralvorkommen und die Verwerthung derselben. Ztschr. Angew. Chem 1897, 765. - Neuerungen im Goldprobirwesen und in der Verar- beitnng Ton Golderzen. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 57, 1898, 174-176, 187-189, 204-206, 213-215, 233-235. Brand, Alpiioiise. Note sur 1'enlevage de eouleurs a 1'albumine, sur bistre au manganese. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 66, 1896, 79-80. Brand, !•'.. t'n casse-tete du carre de 1'hypotenuse. Rev. Sci., 2, 1894, 274-276. — Quelques casse-tete du carre de ['hypotenuse. Rev. Sci., 2, 1894, 809-811. Brand, Kmil. Die Chylusresorption in der Dfinndarm- schleimhaut. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 609- 612. - Die Nerveneudigungen in der Hornhaut. [1888.] Arch. Augenheilk., 19, 1889, 267-276; Arch. Ophthalm.; in, 1889, 456-466. Brand, F. [Bin neuer Saxifraga-Mischling.] Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 4-5. — Ueber die drei Blattarten xanserer Nymphseaeeen. Bot. Centrbl., 57, 1894, 168-171. - Eine bisher noch nicht beschriebene Cladophora. [1894.] Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1895, 50-51. ;3 (.Brandenburg — Ueber Batraohospermum. But. Centrbl 61 1895 280-284. — Ueber drei neue Chulophoraceen aus bayerischen Seen Hedwigia, 34, 1895. 222-227. — Ueber die Vegetationsverhiiltnisse des Wunnsees und seine Grundalgen. Bot. Centrbl., 65, 1898. 1-1.-!. - Fortpflanzung nnd Regeneration von Lemanea nuviatilis. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 14, 1896, 18.1-191. — Ueber "Chantransia" und die einschlagigen Formen der bayrischen Hochebene. Hedwigia, 36, 1897, 300-319, xxxvi. Culturversuche mit zwei Rhizoclonium-Arten. Bot. Centrbl., 74, 1898, 193-202, 225-236. — Zur Algenflora des Wiirmsees. Deutsch. Bot. Ges Ber., 16, 1898, 200-203. — Cladophora-St.udien. Bot. Centrbl., 79, 1899, 145-1-52. 177-186, 209-221, 287-311. - Mesogerron, eine neue Chlorophyceen-Gattung. Hedwigia, 38, 1899, (181)-(184). — Ueber eiuen neuen Typus der Algenchlorophoren. [1900.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, 40(3-409, (293). — Der Formenkreis von Glipocapsa alpina, Nag. Bot. Centrbl, 83, 1900, 221-236. 280-286, 305-313. Brand, .1 . Ueber Maltol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 806-810. Brandao. •- Sousa-Brandao. Brande, Fr[inlrifli\. A Hilger, A\lbert]. .S'tv Hilger it Brande. Brandegee, Katharine. Studies in Portulacacefe. [1894.] California Ac. Proc., 4, 1895, 86-91. — Studies in Ceanothns. [1894 ] California Ac. Proc., 4, 1895, 173-222. — Notes on Eriogonea?. Erythen,, 5, 1897, 79-81, 100. - Notes on Cactese. Erythea, 5, 1897, 111-123, 133. Brandegee, Toiciixhend ft. Flora of the Santa Barbara islands. [1888.] California Ac. Proc., 1, 1889,21)1-226,362. — A collection of plants from Baja California, 1889. [188'J.] California Ac. Proc., 2, 1890, 117-216. — Finns latifolia. Garden * Forest, 5, 1892, 111. — Flora of the Cape region of Baja California. [1891-92.] California Ac. Proc., 3, 1893, 108-182, 218-227. — Two new species of Ilex. Garden & Forest, 7 1894 414. — Mimulus Cleveland!. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 134. - Teton forest reserve. [1899.] U. S. Geol. SUIT Rep., 1897-98 (Pt. 5), 191-212. — New species of western plants. Bot. Gaz., 27, 1899, 444-457. — New species of plants from Mexico. Erythea, 7, 1899, 1-9, 71. — Island flora notes. Erythea, 7. 1899, 70-71. Brandeis, Iticlnirtl C. Boroglyceride in the treatment of purulent diseases of the ear. Arch. Otol., 13, 1884, 13-21. Brandely. NT Boucbon-Brandely. Branden, C. run dot. ''Catalogue des Coleopteres car- nassiers aquatiques (Haliplidfe, Aniphizoidw, Prlobiidie et Dytiscidse). [1883.] Brux., Soe. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885 (Pt., 1), 5-118. — Enumeration des Coleopteres phytophagea decrits posterieurernent au catalogue de AIM. GEMJIINGER et DE HAKOMI. Liege Soc. Sci. Mem.. 11. 1885, A'o. 10, 16 pp. Brandenberger, E. Rouge para enleve par vaporisage sur bleu cuve. [1897.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 68, 1898, 56-57. Brandenburg, [Georg], Ein Fall von homonymer rechts- seitiger Hemianopsie mit Alexie und Trochleiirislahmung. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 33, 1887 (Abth. 3), 93-112. Brandenburg, F. H. The weather and the live stock industry. [1900.] U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899) 588-590. - The water supply for the season of 1900 as depending on snowfall. Colorado. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev 28 (1900), 493- I'M. 90—2 Brandenburg] •04 [Brandes Brandenburg, Jlrinr. Abnorme elektromotorische Kviifte des Quecksilbers. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 11. 1893. 552-576. Brandenburg, Kurt [.lull. 0-42.S. — Die Ursache der Griinfarbung des Darmes von t'h;Ho- pterus. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 423-4'Js. - Der Fohn. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 437-439. — Die Lorenziuischen Ampullen. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh., 1898, 179-182. — Zuin Bau der Spermieu. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh., 1898, 183-185. - Die Gattung Gastrothylax. [1898.] Halle Natf. i Irs. Abh., 21, 1896-98, [193]-[225]. — Das Nervensystem der als Nemathelminthen zusam- mengefassteii Wurmtypen. [1898.] Halle .\;nl. <;,-• Abh., 21, 1896-98, [273]-[299]- — Giebt es im Thierreich CO assimilirende Gewebe? Leopoldina, 34, 1898, 102-106. — Der Dimorphismus der Spermien. Ztschr. Naturwiss.. 71, 1898, 237-23S. — Der intellect der Ameisen. Ztschr. Naturwi-s., 71. 1898, 23S-241. Die Leuchtorgane der Tiefseetische Argyropelecus und Chauliodus. [1899.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 71. 1898. 447-452. - Teratologische Cestoden. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 7'-'. 1899, 105-110. — Die Begattuug von Nephelis. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 122-124. — Ueber Duftapparate bei Kafern. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 209 -21(i. — Das Vorkommen von Acentropus niveus in der Provinz Sachsen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 223. — Das massenhafte Abbrechen der Kieferzweigspitzen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 360-361. — Die Griisse der Schneckeneier. [1'JOO.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 362-363. — Zwei neue Nephelis-Arten aus der Umgebuiif; von Halle a.-S. [1900.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 450-452. — Ueber eiue Ursache des Aussterbens einiger ililuvialcr Saugethiere. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1900. 103-107. - Die Begattung von Clepsine Naturwiss., 73, 1900, 126-128. tesselata. /tsclir. Brandes] 765 [Brandl — Das Vorkornmen von Plauaria alpina uurdlich vom Harz. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 73, 1900, 303-304. Brandes, Gnstur, & Dorn, E. Ueber die Sichtbarkeit der Rontgenstrahlen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 60, 1897, 478- 490. Brandes, I^eler Karl Adolf], & Stoehr, C[«i-f]. Synthese von Trimetbylpyrazin und Tetramethylpyrazin. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 53, 1896, 501-512. — Ueber die Bildimg von Pyrazin und Homologen aus Traubenzucker und Amnioniak. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 54, 1896, 481-49.5. .SVr ,i/,.. Stoehr it Brandes. Brandes, IT. I'riifung des Kreosots. Arcli. Pharm., 227, 1889, 111-115. — DroguenausAt'rika. [1895.] Hannover Jber., 1893-97, 56-57. — Neue Beitrage und Veranderungen zur Flora der Provinz Hannover. [1900.] Hannover Jber., 1897-99, 127-200. Brandborst, C. H[emric1i], & Kraut, K[nrl\. Zur Kennt- niss der Phosphorwolframsaure. Liehig'g Ann., 2411, 1888, 373-380. Brandicourt, c'/i. Elements de la planete 1893 (AL). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 314-316. — Ephemeride de la planete 1893 (AL). Bull. Astr., 12, 1895, 18-19. Brandicourt, CIi., Barre, L., & Viennet, E[loi]. See Barre, Viennet A Brandicourt. Brandicourt, I'. Une excursion a Creuse. [1885.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 7, 1884-85, 314-317. Le chevalier a pieds rouges de Califoruie. [1886.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 8, 1886-87, 09-70. — LescocousdeCionusScrophularise. [1887.] N.France Soc. Linn. Bull., 8, 1886-87, 313-315. — Herborisations tie 1887. [1888.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 39-43, 57-60. — Relation entre la couleur et les instincts de quelqnes Lepidopteres. [1888.] N. France Soe. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 86-90. — La dissemination des graines. [1889.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 228-234. — Herborisations de 1888. [1889.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 322-328. — Relations entre les fourmis et les plantes. [1889.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 343-351. l'a[iillous cosmopolites. [1889.] X. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 361-363. — Le moiueau en Amerique. [1890.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 10, 1890-91, 132-136. — Contribution a la flore locale. [1891.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 10, 1890-91, 373-374. Dissemination des plantes aquatiques. [1896.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 13, 1896-97, 73-78. — Plantes nypoearpogees. [1896.1 N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 13, 1896-97, 99-107, 114-121. — Dissemination des plantes. [1898.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 14, 1898-99, 52-56, 66-70. Brandicourt, I'., cV Dequevauviller, (I'ubbe) Charles. "De Historia stirpium" de FUCHS. [1900.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull. , 15, 1900-01, 5-9. Brandin, . De Tiufluence de 1'acide phosphorique sur le jeuue plant de betterave. France Soc. Agr. Bull., 54, 1894, 470-477. Brandis, Ailulpli ran. Eine vielmouatliche Beobachtung ruhiger Luft iiber dem Gipfel des Vulkaus Merapi in Java. Halle Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1885, 41-44. Brandis, (Xir) ]>ietricli. Die Beziehungen zwischen Regeui'all und Wald in Indien. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 11, 1884, 380-417. — Ueber die Waldvegetation von Ajmere und Merwara. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-BL, 1885, 85-86. — Der Wald des ausseren uordwestlichen Himalaya. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 42, 1885, 153-180. — Ueber Terminalia chebula, Ketzius. Bonn Nieder- rhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 1.J8-161. — The riugal of the north-western Himalaya. [1885.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 19, 1886. 109-112. — [Ueber den Teakbaum (Tectoua graudis).] Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1886, 53-54. — Ueber eine neue Primus-Art. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-BL, 1886, 64-65. Ueber das Zusamnienvorkornmen von Nadelholzern und Dipterocarpeen in Indien. Boun Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 50-53. Ueber die Nainen der Rosen in Indieu. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 285-288. — Ueber die Bambusen von Birina. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-BL, 1887, 113-114. - Regen und Wald in Indien. Meteorol. Ztsehr., 4 (1887), 369-376. — [Ueber spezifische Individunlitiit in dem Eiutritt und in der Dauer der Bliithezeit der Pflanzen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 38-43. — Der Wald in den Vereinigteu Staaten von Nord- amerika. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verh., 47, 1890, 265-306. — [Unterschiede in der Vegetation Vorder- und Hinter- indiens.] Bonn Niederrhein. lies. Sber., 1891, 86-89. — [Ueber geselligwachseude Baume und andere Holz- prlanzen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1894, 36-37, 44-50. Mixed oak and beech forests of the Spessart. Garden * Forest, 7, 1894, 218-219, 228-230, 238-240, 298-299, 309, 317-318, 329, 338-339. — An enumeration of the Dipterocarpacea?, based chiefly upon the specimens preserved at the Royal Herbarium and Museum, Kew, and the British Museum; with remarks on the genera and species. [1894.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.). 31, 1895-97, 1-148. — Remarks upon the natural order Dipterocarpacese. [1894.] Pharm. JL, 25, 1895, 497-499. - Forestry in Natal. [Tr.] [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 234-235. — Die Familie der Dipterocarpaceen und ihre geogra- phische Verbreitung. [1895-9(i.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1896, 4-42. - The Burma teak forests. Garden * Forest, 9, 1896, 318-319, 329-330, 338-339, 348-350, 358-359, 368-369, 378-379, 389, 399-400, 408-409, 418-419, 428. — Die geographische Verbreitung der Bambusen in Ostindien. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1897, 68- 76. Brandis, Erich, & Freyn, J[osef]. Beitrag zur Flora von Bosnien und der angrenzeuden Hercegovina. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 38, 1888 (Ah!:.), 577-644. Brandis, Ernst. Ueber Condensationen mit dem a-Naph- talinaldehyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2148-2158". Brandis, F. Untersuchungen iiber das Gchirn der Vogel. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 41, 1893, 1(18-194, 623-649; 43, 1894, 96-116, 787-813; 44, 1895, 534-555. Das Kleinhiru der Vogel in seiner Beziehung zur Systernatik. Jl. f. Ornith., 44, 1896. 274-304. Bra'ndl, Joseph. Ueber Resorption und Secretion im Magen und deren Beeinflussung durch Arzneimittel. Ztsehr. Biol., 29, 1892, 277-307. Chemisch-pharmakologische Untersuchuug iiber die Manaca-Wurzel. Ztsehr. Biol., 31, 1895, 251-292. Experimeutelle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung, Aufnahme und Ausscbeidung von Kupfer. Berlin. Gesundheitsamt Arb., 13, 1897, 104-136. See also under Tappeiner, [Anton Josef Franz] H[ermann] run. Brandl, Joseph, & rtcirtcr, Ludwig. Beitrag zur Kennt- niss des Farbstoffes melanotischer Sarkome nebst Bemerkungen iiber einige Eigeuschaften der soge- Brandll TCI; [Brandt nannten melanogenen Substanz im Harn. Ztschr. Biol., 26, 1890, 348-371.. Brandl, ./..x,y>//. iV Scherpe, R. Ueber zinkhaltige Aepfelschnitte uebst Versuchen iiber die Wirkung cles apfelsauren Ziuks. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 15, 1899, 185-211. Brandl, .Juxfjili. & Tappeiner, [Anlmi Josef Fmn:\ H[fnn(in>i] run. Yersuche iiber Peristaltik nach Abfuhrmitteln. [1889.] Arch. Exper. Path., 26, 1890, 177-185. — Ueber die Ablagerung von Fluorverbindungen iiu Organismus nach Fattening mit Fluornatrium. Ztschr. Biol., 2H, 1891, 518-539. Brandner, G. n ">ai;aB- i;a:!l.e. [Preliminary report on an excursion undertaken by order of the Imperial Academy of Sciences to the province of Kars and Transcaucasia.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 36, 1880, 362-383. — Die Ernahrung und das Wachsthum des Dotters im Insectenei. Zool. An/., *, 1885, 188-191. Eiu extrerner Fall rachitischer Verkrfippelung. Vir- chow, Arch. , 104, 1886, 540-548. — Ueber Wandtafeln fiir den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Zool. An-/.., 12. 1889, 73-78. Ein seuundiirer Knochenzapfen als Bestandtheil des Horns der Cavicornier. Zool. Anz , 12. 1889, 195-197. Anatomisehes und Allgemeines iiber die sogenannte Hahuenfedrigkeit und iiber andenveitige Geschlechts- auomalien bei Viigeln. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 4«, 1889, 101-150, 151-190. — Ueber den Zusammenhang der Glandula suprarenalis mit dem Parovarium resji. uVr Epididymis bei Huhnern. [1889.] Biol. Centrbl., ;i, 1890, 522-526. Procentometer. Anat. Anz., li. 1891, 682-683. — Essai d'une classification des variations animates, selon leurs causes. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 (Ft. 1), 66-67. — Eine Virago, mit Benutzung der von Dr. W. FAVB ermittelten gyniikologischen Oaten. Virchow, Arch., 146, 1896, 532-540. — Ueber die sogenannten Huudemenschen, beziehungs- weise fiber Hypertrichosis universalis. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 161-179; Rev. Sci., 7, 1897, 552-558. — Ueber den Bart der Mannweiber [Viragines]. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 226-239; Rev. Sci., 7, 1897, 618-622. — Ueber borstenartige Gebilde bei einem Hai und eine mutmassliche Homologie der Haare und Ziihne. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 257-270. — Das Hirngewicht und die Zahl der peripherischen Nervenfasern in Hirer ISeziehung zur Kiirpergrosse. Brandt, c'. /''. Moyen d'obvier a la formation de 1'oxycellulose dans 1'eulevage a 1'acide chromique sur bleu indigo. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 61, 1891. 496-497. — Enlevage rouge et blanc sur bleu indigo cuve au moyen du brome ou de ses derives oxygenes. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 62, 1892, 201-206. — Un procede d'enlevage sur bleu indigo cuve. Mulhouse Soc. lad. Bull., 62, 1892, 210-211. Brandt, Curl. Ueber die Bakterien des Lidrandes und Bindehautsackes, sowie iiber deren Beeinrlussuug durch verschiedenartige Verbande und Augensalben. Wfirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 29, 1896, (189)-(208). Brandt, Ktliinrd Knrlnrif. For biography and list of works see Leopoldina, 27, 1891, 206; Soc. Ent. Ross. Hora>, 27, 1893, i-vi. IH'pBHOII rm'TC'MIJ paBHOHOriIX7> (Isopoda). [Ver- gleichend-anatomische Untersuchungen fiber das Nerven- System der Isopoda.] [1887.] Soc. Ent. Ross. Horse, 20, 1885-87, 245-249. - Ha6.iio;i,eHifl no anaTOMin Hact>KOMMxi>. [Ob- servations on the anatomy of insects.] Soc. Ent. Ross. Horn?, 22, 1888, 133-137. ' — Zwei Falle von T*nia cueumerina, Rud., beim Menschen. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 481-484. — Vorgleicbend-anatomische Untersuchungen fiber die Grit'felbeine (Ossa calamitormia) der Wiederkiiiu-r (Rumi- nantia). Zool. Anz., 11, 1888. 542-548. — Larvrn der Wohlfarfschen Fliege (Sarcophila Wobl- fartii, Portm-li.) im Zahufleische des Menschen. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 560-561. - AnaTOMin cnM.'.niiMniu'i. nlR\iOBn,T,nori (Tro- chilium apiforme, L.) n KOMapOBlIJUIOll (Sesia tipuli- formis, L.). [On the anatomy of Sesia tipuliformis ami Trochilium apiforme, Linn.] Soc. Ent. Ross. Hora-, 23, 1889, 41-49 ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 185-190. Brandt, Fr. Anemone nemorosa, rur. inonstrosa, Iliili'lu'ii. Meeklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1898, 55. Brandt, Fran: H. Endotbelioma of bone, with many metastases. N. Y. Med. Jl., 72, 1900, 793-798, 839-843. Brandt, (imstar, A Claus, AiloJpli [Carl Litilii-iii]. N'1' Glaus A Brandt. Brandt, ./[o/innn] F[riedrich], """Second rapport relatif aux rechc'iclics microscopiques ulterieures sur 1'anatomie des especes du genre Glomeris. [1840.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 1-3. - *Note supplementaire sur les especes qui composent le genre Polydesmus, suivie d'une earacteristique de deux especes nouvelles. [1840.") St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull.. 9, 1842, 9-11. - 'Note sur trois especes nouvelles d'oiseaux de Rtissie et de la Perse boreale, rapportees par .!/. KARELIN. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 11-12. - *Note sur une espece de chat (Felis servalina, Jtirdiiu'), nouvelle pour la faune de Russie. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 34-37. — "Observations sur le manoul (Felis rrianul, Ptilln"). [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 37-39. - *Note sur deux especes nouvelles de sousliks de Russie. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 43. "Observations sur le Loxia rubicilla, GHIdenst. (Coc- Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 47.1-4**. — Zur Phylogenie der Saugethierhaare. 20, 1900, 572-592. Biol. Centrbl., cothraustes caucasicus, 1'n/lax). [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 287-288. - "Note sur les especes de Loxia (bee croise) de la faune de llussir. [1*41.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 288. - *Remarc]iies sur le Passer arctous de PALLAS, commc etant vraisemblablement le type de trois ditl'i rent.-s especes d'oiseaux. [1*41.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 10, 1842. 251-253. Brandt] 707 [Brauford " Zoogeographisehe und paliiontologische Beitrage. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 2, 1867, 33-290. - *[Ueber Ruekschlage geziibmter Hausthiere.J Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 83-84. — *[Ueber die diluvianieche Saugethierfauna des nord- linhen, namentlich russischeu Asiens irn Vergleich mit der Europas.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 127. — Ueber die Vogelfauna der Aleuten, Kurilen mid der russisch-amerikanischeu Colonien. Naeh hinterlassenen Notizen herausgegebeu von Herman SCHALOW. 31. (. Ornith., 39, 1891, 235-271. Brandt, Jtlzsef. Die plastischen Operationen. ['£?•] [1888-89.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 30, 1890, 331- 348. — A Koch-fele oltasokrol. [Ueber die Impfungen von KOCH.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Ore. Szak), 1891, 1-7, 163-164. Brandt, Juli-s. Note sur quelques reactions des derives nitres de 1 'alizarine et leur application a 1'impression. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 67, 1897, HX2-385. — Note sur quelques corps pouvant remplacer le fj-naphtol clans la production des couleur.s azoiques sur la fibre. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 68, 1898, 43-49. — Note sur le jaune d'alizarine F S. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 68, 1898^ 115-118. — Note sur 1'action des reducteurs alcalins sur les couleurs azoi'ques derivees des nitranilines. [1898.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 6',l, 1899, 77-85. Brandt, Karl. Die kuloniebildenden Radiolarien (Sphaero- zoe'en) des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzendeu Meeresabschnitte. Neapel Zool. Stat., Fauna & Flora, 13, 1885, viii + 276 pp. [Ueber den Ban und die Lebenserecheinungen der koloniebildenden Badiolarien oder Sphiirozoen.] [1886.] Konigsb. Schr., 27, 1887 (Sber.), 16-17. — Ueber die biologischen Untersuchungen der Plankton- Expedition. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh^, 16, 1889, 515- 525. — Ueber die Plankton-Expedition. [1890.] Schlesw. - Holst. Nat. Ver. Schr., 8, 1891, 262. — [Die Expedition der Sektiou fur Kiisten- und Hoch- seetischerei in der tistliehen Ostsee. Uutersuchung des Planktons sowie der Thiere und Pflauzen des Meeres- bodens.] Die mit der Kurre oder der Dredge auf der Expedition gesammelteu Thiere. [1890.] Deutsch. Meere Ber., 17-21, 1893, 141-147. — Ueber neue und alte Funde von Mammuthresten in der Provinz Schleswig-Holstein. [1893.] Schlesw. - Holst. Nat. Ver. Schr.; 10, 1895, 112. — Ueber die Ursache des geriugen spezifischen Gewichtes der Vakuolenfliissigkeit bei Meerestieren. Biol. Centrbl., 15, 1895, 855-859. — Ueber die Schliessnetzfange der Plankton Expedition. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1895 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 107-112. — [Zoologische Ergebnisse der von der Gesellschaft i'iir Erdkunde zu Berlin uuter Leitung Dr. VON DRYQALSKI'S ausgesandten Grunlandexpedition nach Dr. VANHOFFEN'S Sammlungeu bearbeitet.] iv. Die Tintinnen. [1896.] Bibl. Zool., 8, 1895-98, Heft 20, 45-71. — Ueber das Stettiner Haff. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch., 1, 1896, Heft 2, 105-141. — Biologische und faunistische Untersuchungen an Badiolarien und anderen pelagischen Thieren. [1895.] Zool. Jbiifh. (Syst.), 9, 1897, 27-74. - Das Vordringen mariner Thiere in den Kaiser Wilhelm-Canal. [1896.] Zool. Jbiich. (Sust.), 9, 1897, 387-408. — Die Fauna der Ostsee, iusbesondere die der Kieler Bucht. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1897, 10-34. — Ueber Salzgehalt und Thierwelt im Kaiser Wilhelm- Kanal. Schlesw. -Hoist. Nat. Ver. Schr., 11, 1898, 8-9. — Ueber den gegeuwartigeu Stand der Aalfrage. Schlesw. - Hoist. Nat. Ver. Schr., 11, 1898, 235-239. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der ehemischen Zusaiumeu- .setzung des Planktons. [Chemisehe Analysen der Herreu Dr. OKTH uud Dr. BHANDES.] Wiss. Meeres- untersucb., 3 (Kiel), 1898, 43-90. — La vie dans les rners. Bev. Sci., 12, 1899, 513-526. — Ueber den Stoffwechsel im Meere. Wiss. Meeres- untersuch., 4 {Kiel), 1899, 213-230. Brandt, Kazimierz. *Wytrzymatosd ciai. Badania analityczne dotyczace ci^zarmv przypadkowych uzy- wiinyuh przy obliczaniu mostow. [Becherches analy- tiques relatives aux valeura des charges accidentelles employees dans le calcul des poutres metalliques.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scisi. Pain., 4, 1874, Art. 2, 32 pp. - *Badania analityczne dotyczace sposobu obliczania mostow ztozouych z tukow metalicznych. [Becherches analytiques sur les ponts composes d'arcs metalliques.] Paris Tow. Nauk £cis-r. Pam., 7, 1875, Art. 2, 81 pp. - *Sposob praktyczny budowy murow oporowych. [Practical method of building retaining walls.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scisl. Pam., 9, 1877, Art.' 7, 88 pp.; 10, 1878, Art. 7, 12 pp. Brandt, L. Ueber eine Fehlorquelle bei der Stickstoff- bestimmung im Chilisalpeter nacb ULSCH. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 22. Brandza, D[imitrie]. *Despre vegetatiunea Bomaniet si exploratorii ei. [On the vegetation of Rounmnia and its exploration.] [1880.] Bucarest, Ac. Hum. An., 2 (Sect. 2), 1881, 303-380. - *Plante nouf- din Bomauia. [New plants of I\'. I'. The general value of the «th total differential of any function of any number of variables. Branfordj 768 [Brainier Dependent or independent. Messenger Math., 28, 1899, 1H9-174. Branford, II. A'. Bird life on the Fame islands. [1891.] Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 11, 1894, 357-360. Branly, l\. — Nouveau mode d'einploi du thermomultiplicateur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 1(14, 1887, 1059-1061. — Calcul de la largeur des franges dans 1'experience des deux miroirs. Jl. Phys., 7, 1888, (59-72. — Deperdition lies deux electricites dans I'eclairement par des radiations tres refrangibles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 751-7.14. — Courants photo-electriques entre les deux plateaux d'un condensateur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 110, 1890. 898-901. — Variations de conductibilite sous diverses influences electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., Ill, 1890, 785-787, 934; Lum. Kler.t., 41). 1891, 301-309, 506-511. — Variations de couductibilite des substances isolantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 112, 1891, 90-93. — Variations de conductibilite des isolants sous diverses influences electriques. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 135-141. — [Deperdition de 1'electricite positive par la lumiere.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 185-187. — Conductibilite electrique des corps isolants. Jl. Phys., 1. 1892, 459-460. IVperditiou des deux electrieites par les rayons tres refrangibles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 114, 1892, 68-70. — Nouvelle conductibilite unipolaire des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 831-834. — Sur la conductibilite d'un gaz compris entre un metal froid et un corps incandescent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., Ill, 1892, 1 o31--1534; 115, 1892, 76. - Sur la conductibilite des gaz. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, '215-230. — Depenliiinn de 1'oleetricito a la lumiere du jour. .11. Phys., 2, 1893, 300-305. — Sur la deperdition de 1'electricite a la lumiere diffuse et a 1'obscurite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 741-744. — Sur la conductibilite des substances eonductriee-; discontinues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 348-349. — Emploi des tubes a limaille dans 1'etude des inter- ferences electriques. Jl. Phys., 4. 1895, 273-275. — Deperdition electrique par 1'illumination de corps mediocrement conducteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 829-834. — Resistance electrique au contact de deux nietaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 869-872, 953. — Resistance des lames metalliques minces. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 230-232. — Sur la propriety de decharger les corps electrises, produite dans les gaz par les corps incandescents et par les etincelles electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 123, 1896, 643. — Sur la conductibilite electrique des substances con- ductrices discontinues, a propos de la telegraphic sans fil. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. R., 125, 1897, 939-942. — Conductibilite des radioconducteurs ou conductibilite electrique discontinue. Assimilation a la conductibilite nerveuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1163-1165. — Une enveloppe mctallique ne se laisse pas traverser par les oscillations hertziennes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 43-46 ; Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 24-27. — Telegraphic sans til et collisions en ruer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 171-172. — Resistance electrique au contact de deux disqnes d'un meme metal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 219-223; Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 21-24. — Radioconducteurs a limailles d'or et de platine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1206-1207. — [Note au sujet de la lettre de .17. BI.OXHEL sur la telegraphic sans fil.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1898, 78*-79". — Conductibilite electrique des radioconducteurs. Eev. Quest. Sci., 43, 1898, 353-369. — Radioconducteurs a disques metalliques. Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, '274-275. — Eadiocondueteurs a billes metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 128, 1899, 1089-1092. — Transmissiou des ondes hertziennes a travers les liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 672-675. — Accroissements de resistance des radioconducteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1068-1071. — Absorption des radiations hertziennes par les liquides. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1900, 9-1-5. Branly, Kilmnii-il, A Le Bon, Gustave. Sur Pabsorption des ondes hertziennes par les corps nou metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 879-8*2. Brannan, .lulnt Wintfi-s. The varying significance of intermittent albuminuria. Report of autopsy of a case. N. Y. Mod. Jl. , 54, 1891. 7-11. — Essential paroxysmal tachycardia. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 54,' 1891, 723-725. — The treatment of pulmonary haemorrhage. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 218-220. — Sero-diagnosis of typhoid fever. A study of its practical clinical value, with a demonstration of the blood reactions. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl. , 65, 1897, 413-418, 430-434. Branner, .fulm I'uspfr. *The course and growth of the fibro-vascular bundles in palms. [1883.] Arner. Phil. Soc. Proc., 21, 1884, 459-483, 502. - Flexible sandstone. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 927. - The 'Batrachichthys.' Science, 3, 1884, 376-377. •The 'pororoea,' or bore, of the Amazon. Science, 4, 1884, iss-4'.i2. Preliminary report of observations upon insects injurious to cotton, orange, and sugar-cane in Brazil. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 4, 1884, 63-69. — Glaciation of the Lackawanna vallev. Amer. Ass. Proc.. 1885. -21-2-214. - The reputation of the lantern fly. Amer. Natlist., Ill, 1885, 835-838. • The thickness of the ice in north-eastern Pennsylvania during the glacial epoch. Amer. Jl. Sci., 32. 1886, 362- 366. — Geographical and geological exploration in Brazil. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886. 687-i'>90. — The glaciation of parts of the Wyoming and Lacka- wanna valleys. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., 23, 1886, 337-357. — Additional notes on the lantern-fly of Brazil. [1887.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 66-68. - The age and correlation of the Mesozoic rocks of the Sergipe-Alagoas basin of Brazil. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1888, 187-188. - The age of the crystalline rocks of Arkansas. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1888, 188. — Notes on the fauna of the islands of Fernando de Norouha. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 861-871. — The geology of Fernando de Noronha. Part I. Amer. Jl. Sci ,37, 1889, 145-161. - The Cretaceous and Tertiary geology of the Sergipe Alaguas basin of Brazil. [1888.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans., 16, 1890, 3IV.I l:il. Address [In the Geol. Sect.]. The relations of the -I ite and national geological -iiru'ys to eaeh other anil to tlie geologists of tlie ciimitiv. Amer. Ass. I 'roe., 1890. 219-237. Branner] roo [Brasch — The /Eolian sandstones of Fernando de Noronha. Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 247-257. — Solar halos. Science, 15, 1890, I'.i.V — Bauxite in Arkansas. Amer. Geologist, 7, 1891, 181-183. — The supposed glaciation of Brazil. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 1, 1893, 753-772. — The geological surveys of Arkansas. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 2, 1894, 826-830. — Decomposition of rocks in Brazil. [ISO;1;.] Arner. Geol. Soc. Bull., 7, 1896, x, 255-314. - Thickness of the Paleozoic sediments in Arkansas. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 229-236. Bibliography of clays and the ceramic arts. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 143, 1896, 114 pp. — The phosphate-deposits of Arkansas. [1896.] Arner. Inst. Min. Eupin. Trans., 26, 1897, 580-598. — - Bacteria and the decomposition of rocks. Amer. Jl. Sei., 3, 1897, 438-442. - The former extension of the Appalachians across Mississippi, Lotiisiana and Texas. Amer. Jl. Sci., 4, 1897, 357-371. - The bauxite deposits of Arkansas. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 5, 1897, 263-289. — The cement-materials of southwest Arkansas, [ll'itli discussion.] [1897.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 27, 1898, 42-63, 944-946. — Geology in its relations to topography. [With ili.i- citssion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 39, 1898, 53-95. — On the origin of certain siliceous rocks. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 6, 1898, 360-371. The manganese-deposits of Bahia and Miuas, Brazil. [1899.] Arner. Inst. Min. Engiu. Trans., 29, 1900. 756-770. — Ants as geologic agents in the tropics. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 8, 1900, 151-153. - The origin of beach cusps. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 8, 1900, 481-484. — Results of the Brauner-Agassiz Expedition to Brazil, iv. Two characteristic geologic sections on the north- east coast of Brazil. Washington Ac. Sci. Proc., 2, 1900, 185-201. - The oil-bearing shales of the coast of Brazil. [1900.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engiu. Trans., 30, 1901, 537-554. Branner, John Caspe.r, & Brackett, Richard N[twmait]. The peridotites of Pike county, Arkansas. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1888, 188-189; Amer. JL Sci., 38, 1889, 50-59. Branner, John Caspci; & Oilman, C. E. The stone reef at the mouth of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Amer. Geologist, 24, 1899, 342-344. Branner, John Casper, & Wewsom, John F. See Newsom & Branner. Brannon, Melvin A[mos]. Bacteria in hen's eggs. Science, 22, 1893, 64-65. — The structure and development of Grinellia americaua, Hare. Ann. Bot., 11, 1897, 1-28. Bransford, John F. Climatic and sanitary notes on the Nicaragua Canal route. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1887, 179. Branson, F. W. Note on a new triple Bunsen burner. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, 957. — Note on an exact method for estimating the intensity of the X rays. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 865. Branth, J[nkol] S[evtrin] Deichmann. [Gnnlands lichen- flora.] Lavvegetationens almindelige karakter. [1887.] Medd. Gronland, 3, 1880-94, 457-463 ; Bot. Ceutrbl., 54, 1893, 152-155. — Enumeratio Lichen urn Grcenlaudise secundnm Th. M. FRIES : "Lichenes Arctoi" dispositoruni. [1887- 92.] Medd. Gronland, 3, 1880-94, 464-513, 751-762; Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 152-155. — Om udvikliug og afiendring hos Verruoaria hydrela, Ach. [1892.] Bot. Tidsskr., 18, 1892-93, 104-107; Bot. Centrhl. Beihefte, 1893, 441-442. R. S. A. C. — Lichener fra Scoresby Sund og Hold with Hope. [Lichens provenant du Scoresby Sund et de Hold-with- Hope.] [1894.] Medd. Gnmland, 18, 1896, 83-103, (Res. 484). • Diatomeer paa vandingsenge. [1«90.] Bot. Tidsskr., 22, 1898-99, xvi. Brants, A. Een paar halsorganen bij de rups van Noto- donta ziczac, L. Tijdschr. Ent., 37', 1894, 196-224. Braquehaye, J[tiles Pic Louis]. De la methode graphique appliquee a I'e'tude du traumatisme cerebral. Arch. Gen. Med., 175, 1895, 129-153, 306-324. — De la nirvauine en chirurgie. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1900 (To/. 10), 21-31. Braquehaye, J[ules Pie Louis], & Chipault, A[ntony]. See Chipault A Braquehaye. Braquehaye, Joules Pie Louis], & Remlinger, Paul. Mamelle suraume'raire au-dessous de 1'ombilic chez un homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 598-599. Brard, (Pater) . Der Victoria-Nyansa. Petermann, Mitth., 43, 1897, 77-80. Brard, Felix. Les charbonnages d'Hongay (Tonkin). Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1897 (Pt. 1), 81-112; St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 11, 1897, 155-182. — Etude des pertes de 1'Arve et de ses affluents et des sources en aval des pertes. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1899 (Pt. 2), 397-486. Braren, Willielm, & Buchner, Eduurd. Ueber Pseudo- phenylessigsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 684-091. — Synthese einer gesattigten bicyclischen Dicarbonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3453-3456. Brasack, [Fnriiric/']. Das Aluminium und das Magnesium sowie ihre gegenwartige Bedeutung in der Industrie. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1886, 161-176. — Die Natur der Flarnme. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1888, 20-34. — Die Priifung der Blitzableiter. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1889, 40-48. Brascassat, Marcel. [Sur la capture de quelques Nevro- pteres nouveaux pour la faune du Sud-Ouest.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 48, 1895, xiii. — Description d'une aberration nouvelle de Lepidoptere. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 52, 1897, Ixxvii. — [Note sur quelques Lepidopt.eres de la Gironde. ] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 52, 1897, Ixxxix-xci. — Compte-reudu entomologique. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898, vii-viii. Brascassat, Marcel, A Eyquem, [Guston]. See Eyquem A Brascassat. Brasch, Felix. Ueber initiate Syringomyelie bei einem Falle von Neuromyositis infectiosa. Fortschr. Med., 16 (1898). 523-53S. — Ueber den Einflnss der Wasserentziehung auf die Nervenzelle. Fortschr. Med., 16 (1898), 803-817. — Das Verhalten der Reflexe naeh hohen Querdurch- trennungeu des Riickenmarkes beirn Menschen. Fortschr. Med., 18 (1900), 121-134. Brasch, Feli.c, & Gathmann, A. Ueber den Einfluss willkurlicher Athmungsbeschleuuiguug auf die Herz- thiitigkeit. Ein Beitrag zur Beurtheilung des Werthes des Mannkopf'schen Symptoms bei der Untersucnung Unfallkranker. Portschr. Med., 18 (1900), 61-66. Brasch, Feli.c, & Goldscheider, Alfred. See Goldscheider A Brasch. Brasch, Mur/in. Beitrag zur Lehre von der multiplen Neuritis. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 260-268. — Ein unter dem Bilcle der tabischen Paralyse verlau- fender Fall von Syphilis des Centraluervensystems. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891. 489-492, 517-526, 552-562. — Zur Casuistik der pontileu Heerderkraukungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, '2-26-237. — Zur Pathologic der syphilitischen Fniheikrankungen 97 Brasch I 770 [Brasse des Centralnervensystems. 29, 1897, 680-683. — Ein Fall von motorischer Aphasie im Friihstadium eines acuten Exanthems. [1*96.] Arch. Psychiatr., 30, 1898, 977-9*0. Brasch, f![ii-!uir. [Analyse chimique de quelques eaux de Kiew.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, 205-224. Brasol, Li'n IMH. Wie entledigt sich das Blut von eineni Ueberschuss an Traubenzucker? Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Alitli.}, 1884, 211-241. Brass, Arnohl. Bemerkungen zu P. FISAISSE'S Enviederung an Herrn Professor FLEMMIXO in No. 163 des Zoologischeu Anzeigers. [Epithelregeneration.] Zool. Anz., 7, 1884 246-247. - Beitrage zur Zellphysiologie. Ztschr. Naturwiss. , 57, 1884, 115-155. — Die Methoden bei der Untersuchung thierischer Zelleu. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1. 1884, 3!l-51. — Mittheilungeu zur mikroskopischen Technik. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 2, 1885, 300-308. Brass, W[illielni], & Wallach, 0[tto]. Sec Wallach & Brass. Brassai, K,iiiniel. For biography see Termt. Kozliin., 30, 1898, 645-IJ4H; Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes., 10, 1899 270- 296. — A xi axioma. [The llth. axiom.] [Post It.] Magyai Tud. Ak. Ertes., 9, 1898, 415-427. Brassart, , & Brassart, Ermanno. See below. Brassart, Ermanno. *Nuovi apparecchi sismici dei fratelli BRASSAUT. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 150-153. — Orologio sismieo. Biv. Sci.-Ind., 16, 1884, 1-3. — Sismoscopio a dischetto dei fratelli BRASSAKT. Bull. Yule. Ital., 12, 1885, 103-104. — Anemoscopio ed anemometro a trasmi^imir rli/ttrica dei fratelli BBASSART. lioma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann 6 (Pt. I), 1886, 71-77. Sismoscopi o avvisatori sismici. Itoma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 8 (Pt. 4), 1888, 1-13. — I sismometri presentemente in uso nel Giappone esaminati e descritti, [con proposta di uu sismometro di nuovo modello]. lioma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann 8 (Ft. 4), 1888, 15-32. — Descrizione del nuovo sismometrografo. Koma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 8 (Pt. 4), 1888, 33-35. — II sismometrografo a tre component! con uua sola massa stazionaria. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann 8 (Pt. 4), 1888, 37-44. — Due nuovi anemometroscopi registratori dei fratelli BRASSART. lioma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann.. 8 (I't. 1) 1889, 23-33. — Anemometroscopio registratore a trasmissione elettrica dei fratelli BIUXSAUT. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 10 (I't. 1), 1892, 61-67. Brassart, Ermanno, A Brassart, . L' udometro- coutatore [degli autori). Koma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol Ann., 7 (I't. 1), 1887, 49-53. Brasse, I. con. Sur la presence de 1'amylase dans les feuilles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 878-S7H. — Action de la diastase du malt sur 1'amidon cm. 1'aris Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 454-456. Brasse ] 771 [Brauer — Un moyen de debarrasser IPS graines des germes de microbes adherents a. leur surface. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (G. R.), 196-197. Culture de graiues pures de germes de microbes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. It.), 348. Eecherclies snr la vegetation a 1'obscurite dans des solutions sucrees. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me'm., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 469-473. — Dissolution del'amidon dans les feuilles. Contribution a I'e'tude de la migration des matieres hydrocarbon^es Jans 1'organisine vegetal. Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 200-203. • Contribution a 1'etude de la migration des principes hydrocarbones dans 1'organisme vegetal. Accumulation du sucre de canne dans la partie souterraine de la betterave. Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 305-317. — Contribution a 1'etude de la formation des reserves dans 1'organisation. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me'm., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 90-96. Sur le role de la dissociation en biologie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (G. R.), 320-322. — Dosage du mercure dans les urines. Paris, Soc. Biol. M. •in., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 297-299. — Action des autiseptiques sur la betterave. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 333-336. Sur la recherche de 1'alburnine, des peptones et des alcaloides dans les urines au moyen du reactif de TANBET. Paris, Soc. Biol. Me'rn., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 369-370. — Influence de la temperature sur la valeur de la tension de dissociation de 1'oxyhernoglobine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mci.n., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 060-662. — Etude sur la gutta-percha. Lum. Elect., 46, 1892, 51-56, 109-114, 160-164. • Application des lois de la dissociation a 1'etude des phenomtmes biologiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892, 347-371. Brasse, Li'nii, A Wirth, . Alterations produites par le mercure dans les fonctions des organes qui servent a sou elimination. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m. , 39, 1887 (C1. R.), 774-778. Brassel, .l[i>huiines]. Narkotische Nahrungs-, resp. Genuss- mittel. [1885-90.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1883-84, 308-333; 1884-85, 281-303; 1886-87, 145-184; 1887-88, 382-419; 1888-89, 281-312. — Ueber die Vogelwelt der Sinaihalbinsel. [1893.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1893-94, 76-77. Brassert, II[einrick]. Ueber secundiire Paranoia. [1895.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 52, 1896, 772-795. — Ueber Errothnngsangst. Neurol. Centrbl. , 18, 1899, 866-871. Brasseur, J., & Blattner, N. G. See Blattner & Brasaeur. Brassinne, [Philippe] E[mile], For biography and list of works sec Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 7 (Sem, 2), 1885, 25-47. Brath, C. Das Zimmer-Terrarium. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1885, 122-130. Br.tthuim, U. Die Uinarbeitung der Oberharzer Gruben- risse. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 34, 1886 (Abh.), 179-194. — Die Orientirungs-Messungen mittelst des Magneteu. Ztscbr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salineuw., 35, 1887 (Abh.), 105-122; 36, 1888 (,46ft.), 187-191. Das selbstschreibende Declinatoriurn in Claustbal. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitteu- u. Salinenw., 38, 1890 (Alili.), 223-236. — Beitrage zur Markscheidekunst. Berg- u. Hu'ttenm. Ztg., 57, 1898, 155-157, 163-164. — Das Langer'scbe Hangezeug zur Verwendung des Compasses in Gegenwart von Eisen. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 47, 1899, 537-539. Bratianu, (Gfii.) C. I. Notice despre lucriirile cari au avut de scop descrierea geometricii a Romaniei. [Notes on works dealing with the geometrical description of Roumania. ] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 22 (Mem. Sect. Sci.), 1900, 293-334. Bratuscheck, Karl. Die Lichtstarke-Aenderungen nach verschiedenen Schwiugungsrichtungen in Linsensystemen von grosseni Oeft'nungswinkel mil Beziehung zur mikro- skopischen Abbildung. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1892, 145- 160. Bratuscheck, Km' I, ct Bernard, Henry M[ei/ners]. See Bernard A Bratuscheck. Bratz, [Ileinrich], Ueber die Behandlnng der Epilepsie mit Opium-Bromkalium nach FLECHSIO. [With i/i'.<- eussion.] [1896.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 970-971; 54, 1898, 208-220. — Ammonsnornbefunde bei Kpileptischen. [1897.] Arch. Psychiatr., 31, 1899, 820-836. — Alkohol und Epilepsie. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56, 1899, 334-386. — Ueber das Ammonshorn bei Epileptischen und Paraly- tikern. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56, 1899, 841-844. Brau de Saint-Pol Lias, A'[ai>i«r]. [Phe'nomenes vol- caniques a Java, 1883-85.] Paris, Soc. G<5ogr. C. R., 1885, 514. Braubach, [Gilbert Marin] M[icliael]. Bin Fall von Lipombildung der Ruckeumarkshaute. Arch. Psychiatr., 15, 1884, 489-495. Braubach, M. Der Schwefelkiesbergbau bei Meggen an der Lenne. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 36, 1888 (.-16ft.), 215-222. Brauchbar, Maximilian. Ueber die Einwirkung von wiisseriger Kalilauge und gesattigter Pottaschelosung auf Isobutyraldehyd. Wieu, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (.-t6f7i. 26), 629-639; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 637-647. Brauchbar, Maximilian, cV Kohn, Leopold. Ueber Con- densationsproducte der Aldehyde, (in. Mittheilung.) Oktoglykolisobutyrat aus Isobutyraldehyd. Wien, Ak. Sber., 107, 1898 (Abtli. 26), 35-74; Mhefte. Chem., 1898, 16-55. Braud, Arthur. Meteorology of Guiana. Timehri, 3, 1884, 150-152. Brauer, August. Bursaria truncatella unter Beriiek- sichtigung anderer Heterotrichen und der Vorticellinen. Jena. Ztschr., 19, 1886, 489-519. — Die arktische Subregion. Bin Beitrag zur geographi- schen Verbreitung der Thiere. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 3, 1888, 189-308. — Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hydra. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 457. — Ueber die Entwicklung von Hydra. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 52, 1891, 169-216. — Ueber die Entstehung der Geschlechtsprodukte und die Entwicklung von Tubularia mesembryanthemum, Allm. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 52, 1891, 551-579. — Ueber das Ei von Brauchipus Grubii, r. Di/b., von der Bildung bis zur Ablage. Berlin Ak. Abh., 1892 (Anh.), Nu. 2, 66 pp. — Zur Kenntniss der Spermatogenese von Ascaris megalocephala. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 42, 1893, 153-213. — Zur Kenntniss der Herkunft des Centrosomas. Biol. Centrbl., 13, 1893, 285-287. — Zur Kenntniss der Reit'uug des parthenogenetisch sich entwickelnden Eies von Artemia salina. [1893-94.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 138-140; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 43, 1894, 162-222. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Skorpions. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 57, 1894," 402-432 ; 59, 1895, 351-435. — Ueber die Eucystirung von Actinospharium Eicb- horni, Elirlg. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 58, 1894, 189-221. Ueber seine Forschungeu auf den Seychellen. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 22, 1895, 629-631. Die Seychellen auf Grunil eigener Anschauung. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 23, 1896, 300-309. 97—2 Brauer] [Brauer Ueber seine Erforschung I!IT Sevchell. n. ll.-ille Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1897, 1HO. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Entwicklungsgeschichte und der Auatomie der Gymnophionen. Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 10, 1897, 389-472; 12, 1899, 477-508. — Eiu ncuer Fall von Brutpflege bei Friischen. [1898.] Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 12, 1899, 89-94. — Znr Kenntniss der Entwicklung der Excretion sorgane der Gymnophionen. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 353-358. Brauer, l-.nist A. [ Bericht iiber die im Auftrage des landwirthschaftlichen Provinzialvereines fiir die Mark Brandenburg und die Niederlausitz ausgefiihrte Priifung von Locomobilen.] Brems- und Indicatorversuche. Civilingenieur, 30, 1884, 317-329. Auweudung der Integralkurve zur Volumteilung. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 42, 1897, 272-275. Perspektiv-Eeisser. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 43, 1898, 1G3-166. — Ueber das Zittern der Schraubendampfer und Mittel zu dessen Verhiitung. [1897.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 13, 1900 (Slier.), 120. Brauer, Frieilrich. *Ueber Phyllopoden. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872. 138. - *Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hirmoneura ohscura. [1883.] Wien Zool. Hot. Verb., 33, 1884 (Sl,er.), 19. — On the peepsa, a small dipterous insect, injurious to man in Assam. [Tr.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc., 1884, 101-162. — Systematisch-zoologische Stndien. Wien, Ak. Sber., 1)1, 1885 (Altii. 1), 237-413. — Entomologische Beitrage. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 34, 1885 (Abh.), 2G9-272. — Vorlaufige Mittheilung [iiber die von Frau A. Zun- MAYEK entdeckte Lebensweise des (Estrus purpureus]. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 275. — Nachtrage zur Monographic der Oestriden. [i. Ueber die von Frau A. ZUOMAYER und Hrn. F. WOLF entdeckte Lebensweise des (Estrus purpureus. n. Zur Charakter- istik und Verwandtschaft der Oestriden-gruppen im Larveu- und vollkomtuenen Zustande. in. Zusatze und Verbesserungeu zur Literatur der Oestrideu. iv. Ueber Cobboldia Elephantis.] Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 289-304; 6, 1887, 4-16, 71-76, 217-223. Ueber die Oestrideu-Gattung Microcephalus. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 345. — Ansichten iiber die palaozoischen Insecten und dereu Deutung. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886, «7- 126. — Einveraltetes Insectensystem NEWMAN'S. Ent. Xachr., 13, 1887, 329-332, viii. — Ueber die Verwandlung der Meloiden. Wien Zonl. Bot. Verb., 37, 1887 (Abh.), 633-642; 3'J, 1889 (Abh.), 276-278. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Verwandluug der Mantis- piden-Gattung Symphrasis, Hg. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 212-218. — Bemerkungen zur Abhandlung des Herrn Prof. GK\SSI iiber die Vorfahren der Insecten, etc. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 598-600. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Psyehopsis-Arteu. Wieu, Nat. Hist. Hofraus. Ann., 4, 1889 (Not.), 101-103. — Ueber die Verbindungsglieder zwischen den orthor- raphen uud cyclorraphen Diptei'en und solche zwischen Syrphidon und Muscarien. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 10, 1890 (.46/1.), 273-275. — Ueber die Feststellung des Wohnthieres der Hypo- derma lineata, Tillers, dnrch Dr. Adam HANDLIESCH, und andere Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen an Oestriden. Nach hiuterblicbenen Notizen und mit Bei- gabe einer kurzen Biographic. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 40, 1890 (.-16/1.), 509-515, vii. — Ueber Dipteren-Familien. Wien Zool. Bot Verb 41, 1891 (fiber.), 36-37. — REICHKKT'S neuer Zeichenapparat. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., K, 1891, 451-453. — Ueber die aus Afrika bekanut gewordenen Oestriden und insbesondere iiber zwei neue von Dr. HOLOB aus Siidafrika mitgebrachte Larven aus dieser Gruppe. Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Abth. 1), 4-16. Ansichten iiber die Gattung Pachystylum, Macq., und Riickblicke auf die in den Deukschriften der kais. Akademie erschienenen " Vorarbeiten zu einer Mono- graphie der Muscaria, etc., von Prof. Fr. BRAUER und J. Edl. VON BERGEXSTAMM." Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Abth. 1), 593-607. — Ueber das sogenannte Stillstandstadium in der Ent- wicklung der Oestriden-Larveu. [1«92.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb.. 42, 1893 (Abli.), 79-84. - Thatsachliche Berichtigungen zu Baron OSTEN SACKEN'S Aui'satz : [On the characters of the three divisions of Diptera: Nemocera vera, N. anomala, and Eremochieta]. Berlin. Eut. Ztschr., 37, 1893, 487- 189. - Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographic der Muscaria Schizometopa (exclusive Anthomyidne) von Prof. Dr. Fr. BRAUER und Julius Edl. VON BEROENSTAMM. [1893.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 43, 1894 (.16/i.), 447-525. — Bemerkungen zu Baron OSTEN SACKEN'S "Rejoinder," etc., und "Two critical remarks," etc. Berlin. Ent. Ztscbr., 39, 1894, 235-239. — Bemerkungen zu einigen neuen Gattungen der Musearien und Deutung einiger Original-Exetuplave. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 1), 582-604. — Beitrage zur Kenutuiss aussereuropaischer Oestriden und parasitischer Muscarien. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 64, 1897. 2.V.I-2S2. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Muscaria Schizometopa und Beschreibuug von zwei Hypoderma-Arten. Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 (Abth. 1), 32D-3S2 ; 107, 1898 (Abth. 1), 493-546; 108, 1899 (Abth. 1), 495-529. — Ueber die systematische Stellung der Muscarien- Gattung Aulacocephala, Gerxt. Wien, Anz., 36, 1899, 238-239. — [Von ihrer konigl. Hoheit der Prinzessin THERESE von Bayeru auf eiuer Reise in Siidamerika gesammelte Insekten.] Odonata. Berlin. Eut. Ztschr., 45, 1900, 266-267. — Ueber die von Prof. 0. SIMONY auf den Cauaren gefundenen Neuroptera und Pseudoneuroptera (Odonata, Corrodentia et Epherneridte). Wieu, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Alitli. 1), 464-477. Brauer, Frieilrieh, &: Bergenstamm, J[M/IHS] (Kdler) ran. Die Zweifliigler des kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien. iv[-vn]. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographic der Muscaria Schizometopa (exclusive Anthomvidfe). Pars i[-i\ |. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 5li, 1889 (Abth. 1). 69-180; 58, 1891, 305-440; 6(1, 1893, 89-240; 01, 1894, 537-621. — Berichtigung [zu Professor MIK'S Artikel : " Diptero- logische Miscellen, xx"]. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 108- 109. Brauer, Frieilrich, A Handlirsch, Antmi. [Ueber die Verwandlung des bisher nur im Larvenzustande be- kanuten Oestriden des indischen Elephanten (Cobboldia Elephantis, Cob.).] Wien, Anz., 33, 1896, 180-1x2. Brauer, Frieilrieh, it Redtenbacber, .time/. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Fliigelgeaders der Insecten. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 443-447. Brauer, fr'rieilrirh, Redtenbaclier, Josef, A Ganglbauer, l.iii/ii-iil. Fossile Insekten aus der Juraformation Ost- Sibirie'ns. [1888.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 36, 1889, No. 15, 22 pp. Brauer, Joli. F.rnst. Verfahren zur Herstellung von Kunsthefe, welche in hochcoucentrirten, aus starkemebl- haltigcn Stott'en hergestellten Branntweinmaischen eine reiiiL- alkoholische Giihrung bewirkt. Ztschr. Chem. Ind., 2, 1887, 210-211. Brauer] 773 [Braun Brauer, L[iidolph]. Muskelatrophie bei multipler Sklerose. Xeurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 635-li4l). Brault, A\lbert]. De 1'origine non bacterienne du car- cinonie. Etude sur I'anatomie pathologique compared des neoplasmes (tumeurs proprement dites) et des ne"oplasies infectieuses. Arch. Gen. Med., 150, 1885, 458-483, 586- 607, 689-721. - Etude sur 1'inflammation. Arch. G£n. Med., 162, 1888, 74-91, 194-211, 337-356, 476-492. — Sur la presence et le mode de repartition du glyeogene dans les tumeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 817- 819. — La glycogenese dans 1'evolution des tissus normaux et pathologiques. Congr. Int. Med. C. R.. 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 3), 200-211, (To/. 7), xlv. — La production du glycogene dans les tissus cjui avoi- sinent les tumeurs. Arch. G4n. Med., 183, 1899, 21-32. Brault, A[ll>ert], & Cornil, A[ndre] V[ictor]. Nee Cornil A Brault. Brault, A [Ihert], & toeper, Maurice, Glycogenese embryon- naire. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 3, Atiat. Path.), 99-102. Brault, .7. Presentation d'un cas de bilharziose contracted en Tunisie et observee a Lyon en juin 1891. [1891.] Lyon Soe. Sci. Med. Mem., 31, 1892, 51-56. — Observations de polynevrite paludique. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 407-413. — Polynevrite peripherique tres vraiaemblablement d'origine palustre ; monoplegie persistante du membre superieur droit. Progres M6d. , 20, 1894, 153-154. — Ulceres phagedeniques des pays chauds compliques de gangrene humide et de pourriture d'hnpital. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1897, 165-171. — Les maladies des pays chauds, leur e'tude, leur en- seignement. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898. 8-22. — Note sur le craw-craw. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 226-229. — Contribution a I'e'tnde de 1'actinomycose. Un cas d'actinomycose constate a Alger. Peritonite actinomy- cosique chez le lapin et le cobaye. Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 535-547. Les infections localisees lentes et attenuees. Arch. Gen. Med., 183, 1899, 165-1(10, 301-338. — Peritonite actinomycosique chez le lapiu et le cobaye. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 274-276. Brault, ./.. cV Lapin, .7. Note sur 1'etiologie et la patlio- genie de la inaladie du sommeil. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 369-378, 637. Brault, •/., it Rouget, J. Note clinique et bacteriologique sur une " pseudo-myeose" observee en Algeria. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.). 99C-998. — Etude clinique et bacteriologique d'une pseudo-myeose observee en Algerie. Arch. Med. Exper., 9, 1897, 129- 143. Brault, (commandant) [I.miis 1 if* ire] L[r'on]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 163; Rev. Maritime et Colon., 87, 1885, 177-181; Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 349- 350; Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1885, 123; Ciel et Terre, 6 (1885-86), 388-393. - *Nouvelles cartes de rne'teorologie nautique. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 24, 1876 (Bull.), 114-132. - *[Les lois du mouvement general des vents a la surface du globe.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 9, 1876, Ft. 1, 83-84. - *[Courbes des vents de 1'Atlantique nord.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 23, 1877 (Hull.), 123-124. - *[Cartes du vent dans 1'Atlantique sud.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 (Bull.), 223-225. - "[Circulation atmospheriqne dans 1'Atlautique nord.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 (Bull.), 225-227. - 'Observations sur uue note de M. DE TASTES: Etude sur les courants aeriens. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu , 25, 1877 (Hull.), 227-229. - *LE VERRIEK meteorologists. 1 1880.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1879 (1), I!. Hi:, M. 113. - *[Etude du regime des vents daus 1'Atlantique nord. Observations et cartes de direction et d'intensite.] [1881.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1880 (4), ix + 120 pp. Braun, , * Schlagdenbauffen, [Charles] Fr[i>deric]. See Scblagdenhauffen A Braun. Braun,[.l//>/ioH, der Drack eices gesiittigten Dampfes im Vacuum ein anderer ist, als in einem Gase. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 943-952. Ueber elektrische Striime, entstanden durch elastische Deformation. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 895-903. Ueber Deformationsstrome ; insbesondere die Frage, ob dieselben aus magnetischen Eigenschaften erklarbar sind. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 959-975. Ueber ein elektriscbes Pyrometer fur wissenschaftliche und technische Zwecke. Elektrotechn. Ztsehr., 9, 1888, 421-426. Ueber Deformationsstrome. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1889, 507-518; Ann. Phys. Chem., 38, 1889, 53-08. — Bemerkuug iiber Deformationsstrcime. Ann. Phys. Chem., 39, 1890, 159-100. — Ueber Tropfelectroden. Ann. Phys. Chem.. 41, 1890, 448-462. Ein Comparator fur physikalische Zwecke. Ann. Phys. Chem., 41, 1890, 627-630. - Beobacbtungen iiber Electrolyse. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 1211-1222. Ueber Electrosteuolyse. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891. 473-500. Ueber eleetrocapillareReactionen. Ann. Phys. Chem , 44, 1891, 501-509. Zur Berechnung der electromotorischen Kraft incon- stanter Ketten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44. 1891, 510-512. — Ueber elektrostatische Voltmeter. Elektroteehn. Ztsehr., 12, 1891, 045-040. Ueber die Verwandlung chemisoher Energie in elek- trische. Elektrotechn. Ztsehr., 12, 1891, C73-674. Ueber die Lauffener elektrische Kraftiibertragung. [1891.] Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 48, 1892, Ixviii-lxix. Bemerkuug zn der Erwiderung des Hrn. PELLAT, [das Gesetz iiber die Gleichheit der Potentiale beim Uebergang von einem Metalle zu der Losung eines seiner Salze betreffend]. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 185-186. Absolute electrometer for lecture purposes. Nature, 46, 1892, 150. Zur physikaliachen Dentung der Thermoelectricitat. Ann. Phys. Chem., 50, 1893, 111-117. Ueber die kontinuierliche Elektrizitatsleitung durch Gase. Ztsehr. Physikal. Chem., 13, 1894, 155-162. I eber die Natur des Fltissigkeitszustandes. Deutsch. Xatf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 62. — Versuche zum Nachweis einer orieutirten electrischen Oberrlachenleitung. Gottingen Nachr. , 1896, 157-165. — Ueber den continuirlichen Uebergaug einer electrischen Eigenschaft in der Greuzschicht von festen und fiiissigen KOrpern. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 166-171. — Ueber die Leitung electrisirter Luft. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 172-176. — Ein Versuch iiber magnetischen Strom. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 177-178; Ann. Phys. Chem., 59, 1896, 693-694. — Ueber ein Verfahreu zur Demonstration und zum Stndium des zeitlichen Verlaufes variable!' Strome. Ann. Phys. Chem. , 60, 1897, 552-559. — Ueber Bewegungen, hervorgebracht durch den elec- trischen Strom. Ann. Phys. Chem., 63, 1897, 324-328. — Demonstrations on the form of alternating currents. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 570. — Notiz iiber Thermophonie. Ann. 1'hvs. Chem., 05, 1898, 358-360. Ueber Lichternission an eiuigen Electroden in Elec- tmlyteii. Ann. Phys. Chem., Go, 1898, 361-364. — Ein Kriterium, ob eine leiteude Obertiachenschicht /usammenhiingend ist uud iiber die Darnpfspannnng solcher Schichten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 365-367. — Zeigeu Katbodenstrahleu umpolare Kotation '.' Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898. 368-371. — Ueber die Entstehuug rotirender Magnetfelder durch Foucaultstrorne uud iiber Methoden zur iibersichtlichen Priifung von Wechsel- und Drehfeldern. Elektroteehu. Ztsehr., 19, 1898, 204-206. Braun, I-'i'i-dimunl, \- Myers, John E. See Myers & Braun. Braun, F,'i'ilin-reihige Charakteristiken, die aus Dritteln ganzer Zahlen gebildet sind, und die Addi- tionstheoreme der zugehorigen Thetafunktionen. [1887.] Miinchen, Ak. Abh., Hi, 1888, 325-368. — Ueber die Goepel'sche Gruppe y-reihiger Theta- charakteristiken, die aus Dritteln ganzer Zahlen gebildet siud und die Fundamentalrelationen der zugehorigen Thetafunctiouen. Math. Ann., 32, 1888, 513-544. — Ueber Gruppen von p-reihigen Charakteristiken, die aus n-teln ganzer Zahlen gebildet sind und die Belationen zngehoriger Thetafunctioneu «<" Ordnung. Math. Ann., 37, 1890, 61-99. — Notiz iiber die ersten Kegelschuittzirkel. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 35, 1890 (Hist.-Lit. Abth.), 161-165. — Beitrag zur Geschichte der prosthapharetischen Methode in der Trigonometric. Bibl. Math., 1896, 105- 108. — Beitrage zur Geschichte der Trigonometric. [1897.] Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 71, 1898, 1-30. — NASSIK EDDIN Tusi und REGIOMONTAN. [1897.] Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 71, 1898, 31-67. — Zur Geschichte des spharischen Polardreieckes. Bibl. Math., 1898, 65-72. — Zur Geschichte der prosthapharetischen Methode in der Trigonometric. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 41, 1899 (Siippl.), 15-29. — Die Entwickelung der Zeichen- und Formelsprache in der Trigonometric. Bibl. Math., 1, 1900, 64-74. Braunmuller, E., A- Reinke, J[oJianne8]. See Reinke & Braunmiiller. Braunov. ,SYc Brounov. Brauns, I)[nrid Aiiqust]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 29, 1893, 209-210; Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1894, 40. To reference in No. 25 (Vol. 9) add Japan Asiat. Soc. Trans., 12, 1885, 230-242. - *Ueber einen abnorm entwickelten Punkt im nord- deutschen Flotzgebirge. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873 129. - *Ueber die Natur uud Entstehungsweise des oberen Diluviums der Mark Brandenburg. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 199-200. - *Ueber die Geologie Ost-Japans, insbesondere der Insel Yesso (Hokkaido). Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 176-179. — Ueber die Ethnologic Japans. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl. 1884, 319. — Die Geologie Japans. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl. , 1884, 319-320. — Die Insel Yeso und ihre Bewohner. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 385-390; Halle Ver. Erdk. Mitth. 1884 119-120; Humboldt, 3, 1884, 433-439. — Bemerkungen fiber die geographische Verbreitung der Saugethiere Japaus. Halle Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1884, 85- 114; 1885, 24-26; 1886, 70-78. — Bemerkungen fiber die Mustelideu Japans, und ihre geographische Verbreitung, insbesondere fiber die japa- nische Otter. Jena. Ztschr., 17, 1884, 452-464. — Ein Ausflug von Tokio ins Innere Japans im Sornmer 1880. Halle Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1885, 11-23. — Fernere Bemerkungen fiber ilen japanischen Norz. Jena. Ztschr., 18, 1885, 666-676. — Ueber die Geologie Campaniens. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1887, 115-116. — Das Problem des Serapeums von Pozzuoli. Leopol- dina, 24, 1888, 132-136, 150-152, 161-164. 189-192 209-212. — Ein Beitrag zu der Stammesgeschichte der Saurop- siden. [1889-90.] Leopoldina, 26, 1890, 147-152 160- 164, 186-188, 201-203. — Ausbruch des japanischen Vulkans Bandai-San am 15 Juli 1888. [1890.] Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1888-90 31-34. — Kritische Bemerkungen fiber die Verwerthung der Temperaturbeobaehtnngen in Tiefbohrlochern zu einpi- rischen Formeln. Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 17, 1892, 245- 255. Brauns, H[avid August], & Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael]. See Berendt & Brauns. Brauns, F[ei-dinaiid]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Anilin und Toluidin auf Nitro.^-naphtochinon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1133-1136. Brauns, Hans. Die Ophionideu. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1889, 73-100. — Aus der Fauna Mecklenburg's. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 107-110, 119-125. — Neue Schlupfwespen aus Mecklenburg. Mecklenburg Ver. Nat. Arch., 1897, 58-72. — Monstrositat. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1898, 56-57. — Ein nener Dorylidengast des Mimicry- Typus. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 17, 1898, 224-227, 256. — Zur Kenntniss der siidafrikanischen Hymenopteren. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 13, 1898, 382-423. — Ein neuer termitophiler Aphodier aus dem Oranje- Freistaat. [Mil Bemerkungen und einer Tafel von E. WASMANN, S.J.] Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 15, 1900, 164-168. Brauns, Reinhard [Anton]. Einige Beobachtungeu und Bemerkungen zur Beurtheilung optisch anomaler Krystalle. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1885 (Bd. 1), 96-118. — Bimssteine auf primarer Lagerstatte von Gorzhausen bei Marburg. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 234-236. • Eiu Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Strueturnacht'ii des Sylvin. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (Bd. 1), 224-233. — Manganit von Oberstein a. d. Nahe. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (Rd. 1), 252-253. — Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des Methylenjodids bei petrographischen und optischen Untersuchungen. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (Bd. 2), 72-78. Was wissen wir fiber die Ursacheu der optischen Anomalien? Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 44, 1887. 510-537. — Zur Frage der optischen Anomalien. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1887 (Bd. 1), 47-57. — Ueber Winkelschwankuugen isotroper und doppelt- brechender regularer Krystalle. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1887 (Bd. 1), 138-146. — Studien fiber den Palaeopikrit von Amelose bei Bie- denkopf und dessen Umwandlungsprodukte. Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 5, 1887, 275-329. — Mineralien und Gesteine aus dem hessischen Hinter- land. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40, 1888, 465-482; 41, 1889, 491-544. — Eine einfache Methode, Methylenjodid zu kliiren. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1888 (Bd. 1), '213-214. — Ueber Aetztiguren an Steinsalz und Sylvin. Zwilliugs- streifung bei Steinsalz. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1889 (Bd. 1), 113-129. — Ueber die Entstehung der sog. Rutschflachen im bunten Sandstein der Umgebung von Marburg. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1890 (Bd. 1), 97-98, (Bd. 2), 190-191. — Die optischen Anomalien der Krystalle. Leipzig Jablon. Preisschr. , 29, 1891, 370 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bd. 1), 198-209. — Noch eiumal fiber die "Spiegel" irn Buntsandstein der Gegend von Marburg. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1891 (Bd. 1), 268-271. — Krystallographisch-optische Beobachtungen an Chlor- und Bromzimmtaldehyd. Neues Jbuch. Min 1891 (Bd. 2), 12-20. — Hauyn in den Bimssteinsanden der Umgegeud von Marburg. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 149-150. 98—2 Brauns I 780 [Bravo — Eine Bemerkung zur Abhandlung von E. MAI. LAUD: Snr Ic grenat |>vi vnrilr. [France Soc. Min. Bull., 14, 1891, 293-302.] Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bd. 1), 217-219. — Albit, Analeim, Natrolith, Prehnit und Kalkspath, Verwitterungsprodukte eines Diabases von Friedensdorf bei Marburg. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bd. 2), 1-24. — Ueber das Verhalten der Titansaure gegen Phosphor- salz vor dem Lothrohr. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bd. 2), 237-238; 1893 (Bd. I), 89-90. — Betrachtungen tiber die chemische Zusammensetzung der Mineralien der Serpentin-, Chlorit- und Glimmer- gruppe. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 (lid. 1), 205-244. — Ueber Nachbildung von Anhyilrit. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 (lid. 2), 257-204. — Einige Bemerkungen zu dem von Herrn BEN SAUDE gegebenen Beitrag zu einer Theorie der optischen Ano- malieu der regularen Krystalle. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 (Bd. 2), 133-143. — Ueber die Einwirkung von trockenem Chlorwasserstoff auf Serpeutin. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 8, 1895, 348-351. — Eine mikrochemische Eeaction auf Salpetersaure. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 13, 1896, 207-208; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 (Bd. 1), 73. — Neue verdeckt liegeude Kreuzprismenbewegung fur Mikroskoptische. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 11-13. — Ueber Beziehungen zwischen dem Schmelzpunkt von Mineralien, ihrer Zonenstructur und Ausscheidungsfolge in Ergussgesteinen. Temperatur der Laven. [1897.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 17, 1898, 485-491. — Ueber Polymorphic und die optischen Anomalien von chlor- und bromsaurern Natron. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Bd. 1), 40-59. — Diopsid (Salit) als Verwitterungsprodnct in Palaeopi- krit von Medenbach bei Herborn. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Bd. 2), 79-88; 1899 (BiL 1, Bef.), 386. — Ueber die Krystallisation des Schwefels aus Schmelz- fluss. [1899.] Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 189-193; Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 13, 1899-1901, 39-89. — Die optischen Anomalien der Mischkrystalle von chlor- und bromsaurem Natron. Giessen, Oberhess. Ges. Ber., 32, 1897-99, 1-10. — Ein neues Contactgestein aus dern Kaiserstuhl. Giessen, Oberhess. Ges. Ber., 32, 1897-99, 84-95 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 (Bil. 1), 79-92. Brauns, AVi'ii/wn/ [Anton], & Bauer, Max [Hermann]. See Bauer A Brauns. Brauns, lltinhnnl [Anton], & Graeff, Franz Fr[ii'ilrich]. Si'e Graeff & Brauns. Brauns, Iteinhard [Aiitun], & Retgers, J[nn] W[illtm]. See Ketgers & Brauns. Brauns, S[ii/iitinund]. Eine neue Xiphydrineugattung. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 220-222. — Neue lehneumonidcn der Schweiz. [1888.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1893, 1-9. — Descriptiones specierum novaruru Ichneumonidarum e fauna hungariea. Termr. Fiiz., 18 (1895), 42-49; 19 (1896), 270-275. Braunschweig, Paul [Heinrich]. Ueber Allgemein- Infeotion von der unveraehrten Augenbindehaut aus. Fortschr. Mecl., 7 (1889), 921-928. — Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Pyoktanin. Klinisches. Fortschr. Mud., 8 (1890), 405-416. — Zur Kenntniss der infantilen Xerosis Conjunctiva. Fortscbr. Med., 8 (1890), 889-UOO. — Eine neue Form des Perimeters. Ztschr. Instru- mentenk., 11, 1891, 58-60. — Die primarun Geschwiilste des Sehnerven. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 3'.), 1893 (Abtli. 4), 1-93. Braunschweig, B[ichard]. Untersuchungeu fiber asym- metriBche Bicarbonsiiuren. i. Ueber die Ester der Methylbernsteinsaure (Breuzweinsiiure). .71. Prakt. Cbein., 47, 1893, 274-300. Braunstein, .11. Ueber die Harnstoffbestimmung im Harne. [1900.] Ztschr. Physiul. Chem., 31, 1900-01. 381-388. Braus, Hermann. Ueber Zellteilung und Wachstum des Tritoneies, mit einem Anhang fiber Aniitose und Poly- spermie. Jena. Ztschr., 29, 1896, 443-511. — Ruckenrinne und Biickennaht der Tritongastrula. Jena. Ztschr., 29, 1895. 512-514. — Ueber Photograrume von Metallinjectionen mittelst Rontgen-Strahlen. Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 625-629. — [SEMON'S zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australian und dem Malayischen Arehipel.] Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Histologie der Leber der Wirbelthiere. [1896.] Jena Denkschr., 5, 1894-97, 301-367. — Ueber die Extremitaten der Selachier. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898 (Aunt. Ges. Terh.), 166-179. — Ueber die Innervation der paarigeu Extremitaten bei Selachiern, Holocephalen und Dipnoern. Ein Beitrag zur Gliedmassenfrage. Jena. Ztschr., 31, 1898, 239-468. — Beitrage zur Entwicklung der Muskulatur und des peripheren Nervensystems der Selachier. Morphol. Jbuch., 27, 1899, 415-496, 501-629. — Ueber den feiueren Bau der Glandula bulbourethralis (Cowper'schen Driise) des Menschen. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 381-397. Brans, llernuinn, & Driiner, L[eo]. Ueber ein neues Prapariermikroskop und fiber eine Methode grcissere Tiere in toto histologisch zu konservieren. Jena. Ztschr., 29, 1895, 435-442. See also Driiner & Braus. Brauser, H. Ueber die Haufigkeit des Vorkommens von Urethralfadeu. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., tili, 1899, 618-623. — Erfahrungen fiber Heroin. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 68, 1900, 87-94. Brautlecht, Carl Friedrich Julius. For biography and works see Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (4), 1887, 207-212. — *Ueber Fiiulnissproducte und Susswasseralgen und deren pathogene Bedeutuug. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 174. *Ueber die Uebertragung der Bakterien aus dem Boden in die Lui't. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 323-324. Bravais, A[uttuste], For biographical notice see France Soc. Meteoi-ol. Annu., 11, 1863, Pt. 2, 59-62. Bravais, V. [Du traitement de la myopie et du choix des verres correcteurs dans cette affection.] Arch. Augen- heilk., 22, 1891 (Ber., 1890, 21-22). — Du mouvemeut des yeux dans la lecture. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 31, 1892, 191-199. Bravard, Augusta. *Monografia de los terrenos marinos Terciarios, de las cercanias del Parana. [1883.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 45-94. Bravin, N[ikolaj] A[lfl:sS'tv Eigenmann & Bray. Bray, William L., & Uline, Edwin B. Nee TJline & Bray. Brayton, A. W. *Beport on the Mammalia of Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 4, 1882, 3-185. Brazier, James Smith. For biography and works see Chem. News, 59, 1889, 46; Chern. Soc. Jl., 55, 1889, 289-290. Brazier, Joint. Critical list of Mollusca from north-west coast of Australia. [1884.] N. 8. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 9, 1885, 793-803. — Synonymy of some land Mollusca from Papua or New Guinea. [1884.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 9, 1885, 804-806. — List of some recent shells found in layers of clay on the Maclay-Coast, New Guinea. [1884.] N. S. Wales Linu. Soc. Proc., 9, 1885, 988-992. — Synonymy of and remarks upon the specific names and authorities of four species of Australian marine shells, originally described by Dr. John Edward GRAY in 1825 and 1827. [1885.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 10, 1886, 85-94. — Description of a new species of Onchidium. [1885.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 10, 1886, 729. — New species of land and fresh water Mollusca from Maclay-Coast and Triton Bay, New Guinea, collected by Baron MACLAY. [1885.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 10, 1886, 841-844. The Trochidse and other genera of Mollusca from Tasmania, with their synonyms. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc., 1886, 193-207. — Notes on the distribution of Ceratella fusea, Gray. [1886.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 1, 1887, 575- 576. — Trochidaa and other genera of South Australia, with their synonyms. [1886.] S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 9, 1887, 116-125. — [Report on a small zoological collection from Norfolk Island.] in. Mollusca. [1887.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 2, 1888, 993-1001. — Notes and critical remarks on a donation of shells sent to the Museum of the Conchologieal Society of Great Britain and Ireland. [1887.] Jl. Conch., 6, 1889-91, 66-84. — Mollusca trawled off Merimbula, New South Wales. [1889.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 4, 1890, 747-750. — Description of a new cone from Mauritius. [1891.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 6, 1892, 276. — On the synonymy of Helix (Hadra) gulosa, Gould. [1891.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 6, 1892, 321-328. _ Synonymy of and remarks on old-described Australian Mollusca, with notes on their distribution. [1893.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 8, 1894, 107-120. [Brazzola — On a new Murex from South Australia. [1893.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 8, 1894, 179-180. — Distribution of little known Mollusca from Polynesia and Australia, with their synonyms. [1893.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 8, 1894, 430-435. — On a Patella said to have been found on the Kermadec Islands. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 183-184. On the correct habitat of Patella kermadecensis, Pilsltry. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 566. — Trochus Adamsi from Port Jackson, and new varieties of Bulimus miltocheilus from the Solomon Islands. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 567-670. On some Australian and Tasmanian Mollusca, with their synonyms. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 691-700. • A British bivalve mollusc (Cryptodon flexuosus, Mont.) found in Australia and Tasmania, with its distribution. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 725-727. — Rossiteria, a new subgenus of the family Trochidro. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 9, 1895, 728. — On the new genus Petterdiana. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc., 1894-96 (1895), 105. New species of cone from the Solomon Islands. [1895.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 10, 1896, 471. — A new genus and three new species of Mollusca from New South Wales, New Hebrides, and Western Australia. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 21, 1896, 345-347, [vii]. — New marine shells from the Solomon Islands and Australia. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 22, 1898, 779-782. - Four new species of Mollusca from Victoria. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 23, 1898, 271-272. Brazil, Emperor of. See Pedro d'Alcantara. Brazilian Government, Commission. Eclipse total do Sol em 7 de setembro de 1858. Rio de Janeiro Obs. Rev., 1891, 65-66, 81-86, 97-100, 113-117, 131-134, 148-151. Braziliano de Souza, Jose. L'observation de la lune. Astronomic, 1890, 73-74. Brazza, (comte) Pierre [Paul Francois Camille] Savorgnan de. 'Spedizione al flume Ogoue. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 14, 1877, 209-226, 322-325; 15, 1878, 220-227, 405-406 ; 16, 1879, 68-72, 491-516 ; 17, 1880, 403-404 ; 18, 1881, 48-51, 20o-210, 519-528, 843-844. — [Expose des derm'ers travaux de la mission franca ise de 1'Ouest africain.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1886, 51-84. Brazza, Pio di, & Vasaale, Giulio. See Vassale & Brazza. Brazza- Savorgnan, (cunte) Giacomo di. For biography set [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 25, 1888, 279-281 ; Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 57 ; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 78-79. *Studi alpini fatti nella valle di Raccolana. (Alpi Giulie occidentali.) [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 20, 1883, 186-212, 269-283. [Lettere dal Congo.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 21, 1884, 361-374 ; 22, 1885, 117-134, 204-207, 406-409, 851-854. — Tre anni e mezzo nella regione dell' Og6ne e del Congo. [1886.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 24, 1887, 224-237, 309-324, 356-380. Brazzola, Floriano. Ricerche sull' istologia normale e patologica del testicolo. [1888.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 681-694; 9, 1888, 79-95. — Sull' istogenesi del cancro primitive del fegato. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 445-450. Contribute alia biologia dell' Actinomyces. Fasi evolutive nelle culture. [1888.] Bologna Rend., 1887- 88, 91-92. — Contributo allo studio della morfologia del inieror- Brazzola | 782 [Breaudat ganismo doll' oriua filante. [1889.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., '.I, 1888. 785-790. — Ulterior} ricerche sulle locahzza/.ioni anatorno- patologiche e sulla patogenesi della tabe dorsale. [1891.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 1, 1890, 485-499. — Ricerche batteriologiche ed anatomo-patologiche snlla porpora. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, 107-114. — Ulteriori ricerche sull' etiologia e patogenesi della porpora. Biologia del bacillo della porpora. [1893.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem. , 3, 1892, 695-701 ; Bologna Rend., 1892-93, 81. — Sulle localizzazioni anatomo-patologiche e sulla patogenesi della tabe. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, 417-433. — Sulla preparazione del siero antidifterico. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895-96, 409^421. — Contribute allo studio dei Blaetomiceti patogeni. [1896 ] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1896-97, 303-310. — Ricerche sulla natura chimiea e sull' azione fisio- patologica delle tossine prodotte dallo Stafilococco dorato. [1896.] Bologna Rend., 1, 1897, 39-40. — L' acquedotto di Bologna studiato in rapporto al- 1' igiene. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1897, 91-122. — Sulla preparazione del siero contro le infezioni da Stalilocoeco. [1897.] Bologna Rend., 2, 1898, 19-23. — Sul latte di Bologna. Bologna Rend., 2, 1898 163- 190. — Sulla fisiopatologia degli itteri. [1899.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 457-464. — Di una epidemia di ittero. Contribute allo studio dell' etiologia degli itteri infettivi. [1899.] Bologna Rend., 4, 1900, 42-44. Brazzola, Flniinin:, it Gotti, Alfredo. See Ootti & Brazzola. Breakell, ,/. E. Treatment of refractory silver-ores by chlorination and lixiviation. [1898.] Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 10, 1899, 316-330. Breakell, ,l[nhu\ J\,imes\. Nitrous oxide. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 38, 1895, 309-316. Breal, K[mile]. Fixation des zoospores du Chlamydo- monas pulvisculus sous 1'inUuence de la lumiere. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1886, 238-239. — Observations sur les algues d'eau douce. Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 317-331. — Nouveau proceite pour constater la presence des nitrates. Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 322-327. — Recherches des nitrates dans les terres cultivees, dans les forets et dans quelques eaux courantes. Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 561-568. — Observations sur les tubercules a bacteries qui se developpent sur les raciues des Legumiueuses. Ann. Agrou., 14, 1888, 481-495. — Observations sur la fixation de 1'azote atinosph^rique par les Legumineuses dont les racines portent des nodosites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 397-399. — Experiences sur la culture des Legumineuses. Ann. Agron., 15, 1889, 529-551. — Fixation de 1'azote par les Legumineuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 670-673 ; France Soc. Agr. Mem., 134, 1890, 158-160. — Fixation de 1'azote gazeux pendant la vegetation. Ann. Agron., 18, 1892, 369-379. — De la presence, dans la paille, d'un ferment aerobie, reducteur des nitrates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 681-684 ; Ann. Agrou., 18, 1892, 181-195. — Contribution i 1'etude de 1'alimentation azotee des v^getaux. Ann. Agron., Ill, 1893, 274-293. — Alimentation des vegetaux par 1'humus et les matieres organiques. Ann. Agron., 20, 1894, 353-370. — Sur la reduction des nitrates dans la terre arable. Ann. Agron., 22, 1896, 32-37. — Decomposition des matieres vegetales en presence de 1'eau et de la terre. Ann. Agron., 22, 1896, 362-375. — Production de 1'ammoniaque aux depens des ruatieres vegetales et de 1'humus. Ann. Agron., 23, 1897, 356- 369. — Absorption de 1'eau et des matieres dissoutes par la tige des vegetaux. Ann. Agron., '25, 1899, 449-458. — Accumulation de 1'asparagine dans les Legumineuses cultivees dans line serre a, eclairage iusuffisant. Com- bustion du carbone. Absorption de matieres carbonees dissoutes. Ann. Agron., 26, 1900, 5-19. Breal, Michel. Les lois phoniques. Rev. Sci., 8, 1897, 33-38. Brearey, Frederick W[ittiarri\. For biographical notice and works sec Aeronaut. Jl., 1, 1897 (No. 1), 9-11. — Conjoint gas and mechanical action as applied to flight. Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 19, 1884, 96-99. — Remarks upon the late experiments of Mr. Horatio PHILLIPS. [With discussion.] Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 23, [1893], 55-64. Brearley, Harry. The estimation of nickel in steel, etc. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 16-17. — An auto-pneumatic stirrer. Cbern. News, 74, 1896, 63. — The estimation of manganese in spiegels, etc. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 13-16. — Separations with alkaline acetates. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 2.53-254 ; 76, 1897, 49-51, 165-167, 175-177, 210-211, 222-224. — A modification of the cyanide titrations of copper. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 189-191. — The estimation of copper in presence of other elements. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 21)1-293, 303-304. — Separations from cbromic acid. I. The separation of iron. [n. The separation of manganese, in. Tin- ^r]>:i ration of aluminium, iv. The separation of chromium, and a reply to Mr. (JALBIIAITH'S criticisms.] Chem. News, 77, 1898, 49-50, 131-133, 179-180, 216-218. — Separations with alkaline chromates. Cliem. News, 78, 1898, 14-16. — On the analysis of molybdenum compounds. Chem. News, 78, 1898,' 203-205 ; 79, 1899, 2-5, 14-15. — Notes on the estimation of tungsten. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 64-66. — Iron separations with alkaline salts. First paper. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 193-194. — A bibliography of steel-works analysis. Chem. News, 80, 1899, 233-234, 245-246, 257-258, 271-273 ; 81, 1900, 49-50, 64-65, 76-77 ; 82, 1900, 16-17, 18-19, 26-27, 42-43, 180-181, 185-187, 197-199, 245-247, 2511-200, 2.81-2H2, 293-295, 306-307. — Note on the direct combustion of metallic alloys. Chem. News, 81, 1900, 91-92. Brearley, ///in1;/, it Bagley, Krnest. Sec Bagley it Brearley. Brearley, Harry, & Ibbotson, t'rril. .SVr Ibbotson it Brearley. Brearley, Hurry, & Jervis, Horace. The cyanometric estimation of some metals. Chem. News, 78, 1898, 177- 179, 1110-191. Brearley, Hurry, it Leffler, Rudolf L. The estimation of carbon in ferro-chrome. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 241-243. Brearley, ./.IM/J// lii'iiry Unipinr, it Threlfall, Jtichnnl. Sec Threlfall A Brearley. Breau. '••< < Quatrefages de Breau. Breaudat, L. Contribution a 1'etude bacteriologique de la rievre bilieuse heuiaturique au Tonkin. Arch. Med. Navale, 65, 1896, 457-463. — Sur le mode de formation de 1'iudigo dans les pro- cedes d'extraction industrielle. Fonctious diastasiques des plautes indigoferes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 769-771 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. It.}, 1031-1033. — Nouvelles recherches sur les fonctions diastasiques des plantes indigoferes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12H, 1899, 1478-1480. Brebner] 783 [Bredichin Brebner, Alan. For biographical notice sec lust. Civ. Engin. Proc., 101, 1890, 287-289. — Modern harbour construction. [1887.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 12, 1891, 1-29. Brebner, Alan (/'»«.). Lighthouse-apparatus for dipping- lights. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc. , 78, 1884, 361-365. — Relative powers of lighthouse lenses. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., Ill, 1893, 296-325. - The powers of lighthouse- lights by calculation. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 122, 1895, 300-332. Brebner, George. Disease of anemones. Gard. Chron., 24, 1885, 308. — Experiments with Gymnosporangium Juuiperi. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 218-219. — On the origin of the filamentous thallus of Dumontia filiformis. [1894.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 30, 1895, 436-443. — On the mucilage-canals of the Marattiaceic. [1894.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 30, 1895, 444-451. • On the prothallus and embryo of Dantea. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 857 ; Ann. Bot., 10, 1896, 109-122. — Marine Biological Association, the Laboratory, Plymouth. Report of the Committee... appointed to investigate the relations between physical conditions and marine fauna and flora. Algological notes for Plymouth district. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 485-486. — Algological notes. [1896.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 4, 1895-97, 179-181, 286-288. — Investigations made at the Marine Biological Labora- tory, Plymouth. Report of algological work. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 583-584. — On the classification of the Tilopteridacea?. [1897.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 8, 1899, 176-187. Brebner, George, & Schunck, Edward. Set' Schunck & Brebner. Brebner, George, & Scott, Dukiiifleld H[enry]. See Scott & Brebner. Brebner, James. Astragalus alpinus in Perthshire. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 310-311. — Schitnus ferrugineus. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900. 87. Breckenfeld, A. H. An infusorian in the water of San Francisco. Amer. Micr. Jl., 5, 1884, 4—5. — A new method of mounting Hydra. Amer. Micr. Jl., 5, 1884, 49-50. — The life history of Vaucheria. Amer. Micr. Jl., 6, 1885, 2-6. Hydra. A sketch of its structure, habits, and life See history. Amer. Micr. Jl., 7, 1886, 221-227. Breckenridge, J. E., & Kreider, D[avid] Albert. Kreider A Breckenridge. Breda, Aehille. [Eczema e sua uatura.] [W'ithdiscussion.] Cougr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 5, Derm.), 103-112. — Contributo allo studio clinico e batteriologico della framboesia del Brasile o bouba. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 11, 1895, 229-249. — Umorisrno e pelle. Retrocession!. Ipotesi vecchie. Verita nuove. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 12, 1896, 69-87. — II massaggio nella psoriasi. [1897.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1896-97, 1569-1574. — Per la profilassi della lepra in Italia. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 14, 1898, 105-116. — Intorno ad una nuova varieta (framboesioide) di eritema essudativo polimorfo. [1898.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1897-98, 789-792. — Framboesia brasiliaua o bouba, quadro clinico desuuto da quattordici osservazioni. [1900.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1899-1900 (Pt. 2), 871-918. Breda de Haan, J. van. Die Lebensgeschichte des Tabaksiilchens (Heterodera radicicola) und seine Be- kampfung in Deli (Sumatra). Buitenzorg Inst. Bot. Bull., 4, 1900, 1-10. — Vorlaufige Beschreibung von Pilzen bei tropischeu Kulturpflanzen beobachtet. Buitenzorg Inst. Bot. Bull., 6, 1900, 11-13. Breddin, Gustai'. Die charakter[ist]ischen Pflanzen der Salzwiesen zwischen Dodendorf und Sulldorf (Halo- phyten). Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1889, 90. — Material zu eiuer Hemipterenfauna Thiiringens von KELLNER. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber.u. Abh., 1892, 255-271. — Javanische Zuekerrohrschadlinge aus der Familie der Rhynchoten. Deutsche But. Ztschr., 1896, 105-110. — Nachahruungserscheinungen bei Rhynchoten. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 69, 1896, 17-46. Studia hemipterologica. [i-in.] Ent. Nachr., 23, 1897, 339-342; 24, 1898, 113-121, 262-268. — Studia hemipterologiea. iv. [1898.] Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1896-98, 149-163. — Hemiptera Insulte Lonibok in Museo Hamburgensi asservata adiectis speciebus noiinullis, quas continet collectio auctoris. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 16, 1899, 155- 194; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 16, 1899, Beiheft 2, 155-194. — Hemiptera Heteroptera nova. Rev. Ent., 18, 1899, 80-82. — Nova studia hemipterologiea. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1900, 161-185. — Hemiptera uouuulla regionis australicif. Ent. Nachr., 20, 1900, 17-46. — Material ad coguitionem subfamiliii' Pachycephaliui (Lybantini olim), ex Hemipteris-Heteropteris, Fam. Coreidse. Rev. Ent., 19, 1900, 194-217. — Hemiptera sumatrana collecta a dom. Henrico DOHEN, enumerata et descripta. Pars i. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 61, 1900, 275-336. — Hemiptera gesammelt von Professor KUKENTHAL im Malayischen Arcbipel. [1900.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 25, 1903, 139-202. Bredel, F. Wassergas in Amerika. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 292-293. Bredichin, F[edor] A[leksa.ndrovil]. '[Observations de 1'Observatoire de Moscou.] Introduction. Moscou Obs. Ann., 1, 1874, iii-xix; 2 (Lii'r. 1), 1875, iiUvii. - *0bservations sur le Jupiter. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 1), 1875, 1-8, (Lim: 2), 1876, 42-50. — *Etoiles filantes, appartenant an torrent du mois d'aoiit. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 1), 1875, 8-13. — 'Mesures microme'triques de la declinaison de Junon. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 1), 1875, 26-31. *Table auxiliaire pour le calcul de la distance zenithale et de Tangle parallactique pour 1'Observatoire de Moscou. 0 = 55° 45'-3. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Lii'r. 1), 1875, 32-37. — *Observations spectroscopiques du Soleil faites en 1874[-80]. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (tier. 1), 1875, 38- 68, (Livr. 2), 1876, 1-26; 3 (Livr. 2), 1877, 110-120; 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 89-94 ; 5 (Livr. 2), 1879, 146-150 ; 6 (Livr. 2), 1880, 86-94 ; 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 79-89. 'Observations astronomiques et physiques sur la Comete de 1874 (III). Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 1), 1875, 80-93. — *0bservations de la Comete d'ENCKE. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 27-33. — *Spectre des ne'buleuses. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 60-64. 'Observations de Mars en opposition. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 65-68 ; 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 1-4. — *Sur 1'equation personnelle absolue. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 69-72. — *Etoiles filantes du mois d'aoiit 1875. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 73-74. — *Inegahtes de la vis micrornetrique du grand re- fracteur. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (tin-. 2), 1876, 75-79. — Observations des ne'buleuses. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 114-124. — *Sur les formes anomales dans le developpeinent des cometes. 1. Comete 1862 II. [2. Comete 1861 II.] Bredichinj [Bredichin Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Livr. 1), 1877, 1-46 ; 4 (Liwr. 1), 1878, 34-81. — *Sur la queue de la Comete de 1874 c. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Livr. 2), 1877, 1-22. - *Sur la parallaxe de 1'etoile nc^buleuse, H. iv. 37. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Li'i'r. 2), 1877, 91-98. — 'Spectre des nebuleuses planetaires. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Her. 2), 1877, 120-126. — 'Observations de Jupiter en 1876[-82]. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Lirr. 2), 1877, 127-134; 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 77- 83; 5 (Lirr. 2), 1879, 140-145; 6 (Livr. 2), 1880, 95- 106; 7 (Lirr. 2), 1881, 94-102; 9 (Livr. 2), 1883, 110- 113. - *Mesures microraetriques de quelques groupes d'etoiles. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Lior. 2), 1877, 145-156. - *Spectre de la Comete de 1877 6. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 1), 1878, 104-108. — 'Mesures micrometriquesdu groupe de Persee. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Lin: 2), 1878, 5-11. - "Observations de la Couiete de 1877 b (Winnecke). Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 71-74. - 'Observations de la Comete de 1877 c. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 75-76. — 'Surl'eelipse totale de lune du 23 aout 1877. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 95-98. — *Sur la Comete de 1877 6 (Winnecke). Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 1), 1878, 72-78. — *Sur la queue de la Comete de 1860 III. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Lirr. 1), 1878, 79-89. — *Sur la Comete de HALLEY (1835). Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 1), 1878, 90-95. — '[Remarques generates sur les cometes.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 1), 1878, 96-97, (Livr. 2), 1879, 29-45. — *0 XBOCTaxt KOMeil. [On the tails of comets.] [1878.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 34, 1879, 80-83. — *Becherohes sur les queues des cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 2), 1879, 46-88; 6 (Livr. 1), 1879, 44-58; 7 (Lirr. 1), 1880, 1-63, (Livr. 2), 1881, 54-78. *Sur la constitution probable des queues des cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Lirr. 2), 1879, 137-139. — 'Mesures niicrometriques d' Algol. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 2), 1879, 151-153. - *Sur la constitution des cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 (Lirr. 1), 1879, 59-61. — - 'Observations de la Comete de BRORSEN (1879). Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 (Lirr. 1), 1879, 100-103. — 'Positions de la Comete de 1858 V. Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 (Livr. 1), 1879, 104-116. — 'Sur la resistance de I'e'ther produite par le mouve- ment de translation du systeme solaire. [1864.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 (Livr. 2), 1880, 20-49. — 'The tails of comets. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 454-455. — 'Observations de quelques cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 7 (Lirr. 2), 1881, 90-93; 9 (Livr. 2), 1883, 114- 116. - 'Observations de la Comete de 1861 (2). Moscou Obs. Ann., 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 105-109. - 'Note. [L'aurore polaire du 12 aout 1880, a Wladimir.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 109. - "Experiences faites avec le pendule a reversion. Moscou Obs. Ann., 8 (Livr. 1), 1882, 31-56. - "Recherches sur les Cometes de 1881 b et c et de 1825 IV. Moscou Obs. Ann., 8 (Lirr. 1), 1882, 57-96. - 'Observations spectroscopiques du Soleil en 1872 [et en 1873]. Moscou Obs. Ann., 8 (Lior. 2), 1882, 1-33, 34-65. 'Sur le milieu resistant. [1864.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Livr. 1), 1883, 18-23. - 'Sur la Comete de 1882 I (Wells). Ann., 9 (Livr. 1), 1883, 24-38. Moscou Obs. — Note sur le pendule a reversion. Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Lirr. 1), 1883, 103-106; 10 (Livr. 1), 1884, 111. - 'Recherches sur la Comete de 1882 II. Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Livr. 2), 1883, 48-77. — Calcul des e'phenierides des queues cometaires. Astr. Naclir., 107, 1884, 293-21)8; Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Lirr. 1), 1884, 1-6. - Sur quelques anomalies apparentes dans les queues cometaires. Astr. Nachr., 107, 1884, 379-382. - Les oudes cosmiques formant la queue de la grande Comete de 1882. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 1-4. — Sur quelques rernnrques concernaut [ses] recherches sur les cometes. Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 281-288. — Note sur la queue du i. type de la Comete 1882 II. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Lirr.' 1), 1884, 7-12. - Sur 1'hypothese des ondes cosmiques, composee pnur 1'explication des formes cometaires. Moscou Obs. Aon., 10 (Lirr. 1), 1884, 13-33. -- Sur les syndynames et les synchrones dans les cometes et quelques remarques concernant [ses] recherches sur les formes cometaires. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Lirr. 1), 1884, 75-99. — Les syndynames et les synchrones de la Comete Pons- Brooks (1883-1884). Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Lirr. 2), 1884. 97-120, 149-154; Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 13,1885, 145-156. — Sur la queue du premier type de la Comete de 1744. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Lirr. 2), 1884, 142-148. — Quelques formules de la theorie des cometes. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 60, 1884, 3-16. — Sur la graude Comete de 1811. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 60, 1884, 58-69. — Sur les tetes des coinetes. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 60, 1884, 79-86. — [Beobachtungen der totalen Mondfmsterniss am 4. October 1884 und von Sternbedeckungen wahrend der- selben.] Auf der Sternwarte in Moskau. Astr. Nadir., Ill, 1885, 11-12. — Nouvelles recherches sur les cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Lirr. 1), 1886, 1-7(1. - • Revision des valours nuuuTiqiU'S tie la force repulMu1. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., (il, 1886 (Ft. 1), 1-36. — Sur les oscillations des jets d'emission dans les cometes. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 61, 1886 (Pt. 1), 93-118. — Sur les grandes Cometes de 1886. Soe. Nat. Bull., 62 (Pt. 2), 1887, 1-8; 1 (Lirr. -2), 1888, 1-6. — Sur la grande Comute de 1886 Moscou Soc. Nat. Bui!., 1, 1887, 42-48; Ann., 1 (Lirr. 2), 1888, 7-12. — Beobachtungen der totalen Mondrinsterniss 1888 Jan. 28. Auf der Sternwarte in Moskau. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 313-314. — Quelques remarques sur 1'origine des m^teores. Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 521-523 ; Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 249- 252. — Sur la grande Comete de 1887 I. [1888.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Lirr. 2), 1888, L'9-36, 125-128; Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 2, 1889, 261-268, 545-548. — Quelques mots sur 1'origine des cometes periodiques. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 331-332. — Quelques proprietes remarquables des courants me- teoriques. Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljschr., 24, 1889, 273- 279. Ka-iaHifimi noBopoiHaro iipoii3BefleHHHiH BT> ceit JKeiTyxiIH'h II B. ILIepCMeTI.CBK'fc. [Observations on the o_scillation of a Repsold reversing pendulum, made in Zeltuchina and B. Seremetjevka.] St. Petcvsb. , Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 178-185. — Sur 1'origine des c'toiles fllantes. [1888.] Moscou (41 ; 42.) Moscou ; Moscou Obs. Ann., / (Barnard). (43.) Moscou Obs. Bredichin] 785 IBredt Soc. Nat. Bull., 3, 1890, 1-60; Mosoou Obs. Ann., 2, 1890, 18-72. — Sur les compagnons de la Comete 1889 V (Brooks juillet 6). Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 321-321; Moscou Obs. Ann., 2, 1890, 158-163. — Snr 1'origine dcs eometes pcriodiques. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2, 1890, 1-17; Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 3, 1890, 181-201. — Sur les proprietes importantes des eonrants meteo- riques. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2, 1890, 135-157; Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 3, 1890, 629-632. — Note sur la queue anomale de la Comete de 1889 I. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2, 1890, 164-165.' — Sur les pheuomenes extraordinairea presentcs par la grande Comete de 1882. [1800.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 37-48. — Sur les Perseides observes en Russia en 1890, [1892 et 1894]. [1891-95.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 231-258; 35, 1894, 457-178; 2, 1895, 139-176. — Sur les radiants des Andromedides. [1891.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 419-437. — Ueber die Bieliden [der Jahre 1872, 1885 und] 1892. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 159-160, 191-192. — Sur la dispersion des points radiants de meteores. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 189-216. — Sur les orbites des Bielides. [1893.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 585-605. — 0 (jiiiuji'irrinm, nepeirlniaxi BT, iicuccnux'i. T'luax'fc. [On physical changes in the heavenly bodies.] [1893.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Rusa.), 74, 1894, 112-153. — Sur les Perseides observes a Poulkovo en 1893. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894, 33-59. — Les isodynames et les synchrones de la Comete 1893 IV. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894, 105-178. - KoMCTa yilKC. [ENCKE'S Comet.] [1894.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1895, v-vi. — Mouvement des substances eniises par les Cometes 1893 II et, 1893 IV. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1895, 383-395. — Variations seculaires de 1'orbite de la Comete 1862 III et de ses orbites derivees. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1895, 251-260; 4, 1896, 31-40. — Sur 1'origine et les orbites du systeme des Aquarides. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896,' 345-360. — Sur quelques systemes de meteores. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 5, 1896, 337-346. — Sur les valeurs de la repulsion solaire subie par la substance cometaire. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., (>, 1897, 483-488. — 0 Bpamenin B>niiTepa ci> cro inrniaMii. [Sur la rotation de Jupiter avec ses taches.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897, 235-250. — 0 iioiiUTKaxi, aKcnepiiMCHTajiMiaro Boeupoiu- BC;;cili« KOMOTHUXI, aBJienill. [Sur la reproduction experimentale des pheuomenes cometaires.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1898, 173-189. — 0 COJIlie'lHOM KOponf,. [Sur la couroune solaire.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, 179-207. — [Ho Bonpocy o BBe;;enin Hosaro CTHJIH BT. Poccill. Au sujet de 1'adoption du uouveau style en Kussie.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, xxvii-xxx. — Sur les radiants composes (dits stationnaires) des etoiles filantes. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, 95-120; 13, 1900, 189-220; Astr. Nachr., 151. 1900 379-382; 152, 1900, 47-48. Sec a Ixo Moscow Observatory. Bredicbin, F[eihr] A[leksan(lrovic], & Belopolskij, .1. •Observations spectroscopiques du Soleil en 1881. Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Livr. 2), 1883, 35-47. 11. S. A. c. Bredichin, F[cdur] A[leksandriit- wikkelingsvloeistoffen. [1894.] Maandbl. Nat., 1894-95, 56-59. — Beitrase zur Stciehiometrie der lonenbeweglicbkeit. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 13, 1894, 191-288. — Ueber die Afiinitatsgrossen der Basen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 13, 1894, 289-326. — Ueber Warmeleitung und lonenbewegung. Stockh., Ot'vers., 1895, 665-671 [Part 1 only]; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 19, 1896, 228-232; 23, 1897, 545-546. — Ueber deu Eintluss der Zentrifugalkraft auf cbemische Systeme. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem;, 17, 1895, 459-472. Ueber elektromotorische Kraft und chemisches Gleicu- gewicht. Ueber Elektrochemie der sogenannten dunkeleu Eutladungeu. [1898.] Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1897-98, 62-63. — Sur la conductibilik'' electrique des solutions de permanganate de potassium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 1269. — Darstellung collo'idaler Metalllosungen durch elek- trische Zerstaubung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 951- 954. — Einige Anwendungen des elektrischen Lichtbogens. [1898.] Ztschr. Elektrocb., 1897-98, 514-515. — Ueber elektromotorische Kraft und chemisches Gleich- gewicht nach Versuchen des Herrn KNUPFFEK. [1898.] Ztschr. Elektroeli., 1897-98, 544-546. — Ueber ampbotere Elektrolyte uud innere Salze. (Nach Versuchen von Herrn WINKELBI.ECH.) [With discussion.] [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1899-1900, 33-37. — Das Ampferemanorueter. (Nach gemeinschaftlichen Versuchen rnit Herrn O. HAHN.) [1900.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1900-01, 259-260. — Ueber kolloi'dales Kadmium. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 32, 1900, 127-128. — Ueber die fermentativen Eigenschaften dea Platins und anderer Metalle. [1'JOO.] Phys. Ztschr., 2, 1901, 7-11. Bredig, Georfl, & Coehn, Alfred. Ueber kolloidale Lo- sungen. Bemerkung zu den Abhandlungen der Herren STUECKL, VANINO und STARK. Ztsclir. Physikal. Chem., 32, 1900, 129-132. Bredig, tieorii, & Cohen, Kriist. fiec Cohen & Bredig. Bredig, Gcorij, & Ha her, Frit:. Ueber Zerstaubung von Metallkathoden bei der Elektrolyse mit Gleichstrom. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2741-2752. Bredig, Genrrj, & Miiller von Berneck, R[iidolj"\. Ueber anorganische Fermeute. i. Ueber Platinkatalyse und die chemische Dynamik des Wasserstoffsuperoxyds. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 31, 1899, 258-353. Bredig, Georfl, & TTsov, .1. 1st Acetylen ein Elektrolyt? [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 116-117. Bredig, Georg, & Will, [Curl] W[illitlni]. See Will & Bredig. Bredig, Gtonj, Hoff, J[nfi]. Sec Keiser A Breed. Breed, Robert S. "The Sunset trachyte," from near Sunset, Boulder county, Colorado. [1S99.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc., 6 (1897-1900), 216-230. Breedenraedt, . Les bacteries et leurs produits de secretion. Anvers, .11. de I'harm., 54, 1898, 201-205, 241-247, 294-302, 332-341. Breese, C. M. Statistics on colour-blindness among the students at the State Agricultural College. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans,, 11, 1889, 106-107. — Annual precipitation of rain and snow at Manhattan, Kansas, for the past thirty-two years. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 166-167. — Wind velocity at Manhattan, Kansas. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890', 167-108. Breese, ('. jl/., it Failyer, G[conje] II[ennj]. See Failyer & Breese. Brefeld, Oscar. *Mycologiache Untersuchungen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 109-111. — Polyspbondylium violaceum und Dictyostelium muco- roides nebst Bemerkungen znr Systematik der Schleim- pilze. Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), (5, 1884, 1-34. — Conidiobolus utriculosus und minor. Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), 6, 1884, 35-78. • Die Brandpilze und die Brandkrankheiteu. Brunii Mitth., 65, 1885, 327-328, 331-332. — Eecent investigations of smut Fungi and smut diseases. An address delivered before the Society of Agriculturists of Berlin, February 17, 1888. [Tr.] Jl. Mycol., 6, 1891, 1-8, 59-71, 153-164. - Der Reis-Brand und der Setaria-Brand, die Ent- wicklungsglieder neuer Mutterkornpilze. Bot. Centrbl. , 65, 1896, 97-108. — Ueber Brandpilze und Brandkrankheiten. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1899 (Abth. 2o), 17-32. Versuche iiber (lie Stickstoffauf uahme bei den Pflanzen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1900 (Abth. 2b), 27-38. — Ueber die geschlechtlichen und ungeschlechtlichen Fruchtforrnen bei den copulirenden Pilzen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1900 (Abtli. 2I>), 71-84. Brefeld, Oscar, & Istvanffi, Gyula ( = Julius). Die Brand- pilze. n. Die Brandkrankheiten des Getreides. [HI. Hemibasidii.] Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), 11, 1895; 12, 1895, 236 pp. I'M nil. Brefeld, Oscar, Istvanffi, lli/ula, iV Joban-Olsen, ()/,;/•. Basidiomyceten. n. Protobasidiomyceten. [in. Auto- basidiomj-ceten und die Begriindung des natiirlichen Systemes der Pilze.] Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), 7, 1888, 178 pp. ; 8, 1889, 305 pp. Brefeld, Oxcar, Tafel, Fran: ran, & Lin. I. in, Gitstai: Die Hemiasei und die Aseomyceten. Bot. Untersuch. (Bre- feld's), 9, 1891; 10, 1891, 378 pp. in all. Breglia, Kriu-sto. Sopra due teoremi del Prof. GEI-.IIIA [sulle quadriche omocicliche dell'ellissoide d'inerzia e sulle cjuadriche omofocali dell'ellissoide di girazione, relative al punto fisso]. Giorn. Mat., 27. 1889, 303-317. — Di una relazione tra i raggi di curvatura in punti corrispondenti della curva delle grandezze e della curva delle component! radiali. Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 344- 348. Breglia] 787 [Breit — II calcolo grafico applicato alia misura delle volte. Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 1, 1899, No. 2, 41 pp. Bregman, L. K. Zur Casuistik des Paramyoclonus multi- plex. Arch. Psyehiatr., 27, 1896, 588-599. — Zur Diagnostik der Syringomyelie. Neurol. Ceutrbl., 14, 1895, 805-810. — Ueber Diplegia facialis. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 242-248. — Zur Lehre von den Erkraukungen des untersten Riickenuiarkabschnittes. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1897, 887-895. — Ueber den "Autornatisme ambulatoire" ("Fugues," "Dromomania"). Nenrol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 776-781. — Ueber die elektrische Entartungsreaction des M. leva- tor palpebraa superioris, nebst einigen Beraerkungen iiber eine isolirte traumatisebe Oculomotorius- und Troehlearis- liihmung. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 690-695. Bregman, L. K., & Zawadzki, Joseph, See Zawadzki A Bregman. Bregowski. s, , Behr-Bregowski. Bregowsky, I[van] 31., & Ford, Allen P. See Ford & Bregowsky. Breguet, Antoine. *L'uninoation de 1'heure dans les grandes villes par le moyen de 1'^lectricite. [1880.] G^nie Civil, 1, 1880-81, 9-11. Breguet, L[. '2, 171 pp. Brendel, Martin, \- Wellmann, Victor. Beobacbtungen des Cometen 1889... (Davidson). Auf der Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 219-222. Brendler, Wulfijanij, & Tafel, Julius. Beactionsfahigkeit organischer Ammoniumsalze. Berlin, Chenj. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2683-2686. Breneman, A[liram] A[da»i\. On the use of tubes of colored glass for Nesslerizing. Ainer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 6, 1884, 121-123. — On the analysis of a sample of mineral water from Irondale, West Virginia. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 6, 1884, 123-124. — Some contributions to the study of the New York water supply. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 8, 1886, 3-11. — On the examination of croton water. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 8, 1886, 157-161. — On the necessity of standard conditions in the appli- cation of WANKLVN'S method of water analysis. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 8, 1886, 221-227. — Note on a sample of old butter. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 9, 1887, 3-4. — The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 11, 1889, 2-27, 31-46. — On the alleged sterilization of river water by mine water. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 12-15. — Some lecture experiments. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 48-49. — Notes upon water analyses by the ammonia method with some new apparatus. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 457-460. — An improved burette holder. [1891.] Anier. Chem. Soc. Jl., 14,1892, 15-16. — A remarkable water for public use. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 14, 1892, 34-36. Breneman, A\brnm\ A\dam\, & Biggs, Hermann 31. Sec Biggs & Breneman. Brengues, [Panlin], & Sabrazes, Jean [Krnili']. .Sec Sabrazes A Brengues. Brengues, [ Pinilin], Sabrazes, Ji'nn [Km He], & Batz, K. de. tiee Sabrazes, Batz A Brengues. Brenier, Henri. Principaux resultats geographiques de la mission lyonnaise en Chine. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. K., 1897, 287-291. Mission lyonnaise d'exploration commercials en Chine. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. B. , 1898, 349-351. Bren| ? njinger, George F. Nest and eggs of the short- eared owl. Ornith. Ool., 11, 1886, 167. — LINCOLN'S sparrow and its nesting. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 191. — Nesting of the green-tailed towhee. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 90. — Buteo albicaudatua in Arizona. Auk, 14, 1897, 403. — White-tailed hawk in Arizona. Auk, 16, 1899, 352. Brcnke, William C., ,t Palmer, Arthur )['. Sen Palmer .v Brenke. Brennan, G. A. Variations of Tradescautia virgiuica. Amur. Natlist., 20, 1886, 551-552. Brennan, J. F. Wind records at Kingston, Jamaica. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 23, 1897, 66-67. Brennan, Sarah 0. On the reproductive system of Digaster (Didymogaster) sylvaticus, Fletdi. [1899.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 24, 1900, 691-696. Brennan,/ Fossil reptiles. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Trans., 6, 1886, 32-36. Brennand, William. Photometric observations of the sun and sky. [1890.] Boy. Soc. Proc., 49, 1891, 255-280. — On the three-bar motion of WATT. Boy. Soc. Proc., 52, 1893, 472-474. Brennecke, , & Koch, Heinrich. See Koch & Brennecke. Brennecke,!/. Ermittelung des Eisengewichtes der Senk- kasten (Caissons) fiir Luftdruck-Griiudungen. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 34, 1884, 313-324. — Herstellung und Priifung der Luftschleusen und Schachtrohre bei Luftdruckgruudungen. Ztschr. Bau- wesen, 35, 1885, 237-2411. — Ueber die Grosse des Wasserdruckes im Boden. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 36, 1886, 101-128, iv. — Versuche iiber den Widerstand von Schraubenpfahlen gegeu Herausreissen. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 36, 1886, 449- 452. — Ueber Berechnung und zweckmiissige Bauweise ge- mauerter Schleusen und Trockendocks. Ztschr. Bau- wesen, 42, 1892, 523-546. — Die Berechnung der Standsicherheit der Bohlwerke. Hannover Architi.-kt.-Ver. Ztschr., 3'.l, 1893, 29-40. Brenneisen, D/[I;I-/,-»,S], it Sclioll, Roland. See Sclioll & Brenneisen. Brenner, [IliidolJ']. For biography see Fortschr. Med., 2 (1884, Heil.), 200; Deutseh. Arch. Klin. Med., 36, 1885, 360-364. Brenner, . Versuche, betreffend das Absaugen des Grubengases auf der Konigsgrube im Wurm-Beviere. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 37, 1889 (Abh.), 70- 76. Brenner, A[dolj"\, & Spiiller, Josef. See Spuller iV Brenner. Brenner, Leo. Mars-Beobachtuugen an der Manora- Sternwarte vor der Opposition 1894. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 49-62. — Mars-Beobachtungeu an der Manora-Sternwarte iiach der Opposition 1894. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 401-416. — Ueber die Ellipticitat des I. Jupitermondes. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 77-80. — Ueber eine merkwiirdige Erscheinung auf der Venus. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 183-184. — Zur Frage fiber die Venus-Botation. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 197-200. — Beobiichtung der Bedeckung des Begulus durch den Mond 1895 Juni 26. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 303-304. — Die Schatten auf der Venus. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 25-28. — Jupiter-Beobachtungen an der Mauora-Steruwarte 1894-95. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 145-158. — Beobachtungen des uubeleuchteten Theils der Venus an der Manora-Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 313- 318. — Zu den Venus-Beobachtungen der Herren MASCARI und OEUULLI in A. N. 3329 u. 3331. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 175-176. — Sichtbarkeit der Nachtseite des Mercur. Astr. Nachr. , 140, 1896, 347-348. — Ueber die Flecke auf dem Aequatorealgiirtel des Saturn. Astr. Nachr. , 140, 1896, 353-356. — Zodiacal light observations at the Manora Observatory. Observatory, London, 19, 1896, 206-207. — Saturn-Beobachtungen an der Manora-Steruwarte 1896. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 1-8. — Uranus-Beobaohtungen an der Manora-Sternwarte 1896. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 33-38. Brenner] 791 [Brenner — Mercur-Beobachtuugen an der Manora-Stemwarte 1896. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 37-44. — Verauderungen auf dein Mars 1896. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 41-44. — Messungen des Hiriusbegleiters. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 213-214. — Ueber eine neue Tlieilung auf dem Saturnring. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 311-312; Observatory, London, 20, 1897, 282-283. — Mikrometermessungen betr. Jupiter an der Manora- Stemwarte. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 183-192. Neue Theilungen in den Saturnringeu. Astr. Nachr. Observatory, London, 20, 1897, Observatory, London, Observatory, 144, 1897, 285-288. — Canals on Venus. 208-209. — A peculiar spot on Jupiter. 20, 1897, 248-249. On the reduction of observations. London, 20, 1897, 453-454. — Jupiter-Beobachtungen auf der Manora-Sternwarte 1895-[98]. [1897-1900.] Wien, Ak. Denkschr., (54, 1897, 541-564 ; 70, 1901, 73-96. — Mars-Beobachtungen 1896-97 auf der Manora-Stern- warte in Lussiupiccolo. [1898.] Berlin Ak. Abh., 1897 (Anh., Math.), 32 pp. — Saturn-Beobachtungen auf der Manora-Sternwarte 1897. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 73-78. - Beobachtung der Sonnentinsterniss 1898 Jan. 21. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 271-272. — Bedeckungen der Venus und von 132 Tauri 1898 Mai 22. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 327-330. — Mikrometermessungen auf dem Planeten Jupiter. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 385-390. — Observations de Mars et Saturne a PObservatoire Manora. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 3, 1898, 6-8. — Conspicuous spots on Jupiter. Observatory, London, 21, 1898, 132-133. — On the canals of Mars. Observatory, London, 21, 1898, 296-299; Kev. Sei., 10, 1898, 481-485. — Black spots in the north zone of Jupiter. Observatory, London, 21, 1898, 378-379. — • Der neue Stern ira Andromeda-Nebel. Astr. Nachr 148, 1899, 59-60. — Beobachtuug von Jupiterflecken. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 79-80. — Ueber den Begleiter von 3 Orionis. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 141-142. — Bemerkungen zu den Marsbeobachtungen in Juvisy in A. N. 3581. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 301-304. — Ueber Sterne im Ringnebel in der Leier (G C. 4447) Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 217-220. — Observations de Saturne faites a 1'Observatoire Manora en 1898. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 5, 1900, 34-41. — La lurniere zodiacale. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 5, 1900, 253-257. Brenner, M/iyinis. Bidrag till kannedom af finska vikens ovegetation. HI. Tillagg till Hoglands fanerogarn flora, [iv. Hoglands lafvar.] [1884-85.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Head., 11, 1885, 33-40; 13, 1886, 1-143; Bot. Centrbl., 22, 1885, 296; 26, 1886. 291-293. — Carduus crispo-nutans, Koch., en for den finska floran ny ruderatvaxt, i sammanhang rned nagra andra i Finland pa ballast antriiffade Carduua-arter. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 13, 1886, 145-148. — Om variationsformagan hos Primula oUicinalis (L.), Jacq., i Finland. [1886.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 14, 1888, 33-52. — Om forekomsten af Festuca duriuscula, L., i Finland. [1887.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Feun. Medd., 14, 1888 139-142. — Om de i Finland forekommande formerna af LINNKS ursprungliga Juncus articulatus, Fl. suec., Sp. plant. edit. i. [1888.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn Medd., 16, 1888-91, 47-58; Bot. Ceutrbl., 40, 1889 374-375. o — Om nagra Taraxacum-former. [1889.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 16, 1888-91, 107-114; 18, 1891-92, 159-161; Bot. Centrbl., til, 1895, 147-148. — [lakttagelser angaende de i Finland forekommande formerna af slaktet Aluus.] [1889.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 18, 1891-92, 178-185; Bot. Centrbl 61, 1895, 150-151. — [Rubus idffius, L., car. simplicior, 31. Brenn.] [1890.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 18, 1891-92, 209-210; Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1895, 215. — [Om de i Finland forekommande formerna af Cheno- podium album.] [1890.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenrj Medd., 18, 1891-92, 211-212; Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1895 215-216. — Spridda bidrag till kiinnedom af Finlands Hieraciuin- former. i. [1892.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenu Medd., 18, 1891-92, 75-131. — Spridda bidrag till kauuedoni af Finlands Hieracium- i'ormer. n[-v]. [1893-97.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Acta, 9. 1893-94, No. 5, 43 pp. ; 12, 1894-95, No. 1, 57 pp.; 13, 1897, No. 1, 68 pp.; 16, 1897-1900, No. 1, 24 pp. — Om nagra i Finland forekommande former af Viola tricolor, L. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 19, 1893, 75-81. — ( )m de finska formerna af Orchis angustifolia, Reiclienb. [1893.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd , 20 1894, 39-41. — Picea exeelsa, /. oligoclada, n. f. [1894.] Helsing- fors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 21, 1895, 7. — Egemlomliga fall af grenbildniug hos gran. [1895.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Feun. Medd., 22, 1896, 8-9. - Mossor, insamlade i Kajana Osterbotten ocu angran- sande delar af norra Osterbotteu och norra Karelen. Bot. Notiser, 1896, 183-188. — Nagra ord om namnen Euphrasia tenuis och micrantha och denned betecknade vaxtforrner. Bot. Notiser, 1896, 197-201. — Euphrasia hebecalyx, Urcnn., forut E. micrantha, Brenn. Bot. Notiser, 1898, 181-183; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1898-99, 325. — Observationer rorande den nordfinska floran under adertonde och uittonde seklen, sarskildt med afseende a karlvaxterna i Oster-Norrbotten, Nord-Osterbotten och Kajauien. [1899.] Helsiugfors, Fauna Flora Fenu. Acta, 16, 1897-1900, No. 4, 307 pp. — Om nagra i Finland fuuua Euphrasia-former. [1897.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 24, 1900, 96-99. — Finlands Odontites- former. [1898.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 25, 1900, 15-18, (Res. 139- 140). Brenner, Miitjiius (et alii). Finska botanisters asigter angaende Kopeuhamnsfiirslaget till nomenklaturregler. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 151-155"; Bot. Centrbl., 56, 1893, 386-388. Brenner, Martin. Ueber das primiire Carcinom des Ductus choledochus. Virchuw, Arch., 158, 1899, 253- 270. Brenner, Oscar. Die a'chte Karte des Olaus MAGNUS vom Jahre 1539 nach dem Exemplar der Miiiiuhener Staatsbibliothek. Christiauia Forh., 1886, No. 15, 24 pp. — Grouland im Mittelalter nach einer altnorwegischen Quelle. Miiuchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 10, 1886, 71-77. — [Ueber erne mittelalterliche Beschrelbung Groiilands.] [1886.] Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 11, 1887, xxii- xxiv. • Die sprachlichen Beweise fiir die Herkunft der Ober- pfalzer. Deutsch. Ges. Authrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1890, 57- 61. Brenner] 792 [Brenske Brenner, Wilhelm. Ueber kiinstlich hervorgerufene VIT- iindrruiwn an FeUpllanzeu. Ztschr. Natunviss., 72, 1899, 3511-357. — Untersuchungen an einij-'m Frttpflanzeu. Flora, 87, 1900, 387-439. Brenner-Felsacn, Jim, -liiin (/•>/;/•.) ran. lieisc durch die unabhangigen llattak-Lande und auf der Inscl Nias. Wu-ii Grogr. (Jos. Mitth., 33, 1890, 276-305. Brcnosa, linjm I. *Las portiritas y microdioritas de San Ildefonso y sus contornos. [1883.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884, 259-306. — El dimorfismo del bisilicato de cal. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 14, 1885, 115-12'J; Ztschr. Kryst., 13, 1888, 388-389. — Una macla de yeso. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 14, 1885 (Act.), 5-2-58; Ztschr. Kryst., 13, 1888, 389-39O. Brenske, Krnxl. *Reiseskizze iiber seinen Aufenthalt auf Morea und Griechenlaud. Dcutsch. Natf. Tagebl. , 1882, 208-212. — Ueber Melolonthiden. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 30, 1886, 195-207. — Ueber Melolonthiden. n. Soc. Ent. Ross. Horie, 22, 1888, 350-361. — Zwei neue Melolonthiden aus Neu-Guinea. Wien. Ent. Zip.-, H, 1889, 273-274. — Melolonthiden aus Marocco, Algier, Tunis uud Tripolis, gesammelt von Herrn Premier-Lieutenant a. D. M. QUEDENFELUT. [1890.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 33, 1889, 325-334. — Amplurnallus assimilis, Ilrrbxt, und die Varietateu desselben. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 13-14. — Eine neue Chrysoraela aus Italicn. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 14-15. — Ueber einige Arten der Gattung Polyphylla. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 123-127. — Ueber die Gattung Granida und Bcschreibung finer neuen Polyphylla. Ent. Nachr. , 16, 1890, 197-19'J. — Die Arten der Gattung Triodonta, Mills. (Melolonthi- darum Genus.) Wien. Eut. Ztg., 9, 1890, 81-86. — Notizen iiber Melolonthiden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 9, 1890, 137-138. — 1'iagnosen neuer Melolonthiden aus Ecuador uud Madagascar. [1890.] Zurich, Soc. Ent., 5, [1891], 34. — Die Gattungen Lasiopsis, Asceptonyclia und Lachnota im Lichte dos Prioritatsdogmas. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 4-6. — Rhizotrogus limbatipcnnis, !';//«, ein Versuch diese Art zu deuten. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 55-57. — Ueber Polyphylla, Anoxia und Cyphonotus. Eine Erwulerung an Herrn Dr. KKAATZ. Eut. Naclir., 17, 1891, 210-216. — Drei neue Rhizotrogns-Arten aus dem Orient. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 216-219. — Ueber Rhizotrogus ater, fuscus, furvus uucl lirnbati- pennis. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 219-220. — Rhizotrogus ater und fuscus, eine Erwiderung an Herrn Dr. KKAATZ. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 361-365. — Holomelia mirabilis, eine Cuiiositiit untur den Cole- opteren. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 313-316. — Die Erichson'schen Coleopteren-Gattungen Mono- tropus und Lasiopsis. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 31/1 319. — Ueber die Gattuugen Encya und Empecta. [1891.] Zurich, Soc. Ent., 6, [1892], 97-98. — Ueber einige neue Gattungen uud Arten der Melolon- thidpn. Ent. Nachr., IS, 1892, 151-159. — Ueber die Verbreitung der Melolonthiden auf der Erde. Zurich, Soc. Ent., 0, [1892], 1N5-1H7; 7, [18931, 1-3, 9-11. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattungen Lepidiota uml Leucopholis. [1H92.J Berlin. Eut. Ztschr., 37, 1893, 33-62, 412. — Die Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Braluuina, III. [1892.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 37, 1893, 79-124, 412. — Neue Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Holotrichia (Laclmosterna). [1892.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 37, 1893, 159-1'.I2, 412. — Neue Adoretus-Arten von Ost-Bcngaleu aus der Aus- beute des Herrn L. CARDON, S. J. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 37, 1893, 140-143. — Zur Melolonthiden Gattung Brahniina gehort Cryphieo- bius, Krtz. Ent. Nachr., 19, 1893, 91-96, 109-110. Ein neuer Rhizotrogus Italiens aus der Gruppe des vicinus und Uebersichtstabelle der Arten dieser Gruppe. Ent. Nachr., 19, 1893, 188-191. — Melolonthiden von Borneo und einigen anderen malayischeu Inseln aus einer Sendung der Herren Dr. 0. STADDINGEK und A. BANG-HAAS. [1894.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 38, 1893, 347-358. Zur Kenntniss der Adoretiden Madagascars. [1893.] Zurich, Soc. Ent., 8, [1894], 1-2, 9-10. — Die Melolonthiden iler palaearctischen und oriental- ischen Region im Koniglicheu Naturhistorischen Museum zu Briissel. Brux., Soc. Ent. Mem., 2, 1894, 87 pp. — Einiges iiber die Rhizotrogiden und den Berliner Gerichtshof fur entomologischen Angelegenheiten. Ent. Nachr., 20, 1894, 177-183. — Revision der Gattung Cyphonotus, Duv. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 55, 1894, 264-272, 397. — Ein neuer Rhizotrogus aus Spanicn. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 55, 1894, 272-274. — Zur Kenntniss der Melolonthiden Sumatra's. Stettin, Eut. Ztg., 55, 1894, 274-280. — Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gatttmg Lepidio- derma, Watli. [1W94.] Zurich, Soc. Ent., 9, [1895], 41-42. — [Esplorazioue del Giuba e dei suoi affluent! eompiuta dal Cap. V. BOTTEGD durante gli anni 1892-93 sotto gli auspicii della Soeieta Geographies Italiaua. Risultati zoologici.] xin. Melolonthini e Rutelini. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 35, 1895, 215-226. — Insectes du Bungale. Melolonthidic. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 40. 1896, 150-164. — Trigonochilus, n. y. Vertreter einer neuen Rutelideu- Gruppe aus der Venvandtschaft der Anoplognathiden. Ent. Nachr., 22, 1896, 33-37. — Neue Melolonthiden aus Africa und Asien. Stettin, Eut. Ztg., 57, 1896, 178-205. — Die Coleopteren-Gattung Trigonocnemis, Krtz., gehort uicht zu den Rhizotrogiden, sondern zu den Anomaliden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 15, 1896, 116. — Ueber die Verbreitung des Cyphonotus testaceus (Coleopt.-Melolonth.) und seine Hinterschienen. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztsehr., 41, 1896, 315-317. — Zwei neue Melolonthiden aus Beludschistan. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 41, 1896, 318-322. — Nenc Coleopteren-Gattungen und -Arten aus Mada- gaskar, Afrika und Asien, zur Familie der Melolonthiden gehurend. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 41, 1896, 339- 363. — Die Synonymic zweier Lepidiota-Arten. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 41, 1896, 363-364. — Neue Gattungen und Arten der Melolonthiden aus Afrika und Asieu. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 5s, 1897, 96-120. — Die Serica- Arten der Erde. Berlin. Eut. Ztschr., 42, 1898, 345-13S; 43, 1899, 205-404, 431 ; 44, 1899, 161-272; 45, 1900, 39-96. — Mi'lolontha proboscidea, Fab. , ist keine Triodonta. Eut. Nachr., 24, 1898, S3-86. — Eiuige neue Melolonthideu. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 59, 1898, 236-248. — Melolonthiden aus Afrika. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 59, 1898, 3:!3-:i9l. — Die Coleopteren-Gattung Oxychirus, Qin'ilf., gehort nicht zu den Melolonthiden, sondern zu den Phaeno- im-riden. Zurich, Soc. Ent., 12, [1898], 185-187. drr Collection Colmant von Bahr-al- Brenske] [Bresadola Ghazal, von Ober M'Bomu und vom oberen Uellc. Brux. , Soc. Ent. Ann., 43, 1899, 377-387. — Sur quelques nouvelles especes de Melolonthides (genre Serica) de Cambodge et du Siam appartenant au Museum de Paris. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 414-416. — Diagnoses Melolonthidarum novarum ex India orientali. [1899-1 Indian Mus. Notes, 4, 1900, 176-179. — [Diagnoses d'insectes recueillis par 1'Expedition Antarctique Beige. Coleopteres.] Scarabffiida;. Brux., Soo. Ent. Ann., 44, 1900, 109-110. — Contribution a 1'etude de la faune de Sumatra. Melo louthiden gesamnielt von J. L. WEYERS. Brux., Soc. Ent. Mem., 7, 1900, 141-155. — [SEMON'S zoologische Forsohungsreisen in Australian und dem Malayischen Archipel. Coleopteren. Neube- schreibungen der] Melolonthiden. [1900.] Jena Denk- scbr., 8, 1894-1903, 6->-2-624. Die Melolonthiden Ceylon's uuter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der von Herrn Dr. HORN gesamuielten Alien. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., (51, 1900, 341-363! — Diagnoses Melolonthidarum novarum ex Bangalore. [1900.] Indian Mus. Notes, 5, 1903, 38. Brenske, Ernst, A Reitter, Edmund. Neuer Beitrag xur Kaferfauna Grieclieulands. [Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Dr. EITELSHEIM und L. GANGLBAUEK.] Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 28, 1884, 17-100. Brenstein, G. Ueber die Einwirkung einer concentrirten Aetheratmoephare auf das Leben von Prlanzen. Arch. Pharm., 225, 1887, 918-924. Brent, C. Notes on the cecodomas, or leaf-cutting ants of Trinidad. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 123-131. Brentano, Adolf. Die Ergebnisse bacteriologischer Bruch- wasseruntersuchungen. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg. , 43, 1896, 288-300. Brentano, Adolf, Mycetum australiensium. Malpigbia, 4, 1890, 289-301. — Enumerazione dei Funghi della Valsesia raccolti dal ch. ab. Antonio CAKESTIA. Malpighia, 11, 1897, 241- 325. [Materiaux pour la flore du Congo.] Fungi congoenses. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1899 (C. R.), 152-168. — Nee alin Saccardo & Bresadola. Bresadola, (nblmte) l>li,|u, de J/. Emile VEYKIN. Aeronaute, 1893, 61-62. — Discussion [on Mr. Frank H. WINSTON'S paper on "the secret of soaring." Aeronautics, Oct., 1893]. Arner. Engineer & Railroad Jl., OH, 1894, 528-529. — Le vol plane. La rafale relative. Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 33-40. Bretscber, K[onmd]. Die Oligocbaeten von Ziirich in systematischer und biologischer Hinsieht. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 499-532. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Oligoehaeteu-Fauna der Schweiz. Rev. Suisse Zool., 6, 1899, 369-4211. — Ueber die Verbreitungsverhiiltmsse der Lumbriciden in der Schweiz. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, 703-717. — Mitteiluugeu iiber die Oligochaetenfauna der Schweiz. Rev. Suisse Zool., 8, 1900, 1-44. — Stidschweizerische Oligochaeten. Rev. Suisse Zool., 8, 1900, 435-458. Bretschneider, A., & Fermi, Claiulio. Nee Fermi iV Bretschneider. Bretschneider, E[mil]. Botanicon sinicum. Notes on Chinese botany, from native and western sources [with general remarks by Dr. E. FABER]. [1892-96 ] China Roy. Asiat. Soc. Jl., 25, 1893, 1-468; 29, 1896, 1-623. — On some old collections of Chinese plants. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 292-298. — JofiaBoiHHH sasifaiui m> o'iepi;y iiyToiinvTBiii 1\ H. noTAHima Bt CH-HyaHt 11 na BOCTO'inym OKpailHy Tlioei'a. [Supplementary notes to the sketch of POTANIN'S journey to Sechuan and the eastern frontier of Tibet.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 419-426. — CirilCOK'B CTOflHOK'h 9KCII8,1,lIuil[ V. II. [lOTAIIIIIIil B'l, CH-TIyaHL II BOCT01IHM1°I TllOeTT. B'l, 1893 ro,i;y. [List of stations of POTANIN'S expedition to Sechuan and the eastern frontier of Tibet in 1893.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 427-436. — POTANIN'S letzte Reise in West-China uud im osttibe- tanischen Grenzgebiete im Jatire 1893. Petermann, Mitth., 46, 1900, 12-18. - Ho noBOjiy CTaTbir nojuiojiitoBmnca PLiinicKaro o ryaHt-iya'cKOMT. HO-iyocTpoet. [On Lt.-Col. ILINSKIJ'S article on the Kwan-tung peninsula.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900, 405-432. Bretscbneider, I['[i7/iai«]. Ueber die Einwirkung schwe- fliger Siiure auf aromatische Hydroxylamine. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 55, 1897, 285-304, 416. Bretschneider, n'[illiniii], & Walther, [Ernst Richard Heiiirich] Reinhold (Frkr.) nm. -See Walther * Bret- schneider. Brett, Alfred Thomas. For biography set- Med.-Chir. Trans., 80, 1897, cxix-cxx ; Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 9, 1898, Iv. — Section at the sewage farm, Watford Fields. [1886.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, 117. A nectarine growing on a peach tree. [1887.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, 222. • On fish-fatality in the river Colne at Watford. [1888.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 5, 1890, 93-90. Report on diseases of plants in Hertfordshire in 1890. [1891.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 6, 1892, 191-192. Poisonous properties of Primula obconica. [1891.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 6, 1892, 195-196. — Insects building iu a lock. [1891.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 6, 1892, 196. Brett, J[o/m] U'[afi-iHs]. For biographical notice see Telegr. Jl., 1, 1864, 6. Brett, John. *The great patch on Jupiter. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 236-238. Brettes, (ricomtf) Joseph de. [Exploration dans 1'interieur Brettes] 79fi I Brewer du Chaco Grande austral. | Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. 1!., 1886, 15-16, 166-167, 276. — [Sa] mission au Chaco. Montpellier, Soc. Langued. Geogr. Bull., 13, 1890, 64-N6. — Crane d'Indien attribue a un sujet ayant appartenu a la tribu des Tairouuas, Sierra Nevada de Santa-Martha, Re'publique de Colombie (Ame'rique Centrale). Paris Soc. Authrop. Bull., 3, 1892, 434-436. |ll;issiu du Rio Houkoumeji ou Palomino.] Paris, Soo. Ge'ogr. C. R., 1894, 41-48. Brettes, [,/<'«)! Bnjitiste] Martin de. ,SVc Martin de Brettes. Breuer, A[iigiist], & Zincke, [Unix! Curl) Th[eo,lor]. ,S'.v Zincke & Breuer. Breuer, Adalbert. Die Gauss'sche Darstellung cornplexer Zahlen in geometrischer Beleuehtung. Arch. Matli. Phys., 12, 1894, 337-343. Breuer, Josef. Neue Versuche an den Ohrbogengangen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 44, 1889, 135-152. — Ueber die Function der Otolithen-Apparate. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 48, 1891, 195-306. — Ueber Bogengange und Raumsinn. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 596-648; 72, 1898, 216-220. — Ueber den Einfluss des MaUulapigrneuts auf Farben- gleichungen. Ztschr. Psychol., 13, 1897, 464-473. Breuer, Junef, & Freud, Sigm[und]. Ueber den psychi- schen Mechanismus hysterischer Phiinomene. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 4-10, 43-47. Breuer, Josef, & Kreidl, Alois. Ueber die scheinbare Drehung des Gesichtsfeldes wahrend der Einwirkung einer Centrifugalkraft. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 70, 1898, 494-510. Breuer, <>. *Notes sur la teinture en deux couleurs de tissu blanc soie et coton. [1883.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884, 65-66. — Note sur 1'impression des fonds Metis unis. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884, 532-533. — Note sur un moyeu pour remplacer la terre de pipe dans 1'impression sur tissu. Mulhouse Soc. lud. Bull., 55, 1885, 322-323. Breuer, Richard. Ueber Pentalnarkose. [1891.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 18. Breuer, Hubert. Ueber das freie Chitosamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 3193-2200. Breuil, (t'abbe) H[enri\. Coup-d'ceil sur 1'age du bronze dans les departements de 1'Aisne, 1'Oise et la Somme. Ass. Franc. C. 1)., 1899 (P(. 2), 588-597. — Diverses observations sur le de'tloublemeut des feuilles et quelques autres anomalies. [1899.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 29, 1898-99, 137-142. — Note sur un terrier de marmottes Quaternahrs ;i Cceuvres (Aisne). Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1899, 521-525. — L'age du bronze dans le bassin de Paris. 1. Les rpres et dagues du bassiu de la Somme. Anthrop. (Paris), 11, 1900, 503-534. — Dedoublement des feuilles chez I'orme, 1'ortie et le sycamore. [1900.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 30, 1899- 1900, 59-64. Breuillard, Ch[arles], Un nouvean mode d'excitation cutam'-e. Le massage pneumatique. Ass. Fram-. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 2), 705-713. Breullle, P. Etude sur la prevision des crues de 1'Yuuin', du Serein et de 1'Armanr'on. Ann. Pouts et Chauss., 12 (1896), 128-159. Breukeleveen, M. van. Sur 1'oetomethylene-diamine. [1H94.]. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 13, 1894, 34-35; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 8, 1897, 85-86. — Sur la composition des gaz se de'gageant de 1'eau o"un puits pres d'Knkhuizeu (Hollande septentrionale). Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 15, 1896, 280-281. — Sur la recherche microchimique du perchlorate dans le nitrate de sodium du Chili. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 17, 1898, 94-95; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 962. Sur quelques combiuaisons cristallisees de la sueci- nimide avec les phenols. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 32-35. Breukeleveen, .!/. •IVIH, A: Horst, A. ter. Les composes de 1'oxyde de carbone avec le fer et leur importance dans la technique du gaz a 1'eau. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 111, 1900, 27-31. Breul, Ludolf. Ueber die Vertheilung des Hautpigments bei versehiedenen Menschenrassen. Morphol. Arb. , 0, 1896. 691-719. — Kaun der Zuckergehalt des normalen Harnes durch einseitige Ernahrungsweise uud andere noch in den Bereich des Physiologisehen fallende Bedingungen zu hoheren Graden gesteigert wertlen ? [1897. J Arch. Exper. Path., 40, 1898, 1-28. Breunner-Enkevoirtb, Aiii/iift (liriif). [Vorkommen des Pastor roseus zu Grafenegg in Niederusterreich.] Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885, 46-47. Breusing, [Fricilri<-li AuiiiKt) A[rtltur~]. For biography and works see Berlin lies. Knik. Yerh., 19, 1892, 527- 532 ; Geogr. Jbuch.. IB, 1893, 473 ; Bremen Abh., 13, 1896, 91-105. Breusing, Eduard. Untersuchuugen iiber BKEITHAUPT'S Manganocalcit (Agnolith, BREUSINO). [1900.] Neues Jbuch. Min. (Be'd.-Bd.), 13, 1899-1901, 205-330. Breusing, R[i Grosser & Brezina. Brezol, //. L'acclimatement du piteli pin (Pinus rigida et australis). France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 30, 1889, 65-87. — Essais d'elevage d'autruehcs de .17. NILI., de Stuttgard. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 30, 1889, 083-688. - Melange de sang et croisement chez les poules. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., :',0, 1889, 818-820. Brezoll 799 IBribosia — Les Carnivores americains. France Soc. Acclirn. Bull., 37, 1890, 49-55. — Le cheval et le pore en Chine. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 37, 1890, 729-732. - Le betail sauvage cle 1'Indo-Chine. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 38, 1891 (Sem. 1), 154-155. • Les phoques de 1'Alaska. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 39, 1892 (Stm. 1), 65-79. — Quelques varietes de serins. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 (Sem. 2), 101-110. — L'arbre a eoton soyeux. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 (,SVm. 2), 525-526. Brian, Alessamtro. L'Euphausia Miilleri comparsa in quantity, straordinaria nel Golfo di Geneva. Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 7, 1896, 79-80. — Catalogo di Copepodi parassiti del pesci della Liguria. Geuova, Soe. Ligust. Atti, !), 1898, 203-229. — Di alcuni Crostucei parassiti dei pesci dell' isola d'Elba. (ienova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 3-10, 197-207. — Diphyllogaster Thompsoni, n. »• J-',[iini-rpai'.ition du cerium d'avec le lauthaue et le didyme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 145-146. Briddon, <.''//« i7cs A". Surgical observations in the treat- ment of the diseases and accidents of the liver. [H'ith discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 41, 1885, 121-124, 131-133. Bridet, . Sur 1't'tablissement d'un telegraphe optique entre 1'ile de la Reunion et 1'ile Maurice. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 99, 1884, 425-426. Bridge, (Capt.) Ci/pi-ian. Cruises in Melanesia, Micronesia and western Polynesia, in 1882, 1883 and 1884, and visits to New Guinea and the Louisiades in 1884 and 1885. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 8, 1886, 545-565. Bridge, John. On the measurement of astigmatism and some other ocular defects. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 427-431. Bridge, John L. On the ethers of quinoue-oxime (nitroso- phenol). First paper. Amer. Chern. Jl. , 14 (1892), 276-284. — Ueber die Aether des Chinonoxims (;>Nitrosophenols). Liebig's Ann., 277, 1893, 79-104. Bridge, John L., & Morgan, H'illiuni L'onijer. The ethers of toluquinoneoxime and their bearing on the space isomerism of nitrogen. Amer. Chem. Jl., 20 (1898), 761-776. — The ethers of (sonitrosoguiacol in their relation to the space isomerism of nitrogen. Amer. Chem. Jl.. 22 (1899), 484-488. Bridge, T[homax] W[iliiain]. Some points in the cranial anatomy of Polypterus. [1888.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc., 6 (1887-89), 118-130. The air-bladder in certain siluroid fishes. [1888.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc., 6 (1887-89), 131-136. - The structure and function of the air-bladder in certain fishes. [1890.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc., 7 (1889-91), 144-187. — Vocal organs in fishes. Midland Natlist., 16, 1893, Hi*. — On certain features in the skull of Osteoglossimi tormosum. Zool. Soc. Proe., 1895. 302-310. — The mesial fins of ganoids and teleosts. Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 25, 1896, 530-602. — On the presence of ribs in Polyudon (Spatularia) folium. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 722-724. — On the morphology of the skull in the Paraguayan Lepidosiren and in other dipnoids. [1S97.J Zool. Soc. Trans., 14, 1898, 32.-|-;t7«. Bridge] 801 [Briem — The air-bladder and its connection with the auditory organ in Notopterns borneensis. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 27, 1899-1900, 503-540. Bridge, T[homas\ W[illiani\, & Haddon, Alfred C. Con- tributions to the anatomy of fishes, i [and n]. The air-bladder and Weberian ossicles in the Siluridae. [1889-92.] Boy. Soc. Proc., 46, 1890, 3011-328; 52, 1893, 139-157; Phil. Trans. (B), 184, 1894, 65-333. Note on the production of sounds by the air-bladder of certain siluroid fishes. Boy. Soc. Proc., 55, 1894, 439-411. Bridges, A. C. Pemphigus. N. Y. Med. Jl., 65, 1897, 8511-861. Bridges, Robert. For biography and works see Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., 21, 1884, 427-447. Bridges, Robert. Slow lightning. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 31-32. Bridges, Tliumns. For biographical notice see Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 33, 1869, 131-134. Bridges, ( Rev. ) Thomas. The Yahgans of Tierra del Fuego. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 14, 1885, 288-289. — El confin sur de la republica. La Tierra del Fuego y sus habitantes. Argentina, lust. Geogr. Bol., 7, 1886, 200-212; 14, 1893, 221-241. — Datos sobre Tierra del Fuego. [In English.'} La Plata Mus. Rev., 3, 1892, 313-320. Bridgford, (Maj.) Sidney Thomas. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engiii. Proc., 133, 1898, 414- 415. Bridgman, John B[rooks']. For biography and list of works see Ent. Month. Mag.. 35, 1899, 293; 36, 1900, 15-16; Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 7, 1904, 101-104. — Further additions to Mr. MARSHALL'S Catalogue of British Ichneumonidro. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1884, 421- 433; 1886, 335-373; 1887, 361-379; 1889, 409-439. • Concerning Anomalou tenuicorne, (Jr., etc. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 149-150. — The nomenclature of Dr. BODOW'S new species of Arablyteles. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 36. — Notes on a nest of the common wasp (Vespa vulgaris). [1885.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 50-52. — Occurrence of Myrrniua lobicornis, Nyl, in Norfolk. [1887.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 394. — Instinct at fault. [1887.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 394-395. — Fauna and flora of Norfolk. Part xn. Phytophagous Hvini-noptera (sawflies). [Additions to Hymenoptera. Part xin. Ichneumons.] [1887-93.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 523-536, 690-691; 5, 1894, 603-632. — Microdus calculator, Fab. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 353. — Glypta cicatricosa, R., G. flavipes, D., ?, and G. rubicunda, n. sp., new to Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 208-209. — Notes on Hymeuoptera in the neighbourhood of Norwich; and on the genus Glypta, Gr. [1889.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 5, 1894, 61-72. — Pezornachus corruptor bred from Clonus Scrophu- lariEB. [1895.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 114. Bridgman, John Ii[rooks], & Fitch, Edward A. Intro- ductory papers on Ichueumonidae. [No. iv. Agriotypida?. No. v. Ophionida?.] Entomologist, 17, 1884, 121-128, 176-182, 223-228; 18. 1885, 13-20, 100-108, 205-207. Bridgman, L. B. Zoospores in Spirogyra condensata. Erythea, 1, 1893, 128-130. Bridwell, J. C. A list of Kansas Hymenoptera. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 203-211. Brie, [Paul]. Ueber Trional als Schlafmittel. [1892.] Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 775-779; Allg. Ztschr. Psycbiatr., 49, 1893, 688-689. Brieger, Ludu-ig. Zur Kenntniss der Faulnissalkalo'ide. K. s. A. c. Fiinfte fund sechste] Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem Ges Ber., 17, 1884, 515-517, 1137-1139. — Ueber basische Produkte (Ptomaine) aus menschlicben Leichen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2741-2742. — Ueber Spaltungsprodukte der Bacterien. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 8, 1883-84, 306-311; 9, 1885, 1-7. Zur Darstellung der Aetherscbwefelsaure aus dem Urin. [1884.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 8, 1883-84, 311- 312. — Nuove ricerche sulle ptomaine. Ann. di Chiin., 2, 1885, 250-251. Ueber ein neues Krampfe verursachendes Ptomain. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 3119-3121. — Ueber basische Produkte in der Miesmusehel. [1885.] Biol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 406-410. — Ueber die Cholerafarbstoffe. Virchow, Arch., 110, 1887, 614-615. — Die Quelle des Trimethylamins im Mutterkorn. Ztschr. Physiol. Chera., 11, 1887, 184-185. Zur Kenntnis der Aetiologie des Wuudstarrkrampfes nebst Bemerkungen fiber das Cholerarot. [1887.] Biol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, 298-310. — Zur Kenutniss des Tetanin und des Mytilotoxin. Virchow, Arch., 112, 1888, 549-551. — • Zur Kenntniss der Bildung von Ptomai'nen und Toxinen durch pathogene Bakterien. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1889, 5-11. Bacterien und Krankheitsgifte. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 178-1x2; Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 364-373. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Zusammensetzung des Mytilotoxins nebst einer Uebersicht der bisher in ihrer Haupteigenschaften bekannten Ptomaine und Toxine. Virchow, Arch., 115, 1889, 483-492. — Weitere Erfahrnngen iiber Bakteriengifte. Ztschr. Hyg., 19, 1895, 101-112. — Die Theorie der Autoiutoxicationen. Wien. Med. Wschr., 48, 1898, 1603. Brieger, Ludwig, & Boer, Oskar. Ueher Antitoxine und Toxine. Ztschr. Hyg., 21, 1896, 259-268. Brieger, Ludwig, & Conn, Gforg. Untersuchungen iiber das Tetanusgi'ft. Ztschr. Hyg.', 15, 1893, 1-10. — Beitrage zur Coucentrirung der gegen Wundstarr- krampf schiitzenden Substanz aus der Milch. Ztschr. Hyg., 15, 1893, 439-453. Brieger, Ludwig, & Ehrlich, Paul. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der Milch immunisirter Thiere. Ztschr. Hyg., 13, 1893, 336-346. Brieger, Ludwig, & Stadthagen, .l/[n.r]. See Stadthagen & Brieger. Brieger, Ludwig. & Wassermann, A[ugast]. Nachtrag zur Arbeit: "Ueber Itnmunitat und Giftfestigung" von BRIEGER, KITASATO und WASSERMANN. Ztschr. Hyg., 12, 1892, 254-255. Brieger, Ludwig, Kitasato, Sliibanaburo, & •Wassermann, A[ugiisf]. Ueber Immunitat und Giftfestiguug. Ztschr. Hyg., 12, 1892, 137-182. Brieger, Oscar. Ueber die Einwirkuug des Koch'schen Verfahrens auf Schleimhaut-Lupus. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1891 (Abth. 1), 5-7. — Ueber den Nutzen methodischer Horubungen im Taubstummen-Unterricht. [With discussion.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 (Abth. 16), 8-11. — Ueber die pyamische Allgemeininfeetion uach Ohreite- rungen. Ztschr. Ohreuheilk., 29, 1896, 97-180; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 343-370. Briem, H [crmanri]. Studie iiber das Verhalten eiuzelner Hiibenknauel im ersten [und im zweiten] Wachsthums jahre. [1887.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 37, 1887, 1125-1134; 38, 1888, 22-25. — Siebeujahrige Beobachtungen iiber die Entwickelung der Zuckerrube. Ztschr. Ver. Biibenzuckerind., 38, 1888, 25-28. 101 Briem] 802 [Briggs — Leistungsfahigkeit eincs gut entwickelten Riiben- knauels. Ztsehr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 39, 1889, 348-349. - Die Ruheperiode der Zuckerriibe. [1889.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 40, 1890, 7-12. — Die Fortpflanzung der Runkelriibe obne Samen. Ztschr. Ver. Kubenzuckerind., 41, 1891, 361-367, 868- 876. — Die Zuekerriibe und die Witterung. Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 15, 1890-91, 242-246. — Beitrag zur Kenntuiss des mikroskopischen Baues der Zuckerriibe. [1891.] Ztsclir. Ver. Riibenzuckerind. , 42, 1892, 300-309. - Die Zuckerscheide in der Riibenwurzel. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 42, 1892, 655-660. — Das Veredlen der Zuckerriibe durch Pfropfung. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind. , 42, 1892, 797-801. — Die Erzeugung der Asexualriibe nach NOVOCZEK'S und nach BKIEM'S Methode. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 43, 1893, 28-31. - Die Verkittung und Verwachsung bei gepfropften Zuckerriiben. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 43, 1893, 111-115. — Adventivbildungen bei der Zuckemibe. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 44, 1894 (Th. 2), 49-58. — Die Arbeit mit den Dr. Blonski'schen Selectoren. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 44, 1894 (Th. 2), 379- 388. — Deutsclie Literatur der Runkel- und Zuckerriibe von 1799 bis 1893. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 44, 1894 (Th. 2), 782-787. — Die gesunde und kranke resp. todte Riibenzelle. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 44, 1894 (Th. 2), 937- 940. — Anatomie des Riibenblattes. Ztschr. Ver. Riibeu- zuckerind., 45, 1895 (Th. 2), 98-100. — Die Warrne- und Regenvertheilung wiibrend der Vegetationszeit der Zuckerriibe. Ztschr. Zuckerind. I'nlin.., Ill, 1894-95, 219-223. — tlegen und Riibe. Ztschr. Zuckerind. Biilvm., 19, 1894-95, 782-785. Briem, H[ermann], Strohmer, F[riedricli], A Stlft, A[iiton]. See Strohmer, Briem it Stift. Brien, . Apercu sur la province de Battambang (Siam). Rev. Maritime et Colon., 92, 1887, 5-40, 302-3 is. Brier, Ili'iirij. Manufacture of oxygen by BKIN'S process, compressing gases in cylinders, etc. [1891.] Glasgow Phil. S«.c. Proc., 23, 1892, 212-224. Brierley, Harwood. The Yorkshire gvpsey-springs. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 177. — A Yorkshire aerolite. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 230. Brierley, •/. Report of the analysis of a sample of water from Iron's well or the Leper's well, Fritham, in the New Forest. [1887.] Hampshire Field Club Pap. £ Proc., 1, 1890, ATo. 1, 27. — Analysis of water from Red Lodge, Bassett, taken December 29th, 1887. [1888.] Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc., 1, 1890, No. 2, 70-71. — Analyses of samples of Hampshire iron ore. [1888.] Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc., 1, 1890, No. 2, 71. — Summary of the analysis of a sample from the contents of a British burial urn found at Dummer. [1889.] Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc., 1, 1890, No. 3, 92. - New Forest water. Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc., 1, 1890, A'o. 4, 71-74. — Hampshire fuller's earth in its chemical aspects. Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc., 2, 1894, 84-88. Brierley, J\uliu\ T[!io»ius\, On some new vanadium compounds. Chem. Soc. .11. , 49, 1886, 30-36; Liebig's Ann., 232, 1886, 359-366. — The electrolytic preparation of vanadious sulphate. Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 822-824. Briescn. '-•• - Schulz-Briescn. Brict. f.ucii'ii. La grotte de Churugues. vullee de Bareges (Hautes-Pyrenees). Spelunca, Paris, 1900, 19-25. Brieu, /•'. *L'orage du dimanche 22 mai, observe au sud de Paris. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 3, 1870, 153-156. Briggs, Allan. Bird notes from North Ronaldshay. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 67-79; 1894, 82-87; 1897, 153- 160. — Great crested grebe nesting in Fifeshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 181. — The white-winged crossbill in Orkney. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 54. Briggs, Chin-lea A. A week's collecting in Unst. Entomo- logist, 17, 1884, 197-201. — The genus Scoparia. Entomologist, 18, 1885, 129- 130; Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 124-125. — Variety of Spilosoma Urticse. Entomologist, 21, 1888, 97. -Dragon-flies in 1892. Ent. Mouth. Mag., 29, 1893, 8-9. Tephrosia crepuscularia. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 36-37. Panchlora Madeira, Fub. Entomologist, 29, 1896. 169-170. — A curious habit in certain male Perlidir. Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 207-208. — Two species of Epherneridse new to Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 3r>, 1899, 68-69. Briggs, F. P. Plants collected at Mt. Ktaadn, Me., August, 1892. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 19, 1892, 333-336. Briggs, J. E. On capillarity. [1896.] Jamaica Inst. Jl., 2, 1899, 212-213. Briggs, J[ohri] F[redericK], & Armstrong, Henry E[award]. • ' ' Armstrong A Briggs. Briggs, J [ohn] Frederick], Cross, Cliarlex Frederick], & Bevan, Edn-ard J[olm]. See Cross, Sevan it Briggs. Briggs, Lyman J. The mechanics of soil moisture. U. S. Div. Soils Bull., 10, 1897, 24 pp. — The movement and retention of water in soils. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1898, 399-404. — Electrical instruments for determining the moisture, temperature, and soluble salt content of soils. U. S. Div. Soils Bull., 15, 1899, 35 pp. — A new form of electrical condenser having a capacity capable of continuous adjustment. Phys. Rev., 11, 1900, 14-21. — Objects and methods of investigating certain physical properties of soils. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1900, 397-410. Briggs, Li/ ma n .J., it Gut he, Karl E. See Gut he & Briggs. Briggs, I.ijmnn J., & Whitney, Miltmi. .SVt- Whitney it Briggs. Briggs, I.yiiitin ./. , Rowland, llrnnj A., & Carmichael, .V. /,' See Rowland, Carmichael A Briggs. Briggs, Liimnn •!., Whitney, Miltmi. & Gardner, Frank D. .SVc Whitney, Gardner it Briggs. Briggs, Hubert. For biographical notice see Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 36, 1896, 542-545. Briggs, 7'. Li/iitnn. Note on the manufacture of phenyl- amidoazobenzuue and some derivatives. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 14, 1895, 851-8.V2. Briggs, T[humtis] R[ichard] Arclier. For biography and works see Devon. Ass. Trans., 23, 1891, 102-104; Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 97-101!. — On some Devonian stations of plants noted in tin- last century. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 168-174. — Arum n.-iiii inn. Mill., in Devon. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884. Brings] 803 [Brill — Remarks on Pyrus communis c. cordata, Desv. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 208-209. — Remarks on Pyrus latifolia, fiyme. Jl. Bot. , 26, 1888, 236-237. Arum italicum. Mill., and A. maculatum, Linn. Jl. in Devon. Jl. Bot., 2I>, 1888, 378. — Orchis latifolio-maculata, TOICIW. Bot., 27, 1889, 244-245. Hybrid thistles near Plymouth. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 270-271. - Rubus rhenanuR, MU1L ? Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 271. — Cuckoo in nest of redbreast. Devon. Ass. Trans., 22, 1890, 44-45. — Rubus erytbrinup, Genev. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 204- 206. — Rubus silvaticus, W. & N. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 274- 276, 350. — Rosa micrantha, tim., mir. Briggsii, Baker. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 350. Brigham, Albert Pe-rry. Rivers and the evolution of geographical forms. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 24, 1892, 23-43. The Finger lakes of New York. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 25 (1893), 203-223. The composite origin of topographic forms. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 27 (1895), 161-173. Drift boulders between the Mohawk and Snsquehanna rivers. Amer. Jl. Sci., 49, 1895, 213-228. Glacial flood deposits in the Chenango valley. [1896.] Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 229-230; Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 8, 1897, 17-30. Topography and glacial deposits of Mohawk valley. [1897.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 9, 1898, x, 183-210. — Note on trellised drainage in the Adirondacks. Amer. Geologist, 21, 1898, 219-222. The eastern gateway of the United States. Geogr. Jl., 13, 1899, 513-524. Glacial erosion in the Aar valley. [With discussion.] [1899.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., li, 1900, 588-592. Brigham, C. Pliny. On some double halides of bismuth. Amer. Chem. Jl., 14 (1892), 164-182. Brigham, Edward A/. Singular development of Opistho- conuis. [1884.] Ibis, 3, 1885, 118. Brigham, William T. Kilauea in 1880. Amer. Jl. Sci., 34, 1887, 19-27. On the summit crater of Mt. Loa in 1880 and 1885. Notes on an ascent in 1880, about three months before the great eruption of that year. Amer. Jl. Sci., 36, 1888, 33-35. Hawaiian volcanoes. Amer. Jl. 334-335. - On the recent eruption of Kilauea. Sci. , 40, 1890, Amer. Jl. Sci., 41, 1891, 507-510. Brighetti, Celso. Ricerche sui prati natural! asciutti del Ferrarese. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 620-651. Bright, (Sic) Charles T[ilstim]. For biography and works see Electrician, 21, 1888, 13-14; Geogr. Soc. Proc., 10, 1888, 387; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 93, 1888, 479-487; Lurn. Elect., 28, 1888. 396; Telegr. Jl., 22, 1888, 508-512; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 49, 1889, 157-159; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889 (Proc-.), 39. — *Avertisseurs d'inceudie et telegraphes de quartier (systerne Bright). Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 285-289. — [Presidential address. History of the telegraph.] [1887.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 16, 1888, 7-40. — On the means employed to develop factory faults in submarine cables during manufacture. [1887.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 16, 1888, 457-460. — The physical and electrical effect of pressure and temperature on a submarine cable core. [1888.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 17, 1889, 679-685. [Insulation resistance of electric light installations.] [1889.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 18, 1890, 123-124. — The construction, laying, and repairing of submarine telegraphs. Elect. Rev., 41, 1897, 669-672. Bright, E. li. On a system of electric tire-alarms. [With discussion.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 13, 1884, 51-73. Bright, Percy M., King, James J. F. X., & Reid, William. '•• ' King, Bright & Reid. Brightmore, Arthur William. Experiments on the steam- engine indicator. [1885.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 83, 1886, 20-41, 103-105. — Floating stones. [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 346. Brigidi, Vincenzo. II bacillo della tubercolosi. Speri- mentale, 53, 1884, 408-420. — Contribute alia conoscenza della degenerazione ialina. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 589-615. — Intorno alia etiologia delle febbri tifoidee. Speri- mentale, 56, 1885, 409-41!). — Delia moltiplicazione nucleare studiata nei neoplasm! ed in particolare in un sarcoma a nuclei giganti ed in un leiomioma cutaneo. Sperimentale, 57, 1886, 483-500. — Contribute alia biologia delle cellule bianche. Speri- mentale, 58, 1886, 3-34. — Process! di moltiplicazione e di decostituzione nucleate. Sperimentale, 60, 1887, 261-267. — Di una larga comuuicazione fra la vena ombellicale e la vena iliaca destra. Sperimentale, 61, 1888, 337- 343. — I. Studio anatomo patologico della lebbra. n. Con- siderazioni sulla cirrosi epatica ed importanza dei microrganismi nella etiologia della stessa. Sperimentale, 64, 1889, 155-175, 225-241. — Le alterazioni polmonari nella influenza. Speri- mentale, 66, 1890, 113-126, 225-237. Brigidi, Vincenzo, it Aresu. R. *Delle alterazioni auatoino- patologiche prodotte dai bromuri negli animali inferior!. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl. (He:. Med.), 9 (1, 1881), 1-12. Brigidi, Vincenzo, A riccoli, / Ueber die Adenia simplex und deren Beziehungen zur Thymushyperplasie. Beitr. Path. Anat., 16, 1894, 388-407. Brigidi, Vincenzo, & Tafani, Ali'ssaiulro. *Embriologia del Ciprinus auratus. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl. (Sez. Med.), 9 (1, 1881), 115-192. Brigidi, rincenzo, & Toti, A[ddeo]. Studio anatomo-pato- logico sopra alcune produzioni morbose trovate nel fegato di un polio e di un piccione. (Tubercolosi e cancro.) Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 577-589. — Necrosi grassa in un tumore lipomatoso. Speri- mentale, 56, 1885, 600-605. Brignac, de. Les depots diluviens dans la vallee du Yidourle. [1884.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1885, 83-88. Brignoles. .S'rc Roux de Brignoles. Brignone, Giovanni. Analisi di un acqua termominerale nell' isola di Pantelleria. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 42-54. — Alcune osservazioni sui varii metodi di dosamento dei cloruri nell' urina. Ann. di Chim., 7, 1888, 137-159. Brill, Alexander]. Ueher rationale Curven und Regel- riachen. [1885.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 15, 1886, 276-237. — Bemerkung iiber pseudospharisehe Mannigfaltigkeiten von drei Dimensionen. Math. Ann., 26, 1886, 300-303. Ueber algebraische Correspondenzen. Math. Ann. , 31, 1888, 374-409; 36, 1890, 321-370. — Ueber die Multiplicitat der Schnittpunkte von zwei ebenen Curveu. [1888.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 18, 1889, 81-94. — Ueber die Discriminante von Resultanten. Gottingen Nachr., 1889, 89-92. — Ueber Functionen von zwei Veranderlichen und einen Satz des Herrn NOETHEK. Math. Ann., 39, 1891, 129- 141. — Ueber die reducirte Resultante. [1888-89.] Miinchen, Ak. Abh., 17, 1892, 89-101. 101—2 Brill] 804 [Brillouin — Ueber das Verhalteu einer Function vou zwei Verau- derlichen in der Umgebung einer Nullstelle. [1891.] Miinchen Ak. Sber. , 21, 1892, 207-220. — Ueber symmetrische Functionen von Variabelupaaren. Gottingen Nachr., 1893, 757-762. Ueber die Zerfallung einer Ternarform in Linear- factoren. [1896-98.] Math. Ann., 50, 1898, 157-182; Deutsoh. Math. Ver. Jber., 5, 1901 (Heft 1), 52-55. — Ueber ein Beispiel des Herrn BOLTZMANN zn der Mnchauik von HERTZ. Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 8, 1900 (II eft 1), 200-204. Brill, A[l<':rander}, & Noetlier, Max. Die Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in alterer und neuerer Zeit. [1893.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 3, 1894, 107-566. Brill, J[ohn]. On the application of the theory of complex quantities to plane geometry. Messenger Math., 16, 1887, 8-20. A new method for the graphical representation of complex quantities. Messenger Math., 17, 1888, 80-93. — A new geometrical interpretation of the quaternion analysis. [1887.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889, 156-169. — Orthogonal systems of curves anil of surfaces. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889, 230-245. — On the geometrical interpretation of the singular points of an equipotential system of curves. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889, 313-320. — A method of transformation with the aid of con- gruences of a particular type. [1888.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 20, 1889, 102-109. — Notes on conjugate functions and equipotential curves. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889, 187-199. — A method of discovering particular solutions of certain differential equations, that satisfy specified boundary conditions. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889, 344- 358. — On a certain minimum theorem. Messenger Math., 18, 1889, 158-167. — The solution of a special ease of the problem of the establishment of a correlation between two plane figures. Messenger Math., 19, 1890, 57-62, 151-155. — On the application of the method of reciprocal polars to statical theorems. Messenger Math., 20, 1891, 166-171. — Note sur 1'application de transformations de contact a ['integration des equations aux de'rivees partielles du second ordre. Nouv. Ann. Math., 10, 1891, 362-365. — On certain points specially related to families of curves. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7, 1892, 57-64. — Note on the application of quaternions to the dis- cussion of LAPLACE'S equation. [1890-91.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7. 1892, 120-125, 151-156. — A property of the equation of conduction of heat. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 137-139. — Note on an extension of the theory of functions of a complex variable. Messenger Math., 23, 1894, 108-111. 185-194. — On the application of the theory of matrices to the discussion of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 8, 1895, 201-210. - Note on the steady motion of a viscous incompressible fluid. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 8, 1895, 313-322. — On the form of the energy integral in the varying motion of a viscous incompressible fluid. London Math. Soc. Proc., 26, 1895, 474-481. — On certain point transformations in a plane. Messenger Math., 24, 1896, 113-123. — "Densities in the Earth's crust." Phil. Mag., 39, 1895, 93-97. — On certain general properties of point transforma- tions. Quart. Jl. Math., 27, 1895, 356-362. — Note on matrices. [1895-97.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 27, 1896, 35-38; 28, 1897, 368-370. — Note on the application of analysis to geometry. Messenger Math.. 25, 1896, 49-59. — Note on the form of the energy integral in the motion of an incompressible fluid. Quart. Jl. Math., 28, 1896, 185-190. Note on the principle of duality. Messenger Math., 26, 1897, 134-140. — On certain exact systems of Pfaffian equations of a special type. Messenger Math., 26, 1897, 183-192. On the generalization of certain properties of the tetrahedron. [1896.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 9, 1898, 98-108. — Note on the motion of an incompressible viscous fluid. Messenger Math., 27, 1898, 147-152. — On certain analogues of anharmonic ratio. Quart. Jl. Math., 29, 1898, 286-302. — On the complete system of multilinear differential covariants of a single Pfaffian expression, and of a set of Pfaffian expressions. London Math. Soc. Proc., 30, 1899, 263-271. — Suggestions towards the formation of a general theory of systems of Pfaffian equations. Quart. Jl. Math., 30, 1899, 221-242. — Note on CLEBSCH'S second method for the integration of- a Pfaffian equation. [1899.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 31, 1900, 315-332. Brill, N. E. Note on the ala cinerea. N. Y. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 294. — A study of seventeen cases of a disease clinically resembling typhoid fever, but without the Widal reaction; together with a short review of the present status of the sero-diagnosis of typhoid fever. [1897.] N. Y. Med. Jl. , 67, 1898, 48-54, 77-82. Brill, N. E., ream (Abrftmia blicca, Kloch) without pelvic fins. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1891, 108-109. — On the nature of the relation between the size of certain animals and the size and number of their sense- organs. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7, 1892, 96-97. On a specimen of Hemidactylus OHeadovii, Murray, with a bifid renewed tail. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 9, 1894-95, 30-33. — On the regeneration of the legs in the Blattidae. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 903-916. — Some cases of caudal abnormality in Mabuia carinata and other lizards. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 680-689. — On certain characters of reproduced appendages in Arturopoda, particularly in the Blattidte. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 924-958. — Note on some abnormalities of the limbs and tail of dipnoan fishes. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 10, 1900, 325-327. Brindley, H[arold] H[nline], & Bateson, William. Hee Bateson & Brindley. Brindley, II'. On the marbles and other ornamental rocks of the Mediterranean. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 809-810. Brink, A. J. ten. Set " Sueeuwgebergte " op Nieuw- Guinea. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 52, 1893, 41-75. Brink, II. van la Marue. Rev. Bot., 9, 1891, 179-181. Briquet] 809 [Brischke Briquet, . Hygiene des pareurs. Influence de la quantite des boissons sur la production de 1'obesite. Anu. Hyg. Publ., 33, 1895, 513-520. Briquet, Jo/in. [Primitise florae Costaricensis.] Labiate. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 30, 1891 (Mem.), 236-242. — Recherches sur la flore du district savoisien et du district jurassique franco-suisse avec apercu sur les Alpes occulentales en general. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 13, 1891. 47-105. — Zur generischen Nomeuclatur der Labiaten. Bot. Centrbl., 4!l, 1892, IOC-Ill. — Sur quelques points de 1'anatomie des Cruciferes et des Dicotylees en general. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 180-204. — Anatomie de 1'appareil vegetatif dans le genre Leo- nurus. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 29, 1893, 312-313. — Methodes statistiques exactes applicables aux re- chercbes de floiistique. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 29, 1893, 429-430. — Monographic du genre Galeopsis. Brux., Mem. Couronn. (4" A',/.), a'}, 1890-93, No. 9, xii + 323 pp. — La florule du Mont Soudine (Alpes d'Aunecy). Rev. Gen. Bot., 5, 1893, 337-347, 369-381, 407-424. ' — [Beitrage zur Flora von Ai'rika. vin.] Labiate africanas. i. [18!)4.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 1!), 1895, 160-194. — Contribution a 1'histoire biologique des Labiees. Arcli. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 97-98. — Sur la biologie florale du Diauthus inodorus, Kern. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 580. — [Sur la biologie florale dans les Alpes maritimes. Eryngium alpinum.1 Arch. Sei. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 591-592. — Notes sur la flore du massif de Plate. Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 34, 1895, 171-221. — [Catalogue de la flore valaisanne par Henri JACCAED.] Appendice. Observations sur quelques Labiees valai- sannes. Zurich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkschr. , 34, 1895, 4347460. — Etudes de biologie florale dans les Alpes occidentales. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1, 1896, 231-262, 332-363. — Sur les modifications produites par la lumiere dans le geotropisme des stolons des menthes. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1, 1896, 273-275. — Sur 1'anatomie comparee de 1'appareil vegetatif de plusieurs groupes de Gamopetales. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1, 1896, 277-278. — Un cas de fasciation compliquee d'une tripartition de la fleur chez le Ranunculus bulbosus. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1, 1896, 284-287. — Sur les concrescences et les soudures dans 1'androcee des Labiees. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 658-663. — Recherches anatomiquea sur 1'appareil vegetatif des Phrymacees, Stilboi'dees, Chloanthoidees et Myoporac^es. [1896.] Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 32, 1894-97, ATo. H, 154 pp. — Ordre ou licence. A propos d'un recent article de M. Ernest MALINVAUD. Jl. Bot., Parig, 10, 1896, 426- 432. — Sur les poches se'eretrices schizo-lysigenes des Myo- poracdes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 515-517. — Elements d'uue classification du genre Sphacele. [1896.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 3, 1897, 63-64. — Sur les caracteres carpologiques du genre Hetero- morpha, Cham, et Sehlecht. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 3, 1897, 498-500. - Note sur la carpologie du Bupleurum croceum, Fenzl, et du Bupleurum Heldreichii, Boiss. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 592-595. - Nouvelles observations biologiques sur le genre Erythronium. Une contribution a la biologie florale des Liliace'es. Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem., 30, 1896-97, 71-90. B. S. A. C. Rapport sur la marche de 1'Herbier Delessert et du Jardin Botanique de Geneve pendant [les annees 99]. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Anuu., 1, 1897, 1-10; 2, 1898, 1-16; 3, 1899, 1-16; 4, 1900, 1-13. • Contiibutions a la More du Paraguay, vii. Labin-s. [1897.] Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 32, 1894-97, .Y» 10, 45 pp. — Une lettre d'Alphonse DE CANUOLLE a 31. Emile BURNAT. Jl. Bot., Paris, 11, 1897, 76-80. — Sur 1'organisation et le mode de dissemination du fruit chez Bupleurum lophocarpum, Boiss. et I'nl. [1897.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 5, 1898, 94-96. — [Materiaux pour la flore du Congo.] Labials. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 37, 1898 (Mem.), 56-86. — [Notessur les jardins botaniques alpius.] Bull. Murith., 26, 1898 (Append.), 20-24. — Observations sur quelques Flacourtiacees de 1'Herbier Delessert. Geneve Couserv. Bot. Annu., 2, 1898, 41-78. — Fragmeuta monographic Labiatarum. Fasciculus v. Observations sur quelques Labiees interessantes ou nouvelles, principalemeut de 1'Herbier Delessert. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 2, 1898, 102-251. — Une Ornbellifere nouvelle des lies Baleares. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 2, 1898, 289-291. — Notes sur quelques Buplevres de 1'herbier de LINNE. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 46, 1899, 289-291. — Nouvelles notes floristiques sur les Alpes lemaniennes. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 3, 1899, 46-146. Labiatse et Verbenacete Wilczekiause ou enumeration des Labiees et des Verbenacees recoltees par E. WILCZEK en Janvier et fevrier 1897 dans la Republique Argentine. [1899.] Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 4, 1900, 14-22. - Un nouveau cas de dehiscence pyxidaire du calice chez les Labiees. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 9, 1900, 488. - Compte rendu de 1'excursion botauique faite les 8, 9 et 10 aout 1899, par la Societe Murithienne, au vallon de Novel, au col de Lovenex, au Grammont et dans le vallon de Taney. Bull. Murith., 27 & 28, 1900, 42-72. — Les colonies vegetales xerothermiques des Alpes lemauiennes. Une contribution a 1'histoire de la periode xrrothermique. Bull. Murith., 27 & 28, 1900, 125-212. — Notes critiques sur quelques Ombelliferes suisses, d'apres les materiaux de 1'Herbier Delessert. Geneve Couserv. Bot. Annu., 4, 1900, 192-206. — Uue Orchid^e nouvelle du Jardin Botanique de Geneve. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Auuu., 4, 1900, 209-212. — Especes nouvelles ou pen conuues de 1'Herbier Delessert. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 4. 1900, 213- 243. Briquet, John, & Hochreutiner, G. Enumeration critique des plantes du Bresil meridional reeoltees par E. M. REINECK et J. CZERJIAK. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Aunu., 3, 1899, 147-175. Bris, Artus. Exploration des hautes uiontagnes du Cantal. Rev. Bot., 9, 1891, 431-450. — [Rapports sur les herborisations de la Societe Fram;aise de Botanique.] Puymaurens, Cretes de 1'Andorre. Rev. Bot., 12, 1894, 264-274. Bris, Artux, & Sladden, Ck. Cornpte-rendu de 1'herbori- sation generate de la Societe Royale de Botauique de Belgique en 1898. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 37, 1898 (C. R.), 118-130. Brisay, (marquis) de. Sur la perruche erythroptere. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 32, 1885, 558-561. — Sur la reproduction de quelques colonibes exotiques encore rares. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 30, 1889, 52-57. — Note sur la chasse aux oiseaux dans 1'Inde. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 340-346. Bnschkc, C[«rl] G[ustav] A. For biographical notice and list of works see Danzig Schr., 9, 1895-98 (lle/te 8 & 4) 7-12. — [Seine] erzogenen parasitisch lebenden Fliegen. [1885.] Danzig Schr., li, 1884-87 (Heft 2), 15-22. 102 Brischkel 810 [Brisse — Eine seltene Erscbeinung. [1885.] Danzig Schr. , 6, 1884-87 (Heft 2), 23. [Nachtriige] zu den Beobachtungen iiber die Blatt- und Holzwespen. [1885-88.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884-87 (Heft 2), 243-251; 7, 1888-91 (II eft 1), 6-12. Die Hymenopteren des Bernsteins. [1*85.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884-87 (Heft 3), 278-279. Bericht iiber eine zoologische Excursion nacli Seeresen im .Juni 1886. [1887.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884-87 (I/eft 1), 73-91. — Ueher Parthenogenesis bei den Blattwespen. [1887.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884-87 (Heft 4), 168-172. — Bericht iilier eine Excursion nacli Hela wiihrend des Juli 1887. [1888.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 1), 42-64. — Hymenoptera aculeata der Provinzen West- und Oetpreussen. [1888.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft I), 85-107. — Bericht iiber eine Excursion nach Steegen, auf der Frist-hen Nehrung im Juli 1888. [1889.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 2), 193-209. — Die Lebensgeschichte zweier Riisselkafer. [1889.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 3), 8-9. — Insecten auf Farnkrautern. [1889.] Danzig Schr. , Danzig Danzig Steegen 1888-91 7, 1888-91 (Heft 3), 9-11. — Nachtrag zu BACHMANN'S Beitragen zur Dipteren-Fauna der Provinzen West- und Ostpreussen. [1890.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 3), 94-101. — Einige fur Westpreussen oder fiberhaupt neue Ichneu- moniden und Blattwespen. [1890.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 3), 102-107. — Diptereclarven-Gange im Erlenholz. [1890.] Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Hi' ft 4), 27-29. — Zur Kenntnise der Parthenogenesis. [1890.] Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 4), 29. Bericht iiber eine zweite Excursion nach im Jahre 1889. [1890-92.] Danzig Schr., 7, (Heft 4), 50-74; 8, 1892-94 (Heft 1), 57-58. — Einige neue, oder fiir Westpreussen neue, Hymeno- pteren und Dipteren. [1892.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892-94 (Heft 1), 19-22. — Bericht iiber eine Excursion ins Radaunethal bei Babenthal wiihrend des Juni 1890. [1892.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892-94 (Heft 1), 23-56. — Entoiuologische Beobachtungen im Jahre 1892. [1894.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892-94 (Hefte 3 & 4), 52-59. — Entomologische Notizen (1895). [1896.] Danzig Schr., 9, 1895-98 (Heft 1), 232-233. Briscoe, .1. E., Boys, C[lnt>ies] Vernoii, & Watson, Willintii. See Boys, Briscoe A Watson. Briscoe, John Frederick. Osteo-porosis of the calvarium, shown in the fragments of a skull found on the island of Lamoo, Zanzibar, June 8th, 1888. London Path. Soe. Trans., 40. 1889. 252-254. Briscoe-Ironside, II. Fertilisation of the Chrysanthemum. [1895-] Hortic. Soc. Jl.. 19, 1896, xix-xx. Briseno, liamon. Efemerides concernientes al descubridor de la America, Cristobal COLON. Con notas esplicativas sobre cada Una de ellas y sobre los honores que de la posteridad ha recibido aquel hombre extraordinario hasta el dia 12 de octobre de 1892, en que se cumplib el cuarto centenario de su glorioso descubrimiento. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 84, 1893, 347-404. Brislee, F. ./., & Kohn, diaries Alexander. See Kohn ; N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 11, 1892-93, 274; Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann. , 63, 1894, 439-448. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Scydmenus (Neuraphes). Finistcre Soc. Sci. Bull., 6 (Faec.1), 1884 HI II — [Description d'un nouveau Coleoptere d'Algerie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, lii-liii. — Description de trois Coleopteres nouveaux d'Algerie. Rev. Ent., 3, 1884, 88-90. — [Blechrus syriaeus, B. Abeillei, B. escorialensis, B. confusus, nn. spp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, cii-civ. — [Tentj'ria fossulata, n. •«;>.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, cxcii. — [Un Curculionide nouveau d'Alge'rie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, clvii-clviii. — [Description d'un nouveau Coleoptere de France.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, clxxxv. — Description d'une Corticaria nonvelle de France. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 68. Brisout de Barneville, Henri. [Description d'une nouvelle espece de Coleopteres.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, Ixxxi-lxxxii. Brissaud, E[dnit(irtl]. Anatomic pathologique de la maladie kystique des mamelles. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1884, 98-113. — Adfhiorne et cancer hepatiques. Arch. Gen. Med., 156, 1885, 129-151. — Le spasrne saltatoire dans ses rapports avec 1'hysterie. Arch. Gen. He'd., 166, 1890, 385-399, 547-560. — Sur la pretendue degeneration nerveuse dans certaines nevrites peripheriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890. 79-84. — La fonction visuelle et le cuneus. Etude anatomique sur la teiniinaison corticale des radiations optiques. Ann. d'Oculist., Ill), 1893, 321-346. — Du chlorate de soude dans le traitement des cancers de 1'estomac. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 1), 311- 312. — Localisation corticale des mouvemeuts de la face. Progres Med., 18, 1893, 493-495. — Le rire et le pleurer spasmodiques. Rev. Sci., 1, 1894, 38-46. -- L'ceuvre scientifique de DUCHKNNE (de Boulogne). Rev. Sci., 12, 1899, 449-460. Brissaud, K[ilfiuiinl], & Charcot, J[ca>i] M[urtin]. See Charcot A Brissaud. Brissaud, E[douurd], & tantzenberg, E. Le syndrome bulbaire d;ERB. Arch. Gen. Med., 179, 1897, 257-288. Brissaud, E[douard], & tereboullet, P. Etages radi- culaires et metamerie spinale. Progres Med., 12, 1900, 1-4. Brissaud, E[douard], & I>onde, Albert. Photographic par les rayons de RO'NTOEN d'une balle de 7""" dans le cerveau. 'Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1363-1365. Brissaud, E[dounrd], & Meige, Henri/. Gigantisme et acromegalie. Rev. Sci., 3, 1895, 330-336. Brissaud, E[/iininrd\, & Richet, Charles. Essai d'une tenuinologie dans les questions d'hypnotisine. Rev. Sci., 44, 1889, 147-149. Brissaud, /•.'[. Iininnl], A Sabourin, Ch. Deux cas d'atrophie du lobe gauche du foie d'origine biliaire, pouvant servir a 1'histoire des communications pathologiques entre les veines portes et les veines sus-hepatiques. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1884, 345-366, 444-454. — Sur la constitution lobulaire du foie et les voies de la circulation sanguine intra-hepatique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 757-7IJ2. Brisse, . [Constitution des argiles plastiques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889. 227. Brisse, Cli[7-372. Brisse, K. Representation graphique des variables efficaces Brisse] 811 [British Association des courants alternatifs en fonction des courbes pe>io- diques. Eclairage Elect., 25 (1900), 488-492. Brissemoret, A. Sur la solubilite de la theobromine dans les solutions aqueuses des sels a reaction alcaline. Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 176-178. Brissemoret, A., & Joanin, A[lh,'rt]. Sur le ferment digitalique. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 481-484. Proprietes pharmacodynamiques de quelques derives de 1'acide earbonique et d'une carbe>ine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 361-363. Brisson de Lenharree, T. P. Etude lichenographique :m ]iuint de vue des clirnats. Lichens des environs d'Amelie (Amelie-Palalda). Rev. Mycol., 13, 1891, 33-10. Brissonnet, [.////?*]. Recherebes sur la quinine, la cincho- nine et la cinchonidine. Jl. Pharm., 2J, 1891, 528- 531. Sur les principaux alcalo'ides des quinquinas. Ass. Franr. C. R. , 1894 (Pt. I), 131-132. Brissonnet, .-I., Thibault, , n/, •] J[ames]. Remarks on the classification of days of snow, and on the height of rain-gauges. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1885, 47-49. Brito Capello, (cupit.) Joao Curias (If. Hildebrandsson, Hugo Hildebrand, & Ley, (Her.) ll'[illiani] Clement. [Simple instructions for the observation of clouds.] | Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1885, 21-25. Brito e Cnah.i, Kdiiardn A. ilc. Noticia sobre o Rio Branco e os Indios que o habitani. Lisboa Soc. Geogr. Bol., 3, 1885, 121-131. Britsch, . *[Notesmeteorologiques.] Tougourt (prov. de Constantine). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, PI. 2, 297. Brittain, Charles Kdiranl, tv Cohen, Jalius lierend. .See Cohen A Brittain. Brittain, .John, A Cox, Philip. Notes on the summer birds of the Restigouche valley. New Brunswick. Auk, 6, 1889, 116-119. Britten, .Tames. MASSON'S drawings of South African plants. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 144-lls. — On the nomenclature of Gagea. .11. Bot., 22, 1884, 211-212. - The Forster herbarium. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 360- 368. — Hookera r. Brodiiea : with some remarks on nomen- clature. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 49-53. — On the nomenclature of some Proteaceir. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 296-300. — Nomenclature of Boea. Jl. Bot.. 25. 1887, 1H3. Britten] 817 [Britten — Impatiens bidora, Walt. (I. fulva, Nntt.). Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 349. — The nomenclature of Nymphtea, etc. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 6-11. — Recent tendencies in American botanical nomen- clature Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 257-262, 296-297. — Dr. SEEMANN'S study-set. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 102-10.5. — Melampyrum sylvaticum in Caithness? Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 152. — Muudia, Kinith, r. Mundtia, Hnrv. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 262-263. - Festuca heterophylla. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 272. - Buda v. Tissa. Jl. But., 28, 1890, 157-158, 295-297. — Spergula pentaudra in Ireland? Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 302-303. — Prof. HENSLOW on "Environment." Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 148-149. — [Euphorbia hiberna in Co. Donegal.] Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 358-359. - The plea of convenience. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 53-54. - The Deptford pink. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 177-178. — Dianthus cffisius. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 246. — Damasonium Alisma in Epping Forest. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 247-248. — Rediscovery of Sagina alpina. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 378. — Bibliographical notes. RAY'S herbarium. [" Flora Corcirese." The dating of periodicals. The indexing of periodicals. William YOUNG and his work. Jane GOLDEN and the flora of New York. The dating and indexing of periodicals. The misuse of the Index Kewensis. GKONOVICS'S " Flora Virginica." Note on Cape plants. FABRICIUS' "Enumeratio Plantariim Horti Helmstadiensis." Francis BAUER'S "Delineations of exotick plants." Samuel CURTIS'S "Beauties of Flora." FRASERS' Catalogues. An overlooked paper by RAFINESQUE.] Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 107-109, 355-357; 32, 1894, 180-181, 271-274, 332-337; 33, 1895, 12-15; 34, 1896, 168-170, 271-273; 36, 1898, 264-267, 274, 320,397-399; 37, 1899, 181-183, 183-184, 481-487; 38, 1900, 224-225. — Gilbert WHITE'S Selborne plants. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 289-294. - Pseva. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 373-374. — Orchis strateumatica, L. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 21. — Linociera cotinifolia = Chionanthus virginicus. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 38-40. — Notes on Convolvulaceae, chiefly African. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 84-86, 168-171. — Kisseuia spathulata. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 344. — Jacksouia, Raf. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 372-373. — Carex glauca = C. flacca, Schreb. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 374. - The plants of WELWITSCH'S Apontamentos, etc. Jl. Bot., 33. 1896, 70-77. — Note on Pachypbyllum. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 136. — Carex depauperata. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 185-186, 229. — ARHUDA'S Brazilian plants. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 242- 250. — Lepidium draba in Ireland. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 319. — Bombax Jeumaui, CWp. =B. Carolinoides, Dunn. .11. Bot., 34, 1896, 334-335. — Salvia glutinosa in Gloucestershire. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 368. — "London pride." Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 422-423. — Notes on Pentas. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 126-132. — "Carex disticha, Huds., b. longibracteata, Selileieh." Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 145-146. - Notes on llyrmecodia. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 190-193. — Meconopsis cambrica in Worcestershire. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 284. - The Berlin rules for nomenclature. Jl. Bot.. 35, 1897, 306-307. — Notes on Naucleea;. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 336-340. R. S. A. C. — Note on Primula sinensis. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 426- 428. - The Conyzas of MILLER'S dictionary (ed. 8). Jl. Bot., 36, 1898. 51-55. — The fifty years limit in nomenclature. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 90-94. — A note on Fragaria. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 125-129. — Fragaria muricata. .11. Bot., 36, 1898, 225-226. — The nomenclature of some Senecios. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 259-260. — SMITH'S Georgian plants. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 297-302. — [Two Berkshire varieties.] Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 350-3.51. — An insufficient abbreviation. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 353. — Dedication of Jacksonia, Raf. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898,399- 400. - Notes on Hoya. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 413-418. — Habenaria viridis, var. bracteata. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 437-438. — Botrychium australe, Br. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 491. Stellaria media. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 37-38. - Notes on Saxifraga. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 66-70. — Laniium molle, Ait. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 130-132. - Note on Chinese plants. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 135-136. - Primula scotica, H*iok. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 136. — Lamium album, fj integrifolium, Nolle. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 180. — Two little known Australian Myrtaces. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 247-248. — Gladiolus oppositiflorus — flabellifer. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 273. - Marsea. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 274. — [Draba muralis, L., in Kent.] Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 275. — Note on Linaria. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 487-488. - Hierochloe v. Savastana. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 488. — Gnaphalium luteo-album in East Anglia. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 520-521. — [The advantages of 1737 as a starting point of botanical nomenclature.] Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 10-11, 49-50. — Impatiens Roylei in England. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 50- 51, 278. - Note on Cosmia. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 76-77. — Note on Potamogeton spathulseformis. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 129-130. The genus Mathiola in Britain. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 168-169. - Drosera Banksii, Br. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 207-208. — Notes on Rhus. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 315-317. — Note on Eriocaulon. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 481-483. Britten, James, & Baker, Edmund G\ilberf\. Notes on Ceiba. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 173-176, 277. — HOUSTODN'S Central American Leguminosse. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 225-234. - Notes on Crassula. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 477-486. — Notes on Asarum. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 96-99. — On some species of Cracca. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 12— 19, 53. - Notes on Eryngium. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 241-246. Britten, James, & Boulger, G[eurge] S[imonds]. Bio- graphical index of British and Irish botanists. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 50-56, 85-89, 111-114, 145-149, 180-184, 213- 218, 244-248, 278-282, 307-311, 345-348, 372-376; 27, 1889 16-21, 45-49, 79-83, 113-116, 148-151, 179-182, 213-216, 245-249, 273-275, 308-313, 340-343, 370-375; 28, 1890, 19-22, 52-56, 89-91, 116-119, 151-156, 184- 188 243-248, 279-281, 306-314, 345-349, 373-376; 29, 1891, 18-21, 82-85, 244-251, 341-344, 373-377. Biographical index of British and Irish botanists. First supplement (1893-97). Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 99-103, 145-149, 192-195, 267-271, 443-446; 37, 1899, 77-84. Britten, James (et alii). The plants of Milanji, Nyasa- land, collected by Mr. Alexander WHVTE With an introduction by William CARHDTHERS. [1893.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (But.). 4, 1894-96, 1-67. 103 Brittlebank] 818 [Britton Brittlebank, Charles C. Instinct shown by insects in depositing their eggs. [1887.] Victorian Natlist., 4, 1888, 78-79. — Food of planarians. [1888.] Victorian Natlist., 5, 1889, 48. Notes on the habits of Perga Lewisii. [1888.] Vic- torian Natlist., 5, 1889, 57-58. — Lepidopterous larva? and their natural means of protection. [1888.] Victorian Natlist., 5, 1889, 114-117. — Life histories of insects. [1892.] Victorian Natlist., 9, 1893, 54-56. Notes on the so-called Miocene deposits of Bacchus Marsh. [1896.] Victorian Natlist., 13, 1897, 80-84. — Birds of Myrniong and surrounding districts. [1899.] Victorian Natlist., l(i, 1900, 59-61. - The rate of erosion of some river valleys. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 320-322. Brittlebank, Charles C., & Sweet, George. See Sweet A Brittlebank. Brittlebank, dairies C'., Sweet, Geori/f, A David, T. II'. Edffi'u-nrth. Further evidence as to the glacial action in the Bacchus Marsh district, Victoria. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898. 3111-365. Brittlebank, J. If. Tuberculosis. [1899.] Agr. Stud. Gaz., 9, 1898-1900, 69-74. Britton, Charles E. Our native wood violets. Naturalists' .11., 5, 1896, 55-57. - Epping Forest plants. [1897.] Essex Natlist., 10, 1898, 61. — Cerastium apetalum, Dumort. .11. Bot., 38, 1900, 276- 277. — Castanea sativa, Mill. 31. Bot., 38, 1900, 494-495. Britton, (Mrs.) Elizabeth G. Additions to the Westchester count}- flora. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 6-7. — Botanical notes in the great valley of Virginia and in the southern Alleghanies. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 69-76. — Plurality of embryos in Quercus alba. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 95. — Elongation of the inflorescence in Liquidambar. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 95-96. — Ulota phyllantha in fruit from Killarney. .11. Bot., 26, 1888, 282. — Hypnum (Thuidium) calyptratum, Sullii'. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, '2>6. — An enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. H. H. KUSBY in South America, 1885-86. in. Pteridophyta. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 247-253. — Grimmia torquata, Horn*., fertile. Bev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 38-39. — Peristome of Grimmia torquata, Hornsch. Bev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 64. — Contributions to American bryology. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 106-112; 18, 1891, 49-56; 20, 1893, 3113-405; 21, 1894, 1-15, 65-76, 137-159, 189-208, 343- 372; 22, 1895, 36-43, 62-68, 447-458. -- Leucobryum minus, Humpe. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 19, 1892, 189-191. — Notes on two of PALISOT DE BEACVOIS' species of Ortlio- trichum. Rev. Bryol., 20, 1893, 99. — The Jaeger Moss Herbarium. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 335-336. — [Report of the botanical exploration of south-western Virginia during the season of 1892.] Bryophyta. Musci. [1894.] Torrey Bot. Club Mem., 4, 1893-96, 172-191. — [Ou the collections of Mr. Miguel BAKU in Bolivia.] Filices. [1895.] Torrey Bot. Club Mem., 4, 1893-96, 271-273. — An enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. H. H. RUSBY in Bolivia, 1885-86. n. Musci. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 471-499. — A revision of the North American species of Ophio- glossum. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 545-559. — Mosses of northern India. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 25, 1898, 398. — A new Grimmia from Mt. Washington. Rhodora, 1, 1899, 148-149. — A new Tertiary fossil moss. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 26, 1899, 79-81. — Note on Trichostomum Warnstorfii, Limpr. Rev. Bryol., 27, 1900, 71. - Bryological notes. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 648-649. See also under Vail, Anna Murray. Britton, .7. llludijrt. "The determination of combined carbon in steel by the colorimetric method. [1872.] Arner. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 1 (1871-73), 240-242. • "The composition of flue deposit. [1876.] Ainer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 5 (1876-77), 94-97. Britton, Nathaniel Lord. *0n the geology of Richmond county, N. Y. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 2, 1881, 165-173. Note on .Tuncus trifidus. /.. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 20. — A new species of Cyperus. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 29. — Mertensia virginica. Torrey Bot. Club Bull. . 11, 1884, 45. — Diceutra punctured by humble bees. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 66-67. — The range of Phoradendron. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 76. — A list of Cyperaceae collected by the late Mr. S. B. BCCKLKY from 1878 to 1883 in the valley of the lower Rio Grande, in Texas and northern Mexico. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 85-87, 120. — On the existence of a peculiar flora on the Kittatinny mountains of north-western New Jersey. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 126-128. Notes and criticisms on Mr. Grant ALLEN'S theory of the origin of leaf forms. [H'if/i discussion.] [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1885, 38-48. — A revision of the North American species of the genus Selena. [1885.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 3, 1883-85, 228-237. — A new Cyperus. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 12, 1885, 7-8. — Note on Veronica Anagallis, L. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 12, 1885, 48-49. — [Archasan rocks of New Jersey. Report for 1886.] N. Jersey Geol. Surv. Rep., 1886, 74-101. — Geological notes in western Virginia, North Carolina, and eastern Tennessee. [1886.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 5, 1885-86, 215-223. — Additional notes on the geology of Staten Island. [1886.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 6 (1886-87), 12-18. — Southern range of Juncus Greenii, Oukes and Tuck. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 5-6. Note on Ujuercus Muehlenbergii, Engelm. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 40-41. — Leaf-forms of Populus grandideutata. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 89-91. — Ou the species of the genus Anychia, Richard. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 185-187. — A preliminary list of North American species of Cyperus, with descriptions of new forms. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 205-216. — Notes on the glacial and pve-glacial drifts of New Jersey and Staten Island. [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 4, 1887,' 26-33. — Columbia College herbaria. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 9-11. — Note on the growth of a vinegar phmt in fermented grape juice. [1887.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 6 (1886-87), 66-70. — Note on the flowers of Populus heterophylla, L. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 114-115. Brittonl si :i f Britton — A supposed new genus of Anacardiaceie from Bolivia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 143. Note on the flora of the Kittatinny mountains. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 187-189. On recent field work in the Archasan areas of northern New Jersey and south-eastern New York. [1887.] School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 9, 1888, 33-39. — Botanical nomenclature. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 292- 295. — On an Arehsean plant from the white crystalline limestone of Sussex county, N. J. [1888.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 4, 1887-89, 123-124. New or noteworthy North American phanerogams. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 97-104; 17, 1890. 310-316, iv; 18, 1891, 265-272, 363-370; 19, 1892, 219-226; 20, 1893, 277-282; 21, 1894, 27-34; 22, 1895, 220-225. - The genus Disporum, Salisb. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 187-188. - The genus Hicoria of RAFINESQUE. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 277-285. — [Origin of the yellow gravel, or pre-glacial drift.] Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 1032-1033. — Kemarks on recent discoveries in local Cretaceous and Quaternary geology. [With discussion.] [1889.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 8. 1888-89, 177-181. New or noteworthy North American phanerogams. [1889.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 9 (1889-90), 0-15. — An enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. H. H. KUSEY in South America, 1885-86. Authophyta. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 13-20, 61-64, 153-160, 189-192, 259-262, 324-327; 17, 1890, 9-12, 53-60, 91-94, 211-214, 281-284; 18, 1891, 35-38, 107-110, 261-264, 331-334; 19, 1892, 1-4, 148-151, 263-266, 371-374, 20, 1893, 137- 140. — Preliminary note on the North American species of the genus Tissa, Adams. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889. 125-129, 196. — Kemarks on [the classification of slight varieties]. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 272-273. — On the general geographical distribution of North American plants. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1890, 322-327. — Priority of place in botanical nomenclature. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 371-372. — A list of State and local floras of the United States and British America, [1890.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 5, 1889-91, 237-300. — Note on some plants collected by Mr. Frank TWEEDY in Tom Greene Co., Texas, in 1879. [1890.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 9 (1889-90), 183-185. — A new species of Rhexia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 17, 1890, 14-15. On the naming of " forms " in the New Jersey Catalogue. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 17, 1890, 121-126. — Botanical nomenclature. Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 202. — The genus Corion of MITCHELL. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 303. — The American species of the genus Anemone and the genera which have been referred to it. [1891.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 6, 1891-92, 215-238. — On the citing of ancient botanical authors. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 18, 1891, 327-330. The plea of expediency. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 252- 254. — The North American Amelanchiers. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 293. — A list of species of the genera Scirpus and Eynchospora occurring in North America. [1892.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 11 (1891-92), 74-93. — Note on a collection of Tertiary fossil plants from Potosi, Bolivia. [1892.] Amer. lust. Min. Engin. Trans., 21, 1893, 250-259. — Ranunculus repens and its eastern North American allies. [1892.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 12 (1892-93), 2-6. - The use of the generic name Halesia. Garden & Forest, 6, 1893, 433-434, 463, 518. - The North American species of the genus Lespedeza. [1893.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 12 (1892-93), 57-68. — On Rusbya, a new genus of Vacciniaces from Bolivia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 67-68. — A neglected species of Hieracium. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 120-121. — Duplicate binomials. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 443. - Professor GREENE and Jacksonia and Polanisia. Erytht-a, 2, 1894, t',7-68. — Note on the herbarium of Stephen ELLIOTT. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 80-81. — Cratwgus punctata canesceus, Club Bull., 21, 1894, 231-232. — A revision of the genus Lechea. Bull., 21, 1894, 244-253. — Note on the genus Enslenia, Nutt. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 314. -- The generic name of the water-weed. Science, 2, 1895, 5. — Botany [of antarctic regions]. [1895.] Science, 3, 1896, 310-311. — Address [to the Bot. Sect.]. Botanical gardens. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1896, 171-184. — An Eleocharis new to North America. H. var. Torrey Bot. Torrey Bot. Club Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 219-220. — On Cratiegus coccinea and its segregates. Bot. Gaz. 22, 1896, 222. — Notes on the genus Amelanchier. Bot. Gaz. , 22, 1896, 234-235. — Some Cyperacea? new to North America, with remarks on other species. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 238. — On the Cardamines of the C. hirsuta group. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 239. — [Observations on the ferns and flowering plants of the Hawaiian Islands.] Cyperaceae. [1897.] Minn. Bot. Stud., 1, 1894-98. 799-803. — Crattegus Vailia>, n. sp. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 53. - Two undescribed eastern species. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 92-93. — La flore du Klondike. Cougr. Int. Bot. Act., 1900 276. See also under Vail, Anna Murray. Britten, Nathaniel Lord, & Cook, George H[ammell]. See Cook & Britton. Brittoii, Natlianiel Lord, & Gerard, W. R. See Gerard A- Britton. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, & Hollick, Arthur. *Leaf- bearing sandstones on Staten Island, New York. [With discussion.] [1883.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1885, 30-31. — Flora of Richmond Co., N. Y. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 12, 1885, 38-40. See also Hollick A Britton. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, & Kearney, Thomas H. An enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. Timothy E. WILLCOX, U. S. A., and others in south-eastern Arizona during the years 1892-94. [1894.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 14, 1895, 21-44. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, & Busby, Henri/ H. A list of plants collected by Miss Mary B. CROFT, 1884-85, at San Diego, Texas, near the headwaters of the Rio Dulce. N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 7-14 ; 9 (1889-90), 181-183. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, Morong, Thomas, & Vail, (Miss) Anna Murray. See Moron,-,, Britton & Vail. Britton, ir[i(fo«] E[rerett\. The Columbine leaf-miner, Phytomyza Aquilegiae. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 443-444. — Habits of ferns. Garden & Forest, 9, 1896, 18. 103—2 Britton] 820 [Brizi La Galleruca dell' olmo (the elm leaf-beetle) (Galeruca xantomelfena). [1896.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 253-256. Ulteriori note sopra gli insetti dannosi. [L' Aleyrodes delle serre (Aleyrodes vaporariorum?).] [1896.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 256-257; Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 194. The San Jose scale in Connecticut. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 17, 1898, 81-84. Britton, Wiley. [Buffalo gnat of Tennessee.] [1884.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc., 2, 1885, Ixvi. Britzelmayr, Max. Hymenomyceten aus Siidbayern. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber., 1885, 119-160; 1887, 271-306; 1890, 1-34; 1894, 157-222. — Das Genus Cortinarius. Bot. Centrbl., 51, 1892, 1-9, 33-42. Materialien zur Beschreibung der Hyrnenomyceten. Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 33-40, 65-71, 97-105; 62, 1895, 273-281, 305-313; 68, 1896, 108-112, 137-145; 71, 1897, 49-59, 87-96. Die Hymenomyceten in STERBEECK'S Theatrum Fun- gorum. Bot. Centrbl., 5s, 1894, 42-57; 61, 1895, 209- 211 ; 62, 1895, 75. Die Liclienen der Flora von Augsburg. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber., 1898, 205-240. — Revision der Diaguosen zu den [vom Verfasser] aufge- stellten H.ymenomyceten-Arten. Bot. Centrbl., 73, 1898, 129-135, i69-175, 203-210; 75, 1898, 163-178; 77,1899, 356-363, 395-402, 433-441; HII, 1899, 57-66, 116-126. — Die Lichenen der Algauer Alpen. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber., 1900, 71-139. Britzke, 0. Ueber den jahrlichen Gang der Verdunstuug in Russland. Hepertm. f. Meteorol., 17, 1894, No. 10, 54pp. Briuchanenko, A[lelc8a,ndT\ Nlikolaevic]. 0 B.liflHill BJieJieHTOBT. II a OlITIIieCKyiO JJ/feflTeJIbHOCTB. [In- fluence des elements sur le pouvoir optique des composes organiques.] Russ. Phys.-Chern. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chem., Pt. 2), 1898, 193; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22. 1899, 433. — BjiiflHie 9JieneHTOBi. Ha onTirqecKyro jitflTejib- HOCTb aMIIJIOBarO pajlllltajia. [Ueber den Einfluss der Elemente auf die optische Activilat des Amylradieals.J Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Client.), 1899, 135-142; Jl. Prakt.' Chem., 59, 1899, 45-52. - KT> Bonpocy o xoacjiecTBlj Herupext cpojiCTBT, cipBI BT> cy.lb())llHaxi>. [Zur Frage betreffs der Identitat der vier Affinitaten des Scbwefels in den Sulfinen ] Russ Phys.-Chern. Soc. JL. 31 (Chem.), 1899, 142-148; Berlin, Chtm. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 3176-3182. Briuchanenko, A[li'k.t- Henie. [Methode dc JACEH pour determiner la consiante capillaire et modification de cette methode.] [1897.] Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 7, 1898, 203-212. Briuchanov, .V. Zur Kenntnis der primaren Neben- nierengescliwulste. Ztschr. Heilk., 20, 1899, 39-73. — Ueber din Natur nnd Cienese drr caverno-en Haman- giome der Leber. Ztschr. Heilk., 20, 1899, 131-15-1. Brive, A[bel], Terrains Miocenes de la region de Carnot (Algerie). Paris, Soc. G<5ol. Bull , 22, 1894, 17-29. — Note sur les terrains Pliocenes .lu Dahra (Algerie). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, 592-600. — Compte rendu des excursions ilans la vallee du Chelif. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 929-935. — Sur la geologic de la region petrolifere des environs de Relizane (Algerie). Paris, Soc. GeV>l. Bull., 27, 1899 128. Brive, A[l>rl], A Ficheur, E[mile]. Nfe richeur it Brlve. Brivois, [Luc Alhert]. De 1'eleetrolyse medicamenteuse cutauee. Paris. Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892, 119-125. Brix, lUi-hnri}. ' Ueber den Austauseh von Chlor, Brom und Jod zwischen organischen und anorganischen Verbmdungen. [1882.] Liebig's Ann., 225, 1884. 146-170. Brix, Walter. Der mathematische Zahlbegriff und seine Entwicklungsformen. Eine logische Untersuchung. Phil. Stud., 5. 1889, 632-677; 6, 1891, 104-166, 261-334. Brix, [Philipp] Wilhelm. For biography and works see Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verh., 1899, 125-135; Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 268. Brixa, Jose/. Ueber Gumma des Ciliarkorpers und luetische Augenhintergrundserkrankungen. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 48, 1899, 123-141. Brixlio, Emile. La foudre et les gaz de 1'atmosphere. [18112.] Ciel et Terre, 12 (1891-92), 500-501. Brizard, Leopold. Sur quelques sels d'argent du ruthenium nitrose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 1092-1093. Action des reducteurs sur les composes du ruthenium nitrose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 730-732. Action des reducteurs sur les composes uitroses de 1'osmium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 182-185. — Sur un azotite double de ruthenium et de potassium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 129, 1899, 216-217. Sur la composition des osmiaraates. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull, 21, 1899, 170-172. Recherches sur la reduction des composes nitroses du ruthenium et de 1'osmium. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 311-383. Brizi, I. Su 1'impollinazioneuelgen. Cucurbita. [Italia], Soe. Bot. Bull., 1898, 217-222. Brizi, .-)., * Morroi, U[mberto]. See Morroi A Brizi. Brizi, Utio. Muschi nuovi per la provincia di Roma. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 88-89, 186. Prima [e seconda] contribuzione all' epaticologia romana. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 176-186, :i26-332. - Contribuzione all' epaticologia italiana. [1890.] Malpighia, 3, 1889, 414-425. Note di briologia italiana. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 262- 282, .350-363. — Ciuclidotus falcatus, Ktndbij. [1891.] Malpighia, 4. 1890. 560. — Apnunti di briologia romana. Malpighia, 5, 1891. 83-88. Su alcune Briotite fossili. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 3611-373. Bryophvtip nbyssinicffi a cl. Prof. O. PENZIG collects. Malpighia,' 7, 1893, 2115-297. — Sopra alcune parlicolarita- morfologiche, ie Boulenger, P. Sur la condensation des alcools de la serie grasse avec les carbures aromatiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 235-238. Brochon, E[tienne] Henry. For biography and list of works see Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 50, 1896, iv-vi, 277- 21(2; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 81; Bordeaux Ac. Act., 61, 1899. 221-255. — [Decouverte, par 31. GOUA, du Viscum album sur un chene blanc et sur un Salix cinerea. Note de'taille'e.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, ix-xii. — [Sur une nouvelle localite de 1'Orehis palustris.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act.. 44, 1890, xv-xvi. — [Sur la presence dans la Gironde du Carex digitata.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, xvi-xvii. — [Plantes rares et adventives nouvelles pour le departe- ment.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, xvii, Ixxix. — [Remarques sur trois plantes recueillies par 31. DE LUETKENS.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, xlvii- xlviii. — [Compte rendu botanique de la 72" Fete Linneenne.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, Ixxi-lxxv. — Rapport sur une note de .!/. J. FOUCADD, mernbre correspondant, relative au Muscari Motelayi et renseigne- ments au sujet de cette espece nouvelle. Bordeaux Soe. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, 299-305. — [Compte-rendu de 1'excursiou trimestrielle, du 12 avril 1891, a Saint-M('?dard-en-Jalle, et observations sur plusieurs des plantes recneillies, principalement le Viola liirta, var. Iffitevirens, Clvd., et le Taraxacum lasvi- gatum, var. erythrospermum, Audrz.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xix-xxvii, ccxvii. — Compte-rendu botanique de 1'excursion trimestrielle du 31 mai 1891, a Monsegur. [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xxxiii-xxxix, ccxvii. — Erreur a laquelle a donne lieu 1'Anchusa italica, Retz, de la Gironde. [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, Ivii-lxviii. — Notes sur diverses plantes recueillies a Saint-Mariens le 27 septembre 1891. [1891-92.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, Ixxx-xc, cxxxiii, ccxvii. • Compte-rendu botanique de 1'excursion trimestrielle faite a Leognan le 27 mars 1892, souvenirs, notes retro- spectives et commentaires. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, cxxxvi-cliii. — [Observations au sujet de la communication de 31. FOUCAUD sur quelques ffinanthe de notre region.] Bor- deaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, clxxvi-clxxvii. — Compte-rendu de 1'excursion trimestrielle du 30 avril 1893, a Cestas, avec un historique, et la description d'une forme remarquable de C'irsium auglicum. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 411, 1893, Ixi-lxxvi. — [Observations au sujet d'une lettre de M. SAINT-LAGER sur les adjectifs latins composes, employes dans la nomenclature botanique.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, cxlvii-clx. — Nouvelles remarques sur le Cirsium anglicum, var. diversifoliutu de Cestas. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, c[xxii-clxxiv. — L'Hypericum linarifolium, Vahl, et sa vari^te radicans. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, clxxiv-clxxxii. — Forme pseudo-confluens du 1'teris aquiliua, L. Bor- deaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, clxxxii-clxxxiv. — [Question relative a la function ties corpuscules foliaires du Barbula papillosa.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, xiii-xiv. [Rectification au sujet du Dianthus barbatus, sipnule par M. BRUEL eomme indigene dans la Gironde.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, xiv-xv. — Deux mousses, 1'une nouvelle, 1'autre tres rare, dans la Gironde : Pottia cavifolia, Ehrlt., et Barbula eanescens, Bnich. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, xv-xvi. — A propos du Barbula papillosa et du B. Brebissoni. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, xx-xxii. — Une mousse uouvelle pour la Gironde, Hypnum Sommerfeltii, Myr. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, Ixxviii-lxxx. [Observations relatives a la presence de Phleuui arenarium, a Prechac, et au nom speeitique de Hypnum Tecsdalei.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 4M, 1895, xxv. Varietes et panachure du Phytolacca decandra, L., dans la Gironde. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 48, 1895, liv-lvi. Brociner, J /////OHSC L[upu]. Sur quelques reactions d'alcaloides. Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 204. — Sur quelques reactifs d'alcaloi'des. Jl. Pharm., 20, 1889, 390-392. — Le sulfotellurate d'ammonium comme reactif d'alca- loides. Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 468-469. — La gaucherie acquise. Rev. Sci., 45, 1890, 157. — Sur la toxicite de 1'acetylene. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 121, 1895, 773-774. Brock, G. Eine Geschwulst der Nierengegend rnit querge- streiften Miiskelt'asern. Virchow, Arch., 140, 1895, 493- 502. Brock, Hcorqe Sandison. On the Bilharzia hiematobia. [1893.] Jl'. Path. Baet., 2, 1894, 52-74. Brock, Henry II. The king rail again in Maine. Auk, 13, 1896, 79. — Crymophilus fulicarius in Maine. Auk, 13, 1896, 173. — Crex crex in Maine. Auk, 13, 1896, 173-174. — Recent occurrence of the Florida gallinule in southern Maine. Auk, 13, 1896, 255. Brock] [Brockmeier — Recent capture of the golden eagle near Portland, Maine. Auk, 13, 1896, 256. Brock, J[ohannes Georg]. For biography and list of works see Leopoldina, 25, 1889, 5.5-56, 118-121, 138-141. - *Ueber die Resultate seiner Untersuchungen iiber die Verwandtschaftsverhaltnisseder Cephalopoden. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 229. — Ueber die Entwicklung der Geschlechtsorgane der Pulmonaten. Guttiugeu Nachr., 1884, 499-504. — Zur Systematik des Genus Loligopsis, Lam. (Leachia, Lesueur). Gottingen Nachr. , 1884^ 504-508. - Technische Notizeu. Int. Jl. Anat., 1, 1884, 349. — Das Miinnchen der Sepioloidea lineolata, d'Orb. (Sepiola lineolata, Quay & Gaim.), nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Familie der Sepioladen irn Allgemeinen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 40, 1884, 105-120. — Bericht iiber eine mit Unterstiitzung der Akademie in den Jahren 1884-85 irn Indischen Arehipel zu zoolo- gischen Zwecken ausgefiihrte Reise. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 11-18. — Euryccelum Sluiteri, n. g., n. up. Eine vorliiufige Mittheilung. Gottingeu Nachr., 1886, 543-547. — Die Entwicklung des Geschlecbtsapparates der stylom- matophoren Pulmonaten nebst Bemerknngen iiber die Anatomie und Entwicklung einiger anderer Organ- s.ysteme. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 44, 1886, 333-395. — Zur Systeumtik der Cephalopoden. Gottingen Nachr., 1887, 317-322. — Ueber tenniualkorperehen-ahnliche Organe in der Haut von Knochennschen. Int. Jl. Anat., 4, 1887, 301- 311. — Indische Cephalopoden. Zool. Jbiich., 2, 1887, 591- 614. — Ueber die doppelten Spermatozoen einiger exotischer Prosobranchier. Zool. Jbfich., 2, 1887, 615-624. — Ein Fall von Abanderung des Instincts. Zool. Jbiich.. 2, 1887, 979-980. - Ueber Anhangsgebilde des Urogenitalapparates von Knochentischen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 45, 1887, 532-541. — Ueber das sogenannte Verillsche Organ der Cephalo- poden. Gottingen Nachr., 1888, 476-478. — Ueber die sogenannten Augen von Tridncna und das Vorkornmen von Pseudochlorophyllkb'rpern iin Gefass- system der Muscheln. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 46, 1888, 270-288. — Die Ophiuridenfauna des Indischen Archipels. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 47, 1888, 465-539. — Einige altere Autoren iiber die Vererbung erworbener Eigeuschaften. [1888.] Biol. Centrbl., 8, 1889, 491- 499. — Die Stellung KANT'S zur Deszeudenztheorie. [1888.] Biol. Centrbl., 8, 1889, 641-648. — Zur Neurologic der Prosobranchier. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 48, 1889, 67-83. — Bemerknngen iiber die Entwicklnng des Geschlechts- apparates der Pulmonaten. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 48, 1889, 84-88. Brock, R. A.. Early iron manufacture in Virginia 1619- 1776. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 8, 1886,. 77-80. Brock, E. W., & miller, W. G. See Miller & Brock. Brock, W[illiani\. Ueber gewisse Contractionsphanomene der Muskeln bei Heizung mit dem faradischen Strotne. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 313-316. Brockbank, William. For biographical notice and list of works sec Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 42, 1898, xlvii-1. - Narcissus reflexus. Gard. Chron., 1, 1887, 640. — Christmas roses. Gard. Chrou., 3, 1888, 77. — Notes on seedling saxifrages grown at Brockhurst from a single scape of Saxifraga Macnabiana. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 2, 1889, 227-230. The Levenshulme limestones. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 3, 1890, 209-211. R. S. A. c. — [Estheria miuuta, var. Brodieana, Jones.] [1890.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 4, 1891 12-13 31-32. On the Entomostraca and Annelida in the Levens- hulme mottled limestones. [1890-91.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 4, 1891, 47-52, 353-351). - On the occurrence of the Permians, Spirorbis Lime- stones, and Upper Coal Measures at Frizington Hall in the Whitehaven district. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 4, 1891, 418^126. — On the Permians of the N. W. of England. Discovery of two plant beds in the St. Bees Sandstone, at Hilton, Westmorland. [1891.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 5, 1892, 60-76. — The artificial coloration of flowers. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 5, 1892, 142-144. — Notes on glacier moraines in Cumberland and West- morland. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 9, 1895, 195-205. Brockbank, William, & De Ranee, Charles E. Notes on the geological section exposed in the railway cutting from Levenshulme to Fallowtield. [1890-91.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 4, 1891, 282-300, 339-352. Brockerhof, H[einrit:h], A Stocrmer, E[ichard]. See Stoermer \- Brockerhof. Brockhausen, H., & Elbert, Jolts, Verzeichnis neuer Standorte seltenerer Prlanzen. Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1899-1900, 96-101. Brockholes, 1C. Fitzherbert. A remarkable nest, jointly constructed and inhabited by a blackbird (Merula rnerula) and a hedge-accentor (Tharrhaleus modularis). Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 10, 1900, ciii-civ. Brockmann, Hermann. Zur Theorie der dioptrisch- katoptrischen Systerne nud ihrer Anwendung auf die Sanson'schen Bilder. Centrztg. Optik, 8, 1887, 4-5. Brockmann, It'ilhelin. Beobachtungen an Orgelpfeifen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 31, 1887, 78-89. Brockmeier, Hcinr. Ueber das Vorkornmen von Hydrobia im obersten Flussgebiete der Sieg bei Burgholdinghausen und im mittleren der Lenne bei Pletteuberg in Westfalen. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1886, 59-61. — Biologisehe Mittheiluugen fiber Ancylus fluviatilis, Miill., und Ancylus (Acroloxus) lacustris, L. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 45-49. Einige seltenere Schnecken von Grevenbrfick im sudlichen Westfalen und Helix lapicida, L., ohne Carina. Dentsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 103-105. — Eine ueue Erklarnng fur das Schwimmen mancher Schnecken an der Oberflache des Wassers. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 111-118, 150. — Zur Fortpflanzung von Helix nemoralis und Hel. hortensis, nach Beobachtungen in der Gefangenschaft. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 113-116, 158. — Ueber Bastarde von Helix nemoralis und H. hortensis. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1888, 48. — Helix fruticum, Miill., als Raubachnecke. Humboldt, 9, 1890, 66. — Einige Mittheilungen fiber Molluskeu. (1. Vor- kornmen von Lithoglyphus naticoides bei Dusseldorf am Rhein. 2. Die Kalkgewiiinung bei Landschnecken. 3. Bastarde von Helix nemoralis und H. hortensis.) Deutsch. Naturf. Verb., 1895 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 112-113. — Ueber Sfisswasserrnollusken der Gegend von Plb'n. Plon Biol. Stat. Forsehungsber., 3, 1895, 188-204. — Beitrage zur Biologic unserer Sfisswasserrnollusken. Plon Biol. Stat. Forschungsber., 4, 1896, 248-262. — Die Lebensweise der Liransea trnncatula. Plou Biol. Stat. Forschungsber., 6, 1898, 153-164. — Susswasserschuecken als Planktontischer. Plon Biol. Stat. Forschungsber., 6, 1898, 165. Die hoheren Pflanzen und die Mollusken in den sich selbst fiberlassenen Flachsgiuben zwischen Ehein und 104 Brockmeier] 826 [Erode a Haas. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Tl>. 2. Iliilft,' 1), 228-332. Brockway, Arthur William. The turkey vulture in Con- necticut. Auk, 15, 1898, 53. Carolina wren at Lyme, Conn., in winter. Auk, 15, 1898, 1112, 274. - The little blue heron (Ardea easrulea) in Connecticut. Auk. 16, 1899, 351. Odd nesting of Maryland yellow-throat. Auk, 16, 1899, 360-361. Brocq, [Anne Jean] L[ouis]. Etude critique et clinique sur le pityriasis rubra. Arch. Gen. Med., 153, 1884, 550-567; 154, 1884, 58-73, 167-205. — La lepre doit-elle etre consideree cornme une affection contagieuse? Ann. de Dermatol. , 6, 1885, 650-666, 721-730. Sur le lichen ruber. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1888, 389-411. — Sur le lichen ruber et sur le pityriasis rubra pilaire. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1886, 596-597'. Note sur la plaque primitive du pityriasis rose de GIBERT. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1887, 615-624. De la dermatite herpetiforme de DDHRINT,. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1888, 1-20, 65-83, 133-157, 209-227, 305- 327, 433-454, 493-51S. La discussion sur la contagiosite de la lepre a 1'Aca- demie de Medecine. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1888, 536-551, 648-655. • [Sur la destruction des poils par 1'electrolyse.] Arch. Gen. Med., 162, 1888, 246. La question du lichen ruber en Amerique. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1889, 302-319. Notes pour servir a 1'histoire de la keratose pilaire. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 25-37, 97-133, 222-238. Variete fruste de dermatite herpetiforme ; eruption urticarienne d'aspect, a extension centrifuge, avee pig- mentations consecutives, evoluant par poussees suc- cessives. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 478-486. — Des rapports qui existent entre les alopecies de la keratose pilaire et les alopecies dites seborrheiques. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 773-780. — Quelques apercus sur les dermatoses prurigineuses et sur les anciens lichens. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 1100-1117. — Le prurigo simplex et sa serie morbide. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 3-36. — Eruption erythemato-pigmentee fixe due a 1'antipyrine. [With discussion.] Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 308-313. — De 1'hydroa vacciniforme. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 1003-1004, 1133-1147. — Note pqur servir & 1'histoire des eruptions d'origine palustre. Eruption eezematiforme circonscrite persistante du nez, de nature palustre. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 1-8. Nouvelles notes cliniques sur les licbenifications et les nevroderrnites. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 779-801, 924-937. — La question du prurigo. Ann. de Dermatol., 7. 1896, 1002-1006. La seborrhee grasse et la pelade. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 611-622. — Note sur les dermatites polymorphes douloureuses. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1898, 8411-878, 945-960. — La question des eczemas. Ann. de Dermiitol., 1, 1900, 1-61, 140-217, 257-319. — De 1'influence des associations pathologiques sur la nummularisation de 1'eczema. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 1041-1054. Brocq, [Anne Jean] L[ouis], & Bernard, Leon. Etude sur le lymphangiome circonscrit de la peau et des muqueuses, & propos d'un cas de lymphangiome circonscrit de la cavit<5 buccale. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1898, 305- 334. — Etude nouvelle des lesions intertrigineuses de la fernme. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 1-19. Brocq, [Anne Jean] L[ouix], & Jacquet, L[ueien]. Notes pour servir a 1'histoire des nevrodermites. Du lichen circumscriptus des anciens auteurs, ou lichen simplex chronique de 31. le Dr. E. YII>AL. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 97-122, 193-208. Brocq, [Anne Jean] L[ouis], & Matton, [Rene]. Cas de mycosis fongo'ide. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 583-597. Brocq, [Anne Jetin] L[ouis], & Veillon, .1. Note sur un bouton d'Alep. [With I//.-VM.-S/HH.] Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 553-559. L'origine parasitaire des eczemas. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1900 I Vol. II), 50-70. Brocq, [Anne Jean] L[oiiis] (< t ulii). Du pemphigus. Des dermatoses bulleuses, complexes ou multiformes. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1889, 891-896. Brocx, P. H. Verslag aangaaude de waarneming van den Overgaug van Venus over de Zon op 6 December 1882 te Curacao. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 19, 1884. 372-380. Brode, H. S. Preparation of embedding boxes. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc., 11 (1889), 146. Brode, Hoirurd S. A contribution to the morphology of Dero vaga. Jl. Morphol., 14, 1898, 141-180. Broden, A. Recherches sur 1'histogenese du tubercule et 1'actiou curative de la tuberculine. Arch. Med. Exper., 11, 1899, 1-53. Broden, Torstcn. Anmarkuingar om dubbelelementen vid projektiviska raka punktsysteni och plana stralkuippen. Tidsskr. Math., 6, 1889, 6-13 ; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 585. — Ueber die durch Abel'sche Integrale erster Gattung rectiticirbaren ebenen Curven. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 (Aftl. 1), 1890, A'o. 5, 26 pp. — Ueber die Doppelpunkte bei der projectivischen ebenen Correspondenz. Ein Supplement zur Theorie der projectiviscben Verwandtschaft. Arch. Math. Phys., 9, 1890, 225-249. — Ueber Coincidenzen in zweideutigen Correspondenzen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 45-56. - Ueber Correspondenzen auf elliptischen Curven. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 213-228. — Ueber ZEUTHEN'S Correspqndeuzsatz und eine Con- sequenz desselben. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 345-359. Zur Theorie der Transformation elliptiseher Fune- tionen. Lund. Univ. Acta, 30, 1893-94 (Soc. Physiogr., No. 2), 24 pp. Ueber unendlich oft oscillirende Funktionen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1895, 763-768. Ueber das Weierstrass-Cantor'sche Condensations- verfahren. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 583-602. Beitrage zur Theorie der stetigen Functionen einer reellen Veranderlichen. Crelle, Jl. Math., 118, 1897, 1-60. - Funetionentheoretische Bemerkungen und Satze. Lund. Univ. Acta, 33, 1897 (Soc. Physiogr., Xo. 3), 45 pp. Ueber Grenzwerthe fur Reiheuquotieuten. [1897.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 23 (Afd. 1), 1898, A'o. 2, 49 pp. Ueber Darstellung von reellen Functionen mit un- endlich dicht liegenden Nullstellen durch unendliche Producte, deren Factoren ganze analytische Functionen sind. Math. Ann., 51, 1899, 299-320. Ueber das Dirichlet'sclie Integral. Math. Ann., 52, 1899, 177-227. - \Vabrscheinlicbkeitsbestimmungen bei der gewohn- lichen Kettenbruchentwickelung recller Zablen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 239-266. Derivirhare Funktionen mit iiberall dichten Maxima und Minima. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 423-441, 743- 761. Brodhead] 827 [Brodie Brodbead, |.l/r;. ) Jane Napier. Indian cyclone of October, 1H64. [1888.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 5 (1888-89), 209- 213. Brodiiun, Evgen [Heinrich Ednard Ernst]. Ueber das Leukoskop. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 897-918. — Ueber die Empfindlichkeit des griinblinden und des normalen Auges gegen Farbeuanderung ira Spektrum. Ztschr. Psychol., 3, 1892, 97-107. — Die Giiltigkeit des Newtonschen Farbenmischungs- gesetzes bei dem sog. griinbliuden Farbensystetn. Ztschr. Psychol., 5, 1893, 323-334. Vorrichtung zuin Ablesen einer rotirenden Theilung. Ztschr. Instnirnentenk., 17, 1897, 10-14. Brodiiun, Euijcn [Heinrich Eduard Ernst], & Konig, Arthur. .SVv Konig & Brodiiun. Brodhun, K»g?n [Heiitrich Eduard Ernst], & laimmer, Olio. Ueber Priifung des Talbot'schen Gesetzes. Berlin Pbys. Ges. Verb., 1890, 92-94. See also Lummer & Brodhun. Brodhurst, llernard E[du>ard], For biographical notice see Med.-Cbir. Trans., 83, 1900, cxxxii. - *[The remarkable sunsets.] [18*3.] Nature, 29, 1884, 153. Brodie, C[harles] Gordon. Abnormality of the aortic arch. [1888.] Jl. Anat. Physiol. , 23, 1889, vii-viii. — Some observations on the ligaments about the shoulder. Jl. Auat. Physiol., 23, 1889, xxi. — Note on the transverse-humeral, coraco-acromial, and coraco-humeral ligaments, etc. [1889.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 24, 1890, 247-252. — Misplaced kidney, with abnormal arterial supply. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, xxxv-xxxvi. Brodie, C[liar/es] Gordon, & Bland-Sutton, (Sir) Joint. See Bland-Sutton A Brodie. Brodie, Frederick. For biographical notice see Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 131-133. Brodie, Frederick J. The rainfall of 1884. [1884.] Nature, 31, 1885, 56-58. - The recent drought. Nature, 36, 1887, 395-396. — Report on the severe partial gales experienced on the coasts of the British Islands, during the 15 years 1871 to 1885. [1888.] [Meteorol. Off.,] Met. Council Rep., [1887-88], 26-29. — Some remarkable features in the winter of 1890-91. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 155-165. - The sunshine of London. Nature, 43, 1891, 424-425. — The recent epidemic of influenza. Nature, 44, 1891, 283-285. — On the prevalence of fog in London during the 20 years 1871 to 1890. [1891.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 18, 1892, 40-43. -Town fogs. [1892.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 27, 1893, 22-24. -The great drought of 1893. Agr. Soc. JL, 4, 1893, 849-856. — The great drought of 1893, and its attendant meteoro- logical phenomena. [1893.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 20, 1894, 1-27. — Note on the barometrical changes preceding and accompanying the heavy rainfall of November 1894. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 21, 1895, 209-213. — Agricultural weather forecasts. Agr. Soc. Jl. , 8, 1897, 228-233. — The abnormal weather of January 1898. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 24, 1898, 229-236. — Lightning and its effect on trees. Agr. Soc. JL, 10, 1899, 608-617. - The prolonged deficiency of rain in 1897 and 1898. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 25, 1899, 181-199. Brodie, (Rev.) Peter Bellinger. For biography and list of works see Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 283-284; Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 481-485, 576; Cotteswold Club Proe., 12 (1896-98), 201; Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 54, 1898, Ixvii- Ixxii; Nature, 57 (1897-98), 31-32; Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1900, 46-53. — Fossil birds. Geol. Mag., 2, 1885, 384. — On a recent discovery of annulose animals (Blatta and a scorpion), in British and foreign Upper and Middle Silurian rocks. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1885, 18-21. On the discovery of fossil fish in the New Red Sand- stone (Upper Keuper) in Warwickshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 629. — On a remarkable section in Derbyshire. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 432. — Entomostraca in the Rhsetics. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 526. — On two Bhictic sections in Warwickshire. [With discussion.] Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 42, 1886, 272-275. On the discovery of a new species of fish, Semionotus, with a brief account of the section in the Upper Keuper sandstone near Warwick, and remarks on the Trias generally, and on some other fish found in it near Nottingham. [1886-87.] Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1887, 2-10. — On the range, extent, and fossils of the Rhstic formation in Warwickshire. [1886.] Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1887, 19-29. — On the predominance and importance of the Blattidas in the Old World. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1888, 12-17. — On the character, variety, and distribution of the fossil insects in the Palaeozoic (Primary), Mesozoic (Secondary), and Caiiiozoic (Tertiary) periods : with an account of the more recent discoveries in this branch of palaeontology up to the present day. Warwick. Field Club Proc.,' 1889, 7-26. Lower Greensand and Purbecks in the vale of War- dour, Wilts. Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 455-456. — On certain arachnids and myriapods in the American and British Carboniferous rocks, and their occasional occurrence in other newer formations. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1891, 29-36. A sand-pit at Hill Morton near Rugby. Geol. Mag., 9, 1892, 321-322. — On some additional remains of cestraciont and other fishes in the green gritty marls, immediately overlying the red marls of the Upper Keuper in Warwickshire. [1892.] Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 49, 1893, 171-174. — Notes on the Eocene Tertiary insects of the Isle of Wight. Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 538-540; Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1894, 67-70. — Notice of a section in the Lower Lias at the cement works near Rugby. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1893, 17-18. — Notice of a section in the Middle Lias at Napton. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1893, 43-44. On additional remains of cestraciout and other fish in the green marls immediately overlying the red marls of the Upper Keuper in Warwickshire; with an account of the equivalent beds in Germany and the Tyrol. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1893, 48-53. — Further remarks on the Tertiary (Eocene) insects from the Isle of Wight, and on others from the Lias and Coal Measures. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 167-169. — On the discovery of molluscs in the Upper Keuper at Shrewley in Warwickshire. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 50, 1894, 170; Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1894, 23-26. - Tertiary fossil ants in the Isle of Wight. Nature, 52 (1895), 570. — Notes on a section of the Upper Keuper on the rail- way line from Rowington to Henley-in-Arden. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1895, 58-59. — On the sandstones in the Upper Keuper in Warwick- shire. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 154-155. — A curious bird's nest. Nature, 54 (1896), 172. — On the sandstones in the Upper Keuper in a part of 104—2 Brodie] 828 [Broeck Warwickshire, six miles north-west of Warwick. War- wick. Field Club Proc., 1896, 36-39. Sketch of the Labyrimhodontia and Reptilia in the Trias, chiefly with reference to those in the British New- Red Sandstone and more especially in Warwickshire. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1897, 92-97. — [The Wilmcote Lias quarry.] Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1897, 103-105. Brodie, Robert. Professor KELLAND'S problem on super- position. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 36, 1892, 307-311. Brodie, T[homas~\ Gregor. [Apparatus for curve of elasticity.] Jl. Physiol., 13, 1892, xv. - The extensibility of muscle. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 29, 1895, 367-388. — The work of the muscle. Jl. Physiol., 17, 1894-95 (Proc. 1895), vi-viii. A key for cutting out either the make or break shocks produced in a secondary circuit. [1896.] Jl. Physiol., 19, 1895-96, x. — A preliminary report of some experiments upon the chemistry of the diphtheria antitoxin. Jl. Path. Bact., 4, 1897, 460-464. New form of pendulum contact clock. By C. F. PALMER. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 26, 1900-01, xi-xii. — The immediate action of an intravenous injection of blood-serum. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 26, 1900-01, 48-71. Brodie, T[liomas] Gregnr, & Halliburton, ir[/{2i«m] I >[ubinson]. See Halliburton i\r Brodie. Brodie, T[homas] Gregor, & Richardson, H[id>iei/] jr[i'Hi«m] F\ranldin}. The changes in length of striated muscle under varying loads brought about by the influence of heat. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 353-372. — A study of the phenomena and causation of heat- contraction of skeletal muscle. [1897.] Phil. Trans. (B), 191, 1899, 127-146. See also Richardson A Brodie. Brodie, T[homes aux points de vue geologique et hydrologique. [With discussion.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol.' Bull., 1890 (Proc.-Verb.), 180-191. — Affaissement du sol de la France. Preuves geologiques a 1'appui des observations de M. le Colonel GOULIER. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1891 (Proc.-Verb.), 13-19. — Sur le Bolderien et sa faune en Belgique. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1891 (Proc.-Verb.), 53-54. Sur 1'origine purement hydro-chimique des minerais de plomb argentiferes du district de Leadville (Colorado). Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1891 (Proc.-Verb.), 138- 141. — Materiaux pour la connaissance des depots Pliocenes Superieurs rencontres dans les derniers travaux de creusement des bassins maritimes d'Anvers. Bassin Africa (ou Lefebvre) et bassin America. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1892 (Mem.), 86-149. — L'emigration et la filiation des especes. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1892 (Proc.-Verb.), 94-97. — Etude sur le dimorphisme des Foraminiferes et des Nummulites en particulier. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull, 1893 (Proc.-Verb.), 6-41; Brux. Soe. Malacol. Ann., 28 (1893), xv-xx. — Recherche d'eaux souterraines a Anvers. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (Proc.-Verb.), 124-128. — Le puits artesian du peignage de laines d'Hoboken. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (Proc.-Verb.), 143- 148. — Excursion faite par la Soei^te aux environs de Louvain et notamment au Pellenberg. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (Pror.-Verb.), 166-167. — Coup d'ffiil synthetique sur POligocene beige et observations sur le Tongrien Superieur du Brabant. [1893-94.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (Proc.- Verb.), 208-302. — Quelques mots au sujet de la difference d'etendue des bassins hydrographiques souterrain et superficial alimentant les sources de la vallee du Hoyoux. [With discussion.'] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1894 (Proc.- Verb.), 241-247. — Sur le mode de formation des grottes et des vallees souterraines. Eeponse a la note critique de M. A. FLAMACHE. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1895 (Mem.), 368-415. — Note preliminaire sur le niveau stratigraphique et la region d'origine de certains des blocs de gres quartzeux des plaines de la Moyenne et de la Basse- Belgique. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1895 (Proc.-Verb.), 91-99. Compte rendu sommaire de 1'excursion au Bolderberg et au gisement fossilifere de Waenrode faite par la Society Beige de Geologic, de Paleontologie et d'Hydro- logie les 13 et 14 juillet 1895, accompagne de com- mentaires relatifs a la question Urn Bolderien envisage au point de vue de ses relations stratigraphiques beiges et etrangeres, et reponse a M. le Prof. G. DEWALQUE. [1895-96.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1895 (Proc.. Verb.), 116-144. — [Upper Tertiary strata of Belgium.] Nature, 52 (1895), 560. — Curious aerial or subterranean sounds. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 30. — Etude des depots Oligocenes du Limbourg. Brux. Soc. Beige Ge"ol. Bull., 1896 (Mem.), 370-386. Visite a la fontaine ferrugineuse de PLINE. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Mem.), 386-394. — Exploration dans le Limbourg hollaudais (Elsloo, Geul, Bunde, Houthem et Fauquemont). Brux. Soc. Be]ge Geol. Bull., 1896 (Mi'm.), 399-401!. A propos du dimorphisme des Foraminiferes et d'uue recente communication de 31. SCDLUJIBERGER sur ce sujet. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verb.), 40-43. Comment faut-il nomraer les Nummulites en tenant compte de leur dimorphisme ? Appel aux biologistes, geologues et paleontologistes. Brux. Soc. Beige Ge"ol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verb.), 50-62; Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 34 (1899), xlii-liv. La meteorite de Lesves, pres Fosses. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verb.), 63-64. [Decouverte de crabes Oligocenes dans 1'argile de Boom au N. W. de Duffel.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verb.), 69-70. Broeck] 830 [Broeck Quelques considerations sur la perme'abilite du sol, sur 1'infiltration pluviale et sur la condensation souter- raine des vapeurs d'eau, a propos des recherches et exposes de MM. WOIIRK et DUCLAUX. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (I'm,:- IV;*.), 93-110. — Expos£ preliminaire d'un projet d'etude du sous-sol primaire de la Moyenne et de la Basse-Belgique a 1'aide des materiaux fournis par les puits artesiens. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verb.), 110-117. — Coujpte rendu d'une visite preliminaire a la source thermale de Comblain-la-Tour. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Proe.-Verb.), 185-l'.i5. — Les mistpoeffers. Detonations mysle'rieuses de la mer du Nord et des conlrees continentales avoisinantes. Rev. Sci., 6, 1896, 464-467. — Le dossier hydrologique du regime aquifere en terrains calcaires et le role de la geologic dans les recherches et eludes des travaux d'eaux alimeutaires. Brux. Soc. Beige Ge'ol. Bull., 1897 (Mem.), 378-554. — [Sur la formation des cavernes.] Be'pouse a 31. FLAMACHE. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1897 (Proc.- Verb.), 90-93. — Les provisions grisouteuses. Recherches pr^liminaires faites :i 1'occasion des " Avertissements" de 31. Francis LAUB. Analyse des fails et observations eomplementaires relatives a ['expose' des donnees fournies par les elements magne'tiques. Brux. Soc. Beige Ge'ol. Bull., 1898 (Mem.), 13-44. — Apercu historique de la lutte contre le grisou en Belgique pendant la pe>iode du xvie au xixe sieele et analyse des travaux publics, englobant les questions d'nerage, d'e'elairage, d'abatage, etc. [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 (Mem.), 101-208. — Presentation d'un fragment de la meteorite de Lesve reste1 non decrit ni figured Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 (Proc.- Verb.), 126-133. — Note sur une nouvelle melhode de reconnaissance de 1'origine des eaux eaplees dans les calcaires pour 1'alimentation en eaux potables. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 (Proc.-Verb.), 176-179. — Etude geologique, hydrologique et spele'ologique des environs de Remouchamps. Nouvelles recherches et constatations dans la grotte de Remouchamps et aux chantoirs de la bande calcaire septentrionale. Brux. Soc. Beige G<5ol. Bull., 1898 (Proc.-Verb.), 180-181. — Les coupes du gisement de Bernissart. Caracteres et dispositions sedimentaires de 1'argile ossifere du Gran aux Iguanodons. Brux. Soc. Beige Ge'ol. Bull., 1898 (Proc.-Verb.), 216-243. — Le Wealdien du Bas-Boulonnais et le Wealdien de Bernissart conside're's comme se rapportant au Jurassique Superieur (facies Purbeckieu du Portlandien Superieur). Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 (Proc.-Verb.), 244-250. — Historique de l'e"lude du grisou dans ses relations avec les microsismes et avec les phenomeues de la me'teoro- logie endogene. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 (Proc.-Verb., Serie Spec.), 23-30. — Les manifestations grisouteuses et leur provision dans ses rapports avec la meteorologie endogene et avec la meteorologie atmospherique. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1898 (Proc.-Verb., Serie Spec.), 114-126. — L'emigration consideree comme facteur de 1'evolution et de la filiation des espeees. Considerations presenters a 1'occasiou d'une note de HI. LOCARD sur 1'extension de la fauue malacologique boreale dans les profondeurs de 1'Atlantique du Sud. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 33 (1898), xiv-xxi, cxxii. — Petites notes rhizopodiques. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 33 (1898), xxvii-xxxviii, xxxix-xlix. — La meteorologie endogene et le grisou. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 150-174. — La question des mistpoeffers. [1898.] Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 4, 1899, 75-82. Documents bibliographiques pour 1'etude geologique de la Lorraine et des Vosges. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 (Mem.), 193-206. — Contribution a 1'etude de phenomenes d'alteration dont ['interpretation erronee pourrait faire croire a 1'existence de stries glaciaires. Brux. Soc. Beige Ge'ol. Bull., 1899 (.WiH.I, 323-334. — Nouvelles observations relatives au gisement des Iguanodons de Bernissart. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 (Proc.-Verb.), 6-11, 175-180. — L'origine des eaux min^rales de Spa. Brux. Soc. Beige G(5ol. Bull., 1899 (Proc.-Verb.). 173-175. — Ce que doit signifier la spirale de Helicoprion. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 (Proc.-Verb.), 215-218. • Le discours de M. Ed. DUPONT a la seance pnblique du 16 decerabre 1898 de I'Acad^mie des Sciences de Belgique, consaere a revolution et au phenomene de la migration. Etude critique. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 34 (1899), xi-xxiv. [Sur 1'allure probable de Targile Rupelienne dans le sous-sol de la Carupine limbourgeoise.] Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 34 (1899), xxv-xxvii. — Une declaration de principe a propos des syntheses stratigraphiques de 31. G. VELOE, faite a 1'occasion de son compte rendu de 1'excursion annuelle de la Societe Royale Malacologique de Belgique aux environs de Namur les 29 et 30 aout 1897. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 34 (1899), Ixviii-lxxiii. Quelques mots encore au sujet de 1'incident DDPONT- VAN HEN BROECK: 1'evolution et le ph^nomene de la migration. Les differemls portes devaut 1'Academie Royale des Sciences de Belgique et le rapport de .17. le Professeur Ed. VAN BENEDEN, sur la "Reclamation de priority de M. E. VAN DEN BUOEC'K." Brux., Soc. Mala- col. Ann., 34 (1899), xcvii-cxxiii. Nouvelles fouilles dans les grottes de la region de Furfooz. Brux. Soc. Authrop. Bull., 19, 1900, cviii- cxii. — Les depots a Iguanodons de Bernissart et leur trans- fert dans 1'e'tage Purbeekien ou Aquilonieu du Jurassique Superieur, expose compreuant une revue de la faune des Vertebres du Purbeekien et du Wealdien dans le sud-est de PAngleterre. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1900 (3Iem.), 39-112. L'analyse rationnelle des limons au point de vue agricole. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1900 (Proc.- Verb.), 161-166. — Explorations nouvelles dans le site de Furfooz. I. Le "Puits-des-Veaux" et le "Trou-qui-fume." Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1900 (Proc.-Verb.), 205-212. A propos de la presence du " Melongena cornuta, Ag.," dans le Bolderien type du Bolderberg. Brux. Soc. Beige Ge'ol. Bull., 1900 (Proc.-Verb.), 292-294. Observations preliminaires sur les blocs erratiques des hauls plateaux de la vallee du Geer a 1'est de Tongres, avec quelques indications relatives a la tectonique, a la geographic physique el a 1'hydrologie du bassin du Geer. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1900 (Proc.-Verb.), 294-303. — Decouverles el observations nouvelles faites a Furfooz. [With discussion..] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1900 (Proc.-Verb.), 303-309. • Sur le Bernissartieu. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1900, 141-142. — La geologic appliquee et son evolution. Congr. Ge'ol. Int. 0. R., 1900, 584-598. Broeck. Krnext run ilen. it OTartel, K[douard] Alfred]. Nouvelles recherches et constatations a Han-sur-Lesse. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 (Proc. -Verb.), 157- 176. Broeck, Ernest run 3, 1896, 401-104, 123-424. Broockmann, K[nrl]. Ueber den Einflnss des Luftdruckes auf die ausstromende Gasmenge eines Blasers. Ztschr. Berg-, Hutten- u. Salinenw., 34, 1886 (Abh.), 155-156. — Ueber Benzin und Beuzin-Sicherlieitslampeu. Ztschr. Berg-, Hutten- u. Salinenw., 34, 1886 (Ahli.), 320-324. — Der Einfluss der Kohlensaure auf Licht und Leben. Ztschr. Berg-, Hutten- u. Salinenw., 35, 1887 (Ahli.), 55-59. — Ueber harrnlose und kritische Tage. Wetter, 6, 1889, 270-280. — Ueber Steinkohlenstaub-Explosionen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 53, 1896, 22-23. Broockmann, K[url], & Groddeck, A[lbreclit Ludwig] ran. See Groddeck & Broockmann. Brook, Charles L. The remarkable season. [1893.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 28, 1894, 69. Warm winter nights. Symous, Meteorol. Mag., 32, 1898, 190-191. — Earth temperatures at Meltham, Huddersfield. Meteo- rol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 25, 1899, 339. — "Sparking" of lightning. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 25, 1899, 339-340. — Lunar halo. [1899.] Syrnons, Meteorol. Mag., 34, 1900. 88. — Double lunar rainbow. [1900.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 35, 1901, 138. Brook, fr'nnii'is W[illiam], & Hopkins, F[rederic k] Gowland. See Hopkins it Brook. Brook, G. R. Vision in the lower animals. [1899.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 377-380. Brook, George. For biography and works see Arner. Natlist., 27, 1893, 917; Leopoldina, 29, 1893, 204-205; Micr. Soc. Jl., 1893, 701 ; Nature, 48 (1893), 420^21 ; Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 12, 1894, 274-270. — On some points in the development of pelagic teleo- stean eggs. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1884, 533—534. — On the rate of development of the common shore- crab (Carcinus mamas). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 202-207. — Preliminary account of the development of the lesser weever-fish, Trachinns vipera. [1884.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 18, 1885. 274-291. — On some points in the development of Motella mnstela, L. [1884.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (ZouL), 18, 1885, 298-307. — On the development of the herring. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 3, 1885, 32-51; 4, 1886, 31-43. — Callionyruus lyra, the tlragonet. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Hep., 3, 1885, 68-69. - - On the aeration of marine aquaria. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 8, 1885, 381-389. — On the origin of the hypoblast in pelagic teleostean ova. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1885, 29-36. — Report on the herring fishery of Loch Fyne and the adjacent districts during 1885. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 4, 1886, 47-61. Preliminary account of the food of the haddock. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 4, 1886, 128-134. — Preliminarv report on the food of the cod. Edinb. Fish. Brd. Rep., 4, 1886, 134-147. — Ichthyological notes. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 4, 1886, 222-227. - The spawning period of the British food fishes. 'Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 4. 1886, 242-254. — Notes mi the food of voung (iadidie. Edinb., Fish Brd. Rep., 5, 1887, 3211-327. Brook] 83o [Brooks — Note on the spawning of the pike. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Kep., 5, 1887, 347-349. — On the relation of yolk to blastoderm in teleostean fish ova. [1886.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 9, 1888, 187-193. — Notes on the British species of Zeugopterus. [1886.] Ediub. Phys. Soc. Proc., 9, 1888, 362-369. — Notes on the reproduction of lost parts in the lobster (Homarus vulgarisj. [1886.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 9, 1888, 370-385. — The formation of the germinal layers in Teleostei. [1886.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Trans., 33, 1888, 199-239. — Note on the epiblastic origin of the segmental duct in teleostean fishes and in birds. [1887.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc., 14, 1888, 368-370. — Notes on a Lucifer-like decapod larva from the west coast of Scotland. [1888.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 15, 1889, 420-423. — Preliminary remarks on the hornologies of the mesen- teries in Autipatharia and other Anthozoa. [1888.] Ediub. Boy. Soc. Proc., 16, 1890, 35-39. — A new type of dimorphism found in certain Anti- patharia. [1889.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc., 16, 1890, 78-83. — Notes on the larval stages of MotelTa. [1887.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 10, 1891, 156-161. Notes on the British species of Lepadogaster, and on the development of the vertical fins. [1888.] Ediub. Phys. Soc. Proc., 10, 1891, 161-168. — Descriptions of new species of Madrepora in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 458-471; 10, 1892, 451-465. — On the affinities of the genus Madrepora. [1892.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 24, 1894, 353-360. Brook, George, & Calderwood, W. L. Beport on the food of the herring. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Bep., 4, 1886, 102-128. Brook, George, & Ewart, J[ames~\ Cossar. See Ewart & Brook. Brook, George, & Iloylc, William E[vans]. The meta- morphosis of British Euphausiidse. [1888.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc., 15, 1889, 414-420. Brook, George, A Scott, Thumas. List of the marine fauna collected at the Tarbert laboratory during 1885. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Bep., 4, 1886, 231-242. Brook-Fox, F. G. The RUSSELL'S viper. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soe. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 565. — The metric system. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 222. Brooke, Arthur. Krystallographische Untersuchungen. Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1895, 94-97. — [Ueber Uinlagerungen bei den ungesattigten Sauren.] xm. Phenylitaconsaure und isomere Sauren. Liebig's Ann., 305, 1899, 19-41. Brooke, Arthur, & Snape, H[enn/] Lloyd. See Snape [aiiiel] J[ohri\. See Cunningham A Brooks. Brooks, | Miss) Harriet. Damping of electrical oscillations. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1899 (Sect. 3), 13-15. Brooks, Henry. Preliminary remarks on the structure of the siphon and funnel of Nautilus Pompilius. [1887.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc , 23, 1888, 380-382. Brooks, Morrinn, A Steward, J. E. Some experiments upon the "Otto" gas engine. [With introduction by Prof. R. H. THURSTOX.] Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 30, 1884, 89-104. Brooks, (Maj.) T. K. "The method and cost of mining the red specular and magnetic ores of the Marquette iron region of Lake Superior. [1872.] Amer. Inst. Min. Eugin. Trans., 1 (1871-73), 193-202. Brooks, II". Cucullia Artemisise added to the British fauna. Entomologist, 18, 1885, 290. — Callimorpha Hera in South Devon. Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 280-281. Brooks, W\iUiam\ Edicin. For biography scr Ibis, 5, 1899, 4118; Auk, 17, 1900, 1111. — A iVw ornithological notes and corrections. Ibis, 2, 1884, 234-240 ; 3, 1885, 380-389. — Additional notes ou the genus Acanthis. Ibis, 4, 1886, 359-364. — [Note on W. W. CORDEAUX'S paper on the birds of Cashmere, etc., and on Vol. v of the Catalogue of Birds in the British Mu.-eum.] Ibis, 1, 1889, 575-577. — A few remarks on Mr. OATES'S "Birds of British India." Ibis, 4, 1892, 59-62. — A few observations ou some species of Phylloscopus Ibis, 6, 1894, 261-268. — Remarks on RICHARDSON'S merlin (Falco Richardsoni, Ridgieay). Ibis, 2, 1896, 22(5-228. Brooks, William K[eith], Is Salpa an example of alter- nation of generations? Nature, 30, 1884, 367-370. - The recognition, by marine animals, of the hour of the diiy. Science, 4, 1884, 42!l. — A new law of organic evolution. Science, 4, 1884, 532-534. — On the life-history of Eutima, and on radial and bilateral symmetry in hydroids. Zool. Auz., 7, 1884, 709-711. — On a new law of variation. [1884-85.] JohnsHopkins Univ. Circ., [4], 1885, 14-15; Jena. Ztschr., 18, 1885, 452-462. - The life-history of the Hydromedusse : a discussion of the origin of the Medusa;, and1 the significance of metagenesis. [1885.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem., 3 1878-94, 359-430. — On the artificial propagation and cultivation of oysters in floats. [1885.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [5] (1885-86), 10. - Notes on the Stomatopoda. [1885.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [5] (1885-86), 10-11. - A note on inheritance. Including a letter from Fritz MUI.LER. [1885.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [5] (1885- 86), 11-12. - The anatomy and development of the Salpa chain. [188tj.] Johns "Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 3, 1884-87, 451-475. - The Stomatopoda of the Challenger collection. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [.'.] (1885-86), 83-85. - The origin of metagenesis among Hydromedusse. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [5] (1885-86), 86-88. - The life-history of Epenthesis McCradyi (n. sp.). [1888.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 4, 1887-90, 147-162. — On a new method of multiplication in hydroids. [1888.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., 7 (1887-88),' 29-30. — Note ou the ratio between men and women. [1888.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., 7 (1887-88), 30-31. On the Lucayan Indians. [1887.] Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 4 (Pt. 2), 1889, 215-222. — A preliminary abstract of researches by [the author] and F. H. HERRICK on the life-history of Stennpus. [1889.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., 8 (1888-89), 29-30. On tile early stages of echinoderms. [1889.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ , [10 (1890-91)], 101. On the relationship between Salpa and I'yrosoma. [1890.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [9 (1889-90)], 53. — Report upon a physical investigation of the waters off the southern coast of New England, made during the summer of 1889 by the U. S. Fish Commission schooner (jrnm/ius. Report upon the zoological collec- tions. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., SI. 1891. 411-412. -Report of the Marine Laboratory: session of 1891. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [11 (1891-92)], 45. - The genus Salpa. [With a supplementary paper by Maynard M. METCALF.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Mem., 2, 1893, 396 pp. Salpa in its relation to the evolution of life. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 5, 1893. 129-211. The origin of the organs of Salpa. [18SI3.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [12 (1892-93)], 93-97. The nutrition of the Salpa embryo. [1893.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [12 (1892-93)], 97-98. The origin of the oldest fossils and the discovery of the bottom of the ocean. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 2, 1894, 455-479. The origin of the food of marine animals. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 13, 1894, 87-92. An inherent error in the views of G-ALTON and WEIS- MANN on variation. [1894.] Science, 1, 1895, 121-126. — The sensory clubs, or cordyli of Laodice. Jl. Mor- phol., 10, 1895, 287-304. — L^:LL and LAMARCK ; a consideration for Lamarckians. An examination of ROMANES' view of "characters as hereditary and acquired." [1896.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [15 (1895-96)], 75-76. - LYELL. [18116.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [15 (1895-96)], 78-79. Zoology and the philosophy of evolution. Science, 8. 1898, 881-893. Brooks, William K[eith], & Bruce, A[darn] T[odd]. Abstract of researches on the embryology of Limulua Polyphemus. [1885.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [5] (1885-86), 2-4. Brooks, U'illnim K[eith], & Conklin, /•.'(/«•('« I i [rant]. On the structure and development of the gouophores of a certain siphonophore belonging to the order Auro- nectm (//.i>r/i(7). [1891.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., 1 1(1 (1890-911], 87-811. Brooks, William A'[ci(/i]. A Drew, Oilman A. Notes on the anatomy of Yoldia, /. [1896.] Johns Hopkins Tniv. Circ. ,'[15 (1895-96i], 85-86. Brooks, ll'illi'iiii A'|.i///|. ,V Grave, <'iisir<'ll. Ophiura I.H \is|'in:i. [l«SI9.] Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 8, [1902], 711-100. Brooks] 837 [Broom Brooks, William K[eitli], & Herrick, Francis Hobart. The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 5, 1891, 321-576. Brooks, n'il/niiii K[i'ith], & Lefevre, Georye. Budding in IVrophora. [1896.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [15 (1895-96)], 79-81. Brooks, ll'illtam R. *BROOKS'S cometary mass. [1883.] Sidereal Messenger, 2, 1883-84, 149-150. — Observations of a splendid meteor train. Sidereal Messenger, 3, 1884, 167-168. — WOLF'S Cornet. Sidereal Messenger, 3, 1884, 318- 319. — Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen. Astr. Nadir. , 112, 1885, 247-248. • Meteor observations. Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, — Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen 1893 Oct. 16. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 15-16. — [Note on Comet 1894 I.] Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 423. . On a modified form of the Cassegrain telescope. Astr. 177-178. — [BARNARD'S Comet.] Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 186. — Comet Brooks. Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 246. — New star in Andromeda. Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 246-247. — Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen am 26 December. Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 239-240. Entdeckung zweier neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 223-224; Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 185. — Entdeckung eiues neuen Cometen (Brooks 3). Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 335-336; Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886. 217. — Entdeckung eines neuen Cometeu 1887 Jan. 23. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1887, 143-144; Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 113-114. - Neuer Comet. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 279-280; Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 289. — Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen in Geneva, N. Y. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 319-320; Sidereal Messenger, 7, 1888, 353. — The Olbers-Brooks Cornet. Observatory, London, 11, 1888, 90-91 ; Sidereal Messenger, 7, 1888, 89. — Comet Sawerthal. Observatory, London, 11, 1888, 227-228. — Comet a 1888. Sidereal Messenger, 7, 1888, 216. — On a make-and-break circuit for astronomical clocks. Sidereal Messenger, 7, 1888, 346-347. — Entdeckung eines Cometen in Geneva, N. Y. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 303-304, 415-416; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 49, 1889, 327; Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 84. — Neuer Comet 1889 Juli 6. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 117-11H, 143-144. — The white region on Saturn's ring. Observatory, London, 12, 1889, 262-263; Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 190, 233-234. — The occultatiou of a star. Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 190-191. — Occultation of Jupiter [March 23]. Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 235. — Comet Brooks (d 1889). [1889.] Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 363-364; Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 48. — [The occultation of Jupiter on Sept. 3.] Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 369-370; Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 31-32. — Entdeckung eiues neuen Cometen 1890. ..(Marz 19). Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 151-152, 221-222; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 50, 1890, 375-376. — D'ARREST'S Comet. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 465^66. — Discovery of Comet Brooks 1892. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 697; Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 239-240. — Discovery of Comet g 1892 (Brooks). Astr. & Astro- phys., 11, 1892, 941; Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 167-168. — RORDAME'S Comet. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 661. — Comet Brooks (c 1893). [1893.] Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 936-937; Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 187-188. — GALE'S Comet. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 514- 515. Soc. Month. Not., 55, 1895, 324-325. — Discovery of a new Comet d 1895. [1895-96.] Popular Astr., 3, 1896, 209, 211, 270; Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 111-112; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 56, 1896, 328-329. [Auffindung des Cometen 1896 IV.] Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 287-288. — Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen. [1898.] Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 351-352; Popular Astr., 6, 1898, 534-535; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 92-93. Neuer Comet 1900 b (Borrelly-Brooks). Astr. Naehr., 153, 1900, 91-92; Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 400, 463. Broom, R. On the volume of mixed liquids. [Salt solutions and water.] [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 172-174. Broom, Robert. On the monstrosity of the common earth- worm, Lurnbricus terrestris, L. [1888.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1890, 203-206. On the fate of the quadrate in mammals. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 6, 1890, 409-411. On the condition of the auditory ossicles of a synotic cyclopian lamb. [1889.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. i>lier] E[dmun'. See Kussncr it Brosin. Brossard, E. For biographical notice see St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., !i, 1895, 512-513. Broesard de Corbigny, J/n.riHir /•.'«ique consecutive a ['influenza. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 31, 1892 (C. R.), 25-31. Brot, Aun[uste Louis]. For biography and works see Geneve'Soc. Phys. Mem., 32, 1894-97J Pt. 2, Ix-lxi; Jl. de Conch., 45, 1897, 85. — Diagnose de deux especes nouvelles de Melania de 1'Annain. Jl. de Conch.. 35. 1887. 32-35. — Note sur quelques especes de Melanies nouvelles on imparfaiternent counues. [1886.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 4, 1888, 87-109. — Paludomus palawanicus, n. sp. [1891.] Nautilus, 5, 1891-92, 17-18. Brotl 839 [Brouardel — Description de deux Melaniee nouvelles. Jl. de Couch., 42, 1894, 473-475. — On some new species of Melania from Palawan and the neighbourhood. [1894.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc., 1, 1896, 175-177. Brothers, A. The treatment of croup. [1889.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 60-65. Brothers, A If red. The pink sun-glow. [1884.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 24, 1885, 1-3. — On a variation in the size of an image on the retina according to the distance of the background on which it is seen. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 24, 1885, 107-108. — On ocular spectra. [1885.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 25, 1886, 7-8, 76. — Note on apparatus for photographing the moon. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 25, 1886, 205-206. — On a comparison of drawings and photographs of sun- spots, and the Sun's surface. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 26, 1887, 74-78. Brothers, H [onu-e] E[dward]. Note on a nickel arsenide. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 1, 1888, 135-136. Brothers, H[orace] E[dirard], Smith, Watson, & Coutts, J[ames] F[rancis] H[enderson]. See Smith, Coutts & Brothers. Brothers, J. 31., & French, William. See Trench A- Brothers. Brotherston, Andrew. For biographical notice see Ber- wick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 399-402. Brotherston, R. P. The Rev. John LAURENCE, A.M. Giml. Chron., 27, 1900, 129-130, 413-414; 28, 1900, 42. Brothcrus, V[ iV toe] F[erdinun n anTimiiiuoHOBt BT> Espon* If upeilMymecTBCHHO BT> Poccill. [Die Bewegung der Cyklonen and Auticyklonen in Europa, hauptsachlich in Russlaud.] [1882.] St. Petersb., Soc. Russe Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 12, 1884 (No. 1), 87 pp. ; Fortschr. Phys., 1885 (Abth. 3), 378. - FOJIOBOH xn,T,i, OTiuoHeuifl TCMnepaTypti OTT, HopMajibHoii B'l, EsponeScEHXi n,irK.aOHaxi>. [Ueber den jahrlichen Gang der Ternperatur-Anomalien in den europiiischen Cyclonen.] [1884.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Ku. EBpont. [Temporary barometric maxima in Europe.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (/>'».«.), 53, 1886 (Appeml. No. 1), 173 pp. — Die Antieyclonen in Europa. [1886.] Repertm. f. Meteorol., 10,' 1887, No. 8, 23 pp. - 0 pesy.iM'aTaxi cpaBHOiiifl iiopMajitHHxt 6apoM6TpoBi, MaBH-Eftiuiixi, MeTeopojioriiqecKHxt yHpeKjenill EBpOUH. [Vergleichung der Normal- barometer einiger der wichtigsten meteorologischen Institute Europas.] [1888.] Russ. Phys. -Chem. Soo. Jl. , 20 (Plujss.), 1888, 61-62; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 11, 1888, No. 9, 17 pp.; St. Pe'tersb., Soc. Russe G<5ogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 18, 1890 (No. 4), 16 pp. Brouquier, L., & Garrigou, F[rlix]. See Garrigou d- Brouquier. Brousmiche, Edouanl de. Considerations generates sur la vegetation de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Arch. M^d. Navale, 41, 1884, 250-260. 106 Brousmiche] 842 [Brown — Le sol de la Nouvelle-Cale'donie. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 11, 1886, 38-64. — Contribution a la ge'ographie m^dicale. Sainte- Helene. Topographic me'dicale. Histoire naturelle. Arch. Med. Navale, 47, 1887, 5-27. Brousse, \.-litiiuste]. It Gay, [//. .P.] Fr[an<;ois]. Sur le gallate de mercure. Nouvelle preparation antisyphili- tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 284-285. BrouBgeau, Georges. La de'eouverte des sources du Counani, du Cachipour et de la Yaoue'. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. B., 1895, 312-313. Le Conteste franco-bre'silien. Paris, Soc. Ge'ogr. C. B., 1899, 130-140. Brousses, G., A Oerardin, A. Du lympbadenorne. Paris, Ac. M(5d. M^m., 35, 1887, 148 pp. Broutin, (rapit.) - — , & Bocantlc, Bertrand. See Bocand6 ,V Broutin. Brower, J. V, The source of the Mississippi river. Amer. Geologist, 8, 1891, 291-306. - The utmost waters of the Missouri river. Amer. Geogr. Soe. Jl., 28 (1896), 387-391. Browett, Alfred. The Bath oolite and method of quarrying it. [1888.] Midland Natlist. , 12, 1889, 187- 190. Browicz, T[adeusz"\. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber Bewe- gungsphanomene an roten Blutkorperchen in patho- logischen Zustanden. Centrbl. Med. Wiss. , 28, 1890, 625-627. — 0 koni6rkach tucznych EnRLiCHa. (Sur les cellules granuliferes d'EnRLicn.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1890, 195-197. — Ueber Maetzellen im Herzmuskel. Int. Med. COURT. Verh., 1890 {Bd. 2, A bl h. 3), 84-86. Beitrag zur Hietologie rler Gewebsveranderungen nach Injection der Koch'schen Vaccine. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 29, 1891, 1-4. — Ueber die Bedeutung der Veranderungen der Kitt- substanz der Muskelzellbalken des Herzmuskels. Virchow, Arch., 134, 1893. 1-10. Ueber anomale Sehnenfaden im Herzen und deren eventuelle Bedeutung. Virchow, Arch., 145, 1896, 649- 652. — Ueber die Dissociation der Leberlappchen. Virchow, Arch., 148, 1897, 424-427. — Obraz rnikroskopowy komorki watrobnej po wstrzy- kni^ciu do zyly szyjnej rozezynu hernoglobiny. (Das mikroskopische Bild der Leberzelle nach intravenoser Hamoglobininjeetion.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 3577361. — SnSdkomorliOwe kanaliki zotciowe, ich stosunek do wakuol KuprFERa i do pewnej formy patologicznej wakuolizacyi kom6rek watrobnyeh. [Intracellulare Gallengange, ihr Verhaltnis zu den KupftTPclu-n Secretionsvacuolen und gewissen Formen pathologischer Vacuolisation der Leberzellen.] [1897.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Bozpr., 14, 1899, 48-52; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1897, 121-127. — O patologiczuym stanie jadra komorek watrobnyeh, przernawiajacym za tern, iz jadro spelnia funkcya wydzielnicza. [Ueber Befunde im Kerne der Leber- zellen, welche fiir die secretorische Function des Kernes sprechen.] [1897.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Bozpr., 14, 1899, 53-56 ; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull'., 1897, 167- 172. — O budowie kornbrki watrobnej. [Ueber den Bau der Leberzelle.] [1897.] Krakow, Ak. (Mut.-Przyrod.) Bozpr., 14, 1899, 57-62; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1897 186-193. — Jak i w jakiej postaci otrzymuja komorki watrobne hemoglobin?? [Wie und in welcher Form wird den Leberzelleu Hamoglobin zugefuhrt?] [1897.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Bozpr., 14, 1899, 63-66; Cracovie Ac.. Sci. Bull., 1897, 216-220. Krystalizowanie hyaliny w kornorce mi^saka. iKrystallisierbarkeit des Hyalins in der Sarcomzelle.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 281-283. — 0 zjawiskach krystalizacyo w kom6rce watrobnej. |IViu-i Krystallisationsphanomene in der Leberzelle.] [1898.] Kraknw, Ak. (.Mnt.-rrzyrod.) Rozpr., 17, 1900, 46-50; Cracovie Ac. Sei. Bull., 1898, 162-166. — 0 srodnaczyniowych komorkach we wioskowatych, krwionosnych naczyniach zrazik6w watroby. [Ueber intravasculare Zellen in den Blutcapillaren der Leber- aciui.] [1898.] Krakdw, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Bozpr., 17, 1900, 51-53; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 198-200; Arch. Mikr. Anat. , 55, 1900, 420-426. — W sprawie pochodzem'a melaninu w nowotworach barwikowycb. [Zur Frage der Herkunft des Pigmentes in melanotisehen Neubildungeu.] [1898.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 17, 1900, 54-59; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.', 1898, 225-231. — Sztuczna krystalizacya hematoidyny w kom6rce mi^saka barwikowego. [Kiinstliche Krystallisation des Hamatuidins in der Zelle des Melanosaruoms.] [IS'.us.] Krakow, Ak. (Mut.-Przyrod.) Bozpr., 17, 1900, 60-62; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.,' 1898, 268-270. — Ueber die Eiuwirkuug des Formalins auf das in den Geweben vorfindbare Hamoglobin. Virchow, Arch., 162, 1900, 373-374. — Pochianiauie krwinek czerwonych przez komork^ watrobna i stad powstac mogn.ce obrazy w tej koni6rce. [Intussusception der Erythrocyten durch die Leberzelle uud die daraus moglichen Bilder der Leberzelle.] MX'.I'.I.] Krakow, Ak. {Mat.-Przyrod.) Bozpr., 18,1901, 235-239; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 359-365. — Drogi oclzywcze w komorce watrobnej. [Ernahrungs- wege in der Leberzelle.] [18990 Krakow, Ak. (Mat.- Przyrod.) Bozpr., 18, 1901, 240-253; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 365-372. — Budowa przewodow zof ciowych mi^dzykomorkowych i ich stosunek do naczyn krwionosnych wioskowatych. [Bau der intercellularen Gallengauge und ihr Verhaltnis zu den Blutcapillaren.] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.- Przyrod.) Bozpr., 18, 1901, 346-352; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1900, 23-29. — 0 budowie naczyn wioskowatych krwionoSnych i ich stosunku do komorek watrobnyeh. [Bau der intra- acinosen Blutcapillaren und ihr Verhaltniss zu den I,.'l..TZellen.] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Bozpr., 19, 1901, 154-163; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.,' 1900, 201-212. — C/y kanaliki zoiciowe rnie/lzykomorkowe maja wJasne scianki? [Haben die iutercellularen Gallengange eigene Waudungen?] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (.Mnt.-Pi^iir,,,l.) Bozpr., 19,1901,164-172; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.,' 1900, 358-367. Browicz, T[inliiiiii;\ {ft nlii). [Ueber die Storungen des \l\iiranlium. Discussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (B.I. 2, Ahtli. H), W.-'.H). Brown, {Mrs.) - — . The wild animals of Palestine. Iiumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 14, 1898, 68-72. Brown, (Col.) A. Burton-. Ni. Burton-Brown. Brown, A. I). The first record of McCowx's longspur Ijicriling in Minnesota. Ornith. Ool., Hi, 1891, 142. Brown, A. J. *The formation of fissures and the origin of their mineral contents. [1874.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 2 (1873-74), 215-219. Brown, A/ldisnn. Melanthium latifoliuni longipedicel- Uituiu. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 152-153. Brown, Ailriuti J[ohn]. The chemical action of pure cultivations of Bacterium aceti. Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 172-187; 51, 1887, 63S-642. — On an acctu- it inn-nt which forms cellulose. Chem. Soc. .71., 49. 1886, 432-439. Note "ii tin • ivHulu^i' formed by Bacterium xylinum. Chem. Soc. .11.. 51, 1887, 643. Brown] 843 [Brown — Cyclones. Burton-on-Trent Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 139-155. — Some experiments on the numerical increase of yeast cells. Lab. Club Trans., 8, 1890, 64-7(5. — Influence of oxygen and concentration on alcoholic fermentation. Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 369-385. - The specific character of the fermentative functions of yeast cells. Chem. Soc. Jl., 65, 1894, 911-923. — Note on Bacillus subtilis. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 1, 1895, 423-426. — On fermentation. (A reply to a criticism by Prof. DUCLAUX. ) London, Fed. lust. Brewing Jl. 3, 1897, 99-110. - The heat of fermentation. [1900.] London, Fed. Inst. Brewing JL, 7, 1901, 93-103. Brown, Albert W. Life in the deep sea. [1896.] Holmes- dale Nat. Hist. Club Proc., 1896-98, 5-li. — Recent researches in the life-history of eels. [1897.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc., 1896-98, 54-5.5. — On Tetracotyle Petromyzontis, a parasite of the brain of Ammoecetes. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 41, 1899, 489- 498. Brown, Alex. On the structure and affinities of the genus Solenopora, together with descriptions of new species. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 145-151, 195-203, 236. Fragmentation in Linens gesserensis. Roy. Soc. Proc., 61, 1897, 28-29. Do salmon feed in fresh water? The question as viewed from the histologieal characters of the gut. Zool. Anz., 21, 1898, 514-515, 517-523. Brown, Alexander. *[The eclipse of the moon, 1877, Aug. 23.] Observatory, London, 1, 1878, 178. Brown, Alexander Crum. The hypothesis of LE BEL and VAN 'T HOKF. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 2, 1884, 28-32. — [Kinetic theory of gases.] Nature, 32, 1886, 533. — On the hexagonal system in crystallography. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 118-119. — On a case of interlacing surfaces. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 382-386. — On a model of the "half-twist surface." Ediub. Roy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 513-514. — On ferric ferricyauide as a reagent for detecting traces of reducing gases. [1887.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. , 14, 1888, 419. — On the chemical processes involved in the rusting of iron. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1888 (No. 2), 129-136. — On a mode of exhibiting the action of the semi- circular canals of the internal ear. [1888.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 15, 1889, 149-151. — Our sensations of motion. Nature, 40, 1889, 449- 453; Rev. Sci., 44, 1889, 545-551. — On the basicity of acids. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 21, 1890, 69-91. — A new synthesis of dibasic carbon acids. [181)0.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 17, 1891, 53-54. On the relation of optical activity to the character of the radicals united to the asymmetric carbon atom. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 17, 1891, 181-185. — Electrolytic synthesis. Nature, 46, 1892, 401. — On the partition of a parallelepiped into tetrahedra, the corners of which coincide with corners of the parallelepiped. [1894.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Trans., 37, 1895, 711-719. Note on normal nystagmus. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 20, 1895, 352-356. — The relation between the movements of the eyes and the movements of the head. Nature, 52 (1895), 184-188. — Experiment illustrating the modern theory of salt- solution. [1896.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 21, 1897, 57-58. — The practical applications of the coherer. [1897.] Electrician, 40, 1898, 91-93. — On NERNST'S "osmotic experiment" and a definition of osmotic pressure. [1899.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 22, 1900, 439-440. Brown, Alexander Crum, & Bolam, Herbert William. On the electrolysis of potassium ethyl-sulphone-acetate. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc.. 21, 1897, 297. On the electrolysis of ethyl potassium diethoxysucci- nate. [1898.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 22, 1900, 255-257. Brown, Alexander Crum, & Fairbairn, Robert. Note on the action of sodium mercaptide on dibromomalonic ether. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 20, 1896, 383-384. — Preliminary note on dietthio and diethylsulphone derivatives of succinic acid. [1896.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Proc., 21, 1897, 156-159. Brown, Alexander Crum, & Gibson, John. A rule for determining whether a given benzene mono-derivative shall give a wcfrt-di-derivative or a mixture of ortho- and jMm-di-derivatives. Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 367-369. Brown, Alexander Crum, & Walker, Jnmes. [Electrolytic synthesis of dibasic acids.] [1890-93.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 17, 1891, 54-56, 180, 297-298, 299-300; 18, 1892, 95-97; 19, 1893, 243-248; Ediub. Roy. Soc. Trans., 36, 1892, 211-224; 37, 1895, 361-379. — Electrolytic synthesis of dibasic organic acids. Chem. News, 6t>, 1892, 91. Brown, Alfred. The fishes of Loch Lomond and its tributaries. Scot. Natlist., [11, 1891], 114-124. — [The west coast expedition of the Garland during July and August 1892.] Report on Mollusca. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 11, 1893, Pt. 3, 172-175. Char in Loch Lomond. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 192. Brown, Alfred. Grasses and other forage plants. Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. & Proc., 2, 1898, 217-222. Brown, (Commander) Allan D. The electrical distribution of time. Franklin Inst. Jl., 125, 1888, 462-474; 126, 1888, 14-24. See also United States Naval Observatory. Brown, Amos Peaslee. On the young of Baculites com- pressus, Say. [1891.] Nautilus, 5, 1891-92, 19-21; Philad. Ac. 'Nat. Sci. Proc., 1891, 159-160. — • The development of the shell in the coiled stage of Baculites compressus, Say. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1892, 136-141. — A comparative study of the chemical behavior of pyrite and marcasite. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., 33, 1894. 225-243. — The crystallization of molybdenite. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc.', 1896, 210-211. — Section of chalcedony. Amer. Micr. Jl., 18, 1897, 235-236. Brown, Arthur E. On some effects of lightning. Nature, 40, 1889, 543. — Mirages. Nature, 41, 1890, 225. — [Aurora.] Nature, 45, 1892, 60,5. Brown, Arthur Erwin. Description of a new species of Eutsenia. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1889, 421-422. — On a new genus of Colubridas from Florida. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1890, 199-200. — Notes on some snakes from tropical America, lately living in the collection of the Zoological Society of Philadelphia. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1893, 429- 435. — On the true character and relationships of Ursus cinnamomeus, Aud. and Bach. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1894, 119-129. — The occurrence of Macacus leouinus (B/i/th), in eastern Burinah. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1896, 485. Brown, llnrniun. Two new species of asilids from New Mexico. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 103. Brown, C. E. L. Non-synchronous motor for ordinary alternate currents. Electrician, 30, 1893, 358-360, 636- 637. 106—2 Brown] 844 [Brown Brown, ( '. Newton. The Meigs Creek coal seam in Morgan, Muskingum, Guernsey ami Noble counties. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 5, 1884, 1059-1086. • The Pittsburgh coal seam in Jefferson, Belniont and Guernsey counties. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 6, 1888, 595-626. Brown, (.'. Newton (et alii). Table giving elevation above sea level in the several counties of Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 6, 1888, 793-820. Brown, Campbell. On the occurrence of gasteropods (Platyostomella scotoburdigalensis) in a Lepidodendron from' Craigleith quarry, Edinburgh. [1897.] Edinlj. Geol. Soc. Trans., 7, 1899, 244-251. Ueber das Genus Hybodus und seine systematische Stelluug. [1900.] Palteontographica, 46, 1899-1900, 149-174. Brown, Ch. Influence de divers engrais sur la culture des turneps. [2V.] Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 346-349. Brown, diaries Harrington. Rocks and minerals of British Guiana. Timehri, 3, 1889, 35-51. See a/so under Sawkins, Jumes Gay. Brown, Charles Barrinatun, & Judd, Joint Wesley. The rubies of Burma and associated minerals : their mode of occurrence, origin, and metamorphoses. A contribution to the history of corundum. [1895. J Phil. Trans. (A), 187, 1897, 151-228. Brown, Charles Barrinnton, & Sawkins, James <;. Rainy. Note on commercial litmus. Pharm. Jl., 2, 1896, 181. Brown, Jl. liaiuy, & Brown, Daritl. See below. Brown, D. Rainy, & Perkin, William Henry (./"».). Crvptopine. Chem. Soc. Proc., 7, 1891, 166-167. Brown, David. Tests for the purity of chloroform. [With discussion.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1892, 437-447; Pharm. Jl., 23, 1893, 229-230. — Impurity in chloroform. Pharm. Jl., 22, 1892, 709- 770. — Observations on decomposing chloroform. Pharm. Jl., 23, 1893, 792-793. — The decomposition of chloroform containing alcohol. [1893.] Pharm. Jl., 24, 1894, 321. - Notes on lime as a preservative for chloroform. Pharm. Jl.. 7, 1898, 66'.). Brown, Iinviil, & Brown, D. Rainy. Decomposition of alcohol-reduced chloroform. Pharm. Jl., 25, 1896, 836- 837. Brown, litivid Walter. An attempt at a synthetical demon- stration of the primary problems of the differential calculus. Franklin lust. Jl., 144, 1897, 348-366. Brown, K[dwin] Harold. A report of kala iluklt, a form of fever met with in tbe north-east portion of the district of Purnea. Indian Med. Gaz., 33, 1898, 324-330. Brown, (Capt.) E. W. Notes on Heliophobus hispidus, with a description of its larva. [1890.] Eut. Record, 1, 1890-91, 43-45. — [The differentiation of Cidaria russata (truneata) and immanata.] [1891.] Ent. Record, 1, 1890-91, 275. - Notes on breeding Agrotis lunigera. Ent. Record, 2, 1891, 208-209. — Variation in Irish Lepidoptera. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 47-48. Brown, (Capt.) K. W. (et alii). On the occurrence of Tephrosia crepnecularia (biundnlaria) in Ireland. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 322-324. Brown, Kdicanl. Experiments upon two Guibal fans at St. John's colliery, Normanton. [With discussion.] Fed. lust. Min. Engin. Trans., 4, 1893, 532-542; 5, 1893, 376- 878. Brown, Kdicurd J. A trip to Cobb's island, Virginia. Oruith. Ool., 16, 1891, 154. — Alle alle in Virginia. Auk, 10, 1893, 204. - The black tern at Washington, D. C. Auk, 11, 1894, 73. Dendroica striata in summer at Washington, D. C. Auk, 11, 1894, 79. Bird notes from Virginia. Auk, 11, 1894, 259. Brown, J-'.dirin Ormund. For biographical notice see Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 344-345. Brown, (.1/iss) Elizabeth. For biography and works see Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ. , 11, 1899, 131-132; Leopoldina, 35, 1899, 134-135; Observatory, London, 22, 1899, 171- 172; Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 26. 1900, 214-215. — *The aurora of 1881, January 31. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 92. - *[The remarkable sunsets.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884. 132. - The sky-glows. Nature, 30, 1884, 607. — Aurora?. Nature, 31, 1885, 458. — Remarkable rime and mist. Nature, 39, 1889, 342. — Anthelie. Astronomie, 1893, 278. — Variable orange stars. Observatory, London, 18, 1895, 200-201. — Observations of variable and suspected variable stars. [1896.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 5, 1897, 28-29. — I'nusual darkness. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 24, 1898, 166. See also British Astronomical Association. Brown, /•>»<•.<( W[illiain]. On the determination of a certain class of inequalities in the moon's motion. [1891.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 71-80. — On the part of the parallactic class of inequalities in the moon's motion, which is a function of the ratio of the mean motions of the Sun and moon. [1891.] Cam- bridge Phil. Soc. Proe., 7, 1892, 220-221. — On the part of the parallactic inequalities in the moon's motion which is a function of the mean motions of the Sun ami moon. Amer. Jl. Math., 14, 1892, 141-160. — Note on the lunar theory. [1892-94.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 408^09; 54, 1894, 471; 55, 1895, 3-6. — The elliptic inequalities in the lunar theory. Amer. Jl. Math., 15, 1893, 244-263, 321-338. — Investigations in the lunar theory. Amer. Jl. Math., 17, 1895, 318-358. — Note on HAXSEN'S lunar and planetary theories. [1895.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 56, 1896, 52-53. — Note on Mr. STONE'S paper, "Expressions for the elliptic coordinates of a moving point to the seventh order of small quantities." Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 56, 1896, 370-371. — Ou the application of the principal function to the solution of DELAUNAY'S canonical system of equations. London Math. Soc. Proc., 27, 1896, 385-390. — On the application of JACOBI'S dynamical method to the general problem of three bodies. [1896.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 28, 1897, 130-142. — On certain properties of the mean motions and the secular accelerations of the principal arguments used in the lunar theory. [1896.] London Math. Soc. Proc., I'M, 1897, 143-155. — Ou the theoretical values of the secular accelerations in the lunar theory. Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 57, 1897, 342-349. - Report on the recent progress of solids and fluids. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 53-64. — Oil the mean motions of the lunar perigee and node. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 57, 1898, 332-341, 566-567. Brown] 845 [Brown • Theory of the motion of tbe moon ; containing a new calculation of the expressions for the coordinates of the moon in terms of the time. Astr. Soc. Mem., 53, 1899, 39-116, 163-202. • On tide currents in estuaries and rivers. [1899-1 Ann. Math., 1, 1900, 68-71. — A possible explanation of the sun-spot period. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 60, 1900, 599-606. — On the solution of a pair of simultaneous linear differential equations, which occur in the lunar theory. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 18, 1900, 94-106. Brown, Ernest 11". Notes on Cetraria islandica (Iceland moss). Amer. Jl. Physiol., 1, 1898, 455-460. — A note on the cholesterin-esters of birds' blood. Amer. Jl. Physiol., 2, 1899, 306-309. Brown, Ernest W., & Mendel, Lafayette Benedict]. See Mendel & Brown. Brown, F[rederic] I)[ouglas]. The maintenance of the Sun's heat. [1885.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 18, 1886, 394-399. — The luminosity of flames. [1886.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 19, 1887, 603-604. - The insulation of cold-stores. [1897.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 30, 1898, 44-49. Brown, F. Tilden. Renal tuberculosis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 65, 1897, 377-380, 447-452, 479-487. Brown, Francis. Recent explorations in Egypt. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 19 (1887), 164-193. Brown, G[erahl] C[ttlmer], The apatite deposits of the province of Quebec. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 716-717. Brown, G. L. Experiments with ships' models. Barrow Field Club Rep. , 8, 1893, 25-26. — The hydrostatics of ship-building. [1894.] Barrow Field Club Rep., 10, 1895, 63-64. Brown, (Rcr.) George. Papuans and Polynesians. [1886.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 16, 1887, 311-327. — Life history of a savage. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 778- 790. — Notes on a recent journey to New Guinea and New Britain. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 790-797. — On totemism in New Britain and Samoa. [1898.] Queensland, Ann. Rep. Brit. N. Guinea, 1897-98, 137. — Some New Britain customs. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1900, 307-312. Brown, George L[incoln]. Note on HOLDER'S theorem concerning the constancy of factor-groups. N. Y. Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 1, 1895, 232-234. Brown, George S. The subcutaneous injection of salt solution. N. Y. Med. Jl., 65, 1897, 390-392. Brown, (,S'iY) George T. Micro-organisms, with special relation to anthrax. [1887.] Agr. Stud. Gaz., 3, 1886- 88, 109-111. — Annual report[s] of the Royal Veterinary College on the investigations conducted in 1888 [and 1889] for the Royal Agricultural Society. Agr. Soc. JL, 25, 1889, 309- 329 ; 1, 1890, 184-192. — Contagious foot-rot in sheep. Agr. Soc. Jl., 3, 1892, 276-291; 4, 1893, 429^31. — The prevalence of anthrax in Great Britain. Agr. Soc. Jl., 5, 1894, 265-271. — On glanders. Agr. Soc. Jl., 6, 1895, 15-29. — Ringworm of calves. Agr. Soc. Jl., 6, 1895, 308-326. — Parasites of the lungs of the sheep. Agr. Soc. Jl., 8, 1897, 20-38. — On tuberculosis. [1899.] Agr. Stud. Gaz., 9, 1898- 1900, 101-105. Brown, //. Rowland. Some observations made in Switzer- land, August, 1896. Les Avants, Evolena, Arolla. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 25-28. Polyommatus (Plebeius) Zephyrus, var. Lycidas. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 294. — An Easter holiday at Hyeres. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 137-140. August collecting in the Val d'Anniviers. Ent Record, 10, 1898, 281-284. — Collecting in the Chilterns. Ent. Record, 11 1899 98-100. — Susa in June : a further contribution to the fauna of Piedmont. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 290-293, 352. — Digne revisited. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 57-59, 93-95. — Over three passes, the Spliigen, the Stelvio, and the Brenner, with some notes on the butterflies by the way Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 309-312. Brown, H. Y. Lyell. Notes on the geological features of the Teetulpa "goldfields. [1887.] S. Aust. Roy. Soc Trans., 10, 1888, 82-83. — The Mesozoic plains of South Australia (south of lat. 26°). Aust. Ass. Rep., 1888, 241-245, xxxv. Brown, Harold. Commercial liquid extract and tincture of Cinchona. Pharm. Jl., 25, 1895, 1180-1181. Brown, Harold, & Dunstan, Wyndham R[aivland]. See Dunstan .\ Brown. Brown, Harold P. The permanent protection of under- ground pipes from electrolytic corrosion. Electrician 35, 1895, 293-295. Brown, Henry C. [Ueber Lactonsiiuren, Lactone und un- gesattigte Sauren. i.] (13) Salicylaldehyd und Brenz- weinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 255, 1889, 285-292. Brown, Henry H. Humming-bird hawk-moth (Macro- glossa stellatarum) in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. 1894, 118. — Euchloe Cardamines in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 183-184; 1896, 192-193. — Nisoniades tages in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 199. — Polyommatus (Zizera) minima in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 193. — Clifden nonpareil in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 49. — Death's-head moth in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 49. — Euchelia (Hipocrita) Jacobtes (L.), and its food-plant. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 54. - Pygasra (Phalera) bucephala (L. ), in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 54. — Hawk-moths in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist , 1899 241. — Sirex juvencus, Linn., in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 55. Brown, Herbert. louornis martinica in Arizona. Auk 5, 1888, 109. — On the nesting of PALMER'S thrasher. Auk, 5 1888 116-118. — The scarlet ibis (Guara rubra) in Arizona. Auk, 16, 1899, 270. — The California vulture in Arizona. Auk, 16, 1899, — The conditions governing bird life in Arizona. Auk 17, 1900, 31-34. Brown, Herbert H. On spermatogenesis in the rat. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1885, 343-36!). Brown, Horace T. Ueber Maltodextrin, Entgegnuug an A. HERZFELD. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 433- 435. — A chapter in the physical geography of the past. Presidential address given to the Burton -on -Trent Natural History and Archaeological Society. [1887.] Midland Natlist., 11, 1888, 198-203, 224-228, 246-251, 281-287, 308-313; Burton-on-Treut Nat. Hist. Soc Trans., 1, 1889, 37-67. - The Rhfetie beds. [1884.] Burton-on -Trent Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 1-7. — A grain of barley. [Presidential address, 1888.] Burton-on-Trent Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 86-113. — The Permian rocks of the Leicestershire coal-field. [1888.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889, 1-38. Brown] 84G [Brown — Some varieties of huskless barley from Thibet. [1890.] Eurton-on-Trent Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2, [1892], 30-31. — Notes on a summer tour in Norway. [1891.] Burton- on-Trent Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2, [1892], 70-89. — On the search for a cellulose-dissolving (cyto-hydro- lytic) enzyme in the digestive tract of certain grain- feeding animals. Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 352-364. — On the starch of the chlorophyll-granule, and the chemical processes involved in its dissolution and trans- location. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 811-813. — On a recent boring in the Trias at Stratford-on-Avon. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 54-58. — On a recent visit to the Dalmatian coast with some remarks on the physical history of the Mediterranean. [1893.] Burton-on-Trent Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 3, [1897], 43-71. — On some recent advances in brewing in the United States. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 3, 1897, 467- 478. — The passive condition of resting protoplasts. [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 150. — [Presidential address to the Chem. Sect. The fixation of carbon by plants.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 664-683. — Some recent work on the diffusion of gases and liquids. Chem. News, 82, 1900, 161-162. — [Chlorophyll a sensitiser.] Nature, 62 (1900), 103. Brown, Horace T., & Escombe, F[ergusson], Note on the influence of very low temperatures on the germinative power of seeds. Roy. Soc. Proc., 62, 1898, 160-165. — On the depletion of the endosperm of Hordeum vulgare during germination. Roy. Soc. Proc., 63, 1898, 3-25. — Static diffusion of gases and liquids in relation to the assimilation of carbon and translocation in plants. Phil. Trans. (B), 193, 1900, 223-291. Brown, Horace T., & Millar, J[ames] H[ill]. Malto- dextrin : its oxidation-products and constitution. Chem. Soc. Jl., 75, 1899 (Pt. I), 286-308. — Attempts to prepare pure starch derivatives through their nitrates. Chem. Soc. Jl., 75, 1899 (Pt. I), 308- 315. — The stable dextrin of starch transformations, and its relation to the maltodextrins and soluble starch. Chem. Soc. Jl., 75, 1899 (Pt. I), 315-337. Brown, Harare T., & Morris, G[eorge] Harris. On the non-crystallisable products of the action of diastase upon starch. Chem. Soe. Jl., 47, 1885, 527-570, 938; Liebig's Ann., 231, 1885, 72-136. — The determination of the molecular weights of the carbo-hydrates. Chem. Soc. Jl., 53, 1888, 610-621; 55, 1889, 462-474. — The aniylodextrin of W. NAGELI, and its relation to soluble starch. Chem. Soc. JL, 55, 1889, 449-461. — Note on the identity of cerebrose and galactose. Chem. Soc. Jl., 57, 1890, 57-59. — Researches on the germination of some of the Gramineie. Part i. Chem. Soc. Jl., 57, 1890, 458-528. — On the analysis of a beer of the last century, with some remarks upon the estimation of amyloins (malto- dextrins) in beer. Lab. Club Trans., 3, 1890, 81-89. — On certain functions of hops used in the dry hopping of beers. [1893.] Inst. Brewing Trans., 6, 1892, 94-104. — A contribution to the chemistry and physiology of foliage leaves. Chem. Soc. Jl., 63, 1893, 604-677. — On a case of bacterial infection by air-sown organisms: a practical study. [1894.] London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 1, 1895, 14-21. — Note on the action, in the cold, of diastase on starch- paste. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1895, 309-313. — On the "isomaltose" of C. J. LINTNKH. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1895, 709-738. - The relation of the "initial heat" of the mash to the "striking heat." London, i'ed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 5, 1899, 338-350. Brown, Horace T., & Pickering, Spencer [Percirnl] I'm- freville. Thermal phenomena attending the change in rotatory power of freshly prepared solutions of certain carbohydrates with some remarks on the cause of multi- rotation. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 (Pt. 2), 756-783. — Thermo-chemistry of csirbohydrate hydrolysis. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 (Pt. 2), 783-795. Brown, Horace T., Morris, G[eorye] Harris, & Millar, J. H. Experimental methods employed in the examina- tion of the products of starch-hydrolysis by diastase. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 (Pt. 1), 72-108, (Pt. 2), 1241. — Specific rotation of maltose and of soluble starch. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 (Pt. 1), 109-114, (Pt. 2), 1241. — The relation of the specific rotatory and cupric- reducing powers of the products of starch hydrolysis by diastase. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 (Pt. 1), 115-123. — The solution density and cupric-reducing power of dextrose, levulose, and invert-sugar. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 (Pt. 1), 275-284. Brown, Hubert H. Capture of another Ardetta neoxena at Toronto, Ontario. Auk, 10, 1893, 363-364. Brown, J. The departure of swallows. [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 6. Brown, J. A . Amador county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 98-123. — Calaveras county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 147-152. Brown, J^imes] Campbell. 'Analyses of rocks from the 1300 feet deep bore-hole, at Bootle. [1879.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc., 4, 1885, 63. — [Technical education with special reference to the chemical industries.] Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 565-569. — On poivrette. Analyst, 12, 1887, 23-25, 47-48. — On long pepper. Analyst, 12, 1887, 67-70. — On another new pepper adulterant. Analyst, 12, 1887, 89-90. — Report on the work done by the Liverpool Association for the Promotion of Technical Education. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, 350-351. Brown, J. F. Peroxide of hydrogen, its actual strength as found in commerce. Pharm. Jl., 14, 1884, 713-714. - The assay of hydrogen peroxide. Pharm. Jl., 3, 1896, 271. Brown, J. Graham, & Boy, Charles S[mart~\. See Roy & Brown. Brown, J. Graham, Koy, Charles S[mart], & Sherrington, Charles .S'fcotr]. See Roy, Brown it Sherrington. Brown, J. J. Notes on the Mollusca of the Bahamas. [1886.] Conchologists' Exchange, 1, 1886-87. 12-13. Brown, James T[liomas]. For biographical notice and works see Chem. Soc. JL, 65, 1894, 382-383. - The orthophote. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 778. Brown, James Temple. '[Descriptive catalogues of the collections sent from the U. S. to the International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883. constituting a report upon the American section.] E. The whale fishery and its appliances. [1883.] 0. S. Mus. Bull., 27, 1884, 271- 295, 300-386. Brown, John. For biography and list of works see Essex Natlist., 4, 1890, 158-168. Brown, John. Formation of a stalactite by vapour. [1885.] Belfast Nat. Hist. Soc. Rep. & Proc. (1884-85), 34. — A theory of voltaic action. [1886.] Roy. Soc. Proc 41, 1887, 294-315. — On figures produced by electric action on photographic dry plates. Phil. Mag., 26, 1888, 502-505; Belfast Nat. Hist. Soc. Rep. & Proc. (1888-89), 86. — On OSTWALD'S experiments on electrolytic dissociation. Electrician, 22, 1889, 676. — On HELMHOLTZ'S theory of mercury-dropping elec- trodes, and the difference of potential between clean Brown] 847 [Brown mercury and electrolytes. Phil. Mag., 27, 1889, 384-392 ; 29, 1890, 37«. - On tlie electrification of the effluvia from chemical or from voltaic reactions. Phil. Mag., 30. 1890. 21-30. — On dropping-mercury electrodes. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 170-171. — On the role of the cation in voltaic combinations; particularly those containing chlorides of iodine and bromine. Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 449-464. — On the theory of electrolytic conduction of CLAUSIUS ; and on some recent evidence for the dissociation theory of electrolysis. [1891.] Phil. Mag., 33, 1892, 82-89. — On the difference of potential at the contact of mutually reacting liquids. Phil. Mag., 33, 1892, 532- 539. — Voltaic cells with fused electrolytes. [1892.] Boy. Soc. Proc., 52, 1893, 75-91. Electrolytic crystallization of metals. [1894.] Belfast Nat. Hist. Soc. Eep. & Proc. (1894-95), 28-33. — Patterns produced by charged conductors on sensitive plates. [1897.] Nature, 55 (1896-971, 269-270, 294. — Some experiments bearing on the theory of voltaic action. Boy. Soc. Proc., 64, 1899, 369-374. — Some matters electric. [1900.] Belfast Nat. Hist. Soc. Bep. & Proc. (1900-1901), 17-34. - The viagraph. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 870. Brown, John. Notes on the ova and larvse of Bankia argentula. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 4-5. — Mesosa nubila in Huntingdonshire. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88. 83-84. Brown, John. Cocaine. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 31, 1888, 555-559. Brown, John, & Steven, John Lindsay. See Steven & Brown. Brown, ,7o/in. Anchor ice. [1889.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 24, 1890, 39-41. Brown, -John. Some elementary facts regarding the foci of lenses, with special reference to DALLMEYER'S new tele-photographic lens. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 23, 1892, 225-236. Brown, John A . Harvie-. . 465-477, 478-491 1. -New /.-aland Musci. [1897-99.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 30, 1898, 398-399, 399-409, 409-410, 411- 412,412-414; 31,1899,437-442,442-470; 32,1900,137- 148. Notes on the New Zealand Musci : on a proposed new genus. [1899.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 32, 1900, 148- 149. Brown, Hohrrt. Observations of Transit of Mercury, 1894 November 10, made at Yale University Observatory, New Haven, Conn., November 26, 1894. [1894.] Astr. Jl., 14, 1896, 149. Brown, Ryland T. Geological and topographical survey of Hamilton and Madison counties, Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 14, 1884, 20-40. — Hancock county. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 15, 1886, 187-197. ' Brown, S. U. The Lower Coal Measures of Monongalia and Preston counties, W. Va. Amer. Geologist, 9, 1892, 224-228. Brown, Siimuel. *0n a general method of approximation to the values of annuities and assurances, for long terms of years, depending on one or two lives. [1>-50.] Assur. Mag., [1, 1851], 20-40. - *0n the fires in London during the seventeen years from 1833 to 1849 inclusive, showing the numbers which occurred in different trades, and the principal causes by which they were occasioned. Assur. Mag., [1, 1851], 31 (i;'s)-62 (tii -• \ - ""Sketch of the recent progress of the assurance of life and property on the continent. [1851.] Assur. Mag., [1, 1851], 293-307; 2, 1852, ll',-32. — *0n the uniform action of the human will, as exhibited by its mean results in social statistics. Assur. Mag., 2, 1852, 341-351. — *0n the influence of the ages of the parents at the time of marriage on the sex of children, and on the proliricness of marriages. [1852.] Assur. Mag., 3, 1853, 17-28. *0n a simple plan of classifying the policies of a life assurance company, so as to possess, at any time, the means of forming a table of the mortality experiences in the office. Assur. Mag., 4, 1854, 282-291. - *0n the rate of sickness and mortality amongst the members of friendly societies in France. Assur. Mag., 5, 1855, 208-220. - *On the origin and progress of the calculus of pro- babilities. [1856.] Assur. Mag., 6, 1857, 131-147. — *0n the proportion of marriages at different ages of the sexes. [1857.] Assur. Mag., 7, 1858, 1H8-200. — *0n the investments of the funds of assurance companies. Assur. Mag., 7, 1858, 241-254. - *0n the progress of tire insurance in Great Britain, as compared with other countries. Assur. Mag., 7, 1868, 259-272, 341-349; 8, 1860, 27-44. - *An account of the plan, objects, and progress of tin- International Association for obtaining a uniform decimal system of measures, weights, and coins. [1858.] Assur. Mag., 8, 1860. 156-162, 263-268. - "On the mortality amongst American assured lives. [1859. J Assur. Mag., 8, 1860, 184-204. - "On the rate of mortality and marriage amongst Europeans in India. [1862.] Assur. Mag., 11, 1864, 1-39. — * Report ou the Fifth International Statistical Congress, held at Berlin, Sept. 6th to 12th, Isitt. Assur. Mag., 11, 1864, 195-224. — *0n the metric system of weights and measures, and its proposed adoption in [Great Britain]. Assur. Mag., 11, 1864, 263-279. - *On the present position of friendly societies in England and Wales. Assur. Mag., 11, 1864, 333-356. •Eighth census of the United States, in 1860. Assur. Mag., 13, 1867, 226-231. - *0n the mortality in the United States of America, as deduced from the last census, in 1860. Assur. Mag., 13, 1867, 272-293. - *Report on the Sixth International Statistical Congress. [1HIV7.] Inst. Act. JL, 14, 1869, 165-175. - *0n the rate of mortality amongst the natives com- pared with that of Kuropeans in India. [1871.] Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, 187-216. *Tables deduced from the new experience table H'"f (adjusted). Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, 428-133. - *Rev. John HODGSON'S clergy life tables. Inst. Act. .11., 17, 1873, 339. — *0n the application of the binomial law to -t itistical enquiries, illustrated by the law of the growth of man at different ages. Inst. Act. Jl., 17. 1873. 340-351. Brown, Smnnfl. For biographical notice sec Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 109, 1892, 395-398. — On locusts in Cyprus. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1888, 716- 717. — Great rainfall at Hong Kong, May 2!l and 30, 1889. [1890.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891, 49-54. Brown, S,ui;ii'r. [Effects of removal of certain parts of the brain cortex.] Jl. Physiol., 8, 1887, ix. — Acute ascending paralysis (LAXDRY'S disease), followed by ataxic paraplegia. Brain, 13, 1890, 375-382. — On hereditary ataxv, with a series of twenty-one cases. Brain, 15, 1892, 250-268. Brown, Ni/m/'T. \ Meyer, Adolf. ,SVr Meyer A' Brown. Brown, Sunin'r. .V Schafer, E[dward] A[lbert], An in- vestigation into the functions of the occipital and temporal lobes of the monkey's brain. [1887.] Phil. Trans. (B), 179, 1889, 303-327. Brown, Htiiiismt J[nsfph]. [Report of the Eclipse Expedition to Caroline Island, May, 1883.] Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 2, 1884, 136-139. — Magnetic observations made at the United States Naval Observatory, during the year 1892. [1893.] U.S. Naval Obs. Obsns"., 1889 (Append. 1), 73 pp. Declinations of 36 stars from observations with prime- vertical transit of the United States Naval Observatorv. Astr. .11. . 11, 1892, 177-182. 185-191; 12, 1893, 8. - Note on the latitude of the Naval Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 133. 1893. 303-304. — [Comet ,• 1894 (E. Swift).] Astr. Jl., 14, 1895, 166. — Observations of Comet c 18SI4 (E. Swift), made with the 26-inch equatorial of the U. S. Naval Observatory. Astr. Jl., 15, 1895, 31-32. — [Comet -inch equatorial. [1896.] Astr. Jl., 17, 1897, 4O. — Observations of the companion of Sirius. made with thp 26-incli telescope of the U. S. Naval Observatory. [1896.] Astr. JL, 17, 1897. 4ii-47. < ibsi-i-VHtidiis of Comet l-s.s'.t V (Brooks = e 1896), made at the U. S. Naval Observatory with 26-inch equatorial. [1896.] Astr. Jl., 17, 1897, 55. Brown | 851 [Brown-Sequarcl — Observations of Comets lx% V, 18516 VII and./' 1896, made at the U. S. Naval Observatory. Astr. .11., 17, 1897, 160. — Observations of Comet 1896 VI ( = 1889 V), made at the U. S. Naval Observatory. Astr. .11., 17, 1897, 175- 176. — Observations of D'ARREST'S Comet (a 1897), made at the U. S. Naval Observatory (26-inch equatorial). [1897. ] Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 79. ' — Observations of Titan-Iapetus, and the mass of Saturn. [1898.] Astr. .11.. 19, 1899, 81-88. — Observations of planet DQ, made at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the '26-inch equatorial. [1898.] Astr. Jl., 19, 1899, 147. — Observations of Eros, made at the U. S. Naval Obser- vatory, Washington, D. C. Astr. Jl., 19, 1899, 196: 20, 1900, 56. — Orbits of the satellites of Mars from observations made at the U. S. Naval Observatory and the Lick Observatory, 1894-96. [1899.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 81- 90. — Orbit of Neptune's satellite. [1899.] Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 134-137. — Position of the equator and flattening of Neptune, derived from the perturbation of the orbit of its satellite. Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 181-185. — Observations of double stars with the 26-inch equa- torial at the U. S. Naval Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 329-350. — Feasibility of obtaining the solar parallax from simul- taneous micrometer observations of (433) Eros. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 131-134; Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 353- 355. — Preliminary results of the United States Naval Obser- vatory Eclipse Expeditions. Astrophys. JL, 12, 1900, 58-69. — [International Astrophotographic Conference of July 1900.] Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 359-362. Brown, Stimson J[oseph], Flint, Albert S[towel], & Egbert, //. T". Results of meridian circle observations, 1888-90. [With an introduction by George C. COMSTOCK.] Wash- burn Obs. Publ., 8, [Pt. 1], 1892, 1-300, (Pt. 2|, 326- 327. Brown, Stimmni J[oxep/i], Frisby, Ktli/ar, Hill, George A[mlreics], & Anderson, George. Sec Frisby, Brown, Hill A Anderson. Brown, T. A list of the birds of Tynron parish. [1885.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 4, 1887, 113-121. Brown, T. Former. [Presidential address to the Mech. Sci. Sect. Recent progress in mechanical science.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 749-756. — The mechanical and economic problems of the coal question. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1898, 611-618. Brown, (Jler.) Thomtts. For biography and works see Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [14], 1894/339-346; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 20, 1895, xxix-xxxv. Brown, Thomas. On the failure of sulphate of ammonia in manuring experiments. Chem. News, 53, 1886, 182. Brown, Tlmiiui;.. The determination of antimony in ores. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 21, 1899, 780-789. Brown, Thomas R. Studies on trichinosis, with especial reference to the increase of the eosinophilic cells in the blood and muscle, the origin of these cells and their diagnostic importance. Jl. Exper. Med., 3, 1898, 315- 347. Brown, IT. C. A note on reugas poisoning. Singapore Roy. Asiat. Soc. Jl., 24, 1891. 83-85. Brown, ll'[illiam] G[eorge]. A new hydrous manganous aluminic sulphate from Sevier Co., Tenn. [1884.] Amer. Chem. JL, 6 (1884-85), 97-101. — On cassiterite from Irish Creek, Rockbridge Co., Virginia. [1884.] Amer. Chem. .II. , 6 (1884-85), 185- 187. — [On a singular phenomenon. J [1884.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 1 (1884-85), 198. — [The remarkable sunsets.] Nature, 29, 1884, 309. - The sky-glows. [18S4.] Nature, 31, 1885, 5. — On a quartz-twin from Albemarle county, Virginia. Amer. Jl. Sci., 30, 1885, 191-194. — Iridescent clouds. Nature, 31, 1885, 315. — Crystallographic notes. Ann T. .11. Sci., 32, 1886, 377- 380. — A light fog. Nature, 36, 1887, 556-557. — Concerning the name of the element Columbian). Jl. Anal. Chem., 6, 1892, 581. — The constitution of magnetic oxid of iron. Jl. Anal. Chem., 7, 1893, 26-28. Brown, ]f'[illia,m] G[forye], & Campbell, II\cnrij} l>[onald\. See Campbell & Brown. Brown, W[illiam] G[eortic\, & Qoss, Arthur. See Cross & Brown. Brown, II". H. Patents connected with the microscope. 1666-1800. Micr. Soe. JL, 1895, 257-273. Brown, W[illiam} l.[owe]. Elasticity of Portland cements. [1897.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 137, 1899. 402-412. Brown, If". Luniidon. Note on the chemical constitution of the rnesoglcjea of Alcyonium digitatum. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 37, 1895, 389-393. Brown, Jl". Piffe. Winter temperatures on mountain summits. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 19, 1893, 149-151. Brown, 1C. I". McKim Observatory. Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 305-307. — The Cartesian oval and related curves as sections of the anchor ring. [1892.] Ann. Math., 6 (1891-92), 161- 162. — The collimation of a reversible transit-instrument. Observatory, London, 23, 1900, 97. Brown, Walter Lee. American method for the testing of tallow for railroad use. Analyst, 11, 1886, 153-155. — Notes on the analysis of chrome paints. [1886.] School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 8, 1887, 81-86. — Amount of ash iu American tallows. Analyst, 12, 1887, 71. Brown, William. For biographical notice see Leopoldina, 23, 1887, 56; Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 9, 1888. 393. Brown, William. *Answers to fallacies on the decimal question ; balance of trade, exchanges, and common coins. Assur. Mag., 5, 1855, 304-309. Brown, William. [Instinct in birds.] Nature, 29, 1884, 428; 30. 1884, 56-57. Brown, William. Preliminary experiments on the effects of percussion in changing the magnetic moments of steel magnets. [1886.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 18, 1887, 41-17. — The effects of percussion and annealing on the magnetic moments of steel magnets. Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 420^133. — Note on steel magnets. [1888.] Phil. Mag., 27, 1889, 270-276. Brown, William, Barrett, W[illiam] F[letclier], & Hadfield, Robert Abhott. See Barrett, Brown A Hadfield. Brown, William. Canadian experiments in animal growth and dairy produce. Highland Soc. Trans., 12, 1900, 137-161. Brown-Sequard, C[liarl:'s] K[douard]. For biography and works sue Arch, de Phyxii.L, 6, 1894, 501-516 ;' Biol. Centrbl., 14, 1894. 785-800; Fortschr. Med., 12 (1894), 570-571; Leopoldina, ,-!D, 1894, 108-109; Nature, 49 (1893-94), 556-557; N. Y. Med. JL, 59, 1894, 575; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 1040-1042; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 {C. R.), 759-770; Kev. Sci., 2, 1894, 737- 743; 10, 1898, 801-812; Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 20, 1894, 296; Wieu. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 684; Amer. Ac. Proc., 30, 1895, 589-592; Indian Med. Gaz., 29, 1895, 198; Smithsonian Rep., 1898, 677-696. - *Nouvelles recherches sur 1'apparition de contracture 107—2 Brown-Sequard] [Brown-Sequard apres la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 34, 1882 (C. R.), 25-28. - *Eecherches ayant pour objet d'etablir que les lesions encephaliques unilaterales si elles determinent une he.mi- plegie complete ou considerable, produisent aussi de la paresie dans les autres membres, surtout dans 1'inferieur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. Ii.), 28-30. - *Rege'neration dn nerf sciatique dans une longueur de douze centimetres, dans 1'espace de dix semaines chez un petit singe. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 30-31. — *Persistance de 1'etat normal de la nutrition dans un membre de singe paralyse' par suite de 1'ablation du nerf sciatique clans toute sa longueur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 31-32. - *Faits montraut que les mouvements produits par Virritation des diverses parties de 1'eucephale sont tres differents de ceux qui devraient surveuir d'apres les doctrines admises a 1'egard des appareils moteuret sensitif du systeme cerebro-spinal. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. A1.), 246-251. - *Eecherches relatives a la production de mouvements dans les membres, sous 1'influence d'irritations de diverses parties de 1'eneephale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. B.), 279-283. - *Faits rnontrant combien sont vari<5es et nombreuses les voies de communication entre les zones motrices de la Mirface cerebrale et les membres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 328-332. - *Nouvelles recherches sur la production d'une anes- thesie complete an larynx. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. 7M, 649-650. - *Production d'anestbesie generale sous 1'influence de 1'irritatiou de la muqueuse laryngee par de 1'acide car- bonique ou du chloroforme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. B.), 799-804. - 'Production d'anesthesie surtout dans une des moities du corps par une irritation du larynx, apres la section d'un des uerfs larynges superieurs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 816-819. - *Sur la possibilite de produire par une irritation peri- phe,rique, soit line paralysie generale sans anesthesie, soit de 1'anesthesie sans paralysie, suivant le lieu de ['irritation. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C'. A.), 27-30. - *Sur 1'inbibition soudaine des activites et des fonc- tions de 1'encephale, avec arret des echanges entre les tissus et le sang, sous 1'influence d'une piqiire du bulbe racbidien. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 87-91. - *Snr 1'apparition d'un etat cataleptiforme apres la mort. [1883.] Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 3-5, 1884 (C. A'.). 191-193. - *Sur 1'apparition, apres la mort, d'un etat catalepti- forme du a certaines lesions du centre eerebro-spinal, chez les oiseaux. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 1C. A.), 206-210. - *Sur 1'importance de 1'emploi simultane de la morpbine et de Patropine dans la plupart des cas oil 1'on doit faire usage de 1'une de ces substances. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 289-290. - *Recherehes experiruentales et cliniques pur le mimentales paraissant montrer que les muscles atteints de rigidite cadaverique restent doues de vitalite jusqu'a 1'apparition de la putrefaction. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 926-929. — Causes des alterations de nutrition qui suivent la section du nerf sciatique et du nerf crural, chez les cobayes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 146- 147. — Production d'epilepsie spinale par une lesion du cervelet. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. A.I, 149- 151. — Inhibition de la sensibilite a la douleur dans le corps tout entier sous 1'influence de 1'irritation de la muqueuse laryngee par la cocaine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37. 1885 (C. R.), 167-170. — Du role de 1'arret des echauges entre le sang et les tissus, de la contracture et de Finhibition a 1'egard du degre d'energie et de la duree des propri^tes des nerfs et des muscles apres la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 185-189. Recherches sur 1'auginentation de la tonicite muscu- laire et sur 1'inhibition de la propriete esseutielle des tissus contractiles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37. 1885 (C. R.), 206-208. — Etude des effets produits par les irritations cutanees pour servir a 1'explication des influences therapeutiques exercees par les contre-irritants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 209-210. — Du transfer! de 1'anesthesie, de 1'hyperesthesie, de la paralysie, de la contracture, de 1'hypothermie et de 1'hy perthermie, causees par les lesions organiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 246-249. — Nouveaux faits relatifs a la rigidite cadaverique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.}, 249-250. — Remarques sur 1'alteration de sensibilite, connue sous le nom d'allochirie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 268-270. — Production de globules semblables a ceux du sang des Mammiferes, dans diverses parties du corps d'aiiimaux dij cette classe, lorsqu'ou y injecte du sang d'oiseau, meme longtemps apres la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi in.. 37, 1886 ((.'. A'.), 287-291, 307-310, 329-333. — Indication d'un mode nouveau de production ili> l'< •nipbyseuie pulmouaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 |T. A'.), 354-3.V1. — Sur la puissance de formation de globules sanguins, dans le svsteme vasculaire des Mammiferes, apn s In mint. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., :;7, 1885 |C'. H-). .'i',13- 31(5. — Recherches experimentales montrant que la rigidite cadaveriqtie n'est due ni entieremeut, ni meme en grande partie, a la coagulation des substances albumineuses des muscles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103. 1886, 622-627. — Recherches experimentales paraissant demontrer que la rigidite cadaverique depend d'uue contracture, c'est a dire d'un acte de vie des muscles, commeneaut ou se Brown -Sequard] 853 [Brown-Sequard continuant apres la mort generale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 103, 1886, 674-678. — Recherches experimenlales montrant combien sont varies et norabreux les effels purement dynarniques provenaut d'influences exercees sur 1'encephale par les nerfs sensitifs et sur les nerfs moleurs par les centres nerveux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886. 790-795, 1048. — Fails relatifs aux voies de communication entre le cerveau et les muscles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 75-76. — Prolongation exceptionnelle de certains actes reflexes de la inoelle epiniere, apres la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. -R.), 101. — Nouveaux fails relatifs a 1'anesthe'sie lie's aux lesions orgamques de la moelle epiniere. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 386-388. — Sur divers effets d'irritation de la partie anterieure du cou et, en particulier, la perte de la sensibilile et la mort subite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 951-954. — Recherches sur des mouvements de contraction et de reluchement, en apparence spontanes, qui se produisent dans les muscles, apres la mort, tant que dure la rigidile cadaverique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 556-565. — Dualite du cerveau et de la moelle epiniere, d'apres des fails montrant que 1'aneslhesie, 1'hypereslhesie, la paralysie et des etats varies d'hypothermie et d'hyper- thermie, dus a des lesions organiques du cenlre cerebro- spinal. peuvenl etre transfereg d'un cote' a 1'autre du corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 105, 1887, 646-652. — Recherches sur les deux prineipaux fondemeuts des doctrines replies a 1'egard de la dualite cerebrale dans les mouvements volonlaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887. 840-845. — Sur 1'exislence dans chaeun des hemispheres cere- braux de deux series de fibres capables d'agir sur les deux moities du corps, soil pour y produire des mouve- ments, soil pour determiner des phenomenes inhibitoires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 261-264. — Fails montrant que c'est parce que le bulbe rachidien est le principal foyer d'inhibilion de la respiration qu'il semble etre le principal cenlre des mouvements respira- toires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (('. R.}, 293- 296. — Influence de la position de la tete sur les proprie'tes des pretendug centres moteurs et sur les manifestations morbides de cerveaux le'ses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 607-610. - Recherches experimentales montrant que, sous 1'influence de la gravitation, les centres appeles moteurs el les autres parties d'une moilie de 1'encephale peuvenl determiner des mouvemenls dans chacune des moities du corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1577-1582. — Explication du retour, quelquefois si rapide, de la seusibilile et du mouvemenl volonlaire, apres la suture des bouts d'un nerf coupe. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 ; (C. R.), 245-249. — Notions nouvelles de physiologie generale des centres nerveux, pour servir a la pathogenic de la paralysie et de 1'aneslhesie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 276-279, 290-294. Coexislence d'inexcilabilite de la zone excito-motrice du cerveau avec persistence des fonclions molrices de ce centre nerveux et aussi avec production d'attaques epileptiformes violenles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 354-357. - Nole sur des phenomenes important^ observes chez un chien apres la section d'une moilie laterale du bulbe rachidien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 407-410. — Les nerfs moleurs perdenl-ils leur excilabilile avant les muscles, lorsqu'ils sont prives de circulation sanguine? Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 694-696. Champ d'aclion de 1'inhibilion en physiologie, en palhogenie et en Iherapeutique. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 1-23. — Recherches cliniques et experimentales sur les ei croisements des conducteurs servant aux mouvements volontaires. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 219-245. Le sommeil normal, comme le sommeil hypnotique, esl le rfeullal d'une inhibition de 1'activite intellectuelle. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 333-335. — De la cause du rylhme respiratoire, d'apres un fail decouvert par .17. Charles RoniK.T. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 336-337. — Quelques mots sur la decouverte de 1'inhibition. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 337-339. — Recherches sur la localisation des conducteurs des impressions sensitives dans les diverges parties de 1'encephale el sur la pathogenic des anesthesies de cause encephalique. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 484-1IK — Experiences montrant combien est graude la dissemi- nation des voies motrices dans le bulbe rachidien. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 606-608. — Remarques sur 1'associalion enlre 1'efforl inspiratoire et 1'inhibition du cuuur. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, r.lii. — Experience demontranl la puissance dynamogenique chez Phomme d'un liquide extrait de testicules d'animaux. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 651-658. — Des contraclions el des elongations en apparences spontanees des muscles atteinls de la rigiditr cada- verique. Arch, de Physiol., 1. 1889, 675-lJ*-!. — Sur des actions inconnues ou a peine connnes des muscles apres la mort. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 72ii- 732. — Du role physiologique et therapeulique d'un sue extrait de teslicules d'animaux d'apres uombre de fails observes chez 1'homme. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 739- 746. — De quelques regies generates relatives a 1'inhibilion. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 751-761. • Des effels produits chez 1'homme par des injeclions sous-eutauees d'un liquide retire des teslicules frais de cobaye el de chien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 415-419, 420-422. 430-431. — Remarques a 1'oceasion du travail de 31. VAHIOT, sur les injections de liquide tesliculaire chez 1'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 454-455. — Preuves de 1'insignitiance d'une experience ci'-l. l,iv de MM. Victor HORSLEY et BEEVOK sur les centres ;t|>pclrs moleurs. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 199-2111. — Nouveaux fails relalifs a 1'injection sous-cntanee, chez I'homme, d'un liquide exlrait de testicules de Mammiferes. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 201-208. Recherches sur les mouvements rythmes des ailes et du thorax chez les oiseaux decapites ou ayant subi d'autres lesions des centres nerveux. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 371-378, 867. Theorie des mouvemenls involonlaires coordonnes des membres el du Ironc chez I'homme et les aniinaux. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 411-424. Expose de fails nouveaux a 1'egard de 1'inrtuence sur les cenlres nerveux d'un liquide exlrail de testicules d'animaux. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 443-455. — Remarques sur les effets produits sur la femme par des injections sous-cutam'jes d'un liquide retire d'ovaires d'animaux. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 456-457. — Recherches sur 1'existence d'une periode intermediate a 1'irrilabilite musculaire el a la rigidile cadaverique. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 628-631. — Nouveaux fails relalifs a 1'influence sur les cenlres nerveux de I'homme d'un liquide exlrail de testicules d'animaux. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 641-648. — Nomhreux cas de vivisection praliquee sur le cerveau de 1'homme; leur verdicl conlre la doctrine des centres psycho-moteurs. Arch, de Physiol. , 2, 1890, 762-773. Brown-Sequard] f Brown-Sequard — Inflnenre du systt'-ine nerveux pour rctarder la ]inin faction. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. A'.), '2-3. — Nouvelles remarques sur le liquide testiculaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (('. It.), 717-71S. — De la perte de connaissanee dans Fepilepsie apres 1'ablation du ganglion cervical superieur du nerf grand sympathique, des deux cotes, chez 1'hommc et cliez le cobaye. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 216-218. — Expose de fails nouveaux montrant la puissance du liquide testiculaire centre 1'affaiblissement du a oertaines maladies et en particulier la tuberculose pulmonaire. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 224-229. — Remarques sur la spennine et le liquide testiculaire. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 401-403. Remarques sur les reeherches, sur 1'inteusile et sur la persistence des impressions lumiueuses breves, de .17. Au^. CHARPEXTIEII. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 604-60o. — Reeherches sur ['inhibition de la sensibilite aux causes de douleur sous I'intluence d'uue irritation de la muqueuse laryngee par de 1'acide carbonique. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 645-660. — Fails montrant combien est grande el varies 1'influeuce du systeme uerveux sur la nutrition et les secretions. Influence curative du liquide tesliculaire dans un grand nombre d'affections locales ou generates, organiques ou fonetionnelles. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 747-701. — Reeherches sur la production d'une analgesie generale par les irritations traumatiques ou mecaniques de la peau du cou, dela trachee ou du larynx, par la faradisation ou par 1'application de chloroforme ou de cocaine au larynx. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 773-787. — Sur une inhibition donl les chirurgieus pourraient tirer profit si elle se produit chez 1'ljomme comme chez le chien et le singe. Les plaies par incision ou par brulure, apres une irritation du larynx ou de ses nerfs sensitifs, peuveut conserver de 1'analgesie peudanl plu- sieurs jours el meme deux semaines ou plus longtemps. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 805-815. — Mori par arrel des (-changes enlre le sang el les lissus sous 1'influence d'une irritation de la muqueuse laryngee. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 818-819. — Remarques ;i prupns de 1'emploi du liquide testiculaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 318. — Remarques a 1'occasiou du fait de guerison d'ataxie locomotrice, communique par .17. DEPOUX. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 ((.'. A'.), 404-405. — Fails etablissanl que la vie locale peul durer bien plus longlemps qu'ou ne croil dans la moelle epiniere, les nerfs el les muscles, apres la morl generale, chez des Mammiferes. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 119-134. — Sur les influences exerc^es par les muscles sur les nerfs sensilifs qui sonl a leur inlerieur ou dans leur voisinage immedial. Arch, de Physiol.. 4, 1892, 174-177. — Quelques mots sur des fails nouveaux demontranl la puissance dynamogenique du liquide tesliculaire. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 181-183. — Localisation prelendue de fonclions diverses dans les centres uerveux el surloul dans certaines parties des organes auditifs. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 360-368. — Hemorragie d'origine nerveuse apparaissant spoutane- ment dans des parties homologues des deux cotes du corps comme 1'asphyxie ou gangrene locale de BAYNAUH. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 389-390. — Fails nouveaux montrant que la spermine n'est pas 1'agenl aclif du liquide lesliculaire. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 406. — De la regeneration de la moelle Epiniere d'apres ['experimentation et des fails cliniques. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 410-413. — Heredite d'uue affection due a une cause accidentelle. Fails et arguments contre les explications et les critiques de WEISMANN. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 686-088. — Sur la duree dn travail de prodm-tinn des moiiveinents involontaires, coordonnes. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 703-709. — Importance de 1'analgesie due a une irritation laryngienne dans 1'etude experimentale de la puissance motrice des diverses parties de 1'encephale. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 725-727. - Quelques mots sur 1'histoire du trailemenl du myxoedeme par des injections d'un liquide exlrait de la thyroi'de. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 752-753. — Effets physiologiques d'un liquide extrail des glandes sexuelles el surlout des testicules. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1237-1242. — Effets produits sur de nombreux elals morbides par des injections sous-cmtanees d'un extrail liquide retire des testicules. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1318- 1321. — Note sur le traitement du cancer el du cholera par le liquide testiculaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 375-377. — Note sur quelques fails nouveaux relalifs a la physiologic de 1'epilepsie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 394-397. — Influence de 1'extrait aqueux de capsules surrenales sur des cobayes presque mourants a la suite de 1'ablalion de ces organes. Pans, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C1. R.), 410-411. — Influence dynamogenique du liquide testiculaire chez des animaux que Ton va faire mourir par hemorragie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C'. 7,'.), 607-OIIS. — Remarques sur le traitement de 1'ataxie locomolrice par le liquide testiculaire, a propos du eas de M. DEPOUX. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. A'.), 7110-797. - Sur 1'emploi du liquide tesliculaire pour augmenler la vigueur du fo?tus dans le sein maternel, d'apres un fail du Dr. KAHN. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. A>.), 797-798. — Fails cliniques el experimeutaux conlre 1'opinion que le centre respiraloire se trouve uniquemenl ou principale- menl dans le bulbe racbidien. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 131-141. — Remarques sur les reeherches de Mil. GAD el MABINESCO, sur le centre respiraloire. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 194- 195. — Des transmissions dans la moelle epiniere d'apres les degenereseences secondaires. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 197-198. — La dilalalion de la pupille est-elle un phenomena d'inhibition ou 1'effet d'une contraction museulaire? Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, T.is-199. — Remarques sur la valeur des fondements des doctrines relatives au siege de la puissance motrice volontaire dans les cenlres nerveux. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 203- 205. — Quelques ruols sur les progres de nos connaissances a 1'^gard des actions physiologiques el therapeutiques du liquide orchitique (testiculaire). Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 205-208. — Fails cliniques donnant la solution de questions physiologiques. Questions relatives ;'i la physiologic de 1'encephale. Arch, de 1'hysiol., 5, 1893, 409-412. [Production de deux effels distincls d'une meme irritation.] Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, ">74-575. — Importance de la secretion interne des reins demonln e par les plienomenes de 1'anurie et de 1'iiremie. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 778-786. — [Production experimentale d'ataxie IniMiuoirice.] Arch. de Physiol. , 5, 1893, 792. — Quelques fails relatifs a eertaines puissances anti- septiques du liquide orchitique prepare au College de France. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 797-799. — Fails tendant a montrer que le relour de la sensibilite et du mouvement apres la suture des nerfs est du a une Brown-Sequard] 855 [Browne dynamogenie remplarant de ['inhibition. Paris, Ac. Mod. Bull., 29, 1893, 582-590. — Note sur les conclusions phyaiologiques et cliniques qui ressortent de certaines experiences dans lesquelles Pa 1'ataxie loeomotrice ou la paralysie, dues a des lesions de la moelle epiuicre, ont ete gueries ou ameliorees par des injections de liquide testieulaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 ((,'. /,'.}, 3I55-367. Influence heureuse de la transfusion de sang norms 1 apres 1'extirpation des capsules surrenales chez le cobaye. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (G. R.), 448-449. — Note additionnelle a propos de la communication de M. DEPOUX, sur un cas de guerison d'ataxie loeomotrice. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. It.), 527-528. — Eemarques sur la duree des proprietes des muscles et des uerl's apres la mort. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 188-189. — Kemarques a propos des recherches du Dr. F. W. MOTT sur les effets de la section d'une moitie laterale de la moelle epiniere. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 195-198. — Kemarques sur les variet.es extremes de manifestations paralytiques dans des cas de lesion de la base de 1'ence- phale et sur les conclusions qui en ressortent. Arch, de Physiol., 0, 1894, 204-206. — Fails nouveaux montrant que la conductibilitc ner- veuse est absolument distincte de 1'excitabilite. Arch. de Physiol., 6, 1894, 752. Brown - Sequard, C[harlcs] E[douard], & Arsonval, \Arsi'i. Blei- chromat. [1*95.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96. 40!l. Browne, I '. Jukes-. fiee Jukes-Browne. Browne, A . L. Florida bird life in November, 1885. Ornith. Ool., 11, 1886, 17-18. — Florida birds [December, 1885 -February, 1886J. Or- nith. Ool., 11, 1886, 34, 50-51, 74-75. Browne] srx; [Browne Browne, (.'[ hnrles \ A[lbert]. A contribution to the chemistry of butter-fat. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 21, 1899, r, 12-633, 718, 807-827, 975-994. - The estimation of starch. U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., A'o. 57, 1899, 92-94. Browne, (.l/.i/. ) ('[lenient] A[Ifred] R[ii/liy]. A bird killed by a Mantis. [1899.] Bombay Nat.'Hist. Soc. .11.. 12, 1898-1900, 578-579. Browne, (<'n/it.) C'. Orde. The behaviour of armour of different kinds under fire. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1884, 116-137. — The armament question. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mas., 30, 1884, 348-350. Browne, Charles K. Some new anthropometrical instru- ments. [1891.] Irish Ac. Proc., 2, 1891-93, 397-399. — On some crania from Tipperary. [1893.] Irish Ac. I'roe., 2, 1891-93, Ii49-fi54. - The ethnography of Inishbofin and luishshark, County Galway. [1893.] Irish Ac. Proc., 3, 1893-96, 317-370. - The ethnography of the Mullet, Inishkea islands, and Portacloy, County Mayo. [1895.] Irish Ac. Proc., 3, 1893-96, 587-649. - The ethnography of Ballycroy, County Mayo. [1896.] Irish Ac. Proc., 4. 1896-98, 74-111. — The ethnography of Clare island and Inishturk, Co. Mayo. [1897.] Irish Ac. Proc., 5, 1898-1900, 40-72. - The ethnography of Garumna and Lettermullen, in the County Galway. [1898.] Irish Ac. Proc., 5, 1898- 1900, 223-268. — Keport of the work done in the Authropometric Laboratory of Trinity College, Dublin, from 1891 to 1898. [1898.] Irish Ac. Proc., 5, 1898-1900. 269- 293. - The ethnography of Carna and Mweenish, in the parish of Moyruss, Connemara. [1900.] Irish Ac. Proc., 6, 1900-02, 503-534. Browne, Charles -/.'., it Cunningham, I>[aniel] J[u!ui\. See Cunningham A Browne. Browne, Charles 11., & Haddon, Alfred C[nrt]. .s'iv Haddon A Browne. Browne, ( 'hnrles R., Coflcy , George, it Westropp, Thomas Johnson. See Coffey, Browne ,V Westropp. Browne, Inn-id H. The distribution of phosphorus in the Ludington mine, Irou Mountain, Michigan : a study in isochemic lines. Amer. Inst. Min. Engiu. Trans., 17, 1889, 616-682. — Hints to beginners in iron analysis. [With notes by G. W. WHITE.] Jl. Anal. Chem., 5, 1891, 325-342. 361-378. — Notes on a new crystalline ferro-nickel alloy. Jl. Anal. Chem., 6, 1892, 150-152. — Determination of copper and nickel in ores and furnace products. Jl. Anal. Chem., 6, 1892, 181-184. — Notes on silicon in foundry pig iron. Jl. Anal. Chem., 6, 1892, 452-467. — Segregation in ores and mattes. [With it note by J. F. KEMP.] School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 16, 1895, 297-312. -Nickel-steel; a synopsis of experiment and opinion. |181)9.1 Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 29, 1900, 569-648. Browne, Kdward Thomas. Notes on a species of Orthezia found in Kew Gardens. [1887.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl. 3, [1889], 169-172. — On Smynthurus aquaticus. [188!).] Quekett Micr. Club ,11., 4, |1892], 62-64. "Aurelia aurita." Nature, 50 (1894), 524. — Report on the Medusae of the L. M. B. C. district. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1895, 243-286. — On the variation of the tentaculocysts of Aurelia aurita. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 37, 1895, 245-251. — On the variation of Haliclystus octoradiatus. [1895.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 38, 1896, 1-8. - The Medusas of Valencia harbour, County Kerry. Irish Natlist., 5, 1896, 179-181. — On the changes in the pelagic fauna of Plymouth, during September, 1893 and 1895. [1896.] U/K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 4, 1895-97, 168-173. On British hydroids and Medusa?. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 459-500. — The hydroids of Valencia harbour, Ireland. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 241-246. — Revised list of Hydromedusse of the L. M. B. C. district. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 11, 1897, 147-150. — On Tubularia crocea iu Plymouth Sound. [1897.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. JL, 5, 1897-99, 54-55. — On British Medusae. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 816- 835. — On keeping Medusas alive in an aquarium. [1898.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 5, 1897-99, 176-180. — On the pelagic fauna of Plymouth for September, 1897. [1898.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 5, 1897-99, 186-192. - The fauna and flora of Valencia harbour on the west coast of Ireland, i. The pelagic fauna (1895-98). fn. The Medusae (1895-98).] [1899.] Irish Ac. Proc., 5, 1898-1900, 067-693, 694-736. Browne, F[rancis] C. For biographical notice see Auk, 17, 1900, 194-196. - The loggerhead shrike again in Massachusetts. Auk, 1, 1884, 291. — Geothlypis trichas wintering in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 1, 1884, 3S'.|. — The red crossbill breeding iu eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 2, 1885, 105. — The hawk owl in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 2, 1885, 220. Another RICHARDSON'S owl in Massachusetts. Auk, 2. 1885, 384. - The New England glossy ibises of 1850. Auk, 4, 1887. 97-100. — The clapper rail again in Massachusetts. Auk, 4, 1887, 344. — SCOTT'S oriole in California. Auk, s, 1891, 238. • A belated mockingbird in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 12, 1895, 84-*5. Browne, Frank. Chinese opium. Pharm. Jl., 1, 1895, 493-194; 3, 1896, 112. — Japanese coal. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 76-77. — Datura alba. Pharm. Jl., 3, 1896, 197. Browne, (Lt.-Ctil.) , 1900, 654-657. Browne, (i[ennje\ ,!/., A Michael, Arthur. See Michael A Browne. Browne, }{. 1C. Transmission telegraphique duplex avec appareils Morse ordinaires. Lum. Elect., 26, 1887, 554- 557. Browne, Harold Crichton. Dwarfs aud dwarf worship. Nature, 45. 1892, 269-271. Browne, Hn:ih. Jessamine. Jl. Sri., 21, 1884. 561. Browne, J. M. Some beetles from the Dublin district. Irish Natlist., 1, 1892, 189-192. Browne, (Muj.-Uen. Sir) James. For biographical notice W Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 125, 1896. 428-430. Browne, (Sir) James Crichton. Tooth culture. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 35, 1892, 658-665, 706-713. — Sex in education. Nature-, Hi, 1892, 13. — La vieillesse. [TV.] Rev. Sci., 41). 1892, 168-178. — Emotional expression. [1892.] Roy. Inst. Proc., 13, 1893, 653-667. — [John TYNDALL.] [1893.] Roy. Inst. Proc.. 14, 1896, 161-165. Browne] 857 Browne, (Sir) Jnm.-x Cricliton, & TTrquhart, .4[/c.r.] K[fid]. Psychological medicine (1837-97). Practitioner, 5S, 1897, 615-619. Browne, Lennox. Three specimens illustrating the pseudo-diphtheria bacillus, otherwise the attenuated or non-toxic bacillus. London Path. Soc. Trans., 46, 1895. 301-304. Browne, Muri/. The hurricane of 1830 in St. Vincent; by an eye-witness. Timehri, 5, 1886, 54-78. Browne, Montagu. Notes on the vertebrate animals of Leicestershire. Zoologist, 9, 1885, 101-169, 214-220, 248-2.53, 332-338, 414-421, 459-467; 10, 1886, 16-24, 159-167, 196-202, 233-238, 326-331, 409-415; 11, 1887, 57-01. — On the occurrence of a mammal, hitherto unknown as inhabiting Leicestershire. [1885.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 (Pt. 1), 27. — Dates of arrival of summer birds of passage in Leicestershire, from 1843-55 and 1877-86. [1886.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 {Pt. I), 28. — Evidences of the antiquity of man in Leicestershire. [1888.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1. 1889 (Pt. 9), 7-37. — On a fossil fish (Chondrosteus) from Barrow-on-Soar, hitherto recorded only from Lyme Regis. [1889.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 17-35. — Revision of a genus of fossil fishes, Dapeclius. [1890.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 1%-203. — Notes upon Colobodus, a genus of Mesozoic fossil fishes. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 644-645. — The present and past immigrations of the grey phala- rope, Phalaropus fulicarius (L.). to the shores of Britain. [1891.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 462-464. — On some vertebrate remains from the Rustic beds of Britain. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1893, 748-749 ; 1894, 657-658. — A contribution to the history of the geology of the borough of Leicester. [1893.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1895, 123-240. — Preliminary notice of an exposure of Rhretic beds, near East Leake, Nottinghamshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 688-690. — The Rhaetic bone-bed of Aust Cliff, and the rock-bed above it. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 804-805. — On some vertebrate remains from the RhaHie of Britain. Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 196-197. Browne, Newnham,. An abnormal rose. Nature, 52 (18951, 244. Browne, I{. G. Hufkley. As to certain alterations in the surface-level of the sea off the south coast of England. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 824-825. — As to certain '-changes of level" along the shores on the western side of Italy. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 46, 1890 (Proc.), 122. Browne, Ross E. A criticism of BECKER'S theory of faulting. Amer. JI. Sci., 28, 1884, 348-354. - Water meters. Comparative tests of accuracy, delivery, etc. Distinctive features of the Worthington, Kennedy, Siemens and Hesse meters. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 33, 1885, 1-26. — The ancient river beds of the Forest Hill divide. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 435-465. Browne, T. .!/. [The sky-glows.] Nature, 30, 1884, 537. Browne, ir.i/fi'r Itnleigh. For biography and works s?e Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc., 1884, 472; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 7!l, 1885, 362-366; London Phys. Soc. Proc., 6, 1885 (Aim. ili-it., 1885), 9-10. — Iron and steel permanent way. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1884, 88-115. — Science and engineering. Nature, 29, 1884, 57-60. Brownell, C. L. Nesting of Cardinalis cardinalis at Nyack, N. Y. Auk, 14, 1897, 406. Brownell, (lint:) J[ohn] T. For biographical notice see Aruer. Soc. Micr. Proc , 1886, 202-203. R. S. A. C. [Browning - The Brownell turn-table. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc., 1884, 173-175. Original method of staining and mounting pollens. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc., 1884, 212-213. — How to make wax-cells neat, permanent and free from "sweating." Amer. Soc. Micr. Proe., 1884, 214. Brownell, If. C. The least bittern and long-billed marsh wren at Mud Lake. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 21-22. - The colour phenomena of the little screech owl. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 105. — Sand hill cranes in Michigan. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 156. Browning, . Notes of a case of monstrosity. [1886.] Indian Med. Gaz., 21, 1887, 219-221. Browning, E. A. Electrical pumping and haulage. [1892.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 206-207. Browning, F. D. Gold chlorination in California. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 5, 1884, 359-373. Browning, Hugh Hamilton. Illustrations of harmonic section. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 2, 1884, 6-7. Browning, (Miss) K. After-images. [1892.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 25, 1893, 506-509. Browning, Ki-ndnll Colin. Hydroferrocyanie acid. Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 (Pt. 2), 1233-1238. Browning, Kendall Colin, & Adie, Richard Haliburton. See Adie it Browning. Browning, Kendall Colin, * Ruhemann, Siegfried. See Ruhemann A Browning. Browning, Philip E[mbur>/]. Analysis of rhodochrosite from Franklin, New Jersey. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890 375-376. — A method for the quantitative separation of strontium from calcium by the action of amyl alcohol on the nitrates. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 50-56; 44, 1892, 462-463. — A method for the quantitative separation of barium from calcium by the action of amyl alcohol on the nitrates. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 314-317. — On the qualitative separation and detection of strontium and calcium by the action of amyl alcohol on the nitrates. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 386-388. — A method for the quantitative separation of barium from strontium by the action of amyl alcohol on the bromides. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 459-462. - The influence of free nitric acid and aqua regia on the precipitation of barium as sulphate. Amer. Jl. Sci., 45, 1893, 39'.l-104. — On the separation of copper from cadmium by the iodide method. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 280-283. — Rednktion der Vanadinsaure durch Einwirkung von \\Vinsaure und Titratiou derselben in alkalischer Losung durch Jod. Ztschr. Auorg. Chem., 7, 1894, 158-160. — On the interaction of chromic and arsrniuus acids. Amer. Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 35-37. — • On the reduction of vanadic acid by hydriodic and hydrobromic acids, and the volumetric estimation of the same by titratiou in alkaline solution with iodine. Amer. Jl. Sci'., 2, 1896, 185-1*8; Ztschr. Auorg. Chem., 13, 1897, 113-lir,. — On the volumetric estimation of cerium. Amer. .11. Sci., 8, 1899, 451-459; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 22, 1900, 297-307. — On the estimation of thallium as the acid and neutral sulphates. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 137-138; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 23, 1900, 155-157. Browning, Philip E[mburi/~\, & Gooch, Frank Austin. See Gooch & Browning. Browning, Philip E[mbury], & Goodman, Richard J[ohnston]. On the application of certain organic acids to the estimation of vanadium. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 355-360; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 13, 1897, 427-434. Browning, Philip E[nibury], & Hartwell, John B[rynnt]. On the qualitative separation of nickel from cobalt by 108 Browning! 858 I Bruce the action of ammonium hydroxide on Hie ferricyanides. Amer. Jl. Sci., 10, 1900, 316-317; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem.. 2.5, 1900, 323-325. Browning, Philip E[mbury\ & Howe, Ernest. On the detection of sulphides, sulphates, sulphites and thio- sulphates in the presence of each other. Amer. Jl. Sc-i.. 6, 1898, 317-32-2; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 18, 1898, 371- 377. Browning, Philip E[inl>ur>/]. & Hutchins, George P. On the estimation of thallium as the ehromate. Amer. Jl. Sci., 8, 1899, 4CO-462: Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 22, 1900. 3HO-383. Browning, Philip l:[mbury], & Jones, Luiiis C[lei'el(ind]. On the estimation of cadmium as the oxide. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 269-270; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem.. 13,1897, 110-112. Browning, William. Pitting about the hair-cups, a trophic change in the skin in certain nervous disorders of central origin. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 428-429. — Position in sleep. A principle in neurological therapy. N. T. Med. Jl., 69, 1899, 63:,-6:i7. Brownlec, .T. Harrison, Berge, .f . Ntetrart, & Ringrose, Robert Colin. See Berge, Brownlee & Ringrose. Brownlee, John. Observations on the aerial transmission of the enteric fever poison, with a record of an outbreak presumably caused by that means of infection. Glasgow Phil. Soc.'Proc., 29, 1898, 298-314. Brownlie, .Us. rainier. The science of the tides, a study in physical geography. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 32 (1900), 471-177. Brownridge, Charles. The occurrence of quartzite and other boulders in the Lower Coal Measures at Wortley, near Leeds. [1887.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886- 87, 113-115; Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc., 9 (1885-87), 405- 407. — Our walls and pavements. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 6, 1890-91, 33-43. — Excursion to Malham and Gordale Scar. Leeds Geol. APS. Trans., 6, 1890-91. 100-102. — Excursion to the Winterburu valley. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 6, 1890-91, 111-113. - North coast of Antrim. [1891.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 7, 1891-92, 10-15. — Excursion to Hayhurn Wvke. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 7, 1891-92, 55-58. — Excursion to Horton-in-Ribblesdale. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 7, 1891-92, 67-70. — Excursion to Brimharu rocks. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 8, 1892-93, 91-92. Brownridge, Cliarlex (et ulii). Glacial action. [1892.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 7, 1891-92, 47-111. Brownsword, /•'., A- Cohen, Julius llereinl. A product of the distillation of rosin. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., II, 1890, 16. Brubacber, Heinrich. Ueber den Gehalt an anmva nischen Stoffen, besonders an Kalk, in den Knocheu mill Organen normaler und rhachitischer Kinder. Ztschr. Biol., 27, 1890, 517-549. Brubacher, Hubert, & Goldschmidt, lie in rich. See GolilEchmidt & Brubacher. Brubaker, Albert P., & Chapman, Henry ('[adien/.i.ii / |. See Chapman & Brubaker. Brucchietti, Giuseppe. Sulla temperature del tium- Velino. Roma, US. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 9 (/'/. 4|, 1889, 97-108. — SuH' influenza della forza elettromotriee degli elettrodi nello studio delle correnti telluriche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Hem. 2), 155-161. Brucchietti, Giuseppe, 7. Bruce, A[ilnm] T[odd"\. For biographical notice sec Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [6] (1886-87), 87. — Origin of the endoderm in Lepidoptera. [188o.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [f>] (1885-861. 9. — observations un the embryology of spiders. Amer. Natlist., 211, 1886, 825. — Observations on the embryology of insects and arachnids. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [5] (1885-86), 85. — Segmentation of the egg and formation of the germ layers of the squid (Loligo Pealii). [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ.. [6] (1886-87), 45-46. — Observations on the nervous system of insects and spiders, and some preliminary observations on Phrynus. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Cire., [|j] (1886-87), 47. Bruce, A[dam) T[oil<1], & Brooks, William A"[.'i(/<]. See Brooks A Bruce. Bruce, Alexander. *0n a case of absence of the corpus eallosnm in the human brain. [1881.] Edinb. Roy. Soe. Proc., 15, 1889, 320-341. — On the segmentation of the nucleus of the third cranial nerve. [1889.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 17, 1891, 168-176. — On the connections of the inferior olivary body. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 17, 1891, 23-27. — On a case of descending degeneration of the lemniscus, consequent on a lesion of the cerebrum. Brain, 16, 1893, 465-474. — On a human cyclops. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 20, 1895, 412-421. — On the flocculus. Brain, IS, 1895, 227-230. — Microtome for cutting sections under spirit. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1895, 487-490. — On the endogenous or intrinsic fibres in the lumbo- sacral region of the cord. Brain, 20, 1897, 2iil-275. — Note on the upper terminations of the direct cerebellar and ascending antero-lateral tracts. Brain, 21, 1898, H74- 382. — On the dorsal or so-called sensory nucleus of the glossopharyngeal nerve, and on the nuclei of origin of the trigeminal nerve. Brain, 21, 1898, 383-387. — Les lesions non- tabetic] ues des cordons posterieurs dr la rnoelle. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (To/. 7). 248- 253. Bruce, Ale.rtnuler, & Xttuir, Robert. On a descending degeneration in the posterior columns in the lumlm- sacral region of the spinal cord. Brain, 19, 1896, 333- 345. Bruce, 1'nrid. Notes on the redwing. [18S6.] Stirling Soc. Trans., 1885-88, 45-47. — The shorelark near Dunbar. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 122-123. - Little gulls at Dunbar. Ann. Srott. Nat. Hist,, 1897, 46. Notices of the fulmar petrel (Fulmarus glacialis, L.). Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 15, 1897, 191-192. — Great northern diver (Colymbus glacialis, L.) at Duubar. Berwick. Nat. Club ilist., 15, 1897, 192. — Notice of the dotterel (Eudromius morinellns. L.), near Uirleton, East Lothian. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 15, 1897, 193. Bruce, (Sura. -('.//)/.) Air/./. Surface animals collected in Multr-r sras during 1SSG-S7. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc., 1, 1887, 67-68. — Note on the discovery of a micro-organism in Malt;i fever. Practitioner, 39,' 1887, 161-170. - The microeoceus of Malta fever. Practitioner, 40, 1888, 241 -249. — llenieiknn^ u'liiT 'In- Virulenzsteigernng des Ch"lrra- vibrio. CVntrbl. Raid . 9, 1891. 786-787. Bruce! 859 [Bruck — Sur une nouvelle forme de fievre rencontree snr los bords de la Mediterrauee. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 7 (1893), 289-304. — On the disappearance of the leucocytes from the blood after injection of peptone. Hoy. Soc. Proc., 55, 1894, 295-209. Bruce, (Nurg.-Capt.) David, & Stevenson, W[illiam~\ F[lack], Kee Stevenson it Bruce. Bruce, David. Ecpanthera ivducta, Grute. [1887.] En- tomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88. 14-15. — Food plants of Geometridje with other notes. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 47-50. — A remarkable arctian and a history. [1887.] Ento- mologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 140. — Notes on the larva? of Arctia Brucei, Hi/. Edwards. [1888.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 219-220. — Description of mature larva of Gnophasla vermiculata, G. & R. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 24. — Neineophila Plantaginis, Linn. Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 112. — A rainy day on the mountains [in search of Lepi- doptera]. Caiiad. Ent., 22, 1890, 67-68. — Lepisesia flavo-fasciata. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 42. — Arctia arizonensis, Stretch. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 114-115. - The Sphingida? of Colorado. Philad., Ent. News, 2, 1891, 190-192. — On the species of Oncocnemis in Colorado. Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 136-137. — High mountain moths. Philad., But. News, 6, 1895, 73-76. — Collecting on the "crest of the continent.'' Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 162-167. Bruce, Eric Stuart. Balloon signalling in war. [With ilixciissiuit.] Aeronaut. Soc. Bep., 21, 1886, 55-59. — War and ballooning. [1886.] Nature, 35, 1887, 259- 262. — An optical feature of the lightning flash. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 16, 1890, 132-134. - The optics of the lightning flash. Nature, 42, 1890, 197-198. — Note on "the working of captive balloons in windy weather." Aeiouaut. Soc. Rep., 23, [1893], 42-45. — Note on some effects of the gale in the Highlands of Scotland on Nov. 17th and 18tb, 1893. [1894.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. .11., 21, 1895, 11-13. — I'luljiihlr projection lightning flashes. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 624-625. — Balloon signalling apparatus. [1897.] Aeronaut. Jl., 2, 1898, 3. — On a new instrument for measuring the duration of persistence of vision on the human retina. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1899, 902-903. — The relation of persistence of vision to modern rapid visual signalling. [With discussion.] United Serv. Inst. Jl., 43, 1899, 264-284. — Portable electric balloon signalling in war. Aeronaut. .11., 4, 1900, 148-150. Bruce, (i. L. Polygala austriaca. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 313. - Veronica polita. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 227. Bruce, J[ohn] Mitchell. Hyoscine as a cerebral sedative. Practitioner, 37, 1886, 321-333. — The comparative value of codeine and morphine in the treatment of diabetes. Practitioner, 41, 1888, 1- 16. - The gouty heart. Practitioner, 54, 1895, 18-31. Bmco, J[phri\ Mitchell, 5. Bruce, Mary Emily. A month with the goldfinches. Auk, 15, 1898, 239-243. Bruce, T. R. Flow of sap in a sycamore divring frost. [1899.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 23 (1899-1900), xxviii. Bruce, (Rev.) W. S. On the flora of Bauffshire. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1885, 1087. Bruce, William. The improvements in ventilation, air- currents, and temperature. [1889.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 12, 1891, 239-244. — How best to dispose of the refuse of large towns. [With discussion.] Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 7), 218-223. Bruce, William S. A few notes on seals and whales seen during the voyage to the Antarctic, 1892-93. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 807. — Notes of an Antarctic voyage. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1893, 840-841. — Animal life observed during a voyage to Antarctic seas. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 12, i894, 350-354. — Antarctic exploration. The story of the Antarctic. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 10, 1894, 57-62. — Effects of a lightning flash in Ben Nevis Observatory. Nature, 52 (1895), 244. — Cruise of the Balrenn . . .in the Antarctic seas, 1892— 93. Geogr. Jl., 7, 1896, 502-521. — [Three years' exploration in Franz Jusef Land.] The zoology of the expedition. Geogr. JL, 11, 1898, 137-138. — On the use of the Fahrenheit scale for observations on sea temperatures. Nature, 60 (1899), 545. — With the yachts Blenca thru and Princesst Alice to the Barents, and Greenland Seas. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 15, 1899, 113-124, 125-126. — Little auk at Portobello. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 123. — Spitsbergen, 1898 and 1899: voyages with H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 16, 1900, 534-550. — Arctic and Antarctic. [1900.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Pr.ic., 32, 1901, 1-12. — The Mammalia and birds of Franz Josef Land, i. Mammalia. [With notes by Mr. James SIMPSON.] [1898.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 14, 1902, 78-86. — A naturalist's notes on the recent voyage of the B/encathra to the Arctic regions. [1899.] Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. & Proc., 3, 1903, 25-37. See also under Clarke, William Engle. Bruch, Karl. For biographical notice see Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1884, 7. Bruchmann, H[ellmnth]. [Ueber Vegetationsorgane von Selagmella spinulosa, A. tfr.] Ztschr. Naturwiss. , 57, 1884, 356-357. — l)as Prothallium von Lycopodium. Bot. Ceutrbl., 21, 1885, 23-28, 309-313. — Ueber seine Prothallient'unde mehrerer Lycopodien. Deutsch. Natf. Verb.. 1899 (Tli. 2, Hiilfte 1), 214-216. Bruchon, Henri. La ueurasthenie. [1896.] Iloubs Soc. Mem., 1, 1897, 69-84. Bruck, Alfred. Ueber die Beziehungen der Taubstumrnheit zurn sogenannten statisehen Sinn. [1894.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 59, 1895, 16-12. — Zur Thyreoidin-Behandlung der chroniscben Sohwer- horigkeit. '[1897.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 32, 1898, 72-78; Arch. Otol., 28, 1899, 347-352. — Purpura rheuuiatica nnd Angina. [I'.lOO.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 31, 1901 (Th. 2), 335-316. Bruck, P[unl]. Ueber die Jodadditiou der Acetylendi- carbonsaure und Propargylaaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 4118-412U; 25, 1892, 51)3. 108—2 Bruckl 860 [Briickner — Ueber Tetrolsauredijodid und Aeetylendicarbonsaure- dijodid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26,' 1893, 8-13-848. Brucker, Arthur. Croissance et differeneiation. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 26, 1894, 395-401. — Sin le rouget de 1'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 125, 1897, 879-880, 989. — Sur un nouvel Acaiien marin. Paris, Soc. Binl. M.-ni., 49, 1897 (C'. ;,'.), 632-633. — Sur les pieces buccales des Acariens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 1S21-1823. — Observations biologiques sur Pediculoides ventricosus, Newport. Lille Inst. Zool. Trav., 7, 1899, 57-72; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. I!.), 953-955. — Embryogenie des Pediculoides. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 \Pt. I), iso. ,SVi- iilsn iiinli'i- Trouessart, E[doiitird] L[unix]. Brucker, Arthur, it Trouessart, E[
  • tnird] /.[mil's]. Siroude note sur un Acarien marin (Halacaride), pa- rasite de 1'Acanthochiton porosus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 107-109. Brucker, .inafph. Cyclones and tornadoes in North Aincrii-a. [1890.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 7 (1890-91), 399-lnl. Bruckmayer, Ferencz, & Rigler, Gns:tiir. See Rigler & Bruckmayer. Bruckner, Jean. Note sur la structure tine de la cellule sympathique chez 1'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 162-163. Bruckner, Jnui, it Jonnesco, Thomns. .Sir Jonnesco & Bruckner. Bruder, Georg. [Besnltate seiuer Untersuchungeu fiber ilie Jura-Ablagerungen von Hohensteiu.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 412-114. — Die Fauna der Juraablagerung von Hohnstein in Sacbsen. Wieu, Ak. Denkschr., 50, 1885 (Abth. 2), 233-283. — Neue Beitrage zur Kenntuiss der Juraablagerungen irn uordlichen Bohmen. n. Wieu, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abth. 1), 193-214. — Ueber die Juraablagerungen an der Granit- und Quadersandsteiugrenze in Bohmen und Sachsen. Lotos, 35, 1887, 75-110. — Notiz fiber das Vorkommen von Microzamia gibba, Corda, in den Turonen Grttnsandsti-inen von Wobnran bei Laun. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 301. — Palaeontologische Beitrage zur Kenutniss der nord- bohuiisehen Juragebilde. Lotos, 36, 1888, 1-27. — Livistona macrophylla, eine neue fossile Palme aus ili-iii Tertiareu Sfisswasserkalke von Tuchorscbitz. Lotos, 38, 1890, 37-41. Bruder, ilcorii, it Laube, t'justar (.'. ,S'< v Laube it Bruder. Brudzewski, A", ran. Beitrag zur Dioptnk des Auges. [1*99.] Arch. Au^enhtilk., 40, 1900, 296-333, 428. Brudzinski, ,/. Uelicr das Auftreten von Proteus vulgaris in Sauglingsstuhlen nebst einein Versuch der Tberapie mittelst Darreichung von Bacterienculturen. Jbuch. Kiuderheilk., 52, 1900, -169-484. Bruch, Jusef Advlf. Des AKISTOTELES Heimat oder die Halbinsel Cbalcidice. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 36, 1893, 1-22. Bruchanow. '-.-. Briuchanov. Bruche, II' , itBeckurts, Heiurirh [.l////f/.s/J. .ST) Adeona. Astr. Nachr., 12U..1892, 181-182. - 6ph6ineride du la iilaru-ti- (150) Nuwa. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 111-112. — Perturbations de la planete (150) Nuwa par Jupiter, de 1889 dec. 27 a 1893 mars 1. Bull. Astr., 10, 1893, 93-95. — Epherueride de la planete (304) Olga. Astr. Nachr., l:-i4,,1894, 213-214. - Elements de la planete (304) Olga calcules a 1'aide des deux premieres oppositions. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 157-160. — Variations seculaires des elements elliptiques de Pallas dues a Faction de Jupiter. Bull. Astr., 12, 1895, 289- _".M;, 563. - ( Miservation d'un bolide. Bull. Astr., 13, 1896. 40, 536. Briicke, Ernst [l('///ic/m] (Bitter) von. For biography and \vorks »,r Aunt. Anz., 7, 1892, 60-61; Biol. Ceutrbl., 12, 1892, 65-71; Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 47; Fortscbr. Med., 10 (1892), 154-156; Konigsb. Schr., 33, 1892, [58]; Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 54-55; Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 405-406; Rev. Sci., 49, 1892, 524-527; Boma, B, Ace. Liucei Rend., 1, 1892 (,SVm. 1), 320-321 ; Seuckeub. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, xxiii-xxiv; Wien, Almanaeb, 42, 1892, 184-189; Wien. M.-d. Wschr., 42, 1892, 49-50; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 203-207; Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 632; Upsala Liikar.-fr.r. Fiirh., 2s. 1893, 195- 214. — Ueber die Wahruehmnng der Gerausche. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 (Alith. 3), 199-230. — Ueber die Reaction, welche Guanin mit Salpetersaure und Kali gibt. [1886.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 (Abth. 3), 277-2MI; Mbrt'te. Chem., 1886, 617-620. — Ueber die Wirkung des Musculus pyramidalis ab- duniinis. Anat. Auz., 2, 1887, 40-42. — 1st im Hani des Menschen freie Saure enthalteu? Wien, Ak. Sber., '.15, 1887 (Abtli. 3), 102-107; Mhel'te. Chem., 1887, 95-100. — Die saure Reaction des Harns. [1887.] Centrbl. Physiol., 1, 1888, 357-359. — Bernerkungen fiber das Gongoroth als Index, insonder- heit in Bficksicht auf den Ham. [1887-88.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 3), 130-135; 97, 1889 (Abth. 3), 5-15; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 632-637; 1888, 31-41. Die Beckenlinie xnannlicher antiker Statuen. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 281-283. — Ueber die optischen Eigensohaften des Tabaschir. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 1), 6H-S2. - VAN KEEN'S Blutprobe und Yn.u.i's Eiterprobe. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Shrr., IIS, 1890 (Ahth. 3), 128-142; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 129-143. — Ueber zwei einander ergiinzende Photometer. Ztschr. Instriimentenk., 10, 1890, 11-16. Brtickel, Ph[ilipi>]. Zusammenstellung der Formeln des Herrn S. GCNDEI.FINGEK zum Hauptaxenproblem der Flachen zweiter Ordnung und zweiter Klasse bei Zu- grundelegung von prnjcctiven Coordiuaten. Crelle, Jl. Math., ll',l, 1898, 210-233, 313-329. Bruckner, \_lli-inrich Max] Arthur]. Ueber eitrige Mi-ningitis nach Kuucleatio bulbi. [Vortrag beaibeitit von 1'riif. R. Di:rTsniMANN.] Arch. f. Oplithalm., 31, 1885 (Abth. 4), 251-284. Bruckner, .1. cleschichte und Charakter der Arealver- haltnisse Russlands. Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 11, 1892, 203-207. Bruckner, ('[(/;•/ Aug. Ernst \l'illu'!in]. Zur Function des Labyrinths. Virchow, Arch., 114, 1888, 291-300. Bruckner, Curl. Ueber die Condensation von Dichlor- allin mit di'ii Kivsolrn. Licliig's Ann., 2">7, 1890, 822- 330. Bruckner, Curl, it Conrad, M[n.r\. .SV, Conrad & Bruckner. Bruckner, Curl, Hecht, \\'illn-lm, it Conrad, .l/[.;.r|. See Hecbt, Conrad it Bruckner. Bruckner, Edimnl. Ueber die Vergletacherung Ost- Sil.iiirns. Neues Jbuch. Mm., 1885 (l:,l. 1 i, 2:;r. L'.:;. — Die Hiilicn Tiiui'iu uud ibre Ki>bed> ckung. Eiue Bruckner] 861 [Briihl orometvische Studie. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 17, 1886, 1(53- 1ST. — GeschwimiigkeitderoberenLuftstroinungen. Meteorol. Ztsclir., 3 (1886), 220-223. — Die Schwankungen des Wasserstandcs im Sehwarzen Meer und ihre Ursacheu. Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 297-309. — Die Eiszeit in den Alpeu. [18*7.] Hamb. Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 1887-88, 10-23. — Die Hone der Schneelinie und ihre Bestimmung. Metenrol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 31-32. — Ueber Schwankungen des Wasserstandes im Kaspischen Meer, dem Schwarzen Meer und der Ostsee [in ihrer Beziehung zur Witterung]. [1887.] Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 232-233; Ann. der Hydrogr., 16 (1888), 55-67. — Ueber die Methode der Zahlung der Regentage nnd deren Einfluss auf die resultirende Periode der Begen- haufigkeit. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 241-252. — Notre climat subit-il des changements? Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 20, 1888, 219-222. — Die Eiszeit im deutschen und osterreichischen Alpen- vorlande und in der Schweiz. Bern Mitth., 1888, xvi. — Eiszeit und Gegenwart. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 129-131. — Resultate der meteorologischeu Beobaehtungen der deutschen Polarstationen 1882/83. Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888), 245-259. — Grundwasser und Typhus. Bern Mitth., 1889, vii- viii. — Untersuohungen iiber Kliinaschwankungen in his- toiischer Zeit. Bern Mitth., 1889, xiii. — In wie weit ist das heutige Klima konstant? Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verh. , 1889, 101-115. — Eutwickelungsgeschichte des Kaspischen Meeres und seiner Bewohner. Humboldt, 8, 1889, 209-214. - Das Klima der Eiszeit. [1890.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1889-90, 141-156. — Le cliinat de I'e'poque glaciaire. [1891.] Ciel et Terre, 12 (1891-92), 469-473. — Ueber Schwankungen der Seen uud Meere. Peutsch. Geogrtag. Verh., 1891, 209-223. — Kliinaschwankungen seit 1700 nebst Bemerkungen ubei die Klimaschwankungen der Diluvialzeit. Wetter, 8, 1891, 43-47. — Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der geographischen Meteorologie. Geogr. Jbuch., 15, 1892, 401-475; 17, 1894, 309-394; 21, 1899, 255-416. — Saknlare Schwaiikuugen der Eisverhaltnisse des Hudsonflusses. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 35-36. — iVIaterialien zur Verfolgung mehrjaliriger oder saku- larer Periodeu der Witterung. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 27'.). — Sur 1'ablation des terres par les rivieres. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 460-466. — Ueber den Einfluss der Schneedecke auf das Klima der Alpen. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 24, 1893, 21-51. — Diirren in Ostasien. Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), 399-400. — Untersuchungen iiber die tagliche Periode der Wasser- fiihrung und die Bewegung von Hochfluten in der obern Rhone. Petermann, Mitth., 41, 1895, 129-137, 159-169. — La frequence des brouillards en Suisse. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 369-370. — Veranderungen der Erdoberflache im Umkreis des Kantons Zurich seit der Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Petermanu, Mitth., 42, 1896, 232-234; Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Vei-h., 1896, 197. — "Die Mangel der Methode Ed. BKUCKXER'S in seiner Abhandlung: Kliinaschwankungen seit 1700, nnd Bin- fluss derselben auf die Theorie der Kliniaschwankuugen." Erwiderung [an Herrn Engeu VON ROMER]. Wetter, 14, 1897. 134-13H, 154-157 ; 16, 1899, 25-32. — Sur les limites d'altitudes dans les Alpes suisses. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 6, 1898, 604-607. — Bericht der Flusskommission fur das Jalir 1897-98 [und fiir 1899-1900]. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh 1898 233-236; 1900, 171-172. — Ueber den Einfluss der Schneedecke auf das Klima der Alpen. Wetter, 17, 1900, 193-208, 222-234. See also under Fenck, Albrecht. Bruckner, Kduard, Penek, Allmvlit, & Du Fasquier, Leon. See Fenck, Bruckner tV Du Fasquier. Bruckner, Hiifio. Ueber innere Reibung von Salzlosungen. Ann. Phys. Cbern., 42, 1891, 287-309. Bruckner, Josef. [Ueber Zahmung und Anhanglichkeit eines Raubvogels.] Wien Ornitb. Ver. Mitth., 8, 1884, 143-144. Bruckner, Max. Die Elemente der vierdimensionalen Geometric init besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Polytope. Zwickau Ver. Nat. Jber., 1893, 1-61. Brucl, Lndwifl. Anatomic und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Geschlechtsausfiihrwege sammt Annexeu von Calli- phora erythrocephala. Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 10, 1897, 511-618. Briigelmann, G[ottfried]. Ueber die Krystallisation, Beubachtungen und Folgerungen. [Dritte Mittheilung. ] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2359-2372, 2807. — Schluss-Bemerknngen iiber Krystallisation und phy- sikalische Bindung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1052-1053. — Ueber eine eigenartige Darstellungs- uud Bildungs- weise grosser Kalk- und Stmntiaukrystalle und iiber Gasgliihofen. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1896, 415-433. Bruggemann, C. Ueber die Verhaltnisse der Gasbildung beim Laden von Akkumulatoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 341-344. — Beschreibung einer neueu handlichen Form eines Wasserstoffvoltameters. Ztschr. Instruiuentenk., 13, 1893, 417-419. — Messungen an Giilcher'schcu Thermosiiulen. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 649-651. Bruggemann, Fr[itz]. Ueber Derivate des Veratrols. [1895.] Jl. Prakt. Chem., 53, 1896, 250-254. Briiggemann, Rudolf. Ueber die Eimvirkung von Natrium auf den Aethylather der Normal- und der iw-Butter- saure. Liebig's Ann., 246, 1888, 129-160. Briigger, Chr[istian] G[eorg], For biography and list of works see Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 43, 1900, xi- xxxi; Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1900, vii-xxviii. — Die Chiropteren (Flatterthiere) Graubiindens und der angrenzenden Alpenlander. Graubiindeu Natf. Ges. Jber., 27, 1884, 26-64. — Mittheilungen iiber neue und kritische Pflanzen- formen. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 29, 1886, 46- 178. Briigger, Chr[istiari] G[eorg], & Cramer, C. Ueber eine monstrose Gentiana excisa, Prexl. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 33, 1890, 35-38. Briihl, [L.]. Ueber Verwendung von Rontgen'schen X- Stnihlen zu palaontologisch-diagnostischen Zwecken. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1896, 547-550. Briihl, Enist, & Friedheim, Curl. See Friedheim & Briihl. Briihl, Gustuv. Eiue Injectionsmethode des Felsenbeins. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 93-94. — Der Rinne'scbe und der Gell^'sche Versuch. [1897.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 32, 1898, 45-60; Arch. Otol., 29, 1900, 24-33. — Die anatomischeu Darstellungsweisen der Hohlraume des Ohres und der Nase. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898, 418-429. — Zur anatomischen Darstellungsweise der Neben- hohlen der Nase. [1899.] Ztschr. Ohreuheilk., 36, 1900, 144-145. — Zur Anatomie der Nebenhohlen der Nase. [1900.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 31, 1901 (Th. 2), 249-259. — Zur Histologie der Ohrpolypen. [1900.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 38, 1901, 1-13. Briihl] 862 [Briihl Brulil, /[sortt]. fief Bruhl. Bruhl, J[uliux] H'[i//ie/i«]. *Die chemische Constitution orgauischer Korper, in Beziehung zu dereu Dichte und ihrem Vermogen, das Licht fortzupflauzen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 187-189. - *Der Zusammeuhang zwischen deu optischen und thermischen Eigensehaften der fliissigen orgauischen KOrper. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [46]-[48]. - Untersuehungen uber die Moleeularrefraetion or- ganischer tiussiger Korper von grossem Farbenzerstreu- ungsvermogen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2746- 2762; Liebig's Ann., 235, 1886, 1-106. — Experirueutelle Priifung der altereu und der neueren Diapersionsfonneln. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2821-2837; Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886, 233-290. -- Ueber Herrn Julius THOMSEN'S vermeintliche Auf- kliirung der Molecularrefractions-Verhaltnisse. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 3103-3108. — Ueber Hrn. Julius THOMSEN'S sogenannte Theorie der Bildungswarme organischer Korper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 562-567. — Ueber den Einiiuss der eiufachen und der sogenauuteu mehrfachen Bindung der Atome auf das Lichtbrechungs- vermogen der Korper. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Constitution der Benzol- und der Naphtaliuverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2288-2311; Ztsehr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 307-361. — Kritik der Gruudlagen und Resultate der sogenanuten Theorie der Bildungswarme organischer Korper. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 35, 1887, 181-204, 209-236. Untersuchungeu iiber die Terpene und deren Ab- kommlinge. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21. 1888. 145- 179, 457-477; 24, 1891, 3373-3416, 3701-3737, 4254 ; 25, 1892, 142-174, 547-551, 1788-1813; 26, 1893, 284-292. — Apparat zur fractionirten Destination im Vacuum. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3339-3342. — Apparat zum Ausfriereu unter Abschluss von Feuehtig- keit und Luft. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 236- 238. — Sublimations. Apparate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 238-2111. — Verbesserung an [seinem] Apparat zum Eeagiren in der Kalte und unter Lul'tabschluss. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1460-1461. - Ueber die Concentration der Sonnenstrahlen fiir chemische Reactionen. Berlin, Cheru. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1462. I'i'liri ilii' lli-stiiiimmig dns i-pt'citiscbi'ii Gi'wichts zahtiiissiger Substanzen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 182-183, 2455-2457. — Ueber die Messung der Brechuugsexponeuten bei hoheren Temperaturen mittelst des Totalreflectouieters. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 286-298. — Die Brechungsiudices des Wassers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 644-649. — Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen den Verbrenmings- warmen xmd den Structurformeln der Alkylenoxyde, des Acetaldehyds und seiner Polymeren, des Trimetliylens uud des Benzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 650-656. — Ueber die Beziehungpn zwischen den spectrornetrischen Constanten und der chemischeu Constitution des Epi- chlorhydrius, des Acet- und ParaUlehyds und des Benzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 656-668. — Ueber die Beziehuugen zwisehen der Refraction der Gase uud Dampfe und deren chemischer Zusammenset- zung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1815-1822; Ztsehr. Physikal. Chem., 7, 1891, 1-33. — Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen der Dispersion und der chemischen Zusanimensetzung der Korper nebst einer Neuberechnung der Atomrefractioneu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1823-1832; Ztsehr. Physikal. Chem., 7,1891, 140-1 !i:i. — Ueber das Pvron. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2450-2455. — Ueber einen heizbaren Vacuumexsiceator. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2457-2459. — Zur Kenntniss des Acetessigathers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 366-370. - Ueber einen Alkohol des Antipyrins. (Vorlaufige MittheUuug.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 395- 397. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Natrium uud Kohlensanre auf Antipyrin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25. 1892. 1869- 1875. — Ueber die Trimethylen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1952-1956. — Ueber Cauipben und Camphersiiure ; eine Antwort an Hrn. WALLACE. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25. 1892, 2087-2095, 2429. — Ueber Dipropargyl uud Benzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2638-2646. Untersuehungen iiber asymmetrische Bicarbonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 337-34"). — Die Spectrochemie des Stickstoffs. [Vorlaufige Mit- theilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 806-809. — Die Ester der Camphersaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1097-1099. — Ueber einige Eigenschaften und die Constitution des freien Hydroxylamins und seiner Homologen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2508-2520. — Neue Beitrage zur Frage nach der Constitution des Benzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1065-1083; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 201-2'.i4, 503. — Notiz, betreffeud Darstellung von freiem Hydroxyl- amin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27. 1894, 1347. — Studien iiber Tautomerie. [i. Abhandlung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2378-2398; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 50, 1894, 119-221. Ueber Esterificirung und Verseifung. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 1!H3-1914, 2868-2869. - Ueber das Wasserstofihyperoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895. 2847-2866. — Ueber das Benzolproblem. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28. 1895, 21181-2986. — Spektrochemie des Stickstoffs. Ztsehr. Phy?ikal. Chem., 16, 1895, 193-241, 497-524; 22, 1897, 373-409; 25, 1898, 577-650; 26, 1898,47-76; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2388-23H3, 2393-2399, 2399-2406; 31. 1898, 1350-1370, 1465-1477. Ueber die Konstitution des Wassers uud die Ursachen seiner Dissociationskraft. Ztsehr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 514-518. — Spectrochernische Untersuchung des a- und /3-mesityl- oxydoxalsauren Methyls und Aethyls von CLAIKEN. Liebig's Ann., 291, 1896, 137-146. — Spectrochemische Untersuchung des a- und /3-Formyl- phenylessigesters. Liebig's Aim., 291, 1896, 217-225. — Stereochemisch-spektrische Versuche. Ztsehr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 385-413. - Spectrometrische Bestimmungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 158-162. — Hydrazin, Wasserstoffhyperoxyd, Wasser. Berlin, Cheni. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897,' 162-172. — Ueber acylirte Nitrosamine ; ein Beitrag zur Diazo- frage. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 816-821. — Ueber die Ursachen der dissociiereiuleu Kraft der Losungsmittel. Ztsehr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 319- 322. Notiz tiber die Constitution des Hydroxylamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., :!2, 1899, 507-508. — Physikalische Eigenschaften einiger Campherarten und verwandter Korper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1222-1236. — Ueber Alkyldiazourethaue (sogen. Nitrosoalkylure- thane). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2177-2178. Briihll 863 [Brugnatelli — Die Rolle der Medien im Losungsvorgange. Vor- laufige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2326-2331. — Ueber die ungesattigten und aromatischen Verbin- dungen. Liebig's Ann., 308, 1899, 203-212. — Die Bolle der Medien im Losungsvorgange. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 30, 1899, 1-63. — Antwort an Hrn. HANT/SCH : [Ueber Nitrosoalkylure- thane]. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 122-124. — Notiz iiber Wasserstoffhyperoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1709-1710. - Ueber tautomere Umwandlungen in Losuugeu. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 34, 1900, 31-61. Bruhl, J[nliux] W[illiflm], & Aschan, [Adolf] Ossian. Xiv Aschan it Bruhl. Bruhl, J[ulinx] ir[ilhelm], * Biltz, [-Minim] Heinricn. Notiz iiber Alkoholate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891. 649-650. Bruehi, L. Dyewoods and extracts; their use and abuse. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, 612-018; 0, 1890, 605-608. Brnlil, lAidmig J[ul.], & Abraham, Otto. See Abraham & Bruhl. Bruhl, J'[uiil Johannes]. Ueber verzweigte Blitze. Ann. Phys. Chem., 26, 1885, 334-335. — On the resin of Cannabis indica. Bengal Asiat. Soe. Proc., 1887, 225-231. — De Eanunculaceis Indicis disputationes. [1892.] Bengal Asiat. Soe. JL, 61 (Pt. 2), 1893, 270-324. Bruhl, P[aiil Johannes], & King, (Sir) George. A century of new and rare Indian plants. [1896.] Calcutta Roy. Bot. Gard. Ann., 5, 1895, 71-170. Bruel, (./J's). De 1'emploi ile 1'acide hydrofluosilicique comme antiseptique des jus tannants. Ann. Chim. Anal., 4, 1899, 301-302., Bruel, Charles, & Bruel, Rtienne. Contribution a Fetude de la fabrication du cuir. Monitenr Sci., 14, 1900, 223- 234. Bruel, Etiein/e, & Bruel, Charles. See above. Bruel, 0. Note sur quelques observations meteorologiques recueillies a Mobaye Oubangui (I'ongoFrancais). France Soc. Meteqrol. Annu., 47, 1899, 15-20. Bruel, J. Etude sur les phenomenes de. la fecondatiou dans le genre Forsythia. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, 347-348. — [Sur les echantillous de Sin apis arvensis deformes par une mycocecidie, Cystopus candidus.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xxxix-xl. — [Explication de 1'aspeet anormal offert par des exem- plaires de Phragmites communis.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xl. — [Une plante nouvelle pour le departement, Dianthus barbatus.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xl. Briill, J[iilins], & Friedlander, Paul. Ueber Flavon- dfi-ivate. iv. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 297- :(M2, 3447. Brucllc, - — . Action du camphre sur le betol. .11. Pharm., I'.l, 1889, 473-474. Brummer, J[ohanneit]. Ueber Heranziehung und Be- handlung vou Zuchtstuten. Brtinn Mitth., 69, 1889, 289-292. Briining, A (In If von. For biography tee Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 949-950; Cheni. Ztg., 8, 1884. 595. Briining, Ed[uard], & Tsehirch, [IVilhelm Oswald] Al[f.iiinder]. See Tsehirch * Briining. Briining, Gustav von. Ueber Methylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1809-1810; Liebig's Ann., 253, 1889, 5-14. Briining, Gustav von, & Baeyer, [Johann Friedricli WilJielm] Adolf. See Baeyer & Briining. Briinings, W. Zur Physiologie des Kreislaufes der Fische. Pttuger, Arch. Physiol., 75, 1899, 599-641. Brunnow, F[ranz Friedricli Ernst]. For biography and works see Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 205-208; Astr. Soc. Pacific Pnbl , 3, 1891, 367-369; Nature, 44, 1891, 449- 450; Observatory, London, 11, 1891, 391; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 230-233; Termt. KSzlon., 24, 1892. 640; 25, 1893, 632-633. - Schreiben betr. den de Vico'schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 297-298. Bruere, (J/ixs) Alice H. A comparison of two concave Rowland gratings. Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 301-305. — On the polarization of light reflected from hard rubber. Phys. Rev., 6, 1898, 140-152. Bruere, M[arie] A[ntlrew] Arthman. The direct action of hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen selenide, and hydrogen telluride on haemoglobin. [1891.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 26, 1892, 62-75. Brues, C[harles] T[homas]. Peculiar tracheal dilatations in Bittacomorpha clavipes, Fabr. Woods Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull., 1, 1900, 155-160. Brues, C[harles] T[homas], & Melander, A[.rel] L[eonard], See IHelander & Brues. Bruff, Peter Sehuyler. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 141, 1900, 339-341. Brug, . Fahrt des Ballons Victoria am 6. Mai 1886. Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 410-411. Brug, Carl. Ueber nahtlose stahlerne Behalter (Flaschen) fur hochgespannte Gase. Civilingenieur, 39, 1893, 189- 204. Bruger, P[aul], & Meyer, Richard Jos[ef]. See Meyer & Bruger. Bruger, Th. Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung von Solenoiden auf verschieden geformte Eisenkerne. Elek- trotechn. Ztschr., 7, 1886, 199-202, 245-249. — Ueber neuere Formen von Spiegelgalvanometern. Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1888-89, 55-56. — Ueber direkt zeigende Messinstrumente. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 331-334. — Ueber eineu direkt zeigenden Phasenmesser. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 476-477. Bruges, Charlfs Ernest, & Crimp, ]i'illiam Santo. See Crimp it Bruges. Brugger, Oscar. Ueber Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis. Virchow, Arch., 119, 1890, 524-541. — Ueber Hyalin- und Amyloiddegeneratiou mit Ver- kalkung und Knocheubildung in einem Augenmuskel, entstanden nach Trauma. Arch. Augenheilk., 28, 1894, 282-291; Arch. Ophthalm., 24, 1895, 65-72. Brugger, Oscar, & Weiss, Leopold. See Weiss & Brugger. Brugh, J[o/i.] P[ieter] van der. Twee stellingen uit de tlieorie van REDDINGIUS. Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd. Versl., 40. 1899 (Nederl. Oonhn'llc. Bijdr., Aft. 8), 42-55. — Ueber eine Methode zur Messung des interpleuralen Druckes. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 82, 1900, 591-602. Brugia, Rnjfaele. L' elettrotono in rapporto con la con- duttivita dei nervi motori dell' uomo. Kiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 16, 1890, 247-264; Untersuch. Nat., 14, 1892. 590-611. Brugia, Ra/aele, & Cappelli, Gaeta.no. See Cappelli & Brugia. Brugia, I\a/-toluoltiosolfonato potas- sico CrH7SO.)SKa + aq. Giorn. Miu. Crist. Petr., 3, 1892, 54-57. — Delia forma cristallina di alcuni nuovi sulfoni aromatic! degli acidi butirrici. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 'A, 1894 (Hem. 1), 78-82; Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 3-8. — Osservazioni cristallografiche sull' acido picrico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 190-202 ; Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 38-46; Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1895, 274-280. — Studio cristallografico di alcuni uuovi composti solfonici. [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 33-36. — Studio cristallografico del nuoborato potassico. [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 58-59. — Sulla forma cristallina dell' isocianato di potassio. [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 60. — Sulla forma cristallina del p-dibromaulfobenzid (CoH4Bv)2S02. [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 74. — Osservazioni sulle serpentine del Rio dei Gavi e di Zebedassi (Appennino pavese). Rorna, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 121-124. — Sopra alcuni nuovi composti sulfoniei, anilidi, metil- auilidi ed etilanilidi degli acidi benzol e p-toluolsulfonici. [1896.] Riv. Miu. Crist,, 15, 1895, 53-56. — Osservazioui sull' acido adipico e sul suo sale ammo- nico. Riv. Min. Crist., 16, 1896, 7-9; Ztschr. Kryst., 26, 1896. 298-299. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Krystallform optisch activer Substanzen. Ueber Santonin und einige seiner Derivate. [1896.] Ztschr. Kryst., 27, 1897, 78-90. — Sulla linarite della miniera di S. Giovanni (Sardegna). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 302-399; Riv. Min. Crist., 17, 1897, 56-64 ; Ztsclir. Kryst., 28, 1897, 307-310. — Prime contribuzioni allo studio dei giacimeuti di amianto della Valle Malenco (1°. Di un carbonato di maguesio probabilraente nuovo. 2". Magnesite, dolo- miie, aragonite sopra un c.impioue d' amianto). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 1109-1119; Riv. Min. Crist., 18, 1898, 44-54. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Krystallform und des Einflusses der Temperatur auf die Lage der optischen Axen des Sacharins CeHi005. [1897.] Ztschr. Kryst., 29, 1898, 54-62. — Ottaedrite e brookite della Piattagrande presso Sondalo in Valtellina. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 1405- 1411 ; Riv. Min. Crist., 23, 1899, 37-43; Ztschr. Kryst., 32, 1900, 355-358. — Ueber ein wahrscbeinlich neues Mineral aus den Asbestgruben im Val Brutta (Veltlin). Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 54-55. — Ueber eine interessante Miueralassociation der Asbest- gruben vom Val Lanterna (Veltlin). Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 55-56. — Ueber ein alpines Vorkornmen von Chrysoberyll. Ztsclir. Kryst., 32, 1900, 81-82. Brugnicm, Ed. Note svir un veau monstriieux. [1887.] Lausanne. Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, 127-128. Brugnola, A., it Colasanti, Giusi-ppe. S<-e Colasanti & Brugnola. Brugnoli, Gun-mini. For biographical notice see Bologna Rend. , 1893-94, 79-82. — Contribute allo studio clinico della perforazione in- testinale uella febbre tifoide. [1885.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 331-340. — Notizie ed Osservazioni intorno alle malattie da malaria nella provincia di Bologna. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1886, 75-«4. — Delle epidemie di cholera-rnorbusche hanno dominate uella citta e provincia di Bologna. Brevi cenni e cou- fronti. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 233-243. — Uso della noce vomica nella epile.ssia da irritazione del vago. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 589-595. — La pertosse epidemica nella provincia di Bologna e di una forma speciale di essa. [1889.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 777-783. — Di una forma singolare di nevrosi e dell' uso in essa dell' atropiua ad altissime dosi. [1890.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 10, 1889, 687-696. — Del salicilato di soda nella cura del tetano. [1891.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem , 1, 1890, 395-400. — Osservazioni e ricerche medico-legali sopra uu cranio umauo. [1893.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, 287- 291. Brugnone, (nhnte) Giuseppe. *0sservazioni critiche sul catalogo delle couehiglie fossili di Monte Pellegrino e Ficarazzi del marchese m MONTEROSATO. Bull. Malacol. Ital., 3, 1877, 17-4(1. Brugsch, Alexander. For biographical notice see Leo- poldina, 30, 1894, 101-102. Brugsch I'aalin, Hemrii-li [Karl]. For biography and list of works see Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (419)-(420) ; Inst. Egypt. Bull., 5, 1895, 363-311(1 ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 11, 1895, 25. — Eine Blitzstudie. [1890.] Wetter, 8, 1891, 126-135. Bruguiere, H. Statistique des laches solaires. Astronomie, 1884, 101-103. — L'^clipse totale de lune [dn 28 Janvier]. Astronomie, 1888, 107. — Visibilite de Venus a 1'oeil nu pendant le jour. Astro- uomie, 1888, 337-339. — Coup de foudre remarquable. Astronomie, 1888, 394-395. — Maxima et minima solaires. Fixation du " minimum " solaire en 1889, 3. Astronomie, 1889, 417-418. — Visibilite presque constante a 1'ceil nu, de la planete Venus. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (PL 2), 320-322. — Passages de corpuscules devant le Soleil. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 323-324. — Curieuse observation d'aerolithe. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 339-340. — [L'eclipse totale de lune du 15 novembre.] Astronomie, 1891, 11)5-4611. — [La graude tache solaire d'aout 1893.] Astrouomie, 1893, 381-382. — Le maximum solaire actuel. Astronomic. 1894, 233. Brulint, ./.. & Backer, Felix lie. Niv Backer A Bruh.it. Bruhin, Th. A. Prodromus flora1 adventicui1 borenli- americanse. Vorlaufer einer Flora der in Nordamerika eingewanderten freiwachseuden oder im Grossen culti- virten Pflarizen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 35, 1886 (Ahh.). 387-450. — Die linicolen und Luzerne-Unkrauter Deutsclilands und der Schweiz. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 8, 1890, 100- 102. — Stellung von Carex strigosa, Huds. ( = C. leptostacbys, Ehrh.), im System. Deutsche Bot. M., 5, 1893, 38- 62. Brulil, /[siiac], & Dubief, H[fnri]. See Dubief * Brnhl. Bruhii, Bruno. [Ueber das Verhalten von substituirten Aminonitrilen gegen aromatische Aldehyde bei Gegen- wart von Alkali.] Benzylirlen-Anilin. [1897.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2699-2702. Ueber die Constitution und die Entstehung der Naphthene. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 900-902. — Ueber Harzsauren, Harzessenz und Harzol. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 1105-1108. Briilm, C. A. Einiges fiber Blitzsehaden und Blitzschutz. Wetter, 5, 1888, 189-198. Brulin, J. Some geometry in connection with the stability of ships. Naval Architects Trans., 37, 1896, 200-207. — The stresses at the discontinuities in a ship's structure. Naval Architects Trans., 41, 1899, 57-71. Bruhne, Karl. Hormodendrou Hordei. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gerstenkrankheiten. Beitr. Physiol. Morphol., 4, 1894, 1-42. Bruhns, C[arl Christian]. To biographical reference (Vol. 9) add Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 1, 1881, 176; Ciel et Terre, 2, 1882, 264 ; Leopoldiua, 20, 1884, 18-20, 23-24. — *Die neuesten Himmelserscheinungen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1868, 39-40. - '[Ueber die angewaudten Methoden zur Berechnung sowohl der speciellen, als der allgemeinen Storungen bei kleinen Planeten und Cometen.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1868, 57. - "[Instruments der Alteu.] Deutach. Natf. Tagebl., 1868, 94. — *0n the observation of earth temperatures. [Meteorol. Off.,] Met. Congr. Rep., 1873, 88-90. *Ueber ein neues Passagen-Instrument. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 64. — *Ueber den Venusdurcbgaug von 1882. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Bfil.), 65-66. Bruhns, Carl. Ueber die Lymphgefasse der weiblichen Genitalien nebst einigen Bemerkungen fiber die Topo- graphie der Leistendriisen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1898, 57-80. Ueber Syphilis der Milz mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des Milztumors im secundaren Stadium der Lues. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 64, 1899, 450-465. — Ueber die Lymphgefasse der ausseren mannlichen Genitalien und die Zuflfisse der Leistendrfisen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Amit. Abth.), 1900, 281-294. Brulins, Carl, Romberg, Ernst, Piissler, Hans, & Muller, Wilhe/m. See Romberg, Passlcr, Brulins & Mxiller. Bruhns, Oustav. Zur Bestimmung des Invertzuckers irn R. S. A. C. Kohzucker. Ztschr. Ver. Rubenzuckerind., 36, 1886, 794-796. — Ueber Adenin und Hypoxanthin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 225-229; Ann. di Cbim., 12, 1890, 143- 144 ; Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 14, 1890, 533-575. — Ueber die Zuckerbestimmuugsmethode von KJELDAHL und das Reductionsvermogen des Rohrzuckers. Presenius, Ztschr., 38, 1899, 73-96. — Ueber Invertzuckerbestimmung. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind., 49, 1899 (Th. 2), 370-376. — Ein neuer aichungsfahiger Polarisationsapparat mit der Scala auf dem Quarzkeil selbst. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind., 49, 1899 (Th. 2), 452-455. Brulins, Gustav, & Kosscl, A[lbreclit Carl Ludwig Martin Leonhard]. Ueber Adenin und Hypoxanthiu. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 16, 1892, 1-12. Brulins, Theodore. Notice sur les formations lunaires, conuues sous le nom de rainures. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 259-264. — Note sur la queue de la Comete 1884 I (Pons 1812). Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 121-138. — Note sur la queue de la Comete 1886 I. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 113-122. — Note sur la queue de la Comete 1886 II. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 307-312. Brulins, [Franz Siegfried] Willy. Der Porphyritzug von Wilsdruff-Potschappel. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 736-761. — Ueber secundare Glaseinschlfisse. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1889 (Bd. 1), 268-270. — Beitriige zur Mineralsyuthese. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1889 (Bd. 2), 62-65. — Ueber doppelbrechenden Hauyn. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 30-31. — [Ueber ein Korund- und Granatgestein vom Laacher See.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 31-32. — Korund vom Laacher See. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 554-555. Die Auswurflinge des Laacher Sees in ihreii petro- graphischeu und genetischen Beziehungen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb. , 48, 1891, 282-354. — Einschluss aus dem Basalt vom Unkel. Bonn Nieder- rheiu. Ges. Sber., 1893, 5-6. — Auswiirflinge des Laacher Sees. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 6-7. — Sanidinbombe aus dem Trachyttuff der Holle im Siebengebirge. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 7-8. — [Ueber angeblichen Opalobsidian im Tuff des Steuzel- berges.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 8. — Diabasporphyrit von der Insel St. Martin (Kleine Antillen). Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 8-9. — Einschluss im Plagioklas-Basalt vom Lotzenheck b. Nordhofen Westerwald. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 9-10. — [Ueber einige Westerwalder Gesteine.] Bonn Nieder- rhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 79-82. — Nephelinbasalt vom Podhorn bei Marienbad in Bohnien. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 82. — Petrographische Mittheilungen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 53, 1896, 39-56. — Gesteine vom Vulkan Osorno in SUd-Chile. Freiburg Ber., 10, 1898, 201-214. — Krystallographische Untersuchung einiger organischer Substanzen. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Bd. 2), 53-59. Brulms, [Franz Sieflfrieil] Willy, & Busz, Karl [Heinrich Emil Georg]. [Ueber ein neues Mineral "Phosphosi- derit."] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 29-30; Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 555-560. Bruignac. See Duroy de Bruignac. Bruijn, A. J. de. *Revisie der Rumices. [1883.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 38-42. Bruijn, B. R. de. Het evenwicht van stelsels van drie stoffen, waarbij twee vloeistoffen optreden. The equi- 109 BruijnJ 866 [Brun librium of systems of three substances, in which two liquids occur. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 310-314; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 1, 1899, 253-257. — Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gleichgewichte mit zwei fliissigen Phasen in Systemen von einern Alkalisalz, Wasser und Alkoliol. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem. , 32, 1900, 63-115. Bruijn, /.'. R. dr, & Holleman, A[rnold] F[rederik]. See Holleman A Bruijn. Bruijn, Cornells'] A[driaan] tobry de. ,SV<" Lobry de Bruyn. Bruijn, //. E. ile. [Voordracht houdeude eenige beschou- wingen over de theorie van eb en vloed.] [1889.] 's Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1888-89 (Verg.), 77-85. — [Voordracht over de betrekking tusschen regenval, verdamping en waterafvoer.] [1897.] 's Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1896-97 (Verg.), 91-96. Over het verband tusschen den gemiddelden zeestand en de hoogte van gemiddeld hoog- en laagwater. On the relation between the mean sea-level and the height of half-tide. [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 205- 213; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 2, 1900, 189-196. Bruijning, F. F. Beitrage zur Kenntniss unserer Land- bausamereien. (Die Hartschaligkeit der Samen des Stechgiusters [Ulex europreus, L.].) Jl. Landw., 41, 1893, 85-94. — [Zur Kermtniss der Ursache des Frostschadens.] Forsch. Agr.-Phys., 19, 1896, 487-494. — Sur 1'exameu des semences commercials d'herbe et de tretie au point de vue de leur puretd et sur les impurete's qu'on y rencontre. [189ti.] Haarlem, Mus. Teyler Arch., 5, 1898, 1-44. — La brulure du sorgho (maladie du sorgho sucre, Sorghum blight, Hirsebrand, Sorghum roodziekte), et les bact^ries qui la provoquent. Arch. Neerlaud., 1, 1898, 297-330. Bruijning, F. F., & Haarst, J. van. Sur 1'acide cyan- hydrique des graines du genre Vicia. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 18, 1899, 468-471. Bruinsma, ,l[osephus] J [ohannes]. For biographical notice and works see Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 387-390. Brukncr, , & Jaensch, . Ueber Zucker-Nach- weisung in der Pflauzenzelle. Ztschr. Ver. Biiben- zuckerind., 47, 1897 (Th. 2), 757-758. Brulerie. '.. . Fiochard de la Brulerie. Bruilc, [Giii-panl] Auijiiste. To biographical reference (Vul.'l) add Abeille, 24, 1886-87 (Les Entom. et lews Ecrite, 175-177). Brulle, Raoul. Falsifications des huiles d'olive. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 106, 1888, 1017-1018. — Dosage du soufre dans la houille. Moniteur Sci., 3, 1889, 230-231. — Sur les reactions des huiles avec 1'azotate d'argent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 118-119 ; Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 45, 1889, 449-451; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 208-209. — Nouveau proce'de pour recouuaitre la fraude dans les huiles d'olive. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 111, 1890, 977. — Nouvelle methode pour la recherche des huiles d'olive et de graines, applicable egalement aux beurres naturels et aux beurres margarines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 112, 1891, 105-106. — Methode g£ne>ale pour 1'analyse des beurres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1255-1257; Jl. Pharm., 28, 1893, 80-82. — Methode pour determiner la puretd des beurres au moyen de la densite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 325. Bruin. .SVc Sousa Drum. Brumell, H. Peareth H. Notes on manganese in Canada. Amtr. Geologist, 10, 1892, 80-88. - The mineral waters of Canada. [1893.] Ottawa Natlist., 6, 1892, 100-167, 173-196. — On the geology of natural gas and petroleum in south- western Ontario. [1892.] Arner. Geol. Soc. Bull., 4, 1893, 225-240. — Notes on the occurrence of petroleum in Gaspe, Quebec. [1892.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 4, 1893, 241- 244. — Report on natural gas and petroleum in Ontario prior to 1891. [1892.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 5, 1893, Q 1-Q 94. — Natural and artificial cements in Canada. Science, 21, 1893, 177-178. Brumham, (icon/c D[aniel]. For biographical notice see Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 16, 1890, 97. — Meteorological and astronomical recurring periods. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 37-38. — Periodical recurrence of warm summers. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 73-74. — The recent summer and the weather cyclists. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 165-167. — The weather and the "cyclists." Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 22, 1887, 7-8. Brummclcr, G. It', ten. [Over waarnemiugen van aard- stroornen ter westkust van Sumatra.] Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr.,, 47, 1887, 601. Brumpt, Emile. Quelques fails relatifs a 1'histoire du Phascolion Strombi (Montagu). Arch. Zool. Exper., 5, 1897, 483-496. — Sur un Copepode nouveau (Saccopsis Alleni, n. sp., parasite de Polycirrus aurantiacus, Grnbe). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1464-1467. — De 1'accouplement chez les Hirudinees. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 24, 1899, 221-238. — Reproduction des Hirudinees. Existence d'un tissu de conduction special et d'aires copulatrices chez les Ichthyobdellides. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 2), 688- 710.. — Reproduction des Hirudinees. Formation du cocon chez Piscicola et Herpobdella. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 25, 1900, 47-51. — Reproduction des Hirudinees. Recherches experi- mentales sur la fecondation. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 25, 1900, 90-93. — Reproduction des Hirudinees. France Soc. Zool. M<5m., 13, 1900, 286-430. — De la fecondation par voie hypodermique chez les Hirudinees. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (G. E.), 189-190. Brun, Albert. Note sur un cristal de stibine de 1'ile de Shikoku (Japon). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 11, 1884,514-516. — Note sur quelques fulgurites observees dans les hautes Alpes. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 12, 1884, 610-614. — Reproduction artificielle des roches. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 25, 1891, 239-240. — Sur les proprieties optiques de 1'opale artificielle. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 25, 1891, 720. — [Analyse rapide d'une eau employee comme boisson.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 87-88. — Roche a peridot d'Arolla et ses de'rive's. [1891.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 27, 1892, 299-307. — Sur le microcline de la protogine du Mont-Blanc. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 27, 1892, 356-357. — Note sur le spectre d'absorption desgrenats almandins. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 410-412. — Note sur les gabbros d'Arolla. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 32, 1894, 102-109. — Proced^ de determination de 1'indice de refraction de cristaux ou fragments de cristaux iutiniment petits. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 32, 1894, 218-220. - Melanite de Zermatt. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 103-104. — Les variations de 1'indice de refraction du quartz provoquees par la calcination. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 657-658. Brun] 867 [Brunaud — Cristallisation de pates siliceuses a 75 °/0 de silice et polybasiques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 5, 1898. 384-385. — Pi5ridotite et gabbros du Matterborn. [1898.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 7, 1899, 61-69. — [Proprietes optiques de 1'acide urique, de 1'oxalate de chaux et de la cystine.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 7, 1899, •284-285. — Clivage particulier de la glace des hauls-nave's. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 317-320. - La " neige du Caucase " observee dans les Alpes. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 10, 1900, 390-392. Brun, Arturo. Die Flimrnerbewegung in den Uterindriisen. Pniiger, Arch. Physiol., 75, 1899, 332-337. — Die Nerven der Milchdriisen wahrend tier Lactations- periode. AVien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abtlt. 3), 88-102. Brun, Ch. Etude sur la the'orie me'canique de la chaleur. Kev. Maritime et Colon., 113, 1892, 89-104, 161-202, 353-380; 114, 1892, 85-110; 115, 1892, 205-214, 506- 538; 116, 1893, 391-408, 520-543; 125, 1895, 468-490; 126, 1895, 82-108. Brun, Etfanne], Sur un oxybromure de euivre, analogue a 1'atacamite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 109, 1889, 60-68; Ass. Franc. C. K., 1889 (Pt. 2), 353-354; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 211-213. — Combinaisons de 1'iodure cuivreux avec I'hyposulfite d'ammoniurn. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 114, 1892, 667-668. Brun, Fraiis de. Bevis for nagra teorem af POINCARE. Stockh., Ofvers., 1889, 677-689. -- Analytisk harledniug af eqvationerna for de ytor och linier, som aro invarianta for den Poincare'ska generali- serade substitutiouen sarnt nagra geometriska egenskaper hos sadana invarianta ytor och linier. Stockh., Ofvers., 1890, 135-162 ; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 410. — Invarianta uttryck for den Poincare'ska generaliserade substitutionen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1890, 265-281; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 410. — Rotation kriug fix punkt. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 455-468; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1431-1432. — Till teorien for algebraiska funktioner. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 315-322; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 322. — Om invarianta hyperelliptiska likheter. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 173-184; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 400- 401. — Einige neue Formeln der Theorie der elliptischen Functiouen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 309-316; 1898 523-531. Zu dem Probleme der Zuriickfiihrung Alielscher Integrale erster Gattung in elliptische. Stockh., Ofvers. 1897, 413-449. — Sur le niouvement d'un point materiel, sollicite par une force centrale. Stockh., Ofvers., 1899, 107-112. Brun, H. de. Note sur les formes eruptives de la dengue. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 30, 1893, 227-237. — Note sur le typhus exanthernatique observe' a Beyrouth dans les premiers rnois de I'anne'e 1893. Paris, Ac. He'd. Bull., 30, 1893, 249-257. — Etude sur le pneumo-paludisme du somruet. Paris, Ac. .He'd. Bull., 33, 1895, 106-115. — Etude sur le raccourcissement ruuseulaire post-te- tanique, et sur quelques sympt6mes peu connus du tetanos. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 36, 1896, 210-220. — L'ainhum des auteurs constitue-t-il uue entite morbide distinete, ou bieu n'est-il qu'une modalite de la le'prose? Paris, Ac. Med. Bull. , 36, 1896, 248-274. — Contribution nouvelle a 1'etude de la question de 1'ainhum. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 325-330. Brun, Jacques. *Note sur une pluie de sang. [1880.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 6, 1882, Ivii-lx. - 'Preparation des Diatome'es. Nouveau precede. [1882.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 8, [1883], cxxxi-cxxxiii or clxii-clxiv. - 'Note sur les meilleurs precedes pour reconnaitre les bacte'ries de la txiberculose et en faire des preparations microscopiques. [1882.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 8, [1883], cxxxvii-cxlv or clxix-elxxvii. Vegetations pe'lagiques et microscopiques du lac jnrs de Geneve (au printernps 1884). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 11, 1884, 543-545; Jl. Microgr., 8, 1884, 491-493, 541- 544, 591-595. — La pe'ninsule scandinave. [With discussion.] Geneve Soc. Ge'ogr. Mem., 23, 1884 (Bull.), 98-104. — Proeede' de double coloration applicable aux etudes microscopiques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 13, 1885, 257- 260; Jl. Microgr., 9, 1885, 174-176. — Notes sur la microscopie technique appliquee a 1'histoire naturelle. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 17, 1887, 146-154; Jl. Microgr., 11, 1887, 178-183. — [Algues Diatomace'es fossiles du Japon.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 21, 1889, 466-468. — Diatome'es. Especes nouvelles marines, fossiles ou pe'lagiques. [1891.] Geneve Soc. Phys. Mc5m., 31, 1890- 93, Pt. 2, No. 1, 47 pp. — Zwei neue Diatomeen von Plon. Plon Biol. Stat. Forschungsber., 2, 1894, 52-56. Brun, Jacques, & Tempire, J. Diatomees fossiles du Japon. Especes marines et nouvelles des calcaires argileux de Sendai et de Yedo. [1889.] Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 30, 1888-90, No. 9, 75 pp. Brun, Pierre de. Excursions geologiques dans le canton d'Alzon (Gard). Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 86-103; 1900, 1-16. Essai de rnineralogie du departement du Gard. Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1900, 88-137. Brun, V[ictor\ A[dolphe] Blalte-. See Malte-Brun. Bruna. '-. . Soza Bruna. Brunard, . Sisyrinchium berrnudianum, L. Saone- et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 6, 1900. 204-206. Brunaud, Paul. Contributions a la Sore invcologique de 1'Ouest. Descriptions des Phycomycetes trouves dans les environs de Saintes et dans quelques autres localites de la Charente-Inferieure et de la Chareute. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, 47-64, 65-84, 623; 39, 1885, 11-18, 19-77. — Liste des Sphseropsidees trouvees a Saintes (Charente- Inferieure) et dans les environs. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1886, 61-115. — Liste des Hyphomyeetes recolte'es aux environs de Saintes, Charente-Inferieure. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1886, 197-221. — Fragments mycologiques. Herborisations myco- logiques aux environs de Saintes (Charente-Iuferieure), 1884-[87]. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 22, 1886 (Tome 1), 57-88; 23, 1887, 121-156; 24, 1888, 71-82. — Hymeuomycetes a ajouter a la flore mycologique des environs de Saintes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 507-512. — Sphieropsidees nouvelles, rares ou critiques re'colte'es aux environs de Saintes (Charente-Inferieure). Bev. Mycol., 8, 1886, 139-142. — Materiaux pour la flore mycologique des environs de Saintes (Charente-Inferieure). Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 41, 1887, 159-189. — Champignons a ajouter a la flore mycologique des environs de Saintes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, 243-246, 428-432; 36, 1889, 335-340. — Especes et varietes nouvelles de Sphasropsidees trouvees aux environs de Saintes. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 153-155. — Supplement a la liste des Sphasroide'es trouve'es a Saintes (Charente-Inferieure) et dans les environs. Bev. Mycol., 9, 1887, 13-17. Agaricinees chromospores recoltees aux environs de Saintes en 1885-86. Bev. Mycol., 9, 1887, 17-19. Miscellanies mycologiques. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 42, 1888, 85-104; 44, 1890, 211-273; 52, 1897 133-149. 109—2 Brunaud] M;S [Brunei Liste des Hymenomycetes recoltes jusqu'a ce jour dans la Charente-Inferieure. Bordeaux Soe. Linn. Act., 43, 1889, 321-395; 46, 1893, 341-360. Liste des Ustilaginees et des Uredin^es recoltees jusqu'4 ce jour dans la Charente-Inferieure. Chareute- Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 73-91. Liste des Myxomycetes recoltes jusqu'a ce jour dans la Charente-Inferieure. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 93-97. — Sphieropsidees recoltees jusqu'ii ce jour dans la Charente-Inferieure. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 26, 1890, 51-140. — Glanules mycologiques. Herborisations de 1891[-93] dans la Charente-Inferieure. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 28, 1892, 67-81; 29, 1893, 93-101, 103-110. Agaricinees recolt^es k Fouras (Charente-Inferieure) principalement dans le bois de pins et dans le pare du Casino 1888-92. Charente-Iuf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 29, 1893, 81-92. — Spheropsidees nouvelles ou rares recoltees a Saint- Porchaire, a Fouras et a Saintes (Charente-Inferieure). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, 221-225. — Additions & la flore mycologique de Saintes et de Fouras (Charente-Inferieure). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Ft. 1), 217-220. — Champignons recoltes dans la Charente-Iufe'rieure en 1892. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 (Pt. 1), 33-38. Brunaud, Paul, & Fasserlni, G[iovanni], See Fasserini A Brunaud. Brunaud, Paul, Fasserini, 6f[i'oz'aimi'], & Thumen, Ftlix (Baron) von. See Fasserini, Thiimcn & Brunaud. Brunchorst, ,T[0rgen]. Die Function der Spitze bei den Richtungsbewegungen der Wurzeln. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 78-93, 204-219. — Zur Frage fiber den sogenaunten Galvanotropismus. Bot. Centrbj., 23, 1885, 192-198. — Ueber die Kutillchen an den Legumiuosenwurzelu. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1885, 241-257. — Die Structur der Inhaltskorper in den Zellen einiger Wurzelansehwellungeu. Bei*gens Mus. Aarsber., 1886, 233-246. — Ueber einige Wurzelanschwellungen, besonders die- jenigen von Alnus und den Eteagnaceen. [1886.] Tubingen Bot. Inst. Unters., 2, 1886-88, 151-177. — Ueber eine sehr verbreitete Krankheit der Kartoffel- knollen. [1887.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1886, 217-226. — Zur Bekampfung der Kohlhemie. [1887.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1886, 227-331. — Oversigt over de i Norge optradende, okonornisk vigtige plantesygdomrne. [1888.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1887, No. 5, 27 pp. — Ueber eine neue, verheerende Krankheit der Schwarz- fiihre (Finns austriaca, H'riss.). [1888.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1887, No. 6, 16 pp. — Notizen fiber den Galvanotropismus. [1889.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1888, No. 5, 35 pp. — Die biologische Meeresstation in Bergen. [1891.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1890, No. 5, 31 pp. — Die Laboratorien und die Maschineneinrichtung der biologischen Station in Bergen. [1893.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1892, No. 5, 8 pp. - Vandets temperatur og saltgehalt i Puddefjorden ved Bergen. [1893.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1892, A'o. 6, 9 pp. — Nogle norske skovsygdomme. [1893.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1892, No. 8, 11 pp. — Die biologische Meeresstation in Bergen, Norwegen. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 217-220. Brunck, Otto. Ueber einige Derivate des Diphenylpara- phenylendiamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25 1892 2715-2722. — Ueber Ozonbildung bei hohen Temperaturen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1790-1794. — Ueber Ozonbildung. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1895, 222-247. — Die quantitative Bestimrnung des Ozons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1832-1842, 2999-3001. Brunck, Rudolph. Ueber Thienylindol, o-Naphtylindol und einige Bromderivate der Indole. [1892.] Liebig's Ann., 272, 1893, 201-208. — The Brunck coke-oven and system for the recovery of bye-products. [J(7t/i discussion.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 44, 1895, 283-289, 380-383. Brundin, J. A. Z. Ueber Wurzelsprosse bei Listera cor- data, L. [1895.] Stockh., Ak Haudl. Bihang, 21 (Afd. 3), 1896, No. 12, 9 pp. — Alcyonarien aus der Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums in Upsala. [1896.] Stockh., Ak. Haudl. Bihaug, 22 (Afd. 4), 1897, No. 3, 22 pp. Brune, . Uuo speciale rocchetto d' induzione. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 32, 1900, 213-214. Bruneau, B[rise], & Rousseau, [Henri] Gustave. See Rousseau A Bruneau. Bruneau, Paul. Recherches sur les proprietes physio- logiques du propylene. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 16, 1886. 148-153. — Empoisonnement par le gaz de 1'eclairage. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 18,, 1887, 146-177. Brunei, Georges [Edouard Auauste]. [Systemes articules.] [1885.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1886, xv(6i«). — Note sur 1'analyse indeterminee et la geometric & n dimensions. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1886, 129- 141. — Theorias cometarias. Explication des phenomenes cometaires. Rio de Janeiro Obs. Rev., 1886, 164-168, 182-187. Monographic de la fouction gamma. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1887, 1-184. — [La theorie des matrices de substitution.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1888, viii. — [Sur la theorie des developpantes.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1888, xi. — [Nouvelles propositions relatives a la theorie des matrices.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1888, xxii. — Sur une generalisation de la notion de periodicite. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1888, xxvi-xxxiv. — Sur les racines des matrices z^roi'dales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 467-470. — [Sur les problemes de fermeture.] [1889.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, 'X-xi. — [L'existence de cycles astrouomiques et la theorie des fractions continues.] [1889.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, xxv-xxviii. [Sur les trajectoires reciproques.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, Ixviii. — [La marche historique du developpement de la theorie des quantites complexes.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, Ixxvi-lxxvii. - [Le probleme des alignements.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, xciii-xciv. — [Sur le theoreme fondarnental de 1'algebre.] [1890.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, i-ii. — L'algebre universelle. [1890.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, ix-x. — [Sur le nombre IT.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, xi-xiii. — [De 1'extension aux espaces d'un nombre quelconque de dimensions des proprietes analogues a celles exprimees par le theoreme de MEUSNIER dans 1'espace 4 trois di- mensions.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, xv-xvi. — [Sur les configurations regulieres tracees sur une surface quelconque.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, xxii-xxiv. — [Sur la relation qui existe entre le probleme de la determination de la distribution eiectrique dans un systeme de conducteurs liuetiires et la question du saut Brunei] 869 [Brunelle du cavalier sur 1'echiquier.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M£m., 2, 1891, xxxiv-xxxvi. — [Sur les surfaces a un seul cote\] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M£m. , 2, 1891, xxxvii. — [Sur les contours traces sur les surfaces.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 'A, 1893, iv. — [Sur la definition de la ligne droite en topologie.] [1892.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1893, xxx-xxxi. — [Quelques resultats curieux obtenus dans la theorie des polyedres euleriens.] [1892.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1893, xxxvii-xxxix. — [Sur les surfaces capillaires.] [1892.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1893, xlii-xlv. — Note sur le nombre des sommets des courbes planes rationnelles d'ordre n. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1893, 167-175. — [Sur les fonctions syrn^triqties des racines d'uue Equation algebrique.] [1892.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mi5m., 4, 1894, vi-viii. — [Sur quelques problemes d'analysis situs.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, ix-xii. — [Sur la representation grapbique de la benzine.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, xviii-xx. — [Quelques remarques relatives a la representation symbolique et a la representation graphique des relations de parente.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, xxv-xxvi. — Quelques remarques sur la demonstration par 1'absurde. [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem. , 4, 1894, xxxii-xxxiii. — [Sur un theoreme du a DE MAIRAN et relatif aux octaedres inscrits dans un cube doune.] [1893.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, xlv. — [Sur le saut du cavalier sur 1'echiquier.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, liii. — Les configurations regulieres a symetrie parfaite. [181)3.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, Ivii-lviii. — Note sur le nombre de points doubles que peut presenter le perimetre d'un polygone. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, 273-276. — Reseaux reguliers. [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.- Verb., 1894-95, 3-7. — Polymerisation du carboue. [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-95, 8-10. — [Quelques remarques sur un probleme de combinaisons.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, xiv-xv. — [Le resultat de recherckes faites sur un polyedre par- ticulier, deja etudie par KIRKSIAN.] [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, xxix-xxx. — [Sur 1'enlacement des courbes.] [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, xxxi-xxxv. — [Uue application nouvelle de la methode generate pour determiner un trajet passant par tous les sommets d'un r.eseau donne.] [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, xxxix. — [Quelques remarques sur la representation graphique des carbures satures de formule OH2"*2.] [1894.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, xxxix-xl. — [Sur la construction et 1'enurneration des n-edres a base (n - l)gonale et a sommets trilateraux.] [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, xliv-xlv. — Sur les systemes de triades formees avec 6,,+ l elements. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1895 (Pt. 2), 145-149. — Analysis situs, recnerches sur les reseaux. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, 165-215. — Sur un probleme de stereotomie. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-95, 10-12. — Configurations tracees sur une surface fermee quel- conque et ne possedant qu'un sommet et qu'une face. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-95, 13-15. — Sur uu probleme de partitions. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-95, 24-27. — Sur le probleme des alignements. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-95, 28-32. Sur les duades formees avec un nombre pair d'elements. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-95, 32- 35. — Systemes de n-ades formees avec «2 elements. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-95, 50-60. — Sur les configurations regulieres reciproques tracees sur uue surface ferrule quelconque. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-95, 03-65. — Bemarque sur 1'ensemble des duades que Ton peut former avec N elements. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1895-96, 0-11. — Sur les surfaces et les espaces a un seul cote. [1896.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1895-96, 20-27. — Polygoues autoinscrits. [1896. J Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1895-96, 35-39. — Sur les triades formees avec 6« - 1 et On - 2 elements. [1896.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1895-96, 40-43. — Sur la construction des systemes de quadricycles de 8n + 1 elements. [1890.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1895-96, 58-62. Construction d'un reseau donne a 1'aide d'un nombre determine de traits. [1890.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.- Verb., 1895-96, 02-65. — Sur les configurations regulieres tracees sur des surfaces fermees quelconques. [1896.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1896-97, 4-8. — Sur la decomposition de deux figures geometriques ^quivalentes en un nombre fini d'elemeuts superposables chacun a chacun. [1896.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.- Verb., 1896-97, 18-21. — Sur un groupe d'operations. [1897.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1896-97, 30-33. — Sur un probleme combinatoire de STEINER. [1897.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1896-97, 37-41. — Sur une surface a courbures opposees. [1897.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1896-97, 02-64. — Sur une suite remarquable d'operations. [1897.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1896-97, 80-90. — Des contours traces sur les surfaces. [1897.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1896-97, 128-131. — Decomposition d'un carre en quatre parties super- posables. [1897.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1896-97, 101-163. — Sur quelques configurations polyedrales. [1897.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1897-98, 20-22. — Polygones a automseription multiple. [1898.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1897-98, 43-40. — Sur les duades formees avec 2/> elements. [1898.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1897-98, 104-105. — Configurations regulieres sur des surfaces quelconques. [1898.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1897-98, 224- 226. — Systemes de quadricycles de N elements. [1899.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1898-99, 59-60. — Sur les v cycles des 2» + 1 elements. [1899.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1898-99, 71-74. — Sur la representation graphique des isomeres. [1899.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1898-99, 108-110. — Configurations speciales tracees sur la surface de genre zero. [1899.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1899-1900, 2-4. Brunei, H. Sur 1'acide thioglyoxylique (ethanetkioloique). Paris Soc. Ckini. Bull., 15, 1896, 134-135. Brunei, H., & Zorn, L. See Zorn * Brunei. Brunei, O[swald]. Ueber /S-Aethylnapktalin. Berlin, Ckern. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1179-1180. Brunelle, J[oseph]. De la glycosurie alimentaire dans la colique saturnine. Arch. Gen. Med., 174, 1894, 688- 703. Brunelle, J[oseph~], & Combemale, [Fraiifvis Auguste] F[rederic]. See Combemale iV Brunelle. Brunelle, J[oseph], & Surmont, //. See Surmont & Brunelle. Brunelli] 870 [Brunhes Brunelli, J. Note sur la construction des lignes, tele- graphiques le long d'une route en pente. Lura. Elect., 41, 1891, 113-117. Brunei-, //<>»/•;/ L. Ein neuerMuskelapparatzum Schliessen uud Oeffnen der Nasenlocher bei den Salamandriden. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abtli.), 1896, 395-412. — New nasal muscles in the Reptilia. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 217-218. — On the heart of lungless salamanders. [1897-1900.] Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 435-436; Jl. Morphol., 16, 1900. 323-336. Bruner, Lair mice. 'Report of observations in the North- west on the Rocky Mountain locust. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 2, 1883, 7-22. — Two new Myrmecophilie from the United States. Canad. Ent., 16, 1884, 41^43. Notes from Nebraska. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep., 1884, 398-403. — Observations on the Rocky Mountain locust during the summer of 1883. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 4, 1884, 51-62. — Contributions to the North Trans-Continental Survey. Orthoptera. Canad. Ent., 17, 1885, 9-19. — Report on the abundance of the Rocky Mountain locust in 1885. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep., 1885, 303- 307. — Report on the season's observations in Nebraska. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep., 1887, 164-170. — Report on locusts in Texas during the spring of 1886. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 13, 1887, 9-19. — Report[s] on Nebraska insects. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 13, 1887, 33-37; 22, 1890, 95-106; 23, 1891, 9-18. — Report on Nebraska insects. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep., 1888, 139-141. — Cicindela limbata, Say. [1889.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 2, 1889-90, 144-145. — New North-American Acrididae, found north of the Mexican boundary. U. S. Mus. Proc., 12, 1890, 47-82. — Report on a local outbreak of grasshoppers in Idaho. [1890.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 135-141. — Ten new species of Orthoptera from Nebraska. Notes on babits, wing variation, etc. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 36-40, 56-59, 70-73. — On some destructive locusts of North America, together with notes on the occurrences in 1891. [1891.] Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 189-196; U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 4, 1892, 18-24. — Notes on beet insects. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, :), 1891, 229-230. — Phosphorescent myriopods. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 319-321. — Report upon insect depredations in Nebraska for 1891. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 26, 1892, 9-12. — Notes on the wing-color of North American locusts belonging to the subfamily (Edipodime and its seeming relation to climatic conditions. Science, 21, 1893, 133. The more destructive locusts of America, north of Mexico. U. S. Div. But. Bull., 28, 1893, 40 pp. — Report upon insect injuries in Nebraska during the summer of 1892. U. S. Div. Eut. Bull., 30, 1893, 34-41. — Descriptions of new species of Orthoptera from the Death Valley Expedition. U. S. N. Amer. Fauna, No. 7, 1893, 266-268. — Report on injurious insects in Nebraska and adjoining districts. U. S. Div. Eut. Bull., 32, 1894, 9-21. - A new species of Pezotettix. [1894.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 7, 1895, 41-42. - Nicaraguan Orthoptera. [1895.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 3, 1894-96 (No. 3), 58-69. — Vireo navoviridis in Nebraska. A correction. Auk, 14, 1897, 323. — Grasshopper report for 1895 [and 1896]. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull. , 7, 1897, 31-39. — On the flora and fauna of Argentina. [1898.] Science, 9, 1899, 30. — A new Conocephalus. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 38-39. Bruner, Lawrence, Coquillett, Daniel William, \ Osborn, Herbert. Reports on the damage by destructive locusts during the season of 1891. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 27, 1892, 64 pp. Bruner, Ludwik. 0 cieple topliwosci niekt6rych zwiazk6w organicznych. [Ueber die Schmelzwarmen einiger orga- nischen Verbindungen.] [1894.] Kosmos (Lwow), 20, 1895, 394-395; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2102- 2107. — Sur la chaleur spe'cifique des liquides surfondus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 912-914. — Sur la solidification de quelques corps organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 914-915. — Sur la solubility des liquides surfondus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 59-60. Sur la chaleur specitique des sels surfondus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 60-61. Przechiodzenie i przesycenie. [Ueberschmelzung und Uebersiittigung.] Kosmos (Lwow), 21, 1896, 95-107. - Ueber die Loslichkeit iiberkalteter Fliissigkeiten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 542-544. — Elektrochemia ciat organiczuych. [Electrochemistry of organic bodies.] Kosmos (Lwow), 22, 1898, 290-296. — Ueber die Loslichkeit des Jods in gemischten Li'isungs- mitteln. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 26, 1898, 145-151. — Ueber die Hydrolyse der Salzlcisungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 32, 1900, 133-136. Uwagi dynamiczne nad bromowaniem benzoin. [Dyuamische Beobachtungeu iiber die Bromierung des Benzols.] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 19 [20], 1902, 162-170; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1900, 29-37. Bruner, Ludwik, & Tolloczko, Ntanistaw. Ueber die Auflosuugsgeschwindigkeit fester Korper. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 33, 1900, 283-290. 0 szybkosci tworzenia sie, estr6w z chlorku benzoilo- wego i alkoholow tiuszczowych. [Ueber die Geschwin- digkeit der Esterbildung aus Benzoylchlorid und alipha- tischen Alkoholen.] [1899.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przijrad.) Rozpr., 18, 1901, 216-234; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 475-487. Brunei, [Pierre Auguste]. Du role des roulottiers, etc., dans la dissemination des contagions animales. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1894 (Ft. I), 354. Brunei, Felix. Le sue pulmonaire. Effets physiologiques et therapeutiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M>'/<•) James. For biography and works see Inst. Median. Engin. Proc., 1892, 223-224; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., Ill, 1893, 367-371. Brunn. [Ferdinand] A[lbert Jl'ilhelm] von. For biography and list of works sec Leopoldina, 31, 1895, 223; Auat. Anz., 11, 1896, 481-485. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Samenkorper und ihrer Entwicklung bei Saugethieren und Vogeln. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 23, 1884, 108-132. Der Westien'sche Universalloupenhalter. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 24, 1885, 470-471. — Ueber die Ausdehnung des Schmelzorgans und seine Bedeutung fur die Zahnbildung. Anat. Anz., 1, 1886, 259 ; Arch. Mikr. Anat. , 29, 1887, 367-383. — Ueber die kiinstlichen Defonnationen des Schadels. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch. , 1886, viii-ix. — Ueber Entwiekelung der Zahne, speciell iiber die Bedeutung des Schmelzorganes. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1886, x-xi ; 1887, xx-xxi. — Ueber Epithel mid Driisen der Paukenhohle. Meck- lenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1886, xvii. Ueber Mernbrana prffiforrnativa und Cuticula dentis. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 506-508. — Ueber die Negritos der Philippinen. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1888, iii-iv. — Ueber die Bander am Gaumenfortsatz des Wespen- beins. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch. , 1890, v-vi. — Das Foramen pterygospiuosum (Civiniui) und der Porus crotaphiticobuccinatorius (Hyrtl). Anat. Anz., 6, 1891, 96-104. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Zahnentwicklung. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 38, 1891, 142-156. — Ueber die Ausbreitung der inenschlichen Riechschleirn- haut. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1891, ix-x, xi-xii. — Beitrage zur mikroskopischen Auatomie der menseh- lichen Nasenhohle. Arch. Mikr. Auat., 39, 1892, 632- 651. — Die Endigung der Olfactoriusfasern im Jacobson'schen Organe des Schafe?. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 39, 1892, li.ll- 652. — [Eine seltene Anomalie am Herzen.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1892, x-xi. — Ueber driisenahnliche Bildungeu in den Harnwegen. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1892, xi-xii. — Ueber driisenahnliche Bildungen in der Schleimhaut des Nierenbeckens, des Ureters und der Harnblase beini Menschen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 41, 1893, 294-302. — [Ueber die Resultate der neueren Forschungen fiber die Nervenendigung in den Sinnesorganen.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1893, viii-x. — Verdauungsorgane. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 3, 1894, 238-262; 4, 1895, 78-101. — Ueber Hyperthelie. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1894, ix-xii. — Zur Kenntniss dnr Haarwurzelscheiden. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 44, 1895, 207-216. — Ueber Schichtung und Wachsthurn derNagel. Deutsch Natf. Verb., 1895 (Th. 2, Hcilfte 1), 105-106. — [Ueber die Bedeutung der Lieberkiihn'schen Crypten und iiber Epithelwanderung.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1895, i-iv. — [Ueber die neueren die Entwiekelung des Pankreas betreffenden Arbeiten.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1895, xxix-xxxi. Brunn, Daniel. Arkseologiske undersrfgelser i Julianehaabs distrikt. [Expedition archeologique au district de Juliane- haab en 1894.] [1895.] Medd. Grtmland, 16, 1896, 171- 461, (Ms. 479-495). Brunn, [Karl] Hermann. Topologische Betrachtungen. Ztscbr. Math. Phys. , 37, 1892, 106-116. — Eiu Satz iiber orthosymmetrische und verwandte Determinanten aus den fundamentalen symmetrischen Functionen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 37, 1892, 291-297. - Ueber Verkettung. [1892.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 77-99. — Ueber scheinbare Doppelpunkte von Raumcurven. Bin Beitrag zur Analysis situs. [1893.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 3, 1894, 84-85. — Referat iiber eine Arbeit : Exacte Grundlagen fur eine Theorie der Ovale. [1894.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 24, 1895, 93-111. Brunn, M. von. Formaldehyddesinfection durch Ver- dampfung verdiinnten Formalins. (Breslauer Methode.) Ztschr. Hyg., 30, 1899, 201-230. Brunn, [A". O.] Max ran. Untersuchungen iiber die dop- pelte Form der Samenkorper von Paludina vivipara. Arch. Mikr. Anat.. 23, 1884, 413-499. — Weitere Funde von zweierlei Samenkorperformen in demselben Thiere. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 546-547. — Ein Beitrag zur Museumstechnik. Hanib. Nat. Ver. Abb.., 13, 1895, No. 6, 9 pp. — Parthenogenese bei Phasmiden, beobachtet durch einen iiberseeischen Kaufmann. Harnb. Mus. Mitt., 15, 1898, 145-161; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 15, 1898, Beiheff2, 145-161. Brunn, Max von. Zur Histologie der Epithelien der serosen Haute. Centrbl. Path., 11, 1900, 604-607. Brunn, Otto. Ueber das Murexo'in. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 513-516, 774. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Jod auf Arsen- und Anti- nionwasserstoffgas. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2546-2549. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Arsen- und Autimon- wasserstoffgases. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 3202-3207. Brunn, 1C. run. Alkoholdampfe als Desinfektionsmittel. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. I), 28, 1900, 309-315. Brunnberg, Tijko. Den hypuotiska suggestionen och dess anvandning vid menstruationsrubbningar. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 27, 1892, 217-240. Brunnemann, C[arl]. Ueber die Bestimmung der Phos- phorsiiure in den Thomasschlacken. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1885, 1335-1336; 11, 1887, 19-20. Ueber die alkalische Reaction von Bruuneu- und Flusswasser. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 675-676. — Ueber den Einfluss des Trocknens von Niederungs- moorproben auf die Loslichkeit des darin enthaltenen Stickstoffs in Wasser. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Landw. Jbuch., 15, 1886, 189-191. Brunner, [L.]. *Darstellung des Wetzlarer Doppelsuper- phosphats. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [86]-[87]. Brunner, Conrad. Ein Fall von Spina bifida occulta mit congenitaler lumbaler Hypertrichose, Pes varus und "Mai perforant du pied." Virchow, Arch., 107, 1887, 494-504. — Der Kopftetanus beim Thiere und die Facialislahmuug beim Tetanus hydrophobicus des Menschen. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 30, 1890, 574-595. — Ueber Genese, congenitalen Mangel und rudimentare Bildung der Patella. Virchow, Arch., 124, 1891, 358- 373. Brunner] 873 [Brunner — Untersuchungen iiber die Ausseheidungen pathogener Mikroorganismen durch den Schweiss. Wien. Med. Wsohr., 41, 1891, 1436-1437; Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 820-322. — Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Casuistik der Spina bifida occulta rait Hypertrichosis lumbalis. Virchow, Arch., 129, 1892, 246-254. Eine Beobaebtung von Wundinfektion durch das Bacterium coli commune. Centrbl. Bakt., 16, 1894, 993-999. — Eine Bemerkivng zu dem Aufsatze von E. BRAATZ, "Rudolf VIRCHOW und die Bakteriologie." Centrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 1), 17, 1895, 259-260. — Ueber den Stiick-Langsbruch der Knochondiaphyse. [1900.] Fortschr. Rontgenstr., 3, 1899-1900, 174-179. Brunner, D[aniel] B. See under Smith, Edgar F[ahs\. Brunner, I)[aniel] It., & Smith, Ed/inr F[nhi\. 'Some minerals from Berks county, Pa. [1. Stilbite. 2. Deweylite. 3. Vesuvianite. ' 4. Titanite.] [1883.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 5 (1883-84), 279-280. Brunner, Ferdinand. Zur Frage der praktischen Ver- wendbarkeit der Mausetyphusbacillen, insbesondere des Loeffler'schen Bacillus typhi murium. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 68-71. Brunner, Friedrich. Ueber Harublasenbriiche. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 47, 1898, 121-186. Brunner, Geary. Strychninvergiftung uud Wundstarr- krampf. Fortschr. Med., 16 (1898), 365-370. — Recherches sur 1'action des poisons bacteriens et v^getaux. i. Sur la pretendne action zymotique des toxines. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 6, 1898, 189-210. — Beitrag zur Immunitatslehre. Fortschr. Med., 17 (1899), 1-7. — Seitenketten-Theorie und Strychninvergiftung. Fort- schr. Med., 17 (1899), 7-11. — Ueber das losliche Silber und seinen therapeutischen Werth. Fortscbr. Med., 18 (1900), 381-388. Brunner, Georg, & Zawadzki, A. Zahlplatte zu den Petri'schen Schalen. Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 616-618. See also Zawadzki & Brunner. Brunner, Glister. Zur diagnostischen Verwertlmng des Verhaltnisses zwischen Luft- und Kuochenleitung, sowie der quantitativ veranderten Perception der hohen gegen- iiber den tiefen Tonen. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 13, 1884, 263-283 ; Arch. Otol., 13, 1884, 256-280. Zum Morbus Meniere. Ztschr. Ohreuheilk., 17, 1887, 47-60; Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 197-211. Zur diagnostischen Verwerthung der obereu und unteren Tougrenze, sowie des Riune'schen und Schwa- bacb'schen Versuches. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 27, 1895, 250-267. Brunner, Hans. Ueber epidemisches Auftreten der genui- nen, crouposen Pneumonie. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 52, 1894, 454-463. Ueber das zeitliche Auftreten der crouposen Lungen- entziindung und die Beziehungeu der Disposition zu atmospharischen undkosmischenVerhaltnissen. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 60, 1898, 339-362. — Ueber den Einfluss der Gravitation des Mondes auf Invasion und Krisis der crouposen Pneumonie. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 62, 1899, 574-578. Brunner, Heinrich. Weiteres tiber Azoresorcin und Azoresorufin als Erwiderung auf eine Mittheilung der Herren P. WESELSKY und E. BENEDIKT. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 580-591. — Les dichro'ines. [1888.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 24, 1889, xxvi-xxvii. — Ueber eine dreifache Vergiftung durch Colehicum autumnale, kompliziert durch Anwesenheit von Spuren von Arsen. Arch. Pharm., 227, 1889, 385-406. La synthese des sulfures doubles des metaux alcalins et des metaux du groupe du fer. [1889.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 25, 1890, xxvii. R. 8. A. C. — [Sur une nouvelle methode de synthese organique qui repose sur 1'emploi de 1'acide hydrosulfureux H.,SO.> .] [1889.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 25, 1890, xxix-xxx. — [La synthese des dichro'ines.] [1889.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 26, 1891, vii. — • [L'action du nitroprussiate de sodium sur les phenols de la serie nieta.] [1892.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 28, 1892, viii ; 29, 1893, ii. — [La composition des nitroprussiates.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 28, 1892, xiii-xiv. — [Etudes faites par M. KOCH dans le domaine de la phytochimie.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 30, 1894, xxxvi-xxxvii. — Sur la recherche de la qualite des ardoises. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1897 (Proc.-Verb.), 49-54. — [La production de 1'ozone an moyen des persulfates, et leur action sur des combinaisons organiques.] Lau- sanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, xii-xiii. — [Sur 1'action du persulfate et d'un melange de persulfate et de permanganate sur diverses combinaisons chimiques.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, xxxi. — Sur 1'action des persulfates. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xlii-xliii. Brunner, Heiiirich, & Angelescu, [Nicolae •/.]. [Etude de la cyclamine et de la primnline.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 29, 1893, xxii. Brunner, Heinrieli, & Chuard, Ernest. Ueber (3-Amido- alizarin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 445-447. — Phytochemische Studien. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 595-622. — Sur la presence de 1'acide glyoxylique dans les vege- taux. [1886.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 22, 1887, 162-169. — Sur la presence dans les ve'g^taux d'un acide glyco- succinique; sa caracte>isation comme acide mono-iod- succinique. [1886.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, 20-26. — [La synthese de 1'acide mono-iodsuccinique et les acides des fruits.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 28, 1892, viii-ix. Sur la presence de 1'acide glyoxylique dans les fruits verts. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 126-128. • Ueber Monojodbernsteinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 200-201. 3447. See also Chuard & Brunner. Brunner, Heiiirich, & Chuit, Philippe. Ueber Dichro'ine, Phenoloxychro'in, Thymolchroin und Thymochinon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 249-255. — Ueber die durch Einwirkung von Konigswasser und Brom-Konigswasser auf Phenole entstehenden Dichroi'ue. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2479-2486. Brunner, Heinrich, & Eiermann, Karl. Ueber die Einwirkung halogensubstituirter aliphatischer Verbin- dungen auf Phenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1406-1416. Brunner, Heinrich, & Kramer, Charles. Ueber Azo- resorcin und Azoresorunn. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1847-1866. — Ueber Amidophenolsult'onsauren und ihre Beziehungen zu den Liebermann'schen Farbstoffen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1867-1872. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Brom-Konigswasser auf organische Verbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1872-1875. Brunner, Heinrich, & Leins, Heinrich. [La theobromme et la cafeine.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 29, 1893, xxi— xxii. — Ueber einige Derivate des Theobromius und die Einwirkung von Chloroform auf Phenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2584-2587. Brunner, Heinrich, & Pelet, Louis. Einwirkuug von Chlorkalklosung auf Phenylhydraziu. (BUdung von 110 Brunner] 874 [Bruno Azobenzol.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 284- 285. Brunner, Heinrich, & Robert, William. Ueber Phenol- farbstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18. 1885, 873-376. Brunner, Heinrich (et alii). [Travaux execute's au Laboratoire de ehimie de 1'Universite : 1. L'action des persulfates alcalins sur leg combinaisons organiques. 2. L'action des persulfates sur I'or^o-phenyleue-dia- miue et la dirnethyl-pnra-ph£nylene-diamine. 3. La determination quantitative des alcaloides. 4. L'action de 1'eau regale et de 1'eau re'gale brom^e sur les com- binaisons organiques.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 36, 1900, xxxvii-xxxviii. Brunner, Henry L. Ein neuer Muskelapparat zum Schliessen und Oeffnen der Nasenlo'cher bei den Sala- mandriden. Anat. Anz. , 12, 1896, 272-273. Brunner, Jos. C. A. Einwirkung von Isobutylaldehyd auf Chinaldiu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2041-2042. Brunner, Karl. Assign to this author Nos. 73-76 (Vol. 9) under Brunner, Carl. — Ueber ein Hydrochinon und Chiuon des Ditolyls. [1889.] \Vien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 26), 163-172; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 174-183. — Eine Synthese der Isoapfelsaure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Abth. 26), 625-630; Mhefte. Chem., 1892, 834-839. — Ueber das dimoleculare Propionylcyanid und iiber die daraus dargest elite Ae thy Itartronsaure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 (Abth. 26), 105-115; Mhefte. Chem., 1893, 120-130. — Ueber Propyltartronsaure. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Htilfte 1), 97. — Bildung von Propyltartronsauren aus den Dibutyryldi- cyaniden. Wien, Ak. Sber. , 103, 1894 (Abth. 26), 635-662 ; Mhefte. Chem., 1894, 747-774. — Eine neue Bildungsweise des Pr 2, 3-Dimethylindols. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 26), 198-204 ;' Mhefte. Cliem., 1895, 183-189. — Ueber eine neue aus dem Isobutylidenphenylhydrazin gewonnene Base. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 26), 730-746; Mhefte. Cbpin., 1895, 849-865. — Eine Indoliumbase und ihr Indolinon. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 26), 215-243; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 253-281. - Ueber Indolinone. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 26), 465-476; 106, 1897 (Abth. 26), 104-131, 526-548; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 479-490; 1897, 95-122, 527-549. — Ueber die E. Fischer'sche, aus Methylketol und Jodmethyl darstellbare Base. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 612-015, 1943-1949. — Synthese von Indolinbasen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 26), 24-51; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 156-183. Brunner, .17. Ueber eiue neue Art der Diagraphie mit Hilfe der Rontgenstrahlen. [1899.] Fortschr. Rontgenstr., 2, 1898-99, 178-179. Brunner, 0[tto], & Elbs, Karl. See Elb» it Brunner. Brunner, Ph[ilipp]. Ueber die Biundeeylensaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2224-2228. See also Brunner, Th. (t Ph[ilipp]). Brunner, Ph[ilipp], & Skraup, Zdenko Hans. See Skraup & Brunner. Brunner, Fh[ilipp], & Witt, Otto N[ikolaus]. Ueber einige Derivate des Beuzidins. Berlin, Chem. Ge?. Ber., 20, 1887, 1023-1030. — Ueber einige Derivate des Naphtophenazius. i. Mit- theilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2660- 2668. Brunner, Th. (! Ph[ilipp)), & Krafft, F[riedrich]. Sec Krattt A Brunner. Brunner von Diessenbofen, Friedrich. For biographical notice see Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 313-317. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Curl. *Ueber hypertelische Nachahmungen bei den Orthopteren. [1883.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 33, 1884 (Abh.). 247-250. — Monographie der Stenopelmatiden und Gryllacriden. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 38, 1888 (Abh.), 247-394. — Ueber einen Fall von Riicksichtslosigkeit der Natur. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 39, 1889 (Sbfr.), 47-49. — Monographie der Proscopiden. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 40, 1890 (Abh.), 87-124. — Additameuta zur Monographie der Phaneropteriden. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 41, 1891 (Abh.), 1-196. — [Ueber die Heuschreoken-Verheerungen in Algerian.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 41, 1891 (Sber.), 82-83. • Notizen iiber die Orthopteren-Fauna Ceylon's. Ent. Nachr., 18, 1892, 337-340. — Revision du systeme des Orthopteres et description des especes rapportees par M. Leonardo FEA de Birmanie. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 33, 1893, 5-230. — On the Orthoptera of the island of Grenada, West Indies. [With an introduction by D. SHARP, F.R. S., F.Z.S.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1893, 599-611. — Tomonotus Theresiie, sp. n. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 40, 1895, 277. — On the Orthoptera of the Sandwich Islands. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 891-897. — [Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Molnkkeu und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckb. Natf. Ges. ausgefuhrt von Dr. Willy KUKENTHAL.] Orthopteren des Malayischen Archipels, gesammelt von Prof. Dr. W. KUKENTHAL in den Jahren 1893 und 1894. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abb., 24, 1898, 193-288. [Diagnoses d'insectes recueillis par 1'Expe'dition Ant- arctique Beige.] Orthopteres. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 44, 1900, 112-113. — Tristira, genus novum Tryxalidarum, viciuum Stauro- noto, ex Fuegia. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 235-236. — Note on the coloration of insects. [Jr.] Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 2-4. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Carl, & Kedtenbacher, Josef. On the Orthoptera of the island of St. Vincent, West Indies. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 196-221. Brunnhofer, Hermann. Ueber die Herkunft der Sanskrit- Arier aus Armenien und Medien. Ztschr. Ethnol., 31, 1899, (478)-(483). Brunnmayr, Heinrich. Ueber die Darstellung des Dimethyl-l,2,3,5-Phentetrols. [1899.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 26), 693-706; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 1- 14. Brunnschweiler, E[manucl], & Elbs, Karl. Nee Elhs & Brunnscuweiler. Brunnthaler, Josef. Ueber eine monstrose Wuchsform von Polyporus squamosus (Hnds.). Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 435-437. — Pogouatum nanum x aloides. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 46-48. — Plaukton-Studien. i. Das Phytoplankton des Do- mvustromes bei Wien. [n. Prosc'ansko jezero (Croatien).] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 50, 1900, 308-311, 382-383. Bruno, Carlo. *Descrizione degli osservatorii che sono in corrispoudenza meteorologica coll' Osservatorio di Moucalieri. in. Osservatorio meteorologico di Mondovi. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 1, 1866, 58. - *Neve rossa caduta a Mundovi il 15 gennaio. Mon- calieri Oss. Bull., 2, 1867, 2-3. - *Variazione ternjometrica in ragione di altezza sul versante settentrionale delle Alpi Marittime nel mese di agosto 1867, [e nei mesi di luglio e agosto 1868, e settembre 1869]. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 3, 1868, 38; 4, 1869, 59-61, 72. - *Intorno alle osservazioni simultanee di temperatuia fatte a Mondovi ed alia Valle dell' Ellero. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 3, 1868, 108-109. Bruno] [Bruns - *[Le stelle cadenti del periodo di novt-mlire 18(J8.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 3, 1868. 131. — *Terremoto [a Mondovi il 17 luglio]. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 5, 1870, 89. - *Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1870. Mon- calieri Oss. Bull., 5, 1870, 114-115. "Terremoti. Mondovi. Terremoto del 7 gennaio. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 34. - "Luce zodiacale ed aurora boreale osservate a Mondovi nella notte 7-8 aprile 1872. [1872.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 7, 1873, 81-84. — "[Aurora boreale del 10 aprile 1872.] Mondovi. [1872.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 7, 1873, 84-85. — *Terremoto [sentito a Mondovi la sera del 20 aprile 1872]. [1872.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 7, 1873, 85. - *Meteora luminosa osservata a Mondovi il 16 luglio 1872. [1872.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 7, 1873, 130. - *0sservazioni sulla luce zodiacale fatte a Mondovi nelle sere dell' 11 e 12 febbraio 1874. [1874.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 9, 1875, 33-34. Bruno, Carlo. [Sulle rocce cristalline della regione Faipiano.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 508-509. Bruno, F. Fa4 di. See Faa di Bruno. Bruno, G[aetano]. Sulla depurazione delle acque lurido- fecali. Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 8, 1895, No. 4, 7 pp. Bruno, G. G. L'excitabilite specitique de la muqueuse du tube digestif. Sixieme meraoire. La bile comme agent digestif. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 7, 1899, 87-142. Bruno, Giuseppe. Sopra nn punto della teoria delle frazioni continue. [1886.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 21 1885, 273-277. Bruno, Luigi. II diluvium alpiuo dalla Dora Riparia al Ticino. Cenno d' idrografia sotterranea nella zona pre- alpina tra la Sesia ed il Ticino. [1894.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 747-758. — L' anfiteatro della Dora Baltea. Riv. Geogr. Ital., 2, 1895. 71-81. — Studi intorno al fenomeno glaciale nella vallata della Dora Baltea. [1897.] Riv. Geogr. Ital., 4, 1898, 322- 330. Bruno, P. Sur certaines particularity des orages. [1893.] Ciel et Terre, 14 (1893-94), 358-359. Bruno, P[ietro]. Mancanza assoluta della gbiandola sottomascellare destra nell' uonio. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Anat.), 62-63. Bruno-Gambini, F. De 1'alimentation des vegetaux. Geneve, Inst. Nat Bull., 27, 1885, 397-520. Bruno-Spampinato, Giuseppe. Ricercbe petrografiehe e geologicbe sul Capo Tiudari e dintorni di Patti. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 10, 1897, Mem. 7, 26 pp. Brunot, Ch. Les illusions d'optique. Rev. Sci., 52, 1893 210-212. Brunette, Cnmille. Recherches sur la structure de 1'ceil chez nn Branchiomma. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888 301-303. — Sur quelques fleurs de Monocotyledones liliiflores tetrameres. [1892.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 22, 1891-92, 213-215. Procede^ d'inclusion et d'enrobage "a froid" dans la gelatine. Jl. Bot., Paris, 6, 1892, 194-195. - Quelques cas teratologiques chez Tulipa, L., et Fritillaria, L. Malpighia, 6, 1892, 117-119. — Deux stations nouvelles du Phreoryctes Menkeanus (Hoffmeister). [1892.] Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 120-122. — Contribution a 1'etude de la flore de la Lorraine. Jl. Bot., Paris, 9, 1895, 376-381; 10, 1896, 41-52; 11, 1897 261-263. — Sur 1'avortement de la raciiie principals chez une espeee du genre Impatiens (L.). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 897-900. Sur 1'origine de la double coiffe de la raeine chez les Tropicolees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 277-279. — Sur les teguments seminaux de quelques especes du genre Impatiens, /,. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 181-184. Bruns, [Paul von], Des blessures par les nouvelles armes a feu. [With discussion.] [1892.] Arch. Gen. Mi'.)., 171, 1893, 118-119. Bruns, Carl. Ein Fall von primaren Spimlelzellensarkom der Niere. Beitr. Path. Anat., 24, 1898, 374-3*4. Bruns, E. Ueber Darstellung der drei Nitrauiline. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1954-1955. Bruns, Erich. Der Grasembryo. Flora, 76, 1892, 1-33. — Beitrag zur Anatomie einiger Florideeu. Deutseh. Bot. Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, 178-186. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattuug Polysaecura. Flora, 78, 1894, 67-75. — Ueber die Inhaltskorper der Meeresalgen. Flora, 79, 1894, 159-178. Bruns, Hayo. Ein Beitrag zur Pleomorphie der Tu- berkelbaeillen. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 17, 1895, 817- 826. — Zur Morphologic des Actinomyces. Ceutrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 26, 1899, 11-15. Bruns, Hayo, & Levy, E. See Levy A Bruns. Bruns, Hrn/o, & Spiro, Karl. See Spiro & Bruns. Bruns, [Ernst] Heinrich. Ueber eine Differentialgleichung der Stdrungstheorie. Astr. Nachr., 107, 1884, 129-132. — Bemerkungen zur Theorie der allgemeiuen Storungen. Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 215-222. — Zur Theorie des Heliometers. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 129-140. — Ueber die Rotation eines starren Korpers. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 37, 1885, 55-59. — Cometenbeobachtungen angestellt am 12-fiissigen Aequatoreal der Leipziger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 235-238. — Ueber die Perioden der elliptischen Integrale erster und zweiter Gattung. Math. Ann., 27, 1886, 234-252. — Eiu neuer Libelleupriifer von HILDEBRAND & SCHEAIIM in Freiberg i. S. Ztschr. Instrtimentenk., 6, 1886, 198- 201. - Ueber eine Aufgabe der Ausgleichungsrechnung. [1886.] Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abb., 13, 1887, 515-563. — Ueber die Integrale des Vielkorper-Problenis. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 39, 1887, 1-39, 55-82. — Schreiben betr. die Mondtinsterniss 1888 Jan. 28. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 207-208. — Der Lambert'sche Satz. Astr. Nachr.. 118, 1888, 241-250. — Sehreiben betr. Heliometermessungen bei Mondfin- sternissen. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 363-364. — Mittheilung u'ber ein Hasert'sches Fernrohr. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 115-116. — Ueber das Problem der Saecularstorungen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 543-545. — Note zur Storungstheorie. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 (Festschr., Tl. 2), 3-8. — Zur totalen Mondtinsterniss 1891 Nov. 15. Astr. Nacbr., 128, 1891, 327-328. — Ueber das Ergebniss einer theoretischen Untersuchung liber die zweckmassigste Anordnung von Messungspro- grammen zur Bestimrnung der Strichcorrectionen einer Kreistheilung. Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljschr., 26, 1891, 255-256. — Zur Theorie der astronomischen Strahlenbrechung. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 43, 1891, 164-227. — Beobachtuogen auf der Sternwarte zu Leipzig. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 393-398. — Untersuchung einer Wanschaff'schen Theilung. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 17-42. — Bedeckung von 7 Virginis durch den Moud 1892 Jau. 19. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 333-334. — Bemerkung fiber den Malus'scben Satz. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 49-52. 110—2 Bruns] 876 [Brunton — Ueber die Ausgleicbung statistischer Zahlungen in der Psychophysik. Phil. Stud., 9, 1894, 1-52. - Das Eikonal. Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 21, 1895, 323-436. — Zusatz zu der Abhandlung "Das Eikonal." Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 47, 1895, 323. — Ueber die Darstellung von Fehlergesetzen. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 329-340. — Ueber ein Interpolationsverfahren von TSCHEBTSCHEF. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 161-170; 147, 1898, 173-174. - Zur Collectiv-Masslehre. Phil. Stud., 14, 1898, 339- Beobachtungen auf der Leipziger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 413-416. See nl sn Dorpat University Observatory. Bruns, Henry Dickson. *A clinical study of leprosy. Arch. Med.,' 6, 1881, 201-224. On the relation between the diseases of the teeth and ears. Arch. Otol., 14, 1885, 21-24; Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 15, 1886, 247-250. Bruns, Ludu-ia. Eiu Fall von Dyslexie (Berlin) mit Stornngen der Schrift. Neurol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, 38-43, 68-74. — Ueber einige seltenere Erkrankungen des Hirn- stammes. [1888.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 45, 1889, 593-596. - Multiple Hirnnervenlasion nach Basisfractur. Ein Beitrag zur Frage des Verlaufs der Geschmacksnerven. [1888.] Arch. Psychiatr., 20, 1889, 495-503. Ueber Lokalisation im Cervicalmarke. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 516. — Zur Casuistik der traurnatischen Neurosen. Neurol. Centrbl., 8, 1889, 123-132, 159-169. — Isolirte Lahmung des linken Flexor pollicis longus iliiichUeberanstrengung : " Trommlerlahmung." Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 359-3IJ3. — Erwidemng an Herrn Dr. ZIEHL in Liibeck, die Innervation des Geschmacks betrefl'end. Virchow, Arch., 119, 1890, 185-191. — [Ueber einen Fall von peripherer Medianus- und Ulnarislahmung.] [18UO.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 47, 1891, 416-418. — Zur Pathologic der Trommlerlahmung. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 98-100. Ueber das Graefe'sche Symptom bei Morbus Base- dowii. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 6-13. — Zur Pathologic der isolirten Lahmung des Musculus serratus auticus. [1892-93.] Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 34-42, 258-261. — Ueber eiuen Fall totaler traumatiaeher Zerstorung des Kiiekenmarkes an der Grenze zwischen Hals- und Dorsalmark. Ein Beitrag zur Frage vom Verhalten der Lahmung und der Keflexe speciell der Patellarreflexe bei hochsitzenden totalen Quersclinittslasionen des Riicken- markes. Arch. Psychiatr., 25, 1893, 759-830. — Zur difierentiellen Diagnose zwischeu den Tumoren der Vjerhiigel uud des Kleinhirnes. Arch. Psychiatr., 26, 1894, 299-322. — Ein neuer Fall von Alexie mit rechtsseitiger homony- mer Hemianopsie (subcorticale Alexie, Wernicke) mit Seclionsbefund. Zugleich Bericht ilber den weiteren Verlauf und die anatomische Untersuchung des unter gleichem Titel in Nr. 17 u. 18 dieses Centralbl. 1888 veroffentlichten Falles. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 8-23, 50-66. — Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen des Herrn Prof. Dt JEBINE zu einem Passus meines Aufsatzes : [Ein neuer Fall von Alexie mit rechtsseitiger homonymer Ilrmi- anopsie (subcorticale Alexie, Wernicke)]. Neurol. Centrbl., 13,1894,205-207. — Casuistische Mittheilungen. [Zur Pathologie und speciel! zur Prognose der Trommlerlahmung.] Centrbl., 14, 1895, 897-903. — Klinische und pathologiseh-anatomische Beitrage zur Chirurgie der Riickenmarkstumoren. [1895.] Arch. Psychiatr., 28, 1896, 97-168. -'Ueber Myelitis. [With discussion.] [1896.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 614-618. — Zwei Falle von Hirnturnor mit genauer Localdiagnose. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 770-788, 848-858. — Ueber einen Fall von metastatischem Carcinom an der Innenflache der Dura mater cervicalis und an den unteren Wurzelu des Plexus brachialis der linken Seite, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Symptomatologie und Diagnose des Wirbelkrebses. [1898.] Arch. Psychiatr., 31, 1899, 128-169. — Ueber zwei Falle von Tumor im linken Hinterhaupts- lappen. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 57, 1900, 866-869. - Anatomische Befunde an Marchi-Praparaten im Riickenmarke und Hirnstamme bei eiuem Falle diph- therischer Lahmung. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 57, 1900, 8697870. - Etat actuel de la question des rapports des reflexes patellaires apres la section transversale et totale de la moelle au-dessus des lombes. Congr. Int. M£d. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 7), 169-170. Bruns, Ludwin, & Kredel, L[-udirig']. Ueber einen Fall von angeborenem Defect mehrerer Brustmuskeln mit Flughautbildung. Fortschr. Med., « (1890), 1-7. Bruns, Lmhriii, & Stolting, B[riinn]. Ein Fall von Alexie mit rechtsseitiger homonymer Hemianopsie ("sub- corticale Alexie," Weruicke). Neurol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, 481-490, 509-520. See also Stolting & Bruns. Bruns, Wilhelm. Studien iiber die aromatischen Be- standtheile und Bitterstoffe des Ivakrautes, Achillea moschata. Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 22, 1890, 1-16. Bruns, Willuim, & Ffordten, Otto (Frhr.) ran tier. Ueber das Queeksilberoxydul. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2010-2013. Brunskill, (Rev.) Joseph. The helm wind. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 10, 1884, 2117-269. Brunswick, E. J. Modification des caracte'ristiques avec 1'entrefer des dynamos a courants continus. Eclairage Elect., 4 (1895),* 411-412. Brunswig, H. Ueber Derivate des Acetothienons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2890-2896. Brunton, D. 1C. The theory and practice of ore-sampling. [1895.] Amer. Inst. Miu. Eugin. Trans., 25, 1896, 826- 844. Brunton, James. The use of Actffia racemosa in dys- menorrhcea and ovarian irritation. Practitioner, 48, 1892, 2115-268. Brunton, John. For biographical notice nee Inst» Civ. Engin. Proc., 136, 1899, 345. Brunton, R. P. Quails breeding in captivity. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 551. Brunton, (.Sir) T[limnas] Lander. On rhythmic contrac- tion of the capillaries in man. [1884.] Jl. Physiol., 5, [1884-85], 14-16. — Physiological action of condurango. [1884.] Jl. Physiol., 5, [1884-85], 17-34. — On the action and use of diuretics. Practitioner, 32, 1884, 274-282, 353-364. — On the physiological action of brucine and bromo- strychuine. Chem. Soc. Jl., 47, 1885, 143-144. — On poisons formed from food and their relation to biliousness and diarrhoea. Practitioner, 35, 1885, 112- 121, 192-200, 268-274. — On the connection between chemical constitution and physiological action. Nature, 34, 1886, 375-378. — On the use of strychnine as a hypnotic. Practitioner, 40, 1888, 28-30. — On transverse contraction in muscle. Jl. Physiol., 10, 1889, iv. Brunton] 877 [Brush — Struttura chimica e azione fisiologica. [7V.] [18W.I.] Ann. di Chim., 11, 1890, 136-148. — Ueber Chloroforrnanasthesie. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (/>'. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1893, 45-49. — Ornithologisclies aus Kroatien. Oruith. Jbuch., 5, 1894, 153-154. - Die fossile Fauna von Dubovac bei Karlstadt in Kroatien. Wieu, Geol. Jbuch., 43, 1894, 369-376. - Bemerkungen iiber rnacedonische Susswasser-Mol- lusken. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1895, 365-370. - Faunistisches von. der Adrift-Excursion der Yacht Mnrgita. Congr. Int. Zool. C. K., 1895, 371-394. /ur Mollnski.nfauna des Mittelmeeres. Deutsch. l of formation of defines.] Kuss. Phys.-Clu-rn. Soc. Jl., 32 (Chem.), 1900, 7-28; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 34, 1900, 129-14M. Brussaux, E. Mutilations ethuiques observees au Congo. [Avi-e quelques commeutaires geographiques et ethno- graphiques de 31. E. HAMY.] Anthrop. (Paris), 2, 1891, 150-154. Brussels Observatory. 'Observations astronomiques faites a 1'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles [1873-82]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Astr.), 2, 1879, xxxiv + 59 + 125 + 26 + 87 + 33 + 55 pp.; 3, 1880, xx + 31 + 45 + 29 + 36 + 14 + 21 pp.; 4, 1883, 118 pp.; 5, 1885, 73 pp. - "[Observations hors du meridien.] La tache rouge de Jupiter en 1878. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Astr.), 3, 1880, 44-47. - *Meteorologie. 1876[-79]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (3Iet.), 1, 1881, 1-118; 2, 1885, 128 + 129 + 131 pp. — Resume des observations sur la meteorologie et sur la physique du globe. 1876[-78]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 1,1881, 119-131; 2, 1885 (1877), 115-123, (1878), 117- 125. - "[Resume des observations meteorologiques faites en decembre 1877 a Somergem, Anvers, Westmalle, Heren- thals, Mous, Hasselt I, Hasselt II, Verviers (tir), Jalhay (barrage de la Gileppe), Saint- Hubert et Lamorteau.] Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 1, 1881, 150. - *Eau tornbee en. 1877 [a Anvers, Herenthals, Tournai, Mons, Cuesmes, Hasselt, Philippeville, Verviers, Jalhay, Saint-Hubert, Lamorteau]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 1, 1881, 151. - *Climatologie. 1878[-79]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 1, 1881, 1 (iis)-58 (bis), 1 (fer)-52 (ter). — Passage de Venus du 6 decembre 1882. Seconde partie. Documents et observations. [1884.] Brux. Obs. Ann. (Astr.), 5, 1885, 129 pp. Resume des observatious meteorologiques faites a Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 32, 1900, 86-89. BruBov, K. I. FaiBBaHOlIJiaCTHEa. [Galvanoplastics.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 41 (iVo. 2), 1884, 50-51. v, s. Gnu'i'i, iiae.TfcflOBaHia citopocTii o6paso- Bailifl fUi'ihiniOBT.. [Experiment to determine the 1'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. 1879[-86]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (JM.), 2, 1885 (1879), 117-125; 3, 1895 (1880), 119-127, (1881) 117-124, (1882) 117-124, (1883) 115-122; 4, 1895 (1884) 115-122, (1885) 115-122, (1886) 115-122. — Observations meteorologiques et magnetiques faites a 1'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. 1880-[86]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 3, 1895, 131 + 128+126 + 128 pp.; 4, 1895, 126 + 126 + 126 pp. — Determination de la difference de longitude entre les Observatoires de Bruxelles et d'Uccle. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Astr.), 7, 1896, 66 pp. — Observations hors du meridien. [Eclipses de lune. Occupation de Jupiter et d'etoiles par la lune. Pheno- meiies des satellites de Jupiter. Observatious de cometes.] Brux. Obs. Ann. (Astr.), 7, 1896, 41 pp. Brustioin, H. A. Acierie Bessemer de Avesta (Suede). St. Etienne Bull. Soc. Ind. Miu., 13, 1884, 186-198. — On chrome pig iron and steel. Iron it Steel lust. Jl., 1886, 770-778. — Le ferro-chrome. St. Etieune, Bull. Soc. Ind. Mm.. 3, 1889, 975-983. — Sur 1'emploi de peroxyde de sodium pour 1'analyse des minerals de chrome, des ferro-chromes, des minerals et ferro-tungsteues des alliages riches en silicium, etc. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Mm., 10, 1896, 409-426. Bruszkay, J. 11. 50 Jahre Taubenziichter. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 14, 1890, 8-9, 31-32, 44-46, 56-57, 69. — "Befiederte Rauber. " Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 15, 1891, 88-91. — Das "Paduaner"-Huhn. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 16, 1892, 8-10. Bruttan, A[ndreas]. Ueber einige im Laufe des Sommers gemachte Beobachtungen. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 183-184. — Das Vorkommen der Forellen in Livland. [1887.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 237-242. — Bericht iiber eine in hepatologischer Hinsicht auf der Bruttan] 879 [Bryan Kurischen Halbinsel und an der Diina ausgefiibrte Excursion im Soinmer 1887. [1887.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 299-304. — Nachtrag zu den Lichenen Liv-, Est- und Kurlands. [1888.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 444-449. — [Ueber die Lebermoosflora der Ostseeprovinzen.] [1890.] Dorpat Sber., 9, 1892, 343-358. — Ueber die einheimischeu Laubmoose. [1891.] Dorpat Sber., 9, 1892, 555-582. — Bryologische Ergebnisse des Jahres 1892. [1892.] Dorpat Sber., 10, 1895, 152-155. Bruttini, Arturo. Appunti storici sulla falconeria. Biv. Ital. Sei. Nat., Sieua, 12, 1892 (Bo/7.), 89-90, 100-102, 107-109, 121-122. - Determinazione colorimetrica di piccole quantita di urauici nei minerali. Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 23, 1893 (ft. 1), 251-257. — Azione di alcuni sali sulla germinazione. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 27, 1894, 30-32. Brutzer, C. Ueber die Secundarinfectionen der Lepra- kranken. St. Petersb. Jled. Wschr., 24, 1899, 415-417. Brutzer, Wilhelm. Bin Beitrag zur Wocheubettsdiatetik. Ztsehr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 37, 1897, 391-440. Bruun, Alfr. lagttagelser over 10vspring, blomstring, frugtmodning og Ltfvfald i Veterimer- og Landbohojskolens have i aarene 1882-86. [1889.] Bot. Tidsskr., 17, 1890, 153-161. Bruun, Haniel. Ornithologiske iagttagelser fra Sydgrcn- laml i somiiieren 1894. Kjubenh. Vid. Medd., 1895, 175- 187. Bruyant, Charles. Note sur un Herniptere recueilli au lac Chauvet (Puy-de-D6me). Ass. Fran?. C. K., 1893 (Pt. 1), 251. - Sur un He'miptere aquatique stridulaut, Sigara minutissima, Lin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 299-301. — Contribution a 1'etude de la geographic zoologique de 1'Auvergne. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 24, 1899, 46-48. — Contribution a 1'etude de la geographic entomologique de 1'Auvergue. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 93-94. — Sur les variations du plankton au lac Chauvet. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 45-48. Bruyant, Churl?.*, & Eusebio, A. Sur la faune halophile de 1'Auvergue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 178- 181. - Notes pour servir a la faune entomologique de 1'Auvergne. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 397-400. Bruyl.ints, J. M. <;[iistave]. L'acide sulfocyanique dans 1'organisrue animal. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 2, 1888, 21-36; Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 104-107, 153-156. — Origine de 1'acide sulfocyanique dans 1'orgauisme animal. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 2, 1888, 147- 158. — Note sur la saccharine. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 2, 1888, 492-502; Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 292-298. — Beobachtungen fiber das Saccharin. [Tr.] Ztsehr. Ver. Riibenzuckeriud., 38, 1888, 1179-1182. — La paniflcation frauduleuse. Sur Femploi du sulfate de cuivre et de 1'alun dans la fabrication du rjaiu. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 3, 1889, 46-60. — Reactions nouvelles de la morphine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 497-500; Jl. Pharm., 1, 1895, 444-447. — Becherches sur la composition des extraits de viande. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 515-521. Bruyl.ints, J. M. G[ustave\, & Venneman, E. Le jequirity et son principe phlogogene. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 18, 1884, 147-179. Bruyn. See Bruun. Bruyne, C. de. Contribution a 1'etude de la vacuole pulsatile. Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 718-749. — Ueber eiue neue Monadine, Endobiella Bambekii. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 1-5. — Over Mouadiuen. Bot. Jaarb., 1, 1889, 155-166. — De quelques organismes inferieurs nouveaux. Com- munication preliminaire. Brux., Ac. Bull., 18, 1889 90-93. — Monadines et Chytridiacees, parasites des Algues du Golfe de Naples. Arch, de Biol., 10, 1890, 43-104. Verteriugsvacuolen bij lagere organismen. [Ver- dauungsvacuolen bei niederen Organismen.] Bot. Jaarb. 2, 1890, 114-117, (Res. 118). — Les Monadines et leur place systernatique. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 17, [1891], 64-70. — De la presence du tissu reticule' dans la tunique musculaire de 1'intestin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 113, 1891, 865-868. — Contribution a 1'etude de 1'union intime des fibres musculaires lisses. Arch, de Biol., 12, 1892, 345-380. — De la phagocytose observee sur le vivant, dans les branchies des Mollusques Lamellibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 65-68. — Berichtigung zu H. BOHEHAN'S vorliiufiger Mitteilung u'ber Intercellularbrucken und Saftraume der glatten Musculatur. [An. Az. 10 (1895), 305-315.] Anat.Anz., 10, 1895, 561-565. — La sphere attractive dans les cellules fixes du tissu conjonctif. Brux., Ac. Bull., 30, 1895, 241-256. — Contribution a 1'etude de la phagocytose. [1894.] Brux., Mem. Couronn. (4° Ed.), 54, 1896, No. 2, 66 pp. ; Arch, de Biol., 14, 1896, 161-241. — Les "cellules doubles.'" Anat. Anz., 13, 1897 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 99-104. — Sur I'intervention de la phagocytose dans le developpe- ment des Invertebres. [1897.] Brux., Mem. Couronu. (4° Ed.), 56, 1897-98, No. 1, 114 pp.; Arch, de Biol., 15, 1898, 181-300. — On a functional adaptation of phagocytosis. [1897.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 92-95. — La cellule folliculaire du testicule d'Hydrophilus piceus. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 115- 122. — De 1'amitose. Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 175. — [Sur ['intervention de la phagocytose dans le developpe- rnent des Invertebres.] Rectification. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 9-10. Bruyning. See Bruijning. Bruzelius, Nils G. Om Anser iudicus, Gmel., antraffad i Skane. Goteborg Handl., 21, 1887, 8 pp. Bryan, G[eorge~\ H[artley]. On the stability of elastic systems. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889, 1119-210. — On the waves on a viscous rotating cylinder, an illustration of the influence of viscosity on the stability of rotating liquid. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889, 248-264. — Application of the energy test to the collapse of a long thin pipe under external pressure. [18S8.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889, 287-292. — On the expression of spherical harmonics of the second kind in a finite form. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889, 293-297. - The waves on a rotating liquid spheroid of finite ellipticity. [1888.] Phil. Trans. (A), 180, 1890, 187- 219. - The buckling of plates. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 742. — On the pulsations of a rotating bell. Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1890, 743. — On the deformation of twisted strips. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 476-480. — On the stability of a rotating spheroid of perfect liquid. Roy. Soc. Proc., 47, 1890, 367-376. — On the stability of a plane plate under thrusts in its own plane, with applications to the "buckling" of the sides of a ship. [1890.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891, 54-67. — Report of a Committee On the present state of our Bryan] 880 [Bryant knowledge of thermodynamics, specially with regard to the second law. Researches relating to the connection of the second law with dynamical principles. [Part n. The laws of distribution of energy and their limitations.] Brit. Ass. Kep., 1891, 85-122; 1894, 64-106. — An application of the method of images to the con- duction of heat. London Math. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891. 424-430. — [The flying to pieces of a whirling ring.] Nature, 43, 1891, 463.' — On the beats in the vibrations of a revolving cylinder or bell. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7, 1892, 101-111. — Note on a problem in the linear conduction of heat. [1891.] Cambridge Phil. Soe. Proc., 7, 1892. 246-248. — The moon's atmosphere and the kinetic theory of gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 682-685. — On electro-magnetic trails of images in plane, spherical and cylindrical current sheets. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 706. — The second law of thermodynamics. [1893.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 197-198. — The atmospheres of the moon, planets and Sun. Science, 22, 1893, 311-313. — A hydrodynamical proof of the equations of motion of a perforated solid, with applications to the motion of a fine rigid framework in circulating liquid. [With a note by C. V. BORTON.] [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 12, 1894, 18H-204; Phil. Mag., 35, 1893, 338-354. — On the theory of thin plating, and its applicability to calculations of the strength of bulkhead plating and similar structures. [1893.] Naval Architects Trans., 35, 1894, 113-125. On the buckling and wrinkling of plating when sup- ported on parallel ribs or on a rectangular framework. London Math. Soc. Proc., 25, 1894, 141-150. — Prof. BOLTZMANN and the kinetic theory of gases. [1894.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 31. — The kinetic theory of gases. Nature, 51 (1894-96), 152, 176, 319-320; 52 (1895), 244. — Note on the stability of rotating liquid spheroids. [1893.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 8, 1895, 51-53. — A simple test ease of MAXWELL'S law of partition of energy. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soe. Proc., 8, 1895, 250-255. — On electromagnetic induction in plane, cylindrical, and spherical current-sheets, and its representation by moving trails of images. [1894-98.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 13, 1895, 145-154; Ifi, 1899, 65-83; Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 198-206 ; 45, 1898, 381-397. — Note on a simple graphic illustration of the deter- minantal relation of dynamics. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 13, 1895, 481-484; Phil. Mag., 39, 1895, 531-534. — Note on a theorem in dynamics. Messenger Math., 24, 1895, 21-23. — The assumptions in BOLTZMANN'S minimum theorem. Nature, 52 (1895), 29-30. — On some difficulties connected with the kinetic theory of gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 721. — On the sailing flight of birds. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 726-728. — On certain applications of the theory of probability to physical phenomena. Amer. Jl. Math. , 19, 1897, 283-288. — [Artificial flight.] [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 135- 136. — Stereoscopic projection of lantern slides. [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 511. — The kinetic theory and radiant energy. [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 536. — Dendritic patterns caused by evaporation. Nature, 58 (1898), 174. — On the permanence of certain gases in the atmospheres of planets. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 634-635. — The resistance of the air. Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 107-109, 218. — Annuities treated without progressions. [1896.] Math. Gaz., 1, 1900, 8-12. Energy accelerations. A study in energy partition and irreversibility. Arch. Ne'erland., 5, 1900,279-294; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 634-635. — The kinetic theory of planetary atmospheres. [Letter.] Nature, 62 (1900), 126. — Sources and properties of Becquerel rays. Nature, 62 (1900), 151-154. — The action of bilge keels. Naval Architects Trans., 42, 1900, 198-219. The kinetic theory of planetary atmospheres. [1900.] Phil. Trans. (A), 196, 1901, 1-24. Bryan, G[eorge\ H[urtley"\, & Boltzmann, Luiln-ig. Ueber die mechauische Analogic des Warmegleichgewichtes zweier sich beriihrender Korper. Wien, Ak. Sber., 103, 1894 (Abth. 2a), 1125-1134. Bryan, George B. On the determination of the conduc- tivity of liquids in thin layers. Phil. Mag., 45, 1898, 253-272. Bryan, George B., & Barton, Edwin H\enry~\. See Barton A Bryan. Bryan, J[oseph~] H[ammond]. A further contribution to the study of suppurative disease of the accessory sinuses, with report of cases. N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1895, 450-456. Bryan, Ulirtr N. The Cretaceous formation of S. W. Maryland. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 713-714. Bryan, tt'illiam L, On the development of voluntary motor ability. [1892.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 5, 1893, 125-204. Bryant, A. I'. A method for separating the "insoluble" phosphoric acid in mixed fertilizers derived from bone and other organic matter from that derived from rock phosphate. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 491-498. Bryant, A. P., & Day, William C[athcarf]. See Day & Bryant. Bryant, Chas. S. * Aurora borealis in Minnesota. Some observations made thereon in 1860 and 1861. [1882.] Sidereal Messenger, 1, 1883, 88-90. Bryant, Edward G. Precipitation of copper by magnesium. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 30-31. — Displacement of metals by magnesium. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 75-76. — The action of metallic magnesium on water. Chem. News, 80, 1899, 211-212. Bryant, Ella Man/. On the thermal condition of iron, steel and copper when acting as boiler-plate. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc.. 132, 1898, 274-287. Bryant, F. W. Description of a new California!! land shell. [1900.] Nautilus, 13, 1899-1900, 122. — Epiphragmophora Harperi, n. sp. [1900.] Nautilus, 13, 1899-1900, 143-144. Bryant, J[nhn] H[enry], & Fripp, A[lfred] Drowning']. See Fripp & Bryant. Bryant, J. T. The remarkable hailstorm at Owaka, in January last. N. Zealand Jl. Sci., 1, 1891. 149-151. Bryant, John A. CLAKK'S nutcracker in western Missouri. Auk, 12, 1895, 82, 181, 418. Bryant, John J.. & Naylor, 1l'[illiam] A[rt.lnir] H. See Naylor A Bryant. Bryant, Joseph D[ecattir]. The causes and treatment of erysipelas. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 2), 207- 219. — Malignant neoplasmata. [With discussion.'] [1888.] N. Y. Med. JL, 48, 1888, 677-680; 49, 1889, 77-78. - The Wesley M. Carpenter lecture. [Important facts relative to malignant disease.] [1894.] N. Y. Med. JL, 61, 1895, 609-617. Bryant, Robert. The elements of the orbit of Comet a, 1883 (Brooks-Swift). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 44, 1884. 88. Bryant] 881 [Bryden — Elliptic elements of Comet II 1883 (Ross). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 45, 1885, 428-431. — On KEPLER'S problem. [1886.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 47, 1887, 8-11. — On the orbit of Comet II 1883. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 47, 1887, 434-437. - The opposition of Sappho (80) in 1888. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 94-96, 316. — The orbit of the planet Sappho (80), the secular perturbation of the minor planets upon the elements of that orbit, and the mass of the planet Jupiter. Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 185-189; Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 321-332. — Ephemeris of (80) Sappho for the opposition 1889. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 411-412. — Schreiben betr. die Bestimrnung der Balm des Planeten (80) Sappho. Astr. Nachr., 123, i890, 45-48. - The perturbations of Sappho (80). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 399-402. — On the determination of the equations for the per- turbations of the inclination and node of an orbit by the method of variation of constants. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893, 116-119. — Note on the convergency of series. [1895.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 27, 1896, 69-70. Bryant, (J/rs.) Saphie. *The position of mathematics in the school education of girls. Educ. Times, 31, 1878, 145-149. — On the failure of the attempt to deduce inductive principles from the mathematical theory of probabilities. Phil. Mag., 17, 1884, 510-518. — On the ideal geometrical form of natural cell-structure. [1885.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 16 (1884-85), 311-315. — Experiments in testing the character of school children. \With discussion.] [1885.] Anthrop. Inst. JL, 15,1886, 338-351. — An example in "correlation of averages" for four variables. Phil. Mag., 36, 1893, 372-377. Bryant, 7'. Le centenaire de HUNTER (14 fevrier 1893). [Tr.] Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 577-585. Bryant, ]f'nltcr E. Nest and eggs of Myiadestes Town- sendi. Auk, 1, 1884, 91-92. - The relationship of Podiceps occidentalis and P. Clarkii. Auk, 2, 1885, 313-314. — Piranga rubriceps and Tringa fuscicollis in California. Auk, 4, 1887, 78-79. — Additions to the ornithology of Guadalupe Island. California Ac. Bull., 2, 1887, 2'69-318. — Discovery of the nest and eggs of the evening grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertina). California Ac. Bull., 2, 1887, 449. — Description of a new subspecies of petrel from Guada- lupe Island. California Ac. Bull., 2, 1887, 450-451. — Unusual nesting sites. California Ac. Bull., 2, 1887, 451-454. — Unusual nesting sites. 2. [1887.] California Ac. Proc., 1, 1889, 7-10, 361. — Birds and eggs from the Farallon Islands. [1887.] California Ac. Proc., 1, 1889, 25-50. — Description of a new subspecies of song sparrow from Lower California, Mexico. California Ac. Proc., 1, 1889, 197-200. — Descriptions of the nests and eggs of some Lower California)! birds, with a description of the young plumage of Geothlypis Beldiugi. [1889.] California Ac. Proc., 2, 1890, 20-24. — Puffinus griseus (Gmel.), Puffinus gavia (Forst.), and Stercorarius pomarinus (Temm.), on the coast of Cali- fornia. [1889.] California Ac. Proc., 2, 1890, 87. — A specimen of Passerella iliaca taken in California. [1889.] California Ac. Proc., 2, 1890, 90. — A catalogue of the birds of Lower California, Mexico. [1889.] California Ac. Proc., 2, 1890, 237-320. — Provisional descriptions of supposed new mammals R. S. A. C. from California and Lower California. California Ac. Proc., 2, 1890, 25-27. Preliminary description of a new species of the genus Lepus from Mexico. [1891.] California Ac. Proc., 3, 1893, 92. Bryant, Ifuffcr irfiHiam]. Pallas and Vesta in 1895. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 55, 1895, 343-344. — On the proper motion of B.D. + 25°, No. 2874. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 56, 1896, 471-473. — On the "two-method'1 personal equation. Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 58, 1898, 282-286. — Note on a possible occultation of A Geminorum by Venus, 1900 May 27-28. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 60, 1900. 442-443. Bryant, William S. Observations on the topography of the normal human tympanum. Arch. Otol., 19, 1890, 217-231; Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1892, 91-104. Bryce, David. On the macrotrachelous Callidinre. [1892- 94.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 5, [1894], 15-23, 436-455. — On the Adinetadie, with description of a new species. [1892.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 5, [1894], 146-151. — On two new species of macrotrachelous Callidinso. [1893.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 5, [1894], 196-201. — On a new species of Metopidia. [1893.] Quekett Micr. Club JL, 5, [1894], 2S4-285. — Contributions to the non-marine fauna of Spitsbergen. Part ii. Eeport on the Itotifera. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 793-799. Bryce, J. Annan. Burma: the country and people. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 8, 1886, 481-499. Bryce, P. H. *Hypnotism and its phenomena. [1882.] Canad. Inst. Proc., 2, 1884, 62-77. — Some factors in the malaria problem. Cauad. Inst. Proc., 2, 1884, 216-218. — Some points in the natural history of ground waters. [1890.] Canad. Inst. Trans., 1, 1891, 149-169. — The treatment of tuberculosis in sanatoria. N. Y. Med. JL, 72, 1900, 1121-1126. Bryce, Thomas H. Description of a foetus the subject of retroflexion of the trunk, ectopia viscerum and spina bifida; with a discussion as to the cause of these associated abnormalities. Jl. Auat. Physiol., 29, 1895, 553-568. — On recent views as to the part the nucleus plays in development. Glasgow Med. JL, 45. 1896, 81-95. — Note on a case of pectoralis minimus. [1896.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, ii-v. — Long muscular branch of the musculo-cutaueous nerve of the leg. [1896.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, v-xii. — On certain points in the anatomy and mechanism of the wrist-joint reviewed in the light of a series of Kontgen ray photographs of the living hand. [1896.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 59-79. - Notes on the myology of a negro. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 607-618. — On a pair of negro femora. [1897.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 76-82. — — Extensor minimi digiti. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, xxxix-xl. — A rare abnormality in the curvature of the duodenum. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, xxvii-xxx. — On duplicitas anterior in an early chick embryo. [1899.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Proc., 22, 1900, 622-630. Note on a group of varieties of the pectoral sheet of muscle. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 75-78. — Deep accessory peroneal nerve of BCCIE in man. [1900.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 35, 1901, xlix-1. Bryden, //. A. On the present distribution of the giraffe, south of the Zambesi, and on the best means of securing living specimens for European collections. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1891, 445-447. Notes on the fauna of South Africa. [1896.] East- bourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 3 (1894-1902), 103-114. Ill Brydone-Jack] ,-s-j [Bubak o., og Leskea catenu- "Notiser, 1886, 157- Bot. Brydone-Jack, II". [The remarkable sunsets, 1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 2fiO. Bryiin, N. Catharinea anomala, H. . lata {Briil), Lintll. c. fr. Bot. ' 159. — Mosliste fra Tjnmo. Et lidet bidrag til Norges kystflora. [1887.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 31, 1890, 102- 116. — De Bryinearuiu in Norvegia distributione observationes nonnullaj sparse. [1891.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 32, 1892, 114-140. — Scapania crassiretis, sp. HOC. Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 32, 1892, 339-340; Eev. Bryol., 19, 1892, 7-8. Explorationes bryologies in valle Norvegise Stjordalen (estate anni 1892. [1893.] Throndhjem, Skr., 1892, 159- 224. Om Grimmia Eyanj, Limpr. in litt. [1893.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 34, 1895, 73-76. — Beobachtungen iiber das Ausstreuen der Sporen bei den Splachnaceen. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 48-55. — Mosliste fra Norbyknol. Et lidet bidrag til kuudskab om Medelpads flora. Bot. Notiser, 1899, 57-69; Bot. Centrbl., 80, 1899, 15. — Descriptio muscorum duorum norvegicorum. Notiser, 1899, 253-259. — Cephalozia Hagenii, 11. up. Rev. Bryol., 26, 1899. 21-22. Enumerantur musci, qvos in valle Norvegise Sreters- dalen observavit [auctor]. Throndhjem, Skr., 1899, No. 3, 54 pp. Bryk, Krnst. Ueber die Einwirkung von Jod und Kalilauge auf Harnsaure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 103, 1894 (A litli. 26), 459-469 ; Mhefte. Chem., 1894, 519-529. Brykner. ,SVc Brickner, Waclaw. Brylinski, [Mathieu], *Rapport sur les phosphates de chaux de la Caroline du Sud et sur I'cmploi oomme engrais des phosphates en general. Normaudie Soc. Geol. Bull., 2, 1875 (Append.), 1-74. Brylinski, \Mathicu\ & Lionnet, G. 'Phosphates de chaux fossiles, geologic et origine, applications en agri- culture. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 4, 1877, 3-272, 318. Brylinski, A Ilierl. Essai des indigos. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 67, 1897, 331-345. — Dosage des indigos. Etude de la methode de 31. J. BRANIIT. Methode a Facide acetique cristallisable. [1897.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 68, 1898, 33-39. Brylinski, .)//;.)•/, & Scheurcr. Alhcrl. See Scneurer & Brylinski., Brylinski, A'[mi7e]. Sur la capacite electrostatique des conducteurs. Ann. Telrgr., 15, 1888, 97-122. — Note sur la propagation du courant electrique sur une ligne telrgr:i|ihique. Ann. Telegr., 16, 1889, 135-147. — Sur la force electromotrice uecessaire pour produire un courant d'intensite variable le long d'uu eonducteur cylindrique. Ann. Telegr., 17, 1890, 232-244, 352-358, 425-431 ; 22, 1895, 446-459. — Note sur une ligne souterraine en conduitc de cimeut. Ann. Telegr., 18, 1891, 163-167, 267-272. — Note sur le telemetre electrique de Jl/. FISKE. Ann. Telegr., 18, 1891, 235-252. — Note sur la capacite electrostatique des lignes tele- graphiques. Ann. Telegr., [19], 1892, 97-124. — Sur ['electrification de la gutta-percha. Lum. Elect., 47, 1893, 601-610. — Bur la difficulte de rrealiser un cable telephonique sous-marin. Eclairage Elect., 10 (1897), 14-21, 66-70. — — Sur la resistance des conducteurs en courant variable. Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), 5-13, 97-107, 149-156, 200- 204, 384. — Sur le chnngement des unites fondamentales dans les systemes absolus de mesure. Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), MI 112 — Sur les unites magnetiques. Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), 529-536, 591-596. Bryn, Ilnlfdnn. Indberetning til det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab om en botanisk reise i det Thrond- hjemske sommeren 1886. [1888.] Throndhjem, Skr., 1886-87, 1-20. Bryson, Jalni. [The so-called marine beaches of Long Island.] Amer. Geologist, 2, 1888, 64-65, 136-137. • Artesian well, Woodhaveu, L. I., N. Y. Amer. Geo- logist, 3, 1889, 214-215. — The terminal moraine near Louisville. Amer. Geo- logist, 4, 1889, 125-126. — Preglacial channels at the falls of the Ohio. Amer. Geologist, 5, 1890, 186-188. - The Wetwoods. Amer. Geologist, 6, 1890, 254-255. — Excursion across Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 7, 1891, 332-333. — The so-called sand-dunes of East Hampton, L. I. Arner. Geologist, 8, 1891, 188-190. — Englacial drift of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 9, 1892, 278-280. — Dr. WAHNSCHAFFE'S work on the drift deposits of Germany. Amer. Geologist, 10, 1892, 132-133. — The glacial geology of Martha's Vineyard compared with that of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 11, 1893, 210-212. - The drift mounds of Olympia and of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 12. 1893, 127-129. — Origin of Peconic Bay and of Shinuecock Hills. Amer. Geologist, 12, 1893, 11)2-403. — Lake Ronkonkoma, and other glacial features of Long Island. Arner. Geologist, 13, 1894, 390-392. — The ups and downs of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 15, 1895, 188-192. — Hock Hill, Long Island, N. Y. Amer. Geologist, 16, 1895, 228-233. — Good Ground, Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 329-331. - The Hempstead plains, Long Island, N. Y. Amer. Geologist, 20, 1897, 61-65. — Drift formations of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 22, 1898, 215-247. Bryson, /, <>«/.., Ladenburg, Albert, A Mugdan, Martin. See Ladenburg, Mugdan A Brzostovicz. Buard, . '[Notes meteorologiques.] Geryville (prov. d'Oran). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, Ft. 2, 329-330; 9, 1876, Ft. 2, 29-30, 57, 87, 118- 119, 152-153, 185-186, 217, 269, 272. Buard, G. Sur la sero- reaction tuberculeuse. Jl. Physiol. Path. Geri., '2. 1900, 797-803. Buard, (.'., A Mongour, C'/;. \, , Mongour & Buard. Bubak, Fran;. Ein Beitrag zur 1'ilz-Flora der Umgegend von Hohenstadt in Mahren. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 11-15. — Eine gelbbliitige Varietat von Galeopsis pubescens, /•'<•«., aus Bb'hmen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 143-144. — Puccinia Galanthi, 1'iii/fr, in Mahren. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 436-439. — Ein Beitrag /.ur Kenntniss der bOhmischen Perono- sporeen, Ustilagineen und Urediueeu. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 47, 1897, 225-233. 883 [Bucca — Ueber die Uredineen, welche in Europa auf Crepis- Arten vorkommen. Briinn Verb., 36, 1898 (Abli.), 119- 124. - Pucciuia Scirpi, DC. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr. , 48, 1898, 14-17. — Ueber ein neues Synchytrium aus der Gvuppe der Leucocbytrien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 48, 1898, 241- 242. — 0 rezich, ktere cizopasi na uekterych Rubiaceich. [Ueber Parasiteu auf einigen Rubiaceen.] Prag, Sber., 1898 (Mutli.-Xat.), Xo. 28, 23 pp. — Zweiter Beitrag zur Pilzflora von Bohmen und Nord- mahren. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 17-36. — Dritter Beitrag zur Pilzflora von Miihren. Briinn. Verb., 37, 1899 (Abli.), 115-123. — ...Beitrag zur Pilzflora von Tirol. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 49, 1899, 134-136; 50, 1900, 293-295. — Resultate der mykologischen Durcht'orschung Bohmens im Jahre 1898. Prag, Sber., 1899 (Math-Nat.), No. 19, 25 pp. — Einige ueue und bekannte aussereuropiiische Pilze. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 50, 1900, 318-320. — Mykologische Beitriige aus Bosnien und Bulgarien. Prag, Sber., 1900 (Math.-Nat.), No. 7, 6 pp. — Ueber einige Umbelliferen bewohnende Puccinieu. Prag, Sber., 1900 (Math.-Nat.), No. 26, 8 pp. — Ueber Milbeu in Riibenwurzelkropfen. Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 355^367. — Ueber die Regeneration der Mutterriibe. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 25, 1900-01, 153-156. Bubani, 1'ietro. For biographical notice and list of works .svc Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 398-399. Bubela, Julnnni. Teratologisches. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 34, 1884, 425-426. — Novitiiten fiir die Flora Mahrens. Oesterr. Bot. Ztsehr., 36, 1886, 364-366. — Berichtigungen und Nachtrage zur Flora von Miihreu. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 169-173, 200-202. Bubendey, Joh. Friedr. "Beitrage zur Geschichte der mathematiscben Gesellschaft in Hamburg 1690-1790. [1881.] Hamb. Math. ties. Mittb., 1, 1889, 8-16. Geschichte der mathematischen Gesellschaft in Ham- burg 1690 bis 1890. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 (Fettschr., Tl. 1), 8-78. — Die Temperatur des fliessendeu Wassers zur Zeit der Eisbildung. Ann. der Hydrogr., 22 (1894), 1-6. Sturmflut vom 12. Februar 1894. [1894.] Hamb. Geogr. Ges. Mittb., 11, 1896, 140-142. Buber, Oscar. Myokymie an einern Falle von Bleiliih- mung. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 684-688. Bubis, . Spermiuum-Poehl in chemischer, physio- logischer und therapeutischer Beziehung. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894, 73-76, 83-86, 93-100, 105-111. Bubna, M. Entomology at Cleveland, Ohio. Philad. , Ent. News, 8, 1897, 97-99. Bubnov, Sergej. Ueber das Permeabilitatsverhiiltnis der Kleiilungsstoffe zum chemisch wirkeuden Sonnenstrahl. Arch. Hyg., 10, 1890, 335-366. Zur Beleuchtungsfrage. Photometrische Tageslicht- messungen in Wohnriiumen. Arch. Hyg., 17, 1893, 49- 83. Bucaille, Ernest [Lucien], For biography and list of works see Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1892, 245-261 ; Nor- mandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1893, 71-72. — *Echinides fossiles du departernent de la Seine- Inferieure. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 1, 1873, 57- 192 ; 8, 1883, 16-39. "Coupe du bassin des docks du Havre. Normandie Soc. Ge"ol. Bull., 2, 1875 (Append.), 77-79. — [Sur la geologic des environs de Pont-Audemer.] Rouen Soc. Sei. Bull., 1885, 205-208. [Les limons Quaternaires de Belgique.] Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1885, 212-213. — [Les traucbees de la nouvelle ligne de chemin de fer en construction de Glos-Montfort an Neubourg.] [1885.] Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 11, 1886, 9-11. — Compte rendu de 1'excnrsion de Fecamp (30 mai 1886). Partie geologique. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 71-79. — Catalogue des Hemipteres du departement tie la Seine- Inferieure. Rouen Soc. Soi. Bull., 1886, 143-181. — [Sur des Echiuides de la Craie.] Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 222-223. — [Brachiopodes Cretaces de la Craie, dans le departe- ment de la Seine-Inferieure.] Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 225. — Liste des Bryozoaires observes dans les etages Cretaces du departemeut de la Seine-Inferieure. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 506-513. • Catalogue raisonni? des Mollusques terrestres et d'eau douce observes dans le departement de la Seine-Inferieure. Revu et publi^ par Raoul FOBTIN. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull. , 1891, 171-189. Bucca, T?\artunato\. Sullo sviluppo d' una funzione uni- forme di variabile complessa, dotata di singolarita isolate, in serie colle caratteristiche separate. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 11, 1897, 90-103. — Sopra certi iutcgrali e certi sviluppi in serie. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 12, 1898, 260-277. — Studii di analisi. i[-v]. Hullo sviluppo degli integral! d'un' equazioue differenziale lineare omogenea nell' in- torno d'un punto singolare. [Sulla riduzione del gruppo di GALOIS d'un' equazione algebrica coll' aggiunzione di irrazionalita arbitrarie. Sulle espressioni algebriche costruibili geometrieamente colle sole coniche o con curve di ordine superiore al seeondo. Sulla irrazionalita icosaedrica. Sulla riduttibilita delle equazioui binornie. ] [1899.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 14, 1900, 115-122, 122-126, 126-130, 130-136, 136-141. Bucca, Lorenzo. Sopra alcune roccie della serie cristallina di Calabria. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 15, 1884, 240-249. Le andesiti dell' isola di Lipari. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 16, 1885, 285-298. Contribuzione allo studio petrografico dell' Agro Sabatiuo e Cerite (provincia di Roma). Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 17, 1886, 211-223. — II Monte di Roccamonrina, studio petrografico. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 17, 1886, 245-265. — Gl' inclusi della trachite di Monte Virginio (presso il lago di Bracciauo). Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 17, 1886, 377-379. Appunti petrografici sul gruppo del Gran Paradiso nelle Alpi occidentali. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 17, 1886, 449-467. Le roccie dell' isola di Capraja nell' Arcipelago Toscano. Studio microgratico. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 18, 1887, 207-212. Studio micrografico sulle roccie eruttive di Kadicofani in Toscana. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 18, 1887, 274- 278. Contribuzione allo studio petrografico dei vulcani viterbesi. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 19, 1888, 57-63. L' eta del granito di Monte Capanne (isola d' Elba). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 270-276. — Contribuzione allo studio geologico dell' Abissinia. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 4, 1892, Mem. 3, 22 pp. ; Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 3, 1892, 122-140. Studio petrografico sulle trachiti leucitiche del lago di Bolsena. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 5, 1892, Mem. 18, 14 pp.; Riv. Min. Crist., 12, 1892, 18-30. Ancora dell' eta del granito di Monte Capaune (isola d' Elba). Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 5, 1892, Mem. 19, 13 pp. Le trachiti con olivina italiane (studio petrografico). Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28, 1892, 28-29. — Studio cristallografico sopra alcuni derivati della sautonina. Riv. Min. Crist., 11, 1892, 8-17. 111—2 Bucca) 884 [Buchan — Riproduzione artificiale della pirite niagnetica. Catania Ace. Giuen. Atti, 0, 1893, .!/.•»/. 4, 3 pp. ; Riv. Min. Crist., 13, 1893, 10-12. Sopra una nuova localita di ferro oligisto dell' Etna. Catania Ace. Giocn. Atti, 6, 1893, Mem. 5, 3 pp.; Biv. Min. Crist., 13, 1893, 12-14. Sopra una roccia lavica riprodotta artificialmente. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 33, 1893, 9-10. — Sopra le linee di accreseimento dell' eniatite del- 1' Etna. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 33, 1893, 10-11. — Le epidioriti di Ghinda e di Keren nell' altipiano abissino. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 34 & 35, 1893, 10. Nuove discussioni snll' eta del granito di Monte Capanne (Is. d' Elba). Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 36, 1894, 3-8. Osservazioni sugli ultimi terremoti etnei nello scorso agosto. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 38, 1894, 8-12. — IT eta del granito di Monte Capaune (Isola d' Elba). Appunti geologiei e petrografici. Palermo, Giorn. Sci. Nat., 21, 1896, 157-181. Bucca, Lorenzo, & Oddo, Giuseppe], Contribuzione allo studio micrografico di alcuni ceraenti italiani. Roma. R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 351-355; Gazz. Chirn. ItaL, 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 549-554. Buccelli, NieoKi. Cocainismo e delirio cocainico. Con- tribute clinico. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 20, 1894, 69-82. — Di alcune alterazioni poco note della sensibilita cutanea (sindrome siringomiel[it]ica) nell' amenza stupida. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 22, 1896, 540-565. Bucchia, Gustavo. For biographical notice and list of works see Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1890-91, 99-131. — Proposta di una regola precisa per determinare la forma e le dimension! necessarie alia t'ermezza durabile degli argini di terra, ordiuati a contenere alte piene di gran fiumi reali. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-86, 1707-1738. Ricerca sulla reale utilita dei bacini di raguuata delle acque cbe portano i coudotti di scolo, prima di dar ad esse esito in mare. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-86, 17-43. Bucchicii, Gregor. Morgen- und Abendrothe zu Lesina. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 123-124. - Erdbeben. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 458. Aufiallende Dammerungserscheinungen. Wien, Mete- orol. Ztschr., 20, 1886, 419. — Alcune spugue dell' Adriatico sconosciute e nuove. Trieste Boll., 9, [Pt. 2], 1886, 222-225. Gli Ortotteri di Lesiua e Curzola, con alcune notizie biologiche cbe li risguardano. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb, , 35, 1886 (Abh.), 377-382. — L' orientameuto negli animali. Boll. Natlista. , Siena, 8, 1888, 123. — Interessantes Gewitter auf dem Meere. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 6 (1889), 352. — Eintiuss des Bodens auf den Erdmagnetismns. Meteorol. Ztschr., 7 (1890), 157. — Blitzschlag in Lesina. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 433. — Erdbeben und trockener Nebel. Meteorol. Ztschr., 15 (1898), 352-353. Buccola, (jabriele. For biography and works see Riv. Sper. di Freuiatria, 11, 1886, i-xiii ; Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 344. — La reazione elettrica dell' acustico negli alienati. Ricerche sperimentali di semeiotica psichiatrica. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 11, 1885, 1-71. Bucelli, Modesto, PiatH, Aityelo, & Gambara, G. ,SVc Piatti, Gambara A Bucelli. Buch, / . Hvadercentiifugalkraft? Tidsskr. Phvs. Chem., 31, 1892, 33-40. Bucii, Kjiuir. Ueber die " Verschmelzung" von Emptiu- dungen, besonders bei Klangeindriickeu. [TV.] Phil. Stud., 15, 1900, 1-60, 183-278. Buch, .7. Zur Kenntnissder Schweineseuche. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 13, 1887, 332-337. Buch, K[arl]. Ueberfiihrung von Phenoleu in Amine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bel-., 17. 1884, 2(134-2041. Bucli, A"[«;7], ct Zega, A\lf. rainier]. Nee Zega & Bucb. Such, jl/a.r. Wirbelweh, eine neue Form der Gastralgie. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 14. 1889, 185-186. — Physiatrische Beitriige. [Eiu neuer Algesimeter. Ueber Algesimetrie.] St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 10, 1891, 216-218; 17,1892,245-240. Buchalov, N. A. Ein Beitrag znr Mikrnehemii' ilt-r Geruchsorgane. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 10, 1885, 294-295, 330. iiopBiiiiic aiina]>arnj iraro MyBCTBa y .uiryniKii. [Peripherische Nerven- apparate des Muskelgetubls bei den Froschen.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 20, 1889, 241-244. Bucban, Alexander. *[La pression barometrique moyenne a Smeaton. Extrait d'une lettre.] France Soc. Meteurol. Annu., 10, 1868 (Hull.}, s. - *[Notes nieteorologiques, reseau ecossais.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 2, 1869, 39, 40, 08, 70, 178, 200; 3, 1870, 39; 4, 1871, 19, 20, 32, 38, 40, 121- 122; 5, 1872, 42-43, 130-137. 163, 173, 187, 19*, 209. 221; 0, 1873, Pt. 2, 10, 21, 34, 45-46, 58, 71, 82. - *Report on the inspection of the Scottish meteoro- logical stations. [Meteorol. Off.,] Met. Congr. Rep., 1873, 93-95. — Meteorology. 1883[-99]. Highland Soc. Trans.. 16, 1884, 345-351 ; 17, 1886, 324-331 ; 18, 1886, 282-290 ; 19, 1887, 375-381; 20, 1888, 319-325; 1, 1889, 183-190; 2, 1890. isl 1«7; 3, 1891, 159-165; 4, 1892, 128-134; 5, 1893, 241-248; 0, 1894, 300-300; 7, 1895, 397-404; 8, 1896, 340-347; 9, 1897, 303-371; 10, 1898, -101-408; 11, 1899, 317-324; 12, 1900, 331-338. - The meteorology of Ben Nevis. Nature, 30, 1884, 336-337. — On the meteorology of Ben Nevis. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 917-919. — The annual rainfall of the British Islands. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 923-924. - *Rainfall of Great Britain. [1882.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 7, 1886, 49-50. - "Climate of Jerusalem. [1882.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 7, 1886, 50. — Meteorology of Ben Nevis. [1884.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 7. 1886, 4-27, 60, 63-64. - The rainfall of the British Islands. [188.3.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 17, 1886, 54-03. - Report on the meteorology of Scotland during [the years 1883-98], and of observers' notes on the state of agriculture, public health, etc. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 7, 1886, 71-85, 205-219, 240, 352-365, 386; 8, 1889, 129-141, 243-259, 373-389; 9, 1893, 58-73, 169-183, 281-295, 301; 10, 1896, 74-87, 94, 211-241; 11, 1900, 110-137, 144, 341-367, 372. — The 'climate of the British Islands. The annual rainfall of the British Islands. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 7, 1886, 131-152. — Meteorology of Ben Nevis for the [years ending 31st May 1885 and 31st May 1886]. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl.,'7, 1886, 153-162, 296-303. — The meteorology of Culloden, Inverness-shire, 57° 30' lat. N., 4° 7' long. W., from observations made from Jan. 1841 to December 1880, by the late Arthur FORBES of Culloden. Scott. Meteorol! Soc. Jl., 7, 1886, 103- 182. — Meteorology of San Jorge, central Uruguay (32° 43' lat. S., 56° 8' long. W. ; height, 400 feet), "from four years' observations, by Charles E. HALL, Esq. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 7, 1886, 184-189. Buchan] 885 [Buchanan — Report, on atmospheric circulation, based on tlie observations made on board H.M.S. Challemjfr 1873- 7Ci. [1888-89.] Edinb. Boy. Soe. Proe., 10, 1890, 780- 791. — The meteorology of Ben Nevis. Edinb. Boy. Soc. Trans., 34, 1890, 400 pp. — The meteorological results of the Challenger expedi- tion in relation to physical geography. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 13, 1891, 137-154; Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891, 305-310. — Meteorology in relation to hygiene. [IF'iV/i discussion.] Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 5), 98-105. — On a difference between the diurnal barometric curves at Greenwich and at Kew. [1890.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc., 18, 1892, 59-01. The influence of high winds on the barometer at the Ben Nevis Observatory. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 18, 1892, 88-94. Beport of the Committee..., appointed for the purpose of co-operating with the Scottish Meteorological Society in making meteorological observations on Ben Nevis. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1892, 08-72. — Preliminary account of oceanic circulation, based on the Challenger observations. Nature, 40, ,1892, 383-384. — Meteorology of Beu Nevis. [1891.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 9, 1893, 3-13. — Contribution to the meteorology of Central Africa. [1892.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 9, 1893, 111-114. — The influence of high winds on the barometer at the Ben Nevis Observatory. [1892.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 9, 1893, 132-137. — Certain relations of pressure and temperature at the Ben Nevis observatories. [1892.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 9, 1893, 137-140. — Meteorological observations on Ben Nevis. Beportfs] of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 280-280 ; 1894, 108-110; 1895, 186-194; 1896, 100-172; 1897, 219- 220 ; 1898, 277-283 ; 1899, 250-255 ; 1900, 40-52. — The temperature of London for 130 years, from 1703 to 1892. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 9, 1893, 213-223. — The temperature of the north-east of Scotland for 129 years, from 1764 to 1892. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 9, 1893, 224-231. — [Barometric oscillation at Edinburgh, Feb. 11-12, 1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 369. — The monthly and annual rainfall of Scotland, 1800 to 1890. [1894.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 10, 1896, 3-24. — On the Ben Nevis observatories and the work done there. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 27, 1896, 165-181. — The high temperature of September 1895, and the Ben Nevis observatories. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 10, 1896, 127-134. — Notes of the numerical returns of Scottish meteorology for (April 1893— [Dec. 1898]). Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 10, 1896, 257-324; 11, 1900, 145-248, 373-476. Specific gravities and oceanic circulation. [1896.] Edinb. Roy. Soe. Trans., 38, 1897. 317-342. — [Discussion of the rainfall of Cape Colony, 1885-94.] [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 34, 114-115. — The mean atmospheric pressure and temperature of the British Islands. [1898.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. JL, 11, 1900, 3-41 B. - Tidal currents of the North Sea. [1899.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 22, 1900, 478-481. - The annual rainfall of Scotland from 1800 to 1898. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 11, 1900, 251-283. Buchan, Alexander, & Mitchell, (Sir) Arthur. See Mitchell A Buchan. Buchan, Alexander. Estimation of ammonia byBuFFLE's method. Chem. News, 61, 1890, 231. Buchan, J. M. "Complexion, climate and race. [1883.] Canad. Inst. Proc., 2, 1884, 5-20. — Flora Hamiltonensis. Canad. Inst. Proc., 2, 1884, 145-156. Buchan, -/. .S'. The rock formation of the Bermudas. [1900.] Canad. Bee. Sci., 8. 1902, 219-223. — Was Mount Roval an active volcano? [1900.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 8, 1902/321-328. Buchan, ir[i7/i«m] I'latun], For biographical notice see Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 27, 1896. 151-155. — A problem in ventilation by heat. [1890.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891, 31 :!2. — On the ventilation of schools. [1891.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 01-72. Buchanan, A[le;randi'r] ,l/[iirf<'iri;»r]. Kidneys, exhibiting well-marked lobulation, from a healthy woman aged 20. [1892.1 Jl. Auat. Physiol., 27, 1893, vii. — The use of peroxide of hydrogen for cleaning bones. [1892.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, ix-x. — Abnormal sternum. Jl. Auat. Physiol., 28, 1894, 313- 314. Buchanan, D. G. The assay of gold ores, interference of certain metals in. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 14, 1895, 1004-1005. Buchanan, (Miss) Florence. On the ancestral development of the respiratory organs in the decapodous Crustacea. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 29, 1889, 451-407. — Hekaterobranchus Shrubsolii. A new genus and species of the family Spionidse. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 175-200. — Report on the occupation of the table [at the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association at Plymouth]. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 356-360. Beport on polycheets collected during the Royal Dublin Society's Survey off the west coast of Ireland. Part i. Deep-water forms. [1893.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 8, 1893-98, 169-179. — Peculiarities in the segmentation of certain polyehtetes. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci , 34, 1893, 529-544. A polynoid with branchiae (Eupolyodontes Coruishii). Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 35, 1894, 433-450. — On a blood-forming organ in the larva of Magelona. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 409-470. — Note on the worm associated with Lophohelia prolifera. [1897.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 8, 1893-98, 432-433. — The efficiency of the contraction of veratrinised muscle. [1899.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899-1900, 137-150. Buchanan, (Sir) George. For biography and works see Epid. Soc. Trans., 14, 1895. 113-117; Nature, 52 (1895), 58; Pharm. Jl., 25, 1895, 1022-1023; Roy. Soc. Proc., 59, 1895, xli-xliii; Med.-Chir. Trans., 79, 1896, cix-cx. — Pathological researches on disinfecting actions and pathogenic organisms. Practitioner, 34, 1885, 232-240. On certain supposed injuries by vaccination in north Germany in 1885. [1886.] Epid. Soc. Trans., 5, 1887, 114-118. Buchanan, George Charles. The instincts of birds. Science, 4, 1896, 728. Buchanan, H. B. 31. Evolution. [1893.] Croydon Micr. Club Proc. & Trans., 4, 1900, xxxiii-xxxv. Buchanan, J[aines]. The oscillations of a spheroid in a viscous liquid. London Math. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891, 181- 214, 482. Buchanan, J. M. Insanity in the colored race. N. Y. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, 07-70. Buchanan, J[ohn] Y[ouny]. Observations of the tempera- ture of the sea and air, made during a voyage from England to the Eiver Plate in the S.S. Leibnitz. Nature, 32, 1885, 126-130. — On the distribution of temperature in Loch Lornoud during the autumn of 1885. [1885.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 403-428. On oceanic shoals discovered in the S.S. Dacia in October 1883. [1885.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, 428-443. Buchanan] ssi ; [Buchanan — On similarities in the physical geography of the great oceans, Geogr. Soc. Proc., H, 1886, 753-768. — On the land slopes separating continents and ocean basins, especially those on the west coast of Africa. Observed and surveyed in the S.S. Buccaneer, .... Scott. Geogr. Mag., 3, 1887, 217-238. — On ice and brines. [1887.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 14, 1888, 129-147. On the distribution of temperature in the Antarctic Ocean. [1H87.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Proc., 14, 1888, 147- 149. — On tidal currents in the ocean. Boy. Soc. Proc., 43, 1888, 340-347. The exploration of the Gulf of Guinea. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 4, 1888, 177-200, 233-2.11. Air-tight subdivisions in ships. Nature, 39, 1889, 608-609. — On the occurrence of sulphur in marine muds and nodules, and its bearing on their mode of formation. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 18, 1892, 17-39. — On the composition of some deep-sea deposits from the Mediterranean. [1891.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Proc., 18, 1892, 131-138. On the temperature, density and motion of the waters of the Gulf of Guinea. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 14, 1892, 625-620. On the composition of oceanic and littoral manganese nodules. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 3(5, 1893, 459-483. On some modifications of the water-bottle and ther- mometer for deep-sea research. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 19, 1893, 238-242. Sur la densite et 1'alcaliuite. des eaux de 1'Atlantique et de la Mediterranee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1321-1324. On rapid variations of atmospheric temperature, especially during t'i'ihn, and the methods of observing them. Roy. Soc. Proc., 56, 1894, 108-128. On the use of the globe in the study of crystallography. [1894.] Phil. Mag., 40, 1896, 153-172. Nomenclature and notation in calorimetry. Nature, 58 (1898), 30. — Notes on the physical and chemical work of an Antarctic expedition. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 804-806; Geogr. Jl., 14, 1899, 552-559. — Thermometric scales for meteorological use. Nature, 60 (1899), 364-365. — On steam and brines. [1898.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 529-573. — On the determination of the temperature of saturated steam, and the production of higher fixed temperatures by the condensation of steam on salts and in saline solutions. [1898.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 11, 1900, 42-57. — The meteorology of Ben Nevis in clear and in foggy weather. [1899.] 'Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 779-826. Buchanan, John. For biographical notice see N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 31, 1899, 718-719. — Description of a new species of Erigeron. [1884.] N. Zealand lust. Trans., 17, 1886, 287-288. — On Cyttaria Purdiei, Buck. N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 18, 1886, 317. — On some new native plants. N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 19, 1887, 213-21(5; 20, 1888, 255. — On a remarkable branching specimen of Hemitelia Smithii. N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 19, 1887, 217. Buchanan, John. On the thermoelectric position of carbon. [1885.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 7, 1886, 185-193; Phil. Mag., 20, 1886, 117-125. — A general theorem in electrostatic induction, with application of it to the origin of electrification by friction. Hoy. Soc. Proc., 40, 1886, 416-430. — On hot gases as conductors of electricity. Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 297-302. — On a law of distribution of molecular velocities amongst the molecules of a fluid. Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 165-169. — Torsion-structure in the Alps. Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 261-265. Buchanan, Jnlin. For biographical notice and works see Geogr. JL, 8, 1896, 79. — Notes on the vegetation and vegetable products of Blantyre and Zomba districts of Africa. [1885.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 235-242. — Journey along the southern frontier of Nyassaland. Geogr. Soc. Proc., 13, 1891, 265-273. — Report of a journey taken along the frontier of the British protectorate of Nyassaland. Kew Bull., 1891, 184-190. Buchanan, Joshua. The extraction of nitrate of sodium and iodine in northern Chile. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 12, 1893, 128-130. — Note on determination of gold in cyanide solutions. [1894.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 1 (1894-97), 27-28. — Gold and silver extraction in South America. [1894.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 1 (1894-97), 41-49. Buchanan, (dipt.) Kfiiiii'th. Nesting of the black eagle. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898 1900, 776-777. — Nesting of the large-billed willow warbler (Aeantho- pneuste magnirostris). [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 777. Buchanan, (Lt.-Col.) L. M. Barometric depression of December 8th-9th. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21,1886, 172. — Heat in June. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 22, 1887, 90. Buchanan, Leslie. The glands of the ciliary body. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 262-267. Buchanan, (Miss) M. K. Note on the reaction of hydro- cyanic acid. [1887.] Pharrn. JL, 18, 1888, 512. Buchanan, R[oliert] M[ucNeil], A case of puerperal fever illustrating the mode of infection and the infective agent. Glasgow Med. JL, 38, 1892, 429-434. — The Hffiinatozoa of malaria. Glasgow Med. JL, 41, 1894, 41-49. — Specimens of the Hfematozoa of malaria. [With dis- cussion.] [1893.] Glasgow Path. Clin. Soc. Trans., 5, 1895, 19-29. — [On the larvae of Anthomyia cam'eularis.] [1S9S.] Glasgow Path. Clin. Soc. Trans., 7, 1899, 90-91. Buchanan, Hubert J. M[i-Lean]. Cell granulations under normal and abnormal conditions, with special reference to the leucocytes. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, ilsl-982. — Leukaemia : with special reference to the pathological histology of the blood and marrow, with additional note on cells of mixed granulation. [1896.] Jl. Path. Bact., 4, 1897, 242-264. Buchanan, W. The tides, currents, and the moon. [1897.] N. Zealand lust. Trans., 30, 1898, 79-87. Buchanan, (.Sun/. -Maj.) \l'\ult<'r]J[a»ies]. The ne\v theory of heredity. [1892.] Indian Med. Gaz., 27, 1893, 4-7. ' — A note on the nutritive values of the dietaries of Bengal jails. [1896.] Indian Med. Gaz., 31, 1897, 153-158. — Case of hydatid cyst in a native of India. Indian Med. Gaz., Hi, 1897, 410-411. Beri-beri and the diseases confused with it. [1896.] Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 104, 1897, 475-479. — Cholera diffusion by flies. [1897.] Indian Med. Gaz., 32, 1898, 86-87. — Epidemic cerebro-spinal fever in India: with three cases. [1898.] .11. Tn.p. Med., 1, 1898-99, 9-13. — Dysentery as a furlor in liver abscess. The other side of the question. [1899.] Jl. Tiop. Med., 1, 1898-99, 173-175. Buchanan! 887 [Buchenau — A note on lathyrisrn. [1899.] Jl. Trop. Med. , 1, 1898-99, 261-262. — Tuberculosis in India. [1899.] .11. Trop. Med., 2, 1899-1900, 31-34. Bucharov, D. N. IIofo^Ka no JIaiuiaH,niir. Ocentio 1883 ro,na. [Journey to Lapland. Autumn 1883.] [1885.] St. Petersb., Soc. Kusse Gcogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 16, 1888 (No. 1), 345 pp. Buchauer, Gcunj. Kin geologisches Protil bt'i Niederndorf (Kufsteiu 0.). Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 37, 1888, 63-68. Buchbinder, Ilnnx. Experimentelle Untersuchungen am lebenden Thier- und Menschendarm. Eiu Beitrag zur Physiologic, Pathologic und Bakteriologie des Darmes. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 55, 1900, 458-556. Buchbock, Uiixztiir. A earbonylsulrid hydrolytos bomlasa- nak aebessegerol. [Ueber die Geachwindigkeit der hydro- lytischen Zersetzung des Karhonylsultids.] Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897, 379; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 123-156. - A ferrocyanfflthyl molekulasulyarol. [Ueber das Molekulargewicht des Ferrooyansethyls.] Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897, 379; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 157-158. — A kozeg hatasa a reakcziosebessegre. [Ueber den Einfluss des Mediums auf die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit.] Termt. Kozlon., 31, 1899, 727; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 34, 1900, 229-247. Buchenau, Franz. *[Ueber die .Flora des arktischen Ostgronland auf Gruud der botanischen Samrnlungen der zweiten deutsehen Nordp. Expedition, 1869-70.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872, 73-74. — Die Juucaceen aus Indien, insbesondere die aus dem Himalaya. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 6, 1885, 187-232. — Kritisehe Zusammenstellung der europaischeu Jun- caceen. Eugler, Bot. Jbiich., 7, 1886, 153-176. — Die Juncaeeen aus Mittelamerika. Flora, 69, 1886, 145-155, 161-170. — Merkwiirdige Ausscheidung einer krystallinischen organischen Sa'ure im Holzkorper einer Eberesche (Sorbus aucuparia). Kassel Ver. Nat. Festschr., 1886, 37-39. — Carex punctata, Uaudin, in Deutschlaud. [1885.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 139-140. — Naturwissenschaftlich-geographische Literatur iiber das nordwestliche Deutschland. [1885-1900.] Bremen Abh., !), 1887, 225-243, 300-302, 409-471; 10, 1889, 246-248, 571-574; 11, 1890, 429-432; 12, 1893, 158- 161, 291-294, 555-561; 13, 1896, 75-80, 342-347, 493- 498; 14, 1898, 335-340, 515-520; 16, 1900, 399-406, 544-547. — Die Lage des Thurmes der Bealschule beim Doventhor. [1885.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 244. — Ueber die Kandhaare (Wimpern) von Luzula. [1886.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 293-299, 319. — Beachtenswerthe Blitzschlage in Baume. [1886.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 312-319. — FtUlung des Kelches bei einer Rose. [1886.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 324. — Vergleichung der nordfriesischen Inseln mit den ost- friesischen in floristischer Beziehung. Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 361-384. Doppelspreitige Laubblatter. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 0, 1888, 179-186. — Mammut-Stosszahn aus der Weser bei Nienburg. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1888, 36-37. — Kjokkenmodding oder Austernbank? Bin Beitrag zur Geognosie der Insel Sylt. Schlesw. -Hoist. Nat. Ver. Schr., 7 (Heft 1), 1888, 21-22. — Der abnorme Regenfall vom 31. Juli 1887. [1888.] Bremen Abh., 10, 1889, 40. — Die Standortskarten von Gewiichsen der uordwest- deutschen Flora. [1888-97.] Bremen Abh., lu 1889 241-245; 15, 1901, 129-132. — Erica tetralix, L. , mit getrennten Kronblattern. [1888.] Bremen Abh., 10, 1889, 317-318. — Bildungsabweichung einer Hulse von Gleditschia. [1888.] Bremen Abh., 10, 1889, 318. — Eine Pelorie von Platanthera bifolia, L. Bremen Abh , 10, 1889, 334. Reliquiae Rutenbergianre. 1889, 369-396. — Ueber die Vegetationsverhaltnisse vin. Bremen Abh., 10, des ' Helms " (Psamma arenaria, Ki'mi. et Sclntltes) und der verwaudten Diinengraser. Bremen Abh., 10, 1889, 397-412. — Zur Geschiehte des naturwissensehaftlichen Vereines. [1889.] Bremen Abh., 11, 1890, 171-186. — Die Pflanzenwelt der ostfriesischen Inseln. [1889.] Bremen Abh., 11, 1890, 245-264. — Ueber eine triigerische Form von Juncus eft'usus, L. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 31, 1890, 231-236. — Ueber die (ieschlechtsverhaltuisse bei den Juncaeeen. Deutfch. Natf. Verh., 1890 (Th. 2), 115. — Monographia Juncaeearum. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 12, 1890, 1-495, 622. — Ueber eineu Fall der Entstehung der eicheublatterigen Form der Hainbuche (Carpinus betulus, L.). Bot. Ztg., 49, 1891, 97-104. — Abnorme Blattbildungen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1891, 326-332. — Ueber Knollen- und Zwiebelbildung bei den Juncaeeen. Flora, 74, 1891, 71-83. — Ueber die Bestaubungs-Verhaltnisse bei den Juncaeeen. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 24, 1892, 363-424. — Die "springenden Bohnen" aus Mexiko. [1891-92.] Bremen Abh., 12, 1893, 47-52, 277-290. — Eine Verbanderung des Stengels bei Jasione moutana und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Entstehung dieser Bildungs- aliweichung. [1892.] Bremen Abh., 1~2, 1893, 269-276. — Ueber den Aufbau des Palmiet-Schilfes (Prionium serratum, Dregc) aus dem Caplande. Eine morpho- logisch-anatomische Studie. Bibl. Bot., 5, 1893, Heft 27, 26 pp. — Zur Geschiehte der Einwanderung von Galinsoga parvirlora, Cavanilles. Bremen Abh., 12, 1893, 551-554. — Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gattung Tropseolum. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 15, 1893, 180-259; 22, 1897, 157- 1H3; 26, 1899, 580-588. — Die Verbreitung von Oryza clandestina, Al. Braun. Bot. Ztg., 52, 1894 (Abtli. 1), 83-96, 201-206. — Ueber die ostfriesischen Inseln und ihre Flora. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verh., 1895, 129-141. Ueber Einheitlichkeit der botanischen Kunstausdriicke und Abkiirzungen. [1893.] Bremen Abh., 13, 1896 (Extra-Beilage), 36 pp. — [Beitrage zur Flora von Afrika. x.] Juncaceffi africana-. [1895.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 21, 1896, 192- 193. — Studieu iiber die australischen Formen der Unter- gattung Junci genuini. [1895.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 21, 1896, 258-267. — Der Bliitenbau von Tropfeolum. Bremen Abh., 13, 1896, 383-407. — Ein Fall von Saison-Dimorphismus in der Gattung Triglochin. Bremen Abh., 13, 1896, 408-412. — Zur Flora der ostfriesischen Insel Borkum. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 92-96, 147. — Ueber die Bliithenstande. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1897 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 149-150. — Eine gru'ne Rose von 6 mm. Grosse. [1897.] Bremen Abh., 14, 1898, 229-230. — Einige Nomenclaturfragen von speciellem und allge- meinerem Interesse. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 24, 1898, 648- 668. — Luzula campestris und verwandte Arten. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 48, 1898, 161-167, 209-220, 243-246, Buchenau] SS.S I Buchholtz E. ULE'S brasilianische Juneaceen. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 26, 1899, 573-579. — Zwei interessante Beobachtungen an Topf-Pelargonien. [1899.] Bremen Abb., Ifi, 1900, 274-277. - Tabacks-Doppelblatt. Bremen Abb., 16, 1900, 45H- 454. *Die Lune- Plate im August 1875. [1875.] Bremen Abh., 15, 1901, 17-24. - Kritische Studien zur Flora von Ostfriesland. [1897.] Bremen Abh., 15, 1901, 81-112. Buchenau, Fnuiz, & Focke, }\'[illiflm] 0[lbt'ntj. Melilotus albus x macrorrliizus. [18ns.] Bremen Abb., 10,1889, 203-204. Buchenau, Franz, Kulin. [Friedrich Adalbert] Mn.r- [imilinii], H.ickcl, Kill', iv Bockeler, [Johann] Otto. •' Kuhn, Ilackel. Bockeler A Buchenau. Bucher, Kmil. Oxydatiou de la p-tolylbenzylketone. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. , 22, 1889, 75-76. — Ueber p-Methylbenzil und iiber Beuzil/jnracarbonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2819-2820. Bucher, John E[meri/]. Tbe action of ethyl iodide on tartaric ester and sodium ethylate. Amer. Chem. .11., 23 (1900), 70-82. Bucher, John E[mery], & Michael, Arthur. Set? Michael A Bucher. Bucher, Ruliert. Beitrage zur Lehre vom Carcinom. Zur Casuistik und Beurtbeilung der multipeln Carcinome. Beitr. Path. Anat., 14, 1893, 71-131. Bucher, Rudolf von. Ueber das Chitenin. Wien, Ak. Slier., 102, 1893 (Abtli. 2/<), 019-632; Mhefte. Chem., 1893, 598-611. Bucherer, .Hired H[einricli]. Ueber die Bildung von Schwefelalurninium. Ztschr. Angew. Cbem., 1892, 4n:^- 484. — Zur Kenntniss des Aluminiumverfahreus der Gegen- wart. Ztschr. Augew. Chem., 1893, 515-517. — Electricity directly from coal. Franklin Inst. .11., 139, 1896, 378-384. A vantages du sulfure d'aluminium comme mineral d'aluminium. Jl. Pharm., 1, 1895, 262-263. — Die Wirkung des Magnetismus auf die electro- motorische Kraft. Ann. Phys. Chem., .58, 1896, 564- 578; 59, 1896, 735-741; 61/1897, 807. — Ueber elektromotorisehe Kriifte als Functionen der Loslichkeit. Cbem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 13-14. — Elektromotoriscbe Kraft und Verteilungsgleicbgewicht. Prioritatserklarung. Ztsclir. Physikal. Chem., 20, 1896, 328-330; 22, 1897, 590-597. — Ueber osmotischen Druck. Ann. Pbys. Chem., 64, 1898, 549-554. Zur Theorie der Thermoelektricitat der Elektrolyte. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 204-209. Bucherer, Kmil. Sur hi morphologic et I'anatomie des Dioscorees. [lss.i-s«i. | Arch. Sci. 1'hys. Nat., 20, 1888, 240-242; Bibl. Hot., 3, 1889-90, II eft lli, 34 pp. — Un cas de prolirication et de phyllodie chez lc Geuni rivale. Arch. Sci. Pbys. Nat., 2S,' 1892, 368; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 571-576. Bucherer, llaus [Tlu'iidnr]. Suithrse der Hexahydro- benzoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1230- 1232. Buchet, Gnston. Sur un tendon faisant partie de 1'appareil tenseur de la membrane axillaire. [1885.] Natnraliste, 1 3 (1885-87)], 35-36. — Premiere note sur 1'appareil tenseur de la membrane anterieure de 1'aile des oiseaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. JL in.. 40, 1888 (C. R.), 328-332. — Les Lichens attaquent le verre et, dans les vitraux, semblent preferer certaines couleurs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. R.), 13. — DC 1'action du venin des Hynu'uopteres sur b- le/.ard gris des murailles. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<5m.. 42, 1890 i ' . R.), 14. [Sur les glaciers de la presqu'ile du nord-ouest de 1'Ielande.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. E., 1892, 468-471. — Becherches sur un faisceau musculaire de 1'aile des oiseaux. Muscle omo-brachial. Robin, Jl. Anat., 28, 1892, 282-291. — Interpretation anatomique d'un croquis de machine volante de Leonard HE VINCI. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1895 (Pt. 2), 669-672. — Quelques rernarques sur les animaux domestiques d'Islande. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 42, 1895, 241-246. — Appareil pour les peches pelagiques a grande vitesse. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, 14-19. — De la rapide elevation de temperature des grands Cetaces apres la rnort, de 1'alterabilite de leurs formes et de la forme reelle de la langue des Balenopteres. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, 22-25. — Quelques observations sur les Balenopteres des eaux islandaises. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, 30-31. — De la baleine des Basques dans les eaux islandaises et de 1'aspect des grands Cetaces a la mer. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 8, 1895, 229-231. — Note preliminaire sur certains mouvenients auto- matiques de la main des oiseaux. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 7, 1895, 5-8. — Contribution a I'e'tude des peches canariennes. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1899 (Pt. 1), 264-265. — Plauktonmetre pour peches pelagiques a grande vitesse. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 145. 1900, 436-446. — Considerations sur les conditions favorables au dosage de plankton de surface en haute mer. Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 5-15. Buchet, (;n. & Pettit, Aiitnixtc. Sec Pettit A Buchet. Buchheim, Arthur. For biographical notice and works see Nature, 38, 1888, 515-516. — On the theory of screws in elliptic space. [1884 si;. | London Math. Soc. Proc., 15 (1883-84), 83-98; 1(1 (1884- 85), 15-27; 17, 1887, 240-254; 18 (1886-87), 88-96. — On the theory of matrices. [1884.] London Math. Soc. Proc., Hi (1884-85), 63-82. On the quaternion treatment of the linear complex. Messenger Math., 13, 1884, 120-124. — Proof of Professor SYLVESTER'S "Third law of motion." 1'hil. Mag., 18, 1884. 459-460. — A memoir on biquaternions . Amer. Jl. Math., 7, 1885, 293-326. — Au extension of PASCAL'S theorem to space of three dimensions. Messenger Math., 14, 1885, 74-75. — On a theorem relating to symmetrical determinants. Messenger Math., 14, 1885, 143-144. — An extension of a theorem of Professor SYLVESTKI;'* relating to matrices. Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 173-174. — On CLIFFORD'S theory of graphs. [1885.] London, Math. Soc. Proc., 17, 1887, 80-106. Buchheim, R. Kreuzbefruchtungen zwiscben Kakteen. Mschr. Kakteenk., 3, 1893, 94-96. — Krfalmiugen bei der Erzeugung von Kakteen- Ver- bildung. Mschr. Kakteenk., 5, 1895, 62-63. Ein neuer Feiud und seine Bekampfung. Mschr. Kakteeuk., s, 1898, 117-119, 137-141. Buchheim, P. Die Bedeutung der Erschiitterungen und das Verhaltniss derselben zu den tibrigen Handgriffen der Massage. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 34, 1892, 336- 356. Buchheister, .17. Die Elbe und der HatVn von Hamburg. Hamb. Geogr. Ges. Mittb., 15, 1899, 131-188. Buchholtz, (.Viy.) /•'. //. [Ueber die bisherigen Versuche und die dabei gemacbtcn Erfabrungen, die Luftschirle mil Hiilfe der Elektri/.itiit lenkbar zu machen.] Elektro- tecbn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 431-433. — Fahrt des Militiir-Ballons Harbiira am 10. December 1885. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 3 (1886), 213-215. Buchholtz, (Kajit.) (ilomniln fin. *Gezeiten in dri Inland- See. Japan. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883), 328-:!2!i. Buchholtz] SS'.I [Buchner BucHholtz, Hermann. Ueber menschenpathogene Strepto- thrix. Bin Beitrag zur Aetiologie des acuten Lungenzer- falls. Ztschr. Hyg., 21, 1897, 470-487. Buchholz, [Albert]. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gliose der Hirnrinde. [1887.] Allg. Ztscbr. Psyohiatr., 44, 1888, 561-562. — Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomic der Gliose der Hirnrinde. Arch. Psychiatr., 19, 1888, 591-600. — Zur Kenntniss des Delirium acutum. (Zwei Falle init wachsartiger Degeneration der Skeletmuskulatur.) Arch. Psychiatr., 20, 1889, 788-824. — Ueber Muskelveranderungen bei Psychosen. [With discussion.] [1888.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 46, 1890, 51-52. — Ueber das Vorkommen von Karyokinesen in Zellen des Centralnervensystetns von neugeborenen und jungen Hunden und Kaninchen. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 140- 142. • Casuistischer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Entwickelungs- anomalien des Riickenrnarks. Arch. Psychiatr., 22, 1891, 230-233. — Beitrag zur Kenutniss der Hirngliorne. Arch. Psy- chiatr., 22, 1891, 385-413. — Ueber einen Fall syphilitischer Erkrankung des Centralnervensystems. Arch. Psychiatr., 32, 1899, 1-56. Buchholz, G. Eine seltene Naturerscheinung. Wetter, 9, 1892, 48. Buchholz, Hugo. Ueber die lapetusverfinsterung durch Saturn und seiu Ringsystern vom Jahre 1889. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 241-270. — Die Laplace'sche und die Salmon'sche Schatteutheorie und das Saturnriug-Schattenproblem. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 2a), 863-1)08. — Elemente und Epheuieride des Cometen 1896 I. Astr. Naebr., 140, 1896, 333-336. Buchinger, [Jean Daniel]. For biography see France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888, 418; Aim. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 399. — Corouilla scorpioides. Bot. Ztg., 44, 1886, 152-153. Buchk.i, Karl [Heinricli] von. Beitrag zur Keuntniss des Hamatoxylins und Brasilins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 17, 1884, 683-685. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlorsehwefel auf Xatrium- acetessigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 2090- 2093. — Ueber die Bildung von Phenylglyoxylsaure aus Ben- zoylcyanid. Berlin, Chem. Ges.' Ber., 20, 1887, 395-398. — Ueber die Paratolylglyoxylsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2213-2214. — Ueber die Darstellung von Metanitrotoluol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 829-833. — Ueber die Bedeutuug des osmotischeu Druckes fur die chemischen Theorien. Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1894-95, 45-46. Buchka, Karl [Heinrieh] vim, & Erck, A[dolf]. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Brasilins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1138-1143. Buchka, Karl [Heinrieh] von, & Irish, P. H. Ueber die Einwirkung von Kaliumferricvanid auf Acetopheuon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, i887, 386-395. Ueber die Oxydatiou von Ketonen mittels Kaliumferri- cyanid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1762-1767. Buchk.i, Karl [Heinrieh] J'OH, & Magalhaes, J[ii/ouio] J[ose] da Cruz. Ueber das Cytisin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 253-260, 674-680. Buchka, Karl [Heinricli] pon, & Schachtebeck, F[erdi- naiid]. Ueber die Reductionsproducte des Metanitro- toluols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 834-842. Buchka, Karl [Heinricli] ran, & Sprague, Cli[arlrs T.]. Ueber die angebliche Bildung von Pyridin aus Amido- azonaphtalin. Berlin, Chem. Ges! Ber., 22, 1889, 826-829. — Ueber den Thiacetessigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2541-2556. R. S. A. c. — Ueber die Einwirkung des Phenylhydrazius auf den Thiacetessigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890 847-855. Bnchkrcmer, [Hubert] Leonhard. Ueber die beim Mischen von zwei Flussigkeiten stattfindende Volumanderuiv,' und deren Eintiuss auf das Brechungsvermogen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb.., 47, 1890, 59-102; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 6, 1890, 161-186. Buchner, [Christian Ludwig Otto]. Ueber den Nephrit. [1887.] Giessen, Oberhess. Ges. Ber., 26, 1889, 102-103. Buchner, Eduard. Ueber den Einfluss des Sauerstoffs auf Spaltpilzgahrungen. Bot. Centrbl., 21, 1886 348- 350, 385-386. — Ueber den Einfluss des Sauerstoffs auf Gahrungen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1885, 380-415, 648. — Einwirkuug von Diazoessigather auf die Aether unge- sattigter Sauren. Berlin, Chera. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2637-2647; 22, 1889, 842-847; 23, 1890, 701-707. • Ein Isomeres des Gloxalins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2165-2167. - Aeetyleudicarbonsaureather und Phenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2929-2932. — Kleine Mittheilungen. [Ueber symm. Aethantetra- carbonsaure. Ueber Citronensaure. Ueber Bromacet- amid.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1157-1161. — Notiz aus der Gahrungschemie. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1161-1163. — [Ueber das Pyrazol.] i. Allgemeines iiber Synthesen von Pvrazolderivaten mittelst Diazoessigester. Liebig's Ann. ,'273, 1893, 214-231. — Notiz iiber c/s-Glutacousaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 881-883. — Ueber am Kohlenstoff phenylirte Pyrazole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3247-3250. — Diazoessigester und Pikrinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3250-3251. — Ueber Quecksilberdiazoessigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 215-221. — Ueber einige Polycarbonsauren des Trimethylens. Liebig's Ann., 284, 1895, 197-226. — Ueber Pseudophenylessigsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 106-109; 30, 1897, 632-636; 31, 1898, 2241-2247. — Ueber Pseudophenylessigsaure. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1896 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 1), 85. — Alkoholische Gahrung ohne Hefezellen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 117-124, 335, 1110-1113. — Ueber Derivate des Cycloheptans. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1949-1950, 2738. — Ueber zellenfreie Gahrung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 568-574. — Ueber A'-Cyeloheptencarbonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 705-707. — Demonstration der Zymasega'hrung. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 1), 210-211. — Ueber Zymasegahrung. [1900.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, (243)-(244). — Zymase aus getodteter Hefe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900. 3307-3310. — Bemerkungen zur Arbeit von A. MACFADYEN, G. H. MOKIUS und S. ROWLAND : " Ueber ausgepresstes Hefezell- plasma (BOCHNEB'S Zymase)." Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3311-3315. ' Buchner, Eduard, & Albert, Robert. See Albert & Buchner. Buchner, Eduard, & Braren, Wilhelm. See Braren & Buchner. Buchner, Eduard, & Curtius, Thcodor. Synthese von Ketonsaureathern aus Aldehyden und Diazoessigather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 2371-2377. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazoessigather auf aro- matische Kohlenwasserstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 18, 1885, 2377-2379. 112 Buchner] 890 [Buchner - Ueber Gelatine. [1886.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 850-857; Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 2, 1887, 89-90. Buchner, Eduard, A Dessauer, Hun*. Ueber Carbon- sauren des Phenyltrimethylens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1147-1157. Ueber 5-Phenylpyrazol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 258-261. Einwirkung von Diazoessigester auf ungesattigte Saureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 877-879, 879-881. Bucbner, Eduard, & Fritsch, J\I[artin]. Ueber 4-Phenyl- pyrazol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 256-258, 1590. • [Ueber das Pyrazol.] v. Synthese der Pyrazol-3,4,5- tricarbonsaure. [vi. Darstellung und Derivate des freien Pyrazols.] Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 252-256, 256- 266. Bucbner, Eduard, & Jacobi, Andrtin. Ueber Derivate des Cyclobeptans. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 399- 402, 2004-2009, 3679. Buchner, Eduard, & Lingg, Ferdinand, Ueber jS-Iso- phenylessigsaure [/3-Cycloheptatnenmethylsaure]. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 402-403, 2247-2250. Bucbner, Ediinrtl, it Fapendieck, A[ugust]. [Ueber das Pyrazol.] n. Synthese der Pyrazolin-3,5-dicarbonsaure. [iv. Synthese der Pyrazol-3.5-dicarbonsaure.] Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 232-238, 246-251. • Eimvirkung von Diazoessigester auf ungesattigte Saureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 221- 224. — [Ueber einige Polycarbonsauren des Trimethylens. ] i. Ueber fivmji-l,2-Trimethylendicarbonsaure (Cyclo- propan-l,2-diruethyldisaure). Liebig's Ann., 284, 1895, 212-219. Bucbner, Eduard, & Rapp, Rudolf. Alkoholische Gah- rnng ohne Hefezellen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2668-2678; 31, 1898, 209-217, 1084-1090, 1090- 1094, 1531-1533; 32, 1899, 127-137, 2086-2094. Bucbner, Eduard, & Witter, IIuijo. Ueber symmetrische Trimethylentricarbousauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 189o', 2583-2585. — [Ueber das Pyrazol.] in. Synthese der Pyrazolin- 3,4,5-tricarbonsaure. Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 239- 245. - Einwirkung von Diazoessigester auf ungesattigte Saureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 868- 876. — [Ueber einige Polycarbonsauren des Trimethylens.] u. Ueber n-ayHH jniiiaHOBt HoBopoccificKaro Kpaa. [Short sketch of the fauna of the litnans (lagoons) of the coasts of New Kussia.] New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 10 (No. 1), 1885, 1-24. - TIpejiBapuTejitHoe cooCinetde o pasBiiTiii Parapodopsis cornuta, Czern. [Preliminary communi- cation on the development of Parapodopsis cornuta, Czern.] New Russ. Soe. Nat. Mem., 10 (No. 1), 1885 (Prot.), 11-15. — HcTOpifl paSBIITifl Parapodopsis cornuta, Czern. (Observations stir le developpement de Parapodopsis cornuta, Czern.) New Russ. Soe. Nat. Mem., 15 (No. 2), 1890, 79-173. — Note sur la faune de la mer Noire. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 (Pt. 1), 48-51. — Zur Embryologie der Cumaceen. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 386-387. — Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Gebia littoralis. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 253-256. Malacostraca. (Observations sur le de'veloppement des Malacostrace"s.) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 19 (No. 2), 1895, 216 pp. - HpocTiiimie opramisjiu XaxHtn6encKaro H COo6lII,eHie.) [Protozoa found in the limaus of Haji- bey and Kuyalnik. (Preliminary communication.)] New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 20 (No. 1), 1895, 137- 148. — ayHa O^ecCKirxt JlIIJiaHOBT>. (Die Fauna der Odessaer-Salzseen (Limane).) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 21 (No. 2), 1897, 135-219. — Die Protozoen-Fauna der Salzsee-Limane bei Odessa. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 194-197. — Die Furchung des Eies und die Blastodermbildung der Nebalia. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 219-220. • Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Nebalia Geoffroyi. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 493-495. — Die Metazoenfauna der Salzseelimane bei Odessa. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 4'.!7. Buck, D. de. See De Buck. Buck, D[aniel] AI., & DXabery, Charles F[rederic~]. See Mabery ,\ Buck. Buck, E[dwnas breeding in Sutherland.] Ibis, 1, 1889, 401-402. - Woodcocks in Sutherland. Scott. Natlist., [11, 1891], 37-38. The blue-throated warbler (Cyanecula suecica, L.) in Orkney. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 70. — Contributions to the vertebrate fauna of Sutherland and Caithness. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 156-167. — Black rat (Mus rattus, L.) in Orkney. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 267-268. - The goshawk (Astur palumbnrius) in Mull. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 45. — Little gull (Larus minutus) in Inverness-shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 116. — Great skua (Stercorarius catarrhactes) in the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 116. — The pied flycatcher breeding in Inverness-shire, Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 54. — Fulmar petrel at Nairn. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 58. — Hybrid between red and black grouse. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 125. — Greenland falcon in Shetland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 122. — Habits of starlings. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 189. — Pochard and tufterl duck breeding in Orkney. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 191-192. — Snowy owl in Sutherland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 43. Greenland falcon in Skye. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 43. — Osprey in Inverness-shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 43. — Spotted crake in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 45. — Great tit in Sutherland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 123. Bittern at Invergarry. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 192. — Hybrid capercaillie and black cock near Inverness. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 52. Great skua in the Moray Firth. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 118. Solitary snipe near Elgin. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 51. — Barnacle goose in the Dornoch Firth. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 49. Smew and white-fronted goose in Shetland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 50. — Albino lapwing in Inverness-shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 51. — Bittern in Nairn. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 122. Ornithological notes from Orkney. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. , 1900, 245-246. Hybrid capercaillie and blackcock. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 246-247. Buckman, James. For biography and list of works see Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 41, 1885 (Proc.), 43 ; Dorset Field Club Proc., 7, [1886], 1-4. *0n the prevalence of Ustilago segetum in the cereal crops of 1883. [1883.] Dorset Field Club Proc., 5, [1884], 88-90. On ansemia in oats. Dorset Field Club Proc., 5, [1884], 91-93. On the Trigonia bella, from Eype, near Bridport, Dorset. Dorset Field Club Proc., 5, [1884], 154-156. On the occurrence of the dotterel in Dorset. [1884.] Dorset Field Club Proc., 6, [1885], 29-32. On Sphcerella Taxi. [1884.] Dorset Field Club Proc., 1.1, [1885], 52-54. Buckman, S[ydncy] >S'[at>on/]. Notes on Jurassic Brachio- poda. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 217-219. On the lobe-Hue of certain species of Lias ammonites described in the monograph by the late Dr. WRIGHT. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 442-443. On Ammonites serpentinus, Reinecke, Am. falcifer, Sowb., Am. elegans, Sowb., Am. elegans. Young, etc. Geol. Mag., 4, 1887, 396-400. A monograph of the ammonites of the ;' Inferior Oolite series" (stages Toarcian, pars; Aalenian ; Bajo- cian ; Bathonian, pars). Palajnnt. Soc. Monogr., 40, 1887; 41, 1888; 42, 1889; 43, 1890; 44, 1891; 45, 1892; 46, 1892; 47, 1893; 48, 1894; 52, 1898; 53. 1899; 5s, 1904; f>9, 1905; (11, 1907, 456 + cclxii pp. IH a/I. Palfeontological nomenclature. Geol. Mag., 5, 1888, 117-120, 336. — Uniformity in scientific bibliography. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 94. On Jurassic ammonites. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 200-203. On the Cotteswold, Midford, and Yeovil sands, and the division between Lias and Oolite. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889, 440-473. The descent of Sonniuia and Hammatoceras. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 45, 1889, 651-663. Some new species of Brachiopoda, from the Inferior Oolite of the Cotteswolds. [1886.] Cotteswold Club Proc., 9, 1890, 38-43. The Inferior Oolite between Andoversford and Bourton-on-the-Water. [1886.] Cotteswold Club Proc., 9, 1890, 108-135. Buckman] 895 [Buckton - The relations of Dundry with the Dorset-Somerset and Cotteswold areas during part of the Jurassic period. [1889.] Cotteswold Club Proc., 9, 1890, 374-387. — On the so-called "Upper Lias clay" of Down Cliffs. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 46, 1890, 518-521. — On the Jurense-zone. [1890.] Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 6, 1890-91, 76-80. — [Lias beds of Northamptonshire.] Notes on the ammonites. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 344-345. — On certain ammonite-zones of Dorset and Somerset. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 655-656. — Notes on Nautili and ammonites. [The position of the last septum. Shell-muscles of nautili and am- monites.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 47, 1891 (Proc.), 165. — The sections exposed between Andoversford and Ched- worth : a comparison with similar strata upon the Banbury line. [1890.] Cotteswold Club Proc., 10, 1892, 94-100.' — Some laws of heredity ; and their application to man. Cotteswold Club Proc., io, 1892, 258-322. — A reply to Prof. BLAKE'S comments on Inferior Oolite ammonites. Geol. Mag., 9, 1892, 76-78. — The reported occurrence of Ammonites jurensis in the Northampton sands. Geol. Mag., 9, 1892, 258-260. - The morphology of "Stephanoceras" zigzag. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 48, 1892, 447-452. — "The top of the Inferior Oolite" and a correlation of "Inferior-Oolite" deposits. [1892.] Dorset Field Club Proc., 14, 1893, 37-43. — The Bajocian of the Sherborne district: its relation to subjacent and superjacent strata. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 49, 1893, 479-521. — Jurassic ammonites : notes on a pamphlet by Dr. Emile HAUG. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 170-172. — Jurassic ammonites: notes on a pamphlet by Professor Guido BONARELLI. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 298-300. — Jurassic ammonites : on the genus Cymbites (Neu- mmjr). Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 357-363. - instinctive attitudes. [1894.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 81. — The Bajocian of the Mid-Cotteswolds. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1895, 388-462. — Notes on Jurassic ammonites. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 420-421. — Deposits of the Bajocian age in the northern Cottes- wolds : the Cleeve Hill plateau. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl. , 53, 1897, 607-629. — Observations of a cycle tour. [Geological.] [1898.] Cotteswold Club Proc., 12 (1896-98), 217-238. — On the grouping of some divisions of so-called "Jurassic" time. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, 442- 462. — Excursion to Cheltenham and Stroud. Whitsuntide, 1897. [1897.] Geol. Ass. Proc., 15, 1899, 175-182. - The valley of the lower Wye. [1898.] Cotteswold Club Proc., 13, 1899-1901, 25-32. — Human babies : some of their characters. [1899.] Cotteswold Club Proc., 13, 1899-1901, 89-120. — List of types and figured specimens of Brachiopoda. [1899.] Cotteswold Club Proc., 13, 1899-1901, 133-141. Gravel at Moreton-in-the-Marsh (Gloucestershire). Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 55, 1899, 220. — Excursion notes : chiefly on river features. [1900.] Cotteswold Club Proc., 13, 1899-1901, 175-192. Human babies; what they teach. Nature, 62 (1900), 226-228. Buckman, S[ydney] S[avory], & Bather, Francis A[rthttr], The terms of auxology. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 420-421, 429-434. Buckman, S[ydney] S[avory~], & Walker, John Francis. On the spinose Rhynchonellffi, genus Acanthothyris, (VOrligntj. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Rep., 1888, 41-57. Buckman, S[ydney] S[a I'ory], & Wilson, Edward. Dundry Hill : its upper portion, or the beds marked as Inferior Oolite (g5) in the maps of the Geological Survey. [1896.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 52, 1896, (169-720; Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 8, 1899, 188-231. Buckman, S[ydney] S[avory], Blake, (Rev.) J[ohn] Frederick}, Hudleston, Wilfred II., & Monckton, Harare II . Set Blake, Hudleston, Buckman & Monckton. Buckmaster, (Rev.) C. J. Spring Lepidoptera at Hyeres in 1897. But. Record, 9, 1897, 303-304. Buckmaster, George Alfred. Ueber eine neue Beziehung zwischen Zuckung uml Tetanus. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886, 459-475. — [On "staircase" contractions.] Jl. Physiol., 7, [1886], ix-x. — Ursprung und Beschaffenheit gewisser Bakteriengifte. Biol. Centrbl., 15, 1895, 96-103. Buckminster, P. . jitcnofi Aa'il; neipoBCKaro sascua KaCiiHCTa Ero Be.ni'iecTBa Bt SaGafiKa.iBCKoii o6jiaCTH. [Coleoptera (fam. Scolytidse) found in the wooden house of the Petrovslsij establishment of His Majesty's Office in the Transbaikal district.] Soc. Ent. Boss. Hone, 31, 1898, xlvii-liv. Budrin, P., & Strcckcr, W. Die Wirkung kiinstlieher Dungemittsl auf weissen Senf (Sinapis alba) nach Ver- suchen am Landw. Institut der Universitat Gottingen .11. Landw., 35, 1887, 249-261, 565. Bue, G. del. Contribute alia couoscenza dei terreui MINT, nici di Castelnuovo nei Monti. Eiv. Ital. Paleont. 6, 1900, 121-136. Bue, I"., A Combemale, [t'ranrnis Amjnste] F[rederie.]. See Combemale A Bu6. Bue, I'., A Lagnesse, G. E[doiiard]. See Laguesse it Bue. Bueb, ./. Benzolcarburation des Leuchtgases. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 622-623. Bucher, A[uaniit] W[ilhelm], & Clans, Adolph [Carl Ludwiij]. See Claus & Bucher. Buclmer, Krnst. Ueber die Einwirkung von Koblensaure auf Ultramarinblau. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 314. — Filtration vermittelst des verbesserten Dr. Hirsch'schen Trichters. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 94-95. Buchner, Euijen. Die Vogel des St. Petersburger Gouverne- ments. Beitr. Russ. Reich., 2, 1887, 1-150. — Zur Geschichte der kaukasischen Ture (Capra cauca- sica, Giild. , und Capra cylindricornis, Blyth). St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 35, 1887, No 8, 27 pp. — Ueber das Fehlen des Eichhornchens im Kaukasus. [1889.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 125-132. — Die Saugethiere der Ganssu-Expedition (1884-87). [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 97-118. — Die Abbildungeu der nordischen Seekuh [Khytina gigas, Zimm.]. [1891.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 38, 1892, No. 7, 24 pp. 0 BTOpOMT, Mc;KJ,J'HapOAHOMT> OpHIITO- Koiirpect BI> ByjianeiuTt. [Report on the second International Ornithological Congress at Budapest.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 68, 1892 (Append. No. 1), 50 pp. — Ueber das Vorkommen der Mellivora indica, Kerr, im Trauscaspi-Gebiet. [1892.] Leydeu Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 99-102. — Ueber eine neue Sminthus-Art aus China. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 107-111. — Zur Kenutniss der rothen Murmelthiere Central- Asiens. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 217-232. — Ueber eine neue Katzen-Art (Felis pallida, n. sp.) aus China. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 433-435. — Das alhnahliche Aussterben des Wisents (Bison bonasus, Linn.) im Forste von Bjelowjesha. [1895.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. M6m., 3, 1896, No. 2, 30 pp. — Bemerkungeu iiber die Verbreitung des Edelhirscb.es im ostlichen Russland. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 387-399. — Notiz iiber das Vorkommen des Eisfuchses in Turke- stan. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Anuu., 2, 1897, 393-395. — Ueber neue uud seltene Arteii der oruithologischeu Fauna des St. -Petersburger Gouveruements. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 2, 1897, 453-462. Buchner, Eiinen. & Zarudnyj, X[ikoluj] A[Ieksteric]. See Zarudnyj it Buchner. Buchner, Ludwiy. For biographical notice see Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 931-932. — Ueber Vergangenheit und Zukunft des Menschenge- schlechts im Sinne der Eutwickelungs-Theorie. Rheiu- pfalz Pollichia Festschr., 1892, 48-65. — Ueber dm Kreislauf der Kriifte und den Weltunter- gang. [1892.] [Rheinpfalz Pollicbia Mitth., (47-53), 1888-95]^ 104^105. Buchner, Otto. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Trichlorbrenz- traubensaure. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 656-658. Buchner, Philipp Theodor. For biographical notice see Tfimt. Kozlon., 23, 1891, 631. Bucking, [/•'.]. Die Seitensymraetriegeraden des Dreiecks; als besonderen Fall die Steiner'sche Curve des Dreiecks. Arch. Math. Phys., 16, 1898, 271-319. Bucking, H. Die Unter-Weser und ihre Korrektion. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verh., 1895, 110-118. Buckingl [Buhrer Bucking, [!•'<• nliitniid Curl 11,-rtniiii] Hugo. *Ueber die geo- logischen Verhalinisse des Biidinger Waldes. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 79-80. — *Ueber Augitandesite in del' siidlichen Rhon und in der Wetterau. Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 1-14. *Ueber Basalt vom siidostlichen Vogelsberg und von Sclnvarzeufels in Hessen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 101-106. — *Ueber Augitandesit und Plagioklasbasalt. Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 538-554. Ueber die Lageruugsverhaltnisse deralteren Schicbten in Attika. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1884, 935-950. — Das Schiet'ergebirge bei Atheu. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1885 (ltd. 2), 167. Gebirgsstorungen siidwestlich vom Thu'ringer Wald. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1885, 54_6-555; [7], 1887, 40-43. [Fortschritte in den Naturwissensohaften.] Minera- logie, [Petrographie und Kryatallograpbie], Humboldt, 5, 1886, 297-303; 6, 1887, 261-266; 7, 1888, 63-68, 300- 305 ; 8, 1889, 61-65, 304-309; 9, 1890, 53-60, 238-242. — Fortschritte in den Naturwisseuschaften. Geologie [und Petrographie]. Huraboldt, 6, 1887, 344-349; 7, 1888, 143-147, 343-348; 8, 1889, 106-112, 349-355; 9, 1890, 89-94, 312-316. Topas von San Luis Potosi und von Durango in Mexico. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 424-434, 451-452. -- Ueber die Uragestaltung der petrographisehen Syste- matik in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 93-100. — Mittheilungen iiber die Eruptivgesteine der Section Sclmialkalden (Thiiringen). Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 119-139. — Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Blatteru Geluhausen, Langenselbold, Bieber und Lohrhaupten. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, Ixxxi-lxxxvi. — Blatt Helmershausen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 37, Grndabth. 69, No. 30, 1889, 29 pp. — Glaserit, Blcidit, Kainit und Boracit von Douglashall bei Westeregeln. Ztschr. Kryst., 15, 1889, 561-575; 17, 1890, 646. — Blatt Geluhausen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfy. 49, Gradabth. 68, No. 48, 1891, 31 pp. — Blatt Langeuselbold. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lfg. 49, (iradabtli. 68, No. 53, 1891, 42 pp. — Blatt Bieber. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lfg. 49, Gradabth. 68, No. 54, 1891, 55 pp. — Blatt Lohrhaupten. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 49, Gradabth. 69, No. 49, 1891, 30 pp. — Der nordwestliche Spessart. Geologisch aufgenommen und erlautert. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh., 12, 1892, 274 pp. — Das Grundgebirge des Spessarts. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, 28-98. — Ueber Ergebnisse der Aufnahmen in der Rhon. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 11, 1892,, Ix-lxii. — Sulfoborit, ein ueues krystallisirtes Borat von Wes- teregeln. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1893, 967-972. — Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Blattern Gersfeld und Kleinsassen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12, 1893, li-lii. — Ueber die Ergebnisse der Aufuahmen im Jahre 1892. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 13, 1893, xxxvi-xxxix. — Neue Mineralfunde von Westeregeln. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1896, 533-540. Die Lageruugsverhaltnisse im Grundgebirge des Spess- arts. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 372-381. — Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der Aufnahmen im Herbste 1895 in der Rhon. Preuss. Geol. Laudesanst. Jbuch., 16, 1896, xciv-xcv. — Neues Vorkommen von Kalifeldspat, Turmalin, Apatit und Topas im Grnnit des Fichtelgebirges. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1896, 145-150. — Bericbt iiber die Exkursinn xum Sternsee und Neii- weiher. Oberrhem. Geol. Ver. Ber., 1897, 12-13. — Beitrage zur Geologic von Celebes. Peterinann, Mitth., 45, 1899, 249-260, 273-280. — Zur Geologie der Minahassa. Petermaun, Mitth., 46, 1900, 46-47. — Cordierit von Nord-Celebes und aus den sog. verglasten Sandsteinen Mitteldeutschlands. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1900, 3-20. — Leucitbasalt aus der Gegend von Pangkadjene in Siid-Celebes. Freiburg Ber., 11, 1899-1901, 78-84. Bucking, [Ferdinand Carl llertram] Hn;io, & Emmrich, //. See Emmrich & Bucking. Bucking, [Ferdinand Curl licrtriiin] Hugo, Emmrich, H., & Frantzen, II". ,SV>' Emmrich, Bucking A: Frantzen. Bucklers, [Josef Enflelbert], Zur Kenntniss der acuten primaren hamorrhagischen Encephalitis. Arch. Psy- chiatr., 24, 1892, 730-757. Biidingen, Theoilnr. Experimentelle Untersuchungen der normalen und pathologisch beeinfluseten Druckschwan- kungen im Brustkasten. Arch. Exper. Path., 39, 1897, 245-272. Biidinger, Konrad. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Gehiruerschiitterung. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg. . 41, 1895, 433-444. Buhler, [Ant.]. Studien iiber die Baumgreuze irn Hoch- gebirge. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1898, 19-38. Buhler, A[ntu»]. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Eibildung beim Kaninchen und der Markstrange des Eierstockes beim Fuchs und Menschen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 58, 1894, 314-339. — Spermatogenese bei Bufo vulgaris. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895 (Anat. Ges. Verlt.), 62-66. — Strukturelemente in Nervenzellen. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1896, 170-173. — Protoplasma-Structur in Vorderhirnzellen der Ei- decbse. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 29, 1896, (209)- (252). Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Nerveuzelleu. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 31, 1898, (285)-(392). — Das Verhalten der Carpalkuochen bei den Seiten- bewegungen der Hand. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 223-229. — Entwickelungsstadien menschlicher corpora lutea. Anat. Anz., 18. 1900 {Anat. Ges. Verli.), 150-154. Buhler, F. A. Die Holzdestillation der Neuzeit. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 155-165. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fabrikation der Essigsaure und des Acetous-, sowie von Briketts aus Holzkohlen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 637-643. Buhlcr-Lin.lenmeyer, Tlieodor. For biography and works see Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1899, xxix-xxxii; Basel Verb., 12, 1900, 199-202. — Friibjahrs-Vogelzug der Umgebung Basels in den Jahren 1895-98. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 84-86. Buhrer, C. Warme Nordwinde am Nordufer des Genfer Sees. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 432. — Notice sur le climat de Montreux. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 27, 1892, 285-2113. — Les orages des 30 et 31 juillet 1892 dans la Suisse occidental Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 28, 1892, 294- 305. — Schueesturm auf dem Geufersee. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 158-159. — [Gelee blanche exceptionnelle.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 29, 1893, xi. — Caractere meteorologique de fevrier 1895. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, xxv-xxvi. — Observations meteorologiques aux Rochers de Naye et au Mont de Caux. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1896, 56-59. — Le climat du canton de Vaud. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, 33-96, 97-160, 167-258. - Le climat du Valais. Bull. Mnrith., 26, 1898, 3-230. 113—2 Biihrer] 900 [Btmger — Sur le treuihlement de terre du 22 fevrifi 189*. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xxvi-xxvii. - Tremblements de terre dans le canton de Vaud en 1899. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 30, 1900, xxvii. — Les causes des temperatures anormales. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 36, 1900, 225-229. Biihrer, C'.. & Dufour, Henri. [Observations actino- metriques.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, x-xi; 34, 1898, xix-xx ; 3-ri, 1899, xxii-xxiii. Biihrer, ll'ilheim. Temperatur unter der Schneedecke. Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), 240; 12 (1895), 179-180. Starke Regenfalle. Meteorol. Ztschr., 14 (1897), 154. Biihring, I<\ Ueber die Temperatur-Verhaltnisse der Stadt Wernigerode. Wernigerode Naturw. Ver. Schr., 3, 1888, 1-11. Biihring, Ludwiq. Ueber die Fettbestimmung in Futter- mittelu. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 34, 1887, 419-423. Buel, Hichurd H. The compound steam engine, con- sidered in connection with its steam-generating plant. Van Nostrand's Eugin. Mag., 3U, 1884, 428-435, 441- 461. — Evaporation of water from and at 212° Fahrenheit. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 32, 1885, 106-109. Buell, Allen. Hot winds in Tex:is. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 305-308. Buell, Irn 31. Geology of the Waterloo quartzite area. [1892.] Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 9, 1893, 255-274. — Bowlder trains from the outcrops of the Waterloo quartzite area. [1894.] Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 10, 1895, 485-509. Buelna, R. F. Estados de Unrango, Chihuahua, Sonora y Sinaloa. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 4, 5 & 6, 1896, 19-29; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 (lid. 2, l!,-f.), 426-429. Biilow, [Theoilor] Carl [Heinrich]. Ueber Phtalylacetes- sigester. Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886, 184-194. — Ueber einige Verbindungen des Phenylhydrazins. Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886, 194-197. — [Ueber die Constitution der Koblenhydrate. ] Meek- lenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1892, xxi-xxiii. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Saureamiden auf Ben- zaklehyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 26, 1893, 1972- 1974. — Ueber GlycerinphoBphoraaure. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 57, 1894, 89-92. — Ueber das Verhalten einiger Benzaldehydderivate im thierischen Organismus. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 57, 1894, 93-96. — Ueber aschefreies Eiweiss. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 58, 1894, 207-221. — Ueber die dextrinartigen Abbauproducte der Slarke. [1895.] Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 62, 1896, 131-155, 622. — Ueber das Verhalten des o-Nitro-j>-pheuyleudianiins gegen salpetrige Saure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2284-2287. — Zur Kenntniss der Isodiazoverbindungen und ihrer Acetessigestercombinationen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 3122-3131. — Beitrag zur Keuntniss des [b. Auilin-azo]-acetes- sigesters (Acetylglyoxylsaureester-a -phenylhydrazons, BenzolazoacetessigcKterN) uud seiner Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 197-210, 4080. — Ueber das [inact. l>. y-Nitranolin-azo]-benzoylaceton und seine Abkuinmlinge. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2637-2049, 4U84. — Ueber Oxalsiiurebestimmung in sauren Riibenblatteru. Jl. Landw., 47, 1899, 359-367. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss fett-aromatiseher Azo- und Disazo-Combinationen des Paraphenylendiamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 187-199, 4190. — Ueber die Basicitatsdifferenz der beiden Amidogruppt-n substituirter Diamine. i. ro-Toluylendiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2364-2370. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Phenylmethylpyrazoldi- carbousaureu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3266- 3270. — Beitrag zur Bestimmung der reaorbierbaren Eiweiss- stoffe in Futtermitteln. Jl. Landw., 48, 1900, 1-38. Bulow, [Tin-odor] Curt [Heinrich], & Fischer, Kmil. See Fischer A Biilow. Biilow, [Tliciidiir] Carl [Heinrich], & Knorr, L «s Buttner. Buttner, G. A. Knospenvariation bei Laburnum Adami, Pair. Dresden Isis Sber., 1896, 26-27. Buttner, M[a.r], & Lellmann, Kug[en], See Lellmann & Buttner. Buttner, Oekur. Ueber Epilepsia procursiva uud die Bedeutung des Laufphiinomens. Eine literarische und pathologisehe Studie. Allg. Ztsehr. Psychiatr., 47, 1891, 549-596. Buttner, Richard. Regenmessungen der katholischen Mission in San Salvador. [1885.] Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 4, 1883-85, 395-396. Biittner] 904 [Bugaev — Die Congo-Expedition. Bcricht. [1886.] Berlin. Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 5, 1886-87, 2-12. — Ueber die Uferflora d.-s Congo. [1886.] Brandeub. Bot. Ver. Verb., 28, 1887, ii in — Neue Arten von Guinea, dem Kongo und dem Quango. [1889-90.] Brandenli. lint. Ver. Verb., 31, 1890, 61 -'.111; 32, 1891, 35-54. - Reisen ira Togolande. Berlin ties. Erdk. Verb., 19, 1892, 246-262. Biittner, WiUu'liii. Einfaeher Extractionsapparat fur analytische Arbeiten. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 634- 635. Biitzberger, F. Ueber besondere atline Biiume. Ztschr. Math. Ph.ys., 38, 1893, 1-6. Bufalini, (!\ im-mmi \. Sulla preparazione della iodoemina. Ann. di Chim., 1, 1886, 291-292. Sul potere curarico dell' ioduro di tetraetilammonio. Ann. di China., 1, 1885, 292-291. — Dell' azione dei sali amraoniaoali e d' idrossilammina sulla eccitabiliti muscolare. Ann. di Chim., 2, 1885, 39-46. Sopra una reazione del veleno del rospo. Ann. di Cbim., 2, 1885, 46-48. Nuove ricerche sull' avvelenamento per jequirity. Ann. di Chiru., 3, 1886, 137-151. SulP uso terapeutico della cascara sagrada. Ann. di Chim., 7, 1888, 88-90. Sul valore terapeutico del sozojodolo. Ann. di Chim., 7, 1888, 308-314. — Sul valore terapeutico della medicatura terebeutinata. Ann. di Chim., 10, 1889, 193-207. Kicerche sull' asparagina. Ann. di Chim., 10, 1889, 207-219. Dell' influenza dei sali ammoniacali e dell' aspaiagiua sul diabete. Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890, 199-207. — Sopra 1' azione anestesica locale della peronina. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899], 421-429. La radice di tang-kui e 1' eumenolo. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1900], 140-143. Bufalini, Luifli. Afasia motrice senza complicazioni e successiva amnesia verbale con monoplegia brachiale. Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 465-485. — Un jeune experimental de trente jours. Rev. Sci., 38, 1886. 413-414. Buff, H[einricli]. *Ueber Warmestrahlung aus dem Him- melsraum. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 69. Buff, 77[c/Hj-ic/i] L[u(lir!ti]. To reference in No. 10 (Vol. 7) ,;,/,( Deiitsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1868, 202. Buff, R[udolf]. Revision der Lehre von der reflectorischen Speichelsecretion. EcUhard, Beitr., 12, 1888, 1-39. Butt. i E. Recherches experirnentales sur la toxicite du sang de la lamproie. [1899.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 33, 1900, 177-185. Bufi.x, /•;., A- Scofonc, /.. Sec Scofone A- Buffa. Buffa, Pietro. Sopra una cocciniglia uuova (Aclerda Berlesii, n. sp.), vivente sulla canna eomune (Arundo donax). [1897.] Hiv. Patol. Veg.. 6, 1898, 135-160. — Contribute allo studio anatomico della Heliothrips hajmorrhoidalis. Fair. [1898.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 7, 1899, 94-108, 129-142. Buffa, I'l'niYHiii. *[L' eclisse totale di luna del 27 febbraio 1877.] Amiotazioni. [1877.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 12, 1878, 130-131. Buffard, M., & Schneider, '.'. Sec Schneider \- Buffard. Buffet-Delmas, [Mure]. Sur uno anomalie du nerf grand - hypoglusse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1!., 114, 1892, 610-612. Butt h. mi. T[homas] H[uiiliKOTOpbiH npiijiomeidfl Teopiir a.i.inimi- HOCKHXT. (jtyHKniil Krb Teopiir 4'yHKuiu upepbiB- iii.ix'b. PacnpoCTpaHenie ofiiuiixi. MIIIMOBUX'I. SaKOHOBT, Ha iJiyHKUill IIpOIISBO.lbHblH. [Sur quel- ques applications de la theorie des fonctions elliptiques a la theorie des fonetions discontinues. Extension des lois generales numeriques aux fonctions arbitraires.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 12, 1885, 3-21 ; Bull. Sci. Math., 9, 1885, 103. — O^iiin. oomiii saKOffE TeopiH pas6ieHut lmce.n>. [Sur une loi ge'uerale de la theorie de la partition des nombres.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 12, 1885, 283-314. — OUIIUH ocuoBaiiifl iicmicjieHifl E(x) CT> O^HIIMI, !K';!ilBlIciIMI,nt'b IiepeMtuHblM-b. [Principesgene'raux du caleul E(p (x) 4 une seule variable independante.] [1885-87.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 12, 1885, 579-642, 725-756; 13,1886, 1-98, 167-228; Bull. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 61-73. — CBoiiCTBa o,T.noro iiic.iOBaro ntirci'pa.ia no i.l,.[i[HMjiM'i. ii cro p;t:!.ni'iiiHH iipimtiieniH. .lorapiioMii'icci;!)! 'iiic.iOBi.ui (jiyiiKuin. [Die Eigenschaften eines Zablenintegrals nach den Divisoren und seine verRcliiedenen Anwendungen. Die logarith- mischenZahlenfunctiouen.] [1887.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 13, 1886, V57-777; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 186. — Sur unr inti'grale numerique suivant les diviseurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 652-6.13. Sur les fonetions discontinues logarithmiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., lOli, 1888, 10IJ7-1070. ic iipii'Mu BM'ini'.iiTiiii 'inc.ioBiaxi. IIIITC- no jttaii're.'iHMT.. EcTectBciinaH KJIOC- (•iii|iiiif,anin nt.-ibix'i, 'inci'.Tb n ]ipepbiBHbiXT> i|i\ II liuiii. [Allgemeine Methoden der Berechnung der Zahlenintegrale nach den Divisoren. Natiirlichu Klassi ricatioii ilcr gun/i'ii /uhlen uud der discontinuirlichen 1'iiiicln.nrn.] [1888.] Kec. Math. (Moscou), 14, (1890], I II; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 186-1«7. - Kt ivopin CXO;UIMOCI n ]IJI,I,OBI,. [Zur Theorie derConvergenzderReihen.] [isss.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 1 1, |1890], 279-282; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 232. IVoMiTpifl HpOII3B0.1bHbIXrl> Be.llI'UIII'b. [Geo- mrtrii! ilcr \villkurlichen Grossen.] [1888.] Rec. Math. |M..s.M.u). 14. [1890). :'.91-40'.i; Forlschr. Math., 1891, 725-726. Bugaev] 905 [Bugaev — 06mm npeo6pa30Bama 'IIICJIOBHXT. HHierpa- .JOBT, no Jtt.IIITe.aaMT.. [Allgemeine Transformatiouen der Zahlenintegrale nacb den Divisoren.] [1889.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 169-196; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 182-183. - PasJiniHHfl npiiMiHeiufl na'iajia Han6ojii>iiiiixT> 11 HaiuieHbintixT, noKaaaTejien BT>Teopin a,ire6pa- inieCKIIXT. (|>yHKI],in. [Diverses applications du prin- cipe des exposants maxima et minima dans la theorie des fonutions algebriques.] [1889.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 553-590. — 0 ji.ua o6maa Teopin a.ireSpainecitiixT, iquiBUxi. BBICIIiaro nopflXKa. [Theoreme general de la theorie des courbes algebriques d'ordre supe'rieur.] [1889.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 15, [1891], 58-60. - ITpepHBHafl reOMeTpia. [Unstetige Geometrie.] [1890.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 15, [1891], 600-607; Fort- schr. Math., 1891, 726. - Complement a un probleme d'ABEL. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 113, 1891, 1025-1028. — ,JJpo6iihie 'lacTHtie iiHTerpajiu snc[)ij)epeHD,iajit- HhlXT. ypaBHeHifi. [Die particularen fractiouiireu Integrale der Differentialgleiehungen.] [1891.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sei. Mem. (fli/s.-.-.), 67, 1892 (Nuppl.), No. 4, 12 pp. ; Fortsehr. Math., 1891, 313. — 06m,ia yc.TOBia nHTerpiipyemocTn BT. HOMT. BUST; 9JiJiiinTiiliecKaro [Die allgemeinen Bedingungen der endlichen Integrir- barkeit des elliptischen Differentials.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Puss.), 69, 1892 (Suppl.), No. 8, 16 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 422-123. - Haia.no nanCojibiniixt it HaniienbiuiixT. noita- sa'rejieii BT> Teopiu juiifxtiepeHuiajibBbixi ypas- neniii. II/fcjiMe nacTHtie iiHTerpajii,!. [Princip der hoehsten und niedrigsten Exponenteu in der Theorie der Differentialgleichungen. Die ganzeu particuliiien Integrate.] [1891.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 39-80; Fortschr. Math , 1891. 313. - BupaateHie aMiniTii'iecKiixT, iiH-rerpa.'ioBT, BT. KOIie'IHOSIT. BUJli;. [Der Ausdruck der elliptischen Integrale in endlicher Form.] [1891.] Bee. Math (Moscou), 16, [1893], 259-281; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 421-422. — Stir les iut^grales definies suivaut les diviseurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 119, 1894, 1259-1261. — A.irefipaii'iecKie ^acTHtie iinxerpajiH ji,ii(}){()e- lieimiaJHiHHXT, ypaBHeiliit. [Algebraische particulare Intenrale der Differentialgleichungen.] [1892-97.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1895], 3119-438; 19, [1897], 662- 663; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 538 [Part 1]. HHe 'incioBHe iiHTerpajiu nox'h-iii- [Bestimmte Zahlenintegrale nach den Divi- soren.] [1893.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1895], 720- 758; Fortschr. Math., 1895, 218-219. - Sur quelques theoremes de 1'arithmologie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 1211, 1895, 432-434. _ Sur le theoreme de TAYLOR transforme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 121, 1895, 1127-1129. - P-bib IIpeaii^eHTa MocKOBCKaro MaTeMaxu- 'leciiai'O OCmeCTBa. 9 HHBapa 1«^94 rO,T,a. [Presi- dential address, Moscow Math. Soc., 9 January 1894.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, vi-xiii. — Onpeji.t.'ieHHbie 'iiicjioBHe iniTerpaJiw no TGJIflMT. CMtniaHHaro xapaKTepa. [Die hestimmten Zahlenintegrale nach den Divisoren vermischten Oha- rakters.] [1894.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 1-54; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 158. R. S. A. C. CnocofiT. nocjif^OBaTejibHUXT, rtpnfanateHiii. Ero npiuojKeHie KT> iHCJienHOMy pt,meHiio a.ire- 6paii'iecKiixT> ypaBHeniil BbicmnxT. CTeneneft. [Die Methode der successiven Annaherungen in ihrer Anwendung auf die numerische Auflosung der algebra- ischen Gleichungen.] [1894.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 289-336; Fortschr. Math. ,1896, 70-71. - MoHore.HHOc.TT> iiHTerpajoBi. jH(j)(j)epeHiiiajiB- HIJXT) ypaBHeHift. [Monogenitat der Integrale von Differentialgleichungen.] [1895.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 5, [1896?], 89-100; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 258. — CnocooT, nocjitAOBaTejibHHx'b iipii6jiii»ceHin. Ero npiMOJKenie KT> pasjioHceiiim <})yHKuiu BT, HenpepHBHHe pfl,J.EJ. [Die Methode der successiven Anuaherungen und ihre Anwendung auf die Entwickelung der Functionen in stetige Beihen.] [1S95.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 471-506; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 70, 71. — CnocooT, nocjrk.noBaTe.!ihHbixT> npiituir/KeHift. Ero npii.io/Kenie KT, BHBOIY TeopeMT. TEfi.iopa n JlATPAHjKa BT> iipeo6pa:)OBannon (Jjopjit. [Die Methode der successive!! Annaherungen uud ihre An- wenduug auf die Ableitung der Theoreme von TAYLOR und LAGRANOE in einer modificierten Form.] [1895.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 586-597; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 70, 71-72. — Sur le theoreme de TAYLOR avec ['approximation du troisieme degre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 369- 370. — Cnoco6i noc.i'Eji.oBaTejibH.Kix'b iipn6jiiiJKeHiri. Ero npiLJOiKenie KT. HHTerpiipoBaHiio x"(|>^epeH- HiajIMIblXli ypaBHeniil. [Die Methode der successiven Aunaherungen und ihre Anwendung auf die Integration der Differeutialgleichungen.] [18!I6.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 19, [1897], 1-44; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 70, 72. — Cuocodi. noc.itjtoBaTe.iibHHix'b npiiojiiiHceHiil. BciioJioraTejibHHe n jtono.iHiiTejibHue cnoeo6bi npnu.IIiateHHaro IICIIICjeHiH. [Die Methode der successiven Annaherungen. Die Hiilfs- und Ergiinzungs- methoden der angenaherten Bechnung.] [1896.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 19, [1897], 421 (6/s)-468 (bin} ; Fortschr. Math., 1897. 96. - IIpii6.iiiJKeHHoe BLmicjienie onpe,T,t,.iiennbixT> IIHTerpaJTOBT.. [Die angena'herte Berechnung der bestimmten Integrale.] [1897.] Kazan Soc. Phys.- Math. Bull., 7, 1898, 95-117; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 258-259. — 06i. ojiHoii TeopeMT; Teopiu 'incejn>. [Ein Theorem der Zahlentheorie.] [1897.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 171-172; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 1(56. E(x) KI-, onpe^t- utjaro MacTHaro ^Byxi, [IO.IIIHOMOBT,. [Auwecdung der E( inc.ioBBixT,' HHTerpa,iOBT> no JI.TJJIII- TeMMT). [Verschiedene Methoden der bestimmten 114 906 Bugaev] Zahlenintegrale nach den Teilern.] [1898.] Kec. M:ith. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 549-594; Fortschr. Matb. 1899, 194. — Sur la serie analogue a la serie de LAGKANGE. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R , 131, 1900, 793-794. - CBH:ib -iiicjiOBUXT, mi Terpa.ioBi no jvfe.nrre.'iHM'b CT, 'incJiOBUMH miTcrpa-iaMii no imiypa.i i.nujn. 'IIIc.iaM'b. [Zusammeiihang der Zahleuintegrale nach Divisoren rait den Zahlenintegralen nach natiirlichen Zahlen.] [1899.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 335- 350; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 197-198. - CBHSb micjioBUxt. iiirnTiia.ioBT> no imypa.i i.- HHJIT) 'IIir.UlM'l, ("I. OllpC.VbVII'HHHMII M 11C.10BI.I Mil HHTerpajiaMit cirhiiiainiam x;i]iai;Tcpa. [Zusam- menhang del- Zahlenintegrale nach natiirlichen Zahlen mitdeuZahlenintegralengemischtenCharakters.] [IflOO.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 499-536; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 197, 198. -P-fe'ii, FIjH'itineHTa MocKOBCKaro MaTeuaTii- iiecicaro OomecTBa. 21 iiapra 1900 roaa. [Presi- dential address. Moscow Math. Soc., March 21st, 1900.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 537-541. Bugaev, N[ikoltij] l'[axitjtric], & Lachtin, L[ennid] K[uzmi£\. 06T> ypaBneniflX'b naToii CTCIIPIIII, pasptmaeMBixt BT> pajiiKajiax'b. [Equations du 5-me degre resolubles en radicaux.] [1890.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 15, [1891], 83-98. Bugarszky, Istrdn ( = Stefan). A bazisok sebessegi co- eflicienseirol. [Ueber die Geschwindigkeitskoeflizienten der Basen.] [1890.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 9. 1891, • 93-117; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 9, 1892, 216-240. - Vizsgalatok a chemiai statika korebol. [Untersuch- ungen im Gebiete der chemischen Statik.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 10, 1892, 180-197; 11, 1893. 300-320, 349- 357; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 253-270 [Part 1] ; rZtschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 223-229 [Part 3]. Uj modszer a brom es chlor quantitativ elvalasztasara. [Neue Metbode zur quantitatiyen Trenuung des Broms und Chlors.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 13, 1895, 276-287; Ztscbr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1895, 387-397. A cblor es br6m mennyisegi meghatarozasara. [Die quantitative Bestimmung des Chlors und Broms.] Terrat. Kozlon., 27, 1895, 496; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn. 14, 1898, 363. Adatok a szabad energia valtozasahoz chemiai re- actioknal. [BeitrJige zur Veranderung der freiep Energie bei chemischen Beactionen.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 15, 1897, 38-54; Matb. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 356-357. Beitrage zu den molecularen Concentrationsverhalt- nissen physiologischer Fliissigkeiten. Erate Mittheilung. Ueber die molecularen Coucentrationsverhaltnisse des normalen menschlichen Harns. Pfliiger, Arch. 1'hysiol., 68, 1897, 389-407. Ueber die Aendernng der freicn Energie bei Bildung unloslicber Quecksilberverbindungen. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 14, 1897, 145-163. Bugarszky, Istniii, A JLiebermann, Leo. A feherjenemii anyagok s6sav-, natiitimliydruxvd- es konyliasi'ilukol/i kepesseg^rol. [Ueber rlas Bindungsvermogen der eiwriss- iiili;'ir Km pel fiir Salxsaure, Natriumhydroxyd nnd Knehsalz.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898, 21S--JPJ; Pfliiger, AiMi. 1'liysi.il., 72, 1898. 51-74. Nr c nl.iii Licbcrniann A Bugarszky. Bugarszky, Istriin, A Tangl, t'ertin:z. Kine Methode zur Bestinimuiig di'M irl;itivi-ii Volume der Blutknrpi i i-ln n und des Plasmas. [181(7.] Centrlil. 1'hysiol., 11, 1898, 297-300. — Untersuohungen ulier di« molekularen Concentra- tionsverhiiltnisse des Blutserums. Vnrliiufige Mittlieilung. [1897.] Centrbl. I'hysiol., 11, 1898, 301-306. [Bugnion A versavo molekularis concentratiojarol. [Uelier die molekulare Concentration des Blutserums.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898, 253-265; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 323-324. - Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchnngen viber die molecularen Concentrationsverhaltnisse des Blutserums. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 531-565. sv< iil.-iii Tangl & Bugarszky. Bugge, Jens. Beitrag zur Lehre von der angehorenen Tuberkulose. Beitr. Path. Anat., 19, 1896, 433-442. Buglioni, (i\innnini} lluttista. Menengite riflessa da Ascaris lumbricoides. Eoma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 2, 1893, 265-268. Buglioni, (F[I«HHI] Rattiita, & Mingazzini, (lioniinii. ,SVc Mingazzini iV Buglioni. Bugnion, Charles ['Juste Jean Marie]. For biographical notice and works see Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 66, 1897, 317-31*. Bugnion, I'.ilonnrtl. Eemarques sur le memoire de .17. EUBATTEL : [Eecherches sur le developpement du cristallin chez I'homme et quelques anitnaux superieurs]. Eec. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1885, 232-235. Les mceurs de I'Hylesinus oleiperda et les galeries du Phkeotribus Oleae. [1886.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 7, 1887, 218-225. - Eecherches sur la poute du Phlceosinus Thuyas, suivies de queli|ues obsei^vations sur la structure de 1'ovaire. Eev. Ent., 6, 1887, 129-138. [Larves anormales d'Eristalis.] [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, xxvii. Ileeherches sur le developpemeut postembryonnaire, 1'anatomie et les mceurs de 1'Encyrtus fuscicollis. [1890-92.] Eec. Zool. Suisse, 5, 1892, 435-534. De 1'action des muscles du genou. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 529-540. Note sur la resistance de la teigne du fusain aux basses temperatures de 1'hiver. [1891.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., *, 1893, 319-321. Le develuppement des muscles chez 1'embryon d'axolotl. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 645. [Ueber die Eespirationsorgane der Larven von Hffiinonia und Donacia.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mittb., 8, 1893, 380-381. [Developpement des Selaciens.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 32, 1894, 414-419; Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 30, 1894, xxxi-xxxiv. Sur la retraction des muscles apres la section de leur tendon. [Kesultats des experiences de Mile L. Egou BESSER.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 4IV.I-473. [Les podurelles de la neige rouge.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, 33-34. — Le sqnelette humain envisage au point de vue trans- formiste. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, 149-184. — Quelques observations sur le developpement du cerveau de 1'iguane (Iguana tuberculata). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 624-628. — Becherches sur le developpement de 1'epiphyse et de 1'organe parietal chez les Eeptiles (Iguana, Lacerta, Coluber). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 489-490. — Une nouvelle cuvette a dissection. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 232. — L'eclairnge I'lectrique a la salle de dissection. Bibliogr. Anat. , 5, 1897, 233-235. — La formation des os chez les Batraciens Urodrlrs. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 6, 1898, 622-624. — La nouvelle thuorie du sommeil. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xxv-xxvi. — L'articulation de 1'epaule chez les animaux et chez I'homme. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 501-502. — [L'articul:itkm de 1'epaiile. Etude d'arthrologie comparee, pur Anna LTIIKEWITCH. Introduction et appendice.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 35, 1899, 297- 308, 371-:i*2. Bugnion] 907 [Buisine Bugiiion, l-'dunard, A: Favre, (/•• flntntiiiit') F.inilf. See Favre & Bugnion. Bugow, //. Auffallender Nistplatz von Alcedo ispida. Ornith. Mber., 1, 1893, 82. Buguet, Aliel [AMoine]. Actions de deux parties couseeu- tives d'lin meme courant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 98, 1884, 622-624; Jl. Phys., 3, 1884, 175-177. — La physique photographique. Ann. Couserv. Arts et Met , 4, 1892, 495-517. — Sur la direction des rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 008-609. — Sur le pheuomene de RONTOEN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 689-690. — Action des tubes de ROXTGEN derriere les Gorans opaques aux rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897. 375-377. — L'absorption des rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 398-400. — Sin la dissemination des rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 702-703. — De la radiographie applique'e a 1'etude de la r^ge'ne'- ration osseuse chez les Batraciens. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 1), 394. — Regenerations osseuses, suivies a 1'aide de la radio- graphie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 174-175. Buguet, Abel [Antoine], & Chabaud, Victor. Ampoule radiograplrique a anticathode i'roide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 591-593. Buguet, Abel [Antoine], & Gascard, Albert. Sur 1'action des rayons X sur le diamaut. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 457. — Action des rayons X sur les pierres precieuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 726. — Determination a 1'aide des layons X de la profondeur on siege uu corps etranger dans les tissue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 786-787. Buhl, [Liidiriij] von. *Ueber Verbreitung der Lymph- balinen in den Lungen. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 268. Buhse, F[riedrich Alexander]. For biographical notice see Riga Corresp.-Bl., 42, 1899, v-ix. — Ueber Rhizopogon rubescens, Till., in Kurland. Riga Corresp.-Bl. , 27, 1884, 44-45. — Erdtemperatur um 7 Uhr Morgcns in Friedrichshof bei Riga [1883-92]. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 27, 1884 (Append.); 28, 1885 (Append.); 29, 1886 (Append.); 30, 1887 (Append.); 31, 1888 (Append.); 32,1889 (Append.); 33, 1890 (Append.); 34, 1891 (Append.) ; 35, 1892 (Append.); 36, 1893 (Append.). — [Ueber Pflaumentaschen.] [1885.] Riga Corresp.- Bl., 29, 1886, 1-2. — [Ueber Phallus impudicus, C.] [1885.] Riga Cor- resp.-Bl., 29, 1886, 2-3. — [Ueber eine eikranUte Rosenpflanze.] [1890.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 34, 1891, 26. — Zu der Notiz von W. KOTHERT iiber Elodea canadensis. (S. 300-302.) [1891.] Dorpat Sber. , 9, 1892, 491-492. -- Die Flora des Alburs und der Kaspischen Siidkiiste. Bisherige Forschuugsergebnisse auf diesem Gebiet. Riga Natf. Ver. Arb., 8, 1899, xiv + 61 pp. Bulck, (Rev.) George Raphael. The crannog of Moylarg. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Ant. Ir. Jl., 3, 1893, 27-43 ; 4, 1894, 315-331. — Irish flint arrow-heads. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Ant. Tr. Jl., 5, 1895, 41-63. Buijskes, A. A. Sur une erreur qui a ete eommise dans la fixation du moment precis de la commotion prinoipale du Krakatoa. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 899-900. Buisine, A[lpln»ise]. Sur la graisse du suint. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 201-202. — Sur la composilion de la graisse du suint. [1885-87.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-85), 106-109, 133-139, 322- 323; 17 (1886), 227-233, 266-275, 320-333, 377-391; 18 (1887), 158-166. - Rechercbes sur la composition chimique du suint du mouton. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 103, 1886, 66-68. — Sur les transformations qui se produisent dans les eaux de suiut. Paris Srtc. Chim. Bull., 46, 1886, 497- 499. - Recherche, separation et dosage des acides gras volatils. Bull. Sci. No' d, 18 (1887), 427-440. — Les priucipes a/otr.-, ilc la sueur. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 461-470. — Dosage de 1'acide c.arbouique libre et combine dans les liquides organiques. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 497- 503. — Les principes volatile de la sueur. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 503-510. — Sur les amines contenues dans les eaux de suint. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1292-1293. — Les acides volatils du suint. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 639-642, Buisine, AHplnniff], A Buisine, P[anl Louis]. L'eau de la Lys. Bull. Sci. Nord, 17 (1886), 183-187, 233-235. — Changeraents qui se produiseut dans la quantity et la composition de la matiere grasse des eaux de suint sous I'inrluence des agents chimiques. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 470-496. — Sur une nouvelle source d'acide caprique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 614-617. — Presence de 1'acide malique dans la sueur des herbivores. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1888, 1426- 1428. — Presence de Pacide glycolique et de 1'acide propylene- dicarbonique normal dans le suiot. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 7«!)-792. — Sur un pn-ti 'iid'j reactif des sels de cuivre. Paris Soc. Chim. Bui'., 50, 1888, 517-518. — L'eau d'Em merin. Analyse chimique et examen bacturiologique . [LS88.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 56-63. Snr la cire d'abeilles. Moniteur Sci., 4, 1890, 903- 915, 1126-11?,6; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 867- 874. — Blanchimant de la cire d'abeilles et composition de la cire blanche. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 465-470; Moniteur Sci., 5, 1891, 682-693. — La cire d'ss abeilles. Analyse et falsifications. [1891.] Lille Ti-av. Mem., 1, 1889-91, Mem. 4, 149 pp.; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 654-660. — Contributions a 1'etude de la theorie du blanchiment M I'air. Pi JIB, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 7",8-741. — Sur 1'eipuration des eaux industrielles et des eaux dVgout. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1&91, 87.1-877. — Utilisation de la pyrite grillee, pour l?a fabrication des sels de fer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892,51-53; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 225-227; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 760-763. — Epm-atkm des eaux d'egouts p?.r le sulfate ferrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 661-664; Paris S.H-. Chun. Bull., 7, 1892, 763-767. I :i rication des extraits de bo'.s tinctoriaux. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 26.5-277. — Concentration de 1'acide sulfurique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 277-288. — Fabrication du sulfate d'alumiae. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 311-318. — Emploi du sulfate ferrique comme disinfectant et antiseptique. Paris Soc. Chini. Bull., 9, 1893, 468- 476. — Fabrication des »<-ls de fer an moyen de la pyrite. [1896.] Jl. Pharm., 4. 1896, 539-541; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 261-262. — Production d'acides y.ras volatils, au nioyen des eaux de desuintage des laines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 777-780. — Fabrication de 1'h'aile d'ac^tone, et en particulier de 114—2 Buisine] 908 [Bujwid la methylethylcetone, an moven des eaux de desuintage des laines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 126, 1898, 351-353. — Mode d'essai et composition des huiles d'acetone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 18S9, 561-564; Jl. Pbarm., 9, 1899, 375-377. — Sur les huiles d'acetone de la distillation seche du pyrolignite de chaiix comme aource des methylpropyl- cetones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 885-887. — Sur la regeneration par le cblorure de chaux des alcools denatures. Paris Soc. • Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 446-448; Jl. Pharin., 9, 1899, 429-431. Buisine, A[lphoiise], & Giard, .llfrtd. See Giard & Buisine. Buisine, P\nnl Louix], & Buisine, .l[lphoiut]. See above. Buisman, H. J., & Lit ge, A. 1!. van. Contribution a la connaissance des phosphates de la Florida. Rec. Trav. Chirn. Pays-Bas, 11, 1892, 286-289. Buisseret, A. Un pore grnital supplementaire sur uu individu d'Encope emargimita. [1885.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 10, 1886 (Ft. 1), 58-60. — Les stations zoologiques des bords de la mer. Rev. Quest. Sci., 25, 1889, 42-75, 446-470. Buisseret, A., A Dollo, Louis. See Dollo & Buisseret. Buisseret, J. Sur les exercices caiTtographiques dans 1'enseignement de la geographic. Biux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 22, 1898 (Pt. 1), 115-117. Buisson, [Mnxime]. Dosage de 1'alcalinito libre dans les produits eolores de sucreries. Ass. franc. C. H., 1893 (Pt. 2), 333-335. Buisson, .1. Sur un halo accoini 'fs, observe a Fontainebleau le 28 j;m Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 289-290. Buisson, Carl. Ueber Kunstwein. ^rch. Pharin., 227, 1889, 1124-927. Buisson, H[cnri]. Transparence du .bismuth dans un champ magnetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. iC. R. , 126, 1898, 462-463. Mesure de la vitesse des particuk-s el'ectrisees dans la decharge par la lumiere ultra-violette. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 127, 1898, 224-226. Sur une modification des surfaces me'talliques sous Tinfluence de la lumiere. Paris, Ac. S'ci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1298-1300. Buisson, H[enri], & Abraham, Henri [A:ariah], See Abraham A- Buisson. Buist, fZ.f.1 '.'furiil] S[iiMS JKIIBOTHIJXI), sapamenHMXi) ItyjiesOMT). La tuberculine, sa preparation, ses effets sur 1'organisme des auiruaux atteints de la tuberculose. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 1, 1892, 212-233. Ueber zwei neue Arten von Spirillen im Wasser. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 120-121. Zu R. PFEIFFER'S Entdeckung des Influenzaerregers. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 554-555. Bujwid] 909 [Bulatov — Indol als Keagens auf Nitrite. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 364. — Le cholera dans la Pologne Russe en 18'.)2. Recherches bacteriologiques. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. "2, Fatal.), 192-193. — Sur les divers precedes de nitration des eaux potables. [With discussion.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 6, Ingegn. Sanitar.), 5-6. — Bemerkungen fiber die Filtration bakterienhaltiger Flussigkeiten. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 18, 1895, 332- 333. — Gonocoecus als die Ursache pyamiseher Abscesse. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 18, 1895, 435. — Ein Fiitterungsmilzbrand bei Jem Fuchse. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 18, 1895, 435-430. — \Vvniki badan wody gruntowej okolic Krakowa przez Podkomisyg Wodociagowa w r. 1894-5 dokonanycb. [Results of investigation of the ground water near Cracow by a Hydraulic Commission, 1894-95.] Kosmos (Lwow), •21, 1896, 11-26. — Diphtheriebaeillen in einem Harnsedimente. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 21, 1897, 394. — Ueber eine Methode der Konzentrierung des Diph- therie- und auderer tberapeutischer Sera mittels Aus- frierung. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 22, 1897, 287-288. — Sur les resultats de 1'inoculation de tuberculine chez les animaux tuberculeux. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Med. C. R,, 1897 (Vol. 7, Sect. 14), 54-57. — Powietrze jako czynuik szerzacy choroby (gazy, pyiki, bakterye w powietrzu). [The air as an agent in the spread of disease (gases, dust, bacteria in the air).] Kosmos (Lwow), 25, 1900, 600-609. Buka, Felix. For biography and list of works see Leo- poldina, 33, 1897, 49; Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 6, 1899 (Heft I), 23-25. BnkoiK, D. [0 A"6"CTBin cniipTOBoii mejioHii iia TeTpaMeTIIJiaJIJieHl. Ueber die Einwirkung alkohol- iscben Alkalis auf Tetramethylen.] Russ. Phya.-Chem. Soc. Jl.,29 (Chem.), 1897, 77-78; Ohem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 266. Bukov.sky, Giji'iriiy (et alii). Disinfection publique. Ann. Hyg. Pnbl., 32, 1894, 458-460. Bukovsky, ' & Ilonl, Iran. See Honl & Bukovsky. Bukowski, Gejza. Mittheilnng iiber eine neue Jodquelle in der Miocanen Randzone der Karpathen und iiber Algenfunde in den wasserfiihrenden Schiehten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 391-395. — Ueber die Jurabildungen vou Czeustochau in Polen. Beitr. Palaont. Oesterr.-Uug.. 5, 1887, 75-171. — Ueber das Bathonien, Callovien und Oxfordien in dem Jurariicken zwischen Krakau uud Wieluri. Wieu, Geol. Verb., 1887, 343-350. — Vorlauriger Bericht iiber die geologische Aufuahme der Insel Rhodus. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 1), 167-173. — Reisebericht aus der Gegend von Rdmerstadt in Mahren. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889, 261-265. — Grundziige des geologischen Baues der Insel Rhodus. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 1), 208-272. — Der geologische Bau der Insel Kasos. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 1), 653-669. — Geologische Aufnahmen in dem krystallinischen Gebiete von Mahrisch-Schonberg. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 322-334. — Reisebericht[e] aus Klemasien. [1890.] Wien, Anz., 27, 1891, 124-126, 138-141, 161-164, 192 (iis)-195. — Kurzer Vorbericht iiber die Ergebnisse der in den Jahren 1890 und 1891 im siidwestlichen Kleinasien durcbgefiibrten geologischen Untersuchungen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 100, 1891 '(Abth. 1), 378-399. — Reisebericht aus dem Seengebiete des siidwestlichen Kleiuasieu. Wien, Anz., 28, 1891, 151-154. — Die geologischen Verbiiltnisse der Umgebung von Balia Maaden im nordwestlichen Kleinasien (Mysien). Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Abth. 1), 214-235. Geologische Forschungen im westlichen Kleinasien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1892, 134-141. — Einige Beinerkungen iiber die Pliocanen Ablagerungeu der Insel Rhodus. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 196-200. — Reisebericbt aus Nordmahren. Die Umgebung von Miiglitz und Hohenstadt und das Gebiet von Schonberg. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 327-331. — Die levantinische Mollusken-Fauna der Insel Rhodus. Wieu, Ak. Denkschr. , 60, 1893, 265-306; 63, 1896, 1-70. — Ueber den Bau der siuHichen Sudetenauslaufer ostlich von der March. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1893, 132-140. — Reisebericht aus dem siidlichen Dalrnatien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1893. 247-250. — Geologische Mittheilungen aus den Gebieteu Pastro- vicchio und Spizza in Siiddalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1894, 120-129. — Einige Beobachtungen in dem Triasgebiete von Siid- dalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1895, 133-138. — Cephalopodenfunde in dem Muschelkalk vou Braic in Siiddalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1895, 319-324. — Ueber den geologischen Bau des uonilichen Theiles vou Spizza in Siiddalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 95- 119. — Werfener Schiehten und Muschelkalk in Siiddalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1896, 325-331. — Zur Stratigraphie der siiddahnatinischen Trias. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1896, 379-385. — Geologische Uebersichtskarte der Insel Rhodus. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 48, 1899, 517-688. — Neue Ergebnisse der geologischen Durchforschung von Siiddalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1899, 68-77. — Vorlage des Kartenblattes Mahrisch Neustadt-Schou- berg. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1900, 191-198. Bukowsky, Alphons. Die Bestaudtheile des Lycopodium- oles. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 28, 1889, 359-362. Bukreev, -B[on's] Ja[kovlevif]. Kt BOIIpOCy 0 maximum II minimum (}>yHKHiil AByXTi nepeMt,HHHXl,. [Zur Frage naeh dem Maximum und Minimum der Functionen zweier Veranderlichen.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 813-822. - Ilo noBOJty CTaibii IIpo(l>. II. M. IToKPOBCKaro: "06^ aJireCpaiiqecKiixi, ypaBHeniflxi. B'B CBHSII CT, ajumnTniecKiiHii (JiyHKuiflMii BEHEPiiiTPAcca." [Remarks on Prof. P. M. POKROVSKIJ'S memoir: "On algebraic equations in connection with elliptic Weierstrass functions."] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 83 (No. 2), 1894, 1-2. — 0 pacnpejvkiieHiii itopHeii oxnoro oacca iTEjmxT> TpaHcn,eHxeHTHtixrt (l)yHKU,itt. [Die Ver- teilung der Wurzeln einer Klasse der ganzen transcen- denten Functionen.] [1893.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1895], 217-222; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 678. — 0 HiKOTOpuxi HacTHHxi cjiyiaaxii Bt Bonpoct 0 maximum II minimum i|tyHKU,ilI TpeXT. nepeiliH- HUX1). [Ueber einige specielle Falle der Theorie der Maxima und Minima einer Function dreier Verander- liehen.] [1897.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 92-104; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 250. Bulach, ]t'[ilhelm]. Condensation von p-Nitrobenzaldehyd mit Chinaldin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2046-2047; 22, 1889, 285-290. Buiatov, A. Ki> Bonpocy o KpiiTii4ecKoft Tesinepa- Typt. [Contribution to the question of critical tempera- ture.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Pliys.), 1899, 69-81. Bulatov] 910 [Bull Bulatov, (Mile) II., & Gustavaon, Gavriil G[arriiIfirii-\. '•-.-- Gustavson it Bulatov. Bulatovic, A. K. H.Tb AfillCCIIHill 46pe:3'b CTpaHV KaqSrfia Ha 03CpO Pyjl.O.lMJia. [Dair Abissinia al Lago Eodolfo per il Caffa.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 259-283; [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 37, 1900, 121-142. Buidakov, . Oiuicaiiie 06yxoBCKiixi, jiiinepii.il.- HHX'l, BOAT,. Description des eaux minerales d' Obou- khovo. lekaterinenb., Soc. Oural. Bull., 12 (No. 2), 1890-91, 50-52. Billion, (le rt'r. jii-rr) . L'elephant domestique a la mission catholique de Sainte-Anne au Fernau-Vaz (Congo-Fraurais). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 353-354. Bulgakov, N[ikolnj] A[li'ks- . [Zur Frage von der Vertheilung der Elelc- tricitat auf der Oberflache eines ringformigen Conductors, dessen meridiunaler Schnitt ein Kreis ist.] Buss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Phys.), 1897, 131-161; Fortschr. Phys., 1897 (Abtli. 2), 374; Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), 255-260, 402-406, 458-462, 499-502. — 06l> MeKTplI'ICCKOft eilKOCTII KOJItlteBOTO KOII- .(.rliraTOpa. [La capacite electrique d'un condensateur annulaire.] Russ. Pbys.-Cheru. Soc. Jl., 29 (Pln/s.), 1897, 266-272; Eclairage Elect., 14 (1898), 67-69. — Kl> Teopill KOJIbU.CBIJX'L (j)J'HKU,iil. [Zur Theorie der Ringfunctionen.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Phys.), '1898, 1-14; Fortschr. Math., 1899, 772. — BuHiicjieHie 3jieKTpoe»iKocTii KOJitu.a. [Calcul numerique de la capacite electrique d'un anneau.] Russ. Phys.-Chern. Soc. Jl., 30 (P)njs.), 1898, 45-60 ; Jl. Phys., 9, 1900, 50-52. - IIoBepxHocTii paBiiaro noTenuiajia B% a.ieKTpii- lecKOJit nojiii, OKpyjEaioiueMi Haa.ieKTpii30Ban- H06 KOJIbU.0. [Surfaces e'quipotentielles dans le champ Electrique d'un anneau electrise. ] Russ. Phys.-Chein. Soc. Jl., 30 (Phys.), 1898, 103-125; Jl. Phys., 9, 1900, 50-52. - HHTerpiipoBanie ypaBneniH yupynix'L KOJie- 6aHiil HJ\H K0.1tua. [Integration der Gleichung der elastischen Schwingungen eines Ringes.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (P/ii/s.), 1899, 103-118, 143-158; Fortschr. Phys., 1899 (Abth. 1), 477. Bulgakov, A'[ifru/«;'] A[Uk>andr MllliepajIbllUX'b BOjl.'b. [Die Analyse der Mutterlauge und des salzhaltigen Wassers eines in der Nahe der Stoliipin'schi-n Mineralquellen gelegenen See's.] Russ. Pliys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 18 (Chtm.). 1886, 324-327; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 35, 1887, 360-363. — Ofi'b OKlllMC'llilt aiJOTHOK) KIIC.IOTOHI KIICJIOTbl jT,iajUHJIlH.aBe.lCBOi1. [Ueber die Oxj-dation der Diallyl- oxalsaure mittelst Salpetersaure. ] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (Chem.), 1887, 73-97; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889, 65-88. — 0 JVb'HCTBill C'fcpHOft KIICJIOTH IUI KHC.IOTJ' ^iaJIJlIIJIIHaBejieByio. [Ueber die Einwirkung von Schwefelsaure auf die Diallyloxalsaure.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (Chem.), 1887, 97-106; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889, 89-99. Bulius, Gustar. Zur Genese der uniloeularen Eierstocks- cysten. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 15, 1888, 365-383. — Der Eierstock bei Fibromyoma uteri. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 23, 1892, 358-426. Bulkley, Frril. G. The separation of sti'ata in folding. [1884.] Ainer. Inst. Miu. Engin. Trans., 13, 1885, 384-388. Bulkley, H. The crested grebe breeding in India. Bombay Nut. Hist. Soc. JL, C), 1891, 501. - Birds observed breeding in Kharaghora. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 544 ; 8, 1893-94, 325-326. — The breeding season of the Sarus crane. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 8, 1893-94, 148. — Small game in the Kharaghora district. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl.. 11. 1897-98, 103. Bulkley, L[iicinx] liiincun. The relation between diseases of the skin and disorders of other organs. N. Y. Med. Jl., 43, 1886, 387-388. — Unusual methods of acquiring syphilis, with illustra- tive cases. N. Y. Med. JL, 49, 1889, 213-214. — Syphilis and associated infections. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 9), 647-661. — The (etiology of eczema, with reference to recent views as to its parasitic origin. N. Y. Med. Jl., 72, 1900, 847- 851, 887-890. Bull, . Gold aus Meerwasser. [1894.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, 358. Bull, llcnjniiihi Samuel. On jS-oxycellulose. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 (Pt. 2), 1090-1097. Bull, liciijannn Siimiii'l, & Euihorn, Alfrfil. .SVc EuUiorn it Bull. Bull, lli'iijamiii Nniiiiit'l, & Gcmshcim, A(freil. Acylver- bindungen der Hexahvdroanthranilsaure und ihres Esters. Liebig's Ann., 295, 1897, 201-203. Bull, Charlrx Sti'iliintii. The hydrochlorate of cocaine as a local anresthetic in ophthalmic surgery. N. Y'. Med. JL, 40, 1884, 609-611. — Analysis of one hundred and three cases of exudative ueuro-retiuitis, associated with chronic BRIUHT'S disease. \With discussion.} Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1886, 184-194. — The value of electro-therapeutics in lesions of the optic nerve. N. Y. Med. Jl., 49, 1889, 457-458. — An analysis of ninety cases of simple chronic glau- coma, with special reference to the effects of irideotomy on the acuity of vision and the visual field. N. Y. Med. Jl., 50, 1889, 143-146. — Papillitis, or inflammation of the intra-ocular end of the optic nerve ; its aetiology and connection with intra- cranial disease. [1890.] N. Y. Med. JL, 53, 1891, 205-209. — Gouty retinitis, chorio-retinitis, and neuro-retinitis. [M'itli ilisi-ttxsion.] Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1893, 473^197; N. Y. Med. JL, 58, 1893, 169-175. Bull] 911 [Buller The question of the efficacy of subcoujunctival in- jections of mercuric bichloride in ophthalmic therapeutics. [1894.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 7«-«l. — Preliminary report on six hundred and twelve cases of convergent squint, with special reference to the final results of operation. N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1895, 236-239. - The course and prognosis of orbital tumors, as influenced by surgical operations for their removal. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 291-292. Bull, Kdnanl. Ueber Mageuhusten. [1886.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 41, 1887, 472-483. Bull, 1<\ On a new form of seismograph. [1885.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 18, 1886, 69-71. Bull, fieorfli' .1. Mesure de 1'amplitude de convergence et d'accornmodatiou par le stereoscope. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 12), 184-188. Bull, Hfnrik. Zur Analyse von Thranen. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 996. Ueber die Bestimmung stark ungesattigter Fettsauren in den Thranen. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 1043-1044. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Natriumalkoholat auf Fette. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 814-815, 845-846. Bull, Ifenry Graves. For biography and works see Wool- hope Field Club Tians., 1883-85, 373-376; Grevillea, 14, [1886], 57; Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 62-64. "The asarabacca. (Asarum europaeum.) [1881.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1881-82, 38-39. Bull, Ole ti[oriiem«iin]. Investigations of the perception of light and photoptometria. Cougr. Int. Sci. Med. C. E., 1884 (T. 3, Op/i.), 18-26. — [Om de fysiologiske grundfarver.] Skaiul. Natf. Forh., 1886, 143-145. — Pathological alterations of the retinal vessels. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 3), 663-672. — Synchronous movements of the upper lid and maxilla. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 144-146. — Paralysis of the oculomotor nerve on the right and of the abducens on the left side. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 147-148. — Unilateral tonic spasm of the ciliary muscle induced by pressure on the carotis. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 149-150. — Fistula? fissurarum branchialium, together with peculiar malformation of the membrane tympani. Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 36-39. — De la polyopie monoculaire. Ann. d'Oculist., 105, 1891, 254. — Du rapport de la contraction irreguliere du muscle oiliaire avec 1'astigmatisme. Ann. d'Oculist., 107, 1892, 109-123. — On synergetic ocular movements. Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 342-353. — Another case of synchronous movements of the upper lid and lower jaw. Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 354- 355. — Sur la perimetrie au moyen de pigments colores. Ann. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 169-181; 111, 1894, 284-285. — Effect produced by the pressure of the lids upon the cornea. Arch. Ophthalm., 23, 1894, 462. — Methode subjective d'optometrie. Ann. d'Oculist. , 113, 1895, 358. — Accidents oculaires occasionnes par le froid. Ann. d'Oculist., 113, 1895, 383-384. — Etude sur les images de diffusion. Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 462. — De visuelle relationer uiellem vore oine. Christiania Forh., 1897, No. 1, 17 pp.; Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 73-74. — Von der Anwendung der Chlorwasserstoffsaure bei Knochenaffectionen an den Wauden des Cavum tympaui und Meatus osseus. [1898.] Ztschr. Ohrenhei'lk., 34, 1899, 29-40; Arch. Otol., 28, 1899, 13-22. — La fatigue produite par les efforts pour maintenir la vision binoculaire simple. Ann. d'Oculist., 122, 1899, 200-201. — Bestemmelse af farvede glasses lysabsorbtion og farvestyrke. Christiania Forh., 1899, No. 3, 18 pp.; Fortschr. Phys., 1899 (AMh. 2), 81. Bull, Ob- B[artiemann], & Gade, F. G. Melanotic tumors of the eye. Arch. Ophthalm., 18, 1889, 163-168. Bull, R. T., & Potts, H. 1C. Bacteriological research in the milk flora of Australia. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1900, 340-345. Bull, Thomas M. The prescription of exercise. N. Y. Med. Jl., 52, 1890, 141-143. Bullar, J[nhn] F[ollett]. Experiments to determine the origin of the respiratory sounds. Roy. Soc. Proc., 37, 1884, 411-422. Bullard, ('., & Davenport, Charles Benedict], See Davenport A Bullard. Bullard, C'., A Parker, G[eor 3Kcne,T,nuin iia HoBO-CIl6npCKie oCTpOBa. [Preliminary report on an expedition to the New Siberia Islands.] [1887.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 23, 1888, 573-591; Nature, 37, 1888. 522-523. • La faune eteinte des bouches de la Lena et des iles de la Nouvelle Siberie. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 (Ft. 2), 281-285. See also -under Bergmann, li[i'inhold]. Bunge, Alc.rnndi'r ran (./««.), & Toll, (Baron) Ednanl von. Berichte iiber die von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wisseuschaften ausgeriistete Expedition uach den Neusi- birischen Inseln und dem Jana-Lande. Beitr. Buss. Reich., 3, 1887, 63-412. Bunge, Carlos. Proyecto de un puente de hierro de 25 metres de luz. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1885, 175-218. Bunge, G[«sfflj'] ran. Ueber die Assimilation des Eisens. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1885, 49-59. — Analyse der anorganischeu Bestandtheile des Muskels. Ztschr. 'Physiol. Chem., 9, 1885, 60-62. Eiue Bemerkung zur Theorie der Diiisenfunction. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886, 539-540. — Wie ist die Resorption der Luft aus der Pleurahohle zu erklaren? Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886 (Huppl.), 184-185. Ueber das Sauerstoffbediirfniss der Sehlammbewohner. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 12, 1888, 565-567. — Eiii Wort der Erwideruug an Rudolf HEIDENHAIN : [Beitrage zur Histologie und Physiologic der Diinndarm- schleimhaut]. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 44, 1889, 270- 271. — Ueber die Aufnahme des Eisens in den Organismus des Saugliugs. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 13, 1889, 399- 406 ; 16, 1892, 173-186 ; 17, 1893, 63-66. — Ueber Siderosis bulbi. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 4, Abth. 10), 151-154. — Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Athmung der Wiirmer. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 14, 1890, 31X-324. Ueber den Eisengehalt der Leber. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 17, 1893, 78-82. — La ferroterapia. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1895], 468-475. — Die Veranderungen der Lunge nach Selbstmordver- such durch Ertriinkeu. Fortschr. Med., 14 (1896), 81-88. — Die Assimilation des Eisens aus den Cerealien. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 36-47. Bunge] 915 [Buniakovskij — Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Knorpels vom Haifisch. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 28, 1899, 300-302. — Der Kochsalzgehalt des Knorpels und dasbiogenetische Grundgesetz. Ztschr. Physiol. Cbem., 28, 1899, 452-158. Karl Ernst VON BAER'S Stellung zur Frage nach der Abstammung des Menschen. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, 224-225. Bunge, Kinw von. Zur Keuntniss der Hydrastis canadensis iind ihrer Alkaloide. Dorpat Pharm. lust. Arb., 11 & 12, 1895, 119-252. Bunge, N[ikolaj] A[ndreevic]. TIpniTEHeHie KaOJIIIHO- Bbix'b mapiiKOBT) it niiiieTKii Caie KT> anamsy rasOBl IIO cnocooy BynSEHa. [Ueber die Anwendung von Kaolinkugeln und der Salet'schen Pipette bei der Gasanalyse nach BDNSEN.] Russ. Phys. -Chem. Soc. .11., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 694-701 ; Fresenius, Ztschr., 28, 1889, 457-466. — 06i 3JieKTpo.iii3ii KiKMOT-b atiipnaro pa.ua n 061 aHajIlIS't raaOBTi. [Ueber die Electrolyse der Fettsaureu und die Analyse von Gasen.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, Ixxxvii-lxxxviii ; Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 1747. — 3.16 KTpO.l 1131) JKttpHHX'b KIIC-HOTt. [Electrolysis of fatty acids.] Russ. Phys.-Chern. Soc. Jl., 21 (Chem.), 1889, 525-557; Chem. Soc. Jl., 58, 1890 (Abs.), 1236- 1237. - Kt BJieKipoinsy MeTajieiiTiiqecKiix'b upoiis- BOjT.HLIXT> OpraHIFieCKIIXt KlIC.IOTt. [Electrolysis of substituted organic acids.] Russ. Phys. -Chem. Soc. .11., 24 (Chem.), 1892, 690-694; Chern. Soc. Jl., 64, 1893 (Abs., Ft. 1), 640-641. Bunge, Paul. DieBunge'schenPracisionswaagen. Centrztg. Optik, 5, 1884, 220-225, 229-231. — Neues iiber [seine] analytischen Waagen. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 559-560. — Neuerungen an Waagen. Ztschr. Instrumeutenk., 14, 1894, 131-132. Bunge, R. Ueber Geisselfarbung von Bakterien. Fortschr. Med., 12 (1894), 462-464, 929-935. — Zur Aetiologie der Gasphlegmone. Fortschr. Med., 12 (1894), 533-545. — Zur Kenntnis der geisseltrageuden Bakterien. Fort- schr. Med., 12 (1894), 653-670. — Ueber Sporenbildung bei Bakterien. Fortschr. Med. , 13 (1895), 813-826, 853-863. Bunge, H., & Trantenroth, A. Smegma- und Tnberkel- bacillen. Fortschr. Med., 14 (1896), 889-902, 929- 942. Bunge, Richard, & Eberth, C. J. See Eberth & Bunge. Bungener, H[nnrij]. La degeneresceuce de la levure de brasserie. Paris Hoc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 567-573. — Des principes amers du houblon. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 487-496. — La levure de biere. Resultats des rechercbes les plus recentes. Leur application industrielle. Moniteur Sci., 4, 1890, 665-675, 780-790. Bungeroth, [Otto], Ueber Diphteritis und das Heilserum. [1894.] Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1894-96, xxxi-xliv. Bungefeanu, L>[umitru~]. La diffraction des rayons X. Eclairage Elect., 7 (1896), 165-167. Buniakovskij, l'[il;tnr] Ja[kovlevif]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 25, 1889, 219 ; Fortschr. Math. 1890, 30; Kharkov Math. Soc. Cornmun., 2, 1891, 149-161. — *Memoire sur 1'irreductibilite de certaines formules irrationnelles, tant litterales que numeriques. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1841, 1-2. - *HoBbia cooopajKeniji o Teopiii iiapajiJie.ibHHX'b JlIIHiil. [New considerations on the theory of parallels.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 2, 1862, 19-28. - *0 H-feKOTOpux'b HacTHbixi cJiyiaHxi, nHTerpn- pyeMocTii B'b KOHe'iHOMi Bii.nl; junHepeHuiajra x + Cl dx it JUiyriixT) BtipaatemB no^oouaro Bii,ia. [On some special cases of integration in the complete form of the differential x + Ci dx x + C% \>x* + Ax3 + Bx^ + Cx + D and of other expressions of similar form.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Rus«.), 3, 1863 (Suppl.), No. 2, 32 pp. - *reoM6TpniiecKia cooopajKeiim o HaiiBtiroji;- H'fenilieM'b paaMilncHIH rpOMOOTBO^OBl.. [Geometric considerations on the most advantageous arrangement of lightning-conductors.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 4, 1864 (Append. No. 3), 31 pp. - *0 jtsyxi, jnoooiiHTHbixT. Bonpocaxi. IIST. /I,io4>aHTOBa anajinsa, upejpojKeHHHX'b BT> Zeit- schrift fiir Mathematik und Physik. [On two interest- ing questions in Diophantine analysis proposed in the Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik und Physik.] [1864.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 6, 1865, 142-163. - *0 cyiiMOBauiii 'incjieHntix-b Ta6.nmi no IlpIl6.1IIJKeHilO. [On the approximate summation of numerical tables.] [1867.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 12, 1868 (Suppl.), No. 4, 41 pp. - *06t, O^HOMI, .aiHiiitpii'iecKOM'b Bbipaateniii saKOHa CMepTHOCTH. [On an empirical expression of the law of mortality.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mern. (Russ.), 15, 1869 (Suppl.), No. 4, 20 pp. - *06t OflHoft (jjopMyjii, Bi>ipaJKaioin,ei1 uaBHCit- Mocib neatly cyMiiaMii xtjuiTeJien Bc-fex'b cjiarae- Mbixi, jjanHaro qncja H coBOKyimocTiio pa3Jio,ace- Hiu aioro caiiaro Hitcjia na uiiabiJi CJiaraeiiua. [On a formula expressing the relation between the sums of the divisors of all the parts of a given number and the combination of the decompositions of the same number into integral parts.] [1870.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 18, 1871, 20-24. - *0 coexiiHeniaxT) ocofieHHaro pojia, BCTp-fc- •laioiniixca BT> Bonpoct. o j,ec[)eKTaxi>. [Sur les combinaisons d'un genre particulier qui se rencontrent dans la question sur les livres d^fectueuses.] [1871.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 20. 1872 (Suppl.), No. 2, 71 pp. ; Fortschr. Math., 1872, 89. - *0(n> ojiHOM'b Bonpocii ii3i> Teopiii coeji,HHeHitt. [On a question in the theory of combinations.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 21, 1872, 261-284. - *06T) OAHOMI Bonpoct, OTHO&amenca KI> pasjio- JKeHilO ^nceJIIi Ha 'laCTII (partitio uumerorum). [On a question relating to the partition of numbers.] [1874.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Ritss.), 25, 1875 (Suppl.), No. 1, 29 pp. - *0 caiiocMe'Tax'b » o HOBOM'b iix'b npiiMtneHin. [On calculating machines and a new application of the same.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 27, 1876 (Suppl.), No. 4, 28 pp. - *0 HOBOM'b ciyiat .ntvutMociii 'iitce-ii. Bii;T,a 2- + 1, coo6ui,eHHOMT)AKaji,eiiiii OT. IlEPByuiiiHHM'b. [On a new case of divisibility of numbers of the form 2'- + l, communicated to the Academy by PERVOSIN.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 31, 1878, 223-224. V_) HUHOO.H fclll II XT> BOJI II ll IIHlXX'b B1> BO II IJOCctX'B OTiiocaJUiixca KI. HpaBCTBGHHOsiy o;KiixaHiio. [On maxima in questions relating to moral expectation.] 115—2 Buiiiakovskij] [1879.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 36, 1880 (Suppl.), No. 1, 22 pp. - *06t oflHOMi. Bii;i,oii3MrfiHemH cnoco6a, iisBte- naro IIOJI,T> na:)Baniesn> 3pAToreEHOBa pinucia. [On a variation in the method known by the name of ERATOSTHENES' sieve.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 41, 1882 (Siifi'l.), No. 3, 32 pp. — Demonstration de quelques propositions relatives a la fonction nmnriique E(x). [1883-84.] St. Pe'tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 29, 1884, 250-272, 503-520. — 06'b OftHOMl BlIflOIiaATBHeHill (JtyH ir o npnjio;Kenhi iinMf.Hemiaro npienia BaHiK) HtKOTOpHXt CBOflCTBT, KBajI,paTn'IHf.IX'I> II HeKBaApaTii'iHHX'b BHMerroBT> npocraxi inceji. Bli;ia 4/c + l. [Ueber eine Modification der Function E(f(x)) und iiber die Anwendung des veranderten Verfahrens zur Untersuchung einiger Eigeuschaften der quadratischen nnd nicht quadratischen Eeste der Zahlen von der Form, 4fc + l.] [1885.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 52, 1886, 124-141 ; Fortschr. Math., 1886. 144-145. — 3aM-ETKa o6'i, oflHOri opMyjrh oTHOcfliuefioi KT, Teopill MIIce.TI.. [Bemerkungen iiber eine Formel der Zahlentheorie.] [1886.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 55, 1887 (Siijijil.), No. 5, 16 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 173. Bunkcll, H. B. Notes on the Venterskroom gold-fields, South African Republic. [With discussion.] [1896.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 46, 1898, 58-62. Bunker, Frederic S. On the structure of the sensory organs of the lateral line of Ameiurus nebulosus, Le Stienr. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 256-260. Bunker, Robert. For biography see Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 104; Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proe., 2,1896, 150-151. Notes on abnormal types of the larva of Smerinthus rnyops. Canad. Ent., 18, 1886, 207-208. Some experiences in larva- rearing. Philad., Ent. News, 1, 1890, 108-110, 117-119. Bunning, Charles ft. Coal mining at Warora, Central Provinces, East India. [1889.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 38, 1891, 77-169. Sunning, Tlu'o\pliilus] Wtiml. For biographical notice see Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 3, 1892, 85-87; N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 41, 1893, 3-5. Barometer and thermometer readings for [1883-86]. N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engiu. Trans., 33', 1884, 239-245 ; 34, 1886, 309-315 ; 35, 1886, 247-253 ; 36, 1887, 225-231. Bunsen, Ph. ron. Alt-Arnerika und'die allgemeine Kultur- geschichte. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 300-304. Bunsen, R[obert] 1J'[illie>m Eberliard voii]. For biography and works see Amer. Chem. Jl., 22 (1899), 411-413 ; Amer. Jl. Sci., 8, 1899, 318 ; Analyst, 24, 1899, 226-227 ; Ann. di Farm, e Cliim., [1899], 479-480; Astrophys. Jl., 10, 1899, 301-305; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2535-2539; Chem. News, 80, 1899, 94-95; Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 675; Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 313, 1899, 159- 160; Elektrotechn. Ztsehr., 20, 1899, 626; Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1898-99, 43-44; Leopoldina, 35, 1899, 158; Moniteur Sci., 13, 1899, 770; Nature, 60 (1899), 424-425; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1061; Phys. Rev., 9, 1899, 310-312; Riv. Sci.-Iud.. 31, 1899, 184; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Hem. 2), 329-337 ; S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Jl., 2, 1899, 178-181; S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 2 (1897-99), 832- 835; Science, 10, 1899, 447-451; Smithsonian Rep., 1899, 605-644; Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 1596; Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 36, 1899, 550-551 ; Ztsehr. Augew. Chem., 1899, 822, 1241 ; Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 22, 1900 (/'roc.), 89-107; Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 (ft. 1), 916 [Buntrock 513-554; Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 431; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 56, 1900, li ; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 44, 1900, xxxii-xxxiii; Termt. Kozlon., 32, 1900, 690- 691 ; Wien, Almanach, 50, 1900, 286-288 ; Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 884-885 ; Ztsehr. Anor". Chem., 23, 1900, 393-438; Ztsehr. Elektroch., 1899-1900, 205- 206; London Phys. Soe. Proc., 17, 1901 (Ann. Meet., 1900), 12-13; MtVnchen Ak. Sber., 30, 1901, 359-369; Roy. Inst. Proc., 16, 1902, 437-447; Roy. Soc. Proc., 75, 1905, 46-49. — Ueber die langsame Verdichtung der Kohlensaure an blanken Glasflacheu und KAISER'S Einwvirfe dagegen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 22, 1884, 145-152. Ueber capillare Gasabsorption. Ann. Phys. Chem., 24, 1885, 321-347; 25, 1885, 680. — Zersetzung des Glases durch Kohlensaure enthaltende capillare Wasserschichten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 29, 1886, 161-165. — Ueber das Dampfcalorimeter. Ann. Phys. Chem., 31, 1887, 1-14. Bunte, ll[ans Hugo Christian]. [Bericht iiber die im Auftrage des landwirthschaftlichen Proviuzialvereines fiir die Mark Brandenburg und die Niederlausitz ansge- fiihrte Priifung von Locomobilen.] Chemische Unter- suchung der Feuerungen und des Dampfes. Civil- ingeuieur, 30, 1884, 295-316. • Palladiumchloriir als Reagens auf kohlenoxydhaltiges Gas. Humboldt, 6, 1887, 19-20. Zur Werthbestimmung der Kohle. Diuglers Poly- techu. Jl., 280, 1891, 63-69, 89-92, 136-141; 283, 1892, 256-257, 309; 285, 1892, 48, 183-184. La valeur du charbon. [Tr.] Moniteur Sci., 5, 1891, 618-620. Lichtmaasse und Lichtmessung. [1889.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 11, 1896 (Sber.), 53-55. — Anlauffarben des Stahls. [1889.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 11, 1896 (Sber.), 60-61. — Heizwerth der Steiukohle. [1890.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 11, 1896 (Sber.), 108-110. Ueber die neuere Entwickeluug der Flammenbe- leuchtung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 5-25, 225. — Bemerkuugen zur Theorie des Gasgliihlichtes mit Demonstrationen. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 844- 845. - Ueber das Gasgluhlicht. [1896.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 13, 1900 (Nber.), 59-62. Bunting, Murtlni. Ueber die Bedeutuug der Otolithen- orgaue fiir die geotropischen Functionen von Astacus fluviatilia. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 54, 1893, 531-537. — On the origin of the sex-cells in tfydractinia and Podocoryne : and the development of Hydractinia. Jl. Morphol., 9, 1894, 203-236. — On the formation of cork tissue in the roots of the Rosacefc. [1897.] Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 109-110. - The structure of the cork tissues in routs of some rosaceous genera. [1898.] Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Contrib. Bot. Lab.), 2, 1904, 54-65. Buntrock, Arthur. [Die Thionylamine der aromatischen l!cihi'.| Thionylnaphtylamine. Liebig's Ann., 274, 1893, 253-259. — Die Erzeugung von Seidenglanz auf Baumwolle. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 47'.l-482. — Bericht iiber die Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete der Theerfarbenclu'mie....l898. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 709-716; 1899, 321-329, 347-352. — Bericht iiber die Neueruugen auf deui Gebiete der Veredelung der Gespinnstfasern....l898[-9!)]. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1898, !IH1-1001; 1899, 613-620, 664- 673, 681-691; 1900, 531-536, 560-565, 609-617. — Die Erzeugung von Seidenglanz auf Baumwolle und das Seyfert'sche Verfahren. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1898, li06-1107. Buntrock] 917 [Burbidge Buntrock, Arthur, & Witt, Otto N[ikolan s]. S,v Witt v Buntrock. Buntzen, ./., it Madsen, H. P. Sur 1'actiou comparee des differentes aconitines. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. B., 1884 (T. 'I, Med.), 162-169. Bunyon, C. J. ""Concerning the renewal of leaseholds for lives or years that have been the subject of settlement. Assur. Mag., 3, 1853, 280-289. *0n the origin and nature of some of those limited and contingent interests in property which are commonly submitted to actuaries for valuation. [1873.] Inst. Act. Jl., 18, 1875, 1-15. Bunzel, Hugo. Ueber die Oxydation des a-Pipecolins. i. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1053-1057. Bunzel, Rudolf. Ueber die Herzthiitigkeit und Blutbe- wegung bei Ainphibienlarven und deren Beeinflussung durch die Temperatur. Ztschr. Heilk., 14, 1893, 461- 484. Ueber den Einfluss der vasomotorischeu und sensiblen Nerven auf die durch Verbriihung hervorgerufene Ent- ziindung des Kauincheuohres, sowie iiber die wahrend der Verbriihuug auftreteuden All»eineinerscheinungeu, insbesondere die Tachypnoe. Arch. Exper. Path., 37, 1896, 445-466. Bunzel, Rudolf, & Hermann, Franz. Sec Hofmann & Bunzel. Bunzl, /,•., it Pictet, Ame. See Pictet & Bunzl. Bunzl-Federn, Emil. Uutersuchungen iiber einige seu- chenartige Erkrankungen der Schweine. Arch. Hyg., 12, 1891, 198-220. Bernerkungen iiber "Wild- und Schweineseuche." Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 787-789. — Ueber einen neuen fiir Thiere pathogenen Mikro- organismus aus dem Sputum eines Pneurnoniekranken. Arch. Hyg., 19, 1893, 326-332. — Ueber Immunisirung und Heilung bei der Pneumo- coccen- Infection. Arch. Hyg., 20, 1894, 152-180. Buonarotti, Enrico. Dell'azione della pseudoiusquiamina. Ann. di Chim., 20, 1894, 81-86. Buquet, , & Maupetit, . Sec Maupetit it Buquet. Buquet, [Jean Baptiste] Lucien. For biography and list of works see Abeille, 26, 1889, clxvii; Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 53; Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, 429-434. Buraczewski, ,/[/], it JWnrchlewski, Leon. See March- lewski it Buraczewski. Burali-Forti, Cesare. Sui sistemi di coniche. Giorn. Mat., 24, 1886, 309-333. — Sui sistemi i volte infiniti di quadriche. Giorn. Mat., 24, 1886, 334-345. — Sopra un sistema di curve che dividono in n parti eguali gli archi di circolo che passano per due punti fissi. Giorn. Mat., 27, 1889, 153-163. — Le linee isofote delle rigate algebriche. Palermo Circ. Mat. Kend., 4, 1890, 57-62. — Sopra il sistema di quadriche che hanno 1' «-phi polare comune. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 4, 1890, 118-125. — Sulle trasformazioni (2, 2) che si possono ottenere mediante due trasformazioui doppie. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 5, 1891, 91-99. La risoluzione dei problem! di aritmetica nelle seuole secondarie iuferiori. Biv. Mat., 1, 1891, 31-41. — Sopra un metodo generale di eostruzioni in geometria descrittiva. Biv. Mat., 2, 1892, 96-99. — Sulla teoria delle graudezze. Biv. Mat., 3, 1893, 76- 101. — I numeri negativi. Biv. Mat., 3, 1893, 138-145. — Sulle classi ordinate e i numeri transfiuiti. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 8, 1894, 169-179. Sulle classi derivate a destra e a sinistra. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 29, 1894, 382-394. — Sui limite delle classi variabili. Torino Ace. Sei. Atti, 30, 1895, 227-243. — Sur quelques proprietes des ensembles d'ensembles et lenrs applications a la limite d'une ensemble variable. Math. Ann., 47, 1896, 20-32. — Sur la definition de 1'integrale definie. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 495-502. — II metodo del GRASSMANN nella geometria proiettiva. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 10, 1896, 177-195, 254; 11, 1897, 64-82. — Le classi finite. Torino Aee. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 34-52. — Sopra un teorema del sig. G. CANTOR. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 153-161 or 229-237. — Una questione sui uumeri transfiniti. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 11, 1897, 154-164, 260. — Sopra alcune question! di geometria differenziale. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 12, 1898, 111-132. - Sur les rotations. Bull. Sci. Math., 23, 1899, 82-92. — Sur l'egalite\ et sur 1'introduction des elements derives dans la science. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899), 246-261. — Les proprietes formales des operations algebriques. Bev. Math., 6, 1896-99, 141-177. — The different logical methods for the definition of the real number. [1900.] N. Y. Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 7, 1901, 158, 170-171. Bnr.it, Amedee. For biography and works see Genie Civil, 3, 1882-83, 397-398; Terrnt. Kozloii., 16, 1884, 508. Burhnch, 0[tto Curl Heinricti]. For biography see Ztschr. Naturwiss., 61, 1888, 206-210. — Ueber einige neuere Funde in dem Liasgebiet des Grossen Seebergs bei Gotha. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 57, 1884, 348-349. — Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Foraminiferen des mit- tleren Lias vom Grossen Seeberg bei Gotha. i. Die Gattung Frondicularia, Defr. [n. Die Milioliden.] Ztschr/ Naturwiss., 59, 1886, 30-53, 493-502. Burbank, J. C. B. Photography of the least refrangible portion of the solar spectrum. Amer. Ac. Proc., 23, 1888, 301-304. Burbank, John E. X-rays and mineral phosphorescence. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 53-54. Burbank, John E., & Trowbridge, John. See Trowbridge >t Burbank. Burbank, Luther. Plant-breeding. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 349. Burbidge, Frederick] W\illiani\. British epiphytal orchids. Gard. Chron., 21, 1884, 144. — Bare old gardening books. (A.D. 1612 to A.D. 1641.) Gard. Chron., 24, 1885, 789-790. — Nutrition v. sexual variation. Gard. Chron., 26, 1886, 619. — Narcissus pseudo-narcissus, var. Johnstoni (Tait). Gard. Chron., 1, 1887, 288. -Hybridisation. Gard. Chron., 3, 1888, 178-179. — The nomenclature of orchids and other plants. Gard. Chron., 6, 1889, 65-66. — Narcissus juncifolio x muticus. Gard. Chron., 6, 1889, 161. - The narcissus. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 11, 1889, 70-92. A new bamboo. (Bambusa palmata, Hort.) Gard. Chron., 7, 1890, 641. — Notes on the history of cultivated Narcissi. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 296-311. — Snowdrops. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, 191-210. — Leguminous plants and bacteria. Gard. Chron., 13, 1893, 742. — Botanical exploration in Borneo. [1894.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 44-56. — Travels of Ogier Ghiselin DE BUSBECQ (1544-62). Gard. Chron., 17, 1895, 451-452. A hybrid groundsel. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 300. Burbidge] 918 [Burch — Fragrant leaves v. sweet-scented flowers. [1898.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 22 (1898-99), 134-174. Burbury, F. E. Tasmauian Diatomacea;. [1900.] Tas- mania Roy. Soc. Proc., 1900-01, 4-8. Burbury, S[amuel~\ H[au-kesleii]. The foundations of the kinetic theory of gases. Note on Professor TAIT'S paper. Phil. MaK., 21, 1886, 481-483. On the diffusion of gases. A simple case of diffusion. Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 471-479. — On the diffusion of gases; a reply to Professor TAIT. Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 129-130. On the induction of electric currents in conducting shells of small thickness.- [1888.] Phil. Trans. (A), 179, 1889, 297-324. On the application of LAGBANGE'S equations to certain physical problems. Cambridge Phil. Soe. Proc., 6, 1889, 329-331. On some problems in the kinetic theory of gases. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 298-317. "Modern views of electricity": VOLTA'S so-called contact force. Nature, 43, 1891, 268, 366-367, 439, 515. — [Prof. BURNSIDE'S paper on the partition of energy, B. S. E., July, 1887.] Nature, 45, 1892, 533-534. On the collision of elastic bodies. [1891-92.] Phil. Trans. (A), 183, 1893, 407-422. The second law of thermodynamics. Nature, 49 (1893-94), 150-151, 246-247; Phil. Mag., 37, 1894, 574- 578. - The north-east wind. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 481. — On the law of distribution of energy. Phil. Mag., 37, 1894, 143-158. BOLTZMANN'S minimum function. Nature, 51 (1894-96), 78, 320; 52 (1896), 104-105. — The ratio of the specific heats of gases. [1894.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 127. — The kinetic theory of gases. Nature, 51 (1894-96), 175-176; 52 (1895), 316-317. — On the law of error in the case of correlated variations. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 621-624. - An extension of BOLTZMANN'S minimum theorem. London Math. Soe. Proc., 26, 1895, 431-445. — [CLAUSIUS' virial theorem.] Nature, 52 (1895), 568. — On the stationary motion of a system of equal elastic spheres in a field of no forces when their aggregate volume is not infinitely small compared with the space in which they move. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 71H-720. • On BOLTZMAXN'S law of the equality of mean kinetic energy for each degree of freedom. London Math. Soc. Proc., 27, 1896, 214-224. On the application of the kinetic theory to dense gases. [1895.] Phil. Trans. (A), 187, 1897, 1-14. On the stationary motion of a system of equal elastic spheres of finite diameter. [1896.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 28, 1897, 331-357. — On the general theory of stationary motion in an infinite system of molecules. London Math. Soc. Proc., 29, 1898, 225-248. — Scoring at rifle matches. Nature, 60 (1899), 412. — Ueber die Grundhypothesen der kinetischen Gas- theorie. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 355-365. — On the vector potential of electric currents in a field where disturbances are propagated with finite velocity. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 635-637. The law of partition of kinetic energy. Phil. Mag., 49, Phil. 1900, 226-228 ; 50, 1900, 584-595. — On certain supposed irreversible processes. Mag., 4'J, 1900, 475-486. Burbury, N[«?JIH.'/] H[imkesley], & Watson, (Rev.) Henri/ W[illiam]. Her 'Watson A Burbury. Burch, H/'orge J[ames], Some experiments on flame. [1885-86.] Nature, 31, 1885, 272-275; 35, 1887, 165. On a supposed new infusorian of the Flagellata eusto- mata. [1885.1 Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 2 (1886). 163-164. — [Capillary electrometer.] Jl. Physiol. , 8, 1887, xxix- XXX. — On a perspective microscope. Roy. Soc. Proc., 42, 1887, 49-50. — On the motion of the cilia of animalcula as seen by flashing light. [1889.] Midland Natlist., 13, 1890, 114- 120. — On a method of determining the value of rapid varia- tions of a difference of potential by means of the capillary electrometer. [1890.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 48, 1891, 89-93. — On the time-relations of the excursions of the capillary electrometer, with a description of the method of using it for the investigation of electrical changes of short duration. [1891.]' Phil. Trans. (A), 183, 1893, 81-105. — [Analysis of vocal sounds by capillary electrometer ] Nature, 50 (1894), 464. — On the calibration of the capillary electrometer. [1895.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 59, 1896, 18-24. — The capillarv electrometer in theory and practice. Electrician, 37,' 1896, 380-382, 401-403, 435-437, 472- 473, 514-517, 532-535. — Rontgen illustrations of flowers. Gard. Chron., 20, 1896, 491. — Riintgen photographs of tissues. Jl. 'Physiol., 20, 1896, i-ii. - The retinal circulation. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96) 558. — A remarkable lightning flash. Nature, 54 (1896), 492. - The earthquake [of Dec. 17, 1896]. [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97). 180. - On a method of drawing hyperbolas. Phil. Mag., 41, 1896, 72-75. — On Professor HERMANN'S theory of the capillary electrometer. [1896.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 60, 1897, 329- 335. — An experiment in colour sensation. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, xxvii-xxviii. — An inductor-alternator for physiological experiments. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 231-236. — An account of certain phenomena of colour vision with intermittent light. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 426-434. — Experiments on artificial temporary colour blindness. [1897.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xii-xiii. - The tangent lens-gauge. Phil. Mag., 43, 1897, 256- 259. — On the relation of flickering to TAI,BOT'S law. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, vii-viii. — On temporary colour blindness. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [26]-[27]; Nature, 58 (1898), 486. — On artificial temporary colour-blindness, with an ex- amination of the colour sensations of 10!) persons. [1898.] Phil. Trans. (B), 191, 1899, 1-34. — On the spectroscopical examination of contrast phenomena. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 624. — An experiment on simultaneous contrast. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 629-630. — On simultaneous contrast. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899-1900, xvii. — On the relation of artificial colour-blindness to suc- cessive contrast. Roy. Soc. Proc., 66, 1900, 204-216. — On the production of artificial colour-blindness by moonlight. Roy. Soc. Proc., 66, 1900, 216-219. — On the spectroscopic examination of colour produced by simultaneous contrast. [1900.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 67, 1901, 226-22S. Burch, tfftiriif J[iinn'.i], A: Dodgson, .7. )(". The action of concentrated acids on certain metals when in contact with each other. [1894.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 10, 1895, 84-87. Burch, George J[nmes], & Crotch, Francis. See Ootch & Burch. Burch] Bnrcb, George J[ames], & Hill, Leonard E[mkiiie]. ( D'ARSONVAL'S physical theory of the negative variatio On physical theory of the negative variation. Jl. Physiol., 16, 1894, 319-324. Burch, George J[ames], & Marsh, James E[rntsf\. The dissociation of amine vapours. Chem. Soe. Jl., 55, 1889, 656-Glil. Burch, George J[ames], & Sanderson, (Sir) .J[ oupyrfe, ct iicTopii'iecKHM'i, o'lepKOMt n.iaTiiHOBoii iipoMtim- -leHHOCTII Bl PoCCill. [Description de 1'exploitation de platine de MM. J. N. BOURDAKOFF et fils et de celle de la Compagnie V. J. BOORDAKOFF et V. N. CHAIUVIEFF, situees dans 1'arrondissement rniuier de Goroblagodat (Kouchva), avec un court apercu historique de 1'industrie du platine en Russie.] lekaterineub., Soc. Oural. Bull., 14 (No. o), 1896, 1-107, (Res. 1 (6is)-115 (bis)). Burdakov, V. Ja., & Kurnakov, N[iliolaj] S[emenoi'i£]. [O niecTiiBoauoMi, riiapaTt 6pOMOMepEypHia JIIITIfl. Ueber das Hexahydrat des Lithiumbrommer- curits.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chem.), 1898, 324-325; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 582. Burden, Henry. On coca'in. [1886.] Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 83, 1887, 313-325. — Inaugural address on bacteriology. [1888.] Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 87, 1889, 166-179. Burder, George F[orster~\. For biography and list of works see Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 19, 1893, 97-98; Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 7, 1894, 61-63. — [The remarkable sunsets, 1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 251, 525. — [The recent eclipse of the moon.] Nature, 30, 1884, 590-591. — Remarkable rain. Symous, Meteorol. Mag., 19, 1884, 93. - Rainfall at Clifton in 1883[-91]. [1884-92.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 4, 1885, 138-139, 230-231; 5, 1888, 55-56, 143-145, 266-268; 6, 1891, 37-39, 195-197, 287- 289 ; 7, 1894, 13. - Note on the total eclipse of the moon, 4 October 1884. [1884.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 4, 1885, 166-170. — Red rays after sunset. Nature, 32, 1885, 466. - The new time. Symous, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1885, 22-23. — Land and sea breezes. Symous, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 139. 116 Burder] 922 L Bureau — The cause of the veering of the wiud. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 161-162. - The snow of March 15th. Symous, Meteorol. Mag., 22, 1887, 36-37. - The potato tercentenary. [1887.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 5, 1888, 165-177. - The illumination of the eclipsed moon. Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 5, 1888, 355-371. The effect of snow on the springs. [1888.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 23, 1889, 42-43. — Eain in 1888. [1888.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 23, 1889, 149. — [Alpine haze.] Nature, 39, 1889, 248. — Self-luminous clouds. Nature, 41, 1890, 198. Salt in hail. [1890.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891, 21. Remarkably dry air. [1890.] Symons, Meteoro!. Mag., 25, 1891, 23. What is a depression? [1890.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891, 41^2. — The frosts of recent years. Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 6, 1891, 294-300. Rainfall and floods. [1892.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 7, 1894. 19-33. Burdet, (padre) Giuseppe. *0sservazioni termometriche fatte alia Sacra di S. Michele della Chiusa. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 2, 1867, 58. • *Terremoto [8 ottobre 1877, Sacra S. Michele]. [1877.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 12, 1878, 181. Burden Sanderson. See Sanderson. Burdy, P. La construction des appareils de compression d'air aux usines du Creusot. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 7, 1893, 419^63. Bureau, — , & Vaquez, Henri. See Vaquez & Bureau. Bureau, Edouard. *Recherches sur la structure geologique du bassin primaire de la basse Loire. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 165-179. — Sur la presence de 1'etage Houiller Moyen en Anjon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 1036-1038. — Sur la presence du genre Equisetum dans 1'etage Houiller Inferieur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 73-76. — Sur la fructification du genre Callipteris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1550-1552. — Premieres traces de la presence du Terrain Permien en Bretagne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 176-179. — Description d'un Dorstenia nouveau de 1'Afiique equatoriale. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 70-72. — Etudes sur une plante phanerogame (Gymodoceites parisiensis) de 1'ordre des Naiadees, qui vivait dans les mers de 1'epoque Eocene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 191-193. — Sur les premieres collections botaniques arrivees du Tonkin au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris, Ac. Sci C. R., 102, 1886, 298-301, 592-595. — Premier apereu de la vegetation du Congo Francais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 359-362. — Sur la formation de Bilobites a 1'epoque actuelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1164-1167. — Sur le mode de formation des Bilobites stries Paris Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 405-407. — Sur Porigine des Bilobites stries. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 73-76. — Sur un figuier a fruits souterrains. Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, 1888, 213-216. — Etudes sur la flore fossile du calcaire grossier parisien. Paris, Soc. Philom. Mem. Cent., 1888, 235*- 265*. — Sur une nouvelle plante reviviscente. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 318-320. — [Les cartes de geographic botanique.] Congr. Bot. Int, Atti, 1892, 369-372. — Sur la presence d'une Araliacee et d'une Pontederiacee fossiles dans le calcaire grossier parisien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1335-1337. — Symbolic ad floram Brasilia^ centralis cognoscendam. Particula XL (ultima). Fam. Biguoniaceffi. Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1893, 96-118. — Excursion botanique du Muse'um d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris aux environs de Nantes et sur les bords de 1'ocean du 5 au 11 aout 1892. Compte-rendu. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Ft. 1), 1-36. [Voyage du navire La Manche a File Jan-Mayen et au Spitzberg ( juillet-aout 1892).] Liste des plantes phanerogames recueillies a Jan Mayen et au Spitzberg. [Determinations de 31. FRANCHET. ] Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci., 5, 1893, 219-220. — Sur les pretendues fougeres fossiles du calcaire grossier parisien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 201-204. — Les collections de botanique fossile du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Cent., 1893, 349-372. — Liste de Lepidopteres de la Loire-Inferieure non signaled jusqu'ici, extraite d'lm catalogue manuscrit des Lepidopteres de Bretagne dresse, principalemeut de 1848 a 1855, par une reunion d'entomologistes nantais. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 (Pt. 1), 161-184. Revision du genre Catalpa. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 6, 1894, 169-208. — Etat actuel des etudes sur la vegetation des colouies franeaises et des pays de protectorat franrais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 245-247. — Sur uu Dorstenia nouveau de 1'Afrique centrale (Dorstenia scaphigera). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 60-62. — Sur quelques palmiers fossiles d'ltalie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 280-285. — La flore de Madagascar. Rev. Sci., 5, 1896, 225-234. — L'aucien .Tardin des Apothicaires de Nantes. Ass. Franf-. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 1), 151-152. — Sur la premiere plante fossile envoyee de Madagascar. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 130, 1900, 344-346. Bureau, Kdnuard, & Bureau, Lnuis. Notice explicative de la feuille geologique d'Aucenis. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 1,,1891 (Pt. 1). 54-67. Bureau, Kdmiiiril, & Fr.mchct, A[drien Rene]. Premier aper^u de la vegetation du Tonkin meridional. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 927-930. — Plantes uouvelles du Thibet et de la Chine occidentale recueillies pendant le voyage de M. BONVALOT et du prince Henri H'OKLEAXS en 1890. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 17-25, 45-51,69-77, 93-99, 103-109, 128-130, 136-142, 149-161. Bureau, I'.diiunril, A Fatouillard, A'faccisse]. Additions a la flore Eocene du Bois-Gouet (Loire-Inferieure). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Pt. 1), 261-269. Bureau, Kmilf, OL Camus, Fernaml. Quatre Sphagnum nouveaux pour la flore francaise et liste des especes franraises du genre Sphagnum. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 518-523. — Les Sphaignes de Bretagne. Catalogue des especes et des varie"tes trouvees dans cette region avec figures, description et tableaux analytiques etendus a toutes les especes francaises du genre Sphagnum. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 6, 1896 (Pt. 1), 31-55, 247-305, (Pt. 2), [73]. Bureau, II., >V Hallopeau, [/•'niHrWx] II[enri], See Hallopeau & Bureau. Bureau, I. inn's. Note sur deux nouveaux Dalmanites des schistes ardoisiers d'Angers. Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 183-191. — Excursions ornithologiques en Algerie. Ass. Franc. C. U., 1888 (1't. 1), 195. — Sur les passages du Syrrhapte paradoxal (Syrrhaptts parailoxus) dans 1'ouest de la France. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 1, 1888, 245-252. Bureau] 923 [Burgerstein — Excursion geologique de Ghalonnes a Montjean (Maine-et-Loire). Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 213- 223. — Sur la capture en France de 1'Houbara de MACQUEEN (Houbara Macqueeni, G. R. Gray). France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 308-312. — Sur une monstruosite^ de la Baia estell^e (Baia asterias, Rond.). France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 313- 316. — Le saumon de la Loire dans ses rapports avec la re'glementation de la peche. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 1, 1891 (Ft. 1), 8-19. — Le Tichodrome echelette dans 1'ouest de la France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 1, 1891 (Pt. 1), 115-122. Le Puffin cendre, Puffinus cinereus, Cuv. e.r Knhl, sur les cotes de la Loire-Inf^rieure. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 2, 1892 (Pt. 1), 39-43. — Note sur la reproduction de la mesange huppee, Parus cristatus, dans 1'ouest de la France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 2, 1892 (Pt. 1), 143-145. — Le lezard vivipare, Lacerta vivipara, Jacqiiin, dans la Loire-Inferieure. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Pt. 1), 59-62. — Note sur la reproduction du roitelet huppe, Begulus cristatus, Charlet, dans 1'ouest de la France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Pt. 1), 110-114. — Note sur la capture d'une tortue luth, Splmrgis coriacea, dans la bale d'Audierne (Finistere). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Pt. 1), 223-228. — Note sur la presence du Gres Devonien a Orthis Monnieri, a Avrille, Maine-et-Loire. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 (Pt. 1), 197-204. — Etat d'avaneement de la feuille geologique d'Angers au 80,000. Rapport a M. le Direeteur du Service de la Carte Geologique detaillee de la France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 5, 1895 (Pt. I), 13-16. — Note sur la capture d'un espadon e'pe'e, Xiphias gladius, a 1'embouchure de la Loire. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 5, 1895 (Pt. 1), 53-57. — [Massif Arnioricain.] Feuille d'Angers. [1895.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 7, 1896, 45-48. — [Massif Arnioricain et Cotentiu.] Feuille de Saumur. France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 9, 1897, 324-326; 10, 1899, 490^93. — Feuille de Saumur. Rapport a SI. le Direeteur du Service de la Carte Geologique de'taillee de la France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 7, 1897 (Pt. 1), 11-14; 9, 1899 (Pt. 1), 105-109. — Sur la reproduction de 1'hiroudelle-de-mer de DOUGALL (Sterna Dougalli), sur les cotes de Bretagne. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 1), 170-171. — Meteorite du chateau de Grammont, commune de Rocheserviere (Vendee). Ass. Franc. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 2), 330-332. L'e'chouemeut d'un cachalot, a la Tranche, Vendee. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 10, 1900 (Pt. 1), xi-xii. — Le Lycte caualicule (Lyctus canaliculatus, Fabric ius) et les ravages qu'il fait dans les parquets et autres bois ouvre"s (rnceurs, expertises, jugements). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 10, 1900 (Pt. 1), 169-201. — Rapport a M. le Direeteur du Service de la Carte Geologique detaillee de la France. Feuille d'Angers. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull.,, 10, 1900 (Pt. I), 219-223. Bureau, Louis, & Bureau, F.douard. See above. Bureau, Louis, & CEhlert, D[amel] P. Notice explicative de la feuille geologique de Chateau-Gontier. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 5, 1895 (Pt. 1), 79-92. Bureau of Animal Industry. The introduction and spread of hog cholera in the United States. U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Rep., 4 & 5, 1889, 187-305. Bureau Hydrographique. '[Notes mete'orologiques. ] Pola (Illyrie). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 5, 1872, 138. Bureau de la Police Sanitaire et Industrielle. Epidemic cholerique de 1885-86 en France et en Alg^rie. Statistique des deces oceasionnes par cette epidemic, du 25 juin 1885 au 20 avril 1886. Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 15, 1886, 513-563. Burelle, [Kmile]. De 1'infection du sous-sol de la ville de Lyon au moyen des matieres ffeales, par le systeme des fosses fixes et le systeme de "tout a 1'egout." [With discussion.] [1889.'] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 2, 1890, Ixx-lxxvii. — [Details sur la culture des pommes de terre par la me'thode de H. Aime GIRARD.] [1892.] Lyon Soe. Agr. Ann., 5, 1893, Ivii-lviii. Burford, 8. F. Starch. [1892.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1895, 10-12. - The need for uniformity in certain laboratory pro- cesses. Soc. Chern. Ind. Jl., 19, 1900, 420-422. Burgass, Rob. Anwendung des Nitroso-/3-naphtols in der auorganischen Analyse. Ztschr. Augew. Chem., 1896, 596-601. Burgatti, Pietro. Un teorema di raeccanica. [1894.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 9, 1895, 125-135. — Sill!' equazioni linear) alle derivate parziali del 2° ordine (tipo ellittico), e sopra una classificazione dei sistemi di linee ortogonali che si possono tracciare sopra una superficie. Anu. Mat., 23 (1895), 225-267. — Sulla torsione geodetica delle linee tracciate sopra una superficie. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 10, 1896, 229-240. — Di alcuni invariant! relativi alle equazioni linear! alle derivate parziali del 2° ordine e del loro uso. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Bern. 2), 433-439. — Sui metodi d'integrazione per 1'equazioni differenziali con due variabili iudipendenti. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 12, 1898, 210-221. — Sulla trasformazioue delle equazioni differenziali del secondo ordine con due variabili indipendenti. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. I), 21-27. Sopra alcune formole fondamentali relative alle con- gruenze di rette. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 515-520. Teoria dei sistemi articolati piu semplici. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 14, 1900, 192-201. Sul moto di un pendolo verticale, il puuto di sospen- sione del quale e soggetto a movimenti oscillator! e sulla determinazione di questi movimenti. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 295-301. Sopra alcune supertieie a linee di curvatura isoternie. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 9, 1900 (,SVm. 2), 352-357. Burgdorf, C[hristian], & Bamberger, Eugtii. See Bam berger * Burgdorf. Burge, I'hurlex Ormsby. Recent progress in sinking deep foundations for engineering works. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1888, 564-569. — The Hawkesbury bridge, New South Wales. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 101, 1890, 2-12. Burgemeister, . Ueber Aufstellung der Instruments. [1885.] Wetter, 2, 1886, 227-229. — Brunnenwassertemperaturen in den Jahren 1884-86. Wetter, 4, 1887, 89-91. Burgemeiater, A. Gasapparat fiir Laboratorien. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 236-238. Burger, //. Over de ontwikkeling van de Muller'sche gang bij vogels. [1891. J Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 3, 1890-92, xciii-xciv. De ontwikkeling van de Mullersche gang bij de eend en de bergeend, vergeleken met de waarnemingen van andere ouderzoekers bij verschillende Amnioten. [1894.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 4, 1893-94, 185-260. Die experimentelle Becurreusparalyse und die experi- mentelle Posticus-Ausschaltung. Utrecht, Onderzoek., 1, 1899, 268-278. Burgerstein, [Leo]. Ueber die Arbeitskurve einer Schul- 116—2 Burgerstein] 924 [Burghardt stunde. [1891.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 391- 392. Burgerstein, Alfred. Das Pttanzenphysiologische Institut der k. k. Wiener Universitat von 1873-84. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 34, 1884, 418-422; 35, 1885, 18-23. Ueber einige physiologische uud pathologische Wir- kungen des Kampfers auf die Pflanzeu, insbesondere auf Laubsprosse. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 34, 1885 (Abh.), 543-562. — Materialien zu einer Monographic betreffend die Erscheinungen der Transpiration der Pflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 37, 1887 (Abh.), 691-782; 39, 1889 (Abh.), 399-404. — Ueber den Einfluss des Kampfers (Kampferwassers) auf die Keimkraft der Samen. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 35, 1888, 1-18. — Einige Beobaohtungen an den Bluthen der Couvol- vulaceen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 370-375. - Vergleichend - anatomische Untersuchungeu des Fichteu- uud Liirchenholzes. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 60, 1893, 395-432. - Anatomie des Holzes von Albizzia molucoana. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, 170-172, 267-268. — Zur vergleichenden Histologie des Holzes. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1894 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 182-183. — Vergleicheud-histologische Untersuchungen des Holzes der Pomaceen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. I), 723-772. Weitere Untersuchungen fiber den histologischen Bau des Holzes der Pomaceen, nebst Bernerkungen fiber das Holz der Amygdaleen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 1), 552-582. — Beobachtungen fiber die Keimkraftdauer von ein- bis zehnjahrigen Getreidesamen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 45, 1896, 414-421. — Ueber die Trauspirationsgrosse von Pflanzen feuchter Tropengebiete. Deutseh. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 154- 165. — Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Holzstructur der Pomaceen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 107, 1898 (Abth. 1), 8-22. — Beitriige zur Xylotomie der Pruneen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 49, 1899, 28-32. — Ueber das Verhalten der Gymnospermeukeinilinge im Lichte und im Dunkeln. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 18, 1900, 168-184. Burgess, A. F. An abnormal coccinellid. [With note by Dr. John B. SMITH and discussion.] U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 17, 1898, 59-61. — A destructive tan-bark beetle. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 20, 1899, 107-108. Burgess, C. F. Capillary electrometer. Elect. Rev., 43, 1898, 336. Burgess, E. W. Foraminifera of Oban, Scotland. [1888.] Midland Natlist., 12, 1889, 77-81, 116-120, 130-133. — The pocket dredge. Midland Natlist., 12, 1889, 212- 213. — Notes on some Foraminifera from the River Mersey. [1890.] Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1891, 73-80. — Foraminifera of Hammerfest. Midland Natlist., 14, 1891, 153-158. Burgess, Kdward. For biography and list of works see Arner. Natlist., 25, 1891, 854; Philad., Ent. News, 2, 1891, 168 ; U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 490 ; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc., 25, 1892. 358-364; Amer. Ac. Proc., 27, 1893, 357-360; Psyche, 6, 1893, 131. Burgess, Edirnrd H. Our fresh-water Algffi. Atuer. Nat- list., 22, 1888, 669-679. — Some steps in the life-history of asters. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1898, 432-434. Burgess, George K. Methode pour determiner la con- stante newtonienne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 407-409. Burgess, f,Y, >/•./,• A".. A Goodwin, Harry M\anley\. See Goodwin A' Burgess. Burgess, Henry T. A test for divisibility. [1897.] Nature, .17 (1897-98), 8-9. -The law of divisibility. [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897- 98), 30, 55. Burgess, Herbert E[du'ard]. The dyeing of leather for shoes. Soe. Dyers Col. Jl., 12, 1896, 207-208. — A new colour reaction for citral and certain other aromatic compounds. Analyst, 25, 1900, 265-266. Burgess, Ilerli, rt K[dieard], & Chapman, Alfred C\ hunt* HI ]. No1 Chapman 1- Burgess. Burgess, Jas. Mapping and place-names of India. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 7, 1891, 357-370. - The orthography of foreign place-names. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 8, 1892, 23-39. — Scottish place-names. Report of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 554-556. - The new map of Persia. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 9, 1893, 454-460, 589-590. 2 [' — On the definite integral -- I e~-dt, wi V'T / u with extended tables of values. [1895.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 257-321. — Note on finding the logarithmic sines and tangents ,.i small arcs. [1898.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc., 22, 1900, 265-269. Burgess, Juhn J. Notes on cases of a severe type of influenza. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 98, 1894, 1-9. Burgess, T. J. W. A botanical holiday in Nova Scotia. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 1-6, 19-23, 40-45, 56-59. — Aspidium oreopteris, Su.-z. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 63. — Recent additions to Canadian Filicinea-, with new stations for some of the species recently recorded. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1887 (Stct. 4), 9-18. — Note on the study of botany. [1896.] Ottawa Natlist., 9, 1895, 241-262. Burgess, T. ,1 . 1C., it Macoun, John. See iw.icoun & Burgess. Burgess, Will in in T. Apparatus for collecting samples of water some distance beneath the surface. Cliem. News, 70, 1894, 54. Burgess, William T., & Frankland, (.Sir) Edward. See Frankland A Burgess. Burgess-Sopp, R. J. Collecting in east Dorset in 1897. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 88. - Beetles taken in east Dorset, Oct., 1897. [1«)8.] Naturalists' Jl., 7, 1899, 27-28. — Xylopertha mutilata, Walk., at Hoylake. But. Month. M:ig.', 35, 1899, 95. — Coleoptera of North Wales. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 22-23. — Coleoptera from east Dorset. Ent. Record, 11, 1899. 47-48. Burghard, \ltudoljili], & Beutnagel, [Herrmann]. Para- brommctiibrombenzoesaure, CG H-f . p Br. m Br . 1 C02H (Schmelzpunkt 229 bis 230° C.). Liebig's Ann., 222, 1884, 184-187. Burghardt, Arthur. Note sur la coloration des metaux. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 61, 1891, 67-69. Burghardt, ( 'hurles A[nthony]. Preliminary note on a new method of rapidly determining the total organic carbon in waters. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 25, 1886, 1.H5-1SH. — The pollution of the river Irwell and its tributaries. [1886.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem., Ill, 1887. 245-254. — The determination of the total organic carbon and nitrogen in waters by means of standard solutions. [IKKK.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 26, 1887, 67-74. Burg-hardt] 925 [Burkhardt — Chromic acid combustion of glycerin. Chern. News, 55, 1887, 34. — On some applications of caustic soda or potash and carbon in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of minerals. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 3, 1890, 171-177. — On a rapid method for the accurate recognition of sulphides, arsenides, antimonides, and double compounds of these bodies with metals. [1891.] Miu. Mag., 9, 1892, 227-234. Burgkhardt, Johannes. Das Erzgebirge. Eine oro- metrisch-anthropogeographische Studie. [1888.] Forsch. Deutsch. Landesk., 3, 1889, 81-159. Burguburu, P. Zur Bacteriologie des Vaginalsecrets Schwangerer. Arch. Exper. Path., 30, 1892, 463-468. Burhenne, H. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fauna der Tentaeulitenschiefer im Lahngebiet rnit besonderer Beriicksiehtigung der Schiefer vou Leun unweit Braunfuls. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh. , 29, 1899, 56 pp. Burl, ftutl. 0. Zur Anatomie des Fliigels vou Micropus melba und einigen an-leren Coracornithes, zugleich Beitrag zur Kenntnis der systematischen Stellung der Cypselidae. Jena. Ztschr. , 33, 1900, 361-610. Bun.ui, liichnrd. Ueber Sitosterin. (Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Phytosterine.) Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 (Abth. 2b), 549-572; Mhefte. Chem., 1897, 551-574. Burian, Hicliard, A Schur, Heinrich. Ueber Nuclein- biliiuug im Saugethierorganismus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 23, 1897, 55-73. — Ueber die Stellung der Purinkorper im menschlichen Stoffwechsel. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 80, 1900 241- 343. Buriat, . *[Notes rneteorologiques.] La Charite'-sur- Loire (Nievre). France Soc. Me'teorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 239, 259, 287; 2, 1869, 42, 236, 286, 288; 3, 1870, 37, 67-68, 180, 206; 4, 1871, 56-57, 72, 94, 106, 116, 142, 158, 169 ; 5, 1872, 25, 61-62, 90, 130, 147, 171, 182, 195, 216-217; 6, 1873, Pt. 2, 6, 17, 30, 55-56. Burileanu, (It.) St. N. Le rnouvement des projectiles spheriques. Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 9, 1900, 301-313. Burinskij, Evgenij. !3aniICKa o6l> ycOBepmeHCTBOBa- iinixT,, flOCTiirHyTtjxt BI> (j)OTorpa(j)in. [Memoire sur les perfectionnements obtenus dans les procede's de photographie.] St. Pt-tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896, 315- 340. Burk, Frederic. Growth of children in height and weight. [1898.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 9, 1897-98, 253-326. Burkard, K[rivst], & Schmitt, R[udolf inihelm]. See Schmitt A Burkard. Burkard, Emil, & Fechmann, Hfnns] von. See Pecli mann A Burkard. Burkart, Etl[iiiint]. Jc Bischler, Aug[ust]. See Bischler iV- Burkart. Burkart, II <>• mann Joseph. For biographical notice see Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 22, 1874, 482-483. Burke, E. [On "surra" or equine relapsing fever, and the hiernatozoon (Trypauosoma Evansi) which is associated with it.] [1896.] Indian Med. Gaz , 31, 1897, 379-381. Burke, John IS. B. On the luminosity observed when a vacuum bulb is broken. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 585. — On a suggestion by Professor J. J. THOMSON in con- nexion with the luminescence of glass due to kathode- rays. [1894.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 13, 1895, 287- 294; Phil. Mag., 39, 1895, 115-122. — Some experiments with Rontgen rays. Electrician, 37, 1896, 373-375. — On the change of absorption produced by fluorescence. [1897.] Phil. Trans. (A), 191, 1898, 87-104. — On the luminosity produced by striking su»ar. Chem News, 78, 1898, 156-157. — On the phosphorescent glow in gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 643; Electrician, 45, 1900, 936. Burke, Luke. For biographical notice and works see Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 15, 1886, 504. Burke, 31. D. Drift. Its distribution and character in the vicinity of Cincinnati, when considered as a probable source of water supply. [1888.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 11, [1889], 69-75. Burkert, O[tto], & Stoermer, H[ichard]. See Stocrmer & Burkert. Burkhard, G. Apparat zur quantitativ-volumetrischen Bestimmung der Kohlensaure in Saturationsgasen. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 432. — Bemerkungen zu dem Artikel: "Zur Untersuchung von Rohrzucker neben. optisch activen Korpern durch Polarisation vor und nach der Inversion unter Anwen- dung der Clerget'scheu Formel." Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 1042-1043. — Nachweis und directe Bestimmung der Stiirke in dextrinhaltigen Fliissigkeiten. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 1158. Vergleiehende Zuckerbestimmungen in Riiben nach bekaunteu Methoden uud rnit dem Scheibler'scheu Extractionsapparat von 1885. Ztschr. Ver. Ruben- zuckerind., 37, 1887, 1015-1021. Burkhard, Wilhelm. Das Observatorium auf der Zug- spitze. Deutsch. Alpeuver. Ztschr., 31, 1900, 1-7. Burkhardt, Adolf. Hydrazide und Azide organischer Siiuren ; von Th. CUBTIUS. xvi. Abhandlung. Ueber NHC0B6 / Phenylsernicarbazid, CO . Jl. Prakt. Chem., NHNH2 58, 1898, 205-233. Burkhardt, Heinrich. Beitriige zur Theorie der hyper- elliptischen Sigrnafuuctionen. Math. Ann., 32, 1888, 381-442. — Ueber eine hyperelliptische Multiplicatorgleichung. Gottingen Nachr., 1889, 553-557. — Zur Theorie der Jacobi'scheu Gleichungen 40. Grades, welche bei der Transformation 3. Ordnung der Theta- functionen von zwei Veranderlichen auftreten. Gottingen Nachr., 1890, 376-382. — Grundziige einer allgemeiueu Systematik der hyper- elliptischen Fxmctioneu I. Ordnung. Nach Vorlesungen von F. KLEIN. Math. Ann., 35, 1890, 198-296. — Untersuchungen aus dem Gebiete der hyperelliptischen Modulfunctionen. Math. Ann., 3ii, 1890, 371-434; 38, 1891, 161-224; 41, 1893, 313-343. — Zur Reduction des Problems der 27 Geratlen der allgemeinen Fliiche dritter Ordnung auf das Transforma- tionsproblem der hyperelliptischen Functionen p = 2. Gottingen Nachr., 1892, 1-5. — Die Anfange der Gruppentheorie und Paolo RUFFINI. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 37, 1892 (Suppl.), 119-159. — Ueber Functionen von Veetorgrossen, welche selbst wieder Veetorgrossen sind ; eine Anweudung invarianten- theoretischer Methoden auf eine Frage der mathe- rnatischen Physik. Gottingen Nachr., 1893, 155-159; Math. Ann., 43, 1893, 197-215. — Ueber einen fundamentaleu Satz der Lehre von den endlichen Gruppen linearer Substitutionen. Math. Ann., 41, 1893, 309-312. Ueber die Darstellung einiger Fiille der automorphen Primforuien durch specielle Thetareihen. Math. Ana., 42, 1893, 185-214. Sur les fonctions de GREEN relatives a un domaine d'une dimension. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 71-75. — Beitrage zu den Uutersuchungen iiber die Grundlagen der Geometric. Gottingen Nachr., 1895, 114-118. Zur Theorie der linearen Scharen von Puuktaggregaten Burkhardt] 926 [Buraieister auf algebraischen Curven. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 207- 274. — Sur le principe de correspondance. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1898, 1854-1850. — Ueber Vectoranalysis. [1896.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 5, 1901 (Heft' I), 43-52. Burkhardt, /.. Die kliniseheund pathologisch-anatomische Stellung der malignen Nebennierenadenome der Niere. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 55, 1900, 91-120. Burkill, C[li/ord], & IM.irsh.ill, J. T. The marine shells of Scilly. [1888-90.] Jl. Conch., 6, 1889-91, 53-58, 345-348. Burkill, Harold J. Narthecium ossifragum in E. Gloucestershire. .11. Bot., 35, 1897, 147. Burkill, /[sane] Henri/. Gloucestershire Rubi. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 376-377. — Cambridgeshire aliens. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 308-309. — Erucastrum Pollichii, in Cambridgeshire. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 21-22. — Notes on the plants distributed by the Cambridge dust-carts. [1893.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc.,8, 1895, 92-95. — On the fertilization of some species of Medicago, £., in England. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 8, 1895, 142-153. — On some variations in the number of stamens and carpels. [1895.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 31, 1895-97, 216-245. • Teratological observations ou Parnassia palustris, L. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 12-15. — Fertilization of spring flowers on the Yorkshire coast. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 92-99, 138-145, 184-189. On a collection of plants from New Britain (Neu Pommern). [1896.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 9, 1898, 90-97. — Changes in the sex of willows. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 1065-1006. — On Pelargonium rapaceuin, Jacq. Ann. Bot., 13, 1899, 181-183. See alsn Kcw, Royal Gardens. Burkill, /[sane] Henry, it Willis, John C[hristopher]. Botanical notes from north Cardiganshire. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 4-10, 54. See also Willis & Burkill. Burkill, /[.«i«r] Henri/, A Wright, C[harlts] H[enry~]. On some African Labifitte with alternate leaves. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 34, 1898-1900, 208-276. Burkitt, Robert J. For biographical notice see Irish Nat- list., 2, 1893, 224. — Abundance of wild swans in Mayo, 1892-93. Irish Natlist., 2, 1893, 150. Burlando, G. Rapporto di due venti opposti che si urtano direttamente alia superficie del mare nell' emisfere sud. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 194-195. Burls, F[rank] B., & Meldola, Raphael. See IWeldola v Burls. Burls, F[rank] B., Evans, R[e, ('liarlea Edward. Notes on the genus Caloatoma. Bot. Uaz., 23, 1897, 180-192. Burnard, liobert. Kecent dredging in Cattewater. Ply- mouth Inst. Trans., 9, 1887, 396-410. Antiquity of raining on Dartmoor. [1891.] Plymouth Inst. Trans'., 11, 1894, 85-112. — Dart floods. Devon. Ass. Trans., 28, 1896, 60-fil. Animal bones found at Cattedown, near Plymouth. Devon. Ass. Trans., 31, 1899, 91-92. Burn.it, Emile. [Lettre sur 1'Ophrys pseudospeculum, DC.] France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 261-262. — Note sur une nouvelle localite ligurienne du Carex Garioletii, Room., et sur quelques Carex nouveaux pour les Alpes-Maritimes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, 286-289. — [Notes sur les jardins botaniques alpins.] Bull. Murith., 26, 1898 (Append.), 1-16. — Encore les jardins alpins. Reponse an rapport du Cornite du Jiirdin "La Limiiea." [18119.] Bull. Murith., 27 & 28, 1900, 227-233. — Carex des Alpes Maritirnes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 47, 1900, 330-332. Burnc, S^ichard] H[ifiginis]. On the variation and de- velopment of the leporine sternum. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1891, 159-164. On the presence of a branchial basket in Myxine glutiuosa. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 706-708. On the aortic arch system of Saccobranchus fossilis. [1894.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zoo!.), 25, 1896, 48-55. — Notes on the anatomy of Hanleya abyssorum, M. Sars. [1895.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc., 2, 1897, 4-13. — The "porus genitalis" in the Myxinidse. Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 26, 1898, 487-495. — A reno-pericardiac pore in Ampullaria urceus, HUM. [1898.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc., 3, 1899, 49-52. — On some points in the anatomy of Sepia officinalis, L. [1898.] London Malacol. Soc. Proe., 3, 1899, 53-56. — The bile ducts of the common otter (Lutra vulgaris). Jl. Auat. Physiol., 33, 1899, xx-xxi. — Note on the nervous system of Ampullaria, sp. London Malacol. Soc. Proc., 3, 1899, 317-319. Burnens, Alf. Sur les leucocytes et leur influence dans la metamorphose. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 35, 1899, xxxiv-xxxv. Burnet, R[obert] W[illiam]. On a case of hydatids of liver, opening into right lung ; excavation of whole of lower lobe. Clin. Soc. Trans., 19, 1886, 254-258. Burnett, Charles H. *The supposed connection between ear disease and kidney disease. [1883.] N. Y. Med. Jl. , 39, 1884, 135-136. Burnett, F. L., & Parker, G. H. See Parker & Burnett. Burnett, Jos. F . A note on some insoluble phosphates. [1885.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1885, 526-528; Pharrn. Jl., 16, 1886, 516-517. Burnett, Katharine Cleveland. Notes on the influence of light on certain dorsiventral organs. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 116-122. Burnett, R[obert] T. 'Section of strata passed through in artesian well-boring at Ardwick. [1883.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 17, 1884, 92-93. — The question of the pre-Atlantic land. [1886.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 19, 1888, 79-90. Burnett, S. Graver. The diagnosis of incipient melan- cholia. N. Y. Med. Jl., 53, 1891, 497-500. New observations in the use of sulphonal. [1891.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 55, 1892, 406-407. Burnett, Swan M[ose»], To reference in No. 3 (Vol. 9) add Arch. Augenheilk., 13, 1884, 241-244. Epiphora from congenital atresia of the puncta lacry- malia, successful operation for its relief. Arch. Ophthalm., 13, 1884, 53-56. The comparative frequency of eye diseases in the white and coloured races in the United States. Arch. Ophthalm., 13, 1884, 187-200, 555. — Congenital deafness in animals. Science, 3, 1884, 275. — Are there separate centres for light-, form-, and color-perception? [1884.] Arch. Med., 12, 1885, 97- 113. Ophthalmornetry with the ophthalmometer of JAVAL and SCHIOTZ, with an account of a case of kerato-conus. Arch. Ophthalm., 14, 1885, 169-176. The metre-lens ; its English name and equivalent. N. Y. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, 183-185. The dioptry again. N. Y. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, 380- 381. — A modification of the refraction ophthalmoscope, with an attachment for using cylindrical lenses. [With dis- cussion.] Amer. Ophthalm. Soe. Trans., 1887, 589-594. — The relative frequency of ear diseases in the white and colored races in the United States. Arch. Otol., 16, 1887, 294-296. — An analysis of the refraction of 57(5 healthy human corneee examined with the ophthalmometer of JAVAL and SCHIOTZ. [With discussion.] Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1888, 48-59. — Models constructed by Mr. C. F. PRENTICE for demon- strating refraction by crossed cylinders. [ With discussion.] Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans.,' 1888, 112-116. Tuberculosis of the conjunctiva. Arch. Ophthalm., 19, 1890, 113-127; Arch. Augenheilk., 23, 1891, 336- 350. Skiascopy ; with a description of an apparatus for its ready employment. Arch. Ophthalm., 19, 1890, 260-263. Burnett] 928 [Buriiham — Racial influence in the etiology of trachoma. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 4, Abth. 10), 21-23. — A metric system for numbering prisms, with a de- scription of an instrument for measuring their deviating power. [With discussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 {fid. 4, Abth. 10), 52-57. — Contribution a la keratometrie. Ann. d'Oculist., 106, 1891, 345. - The general form of the human cornea and its relations to the refraction of the eye and visual acute- ness. Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1892, 316-320. — Contributions to clinical ophthalmology.... Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 248-262; 22, 1893, 1-15. — L'influence de pays et de la race dans 1'etiologie du trachome. Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 184-192. Burnett, Swan M[oses], Jackson, Edward, & No-yes, Henry D. See Jackson, Burnett & Noyes. Burnett, II'. It. The action of sun's rays on bacteria and fungi. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 285. Burncy, II'. B. Report on phosphoric acid. [With dis- cussion.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 28, 1890, 153-161, 172-181. Burnham, A. J. Rainfall at Mount Hamilton in the years 1880-91. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 371. Burnnam, G. Herbert. Treatment of syphilitic affections of the eye by mercury, potassium iodide, and pilocarpine combined. Arch. Ophthalm., 24, 1895, 407-409; Arch. Augenheilk., 32, 1896, 138. — Le traitement par 1'eserine des ecchymoses sous-con- jonctivales. Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896,' 346-347. — The necessity of a fixed routine of procedure in the hypodermic use of pilocarpin. [1897.] Arch. Ophthalm. , 27, 1898, 175-178; Arch. Augenheilk., 38, 1899, 199. Burnham, Sherburne W[esley], *The companion to S Cancri. [1878.] Observatory, London, 2, 1879, 60-61. — *Variable and double star. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 92. — "Notes on double stars. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 408-409. - *a Aurigfe. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 451. - *The multiple star P XXIII. 100 (OS 496). Ob- servatory, London, 3, 1880, 568-569. - *5 Persei. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 582. - *f Lyra. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 18-19. - *Note on the double star H 3557. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 53. - *Quadruple stars. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 174-178. - *A list of 88 new double stars discovered and micro- metrically measured at the Washburn Observatory from April 23 to September 30, 1881. Washburn Obs. Publ., 1, 1882, 91-111. - 'Measures of double stars selected from his MS. general catalogue of double stars, as specially needing observation. Washburn Obs. Publ., 1, 1882, 113-159. — 'Hints on double star observing. [1882.] Sidereal Messenger, 1, 1883, 1 (6is)-17 (bis), 48, 73-87. - *A new method of bright-wire illumination for position micrometers. [1882.] Sidereal Messenger, 1, 1883, 110- 114. - "[Observations of the companion of Sirius. Dearborn Observatory, Chicago.] [1883.] Sidereal Messenger, 2, 1883-84, 127. "The period of the double star 6 Equulei (OS 535). [1883.] Sidereal Messenger, 2, 1883-84, 244-248. — The double star 85 Pegasi. Sidereal Messenger, 3, 1884, 213-214. — Small vs. large telescopes. Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 193-200. - The double star H 2904. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 56. — Report on Mt. Hamilton (1879, August, September, October). Lick Obs. Publ., 1, 1887, 13-23. — Catalogue of forty-two new double stars, discovered at Mt. Hamilton in 1879. Lick Obs. Publ., 1, 1887, 24-28. — Micrometrical measures of double stars at Mount Hamilton in 1879. Lick Obs. Publ., 1, 1887, 29-33. — Double stars discovered and measured in 1881. Lick Obs. Publ., 1, 1887, 45-47. — Measures of double stars in 1881. Lick Obs. Publ., 1, 1887, 48-49. — New double stars, discovered at the Lick Observatory. [1888.] Astr. Jl., s, 1889, 141-142, 160. — Double star discoveries and measures made at the Lick Observatory, August 1, 1888, to August 1, 1889. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1889, 81-110. — Double star observations made at the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 289-300; 124, 1890, 49-84; 131, 1893, 329-368. — Companion to Sirius. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, (J3-fi4. — New double star a Ursse majoris. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 175-176. - New double stars. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 159-160. — The trapezium of Orion. Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 49, 1889, 352-358. — Notes on double stars. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 1, 1889, 78-80. - S 2400. Observatory, London, 12, 1889, 342-344. • The double star e Hydras. Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 207-208. The double star, 26 Draconis (p 962). Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 356-357. — Double star observations made with the 36 inch refractor of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 1-30. — Companion of TI Pegasi. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 75-76. — Measures of double stars. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 41-42. — Notes on some of the double stars discovered at Washburu Observatory. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 299-300. — An examination of the place of Tycho BRAHK'S star. Sidereal Messenger, ',), 1890, 449-450. — Note on HINT'S variable nebula in Taurus. [1890.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 94-95, 575. — Note on the double star OS 15. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 275-278. — Note on the double star OS 487. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 277-278. — Measures of the stars noted as double in KRUEGEB'S Catalogue of the Astronomische Gesellsehaft, Zone 55° to 65°. [With a note by A. KBUEGER.] Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 289-294. — Double star observations made in 1890 with the 36 inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 369-426. - Measures with the 36 inch refractor of the Lick Observatory of the binary stars 48 Cassiopeire, 99 Her- culis, T Cygni and /j. Herculis. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 383-384. • • The proper motion of H 1968. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 108-110. — The companions of Aldebaran. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 311-313. • The orbit of K Pegasi (/3 989). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 313-316. — Sirius. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 378-388. — Invisible double stars. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891. 388-395; 52, 1892, 47. - The motion of 20 Dracouis. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, i.V.I-460. - The companions to Regulus. Astr. Soc. Month. Not. , 51, 1891, 460-461. — The proper motion of 2 547. Observatory, London, 14, 1891, 56-57. Burnham] 929 [Burnham - The orbit of OS 269. Observatory, London, 14, 1891, 263-264. — The new binary star, ft 6480. Observatory, London, 14, 1891, 411-412.' — The proper motion of the components of 61 Cygni. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 1—5. — Note on the double star S 186. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 72-73. — 7 Andromedse. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 118-119. — The proper motion of 2 1321. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 168-171. — The orbit of ft Delphiui (ft 151). Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 215-217. - The orbit of 02 285. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 273-275. — The motion of the double star /3 612. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 323-324. — The camera for celestial photography. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 325-328. — New binary stars, fi 416, Scorpii 185. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 489-491. Notes on the double stars of the Uranometria Argentina. [1891.] Astr. .11., 11, 1892, 21-22. — Measures of the binary stars, /3 Delphiui and 85 Pegasi. [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 47. — Measures of plauetary nebulas with the 36-inch equatoreal of the Lick Observatory. [1891.] Astr. Soo. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 31-46. - The motion of S 2525. [1891.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 97-100. Measures of the faint double star (H 2948) between (31 and /S2 Capricorni. Astr. & Astrophys. , 11, 1892, 173-174. — Note on the new binary, f! 612. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 268-269. — New binary star, ft 208. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 464-465. — 52 Herculis (ft 627). Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 465. — The double star, ir~ Ursse Minoris (S 1989). Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 548-549. — The proper motion of 2 1603. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 549-550. — The new enlarging photographic lens. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 558-562. - The double star, 02 224. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 661-662. - The double star, S 1216. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 662-663. — On proper motion of 2 1604. Astr. & Astrophys. , 11, 1892, 870-872. — New double star, 26 AurigiE. Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 127- 128. — Measures of BARNARD'S new Merope nebula with the 36 inch equatorial. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 17-18. — Measures of the binary star 2 2367 with the 36 inch equatorial. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 19-20. — The discovery of the duplicity of the principal star of 2 3018. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 19-20. — The close pair of the triple system y Andromeda? (OS 38). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892,' 99-102. — Double star discoveries and measures made in 1891 with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 257-342. — ANDERSON'S new star in Auriga. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 433-437. - The double star 2 3123. Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 52, 1892, 437-438. — A new binary star, /3 581. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 438-439. — Observations of nebulas with the 36-inch refractor of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 440-461. E. S. A. C. The double star near ft Cygni. [1892.] Astr. .11., 12, 1893. 30-31. — The new binary,/? 639. [1892.] Astr. JL, 12, 1893, 55. - The motion of { Cancri. [1892.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893, 40-44. The new star in Auriga. [1892.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not. , 53, 1893, 58-60. - The binary star 2 1785. [1892.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893, 60-64. — [Notes on T. E. ESPIN'S : Micrornetrical measures of some double stars with new companions, and of five new pairs.] Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 282-283. - The period of 2 1785. As'tr. & Astrophya., 12, 1893, 397-400. — The period of 20 Persei (ft 524). Astr. * Astrophys., 12, 1893, 404-407. - The orbit of 9 Argus (ft 101). Astr. & Astrophys. , 12, 1893, 494-499; 13, 1894, 290-291. — The orbit of 70 Ophiuchi. Astr. A Astrophys., 12, 1893, 585-586. — The orbit of 02 285. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 586-587. — The motion of 6 Eridani. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 587-588. — Astronomy in Russia. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 595-596. — The orbit of 37 Pegasi. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 678-681. - The double star, 95 Ceti (A. C. 2). Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 681-683. — The orbit of ft 416. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 792- 793. — The system of f Cancri. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 872-874. -The orbit of T Cygni. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893, 439-443. - The motion of S 1819. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893, 474-478. - The orbit of Sirius. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893, 482^83 ; 57, 1897, 453-456. — The orbit of y Andromeda} BC. [1893.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 54, 1894, 119-122. — Proper motions of double stars. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 14-19. — The variable proper motion of Procyon. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 434-437. — The orbit of 40 Eridaui, 2 518. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1894, 478-482. — Double star observations made with the 36-iuch and 12-inch refractors of the Lick Observatory from August, 1888, to June, 1892. Lick Obs. Publ., 2, 1894, 3-253. — How to find the orbit of a double star by a graphical method. Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 243-248, 349-358. The binary systems. [1896.] Popular Astr., 4, 1897, 169-177. — New ellipsograph and protractor. [1896.] Popular Astr., 4, 1897, 181-184, 336. — The orbit of Castor. [1896.] Popular Astr., 4, 1897, 286-289. — Orbit of 44 Bootis (HI. 15 = Sh. 193 = S 1909). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 57, 1897, 393-398. — The orbit of S Cygni. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 57, 1897, 449-452. — The orbit of /j. Draconis. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 57, 1897, 547-550. — The orbit of T Ophiuchi. Popular Astr., 4, 1897, 347- 351. - The orbit of X Cygni. O2 413. Popular Astr., 4, 1897, 397-400. Researches on the evolution of stellar systems. Popular Astr., 4, 1897, 471-474. - The orbit of f Aquarii, 2 2909. Popular Astr., 4, 1897, 474-475. 117 Burnham] 930 [Burnside -The orbit of OS 215. Popular Astr.. 4, 1897, 543- 544. - The orbit of 35 Coma; Berenices (S 1687), and OS 4. [1897.] Popular Astr., 5, 1898, 125-126. - The double star f Bootis. S 1865. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 83-Nti. - The orbit of OS 400. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898. 87-89. - The relative motion of the components of 7 Leonis. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 387-392. — The orbit of S 2107. Popular Astr., 5, 1898, 449-150. The orbit of S 1216. Popular Astr., 5, 1898, 450- 451. - The double star, 0 107. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 1-3; 8, 1900, 528-530. A general catalogue of 1290 double stars discovered from 1871 to 189!) by [the author]. Arranged in order of right ascension with all the mierometrical measures of each pair. Chicago Univ. Yerkes Obs. Publ., 1, 1900, 296 pp. The proper motion of /3 182. Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 530-531. — Note on the companion to j3 Cassiopeia?. Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 540-541. Burnbam, Slierlmriie W[exle>/], & Hough, G. W. See Hough A Burnham. Burnham, Sherlmnie W[eslty], & Schaeberle, J[iihn] M[artin]. [Solar eclipse of December, 1889.] Report. Lick Obs. Contrib., 2, 1891, 22-46. Burnham, Slierlnirne W[?slei/~\, Floyd, , & Holden, Edward Sinnleton. See Floyd, Holden & Burnham. Burnham, II". H. Memory, historically and experimentally considered. [1888-89.] ' Amer. Jl. Psychol., 2, 1889, 39- 90, 225-270, 431-464, 568-622. Burnie, William Beckit. Phenomenon observed with broken magnets. [1894.] Electrician, 34, 1895, 165- 166. — Iron losses in transformers and the higher harmonics in the potential-difference wave. Electrician, 39, 1897, 581-583. - The factors which determine the efficiency of the alternating current arc. Electrician, 39, 1897, 849-855. The thermo-electric properties of some liquid metals. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 15, 1897, 76-91; Phil. Mag., 43, 1897, 397-410. Burnie, William lieckit, & Lee, Charles A. The con- ductivity analog}' between the electric arc and certain metallic oxides. Electrician, 43, 1899, 75-79. Burnie, William liii-l.it, Barr, James Mark, & Rodgers, Charles. See Barr, Burnie A' Rodgers. Burnip, J. It., Fammel, 7,[n«i's] II[t'rmnnn], & Thomas, Hannah. See Fammel, Burnip * Thomas. Burns, liueiil. On the bending of beds near veins. [With disi-ussioii.] [1890.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 40, 1892, 18-22. Burns, E. Z. Incandescent lamps. [1889.] School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 11, 1890, 1-14. Burns, Frank. Viviparous Miocene Turritellidse. [1899.] Nautilus, 13, 1899-1900, 68-69. Burns, Frank L. Nesting of the broad-winged hawk in Chester county, Perm. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 184-185. — Notes from southern New Jersey. Auk, 12, 1895, 189. Burns, Geiinie I'. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Stylidiaceen. Flora, 87/1900, 313-354. Burns, John Francis. A clinical contribution to the study of the etiology of endemic cerebro-spinal meningitis. N. Y. Med. .11., 60, 1894, 332-337. Burns, I'[eter] .S'. JJur Kenntniss des dimolekularen Cyanathyls. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 43, 1891, 406-408. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der polymeren Nitrile. vn. Abhaudlung. Chemisches Yerhalteu einiger dimoleku- laren Nitrile. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 47, 1893, 105-134. Burns, Walter. Notes on the Heads of Ayr. Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 8, 1888, 287-291. Burnside, William. On certain spherical harmonics. Messenger Math., 14. 1885, 122-126. — On the triseetion of the periods for WEIERSTEASS'B elliptic functions. Messenger Math.. 16, 1887, 177-180. — On the partition of energy between the translatory ami rotational motions of a set of non-homogeneous elastic spheres. [1887.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Trans., 33, 1888, 501-507. • On a simplified proof of MAXWELL'S theorem. [1888.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc., 15, 1889, 106-108. — On deep-water waves resulting from a limited original disturbance. [1888.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 20, 1889, 22-38. — On the small wave-motions of a heterogeneous fluid under gravity. London Math. Soc. Proc., 20, 1889, 392- 397. — Note on the potential of an elliptic cylinder. Messenger Math., IS, 1889, 84-88. — The lines of zero length on a surface as curvilinear coordinates. Messenger Math., 19, 1890, 99-104. — On the resultant of two finite displacements of a rigid body. Messenger Math., 19, 1890, 104-108. On functions determined from their discontinuities and a certain form of boundary condition. London Math. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891, 346-358. — On a certain KIEMANS'S surface. London Math. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891, 410-416. • On the surfaces whose lines of curvature are all plane. Messenger Math., 20, 1891, 49-54, 148. — On the differential equation of confocal sphero-conics. Messenger Math., 20, 1891, 60-63. — On a property of plane isothermal curves. Messenger Math., 20, 1891,' 64-68. — On a case of streaming motion. Messenger Math., 20, 1891, 144-145. — On a property of linear substitutions. Messenger Math., 20, 1891, 163-166. — Note on a paper relating to the theory of functions. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 7, 1892, 126-128. — On a class of automorphic functions. [1891.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 23, 1892, 49-88. — On the form of hyperelliptic integrals of the first order, which are expressible as the sum of two elliptic integrals. London Math. Soc. Proc., 23, 1892, 173- 185. Further note on automorphic functions. London Math. Soc. Proc., 23, 1892, 281-295. - Two notes on WEIERSTRASS'S P(u). Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 84-87. — On the application of ABEL'S theorem to elliptic integrals of the first kind. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 164-170. — On the linear transformation of the elliptic differential. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 170-176. — [The author's] paper on the partition of energy, B. S. E., July 18S7. Nature, 45, 1892, 533. — Note on the equation i/- = .e(x4- 1). [1*92. ] London Math. Soc. Proc., 24, 1893, 17-20. — On a problem of conformal representation. London Math. Soc. Proc., 24, 1893, 187-206. — Note on pseudo-elliptic integrals. Messenger Math., 22, 1893, 83-S9. — On a division of the periods of elliptic functions by 9. Messenger Math., 22. 1893. 811-96. — Note on linear substitutions. Messenger Math., 22. 1893, 190-192. Null's on thethoorv of groups of finite order. [1893-95.] London Muth. Soc. Proc., 25, 1894, H-18 ; 26, 1895, 325- 338. — On GREEN'S function for a system of non -intersecting spheres. London Math. Soc. Proc., 25, 1894, 94-101. Burnside] 931 [Burr — On a class of groups defined by congruences. [1894.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 25, 1894, 113-139; 26, 1895, 58-106. — On the finite displacement of a rigid body. Messenger Math.. 23, 1894, 19-22. — Note on functions of a real variable. Messenger Math., 23, 1894, 39-42. — Note on the theory of groups. Messenger Math., 23, 1894, 50-56 ; 24, 1896, 191-192. — On a property of certain determinants. Messenger Math., 23, 1894, 112-114. — On an application of the theory of groups to KIRKJIAN'S problem. Messenger Math., 23, 1894, 137-143. — On the kinematics of non-Euclidean space. [1894.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 2ti, 1896, 33-56. — Notes on the theory of groups of finite order. London Math. Soc. Proc., 26, 1896, 191-214, 559. — On a system of linear congruences. Messenger Math., 24, 1896, 51-58. — On certain composite groups. Messenger Math., 24, 1895, 82-96. — Note on ternary substitutions of determinant unity with integral coefficients. Messenger Math., 24, 1895, 109-112. — On the isomorphism of a group with itself. London Math. Soc. Proc., 27, 1896, 354-367. — On two theorems in elementary kinematics. Messenger Math., 25, 1896, 74-70. — On doubly transitive groups of degree n and order n(n.-l). Messenger Math., 25, 1896, 147-153. — On doubly transitive groups of degree 2m and order •2'»(2'"-l). Messenger Math., 25, 1896, 187-189. — Note on the symmetric group. [18'J6.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 28, 1897, 119-129. — The construction of the straight line joining two given points. [1897.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 29, 1898, 125-132. — On the continuous group that is defined by any given group of finite order. London Math. Soc. Proc., 29, 1898, 207-224, 546-565. — On linear homogeneous continuous groups whose operations are permutable. London Math. Soc. Proc., 29, 1898, 325-352. — On plane equipotential surfaces. Messenger Math., 27, 1898, 138-146. — On the reduction of a linear substitution to its canonical form. London Math. Soc. Proc., 30, 1899, 180-198. — Note on the simple group of order 504. Math. Ann., 52, 1899, 174-176. — The trigonometry of a rectangular gauche hexagon. Messenger Math., 28, 1899, 92-96. — On the canonical form of a linear substitution of finite order. Messenger Math., 28, 1899, 111-114. — On a class of groups of finite order. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 18, 1900, 269-276. Buron, O[scar Gabriel']. Transmission de force par 1'electricite. Paris, Inge'n. Civ. Me'm., 1891 (Pt. 1), 633-642. Burot, [Prosper] F[err,',itf. •< M.ittirolo A Buscalioni. Buscalioni, /,»/;;/, it Firotta, J\oiiin,ililo. See Firotta & Buscalioni. Buscalioni, I.nii/i, A Rondelli, Alipio. Sopra un nuovo metodo di colorazione del bacilli della tubercolosi. Mal- pighia, H, 1894, 322-327. Buscemi, I!., & Baccarini, 1'iixquale. See Baccarini & Buscemi. Buscemi, J'imvnzo. Forza elettro-motrice fra i metalli nei sail fusi. Catania Ace. Gioeu. Atti, 12, 1899, Mem. 11, 15 pp. Buscb, [Friedrich]. Demonstration von zwei Knochen- praparaten an deneu mechanische Waehsthutnsexperi- meute ausget'iihrt sind. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physinl. Altli.). 1885, 334-340. — Zur vergleiohenden Pathologic der Zahne, mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung des Stosszahnes des Ele- phanten. [H"if/< discussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 5), 586-605. Busch, [//ci;iri. See Kroncckcr & Busch. Busch, Frederic II'., & Asher, Leon. See Asher it Busch. Busch, Friedrich. Mitthtilungen iiber einige mit der glauzenden Diimmening des Winters 1883/84 in Zusam- nienhaug utehunde Erscheinungen. Meteorol. Ztschr., 2 (1885), 232-234. — Der Bishop'sche Sonneuriug. [1885.] Wetter, 2, 1886, 115-110. — Bemerkungen zu dem Artikel des Herrn Dr. VETTIN : " Experimented Darstellung der Sehafeheuwolken." Meteorol. Ztschr., H (1886), 128-129. Zur Polarisation des zerstreuten Himmelslichtes. Beobachtungen iiber den Gang der neutralen Punkte. Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 532-539. der zu Arnsberg in der Zeit vom 1. .luni bis 31. December 1885 angestellten Beobachtungen des Bishop'schen Ringes und der Abendtlammeruug. [1886.] Wetter, 3, 1887, 1-7. — Bemerkungen iiber die Haufigkeit der Dammeruugs- strahlen. Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888), 449-450. — Beobachtungen iiber die Polarisation des Himmels- lichtes insbesondere zur Zeit der Abenddainmerung. Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1889), 81-95. — Mittheilung iiber eine neue attnospharisch-optische Stoning. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 305-306. — Die neutraleu Punkte von AKAGO und BABINET und die SonnenHecken-Relativzahlen seit 1886. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 158-159. Busch, //. Ueber das Vorkommen von Typhusbacillen im Knochenmark. Ztschr. Hyg., 28, 1898, 479-483. Busch, .1/«.r [ijiiftur Reinhold]. Syuthese von Phentria- zinen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 445-4-VJ. — Ueber eine neue Synthese von Keto- und Thiochinazo- liuen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25. 1892. 2853-2860. — Ueber eine ueue Reaction zwischen Schwefelkohleu- stoff und primaren H^-drazinen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 27, 1894, 2507-2520, 3169. — Ueber o-Amidobenzylhydrazine. Synthese von sieben- gliedrigen Stickstoffkohlenstoffringen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2897-2904. — Zur Keuntnis der Cliiuazoline. [1894.] Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 26, 1895, 103-105. — Synthese von Biazoliuderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2635-2647. — Zur Kenntniss der o-Amidobenzylamine. [Unter Mitwirkung von S. DORMEIR, F. E. FRANCIS, F. BRDNNER, C. VOLKENINO, Fr. HEINEN, Paul H.\RTHANN, Bud. BIRK, Fr. BRAND, C. DIETZ und W. LEHRJUNN.] Jl. Prakt. Chem., 51, 1895, 113-139, 257-284; 52, 1895, 373-416; 53, 1896, 414-427; 55, 1897, 356-375. — Ueber Derivate des Hydrosulfamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2127-2143. — Ueber Benzylidenimid. Berlin, Chern. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2143-2148. — Ueber das c-Metaxylidin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1008-1012. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Hydrazin auf Thio- carbanilid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32. 1899, 2815- 2818. — Triazine aus o-Aminoazoverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2959-2972. — Untersuchuugen in der Biazolreihe. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 60, 1899, 25-40. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Ammoniak und Anilin auf Phenyl-methyHhiobiazolindisulfid. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 60, 1899, '216-217. — Phenyl-dithio-carbazinsaure uud Benzoylchlorid. Jl. Prakt. Chem., (10, 1899, 217-219. — Ueber Biazoline aus Paratolyldithiocarbazinsaure und dereu Ester. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 60, 1899, 219-225. Busch, J/«.r [tinl\. Ueber Hydrazone von Dithiokohlensaureestern. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2020-2622; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 61, 1900, 336-344. Buscb, Max [Giistuc Jti'inliold], & Faal, C\m-l Liidicig]. N.r Paal A Busch. Busch, Max [Gustar Reinhultl], & R.ist, Albert. Ueber das Cinnolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 521- 527. Busch, Max [Gustai' Reinholii], & Bidder, Herm[ann]. Erne neue Darstellungsweise von Thiosemicarbaziden. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 843-849. — Ueber die Einwirkung von Aldehyden aul' Thiosemi- cnrbazide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, H49-855. Busch, ,1/d.r [GusMc lieinhnld], & Roegglen, Hugo. Ueber Benzyl-o-amidobenzylanilin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3239-3247. Busch, Max [Guatav Iteinholil], tt Stern, Alfred . Ueber die Einwirkung von Ammoniak und Aminbasen auf Dianltide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2148-2151. Busch, Mn.r [(install Reinhold], & Weiss, Bruno. Ueber HaropHoH uacTii Ko3Moji.eMLflncKaroyf.3ja KaaaH- ri;oii ryOepnin. Botanisoh-geographisohe Untersu- chungen im Kreise Kosmodemjansk des Gouvernement's Kasan. [1891.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 23, 1892, (Wo. 2), 38 pp. TIpeji,BapiiTejii>Hi)iR OTUOTT. o nyiemecTBiH no KaBuasy BT, 1890 roiy CT> JICXHIIKOBI, ir (|i.iopu. [Vor- Kiunger Bericht iiber eine Reise in den nonlwestlichen Kaukasus im Jahre 1896 zur Uutersuchung der Gletscher und der Vegetation.] [1897.] St. Petersb. , Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 33, 1897-98, 1-33; Petermann, Mitth., 44, 1898, 251-258, 271-275. o BiopOMt nyxe- iiiecTBin no c-feBepo-aaiiajnoMy KaBKa:jy BT> 1897 ro;;y. [Preliminary report on a second expedition to the north-western Caucasus in 1897.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 34, 1898, 519-589. — Ouiicanie n rjiaBirhiliuie pesyjiwaTM Tpeibflro nyremecTBifl no ciBepo-aanajHOMy KaBicaay BT> 1899 1'OJI.y. [Description and chief results of the third expedition to the north-western Caucasus iu 1899.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900, 227-298. Busch, N[iliolaj] A[dolpltovif], & Sorokin, N. 1'. See Sorokin A Busch. Buschan, Georri. Ueber einen Riesen von Freiwaldau (Oesterr. Schlesien). Ztschr. Ethnol., 19, 1887, (562)- (564). — Die Heirnath und das Alter der europiiisehen Kultur- pflauzen. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1890, 128-134. — Zur Vorgeschichte der Obstarten der alten Welt. Ztschr. Ethnol., 23, 1891, (97)-(109). — Botanique prehistorique. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 4, 1893, 506-508. — Ueber die kiinstlichen Augen peruauischer Mumien. Ztschr. Ethnol., 25, 1893, (265)-(266). — Kritik der moderuen Theorien iiber die Pathogenese der Basedow'schen Krankheit. [1894.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 2180-2182, 2217-2220; 45, 1895, 11-13. — Bertillonage. Deutsch. Ges. Authrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1895, 20-22. Buschbaum, C. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1893... (Rordame-Quenisset) angestellt auf der Sternwarte der meteorologischen Central-Anstalt zu Budapest. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 377-378. Bnschh.ium, C., & Steiner, Lnjos. Definitive Bahnbestim- mung des Cometen 1854 IV. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 321-344. Buscbbeck, E. Jacob BUHNER'S Schmetterlingswerke. Ent. Nachr., 10, 1884, 197-201. Busche, [Conrad Heinrich] E[dmund Friedrich]. Arith- metischer Beweis des Reciproeitatsgesetzes fiir die bi- iiuadratisehen Reste. Crelle, Jl. Math., 99, 1886, 261- 274. — Ueber eine Formel des Herrn HERMITE. Crelle, Jl. Math., 100, 1887, 459-464; 103, 1888, 125. — Ueber grosste Gauze. Crelle, Jl. Math., 103, 1888, 118-125. — Ueber die Euler'sche ^-Function. Math. Ann., 31, 1888, 70-74. • Zur Anwendung der Geometric auf die Zahlentheorie. Crelle, Jl. Math., 104, 1889, 32-37. - . Crelle, Jl. Math., - Ueber die Function 106, 1890, 65-80. — Beweis des quadratischen Reciproeitatsgesetzes in der Theorie der aus den vierten Wurzeln der Einheit gebilde- ten komplexen Zahlen. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 (Festschr., Tl. 2), 80-92. — Ueber die Function E (,r) mit complexem Argument. Crelle, Jl. Math., 110, 1892, 338-348. — Ueber das Doppelverhiiltniss von vier Punkten eiuer Geraden. Math. Ann., 41, 1893, 591-596. — Ueber den Dreiecksinhnlt nnd sein duales Analogon. Crelle, Jl. Math., 114, 1895, 1-24. — Ueber die Schubert'sche Losung eines Bachet'scheu Problems. Math. Ann., 47, 1896, 105-112. — Generalisation d'une formule de GAUSS. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 129, 1899, 952-954. — Ueber Kroneckersche Aequivalenzen. [1891.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 3-7. — Ueber eine rationale nicht-Euklidische Massbestim- mung in der Ebene. [1892.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 37-. — Bemerkung iiber die Funktion K (-) mit komplexem Argument. [1893.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 103-107. — Ueber die Auzahl aller Teiler der Zahlen von 1 bis n. [1894.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 167-172. — Beweis des [zahlentheoretischen] Satzes von Herrn SCHUBERT. [1895.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 225-226. — Beweis des quadratischen Reciproeitatsgesetzes. [1896.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 233-234. — Ueber die Teiler der natiirlichen Zahlenreihe. [1896.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 234-249. — Ueber eine allgemeine Anzahlbeziehung und einige Anweudungen davon auf die Zahlentheorie. [1897.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 333-346. — Eiue Bemerkung iiber Binomialkoetncienten. [1899.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 379-382. — Ueber eine reale Darstellung der imagimiren Gebilde einer reellen Ebene und einige Amvendungen davon 118 Buschel [Busiu auf die Zahlentheorie. Crelle, .11. Math.. 122, 1900, 227- 262. — Ein Beitrag zur Differenzenrechnung und zur Zahlen- theorie. Math. Ann., 33, 1900, 243-271. Buscbke, [Alintliam]. Die Tonsillen als Eiugangspforte fiir eitererregende Mikroorganismen. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 38, 1894, 441-461. - Ueber die Lebeusdauer der Tvphnsbacillen in ostiti- schen Herden. Fortschr. Med., 12 11894), 573-5M3, 613- 621. Buschkiel, <_'. E. FISCIIIXHEM'S neues Dynamometer. Elcktroteclm. Ztschr., 8, 1887, 386-387. Busck, A. Oru tordenveirsiagttagelser. Tidsskv. Phys. Chum., 20, 1887. 1151-167. Busck, Aiuiust. New American Tineina. N. Y. Ent. Soe. Jl., 8, 1900, 234 2 is. — Notes on a brief trip to Puerto Eico in January and February 1899. I". S. Div. Ent. Dull., 22, 1900, 88-93. Buse, /.. 11. For biographical notice see Nederl. Eruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 370-377. Buser, (>. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flora der Hoeh- iniMire im Kanton St. Gallen. |1X94.| St. Galleu, Ber., 1893 -94, 85-86. Buser, Ji. Zur Kenntnis der schwei/erischen Alchiniillen. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4. 1894, 41-80. — Ueber Alchimilla pubescens, Kucli, A. truncata, Hclili., nnd eiue neue verwandte Art aus den Tiroler Al)i<-i] (A. acutata). Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1900, 25-26, 41-43, 57-59. Bush, II. F. Notes on a list of plants collected in south- eiistein Missouri in ls!)3. St. Louis, Bot. Gard. Kep., 1894, 139-1.".:!. — A new Ilysautbes. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 494-495. — Hybrid oaks in western Missouri. Garden & Forest . s, 1895, 32-33. — A new hybrid oak in the Indian Territory. Garden A Forest, 8, 1895, 463. — Notes on the mound flora of Atchisou county, Missouri. St. Louis, Bot. Gard. Kep., 1895, 121-134. — Notes on the botany of some southern swamps. Garden & Forest, lit. 1897, 514-51C. Busb, (.'liiirli'H ,S. lli-gras. Arner. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 535-537. Bush, (.!//».<) Kalliariin' -li-imnette. List of the shallow-water Molluscs dredged oft' Cape Hatteras by the All>iitni*.i in 1**3. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 11, 1885, 579-590. — Additions to the shallow-water Mollusca of Cape Hatteras, N.C., dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross in 1883 and 1884. [1885.] Con. necticut Ac. Trans., 0, 1882-85, 453-480. List of deep-water Mollusca dredged by the United States Fish Commission steamer Fish Iluick, in 1881, and 1882, with their range in depth. U. S. Fish Comm. Kep., 11, 1885, 701-727. — Reports on the results of dredging, ...... by the U. S. Coast Survey steamer 7.7i I-'.. Ken Verrill ,t Busb. Busb, X, /'., Herr, K. .17., Lewis, 1C. 11. , & Quereau, ' . //. ,s,< Herr, Lewis, Quereau .V Busb. Bushe, C, K. Human hibernation. Nature, 31, 1885, Is2. Busbell, Jli'iiiiinlil. [Barometric depression of December sth to 9th.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag.,' 21, 1886, 159-160. Bushong, F. II". On benzimidoethyl and benzimidomethyl ethers. Amer. Chem. Jl., Is (1896), 490-491. — On the alkyl hypobromites. R-O-Br. [1890.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 15, 1898, si-s2. — The deep well at Madison, Kan. [1898.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 67-70. Busin, Puolo. Ueber die Isobarentypen in Italien und die Wetterprognosen. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 235-238, 303. — Einige Bemerkuugen iiber die jetzige analytisulie Theorie der Cyklonen. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 454-455. — Wie man aus der Kichtung und Drehung der Winde die Aenderuugen der Isobarentypen bestimmen kann. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1885, 401-406. — De quelques perfectionnements a introduire dans les cartes mrtenrologiqiies. Angle des isobares et de la direction des vents. Ass. Franr- C. K., 1886 (7V. 1). 123. — Quelques considerations generates sur les cartes du temps et specialement sur les types isobariques en Italie. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1886 (7V. 2),' 321-328. — Die Mittelwerthe der wichtigsten meteorologischen Elemente von Palermo. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 101-103. — Le temperature nell' Emilia, nella Lombardia e nel Veueto. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 431-444. — I tipi isobarici e loro applieazione alia previsione del tempo. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 3, 1888, 229-260. — Ueber die Hiiutigkeit und Beweguug der Gebiete lioheu und niederen Luftdruckes auf der ni'irdlichen Hemisphere. Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888). 44X-449. — Le temperature nel versante mediterraneo d' Italia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 51-53, 09-70. - Temperature medie annual! delle provincie italiaue. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1889, 105-110. — Le temperature in Italia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 56-60, 137-143, 153-158. — Osservazione sulle uubi notturue risplendenti. Frosinoue, 20 luglio 1889. Moncalieri Oss. lioll.. 9, 1889, 129. — Sulla variazione della temperatura. Riv. Sci.-Ind.. 21, 1889. 1-i. — Sui tipi isobarici che portano una maggior frequenza delle brine. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 5, 1890, 209- 212. — Sulla frequenza delle alte e basse pressioni nel- 1' emisfero boreale. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 73-75, 104. — Sulla probabilita diurua della pioggia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 137-139. — Su di una nuova specie di rose dei venti. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1891, 186-1*9. — Alcune osservazioni sull' aerodiuamica. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 35-30. — Relazione tra le perturbazioni magnetiche ed i diversi orientamenti delle masse aeree. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 132-133. -- Sull' angolo che l:i din>xioiie del vento fa colle isobare. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 7, 1892, 221-223. — Beziehuugeu zwischen magnetischen Perturbatiouen und der Vertheiluug des Luftdruckes. Meteorol. Ztschr., 10 (1893), 148-150, 200. Alcuni criteri sulla coincidenza e sul risehio ma- tematico dell' avvenimento di determinati fenomeni rneteorici. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 52-53 ; Kiv. Sci.-Ind., 25, 1893, 121-122. • Rose isobariehe per alcune principal! citta italiane. Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 14, 1894, 17. ls-22, 53-56, 69-72, 86-89. ,S't't> also Roma, Ufficio Centrale Meteorologico Italiano. BuskJ Busk, CliarlcK J. To rind the factors of any proposed number. Nature, 39, 1889, 413-415. Busk, George. For biography and list of works see Aivli. Antropologia, 16, 1886, 589-590; Foldt. Kii/liin., 1(3, 1886, 338; Nature, 34, 1886, 387-389; Bev. d'Anthrop., 1. 1886. 743; Zoologist, 10, 1886, 363; Anthrop. Inst. .11., 16, 1887, 403-407: Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl.. 43, 1887 (Pruc.), 40-41 ; Hornrne, 4, 1887, 376-377; Mater. Hist. Homme, 21, 1887, 405-406; Med.-Chir. Trans., 70, 1887, 23-27. - *A monograph of the fossil Polyzoa of the Crag. 1'aheont. Soc. Monogr., 11, 1859, xiii + 136 pp. Busmakina. N. I'., it Wagner, Egor E[gorov ie]. See VTagner A Busmakina. Busmann, . Ueber die Kant-Laplacesche Hypothese. Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1884, 129-131. — Ueber das Geoid. Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1885, 132-137. — Ueber thermische Widerstands-Coefficienteu verschie- dener Gliiser in ihrer Abha'ngigkeit von der chemischen Zusammensetzung. [1894.] Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1894-95, 235-237. — Ueber den Absehluss der Bienenzelle. [1895. J Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1895-96, 194-195. — Ueber Thermometrie. [1897.] Westfal. Ver. Jlier., 1897-98, 143-144. - l"i !)rr Kathodeustrahlen. [1899.] Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1899-1900, 132-138. Busquet, . Note sur les phenomenes de sedimenta- tion observes dans le delta Houiller de Decize. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull, 16,, 1888, 1005-1011. Busquet, G. P[t Buss. Buss, Otto. Ein Fall von acuter, disseminirter Myelitis bulbi nebst Encephalitis bei einer Syphilitischeu. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 41, 1887, 241-260. — Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Pathologic der rnultiplen Sklerose des Hirns und Ruckenmarks. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 45, 1889, 555-583. Buss, Otto. Etwas iiber Farbenfilter. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 33, 1896, 368-373. — Untersuchungen iiber das Lippmann'sche Farbenver- fahren. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 37, 1900, 677-685, 761. Bussard, L. Igroscopicita delle sementi. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 16, 1889, 357-359. Bussard, I,., & Coudon, //. See Coudon .t Bussard. Busse, /•'. Ueber diejenige punktweise emdeutige Bezie- huug zweier Fliichenstiicke auf einander, bei welcher jeder geodiitischen Liuie des einen eine Linie constanter geodiitischer Kriimmung des auderen entspricht. Berlin At. Sber., 1896, 651-664. Busse, Gfnrfif J[ustus], & Harries, C'[«r/J D[letrich]. See Harries ,\ Busse. Busse, .I/., & Marckwald, W[illy]. See Marckwald & Busse. Busse, Otto. Untersuchung der feiueren Vorgauge bei der Heilung von Sehnenwunden, besonders naeh der Tenotomie der Achillessehne. [1891.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 33, 1892, 30-51. — Ueber die Heilung aseptischer Schnittwunden der menschlichen Haut. Virchow, Arch., 134, 1893, 401- 437. — i— Ueber parasitare Zelleinschliisse und ihre Ziichtung. Centrbl. Bakt., 16, 1894, 175-180. — Ueber Saccharomycosis hoininis. Deutsch. Natf. Verb.., 1895 (Tli. 2, Hlilfte 2), 88-89; Virchow, Arch., 140, 1895, 23-46. — Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Saccharomv- cosis. Virchow, Arch., 144, 1896, 360-372. — Ueber eine ungewohnliehe Form der Meningitis tuber- culosa. Virchow, Arch., 145, 1896, 107-112. — Ueber das Fortleben losgetrennter GewebstLeile. Virchow, Arch., 149, 1897, 1-11. — Ueber Doppelmissgeburten. [1897.] Neu-Vorpom- mern Mitth., 29, 1898, xv. - Ein grosses Neuroma gauglioeellulare des Nervus sympathicus. Virchow, Arch., 151, 1898 ISuiinl ) 66-77. — Ueber Bau, Entwickelung und Eiutheilung der Nieren- Geschwiilste. Virchow, Arch., 157, 1899, 346-372 377- 415. — Ueber pathogene Hefen und Hefekrankheiten. [1899.] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 31, 1900, xviii. Busse, H'titter. Die Anwendung der Celloidin-Einbettung in der Pflanzen-Anatomie. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 8, 1891 462-475 ; 9, 1892, 49-50. — Photoxylin als Einbettungsmittel ftir pflanzliche Objeete. 'Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 9, 1892, 47-48. — Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Morphologic und Jahres- periode der Weisstaune (Abies alba, Mill.). Flora, 77, 1893, 113-175. — Pfeffer. Berlin, Gesuudheitsamt Arb., 9, 1894, 509- 536. — Muskatuiisse. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 11, 1895 390-410. — Macis. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 12, 1896, 628- 660. — Ueber eine ueue Cardamomen-Art aus Kamerun. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 14, 1898, 139-144. — Vanille. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 15, 1899 1-113. — Ueber gerbstoffhaltige Mangroverinden aus Deutsch- Ostafrika. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 15, 1899, 177- 184. 118—2 Busse] 940 tBuszczyiiski — Zur Kenntniss des Leitgewebes ira Fruchtknotcn der Orehideen. Bot. Ceutrbl., s4, 1900, 209-2'J-J. Busse, Walter, & Polcnskc, Kduiinl. See Polenske it Busae. Busset, Paul. [Un precede d'etude d'une veine liquitle.] (1890.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaucl. Bull., 215. 1891, xviii. Bussiere, J. , A Gauducheau, .1. .S'.v Gauducbeau A Bussiere. Busson, Henri. Le regime du Niger. Ann. Geogr. , 4, 1896, 202-209. - Les vallees de 1'Aures. Ann. Geogr., 9, 1900, 43-55. Buason, It. Le depeuplement de la mer et le Comite consultatif des Peches roaritimes. Eev. Maritime et Colon., 103, 1889, 234-259. Bussy, L. de. Determination du mouvement angulaire que prend im navire sur une houle de vitesse et de grandeur donnees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102. 1886, 35-38. Observations sur une note ile .17. LEIIIEU relative a des considerations sur le roulis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 102, 1886, 1446-1449. Bustamante, -T r. BepxHeyjHHCKi (3a6aiiKa.ii>CKoii o6.iaCTIl). [On observations of the total eclipse of the Sun in Verchneudinsk (Transbaikal district).] Euss. Phys.-Chern. Soc. Jl., 20 (Plii/s.), 1888 (Append.). 153-158. Busz, J[ttlius], & Kekule, August [Friedrich]. I'eber Orthoamide des Pipeiidins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 3246-324*. Busz, Karl [Heinrich Emit ..ir. /' ' In. Ki\ ,| , 17, 1890, 554. • — Die Leucit-Phonolithe und deren Tuffe in dem Gebiete des Laaeher Sees. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verh., 48, 1891. 209-281. — Datolith von Andreasberg. Ztschr. Kryst., 19, 1891, 21-24. — Sublimirte Mineralien vom Krufter Ofen am Laaeher See. Ztschr. Kryst., 19, 1891, 24-27. • Krystallfornien organischer Verbindungen. Ztschr. Kryst., 19, 1891, 27-34. — Skorodit von Lolling. Ztschr. Kryst. , 20, 1892, 555- 557. — Pyrargyrit von Mexico. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 557. — Anatas von Bourg d'Oisans, Dauphine. Ztsehr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 557-55S. — Diopsid von Achmatowsk. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 558. — Schwefel von Milo. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 558-560. — Schwefel von Eoisdorf bei Bonn. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 560-563. — Sehwefel von Bassiek, Vereiuigte Staaten N.-A. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 563-564. — Schwefel von Conil bei Cadiz, Spanieu. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 564-565. — ["Kamarezit,"ein neues Mineral.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 83-84. — Vorlaufige Notizen fiber einige Gesteine aus Devon- shire in England. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 84-90. 1. Apophyllit vom Oelberg irn Siebengebirge. 2. Breit- bauptit von Audreasberg. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1894, 32-33. — Krystallforrnen einiger organischer Verbindungen. 1 1894.'] Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 9, 1894-95, 460-465. — Mittheilungen iiberCaledonit, Kamarezit, Breithauptit und Magnetkies. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 (lid. 1), 111- 127. — On the production of corundum by contact meta- morphism on Dartmoor. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1896, 807; Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 492-494. — Ueber einige Eruptivgesteine aus Devonshire in England. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1896 (Bd. I), 57-78. — Krystallographische Untersuchung einiger organischer Substanzen. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 (Bd. I), 27-40. — Calcit, Hornblende, Andesin aus dem Siebengebirge. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (lid. I), 35-39. — Mittheilungen fiber den Granit des Dartmoor Forest in Devonshire, England, und einige seiner Contact- gesteine. [1899.] Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 13, 1899-1901, 90-139. • On a granophyre-dyke intrusive in the gabbro of Aulnamurchan, Scotland. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1900, 751- 752; Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 436-441. Busz, Karl [Heinrich Emit i.Vnn/], it Bruhns, \l-'ran: SieflJ'ried] Willy. Hee Bruhns it Busz. Buszczyiiski, llulesiaic. Eine wahrscheinliche Periodicitiit von hellen Meteoren und ihr wabrscheiiilicher Zusarn- iiii'iihang mit dem periodischen Cometen Tempel, . Astr. Nachr., 115. 1886, 263-264, 309-310. - Ueber die LichterscheinuiiKcn liei Sonnenuntergang und Mondaufgang am 19. und 20. Mai d. J. Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 549-551. — 0 niektorych zjawiskach jasnych meteorow czyli kul ognistych lub bolidow. [On some phenomena of luminous meteors whether fire-balls or bolides.] Kosmos (Lwow), 12, 1887, 85-87, 1113-106. Beobachtungen der oberen Wolken zu Breslau, 1882-85. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 104-105. — Der Wolkenbruch am 2. -3. August 1888 Meteorol. Ztschr., 6 (1889), 21-22, 310. — Ein beachtenswerther Blit/.schlag in den Eathhaus- thurm zu Krakau. Meteorol. Ztschr., 6 (1889), 308-309. — Krfahrungen mit dem Kreil'schen Barographen. Ztsohr. liistruiiinitunk., 1(1, 1890, 440-442. Buszczyriskil 941 Najwazniejsze wyniki eogodzinnych spostrzezen cis- nieuia povvietrza w Krakowie, wykonanyoh w latach 1858-88. (Die wichtigsten Resultate stiindlicher Beo- bac.htungen des Luftdruckes in Kvakan in den Jabren 1858-88.) Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 26, 1891 (Cz. 1), [205]-[-217]; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1892, 17-19 ; Meteorol. Ztsclir., 8 (1891), 128-136. ButakOV, A. Ilpll MOpCKafl CTaillUfl BVXTa IIoCbET'b. [Priraorsk station, Poset Bay. Total eclipse of the Sun, 1887 Aug. 19.] Russ. Pbys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 20 (Phi/s.), 1888 (Append.), 127-131. Butaye, K. , it Haas, E. J. M. in.r]. Ornithological notes from the Cocoawatte estate, Lunugala, in the province of Uva, Ceylon. [1896.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 10, 1895-97, 284-315. — A leporine monstrosity. [1896.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 10 (1895-97), 328-329. — On the occurrence of the lesser coucal (Centropus bengalensis) in Ceylon. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11. 1897-98, 162. — On the occurrence of Asio accipitrinus, Pallas, in Ceylon. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 163. - The scaly ant-eater (Manis pentadactyla). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 165. — On Ketapa ceylouensis (Gmel.), breeding in captivity. [1897.J Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 165- 166. - The oceanic teal (Mareca gibberit'rons). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 332-333. The nidification of Indian lorikeets. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soe. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 736. Pied variety of Hirundo javauica. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 736-737. The birds of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. [1899-1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 386-403, 555-571, 684-696 ; 13, 1900-01, 144-154. The niditication of some Malayan birds. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 421-423, 772-773. - Occurrence of the black-winged kite (Elanus creru- leus), Desf., and the short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Gmel., in the Malay Peninsula. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 423-424. Note on the white snake (Coluber tieniurus), Cope. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 424-425. Further notes on the, varieties of Coluber tsniurus. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 425-426. - The coloration of the wing-lining and axillaries in the fantail and pintail snipes. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 427-428. On an immature specimen of the black-capped purple kingfisher (Halcyon pileata, Bodd.). [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 428-429. — Birds collected and observed on the Larut Hills, Perak, in March and April 1898. Singapore, Roy. Asiat. Soc. JL, 32, 1899, 9-30. Geograpbical races of the banting: the " sapi " of the Malay Peninsula. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 13, 1900-01, 192-193. — On a new serow from the Malay Peninsula. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 675-676. Butler, A[rthur] L[enno.r], & Hartert, Ernst. See Hartert & Butler. Butler, Alford A. Ferns near Colorado Springs, Colorado. Araer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 750-751. Butler, Amos If. Hibernation of the lower vertebrates. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1884, 543-545. Local weather lore. Arner. Ass. Proc., 1884, 609- 613. Butler] 942 [Butler - The cserulean warbler (Dendrteca eierulea). Ornitli. Ool., 9, 1884, 27-28. — Barn-owls in southern Ohio. Science. 3, 1884, 31. — Observations on the rnusk rat. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1885, 324-328; Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 1044-1055. - The periodical cicada in southeastern Indiana. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1885, 328-329; U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 12, 1886, 21-31. - The remains at San Juan Teotihuacan. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1885, 418-420. — Herpetology. Cinciu. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 9, 1887, 263-265. - Fishes. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., '.I, 1887, 265-266. — Some notes on Indiana amphibians and reptiles. No. 2. [1887.] Cinciu. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 10, [1888], 147-148. — On a new subspecies of Ammodramus sandwichensis from Mexico. Auk. 5, 1888. 2(1 4-266. — Coudylura cristata (Linn.), Itesinnn'st. Star-nosed mole. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 10, [1888], 214. — Notes concerning albinism among birds. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 10, [1888], 214-216. — Notes on the range of the prothonotary warbler in Indiana. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 33-34. — Notes on the range and habits of the Carolina parra- keet. Auk, !l, 1892, 49-56. — Some notes concerning the evening grosbeak. Auk, 9, 1892, 238-247; 10, 1893, 155-157. — Contributions to Indiana herpetology. [1892.] Cinciu. Soc. Nat. Hist. ,11., 14, 1891-92. 169-179. - The range of crossbills in the Ohio valley with notes on their unusual occurrence in summer. Amer. Natlist., 2s, 1894, 136-146. — The unusual occurrence of BEUXNICH'S murre (Uria lomvia) far inland, with notes on other rare birds. Auk, 14, 1897, 197-200. - The birds of Indiana. A descriptive catalogue of the birds that have been observed within the state, with an account of their habits. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 22, 1898, 515-1187. Butler, Amos !("., tv Quick, l-:/li/m- U. ,SVc Quick ,v Butler. Butler, Arthur Hnnliiicr. 'Descriptions of new African Lepidoptera. [1873.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869 76, 209-218. - *Descriptions of new Lepidoptera. [1873. J Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 243-244. - "Description of a new species of Blattaria. [1873.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 294. - "Monographic list of the homopterous insects of the genus Platypleura. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 183-198. - "Descriptions of four new Asiatic butterflies. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 235-236. - "Revision of the homopterous genera Cosmoscarta and Phymatostetha, with descriptions of new species. 1 1«7 1. 1 Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 245-270. - "Descriptions of some new heieroeerous Lepidoptera from Australia. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 291- •293. - "Descriptions of two new spirits of scorpions. [1x71. | Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 323-324. - "On a small collection of Arachnida from Queensland, with descriptions of three apparently new species. [1875. ] Cistula Ent., ], 1869-76, 349-354. - "Contributions to the Uiptera of New /ealand. [1875.] Cistula Ent., 1. 1869-76, 355-356. - "Revision of the genus Spilosoma and the allied groups of the family Arctiidrc. [1875.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875 82, 21-44. - *On the Lepidoptera referred l>y WM.KEH to the genus Iiioptis of HUBNEH. [1876.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 107-121. "On some heliconoid Danaimu and Heliconidie in the collection of the British Museum. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 149-151. - "Description of a new species of Attacus. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 161. - "Descriptions of new species of Cryptolechia from the Amazons. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2,' 1875-82, 163-164, 187-193. - "Notes on the lepidopterous genera Carama and Trichetra, with descriptions of new species. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 203-204. - "On various genera of the homopterous family Membracida?, with descriptions of new species. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 205-222. - *0n new species of Catocala and Sypna from Japan. [1877.] Cistula But, 2. 1875-82, 241-246. - "On some butterflies recently sent home from Japan by Mr. Montague FENTOX. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 281-286. - "Descriptions of a new genus and three new species of Lepidoptera from Madagascar. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 297-298. — "On various genera of the homopterous family Mem- braeidoj, with descriptions of new species, and a new genus in the collection of the British Museum. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 337-361. - "On a collection of Lepidoptera from Madagascar. [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 389-394. - "Descriptions of new butterflies of the Indian region. [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 431-432. - "On a small collection of heterocerous Lepidoptera, from New Zealand. [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 487-511. - "On a collection of Lepidoptera Heterocera from Marlborough province, New Zealand. [1880. J Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 541-562. - "Descriptions of new species of heterocerous Lepi- doptera from Madagascar. [18X2.] Cistula Ent., 3, 1882-85, 1-27. — Lepidoptera from the island of Nias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 58-60. — On a new genus of butterfly from New Zealand. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 171-173. — The Lepidoptera collected during the recent expedition of H.M.S. Clwtlrmifi: Part n. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 1 83-203. — Descriptions of five new species of heterocerous Lepi- - doptera from Yesso. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 273-276. — A collection of butterflies from the Fiji Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 313-31X. — Descriptions of three new species of moths from the island of Nias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 34-35. — Description of a new species of Pseudacra'a from Natal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14. 1884, 123. — On a new species of the theclid genus Theritas from Colombia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 267. — On new species of Lepidoptera recently added to the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884. 103-407. • Descriptions of two new moths from Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 407-409. — Concerning E. MEYKICK'S views of certain New Zealand and Australian forms of Lepidoptera. [1884.] Cistula Ent., 3, 1882-85. 65-75. — On an undescribed butterfly of the genus Teracolus from Arabia. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 81. — On the Scopelodes unicolor of \\~KST\VOMI, and \V.\i. M.K. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 155-156. — The lepidopterous genus Cocytia. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1884, 351-353. — [Report of the Eclipse Expedition to Caroline Island May, 1883.] The Lepidoptera collected by Herr PAI.ISV Butler 043 [Butler at Caroline Island in May, 1883. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 2, 1884, 93-96. — On a collection of Lepidoptera made by Major J. W. YERBURY, at or near Aden. Zool. Soe. 1'ruc., 1884, 478- 503. - Notes respecting butterflies confounded under the name of Delias belladonna of FARIUCIUS. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1885, 57-58. — Lepidoptera collected by Mr. C. M. WomiFoim in the Ellice and Gilbert Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1885, 238-242. — Description of a new genus of Chalcosiidffi allied to Himantopterus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1886, 340-342. — On three new species of Gonepteryx from India, Japan, and Syria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1885, 406-408. — On Doratopteryx of KOGENHOFEU, a genus of moths allied to Himantopterus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 51-52. — On the blue-belted species of the butterfly-genus Prothoe. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Hi, 1885, 52-54. — On a collection of Lepidoptera made at Manipur and on the borders of Assam by Dr. George WATT. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 298-310, 334-347. — Descriptions of moths new to Japan c'ollcctod hy Messrs. LEWIS and PRYER. [1885.] Cistula Ent., 3, 1882-85, 113-136. — Description of a new species of Fodiuoidea (a genus of moths) from the Betsileo Country, Madagascar. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 197-198. — Description of a new butterfly from Madagascar. [1885.] But. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 198, xx. — Description of a new species of the geometric! genus Ophthalmophora. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 199. — On the distinctness of Aulocera Scylla from A. hrahminus. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 245-247. — On the true type of the lyca?uid genus Pentila. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 59-60. — The question respecting the genus Aulocera. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 127-128. — A word respecting Callerebia hybrida. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 156. — On the identity of Cj'aniris ladon of CRAMER with C. pseudargiolus of BOISDUVAL and LECONTE. [1885.] Entomologica Amer., 1, 1885-86, 53. — An account of two collections of Lepidoptera recently received from Somali-Land. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1885, 756- 776. — Notes on the genus Terns, with descriptions of new species in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 212-225. — Description of a hitherto unnamed butterfly from Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 430. — A few words in answer to Mr. DISTANT'S " remarks " on the genus Terias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 468-469. — Description of a moth of the genus Milionia from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1886, 7. — On a collection of Lepidoptera made by Commander Alfred CARPENTER, R.N., in Upper Burma, in the winter of 1885-86. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1886, 182-191. — On the inconstancy of a generic character in Nephe- rouia arabica. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 259-260. — Description of two new species of Teracolus. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 29-32. — Descriptions and remarks upon five new noctuid moths from Japan. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886, 131-136. — Descriptions of 21 new genera and 103 new species of Lepidoptera-Heterocera from the Australian region. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886, 381-441. - Note on Aporia hippia. Zool. Soc. Proe., 1886, 80-81. — On Lepidoptera collected by Major YERBDRY in western India. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1886, 355-395. — Description of a new butterfly allied to Vanessa Antiopa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 103-104. — Descriptions of new species of bombycid Lepidoptera from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 214-225. — Descriptions of new species of moths (Noctuites) from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 432-439. — Descriptions of new species of heterocerous Lepi- doptera (Pyralites) from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 114-124. — Description of a new genus of chalcosiid moths allied to Pedoptila. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 180-181. — Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera from the Solomon Islands, collected by C. M. WOODFORD, Esq. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 240-247. — Descriptions of two new species of Hyponomeutida1 from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 414-415. — A new genus of Pievinir allied to Appias. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 248-249. — On the Mycalesis asochis of HEWITSON, a butterfly of the sub-family Satyrina-. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 29. On the true distinction between Lithosia complaua and L. lurideola. [1887.] But. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 106-107. Notes on certain North American species of the group called by M. GCENEE "Acronycta." [1887.] Entomo- logica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 35-36. Lepidoptera. [Report on a zoological collection made by the officers of H.M.S. Flying Fish, at Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.] Zool. Soc. Proc., 1887, 522-523. On two small collections of African Lepidoptera recently received from Mr. H. H. JOHNSTON. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1887, 567-574. — Notes on the species of the lepidopterous genus Euchromia, with descriptions of new species in the collection of the British Museum. [1887.] But. Soc. Trans., 1888, 109-115. On three extremely interesting new moths of the family Chalcosiidip from Kilima-njaro and Natal. Ann. Mag. "Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 47-50. An account of three series of Lepidoptera collected in North-West India by Major YERBURY. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 132-151, 196-209. On butterflies of the genus Teracolus obtained by Mr. H. G. PALLISER at Khandesh in the winter of 1886-87. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 417-419. — On the Lepidoptera received from Dr. EMIN Pasha. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 56-85. — Descriptions of some new Lepidoptera from Kilima- njaro. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 91-98. — On the Lepidoptera of Christmas Island. Zool. Soe. Proc., 1888, 542-546. - Description of a new species of the singular lepi- dopterous genus Mastigophorus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 358-360. On a new chalcosiid moth obtained in Formosa by ' Mr. H. E. HOBSON. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 53.' — A few remarks respecting insects supposed to be distasteful to birds. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889. 171-173. — Notes made during the summer of 1887 on the effect of offering various insects, larvie, and pupae to birds. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 463-473. — Synonymic notes on the moths uf the earlier'genera of Noctuites. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, 375-387. — Descriptions of some new Lepidoptera-Heterocera in Butler] 944 [Butler the collection of the Hon. Walter IJE ROTHSCHILD. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, 389-392. — Description of a new genus of fossil moths belonging to the geometric! family Euschemidse. Zool. Soc. Proo. , 1889, 292-297. — Notes on the genus Dysehorista, Led., a small group of moths allied to Orthosia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 96-97. Notes made during the present year on the acceptance or rejection of insects by birds. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 324-827. — Further notes on the synonymy of the genera of Noctuites. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1890, 653-691. List of Lepidoptera in a collection made by EMIN Pasha in Central Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 40-51. — Description of a new genus for the reception of the North-American moths hitherto referred to Telesilla of HKRRICH-SCHAFEER. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 461-4(52. — Revision of the noctuid moths in the Natural History Museum hitherto referred to Eriopus and Callopistria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 70-78. — Concerning Dr. CH.U'.MAN'S divisions of the genus Acronycta (auct.). Entomologist, 24, 1891, 111-112. — On the so-called "Erastria" veuustula of Europe. Entomologist, 24, 1891, 113-114. Notes on the synonymy of noctuid moths. Entomo- logist, 24, 1891, 237-242, 263-266, 292-295 ; 25, 1892. 10-14, 62-65, 90-93, 140-141, 188-191, 211-214, 2S3- 286 ; 26, 1893, 45-48, 121-125, 193-195, 244-246, 292-293, 352-355; 27, 1894, 47-49, 192-193, 213-217, 240-241, 265-267; 28, 1895, 120-125, 222-227, 275-276; 29, 1896, 252-257, 279-284 ; 30, 1897, 170-172. - The house martin as a cage bird. Zoologist, 1-5, 1891, 397-398. — On the genus Hypocala, a group of noetuid moths. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 17-22. — Description of a new genus and species of African moths. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 295-297. — On the noctuid genera allied to Hypaetra of GUENEE. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 297-300. — Revision of the noctuid genus Melipotis, Hiibn.. with descriptions of two new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 315-327. Description of a new moth of the genus Anaphe from Madagascar, with a note on the natural position of the genus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 398-399. — On a collection of Lepidoptera from Sandakan, N. E. Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 120-133. — Notes on the genus Acronycta of authors and its position in the classification of beterocerous Lepidoptera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, 1893, 396-402. — Notes on the genus Entomogramma as represented by the noctuid moths of that group in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12,1893.43-46. — On a small collection of Lepidoptera from Darwin Harbour, Falkland Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 207-210. — Description of a new species of the butterfly genus Charaxes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 266. — On a small collection of Lepidoptera from Chili. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 457-467. — On certain species of North American Hypenidiv. Entomologist, 26, 1893, 311-312. — On two collections of Lepidoptera sent by H. H. JOHNSTON, Esq., C.B., from British Central Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1893, 643-684. — Abnormal variability in the antennal characters of Cosmophila erosa, Hiibn. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 14, 1894, 298-300. — On the lepidopterous genus Hexeris of GROTE. Ento- mologist, 27, 1894, 267. - The North American Noctuidae of the genus Ingura. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 282-284. — Note on Eumestleta, Bull., etc. ; a group of Noctuae of the eublemmine type. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 314- 315. — On a collection of Lepidoptera from British East Africa, made by Dr. J. W. GREGORY between the months of March and August 1893. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, *557-593. — Adris sikhimensis, a new form of the ophiderid group of noctuid moths. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1895, 126. — On Charaxes azota of HEWITSON, a rare butterfly of which the tvpe specimen is not in HEWITSON'S collection. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1895, 248-249. — Description of a new species of butterfly of the genus Amauris, obtained by Mr. Scott ELLIOT in East Central Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 122-123. — Descriptions of new species of Plauema in the collec- tion of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 415-417. — Notes on seasonal dimorphism in certain African butterflies. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1895. 5111-522. — On collections of Lepidoptera from British Central Africa and Lake Tanganyika. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 250-270. — On a small collection of butterflies sent by Mr. Richard CRAWSHAY from the country west of Lake Nyasa. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 627-634. — On a small collection of butterflies made by Consul Alfred SHARPE at Zornba, British Central Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 720-721. On Lepidoptera recently collected in British East Africa by Mr. (i. F. Scott ELLIOT. Zool. Soe. Proc., 1895, 722-742. — An account of the butterflies of the genus Charaxes in the collection of the British Museum. [1895.] Linn. Soc. .11. (Xnol.), 25, 1896, 348^104, viii. — Descriptions of new species of butterflies of the genus Catasticta iu the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 53-55. — Note on the synonymy of Huphina lanassa, a common Australian butterfly of the subfamily Pierina?. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 231-233. - Notes on the pierine butterflies of the genus Daptonura, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 347-350. — On some new pierine butterflies from Colombia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., is, 1896, 42-44. — On a small collection of Lepidoptera sent from Nyasa in isii-i by Mr. R. CRAWSHAY. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.', is, 1896, 67-75. — Descriptions of some new Lepidoptera from Nyasa- Land. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 159-163. — A new butterfly of the genus Aerffia from Tugela, S. Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 467. — Descriptions of previously undescribed species of Dismorphina in the Natural History Museum. Ento- mologist, 29, 1896, 26-27. — On a collection of butterflies obtaiued by Mr. Richard CRAWSHAY in Nyasa-Land, between the mouths of January and April 1895. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 108-136. — On the butterflies obtained in Arabia and Sonmlihuid by Capt. Chas. G. NUHSE and Col. J. W. YERBURV in 1894 and 1895. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 242-257. — On two collections ot Lepidoptera made by Mr. R. CKAWSHAY in Nyasa-Land. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 817- 850. — On a collection of Lepidoptera from Nyasa-Land pre- sented to the Museum by Sir Harry JOHNSTON, K.C.B., and collected by Mr. J. B. YULE. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1896, 851-855. — On a new nvmphalid butterfly from N. E. Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Ili>t.. 19. 1897, 469-470. Butler] 945 [Butler — On a new African pierine butterfly of the genus Mylothris. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 627. — Revision of the pierine butterflies of the genus Delias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 148-167. — Descriptions of six pierine butterflies of the genus Catasticta in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 360-369. — A revision of the species of butterflies belonging to the genus Teracolus, Siniins. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 385-399, 451-473, 495-507. — Seasonal dimorphism in African butterflies. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1897, 105-111. — On changes of plumage in some of the typical weaver- birds. Ibis, 3, 1897, 359-361. — Foreign finches in confinement, with hints as to the difficulties arising from the association of various species in the same aviary. Zoologist, 1, 1897, 251-253. — On a collection of Lepidoptera obtained in the Arusa Galla Country in 1894 by Mr. F. GILLETT. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 692-695. — On three consignments of butterflies collected in Natal in 1896 and 1897 by Mr. Guy A. K. MARSHALL, F.Z.S. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 835-857. — On a small collection of Lepidoptera made by Mr. F. GILLETT in Somali-Land. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1897, 923-925. — A revision of the pierine butterflies of the genus Terias from the Old World. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 56-82, 181. — A revision of the butterflies of the genus Ixias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 133-143. — A review of the species of the genus Hebomoia, a group of pierine butterflies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 289-293. — Descriptions of some new species of butterflies of the subfamily Pierina1. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 294- 295. — On the butterflies of the genera Leptophobia and Pieris. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist./ 2, 1898, 13-24. — On the pierine butterflies of the genus Catophaga. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 392-401, 458-467. — On some new species of African Pierinte in the collec- tion of the British Museum, with notes on seasonal forms of Belenois. But. Soc. Trans., 1898, 431-444. — On sexual differences in the feathering of the wing of the skylark (Alauda avvensis). Zoologist, 2, 1898, 104- 105. — On a collection of Lepidoptera made by Mr. F. V. KIRBY, chiefly in Portuguese East Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 49-58. — On the lepidopterous insects collected by Mr. G. A. K. MARSHALL in Natal and Mashonaland in 1895 and 1897. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 186-201. — On a collection of Lepidoptera made in British East Africa by Mr. C. S. BETTON. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 395-444.' A list of butterflies obtained in the Harar highlands by Capt. H. G. C. SWAYNE, B.E. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898. 821-822. — On a small collection of butterflies made in the Chikala district, British Central Africa, by Mr. George HOARE. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 823-824. — On a small collection of butterflies from British East Africa, obtained at the end of 1897 and beginning of 1898 by Mr. B. CEAWSHAY. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 825-827. — On a collection of butterflies almost entirely made at Salisbury, Mashunaland, by Mr. Guy A. K. MARSHALL in 1898. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 902-912. — A revision of the pierine genus Huphina, with notes on the seasonal phases and descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 201-214. — A revision of the Dismorphina of the New World, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 373-393. R. S. A. C. — Descriptions of new species of the genus Lycaenesthes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 341-344. — On butterflies collected between Chinde and Mandala, British Central Africa, by Edward M. DE JERSEY, Esq., in March and April, 1899. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 1899, 372-378. — Notes on the American forms of Euehloe, Hilbn. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 19. — ChrysophanuR thoe of GRAY, why is it not C. hyllus, Cramer1! Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 122. — Notes on the genus Euchloe, Hilbnfi; a genus of the Pierina>. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 1-3. - The genus Cigaritis and its application. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 77-7s. - The genus Leuceronia of AURIVILLICS. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 159-160. - The type of the genus Hypolycsena. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 221. — The lyc.'enid genus Azanus of MOORE. Entomologist, 32, 1899,' 291-293. — [Contributions to the natural history of Lake Urmi, N. W. Persia, and its neighbourhood.] Insecta (Lepi- doptera Rhopalocera). [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 27, 1899-1900, 408-411. — On two small collections of butterflies made by Mr. Richard CRAWSHAY during 1898 in British East Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 417-427. — On a small collection of butterflies sent by Lieut. -Col. A. S. G. JAYAKAR, A. M.S., from Muscat. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 810-812. — On a collection of butterflies made by Mr. Richard CRAWSHAY in British East Africa. Zool. Soc. Proe., 1899, 962-975. — On a small collection of butterflies from the Nandi district, Uganda Protectorate, eastern side of Lake Victoria; made by Captain HOIURT, of the Grenadier Guards. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1899, 976-978. — On a second collection of butterflies obtained by Mr. Edward M. DE JERSEY in Nyasaland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 59-63. — A list of the species of Cyauiris, a well-known group of the family Lyctenidre. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 441-451. — List of the butterflies collected by Capt. WINOATE at Hunan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 382. — Note on Cyaniris pseudargiolus of BOISDUVAL and LE CONTE. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 91. — A new genus of Lycsenidue hitherto confounded with Catochrysops. Entomologist, 33, 1900, 1-2. — The genera Cupido and Lyciena. Entomologist, 33, 1900, 124-125. — The type of Thecla, Ftilir. Entomologist, 33, 1900, 168. — On a small collection of insects, chiefly Lepidoptera, from Nicaragua. Entomologist, 33, 1900,' 189-191. — On sexual differences in the wing of the house- sparrow (Passer domesticus). Zoologist, 4, 1900, 74-75. — A revision of the butterflies of the genus Zizera represented in the collection of the British Museum. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 104-111. — On two consignments of butterflies collected by Mr. Richard CRAWSHAY in the Kikuvu Country of British East Africa in 1899 and 1900. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 911-946. Butler, Arthur Gardiner, & Butler, Arthur Geonje. On the first primary in certain passerine birds. Zoologist, 2, 1898, 241-244. Butler, Arthur Gunliiii'i; A- Kirby, It'll Hum Forsell. List of insects collected by Miss Elizabeth TAYLOR in western North America in the summer of 1892. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 11-21. Butler, Arthur Gardiner, & Rothschild, (Hun.) H'alti-r. On a new and also on a little known species of PseudacrsBa L19 Butler] 946 IButte in the collection of the Hon. Walter ROTHSCHILD. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892, 201-203. Butler, Arthur George, & Butler, Arthur Gardiner. See above. Butler, ('. E. Effects of a lightning stroke; also in- frequency of thunderstorms in Idaho. [1885.] Amer. Mi-teorol. Jl., 2 (1885-86), 147. Butler, Cecil. New stations of Irish plants. Jl. Bot., 2*, 1890, 361-362. Butler, Charles P. A brilliant meteor. Nature, 52 (1895), 269. — Saturn's ninth satellite. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898- 99), 489. The Michelson echelon spectroscope. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 607-609. - Echelon film gratings. [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899- 1900), 275. — A night with the great Paris telescope. Nature, 62 11900), 574-576. Butler, Charles P., & Edser, Edwin. See EJser & Butler. Butler, I>. II. Portland cement: some points in its testing, uses and abuses. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1895, 61-72. Butler, (Lt.-Col.) E[dieard] A[rtlmr~]. [Description of the adult female of Falco severus.] Stray Feathers, 10, 1887, 524-525. — [Note on identity of species of Falco shot at Sind.] Ibis, 1, 1889, 135-136. — [Occurrence of ^Egialitis asiatica on the Denes, Great Yarmouth.] Ibis, 2, 1890, 463-464. — | Note on Tringa niaculata at Great Yarmouth.] Ibis, 3, 1891, 149. — [On Diomedea melanophrys in Cambridgeshire.] Ibis, 3, 1897, 625-627. — Albatros in Cambridgeshire. [1898.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 414^15. - Honey buzzard in Suffolk. [1898.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 416. Butler, (Lt.-Col.) E[dicard] A[rt]tur~\, Feilden, (Col.) Henry If'., & Reid, (Cnpt.)S. G. [Saxicola monticola, variations in plumage.] Ibis, 5, 1887, 472-474. Butler, E. J. A mixed infection in Abutilon roots. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1899, 925. Butler, E. J., & Foirault, Geor/ies. See Poirault & Butler. Butler, Kiiirard A[Iliert], On the habits of Mesovelia furoata, Mills, d- Key. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 232-236. Butler, I-'[rnni-is] II\enri/]. Note on schorlaceous locks iH-iir St. Austell. [1886.] Min. Map., 7. 1887, 79-*tl. — Note on francolite. Min. Mag., 7, 1887, 164. Butler, F[rnncis\ H[enrij], & Kinch, Ktlirnnl. See Kincb & Butler. Butler, George F. The physiological action and thera- peutics of guaiamar, a derivative of guaiacol. N. Y. Med. JL, 70, 1899, 438-442. Butler, George G. [Notes on the glacial geology of Canada.] [1900.] Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, •247-249. — Note on the sleep of birds. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 298. Butler, Gemnl IT. On the subdivision of the body-cavity in lizards, crocodiles, and birds. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 452-474. — On the relations of the fat-bodies of the Sauropsida. Zool. Sm:. I'roc., 1889, 602-613. — Report on the occupation of the table [at the Zoo- logical Stationof Naples]. Brit. Ass. Rep. ,1890, 451-464. - The October eruption north-west of Pantelleria. ll^'.il.] Nature, 45, 1892. 154. — On the matter thrown up during the submarine rnipti orth -west of Pantelleria, October 1891. Nature, 4.-,, 1892. 251-252. On the subdivision of the body-cavity in snakes. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1892, 477-498. — Report on the spawning of the common sole (Solea vulgaris) in the aquarium of the Marine Biological Association's Laboratory at Plymouth, during April and May. 1895. With preliminary remarks on some of the morphological conclusions that may be drawn from the study of the early embryological history of this form. [1895.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 4, 1895-97, 3-9. — On the complete or partial suppression of the right lung in the Amphisbsnidae and of the left lung in snakes and snake-like lizards and amphibians. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1895, 691-712. Butler, Glenticorth R[eere]. Note on antipyrine. N. Y. Med. Jl., 41, 1885, 488-490. The relationship between cardio-vascular and renal disease. [1886.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 45, 1887, 341-346. — The methods and value of supervised exercise in the prophylaxis of pulmonary phthisis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 60, 1894. 481-485. — Membranous enteritis ; its pathological character and treatment. N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1896, 824-831. Butler, (Vet.-Lt.) R. Observations on sarcoptie mange in the horse. Jl. Comp. Path. Therap., 5, 1892, 128-131. Butler, inZiiant K. Great terrestrial radiation. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 1892, 48. Butlerov, A[leluninilr\ AI[ichajloric]. For biography and works see Ann. di Chirn., 4, 1886, 271; Chem. Ztg"., 10, 1886, 1145, 1188; Leopolclina, 22, 1886, 220; Chem. Soc. JL, 51, 1887, 472-473; Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc., 1886-87, Append. No. 89, 4 pp. ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, v-x; Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (Chem.), 1887, 96 pp., 700; Termt. Kozlon., 19, 1887, 502. - XiiMinecKoe CTpoeirie H "Teopin saMt.meida." [Chemical structure and the "Theory of substitution."] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 17 (Chem.), 1885 (Append.), 34 pp.; St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 50, 1885 (Append. No. 2), 34 pp. Butlerov, .•l[/>7'.«i;i<7r] M[ichajlovi£], & Rizza, Benvenuto. See Rizza & Butlerov. Butlin, Henri/ Trent/Him. On two cases of glandular tumour of the tongue. Clin. Soc. Trans., 23, 1890, 118- 123. — On the removal of a " pressure-pouch " of the oesophagus. Med.-Chir. Trans., 76, 1893, 269-278. — An address on the jubilee of the [London Pathological] Society. [1896.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 48, 1897, xlv-lix. See also Beevor, Charles E[dirard] (et alii). Butorka, Szava. A szabad rnagnesse'g elosztasar61 lapszeru magnesekben, ha a magnesezo ero elobb egy iranyban, azutan erre merolegesen hat. [On the distribution of free magnetism in flat magnets when the magnetising force acts first in one direction and then at right angles to it.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak). 1885, 161- 1*1. Butschinsky. See Bucinskij. Buttar, Charles, iV Hayward, J[nhn] A. See Hayward A Buttar. Butte, Lucieii. Recherches expe'rimentales sur les lesions iutestinales produites par les poisons dits drastiques (colchicine, ve>atrine, huile de croton et coloquinte). Ann. Hyg. Publ., 15, 1886, 347-364. — De I'intoxication par le sublime1 corrosif employ^ conime antiseptique. [1886.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M£m., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 491-493; Ann. Hyg. Publ., 17, 1887, 167-168. — — De la glycosurie par injection intra-veinease de glycose. Elimination dc la glvcose par i'urine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. //.), 131-134. Action sur 1'organisme de la glycose en injection intra- M in. use. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem'., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 410- 1 1 :;. Butte] 947 [Buttgenbach Sur 1'etat de la fonotion glycogenique du foie au moment de la mort dans quelques maladies. Ass. Franc. C. K., 1890 (Ft. 2), 677-682; Arch, de Physi.,1 . :-!, 1891, 288-294. Action de oertaines substances medicamenteuses, et en particulier de 1'extrait de valeriane, sur la destruction de la glycose dans le sang. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. B., 112, 1891, 347-350; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 53-56. — De 1'uree du sang dans 1'eclampsie. Deductions pronostiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1893, 422-425. — Bespiration placentaire a 1'etat normal et a la suite d'une hernorragie de la mere. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 222-224. — Action du nerf pneumogastrique sur la fonction glycogenique du foie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46. 1894 (C. «.), 166-169. — Transformation du glycogene du foie en glycose apres la niort. Paris, Soc. Bi'ol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 333- 336. — Glycose et glycogene du foie des animaux nouveau- nes. Rapports entre la glycose et le glycogeue du foie des fcetus et du foie de la mere. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 379-380. — Action du sang sur la fonction glycogenique du foie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 387-389. — Effets de la section des nerfs vagues sur la fouctiou glycogenique du foie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 734-735. — Becherches sur la presence de la glycose dans le sang et le tissu museulaire apres injection intra-veineuse de cette substance. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 ((.'. R.), 274-277; Progres Mod., 3, 1896, 321-322. Butte, Lucien, & Artnaud, [,/e, 1889 (Art.), 194-226. Buve, Cl. [L'inrluenee des cultures sur les gelees tar- dives.] [18!)0.] Ciel et Terre, 11 (1890-91), 279-280. — [Trombo a Linsmeau le 3 aout.] [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 300. Buvinger, C'luirlfs Wesley. The etiology and treatment of camp dysentery and diarrhcra. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol 2), 223-229. Buxbaum. . iV Buxbaum, /,. .S'l-c below. Buxbaum, L. Reisegesellschaft der Zugviigel. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 29, 1888, 132-134. Die Wildgiinse als Wetterpropheten. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth. ,~15, 1891, 62. — Ein Zug Aale auf der Wanderschaft ini Main. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 33, 1892, 20-21. — Der Wanderzug der Mainfische im Friihling 1892. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 33, 1892, 184-188. — Gelehrigkeit kleiner Vogel. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 16, 1892, 202-203. — Der Wanderzug der Mainfische im Sommer 1892. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893. 11-13. — Der Tannenhaher (Nucifraga caryocatactes). Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893, 346-347. — Der Tannenhaher (Nucifraga caryocatactes) auf der Wanderschaft. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 190- 191. — ITnscrc Mainfische. I1' rank!'., Zool. Garten, 36, 1895, 294-297. — I'nsere Schwalben. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 20, 1896, 83. Buxbauml - Der Zug der Mainfische im Friihjahre 1898 [1899 ' uud 1900] Frankf., Zool. Garten, 40, 1899, 90-91; 41, 1900, im Friihjahr 1899. Frankf., Zool. Anodonten (Teicbmnscheln).' Frankf., Zool. Garten, 31, Burt°oevden,' Hellmuth (Baron), & Tammann G,,*tar. Die Hydrate des Magnesiumplatincyanurs und deren Loslichkeit. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., lo 1897, 319-327 Buxton B H Photographs of a series of sections ot an early human embryo. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 3* B«Iton Dudltii Wilmot. The experimental study of Brrs"nedcs. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci, 27, 1884, 143-147 The after treatment of narcosis due to anesthetic agents. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 191-194 _ The haamorrhagic diathesis, especially in region to dental operations. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, * — 2The9administration of aether as an anesthetic per rectum. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 733-736. Jl Diseases of the teeth in relation to so-called I reflex maladies. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 780-783, Coioorm and methyleue. Notes upon the methods of their inhalation, including an account of a modifica- tion of Dr. JUNKERS inhaler. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 983-988. , ,, _ Some account of the new local anaesthetic. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 1127-1131. _ i-Qn peptone for lime in cardiac circulating fluids.] ri884.1 Jl. Physiol., 5, [1884-85], xxvi. _ Emergencies of anesthetisiug, and how to meet them. Brit! Jl. Dental Sci., 28, 1885, 769-774, 817-82o, 880- — The practice of artificial antesthesia local and general with especial reference to the modes of production, and their physiological significance. Brit. Jl. Dental bci., 28 1885, 979-985, 1019-1030. - Nervous exhaustion. Mainly in its bearing upon operations and the induction of anesthesia by nitrous oxide. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 28, 1885 1067-1071, - Is experimental medicine justifiable? N. \ . Med. Jl., 42,1885,206-212. -Some notes upon disinfectants and germicides. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 769-773, 817-822 886-890 Modern methods of anaesthesia. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 1017-1022, 1078-1082. On the physiological action of nitrous oxide disa^ion.] Odontol. Soc. Trans., 18, 1886 133-163 - 19, 1887 90-131 267-268; Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 335-342, 383-395; 30, 1887, 3.11-305, 351-358, 408-413. A plea for the record of cases of nitrous oxide narcosis. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 30, 1887, 711-715. A note on ankle-clonus, with special reference as to its production under nitrous oxide gas. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 30, 1887, 911-914, 960-963. Heart tracings under cocaine hydrochlorate. Odontol. Soc. Trans., 19, 1887, 217. When is nitrous oxide a dangerous anesthetic ;! Jl Dental Sci., 31, 1888, 927-932, 977-982, 1025-1033, 1075-1081; 32, 1889, 1-5, 47-51, 158-162, 198-201, 282- OflA '- An additional note on nitrous oxide administration. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 32, 1889, 845-849. An address on anaesthetics. Bnt. Jl. Dental Sci., 32, 1889, 963-967. Anssthetics : a clinical study. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 'Nitrous oxide anaesthesia. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 38, 1895, 865-875, 913-933. [Buys-Ballot The nature of anaesthesia: an appended note. [With discuss/on.] Odontol. Soc. Trans., 28, 1896, 83-107; Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 39, 1896, 241-256, 285-286. The story of the discovery of anaesthesia. Practitioner, 57, 1896, 373-377. The erniilovment of chloroform for dental operations. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 40, 1897, 961-971, 1009-1014. Buxton, Dudley Wilmot, & Ringer, Sydney. .SVc Ringer & Buxton. Buxton, E[dicard] N[orth]. Notes on the wild sheep and mountain-antelope of Algeria. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1890, Buxtorf, "A. Ueber Vor- oder Alt-Miocane Verwerfungen im Easier Tafel-Jura. [1900.] Eclogte Geol. Helvet., 6, 1899-1900, 176-177. Buys, Kdmond. Recherches experimentales sur la , sensi- bilite de rovaire. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 87-9b Un caso notevole di regime azotato scarso abituale. [1893.] Ann. di Chim., 18, 1893, 217-224; Arch. Ital. Biol., 20, 1894, 153-159. Contribute allo studio dell' azione distruttiva eserci- tata dal fegato su certi alcaloidi. Ann. di Chun., 21 & 22, [1895], 193-206. Buys, Kdmnnd, & Vandervelde, - Recherches ex- perimentales sur les lesions uteriues consecutwes lovariotomie double. Arch. Ital. Biol., 21. 1894, 2 Buys-Ballot, C[hmJopftei-] H[endrik] C[irfc]. For bio- ,-rapliv and list of works see Amer. Meteorol. Jl., b (1889-90) 583; Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdaohr. 1, 1890, 363-365; Berlin Phys Ges. Verb., 1890 19-26; Brux., Ac. Bull., 19, 1890, 180-181; Hum- boldt 0 1890, 104 ; Leopoldina, 26, 1890, 58; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc., 3, 1890, 167-169; Monoa- lieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 34; Nature, 41, 1890, 371; Ciel et Terre, 11 (1890-91), 21; Geogr. Jbuch ,.14. 1891 204; Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 61-62 ; Meteorol. /tschr 8 (1891), 1-6; Syrnons, Meteorol. Mag., A3, 1891 8; Termt. Knzlon., 23, 1891, 630 631 ; Tidsskr. Phvs. Chem., 30, 1891, 63-64; Brux., Soc Beige Astr. Bull., 3, 1898, 204-209; Amsterdam Ak. Jaarb., II -~«Sur le mouvement de rotation du Soleil. France Soc. Meteorol. Nonv. Meteorol., 3, 1870. 3-4 Report on the velocity of the wind in relation to it! _i.j _- „ ~]nf^ nf I/In cnnarp - epor o pressure in kilograms exerted on a plate of 1/W metre. [Meteorol. Off., Int. Met.] Oomm. Rep., 1873-74, j!!"*4[DecisionS du Comite Permanent de MeteoroloKie Internationale.] France Soc. Meteorol. Amni., 26, It — L"*Influence'de la lune sur la nebulosite. [1883.] Ciel et Terre, 4, 1884, 354-355. [De storing in de luchtdrukking op 27 Aug. Amsterdam Ak. Wet. Proc., 1883-84, Xo. 9, 10. - Sur les perturbations de Taiguille aimantee. Arch. — o'vTr^'e wiizeTom de energie der warmtestraliug van de hemellichamen te meten en de beteeken.s van die metingen voor sterre- en weerkunde. Utrecht Prov. ] Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 1 Q 1884 3*-* 4— 325 -—'The 'anomalies in the annual range of temperature. How to detect them. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 11, _-^%eb°et~die'Prioritat des Buys-Ballot'schen Gesetzes.] Wien Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1885, 95-97. - Etude d'une variation periodique de la temperature en 27-675 jours, d'apres les observations de 155 anru = 2046 periodes successives. Arch. Neerland., 20, 16 -"Letter. [On the best means of comparing and re- Buys-Ballot! 950 [Byrnes ducing magnetic observations.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 324-327. — Ueber simultane Beobachtungen. Meteorol. Ztschr.. 4 (1887), 385-388. - Verdeeling der warmte over de aarde. Amsterdam, Ak. Verb., 26, 1888, 24 pp. — On a method of representing the variability of the weather, especially by giving the average value of the deviations (ecarts) irrespective of sign. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1888, 12-14. — Uitkomsten van de reeks van meteorologische waar- nemingen gedurende 40 jaren te Utrecht. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 6, 1889, 129-159. — Wann tritt Kompensation ein? Meteorol. Ztschr., 6 (1889), 375-378; 7 (1890), lMo-187. Buys-Ballot, C[liristo/>hei-] H[endrik] D[irk], & Brink, //. van den. "[Notes meteorologiques.] Utrecht (Hol- lande). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 4, 1871, 123. Buysman, 31. The difference between sea and con- tinental climate with regard to vegetation. Arner. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 354-360. — Review of European weather [from Sept., 1884 to July, 1886]. Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 1 (1884-85), 290-293, 457-461, 502; 2 (1885-86), 3-4, 107-109, 155-156, 198- 200, 248-249, 294-295, 345-346, 386-388, 433-435, 481- 483, 532-533; 3 (1886-87). 9-10, 109-111, 203-204. - The influence of direct sunlight on vegetation. Nature, 31, 1885, 324-326. — On the flora of Iceland. Gard. Chron., 26, 1886, 793-794, 810-811. — De natuur, het klimaat en de plantengroei der Ark- tische gewester. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 3 (Art.), 1887, 544-572; 4, 1887 (Art.), 468- 493. - Witterung des Winters 1886/87 in Blidah, Algerien. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 423-424. — Bijdrage tot de kennis van het klimaat van Nederlaml in verband met den plantengroei. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 15, 1898, 219-235. Buznikov, V. I. 0 iiorjiomaeMocTii napoBT> BOJIH xiiHimecKiiMii TijiaMii it o iior.iomeHHOfr BOJIH Meauy MaecaMif ojHopojuiiJX'i, 11 pa:jnopoji,ni>ixri> [On the absorption of water vapour by definite chemical substances and on the distribution of the absorbed water between two masses of homogeneous and heterogeneous substance.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Chem.), 1897, 488-524; 30 (Chem.), 1898, 41S-429: 32 (Chem.), 1900, 551-593; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 20, 1898. 152 ; 22, 1899, 2 (Parts 1 & 2); Chem. Soc. Jl., 80, 1901 (.!/«., Pt. 2), 58-59 (Part 3). Buzzard, Thomas. On posterior spinal sclerosis, con- secutive to disease of blood-vessels. Brain, 6, 1884, 461- 486. — Multiple paralysis of cranial nerves; death; tumour of pons and cerebellum. [1888.] Brain, 11, 1889, 84-89. — A case of double wrist drop apparently due to multiple neuritis of alcoholic origin, the lower extremities having perfectly recovered. [1888.] Brain, 11, 1889, !»0-93. — On the simulation of hysteria by organic disease of the nervous system. Brain, 13, 1890, 1-44. — Complete paralysis of right third nerve in a patient affected with lead palsy ; recovery under the direct appli- cation of galvanic currents. Brain, 13, 1890, 227-233. — Paralysis especially of one deltoid muscle in a patient suffering from lead poisoning; preserved electrical re- action of the muscles. Brain, 13, 1890, 234-236. Buzzard, Thomas, & Russell, J{iimm] S[nmuel] Hisien. A case of acute ascending meningn-myrlitis, with bacterio- logical examination. Clin. Soc. Trans., 31, 1898, 185-193. Buzzetti, C. *[Bolide dell' 8 settembre 1869,] Ferrara. Muncalieri Oss. Bull., 4, 1869, 100-101. Buzzi, Fausto. Ueber einen Fall von angebornem Di- vertikel des Jejunums. Virchow, Arch., 100, 1885, 357- 361. — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der angebornen Geschwiilste der Sacrococcygealgegend. Virchow, Arch., 109, 1887, 9-20. Buzzolini, Giuliann. "[Aurora del 18 aprile, 1871.] Roc- catederighi. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 68. Bya, //. Modification a la methode du bichromate de potassium pour le dosage volumetrique du fer dans lea minerals. Rev. Univ. Mines, 21, 1887, 611-613. — Sur les dosages du permanganate acide de potasse et du peroxyde de manganese par 1'eau oxygen^e de J. LUNGE. Rev. Univ. Mines, 21, 1887, 614^617. Byatt, llunif?. Cure for the lily disease. [1898.] Hortic. Soc. J!., 22 (1898-99), clxxvi ; 'Gard. Chron., 24. 1898, 42. Bychowski, Z. Beitrag zur Casnistik des Oesophagus- Divertikels. Virchow, Arch., 141, 1895, 113-127. — Beitrage zur Nosographie der Parkinson'schen Krank- heit (Paralysis agitans). Arch. Psyohiatr., 30, 1898, 722- 765. — Zur Pathogenese der Epilepsie. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 933-937. Bycicliin. Afanasij, & Zelmski), Nikulaj i>[mitrievic]. O ClIMMeTpiniHUX'I, JUI-HTII.I- II aTH.l-MeTII.1- HMTapIIUX'b KIICJIOTaxT,. [On symmetrical diethyl- and ethylmethyl-suceinic acids.] Russ. 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Opis geologiczno-rolniczj- majatku Lipnik w Kroiestwie Polskiem gubernii Kadomskiej, powiecie sandomierskim potozonego ze szczegolnem uwzgl^dnie- niem glin pochodzenia Sylurskiego. [Description pedo- logique de la ferme Lipnik, et en particulier de ses sola argileux d'origine Silurienne.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 33, 1898 (Cz. 3), (15)-(26); Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 225-226. END OF VOL. XIII. CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. . - ' ,. • • . I • . ' -• m • • . I . . I | - - | -. •' ' • • $